Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 8, No. 4, 2018, 3234-3237 3234 Laghari et al.: Effects of Climate Change on Mountain Waters: A Case Study of European Alps Effects of Climate Change on Mountain Waters: A Case Study of European Alps Abdul Nasir Laghari Department of Energy and Environment Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology, Nawabshah, Pakistan Gordhan Das Walasai Department of Mechanical Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology, Nawabshah, Pakistan Abdul Rehman Jatoi Department of Energy and Environment Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology, Nawabshah, Pakistan Daddan Khan Bangwar Department of Civil Engineering, Quaid -e- Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology, Nawabshah, Pakistan Abdul Hannan Shaikh Department of Mathematics. Quaid e Awam University of Engineering, Science, and Technology, Nawabshah, Pakistan Abstract—The Alps play a vital role in the water supply of the region through the rivers Danube, Rhine, Po and Rhone while they are crucial to the ecosystem. Over the past two centuries, we witnessed the temperature to increase by +2 degrees, which is approximately three times higher than the global average. Under this study, the Alps are analyzed using regional climatic models for possible projections in order to understand the climatic changes impact on the water cycle, particularly on runoff. The scenario is based on assumptions of future greenhouse gases emissions. The regional model results show the consistent warming trend in the last 30-year span: temperature in winter may increase by 3 to 4.5°C and summers by 4 to 5.5°C. The precipitation regime may also be altered: increasing about 10- 50% in winter and decreasing about 30-60% in summer. The changes in the amount of precipitation are not uninformed. Differences are observed particularly between the North West and South East part of the Alps. Due to the projected changes in alpine rainfall and temperature patterns, the seasonality of alpine flow regime will also be altered: massive rise will occur in winter and a significant reduction in summer. The typical low flow period during winter will also be shifted to late summer and autumn. Keywords-climate change; European Alps; flow regime; impact assessment I. INTRODUCTION The Alps, spanning over the central part of Europe, play a key role in the water supply of the region. The chain of this mountain region known as the “water towers” of Europe are a mother to number of rivers, i.e., Danube, Rhine, Po, and Rhone. These rivers provide key services to the ecosystem both at upstream and the downstream regions. Worryingly, mountain regions and the Alps in particular are highly exposed to the climate change. The region has witnessed a remarkably rise in temperature of approximately +2°C during the last two hundred years against the global mean surface temperature increase of 0.74°C [1]. The Alps are highly sensitive to climate change, even a slight variation in climatic parameters can significantly change the hydrological cycle. Seasonal snow and ice factor have strong altitude sensitivity concerning temperature conditions, so the variation in temperature could result in sharp changes both to the Alpine climate and hydrology [2]. The increased temperature rate has severely affected the alpine hydro-climate system, i.e., extensive glacier retreat, decline in snow cover duration, rise of snowline, variations in seasonal runoff regime etc. [3]. Authors in [4-6] analyzed the precipitation in the region and reported a rise in rainfall in winter season by 20-30% and a reduction in autumn by 20-40%. The buildup of snow at higher elevations may form glaciers, and during summer, when precipitation and runoff are low, their melting provides water to low-lying areas. The rivers Rhine, Rhone, and Inn, show stable and higher mean specific discharges of 28-33l/s per km2 in comparison with Po, Adige and Mur which show lower and variable mean specific discharges of 17-24l/s per km2. However, due to the three times higher impact of global warming, any further temperature change shall result in change in the Alps hydrological cycle. The two-third of this water volume were lost by 2000 and 10% of the volume was lost just in the hot summer of 2003 [7]. If this trend continues, the large glaciers will lose about 30-70% of their remaining volume by 2050 [8, 9]. It is projected that the changes in the hydro-climate system will be further intensified in the coming decades, resulting into increased number of summer droughts, winter floods and higher inter-mean annual variation in river runoff regimes [10- 12]. Anticipated shortfall of water along with continual intense events and with the growth in water demand will have negative impact on the ecosystem. Agriculture, energy use, forestry, winter-tourism, and river transportation are highly susceptible to water shortage. These changes in temperature have left dra cyc am in inc the dec tem cyc on SR evo can on em dev are em fut sce pat cen 20 Th Me Sw Slo ext mo Ita sto reg ori bas im los wa is hig mo the wh pro ave Da bas flo mo 34 dis res bet the flo Engineerin www.etasr astic impacts o cle of Alps. T mounts and ext alpine glacier creased flood ese impacts w cades [20, 22 mperature and cle depends he energy use a RES scenarios olution under n used to analy the future mission scena velopment, de e the primary mission scenar ture water cy enario A2 an tterns, and flow The Alpine ntral Europe. I 0km in width he arc is elon editerranean witzerland. Th ovenia [23-25 tends to the so ost of the alpin aly and France orage site its gion, i.e. Rhin iginate from th sins originatin mportance due t The increase ss due to its lo ater availability snowfall at h gh altitudes ma ountain hydrol e total area o hen precipitat ovides importa erage yearly sh anube and Po sin (around 10 ow, producing ountain parts o %, 41%, and sproportional spectively [27] tween seasons e Po basin, th ow in winter an ng, Technology on the alpine This could be n treme precipit rs [13-15], dec events [18, 1 will further 2]. Carrying o d precipitation eavily upon th and emissions s. These sce a variety of a yze the role o greenhouse g ario A2 is emographic ch y precursors b rio family. T ycle is based nd their impa w volume gen II. STUDY A region is a cu It forms an ar h. The mean a ngated above Sea, stretch he arc prolong ]. It descends outhern borde ne territory is e. The region reserves bene ne, Danube, P he alpine regio ng in the Alps. to its abundant ed precipitatio ow temperatur y in region. Th high elevation ay form a glac logy. These g of the Alpine tion and run ant services to hare varies fro o respectively. 0% of total b 2.6 of disprop of the Rhine, d 53% of th influence of 2 ]. The contrib s. The major c he mountain p nd more than 8 y & Applied Sci La ecosystem, e. noticed in: a r tation events [ cline in snow 9]. The exten be worsened ut future proj n change will he future world s. The IPCC enarios are li assumptions a f driving force gases emissio used due t hanges and hi- behind the de Therefore, the on the assum act on temper nerated in Alpi AREA DESCRIP urvy shaped g rc of approxim altitude of alpi e the Po bas hing through gs towards A into northern er of Germany covered by Sw n serves as a efit many riv Po and Rhone, on. Figure 1 sh . The region p t water resourc on rate and re re is the main he greater part s. The accum cier- a promine laciers occupy region. Durin noff are low, o low-laying ar om 25%-53% . The mounta basin area) pro portional influ Rhone, and P heir total disc 2.3, 1.8, and ution from the contribution co part provides b 80% in summe ience Research aghari et al.: Ef g., the hydrol rise in mean ra [2, 10-12], a r cover [16, 17 nt and frequen over the co jections of ho l impact the d evolution in uses four dif ikely imageri and are tools w es and their im ons. In this to socio-econ -tech change, w evelopment o prediction o mption of em rature, precipi ine region. PTION geographic fa mately 800km ine peaks is 2 sin from the h France to Austria, and e n Italy in Sout y in North [23] witzerland, Au huge natural vers throughou , whose headw hows the major possesses param ces. educed evapo n reason for su t of the precipi mulation of sn ent feature of a y about 2900k ng summer se , the glacier reas [26]. The of the total flo ain part of D ovides 25% of uence. Similarl Po basin accou charge, imply 1.5 for each e Alpine part omes in summ below 40% of er months. h V Effects of Clima ogical ainfall retreat 7], and ncy of oming ow the water terms fferent ies of which mpacts study nomic which of this of the mission itation acet of and is 2.5km. north owards east to th and ]. The ustria, water ut the waters r river mount oration urplus itation now at alpine km2 of eason, melt Alp’s ow for anube f total ly, the unt for ying a basin varies mer. In f total Fig. and war mea in s emi be sho tem proj IPC Fig. temp A2 s web futu 210 abo slig var wil abo effe sen incr that dec ove proj com is a wer deg dec Vol. 8, No. 4, 20 ate Change on M 1. Major riv Danube The regional rming trends d an alpine temp summers by 4 ission scenari higher in cold ows the future mperature by ojections were CC emissions s 2. Absolute perature till the la scenario. Rasters bsite, http://pruden The A2 scen ure directions 00 period sho out 4-5°C in ghtly changed ried from seas l be increased out 30-60%. Th ect on seaso nsitivity of alpi rease is a recu t the projecte cades of the c er the middle ojected that th mpletely vanis also expected re also confirm gree of rise in crease by few 018, 3234-3237 Mountain Wate vers originating in III. FUTUR l climate mo during the last perature in wi 4 to 5.5°C de o A2 [28]. Th d season and e projections the end of th simulated thr scenario A2. seasonal changes ast 30-year span o are developed fro nario represen . The CLM m ow an average the Alps wh d. However, th son to season. d to about 10-5 he increased te onal snowfall ine snow cove urring research ed increase o current centur e to low alti he current sn sh to altitudes to be reduced med in [30, 31 n the temperat w weeks at m 7 ers: A Case Stud n the European A RE PROJECTION odel (CLM) t 30 years of th nters may rise epending on t he precipitatio lower in warm of relative s he 21st centur rough the CLM s ((2070-2099) / of the 21st century om the data availa nts a typical model simulat e rise in year hile annual pr he precipitatio The precipita 50% and in su emperature sc l and meltin er towards pro h topic. Analys f about 4°C ry will have a itude catchme now volume i up to 1000m. d at large exte 1]. By their co ture, the snow mid altitudes. 3235 dy of European Alps: Rhine, Rho NS shows cons he 21st century e by 3 to 4.5°C the greenhous on is anticipat m season. Fig seasonal chang ry. These clim M under the s (1961-1990)) in y, as per regional able at Prudence p range of prob tions for the 2 rly temperatu recipitation ra on rate is stro ation rate in w ummer decreas enario has a dr ng processes. ojected temper sis in [29] indi until the last a significant e ents. The ana in the Alps m The snow dur ent. These fin onclusion, for w-cover is like Particularly b n Alps one, Po istent y: the C and se-gas ted to ure 2 ge in matic strong n mean l CLM project bable 2071- ure of ate is ongly winter sed to rastic The rature icated t two effect alysis might ration dings each ely to below 70 30 is tem tem Au 5°C me siz inc in be Th red pro con sum dro the and dur alt Fig Fig pre sce pro hy sea mo tem for dur cli sea sea 40 the or [16 in enh sum sea Engineerin www.etasr 0m, the snow days reductio projected to mperature in mperatures ha uthors in [9] su C, the glacier eans the smal zable glaciers creased glacier the alpine riv reduced, sum he flows of hi duction in su ojected reduc ntribution from mmer flows oughty conditi e projected in d faster snowm ring the wi eration in the gure 3. g. 3. Relative ecipitation amoun nario Geo-Raste oject website, http Figure 4 sh drological reg asonal runoff odel (CLM) u mperature in w rm (from soli ring winter ( mate change asonality of asonal runoffs -50% decreas e similar trend the Rhone. S 6], which high different seaso hancing flood mmer and ea asons (except ng, Technology w depletion ma on in the winte decrease arou ncrease [32] ave a very ne uggest that at r cover will b ll glaciers wi will face a r melt will ini ers, but later o mmer flows ar ighly glacieriz ummer season ced summer m glacier mel [34-36], and ions at downst creased precip melt may also inter season. e hydrologica seasonal change nt till the last 30-y ers are developed p://prudence.dmi.d hows the imp gime of the Al fs), simulated under IPCC e winter not only id to liquid) (instead of sp will undoubt alpine river s ranges from 7 e in summer. ds in seasonali Similar conclu hlights the sub ons throughou ding in late win arly autumn. in winter) m y & Applied Sci La ay reach 33% er season. The und 150m w ]. The pr egative impact a rise in temp be reduced mo ill be disappe 30-70% volu itially enhance on, when the re projected t zed basins ma n [32]. In th precipitation lt may all resu may even r tream regions. pitation rates o create a high The projec l cycle of Al es ((2070-2099) / year span of 21st c d from the data dk/. act of climat lps (e.g. tempo d through the emissions scen y results in cha but also caus pring). Figure tedly induce flow regime. 70% to 80% in Runoff regim ity of alpine ri usion were als bstantial shift i ut the year, wit nter and enhan These decrea may affect the ience Research aghari et al.: Ef with an avera e average snow ith each degr rojected incr t on glacier c perature of ab ore than 80% eared by 2050 ume reduction e the summer glacier volum to be reduced ay face up to he long term amount and ult in much-re result in incr . On the other together with her risk of flo cted tempo-s lps can be se / (1961-1990)) in century, as per CL a available at Pr te change ove o-spatial chan e regional cl nario A2. The anging precipi ses early snow 4 shows tha drastic effect . The variati ncrease in win me analysis con ivers, e.g. the so drawn earl in water availa th a potential r nced drought i asing trends e different de h V Effects of Clima age of w line ree of reased cover. out 4- . This 0 and n. The flows me will d [33]. o 50% m, the little educed reased hand, h early ooding spatial een in n mean LM A2 rudence er the ges in limate e high itation wmelt at the t over on in nter to nfirms Rhine lier in ability risk of in late in all emand stak crea Fig. runo scen web exp and tren hig futu win sno is p van red flow a si [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Vol. 8, No. 4, 20 ate Change on M keholders with ated in adjacen 4. Relative s off till the last 3 nario. Rasters are bsite, http://pruden The Alps are periencing high d global avera nd of changes her increase uristic precipi nter and fall in ow-cover span projected to nished, and th duction by the w regime will ignificant fall i IPCC, The Four Climate Change A. Laghari, D. V result in a shift Hydrological Sc I. 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