Agricultural and Food Science, vol. 18 (2009): 171-190 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 171 © Agricultural and Food Science Manuscript received February 2009 Climate change and prolongation of growing season: changes in regional potential for field crop production in Finland Pirjo Peltonen-Sainio1, Lauri Jauhiainen2, Kaija Hakala1 and Hannu Ojanen2 1MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Plant Production Research, FI-31600 Jokioinen, Finland 2MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Services Unit, FI-31600 Jokioinen, Finland email: Climate change offers new opportunities for Finnish field crop production, which is currently limited by the short growing season. A warmer climate will extend the thermal growing season and the physiologi- cally effective part of it. Winters will also become milder, enabling introduction of winter-sown crops to a greater extent than is possible today. With this study we aim to characterise the likely regional differences in capacity to grow different seed producing crops. Prolongation of the Finnish growing season was esti- mated using a 0.5º latitude × 0.5º longitude gridded dataset from the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The dataset comprised an average estimate from 19 global climate models of the response of Finnish climate to low (B1) and high (A2) scenarios of greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions for 30-year periods centred on 2025, 2055 and 2085 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Growing season temperature sums that suit crop growth and are agronomically feasible in Finland are anticipated to increase by some 140 °Cd by 2025, 300 °Cd by 2055 and 470 °Cd by 2085 in scenario A2, when averaged over regions, and earlier sowing is expected to take place, but not later harvests. Accordingly, the extent of cultivable areas for the commonly grown major and minor crops will increase considerably. Due to the higher base temperature requirement for maize (Zea mays L.) growth than for temperate crops, we estimate that silage maize could become a Finnish field crop for the most favourable growing regions only at the end of this century. Winters are getting milder, but it will take almost the whole century until winters such as those that are typical for southern Sweden and Denmark are experienced on a wide scale in Finland. It is possible that introduction of winter-sown crops (cereals and rapeseed) will represent major risks due to fluctuating winter conditions, and this could delay their adaptation for many decades. Such risks need to be studied in more detail to esti- mate timing of introduction. Prolonged physiologically effective growing seasons would increase yielding capacities of major field crops. Of the current minor crops, oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) are particularly strong candidates to become major crops. Moreover, they have good potential for industrial processing and are currently being bred. Realisation of increased yield potential requires adapta- tion to 1) elevated daily mean temperatures that interfere with development rate of seed crops under long days, 2) relative reductions in water availability at critical phases of yield determination, 3) greater pest and disease pressure, 4) other uncertainties caused by weather extremes and 5) generally greater need for inputs such as nitrogen fertilisers for non-nitrogen fixing crops. Key-words: Climate change, cultivation area, yield, potential, barley, oat, wheat, rye, triticale, rapeseed, pea, maize, seed crops, minor crops A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 172 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 173 Introduction On a global scale, the potential for food production is projected to increase, when local average tem- peratures increase only slightly (1–3 °C). However, with higher increases in average temperatures, the global potential for food production will decrease (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC 2007a). Average global surface temperatures have already increased by 0.76 °C during the last century, with increase in the pace of warming during the last couple of decades (IPCC 2007b). Changes in climate have also occurred at high latitudes (Klein Tank et al. 2002, Klein Tank and Können 2003, Jylhä et al. 2004) and in the future temperatures are generally expected to rise even more in the high latitude countries than elsewhere (IPCC 2007b). In northernmost Europe, especially in Finland, crop production occurs at higher latitudes than anywhere else. In Sweden some 90% of field crop production occurs in more southerly regions than in Finland (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009a). According to Carter (1998) and Klein Tank et al. (2002), the growing season has already become several days longer in Finland, which has already resulted in farmers sowing spring cereals, sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. altissima) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) earlier (Kaukoranta and Hakala 2008). This is an example of a spontaneous adaptation measure in Finland. However, spontaneous adaptation has its evident limitations and more co-ordinated, re- gionally tailored strategies need to be developed to cope with accelerated rates of climate change in the future (Olesen et al. 2009). Furthermore, expected changes in climate are likely to be well outside the experience of farmers and agricultural advisers and hence, entail radical changes in crop production practices and systems. By this means field crop production would be able to meet challenges and take opportunities brought about by changing cli- mate, especially if weather extremes become more frequent (Klein Tank and Können 2003, Alexander et al. 2006, IPCC 2007b). Even though climate change is likely to present challenges for agricultural and horticultural pro- duction in the northern regions, yield potential per se may increase markedly, especially due to extension of the thermal and physiologically effec- tive growing seasons (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009b and 2009c). In the past hundred years the growing season has been extended, especially at the start, to enable earlier sowing (Carter 1998). Even with more growth-favouring temperatures in the future, lengthening of the growing season in the autumn is not likely to support growth as efficiently as lengthening in the spring, because of low light in- tensity and short days (GAISMA 2009). Moreover, increasing autumn precipitation and its effects on harvesting conditions, yield losses and yield qual- ity (Jylhä et al. 2004, IPCC 2007b, Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009d) would likely restrict any temperature- derived benefits of extending the harvesting time in grain and seed crops. Therefore, risks related to prolonging the end of the growing season are likely much higher compared to benefits. Further- more, anticipated increases in autumn precipitation (Jylhä et al. 2004, IPCC 2007b) and changes in overwintering conditions (Jylhä et al. 2008) may hamper sowing winter crops at present sowing win- dow and affect winter survival until cold winters are replaced by mild winters currently typical of north-western and southern Europe. As the length of the growing season is the pre- dominant factor limiting crop and cultivar selec- tion and productivity in northern European regions, an increase in duration of the most critical growth phases and introduction of winter sown cultivars will markedly enhance the yield potential of many crops (Carter et al. 1996, Carter 1998, Olesen and Bindi 2002, Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009c). It is pos- sible that in the future the Nordic countries play an increasingly important role in agricultural produc- tion in Europe (Olesen and Bindi 2002). However, because of more frequent weather extremes in the future (Klein Tank and Können 2003, Alexander et al. 2006, IPCC 2007b), but also due to higher in- cidences of pests and diseases (Carter et al. 1996), production uncertainty increases. Therefore, farm- ers may rely on the most stable crop species only, which would mean that agrobiodiversity is chal- lenged by climate change. Climate change impacts on crop productivity and risks differ according to crop species and cul- A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 172 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 173 tivars. Some crops will benefit from the warming climate more than others, while other crops and cultivars may face major problems and will fall out of production. For example, only slightly elevated temperatures were shown to challenge yield poten- tial of spring sown seed crops, but not winter sown ones (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009d), while grass crops appeared to benefit from elevated tempera- tures (Hakala and Mela 1996). Root crops such as sugar beet and potato will be favoured by longer growing seasons and elevated CO2 levels (Olesen and Bindi 2002). However, the conditions will also favour pathogens, which may cause major yield losses (Carter et al. 1996, Kaukoranta 1996, Han- nukkala et al. 2007). Thus, it is likely that adapta- tion requirements, both regarding breeding and de- velopment of cropping systems, are going to vary greatly from one crop type and species to another. This creates an evident need for tailored adaptation strategies. With this study we aim to characterise the likely regional differences in capacity to grow different crops, concentrating on seed producing crops. This is based on climate change induced prolongation of the physiologically effective part of the thermal growing season. This allows as- sessment of the possible range of increase in crop productivity resulting from extended growing time and potential improvements gained through plant breeding. Material and methods Climate datasets and estimations of prolongation of growing season Global climate model projections described by the IPCC have been analysed to extract informa- tion on recent and future climate over the Finnish regions. The projections comprised simulations for the period 2010 to 2100 from 19 global models assuming two different scenarios of future green- house gas and aerosols emissions to the atmosphere described by the B1 (low emissions) and A2 (high emissions) scenarios of the IPCC (Nakicenovic et al. 2000). Long term mean daily temperatures for the baseline period (1971–2000) were derived from monthly means produced by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (Venäläinen et al. 2005). To obtain monthly means for the three future 30 year periods centred on 2025, 2055 and 2085, an average was taken of the temperature changes (future 30 year span minus the baseline period mean) simulated in 19 global climate models by Finnish Meteorological Institute (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009b). For all periods, a grid spacing of 0.5º latitude × 0.5º longitude was used: all subsequent estimations and calculations were based on the same grid. Daily mean temperatures for each calendar day were derived at every grid point us- ing a six-component Fourier expansion fitted to the annual course of monthly mean temperature (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009b). The beginning of the physiologically effective growing season, a potential sowing day for a re- cent period (1971–2000), was approximated from regional sowing dates collected by TIKE (the In- formation Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland). The average sowing day fell between 15th and 21st May in spring cereals, depending on region. This regional information was applied to other crops as well, because no explicit, long-term information was available for them, and in general, sowing window in Finland is very limited (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009a). Also according to MTT Official Variety Trials the differences in sowing times among major field crops studied here were not high enough to cause any major error to our estimated regional sow- ing times. Appropriate sowing days for 30-year periods centred on 2025, 2055 and 2085 (hereon referred to as 2025, 2055 and 2085, respectively) were defined with reference to temperature con- ditions at sowings in 1971–2000, with projected temperatures indicating that respective sowing dates would occur approximately one, two and three weeks earlier, respectively, than in 1971– 2000. We also noticed that in case of having fur- ther earlier sowing by e.g. one week in each period would have resulted in only negligible increase in accumulated temperature sum. This confirmed A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 174 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 175 that our estimated sowing dates did not under- estimate the possibilities for earlier sowing win- dows. Previously Carter and Saarikko (1996) and Saarikko and Carter (1996) estimated the likely future sowing time for spring wheat (Triticum aes- tivum L.) in Finland. They also used technique of having mean temperature (exceeding 8 ºC) as an indicator of sowing date, but instead of regional data from TIKE, they used information on sowing time of spring wheat and local temperatures of MTT Official Variety Trials only (Carter and Saa- rikko 1996). In a comparison of the two sowing data sources, Saarikko and Carter (1996), found that the sowing dates estimated by MTT variety trial data differed only by 0.4 days from the ac- tual regional TIKE sowing data. In our study, the daily mean air temperature at sowing times now (1971−2000) and with one, two and three weeks earlier sowings in 2025, 2055 and 2085, respec- tively, was 8.5−9.5 ºC, which corresponds well with the studies of Carter and Saarikko (1996). The datasets of TIKE and MTT showed the 15th September to be the likely latest appropri- ate harvesting day, the end of the physiologically effective growing season, in the entire country. We also tested the effects of having one week earlier or delayed harvest in future periods com- pared with the current 15th September, which is considered to be critical for success (Peltonen- Sainio et al. 2009b, 2009c). By this means the effect of possible changes in time of harvest on accumulated temperature sum was estimated. Ef- fect of difference by one week in timing of harvest was in general marginal for our approach of es- timating the likely northern border for each crop species in future periods. Hence, we only show here the results with harvests at 15th September. On the other hand, delaying harvest more than by one week might drastically increase the risks compared to yield benefits (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009a, 2009b). Cumulative temperature sums for the physi- ologically effective growing season at base tem- peratures of +5 and +10 °C were calculated for B1 and A2 scenarios of the IPCC. MapInfo Vertical Mapper was the software used to interpolate val- ues between gridpoints using the Natural Neigh- bour interpolating method. The result from this interpolating was a new grid-file with 0.033° cell size. This new grid-file was used to make coloured raster maps and contours for temperature sums and they were combined by MapInfo Professional software. We gathered information from the literature to weight the general potential of different crop spe- cies to future conditions in Finland according to each crop’s current regional importance and basic growth requirements (Table 1). Furthermore, for maize we used an additional approach with +10 °C as a base temperature (Martin et al. 2006, Fronzek and Carter 2007) instead of +5 °C (±1 °C) that is typically used for temperate crops (e.g. Kontturi 1979, Kleemola 1991). The information on general thermal requirement of crop maturation in °Cd (Kontturi 1979, Martin et al. 2006, Fronzek and Carter 2007, Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009c) was compared with projected, regional changes in ac- cumulated °Cd and duration of the physiologically effective (but also agronomically feasible) grow- ing season for grain and seed crops. Estimations for winters Thermal winter is determined to be the period starting, when daily mean temperatures remain permanently below 0 °C and ending when they rise permanently above 0 °C. We estimated the climate change effects on length of thermal winter in B1 and A2 scenarios of the IPCC by recording regional borderlines for winters with 75, 50 and 25 frost days in 2025, 2055 and 2085, respectively. 25 frost days is close to the length of the thermal winter at present (1961−1990) in Denmark (Tveito et al. 2001) and can already be considered a mild winter compared with the current Finnish cold winters. Outcome of estimation of thermal winters accord- ing to 30-year means may differ somewhat from computation of each year first before averaging over each 30-year period. MapInfo Vertical Mapper and MapInfo Professional were the software used as described above. A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 174 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 175 Table 1. Novel or current minor field crops in Finland grown elsewhere in Europe and considered in this study. Source: Smartt and Simmonds (1995), Rousi (1997) and FAO (2009). Field crop Included Reasoning Annuals: Cotton (Gossypium sp.) no Potential for temperate latitudes; in Europe grown only up to 47 °N. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yes Potential, temperate crop, small-scale growing and breeding in Finland. Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) yes Potential, temperate crop, small-scale growing and breeding in Finland. Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) yes Potential, temperate crop. Commercial production of oil hempa) and experimental growing of fibre hemp in Finlandb). Maize (Zea mays L.) yes C4-crop favouring high temperatures, some experimental growing in Finland. Forage (silage) maize has more future potential in northern European growing conditions than grain maize. Mustards (Sinapis spp.) no Potential, temperate crop, small-scale growing in Finland. Co- existence with other Brassica crops too challenging to enable large- scale cultivation. Pseudocereals no/yes Often sub-tropical and tropical species with minor and/or very re- gional importance in Europe. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Mill.) most potential and hence, considered furtherc). Soya bean (Glycine max L.) no Oil and protein crop favouring high temperatures. Presently adapt- ed to the southernmost Europe and e.g., Russia, Czech Republic and Ukraine, but not Scandinavia or Baltic countries. Unlikely to have breakthrough in the northernmost regions of Europe within this cen- tury according A2 scenario. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) yes Potential, temperate crop, small-scale growing in Finland, large- scale growing e.g. in Russia. Winter types or perennials: Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) no Potential, temperate crop with overwintering rootstock. Main pro- duction areas in Central Europe. Lupins (Lupinus spp.) yes Potential, temperate crops, especially L. angustifolius. Grown main- ly in Central and Eastern Europe (e.g., Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia) and France, small scale growing in Lithuania, experimental growing in Finlandd). Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) yes Potential, temperate crop, small-scale growing in Finland. Grown in Europe up to Denmark. Winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yes Potential, temperate crop. Grown in Northern and Central Europe, significantly up to Denmark. Winter oat (Avena sativa L.) yes Potential, temperate crop. Grown in Europe significantly in UK. Winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) yes Potential, temperate crop. Largely grown in Europe, but not in Finland. Winter turnip rape (B. rapa L.) yes Potential, temperate crop. Grown in Northern Europe; in Finland in the 1950s to 1960se). a) Callaway (2004) and Finola (2009); b) Pahkala et al. (2008); c) Montonen and Kontturi (1997), Kontturi et al. (2004); d) Aniszewski (1988a, 1988b), Kurlovich et al. (2004); e) Hiivola (1966) A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 176 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 177 Estimations of changes in yielding capacity Two factors were taken into account when changes in yielding capacity were modelled: longer and warmer physiologically effective growing season and genetic yield improvement. According to Öfversten et al. (2004) and Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009d), annual genetic improvement is 0.64, 0.41, 1.01, 0.85 and 1.53% for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), spring wheat, turnip rape (Brassica rapa L.) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), respectively. Data from MTT long-term field experiments conducted in 1970–2008 and the model suggested by Öfversten et al. (2004) were used to calculate genetic improvement for winter wheat (0.64%), winter rye (Secale cereale L.) (0.97%) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) (0.40%). The effect of CO2 increase on yields was ignored and resource limita- tion (water, nutrients) expected to be comparable to that in the recent period. The increased yield potential from a prolonged growing season was analysed using two methods, one simple and one more complex. In the simple approach all results of MTT long-term field ex- periments conducted in 1990–2008 were classified according to cumulative temperature sum between sowing and yellow ripening. The classes were 700– 800, 800–900, 900–1000, 1000–1100, 1100–1200 and 1200–1300 °Cd. The means of all yields in each class were calculated and thereby, the general association with yield and increase in temperature sum determined. The more complex approach was based on a two-stage computation. The two-stage computation was needed, because mutually compa- rable yield levels and growing times were needed as a starting point when the relationship between these was estimated. The modern cultivars in the MTT long-term field experiments (years 2001– 2008) and the following statistical model were used in the first stage: yijkl=µ+cultivari+yearj+sitek+experimentjkl+εijkl, (1) where yijkl is the observation, µ is the intercept, and cultivari is the fixed effect of the i th cultivar. Yearj, sitek, experimentjkl and εijkl represent random effects of the jth year, the kth site, the lth experiment and the residual. For example, yield of oat cultivar Veli was 6236 kg ha-1 in a trial in Pälkäne (61°20’ N, 24°16’ E) in 2001. According to the model, the estimated average yield of this cultivar was 5103 kg ha-1, environmental effects of Pälkäne in 2001 were 1165 kg ha-1 in total, and unexplained varia- tion, residual, was −32 kg ha-1. Estimated average effective temperature sum before maturity for Veli was 910 °Cd using the same statistical model. The model was fitted using the SAS/MIXED procedure and the REML estimation method. Estimates of cultivari were used to calculate average level of yield in the period of 2001–2008. In the second stage, the following regression model was fitted using the SAS/REG procedure: yieldi = α + βtimei + εi, (2) where yieldi and timei are previously estimated yield and growing time for the ith cultivar (see Eq. 1, e.g. 5103 kg ha-1 and 910 °Cd for maturation for cultivar Veli), α is the intercept, β is the regression coefficient for growing time and εi is the residual. Increased yield potential for a prolonged and warmer growing season of one °Cd was set to be ̂ β , i.e. cultivars with long growing time contributed to increased yield potential and regression coefficient expressed the amount of increased potential. This coefficient was used to predict a potential yield for the future periods with the prolonged and warmer growing seasons. Potential yield for all grid points and for pe- riods 1985, 2025, 2055 and 2085 was calculated using the following equation: yieldm = (χ + ̂ β *ν)*(1+λ) (m-2005), (3) where m is the period (m=1985, 2025, 2055 or 2085), χ is the average level of yield in period of 2001–2008 (see Eq. 1), ̂ β is increased yield potential of prolonged and warmer growing season (see Eq. 2), ν is change in temperature sum and λ is annual ge- netic improvement (Öfversten et al. 2004). Change, ν, was calculated for B1 and A2 scenarios of the IPCC (see “estimations of prolongation of growing season”). For example, λ could be 0.41, χ 5328 kg ha-1 and ̂ β 7.47 kg ha-1 °Cd-1 for oats. ν is defined as A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 176 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 177 64°Cd in one grid point where accumulated effec- tive temperature sums for oats were 1200°Cd and 1264°Cd in periods 2005 and 2025, respectively. After this the potential yield level was 6301 kg ha-1 in period 2025. The accumulated temperature sum was 1104°Cd and corresponding yield level 4249 kg ha-1 in period 1985. To make presentation of the results easier, the mean of potential yields at the same latitude was calculated. Furthermore, in order to consider the major challenges related to achieving such climate change enhanced yield potentials of field crops for Finnish growing conditions, we listed the principal adapta- tion measures according to the literature. Regarding crops not presently grown on a large scale in Finland, we gathered information from the literature to estimate the actual yields at lower lati- tudes with a growing season similar in length to that for our future projections. Results and discussion Prolonged growing seasons and potential growing regions for spring sown crops Finland is the world’s most northern field crop production region (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009a) and anthropogenically-induced climate warming is expected to be especially high at such northern latitudes (IPCC 2007b). Climate warming will change length and cause changes in conditions both during the growing season and during the overwintering period. Considering the changes to the physiologically effective part of a prolonged thermal growing season that can support crop growth and development, we noted that the typical length of the growing season in Central Finland by the 2025 under both B1 and A2 scenarios is pro- jected to resemble that currently found in southern Finland (1100–1200 °Cd). Southern Finland already experiences growing seasons with 1300 °Cd (Fig. 1). However, by 2055 1100–1200 °Cd growing sea- sons are projected for Oulu region (65 °N, 25 °E) in the B1 scenario and 1300 °Cd in the A2 scenario. By mid-century 1400–1500 °Cd growing seasons would be typical for southern Finland, depending on the climate change scenario. Uncertainties in climate warming projections increase towards the end of this century. However, they indicate 1700 °Cd (A2 scenario) and 1500 °Cd (B1 scenario) for southern Finland by the end of century. According to these projections changes would proceed rapidly at latitudes > 60 °N, even though we estimated only moderate changes in sowing times and none for harvests. If these estimations transpire there are new prospects for Finnish agriculture. We considered the future regional potential for production of different crops only according to the projected lengthening of the physiologically effective growing season and effective tempera- ture sum (growing degree days), and excluded issues such as existence of fields in different re- gions, field sizes and distances, need for basic field repairs and other investments, soil types, dis- tribution of precipitation and role of grasslands. Employing this approach, we established poten- tial for considerable expansion in production of many spring sown crops, comparing the lengths of the growing seasons (in °Cd) in the future with the basic, recorded requirements of crops when grown under long day conditions at high latitudes (Table 2). Crops that require 1000–1100 °Cd and/ or are prone to frost [buckwheat (Fagopyrum es- culentum Mill.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), oil hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), oilseed rape, turnip rape and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)] are currently grown at up to 62 °N or only in the most temperature fa- voured regions of southern Finland. Within the next couple of decades they might be grown at up to 65 °N along with crops like field pea and spring cereals that would not be limited by length of the growing season in regions where there is arable land (Fig. 1, Table 2). Such anticipated changes in production regions of crops like turnip rape and oilseed rape (see Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009b for more detailed discussion), as well as pea and faba bean, represent promising prospects for expand- ing production of protein rich crops in northern A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 178 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 179 regions that are not currently self-sufficient at all in protein crop production (Aronen 2008). In most cases of temperate crops evaluated +5 °C was the base temperature for cumulated de- grees, but maize is a C4-crop favouring higher daily mean temperatures and we therefore used +10 °C as the base temperature (Martin et al. 2006) (Fig. 2). Even in the A2 scenario, elevation of tempera- tures seemed not to be sufficient to secure produc- tion of grain maize in Finland. Grain maize has in fact only recently been introduced into Denmark due to elevated temperatures during the growing season, while forage maize has been an important crop there for a long time (Olesen et al. 2009). Ac- cording to expected warming in Finland (Fig. 2), forage maize could be introduced into southern Finland, without likely major risks resulting from too short a growing season, night frosts and cool periods, by the mid-century according to the A2 scenario, but only by the end of the century in the B1 scenario. In a controlled condition experiment at MTT, Jokioinen, in 2008, where temperature and length of the growing season roughly resembled those expected by the end of the century in the A2 scenario for large areas of southern Finland, for- age maize produced ca. 35 000 kg dry matter per hectare (Ari Rajala, MTT, personal communication 13th February 2009). Fig. 1. Physiologically effective and agronomically feasible growing season accumulated temperature sum (°Cd) from estimated sowing to harvest with +5 °C base temperature during recent decades (1971–2000) centered on 1985 and es- timations for 30-year periods centred on 2025, 2055 and 2085 according to B1 and A2 scenarios of the IPCC and 19 cli- matic models (data from the Finnish Meteorological Institute). Regional means for sowing dates (1971–2008) are from TIKE (the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland); for the future the appropriate sowing times are identified to be approximately one, two and three weeks earlier for 2025, 2055 and 2085, respectively. Harvests are expected to occur by 15th September due to potentially unfavourable growing and harvest conditions. A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 178 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 179 From cold to mild winters and consequent estimated introduction of autumn sown crops Future growing seasons will be warmer and longer, but winters will be milder and shorter (Jylhä et al. 2008), as shown in Figure 3. The transition from cold to mild winters is indicated as expansion of regions with fewer frost days than 100, 75, 50 and 25 compared with current winters, which have close to 100 frost days in the south and up to almost 200 if the entire current field crop production area is taken into account. According to these projections basing on averages over 30-year periods, by 2025 the south-western archipelago will be the only region having fewer than 100 frost days for both the B1 and A2 scenarios. However, by 2055 the 100 frost day borderline would approach not only the coastal areas but also inland southern Finland, and by 2085 it reaches Oulu in the A2 scenario (Fig. 3). Scenarios differ markedly in how they anticipate progress of mild winters: in the A2 scenario, borderlines of 25 and 50 frost days cross that of 100 frost days for the B1 scenario. Therefore, particularly in the case of the high-emission scenario, Finnish winters would get clearly milder during this century, and by the end of this century, but not much earlier, there would be mild winters similar to those of southern Sweden at present (1961−1990) (Tveito et al. 2001). Winters in the south-westernmost parts of Finland would be similar to those in Denmark. Although numerous factors affect success of overwintering capacity of field crops (Hömmö and Pulli 1993, Lindén et al. 1999, Hofgaard et al. 2003, Serenius et al. 2005, Velicka et al. 2006), considering mildness of winters only as a reduc- tion in numbers of frost days, we can estimate the potential time-frame for introduction of currently grown autumn sown crops over a larger extent and Table 2. Minimum accumulated temperature sums required over a base temperature for successful growth of various ma- jor and minor spring sown crops and considered as a basic prerequisite for cultivation under northern, long day growing conditions and being critical for crop introduction to new regions following climate change. Field crop Base temperature (°C) Required physiologically effective temperature sum (°Cd) Reference Buckwheat 5–10a 900 Montonen and Kontturi (1997) Faba bean 5 1060 MTT Official Variety Trials Flax 5 1040 MTT Official Variety Trials Hemp 5 1150 Callaway (2004), Pahkala et al. (2008)b Maize for forage 10 700–850 Carter et al. (1991)c, Martin et al. (2006), Fronzek and Carter (2007)c Pea 5 930–980 MTT Official Variety Trials Spring barley 5 890 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009c) Spring oat 5 960 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009c) Spring oilseed rape 5 1090 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009c) Spring turnip rape 5 1010 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009c) Spring wheat 5 990 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009c) Sunflower 5 1100 MTT Official Variety Trials a Temperature exceeding +10°C is required for seedling emergence. b Temperature sum for oil hemp is 1150 °Cd, while fibre hemp can be harvested earlier. cUsed for grain maize and accumulated over the whole year. A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 180 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 181 introduction of novel overwintering crop species. For example, cultivation of winter wheat, currently grown only in restricted areas of southern Finland where there are about 130 frost days at most, can be extended to the Oulu region by end of this cen- tury in the A2 scenario (Fig. 3). Rye production could be successful throughout the arable regions by 2055 in the A2 scenario. Triticale (X Triticose- cale Wittmack) has occasional overwintering success under current winter conditions and could become a major field crop in Finland. Its cultivation could probably extend a little beyond the expansion of winter wheat in the future. In contrast to winter rye, wheat and triticale, we lack experience in cultivation of winter culti- vars of barley, oat, turnip rape and oilseed rape. Winter turnip rape areas in the 1950s tended to- wards 10 000 hectares (Hiivola 1966), but culti- var development has been considerable since then. Without comprehensive data from experiments in Finland we have to rely on information from more southern regions, especially Sweden, Denmark and Estonia, and compare their current with our future conditions. Currently winter oilseed rape is largely grown in Sweden, particularly the southern parts, (Svensk Raps 2009), and in Denmark, but not in Estonia because of poor overwintering capacity (Lääniste et al. 2008). Comparison of our future winter con- ditions with those of the current Brassica produc- tion regions of Sweden and Denmark (Tveito et al. 2001, period 1961−1990) indicates that au- tumn sown Brassica crops could enter into cul- tivation in the current spring sown Brassica crop Fig. 2. Physiologically effective and agronomically feasible growing season accumulated temperature sum (°Cd) from estimated sowing to harvest with +10 °C base temperature during recent decades (1971–2000) centered on 1985 and es- timations for 30-year periods centred on 2025, 2055 and 2085 according to B1 and A2 scenarios of the IPCC and 19 cli- matic models (data from the Finnish Meteorological Institute). Regional means for sowing dates (1971–2000) are from TIKE (the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland); for the future the appropriate sowing times are identified to be approximately one, two and three weeks earlier for 2025, 2055 and 2085, respectively. Harvests are expected to occur by 15th September due to potentially unfavourable growing and harvest conditions. A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 180 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 181 region of Finland by mid-century at the earliest, or more probably by the end of this century (Fig. 3). However, early spring frosts are particularly critical for successful overwintering of Brassica crops, not just the winter conditions and length of the thermal winter per se (Johan Biärsjö, Svensk Raps AB, personal communication 5th February 2009). This is in agreement with earlier findings from Finland (Hiivola 1966), which showed that the main reasons for poor overwintering of winter turnip rape were frost and waterlogging. In the fu- ture, with projected increases in winter precipita- tion and cycles of thawing and freezing (Jylhä et al. 2004, 2008), the risk of waterlogging gener- ally increases. For Brassica the apical meristem is prone to frost damage, unlike in cereals which have a well protected apical meristem close to soil surface (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009a). Due to this major structural difference between winter cereals and Brassica crops, winter barley, as largely grown in Denmark, and winter oat, which has gradually started to dominate oat production in U.K. (Anon. 1999,Central Statistics Office Ireland 2009), can be introduced into Finnish agriculture somewhat ear- lier, but no later than autumn sown Brassica crops. Even though we have concentrated on the issue of how critical overwintering conditions are regard- ing future expansion of crops to novel regions in Finland, it is important to stress that estimated in- creases in autumn precipitation could interfere with sowing of winter crops, which has to be taken into consideration in adaptation strategies. Of the underutilised crops blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.), also called narrow-leafed lupin, is grown in experiments in southern and northern Finland (Aniszewski 1988a, 1988b, Kurlovich et al. 2004). According to Kurlovich et al. (2004), early forms of blue lupin grow successfully in southern Finland when inoculated with Rhizobium, and even in northern Finland dry-matter yields of 1.23 to 7.38 t ha-1 were recorded when cultivars were com- pared (Aniszewski 1988b). In Finland, Washington lupin (L. polyphyllus Lindl.) is a garden escapee, which flourishes by the roadsides and indicates the general potential of lupins to adapt successfully to northern conditions (Aniszewski et al. 2001). Lu- pins are also likely to benefit from climate induced changes in Finnish conditions and could represent a valuable addition to the group of nitrogen fixing protein crops in the future. Fig. 3. Estimated changes in thermal winter determined as a period (in days) starting when daily mean temperatures re- main permanently below 0 °C and ending when they rise permanently above 0 °C. The regional time points for winters with 75, 50 and 25 frost days, from which 25 days is close to the current length of thermal winter in Denmark, are shown for recent decades (1971–2000) centered on 1985 and estimations for 30-year periods centred on 2025, 2055 and 2085 ac- cording to B1 and A2 scenarios of the IPCC and 19 climatic models (data from the Finnish Meteorological Institute). A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 182 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 183 Estimated changes in yield potential of major field crops currently grown in Finland Spring cereals. For our estimations we considered that a combination of climate change and plant breeding would increase yield potential in cereals as for all crops in the future. However, in the future growing regions would differ according to their yield potential, as shown in Table 3 for spring sown cereals. Current barley grain yields in southernmost Finland are likely to be lower than the yield poten- tial anticipated for 64–66 °N by 2025 regardless of scenario. Furthermore, estimated potential yields of barley for 2055 at 60 °N would be reached at 66 °N by the end of this century, while for wheat the pace of improvements is set to be even higher. These striking examples illustrate how strongly the short growing season limits yields under these northern- most European growing conditions. It also reveals the substantial impact of lengthening the growing season in a warming climate on productivity. How- ever, to realise such potential requires adaptation measures, including sufficient input use (especially nitrogen), development of irrigation systems in cases of insufficient water availability at critical phases of crop development, and tailoring crop cultivars to future challenges of changing climate, including too high temperature responsiveness of spring cere- als under long day conditions, resistance to pests and diseases and improved nutrient and water use efficiency (Table 4). If we were to exclude any breeding effect and solely consider the effect of prolonged growing season and higher accumulated degree days per se, there would be only negligible yield increases (data not shown). For example, for spring barley the yield difference between seasons Table 3. Estimated means for enhanced potential yields of spring cereals in 30-year periods centred on 2025, 2055 and 2085 depending on latitude and compared with recent history (1971–2000, centered on 1985). Anticipated potential yields (t ha-1) dependent on °Cd are shown as B1 estimate – A2 estimate. Plant breeding achievements are included in estimations with expectation of pace of genetic yield gain being similar to 1971–2000. Effect of elevated CO2 on yields is ignored. At each latitude potential yields in western regions are slightly higher (ca. 8%) than in eastern regions. At the end of this century (2085) spring forms are likely to be partly replaced by winter types in the regions with mild winters and their yield potential is estimated only for more northern latitudes. Current record yields from Denmark and Sweden are reached and exceeded at the more southern latitudes by mid-century. Crop Time Latitude 60 °N 61 °N 62 °N 63 °N 64 °N 65 °N 66 °N Spring barley 1985 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.1 3.0 2.8 2.3 2025 5.0–5.0 5.0–5.0 4.8–4.8 4.5–4.5 4.3–4.3 4.1–4.1 3.9–3.9 2055 6.4–6.6 6.4–6.7 6.2–6.4 5.9–6.1 5.6–5.9 5.4–5.6 5.1–5.3 2085 · · · · 7.2–8.0 6.9–7.7 6.6–7.4 Spring oat 1985 4.4 4.4 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.6 1.4 2025 6.4–6.5 6.5–6.5 5.9–6.0 5.4–5.4 4.8–4.8 4.4–4.4 3.8–3.8 2055 8.2–8.8 8.3–8.9 7.7–8.2 7.0–7.5 6.4–6.9 5.9–6.4 5.2–5.7 2085 · · · · 8.1–9.8 7.5–9.3 6.7–8.5 Spring wheat 1985 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.0 1.1 · 2025 4.9–4.9 4.9–4.9 4.7–4.7 4.4–4.4 4.2–4.2 4.0–4.0 2.7–2.7 2055 7.1–7.4 7.1–7.4 6.8–7.1 6.5–6.7 6.1–6.4 5.9–6.1 5.6–5.8 2085 · · · · · 8.4–9.5 7.9–9.1 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 182 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 183 with 800 and 1100 utilised °Cd was only 350 kg ha-1, close to 100 kg ha-1 per 100 °Cd elevation (data not shown). This was typical for spring and winter cereals, though no comprehensive data were avail- able for exceptionally warm growing seasons with 1300–1500 °Cd. Such direct comparison evidently underestimates the potential changes in yields, as we recently demonstrated both a negative response of today’s cultivars to elevated temperatures under long day conditions (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2007 and 2009d) and lack of sufficient inputs to sustain yields in high productivity years (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009e). This was also demonstrated in an earlier study of Saarikko (2000), where modelled yields were considerably higher than those observed at regional level, probably because of insufficient inputs by Finnish farmers. According to earlier experiments and estimations of climate change ef- fects on crop production (Hakala 1998, Saarikko 2000), the increase in growing season temperatures by climate change decreased the yield of wheat (cultivar “Polkka”), and even though yield was increased by elevated CO2, the combined effect of CO2 and temperature resulted in no significant gain but also no significant yield penalty. These results clearly emphasise the role of plant breeding and investment in production inputs for enhancement of yield potential in prolonged and warmer growing Table 4. The major adaptation measures needed to sustain expression of climate change increased yield potential in fu- ture field crop production. Factor limiting expression of yield potential Crops in particular concern Adaptation measure(s) needed with reference Enhanced development rate at ele- vated temperatures in long days Seed and grain pro- ducing determinate crops (not pea) Plant breeding and selection for cultivars that can utilise the climate change induced prolonged growing season thoroughly without hastening too much in their development 1, 2 Water availability and distribution within the growing season Spring sown crops Development of irrigation systems and breeding for improved water use efficiency 2, 3 Increasing risk for pest and disease infestations All crops Development of chemical and biological control agents, meth- ods and alarm systems, breeding for disease resistance 4, 5, 6 Extreme events All crops Alarm systems, development of cultivars with high yield sta- bility, securing with sufficient farm resilience through crop diversity 7, 8 Overwintering success and fluctua- tion in winter conditions until cold winters become mild winters Autumn sown crops Breeding for improved overwintering capacity and avoiding introduction of cultivars not well adapted to northern condi- tions 9, 10 Nutrient availability All crops Changes in fertiliser practices and possible introduction of split fertiliser use; efficient crop rotations and increasing use of legumes, breeding for improved nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency 11, 12 1 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2007); 2 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009d); 3 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009c); 4 Kaukoranta (1996); 5 Carter et al. (1996); 6 Hannukkala et al. (2007); 7 Alexander et al. (2006); 8 Klein Tank and Können (2003); 9 Jylhä et al. (2008); 10 Peltonen-Sainio et al. (2009a); 11 Muurinen (2007); 12 Muurinen et al. (2007) A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 184 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 185 seasons, indicating the necessity for comprehensive adaptation in order for climate change to benefit crop production. Buckwheat is among the most potential pseu- docereals, but it is very sensitive to frost and re- quires a minimum temperature of +10 °C for emer- gence (Montonen and Kontturi 1997). The current yield range is 900–1200 kg ha-1. When growing conditions are favourable it can yield over 2000 kg ha-1, but can fail completely under unfavourable conditions (Montonen and Kontturi 1997, Kontturi et al. 2004). According to FAO (2009) statistics it is grown on a large-scale in Russia (in 2006 >1 mil- lion ha), Lithuania (30 000 ha) and Latvia (14 000 ha), with yields averaging in most cases 500 to 950 kg ha-1. Winter cereals are likely to replace spring cere- als when their overwintering capacity is sufficient for a particular region. They are attractive because of their 1) higher yield potential, 2) better abil- ity to avoid early summer drought induced yield losses (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009d), and 3) soil cover, reducing risk of erosion and nutrient leach- ing. Yield potential per se for winter wheat and rye is likely to increase considerably due to breeding and changes in growing conditions, and accord- ing to our estimations, potential yields of winter wheat would exceed those of spring wheat (Table 5). Furthermore, due to anticipated increase in se- vere problems with early summer drought, the gap between potential and achieved yields of winter and spring types would likely increase. At this time wheat is the only crop with both spring and winter cultivars in Finnish agriculture. According to av- eraged yield history (1985) of spring and winter wheat, shown in Tables 3 and 5, their yield poten- tials differ markedly; 2900–2600 kg ha-1 for spring wheat and 5200–4900 kg ha-1 for winter wheat at 60–63 °N. Although this is the only available ex- ample based on direct comparison between winter and spring types, in general, introduction of win- ter types into cultivation is likely to substantially shift yield levels. This will, however, happen in each region only when the primary limiting factor is overcome; the crop needs to successfully over- winter. The current common winter crops, winter rye and wheat, will later be accompanied by triti- cale, winter barley, and probably also winter oat. Table 5. Estimated means for enhanced potential yields of winter wheat and rye in the case of successful overwinter- ing and field pea in 30-year periods centred on 2025 and 2055 depending on latitude and compared with recent history (1971–2000, centered on 1985). Anticipated potential yields (t ha-1) dependent on °Cd are shown as B1 estimate – A2 estimate. Plant breeding achievements are included in estimations with expectation of pace of genetic yield gain being similar to 1971–2000. Effect of elevated CO2 on yields is ignored. At each latitude potential yields in western regions are slightly higher (ca. 3%) than in eastern regions. Crop Time Latitude 60 °N 61 °N 62 °N 63 °N 64 °N 65 °N 66 °N Winter wheat 1985 5.2 5.2 5.1 4.9 · · · 2025 7.1–7.1 7.1–7.2 7.0–7.0 6.7–6.8 6.6–6.6 · · 2055 9.0–9.2 9.0–9.2 8.8–9.0 8.5–8.7 8.3–8.5 8.1–8.3 7.9–8.1 Winter rye 1985 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.9 2.2 1.2 2025 6.6–6.6 6.6–6.6 6.4–6.4 6.3–6.3 6.2–6.2 6.0–6.0 5.3–5.3 2055 9.1–9.2 9.1–9.2 8.9–9.1 8.7–8.9 8.5–8.7 8.4–8.5 8.2–8.3 Field pea 1985 4.4 4.4 4.1 3.7 2.8 1.4 · 2025 6.3–6.3 6.3–6.3 5.8–5.9 5.4–5.4 4.9–4.9 4.5–4.5 2.9–2.9 2055 7.9–8.3 7.9–8.4 7.4–7.9 6.9–7.3 6.3–6.8 5.9–6.3 5.3–5.7 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 184 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 185 Due to lack of comprehensive experimentation in Finland, productivity of such novel crops can only be estimated according to current yields in Sweden and Denmark. In Sweden and Denmark the national record yields for triticale range from 5200 to 5400 kg ha-1 (FAO 2009), which provides an estimate of future attainable yield. In Finnish experiments, yields of triticale exceeding 5000 kg ha-1 were recorded even at 800 to 1000 °Cd grow- ing seasons, emphasising the high yield potential of triticale when grown under milder winter condi- tions than currently pertain. On the other hand, in Denmark the yield gap between winter and spring barley was 1100, 200 and 1400 kg ha-1 during the last three years (Statistics Denmark 2009), while in UK the yield gap between winter and spring oat was 1200, 1600 and 1700 kg ha-1 in 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively (Central Statistics Office Ireland 2009). As our yield potential estimations were only possible for spring barley and oat (Table 3), a shift from spring to winter types in the latter part of this century may result in additional yield benefit, which might compare with the present difference between these two types in these more southern countries. Turnip rape and oilseed rape yield potentials are enhanced by a prolonged growing season. Con- trary to the earlier situation where turnip rape yields exceeded those of oilseed rape, future climate warming will likely benefit oilseed rape more and hence, according to our estimations, reach turnip rape yields in the southernmost regions within the next ten years or so. By mid-century oilseed rape is set to out-yield turnip rape throughout the country, except northernmost Finland (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2009b). This has happened in southern Sweden and Denmark, and winter types would gradually out-compete spring forms in Finland in the future. There has been no large-scale, modern cultivation of winter turnip rape and oilseed rape in Finland. Spring turnip rape has traditionally predominated due to its higher production stability and quality, but during the last couple of years the area under oilseed rape has increased from 1% to 12% of to- tal rapeseed area (Peltonen-Sainio et al. 2007 and 2009b) and the trend continues. Contrary to the current situation in Finland, in Uppland in Swe- den, at comparable latitudes to southern Finland, winter types have been successfully adapted for cultivation. Record regional yields were produced in 2002 of over 3500 kg ha-1 for winter oilseed rape, about 2500 kg ha-1 for winter turnip rape, 2300 kg ha-1 for spring oilseed rape and only around 1500 kg ha-1 for spring turnip rape (Svensk Raps 2009). However, in 2008 there were only 1300 hectares of spring turnip rape in Sweden and the crop seems set to vanish from cultivation within the near future. Similarly to the Swedish situation, under future Finnish conditions spring turnip rape will likely remain an important Brassica crop only in the northernmost growing regions, and it is likely to play an important role as a pioneer crop when new regions for Brassica production are developed. In the southernmost regions of Sweden, Skåne, the number of frost days was 50–100 and the length of the growing season up to 200 days in period 1961–1990 (Tveito et al. 2001). Record regional yields of winter oilseed rape (in 2008) were al- most 4000 kg ha-1 (Svensk Raps 2009). This in- dicates potential future yields in Finland with a changing climate. Similarly in Denmark, national oilseed rape yields approached 4000 kg ha-1 in the most favourable years of the 2000s, while yields in the Baltic countries have remained modest (FAO 2009). Regardless of whether we anticipate our fu- ture yield of Brassica crops in Finland by compar- ing how conditions in the future would resemble those of southern Sweden and Denmark, or make statistical estimations (Table 6), oilseed rape is a typical “borderline crop”, but is a high potential oil and protein-rich crop of the future. Leguminous seed producing crops, field pea and faba bean are favoured by a prolonged grow- ing season and their yields are expected to increase under future conditions as the current low accu- mulated temperature sums restrict yields. This is also evident when comparing present yields (1985) at different latitudes (Table 5). Similarly, yield re- sponsiveness of field pea to increased growing season degree days was more marked than for other crops: 320 kg ha-1 per 100 °Cd compared with less than 100 kg ha-1 for spring cereals (data not shown). As a result of climate warming, it is expected that field pea yields (1985) recorded A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 186 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 187 from the southernmost production region of Fin- land would be reached at up to 65 °N by 2025, while by 2055 the yield potential at 66 °N would far exceed that currently reached at 60 °N. How- ever, today’s experimental yields at 60–62 °N are higher than the national record yields in Denmark (4000 kg ha-1) and Sweden (<3000 kg ha-1) (FAO 2009). While our experiments are conventionally managed, national yields always include organic production, thereby skewing the comparison. Faba bean experiments are too few to enable compre- hensive comparisons of productivity between field pea and faba bean to be made. The short growing season confers no marked yield advantage for faba bean over field pea because there have been few years with accumulated degree days higher than the critical 1100 °C limit required by faba bean (data not shown). Nevertheless, both leguminous seed crops represent very interesting opportunities for future production systems of Finland, not least due to their nitrogen fixing capacity, but also as their expanded cultivation could contribute to improved self-sufficiency of crop-based feed protein produc- tion in the future. Conclusions The approach used has shown that climate warming offers new opportunities for Finnish grain and seed crop production, especially regarding 1) expansion of cultivation of current minor, “borderline crops”, which are, however, valuable and attractive in rota- tions and for industry, such as oilseed rape, pea and faba bean, 2) expansion of current minor overwin- tering crops such as winter wheat and triticale, 3) introduction of novel overwintering cultivars of barley, oilseed rape and oat and, 4) considerable enhancement of yield potential of all crops currently grown in these northernmost European conditions, including our important major field crops. It is, however, important to note that it is not only the length of the physiologically effective growing Table 6. Estimated means for enhanced potential yields of spring turnip rape and oilseed rape in 30-year periods cen- tred on 2025, 2055 and 2085 depending on latitude and compared with recent history (1971–2000, centered on 1985). Anticipated potential yields (t ha-1) dependent on °Cd are shown as B1 estimate – A2 estimate. Plant breeding achieve- ments are included in estimations with expectation of pace of genetic yield gain being similar to 1971–2000. Effect of elevated CO2 on yields is ignored. At each latitude potential yields in western regions are 15–50% higher than in eastern regions. At the end of this century (2085) spring turnip rape and oilseed rape cultivars are not likely to be grown other than at the northernmost latitudes and hence, their yield potential is estimated only for those latitudes. Spring sown crop Time Latitude 60 °N 61 °N 62 °N 63 °N 64 °N 65 °N 66 °N Turnip rape 1985 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.6 0.3 · 2025 3.1–3.1 3.1–3.1 2.7–2.7 2.3–2.3 1.9–1.9 1.6–1.6 0.9–0.9 2055 4.7–5.2 4.8–5.3 4.3–4.8 3.8–4.2 3.3–3.7 2.8–3.2 2.3–2.7 2085 · · · · · 4.4–6.1 3.6–5.4 Oilseed rape 1985 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.4 · · · 2025 2.9–2.9 2.9–3.0 2.5–2.5 2.0–2.0 1.6–1.6 1.0–1.0 0.4–0.4 2055 5.7–6.3 5.8–6.5 5.1–5.7 4.3–4.9 3.6–4.2 3.0–3.6 1.8–2.8 2085 · · · · · 6.0–8.9 4.7–7.7 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 186 A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Vol. 18 (2009): 171–190. 187 season that determines the regional suitability and yield potentials of common and novel crops. Realisation of anticipated, greatly increased yield potentials requires successful adaptation to the most critical production risks (Table 4). This approach only covered potential seed and grains crops, and forage maize, but there is potential for increased crop diversity in Finland. However, the predicted increased variability of growing conditions, more frequent weather extremes and outbreaks of pests and diseases, are likely to increase production risks and uncertainty. These might reduce farmer inter- est in growing new crops adapted to the world’s northernmost growing conditions. It is also likely that even though there are likely to be marked dif- ferences among crops in their responses to climate induced changes in growing conditions, as well as in their adaptation processes and general success and potential, changes in global markets will drive farmer decision making and determine climate change adaptation strategies. Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to the nu- merous partners who participated in organising the MTT Official Cultivar Trials since 1970 and to the Finnish Me- teorological Institute for climate change datasets provided for use in the ILMASOPU-project. The work was financed by the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, MTT Agrifood Research Finland and Raisio Ltd. as a part of an on-going consortium project entitled Adaptation of Finn- ish Agro-food Sector to Climate Change (ILMASOPU) for 2006–2009, which belongs to the National Climate Change Adaptation Program, ISTO. References Alexander, L.V., Zhang, X., Peterson, T.C., Caesar, J., Gleason, B., Klein Tank, A.M.G., Haylock, M., Collins, D., Trewin, B., Rahimzadeh, F., Tagipour, A., Rupa Kumar, K., Revadekar, J., Griffiths, G., Vincent, L., Stephenson, D.B., Burn, J., Aguilar, E., Brunet, M., Taylor, M., New, M., Zhai, P., Rusticucci, M. & Vazquez-Aguirre, J.L. 2006. 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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida kahden eri päästöskenaarion perusteella (IPCC SRES: A2 ei hillintätoimia, B1 kaikki hillintätoimet käyttöön), millä aikajänteellä nykyisten viljelykasvien viljelyalueet voivat laajentua, miten aivan uudet tai meillä vielä vähän viljellyt, mutta lähialueillam- me tärkeät, kasvit voivat yleistyä. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli arvioida eri viljelykasvien satopotentiaalissa tapahtuvia muutoksia ottamalla huomioon kasvukauden pitenemisen sekä ennakoiden kasvien satoisuusjalostuksen mahdol- lisuuksia. Laskelmat tehtiin A2- ja B1-skenaarioissa ja ne perustuivat Ilmatieteen laitoksen osana ILMASOPU- hanketta tuottaman 19 ilmastomallin konsensusennustee- seen lämpötilojen muutoksista talvella ja kasvukaudella kolmessa tulevaisuuden ajankohdassa: 2025, 2055 ja 2085 (±15 vuotta). Muutoksia peilattiin lähimennei- syyteen (1971–2000). Eri viljelykasvien alueellisen viljeltävyyden arvioinnissa kiinnitettiin huomioita siihen, mikä osa termisestä kasvukaudesta voidaan hyödyntää viljelyssä (lähtien kylvöistä ja päätyen korjuuseen) sekä A G R I C U L T U R A L A N D F O O D S C I E N C E Peltonen-Sainio et al. Climate change and Finnish field crop production 190 minkä suuruinen termisen talven kestossa tapahtuva muutos tulee todennäköisesti olemaan. Tutkimus kes- kittyi siemensatokasveihin. Tutkimuksen mukaan ilmaston lämpenemisen myötä nykyisiä päätuotantokasveja on mahdollista viljellä yhä pohjoisempana ja myös niiden pohjoisen viljelyn satopotentiaalit kasvavat merkittävästi. Tutkimuksen tuloksena arvioitiin, että parin vuosikymmenen kulut- tua esimerkiksi nykyisiä Etelä-Suomelle tyypillisiä ohrasatoja voidaan tuottaa jopa Oulua myöten. Lisäksi vielä nykyään vähän viljeltyjen kasvilajien, kuten rapsin, herneen ja härkäpavun, tuotanto voi muuttua Suomessa laajamittaiseksi. Kasvilajien menestymisedel- lytysten paranemisen lisäksi niiden laajempaa viljelyä tukee niiden lisääntyvä sadontuottokyky, hyödyllisyys viljelykierroissa sekä erityisesti palkoviljojen typpioma- varaisuus. Näillä tuotantokasveilla tulee olemaan merkit- tävä rooli kotimaisen rehuvalkuaisen omavaraisuuden parantamisessa. Joidenkin tuotantokasvilajien viljelyn laajentaminen edellyttää kuitenkin myös teollisuuden valmiutta käyttää niitä prosesseissaan ja jalosteissaan. Myös käynnissä olevat tai helposti aktivoitavat jalostuso- hjelmat luovat osaltaan edellytyksiä uusien tai nykyään harvinaisten kasvilajien viljelylle. Lähivuosikymmenien aikana talvien leudontuessa, nykyisin vähän viljellyistä tuotantokasveista syysvehnä ja ruisvehnä yleistyvät todennäköisesti ensimmäisinä. Niiden kilpailuetu para- nee merkittävästi johtuen niiden hyvästä sadontuottoky- vystä. Viljelykasvien syysmuodot ovat tulevaisuudessa tärkeitä myös talviaikaisen kasvipeitteisyyden ansi- osta, sillä tulevaisuudessa eroosio- ja huuhtoumariskit kasvavat syys- ja talvisateiden yleistyessä ja talvien leudontuessa. Kun Suomen kylmät talvet leudontuvat pysyvästi ja alkavat muistuttaa Etelä-Ruotsin, Tanskan ja Skotlannin nykyisiä talvia – ehkä noin kuluvan vuo- sisadan jälkipuoliskolla, näillä alueilla laajasti viljellyt syysrapsi, -ohra ja -kaura todennäköisesti yleistyvät myös Suomessa. Kuluvalla vuosikymmenellä syysmuo- dot ovat edellä mainituilla alueilla tuottaneet tyypillisesti 1000 kg ha-1 enemmän satoa kuin vastaavat kevätmuo- dot. Myös muiden nykyviljelyssämme alihyödynnettyjen lajien, kuten tattarin, pellavan, hampun, auringonkukan ja lupiinin viljelyedellytykset paranevat kasvukauden pidetessä. Uusista lajeista säilörehuksi kasvatettavan maissin viljely onnistuu tulevaisuudessa laajoilla alue- illa Etelä-Suomea, vaikkakin kohtuullisin riskein vasta vuosisadan loppupuolella − jyvämaissin ei ilmeisesti vielä silloinkaan. Tehty katsaus perustuu viljelykasvien kasvupo- tentiaalin arviointiin. On kuitenkin huomattava, että peltoviljelykasviemme tuotantokyvyn merkittävä parantuminen edellyttää ilmastonmuutoksen vahvista- mien, tuotantoa rajoittavien keskeisimpien haasteiden ratkaisemista sekä näihin tähtäävien ennakoivien sopeutumisstrategioiden suunnittelua ja toimeenpanoa. Tekemämme viljelykasvien tulevaisuuden menesty- misedellytysarvioinnin perusteella peltojemme viljely- kasvilajisto voi tulevaisuudessa olla merkittävästi nykyistä monimuotoisempi. Monien tuotantokasvien viljelyn laajenemismahdollisuus ja satoisuuden oletettu merkittäväkin lisääntyminen eivät kuitenkaan yksinään ratkaise sitä, miltä peltoviljelymme tulee tällä vuosi- sadalla näyttämään. Maataloustuotteiden markkinoilla, hinnoilla ja maataloutta koskevilla poliittisilla päätök- sillä on myös jatkossa erittäin suuri vaikutus viljelijän tekemiin viljelykasvivalintoihin. Introduction Material and methods Results and discussion Conclusions References SELOSTUS