item: #1 of 974 id: cord-000010-prsvv6l9 author: Qin, Jian title: Studying copy number variations using a nanofluidic platform date: 2008-08-18 words: 4997 flesch: 44 summary: DNA Amplification: Current Technologies and Applications Mathematical analysis of copy number variation in a DNA sample using digital PCR on a nanofluidic device Real-time reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction assay for SARS-associated coronavirus Structure and transcription of a human gene for H1 RNA, the RNA component of human RNase P The effect of cytochrome P450 metabolism on drug response, interactions, and adverse effects Overview of enzymes of drug metabolism The clinical role of genetic polymorphisms in drug-metabolizing enzymes Individualized drug therapy The prevalence and clinical relevance of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms Pharmacogenetics and adverse drug reactions CYP2D6 polymorphisms and the impact on tamoxifen therapy Clinical implications of CYP2D6 genetic polymorphism during treatment with antipsychotic drugs Deletion of the entire cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 gene as a cause of impaired drug metabolism in poor metabolizers of the debrisoquine/sparteine polymorphism Ultrarapid metabolizers of debrisoquine: characterization and PCR-based detection of alleles with duplication of the CYP2D6 gene CYP2D6 genotyping strategy based on gene copy number determination by TaqMan real-time PCR Determination of cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) gene copy number by real-time quantitative PCR Pharmacogenetic screening of the gene deletion and duplications of CYP2D6 The human debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase (CYP2D) locus: sequence and identification of the polymorphic CYP2D6 gene, a related gene, and a pseudogene Ultrarapid drug metabolism: PCR-based detection of CYP2D6 gene duplication Human breast cancer: correlation of relapse and survival with amplification of the HER-2/neu oncogene Studies of the HER-2/neu proto-oncogene in human breast and ovarian cancer Detection and quantitation of HER-2/neu gene amplification in human breast cancer archival material using fluorescence in situ hybridization Prognostic and predictive value of HER2/neu oncogene in breast cancer ERBB2 oncogene in human breast cancer and its clinical significance Use of chemotherapy plus a monoclonal antibody against HER2 for metastatic breast cancer that overexpresses HER2 Ongoing adjuvant trials with trastuzumab in breast cancer Trastuzumab after adjuvant chemotherapy in HER2-positive breast cancer ) 2-year follow-up of trastuzumab after adjuvant chemotherapy in HER2-positive breast cancer: a randomised controlled trial Prognostic and predictive value of HER2/neu oncogene in breast cancer HER2 testing: a review of detection methodologies and their clinical performance Recent duplication, domain accretion and the dynamic mutation of the human genome Detection of large-scale variation in the human genome Large-scale copy number polymorphism in the human genome Segmental duplications and copy-number variation in the human genome Structural variation in the human genome Challenges and standards in integrating surveys of structural variation Autosomal-dominant microtia linked to five tandem copies of a copy-number-variable region at chromosome 4p16 A comprehensive analysis of common copynumber variations in the human genome New perspectives for the elucidation of genetic disorders Genomic rearrangements and sporadic disease Global variation in copy number in the human genome Methods and strategies for analyzing copy number variation using DNA microarrays Challenges and standards in integrating surveys of structural variation CYP2D6 genotyping strategy based on gene copy number determination by TaqMan real-time PCR Determination of cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) gene copy number by real-time quantitative PCR Pharmacogenetic screening of the gene deletion and duplications of CYP2D6 HER-2/neu gene copy number quantified by real-time PCR: comparison of gene amplification, heterozygosity, and immunohistochemical status in breast cancer tissue Reliability and discriminant validity of HER2 gene quantification and chromosome 17 aneusomy analysis by real-time PCR in primary breast cancer Digital PCR for the molecular detection of fetal chromosomal aneuploidy Human breast cancer: correlation of relapse and survival with amplification of the HER-2/neu oncogene We have evaluated the digital array's performance using a model system, to show that this technology is exquisitely sensitive, capable of differentiating as little as a 15% difference in gene copy number (or between 6 and 7 copies of a target gene). keywords: able; amplification; analysis; array; breast; cancer; cell; chambers; clinical; cnv; copies; copy; copy number; cyp2d6; cyp2d6 gene; data; detection; digital; digital array; diploid; dna; duplication; erbb2; figure; gene; gene copy; genome; genomic; her2; high; human; human genome; interest; large; molecules; multiple; neu; number; panel; pcr; platform; polymorphism; positive; quantitative; ratio; reaction; real; reference; relative; results; rnase; rpp30; samples; single; sta; study; system; taqman; target; technologies; time; use; variation cache: cord-000010-prsvv6l9.txt plain text: cord-000010-prsvv6l9.txt item: #2 of 974 id: cord-000014-e0ou9zjb author: Dare, Ryan K. title: Screening Pneumonia Patients for Mimivirus date: 2008-03-17 words: 1438 flesch: 40 summary: Of the 496 specimens tested, no positive results were obtained for APM DNA by either assay. We developed a rapid method of screening samples for APM DNA by using 2 sensitive and specifi c realtime PCR assays designed to target conserved NCLDV class I genes. keywords: aaa; ameba; amplifi; apm; assays; cation; disease; dna; genes; human; infection; kit; l396; mimivirus; ncldv; pathogen; patients; pcr; pneumonia; populations; positive; primer; r596; real; respiratory; specimens; studies; study; time; usa; virus; viruses cache: cord-000014-e0ou9zjb.txt plain text: cord-000014-e0ou9zjb.txt item: #3 of 974 id: cord-000080-7s5b3lpn author: Ayodeji, Mobolanle title: A Microarray Based Approach for the Identification of Common Foodborne Viruses date: 2009-03-19 words: 6821 flesch: 42 summary: group B. Indeed, identification of coxsackieviruses at the level of serotype strain may be possible without single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis and limited only by the number of probe sequences/sets present on the array. Dendrogram showing the grouping of HAV strains based on their genetic relatedness for developing viral probe sequences to be used for oligonucleotide design. keywords: 18f; amplification; analysis; array; average; cells; clone; consensus; coxsackievirus; culture; cytopathic; data; design; detection; differences; different; diversity; dna; enterovirus; fig; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; group; hav; hav1cb; hepatitis; hm175; human; hybridization; identification; individual; infected; intensities; intensity; level; members; method; microarray; multiple; non; normalized; nucleotide; number; oligonucleotide; pcr; peak; possible; present; primers; probe; products; profile; results; reverse; rna; sequence; sequencing; serotype; set; sets; signal; single; species; strains; subgenotype; target; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-000080-7s5b3lpn.txt plain text: cord-000080-7s5b3lpn.txt item: #4 of 974 id: cord-000083-3p81yr4n author: None title: Poster Exhibition date: 2009-01-31 words: 113010 flesch: 51 summary: From this group of HBV patients 35 (98%) have had elevated urinal Dol excreation (45,8±5,2 g/ml vs . 3% and 47.4 respectively in HCC patients, 60.3% and 39.7 in LC patients, 55% and 40 in CHB patients, 55% and 40 in ACLF patients. keywords: 1,2; 2008; abbott; abdominal; ability; ablation; abnormal; absence; accuracy; acid; aclf; aclf patients; activation; active; activity; acute; acute hepatitis; acute liver; addition; adefovir; adiponectin; administration; adult; adv; advanced; advanced hcc; adverse; afp; age; agent; ahb; aids patients; aim; aims; alanine; albumin; alcoholic; alfa-2a; allele; alpha; alt; alt group; alt levels; alternative; amino; aminotransferase; amplicor; analogues; analysis; anemia; angiogenesis; angiogenic; animals; anti; antibody; antigen; antioxidant; antiviral; antiviral therapy; antiviral treatment; apoptosis; apoptotic; approach; area; arm; arterial; ascites; asian; asian patients; assay; assessment; associated; association; ast; asymptomatic; available; average; b virus; background; bangladesh; basal; baseline; baseline hbv; basic; bcaa; bcp; beijing; benefit; better; bile; biliary; bilirubin; binding; biochemical; biomarkers; biopsies; bleeding; blood; blot; bmi; body; breakthrough; calculated; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoma; carcinoma patients; carriers; cases; caspase; cause; cccdna; cd25; cd4; cd8; cells; center; ceus; chain; change; characteristics; characterized; chb patients; chc; chemotherapy; chen; child; children; china; chinese patients; cholesterol; chronic hbv; chronic hepatitis; chronic liver; chronic viral; cirrhosis group; cirrhotic patients; cisplatin; classification; cld; clearance; clevudine; clinical; clinical study; clones; cobas; cohort; colon; combination; combination therapy; combination treatment; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complete; complications; concentration; conclusion; condition; consecutive patients; content; continued; contrast; contribute; control; control group; conventional; copies; copper; correlation; cost; countries; counts; course; cox; criteria; cross; crp; crucial; culture; cumulative; curative; curve; cycle; cytokines; cytometry; daily; damage; data; days; dcp; death; december; decline; decreased; degree; dendritic; density; department; detection; determined; developed; developing; development; diabetes; diabetic patients; diagnosis; diameter; diet; differences; different; difficult; dipivoxil; direct; diseases; distribution; divided; dna levels; dna load; dna negative; dna positive; donors; dose; double; drug; duration; dynamic; dysfunction; early; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; elder patients; elecsys; elevated; elevation; elisa; emergence; encephalopathy; end; endoscopic; endpoint; enhanced; entecavir; entry; enzyme; esophageal; essential; established; ethanol; etiology; etv; evaluation; events; evidence; evr; examination; excretion; experienced; experimental; exposure; expression; expression level; extent; extract; factors; failure; fatty liver; features; fed; female; fetoprotein; fibrosis; fibrotic; findings; flare; flow; fold; follow; following; formation; free; frequency; frequent; function; gallbladder; gallstones; gastric; gender; gene; general; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; ggt; glucose; glutathione; good; gpc-3; grade; greater; group; group b; growth; hand; hav; hbc; hbeag; hbeag level; hbeag negative; hbeag positive; hbeag seroconversion; hbs; hbv carriers; hbv cccdna; hbv dna; hbv genotype; hbv group; hbv infection; hbv reactivation; hbv replication; hbv therapy; hbv treatment; hbv viral; hbvdna; hcc cases; hcc cell; hcc group; hcc patients; hcclm3; hccs; hcv; hcv rna; healthy; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatic fibrosis; hepatic hbv; hepatitis b; hepatitis group; hepatitis patients; hepatocarcinogenesis; hepatocellular; hepatocellular carcinoma; hepatocytes; hepatoma; hepg2; hev; hfgl2; high hbv; high serum; higher; histological; history; hiv; hla; hospital; host; hours; hscs; human; hvpg; hypertension; ifn; igg4; iii; il-10; il-6; il-8; images; imaging; immune; immunohistochemical; impact; important; improved; improvement; inactive; incidence; increase; independent; index; india; individuals; induction; infected; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhibited; inhibitor; initial; injection; injury; institute; insulin; intensity; interferon; interval; intrahepatic; intrahepatic hbv; introduction; invasion; invasive; investigation; iron; isolated; january; japan; jaundice; july; key; kidney; kinase; klf8; known; korea; laboratory; lamivudine; lamivudine group; lamivudine treatment; large; later; ldt; leading; length; leptin; lesions; levels; like; limited; linear; lines; lipid; lipiodol; liver; liver biopsy; liver cancer; liver cells; liver cirrhosis; liver damage; liver disease; liver failure; liver function; liver injury; liver stiffness; liver tissue; liver transplantation; liver tumor; load; local; log10; long; loss; low; lower; lsm; lvd; lymphocytes; lymphoma patients; main; major; majority; male; male patients; malignant; management; markers; mars; mass; materials; mean; mean age; mean hbv; measurement; mechanism; median; medical; medicine; medium; meld; metabolic; metastasis; methods; mice; microarray; mild; mixed; model; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monotherapy; months; mortality; mouse; mrna; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mutant; mutation; mvi; nafld patients; nash; nash patients; national; naïve patients; nbnc; necessary; necrosis; need; needle; negative chronic; negative hbv; negative patients; neovascularization; new; nodules; non; nonalcoholic; normal; normal alt; normal liver; normalization; novel; npv; nuclear; nucleos(t)ide; nucleoside; number; obese; objective; observed; occult hbv; odds; old; order; outcome; overall; overexpression; overlapping; oxidative; p<0.001; p<0.05; parameters; partial; pathogenesis; pathological; pathway; patients; patients chronic; patients genotype; patients group; patterns; pbmcs; pcr; pd-1; peak; peg; peg10; peginterferon; pegylated; people; percentage; percutaneous; performance; period; peripheral; phase; phc patients; phg; phylogenetic; placebo; plasma; plasmid; platelet; play; plt; plus; point; polymerase; polymorphism; poor; population; portal; positive cells; positive chb; positive chronic; positive patients; positive rate; possibility; possible; post; poster; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictors; pregnant; presence; present; present study; pressure; pretreatment; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; profile; prognosis; progression; proliferation; prolonged; promoter; proportion; prospective; protein; protein expression; prothrombin; pugh; purpose; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantity; rabbits; radiofrequency; randomized; range; rapid; rate; ratio; rats; reaction; reactive; real; recent; receptor; recipients; recombinant; records; recurrence; reduced; reduction; refractory patients; region; regulation; regulatory; relapse; related; relationship; relative; replication; reported; reports; research; resection; resistance; resistant hbv; resistant patients; respectively; response; response rate; results; retrospective; reverse; rfa; ribavirin; risk; risk patients; rna; roche; role; rosiglitazone; routine; rvr; sae; safety; saline; samples; sbp; score; screening; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; sera; seroconversion; serological; serum alt; serum hbv; serum levels; session; severe; severity; sex; signal; signaling; significance; significant difference; significant fibrosis; significantly; similar; simple; simulation; single; sirna; site; size; small; sodium; somani; sonazoid; south; specific; specificity; spleen; splenic; stable; stage; staining; standard; statistical; status; steatohepatitis; steatosis; stellate; step; strain; stress; studies; study; study group; study patients; subjects; substitutions; suppression; surface; surgery; surveillance; survival; sustained; svr; svr patients; switching; syndrome; system; t cells; t12; tace; taiwan; target; technique; telbivudine; terlipressin; test; testing; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; therapy group; time; tissue; tlr2; tlr4; tnf; total; total hbv; toxicity; transaminase; transcription; transmission; transplantation; treatment; treatment group; treatment patients; treatment response; treatment results; treg; trials; tumor; tvr; types; ultrasonography; underwent; undetectable; undetectable hbv; univariate; university; unknown; untreated; urine; use; useful; vaccination; vaccine; value; variables; variations; variceal; varices; vascular; vegf; vein; venous; viral; viral hepatitis; viral load; virologic; virus; vitro; vivo; volume; wang; wd patients; weeks; weight; western; wild; withdrawal; women; workers; years; young patients; younger; zhang; zinc cache: cord-000083-3p81yr4n.txt plain text: cord-000083-3p81yr4n.txt item: #5 of 974 id: cord-000113-d0eur1hq author: Fooks, Anthony R. title: Emerging Technologies for the Detection of Rabies Virus: Challenges and Hopes in the 21st Century date: 2009-09-29 words: 6946 flesch: 34 summary: Atlanta: US Department of Health and Human Services Rabies diagnosis for developing countries The primary application of direct rapid immunohistochemical test to rabies diagnosis in China Evaluation of a direct, rapid immunohistochemical test for rabies diagnosis Simple technique for the collection and shipment of brain specimens for rabies diagnosis Evaluation of a rapid immunodiagnostic test kit for rabies virus Immunochromatographic lateral flow strip tests The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique for diagnosis, typing and epidemiological studies Phylogenetic comparison of the genus Lyssavirus using distal coding sequences of the glycoprotein and nucleoprotein genes Identification of regional variants of the rabies virus within the Canadian province of Ontario Polymerase chain reaction protocols for rabies virus discrimination PCR technology for lyssavirus diagnosis Rabies virus detection by RT-PCR in decomposed naturally infected brains Heminested reversetranscriptase polymerase chain reaction (hnRT-PCR) as a tool for rabies virus detection in stored and decomposed samples Rabies virus in the decomposed brain of an Ethiopian wolf detected by nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction An evaluation of immunofluorescence and PCR methods for detection of rabies in archival Carnoy-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain tissue Usefulness of reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction for detection of rabies RNA in archival samples Molecular diagnosis of animal diseases: some experiences over the past decade PCR technique as an alternative method for diagnosis and molecular epidemiology of rabies virus Molecular methods to distinguish between classical rabies and the rabiesrelated European bat lyssaviruses Experimental infection of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) with Eurasian bat lyssaviruses Aravan, Khujand, and Irkut virus A novel method for real time quantitative RT-PCR Real time quantitative PCR Development of a Real-Time, TaqMan Reverse Transcription-PCR Assay for Detection and Differentiation of Lyssavirus Genotypes 1, 5, and 6 Evaluation of a TaqMan PCR assay to detect rabies virus RNA: influence of sequence variation and application to quantification of viral loads Nucleic-acid sequence based amplification in the rapid diagnosis of rabies Integrated microfluidic tmRNA purification and real-time NASBA device for molecular diagnostics Multi-analyte single-membrane biosensor for the serotype-specific detection of Dengue virus Parallel nanoliter detection of cancer markers using polymer microchips Isothermal amplification of rabies virus gene Loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA Real-time reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection of West Nile virus Rapid detection and quantification of Japanese Encephalitis virus by real-time reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification Novel reverse transcription loopmediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus Rapid and real-time detection of Chikungunya virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay Accelerated reaction by loop-mediated isothermal amplification using loop primers Host switching in Lyssavirus history from the Chiroptera to the Carnivora orders Microarray-based detection and genotyping of viral pathogens Microarrays for rapid identification of plant viruses Microassay-based detection of viruses causing vesicular or vesicular-like lesions in livestock animals An ultrasensitive and stable potentiometric immunosensor A novel hepatitis B virus surface antigen immunoassay as sensitive as hepatitis B virus nucleic acid testing in detecting early infection A novel serological assay for the detection of rabies virus neutralising antibodies Development of a TaqMan real-time RT-PCR assay for the detection of rabies virus Intravitam diagnosis of human rabies by PCR using saliva and cerebrospinal fluid Phylogenetic relationships of Irkut and West Caucasian bat viruses within the Lyssavirus genus and suggested quantitative criteria based on the N gene sequence for lyssavirus genotype definition Bat lyssaviruses (Aravan and Khujand) from Central Asia: phylogenetic relationships according to N, P and G gene sequences Primary structure of leader RNA and nucleoprotein genes of the rabies genome: segmented homology with VSV Case report: rapid ante-mortem diagnosis of a human case of rabies imported into the UK from the Philippines Expert Consultation on Rabies Longitudinally profiling neutralizing antibody response to SARS coronavirus with pseudotypes A sensitive retroviral pseudotype assay for influenza H5N1-neutralizing antibodies Retroviral pseudotypes Survival after treatment of rabies with induction of coma Applying the Milwaukee Protocol to treat canine rabies in Equatorial Guinea. In the course of the past three decades, the application of molecular biology has aided in the development of tests that result in a more rapid detection of rabies virus. keywords: addition; alternative; amplification; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; bat; benefit; biology; box; brain; century; chain; clinical; contamination; conventional; cost; countries; detection; developed; development; diagnosis; diagnostic tests; direct; disease; dna; drit; fat; favn; fluorescent; genome; genotype; high; host; human; identification; infection; information; isothermal; laboratories; lamp; large; loop; lyssavirus; methods; microarray; molecular; mortem; nature; new; nucleic; number; pcr; polymerase; possible; presence; primers; pseudotypes; rabies; rabies diagnosis; rabies virus; rabv; rapid; reaction; real; results; reverse; rna; routine; saliva; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; specific; specificity; specimens; standard; surveillance; taqman; target; techniques; technology; testing; tests; throughput; time; tissue; tools; transcription; use; viral; virus; viruses; world cache: cord-000113-d0eur1hq.txt plain text: cord-000113-d0eur1hq.txt item: #6 of 974 id: cord-000180-howix091 author: MacLeod, Iain J. title: Binding of Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 Virions Leads to the Induction of Intracellular Signalling in the Absence of Virus Entry date: 2010-03-05 words: 6802 flesch: 42 summary: The patterns of accumulation of cellular RNAs in cells infected with a wild-type and a mutant herpes simplex virus 1 lacking the virion host shutoff gene Viral oncoapoptosis of human tumor cells Bcl-2, Bcl-XL and adenovirus protein E1B19kD are functionally equivalent in their ability to inhibit cell death The Bcl2 family: regulators of the cellular life-ordeath switch Innate Cellular Response to Virus Particle Entry Requires IRF3 but Not Virus Replication Identification of a Novel Pathway Essential for the Immediate-Early, Interferon-Independent Antiviral Response to Enveloped Virions Increased expression of eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF-4E and eIF-2 alpha in response to growth induction by c-myc Expression analysis with oligonucleotide microarrays reveals that MYC regulates genes involved in growth, cell cycle, signaling, and adhesion Induction of cyclin E-cdk2 kinase activity, E2F-dependent transcription and cell growth by Myc are genetically separable events Analysis of cyclin-dependent kinase activity after herpes simplex virus type 2 infection Requirement for Cellular Cyclin-Dependent Kinases in Herpes Simplex Virus Replication and Transcription E2F Proteins Are Posttranslationally Modified Concomitantly with a Reduction in Nuclear Binding Activity in Cells Infected with Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IRFs: master regulators of signalling by Toll-like receptors and cytosolic pattern-recognition receptors Evidence from previous studies using soluble HSV-1 glycoprotein and UV-inactivated virus suggested that binding of HSV-1 virions to the cell surface might be sufficient to stimulate intracellular signalling pathways. keywords: activation; activity; analysis; apoptosis; bcl2; binding; cdna; cell; cellular; change; data; defective; dependent; dgb; dgd; dgh; early; entry; envelope; experiments; expression; fold; gene; glycoprotein; herpes; hffs; host; hours; hpi; hsv-1; human; hvem; ifn; induction; infected; infection; inoculated; inoculation; interferon; intracellular; jak; lacking; levels; luciferase; membrane; microarray; mock; mutant; myc; number; particles; pathways; pcr; post; real; receptors; regulation; replication; response; results; rna; role; serum; signalling; simplex; soluble; stat; studies; table; targets; time; transcription; type; viral; virions; virus cache: cord-000180-howix091.txt plain text: cord-000180-howix091.txt item: #7 of 974 id: cord-000235-782iew86 author: Kapoor, A title: Human bocaviruses are highly diverse, dispersed, recombination prone, and prevalent enteric infections date: 2010-06-01 words: 4193 flesch: 50 summary: Duration of immunity for canine and feline vaccines: a review Review of companion animal viral diseases and immunoprophylaxis Forty years of canine vaccination New DNA viruses identified in patients with acute viral infection syndrome Cloning of a human parvovirus by molecular screening of respiratory tract samples A newly identified bocavirus species in human stool A novel bocavirus associated with acute gastroenteritis in Australian children Human bocavirus Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of bovine parvovirus Animal bocaviruses: a brief review The association of newly identified respiratory viruses with lower respiratory tract infections in Korean children Human bocavirus infection Human Bocavirus in children Severe pneumonia and human bocavirus in adult Detection of human bocavirus in Japanese children with lower respiratory tract infections Evidence of human coronavirus HKU1 and human bocavirus in Australian children Human bocavirus: developing evidence for pathogenicity Human bocavirus infection in young children in the United States: molecular epidemiological profile and clinical characteristics of a newly emerging respiratory virus Epidemiological profile and clinical associations of human bocavirus and other human parvoviruses Frequent detection of human rhinoviruses, paramyxoviruses, coronaviruses, and bocavirus during acute respiratory tract infections Human bocavirus: clinical significance and implications Serodiagnosis of human bocavirus infection Human bocavirus: passenger or pathogen in acute respiratory tract infections? Human bocavirus infection in children with gastroenteritis Human bocavirus in children hospitalized for acute gastroenteritis: a case-control study Clinical and molecular epidemiology of human bocavirus in respiratory and fecal samples from children in Hong Kong Detection of human bocavirus in children hospitalized because of acute gastroenteritis Human bocavirus, a respiratory and enteric virus Human bocavirus infection in children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis in China Complete coding sequences and phylogenetic analysis of human bocavirus (HBoV) Genotyping of human bocavirus using a restriction length polymorphism MEGA: a biologist-centric software for evolutionary analysis of DNA and protein sequences Structural constraints on RNA virus evolution Frequent detection of highly diverse variants of cardiovirus, cosavirus, bocavirus, and circovirus in sewage samples collected in the United States Virus taxonomy. keywords: accession; acids; acute; afp; amino; animal; association; average; bocavirus; children; complete; detection; diarrhea; different; divergence; diversity; dna; enteric; figure; genbank; gene; genomes; genotype; hbov2; healthy; high; human; infections; low; new; nigeria; np1; ns1; nucleotide; numbers; orf; parvovirus; patients; pcr; phylogenetic; prevalence; primers; protein; recombination; region; respiratory; round; samples; second; sequences; species; states; stool; strains; study; table; tract; tunisian; united; variant; viral; viruses; vp1 cache: cord-000235-782iew86.txt plain text: cord-000235-782iew86.txt item: #8 of 974 id: cord-000265-llilwq1u author: Gao, Rongbao title: A Systematic Molecular Pathology Study of a Laboratory Confirmed H5N1 Human Case date: 2010-10-12 words: 4904 flesch: 41 summary: Global public health concerns surrounding H5N1 viruses include not only individual transmission events between infected poultry and individual humans, but also their pandemic potential, should these viruses acquire genetic changes that result in sustained human-to-human transmission. Reactive hemophagocytosis in multiple organs, and occasional detection of viral antigen or viral RNA in extrapulmonary organs suggest a broader tissue distribution of H5N1 viruses compared with seasonal viruses in fatal human cases [21, 22] . keywords: actin; alveolar; avian; avian influenza; cases; cells; chemokines; clinical; copies; cytokines; detection; different; disease; dissemination; distribution; factors; fatal; gene; h5n1; h5n1 virus; high; host; hpai; human; immune; infected; infection; influenza; influenza virus; ish; isolation; laboratory; left; liver; load; lobe; lower; lung; lymph; macrophages; min; multiple; negative; node; organ; pandemic; pathogenesis; pathology; patient; pcr; positive; probes; proinflammatory; reaction; real; respiratory; response; results; rna; samples; sections; selected; sense; spleen; staining; system; time; tissues; tnf; tract; trail; viral; viral load; virus; viruses cache: cord-000265-llilwq1u.txt plain text: cord-000265-llilwq1u.txt item: #9 of 974 id: cord-000322-8ctsa9sd author: Ninove, Laetitia title: RNA and DNA Bacteriophages as Molecular Diagnosis Controls in Clinical Virology: A Comprehensive Study of More than 45,000 Routine PCR Tests date: 2011-02-09 words: 2897 flesch: 36 summary: Protocols for real time PCR detection of phages TA and MS2 were elaborated in various formats and are described in Supporting Information S2. When IDP was associated with negative PCR detection results, a new assay was performed using a tenfold dilution of the nucleic acid extract. keywords: amplification; assays; clinical; controls; detection; diagnosis; dna; ecs; extraction; format; human; ics; inhibitors; internal; molecular; ms2; nucleic; pcr; phage; positive; probe; reactions; real; results; reverse; rna; routine; samples; series; simple; specific; step; study; technical; techniques; tests; time; transcription; value; viral; virology; viruses cache: cord-000322-8ctsa9sd.txt plain text: cord-000322-8ctsa9sd.txt item: #10 of 974 id: cord-000483-zgapjjjw author: Faux, Cassandra E. title: Usefulness of Published PCR Primers in Detecting Human Rhinovirus Infection date: 2011-02-17 words: 1672 flesch: 40 summary: No speciesspecifi c bias was apparent, but generally, a specimen with a lower RNA concentration, as indicated by the cycle threshold from primer pair 5, was less likely to be detected or typed by using other primer pairs. Our selection of published primer pairs includes those from studies that have informed our current understanding of HRV epidemiology. keywords: amplifi; cation; children; clinical; comparison; conditions; detection; different; epidemiology; hevs; hrv; hrvs; human; original; pair; pcr; picornaviruses; population; positive; primer; real; respiratory; reverse; rhinovirus; rtpcr; sensitivity; species; specifi; specimens; studies; time; viral cache: cord-000483-zgapjjjw.txt plain text: cord-000483-zgapjjjw.txt item: #11 of 974 id: cord-000664-085v7n6k author: Cordey, Samuel title: Pilot Evaluation of RT-PCR/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (PLEX-ID/Flu assay) on Influenza-Positive Specimens date: 2012-05-09 words: 2028 flesch: 34 summary: Flu Assay for Rapid Identification and Differentiation of Influenza A, Influenza A 2009 H1N1, and Influenza B Evaluation of the Xpert Flu test and comparison with in-house real-time RT-PCR assays for detection of influenza virus from Rapid detection of respiratory tract viral infections and coinfections in patients with influenza-like illnesses by use of reverse transcription-PCR DNA microarray systems VereFlu: an integrated multiplex RT-PCR and microarray assay for rapid detection and identification of human influenza A and B viruses using lab-on-chip technology Rapid identification viruses from nasal pharyngeal aspirates in acute viral respiratory infections by RT-PCR and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for identifying acute viral upper respiratory tract infections Genomic signature-based identification of influenza A viruses using RT-PCR/electro-spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) technology RT-PCR/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry approach in detection and characterization of influenza viruses Global surveillance of emerging Influenza virus genotypes by mass spectrometry Rapid identification of emerging infectious agents using PCR and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry Identification of Acinetobacter species and genotyping of Acinetobacter baumannii by multilocus PCR and mass spectrometry Analysis of nucleic acids by FTICR MS Rapid identification of emerging pathogens: coronavirus Ibis T5000: a universal biosensor approach for microbiology Universal primer set for the full-length amplification of all influenza A viruses Evolutionary pattern of the hemagglutinin gene of influenza B viruses isolated in Japan: cocirculating lineages in the same epidemic season Open Virol J DOI: 10.2174/1874357901206010064 sha: doc_id: 664 cord_uid: 085v7n6k The PLEX-ID/Flu assay has been recently developed to enable the detection and typing of influenza viruses based on the RT-PCR/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry technology. keywords: analysis; assay; characterization; detection; electrospray; identification; influenza; ionization; lineage; mass; method; nps; pcr; plex; positive; primer; rapid; real; sanger; sensitivity; sequencing; specific; specimens; spectrometry; subtyping; surveillance; switzerland; time; typing; viral; viruses cache: cord-000664-085v7n6k.txt plain text: cord-000664-085v7n6k.txt item: #12 of 974 id: cord-000715-zl1s82yi author: Shulman, Lester M. title: Evaluation of Four Different Systems for Extraction of RNA from Stool Suspensions Using MS-2 Coliphage as an Exogenous Control for RT-PCR Inhibition date: 2012-07-16 words: 4791 flesch: 42 summary: The number of stool suspension RNA extracts with inhibitors of MS2 rRT-PCR varied between RNA extraction protocols for randomly chosen stool suspensions. Potential inhibitors that might be incompletely removed from stool suspensions during RNA extraction include hemoglobin, immunoglobulins, bilirubin, triglycerides, complex polysaccharides, organic and phenolic compounds, glycogen, fats, and metabolic products especially those from pathological conditions, bacteria, vegetables, medications, anticoagulants, and drugs or alcohol keywords: acid; analysis; assays; automatic; buffer; clinical; coliphage; comparison; control; cts; detection; differences; different; easymag; enterovirus; external; extraction; extracts; fig; fold; inhibition; inhibitors; kingfisher; kit; levels; magna; methods; ms2; ms2 rrt; nucleic; nuclisens; number; pcr; pcr inhibition; presence; present; procedures; protocols; pure; reaction; results; reverse; rna; rrt; samples; significant; stool; suspensions; systems; time; values; viral cache: cord-000715-zl1s82yi.txt plain text: cord-000715-zl1s82yi.txt item: #13 of 974 id: cord-000718-7whai7nr author: None title: ESP Abstracts 2012 date: 2012-08-22 words: 166798 flesch: 44 summary: Of those, 11 were also positive for tumor cells on cytological smears. At the papillary thyroid cancer progression matrix metalloprotease and specific tissue inhibitors of metalloprotease (TIMP-2) increased in the cytoplasm of tumor cells, but the concentration of TIMP-1 decreased. keywords: 003; 007; 1st; abbott; abc; abdomen; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absent; abundant; accounts; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; acth; actin; actinomycosis; activation; active; activity; acute; adc; additional; adenocarcinoma; adenoid; adenomas; adenomatous; adenomyoma; adenosquamous; adequate; adhesion; adipose; adjacent; administration; adrenal; adult; advanced; adverse; ae1; ae3; affected; age; aged; agents; aggressive; agreement; aim; aims; akt; akt1; alive; alk; alkaline; allelic; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; amacr; aml; amplification; amplified; amr; amyloidosis; analysis; anaplastic; anatomia; anatomy; androgen; angiogenesis; angiogenic; animals; ankara; anomalies; anterior; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apart; apoptosis; apoptotic; appearance; appendiceal; appendix; applied; approach; appropriate; archival; archive; areas; arterial; arteries; artery; aspiration; assay; assessment; associated; association; astrocytoma; asymptomatic; ataturk; athens; atherosclerosis; atrophy; atypia; atypical; atypical cells; authors; autoimmune; automated; autopsies; autopsy; available; average; axillary; b cell; background; basal; basal cell; base; basis; bcc; bcl-2; bcl2; bcs; behavior; benign; benign tumor; bern; best; beta; better; bilateral; bile; biliary; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; biopsy results; biphasic; bladder; bladder cancer; bleeding; blocks; blood; blot; blue; bone; borderline; bowel; braf; brain; brazil objective; break; breast; breast cancer; breast carcinoma; breast tumor; broad; bronchial; brown; btn; bucharest; budding; buds; c4d; cadherin; cadherin expression; caix; calcification; calretinin; cancer; cancer cases; cancer cell; cancer patients; capable; capillaries; capsule; carcinogenesis; carcinoid; carcinoid tumor; carcinoma; carcinoma cases; carcinoma objective; carcinoma patients; cardiac; case report; cases; cases a.; cases g.; cases objective; categories; catenin; cause; cavity; caxii; ccrcc; cd10; cd117; cd15; cd1a; cd20; cd30; cd31; cd34; cd44; cd56; cd68; cd8; cd99; cdx2; cdx2 expression; cea; cell adhesion; cell carcinoma; cell cycle; cell lines; cell lung; cell lymphoma; cell neuroendocrine; cell proliferation; cell type; cellular; cellularity; center; central; centre; cep17; certain; cervical; cervix; chain; challenge; challenging; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chd; chemokines; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; cholecystitis; chromatin; chromogranin; chromosomal; chronic; circumscribed; cish; ck14; ck19; ck20; ck5/6; ck7; classical; classification; classified; clear cell; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinicopathological; clonality; clone; clusters; cmv; coefficient; cohort; colitis; collagen; collected; colon; colonic; colorectal; colorectal cancer; colv; combination; combined; common; comparative; compare; comparison; compatible; complete; complex; complicated; complications; component; concentration; conclusion; concordance; condition; confirmation; confused; congenital; consecutive; consecutive cases; consensus; consistent; context; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional; copy; coronary; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortical; costa; count; counting; course; cox-2; crc; crc cases; crcs; creatine; criteria; critical; crucial; ctcs; cuboidal; culture; current; cutaneous; cxcr4; cycle; cyclin; cystic; cystic carcinoma; cysts; cytokeratin; cytological; cytology; cytoplasmic; cytoplasmic expression; czech; dako; damage; data; database; date; days; dcis; dcs; death; december; decision; decrease; deep; deficiency; definitive; degeneration; degree; deletion; dense; density; department; deposition; deposits; dept; dermal; dermis; desmin; desmoids; detection; determination; developing; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnose; diagnosis; diameter; differences; different; different tumor; differential; differential diagnosis; differential expression; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusely; digestive; digital; dilatation; direct; discordant cases; disease; disorder; distal; distant; distinct; distinction; distribution; dlbcl; dna; dominant; double; drug; dss; ductal; ductal carcinoma; ducts; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dysfunction; dysplasia; early; easy; eber; ebv; ectopic; edema; effective; effects; egfr; egfr expression; electron; elements; elevated; endometrial; endoscopic; endothelial; enlarged; entities; entity; enzyme; eosinophilic; epcam; epidermal; epithelial; epithelial cells; epithelial tumor; epithelioid; equivocal; erb; ercc1; ercc1 expression; erg; essential; established; estradiol; estrogen; etiology; evaluated; evaluation; event; evidence; evident; ewing; exact; examination; excellent; excision; exhibit; exon; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; expression analysis; expression levels; expression patterns; expression profile; extended; extensive; extent; external; extracellular; extraction; ezh2; factor; faculty; failure; family; fas; fat; fatty; favorable; features; female; female patients; fetal; fever; ffpe; fgfr1; fibers; fibroblasts; fibrosis; fibrous; field; figures; files; final; findings; fine; fish; fixation; fixed; fli-1; fluid; fluorescence; fna; focal; foci; focus; fold; follicle; follicular; follow; following; formalin; forms; fraction; fragments; france; free; frequency; frequent; frozen; function; fusion; future; für; gallbladder; gamma; gastric; gastric cancer; gastritis; gastrointestinal; gender; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; genomic; genotype; germany objective; gfap; giant; giant cells; gland; glandular; glass; gleason; glioblastomas; glomerular; glomerulosclerosis; gold; good; gpc3; grade; grading; graft; gram; granular; granulocytic; granulomas; granulomatous; greater; greece objective; grey; gross; group; growing; growth; gse; h&e; hamartoma; hcc; head; healing; healthy; heart; heavy; help; helpful; hemangioma; hematoxylin; hemodialysis; hemorrhagic; hent1; heparanase; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatoblastoma; hepatocellular; hepatocellular carcinoma; her-2; her2; hereditary; heterogeneous; hif-1α; high; high expression; high grade; higher; highest; histiocytes; histiocytosis; histogenesis; histological; histological examination; histological features; histological grade; histological type; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hiv; hnscc; hodgkin; hormone; hospital; hot; house; hpf; hpv; human; hurp; hyaline; hybridization; hyperchromatic; hypermethylation; hyperplasia; hypertension; hypothesis; hypoxia; hysterectomy; ibd; identification; idiopathic; igf2; igg4; ihc; iii; images; imaging; immature; immobilized; immune; immunoexpression; immunofluorescence; immunoglobulin; immunohistochemical; immunohistochemical analysis; immunohistochemical expression; immunohistochemical results; immunohistochemical staining; immunohistochemical study; immunophenotype; immunoreactivity; immunostained; immunostaining; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; increasing; independent; index; india; indolent; induced; induction; infection; infiltrate; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; information; inguinal; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injury; instability; institute; intense; intensity; interest; intermediate; internal; international; interpretation; interstitial; intestinal; intraductal; intraepithelial; intraoperative; intrauterine; invasion; invasive; invasive breast; invasive carcinoma; investigation; involved; involvement; ipf; ipmns; iran; iron; irregular; ischemic; isolated; istanbul; italy objective; iugr; izmir; january; kappa; ki67; kidney; kinase; kingdom objective; kit; knowledge; known; kras; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lamina; langerhans; large; large cell; largest; laryngeal; later; layers; lch; leading; left; length; leptin; lesions; leukemia; levels; leydig; lichen; ligand; like; likely; limited; lines; lipoma; liposarcoma; literature; little; liver; lms; lns; lobe; lobular; localization; localized; location; long; loss; low; low expression; low grade; lower; luminal; lung; lung cancer; lung carcinoma; lung tissue; lupus; lymph; lymph node; lymphadenopathy; lymphatic; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoma; lymphoma cases; lymphoproliferative; macrophages; magnetic; main; maintenance; majority; making; male; malformations; malignancies; malignant; malignant cells; malignant tumor; malt; mammary; management; mandatory; manifestation; mantle; marginal; margins; marked; markers; marrow; mass; masses; massive; mast; mast cells; material; matrix; maturation; mature; mcl; mean; measuring; mechanisms; median; mediastinal; medical; medicine; medium; melanocytic; melanoma; mellitus; membrane; membranous; meningioma; mesenchymal; mesenteric; mesothelioma; metabolic; metaplasia; metastases; metastasizing; metastatic; metastatic tumor; method; methylation; mfs; mgmt; mice; microarray; microenvironment; micropneumatosis; micrornas; microsatellite; microscopic; microvascular; microvessel; middle; mild; minimal; mir-21; mirnas; mismatch; mitoses; mitotic; mlh1; mm2; mmp-2; mmr; model; moderate; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; mononuclear; months; morphological; morphology; morphometric; mortality; moscow; mpc; mri; mrna; mscs; msh2; msh6; msi; mtap; mtc; mtor; muc1; mucinous; mucoepidermoid; mucosa; multifocal; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mutant; mutated; mutation; mvd; mvid; myc; myeloid; myocardial; myoepithelial; myofibroblastic; myofibroblastic tumor; myxoid; n=1; n=2; n=5; n=9; napsin; nasopharynx; national; ncam; necessary; neck; necrosis; necrotic; needle; needs; negative; negative breast; negative cases; negative results; negativity; neoadjuvant; neoplasm; neoplastic; neoplastic cells; nephrectomy; nephropathy; nerve; nervous; nests; network; neuroblastoma; neuroendocrine; neuronal; new; new method; nhl; nodal; node; nodular; nodules; non; noninvasive; normal; novel; novo; nsclc; nsclc patients; nuclear; nuclear expression; nuclei; nucleoli; nucleus; number; numerous; objective; observations; observed; obstruction; ofp-03; old; old male; old woman; oncocytic; oncogene; oncology; ones; onset; operation; optimal; order; organs; origin; osna; outcome; oval; ovarian; overall; overexpression; oxidative; p16; p27; p53; p53 expression; p63; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pakt; palpable; pancreas; pancreatic; panel; papillary; paraffin; parameters; parenchyma; parotid; parp-1; partial; particular; pas; past; pathogenesis; pathological; pathologists; pathology; pathology diagnosis; pathology results; pathway; patients; patológica; pattern; paulo; pca; pcr; pediatric; pelvic; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; phase; phenotype; phh3; phosphatase; physical; pi3k; pik3ca; pituitary; placentas; plasma; plasma cells; platform; pleomorphic; pleural; pneumonia; point; polygonal; polymerase; polymorphism; polypoid; polyps; poor; population; portal; porto; portugal objective; positive; positive cases; positive cells; positive expression; positive patients; positive tumor; positivity; possibility; possible; post; postmenopausal; postoperative; potential; practice; precancerous; predictive; predominance; preeclampsia; pregnancies; pregnancy; preliminary; preliminary results; prenatal; preoperative; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; primary breast; primary tumor; primitive; prior; probe; problem; problematic; procedures; process; processes; profile; progesterone; prognostic; progression; project; proliferation; prominent; promising; promoter; properties; proportion; propria; prospective; prostate; prostate cancer; prostatectomy; prostatic; protein expression; proteins; protocol; psa; ptc; ptcs; pten; ptld; pulmonary; purpose; qrt; quality; quantification; quantitative; rabbit; rac1b; radiation; radical; radiological; radiotherapy; randomly; range; rare; rare case; rare disease; rate; rats; reaction; reactive; rearrangement; receiving; recent; receptor; receptor expression; recognition; records; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reference; region; regional; regulated; regulation; regulatory; relapse; related; relationship; relative; relevance; relevant; reliable; renal; renal cell; renal tumors; repair; replication; report; reported; reporting; reproducibility; republic; republic objective; research; resected; resection; residual; resistance; resolution; resonance; respectively; respiratory; response; responsible; results; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; ring; ring cell; risk; rkip; role; romania objective; round; routine; rpa1; russia objective; s-100; s100; s3ko; salivary; samples; sampling; santos; sarcoma; sarcomatoid; scan; scar; scattered; scc; school; schwannoma; sclerosing; score; scoring; screening; sdc; second; secondary; sections; seen; semi; semiquantitative; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; sepsis; september; sequence; sequencing; sequential; series; serous; serum; severe; severity; sex; sft; share; sheets; shorter; showing; shows; signaling; signature; signet; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; sish; site; situ; size; skin; slides; slovakia objective; slow; small; small cell; smaller; smears; smoking; smooth; snail; sod; soft; software; solid; solitary; spaces; spain objective; special; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spindle; spindle cells; spleen; splenic; sporadic; squamous; squamous cell; square; stable; stage; staging; staining; stains; standard; statistical; status; stem cells; step; stomach; stratification; stratified; stress; stromal; stromal cells; stromal tumor; strong; structures; studies; study; study group; subgroups; subjects; submucosal; subsequent; subset; subtypes; subtyping; suggestive; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; surgical; surgical pathology; survival; survivin; survivin expression; suspicious; swelling; switzerland objective; symptoms; synaptophysin; syndrome; synovial; system; systemic; são; target; targeted; technical; technique; term; terminal; test; testicular; testing; testis; testosterone; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thin; thoracic; thymic; thyroid; thyroid carcinoma; time; timp-1; tissue; tle1; tma; tmprss2; tnbc; tnm; tomography; tool; total; tract; transcription; transformation; translocation; transmission; transplantation; transverse; trastuzumab; treatment; trend; triple; true; tsr; tuberculosis; tubular; tubules; tumor budding; tumor buds; tumor cases; tumor cells; tumor center; tumor features; tumor grade; tumor group; tumor growth; tumor markers; tumor progression; tumor samples; tumor size; tumor stage; tumor tissue; tumor types; tumoral; tumorigenesis; tumors; tumour; tunisia; turkey objective; type; ultrasonography; ultrasound; ultrastructural; ump; unclear; uncommon; underlying; understanding; underwent; undifferentiated; uniform; unique; united; univariate; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urethane; urinary; urothelial; urothelial carcinoma; usa; useful; uterine; uveal; v600e; valuable; value; variability; variable; variant; varied; variety; vascular; vasculitis; vegf; venous; ventricular; vessels; villi; villous; vimentin; viral; virus; volume; vs.; vulvar; wall; weak; weeks; weight; western; white; wide; wild; wilms; wistar; women; work; worse; wt1; wts; years; years old; yellow; yilmaz; young; younger; zone cache: cord-000718-7whai7nr.txt plain text: cord-000718-7whai7nr.txt item: #14 of 974 id: cord-000736-6f8vyziv author: Pripuzova, Natalia title: Development of Real-Time PCR Array for Simultaneous Detection of Eight Human Blood-Borne Viral Pathogens date: 2012-08-17 words: 6827 flesch: 47 summary: The results of sensitivity testing of the real-time PCR array primer sets specific for HIV-1, HIV-2, HBV, HCV, and WNV the with FDA/CBER analytical plasma panels. Example of the experimental testing of HIV-1 specific primer set targeting gag gene (NP3/4) for its sensitivity with DNA analytical standards is shown in Figure S1 . keywords: amplification; analytical; array; assay; blood; c(t; cber; clinical; conserved; control; copies; copy; cut; data; detection; development; different; dna; donors; fda; figure; gene; genome; genome copies; green; group; hbv; hcv; hiv-1; human; identification; immunodeficiency; isolates; multiple; negative; number; panels; pathogens; pcr; pcr array; peaks; plasma; positive; primer; primer sets; quantification; range; reaction; real; results; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequence; sets; specific; specific primer; specificity; standards; study; subtypes; sybr; table; target; targeted; testing; time; time pcr; tissue; type; values; viral; virus; viruses; wnv cache: cord-000736-6f8vyziv.txt plain text: cord-000736-6f8vyziv.txt item: #15 of 974 id: cord-000750-l9ozvlae author: Betts, Corinne title: Pip6-PMO, A New Generation of Peptide-oligonucleotide Conjugates With Improved Cardiac Exon Skipping Activity for DMD Treatment date: 2012-08-14 words: 6565 flesch: 39 summary: To this end, Pip peptides containing partial deletions of the hydrophobic core by 1 aa (removal of tyrosine; Pip6c) and by 2 aa (removal of isoleucine and tyrosine; Pip6d) were synthesised as PMO conjugates (Figure 1a) . Our data indicate that the hydrophobic core of the Pip sequences is critical for PMO delivery to the heart and that specific modifications to this region can enhance activity further. keywords: activity; administration; analysis; antisense; aos; arginine; blot; c57bl10; cardiac; cell; conjugates; control; core; correction; data; delivery; diaphragm; dmd; dose; duchenne; dystrophin; efficiency; exon; expression; figure; flanking; heart; high; hydrophobic; hydrophobic core; images; immunohistochemical; intensity; length; levels; mdx; mdx mice; mice; model; morpholino; mouse; mrna; muscle; muscular; oligonucleotide; pcr; peptide; phosphorodiamidate; pip5e; pip6; pmo; pmos; production; promising; protein; quadriceps; quantification; recovery; region; relative; representative; restoration; results; rich; sequence; similar; single; skeletal; skipping; splicing; staining; statistical; studies; study; supplementary; systemic; tissues; total; treatment; untreated; values; vivo; western cache: cord-000750-l9ozvlae.txt plain text: cord-000750-l9ozvlae.txt item: #16 of 974 id: cord-000830-jiy4cp4n author: Cobo, Fernando title: Application of Molecular Diagnostic Techniques for Viral Testing date: 2012-11-30 words: 7970 flesch: 35 summary: An international collaborative study to establish a World Health Organization international standard for hepatitis B virus DNA nucleic acid amplification techniques The clinical implications of hepatitis B virus genotype: recent advances Hepatitis C virus RNA assays: current and emerging technologies and their clinical applications Identifying women with cervical neoplasia: Using human papillomavirus DNA testing for equivocal Papanicolaou results Declared none. Both ligated products can then serve as templates for the next reaction cycle, leading to an exponential amplification process similar to PCR amplification. keywords: acid; adenovirus; advantages; amplification; analysis; application; area; array; assays; available; b19; bdna; capture; cerebrospinal; chain; clinical; cmv; cns; comparison; contamination; conventional; cost; csf; culture; cycling; detection; development; diagnosis; different; disease; dna; ebv; fluid; genotypes; hcv; hepatitis; herpes; high; hiv; hpv; hsv; human; hybridization; infection; influenza; introduction; isothermal; laboratories; laboratory; lamp; load; loop; main; methods; molecular; monitoring; multiplex; nucleic; nucleic acid; number; oligonucleotide; parvovirus; patients; pcr; plasma; polymerase; primers; probe; product; quantification; quantitative; range; rapid; reaction; real; respiratory; results; reverse; rna; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; signal; simplex; single; specific; specificity; specimens; system; target; techniques; technology; testing; tests; therapy; time; time pcr; transcription; type; useful; viral; virology; virus; viruses; work cache: cord-000830-jiy4cp4n.txt plain text: cord-000830-jiy4cp4n.txt item: #17 of 974 id: cord-000979-cav9n18w author: Hoppe, Sebastian title: Rapid Identification of Novel Immunodominant Proteins and Characterization of a Specific Linear Epitope of Campylobacter jejuni date: 2013-05-29 words: 10065 flesch: 45 summary: NCBI gene expression and hybridization array data repository Primer3 on the WWW for general users and for biologist programmers Geneious v5 Basic local alignment search tool Analysis of the accuracy and implications of simple methods for predicting the secondary structure of globular proteins Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden Markov model: Application to complete genomes A hidden Markov model for predicting transmembrane helices in protein sequences A semi-empirical method for prediction of antigenic determinants on protein antigens New hydrophilicity scale derived from high-performance liquid chromatography peptide retention data: correlation of predicted surface residues with antigenicity and x-ray derived accessible sites The SWISS-MODEL Workspace: A web-based environment for protein structure homology modeling The SWISS-MODEL Repository and associated resources SWISS-MODEL: an automated protein homology-modeling server SWISS-MODEL and the Swiss-PdbViewer: A case-control study in FoodNet sites Typing of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from live broilers and retail broiler meat by flaA-RFLP, MLST, PFGE and REP-PCR Rapid pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocol for subtyping of Campylobacter jejuni Evaluation of three commercial latex agglutination tests for identification of Campylobacter spp Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Third Edition Severe acute respiratory syndrome diagnostics using a coronavirus protein microarray Immunogenic cross-reaction among outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria Microarray-based method for screening of immunogenic proteins from bacteria Proteinprotein interactions: analysis of a false positive GST pulldown result HaloTag: a novel protein labeling technology for cell imaging and protein analysis Validation of two ribosomal RNA removal methods for microbial metatranscriptomics Polyadenylic acid sequences in E. coli messenger RNA Identification of the gene for an Escherichia coli poly(A) polymerase A simple method to enrich mRNA from prokaryotic RNA Magnetic capturehybridization method for purification and probing of mRNA for neutral protease of Bacillus cereus Direct detection of recombinant gene expression by two genetically engineered yeasts in soil on the transcriptional and translational level Normalization of full-length-enriched cDNA Duplex-specific nuclease efficiently removes rRNA for prokaryotic RNA-seq Ligation-independent cloning of PCR products (LIC-PCR) High efficiency transformation of E. coli by high voltage electroporation The Campylobacter jejuni/coli CjaA (cj0982c) gene encodes an N-glycosylated lipoprotein localized in the inner membrane Genetic diversity of the Campylobacter genes coding immunodominant proteins Immunogenicity and immunoprotection of recombinant PEB1 in Campylobacter-jejuni-infected mice The National Center for Biotechnology Information's Protein Clusters Database Characterization of Genetically Matched Isolates of Campylobacter jejuni Reveals that Mutations in Genes Involved in Flagellar Biosynthesis Alter the Organism's Virulence Potential Nutrient Acquisition and Metabolism by Campylobacter jejuni Identification of Campylobacter jejuni Genes Contributing to Acid Adaptation by Transcriptional Profiling and Genome-Wide Mutagenesis Structure, Function, and Evolution of Bacterial ATP-Binding Cassette Systems The Protein Data Bank: A Computer-based Archival File for Macromolecular Structures The 2.0 Crystal Structure of ABC Transporter from Thermatoga maritima Toward the estimation of the absolute quality of individual protein structure models Construction and Evaluation of Normalized cDNA keywords: 37uc; acid; addition; alanine; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigenic; antigens; applications; approach; bacteria; binding; buffer; c. jejuni; campylobacter; cdna; cells; chamber; cj0669; cj0920c; clinical; clones; cloning; consensus; conserved; construction; contrast; control; corresponding; cycles; data; detection; diagnostic; different; dsn; elisa; emboss; epitope; expression; figure; following; fusion; future; genes; glycine; group; halotagh; helicobacter; high; identification; immunodominant; immunodominant proteins; immunogenic; important; incubation; instructions; jejuni; kit; length; libraries; library; linear; manufacturer; mapping; mean; median; method; microarray; min; model; negative; non; normalization; normalized; novel; number; original; overnight; pbs; pcr; peptide; plates; polyclonal; polymerase; positive; potential; prediction; primer; proteins; purification; pylori; rabbit; reaction; reference; residue; results; rfi; rin; rna; room; rrna; sample; screening; secondary; sequence; signals; sites; slides; smarter; specific; specificity; structure; suitable; swiss; temperature; times; tlikelkrlgi; tool; total; values cache: cord-000979-cav9n18w.txt plain text: cord-000979-cav9n18w.txt item: #18 of 974 id: cord-000988-79fp75u3 author: Al-Siyabi, Turkiya title: A cost effective real-time PCR for the detection of adenovirus from viral swabs date: 2013-06-07 words: 6262 flesch: 38 summary: Secondly, the performance characteristics of homogenization may vary between PCR assays and should not be implemented without proper validation [27] . As expected, virus culture-positive specimens had positive PCR results with low Cp values, whereas the virus culture-negative specimens had PCR-positive results with Cp values greater than 30 keywords: 14p1; acid; acid extraction; adenovirus; amplification; analysis; analytical; assay; canada; cases; cdha; cell; clinical; commercial; comparison; control; copies; cost; culture; detection; dilutions; dna; effective; equivalent; extraction; figure; fold; gene; hadv; heat; homogenization; house; house real; human; infections; inhibition; internal; kit; laboratory; lod; method; microbiology; molecular; naats; negative; nucleic; nucleic acid; pcr; performance; positive; primers; probes; processing; protocol; reaction; real; respiratory; results; sensitivity; sequences; species; specificity; specimens; study; swabs; table; tcid; testing; time; time pcr; treatment; type; utm; values; viral; virus; virus culture cache: cord-000988-79fp75u3.txt plain text: cord-000988-79fp75u3.txt item: #19 of 974 id: cord-001134-8ljgxnhf author: Lin, Chao-Nan title: Comparison of viremia of type II porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in naturally infected pigs by zip nucleic acid probe-based real-time PCR date: 2013-09-12 words: 2984 flesch: 48 summary: Moreover, based on the present results, it can be concluded that when pigs are infected with PRRSV, the amount of PRRSV in serum samples is significantly higher in PRDC pigs. The presence of this marker in a sample of animals with high PRRSV loads (>10(4.2) keywords: acid; assay; asymptomatic; china; circovirus; clinical; copies; detection; disease; dna; genetic; high; infection; load; log; nucleic; pcr; pigs; plasmid; porcine; porcine reproductive; positive; prdc; probe; prrsv; real; reproductive; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; samples; serum; standard; study; syndrome; syndrome virus; time; time pcr; type; variation; viral; virus; zna cache: cord-001134-8ljgxnhf.txt plain text: cord-001134-8ljgxnhf.txt item: #20 of 974 id: cord-001371-wf0vonkn author: Xiao, Shuqi title: Simultaneous Detection and Differentiation of Highly Virulent and Classical Chinese-Type Isolation of PRRSV by Real-Time RT-PCR date: 2014-06-12 words: 2787 flesch: 53 summary: [12] , Pb-N (only detecting PRRSV strain), and Pb-all (simultaneously detecting both HP-PRRSV and PRRSV strains) When Pb-N (HEX) and Pb-all (FAM) were combined in a duplex real-time PCR system, the Pb-N (HEX signal) probe could only detect PRRSV strain (c), whereas Pb-all (FAM signal) probe could detect both HP-PRRSV and PRRSV strains (d). keywords: assay; ch-1a; china; conventional; detection; green; hex; nsp2; pcr; plasmid; porcine; probe; prrsv; rapid; real; reproductive; respiratory; results; samples; signal; simultaneous; strains; sybr; syndrome; taqman; time; type; virus cache: cord-001371-wf0vonkn.txt plain text: cord-001371-wf0vonkn.txt item: #21 of 974 id: cord-001435-ebl8yc92 author: Hoppe, Sebastian title: Identification of Antigenic Proteins of the Nosocomial Pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae date: 2014-10-21 words: 9628 flesch: 46 summary: The structure of bacterial outer membrane proteins Identification and characterization of ompl as a potential vaccine candidate for immune-protection against salmonellosis in mice The unique structure of Haemophilus influenzae protein E reveals multiple binding sites for host factors Directed evaluation of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli autotransporter proteins as putative vaccine candidates Structure of the c-terminal domain of Neisseria heparin binding antigen (nhba), one of the main antigens of a novel vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis In vivo versus in vitro protein abundance analysis of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 reveals changes in the expression of proteins involved in virulence, stress and energy metabolism Surface expression, singlechannel analysis and membrane topology of recombinant Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden markov model: application to complete genomes A hidden markov model for predicting transmembrane helices in protein sequences A semi-empirical method for prediction of antigenic determinants on protein antigens New hydrophilicity scale derived from high-performance liquid chromatography peptide retention data: correlation of predicted surface residues with antigenicity and x-ray-derived accessible sites Toward the estimation of the absolute quality of individual protein structure models The rin: an rna integrity number for assigning integrity values to rna measurements Gene expression omnibus: Protein expression, lysis, and spotting of fulllength proteins were performed as described above. keywords: 37uc; a.u; addition; alanine; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigens; approach; bacterial; barrel; beta; binding; buffer; cdna; cells; chamber; channel; clones; cloning; coli; consensus; control; cycles; derived; detection; diagnostic; different; enterica; epitope; expression; figure; following; fusion; gavvalsttfa; giafgavelfd; high; homology; identification; igg; immunodominant; immunogenic; incubation; infections; instructions; intensities; intensity; jejuni; kit; klebsiella; kpn_00363; kpn_00459; kpn_00466; length; libraries; library; linear; manufacturer; mapping; mean; median; membrane; method; microarray; min; model; negative; normalized; novel; number; original; pcr; peptides; plates; pneumoniae; polyclonal; position; positive; potential; predicted; primer; proteins; rabbit; reaction; reactive; reference; residues; rna; room; samples; screening; secondary; selected; sequence; signal; significant; slides; smarter; species; specificity; structure; suitable; swiss; temperature; threonine; total; valine; value cache: cord-001435-ebl8yc92.txt plain text: cord-001435-ebl8yc92.txt item: #22 of 974 id: cord-001455-n7quwr4s author: Rapin, Noreen title: Activation of Innate Immune-Response Genes in Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) Infected with the Fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans date: 2014-11-12 words: 3724 flesch: 45 summary: Although damage caused by the fungus is restricted to the superficial skin, infected bats clearly show signs of systemic physiological perturbation such as dehydration, hypovolemia and metabolic acidosis [24] . Infected bats arouse from torpor more frequently than uninfected bats [25, 26] possibly leading to emaciation. keywords: 95uc; bacterial; bats; cathelicidin; cells; cytokine; dct; destructans; disease; expression; factor; fungal; fungus; genes; hibernating; higher; human; hyphae; il10; immune; increase; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; innate; levels; little; lucifugus; lungs; myotis; neutrophils; nose; pathogens; pcr; primers; products; protein; qrt; response; results; role; samples; scores; sequences; skin; species; specific; stress; syndrome; synthesis; tissues; tnfa; torpor; transcripts; viruses; white; wing cache: cord-001455-n7quwr4s.txt plain text: cord-001455-n7quwr4s.txt item: #23 of 974 id: cord-001521-l36f1gp7 author: None title: Oral and Poster Manuscripts date: 2011-04-08 words: 183853 flesch: 46 summary: The concept that swine are a mixing-vessel for the reassortment of influenza viruses and for the emergence of pandemic influenza viruses has been re-enforced by the emergence of the recent pandemic. This study was supported by Contract HHSN266200700005C from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Pigs have been considered as hypothetical 'mixing vessels' facilitating the genesis of pandemic influenza viruses. keywords: 0ae05; 0ae1; 2ae5; a(h1n1; a(h1n1)2009 influenza; a(h1n1)2009 virus; a549; ability; absence; absorbance; account; acid; activation; activity; acute; acute influenza; adaptation; addition; address; adjuvant; administration; admission; adults; aerosol; af03; affected; affinity; age; aged; agents; agonists; ah1pdm influenza; aim; airway; allantoic; alveolar; amantadine; american; amino; amplification; analysis; animal influenza; animals; antibodies; antibody; antibody response; antigens; antisera; antiviral; aoe ⁄; apoptosis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; april; area; asia ⁄; assay; assessment; associated; association; attenuated; australia; available; average; avian; avian h5n1; avian viruses; b virus; b viruses; b ⁄; background; bacterial; bacterial infection; balb ⁄; baseline; basic; beginning; best; beta; better; binding; biological; biosystems; birds; block; blood; brain; broad; buffer; burden; c ⁄; cam; candidates; capacity; care; cartography; cases; cause; cd4; cd8; cdc; cdna; cell culture; cells; cellular; centers; centre; century; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemiluminescent; chicken; children; china; chronic; circulation; clade; classical; clear; cleavage; clinical; clinical influenza; clinical samples; close; closure; clusters; cm2; coated; cohort; cold; collection; combination; combined; commercial; committee; common; communication; community; comparable; comparison; complete; composition; compounds; concentration; conditions; confidence; confirmation; confirmed; conserved; considered; consistent; contact; containment; content; continued; contrast; control; convalescent; conventional; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cost; cough; countries; course; coverage; cpe; cpmp ⁄; criteria; critical; cross; cs-8958; culture; current; curve; cycle; cystus052; cytokine; cytopathic; d151d ⁄; d222; daily; data; database; dataset; days; death; december; decision; decrease; department; dependent; design; detailed; detection; determination; determined; development; diagnostic; differences; different influenza; different virus; difficult; diluted; dilutions; direct; disease; distance; distinct; distribution; djibouti; dk ⁄; domain; domestic; donor; donor virus; dose; dpi; drift; drug; ducks; dynamics; earlier; early; economic; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; eggs; eid; elderly; elevated; elisa; embryos; emergence; end; endothelial; england; enhanced; entry; enzyme; epidemics; epidemiological; epidemiology; epithelial; epithelial cells; erk1 ⁄; essential; established; estimates; estimation; eurasian ⁄; european; events; evidence; evolution; evolutionary; example; existing; expected; experienced; experiments; exposed; exposure; expression; extended; extent; extraction; factors; failure; family; farms; fast; fatal; female; ferrets; fever; field; figure; final; findings; fitness; flow; flu virus; fluid; fluor; fold; following; fragments; france; free; fujian ⁄; function; furin; future; genbank; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genotypes; geographic; geometric; germany; global influenza; glycosylation; gmt; good; government; greater; grog; group; grown; growth; guinea; h1n1 influenza; h1n1 laiv; h1n1 vaccine; h1n1 virus; h1n1pdm; h1n1pdm virus; h1n2; h274y virus; h275y; h2n2; h5n1 disease; h5n1 infection; h5n1 viruses; h5n2; h6n1; h7n3; h9 virus; h9n2; ha gene; hai; hand; hbc; health; healthcare; hemagglutinin; herd; high; higher; higher virus; highest; history; hoc; home; homologous; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; household; hpai virus; human cases; human cells; human h1n1; human infection; human influenza; human pandemic; human population; human respiratory; human seasonal; human transmission; human virus; humans; hypothesis; iar; iav ⁄; identical; identification; ifn; igg; igv; igy; iii; ili; illness; immune; immunity; immunization; immunized; immunogenicity; immunological; immunomodulatory; immunotherapy; impact; implementation; important; improved; inactivated influenza; inactivated virus; incidence; increased; index; individuals; induced; induction; infa; infants; infb; infected; infected cells; infection control; infections; infectious viruses; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza a(h1n1)v; influenza a(h3n2; influenza activity; influenza antigenic; influenza c; influenza cases; influenza community; influenza control; influenza data; influenza diagnosis; influenza disease; influenza environment; influenza epidemic; influenza genetic; influenza genome; influenza illness; influenza infection; influenza influenza; influenza isolates; influenza negative; influenza neuraminidase; influenza outbreaks; influenza patients; influenza peak; influenza pneumonia; influenza positive; influenza progenitor; influenza programme; influenza rapid; influenza reference; influenza replication; influenza research; influenza samples; influenza scenario; influenza scientists; influenza sequences; influenza strains; influenza study; influenza surveillance; influenza symptoms; influenza therapy; influenza transmission; influenza vaccination; influenza vaccine; influenza virus; influenza world; information; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injury; innate; inoculated; inoculation; institute; intensive; interactions; interest; internal; international; intervention; intranasal; introduction influenza; investigation; invitrogen; iowa ⁄; irf3; islands ⁄; isolated; italy; japan; jersey ⁄; july; june; kazakhstan; kidney; kinetics; kit; knowledge; known; kong influenza; kong ⁄; laboratories; laboratory; lack; laiv; laninamivir; large; later; lead; length; lethal; levels; lg ⁄; light; like; like viruses; likelihood; likely; limited; lineage influenza; lineages; lines; little; live; live virus; load; local; log; london; long; loss; low; low virus; lower; lung; lung virus; m2e; macrophages; major; majority; males; mallard ⁄; management; manufacturer; map; markers; mask; mass; materials; matrix; maximum; mdck; mdck cells; mdck33016pf; mds; mdv; mean; measures; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; mek ⁄; mem ⁄; members; membrane; memory; method; mf59; mg ⁄; mice; mid; migratory; mild; minimal; ministry; minor; minutes; missing; mitigation; mitochondrial; mixed; model; modified; moi; molecular; mongolia; monitoring; monoclonal; months; morbidity; mortality; motif; mouse; mrna; mspl ⁄; mucosal; multiple; munana; mutant; mutant virus; mutation; nai; nais; nasal; nasopharyngeal; national influenza; natural; naïve; near; necessary; need; negative; network; neutralizing; new pandemic; new virus; nhs; nibrg-23; nl ⁄; non; normal; north; nose; note; novel h1n1; novel influenza; novel pandemic; novel virus; november; nucleotide; number; observation; observed; october; ohio ⁄; old; onset; optimal; options; order; organization; organs; origin h1n1; origin influenza; original; original virus; origins; oseltamivir; osv; outcome; outliers; overall; paediatric influenza; palmitoylation; pandemic alert; pandemic flu; pandemic h1n1; pandemic influenza; pandemic laiv; pandemic patients; pandemic period; pandemic potential; pandemic response; pandemic scenario; pandemic seasonal; pandemic strains; pandemic surveillance; pandemic vaccination; pandemic vaccine; pandemic virus; pandemic wave; pandemics; panel; par2; parameters; parental; parents; partial; participants; particles; particular; passages; passive; past; pathogenesis; pathogenic influenza; pathogenicity; pathogens; pathway; patients; patterns; pb1; pb2; pbs; pc5 ⁄; pcr; pdmh1n1; pdmh1n1 virus; peak; people; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; persons; petersburg ⁄; pfu ⁄; ph1n1 influenza; phase; phenotype; phylogenetic; pigs; placebo; planning; plaque; plasma; plates; pneumonia; point; policy; polymerase; pool; poor; population; position; possibility; possible; post; post infection; potential; potsdam ⁄; poultry; pr8 virus; practice; preparation; prepared; preparedness; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; previous influenza; primary; primary influenza; primer; prior; priority; probability; probe; procedures; process; processing; proct; products; profile; program; proliferation; properties; prophylaxis; proportion; proteases; protection; protein; protocol; province; public; public health; pulmonary; purified; qiagen; quality; quantitative; raf ⁄; random; randomized; range; rate; rcm2; reaction; reactive; real; reassortant viruses; reassortants; reassortment; recent; receptor; recombinant; recombinant influenza; recombinant viruses; recovered; recovery; reduced; reduction; reference; region; regional; registered; regression; regulation; related; relative; relevant; reliable; replicate; reported; reporting; reports; representative; require; requirements; research; residents; residue; resistance; resistant influenza; resistant pandemic; resistant virus; respirators; respiratory viruses; response; responsible; results; reverse; review; rhinovirus; rise; risk; rna; role; route; routine; rrt; russian; safety; samples; sampling; sandwich; sari; sc75741; scale; scenarios; school; screening; seasonal h1n1; seasonal influenza; seasonal viruses; seasons; second; secondary; segments; selection; selective; self; sensing; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; september; sequence; sequencing; sera; serial; series; seroconversion; serological; seroprevalence; seroprotection; serum; service; settings; severe influenza; severity; shedding; short; siga; signaling; significant; signs; similar; simulation; single; site; size; small; social; software; solution; southern; spanish influenza; species; specific; specificity; specimens; splicing; spread; staff; stage; standard; states; statistical; step; stool; strategies; strategy; stream; strong; structure; students; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; substantial; substitution; substrate; subtype influenza; subtype viruses; subtypes; suitable; summer; summer influenza; supernatants; supply; support; surface; survey; survival; susceptibility; susceptible; suspension; sw ⁄; swabs; swine h1n1; swine influenza; swine viruses; swine ⁄; symptomatic; symptoms; syncytial virus; syndrome; syndromic; synthesized; system; systematic; t cells; t ⁄; table; taiwan; target; tcid; technique; technology; temperature; temporal; terms; tested; testing; tests; th1; therapeutic; therapy; threshold; throat; time; time pcr; tissue; titres; tlr3; tm influenza; tnf; tools; topics; total; tract; transcription; transmissibility; transport; treatment; trees; trend; triple; trivalent influenza; tropism; trypsin; ts ⁄; type virus; u ⁄; uncoated; underlying; understanding; unique; united; universal influenza; university; upper; usa; useful; vaccinated; vaccine production; vaccine strain; vaccines; values; variable; variants; vhhb; vhhm ⁄; vii; viral; virion; virulence; virus activity; virus antigen; virus cell; virus challenge; virus clinical; virus concentrations; virus culture; virus dilutions; virus gene; virus group; virus growth; virus hemagglutinin; virus infection; virus infectivity; virus interactions; virus isolation; virus lineages; virus m2; virus medium; virus neuraminidase; virus ns1; virus outbreak; virus particles; virus pb1; virus positive; virus production; virus propagation; virus replication; virus rna; virus stocks; virus strains; virus surveillance; virus titers; virus titration; virus transmission; virus vaccine; virus yield; virus ⁄; viruses; vitro; vivo; volume; volunteers; washes; waterfowl; wave; week; weekly; weight; widespread; wild; winter; work; world; worldwide; wt virus; wuhan ⁄; xtd; years; york ⁄; young; younger; zanamivir; zoonotic; ‡1:40; ⁄ brisbane; ⁄ bwp; ⁄ california; ⁄ chick; ⁄ cj; ⁄ crow; ⁄ denmark; ⁄ dl; ⁄ dm; ⁄ equine; ⁄ erk; ⁄ fj; ⁄ fpv; ⁄ gd; ⁄ genoa; ⁄ golgi; ⁄ guangdong; ⁄ h1n1; ⁄ h3n2; ⁄ h5n1; ⁄ hamburg; ⁄ hk; ⁄ hok; ⁄ hong; ⁄ igg1; ⁄ js; ⁄ korea; ⁄ lee; ⁄ leningrad; ⁄ ll; ⁄ m-12; ⁄ mexico; ⁄ ml; ⁄ nepal; ⁄ netherlands; ⁄ new; ⁄ ns1; ⁄ ns2; ⁄ nt499; ⁄ oceanian; ⁄ ontario; ⁄ pacific; ⁄ panama; ⁄ penn; ⁄ pr8; ⁄ prague; ⁄ rostock; ⁄ sec; ⁄ st; ⁄ texas; ⁄ th2; ⁄ tmprss13; ⁄ turkey; ⁄ ulaanbaatar; ⁄ victoria; ⁄ vietnam; ⁄ w81; ⁄ wisconsin; ⁄ wsn; ⁄ wt; ⁄ yamagata cache: cord-001521-l36f1gp7.txt plain text: cord-001521-l36f1gp7.txt item: #24 of 974 id: cord-001655-uqw74ra0 author: Stenglein, Mark D. title: Widespread Recombination, Reassortment, and Transmission of Unbalanced Compound Viral Genotypes in Natural Arenavirus Infections date: 2015-05-20 words: 8113 flesch: 45 summary: In this case, snake arenavirus genotypes could be grouped into one or possibly more species. In all cases there were more L than S segment genotypes (Fig 4and S4 Fig). keywords: abundance; alignments; analysis; animals; arenavirus; assemblies; assembly; average; blood; body; boid; captive; cases; cells; complete; coverage; culture; dataset; detection; different; disease; distinct; diversity; evolution; example; experiments; fig; figs; fractional; genetic; genome; genotypes; high; identity; inclusion; individual; infected; infection; influenza; intergenic; isolation; l segment; levels; liver; mammalian; mapping; metagenomic; multiple; natural; new; novel; nucleotide; number; observed; pairs; pairwise; partial; particles; pcr; phylogenies; plates; positive; possible; present; primers; protein; qrt; reads; reassortment; recombinant; recombination; regions; related; replication; results; rna; samples; segment; sequences; sequencing; similar; single; sites; snake; software; species; strains; study; superinfection; supernatant; table; tissue; total; unbalanced; unusual; variant; version; viral; viral genotypes; virus; viruses; wild cache: cord-001655-uqw74ra0.txt plain text: cord-001655-uqw74ra0.txt item: #25 of 974 id: cord-001762-dtvzwin8 author: Jeong, Joojin title: Development of a Rapid Detection Method for Potato virus X by Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification date: 2015-09-30 words: 2859 flesch: 45 summary: RT-LAMP PCR, one of the variants of LAMP PCR, has been used for the diagnosis of plant RNA viruses (Ju, 2011; Nie, 2005) . Diagnosis and control of cereal viruses in the Middle East A sensitive and reliable RT-nested PCR assay for detection of Citrus tristeza Virus from naturally infected Citrus plants Simultaneous detection of potato viruses, PLRV, PVA, PVX and PVY from dormant potato tubers by TaqMan real-time RT-PCR Emerging infectious diseases of plants: pathogen pollution, climate change and agrotechnological drivers Sensitive and rapid detection of peach latent mosaic viroid by the reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification Visual detection of turkey coronavirus RNA in tissues and feces by reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) with hydroxynaphthol blue dye Characteristics of the microplate method of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses Biological, Serological and molecular diagnosis of three major potato viruses in Egypt Requirement of sense transcription for homology-dependent virus resistance and trans-inactivation Development of immunocapture reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of Tomato spotted wilt virus from chrysanthemum Climate change effects on plant disease: genomes and ecosystems Immunocapture reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction combined with nested PCR greatly increases the detection of Prunus necrotic ring spot virus in the peach Enhanced detection of Prune dwarf virus in peach leaves by immunocapture-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction with nested polymerase chain Reaction (IC-RT-PCR Nested PCR) Simple and rapid detection of Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) Further studies on resistance -breaking strains of Potato virus X Detection of important plant viruses in In vitro regenerated potato plants by Double antibody sandwich method of ELISA Rapid detection of squash leaf curl virus by loop-mediated isothermal amplification Molecular diagnosis of plant viruses Estimation of vector propensity for Lettuce mosaic virus based on viral detection in single aphids A single tube, quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay that detects four potato viruses simultaneously Accelerated reaction by loop-mediated isothermal amplification using loop primers Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA for detection of Potato virus Y Loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA New device and method for capture, reverse transcription, and nested PCR in a single closed-tube Rapid detection and differentiation of Dengue virus serotypes by a real-time reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay a new generation of innovative gene amplification technique perspectives in clinical diagnosis of infectious diseases Agroinfiltration-based Potato virus X replicons to dissect the requirements of viral infection Primerdirected enzymatic amplification of DNA with a thermostable DNA polymerase Reverse transcription loo-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) for rapid detection of viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHS) Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) of gene sequences and simple visual detection of product Development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for specific and rapid detection of camelpox virus in clinical samples Development of a Rapid Detection Method for PVX by RT Potato viruses in China Detection of Roundup ready soybean by loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with a lateral-flow dipstick Detection of mix-infected potato viruses with multiplex RT-PCR Diagnosis of plant viral pathogens One-step detection of Bean pod mottle virus in soybean seed by the reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification keywords: amplification; assay; concentration; detection; diagnosis; diseases; dna; dntps; fig; infected; isothermal; lamp; light; loop; method; min; pcr; plant; potato; primers; products; pvx; rapid; reaction; real; reverse; rna; sensitivity; sets; specificity; step; study; time; transcription; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-001762-dtvzwin8.txt plain text: cord-001762-dtvzwin8.txt item: #26 of 974 id: cord-001787-lj1nd922 author: Liu, Ying title: Enhancing production of ergosterol in Pichia pastoris GS115 by over-expression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase from Glycyrrhiza uralensis date: 2014-04-02 words: 3130 flesch: 48 summary: The level of ergosterol in all recombinant P. pastoris strains was 1.07-2.51 times higher than in the negative control but with increase in the copy number of GuHMGR gene; the content of ergosterol showed an increasing-decreasingincreasing pattern. Arg 3-hydroxyl-3-methylglutary coenzyme A reductase 1 in tobacco results in sterolover production Cloning and characterization of a novel 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase gene from Salvia miltiorrhiza involved in diterpenoid tanshinone accumulation Short protocols in molecular biology Researches on the influences of CNVs of functional genes HMGR, SQS and β-AS on their expression in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Isolation of the Pichia Pastoris glyceradehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene and regulation and use of its promoter Mechanism of genuineness of liquorice Glycyrrhiza uralensis based on CNVs of HMGR, SQS1 and β-AS gene Researches on the influence of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutary-coenzyme A reductase gene polymorphism on catalytic efficiency of its encode enzyme in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Analysis on correlation between 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutary-coenzyme A reductase gene polymorphism of Glycyrrhiza uralensis and content of glycyrrhizic acid Copy number variations (CNVs) identified in Korean individuals Global variation in copy number in the human genome Copy number variants and genetic traits: closer to the resolution of phenotypic to genotypic variability Relative impact of nucleotide and copy number variation on gene expression phenotypes Mechanisms of change in gene copy number Increasing morphinan alkaloid production by over-expressing codeinone reductase in transgenic Papaver somniferum The regulation of K þ influx into roots of rye (secale cereale L.) seedlings by negative feedback via the K þ flux from shoot to root in the phloem This work was supported by the National Natural Science foundation of China (81072988). keywords: acid; analysis; biosynthesis; cnv; coa; content; control; copies; copy; different; enzyme; ergosterol; expression; extension; fig; gap; gene; glycyrrhiza; gs115; guhmgr; guhmgr gene; methylglutaryl; min; negative; number; pastoris; pcr; ppic9k; primer; production; recombinant; reductase; results; standard; strains; studies; time; transgenic; uralensis cache: cord-001787-lj1nd922.txt plain text: cord-001787-lj1nd922.txt item: #27 of 974 id: cord-001843-ceatyj3o author: Huang, Yong title: Ultrasensitive Detection of RNA and DNA Viruses Simultaneously Using Duplex UNDP-PCR Assay date: 2015-11-06 words: 5196 flesch: 45 summary: The sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of the UNDP-PCR assay for TGEV TGEV genomic RNA was extracted using RNA Kit and reverse transcribed to synthesize cDNA. Therefore, a UNDP-PCR method for RNA virus TGEV needs to be established first. keywords: assay; aunps; buffer; capture; china; coated; conventional; copies; csfv; detection; different; dna; duplex; duplex pcr; duplex undp; fig; functionalized; genomic; gold; infection; magnetic; method; mixed; mmps; nanoparticles; oligonucleotides; pcr; pcr assay; pcv2; pedv; pigs; porcine; positive; ppv; preclinical; probes; prrsv; rapid; reaction; results; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; serum; single; specific; specificity; strain; study; swine; tgev; time; undp; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-001843-ceatyj3o.txt plain text: cord-001843-ceatyj3o.txt item: #28 of 974 id: cord-001858-nmi39n6h author: Petriccione, Milena title: Reference gene selection for normalization of RT-qPCR gene expression data from Actinidia deliciosa leaves infected with Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae date: 2015-11-19 words: 5577 flesch: 42 summary: Reference genes selection and normalization of oxidative stress responsive genes upon different temperature stress conditions in Hypericum perforatum L Reference gene selection for quantitative real-time PCR analysis in virus infected cells: SARS corona virus,Yellow fever virus, Human Herpesvirus-6, Camelpox virus and Cytomegalovirus infections Biphasic haustorial differentiation of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix race II) associated with defence responses in resistant and susceptible coffee cultivars Validation of reference genes for RT-qPCR normalization in common bean during biotic and abiotic stresses Reference gene selection for qPCR gene expression analysis of rust-infected wheat Validation of reference genes for gene expression studies in virus-infected Nicotiana benthamiana using quantitative real-time PCR Assessment of reference gene stability influenced by extremely divergent disease symptoms in Solanum lycopersicum L Reactive oxygen and oxidative stress tolerance in plant pathogenic Pseudomonas The antioxidant systems vis à vis reactive oxygen species during plant-pathogen interaction Selected reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes in common bean after Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Botrytis cinerea infection Identification of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae as causal agent of bacterial canker of yellow kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planchon) in Central Italy Molecular and phenotypic features of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae isolated during recent epidemics of bacterial canker of yellow kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) in central Italy Isolation of total RNA from tissues rich in polyphenols and polysaccharides of mangrove plants Guideline to reference gene selection for quantitative real-time PCR Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2 −ΔΔCt method This work was financed by the Regione Campania Programme under the grant agreement UR.CO. seedlings using serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) Selection and validation of reference genes for quantitative gene expression studies by real-time PCR in eggplant (Solanum melongena L) Reference gene validation for quantitative RT-PCR during biotic and abiotic stresses in Vitis vinifera Selection of reference genes for expression studies in Cicer arietinum L.: analysis of cyp81E3 gene expression against Ascochyta rabiei Normalisation of real-time RT-PCR gene expression measurements in Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to increased metal concentrations Analysis of qPCR reference gene stability determination methods and a practical approach for efficiency calculation on a turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) gonad dataset Identification and validation of reference genes for normalization of transcripts from virus-infected Arabidopsis thaliana Reference gene selection for quantitative real-time PCR normalization in Caragana intermedia under different abiotic stress conditions The choice of reference genes for assessing gene expression in sugarcane under salinity and drought stresses Identification of a novel reference gene for apple transcriptional profiling under postharvest conditions keywords: actinidiae; algorithms; analysis; apx; bacterial; bestkeeper; candidate; cat; comparison; conditions; data; dataset; deliciosa; deltact; different; dose; dpi; expression; fig; gapdh; gene expression; genes; genorm; groups; high; infected; infection; inoculated; inoculation; inoculum; kiwifruit; leaf; leaves; levels; low; method; normalization; normfinder; pathogen; pathosystem; pcr; plant; pp2a; psa; pseudomonas; qpcr; quantitative; ranking; real; reference; reference genes; results; rgs; rna; selection; sod; stability; stable; statistical; studies; study; syringae; target; time; total; transcript; tub; validation; values; virus cache: cord-001858-nmi39n6h.txt plain text: cord-001858-nmi39n6h.txt item: #29 of 974 id: cord-001891-5op0yss9 author: Gordon, Julian title: A simple novel device for air sampling by electrokinetic capture date: 2015-12-27 words: 4159 flesch: 45 summary: In addition, a variety of air sampling methods have been applied to the airborne transmission of disease [19] [20] [21] 1 sample capture with a random sample of air (bathroom of Table 1 ) and examined the size distribution of captured particles by atomic force microscopy. keywords: aerobiome; aerosol; air; airborne; allergens; amplicon; analysis; aspergillus; atomic; bacterial; capture; cartridges; collection; community; design; detectable; device; different; distribution; efficiency; electrodes; electrokinetic; environment; evaluation; fig; filter; final; flow; force; fungal; high; hospital; inspirotec; inspirotec sampler; ionic; manuscript; methods; microbial; microbiome; microscopy; min; mold; particles; pcr; penicillium; performance; primer; project; propulsion; qpcr; quantitative; range; reference; results; run; sampler; sampling; section; sequencing; significant; size; species; spore; standard; study; surface; table; technical; technology; time; use; variability; volume cache: cord-001891-5op0yss9.txt plain text: cord-001891-5op0yss9.txt item: #30 of 974 id: cord-001932-sklwt76a author: Cunningham, Scott A. title: Rapid PCR Detection of Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and Ureaplasma parvum date: 2013-03-11 words: 2775 flesch: 43 summary: Ureaplasma PCR detected 139/144 Ureaplasma culture-positive specimens, as well as 9 that were culture negative (sensitivity, 96.5%; specificity, 93.6%). 283 genitourinary specimens received in the clinical bacteriology laboratory for M. hominis and Ureaplasma species culture were evaluated. keywords: assay; atcc; center; clinical; colonies; culture; days; described; detection; gene; genital; genitourinary; hominis; infections; isolates; laboratory; lightcycler; m. hominis; method; multiplex; mycoplasma; negative; parvum; pcr; positive; results; samples; sensitivity; species; specificity; specimens; study; swabs; table; time; urealyticum; ureaplasma; women cache: cord-001932-sklwt76a.txt plain text: cord-001932-sklwt76a.txt item: #31 of 974 id: cord-002178-ggtxuulg author: Mauk, Michael G. title: Integrated Microfluidic Nucleic Acid Isolation, Isothermal Amplification, and Amplicon Quantification date: 2015-10-20 words: 5757 flesch: 32 summary: Figure 2 shows the results for plasma samples spiked with three different concentrations of HIV virons plus a negative control, indicating a LOD (limit of detection) of 350 copies per mL of plasma sample. These instruments cost over $100,000 and their use is restricted to modern clinical laboratory facilities. Self-contained, fully integrated biochip for sample preparation, polymerase chain reaction amplification, and DNA microarray detection Monitoring systems and quantitative measurement of biomolecules for the management of trauma Microfluidic technology for molecular diagnostics Advances in microfluidic PCR for point-of-care infectious disease diagnostics Antibody production, design and use for biosensor-based applications Point-of-care diagnostics: An advancing sector with nontechnical issues Present technology and future trends in point-of-care microfluidic diagnostics Point-of-care technologies for molecular diagnostics using a drop of blood A handheld flow genetic analysis system (FGAS): Towards rapid, sensitive, quantitative and multiplex molecular diagnosis at the point-of-care level Smartphones for cell and biomolecular detection Microfluidic chip for molecular amplification of influenza A RNA in human respiratory specimens Miniaturized nucleic acid amplification systems for rapid and point-of-care diagnostics: A review Anal Chim Advances in developing HIV-1 viral load assays for resource-limited settings Elevating sampling Rapid development of nucleic acid diagnostics Point of care technologies for HIV Isothermal nucleic acid amplification technologies for point-of-care diagnostics: A critical review An isothermal amplification reactor with an integrated isolation membrane for point-of-care detection of infectious diseases Simultaneous quantification of multiple food-and waterborne pathogens by use of microfluidic quantitative PCR Lab-on-a-chip pathogen sensors for food safety A handheld point-of-care genomic diagnostic system Application of microfluidics in waterborne pathogen monitoring: A review Point-of-care diagnostics for ricin exposure A lab-on-a-chip for detection of nerve agent sarin in blood Capturing cancer: Emerging microfluidic technologies for the capture and characterization of circulating tumor cells Point-of-care rare cell cancer diagnostics Microfluidics for research and applications in oncology Nucleic-acid testing, new platforms and nanotechnology for point-of-decision diagnosis of animal pathogens A microfluidic technique for quantification of steroids in core needle biopsies Microfluidic biosensor for β-Hydroxybutyrate (βHBA) determination of subclinical ketosis diagnosis Microfluidics for food, agriculture and biosystems industries A low-cost microfluidic chip for rapid genotyping of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes A microfluidic platform to isolate avian erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium gallinaceum malaria parasites based on surface morphological changes Simultaneous detection of C-reactive protein and other cardiac markers in human plasma using micromosaic immunoassays and self-regulating microfluidic networks Microfluidic chips for immunoassays Rapid development of real-time RT-PCR assays and positive controls in response to emerging coronavirus 2012 A novel thermostable polymerase for RNA and DNA loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) keywords: acid; amplicon; amplification; analysis; applications; benchtop; binding; blood; camera; care; ccd; cells; cellulose; chamber; chip; column; concentration; conduit; control; cost; design; detection; devices; diagnostics; diffusion; dna; enzymatic; example; extraction; figure; flow; fluorescence; food; free; functions; hiv; immunoassays; integrated; isolation; isothermal; laboratory; lamp; load; lyophilized; lysis; membrane; microarrays; microfluidic; molecular; monitoring; naats; nas; need; nucleic; operation; pcr; phase; plasma; poc; point; polymerase; porous; primers; process; processing; quantification; rapid; reaction; reagents; real; region; results; reverse; rna; sample; silica; smartphone; specific; systems; target; temperature; template; tests; time; use; viral; volume; water cache: cord-002178-ggtxuulg.txt plain text: cord-002178-ggtxuulg.txt item: #32 of 974 id: cord-002376-970934vm author: Mikel, Pavel title: Preparation of MS2 Phage-Like Particles and Their Use As Potential Process Control Viruses for Detection and Quantification of Enteric RNA Viruses in Different Matrices date: 2016-12-01 words: 6588 flesch: 39 summary: The present article describes the process of preparation and use of such PCV– MS2 phage-like particles (MS2 PLP) – in RT-qPCR detection and quantification of enteric RNA viruses. To evaluate the usefulness of MS2 PLP in routine diagnostics different matrices known to harbor enteric RNA viruses (swab samples, liver tissue, serum, feces, and vegetables) were artificially contaminated with specific amounts of MS2 PLP. keywords: agarose; analysis; armored; assay; bacteriophage; cell; coat; concentration; control; culture; data; detection; different; dna; efficiency; electrophoresis; enteric; et al; extraction; feces; fold; food; gel; hepatitis; high; human; iac; iso; isolated; isolation; kit; liver; matrices; method; min; ms2; ms2 plp; neb; non; norovirus; nucleic; number; particles; pcv; plp; plps; pmol; prepared; process; production; protein; qiagen; qpcr; qpcr detection; quantification; quantity; reaction; real; results; reverse; rna; rna viruses; rnase; samples; sequence; serum; specific; standard; swab; target; tem; time; tissue; transcription; viral; viruses cache: cord-002376-970934vm.txt plain text: cord-002376-970934vm.txt item: #33 of 974 id: cord-002399-z3in6bi2 author: FAZ, Mirna title: Reliability of clinical diagnosis and laboratory testing techniques currently used for identification of canine parvovirus enteritis in clinical settings date: 2016-11-06 words: 2594 flesch: 46 summary: A comparative study of a new rapid and one-step test for the detection of parvovirus in faeces from dogs, cats and mink Canine parvovirus Sensitive detection of canine parvovirus DNA by the nested polymerase chain reaction Evaluación de las pruebas diagnósticas Diagnostic performance of a rapid in-clinic test for the detection of Canine Parvovirus under different storage conditions and vaccination status A sensitive method to detect canine parvoviral DNA in faecal samples by nested polymerase chain reaction Parvovirus infection in domestic companion animals Genotyping of Canine parvovirus in western Mexico Molecular characterization of canine parvovirus in Brazil by polymerase chain reaction assay Canine parvoviral enteritis: a review of diagnosis, management, and prevention Influence of clinical and laboratory variables on faecal antigen ELISA results in dogs with canine parvovirus infection Uso de cuestionarios de investigación Biomarkers in canine parvovirus enteritis Although clinical signs of canine parvovirus infection may vary, the most common signs reported were: anorexia, depression, lethargy, fever keywords: --+; agreement; canine; clinical; detection; diagnosis; diarrhea; dna; dogs; immunochromatography; infection; kappa; leukopenia; min; negative; npcr; observed; parvovirus; patients; pcr; polymerase; positive; reaction; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; signs; study; technique; test; use; vaccinated; value; veterinary; viral; vomiting cache: cord-002399-z3in6bi2.txt plain text: cord-002399-z3in6bi2.txt item: #34 of 974 id: cord-002560-pue5q5wp author: Moreno, Paloma S. title: Characterisation of the canine faecal virome in healthy dogs and dogs with acute diarrhoea using shotgun metagenomics date: 2017-06-01 words: 5140 flesch: 47 summary: Our shotgun metagenomic sequence data indicated that the most frequent RNA viral family in dog samples with acute diarrhoea was Astroviridae, being identified in more than half of the diarrheal samples. Other dog sample had contigs/singletons similar to a canine kobuvirus (JN387133.1), covering 2.2% of complete genome. keywords: acute; acute diarrhoea; analysis; ancestor; animal; astroviridae; astrovirus; australia; bacterial; bacteriophages; canine; canine astrovirus; characterisation; common; complete; contigs; coronaviridae; coronavirus; database; detection; diarrhoea; different; dna; dogs; enteric; eukaryotic; faecal; faeces; families; family; fig; genome; group; healthy; healthy dogs; high; hits; human; infect; lowest; megan; metagenomic; minimum; new; number; orf2; organisms; parvovirus; pcr; phylogenetic; population; present; previous; quality; reads; reference; results; rna; samples; sequences; shelter; singletons; sispa; software; species; studies; study; table; total; viral; virome; viruses cache: cord-002560-pue5q5wp.txt plain text: cord-002560-pue5q5wp.txt item: #35 of 974 id: cord-002757-upwe0cpj author: Sullivan, Kathleen E. title: Emerging Infections and Pertinent Infections Related to Travel for Patients with Primary Immunodeficiencies date: 2017-08-07 words: 24227 flesch: 37 summary: Importantly, after a novel PIDD has been described, subsequent reports often reveal a wider variation in associated infections and cellular findings, often without clear genotype-phenotype correlations [320] [321] Human infection, called Cat Scratch Disease, is assumed to involve inoculation of Bartonella-infected flea feces into the skin during a cat scratch. keywords: acanthamoeba; acute; addition; adults; africa; agents; america; amphotericin; anaplasma; animals; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antimicrobial; areas; asia; aspergillus; associated; auris; azithromycin; azole; bacteria; balamuthia; bartonella; bcg; bite; blood; borrelia; brain; candida; candidiasis; card9; cases; cause; cell; central; cgd; change; chikungunya; children; chronic; climate; clinical; cns; combination; combined; common; complex; complications; concern; contact; contaminated; countries; country; cov; csf; culture; cutaneous; data; days; death; defects; deficiencies; deficiency; dengue; detection; development; diagnosis; different; direct; disease; disorders; distinct; distribution; doxycycline; drugs; early; ebola; efficacy; ehrlichia; emergence; encephalitis; endemic; enterovirus; environment; epidemic; epidemiology; europe; exposure; factors; family; fatal; features; febrile; fever; form; fowleri; fumigatus; function; fungal; fungi; gae; gata2; general; genetic; genus; geographic; global; granulomatous; group; guidelines; half; headache; health; hemorrhagic; henselae; hepatitis; high; higher; history; hiv; host; human; igm; illness; immune; immunity; immunocompetent; immunocompromised; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; impact; impaired; important; incidence; increase; incubation; individuals; infants; infected; infection; influenza; interferon; intravenous; invasive; isolated; laboratory; large; leishmania; leishmaniasis; lesions; like; limited; literature; live; living; local; lyme; major; malaria; management; mandrillaris; manifestations; measles; melioidosis; meningoencephalitis; merkel; mers; methods; mild; molecular; months; mortality; mosquitoes; mucosal; multiple; mutations; naegleria; natural; negative; nervous; new; nile; non; novel; ntm; number; onset; oral; organ; organism; outbreaks; parasites; pathogen; patients; patterns; pcr; people; period; pertussis; phase; phenotypes; pidd; pidd patients; plasma; plasmodium; pneumonia; polio; population; positive; present; presentation; prevention; primary; products; prolonged; prophylaxis; protein; pulmonary; range; rare; rash; rates; recent; recipients; regions; relapsing; related; renal; reported; reports; reservoir; resistance; respiratory; response; results; review; rifampin; risk; rodents; sars; scid; secondary; section; serologic; severe; severe disease; severity; similar; single; skin; small; south; species; specific; spectrum; spp; spread; stage; stat1; states; strains; studies; study; susceptibility; susceptible; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; table; term; testing; therapy; tick; transmission; transplantation; travel; travelers; treatment; trophozoites; type; uncommon; unique; usa; vaccination; vaccine; variable; vector; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; visceral; vomiting; water; weeks; west; world; worldwide; xla; years; yellow; young; zika; zoonotic cache: cord-002757-upwe0cpj.txt plain text: cord-002757-upwe0cpj.txt item: #36 of 974 id: cord-002795-i1qcanti author: Yang, Jing title: Development of a Quantitative Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for the Rapid Detection of Novel Goose Parvovirus date: 2017-12-12 words: 3143 flesch: 46 summary: In addition, LAMP has been considered as a time-saving, lowcost, highly specific and sensitive method (Chotiwan et al., 2017) , which can be completed within 60 min under condition of constant temperature, and it has been established to detect GPV, Muscovy duck parvovirus (MDPV), porcine parvovirus (PPV), canine parvovirus (CPV), and others targeting at VP gene (Cho et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2009; Ji et al., 2010; JinLong et al., 2010) . Specificity of this method was determined by GPV and other duckorigin viruses, such as duck plague virus, duck tembusu virus, duck hepatitis virus, duck reovirus, Muscovy duck parvovirus, and H9N2-AIV. keywords: amplification; analysis; assay; china; clinical; copies/µl; detection; dilutions; dna; duck; evagreen; figure; gel; gene; good; goose; gpv; green; high; isolation; isothermal; loop; method; min; muscovy; novel; origin; parvovirus; pathogen; pcr; plasmid; primers; qlamp; quantitative; rapid; reaction; real; results; samples; sensitivity; specificity; strain; system; test; time; vp3 cache: cord-002795-i1qcanti.txt plain text: cord-002795-i1qcanti.txt item: #37 of 974 id: cord-002852-m4l2l2r1 author: Munyua, Peninah M. title: Detection of influenza A virus in live bird markets in Kenya, 2009–2011 date: 2012-04-19 words: 3993 flesch: 55 summary: Background Surveillance for influenza viruses within live bird markets (LBMs) has been recognized as an effective tool for detecting circulating avian influenza viruses (AIVs). In Sub‐Saharan Africa, limited data exist on AIVs in animal hosts, and in Kenya the presence of influenza virus in animal hosts has not been described. keywords: aivs; avian; avian influenza; birds; cages; chickens; cloacal; data; days; detection; district; ducks; environmental; geese; h5n1; influenza; influenza virus; kariokor; kenya; lbms; live; markets; number; nyambari; oropharyngeal; pathogenic; pcr; population; positive; poultry; presence; province; rate; rna; rt rt; species; specimens; study; surveillance; swabs; table; time; transmission; turkeys; virus; viruses; visit cache: cord-002852-m4l2l2r1.txt plain text: cord-002852-m4l2l2r1.txt item: #38 of 974 id: cord-003047-3ejfxj6r author: Bai, Jianfa title: Comparison data of a two-target real-time PCR assay with and without an internal control in detecting Salmonella enterica from cattle lymph nodes date: 2018-04-22 words: 1095 flesch: 49 summary: A multiplex real-time PCR assay, based on invA and pagC genes, for the detection and quantification of Salmonella enterica from cattle lymph nodes Detection of Helicobacter pylori in stool samples of young children using realtime polymerase chain reaction A one step quantitative RT-PCR for detection of SARS coronavirus with an internal control for PCR inhibitors Interlaboratory validation for a real-time PCR Salmonella detection method using the ABI 7500 FAST real-time PCR system A multiplexed droplet digital PCR assay performs better than qPCR on inhibition prone samples Efficacy of a salmonella siderophore receptor protein vaccine on fecal shedding and lymph node carriage of Salmonella in commercial feedlot cattle Microbiological analysis of bovine lymph nodes for the detection of Salmonella enterica Data was generated by the duplex qPCR assay on 138 enriched cattle lymph node samples without the internal control, and compared with data on the same samples tested by the triplex qPCR assay that has the 18S rRNA gene as internal control. keywords: 18s; assay; cattle; control; data; detection; duplex; gene; internal; lymph; qpcr; real; rrna; salmonella; samples; time; triplex cache: cord-003047-3ejfxj6r.txt plain text: cord-003047-3ejfxj6r.txt item: #39 of 974 id: cord-003505-qr6ukfti author: Tabraue-Chávez, Mavys title: A colorimetric strategy based on dynamic chemistry for direct detection of Trypanosomatid species date: 2019-03-06 words: 5671 flesch: 45 summary: Briefly, abasic PNA probes, PNA 1 and PNA 2 were designed in order to hybridize efficiently with the amplified single strand sense DNA, with the important particularity that the abasic positions in the PNA probes are opposing the nucleobases under interrogation. 3B , the Spin-Tube consists of: (i) a centrifuge collection tube; (ii) an internal column for the assay; (iii) a nylon membrane (pre-spotted with abasic PNA probes) immobilized onto the bottom of the column via a plastic pressure ring (iv). keywords: abasic; abasic pna; acid; amplicon; amplification; analysis; array; assay; base; biotin; blood; blot; blue; capillary; chemistry; clinical; colorimetric; column; complementary; cruzi; detection; development; diagnosis; different; direct; disease; dna; dot; dynamic; electrophoresis; fig; free; gdna; guanidine; human; incorporation; intensity; leishmaniasis; major; membranes; minutes; molecular; nucleic; nylon; parasite; pcr; pna; pna probes; position; pre; primers; probes; products; protocol; reaction; results; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequence; signal; single; singleplex; smart; snf; sodium; species; specificity; spin; step; study; target; template; time; tool; trypanosomatid; tube; use; water; cache: cord-003505-qr6ukfti.txt plain text: cord-003505-qr6ukfti.txt item: #40 of 974 id: cord-003850-in7he5o4 author: Xiu, Leshan title: Simultaneous detection of eleven sexually transmitted agents using multiplexed PCR coupled with MALDI-TOF analysis date: 2019-08-28 words: 5481 flesch: 36 summary: Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines Serological investigation of the role of selected sexually transmitted infections in the aetiology of ectopic pregnancy Opportunities and pitfalls of molecular testing for detecting sexually transmitted pathogens Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae by enzyme immunoassay, culture, and three nucleic acid amplification tests Evaluation of laboratory testing methods for Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the era of nucleic acid amplification Polymerase chain reaction for detection of herpes simplex virus (HSV) DNA on mucosal surfaces: comparison with HSV isolation in cell culture Laboratory diagnosis and interpretation of tests for syphilis Multiplex PCR testing for nine different sexually transmitted infections Evaluation of conventional and real-time PCR assays using two targets for confirmation of results of the COBAS AMPLICOR Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae test for detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in clinical samples Analytical evaluation of GeneXpert CT/NG, the first genetic point-of-care assay for simultaneous detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis Multicenter evaluation of the BDProbeTec ET system for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in urine specimens, female endocervical swabs, and male urethral swabs Epidemiological investigation and antimicrobial susceptibility analysis of ureaplasma species and Mycoplasma hominis in outpatients with genital manifestations Prevalence of 10 human polyomaviruses in fecal samples from children with acute gastroenteritis: a case-control study Type-specific detection of 30 oncogenic human papillomaviruses by genotyping both E6 and L1 genes Human papillomavirus and polyomavirus coinfections among Chinese men who have sex with men MW polyomavirus and STL polyomavirus present in tonsillar tissues from children with chronic tonsillar disease Sensitive and rapid detection of viruses associated with hand foot and mouth disease using multiplexed MALDI-TOF analysis Establishment and application of a universal coronavirus screening method using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry Application of multiplex PCR coupled with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight analysis for simultaneous detection of 21 common respiratory viruses Simultaneous detection of key bacterial pathogens related to pneumonia and meningitis using multiplex PCR coupled with mass spectrometry Anal HPV infection in HIV-positive men who have sex with men from China Detection of Herpes simplex virus DNA by real-time PCR Detection of herpes viruses in clinical samples using real-time PCR Detection of Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene Simultaneous detection and identification of STI pathogens by multiplex Real-Time PCR in genital tract specimens in a selected area of Apulia, a region of Southern Italy Bead-based multiplex sexually transmitted infection profiling Use of nucleic acid amplification testing for diagnosis of extragenital sexually transmitted infections Assessment of coinfection of sexually transmitted pathogen microbes by use of the anyplex II STI-7 molecular kit Performance of the APTIMA Combo 2 assay for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in female urine and endocervical swab specimens Performance of the Abbott RealTime CT/NG for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Evaluation of Seeplex (R) STD6 ACE detection kit for the diagnosis of six bacterial sexually transmitted infections Profile of the triplex assay for detection of chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomonas using the BD MAX System Combined testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomonas by use of the BD max CT/GC/TV assay with genitourinary specimen types Evaluation of six commercial nucleic acid amplification tests for detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and other Neisseria species Development and validation of a rotor-gene real-time PCR assay for detection, identification, and quantification of Chlamydia trachomatis in a single reaction Evaluation of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae detection in urine, endocervical, and vaginal specimens by a multiplexed isothermal thermophilic helicase-dependent amplification (tHDA) assay Blind evaluation of the microwave-accelerated metal-enhanced fluorescence ultrarapid and sensitive Chlamydia trachomatis test by use of clinical samples A variant of Chlamydia trachomatis with deletion in cryptic plasmid: implications for use of PCR diagnostic tests A Chlamydia trachomatis strain with a 377-bp deletion in the cryptic plasmid causing false-negative nucleic acid amplification tests Chlamydia trachomatis prevalence, genotype distribution and identification of the new Swedish variant in Southern Germany Whole-genome sequencing of bacterial sexually transmitted infections: implications for clinicians Droplet digital PCR diagnosis of human schistosomiasis: parasite cell-free DNA detection in diverse clinical samples Molecular methods (digital PCR and real-time PCR) for the quantification of low copy DNA of Phytophthora nicotianae in environmental samples Digital PCR methods improve detection sensitivity and measurement precision of low abundance mtDNA deletions Sexually transmitted infections associated with alcohol use and HIV infection among men who have sex with men in Kampala Performance of Anyplex II multiplex real-time PCR for the diagnosis of seven sexually transmitted infections: comparison with currently available methods Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis in Chinese women with genital infectious diseases We give special thanks to Junhua Guo for technical assistance, and to Lei Gao and Zhujun Shao for kindly providing us clinical samples and clinical isolates, respectively. Positive clinical samples and isolates of H. ducreyi were not obtained, and positive plasmids with target genes were used to validate the specificity in this study. keywords: acid; agena; agents; amplification; analysis; assay; bacterial; bioscience; chlamydia; clinical; confirmatory; control; detection; diagnosis; different; digital; dna; evaluate; evaluation; false; gonorrhoeae; high; hominis; inc; infections; low; maldi; mass; method; microorganisms; mixed; molecular; ms assay; multiplex; mycoplasma; negative; neisseria; nested; nucleic; organisms; pathogens; pcr; performance; positive; primers; probes; reaction; real; results; samples; screening; sensitivity; single; specificity; specimens; sti; stis; study; swabs; system; table; target; testing; tests; throughput; time; time pcr; tof; trachomatis; urealyticum; urine; use cache: cord-003850-in7he5o4.txt plain text: cord-003850-in7he5o4.txt item: #41 of 974 id: cord-004003-rlgzgyzn author: Lee, Jeewon title: Applying a Linear Amplification Strategy to Recombinase Polymerase Amplification for Uniform DNA Library Amplification date: 2019-11-12 words: 3388 flesch: 46 summary: At first, we hypothesized that RPA can be a replacement of PCR for DNA library amplification. Taken together, we show that single-primer linear RPA can be one of the alternative methods to PCR for DNA library amplification. keywords: amplicons; amplification; coli; data; detection; different; dna; error; figure; genomic; human; illumina; index; large; libraries; library; linear; method; min; ngs; oligo; oligonucleotide; pcr; polymerase; primer; products; range; rate; reaction; recombinase; rpa; samples; sequence; sheared; single; size; small; specific; study; substitution; uniformity; usa cache: cord-004003-rlgzgyzn.txt plain text: cord-004003-rlgzgyzn.txt item: #42 of 974 id: cord-004133-32w6g7qk author: Walker, Faye M. title: Advances in Directly Amplifying Nucleic Acids from Complex Samples date: 2019-09-30 words: 13589 flesch: 39 summary: A Useful Tool for the Surveillance of blaOXA-23-Positive Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Flinders technology associates (FTA) filter paper-based DNA extraction with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii from respiratory specimens of immunocompromised patients Operational feasibility of using loop-mediated isothermal amplification for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in microscopy centers of developing countries Successful use of saliva without DNA extraction for detection of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA in children using LNA probe-based real-time PCR Rapid typing of STRs in the human genome by HyBeacon melting Ultra-rapid DNA analysis using HyBeacon probes and direct PCR amplification from saliva Comparison of boiling and robotics automation method in DNA extraction for metagenomic sequencing of human oral microbes Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods in Analysis of Salivary Bacterial Communities Study of inter-and intra-individual variations in the salivary microbiota Microbiological diversity of generalized aggressive periodontitis by 16S rRNA clonal analysis A Sweet Spot for Molecular Diagnostics: Coupling Isothermal Amplification and Strand Exchange Circuits to Diagnosis of mycobacterial infections by nucleic acid amplification: 18-month prospective study Pilot study of a rapid and minimally instrumented sputum sample preparation method for molecular diagnosis of tuberculosis Efficacy of loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the laboratory identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in a resource limited setting A novel and more sensitive loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay targeting IS6110 for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Development of an in-house loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and evaluation in sputum samples of Nepalese patients Rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by recombinase polymerase amplification Polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of M. tuberculosis: Comparison of simple boiling and a conventional method for DNA extraction Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum samples by polymerase chain reaction using a simplified procedure Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical samples by two-step polymerase chain reaction and nonisotopic hybridization methods Rapid, simple method for treating clinical specimens containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis to remove DNA for polymerase chain reaction An extremely rapid and simple DNA-release method for detection of M. tuberculosis from clinical specimens Evaluation of a simple loop-mediated isothermal amplification test kit for the diagnosis of tuberculosis Evaluation of the efficacy of five DNA extraction methods for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in direct and processed sputum by an in-house PCR method Clinical usefulness of multiplex PCR lateral flow in MRSA detection: A novel, rapid genetic testing method Development and evaluation of a rapid multiplex-PCR based system for Mycobacterium tuberculosis diagnosis using sputum samples Polymerase chain reaction for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis A simple method for diagnosing M. tuberculosis infection in clinical samples using PCR Self-Collected versus Clinician-Collected Sampling for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Screening: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis Validation of real-time PCR for laboratory diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis Effects of topical anaesthetics and fluorescein on the real-time PCR used for the diagnosis of Herpesviruses and Acanthamoeba keratitis Inhibition of PCR by Aqueous and Vitreous Fluids Use of the polymerase chain reaction to detect Bordetella pertussis in patients with mild or atypical symptoms of infection Diagnostic accuracy of a prototype point-of-care test for ocular chlamydia trachomatis under field conditions in the Gambia and Senegal High-throughput STR analysis for DNA database using direct PCR Multicenter clinical evaluation of the novel Amongst the collection of approaches for direct PCR amplification on saliva samples, those that begin with dried saliva swabs fully circumvent DNA extraction, purification, and quantification [93] . keywords: acid; acid amplification; acid testing; addition; amplification; amplification assay; analysis; approaches; assay; bacterial; blood; bubble; buffer; care; cell; centrifugation; chain; chlamydia; clinical; clinical samples; comparison; complex; components; copies; culture; data; detection; developed; development; devices; diagnostics; difficile; direct; direct amplification; direct pcr; diseases; dna; elution; enzyme; et al; evaluation; examples; expensive; extraction; figure; filter; flow; free; genetic; heating; high; house; human; hybridization; infectious; influenza; inhibitors; isothermal; isothermal amplification; laboratory; lamp; liquid; lod; lods; loop; low; malaria; matrix; method; molecular; mycobacterium; naats; nalc; need; new; novel; nucleic; nucleic acid; number; paper; pathogens; patient; pcr; pcr amplification; performance; plasma; plasmodium; platforms; poc; point; polymerase; potential; preparation; pretreatment; procedures; process; processing; range; rapid; reaction; reagents; real; recombinase; resource; results; review; rna; room; saliva; samples; semi; sensitive; sensitivity; serum; settings; simple; single; species; specificity; specimens; spots; sputum; step; stool; strand; study; swabs; systems; target; techniques; technologies; technology; temperature; template; terms; testing; tests; time; trachomatis; treatment; tuberculosis; type; urine; usa; use; useful; viral; virus; viruses; water; works cache: cord-004133-32w6g7qk.txt plain text: cord-004133-32w6g7qk.txt item: #43 of 974 id: cord-004356-r83g3n0m author: Zheng, Zaiyu title: Development and characterization of a continuous cell line (EL) from the liver of European eel Anguilla anguilla date: 2019-12-19 words: 6422 flesch: 49 summary: These data suggested the application of EL cell line for viral identification, as well as for immunodiagnosis and pharmacological targeting. However, a limited number of cell lines have been developed from A. anguilla. keywords: 18s; amplification; analysis; anguilla; anguilla anguilla; aquatic; cell; cell line; chain; characterization; chen; control; culture; cyp450; cytochrome; days; detection; development; dna; eel; el cells; et al; european; expression; expression levels; factor; fbs; figure; fish; flasks; fold; following; genbank; gene; genomic; growth; hepatic; herpesvirus; hva; immune; increase; infected; infection; interferon; irf3; irf7; japonica; kit; l-15; levels; like; line; lps; mcp; medium; min; mix; new; number; origin; passage; pcr; polymerase; present; primers; purification; qrt; reaction; regulatory; rgv; samples; sequence; species; standard; stimulation; studies; study; subculture; table; test; tgf; time; tissues; total; upregulated; viral; ° c cache: cord-004356-r83g3n0m.txt plain text: cord-004356-r83g3n0m.txt item: #44 of 974 id: cord-004675-n8mlxe7p author: None title: 2019 CIS Annual Meeting: Immune Deficiency & Dysregulation North American Conference date: 2019-02-26 words: 86609 flesch: 43 summary: Background: Patients with primary immune deficiencies characterized by severe T lymphopenia and/or poor T cell function and patients posthematopoietic cell transplantation are at high risk of severe viral infections. In this study, we investigated effect of IL12R1 mutation in IL-12/IFNaxis by evaluation of patients whole blood cell response to IL-12 and IFN-, IL-12R1 expression in PBMCs and T cell blasts. keywords: + cells; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; abscesses; absence; absent; absolute; acid; activation; activity; acute; ada; addition; administration; admission; adult; adult patients; advanced; adverse; affected; affected patients; afp; african; age; age patients; aged; agents; allele; allergy; allogeneic; alpha; alps; altered; alternative; american; amino; anakinra; analysis; anemia; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antibody deficiency; antigen; antimicrobial; apeced; apoptosis; appropriate; arthritis; aspergillus; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asymptomatic; ataxia; atopic; atypical; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoimmunity; autoinflammatory; autologous; autosomal; available; average; b cells; background; bacterial; bartonella; baseline; bcl11b; beta; bilateral; binding; biopsy; birth; blood; blood cell; bone; bowel; boy; brain; broad; bronchiectasis; brother; c1q; cancer; candida; candidiasis; capacity; card11; care; carrier; case; caucasian; causes; cd19; cd27; cd3; cd34; cd4; cd40l; cd8; cd8 t; cell counts; cell development; cell function; cell lymphopenia; cell numbers; cell proliferation; cell receptor; cell transplantation; cellular; center; central; cervical; cgd; ch50; change; characteristics; chart; chest; chh; childhood; children; chimerism; chronic; class; clear; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinicians; cmv; cohort; colitis; combined; combined immunodeficiency; common; comorbidities; comparable; complement; complete; complex; complicated; complications; compound; concentrations; concern; conclusions; conditioning; conditions; congenital; consanguineous; consistent; continued; contrast; control; conventional; copa; cord; correlation; corticosteroids; counseling; counts; course; criteria; critical; csf; ctla-4; ctla4; cultures; cvid patients; cytokine; cytometry; cytopenias; cytotoxicity; daily; damage; data; days; death; decision; decrease; defective; defects; deficiencies; deficient patients; definitive; delay; delayed; deletion; delta; demographic; department; dependent; development; dhr; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; different; differential; differentiation; diffuse; discussion; disease; disorders; distinct; dna; dock8; domain; dominant; donor; dose; double; drug; dsdna; duffy; duration; dysfunction; dysregulation; earlier; early; ebv; ecs; eczema; effective; effects; efficacy; elevated; encodes; endocarditis; endoscopy; engraftment; enteropathy; enzyme; episodes; errors; essential; established; etanercept; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; exome; exon; expansion; expression; extl3; face; facial; factor; fadd; failure; familial; family; fas; fatigue; features; febrile; female; fever; figure; fill; findings; flow; fluid; fmf; following; foxn1; free; frequency; frequent; function; fungal; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gata2; gene; general; generation; genetic; genomic; gof; good; granulomatous; greater; group; growth; gvhd; h2ax; hair; haploinsufficiency; hct; healthy; help; hematopoietic; hepatic; hepatitis; heterozygous; hies; hies patients; high; higher; history; hla; hlh; homozygous; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; hscs; hsct; hsct patients; hsp; human; humoral; hydroxychloroquine; hypertension; hypogammaglobulinemia; hypomorphic; ibd; identification; ifn; iga; igd; ige; igg; igg4; ighy; igm; igrt; igsc; ikaros; il-18; il-2; il-6; illness; imaging; immune; immune cell; immune deficiency; immunodeficiency; immunodeficiency patients; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunosuppression; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; inborn; incidence; increased; index; individuals; induced; infants; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; infliximab; information; infusion; inhibitor; initial; innate; institute; intensity; interferon; interpretation; interstitial; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; invasive; irradiation; isolated; ivig; key; kidney; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; large; later; lead; left; lesions; leukemia; levels; life; ligand; likely; limited; literature; liver; local; long; loss; low; low t; lower; lung; lung disease; lupus; lymphadenopathy; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma; lymphopenia; lymphoproliferation; majority; male; malignancies; malignancy; management; manifestations; markers; marrow; mass; maturation; mcl; mean; mechanism; median; medical; medications; medicine; mefv; members; memory; memory b; mental; metabolic; methods; mice; mild; minimal; missense; mitogen; mm3; mmr; model; moderate; molecular; monogenic; months; mortality; mother; mouse; mri; multiple; mutant; mutations; mycobacterial; n=1; nasal; national; natural; naã¯ve; naã¯ve t; nbs; necrosis; need; negative; neurological; neutralizing; neutropenia; neutrophil; newborn; nfkb2; niaid; nih; nk cells; nodes; non; normal; normal t; northwell; novel; novo; number; oas1; objectives; old; older; ongoing; onset; oral; organs; osteomyelitis; otitis; outcomes; overall; oxidase; pad; pain; pancytopenia; panel; parameters; parents; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogenic; pathway; patient b; patients; patients clinical; pbmcs; pcr; pediatric; pediatric patients; percentile; pericarditis; period; peripheral; persistent; phase; phenotype; phenotyping; phosphorylation; physical; pid; pid patients; pidd; pids; pjp; plasma; platelet; plcg2; plt; pneumococcal; pneumonia; pneumonitis; poig; poor; population; positive; possible; post; potential; prednisone; pregnancy; presence; present; presentation; presumed; prevalence; previous; primary; primary immune; primary immunodeficiency; prior; process; production; profile; progressive; proliferation; prolonged; prophylaxis; proportion; protective; protein; protocol; providers; pulmonary; purpura; qol; quality; quantification; quantitative; radiosensitivity; rag1; range; rare; rash; rate; rationale; rdd; reactive; receiving; recent; receptor; recessive; recipient; recombination; reconstitution; recurrent; recurrent infections; reduced; reference; refractory; regimen; region; registry; regulatory; related; relative; renal; repair; repeat; repertoire; replacement; reported; reports; required; research; resolution; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; rituximab; rna; role; rotavirus; routine; rvt-802; s1p; safety; samples; scid; score; screening; secondary; seizures; self; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; series; serum; setting; severe; severe t; severity; siblings; sided; signaling; signature; significant; signs; similar; single; sinopulmonary; sinusitis; sister; site; size; skin; small; specific; spectrum; splenomegaly; spontaneous; standard; state; status; stem; stem cell; steroids; stim1; stimulated; stimulation; streptococcus; studies; study; subcutaneous; subjects; submission; subsequent; subsets; successful; suggestive; summary; support; surgical; survey; survival; susceptibility; suspicion; switched; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; table; targeted; tcl; tcr; telangiectasia; telomere; term; terminal; testing; tests; tetanus; tfh; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thought; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thymic; thymus; time; tissue; titers; tnf; tool; total; tract; transient; transplant; transplantation; treatment; trec; treg; trial; trough; ulcers; uncertain; underlying; understanding; underwent; undetectable; unique; university; unknown; unrelated; upper; usa; use; usidnet; vaccination; vaccine; values; variable; variant; vasculitis; viral; viremia; virus; vitro; vivo; vsts; warts; weekly; weeks; weight; wes; white; work; workup; worsening; xla; years; years old; yrs; zap70 cache: cord-004675-n8mlxe7p.txt plain text: cord-004675-n8mlxe7p.txt item: #45 of 974 id: cord-004717-41ui4lqc author: Laurin, Marc-André title: Detection and genetic characterization of a novel pig astrovirus: relationship to other astroviruses date: 2011-09-08 words: 2226 flesch: 44 summary: The data reported in this study extend the number of porcine astrovirus lineages to a total of five, all of which most likely represent distinct species of different origins. The general strategy employed for obtaining PoAstV sequences is summarized in Fig. 1 . keywords: analysis; astrovirus; astvs; capsid; cc12; characterization; detection; diarrhea; different; distinct; divergent; diversity; end; genetic; human; identification; known; lineage; mammalian; motif; multiple; novel; number; orf2; pcr; phylogenetic; pigs; poastv; porcine; present; primers; race; rdrp; rna; samples; sequences; species; strains; study; viruses cache: cord-004717-41ui4lqc.txt plain text: cord-004717-41ui4lqc.txt item: #46 of 974 id: cord-004808-6w9n03fy author: Sekiguchi, K. title: Detection of equine arteritis virus (EAV) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and differentiation of EAV strains by restriction enzyme analysis of PCR products date: 1995 words: 2069 flesch: 50 summary: Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequencing ofthe 3'-terminal genomic RNA of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Lelystad virus, the causative agent of porcine epidemic abortion and respiratory syndrome (PEARS), is related to LDV and EAV Preparing for equine arteritis Detection and differentiation of EAV strains by PCR 149t Analysis ofgenetic variation among strains of equine arteritis virus Genomic variability among globally distributed isolates of equine arteritis virus Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virns, equine arteritis virus, and simian hemorrhagic fever virus: a new group of positive-strand RNA viruses Molecular evolution of equine arteritis virus Sequence analysis of modified Bucyrus strain of equine arteritis virus Each of the PCR products amplified using the M 1-M 14 primer was digested with each of the four restriction enzymes; Xba I, Mva I, Mbo II, and Alu I. Digestion of PCR products from the Bucyrus, modified Bucyrus, live vaccine, and Wroclaw-2 strains with Xba I gave rise to fragments of about 174 bp and 57 bp (Fig. 4a) . keywords: arteritis; bucyrus; detection; differentiation; digestion; eav; equine; fig; fragments; gene; live; modified; nucleotide; pcr; primer; products; restriction; rna; sequence; sets; strains; vaccine; viral; virus; wroclaw-2 cache: cord-004808-6w9n03fy.txt plain text: cord-004808-6w9n03fy.txt item: #47 of 974 id: cord-004810-g0y7ied0 author: Lee, S. K. title: S1 glycoprotein gene analysis of infectious bronchitis viruses isolated in Korea date: 2003-11-13 words: 3753 flesch: 55 summary: Korean IBV isolates showed amino acid sequence similarity between 61.8% (K446-01 and K161-02) and 96.1% (K281-01 and K210-02) with each other and they showed amino acid sequence similarity between 42.9% (K161-02 and GA980470) and 96.5% (K203-02 and KB8523) compared to non-Korean IBV strains. The whole S 1 gene of representative 9 of Korean IBV isolates was sequenced to further characterize the isolates. keywords: acid; amino; analysis; arg; avian; bronchitis; different; field; gene; glycoprotein; h120; ibv; ibv isolates; infectious; isolates; k069; k142; k161; k203; k210; k281; k446; k507; k774; km91; korean; korean ibv; non; nucleotide; patterns; pcr; phylogenetic; rflp; rna; sequence; serotype; similar; similarity; spike; strains; type; viral; virus cache: cord-004810-g0y7ied0.txt plain text: cord-004810-g0y7ied0.txt item: #48 of 974 id: cord-004840-4rbrzv5o author: Choudhary, Manohar Lal title: Development of real-time RT-PCR for detection of human metapneumovirus and genetic analysis of circulating strains (2009-2011) in Pune, India date: 2013-08-09 words: 3382 flesch: 47 summary: A newly discovered human pneumovirus isolated from young children with respiratory tract disease Children with respiratory disease associated with metapneumovirus in Hong Kong Human metapneumovirus infection in Japanese children First detection of human metapneumovirus in children with acute respiratory infection in India: a preliminary report Human metapneumovirus genetic variability Genetic diversity of human Real-time RT-PCR for human metapneumovirus 223 metapneumovirus over 4 consecutive years in Australia Genetic variability and circulation pattern of human metapneumovirus isolated in Italy over five epidemic seasons Detection and genetic diversity of human metapneumovirus in hospitalized children with acute respiratory infections in Southwest China Virological features and clinical manifestations associated with human metapneumovirus: a new paramyxovirus responsible for acute respiratory-tract infections in all age groups Ruuskanen O (2002) Metapneumovirus and acute wheezing in children Human metapneumovirus infections in young and elderly adults Human metapneumovirus in severe respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis Human metapneumovirus among children hospitalized for acute respiratory illness Seasonality and clinical features of human metapneumovirus infection in children in Northern Alberta Epidemiology of human metapneumovirus The role of human metapneumovirus in upper respiratory tract infections in children: a 20-year experience Study of human metapneumovirus-associated lower respiratory tract infections in Egyptian adults An outbreak of severe respiratory tract infection due to human metapneumovirus in a long-term care facility for the elderly in Oregon Rates of hospitalizations for respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, and influenza virus in older adults Severe metapneumovirus infections among immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients admitted to hospital with respiratory infection Humane metapneumovirus (HMPV) associated pulmonary infections in immunocompromised adults-initial CT findings, disease course and comparison to respiratory-syncytialvirus (RSV) induced pulmonary infections Comparative evaluation of realtime PCR assays for detection of the human metapneumovirus Molecular assays for detection of human metapneumovirus Real-time reverse transcriptase PCR assay for detection of human metapneumoviruses from all known genetic lineages Detection of human metapneumovirus RNA sequences in nasopharyngeal aspirates of young French children with acute bronchiolitis by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR and phylogenetic analysis Detection and quantification of human metapneumovirus in pediatric specimens by real-time RT-PCR Diagnosis and epidemiological studies of human metapneumovirus using real-time PCR Detection and characterisation of human metapneumovirus from children with acute respiratory symptoms in northwest England Real-time reverse transcriptase PCR assay for improved detection of human metapneumovirus Analysis of the genomic sequence of a human metapneumovirus Antigenic and genetic variability of human metapneumoviruses Global genetic diversity of human metapneumovirus fusion gene Novel human metapneumovirus sublineage Genetic variability of attachment (G) and Fusion (F) protein genes of human metapneumovirus strains circulating during Detection and genetic diversity of human metapneumovirus in hospitalized children with acute respiratory infections in India Genomic analysis of four human metap-neumovirus prototypes Development of a multiplex one step RT-PCR that detects eighteen respiratory viruses in clinical specimens and comparison with real time RT-PCR Molecular epidemiology of human metapneumovirus from Phylogenetic analysis of human metapneumovirus from New York State patients during February through Genotype variability and clinical features of human metapneumovirus isolated from Korean children Human metapneumovirus strains circulating in Latin America Human metapneumovirus-associated hospital admissions over five consecutive epidemic seasons: evidence for alternating circulation of different genotypes Evolutionary Dynamics Analysis of Human Metapneumovirus Subtype A2: Genetic Evidence for Its Dominant Epidemic Real-time RT-PCR for human metapneumovirus Human metapneumovirus (HMPV), first isolated from children with acute lower-respiratory-tract infections (ALRTI) in the Netherlands in 2001, is an enveloped, non-segmented RNA virus that belongs to the family Paramyxoviridae and the genus Metapneumovirus keywords: acid; acute; amino; analysis; assay; children; clinical; detection; different; gene; genetic; glycoprotein; hmpv; human; india; infections; level; lineages; metapneumovirus; nucleoprotein; pcr; phylogenetic; positive; primer; probe; pune; reaction; real; reference; respiratory; rna; samples; sequences; step; strains; study; subgroup; subtype; time cache: cord-004840-4rbrzv5o.txt plain text: cord-004840-4rbrzv5o.txt item: #49 of 974 id: cord-004879-pgyzluwp author: None title: Programmed cell death date: 1994 words: 81833 flesch: 47 summary: 8cl-2(z is a mitochondrial or perinuclear-associated oncoprotein that prolongs the life span of a variety of cell types by interfering with programmed cell death. Single and repetitive uptake and release of CPZ were measured in each cell type after individual exposure or exposure in any combination of cell types: In 2 hour competitive uptake studies fibreblasts reached 1.7 and 2.6 times the concentrations of C6-and ROC-cells, :respectively. keywords: 14c; ability; able; absence; absent; accumulation; acid; acid sequence; acidic; actin; activation; active; activities; activity; addition; adhesion; adjacent; adult; affected; affinity; afm; agonist; agrin; ahspgs; aim; altered; amino; amino acid; amounts; amplified; amplitude; analysis; anatomy; animals; anp; antagonist; antennapedia; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antisense; antiserum; apical; apoptosis; apparent; appearance; approach; arachidonic; ascaris; assays; assembly; associated; astrocytes; atp; atpase; attachment; aug; autocrine; avp; axons; b16; bacteria; band; basel; basic; basolateral; behavior; bern; beta; beta cells; binding; biochemical; biological; biosynthesis; birth; block; blood; blot; bovine; brain; brain cell; breakdown; bsf1; ca2; ca2+]i; ca3; calcium; calf; calretinin; camp; capacity; capsid; cases; catalytic; cause; cd44s; cd48; cdc2; cdna; cell adhesion; cell cultures; cell cycle; cell death; cell growth; cell lines; cell membrane; cell proliferation; cell receptor; cell surface; cell type; cells; cellular; central; cerebral; certain; chain; changes; channels; characterization; characterized; chat; chicken; chimeric; chitinase; chromatin; chromatography; chromosome; cigarette; class; cleavage; clinical; cloned; cloning; close; cns; coding; coil; coli; collagen; column; common; comparable; comparison; complete; complex; complexes; component; compound; computer; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; conductance; cones; confocal; consensus; conserved; consistent; constant; constructs; contact; contain; content; contrast; control; conventional; conversion; copies; cord; core; correct; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; coupling; course; cpz; cross; crucial; csa; csf-1; cultures; current; cycle; cysteine; cytokines; cytoplasmic; cytoskeletal; data; days; death; decrease; defective; deficient; degradation; degree; deletion; density; department; dependent; dependent protein; depolarization; detectable; detection; determined; development; diameter; differences; different; differential; differentiation; direct; disappearance; disease; displacement; disruption; dissociation; distal; distinct; distribution; division; dna; domain; domain protein; dominant; dose; double; drosophila; drug; e.g.; early; edna; effects; efficient; electrical; electron; electrophoresis; elegans; elements; elevated; elongation; embryonic; embryos; encodes; encoding; endogenous; endothelial; energy; enhanced; enriched; entry; envelope; environment; enzyme; epithelial; epithelial cells; epitopes; essential; established; events; evidence; evoked; evolutionary; exchange; excitatory; exercise; existence; expected; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; expression system; extent; external; extracts; eye; facial; factor; family; fatty; features; fetal; fibers; fibroblasts; field; findings; flanking; flies; flow; fluorescence; fold; following; force; form; formation; fos; fraction; fragments; frame; free; frequency; fribourg; function; fusion; fusion proteins; gaba; gap; gbl; gel; gels; gene; gene expression; general; generation; genetic; geneva; genome; genomic; germ; gland; glial; glucose; glutamate; glycine; glycogen; glycoprotein; glycosylated; goats; gone; gpi; grant; groups; growth; gtp; gvbd; habitual; hairless; hairpin; half; hand; hbv; hca; hcmv; heat; hela; helicase; hepatocytes; heterodimer; high; higher; highest; histidine; histone; hiv; homologous; homology; hormone; host; hours; hplc; hsp82; human; human cell; hybridization; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hypothesis; iba; identical; identity; ifn; iii; il-1; il-2; il-6; il-8; immune; immunofluorescence; immunoreactive; important; inactive; incorporation; increased; incubation; independent cells; individual; induced; inducible; induction; infected; infected cells; infection; influence; influx; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibits; initial; initiation; inner; inos; insect; institut; insulin; intact; intensity; interaction; intestinal; intracellular; investigation; involution; involved; involvement; inward; ir cells; iron; isoforms; isolated; isolation; k +; kda; kda protein; key; kinase; kinetics; known; laboratory; lack; large; lausanne; layer; lead; leaf; length; lesion; levels; library; ligand; light; like; likely; limited; linear; linking; lipid; little; liver; localization; localized; long; loop; loss; low; lower; lph; lps; lumbricoides; lung; lymphoid; m26; macrophages; major; mammalian; mammalian cells; mammals; mammary; manner; map; map-115; mapping; marker; mass; matrix; maturation; mature; max; mbp; means; measured; mechanisms; medical; medium; meiosis; meiotic; melanoma; members; membrane; mesangial cells; metabolic; method; methylation; mg protein; mice; microbiology; microfilaments; microglial cells; microscopy; microtubules; middle; minor; mismatch; mitochondrial; mitosis; mitotic; mlc; mmtv; model; moderate; modification; modified; molecular; molecules; molekularbiologie; monoclonal; morphology; motoneurons; motor; mouse; mpr; mrna; multiple; murine; muscle; muscle cells; mutagenesis; mutant; mutated; mutations; mxl; myc; myelin; native; natural; necessary; necrosis; negative; neonatal; nerve; nervous; neural; neurite; neuronal; neuronal cells; neurons; new; newborn; nfmb; nitric; nmda; non; normal; northern; novel; npy; nt-4/5; ntcp; nuclear; nuclei; nucleotides; nucleus; number; numerous; observed; oct-1; octamer; oligodendrocytes; oligonucleotide; oncogene; onset; oocytes; open; opposite; order; orf; organ; organisms; organization; origin; oscillations; ouabain; outer; outgrowth; overexpression; oxide; p53; page; pairing; pancreatic; parasite; partial; particle; particular; pathogenic; pathway; patients; pattern; pax7; pcr; pdgf; peak; peptide; performance; period; phase; phenotype; phenylalanine; phosphatase; phosphorylation; physiological; physiology; pka; pkc; pkr; plants; plasma; plasmid; plasticity; play; plp; pmo; pnh; point; polymerase; polypeptide; pombe; population; position; positive; positive cells; possibility; possible; post; postnatal; potential; pou; precursor; preliminary; preparations; presence; present; pressure; previous; primary; primers; probe; process; processes; processing; production; products; programmed; progression; proliferation; prominent; promoter; propagation; properties; prostate; protease; protein; protein expression; protein gene; protein kinase; protein level; protein sequence; protein synthesis; protein tyrosine; proteolytic; prp; pth; ptps; purification; purified; purpose; putative; quantitative; question; rabbits; radiation; range; rapid; rat; rat cells; rate; rats; reaction; reading; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recombinant protein; recombination; reduced; region; regular; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; renal; repair; repeats; repetitive; replication; replication protein; reporter; residues; resistance; respective; response; responsible; restricted; results; retina; reversed; rich; rise; rive; rna; rnas; role; rps19; s03; s05; s08; s15; samples; scanning; scf; schwann cells; sciatic; science; screening; sds; search; second; secondary; secretion; secretory; sections; segment; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; separation; sequence; sequence analysis; sequencing; series; serine; serum; set; share; shift; shock; short; signal; signalling; significant; silver; similar; similarity; single; sites; situ; size; small; smcs; smooth; snrnp; sodium; soluble; solution; somatic; space; spatial; species; specific; specific activity; specific expression; specificity; spinal; spindle; splicing; spontaneous; stability; stable; stage; staining; start; step; steroid; stimulated; stimulation; stores; strain; strand; strong; structure; studies; study; subcellular; subsequent; subset; substrate; subunit; support; surface; survival; sustained; swiss; switzerland; synapses; synaptic; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; t cells; target; target cells; targeting; tau; technique; telomeric; temperature; terminal; terminus; test; testing; thymus; time; tissue; tnf; tobacco; total; transcription; transcripts; transfected; transfection; transfer; transformation; transformed; transgenic; transient; translation; transmembrane; transmission; transport; treatment; tumor; tumor cells; type; typical; tyrosine; underlying; unique; university; unknown; upstream; uptake; usp; vaccinia; variants; variety; vascular; vector; velocity; vertebrates; vesicles; vip; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voltage; vp16; water; weeks; weight; western; wild; work; wortmannin; wound; xenopus; xii; yeast; ykl312; ziirich; zinc cache: cord-004879-pgyzluwp.txt plain text: cord-004879-pgyzluwp.txt item: #50 of 974 id: cord-005048-9fs1ienf author: Retief, E. title: Potential Inoculum Sources of Phaeomoniellachlamydospora in South African Grapevine Nurseries date: 2006-06-07 words: 5058 flesch: 52 summary: Several putative P. chlamydospora PCR products (360 bp amplicons) were obtained with the onetube nested-PCR ( Figure 2 ): 25% of rootstock cane sections collected from mother blocks, 42% of rootstock cuttings collected during grafting, 16% of scion cuttings, 40% of water samples collected after the pre-storage hydration, 76% of water samples collected during grafting, 50% of the callusing medium samples and 17% of the soil samples collected from mother blocks. (2003) also found a very high percentage of positive P. chlamydospora samples from both pre-storage and pre-grafting hydration and fungicide tanks in New Zealand commercial nurseries. keywords: africa; amplicons; analyses; blocks; callusing; canes; chlamydospora; cuttings; detection; disease; dna; et al; extraction; fourie; genomic; grafting; grapevine; halleen; hydration; infected; inoculum; medium; min; mother; nurseries; nursery; pathogen; pcr; petri; phaeomoniella; plants; positive; pre; presence; primer; restriction; rootstock; samples; scion; soil; sources; south; species; specific; storage; tanks; tube; water; whiteman; wood cache: cord-005048-9fs1ienf.txt plain text: cord-005048-9fs1ienf.txt item: #51 of 974 id: cord-005147-mvoq9vln author: None title: Autorenregister date: 2017-02-23 words: 86765 flesch: 41 summary: While a long list of gene mutations have so far been described to be responsible for the disease phenotype, little is known about the underlying neuronal mechanisms. WD pathogenesis, however, can not only be explained by gene coding mutations since phenotypes exhibit strong variations despite the same exonic DNA makeup in the gene. keywords: 003; 005; 1,2; aberrant; aberrations; abnormalities; absence; absent; abstracts; acid; active; activity; additional; additional mutations; adult; advantage; adverse; ae1; affected; affected patients; age; agilent; aim; allele; alterations; altered; alternative; amd; amino; aml; analysis; analyzed; anemia; anomalies; apoptosis; approach; appropriate; arm; array; aspects; assay; assembly; assessment; associated; association; assumed; asxl2; asymptomatic; ataxia; atp7b; autism; autosomal; available; average; background; basis; bbs; behavioral; benign; berlin; best1; better; biallelic; bilateral; binding; biochemical; biological; biopsies; biopsy; birth; bl variants; blood; blot; bmi; body; bone; boy; brain; brca1; brca1/2; breakpoints; breast; breast cancer; broad; brother; burkitt; cag; calls; cancer; cancer genes; candidate; candidate genes; capture; carcinoma; card14; cardiac; carriers; cas9; cases; causal; causative; cause; ccdc66; cdkl5; cdna; cell; cellular; center; central; cerebral; cftr; cgh; challenge; changes; channel; characteristic; characterization; characterized; chd; chek2; chh; childhood; children; chip; chloride; chromatin; chromosome; classical; classification; cleft; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinical features; clonal; clones; close; cmt; cnvs; coding; codon; cognitive; cohort; combination; combined; common; comparison; complete; complex; complexity; compound; comprehensive; computational; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consanguineous; consequences; conserved; considered; consistent; consortium; context; contrast; contribute; controls; conventional; copy; correlation; corresponding; counselling; course; cpg; cpg85; cpgs; craniofacial; crc; crispr; criteria; critical; crucial; ctcf; culture; current; cycle; cystic; cysts; cytogenetic; data; data analysis; database; daughter; days; ddd; death; decision; decrease; deep; defects; deficiency; deficits; degree; delay; deleterious; deletion; department; detailed; detectable; detection; determined; developing; development; diabetes; diagnosis; differences; different; different genes; differential; differentiation; difficulties; direct; disability; discussion; disease; disease genes; disease mutations; disorders; distal; distinct; dlbcl; dmr; dmrs; dna; dna methylation; dna variants; domain; dominant; donors; double; duplication; dysfunction; dysmorphism; dysplasia; dystrophy; early; ebf3; ebv; eds; effect; ehmt1; elements; elevated; embryonic; encodes; encoding; enhancer; enrichment; environmental; enzyme; epidermal; epigenetic; epilepsy; epileptic; erlangen; established; etiology; european; ev3; evaluation; events; evidence; exac; examination; exome; exome sequencing; exon; expansion; expected; experiments; expressed; expression; extended; eye; face; facial; factors; failure; familial; families; family; fast; father; features; feeding; feet; female; fetal; fetus; fibroblasts; findings; finger; fish; flanking; fluorescence; fmr1; follow; following; forms; fraction; fragments; frameshift; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; function; function mutations; fusion; future; für; g84e; gain; gastric; gcnis; gdm; gene; gene expression; gene family; gene mutations; gene panel; general; generation; genetic; genetic analysis; genetic cause; genetic risk; genetic testing; genetic variants; geneticists; genome; genomic; genotype; germany; germline; germline mutations; girl; glaucoma; global; group; growth; gwas; hair; hamburg; hand; handedness; haplotype; hcc; hdac3; head; healthy; hearing; heart; heidelberg; hereditary; heritability; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; heterozygosity; heterozygous; heterozygous mutations; heterozygous variants; high; higher; highest; histone; history; hnpcc; homozygosity; homozygous; hospital; hoxb13; human; human genetics; human phenotype; humangenetik; huntington; hypoplasia; hypothesis; hypotonia; identification; idh1r132h; ikbkg; il36rn; illumina; immune; immunohistochemistry; impact; impaired; impairment; implications; important; imprinted; imprinting; improved; inactivation; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; influence; information; inheritance; inhibition; initial; insertion; insights; institute; intellectual; interaction; interest; international; interpretation; intracellular; intragenic; introduction; intron; intronic; invasive; inversion; investigations; involved; involvement; ipscs; isolated; joubert; karyotype; kcnk9; key; kidney; kinase; knockdown; knockout; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; landscape; large; later; leading; learning; length; leptin; leukemia; levels; lgl; library; life; lifr; likely; limb; limited; lines; lip; literature; little; liver; localization; loci; locus; long; loss; low; lower; lymphocytes; lymphoma; maintenance; major; majority; making; malformations; malignancies; management; manifestation; mapping; markers; maternal; mds; measurement; mechanisms; mecom; median; medical; meg3; members; membrane; mental; metabolic; methods; methylation; methylation analysis; mice; microcephaly; microdeletion; microduplication; microsatellite; mid1; midas; mild; milder; minor; mir-371a-3p; mirnas; missense; missense mutation; mitochondrial; mlh1; mlpa; mmml; model; moderate; modifier; molecular; molecular genetic; molecule; monogenic; months; mosaic; mosaicism; mother; motor; mouse; mpb; mri; mrna; mtdna; multiple; muscle; muscular; mutant; mutated; mutation carriers; mutations; mutationtaster; myc; myeloid; myopathy; nahr; nail; neandertal; near; need; negative; nervous; neural; neurodegenerative; neurodevelopmental; neurological; neuromuscular; neuronal; neurons; new; nf1; ngs; non; nonsense; normal; nose; novel; novel mutation; novo; novo mutations; npcs; npy; nuclear; nucleotide; number; obesity; observed; ocular; offspring; old; older; olfactory; omim; ongoing; onset; origin; outside; ovarian; overall; overexpression; overlap; p =; pain; palate; pancreatic; panel; parental; parents; partial; particular; partner; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathogenic mutations; pathogenic variants; pathways; patients; pattern; pcr; penetrance; peripheral; pex; phenotype; phenotyping; pitx1; plasma; platform; plcd1; plk4; pnh; point; point mutations; population; position; positive; possible; postnatal; potential; prca; precise; prediction; predisposition; pregnancies; pregnancy; premature; prenatal; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; primers; probands; probes; problems; processes; profiles; prognosis; progressive; project; proliferation; prominent; promising; promoter; protein; protein expression; protocol; prp; prs1; prs2; psenen; psmc3ip; psoriasis; psychiatric; putative; quality; quantitative; r6/2; range; rapid; rare; rare variants; rate; rb1; recent; receptor; recessive; recurrent; reduced; reference; regard; regions; regression; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relative; relevance; relevant; reliable; renal; repair; repeat; report; reporter; reporter gene; reprogramming; research; residual; resolution; respective; respiratory; response; responsible; resulted; results; retardation; retinal; rhox; right; risk; risk variants; rna; role; routine; runx1; runx1mut; samples; sanger; scale; score; screening; search; second; secondary; secretion; segment; segregation; seizures; sensitivity; sensory; sequence; sequence variants; sequencing; serum; severe; sex; short; shox; siblings; signaling; signals; significant; signs; silico; similar; single; sites; size; skeletal; skin; small; smc2; snps; snvs; social; software; somatic; specific; specificity; spectrum; speech; sperm; splice; splicing; spoc1; sporadic; srs; stage; standard; stature; status; step; stop; strand; strategies; strong; structural; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; subunit; successful; suggests; summary; sureselect; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; syndromic; synonymous; system; target genes; targeted; targeting; targets; technology; telomere; terminal; terms; testing; tgase1; tgct; thap1; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; time; tissue; tmprss2; tools; total; traits; transcription; transcripts; translocation; transport; treatment; trio; trisomy; truncating; ts14; tumor; type-1; types; typical; underlying; understanding; unique; units; university; unknown; unrelated; upper; user; value; variable; variants; variations; vitro; vivo; weeks; weight; wes; western; wgbs; wgs; wide; wildtype; women; work; working; ws2; ws3; ws4; ws6; ws7; ws8; years; yield; young; zebrafish; zinc cache: cord-005147-mvoq9vln.txt plain text: cord-005147-mvoq9vln.txt item: #52 of 974 id: cord-005309-147erliy author: Senanayake, Savithra D. title: Precise large deletions by the PCR-based overlap extension method date: 1995 words: 859 flesch: 47 summary: The phenol-chloroform extracted and ethanol precipitated recombinant 1319 nt DNA fragment from the third PCR was cut with BgllI and the resulting 846 nt fragment, resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis an electroeluted, was ligated into the BgllI-cut sites of pDrepl from which the homologous 1043 nt BgllI fragment had been removed, and JM109 cells were transformed. GT3', the universal primer for pGEM vectors, and primer B, 5'CTTACCAGGAGTAAAAGA CATTGTGACCTATGGGTGGGCC3', which anneals to bases 192-213 and 502-519 in the genome-sense (plus) strand of pDrepl and forms the deletion, were used in the first round of PCR. keywords: cycles; dna; extension; fragment; frame; gene; method; min; mutagenesis; overlap; pcr; pdrepl; primer; round cache: cord-005309-147erliy.txt plain text: cord-005309-147erliy.txt item: #53 of 974 id: cord-005453-4057qib7 author: None title: The 45th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Physicians – Poster Session date: 2019-07-03 words: 276280 flesch: 51 summary: Goals: In the present study, we describe the frequencies of CRE colonization and analyzed its relationship with development of CRE bacteremia and mortality in two different scenarios: stem cell transplant patients (HSCT) and Leukemia patients. The aim of this study was to analyse a single centre experience with HSCT patients requiring ICU admission and the factors affecting outcome. keywords: +100; +14; +180; +30; +365; +60; +90; /day; /kg; 1,2; 1st; 1x10; 2nd; 95%ci; ab0; abdominal; abnormalities; abo; absence; absolute; abstract; acceptable; access; acid; active; active disease; activity; acute graft; acute gvhd; acute leukemia; acute myeloid; addition; adenovirus; adequate; administration; admission; adolescents; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantage; adverse; advt; aes; affected; affected patients; age group; age range; aged; agents; aggressive; agvhd; aic; aim; albumin; alemtuzumab; alive patients; allele; allo hsct; allogeneic bone; allogeneic cell; allogeneic donors; allogeneic hematopoietic; allogeneic hsct; allogeneic patients; allogeneic stem; allogeneic transplantation; allogenic; allograft patients; alloreactive; alloreactivity; allosct; allosct patients; alternative; aml patients; amounts; amphotericin; analysis; analyze; anemia patients; anti; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antigen; antileukemic; antithymocyte; antiviral; apheresis; aplasia; aplastic; apoptosis; application; approach; appropriate; approved; april; area; arf; ascs; asct; aspergillosis; aspergillus; assay; assessment; associated; association; atg; auc; august; authors; autograft; autoimmune; autologous; autologous hematopoietic; autologous hsct; autologous patients; autologous stem; autologous transplantation; autophagy; availability; available; average; aza; b cells; bacteremia; bacterial; bal; barr; basal; based; baseline; basis; beam; beginning; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bilirubin; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bkv; blasts; bleeding; blinatumomab; blood; blood cells; blood group; blood patients; blood stem; blood transplantation; bmf; bmi; bmt; body; bone; bone marrow; boost; bortezomib; bos; boys; brain; brentuximab; brincidofovir; brother; bsi; budesonide; bumel; burden; busulfan; calcineurin; calcium; calculated; cancer; cancer cell; candida; candidates; candidemia; candidiasis; capacity; car; cardiac; care; caregivers; cart; carv; cases; category; cause; ccr4; cd10; cd19; cd25; cd34; cd34 cells; cd4; cd45ra; cd52; cd56; cd66b; cd8; cdi; cell collection; cell count; cell death; cell depletion; cell disease; cell dose; cell free; cell function; cell graft; cell infusion; cell levels; cell lines; cell lymphoma; cell mobilization; cell non; cell numbers; cell population; cell products; cell proliferation; cell reconstitution; cell recovery; cell replete; cell source; cell subsets; cell therapy; cell transplantation; cell transplants; cell viability; cells; cellular; cellularity; center; central; centre; cerebral; cfdna; cfu; cgd patients; chain; changes; characterization; characterized; chemosensitive patients; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; chimeric; chimeric patients; chimerism; china; choice; chronic graft; chronic gvhd; cidofovir; cik cell; cir; class; classical; classification; clearance; clinical; clinical background; clinical study; clinimacs; cll; clonal; clones; close; cml; cmv; cmv disease; cmv infection; cmv prophylaxis; cmv reactivation; cns; cohort; collected; collection; colonization; colonized patients; colony; combination; combined; common; comorbidities; comparable; compare; comparison; complete; complete donor; complete response; complexity patients; complications; components; composition; concentration; conclusions; conditioning; conditioning regimen; conditions; confidence; confirmed; conflict; congenital; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; consideration; consistent; consolidation; context; continued; continuous; contrast; contribute; control; control group; conventional; conversion; copies; copy; cord; cord blood; correlate; correlation; corresponding; corticosteroid; cost; counseling; count; countries; country; course; cox; cpx-351; cr1; cr2; creatinine; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crs; crucial; cryopreservation; cryopreserved patients; csa; csf; ctls; culture; cumulative; cumulative incidence; curative; curative treatment; cure; current; cutaneous; cvc; cycles; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystitis; cytarabine; cytogenetic; cytokine; cytomegalovirus; cytometry; cytopenias; cytoreductive; cytotoxicity; daily; damage; dasatinib; data; data patients; database; date; day mortality; days; days post; dcs; death; decades; december; decision; declare; decreased; defibrotide; deficiency; degree; delayed; demographic; demyelinating; dendritic; department; depleted; desensitization; detailed patients; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developed; development; device; dexamethasone; dfs; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; different; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; direct; discharge; disclosure; disclosure background; disclosure results; discontinuation; disease; disease control; disease free; disease patients; disease progression; disease prophylaxis; disease relapse; disease response; disease status; dismal; disorders; distinct; distribution; dlbcl patients; dli; dmso; dna; donations; donor; donor age; donor cells; donor chimerism; donor cmv; donor graft; donor group; donor lymphocyte; donor source; donor t; donor transplant; donor type; doppler; dosage; dose; dosing; double; dpb1; drug; dsa; ductopenia; duration; dysfunction; e.g.; earlier; early; easix; ebmt; ebv; ecp; ecs; eculizumab; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; effector; efficacy; efs; elafin; elderly; elevated; eligible patients; elisa; elispot; eltrombopag; employee; encephalitis; encephalopathy; encouraging; endothelial; endothelial cells; endpoint; engraftment; enhanced; enriched; enrichment; entire; enzyme; epag; episodes; epstein; equivalent; essential; established; estimate; etanercept; etoposide; european; evaluable patients; evaluation; events; evidence; evs; exact; examination; excellent; exercise; expansion; expected; experience; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extracorporeal; extramedullary; facs; factors; failure; failure patients; family; fanconi; faster; fatal; favorable; fb2; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; february; female; ferritin; fertility; fever; figure; final; financial; findings; flow; flt3; flubu; fluconazole; fludarabine; flumel; fluorescence; fmt; fnh; focus; fold; following; followup; forms; foundation; fractions; fractures; free; free survival; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; frozen; function; funding; fungal; future; gamma; ganciclovir; gastrointestinal; gcsf; gender; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; germany; gi gvhd; global; globulin; good; grade; grade ii; graft; graft failure; graftversus; granulocyte; gray; greater; grfs; group; group b; group patients; growth; guidelines; gut; gvhd grade; gvhd group; gvhd incidence; gvhd patients; gvhd prophylaxis; gvhd rate; gvhd therapy; gvl; hadv; haematopoietic; half; hand; haploidentical; haploidentical donor; haploidentical hsct; haploidentical patients; haploidentical stem; haploidentical transplantation; haplosct; harvest; hazard; hbv; hct; hdct; hdm; hdt; healthy; help; hematological; hematological patients; hematology; hematopoietic cell; hematopoietic stem; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemorrhage; hepatic; hepatitis; hev; hid; high; high dose; high grade; high mortality; high risk; higher; higher median; highest; histological; historical; history; hiv; hla; hla donor; hlh patients; hma; hodgkin; home; honoraria; hospital; hospitalization; host disease; hours; hscs; hsct =; hsct background; hsct complications; hsct group; hsct methods; hsct outcome; hsct patients; hsct program; hsct recipients; hsct relapse; hsct response; hsct setting; hsct treatment; hsos; human; hypertension; hypothesis; i.v; ibrutinib; icu; identification; ifd; ifn; igg; ii patients; iii; iks; il-15; il-2; image; imaging; immediate; immune; immune cell; immunity; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunomodulatory; immunosuppressive; immunotherapy; impact; impaired; impairment; important; improved; improvement; improving; incidence; inclusion; incompatibility; increase; independent; index; india; indications; individual; individual patients; induced; induction; infants; infection; infection patients; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; injury; inkt; institute; institution; intensity; intensity conditioning; intensive; interactions; interest; intermediate; international; interval; intervention; intestinal; intestinal gvhd; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; invasive; involvement; ips; iqr; iron; irradiation; isa; isolated; isolation; itd; itma; iv acute; january; japan; jazz; july; june; kaplan; karnofsky; karyotype; key; kidney; killer; killing; kinetics; kit; kits; knowledge; known; krp203; laboratory; lack; large; later; ldh; lead; leading; left; length; lesions; letermovir; leukaemia; leukapheresis; leukemia cells; leukemia patients; leukemic; leukocyte; levels; lfs; life; like; likely; limitations; limited; limiting; line; line treatment; lineage; linear; liposomal; literature; little; liver; load; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; ltv; lung; lymphoblastic; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma patients; lymphomas; lymphoproliferative; main; maintenance; major; majority; making; male patients; males; malignancies; malignant; malignant disease; maltophilia; management; manifestations; mann; manufacturing; march; maria; markers; marrow; marrow transplantation; mass; matched; matching; maternal; mature; maximum; mcl; mds patients; mean; measles; measurements; mechanism; median; median age; median cd34; median cell; median day; median donor; median dose; median duration; median follow; median frequency; median group; median interval; median neutrophil; median number; median os; median overall; median pre; median survival; median time; median treatment; medical; medicine; medium; meier; melphalan; memory; mesenchymal; metabolic; methods; methotrexate; mets; mfd; mfi; mice; microbiological; microbiota; mild; miltenyi; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mirna; mismatched; mixed; mlc; mmf; mmud; mnc; mobilization; mobilizers; model; moderate; modified; mofetil; molecular; moment; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; mononuclear cells; months; months post; morbidity; mortality; mothers; motion; mpn; mrd; mrd group; mri; mscs; msd; msd hsct; mtx; mucositis; mud; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; multivariate analysis; mutations; mycophenolate; myeloablative; myeloablative conditioning; myelodysplastic; myelofibrosis; myeloid; myeloma patients; n=1; n=10; n=11; n=12; n=13; n=14 patients; n=15; n=2; n=21; n=22; n=23; n=3; n=4; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=8; n=9; national; natural; nausea; naïve; nd hsct; necessary; needed; needs; negative patients; negativity; neoplasms; neuroblastoma; neurological; neutropenia; neutrophil; new; nhl; nih; nivolumab; nk cells; nkg2d; nlr; nma; non; nonmalignant; normal; note; novel; november; novo; npm1; nrm; nucleated; number; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; obtaining; obvious; occlusive; occlusive disease; occurrence; october; offer; offspring; older patients; oncology; ones; ongoing; onset; optimal; option; oral; order; organ; origin; original; outcome; ovarian; overall; overall response; overall survival; oxygen; ozogamicin; p=0.002; p=0.01; paediatric patients; pain; pairs; panel; panobinostat; parameters; parents; partial; participants; particular; pathogenesis; pathological; pathway; patient age; patients; patients background; patients characteristics; patients chronic; patients donors; patients higher; patients median; patients recipients; pattern; pbmcs; pbsc; pcnsl patients; pcr; peak; pediatric hsct; pediatric patients; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; peripheral blood; peripheral stem; persistent; pet; pfs; pgf patients; pharmaceuticals; phase; phenotype; photopheresis; physical; planned; plasma; platelet; platform; play; plerixafor; plt; plus; pneumocystis; pneumonia; pnh; points; pooled; poor; poorer; population; posaconazole; positive cell; positive patients; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post allo; post hsct; post transplant; potential; ppx; practice; pre; predictive; predictors; prednisone; preemptive; preferred; preliminary; preparation; presence; present; presentation; pressure; pretransplant; pretreated patients; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primary disease; primary graft; prior; probability; probable; problems; procedure; process; processes; processing; product; profile; prognosis; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; promising; properties; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; proven; pt#2; ptcy; ptld; pts; pubertal; pubertal patients; pulmonary; purpose; qol; qpcr; quality; quantitative; rabbit; radiological; radiotherapy; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rate; ratg; ratio; rbc; reaction; reactivation; reasons; received; recent; receptor; reconstitution; records; recovered; recovery; recurrent; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; refractory; refractory acute; refractory disease; refractory gvhd; refractory patients; regard; regimen; registry; regulation; regulatory; rejection; relapse; relapse incidence; relapse mortality; relapse rate; relapsing; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; remaining; remission; renal; replacement; reported; reports; rescue; research; residual; residual disease; resistant; resistant patients; resolution; resolved; respect; respiratory; responders patients; response; results; retrospective; retrospective study; review; rfs; rhce; risk acute; risk aml; risk disease; risk factors; risk group; risk patients; risks; rituximab; role; romiplostim; routine; rsv; ruxolitinib; rzf; saa; safety; salvage; samples; sampling; sarcoma; sc patients; scale; scan; scd; schedule; scid; score; screening; second; second transplant; secondary; selected; selection; self; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; sequence; sequencing; sequential; series; serology; seropositive; serostatus; serotherapy; serum; sessions; setting; severe; severe acute; severe gvhd; severe patients; severity; sex; sga; shock; short; shorter; shows; sibling; sibling donor; sickle cell; signaling; significant; significant risk; signs; similar; single; sinusoidal; sirolimus; sister; site; size; skin; slightly; small; smx; social; society; software; sos; sources; species; specific; specificity; spectrum; spgf; spleen; splenomegaly; spontaneous; spp; spss; stable disease; stage; staining; standard; start; starting; statistical; status; stay; stem cell; step; steroid; steroid treatment; stimulated; stimulation; storage; strategies; strategy; stromal; strong; studies; study; study background; study group; study patients; study period; subgroup; subjects; suboptimal; subpopulations; subsequent; substantial; subtypes; successful; suffering; sufficient; suitable; superior; support; supportive; suppression; surface; surgical; surveillance; survival; survival rate; survive; survivors; susceptibility; sustained; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; table; tacrolimus; tandem; tapered; tapering; target; targeted; tbi; tcd; tcr; tcrαβ; team; technique; technology; term; term survival; test; testing; thalassemia; thalassemic patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thiotepa; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombotic; thymic; thymoglobuline; tim3; times; timing; tissue; titers; tki; tma; tmp; tnc; tnf; tocilizumab; tolerability; tolerance; tolerated; tool; total; total patients; toxicities; toxicity; toxoplasma; tpo; traditional; trail; training; transduced; transduction; transfer; transformation; transformed; transfusion; transient; transplant characteristics; transplant complications; transplant conditioning; transplant cyclophosphamide; transplant disease; transplant high; transplant outcomes; transplant patients; transplant period; transplant recipients; transplant relapse; transplant therapy; transplantation background; transplantation results; transplantation unit; transplantations; transplanted; treatment; treatment option; treatment patients; trec; treg; trend; treosulfan; trial; trm; tumor; tumor cells; type; ucb; ucbt; ultrasound; umbilical; unclear; undergone; underlying; underwent; underwent hsct; unit; univariate; university; unknown; unmanipulated; unrelated; unrelated donor; unrelated hsct; untreated; upfront; upper; uric; urine; usa; use; useful; vaccination; vaccine; valganciclovir; validation; values; variables; variants; varied; variety; vascular; vector; vedotin; vein; veno; versus; vgpr; viability; viable; vip; viral; viremia; virus; viruses; visual; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vod; vod patients; volume; vomiting; voriconazole; vwf; wbc; weekly; weeks; weight; white; whitney; wide; withdrawal; women; work; working; world; worse; wt1; x10; y.o; year os; years; years old; years overall; years post; yield; younger patients; yrs cache: cord-005453-4057qib7.txt plain text: cord-005453-4057qib7.txt item: #54 of 974 id: cord-005460-ezrn8cva author: None title: Physicians – Poster Session date: 2017-07-28 words: 287532 flesch: 53 summary: After three months of treatment patient showed an increase in T cells count (CD3, 411/mmc), and a decrease of toxic metabolites: AXP, 1.652 micromol/ml RBC; dAXP, 0.011 micromol/ml RBC; %dAXP, 0.7 maternal T-cell engraftment persists, despite a good response to the PEG-ADA therapy. Moreover, caspases pathway was significantly activated in thawing CD3+, CD56+ and CD14 + cells: FLICA+ cells % in thawing cells were, respectively, 16.8%, 31.1% and 6.2% vs 3%, 9.7% and o1% in fresh cells. keywords: +100; +15; +28; +30; +60; 0.001; 1,2; 1st; 2nd; 6/10 patients; = ns; abdominal; abl1; abnormalities; absence; absolute; acceptable; access; account; acid; active; active disease; activity; acute graft; acute gvhd; acute leukemia; acute lymphoblastic; acute myeloid; acute patients; acyclovir; ada; addition; additional patients; adenovirus; adequate; adherence; adjusted; administration; admission; adoptive; adult patients; adults; advanced; advanced disease; advantage; adverse; affected patients; aged; agents; aggressive; agvhd grade; ahct; ahr; aic; aim; aims; akt; albumin; alc; alemtuzumab; algorithm; alive; allo hsct; allogeneic group; allogeneic hematopoietic; allogeneic hsct; allogeneic stem; allogeneic transplantation; allogenic; allograft; alloreactivity; allosct; alpha; alternative; amgen; aml patients; amphotericin; analysis; anemia; anti; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antigen; antigenemia; antileukemic; antithymocyte; antiviral; apheresis; aplasia; aplastic; apoptosis; application; approach; appropriate; april; area; asct; asd; assay; assessment; associated; association; atg; atg group; auc; august; author; auto hsct; autoimmune; autologous; autologous hematopoietic; autologous hsct; autologous patients; autologous stem; autologous transplantation; automated; autosct; availability; available; average; b cell; bacteremia; bacterial; balanced; baltimore; based; baseline; basis; bcg; bcr; bcv; beac; beam; beam group; beam patients; bedside; bendamustine; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bilirubin; biological; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bkv; bladder; blasts; bleeding; blinatumomab; blood; blood cell; blood group; blood stem; blood transplant; body; bone; bone marrow; bortezomib; brain; bridge; brincidofovir; broad; bsbmt; bsi; bucy; burden; busulfan; busulphan; calcineurin; campath; cancer; cancer patients; candidates; capacity; cardiac; care; carmustine; cases; categories; catheter; cause; cbt; cbu; ccr7; ccs; cd16; cd19; cd34; cd34 cell; cd4; cd45ra; cd56; cd62l; cd8; cdi; cdv; cebpa; cell activation; cell acute; cell chimerism; cell collection; cell count; cell depletion; cell disease; cell dose; cell engraftment; cell function; cell graft; cell infusion; cell lines; cell lymphoma; cell mobilization; cell number; cell proliferation; cell recovery; cell replete; cell responses; cell source; cell survival; cell therapy; cell transplantation; cell treatment; cell viability; cells; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebral; cervical; cfu; chain; changes; characterized; chemotherapy; childhood; children; chimerism; choice; chop; chromosome; chronic graft; chronic gvhd; chspcs; ci =; cidofovir; cik; ciprofloxacin; circulating; classical; classification; classified; clearance; clinical; clinicians; clinimacs; cll; cml; cmv; cmv disease; cns; cohort; collected; collection; colony; color; combination; combined; common; comorbidities; comparable; compare; comparison; complement; complete; complete remission; complex; complicated; complications; composition; concentration; conclusion; concomitant; conditioning; conditioning regimen; conditioning therapy; conditions; confidence; confirm; conflict; consecutive days; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; consistent; consolidation; contents; context; continued; continuous; contrast; control; control group; control patients; controversial; conventional; copies; cord; cord blood; correlated; correlation; corresponding; corticosteroids; cost; count; countries; country; course; cox; cpap; cpt; cr group; cr patients; cr1; cr2; creatinine; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crs; crucial; crv; cryopreservation; cryopreserved; csa; csf; csf group; ctla4ig; ctp; culture; cumulative; cumulative incidence; curative; curative treatment; cure; current; cutaneous; cvc; cxcr3; cybor; cycle; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystitis; cytarabine; cytogenetic; cytokine; cytomegalovirus; cytometry; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; d100; daily; damage; data; database; date; days; days patients; days post; dcs; death; decades; december; decision; decline; decontamination; decreased; deferasirox; defibrotide; deficiency; deficient patients; degree; delayed; delta; demographic; dendritic; density; dental; department; depleted; depletion; detailed; detection; determined; developed; development; device; dexamethasone; dfs; diagnose; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; diffuse; digestive; discharge; disclosure; discontinuation; disease; disease control; disease free; disease progression; disease prophylaxis; disease relapse; disease response; disease risk; disease status; disorders; disparity; distribution; divided; dlbcl patients; dli; dmso; dna; dnr; dock8 patients; donation; donor; donor cell; donor chimerism; donor engraftment; donor hematopoietic; donor hsct; donor lymphocyte; donor n; donor stem; donor transplantation; donor type; dose; dose chemotherapy; dose therapy; dosing; double; drug; dsa; durable; duration; dynamics; dysfunction; earlier; early; early hsct; ebmt; ebv; ecp; eculizumab; effect; effective; effective treatment; effectiveness; effector; efficacy; efficient; efs; elderly patients; elevated; eligible patients; elisa; eln; encouraging; endoscopy; endothelial; endpoint; engraftment; enriched; enrichment; enterovirus; entire; epidermal; episodes; equal; erythroid; essential; established; estimated; estimation; etoposide; european; evaluable patients; evaluated; evaluation; event; evidence; exact; examination; excellent; excess; existing; expansion; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extracorporeal; extramedullary; factors; failed; failure; family; family donor; faster; fatal; favorable; fdg; feam; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; female patients; females; ferritin; fever; fewer patients; figure; filgrastim; filter; final; financial; findings; flow; flt3; fluconazole; fludarabine; fluid; fold; following; follows; form; fourth; fraction; free; free survival; frequency; frequent; fresenius; function; functioning; fungal; future; gastrointestinal; gcsf; gender; general; generation; generic; genes; germany; girl; global; globulin; goal; good; grade; grade ii; grading; graft; graft failure; graft patients; graftversus; granulocyte; greater; grfs; group; group patients; growth; guidelines; gut; gvhd; gvhd cases; gvhd grade; gvhd group; gvhd incidence; gvhd onset; gvhd patients; gvhd prevention; gvhd prophylaxis; gvhd pts; gvl; haematopoietic; half; hand; haploidentical; haploidentical donor; haploidentical hsct; haploidentical stem; haploidentical transplantation; haplosct; harvest; hazard; hcmv; hct; hdc; hdct; hdt; healing; healthy; help; hematological; hematological patients; hematology; hematopoiesis; hematopoietic cell; hematopoietic stem; hematopoietic transplantation; hemorrhagic; hepatic; hepatitis; herv; hhv-6; high; high dose; high incidence; high mortality; high rate; high relapse; high risk; higher; highest; histological; historical; history; hiv; hla; hlh; hlh patients; hma; hodgkin; home; honoraria; hospital; hospitalization; host disease; hpgv; hpl; hr =; hrt; hsct patients; hsct recipients; hsct setting; hsct treatment; hscts; hsos; hsv; human; hyperleukocytosis; hypertension; i.v; ibrutinib; icu; idelalisib; identification; ifd; ifn; igg; iii; il-2; il-6; image; imaging; imatinib; immediate; immune; immunity; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunomodulatory; immunosuppression; immunotherapy; impact; impaired; impairment; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; increased; independent; index; indications; individual; induced; induction; infected; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injury; institute; institution; intensified; intensity; intensity conditioning; intensive; interactions; interest; intermediate; international; interval; intervention; intestinal; intestinal gvhd; intravenous; intravesical; introduced; introduction; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; ips; iqr; iris; iron; irradiated; irradiation; isolated; issues; italy; itd; iv acute; january; japanese patients; july; june; kaplan; karnofsky; karyotype; kidney; killer; kinase; kinetics; kir; kit; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; large; later; lead; leading; left; lenalidomide; length; lesions; leukaemia; leukapheresis; leukemia cells; leukemia patients; leukemias; leukemic; leukocyte; levels; lfs; life; ligands; light; like; likely; limitations; limited; line; line treatment; liposomal; literature; little; liver; load; local; logistic; london; long; longer; loss; lower; lung; lymphoblastic; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma patients; lymphomas; lymphoproliferative; m =; mac; main; maintenance; major; majority; males; malignancies; malignant; malignant disease; management; mann; mantle cell; march; marked; markers; marrow; marrow stem; marrow transplantation; mass; matched; matching; maternal; maximum; mcl; mdf; mds patients; mean; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanism; median; median age; median cd34; median day; median disease; median dose; median duration; median follow; median hct; median interval; median neutrophil; median number; median os; median overall; median survival; median time; median total; medical; medicine; medium; meeting; meier; mel200; melphalan; memory; mesenchymal; mesenchymal stem; metabolic; method; methotrexate; methylprednisolone; mfd; micafungin; mice; microangiopathy; microbiota; micrornas; migration; mild; minimal; minimum; mir-21; mismatched; missing; mixed; mmf; mmud; mnc; mobilization; mobilizers; modality; model; moderate; modified; mofetil; molecular; moment; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; mononuclear; mononuclear cells; months; months post; morbidity; mortality; mouse; mpal patients; mpn; mps; mrd; mri; msc; mscs; msd; mtx; mucosal; mucositis; mud; mud hsct; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mutated patients; mutation; mycophenolate; myeloablative; myeloablative conditioning; myelodysplastic; myelofibrosis patients; myeloid; myeloma patients; myeloproliferative; n =; naive; national; natural; nausea; necessary; need; negative; negative patients; neoplasm; nervous; neuroblastoma patients; neurological; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; neutrophil; new; newcastle; nhl; nih; nilotinib; nk cell; nkg2d; non; nonrelapse; normal; note; novel; november; novo; nrm; nucleated; number; nutritional; o0.0001; o0.05; o50; objective; observational; observed; obstruction; occlusive; occlusive disease; occurrence; october; ocular; old; older; oncology; oncology patients; ones; ongoing; onset; optimal; option; oral; organ; organization; origin; original; os p; outcome; outpatient; ovarian; overall; overall response; overall survival; overload; p =; p o0.001; p o0.05; p value; paediatric patients; pain; paneth cell; parameters; parents; partial; particular; party; past; pathogenesis; pathway; patient age; patients; patients alive; patients cd34; patients characteristics; patients median; patients post; patients relapse; pbmcs; pbsc; pcm patients; pcr; pediatric hsct; pediatric patients; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; peripheral blood; peripheral stem; persistent; pet; pfs; ph+; phase; phenotype; photopheresis; phsct; physical; physicians; picc; pirche; planned; plasma; plasma cell; platelet; platelet engraftment; platform; plerixafor; plt; plus; pneumonia; pnh; po0.01; points; polymerase; ponatinib; poor; poorer; population; positive; positive patients; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post hsct; post sct; post transplant; post treatment; posttransplantation; potential; practice; pre; predictive; predictor; preliminary; preparative; presence; present; presentation; pressure; pretransplant; pretreated; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; priming; prior; probability; probable; problems; procedure; process; processing; product; profile; progenitor; progenitor cells; prognosis patients; prognostic; program; progression; proliferation; prolonged; promising; prompt; properties; prophylactic; prophylaxis patients; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; proven; ptcy; ptld; ptld patients; pts; pubertal; pulmonary; purpose; qol; qpcr; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; rabbit; radiotherapy; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rate; rbc; rdw; reaction; reactivation; reactive; reasons; receiving; recent; receptor; recipients; recommendations; reconstitution; records; recovered; recovery; recurrent; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; refractory disease; refractory gvhd; refractory patients; reg3α; regimen; registry; regular; regulatory; rejection; relapse; relapse group; relapse incidence; relapse mortality; relapse post; relapse rate; relapse risk; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; remaining; remission; renal; repeat; replacement; replete; reported; reporting; reports; required; research; residual; residual disease; resistant; resolution; respectively; respiratory; responders; responding; response; response rate; results; retrospective; retrospective study; review; rhtm; risk acute; risk factors; risk group; risk patients; risks; rituximab; role; room; routine; ruxolitinib; saa; safety; salvage; salvage patients; salvage treatment; samples; sanofi; scale; scan; scd; schedule; scheme; school; scid patients; sclerosis; score; screening; second; second hsct; second transplantation; secondary; secretion; selected; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sepax; sepsis; september; septic; sequencing; sequential; series; serology; seronegative; seropositive; serotherapy; serum; setting; severe; severe acute; severe chronic; severe gvhd; severity; sex; sexual; shock; short; shorter; sibling; sickle cell; significant; significant risk; signs; similar; single; sinusoidal; sirolimus; site; situation; size; skin; small; social; society; software; sorafenib; sos; sources; special; specific; specificity; spectra; spectrum; spontaneous; st2; stable disease; stage; standard; standardized; starting; statistical; status; stay; stem cell; steroid; stimulating; stool; strategies; strategy; stratified; stromal; strong; studies; study; study group; subgroups; subjects; subpopulations; subsequent; subsets; substantial; subtype; successful; suffering; suitable; summary; superior; support; supportive; surface; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survey; survival; survival rate; survival time; survivors; sustained; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; syndrome patients; system; systemic; t cell; table; tacrolimus; taking; tam; tandem; target; targeted; tbf; tbi; tcd; tcr; team; technique; term; test; test p; testing; testosterone; th17; thalassemia; thalassemia patients; thalidomide; thawed; thawing; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; therapy patients; thiotepa; threatening; thrombocytopenia; thrombotic; thymocyte; thymoglobulin; times; timing; tissue; tki; tli; tma patients; tnc; tnf; tocilizumab; tolerance; topical; total; toxicities; toxicity; toxoplasmosis; tpoa; tract; training; transfusion; transient; transplant cyclophosphamide; transplant group; transplant gvhd; transplant outcomes; transplant patients; transplant treatment; transplantation group; transplantation outcomes; transplantations; transplanted; treating; treatment; treatment group; treatment option; treatment patients; treatment response; tregs; trend; treosulfan; trial; trm; tscm; tslp; tumor; type; typing; tyrosine; ucb; ucbt; ud patients; umbilical; unclear; undergone; underlying; understood; underwent; unit; univariate; universitario; university; unknown; unmanipulated; unrelated; unrelated donor; unrelated hsct; upfront; upper; urd; urine; usa; use; useful; vaccination; validation; value; variables; varied; variety; vegf; ventilation; versus; vgpr; viability; viable; viral; viremia; virus; vivo; vod; volume; voriconazole; washing; wbc; weekly; weeks; weight; white; whitney; withdrawal; women; work; working; world; worse; wound; wt1; year os; year overall; year relapse; year survival; years; years old; years post; yield; younger patients; yrs cache: cord-005460-ezrn8cva.txt plain text: cord-005460-ezrn8cva.txt item: #55 of 974 id: cord-005687-gj6q0ft0 author: Paiva, José-Artur title: Real -time PCR for early microbiological diagnosis: is it time? date: 2017-05-23 words: 1490 flesch: 25 summary: Given higher diagnostic sensitivity and turnaround, do the results of the EVAMICA study indicate that rapid diagnostic tests be integrated into standard diagnostic laboratory practice? This multicentre cluster-randomised crossover trial included 1416 patients and confirms that adding direct molecular detection of pathogens in the blood of patients hospitalized with severe sepsis to standard blood cultures results in an overall higher microbial diagnosis rate (increase from 28.1 to 42.6%) and shorter time to results (22.9 vs. 49.5 h). keywords: antibiotic; antimicrobial; ast; blood; bloodstream; bsi; cultures; detection; diagnostic; identification; important; infection; ionization; microbiological; pathogens; patients; pcr; pneumonia; rapid; real; results; sepsis; severe; standard; study; targeted; tests; therapy; time; use cache: cord-005687-gj6q0ft0.txt plain text: cord-005687-gj6q0ft0.txt item: #56 of 974 id: cord-005752-tur57xd9 author: Linden, Saara title: Parechovirus infection preceding Guillain–Barré syndrome date: 2012-05-12 words: 1314 flesch: 44 summary: Examination of stool samples is recommended when suspecting picornavirus, such as HPeV infection (Kupila et al. 2005) , since Picornaviruses are secreted into stool for many days, even weeks, after symptom onset. The criteria for a C. jejuni infection preceding GBS include serological evidence of C. jejuni infection (C. jejuni IgG antibody titer≥1:2,000 by ELISA test) and a definite history of diarrhea within the previous 3 weeks of GBS onset (Kuwabara et al. 2004) . keywords: analyses; antibodies; barré; campylobacter; clinical; common; days; gbs; guillain; hospital; hpev; human; infection; jejuni; negative; onset; parechovirus; patient; pcr; picornavirus; recent; serum; stool; syndrome; test; weeks cache: cord-005752-tur57xd9.txt plain text: cord-005752-tur57xd9.txt item: #57 of 974 id: cord-005865-7lohh5ty author: Pipper, Juergen title: Catching bird flu in a droplet date: 2007-09-23 words: 4176 flesch: 45 summary: At present, we are working on the implementation of a second optical channel for an internal control that allows the user to check on the SPE of the RNA as well as for possible PCR inhibition. QuantiTect SYBR Green RT-PCR Kit (Qiagen) (8.7, 50, 480), SuperScript III Platinum SYBR Green One-Step qRT-PCR Kit (Invitrogen) (8.4, 60, 180) and LightCycler RNA Master SYBR Green I Kit (Roche) (8.5, 61, 240). keywords: aqueous; available; avian; bioassay; chip; cost; detection; dna; droplet; faster; fig; forces; green; h5n1; hpai; human; influenza; isolation; kit; low; material; microfluidic; mineral; miniaturized; mixture; oil; online; overall; pandemic; particles; pcr; phase; process; processes; real; rna; rrt; run; sample; solid; solution; spe; step; superparamagnetic; superparamagnetic particles; supplementary; surface; swab; sybr; system; temperature; tests; throat; time; units; use; viral; virus; volume; water; yield cache: cord-005865-7lohh5ty.txt plain text: cord-005865-7lohh5ty.txt item: #58 of 974 id: cord-006230-xta38e7j author: None title: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie e.V. date: 2012-02-22 words: 136000 flesch: 40 summary: In in-vitro studies on rat and canine mast cells and human mast cell leukemia cells HMC1.2 BZ at micromolar concentrations inhibited mediator release which appeared to be related to an inhibition of the intracellular cAMP pathway. Previous work showed that mouse cells lacking the immediate-early gene c-fos are hypersensitive to ultraviolet (UVC) light. keywords: 2007; 24h; 5,6; 72h; a549; abcc2; able; absence; absorption; abundant; ac5; accelerated; accompanied; account; accumulation; acetate; acetyl; acetylcholine; acid; acs; actin; actions; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adducts; adenosine; adenylyl; adhesion; adipocytes; adipose; administration; adrenergic; adrenergic receptor; adrenoceptor; adult; adverse; adverse effects; affected; affinity; agent; aggregation; agonist; ahr; aif; aim; airway; akt; alanine; alcohol; aldosterone; allergic; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; amino; amounts; ampk; amplitude; analogues; analysis; anandamide; angii; angiogenesis; angiotensin; animals; annexin; antagonists; anti; antibodies; antibody; anticancer; antioxidant; aoh; aortic; apomorphine; apoptosis; apoptotic; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arfrp1; arnt; array; arterial; artery; asbestos; asd; assay; assessment; associated; association; assumed; assumption; asthma; atherosclerosis; atp; atrial; attenuated; autophagy; available; average; b cells; background; balb; ballast; barrier; basal; base; basis; bcrp; behavior; best; beta; better; binding; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; biotinylated; bladder; block; blocker; blocking; blood; blood cells; blot; blotting; body; bpde; brain; breaks; breast; brown; c101a; c3bot; c57bl/6; caco-2; cadmium; caf; calcium; calculated; calpain; camp; cancer; cancer cells; candesartan; candidate; capable; capacity; carbon; carcinogenesis; carcinogenic; carcinoma; carcinoma cells; cardiac; cardiomyocytes; cardiovascular; cascade; cases; caspase; catalytic; catalyzed; catechol; cause; cav2.1; cavβ3; ccmp; cd86; cdk5; cdk6; cdna; cdt; celecoxib; cell activation; cell culture; cell cycle; cell death; cell growth; cell line; cell membrane; cell migration; cell proliferation; cell type; cell viability; cells; cellular; central; certain; cfp; cga; cgki; cgmp; chain; challenge; changes; channels; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemical; chemokine; children; cholesterol; cholinergic; chromatography; chronic; classical; clinical; clopidogrel; cnp; coated; coculture; collagen; colon; column; combination; combined; comet; common; comparable; comparison; compartment; complete; complex; complexes; components; composition; compounds; concentration; concept; concern; conclusion; concomitant; conditions; consequence; conserved; consistent; constitutive; constructs; consumers; consumption; contact; content; contractility; contraction; contrast; contribution; control; control cells; cord; correlation; corresponding; cortex; corticosterone; cosmetic; coupling; course; cox-2; cpg; creb; crem; critical; crucial; cse; ctgf; ctl; culture; cump; current; cx40; cxcr4; cyanamide; cyclase; cycle; cyclic; cyp; cyp1a1; cypa; cytochrome; cytokine; cytometry; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; cytotoxicity; d541a; daily; damage; darc; data; database; days; dcs; death; decreased; deficient; deficient mice; degradation; dehp; deletion; delivery; dendritic cells; density; dental; dependent; dependent cell; dependent protein; derivatives; dermal; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; dfg; diabetes; diet; dietary; differences; different; different cell; differential; differentiation; dimerization; diminished; dioxin; direct; discussion; disease; disorder; display; distinct; distribution; diverse; dma; dna; dna damage; domain; dominant; dorsal; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; doxorubicin; drg; drinking; drug; drz; dsbs; dynamics; dyrk1a; dysfunction; dyt1; düsseldorf; e.g.; early; ec50; effective; effects; efficacy; efficient; electrical; electrophilic; elegans; element; elevated; elimination; elisa; embryonic; encoding; endocrine; endocytosis; endogenous; endothelial cells; endpoints; energy; enhanced; enos; environmental; enzymatic; enzyme; eosinophils; ep3; epidemiological; epigenetic; epilepsy; epithelial; er81; erk; erk1/2; erk2; essential; established; estradiol; estrogen; ethanol; evaluation; events; evidence; example; exchange; excretion; exhibit; exon; experimentelle; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; expression levels; extent; extraction; extracts; extrapolation; factor; failing; failure; family; fast; fat; fatty; features; feeding; female; fibers; fibroblasts; fibrosis; fibrotic; field; findings; flavonoids; flow; fluid; fluorescence; foci; fold; following; food; force; formation; forskolin; fos; foxo4; fraction; free; frequency; fret; function; furthermore; fusion; future; fxa; für; g protein; gain; gel; gene; gene expression; general; generated; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotoxic; genotoxicity; genotypes; germany; git1; gland; glioblastoma cells; glioma cells; gls; glucose; glutamate; glutathione; good; gpcrs; gq/11; gradient; grant; grb; great; grk2; grk5; group; growth; gsh; gtpases; guanine; guanylyl; guidance; guinea; gαi2; gαq; gβγ; h2o2; h2r; h4r; h9c2 cells; half; hand; has3; has3v2; hazard; hcc; hcn2; hcn3; hdac; healing; health; heart; heart failure; hek293 cells; hela cells; helenalin; hema; hepatic; hepatoma cells; hepg2; hepg2 cells; herbal; heterologous; heterotrimeric; high; higher; histamine; hivep1; homeostasis; homologous; hormone; hours; hplc; hprt; ht1a; ht2a; human; human cells; human exposure; human heart; human liver; human lung; hur; hyaluronan; hydralazine; hydrogen; hyo; hypertension; hypertrophy; hypothesis; ic50; icer; identification; iii; il-1β; il-4; il-6; il-8; imaging; immune; immune cells; immunoprecipitation; impact; impaired; impairment; important; important role; improved; inactive; increased; incubated; incubation; individual; induced; inducible; induction; infants; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; influx; inhalation; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injection; injury; inos; insights; insp3r; institut; insulin; intact; intact cells; intake; integrity; interaction; interest; interesting; internalization; intervention; intestinal; intracellular; intrinsic; introduction; investigation; involved; involvement; irag; ischemic; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isoprenaline; jnk; keratinocytes; key; kibra; kidney; kinase; kinetics; klinische; knockdown; knockout; knowledge; known; ksrp; lack; large; laser; lat1; leads; learning; left; leipzig; length; lesions; leukemia; levels; library; ligand; like; likely; limited; line; linear; link; lipid; liquid; literature; littermates; little; liver; living; living cells; localization; long; loop; loss; lov; low; lower; lps; luciferase; lung; lymph; lysates; macrophages; mainz; major; male; mammalian; mammalian cells; mammary; manner; mapk; marker; mass; mast; mast cells; matrix; maturation; maximal; maximum; mda; means; measurements; mechanical; mechanisms; mecp2; mediate; mediators; medical; medicinal; medium; melanoma cells; members; membrane; membrane potential; memory; mesangial cells; messenger; met-5a cells; metabolism; metabolites; methods; methylation; mice; microarray; microglial; micrornas; microscopy; migration; milk; minipigs; minor; minutes; mirnas; mitochondrial; mixtures; model; modifications; modified; modulate; modulation; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monomers; months; morphology; mortality; motility; mouse; mrna; mtt; mtx; multiple; murine; muscarinic; muscle cells; mutagenic; mutant; mutated; mutations; mycotoxin; myeloid; myocardial; myosmine; myricetin; münchen; münster; n=3; n=4; nadph; nanomaterials; nanoparticles; nat1; natural; ndpk; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; nerve; nervous; network; neuroblastoma; neuronal; neuronal cells; neurons; neuropathic; neutrophils; new; nfat; nitric; noaels; nociceptive; non; noradrenaline; normal; novel; nox4; nrf2; nuclear; nucleotide; nucleus; number; numerous; oat2; observed; oecd; oil; olesoxime; ongoing; onset; open; opioids; oral; order; organic; organism; organs; origin; overall; overexpression; overload; oxidase; oxidation; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; p110γ; p2x7; p38; p450; p53; p63rhogef; p<0.05; pacing; pain; par-2; parallel; parameters; parp; particular; pasireotide; patch; pathogenesis; pathological; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; pattern; pcb; pcls; pcr; pde10; pde2a; pde4; pdgf; peak; peptide; period; peripheral; permeability; pfoa; pharmacokinetics; pharmacological; pharmacology; pharmakologie; phase; phenotype; phosphatase; phosphodiesterases; phospholamban; phospholipase; phosphorylation; physiological; pi16; pi3k; pimecrolimus; pka; pkc; pkgi; placebo; placenta; plant; plasma; plasmin; platelet; plcγ2; pln; plus; pma; pmt; point; polarized; poly(adp; polymerase; polyphenols; poorly; pore; positive; possible; post; postsynaptic; potassium; potency; potential; pparγ; ppd; preparations; presence; present; present study; pressure; previous; primary; primary cells; prior; procedure; processes; processing; production; products; profile; progression; project; proliferation; prominent; promising; promoter; pronounced; properties; protease; protective; protein; protein activation; protein expression; protein kinase; protein levels; protocol; proximal; pulmonary; purified; putative; pxr; qpcr; qrt; quality; quantification; quantitative; question; rabbit; rac1; radiation; range; rapid; rats; reach; reaction; reactive; recent; receptor; receptor activation; receptor potential; receptor protein; recombinant; redox; reduced; reference; regard; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relative; relaxation; release; relevance; relevant; remodeling; renal; repair; replacement; reported; research; residues; resistance; respect; respective; respiratory; response; responsible; results; resveratrol; reticulum; retigabine; rhoa; rhob; rhogef17; rhoh; right; risk; rkip; robust; rodents; role; root; ros; s. 1; s1p; s49; sac; safety; samples; sclc cells; screening; second; secondary; secretion; selected; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; sensitization; sensor; separated; separation; sept4; sequence; series; serine; serum; set; severe; sex; shock; short; shortening; signaling; signals; significant; silencing; silver; similar; single; sirna; sirt1; site; situation; size; skeletal; skin; slc2a9; slices; small; smc; smf; smooth; soat; soce; sodium; soluble; solution; somatostatin; sources; special; species; specific; specific expression; specificity; spectrometry; spectrum; sperm; sphk-1; spinal; spontaneous; src; sst2; sst5; stability; stable; stages; staining; standard; state; status; stem cells; step; steroid; stimulated; stimulation; stimulatory; stimuli; strand; strategies; strategy; straße; streptavidin; stress; strex; strong; structural; students; studies; study; stw; subcellular; subject; subsequent; substances; substrate; subtypes; subunits; suitable; sulfate; summary; superoxide; support; suppression; surface; survival; syndrome; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; t cells; tak1; tandem; target; target cells; targeting; tcdd; techniques; telmisartan; tempol; terminal; terminus; test; tested; testing; testis; tgf; therapeutic; therapy; thr188; threonine; threshold; thrombin; throughput; time; tissue; tmc8; tmem2; tmz; tnf; tnfα; tone; tool; top2b; total; toxic effects; toxicity; toxicological; toxicology; toxikologie; toxin; tpc1; transcription; transcripts; transduction; transfer; transformation; transgenic; transgenic mice; transient; translocation; transmembrane; transplantation; transport; transporters; treatment; trials; triple; trpa1; trpc6; trpm3; trpv5; ttc; tumor; tumor cells; turn; type; type mice; typical; tyrosine; unchanged; unclear; underlying; understanding; understood; universität; unknown; untreated; untreated cells; uptake; useful; utp; uvb; v79 cells; values; variants; variety; vascular; vasoconstriction; vasodilator; vector; ventilation; ventricular; vessel; viability; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; volunteers; vsmc; water; weekly; weeks; weight; western; white; wide; wild; wildtype; women; work; wound; würzburg; years; zebrafish; zen; zno; µmol; α2a; βar; γh2ax cache: cord-006230-xta38e7j.txt plain text: cord-006230-xta38e7j.txt item: #59 of 974 id: cord-006450-si5168pb author: Jouneau, S. title: Which patients should be tested for viruses on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid? date: 2012-12-14 words: 3121 flesch: 32 summary: To better inform the use of viral tests in patients with respiratory diseases, we performed an observational, retrospective study in our institution, with three aims: (i) to assess the diagnostic value of viral tests on BALF in routine practice; (ii) to analyze the characteristics of patients with virus-positive BALF; and (iii) to identify the factors predictive of positive viral tests in BALF. The variables associated with positive viral tests on univariate analysis were immunosuppression [human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), corticosteroids >10 mg/day for ≥3 weeks, or other immunosuppressive therapy], ground-glass attenuations on computed tomography (CT) scanning, late-onset ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), and durations of (i) hospital stay, (ii) intensive care unit (ICU) stay, and (iii) mechanical ventilation before BAL (p < 0.01 for each comparison). keywords: acute; analysis; attenuations; balf; bronchoalveolar; cases; clinical; cmv; day; diagnostic; disease; ebv; glass; ground; herpes; hiv; hospital; human; icu; immunocompetent; immunocompromised; infections; initial; institution; lavage; lung; mechanical; patients; pcr; pneumonia; positive; pulmonary; respiratory; significant; stay; study; techniques; testing; tests; tract; variables; ventilation; viral; viral tests; virus; viruses; yield cache: cord-006450-si5168pb.txt plain text: cord-006450-si5168pb.txt item: #60 of 974 id: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr author: None title: 40th Annual Meeting of the GTH (Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung) date: 1996 words: 90772 flesch: 46 summary: The data show that children with low risk did in part receive higher doses of heparin and/or AT III concentrate than did high risk patients, whereas plasma therapy was adjusted to severity of eoagnlopathy. Inhibitor testing was done on patients plasma samples using the Bethesda method. keywords: ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absolute; acid; acl; actin; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adenosine; adhesion; administration; admission; adp; adult; affected; affinity; age; aged; agents; aggregation; aim; allele; alpha; alterations; amounts; amplification; amplified; analysis; analytical; angina; animals; antagonist; antibodies; antibody; anticoagulant; anticoagulant therapy; anticoagulation; antigen; antithrombin; antithrombotic; aortic; apc; apc resistance; apcr; apparent; application; applied; approach; aprotinin; apsac; apteg; aptt; area; argatroban; arterial; arteries; artery; asa; asn; aspirin; assay; assessment; association; atherosclerosis; atiii; autoimmune; automated; available; average; axa; basal; baseline; basis; bcs; behring; better; binding; bleeding; blood; blood cells; blood coagulation; blood loss; blood plasma; blood samples; boehringer; bolus; bone; buffer; bypass; ca2; cad; calcium; calculated; calibration; cancer; cancer patients; capillary; cardiac; cardiovascular; carotid; cases; cause; cd4; cd62; cells; cellular; center; cerebral; certain; cgmp; chain; changes; characterized; children; cholesterol; chromatography; chromogenic; chronic; circulation; citrate; clauss; clear; cleavage; clinical; cll; clots; clotting; clotting time; cls; coagulation; coagulation activation; coagulation factor; coagulation parameters; coagulation system; coated; cofactor; collagen; combination; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complex; complexes; complications; components; concentrate; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; constant; contact; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coronary; coronary patients; correlation; corresponding; coumarin; count; course; cpb; criteria; cross; csf; cultured; curcumin; cytokines; cytometry; d419n; dade; daily; damage; data; day; days; decrease; deep; defect; deficiencies; deficiency; degradation; degree; density; dependent; deposition; derfbg; derivatives; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; dfib; diabetes; diagnosis; differences; different; dilution; dimer; diminished; dipyridamole; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; domain; donors; dosage; dose; dose heparin; double; drop; drug; duration; dvt; early; ecc; edta; effect; effective; efficacy; electra; elevated; elevation; elimination; elisa; embolism; endothelial; endothelial cells; enhanced; enzyme; episodes; established; estimation; evaluation; events; evidence; exchange; exclusion; excretion; exercise; exon; expected; experiments; exposure; expression; exteg; extensive; extent; extrinsic; factor; factor ix; factor levels; factor v; factor viii; factor xa; failure; false; family; fast; fatal; fdp; female; fi+2; fibrin; fibrinogen; fibrinolytic; fibrinopeptide; filter; final; findings; fitc; fl+2; flow; fluorescence; fold; followed; following; formation; forms; fragment; frankfurt; free; frequency; frequent; function; fxa; fxii; fxla; gbpg; general; generation; genetic; germany; gla; glycoprotein; good; gpib; granulocytes; great; group; half; hat; hat patients; hcv; hcys; healthy; heart; help; hemophilia; hemorrhagic; hemostatic; hepadn; heparin; heparin therapy; heparin treatment; hepatic; hepatitis; heptest; hereditary; heterozygous; high; high levels; high risk; higher; hipa; hirudin; history; hit; hla; home; homozygous; hospital; hours; hrs; human; human blood; human plasma; huvec; i.v; identical; igg; il-6; immune; immunological; impaired; implantation; important; improvement; incidence; incorporation; increased; incubation; index; indicate; indications; individuals; induced; induction; infants; infarction; inflammatory; influence; infusion; inhibited; inhibitor; inhibitor patients; inhibits; initial; injection; injury; inr; institute; insulin; intact; intensity; interaction; intervention; intracellular; intravascular; intravenous; intrinsic; introduction; investigation; involved; involvement; irradiation; ischemia; isolated; kallikrein; kaolin; kda; kinetics; klinik; klinikum; known; laboratory; lack; large; later; ldl; lead; left; leg; leiden; lesions; leukocyte; levels; life; like; likely; limited; linear; little; liver; lmmh; lmwh; loss; low; low molecular; lower; lps; lung; lupus; lymphocytes; mab; main; major; majority; malaria; male; management; manner; marburg; marked; markers; marrow; material; matrix; maximum; mcs; mean; measurements; measuring; mechanical; mechanism; median; medical; medicine; members; membrane; metabolism; method; mice; microscopy; mild; minor; minutes; model; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; monomer; months; mortality; mouse; mrna; multiple; muscle; mutant; mutation; myocardial; native; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; new; nmol; non; normal; normal plasma; normal platelet; normal range; normal values; normalized; number; oac; observation; observed; occlusive; old; onset; operation; optical; oral; order; organ; orgaran; outcome; overall; p<0.001; p<0.05; pa activity; pai; pal; pallidipin; pancreas; pap; parallel; parameters; partial; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; patients months; pci; pcr; peak; pediatric patients; peg; peptide; period; persons; phase; physical; physiological; pin; placebo; plasma; plasma concentrations; plasma levels; plasma protein; plasma samples; plasmapheresis; plasmatic; plasminogen; platelet; platelet activation; platelet adhesion; platelet aggregation; platelet count; platelet factor; platelet function; platelet surface; plus; pmnl; point; pool; poor; population; positive; possible; postoperative; potency; potent; potential; predictive; pregnancy; preliminary; preoperative; preparations; prepared; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; procedure; process; processes; products; profile; proliferation; prolongation; prolonged; pronounced; properties; prophylactic; prophylaxis; propositus; prospective; protamine; protease; protein; protein c; protein s; proteolytic; prothrombin; prp; ptca; pts; pulmonary; purified; purity; purpose; quality; quantitative; quick; rabbit; rain; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ratios; rats; reaction; reactive; reagent; received; recent; receptor; recombinant; recovery; recurrent; reduced; reduction; reference; regard; regimen; regulation; related; relative; release; relevance; relevant; reliability; reliable; renal; reperfusion; replacement; report; resistance; respect; responders; response; restenosis; restriction; results; rfviia; rich; right; rise; risk; risk factor; role; routine; run; safety; samples; score; screening; second; secondary; selectin; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; septicemia; serine; serotonin; serum; severe; severity; shape; shock; short; signal; significant; signs; silica; similar; simple; simultaneous; single; site; skin; slight; small; smooth; sodium; soluble; solution; sorbents; special; species; specific; specificity; spontaneous; stability; stable; stage; standard; status; stents; step; stimulation; streptokinase; stroke; strong; structure; studies; study; subcutaneous; subjects; subsequent; substitution; substrate; successful; suffering; sufficient; suitable; sulfate; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; symptoms; syndrome; synthetic; system; systemic; target; technique; teg; tendency; terminal; test; testing; tfpi; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombin generation; thrombin inhibitor; thrombin time; thrombocyte; thrombocytopenia; thromboembolic; thrombolytic; thrombomodulin; thrombophilia; thromboplastin; thrombosis; thrombus; time; tissue; tissue factor; tnf; total; tpa; training; transduction; transplantation; transport; trapidil; treatment; triabin; trials; trypsin; tumor; turbidimetric; type; ufh; umbilical; unchanged; und; underlying; unfractionated; units; university; unknown; upa; upar; upper; urine; urokinase; use; useful; values; valve; variable; vascular; vein; venous; venous blood; venous thrombosis; versus; vessel; viia; viii; virus; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vod; volume; volunteers; von; vs.; vte; vwd; vwf; wall; weeks; weight; weight heparin; willebrand; willebrand factor; women; xiia; xiii; years; yon; young cache: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr.txt plain text: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr.txt item: #61 of 974 id: cord-006960-9pho3hk6 author: Prakash, R. title: Droplet Microfluidic Chip Based Nucleic Acid Amplification and Real-Time Detection of Influenza Viruses date: 2013-12-27 words: 6281 flesch: 46 summary: Single surface droplet actuation methodologies for transport, mixing and cycling of PCR samples and reagents.-Dispensing, mixing and subsequent manipulations of PCR sample and reagent droplets were achieved using two popular electro-actuation methods, namely Droplet dielectrophoresis (D-DEP) 16, 17 and/or, Electrowetting (EW). In this investigation, we have leveraged electro-actuation based Droplet microfluidics (DMF), where electric field effects are utilized for dispensing and subsequent handling of droplets, as the method of choice for handling PCR samples and reagents. keywords: actuation; amplification; assays; bio; chip; concentration; contact; control; conventional; copies; curves; cycle; cycling; dep; design; detection; device; different; dispensing; dmf; dna; droplet; efficiency; electrode; eqn; experimental; fabricated; figure; fluorescence; gap; handling; heater; high; influenza; integrated; low; metal; methods; micro; microfluidic; mixing; nucleic; number; order; pcr; pcr droplet; pcr micro; pcr reaction; performance; power; probe; qrt; quantitative; reaction; reagent; real; requirement; resistance; resistive; results; rna; rtd; sample; section; set; signal; standard; structures; surface; tcus; technique; temperature; thermal; threshold; time; transport; viral; viruses; voltage; volume; μl pcr cache: cord-006960-9pho3hk6.txt plain text: cord-006960-9pho3hk6.txt item: #62 of 974 id: cord-007047-7ty9mxa9 author: Reller, L. Barth title: Implications of New Technology for Infectious Diseases Practice date: 2006-11-15 words: 4096 flesch: 32 summary: The use of laboratory tests for diagnosis of enteroviral CNS disease was shown to be cost effective long ago [8] , but the availability of rapid molecular tests for this purpose has been long coming. The clinical relevance of 'CSF viral culture': a two-year experience with aseptic meningitis in A rapid and highly accurate assay for the detection of enterovirus infections in cerebrospinal fluid samples using the GeneXpert Dx system Impact of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genetic diversity on performance of four commercial viral load assays: LCx HIV RNA Quantitative, AM-PLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR v1.5, VERSANT HIV-1 RNA 3.0, and NucliSens HIV-1 QT Comparing first-void urine specimens, self-collected vaginal swabs, and endocervical specimens to detect Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae by a nucleic acid amplification test Comparison of methods for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae using commercially available nucleic acid amplification tests and a liquid pap smear medium Validation of molecular-diagnostic techniques in the parasitological laboratory Diagnostic PCR: validation and sample preparation are two sides of the same coin Failure of commercial ligase chain reaction to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in sputum samples from a patient with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis due to a deletion of the target region Reproducibility of positive test results in the BDProbeTec ET system for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae False-positive Gen-Probe direct Mycobacterium tuberculosis amplification test results for patients with pulmonary M. kansasii and M. avium infections The current status and potential role of laboratory testing to prevent transfusion-transmitted malaria Characteristics of apparently false-negative digene hybrid capture 2 high-risk HPV DNA testing Occurrence and documentation of low-level bacteremia in a community hospital's patient population Comparison of 9 different PCR primers for the rapid detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus using 2 RNA extraction methods Comparison of six DNA extraction methods for recovery of fungal DNA as assessed by quantitative PCR Rapid diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis: what is the optimal method? Comparison of conventional bacteriology with nucleic acid amplification (amplified mycobacterium direct test) for diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis before and after inception of antituberculosis chemotherapy The bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis Diagnostic accuracy of nucleic acid amplification tests for tuberculous meningitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Rapid identification of the species of the Bacteroides fragilis group by multiplex PCR assays using group-and species-specific primers Sequence analysis of four Shigella boydii O-antigen loci: implication for Escherichia coli and Shigella relationships Rhinosporidium seeberi: a human pathogen from a novel group of aquatic protistan parasites Lack of serological evidence for Mycoplasma fermentans infection in army Gulf War veterans: a large scale case-control study Mycoplasma fermentans in individuals seropositive and seronegative for HIV-1 Serological responses to mycoplasmas in HIV-infected and non-infected individuals Monitoring of Chlamydia trachomatis infections after antibiotic treatment using RNA detection by nucleic acid sequence based amplification Multicenter study of a rapid molecular-based assay for the diagnosis of group B Streptococcus colonization in pregnant women Comparison of rapid intrapartum screening methods for group B streptococcal vaginal colonization Perinatal screening for group B streptococci: cost-benefit analysis of rapid polymerase chain reaction Risk factors for early-onset group B streptococcal sepsis: estimation of odds ratios by critical literature review Prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal disease: revised guidelines from CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. keywords: acid; agents; amplification; analysis; assays; available; chlamydia; clinical; clinicians; commercial; comparison; cost; csf; culture; current; detection; development; diagnosis; direct; diseases; dna; etiology; example; false; fda; genetic; gonorrhoeae; group; hiv; human; infectious; laboratories; laboratory; lack; meningitis; methods; microarray; microbial; microbiologists; microbiology; molecular; mycoplasma; naa; negative; new; nucleic; number; organisms; patient; pcr; positive; potential; problems; rapid; response; results; rna; sample; sensitivity; sequencing; specimens; streptococcal; studies; systems; technologies; technology; testing; tests; time; trachomatis; tuberculous; use; validation; virus; volume; women; years cache: cord-007047-7ty9mxa9.txt plain text: cord-007047-7ty9mxa9.txt item: #63 of 974 id: cord-007066-zn10rnrm author: Park, Noh Jin title: Characterization of RNA in Saliva date: 2006-06-01 words: 4651 flesch: 55 summary: In this study, we analyzed the integrity, sources, and stability of salivary RNA. Methods: We measured the integrity of salivary RNA with reverse transcription followed by PCR (RT-PCR) or RT-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). keywords: -actin; amounts; amplicons; analysis; blood; cancer; cavity; cells; data; degradation; different; epithelial; fig; fluids; gcf; genes; gingival; glands; healthy; human; il8; incubation; length; macromolecules; middle; min; mrna; oral; parotid; participants; pcr; plasma; pores; present; primers; qpcr; reverse; rna; rnas; room; saliva; salivary; samples; serum; stability; study; sublingual; submandibular; temperature; time; transcripts; triton; use; x-100 cache: cord-007066-zn10rnrm.txt plain text: cord-007066-zn10rnrm.txt item: #64 of 974 id: cord-007068-vcfs41eb author: Moradi, Tony title: Use of Procalcitonin and a Respiratory Polymerase Chain Reaction Panel to Reduce Antibiotic Use via an Electronic Medical Record Alert date: 2019-10-22 words: 3670 flesch: 34 summary: While the electronic medical record (EMR) has been used in various manners for antibiotic stewardship [22, 23] , we are unaware of its use to automate stewardship recommendations for viral respiratory infections. A study by Timbrook and colleagues found low rates of antibiotic discontinuation in patients with positive viral respiratory PCR, negative PCT, or both, which were suggestive of viral etiology. keywords: active; alert; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; bacterial; bpa; criteria; data; days; diagnostic; discharge; discontinuation; emr; escalation; firing; group; hours; illness; infections; influenza; intervention; lrtis; mean; need; patients; pcr; pct; pneumonia; positive; potential; prescribing; procalcitonin; providers; rates; reduction; respiratory; results; review; significant; stewardship; study; testing; tests; therapy; tract; use; viral; virus cache: cord-007068-vcfs41eb.txt plain text: cord-007068-vcfs41eb.txt item: #65 of 974 id: cord-007234-hcpa8ej5 author: Renwick, Neil title: A Recently Identified Rhinovirus Genotype Is Associated with Severe Respiratory-Tract Infection in Children in Germany date: 2007-12-15 words: 2515 flesch: 31 summary: Frequency and natural history of rhinovirus infections in adults during autumn Viruses and bacteria in the etiology of the common cold The seasonality of rhinovirus infections and its implications for clinical recognition Characterization and classification of ECHO 28-rhinovirus-coryzavirus agents Detection of rhinovirus RNA in lower airway cells during experimentally induced infection Rhinoviruses infect the lower airways Quantitative and qualitative analysis of rhinovirus infection in bronchial tissues Rhinovirus and the lower respiratory tract Interleukin-10 gene expression in acute virus-induced asthma Rhinovirus viremia in children with respiratory infections Viral infections of human Association of rhinovirus infection with increased disease severity in acute bronchiolitis International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Universal Database of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses Virus taxonomy: eighth report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses Antigenic groupings of 90 rhinovirus serotypes A collaborative report: rhinoviruses-extension of the numbering system from 89 to 100 Two groups of rhinoviruses revealed by a panel of antiviral compounds present sequence divergence and differential pathogenicity Alignment of capsid protein VP1 sequences of all human rhinovirus prototype strains: conserved motifs and functional domains Molecular relationships between 21 human rhinovirus serotypes Genetic clustering of all 102 human rhinovirus prototype strains: serotype 87 is close to human enterovirus 70 Many rhinovirus serotypes share the same cellular receptor The major and minor group receptor families contain all but one human rhinovirus serotype Human rhinovirus 87 and enterovirus 68 represent a unique serotype with rhinovirus and enterovirus features VP1 sequencing of all human rhinovirus serotypes: insights into genus phylogeny and susceptibility to antiviral capsid-binding compounds Rapid simultaneous diagnosis of infections with respiratory syncytial viruses A and B, influenza viruses A and B, and human parainfluenza virus types 1, 2, and 3 by multiplex quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-enzyme hybridization assay (Hexaplex) GeneScan reverse transcription-PCR assay for detection of six common respiratory viruses in young children hospitalized with acute respiratory illness Diagnostic system for rapid and sensitive differential detection of pathogens Microarray-based detection and genotyping of viral pathogens Panmicrobial oligonucleotide array for diagnosis of infectious diseases MassTag polymerase-chainreaction detection of respiratory pathogens, including a new rhinovirus genotype, that caused influeza-like illness in New York State during Microarray detection of human parainfluenzavirus 4 infection associated with respiratory failure in an immunocompetent adult Improved detection of rhinoviruses in nasal and throat swabs by seminested RT-PCR Molecular diagnosis of human rhinovirus infections: comparison with virus isolation Detection of rhinoviruses by tissue culture and two independent amplification techniques, nucleic acid sequence-based amplification and reverse transcription-PCR, in children with acute respiratory infections during a winter season Picornavirus infections in children diagnosed by RT-PCR during longitudinal surveillance with weekly sampling: association with symptomatic illness and effect of season Application of a fluorogenic PCR assay for typing and subtyping of influenza viruses in respiratory samples Simultaneous detection of fourteen respiratory viruses in clinical specimens by two multiplex reverse transcription nested-PCR assays MEGA3: integrated software for molecular evolutionary genetics analysis and sequence alignment Use of polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of picornavirus infection in subjects with and without respiratory symptoms Human picornavirus and coronavirus RNA in nasopharynx of children without concurrent respiratory symptoms Novel Rhinovirus Genotype in LRTI • JID Respiratory picornaviruses and respiratory syncytial virus as causative agents of acute expiratory wheezing in children Rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus in wheezing children requiring emergency care: IgE and eosinophil analyses Rhinovirus-associated hospitalizations in young children Persistence of rhinovirus and enterovirus RNA after acute respiratory illness in children Lower airways inflammation during rhinovirus colds in normal and in asthmatic subjects Low grade rhinovirus infection induces a prolonged release of IL-8 in pulmonary epithelium Rhinovirus replication causes RANTES production in primary bronchial epithelial cells Rhinovirus infection increases 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2 in bronchial biopsy specimens from nonatopic subjects Rhinovirus infections in an industrial population. keywords: acute; agents; analysis; assay; bronchiolitis; bronchitis; cases; children; clade; comparable; detection; diagnosis; disease; frequency; genetic; genotype; germany; hev; hrv; hrvs; human; illness; infections; lower; lrti; masstag; multiplex; new; novel; pathogens; pcr; polymerase; presence; respiratory; rhinovirus; rna; samples; sequence; serotypes; severe; specimens; symptoms; tract; viral; viruses; york cache: cord-007234-hcpa8ej5.txt plain text: cord-007234-hcpa8ej5.txt item: #66 of 974 id: cord-007427-iqwojhq2 author: Dedkov, Vladimir G. title: Development and Evaluation of a One-Step Quantitative RT-PCR Assay for Detection of Lassa Virus date: 2019-06-03 words: 4056 flesch: 42 summary: One-step RT-PCR assay targeting GP, with primers OWS-1-fwd ( GCGCACCGGGGATCCTAGGC) and OWS-1000-rev (AGCATGTCACAA-AAYTCYTCATCATG) was used for LASV detection (Ehichioya et al., 2011) . In this paradigm, a number of RT-PCR assays for LASV detection were developed and evaluated. keywords: addition; amplisens; antibody; armored; arps; assay; control; copies; detection; developed; diagnosis; dna; et al; evaluated; extraction; fever; gene; guinea; hemorrhagic; high; institute; josiah; kit; lassa; lasv; lfd; lod; lvl; natalensis; negative; number; pcr; positive; primers; probes; qpcr; reaction; region; research; reverse; rna; russia; samples; sensitivity; sequences; serum; specific; step; strain; study; suitable; tissue; usa; vector; viral; virology; virus cache: cord-007427-iqwojhq2.txt plain text: cord-007427-iqwojhq2.txt item: #67 of 974 id: cord-007564-ljqrxjvv author: Leroy, O. title: 04 – Apport des explorations microbiologiques au diagnostic des infections des voies respiratoires basses date: 2006-11-13 words: 13544 flesch: 44 summary: Le rôle de la quantification bactérienne dans la prise en compte du résultat de la culture doit être également discuté. [17] , portant sur 209 patients, retrouve une augmentation de la fréquence de positivité de l'hémoculture avec celle du risque de décès apprécié par la classe de risque établie selon le PSI initial. keywords: acute; admis; adults; agents; ainsi; analyse; antibiothérapie; antigen; antimicrobial; apparaît; assay; assessment; assez; aussi; auteurs; aux; avaient; ayant; bacteremic; bien; bpco; care; cas; cela; celui; certaines; ces; cette; chain; charge; chez; chlamydia; clinical; comme; community; comparison; compte; concernant; contamination; cours; culture; cytobactériologique; d'anticorps; d'une; dans; dans la; de la; des; detection; deux; diagnostic; diagnostique; difficile; différentes; direct; disease; doit; donc; données; début; elderly; elle; encore; endoscopiques; enfin; entre; est; etiology; evaluation; exacerbations; examens; experts; explorations; faible; fait; faut; faux; fréquence; gram; group; guidelines; hospitalisés; hémocultures; ils; immunofluorescence; infections; influenza; initial; institution; l'absence; l'autre; l'examen; l'expectoration; l'impact; l'intérêt; l'origine; la culture; la pac; la sensibilité; lba; legionella; les; leur; lieu; limites; littérature; légionellose; maladie; management; mesure; microbiologiques; moins; mortalité; mycoplasma; méthode; même; n'est; n'existe; niveau; nombreuses; non; nous; négatif; ont; pac; par; partir; pas; pathogène; patients; pcr; peut; peuvent; plus; pneumococcal; pneumococciques; pneumocoque; pneumonia; pneumophila; points; polymerase; ponction; positifs; positive; positivité; pour; pourrait; première; prenant; prise; propos; prospective; prélèvements; publications; pulmonaire; qu'il; qu'un; que; quelques; qui; rapide; reaction; recommandations; rend; respiratoires; respiratory; reverse; revue; risque; réalisée; réanimation; référence; résultats; rôle; s'agit; samples; sans; savoir; seconde; selon; semaines; semble; sensibilité; sera; serait; seront; seul; severe; severity; society; soit; sont; souligner; sous; souvent; spp; sputum; spécificité; streptococcus; study; suivants; sujet; sur; sécrétions; séroconversion; sérologie; sévère; tableau; taux; technique; tels; test; titre; tous; toutefois; tract; traitement; transcription; travail; travaux; treatment; trois; très; une; urinaires; urinary; utile; ville; virus; viruses; voire; échantillons; également; élevée; étiologique; études; été; évidemment; être cache: cord-007564-ljqrxjvv.txt plain text: cord-007564-ljqrxjvv.txt item: #68 of 974 id: cord-007874-oq8gpl91 author: Bao, Jian R. title: Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction/pyrosequencing to characterize neuraminidase H275 residue of influenza A 2009 H1N1 virus for rapid and specific detection of the viral oseltamivir resistance marker in a clinical laboratory date: 2011-10-13 words: 3312 flesch: 39 summary: Fact sheet for health care providers Characteristics of patients with oseltamivir-resistant pandemic (H1N1) 2009, United States Detection of influenza virus resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors by an enzyme inhibition assay Rapid genotypic assay for detection of oseltamivir-resistant influenza A (H1N1) viruses Oseltamivir-resistant influenza viruses circulating during the first year of the influenza The presence of 2 types of viruses -2009 H1N1 and other seasonal influenza A H1N1in each patient specimen was determined using the Influenza A H1N1 (2009) Real Time RT-PCR kit (Focus Diagnostics, Cypress, CA, USA) on an ABI 7500 real-time PCR system (ABI, Foster, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. keywords: assay; cdc; clinical; codon; detection; deyde; drug; et al; h1n1; h275; influenza; laboratory; method; molecular; mutant; mutation; neuraminidase; oseltamivir; pandemic; patient; pcr; positive; pyroseq; pyrosequencing; rapid; real; residue; resistant; results; rna; samples; sanger; seasonal; sequence; sequencing; specimens; susceptible; tcid; time; type; usa; viral; virus; viruses; wild cache: cord-007874-oq8gpl91.txt plain text: cord-007874-oq8gpl91.txt item: #69 of 974 id: cord-007890-bie1veti author: None title: ECC-4 Abstracts date: 2002-04-16 words: 86133 flesch: 45 summary: On the whole, E. coli showed an elevated sensitivity rate ( !/90% of tested strains) to nitrofurantoin, gentamicin, amikacin, and 2nd-and 3rd-generation cephalosporins, while only amoxicillin and piperacillin had a mean resistance rate !/30 % for M41L, D67N, K103N, M184V, L210W, T215YF, and for L10I, M36I, L63P, A71VT, L90M for P Inhibitors (PI). keywords: -test; /10; 1st; 2nd; 3rd; abdominal; abscess; absence; academy; acid; acinetobacter; action; active; activities; activity; acute; acv; acyclovir; addition; adherence; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; aeruginosa; affected; agar; aged; agents; aids; aim; aims; albicans; alternative; amb; amikacin; aminoglycosides; amoxicillin; amphotericin; amplification; amx; anaerobic; analysis; animals; antibacterial; antibiotic; antibiotic resistance; antibiotic therapy; antibiotic treatment; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antigen; antimicrobial; antimicrobial resistance; antiretroviral; antiviral; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arthritis; aspergillus; assay; associated; association; atb; athens; atypical; auc; aureus; aureus strains; available; average; azithromycin; aztreonam; b b; b á; b/0.001; b/0.05; bacilli; bacillus; background; bacteria; bactericidal; bacteriological; baseline; basis; baumanii; bcr; best; beta; better; bid; biochemical; biofilm; biomerieux; biopsy; blood; body; bologna; bone; brazil; brivudin; broad; bronchial; broth; brucella; brucellosis; bulgaria; c b; calcutta; cancer; candida; cap; carbapenems; care; cases; catarrhalis; catheter; causative; cause; cd4; cdad; cefepime; cefotaxime; ceftazidime; ceftriaxone; cells; center; central; centre; cephalosporins; cfu; cfx; changes; characteristics; chemotherapy; chest; children; chloramphenicol; choice; chronic; ciprofloxacin; cirrhosis; city; clarithromycin; clavulanate; clavulanic; clearance; clindamycin; clinical; clinical isolates; clinical microbiology; clinical strains; cloacae; cmd; cmv; cns; coagulase; cocci; coli; coli strains; colistin; collected; colonies; colonization; colony; combination; combined; common; community; comparable; comparison; complete; compliance; complicated; complications; compounds; concentrations; concern; conclusion; conditions; consecutive; consumption; continued; control; copd; copies; core; correlation; cost; cotrimoxazole; count; course; criteria; cross; crp; csf; cultures; cure; d b; daily; data; database; days; ddst; december; decrease; decreasing; delay; department; dependent; detection; determination; determined; development; diagnosis; diarrhoea; differences; different; difficile; diffusion; dilution; direct; disc; discussion; disease; disk; distribution; dna; dosage; dose; dosing; double; doxycycline; drug; drug resistance; duration; e b; early; echinococcosis; economic; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficiency; efflux; elderly; elevated; emergence; empirical; endemic; endocarditis; enteric; enterobacteriaceae; enterococcus; enzyme; epidemiological; epidermidis; episodes; eradication; erythromycin; esbl; escherichia; essential; etiology; europe; european; evaluation; events; evidence; exacerbations; examination; excellent; expected; experimental; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; f b; factors; faculty; faecalis; faecium; failure; family; favorable; features; female; fever; findings; fluconazole; fluid; fluoroquinolones; following; follows; form; france; french; frequencies; frequency; frequent; function; fungal; fungi; furazolidone; g b; garcia; gatifloxacin; gdc; gel; general; generation; genes; genotype; gentamicin; germany; gfx; global; glu; glycopeptides; good; gps; gram; greater; greece; group; group b; growth; guidelines; haart; haemophilus; half; hav; hbeag; hbv; hcc; hcv; health; hepatic; hepatitis; herpes; hgv; high; high resistance; higher; highest; history; hiv; hiv patients; hiv-1; hospital; hospitalization; host; hsv; human; hungary; hygiene; i.v; icu; icu patients; identification; ifn; iii; illness; imipenem; immunocompromised; immunological; impact; important; improvement; incidence; increase; incubation; index; india; individuals; infected; infection; inflammatory; influence; influenza; information; infusion; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; institute; integrons; intensive; interaction; interferon; intermediate; internal; interpretation; intestinal; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; involvement; ioannina; iran; islamic; isolates; isolation; istanbul; italy; j b; january; june; kansasi; killing; klebsiella; l b; laboratory; lactamase; lactams; lamivudine; large; lead; length; lesions; level; levofloxacin; lfx; life; like; limited; linezolid; liver; load; local; london; long; longer; loss; lower; lrti; lumbar; lung; lzd; m b; macrolides; madrid; main; major; majority; malaria; male; maltophilia; management; march; marked; markers; mass; material; mean; measures; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; medium; meningitis; meropenem; methicillin; methods; metronidazole; mic90; mice; microbiological; microbiology; microdilution; microorganisms; mics; middle; midecamycin; mild; milk; minimum; minocycline; model; moderate; molecular; monitoring; monotherapy; months; morbidity; mortality; moscow; mothers; moxifloxacin; mrsa; mrsa strains; mssa; multi; multidrug; multiple; multiresistant; muscle; mutant; mutations; mycobacterium; national; nccls; necessary; need; negative; neisseria; neonatal; netilmicin; neutropenic patients; new; newborns; newer; nitric; nitrofurantoin; non; norfloxacin; normal; nosocomial; novel; number; objective; observation; observed; oil; old; onset; optimal; oral; order; organisms; oseltamivir; osteoarticular; outbreak; outcome; outpatient; overall; oxacillin; oxide; p c; parameters; pathogens; pathology; patients; pattern; pb/; pcr; pct; peak; pediatric; penicillin; percent; percentages; period; peripheral; pertussis; pharmacodynamic; pharmacokinetic; pharmacology; pharmacy; pharyngitis; phase; phenotype; physicians; piperacillin; plasma; plasmid; plates; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; point; poland; policy; poor; population; positive; positive patients; positive strains; possible; post; potential; predictive; predominant; preliminary; prescriptions; presence; present; present study; presentation; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; production; products; profile; proliferation; prolonged; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protease; protein; proteus; pseudomonas; pts; public; pulmonary; purpose; pyogenes; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; reaction; recent; recommendations; reduced; reference; reflux; regimen; regions; related; relationship; renal; replication; reported; reports; republic; research; resistance; resistance rates; resistant bacteria; resistant isolates; resistant s.; resistant staphylococcus; resistant strains; respiratory; response; responsible; results; retrospective; reverse; rifampicin; right; risk; rna; roche; rods; role; romania; routine; rpr132552; rpr202868; russian; s b; s. aureus; safety; salmonella; samples; school; sciences; screening; second; secretions; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; series; serological; serotype; serum; service; severe; severity; sex; sheep; short; significant; signs; similar; single; sinusitis; site; skin; slovakia; society; sofia; soft; sorocaba; sources; spain; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spp; spread; sputum; staff; standard; staphylococcus; state; status; stay; stool; strains; streptococcus; streptogramin; streptomycin; structure; students; studies; study; subjects; success; suffering; suitable; sulbactam; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survey; susceptibility; susceptible; susceptible strains; sustained; swabs; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; synergy; synthesis; system; systemic; tau; tazobactam; teaching; tehran; teicoplanin; telithromycin; tested; testing; tetracycline; th1; therapeutic; therapy; thrombocytopenia; time; tissue; tobramycin; tolerability; total; tract; tract infection; treatment; trends; trial; trimethoprim; ttv; tuberculosis; tunisia; turkey; type; typhi; typhus; typing; underlying; underwent; units; university; university hospital; unknown; upper; urealyticum; urinary; urine; use; useful; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; values; vancomycin; vap; variation; varicella; ventilation; viral; virus; viruses; visa; visit; vitro; vivo; volunteers; vor; wall; warsaw; weeks; weight; wide; women; work; wound; xrp2868; years; zone; zoster; á/10; á/2001 cache: cord-007890-bie1veti.txt plain text: cord-007890-bie1veti.txt item: #70 of 974 id: cord-008678-zi3aunqz author: Piñana, José Luis title: Clinical significance of Pneumocystis jirovecii DNA detection by real-time PCR in hematological patient respiratory specimens date: 2020-01-10 words: 2053 flesch: 40 summary: Detection or recovery of other microbial agents (one or more) was documented in 17 of the 27 specimens testing positive by PJ PCR ( Table 2 ). In our view, however, the variability in the performance of different PCR assays and sampling conditions, heterogeneity of patient populations, and in particular the lack of a PJ international standard material for PCR result normalization precludes defining a consensus universal threshold nowadays. keywords: absence; assay; available; bal; centers; clinical; cmv; colonization; detection; diagnosis; dna; fluid; gene; hematological; hsv; jirovecii; median; molecular; patients; pcr; pjp; pneumocystis; pneumonia; positive; presence; range; real; respiratory; samples; smx; spain; specimens; sputa; study; table; time; transplant; values cache: cord-008678-zi3aunqz.txt plain text: cord-008678-zi3aunqz.txt item: #71 of 974 id: cord-008777-i2reanan author: None title: ECB12: 12th European Congess on Biotechnology date: 2005-07-19 words: 151661 flesch: 40 summary: During the process development for protein production, short time to market and the demand for cheap processes dominate today's process development. Interdependence of the impact of methanol and oxygen supply on protein production with recombinant Pichia pastoris N.K. Khatri, F. Hoffmann Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute for Biotechnology, Halle D-06120, Germany. keywords: -1,4; -amylase; 1,2; 16s; 2,4; aat; absence; abundant; acceptor; account; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acetate; acetyl; acid; acid bacteria; acid concentration; acid fermentation; acid production; actions; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acyl; addition; adequate; adhesion; administration; adsorbents; adsorption; adult; advanced; advantages; aeration; affected; affinity; agar; agents; agitation; agricultural; aim; air; alcohol; algal; algorithm; alkaline; alkaloid; altered; alternative; alık; amino; amino acid; ammonia; ammonium; amounts; amplification; amplified; anaerobic; analogues; analysis; analytical; analyzed; anammox; animal; ankara; ankara university; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antimicrobial; antioxidant; apoptosis; apparent; applicability; applicable; application; applied; approach; appropriate; aqueous; arabinose; area; aromatic; ascorbic; aspects; aspergillus; assay; assayed; assembly; associated; astaxanthin; atcc; atp; attention; attractive; aureus; availability; available; average; bacillus; bacteria; bacterium; balance; balhimycin; barley; basal; base; basis; batch; batch process; batches; beads; bed; behavior; benefits; benzene; benzoin; best; beta; better; binding; bioactive; biocatalysts; biocatalytic; biocentrum; biochemical; biochemistry; biocontrol; biodegradation; bioethanol; biofilm; biological; biology; biomarkers; biomass; biomass production; biomedical; bioprocess; bioreactor; bioremediation; biosynthesis; biotechnological; biotechnology; blood; blot; blue; bonds; bone; botulinum; bovine; box; braun; breeding; brewing; brm; broad; broth; bsa; buffer; building; bulk; business; butachlor; butanol; bvdv; calcium; calculated; calibration; campus; canary; cancer; candida; capabilities; capable; capacity; caprine; capture; carbohydrate; carbon; care; carotene; carotenoids; case; cassava; catalyst; catalytic; catalyze; cdna; cell; cell culture; cell growth; cell line; cell mass; cell proliferation; cell protein; cellulose; center; central; centre; centrifugation; ceramide; cerevisiae; certain; chain; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; cheap; cheese; chemical; chemical engineering; chemistry; chemostat; chip; chiral; chitin; chitosan; choice; chromatography; chymosin; citrate; citric; citric acid; class; classical; classification; cleavage; clinical; cloned; cloning; close; cluster; coal; coated; coating; coefficients; coffe; coli; collagen; collected; collection; college; colon; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; community; companies; comparative; compare; comparison; compartments; compatible; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; complexity; components; composition; compounds; compression; concentration; concept; conclusion; conditions; conformational; consequence; conserved; considerable; considerations; consistent; constant; constructed; construction; consumed; consumers; consuming; consumption; contact; contaminated; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; contribution; control; controlling; conventional; conversion; corn; correlation; corresponding; cost; countries; coupling; course; cresol; criteria; critical; crl; crls; crop; cross; crucial; crude; cultivars; cultivation; culture; culture conditions; culture medium; current; curves; cycle; cysteine; cytochrome; cytometry; cytotoxic; dairy; damage; data; date; days; dbc; debris; decades; decrease; deficiency; degradation; degraded; degrading; degree; dehydrogenase; deletion; delivery; demand; denmark; density; department; dependent; derivatives; design; detailed; detection; detergent; determination; determined; development; device; dhap; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; dialysis; diet; differences; different; different concentrations; different conditions; different process; different time; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffusion; dige; digestion; dilution; direct; directed; discovery; disease; disinfectants; disrupted; disruption; dissolved; distilled; distinct; distribution; diverse; dk-2800; dna; domain; donor; dopamine; dose; double; downstream; drug; dry; dtu; dye; dyes; dynamic; e. coli; e.c; e.g.; early; easy; eba; economic; education; effect; effective; efficient; effluent; efforts; ehts; electron; electrophoresis; elements; elisa; elution; embryos; emission; enantiomeric; enantioselectivity; encoding; endothelial; energy; engineering; enriched; enrichment; environmental; enzymatic; enzyme; enzyme activity; enzyme production; eps; equilibrium; equipment; equivalent; escherichia; essential; ester; estimation; et al; etc; ethanol; ethanol production; eukaryotic; european; evaluation; evidence; examined; examples; excellent; excess; exchange; exclusion; expansion; expensive; experience; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; extended; extent; extract; extraction; facilitated; facilities; factors; faculty; family; far; fast; fatty; features; fed; feed; feeding; feedstock; fermentable; fermentation; fermentation conditions; fermentation process; fermented; fermentor; fibre; fibroin; filamentous; filtration; final; findings; fine; finland; fish; flasks; flavonoids; flavour; flora; flow; fluid; fluorescence; flux; fluxes; focused; folate; fold; following; food; formate; formation; forms; formulations; forward; foundation; fraction; fragment; framework; france; free; fructose; fruit; fucoidan; fuel; function; fundamental; fungal; fungi; fungus; fusarium; fusion; fusion protein; future; fviii; g l; gain; galactose; galactosidase; gas; gel; geldanamycin; gels; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; genome; genomic; genotypes; genus; germany; gfp; global; glucosamine; glucose; glucuronic; glutamate; glutamicum; glutathione; glycerol; glycine; glycolytic; glycoproteins; glycosylation; goal; god; good; gradient; gram; grant; grape; great; greater; green; group; growing; grown; growth; growth conditions; growth medium; growth rate; gsh; gut; half; hamster; hand; hbv; hcv; health; heat; heating; heavy; help; hepatitis; heterologous; hexane; hgh; hic; high; high activity; high cell; high level; high production; high temperature; high yield; higher; highest; his7tnf; histidine; homogeneity; homologous; homology; hormone; host; hplc; human; human cells; human growth; hungarian; hybrid; hybridization; hydrodynamic; hydrolysate; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hypothesis; ibs; ideal; identical; identification; igg; iii; immobilization; immobilized; immune; immunological; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; increase; incubation; indicator; individual; induced; inducible; induction; industrial; industrial production; industry; infection; inflammatory; influence; infrared; ingredients; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; innovative; inoculum; inorganic; inositol; insect; insight; insoluble; institute; instrument; insulin; integrated; intein; intended; interaction; interest; interesting; intermediates; internal; international; intestinal; intracellular; introduction; introns; inulinase; investigation; involved; iran; islands; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isomerase; isopropanol; isotherms; issues; japan; juice; kda; keto; kind; kinetic; kit; kits; kluyveromyces; knowledge; known; kobe; korea; l −1; labelling; laboratory; laccase; lack; lactate; lactic; lactic acid; lactobacillus; lactococcal; lactose; large; layer; lead; lee; length; level; level production; library; licheniformis; life; ligand; light; lignocellulosic; like; likely; limitations; limited; limiting; lincomycin; line; linear; lipase; lipase production; lipid; liquid; literature; little; living; load; loading; local; lodz; long; loop; loss; low; lower; ltd; luciferase; lund; lutein; lyase; lyngby; lyophilized; lysine; mabs; magnetic; mail; main; major; making; maltose; mammalian; management; manipulation; manner; manufacturing; marine; markers; market; marxianus; mass; material; mathematical; matrix; matter; maturation; maximal; maximum; means; measured; measurements; mechanism; media; medical; medicines; medium; membrane; mercury; metabolic; metabolic activity; metabolic engineering; metabolites; metabolome; metal; methionine; method; methodology; methyl; metu; mg l; mice; microalgae; microarrays; microbial; microbiology; microfluidic; microorganisms; microscopy; microspheres; middle; milk; mill; mineral; minimal; mixed; mixing; mixture; model; modeling; modern; modification; modified; modules; molasses; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monooxygenases; months; morphological; morphology; mothers; mouse; mrna; multiple; muscle; mutants; mutation; mycelium; myogenic; n19tnf; nacl; nadorcott; nadph; naproxen; national; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; nerve; netherlands; network; neurons; new; niger; nir; nitrite; nitrogen; non; nonlinear; normal; novel; nuclear; nucleic; nucleotide; number; numerous; nutrient; nutritional; objective; observed; occurring; odor; oil; oligonucleotide; oligosaccharides; olive; omw; ones; open; operating; operation; operon; opportunity; optimal; optimization; optimum; order; organic; origin; oryzae; osmotic; overall; overcome; overlap; oxidase; oxidation; oxidative; oxygen; p.o; p450; paa; packed; page; paper; parallel; parameters; partial; particles; particular; partition; parts; pastoris; pathogenic; pathway; patients; patterns; pcr; pdh; pdna; pectin; peg; penicillium; pentose; people; peptide; perceptions; performance; period; peroxidase; perturbation; peter; petroleum; ph conditions; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; phase; phenol; phenotypic; phosphate; phylogenetic; physical; physiological; physiology; phytases; phytate; pichia; pilot; plant; plantarum; plasma; plasmid; plate; platform; pls; pnp; point; poland; pollen; pollution; polyclonal; polymer; polymorphisms; polypeptide; polysaccharides; population; portal; portion; portugal; positive; possibility; possible; post; potato; potential; powder; powerful; ppm; practical; practice; precipitation; precursor; preliminary; preparations; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; pretreatment; previous; primary; primers; principle; prior; probes; probiotic; problem; procedure; process; process conditions; process development; processes; processing; produce; production; production cost; production medium; production process; production strains; production system; production yield; productivity; products; profiles; profiling; progenitors; program; progress; project; prokaryotic; proliferation; promising; promoter; properties; protease; protective; protein; protein concentration; protein engineering; protein expression; protein production; proteolytic; proteome; proteomics; pseudomonas; public; puerto; pulp; pure; purification; purified; purity; purpose; putative; puvls; pınar; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantities; quantity; rabbits; racemic; random; range; rapid; rate; ratios; rats; raw; rbbr; rdc; reaction; reactive; reactors; real; reca; recd; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recombinant enzyme; recombinant protein; recovered; recovery; reduced; reductase; reference; refolding; regeneration; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; remove; renewable; repair; replacement; reported; reproducible; requirements; research; residual; residues; resistance; resources; respect; respective; respiration; respiratory; response; responsible; resulting; results; retention; reverse; rfviia; rhctla4ig; rhizopus; ribosomal; rice; rico; rise; risk; rnai; rnase; rnc; robust; robustness; role; root; route; rpl23; rpm; rrna; run; saccharomyces; safe; salt; samples; sampling; sandwich; sap; sbt; scaffolds; scale; scale production; scar; schistosomules; school; science; scientific; scientists; screening; sds; second; secondary; secretion; seeds; selection; selective; selectivity; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separated; separation; sepharose; sequence; sequencing; sera; series; serine; serum; set; sets; severe; shake; shaking; shock; short; shrimp; signal; signalling; significant; silencing; silica; silkworm; similar; similarity; simple; simulated; simulation; simultaneous; single; sirna; site; situ; size; skeletal; skin; sludge; small; smb; sodium; software; soil; sole; solid; solubility; soluble; soluble protein; solutes; solution; solvent; source; soybean; spain; special; species; specific; specific activity; specific growth; specificities; specificity; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spectrum; splicing; spores; spots; srb; stability; stable; stages; standard; starch; starting; state; stationary; statistical; status; stem cells; step; stirred; stoichiometric; storage; strains; strategies; strategy; straw; streptomyces; stress; strong; structure; students; studies; study; styrene; subjects; submerged; substances; substitution; substrate; subtilis; subunit; successful; sucrose; sugar; suitable; sulfate; sulphate; superior; supply; support; surface; survival; susceptibility; suspended; suspension; sweden; syndrome; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; syrup; system; systematic; tagatose; tags; tank; tannase; tannic; target; target protein; targeted; targeting; technical; technical university; technique; technologies; tehran; temperature; temporal; tendency; terminal; terms; tested; testing; tests; textile; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermophilic; thermostable; threonine; thrombin; throughput; thuringiensis; time; tissue; tobacco; today; tof; tolerance; tool; total; toxic; toxicity; toxins; tpi; traditional; training; transcription; transcriptome; transfer; transferase; transformants; transformation; transgenic; translational; transplantation; transport; treatment; trichoderma; trimethoprim; tropical; trypsinogen; tumor; turkey; type; typical; uncontrolled; understanding; unfolding; unique; unit; university; uptake; urease production; usa; use; useful; utilization; utilizing; valuable; value; variables; variants; variation; varied; variety; vector; vegetable; versicolor; viability; viable; view; vinyl; viral; virus; viruses; viscosity; vitro; vivo; volume; volumetric; vvm; wall; wastes; wastewater; water; wavelength; ways; weeks; weight; western; wet; whey; white; wide; widespread; wild; wildtype; wnt; work; workforce; working; world; worldwide; xylitol; xylitol production; xylose; years; yeast; yeast cells; yield; yogurt; zealand; zinc; zone cache: cord-008777-i2reanan.txt plain text: cord-008777-i2reanan.txt item: #72 of 974 id: cord-009376-a35a92gh author: Lovatt, Archie title: Applications of quantitative PCR in the biosafety and genetic stability assessment of biotechnology products date: 2002-01-07 words: 9218 flesch: 45 summary: The development and validation of PCR assays to meet the requirements of regulatory authorities is a key element in the production and marketing of final products. Further studies Quantitation of DNArRNA using real time PCR detection Inverted Alu repeats unstable in yeast are excluded from the human genome High throughput detection of retrovirus-associated reverse transcriptase using an improved Fluorescent Product Enhanced Reverse Ž Transcriptase Assay F-PERT and its comparison to conventional detection methods Pharmaceutical perspectives of nonviral gene therapy Zoonoses and haemorrhagic fever Elimination of background signals in a modified polymerase chain reaction-based reverse transcriptase assay The role of deer as a possible reservoir host of Potosi virus recognised arbovirus in the United States Simultaneous screening for HBV DNA and HCV RNA genomes in blood donations using a novel TaqMan PCR Rapid reverse transcription-PCR detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in serum using TaqMan fluorogenic detection system Development of a real-time PCR procedure including an internal control for the measurement of HCMV viral load Different real-time PCR formats compared for the quantitative detection of human cytomegalovirus DNA Human exposure to bovine polyomavirus: a zoonosis? Target selection and optimisation of amplification reactions Ultra-sensitive retro-v irus detection by a reverse transcriptase assay based on product enhancement Critical factors for successful PCR. keywords: acid; activity; addition; amplification; analysis; animal; appropriate; assay; assessment; available; biodistribution; biotechnology; bovine; cell; cellular; changes; circovirus; clearance; conditions; confidence; contamination; control; conventional; copies; copy; copy number; culture; data; detection; development; different; dna; endogenous; et al; example; expression; extraction; fig; final; gene; genetic; genome; guidelines; high; host; human; important; infectious; levels; limit; line; manufacturing; material; maximum; methods; minimum; mlv; molecules; negative; non; nucleic; number; pcr; pcr assays; pert; plasmid; point; porcine; positive; possible; presence; present; probe; problems; process; production; products; quantification; quantitative; range; reaction; real; recovery; removal; replicates; residual; results; retrovirus; reverse; rna; safety; sample; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; serum; signals; significant; specific; spiked; stability; standard; studies; study; target; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; throughput; time; tissue; transcriptase; validated; validation; value; vector; viral; virus; viruses; xenotropic cache: cord-009376-a35a92gh.txt plain text: cord-009376-a35a92gh.txt item: #73 of 974 id: cord-009664-kb9fnbgy author: None title: Oral presentations date: 2014-12-24 words: 71226 flesch: 44 summary: Resistance to penicillin, clindamycin and tetracycline fluctuated over time at~75%, 4−8% and 2−10% respectively. The median expected power was 10.0% (IQR, 7.2−13.6%) for a risk ratio for mortality of 0.85 between the compared groups; 14.7% (IQR, 10.6−21.8%) for a risk ratio of 0.80; and 7.9% (IQR, 6.3−10.2%) for a reduction in mortality from 30% to 25%. keywords: 16s; abar1; ability; absence; account; acid; acinetobacter; acquisition; active; activity; acute; addition; adherence; administration; admission; adult; adverse; aeruginosa; aetiology; affected; agar; age; agents; aim; alternative; america; ampc; amt; anaerobes; anaerobic; analysis; animals; antibiotic; antibiotic resistance; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antigen; antimicrobial; antimicrobial resistance; antiviral; aom; approach; appropriate; areas; assay; assessment; associated; association; aureus; available; average; azm; background; bacteraemia; bacterial; bacteriophages; bal; baseline; basis; baumannii; benefit; best; beta; better; biofilm; blactx; blakpc; blaoxa-58; blood; brain; broad; burden; cancer; candida; candidiasis; cap; care; cases; cassette; catheter; cause; cdi; ceftazidime; ceftriaxone; cells; central; centre; cephalosporins; cfu; changes; characterised; characteristics; children; chlorhexidine; choice; chromogenic; chromosomal; chronic; cihhv-6; ciprofloxacin; class; classes; clindamycin; clinical; clinical isolates; clinical samples; clinicians; clonal; clone; clostridium; closure; clsi; clusters; cmv; cohort; coli; collection; colonisation; colonised; combination; combined; common; community; comparable; comparison; complex; concentrations; concern; conclusion; conditions; confidence; confirmed; considerable; contact; contamination; contrast; control; conventional; correlation; cost; countries; course; coverage; cpt; critical; cross; csf; ctx; culture; cure; current; daily; damage; data; days; decrease; dengue; density; department; design; detection; determinants; developed; development; dfrk; diagnosis; diarrhoea; differences; different; difficile; difficult; direct; disease; dissemination; distinct; distribution; diversity; dna; dose; double; drug; drug resistance; duration; early; eastern; ebv; echinocandins; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efflux; eia; elbow; electrophoresis; elements; emergence; empiric; encoding; end; endemic; enterobacteriaceae; environmental; enzyme; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; epidermidis; episodes; esbl; established; etest; europe; european; events; evidence; evolution; examination; exhibit; experimental; exposure; expression; extended; extent; factors; faecal; failure; family; farm; features; fever; field; figure; findings; fluconazole; fluid; fold; following; france; free; frequency; frequent; functional; future; gas; gbs; gel; gene; general; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; germany; giemsa; global; good; gram; great; greater; greece; group; growth; guidelines; hai; half; hantaviruses; harboured; hbv; hcv; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hepatitis; hev; high; higher; highest; history; hiv; homes; hospital; hospitalisation; host; hours; hpv; human; hybridisation; icu; identification; igg; illness; imipenem; immune; immunisation; immunity; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; individual; infected; infection control; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; information; inhibitors; initial; insights; integron; intensive; interest; intervention; interviews; introduction; invasive; investigation; islands; isolates; isolation; issues; key; klebsiella; knowledge; known; kp342; kpc; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactamases; large; lead; length; levels; life; like; likely; limited; literature; liver; local; location; long; longer; loss; low; lower; lps; macrolide; main; major; majority; malaria; male; management; manifestations; mass; mbl; mdr; mds; mean; measures; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; medium; meningitis; meningofinder; meropenem; methicillin; methods; mice; microbiology; microscopy; mics; mlst; model; molecular; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mothers; mrsa; mrsa isolates; mssa; multi; multidrug; multiple; mutants; mutations; mxf; n =; national; need; negative; netherlands; network; neutrophils; new; non; north; nosocomial; novel; nucleic; number; objectives; observational; observed; old; onset; opt-80; optimal; options; oral; order; organisms; origin; outbreak; outcome; overall; paediatric; parasites; particular; past; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; patterns; pcr; penicillin; people; performance; period; persistence; persons; pfge; phage; phenotype; physicians; pigs; pip; pji; plasma; plasmid; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; point; poor; population; pork; positive; positive isolates; positive results; possible; post; potential; practice; pregnancy; preliminary; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; prevention; primary; primers; prior; probes; problem; process; producers; producing; production; products; profile; prolonged; promising; promoter; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; pseudomonas; pts; public; pulmonary; pvl; quality; questions; rama; ramr; randomised; range; rapid; rare; rate; reaction; readiness; real; realtime; recent; receptors; recipients; recognition; recombinant; recurrent; reduced; reference; regions; related; relative; relevant; replication; reported; reporting; reports; required; research; resistance; resistance genes; resistant isolates; respiratory; response; responsible; restriction; resulted; results; review; ribotype; rifampicin; risk; rna; role; routine; rrna; safety; salmonella; samples; sccmec; schools; screening; sdd; second; secondary; selection; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; sequence; sequencing; sera; serotype; serum; service; sesc; setting; severe; severity; shock; short; significant; similar; single; site; situation; skin; slime; small; soft; source; south; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spp; spread; staff; staining; standard; staphylococcus; statistical; stay; stool; strains; strategies; strategy; streptococcus; strong; structure; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; successful; support; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survey; survival; susceptibility; susceptible; swab; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; table; target; tazo; techniques; technologies; technology; term; testing; tests; tetracycline; therapeutic; therapy; time; time pcr; tissue; tlr2; tools; total; toxin; tract; transcription; transmission; treatment; trends; trials; triazoles; trimethoprim; tuberculosis; type; typing; underlying; understanding; unique; unknown; urine; usa; use; vaccination; vaccine; value; vancomycin; vap; variation; viral; virulence; virus; viruses; visa; vitro; vx-166; vzv; ward; water; weeks; western; wide; women; work; world; worldwide; years cache: cord-009664-kb9fnbgy.txt plain text: cord-009664-kb9fnbgy.txt item: #74 of 974 id: cord-010027-r0tl01kq author: None title: Dublin Pathology 2015. 8th Joint Meeting of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain & Ireland date: 2015-09-15 words: 36337 flesch: 44 summary: Tumoral melanosis refers to complete regression of a melanoma, a diagnosis that it is often missed because of the absence of tumour cells within the regressed area. Background: During the metastatic cascade, circulating tumour cells rapidly and efficiently adopt a platelet cloak. keywords: 16s; absence; accurate; acute; additional; adenocarcinoma; adult; advanced; affected; aggressive; aim; aims; alcohol; alk; analysis; anterior; application; approach; appropriate; area; arm; assay; assessment; associated; atypical; autopsy; available; axillary; background; bap1; barrett; basal; bbc; bcs; benign; better; biological; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bladder; blbc; blocks; blood; braf; brain; brca1; breast; breast cancer; cancer; cancer cells; cancer patients; carcinoma; cases; cause; cd30; cd40; cd45; cell; cell lines; cell tumour; cellular; centre; cervical; challenging; changes; chemoresistance; chemotherapy; chronic; cisplatin; ck7; clear; clinical; clonality; cohort; colitis; college; colon; colorectal; colorectal cancer; combination; common; complete; complex; component; conclusion; control; cord; correlation; course; crc; criteria; cten; current; cycle; data; days; death; department; detection; developed; development; diagnosis; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; digital; disease; distinct; dna; double; dublin; dysplasia; early; effect; egfr; emt; endometrial; endoscopic; endosomal; epithelial; eqa; essential; evidence; examination; excision; experience; expert; exposure; expression; external; factor; faecal; features; female; ffpe; findings; fixed; following; free; frozen; function; future; gbm; gene expression; generation; genes; genetic; genomic; grade; grading; group; growth; guidelines; haematological; he4; head; her2; high; higher; histological; histology; history; hospital; hours; hpv; human; hypoxia; ibd; idh; igf; igfbp-2; ihc; iii; images; imaging; immune; immunohistochemistry; important; improved; include; increase; individual; infection; inflammatory; information; initial; injury; interpretation; introduction; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; ipf; ireland; isolated; key; ki67; knockdown; knowledge; kras; laboratories; laboratory; large; leading; leeds; left; lesions; levels; light; like; lines; literature; liver; local; loss; low; lower; lung; lvi; lymphoma; mad2; main; major; males; malignancies; malignant; man-6; management; markers; mass; material; mean; mechanisms; medical; medicine; melanocytic; melanoma; mesenchymal; mesorectal; mesothelioma; metastases; metastatic; methods; migration; mirna; model; molecular; morphological; mortem; mucosa; multiple; muscle; mutant; mutated; mutations; myc; myd88; naevi; naevus; national; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; negative; neoplasia; new; nhs; nodal; nodes; non; normal; nottingham; novel; number; numerous; objective; observed; oesophagus; old; oncoscan; operative; optimal; order; outcome; ovarian; ovarian cancer; overall; p<0.0001; panel; paraffin; particular; pathological; pathologists; pathology; pathsoc; pathways; patients; pattern; pcr; performance; period; phenotype; platelets; poor; populations; positive; positivity; possible; post; potential; practice; predictive; presence; present; presentation; primary; prior; process; processes; profiling; prognosis; programme; progression; proliferation; prostate; prostate cancer; protein; pten; purpose; pyrosequencing; qpcr; quality; radiotherapy; range; rare; rates; recent; receptor; rectum; recurrence; reduced; region; relevant; renal; report; reporting; request; research; resection; response; results; review; risk; role; routine; royal; samples; sampling; sarcoma; scanned; schemes; score; screening; second; sections; sensitivity; sequencing; series; set; setting; sex; signalling; significant; similar; single; slide; small; smooth; snail; software; specific; specificity; specimens; spitz; stage; staging; staining; standard; status; studies; study; sub; subsequent; summary; support; surgery; surgical; survival; system; tamoxifen; target; targeted; techniques; technologies; technology; testing; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tlr4; tma; tool; total; trauma; treatment; trial; tumour; tumour samples; turnaround; types; understanding; underwent; university; upn251; upper; use; variants; variation; vascular; week; western; wide; women; work; years cache: cord-010027-r0tl01kq.txt plain text: cord-010027-r0tl01kq.txt item: #75 of 974 id: cord-010092-uftc8inx author: None title: Abstract of 29th Regional Congress of the ISBT date: 2019-06-07 words: 233543 flesch: 50 summary: One central question is the need of individual NAT screening (ID) versus minipool NAT screening (MP) approaches to identify all relevant viremias in blood donors. 3A-S02-03 Background: The screening of blood donors and returning travelers from active transmission areas have highlighted the importance of diagnosis of acute arboviral infections. keywords: /unit; aabb; abbott; abo blood; absence; abstract; accel; acceptable; access; accordance; account; accuracy; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; acute; addition; additive; adequate; adherence; adjusted; administration; admission; adsorption; adult; adverse; adverse reactions; adverse transfusion; aet; affected; african blood; age group; aged; agglutination; aggregation; agitation; agreement; ahg; aiha; aims; alert; algorithm; alinity; aliquots; allele; allergic; allergy; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; allogeneic donors; alloimmunization; altered; alternative; american; amino; amotosalen; amounts; amplification; analysed; analysis; analytical; analyzer; anemia; annexin; annual; antenatal; anti; antibodies; antibody; antibody positive; antibody screening; antigen; antigen expression; antiglobulin; aop; apheresis; apheresis donors; apheresis platelet; apoptosis; apparent; application; applied; approach; appropriate; approval; april; architect; areas; arm; arms; array; arterial blood; arv; asia; aspects; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; asymptomatic; atp; atrs; attempt; attention; audit; august; australia; authorities; autoimmune; autologous blood; autologous donors; automated; availability; available; available blood; average; awareness; babesia; background; bacterial; bag; bags; balance; banks; baseline; basis; bcp; bct; bedside blood; beginning; behaviour; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; bio; biological; biotin; bleeding; blood administration; blood background; blood bank; blood banking; blood cells; blood center; blood chimerism; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood count; blood culture; blood demand; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood flow; blood gas; blood group; blood grouping; blood guide; blood haemoglobin; blood institute; blood loss; blood management; blood mixer; blood ordering; blood packs; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood processing; blood products; blood recipients; blood results; blood safety; blood samples; blood screening; blood sector; blood separation; blood services; blood specimens; blood supply; blood system; blood test; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood type; blood typing; blood units; blood utilization; blood volume; blood wastage; bombay; bone; breast; bsms; bts; buffy; burden; calcium; calculated; calculation; canada; cancer; capable; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd177; cd34; cd36; cd38; cd62p; cell antibody; cell antigens; cell disease; cell donors; cell transfusion; cell units; cellular; centers; central blood; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfnas; cfu; chain; challenge; change; characteristics; characterization; characterized; check; chemotherapy; children; china; chinese blood; chronic; circulatory; classification; classified; clear; clinical; clinical data; clinical transfusion; clinicians; close; cmnc; cmv; coagulation; coat; coated; cobas; cobe; coding; coefficient; cohort; cold; collaboration; collagen; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; communication; community; comparable; comparative; compare; comparison; compatible blood; complement; complete; complete blood; completion; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; computer; concentrates; concentration; concern; conclusions; conditions; confirmation; confirmatory; confirmed; consecutive; consensus; consequences; considerable; consistent; constant; consumption; contact; contaminated blood; contamination; content; continued; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; correct; correlation; corresponding; cost; countries; country; counts; courses; coverage; cpp; criteria; critical; cross; crossmatch; crp; crucial; cryopreservation; cultured; current blood; curve; cytokines; cytometry; d antigen; d rhd; dae; daily; daily blood; daratumumab; data; data analysis; database; date; day; days; death; decades; december; decision; decreased; decreasing; deferral; deficiency; definitions; degree; delayed; deletion; delivery; demographic; density; department; dependent; descriptive; design; details; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developed; development; deviation; device; diagnosis; difference; different blood; differentiation; difficult; direct; discrepancies; discrepancy; disease; disorders; distribution; dmso; dna; dna samples; documentation; donating; donations; donor adverse; donor deferral; donor group; donor health; donor population; donor rbcs; donor red; donor return; donor safety; donor samples; donor screening; donor selection; doppler; dose; double; drms; drug; dubai blood; duffy blood; duration; e.g.; early; east; easy; economic; edel; edta; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; effort; elecsys; elective; electronic; elevated; eligibility; eligible; eligible donors; elisa; elution; emergency; encoding; end; endemic; english; enhancer; entire; environment; enzyme; epidemiological; epidemiology; episodes; equipment; errors; erythrocyte; essays; essential; established; estimate; estimation; etc; ethnicity; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; example; exchange; exon; expected; experience; experimental; experts; expiry; exposure; expression; extended; external; extract; eye; facebook; factors; failure; false; family; fast; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; february; feedback; female blood; female donors; females; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; finland; finnish blood; flow; fnait; focus; fold; following; follows; food; forms; forward; framework; france; free; freezing; french blood; frequencies; frequency; frequent blood; fresh; frozen; function; fut1; future; gain; gamma; gap; gel; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; germany; global; glucose; glycophorin; glycoprotein; gmp; goal; good; governance; government; grade; graft; granulocyte; granulocyte transfusion; greater; grifols; group antigens; group system; groups; growing; growth; guidelines; gvhd; haemolytic; haemovigilance; half; hand; hb levels; hbc; hbcore; hbcrag; hbsag; hbv; hct; hcv; hdfn; health; healthcare; healthy blood; heart; help; hematocrit; hematological; hematological patients; hematology; hematopoietic; heme; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; hepatitis; heterozygosity; heterozygous; hev; high; high risk; higher; highest; historical; history; hiv; hiv positive; hla; hna; homozygous; hormone; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; house; house blood; hpa-1a; hsa; hsct; htlv; human; human blood; human platelet; hvs; hybrid; i2000sr; ida; identical; identification; igg; igm; ih-500; iii; il-1rap; il-3; illumination; immediate; immucor; immune; immunized; immunoglobulin; immunohematology; immunological; immunology; immunomodulatory; impact; implementation; important; important blood; improved; improvement; inactivated; incidence; incident; inclusion; incompatibility; incompatible; inconclusive; incorrect blood; increase; increment; incubation; index; india; indications; indicator; indirect; individual blood; individuals; induced; induction; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; initial; injured; injury; inno; insight; institute; institution; instruments; intake; integrated; intensity; intensive; intention; interaction; intercept blood; interest; international; interpretation; interregional blood; interval; intervention; interviews; intravenous; introduction; intron; invasive; inventory; investigation; ipu; iqr; iranian blood; irish blood; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isbt; isolated; issue; itp; ivig; january; july; june; kazakhstan; kell; key; kir; kit; kits; knowledge; known; korean; label; labeling; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; lapse; large; largest; later; lead; learning; length; leukemia; leukocyte; leukoreduced; levels; life; lifestyle; light; like; likely; limited; limiting; linear; literature; little; local; logistic; long; longer; low; low hb; lower; lowest; lps; lung; lutheran blood; machine; main; maipa; major; major blood; majority; making; mandatory; manner; manual; manufacturer; manufacturing; march; marker; marrow; marrow donors; massive transfusion; matched; matching; materials; maternal; maximal; maximum; mean; measurement; measures; measuring; mechanism; median; mediators; medical; medium; mega blood; members; membrane; message; metabolic; methods; metrics; mfi; mice; microparticles; microvesicles; middle; migration; mild; milk; minimum; minor; mirasol; missing; mixed; mixing; mks; ml blood; mmhg; mmol; mns blood; mobile blood; model; moderate; modern; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; msm; multiple; multiple blood; murine; mutation; mvs; n =; national blood; nationwide blood; natural; necessary; need; needed; negative; negative blood; negative donors; negative results; negative samples; neonatal blood; neonates; netherlands; network; neutrophil; new blood; new donors; newborn; nhs blood; nhsbt; non; normal; normal blood; north; novel; november; nucleic; nucleotide; number; numerous; nurses; objective; observational; observed; occurrence; october; old; older blood; oncology; ongoing; online; operating; operational; operative; operators; opportunities; optia; optimal; optimal blood; option; oral; order; organ; organization; origin; outcomes; outside; overall; overload; oxidation; oxygen; p =; packed; pakistan; panel; papain; paper; parallel; parameters; partial; participants; particles; particular; particular blood; pas; past; pathogen; patient blood; patient safety; patients; patients samples; pattern; pbm; pbpc; pbsc; pcr; pcs; pdi; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personnel; pf4; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; physiological; pilot; planned; plasma; plasma donation; plasma donors; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet antibodies; platelet antigens; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet donors; platelet function; platelet products; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; platelet units; platform; plt; plts; plus; pmet; point; policies; policy; polish blood; polymerase; polymorphisms; pooled; pooling; pools; poor; population; portugal; positive; positive anti; positive blood; positive donations; positive donors; positive group; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; potassium; potential; potential donors; practical; practice; prbc; prc; precision; predictive; predictor; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; pregnant blood; pregnant donors; preliminary; premedication; prenatal; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pretransfusion; prevalence; previous; previous blood; previous transfusion; prick; primary; primers; prior; prism; private blood; probability; problem; procedure; process; processed; production; profile; progenitor; program; programme; progress; project; proliferation; prolonged; promoter; proper; properties; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; prospective blood; protein; protocol; provision; prp; prt; public; purpose; quality; quality blood; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; randomized; range; rapid; rare blood; rare donors; rate; rbc blood; rbc transfusion; rbc units; rbcs; rcc; rccs; reach; reactive; reactive blood; ready; reagents; reasons; recent; receptor; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; reconstitution; records; recovery; recruitment; red blood; red cell; red cross; reduced; reference; refractory; regional blood; regions; registered; regression; regular blood; regular donors; regulation; regulatory; rejection; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; relevant blood; reliable; remote; remunerated blood; renal; repeat blood; repeat donors; replacement; replacement blood; reported; reporting; reports; reproductive; republic; request; require; requirements; research; residual; resistance; resource; respect; respiratory; respondents; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retention; retrospective; retrospective study; return; reveos; reveos blood; reverse; review; rh blood; rhce; rhd; rhd gene; rhd negative; rhd positive; rhdig; rhesus; rich; rise; risk; risk factors; risk patients; robust; roche; role; room; routine blood; russian; sagm; saharan; saline; sampling; sanger; sanguinis; sanquin blood; saving; scale; scd; scd patients; scenario; scientific; score; screening; season; second; second blood; secondary; sectional; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sensitization; separate; september; sequence; sequencing; sera; serological; serology; seroprevalence; serum; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; sheep; shift; shock; short; shows; sickle; sigma; significant; significant blood; signs; similar; simple; single; single blood; sites; situation; size; skin; small; snp; snps; social; society; software; solid; soluble; solution; sources; south; spain; special; species; specific; specific blood; specificities; specificity; spectra; splice; split; spss; squ; square; src; ssp; stability; stable; staff; stakeholders; standard; standard blood; standardized; staphylococcus; start; starting; state; statistical; status; stem cell; step; stimulation; storage; storage period; storage time; stores; strains; strategies; strategy; strength; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study group; study period; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; substitutions; successful; sufficient; suitable; summary; supernatant; support; surface; surgery; surgical; surgical blood; surveillance; survey; survival; swirling; switzerland; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; systematic; systems; t cell; ta6; ta7; taco; tacsi; tags; target; targeted; team; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; terms; tertiary; terumo; test results; tested; testing; tests; thai blood; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapeutic blood; therapies; therapy; threats; threshold; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time donors; timely; times; tissues; titer; titre; tm blood; tool; total; total blood; total number; toxicity; tpe; tpo; traceability; training; trali; transcription; transfer; transfusion center; transfusion chain; transfusion data; transfusion events; transfusion guidelines; transfusion history; transfusion indications; transfusion institute; transfusion laboratory; transfusion management; transfusion medicine; transfusion models; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion process; transfusion protocol; transfusion reactions; transfusion recipients; transfusion results; transfusion safety; transfusion sample; transfusion service; transfusion strategies; transfusion support; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusion time; transfusion transmission; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transpose; trauma; travel; treated; treatment; trend; trial; trigger; trima; true; ttis; tube; tumor; types; typing; uk blood; unclear; underlying; understanding; unique; united; universal; university; unknown; untreated; unusual; upper; uptake; usa; usage; use; useful; users; vaccination; valuable; value; variability; variables; variant; variation; varies; vasovagal; vector; vein; venous blood; version; versus; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; volumes; voluntary blood; vox; vvr; warm; washed; way; wb donors; wbc; wbd; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; western; wgs; white blood; wide; window; wnv; women; work; working; world; worldwide; wrong blood; years; yield; young; younger; zikv; à80 cache: cord-010092-uftc8inx.txt plain text: cord-010092-uftc8inx.txt item: #76 of 974 id: cord-010119-t1x9gknd author: None title: Abstract Presentations from the AABB Annual Meeting San Diego, CA ctober 7‐10, 2017 date: 2017-09-04 words: 230433 flesch: 50 summary: Probability of occurrence of cannabis metabolites in blood donor samples is likely to be highly variable across donor centers and is largely dependent on blood donor demographics. OBRR, CBER, FDA Background/Case Studies: Extended molecular typing of a large number of blood donors can increase the likelihood of identifying donor red blood cells (RBCs) that match those of the recipient. keywords: -ipf; 1,2; 2,3; 48c; 68c; 7)-d; aabb; abbott; abc; ability; abnormal; abo; abo blood; absence; absent; absolute; abstract; academic; acceptable; accepted; access; account; accuracy; accurate; acid; acoustic; activated; activations; activities; actual; acute; acute blood; adamts13; additional; additional blood; additive; address; adequate; adherence; adhesion; adjusted; administration; admission; adsorption; adult; adverse; aes; affected; african; agglutination; aggregation; agreement; ahg; ahus; aid; aim; aims; ais; albumin; alert; algorithm; alinity; aliquots; alleles; allergic; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; allow; alpha; altered; alternative; alyx; american; amicus; amino; amotosalen; amplification; amsc; amustaline; analysis; analytical; analyzed; analyzers; anemia; annual; anova; anti; antibodies; antibody; antibody screen; antibody testing; antigen; antigen negative; antiglobulin; antisera; anwj; ap donors; apheresis; apheresis donors; apheresis platelet; apparent; application; applied; appointment; approach; appropriate; approval; april; aprp; ardp; areas; as-3; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; at1rab; atp; audit; august; autoab; autoimmune; autologous; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; average blood; awareness; away; b cells; babesia; baby; background; bacterial; bactx; bags; band; banks; baseline; basis; bbc; bct; beadchip; beads; bedside; benefit; best; better; bilirubin; biotin; birth; bis; bleeding; blood; blood bank; blood banking; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood count; blood cultures; blood donation; blood donors; blood drives; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood fridge; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood mononuclear; blood order; blood ordering; blood pathway; blood plasma; blood pressure; blood products; blood quality; blood recipients; blood refusal; blood safety; blood samples; blood screening; blood services; blood shortage; blood smear; blood specimens; blood supplier; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood therapeutics; blood transfusion; blood tubes; blood type; blood typing; blood units; blood use; blood utilization; blood volume; bmi; bmsc; bone; bottles; box; bpa; bpn; brazil; brazilian blood; breast; bryant; bthc blood; buccal; buffy; c.1154; c3d; calculated; calls; canadian blood; cancer; capable; capacity; capture; cardiac; cardiovascular; cards; care; caribbean; case studies; case study; cases; categories; category; catheter; caucasian; cause; cbc; cd341; cd36; cd38; cd4; cd47; cd62p; cd8; cell antibodies; cell collection; cell disease; cell patients; cell transfusion; cell units; cellular; cellular blood; center background; centers; central blood; centrifugation; centrifuge; certain; cerus; cfu; chain; challenge; challenging; change; characteristics; characterized; chart; chemotherapy; chen; children; china; chinese; christopher; chronic; circulation; citrate; civilian blood; class; classified; clearance; client; clinical; clinicians; clone; closed; clotting; cml; cmnc; cms; coagulation; coat; cobasv; cobe; code; cohort; cohort study; cold; collaboration; collagen; collected; collections; color; column; combination; comfort; commercial; committee; common; communication; community; community blood; comparable; comparator; comparison; compatibility; compatible blood; complement; complete blood; completion; complex; compliance; complications; comprehensive; concentrates; concentration; concern; conclusion; concordance; conditions; confidence; confirmation; confirmatory; consecutive; consistent; consumption; contact; containers; contaminated; contamination; content; continued; continuous; contrast; control; conventional; cooler; copies; cord blood; corporation; correct; correlation; corresponding; cost; count; counter; counting; countries; country; course; coverage; criteria; critical; cross; crossmatch; crucial; cruzi; cryo; cryoprecipitate; cryopreservation; cryopreserved; culture; culture results; current; current blood; cutoff; cxcr5; cytometry; d antigen; d rhd; d35; daily; damage; dara; daratumumab; data; database; date; days; days post; death; december; decision; decline; decreased; deferral; deficiency; deglycerolization; dehp; delayed; delays; delivery; demand; demographic; density; department; dependent; depletion; derived; details; detectable; detection; determination; determined; determining; developed; development; deviation; device; diagnosis; differences; different; different blood; difficult; diluted; dilution; direct; discharged; discrepancies; discrepant; discussion; disease; disease patients; disorders; distinct; distribution; dmso; dna; documentation; donations; donor anti; donor center; donor plasma; donor population; donor samples; donor testing; donor units; dose; double; dpg; drug; dtt; duffy blood; duke; duration; e.g.; early; eastern; easy; echo; edta; edta blood; educational; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; effort; electronic; electronic blood; elevated; eligibility; eligible; elisa; eluate; emergencies; emergency blood; emergent; emr; encode; encoding; end; endemic; engraftment; enhanced; enhancement; enrichment; entry; environment; enzyme; epidemic; episodes; equal; equipment; equivalent; errors; erythrocytes; erytra; esd; essential; established; estimated; etc; ethnic; ethnicity; etiology; europe; evaluation; events; evidence; evs; example; excellent; exchange; exchange transfusion; exclusion; existing; exon; expectations; expected; experience; experimental; expiration; expired; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extent; external; extracellular; extraction; facilities; facility; factors; failure; false; family; faster; fda; feasible; february; feedback; female; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; fewer; ffp; fibrinogen; ficin; filter; filtration; final; finding; flow; fluid; fluorescence; focused; fold; following; forming; forms; forward; foxp3; fraction; france; free; freezing; frequencies; frequency; frequent; fresh; frozen; frozen plasma; function; functionality; future; fviii; gamma; gaps; gel; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genomic; genotype; genotyping; george; given; glucose; glycine; gmbh; goal; good; grade; granulocyte; greater; grifols; group b; group o; group system; groups; growth; guidance; guidelines; gvhd; haemonetics; half; haplotype; haptoglobin; harm; hba1c; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hct; hcv; hdfn; hdn; health; healthcare; heart; help; hematocrit; hematologic; hematopoietic; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; hemostatic; hepatitis; heterozygous; hev; hgb; high; high blood; higher; highest; hips; hispanic; historical blood; history; hiv; hla; homozygous; hospital; hospital background; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; hospitalization; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hpc; hsct; htlv; human; human blood; human plasma; hybrid; hypotension; iatrogenic blood; icu; ideal; identical; identification; identity; igg; igm; ih-1000; immature; immediate; immucor; immune; immunoassay; immunogenicity; immunoglobulin; immunohematology; impact; implementation; implicated; important; improved; improvement; inactivation; incidence; incident; incompatible; increased; increment; incubated; incubation; indeterminate; index; indications; indirect; individuals; induced; infants; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injury; inpatient; inr; institute; institution; instructions; instrument; integrity; intended; intensity; intensive; intercept blood; interface; interference; internal; international; intervals; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; invasive; inventory; investigation; ipc; irl; iron; irradiated; irradiated blood; irradiation; isolated; issues; issuing; ivig; james; january; jennifer; jka; july; june; kell; key; kidd; kidney; kit; knowledge; known; label; labeling; laboratories; laboratory; laboratory results; laboratory testing; labs; lack; lactate; lancet; large; later; lead; leading; lean; learning; length; lesion; leukapheresis; leukemia; leukocyte; leukoreduced; leukoreduction; levels; ley; licensed; life; light; likely; limitations; limited; limited blood; limits; linear; lipid; liquid; liss; list; literature; little; loads; local; location; locus; logistic; long; longer; low; lower; lowest; lps; lrap; luminex; lung; lymph; lymphocytes; lymphoma; main; maintenance; majority; making; malaria; males; manner; manual; manufacturer; manufacturing; march; markers; marrow; massive transfusion; matched; matching; materials; maternal; maternal blood; maximum; mayo; mds; mean; measured; measurement; mechanisms; median; medical; medical center; medicine background; medium; meeting; members; membrane; metabolism; method; methodology; metrics; mice; michael; microbial; microscopic; microti; migration; mild; milk; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mirasol; missing; mitigation; mixed; mmol; mns blood; mobilization; model; molecular; molecular testing; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; monocytes; monthly; months; morbidity; morphology; mortality; mother; mouse; msbos; mscs; mtor; mtp; mtps; multidisciplinary; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; myeloma; n51; n52; national blood; nationwide; necessary; need; negative blood; negative donors; negative rbcs; negative results; neo; neonatal; neonates; new; new blood; new method; newborn; nip; non; norcross; normal; novel; november; nucleic; nucleotide; number; numerous; nurses; nursing; objective; observation; observed; obstetric; occurrence; october; odp; old; oncology; oneg; ongoing; online; onset; operations; operative; operator; opportunities; opportunity; optia; optimal; optimization; option; oral; order; organ; organisms; organization; original; orp; ortho; otii; outcomes; outdate; outpatient; outside; overall; overload; oxygen; p<0.001; p<0.05; packed; pag3c; pain; paired; pairs; pak; pancreatitis; panel; papain; paper; parallel; parameters; parasites; partial; participants; particular; pas; past; pathogen; pathology; patient blood; patient care; patient data; patient identification; patient outcomes; patient plasma; patient population; patient rbcs; patient safety; patient samples; patients; patterns; pbm; pbmcs; pbsc; pcc; pcr; pcs; pd1; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; peg; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personnel; phase; phenotype; phenotype results; phlebotomy; phone; physical; physicians; pilot; placental blood; plasma; plasma anti; plasma exchange; plasma platelets; plasma samples; plasma testing; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasma volume; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet blood; platelet collection; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet donors; platelet inventory; platelet products; platelet transfusion; platelet units; plateletpheresis; platform; plerixafor; pls; plt; plt units; plts; pmn; pms; point; policy; polyclonal; polymorphism; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive rbcs; positive results; positive samples; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; potassium; potential; potential blood; practice; prbc; pre; precision; predictive; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; prenatal; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressures; prevalence; previous; previous study; primary; primed; prior; probable; probe; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; processor; procleix; profile; program; project; proliferation; properties; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; providers; providing; province; prp; prt; pss; pts; public; pulmonary; pump; purpose; purpura; qualified blood; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; random blood; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rare donor; raritan; rate; ratios; rbc; rbc antibody; rbc antigens; rbc blood; rbc products; rbc samples; rbc storage; rbc transfusion; rbc units; rbc use; rbcs; rccs; rcf; reactive; reactive samples; reactivity; reagent; real; reasons; receipt; receiving; recent; recipients; recognized; recommendations; record; recovered; recovery; recruitment; recurrent; red blood; red cell; red cross; reduced; reduction; reference; refractoriness; refractory; regional blood; regions; regression; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; rejection; rejuvenation; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; remote blood; removal; removed; repeat; replacement; replicates; reported; reporting; reports; request; requirements; research; residents; residual; resolved; resources; respiratory; respondents; responder; response; responsible; results; resuscitation; retention; retrospective; retrospective study; return; reverse; review; revised; rflp; rh blood; rh(-; rhce; rhce*ce; rhd; rhd*diiia; rhig; rich; rise; risk; rna; robust; role; room; routine; routine blood; rrbc; rrv; rule; run; runs; sagm; saline; sample results; sampling; sandra; sanger; sanquin; saturation; savings; scale; scale blood; scd; scd patients; schedule; school; scientific; score; scott; screening; screens; sdp; second; secondary; secure; seeded; segment; selected; selection; sensitive; sensitivity; sensitization; separate; sepsis; september; septic; sequence; sequencing; series; seroconversion; serologic; serology; serum; session; set; sets; setting; severe; severity; sex; shelf; shock; short; shorter; shows; sickle; sieving; signal; significant; significant blood; signs; similar; similar results; simple; simulated; simulated transfusion; simulation; singapore; single; site; situations; size; size blood; small; smaller; snmvs; snp; snps; software; solid; solution; source; south; spc; spdp; special; species; specific; specifications; specificity; spectra; speed; spiked; spin; spleen; split; square; ssp; ssrbcs; stability; staff; stakeholders; standard; standard blood; standardized; starting; states; statistical; stay; stem cell; steps; sterile; storage; strategies; strategy; strength; strong; strs; students; study design; study group; study period; study population; subjects; subsequent; subset; substantial; substitution; successful; suitable; summer; supernatant; supplement; support; suppression; surface; surgeries; surgery; surgical blood; surveillance; survey; survival; susan; sxs; symptoms; syndrome; syringe; sysmex; systems; t cells; t&s; table; taco; taiwan; target; targeted; tasks; tattoo; team; technical; technique; technologists; technology; temperature; terms; tertiary; terumo; test results; tested; testing; testing method; testing time; tests; tetanus; tgf; thalassemia; thawed; thawing; therapeutic; therapeutic plasma; therapy; threshold; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; thrombotic; throughput; time; time donors; time period; time studies; time study; timely; tissue; titer; titer anti; titer results; tma; tms; tool; total; total blood; total number; total plasma; toxicity; tpe; tracking; traditional; training; trali; tranexamic; transfer; transfused; transfusion center; transfusion data; transfusion guidelines; transfusion laboratory; transfusion management; transfusion medicine; transfusion practice; transfusion process; transfusion protocol; transfusion quality; transfusion reactions; transfusion recipients; transfusion results; transfusion safety; transfusion sample; transfusion service; transfusion strategies; transfusion study; transfusion support; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusion transmission; transfusion volume; transfusion yield; transfusions; transmission; transplant; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; travel; treatment; tregs; trend; trial; triglyceride; trima; true; ttp; ttp patients; tube; tube method; tumor; turnaround; txa; txs; types; typing; typing results; u.s; ucb; underlying; understanding; underwent; unique; unit transfusion; united; units; universal; universal blood; university; unknown; unrelated; untreated; urgent; urine; usage; use; useful; users; uv1r; uva; vaccination; vaccine; validation; values; variable; variants; variations; varied; vein; venous; venous blood; verification; version; viability; viable; viral; virtuo; virus; viruses; vision; visual; vitro; vivo; volumes; voluntary blood; volunteers; vs.; vvr; vwf; waiha; walk; warm; washed; washing; wastage; waste; way; wbc; wbcs; wbd; wbf; weak; weak d; weekly; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; williams; window; women; work; workflow; working; workload; workup; world; wrong blood; x10; yale; year; yfv; yield; young; zealand blood; zika; zikv; zkv; zpp cache: cord-010119-t1x9gknd.txt plain text: cord-010119-t1x9gknd.txt item: #77 of 974 id: cord-010235-hu6o1ggc author: Atmar, Robert L. title: Nonculturable agents of viral gastroenteritis date: 1997-12-01 words: 3995 flesch: 36 summary: Sixth report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses Use of solidphase immune electron microscopy for classification of Norwalk-like viruses into six antigenic groups from 10 outbreaks of gastroenteritis in the United States Sequence and genomic organization of Norwalk virus Comparison of the polymerase region of small round structured virus strains previously classified in three antigenic types by solid-phase immune electron microscopy Application of PCR to detect Norwalk virus in fecal specimens from outbreaks of gastroenteritis Genomic diversity of small round structured viruses in the United Kingdom Characterization of SRSVs using RT-PCR and a new antigen ELISA: a short communication Detection and differentiation of antigenically distinct small round-structured viruses (Norwalk-like viruses) by reverse transcription-PCR and Southern hybridization Molecular characterization of a human calicivirus with sequence relationships closer to animal caliciviruses than other known human caliciviruses 25-to 30-nm virus particle associated with a hospital outbreak of acute gastroenteritis with evidence for airborne transmission Airborne transmission of small round structured virus Epidemiology of Norwalk virus during an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis aboard a US aircraft carrier Nosocomial infantile gastroenteritis associate with minirotavirus and calicivirus Epidemiology of Norwalk gastroenteritis and the role of Norwalk virus in outbreaks of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis Expression, self-assembly, and antigenicity of the Norwalk virus capsid protein Pattern of shedding of the Norwalk particle in stools during experimentally induced gastroenteritis in volunteers as determined by immune electron microscopy Solid-phase microtiter radioimmunoassay for detection of the Norwalk strain of acute nonbacterial, epidemic gastroenteritis virus and its antibodies Detection of Norwalk virus antibodies and antigen with a biotin-avidin immunoassay Detection of Norwalk virus in stools by enzyme immunoassay Norwalk virus infection of volunteers: new insights based on improved assays Development of an enzyme immunoassay to detect MX virus, a human calicivirus in the Snow Mountain agent genogroup Evaluation of an antigen capture ELISA based on recombinant Mexico virus capsid protein Molecular characterization of morphologically typical human calicivirus Sapporo Antigenic mapping of the recombinant Norwalk virus capsid protein using monoclonal antibodies Evaluation of the immunogenicity and antigenicity of Norwalk virus capsid employing synthetic peptides and peptide-specific antibodies Comparison of the reactivities of baculovirus-expressed recombinant Norwalk virus capsid antigen with those of the native Norwalk virus antigen in serologic assays and some epidemiologic observations Sub-class specific serum antibody responses to recombinant Norwalk virus capsid anti gen (rNV) in adults infected with Detection of immunoglobulin M (IgM), IgA, and IgG Norwalk virus-specific antibodies by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with baculovirus-expressed Norwalk virus capsid antigen in adult volunteers challenged with Norwalk virus Antibody prevalence and immunoglobulin IgG subclass pattern to Norwalk virus in Sweden Detection of Norwalk virus in stool by polymerase chain reaction Polymerase chain reaction detection of small roundstructured viruses from two related hospital outbreaks of gastroenteritis using inosine-containing primers Broadly reactive reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of SRSVassociated gastroenteritis Evaluation of a degenerate primer for the detection of human caliciviruses Detection of Norwalk virus in stool specimens by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and nonradioactive oligoprobes An altemative method for direct sequencing of PCR products, for epidemiological studies performed by nucleic sequence comparison. (3) provided the first clear demonstration of the causal relationship between a virus (Norwalk virus [NV] ) and gastroenteritis by using immune electron microscopy (IEM) to detect the presence of viral particles in the stools of individuals from an epidemic outbreak of gastroenteritis. keywords: acute; agent; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; availability; caliciviruses; capsid; cause; children; clinical; consultant; convalescent; detection; diarrhea; different; electron; elisas; epidemic; epidemiology; expert; expression; following; gastroenteritis; genome; hucvs; human; hyperimmune; iem; illness; immune; infection; knowledge; medical; methods; microscopy; new; norwalk; norwalk virus; outbreaks; pcr; physician; polymerase; products; protein; reagents; rna; round; sensitive; sera; serotypes; small; specific; stool; studies; transmission; viral; virus; viruses; vlps; volunteers cache: cord-010235-hu6o1ggc.txt plain text: cord-010235-hu6o1ggc.txt item: #78 of 974 id: cord-010608-eaa2znom author: Butt, Salman L. title: Real-time, MinION-based, amplicon sequencing for lineage typing of infectious bronchitis virus from upper respiratory samples date: 2020-03-05 words: 6858 flesch: 45 summary: Therefore, our aim was to create a single, amplicon-based protocol to sequence the IBV S1 gene and develop a sequence analysis workflow to identify IBV types from clinical swab samples. A universal S1 primer set, 27 tailed with the MinION universal adapter sequence of 22 nucleotides (underlined, Table 2 ) to allow barcoding of amplicons, was used for targeted amplification of the IBV S1 gene for IBV. keywords: accurate; amplicon; ampseq; analysis; assays; avian; bead; blast; briefly; bronchitis; cdna; classification; clinical; consensus; coronavirus; data; database; detected; detection; disease; dna; final; ga08; ga98; gene; genome; genotypes; giv; high; ibv; ibv genotypes; ibv rt; ibvs; identification; infectious; kit; lineage; method; minion; multiple; nanopore; new; number; pan; pcr; positive; presence; primer; protocol; qpcr; rapid; reaction; reads; real; results; reverse; rna; rtpcr; run; samples; sanger; sequence; sequencing; serotypes; set; single; specific; strains; swab; table; time; total; typing; virus; viruses cache: cord-010608-eaa2znom.txt plain text: cord-010608-eaa2znom.txt item: #79 of 974 id: cord-011073-uiabpbxd author: Gebrekidan, Hagos title: An appraisal of oriental theileriosis and the Theileria orientalis complex, with an emphasis on diagnosis and genetic characterisation date: 2019-12-06 words: 7019 flesch: 32 summary: (2012) Nested PCR for ITS-1-5.8S-ITS-2 region Aktas et al. (2007) Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for p33 and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region Wang et al. (2010b) , Liu et al. However, only two studies have reported the use of LAMP for the diagnosis of T. orientalis infection in China (Wang et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2013 ). keywords: 18s; amplification; annulata; assay; associated; australia; babesia; blood; bovines; buffeli; cattle; cause; chain; characterisation; chitose; clinical; comparison; complex; conventional; cpcr; detection; development; diagnostic; different; differentiation; diseases; distinct; dna; et al; gebrekidan; gene; genetic; genotypes; high; hybridisation; ikeda; infected; infection; isothermal; izzo; lamp; limitations; loop; main; major; markers; members; methods; molecular; mpsp; nested; new; npcr; orientalis; orientalis complex; outbreaks; p23; parasites; parva; pathogenic; pcr; perera; piroplasm; polymerase; primers; protein; qpcr; quantitative; rapid; reaction; real; region; rlb; rrna; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sergenti; serological; significant; signs; simultaneous; species; spp; surface; technique; test; theileria; theileria orientalis; theileriosis; tick; time; tools; traditional; use; vectors; watts; zealand cache: cord-011073-uiabpbxd.txt plain text: cord-011073-uiabpbxd.txt item: #80 of 974 id: cord-011322-olvqgs85 author: El-Senousy, Waled M. title: Clinical and Environmental Surveillance of Rotavirus Common Genotypes Showed High Prevalence of Common P Genotypes in Egypt date: 2020-04-11 words: 9528 flesch: 40 summary: Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater Efficacy of pentavalent rotavirus vaccine against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis in infants in developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Family Reoviridae Systematic review of regional and temporal trends in global rotavirus strain diversity in the pre rotavirus vaccine era: Insights for understanding the impact of rotavirus vaccination programs Rotavirus seasonality in urban sewage from Argentina: effect of meteorological variables on the viral load and the genetic diversity Effectiveness of a monovalent rotavirus vaccine in infants in Malawi after programmatic rol-out: An observational and case-control study Intussusception risk and disease prevention associated with rotavirus vaccines in Australia's national immunization program Characterization of genotype P[9]G12 rotavirus strains from Argentina: High similarity with Japanese and Korean G12 strains Rotavirus infection and the current status of rotavirus vaccines Biotechnologies applied in biomedical vaccines Trends in intussusceptions associated deaths among US infants from 1979-2007 Molecular epidemiology of rotavirus causing diarrhea among children less than five years of age visiting national level children hospitals The prevalence and genotype distribution of rotavirus A infection among children with acute gastroenteritis in Kunming Prevalence of rotavirus genotypes in children younger than 5 years of age before the introduction of a universal rotavirus vaccination program: Report of rotavirus surveillance in Turkey Epidemiology of rotavirus in Greater Cairo Assessment and evaluation of an integrated hybrid anaerobic-aerobic sewage treatment system for the removal of enteric viruses Molecular epidemiology of human adenoviruses and rotaviruses as candidate viral indicators in the Egyptian sewage and water samples Method validation for norovirus detection in naturally contaminated irrigation water and fresh produce Prevalence of human and animal rotaviruses and HEV in Egyptian Nile water resources Prevalence of noroviruses among detected enteric viruses in Egyptian aquatic environment Effect of chlorine on noroviruses, rotaviruses, and Hepatitis E virus in drinking water Detection and genotyping of rotaviruses in water treatment plants of El-Dakahlia Governorate Survival of adenovirus, rotavirus, hepatitis A virus, pathogenic bacteria and bacterial indicators in ground water Epidemiology of human enteric viruses in the Cairo water environment Rotaviruses group A and C in clinical samples. Correlation of genogroups with subgroups and evidence of independent segregation Rotavirus A strains obtained from children with acute gastroenteritis in Mozambique, 2012-2013: G and P genotypes and phylogenetic analysis of VP7 and partial VP4 genes Incidence of rotavirus infection in children with gastroenteritis attending Jos university teaching hospital To serotype or not to serotype: that is still the question The need for rotavirus vaccine introduction in the national immunization program of more than 100 countries around the world Sequence analysis of VP7 and VP4 genes of G1P[8] rotaviruses circulating among diarrhoeic children in Pune, India: A comparison with Rotarix and RotaTeq vaccine strains Protection against live rotavirus challenge in mice induced by parenteral and mucosal delivery of VP6 subunit rotavirus vaccine Rotavirus strain distribution in Ghana pre-and post-rotavirus vaccine introduction Monitoring and evaluation of infectious rotaviruses in various wastewater effluents and receiving waters revealed correlation and seasonal pattern of occurrences Identification of novel and diverse rotaviruses in rodents and insectivores, and evidence of cross-species transmission into humans Efficacy and safety of an oral live attenuated human rotavirus vaccine against rotavirus gastroenteritis during the first 2 years of life in Latin American infants: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study Rotavirus genotypes circulating in Brazil Effect of human rotavirus vaccine on severe diarrhea in African infants Reduced price on rotavirus vaccines: Enough to facilitate access where most needed? keywords: acid; amino; analysis; asfar; cairo; cases; children; clinical; clinical specimens; common; common p; community; comparison; countries; different; efficacy; egyptian; environmental; et al; fig; future; gabal; gastroenteritis; gene; genotypes; group; higher; hospital; human; identity; infants; infection; isolates; live; lower; months; multiplex; mutations; nested; non; p[4; p[8; pcr; percentage; positive; present; prevalence; primers; products; rate; raw; raw sewage; recombinant; reference; results; rotarix; rotateq; rotavirus; rotavirus genotypes; round; samples; second; senousy; sequences; sewage; sewage isolates; sewage samples; significant; silent; specific; specimens; strains; studies; study; subunit; surveillance; test; typeable; uncommon; vaccination; vaccine; villena; viruses; vp6; vp8; water; workers; years; zenin cache: cord-011322-olvqgs85.txt plain text: cord-011322-olvqgs85.txt item: #81 of 974 id: cord-011436-ud35mf5l author: Li, Yingying title: Interferon-λ Attenuates Rabies Virus Infection by Inducing Interferon-Stimulated Genes and Alleviating Neurological Inflammation date: 2020-04-06 words: 7463 flesch: 47 summary: Twenty fluorescent foci were examined to calculate the number of infected cells per fluorescent focus by using Image J software [31] . Taken together, these results suggest that expression of IFN-λ2 or IFN-λ3 inhibits RABV replication and spread in infected cells. keywords: activation; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; assay; astrocytes; balb; barrier; bbb; blood; brain; cells; cultured; cytokines; data; differences; different; dmem; dpi; endothelial; epithelial; expression; fbs; ffu; figure; fitc; fluorescence; following; genes; groups; hpi; i.n; ifn; ifnλ2; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; interferon; isgs; isolated; lambda; levels; lower; luciferase; medium; mice; microglia; min; mock; mouse; mrna; old; pcr; permeability; primary; production; protein; qrt; rabies; rabv; rb2c; replication; results; role; rrabvs; signaling; significant; specific; study; supernatants; tissues; titers; type; usa; viral; virus; viruses; zo-1 cache: cord-011436-ud35mf5l.txt plain text: cord-011436-ud35mf5l.txt item: #82 of 974 id: cord-011966-7k2cxy8a author: Jang, Seong Sik title: The Epidemiological Characteristics of the Korean Bat Paramyxovirus between 2016 and 2019 date: 2020-06-04 words: 2999 flesch: 54 summary: Additionally, the phylogenetic analysis based on partial F and HN nucleotide sequences showed that Korean bat paramyxoviruses are closely related to the single clade (Figures 3 and 4) . B16-154, B19-151, and B19-152 are bat paramyxoviruses detected in the same cave. In conclusion, this study revealed that bat paramyxoviruses in Korea belonged to a single genus and circulated sporadically in several provinces, including Chungbuk, Gangwon, Jeju, and Jeonnam. keywords: addition; analysis; b16; b19; bat; bats; cave; detection; fecal; genus; host; human; korea; min; mixture; nested; nipah; nucleotide; paramyxoviruses; parav; partial; pcr; phylogenetic; positive; primers; rdrp; region; reverse; samples; semi; sequences; shaanvirus; species; study; table; transmission cache: cord-011966-7k2cxy8a.txt plain text: cord-011966-7k2cxy8a.txt item: #83 of 974 id: cord-012085-ubdzhkfq author: Jin, Tao title: Diversity and quantity of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria in sediment of the Pearl River Estuary, China date: 2011-02-01 words: 4375 flesch: 50 summary: AluI was selected to digest PCR products of AOB amoA gene. Similarly, AOB amoA gene resulted in 67 to 333 copies per nanogram DNA and 9.5×10 4 to 6.2×10 5 copies per gram of sediment. keywords: 16s; abundance; ammonia; amoa; amoa gene; analysis; aoa; aob; archaea; area; bacteria; china; clone; community; copies; copy; different; diversity; dna; estuary; fig; francis; gene; genus; gram; high; iii; libraries; library; marine; nitrogen; nitrosomonas; otus; oxidizing; pcr; pearl; primer; products; qpcr; relative; results; rflp; rfs; river; rrna; salinity; samples; sediment; sequences; sets; sites; species; study; total; usa cache: cord-012085-ubdzhkfq.txt plain text: cord-012085-ubdzhkfq.txt item: #84 of 974 id: cord-012430-3uvhoca9 author: Sanchis, Joaquin title: Improved PCR method for the creation of saturation mutagenesis libraries in directed evolution: application to difficult-to-amplify templates date: 2008-11-01 words: 5541 flesch: 39 summary: The ideal methodology for performing site saturation mutagenesis is the one yielding (1) a uniform statistical distribution of the desired mutations (quality criteria) and (2) a number of colonies sufficient to get 95% coverage of the given library in one step (quantity criteria). key: cord-012430-3uvhoca9 authors: Sanchis, Joaquin; Fernández, Layla; Carballeira, J. Daniel; Drone, Jullien; Gumulya, Yosephine; Höbenreich, Horst; Kahakeaw, Daniel; Kille, Sabrina; Lohmer, Renate; Peyralans, Jérôme J.-P.; Podtetenieff, John; Prasad, Shreenath; Soni, Pankaj; Taglieber, Andreas; Wu, Sheng; Zilly, Felipe E.; Reetz, Manfred T. title: Improved PCR method for the creation of saturation mutagenesis libraries in directed evolution: application to difficult-to-amplify templates date: 2008-11-01 journal: keywords: aeruginosa; amplification; amplified; annealing; antiprimer; bm3; colonies; content; cycles; different; directed; dna; dpni; et al; evolution; experiments; extension; fig; high; improved; joly; kirsch; large; libraries; library; lipase; medium; megaprimer; method; min; mutagenesis; mutagenic; number; oligonucleotide; p450; pcr; plasmid; positions; primers; protocol; quikchange; randomization; randomized; reaction; reetz; region; results; saturation; saturation mutagenesis; sequence; site; size; small; stage; table; template; vector; zheng; ° c cache: cord-012430-3uvhoca9.txt plain text: cord-012430-3uvhoca9.txt item: #85 of 974 id: cord-012461-v8d91fdo author: Marnissi, Boutheina title: Generation of ssDNA aptamers as diagnostic tool for Newcastle avian virus date: 2020-08-13 words: 6116 flesch: 47 summary: DNA polymerase Aptasensors as the future of antibiotics test kits-a case study of the aptamer application in the chloramphenicol detection New Prostate Cancer Targets for Diagnosis, Imaging, and Therapy: Focus on Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Screening of nucleic acid aptamer of lung cancer cells based on cell exponential enrichment ligand system evolution and its application in tumor diagnosis and treatment Rapid and highly sensitive method for influenza A (H1N1) virus detection Exploiting enzyme catalysis in ultra-low ion strength media for impedance biosensing of avian influenza virus using a bare interdigitated electrode A novel method for detection of H9N2 influenza viruses by an aptamer-real time-PCR Advancements in Nucleic Acid Based Therapeutics against Respiratory Viral Infections One round of SELEX for the generation of DNA aptamers directed against KLK6 A combined enrichment and aptamer pulldown assay for Francisella tularensis detection in food and environmental matrices FASTAptamer: A Bioinformatic Toolkit for High-throughput Sequence Analysis of Combinatorial Selections Development of a real-time reverse-transcription PCR for detection of newcastle disease virus RNA in clinical samples Limit of blank, limit of detection and limit of quantitation Investigations on the interface of nucleic acid aptamers and binding targets Increased inhibitory ability of conjugated RNA aptamers against the HCV IRES Evolution of a T7 RNA polymerase variant that transcribes 2'-Omethyl RNA New NTP analogs: the synthesis of 4'-thioUTP and 4'-thioCTP and their utility for SELEX Magnetic Separation-Based Multiple SELEX for Effectively Selecting Aptamers against Saxitoxin, Domoic Acid, and Tetrodotoxin Selection of aptamers by systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment: addressing the polymerase chain reaction issue Emulsion PCR: a high efficient way of PCR amplification of random DNA libraries in aptamer selection Development and validation of a new PCR optimization method by combining experimental design and artificial neural network Optimization and troubleshooting in PCR Quantitative selection of DNA aptamers through microfluidic selection and high-throughput sequencing Selection, Characterization and Interaction Studies of a DNA Aptamer for the Detection of Bifidobacterium bifidum Identification and application of ssDNA aptamers against H(3)(7)Rv in the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis A self-assemble aptamer fragment/target complex based high-throughput colorimetric aptasensor using enzyme linked aptamer assay A colorimetric sandwich-type assay for sensitive thrombin detection based on enzymelinked aptamer assay Aptamers as a replacement for antibodies in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The first step was the elution of high affinity aptamers using high concentration of NaCl. keywords: affinity; analysis; antibodies; apt_ndv01; aptamers; assay; avian; background; binding; buffer; combination; concentration; control; detection; diagnostic; different; digoxigenin; disease; dna; elaa; enrichment; farm; fastaptamer; fig; file; high; influenza; lasota; library; live; lloq; lod; mean; method; min; molecules; nacl; ndv; negative; newcastle; pbs; pcr; plate; polymerase; poultry; production; protein; qrt; rapid; results; rna; rounds; samples; sandwich; sandwich elaa; scientific; selection; selex; sequences; sequencing; specificity; ssdna; step; strain; study; table; target; test; thermofisher; throughput; times; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses; wells cache: cord-012461-v8d91fdo.txt plain text: cord-012461-v8d91fdo.txt item: #86 of 974 id: cord-013416-ooq1q5gy author: El-Tholoth, Mohamed title: Molecular Characterization and Developing a Point-of-Need Molecular Test for Diagnosis of Bovine Papillomavirus (BPV) Type 1 in Cattle from Egypt date: 2020-10-21 words: 5498 flesch: 45 summary: The samples were collected in bottles containing sterile saline for the molecular identification of BPV types 1, 2, 4, 5, and 10 by PCR. The samples were collected in bottles containing sterile saline for the molecular identification of BPV types 1, 2, 4, 5, and 10 by PCR. keywords: acid; amplicon; amplification; analysis; animals; assay; associated; bovine; bpv; cattle; clinical; collected; control; cutaneous; detection; development; diagnosis; disease; dna; economic; egypt; egyptian; equine; figure; flow; gel; gene; genetic; head; identification; immunoassays; india; infected; infection; isothermal; kit; lateral; lesions; line; methods; min; molecular; neck; need; negative; new; nucleic; papillomatosis; papillomavirus; pcr; phylogenetic; point; polymerase; present; primers; products; rapid; recombinase; rpa; samples; sequencing; simple; skin; specimens; strip; study; switzerland; test; testing; time; types; usa; use; viral; virus; viruses; warts; work cache: cord-013416-ooq1q5gy.txt plain text: cord-013416-ooq1q5gy.txt item: #87 of 974 id: cord-013589-3l8kar3k author: Doummar, Diane title: Biallelic PDE2A variants: a new cause of syndromic paroxysmal dyskinesia date: 2020-05-28 words: 4149 flesch: 39 summary: Interestingly, analysis of the fibroblasts with the biallelic variants in PDE2A variants revealed mitochondria network morphology changes. After exome analysis, PDE2A variants were confirmed by Sanger sequencing using patient's, and parents' DNA. keywords: abnormalities; adcy5; age; analysis; associated; attacks; basal; biallelic; brain; c.1922; camp; cells; cgmp; childhood; chorea; choreic; cognitive; complex; cyclic; disease; disorders; dyskinesia; dystonic; eeg; epilepsy; examination; exome; exon; fibroblasts; fig; fission; frontal; fusion; ganglia; gene; head; heterozygous; homozygous; hyperkinetic; impairment; interictal; internal; kit; left; limbs; loss; metabolism; missense; mitochondria; months; movement; nested; network; normal; onset; parents; paroxysmal; patient; pcr; pde10a; pde2a; phase; protein; related; right; salpietro; sequence; sequencing; spasms; spectrum; splice; sudden; time; transcript; variants; years cache: cord-013589-3l8kar3k.txt plain text: cord-013589-3l8kar3k.txt item: #88 of 974 id: cord-014462-11ggaqf1 author: None title: Abstracts of the Papers Presented in the XIX National Conference of Indian Virological Society, “Recent Trends in Viral Disease Problems and Management”, on 18–20 March, 2010, at S.V. University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh date: 2011-04-21 words: 35463 flesch: 47 summary: The following virus isolates have been used in the analysis: GTPV-Uttarkashi, P60, vaccine virus; GTPV Mukteswar, P10, Challenge virus; GTPV (Akola), GTPV Bareilly/00, GTPV Ladakh/01 and GTPV Sambalpur/82, field isolates and SPPV Srinagar, P40; SPPV Ranipet, P50; SPPV-RF, P50, vaccine viruses and SPPV Makdhoom/07, SPPV CIRG/08, SPPV Pune/08, SPPV Bareilly, SPPV 183/03 and SPPV 125/02, field isolates. Present paper discusses about virus disease of quarantine importance affecting ornamental and fruit plants such as Chrysanthimum, Dahlia, Dianthus, Rosabengalensis, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Lilium, Citrus, Vitis etc. keywords: acid; activity; acute; addition; affected; amino; amplification; analysis; andhra; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; approach; appropriate; aquaculture; areas; asia; assay; association; availability; available; begomovirus; bengal; bitter; blood; blot; bovine; breeding; brinjal; btv; buffaloes; capture; car; cases; cassava; cause; cells; cellular; chain; challenge; characterization; chikungunya; chikungunya virus; chikv; children; chilli; citrus; clinical; cloned; cloning; cmv; coat; coli; commercial; common; complete; conditions; contagious; control; conventional; core; cost; cotton; countries; country; cowpea; crop; ctv; cultivars; culture; curl; curl disease; curl virus; current; data; days; dcm; decades; delhi; delhi virus; dengue; dengue virus; department; detection; developed; development; diagnosis; different; disease; distinct; distribution; district; dna; dna vaccine; dose; drug; dsmv; earlier; early; economic; effective; efficiency; elisa; enteric; enzyme; essential; etc; experimental; expression; family; farmers; fever; field; findings; fluid; fmdv; food; foot; form; free; fruit; ganjv; gbnv; genbank; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genus; geographical; global; goats; groundnut; group; growth; gtpv; h1n1; hbsag; hcv; healthy; hepatitis; high; higher; highest; hiv; homology; hospital; host; hsv; human; humoral; identification; identity; igm; il-18; il-6; immune; immunity; immunization; important; incidence; india; induced; industry; infected; infection; information; inoculation; insect; isolates; isolation; jatropha; kit; laboratory; large; leaf; leaf curl; leaf samples; leaf virus; leaves; length; lesions; levels; like; limitations; limited; lineage; long; losses; lymphocytes; major; management; marker; material; maximum; measures; methods; mice; mmr; molecular; morbidity; mortality; mosaic; mosaic disease; mosaic virus; movement; multiple; nadu; natural; nature; necrosis; need; negative; new; non; ns1; nss; nucleic; nucleotide; number; order; orf; outbreaks; overall; page; palampur; papaya; paper; partial; particular; pathogens; patients; pcr; people; period; phase; phylogenetic; plant; planting; plasmid; polymerase; poor; population; positive; positivity; possible; post; potency; potential; potyvirus; pox; pradesh; presence; present; present study; prevalence; primers; probe; produce; production; products; progress; protein; protein gene; prsv; public; pune; purified; quality; quantification; quarantine; rabies; rapid; reaction; real; recent; recombinant; recombination; region; regulatory; related; relationship; replication; reported; research; resistance; response; responsible; results; rice; risk; rna; role; rotavirus; rtbv; rtsv; safety; samples; sap; scientific; screening; scylv; second; seed; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequence analysis; sequencing; sera; serological; serotypes; serum; severe; sheep; shrimp; significant; silencing; silkworm; single; size; small; south; species; specific; specific primers; specificity; specimens; sppv; spread; standard; states; sti; strains; strategies; strategy; structural; studies; study; sub; sugarcane; sunflower; symptoms; system; tamil; tcid; technology; temperature; tested; tests; time; tissue; tomato; tomato leaf; tool; total; traditional; transformation; transgenic; transmission; trials; tsv; tungro; typical; umbel; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; value; variability; variation; varieties; vector; vegetable; vein; vigs; viral; viral disease; virulent; virus; virus infection; virus resistance; virus specific; viruses; viz; vp1; vp2; water; weight; west; wide; world; yak; years; yellow cache: cord-014462-11ggaqf1.txt plain text: cord-014462-11ggaqf1.txt item: #89 of 974 id: cord-014516-r59usk02 author: None title: Research Communications of the 24th ECVIM‐CA Congress date: 2015-01-10 words: 55086 flesch: 49 summary: Method specificity was confirmed by the absence of matrix effect in six serum specimen obtained from clinical dogs. Stage C dogs had lower SRs (p = 0.0005), higher SRe (p = 0.0029) and SRa (p = 0.0004) than other dogs. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; absence; acid; activation; activity; acute; acvim; additional; administration; adult; affected; age; agreement; aim; aip; albumin; alveolar; amlodipine; analysis; anemia; animal; anti; antibiotic; antibodies; antimicrobial; aoa; aod; aortic; appropriate; area; arterial; assay; assess; assessment; associated; atrial; author; available; average; azotaemic; azotemia; bacteria; balf; bartonella; baseline; bcs; beta; better; biochemical; biochemistry; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; blood; body; bowel; breed; breed dogs; calcium; calculated; calprotectin; canine; canis; cardiac; cases; cats; cause; ccecai; cell; cfa; changes; chf; chordae; chronic; cipf; citrulline; ckd; class; clearance; client; clinical; clinical signs; closure; cobalamin; coli; colon; common; company; comparison; complete; concentrations; conclusion; concurrent; condition; confirmed; conflicts; congenital; contrast; control; control dogs; correlation; cortisol; count; cpli; creatinine; criteria; crp; culture; cynos; cystic; daily; damage; data; days; decreased; dependent; detected; detection; determined; development; device; dglu; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; diet; differences; different; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; dogs; dogs n; domestic; doppler; dose; drugs; duration; early; ebp; echocardiographic; effects; elisa; enteropathy; enzyme; epirubicin; eroa; esbl; established; evaluation; examination; exocrine; expression; factors; failure; fcv; fdps; features; fecal; feline; felis; females; fhv-1; fibrinogen; fibrosis; findings; fiv; flc; flow; fluid; following; food; forelimb; foundation; frd; frequency; frequent; function; fvii; gallbladder; gastrointestinal; gender; gene; general; genetic; geriatric; giardia; glucose; good; grade; group; growth; hac; half; hcii; healthy dogs; heart; hepatic; higher; highest; histological; history; hormone; hospital; hours; human; hypertension; hyperthyroidism; ibd; idiopathic; iga; imaging; immune; important; imrd; incidence; increase; index; individual; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; initial; insufficiency; insulin; insurance; intact; intensity; interest; interval; intestinal; invasive; involved; islets; isolates; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; large; leaflet; left; lesions; levels; life; likely; limb; limit; linear; lomustine; long; loss; lower; lphs; ltd; lung; main; malignant; management; markers; mast; max; mean; measured; measurements; median; medical; medicine; mellitus; metabolic; method; mild; mitral; mixed; mmhg; mmvd; model; moderate; molecular; months; morbidity; mortality; mrs; mucosal; multiple; murmur; mutation; mvp; myocardial; n =; need; needle; negative; neoplasia; neurological; neutered; new; nmol; non; normal; normal dogs; nptt; nsdtrs; number; obese; objective; older; oral; organs; outcome; overall; overweight; owners; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parameters; pathogens; pathological; patients; pattern; pcr; pda; pdh; peak; perforation; perfringens; period; peripheral; pet; phase; phf; physical; pituitary; placebo; plasma; platelet; pleural; point; population; positive; possible; post; potential; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; probiotic; prognosis; progressive; prospective; protein; proteinuria; protocol; pulmonary; puppies; purpose; pwbc; qpcr; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; r =; range; rate; reaction; records; reference; regression; regurgitation; related; relationship; remains; remission; renal; report; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; right; risk; role; royal; s100a12; saa; samples; sampling; sap; sbp; score; scoring; screening; secondary; sensitivity; serum; severe; severity; sex; short; significant; signs; similar; single; size; small; snap; software; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spontaneous; spp; sre; stage; staining; standard; statistical; status; strain; studies; study; supplementation; support; surgery; survival; syndrome; systemic; systole; systolic; taiwan; target; technique; terrier; test; tested; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; thyroid; time; tissue; total; transcutaneous; treatment; trough; tsh; tumours; type; ultrasonography; ultrasound; university; unknown; unrelated; upc; urea; urinalysis; urinary; urine; useful; usg; values; valve; variability; variables; variation; vegf; ventricular; veterinary; virus; volume; vomiting; wave; weeks; weight; whwt; work; years; zoetis cache: cord-014516-r59usk02.txt plain text: cord-014516-r59usk02.txt item: #90 of 974 id: cord-014527-nvzfpntu author: None title: Research Communications of the 25th ECVIM‐CA Congress date: 2015-11-09 words: 89290 flesch: 49 summary: Dogs in the prolonged OS group were more likely to be anaemic on presentation (PCV<37%, P = 0.041), experienced a greater FRD (P = 0.012) and were more likely to be treated with a rescue protocol (P = 0.036) than other dogs. Dogs that did not respond to treatment had significantly higher S100A12 levels than dogs with partial (P = 0.005) or complete (P = 0.003) remission, but response to treatment was associated with disease classification (P = 0.020). keywords: 0.001; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; accuracy; activity; acute; acvim; additional; administration; adult; adult dogs; adverse; affected; affected dogs; age; aged; agents; agreement; aim; airway; allopurinol; alterations; analysis; anaplasma; anemia; animals; annular; anorexia; antibodies; antibody; antimicrobial; aortic; apical; area; arterial; artery; aspergillosis; assay; assessment; associated; association; atrial; authors; available; average; axis; bacterial; baos; baos dogs; bartonella; baseline; bcs; beagle dogs; biochemical; biochemistry; biomarker; biopsies; biopsy; bitches; blood; body; bowel; brachycephalic dogs; breed dogs; breeds; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; canine; cardiac; cardiomegaly; cardiomyopathy; cardiovascular; cases; cats; cause; ccl2; cd3; cd4; cells; cem; chain; changes; characterized; chf; chi; chronic; cipf; ckd; class; classified; client; clinical; clinical signs; clinical study; clinicopathological; cme; cmhm; cmt; cmvd; cobalamin; coefficient; cohort; coli; colon; combination; combined; common; companion; comparisons; complete; complications; concentrations; conclusion; condition; confirmed; congenital; congestive; consultation; contrast; control; control dogs; control group; correlated; correlation; cortisol; cough; count; creatinine; criteria; cross; crp; ctni; ctr; culture; current; cytology; daily; data; days; dcm; death; decrease; degree; detection; determined; development; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic cats; diagnosis; diameter; diarrhea; diastolic; diet; differences; different; different dogs; dimensional; disclosures; disease; disorders; distribution; dlbcl; dna; dogs; doppler; dose; duplicate; duration; dysfunction; early; echocardiography; effect; effective; efficacy; effusion; elevated; elfa; elisa; endoscopic; epidemiological; euthanasia; evaluated; evaluation; evidence; examination; exercise; expression; factors; failure; fat; features; fecal; feline; felv; females; fibrosis; findings; fip; fish; fiv; fluid; following; food; foreign; free; french; frequent; function; gastrointestinal; gene; general; geriatric; gfr; glucose; goal; good; grade; great; group; haemoplasma; hba1c; hbgm; hcm; hct; healthy cats; healthy dogs; heart; high; higher; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hospital; hours; hrct; humans; hypertension; hypertrophy; hypoadrenocorticism; hypoplasia; hypothesis; ibd; ibd dogs; identification; ifa; iga; images; imaging; immune; impact; important; increase; index; indices; individual; infantum; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; initial; injury; insulin; interest; interval; intestinal; intravenous; investigation; involved; iris; isolated; iwhs; kidney; kit; laboratory; labrador; lack; large; larvae; laryngeal; lead; left; leishmania; leishmaniosis; lesions; levels; lgl; likely; limited; linear; lipase; liver; logistic; long; loss; lower; lung; lymphocytes; lymphoma; main; major; majority; management; mann; marked; maternal; mean; measured; measurements; median; median age; medical; medicine; method; mhf; mild; minutes; mitral; mixed; mmhg; mmol; mmvd; model; moderate; monitoring; months; mortality; mucosal; murmur; mutations; mycoplasma; n =; nasal; negative; negative dogs; neoplasia; nhph; non; normal; normal dogs; number; obese dogs; obesity; objective; observed; older dogs; operator; oral; order; ormd; outcome; overall; owners; p =; pain; pancreatitis; pancytopenic dogs; parameters; parasternal; pathogenesis; patients; pattern; pcr; pda; percentage; period; peripheral; pet; phase; physical; pimobendan; placebo; plasma; pmol; point; poor; population; positive; positive dogs; possible; post; potential; practice; precision; prednisone; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; probnp; procedure; procoagulant; profile; prognostic; progressive; prospective; protein; protocol; pulmonary; pulmonic; puppies; purpose; quality; quantitative; r =; radiographs; range; rank; rate; reaction; records; reduction; reference; regression; relationship; relative; remission; renal; report; represented; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; retrospective study; rhythm; right; risk; role; routine; royal; rpad; s100a12; samples; sbp1; score; scoring; screening; second; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; serum; severe; severity; sex; shepherd dogs; short; shorter; sick dogs; significant; signs; similar; single; sinonasal; sinus; site; size; small; software; species; specific; specificity; spp; square; stage; standard; staphylococcus; statistical; status; stenosis; stomach; strains; stress; studies; study; study group; study period; success; suffering; supplementation; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; tac; tapse; test; testing; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thrombocytopenia; time; tissue; total; tract; treatment; tricuspid; tumors; type; ultrasound; underlying; university; upc; upper; urinary; urine; use; useful; vaccination; values; valve; variability; variables; vegf; ventricular; versus; veterinarians; veterinary; vhs; views; vincristine; viral; virus; vomiting; wall; weeks; weight; whitney; whwts; work; years; young dogs cache: cord-014527-nvzfpntu.txt plain text: cord-014527-nvzfpntu.txt item: #91 of 974 id: cord-014794-yppi30a0 author: None title: 19th European Congress of Pathology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 6-11, 2003 date: 2003-07-31 words: 158305 flesch: 41 summary: The comparison in paired tumor and normal tissue samples showed that phosphorylated ERK-1/ERK-2 expression was higher in tumor cells as compared to surrounding normal salivary parenchyma. IRF-1 derepression by invading tumor cells was associated with poor prognosis. keywords: aah; abc; abdominal; aberrant; abnormalities; abnormality; absence; absent; abundant; academy; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; actin; activated; activation; activity; acute; addition; adenocarcinoma; adenocarcinoma cells; adenomas; adenomatous; adenosis; adenosquamous; adhesion; adipose; adjacent; adrenal; adult; advanced; affected; aged; aggregates; aggressive; agnor; agreement; aim; aims; alcian; alcl; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; aml; amplification; analysis; analyzed; anaplastic; ancillary; androgen; angiogenesis; angiogenic; angiomyolipoma; animals; ankara; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoptosis; apoptotic; apoptotic cells; appearance; application; applied; approach; architecture; areas; arm; array; arterial; arteries; aspiration; assay; assessment; associated; association; atrium; atrophic; atrophy; atypia; atypical; authors; automated; autopsy; available; average; axillary; b cell; background; bak; basal; basal cell; base; basis; bax; bcl-2; bcl2; bcl6; behaviour; benefit; benign; best; beta; better; bilateral; binding; biological; biopsies; biopsy; biotin; biphasic; birth; bladder; bladder cancer; blocks; blood; blot; blue; bone; borderline; bowel; boy; bph; braf; brain; breast; breast cancer; breast carcinoma; breast lesions; breast tissue; breast tumors; bronchial; bucharest; cadherin; calcitonin; calculated; cancer; cancer cases; cancer cells; cancer patients; capillaries; capsule; carcinogenesis; carcinoid; carcinoma; carcinoma cases; carcinoma introduction; cardiac; case report; cases; cases introduction; caspase; catenin; catenin expression; cathepsin; cause; cd10; cd10 expression; cd117; cd20; cd30; cd31; cd34; cd4; cd43; cd5; cd68; cd8; cdk9; cdna; cdx1; cdx2; cea; celiac; cell carcinoma; cell cycle; cell death; cell differentiation; cell growth; cell lines; cell lung; cell lymphoma; cell morphology; cell proliferation; cell type; cells; cells expression; cells number; cellular; center; central; centre; certain; cervical; cervix; chain; changes; characteristics; characterized; checkpoint; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; chromogranin; chromophobe; chromosome; chronic; cip1; ck-14; ck19; ck20; ck34sse12; ck7; classical; classification; clear cell; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinical stage; clinicopathological; cll; clone; clusters; cns; collagen; collected; colon; colonic; colorectal; combination; combined; common; compare; comparison; compartments; complete; complex; complications; component; composite; composition; computer; concentration; conclusion; conclusion expression; conditions; consecutive; consistent; content; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional; copd; cord; corpus; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; count; countries; course; cox; cpt; crc; creatinine; criteria; criterion; croatia; crucial; current; cutaneous; cx43; cycle; cyclin; cystic; cysts; cytogenetic; cytokeratin; cytological; cytology; cytometry; cytoplasmic; dako; damage; data; days; dcis; death; decreased; defects; degeneration; degree; density; department; deposition; deposits; dept; design; desmin; detailed; detection; determination; determined; developed; developing; development; diagnosis; diameter; differences; different; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusely; digital; diploid; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; dissection; dissemination; distal; distant; distinct; distinction; distribution; dlbcl; dna; double; drugs; ductal; duodenal; duration; dysplasia; earlier; early; ebv; edema; effect; effective; effusions; egfr; electron; elements; elevated; embryonal; endocrine; endometrial; endomyocardial; endoscopic; endothelial; enhanced; enlarged; entity; enzyme; eosinophilic; epithelial; epithelial cells; epithelioid; erbb-2; erbb-2 expression; erbb2; estrogen; european; evaluation; event; evidence; evident; examination; excised; excision; existence; exon; experience; experimental; expressed; expression; expression analysis; expression levels; expression patterns; expression status; extensive; extent; extracellular; extranodal; ezrin; factor; faculty; failure; fallopian; familial; family; fas; fasl; fat; fatal; fatty; favorable; fddnp; features; federation; female; female patients; fever; fibroblasts; fibroma; fibrosis; fibrous; fields; figures; files; final; findings; fine; fish; flow; fls; fluid; fna; fnab; focal; foci; foetal; fold; follicle; follicular; follow; following; formaldehyde; formalin; forms; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; fresh; frozen; function; gain; galectin-3; gallbladder; gamma; gastric; gastric cancer; gastric carcinoma; gastritis; gastrointestinal; gbm; gcs; gdnf; gelsolin; gender; gene expression; general; genes; genetic; genital; genomic; genotype; germ; gfralpha1; giant cells; giemsa; gieson; gists; gland; glandular; gleason; glial; global; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; goblet cells; gonadoblastoma; good; grade; grade carcinoma; grading; graft; granular; granulomas; granulomatous; greater; greece; gross; group; growth; guidance; h&e; half; hand; hcc; hcg; hch; hcl; hcv; head; healing; healthy; heart; help; helpful; hematoxylin; hemorrhage; hemosiderin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; her-2; her2; herceptest; hereditary; heterogeneous; hhv8; hier; high; high expression; high grade; higher; highest; histogenesis; histological; histological diagnosis; histological grade; histological type; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hmlh1; hodgkin; hormone; hospital; host; hours; hpf; hpv; hsp17; hsp70; htert; human; hybridization; hypermethylation; hyperplasia; hypothesis; hypoxia; hysterectomy; idc; identical; identification; ihc; iii; ilc; image; imaging; immune; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemical; immunohistochemical analysis; immunohistochemical expression; immunohistochemical results; immunohistochemical staining; immunohistochemical study; immunological; immunophenotype; immunopositivity; immunoreactivity; immunostained; immunostaining; impact; implants; important; improved; incidence; increased; increasing; independent; index; indirect; individual; induced; infected; infection; infiltrate; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; information; inhibitor; initial; injury; instability; institute; intense; intensity; intercellular; interferon; intermediate; internal; interstitial; interstitial cells; intestine; intimal; intraductal; intraepithelial; intraoperative; introduction; invasion; invasive; invasive breast; invasive carcinoma; investigation; involved; involvement; iplc; irregular; isoforms; isolated; istanbul; junctions; karyotype; kdr; ki-67; ki67; kidney; kinase; kit; knowledge; known; labeling; laboratory; lack; lamina; large; large cell; laryngeal; later; layers; lead; left; leiomyoma; leiomyosarcoma; length; lesions; leukemia; levels; like; like cells; likely; limited; lines; lipid; literature; little; liver; lncb; lobe; lobular; localization; location; loh; long; longer; loss; losses; low; low expression; low grade; lower; luminal; lung; lung cancer; lupus; lymph; lymph node; lymphatic; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoid cells; lymphoma; macrophages; main; majority; males; malignancies; malignant; malignant cells; malignant tumors; malt; mammary; management; manifestation; mann; mantle; margins; marked; markers; marrow; marsh; mass; masses; massive; mast; mast cells; material; matrix; maturation; mature; mcd; mcp-1; mds; mean; mechanism; median; mediastinal; medical; medicine; medium; medullary; melanoma; members; membrane; mesangial; mesenchymal; mesothelioma; metaplasia; metastases; metastatic; metastatic tumors; methods; methods tissue; methylation; mexico; mib-1; mice; microarray; microdissected; micrometastases; microsatellite; microscopy; microvessel; migration; mild; minimal; mitoses; mitotic; mixed; model; moderate; modified; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; mononuclear; montenegro; months; morphological; morphology; morphometric; mortality; mouse; mrna; msi; muc1; muc2; muc4; mucinous; mucins; mucoepidermoid; mucosa; mucous; multiple; multivariate; muscle; muscle cells; muscle tumors; mutations; mvc; mvd; myc; myocardial; myocarditis; myoepithelial; myofibroblastic; myxoid; myxoma; nasopharyngeal; national; ncam; necessary; neck; necrosis; necrotic; needle; negative; negative cases; negative patients; negativity; neonatal; neoplasms; neoplastic; neoplastic cells; nerve; nervous; nests; neu; neuroendocrine; new; nhl; nodal; node; nodular; nodule; non; normal; normal breast; normal tissue; novel; nuclear; nuclear expression; nuclei; nucleoli; nucleus; number; numerical; numerous; observed; obstruction; occasional; occult; occur; old; oncogene; oncology; oncoprotein; ones; onset; open; operation; optical; order; organs; origin; osteosarcoma; outcome; oval; ovarian; ovarian carcinoma; ovary; overall; overexpression; oxyphilic; p-53; p16; p16ink4a; p21; p21waf1; p27; p53; p53 expression; p53 protein; p63; p<0.001; p<0.05; paediatric; pah; pain; palpable; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; panel; papillary; papillary carcinoma; paraffin; parameters; parathyroid; parietal; parotid; partial; particles; particular; parts; pas; pathogenesis; pathologists; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pca; pcna; pcr; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritumor; pgr; phase; phenotype; phosphorylated; picture; pigmented; pineal; pituitary; placental; plasma cells; pleomorphic; pleural; pll; ploidy; point; polyclonal; polymorphism; poor; population; positive; positive cases; positive cells; positive correlation; positive expression; positive patients; positive staining; positive tumors; positivity; possibility; possible; post; postoperative; potential; precise; precursor; predictive; predominant; pregnancy; preliminary; premalignant; preoperative; preparations; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; preserved; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; primary breast; primary tumor; prior; probes; problem; procedure; process; processes; product; profile; progesterone; prognostic; progression; proliferation; prominent; promoter; proper; proportion; propria; prostate; prostate cancer; prostate carcinoma; prostatectomy; prostatic; protein expression; proteins; proteinuria; protocol; proximal; psa; pts; pulmonary; pure; purpose; quality; quantitative; quantity; radical; range; rapid; rare; rare cases; rate; rats; rcc; rccs; reaction; reactive; rearrangement; recent; receptor; recurrence; reduced; reduction; refractory; region; regional; regulated; regulation; relapse; related; relationship; relative; relevance; relevant; reliable; relp; remission; removed; renal; renal cell; repair; reperfusion; report; reported; representative; republic; research; resected; resection; residual; respiratory; response; responsible; results; ret; retrieval; retroperitoneal; retrospective; review; rhabdoid; rich; right; ring; rise; risk; role; romania; rostov; routine; rupture; russian; s-100; s100; salivary; samples; sarcoidosis; sarcoma; scale; scan; scc; schistosomal; school; sclerosis; score; screening; second; secondary; sections; semi; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; sequence; sequencing; serbia; serial; series; serous; serum; setting; severe; sex; short; showing; signal; signet; significant; significant correlation; signs; sil; similar; single; sinonasal; sinus; site; situ; size; skin; slides; small; small cell; smaller; smears; smmhc; smooth; soft; software; solid; solitary; solution; special; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spindle; spindle cells; spleen; spontaneous; sporadic; spread; spreading; squamous; squamous cell; stage; staging; staining; stains; standard; statistical; status; steatosis; step; stomach; stromal; stromal cells; stromal tumors; strong; structures; studied; study; study group; study introduction; study material; subjects; subsequent; subtypes; sudden; sufficient; superficial; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; survivin; survivin expression; symptoms; synaptophysin; synchronous; syndrome; synovial; synthesis; system; systemic; target; tashkent; technique; technology; telepathology; telomerase; temporal; tenascin; tenascin expression; terminal; test; testicular; testis; tgf; tgfbeta1; therapeutic; therapy; thessaloniki; thickening; thickness; thin; thp; thyroid; thyroid carcinoma; thyroiditis; time; timp-2; tissue; tissue expression; tissue samples; tissue sections; tma; tnf; tnm; tool; topo; torsion; total; tract; transcription; transformation; transitional; transitional cell; transplant; transplantation; trb1; treatment; true; tuberculosis; tubular; tubules; tumor cells; tumor grade; tumor mass; tumor progression; tumor proliferation; tumor size; tumor stage; tumor tissue; tumoral; tumorous; tumors; tumors introduction; tumour; turkey; type; tyrosine; ulcer; ultrasound; ultrastructural; uncommon; underlying; understood; underwent; undifferentiated; unique; univariate; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urinary; urothelial; usa; useful; uterine; valuable; value; variable; variant; varied; variety; vascular; vasculitis; vegf; ventricle; ventricular; versican; vessels; viii; villi; vimentin; viral; virus; vitro; vivo; volume; vs.; wall; weak; weeks; weight; western; white; whitney; wide; wilms; women; work; worse; xenin; years; years old; yellow; young; zone cache: cord-014794-yppi30a0.txt plain text: cord-014794-yppi30a0.txt item: #92 of 974 id: cord-014942-4hk0veck author: Boone, Stephanie A. title: The Prevalence of Human Parainfluenza Virus 1 on Indoor Office Fomites date: 2010-02-09 words: 3439 flesch: 43 summary: The offices sampled in Arizona indicated a greater variation in the total percentage of HPIV1 positive surfaces per building (Fig. 3) . In addition to surfaces usage, variations in HPIV1 positive surfaces may also be a reflection of office cleaning practices (frequency of wiping surfaces to remove matter) and surface disinfection (use of a product that kills or inactivates microorganisms). keywords: adult; analysis; ansari; arizona; barker; buildings; cdc; chi; conference; control; cubicles; data; difference; disease; environmental; et al; fig; fomites; hendrickson; hpiv1; human; humidity; illness; inc; indoor; infection; low; min; mixture; office; parainfluenza; pcr; positive; reaction; respiratory; reverse; rna; rooms; samples; significant; spread; square; studies; study; surfaces; survival; transcriptase; transmission; viral; virus; viruses; year cache: cord-014942-4hk0veck.txt plain text: cord-014942-4hk0veck.txt item: #93 of 974 id: cord-014965-efmozngq author: None title: Infectious diseases other than CMV (1st Section) date: 2001-06-11 words: 8012 flesch: 47 summary: First signs of LPD appeared 64, 64 and 67 days after last dose of ATG (16mg/kg) in transplant patients, 30 days after last dose of ATG (30mg/kg) in patient treated with ATG+CsA for relapsing SAA. In transplant patients, cure rate was 41 % and an overall mortality was 58 %. keywords: abcd; ablc; adenovirus; allogeneic; amphotericin; analysis; antifungal; antiviral; arm; aspergillosis; aspergillus; assay; associated; autologous; bal; blood; bmt; cases; cell; centers; chemotherapy; cidofovir; clinical; cmv; conclusion; courses; culture; days; detection; diagnosis; disease; dna; dose; effects; efficacy; elisa; episodes; flu; fungal; gondii; group; gvhd; h.p; hepatitis; hhv-6; high; iii; incidence; infection; lower; malignancies; median; months; mortality; n=1; n=2; negative; overall; paraflu; parasitemia; patients; pcr; period; positive; post; prophylaxis; proven; pts; pulmonary; range; rate; reactivation; recipients; related; respiratory; response; results; risk; rsv; samples; screening; sct; severe; stem; study; test; therapy; transplant; transplantation; treatment; use; viral; virus; vzv; week; years cache: cord-014965-efmozngq.txt plain text: cord-014965-efmozngq.txt item: #94 of 974 id: cord-014976-546zaoxn author: None title: Publication only date: 2006-03-08 words: 51973 flesch: 49 summary: On admission before transplantation patient was presented with massive lymphadenopathy, anemia (Hb 76 g/L), WBC 24.8 x 109/L with absolute lymphocytosis (lymphocytes 98%) and thrombocytopenia 23 x 109/L. Pre-transplant conditioning consisted of high-dose cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation. There are publications about hyperkalemia in patients after renal transplantation but only few reports devote this phenomen in bone marrow transplantation patients. keywords: +30; a19; abct; abdominal; absolute; active; activity; acute; acute gvhd; addition; adequate; administration; adult; advanced; adverse; age; agent; aggressive; aim; alive; allogeneic; allogeneic stem; allogeneic transplantation; allografting; alloreactivity; alternative; aml; amphotericin; anaemia; analysis; anti; antibody; antifungal; apbsct; apheresis; aplastic; approach; asct; aspergillosis; associated; atg; autologous; autologous peripheral; autologous stem; autologous transplantation; available; background; bag; bcr; beam; benefit; better; biopsy; blood; blood cell; blood stem; blood transplantation; bmt; body; bone; bone marrow; busulfan; calcium; cancer; case; cd19; cd20; cd25; cd34; cd34+/kg; cd4; cell collection; cell count; cell dose; cell lymphoma; cell transplantation; cells; cellular; center; centre; cerebral; cfu; changes; chemotherapy; children; chimerism; chronic; chronic gvhd; class; clinical; cll; cml; cmv; cns; cohort; collection; colonies; colony; combination; combined; complete; complications; concentration; conclusion; conditioning; conditioning regimen; consecutive; control; conventional; cord; correlation; count; course; cryopreservation; cryopreserved; csa; csf; cultures; cutaneous; cycles; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cytometry; daily; data; date; day; days; death; decrease; deficiency; depletion; detectable; development; dfs; diagnosis; differences; different; differentiation; disease; disorders; dli; dmso; dna; documented; donor; dose; dose chemotherapy; double; drug; duration; early; ecp; effective; effects; efficacy; endothelial; engraftment; epcs; etoposide; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; experience; expression; extensive; factors; failure; family; feasible; female; fever; filgrastim; findings; flow; fludarabine; following; foxp3; free; freezing; frequency; function; fungal; gamma; good; grade; graft; granulocyte; group; growth; gvhd; haematopoietic stem; haploidentical; harvest; hct; healthy; hematological; hematopoietic; high; high dose; higher; histology; hla; hodgkin; hospital; host; host disease; hours; hsct; human; i.v; identical; iii; imatinib; immune; immunosuppressive; important; improvement; incidence; increase; induction; infection; infiltration; influence; infusion; initial; institute; intensity; introduction; invasive; involvement; irradiation; known; large; later; left; length; lesions; leukapheresis; leukemia; levels; like; limited; line; liver; long; loss; lower; lung; lymphoblastic; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoma; lymphoma patients; main; major; majority; male; malignancies; malignant; management; markers; marrow; marrow transplantation; matched; mds; mean; median; median age; medical; melphalan; methods; methotrexate; mild; minimum; mismatched; mixed; mnc; mobilization; molecular; monitoring; monoclonal; mononuclear; mononuclear cells; months; mortality; mrd; mri; mscs; mtx; mucosa; mucositis; mud; multiple; myeloablative; myelofibrosis; myeloid; myeloma; myeloma patients; n=1; n=2; n=3; necessary; negative; neuroblastoma; neurological; neutropenia; neutrophil; new; nhl; nk cells; non; normal; number; objectives; old; older; opg; option; oral; origin; outcome; overall; pain; palifermin; partial; patients; pbpc; pbsc; pcr; peak; pediatric; peg; pegfilgrastim; percentage; period; peripheral; peripheral blood; peripheral stem; persistent; phase; plasma; platelet; plt; poor; populations; positive; post; posttransplant; potential; presence; present; previous; primary; prior; problems; procedure; process; processing; product; progenitor; prognosis; progression; proliferation; prolonged; prophylaxis; proportion; protein; protocol; pts; pulmonary; qrt; quality; range; rapid; rare; rate; reactions; reactivation; recipient; reconstitution; recovery; reduced; reduction; refractory; regimen; rejection; relapse; remission; renal; report; required; residual; resistant; resolution; response; results; retrospective; ric; right; risk; risk patients; rituximab; role; saa; safe; safety; salvage; samples; scid; sct; second; secondary; selection; sensitive; separator; serum; setting; severe; severity; sex; short; sibling; significant; signs; similar; single; skin; solid; source; specific; stable; stage; staining; standard; status; stem cell; steroids; storage; stromal; studies; study; subset; successful; sufficient; support; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cell; tandem; target; tbi; tcr; term; thalassemia; thawing; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnc; total; toxicity; transfusion; transplantation patients; transplanted; transplanted patients; treatment; treosulfan; trm; tumors; type; undergone; underwent; university; unrelated; use; values; viability; viral; volume; wbc; weeks; weight; white; x10; years cache: cord-014976-546zaoxn.txt plain text: cord-014976-546zaoxn.txt item: #95 of 974 id: cord-015147-h0o0yqv8 author: None title: Oral Communications and Posters date: 2014-09-12 words: 73903 flesch: 39 summary: After 3 months of exposures, inflammatory cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were increased in both the HCR-and LCR-smokeexposed(SE) animals compared to air-exposed controls (p<0.001); however there was a 2-3-fold increase in the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the LCR-over the HCR-SE group (p<0.001).Histopathology revealed there was greater inflammation and lung damage present in the LCR-versus HCR-SE group (p<0.05). This causes the symptoms of the early phase of AI and the onset of the late phase characterized by the penetration in the inflamed tissue of inflammatory cells, notably the eosinophils. keywords: a2ar; ability; able; absence; accumulation; achr; acid; action; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; adaptive; addition; adherence; adhesion; administration; adult; adv; aeruginosa; affected; affinity; agents; aggregation; aia; aim; airway; allele; allergic; allodynia; alpha; alterations; altered; amounts; analysis; angiogenesis; animals; antagonist; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiinflammatory; ap-1; apc; apoptosis; apoptotic; approach; arachidonic; arry-162; arterial; arthritis; assay; associated; association; asthma; astrocytes; atherosclerosis; atopic; atp; australia; autoimmune; b cells; background; bacterial; bal; balb; barrier; basal; basophils; beneficial; beta; better; binding; bioactivity; biological; biology; biopsies; biotin; blister; blockade; blocking; blood; blot; bone; bovine; bowel; bpw; brain; brazil; c mice; c57bl/6; c5ar; ca2; cadpr; calcitriol; calcium; canada; cancer; capable; capacity; carrageenan; cartilage; cascade; cases; caspase-1; cause; cbp; ccp; cd4; cell activation; cells; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebral; certain; chain; challenge; changes; characterized; chemokine; chemotaxis; chromosome; chronic; chronic inflammatory; cii; circulation; class; clinical; clp; cns; coagulation; colitis; collagen; colon; combination; common; complement; complete; complex; components; compounds; concentration; conclusions; conditions; considered; constitutively; contact; contrast; control; cord; correlated; correlation; corresponding; course; cox-2; cpla2; critical; crohns; crp; csf; cultured; current; cutaneous; cx5; cyclin; cyclooxygenase; cytokines; cytoskeleton; daily; damage; data; day; days; dcs; decrease; defense; deficient; deficient mice; degradation; delayed; demonstrate; dendritic; dendritic cells; denmark; density; department; dependent; depletion; dermatitis; destruction; detrusor; development; dexamethasone; diabetes; diabetic; diagnostic; diet; differences; different; differential; differentiation; discovery; disease; disorders; distinct; dna; dogs; domain; dose; dpt; drug; dss; dynamic; dysfunction; e.g.; eae; early; ebi3; effect; effective; effector; efficacy; egfr; elevated; elisa; endogenous; endothelial; endothelial cells; enhanced; enzymatic; enzyme; eosinophils; epcr; epidermal; epidermis; epithelial; erk; erk1/2; essential; established; events; evidence; examination; example; experimental; exposure; expression; expression levels; extracellular; extracts; factor; family; fat; fcs; female; fibroblasts; fibrosis; findings; flavonoids; flow; fluid; fluorescence; focus; fold; formation; fprl1; free; function; gamma; gata-3; gene; generation; genetic; genome; germany; gimap5; glucocorticoids; glycine; group; growth; h2s; h4r; hand; hdsmc; healthy; heme; high; higher; highest; hind; histamine; histological; hit; hla; hospital; host; hours; human; hydrogen; hyperalgesia; hyperplasia; hypothesis; i.p; ibd; ic50; icam-1; ifn; ifna; ifnbeta; ikba; ikka; il-1b; il-1beta; il-23; il-4; il-6; il-8; immune; immune response; immunity; immunization; immunohistochemistry; immunomodulatory; impaired; important; important role; incidence; increased; incubation; individual; induced; inducible; induction; infected; infiltration; inflamed; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory activity; inflammatory arthritis; inflammatory bowel; inflammatory cells; inflammatory conditions; inflammatory cytokines; inflammatory diseases; inflammatory effects; inflammatory mediators; inflammatory response; inflammatory skin; influence; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injection; injury; innate; inos; institute; insulin; integrin; interaction; intestinal; intravital; introduction; investigated; involvement; ischemic; isolated; italy; japan; jnk; joint; joint inflammation; keratinocytes; key; kidney; kinase; knee; knockout; known; large; lavage; ldl; leading; leo; lesions; leukocyte; levels; ligand; like; likely; lilra2; limited; line; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; little; liver; local; loss; low; lower; lps; ltb4; lung; lung inflammation; lymphocytes; mab; macrophages; major; male; manner; mapk; marked; markers; marrow; mast; mast cells; matrix; mbp; mean; measured; measurement; mechanical; mechanisms; mediate; mediators; medical; medicine; medium; members; membrane; memory; mesenteric; metabolism; methods; mice; microscopy; mif; migration; mitogen; mmp-9; model; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; monocytes; mononuclear; mouse; mrna; mrna expression; mrna levels; multiple; murine; muscle; mutation; myeloperoxidase; nabs; nad+; natural; ncf1; necrosis; negative; netherlands; neurons; neutralizing; neutrophils; new; nfkb; ngf; nitric; nkg2d; nod1; non; normal; novel; nuclear; nucleus; number; objectives; observed; oedema; onset; oral; order; organ; osteoarthritis; outcome; ova; overexpression; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; p.o; p13; p38; p65; p<0.05; paf; pain; pancreatic; pancreatitis; par-2; par1; par2; par4; parameters; pars; particular; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathological; pathways; patients; pattern; paulo; paw; pbmc; pcr; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; permeability; pge2; phagocytosis; pharmacological; phase; phenotype; phosphorylation; physiological; pi3k; pivotal; pkc; plasma; plasma cells; platelet; pma; pmn; pollutants; population; positive; possibility; possible; posters; potential; pouch; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pretreatment; prevention; primary; process; processes; production; products; profile; progression; proliferation; promoter; properties; prostaglandin; proteases; protective; protein; protein expression; psoriasis; psoriatic; pulmonary; purpose; range; rapid; rats; reaction; reactive; recent; receptor; recombinant; recovery; recruitment; reduced; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; remodeling; renal; reperfusion; research; resistance; response; responsible; results; reversed; rheumatoid; rheumatoid arthritis; risk; rock-2; role; route; s100a12; saa; safety; saline; samples; school; score; secondary; secretion; selectin; selective; sensory; sepsis; sequence; sera; serine; serum; severe; severity; shock; shows; signaling; significant; signs; similar; single; sirna; site; skin; sle; slx-2119; small; snp; socs1; soluble; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spla; spleen; staining; starting; stat1; step; stimulated; stimulation; strains; stress; stroke; strong; structural; studies; study; subsequent; superoxide; supplement; support; suppression; surface; survival; susceptibility; swelling; symptoms; syndrome; synovial; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; sâ¼o; t cells; target; targeting; tdzd-8; technique; tested; th1; th17; th2; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thp-1; thrombin; time; tissue; tlr2; tnbs; tnf; tnfa; tnfalpha; tolerance; topical; total; tpa; tpko; trafficking; transcription; transduction; transgenic; transient; treated; treatment; trpv1; trypsin; ttp; tumor; tumor cells; type; type mice; underlying; understanding; unique; university; unknown; untreated; uptake; usa; useful; variety; vascular; vegf; vehicle; vein; vitro; vivo; volunteers; wall; water; weeks; weight; western; wide; wild; wistar; work; years; zymosan cache: cord-015147-h0o0yqv8.txt plain text: cord-015147-h0o0yqv8.txt item: #96 of 974 id: cord-015324-y44sfr0c author: None title: Scientific Programme date: 2007-09-01 words: 197844 flesch: 49 summary: In the group I, consisted of 63 infants (35 males and 28 females) PCD increased during the time in 3,2% infants, remained unchanged in 11,1%, decreased in 14,3%, and disappeared in 71,4% patients. There was no significant difference between renal transplant patients and healthy controls in genotype distribution of allelic frequencies of IL-6, FAS and MCP-1 polymorphisms. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; abnormality; abpm; absence; absent; absolute; abundance; according; accumulation; accuracy; acei; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activity; acute renal; addition; adequate; adma; administration; admission; adolescents; adpkd; adr; adult patients; adulthood; adults; adverse; affected; affected patients; africa; aga; age; age group; age range; aged; agents; ages; ahus; aim; aims; alanine; alarm; albumin; aldosterone; alkalosis; allele; alpha; alport; alport syndrome; alteration; altered; alternative; ambulatory; amino; analysis; anca; anemia; angiotensin; angiotensinogen; angptl3; animals; anomalies; antenatal; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antihypertensive; anuria; aorta; aortic; apical; apn; apoptosis; apoptotic; apparent; appearance; approach; appropriate; apsgn; aqp1; area; arf; arm; arterial; asian; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; atherosclerosis; atn; atp; atrophy; auc; autosomal; availability; available; average; azathioprine; background; bacterial; balance; barrier; bartter; basal; baseline; basement; basiliximab; basis; bau; beginning; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bicarbonate; bilateral; bilateral renal; binding; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; birth; black children; bladder; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; blot; bmd; bmi; bmp4; bnp; body; bone; bone age; bone disease; boys; branching; brazil; bud; bun; cadaveric; calcification; calcimimetics; calcineurin; calcium; calculated; capacity; capd; capillary; cardiac; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; care; carotid; carriers; cases; catch; cathelicidin; catheter; cause; cb4; ccr; cd3; cd4; cells; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebral; chain; changes; channel; characteristics; chemotherapy; childhood; children; children hospital; children renal; china; chinese; chloride; cholesterol; chromosome; chronic kidney; chronic renal; cimt; ckd; ckd children; ckid; classical; classification; clcn5; clcnkb; clearance; clinical; close; cmv; cni; coagulation; cohort; col4a5; coli; collagen; collection; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; components; compound; concentration; conclusion; concomitant; condition; congenital; consecutive; consequences; conservative; consistent; continuous; contrast; control; control group; control patients; conventional; converting; correlated; correlation; cortical; corticosteroids; cortisol; countries; course; creatinine; creatinine levels; crescents; crf patients; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crucial; csa; csa treatment; cultured; cumulative; curve; cx3cl1; cya; cycle; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystatin; cystic; cystine; cystinosis; cystinotic patients; cysts; cytokines; cytoplasmic; cytosolic; cytotoxic; daily; data; date; day; days; daytime; dbp; ddavp; ddd; deafness; death; dec1; december; decline; decrease; defective; defects; deficiency; definition; degree; delayed; deletion; demographic; density; dent disease; department; dependent; dependent patients; deposition; deposits; design; detection; determined; detrusor; development; deviation; dexamethasone; dhea; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic patients; diagnosis; dialysate; dialysis; dialysis patients; diameter; diaphragm; diarrhea; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; differential; differentiation; diffuse; dilatation; dipyridamole; direct; discussion; disease activity; disease onset; disease patients; disease progression; diseases; disorders; distal; distal renal; distribution; diuresis; dmsa; dna; domain; dominant; donor; doppler; dosage; dose; dosing; double; drugs; dry; duration; dysfunction; dysplasia; earlier; early; early renal; ebv; echocardiography; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; egfr; electrolytes; electron; elevated; elevation; elisa; enalapril; encodes; encoding; end; endocapillary; endogenous; endothelial; enhanced; entry; enuresis; enzyme; episodes; epithelial; erk; esrd; esrd patients; essential; established; estimated; estimation; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; examination; examined; excellent; exchange; excretion; exon; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extent; extracellular; extrarenal; facilities; factor; familial; families; family; father; features; febrile; feeding; female; ferritin; fetal; fetus; fever; fibrosis; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluid; fmd; focal; fold; follow; following; formation; forms; formula; foxp3; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; frozen; fsgs; fty720; function group; functional; furosemide; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gbm; gcm1; gdnf; gender; gene; gene expression; general; generalized; generation; genetic; genotype; germany; gestation; gfr; girls; glomerular; glomerular disease; glomerulonephritis; glomerulosclerosis; glucose; glycosylation; good; grade; graft; graft function; greater; group; group b; group ii; growth; half; hand; hd patients; hdl; healthy age; healthy children; heart; heavy; help; hematuria; hemodialysis; hemoglobin; hemolytic; henoch; hepatic; hepatitis; hereditary; heterozygous; high; higher; highest; histological; histopathological; history; hiv; hivan; hla; homeostasis; homozygous; hormone; hospital; hours; hrs; hsn; hsp; htn; human; hus; hydronephrosis; hypercalciuria; hypercholesterolemia; hyperfiltration; hyperlipidemia; hyperoxaluria; hyperparathyroidism; hypertension; hypertensive children; hypertensive patients; hypertrophy; hypoalbuminemia; hypokalemia; hypomagnesemia; hyponatremia; hypoplasia; hypothesis; identification; idiopathic; iga; iga1; igan; igfr; igg; igm; iii; il-2; illness; imaging; immediate; immune; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemistry; immunological; immunosuppressive; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incontinence; increased; increasing; index; indian children; indicator; indices; individual; induced; induction; infancy; infants; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; infusion; inheritance; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; injury; insertion; insulin; intact; intake; intensive; interactions; interstitial; interval; intervention; intrauterine; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; involved; iron; ischemia; isolated; israel; iugr; january; japanese patients; key; kidney; kidney biopsy; kidney disease; kidney failure; kidney function; kidney transplantation; kinase; kingdom; knowledge; known; laboratory; lactobacillus; large; later; ldl; lead; leading; left; left renal; leg; length; leptin; lesions; leukocytes; levels; life; like; likely; limited; linear; lipid; literature; little; liver; living; lmwh; load; localization; logistic; london; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; lost; lower; lps; lupus; lvh; lvm; lvmi; lymphocytes; macroscopic; magnesium; main; maintenance; major; major renal; majority; male; male patients; malnutrition; management; manifestations; marked; markedly; markers; marrow; mass; material; matrix; maturation; mature; maximal; mcd; mcns; mcp-1; mean; mean age; mean±sd; measured; measurement; measuring; mechanisms; median; medical; medication; medicine; medium; medullary; megalin; members; membrane; membranoproliferative; membranous; meq; mesangial; mesenchyme; metabolic; metanephric; methods; methylprednisolone; mg/24; mice; microalbuminuria; microarrays; microglobulin; microscopy; mild; mild renal; min/1.73; mineralization; minimal; minimum; minor; missense; mitochondrial; mma patients; mmf; mmhg; mmol; mne; modalities; modality; model; moderate; moderate renal; mofetil; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monthly; months; morbidity; morning; morphogenesis; mortality; mosm; mother; mouse; mpgn; mri; mrna; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mutant; mutations; mycophenolate; n=1; n=2; n=3; n=5; n=6; n=7; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; neonates; neph1; nephrectomy; nephrin; nephritis; nephrocalcinosis; nephrogenesis; nephrolithiasis; nephrologists; nephrology; nephronophthisis; nephrons; nephropathy; nephrotic; nephrotic children; nephrotic patients; nephrotic proteinuria; nephrotic syndrome; nephrotoxicity; neurological; neutrophil; new; newborn; ngal; nhe3; nights; nitric; nitrogen; nocturnal; non; nonsense; normal; normal blood; normal children; normal group; normal kidney; normal range; normal renal; normalization; novel; nphp1; nphs2; ns children; ntx patients; number; numerous; nutritional; obese; obese children; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; occurrence; ocrl1; ocular; ofmu; old; older; older children; onset; operation; operative; optimal; oral; organ; origin; osmolality; osmotic; outcome; overall; overweight; oxalate; oxidative; oxide; p38; p<0.001; p<0.05; pad; paediatric; paediatric patients; pain; parameters; parents; partial; past; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; pathway; patients; patients data; patients group; patients results; pattern; pcr; pd patients; pdf; peak; pediatric kidney; pediatric patients; pediatric renal; people; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; permeability; persistent; phase; phb; phenotype; phosphate; phosphorylation; physical; placebo; plasma; plasmapheresis; platelet; play; pmt; pne; podocin; podocyte; point; polycystic; polymerase; polymorphism; polyuria; poor; population; positive; positive patients; possible; post; posterior; postnatal; potassium; potential; predictive; predictor; prednisone; pregnancy; preliminary; prenatal; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primary disease; primary renal; prior; problems; process; processes; product; profile; prognosis; program; progression; progressive renal; proliferation; prolonged; prontbnp; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; prospective study; proteins; proteinuria; proteinuric renal; protocol; proximal; psf; pth; ptld; pts; pubertal patients; pulmonary; pulse; puromycin; purpose; purpura; pwv; pyelonephritis; quality; quantitative; radiological; randomized; range; range proteinuria; rapid; rare; rate; ratio; rats; ray; reabsorption; reaction; reactive; reason; receiving; recent; receptor; recessive; recipients; recombinant; records; recovered; recovery; recurrent; reduced; reducing; reduction; reference; reflux; refractory; regimen; region; regular; regulation; regulatory; rejection; relapse; related; relationship; relative; release; reliable; remaining; remission; removal; renal; renal abnormalities; renal allograft; renal anemia; renal arteries; renal artery; renal biopsies; renal biopsy; renal blood; renal care; renal cell; renal complications; renal cortex; renal cystic; renal damage; renal development; renal disease; renal disorders; renal dysplasia; renal epithelial; renal failure; renal fanconi; renal fibrosis; renal function; renal glomerular; renal graft; renal growth; renal histological; renal histology; renal impairment; renal infarction; renal inflammation; renal injury; renal insufficiency; renal interstitial; renal involvement; renal length; renal magnesium; renal manifestations; renal mg; renal osteodystrophy; renal outcome; renal parameters; renal parenchymal; renal pathology; renal pelvis; renal phenotype; renal prognosis; renal proximal; renal renal; renal repair; renal replacement; renal scarring; renal scars; renal scintigraphy; renal size; renal sodium; renal stones; renal survival; renal symptoms; renal syndrome; renal tissue; renal toxicity; renal transplantation; renal transplants; renal tubular; renal ultrasonography; renal ultrasound; renal units; renin; repair; report; research; residual; resistant; resolution; respect; respiratory; responders; response; responsible; restriction; results; retardation; retrospective; review; rhd; rhgh; rhuepo; rickets; right; right renal; risk; risk patients; rituximab; role; routine; rpd; rrf; rsv; rtd; rtx; safe; safety; salt; samples; sbp; scan; scd80; school; schwartz; schönlein; score; screening; sdma; sdns; sds; secondary; secretion; sections; segmental; segmental renal; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; series; serum; serum creatinine; serum levels; sessions; severe; severe renal; severity; sex; sga; sham; shiraz; short; showing; signaling; significant; significant difference; significant renal; signs; similar; simple; single; sirolimus; site; size; skin; sle; sle patients; slit; small; small children; social; sodium; south; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; sporadic; square; srl; srns; srns patients; ssns; stable; stage renal; stages; staining; standard; standardized; start; state; statistical; status; stenosis; steroid; steroid therapy; steroid treatment; stfr; stiffness; stimulation; strategies; stress; strong; structural; studies; study; study group; subcapsular; subgroup; subjects; subsequent; substitution; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; supplementation; support; surface; surgery; surgical; sustained; switch; sympathetic; symptoms; syndrome; syndrome patients; synthesis; system; systemic; systolic; tacrolimus; taking; target; tbars; techniques; term; term renal; terminal; terminus; tertiary; test; testing; tgf; thalassemia; thalassemic patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thrive; thrombocytopenia; thrombosis; time; tissues; tolerance; tool; total; toxicity; tract; traditional; transcription; transfusion; transient; transplant patients; transplanted; transplanted children; transport; treated; treatment; treatment group; trial; triglycerides; trough; trpc6; tuberculosis; tubular function; tubules; tubulointerstitial; tumor; type; type children; typical; tyrosine; uca; ucr; ultrasonography; unchanged; unclear; uncontrolled; underlying; underlying renal; understanding; underwent; united; univariate; university; university children; unknown; upper; upr; urea; uremic; ureteric; uric; urinalysis; urinary; urinary protein; urinary tract; urine; urolithiasis; uropathy; useful; uti; uti patients; uuo; vaccination; values; variability; variables; vasculitis; vasopressin; vcug; vector; vegf; velocity; ventricular; vesicoureteral; vessels; viral; virulence; virus; visit; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voiding; volume; vomiting; vs.; vur; vur patients; wall; wasting; weekly; weeks; weight; western; wet; white; wide; wild; wilms; withdrawal; work; wt1; years; years old; young; young children; younger; yrs; μmol cache: cord-015324-y44sfr0c.txt plain text: cord-015324-y44sfr0c.txt item: #97 of 974 id: cord-015348-qt0worsl author: None title: Abstract date: 2010-07-30 words: 74228 flesch: 40 summary: The role of autophagy in cancer seems to be dual: On one hand, there is a growing body of evidence supporting the idea that autophagy may represent a tumor suppressor mechanism by reducing intratumoral necrosis, restricting oxidative stress and limiting chromosomal instability; on the other hand, autophagy may be an important process used by tumor cells to escape various types of stress and even therapeutic agents. At a higher magnification, tumor cells are grouped in small nests formed by large cells, with an abundant, pale, mucus-laden cytoplasm and an eccentric nucleus. keywords: abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; abundant; accepted; accumulation; accurate; activation; activity; acute; addition; adenocarcinoma; adenoma; adjacent; adults; advanced; affected; age; agents; aggressive; aim; akt; alb; alk; allergic; alterations; alveolar; amplification; amyloid; analysed; analysis; angiosarcoma; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; appearance; appendiceal; appendix; application; applied; approach; appropriate; architecture; area; aspects; aspiration; assessment; associated; association; atypia; atypical; autophagy; autopsy; available; axillary; background; basal; basis; bcr; behaviour; benign; best; better; biochemical; biological; biology; biopsies; biopsy; bladder; bleeding; blood; bone; bowel; braf; brain; breast; breast cancer; breast lesions; bronchial; budding; c4d; cadherin; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoid; carcinoma; cardiac; cases; categories; cause; cd117; cd34; cd56; cd8; cdlu; cell carcinoma; cell lung; cells; cellular; center; central; cervical; changes; characteristics; chemotherapy; children; chromogranin; chronic; ck7; classification; clinical; clinicopathological; collagen; colon; colorectal; combination; common; comparison; complete; complex; component; computer; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consistent; context; contrast; control; conventional; cord; correct; correlate; correlation; countries; course; crc; criteria; critical; crucial; cruz; current; cutaneous; cystic; cysts; cytokeratin; cytological; cytology; cytoplasm; damage; data; death; decrease; degree; density; department; deposition; deposits; dept; desmin; desmoplastic; detection; determined; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; differences; different; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiated; difficult; diffuse; digital; digitized; direct; disease; disorders; distant; distinction; distribution; dna; dose; dox; doxorubicin; drug; ductal; dysfunction; dysplasia; e.g.; early; ecs; effect; effective; egfr; electron; endocrine; endometrial; endoscopic; endothelial; entire; entities; entity; eosinophilic; epithelial; epithelioid; essential; european; evaluated; evaluation; evidence; examination; example; excised; excision; exon; experience; expression; extensive; ezrin; factors; false; familial; family; fcd; features; female; fetus; ffpe; fibers; fibres; fibroblastic; fibrosis; field; final; findings; fine; fish; fixation; fna; foci; focus; follicles; follicular; following; formalin; forms; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; frozen; function; future; gallbladder; gastric; gastrointestinal; gbl; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; germany; gland; glioblastoma; gliomas; glomerular; goblet; good; grade; grading; graft; great; gross; group; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h&e; hand; head; heart; help; hematoxylin; hepatic; her2; high; higher; highest; histological; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hodgkin; hospital; host; hpv; human; hur; hyaline; hybridization; hyperplasia; hypertension; identification; ihc; images; imaging; imatinib; immature; immune; immunohistochemical; immunohistochemical expression; immunostaining; impact; implementation; important; improved; incidence; includes; inclusions; increase; independent; index; individual; induced; infection; infiltrate; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; inhibitors; initial; injury; institute; intensity; interest; interstitial; intraepithelial; invasion; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; italy; kai1; ki67; kidney; kinase; kit; knowledge; known; kras; laboratories; laboratory; lack; large; layer; left; lesions; levels; lfs; lgr5; like; likely; limited; literature; liver; lobe; local; localization; location; long; loss; low; lower; lung; lymph; lymphangiogenesis; lymphatic; lymphocytic; lymphoid; lymphoma; macrophages; main; major; majority; males; malignancies; malignant; mammary; management; marked; markers; marking; marrow; mass; material; matrix; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; melanocytic; melanoma; membrane; membranous; mena; mesenchymal; mesothelioma; metaplasia; metastases; metastatic; method; methylation; mgmt; mib-1; microscopy; mild; minimal; mitochondrial; mitotic; mixed; mlcnec; mmp-9; model; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; months; morphological; morphology; mortality; mtor; mucinous; mucosa; mucus; multiple; multivariate; muscle; muscular; mutations; myxoid; naevi; national; nature; necessary; neck; necrosis; needle; negative; neoplasms; neoplastic; neoplastic cells; nephropathy; nerve; nervous; network; neuroendocrine; new; node; nodular; nodules; non; normal; notch1; novel; nsclc; nuclear; nuclei; nucleoli; nucleus; number; numerous; objective; observed; ofd; old; oncology; optimal; order; organ; origin; outcome; ovarian; ovary; overall; overexpression; oxidative; p16; p53; p63; p<0.001; p<0.05; pancreatic; panel; papillary; paraffin; parameters; parenchyma; partial; particular; pas; pathogenesis; pathological; pathologists; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pcr; pdgfra; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; phenotype; pigment; placental; plasma; play; pleomorphic; pleural; poland; poland objective; polish; polyps; poor; population; positive; positive cases; positive cells; positive expression; positivity; possibility; possible; post; potential; practice; predictive; predominant; preoperative; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; procedures; process; processes; production; profiles; progesterone; prognostic; progression; proliferation; prominent; promoter; prostate; prostatic; protein; protein expression; protocol; psa; pseudomyxoma; ptc; pten; pulmonary; purpose; qrt; quality; radiation; radical; radiologic; radiotherapy; range; rare; ras; rate; rats; reaction; reactive; recent; receptor; recognition; recurrence; reduced; region; related; relationship; relevant; reliable; renal; report; reporting; research; resection; residual; resolution; respect; response; results; review; rich; right; risk; role; routine; s-100; s100; salivary; samples; santa; sarcoma; scha; score; scpv; screening; second; secondary; sections; selection; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; sequencing; series; serous; serum; setting; severe; sex; short; shows; signaling; significant; signs; similar; single; sinonasal; site; situ; size; skin; slides; small; small cell; smears; smoking; smooth; snomed; soft; software; solid; special; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spindle; sporadic; squamous; stage; staging; staining; standard; standardization; statistical; status; step; stomach; stress; stromal; strong; structure; students; studies; study; submucosal; subset; subtypes; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; suspicious; symptoms; synaptophysin; syndrome; system; targeted; targets; technical; techniques; teratoma; terms; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thyroid; time; tirapazamine; tissue; tnm; tool; total; tract; transplantation; treatment; true; tubular; tumor; tumor cells; tumoral; tumours; type; tyrosine; uip; ultrastructural; uncommon; underlying; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urothelial; usa; use; useful; uterine; validation; value; variable; variant; vascular; vegf; vessels; vimentin; virtual; volume; wall; weeks; white; wide; women; workup; world; years; young cache: cord-015348-qt0worsl.txt plain text: cord-015348-qt0worsl.txt item: #98 of 974 id: cord-015372-76xvzvdg author: None title: National scientific medical meeting 1996 abstracts date: 1996 words: 36628 flesch: 50 summary: Control patients were enrolled who had no clinical evidence of rheumatological disease, A salivary sample was collected and examined by light microscopy. Drug induced photosensitivity may look identical clinically, have a similar history and patients with CAD may be treated with potentially photosensitising drugs. keywords: 3rd; abbott; abdominal; abnormalities; acid; activity; acute; addition; adhesion; administration; admission; affected; age; aged; aim; alcohol; analysis; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoptosis; area; arm; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; autosomal; average; b12; babies; behavioural; biopsy; blood; bmd; board; bone; breast; bupivacaine; cad; calcium; cancer; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cases; cause; cd30; cdad; cells; central; centre; changes; children; chronic; class; clinical; cns; cognitive; combination; common; community; comparison; compliance; complications; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; consecutive; consecutive patients; controls; cord; correct; correlation; cost; criteria; crying; culture; current; cytokine; daily; damage; data; day; days; death; deficiency; degree; department; dependent; detection; development; diagnosis; diclofenac; diet; dietary; difference; discharge; disease; disorder; dna; doctors; dose; drug; dublin; duration; dysphagia; early; ebv; effect; egf; elderly; elderly patients; elevated; endothelial; evidence; examination; expected; experience; exposure; expression; factor; failure; families; family; features; females; findings; flap; flow; folic; following; formation; free; frequency; function; gender; gene; general; generation; greater; group; group b; growth; haemorrhage; hcv; headache; health; heart; hepatitis; high; higher; histology; history; hiv; hla; home; homocysteine; homozygous; hospital; hours; hsp; human; hypothesis; hysterectomy; icas; icu; iga; igaga; il-6; illness; immune; impaired; implicated; important; improvement; imx; incidence; increase; index; individuals; induction; infection; inflammatory; infusion; initial; intake; investigation; ireland; irish; isolates; ivf; journal; july; known; lack; large; lead; left; length; levels; limited; linkage; lipid; liver; loci; locus; long; loss; lower; lp(a; lps; lung; major; majority; males; management; mania; markers; mass; matched; mbw; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; median; medical; medication; methadone; method; microscopy; middle; mild; minimal; minutes; mmhg; mmse; months; mortality; movements; mrsa; multiple; muscle; necrosis; need; negative; negative patients; neurological; new; non; normal; number; nursing; objective; observed; old; onset; oral; outcome; overall; p53; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pathogenesis; patients; pattern; pcr; pelvic; people; performance; period; phase; photosensitivity; plasma; pneumoniae; poor; population; positioning; positive; positive patients; possible; post; postoperative; potential; pregnancy; prescribed; prescribing; prescriptions; presence; present; presenting; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; problem; procedures; propofol; protein; psychiatric; psychosis; pts; pulmonary; purpose; questionnaire; range; rate; reaction; reactive; receiving; recent; reconstruction; recovery; reduced; reduction; report; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; retrieval; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; samples; scale; schizophrenia; science; scores; screening; seasonal; second; sensitive; series; serum; service; severe; severity; significant; signs; similar; single; skin; small; smoking; social; species; specific; specimens; standard; status; stay; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; successful; supplement; support; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; taurine; technique; term; test; testing; thcy; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; tonsillectomy; total; tract; transplant; treatment; tumour; type; ulcers; ultrasound; underwent; units; untreated; uptake; urinary; use; uva; vaccine; value; variation; vascular; venous; viral; virus; vitamin; vocal; volume; weeks; weight; women; work; years; young cache: cord-015372-76xvzvdg.txt plain text: cord-015372-76xvzvdg.txt item: #99 of 974 id: cord-015394-uj7fe5y6 author: None title: Scientific Abstracts date: 2008-12-23 words: 242809 flesch: 48 summary: The highest level of -tubulin acetylation (2.5-fold) was observed with Vinblastine at 10-fold IC 50 after 48 h. Exposure to Microtubule interacting agents and TSA resulted in increased cell surface expression of Ep-CAM in a time and dose dependent manner. Finally, we elucidated a link between the RA and TGF-pathways by assessing the impact of RA treatment of TGF-3 expression, demonstrating that TGF-3 template decreased to levels comparable to myometrial cell expression (0.84±0.12 fold). keywords: -tubulin; 1,2; 11b; 12h; 18s; 24h; 48h; abc; abdominal; aberrant; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; abortion; abruption; absence; absent; abundance; abundant; account; accumulation; accuracy; acetate; acetylation; acid; acidemia; acidosis; acth; actin; activation; active; activin; activities; activity; acts; acute; adaptive; addition; adenomyosis; adenosine; adequate; adhesion; adiponectin; adjacent; adjusted; adjustment; adma; administration; admission; adrenal; adult; adulthood; advanced; adverse; aea; aea levels; afc; affected; affects; affymetrix; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; akt; alcohol; alk1; allele; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; amh; amino; amniocentesis; amnion; amniotic; amounts; amplification; analysis; anandamide; androgen; androstenedione; anesthesia; aneuploidy; angeles; angii; angiogenesis; angiogenic; angiotensin; animals; anomalies; anova; antagonist; antenatal; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antihypertensive; antioxidant; aorta; apgar; apoptosis; apoptotic; apparent; application; applied; approach; appropriate; approval; aqp1; arbitrary; areas; arginine; aromatase; aromatase expression; array; arrest; arterial; arteries; artery; assay; assayed; assess; assessment; assisted; associated; association; atgl; atp; attached; attenuated; australia; available; average; avp; axis; b cells; b levels; babies; background; bacterial; balance; balloon; band; basal; baseline; bax; benign; best; beta; betamethasone; better; bewo; bewo cells; big; bilateral; bile; binding; biochemical; biological; biology; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; biosynthesis; birth; birthweight; blastocysts; bleeding; blinded; block; blocking; blood; blood cells; blood flow; blood pressure; blood samples; blot; blot analysis; blotting; bmi; bnp; body; bouin; bpa; brain; branch; breast; breastfeeding; buffer; bypass; c fetal; cadherin; calcium; calculated; california; camp; cancer; cancer cells; candidate; capacity; carboplatin; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; carriers; cascade; cases; caspase; caspase-3; catheters; caucasian; cause; caveolae; cb1; cbf; cd25; cd3; cd4; cd44; cd45; cd55; cd8; cdb; cdna; cell culture; cell cycle; cell death; cell function; cell growth; cell line; cell proliferation; cell protein; cell types; cells; cellular; center; centile; central; centre; cerebral; cervical; cervical cells; cervix; cesarean; cfos; cgrp; chain; changes; channels; characteristics; characterized; chd; chemokine; chemotherapy; chi; chicago; child; cholesterol; chorioamnionitis; choriocarcinoma; chorion; chorionic; chromatin; chromosome; chronic; chymotrypsin; cigarette; cincinnati; circulating; circumference; cisplatin; class; cleavage; clinical; clip-170; clomiphene; clp; coagulation; cohort; cohort study; collagen; collection; college; colon; colonic; combination; combined; common; communication; comparable; comparison; complete; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; components; composition; comt; concentrations; conception; conclusions; conditions; confidence; confluent; confocal; congenital; conjugated; consecutive; consistent; constant; content; continued; continuous; contractile; contractility; contractions; contrast; contribute; control; control cells; control group; control pregnant; control study; control women; cord; corin; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cortisol; counseling; couples; course; cox-2; cpb; cpeb; cranberry; crf; crf expression; crh; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crucial; csf; ctr; culture; cultured human; cumulative; cumulus cells; current; curve; cvs; cycle; cyclin; cyp17; cytokine expression; cytokines; cytometry; cytoplasmic; cytotrophoblast; daily; dallas; damage; dams; data; database; date; david; dawley; day; days; dcs; death; decidual cells; decidualization; decline; decrease; defects; deficiency; degradation; degree; dehydrogenase; delay; deletion; deliveries; delivery; demise; demographic; demonstrated; density; department; dependent; dept; design; detectable; detection; determination; detroit; development; device; dga; dha; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; differential expression; differentiation; dilatation; diminished; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; distal; distention; distinct; distress; distribution; division; dna; domain; donor; doppler; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; drug; dscs; duration; dysfunction; dysregulation; earlier; early; early pregnancy; ebp; ecm; ecog; ecs; ectopic; education; effect; effective; efficacy; egfr; eif2; elastin; elective; elements; elevated; elevation; elisa; embryo; embryonic; emg; endocannabinoid; endocrine; endocrinology; endogenous; endometrial; endometrial cells; endometrial expression; endometriosis; endothelial cells; endothelium; enhanced; enos; environment; enzyme; eoc cells; epab; epcs; epigenetic; epithelial; erk; erk1/2; erk2/1; essential; established; estradiol; estrogen; estrus; et-1; etb; ethnicity; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; evt; ewes; exact; exam; examination; excess; excretion; exerts; exhibit; exon; experience; experiments; explants; exponent; exposed; exposure; expression; expression analysis; expression changes; expression data; expression levels; extent; extracellular; extraction; extracts; extravillous; ezh2; f4/80; faah; factor; failed; failure; fak; fallopian; false; family; fashion; fasting; fat; fatty; fbs; features; fed; feeding; female; femoral; fertilization; fertilized; fetal; fetal arterial; fetal blood; fetal body; fetal brain; fetal cells; fetal circulation; fetal death; fetal development; fetal dna; fetal effects; fetal growth; fetal heart; fetal inflammatory; fetal levels; fetal liver; fetal lung; fetal membranes; fetal placental; fetal plasma; fetal sheep; fetal weight; feto; fetuses; fgr; fhr; fibers; fibroblasts; fibroids; figure; findings; fixed; flow; fluid; fluorescence; folate; fold; fold increase; folic; follicles; follicular; following; food; force; formation; forskolin; foxp3; fraction; fragments; free; frequencies; frequency; frozen; fsh; fshr; function; future; gaba; gain; galveston; gapdh; gbs; gcm1; gdm; gdm women; gel; gender; gene; general; generated; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; gestational age; gfr; ghrelin; glandular; global; glomerular; glucocorticoids; glucose; gnrh; goal; gonadotropin; good; gradient; grams; grant; granulosa cells; greater; groningen; group; group c; growth; growth factor; guinea; gynecology; half; hand; harbor; has2; haven; hbegf; hcg; hcg levels; hcy; hdl; health; heart; hela cells; help; hemorrhage; heparanase; hepatic; hfix; hgf; higher; higher expression; higher levels; highest; hispanic; histologic; histone; history; hla; homeostasis; homocysteine; hormonal; hormone; horn; hospital; hours; hoxa10; hoxa10 expression; hpa; hplc; hpx; hrs; hscrp; hsd1; hsd1 expression; hsd2; htert; hud; human; human cells; human endometrial; human fetal; human labor; human myometrium; human ovarian; human placental; human pregnancy; human trophoblast; human uterine; hur; huvec; hypertension; hypothalamic; hypothesis; hypothesized; hypoxia; hysterectomy; iai; icsi; identification; ifn; igf; igf-1; ihc; iii; ikk; ikk expression; il-1; il-6; il-6 levels; il-8; il-8 expression; il1; image; imaging; imd; immature; immediate; immortalized; immune; immune cells; immunity; immunoblotting; immunohistochemistry; immunoreactivity; immunostained; immunostaining; impact; impaired; imperial; implantation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incontinence; increased; incubation; index; indices; individual; induced; induction; infants; infection; infertility; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; inflammatory response; influence; informed; infusion; inhibin; inhibited; inhibitor; inhibits; initial; initiation; injury; innate; inos; institute; insufficiency; insulin; insulin levels; intact; integrin; intensities; intensity; interactions; intercourse; interest; interface; internal; intervals; intervention; intrauterine; intravenous; introduction; invading cells; invasion; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; iqr; ishikawa; ishikawa cells; isoforms; isolated; isometric; israel; italy; iufd; iugr; ivf; japan; jar; jnk; john; jun; kda; key; kidney; kinase; kingdom; kit; knock; known; labeling; labor; laboratory; labouring; labyrinth cells; lack; lactate; lactation; laparoscopic; large; late pregnancy; latency; later; layers; leading; left; leiden; leiomyoma; length; leptin; lesions; leukocytes; levels; levosimendan; lgr7; libitum; ligand; likelihood; likely; limited; linear; lines; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; liquid; litter; little; lmp; load; local; localization; logistic; london; long; loss; louisville; low levels; lower; lowest; lox; lpa; lps; luciferase; lung; luteal; luteal cells; lyapunov; lymphocytes; macrophages; macrosomia; main; maintenance; major; majority; maldi; male; malignant; management; manner; mapk; marked; markers; mass; mast cells; materials; maternal; maternal age; maternal blood; maternal fetal; maternal growth; maternal plasma; maternal serum; maternal weight; matrigel; matrix; matter; maturation; maximal; maximum; mbs; mca; mcp; mean; mean±sem; measure; measurements; mechanical; mechanisms; meconium; media; mediate; mediators; medical; medicine; medium; medroxyprogesterone; members; membranes; menopause; menses; menstrual; menstruation; mesenchymal cells; mesenteric; metabolic; metabolites; metalloproteinases; methods; methylation; mfr; mg protein; mice; michael; microarray; microscopy; microvascular; mid; migraine; migration; mii; mild; milieu; min; minimal; minutes; mis levels; miscarriage; mitf; mitochondrial; miu; mmhg; mmp-9; mmp2; mmr; mnr; model; moderate; modification; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monocyte; mononuclear cells; months; morbidity; morphology; mortality; mothers; motility; mouse; mrna expression; mrna levels; mrnas; mtor; mtt; multiple; murine; muscle cells; mutation; myd88; myocytes; myoferlin; myogenic; myometrial; myostatin; n=10; n=11; n=12; n=15; n=20; n=3; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=8; n=9; national; natural; near; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; neonates; nephron; nerve; netherlands; neural; neuronal; neurons; neutrophils; new; newborn; newcastle; nfkappab; nicu; nih; nitric; nk cells; nkg2d; nmol; non; nonpregnant; normal; normal fetal; normal human; normal placental; normal pregnancy; normal term; normalized; normotensive; normoxic; novel; nrbcs; nuclear; nuclei; nucleotide; nulliparous; number; nutrient; nutrition; obese; obese women; obesity; objective; observations; observed; obstetrics; occlusion; odds; offspring; ohpc; ohss; ongoing; onset; oocytes; operative; optimal; oral; order; organ; origin; otr; outcome; output; ovarian; ovarian cells; ovariectomized; ovaries; ovary; overall; overexpression; overweight; ovine; ovine fetal; ovulatory; oxidase; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; oxytocin; p =; p levels; p38; p53; p65; p70; p<.001; p<0.001; p<0.05; paclitaxel; pain; palsy; paraffin; parallel; parameters; parity; partal; particular; parturition; passage; passive; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; pattern; pbef; pcao; pcn; pcos; pcos women; pcr; peak; pelvic; peptide; percentage; perfusion; periconceptional; perinatal; period; peripheral; peritoneal; permeability; peroxide; peroxide levels; persistent; pet; pgdh; pge; pgf; pgf2; pghs-2; pgrmc-1; phase; phenotype; phosphorylation; physiological; pi3k; pituitary; pkc; placebo; placement; placental; placental cells; placental expression; placental growth; placental protein; placental samples; placental tissue; placentation; plasma; plasma levels; plasmid; platelet; plates; play; plgf; pof; point; poly(i; polyclonal; polycystic; polymorphisms; poor; population; positive; positive cells; possibility; possible; post; postmenopausal; postmenopausal women; postnatal; postpartum; potassium; potential; ppar; pprom; practice; precursor; predictive; predictors; predominant; preeclampsia; preeclamptic women; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnancy outcome; pregnancy rate; pregnancy results; pregnancy study; pregnant levels; pregnant mice; pregnant rats; pregnant women; preliminary; preliminary results; premature; premenopausal; prenatal; prepared; presence; present; present study; pressure; preterm; preterm birth; preterm delivery; preterm labor; pretreated; pretreatment; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primary human; primers; prior; probes; procedure; process; processes; processing; production; products; profile; progenitor cells; progesterone; progestins; programmed; programming; prolapse; proliferation; prolonged; promoter; properties; proportion; prorenin; prospective; prostaglandin; protease; protein expression; protein levels; proteins; protocol; providers; psychological; ptb; ptgfr; pthrp; ptl; pulmonary; pups; purified; purpose; putative; qpcr; qrt; quality; quantification; quantitative; quiescence; r5020; rabbit; racial; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; ratios; rats; reaction; reactive; real; recent; receptivity; receptor; receptor expression; receptor mrna; recombinant; records; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; reference; region; regression; regular; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; relative expression; relaxation; relaxin; release; releasing; relevant; remodeling; removal; renin; repair; repeated; reported; reports; reproductive; research; reserve; resistance; resistin; respect; responders; response; responsible; responsiveness; restricted; restriction; results; retinol; retrieval; retrieved; retrospective; retroviral; reverse; review; rhoa; rhrlx; right; ringo; ripening; rise; risk; robust; role; rotterdam; routine; ru486; rupture; s1p; saa; saline; samples; sampling; san; scale; school; sciences; score; screening; second; secondary; secretion; secretory; sections; segment; selectin; sem; semi; seng; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; separation; sequence; serial; series; serum; serum levels; setting; severe; severity; sex; sflt-1; sflt1; sga; shear; sheep; short; shorter; shows; shreveport; sicam-1; signaling; signals; significant; significant differences; significant increase; similar; single; singleton; sirna; site; sk3; skin; slpi; small; smaller; smoke; smokers; smoking; smooth; smurf2; snap; sno; snp; snps; sodium; software; soluble; solution; somatic; sonographic; source; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spindle; spleen; splicing; spontaneous; sprague; sptb; spy; square; stage; staining; standard; standardized; star; stat3; statistical; statistical analysis; status; stem cells; step; stephen; steroid; stimulation; stimuli; stra6; strategy; stress; stretch; strips; stromal cells; strong; structure; student; studies; study; study design; study group; subjects; subsequent; substantial; substrate; subunit; successful; sum; supernatants; supplementation; supplemented; support; suppressed; suppression; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; sympathetic; symptoms; syncytial; syncytiotrophoblast; syndrome; synergistic; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; systolic; t cells; table; target; taylor; technique; technology; teenagers; temperature; temporal; term; term fetal; term placental; term pregnant; terminal; test; tested; testing; testosterone; texas; tgf; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thrombin; thy-1; time; time pcr; timing; tissue; tlr-3; tlr2; tlr4; tnf; tnfa; tnl; toco; tocolytic; tof; tolerance; toll; torrance; total; total protein; traditional; trail; transcribed; transcription; transcripts; transfection; transfer; transient; translation; transport; treatment; treg cells; trend; trials; trimester; trophoblast cells; trophoblasts; true; tsa; tubal; tube; tumor; tunel; turn; twin; type; tyrosine; ucla; ucn2; udp; ultr cells; ultrasound; umbilical; unchanged; unclear; underlying; understanding; understood; underwent; unique; united; units; university; university medical; unknown; untreated; upa; upbf; upper; upstream; uptake; uric; urinary; urocortin; usa; useful; uterine; uterine blood; utero; uteroplacental; uterus; vaginal; values; variables; variance; variant; variation; variety; vascular; vasculature; vasodilation; vasodilatory; vector; vegf; vegf expression; vegfr-2; vehicle; vein; velocity; venous; vesicles; vessels; viability; viable; villi; villous; viral; virgin; vitamin; vitro; vivo; volume; vwf; wall; wang; weeks; weeks gestation; weight; western; white; whitney; wide; wild; withdrawal; wks; women; work; yale; years; york; young; younger cache: cord-015394-uj7fe5y6.txt plain text: cord-015394-uj7fe5y6.txt item: #100 of 974 id: cord-015683-a9a82of4 author: Gupta, Varsha title: Molecular Diagnostics date: 2016-10-23 words: 4776 flesch: 49 summary: This is an alternative strategy where samples containing several proteins are arrayed on slide and probed with labeled antibodies. Traditional PCR procedure includes amplification of specifi c genes ( Fig. 9.4 ) of the microorganisms and running the product on a gel. keywords: acid; addition; alzheimer; antibodies; antibody; antigen; arrays; assay; bacterial; binding; blot; cation; cells; city; clinical; detection; development; diagnosis; different; diseases; dna; dot; early; elisa; enzyme; fig; gel; genes; genetic; high; hiv; identifi; immune; infectious; interactions; limitations; low; mabs; mass; membrane; method; molecular; monoclonal; parasitic; patients; pcr; peptides; person; presence; profi; protein; rapid; results; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; settings; single; snps; species; specifi; specifi c; technique; technology; testing; tests; time; tools; use; virus; western cache: cord-015683-a9a82of4.txt plain text: cord-015683-a9a82of4.txt item: #101 of 974 id: cord-015763-5lx179pa author: Thellier, D. title: Quels prélèvements aux urgences pour le diagnostic microbiologique d’une infection pulmonaire communautaire grave du sujet immunocompétent ? date: 2014-09-23 words: 5181 flesch: 41 summary: La réduction possible du spectre antibiotique permet la diminution de la pression de sélection, des effets secondaires et du coût du traitement. Au moins deux études retrouvent une augmentation de la fréquence de positivité de l'hémoculture avec celle de la classe du score PSI keywords: adults; ainsi; antigen; associated; aux; bacterial; bactérienne; bien; blood; cap; care; cas; ces; cette; charge; chez; clinical; comme; communautaire; community; communityacquired; cours; cultures; cytobactériologique; d'un; dans; des; detection; deux; diagnostic; diagnostique; doit; donc; début; entre; est; fait; fréquence; grippe; guidelines; h1n1; heures; identification; infection; influenza; intensive; l'antibiothérapie; l'examen; legionella; les; management; microbial; microbiologique; moins; méthodes; même; n'est; nasal; non; ont; par; pas; pathogen; patients; pcg; pcr; permet; peut; plusieurs; pneumococcal; pneumocoque; pneumonia; positif; positive; positivité; pour; prise; prélèvements; présentant; que; recommandations; respiratoires; respiratory; réanimation; résultat; sensibilité; severe; severity; soit; sont; sous; specimens; spécificité; streptococcus; study; sur; sécrétions; sévère; sévérité; test; toutefois; traitement; une; urgences; urinary; viral; virus; également; était; été; être cache: cord-015763-5lx179pa.txt plain text: cord-015763-5lx179pa.txt item: #102 of 974 id: cord-015941-4fz79wzf author: Hu, Yuan title: Molecular Techniques for Blood and Blood Product Screening date: 2018-11-10 words: 7210 flesch: 47 summary: Detection of early HBV infection of blood donors is still a major problem of blood transfusion. Section two: Specific virus families Evaluation of a prototype Trypanosoma cruzi antibody assay with recombinant antigens on a fully automated chemiluminescence analyzer for blood donor screening Transfusion-transmitted malaria in countries where malaria is endemic: a review of the literature from sub-Saharan Africa Detection and species identification of malaria parasites by isothermal tHDA amplification directly from human blood without sample preparation 18 years of research and surveillance Prions: beyond a single protein Crerutzfeldt-Jakob disease and blood transfusion: updated results of the UK transfusion medicine epidemiology review study Detection of prion infection in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a blood-based assay Preclinical detection of variant CJD and BSE prions in blood Quantitative assessment of prion infectivity in tissues and body fluids by real-time quaking-induced conversion Analytical and clinical performance of the CDC real time RT-PCR assay for detection and typing of dengue virus Threat of dengue to blood safety in dengueendemic countries Comparison of a commercial IgM capture ELISA with dengue antigen focus reduction microneutralization test and the centers for disease control dengue IgM capture-ELISA PCR detection of nearly any dengue virus strain using a highly sensitive primer cocktail Do babesiosis and malaria share a common disease process? Babesia: a world emerging Babesia infection through blood transfusions: reports received by the US Food and Drug Administration Transfusion-transmitted Babesia spp.: keywords: acid; agents; amplification; amplifying; antibodies; antibody; antigens; assay; available; babesia; babesiosis; blood; cases; cause; cell; chagas; chronic; clinical; cmv; commercial; confirmatory; cruzi; current; dengue; detection; diagnosis; disease; dna; donors; early; elisa; field; genetic; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hepatitis; high; hiv; htlv; human; important; infected; infection; liver; malaria; methods; microarray; molecular; nat; need; negative; new; non; nucleic; patients; pcr; people; period; polymerase; positive; potential; products; quantitative; reaction; real; recent; risk; rna; safety; sars; screening; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; serologic; serum; specific; states; supply; techniques; technologies; technology; testing; tests; time; transfusion; transmission; ttv; united; viral; virus; viruses; weeks; window; wnv; years cache: cord-015941-4fz79wzf.txt plain text: cord-015941-4fz79wzf.txt item: #103 of 974 id: cord-016000-le22pknc author: Saikumar, G. title: Porcine Circovirus date: 2019-06-06 words: 9694 flesch: 34 summary: The efficacy of nimodipine drug delivery using mPEG-PLA micelles and mPEG-PLA/TPGS mixed micelles Retrospective study on the occurrence of porcine circovirus 2 infection and associated entities in northern Germany Distinction between porcine circovirus type 2 enteritis and porcine proliferative enteropathy caused by Lawsonia intracellularis Experimental in utero inoculation of late-term swine fetuses with porcine circovirus type 2 Emergence of porcine circovirus 2 associated reproductive failure in Southern India Effects of dexamethasone on the pathogenesis of porcine circovirus type 2 infection in piglets Absence of evidence of porcine circovirus infection in piglets with congenital tremors Differentiation of porcine circovirus 1 and 2 in formalin-fixed, paraffinwax-embedded tissues from pigs with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome by in-situ hybridisation Simultaneous detection of porcine circovirus 2 and porcine parvovirus in naturally and experimentally coinfected pigs by double in situ hybridization Multiplex nested PCR compared with in situ hybridization for the differentiation of porcine circoviruses and porcine parvovirus from pigs with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome Necrotising lymphadenitis associated with porcine circovirus type 2 in pigs Association of porcine circovirus 2 with porcine respiratory disease complex Simultaneous detection and differentiation between porcine circovirus and porcine parvovirus in boar semen by multiplex seminested polymerase chain reaction Enteritis associated with porcine circovirus 2 in pigs Immunologic features of porcine circovirus type 2 infection Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterins and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection: induction of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in the gnotobiotic swine model of PCV2-associated disease Identification and genetic characterization of porcine circovirus type 3 in China Porcine Circovirus-2 an emerging disease of crossbred pigs in Tamil Nadu, India Prevalence of novel porcine circovirus 3 in Korean pig populations Typing of porcine circovirus in clinical specimens by multiplex PCR PCR detection and evidence of shedding of porcine circovirus type 2 in boar semen Possible cross-species transmission of circoviruses and cycloviruses among farm animals Seroprevalence of porcine circovirus type 2 in swine populations in Canada and Costa Rica The ORF3 protein of porcine circovirus type 2 is involved in viral pathogenesis in vivo The ORF3 protein of porcine circovirus type 2 interacts with porcine ubiquitin E3 ligase Pirh2 and facilitates p53 expression in viral infection Hsp70 positively regulates porcine circovirus type 2 replication in vitro Heat shock protein 27 is involved in PCV2 infection in PK-15 cells Post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) clinical expression under field conditions is modulated by the pig genetic background Characterization of shedding patterns of porcine circovirus types 2a and 2b in experimentally inoculated mature boars Apoptosis and proliferative activity in lymph node reaction in postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) Global status of porcine circovirus type 2 and its associated diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa Cost of post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome and porcine circovirus type-2 subclinical infection in England -an economic disease model Porcine circoviruses: a review Experimental reproduction of severe wasting disease by co-infection of pigs with porcine circovirus and porcine parvovirus Experimental infection of colostrum deprived piglets with porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) potentiates PCV2 replication Porcine circovirus 2 replication in colostrum-deprived piglets following experimental infection and immune stimulation using A modified live vaccine against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus Discovery and evolving history of two genetically related but phenotypically different viruses, porcine circoviruses 1 and 2 Influence of husbandry and control measures on porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) dynamics within a farrow-to-finish pig farm: a modelling approach Isolation and identification of porcine circovirus 2 from cases of respiratory disease and postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in pigs Genetic characterisation and phylogenetic analysis of PCV2 isolates from India: indications for emergence of natural inter-genotypic recombinants Porcine circovirus type 2 DNA influences cytoskeleton rearrangements in plasmacytoid and monocyte-derived dendritic cells Retrospective study of porcine circovirus type 2 infection reveals a novel genotype PCV2f Efficacy and future prospects of commercially available and experimental vaccines against porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) Complete genome sequence of emerging porcine circovirus types 2a and 2b from India House fly vector for porcine circovirus 2b on commercial pig farms Quantitation of porcine circovirus type 2 isolated from serum/plasma and tissue samples of healthy pigs and pigs with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome using a TaqMan-based real-time PCR The emergence of a new strain of porcine circovirus-2 in Ontario and Quebec swine and its association with severe porcine circovirus associated disease Immunopathological effects of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) on swine alveolar macrophages by in vitro inoculation The involvement of Fas/FasL interaction in porcine circovirus type 2 and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus co-inoculation-associated lymphocyte apoptosis in vitro Fast diagnosis and quantification for porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) using real-time polymerase chain reaction Interaction of porcine circovirus type 2 replication with intracellular redox status in vitro The ubiquitin-proteasome system is required for the early stages of porcine circovirus type 2 replication The ORF3 protein of porcine circovirus type 2 promotes secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 in porcine epithelial cells by facilitating proteasomal degradation of regulator of G protein signalling 16 through physical interaction Post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome Characterization of a new disease syndrome associated with porcine circovirus type 2 in previously vaccinated herds Porcine circovirus type 3 in the UK Brain lesions in pigs affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome Low levels of diversity among genomes of porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) points to differential adaptive selection between porcine circoviruses Immunology of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) Cytokine profiles of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from pigs with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in response to mitogen, superantigen or recall viral antigens Cytokine mRNA expression profiles in lymphoid tissues of pigs naturally affected by postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome Molecular characterization of porcine circovirus type 2 isolates from post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome-affected and non-affected pigs Distribution and characterization of IL-10-secreting cells in lymphoid tissues of PCV2-infected pigs Porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS): an overview of the disease Genomic analysis of PCV2 isolates from Danish archives and a current PMWS case-control study supports a shift in genotypes with time Porcine circovirus: an old virus in a new guise causes an emerging disease through a novel pathogenesis Co-infection by porcine circovirus and porcine parvovirus in pigs with multisystemic wasting syndrome Prevalence of infection and genetic diversity of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Poland Detection and genetic characterization of porcine circovirus type 3 in Italy Genetic characterization of type 2 porcine circovirus (PCV-2) from pigs with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in different geographic regions of North America and development of a differential PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay to detect and differentiate between infections with PCV-1 and PCV-2 Two aminoacid mutations in the capsid protein of type 2 porcine circovirus (PCV2) enhanced PCV2 replication in vitro and attenuated the virus in vivo Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccination of conventional pigs prevents viremia against PCV2 isolates of different genotypes and geographic origins strain variation: what does it mean? Development and use of a multiplex real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay for detection and differentiation of porcine circovirus-2 genotypes 2a and 2b in an epidemiological survey Emergence of a new type of porcine circovirus in swine (PCV): a type 1 and type 2 PCV recombinant Characterization of necrotizing lymphadenitis associated with porcine circovirus type 2 infection Ochratoxin A promotes porcine circovirus type 2 replication in vitro and in vivo Recent advances in the epidemiology, diagnosis and control of diseases caused by porcine circovirus type 2 Genomesequence analysis of 10 Dutch porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) isolates from a PMWS case-control study Reproduction of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in pigs by prenatal porcine circovirus 2 infection and postnatal porcine parvovirus infection or immunostimulation Evidence of shedding of porcine circovirus type 2 in milk from experimentally infected sows Nucleotide sequence of porcine circovirus associated with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in pigs PCR detection and characterization of type-2 porcine circovirus Post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome: preliminary epidemiology and clinical findings Recognizing and diagnosing postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) Identification and functional analysis of the novel ORF4 protein encoded by porcine circovirus type 2 keywords: acid; activation; affected; age; amino; analysis; animals; antibodies; antibody; apoptosis; associated; boar; cases; cells; characterization; china; chronic; circovirus; circovirus type; clinical; commercial; common; condition; control; cross; depletion; dermatitis; detection; development; diagnosis; different; differentiation; disease; dna; early; effective; emergence; epidemiology; et al; experimental; expression; factors; farms; field; foetuses; form; genetic; genome; genotype; granulomatous; group; healthy; high; host; human; identity; immune; important; india; infected; infection; inflammation; interstitial; isolates; kim; lesions; like; lymphohistiocytic; lymphoid; maternal; molecular; mononuclear; mortality; multiplex; multisystemic; necrotizing; nephropathy; new; non; novel; opriessnig; orf1; orf2; orf3; parvovirus; pathogens; pcr; pcv1; pcv2; pcv2 infection; pcv3; pcvad; piglets; pigs; pmws; population; porcine; porcine circovirus; positive; post; ppv; presence; present; prevalence; protein; real; replication; reproductive; respiratory; samples; segalés; semen; serum; severe; signs; sows; species; strain; study; swine; syndrome; time; tischer; tissues; transmission; type; ubiquitous; usa; use; vaccination; vaccine; viral; viruses; weaning; weeks cache: cord-016000-le22pknc.txt plain text: cord-016000-le22pknc.txt item: #104 of 974 id: cord-016020-awanrm9u author: Fox, Julie D. title: Respiratory Pathogens date: 2007 words: 4604 flesch: 22 summary: Future directions will incorporate the use of microarray systems for respiratory pathogen detection and analysis to allow crossing of the barriers between conventional virology and bacteriology (and mycology/parasitology). For respiratory viruses, other methods have been used for typing, including heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA), single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), and RFLP analysis of amplified PCR products. keywords: acid; amplification; analysis; antigen; assays; available; bacteria; clinical; common; community; control; culture; detection; diagnosis; difficult; direct; figure; health; human; hybridization; identification; infections; influenza; information; laboratory; legionella; metapneumovirus; methods; microarray; molecular; multiplex; negative; nucleic; organisms; outbreaks; parainfluenza; pathogens; patients; pcr; pertussis; pneumonia; primers; procedures; products; quality; reaction; real; respiratory; results; rna; samples; sars; sensitivity; sequence; severe; single; specific; specimens; studies; syncytial; testing; tests; time; tract; types; typing; useful; viral; viruses cache: cord-016020-awanrm9u.txt plain text: cord-016020-awanrm9u.txt item: #105 of 974 id: cord-016073-uhei3bvr author: Belák, Sándor title: Recent Advances in Veterinary Diagnostic Virology: Report from a Collaborating Centre of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) date: 2012-04-05 words: 6134 flesch: 38 summary: Of fi ce International desEpizooties (OIE), manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals (mammals Advances in viral disease diagnostic and molecular epidemiological techniques DNA enrichment by functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for onsite and fast detection of virus in biomedical application Evaluation of automated nucleic acid extraction methods for virus detection in a multiCentre comparative trial Real time quantitative PCR Molecular diagnosis of viral diseases, present trends and future aspects: a view from the OIE Collaborating Centre for the application of polymerase chain reaction methods for diagnosis of viral diseases in veterinary medicine Pan-serotypic detection of foot and mouth disease virus using a minor-groove binder probe reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay Validation of a loop-mediated isothermal ampli fi cation assay for visualised detection of wild-type classical swine fever virus Development of a loop-mediated isothermal ampli fi cation for visual detection of the HCLV vaccine against classical swine fever in China A one-step reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal ampli fi cation assay for simple and rapid detection of swine vesicular disease virus An avirulent chimeric pestivirus with altered cell tropism protects pigs against lethal infection with classical swine fever virus CP7_E2alf: a safe and ef fi cient marker vaccine strain for oral immunisation of wild boar against classical swine fever virus (CSFV) The research activities at our Collaborating Centre aimed to develop real-time PCR assays for diagnostics to differentiate infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA), for speci fi c detection of emerging viruses, and for detection of zoonotic agents, in particular water-and food borne pathogens. keywords: able; ampli; analysis; animal; assay; atypical; bovine; cation; centre; classical; control; coronaviruses; csfv; detection; development; diagnostic; disease; european; example; extraction; fever; fi c; genome; health; high; human; identi; important; infectious; international; laboratories; large; like; luminex; medicine; methods; mink; molecular; new; novel; nucleic; oie; order; pathogens; pcr; pcr assay; pestivirus; pigs; pmws; porcine; powerful; primer; probe; products; range; real; results; samples; sensitive; sequencing; single; speci; speci fi; species; strain; sweden; swine; taqman; technology; time; time pcr; tool; transfer; type; vaccinated; vaccine; veterinary; viral; virology; virus; viruses; wild; zoonotic cache: cord-016073-uhei3bvr.txt plain text: cord-016073-uhei3bvr.txt item: #106 of 974 id: cord-016144-280kwlev author: Maan, Sushila title: Novel Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutic Tools for Livestock Diseases date: 2018-04-26 words: 6527 flesch: 39 summary: In multiplex PCR the design of various primer pairs is crucial so that they complementarily anneal to specific DNA sequences at more or less similar temperatures, i.e. annealing temperature should be the same for different primer pairs used in combination. This is to avoid false positive results from contaminating DNA from previous PCR reactions (Raoult et al. 2000) . keywords: acid; amplification; amplified; analysis; animal; annealing; applications; aptamers; assay; asymmetric; bovine; cdna; chain; complementary; contamination; data; detection; development; diagnosis; different; disease; dna; end; enzyme; et al; exponential; expression; field; gene; genome; health; high; human; identification; important; infectious; initial; isothermal; lamp; linear; loop; method; molecular; molecule; multiplex; need; new; nucleic; number; pairs; pathogens; pcr; polymerase; present; primer; probe; process; product; proteins; proteomics; quantification; quantitative; rapid; reaction; real; recent; reverse; rna; samples; second; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; set; signal; single; specific; specificity; step; strand; synthesis; system; target; tas; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; template; throughput; time; tools; transcription; type; use; uses; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-016144-280kwlev.txt plain text: cord-016144-280kwlev.txt item: #107 of 974 id: cord-016179-4i1n9j4x author: Chen, Yi-Ning title: Real-Time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection and Quantitation of Turkey Coronavirus RNA in Feces and Intestine Tissues date: 2015-09-10 words: 2085 flesch: 54 summary: In step 2, TCoV RNA was extracted from feces using QIAamp viral RNA mini kit or intestine tissues using RNAeasy mini kit. In this chapter, the protocol for one-step real-time RT-PCR to detect, differentiate, and quantitative TCoV RNA in the feces and intestinal tissue is presented. keywords: buffer; chain; coronavirus; detection; dye; enteritis; feces; fragment; gene; intestine; pcr; polymerase; primers; quantitation; reaction; reagent; real; reverse; rna; rnalater; samples; specific; standard; step; tcov; time; tissues; transcription; tube; turkey cache: cord-016179-4i1n9j4x.txt plain text: cord-016179-4i1n9j4x.txt item: #108 of 974 id: cord-016417-3cwwmyv9 author: Sluijter, J. P. G. title: Quantitative Real-Time PCR date: 2006 words: 3111 flesch: 49 summary: PCR amplification of your target DNA will increase the number of probes that hybridize with the complementary template. It is characterized by the point during amplification when the accumulation of PCR product is first detected rather than the amount of PCR product accumulated after a fixed number of cycles. keywords: amplification; analysis; assay; complementary; curve; cycle; different; dna; expression; extension; fluorescent; fluorescent signal; haptoglobin; hybridization; increase; levels; molecular; molecule; mrna; pcr; phase; point; polymerase; probe; product; quantification; quantitative; quencher; reaction; real; reporter; sequence; signal; single; specific; standard; target; technique; template; time; time pcr; use cache: cord-016417-3cwwmyv9.txt plain text: cord-016417-3cwwmyv9.txt item: #109 of 974 id: cord-016499-5iqpl23p author: Mackay, Ian M. title: Rhinoviruses date: 2014-02-27 words: 23417 flesch: 34 summary: ARIs linked to HRV infections are associated with excessive and perhaps inappropriate antibiotic prescribing and with significant direct and indirect healthcare expenditure. ARIs linked to HRV infections are associated with excessive and perhaps inappropriate antibiotic prescribing [ 4 ] and with signifi cant direct and indirect healthcare expenditure [ 5 , 6 ] . keywords: 5′utr; a16; acid; activation; acute; acute respiratory; adults; aerosol; age; airway; ammatory; analysis; antibody; antigenic; antiviral; aom; ari; aris; assay; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; atopic; b14; bacteria; binding; bronchiolitis; bronchitis; brosis; capsid; cases; cause; cells; cellular; changes; characterization; childhood; children; chronic; cient; classifi; clear; clinical; coding; cohort; cold; common; common cold; community; complete; complex; confi; control; copd; cough; cross; culture; cystic; cytokine; data; date; days; defi; detection; development; diagnosis; different; direct; disease; distinct; diversity; early; effect; effi; enterovirus; epidemiology; epithelial; etiology; evidence; exacerbations; experimental; exposure; expression; factor; families; family; fever; fig; frequency; frequent; function; genetic; genome; genotyping; genus; group; growth; hand; healthy; high; higher; hospital; host; hrsv; hrv; hrv infection; hrv rna; hrv species; hrv types; hrvs; human; human rhinovirus; hybridization; identifi; identity; ifn; ifv; illness; illnesses; immune; immunity; impact; important; improved; incidence; induction; infants; infected; infection; infl; innate; inoculation; interactions; interference; interferon; international; involved; isolation; laboratory; levels; life; like; likely; longitudinal; low; lower; lrt; major; majority; media; methods; mild; minor; molecular; months; multiplex; nasal; nasopharyngeal; natural; nature; ned; new; non; novel; number; numbering; otitis; outcomes; particular; pathogens; patients; patterns; pcr; people; period; picornavirus; pneumonia; polymerase; populations; positive; possible; presence; prevalence; primary; prior; production; proinfl; protease; protein; rapid; reaction; receptor; recombination; reduced; region; replication; report; research; respiratory; respiratory illness; respiratory infections; respiratory tract; respiratory viruses; response; results; reverse; rhinovirus; rhinovirus infection; risk; rmed; rna; role; rst; samples; sampling; season; secretions; self; sensitive; sequence; sequencing; serotypes; serum; severe; severity; shedding; signifi; similar; single; sinus; sinusitis; sites; species; specifi; specimens; spectrum; state; strains; studies; study; subjects; swabs; symptomatic; symptoms; syncytial; system; taxonomy; testing; time; tissue; tract; transmission; treatment; trigger; type; uenza; upper; urt; vaccine; viral; viral infections; viral respiratory; viruses; volunteers; vp1; vp2; vp4; wheezing; years; young cache: cord-016499-5iqpl23p.txt plain text: cord-016499-5iqpl23p.txt item: #110 of 974 id: cord-016640-pvlg3nkp author: Baron, Ellen Jo title: Technical and Clinical Niches for Point of Care Molecular Devices date: 2012-04-05 words: 2869 flesch: 37 summary: No molecular test has yet achieved CLIA waived status (although some are being developed for FDA submission), so POC molecular tests are still physician's of fi ce lab or satellite lab tests rather than true bedside methods. Several pathogens can be detected in patient samples using molecular tests within 4 h. However, there are formidable obstacles to moving molecular diagnostics into the POC setting. keywords: additional; ampli; assay; aureus; available; care; cation; cile; clinical; control; current; detection; development; diagnosis; dif; disease; effective; enterococci; enterovirus; fda; gene; group; healthcare; identi; infections; laboratory; methods; molecular; mrsa; need; patients; pcr; platform; poc; poct; point; potential; rapid; real; resistant; respiratory; results; speci; staphylococcus; surveillance; test; testing; time; tuberculosis; uenza; use cache: cord-016640-pvlg3nkp.txt plain text: cord-016640-pvlg3nkp.txt item: #111 of 974 id: cord-016796-g4kqqpy1 author: Bramhachari, Pallaval Veera title: Advanced Immunotechnological Methods for Detection and Diagnosis of Viral Infections: Current Applications and Future Challenges date: 2019-11-05 words: 5647 flesch: 24 summary: Immunofluorescence assay is extensively used for rapid identification of virus infections through detection of virus antigen or virus-specific antibodies in clinical specimens. AuNP-based detection techniques were reported by various groups of clinically relevant viruses with a unique focus on applied types of bio-AuNP hybrid structures, virus detection targets, and assay modalities and formats were recently developed (Draz and Shafiee 2018). keywords: acid; acute; amplification; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; approach; assay; biosensor; cas; cells; clinical; crispr; dengue; denv; detection; development; diagnosing; diagnostic; direct; diseases; dna; early; elisa; enzyme; et al; fluorescent; generation; genes; hcv; hepatitis; hev; high; human; identification; igg; igm; immune; immunoassay; immunotechniques; infections; influenza; isothermal; like; metagenomic; methods; microfluidic; mirna; molecular; monoclonal; new; noteworthy; novel; nucleic; past; pathogens; pcr; platform; polymerase; potential; protein; quantification; quantitative; rapid; real; recent; research; respiratory; reverse; rna; rsv; samples; screening; sensitive; sensitivity; sequencing; serological; specific; specificity; step; studies; study; surface; system; technique; technology; test; testing; time; tool; transcription; transmission; type; viral; virus; viruses; viz; zika; zikv cache: cord-016796-g4kqqpy1.txt plain text: cord-016796-g4kqqpy1.txt item: #112 of 974 id: cord-016882-c9ts2g7w author: Ribeiro, Edna title: Viruses Present Indoors and Analyses Approaches date: 2017-06-12 words: 10252 flesch: 32 summary: Presently, numerous valuable cell monolayers are commercially available, and are regularly utilized in clinical laboratories for the diagnosis of virus infections. Respiratory viruses can be transported over considerable distances by air currents and be inhaled, penetrating deep into the respiratory system (Prussin II et al., 2015) . keywords: acid; acute; adenovirus; adults; aerosol; air; airborne; amplification; analysis; assessment; associated; asthma; barker; barker et; biological; buildings; care; cause; cell; chain; children; clinical; cold; common; community; concentrations; conditions; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; coronavirus; culture; death; detection; developed; development; different; direct; disease; diverse; droplets; effects; eggs; enteric; enterovirus; environments; et al; exposure; facilities; factors; family; filters; fomites; gastroenteritis; growth; hands; health; high; homes; hospital; human; humidity; hvac; identification; illness; important; indoor; indoor air; infected; infections; influenza; influenza virus; inoculation; isolation; large; leading; like; low; major; method; methodologies; methodology; microorganisms; mode; molecular; morbidity; nested; new; non; nucleic; number; oral; outbreaks; parainfluenza; particles; pathogens; patients; pcr; people; person; pneumonia; polymerase; potential; public; quality; quantitative; reaction; replication; respiratory; respiratory viruses; responsible; rhinovirus; risk; rna; role; rosa; rosa et; rotavirus; route; rsv; samples; sars; schools; settings; severe; significant; size; small; sources; spread; studies; study; surfaces; syncytial; syndrome; systems; techniques; time; tract; transmission; type; ventilation; viral; viruses; water; work; workers cache: cord-016882-c9ts2g7w.txt plain text: cord-016882-c9ts2g7w.txt item: #113 of 974 id: cord-017072-qwe1ne3q author: Poritz, Mark A. title: Multiplex PCR for Detection and Identification of Microbial Pathogens date: 2018-11-10 words: 7208 flesch: 36 summary: This has enabled IVD manufacturers to develop broad test panels that include organisms which have not been a part of standard testing protocols because of the technical limitations of existing methods. There are currently three vendors with multiplex blood culture panels that are both FDA-cleared and CE-marked (BioFire Diagnostics; Luminex and Accelerate Diagnostics, Tucson, Arizona), while GenMark (San Diego, California, USA) and Curetis (Holzgerlingen, Germany) have panels that are CE-marked. keywords: acid; additional; adult; amplicon; amplification; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; asp; assays; bacteria; bcid; biofire; blood; blood culture; care; clinical; comprehensive; control; cost; culture; data; days; detection; diagnostic; disease; dna; effective; fast; fda; fig; filmarray; gastroenteritis; gastrointestinal; genmark; gram; healthcare; hospital; identification; impact; important; improvements; increase; infectious; influenza; laboratory; length; limited; luminex; molecular; multiplex; negative; nucleic; number; organism; outcomes; panel; pathogen; patients; pcr; positive; pouch; primers; rapid; reaction; reduction; resistance; respiratory; result; sample; second; specific; stage; stay; stewardship; stool; studies; study; syndrome; syndromic; systems; target; test; testing; therapy; time; traditional; use; verigene; viral; viruses cache: cord-017072-qwe1ne3q.txt plain text: cord-017072-qwe1ne3q.txt item: #114 of 974 id: cord-017199-dn413uud author: Heineman, M.J. title: 21 Infecties, ziekte en zwangerschap date: 2016 words: 36475 flesch: 54 summary: zijn van de conditie van de foetus. Derhalve is het van belang tijdens een ingreep in de tweede helft van de zwangerschap de foetus door middel van een CTG continu te bewaken en te letten op de positie op de operatietafel. keywords: aan; aan de; aan een; aan het; aanbevolen; aandoening; aangeboren; aangepast; aangeraden; aangetoond; aangetroffen; aantal; aanvallen; aanwezigheid; aanwijzingen; abortus; aciclovir; actieve; acute; adequate; aerobe; afhankelijk van; afkomstig; aflp; afwijkend; afwijkingen; algehele; algemeen; algemene; alleen; als; als bij; als de; als een; als gevolg; als het; altijd; amoxicilline; andere; anemie; anesthesie; antibiotica; anticoagulantia; antifosfolipideantistoffen; antifosfolipidesyndroom; antilichamen; antistoffen; antistolling; aspiratie; aspirine; astma; asymptomatische; auto; b19; bacteriële; baring; basis van; bedraagt; beeld; begint; behandeld; behandeling; behoort; behulp van; beide; bekend; belang; belangrijkste; beloop; bepaald; bepalen; bepaling; beperkt; bereikt; beschreven; besmetting; bestaat; bestaat een; beter; betreft; bevalling; bij andere; bij de; bij deze; bij een; bij gebruik; bij het; bij niet; bij ongeveer; bij veel; bij volwassenen; bij voorkeur; bij vrouwen; bij zwangeren; bijna; bijvoorbeeld; bijwerkingen; binnen; bleek; blijft; blijven; bloed; bloeddruk; bloedingen; bloedsuikers; bmi; borstvoeding; braken; bron; buikpijnklachten; buiten de; caesarea; cardiale; cardiomyopathie; chirurgische; chlamydia; chorioamnionitis; chronische; circulatie; clindamycine; cmv; combinatie; compressie; concentratie; conditie; congenitale; contact; controleren; copd; corticosteroïden; coumarinederivaten; crohn; daalt; daarbuiten; daarentegen; daarnaast; daarom; dagen; daling; dan; dan niet; dat; dat bij; dat de; dat een; dat het; de aanmaak; de bacterie; de definitie; de diagnose; de diagnostiek; de eerste; de ernst; de foetale; de foetus; de geboorte; de gestegen; de gevallen; de helft; de incidentie; de jaren; de kans; de klinische; de laatste; de longen; de longfunctie; de loop; de maternale; de medicatie; de meeste; de moeder; de neonaat; de nierfunctie; de niet; de partus; de patiënt; de placenta; de prevalentie; de prognose; de reanimatie; de urinewegen; de uterus; de vena; de vliezen; de vrouwen; de ziekte; de zwangere; de zwangerschap; deel; deel van; deficiëntie; definitie; derde; derde van; dergelijke; derhalve; deze; deze infectie; dezelfde; diabetes; diagnose; diagnostiek; diagnostiek van; diagnostische; die; die de; die een; dienen; dient; dient de; diepe; direct; disease; dit; diverse; dna; doofheid; door; door een; door het; doorgaans; doorgemaakt; dosering; draagsters; dragerschap; drie; driemaal; druk; duidelijk; dus; echter; eclampsie; een acute; een andere; een belangrijke; een chronische; een congenitale; een derde; een ernstige; een goede; een hoge; een infectie; een intra; een kans; een kind; een laag; een negatieve; een neonatale; een positieve; een primaire; een primo; een rol; een sectio; een te; een vaginale; een verhoogde; een vroeggeboorte; een zeer; eenmaal; eerste; effect; effect van; effecten; effectief; eigenlijk; elke; embolie; en een; en het; en kan; en niet; endometritis; enige; enkele; epilepsie; epileptica; ernst van; ernstige; eveneens; eventuele; exacerbaties; exantheem; extra; factor; falciparum; fase; foetale; foetus; foliumzuur; frequentie; frequentie van; fysiologische; gaat; gas; gbs; geadviseerd; gebeurt; geboorte van; gebracht; gebroken; gebruik van; gebruikt; gecompliceerd; gecontinueerd; gecontra; gedurende; geen; gegeven; geheel; gehouden; gekweekt; geldt; geleide; geleidelijk; gemiddelde; genitalis; gepaard; gerelateerd; gericht; gestegen; gesteld; getroffen; gevallen; gevallen van; geven van; gevolg; gevolg van; gevonden; gewrichten; gezien; gezien de; geïndiceerd; geïnfecteerd; goed; gonorroe; gram; groeivertraging; groep; groot; grootste; groter; hartfalen; hartminuutvolume; hcv; hebben; hebben een; heeft; helft van; hemodynamische; hemofilie; hemoglobinegehalte; hen; heparine; hepatitis; herpes; herstel; het; het aantal; het algemeen; het bloed; het derde; het eerste; het gebruik; het gevolg; het kind; het kraambed; het meest; het middel; het ontstaan; het ontwikkelen; het optreden; het risico; het syndroom; het te; het tweede; het virus; het voorkomen; het vruchtwater; het wordt; het ziektebeeld; hevige; hierbij; hierdoor; hiervan; hiv; hoeveelheid; hoewel; hoge; hogere; hoofdpijn; hormonale; huid; hun; hypoglykemie; hypothyreoïdie; i.v; igg; igm; ijzergebreksanemie; immuniteit; immunologische; immuunziekten; incidentie; incidentie van; indiceerd; indien; infectie; infectie bij; infectie van; infectie wordt; infectieziekten; influenza; ingreep; ingrepen; instantie; insufficiëntie; insuline; intra; intraveneus; invloed; invloed van; jaar; jaren; jonge; kan; kan bij; kan dit; kan ook; kan tijdens; kan worden; kans; kans op; kenmerken; keus; keuze; kind; kinderen; kinderen van; klachten; kleine; klinische; komen; komt; komt bij; koorts; kort; kraambed; kraamvrouwenkoorts; kunnen; kunnen worden; kweek; laagmoleculaire; laatste; lactatie; lage; landen; later; leeftijd; leiden; leidt; leven; lichaam; licht; lijkt; lmwh; lokale; longembolie; longfunctie; loop van; lues; lupus; maanden; maar; maar de; maar ook; maatregelen; macrosomie; maken; malaria; mate van; maternale; mechanische; medicatie; meer; meer dan; meestal; mellitus; meningitis; mensen; methoden; metronidazol; middel; middel van; middelen; milde; minder; minimaal; minste; minuten; miskramen; moeder; moeder op; moeilijk; moet; moet de; moeten; mogelijk; morbiditeit; mortaliteit; msv; multidisciplinaire; na de; na een; na het; naar; naar het; naarmate; naast; natuurlijke; nederland; neemt; negatief; negatieve; nemen; neonaat; neonatale; neonaten; net; neurologische; nieren; nierfunctie; niet; niet het; niet te; niet worden; nieuwe; nodig; nog; non; noodzakelijk; normaal; normale; nvog; o.a; obesitas; omdat; omgeving; omstandigheden; onbehandelde; ondanks; onder; onder de; onderliggende; onderscheiden; onderzoek; ongeveer; ontstaan; ontstaan van; ontstane; ontsteking; ontwikkelen; ontwikkelen van; onvoldoende; ook; ook bij; ook de; ook door; ook een; ook het; ook tijdens; ook van; ook voor; oorzaak van; op basis; op de; op een; op het; op te; op van; operatieve; optreden; optreden van; optreedt; orale; overdracht; overwogen; partus; parvovirus; pasgeborene; passen; patiënten; pcr; percentage; periode; pijn; plaats; plaatsvinden; placenta; pneumonie; positief; positieve; post; preconceptioneel; pregnancy; prenatale; preterme; prevalentie; prevalentie van; primaire; primo; principe; problemen; processen; profylactische; profylaxe; prognose; proteïne; raadzaam; reanimatie; reeds; regelmatig; rekening; relatief; resistentie; respiratoire; review; richtlijn; risico; risico op; risicofactoren; risicogroepen; rode; rond de; rondom; schade; schildklier; screening; sectio; secundaire; seksueel; sepsis; serologisch; sikkelcelziekte; sinds; slechts; slotte; sluiten; snel; snelle; sommige; soms; speciale; specifieke; spelen; spontane; sprake; sprake van; status; steeds; stellen; sterfte; sterk; stijgen; stijging; stijging van; stijgt; stollingsfactoren; stoornissen; studies; subklinische; suppletie; syfilis; symptomen; syndroom; syndroom van; tabel; tachycardie; te kunnen; te worden; technieken; tegen; tegenstelling; tekenen; tenzij; termijn; terwijl; test; therapie; thoraxfoto; thyreostatica; tien; tijdens de; tijdens zwangerschap; toch; toe; toe te; toedienen van; toediening; toegediend; toegenomen; toegepast; toename; toename van; toenemende; tot; tot de; tot een; tot het; toxoplasma; toxoplasmose; tppa; transmissie; trauma; treedt; trimester; trombocyten; trombocytopenie; trombofilie; tromboflebitis; trombose; tsh; tss; ttp; tuberculose; tussen; tussen de; twee; tweede; tweemaal; type; uit; uit de; uit een; uit het; uiteindelijk; uiteraard; uitgevoerd; uitslag; urine; urineweginfecties; uteriene; uterus; uur; vaak; vaak een; vaak voor; vaccinatie; vaginale; vaginitis; vaginose; vaker; vaker voor; van acute; van alle; van anti; van belang; van de; van deze; van diabetes; van een; van foetale; van het; van maternale; van moeder; van neonatale; van niet; vanaf; vanuit; vanwege; vanwege de; vastgesteld; veel; veelal; veilig; vele; veneuze; veranderingen; verband; verbetering; verbetert; verdenking; verder; verhoogde; verloopt; verminderde; veroorzaakt; veroorzaakt door; veroorzaken; verricht; verschijnselen; verschillende; verspreiding; verstandig; verticale; vertoont; vervangen; verwekker; verworven; vier; viii; vijf; vindt; virus; vitamine; vivax; vliezen; volgende; volgens; volwassenen; von; voor bij; voor de; voor een; voor het; voor tijdens; vooral; voorgeschiedenis; voorgeschreven; voorkeur; voorkomen; voorkomen van; voorkomt; voornamelijk; vorm; vormen; vormen van; vrijwel; vroege; vroeggeboorte; vrouwen; vruchtdood; vruchtwater; waarbij; waarden; waardoor; waarin; waarmee; waarna; waarschijnlijk; waarvan; waarvan de; wanneer; wat; waterpokken; weer; weinig; weken; weken van; wel; werd; wie; willebrandfactor; worden; worden door; worden gebruikt; worden gegeven; worden toegediend; worden toegepast; worden verricht; wordt; wordt bij; wordt de; wordt een; wordt veroorzaakt; zal; zal de; zeer; zelden; zeldzaam; zeldzame; zelfs; zes; zich; ziekte; ziekte van; ziektebeeld; zijn; zijn de; zijn een; zijn het; zijn van; zijn voor; zoals; zoals bij; zorgt; zou; zowel; zullen; zuurstofspanning; zwangeren; zwangerschap bestaat; zwangerschap kunnen; zwangerschap voor; zwangerschap wordt; zwangerschappen; zwangerschapscomplicaties; zwangerschapsdiabetes; zwangerschapsduur; zwangerschapsuitkomst cache: cord-017199-dn413uud.txt plain text: cord-017199-dn413uud.txt item: #115 of 974 id: cord-017331-ru7mvfc0 author: Samanta, Indranil title: Infectious Diseases date: 2017-02-25 words: 37743 flesch: 42 summary: Among different species under the genus Mycoplasma, M. gallisepticum, M. iowae, and M. sturni are associated with pet bird infection. Among the members of family Reoviridae, Orbivirus mostly causes pet bird infection. keywords: abv; acid; acts; acute; adult; aestiva; affected; affected birds; african; agar; agent; air; aiv; amazon; america; amino; analysis; animals; anorexia; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; aspergillosis; aspergillus; assay; associated; asymptomatic; attachment; australia; available; avian; aviaries; avium; bacteria; beak; bfdv; biology; birds; blood; blue; bodies; body; bornavirus; borrelia; bovine; brain; brazil; breeding; budgerigars; buffered; burgdorferi; c. psittaci; cage; campylobacter; canaries; canary; candida; capsule; captive; carduelis; carrier; cases; cause; cavity; cells; cellular; central; chicken; china; chlamydia; chlamydiosis; chlamydophila; chronic; clade; clinical; clinical infection; clinical samples; clinical signs; clinical specimens; cloacal; cockatiels; cockatoos; coli; collected; collection; colonization; coloured; columba; columbiformes; common; conjunctivitis; contact; contaminated; contrast; control; countries; crop; cryptococcosis; cryptococcus; cryptosporidiosis; cryptosporidium; culex; cycle; days; dead; death; depression; detection; development; diagnosis; diameter; diarrhoea; different; direct; disease; disease virus; disinfectants; distinct; dna; domestic; drinking; drug; duck; e.g.; ebs; effective; eggs; electron; elisa; embryo; encephalitis; enlarged; enterica; enterocytes; environment; enzyme; epithelial; erithacus; escherichia; esophagus; ethambutol; etiological; eurasian; europe; european; evidence; examination; excreated; experimentally; exposure; eye; factors; faecal; faeces; family; fast; fatal; feather; feed; feeding; fever; fig; finches; findings; fledgling; food; form; formalin; formation; free; fresh; fronted; fumigatus; fungal; fungi; fusion; gallisepticum; gastrointestinal; gattii; geese; genavense; gene; general; genome; genotypes; genus; giardia; giardiasis; giemsa; gondii; gram; granuloma; gray; green; grey; gross; group; growth; h5n1; head; healthy; heart; help; high; history; hollandicus; host; house; hpai; human; identification; immune; immunity; inclusion; incubation; infected; infected birds; infection; infiltration; inflammation; influenza; ingestion; inhalation; inoculated; intermediate; interval; intestine; isolated; isolation; ixodes; japan; jejuni; kidney; laboratory; large; lesions; lethargy; life; like; lineage; live birds; liver; lories; loss; lovebirds; lung; lyme; m. avium; macaws; macrophages; maintenance; major; media; medium; melopsittacus; membrane; mice; microscopy; migratory; migratory birds; molecular; months; mortality; mortem; mosquitoes; mucosa; multocida; muscle; mycobacteriosis; mycobacterium; mycoplasma; nasal; natural; nature; ndv; necrosis; necrotic; negative; neoformans; nervous; new; newcastle; nile; non; numbers; nymphicus; occurrence; oocysts; oral; order; organisms; organs; outbreak; pancreas; parakeets; parasite; parrots; passeriformes; passerine birds; passerines; pasteurella; pathogenic; patients; pcr; pdd; period; persistent; pet birds; phase; pigeons; place; polymerase; population; positive; possibility; possible; post; potential; poultry; preferred; presence; present; prevalence; primary; process; production; prolonged; protein; protozoa; proventriculus; psittaci infection; psittaciformes; psittacine birds; psittacines; psittacosis; raptors; real; red; region; replication; reservoir; resistant; respiratory; response; review; ring; risk; rodents; role; route; ruffled; s.l; sacs; saline; salmonella; salmonellosis; samples; sequence; serinus; serological; serum; shaped; signs; single; skin; slow; small; smears; source; south; sparrows; species; specific; specimens; spleen; sporozoites; spp; spread; ssp; stained; staining; starling; states; strains; structural; studies; study; subsp; successful; sudden; surface; survival; susceptible; susceptible birds; swabs; swollen; symptoms; syndrome; system; t3ss; table; temperature; tests; therapy; thickened; ticks; time; tissue; toxoplasmosis; trachea; tract; transmission; transport; treatment; trophozoites; tuberculosis; turdus; type; typhimurium; typical; undulatus; united; usa; use; usutu; usuv; usuv infection; vaccination; vaccine; vector; velogenic; viral; virulence; virus; virus infection; viruses; wall; water; way; weeks; weight; west; white; wild birds; winged; wnv; wnv infection; years; yeast; yellow; yersinia; young; young birds; zoonotic cache: cord-017331-ru7mvfc0.txt plain text: cord-017331-ru7mvfc0.txt item: #116 of 974 id: cord-017363-dmb42kna author: Vemulapalli, Ramesh title: Real-Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction for Rapid Detection of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus date: 2015-09-10 words: 1071 flesch: 55 summary: Time DNase/RNase-free distilled water Feces samples from suspected pigs RNasin Ribonuclease Inhibitor (Promega) or equivalent mM MgCl 2 solution for PCR (Sigma-Aldrich) or equivalent DNase/RNase-free distilled water μM Forward primer CCA(BHQ1)-3′(FAM, 6-carboxyfl uorescein; BHQ1, black hole quencher 1; Eurofi ns MWG Operon) Real-time PCR machine, such as Smart Cycler II (Cepheid), 7300 Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems), or equivalent PCR reaction tubes suitable for the real-time PCR machine platform Transmissible gastroenteritis Immunity to transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine respiratory coronavirus infections in swine Porcine respiratory coronavirus differs from transmissible gastroenteritis virus by a few genomic deletions Respiratory and fecal shedding of porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV) in sentinel weaned pigs and sequence of the partial S-gene of the PRCV isolates A real-time TaqMan ® RT-PCR assay with an internal amplifi cation control for rapid detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus in swine fecal samples Attempted experimental reproduction of porcine periweaning-failure-to-thrive syndrome using tissue homogenates The fi rst case of porcine epidemic diarrhea in Canada A novel watery diarrhea caused by the co-infection of neonatal piglets with Clostridium perfringens type A The presence of PCR inhibitors in the extracted can be monitored by using an internal control ( see Note 2 ). keywords: amplifi; assay; column; control; detection; disease; extraction; fecal; feces; gastroenteritis; min; pcr; pigs; real; respiratory; samples; tgev; time; transmissible; tube; virus cache: cord-017363-dmb42kna.txt plain text: cord-017363-dmb42kna.txt item: #117 of 974 id: cord-017543-60q9iecq author: Tian, Wei-Chang title: Microfluidic Applications in Biodefense date: 2008-08-23 words: 16571 flesch: 33 summary: DNA samples were forced onto the surface of the glass capillary using chaotrophic agents, the DNA-coated capillary was then evacuated, and 500 nL of PCR reagents re-filled the tube by capillary action. [37] as a stand-alone, autonomous aerosol detection device. keywords: 16s; acid; addition; advanced; aerosol; aflp; agents; air; amplification; analysis; analytical; anthracis; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; applications; approach; array; assays; attacks; autonomous; bacillus; bacterial; band; bases; beads; binding; bioagents; biodefense; biological; bioterrorism; biothreat; biowatch; blood; botulinum; capillaries; capillary; capillary electrophoresis; capture; cell; cereus; chain; challenge; channels; civilian; clinical; coli; commercial; complete; complex; components; control; coworkers; cycle; detecting; detection; development; device; diagnostic; different; direct; diseases; dna; early; ecl; electrophoresis; elisa; end; enterotoxin; enzyme; equipment; escherichia; expression; extraction; field; flow; fluorescence; fold; food; format; future; gel; gene; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; glass; group; handheld; high; human; hybridization; identification; immunoassays; immunomagnetic; ims; increase; infectious; instrument; integrated; integration; interface; isothermal; laboratories; laboratory; large; laser; lateral; level; liquid; llnl; magnetic; mass; matrices; matrix; methods; microarray; microchip; microelectrophoresis; microfabricated; microfluidic; microorganisms; micropumps; microvalves; min; miniaturized; molecular; monitoring; monolithic; multiple; multiplexed; national; needs; new; nucleic; number; o157; organisms; paramagnetic; pathogens; pcr; pcr amplification; performance; pestis; phase; plastic; platform; polymerase; portable; potential; preparation; probes; processing; products; program; protein; purification; qpcr; range; rapid; rates; reaction; readlengths; reagent; real; related; research; restriction; review; rna; rrna; sample; sample preparation; scale; seb; section; sensitive; sensitivity; separations; sequences; sequencing; signal; silica; silicon; single; small; solid; specific; specificity; spores; standard; staphylococcal; state; steps; strains; strand; surface; system; target; technologies; technology; temperature; test; testing; throughput; time; toxins; type; upstream; use; viruses; vntr; volume; work; world cache: cord-017543-60q9iecq.txt plain text: cord-017543-60q9iecq.txt item: #118 of 974 id: cord-017600-4e7mw041 author: Pfister, H. -W. title: Infektionen date: 2008 words: 12958 flesch: 35 summary: Die akute Schmerzsymptomatik der klassischen Trias der Neuroborreliose bildet sich sehr rasch zurück, bestehende Paresen brauchen sehr viel länger zur Rückbildung. Stereotaktische oder off ene Biopsien einerseits, die Implantation eines ventrikuloatrialen oder ventrikuloperitonealen Shunts bei Hydrozephalus andererseits sowie die Implantation eines Rickham-oder Ommaya-Reservoirs zur intraventrikulären Medikamentenapplikation sind im keywords: 1−2; abb; aber; acute; adjuvante; african; aids; akuten; allerdings; als; amphotericin; analysis; anderer; anfälle; antibiotikatherapie; antifungal; antigennachweis; antikörper; arteriitis; aspergillosis; assoziiert; auch; auf; auf eine; aufarbeitung; aufgrund; auft; aus; ausbreitung; bakteriellen; bakterien; bedingt; befunde; beginn; behandelt; behandlung; bei; bei der; bei einer; beim; beinhalten; bekannt; bereich; bereits; beschrieben; besonders; bestehen; besteht; beteiligung; beträgt; bewusstseinsstörung; bild; bildgebende; bildgebung; bis; bis zu; blut; blutung; bzw; case; central; cerebral; cerebrospinalis; charakterisiert; chemotherapie; chronische; ciency; clinical; cns; complications; computertomographie; cryptococcal; dadurch; damit; dann; das; dass; dauert; defi; dem; demenz; der; der bakteriellen; der fälle; der hiv; der infektion; der nachweis; deren; des; deshalb; deutlich; dexamethason; diagnose; diagnostik; diagnostische; die; diesem; diff; disease; div; dna; dorsalis; dreifachkombination; drucks; durch; durch eine; durchgeführt; ebv; eeg; eff; eher; eine; einer zns; einher; einklemmung; einsatz; einzelfällen; eitrigen; empfohlen; entscheidend; entsprechend; entstehung; entweder; entwickeln; entzündliche; entzündungen; entzündungszeichen; enzephalitis; epileptische; erapie; erfolgen; erfolgt; erforderlich; erhöhten; erhöhung; erkrankungen; erlaubt; erreger; erregernachweis; erst; erwachsenen; etwa; evtl; exanthem; extramedullären; faktoren; falciparum; falsch; fast; ferner; fieber; folgende; früher; frühzeitige; fungal; fälle; färbung; führen; für; für die; für eine; gabe; ganciclovir; gedacht; gefahr; gegeben; gegen; gehören; gelegentlich; gelingt; gesehen; gezeigt; gibt; gkeit; größe; gsten; guidelines; haben; helferzellen; herpes; hervorgerufen; hilfreich; hirnabszesse; hirnödem; hiv; hohen; hsv; hsve; human; hydrozephalus; hämorrhagische; hängt; häufi; häufi g; i.v; ichtige; ichtigkeit; icp; igg; igm; imaging; immer; immune; immunodefi; indiziert; infektion; infektiösen; infi; initial; innerhalb; insbesondere; intensivpfl; intrakraniellen; intrathekale; intravenöse; intrazerebrale; inzidenz; ischämien; ist; ist bei; ist der; ist die; ist eine; ist nicht; jahren; jedoch; kann; kann eine; kap; kategorie; keiner; kindern; klassischen; klinischen; koma; kombination; kommen; kommt; komplikationen; konnte; kontraindikationen; kopfschmerzen; kortikosteroiden; krankenhausaufnahme; krankheitsbild; können; letalität; liegt; liquor; liquorbefund; liquorpunktion; liquoruntersuchung; lokalen; lymphome; lymphozytäre; länger; läsionen; macht; malaria; management; marklagerläsionen; maßnahmen; mehr; mehrere; meist; meisten; meningismus; meningitis; meningoenzephalitis; meningokokkenmeningitis; methoden; mindestens; mit; mit der; mit einer; mittels; monate; mononukleose; mrt; multifokale; multiple; muss; mycobacterium; myelitis; mykobakterien; mykose; mäßige; möglich; möglichst; müssen; nach; nachgewiesen; nachweis; nachweisbar; nden; ndet; ndings; neben; nervensystems; nervous; neuroborreliose; neurological; neurologische; new; nicht; niert; noch; nur; occlusus; oder; oft; ohne; opportunistische; otitis; outcome; paralyse; pathogenese; patienten; patienten mit; patients; pcr; plasma; pleozytose; pml; pneumokokkenmeningitis; positiv; potenziell; practice; primary; primär; prognose; progrediente; progressive; protein; prozessen; rahmen; rasch; regel; report; reten; review; risiko; sche; schnell; schweren; schädel; schädigung; sehr; sein; selten; seltenen; sensitivität; sepsis; septischen; serum; severe; sich; sie; simplex; sind; sinne; sinus; sinusitis; sklerose; sog; sogar; sollte; sowie; spezifi; spinalen; spondylitis; stadium; staphylokokken; status; studien; study; stunden; störungen; subakut; substanz; symptomatik; symptome; syndrom; syndromes; system; systemic; systemischen; tab; tabes; tagen; th erapie; therapie; therapy; toxoplasmose; transverse; treatment; trial; tritt; trypanosomiasis; tuberculosis; tuberkulose; tumor; typischen; typischerweise; uid; und; und bei; und der; und eine; unspezifi; unter; untersuchung; ursache; vaskulitis; verdacht; verlauf; verlaufen; verletzungen; verläufe; verschiedene; verschlechterung; verursachen; veränderungen; virale; viren; virus; viruslast; von; von der; von einer; von hiv; vor; voriconazole; vorliegen; vzv; wahl; wahrscheinlichkeit; war; weitere; weitgehend; wenige; wenn; werden; wird; wirksamkeit; wobei; wochen; wurde; während; z. b.; zahl; zeichen; zeigen; zeigt; zellen; zerebrale; zerebrovaskuläre; zienz; zierten; zite; zns; zu einer; zum; zunächst; zur; zwischen; ätiologie; über; überlebenden; überwiegenden cache: cord-017600-4e7mw041.txt plain text: cord-017600-4e7mw041.txt item: #119 of 974 id: cord-017767-zj1h5ixf author: Shieh, Wun-Ju title: Advanced Pathology Techniques for Detecting Emerging Infectious Disease Pathogens date: 2012-04-05 words: 5250 flesch: 28 summary: Additionally, IHC performed on fi xed tissues can minimize laboratory worker's potential risk of exposure to infectious agents because of the deactivation of pathogens by formalin fi xation. PCR ampli fi cation undoubtedly is the most sensitive method available to detect microbial organisms in tissue specimens and has become a common practice in many pathology laboratories. keywords: 16s; acid; acute; advanced; agents; antibodies; approach; assays; autopsy; available; bacteria; cation; clinical; coronavirus; correlation; culture; detection; diagnosis; disease; dna; etiologic; evaluation; examination; example; fatal; fig; formalin; gram; histopathologic; host; hybridization; identi; ihc; immunohistochemical; infectious; ish; laboratory; medicine; methods; microarrays; microbial; molecular; novel; nucleic; organisms; outbreak; paraf; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathology; patient; pcr; peroxidase; practice; probes; related; respiratory; responses; results; role; rrna; samples; sars; sensitivity; severe; situ; speci; special; specimens; stain; syndrome; techniques; testing; time; tissue; ultrastructural; virus; xed cache: cord-017767-zj1h5ixf.txt plain text: cord-017767-zj1h5ixf.txt item: #120 of 974 id: cord-017867-8cn4c6cu author: Collántes-Fernández, Esther title: Trichomonas date: 2017-11-08 words: 24073 flesch: 40 summary: Correlation with time of exposure and with subsequent estrual cycles Construction and bootstrap analysis of DNA fingerprinting-based phylogenetic trees with the freeware program FreeTree: application to trichomonad parasites Trichomonas gallinae in columbiform birds from the Galapagos Islands Trichomoniasis of turkeys Identification of trichomonadid protozoa from the bovine preputial cavity by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism typing A reduction in the duration of infection with Tritrichomonas foetus following vaccination in heifers and the failure to demonstrate a curative effect in infected bulls The morphology and incidence of the trichomonads of swine Detection of bovine trichomoniasis with a specific DNA probe and PCR amplification system Characterization of Tritrichomonas foetus antigens by use of monoclonal antibodies Trichomoniasis in Bonelli's eagle nestlings in south-west Portugal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats with diarrhoea in a rescue colony in Italy Diagnostic PCR: validation and sample preparation are two sides of the same coin Isolation of Tritrichomonas foetus from cats sampled at a cat clinic, cat shows and a humane society in southern Ontario Detection and identification of Tetratrichomonas in a preputial wash from a bull by PCR and SSCP Development and testing of a bovine trichomoniasis vaccine Bovine vaginal antibody responses to immunoaffinitypurified surface antigen of Tritrichomonas foetus Risk factors associated with bovine trichomoniasis in beef cattle identified by a questionnaire Pentatrichomonas hominis in empyema thoracis The intradermal test in bovine trichomoniasis Bovine trichomoniasis-diagnosis and treatment Comparison of diagnostic methods for detection of active infection with Tritrichomonas foetus in beef heifers Molecular phylogeny of Trichomonadidae family inferred from ITS-1, 5.8S rRNA and ITS-2 sequences Production of ammonia by Tritrichomonas foetus and Trichomonas vaginalis Molecular phylogeny of diplomonads and enteromonads based on SSU rRNA, alpha-tubulin and HSP90 genes: implications for the evolutionary history of the double karyomastigont of diplomonads Prevalence of Trichomonas gallinae in northern goshawks from the Berlin area of northeastern Germany Tritrichomonas foetus infection in purebred cats in Germany: prevalence of clinical signs and the role of co-infection with other enteroparasites Investigations of the incidence of bovine trichomoniasis in Nevada and of the efficacy of immunizing cattle with vaccines containing Tritrichomonas foetus Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of inoculating cattle with a vaccine containing Tritrichomonas foetus Evidence of spread of the emerging infectious disease, finch trichomonosis, by migrating birds A pathogenic trichomonas from the upper digestive tract of chickens Tritrichomonas foetus and not Pentatrichomonas hominis is the etiologic agent of feline trichomonal diarrhea In-situ hybridization for the detection and identification of Histomonas meleagridis in tissues Use of uracil DNA glycosylase to control carry-over contamination in polymerase chain reactions A simple and rapid method for staining Tritrichomonas foetus and Trichomonas vaginalis Comparison of growth rates of Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from various geographic regions using three different culture media Are Tritrichomonas foetus and Tritrichomonas suis synonyms? Prevalence of Campylobacter foetus and Trichomonas foetus among cattle from Southern Africa Persistence of Tritrichomonas foetus in naturally infected cows and heifers in Argentina Update on the diagnosis and management of Tritrichomonas foetus infections in cats Risk factors associated with Tritrichomonas foetus infection in beef herds in the Province of Prevalence of bovine venereal disease in the Victoria River District of the Northern Territory: likely economic effects and practicable control measures Improved detection of Tritrichomonas foetus in bovine diagnostic specimens using a novel probe-based real time PCR assay Fine structure of the bird parasites Trichomonas gallinae and Tetratrichomonas gallinarum from cultures High prevalence of Tritrichomonas foetus infection in Asturiana de la Montana beef cattle kept in extensive conditions in northern Spain Differences in the prevalence of Tritrichomonas foetus infection in beef cattle farmed under extensive conditions in northern Spain A review of sexually transmitted bovine trichomoniasis and campylobacteriosis affecting cattle reproductive health Spatial and temporal epidemiology of bovine trichomoniasis and bovine genital campylobacteriosis in La Pampa province (Argentina) Comparative transcriptomics reveals striking similarities between the bovine and feline isolates of Tritrichomonas foetus: consequences for in silico drug-target identification Host origin determines pH tolerance of Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from the feline gastrointestinal and bovine urogenital tracts Comparative RNA-seq analysis of the Tritrichomonas foetus PIG30/1 isolate from pigs reveals close association with Tritrichomonas foetus BP-4 isolate 'bovine genotype Investigations on the prevalence and potential pathogenicity of intestinal trichomonads in pigs using in situ hybridization Detection of Tritrichomonas foetus and Pentatrichomonas hominis in intestinal tissue specimens of cats by chromogenic in situ hybridization High prevalence of Tritrichomonas foetus 'bovine genotype' in faecal samples from domestic pigs at a farm where bovine trichomonosis has not been reported for over 30 years Evaluation of a PCR test for the diagnosis of Tritrichomonas foetus infection in bulls: effects of sample collection method, storage and transport medium on the test In vivo and in vitro sensitivity of Trichomonas gallinae to some nitroimidazole drugs Field and laboratory observations on trichomoniasis of dairy cattle in Victoria Pathologic changes in pigeons infected with a virulent Trichomonas gallinae strain (Eiberg) First report of epizootic trichomoniasis in wild finches (family Fringillidae) in southern Fennoscandia Tritrichomonas foetus prevention and control in cattle Obtención de muestras prepuciales para el diagnóstico de Tritrichomonas foetus porraspado de mucosas The prevalence of intestinal protozoa in wild and domestic pigs Enteropathogen co-infection in UK cats with diarrhoea Comparison of two sampling tools for diagnosis of Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls and clinical interpretation of culture results Application of a PCR assay to enhance the detection and identification of Tritrichomonas foetus in cultured preputial samples Comparison of the diagnostic sensitivity of a commercially available culture kit and a diagnostic culture test using Diamond's media for diagnosing Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls Sample collection factors affect the sensitivity of the diagnostic test for Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls The pathogenesis of Tritrichomonas foetus infection in the bull Early pathogenesis and pathology of Tritrichomonas foetus infection in virgin heifers Tritrichomonas foetus: budding from multinucleated pseudocysts Prevalence and risk-factors for Trichomonas-fetus infection in cattle in northeastern Costa-Rica Bayesian estimation of Tritrichomonas foetus diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity in range beef bulls Clinical and microbiological aspects of Trichomonas vaginalis The demonstration of an agglutinin to Trichomonas foetus in the vaginal discharge of infected heifers The mucus agglutination test for the diagnosis of bovine trichomoniasis Prevalence of Tritrichomonas foetus infections in French catteries Prevalence of selected bacterial and parasitic agents in feces from diarrheic and healthy control cats from northern California Impact of trichomoniasis on the cow-calf producer's profitability Tritrichomonas foetus Prevalence of Tritrichomonas fetus in a bull population and effect on production in a large cow-calf enterprise Epidemiology of Tritrichomonas foetus in beef bull populations in Florida Some observations on cultural and transport conditions for Tritrichomonas foetus var. keywords: aborted; abortion; addition; agent; amin et; amplification; analysis; anderson et; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; area; argentina; artificial; assay; available; avian; beef; benchimol; birds; bondurant; bondurant et; bovine; breeding; bulls; campero; campero et; carrier; cats; cattle; cause; cavity; cell; cervix; chickens; chronic; clark et; clinical; cobo et; collection; commercial; comparison; conditions; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; cows; cultivation; culture; dairy; days; detection; diagnostic; diamond; diarrhea; differences; different; direct; disease; dna; domestic; drinking; early; effects; environment; epidemiological; epithelium; estrus; et al; examination; experimental; factors; fecal; feces; feline; feline t.; female; findings; flagella; foetus; foetus infection; following; food; foster; free; gallinae; gallinarum; gene; genital; giardia; gookin et; hale et; health; heifers; herds; higher; history; hominis; honigberg; ibarra et; identification; immune; important; increase; individual; infected; infection; inpouch; insemination; intestinal; isolates; kit; köster; laboratory; large; lesions; level; like; likelihood; likely; long; loss; low; lower; management; manual; material; mccool et; measures; media; medium; membrane; mendoza; method; microscopy; modified; molecular; months; mucosa; mucus; natural; negative; new; non; number; observations; observed; oie; ondrak; oral; organisms; parasite; parker et; parsonson et; pcr; perez et; period; pigeons; pigs; pipette; plastic; positive; possible; potential; practices; pregnancy; preputial; presence; present; prevalence; prior; protozoa; rae et; recent; region; reproductive; response; results; rhyan et; risk; ronidazole; route; rrna; sager et; samples; sampling; season; secretions; semen; sensitivity; serum; signs; similar; single; size; skirrow; skirrow et; smegma; species; specific; specificity; spp; stabler; studies; study; suis; surface; survival; system; t. foetus; table; taurus; techniques; temperature; terrestrial; test; testing; tfr4; time; tolbert; tract; transmission; transport; treatment; trichomonads; trichomonosis; tritrichomonas; tritrichomonas foetus; trophozoites; turkeys; usa; use; vaccine; vaginal; veterinary; virgin; vitro; water; weeks; wild; yao; years; young cache: cord-017867-8cn4c6cu.txt plain text: cord-017867-8cn4c6cu.txt item: #121 of 974 id: cord-017894-8iahlshj author: Loa, Chien Chang title: A Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction for Differential Detection of Turkey Coronavirus from Chicken Infectious Bronchitis Virus and Bovine Coronavirus date: 2015-09-10 words: 1309 flesch: 46 summary: On the other hand, IBV-positive result is able to exclude the presence of TCoV. Coronaviral enteritis of turkeys (blue comb disease) Coronavirus immunogens Antigenic characterization of a turkey coronavirus identifi ed in poult enteritis and mortality syndrome-affected turkeys Phylogenetic analysis of a highly conserved region of the polymerase gene from 11 coronaviruses and development of a consensus polymerase chain reaction assay Sequence analysis of the matrix/nucleocapsid gene region of turkey coronavirus Sequence analysis of the turkey coronavirus nucleocapsid protein gene and 3′ untranslated region identifi es the virus as a close relative of infectious bronchitis virus Detection of antibody to turkey coronavirus by antibodycapture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay utilizing infectious bronchitis virus antigen Nucleocapsid protein gene sequence analysis reveals close genomic relationship between turkey coronavirus and avian infectious bronchitis virus Experimental bovine coronavirus in turkey poults and young chickens Antigenic and genomic relationships among turkey and bovine enteric coronaviruses Sequence analysis of the turkey enteric coronavirus nucleocapsid and membrane protein genes: a close genomic relationship with bovine coronavirus Complete sequences of 3′end coding region for structural protein genes of turkey coronavirus Comparison of 3′ end encoding regions of turkey coronavirus isolates from Indiana, North Carolina, and Minnesota Complete nucleotide sequence of polyprotein gene 1 and genome organization of turkey coronavirus Differential detection of turkey coronavirus, infectious bronchitis virus, and bovine coronavirus by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction Redesign of primers and application of the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism test to the DE072 strain of infectious bronchitis virus The protocol A multiplex polymerase chain reaction for differential detection of turkey coronavirus from chicken infectious bronchitis virus and bovine coronavirus outlined in this chapter had been successfully carried out in the authors' studies on molecular diagnostics and molecular virology of turkey coronavirus infection in turkeys. key: cord-017894-8iahlshj authors: Loa, Chien Chang; Wu, Ching Ching; Lin, Tsang Long title: A Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction for Differential Detection of Turkey Coronavirus from Chicken Infectious Bronchitis Virus and Bovine Coronavirus date: 2015-09-10 journal: Animal Coronaviruses DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3414-0_12 sha: doc_id: 17894 cord_uid: 8iahlshj A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for differential detection of turkey coronavirus (TCoV), infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), and bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is presented in this chapter. keywords: analysis; assay; bcov; bovine; bronchitis; chain; coronavirus; corresponding; detection; gene; ibv; infectious; min; multiplex; nucleocapsid; pcr; polymerase; positive; product; protein; reaction; sequence; tcov; turkey cache: cord-017894-8iahlshj.txt plain text: cord-017894-8iahlshj.txt item: #122 of 974 id: cord-017948-fqhl1qb4 author: Hu, Yuan title: Molecular Techniques for Blood and Blood Product Screening date: 2012-04-05 words: 7305 flesch: 51 summary: Diagnosis depends upon fi nding parasites on blood fi lm examination which can be detected 2-4 weeks after a tick bite. Detection of early HBV infection of blood donors is still a major problem of blood transfusion. keywords: acid; agents; ampli; antibodies; antibody; antigens; assay; available; babesia; babesiosis; blood; cases; cation; cause; chagas; chronic; clinical; cmv; con; current; dengue; detection; diagnosis; disease; dna; donors; early; eld; fda; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hepatitis; high; hiv; htlv; human; hybridization; identi; important; infected; infection; liver; malaria; methods; molecular; nat; need; negative; new; nucleic; patients; pcr; people; period; positive; products; quantitative; reaction; real; recent; regulatory; requirements; risk; rmatory; rna; safety; sars; screening; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; serologic; speci; states; supply; techniques; technology; testing; tests; time; transfusion; transmission; ttv; united; vcjd; viral; virus; viruses; window; wnv; world; years cache: cord-017948-fqhl1qb4.txt plain text: cord-017948-fqhl1qb4.txt item: #123 of 974 id: cord-017959-g0nf1iwm author: Lipkin, W. Ian title: Diagnosis, Discovery and Dissection of Viral Diseases date: 2014-02-27 words: 5018 flesch: 27 summary: The pause on Avian H5N1 infl uenza virus transmission research should be ended The changing face of pathogen discovery and surveillance Rethinking biosafety in research on potential pandemic pathogens Diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis with PCR Evaluation of immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG enzyme immunoassays in serologic diagnosis of West Nile Virus infection NS1 protein secretion during the acute phase of West Nile virus infection Asymptomatic circulation of HEV71 in Norway Loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA Loop-mediated isothermal amplifi cation method for detection of human papillomavirus type 6, 11, 16, and 18 Diagnosis of human respiratory syncytial virus infection using reverse transcription loopmediated isothermal amplifi cation Loop-mediated isothermal amplifi cation for infl uenza A (H5N1) virus. In current array platforms, virus detection is achieved via fl uorescent reporter systems-either through direct incorporation of fl uorescent nucleotides into the PCR product that is bound to the array or with a sandwich approach whereby fl uorescent-branched chains of DNA are added to the product after it is bound to the array [ 75 , 76 ] . keywords: acid; acute; agent; amplifi; analysis; animals; applications; array; assays; bacteria; cation; cell; chain; characterization; clinical; comparison; complex; consensus; culture; design; detection; development; diagnosis; discovery; disease; dna; encephalitis; example; genetic; global; h5n1; health; high; host; hrv; human; identifi; illness; infection; infl; instances; isothermal; like; limited; masstag; methods; microarray; molecular; multiplex; nats; nested; new; novel; nucleic; pathogens; pcr; platforms; polymerase; potential; presence; present; primer; products; public; range; reaction; real; reporter; research; respiratory; rhinovirus; rna; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; species; specifi; surveillance; systems; targets; throughput; time; tract; types; uenza; uorescent; viral; virus; viruses; wide; york cache: cord-017959-g0nf1iwm.txt plain text: cord-017959-g0nf1iwm.txt item: #124 of 974 id: cord-017984-w19kd6yp author: Chen, Yi-Ning title: PCR Amplification and Sequencing Analysis of Full-Length Turkey Coronavirus Spike Gene date: 2015-09-10 words: 1711 flesch: 50 summary: A protocol for PCR amplifi cation, sequencing , and sequence analysis of TCoV S gene for genotyping of TCoV isolates based on TCoV S gene sequences is highlighted in this chapter. 1. Assemble 12 nucleotide sequences from 12 sequencing primers (Table 1 ) to obtain the full length of TCoV S gene by using DNAstar Lasergene ® software. keywords: alignment; analysis; coronavirus; different; dna; file; gene; gradient; intestine; isolates; length; mega6; menu; models; open; pcr; product; program; sdown3; sequences; step; sucrose; sup; tcov; tree; tube; turkey; window cache: cord-017984-w19kd6yp.txt plain text: cord-017984-w19kd6yp.txt item: #125 of 974 id: cord-018721-othar2uv author: Schwab, Stefan title: Infektionen date: 2012-03-17 words: 13437 flesch: 30 summary: Die Letalität einer manifesten Erkrankung beträgt beim westlichen Erregersubtyp 1−2 % (bei der myelitischen Neben einem entzündlich veränderten Liquor mit lymphozytärer Pleozytose von einigen 100 Zellen, Eiweißvermehrung und Glucosereduktion fi nden sich bei der Diagnostik chronischer Meningitiden häufi g Allgemeinveränderungen in der EEG-Untersuchung. keywords: 1−2; abb; aber; abgrenzung; abscess; abscesses; aciclovir; acute; adjunctive; adults; african; aids; akuten; allem; allerdings; als; ambulant; amphotericin; analysis; anfällen; antibiotikatherapie; antikörper; antiretroviral; antivirale; approach; arteriitis; aspergillosis; assoziierte; auch; auf; auf eine; aufgrund; auft; aus; azathioprin; bacterial; bacterial meningitis; bakteriellen; bakteriellen meningitis; bakterien; befunde; beginn; behandelt; behandlung; bei; bei der; beim; bekannt; bereits; berichtet; beschrieben; besonders; besserung; bestehen; besteht; bestimmung; beteiligung; bild; bildgebung; bis; blut; borreliosis; brain; bzw; care; case; central; central nervous; cerebral; cerebrospinal; chagas; charakterisiert; children; chronisch; clinical; cmv; cns; cohort; complications; computertomographie; corticosteroids; cyclophosphamid; dann; darüber; das; dass; defi; delayed; dem; der; der bakteriellen; der fälle; der hiv; der regel; derzeit; des; deshalb; deutlich; deutschland; dexamethason; diagnose; diagnosis; diagnostische; diagnostiziert; die; diese; diff; disease; div; dna; dosis; drucks; durch; durchgeführt; ebv; eeg; eff; eine; eingesetzt; einher; eitrigen; empfohlen; encephalitis; enterobakterien; entsprechend; entstehung; entweder; entwickeln; entzündlichen; entzündungen; erapie; erfolgen; erfolgt; erforderlich; erhöhten; erhöhung; erkrankung; erreger; ersten; erwachsenen; experience; extramedullären; factors; falciparum; fall; falsch; features; ferner; fieber; fokus; folgenden; foscarnet; früher; frühzeitige; fsme; fungal; fälle; färbung; führen; für; gabe; gedacht; gefahr; gegeben; gegen; gelegentlich; gelingt; geringe; gesehen; gibt; gramnegative; größe; gsten; guidelines; haben; herpes; hilfreich; hinaus; hiv; hoher; hsv; hsve; human; hydrozephalus; hämorrhagische; häufi; häufi g; i.v; identifi; igg; imaging; immer; immunocompetent; immunsupprimierten; impfung; indiziert; infectious; infektion; infektiösen; infi; infl; initial; inkubationszeit; innerhalb; insbesondere; intensive; intrakraniellen; intrathekale; invasive; inzidenz; ischämie; ist; ist bei; ist der; ist die; ist eine; jahren; jedoch; kann; kap; kgkg/24; kindern; klinische; koma; kombination; kommen; kommt; komplikationen; konnte; kurzem; können; kürzlich; laboratory; letalität; liegen; liegt; like; liquor; liquorbefund; listerien; literature; lupus; lyme; lymphom; lymphozytäre; läsionen; magnetic; malaria; management; manifestations; maßnahmen; medikamentöse; mehreren; meist; meningitis; meningoencephalitis; meningokokken; meningokokkenmeningitis; menschen; methoden; mit; mit der; mit einer; mittels; monate; monitoring; mri; mrt; multifocal; multiplen; muss; mycoplasma; myelitis; myelopathie; möglich; müssen; nach; nachgewiesen; nachweis; nden; ndet; ndings; neben; nervensystems; nervous; nervous system; neurocysticercosis; neurological; neurologische; neurology; neuromyelitis; new; nicht; nipah; noch; non; nur; oder; oft; ohne; optica; organ; outcome; pathogenesis; patienten; patienten mit; patients; pcr; pep; phase; plasma; pleconaril; pleozytose; pneumococcal; pneumokokkenmeningitis; pneumoniae; positiv; positiver; practice; primary; primärinfektion; procalcitonin; produktion; profi; prognose; prognostic; progrediente; progressive; prospective; protein; prozessen; präparat; quinine; rabies; rahmen; rapid; reaction; recipients; recovery; regel; report; reten; retrospective; review; risiko; sclerosing; sehr; sein; selten; seltenen; sensitivität; septischer; series; serum; severe; sich; sie; simplex; sind; sinus; sklerose; sodass; sog; sollte; sowie; spezifi; spinalen; spondylitis; spp; stadium; status; streptococcus; studie; study; störungen; subacute; substanzen; symptomatik; symptome; syndrom; system; systemischen; tab; tagen; th erapie; therapie; therapy; tibialis; tieren; tollwut; transplant; transverse; treatment; trial; tritt; trypanosomiasis; tuberculous; tuberkulöser; tät; uenzae; uid; und; und bei; und der; unit; unspezifi; untersucht; untersuchung; ursache; use; vaskulitiden; vaskulitis; verabreicht; verdacht; verfügung; verlauf; verläufe; versterben; verursacht; veränderungen; viral; viren; virus; viruslast; vivo; vom; von; von der; von einer; vor; voriconazole; vzv; wahl; war; weisen; weitere; weitgehend; wenn; wenngleich; werden; whipple; wichtige; wirbelsäulenerkrankungen; wird; wirksamkeit; wobei; wochen; wurde; während; year; z. b.; zahl; zeichen; zeigen; zeigt; zeitpunkt; zellen; zerebrale; zierten; zns; zu einer; zudem; zum; zunächst; zur; zwar; zwischen; ätiologie; über; überlebenden cache: cord-018721-othar2uv.txt plain text: cord-018721-othar2uv.txt item: #126 of 974 id: cord-018848-6kemhsyu author: Stürenburg, Enno title: Mikrobiologische Schnelltests und molekularbiologische Analytik date: 2011-12-17 words: 1268 flesch: 26 summary: Bei Fragestellungen, die weniger zeitkritisch sind, dürfte ein kultureller Nachweis in einem mikrobiologischen Labor vor allem angesichts der mit der PCR-Technik verbundenen höheren Kosten (derzeit 30-40 € pro Test) weiterhin Standard bleiben. Ein weiteres Beispiel für einen Multiplex-Test ist der Clostridium difficile-Nachweis, der nicht nur das Bakterium selbst erkennt, sondern außerdem den »hypervirulenten« Stamm NAP1/O27 identifizieren kann. keywords: allem; als; analyten; antigen; antikörper; auch; auf; basieren; bei; besonders; clinical; dass; den; denen; der; derzeit; die; diese; dna; durch; einem; flow; für; genexpert; immunoassay; immunologischen; ist; kann; kap; können; lateral; mikrobiologischen; mit; möglich; nachweis; nachweisverfahren; nicht; nur; oder; pcr; poct; prinzip; quantitative; schnelltests; sich; sind; sowie; tests; und; verfahren; verfügbar; von; vor; werden; wird; zum; zur cache: cord-018848-6kemhsyu.txt plain text: cord-018848-6kemhsyu.txt item: #127 of 974 id: cord-018865-melttpiq author: Yu, Tian-fei title: Express Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus Spike Gene B and C Antigen Sites in Multiple Expression Systems date: 2012 words: 2194 flesch: 46 summary: Although site B is conformation dependent, MAbs specific for this site can bind TGEV spike protein by immunoblotting providing that the samples were not treated with 2-mercaptoethanol. It is recognized by MAbs in Western blot analysis after treatment of the virus with 2.5% SDS and 5% 2-mercaptoethanol; It is represented by synthetic nonapeptides derived from TGEV spike protein [9] ; It is present in recombinant products expressed in bacteria, which do not reconstitute the native spike protein [10] ; and it is formed in the absence of glycosylation [8] . keywords: antigen; antigenicity; baculovirus; cell; coronavirus; culture; dot; ecorⅰ; elisa; expression; fig; fragment; gastroenteritis; gene; hours; illustrate; molecular; pastoris; pcr; pichia; porcine; positive; prcv; protein; reaction; recombinant; respiratory; salⅰ; sites; spike; supernatant; swine; tgev; transmissible; usa; virus cache: cord-018865-melttpiq.txt plain text: cord-018865-melttpiq.txt item: #128 of 974 id: cord-018944-du42ho11 author: Shin, Jeong Hwan title: Nucleic Acid Extraction and Enrichment date: 2018-11-10 words: 6858 flesch: 38 summary: Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Molecular cloning: A laboratory manual Comparison of different methods of isolation of DNA of commonly encountered Candida species and its quantitation by using a real-time PCR-based assay Correlates of quantitative measurement of BK polyomavirus (BKV) DNA with clinical course of BKV infection in renal transplant patients A solid-phase extraction procedure for DNA purification Detection of microorganisms in vessel wall specimens of the abdominal aorta: development of a PCR assay in the absence of a gold standard Current nucleic acid extraction methods and their implications to point-of-care diagnostics RNA purification and analysis; Sample preparation, extraction, chromatography The effect of metal ions on the activity and thermostability of the extracellular proteinase from a thermophilic Bacillus, strain EA.1 Comparison of commercial DNA extraction kits for extraction of bacterial genomic DNA from whole-blood samples Evaluation of LightCycler PCR for implementation of laboratory diagnosis of herpes simplex virus infections Diagnosis of herpes simplex virus infections in the clinical laboratory by LightCycler PCR Comparison of the Roche LightCycler vanA/vanB detection assay and culture for detection of vancomycin-resistant enterococci from perianal swabs Automated extraction of viral-pathogen RNA and DNA for high-throughput quantitative real-time PCR Comparison of automated nucleic acid extraction methods with manual extraction Monitoring transplant patients for human cytomegalovirus: diagnostic update Comparison of methods for extraction of viral DNA from cellular specimens Comparison of the NucliSENS easyMAG and Qiagen BioRobot 9604 nucleic acid extraction systems for detection of RNA and DNA respiratory viruses in nasopharyngeal aspirate samples Evaluation of NucliSENS easyMAG for automated nucleic acid extraction from various clinical specimens Comparison of two highly automated DNA extraction systems for quantifying Epstein-Barr virus in whole blood Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Laboratory diagnosis of SARS Multicenter comparison of nucleic acid extraction methods for detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus RNA in stool specimens Improved amplification of microbial DNA from blood cultures by removal of the PCR inhibitor sodium polyanetholesulfonate A simple and sensitive method to extract bacterial, yeast and fungal DNA from blood culture material Hydrogen peroxide improves the efficiency of a peripheral blood PCR assay for diagnosis of human brucellosis Serum is the preferred clinical specimen for diagnosis of human brucellosis by PCR Comparison of seven commercial DNA extraction kits for the recovery of Brucella DNA from spiked human serum samples using real-time PCR Real-time PCR of the 16S-rRNA gene in the diagnosis of neonatal bacteraemia Molecular detection and identification of Candida and Aspergillus spp. The method for the nucleic acid extraction can be divided into manual or automated, and this is an important point in the classification of nucleic acid extraction methods. keywords: acid; acid extraction; amplification; aspergillus; assay; automated; available; bacteria; blood; clinical; cmv; column; commercial; common; comparison; culture; cytomegalovirus; detection; diagnosis; differences; different; dna; dna extraction; efficiency; evaluation; extraction; extraction methods; final; fungal; fungi; good; high; human; important; infection; inhibitors; instruments; isolation; kits; laboratory; low; lysis; magna; manual; method; microbiology; molecular; new; nucleic; nucleic acid; pathogens; pcr; performance; phase; phenol; proteins; pure; quantitative; real; recent; recovery; respiratory; results; rna; samples; sensitivity; serum; similar; solid; specific; specimens; step; stool; system; techniques; testing; time; tissue; use; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-018944-du42ho11.txt plain text: cord-018944-du42ho11.txt item: #129 of 974 id: cord-019490-m1cuuehi author: None title: Abstracts cont. date: 2015-12-28 words: 93719 flesch: 45 summary: Mean age (78 vs 77), Charlson score (2.5 vs. 2.6), neoplasm (22% vs. 21%), HIV (0.7% vs. 0.8%), chronic liver disease (9% vs.7%), diabetes mellitus ( 19% vs.22%), ICU admission (4% vs. 4%), monotherapy (63% vs. 66%), and aetiology (S. pneumoniae 34% vs. 36%; L. pneumophila 3% vs.2%; others 8% vs.11%; unknown 54% vs.51%) were similar. The same was found for mecillinam, i.e. no correlation for AUC/MIC vs. CFÚ s in urine or organs, while Time > MIC % significantly (P < 0.05) correlated with CFÚ s in urine (R 2 = 0.48), and kidney tissue (R 2 = 0.82), respectively. keywords: abdominal; ability; abscess; absence; accuracy; acid; acinetobacter; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adenovirus; administration; admission; adult; adverse; aerobic; aeruginosa; aes; affected; agar; aged; agents; agr; aim; albicans; alpha; alternative; america; amikacin; ampc; ampicillin; amplification; anaerobes; anaerobic; analysis; animals; anthracis; anthrax; antibacterial; antibiotic resistance; antibiotics; antibodies; antifungal; antigen; antimicrobial; antimicrobial resistance; application; applied; appropriate; area; articles; asia; assay; associated; association; atcc; atrophic; auc; aureus; aureus isolates; aureus strains; available; average; azithromycin; b27; bacillus; background; bacteraemia; bacteria; bacterial strains; bactericidal; bal4815; baseline; basis; baumannii; beta; bioavailability; biofilm; biopsy; blister; blood; bone; brain; breakpoints; broad; broth; burn; caga; cancer; candida; cap; capd; carbapenems; care; carriage; carriers; cases; catheter; causative; cause; caz; cefepime; cefotaxime; cefpodoxime; ceftazidime; ceftriaxone; cefuroxime; cell; central; centres; cephalosporins; cfu; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterized; children; chloramphenicol; choice; cholerae; chronic; ciprofloxacin; clarithromycin; class; classes; clindamycin; clinical; clinical isolates; clinical strains; clonal; clone; cmax; cmv; cns; coagulase; coli; colistin; collection; colonization; colonized; combination; combined; common; community; comparable; comparison; complicated; compounds; concentrations; concern; conclusions; concomitant; conditions; confirmed; consistent; consumption; continued; continuous; contrast; control; correlation; corresponding; cost; countries; country; counts; course; cov; cpm; criteria; cross; crushed; csf; csssi; culture; cure; curves; cutaneous; cysts; daily; dalbavancin; dalfopristin; data; days; decrease; degree; denmark; detection; determinants; determination; determined; developed; development; diabetes; diagnosis; diarrhoea; differences; different; diffusion; discharge; disease; disinfection; disk; dissolution; distribution; district; dna; documented; dose; dosing; drinking; drug; drug resistant; duodenal; duration; dyspeptic; early; effect; effective; efficacy; efflux; electrophoresis; elevated; elisa; emergence; empiric; endemic; enteral; enterobacteriaceae; enterococcus; environment; enzyme; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; epidermidis; episodes; eradication; erm(b; ermb; erythromycin; erythromycin resistance; esbl; escherichia; established; europe; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; experience; experiments; exposed; exposure; expression; extended; factors; faecalis; failure; features; feeding; female; fever; field; findings; fluconazole; fluid; fluoroquinolones; fold; following; form; free; frequencies; frequency; frequent; fresh; function; fusr; garenoxacin; gastric; gastritis; gastrointestinal; gel; gene; general; genetic; genotypes; gentamicin; genus; germany; gisa; glabrata; glucose; glycopeptides; glycylcyclines; good; grade; gram; greater; grn; group; growth; guidelines; gyra; half; healthy; heart; helicobacter; high; high resistance; higher; highest; hinton; history; hiv; hla; hospital; hospitalization; hours; hpv; human; hygiene; icu; identical; identification; igg; igm; iii; il-1b; imaging; imipenem; immune; impact; impairment; important; improvement; incidence; increase; individuals; induced; inducible; infected; infections; inflammatory; influenzae; information; infusion; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; intensive; intermediate; international; interval; intravenous; introduction; invasive; involved; involvement; iran; isolates; isolation; isotretinoin; italy; kidney; kill; klebsiella; known; label; laboratory; large; left; leishmaniasis; length; lesions; level; levofloxacin; life; like; likely; limited; linezolid; literature; liver; living; local; long; low; lower; lowest; lysostaphin; lzd; maalox; macrolide; macrolide resistance; main; major; majority; malaria; males; management; materials; maximum; mcg; mdr; mean; mechanisms; media; medical; medium; mef(a; mem; member; meningitis; methicillin; methods; metronidazole; mfx; mic; mic90; mice; microbiological; microbiology; microdilution; microflora; microorganisms; microscopy; mics; mild; minimum; minocycline; minutes; mlsb; model; moderate; molecular; monotherapy; months; mortality; moxifloxacin; mpc; mrsa; mrsa infections; mrsa isolates; mrsa strains; mssa; mucosa; mueller; multidrug; multiple; mupa; mupirocin; mutants; mutations; mxf; n =; nasal; natural; nccls; need; negative; new; nflx; non; norfloxacin; normal; north; nosocomial; novel; nud; number; objectives; observed; occurrence; onset; open; option; oral; order; organisms; origin; osteomyelitis; outcome; overall; oxacillin; pallidum; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; panels; parameters; parc; particular; parvum; pathogens; patients; patterns; pcr; peak; penetration; penicillin; percentage; period; persons; pfge; pharmacokinetic; phase; phenotype; piperacillin; plague; plasma; plasmid; plates; plus; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; pneumoniae isolates; polymicrobial; polymorphism; population; positive; positive isolates; possible; post; potency; potential; practice; predictive; predominant; prepared; prescribed; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; primers; prior; problem; procedure; producers; production; products; profiles; program; properties; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; pseudomonas; pts; public; pulmonary; pulsed; purpose; pvl; pylori; pyogenes; qtcb; quality; quinupristin; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rates; reaction; recent; recipients; reduced; reference; regimen; region; related; relationship; release; relevant; reliable; renal; reported; reports; research; resistance; resistant isolates; resistant s.; resistant staphylococcus; resistant strains; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; results; right; risk; rods; role; s. aureus; safety; saliva; salmonella; samples; sars; screening; second; secondary; seg; sei; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; sera; serology; seronegative; serotype; serum; severe; severity; sexual; significant; signs; similar; single; site; size; skin; smai; small; soft; source; spain; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spp; spread; ssti; st80; staff; stage; standard; staphylococcus; staphylococcus aureus; statistical; status; stay; stool; strains; streptococci; structure; students; studies; study; subjects; success; sulbactam; support; surfaces; surgery; surveillance; susceptibility; susceptible; susceptible strains; symptoms; synergy; syphilis; system; table; tablets; target; tazobactam; tbe; technique; teicoplanin; telithromycin; temperature; tested; testing; tests; tet(m; tetracycline; therapeutic; therapy; tigecycline; time; tissue; tlv; topical; total; toxin; tract; transfer; transmission; transplant; transplantation; trauma; treatment; treponema; trial; tss; tst; tube; turkey; turkish; type; typing; ulcer; underlying; united; university; urinary; urine; usa; use; uvc; vaginal; values; vancomycin; vancomycin resistance; vap; variants; variety; vdrl; vgs; viral; virulence; visa; vitek; vitro; volume; volunteers; wall; ward; water; weeks; western; wild; women; worldwide; wound; years; young cache: cord-019490-m1cuuehi.txt plain text: cord-019490-m1cuuehi.txt item: #130 of 974 id: cord-020568-c5425959 author: Blatny, Janet Martha title: Detecting and Responding to Bioterrorism date: 2007 words: 3482 flesch: 37 summary: Many experts believe that biological threat agents may be more useful for obtaining panic and anxiety causing serious psychological impact instead of resulting in high preserved tissue samples Few companies check and compare the ordered sequences against sequences from biological threat agents and there are no national regulations requiring these firms to do so. keywords: acid; agents; air; analysis; anthracis; anthrax; assay; atp; available; bacillus; bacterial; biological; biological threat; bioterrorism; cells; collector; detecting; detection; detector; disease; dna; efficient; false; ffi; figure; flu; genes; genetic; health; identification; immunoassays; infectious; methods; min; molecular; nasba; national; need; nucleic; number; particles; pcr; preparedness; rapid; real; reliable; samples; sequence; specific; spores; strain; suitable; symptoms; systems; threat; threat agents; time; trigger; use; viable; virus cache: cord-020568-c5425959.txt plain text: cord-020568-c5425959.txt item: #131 of 974 id: cord-020954-mt8mm7y4 author: Relich, Ryan F. title: Syndromic and Point-of-Care Molecular Testing date: 2018-10-10 words: 5347 flesch: 29 summary: 1 1 1 À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 BioThreat Panel a À 1 1 1 À 1 1 À À 1 1 1 À À À 1 1 À 1 1 À À 1 1 1 À 1 À À À c À À À À À À À À 1 À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À FilmArray Global Fever ePlex RP 1 1 À À À À/À 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 1 1 eSensor RVP 1 1 1 À À À À À À À À 1 c À 1 À 1 1 1 À 1 1 1 À À 1 1 FilmArray RP Panel 1 1 À À À 1/À 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 1 À FilmArray RP2 Panel 1 1 À À À 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 1 À FilmArray RP EZ a 1 1 À À À 1/À 1 1 1 1 1 1/1 À 1 À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 1 À NxTAG RPP b 1 1 À À À À/À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À À 1 1 VERIGENE RP Flex b 1 1 À 1 1 1/1 À À À À À 1 c À 1 À 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 À À 1 1 keywords: accurate; acid; alere; amplification; analysis; analytes; antimicrobial; assays; available; bacterial; biofire; blood; care; characteristics; clinical; coli; control; culture; detection; diagnosis; disease; eplex; evaluation; fda; fig; filmarray; gastrointestinal; glabrata; group; health; identification; impact; infectious; influenza; instrument; laboratories; laboratory; max; methods; minutes; molecular; multicenter; multiplex; nucleic; overall; panel; pathogens; patient; pcr; performance; platforms; poc; point; positive; rapid; reaction; reagents; real; refs; reports; resistance; respiratory; results; specimens; spp; streptococcus; syncytial; syndromic; system; table; target; testing; tests; time; traditional; tube; unyvero; use; vaginal; verigene; viral; viruses cache: cord-020954-mt8mm7y4.txt plain text: cord-020954-mt8mm7y4.txt item: #132 of 974 id: cord-021052-qydc404w author: Fernandez-Flores, Angel title: Aportaciones de la anatomía patológica en el diagnóstico de las infecciones cutáneas: una perspectiva histórica date: 2015-11-02 words: 4485 flesch: 41 summary: Por el contrario, el nuevo avance en el diagnó stico de enfermedades infecciosas llegó de la mano de la reacció n en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), que permitía diagnó sticos certeros del germen causante, incluso con estudios sobre susceptibilidades a antibió ticos. En 1893 Guarneri describió los cuerpos de inclusió n de la viruela y de la viruela de vaca 12 y en 1904, Mallory describió los de la fiebre escarlata en autopsias 13 , mientras que tan solo un añ o má s tarde, Field W. Cyrus los aislaría directamente de ampollas, ilustrando su artículo con bellos dibujos a color 14 . keywords: ademá; algunos; anticuerpo; antigen; así; aunque; avance; bacterias; cada; cantidad; carcinoma; carrió; casos; causante; cell; cell carcinoma; cnicas; como; comprobó; con; contexto; contra; cultivo; datos; de la; de los; del; demostrar; describió; desde; detecció; detection; diagnó; directamente; durante; ejemplo; electron; electró; ello; embargo; enfermedad; entre; era; eran; esta; este; expression; fiebre; fig; fue; fueron; generation; gené; germen; gicas; gram; gran; había; hasta; herpesvirus; hhv8; histopatología; histoquímicas; history; human; identificació; immunohistochemical; incluso; infecciosas; infecció; infection; inflamatoria; informació; inmunohistoquímica; kaposi; large; las; los; lulas; luz; material; mediante; medicina; merkel; merkel cell; microorganismos; microscopio; mismo; momento; morfoló; muy; n de; neelsen; nico; nuevas; otros; pacientes; pallidum; para; parte; pará; pathology; patogé; pató; pcr; pero; podían; polyomavirus; por; presencia; presentó; principio; que; sarcoma; secuenciació; ser; siempre; siglo; sin; sitos; sobre; solo; stico; study; sus; syphilis; sífilis; tambié; tanto; tejido; ticos; tipo; todos; treponema; tuberculosis; tumors; té cnicas; una; uso; verse; viral; viruela; virus; visualizació; xix; ziehl cache: cord-021052-qydc404w.txt plain text: cord-021052-qydc404w.txt item: #133 of 974 id: cord-021402-wq770ik9 author: Relford, Roberta L. title: New Diagnostic Tools for Infectious Disease date: 2009-05-15 words: 3167 flesch: 32 summary: The main limitation of using antibody detection for diagnosis is that, in most diseases, the presence of antibody against an infectious agent cannot differentiate among patients with previous exposure having lingering antibodies, patients with current active infection, or patients with antibodies generated by previous vaccination. This severely limits the utility of FIV antibody detection in FIV-vaccinated cats. keywords: acid; addition; agent; agglutination; amplification; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; available; blot; cells; complement; culture; cytology; detection; diagnostic; disease; dna; elisa; enzyme; feline; fiv; identification; ifa; infectious; laboratories; laboratory; latex; methods; nucleic; numbers; organism; patient; pcr; present; proteins; reaction; region; results; sample; sequence; serum; specific; step; system; testing; tests; tissue; treatment; unique; use; virus cache: cord-021402-wq770ik9.txt plain text: cord-021402-wq770ik9.txt item: #134 of 974 id: cord-021596-5s8lksxp author: Colegrove, Kathleen M. title: Pinnipediae date: 2018-10-26 words: 10419 flesch: 34 summary: Hormone induced morphologic changes are noted in the reproductive tract during different periods of the reproductive cycle and have been reviewed in CSLs by Colegrove et al. (2009c) . Alterations in p53, the heparanase 2 (HPSE2) gene, endogenous hormones, and contaminants that interact with steroid hormone receptor have all been postulated as other potential factors involved in UGC (Browning et al., 2015; Colegrove et al., 2009b) . keywords: abortion; acid; acute; adult; affected; age; american; animals; antibodies; associated; bacterial; brucella; california; california sea; californianus; captive; captivity; carcinoma; cardiac; cases; cause; cells; central; characterization; chronic; clinical; coast; colegrove; common; concurrent; conditions; crc; csls; death; diagnosis; different; difficult; disease; domoic; edema; elephant; enteritis; epithelium; et al; evidence; exposure; factors; fatal; fig; findings; free; fungal; fur; fur seals; gastric; genus; gondii; granulomas; gray; gross; gulland; gulland et; harbor; harbor seals; hepatic; herpesvirus-1; high; hippocampus; host; hyperplasia; ihc; infected; infection; inflammation; influenza; interstitial; intestinal; keratitis; large; larvae; lens; leptospirosis; lesions; likely; lions; liver; loss; lungs; lungworms; lymph; mammals; marine; mass; measures; medicine; meningoencephalitis; mild; mortality; multifocal; multiple; mycobacterium; mycoplasma; necrosis; necrotizing; neoplasia; neuronal; new; nodes; northern; novel; numbers; otariids; outbreak; pacific; parasites; pathologic; pcr; pdv; phoca; phocids; phocine; pinnipeds; pneumonia; present; pulmonary; pups; ranging; rare; regions; rehabilitation; reported; respiratory; review; right; route; sarcocystis; sea lions; seals; secondary; serologic; severe; significant; signs; skin; small; south; southern; species; spp; states; systemic; table; terrestrial; thoracic; tissues; toxicosis; tract; transmission; trauma; ugc; ulceration; united; ventricle; viral; virus; viruses; vitulina; walrus; young; zalophus; zoonotic cache: cord-021596-5s8lksxp.txt plain text: cord-021596-5s8lksxp.txt item: #135 of 974 id: cord-021772-5v4gor2v author: Levine, Gwendolyn J. title: Cerebrospinal Fluid and Central Nervous System Cytology date: 2019-05-31 words: 12659 flesch: 41 summary: 10, 20 Approximately 80% to 95% of CSF protein is albumin, and 5% to 12% of CSF total protein comprises gammaglobulins. 20 Increased bilirubin leakage into the SAS or high concentrations of CSF protein (>100-150 mg/dL) may cause xanthrochromia. keywords: abnormal; acd; acute; agents; analysis; authors; bacterial; biopsy; blood; brain; canine; cases; cats; cell pleocytosis; cells; cellular; central; cerebrospinal; cerebrospinal fluid; change; choroid; cisternal; clinical; cns; collection; common; concentration; contamination; cord; correlation; count; cryptococcosis; csf; csf protein; csf samples; culture; cytological; cytology; data; detection; diagnosis; differential; disease; dogs; elevated; elevated protein; elevations; eosinophils; erythrocytes; evidence; extracellular; false; features; feline; fig; findings; fip; flow; fluid; greater; helpful; hemorrhage; high; higher; histopathology; igg; imaging; important; infection; inflammatory; interpretation; ivdh; large; lesions; like; likely; low; lumbar; lymphocytic; lymphocytic pleocytosis; magnetic; magnitude; marked; material; mean; meningitis; meningoencephalitis; mild; mixed; moderate; mononuclear; mri; myelin; needle; negative; neoplastic; nervous; neurological; neutrophilic; neutrophilic pleocytosis; normal; nucleated; organisms; outcome; patients; pcr; percentage; pleocytosis; plexus; population; positive; presence; present; prior; production; protein; protein concentration; rare; reference; report; resonance; responsive; results; samples; sampling; sensitivity; serum; signs; slide; small; space; specific; steroid; study; system; testing; time; tissue; titers; tncc; total; treatment; tube; tumors; variable; volume; young cache: cord-021772-5v4gor2v.txt plain text: cord-021772-5v4gor2v.txt item: #136 of 974 id: cord-022034-o27mh4wz author: OLANO, JUAN P. title: Distinguishing Tropical Infectious Diseases from Bioterrorism date: 2009-05-15 words: 10732 flesch: 36 summary: Shigella is a highly infectious organism that requires very low numbers (10 2 -10 3 organisms) to provoke clinical disease. They include presence of disease outbreaks of the same illness in noncontiguous areas, disease outbreaks with zoonotic impact, different attack rates in different environments (indoor versus outdoor), presence of large epidemics in small populations, increased number of unexplained deaths, unusually high severity of a disease for a particular pathogen, unusual clinical manifestations owing to route of transmission for a given pathogen, presence of a disease (vector-borne or not) in an area not endemic for that particular disease, multiple epidemics with different diseases in the same population, a case of a disease by an uncommon agent (smallpox, viral hemorrhagic fevers, inhalational anthrax), unusual strains of microorganisms when compared to conventional strains circulating in the same affected areas, and genetically homogenous organisms isolated from different locations. keywords: acute; aerosol; agents; amplification; analysis; animal; anthracis; anthrax; antibodies; assays; attack; available; bacillus; bacteria; biological; bioterrorism; blood; botulinum; brucella; cases; certain; chapter; clinical; common; confirmation; contamination; cough; cutaneous; days; death; demonstration; detection; development; diagnosis; different; disease; dna; early; environmental; epidemic; epidemiological; equine; event; exposure; fever; food; form; gene; group; health; hemorrhagic; high; hours; human; identification; illness; immunohistochemical; incubation; infected; infectious; ingestion; inhalational; initial; intentional; isolation; laboratories; laboratory; large; lesions; lethal; level; management; manifestations; medical; microbiology; molecular; mortality; natural; new; nonspecific; order; organisms; outbreak; parvum; pathogenesis; pathology; patients; pcr; pestis; phase; plague; pneumonic; populations; possible; potential; presence; presentation; procedures; protein; public; pulmonary; range; rapid; rates; real; recognition; related; respiratory; responsible; ricin; rickettsiae; salmonella; samples; secondary; sensitivity; serological; severe; shigella; short; single; skin; smallpox; specialized; specimens; spores; spp; standard; states; strains; surveillance; symptoms; syndromes; syndromic; system; systemic; techniques; testing; tests; time; toxin; transmission; treatment; tularensis; type; typhus; united; use; viral; virus; viruses; warfare; weapons; work; world; yersinia cache: cord-022034-o27mh4wz.txt plain text: cord-022034-o27mh4wz.txt item: #137 of 974 id: cord-022053-idft1p6d author: Pecora, Nicole title: New Technologies for the Diagnosis of Infection date: 2017-07-21 words: 11502 flesch: 32 summary: RVP fast multiplex assays for detection of respiratory viruses Phylogenetic structure of the prokaryotic domain: the primary kingdoms Then and now: use of 16S rDNA gene sequencing for bacterial identification and discovery of novel bacteria in clinical microbiology laboratories Report of the ad hoc committee for the re-evaluation of the species definition in bacteriology Interpretive Criteria for Identification of Bacteria and Fungi by DNA Target Sequencing; Approved Guideline Broad-range 16S rRNA gene polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of culturenegative bacterial infections Utility of 16S rDNA sequencing for identification of rare pathogenic bacteria Identification of bacteria in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded heart valve tissue via 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequencing 16S rRNA sequencing in routine bacterial identification: a 30-month experiment Improved diagnosis of mycobacterial infections in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded sections with nested polymerase chain reaction Rapid real-time PCR for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues: 16% of histological 'sarcoid' may contain such DNA Broad-range PCR and sequencing in routine diagnosis of infective endocarditis Duration of hypotension before initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy is the critical determinant of survival in human septic shock Emerging technologies for rapid identification of bloodstream pathogens ID learning unit-diagnostics update: current laboratory methods for rapid pathogen identification in patients with bloodstream infections Nonculture techniques for the detection of bacteremia and fungemia an automated nested multiplex PCR system for multi-pathogen detection: development and application to respiratory tract infection Multicenter evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal panel for etiologic diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis Comparative evaluation of two commercial multiplex panels for detection of gastrointestinal pathogens by use of clinical stool specimens Spectrum of enteropathogens detected by the FilmArray GI panel in a multicentre study of community-acquired gastroenteritis Multi-center clinical evaluation of a multiplex meningitis/encephalitis PCR panel for simultaneous detection of bacteria, yeasts and viruses in cerebrospinal fluid specimens General Meeting Enhancing pathogen identification in patients with meningitis and a negative Gram stain using the BioFire FilmArray((R)) Species identification of clinical isolates of Bacteroides by matrixassisted laser-desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry Performance of MALDI-TOF MS platforms for fungal identification MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry proteomic phenotyping of clinically relevant fungi Improved clinical laboratory identification of human pathogenic yeasts by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-offlight mass spectrometry Comparison of the accuracy of two conventional phenotypic methods and two MALDI-TOF MS systems with that of DNA sequencing analysis for correctly identifying clinically encountered yeasts Comparative evaluation of the Bruker Biotyper and Vitek MS matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry systems for identification of yeasts of medical importance Interlaboratory comparison of sample preparation methods, database expansions, and cutoff values for identification of yeasts by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry using a yeast test panel Clinical performance evaluation of the Sofia RSV FIA rapid antigen test for diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection Serological markers in early stages of human immunodeficiency virus infection in haemophiliacs Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry: a fundamental shift in the routine practice of clinical microbiology Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry in clinical microbiology MS for the diagnosis of infectious diseases A side by side comparison of Bruker Biotyper and VITEK MS: utility of screening methods and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionizationtime of flight mass spectrometry Direct identification of urinary tract pathogens from urine samples using the Vitek MS system based on matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry: pneumococcal meningitis verified and Brucella species identified in less than half an hour Direct application of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry to cerebrospinal fluid for rapid pathogen identification in a patient with bacterial meningitis Sample preparation for mass spectrometry analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue: proteomic analysis of formalin-fixed tissue Urinary pellet sample preparation for shotgun proteomic analysis of microbial infection and host-pathogen interactions PNA for rapid microbiology Peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization for rapid detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae from positive blood cultures Direct identification of major blood culture pathogens, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, by a panel of fluorescence in situ hybridization assays using peptide nucleic acid probes Rapid identification of Staphylococcus aureus directly from blood cultures by fluorescence in situ hybridization with peptide nucleic acid probes Rapid detection of Enterococcus spp. keywords: 16s; acid; amplification; analysis; anatomic; antibiotic; application; aspergillus; assays; available; bacterial; biotyper; blood; bloodstream; bordetella; broad; bruker; candida; cases; cell; clinical; coli; commercial; common; community; comparison; culture; curated; current; database; desorption; detection; development; diagnosis; direct; disease; dna; evaluation; example; fda; ffpe; filmarray; flight; flight mass; focused; formalin; fungal; fungi; generation; genes; gold; gram; group; health; high; human; hybridization; identification; infections; influenza; ionization; isolates; isothermal; laboratories; laboratory; lamp; large; laser; level; library; limited; low; luminex; major; maldi; mass; mass spectrometry; matrix; meningitis; methods; microbial; microbiology; microbiome; molecular; mrsa; multicenter; multiplex; mycobacteria; negative; new; ngs; nucleic; number; organisms; panel; paraffin; parasitic; pathogens; pathology; patients; pcr; performance; platforms; pneumoniae; polymerase; positive; primary; probe; quality; range; rapid; rdna; reaction; real; reference; regions; resistance; respiratory; result; routine; rrna; samples; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; shigella; single; species; specific; specimens; spectra; spectrometry; spp; standard; studies; study; system; targets; tat; techniques; technologies; technology; testing; tests; time; tissue; tof; toxin; traditional; tremendous; verigene; viral; viruses; vitek; xtag; yeasts cache: cord-022053-idft1p6d.txt plain text: cord-022053-idft1p6d.txt item: #138 of 974 id: cord-022084-hap7flng author: ARRUDA, EURICO title: Respiratory Tract Viral Infections date: 2009-05-15 words: 19198 flesch: 38 summary: Although a HMPV vaccine is not available at this time, the demonstration that hamsters, ferrets, and African green monkeys are susceptible to infection by HMPV, and that hamsters vaccinated with serotype A The epidemiology of acute respiratory tract infection in young children: Comparison of findings from several developing countries Report of a workshop on respiratory viral infections: Epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention Acute respiratory viral infections in ambulatory children of urban northeast Brazil Longitudinal studies of infectious diseases and physical growth of infants in Huascar, an underprivileged peri-urban community in At the edge of Development: Health Crises in a Transitional Society Epidemiology of acute respiratory infections in children of developing countries Pan American Health Organization: Acute respiratory infections in the Americas The magnitude of mortality from acute respiratory infections in children under 5 years in developing countries Acute lower respiratory tract infections in hospitalized patients with diarrhea in Dhaka Day-care center attendance and hospitalization for lower respiratory tract illness Viral respiratory infections in young children attending day care in urban Northeast Brazil Epidemiology and seasonality of respiratory tract virus infections in the tropics The cultural context of breastfeeding: Perspectives on the recent decline in breast-feeding in Northeast and Northcentral Brazil Reduced mortality among children in Southern India receiving a small weekly dose of vitamin A Search for a solution: Blending oral rehydration therapy (ORT) and popular medicine Pathogenesis of respiratory infections due to influenza virus: Implications for developing countries Respiratory viruses predisposing to bacterial infections: Role of neuraminidase Influenza: Emergence and control Orthomyxoviridae: The viruses and their replication Influenza virus Viral vaccines for the prevention of childhood pneumonia in developing nations: Priorities and prospects The effect of influenza on hospitalizations, outpatient visits, and courses of antibiotics in children Etiology of acute respiratory infections in children in tropical southern India A community-based study of acute respiratory tract infection in Thai children Etiology of acute lower respiratory tract infection in children from Alabang, Metro Manilla Outbreak of influenza type A (H1N1) in Iporanga Antigenic and genomic relation between human influenza viruses that circulated in Argentina in the period 1995-1999 and the corresponding vaccine components Regional perspectives on influenza surveillance in Africa H5N1 influenza: A protean pandemic threat Influenza type A and B infections in hospitalized pediatric patients Influenza viruses, cell enzymes, and pathogenicity Detection of influenza virus by centrifugal inoculation of MDCK cells and staining with monoclonal antibodies Rapid detection and simultaneous subtype differentiation of influenza A viruses by real time PCR Rapid and sensitive method using multiplex real-time PCR for diagnosis of infections by influenza A and influenza B viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3, and 4 Rational design of potent sialidase-based inhibitors of influenza virus replication Efficacy and safety of the neuraminidase inhibitor zanamivir in the treatment of influenzavirus infections Resistant influenza 31 Up to 50% of influenza virus infections in adults are subclinical. keywords: acid; activity; acute; acute respiratory; addition; adenoviral; adenoviruses; adults; age; agent; airway; amantadine; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigenic; antiviral; areas; ari; assays; associated; association; asthma; asymptomatic; available; avian; bacterial; brazil; bronchiolitis; care; cases; cause; cell; chest; children; chronic; clinical; colds; common; community; contact; control; conventional; coronavirus; cough; countries; cov; croup; cultures; days; detection; developed; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; different; disease; dose; early; efficacy; elderly; envelope; epidemiology; epithelium; etiology; experimental; family; fever; frequent; fusion; genome; glycoprotein; groups; hand; hcov; hcov-229e; health; high; higher; hmpv; hong; host; hpiv; hrsv; hrv; human; identification; illness; illnesses; immune; immunity; immunocompromised; important; inactivated; infants; infected; infections; influenza; influenza virus; inoculation; isolates; isolation; known; kong; limited; lines; live; lower; lower respiratory; lri; lung; media; metapneumovirus; mild; months; mortality; nasal; negative; neuraminidase; new; northeast; older; onset; otitis; outbreaks; parainfluenza; pathogenesis; patients; pcr; peak; period; persons; pneumonia; populations; positive; present; prevention; prolonged; prophylaxis; protection; protein; pulmonary; rapid; rates; real; receptor; regions; related; replication; respiratory; respiratory infections; respiratory syncytial; respiratory syndrome; respiratory tract; respiratory viruses; response; results; rhinovirus; ribavirin; risk; rna; role; rsv; rsv infections; samples; sars; season; seasonal; secretions; sensitive; sensitivity; serotypes; serum; severe; severity; shedding; similar; small; south; specific; specimens; spread; states; strains; strand; studies; study; subtypes; surface; symptoms; syncytial; syncytial virus; syndrome; temperate; therapy; time; tract; tract infections; transmission; treatment; tropical; types; united; upper; uri; vaccine; viral; viral infections; virus; viruses; vitro; weeks; wheezing; winter; years; young; young children; younger cache: cord-022084-hap7flng.txt plain text: cord-022084-hap7flng.txt item: #139 of 974 id: cord-022310-yc6xtw0s author: Lappin, Michael R. title: Microbiology and Infectious Disease date: 2011-12-15 words: 14122 flesch: 35 summary: In cats, the combination of serum antigen test results with serum antibody test results is more sensitive than performing either test alone (see Heartworm Antibody Titer, next). In addition, positive serum antibody tests do not document infection by R. rickettsii because infection with nonpathogenic spotted fever group agents induce cross-reacting antibodies. keywords: abnormalities; acute; agents; agid; anaerobic; analysis; anaplasma; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antimicrobial; appendix; appropriate; aqueous; areas; artifacts; aspiration; assay; available; bacterial; bartonella; bartonellosis; biopsy; blood; bone; burgdorferi; canine; canis; cases; cats; cause; chapter; chronic; clinical; common; coronaviruses; cross; csf; culture; cytologic; cytology; days; definitive; demonstration; detection; diagnosis; disease; distemper; dna; document; dogs; ehrlichia; ehrlichiosis; elisa; endemic; evaluation; evidence; examination; experimentally; exposure; false; fecal; feline; felv; fever; figure; fip; fiv; fluid; gondii; gram; greater; growth; healthy; heartworm; henselae; histopathologic; history; hours; humor; igg; igm; ill; illness; immitis; indications; infected; infection; infectious disease; interpretation; isolation; laboratories; laboratory; low; lymphadenomegaly; medium; months; mycoplasma; nasal; negative; occasional; organism; pcr; pcr assay; phagocytophilum; positive; positive results; presence; primary; prostatic; pulmonary; radiographic; rare; recent; results; samples; select; sensitive; serologic; seropositive; serum; signs; skin; slide; small; specific; specimens; spp; states; study; system; techniques; test; test results; testing; therapy; time; tissues; titers; toxoplasmosis; transport; treatment; urine; use; uveitis; viral; virus; weeks cache: cord-022310-yc6xtw0s.txt plain text: cord-022310-yc6xtw0s.txt item: #140 of 974 id: cord-022501-9wnmdvg5 author: None title: P1460 – P1884 date: 2015-12-28 words: 128422 flesch: 46 summary: In the first half-year of 2005 family doctors most often prescribed penicyllins -(44.8%), makrolids -(27.1%), cephalosporins -(12.5%), tetracyclins -(9.4%) and lincozamidsbased (3.1%) treatments Specialist doctors, on the other hand, prescribed penicllins (41.7%), makrolids (17.9%), cephalosporins (17.7%), tetracyclins (12.1%), lincozamids (5.2%) and chinolons (3%). State-wide antibiotic consumption in the AC setting during the same time was 12 DID (~85% of total consumption). keywords: 16s; 1st; 23s; abdominal; abscess; absence; abstracts; account; accuracy; acid; acinetobacter; acquisition; active; activities; activity; acute; additional; adequate; administered; administration; admission; adults; adverse; aeruginosa; aes; agalactiae; agar; age; aged; agents; agglutination; agr; aim; akacid; albicans; alkaline; alternative; ambd; ambulatory; amc; america; amikacin; aminoglycosides; amoxicillin; ampc; amplicons; amplification; amplified; anaerobic; analyse; analysis; animal; antibacterial; antibiotic; antibiotic resistance; antibiotic susceptibility; antibiotic therapy; antibiotic treatment; antibiotic use; antibodies; antigen; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; antimicrobial resistance; aortic; approach; appropriate; appropriateness; april; architect; area; assay; associated; association; atcc; atypical; auc; audit; aureus; aureus isolates; aureus strains; available; average; azithromycin; aztreonam; b19; bacilli; background; bacteremia; bacterial; bacterial strains; bactericidal; bacteriuria; bacteroides; baseline; basis; baumannii; beds; belgium; beta; better; bid; binding; biochemical; bla; blind; blood; blood culture; blood samples; body; bone; bottles; brain; breakpoint; broad; broth; brucella; brucellosis; bus; calculated; campylobacter; cap; carbapenems; care; carriage; cases; causative; cause; caz; cdad; cefepime; cefoperazone; cefotaxime; ceftazidime; ceftobiprole; ceftriaxone; cefuroxime; cell; cellulitis; center; central; centres; cephalosporins; cerebrospinal; certain; cervical; cfu; cfx; chain; changes; characteristics; characterized; children; chloramphenicol; choice; chronic; ciai; ciprofloxacin; cis; clarithromycin; class; classes; clavulanic; clearance; clindamycin; clinical; clinical data; clinical isolates; clinical samples; clinical strains; clinical study; clonal; clone; clostridium; clsi; cmax; cmv; cns; coagulase; cocci; coli; coli isolates; coli strains; colistin; collection; colonies; colony; combination; combined; common; community; comparable; comparative; comparators; comparison; compartment; complete; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; compounds; concentrations; concern; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consecutive; consistent; constant; consultations; consumption; contact; contaminated; contamination; continuous; contrast; control; conventional; correlation; corresponding; cost; cotrimoxazole; countries; country; counts; course; cov; cpe; cpm; crcl; creatinine; criteria; cross; crp; cryptosporidiosis; csf; csssi; ctx; cuffs; culture; culture results; cure; current; curves; daily; dalfopristin; dap; daptomycin; data; database; days; ddd; december; decrease; delivery; dengue; department; dependent; design; detection; determinants; determination; determined; developed; development; diabetic; diabetic patients; diagnosis; diarrhoea; differences; different; difficile; difficile strains; difficult; diffusion; dilution; direct; discussion; disease; disk; distinct; distribution; dna; doctors; dosage; dose; dosing; double; drug; duration; e. coli; e.g.; early; economic; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efflux; eia; elderly; electrophoresis; elevated; elisa; emergence; empiric; encoding; endemic; endocarditis; enterobacteriaceae; enterococcus; enterotoxin; enterovirus; enveloped; environmental; enzyme; eor; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; episodes; eradication; erm(b; ermb; errors; ertapenem; erythromycin; esbl; escherichia; established; estimate; etest; european; evaluable; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; excellent; expected; experience; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; extended; extent; extraction; factors; faecalis; faecium; faecium isolates; failure; family; farcinica; faropenem; fdg; features; febrile; female; fever; field; findings; flora; fluid; fluoroquinolones; fold; following; food; forms; fqs; fragilis; fragment; france; free; french; frequencies; frequency; frequent; function; fusb; garenoxacin; gastroenteritis; gbs; gel; gene; general; genetic; genome; genotype; gentamicin; geographic; germany; glycopeptides; good; gram; greater; greece; grn; group; growth; guidelines; haemophilus; half; hand; harbouring; hcw; health; healthcare; heart; hepatitis; high; higher; highest; hippurate; history; hiv; hmpv; hominis; hospital; hospitalized; hours; hplc; human; hybridization; icu; icu patients; icus; identical; identification; igg; igm; iii; illness; imipenem; immunoassay; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; incubation; index; india; individual; infants; infected; infections; infective; influence; influenza; information; infusion; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; injuries; inoculum; intensive; internal; international; intestinal; intraabdominal; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; isolated strains; isolates; isolation; italy; january; jejuni; june; kill; killing; kinetics; kit; klebsiella; knowledge; known; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactamase; lactams; large; lead; legionella; length; level; levofloxacin; life; light; like; likely; limited; limits; linezolid; listeria; liver; local; log10; london; long; longer; low; lower; lzd; macrolide; macrolide resistance; main; major; majority; male; management; marrow; mastitis; material; mcg; mdrsp; mean; measures; mechanisms; median; medical; medications; medium; mef; mefa; mem; members; meningitis; meropenem; methicillin; methodology; methods; metronidazole; mfx; mic; mic90; microbiological; microbiology; microdilution; microorganisms; microscopy; mics; middle; mild; milk; minimal; minor; minutes; mitis; mitt; mixed; mlsb; model; moderate; modified; molecular; monitoring; monocytogenes; months; morbidity; mortality; moxifloxacin; mrsa; mrsa isolates; mrsa strains; mssa; multidrug; multiple; multiresistant; mumps; mupirocin; mutants; mutated; mutations; mxf; n =; nasal; nasopharyngeal; national; nausea; nccls; necessary; need; negative; negative strains; netherlands; neurological; new; nml; nocardia; non; normal; north; nosocomial; novel; nucleotide; number; o157; objectives; observed; occupational; occurrence; october; old; online; onset; oral; order; organisms; origin; outbreak; outcome; outpatient; overall; pae; paediatric; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parameters; partial; particular; parvovirus; pathogens; patients; patterns; pcr; pcr assay; pcr method; pcr results; penetration; penicillin; percentage; performance; perfringens; period; periodontal; peritonitis; persons; pet; pfge; pharmacodynamic; pharmacokinetic; phase; phenotype; phylogenetic; physician; piperacillin; plasma; plasmid; plates; plus; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; pneumoniae isolates; point; polymerase; pooled; poor; population; position; positive; positive blood; positive isolates; positive results; positive samples; positive strains; positivity; possible; post; postantibiotic; potency; potential; practice; predictive; predominant; pregnancy; pregnant; prescribed; prescribing; prescription; presence; present; present study; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primers; prior; probe; problem; procedure; process; producing; products; profile; program; prolonged; properties; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; prosthetic; protein; protocol; prp; pseudomonas; pta; pts; public; pulmonary; pulsed; purpose; pvl; pyelonephritis; pylori; pyogenes; pyrosequencing; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rates; rdna; reaction; reactive; real; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; records; reduced; reduction; reference; regimens; region; regression; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliable; rep8839; reported; reports; required; research; resistance; resistance genes; resistant e.; resistant isolates; resistant s.; resistant staphylococcus; resistant strains; respiratory; response; responsible; restriction; resulted; results; retrospective; ribotype; rifampicin; risk; role; room; rotavirus; route; routine; rrna; rsv; s. aureus; safety; saline; saliva; salmonella; samples; sars; score; screening; second; secondary; selected; selection; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; sera; series; serogroup; serotypes; serum; setting; severe; severity; sex; sheep; shiga; short; shv; significant; signs; similar; similarity; simulations; single; sites; situation; size; skin; slightly; small; soft; solution; source; southern; specialists; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spontaneous; spp; spread; sputum; staff; standard; staphylococcus; staphylococcus aureus; state; statistical; status; stay; stec; step; sterile; stool; strains; streptococcus; streptogramin; strong; structure; studies; study; study group; study period; stx2; subclinical; subgroup; subjects; success; suggested; suggests; sulbactam; sulfamethoxazole; superior; support; surface; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survey; survival; susceptibility; susceptible; susceptible strains; swabs; sweden; sxt; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; table; taqman; target; tazobactam; teaching; technique; tehran; teicoplanin; telavancin; telithromycin; temperature; terms; tertiary; tested; testing; tests; tet(w; teta; tetracycline; tetracycline resistance; tgc; therapeutic; therapy; throat; tid; tigecycline; time; time pcr; tinea; tissue; titre; tlv; total; toxigenic; toxin; tract; training; transfer; transmission; transplant; treating; treatment; trends; trials; tube; tularemia; turkey; type; typing; unbound; underlying; unique; united; units; university; unknown; urinary; urine; usage; use; useful; users; utilization; vaccination; values; valve; vana; vanb; vancomycin; variability; variable; variants; variation; varied; variety; versus; viable; viral; viridans; virulence; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; volume; vomiting; vor; vre; wards; water; weeks; western; women; work; workers; worldwide; xf-73; years; yersinia; young cache: cord-022501-9wnmdvg5.txt plain text: cord-022501-9wnmdvg5.txt item: #141 of 974 id: cord-022888-dnsdg04n author: None title: Poster Sessions date: 2009-08-19 words: 189173 flesch: 41 summary: Our aim is to describe how B cell lymphoma cells respond to TGF-b compared to normal peripheral B cells, to create an overview of the different signaling pathways involved, and to characterize the mechanisms behind the loss of sensitivity to TGF-b. Methods: Proliferation assays were performed on 11 different B-cell lymphoma cell lines and normal peripheral B cells to screen for TGF-b-induced effects. Using a CD3 and CD28 activation model system -TLR4 presence on CD4+ cells is found in mouse T cells, human T cells and Jurkat cell lines. keywords: + +; + /+; + cells; 1,2; a*0201; a549 cells; ab t; ability; able; absence; absent; accessibility; accumulation; acid; actin; activated; active; activities; activity; acute; ad5; adaptive; adaptive immune; adaptor; addition; adenoviral; adhesion; adipocytes; adjuvant; administration; adp; adult; affect; affected; affinity; afp; agents; aggrecan; agonist; aim; aims; airway; akt; allele; allergens; allergic; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; amino; amounts; analyse; analysis; anergy; animals; antagonist; antibodies; antibody; antibody response; antigen; antigen expression; antigen presentation; antigen receptor; antigen specific; antigenic; antiviral; apc; apcs; apoptosis; apoptotic cells; approach; appropriate; area; arthritis; asc; aspects; assay; associated; association; asthma; atherosclerosis; atp; attenuated; aureus; autoantibodies; autoantibody; autoimmune; autoimmunity; autologous; autophagy; autoreactive; available; avidity; b cells; b lymphocytes; b t; b-1 cells; b27; background; bacterial; baff; balb; basal; baseline; basis; basophils; bcg; bcl-2; bcr; berlin; beta; better; binding; biochemical; biological; biology; biopsies; blocking; blood; blood cells; blot; blotting; bone; boost; bowel; brain; breast; broad; burst; c mice; c57bl/6; caga; calcineurin; calcium; cancer cells; candidate; capable; capacity; carabin; carkl; cascade; cases; caspase; caspase-1; catalytic; cause; cbl; cd11b; cd14; cd152; cd16; cd19; cd1a; cd1d; cd25; cd28; cd3; cd36; cd4; cd40; cd45; cd5; cd56; cd69; cd8 +; cd8 cells; cd8 t; cd80; cd86; cd8a; cell activation; cell activity; cell antigen; cell biology; cell compartment; cell contact; cell culture; cell cycle; cell cytokine; cell cytotoxicity; cell death; cell degranulation; cell depletion; cell development; cell differentiation; cell epitopes; cell expansion; cell function; cell growth; cell help; cell homeostasis; cell hybridomas; cell immunity; cell influx; cell interaction; cell level; cell lines; cell lymphoma; cell lysates; cell maturation; cell membrane; cell number; cell phenotype; cell population; cell priming; cell production; cell proliferation; cell receptor; cell recognition; cell recruitment; cell repertoire; cell responses; cell signaling; cell sorting; cell stimulation; cell subsets; cell supernatant; cell surface; cell survival; cell tolerance; cell transfer; cell transplantation; cell types; cells cells; cells co; cells incubation; cells present; cells specific; cellular immune; center; central; certain; cfse; cgd; chain; challenge; changes; channels; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemokines; chemotaxis; children; chimeric; chip; chitosan; cholesterol; chop10; chromatin; chromosome; chronic; cht; class; classical; clearance; cleavage; clinical; clones; close; cmv; cns; coated; cohort; colitis; collagen; colon; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complex; complexes; components; composition; compounds; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confocal; conjugate; consequences; conserved; consistent; constitutively; contact; context; contrary; contrast; contribute; contribution; control; control cells; control mice; controlling; conventional t; cord; coro1a; coronin-1; correlated; correlation; corresponding; course; cpg; criteria; critical; crohn; cross; crosstalk; crp; crt; crtam; crucial; csf; csk; ct26; ctl; ctla-4; ctls; cultured; current; cutaneous; cytokine; cytokine expression; cytokine levels; cytokine production; cytokine response; cytometry; cytoplasmic; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; cytotoxic t; damage; dasatinib; data; day; days; dcs; decreased; defective; defects; defense; deficiency; deficient cells; deficient mice; degradation; degree; delivery; delta t; dendritic cells; density; department; dependent; dependent cell; depleted; depletion; design; detail; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developmental; diabetes; diagnosis; differences; different; different cell; differential; differentiated; diminished; direct; disease; disorders; display; distinct; distribution; diverse; division; dna; domain; dominant; donors; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; draining; drb1; drugs; dsrna; dss; dynamics; early; early t; ebpb; ebv; effective; effector cells; effector t; effects; efficacy; efficient; efhd2; elements; elevated; elimination; elisa; elispot; embryonic; encoding; endosomal; endothelial; engagement; enhanced; enhancement; enhancing; enrichment; enzyme; eosinophils; epidermal; epidermis; epithelial cells; epithelium; eraap; erap1; erk1/2; erp57; erythematosus; escape; essential; ev71; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; example; exhibit; exogenous; exon; exosomes; expansion; experiments; exposed; exposure; expressed; expression; expression levels; expression system; extended; extent; extract; facs; factor; factor t; failure; family; far; fasl; fcgriib; features; feeding; female; ferritin; fetal; fibroblasts; fibrosis; findings; flow; fluorescence; foam cells; fold; following; formation; foxp3; fraction; fragment; free; frequencies; frequency; frequent; function; fusion; future; fviii; g t; galcer; gamma; gammadelta t; gastrointestinal; gcs; gd cells; gd t; gdcd8; gel; gene; gene expression; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; germany; gfp; glioma cells; glycoprotein; glycosylation; goal; good; gp120; grade; gram; grant; granules; granulocytes; granzyme; grb; greater; group; growth; gut; h5n1; ha-1; haart; hadv; half; hand; hcv; hdl; hdm; healing; healthy; heat; heavy; hek cells; helper cells; hematopoietic cells; heme; hepatitis; hi cells; high; high expression; high levels; high t; higher; highest; histamine; histological; history; hiv; hiv-1; hla; hla class; hmb; hmgb1; hospital; host; host immune; hours; hrs cells; hscs; hsp70; human b; human cd4; human cells; human peripheral; human t; humans; humoral; hybridomas; hypothesis; ibd; icam-1; icos; identification; iel; ifn; ifnar; ifnb; ifng; igg; igg1; igm; igsf4; ii t; il-10; il-12p40; il-1b expression; il-1ra; il-2; il-33; il-4; il-5; il-6; il-7; il-8; imaging; immature; immune activation; immune cells; immune regulation; immune response; immune system; immunity; immunization; immunized; immunocompetent cells; immunodeficiency; immunodominant; immunofluorescence; immunogenicity; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunomodulatory; immunoprecipitation; immunoproteasomes; immunosuppression; immunotherapy; impact; impaired; implications; important; important role; improved; inactivation; inactive; incidence; incorporation; increased; increasing; incubation; individuals; induced; induced cell; inducible; induction; infants; infected cells; infected mice; infection; infiltrates; infiltration; inflamed; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; inflammatory cytokines; inflammatory immune; inflammatory response; influence; influenza; influx; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibits; initial; initiation; injury; inkt; inkt cell; inkt17 cells; innate; innate immune; innate t; insights; institute; intact; intensity; interaction; interest; interesting; interference; interferon; interleukin; intermediate; internalization; intestinal; intracellular; intraepithelial; intranasal; introduction; invariant; investigation; involved; involvement; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isotype; italy; jab1; jam; jnk; jurkat cells; jurkat t; kda; keratinocytes; key; killer cells; killer t; killing; kinase; kinetics; kit; knock; knockdown; knockout; knowledge; ko mice; kupffer cells; laboratory; lack; lamina; langerhans cells; large; latent; later; lck; lcmv; leishmania; length; leprae; lesions; lethal; leukemia; leukemic cells; leukemic t; leukocytes; levels; ligand; ligation; light; like; likely; limited; lineage cells; lineages; link; lipid; listeria; little; liver; lmp2; lmp7; lnk; loaded; loading; local; localization; locus; long; loss; low cells; lower; lp(a; lpr; lps; lsec; lung; lupus; lymphoid cells; lymphoma; mab; mabs; macrophage cell; macrophages; mainly; maintenance; major; majority; malaria; male; malignant cells; manipulation; manner; mapk; marked; markers; marrow cells; mass; mast cells; matrix; maturation; mature; mature b; mature cells; mcl-1; mcmv; mcs; mdp; mdsc; mean; measles; measure; measurement; mechanisms; mediated; mediators; medical; medicine; medium; medullary; melanoma cells; members; membrane; memory b; memory cells; memory t; methods; mhc; mhc class; mhcii; mice; microarray; microbial; microcapsules; microenvironment; microglia; microscopy; migration; milk; minimal; minor; minutes; mirnas; mitochondrial; mixed; model; moderate; modified; modulation; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; monocytes; monocytic cells; monocytogenes; mononuclear cells; months; mortality; mothers; mouse; mouse t; mrna; mucosal; multiple; murine; murine t; mutant; mutations; mva; mycn; mycobacteria; myd88; myeloid cells; naive; naive t; nanoparticles; national; natural; naï; nck; ncs; necessary; necrosis; necrotic cells; need; nef; nef138; negative; neonatal; neopterin; nets; network; neuroblastoma cells; neuronal cells; neutralization; neutralizing; neutrophils; new; newborn; nfat; nfatc1; nfkb; nfxb; nitric; nk cell; nk t; nkg2d; nkt cells; nod mice; node t; nodes; normal; normal t; novel; ns3; nucleotide; null t; number; numerous; objectives; observation; observed; onset; opn; optimal; optimal t; order; organ; organization; origin; outcome; ova; ovalbumin; overall; overexpression; oxidative; oxide; p110; p14 t; p1c; p24; p38; p53; panel; parameters; parasite; parasitic; partial; participate; particles; particular; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pbmc; pcr; pd-1; pdc; peak; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peripheral blood; peritoneal; peritoneal cells; persistent; pge; pgp; phagocytes; phagocytosis; phase; phenomenon; phenotype; phosphatase; phosphorylation; physiological; pi3k; pivotal; pkc; place; placebo; plasma cells; play; plc; plus; pma; pneumoniae; point; polarization; polarized; pollen; poly(i; polyclonal; polymorphisms; pool; populations; position; positive cells; positive t; possibility; possible; post; potential; pparg; precursor; preliminary; prepared; presence; present study; presentation; presenting; pretreatment; prevents; previous; primary; primary cells; primary t; primed; priming; prior; process; processes; processing; producers; producing; production; products; profile; profound; progenitor cells; progenitors; program; progression; project; proliferative; prominent; promising; promoter; prone; properties; proportion; proteasome; protective; protein; protein expression; protein levels; protein production; proteolytic; protocol; provide; psoriasis; pta; ptx3; pulmonary; pulsed; purified; purpose; putative; pylori; quality; quantitative; quantity; question; rac1; range; rapid; rats; rbl-2h3 cells; reaction; reactive; real; rearrangements; recent; receptor expression; receptors; recipients; recognition; recombinant; recruitment; reduced; reg cells; region; regulated; regulation; regulators; regulatory cells; regulatory role; regulatory t; related; relationship; relative; release; relevance; relevant; remains; remission; repertoire; replication; reported; required; research; resident; resident cells; residues; resistance; respect; respiratory; responder; responsible; responsiveness; resting; restricted; results; reticulum; reverse; rhdv; rich; rise; risk; rma cells; rnai; robust; role; roquin; route; rsv; s1p; salivary; samples; samsn1; sarcoidosis; scanning; school; sciences; sclerosis; seasonal; second; secondary; secrete; secretion; secretory; selected; selection; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separated; sepsis; sequence; sera; serum; severe; severity; sh3; shock; short; shrna; signaling; signals; significantly; similar; simultaneous; single cell; site; size; skin; slc; sle; sle patients; sly2; small; smurf2; snps; socs1; soluble; sortilin; sorting; source; spain; species; specific activation; specific antibodies; specific b; specific cd8; specific expression; specific immune; specific responses; specific role; specific t; spectrometry; spleen cells; splenic; splenocytes; splicing; spontaneous; src; ssc; stability; stable; stages; staining; standard; stat6; statistical; status; steady; stem cells; step; stimulated; stimulated cells; stimulation; stimulatory; stimuli; stimulus; strain; strategies; strategy; strength; stress; stromal cells; strong; structural; student t; studies; study; studying; subcellular; subcutaneous; subjects; subpopulations; subsequent; substantial; substrate; subtypes; subunit; successful; suffering; summary; supernatants; support; suppression; surface expression; surgery; surveillance; survival; survivin; susceptibility; susceptible; sustained; swap-70; swiprosin-1; switch; syk; symptoms; synapse; syndrome; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; t activation; t cells; t em; t h; t helper; t lineage; t lines; t lymphocytes; t reg; t test; tap1; tap2; tapasin; target cells; targeted; targeting; targets; tcr; tcrab; tcrgd; technique; technology; tecs; teff cells; terminal; terminus; terms; tested; tests; tgf; tgfb1; th1 cells; th17; th2; th2 cell; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thymic; thymic cells; thymocytes; thymus; time; tissue; titers; tlr; tlr2; tlr3; tlr4; tlr7; tlr9; tlrs; tnc.1 cells; tnf; tnfa; tolerance; tolerogenic; toll; tool; total; trail; transcription; transcripts; transduction; transfer; transgenic; transgenic mice; transient; translocation; transmembrane; transport; treatment; tregs; trials; triggering; triggers; tuberculosis; tumor cells; tumors; tumour; turnover; type; type b; type mice; typical; tyrosine; u937 cells; ubiquitin; ulcerative; unclear; unconventional t; underlying; understanding; understood; uninfected; unique; united; university; unknown; untreated; upa; uptake; us3; useful; uty; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vaccinia; vacv; values; variable; variants; variety; vascular; vector; vegf; venous cells; versus; vesicles; vg9vd2 t; vgamma9vdelta2 t; viral; virulent; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; vivo t; vlps; volunteers; weeks; wehi231 cells; weight; western; whitney; wide; wild; wildtype; wnt; work; years; zfp36l1 cache: cord-022888-dnsdg04n.txt plain text: cord-022888-dnsdg04n.txt item: #142 of 974 id: cord-022889-lv6fy6e6 author: Dávalos, Alberto title: Literature review of baseline information on non‐coding RNA (ncRNA) to support the risk assessment of ncRNA‐based genetically modified plants for food and feed date: 2019-08-07 words: 96106 flesch: 44 summary: In a later observational study, Lukasik et al. evaluated plant miRNAs miR-166a, miR-156a, miR-157a, miR-172a and miR-168a and reported the presence of plant miRNAs in human (n=6) breast milk, both in whole milk and exosomes . This HEN1-dependent 2'-Omethylation on the 3' terminal ribose is a Mg2+ dependent methylation mechanism that will ultimately stabilize miRNAs (Abe et al., 2010; Molnar et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2005; Yang et al., 2006) .The keywords: -are; absence; absorption; abundance; abundant; accumulation; acids; acting; action; activation; active; activity; acute; addition; administration; adverse; ago; ago1; ago2; alsaweed et; alternative; amounts; amplification; analysis; animal mirnas; animals; annex; antisense; antiviral; aouadi et; approaches; appropriate; aptamers; arabidopsis; area; ariel et; aso; aspects; assays; assessment; associated; association; authors; available; average; barriers; baseline; basis; beatty et; binding; bioavailability; biogenesis; biological; biological effects; blood; bodies; body; bovine; braasch et; brain; breast; cabbage; cancer; case; cells; cellular; certain; changes; chekanova; chemical; chen; chin et; cholesterol; chow; chromatin; circrnas; circular; circulation; circulatory; class; clathrin; clearance; cleavage; clinical; coding; colitis; colon; common; compartment; complementary; complex; complexes; components; composition; concentration; conclusions; conditions; conserved; consumption; contamination; context; contract; control; copies; copy; corn; counterparts; counts; cow; cross; cytoplasm; daily; data; databases; datasets; day; days; dcl1; dcl4; decoction; defence; degradation; delivery; dendritic; dependent; detailed; details; detectable; detection; development; dicer; dietary; dietary exogenous; dietary mirnas; dietary plant; dietary rna; diets; differences; different; diffusion; digestion; direct; disease; distinct; distribution; dna; document search; documents; dose; double; drug; dsrna; dtdt; duplex; duplexes; e.g.; early; effective; effects; efsa; efsa task; elimination; endocytosis; endosomal; endosomes; endothelial; ends; entry; enuka et; environment; enzymes; epigenetic; epithelial; escape; essential; et al; european food; evaluated; evaluation; evidence; example; existence; exogenous; exogenous ncrnas; exogenous plant; exosomes; experimental; exposure; expression; extensive; extracellular; factor; family; fate; features; fed; feeding; field; figure; final; findings; fish; fluids; fmol; focus; foetal; foetus; fold; following; food plant; food safety; foods; foreign; forms; formulated; formulation; forsbach et; free; fresh; fruit; function; ganesh et; gaps; gastric; gastrointestinal; gavage; gene; general; generated; generation; genome; glands; gonzalez et; group; growth; guide; gut; hairpin; half; healthy; hen1; high; higher; highest; homeostasis; honeysuckle; host; huang et; human; human mirnas; human plasma; hyl1; identification; iii; immune; immunity; impact; important; increase; induced; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; ingested; ingestion; initial; injection; innate; instance; intake; intended; interaction; interference; interferon; intestinal; involved; isolated; issues; j et; jeong et; judge et; juliano et; key; kidney; kingdom; klein et; kleinman et; knowledge; koch et; kriegel et; lack; lamina; large; layer; ldlrap1; lee et; length; levels; liang et; lieskovan et; life; ligand; like; likely; limited; linear; lipid; literature; liu et; lncrna; loaded; loading; local; long; loop; lower; lung; macrophages; main; maize; major; male; mammalian; mammalian cells; mammalian mirnas; mammals; maternal; mature; mechanism; members; membrane; metabolism; methodology; methods; methylation; mhc; mi et; mice; microbiota; micrornas; microvesicles; milk; milk mirnas; mimic; mir-156a; mir-159; mir-168a; mir-21; mir-2911; mir168a; mir2911; mirnas levels; mirnas present; model; modifications; modified; molecular; molecules; molnar et; mouse; movement; mrna; mucus; multiple; naeye et; naked; naked sirna; nanoparticles; natural; ncrnas; need; negative; new; non; noncoding; normal; novel; nuclear; nucleases; nucleic; nucleus; number; o'neill; observed; occurring; oligonucleotides; oliveira et; oral; oral administration; organism; organs; origin; output; overall; oxidation; pairing; parameters; passage; pathogens; pathological; pathway; patients; pcr; periodate; permeability; pharmacokinetics; phase; philip et; phosphate; phosphorothioate; physiological; placenta; plant mirnas; plant ncrna; plant rna; plant small; plants; plasma; play; pmol; pollen; polymerase; population; position; possibility; possible; post; potential; prejudice; preparatory; presence; present document; principle; procedure; processes; processing; production; products; profile; properties; proteins; publication; putative; qrt; quantitative; questions; rajagopalan et; range; rapid; rats; reads; recent; receptor; recipient; recognition; reduced; regions; regulation; regulatory; related; relevance; relevant; ren et; renal; reports; research; resistance; response; results; retrieved; review; ribose; rice; rich; rights; risc; risk; rna degradation; rna delivery; rna interference; rna molecules; rna present; rna therapeutics; rnai; rnase; rogers; role; rossi; route; rrna; safety authority; samples; scientific; scope; search; secondary; section; selection; sequence; sequencing; sera; serum; short; signalling; significant; silencing; similar; simulated; single; sirna; sites; size; small; small ncrnas; small rna; source; specialized; species; specific; specific mirnas; specificity; spleen; splicing; srnas; stability; stable; stage; step; stomach; strand; stress; structure; studies; study; subject; sufficient; sukumar et; sun et; supplementation; support; surface; synthetic; system; systemic; target; targeted; targeting; task; team; tender; tender procedure; terms; tgh; thaliana; therapeutics; therapy; thompson et; time; tissue; title; tlr3; tlr7; tlrs; tnfα; toll; topic; total; total rna; toxicity; trafficking; transcription; transcripts; transfer; transgenic; translation; transparency; transparency principle; transport; treatment; trials; trigger; tumour; turnover; types; unclear; understanding; unknown; uptake; urine; vegetables; vegetarians; version; vesicles; view; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; water; weeks; weiberg et; weight; wide; words;; xenomirs; xie et; yang et; yeast; yu et; zhang et; zhou; zuckerman et cache: cord-022889-lv6fy6e6.txt plain text: cord-022889-lv6fy6e6.txt item: #143 of 974 id: cord-022940-atbjwpo5 author: None title: Poster Sessions date: 2016-09-07 words: 241687 flesch: 44 summary: Among used cancer cell lines, ERICD was highly expressed and ARID3A had lower expression in U-2OS (osteosarcoma), A-172 (glioblastoma) and A549 (lung cancer). Clear cell renal cell cancer (ccRCC) with metastases has pour prognosis: 5-year survival is about 9%. keywords: 1,2; 1st; 3rd; 800; a549 cells; able; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absorbance; absorption; abundant; academic; academy; account; accumulation; accurate; acetate; acetyl; acetylation; acetylcholinesterase; ache; acid; acid levels; acidic; aclp; acne; actin; activation; active; activities; activity; activity levels; activity results; acute; adamts; adaptation; addition; adenocarcinoma; adenocarcinoma cells; adenosine; adhesion; adiponectin; adiponectin levels; adipose; administration; adrenal; adrs; adult; advanced; advantages; adverse; aebp1; affected; affinity; afprbd; agar; agarose; aged; agents; aggregation; aging; agnps; agonist; agricultural; aim; aims; akt; alanine; albino; albumin; alcohol; allele; almaty; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alzheimer; amh; amino; amino acid; aml; ammonia; amniotic; amounts; amplification; amylase; amylin; amyloid; anakkale; analysis; analysis results; analytical; analyze; angiogenesis; anhydrase; animals; ankara; annexin; anova; antalya; anti; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticancer; antigen; antiinflammatory; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; antimutagenic; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; antioxidant effects; antiproliferative; antitumor; antiviral; aom; aorta; aox; apap; apelin; apigenin; apnea; apoptosis; apoptotic; apoptotic cell; apoptotic effects; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; aptamer; aqueous; arabidopsis; area; arid3a; array; arrest; artery; artificial; arylesterase; as1; ask1; aspects; assay; assay results; assembly; assessment; associated; association; astaxanthin; asthma; astrocytes; atcc; atherosclerosis; atp; atpase; atrial; attention; attenuated; attractive; aureus; autoimmune; autophagy; available; average; azc; b cells; b12; bacillus; background; bacteria; bacterial cells; bacteriophage; bacterium; balance; balikesir; band; barley; barrier; basal; base; basis; bax; bbr; bche; bcl2; bcr; bdnf; bdnf levels; beckman; beginning; behavior; beneficial; best; beta; beta cells; betaine; better; bilayer; bile; binding; bioactive; biochemical; biochemistry; biocompatibility; biocompatible; bioedit; biofilm; biogenesis; bioinformatics; biological; biological activity; biology; biomarkers; biomedical; biopsy; biosensor; biosynthesis; biotechnology; bipolar; blockers; blocking; blood; blood cells; blood levels; blood samples; blood serum; blot; blotting; blue; bmd; bmi; body; bonds; bone; boric; brain; breaks; breast cancer; breeds; broad; brushes; btb; buffer; c ß; c6 cells; cacybp; cad; cadherin; calcium; calculated; calpain; camp; cancer activity; cancer cells; cancer development; cancer dna; cancer gene; cancer group; cancer patients; cancer stem; cancer therapy; cancer treatment; cancer types; cancers; candidate; capable; capacity; cape; carbohydrate; carbon; carbonic; carcinogenic; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; carriers; casein; cases; caspase-3; catalase; catalytic; catalyzes; cause; causing; cchf; ccl5; cd133; cd31; cd44; cdna; cell activation; cell adhesion; cell analysis; cell carcinoma; cell culture; cell cycle; cell damage; cell death; cell differentiation; cell dna; cell growth; cell invasion; cell lines; cell lung; cell markers; cell membrane; cell migration; cell number; cell population; cell proliferation; cell surface; cell survival; cell therapy; cell types; cell viability; cells results; cellular; center; central; centre; centrifugation; cerevisiae; certain; cerulein; cgmp; chain; changes; channel; characteristics; characterization; characterized; cheese; chemicals; chemotherapeutic; chemotherapy; children; chinese; chip; chiral; chloroform; chlorpyrifos; cholesterol; chromatin; chromatography; chromosome; chronic; cimt; circular; circumference; cis; cisplatin; class; classical; classified; cleavage; cleaved; clinical; cll; clones; close; clot; clusters; cml; coding; cognitive; cold; coli; collagen; collection; colon; colon cancer; colorectal; colorectal cancer; colorimetric; column; combination; combined; comet; commercial; common; community; comparable; comparative; compare; comparison; competitive; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; complications; components; composition; compounds; computational; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; confocal; conformation; conjugates; conjugation; connected; consequence; conserved; considerable; considered; consistent; constant; construct; construction; consumption; content; contrary; contrast; contribution; control cells; control group; control rats; control study; control subjects; controls; conventional; conversion; copper; cord; coronary; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cost; cotton; coulter; council; countries; counts; course; covalent; cox-2; cp group; cpe; cpplc; crc; crc cells; creatinine; critical; cross; crosstalk; crp; crt; crucial; crystallization; cscs; ctcs; ctd; cultivars; culture; curcumin; current study; cutaneous; cyprus; cysteine; cytochrome; cytokines; cytokinin; cytometry; cytoplasmic; cytosine; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; cytotoxic; cytotoxic activity; cytotoxic effects; cytotoxicity; d levels; d1r; daily; damage; data; data analysis; database; dawley; day; days; dca; deaths; decline; decrease; defective; defects; defense; deficiency; degradation; degree; dehydrogenase; deletion; delivery; demonstrated; dendrimer; denizli; density; department; dependent; derivatives; design; detailed; detecting; detection; determination; determined; determining; developed; development; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic patients; diagnosis; diameter; dichroism; dids; diet; differences; different; different cancer; different cell; different concentrations; different doses; different effects; different expression; different levels; differential; differentiation; diffusion; dimensional; dimer; dimer levels; diminished; direct; discovery; discussion; disease; dismutase; disorders; display; distinct; distribution; disulphide; diverse; dmba; dmem; dmso; dna; dna damage; dna methylation; dna samples; dnas; docetaxel; docking; domain; donors; dopamine; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; dox; doxorubicin; dpph; drought; drug; dsrna; dst; dtx; duration; dye; dynamics; dysfunction; e.coli; eae; earlier; early; easy; economic; education; eef1ba; effective; effects; efficacy; efficient; egfr; electrochemical; electrode; electron; electrophoresis; elements; elevated; elevated levels; elisa; ellagic; elongation; embryo; emf; emt; encapsulation; encodes; encoding; endocan; endocrine; endocytosis; endogenous; endometrium; endoplasmic; endothelial; endothelial cells; energy; engineering; enhanced; enriched; enrichment; environment; enzymatic; enzyme; enzyme activity; epidermal; epigenetic; epithelial; epitope; equilibrium; ericd; erk; erk1/2; errors; erv1; erythrocyte; escherichia; essential; est3; established; estimate; etc; ethanol; etoposide; eukaryotic; evaluation; events; evidence; exact; examination; example; excessive; exchange; excision; exclusion; exercise; exhibit; expected; experience; experimental; experimental study; explore; exposure; expression alterations; expression analysis; expression levels; expression profiles; expressions; extensive; extent; extract; extraction; fab; factor; faculty; failure; family; fasting; fat; fatty; features; fed; female; fermentation; ferritin; ferulic; fever; ffpe; fibrin; fibrinogen; fibroblasts; fibrosis; field; films; final; findings; fine; fish; flavonoid; flexibility; flow; fluid; fluorescence; fluoxetine; focus; folate; fold; follicular; following; food; formation; forms; foundation; foxp1; fraction; fragments; frame; free; frequencies; frequency; frequent; fresh; fructose; fruit; fsh; ftir; function; fundamental; fusion protein; future; fvl; g protein; g6pd; gag; gain; galactosidase; gamma; ganoderma; gastric; gastrointestinal; gavage; gbm; gbm cells; gel; gemcitabine; gender; gene expression; general; generation; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; genotoxic; genotype; germination; gfap; gh+; ghrelin; gland; glioblastoma; glioblastoma cells; glioma cells; global; globule; glucose; glucose levels; glucosidase; glutamine; glutaraldehyde; glutathione; glycine; glycogen; glycolysis; glycoprotein; goal; good; gpcrs; gpx; grade; graduate; grant; great; green; group; group cells; group ii; group rats; grown; growth; gsh; gsh levels; gssg; gst; gva; gw3965; h3r; hacettepe; hair; half; hand; hapln1; hba1c; hba1c levels; hcc; hcc cell; hdl; hdl3; head; healing; healthy; healthy control; healthy group; heart; hek293; help; hematological; hematopoietic; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hep3b; heparin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; hepatoprotective; hepg2; hepg2 cells; her2; hescs; heteromers; heterozygous; hev; hifnc; high; high levels; higher; highest; hippocampus; histological; histone; histopathological; hiv; hla; hnscc; homa; homeostasis; homogenate; homogenized; homologous; homology; hormone; hospital; host; hours; hplc; hplscr1; hsa; ht-29; huge; human; human cancer; human cells; human serum; hyaluronidase; hybrid; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hypermethylation; hypertension; hypothesis; hypothyroidism; hypoxia; i.p; ic50; idea; identification; igfbp-1; iia; iii; il-1b; il-6; il-8; il6; image; imaging; imatinib; imbalance; immobilization; immobilized; immune; immune cells; immunity; immunoassay; immunohistochemical; immunoprecipitation; immunosorbent; impact; impaired; implantation; important; important role; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; incubation; index; indicator; indices; individuals; induced; inducible; induction; industrial; industry; infected; infection; infertile; infertility; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory activity; inflammatory cell; influence; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; inhibitory activity; initial; initiation; injury; inner; inorganic; inos; insect; inside; insights; institute; insufficient; insulin; insulin levels; intact; intake; intense; intensity; interaction; interest; interfacial; interference; internal; internalization; intervals; intestinal; intracellular; intrinsic; introduction; invasion; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; iodine; ionized; ips cells; ir cells; irf4; irisin; irisin levels; iron; ischemia; isoelectric; isoforms; isolated; isolation; istanbul; itsn1; ivd; ivs1; izmir; jak2; jujuba; k562; kappa; kazakhstan; kcsa; kda; keywords; kidney; kinase; kinetic; kit; kits; knockdown; knowledge; known; kyiv; laboratory; lack; lactate; lactis; large; larvae; lateral; layers; lbrglnk; lc3; ldh; ldl; lead; leading; leaf; learning; leaves; left; length; leptin; lesions; leukemia; leukemic cells; leukocytes; levels; leydig cells; libraries; library; lichen; ligands; light; lignin; like; likely; limited; limits; linear; link; lipase; lipemia; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; lipoprotein; liposomes; liquid; literature; little; liver; liver cancer; living; lmol; loaded; localization; location; loci; long; loops; loss; low; lower; lp(a; lpl; lpo; lps; lucidum; lung; lung cancer; lymphocyte; lysine; lysosomal; macab; macrophages; magnetic; maintenance; major; majority; maldi; male; malignancies; malignant; malignant cells; malondialdehyde; mammalian; management; manf; manner; manufacturer; mapk; marcescens; markers; marrow; mart; mass; materials; maternal; matrices; matrix; maturation; maximum; mb-231; mb-231 cells; mcf-7; mda; mda levels; mdm2; mean; measurements; mechanisms; media; mediators; medical; medicinal; medicine; mediterranean; medium; melanoma; melanoma cell; mellitus; member; membrane; membrane protein; memory; mesenchymal; metabolism; metabolites; metal; metalloproteinase; metastasis; metformin; methods; methylation; methylation levels; mgtp; mice; microarray; microenvironment; microorganisms; micrornas; microscopy; middle; migration; mild; milk; minimal; minimum; ministry; minutes; mir193b; mirnas; mitochondrial; mitotic; mixture; mlh1; mmp-2; mmp9; model; moderate; modification; modified; moiety; molecular; molecular levels; molecules; molten; monitoring; mononuclear cells; months; morbidity; morphological; morphology; mortality; moscow; mothers; motifs; motility; mouse; mpv; mrna; mrs; mscs; msg; mthfr; mtor; mtt; mtt cell; multiple; muscle; mutagenesis; mutagenic; mutant; mutated; mutations; myeloid; myocardial; n =; nac; nacl; nad; nanoparticles; nanopore; naringenin; national; natural; nature; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; nervous; network; neural; neuroblastoma; neuroblastoma cells; neurodegenerative; neuronal; neuronal cells; neurons; neutrophil; new; newborn; nf1; nfib; nfkb; ngal; nicotine; nir; nisin; nitric; nitrite; nitrogen; nitrophenyl; nitrosative; nlr; nmdar; nmr; non; normal; normal cells; north; noscapine; noti; novel; nsclc; nsclc cells; nuclear; nucleic; nucleotide; nucleus; number; numerous; nutraceuticals; nutritional; obese; obesity; objective; observations; observed; obstructive; obtaining; occurrence; occurs; ogtt; ohdg; oil; olive; oncogenic; oncology; onsekiz; onset; open; optimal; optimization; optimum; oral; order; organic; organization; organs; origin; osteogenic; outcome; outer; ovarian; ovary; overall; overexpressed; overexpression; oxidants; oxidase; oxidative; oxidative stress; oxidized; oxygen; p =; p values; p-02.02.2; p-02.08.5; p-02.09.1; p-03.03.2; p-05.01.1; p-08.01.4; p-09.04.4; p38; p53; p72; paclitaxel; page; pairs; palmitate; pamukkale; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; paracetamol; paraffin; parallel; parameters; paraoxonase; parr; participants; particular; parts; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; patients group; pattern; pb levels; pbmcs; pc-3; pca; pcos; pcr; pcr results; pdb; peak; peg; penicillin; people; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; peroxidase; peroxidation; perturbation; pfkfb2; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; phase; phd; phenolic; phenotype; phosphate; phospholipids; phosphorus; phosphorylation; photosynthetic; photosystem; phylogenetic; physical; physiological; phytase; phytochemicals; pi3k; pin1; pineal; pla2; place; plant; plasma; plasmid; plasminogen; platelet; plates; platform; play; plga; plr; pna; point; polyamine; polycystic; polymerase; polymorphic; polymorphisms; polyphenol; pompe; pon1; pool; poor; population; pore; positive; positive cells; possibility; possible; post; postprandial; potassium; potential; powerful; preanalytical; precipitation; precise; precursor; prediabetes; predicted; predictive; preeclampsia; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; preliminary results; premenstrual; preparation; prepared; preptin; prescribed; presence; present study; pressure; pretreatment; prevelance; prevention; previous; previous study; prf; primary; primers; principles; prlr; probe; probiotic; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; produce; production; productivity; products; profile; progenitor cells; prognosis; program; progression; project; proliferative; prominent; promising; promoter; properties; propolis; prostate; prostate cancer; protease; protective; protective effect; protein; protein activity; protein complexes; protein expression; protein kinase; protein levels; proteolytic; proteome; proteomic; protocol; proved; psa; pseudomonas; pten; public; pulp; pumilus; pump; pure; purification; purified; purity; purpose; putative; pyruvate; qpcr; qrt; quadruplex; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantum; quercetin; radiation; radical; range; rank; rapid; ratios; rats; raw; reaction; reactive; reagent; real; reason; reca; recent; recently; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recombinant protein; recovery; recruitment; recurrent; redox; reduced; reductase; reference; regard; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; relaxation; release; relevant; reliable; remodeling; renca cells; repair; reperfusion; replication; reported; reports; repressor; reproductive; republic; research; residues; resistance; resistin; resistin levels; resonance; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restriction; results; resveratrol; reticulum; reverse; rgs4; rhd; ribosomal; rich; risk; rnap; rnase; role; romania; root; ror1; rosemary; routine; rrna; rubra; russian; rutin; saccharomyces; safety; saline; salmon; salt; salvia; samples; sarcosine; satb2; sb203580; sbt; scaffold; scale; scattering; scavenging; schiff; school; science; scientific; scores; screening; sds; second; secondary; secretion; secretory; sections; seeds; selected; selection; selective; selectivity; self; senescence; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; series; serine; serum; serum levels; serum samples; serum total; set; severe; severity; sex; sham; share; sheep; shift; shock; short; shows; sigma; signaling; signals; significant; significant changes; significant correlation; significant difference; significant effect; significant expression; significant increase; significant role; silencing; silico; silicosis; silymarin; similar; similarity; simple; single; sip1; sirna; site; size; skeletal; skills; skin; slow; small; small cell; smooth; smurf2; snps; sod; sod activity; sodium; software; soil; solid; solubility; soluble; solution; solvent; source; sox2; spatial; special; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectra; spectrometry; spectrophotometric; spectroscopy; spectrum; sperm; spinal; spleen; splicing; sprague; spss; squamous cell; stability; stable; stage; staining; stamp1; standard; staphylococcus; start; starting; stat3; statistical; statistical analysis; status; stem cells; step; steroid; stigmasterol; stimulated; stimulation; stimuli; stomach; storage; strain; strand; strategies; strategy; streptomycin; stress; stress conditions; stress group; stroke; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study expression; study group; study patients; study population; study results; stz; subclinical; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; substances; substitution; substrate; subtilis; subunit; successful; sucrose; sugar; suggested; suitable; sulfate; superfamily; superoxide; supplemented; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; survival; sy5y cells; sylvestris; symposium; symptoms; synaptic; syndrome; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; t cells; t2d; taa; tac; tamoxifen; tandem; tap73; target; target genes; targeted; targeting; tas; tdrd7; technical; technique; technological; technology; temperature; template; terminal; terms; test; test results; tested; testicular; testing; testis; tfpi; tfs; tg2; tgf; thalassemia; thaliana; theoretical; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thermal; thin; thiol; thiol levels; thought; thymus; thyroid; time; time cell; time pcr; timp-1; tip60; tissue; tissue cell; tissue levels; tissue samples; tlr; tlr4; tnf; tnfa; today; tof; tolerance; tool; topo; topoisomerase; tos levels; total; total antioxidant; total protein; toxin; tp53; traditional; trafficking; trail; training; transcription; transcriptome; transcripts; transduction; transfer; transferase; transformation; translation; transmembrane; transmission; transplantation; transport; transporters; treatment; treatment group; tree; trh; trials; triggers; triglyceride; triple; triticum; tsh; ttg; tubes; tubitak; tubulin; tudca; tumor; tumor cells; turkey; turkey cancer; turkish; turn; txnip; type; tyrosine; u87; ubiquitin; ukraine; ultraviolet; unclear; underlying; understand; understanding; unique; units; university; unknown; untreated; uptake; urea; urine; usage; use; useful; uterine; utr; vaccine; validated; valuable; values; variants; variation; variety; vdr; vector; vegf; venous; versus; vhb; vim; viral; virulence; virus; viruses; visible; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; volunteers; vulgaris; waist; wastes; water; ways; weeks; weight; western; wheat; white; wide; widespread; wild; wistar; women; work; world; worldwide; wound; wst-1; xtt; years; yeast; yeast cells; yilmaz; ykl-40; young; zad; zebrafish; zinc cache: cord-022940-atbjwpo5.txt plain text: cord-022940-atbjwpo5.txt item: #144 of 974 id: cord-023017-k6edtg58 author: None title: AASLD Abstracts (pp. 282A–382A) date: 2006-02-10 words: 65964 flesch: 47 summary: The aim of the present study was to investigate if the same inhibition takes place in livers cells of patients with chronic hepatitis C. From February 2001 to April 2002, all patients with chronic hepatitis C referred to the outpatient liver clinic of the University Hospital Basel were asked for their permission to use part of the liver biopsy for this study. Increased T cell activation with Eta may also suggest that TNFA suppress T cell function and may contribute to refractoriness to INF therapy in HCV patients. keywords: -no; aa patients; ability; absence; acid; actin; activated; activation; active; activity; acute; addition; adenosyl; adiponectin; administration; adulis; adult; adult liver; adverse; african; age; aim; aims; albumin; alcoholic; alfa-2a; alpha; alt; amino; aminotransferase; analysis; animals; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiviral; apoptosis; area; arm; ascites; assay; associated; association; available; average; background; baseline; bdl; beginning; beta; better; bile; biliary; bilirubin; binding; biochemical; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blood; blot; bm cells; bmcs; bmi; body; bone; c virus; calculated; canalicular; cancer; capacity; cases; cause; cc14; cd34; cd4; cd8; cdna; cell responses; cells; cellular; center; chain; changes; characteristics; chromosome; chronic; chronic hcv; chronic hepatitis; chronic liver; cifn; circulating; cirrhosis; cirrhotic; cirrhotic patients; clearance; clinical; clones; cmv; cohort; collagen; combination; combination therapy; common; comparison; complete; complexity; concentration; conclusions; conditions; consistent; content; continued; contrast; control; core; correlation; corresponding; count; course; crg; criteria; ctgf; culture; current; cyanoacrylate; cytokeratin; cytokines; cytometry; daily; damaged; data; date; days; dcs; death; decrease; degree; dendritic; dendritic cells; dependent; detectable; determined; development; diagnosis; diet; differences; different; differentiation; direct; disclosures; discontinuation; disease; distribution; dna; donor; dose; dosing; drug; ducts; duration; dysfunction; early; effect; effective; efficacy; element; elevated; elisa; elispot; end; endogenous; energy; enzyme; epithelial; es cells; esld; ethanol; events; evidence; experiments; expression; factors; failure; fatty; fed; female; fetal; fibroblasts; fibrogenesis; fibrosis; fibrotic; findings; flow; fluorescence; fold; following; form; france; free; frequency; function; fxr; gal; gamma; gel; gender; gene; gene expression; general; genome; genotype; gfp; good; grade; graft; greater; group; growth; haart; half; hcc; hcv; hcv core; hcv genotype; hcv infection; hcv patients; hcv proteins; hcv replication; hcv rna; hcv therapy; hcv viral; healthy; hemodynamic; hepatic; hepatic fibrosis; hepatitis; hepatitis patients; hepatoblasts; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; hepg2; higher; histological; histology; hiv; homa; hours; hrql; hrs; hsc; hscs; human; human liver; hypertension; hypothesis; ifn; ifn therapy; il-18; immune; immunohistochemistry; immunosuppression; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; index; individual; induced; induction; infected; infected patients; infection; inflammation; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injury; insulin; intake; interferon; intracellular; intrahepatic; introduction; involved; ir1; ishak; isis; isolated; israel; japan; key; kinase; kit; klf6; large; later; length; levels; lfa-1; ligands; like; likely; limit; lineage; linear; lines; lipid; little; liver; liver biopsies; liver biopsy; liver cells; liver disease; liver failure; liver fibrosis; liver injury; liver specific; liver transplantation; load; long; loss; lower; ltx; major; majority; male; marked; markers; marrow; mass; matrix; mdc; mean; mechanism; median; medical; medium; meld; membrane; metabolic; methionine; methods; mglkg; micalb; mice; microarray; microscopy; migration; mild; mitochondrial; model; moderate; molecular; mononuclear; mononuclear cells; monotherapy; months; mouse; mrna; mrp2; muscle; mutations; mxa; naive; napi; necrosis; negative; new; non; normal; northern; novel; ns3; ns5a; ntpdase2; number; o.ool; oatp8; olt; order; organ; outcome; oval; oval cells; overall; oxidative; p =; p<0.05; parameters; parenchymal; partial; pathogenesis; patients; pbmc; pcr; pdc; peak; peg; peginterferon; pegylated; peptide; period; peripheral; persistence; phase; phenotype; plasma; plasmacytoid; platelet; point; polymerase; pools; population; portal; positive; positive cells; positive patients; possible; post; potential; ppar; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probability; progression; proliferation; promoter; properties; prophylaxis; prospective; protease; protein; protein expression; protocol; quantitative; racial; randomized; range; rat liver; rate; rats; rbv; real; receptor; recipients; recombinant; recurrence; reduction; regeneration; regulated; regulation; rejection; relationships; relative; release; replication; replicon; report; resistance; resolved; respect; responders; response; responsible; results; reverse; ribavirin; rifampicin; risk; role; safety; samples; sarcoidosis; scores; screening; second; self; sequences; serum; serum hcv; severe; severity; sf-36; signal; signaling; significant; similar; single; site; situ; sla; small; smooth; social; socs-1; sp cells; specific; spleen; splenocytes; spontaneously; stage; staining; standard; steatosis; stellate; stellate cells; stem; stem cells; steroids; stimulated; stimulation; stress; strong; studies; study; subjects; support; suppository; surface; survival; sustained; svr; symptoms; system; t cells; taa; table; tacrolimus; targeting; test; tgf; therapeutic; therapy; thl; time; tips; tissue; titer; tolerability; total; transcription; transgenic; transplant patients; transplantation; transplanted; transport; treated; treatment; trial; ttg; ttr; tumor; undifferentiated; unit; university; untreated; uptake; urea; use; values; variability; varices; vein; viral; viral response; virological; virus; vitro; vivo; weekly; weeks; weight; western; wild; years cache: cord-023017-k6edtg58.txt plain text: cord-023017-k6edtg58.txt item: #145 of 974 id: cord-023026-2r84ndzv author: None title: Posters date: 2013-06-14 words: 138804 flesch: 38 summary: Levels of expression of NG2 mRNA and protein in mouse glial cells are regulated by the neurotransmitter glutamate and overexpression of cleaved fragments modulates protein expression in murine glial cells. Interestingly, when we analyzed the in vitro expression pattern of rCD300f in brain cells by Q-PCR and immunohistochemistry, in addition to the expected expression in microglial cells, we detected expression of CD300f in oligodendrocytes and neurons. keywords: -atpase; 24h; 3xtg; abcd1; ability; ablation; able; absence; abundant; accelerated; accumulation; acid; acidic; action; activated; activation; activators; activities; activity; acts; acute; acute brain; ad mice; addition; address; adenosine; adhesion; adjacent; administration; adult; adult brain; adult mice; adulthood; affected; affinity; aged; aged mice; ageing; agent; aggregates; aggregation; agonists; aim; akt; ald; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alzheimer; amounts; amplitude; amyloid; analysis; animals; antagonist; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; ao cells; apelin; apod; apoptosis; apoptotic; apparent; application; approach; aqp4; areas; artery; aspartate; aspects; assay; associated; association; astrocyte activation; astrocytes; astroglial; astroglial cells; astrogliosis; atp; attenuated; autoimmune; axonal; axons; background; barrier; basal; baseline; basis; bbb; bdnf; behavior; beneficial; bergmann; beta; better; bicarbonate; binding; biological; biology; blocking; blood; blot; body; bone; brain; brain barrier; brain cells; brain development; brain expression; brain function; brain injury; brain microglia; brain regions; brain slices; brain tissue; brainstem; c57bl/6; ca1; ca21; calcium; callosum; candidate; capable; capacity; cascade; cases; catenin; cause; cci; ccl2; cd11b; cd14; cd200r1; cd300f; cd45; cd68; cdk2; cell activation; cell adhesion; cell cultures; cell cycle; cell death; cell differentiation; cell lines; cell population; cell proliferation; cell surface; cell survival; cell types; cells; central; central nervous; cerebellar; cerebral; challenge; changes; channels; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemokines; cholinergic; chronic; cis; clamp; classical; clearance; clinical; cns; cns cells; cns injury; cognitive; collagen; combination; common; communication; comparison; complex; complexes; components; concentration; conclusions; conditions; confocal; connexin; consequences; consistent; contact; context; contralateral; contrary; contrast; contribution; control; control cells; control mice; controlling; cord; cord cells; core; corpus; correlates; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cortical astrocytes; coupling; course; coverage; cpz; creb; creert2; critical; cross; crucial; cryab; csf; cultured astrocytes; cultured microglia; cultures; cuprizone; curcumin; current; cx30; cx32; cx3cr1; cx43; cx47; cxcl12; cycle; cytokines; cytometry; cytoplasmic; cytoskeleton; d2r; daily; damage; data; days; death; debris; decline; decreased; defects; deficient; deficient mice; deficits; degeneration; degradation; deletion; delivery; demyelinated; demyelinating; dendritic cells; densities; density; dentate; dependent; deposits; deprivation; derived; detailed; detectable; detrimental; development; diet; differences; different; different brain; different cell; differential; differentiation; diffusion; diminished; direct; disease; disorders; display; disruption; distal; distinct; distribution; diverse; dna; domain; dopa; dorsal; dose; double; dpakkr; dpi; drg; drosophila; drug; dsred; dye; dynamics; dysfunction; e.g.; eae; early; ebpb; ebpd; ecm; effect; effective; efficacy; efficient; egfp; electrical; electron; electrophysiological; elevated; embryonic; embryos; encephalomyelitis; encoding; endogenous; endothelial cells; energy; enhanced; environment; enzyme; ependymal cells; epilepsy; epileptic; erk; erk1/2; essential; events; evidence; evoked; examined; excitatory; excitotoxicity; exhibit; exosomes; expected; experiments; explants; exposed; exposure; expressed; expression; expression analysis; expression levels; extensive; extent; extracellular; eyes; facs; factors; failure; family; fast; fate; fatty; features; fibers; fibronectin; field; findings; flow; fluorescent; focus; fold; forebrain; formation; fraction; free; frequency; function; functional role; future; g93a; gaba; gabaergic; gain; ganglia; ganglion; gap; gbm; gdnf; gene; gene expression; general; generate; genetic; germany; gfap; gfap mice; gfp; glast; glaz; glial activation; glial cells; glial cultures; glioblastoma; glioma cells; global; glt-1; glucose; glutamate; glutamatergic; glutamine; glycogen; graft; group; growth; gsc; gscs; gyrus; hand; healthy; help; hemichannel; heterogeneity; high; higher; hippocampal; histological; homeostasis; hormone; host; hours; hrs; hspb5; hsvtk; human; human astrocytes; human brain; human microglia; hypertension; hypertrophy; hypothalamus; hypothesis; hypoxia; i.p; iba-1; iba1; identification; ifn; igg; iii; il-1b; il-1ra; il-33; il-6; il6; images; imaging; immature; immune cells; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemistry; immunological; immunoreactivity; immunostaining; impact; impaired; impairment; important; important role; improve; increase; incubated; incubation; individual; induced; inducible; induction; infiltration; inflammasome; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory activation; inflammatory cells; inflammatory response; influence; influx; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibits; initial; initiation; injection; injured; injuries; injury; innate; inner; insight; intact; integrity; intensity; interaction; interest; interferon; interneurons; intrinsic; invasion; investigation; involved; involvement; ips cells; ischemic; isoforms; isolated; jun; key; kinase; kir4.1; knock; knockdown; knockout; knockout mice; knowledge; known; ko mice; labeling; lacking; lactate; large; lateral; layer; leads; learning; length; lentiviral; lesions; leukocytes; levels; ligand; light; like; like cells; likely; limited; line; lineage; lineage cells; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; lithium; littermates; little; live; local; localization; long; loss; lower; lpc; lps; ltp; lymphocytes; lysm; macrophages; main; maintenance; major; majority; male; mammalian; manner; mapk; marked; markers; marrow; mass; material; matrix; matter; maturation; mature; mbp; mcao; mcs; mct4; mean; measurements; mechanical; mechanisms; media; mediators; medium; member; membrane; memory; metabolic; metabolites; methods; mhc; mice; microarray; microenvironment; microglia; microglia activation; microglial cells; microglial processes; microglial response; microscopy; middle; migration; minocycline; mir-219; mir-302; mitochondrial; mixed; model; modifications; molecular; molecules; monocytes; months; morphological; morphology; motility; motor; mouse; mouse brain; mouse microglia; mouse model; mrna; ms patients; msc; msh; multiple; multipotent; murine; mutant; mutations; myelin; myeloid cells; naa; naag; na€; nbce1; necessary; nefiracetam; negative; neonatal; nerve; nervous; nervous system; nestin; networks; neural; neurite; neurodegenerative; neurogenesis; neurogenic; neuroinflammation; neurological; neuronal; neuronal activity; neuronal cells; neurons; neuropathic; neuropathological; neuroprotective; neurospheres; neurotransmitter; neurotrophic; new; nfjb; ng2 cells; niche; nitric; nmda; nodes; non; normal; normal brain; notch; novel; npcs; nrg; nscs; nuclear; nuclei; nucleus; number; objective; observations; observed; obtain; occlusion; occurring; oecs; ogd; oht; old; olfactory; oligodendrocytes; oligodendroglial; oligodendroglial cells; ols; ongoing; onset; opcs; open; optic; order; organotypic; osm; outcome; outer; outgrowth; overall; overexpression; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; p10; p2x; p2x4; p2y1; p75; pain; panx1; pap; parallel; parameters; parenchyma; particular; patch; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pcr; peak; peptide; percentage; performance; perinatal; period; peripheral; perivascular; permanent; permeability; phagocytic; phagocytosis; pharmacological; phase; phenomenon; phenotype; phosphorylation; photon; physiological; physiology; plaques; plasma; plasmin; plasminogen; plasticity; play; plp; pluripotent; pns; pnv; point; population; positive astrocytes; positive cells; possibility; possible; post; postnatal; potassium; potential; precursor cells; precursors; preliminary; presence; present; present study; previous; primary; primary astrocytes; primary microglia; priming; prior; processes; processing; production; profile; profound; progenitor cells; progenitors; program; progression; proliferate; proliferation; prominent; promising; promoter; properties; proportion; protein; protein expression; protein levels; proteomic; protocol; pups; pure; purified; purinergic; purpose; putative; qpcr; quantification; quantitative; question; radial; range; rapid; rat astrocytes; rat brain; rate; rats; reaction; reactive; reactive astrocytes; reactive microglia; real; recent; receptor activation; receptor expression; receptors; recombined cells; recordings; recovery; recruitment; reduced; regenerative; regions; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevance; relevant; removal; remyelination; repair; reperfusion; reported; research; resident; resolution; respiratory; response; responsible; restricted; results; retinal; rise; robust; rodent; role; root; s100b; saline; samples; scar; schwann cells; sci; sciatic; sclerosis; second; secondary; secretion; sections; sedentary; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sensory; serine; severe; sgcs; sham; sheath; short; shows; siglec; signaling; signals; significant; similar; single; single cell; sirt1; site; situ; size; sleep; slices; small; sod1; sodium; soluble; somatosensory; sorted; sorting; source; sox10; space; spatial; species; specific; specific cell; spinal; spinal cord; spinal microglia; spontaneous; sr101; sra; stable; stages; staining; state; status; stem cells; step; stimulated; stimulation; stimuli; strategies; strategy; stress; striatal; striatum; stroke; strong; structure; studies; study; subjects; subpopulation; subsequent; substances; substrate; subtypes; subunit; suitable; summary; support; suppression; surface; survival; sustained; svz; svz cells; symptomatic; symptoms; synapses; synaptic; synthase; synthesis; system; systemic; t cells; tace; tamoxifen; target; targeting; tau; technique; terc; term; terminal; test; tg mice; tg2; tgf; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; time; timp-1; tims; tissue; tlr2; tlr3; tlr4; tnf; tnfa; toll; tool; total; toxic; trafficking; transcription; transcripts; transfection; transgenic mice; transient; transmission; transplantation; transplanted; transporter; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trem2; trif; trkb; tumor; tumor cells; turn; type; type mice; typical; uller; unclear; undergo; underlying; understanding; understood; unique; united; university; unknown; untreated; uptake; values; variety; vascular; vector; vegf; vessels; viability; vitro; vivo; vlcfa; voltage; volume; vwm; water; weeks; weight; western; white; wild; wistar; wnt; work; wound; wt mice; yfp; young; zebrafish; zone; ıve cache: cord-023026-2r84ndzv.txt plain text: cord-023026-2r84ndzv.txt item: #146 of 974 id: cord-023095-4dannjjm author: None title: Research Abstract Program of the 2011 ACVIM Forum Denver, Colorado, June 15–18, 2011 date: 2011-05-03 words: 134382 flesch: 49 summary: Mminimum HR, mean HR and the HRV variables (7 and 10) differing between dog groups, also consistently decreased with increasing MR, LA/Ao and the proximal isovelocity surface area in CKCS. The apparently normal levels of hexosaminidase A activity in affected dog samples may be a result of b subunit overexpression. keywords: 5ht; 95%ci; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; absorption; abstract; abundance; access; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acetate; acid; acth; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; adequate; adhesion; administration; admission; adrenal; adult; adult cats; adult dogs; adverse; affected dogs; age; aged; agents; aggregation; aim; aims; airway; aki; albumin; aldosterone; alpaca; alpha; alterations; alveolar; ambulatory; amino; analysis; analyzer; anaplasma; anemia; anesthesia; anesthetized; animals; anova; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antimicrobial; aortic; apparent; approach; appropriate; area; arterial; articular; arvc; aspiration; aspirin; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; atenolol; atrial; attempts; auc; automated; available; average; avp; axis; azotemia; bacterial; balf; bartonella; basal; baseline; basis; bcs; beagle dogs; beagles; beginning; benazepril; beta; better; binding; biochemical; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blinded; blood; blood glucose; blood samples; blot; body; bone; bovine; bowel; boxers; bpm; brain; breed dogs; breeds; calcitriol; calcium; calculated; calprotectin; calves; canal; cancer; canine; canis; carboplatin; cardiac; cardiomyopathy; care; cartilage; cases; catheter; cats; cattle; caudal; cause; cbc; cca; ccp; cdv; cell; cellular; center; central; cerebellar; cervical; chain; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemistry; chf; chf cats; chromatography; chronic; ciprofloxacin; ckcs; ckd; classes; classified; clearance; client; clinical; clinical disease; clinical signs; clinicians; clinicopathologic; clinics; clm; clopidogrel; clostridium; cns; coagulation; cobalamin; coefficient; coli; collagen; collapse; collection; college; colon; colostrum; combination; commercial; common; compare; comparison; complete; completion; composition; compression; computed; concentrations; conclusion; concurrent; condition; confidence; confirmed; congenital; congestive; consecutive; consistent; content; contrast; control cats; control dogs; control group; control horses; control study; controls; copper; correlated; correlation; cortisol; count; course; cpe; cpr; cpv; cranial; creatinine; cria; criteria; cross; crossover; crp; cryptosporidium; csf; ctni; culture; curve; cutoff; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystine; cytokine; cytometry; daily; damage; data; date; days; dca; death; decreased; defect; deficiency; definitive; degenerative; degree; deletion; density; dependent; described; design; detection; determination; determined; development; deviation; device; dexamethasone; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diarrhea; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; difficile; difficult; digital; diminazene; direct; discharge; disease; disease cats; disorders; dissolution; distribution; dmvd; dna; documented; dogs; dogs o; domperidone; donkeys; doppler; dorsal; dose; dosing; double; doxycycline; drug; dry; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dysfunction; early; ecg; echocardiographic; edema; edta; effective; effects; efficacy; effusion; ehrlichia; elevated; elisa; end; endothelial; energy; enlargement; enrofloxacin; enteric; enzyme; epithelial; equal; equine; equivalent; erythrocytosis; established; estradiol; eus; euthanasia; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; exact; examination; exercise; experimental; exposure; expression; factors; faecalibacterium; failure; farms; fasting; fatty; features; fecal; fecal samples; feces; fed; feeding; feline; female dogs; females; fever; fgf-23; fibrinogen; fibrosis; field; final; findings; firocoxib; fiv; flagellin; flow; fluid; fna; foals; fold; following; food; formalin; formulation; fossa; fraction; frd; free; frequency; frozen; function; furosemide; future; gastric; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal disease; gemcitabine; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; gentamicin; german; gfr; giardia; gingivitis; glucocorticoids; glucose; glut12; goal; golden; good; grade; greater; group; growth; gsd; gsh; hac; half; hand; hbgm; hcm; head; healthy cats; healthy dogs; healthy horses; heart; heart disease; help; hepatic; herda; hereditary; herniation; het dogs; higher; highest; histopathological; histopathology; history; homozygous; hormone; horses; hospital; hospitalization; hours; hplc; hrs; hrv; hsa; hsp; human; humerus; hyperthyroid; hyperthyroid cats; hypothesis; hypothyroidism; iad; ibd; identical; identification; idiopathic; ifn; igg; iii; il-10; il-2; il-4; il-6; il-8; iliac; ill; ill dogs; illness; images; imaging; immune; impact; impaired; impedance; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; indirect; individual; induced; induction; infected; infected dogs; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; ingestion; inhibitor; initial; injury; insertion; insulin; intact; interaction; interest; internal; interstitial; intervals; intervertebral; intracellularis; intravenous; invasive; investigation; iodine; ipf; irc; iris; iron; isolates; ivabradine; kidney; kinase; kit; knowledge; kruskal; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; lameness; laminar; laminitis; large; lateral; left; length; lesions; leukocytes; levels; life; likely; limb; limited; linear; lines; lipid; liquid; little; liver; location; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; lps; lung; lymphocyte; lymphoma; maintenance; major; majority; males; mammary; management; mann; manual; mapk; marcks; marker; marrow; mass; matter; maximum; mdr; meal; mean; mean ae; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; membrane; meningiomas; meq; metabolic; methimazole; method; microbiota; mii; mild; minimal; minimum; minutes; mitral; mixed; mmhg; mmol; mmvd; model; moderate; molecular; molecules; monitoring; months; mortality; mri; mrna; mucosal; multiple; muscle; mutant; mutation; mycoplasma; myocardial; necessary; needle; negative; neoplasia; neurological; neutrophils; new; nmol; non; normal cats; normal dogs; normal horses; novel; number; obese dogs; obesity; objective; observed; obstruction; occurrence; occurring; og1; old; omeprazole; onset; oral; organisms; osa; outcome; ovariectomy; overall; overweight; owners; oxygen; p o; p38; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; parameters; partial; participants; partum; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathway; patients; pattern; pcr; pda; peak; peis; people; peptide; percentage; performance; perfringens; period; peripheral; persistent; pet; phagocytophilum; pharmacokinetic; phase; phosphate; phosphorylation; physical; pigs; piiinp; pilot study; placebo; placement; plasma; plasma concentrations; plasma samples; platelet; ple dogs; pln; plus; pmol; point; polymerase; polymorphisms; ponies; pooled; poor; population; positive; possible; post; potential; ppf; ppid; ppm; practices; predictive; preliminary; preparation; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; probnp; procedure; processes; production; profile; prognosis; proliferation; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; proximal; psva; pulmonary; puppies; purpose; qpcr; quality; quantitative; quarter; racing; radiographic; randomized; range; ranitidine; rank; rao; rapid; rare; rate; ratios; rbc; reaction; recent; receptor; recorded; records; recovery; rectal; reduced; reference; region; regional; regression; regurgitation; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; remaining; remission; renal; reported; reports; research; resistance; resolution; respiratory; respondents; response; results; retriever; retrospective; retrospective study; reverse; right; risk; role; rottweilers; routine; safety; saline; salmonella; samples; sampling; sas; sba; scale; scan; score; screening; sd dogs; sdr; secondary; secretion; sedation; segment; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; sequence; sequencing; serum; serum concentrations; serum samples; set; severe; severity; sex; shar; shedding; short; shorter; sid; signaling; signalment; significant; significant difference; signs; similar; simple; single; site; size; skin; small; small dogs; smooth; snps; sodium; software; spayed; spearman; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spinal; spontaneous; spp; square; stability; stable; stage; staining; stalls; standard; standardized; starting; statistical; status; sternal; stimulated; stimulation; stomach; strain; stress; striatin; strong; structural; struvite; student; studies; study; study period; study population; subsequent; successful; suggested; sum; supplementation; support; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; susceptibility; susceptible; syndrome; synovial; syrinx; system; systemic; systolic; tablets; target; tcc; teaching; technique; teg; temperature; terminal; terriers; test; testing; tetracycline; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thrombocytopenia; tick; time; tissue; titers; tlr5; tolerance; tool; total; toxicity; toxin; tract; traditional; transfusion; transport; trauma; treatment; treatment group; trilostane; tt4; tubes; tumor; type; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; university; unknown; untreated; upc; upper; uptake; urea; urinalysis; urinary; urine; uroliths; use; useful; utility; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; values; valve; variability; variables; variation; variety; vascular; ventricular; veress; veterinary; vhs; viral; virus; visceral; vitamin; vitro; vivo; volume; vomiting; wall; wallis; water; weekly; weeks; weight; western; white; whitney; wide; widely; wilcoxon; wild; wnt; work; wound; years; zinc; zooepidemicus cache: cord-023095-4dannjjm.txt plain text: cord-023095-4dannjjm.txt item: #147 of 974 id: cord-023134-y665agnh author: None title: Oral Research Communications of the 22(nd) ECVIM‐CA Congress date: 2012-11-20 words: 29627 flesch: 47 summary: Concerning gross pathology findings in hearts with clinical DCM diagnosis, LV chambers were dilated in 3/4 cases of group 4, while in groups 3 and 5, the papillary muscles appeared grossly prominent and not flattened as in group 4.Histopathologically, in control dogs LV and RV myocardium showed no (3/4) or mild (1/4) interstitial collagen deposits, no or single adipocytes, and normal vessels. Histopathologically, RAA in control dogs showed small amounts of interstitialcollagen and single adipocytes. keywords: 5ht; acdo; acid; acth; activation; additional; administration; advanced; age; agp; aim; aims; albumin; analysis; animals; aortic; apps; arterial; artery; assay; assessment; association; atrial; available; avb; basal; baseline; basis; bem; bid; biopsies; blood; bmi1; body; breeds; campylobacter; canine; cardiac; cardiomyopathy; carriage; cases; catenin; cats; cause; cd133; cell; change; chronic; ckcs; ckd; class; client; clinical; coli; common; complete; concentrations; conclusion; control; correlation; cortisol; counts; creatinine; crp; culture; daily; data; days; dcm; decrease; detection; determine; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diastolic; differences; different; disease; dogs; doppler; dose; drug; duration; early; echocardiographic; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; eia; elevated; elisa; esophageal; evaluation; evidence; examination; expression; factors; faecal; failure; feline; female; femoral; fgf-23; fibrosis; films; findings; fip; follow; function; gene; general; ghrelin; glucose; group; growth; hcm; healthy; healthy cats; healthy dogs; heart; hepatic; higher; histopathological; history; hours; hpc; hpcs; hsdm; human; hypertrophy; ibd; imaging; immune; increase; infected; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; information; initial; insulin; interval; intestinal; intra; introducer; investigation; ipf; kidney; large; left; level; liver; long; loss; lower; mann; marker; mean; measurement; median; medical; medicine; mellitus; microcirculation; mild; minutes; mitral; mmhg; mmvd; moderate; monitoring; months; multiple; murmur; muscle; myocardial; negative; neoplasia; ngal; non; normal; normeta; number; obese; objective; obstruction; onset; order; outcome; outflow; overall; p<0.001; pancreas; pancreatitis; papillary; parameters; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; pcr; peak; period; phenobarbital; pheo; physical; piiip; placebo; plasma; platelet; population; positive; post; potential; pra; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; progression; proliferation; prospective; protein; pulmonary; quality; quantitative; ragdoll; raiu; range; rate; reference; region; relative; renal; response; results; rfeifn; rhtsh; rhythm; rifampin; right; risk; role; saa; samples; sap; score; septal; serum; severe; severity; sheath; sid; significant; signs; similar; single; small; snps; specific; spp; stage; standard; statistical; stent; stimulation; studies; study; survival; system; systolic; tcd; tdi; technique; tee; test; tgfb1; theileriosis; therapy; thoracic; thyroid; time; tissue; total; tract; treatment; trilostane; tt4; tumor; tumours; untwist; urinary; urine; uvc; values; valve; variables; vascular; velocity; ventricular; veterinary; volume; wave; weeks; weight; whitney; wnt; xanthine; years cache: cord-023134-y665agnh.txt plain text: cord-023134-y665agnh.txt item: #148 of 974 id: cord-023211-kt5gt26t author: None title: Poster Session Abstracts date: 2007-08-29 words: 221712 flesch: 48 summary: Understanding how its modulation modifies transepithelial transport and inflammation in CF versus non CF cells should give new therapeutic clues to reduce exaggerated inflammation and improve fluid secretion in CF patients. This finding indicates that CFTR potentiators have a wide efficacy on many class III mutants and therefore may represent a promising therapeutic strategy for a significant number of CF patients. keywords: 1,2; 16hbe; 2004; a2b; a549; aat; abc; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; abpa; absence; absorption; access; account; accumulation; accurate; acid; acidification; acinar; acinar cells; acquisition; acting; activators; active; activities; acts; acute; addition; address; adenosine; adequate; adherence; adherent; adjusted; administration; admission; ado; adolescents; adult cf; adult cystic; adult patients; adults; advance; adverse; aerosol; aeruginosa; aeruginosa lung; affected; affinity; agar; age; aged; agents; aggressive; agonists; agreement; aim; aims; airflow; airway cells; airway disease; airway epithelial; airway infection; airway inflammation; airway surface; airways; algorithm; allele; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; amikacin; amiloride; amino; aminoglycoside; amounts; anaerobes; anaerobic; analysis; anemia; anemic patients; anion; annual; antibiotic; antibiotic treatment; antibodies; antibody; antimicrobial; antisense; anxiety; apical; application; appointments; approach; appropriate; areas; arikace; array; asl; aspects; aspergillus; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; atp; atpase; attention; aureus; australia; available; average; azithromycin; azm; background; bacterial; bal; balance; balf; band; barriers; baseline; basis; basolateral; bath; bcc; beginning; behavior; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bhk cells; bile; binding; biochemical; biofilm; biological; biomarkers; birth; bles; block; blood; blot; bmi; body; bone; breathing; bronchial epithelial; bronchiectasis patients; bronchoalveolar; burden; burkholderia; ca2; cacc; calcium; calls; calu-3; camp; canada; canadian cf; cancer; capable; capacity; carbachol; caregivers; carolina; cascade; cases; categories; caucasian cf; cause; cbavd; cbf; cell lines; cell surface; centers; central; centres; cepacia; cepacia cf; cepacia patients; ceramide; certain; cf ages; cf airway; cf animals; cf association; cf balf; cf boys; cf bronchial; cf bronchiectasis; cf care; cf carrier; cf cases; cf cells; cf center; cf centre; cf children; cf clinic; cf cultures; cf data; cf database; cf diagnosis; cf disease; cf ebv; cf epithelial; cf families; cf family; cf females; cf foundation; cf gene; cf group; cf hbe; cf infants; cf isolates; cf liver; cf lung; cf macrophages; cf mice; cf model; cf mouse; cf mutation; cf nasal; cf nbs; cf neutrophils; cf offspring; cf outcomes; cf pathophysiology; cf patients; cf phenotype; cf phone; cf physician; cf population; cf practitioners; cf program; cf pulmonary; cf quality; cf registry; cf research; cf respiratory; cf samples; cf secretion; cf sputum; cf subjects; cf survival; cf team; cf therapeutics; cf therapies; cf therapy; cf transmembrane; cf treatment; cf trust; cf unit; cf vitamins; cfbe41o; cff; cfft; cfld; cfq; cfrd; cftr; cftr activation; cftr activity; cftr biogenesis; cftr cdna; cftr cell; cftr channel; cftr chloride; cftr correctors; cftr deficient; cftr degradation; cftr dependent; cftr endocytosis; cftr expression; cftr folding; cftr function; cftr gene; cftr genotype; cftr inhibitor; cftr interaction; cftr intracellular; cftr knockout; cftr levels; cftr locus; cftr maturation; cftr mice; cftr mrna; cftr mutations; cftr null; cftr orthologue; cftr potentiators; cftr processing; cftr promoter; cftr protein; cftr regulation; cftr results; cftr sequence; cftr surface; cftr tm1unc; cftr trafficking; cftrinh-172; cfu; challenge; chamber; changes; channel; channel activity; channel function; chapel; chaperones; characteristics; characterized; chart; chemical; chest; chicago; chip; chloramphenicol; cholesterol; chromatography; chronic; chronic lung; chs cf; ciliated; ciliated cells; ciprofloxacin; circuit; classes; classic cf; classified; clchannel; clearance; clinical; clinical data; clinics; clonal; clones; cm2; coated; code; coding; codon; cohort; collagen; collection; colonic; colonization; colonized; combination; combined; commd1; common; common cf; communication; community; comparable; comparison; complete; completion; complex; compliance; complications; component; composition; compounds; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; conductance; configuration; confocal; conformational; consecutive; consecutive patients; consensus; consequences; consistent; constructs; containing; content; continued; contraction; contrast; contribution; control; control cells; control patients; conventional; correctors; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cost; cough; counseling; counts; course; cpg; creatinine; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crucial; csf; csp; cst; cultures; current; cycle; cystic fibrosis; cytochalasin; cytokine; cytoplasmic; cytosolic; daily; damage; data; date; day; days; death; decision; decline; decreased; defect; defective cftr; defense; deferens; deficient; deficient patients; degradation; degree; deletion; delf508 cftr; delivery; delta; deltaf508; density; denufosol; department; dependent; deposition; depression; desensitization; design; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developed; development; deviation; device; df508; dha; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diet; dietary; differences; different; different cf; differential; differentiated; difficult; diminished; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; disruption; distinct; distribution; diverse; dna; dnase; dogs; domain; dominant; dose; dosing; double; downstream; drug; dry; duox; duration; dx-890; dxa; dysfunction; e.g.; earlier; early; ebc; ednra; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficiency; efflux; effort; egfr; elastase; electronic; electrophoresis; elements; elevated; elevation; elisa; enac; encoding; endocytic; endogenous; endogenous cftr; endoplasmic; energy; enhanced; entire; entry; environment; enzyme; epidemiology; episodes; epithelial cells; epithelium; eps; equivalent; equol; essential; established; estimate; estrogen; eur-1008; evaluation; events; evidence; exacerbation; example; excessive; exchange; exercise; exhibit; exon; expansion; expected; experienced; experiments; expiratory; export; exposure; expressing; expression levels; extent; extracts; f508del; f508del cftr; factors; failure; families; family; fasting; fat; fatty; features; fed; fev1; fewer; ffm; fibrosis airway; fibrosis center; fibrosis foundation; fibrosis lung; fibrosis patients; fibrosis transmembrane; final; findings; flagellin; flow; fluid; fluorescence; focus; fold; folding; following; food; forms; forskolin; fractions; france; free; french cf; frequency; frequent; frt; frt cells; fumigatus; functional; functioning; fungal; future; fvc; fxyd5; g551d; gain; gamma; gastrointestinal; gastrostomy; gating; gel; gels; gender; gene expression; gene therapy; general; generation; genes; genetic; genistein; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; germany; gfp; girls; glands; global; glucose; glutathione; goal; good; gradient; grant; greater; green; groups; growth; gs-9310/11; gsh; guidelines; h2o; half; halide; hand; hbac cftr; hbe; hbe cells; hbecs; hdj-2; health; healthcare; hearing; hela; hela cells; help; heterozygous; high; higher; highest; hill; hispanic cf; hispanic patients; history; hits; hmgb1; home; homeostasis; homozygous; homozygous cf; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; hrct; hrqol; hrs; hsp70; human airway; human cells; human cf; human lung; human patients; humans; hyperabsorption; hypertonic; hypoglycaemia; hypothesis; hypothesized; hypoxia; i.v; ib3; ib3 cells; ibuprofen; identical; identification; identifying; ige; igg; iii; il-10; il-17a; il-23; il-6; il-8; illness; images; imaging; immature cftr; immune; immunofluorescence; immunoprecipitation; impact; impaired; impairment; important; important cf; improved; improvement; incidence; income; increase; incubated; incubation; index; individuals; induced; induction; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; influx; information; inhalation; inhaled; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; injury; innate; inserm; insights; institute; instrument; insufficiency; insulin; insurance; intact; intake; intensity; interaction; interest; interface; interim; intermediate; internal; internalized cftr; intervention; interviews; intestinal; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; investigation; involvement; iodide; irt; isc; isolates; isolation; issues; italian cf; italy; items; jet; junctions; kda; key; killing; kinase; kingdom; knockdown; knowledge; known; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; lavage; layer; leading; leads; left; legal; length; lentiviral; levels; levofloxacin; library; life; likely; limited; linear; lines; lipid; liposomal; liposomes; liquid; list; literature; littermates; little; local; localization; localized; london; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; lower; lps; luciferase; lumen; luminal; lung cells; lung disease; lung epithelial; lung function; lung infection; lung inflammation; lung transplant; lungs; lymphoma; magnitude; maintenance; major; major cf; majority; making; malabsorption; male cf; malh; management; mannitol; marked; markers; mass; material; matrix; mature; maximal; maximum; mcc; mdck; mean; mean age; mean fev1; measure; measurements; mechanism; median; mediators; medical; medication; medicine; medium; members; membrane; membrane cftr; membrane expression; metabolism; methods; microbiology; micrornas; microscopy; migration; mild; mild cf; min.gland; mineral; minimal; minutes; missed; missense; mixed; mmol; mmp-8; model; moderate; modest; modifier; molecular; molecule; monitoring; monolayers; months; morbidity; mortality; motif; motility; motor; mouse lung; mp-376; mrna; mrsa; muc4; muc5ac; mucin; mucociliary; mucoid; mucosal; mucous cells; mucus; multicenter; multiple; murine; mutant cftr; mutants; n=10; n=3; n=4; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=9; na+; nacl; nanoparticles; nasal; national; nbd1; nbd2; nbds; nebulization; nebulizer; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; neutrophil; new; new cf; newborn; nherf1; nih; non; non cf; normal; normal cftr; north; novel; npt2a; nthi; nuclear; nucleolin; nucleotide; number; numerous; nutritional; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; ogtt; oil; ongoing; onset; oocytes; open; optimal; oral; order; organisms; outcomes; outpatient; output; overall; overexpression; overnight; oxalate; oxidative; oxygen; p2y; p<0.001; p<0.05; padi; pain; pairs; pancreatic; panel; pao1; parallel; parameters; parental; parents; participants; participation; particular; past; patch; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathology; pathway; patients age; pattern; pbs; pcd; pcn; pcr; pdz; peak; pediatric cf; pediatric patients; pediatrics; peg; people; peptide; percent; percentile; performance; perfusion; period; peritoneal cf; permeability; persistent; pex; pfge; pfts; pge2; pgp; pharmacokinetic; pharmacological; phase; phenotypes; phenylalanine; phosphorylation; physical; physicians; physiological; physiotherapy; picc; pigs; pilot; pka; pkc; placebo; placement; planktonic; plasma; plasmid; play; pmns; point; polarized; polymorphisms; poor; populations; porcine; porcine cftr; positive; positive cells; positive cf; possible; post; potency; potential; pparγ; practice; predominant; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; preliminary results; prescribed; presence; present; present study; pretreatment; prevalence; previous; primary; primary cf; prior; probability; probe; problem; procedures; process; processes; processing; production; products; profile; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; prominent; promising; properties; proportion; prospective; prostasin; protease; protein expression; protein levels; proteins; proteolytic; protocol; providers; ps patients; psa; pseudomonas; pseudomonas aeruginosa; pulmonary disease; pulmonary exacerbation; pulmonary function; pulse; pups; purified; purpose; putative; pyocyanin; qds; quality; quantitative; quarterly; questionnaire; questions; raav; rab4; radiation; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ratios; rats; ray; reactions; reactive; reasons; recent; receptor; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recorded; records; recovery; recruitment; recurrent; recycling; redox; reduced; redundancy; reference; regimens; region; regular; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; relaxation; release; relevance; relevant; renal; repeat; reported; reporting; reports; reproductive; rescue; residue; resistance; respect; respondents; response; responsible; results; retention; reticulum; retrospective; review; risk; role; routine; royal; rsv; safety; saline; salt; samples; satisfaction; saturation; scale; scanning; scans; school; sciences; scores; screened; screening; sds; second; secondary; secrete; secretion; secretory; sectional; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; sequence; sequencing; serca; series; serosal; serous; serous cells; serum; set; setting; severe; severe cf; severe lung; severity; sex; sft; short; shrinkage; signaling; significant; significant increase; signs; similar; single; sinus; sirna; site; size; skin; slc26a9; sleep; slope; slow; small; smm; snps; social; sodium; software; solids; soluble; solution; source; species; specific; specific cftr; specificity; specimens; spectrometry; spirometry; splicing; spp; stability; stable cf; stable patients; staff; staining; standard; standard cf; standardized; start; state; statistical; status; steady; stem cells; step; stimulated; stimulation; stip-1; stone; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; strong; structure; studies; study; study group; study patients; study period; stx6; submucosal; subsequent; substantial; substrate; subunit; successful; sufficient; suitable; sult1e1; summary; supernatant; supplementation; support; surface; surface expression; surfactant; surgery; survey; survival; susceptibility; sustained; sweat; symptoms; synagis; synergy; synthesis; system; systemic; t84; target; targeted; targeting; techniques; technology; temperature; terminal; terminus; test; tested; testing; tgf; tgfβ; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thought; throughput; tidal; tight; time; tissue; tlr2; tnfα; tobramycin; tolerance; tolerated; tool; total; total cells; total cftr; toxicity; tracheas; tract; training; transcription; transduced; transduction; transepithelial; transfected; transfer; transgene; transient; transition; transplant; transplant patients; transplantation; transport; transporters; treatment; trend; trials; tube; type cftr; types; ubiquitin; udca; uk cf; unable; unchanged; unclear; underlying; understanding; underwent; unique; united; university; unknown; untreated; upr; uptake; urea; usa; useful; ussing; values; variability; variable; variants; variation; variety; vas; vcp; vector; vehicle; ventilation; vestibular; vip; viral; virulence; virus; viscosity; visits; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; volunteers; voriconazole; waiting; wall; water; weeks; weight; western; wide; wild; wildtype; women; work; worse; wt cells; wt cftr; wt mice; xbp-1s; years; young; young cf; young patients; younger; yrs; zone; ∆264; ∆f508 cftr; ∆f508cftr cache: cord-023211-kt5gt26t.txt plain text: cord-023211-kt5gt26t.txt item: #149 of 974 id: cord-023288-sqr33y72 author: None title: Paediatric SIG: Poster Session date: 2008-03-12 words: 30188 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: 6mwd; ability; action; activity; acute; additional; adults; aeruginosa; age; aged; ahr; aim; airway; alexithymia; allergic; alternative; analysis; anti; apoptosis; area; artpah; asm; asm cells; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthmatics; australia; azithromycin; background; bal; balb; baseline; best; biopsy; birth; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clearance; clinical; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; complete; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; corticosteroids; cough; cpap; current; current asthma; cytokines; data; days; dcs; department; development; diagnosis; diaries; difference; disease; donors; dose; early; ebc; effect; elisa; emphysema; epithelial; events; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; family; fat; features; female; fev1; fibronectin; fibrosis; findings; flow; fold; follow; fot; frequency; function; gene; general; gord; gp130; gps; granzyme; group; growth; health; hfd; high; higher; history; hospital; hrct; human; hypertension; ige; il-6; il-8; immune; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhaled; initial; interstitial; intervention; introduction; isolated; large; length; levels; life; likely; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; male; management; mannitol; markers; mean; measured; mechanism; median; medical; medication; mesothelin; methods; mice; model; monocyte; months; morbidity; morning; mrna; muscle; n =; nhmrc; nod; non; normal; nsw; number; obstructive; osa; outcomes; p =; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; peak; people; period; persistent; phagocytic; pleural; pm10; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; predictors; pregnancy; presence; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; production; program; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; randomized; range; rate; recent; receptor; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; relationship; release; remodelling; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; reversibility; review; right; risk; role; samples; scid; score; screening; second; secondary; sem; sensitivity; sensitization; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sleep; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; stimulated; studies; study; subjects; support; surgery; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; th1; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumstatin; underwent; unknown; use; ventilation; viral; vitro; volume; weeks; wheeze; wks; women; years; yrs cache: cord-023288-sqr33y72.txt plain text: cord-023288-sqr33y72.txt item: #150 of 974 id: cord-023303-fxus38mp author: None title: Lung Cancer/Bronchology SIGs: Combined Poster Session date: 2008-03-12 words: 30191 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: 6mwd; ability; action; activity; acute; additional; adults; aeruginosa; age; aged; ahr; aim; airway; alexithymia; allergic; alternative; analysis; anti; apoptosis; area; artpah; asm; asm cells; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthmatics; australia; azithromycin; background; bal; balb; baseline; best; biopsy; birth; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clearance; clinical; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; complete; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; corticosteroids; cough; cpap; current; current asthma; cytokines; data; days; dcs; department; development; diagnosis; diaries; difference; disease; donors; dose; early; ebc; effect; elisa; emphysema; epithelial; events; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; family; fat; features; female; fev1; fibronectin; fibrosis; findings; flow; fold; follow; fot; frequency; function; gene; general; gord; gp130; gps; granzyme; group; growth; health; hfd; high; higher; history; hospital; hrct; human; hypertension; ige; il-6; il-8; immune; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhaled; initial; interstitial; intervention; introduction; isolated; large; length; levels; life; likely; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; male; management; mannitol; markers; mean; measured; mechanism; median; medical; medication; mesothelin; methods; mice; model; monocyte; months; morbidity; morning; mrna; muscle; n =; nhmrc; nod; non; normal; nsw; number; obstructive; osa; outcomes; p =; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; peak; people; period; persistent; phagocytic; pleural; pm10; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; predictors; pregnancy; presence; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; production; program; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; randomized; range; rate; recent; receptor; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; relationship; release; remodelling; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; reversibility; review; right; risk; role; samples; scid; score; screening; second; secondary; sem; sensitivity; sensitization; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sleep; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; stimulated; studies; study; subjects; support; surgery; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; th1; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumstatin; underwent; unknown; use; ventilation; viral; vitro; volume; weeks; wheeze; wks; women; years; yrs cache: cord-023303-fxus38mp.txt plain text: cord-023303-fxus38mp.txt item: #151 of 974 id: cord-023308-af5nihyi author: None title: COPD SIG: Poster Session 2 date: 2008-03-12 words: 30189 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: 6mwd; ability; action; activity; acute; additional; adults; aeruginosa; age; aged; ahr; aim; airway; alexithymia; allergic; alternative; analysis; anti; apoptosis; area; artpah; asm; asm cells; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthmatics; australia; azithromycin; background; bal; balb; baseline; best; biopsy; birth; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clearance; clinical; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; complete; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; corticosteroids; cough; cpap; current; current asthma; cytokines; data; days; dcs; department; development; diagnosis; diaries; difference; disease; donors; dose; early; ebc; effect; elisa; emphysema; epithelial; events; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; family; fat; features; female; fev1; fibronectin; fibrosis; findings; flow; fold; follow; fot; frequency; function; gene; general; gord; gp130; gps; granzyme; group; growth; health; hfd; high; higher; history; hospital; hrct; human; hypertension; ige; il-6; il-8; immune; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhaled; initial; interstitial; intervention; introduction; isolated; large; length; levels; life; likely; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; male; management; mannitol; markers; mean; measured; mechanism; median; medical; medication; mesothelin; methods; mice; model; monocyte; months; morbidity; morning; mrna; muscle; n =; nhmrc; nod; non; normal; nsw; number; obstructive; osa; outcomes; p =; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; peak; people; period; persistent; phagocytic; pleural; pm10; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; predictors; pregnancy; presence; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; production; program; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; randomized; range; rate; recent; receptor; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; relationship; release; remodelling; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; reversibility; review; right; risk; role; samples; scid; score; screening; second; secondary; sem; sensitivity; sensitization; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sleep; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; stimulated; studies; study; subjects; support; surgery; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; th1; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumstatin; underwent; unknown; use; ventilation; viral; vitro; volume; weeks; wheeze; wks; women; years; yrs cache: cord-023308-af5nihyi.txt plain text: cord-023308-af5nihyi.txt item: #152 of 974 id: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3 author: None title: Asthma & Allergy SIG: Poster Session 3. Physiology, Environment, Investigation and Management date: 2008-03-12 words: 30195 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: 6mwd; ability; action; activity; acute; additional; adults; aeruginosa; age; aged; ahr; aim; airway; alexithymia; allergic; alternative; analysis; anti; apoptosis; area; artpah; asm; asm cells; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthmatics; australia; azithromycin; background; bal; balb; baseline; best; biopsy; birth; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clearance; clinical; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; complete; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; corticosteroids; cough; cpap; current; current asthma; cytokines; data; days; dcs; department; development; diagnosis; diaries; difference; disease; donors; dose; early; ebc; effect; elisa; emphysema; epithelial; events; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; family; fat; features; female; fev1; fibronectin; fibrosis; findings; flow; fold; follow; fot; frequency; function; gene; general; gord; gp130; gps; granzyme; group; growth; health; hfd; high; higher; history; hospital; hrct; human; hypertension; ige; il-6; il-8; immune; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhaled; initial; interstitial; intervention; introduction; isolated; large; length; levels; life; likely; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; male; management; mannitol; markers; mean; measured; mechanism; median; medical; medication; mesothelin; methods; mice; model; monocyte; months; morbidity; morning; mrna; muscle; n =; nhmrc; nod; non; normal; nsw; number; obstructive; osa; outcomes; p =; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; peak; people; period; persistent; phagocytic; pleural; pm10; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; predictors; pregnancy; presence; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; production; program; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; randomized; range; rate; recent; receptor; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; relationship; release; remodelling; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; reversibility; review; right; risk; role; samples; scid; score; screening; second; secondary; sem; sensitivity; sensitization; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sleep; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; stimulated; studies; study; subjects; support; surgery; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; th1; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumstatin; underwent; unknown; use; ventilation; viral; vitro; volume; weeks; wheeze; wks; women; years; yrs cache: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3.txt plain text: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3.txt item: #153 of 974 id: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1 author: None title: MONDAY: POSTERS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130150 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1.txt plain text: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1.txt item: #154 of 974 id: cord-023354-f2ciho6o author: None title: TUESDAY PLENARY SESSION 3 TUESDAY: POSTERS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130154 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023354-f2ciho6o.txt plain text: cord-023354-f2ciho6o.txt item: #155 of 974 id: cord-023364-ut56gczm author: None title: EDUCATION DAY MONDAY: PLENARY SESSION 1 MONDAY: PARALLEL SESSIONS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130157 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023364-ut56gczm.txt plain text: cord-023364-ut56gczm.txt item: #156 of 974 id: cord-023592-w96h4rir author: None title: Abstracts cont. date: 2015-12-28 words: 67976 flesch: 48 summary: The maximum amino acid identities of genes among different non-antibiotic-producing bacterial isolates were close to 100% for most genes, but those between antibiotic-producing and human or animal bacteria ranged from <28 to <77%. Results: Seven or eight participants provided qualifying results in the two separate QC studies, and the calculated (proposed) ranges were (range; % results in range): E. faecalis ATCC 29212 (2-8 mg/ L; 95.6), S. aureus ATCC 29213 (0.5-2 mg/L; 99.4), S. pneumoniae ATCC 49619 (0.25-1 mg/L; 97.5 and 30-37 mm; 97.6), H. influenzae ATCC 49247 (1-4 mg/L; 97.5 and 24-32 mm; 99.8), and S. aureus ATCC 25923 keywords: 16s; ability; acid; acinetobacter; acrb; active; activity; acute; addition; administration; admission; aeruginosa; aflp; afzelii; agar; agents; aim; air; albicans; aminoglycoside; amphotericin; ampicillin; amplification; amplified; anaerobic; analysed; analysis; animals; antibiotic; antibiotic resistance; antibiotic susceptibility; antibodies; antifungal; antigen; antimicrobial; antimicrobial resistance; area; array; aspergillosis; aspergillus; assay; associated; association; atcc; auc; aureus; aureus isolates; automated; available; average; bacilli; background; bacteraemia; bacterial; bacterial isolates; bacterial strains; bacteriuria; bacteroides; baumannii; best; beta; better; binary; biochemical; biofilm; biomerieux; biopsy; blood; bloodstream; borrelia; broad; broth; burgdorferi; caga; cancer; candida; carbapenems; care; cases; casseliflavus; catheter; cause; cdt; cefepime; cefotaxime; cefoxitin; ceftazidime; ceftriaxone; cells; central; centres; cephalosporins; cfia; cfu; changes; characterisation; characterised; children; chloramphenicol; choice; ciprofloxacin; clarithromycin; class; clindamycin; clinical; clinical isolates; clinical strains; clonal; clones; clostridium; cns; coagulase; coli; coli isolates; collected; collection; colonies; colonisation; combination; commercial; common; community; comparison; complement; complex; concentrations; concern; conclusions; conditions; cons; contrast; control; conventional; correlation; corresponding; counts; course; cranberry; criteria; cross; csf; ctx; culture; cvc; dalfopristin; data; database; days; death; deformylase; detection; determinants; determination; determined; developed; development; diagnosis; diarrhoea; differences; different; difficile; diffusion; dilution; direct; discriminatory; disease; disk; distinct; distribution; dna; dose; double; drug; e. coli; e. faecium; eaec; early; effect; effective; efficacy; electrophoresis; elisa; emergence; encoding; endemic; enterobacteriaceae; enterococcus; environmental; enzymes; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; epidermidis; episodes; eradication; erythromycin; esbl; escherichia; evaluated; evaluation; evidence; examination; expected; experiments; exposure; expression; extended; extraction; factors; faecalis; faeces; faecium; failure; fever; field; fimbriae; final; findings; flu; fluconazole; fluid; following; food; form; fragilis; fragments; france; frequency; frequent; gallinarum; garinii; gastric; gbs; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; genotypes; genotyping; gentamicin; glabrata; gram; greater; group; growth; guidelines; h. results; hand; health; high; higher; highest; hinton; hospital; hospitalisation; hospitalised; human; hybridisation; icu; identical; identification; igg; igm; iii; imipenem; important; incidence; increase; increasing; incubation; infected; infection; inhibitor; inoculum; integrons; intensive; internal; intestinal; invasive; island; isolates; isolation; january; jejuni; juice; kit; klebsiella; laboratory; lactamase; length; levels; like; linezolid; liver; lnz; load; log; loss; lower; lung; lzd; macrolide; main; mainly; major; majority; male; material; max; mean; meca; mechanism; median; medical; medium; meningitis; meropenem; methicillin; methods; metronidazole; mic; mic90; mice; microbiological; microbiology; microdilution; microflora; microorganisms; mics; model; molecular; monitoring; months; mortality; mouse; mrsa; mrsa isolates; mssa; mueller; multiplex; mutant; mutations; nasal; national; nccls; necessary; negative; negative strains; new; non; normal; nosocomial; novel; number; nvp; objectives; occurrence; old; oligonucleotide; oral; order; organisms; organs; origin; outbreak; outcome; overall; oxacillin; p ¼; pathogenicity; pathogens; patients; pattern; pcd; pcr; pcr results; pdf-713; pdf713; penicillin; peptide; percentage; period; perv; pfge; phase; phenotype; plasmid; plates; pneumoniae; population; positive; positive isolates; positive strains; possible; post; potential; poultry; predominant; presence; present; prevalence; previous; primary; primers; prior; probable; probes; process; producing; production; products; profile; prophylaxis; proportion; prostatitis; protein; proven; pseudomonas; pts; pulmonary; pulsed; pvl; pylori; pyrosequencing; quality; quantitative; quinupristin; rabbits; range; rapid; rates; reaction; real; recent; reduced; reference; region; related; relatedness; relationship; reports; resistance; resistance genes; resistant isolates; resistant strains; respiratory; response; responsible; restriction; results; rflp; ribotype; ribotyping; risk; rna; role; route; routine; rrna; s. aureus; salmonella; samples; screening; second; selected; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; serotypes; serum; set; severe; severity; shigella; shv; significant; similar; single; sites; skin; small; sources; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spleen; spp; spread; staff; standard; staphylococcus; statistical; stay; stool; strains; streptococcus; studies; study; subjects; suitable; sul3; surveillance; survey; survival; susceptibility; susceptible; swabs; sxt; symptoms; system; table; target; technique; teicoplanin; temperature; tested; testing; tests; tetracycline; therapeutic; therapy; ticks; tig; tigecycline; time; time pcr; tissue; tolc; total; toxigenic; toxin; tract; transfer; transmission; treatment; type; typhimurium; typing; underlying; units; unknown; urinary; urine; use; useful; values; vana; vanb; vancomycin; variable; varied; virulence; virus; vitek; vitro; vivo; vor; vre; water; way; weeks; weight; wild; work; years cache: cord-023592-w96h4rir.txt plain text: cord-023592-w96h4rir.txt item: #157 of 974 id: cord-023698-wvk200j0 author: Hammerschlag, Margaret R. title: Chlamydia pneumoniae date: 2014-10-31 words: 10021 flesch: 30 summary: Determination of whether C. pneumoniae infection is an acute primary infection or reinfection, a chronic persistent stage, or a past infection is also very difficult. In clinical settings, routine diagnosis of C. pneumoniae infection has been based on results of serologic testing to identify anti-C. pneumoniae immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgA, and IgM antibodies. keywords: acid; acute; adults; amplification; analysis; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoptosis; artery; assays; association; asthma; atherosclerosis; available; azithromycin; cardiovascular; cell; chain; children; chlamydia; chlamydia pneumoniae; chlamydophila; chronic; clarithromycin; clinical; comparison; control; coronary; culture; data; days; detection; development; diagnosis; different; difficult; disease; dna; ebs; effect; enzyme; evidence; extraction; filmarray; host; hours; house; human; identification; igg; ihs; inclusions; infected; infection; inflammation; intracellular; isolates; laboratories; laboratory; meta; methods; mif; multicenter; multiple; naat; nested; new; nucleic; number; organism; pathogen; patients; pcr; persistent; pneumoniae; pneumoniae dna; pneumoniae infection; polymerase; populations; positive; presence; prevalence; rbs; reaction; real; reported; research; resistance; respiratory; respiratory infection; results; role; samples; serologic; serology; similar; single; specific; specimens; strain; studies; study; subjects; system; test; time; tissue; trachomatis; tract; treatment; trial; twar; use; vitro; years cache: cord-023698-wvk200j0.txt plain text: cord-023698-wvk200j0.txt item: #158 of 974 id: cord-023830-w218ogsk author: Perlin, David title: Rapid Detection of Bioterrorism Pathogens date: 2008-09-10 words: 6051 flesch: 35 summary: The problem is not limited to a bioterrorism outbreak as hospital and public health laboratories, confounded by inadequate and slow methodology for pathogen detection, often have difficulty identifying pathogens. This technique allows for continuous, automated operation over an extended time with an assay time is less than 30 min for pathogen detection. keywords: acid; acute; agents; amplification; analysis; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; assays; automated; bacteria; beacons; biological; bioterrorism; blood; cause; clinical; coronavirus; critical; detection; development; diagnostic; different; disease; dna; early; environmental; extraction; false; fidelity; fluorescence; fungi; genes; genetic; genomic; health; high; human; hybridization; identification; infectious; interactions; laboratories; large; levels; like; mass; methods; microarray; molecular; multiplex; new; novel; nucleic; nucleotide; organisms; outbreak; pathogens; pcr; polymerase; positive; possible; presence; primers; probes; public; range; rapid; reaction; real; regions; respiratory; response; ribosomal; rna; samples; sars; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; single; species; specific; specificity; specimens; suitable; system; taqman; target; techniques; technology; testing; throughput; time; toxin; unknown; viruses; wide cache: cord-023830-w218ogsk.txt plain text: cord-023830-w218ogsk.txt item: #159 of 974 id: cord-024080-eh3ztsv5 author: Dheda, Keertan title: Diagnosis of COVID-19: Considerations, Controversies and Challenges in South Africa date: 2020-04-17 words: 3958 flesch: 35 summary: (6, 7) In early disease, procalcitonin may distinguish COVID-19 from bacterial infections but not from other viral diseases (data are awaited to confirm this supposition). Clinical and laboratory parameters that may suggest viral infection may include pyrexia, acute malaise and myalgia, and lymphopenia. keywords: acute; africa; amplification; antibody; assays; capacity; cases; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; days; detection; diagnosis; different; disease; dpcr; early; false; health; high; hiv; immunoassays; individuals; infected; infection; laboratory; limited; load; lower; mild; nasopharyngeal; need; negative; patients; pcr; persons; pneumonia; positive; rapid; rate; respiratory; responses; results; risk; rna; role; sample; sars; sensitivity; severe; south; specific; specimens; swabs; symptomatic; symptoms; testing; tests; tract; unclear; viral; xpert cache: cord-024080-eh3ztsv5.txt plain text: cord-024080-eh3ztsv5.txt item: #160 of 974 id: cord-025232-5itrsfmk author: Yan, Yuqian title: Construction and Characterization of a Novel Recombinant Attenuated and Replication-Deficient Candidate Human Adenovirus Type 3 Vaccine: “Adenovirus Vaccine Within an Adenovirus Vector” date: 2020-05-26 words: 5684 flesch: 36 summary: A community-derived outbreak of adenovirus type 3 in children in Taiwan between Molecular identification and epidemiological features of human adenoviruses associated with acute respiratory infections in hospitalized children in Southern China Comparative genomic analysis of re-emergent human adenovirus type 55 pathogens associated with adult severe communityacquired pneumonia reveals conserved genomes and capsid proteins Adenoviral infections in Singapore: should new antiviral therapies and vaccines be adopted? Analysis of 15 adenovirus hexon proteins reveals the location and structure of seven hypervariable regions containing serotype-specific residues Generation and characterization of a novel candidate gene therapy and vaccination vector based on human species D adenovirus type 56 Mortime P (eds) Principles and practice of clinical virology, 6th edn Hexon and fiber of adenovirus type 14 and 55 are major targets of neutralizing antibody but only fiber-specific antibody contributes to cross-neutralizing activity Molecular epidemiology of adenovirus type 3 detected from 1994 to 2006 in Hyogo Prefecture Immune response to recombinant capsid proteins of adenovirus in humans: antifiber and anti-penton base antibodies have a synergistic effect on neutralizing activity Gene therapy clinical trials worldwide to 2017: an update A recombinant adenovirusbased vector elicits a specific humoral immune response against the V3 loop of HIV-1 gp120 in mice through the 'Antigen Capsid-Incorporation' strategy Identification and typing of respiratory adenoviruses in Guangzhou, Southern China using a rapid and simple method A primary school outbreak of pharyngoconjunctival fever caused by adenovirus type 3 Novel replicationincompetent vector derived from adenovirus type 11 (Ad11) for vaccination and gene therapy: low seroprevalence and non-crossreactivity with Ad5 Household transmission of human adenovirus type 55 in case of fatal acute respiratory disease Emergent US adenovirus 3 strains associated with an epidemic and serious disease Comprehensive serotyping and epidemiology of human adenovirus isolated from the respiratory tract of Korean children over 17 consecutive years Epidemiology, clinical presentation and respiratory sequelae of adenovirus pneumonia in children in Kuala Lumpur Molecular epidemiology and clinical features of adenovirus infection in Taiwanese children Adenovirus infections in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients Gene therapy progress and prospects cancer: oncolytic viruses Detection and molecular characterization of human adenovirus infections among hospitalized children with acute diarrhea in Safety and immunogenicity of novel adenovirus type 26-and modified vaccinia ankara-vectored Ebola vaccines: a randomized clinical trial Rapid construction of a replication-competent infectious clone of human adenovirus type 14 by gibson assembly Delivery of a foot-and-mouth disease virus empty capsid subunit antigen with nonstructural protein 2B improves protection of swine Adenoviruses and acute respiratory infections in children living in an equatorial area of Brazil Oral administration of an adenovirus vector encoding both an avian influenza A hemagglutinin and a TLR3 ligand induces antigen specific granzyme B and IFN-gamma T cell responses in humans Adenovirus assay by the fluorescent cell-counting procedure Structure-based identification of a major neutralizing site in an adenovirus hexon Dramatic decline of respiratory illness among US military recruits after the renewed use of adenovirus vaccines Gene therapy: the first approved gene-based medicines, molecular mechanisms and clinical indications Vaccine-preventable adenoviral respiratory illness in US military recruits Type-specific epitope locations revealed by X-ray crystallographic study of adenovirus type 5 hexon Structural and phylogenetic analysis of adenovirus hexons by use of high-resolution X-ray crystallographic, molecular modeling, and sequence-based methods An adenovirus-based vaccine with a double-stranded RNA adjuvant protects mice and ferrets against H5N1 avian influenza in oral delivery models a placebo-controlled trial of immunization of HIV-1-infected persons with a replication-deficient adenovirus type 5 vaccine expressing the HIV-1 core protein Using the whole-genome sequence to characterize and name human adenoviruses A two-dose heterologous prime-boost vaccine regimen eliciting sustained immune responses to Ebola Zaire could support a preventive strategy for future outbreaks Recombination of the epsilon determinant and corneal tropism: human adenovirus species D types 15 A human type 5 adenovirus-based tuberculosis vaccine induces robust T cell responses in humans despite preexisting anti-adenovirus immunity Generation of adenovirus vectors devoid of all viral genes by recombination between inverted repeats Development and assessment of human adenovirus type 11 as a gene transfer vector Mapping the epitope of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against human adenovirus type 3 Increasing the efficacy of oncolytic adenovirus vectors Community outbreak of adenovirus Epidemical features of HAdV-3 and HAdV-7 in pediatric pneumonia in Adenovirus vectors for gene therapy, vaccination and cancer gene therapy Characterization of culture-positive adenovirus serotypes from respiratory specimens in Fatal community-acquired pneumonia in children caused by re-emergent human adenovirus 7d associated with higher severity of illness and fatality rate Comparative genomic analysis of two strains of human adenovirus type 3 isolated from children with acute respiratory infection in southern China Construction and characterization of a replication-competent human adenovirus type 3-based vector as a livevaccine candidate and a viral delivery vector Comparative genomic analysis of two emergent human adenovirus type 14 respiratory pathogen isolates in China reveals similar yet divergent genomes A survey of recent adenoviral respiratory pathogens in Hong Kong reveals emergent and recombinant human adenovirus type 4 (HAdV-E4) circulating in civilian populations Molecular typing of human respiratory adenoviruses with universal PCR and sequencing primers for three major capsid genes: penton base, hexon, and fiber Re-emergent human adenovirus genome type 7d caused an acute respiratory disease outbreak in Southern China after a twenty-one year absence Comparison of viral and epidemiological profiles of hospitalized children with severe acute respiratory infection in Beijing and Construction and Characterization of a Novel HAdV-3 Vaccine Author Contributions QZ designed the experiments. A PCRderived product comprising the complete hexon gene (epsilon epitope) of adenovirus type 3 was directly cloned into the multiple cloning site of pShuttle using the EcoR V and Xho I restriction sites. keywords: a549; acute; ad293; ad293 cells; adenovirus; amplification; analysis; antibodies; antibody; ard; candidate; capsid; cells; characterization; children; china; complete; construction; culture; day; defective; deficient; disease; dna; ecor; epitope; epsilon; et al; fig; fluorescence; gene; generations; genomic; gz01; hadv-3; hexon; hexon gene; homologous; human; infected; infection; intramuscular; intranasal; mice; min; molecular; mouse; neutralizing; novel; number; pcr; penton; plasmid; post; protein; pshuttle; rad3h; rad5; recombinant; recombination; replication; respiratory; restriction; sequencing; specific; stability; strain; therapy; time; type; usa; vaccine; vector; viral; wild; zhang cache: cord-025232-5itrsfmk.txt plain text: cord-025232-5itrsfmk.txt item: #161 of 974 id: cord-025634-31n5fvex author: Zhuge, Shurui title: The prevalence of occult HBV infection in immunized children with HBsAg-positive parents: a hospital-based analysis date: 2020-05-29 words: 3987 flesch: 46 summary: Considering the significant reservoir of HBV infections, the status of HBV infection in many countries is still not optimistic. For HBV DNA detectable children, 20 (13.6%, 95% CI 8.0-19.2%), 24 (14.0%, 95% CI 8.7-19.2%) were found with HBV father-carriers, mother-carriers. keywords: analysis; anti; antigen; areas; blood; carriers; children; china; clinical; detectable; dna; factors; father; fig; gene; hbc; hbig; hbsag; hbv; hepatitis; immunized; infection; mothers; negative; nested; obi; occult; parents; pcr; positive; prevalence; rate; regions; results; risk; samples; sequences; sequencing; serum; significant; statistical; study; test; transmission; vaccinated; values; variables; version; virus; years cache: cord-025634-31n5fvex.txt plain text: cord-025634-31n5fvex.txt item: #162 of 974 id: cord-027498-cfzfgzqi author: Hattori, Takeshi title: Older age is associated with sustained detection of SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swab samples date: 2020-06-21 words: 844 flesch: 48 summary: In our analysis, older age is significantly associated with prolonged duration of positive PCR tests from nasopharyngeal swab samples, irrespective of the disease severity and the used of medication ( Figure 1 ). We speculate that in older individuals, cell turnover is less robust and as such, clearance of virus from the nasopharynx is prolonged; these factors may lead to positive PCR tests that persist after acute disease has resolved. keywords: age; covid-19; disease; mild; nasopharyngeal; negative; patients; pcr; positive; prolonged; results; samples; sars; swab; tests cache: cord-027498-cfzfgzqi.txt plain text: cord-027498-cfzfgzqi.txt item: #163 of 974 id: cord-029183-3aotgq6m author: Monard, Céline title: Multicenter evaluation of a syndromic rapid multiplex PCR test for early adaptation of antimicrobial therapy in adult patients with pneumonia date: 2020-07-14 words: 5860 flesch: 30 summary: Therefore, in pneumonia patients, international guidelines state that an attempt should be made to obtain respiratory samples and recommend to start early empirical treatment while awaiting for the results of culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) Second, although we included a large panel of pneumonia patients (severe ICU patients with VAP or HAP and non-severe CAP patients from the emergency room), it remains unclear what group of patients will benefit most from the syndromic rm-PCR diagnosis. keywords: active; adult; aeruginosa; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; ast; authors; bacteria; cap; care; cfu; clinical; committee; community; conventional; culture; data; diagnostic; drug; early; empirical; episodes; escalation; french; genes; gram; guidelines; hap; hospital; identification; impact; infectious; medical; microbiological; molecular; multidisciplinary; multiplex; n =; negative; new; non; panel; pathogens; patients; pcr; pneumonia; positive; present; previous; rapid; resistance; respiratory; results; routine; samples; semi; spectrum; standard; staphylococcus; stewardship; streptococcus; study; syndromic; syndromic rm; table; techniques; test; testing; therapy; time; treatment; use; vap cache: cord-029183-3aotgq6m.txt plain text: cord-029183-3aotgq6m.txt item: #164 of 974 id: cord-029710-ythz9ax0 author: Homayounieh, Fatemeh title: CT Radiomics, Radiologists and Clinical Information in Predicting Outcome of Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia date: 2020-07-23 words: 3096 flesch: 37 summary: Pneumonia Feasibility of CT radiomics to predict treatment response of individual liver metastases in esophagogastric cancer patients Unsupervised machine learning of radiomic features for predicting treatment response and overall survival of early stage non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy Novel Quantitative Imaging for Predicting Response to Therapy: Techniques and Clinical Applications Radiomics predicts survival of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer undergoing PD-1 blockade using Nivolumab Diagnostic performance between CT and initial real-time RT-PCR for clinically Radiomics differentiated chest CT in outpatient vs inpatient with an AUC of 0.84 (p<0.005), while radiologists’ interpretations of disease extent and opacity type had an AUC of 0.69 (p<0.0001). keywords: admission; assay; auc; cases; chest; clinical; consolidation; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 pneumonia; data; disease; entire; extensive; features; findings; glass; gray; ground; hospital; icu; infection; information; involvement; level; lobe; lung; matrix; negative; non; opacities; outcome; outpatients; patients; pcr; pneumonia; prediction; pulmonary; radiologists; radiology; radiomics; results; score; severity; studies; study; subjective; total; type; variables cache: cord-029710-ythz9ax0.txt plain text: cord-029710-ythz9ax0.txt item: #165 of 974 id: cord-029775-mntcor5d author: Oka, Tomoichiro title: Polymerase chain reaction primer sets for the detection of genetically diverse human sapoviruses date: 2020-07-27 words: 1844 flesch: 47 summary: 62nt-CTGCTATCCTGCCACCAGGTG CACAGGGGCAGTCACGAGTAA-75nt-TTTCCTTGGGGCTATCCACC-35nt-AGCGCA ATGTTTGCTGGGTGGGG -62nt-CTGCCATCTTGCCACCCGGAG TACAGGGGCCGTCAGCAACAA-75nt-CTTTCTTGGTGCCATCCATC-35nt-AGTGCC ATGTTTGCTGGCTGGGG -62nt-TCGCAGTGCTGCCTCCAGGTG AACTGGGGCAGTCACCAGCAA-75nt-GTTCCTGGGCGCAATCCACC Comprehensive review of human sapoviruses Children attending day care centers are a year-round reservoir of gastrointestinal viruses A foodborne outbreak of sapovirus linked to catered box lunches in Japan Characterization of sapoviruses detected in gastroenteritis outbreaks and identification of asymptomatic adults with high viral load Detection of human sapovirus by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction Human sapovirus classification based on complete capsid nucleotide sequences Genetic diversity of human sapovirus across the Americas Viral metagenomics reveals sapoviruses of different genogroups in stool samples from children with acute gastroenteritis in Jiangsu Investigation of a food-borne outbreak of gastroenteritis in a school canteen revealed a variant of sapovirus genogroup V not detected by standard PCR Complete genome sequence of a novel GV.2 sapovirus strain, NGY-1, detected from a suspected foodborne gastroenteritis outbreak Broadly reactive real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of human sapovirus genotypes Molecular epidemiology and phylogenetic analysis of Sapporo-like viruses The detection of human sapoviruses with universal and genogroup-specific primers Detection of norovirus (GI, GII), Sapovirus and astrovirus in fecal samples using reverse transcription single-round multiplex PCR Detection and genetic analysis of human sapoviruses in river water in Japan Surveillance of pathogens in outpatients with gastroenteritis and characterization of sapovirus strains between Epidemiology and genotype analysis of sapovirus associated with gastroenteritis outbreaks in A confirmation of sapovirus re-infection gastroenteritis cases with different genogroups and genetic shifts in the evolving sapovirus genotypes Quantification and genotyping of human sapoviruses in the Llobregat river catchment Near-Complete Human Sapovirus Genome Sequences from Kenya PCR assays were performed using 20 µL of a reaction mixture containing 1 µL of synthetic double-stranded DNA or 2 µL of cDNA or DNA from clinical specimens, 10 µL of KAPA2G Fast HotStart ReadyMix with dye (KAPA Biosystems, Wilmington, MA), and 10 pmol of each primer. keywords: assays; cdna; combinations; detection; different; dna; fig; gastroenteritis; genotypes; gii; giv.1; human; husav; m13f; m13r; panel; pcr; positive; primers; reaction; real; right; sapovirus; sequence; specimens; study; tested; time cache: cord-029775-mntcor5d.txt plain text: cord-029775-mntcor5d.txt item: #166 of 974 id: cord-030026-4jew57ce author: Vasala, Antti title: Modern Tools for Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance date: 2020-07-15 words: 14198 flesch: 30 summary: LCR can be easily integrated into detection systems such as electrochemical and magnetic biosensors, quantum dots, quartz crystal and leaky surface acoustic surface biosensors, Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), chemiluminescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (Oblath et al., 2013) . The IRIDICA PCR/electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry assay on bronchoalveolar lavage for bacterial etiology in mechanically ventilated patients with suspected pneumonia Cell-on-hydrogel platform made of agar and alginate for rapid, low-cost, multidimensional test of antimicrobial susceptibility Antimicrobial susceptibility test with plasmonic imaging and tracking of single bacterial motions on nanometer scale Current and emerging techniques for antibiotic susceptibility tests Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing via Plasmonic Imaging and Tracking Evaluation and use of a rapid Staphylococcus aureus assay by an antimicrobial stewardship program United nations meeting on antimicrobial resistance Detection of group a streptococcus from pharyngeal swab samples by bacterial culture is challenged by a novel mariPOC point-of-care test Developmental roadmap for antimicrobial susceptibility testing systems Developmental roadmap for antimicrobial susceptibility testing systems Laboratory-based and point-of-care testing for MSSA/MRSA detection in the age of whole genome sequencing ELISA-Based Identification and Detection of Microbes Rapid phenotypic antibiotic susceptibility testing of uropathogens using optical signal analysis on the nanowell slide Isothermal micro calorimetry-a new method for MIC determinations: results for 12 antibiotics and reference strains of E. coli and S. aureus MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry technology for detecting biomarkers of antimicrobial resistance: current achievements and future perspectives Strand displacement amplification-an isothermal, in vitro DNA amplification technique Analytical validation of an ultra low-cost mobile phone microplate reader for infectious disease testing Bacterial nanoscale cultures for phenotypic multiplexed antibiotic susceptibility testing MALDI-TOF MS in microbiological diagnostics-identification of microorganisms and beyond (mini review) Detection of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus using a specific Anti-PBP2a chicken IgY antibody A multiplex loopmediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid screening of Acinetobacter baumannii and D carbapenemase OXA-23 gene Direct antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bloodstream infection on SlipChip Recent developments in antibody-based assays for the detection of bacterial toxins keywords: accelerate; acid; aeruginosa; amplification; analysis; antibiotic; antibiotic susceptibility; antibody; antimicrobial; antimicrobial susceptibility; applicable; applied; array; assay; ast; aureus; automated; available; bacteria; beads; biosensor; blood; bloodstream; capable; capacity; care; cell; changes; chip; clinical; clinical samples; clinics; coli; colorimetric; commercial; concentrations; cost; cultivation; cultures; current; data; detection; determination; development; device; diagnostics; different; digital; direct; diseases; dna; droplet; drug; electrochemical; enrichment; et al; eucast; evaluation; excitation; fast; fda; field; fish; flow; fluorescent; future; genes; genome; gram; growing; growth; healthcare; heat; high; hybridization; identification; imaging; immunodetection; immunodiagnostic; inc; individual; inexpensive; infections; instrument; integrated; ionization; isolates; isothermal; laboratories; laboratory; lamp; laser; level; light; line; liquid; loop; low; magnetic; maldi; mass; matrix; methods; microbes; microbiology; microcalorimetry; microfluidic; microscopy; min; molecular; monitoring; multipath; multiplexed; naat; nanoparticles; need; negative; new; non; novel; nucleic; number; optical; outpatient; pathogen; patients; pcr; performance; phenotypic; plate; platform; poct; point; polymicrobial; positive; potential; preparation; principle; probes; products; progress; pure; quantitative; rapid; rapid antimicrobial; rapid ast; rapid detection; reaction; real; redox; resistance; respiratory; results; review; rna; routine; rrna; samples; scientific; sensitive; sensitivity; signal; simultaneous; single; smartphone; species; specific; spectrometry; standard; staphylococcus; strains; studies; surface; susceptibility; susceptibility testing; system; target; techniques; technologies; technology; tested; testing; tests; throughput; time; tof; total; tract; tuberculosis; urinary; urine; usa; use; viruses; work cache: cord-030026-4jew57ce.txt plain text: cord-030026-4jew57ce.txt item: #167 of 974 id: cord-030028-s6sxi8uj author: Rubio, Luis title: Detection of Plant Viruses and Disease Management: Relevance of Genetic Diversity and Evolution date: 2020-07-17 words: 14694 flesch: 22 summary: IF acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, through the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centers of Excellence in R&D 2016-2019 (SEV-2015-0533). Detection and quantitation of two cucurbit criniviruses in mixed infection by real-time RT-PCR Mutations associated with resistancebreaking isolates of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and their allelic discrimination using TaqMan technology Advances in plant virus evolution: translating evolutionary insights into better disease management Codon usage bias amongst plant viruses Virus adaptation by manipulation of host's gene expression Ecogenomic survey of plant viruses infecting tobacco by next generation sequencing Simultaneous detection and identification of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) isolates by multiplex one-step RT-PCR Genetic bottlenecks during systemic movement of Cucumber mosaic virus vary in different host plants Analysis of genetic bottlenecks during horizontal transmission of Cucumber mosaic virus Multiplex RT-PCR detection of three common viruses infecting orchids Rapid generation of genetic heterogeneity in progenies from individual cDNA clones of peach latent mosaic viroid in its natural host Emerging infectious diseases of plants: pathogen pollution, climate change and agrotechnology drivers Control methods of virus diseases in the Mediterranean basin Simultaneous detection of six RNA plant viruses affecting tomato crops using a single digoxigenin-labelled polyprobe Development of a molecular assay for the detection of Cucumber mosaic virus and the discrimination of its subgroups I and II Detection of five seedborne legume viruses in one sensitive multiplex polymerase chain reaction test Single-step multiplex RT-PCR for simultaneous and colourimetric detection of six RNA viruses in olive trees Real-time RT-PCR high-resolution melting curve analysis and multiplex RT-PCR to detect and differentiate grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 variant groups I, II, III and VI Estimation of the effective number of founders that initiate an infection after aphid transmission of a multipartite plant virus Localizing viruses in their insect vectors Third generation sequencing: technology and its potential impact on evolutionary biodiversity research Microarrays for rapid identification of plant viruses Methods in virus diagnostics: from ELISA to next generation sequencing Real time portable genome sequencing for global food security Epidemiology and control of tomato mosaic virus Nanopore sequencing as a surveillance tool for plant pathogens in plant and insect tissues Multiple virus resistance at a high frequency using a single transgene construct DNA microarray: parallel detection of potato viruses Design, synthesis, and functional analysis of highly specific artificial small RNAs with antiviral activity in plants Fast-forward generation of effective artificial small RNAs for enhanced antiviral defense in plants Multi-targeting of viral RNAs with synthetic trans-acting small interfering RNAs enhances plant antiviral resistance A real-time RT-PCR assay for quantifying the fitness of Tobacco etch virus in competition experiments Diagnosis of plant diseases using the Nanopore sequencing platform Development of broad virus resistance in non-transgenic cucumber using CRISPR/Cas9 technology Selection pressures in the capsid genes of plant RNA viruses reflect mode of transmission A phylogenetic survey of recombination frequency in plant RNA viruses Antibody array in a multiwell plate format for the sensitive and multiplexed detection of important plant pathogens Multiple virus resistance using artificial trans-acting siRNAs Next-generation diagnostics with CRISPR Characteristics of the microplate method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses The promiscuous evolutionary history of the family Bromoviridae NGS of virus-derived small RNAs as a diagnostic method used to determine viromes of Hungarian vineyards Lethal mutagenesis of an RNA plant virus via lethal defection Contribution of uneven distribution of genomic RNA variants of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) within the plant to changes in the viral population following aphid transmission A multiplex reverse transcription PCR assay for simultaneous detection of five tobacco viruses in tobacco plants Induction of silencing in plants by high-pressure spraying of in vitro-synthesized small RNAs Recombination profiles between Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus in laboratory and field conditions: evolutionary and taxonomic implications Emergence and Phylodynamics of Citrus tristeza virus in Sicily, Italy Molecular detection of papaya meleira virus in the latex of carica papaya by RT-PCR Characterization of RNA-mediated resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus in transgenic tobacco plants Dominant resistance against plant viruses Detection, discrimination and absolute quantitation of Tomato spotted wilt virus isolates using real time RT-PCR with TaqMan ® MGB probes Transmission of Tomato spotted wilt virus isolates able and unable to overcome tomato or pepper resistance by its vector Frankliniella occidentalis Increase in Zucchini yellow mosaic virus symptom severity in tolerant zucchini cultivars is related to a point mutation in P3 protein and is associated with a loss of relative fitness on susceptible plants Differentiation of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates by hybridization to Rubio et al. genome move systemically and protect cucurbits against ZYMV Entomopathogenic viruses and bacteria for insect-pest control, in Integrated Pest Management: Current concepts and ecological perspective Nonparametric estimation from incomplete observations Plant virology and next generation sequencing: experiences with a potyvirus Screening for plant viruses by next generation sequencing using a modified double strand RNA extraction protocol with an internal amplification control Polycistronic artificial miRNA-mediated resistance to Wheat dwarf virus in barley is highly efficient at low temperature Current trends in diagnostics of viral infections of unknown etiology Lateral flow assays Population structure and genetic diversity within California Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates The phylogeny of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of positive-strand RNA viruses Complete viral genome sequence and discovery of novel viruses by deep sequencing of small RNAs: a generic method for diagnosis, discovery and sequencing of viruses MEGA X: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis across computing platforms Multiple artificial microRNAs targeting conserved motifs of the replicase gene confer robust transgenic resistance to negative-sense singlestranded RNA plant virus Tempo and mode of plant RNA virus escape from RNA interferencemediated resistance Improving the effectiveness of artificial microRNA (amiR)-mediated resistance against Turnip mosaic virus by combining two amiRs or by targeting highly conserved viral genomic regions Viruses of cucurbit crops in the Mediterranean region: an ever-changing picture Phylogenetic and recombination analysis of tomato spotted wilt virus Simultaneous detection of three lilyinfecting viruses using a multiplex Luminex bead array Genetic diversity and biological variation among California isolates of Cucumber mosaic virus Molecular evolution of a viral non-coding sequence under the selective Virus Variability: Diagnosis and Control pressure of amiRNA-mediated silencing Development of a one-step immunocapture real-time TaqMan RT-PCR assay for the broad spectrum detection of Pepino mosaic virus Effectiveness of chemo-and thermotherapeutic treatments on Pepino mosaic virus in tomato seed MicroRNA-mediated gene silencing in plant defense and viral counter-defense Development of real-time and conventional RT-PCR assays for the detection of potato yellow vein virus (PYVV) keywords: accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; amino; amplification; analysis; antibodies; approach; artificial; assay; binding; biological; boonham; boonham et; breakdown; breeding; broad; cases; chain; change; characterization; citrus; conditions; conserved; control; crop; cross; ctv; cucumber; design; detection; development; diagnosis; different; differentiation; disease; diversity; dna; electrophoresis; elisa; emergence; et al; evolution; evolutionary; expression; factors; false; family; field; figure; flow; fluorescent; free; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genus; high; higher; host; hts; hybridization; identification; identity; important; increase; individual; infected; infecting; infection; information; insect; interactions; introduction; isolates; isothermal; known; lamp; leaf; length; level; like; low; main; management; material; measures; mechanism; methods; microarray; mixed; molecular; mosaic; mosaic virus; movement; multiplex; mutation; nanopore; natural; necessary; negative; new; nucleic; nucleotide; number; oligonucleotide; pcr; pepino; phylogenetic; plant; plant viruses; plum; polymerase; populations; positive; possible; potato; pox; primers; probes; procedures; process; products; protection; protein; qpcr; quantification; quarantine; rapid; reaction; real; recombination; regions; related; relative; replication; resistance; reverse; rna; rna viruses; rnas; rubio; rubio et; ruiz; samples; seed; selection; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; short; silencing; simultaneous; single; sites; small; species; specific; specificity; step; strains; strand; strategies; structure; synthetic; taqman; target; techniques; throughput; time; tobacco; tomato; transcription; transgenic; transmission; tristeza; universal; variability; variants; variation; vectors; vein; viral; viroids; virus; virus species; viruses; wilt; yellow cache: cord-030028-s6sxi8uj.txt plain text: cord-030028-s6sxi8uj.txt item: #168 of 974 id: cord-030191-tekgcthp author: Suchá, Dominika title: Suboptimal Quality and High Risk of Bias in Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies on Chest Radiography and Computed Tomography in the Acute Setting of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review date: 2020-07-30 words: 5038 flesch: 35 summary: Mean number of reported STARD items was 12/34 (35%) for all studies (Figure- Based on the GRADE framework the certainty of evidence for the totality of CT test accuracy studies for COVID-19 diagnosis was rated very low for both sensitivity and specificity estimates ( Table 7) . Study design, risk of bias, and indirectness in rating the certainty across a body of evidence for test accuracy Sources of variation and bias in studies of diagnostic accuracy: a systematic review A systematic review classifies sources of bias and variation in diagnostic test accuracy studies STARD 2015 guidelines for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies: explanation and elaboration GRADE guidelines: 21 part 2. keywords: accuracy; analysis; applicability; bias; cases; characteristics; chest; china; clinical; concern; coronavirus; covid-19; cxr; data; diagnostic; disease; domains; dta; evidence; features; findings; grade; high; imaging; index; infection; interval; items; low; meta; negative; non; novel; number; pandemic; patients; pcr; performance; pneumonia; positive; quadas-2; quality; reference; reporting; results; retrospective; review; risk; sars; selection; sensitivity; specificity; standard; stard; studies; study; subjects; systematic; test; time; unclear; wuhan cache: cord-030191-tekgcthp.txt plain text: cord-030191-tekgcthp.txt item: #169 of 974 id: cord-031565-mos619wp author: Troedsson, Christofer title: Quantification of copepod gut content by differential length amplification quantitative PCR (dla-qPCR) date: 2009-02-01 words: 4221 flesch: 39 summary: In order to evaluate whether the dla-qPCR could be used to correct for prey DNA digestion, additional experiments were conducted with C. finmarchicus fed R. marina for different time periods. A possible explanation for the underestimation of ingested prey cells by qPCR is the digestion of prey genomic DNA in copepod gut. keywords: 18s; algal; amplicon; amplification; analysis; assay; calanus; cell; content; copepod; deagle; detection; different; differential; digested; digestion; dla; dna; dnase; estimates; et al; experiments; feeding; fig; finmarchicus; fragments; gene; genomic; gut; harwood; inc; kit; length; marina; min; nejstgaard; number; pigment; prey; primers; profiles; qiagen; qpcr; quantification; quantitative; rates; real; samples; significant; size; species; specific; standard; studies; study; target; time cache: cord-031565-mos619wp.txt plain text: cord-031565-mos619wp.txt item: #170 of 974 id: cord-031907-ilhr3iu5 author: None title: ISEV2020 Abstract Book date: 2020-07-15 words: 201435 flesch: 40 summary: Normal pancreas cells (hTERT-HPNE and HPDE-H6c7) were co-cultured with cancer cell EVs for 24-48 hours. Before EV isolation cells were kept for 24 h either under normoxia or hypoxia (1% oxygen). keywords: a549 cells; ability; able; absence; absent; abundance; abundant; acceptor cells; access; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acids; acs evs; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; ad evs; addition; adenocarcinoma; adhesion; adipocyte; adipose; administration; adult; advanced; advantage; af4; affected; affinity; afsc; aged; ageing; agents; aggregates; aggregation; aggressive; ago2; aid; aim; aims; airway; akt; albumin; alix; allogeneic evs; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; alzheimer; aml; amniotic; amounts; amplification; amyloid; analyse; analysis; analysis methods; analytical; androgen; angiogenesis; angiogenic; animals; annexin; anti; antibacterial; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antimicrobial; anxa2; apobds; apoptosis; apoptotic; applicable; applications; approach; appropriate; aptamer; area; array; aspects; assay; assayed; assembly; assessment; associated; association; asthma; astrocytes; atomic; attenuated; auc; autoimmune; automated; autophagy; available; average; b cells; background; bacterial evs; bakeri evs; balf; barrier; baseline; batf2; bbb; bca; bdevs; beads; bearing; behaviour; beneficial; benefit; benign; best; beta; better; bilayer; binding; bioactive; biochemical; biofluids; biological; biology; biomarkers; biomedical; biomolecules; biophysical; biopsies; biopsy; bioreactor; blocking; blood; blood cells; blood evs; blood plasma; blood samples; blot; blot analysis; blotting; bmmsc; bone; bovine; brain; brain cells; brain evs; breast; breast cancer; cadherin; calnexin; calu6 evs; canada; cancer biomarkers; cancer cells; cancer diagnosis; cancer evs; cancer exosomes; cancer institute; cancer introduction; cancer patients; cancer progression; cancer stem; cancers; candidate; canonical; capability; capable; capacity; capture; capturing; carcinoma; carcinoma cells; cardiac; cardiovascular; cargoes; carriers; cartilage; cas9; cases; cause; ccm; cd105; cd31; cd34exo; cd45; cd47; cd61; cd63; cd81; cd82; cd9; cdc; cdvs; cell activation; cell adhesion; cell communication; cell culture; cell cycle; cell death; cell disease; cell evs; cell exosomes; cell extracellular; cell free; cell function; cell growth; cell imaging; cell interactions; cell lines; cell lung; cell lysates; cell media; cell membrane; cell migration; cell motility; cell populations; cell proliferation; cell rna; cell surface; cell therapy; cell types; cell viability; cells; cells introduction; cellular ev; center; central; centre; centrifuged; cerebrospinal; cfdna; chagas; challenge; challenging; chamber; changes; channel; characteristics; characterization; characterized; charge; chemical; chemotherapy; chf; children; china; chip; cholesterol; chondrocytes; chromatography; chronic; ciliary evs; circulating; circulatory evs; cirrhosis; clarified; classification; clearance; clec9a evs; clic4; clinical; closure; clot; cns; coated; coding; cognitive; cohort; collagen; collected; colorectal; colorectal cancer; column; combination; combined; commercial; committee; common; community; comparable; comparative; comparison; compartments; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; components; composition; compounds; comprehensive; concentrated; concentration; concept; conclusion; conditioning; conditions; confirmed; confocal; consequence; conserved; consistent; consists; contact; contaminants; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; contribute; control; control cells; control evs; conventional; cord; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cost; counts; cpc; cpe; crc; crc cells; crispr; critical; cross; crosstalk; crucial; crude evs; cruzi; cryo; csf; ctl evs; cultured; current; current methods; curve; custom; cvd; cx43; cxcr4; cytokines; cytometer; cytometry; cytometry analysis; cytosolic; cytotoxicity; damage; data; data analysis; daughter evs; david; days; dbh; dcs; death; debris; decline; decreased; defects; deficient; degradation; delivery; dendritic cells; density; department; dependent; depleted; deposition; dermal; design; detectable; detection; determined; development; device; dftd; dguc; diabetes; diabetic; diagnose; diagnosis; diameter; diet; differences; different; different cell; different ev; different isolation; different methods; differential; differential expression; differentiation; difficult; digital; dilution; direct; discovery; disease; disease introduction; disorders; display; disruption; distance; distant; distinct; distribution; diverse; dls; dmem; dna; domain; donor cells; donors; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; droplet; drug; dsg2; dye; dyes; dynamic; dysfunction; dysregulation; early; ecm; ecvs; edta; education; eev; eevs; effect; effective; efficacy; efficiency; efforts; egfp; egfr; egfrviii; electrochemical; electron; electron microscopy; elevated; elisa; emt; endogenous; endosomal; endosomes; endothelial cells; engineered; engineering; enhanced; enriched; enrichment; enzyme; epcam; epithelial; epithelial cell; equivalent; erythrocytes; essential; established; establishment; eukaryotic cells; european; ev analysis; ev associated; ev biogenesis; ev biomarkers; ev capture; ev cargo; ev collection; ev composition; ev concentrations; ev content; ev core; ev detection; ev dna; ev effect; ev evs; ev flow; ev formation; ev fraction; ev functionality; ev funding; ev isolation; ev levels; ev loading; ev markers; ev mice; ev mirnas; ev numbers; ev particles; ev population; ev preparations; ev production; ev productivity; ev protein; ev proteomics; ev quantification; ev reference; ev release; ev research; ev rna; ev samples; ev secretion; ev size; ev subpopulations; ev subtypes; ev summary; ev surface; ev tracking; ev treatment; ev uptake; ev yield; evaluation; events; evidence; evs; evs characteristics; evs chemical; evs delivery; evs harbouring; evs mediate; evs membrane; evs pellet; evs phenotype; evs present; evs proteome; exchange; exclusion; exercise; exhibit; exodisc; exoquick; exosomal; exosome isolation; exosome markers; exosomes; exoview; expansion; expected; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; expression analysis; expression levels; exrna; extent; extracellular matrix; extracellular rna; extracellular vesicles; extraction; facs; factors; failure; family; fat; fbs; fcm; features; female; fibroblasts; fibrosis; field; filopodia; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; flow cytometry; fluid; fluorescent; fluorescent evs; fn1; focused; foetal; foetuses; fold; following; formation; forms; foundation; fractionation; fractions; fragments; free; free plasma; fresh; function; funding; fungal; fusion; future; gain; gbm cells; gdm; gene; general; genetic; genome; genomic; germany; gfap; gfp; gfp+ evs; glial cells; glioma cells; global; glucose; goal; gold; good; gradient; grant; great; greater; group; growth; grp78; guidelines; gw4869; h cells; haematopoietic; hcc; head; healing; healthy; heart; hek293; hek293 cells; hela cells; hepatocytes; her2; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; hevs; high; high expression; higher; higher ev; highest; hippocampal; hipsc; hiv; hiv-1; hla; hnscc; homoeostasis; hospital; host cells; hotair; hours; hpv; hrs; hscs; hsp70; hspgs; ht29; human; human brain; human cancer; human cells; human disease; human evs; human plasma; huvec; hypertension; hypothesis; hypothesized; hypoxia; ibd; identification; identity; ifn; iii; il-6; il-8; illumina; imaged; imaging; immune cells; immunity; immunoblotting; immunocapture; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemistry; immunomagnetic; immunomodulatory; immunoprecipitation; impact; impaired; impairment; important; improved; increased; increasing; incubation; index; individual evs; individuals; induced; induction; infected cells; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; informed; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injected; injured; injury; innate; innovation; input; insights; institute; instrument; intact evs; integrated; integration; integrin; integrity; intensity; interactions; intercellular; interest; interferometric; internalization; internalized; intestinal; intra; intranasal; intravenous; introduction; invasion; invasive; investigated; investigation; involvement; iodixanol; ipscs; iris; irradiated; ischaemic; isev; islets; isolated evs; isolated exosomes; isolated vesicles; isolates; isolation methods; israel; isuf; italy; izon; japan; junctions; kda; key; kidney; kit; knockdown; knowledge; known; l1cam; l1cam evs; labelling; laboratory; lack; lacking; large evs; larger; later; lead; learning; length; lesions; leukaemia; levels; levs; library; ligands; light; like; likely; limitations; limited; line evs; lineage; linear; lipid; lipoprotein; liposomes; liquid; little; loaded; loading; localization; long; loss; lower; lps; luciferase; lung; lung cancer; lymph; lymphocytes; lysosomal; machine; macrophages; magnetic; main; major; majority; making; male; malignant; manner; manufacturing; marneffei evs; marrow; mass; mast; materials; matrix; maturation; mature; mb-231; mb-231 cells; mb-231 evs; mcmv; mda; mdd; mean; measured; measurements; mechanical; mechanisms; media; mediate; mediators; medical; medicine; medium; melanocytic evs; melanoma; melanoma cells; members; membrane; membrane proteins; membrane vesicles; memory; menthol; mesenchymal; mesf; metabolic; metastasis; metastatic cells; methodologies; methodology; methods; mex; mhc; mice; microalgal evs; microarray; microenvironment; microfluidic; microglia; micrornas; microscopy; microvesicles; migration; mild; milk evs; mimic; minimal; minutes; mir-142; mir-20a; mir-21; mirna; mirs; mitochondrial; mitovesicle; ml cells; mock; model; modification; modified; modulate; modulation; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monocytes; months; morphine; morphological; morphology; mortality; mortem; motifs; motility; motor; mouse; mps; mri; mrps; msa; msc evs; mscs; mtbi; multiple; multiplexed; muris evs; muscle; muscle cells; muscle evs; mutant; mutant cells; mutations; mvb; mvs; myc; myeloid; myotubes; n =; nanoparticle; nanoscale; nanosight; nanovesicles; national; national cancer; natural evs; naïve; necessary; need; negative; nervous; network; neural; neuroblastoma; neurodegenerative; neurogenesis; neuroinflammation; neurological; neuronal; neuronal cells; neuronal evs; neurons; neutrophil; nevs; new; new ev; niche; nicotine; nih; nk cells; nk evs; nk3.3 evs; nm23; non; normal; normal cells; normal evs; normalization; norovirus; novel; novel ev; npc; nrf2; nta; nuclear; nucleic; number; numerous; obese; obesity; objective; observed; offers; ohsv; old evs; omvs; oncogenic; ongoing; ontology; opportunity; optimal; optimization; optiprep; oral; order; organoids; organotropic evs; organs; origin; orthogonal; outcomes; outer; ovarian; ovarian cancer; overall; overexpressed; overexpression; overnight; oxidative; p =; p53; paca; paca cell; packaging; pad evs; pah; pain; pancreatic; pancreatic cancer; panel; paracrine; parallel; parameters; parasite; parental cells; parkinson; participants; particle analysis; particle size; particles; particular; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathological; pathology; pathway; pathway analysis; patients; patients introduction; pattern; pbs; pc3; pca; pcr evs; pdac; pddc; peak; pei; people; peptide; performance; perfusion; peripheral; permeability; pevs; phenotype; phenotyping; philadelphia; phosphorylation; physical; physiological; physiology; pipeline; plasma evs; plasma exosomes; plasma extracellular; plasma membrane; plasma samples; plasma sevs; platelet; platelet ev; platform; play; players; pluripotent; pneumonia; point; polymer; pooled; poor; pore; positive evs; possibility; possible; post; potency; potential; potential biomarkers; potential ev; potential role; prca; precipitation; preclinical; pregnant; preliminary; presence; present; pressure; previous; primary; primary cell; prior; procedures; process; processes; processing; producer cells; products; profile; profiling; profiling evs; progenitor cell; prognosis; program; programme; progression; project; proliferation; promise; promising; promote; propagation; properties; prostanoids; prostate; prostate cancer; protein; protein analysis; protein cargo; protein content; protein expression; protein levels; protein markers; proteome; proteomic; protocol; prp; ps+ evs; pulmonary; pulse; pure; pure evs; purification; purification methods; purified; purity; purpose; qev; qpcr; qrt; quality; quantified; quantitative; quantity; r01; rab11; rab27a; radiation; raman; range; rapid; ratios; rats; rcc; reaction; reagent; recent; receptor; recipient cells; recognition; recovery; recruitment; reduced; reduction; reference; regeneration; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; releasing; relevance; relevant; reliable; remodelling; removal; renal; repair; replication; reported; reporter cells; reproducibility; reproducible; republic; required; research; researchers; resident; resistance; resistant cells; resistive; resolution; respiratory; response; responsible; results; reticulum; retinal; reverse; rfp; risk; rna; rna analysis; rna cargo; rna expression; rnas; robust; role; rpe cells; safety; saline; saliva; salivary; salt; samples; sampling; scalable; scale; scanning; scatter; scattering; scd; schistosomula evs; school; science; scientific; sclc; sclerosis; score; screening; secondary; secrete; secrete evs; selected; selection; selective; self; sem; senescence; senescent cells; sensing; sensitive; sensitivity; sensor; separated; separation; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; sequential; sera; serial; sers; serum; serum evs; serum exosomes; set; settings; severe; sevs; sgrna; shape; shh; short; showing; shows; signalling; signals; signature; significant; similar; simoa; simple; sinai; singapore; single cell; single ev; site; situ; size; size distribution; size exclusion; skin; skm; skov-3 evs; small cell; small evs; small extracellular; small rna; small size; small vesicles; smaller; smooth; software; soluble; sorting; source; space; species; specific cell; specific evs; specific exosomes; specific markers; specific proteins; specificity; specimens; spectral; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spectrum; speed; spfs; spiked; spines; spleen; spread; spreading; sputum; stability; stable; stage; staining; standard; standard ev; standardization; standardized; starting; statistical; status; stellate cells; stem cells; step; stimulated; stimulation; storage; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; stromal cells; strong; structure; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; subset; substrate; subx; successful; sucrose; sufficient; suitable; summary; superior; supernatant; supported; suppression; surface; surface markers; surface protein; surgery; survival; swarm; symptoms; synaptic; syndrome; synthesis; synthetic; synuclein; system; systemic; tail; tangential; target cells; targeted; targeting; targets; tau; tbi; techniques; technologies; technology; temperature; terms; tested; testing; tests; tetraspanins; tex; tff; tgf; th17; th17 cells; therapeutic; therapeutic evs; therapeutic potential; therapies; therapy; thrombus; throughput; time; tissue; tissue evs; tlr4; tnbc; tnbc cells; tnf; tnfα; tolerance; tool; total cell; total evs; total protein; total rna; tracking; traditional; trafficking; training; transcription; transcriptome; transcripts; transfection; transfer; translation; transmembrane; transmission; transplantation; transport; trap; treatment; tregs; triacylglycerol; triple; trps; tsg101; tspan8; tube; tuberculosis; tumorigenic; tumour cells; tumour evs; tumour growth; tumours; twist1; type evs; typical; uev; uevs; ultracentrifugation; ultrafiltration; umbilical; unclear; underlying; understanding; understood; unique; unique ev; university; unknown; untreated; uptake; urinary evs; urine; urine evs; usa; usa introduction; use; useful; utility; validation; valuable; value; variability; variable; variety; vascular; vegf; vehicle; vein; ventricular; vesicles introduction; vesicular; viral; virus; viruses; visualization; vitro; vivo; vivo ev; volume; volunteers; washed; weeks; western; western blot; wild; women; work; working; workshop; worldwide; worm evs; wound; years; yields; young; young evs; zeta; zikv; αvβ6 cache: cord-031907-ilhr3iu5.txt plain text: cord-031907-ilhr3iu5.txt item: #171 of 974 id: cord-032134-mvj7i1er author: Ballauff, Antje title: Funktions- und Laboruntersuchungen date: 2013 words: 9323 flesch: 40 summary: Bei der Interpretation der Testergebnisse sind mögliche Fehlerquellen zu beachten. Zum Nachweis importierter Parasitosen wie der Schistosomiasis, bei der die adulten Würmer extraintestinal liegen, die Eier aber über den Darm ausgeschieden werden, setzt man die Immundiagnostik zum Nachweis spezifischer keywords: abb; aber; abhängig; abschn; aga; aktivität; akuten; alat; albumin; allem; allerdings; als; alter; analyse; anamnese; anderen; anhaltende; anhand; anstieg; anteil; antibodies; antigene; antigennachweisverfahren; antikörper; anzahl; asat; aspekte; atemluft; atemtests; auch; auf; auf eine; aufgrund; aufweisen; aufwendig; aus; ausgeschieden; aussagekraft; bakterielle; bakterien; bakterientoxine; basalwert; bedeutung; bedingen; bei; bei der; beim; bereich; beschwerden; besitzen; besteht; bestimmt; bestimmung; betragen; beurteilung; bezeichnet; bildung; bilirubin; biopsien; bis; bisher; blut; bowel; breath; bsg; bzw; children; cholestase; clearance; clinical; coli; colon; dabei; daher; damit; dann; dar; dargestellt; darminfektionen; das; dass; dem; denen; der; des; deutschland; diagnostik; diagnostischen; diarrhea; diarrhö; diarrhöen; die; dient; diese; differenzierung; direkt; disease; dna; durch; durchfall; durchführung; durchgeführt; durchsetzen; dünndarms; ehec; eignen; eine; eingesetzt; einige; einsatz; elektronenmikroskopie; elisa; ema; emg; empfohlen; endomysium; entamoeba; enteritiden; entweder; enzym; episoden; erbrechen; erfassen; erfasst; erfolgt; erforderlich; ergebnisse; erheblich; erhöht; erhöhung; erkrankungen; ermitteln; erreger; erst; ersten; erythrozyten; escherichia; etwa; evaluation; faktor; fakultativ; fecal; fettausscheidung; findet; fragestellung; function; führen; für; für den; für eine; gabe; gallensäuren; gastroenterologie; geeignet; gefunden; gegen; gegensatz; gerade; geringer; gewebetransglutaminase; ggf; gibt; gldh; gliadin; glutamat; gör; haben; handelt; harnstoff; hat; helicobacter; hepatozyten; hilfreich; hingegen; histolytica; hohe; humanpathogenen; häufig; iga; ihre; immer; immunsupprimierten; imp; impedanzmessung; indikationen; infektionen; inflammatory; insbesondere; interpretation; isolate; ist; ist die; ist ein; jahre; jedoch; kann; katalysiert; kein; kindern; kleine; klinischen; kohlenhydrate; kombination; kommt; korrelation; kosten; können; labor; laktose; laktulose; lamblien; larven; lassen; leber; liegen; liegt; liver; lkm1; luft; magenentleerung; malabsorption; maldigestion; man; management; mangel; manometrie; max; mehr; meisten; menschen; messung; methode; metrie; min; mindestens; mit; mit einer; mittels; motilität; muss; möglich; müssen; nach; nachgewiesen; nachweis; nachweis von; nachweisbar; nachweisrate; neben; nicht; noch; noroviren; nur; oberflächenantigene; oder; ohne; oral; oxoglutarat; pancreatic; parameter; parasitosen; pathogenen; pathologisch; patienten; pche; pcr; pediatric; ppm; proben; protein; protozoen; pylori; pädiatrie; pädiatrischen; qualitäten; referenzbereich; reflux; resorption; review; routinediagnostik; sehr; sein; seltener; sensitivität; serogruppe; serum; sich; sie; sind; sinnvoll; sog; sollte; somit; sowie; speiseröhre; spezifischer; spezifität; spp; stark; steatorrhö; stehen; stellt; studien; stuhl; stuhldiagnostik; stuhlgewicht; stuhlprobe; stunden; suchtest; symptomatik; säuglingen; tab; tagen; test; testergebnis; testverfahren; tga; transitzeit; typ; type; typischerweise; und; unter; unterschiedliche; untersucht; untersuchung; untersuchungsverfahren; ursächlich; vacutainer; verantwortlich; verbreitet; verdacht; verfahren; verfügung; vergleich; verhältnis; verschiedene; verursacht; verwendet; vielzahl; viren; vom; von; von der; vor; vorwiegend; wahl; weitere; wenig; weniger; wenn; werden; werte; wie; wird; während; xylose; zellkultur; zum; zur; zwischen; zöliakie; über; übertragung; üblicherweise cache: cord-032134-mvj7i1er.txt plain text: cord-032134-mvj7i1er.txt item: #172 of 974 id: cord-034689-se1hdn61 author: Smith, David L. title: A Characteristic Chest Radiographic Pattern in the Setting of COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-09-03 words: 2920 flesch: 43 summary: Rather, these societies recommend CT use be reserved for management of COVID-19 patients with worsening and/or severe respiratory symptoms, in particular for those in a hospital setting or those having special indications for CT Characteristic CXR of a 63-year-old female presenting with dyspnea and fever. keywords: appearance; bandlike; characteristic; chest; clinical; confluent; consolidation; coronavirus; covid-19; cxr; diagnosis; disease; distribution; false; findings; glass; ground; lower; lung; mid; negative; nonspecific; opacity; pandemic; patchy; patients; pattern; pcr; peripheral; pneumonia; positive; radiograph; results; sensitivity; setting; specificity; study; testing; tests; zone cache: cord-034689-se1hdn61.txt plain text: cord-034689-se1hdn61.txt item: #173 of 974 id: cord-034746-uxhpufnv author: Nusshag, Christian title: Glomerular filtration barrier dysfunction in a self-limiting, RNA virus-induced glomerulopathy resembles findings in idiopathic nephrotic syndromes date: 2020-11-05 words: 3655 flesch: 29 summary: Interestingly, the start of normalization of urinary nephrin and PCR levels preceded the first decline of SCr by 48-72 h. Furthermore, in patients with an available urine sample at the time of PCR normalization, the normalization of urinary nephrin levels tended to precede the normalization of PCR levels. In contrast to INS, proteinuria recovered autonomously in hantavirus patients. keywords: acr; activator; acute; admission; analyses; article; biopsy; cell; correlation; creatinine; disease; dpo; effacement; electron; extent; focal; foot; gfb; glomerular; hantavirus; higher; hospital; igg; infection; injury; ins; kidney; levels; maximum; microscopy; moderate; nephrin; nephrotic; normalization; patients; pcr; plasminogen; podocyte; process; proteinuria; puuv; receptor; renal; scr; serum; severe; severity; significant; soluble; study; supar; table; time; tubular; urinary; urokinase; values cache: cord-034746-uxhpufnv.txt plain text: cord-034746-uxhpufnv.txt item: #174 of 974 id: cord-035280-z0bbz19b author: Lee, Seung Hun title: First identification of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in both a biting tick Ixodes nipponensis and a patient in Korea: a case report date: 2020-11-11 words: 3948 flesch: 43 summary: infection rates in ticks collected from migratory birds on Hongdo Island, Korea, A. phagocytophilum was detected in only 1 I. nipponensis nymph, among a total of 212 ticks (40 Haemaphysalis flava, 12 H. longicornis, 146 I. turdus, 13 I. nipponensis, and 1 I. ornithophilia) A. phagocytophilum has previously been identified in three tick species (H. longicornis, I. persulcatus, and I. nipponensis) in Korea, but no direct transmission from ticks to humans has been confirmed. keywords: accession; admission; analysis; anaplasma; anaplasmosis; antibodies; bite; blood; borrelia; burgdorferi; case; cells; culture; days; detection; disease; dna; fever; fig; gene; granulocytic; hga; human; identification; igm; infected; infection; ixodes; korea; level; longicornis; molecular; nipponensis; patient; pcr; persulcatus; phagocytophilum; phylogenetic; positive; primers; reaction; results; rickettsia; sequences; specific; specimen; spp; states; strain; study; tick; tree; tsutsugamushi; typhi; united; usa; vector cache: cord-035280-z0bbz19b.txt plain text: cord-035280-z0bbz19b.txt item: #175 of 974 id: cord-048359-lz37rh82 author: Li, Jin title: s-RT-MELT for rapid mutation scanning using enzymatic selection and real time DNA-melting: new potential for multiplex genetic analysis date: 2007-06-01 words: 6264 flesch: 39 summary: s-RT-MELT was subsequently applied in the same manner to screen for p53 mutations in exons 5-7 from cell lines and surgical colon samples harboring sequencing-identified mutations including a single-base frameshift mutation in exon 7 (listed in Supplementary Table 2 ). Since 480% of p53 mutations in human tumors are encountered in exons 5-9 (45), the multiplex single-tube s-RT-MELT reaction could be used to identify most p53 mutations encountered in clinical tumor samples. keywords: 948c; addition; amplification; analysis; base; cancer; cell; clamp; curve; data; denaturation; detection; dhplc; different; differential; dna; egfr; electrophoresis; enzymatic; enzyme; exon; figure; fragments; genetic; genomic; high; hybridized; identification; level; lines; low; lung; melt; melting; method; min; mismatches; multiplex; mutant; mutation; nucleotide; openarray; p53; parallel; pcr; poly; positions; presence; primer; products; reaction; real; samples; scanning; screening; selective; sequences; sequencing; single; small; specific; step; surveyor; tail; temperature; throughput; time; time pcr; tube; type; wild cache: cord-048359-lz37rh82.txt plain text: cord-048359-lz37rh82.txt item: #176 of 974 id: cord-048470-33mqfj2t author: Takano, T title: Quantitative measurement of thyroglobulin mRNA in peripheral blood of patients after total thyroidectomy date: 2001-07-17 words: 3043 flesch: 48 summary: Further, there was no statistical difference in expression levels of TG mRNA in the patients with or without metastasis, and no significant correlation was found between serum TG concentrations and the expression levels of TG mRNA. For example, TG mRNA in peripheral blood became detectable earlier than serum TG in a case of recurrent thyroid papillary carcinoma. keywords: blood; carcinoma; cdna; cells; circulating; clinical; detection; dtc; expression; gapdh; healthy; levels; measurement; metastasis; method; mrna; patients; pcr; peripheral; peripheral blood; quantitative; reaction; real; results; reverse; samples; serum; specific; tg mrna; thyroglobulin; thyroid; thyroidectomy; time; total; tpo cache: cord-048470-33mqfj2t.txt plain text: cord-048470-33mqfj2t.txt item: #177 of 974 id: cord-102411-0mo1198e author: Moreno Borraz, LA title: PREVALENCIA DE INFECCIÓN POR CORONAVIRUS SARS-CoV-2 EN PACIENTES Y PROFESIONALES DE UN HOSPITAL DE MEDIA Y LARGA ESTANCIA EN ESPAÑA date: 2020-11-13 words: 3432 flesch: 39 summary: De acuerdo con el procedimiento emitido el 24 de enero de 2020 por la Dirección General de Salud Pública del Ministerio de Sanidad de España para solicitar una PCR confirmatoria, se consideró caso en investigación por COVID-19 los pacientes que hubieran viajado a Wuham o hubieran tenido un contacto estrecho con un caso confirmado en los 14 días previos al comienzo de los síntomas sumado al criterio clínico (neumonía o fiebre con infección respiratoria aguda). Presentamos un estudio de prevalencia de la infección por SARS-CoV-2 en pacientes y profesionales de un hospital de Media y Larga Estancia realizado en los meses del pico de la pandemia en España. keywords: abril; agruparon; alguna; ambulatorios; antibodies; anticuerpos; asistenciales; baja; caso; como; con; conocer; consideró; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; de la; de los; del; detección; diagnostic; edad; en el; entre; españa; estancia; este; estudio; falsos; febrero; frente; fue; groups; healthcare; hemodiálisis; higher; hospital; hospital de; hospital staff; ic95; igg; igm; infección; infección por; infection; ingresados; la infección; larga; las; lateral; long; los; los pacientes; marzo; media; medium; non; objetivo; outpatients; pacientes; pandemia; para; participantes; patients; pcr; periodo; personal; pico; por; por sars; posibilidad; positive; prevalencia; profesionales; pruebas; que; realización; resultados; riesgo; rápida; salud; sars; staff; stay; strategy; study; techniques; tests; tiempo; técnica; una; variables; virus; y el cache: cord-102411-0mo1198e.txt plain text: cord-102411-0mo1198e.txt item: #178 of 974 id: cord-102511-7zgd45fl author: Khodakov, Dmitriy title: Donut PCR: a rapid, portable, multiplexed, and quantitative DNA detection platform with single-nucleotide specificity date: 2020-05-05 words: 4292 flesch: 39 summary: There are patents pending on the Donut PCR chip and Donut PCR instrument presented in this work. key: cord-102511-7zgd45fl authors: Khodakov, Dmitriy; Li, Jiaming; Zhang, Jinny X.; Zhang, David Yu title: Donut PCR: a rapid, portable, multiplexed, and quantitative DNA detection platform with single-nucleotide specificity date: 2020-05-05 journal: bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.24.058453 sha: doc_id: 102511 cord_uid: 7zgd45fl Current platforms for molecular analysis of DNA markers are either limited in multiplexing (qPCR, isothermal amplification), turnaround time (microarrays, NGS), quantitation accuracy (isothermal amplification, microarray, nanopore sequencing), or specificity against single-nucleotide differences (microarrays, nanopore sequencing). keywords: acid; amplicons; amplification; analysis; applications; bacterial; breadboard; care; chamber; chip; closed; convection; design; detection; different; disease; dna; donut; donut pcr; drug; dyz; fig; fluid; fluorescence; gene; genetic; genome; genomic; genotyping; high; human; hybridization; identification; instrument; isothermal; low; microarray; multiplexed; multiplexing; nucleic; nucleotide; panel; pathogen; pcr; platform; point; portable; power; pre; primer; probe; prototype; qpcr; quantitation; quenched; range; rapid; reaction; readout; resistance; risk; sample; sequencing; single; snp; species; specificity; spot; temperature; thermal; time; tube; turnaround; use; wide cache: cord-102511-7zgd45fl.txt plain text: cord-102511-7zgd45fl.txt item: #179 of 974 id: cord-103163-0rreoh4o author: Smith, Sydni Caet title: Reovirus RNA recombination is sequence directed and generates internally deleted defective genome segments during passage date: 2020-10-22 words: 8989 flesch: 40 summary: The rsT3D I S4 RNA profiles were more consistent among lineages than those of the M1 and L1 segments and were similar to those of rsT1L S4, with non-canonical RNA segments just slightly larger than the full-length segment and at ~0.15 kb detected in several passages (Fig. 4) . Non-canonical reovirus segments feature large deletions. keywords: additional; analysis; canonical; canonical rna; canonical segments; cells; cultured; defective; deletions; detection; distinct; dvgs; events; fig; figs; findings; frequency; gene; generation; genetics; genome; high; host; hot; identical; illumina; incubation; infection; influenza; interfering; internal; isolated; junction; large; length; lin1; lineages; longer; low; ma104; mammalian; multiple; non; nucleotides; orf; p10; package; packaging; particles; passage; patterns; pcr; pfu; plasmid; populations; presence; primers; products; profiles; rearrangements; recombination; recombined; regions; reoviridae; reovirus; replication; reverse; rna; rnas; rotavirus; rssa11; rst1l; rst3d; segmented; segments; sequence; sequencing; serial; series; similar; single; sites; small; smaller; specific; start; strains; study; synthesis; table; termini; titer; viral; viruses cache: cord-103163-0rreoh4o.txt plain text: cord-103163-0rreoh4o.txt item: #180 of 974 id: cord-103417-2uinislh author: Doi, Hideyuki title: On-site eDNA detection of species using ultra-rapid mobile PCR date: 2020-10-01 words: 1507 flesch: 43 summary: Our ultra-rapid on-site eDNA extraction and measurement method using mobile PCR successfully detected the eDNA of H. molitrix, and analysis took only 30 min. The Ct of mobile PCR was larger than that of qPCR, because the DNA concentration in the field-extracted samples was lower. keywords: analysis; aquatic; carp; conservation; detection; distribution; edna; environmental; extraction; field; fish; invasive; laboratory; measurements; method; mobile; molitrix; pcr; platform; qpcr; rapid; site; species; survey; time; ultra; water cache: cord-103417-2uinislh.txt plain text: cord-103417-2uinislh.txt item: #181 of 974 id: cord-103563-7a3wdduq author: Nunez-Bajo, Estefania title: Ultra-Low-Cost Integrated Silicon-based Transducer for On-Site, Genetic Detection of Pathogens date: 2020-03-25 words: 4541 flesch: 35 summary: As shown in Figure 4C , the peak current intensity (measured from the recorded SWVs) increased two to four times in comparison to room temperature when operated at higher temperatures; this is due to enhanced transport of the analyte to the surface of the electrode. We speculate that this could be related to thermal and electrical crosstalk between the heater and the electrochemical sensing structures which introduce additional noise to the electroanalytical measurements at higher temperatures. keywords: amplification; avium; chain; chip; contacts; control; cost; current; cyclic; detection; device; dna; electrical; electroanalytical; electrochemical; electrodes; fabrication; figure; handheld; heater; heating; high; infectious; integrated; isothermal; laboratory; low; measurements; metal; methods; need; nucleic; optical; paratuberculosis; pathogens; pcr; peak; point; polymerase; precision; range; rapid; reactions; real; redox; rpa; sample; sars; semiconductor; sensing; sensitive; sensor; setpoint; silicon; single; solution; substrate; surface; swv; temperature; testing; thermistor; time; trisilix; use; wafer cache: cord-103563-7a3wdduq.txt plain text: cord-103563-7a3wdduq.txt item: #182 of 974 id: cord-103735-nil1vv6h author: Alfano, Niccolo title: Non-invasive surveys of mammalian viruses using environmental DNA date: 2020-03-29 words: 5837 flesch: 49 summary: Viral contigs were confirmed by PCR and Sanger sequencing for samples L7, L17, L25 and L37 (Suppl. Of the 11 water filtrate samples tested, two samples from Mongolia (WM3 and WM20) (18.2%) had viral contigs with 100% identity to the Equid herpesvirus 1 and 3 (EHV-1 and EHV-3). keywords: africa; analysis; anelloviridae; approaches; baits; best; blast; bloodmeals; bushmeat; capture; circoviridae; contigs; coronaviridae; coronavirus; data; database; detection; different; diversity; dna; edna; emergence; environmental; equine; equus; families; fig; filtrate; gene; genome; genus; haematophagous; host; human; hybridization; identification; identity; idna; illumina; infectious; invasive; kit; leeches; libraries; library; mammalian; method; mongolia; monitoring; ncbi; new; non; novel; nucleic; number; oligonucleotides; panel; parvoviridae; pathogens; pcr; phylogenetic; polymerase; pooled; positive; protocol; reads; reference; region; retroviridae; rna; samples; sampling; sanger; sars; sediment; sequences; set; sources; species; suppl; tab; tanzania; target; terrestrial; total; unknown; vertebrate; viral; virochip; viruses; water; waterhole; wildlife; âµl cache: cord-103735-nil1vv6h.txt plain text: cord-103735-nil1vv6h.txt item: #183 of 974 id: cord-103787-qhftb6d7 author: Garcia, Elizabeth P. title: Scalable Transcriptional Analysis Routine—Multiplexed Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Platform for Gene Expression Analysis and Molecular Diagnostics date: 2005-10-31 words: 7379 flesch: 42 summary: PCR primers are designed for each target so that the amplicon length serves as a unique identifier for each particular target. Second, because detection does not require probe hydrolysis, all restrictions related to the probe design (probe length and composition, distance to PCR primers) do not influence primer selection. keywords: aliquots; amplicon; amplification; amplified; analysis; applications; artificial; assays; background; bases; brain; capillary; chain; clinical; common; copies; cov; current; curves; cycles; data; detection; development; diagnostics; dna; efficiencies; electrophoresis; expression; figure; forward; fragments; gene; genome; high; integration; kit; methods; minutes; mmol; molecular; multiplex; multiplexing; nucleic; number; pcr; peaks; platform; polymerase; primers; probe; products; protocol; quantification; quantitative; rat; reaction; real; reverse; rna; rox; samples; sars; seconds; sensitivity; sequence; single; size; specific; spiked; st1; st2; star; step; strand; sybr; tags; taqman; targets; technology; time; tissues; total; transcribed; transcriptional; transcripts; viral; virus; vs31; vs85; zif268; ° c cache: cord-103787-qhftb6d7.txt plain text: cord-103787-qhftb6d7.txt item: #184 of 974 id: cord-140318-xtx8hl14 author: Martin, Alexandra title: High-sensitivity COVID-19 group testing by digital PCR date: 2020-06-03 words: 4254 flesch: 49 summary: This can prevent weakly positive specimen from being detected in group samples (3, 8) . Group testing has been proposed as a solution to expand testing capabilities but sensitivity concerns have limited its impact on the management of the pandemic. keywords: analysis; assay; case; cobas; copies; corresponding; countries; covid-19; detection; digital; discordances; dpcr; droplets; extraction; france; gene; groups; individual; kit; lob; low; medium; method; negative; orf1ab; pcr; pooling; positive; protocol; reference; results; samples; sars; screening; sensitivity; sizes; stilla; study; system; target; technologies; testing; transport; true; volume cache: cord-140318-xtx8hl14.txt plain text: cord-140318-xtx8hl14.txt item: #185 of 974 id: cord-158252-l43ztxsl author: Pawlowski, Colin title: Longitudinal laboratory testing tied to PCR diagnostics in COVID-19 patients reveals temporal evolution of distinctive coagulopathy signatures date: 2020-05-21 words: 6131 flesch: 30 summary: During each time window, we then compared the distribution of results from COVIDpos versus COVIDneg patients, allowing us to identify any lab tests which were significantly altered in COVIDpos patients during any time of disease acquisition, onset, and/or progression. With respect to erythrocytes, we found that both COVIDpos and COVIDneg patients developed a worsening mild anemia after PCR testing, but the trajectory was actually slower for COVIDpos patients (Figures 1B, 1H, Table 1 ). keywords: abnormalities; analysis; associated; blood; cac; cell; clinical; clotting; coagulation; coagulopathy; cohort; consumptive; counts; covid-19; covid-19 patients; covidneg; covidpos; covidpos cohort; covidpos patients; data; date; days; diagnosis; dic; dimer; disease; ehr; elevated; fibrinogen; figure; hyperfibrinogenemia; infection; lab; laboratory; levels; longitudinal; negative; non; notes; observed; outcomes; parameters; patients; pcr; period; phenotypes; platelet; population; positive; post; presentation; progression; propensity; results; sars; score; sentiment; significant; similar; specific; study; table; temporal; test; testing; thrombocytopenia; thrombotic; time; trends cache: cord-158252-l43ztxsl.txt plain text: cord-158252-l43ztxsl.txt item: #186 of 974 id: cord-245161-xbw72k4m author: Castano, Nicolas title: Fomite transmission and disinfection strategies for SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses date: 2020-05-23 words: 11563 flesch: 37 summary: 67 Plaque assays involve culturing cells that are susceptible to virus infection in a titration of the collected virus samples, monitoring the cytopathic effects, and counting plaque forming units (PFU). The long persistence of viruses (hours to days) on surfaces calls for an urgent need for surface disinfection strategies to intercept virus transmission and the spread of the disease. keywords: activity; adsorption; aerosols; agents; air; airborne; antimicrobial; application; approaches; assays; atomizers; capsid; care; cell; charge; chemical; cleaning; common; composition; conditions; contact; contaminated; contamination; copper; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; critical; culture; der; detection; different; disinfectant; disinfection; dose; droplets; dry; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efficiency; electrostatic; enveloped; environmental; ethanol; example; factors; figure; fomites; general; glass; hand; handwashing; health; high; hospitals; hours; human; humidity; hydrophobic; hygiene; important; inactivated; inactivation; individual; infected; infective; infectivity; influenza; interactions; irradiation; knowledge; layer; likely; lipid; log10; long; low; material; mechanisms; methods; minutes; model; ms2; non; number; object; particles; patient; paw; pcr; persistence; physical; physicochemical; plaque; plasma; potential; presence; properties; proteins; quantitative; range; rate; reduction; relative; respiratory; response; review; riley; risk; rna; role; room; routes; samples; sars; section; self; size; skin; source; spray; spread; strategies; studies; study; surfaces; survival; susceptible; suspension; table; temperature; tests; time; transfer; transmission; understanding; uvc; van; viability; viral; virus; virus adsorption; viruses; waals; water; wells; wiping cache: cord-245161-xbw72k4m.txt plain text: cord-245161-xbw72k4m.txt item: #187 of 974 id: cord-252198-gs52k4lq author: Onions, David title: Validation of the safety of MDCK cells as a substrate for the production of a cell-derived influenza vaccine date: 2010-09-30 words: 6601 flesch: 38 summary: The use of cell based vaccines has the potential to transform the strategies for prophylaxis of seasonal and pandemic influenza, but demonstrating the safety of these vaccines is an essential prerequisite. Since these experiments were conducted, Khan and colleagues have formulated a specific algorithmic approach for the exclusion of retroviruses in vaccine cell substrates keywords: adenoviruses; agents; analysis; animal; approach; article; assay; atcc; bpl; bps; canine; capacity; case; cells; chemical; control; culture; day; days; degenerate; detection; dna; dose; egg; eggs; end; final; growth; herpesviruses; high; human; inactivate; inactivation; induced; induction; infectious; influenza; intact; levels; line; log; manufacturing; mdck cells; mdck-33016pf; mdck-33016pf cells; medium; methods; mice; multiple; negative; neonatal; number; oncogenic; optaflu; pcr; pcrs; polyomaviruses; positive; potential; presence; present; process; processes; production; products; range; reaction; removal; residual; results; retroviruses; risk; safety; samples; seasonal; sequences; size; specific; steps; studies; test; time; treatment; tumors; uninduced; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses; â10 cache: cord-252198-gs52k4lq.txt plain text: cord-252198-gs52k4lq.txt item: #188 of 974 id: cord-252268-o63ep08b author: Carolan, Louise A. title: TaqMan real time RT-PCR assays for detecting ferret innate and adaptive immune responses date: 2014-09-01 words: 6668 flesch: 40 summary: We also assessed TNF␣ expression using previously published TaqMan primers and probe (Nakata et al., 2009 ) and SYBR Green primers Rowe et al., 2010) with our samples and the profiles were consistent with those obtained with the TaqMan assay designed in this study (data not shown). The gene stability of housekeeping genes was calculated using geNorm in qbase+ Version 2.5 (Biogazelle) (Vandesompele et al., 2002) . keywords: analysis; animal; assays; australia; biosystems; cdna; cells; change; chemokine; consistent; control; cultures; cytokine; data; different; dilutions; efficiencies; efficiency; et al; expression; ferret; fig; fold; gapdh; genes; green; h1n1; housekeeping; human; ifn; il1; il10; il2; il4; il6; il8; immune; infection; influenza; initial; innate; instructions; interferon; l32; leukocytes; levels; lps; lymph; manufacturer; mean; mitogens; model; mrna; multiple; node; number; pandemic; pbmcs; pcr; plasmid; primers; probe; profiles; reaction; real; real time; responses; reverse; rna; samples; sequences; series; sets; single; specific; standard; stimulation; study; sybr; table; taqman; target; test; time; time pcr; tnf; type; usa; virus; vitro cache: cord-252268-o63ep08b.txt plain text: cord-252268-o63ep08b.txt item: #189 of 974 id: cord-252347-vnn4135b author: Lee, Wai-Ming title: A Diverse Group of Previously Unrecognized Human Rhinoviruses Are Common Causes of Respiratory Illnesses in Infants date: 2007-10-03 words: 5718 flesch: 46 summary: Selection of the target region To identify a genomic region suitable for molecular typing of HRV, we analyzed all published HRV sequences. These results suggested HRV serotypes are stable and do not undergo influenza virus-like antigenic drift [7] . keywords: analysis; assay; bootstrap; cell; clinical; common; complete; conserved; detection; distinct; divergence; enteroviruses; figure; fragment; genome; group; hrv; hrva; hrvb; hrvs; human; identity; illnesses; infants; infections; isolates; min; minutes; molecular; new; nim-1a; nucleotide; p2 sequences; pairwise; pcr; phylogenetic; primer; product; qpm; reconstruction; reference; region; respiratory; results; reverse; rhinovirus; rna; samples; sec; sequences; sequencing; serotypes; significant; specific; specimens; strains; table; tree; typing; values; viral; viruses; vp1; vp4 cache: cord-252347-vnn4135b.txt plain text: cord-252347-vnn4135b.txt item: #190 of 974 id: cord-252604-1u14i4v1 author: Smith, Alvin W. title: Vesivirus viremia and seroprevalence in humans date: 2006-03-22 words: 5272 flesch: 45 summary: Vesivirus caliciviruses are resistant to environmental degradation; stable in aquatic substrates; multiply to high titer, with an estimated 10 13 virions released into the ocean daily by a single California gray whale (Eschricitus gibbosus) [Matson, 1999] . To test the possibility that sera may contain Vesivirus genomes, as suggested by the clinical evidence of viremia in cases of Vesivirus illness, including humans [Smith et al., 1998a] , three complementary methods targeting three Vesivirus genomic regions were utilized to detect Vesivirus RNA in serum ( Fig. 1 ): dot blot for the ORF1 3C protease region, reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the 3 0 terminal region of ORF1 encoding a portion of the viral RNA polymerase or for a portion of the viral capsid protein, and nucleotide sequencing of RT-PCR amplicons. keywords: alt; amplicons; antibodies; antibody; antigen; blood; caliciviruses; california; capsid; cases; clinical; detection; dialysis; disease; donation; donors; dot; et al; exposure; fcv; fish; genbank; genome; genus; groups; hepatitis; high; higher; humans; infection; laboratory; like; lion; mammals; marine; new; non; normal; nucleotide; ocean; pan-1; pcr; polymerase; pool; positive; potential; prevalence; region; results; rna; samples; san; sea; sequence; sequencing; sera; serotypes; serum; set; similar; smith; smith et; smsv; smsv-5; strains; study; swine; tested; testing; total; unknown; values; vesicular; vesivirus; viremia cache: cord-252604-1u14i4v1.txt plain text: cord-252604-1u14i4v1.txt item: #191 of 974 id: cord-252694-36ijqwge author: Heidinger, Benedikt H. title: Radiologische Manifestationen von Lungenerkrankungen bei COVID-19 date: 2020-09-08 words: 2968 flesch: 35 summary: Besteht jedoch der Verdacht auf eine im Rahmen von COVID-19 gehäuft auftretende Pulmonalembolie, sollte eine kontrastmittelunterstützte CT in pulmonalarterieller Phase durchgeführt werden Die schwerste Form der Lungenbeteiligung im Rahmen von COVID-19 manifestiert keywords: abb; acute; als; auch; auf; bakterielle; bei; bereits; besteht; bilateral; bildgebung; bzw; chain; changes; chest; clinical; complications; coronavirus; cov2; covid-19; das; der; des; diagnose; diagnosis; die; diese; differential; disease; durch; durchgeführt; einer; extent; findings; für; high; imaging; infection; ist; jedoch; kann; konsolidierungen; konsolidierungsareale; können; low; lung; manifestiert; milchglasverdichtungen; mit; mittels; nach; novel; oder; oft; pandemic; patienten; patients; pcr; pneumonia; polymerase; positive; pulmonary; radiography; rahmen; reaction; respiratory; reverse; review; sars; sein; sensitivity; sich; sind; sollte; sowie; specificity; standard; symptomen; syndrome; thoraxröntgen; tomography; transcription; typischerweise; und; verdacht; veränderungen; von; weiteren; werden; wie; wobei; zeigen; zur cache: cord-252694-36ijqwge.txt plain text: cord-252694-36ijqwge.txt item: #192 of 974 id: cord-252838-av7ducrk author: Lucchi, Naomi W. title: Real-Time Fluorescence Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Diagnosis of Malaria date: 2010-10-29 words: 4917 flesch: 49 summary: The sensitivity and specificity of RealAmp method was calculated using both microscopy and a nested PCR assay We compared DNA obtained by the standard Qiagen method of DNA isolation and that obtained by direct heating for their performance in RealAmp method. keywords: addition; amplification; assay; buffer; clinical; control; cost; countries; data; detection; diagnosis; dna; endemic; falciparum; field; fluorescence; genus; heat; hrp-2; human; isothermal; loop; malaria; method; microscopy; minutes; molecular; nested; parasitemia; parasites; pcr; plasmodium; positive; primers; programs; rapid; reaction; realamp; realamp method; results; samples; scanner; sensitivity; settings; simple; species; specificity; studies; study; table; test; time; tools; tube; use; utility; vivax cache: cord-252838-av7ducrk.txt plain text: cord-252838-av7ducrk.txt item: #193 of 974 id: cord-253502-v2hh3w3r author: Leung, C.W. title: Clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment and outcome of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in children date: 2004-11-05 words: 8632 flesch: 40 summary: Important questions to ask in the 'peace time' include: (1) history of recent travel to pre-viously SARS-affected areas or areas with an increased likelihood of animal to human transmission of SARS-CoV infection; (2) close contact with a suspected SARS patient; (3) history of recent hospitalisation or contact with a healthcare facility; (4) individuals who are either healthcare workers or laboratory workers with potential exposure to SARS patients or live SARS-CoV; and (5) link to a cluster of cases of unexplained respiratory illness in the community. Sputum specimens appear to have a higher diagnostic yield but productive cough is uncommon in SARS patients in the early phase of illness and sputum is difficult to obtain in children. keywords: acute; acute respiratory; adults; affected; age; antibody; antiviral; assays; assisted; atypical; care; case; cell; chest; children; china; clinical; common; coronavirus; corticosteroids; cough; course; cov; culture; cytokine; days; detection; diagnosis; disease; early; elevated; epidemiologic; features; fever; findings; health; healthcare; high; history; hong; hospital; human; igg; illness; infection; influenza; initial; isolation; kong; laboratory; levels; milder; monitoring; nasopharyngeal; non; npa; number; onset; outbreak; outcome; paediatric; patients; pcr; phase; picture; plasma; pneumonia; positive; presentation; probable; progression; pulmonary; radiographic; rapid; reaction; replication; resolution; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; response; results; ribavirin; rna; sars; sars coronavirus; sensitivity; series; seroconversion; serum; severe; severe acute; significant; small; specific; specimens; sputum; stool; symptoms; syndrome; term; test; therapy; throat; time; tract; transmission; treatment; use; ventilation; viral; week; workers; years cache: cord-253502-v2hh3w3r.txt plain text: cord-253502-v2hh3w3r.txt item: #194 of 974 id: cord-253826-63dgq551 author: Kim, Jisung title: State of diagnosing infectious pathogens using colloidal nanomaterials date: 2017-08-17 words: 10498 flesch: 34 summary: A novel dengue virus detection method that couples DNAzyme and gold nanoparticle approaches MNAzymes, a versatile new class of nucleic acid enzymes that can function as biosensors and molecular switches A plasmonic DNAzyme strategy for point-ofcare genetic detection of infectious pathogens Terrylenediimide-based intrinsic theranostic nanomedicines with high photothermal conversion efficiency for photoacoustic imaging-guided cancer therapy Size-dependent Ag 2S nanodots for second near-infrared fluorescence/photoacoustics imaging and simultaneous photothermal therapy Diverse applications of nanomedicine Tuning the drug loading and release of DNA-assembled gold-nanorod superstructures Generating heat with metal nanoparticles Significantly improved analytical sensitivity of lateral flow immunoassays by using thermal contrast Thermal contrast amplification reader yielding 8-fold analytical improvement for disease detection with lateral flow assays Integrated quantum dot barcode smartphone optical device for wireless multiplexed diagnosis of infected patients A smartphone dongle for diagnosis of infectious diseases at the point of care Colloidal stability of gold nanoparticles modified with thiol compounds: bioconjugation and application in cancer cell imaging Diagnostic point-of-care tests in resource-limited settings Cheap HIV Test Finds Success as First of its Kind Tested in the Field Microfluidics-based diagnostics of infectious diseases in the developing world Nanotechnology and molecular cytogenetics: the future has not yet arrived Microscopic and macroscopic manipulation of gold nanorod and its hybrid nanostructures Nanomaterialbased electrochemical biosensors formedical applications Sensing colorimetric approaches based on gold and silver nanoparticles aggregation: chemical creativity behind the assay. Nucleic acid based detection can also be problematic because it requires a complex sample preparation step. keywords: absorption; acid; aggregation; amplification; analysis; analyte; analytical; antibiotic; antibody; antigen; antimicrobial; applications; assay; bacteria; barcodes; binding; biological; biomarkers; biosensors; capture; care; cells; clinical; colorimetric; complex; contrast; conventional; countries; current; detection; development; device; diagnostic; different; diseases; dna; dot; dots; effect; electrical; electrochemical; electron; elisa; emission; energy; enzyme; example; excitation; field; fig; flow; fluorescence; format; global; gnps; gold; graphene; heat; high; hybridization; ids; imaging; immobilized; immunoassay; infectious; instance; large; lateral; lfa; light; lod; magnetic; malaria; metal; method; microbeads; microfluidic; microscopy; mnps; molecular; molecules; mortality; multiple; multiplexed; nanodiagnostics; nanomaterials; nanoparticles; nanotechnology; nucleic; optical; oxide; pathogens; patient; pcr; peak; plasmon; poc; point; positive; presence; probes; process; properties; proteins; qds; quantitative; quantum; quenching; raman; range; rapid; ratio; readout; red; reporter; resistance; resonance; results; review; rna; sample; sandwich; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sers; settings; signal; silver; single; size; solution; specific; state; step; surface; system; target; target dna; technique; test; testing; thermal; time; treatment; use; virus; viruses; visible; wavelength; world cache: cord-253826-63dgq551.txt plain text: cord-253826-63dgq551.txt item: #195 of 974 id: cord-254064-qxgpehuy author: Chacko, J. title: Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis date: 2020-05-19 words: 4038 flesch: 52 summary: We included randomized controlled trials and observational studies in which hydroxychloroquine was adminstered and compared to a control group. Both randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies with a comparator group were considered for inclusion. keywords: adverse; analysis; author; available; azithromycin; clearance; clinical; combination; control; copyright; covid-19; effects; events; funder; group; heterogeneity; holder; hydroxychloroquine; infection; license; medrxiv; meta; mortality; observational; outcomes; patients; pcr; perpetuity; preprint; studies; study; treatment; use; version; viral cache: cord-254064-qxgpehuy.txt plain text: cord-254064-qxgpehuy.txt item: #196 of 974 id: cord-254101-613aftc1 author: Wang, Ping title: Establishment of a transgenic mouse model with liver-specific expression of secretory immunoglobulin D date: 2012-04-14 words: 4415 flesch: 53 summary: International Hyper-IgD Study Group Molecular analysis of the mevalonate kinase gene in a cohort of patients with the hyper-igd and periodic fever syndrome: its application as a diagnostic tool Carrier frequency of the V377I (1129G>A) MVK mutation, associated with Hyper-IgD and periodic fever syndrome, in the Netherlands Periodic fever syndromes--a clinical overview Hereditary periodic fever Deletion of a single mevalonate kinase (Mvk) allele yields a murine model of hyper-IgD syndrome Diagnostic value of serum immunoglobulinaemia D level in patients with a clinical suspicion of hyper IgD syndrome The recruitment of inflammatory cells using the skin-window technique New insights into the enigma of immunoglobulin D Immunoglobulin D: properties, measurement, and clinical relevance Tissue-specific in vitro transcription from the mouse albumin promoter The rat albumin promoter is composed of six distinct positive elements within 130 nucleotides Determinants of rat albumin promoter tissue specificity analyzed by an improved transient expression system Nummular keratopathy in a patient with Hyper-IgD Syndrome B cell cytopenia in two brothers with hyper-IgD and periodic fever syndrome A patient with hyper-IgD syndrome responding to simvastatin treatment A patient with hyper-IgD syndrome in Antalya The rat albumin promoter: cooperation with upstream elements is required when binding of APF/HNF1 to the proximal element is partially impaired by mutation or bacterial methylation Functional analysis of the trans-acting factor binding sites of the mouse alpha-fetoprotein proximal promoter by site-directed mutagenesis Cell-specific expression of mouse albumin promoter--evidence for cell-specific DNA elements within the proximal promoter region and cis-acting DNA elements upstream of -160 An albumin enhancer located 10-kb upstream functions along with its promoter to direct efficient, liver-specific expression in transgenic mice Functional analyses of albumin expression in a series of hepatocyte cell lines and in primary hepatocytes Rescuing transgene expression by co-integration High level expression of a functional human/mouse chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody in milk of transgenic mice Transgenic mice secreting coronavirus neutralizing antibodies into the milk Monoclonal IgD. Mouse GAPDH was used as an internal control when we detected the sIgD expression in transgenic mouse liver with Western blotting. keywords: aag; addition; alb; albumin; antibody; b220; basophils; blotting; bone; cells; chain; china; ckappa; clinical; control; development; dna; enzyme; expression; fever; figure; fragment; g-3′; gene; genomic; ggc; hepatosplenomegaly; hids; high; hyper; hyperimmunoglobulinemia; igdhc; igghv; igm; immune; immunoglobulin; levels; liver; marrow; mice; min; model; mouse; mutation; mvk; palb; patients; pbs; pcr; periodic; primers; products; promoter; protein; receptor; region; serum; sigd; single; site; skin; specific; spleen; study; syndrome; tga; tissue; transgenic; ttg cache: cord-254101-613aftc1.txt plain text: cord-254101-613aftc1.txt item: #197 of 974 id: cord-254115-hwy962a4 author: Reslova, Nikol title: xMAP Technology: Applications in Detection of Pathogens date: 2017-01-25 words: 11370 flesch: 34 summary: The need for rapid and correct identifications of fungal pathogens was addressed by development of xMAP technology based detection methods (Diaz and Fell, 2004; Page and Kurtzman, 2005; Das et al., 2006; Bovers et al., 2007; Babady et al., 2011; Balada-Llasat et al., 2012; Farooqi et al., 2012; Landlinger et al., 2009) . xMAP technology is applicable in numerous nucleic acid assay formats such as, e.g., gene expression analysis, microRNA analysis, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis or specific sequence detection. keywords: ability; acid; acute; addition; agents; allele; amplification; analysis; analyte; antibodies; antibody; antigens; applications; array; aspe; assay; authors; available; bacterial; base; bead; candida; capture; clinical; coli; commercial; common; comparison; complementary; complex; contrast; conventional; data; ddh; detection; detection probes; determination; developed; development; diagnosis; different; direct; diseases; dna; dunbar; elisa; end; enteric; et al; extension; figure; flow; fluorescent; formats; fungal; gastroenteritis; gastrointestinal; genotyping; gpp; green; high; house; hpv; human; hybridization; identification; immunoassays; important; infections; influenza; isolates; ligation; like; line; luminex; magnetic; mbmi; mbmna; methods; microsphere; mol; molecular; multiplex; multiplex detection; multiplex pcr; nucleic; number; oligonucleotide; panel; parasites; parasitic; pathogens; pcr; positive; potential; primer; probes; protein; qpcr; quantitative; range; rapid; reaction; reliable; reporter; respiratory; results; risk; routine; rvp; salmonella; samples; sbce; screening; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; serological; sets; similar; simultaneous; simultaneous detection; single; snp; species; specific; specificity; step; studies; surface; suspension; swine; system; target; technology; testing; tests; throughput; time; types; universal; viral; viruses; xmap; xmap technology; xtag; yersinia cache: cord-254115-hwy962a4.txt plain text: cord-254115-hwy962a4.txt item: #198 of 974 id: cord-254250-l0v602x9 author: Hooper, Chantelle title: A Novel RNA Virus, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Golda Virus (MrGV), Linked to Mass Mortalities of the Larval Giant Freshwater Prawn in Bangladesh date: 2020-10-02 words: 6445 flesch: 44 summary: Global scale of freshwater prawn farming A review on the diseases of freshwater prawns with special focus on white tail disease of Macrobrachium rosenbergii Current status and prospects of farming the giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) in Bangladesh Shrimp Research Station Mass larval mortality in a giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii hatchery: An attempt to detect microbes in the berried and larvae Fishing for prawn larvae in Bangladesh: An important coastal livelihood causing negative effects on the environment Distinctive histopathology of Spiroplasma eriocheiris infection in the giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii A viral disease associated with mortalities in hatchery-reared postlarvae of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii Extra small virus-like particles (XSV) and nodavirus associated with whitish muscle disease in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii White tail disease of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Thailand Experimental transmission and tissue tropism of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) and its associated extra small virus (XSV) RT-PCR amplification and sequence analysis of extra small virus associated with white tail disease of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) cultured in Taiwan Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus infection in a giant freshwater prawn hatchery in Indonesia Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Dicistrovirus Associated with Moralities of the Great Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) infections in giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Description of a Natural Infection with Decapod Iridescent Virus 1 in Farmed Giant Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Parvo-like virus in the hepatopancreas of freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii cultivated in Thailand Tolerance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii to white spot syndrome virus Clearance of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and immunological changes in experimentally WSSV-injected Macrobrachium rosenbergii In experimental challenge with infectious clones of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) and extra small virus (XSV), MrNV alone can cause mortality in freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Characterization and pathogenicity studies of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from diseased freshwater prawn A Wrapper Tool around Cutadapt and FastQC to Consistently Apply Quality and Adapter Trimming to FastQ Files A Quality Control Tool for High Throughput Sequence Data Assembling Genomes and Mini-metagenomes from Highly Chimeric Reads Accurate de novo assembly of RNA virus genomes Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND MEGAN Community Edition-Interactive Exploration and Analysis of Large-Scale Microbiome Sequencing Data Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform Genome Project Data Processing The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools Integrative genomics viewer Evaluating next-generation sequencing alignment data Prokka: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation GeneMarkS: A self-training method for prediction of gene starts in microbial genomes. Furthermore, RNA viruses can only be visualised indirectly in histology sections (normally associated with damaged host cells and nuclei). keywords: alignment; animals; assembly; associated; bangladesh; cause; cdna; challenge; contigs; coverage; culture; cycles; data; default; disease; eriocheiris; events; experienced; experimental; extra; figure; freshwater; gav; genome; giant; hatcheries; hatchery; head; infecting; large; larvae; libraries; library; like; loop; macrobrachium; macrobrachium rosenbergii; mass; min; monodon; moribund; mortalities; mortality; motifs; mrgv; mrnv; negative; nidoviruses; nodavirus; novel; number; order; orf3; orfs; parameters; pathogens; pcr; penaeus; polymerase; pooled; positive; post; prawn; primers; production; promega; protein; quality; river; rna; rnaspades; roniviridae; rosenbergii; sequence; shrimp; similarity; small; species; stages; structure; study; usa; utr; virus; viruses; white; xsv; yellow; yhv cache: cord-254250-l0v602x9.txt plain text: cord-254250-l0v602x9.txt item: #199 of 974 id: cord-254265-8i86c8kt author: Camps, Marta title: Prevalence of human metapneumovirus among hospitalized children younger than 1 year in Catalonia, Spain date: 2008-06-12 words: 4573 flesch: 34 summary: Integrated software for molecular evolutionary genetics analysis an sequence alignment Detection of human metapneumovirus in clinical samples by immunofluorescence staining of shell vial centrifugation cultures prepared from three different cell lines Realtime reverse transcriptase PCR assay for detection of human metapneumoviruses from all known genetic lineages Reducing the impact of viral respiratory infections in children Respiratory tract reinfections by the new human Metapneumovirus in an immunocompromised child Rapid detection of human metapneumovirus strains in nasopharyngeal aspirates and shell vial cultures by monoclonal antibodies Characterization of human metapneumoviruses isolated from patients in North America Detection and typing by molecular techniques of respiratory viruses in children hospitalized for acute respiratory infection in First detection of human metapneumovirus in children with acute respiratory infection in India: A preliminary report Detection and pathogenicity of human metapneumovirus respiratory infection in pediatric Italian patients during a winterspring season Dual infection of infants by human metapneumovirus and human respiratory syncytial virus is strongly associated with severe bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis-associated hospitalizations among US children A newly discovered human pneumovirus isolated from young children with respiratory tract disease Absence of human metapneumovirus co-infection in cases of severe respiratory syncytial virus infection Ten years' experience with year-round active surveillance of up to 19 respiratory pathogens in children Estimates of world-wide distribution of child deaths from acute respiratory infections Human metapneumovirus and lower respiratory tract disease in otherwise healthy infants and children Although some studies have detected human metapneumovirus in all age groups, human metapneumovirus infections could be more severe in children, elderly, and immunocompromised patients [Pelletier et al., 2002; Bastien et al., 2003; Cane et al., 2003; Falsey et al., 2003] . keywords: acute; age; analysis; bronchiolitis; bronchopneumonia; care; cases; cell; children; clinical; common; coronavirus; cultures; days; detection; different; et al; gene; group; hoogen; hospital; human; human metapneumovirus; important; infants; infected; infection; influenza; lower; lower respiratory; metapneumovirus; min; molecular; months; nasopharyngeal; patients; pcr; pediatric; phylogenetic; positive; present; primers; reaction; respiratory; respiratory syncytial; respiratory tract; respiratory viruses; results; reverse; rhinovirus; role; samples; sequences; severe; spain; studies; study; syncytial; syncytial virus; tract; van; viral; viruses; year; younger cache: cord-254265-8i86c8kt.txt plain text: cord-254265-8i86c8kt.txt item: #200 of 974 id: cord-254450-ienq3aex author: Kim, Dae-Ki title: Tools to Detect Influenza Virus date: 2013-05-01 words: 4422 flesch: 46 summary: For instance, monkey kidney cells, Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells and A549 cells are used to detect influenza viruses. One of the major preventions from circulating strains of influenza virus and the complications associated with the viral infection is by vaccination. keywords: acid; amplification; antigen; assays; available; better; cells; chain; children; clinical; comparison; countries; culture; detection; dfa; diagnosis; direct; early; h1n1; illness; infection; influenza; influenza virus; kit; known; laboratory; method; novel; nucleic; origin; oseltamivir; pandemic; pcr; performance; polymerase; rapid; reaction; real; resistance; respiratory; results; reverse; sample; seasonal; sensitive; sensitivity; specificity; studies; study; swine; techniques; test; testing; time; transcription; usa; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-254450-ienq3aex.txt plain text: cord-254450-ienq3aex.txt item: #201 of 974 id: cord-254506-cxdklz4u author: Castellvi, J. title: Impact On Clinical Practice Of The Preoperative Screening Of Covid-19 Infection In Surgical Oncological Patients. Prospective Cohort Study date: 2020-08-11 words: 1868 flesch: 48 summary: In the present situation of COVID-19 pandemia, it has been reported that oncological surgical patients have a higher risk of being infected with COVID-19 than other non-oncological surgical patients due to the cancer itself, the immunosuppression related to it as well as to the oncological and surgical treatments [1] [2] Conclusion preoperative screening for COVID-19-infection using medical history and PCR helped the surgeon to decide whether to go ahead or postpone surgery in oncological patients. keywords: asymptomatic; cancer; cases; chest; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; data; days; history; infection; intervention; medical; mortality; oncological; patients; pcr; pneumonia; preoperative; screening; sequential; study; suggestive; surgery; surgical; work cache: cord-254506-cxdklz4u.txt plain text: cord-254506-cxdklz4u.txt item: #202 of 974 id: cord-254825-c5d0wul9 author: Kim, Sei Won title: Containment of a healthcare-associated COVID-19 outbreak in a university hospital in Seoul, Korea: A single-center experience date: 2020-08-14 words: 3562 flesch: 46 summary: Severe symptoms develop in approximately 14% of COVID-19 patients, and the overall mortality is around 2% of confirmed COVID-19 cases [10] . Contact was defined as presence in the same room with COVID-19 confirmed patients, or in the same outpatient clinic or examination room, 30 minutes before and after COVID-19 confirmed patients. keywords: asymptomatic; cases; china; clinical; closure; complete; confirmed; contact; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; employees; february; guidelines; healthcare; history; hospital; individuals; infection; korea; medical; nosocomial; number; outbreak; patients; pcr; people; prevention; real; respiratory; room; samples; sars; seoul; single; spread; staff; support; symptoms; testing; time; transmission cache: cord-254825-c5d0wul9.txt plain text: cord-254825-c5d0wul9.txt item: #203 of 974 id: cord-255013-njpuc475 author: He, Xiaocui title: Establishment of Myotis myotis Cell Lines - Model for Investigation of Host-Pathogen Interaction in a Natural Host for Emerging Viruses date: 2014-10-08 words: 4531 flesch: 46 summary: Euro surveillance : bulletin europeen sur les maladies transmissibles Fatal human rabies caused by European bat Lyssavirus type 2a infection in Scotland Emerging diseases in Chiroptera: why bats? Passive surveillance (1987 to 2004) of United Kingdom bats for European bat lyssaviruses Experimental Nipah virus infection in pteropid bats (Pteropus poliocephalus) Experimental hendra virus infectionin pregnant guinea-pigs and fruit Bats (Pteropus poliocephalus) Antiviral immune responses of bats: a review Transmission studies of Hendra virus (equine morbillivirus) in fruit bats, horses and cats Experimental study of European bat lyssavirus type-2 infection in Daubenton's bats (Myotis daubentonii) Bats and viruses: friend or foe? Pathogenesis studies with Australian bat lyssavirus in grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) Establishment, immortalisation and characterisation of pteropid bat cell lines Type I interferon reaction to viral infection in interferon-competent, immortalized cell lines from the African fruit bat Eidolon helvum Establishment of cell line from embryonic tissue of Pipistrellus ceylonicus bat species from India & its susceptibility to different viruses Bat airway epithelial cells: a novel tool for the study of zoonotic viruses Interferon production and signaling pathways are antagonized during henipavirus infection of fruit bat cell lines Anti-Lyssaviral Activity of Interferons kappa and omega from the Serotine Bat, Eptesicus serotinus White-nose syndrome fungus: a generalist pathogen of hibernating bats Standardized detection of Simian virus 40 by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction in pediatric malignancies Enhanced passive bat rabies surveillance in indigenous bat species from Germany -a retrospective study Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2(-Delta Delta C(T)) A broader variety of bat cell lines, particularly European bat cell lines from tissues of immune relevance, is therefore urgently in demand for lyssavirus-host studies. keywords: antiviral; bats; brain; cell; cell lines; cns; different; eblv-1; established; european; expression; fig; fold; genes; host; hpi; human; ifit3; ifn; immortalized; immune; immunity; induced; infected; infection; innate; interferon; isg43; isg56; kit; levels; like; lines; lyssavirus; mda5; mechanisms; microglia; mmbr; mmnep; mmnol; mmpca; mmto; models; moi; myotis; natural; p,0.05; pcr; poly; protein; prrs; rabies; rabv; replication; responses; species; specific; stimulation; studies; study; susceptibility; system; tlr3; type; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-255013-njpuc475.txt plain text: cord-255013-njpuc475.txt item: #204 of 974 id: cord-255019-iie8wxb4 author: Chen, Xin title: Acute lower respiratory tract infections by human metapneumovirus in children in Southwest China: A 2‐year study date: 2010-06-25 words: 4009 flesch: 42 summary: In this study, we describe a hospital‐based epidemiological study of hMPV in patients presenting to a children's hospital and show the demographic and clinical characteristics associated with hMPV infection in China, retrospectively. Real-time PCR primers and probe sequences to detect the hMPV F gene (Table 1) were used for the diagnosis of hMPV infection and were selected based on sequence homology with the prototype strain from China (GenBank accession: DQ336144). keywords: acute; age; alrti; cause; children; china; clinical; days; disease; epidemiological; evidence; gene; groups; high; hmpv; hospital; human; infection; lower; medical; metapneumovirus; npas; nucleotide; patients; pcr; pediatric; period; positive; presence; prevalence; previous; primer; real; recombinant; respiratory; rsv; sequence; similar; spring; strain; studies; study; subgroup; symptoms; table; time; total; tract; viral; winter; years; young cache: cord-255019-iie8wxb4.txt plain text: cord-255019-iie8wxb4.txt item: #205 of 974 id: cord-255026-fdp6mies author: Belák, Sándor title: Molecular diagnosis of viral diseases, present trends and future aspects: A view from the OIE Collaborating Centre for the Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction Methods for Diagnosis of Viral Diseases in Veterinary Medicine date: 2007-07-26 words: 5344 flesch: 36 summary: The real-time PCR assays provide novel rapid means of virus detection in the diagnostic laboratories. By introducing single and nested PCR assays as early as 1987-1988, two years after the description of the PCR principle, our laboratory was among the first ones to use this technique for diagnostic purposes [2, 3] . keywords: acid; amplification; analysis; animal; application; assays; avian; beacons; bovine; bvdv; chain; classical; detection; development; diagnostic; different; diseases; dna; epidemiology; fever; general; genetic; high; identification; influenza; international; laboratories; laboratory; large; ligation; methods; molecular; molecular diagnosis; multiplex; multiplex pcr; nested; new; novel; nucleic; oie; padlock; pcr; pcr assays; primers; principle; probe; proximity; range; rapid; reaction; real; recent; results; robots; sensitivity; sequences; simultaneous; single; specific; strains; swine; systems; tads; taqman; target; time; time pcr; validation; variants; vesicular; viral; virus; viruses; wide cache: cord-255026-fdp6mies.txt plain text: cord-255026-fdp6mies.txt item: #206 of 974 id: cord-255043-uxdsjr39 author: Bustin, Stephen A. title: RT-qPCR Testing of SARS-CoV-2: A Primer date: 2020-04-24 words: 4563 flesch: 40 summary: Samples for PCR testing for COVID-19 are usually taken from inside the nose, the mouth or the back of the throat, and careful sampling and nucleic acid preparation are important pre-test considerations. For now, the Coronavirus standards working group (, led by the Joint Initiative for Metrology in Biology, is developing a set of guidelines to ensure the availability of common, appropriate standards, controls, validation tests and protocols that are essential for the accuracy of test results. keywords: amplification; assays; available; capacity; clinical; cov-2; covid-19; current; cycle; day; detection; diagnostic; different; dna; emergency; extraction; false; figure; fluorescence; gene; high; important; instruments; laboratories; method; min; negative; number; polymerase; polymerisation; primers; probe; process; protocols; qpcr; quantification; reaction; reagents; research; results; reverse; rna; run; samples; sars; single; specific; standards; step; systems; table; target; testing; tests; throughput; times; transcription; typical; use; validation; viral cache: cord-255043-uxdsjr39.txt plain text: cord-255043-uxdsjr39.txt item: #207 of 974 id: cord-255096-27dfbhsl author: Sweet, Michael J. title: Reprint of ‘Diseases in marine invertebrates associated with mariculture and commercial fisheries’ date: 2016-06-19 words: 18109 flesch: 47 summary: Diagnosis and/or treatment: Based on disease signs only at the current time. Diagnosis and/or treatment: Based on disease signs only at the current time. keywords: abalone; acute; addition; adult; affected; agent; ahpnd; america; americanus; antibiotics; apostichopus; appearance; aquaculture; areas; asia; associated; australia; available; bacterial; bacterium; black; body; bonamia; cancer; causal; causes; cells; certain; china; clear; clinical; clinical signs; coast; commercial; common; conditions; connective; copepods; countries; crab; crassostrea; crustaceans; cucumber; cultured; current; date; days; deng; detection; development; diagnosis; differences; different; digestive; disease; disease signs; east; edible; effect; electron; ems; epidemiology; et al; european; evidence; example; exhibit; family; farmed; farming; farms; food; future; geng; genotypes; genus; gigas; gills; gland; haliotis; head; healthy; hematodinium; high; homarus; hosts; important; increase; individuals; infected; infecting; infection; information; initial; inoculation; japonicus; juveniles; large; larvae; lesions; life; lightner; likely; limited; little; lobsters; losses; major; management; marine; marteilia; measure; mexico; mikrocytos; molecular; molluscs; monodon; mortalities; mortality; muscle; necrosis; new; non; north; notifiable; novel; numerous; oie; outbreaks; oysters; pacific; panulirus; parasite; particular; pathogens; pathological; pathology; pcr; penaeid; penaeus; peristome; perkinsus; populations; potential; practices; presence; present; prevalence; production; recent; regard; results; review; shrimp; significant; signs; similar; sinensis; skin; small; species; specific; spiroplasma; spot; spread; stages; stentiford; stocks; stomach; study; stylirostris; sud; surface; susceptible; syndrome; time; tissues; transmission; treatment; type; ulceration; vannamei; vibrio; viral; virions; virus; viruses; wang; wang et; water; white; wild; world; wssv; yellow; yhd; yin; zhang cache: cord-255096-27dfbhsl.txt plain text: cord-255096-27dfbhsl.txt item: #208 of 974 id: cord-255384-tljyx6ua author: Decaro, Nicola title: Full-Genome Analysis of a Canine Pneumovirus Causing Acute Respiratory Disease in Dogs, Italy date: 2014-01-06 words: 4647 flesch: 51 summary: The relatedness to other CnPnVs (98.5% of aa identity) was confirmed in the putative N protein (393 aa), which displayed 6 substitutions among canine viruses. In both proteins that were 176 and 98 aa in length, respectively, the Italian CnPnV was more closely related to extant canine viruses than to MPVs (aa identities of 98.9% and 99% in the M2-1 and M2-2 products, respectively). keywords: analysis; ane4; available; bari/100; brne17; brsv; canine; cird; cnpnv; comparison; coronavirus; detection; disease; dogs; end; extant; fig; gene; genetic; genome; genomic; hrsv; identity; infection; isolates; italian; italy; j3666; laboratory; length; long; mice; mouse; mpv; mpvs; murine; ns2; pcr; pneumovirus; protein; real; region; related; relatedness; respiratory; rna; rodents; sense; sequence; strain; study; table; time; viral; virus; viruses; wild cache: cord-255384-tljyx6ua.txt plain text: cord-255384-tljyx6ua.txt item: #209 of 974 id: cord-255465-sc1yzzsn author: Krasteva, Gabriela title: Caveolin-1 and -2 in airway epithelium: expression and in situ association as detected by FRET-CLSM date: 2006-08-11 words: 5696 flesch: 46 summary: Conventional indirect double-labeling immunofluorescence with subsequent FRET-CLSM analysis was conducted to determine whether cav-1 and cav-2 are in close apposition in airway epithelial cells in situ, thereby indicating an association of both proteins and formation of hetero-oligomers. in epithelial cells. keywords: airway; analysis; anti; antibodies; antibody; association; basal; basolateral; blotting; bronchi; bronchial; buffer; cav-1α; cav-2; caveolae; caveolin-1; caveolins; cells; ciliated; clsm; conditions; deficient; donkey; double; electron; epithelial; epithelial cells; expression; figure; formation; fret; functions; germany; higher; homogenates; human; immunofluorescence; immunoreactivity; indirect; labeling; large; laser; lung; membrane; mice; min; mouse; mrna; pcr; plasma; protein; rabbit; rat; rats; region; reverse; secondary; sections; signal; spf; tissue; tracheal; type; western; ∆if cache: cord-255465-sc1yzzsn.txt plain text: cord-255465-sc1yzzsn.txt item: #210 of 974 id: cord-255495-xnoppq3y author: Elrashdy, Fatma title: On the potential role of exosomes in the COVID-19 reinfection/reactivation opportunity date: 2020-07-09 words: 7538 flesch: 35 summary: Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness MERS-coronavirus replication induces severe in vitro cytopathology and is strongly inhibited by cyclosporin A or interferon-a treatment Possible vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from an infected mother to her newborn Eleven faces of coronavirus disease Ultrastructural evidence for direct renal infection with SARS-CoV-2 Vaginal delivery in SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnant women in Northern Italy: A retrospective analysis Spread and dynamics of the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy: Effects of emergency containment measures The role of extracellular vesicles as allies of HIV, HCV and SARS viruses Expanding our understanding of the role polyprotein conformation plays in the coronavirus life cycle Modern uses of electron microscopy for detection of viruses Ultrastructural characterization of SARS coronavirus Pathology and pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome Respiratory viral infection in lung transplantation induces exosomes that trigger chronic rejection Donorderived exosomes with lung self-antigens in human lung allograft rejection The role of extracellular vesicles in COVID-19 virus infection Recurrence of positive SARS-CoV-2 in patients recovered from COVID-19 Retest positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA of recovered patients with COVID-19: A very interesting case was recently reported, where a 78-year-old woman that was ready to be discharged after the three consecutive PCR tests on her nasopharyngeal swab samples indicated that she was SARS-CoV-2 negative, her conditions were significantly improved, and CT examination showed absorption of pulmonary exudation, but suddenly she fell into the cardiac arrest and died (Yao et al., 2020) . keywords: acid; acute; alveolar; analysis; appearance; asymptomatic; cases; cells; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; cytoplasm; data; days; discharge; disease; dmvs; double; early; electron; endoplasmic; entry; et al; evidence; evs; exosomes; extracellular; fact; formation; golgi; hidden; high; host; human; immune; important; infected; infection; knoops; large; like; lung; mature; membrane; membrane vesicles; mers; microscopy; min; mortem; negative; new; ng et; non; novel; nsp3; number; particles; pathogenesis; patients; pcr; period; population; positive; post; potential; presence; primary; protein; rate; reactivation; recovered; replication; respiratory; response; results; reticulum; rna; role; samples; sars; severe; similar; single; spread; stage; study; surface; susceptible; symptoms; syndrome; time; tissues; ultrastructural; vacuoles; vero; vesicles; viral; viral particles; virus; viruses cache: cord-255495-xnoppq3y.txt plain text: cord-255495-xnoppq3y.txt item: #211 of 974 id: cord-255545-nycdhdsd author: Schoenike, Barry title: Quantitative sense-specific determination of murine coronavirus RNA by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction date: 1999-03-10 words: 6182 flesch: 37 summary: A striking change in the expected relative or absolute abundance of viral RNA of a given sense may provide clues as to the mode of viral replication in vitro or of viral pathogenesis in vivo. However, in many experiments, particularly with samples obtained in vivo, viral RNA may not be of sufficiently high concentration to allow detection by this technique. keywords: am8; amplification; artifacts; assay; case; cells; chain; competitive; conditions; control; coronavirus; data; del; detection; dna; equimolar; essential; et al; example; experiments; fig; gene; hepatitis; hybrid; methodology; mhv-4; min; mrna; murine; negative; negative sense; non; order; pcr; plasmid; polymerase; positive; present; primers; priming; products; promega; quantification; quantitative; reaction; relative; restriction; results; reverse; rna; rnas; samples; sense; sequences; specific; specificity; ssrt; standards; step; strand; studies; system; table; tag; templates; transcribed; transcription; use; viral; viral rna cache: cord-255545-nycdhdsd.txt plain text: cord-255545-nycdhdsd.txt item: #212 of 974 id: cord-255711-8lojw5cz author: Palmu, Arto A. title: Nasal swab bacteriology by PCR during the first 24‐months of life: A prospective birth cohort study date: 2019-01-04 words: 2021 flesch: 28 summary: Pediatr Pulmonol DOI: 10.1002/ppul.24231 sha: doc_id: 255711 cord_uid: 8lojw5cz BACKGROUND: Most respiratory bacterial carriage studies in children are based on cross‐sectional samples or longitudinal studies with infrequent sampling points. 1 Carriage of respiratory bacterial pathogens, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Haemophilus influenzae, is a prerequisite for two important childhood ARIs; acute otitis media, which is the most frequently reported pediatric bacterial infection, 2 and bacterial pneumonia, a leading cause of childhood deaths. keywords: assays; bacterial; birth; carriage; children; cohort; detection; dna; haemophilus; higher; infants; infections; influenzae; life; methods; months; nasal; nasopharyngeal; orchid; otitis; parents; pathogens; pcr; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; prevalence; prospective; quality; respiratory; samples; streptococcus; studies; study; surveillance; swabs; symptoms; table; tract; upper; viral; viruses; years cache: cord-255711-8lojw5cz.txt plain text: cord-255711-8lojw5cz.txt item: #213 of 974 id: cord-255871-dau9tz6u author: Lee, Mi-Kyung title: Survey of Clinical Laboratory Practices for 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Outbreak in the Republic of Korea date: 2015-12-18 words: 2612 flesch: 43 summary: Clinical laboratories were able to quickly expand their diagnostic capacity in response to the 2015 MERS-CoV outbreak. Our results show that clinical laboratories play an important role in the maintenance and enhancement of laboratory response in preparation for future emerging infections. keywords: biosafety; clinical; cov; diagnostic; h1n1; influenza; institutions; korea; laboratories; laboratory; median; medical; mers; number; outbreak; pcr; referral; republic; respiratory; response; results; rooms; rrt; specimens; sputum; survey; table; tat; testing; tests; time cache: cord-255871-dau9tz6u.txt plain text: cord-255871-dau9tz6u.txt item: #214 of 974 id: cord-255975-ymw9avlm author: Ho, Yen‐Peng title: Advances in mass spectrometry for the identification of pathogens date: 2011-05-09 words: 15955 flesch: 26 summary: They proposed a simple method to fabricate IgG functionalized gold nanoparticles as useful probes of the electrostatic interactions between IgG and pathogens (Ho et al., 2004) . Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional nanoclinics for biological applications Characterization of Aspergillus spores by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry Behavior of bacteria in the inductively coupled plasma: Atomization and production of atomic ions for mass spectrometry Integration of microfiltration and anion-exchange nano particles-based magnetic separation with MALDI mass spectrometry for bacterial analysis Selective binding of mannose-encapsulated gold nanoparticles to type 1 pili in Escherichia coli Affinity capture using vancomycin-bound magnetic nanoparticles for the MALDI-MS analysis of bacteria Universal sample preparation method for characterization of bacteria by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry Affinity capture of uropathogenic Escherichia coli using pigeon ovalbumin-bound Fe 3 O 4 @Al 2 O 3 magnetic nanoparticles Identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa using functional magnetic nanoparticle-based affinity capture combined with MALDI MS analysis Identification of microbial mixtures by LCselective proteotypic-peptide analysis (SPA) keywords: accurate; acid; affinity; agents; amplification; analysis; anthracis; application; approach; aureus; bacillus; bacteria; binding; bioaerosol; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; capillary; capture; cells; cereus; cfu; characterization; chemical; chromatography; classification; cleavage; clinical; coli; combined; complex; complexity; components; compositions; concentration; culture; database; demirev; desi; desorption; desorption ionization; detection; development; differentiation; digests; direct; dna; electrophoresis; electrospray; escherichia; esi; et al; experimental; extraction; extracts; fast; fatty; fenselau; figure; fingerprinting; flight; flight mass; fragment; fungal; gas; genotyping; gram; group; hepatitis; high; human; identification; important; individual; information; intact; ionization; ionization mass; ionization time; ions; isolates; isolation; laser; laser desorption; level; limit; lipid; liquid; low; magnetic; maldi; maldi mass; mass; mass spectra; mass spectrometry; matrices; matrix; media; metal; methods; microbial; microbial analysis; microbiology; microorganisms; mixtures; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; ms analysis; multivariate; nanoparticles; negative; new; non; nucleic; nucleotide; number; parameters; pathogens; patients; pcr; peptides; phase; phospholipids; positive; potential; present; pretreatment; primers; probe; products; profiles; profiling; protein; proteomics; pyrolysis; range; rapid; real; related; reproducibility; reproducible; research; resistance; resolution; results; review; samples; seldi; selective; separation; sequences; signals; single; small; snps; species; specific; spectra; spectrometry; spectrum; spores; staphylococcus; statistical; strains; studies; subspecies; subtilis; surface; tandem; target; techniques; throughput; time; tof; tofms; tool; trap; tuberculosis; tularensis; type; unique; urine; use; useful; van; virus; viruses; voorhees; water; williams cache: cord-255975-ymw9avlm.txt plain text: cord-255975-ymw9avlm.txt item: #215 of 974 id: cord-255983-3dq99xz9 author: Do, Lien Anh Ha title: A sensitive real-time PCR for detection and subgrouping of human respiratory syncytial virus date: 2012-01-17 words: 4273 flesch: 38 summary: The assay was designed to detect all known RSV strains and to differentiate RSV subgroups A and B. Primers (MTH1 and MTH2B) were selected using Primer Express software v2.0 (Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster city (CA), USA) and a dataset of 45N gene sequences available from the NCBI database (Table 1) to amplify 84 bp for both RSV A and RSV B. RSV subgroups No significant differences in RSV viral load were observed between patients with single infections versus co-infections, or between patients requiring oxygen versus patients who did not. keywords: analytical; assay; children; clinical; confirmed; control; copies; detection; diagnosis; differences; dilutions; disease; eav; et al; gene; hospital; human; infections; kit; kuypers; lna; load; multiplex; novel; patients; pcr; pediatric; positive; primers; probes; quantitative; rapid; real; respiratory; reverse; rna; rsv; samples; seeplex; severity; significant; specimens; standard; subgroups; syncytial; time; values; van; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-255983-3dq99xz9.txt plain text: cord-255983-3dq99xz9.txt item: #216 of 974 id: cord-256130-zhlvvuj4 author: Nordén, Rickard title: Quantification of Torque Teno Virus and Epstein-Barr Virus Is of Limited Value for Predicting the Net State of Immunosuppression After Lung Transplantation date: 2018-03-06 words: 4856 flesch: 42 summary: When Tacrolimus was the main immunosuppressive treatment, TTV DNA levels were significantly elevated 6–24 months after transplantation as compared with Cyclosporine treatment. To compare results regarding TTV levels between different transplantation centers, it is vital to reliably quantify the concentrations of TTV-DNA in a standardized manner. keywords: acid; acute; analysis; association; bacterial; bal; barr; blood; cells; clinical; cmv; comparison; complications; cyclosporine; ddpcr; detection; dna; dna levels; ebv; epstein; events; figure; fungal; group; human; immune; immunosuppression; infection; levels; load; log10; ltx; lung; mean; months; net; nph; nucleic; patients; pcr; period; plasma; post; quantification; real; regression; rejection; replication; results; samples; serum; single; state; studies; study; system; table; teno; therapy; time; torque; total; transplantation; treatment; ttv; viral; viremia; virus; vrti cache: cord-256130-zhlvvuj4.txt plain text: cord-256130-zhlvvuj4.txt item: #217 of 974 id: cord-256146-d599uera author: Kuiken, Thijs title: Newly discovered coronavirus as the primary cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome date: 2003-07-26 words: 5704 flesch: 43 summary: Replication in SARS-CoV-infected macaques of pneumonia similar to that in human beings with SARS, combined with the high prevalence of SARS-CoV infection in SARS patients, fulfill the criteria required to prove that SARS-CoV is the primary cause of SARS. Collectively, these results of laboratory studies of SARS patients and experimental infections of macaques prove that the newly discovered SARS-CoV is the primary causal agent of SARS. keywords: acute; alveolar; alveoli; antibody; areas; assay; bronchioles; causal; cause; cells; changes; clinical; cohort; coronavirus; cov; cov infection; culture; damage; days; definition; detection; diffuse; disease; electron; epithelial; experimental; figure; fluid; gene; human; immunohistochemistry; infected; infection; isolated; isolation; kidney; lesions; lung; macaques; macrophages; medical; metapneumovirus; microscopy; min; nasal; negative; pair; particles; pathogens; patients; pcr; pneumocytes; polymerase; positive; postmortem; presence; primary; primer; pulmonary; respiratory; rna; samples; sars; sars patients; sections; severe; specific; study; swabs; syncytia; syndrome; tcid; tissue; type; use; van; vero; virus; walls cache: cord-256146-d599uera.txt plain text: cord-256146-d599uera.txt item: #218 of 974 id: cord-256244-f5zsy56p author: Funakoshi, Yu title: Enterovirus D68 respiratory infection in a children's hospital in Japan in 2015 date: 2019-08-22 words: 3870 flesch: 41 summary: A systematic review Two cases of acute severe flaccid myelitis associated with enterovirus D68 infection in children A novel outbreak enterovirus D68 strain associated with acute flaccid myelitis cases in the USA (2012-14): A retrospective cohort study Acute flaccid paralysis following enterovirus D68 associated pneumonia A cluster of acute flaccid paralysis and cranial nerve dysfunction temporally associated with an outbreak of enterovirus D68 in children in Colorado, USA Acute flaccid myelitis in the United States Neurologic complications in children with enterovirus 71 infection National Institute of Infectious Diseases. 23 Fourth, in the EV-D68 PCR-negative group, some patients infected with EV-D68 might have been missed on PCR due to the long interval between sampling and symptom onset. keywords: acute; admission; analysis; asthma; autumn; care; cases; children; clinical; d68; days; detection; disease; enterovirus; ev‐d68‐specific; flaccid; group; history; hospitalization; human; icu; infection; intensive; japan; medical; methods; multiplex; myelitis; negative; number; onset; outbreak; paralysis; patients; pcr; pediatric; positive; present; respiratory; samples; september; severe; significant; specific; strains; study; symptoms; test; time; tokyo; usa; viral; wheezing; years cache: cord-256244-f5zsy56p.txt plain text: cord-256244-f5zsy56p.txt item: #219 of 974 id: cord-256338-ovj63ith author: bhattacharya, b. title: SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR profile in 298 Indian COVID-19 patients : a retrospective observational study date: 2020-06-20 words: 2148 flesch: 55 summary: Conclusion : This study showed that the average period of PCR positivity is more than 2 weeks in COVID-19 patients; elderly patients have prolonged duration of RT-PCR positivity and requires further follow up. Aim: To analyse the SARS CoV-2 nucleic acid RT-PCR profiles in COVID-19 patients. keywords: author; available; copyright; covid-19; days; duration; funder; holder; international; june; license; medrxiv; patients; pcr; perpetuity; positive; preprint; sars; study; version; years cache: cord-256338-ovj63ith.txt plain text: cord-256338-ovj63ith.txt item: #220 of 974 id: cord-256355-muskjaw3 author: Black, Elizabeth M title: A rapid RT-PCR method to differentiate six established genotypes of rabies and rabies-related viruses using TaqMan™ technology date: 2002-05-14 words: 4302 flesch: 47 summary: The N gene was used as the target for the probes as it is well conserved and has been intensively used to genotype rabies isolates. There is a large amount of N gene sequence data available, which, on examination, revealed conserved regions specific to each genotype that could be used to design genotype specific TaqMan™ probes. keywords: agarose; amplification; annealing; applied; assay; available; base; bat; bats; biosystems; classical; classical rabies; concentration; data; detection; development; differences; drq; et al; fig; fluorescence; gene; genotype; genus; heaton; intensity; isolates; lagos; lyssa6irus; magnesium; mokola; non; nucleoprotein; number; pcr; possible; primers; probe; rabies; rabies virus; rapid; results; rna; sequence; sequencing; specific; standard; taqman; target; template; tqm2; value; viruses cache: cord-256355-muskjaw3.txt plain text: cord-256355-muskjaw3.txt item: #221 of 974 id: cord-256456-rg366bk2 author: Kulcsar, Gabor title: Testing for viral contaminants of veterinary vaccines in Hungary date: 2010-05-31 words: 2804 flesch: 44 summary: Vaccinology: past achievements, present roadblocks and future promises Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences -Series III -Sciences de la Vie Quality control of vaccines Tests for sterility and freedom from contamination of biological materials Genotypes of Pestivirus RNA detected in live virus vaccines for human use Similarity of avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 isolates of low virulence for chickens obtained from contaminated poultry vaccines and from poultry flocks Expression of RD114 virus and its receptor in feline cell lines: potential risk of contamination of live attenuated vaccines by RD114 virus. While these efforts minimise the risk of contamination, vaccine contamination cannot be excluded. keywords: agents; amplification; animal; aujeszky; bovine; cav; contamination; control; detection; different; disease; dna; edsv; endogenous; extraneous; feline; group; hungary; invitrogen; live; manufacturers; new; pcr; pestivirus; polymerase; positive; potential; poultry; primer; products; rd114; reaction; safety; serum; swine; syndrome; teno; testing; tests; torque; ttv; vaccines; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-256456-rg366bk2.txt plain text: cord-256456-rg366bk2.txt item: #222 of 974 id: cord-256608-ajzk86rq author: van Weezep, Erik title: PCR diagnostics: In silico validation by an automated tool using freely available software programs date: 2019-05-13 words: 4953 flesch: 48 summary: To increase the accuracy of the alignment search (see Discussion), large sequences were fragmented in sequences of maximal 3000 nucleotides with an overlap of 50 nucleotides to prevent the loss of hits of primer or probe sequences spanning the split site. Primer and probe sequences were inserted in all possible combinations and orientations potentially initiating amplification ( Fig. 1 ). keywords: alignment; analysis; available; bluetongue; check; conservation; control; database; detailed; diagnostics; et al; fasta; fics; fig; file; genetic; genome; hits; large; length; list; maximum; mismatches; msa; multiple; ncbi; new; nucleotide; number; pathogens; pcr; pcr tests; pcrv; percentage; primer; probe; programs; real; reference; results; rijn; search; sensitivity; sequences; silico; silico validation; software; specificity; table; target; taxonomy; tests; time; validation; value; van; variants; virus; wnv cache: cord-256608-ajzk86rq.txt plain text: cord-256608-ajzk86rq.txt item: #223 of 974 id: cord-256702-lwxt4587 author: Song, Lingjie title: A case of SARS-CoV-2 carrier for 32 days with several times false negative nucleic acid tests date: 2020-04-06 words: 2040 flesch: 54 summary: doi: medRxiv preprint The continuing 2019-nCoV epidemic threat of novel coronaviruses to global health -The latest 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China A novel coronavirus outbreak of global health concern Negative Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Swab Does Not Rule Out COVID-19 A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster A crucial role of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in SARS coronavirus-induced lung injury Tissue distribution of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus. doi: medRxiv preprint pathogenic nucleic acid genomes from samples of asymptomatic and occult infected patients is also conducive to studying the virus mutations in the pathogenic genes providing a basis for subsequent virus tracing and epidemiological investigations. keywords: acid; author; available; case; clinical; copyright; coronavirus; cov-2; doi; funder; holder;; infection; international; international license; license; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; negative; nucleic; patient; pcr; perpetuity; positive; preprint; results; sars; tests; virus cache: cord-256702-lwxt4587.txt plain text: cord-256702-lwxt4587.txt item: #224 of 974 id: cord-256931-wj0esjwi author: Gelfer, Gita title: The clinical impact of the detection of potential etiologic pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia date: 2015-08-05 words: 4858 flesch: 44 summary: There were fewer days of antibiotic therapy, P = 0.003, in CAP patients with viral infections and a low serum PCT levels. For detection of viruses, patients were randomized to either a 5-virus laboratory-generated PCR bundle or the 17-virus FilmArray PCR platform. keywords: antibiotic; antigen; aureus; bacterial; blood; bundle; cap; clinical; community; culture; data; days; detection; diagnostic; empiric; etiologic; etiology; evaluable; filmarray; hospital; hours; infection; laboratory; levels; nasal; panel; pathogen; patients; pcr; pct; physicians; pneumoniae; positive; potential; ppmc; presence; protocol; providers; respiratory; results; serum; sputum; standard; study; swab; test; testing; therapy; time; urine; viral; virus; viruses; yield cache: cord-256931-wj0esjwi.txt plain text: cord-256931-wj0esjwi.txt item: #225 of 974 id: cord-256982-t6urqus7 author: Wellinghausen, Nele title: Evaluation of the SARS-CoV-2-IgG response in outpatients by five commercial immunoassays date: 2020-09-16 words: 2550 flesch: 41 summary: So, we evaluated the SARS-CoV-2-IgG response (and SARS-CoV-2 total antibody response, respectively, in one immunoassay) in 51 outpatients with past SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed by RT-PCR as well as 7 asymptomatic contact persons with past positive SARS-CoV-2-PCR. The sensitivity in serum samples, collected at a median of 24 days after onset of symptoms, detected by the Anti-SARS-CoV-2-ELISA IgG (Euroimmun), EDI™ Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 IgG ELISA (Epitope Diagnostics), Liaison(®) SARS-CoV-2 S1/S2 IgG (Diasorin), SARS-CoV-2 IgG on the Architect™ i2000 (Abbott), and Elecsys(®) Anti-SARS-CoV-2 (IgM/IgA/IgG) on the cobas™ e801 (Roche) was 84.3%, 78.4%, 74.5%, 86.3%, and 88.2%, respectively. keywords: anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; asymptomatic; commercial; contact; cov-2; covid-19; days; elisa; euroimmun; igg; immunoassays; onset; outpatients; patients; pcr; persons; positive; protein; response; results; roche; samples; sars; sensitivity; serum; symptoms cache: cord-256982-t6urqus7.txt plain text: cord-256982-t6urqus7.txt item: #226 of 974 id: cord-257217-f9sdt7ax author: Nunes, Marta C. title: Clinical Epidemiology of Bocavirus, Rhinovirus, Two Polyomaviruses and Four Coronaviruses in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected South African Children date: 2014-02-03 words: 4642 flesch: 37 summary: A role for Streptococcus pneumoniae in virusassociated pneumonia Respiratory viral and pneumococcal coinfection of the respiratory tract: implications of pneumococcal vaccination A new virus isolated from the human respiratory tract Recovery in tracheal organ cultures of novel viruses from patients with respiratory disease A newly discovered human pneumovirus isolated from young children with respiratory tract disease Cloning of a human parvovirus by molecular screening of respiratory tract samples Identification of a new human coronavirus Clinical and molecular epidemiological features of coronavirus HKU1-associated community-acquired pneumonia Identification of a third human polyomavirus A newly reported human polyomavirus, KI virus, is present in the respiratory tract of Australian children Identification of a novel polyomavirus from patients with acute respiratory tract infections The role of rhinovirus in asthma exacerbations Rhinovirus viremia in children with respiratory infections Differing manifestations of respiratory syncytial virus-associated severe lower respiratory tract infections in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected and uninfected children Increased burden of respiratory viral associated severe lower respiratory tract infections in children infected with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 Respiratory viruses in HIV-infected patients with suspected respiratory opportunistic infection Contribution of common and recently described respiratory viruses to annual hospitalizations in children in South Africa Human polyomaviruses, WU and KI in HIV exposed children with acute lower respiratory tract infections in hospitals in South Africa Pneumococcal coinfection with human metapneumovirus A trial of a 9-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children with and those without HIV infection Evaluation of NucliSens easyMAG for automated nucleic acid extraction from various clinical specimens Development of the Respiratory Index of Severity in Children (RISC) score among young children with respiratory infections in South Africa Viral acute respiratory infections among infants visited in a rural hospital of southern Mozambique Accepted for publication) Clinical epidemiology of newly discovered respiratory viruses in HIV-infected and HIVuninfected South African children A preliminary study of pneumonia etiology among hospitalized children in Kenya Viral etiology of severe pneumonia among Kenyan infants and children Human coronavirus NL63 associated with lower respiratory tract symptoms in early life Epidemiology of multiple respiratory viruses in childcare attendees Human respiratory coronavirus HKU1 versus other coronavirus infections in Italian hospitalised patients Detection of four human coronaviruses in respiratory infections in children: a one-year study in Colorado Clinical assessment and improved diagnosis of bocavirus-induced wheezing in children Rationale and expectations of the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study The impact of dual viral infection in infants admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit associated with severe bronchiolitis Multiple versus single virus respiratory infections: viral load and clinical disease severity in hospitalized children The association of newly identified respiratory viruses with lower respiratory tract infections in Korean children Prevention (2012) Severe coinfection with seasonal influenza A (H3N2) virus and Staphylococcus aureus-Maryland Furthermore, respiratory viral infections may heighten the susceptibility to developing a super-imposed bacterial infection resulting in severe pneumonia keywords: acute; adenovirus; analysis; assay; associated; available; children; clinical; cov; detection; disease; episodes; hbov; higher; hiv; hku1; hmpv; hospitalized; hrv; human; iii; immunofluorescence; infections; influenza; kipyv; lower; lrti; multiple; nl63; npa; oc43; p,0.001; pcr; pcv9; piv; pneumonia; prevalence; respiratory; rsv; samples; severe; severity; south; specimens; streptococcus; studies; study; table; tract; uninfected; viral; viruses; wupyv cache: cord-257217-f9sdt7ax.txt plain text: cord-257217-f9sdt7ax.txt item: #227 of 974 id: cord-257284-dash9udv author: Decaro, Nicola title: Development and validation of a real-time PCR assay for specific and sensitive detection of canid herpesvirus 1 date: 2010-07-30 words: 3166 flesch: 38 summary: In real-time PCR CHV-1 was detected in the vaginal swab of the dam of pups 257/01-N and 257/01-T and in all the tissues of the three infected pups. For construction of CHV-1 standard DNA, the 136-bp fragment generated by the primers used for real-time PCR was cloned into a pCR ® 4-TOPO ® vector (TOPO TA Cloning ® Kit for Sequencing, Invitrogen srl, Milan, Italy) and propagated in chemically competent Escherichia coli one-shot TOP10 cells, following the manufacturer's instructions. keywords: analysis; assay; canine; chv-1; copies; coronavirus; curve; decaro; decaro et; detection; diagnosis; dilutions; dna; dogs; et al; field; fold; gene; herpesvirus; infected; infection; italy; kidney; negative; parvovirus; pcr; pcr assay; plasmid; polymerase; probe; pups; quantitation; range; reaction; real; samples; specific; standard; strains; taqman; template; time; time pcr; tissues; type; viral; viruses cache: cord-257284-dash9udv.txt plain text: cord-257284-dash9udv.txt item: #228 of 974 id: cord-257316-dmc8wjyl author: Ko, Fanny W.S. title: Viral Etiology of Acute Exacerbations of COPD in Hong Kong date: 2007-09-30 words: 4040 flesch: 38 summary: The relationship between influenza vaccination and the detection rates of influenza viruses in NPA by PCR method is shown in Table 4 . In a study 28 of the viral etiology among 17 patients hospitalized with near-fatal asthma (from endotracheal aspiration), 29 patients with acute asthma (from induced sputum), and 14 patients with COPD (from induced sputum) in Singapore, influenza virus was identified in 36% of the subjects hospitalized with AECOPD. keywords: acute; aecopd; chronic; common; coronavirus; culture; data; days; detection; diagnostic; disease; effect; episodes; etiology; exacerbations; function; groups; hong; hospital; human; identification; infections; influenza; kong; length; lower; lung; months; mortality; multiplex; negative; npa; obstructive; oc43; patients; pcr; positive; pulmonary; rates; respiratory; results; rhinovirus; specimens; sputum; stay; studies; study; subjects; test; vaccination; viral; virus; viruses; year cache: cord-257316-dmc8wjyl.txt plain text: cord-257316-dmc8wjyl.txt item: #229 of 974 id: cord-257398-fmkfo5ju author: Meng, Qing-Bin title: Clinical application of combined detection of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody and nucleic acid date: 2020-10-06 words: 3252 flesch: 43 summary: Of the 652 suspected COVID-19 patients, 237 (36.3%) had positive nucleic acid tests, 311 (47.7%) were positive for IgM, and 592 (90.8%) were positive for IgG. There was a significant difference in the positive detection rate between the IgM and IgG test groups (P < 0.001). Therefore, 366 patients were considered to have COVID-19 with SARS-CoV-2 IgM and/or IgG antibody tests. keywords: accuracy; acid; antibodies; antibody; china; clinical; combined; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; detection; diagnosis; disease; gold; hospital; igg; igg antibody; igm; infection; kit; negative; non; novel; nucleic; patients; pcr; pneumonia; positive; rate; respiratory; results; sars; score; sensitivity; specific; specificity; study; tests; version; wuhan cache: cord-257398-fmkfo5ju.txt plain text: cord-257398-fmkfo5ju.txt item: #230 of 974 id: cord-257456-15bm9psj author: Arumugam, Arunkumar title: A Rapid SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Assay for Low Resource Settings date: 2020-09-24 words: 5296 flesch: 55 summary: As a reference, we can detect five copies of SARS-CoV-2, positive control plasmid (CDC) per PCR reaction using primer targeting N2. Our findings in this paper with COVID-19 clinical samples suggest that it is possible to eliminate the RNA extraction step in COVID-19 testing without a significant drop in assay sensitivity for samples from symptomatic patients. keywords: amplification; annealing; assay; bath; buffer; clinical; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cycler; denaturation; detection; extension; extraction; figure; fluorescence; heat; intensity; load; low; master; material; min; mix; molecular; negative; patients; pcr; positive; protocol; qpcr; rapid; reaction; real; results; reverse; rna; run; samples; sars; sensitivity; signal; specimens; step; table; temperature; templates; test; testing; thermal; time; transcription; transport; tubes; unprocessed; usa; use; viral; vtm; water cache: cord-257456-15bm9psj.txt plain text: cord-257456-15bm9psj.txt item: #231 of 974 id: cord-257521-1amcsgmj author: Hirsilä, Maija title: Detection by Reverse Transcription–Polymerase Chain Reaction of Influenza C in Nasopharyngeal Secretions of Adults with a Common Cold date: 2001-04-15 words: 2310 flesch: 51 summary: Influenza viruses Community-acquired influenza C virus infection in children Concepts and procedures for laboratorybased influenza surveillance Detection and identification of human influenza viruses by the polymerase chain reaction Type-specific identification of influenza viruses A, B, and C by the polymerase chain reaction Viruses and bacteria in the etiology of the common cold Sinusitis in the common cold Epidemiology of influenza C virus in man: multiple evolutionary lineages and low rate of change Comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and hemagglutination inhibition in a seroepidemiological study of influenza type C infection Influenza C virus infection in France Isolation of influenza C virus during an outbreak of influenza A and B viruses Antibiotics and upper respiratory infection: do some folks think there is a cure for the common cold? key: cord-257521-1amcsgmj authors: Hirsilä, Maija; Kauppila, Jaana; Tuomaala, Katri; Grekula, Birgitta; Puhakka, Tuomo; Ruuskanen, Olli; Ziegler, Thedi title: Detection by Reverse Transcription–Polymerase Chain Reaction of Influenza C in Nasopharyngeal Secretions of Adults with a Common Cold date: 2001-04-15 journal: J Infect Dis DOI: 10.1086/319675 sha: doc_id: 257521 cord_uid: 1amcsgmj The lack of practical methods for a laboratory diagnosis of influenza C virus infections and the seemingly benign nature of the virus contribute to the fact that 50 years after its first isolation, relatively little is known about the epidemiology and the clinical impact of this virus. keywords: acute; adults; antibodies; antibody; cells; cold; common; convalescent; increase; infection; influenza; min; negative; patients; pbs; pcr; plates; positive; primer; reaction; recent; respiratory; results; samples; serum; significant; study; table; titer; virus; viruses; visit cache: cord-257521-1amcsgmj.txt plain text: cord-257521-1amcsgmj.txt item: #232 of 974 id: cord-257600-0plhquk9 author: Calles, Antonio title: Outcomes of COVID-19 in Patients With Lung Cancer Treated in a Tertiary Hospital in Madrid date: 2020-09-16 words: 6983 flesch: 43 summary: We aimed to analyze outcomes of lung cancer patients affected by COVID-19 in a tertiary hospital of a high-incidence region during the pandemic. Conclusions: Lung cancer patients represent a vulnerable population for COVID-19, according to the high rate of hospitalization, onset of ARDS, and high mortality rate. keywords: active; admission; analysis; anti; ards; cancer; cancer patients; cancer treatment; care; cases; characteristics; chemotherapy; china; clinical; common; comorbidities; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; days; diagnosis; disease; factors; fever; high; hospitalization; hydroxychloroquine; icu; immunotherapy; incidence; infection; institution; lopinavir; low; lung; lung cancer; madrid; march; markers; median; mortality; new; outcomes; oxygen; patients; pcr; pneumonia; population; predictive; range; rate; respiratory; risk; ritonavir; sars; series; severe; severity; significant; spain; stage; status; study; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; table; test; therapy; thoracic; time; treatment; tumor; type; variables; vulnerable; wuhan cache: cord-257600-0plhquk9.txt plain text: cord-257600-0plhquk9.txt item: #233 of 974 id: cord-257661-iwwzli0w author: Freymuth, François title: Comparison of multiplex PCR assays and conventional techniques for the diagnostic of respiratory virus infections in children admitted to hospital with an acute respiratory illness date: 2006-09-22 words: 4477 flesch: 39 summary: Retrospective study Sensitivity of NCI-H292 human lung mucoepidermoid cells for respiratory and other human viruses Evaluation of the Prodesse Hexaplex multiplex PCR assay for direct detection of seven respiratory viruses in clinical specimens Mink lung cells and mixed mink lung and A549 cells for rapid detection of influenza virus and other respiratory viruses Persistence of rhinovirus and enterovirus RNA after acute respiratory illness in children Evaluation of the Hexaplex assay for detection of respiratory viruses in children Comparison of real-time PCR assays with fluorescent-antibody assays for diagnosis of respiratory virus infections in children Comparison of a multiplex reverse transcription-PCRenzyme hybridization assay with conventional viral culture and immunofluorescence techniques for the detection of seven viral respiratory pathogens Human metapneumovirus infection among children hospitalized with acute respiratory illness Human picornavirus and coronavirus RNA in nasopharynx of children without concurrent respiratory symptoms Direct detection of respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and adenovirus in clinical respiratory specimens by a multiplex reverse transcription-PCR assay Evaluation of a multiplex reverse transcriptase PCR ELISA for the detection of nine respiratory tract pathogens Monoclonal antibodies versus reverse transcription-PCR for detection of respiratory viruses in a patient population with respiratory tract infections admitted to hospital Diagnosis of respiratory tract viruses in 24 hr by immunofluorescent staining of shell vial cultures containing Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells A sensitive, specific, and costeffective multiplex reverse transcriptase-PCR assay for the detection of seven common respiratory viruses in respiratory samples Rapid and sensitive method using multiplex real-time PCR for diagnosis of infections by influenza A and influenza B viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3, and 4 Respiratory viral infections among pediatric inpatients and outpatients in Taiwan from 1997 to 1999 Development of a PCR-and hybridization-based assay (PCR Adenovirus Consensus 1 ) for the detection and species identification of adenoviruses in respiratory specimens Human Coronavirus NL63, France Superiority of reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction to conventional viral culture in the diagnosis of acute respiratory tract infections in children Use of A-549 cells in a clinical virology laboratory key: cord-257661-iwwzli0w authors: Freymuth, François; Vabret, Astrid; Cuvillon‐Nimal, Delphine; Simon, Sandrine; Dina, Julia; Legrand, Loïc; Gouarin, Stéphanie; Petitjean, Joëlle; Eckart, Philippe; Brouard, Jacques title: Comparison of multiplex PCR assays and conventional techniques for the diagnostic of respiratory virus infections in children admitted to hospital with an acute respiratory illness date: 2006-09-22 journal: J Med Virol DOI: 10.1002/jmv.20725 sha: doc_id: 257661 cord_uid: iwwzli0w The performances of four multiplex PCR (m‐PCR) were compared to direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA) and HuH7 cell culture for the detection of viruses in 263 children admitted to hospital with an acute respiratory illness. keywords: acute; adenovirus; assay; cell; children; clinical; conventional; coronavirus; culture; detection; dfa; diagnosis; enterovirus; et al; group; hospital; huh7; human; infections; influenza; metapneumovirus; methods; molecular; multiplex; parainfluenza; patient; pcr; piv; positive; respiratory; respiratory viruses; reverse; rhinovirus; rsv; samples; specimens; study; tract; viral; viruses cache: cord-257661-iwwzli0w.txt plain text: cord-257661-iwwzli0w.txt item: #234 of 974 id: cord-258008-t78svobg author: Bruijnesteijn van Coppenraet, L.E.S. title: Comparison of two commercial molecular assays for simultaneous detection of respiratory viruses in clinical samples using two automatic electrophoresis detection systems date: 2010-08-05 words: 3524 flesch: 45 summary: Eighty-seven samples with positive culture detections for one of the viral targets (or positive RT-PCR results for coronavirus or hMPV) were submitted and 86 culture-negative samples were matched based on sample type and age of the patients (range 1 week to 90 years old, median age 8 months). However, in both assays the relative peak-height provides information on the viral load compared to that of the internal control and between multiple virus detections. keywords: acid; agilent; assays; cell; clinical; common; comparison; culture; detection; dpo; dual; electrophoresis; experion; extraction; false; greater; human; infections; influenza; method; mix; mlpa; molecular; multiplex; nucleic; panel; parainfluenza; pcr; positive; protocol; reaction; real; respiratory; results; rsv; samples; sensitivity; specific; systems; table; time; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-258008-t78svobg.txt plain text: cord-258008-t78svobg.txt item: #235 of 974 id: cord-258021-xhx74vr6 author: Waterer, Grant W. title: Diagnosing Viral and Atypical Pathogens in the Setting of Community-Acquired Pneumonia date: 2016-12-21 words: 4409 flesch: 27 summary: and related species Oseltamivir overuse at a Chicago hospital during the 2009 influenza pandemic and the poor predictive value of influenza-like illness criteria Detection of 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus Infection in different age groups by using rapid influenza diagnostic tests Evaluation of indirect fluorescent antibody assays compared to rapid influenza diagnostic tests for the detection of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 Sensitivity of rapid influenza antigen tests in the diagnosis of pandemic (H1N1)2009 compared with the standard rRT-PCR technique during the 2009 pandemic in Turkey Comparison of the performance of direct fluorescent antibody staining, a point-of-care rapid antigen test and virus isolation with that of RT-PCR for the detection of novel 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus in respiratory specimens Accuracy of rapid influenza diagnostic tests: a meta-analysis Randomised controlled trial and health economic evaluation of the impact of diagnostic testing for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae infection on the management of acute admissions in the elderly and high-risk 18-to 64-year-olds Performance of rapid influenza diagnostic testing in outbreak settings Evaluation of 3 rapid influenza diagnostic tests during the 2012-2013 epidemic: influences of subtype and viral load Comparison of two new generation influenza rapid diagnostic tests with instrument-based digital readout systems for influenza virus detection Current approaches for diagnosis of influenza virus infections in humans 43-47 A recent metaanalysis of 159 published studies of rapid influenza tests found the pooled sensitivity, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values to be 62%, 98%, 34%, and 38%, respectively. keywords: antigen; assays; atypical; available; bacterial; cap; care; cause; chlamydia; chlamydophila; clinical; common; community; comparison; culture; detection; diagnosis; disease; empiric; evaluation; identification; infection; influenza; legionella; limitations; management; mass; multiplex; mycoplasma; new; nucleic; pandemic; pathogens; patients; pcr; performance; pneumonia; point; positive; potential; rapid; real; respiratory; samples; sensitivity; sequencing; serology; setting; significant; single; specificity; spectrometry; sputum; standard; studies; system; testing; tests; therapy; time; tract; urinary; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-258021-xhx74vr6.txt plain text: cord-258021-xhx74vr6.txt item: #236 of 974 id: cord-258057-ti0rpt0q author: Zhao, Kai title: Establishment of a Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) LAMP Visual Rapid Detection Method date: 2020-07-01 words: 3736 flesch: 51 summary: Green I and realized the visual detection for PPV LAMP instead of by the conventional gel electrophoresis analysis or fluorescent detection . J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f To verify the specificity of PPV detection by LAMP, the DNA (PPV, PCV2, PRV) and cDNA samples (PRRSV, CSFV) were amplified as sample templates by the LAMP reaction at 59.0℃ for 50 min and terminated at 80℃ for 3 min, respectively. keywords: agarose; amplification; assay; clinical; control; conventional; copies; detection; dna; dye; electrophoresis; gel; gene; green; infected; infection; isothermal; lamp; loop; method; min; parvovirus; pcr; pigs; plasmid; porcine; positive; ppv; primers; products; rapid; reaction; real; results; samples; sensitivity; serum; study; swine; sybr; template; time; type; virus; visual; vp1 cache: cord-258057-ti0rpt0q.txt plain text: cord-258057-ti0rpt0q.txt item: #237 of 974 id: cord-258250-zueo1xfa author: Hirotsu, Yosuke title: Comparison of Automated SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test for COVID-19 Infection with Quantitative RT-PCR using 313 Nasopharyngeal Swabs Including from 7 Serially Followed Patients date: 2020-08-12 words: 3112 flesch: 47 summary: Antigen tests have been widely applied to detect infection with viruses other than SARS-CoV-2 [16] . Furthermore, both tests are expected to identify the asymptomatic or presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infected persons who are likely to have high viral loads. keywords: analysis; antigen; antigen test; asymptomatic; clinical; concordance; copies; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; curve; detection; fig; high; individuals; infected; infection; japan; level; load; lumipulse; nasopharyngeal; negative; nucleic; patients; performance; positive; qpcr; results; samples; sars; sensitivity; swabs; test; transmission; transport; viral cache: cord-258250-zueo1xfa.txt plain text: cord-258250-zueo1xfa.txt item: #238 of 974 id: cord-258438-6exkwp52 author: Marcone, Débora N. title: Diagnóstico de virus respiratorios utilizando un sistema automatizado de PCR múltiples (FilmArray) y su comparación con métodos convencionales date: 2015-03-31 words: 3351 flesch: 44 summary: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el desempeño de los métodos habitualmente utilizados en nuestro laboratorio (IF y RT-PCR) con el PR-FilmArray para el diagnóstico viral de las IRA en niños. Además, se utilizó la prueba de McNemar para evaluar la concordancia de los resultados obtenidos por ambos métodos. keywords: acuerdo; acute; además; adv; alto; ambas; ambulatorios; argentina; automatizado; autores; bacterias; bajo; bien; capacidad; children; coinfecciones; como; con; costo; del; detección; detectar; detection; detectó; diagnosis; diagnóstico; dra; el pr; embargo; entre; especificidad; este; estudiados; estudio; filmarray; frecuencia; fue; fueron; hcov; hku1; hmpv; hrv; infections; internados; laboratorio; las; los; mayor; methods; moleculares; muestras; más; métodos; múltiples; nasofaríngeos; negativo; niños; nl63; nuestros; número; oc43; otros; pacientes; panel; para; patógenos; pcr; permitió; piv; por; porcentaje; positivo; procesar; que; real; respiratorios; respiratory; resultados; rsv; rutina; sensibilidad; sido; sin; solo; son; time; una; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-258438-6exkwp52.txt plain text: cord-258438-6exkwp52.txt item: #239 of 974 id: cord-258724-1qhen1bj author: Young, Barnaby E title: Viral dynamics and immune correlates of COVID-19 disease severity date: 2020-08-28 words: 3616 flesch: 43 summary: Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China Interventions to mitigate early spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Singapore: a modelling study Clinical and immunological features of severe and moderate coronavirus disease 2019 Dysregulation of Immune Response in Patients With Coronavirus Longitudinal analyses reveal immunological misfiring in severe COVID-19 Longitudinal COVID-19 profiling associates IL-1RA and IL-10 with disease severity and RANTES with mild disease Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients of novel coronavirus disease Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2-Specific Antibody Responses in Coronavirus Disease Patients Temporal profiles of viral load in posterior oropharyngeal saliva samples and serum antibody responses during infection by SARS-CoV-2: an observational cohort study Kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 specific IgM and IgG responses in COVID-19 patients Neutralizing Antibody Responses to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Inpatients and Convalescent Patients Impact of immune enhancement on Covid-19 polyclonal hyperimmune globulin therapy and vaccine development Viral load dynamics and disease severity in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Zhejiang province, China Shedding of infectious virus in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19): duration and key determinants SARS-CoV-2 Virus Culture and Subgenomic RNA for Respiratory Specimens from Patients with Mild Coronavirus Disease Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19 Epidemiologic Features and Clinical Course of Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 in Singapore COVID-19 CRF -ISARIC. Studies of COVID-19 patients have described the inflammatory milieu in severe infections, with raised neutrophils, suppressed lymphocytes and elevated inflammatory mediators [3, 4] . keywords: acute; analysis; antibody; c r; clinical; convalescent; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; culture; cytokines; data; day; days; disease; early; figure; hgf; hospital; hypoxia; icu; igg; igm; il-6; illness; immune; infection; inflammatory; injury; levels; lung; mediators; n u; onset; p t; patients; pcr; plasma; pneumonia; respiratory; responses; s c; samples; sars; seroconversion; severe; severity; shedding; singapore; studies; study; symptom; syndrome; time; vegf; viral; virus cache: cord-258724-1qhen1bj.txt plain text: cord-258724-1qhen1bj.txt item: #240 of 974 id: cord-258768-bjjfkfgg author: McElligott, Susan title: Detection and genetic characterization of canine parvoviruses and coronaviruses in southern Ireland date: 2010-11-24 words: 4386 flesch: 48 summary: Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat (4 th ed) Isolation and immunisation studies of a canine parvo-like virus from dogs with hemorrhagic enteritis An update on canine coronaviruses: viral evolution and pathobiology The three-dimensional structure of canine parvovirus and its functional implications Canine parvoviruses and coronaviruses in southern Ireland 501 Evolution of canine parvovirus involved loss and gain of feline host range Rapid antigenic-type replacement and DNA evolution of canine parvovirus Evidence for evolution of canine parvovirus type 2 in Italy First detection of canine parvovirus type 2c in pups with haemorrhagic enteritis in Spain High rate of viral evolution associated with the emergence of carnivore parvovirus Canine parvovirus 2c infection in central Portugal Evidence for immunisation failure in vaccinated adult dogs infected with canine parvovirus type 2c Prevalence and genetic characterization of canine parvoviruses in Korea Occurrence of canine parvovirus type 2c in the United States First detection of canine parvovirus type 2c in South America A novel antigenic variant of canine parvovirus from a Vietnamese dog Clinical and virological findings in pups naturally infected by canine parvovirus type 2 Glu-426 mutant Recombinant canine coronaviruses related to transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine are circulating in dogs Recovery and characterization of a coronavirus from military dogs with diarrhea Genetic diversity of a canine coronavirus detected in pups with diarrhea in Italy Gain, preservation and loss of a group 1a coronavirus accessory glycoprotein The polymerase in its labyrinth: mechanisms and implications of RNA recombination Evolution of positive-strand RNA viruses High frequency RNA recombination of murine coronavirus Experimental infection of dogs with a novel strain of canine coronavirus causing systemic disease and lymphopenia Genotype-specific fluorogenic RT-PCR assays for the detection and quantitation of canine coronavirus type I and type II RNA in faecal samples of dogs Canine distemper and related diseases: report of a severe outbreak in a kennel Infectious canine hepatitis: an 'old' disease reemerging in Italy Fatal coronavirus infection in puppies following canine parvovirus 2b infection Buonavoglia C (2008) Detection and molecular characterization of a canine norovirus The experimental production of diarrhoea in colostrum deprived axenic and gnotoxenic calves with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, rotavirus, coronavirus and in a combined infection of rotavirus and E. coli Dual infection of gnotobiotic calves with bovine strains of group A and porcinelike group C rotaviruses influences pathogenesis of the group C rotavirus Evolution of canine parvoviruses -a need for new vaccines? Occurrence of severe gastroenteritis in pups after canine parvovirus vaccine administration: A clinical and laboratory diagnostic dilemma Immunogenicity of an intranasally administered modified live canine parvovirus type 2b vaccine in pups with maternally derived antibodies Cloning and expression of two fragments of the S gene of canine coronavirus type I Phylogenetic analysis of a highly conserved region of the polymerase gene from 11 coronaviruses and development of a consensus polymerase chain reaction assay Sequence analysis of divergent canine coronavirus strains present in a UK dog population Bioedit: a user friendly biological sequence alignment and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT MEGA4: keywords: acid; amplification; analysis; antigenic; canine; ccov; clinical; coronavirus; cpv; cpv-2c; detection; dogs; evolution; gastroenteritis; gene; group; high; infection; ire; ireland; italy; min; new; nucleotide; parvovirus; pcr; ph4/09; phylogenetic; polymerase; position; positive; presence; protein; pups; rate; reaction; restriction; result; rna; rotavirus; samples; segment; sequence; severe; single; site; strains; study; substitutions; symptoms; table; type; vaccinated; vaccines; viral; viruses; vp2 cache: cord-258768-bjjfkfgg.txt plain text: cord-258768-bjjfkfgg.txt item: #241 of 974 id: cord-258819-4boe6t1v author: Waller, Joseph V. title: The Limited Sensitivity of Chest Computed Tomography Relative to Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Infection: A Systematic Review on COVID-19 Diagnostics date: 2020-06-16 words: 4452 flesch: 43 summary: Before delving into the results of CT studies, we must first provide context by assessing the reference standard, RT-PCR, as studies using this diagnostic tool are not all free from risk of bias. In addition, overestimation of chest CT sensitivity is evident when patients with pneumonia are assumed to have COVID-19. keywords: acute; addition; asymptomatic; bias; chest; clinical; cohort; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; criteria; data; diagnostic; disease; findings; infected; infection; information; initial; limited; negative; overall; patients; pcr; pneumonia; positive; reference; reported; respiratory; results; review; risk; sars; sensitivities; sensitivity; standard; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; test; tool; unbiased cache: cord-258819-4boe6t1v.txt plain text: cord-258819-4boe6t1v.txt item: #242 of 974 id: cord-259004-plst2wno author: van Elden, Leontine J. R. title: Frequent Detection of Human Coronaviruses in Clinical Specimens from Patients with Respiratory Tract Infection by Use of a Novel Real-Time Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction date: 2004-02-17 words: 3371 flesch: 48 summary: An outbreak of coronavirus OC43 respiratory infection in Normandy, France The common cold in frail older persons: impact of rhinovirus and coronavirus in a senior daycare center Rhinovirus and coronavirus infection-associated hospitalizations among older adults Identification of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Canada A cluster of cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Evaluation of nested Real-Time RT-PCR for Detection of HCoV • JID polymerase chain methods for the detection of human coronaviruses 229E and OC43 Direct diagnosis of human respiratory coronaviruses 229E and OC43 by the polymerase chain reaction Neuroinvasion by human respiratory coronaviruses Detection of rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and coronavirus infections in acute otitis media by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction Sensitive procedure for the amplification of HIV-1 RNA using a combined reverse-transcription and amplification reaction Simultaneous detection of influenza viruses A and B using real-time quantitative PCR Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Newly discovered coronavirus as the primary cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome A major outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Acute viral infections of upper respiratory tract in elderly people living in the community: comparative, prospective, population based study of disease burden We thank H.W. Doerr (Institute of Medical Virology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany) for the gift of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus. The diagnosis of HCoV infections is hampered, in part, by the difficulty to replicate in-cell cultures, whereas serologic testing is time-consuming and therefore has little clinical significance. keywords: 229e; acute; chain; clinical; cold; common; coronavirus; cycle; detection; diagnostic; hcov; hospital; human; infection; nested; novel; ntss; oc43; patients; pcr; pneumonia; polymerase; primers; probes; reaction; real; respiratory; reverse; rna; routine; rti; sars; severe; specific; specimens; symptoms; syndrome; time; upper; use; viruses cache: cord-259004-plst2wno.txt plain text: cord-259004-plst2wno.txt item: #243 of 974 id: cord-259324-g8kv4pvq author: Ko, Suk-Min title: Expression of the protective antigen for PEDV in transgenic duckweed, Lemna minor date: 2011-10-28 words: 2336 flesch: 42 summary: First, to determine the appropriate conditions for selecting Lemna transformants, the effect of increasing concentrations of kanamycin was assessed on Lemna fronds (Fig. 1A) . (1998) reported that proliferation of Lemna fronds varied six-fold across the 25 geographic isolates of Lemna collected at various geographical locations around the world. keywords: analysis; animals; antigen; diarrhea; duckweed; epidemic; expression; fig; fronds; gene; genomic; gibba; high; kanamycin; kim; korea; lemna; liquid; medium; minor; pcr; pedv; plant; porcine; primers; production; protective; protein; selection; specific; spike; study; total; transformants; transformation; transgenic; value; ½ms1ba cache: cord-259324-g8kv4pvq.txt plain text: cord-259324-g8kv4pvq.txt item: #244 of 974 id: cord-259422-5ex12eun author: Graat, Judith M title: A prospective, community-based study on virologic assessment among elderly people with and without symptoms of acute respiratory infection date: 2003-12-11 words: 3903 flesch: 38 summary: key: cord-259422-5ex12eun authors: Graat, Judith M; Schouten, Evert G; Heijnen, Marie-Louise A; Kok, Frans J; Pallast, Esther G.M; de Greeff, Sabine C; Dorigo-Zetsma, J.Wendelien title: A prospective, community-based study on virologic assessment among elderly people with and without symptoms of acute respiratory infection date: 2003-12-11 journal: J Clin Epidemiol DOI: 10.1016/s0895-4356(03)00171-9 sha: doc_id: 259422 cord_uid: 5ex12eun BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Community-based elderly studies concerning microbiology of acute respiratory infections are scarce. In a 1-year community-based study, we prospectively investigated the possible virologic cause of acute respiratory infections in 107 symptomatic case episodes and 91 symptom-free control periods. keywords: acute; acute respiratory; assessment; asymptomatic; case; clinical; common; community; consultation; controls; detection; elderly; episodes; illness; infection; influenzavirus; laboratory; medical; micro; negative; nurse; participants; patients; pcr; people; period; persons; pneumoniae; positive; respiratory; respiratory infection; results; rhinovirus; rsv; samples; studies; study; subjects; supplementation; symptoms; test; throat; tract; virologic; virus; viruses cache: cord-259422-5ex12eun.txt plain text: cord-259422-5ex12eun.txt item: #245 of 974 id: cord-259458-o2yts5pq author: O’Grady, Kerry‐Ann F. title: Successful application of a simple specimen transport method for the conduct of respiratory virus surveillance in remote Indigenous communities in Australia date: 2011-03-21 words: 3642 flesch: 40 summary: A novel gel-based method for self-collection and ambient temperature postal transport of urine for PCR detection of Chlamydia trachomatis Human coronavirus infections in rural Thailand: a comprehensive study using real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assays Comparison of nasopharyngeal nylon flocked swabs with universal transport medium and rayon-bud swabs with a sponge reservoir of viral transport medium in the diagnosis of paediatric influenza Real-time RT-PCR detection of 12 respiratory viral infections in four triplex reactions Quantitative stability of DNA after extended storage of clinical specimens as determined by real-time PCR Parent-collected respiratory specimens-a novel method for respiratory virus and vaccine efficacy research Comparing nose-throat swabs and nasopharyngeal aspirates collected from children with symptoms for respiratory virus identification using real-time polymerase chain reaction Bacterial colonization of the nasopharynx predicts very early onset and persistence of otitis media in Australian aboriginal infants Real-time reverse transcription-PCR assay for comprehensive detection of human rhinoviruses Detection of multiple respiratory pathogens during primary respiratory infection: nasal swab versus nasopharyngeal aspirate using realtime polymerase chain reaction Otitis media in young Aboriginal children from remote communities in Northern and Central Australia: a cross-sectional survey Hospitalisation of Indigenous children in the Northern Territory for lower respiratory illness in the first year of life Comparison of nasopharyngeal aspirate and nasal swab specimens for detection of respiratory syncytial virus in different settings in a developing country Detection of human bocavirus in respiratory, fecal, and blood samples by real-time PCR Hospital-based case-control study of bronchiectasis in indigenous children in Central Australia Detection of novel influenza A(H1N1) virus by real-time RT-PCR Neisseria gonorrhoea multi-antigen sequence typing using non-cultured clinical specimens A quantification of human cells using an ERV-3 real time PCR assay Queensland Children's Medical Research Institute, Level 4, Foundation Building, Royal Children's Hospital We thank the staff, residents and Health Council of the community in which this study was conducted. Combined with sensitive molecular techniques, this approach will help us understand the epidemiology of respiratory viruses and bacteria in remote locations, where recurrent infections and persistent carriage may result in chronic lung disease. keywords: 95%ci; acute; assay; australia; central; children; clinic; clinical; communities; community; detection; difference; discordant; disease; erv3; frozen; health; human; illness; indigenous; infections; load; lower; mailed; mean; method; nare; nasal; negative; pairs; pcr; positive; presentation; real; remote; research; respiratory; samples; sensitivity; specimens; studies; study; swabs; table; temperature; time; transport; values; viral; virus; viruses; visits cache: cord-259458-o2yts5pq.txt plain text: cord-259458-o2yts5pq.txt item: #246 of 974 id: cord-259590-ot933axv author: Fielding, Burtram C title: Human coronavirus NL63: a clinically important virus? date: 2011-03-02 words: 4017 flesch: 47 summary: A novel pancoronavirus RTPCR assay: frequent detection of human coronavirus NL63 in children hospitalized with respiratory tract infections in Belgium Croup is associated with the novel coronavirus NL63 Showed that NL63 infections occur frequently in young children with lower respiratory tract infection and showed a strong association with croup Community epidemiology of human metapneumovirus, human coronavirus NL63, and other respiratory viruses in healthy preschoolaged children using parent collected specimens Detection of human coronavirus NL63, human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus in children with respiratory tract infections in southwest Sweden Coronavirus causes lower respiratory tract infections less frequently than RSV in hospitalized norwegian children Human coronavirus NL63 and 229E seroconversion in children Seroepidemiology of group I human coronaviruses in children HCoV-NL63 causes disease in children, the elderly and the immunocompromised, and has been detected in 1.0–9.3% of respiratory tract infections in children. keywords: acute; age; association; bronchiolitis; cause; children; clinical; clone; common; coronavirus; coronavirus nl63; croup; current; detection; development; disease; hcovnl63; hcovs; human; human coronavirus; important; incidence; infections; kawasaki; lower; metapneumovirus; new; nl63; novel; oc43; patients; pcr; population; prevalence; recent; reports; respiratory; respiratory tract; role; samples; severe; special; studies; study; symptoms; time; tract; upper; viral; viruses; worldwide; years; young cache: cord-259590-ot933axv.txt plain text: cord-259590-ot933axv.txt item: #247 of 974 id: cord-259717-e8ljkv2y author: Holtz, Lori R. title: Geographic variation in the eukaryotic virome of human diarrhea date: 2014-11-01 words: 6753 flesch: 42 summary: This result demonstrates that the significant difference between Northern Territory and Melbourne is not due to the higher number of unique reads obtained for Northern Territory samples. Diarrhea samples from the Northern Territory contained more viral families per sample than diarrhea from Melbourne (p¼ 0.0002 (Wilcoxon)). keywords: acute; additional; adenoviridae; adenovirus; analysis; assay; australia; bacterial; bowel; children; cohorts; conditions; copies; cycles; detection; diarrhea; differences; different; disease; dna; enteric; enterovirus; environmental; et al; eukaryotic; families; family; fig; following; gambia; genus; geographic; gut; hospital; human; identity; locations; melbourne; metagenomic; min; negative; non; norovirus; northern; northern territory; novel; number; pcr; picornaviridae; positive; present; prevalence; primers; qpcr; qrt; reads; results; rna; role; rotavirus; samples; seattle; sequences; sequencing; significant; sites; species; standard; step; stool; studies; study; territory; total; unique; vaccine; viral; viral families; virome; viruses cache: cord-259717-e8ljkv2y.txt plain text: cord-259717-e8ljkv2y.txt item: #248 of 974 id: cord-259747-sl9q63oc author: Remmelink, Myriam title: Unspecific post-mortem findings despite multiorgan viral spread in COVID-19 patients date: 2020-08-12 words: 4549 flesch: 43 summary: key: cord-259747-sl9q63oc authors: Remmelink, Myriam; De Mendonça, Ricardo; D’Haene, Nicky; De Clercq, Sarah; Verocq, Camille; Lebrun, Laetitia; Lavis, Philomène; Racu, Marie-Lucie; Trépant, Anne-Laure; Maris, Calliope; Rorive, Sandrine; Goffard, Jean-Christophe; De Witte, Olivier; Peluso, Lorenzo; Vincent, Jean-Louis; Decaestecker, Christine; Taccone, Fabio Silvio; Salmon, Isabelle title: Unspecific post-mortem findings despite multiorgan viral spread in COVID-19 patients date: 2020-08-12 journal: Crit Care DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-03218-5 sha: doc_id: 259747 cord_uid: sl9q63oc BACKGROUND: Post-mortem studies can provide important information for understanding new diseases and small autopsy case series have already reported different findings in COVID-19 patients. Most of the previous post-mortem studies in COVID-19 patients were conducted using needle biopsies and were therefore rather limited in terms of sampling; our complete autopsy analysis identified considerable heterogeneity of SARS-CoV-2 spread through the human body and provides a more accurate description of macroscopic and microscopic organ alterations. keywords: acute; additional; alveolar; analysis; anti; ards; authors; autopsies; autopsy; available; brain; care; cases; cells; changes; characteristics; chronic; clinical; complete; coronavirus; covid-19; dad; data; days; death; diagnosis; different; diffuse; disease; early; epub; evaluation; evidence; ffpe; file; findings; hemorrhage; heterogeneity; histological; ihc; infection; injury; ischemic; kidney; late; lesions; lung; main; microthrombi; mortem; myocarditis; negative; onset; organs; patients; pcr; pneumonia; positive; post; presence; previous; print; protocol; pulmonary; respiratory; results; rna; samples; sars; severe; small; specific; study; syndrome; table; time; tissues; viral; virus cache: cord-259747-sl9q63oc.txt plain text: cord-259747-sl9q63oc.txt item: #249 of 974 id: cord-259823-ia1g5dt4 author: Gowin, Ewelina title: Assessment of the Usefulness of Multiplex Real-Time PCR Tests in the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Process of Pneumonia in Hospitalized Children: A Single-Center Experience date: 2017-01-15 words: 3884 flesch: 40 summary: Estimates of world-wide distribution of child deaths from acute respiratory infections Acute respiratory infections in children Procalcitonin, Creactive protein and leukocyte count in children with lower respiratory tract infection British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of community acquired pneumonia in children: update The management of community-acquired pneumonia in infants and children older than 3 months of age: clinical practice guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America Rekomendacje postępowania w pozaszpitalnych zakażeniach układu oddechowego Viral pneumonia Impact of viral infections in children with community-acquired pneumonia: results of a study of 17 respiratory viruses Clinical and socioeconomic impact of different types and subtypes of seasonal influenza viruses in children during influenza seasons Development of a respiratory virus panel test for detection of twenty human respiratory viruses by use of multiplex PCR and a fluid microbead-based assay Multiplex PCR and emerging technologies for the detection of respiratory pathogens Performance of a novel microarray multiplex PCR for the detection of 23 respiratory pathogens (SYMP-ARI study) Clinical impact of RT-PCR for pediatric acute respiratory infections: a controlled clinical trial Epidemiological investigation of nine respiratory pathogens in hospitalized children in Germany using multiplex reversetranscriptase polymerase chain reaction The use of a multiplex real-time PCR assay for diagnosing acute respiratory viral infections in children attending an emergency unit Etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized children based on WHO clinical guidelines Etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized school-age children: evidence for high prevalence of viral infections Epidemiology and virology of acute respiratory infections during the first year of life: a birth cohort study in Vietnam Multiple versus single virus respiratory infections: viral load and clinical disease severity in hospitalized children Viral infections in immunocompromised patients Frequent detection of viral coinfection in children hospitalized with acute respiratory tract infection using a real-time polymerase chain reaction Antibiotic therapy for pediatric community-acquired pneumonia: do we know when, what and for how long to treat? New options in the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus disease Successful treatment of parainfluenza virus respiratory tract infection with DAS181 in 4 immunocompromised children Chemotherapy of respiratory syncytial virus infections: the final breakthrough All authors declare that they have no conflict of interests. FTD respiratory pathogens 33 is an in vitro test with eight multiplex real-time PCR reactions for the qualitative detection of the following viruses, bacteria, and fungi causing respiratory infections: influenza A, B, and C; parainfluenza viruses 1 keywords: acute; age; analysis; antibiotic; bacterial; cases; children; clinical; comorbidities; cultures; detection; diagnostic; diseases; etiology; factor; flora; group; hospitalized; infections; influenza; material; microbiological; multiplex; multiplex real; pathogens; patients; pcr; pcr tests; pneumonia; positive; presence; real; respiratory; results; rsv; samples; severe; study; symptoms; tests; therapy; time; time pcr; tract; treatment; viral; viruses cache: cord-259823-ia1g5dt4.txt plain text: cord-259823-ia1g5dt4.txt item: #250 of 974 id: cord-259886-j0bpp7iw author: Cho, Hyejin title: Positive control synthesis method for COVID-19 diagnosis by one-step real-time RT-PCR date: 2020-10-12 words: 2327 flesch: 46 summary: Therefore, this approach may be integrated into the molecular diagnosis of COVID-19 and provides a general method for preparing positive controls for diagnosing emerging RNA virus infections. To overcome this problem, a new efficient method for preparing positive controls for COVID-19 detection kits needs to be developed that can be applied to the detection of emerging viruses, such as influenza A (H1N1), human metapneumovirus (HMPT), and keywords: approach; assays; atto; concentration; contamination; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; dependent; detection; diagnosis; gene; infections; method; new; novel; oligonucleotides; pcr; positive; primers; probe; rdrp; real; regions; rna; sars; sensitivity; sequences; spt; synthetic; table; templates; time; time rt; values; viral cache: cord-259886-j0bpp7iw.txt plain text: cord-259886-j0bpp7iw.txt item: #251 of 974 id: cord-259988-3s7b5ovi author: Decaro, Nicola title: Virological and molecular characterization of a mammalian orthoreovirus type 3 strain isolated from a dog in Italy date: 2005-08-10 words: 3371 flesch: 44 summary: In carnivores, MRV infections have been sporadically reported, although all the three serotypes have been isolated from dogs and cats (Binn et al., 1977; Csiza, 1974; Kokubu et al., 1993; Lou and Wenner, 1963; Marshall et al., 1987; Massie and Shaw, 1966; Mochizuki and Uchizono, 1993; Scott et al., 1970) . MRV-2 and MRV-3 have been isolated from dogs with upper respiratory tract disease (Binn et al., 1977) and diarrhea (Kokubu et al., 1993) , respectively. keywords: 214/04; accession; analysis; assay; canine; cells; characterization; crfk; detection; diarrhea; disease; dogs; et al; feline; fig; gene; human; infected; infections; inoculated; isolated; leary; mammalian; molecular; mrv; pcr; primer; protein; pup; rbc; rectal; reovirus; rna; samples; segments; sequence; serotype; specific; strain; swabs; t3d/04; table; tyler; type; viral cache: cord-259988-3s7b5ovi.txt plain text: cord-259988-3s7b5ovi.txt item: #252 of 974 id: cord-260168-rb7j94dh author: Gu, Jiang title: H5N1 infection of the respiratory tract and beyond: a molecular pathology study date: 2007-09-27 words: 6314 flesch: 46 summary: Our comprehensive investigation of the tissue tropism of H5N1 infl uenza virus, based on two adult autopsies and one fetal autopsy, focuses on the localisation of viral genomic sequences and antigens. In cultures of human tracheobronchial epithelial cells, H5N1 infl uenza viruses have been reported to infect mainly ciliated cells, which express mainly avian infl uenza virus receptors (α-2,3-linked sialic acids), although a limited number of non-ciliated cells (<20% of all infected cells) have also been reported to be infected. keywords: analysis; antigens; antisense; associated; autopsies; avian; brain; cases; cation; cells; changes; china; ciliated; clinical; cytoplasm; cytotrophoblasts; data; day; detection; diff; disease; epithelial; fetal; fetus; genomic; gure; h5n1; haemagglutinin; human; hybridisation; immunohistochemistry; infected; infection; infl; infl uenza; lungs; lymph; lymphocytes; macrophages; manuscript; mononuclear; nasba; negative; neurons; nodes; non; nucleoprotein; nucleus; number; organs; pathology; patient; pcr; placenta; positive; previous; probes; replication; respiratory; results; rna; samples; sars; sections; sequences; severe; signals; situ; situ hybridisation; specifi; studies; study; tissue; trachea; transmission; uenza; uenza virus; viral; virus; viruses; webfi; writing cache: cord-260168-rb7j94dh.txt plain text: cord-260168-rb7j94dh.txt item: #253 of 974 id: cord-260231-vayxg23a author: Hsien Koh, Tse title: Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in a large teaching hospital in Singapore date: 2007-08-31 words: 3315 flesch: 51 summary: In France, A 2 B + strains comprised 2.7% of toxigenic C. difficile isolates, Most had a 1.7 kb deletion and the same PCR ribotype. The Swedish C. difficile Study Group Molecular epidemiology of hospital-associated and community-acquired Clostridium difficile infection in a Swedish county Epidemiology and molecular characterization of Clostridium difficile strains from patients with diarrhea: low disease incidence and evidence of limited cross-infection in a Swedish teaching hospital Second-look' cytotoxicity: an evaluation of culture plus cytotoxin assay of Clostridium difficile isolates in the laboratory diagnosis of CDAD Laboratory diagnosis of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea: a plea for culture An outbreak of toxin A negative, toxin B positive Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in a Canadian tertiary-care hospital Characterization of a toxin Anegative, toxin B-positive strain of Clostridium difficile responsible for a nosocomial outbreak of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea Characterization of toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive Clostridium difficile isolates from outbreaks in different countries by amplified fragment length polymorphism and PCR ribotyping International typing study of toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive Clostridium difficile variants Multicenter evaluation of the Clostridium difficile TOX A/B TEST Prevalence of toxin A negative/B positive Clostridium difficile strains Prevalence and genetic characterization of toxin A variant strains of Clostridium difficile among adults and children with diarrhea in France Clonal dissemination of a toxin-A-negative/toxin-B-positive Clostridium difficile strain from patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhea in Poland Antimicrobial susceptibilities and serogroups of clinical strains of Clostridium difficile isolated in France in 1991 and 1997 Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Clostridium difficile and its relation to PCR ribotypes in a Swedish university hospital Clindamycin resistant strains of Clostridium difficile isolated from cases of C. difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD) in a hospital in Sweden Reassessment of Clostridium difficile susceptibility to metronidazole and vancomycin ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by a grant from the National Medical Research Council, Singapore. keywords: admissions; antimicrobial; assay; associated; cases; cdad; clindamycin; clostridium; culture; days; diarrhea; difficile; direct; disease; eia; hospital; incidence; isolates; low; metronidazole; negative; outbreak; patients; pcr; positive; prevalence; resistance; ribotype; singapore; stool; strains; study; susceptible; sweden; tcda; tcdb; toxigenic; toxin; united; vancomycin cache: cord-260231-vayxg23a.txt plain text: cord-260231-vayxg23a.txt item: #254 of 974 id: cord-260250-t48y27wg author: Decaro, Nicola title: Quantitation of canine coronavirus RNA in the faeces of dogs by TaqMan RT-PCR date: 2004-05-07 words: 3332 flesch: 39 summary: The CCoV fluorogenic RT-PCR assay, which targeted the ORF5 (M gene), was more sensitive than a conventional RT-PCR assay targeting the same gene, showing a detection limit of 10 copies of CCoV standard RNA, and was linear from 10 to 10(8) copies, allowing quantitation of samples with a wide range of CCoV RNA loads. Several RT-PCR based methods have been developed for detecting CCoV RNA in the faeces of dogs, but none of these were designed to be quantitative (Bandai et al., 1999; Naylor et al., 2001; Pratelli et al., 1999 Pratelli et al., , 2002c . keywords: amplification; analysis; assay; canine; ccov; chain; conventional; copies; coronavirus; detection; dilutions; dogs; et al; experimentally; faecal; faeces; fluorogenic; fluorogenic rt; gene; infected; infection; italy; min; negative; orf5; pcr; polymerase; positive; pratelli; pratelli et; probe; quantitation; range; reaction; real; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; shedding; standard; taqman; template; time; transcriptase; viral; wide cache: cord-260250-t48y27wg.txt plain text: cord-260250-t48y27wg.txt item: #255 of 974 id: cord-260404-leifaqda author: Ishak, Anthony M. title: Prevalence of Mycoplasma haemofelis, ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum’, Bartonella species, Ehrlichia species, and Anaplasma phagocytophilum DNA in the blood of cats with anemia date: 2006-07-17 words: 3402 flesch: 34 summary: In this retrospective study, we used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to determine the prevalence rates of Mycoplasma haemofelis, ‘Candidatus M haemominutum’, A phagocytophilum, Ehrlichia species, and Bartonella species DNA in the blood of cats with anemia and a control group of healthy cats. However, to our knowledge, the Bartonella species prevalence rates as determined by PCR assay results have not been determined in cats with anemia and compared to results from healthy cats. keywords: anemia; assay; bartonella; blood; breitschwerdt; candidatus; cats; causes; common; disease; dna; dogs; ehrlichia; et al; feline; felis; felv; haemominutum; healthy; hemolytic; hemoplasma; henselae; immune; infectious; medical; new; non; pcr; phagocytophilum; prevalence; primary; rates; regenerative; results; risk; sample; species; states; study; test; united cache: cord-260404-leifaqda.txt plain text: cord-260404-leifaqda.txt item: #256 of 974 id: cord-260431-eksl7pp8 author: Sun, Heting title: Isolation and Identification of Feline Herpesvirus Type 1 from a South China Tiger in China date: 2014-02-28 words: 2526 flesch: 47 summary: Challenged cats exhibited uniform clinical symptoms and shed FHV-1 virus. Our finding extends the host range of FHV-1 and has implications for FHV-1 infection and South China tiger conservation. keywords: analysis; authors; calicivirus; captive; cats; challenge; china; clinical; day; disease; feline; fhv-1; figure; gene; group; herpesvirus; infection; isolates; isolation; pcr; phylogenetic; positive; post; range; results; rhinotracheitis; sequences; signs; south; study; tiger; trachea; tree; type; viral; virus cache: cord-260431-eksl7pp8.txt plain text: cord-260431-eksl7pp8.txt item: #257 of 974 id: cord-260457-m1jbpo5l author: Allander, Tobias title: Human Bocavirus and Acute Wheezing in Children date: 2007-04-01 words: 3715 flesch: 46 summary: As part of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of systemic corticosteroids for the treatment of acute expiratory wheezing in children, we performed extensive diagnostic evaluations for respiratory virus infection. We investigated the prevalence of HBoV and the genome HBoV load in the respiratory tract and blood specimens obtained from children who had been hospitalized for acute expiratory wheezing-the most common manifestation of lower respiratory tract infection in children-to investigate the association between HBoV infection and acute respiratory tract illness. keywords: acute; agent; aspirate; assay; association; asymptomatic; bocavirus; bronchiolitis; causative; children; clinical; copies; coronavirus; detection; diagnostic; disease; dna; enteroviruses; findings; hbov; high; human; infection; large; load; low; nasopharyngeal; parvovirus; patients; pcr; positive; present; prevalence; respiratory; results; rhinoviruses; role; samples; serum; specimens; studies; study; symptoms; table; time; tract; viral; virus; viruses; wheezing; years cache: cord-260457-m1jbpo5l.txt plain text: cord-260457-m1jbpo5l.txt item: #258 of 974 id: cord-260481-twk5kvd3 author: Täufer, Matthias title: Rapid, large-scale, and effective detection of COVID-19 via non-adaptive testing date: 2020-08-18 words: 3855 flesch: 55 summary: However, pool testing is typically performed via an adaptive testing strategy which requires a feedback loop in the lab and at least two PCR runs to confirm positive results. A small modification of our strategy might furthermore allow for an improvement of the false negative rate -even compared to usual adaptive pool testing strategies: even though commonly used, pooling samples can potentially dilute samples close to the identification threshold of the PCR and increase the probaility of false negatives. keywords: adaptive; case; covid-19; detection; different; false; figure; group; incidence; individual; infected; lab; large; lower; multiplicities; multiplicity; multipool; non; number; pcr; pool; pooling; population; positive; prime; probability; results; samples; size; small; strategy; testing; tests; theorem; time cache: cord-260481-twk5kvd3.txt plain text: cord-260481-twk5kvd3.txt item: #259 of 974 id: cord-260647-7bjhobg7 author: Coudray-Meunier, Coralie title: A Novel High-Throughput Method for Molecular Detection of Human Pathogenic Viruses Using a Nanofluidic Real-Time PCR System date: 2016-01-29 words: 5584 flesch: 39 summary: This information is available on line on the web site of the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (IVS) at http://www. for HAV samples and on the web site of the NRC at for enteric virus samples. Sensitive and quantitative detection of human enteric viruses is typically achieved through quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR). keywords: aichi; array; assays; clinical; control; conventional; copies; curve; detection; digital; dna; dpcr; enteric; fluidigm; food; france; genome; giv; hav; hepatitis; hev; high; human; life; lower; method; min; mix; nanofluidic; negative; norovirus; nov; nrc; number; outbreaks; pathogenic; plasmids; primer; qpcr; quantification; quantitative; reaction; real; reverse; rna; rotavirus; samples; sensitivity; standard; step; stool; strain; study; system; technologies; template; time; transcription; ultrasense; viral; viruses; water; ° c cache: cord-260647-7bjhobg7.txt plain text: cord-260647-7bjhobg7.txt item: #260 of 974 id: cord-260690-h5pjv2dw author: Druce, Julian title: Laboratory diagnosis and surveillance of human respiratory viruses by PCR in Victoria, Australia, 2002–2003 date: 2004-11-12 words: 3805 flesch: 38 summary: The availability of new classes of drugs active against both influenza A and B viruses , preclinical and clinical trials of drugs targeted at respiratory viruses other than influenza [Hayden et al., 2003; Cianci et al., 2004; Uckun et al., 2004] , and the potential for new vaccines [Power et al., 2001] has encouraged further a shorter diagnostic turnaround time for the detection of respiratory viruses. The results of a 2-year retrospective study of respiratory viruses in more than 4,200 specimens obtained from individuals living in Victoria, Australia are presented. keywords: acid; adenoviruses; adults; age; assays; cases; clinical; common; control; detection; diagnosis; dual; et al; hcov; hmpv; hospitalized; human; illness; infection; influenza; nucleic; oc43; patients; pcr; picornaviruses; polymerase; positive; primers; program; rate; respiratory; results; rhinoviruses; round; rsv; second; sensitivity; specificity; specimens; study; surveillance; symptoms; table; testing; tube; viral; virus; viruses; winter; years cache: cord-260690-h5pjv2dw.txt plain text: cord-260690-h5pjv2dw.txt item: #261 of 974 id: cord-260700-u12aa739 author: Kainulainen, Leena title: Recurrent and persistent respiratory tract viral infections in patients with primary hypogammaglobulinemia date: 2010-06-10 words: 3695 flesch: 43 summary: The occurrence of respiratory tract viral infections in patients with primary hypogammaglobulinemia has not been studied. Despite adequate immunoglobulin replacement therapy, patients with primary hypogammaglobulinemia have increased susceptibility to respiratory tract viral infections. keywords: acute; adenovirus; analysis; antibiotic; bacterial; chronic; common; control; cvid; enteroviral; enteroviruses; episodes; healthy; human; hypogammaglobulinemia; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; induced; infections; lower; mean; months; nasal; new; patients; pcr; persistent; positive; primary; recurrent; replacement; respiratory; respiratory tract; results; rhinoviral; samples; specimens; spouses; sputum; study; subjects; susceptibility; swabs; symptoms; therapy; tract; turku; type; vaccine; variable; viral; viruses; weeks; xla cache: cord-260700-u12aa739.txt plain text: cord-260700-u12aa739.txt item: #262 of 974 id: cord-260728-4w23kwzu author: Timmermans, Ans title: Human Sentinel Surveillance of Influenza and Other Respiratory Viral Pathogens in Border Areas of Western Cambodia date: 2016-03-30 words: 7426 flesch: 44 summary: Previous studies have attributed the etiology of acute viral respiratory infections in Cambodia to rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza virus (PIV), influenza virus A and B, human metapneumovirus (HMPV), bocavirus, adenovirus, enterovirus, and coronavirus Influenza virus efficiently escapes from host antibodies through an accumulation of mutations/single amino acid changes (antigenic drift) at the antigenic sites (epitopes) in surface glycoproteins of the hemagglutinin (HA) gene, and to a lesser extent, neuraminidase (NA) genes [8] . keywords: acid; adenovirus; afrims; age; amino; amino acid; analysis; antigenic; border; cambodia; cases; center; changes; children; common; coxsackievirus; culture; data; december; detection; disease; docx; enterovirus; ev71; evidence; evolution; fig; function; genbank; gene; genome; global; glycosylation; h3n2; health; hemagglutinin; human; ili; infections; influenza; isolates; meanchey; mutations; national; negative; nested; non; nucleotide; old; overall; pandemic; patients; pcr; ph1n1; phylogenetic; population; positive; previous; primers; purifying; range; reaction; reference; research; respiratory; reverse; rhinovirus; round; samples; segments; selection; sentinel; sequences; single; sites; specific; specimens; strains; study; substitutions; surveillance; system; table; testing; thailand; time; unique; vaccination; vaccine; version; viral; virus; viruses; western; year cache: cord-260728-4w23kwzu.txt plain text: cord-260728-4w23kwzu.txt item: #263 of 974 id: cord-260791-2gmrsm8q author: Iwata, Takanori title: PCR detection and new therapies for COVID-19 date: 2020-06-23 words: 409 flesch: 53 summary: Although members of the general public may consider PCR testing to be an absolutely reliable method, false positives and false negatives can take place. In addition, since PCR testing only detects the RNA fragments of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the virus that causes COVID-19, it is impossible to distinguish whether the virus is viable using PCR. keywords: covid-19; false; mscs; negatives; pcr; place; positives; severe; stem; therapies cache: cord-260791-2gmrsm8q.txt plain text: cord-260791-2gmrsm8q.txt item: #264 of 974 id: cord-260866-bzdd4f5h author: Barceló, Damià title: Wastewater-Based Epidemiology to Monitor COVID-19 Outbreak: Present and Future Diagnostic Methods to be in Your Radar date: 2020-09-14 words: 4680 flesch: 44 summary: Shortly afterwards, the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) announced nucleic acid testing as the gold standard for virus detection. Most importantly is to encourage the scientists involved in virus detection in WBE to think outside the PCR box by considering other complementary ways to detect COVID-19 outbreak in wastewaters . keywords: acid; analysis; applications; assay; asymptomatic; biomarkers; biosensors; cases; chip; clinical; complex; concentration; cov-2; covid-19; crispr; data; detection; devices; different; digital; disease; dpcr; ebola; environmental; future; human; lab; laboratories; like; loc; low; main; methods; need; new; novel; nucleic; outbreak; pandemic; paper; patients; pcr; platforms; poc; possible; present; protocols; qpcr; rapid; recent; response; review; rna; samples; sars; sers; sewage; short; specific; strip; surveillance; systems; target; technologies; technology; time; viral; virus; viruses; wastewater; wbe cache: cord-260866-bzdd4f5h.txt plain text: cord-260866-bzdd4f5h.txt item: #265 of 974 id: cord-261089-aul4ifso author: Yuan, Wen title: Development of a duplex real-time RT-PCR for the simultaneous detection and differentiation of Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus and rat theilovirus date: 2016-07-07 words: 4524 flesch: 44 summary: In addition, serologic assays to detect antibodies to RTV in rats have historically used mouse TMEV strains as antigens, exploiting the antigenic cross-reactivity of these viruses with RTV (Easterbrook et al., 2008; Pritchett-Corning et al., 2009) . In the presence of 1 × 10 6 copies/ng of RTV genomic RNA, the TMEV standard curves were similar to those generated from the standard dilutions alone (Fig. 5A) . keywords: amplification; assay; barrier; biological; cardioviruses; cecum; china; clinical; colonies; colony; conventional; copies; cross; curves; detection; different; dilutions; duplex; duplex real; encephalomyelitis; et al; fig; infection; kit; laboratory; materials; mice; mouse; murine; negative; non; pcr; positive; primers; probe; rats; reaction; real; results; rna; rodent; routine; rtv; samples; sensitivity; specific; standard; strains; table; theiler; theilovirus; time; time rt; tmev; total; usa; viral; virus; viruses; wild cache: cord-261089-aul4ifso.txt plain text: cord-261089-aul4ifso.txt item: #266 of 974 id: cord-261128-j55v4clu author: Gagliardi, T.B. title: Concurrent detection of other respiratory viruses in children shedding viable human respiratory syncytial virus date: 2013-07-16 words: 4624 flesch: 38 summary: The children had HRSV infections associated with shedding of viable HRSV, as opposed to HRSV detection only by RT-PCR or rapid antigen detection methods. Cloning of a human parvovirus by molecular screening of respiratory tract samples Acute respiratory viral infections in ambulatory children of urban northeast Brasil Magnetic purification of biotinylated cDNA removes false priming and ensures strand-specificity of RT-PCR for enteroviral RNAs Two-year prospective study of single infections and coinfections by respiratory syncytial virus and viruses identified recently in infants with acute respiratory disease Occurrence and severity of infections caused by subgroup A and B respiratory syncytial virus in children in southest Brazil Respiratory syncytial virus and metapneumovirus Severity of viral coinfection in hospitalized infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection Simultaneous detection and identification of human parainfluenza viruses 1: 2 and 3 from clinical samples by multiplex PCR Human metapneumovirus infections in young and elderly adults Correlation of viral load of respiratory pathogens and co-infections with disease severity in children hospitalized for lower respiratory tract infection Human bocavirus respiratory infections in children in southeast Brazil Prevalence and clinical characteristics of human metapneumovirus infections in hospitalized infants in spain Human metapneumovirus in severe respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis Detection of adenovirus in clinical specimens by polymerase chain reaction and liquid-phase hybridization quantitated by time-resolved fluorometry Persistence of adenovirus nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal secretions: A diagnostic conundrum Multiple versus single virus respiratory infections: Viral load and clinical disease severity in hospitalized children Nosocomial respiratory syncytial virus infections in children's wards High rate of viral identification and coinfections in infants with acute bronchiolitis Mixed respiratory virus infections Circulation patterns of genetically distinct group A and B strains of human respiratory syncytial virus in a communities Circulation patterns of group A and B human respiratory syncytial virus genotypes in 5 communities in North America Detection of rhinovirus in sinus brushings of patientes with acute community-acquired sinusits by reverse transcription-PC Detection of human bocavirus mRNA in respiratory secretions correlates with high viral load and concurrent diarrhea Comparison of the directgen flu A þ B test, the QuickVue influenza test, and clinical definition to viral culture and reverse transcription-PCR for rapid diagnosis of influenza virus infection Dual infection of infants by human metapneumovirus and human respiratory syncytial virus is strongly associated with severe bronchiolitis Viral co-detection in infants hospitalized with respiratory disease: Is it important to detect? Severity of respiratory syncytial virus infection is related to virus strain Comparison of human metapneumovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and influenza A virus lower respiratory tract infections in hospitalized young children Strain-specific reverse transcriptase PCR assay: Means to distinguish candidate vaccine from wild-type strains of respiratory syncytial virus keywords: acids; additional; age; aspirates; care; cell; children; clinical; culture; current; days; detection; different; disease; dna; features; frequent; hadv; hbov; hospital; hrsv; hrv; human; infections; isolation; median; months; nasopharyngeal; negative; nucleic; patients; pcr; pediatric; positive; replication; respiratory; respiratory viruses; reverse; rna; samples; secretions; severe; severity; shedding; specific; studies; study; syncytial; table; tested; viable; viable hrsv; viral; viruses cache: cord-261128-j55v4clu.txt plain text: cord-261128-j55v4clu.txt item: #267 of 974 id: cord-261134-zarq507s author: Pulford, David title: Amplification refractory mutation system PCR assays for the detection of variola and Orthopoxvirus date: 2004-02-13 words: 3803 flesch: 40 summary: When a variola virus specific primer was used with a consensus primer in an ARMS assay with different Orthopoxvirus genomes, a PCR product was only amplified from variola virus DNA. Incorporating a second consensus primer into the assay produced a multiplex PCR that provided Orthopoxvirus generic and variola-specific products with variola virus DNA. keywords: a13l; a36r; amplicons; amplification; analysis; arms; assays; base; camelpox; clinical; consensus; control; cowpox; dna; et al; fig; genes; genetic; genomes; genomic; identification; isolates; lane; minor; monkeypox; multiplex; mutation; orthopoxvirus; panel; pcr; polymerase; polymorphisms; prepared; primer; product; pulford; reaction; rflp; samples; sequence; shchelkunov; single; smallpox; species; specific; specificity; strains; table; vaccinia; variola; virus; viruses; world cache: cord-261134-zarq507s.txt plain text: cord-261134-zarq507s.txt item: #268 of 974 id: cord-261160-g92zhv19 author: Rowland, Raymond R.R title: Lymphoid tissue tropism of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication during persistent infection of pigs originally exposed to virus in utero date: 2003-10-30 words: 6389 flesch: 42 summary: A unique aspect of this study was the thorough analysis of virus replication in pig tissues during asymptomatic infection (Roman numeral III, Fig. 2 ). key: cord-261160-g92zhv19 authors: Rowland, Raymond R.R; Lawson, Steven; Rossow, Kurt; Benfield, David A title: Lymphoid tissue tropism of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication during persistent infection of pigs originally exposed to virus in utero date: 2003-10-30 journal: Vet Microbiol DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2003.07.006 sha: doc_id: 261160 cord_uid: g92zhv19 The ability of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) to establish a persistent infection is the principal contributing factor to the world-wide spread of the disease. keywords: activity; acute; analysis; antibody; birth; cells; clinical; congenital; cord; data; days; disease; dpf; et al; fetuses; fig; group; hybridization; infected; infection; isolation; lesions; lung; lymph; lymphoid; mortality; negative; neonates; neutralizing; nodes; non; organs; pcr; period; persistent; piglets; pigs; porcine; positive; presence; prrsv; replication; reproductive; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; results; rna; samples; sentinel; seronegative; seropositive; serum; signs; situ; sows; study; syndrome; syndrome virus; time; tissues; tonsil; umbilical; utero; viral; virus; virus replication cache: cord-261160-g92zhv19.txt plain text: cord-261160-g92zhv19.txt item: #269 of 974 id: cord-261237-0hbijukt author: Hou, Peili title: Development of a recombinase polymerase amplification combined with lateral-flow dipstick assay for detection of bovine ephemeral fever virus date: 2017-12-26 words: 4870 flesch: 45 summary: This work was partially supported by grants from National Natural Science Fund of China (31502064, 31672556), Taishan Bovine ephemeral fever in Taiwan Bovine ephemeral fever: a review Bovine ephemeral fever in Australia and the world Preliminary observations on the epidemiology of bovine ephemeral fever in China Large-scale serological survey of bovine ephemeral fever in China A comparison of the epidemiology of bovine ephemeral fever in South Korea and south-western Japan A large-scale outbreak of bovine ephemeral fever in Turkey Bovine ephemeral fever and rhabdoviruses endemic to Australia Epidemiology and control of bovine ephemeral fever Bovine ephemeral fever in beef cattle herds in the Jordan Valley, Israel Epidemiological investigation of bovine ephemeral Fever outbreaks in Israel Development of a reliable assay protocol for identification of diseases (RAPID)-bioactive amplification with probing (BAP) for detection of bovine ephemeral fever virus Antigenic characterization of bovine ephemeral fever rhabdovirus G and GNS glycoproteins expressed from recombinant baculoviruses Phylogenetic relationships of the G gene sequence of bovine ephemeral fever virus isolated in Japan Phylogenetic relationships of the glycoprotein gene of bovine ephemeral fever virus isolated from mainland China Development and application of G1-ELISA for detection of antibodies against bovine ephemeral fever virus Bovine ephemeral fever in Iran: diagnosis, isolation and molecular characterization Characterization of a recombinant Newcastle disease virus expressing the glycoprotein of bovine ephemeral fever virus Expression of G1-epitope of bovine ephemeral fever virus in E. coli : a novel candidate to develop ELISA kit Bovine ephemeral fever: the reaction of cattle to different strains of ephemeral fever virus and the antigenic comparison of two strains of virus The isolation of bovine ephemeral fever virus in cell cultures and evidence for autointerference Application of indirect immunofluorescent assay for the detection of bovine ephemeral fever virus A reverse-transcription PCR method for detecting all known ephemeroviruses in clinical samples Occurrence of bovine ephemeral fever in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, in 2012 and development of a reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assay to detect bovine ephemeral fever virus gene A real-time RTquantative(q)PCR for the detection of bovine ephemeral fever virus A blocking ELISA for the detection of specific antibodies to bovine ephemeral fever virus DNA detection using recombination proteins Recombinase polymerase and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay as a DNA amplification-detection strategy for food analysis An aptamer-based bio-barcode assay with isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification for cytochrome-c detection and anti-cancer drug screening Multiplex isothermal solid-phase recombinase polymerase amplification for the specific and fast DNAbased detection of three bacterial pathogens Recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid detection of Rift Valley fever virus Rapid detection of Plasmodium falciparum with isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification and lateral flow analysis Isothermal Recombinase Polymerase amplification (RPA) of Schistosoma haematobium DNA and oligochromatographic lateral flow detection Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) combined with lateral flow (LF) strip for equipment-free detection of Cryptosporidium spp. A report on bovine ephemeral fever virus in Turkey: antigenic variations of different strains of EFV in the 1985 and 2012 outbreaks using partial glycoprotein gene sequences A reverse-transcription, loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for detection of bovine ephemeral fever virus in the blood of infected cattle Factors influencing Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay outcomes at point of care Rapid detection of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus using recombinase polymerase amplification assays Application of a flow type quartz crystal microbalance immunosensor for real time determination of cattle bovine ephemeral fever virus in liquid Application of a realtime polymerase chain reaction assay to the diagnosis of bovine ephemeral fever during an outbreak in New South Wales and northern Victoria in 2009-10 Not applicable. keywords: agarose; amplification; assay; befv; blood; bovine; bovine ephemeral; cattle; cdna; cell; china; clinical; control; conventional; copies; detection; diagnosis; dna; ephemeral; ephemeral fever; fever; fig; flow; free; gel; gene; instructions; isothermal; kit; lane; lateral; lfd; method; min; pcr; polymerase; positive; primers; probe; qpcr; rapid; reaction; real; recombinase; results; reverse; rna; rpa; samples; sensitivity; specificity; specimens; standard; study; table; template; time; transcription; twistamp; usa; viral; virus cache: cord-261237-0hbijukt.txt plain text: cord-261237-0hbijukt.txt item: #270 of 974 id: cord-261279-6mef38eo author: Chu, Daniel K W title: Molecular Diagnosis of a Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Causing an Outbreak of Pneumonia date: 2020-01-31 words: 2999 flesch: 49 summary: Interestingly, several bat coronaviruses that are genetically similar to human SARS coronavirus were detected in horseshoe bats. This virus is genetically similar to SARS coronavirus and bat SARS-like coronaviruses. keywords: addition; animals; assays; bat; camels; cases; cells; clinical; control; coronavirus; data; detection; different; dna; gene; human; infected; influenza; mers; ncov; negative; novel; orf1b; outbreak; patients; pcr; positive; primer; probe; regions; related; respiratory; reverse; rna; samples; sars; sequence; similar; specimens; study; subgenus; tested; tests; time; viral; viruses cache: cord-261279-6mef38eo.txt plain text: cord-261279-6mef38eo.txt item: #271 of 974 id: cord-261329-k1p7fo0e author: Nidzworski, Dawid title: Detection and differentiation of virulent and avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus by real-time PCR date: 2010-12-28 words: 3159 flesch: 50 summary: key: cord-261329-k1p7fo0e authors: Nidzworski, Dawid; Rabalski, Lukasz; Gromadzka, Beata title: Detection and differentiation of virulent and avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus by real-time PCR date: 2010-12-28 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2010.12.015 sha: doc_id: 261329 cord_uid: k1p7fo0e A rapid diagnostic method based on the melting curve SYBR Green The results obtained in this study demonstrate the possible applications for melting curve real-time PCR analysis in laboratory practice for the diagnosis and differentiation of avirulent and virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus. keywords: analysis; assay; avian; cdna; cleavage; curve; degenerated; detection; differentiation; disease; et al; gene; green; icpi; isolates; lentogenic; melting; mesogenic; method; ndv; newcastle; pathogenicity; pcr; phylogenetic; plasmid; primers; reaction; real; results; reverse; rna; sequence; site; strains; study; sybr; table; temperature; time; values; velogenic; virulent; virus; viruses; wise cache: cord-261329-k1p7fo0e.txt plain text: cord-261329-k1p7fo0e.txt item: #272 of 974 id: cord-261419-8dcqnifn author: Ma, Qing-Hu title: Overexpression of a wheat jasmonate-regulated lectin increases pathogen resistance date: 2009-12-01 words: 4678 flesch: 46 summary: Our data showed that Ta-JA1 was a mannose-specific lectin protein (Table 1) . Plant lectins can be classified into 12 families according to their molecular structures, biochemical properties and sugar-binding specificities. keywords: activity; agglutination; bacterial; barley; binding; cdna; cells; characterization; coli; concentration; control; data; defense; determined; different; disease; dna; domain; erythrocytes; expression; family; fig; fungal; gene; growth; induced; induction; inhibition; ja1; jacalin; jasmonate; jrl; leaf; leaves; lectins; levels; lines; mannose; min; monocot; overexpression; pathogens; pcr; plant; primer; protein; rabbit; recombinant; related; resistance; response; reverse; saccharides; similar; specific; spectrum; temperature; tmv; tobacco; transgenic; vector; viral; wheat cache: cord-261419-8dcqnifn.txt plain text: cord-261419-8dcqnifn.txt item: #273 of 974 id: cord-261442-r4vgt0h3 author: Huh, Hee Jae title: Comparison of the AnyplexTM II RV16 and Seeplex® RV12 ACE assays for the detection of respiratory viruses date: 2014-08-31 words: 2492 flesch: 45 summary: The monoplex PCR and sequencing for the samples with discrepant results revealed that majority of the results were concordant with the results from RV16 assays. The overall results of monoplex PCR and sequencing revealed that majority of the samples that were identified as positive from RV16 assays also exhibited positive results, except INF A (Table 2) . keywords: agreement; analysis; assay; cdna; clinical; control; detection; discrepant; et al; inf; kit; min; monoplex; multiplex; negative; patients; pcr; performance; positive; reaction; real; respiratory; results; reverse; rv12; rv16; rv16 assay; samples; seegene; seeplex; sequencing; specimens; study; system; technology; time; transcription; usa; viral; viruses cache: cord-261442-r4vgt0h3.txt plain text: cord-261442-r4vgt0h3.txt item: #274 of 974 id: cord-261735-03hvi4el author: Rodrigues, R. title: Development of a one step real time RT-PCR assay to detect and quantify Dugbe virus date: 2011-06-14 words: 2642 flesch: 52 summary: Hazara virus, a new agent isolated from Ixodes redikorzevi ticks from the Kaghan Valley, W. Pakistan Structure and morphogenesis of Dugbe virus (Bunyaviridae Nairovirus) studied by immunogold electron microscopy of ultrathin cryosection Pathogenesis of Dugbe virus infection in wild-type and interferon-deficient mice Dugbe nairovirus S segment: correction of published sequence and comparison of five isolates Investigation of tick-borne viruses as pathogens of humans in South Africa and evidence of Dugbe virus infection in a patient with prolonged thrombocytopenia Absolute quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays Supplement to the catalogue of Arthropod-borne viruses Kupe virus, a new virus in the family bunyaviridae, genus nairovirus Dugbe virus: a tick-borne arbovirus from Nigeria Nairobi sheep disease Bunyaviridae Seroprevalence of five arboviruses in Zebu cattle in the Central African Republic Dugbe nairovirus M RNA:nucleotide sequence and coding strategy Large RNA segment of Dugbe nairovirus encodes the putative RNA polymerase Differential activation profiles of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus versus Dugbe virus infected antigen presenting cells Tickborne arbovirus surveillance in marquet livestock Epidemiologic and clinical features of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in southern Africa CLUSTALW: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignments through sequence weighting, position specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice Ticks of Domestic Animals in Africa: A Guide to Identification of Species Detection of an arbovirus in an invertebrate and a vertebrate host using the polymerase chain reaction Expression of the nucleocapsid protein of Dugbe virus and antigenic crossreactions with other nairoviruses This work was partly funded by IRBA and Fondation Mérieux. Dugbe virus (DUGV), a member of the genus Nairovirus of the Bunyaviridae family, was first isolated in 1964 from the Amblyomma variegatum tick in Nigeria (Causey, 1970) . keywords: africa; assay; cchfv; cells; conventional; copies; detection; dugbe; dugv; et al; france; germany; hazara; infected; kupe; nairovirus; pcr; primers; probe; qrt; real; related; rna; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; serum; sheep; specific; specificity; step; study; supernatants; system; tick; time; viral; virus; viruses; ward cache: cord-261735-03hvi4el.txt plain text: cord-261735-03hvi4el.txt item: #275 of 974 id: cord-261823-pgluidj8 author: Wang, Ji title: Novel One-Step Single-Tube Nested Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assay for Highly Sensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-05-22 words: 3586 flesch: 57 summary: In addition, the median time from illness onset to PCR testing was 9.85 days (range, 1−19 days). However, digital PCR often needs unique supporting reagents, instruments, and professional operators, making the cost very high with moderate throughput. keywords: assay; asymptomatic; cases; china; clinical; control; coronavirus; correlation; cov-2; covid-19; detection; disease; genes; gray; health; kit; load; low; method; national; negative; orf1ab; osn; outer; patients; pcr; pcr assay; positive; primers; qrt; reaction; results; samples; sars; sensitive; sensitivity; specificity; time; values; viral; zone cache: cord-261823-pgluidj8.txt plain text: cord-261823-pgluidj8.txt item: #276 of 974 id: cord-261867-6n0g3bz5 author: Evermann, James F. title: Canine Reproductive, Respiratory, and Ocular Diseases due to Canine Herpesvirus date: 2011-10-28 words: 8827 flesch: 38 summary: Nonspecific clinical signs associated with CHV ocular infection in mature dogs include blepharospasm, photophobia, and ocular discharge. Nonulcerative keratitis is a less frequent lesion reported with CHV ocular infection. keywords: acute; acyclovir; administration; adult; age; animal; assay; authors; bilateral; canine; canine herpesvirus; carrier; chv; chv infection; cird; clinical; colleagues; conditions; conjunctival; conjunctivitis; control; corneal; corticosteroid; cough; dams; days; dendritic; detectable; detection; diagnostic; disease; dna; dogs; duration; epithelial; experimental; factors; fatal; ganglia; genital; group; herpesvirus; high; immune; immunosuppressive; important; infected; infection; inoculation; isolation; kennel; keratitis; latency; latent; lesions; manifestations; mature; months; nasal; naïve; necrosis; neonatal; ocular; ocular chv; ocular disease; older; pathogen; pcr; period; population; pregnant; present; primary; puppies; pups; reactivated; reactivation; real; recurrent; replication; reported; reports; reproductive; respiratory; result; retinal; risk; samples; severe; shedding; signs; specific; spread; studies; study; subsequent; susceptible; systemic; target; time; tissues; topical; treatment; ulcers; variety; veterinary; viral; viral shedding; viremia; virus; weeks; year cache: cord-261867-6n0g3bz5.txt plain text: cord-261867-6n0g3bz5.txt item: #277 of 974 id: cord-262328-q7mt0xve author: Wajnberg, Ania title: Humoral response and PCR positivity in patients with COVID-19 in the New York City region, USA: an observational study date: 2020-09-25 words: 4421 flesch: 46 summary: An understanding of the duration of potential infectiousness and the time to IgG antibody response is crucial to the containment of SARS-CoV-2 and the plans for widespread antibody testing over the coming months. 19 To study the duration of IgG antibody response to SARS-CoV-2, we plan to follow our cohort for the next 6 months to track titre levels. keywords: antibodies; antibody; clearance; confirmed; cov-2; covid-19; data; days; disease; duration; elisa; findings; igg; immunity; individuals; infection; iqr; median; mount; nasopharyngeal; negative; new; onset; participants; patients; pcr; plasma; positive; positivity; resolution; response; sars; self; serum; sinai; study; survey; symptom; testing; time; titres; usa; use; viral; virus; weakly; weeks; york cache: cord-262328-q7mt0xve.txt plain text: cord-262328-q7mt0xve.txt item: #278 of 974 id: cord-262467-epqqd8n8 author: Chen, Jun title: COVID-19 infection: the China and Italy perspectives date: 2020-06-08 words: 7608 flesch: 41 summary: Other symptoms including rhinorrhoea, sore throat, fatigue, dyspnea, muscle weakness, dizziness, and headache are also often reported in COVID-19 patients. As a viral pneumonia, respiratory tract specimens from COVID-19 patients are first of choice to collect for the detection of viral nuclear acid. keywords: ace2; acid; activity; acute; addition; analysis; antibody; antiviral; asymptomatic; benefit; cases; characteristics; china; clearance; clinical; combination; convalescent; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; critical; data; days; diagnosis; different; disease; drug; early; effective; efficacy; group; hcq; high; higher; hydroxychloroquine; il-6; ill; immune; improvement; infected; infection; influenza; italy; level; limited; load; lopinavir; lower; lpv; measures; median; mers; mild; mortality; negative; new; novel; number; onset; pandemic; patients; pcr; phase; plasma; pneumonia; population; positive; proportion; protein; randomized; recent; recovered; ref; remdesivir; respiratory; response; results; ritonavir; samples; sars; sensitivity; serological; severe; severity; shedding; specimens; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapy; time; tract; treatment; trial; use; viral; week; worldwide; wuhan cache: cord-262467-epqqd8n8.txt plain text: cord-262467-epqqd8n8.txt item: #279 of 974 id: cord-262485-sx2q5ol4 author: Davda, Jayeshkumar Narsibhai title: An Inexpensive RT-PCR Endpoint Diagnostic Assay for SARS-CoV-2 Using Nested PCR: Direct Assessment of Detection Efficiency of RT-qPCR Tests and Suitability for Surveillance date: 2020-06-08 words: 3259 flesch: 48 summary: 6 In order to compare the performance of RT-nPCR with that of standard RT-qPCR we tested RNA samples that had tested positive by RT-qPCR. Based on E gene result RdRp and Orf1b were tested with 5 µl of RNA sample by following Confirmatory assay given by ICMR-NIV say_for_2019_nCoV.pdf. keywords: amplicons; amplification; assay; cov-2; detection; diagnostic; direct; dna; efficiency; false; gel; gene; isolated; isolation; kit; need; negative; nested; npcr; number; pcr; performance; pooled; positive; primary; primers; qpcr; rate; reaction; real; reverse; rna; samples; sars; set; standard; swab; test; testing; time; transcription; viral cache: cord-262485-sx2q5ol4.txt plain text: cord-262485-sx2q5ol4.txt item: #280 of 974 id: cord-262592-0rdiosxd author: Cuevas, José M. title: Human norovirus hyper-mutation revealed by ultra-deep sequencing date: 2016-04-17 words: 5847 flesch: 44 summary: To more directly test for hyper-mutation, we performed transfection assays in which the production of mutations was restricted to a single cell infection cycle. Two of the samples showing hyper-mutation belonged to newborns, whereas the other two belonged to adults, with no significant association between age and hyper-mutation at this low sample size (Fisher's exact test, P = 0.547). keywords: accession; adar; adenosine; amplification; analysis; apobec3; assays; base; capsid; cases; cdna; cells; changes; clone; conditions; deaminases; deep; diversity; editing; et al; evolution; fidelity; fig; frequency; genetic; genome; hek293; high; hiv-1; human; hyper; illumina; infectious; large; low; min; molecular; multiple; mutants; mutated; mutation; neighbor; norovirus; nov; novs; nucleotides; number; patients; pcr; plus; polymerase; preferences; primer; rate; reads; region; replication; reverse; rna; samples; selection; sequences; sequencing; single; specific; spontaneous; stool; strand; substitutions; total; transfection; transitions; viral; virus; viruses; vivo; vp1 cache: cord-262592-0rdiosxd.txt plain text: cord-262592-0rdiosxd.txt item: #281 of 974 id: cord-262599-19aj551d author: Fongaro, Gislaine title: Evaluation and molecular characterization of human adenovirus in drinking water supplies: viral integrity and viability assays date: 2013-05-28 words: 4315 flesch: 42 summary: Water samples were collected, concentrated and HAdV quantified by real-time PCR. The PA value (PFU/mL) equivalence, when compared to ICC-RT-qPCR values (GC/mL) immediately after the concentration of water samples and after a series of decimal dilutions (10 0 to 10 -8 ), is shown in Figure 1 . keywords: adenovirus; analysis; assay; brazil; capsid; cell; characterization; collected; concentration; contamination; culture; detectable; detection; dnase; drinking; enteric; environmental; figure; genetic; genome; hadv; health; human; icc; infectious; infectivity; integrated; integrity; lagoon; material; method; molecular; mrna; non; nucleic; particles; plaque; presence; present; public; qpcr; respiratory; results; samples; site; source; spring; studies; study; supply; system; techniques; undamaged; viral; viruses; water; water samples cache: cord-262599-19aj551d.txt plain text: cord-262599-19aj551d.txt item: #282 of 974 id: cord-262730-1dxeg8ci author: Barón-Sánchez, J. title: Smell and taste disorders in Spanish patients with mild COVID-19 date: 2020-10-08 words: 3510 flesch: 49 summary: Some authors suggest that smell disorders may be mediated by direct infection of the olfactory mucosa, which would result in destruction of olfactory sensory neurons; recovery would therefore be slower, with olfactory alterations lasting longer and even a risk of permanent deficits. Furthermore, recovery of olfactory function was faster than and independent of recovery of gustatory function in most cases; most individuals with smell disorders experienced complete recovery. keywords: ace2; acute; ageusia; alterations; anosmia; associated; cells; clinical; complete; congestion; coronavirus; cough; cov-2; covid-19; days; disease; disorders; fever; function; gustatory; headache; hyposmia; individuals; infection; loss; mean; mild; nasal; nerve; novel; olfactory; onset; participants; patients; pcr; receptor; recovery; respiratory; results; sars; sense; smell; study; sudden; symptoms; taste; testing cache: cord-262730-1dxeg8ci.txt plain text: cord-262730-1dxeg8ci.txt item: #283 of 974 id: cord-262826-2usqmujy author: She, Rosemary C. title: Performance of diagnostic tests to detect respiratory viruses in older adults date: 2010-07-31 words: 2896 flesch: 35 summary: The role of viruses in the aetiology of communityacquired pneumonia in adults Frequent detection of human rhinoviruses, paramyxoviruses, coronaviruses, and bocavirus during acute respiratory tract infections Clinical and financial benefits of rapid detection of respiratory viruses: an outcomes study Lack of sensitivity of rapid antigen tests for the diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults Sensitivity of respiratory virus culture when screening with R-mix fresh cells Detection of respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in adults with and without respiratory illness Evaluation of four methods for the diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in older adults Acute respiratory tract infection in daycare centers for older persons Viral pneumonia in older adults Viral lower respiratory tract infection in the elderly: a prospective in-hospital study A prospective, community-based study on virologic assessment among elderly people with and without symptoms of acute respiratory infection Rhinovirus and coronavirus infections Practical implementation of a multiplex PCR for acute respiratory tract infections in children Respiratory syncytial virus infections within families Two outbreaks of severe respiratory disease in nursing homes associated with rhinovirus Identification of respiratory viruses in asymptomatic subjects: asymptomatic respiratory viral infections Incidence and characteristics of viral community-acquired pneumonia in adults Comparison of real-time PCR assays with fluorescent-antibody assays for diagnosis of respiratory virus infections in children Rapid multiplex nested PCR for detection of respiratory viruses Surveillance for outbreaks of respiratory tract infections in nursing homes Development of a respiratory virus panel test for detection of twenty human respiratory viruses by use of multiplex PCR and a fluid microbead-based assay Evaluation of a multiplexed PCR assay for detection of respiratory viral pathogens in a public health laboratory setting Impact of rapid detection of viral and atypical bacterial pathogens by real-time polymerase chain reaction for patients with lower respiratory tract infection The burden of infection in long-term care Rapid and sensitive method using multiplex real-time PCR for diagnosis of infections by influenza a and influenza B viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3, and 4 Improved diagnosis of the etiology of community-acquired pneumonia with real-time polymerase chain reaction Is clinical recognition of respiratory syncytial virus infection in hospitalized elderly and high-risk adults possible? Although many studies have examined the utility of the various methods used for diagnosis of respiratory virus infections, to our knowledge, none have systematically and concurrently examined the performance characteristics of DFA, culture, rapid antigen testing, and PCR on an older adult population (Barenfanger et al., 2000; Falsey et al., 1996 Falsey et al., , 1995 Lam et al., 2007; Templeton et al., 2004) . keywords: adults; antigen; children; clinical; comparison; culture; data; detection; dfa; diagnosis; direct; elderly; et al; falsey; infections; influenza; methods; mix; multiplex; older; patients; pcr; performance; population; positive; rapid; respiratory; results; rhinovirus; rsv; rti; rvp; sensitive; specimens; study; syncytial; testing; tract; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-262826-2usqmujy.txt plain text: cord-262826-2usqmujy.txt item: #284 of 974 id: cord-263118-6sf41rsj author: Landry, Marie L. title: Real-time PCR compared to Binax NOW and cytospin-immunofluorescence for detection of influenza in hospitalized patients date: 2008-07-18 words: 2587 flesch: 50 summary: Two samples testing positive for influenza B by all three methods, tested falsely positive for influenza A by Binax. Two samples positive for influenza B by all three methods tested falsely positive for influenza A by Binax. keywords: binax; clinical; culture; cytospin; detection; dfa; diagnosis; hospitalized; impact; influenza; laboratory; methods; min; multiplex; negative; patients; pcr; positive; rapid; real; respiratory; results; samples; sensitivity; study; tests; time; true; values; viruses cache: cord-263118-6sf41rsj.txt plain text: cord-263118-6sf41rsj.txt item: #285 of 974 id: cord-263134-0p4zy5t2 author: de Paz, Hector David title: Molecular isothermal techniques for combating infectious diseases: towards low-cost point-of-care diagnostics date: 2014-07-23 words: 6478 flesch: 30 summary: An integrated system combining RNA purification (previously extracted from bacteria), NASBA and amplification detection This review describes the state-ofthe-art and new directions in the development of isothermal amplification technologies for diagnosis of infectious diseases with particular focus on those susceptible to be integrated in inexpensive molecular POC tests. keywords: acid; addition; amplification; analytical; applications; assay; assured; available; care; chip; circle; complex; copies; cost; countries; denaturation; dependent; design; detection; development; device; diagnostic; different; diseases; diverse; dna; equipment; expensive; extraction; figure; flow; free; gonorrhoeae; hda; helicase; high; human; ican; infectious; integrated; integration; isothermal; isothermal amplification; kit; laboratories; lamp; loop; low; malaria; market; method; microfluidic; min; molecular; nasba; near; need; new; nicking; nucleic; nucleotide; pathogens; pcr; poc; point; polymerase; primers; process; products; rapid; raw; rca; reaction; real; recombinase; results; reverse; rna; rpa; salmonella; sample; sda; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; single; smap2; specific; strand; system; table; target; techniques; technologies; technology; tests; time; transcription; use; virus; way cache: cord-263134-0p4zy5t2.txt plain text: cord-263134-0p4zy5t2.txt item: #286 of 974 id: cord-263142-o8qbqxhx author: Cavalcante, Liliane T. F. title: Clinical and Molecular Features of Feline Foamy Virus and Feline Leukemia Virus Co-Infection in Naturally-Infected Cats date: 2018-12-11 words: 9139 flesch: 47 summary: Moreover, FeLV regressive cats with undetectable antigenemia, but that are immune to vaccination, are often equivocally vaccinated [59] . Moreover, FeLV regressive cats with undetectable antigenemia, but that are immune to vaccination, are often equivocally vaccinated [59] . keywords: age; analysis; animals; assay; available; average; blood; buccal; captive; cats; cell; clinical; clinics; copies; copies/10; correlation; detection; determined; differences; different; disease; dna; domestic; dual; evidence; feline; felv; feral; ffv; figure; fiv; foamy; gdna; group; higher; household; human; immunodeficiency; infected; infection; janeiro; leukemia; log10; low; median; model; mono; negative; nested; new; non; number; oral; outcomes; pbmc; positive; possible; potential; prevalence; previous; primates; primers; proviral; pvl; pvls; qpcr; regressive; replicates; replication; results; retrovirus; rio; risk; samples; sfv; significant; signs; simian; similar; single; specimens; status; studies; study; swab; table; testing; time; tissues; transmissible; transmission; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-263142-o8qbqxhx.txt plain text: cord-263142-o8qbqxhx.txt item: #287 of 974 id: cord-263279-afdmegq0 author: Uhteg, Katharine title: Comparing the analytical performance of three SARS-CoV-2 molecular diagnostic assays date: 2020-04-26 words: 3181 flesch: 42 summary: As SARS CoV-2 assays became available for testing on existing molecular platforms, laboratories devoted unprecedented energy and resources into evaluating the analytical performance of the new tests and in some cases developed their own diagnostic assays under FDA-EUA guidance. Many questions remains to be answered about the clinical sensitivity of PCR assays for the diagnosis of COVID-19 and the minimum acceptable analytical sensitivity. keywords: analytical; assays; bal; cdc; cdc covid-19; china; clinical; concentrations; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 rt; cp/; detection; diagnosis; different; disease; eplex; genomic; implementation; molecular; negative; patients; pcr; performance; positive; realstar; rna; rxn; sars; sensitivity; specimens; spiked; study; table; testing; tests; time; viral cache: cord-263279-afdmegq0.txt plain text: cord-263279-afdmegq0.txt item: #288 of 974 id: cord-263302-z5uhrta5 author: Zhang, Xuming title: Identification of a Noncanonical Signal for Transcription of a Novel Subgenomic mRNA of Mouse Hepatitis Virus: Implication for the Mechanism of Coronavirus RNA Transcription date: 2000-12-05 words: 8057 flesch: 52 summary: Three intergenic regions of coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 genome RNA contain a common nucleotide sequence that is homologous to the 3Ј-end of the viral mRNA leader sequence Analysis of a recombinant mouse hepatitis virus expressing a foreign gene reveals a novel aspect of coronavirus transcription TGEV coronavirus ORF4 encodes a membrane protein that is incorporated into virions Replication and plaque formation of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-2) in mouse cell line DBT culture Characterization of an internal ribosome entry site within mRNA5 of murine hepatitis virus Cellular factors in the transcription and replication of viral RNA genomes: a parallel to DNA-dependent RNA transcription Characterization of leader RNA sequences on the virion and mRNAs of mouse hepatitis virus-a cytoplasmic RNA virus The molecular biology of coronaviruses Mouse hepatitis virus A59: Our findings thus support the notion that base-pairing between the leader (or antileader) and the IG is not the sole mechanism in subgenomic RNA transcription. keywords: a59; activity; agarose; antisense; authentic; body; cat; cdna; cells; clones; consensus; coronavirus; dna; downstream; end; expression; fig; fragments; fusion; gel; gene; hepatitis; ig5; infected; initiation; ires; jhm2c; joining; lai; leader; makino; mhv; mouse; mrna5; noncanonical; orf; orf5b; pair; pcr; pdecat5; primer; products; promoter; protein; reporter; results; rna; rnas; second; sequence; sequencing; signal; site; species; specific; spei; strains; subgenomic; subgenomic mrna; synthesis; system; transcribed; transcription; translation; upstream; vector; viral; virus cache: cord-263302-z5uhrta5.txt plain text: cord-263302-z5uhrta5.txt item: #289 of 974 id: cord-263389-m6x9gxwe author: AlGhounaim, M. title: Diagnostic yield and clinical impact of routine cell culture for respiratory viruses among children with a negative multiplex RT-PCR result date: 2017-07-29 words: 1931 flesch: 38 summary: We aimed to estimate the yield and clinical impact of routine respiratory virus culture among children with a negative PCR result. We aimed to estimate the yield of routine respiratory virus culture among children with a negative PCR and to describe the impact of a positive cell culture result on their care. keywords: assay; associated; cell; children; clinical; culture; days; detection; diagnosis; hospitalized; impact; infection; laboratory; management; multiplex; negative; patients; pcr; positive; respiratory; results; routine; samples; specimens; study; testing; time; traditional; viral; viruses; years; yield cache: cord-263389-m6x9gxwe.txt plain text: cord-263389-m6x9gxwe.txt item: #290 of 974 id: cord-263417-jgu8kc5k author: Yan, Yong title: A multiplex liquid-chip assay based on Luminex xMAP technology for simultaneous detection of six common respiratory viruses date: 2017-06-17 words: 4662 flesch: 39 summary: Superiority of reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction to conventional viral culture in the diagnosis of acute respiratory tract infections in children Near patient testing for influenza in children in primary care: comparison with laboratory test Comparison of a rapid antigen test with nucleic acid testing during cocirculation of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 and seasonal influenza A/H3N2 Comparison of real-time PCR assays with fluorescent-antibody assays for diagnosis of respiratory virus infections in children Rapid semi-automated quantitative multiplex tandem PCR (MT-PCR) assays for the differential diagnosis of influenza-like illness Comparison of a multiplex real-time PCR assay with a multiplex Luminex assay for influenza virus detection Development and evaluation of a Luminex multiplex serology assay to detect antibodies to bovine herpes virus 1, parainfluenza 3 virus, bovine viral diarrhoea virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus, with comparison to existing ELISA detection methods Applications of Luminex xMAP technology for rapid, high-throughput multiplexed nucleic acid detection High-throughput multiplexed xMAP Luminex array panel for detection of twenty two medically important mosquito-borne arboviruses based on innovations in synthetic biology Multiplex reverse transcription PCR Luminex assay for detection and quantitation of viral agents of gastroenteritis Development of a bead-based Luminex assay using lipopolysaccharide specific monoclonal antibodies to detect biological threats from Brucella species Comparison of the Luminex Respiratory Virus Panel fast assay with in-house real-time PCR for respiratory viral infection diagnosis Simultaneous detection and high-throughput identification of a panel of RNA viruses causing respiratory tract infections respiratory viral panel fast for diagnosis of respiratory virus infections Sensitive and specific quantitative detection of rotavirus A by onestep real-time reverse transcription-PCR assay without antecedent double-stranded-RNA denaturation A one-step multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for rapid and simultaneous detection of human norovirus genogroup I, II and IV Development of high-throughput liquid chips for respiratory virus detection Development of a Luminex assay for the simultaneous detection of human enteric viruses in sewage and river water ACS Commitee on Environmental Improvement. keywords: amplification; analysis; analytical; assay; clinical; comparison; copies; cov; data; detection; diagnosis; flua; flub; hybridization; infections; influenza; jiaxing; luminex; mers; mpv; multiplex; multiplex real; panel; pcr; pcr assay; performance; piv3; positive; primers; probes; rapid; reaction; real; respiratory; results; reverse; rmla; rna; rsv; sensitivities; sensitivity; simultaneous; specimens; step; study; target; technology; test; throughput; time; time pcr; time rt; values; viral; virus; viruses; xmap cache: cord-263417-jgu8kc5k.txt plain text: cord-263417-jgu8kc5k.txt item: #291 of 974 id: cord-263426-l32gyiky author: Najafi, Hamideh title: Molecular and clinical study on prevalence of feline herpesvirus type 1 and calicivirus in correlation with feline leukemia and immunodeficiency viruses date: 2014 words: 3439 flesch: 51 summary: 5, 11 In other studies, FCV and FHV-1 prevalence were 0 to 29.00% and 0 to 54.00% in healthy cats, 3,13,14 and 20.0 to 53.00% and 10.0 to 34.00% in cats with URTD, 5 which are less than the prevalence levels found in our study. Fenner's veterinary virology Feline herpesvirus 1, feline calicivirus infections in heterogeneous cat population of a rescue shelter Isolation of feline herpesvirus 1 and feline calicivirus from healthy cats in Swedish breeding catteries Factors associated with upper respiratory tract disease caused by feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, Chlamydophila felis and Bordetella bronchiseptica in cats: Experience from 218 European catteries Detection of feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus 1 and Chlamidia psittaci mucosal swabs by multiplex RT-PCR/PCR Feline leukemia virus infection as a potentiating cofactor for the primary and secondary stages of experimentally induced feline immunodeficiency virus infection Detection of bacterial and viral organisms from the conjunctiva of cats with conjunctivitis and upper respiratory tract disease Early events in the immunopathogenesis of feline retrovirus infections Evaluation of novel nested PCR for the routine diagnosis of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus(FIV) Feline immunodeficiency virus, feline leukemia virus, and toxoplasma gondii in stray and household cats in Kerman-Iran: Seroprevalence and correlation with clinical and laboratory findings Evaluation of a p30 gene-based real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay for detection of feline caliciviruses Chronic oral infections of cats and their relationship to persistent oral carriage of feline calici, immunodeficiency, or leukemia viruses Prevalence of feline herpesvirus 1, feline calicivirus and Chlamydophila felis in clinically normal cats at a Korean animal shelter Detection of active and latent feline herpesvirus 1 infection using the polymerase chain reaction Diagnosis of feline leukemia virus infection by semiquantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction Prevalence of feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus among client-owned cats and risk factors for infection in Germany Prevalence of feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus infections in cats in Sydney Seroprevalence of Bartonella henselae, Toxoplasma gondii, FIV and FeLV infections in domestic cats in Japan Molecular diagnosis of feline immunodeficiency virus in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood by RT-PCR and PCR methods among stray cats and relationships with clinical signs A case-controlled study of FeLV infected cats in Tehran, Iran, confirmed by immunochromatography and RT-PCR and correlation with clinical and hematological findings Case-control study of infection by feline immunodeficiency virus in cats by immunechromatography and PCR methods in Tehran, Iran Antibody detection to feline immunodeficiency virus in stray cats in Ahvaz, southwestern Iran Seroprevalence of viral infections in damestic cats in Costa Rica Prevalence and risk factors for heartworm infection in cats from northern Florida Naturally acquired feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection in cats from western Canada: Prevalence, disease associations, and survival analysis Prevalence of feline leukemia virus and antibodies to feline immunodeficiency virus and feline coronavirus in stray cats sent to an RSPCA hospital Seroepidemiologic survey of feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats of Wake County, North Carolina Seroepidemiologic study of FIV in cats referred to small animal teaching hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine We would like to thank Mohammad Mahdi Ghaffari and Iraj Ashrafi Tamai for their technical assistance. keywords: acid; buffer; calicivirus; cats; chain; clinical; corneal; detection; diseases; fcv; feline; felv; fhv-1; fiv; healthy; herpesvirus; higher; immunodeficiency; infected; infections; iran; leukemia; min; nucleic; oral; outdoor; pcr; polymerase; positive; prevalence; rates; reaction; respiratory; samples; signs; stomatitis; study; table; tehran; time; ulcers; urtd; virus; viruses cache: cord-263426-l32gyiky.txt plain text: cord-263426-l32gyiky.txt item: #292 of 974 id: cord-263538-0wozg085 author: Cooch, P. B. title: Supervised self-collected SARS-CoV-2 testing in indoor summer camps to inform school reopening date: 2020-10-23 words: 4441 flesch: 45 summary: The methods we describe suggest a scalable approach for return to school testing. Eligible participants were campers, up to two adult household contacts, and camp staff. keywords: adherence; anterior; antibody; author; available; camp; campers; children; code; cohort; collection; consented; contacts; copyright; cov-2; covid-19; day; doi; eligible; feasibility; funder; general; holder; household;; incidence; infection; international; license; masking; medrxiv; mitigation; nares; october; participants; pcr; perpetuity; policies; preprint; reopening; results; saliva; samples; sampling; sars; school; science; self; specimen; staff; strategies; study; supervised; surveillance; testing; time; transmission; version; years cache: cord-263538-0wozg085.txt plain text: cord-263538-0wozg085.txt item: #293 of 974 id: cord-263567-6uacorpp author: Collignon, C. title: Polyarthrite associée à une leishmaniose chez un jeune chien date: 2009-03-31 words: 3627 flesch: 50 summary: Par ailleurs, lors de suspicion de syndrome néphrotique débutant (protéinurie massive objectivée par un rapport protéine/créatine urinaire, associée à une hypoalbuminémie et une hypercholestérolémie), le dosage de l'antithrombine III doit être effectué. Cependant, elle peut être également due à une monoarthrite [8, 14] , une hyperkératose des coussinets, des ulcères interdigités, une onychogriphose sévère, des lésions ostéolytiques, une polymyosite ou encore une neuralgie keywords: acides; ailleurs; ainsi; allopurinol; antimoniate; associée; avec; boiterie; borréliose; canine; cas; cela; cependant; cette; chez; chien; clinique; d'une; dans; depuis; des; diagnostic; dogs; doit; effet; elle; enfin; est; gauche; gras; heures; infantum; jour; l'animal; l'examen; leishmaniasis; leishmaniose; les; lors; lymphatiques; lésions; macrophages; maladie; mise; moelle; mois; montre; méglumine; même; non; osseuse; par; parasitaire; pas; pcr; pendant; permet; peut; polyadénomégalie; polyarthrite; pour; protéinurie; quantitative; quatre; que; renal; reste; réaction; rénale; sang; seul; signes; soit; sont; study; sur; synovial; synovite; sévère; tableau; thérapeutique; traitement; treatment; trois; très; une; visceral; voie; également; été; évidence; être cache: cord-263567-6uacorpp.txt plain text: cord-263567-6uacorpp.txt item: #294 of 974 id: cord-263570-6notzm6s author: Elia, Gabriella title: Detection of infectious canine parvovirus type 2 by mRNA real-time RT-PCR date: 2007-08-10 words: 3997 flesch: 45 summary: A sensitive one-step real-time PCR for detection of avian influenza viruses using a MGB probe and an internal positive control Antibody levels and protection to canine parvovirus type 2 Detection of canine distemper virus in dogs by real-time RT-PCR Different patterns of restriction to B19 parvovirus replication in human blast cell lines Comparison of isolates of canine parvovirus by monoclonal antibody and restriction-enzyme analysis Sensitive detection of canine parvovirus DNA by the nested polymerase chain reaction Defective viral genomes The natural host range shift and subsequent evolution of canine parvovirus resulted from virus-specific binding to the canine transferring receptor An enteric disease of dogs resembling feline panleukopenia Isolation and genetic characterization of two G3P5A[3] canine rotavirus strains in Italy Antigenic and genomic variabilities among recently prevalent parvoviruses of canine and feline origin in Japan Comparison of polymerase chain reaction with virus isolation and haemagglutination assays for the detection of canine parvoviruses in faecal specimens A novel antigenic variant of canine parvovirus from a Vietnamese dog Canine and feline parvoviruses can use human or feline transferrin receptors to bind, enter, and infect cells Antigenic relationships between canine parvovirus type 2, feline panleukopenia virus and mink enteritis virus using conventional antisera and monoclonal antibodies RNA extraction from mammalian tissues Molecular characterisation of canine parvovirus in Brazil by polymerase chain reaction assay Antigenic characterization of canine parvovirus strains isolated in Italy A simple touch-down polymerase chain reaction for the detection of canine parvovirus and feline panleukopenia virus in feces Detection by PCR of wild-type canine parvovirus which contaminates dog vaccines Persistence of human parvovirus B19 in human tissues A case report Identification of types of canine parvovirus circulating in Spain Maternally derived antibodies in pups and protection from canine parvovirus infection Virological and molecular characterization of a type 3 mammalian reovirus strain isolated from a dog with diarrhea in Italy A real-time PCR assay for rapid detection and quantitation of canine parvovirus type 2 DNA in the feces of dogs Genotyping-specific fluorogenic RT-PCR assays for the detection and quantitation of canine coronavirus type I and II RNA in faecal samples of dogs Infectious canine hepatitis: an old disease reemerging in Italy Characterisation of the canine parvovirus type 2 variants using minor groove binder probe technology First detection of canine parvovirus type 2c in pups with haemorrhagic enteritis in Spain Tissue distribution of the antigenic variants of canine parvovirus type 2 in dogs Canine parvovirus infection: which diagnostic test for virus? keywords: amplification; antigenic; assay; canine; cells; chain; copies; cpv-2b; decaro; decaro et; detection; different; distribution; dna; dogs; elia; et al; feline; high; human; infected; infection; italy; kit; linear; loads; milan; min; mrna; nervous; ns2; p.i; parvovirus; pcr; permissive; polymerase; primers; probe; range; reaction; real; replication; samples; sequence; specific; spliced; standard; study; system; table; taqman; template; time; tissues; titres; transcripts; type; viral cache: cord-263570-6notzm6s.txt plain text: cord-263570-6notzm6s.txt item: #295 of 974 id: cord-263735-sos2ovng author: Li, K. title: Diagnostic performance of CT and its key signs for COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis date: 2020-05-26 words: 5256 flesch: 63 summary: Moreover, the sample size and time interval between reference standard and CT did not show an effect on CT sensitivity (p = 0.68-0.84). key: cord-263735-sos2ovng authors: Li, K.; Wu, X.; Zhong, Y.; Qin, W.; Zhang, Z. title: Diagnostic performance of CT and its key signs for COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis date: 2020-05-26 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.24.20111773 sha: doc_id: 263735 cord_uid: sos2ovng Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic value of chest CT in 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), using the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)as a reference standard. keywords: analysis; assay; author; chest; copyright; coronavirus; covid-19; data; diagnostic; disease; false; funder; heterogeneity; holder; imaging; infection; license; medrxiv; meta; negative; patients; pcr; peer; peer review; permission; perpetuity; pooled; positive; preprint; results; reuse; review; rights; sensitivity; specificity; studies; study; test; version cache: cord-263735-sos2ovng.txt plain text: cord-263735-sos2ovng.txt item: #296 of 974 id: cord-263763-a8wgvgz2 author: Çelik, Ersin title: Treatment Approach to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Seen Early After Open Heart Surgery. Case Report date: 2020-07-02 words: 1540 flesch: 45 summary: We aimed to present our approach to high probability COVID-19 pneumonia which developed on early postoperative period in our patient after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) operation, which was not reported in the literature before. We should assume and keep in mind that there are also pandemic and asymptomatic carriers, especially in elderly patients who undergo open heart surgery with many additional risk factors. keywords: acute; artery; blood; cabg; case; chest; clinical; control; coronavirus; covid-19; day; disease; early; fig; high; negative; operation; patient; pcr; pneumonia; postoperative; ray; results; surgery; tests; thorax; time; treatment cache: cord-263763-a8wgvgz2.txt plain text: cord-263763-a8wgvgz2.txt item: #297 of 974 id: cord-263976-b9shffb3 author: Shaukat, Shahzad title: Identification and characterization of unrecognized viruses in stool samples of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis children by simplified VIDISCA date: 2014-08-12 words: 3694 flesch: 40 summary: Emerg Infect Dis Identification of human parechovirus genotype, HPeV-12, in a paralytic child with diarrhea Human parechovirus 3 and neonatal infections Metagenomic analyses of viruses in stool samples from children with acute flaccid paralysis Detection and genetic differentiation of human astroviruses: phylogenetic grouping varies by coding region Molecular epidemiology of human astrovirus diarrhea among children from a periurban community of Mexico City Evidence of a recombinant wild-type human astrovirus strain from a Kenyan child with gastroenteritis Emergence of unique variants and inter-genotype recombinants of human astroviruses infecting infants, children and adults in Kolkata Use of nucleotide composition analysis to infer hosts for three novel picorna-like viruses A new arenavirus in a cluster of fatal transplantassociated diseases Metagenomic analysis of human diarrhea: viral detection and discovery Applications of next-generation sequencing technologies to diagnostic virology Molecular identification and characterization of a new type of Bovine Enterovirus A newly identified bocavirus species in human stool A highly prevalent and genetically diversified Picornaviridae genus in South Asian children Rapid group-, serotype-, and vaccine strain-specific identification of poliovirus isolates by realtime reverse transcription-PCR using degenerate primers and probes containing deoxyinosine residues Rapid and simple method for purification of nucleic acids Species-independent detection of RNA virus by representational difference analysis using non-ribosomal hexanucleotides for reverse transcription Species-specific RT-PCR amplification of human enteroviruses: a tool for rapid species identification of uncharacterized enteroviruses Human parechovirus infections in Dutch children and the association between serotype and disease severity MEGA4: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis (MEGA) software version 4.0 A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences Identification and characterization of unrecognized viruses in stool samples of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis children by simplified VIDISCA Here, we show that in the majority of virus cultures simplified-VIDISCA can quickly reveal the infecting agent. keywords: acute; additional; afp; amplification; analysis; astrovirus; cell; characterization; children; clinical; cultures; data; detection; diagnostic; discovery; enteroviruses; figure; flaccid; gene; generation; genome; human; identification; identity; independent; isolated; like; method; molecular; new; nih; non; novel; nucleotide; orf2; pak; paralysis; parechovirus; patients; pcr; phylogenetic; polio; primers; rna; samples; selective; sequences; sequencing; simplified; species; stool; strain; study; tetnovirus-1; time; type; version; vidisca; viral; viruses; vp1 cache: cord-263976-b9shffb3.txt plain text: cord-263976-b9shffb3.txt item: #298 of 974 id: cord-264071-hg0qslyx author: Camelo-Castillo, Anny title: Nasopharyngeal Microbiota in Children With Invasive Pneumococcal Disease: Identification of Bacteria With Potential Disease-Promoting and Protective Effects date: 2019-01-28 words: 7158 flesch: 32 summary: In addition, IPD samples presented significantly higher levels of Veillonella (Figure 2C) , which is a bacterium that uses lactate as a carbon source, as a consequence of which it is usually found physically and functionally associated to lactate producers like Streptococcus (Dige et al., 2014; Gaspar et al., 2014) . Nasopharyngeal samples were taken from cases after a mean of 92 h of fever (IQR 48-408 h) and all of them except two (one patient with necrotizing pneumonia and another one with fatal fulminant sepsis and viral respiratory coinfection), were exposed to beta-lactamic antibiotic treatment, during a mean period of 4 days. keywords: 16s; addition; age; analysis; assignment; bacterial; breastfeeding; cases; characterization; children; classification; clinical; communities; community; composition; controls; data; detection; deu; development; differences; different; disease; diversity; dna; dolosigranulum; dysbiosis; et al; figure; fluid; gene; genera; genus; groups; haemophilus; healthy; higher; hospital; human; identification; immune; infections; invasive; ipd; joan; keystone; lactate; level; lyta; mean; microbial; microbiological; microbiota; microorganisms; milk; months; moraxella; nasopharyngeal; negative; number; oral; patients; pcr; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; porphyromonas; potential; presence; present; prevotella; profiles; reads; respiratory; results; richness; role; rrna; samples; sant; sequence; sequencing; serotypes; significant; species; statistical; streptococcus; study; taxonomic; test; time; total; tract; type; variability; variables; veillonella cache: cord-264071-hg0qslyx.txt plain text: cord-264071-hg0qslyx.txt item: #299 of 974 id: cord-264107-6doie8pj author: Marando, Marco title: False-Negative Nasopharyngeal Swab RT-PCR Assays in Typical COVID-19: Role of Ultra-low-dose Chest CT and Bronchoscopy in Diagnosis date: 2020-04-24 words: 1852 flesch: 44 summary: CT imaging of the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) pneumonia Chest CT for typical 2019-nCoV pneumonia: relationship to negative RT-PCR testing Updated effective doses in radiology Ultra-low-dose CT of the thorax using iterative reconstruction: evaluation of image quality and radiation dose reduction Sensitivity of chest CT for Covid-19: comparison to RT-PCR Accuracy and reproducibility of low-dose submillisievert chest CT for the diagnosis of COVID-19 Evaluating the accuracy of different respiratory specimens in the laboratory diagnosis and monitoring the viral shedding of 2019-nCoV infections. Standard chest CT findings have a sensitivity of up to 97% compared with RT-PCR assays, but lack specificity keywords: assays; bronchoscopy; chest; china; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; diagnosis; dose; false; infection; laboratory; low; march; nasopharyngeal; ncov; negative; novel; oral; patient; pcr; pneumonia; respiratory; results; sars; sensitivity; specimens; swab; ultra cache: cord-264107-6doie8pj.txt plain text: cord-264107-6doie8pj.txt item: #300 of 974 id: cord-264261-98h1bmb2 author: Caruana, Giorgia title: Diagnostic strategies for SARS-CoV-2 infection and interpretation of microbiological results date: 2020-06-25 words: 1419 flesch: 32 summary: WHO guidelines for 396 the global surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): updated 397 recommendations Serological assays for emerging 401 coronaviruses: challenges and pitfalls Novel antibody epitopes dominate the antigenicity of spike 403 glycoprotein in SARS-CoV-2 compared to SARS-CoV Potent binding of 2019 novel coronavirus spike protein by a SARS 407 coronavirus-specific human monoclonal antibody Lateral flow assays SARS-CoV-2 viral load in 413 upper respiratory specimens of infected patients Correlation of chest CT and RT-PCR testing in coronavirus disease 2019 China: a report of 1014 cases Fecal specimen diagnosis 2019 Samples like blood and urines were found to be weakly-to-none sensitive, while the virus was 231 also found in feces and perineal swabs of patients with gastro-intestinal symptoms [44] [45] , Improved molecular diagnosis of COVID-19 by the novel, highly sensitive 316 and specific COVID-19-RdRp/Hel real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain 317 reaction assay validated in vitro and with clinical specimens Ten years of R&D and full automation 320 in molecular diagnosis Letter to the editor: 322 SARS-CoV-2 detection by real-time RT-PCR Potential Rapid Diagnostics, Vaccine and Therapeutics for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): A Systematic Review False-Negative Rate of Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based 330 SARS-CoV-2 Tests by Time Since Exposure Sources of pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical errors in 332 the microbiology laboratory PCR inhibitors-occurrence, 336 properties and removal SARS-COV-2 diagnostic pipeline Xpert® Xpress SARS-CoV-2 has received FDA 340 Purification and enrichment of 343 virus samples utilizing magnetic beads on a microfluidic system High-speed RNA microextraction technology 346 using magnetic oligo-dT beads and lateral magnetophoresis Parallel RNA extraction 349 using magnetic beads and a droplet array Viral DNA/RNA 96 Kit; c2020 351 EZ1 Advanced XL; c2020 IDEAL96 Automated Extraction Robot; c2020 Multifunctional device for 360 nucleic acid extraction based on magnetic separation and its co-working with liquid 361 handling system for high throughput sample preparation A simple 364 magnetic nanoparticles-based viral RNA extraction method for efficient detection of 365 Profile of specific antibodies to the SARS-associated 369 coronavirus Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients of 373 novel coronavirus disease 2019 Longitudinal Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 IgM and IgG Seropositivity 378 to Detect COVID-19 Antibody 387 responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with COVID-19 Kinetics of serologic responses to MERS coronavirus infection in humans, South 392 Korea Antigenic relationships amongst coronaviruses. keywords: antibody; assays; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; diagnostic; disease; extraction; high; infection; magnetic; novel; patients; pcr; pneumonia; protein; reaction; real; respiratory; results; rna; sars; sensitivity; serological; specific; tests; time; use; viral cache: cord-264261-98h1bmb2.txt plain text: cord-264261-98h1bmb2.txt item: #301 of 974 id: cord-264392-he1vekrt author: Lambeth, L. S. title: Complete genome sequence of Nariva virus, a rodent paramyxovirus date: 2008-12-23 words: 4373 flesch: 48 summary: This was then followed by PCR to fill in the 'gaps' using specific primers designed from NarPV Nariva virus genome 201 sequences obtained from the cDNA subtraction or degenerate primers designed using highly conserved consensus sequences of known paramyxoviruses in the subfamily Paramyxovirinae. c Alignment of the V-specific protein sequences NarPV F protein, SGRNK, is dibasic and does not conform to the consensus sequence motif for cleavage by furin, R-X-K/R-R keywords: acid; atg; bats; beipv; cdna; cells; characterization; cleavage; codon; common; comparison; complete; consensus; conserved; different; editing; fig; gene; genera; genome; genome sequence; identity; important; interesting; jpv; kit; length; members; mospv; motif; mrna; nariva; narpv; new; novel; organization; origin; paramyxovirinae; paramyxoviruses; pcr; phylogenetic; present; primers; products; protein; qiagen; region; rna; rodent; rubulavirus; sequence; share; similar; site; size; specific; stop; structure; subfamily; subtraction; table; usa; virus cache: cord-264392-he1vekrt.txt plain text: cord-264392-he1vekrt.txt item: #302 of 974 id: cord-264716-igl25jhg author: Koo, B.S. title: Molecular survey of enteric viruses in commercial chicken farms in Korea with a history of enteritis date: 2013-11-01 words: 4986 flesch: 38 summary: A molecular survey was performed for a broad range of enteric viruses, namely CAstV, ANV, IBV, AvRV, ARV, and FAdV, in commercial chicken flocks suffering from enteritis. In this study, a molecular survey was performed for a broad range of enteric viruses including CAstV, ANV, ChPV, IBV, AvRV, ARV, and FAdV in intestine samples from commercial chicken flocks suffering from enteritis. keywords: amplification; analysis; anv; arv; astrovirus; avian; avrv; bacterial; broiler; bronchitis; castv; chicken; chicken flocks; chpv; commercial; conditions; contents; cycle; cycling; detection; enteric; enteric viruses; enteritis; et al; fadv; feed; figure; flocks; gene; group; high; ibv; infection; intestines; korea; lesions; min; molecular; partial; pcr; phylogenetic; polymerase; positive; reaction; report; reverse; rss; samples; sequence; spp; strains; stunting; syndrome; table; thermal; transcription; turkey; viruses; ° c cache: cord-264716-igl25jhg.txt plain text: cord-264716-igl25jhg.txt item: #303 of 974 id: cord-264880-0tmd9knh author: Li, Zhao title: Picoliter Well Array Chip-Based Digital Recombinase Polymerase Amplification for Absolute Quantification of Nucleic Acids date: 2016-04-13 words: 5361 flesch: 42 summary: The blade was held at a 40-60°angle relative to the chip carrier so that the edge of silica gel was placed at the end of PWA chip. Silanization of the PWA chip to avoid cross-contamination The manufactured finished PWA chip was 20.8 mm × 16 mm, with 27,000 closely packed microwells. keywords: absolute; acids; air; amplification; analysis; applications; array; blade; chamber; chip; concentration; contamination; contrast; control; copper; cross; detection; device; digital; dna; dpcr; droplet; drpa; end; expected; field; fig; flow; fluorescence; gdna; glass; high; images; imaging; incubation; intensity; isothermal; light; liquid; loading; method; methoxy; microfluidic; microwells; min; mineral; nucleic; number; oil; packaging; pcr; peg; picoliter; polymerase; positive; precise; process; pwa; pwa chip; quantification; reaction; reagents; real; recombinase; results; rpa; sample; scraping; serial; silane; silicon; single; solution; surface; techniques; temperature; time; water; wells cache: cord-264880-0tmd9knh.txt plain text: cord-264880-0tmd9knh.txt item: #304 of 974 id: cord-264944-7xj27r98 author: Koopmans, Marion title: Optimization of extraction and PCR amplification of RNA extracts from paraffin-embedded tissue in different fixatives date: 1993-07-31 words: 5186 flesch: 46 summary: In the work reported here we used paraffin-embedded torovirus-infected cell pellets to compare the effect of different fixatives and RNA extraction methods on RT-PCR amplification of tissue extracts. Dewaxing of tissue sections had no effect on the yield and quality of RNA extractions, and further purification of the extracts using gel filtration did not improve the results. keywords: 3'-end; acetone; actin; amplification; analysis; atlanta; bands; calf; cell; chloroform; column; different; dna; effect; et al; ethanol; extraction; extracts; fig; fixation; fixatives; formalin; glass; infected; intestinal; jejunum; koopmans; lanes; material; method; model; mrna; paraffin; pcr; pellets; phenol; polymerase; positive; presence; primers; products; proteinase; protocols; purification; quality; reaction; results; rna; rotavirus; sections; similar; size; specimens; system; table; techniques; template; tissue; torovirus; use; viral cache: cord-264944-7xj27r98.txt plain text: cord-264944-7xj27r98.txt item: #305 of 974 id: cord-265221-qtkwciym author: Bahadur, Gulam title: SARS-CoV-2: diagnostic and design conundrums, and the male factor infertility date: 2020-06-03 words: 3268 flesch: 39 summary: There is also a report relating to SARS infection and orchitis (Xu et al. 2006) . A complication of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) COVID-19: should we continue to cryopreserve sperm during the pandemic? Molecular and serological investigation of 2019-nCoV infected patients: implication of multiple shedding routes keywords: ace2; acute; blood; clinical; controls; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; detection; diagnostic; evidence; false; fertility; individuals; infected; infection; lack; limitations; male; negative; non; pandemic; patients; pcr; positive; public; quality; reproductive; respiratory; results; risk; rna; samples; sampling; sars; semen; sensitivity; serological; severe; sexual; shedding; studies; study; testicular; testing; tests; time; transmission; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-265221-qtkwciym.txt plain text: cord-265221-qtkwciym.txt item: #306 of 974 id: cord-265237-sxh2nqre author: Weile, Jan title: Current applications and future trends of molecular diagnostics in clinical bacteriology date: 2009-04-18 words: 4557 flesch: 35 summary: Furthermore, for other complex resistance problems such as detection of hundreds of different ESBL variants in tem, oxa, shv, and ctx-m genes, or MRSA and other clinical relevant resistances in Staphylococci, DNA microarray assays were published [103, 104] All these assays, although needing further optimization regarding implementation in routine clinical laboratories, are characterized by comparable short time requirements (4-5 h) compared to conventional methods. There are many different real-time PCR instruments and detection probe formats available. keywords: acid; aeruginosa; amplification; analysis; antibiotic; antigen; applications; assays; available; bacterial; bacteriology; bead; blood; clinical; complex; conventional; culture; detection; determinants; determination; development; diagnostics; different; direct; dna; early; fig; fluorescence; formats; future; genes; genetic; genotyping; germany; high; hybridization; identification; important; infection; introduction; laboratory; like; methods; microarrays; microbial; microbiology; molecular; molecules; nucleic; nucleotide; number; parallel; pathogens; pcr; point; present; probes; rapid; reaction; real; resistance; results; screening; sensitivity; sequencing; single; species; specific; specificity; specimen; susceptibility; systems; target; techniques; technologies; technology; testing; time; treatment; use cache: cord-265237-sxh2nqre.txt plain text: cord-265237-sxh2nqre.txt item: #307 of 974 id: cord-265258-2rmtsyns author: Domanska‐Blicharz, K. title: Specific detection of GII‐1 lineage of infectious bronchitis virus date: 2017-07-03 words: 3414 flesch: 46 summary: The intra and interassay precision of the new method were assessed using serial dilutions of D1466 IBV RNA ranging from 8Á2 9 10 6 down to 5Á6 9 10 1 copies. The standard curve and linear regression analysis were performed using serial dilutions of known quantity of GII-1 IBV RNA (Fig. 1) . keywords: amplification; assay; bronchitis; chain; chicken; concentration; copies; d1466; detection; different; disease; et al; final; gene; gii‐1; ibv; identification; infectious; laboratories; like; lineage; method; min; molecular; nested; nmol; pcr; poland; positive; primers; probe; reaction; real; region; reverse; rna; samples; standard; strains; study; taqman; time; time rt; vaccine; values; variant; viral; virus cache: cord-265258-2rmtsyns.txt plain text: cord-265258-2rmtsyns.txt item: #308 of 974 id: cord-265268-5xu9hj2n author: Ahmed, W. title: Evaluation of Glass Wool Filters and Hollow-Fiber Ultrafiltration Concentration Methods for qPCR Detection of Human Adenoviruses and Polyomaviruses in River Water date: 2016-08-13 words: 4972 flesch: 42 summary: The method involves concentrating water samples using a Hemoflow HF80S dialysis filter (Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homberg, Germany). Therefore, we recommended that HFUF method should be used to concentrate water samples for MST field studies. keywords: adenoviruses; assays; bio; california; concentrated; concentration; copies; detection; dna; drinking; efficiencies; efficiency; enteric; environmental; et al; fecal; filter; free; glass; gwf; hadvs; hfuf; higher; hpyvs; human; isolation; keta; kit; laboratories; markers; mean; membranes; method; microbial; pathogens; pcr; pollution; powermax; qpcr; quantification; quantitative; raw; recovery; river; river water; samples; seeded; soil; source; study; tracking; treatment; ultrafiltration; usa; viral; viruses; volume; wastewater; water; water samples; wool cache: cord-265268-5xu9hj2n.txt plain text: cord-265268-5xu9hj2n.txt item: #309 of 974 id: cord-265634-7n4cvgs4 author: Dhar, Arun K. title: Quantitative assay for measuring the Taura syndrome virus and yellow head virus load in shrimp by real-time RT-PCR using SYBR Green chemistry date: 2002-03-26 words: 5192 flesch: 52 summary: The analytical sensitivity of SYBR Green PCR was determined by using a serial dilution of TSV and YHV plasmid DNA as template for amplification. The standard curve for TSV (A) and YHV (B) obtained by SYBR Green PCR using plasmid DNA as template. keywords: actin; amplification; animals; cdna; control; copies; copy; corresponding; curve; cycle; detection; dissociation; ef-1a; efficiency; expected; fig; fluorescence; genes; genome; green; green rt; healthy; infected; internal; load; methods; min; pcr; penaeus; plasmid; polymerase; product; reaction; real; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequence; shrimp; single; specific; stylirostris; sybr; sybr green; syndrome; system; table; target; taura; temperature; threshold; time; total; tsv; values; variation; viral; virus; viruses; yhv cache: cord-265634-7n4cvgs4.txt plain text: cord-265634-7n4cvgs4.txt item: #310 of 974 id: cord-265978-i0fu8e0p author: Amer, Haitham M. title: Development of a SYBR Green I based real-time RT-PCR assay for detection and quantification of bovine coronavirus date: 2011-06-30 words: 4812 flesch: 45 summary: The concentration of BCoV RNA in the analyzed positive samples varied from 2 Â 10 4 to 1.56 Â 10 8 copies/ml for the fecal samples, and 3.77 Â 10 2 to 1.56 Â 10 8 copies/ ml for the nasal samples. This implies that co-amplification of the IPC does not affect the detection and quantification of BCoV RNA. keywords: amplification; analysis; assay; bcov; bovine; cdna; clinical; concentration; control; copies; coronavirus; cross; curve; detection; developed; diagnosis; different; dilution; dna; evaluation; fecal; fold; gel; gene; green; internal; melt; method; nasal; negative; pcr; pcr assay; performance; plasmid; positive; primers; qpcr; quantification; range; reaction; real; respiratory; results; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequence; series; signal; specific; specificity; standard; sybr; system; table; target; tcid; testing; time; time pcr; time rt; values; viral; viruses; water cache: cord-265978-i0fu8e0p.txt plain text: cord-265978-i0fu8e0p.txt item: #311 of 974 id: cord-266025-bkm486jd author: Tao, Ying title: Genomic characterization of seven distinct bat coronaviruses in Kenya() date: 2012-04-26 words: 3917 flesch: 43 summary: The four clusters of Kenya bat CoVs represented by BtKY22, BtKY41, BtKY43, and BtKY24 respectively, most likely belonged to novel CoV species, the two clusters represented by BtKY27 and BtKY33 were likely members of Bat-CoV 1A, and the cluster represented by BtKY06 was likely a member of Bat-CoV HKU9 species. However, because of the examples of host switching among CoVs after relatively minor sequence changes in S1 domain of spike protein, a further surveillance in animal reservoirs and understanding the interface between host susceptibility is critical for predicting and preventing the potential threat of bat CoVs to public health. keywords: alphacoronavirus; analysis; animal; available; bat; bats; betacoronavirus; btky06; btky22; btky43; conserved; coronavirus; covs; detection; different; diversity; domain; downstream; et al; fig; gene; genome; genomic; genus; group; hcov; high; human; identity; kenya; kit; likely; members; nested; novel; orf1b; orfs; pcr; phylogenetic; positive; primers; protein; putative; receptor; recombination; rectal; respiratory; rna; samples; sars; sequence; similar; species; spike; study; syndrome; table; tong; viruses; woo cache: cord-266025-bkm486jd.txt plain text: cord-266025-bkm486jd.txt item: #312 of 974 id: cord-266036-qhlo99l7 author: Axell-House, Dierdre B. title: The Estimation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Tests for COVID-19: A Scoping Review date: 2020-08-31 words: 5764 flesch: 36 summary: A review of methods Using a combination of reference tests to assess the accuracy of a new diagnostic test Value of composite reference standards in diagnostic research Diagnostic test evaluation methodology: A systematic review of methods employed to evaluate diagnostic tests in the absence of gold standard -An update Food and Drug Administration CfDaRH. However, our scoping review also uncovered imperfect methods for estimating diagnostic test performance in the absence of a gold standard and demonstrate that the accuracy of these tests should be interpreted with caution. keywords: 2019; abbott; accuracy; acid; agreement; amplification; articles; assay; assessment; bias; case; chain; characteristics; clinical; comparison; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; detection; diagnostic; different; evaluation; fda; group; index; isothermal; methods; naat; negative; novel; nucleic; number; patients; pcr; performance; platforms; polymerase; positive; quality; rapid; rate; reference; reference standard; report; results; reverse; review; rrt; samples; sars; sensitivity; standard; studies; study; supplementary; table; test; testing; time; transcription; use cache: cord-266036-qhlo99l7.txt plain text: cord-266036-qhlo99l7.txt item: #313 of 974 id: cord-266150-wox7pnkr author: Torres, Juan Pablo title: SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence in blood in a large school community subject to a Covid-19 outbreak: a cross-sectional study date: 2020-07-10 words: 4206 flesch: 46 summary: The median percent of antibody positive students per classroom was 8.3% (IQR 1.6-14.3%). Certainly, school related outbreak studies from other settings and situations, especially after the first wave, are required to further increase our knowledge of transmission dynamics within M a n u s c r i p t 10 schools, in order to pinpoint recommendations which may end up being most effective. keywords: adults; age; antibody; cases; children; chile; community; contact; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; days; detection; entire; figure; higher; home; igg; igm; index; individuals; infected; infection; large; levels; likely; march; negative; number; outbreak; overall; pain; parents; participants; pcr; population; positive; positivity; possible; preschool; rates; reported; results; role; samples; sars; school; self; staff; students; study; symptoms; teachers; test; testing; transmission; younger cache: cord-266150-wox7pnkr.txt plain text: cord-266150-wox7pnkr.txt item: #314 of 974 id: cord-266156-xmf4emln author: Miller, Tyler E. title: Clinical sensitivity and interpretation of PCR and serological COVID‐19 diagnostics for patients presenting to the hospital date: 2020-08-28 words: 4336 flesch: 38 summary: We modeled a linear daily regression trend after first positive PCR test, to estimate the time when PCR sensitivity reaches zero (foot-point analysis). Second, we also modeled how PCR sensitivity decreases over time after the first positive PCR test (Figures S3 and S5 ). keywords: acute; aid; analysis; antibodies; antibody; assay; available; clinical; cohort; coronavirus; course; cov-2; covid-19; data; date; days; detection; diagnostic; disease; elisa; figure; grants; hospital; iga; igg; igm; infection; interpretation; isotype; laboratory; modalities; multiple; onset; patients; pcr; performance; positive; post; prior; rbd; reports; respiratory; response; results; sars; sensitivity; seroconversion; serologic; serology; severe; specific; study; subset; symptom; symptom onset; symptomatic; syndrome; table; technical; test; testing; time cache: cord-266156-xmf4emln.txt plain text: cord-266156-xmf4emln.txt item: #315 of 974 id: cord-266175-4jyltfus author: Brendish, Nathan J title: Clinical impact of molecular point-of-care testing for suspected COVID-19 in hospital (COV-19POC): a prospective, interventional, non-randomised, controlled study date: 2020-10-08 words: 5487 flesch: 39 summary: In addition to testing symptomatic acute admissions to hospital, point-of-care testing could also be used for assessing elective hospital admissions, primary care patients, hospital staff, and care home staff and residents, as well as for airport screening, school screening, and even population-level screening. Initially, laboratory PCR testing used the PHE RdRp gene assay alone and subsequently used the PHE RdRp and E gene assays combined. keywords: accuracy; acute; addition; admission; analysis; areas; assay; assessment; available; care; care testing; clinical; control; control group; cov-2; covid-19; data; department; detection; diagnostic; emergency; group; health; hospital; illness; infection; laboratory; march; measures; molecular; negative; outcome; pandemic; panel; patients; pcr; pcr testing; phe; point; positive; qiastat; randomised; rapid; rdrp; real; recruitment; research; respiratory; respiratory sars; results; routine; samples; sars; secondary; sensitivity; southampton; staff; study; testing; testing group; time; trial; unit; use; viruses; wave cache: cord-266175-4jyltfus.txt plain text: cord-266175-4jyltfus.txt item: #316 of 974 id: cord-266466-5sgfx7oq author: Mansour, Amani title: First Case of an Infant with COVID-19 in the Middle East date: 2020-04-03 words: 1508 flesch: 51 summary: Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding A familial cluster of infection associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating potential person-to-person transmission during the incubation period SARS-CoV-2 infection in children Detection of covid-19 in children in early An epidemiological study on COVID-19: a rapidly spreading disease Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and pediatric patients: a review of epidemiology, symptomatology, laboratory and imaging results to guide the development of a management algorithm A bibliometric analysis of COVID-19 research activity: a call for increased output A 55-day-old female infant infected with COVID 19: presenting with pneumonia, liver injury, and heart damage Novel coronavirus infection in hospitalized infants under 1 year of age in China A case series of children with 2019 novel coronavirus infection: clinical and epidemiological features Clinical and CT features in pediatric patients with COVID-19 infection: different points from adults Epidemiological characteristics of 2143 pediatric patients with 2019 coronavirus disease in China Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with digestive symptoms in Hubei, China: a descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study Health communication research in the Arab world: a bibliometric analysis COVID-19 related pediatric symptoms can exhibit an array of presentations, including diarrhea. keywords: adults; case; children; china; clinical; coronavirus; cough; covid-19; days; diarrhea; east; infant; infection; middle; negative; novel; patient; pcr; pediatric; positive; respiratory; severe; symptoms; test cache: cord-266466-5sgfx7oq.txt plain text: cord-266466-5sgfx7oq.txt item: #317 of 974 id: cord-266499-g1lajsp8 author: Han, Jae-Ik title: A multiplex quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction panel for detecting neurologic pathogens in dogs with meningoencephalitis date: 2015-09-21 words: 3083 flesch: 36 summary: Next, the performance of the mqPCR panel and singleplex PCR for each of the eight pathogens were compared directly to identify any negative effects of multiplexing on PCR detection. The results of singleplex and multiplex PCR were identical except for CDV, and CT differences between PCR reactions were not significant, demonstrating that multiplexing did not have a significant negative effect on sensitivity of the PCR. keywords: agents; assay; bartonella; borrelia; burgdorferi; canine; caninum; canis; cases; cdv; chain; cryptococcus; csf; dermatitidis; detection; diagnostic; disease; dogs; fungal; gondii; infectious; korea; meningoencephalitis; min; mqpcr; multiplex; neoformans; nervous; non; panel; pathogens; pcr; polymerase; positive; present; reaction; real; recombinant; samples; sensitivity; singleplex; specific; spp; study; system; target; time; treatment cache: cord-266499-g1lajsp8.txt plain text: cord-266499-g1lajsp8.txt item: #318 of 974 id: cord-266523-qd5asgg8 author: Wilson, N. title: Estimating the Impact of Control Measures to Prevent Outbreaks of COVID-19 Associated with Air Travel into a COVID-19-free country: A Simulation Modelling Study date: 2020-06-12 words: 5838 flesch: 48 summary: This was increased to 2.2 years after adding in exit screening upon leaving Australia; to 3.3 years by adding in mask use on flights; and to 3.5 years by adding in entry screening on arrival in New Zealand. Additional results with the time to last PCR test extended up to day 15 in New Zealand (Table 4 ), indicate the particularly important benefit from mask use, then symptom self-reporting, and then contact tracing/isolation. keywords: aircraft; arrival; assumed; australia; author; available; average; cabin; cases; contact; control; copyright; cov-2; covid-19; crew; day; days; estimate; flight; funder; health; holder; infected; infection; influenza; international; interventions; june; license; mask; medrxiv; new; outbreak; pandemic; passengers; pcr; period; perpetuity; preprint; quarantine; results; review; risk; sars; screening; study; symptoms; table; testing; time; transmission; travel; use; version; years; zealand cache: cord-266523-qd5asgg8.txt plain text: cord-266523-qd5asgg8.txt item: #319 of 974 id: cord-266670-jxgywvwx author: Wong, Mark title: Chapter 13 Recent Advances and Future Needs in Environmental Virology date: 2007-09-06 words: 5843 flesch: 30 summary: A large waterborne viral hepatitis E epidemic in Kanpur DNA microarray technique for detection and identification of seven flaviviruses pathogenic for man Virulence signatures: microarray-based approaches to discovery and analysis Detection of adenovirus outbreak at a municipal swimming pool by nested PCR amplification Global illness and deaths caused by rotavirus disease in children Prevalence of vaccin