note: project gutenberg also has an html version of this file which includes the original illustrations. see 31245-h.htm or ( or ( acadian reminiscences the true story of evangeline by judge felix voorhies introduction by felix birney voorhies price $2.00 e. p. rivas, publisher new orleans, louisiana copyright, 1907, by felix voorhies [illustration: _a modern conception of evangeline_ posed by rev. a. t. kempton] table of contents page list of illustrations 7 introduction 9 i. reminiscences 13 ii. acadian manners and customs 23 iii. rumors of war 35 iv. threatening clouds 43 v. acadian exiles 53 vi. a night of terror 61 vii. generous friends 75 viii. evangeline 79 ix. louisiana 91 list of illustrations _frontispiece_ a modern conception of evangeline page catholic church exterior 76 evangeline 81 evangeline oak 86 interior of church 104 introduction acadian reminiscences, depicting the true life of evangeline, is a story centered about the life of the acadians whose descendants are now residents of the teche country also known as the land of evangeline. these people lived a pure and simple life with an unbounded devotion to their religion and with an unshakable faith in their god. their love for one another is unparalleled in the annals of human history, to which may be attributed their fortitude and perseverance in their travels from canada, upon being expelled by the british, to their chosen land on the banks of bayou teche. the author, judge felix voorhies, relates the story as it was told to him by his grandmother. the story begins by telling of the native land of these acadians and of the village of st. gabriel from which they were driven when the french province was surrendered to the british. it tells of members of the same families being separated and placed aboard different ships and some never to see each other again. the story tells of their landing in maryland and after some time, hearing that members of theirs and other families having landed in louisiana. this news brought encouragement and determination, in face of great dangers, to travel to the beautiful land of the teche. the author was best able to present this story as it was handed down to him by word of mouth by his grandmother who adopted evangeline when orphaned at an early age. the writer repeats the story in a simple narrative manner characteristic of the acadians. to this day travelers may visit the quaint town of st. martinsville on the banks of bayou teche and pay their respects at the grave shrine of evangeline and for a few fleeting moments live the life of these early settlers. because of the demands for this story and in tribute to judge felix voorhies, my grandfather, a man of noble character, staunch patriotism and unerring judgment, i, together with all members of the voorhies family, dedicate this book. felix birney voorhies. chapter one acadian reminiscences _with the true story of evangeline_ it seems but yesterday, and yet sixty years have passed away since my boyhood. how fleeting is time, how swiftly does old age creep upon us with its infirmities. the curling smoke, dispelled by the passing wind, the water that glides with a babbling murmur in the gentle stream, leave as deep a mark of their passage as do the fleeting days of man. i was twelve years old, and yet i can picture in my mind the noble simplicity of my father's house. the homes of our fathers were not showy, but their appearance was smiling and inviting; they had neither quaintness nor gaudiness, but were as grand in their simplicity as the boundless hospitality of their owners, for no people were more generous or hospitable than the acadians who settled in the magnificent and poetical wilds of the teche country. my father's house stood on a sloping hill, in the center of a large yard, whose finely laid rows of china trees, interspersed with clusters of towering oaks, formed delightful vistas. on the declivity of the hill the orchard displayed its wealth of orange, of plum and peach trees. farther on was the garden, teeming with vegetables of all kinds, sufficient for the need of a whole village. i can yet picture that yard, with its hundreds of poultry, so full of life, running with flapping of wings and with noisy cacklings around my mother as she scattered the grain for them morning and evening. at the foot of the hill, extending to the vermillion bayou, were the pasture grounds, where grazed the cattle, and where the bleating sheep followed, step by step, the stately ram with tinkling bell suspended to his neck. how clearly is that scenery pictured in my mind with its lights and shadows! were i a painter i could even now portray with striking reality the minutest shadings and beauties of that landscape. how strange that i should recall so vividly those things, while scenes that i have admired in my maturer years have been obliterated from my memory! ah! the child's mind, like soft wax, is easily molded to sensations and impressions that never fade, while man's mind, blunted by the keenness of life's deceptions, can no longer receive and retain the imprints of those impressions and sensations. if this be true, does not a kind providence suggest to us, in this wise, the wisdom of molding the child's mind and intelligence with the fostering care of parental solicitude, that he may become an upright man, a good citizen and a reproachless husband and father. my father was an acadian, son of an acadian, and proud of his ancestry. the term acadian was, in those days, synonymous with honesty, hospitality and generosity. by his indomitable energy, my father had acquired a handsome fortune, and such was the simplicity of his manners, and such his frugality, that he lived, contented and happy, on his income. our family consisted of my father and mother, of three children, and of my grandmother, a centenarian, whose clear and lucid memory contained a wealthy mine of historical facts that an antiquarian or chronicler would have been proud to possess. in the cold winter days the family assembled in the hall, where a goodly fire blazed on the hearth, and while the wind whistled outside, our grandmother, an exile from acadia, would relate to us the stirring scenes she had witnessed when her people were driven from their homes by the british, their sufferings during their long pilgrimage overland from maryland to the wilds of louisiana, the dangers that beset them on their long journey through endless forests, along the precipitous banks of rivers too deep to be forded, among hostile indians, that followed them stealthily, like wolves, day and night, ever ready to pounce upon them and massacre them. and as she spoke, we drew closer to her, and grouped around her and stirred not, lest we lose one of her words. when she spoke of acadia, her face brightened, her eyes beamed with a strange brilliancy, and she kept us spellbound, so eloquent and yet so sad were her words, and then tears trickled down her aged cheeks and her voice trembled with emotion. under our father's roof she lacked none of the comforts of life. we knew that her children vied with each other to please her, and we wondered why it was that she seemed to be sad and unhappy. we were then mere children and knew nothing of the human heart, grim experience had not taught us its sorrowful lessons, and we knew not that a remembrance has often the bitterness of gall, and that tears alone will wash away that bitterness. she sat in her rocking chair, with hands clasped on her knees, her body leaning slightly forward, her hair, silvered over by age, could be seen under the lace of her cap, her dress was neat and tasteful, for she always took pride in her personal appearance. she called us "petiots" meaning "little ones," and she took pleasure in conversing with us. my father remonstrated with her because she fondled us too much. "mother," he would say, "you spoil the children," but she heeded not his words and fondled us the more. these details are interesting to none but myself, and i dwell, perhaps, too long upon them. alas! i am an old man, reviewing the joys and sorrows of my boyhood, and it seems to me that i have become once more a little child when i speak of days gone by, and when i recall the memory of those i loved so well and who are no more. i shall now attempt to repeat the story of my grandmother's misfortunes, and as she has related it to us time and again. chapter two my grandmother's narrative _she depicts acadian manners and customs_ "petiots," she said, "my native land is situated far, far away, up north, and you would have to walk during many months to reach it; you would have to cross rivers deep and wide, go over mountains looming up thousands of feet, and beneath impending rocks, shadowing yawning valleys; you would have to travel day and night, in endless forests, among hostile indians, seeking an opportunity to waylay and murder you. "my native land is called acadia. it is a cold and desolate region during winter, and snow covers the ground during several months of the year. it is rocky, and huge and rugged stones lie strewn over the surface of the ground in many places, and one must struggle hard for a livelihood there, especially with the poor and meagre tools possessed by my people. my country is not like yours, diversified by rolling and gentle hills, covered the year round with a thick carpet of green grass, and where every plant sprouts up and grows to maturity as if by magic, and where one may enrich himself easily, provided he fears god and is laborious and economical. yet i grieve for my native land, with its rocks and snows, because i have left there a part of my heart in the graves of those i loved so well and who sleep under its sod." and as she spoke thus, her eyes streamed with tears and emotion choked her utterance. "i have promised to give you an insight into the manners and customs of your acadian ancestors, and to tell you how it was that we left our country as exiles to emigrate to louisiana. i now keep my promise, and will relate to you all that i know of our sad history: "you must know, petiots, that less than a hundred years ago acadia was a french province, whose people lived contented and happy. the king of france sent brave officers to govern the province, and these officers treated us with the greatest kindness; they were our arbiters and adjusted all our differences, and so equitable were their decisions, that they proved satisfactory to all. is it strange, then, that being thus situated we prospered and lived contented and happy? little did we then dream of what cruel fate had in store for us. "our manner of living in acadia was peculiar, the people forming, as it were, one single family. the province was divided into districts inhabited by a certain number of families, among which the government parceled out the land in tracts sufficiently large for their needs. those families grouping together formed small villages, or posts, under the administration of commandants. no one was allowed to lead a life of idleness, or to be a worthless member of the province. the child worked as soon as he was old enough to do so, and he worked until old age unfitted him for toil. the men tended the flocks and tilled the land, and while they plowed the fields, the boys followed them step by step, goading on the work-oxen. the wives and daughters attended to the household work, and spun the wool and cotton which they wove and manufactured into cloth with which to clothe the family. the old people not over active and strong, like your grandmother," she would add with a smile, "together with the infirm and invalids, braided the straw with which we manufactured our hats; so that you see, petiots, we had no drones, no useless loungers in our villages, and every one lived the better for it. "the land allotted to each district was divided into two unequal parts; the larger portion was set apart as the tillage ground, and then parceled out among the different families; and yet the clashing of interests, resulting from that community of rights, never stirred up any contentions among your acadian ancestors. "although poor, they were honest and industrious, and they lived contented with what little they had, without envying their neighbors, and how could it be otherwise? if any one was unable to do his field work because of illness, or of some other misfortune, his neighbors flew to his assistance, and it required but a few days work, with their combined efforts to weed his field and save his crop. "thus it was that, incited by noble and generous feeling, the inhabitants of the province seemed to form one single family, and not a community composed of separate families. "these details, petiots, are tedious to you, and you would rather that i should tell you stories more amusing and captivating." "no, grandmother, we feel more and more interested in your narrative. speak to us of acadia, your native land, which we already love for your sake." "petiots," she said, "i love my acadia, and you will learn to love it also, when you shall have been made acquainted with the worth of its honest and noble inhabitants; besides," added she, with a sad smile, "the gloomy and sombre part of my story remains to be told. when you shall have listened to it, you will then understand why it is that i feel sad and weep, when the remembrances of the past come crowding in my heart. but to resume, contiguous to the village ground lay the pasture grounds, well fenced in, and which were known as the common. in these grounds, the cattle of the colonists were kept, and thus secured in that safe enclosure, our herds increased every year. thus you see, petiots, we lacked none of the comforts of life, and although not wealthy, we were not in want, as our wishes were few and easily satisfied. "plainness and simplicity of manners are the mainsprings of happiness, and he that wishes for what he may never have or acquire, must be miserable, indeed, and worthy of pity. alas! that this simplicity of our acadian manners should have already degenerated into extravagance and folly! ah! the acadians are losing, by degrees, the remembrance of the traditions and customs of the mother country, the love of gold has implanted itself in their hearts, and this will bring no happiness to them. ere you live to be as old as i," she would say shaking her head mournfully, "you will find out that your grandmother is right in her prediction. "in acadia, as we prized temperance, sobriety and simplicity of manners more than riches, early marriages were highly favored. early marriages foster the virtues which give to man the only true happiness, and from which he derives health and longevity. "no obstacle was thrown in the way of a loving couple who desired to marry. the lover accepted by the maiden obtained the ready consent of the parents, and no one dreamed of inquiring whether the lover was a man of means, or whether the destined bride brought a handsome dowry, as we are wont to do nowadays. their mutual choice proved satisfactory to all, and, indeed, who better than they could mate their hearts, when they alone were staking their happiness on the venture? and, besides, it is not often that marriages founded on mutual love turn out badly. "the bans were published in the village church, and the old curate, after admonishing them of the sacredness of the tie that bound them forever, blessed their union, while the holy sacrifice of mass was being said. petiots, it is useless for me to describe the marriage ceremony and the rejoicings attending the nuptials, as you have witnessed the like here, but i will speak to you of an old acadian custom which prevails no more among us, one which we no longer observe. "as soon as the marriage of a young couple was determined, the men of the village, after having built a cozy little home for them, cleared and planted the land parceled out to them; and while they so generously extended their aid and assistance, the women were not laggards in their kindness to the bride. to her they made presents of what they deemed most necessary for the comfort and utility of her household, and all this was done and given with honest and willing hearts. "everything was orderly and neat in the home of the happy couple, and after the marriage ceremony in the church and the wedding feast at the home of the bride's father, the happy couple were escorted to their new home by the young men and the young maidens of the village. how genial was the joy that warmed our hearts and brightened our souls on these occasions; how noisy and light the gaiety of the young people; how unalloyed their merriment and happiness!" chapter three rumors of war disturb the peace and quiet _of the acadians_ "thus far, petiots, i have briefly depicted to you the simple manners and customs of the acadians. i will now relate to you what befell them, and how a cruel war sowed ruin and desolation in their homes. i will tell you how they were ruthlessly treated by the english, driven away from acadia, and despoiled of all their worldly goods and possessions; how they were scattered to the four winds as wretched exiles, and how the very name of their country was blotted out of existence. my narrative will not be gay, petiots, but it is meet and proper that you should know these things, and that you should learn them from the lips of the witnesses themselves. "it was on a sunday, i remember this as if it were but yesterday, we were attending mass, and when our old curate ascended his pulpit, as he was wont to do every sunday, he announced to us that war was being waged between france and england. 'my children,' said he in sad and solemn tones, 'you may expect to witness awful scenes and to undergo sore trials, but god will not forsake you if you put your trust in his infinite mercy'; and then kneeling down, he prayed aloud for france, and we all responded to his fervent voice, and said amen! from the depths of our hearts. a painful silence prevailed in the little church until mass was over; it seemed as if every one of us was attending the funeral of a member of his family. as we left the church, the people grouped themselves on all sides to discuss the sad news. there was no dancing on the greensward in front of the little church that day, petiots, and we retired mournfully and quietly to our homes. "this intelligence troubled us, and we tried, in vain, to shake off the gloom that darkened our souls. when we conversed together, the words died on our lips, and our smiles had the sadness of a sob. "ah! petiots, war, with its train of evils and of woes, is always a terrible scourge, and it was but natural that we should ponder mournfully on its consequences and dread the future. england had enlisted hundreds of indians in her armies, and we knew that the bloodthirsty savages spared no one, and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on their prisoners; they dreamed of nothing but incendiarism and massacre, and these were the troops that were to be let loose upon us. the mere thought of facing such fiends, was enough to dismay the stoutest heart and to disturb the peace and quiet of a community like ours. we knew not what to resolve, but, come what may, we were determined to die, rather than become traitors to our king and to our god. "then we argued ourselves into a different mood by thinking that this news might, after all, be exaggerated, and that our apprehensions were unfounded. why should england wage war upon us? acadia, so poor, so desolate, so sparsely peopled, was surely not worth the shedding of a single drop of blood for its conquest. the storm would pass by without even ruffling our peace and tranquillity. we argued thus to rid ourselves of the gloomy forebodings that troubled us, but despite our endeavors, our fears haunted us and made us despondent and miserable. "the news that reached us, now and then, were far from being encouraging. france, whelmed in defeat, seemed to have abandoned us, the english were gaining ground, and our canadian brothers were calling for assistance. several of our young men resolved to join them to fight the battles of france and to die for their country, if god so willed it. "ah! petiots, that was a sad day in the colony, and we all shed bitter tears. the brave young men that were sacrificing their lives so nobly, wept with us, but remained as firm as rocks in their resolve. we had, at last, realized the fact that the threatening ruin was frowning upon us, and that it had struck at our very hearts. "on the day of their departure, the noble young men received the holy communion, kneeling before the altar, and they listened to the encouraging words of the old curate, while every one wept and sobbed in the little church. after having told them to serve the king faithfully and to love god above all else, he gave them his blessing, while big tears rolled down his cheeks. alas! how could he look upon them without emotion and grief? he had christened them when they were mere babes; he had watched them grow to manhood; he knew them as i know you, and they were leaving their homes and those that they loved, never, perhaps to return. "they departed from st. gabriel, sad but resolute, and as far as they could be seen, marching off, they waved their handkerchiefs as a last farewell. it was a cruel day to us, and from that moment, everything grew from bad to worse in acadia." chapter four threatening clouds overcast the acadian sky _the elders of the colony meet in council to discuss the situation_ "six months passed away without our receiving the least intelligence of what had become of our brave young men. this contributed, not a little, to increase our uneasiness, and to sadden our thoughts, for we felt in our hearts that they would never return. our forebodings proved too well founded," said my grandmother, with faltering voice, "we have never ascertained their fate. we knew, however, that the war was still progressing, and that the french were losing ground every day. the english directed all their efforts against canada, and seemed to have lost sight of acadia in the turmoil and fury of battle. in spite of our anxiety and apprehensions, the peace and quiet of the colony remained unruffled. alas! we had been lulled to security by deceitful hopes, and the storm that had swept along canada, was about to burst upon us with unchecked fury. our day of trial had dawned, and, doomed victims of a cruel fate, we were about to undergo sufferings beyond human endurance, and to experience unparalleled outrages and cruelties." our grandmother, at this point, was overcome by her emotion and hung her head down. awed into admiration, mingled with reverence, for her noble sentiments and for the ardent love she still cherished for her lost country, we gazed upon her in silence, and understood now why it was that she always wept when she spoke of acadia. having mastered her emotions, she brushed away her tears and resumed her narrative as follows. "petiots," she said in a sweet sad tone, "your grandmother always weeps when the remembrance of her sufferings and of her wrongs comes back to her heart. she is an old woman and her tears soothe her grief. scars of a wounded heart never heal entirely, joy and happiness alone leave no trace of their passage, as you shall learn hereafter. but why should i speak thus to you? soon enough you shall learn more from the teachings of grim experience, than from all the sayings and maxims, how wise and judicious soever they may be. "it was bruited at st. gabriel that the english were landing troops in acadia, whence came the rumor, no one could tell, and it would have been impossible to trace it to its source, and yet, uncertain as it was, it created considerable uneasiness in the community. bad news travels fast, petiots, and it looks as if some evil genius took delight to despatch winged messengers to scatter the tidings broadcast over the land. the rumor was confirmed in a manner as tragical as it was unexpected. "one morning, at dawn of day, a young man was lying unconscious on the green near the church. his arm was shattered, and he had bled profusely; it was with the greatest difficulty that we restored him to life. when he opened his eyes his looks were wild and terrified, and, despite his weakness, he made a desperate effort to rise and flee. "we quieted him with friendly words, and he heaved a deep sigh of satisfaction. he had a burning fever, and his parched lips quivered as he muttered incoherent words. we removed him to the priest's house, where his wounds were dressed, and when he had recovered from the exhaustion occasioned by the loss of blood, he related to us what had happened to him, and we listened to his words with breathless suspense and anxiety. "'the english', said he, 'have landed troops on the eastern coast of acadia, and are committing the most atrocious cruelties. their inhumanity surpasses belief. they pillage and burn our villages, and even lay sacrilegious hands on the sacred vessels in our churches. they tear the wives from their husbands, the children from their parents, and they drive their ill-fated victims to the seashore, and stow them on ships which sail immediately for unknown lands. they spare only such as become traitors to their faith and to their king. they raided our village at dusk yesterday, and have perpetrated there the same wanton outrages and cruelties. they reduced it to ashes, and the least expostulation on our part exposed us to be shot down like outlaws. they have driven its inhabitants to the seashore like cattle, and when through sheer exhaustion, one of their victims fell by the road side, i have seen the fiends compel him with the butts of their muskets, to rise and walk. i have escaped, in the darkness of night, with an arm shattered by a random shot, and i have run exhausted by the loss of blood, i fell where you have found me. they will overrun acadia, and they will not spare you, my friends, if you show any hostility to them. your town will be raided shortly, and you cannot resist them, my friends. abandon your homes, and seek safety elsewhere, while you have the time and chance to do so.' "you may well imagine, petiots, that our trouble was great when we heard this terrible news. we stood there, not knowing what to do, although time was precious, and although it was necessary that we should devise some plan for our safety and protection. in our predicament and in so critical an emergency, our only alternative was to apply to our old curate for advice. "he gave us words of encouragement, and withdrew with our elders to his room. we remained in the churchyard, grouped together and speaking in whispers, our souls harrowed by the most gloomy and despairing thoughts. "ah! petiots, we often speak of a mortal hour, but the hour that passed away while these men were holding counsel in the curate's room, seemed to encompass a year's duration. our happiness, our all, our life itself, in fact, were at stake and turned on their decision, and we awaited that decision in dreadful suspense. at last our elders, accompanied by our old curate, sallied out of that house with sorrowful countenances, but with steady step and firm resolve written on their brows." chapter five the acadians resolve to leave acadia as exiles _rather than submit to english rule--before leaving st. gabriel, they apply the torch to the houses, and it is swept away by the flames._ "their countenance bespoke the gravity of the situation, far more serious, indeed, than we then realized, and as they approached us, in the deathlike silence that prevailed, we could distinctly hear the throbbings of our hearts. we were impatient to learn our fate, and yet we dreaded the disclosure. our anxiety was of short duration, and one of our elders spoke as follows. i repeat his very words, for as they fell from his lips with the solemn sound of a funeral knell, they became engraved upon my heart. 'my good friends,' said he, 'our hopes were illusory and the future is big with ominous threats for us. a cruel and relentless enemy is at our doors. the story of the wounded man is true, the english are applying the torch to our villages, and are spreading and scattering ruin as they advance. they spare neither old age nor infirmity, neither women nor children, and are tender hearted only to renegades and apostates. are you ready to accept these humiliating conditions, and to be branded as traitors and cowards?' "'never,' we answered; 'never! rather proscription, ruin and death.' "'my friends,' he added, 'exile is ruin; it is despair, it is desolation. pause a while and reflect, before forming your resolve.' "not one of us flinched, and without hesitancy, we all cried out: 'rather than disown our mother country and become apostates, let exile, let ruin, let death, be our lot.' "'your answer is noble and generous, my good friends, and your resolve is sublime,' said he; 'then let exile be our lot. many a one has suffered even more than we shall suffer and for causes less saintly than ours. let us prepare for the worst, for to-day, we bid adieu forever, perhaps to acadia, to our homes, to the graves of those we loved so well. we leave friendless and penniless for distant lands; we leave for louisiana, where we shall be free to honor and reverence france, and to serve our god according to our belief. my good friends, we barely have the time to prepare ourselves; to-night, we must be far from st. gabriel.' "these words chilled our hearts. it seemed to us, that all this was a dream, a frightful illusion, that clung to our hearts, to our souls; and yet, without a tear, without a complaint, we resigned ourselves to our fate. "ah! it was a cruel day to us, petiots. we were leaving acadia, we were abandoning the homes where our children were born and raised, we were leaving as malefactors, without one ray of hope to lighten our dark future, and it seemed to us that poor, desolate acadia was dearer to us, now that we were forced to leave her forever. everything that we saw, every object that we touched, recalled to our hearts some sweet remembrance of days gone by. our whole life seemed centered in the furniture of our desolate homes; in the flowers that decked our gardens; in the very trees that shaded our yards. they whispered to us ditties of our blithe childhood; they recalled to us the glowing dreams of our adolescence illumined with their fleeting illusions; they spoke to us of the hopes and happiness of our maturer years; they had been the mute witnesses of our joys and of our sorrows, and we were leaving them forever. as we gazed upon them, we wept bitterly, and in our despair, we felt as if the sacrifice was beyond our strength. but our sense of duty nerved us, and the terrible ordeal we were undergoing did not shake our resolve, and submitting to the will of god, we preferred exile and poverty, with their train of woes and humiliations, before dishonoring ourselves by becoming traitors and renegades. "in the course of the day our grief increased, and the scenes that took place were heart-rending. i never recall them without shuddering. "our people, so meek, so peaceable, became frenzied with despair. the women and children wandered from house to house, wailing and uttering piercing cries. every object of spoil was destroyed, and the torch was applied to the houses. the fire, fanned by a too willing breeze, spread rapidly, and in a moment's time, st. gabriel was wrapt in a lurid sheet of devouring flames. we could hear the cracking of planks tortured by the blaze; the crash of falling roofs, while the flames shot up to an immense height with the hissing and soughing of a hurricane. ah! petiots, it was a fair image of pandemonium. the people seemed an army of fiends, spreading ruin and desolation in their path. the work-oxen were killed, and a few among us, with the hope of a speedy return to acadia, threw our silverware into the wells. oh, the ruin, the ruin, petiots; it was horrible. "we left st. gabriel numbering about three hundred, whilst the ashes of our burning houses, carried by the wind, whirled past us like a pillar of light to guide our faltering steps through the wilderness that stretched before us." chapter six a night of terror and of misery. the exiles are captured by the english soldiery _driven to the seashore and embarked for deportation--they are thrown as cast-aways on the maryland shores--the hospitality and generosity of charles smith and of henry brent_ "as darkness came, we cast a sad look toward the spot where our peaceful and happy st. gabriel once stood. alas, we could see nothing but the crimson sky reflecting the lurid glare of the flames that devoured our acadian villages. "not a word fell from our lips as we journeyed slowly on, and as night came its darkness increased our misery, and such was our dejection, that we would have faced death without a shudder. "at last we halted in a deep ravine shadowed by projecting rocks, and we sat down to rest our weary limbs. we built no fires and spoke only in whispers, fearing that the blazing fire, that the least sound might betray us in our place of concealment; with hearts failing, oppressed with gloomy forebodings, the events of the day seemed to us a frightful dream. "oh! that it only had been a dream, petiots! alas! it was a sad reality, and yet in our wretchedness, we could hardly realize that these events had actually happened. "our elders had withdrawn a few paces away from us to decide on the best course to pursue, for, in the hurry of our departure, no plan of action had been decided upon, our main object being to escape the outrages and ill-treatment of a merciless and cruel soldiery. it was decided to reach canada the best way we could, after which, after crossing the great northern lakes, our journey was to be overland to the mississippi river, on whose waters we would float down to louisiana, a french colony inhabited by people of our own race, and professing the same religious creed as ours. "but to carry out this plan, petiots, we had to travel thousands of miles through a country barren of civilization, through endless forests, and across lakes as wide and deep as the sea; we were to overcome obstacles without number and to encounter dangers and hardships at every step, and yet we remained firm in our resolve. it was exile with its train of woes and of misery; it was, perhaps, death for many of us, but we submitted to our fate, sacrificing our all in this world for our religion, and for the love of france. "we knelt down to implore the aid and protection of god in the many dangers that beset us, and, trusting in his kind providence, we lay down on the bare ground to sleep. "as you may imagine, petiots, no one, save the little children slept that night. we were in a state of mental anguish so agonizing that the hours passed away without bringing the sweet repose of a refreshing sleep. "when the moon rose, dispelling by degrees the darkness of night, we again pursued our journey. we made the least noise possible as we advanced cautiously, our fears and apprehensions increasing at every step. all at once our column halted; a deathlike silence prevailed, and our hearts beat tumultuously within us. was it the beat of the drum that had startled us? no one could tell. we listened with eagerness, but the sound had died away, and the stillness of night remained undisturbed. our anxiety became intense. was the enemy in pursuit of us? we remained in painful suspense, not knowing what danger lurked ahead of us. the few minutes that succeeded seemed as long as a whole year. we drew close together and whispered our apprehensions to one another. we moved on slowly, our footsteps falling noiselessly on the roadway, while we strained our eyes to pierce the shadows of night to discover the cause of our fears. the sound that had startled us was no more heard, and somewhat encouraged, our uneasiness grew less. "we had not advanced two hundred yards when we were halted by a company of english soldiers. ah! petiots, our doom was sealed. we were in a narrow path surrounded by the enemy, without the possibility of escape. how shall i describe what followed. the women wrung their hands and sobbed piteously in their despair. the children, terrified, uttered shrill and piercing cries, while the men, goaded to madness, vented their rage in hurried exclamations, and were determined to sell their lives as dearly as possible. "after a while, the tumult subsided, and order was somewhat restored. "the officer in command approached us; 'acadians,' said he, 'you have fled from your homes after having reduced them to ashes; you have used seditious language against england, and we find you here, in the depth of night, congregated and conspiring against the king, our liege lord and sovereign. you are traitors and you should be treated as such, but in his clemency, the king offers his pardon to all who will swear fealty and allegiance to him.' "'sir,' answered rene leblanc, under whose guidance we had left st. gabriel, 'our king is the king of france, and we are not traitors to the king of england whose subjects we are not. if by the force of arms you have conquered this country, we are willing to recognize your supremacy, but we are not willing to submit to english rule, and for that reason, we have abandoned our homes to emigrate to louisiana, to seek there, under the protection of the french flag, the quiet and peace and happiness we have enjoyed here.' "the officer who had listened with folded arms to the noble words of rene leblanc, replied with a scowl of hatred: 'to louisiana you wish to go? to louisiana you shall go, and seek in vain, under the french flag, that protection you have failed to receive from it in canada. soldiers,' he added, with a smile that made us shudder, 'escort these worthy patriots to the seashore, where transportation will be given them free in his majesty's ships.' "these words sounded like a death knell to us; we saw plainly that our doom was sealed, and that we were undone forever, and yet, in the bitterness of our misfortune, we uttered no word of expostulation, and submitted to our fate without complaint. they treated us most brutally, and had no regard either for age or for sex. they drove us back through the forest to the seashore, where their ships were anchored, and stowing the greater number of our party in one of their ships, they weighed anchor, and she set sail. the balance of our people had been embarked on another vessel which had departed in advance of ours. "is it necessary, petiots, that i should speak to you of our despair when thus torn from our relatives and friends, when we saw ourselves cooped up in the hull of that ship as malefactors? is it necessary that i should describe the horror of our plight, our sufferings, our mental anguish during the many days that our voyage on the sea lasted? "this can be more easily imagined than depicted. we were huddled in a space scarcely large enough to contain us. the air rarefied by our breathing became unwholesome and oppressive; we could not lie down to rest our weary limbs. with but scant food, with the water given grudgingly to us, barely enough to wet our parched lips; with no one to care for us, you can well imagine that our sufferings became unbearable. yet, when we expostulated with our jailers, and complained bitterly of the excess of our woes, it seemed to rejoice them. they derided us, called us noble patriots, stubborn french people and papists; epithets that went right to our hearts, and added to our misery. "at last our ship was anchored, and we were told that we had reached the place of our destination. was it louisiana? we inquired. rude scoffs and sharp invectives were their only answer. we were disembarked with the same ruthless brutality with which we had been dragged to their ship. they landed us on a precipitous and rocky shore, and leaving us a few rations, saluted us in derision with their caps and bidding farewell to the noble patriots, as they called us. our anguish, at that moment, can hardly be conceived. we were outcasts in a strange land; we were friendless and penniless, with a few rations thrown to us as to dogs. the sun had now set, and we were in an agony of despair. "our only hope rested in the mercy of a kind providence, and with hearts too full for utterance, we knelt down with one accord and silently besought the lord of hosts to vouchsafe to us that pity and protection which he gives to the most abject of his creatures. never was a more heartfelt prayer wafted to god's throne. when we arose, hope, once more smiling to us, irradiated our souls and dispelled, as if by magic, the gloom that had settled in our hearts. we felt that none but noble causes lead to martyrdom, and we looked upon ourselves as martyrs of a saintly cause, and with a clear conscience, we lay down to sleep under the blue canopy of the heavens. "the dawn of day found us scattered in groups, discussing the course we were to pursue, and our hearts grew faint anew at the thought of the unknown trials that awaited us. "at that moment, we spied two horsemen approaching our camp. our hearts fluttered with emotion. the incident, simple as it was, proved to be of great importance to us. we felt as if providence had not forsaken us, and that the two horsemen, heralds of peace and joy, were his messengers of love in our sore trials. "we were not mistaken, petiots. when the cavaliers alighted, they addressed us in english, but in words so soft and kind, that the sound of the hated language did not grate on our ears, and seemed as sweet as that of our own tongue. they bowed gracefully to us, and introduced themselves as charles smith and henry brent. 'we are informed,' said they, 'that you are exiles, and that you have been cast penniless on our shores. we have come to greet you, and to welcome you to the hospitality of our roofs.' these kind words sank deep in our hearts. 'good sirs,' answered rene leblanc, 'you behold a wretched people bereft of their homes and whose only crime is their love for france and their devotion to the catholic faith,' and saying this, he raised his hat, and every man of our party did the same. 'we thank you heartily for your greeting and for your hospitality so generously tendered. see, we number over two hundred persons, and it would be taxing your generosity too heavily, no one but a king could accomplish your noble design.' "'sir,' they answered, 'we are citizens of maryland, and we own large estates. we have everything in abundance at our homes, and this abundance we are willing to share with you. accept our offer, and the brent and smith families will ever be grateful to god, who has given them the means to minister to your wants, assuage your afflictions and soothe your sorrows.' "how could we decline an offer so generously made? it was impossible for us to find words expressive of our gratitude. unable to utter a single word, we shook hands with them, but our silence was far more eloquent than any language we could have used." chapter seven assisted by their generous friends _the acadians become prosperous, but yearn to rejoin their friends and relatives in louisiana_ "the same day, we moved to their farms, which lay near by, and i shall never forget the kind welcome we received from these two families. they vied with each other in their kind offices toward us, and ministered to our wants with so much grace and affability, that it gave additional charm and value to their already boundless hospitality. "petiots, let the names of brent and of smith remain enchased forever like precious jewels in your hearts, let their remembrance never fade from your memory, for more generous and worthier beings never breathed the pure air of heaven. [illustration: _catholic church, st. martinsville, la._] "thus it was, petiots, that we settled in maryland after leaving acadia. "three years passed away peacefully and happily, and during the whole of that time, the smith and brent families remained our steadfast friends. our party had prospered, and plenty smiled once more in our homes. we lived as happy as exiles could live away from the fatherland, ignorant of the fate of those who had been torn from us soruthlessly. in vain we had endeavored to ascertain the lot of our friends and relatives, and what had become of them; we could learn nothing. many parents wept for their lost children; many a disconsolate wife pined away in sorrow and hopeless grief for a lost husband; but, petiots, the saddest of all was the fate of poor emmeline labiche." emmeline labiche? who was emmeline labiche? we had never heard her name mentioned before, and our curiosity was excited to the highest pitch. chapter eight _the_ true story _of evangeline_ "emmeline labiche, petiots, was an orphan whose parents had died when she was quite a child. i had taken her to my home, and had raised her as my own daughter. how sweet-tempered, how loving she was! she had grown to womanhood with all the attractions of her sex, and, although not a beauty in the sense usually given to that word, she was looked upon as the handsomest girl of st. gabriel. her soft, transparent hazel eyes mirrored her pure thoughts; her dark brown hair waved in graceful undulations on her intelligent forehead, and fell in ringlets on her shoulders, her bewitching smile, her slender, symmetrical shape, all contributed to make her a most attractive picture of maiden loveliness. [illustration: _evangeline_ by edwin douglas] "emmeline, who had just completed her sixteenth year, was on the eve of marrying a most deserving, laborious and well-to-do young man of st. gabriel, louis arceneaux. their mutual love dated from their earliest years, and all agreed that providence willed their union as man and wife, she the fairest young maiden, he the most deserving youth of st. gabriel. "their bans had been published in the village church, the nuptial day was fixed, and their long love-dream was about to be realized, when the barbarous scattering of our colony took place. "our oppressors had driven us to the seashore, where their ships rode at anchor, when louis, resisting, was brutally wounded by them. emmeline had witnessed the whole scene. her lover was carried on board of one of the ships, the anchor was weighed, and a stiff breeze soon drove the vessel out of sight. emmeline, tearless and speechless, stood fixed to the spot, motionless as a statue, and when the white sail vanished in the distance, she uttered a wild, piercing shriek, and fell fainting to the ground. "when she came to, she clasped me in her arms, and in an agony of grief, she sobbed piteously. 'mother, mother,' she said, in broken words, 'he is gone; they have killed him; what will become of me?' "i soothed her grief with endearing words until she wept freely. gradually its violence subsided, but the sadness of her countenance betokened the sorrow that preyed on her heart, never to be contaminated by her love for another one. "thus she lived in our midst, always sweet tempered, but with such sadness depicted in her countenance, and with smiles so sorrowful, that we had come to look upon her as not of this earth, but rather as our guardian angel, and this is why we called her no longer emmeline, but evangeline, or god's little angel. "the sequel of her story is not gay, petiots, and my poor old heart breaks, whenever i recall the misery of her fate," and while our grandmother spoke thus, her whole figure was tremulous with emotion. "grandmother," we said, "we feel so interested in evangeline, god's little angel, do tell us what befell her afterwards." "petiots, how can i refuse to comply with your request? i will now tell you what became of poor emmeline," and after remaining a while in thoughtful revery, she resumed her narrative. "emmeline, petiots, had been exiled to maryland with me. she was, as i have told you, my adopted child. she dwelt with me, and she followed me in my long pilgrimage from maryland to louisiana. i shall not relate to you now the many dangers that beset us on our journey, and the many obstacles we had to overcome to reach louisiana; this would be anticipating what remains for me to tell you. when we reached the teche country, at the poste des attakapas, we found there the whole population congregated to welcome us. as we went ashore, emmeline walked by my side, but seemed not to admire the beautiful landscape that unfolded itself to our gaze. alas! it was of no moment to her whether she strolled on the poetical banks of the teche, or rambled in the picturesque sites of maryland. she lived in the past, and her soul was absorbed in the mournful regret of that past. for her, the universe had lost the prestige of its beauties, of its freshness, of its splendors. the radiance of her dreams was dimmed, and she breathed in an atmosphere of darkness and of desolation. "she walked beside me with a measured step. all at once, she grasped my hand, and, as if fascinated by some vision, she stood rooted to the spot. her very heart's blood suffused her cheeks, and with the silvery tones of a voice vibrating with joy: 'mother! mother!' she cried out, 'it is he! it is louis!' pointing to the tall figure of a man reclining under a large oak tree. "that man was louis arceneaux. "with the rapidity of lightning, she flew to his side, and in an ecstacy of joy: 'louis, louis,' said she, 'i am your emmeline, your long lost emmeline! have you forgotten me?' "louis turned ashy pale and hung down his head, without uttering a word. "'louis," said she, painfully impressed by her lover's silence and coldness, 'why do you turn away from me? i am still your emmeline, your betrothed, and i have kept pure and unsullied my plighted faith to you. not a word of welcome, louis?' she said, as the tears started to her eyes. 'tell me, do tell me that you love me still, and that the joy of meeting me has overcome you, and stifled your utterance.' [illustration: _the evangeline oak_ near the "poste des attakapas"] "louis arceneaux, with quivering lips and tremulous voice, answered: 'emmeline, speak not so kindly to me, for i am unworthy of you. i can love you no longer; i have pledged my faith to another. tear from your heart the remembrance of the past, and forgive me,' and with quick step, he walked away, and was soon lost to view in the forest. "poor emmeline stood trembling like an aspen leaf. i took her hand; it was icy cold. a deathly pallor had overspread her countenance, and her eye had a vacant stare. "'emmeline, my dear girl, come,' said i, and she followed me like a child. i clasped her in my arms. 'emmeline, my dear child, be comforted; there may yet be happiness in store for you.' "'emmeline, emmeline,' she muttered in an undertone, as if to recall that name, 'who is emmeline?' then looking in my face with fearful shining eyes that made me shudder, she said in a strange, unnatural voice: 'who are you?' and turned away from me. her mind was unhinged; this last shock had been too much for her broken heart; she was hopelessly insane. "how strange it is, petiots, that beings, pure and celestial like emmeline, should be the sport of fate, and be thus exposed to the shafts of adversity. is it true, then, that the beloved of god are always visited by sore trials? was it that emmeline was too ethereal a being for this world, and that god would have her in his sweet paradise? it does not belong to us, petiots, to solve this mystery and to scrutinize the decrees of providence; we have only to bow submissive to his will. "emmeline never recovered her reason, and a deep melancholy settled upon her. her beautiful countenance was fitfully lightened by a sad smile which made her all the fairer. she never recognized any one but me, and nestling in my arms like a spoiled child, she would give me the most endearing names. as sweet and as amiable as ever, every one pitied and loved her. "when poor, crazed emmeline strolled upon the banks of the teche, plucking the wild flowers that strewed her pathway, and singing in soft tones some acadian song, those that met her wondered why so fair and gentle a being should have been visited with god's wrath. "she spoke of acadia and of louis in such loving words, that no one could listen to her without shedding tears. she fancied herself still the girl of sixteen years, on the eve of marrying the chosen one of her heart, whom she loved with such constancy and devotion, and imagining that her marriage bells tolled from the village church tower, her countenance would brighten, and her frame trembled with ecstatic joy. and then, in a sudden transition from joy to despair, her countenance would change and, trembling convulsively, gasping, struggling for utterance, and pointing her finger at some invisible object, in shrill and piercing accents, she would cry out: 'mother, mother, he is gone; they have killed him; what will become of me?' and uttering a wild, unnatural shriek, she would fall senseless in my arms. "sinking at last under the ravages of her mental disease, she expired in my arms without a struggle, and with an angelic smile on her lips. "she now sleeps in her quiet grave, shadowed by the tall oak tree near the little church at the poste des attakapas, and her grave has been kept green and flower-strewn as long as your grandmother has been able to visit it. ah! petiots, how sad was the fate of poor emmeline, evangeline, god's little angel." and burying her face in her hands, grandmother wept and sobbed bitterly. our hearts swelled also with emotion, and sympathetic tears rolled down our cheeks. we withdrew softly and left dear grandmother alone, to think of and weep for her evangeline, god's little angel. chapter nine the acadians leave maryland to go to louisiana _their perilous and weary journey overland--death of rene leblanc. they arrive safely in louisiana and settle in the attakapas region on the teche and vermillion bayous_ "as i have already told you, petiots, during three years, we had lived contented and happy in maryland, when we received tidings that a number of acadians, exiles like us, had settled in louisiana, where they were prospering and retrieving their lost fortunes under the fostering care of the french government. "this news which threw us in a flutter, engrossed our minds so completely, that we spoke of nothing else. it gave rise to the most extravagant conjectures, and the hope of seeing, once more, the dear ones torn so cruelly from us, was revived in our hearts. this news was deficient, however, in one respect: it left us ignorant of the fate of those who, like us, had been exiled from st. gabriel. "that uncertainty cast a gloom over our hopes which marred our joy and happiness, and increased our anxiety. "our suspense became unbearable, and we finally discussed seriously the expediency of emigrating to louisiana. the more timid among us represented the temerity and folly of such an undertaking, but the desire to seek our brother exiles grew keener every day, and became so deeply rooted in our minds, that we concluded to leave for louisiana, where the banner of france waved over true french hearts. "we announced our determination to our benefactors, the brent and smith families, and, undismayed by the perils that awaited us, and the obstacles we had to overcome, we prepared for our pilgrimage from maryland to louisiana. "our friends used all their eloquence to dissuade us from our resolve, but we resisted all their entreaties, although we were deeply touched by this new proof of their friendship. we disposed of the articles that we could not carry along with us, and kept our wagons and horses to transport the women and children, and the baggage. in all, we numbered two hundred persons, and of these, fifty were well armed, and ready to face any danger. "we journeyed slowly; the wagons moved in the centre, while twenty men in advance, and as many in the rear marched four abreast. ten of the bravest and most active of our young men took the lead a short distance ahead of the column, and formed our advance guard. our forces were distributed in this wise, petiots, for our safety, as the road lay through mountain defiles, and in a wild and dreary country inhabited by indians. "we secured, as scouts and guides, two indians well known to the brent family, and in whom, we were told, we could place the most implicit confidence. we had occasion, more than once, to find how fortunate we had been to secure their services. we set out on our journey with sorrow. we were parting with friends kind and generous; friends who had relieved us in our needs, and who had proved true as steel, and loving as brothers. we were parting from them, lured with hopes which might prove illusory, and when we grasped their hands in a last farewell, words failed us, and our tears and sobs told them of our gratitude for the benefits they had, so generously, showered upon us. they, too, wept, touched to the heart by the eloquent, though mute, expression of our gratitude. their last words, were words of love, glowing with a fervent wish that our cherished hopes might be realized. "we set out in a westerly direction, and we had soon lost sight of the hospitable roofs of the brent and smith families. we again felt that we were, once more, poor wandering exiles roaming through the world in search of a home. "our journey, petiots, was slow and tedious, for a thousand obstacles impeded our progress. we encountered deep and rapid streams that we could not cross for want of boats; we traveled through mountain defiles, where the pathway was narrow and dangerous, winding over hill and dale and over craggy steeps, where one false step might hurl us down into the yawning chasm below. we suffered from storms and pelting rains, and at night when we halted to rest our weary limbs, we had only the light canvass of our tents to shelter us from the inclemency of the weather. "ah! petiots, we were undergoing sore trials! but we were lulled by the hope that far, far away in louisiana, our dreamland, we would find our kith and kin. that radiant hope illumined our pathway; it shone as a beacon light on which we kept our eyes riveted, and it steeled our hearts against sufferings and privations almost too great to be borne otherwise. "thus we advanced fearlessly, aye, almost cheerfully, and at night, when we pitched our tents in some solitary spot, our acadian songs broke the silence and loneliness of the solitude, and, as the gentle wind wafted them over the hills, the light couplets were re-echoed back to us so clearly and so distinctly, that it seemed the voice of some friend repeating them in the distance. "as long as we journeyed in virginia, barring the obstacles presented by the roads of a country diversified by hill and dale, our progress, though slow, was satisfactory. the people were generous, and supplied us with an abundance of provisions. but when the white population grew sparser and sparser, and when we reached the wild and mountainous country which, we were told, bore the name of carolina, then, petiots, it required a stout heart and firm resolve, indeed, not to abandon the attempt to reach louisiana by the overland route we were following. "during days and weeks, we had to march slowly and tediously through endless forests, cutting our way across undergrowth so thick, as to be almost impervious to light, brushwood where a cruel enemy might lay concealed in ambush to murder us, for we were now in the very heart of the indian country, and the savages followed us, stealthily, day and night. we could see them with their tattooed faces and hideous headgear of feathers, frightful in appearance, lurking around in the forest, and watching our movements. we were always on the alert, expecting an attack at any moment, for we could distinctly hear their whoops and fierce yells. "ah! petiots, it was then that our mental and bodily anguish became extreme, and that the stoutest heart grew faint under the pressure of such accumulated woes. our nights were sleepless, and, careworn and on the verge of starvation, we moved steadily onward, the very picture of dejection and of despair. thus we toiled on day after day, and night after night, during two long weary months on our seemingly endless journey, until, disspirited and disheartened, our courage failed us. "it was a dark hour, full of alarming forebodings, and we witnessed the depression of our brother exiles with sorrow and apprehension. "but a kind providence watched over us. god tempereth the wind to the shorn lamb. the hope of finding our lost kindred stimulated our drooping spirits. we had been told that louisiana was a land of enchantment, where a perpetual spring reigned. a land where the soil was extremely fertile; where the climate was so genial and temperate, and the sky so serene and azure, as to justly deserve the name of eden of america. it smiled to us in the distance like the promised land, and toward that land we bent our weary steps, longing for the day when we would tread its soil, and breathe once more the pure air in which floated the banner of france. "at last we reached the tennessee river, where it curves gracefully around the base of a mountain looming up hundreds of feet. its banks were rocky and precipitous, falling straight down at least fifty feet, and we could see, in the chasm below, its waters that flowed majestically on in their course toward the grand old meschacebe. it was out of the question to cross the river there, and we followed the roadway on its banks around the mountain, advancing cautiously to avoid the danger that threatened us at every step. "that night, we slept in a large natural cave on the very brink of the precipice by the river. at dawn of day we resumed our march, and as we advanced, the country became more and more level, and after four days of toil and fatigue, we halted and camped on a hill by the riverside, where a small creek runs into the river. we met there a party of canadian hunters and trappers who gave us a friendly welcome, and replenished our store of provisions with game and venison. they informed us that the easiest and least wearisome way to reach louisiana was to float down the tennessee and meschacebe rivers. the plan suggested by them was adopted, and the men of our party, aided by our canadian friends, felled trees to build a suitable boat. "there, petiots, a great misfortune befell us. we experienced a great loss in the death of rene leblanc, who had been our leader and adviser in the hours of our sore trials. old age had shattered his constitution, and unequal to the fatigues of our long pilgrimage, he pined away, and sank into his grave without a word of complaint. he died the death of a hero and of a christian, consoling us as we wept beside him, and cheering us in our troubles. his death afflicted us sorely, and the night during which he lay exposed, preparatory to his burial, the silence was unbroken, in our camp, save by our whispered words, as if we feared to disturb the slumbers of the great and good man that slept the eternal sleep. we buried him at the foot of the hill, in a grove of walnut trees. we carved his name with a cross over it on the bark of the tree sheltering his grave, and after having said the prayers for the dead, we closed his grave, wet with the tears of those he had loved so well. "my narrative has not been gay, petiots, but the gloom that darkened it will now be dispelled by the radiant sunshine of joy and of happiness. "our boat was unwieldy, but it served our purpose well. we stored in it our baggage and supplies; we sold our horses and wagons to our canadian friends, and taking leave of our indian guides, we cut loose the moorings of the boat. we floated down stream, our young men rowing, and singing acadian songs. "nothing of importance happened to us after our embarkment, petiots. during the day, we traveled, and at night, we moored our boat safely, and encamped on the banks of the river. at last we launched on the turbulent waters of the mississippi and floated down that noble stream as far as bayou plaquemines, in louisiana, where we landed. once more we were treading french soil, and we were freed from english dominion. "as the tidings of our arrival spread abroad, a great number of acadian exiles flocked to our camp to greet and welcome us. ah! petiots, how can i describe our joy and rapture, when we recognized countenances familiar to us. grasping their hands, with hearts too full for utterance, we wept like children. many a sorrowing heart revived to love and happiness on that day. many a wife pressed to her bosom a long lost husband. many a fond parent clasped in rapturous embrace a loving child. ah! such a moment repaid us a thousandfold for all our sufferings and privations, and we spent the day in rejoicing, conviviality and merriment. [illustration: _interior, catholic church, st. martinsville, la._] "the sequel of my story will be quickly told, petiots. shortly afterwards, we left for the teche region, where lands had been granted to us by the government. we wended our way, to our destined homes, through dismal swamps, through bayous without number and across lakes until we reached portage sauvage, at fausse pointe. the next day, we were at the poste des attakapas, a small hamlet having two or three houses, one store and a small wooden church, situated on bayou teche which we crossed in a boat. "there, the several acadians separated to settle on the lands granted to them. "you must not imagine, petiots, that the teche region was, at that time, dotted all over like nowadays with thriving farms, elegant houses and handsome villages. no, petiots, it required the nerve and perseverance of your acadian fathers to settle there. although beautiful and picturesque, it was a wild region inhabited, mostly, by indians and by a few white men, trappers and hunters by occupation. its immense prairies, covered with weeds as tall as you, were the commons where herds of cattle and of deer roamed unmolested, save by the hunter and the panther. such was the region your ancestors settled, and which, by their energy, they have transformed into a garden teeming with wealth. "the acadians enriched themselves in a country where no one will starve if he is industrious, and where one may easily become rich if he fears god, and if he is economical and orderly in his affairs. "petiots, i have kept my promise, and my tale is told. your acadian fathers were martyrs in a noble cause, and you should always be proud to be the sons of martyrs and of men of principle." "grandmother," we said, as we kissed her fondly, "your words have fallen in willing and loving hearts, and they will bear fruit. we are proud now of being called acadians, for there never was any people more noble, more devoted to duty and more patriotic than the acadians who became exiles, and who braved death itself, rather than renounce their faith, their king and their country." [finis] acknowledgement is made of the kindness of rev. a. t. kempton, lecturer on evangeline; rev. george w. brooks, an authority on acadian history, and the soule art publishing company, in loaning us photographs for illustrating this book. * * * * * * transcriber's note: punctuation around quotations was very erratic in this book--this has been made more uniform. otherwise, every effort has been made to remain true to the original spellings and the author's words and intent. evangeline. a tale of acadie. by henry wadsworth longfellow. this is the forest primeval. the murmuring pines and the hemlocks, bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight, stand like druids of eld, with voices sad and prophetic, stand like harpers hoar, with beards that rest on their bosoms. loud from its rocky caverns, the deep-voiced neighboring ocean speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail of the forest. this is the forest primeval; but where are the hearts that beneath it leaped like the roe, when he hears in the woodland the voice of the huntsman? where is the thatch-roofed village, the home of acadian farmers,- men whose lives glided on like rivers that water the woodlands, darkened by shadows of earth, but reflecting an image of heaven? waste are those pleasant farms, and the farmers forever departed! scattered like dust and leaves, when the mighty blasts of october seize them, and whirl them aloft, and sprinkle them far o'er the ocean. naught but tradition remains of the beautiful village of grand-pré. ye who believe in affection that hopes, and endures, and is patient, ye who believe in the beauty and strength of woman's devotion, list to the mournful tradition still sung by the pines of the forest; list to a tale of love in acadie, home of the happy. part the first. i in the acadian land, on the shores of the basin of minas, distant, secluded, still, the little village of grand-pré lay in the fruitful valley. vast meadows stretched to the eastward, giving the village its name, and pasture to flocks without number. dikes, that the hands of the farmers had raised with labor incessant, shut out the turbulent tides; but at stated seasons the flood-gates opened, and welcomed the sea to wander at will o'er the meadows. west and south there were fields of flax, and orchards and cornfields spreading afar and unfenced o'er the plain; and away to the northward blomidon rose, and the forests old, and aloft on the mountains sea-fogs pitched their tents, and mists from the mighty atlantic looked on the happy valley, but ne'er from their station descended. there, in the midst of its farms, reposed the acadian village. strongly built were the houses, with frames of oak and of chestnut, such as the peasants of normandy built in the reign of the henries. thatched were the roofs, with dormer-windows; and gables projecting over the basement below protected and shaded the door-way. there in the tranquil evenings of summer, when brightly the sunset lighted the village street, and gilded the vanes on the chimneys, matrons and maidens sat in snow-white caps and in kirtles scarlet and blue and green, with distaffs spinning the golden flax for the gossiping looms, whose noisy shuttles within doors mingled their sound with the whir of the wheels and the songs of the maidens. solemnly down the street came the parish priest, and the children paused in their play to kiss the hand he extended to bless them. reverend walked he among them; and up rose matrons and maidens, hailing his slow approach with words of affectionate welcome. then came the laborers home from the field, and serenely the sun sank down to his rest, and twilight prevailed. anon from the belfry softly the angelus sounded, and over the roofs of the village columns of pale blue smoke, like clouds of incense ascending, rose from a hundred hearths, the homes of peace and contentment. thus dwelt together in love these simple acadian farmers,- dwelt in the love of god and of man. alike were they free from fear, that reigns with the tyrant, and envy, the vice of republics. neither locks had they to their doors, nor bars to their windows; but their dwellings were open as day and the hearts of the owners; there the richest was poor, and the poorest lived in abundance. somewhat apart from the village, and nearer the basin of minas, benedict bellefontaine, the wealthiest farmer of grand-pré, dwelt on his goodly acres; and with him, directing his household, gentle evangeline lived, his child, and the pride of the village. stalworth and stately in form was the man of seventy winters; hearty and hale was he, an oak that is covered with snow-flakes; white as the snow were his locks, and his cheeks as brown as the oak-leaves. fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers. black were her eyes as the berry that grows on the thorn by the wayside, black, yet how softly they gleamed beneath the brown shade of her tresses! sweet was her breath as the breath of kine that feed in the meadows. when in the harvest heat she bore to the reapers at noontide flagons of home-brewed ale, ah! fair in sooth was the maiden. fairer was she when, on sunday morn, while the bell from its turret sprinkled with holy sounds the air, as the priest with his hyssop sprinkles the congregation, and scatters blessings upon them, down the long street she passed, with her chaplet of beads and her missal, wearing her norman cap, and her kirtle of blue, and the ear-rings, brought in the olden time from france, and since, as an heirloom, handed down from mother to child, through long generations. but a celestial brightness--a more ethereal beauty- shone on her face and encircled her form, when, after confession, homeward serenely she walked with god's benediction upon her. when she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music. firmly builded with rafters of oak, the house of the farmer stood on the side of a hill commanding the sea; and a shady sycamore grew by the door, with a woodbine wreathing around it. rudely carved was the porch, with seats beneath; and a footpath led through an orchard wide, and disappeared in the meadow. under the sycamore-tree were hives overhung by a penthouse, such as the traveller sees in regions remote by the roadside, built o'er a box for the poor, or the blessed image of mary. farther down, on the slope of the hill, was the well with its moss-grown bucket, fastened with iron, and near it a trough for the horses. shielding the house from storms, on the north, were the barns and the farm-yard, there stood the broad-wheeled wains and the antique ploughs and the harrows; there were the folds for the sheep; and there, in his feathered seraglio, strutted the lordly turkey, and crowed the cock, with the selfsame voice that in ages of old had startled the penitent peter. bursting with hay were the barns, themselves a village. in each one far o'er the gable projected a roof of thatch; and a staircase, under the sheltering eaves, led up to the odorous corn-loft. there too the dove-cot stood, with its meek and innocent inmates murmuring ever of love; while above in the variant breezes numberless noisy weathercocks rattled and sang of mutation. thus, at peace with god and the world, the farmer of grand-pré lived on his sunny farm, and evangeline governed his household. many a youth, as he knelt in the church and opened his missal, fixed his eyes upon her, as the saint of his deepest devotion; happy was he who might touch her hand or the hem of her garment! many a suitor came to her door, by the darkness befriended, and, as he knocked and waited to hear the sound of her footsteps, knew not which beat the louder, his heart or the knocker of iron; or at the joyous feast of the patron saint of the village, bolder grew, and pressed her hand in the dance as he whispered hurried words of love, that seemed a part of the music. but, among all who came, young gabriel only was welcome; gabriel lajeunesse, the son of basil the blacksmith, who was a mighty man in the village, and honored of all men; for, since the birth of time, throughout all ages and nations, has the craft of the smith been held in repute by the people. basil was benedict's friend. their children from earliest childhood grew up together as brother and sister; and father felician, priest and pedagogue both in the village, had taught them their letters out of the selfsame book, with the hymns of the church and the plain-song. but when the hymn was sung, and the daily lesson completed, swiftly they hurried away to the forge of basil the blacksmith. there at the door they stood, with wondering eyes to behold him take in his leathern lap the hoof of the horse as a plaything, nailing the shoe in its place; while near him the tire of the cart-wheel lay like a fiery snake, coiled round in a circle of cinders. oft on autumnal eves, when without in the gathering darkness bursting with light seemed the smithy, through every cranny and crevice, warm by the forge within they watched the laboring bellows, and as its panting ceased, and the sparks expired in the ashes, merrily laughed, and said they were nuns going into the chapel. oft on sledges in winter, as swift as the swoop of the eagle, down the hillside bounding, they glided away o'er the meadow. oft in the barns they climbed to the populous nests on the rafters, seeking with eager eyes that wondrous stone, which the swallow brings from the shore of the sea to restore the sight of its fledglings; lucky was he who found that stone in the nest of the swallow! thus passed a few swift years, and they no longer were children. he was a valiant youth, and his face, like the face of the morning, gladdened the earth with its light, and ripened through into action. she was a woman now, with the heart and hopes of a woman. "sunshine of saint eulalie" was she called; for that was the sunshine which, as the farmers believed, would load their orchards with apples; she, too, would bring to her husband's house delight and abundance, filling it full of love and the ruddy faces of children. ii. now had the season returned, when the nights grow colder and longer, and the retreating sun the sign of the scorpion enters. birds of passage sailed through the leaden air, from the ice-bound, desolate northern bays to the shores of tropical islands. harvests were gathered in; and wild with the winds of september wrestled the trees of the forest, as jacob of old with the angel. all the signs foretold a winter long and inclement. bees, with prophetic instinct of want, had hoarded their honey till the hives overflowed; and the indian hunters asserted cold would the winter be, for thick was the fur of the foxes. such was the advent of autumn. then followed that beautiful season, called by the pious acadian peasants the summer of all-saints! filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape lay as if new-created in all the freshness of childhood. peace seemed to reign upon earth, and the restless heart of the ocean was for a moment consoled. all sounds were in harmony blended. voices of children at play, the crowing of cocks in the farm-yards, whir of wings in the drowsy air, and the cooing of pigeons, all were subdued and low as the murmurs of love, and the great sun looked with the eye of love through the golden vapors around him; while arrayed in its robes of russet and scarlet and yellow, bright with the sheen of the dew, each glittering tree of the forest flashed like the plane-tree the persian adorned with mantles and jewels. now recommenced the reign of rest and affection and stillness. day with its burden and heat had departed, and twilight descending brought back the evening star to the sky, and the herds to the homestead. pawing the ground they came, and resting their necks on each other, and with their nostrils distended inhaling the freshness of evening. foremost, bearing the bell, evangeline's beautiful heifer, proud of her snow-white hide, and the ribbon that waved from her collar, quietly paced and slow, as if conscious of human affection. then came the shepherd back with his bleating flocks from the seaside, where was their favorite pasture. behind them followed the watch-dog, patient, full of importance, and grand in the pride of his instinct, walking from side to side with a lordly air, and superbly waving his bushy tail, and urging forward the stragglers; regent of flocks was he when the shepherd slept; their protector, when from the forest at night, through the starry silence, the wolves howled. late, with the rising moon, returned the wains from the marshes, laden with briny hay, that filled the air with its odor. cheerily neighed the steeds, with dew on their manes and their fetlocks, while aloft on their shoulders the wooden and ponderous saddles, painted with brilliant dyes, and adorned with tassels of crimson, nodded in bright array, like hollyhocks heavy with blossoms. patiently stood the cows meanwhile, and yielded their udders unto the milkmaid's hand; whilst loud and in regular cadence into the sounding pails the foaming streamlets descended. lowing of cattle and peals of laughter were heard in the farm-yard, echoed back by the barns. anon they sank into stillness; heavily closed, with a jarring sound, the valves of the barn-doors, rattled the wooden bars, and all for a season was silent. in-doors, warm by the wide-mouthed fireplace, idly the farmer sat in his elbow-chair; and watched how the flames and the smoke-wreaths struggled together like foe in a burning city. behind him, nodding and mocking along the wall, with gestures fantastic, darted his own huge shadow, and vanished away into darkness. faces, clumsily carved in oak, on the back of his arm-chair laughed in the flickering light, and the pewter plates on the dresser caught and reflected the flame, as shields of armies the sunshine. fragments of song the old man sang, and carols of christmas, such as at home, in the olden time, his fathers before him sang in their norman orchards and bright burgundian vineyards. close at her father's side was the gentle evangeline seated, spinning flax for the loom, that stood in the corner behind her. silent awhile were its treadles, at rest was its diligent shuttle, while the monotonous drone of the wheel, like the drone of a bagpipe, followed the old man's song, and united the fragments together. as in a church, when the chant of the choir at intervals ceases, footfalls are heard in the aisles, or words of the priest at the altar, so, in each pause of the song, with measured motion the clock clicked. thus as they sat, there were footsteps heard, and, suddenly lifted, sounded the wooden latch, and the door swung back on its hinges. benedict knew by the hob-nailed shoes it was basil the blacksmith, and by her beating heart evangeline knew who was with him. "welcome!" the farmer exclaimed, as their footsteps paused on the threshold, "welcome, basil, my friend! come, take thy place on the settle close by the chimney-side, which is always empty without thee; take from the shelf overhead thy pipe and the box of tobacco; never so much thyself art thou as when through the curling smoke of the pipe or the forge thy friendly and jovial face gleams round and red as the harvest moon through the mist of the marshes." then, with a smile of content, thus answered basil the blacksmith, taking with easy air the accustomed seat by the fireside:- "benedict bellefontaine, thou hast ever thy jest and thy ballad! ever in cheerfullest mood art thou, when others are filled with gloomy forebodings of ill, and see only ruin before them. happy art thou, as if every day thou hadst picked up a horseshoe." pausing a moment, to take the pipe that evangeline brought him, and with a coal from the embers had lighted, he slowly continued:- "four days now are passed since the english ships at their anchors ride in the gaspereau's mouth, with their cannon pointed against us, what their design may be is unknown; but all are commanded on the morrow to meet in the church, where his majesty's mandate will be proclaimed as law in the land. alas! in the mean time many surmises of evil alarm the hearts of the people." then made answer the farmer:--"perhaps some friendlier purpose brings these ships to our shores. perhaps the harvests in england by untimely rains or untimelier heat have been blighted, and from our bursting barns they would feed their cattle and children." "not so thinketh the folk in the village," said, warmly, the blacksmith, shaking his head, as in doubt; then, heaving a sigh, he continued:- "louisburg is not forgotten, nor beau séjour, nor port royal. many already have fled to the forest, and lurk on its outskirts, waiting with anxious hearts the dubious fate of to-morrow. arms have been taken from us, and warlike weapons of all kinds; nothing is left but the blacksmith's sledge and the scythe of the mower." then with a pleasant smile made answer the jovial farmer:- "safer are we unarmed, in the midst of our flocks and our cornfields, safer within these peaceful dikes, besieged by the ocean, than our fathers in forts, besieged by the enemy's cannon. fear no evil, my friend, and to-night may no shadow of sorrow fall on this house and hearth; for this is the night of the contract. built are the house and the barn. the merry lads of the village strongly have built them and well; and, breaking the glebe round about them, filled the barn with hay, and the house with food for a twelvemonth. rené leblanc will be here anon, with his papers and inkhorn. shall we not then be glad, and rejoice in the joy of our children?" as apart by the window she stood, with her hand in her lover's, blushing evangeline heard the words that her father had spoken, and, as they died on his lips, the worthy notary entered. iii. bent like a laboring oar, that toils in the surf of the ocean, bent, but not broken, by age was the form of the notary public; shocks of yellow hair, like the silken floss of the maize, hung over his shoulders; his forehead was high; and glasses with horn bows sat astride on his nose, with a look of wisdom supernal. father of twenty children was he, and more than a hundred children's children rode on his knee, and heard his great watch tick. four long years in the times of the war had he languished a captive, suffering much in an old french fort as the friend of the english. now, though warier grown, without all guile or suspicion, ripe in wisdom was he, but patient, and simple, and childlike. he was beloved by all, and most of all by the children; for he told them tales of the loup-garou in the forest, and of the goblin that came in the night to water the horses, and of the white létiche, the ghost of a child who unchristened died, and was doomed to haunt unseen the chambers of children; and how on christmas eve the oxen talked in the stable, and how the fever was cured by a spider shut up in a nutshell, and of the marvellous powers of four-leaved clover and horseshoes, with whatsoever else was writ in the lore of the village. then up rose from his seat by the fireside basil the blacksmith, knocked from his pipe the ashes, and slowly extending his right hand, "father leblanc," he exclaimed, "thou hast heard the talk in the village, and, perchance, canst tell us some news of these ships and their errand." then with modest demeanor made answer the notary public:- "gossip enough have i heard, in sooth, yet am never the wiser; and what their errand may be i know not better than others. yet am i not of those who imagine some evil intention brings them here, for we are at peace; and why then molest us?" "god's name!" shouted the hasty and somewhat irascible blacksmith; "must we in all things look for the how, and the why, and the wherefore? daily injustice is done, and might is the right of the strongest!" but, without heeding his warmth, continued the notary public:- "man is unjust, but god is just; and finally justice triumphs; and well i remember a story, that often consoled me, when as a captive i lay in the old french fort at port royal." this was the old man's favorite tale, and he loved to repeat it when his neighbors complained that any injustice was done them. "once in an ancient city, whose name i no longer remember, raised aloft on a column, a brazen statue of justice stood in the public square, upholding the scales in its left hand, and in its right a sword, as an emblem that justice presided over the laws of the land, and the hearts and homes of the people. even the birds had built their nests in the scales of the balance, having no fear of the sword that flashed in the sunshine above them. but in the course of time the laws of the land were corrupted; might took the place of right, and the weak were oppressed, and the mighty ruled with an iron rod. then it chanced in a nobleman's palace that a necklace of pearls was lost, and erelong a suspicion fell on an orphan girl who lived as maid in the household. she, after form of trial condemned to die on the scaffold, patiently met her doom at the foot of the statue of justice. as to her father in heaven her innocent spirit ascended, lo! o'er the city a tempest rose; and the bolts of the thunder smote the statue of bronze, and hurled in wrath from its left hand down on the pavement below the clattering scales of the balance, and in the hollow thereof was found the nest of a magpie, into whose clay-built walls the necklace of pearls was inwoven." silenced, but not convinced, when the story was ended, the blacksmith stood like a man who fain would speak, but findeth no language; all his thoughts were congealed into lines on his face, as the vapors freeze in fantastic shapes on the window-panes in the winter. then evangeline lighted the brazen lamp on the table, filled, till it overflowed, the pewter tankard with home-brewed nut-brown ale, that was famed for its strength in the village of grand-pré; while from his pocket the notary drew his papers and inkhorn, wrote with a steady hand the date and the age of the parties, naming the dower of the bride in flocks of sheep and in cattle. orderly all things proceeded, and duly and well were completed, and the great seal of the law was set like a sun on the margin. then from his leathern pouch the farmer threw on the table three times the old man's fee in solid pieces of silver; and the notary rising, and blessing the bride and the bridegroom, lifted aloft the tankard of ale and drank to their welfare. wiping the foam from his lip, he solemnly bowed and departed, while in silence the others sat and mused by the fireside, till evangeline brought the draught-board out of its corner. soon was the game begun. in friendly contention the old men laughed at each lucky hit, or unsuccessful manoeuver, laughed when a man was crowned, or a breach was made in the king-row. meanwhile apart, in the twilight gloom of a window's embrasure, sat the lovers, and whispered together, beholding the moon rise over the pallid sea and the silvery mist of the meadows. silently one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels. thus passed the evening away. anon the bell from the belfry rang out the hour of nine, the village curfew, and straightway rose the guests and departed; and silence reigned in the household. many a farewell word and sweet good night on the door-step lingered long in evangeline's heart, and filled it with gladness. carefully then were covered the embers that glowed on the hearth-stone; and on the oaken stairs resounded the tread of the farmer. soon with a soundless step the foot of evangeline followed. up the staircase moved a luminous space in the darkness, lighted less by the lamp than the shining face of the maiden. silent she passed the hall, and entered the door of her chamber. simple that chamber was, with its curtains of white, and its clothes-press ample and high, on whose spacious shelves were carefully folded linen and woollen stuffs, by the hand of evangeline woven. this was the precious dower she would bring to her husband in marriage, better than flocks and herds, being proofs of her skill as a housewife. soon she extinguished her lamp, for the mellow and radiant moonlight streamed through the windows, and lighted the room, till the heart of the maiden swelled and obeyed its power, like the tremulous tides of the ocean. ah! she was fair, exceeding fair to behold, as she stood with naked snow-white feet on the gleaming floor of her chamber! little she dreamed that below, among the trees of the orchard, waited her lover and watched for the gleam of her lamp and her shadow. yet were her thoughts of him, and at times a feeling of sadness passed o'er her soul, as the sailing shade of clouds in the moonlight flitted across the floor and darkened the room for a moment. and, as she gazed from the window, she saw serenely the moon pass forth from the folds of a cloud, and one star follow her footsteps, as out of abraham's tent young ishmael wandered with hagar! iv. pleasantly rose next morn the sun on the village of grand-pré. pleasantly gleamed in the soft, sweet air the basin of minas, where the ships, with their wavering shadows, were riding at anchor. life had long been astir in the village, and clamorous labor knocked with its hundred hands at the golden gates of the morning. now from the country around, from the farms and neighboring hamlets, came in their holiday dresses the blithe acadian peasants. many a glad good morrow and jocund laugh from the young folk made the bright air brighter, as up from the numerous meadows, where no path could be seen but the track of wheels in the greensward, group after group appeared, and joined, or passed on the highway. long ere noon, in the village all sounds of labor were silenced. thronged were the streets with people; and noisy groups at the house-doors sat in the cheerful sun, and rejoiced and gossiped together, every house was an inn, where all were welcomed and feasted; for with this simple people, who lived like brothers together, all things were held in common, and what one had was another's. yet under benedict's roof hospitality seemed more abundant: for evangeline stood among the guests of her father; bright was her face with smiles, and words of welcome and gladness fell from her beautiful lips, and blessed the cup as she gave it. under the open sky, in the odorous air of the orchard, bending with golden fruit, was spread the feast of betrothal. there in the shade of the porch were the priest and the notary seated; there good benedict sat, and sturdy basil the blacksmith. not far withdrawn from these, by the cider-press and the beehives, michael the fiddler was placed, with the gayest of hearts and of waistcoats. shadow and light from the leaves alternately played on his snow-white hair, as it waved in the wind; and the jolly face of the fiddler glowed like a living coal when the ashes are blown from the embers. gayly the old man sang to the vibrant sound of his fiddle, tous les bourgeois de chartres, and le carillon de dunkerque, and anon with his wooden shoes beat time to the music. merrily, merrily whirled the wheels of the dizzying dances under the orchard-trees and down the path to the meadows; old folk and young together, and children mingled among them. fairest of all the maids was evangeline, benedict's daughter! noblest of all the youths was gabriel, son of the blacksmith! so passed the morning away. and lo! with a summons sonorous sounded the bell from its tower, and over the meadows a drum beat. thronged erelong was the church with men. without, in the churchyard, waited the women. they stood by the graves, and hung on the headstones garlands of autumn-leaves and evergreens fresh from the forest. then came the guard from the ships, and marching proudly among them entered the sacred portal. with loud and dissonant clangor echoed the sound of their brazen drums from ceiling and casement,- echoed a moment only, and slowly the ponderous portal closed, and in silence the crowd awaited the will of the soldiers. then uprose their commander, and spake from the steps of the altar, holding aloft in his hands, with its seals, the royal commission. "you are convened this day," he said, "by his majesty's orders. clement and kind has he been; but how you have answered his kindness, let your own hearts reply! to my natural make and my temper painful the task is i do, which to you i know must be grievous. yet must i bow and obey, and deliver the will of our monarch; namely, that all your lands, and dwellings, and cattle of all kinds forfeited be to the crown; and that you yourselves from this province be transported to other lands. god grant you may dwell there ever as faithful subjects, a happy and peaceable people! prisoners now i declare you; for such is his majesty's pleasure!" as, when the air is serene in the sultry solstice of summer, suddenly gathers a storm, and the deadly sling of the hailstones beats down the farmer's corn in the field and shatters his windows, hiding the sun, and strewing the ground with thatch from the house-roofs, bellowing fly the herds, and seek to break their enclosures; so on the hearts of the people descended the words of the speaker. silent a moment they stood in speechless wonder, and then rose louder and ever louder a wail of sorrow and anger, and, by one impulse moved, they madly rushed to the door-way. vain was the hope of escape; and cries and fierce imprecations rang through the house of prayer; and high o'er the heads of the others rose, with his arms uplifted, the figure of basil the blacksmith, as, on a stormy sea, a spar is tossed by the billows. flushed was his face and distorted with passion; and wildly he shouted,- "down with the tyrants of england! we never have sworn them allegiance! death to these foreign soldiers, who seize on our homes and our harvests!" more he fain would have said, but the merciless hand of a soldier smote him upon the mouth, and dragged him down to the pavement. in the midst of the strife and tumult of angry contention, lo! the door of the chancel opened, and father felician entered, with serious mien, and ascended the steps of the altar. raising his reverend hand, with a gesture he awed into silence all that clamorous throng; and thus he spake to his people; deep were his tones and solemn; in accents measured and mournful spake he, as, after the tocsin's alarum, distinctly the clock strikes. "what is this that ye do, my children? what madness has seized you? forty years of my life have i labored among you, and taught you, not in word alone, but in deed, to love one another! is this the fruit of my toils, of my vigils and prayers and privations? have you so soon forgotten all lessons of love and forgiveness? this is the house of the prince of peace, and would you profane it thus with violent deeds and hearts overflowing with hatred? lo! where the crucified christ from his cross is gazing upon you! see! in those sorrowful eyes what meekness and holy compassion! hark! how those lips still repeat the prayer, 'o father, forgive them!' let us repeat that prayer in the hour when the wicked assail us, let us repeat it now, and say, 'o father, forgive them!'" few were his words of rebuke, but deep in the hearts of his people sank they, and sobs of contrition succeeded the passionate outbreak, and they repeated his prayer, and said, "o father, forgive them!" then came the evening service. the tapers gleamed from the altar. fervent and deep was the voice of the priest, and the people responded, not with their lips alone, but their hearts; and the ave maria sang they, and fell on their knees, and their souls, with devotion translated, rose on the ardor of prayer, like elijah ascending to heaven. meanwhile had spread in the village the tidings of ill, and on all sides wandered, wailing, from house to house the women and children. long at her father's door evangeline stood, with her right hand shielding her eyes from the level rays of the sun, that, descending, lighted the village street with mysterious splendor, and roofed each peasant's cottage with golden thatch, and emblazoned its windows. long within had been spread the snow-white cloth on the table; there stood the wheaten loaf, and the honey fragrant with wild-flowers; there stood the tankard of ale, and the cheese fresh brought from the dairy, and, at the head of the board, the great arm-chair of the farmer. thus did evangeline wait at her father's door, as the sunset threw the long shadows of trees o'er the broad ambrosial meadows. ah! on her spirit within a deeper shadow had fallen, and from the fields of her soul a fragrance celestial ascended,- charity, meekness, love, and hope, and forgiveness, and patience! then, all-forgetful of self, she wandered into the village, cheering with looks and words the disconsolate hearts of the women, as o'er the darkening fields with lingering steps they departed, urged by their household cares, and the weary feet of their children. down sank the great red sun, and in golden, glimmering vapors veiled the light of his face, like the prophet descending from sinai. sweetly over the village the bell of the angelus sounded. meanwhile, amid the gloom, by the church evangeline lingered. all was silent within; and in vain at the door and the windows stood she, and listened and looked, till, overcome by emotion, "gabriel!" cried she aloud with tremulous voice; but no answer came from the graves of the dead, nor the gloomier grave of the living. slowly at length she returned to the tenantless house of her father. smouldered the fire on the hearth, on the board stood the supper untasted, empty and drear was each room, and haunted with phantoms of terror. sadly echoed her step on the stair and the floor of her chamber. in the dead of the night she heard the whispering rain fall loud on the withered leaves of the sycamore-tree by the window. keenly the lightning flashed; and the voice of the echoing thunder told her that god was in heaven, and governed the world he created! then she remembered the tale she had heard of the justice of heaven; soothed was her troubled soul, and she peacefully slumbered till morning. v. four times the sun had risen and set; and now on the fifth day cheerily called the cock to the sleeping maids of the farm-house. soon o'er the yellow fields, in silent and mournful procession, came from the neighboring hamlets and farms the acadian women, driving in ponderous wains their household goods to the sea-shore, pausing and looking back to gaze once more on their dwellings, ere they were shut from sight by the winding road and the woodland. close at their sides their children ran, and urged on the oxen, while in their little hands they clasped some fragments of playthings. thus to the gaspereau's mouth they hurried; and there on the sea-beach piled in confusion lay the household goods of the peasants. all day long between the shore and the ships did the boats ply; all day long the wains came laboring down from the village. late in the afternoon, when the sun was near to his setting, echoed far o'er the fields came the roll of drums from the churchyard. thither the women and children thronged. on a sudden the church-doors opened, and forth came the guard, and marching in gloomy procession followed the long-imprisoned, but patient, acadian farmers. even as pilgrims, who journey afar from their homes and their country, sing as they go, and in singing forget they are weary and wayworn, so with songs on their lips the acadian peasants descended down from the church to the shore, amid their wives and their daughters. foremost the young men came; and, raising together their voices, sang they with tremulous lips a chant of the catholic missions:- "sacred heart of the saviour! o inexhaustible fountain! fill our hearts this day with strength and submission and patience!" then the old men, as they marched, and the women that stood by the wayside joined in the sacred psalm, and the birds in the sunshine above them mingled their notes therewith, like voices of spirits departed. half-way down to the shore evangeline waited in silence, not overcome with grief, but strong in the hour of affliction,- calmly and sadly she waited, until the procession approached her, and she beheld the face of gabriel pale with emotion. tears then filled her eyes, and, eagerly running to meet him, clasped she his hands, and laid her head on his shoulder and whispered,- "gabriel! be of good cheer! for if we love one another, nothing, in truth, can harm us, whatever mischances may happen!" smiling she spake these words; then suddenly paused, for her father saw she slowly advancing. alas! how changed was his aspect! gone was the glow from his cheek, and the fire from his eye, and his footstep heavier seemed with the weight of the heavy heart in his bosom. but with a smile and a sigh, she clasped his neck and embraced him, speaking words of endearment where words of comfort availed not. thus to the gaspereau's mouth moved on that mournful procession. there disorder prevailed, and the tumult and stir of embarking. busily plied the freighted boats; and in the confusion wives were torn from their husbands, and mothers, too late, saw their children left on the land, extending their arms, with wildest entreaties. so unto separate ships were basil and gabriel carried, while in despair on the shore evangeline stood with her father. half the task was not done when the sun went down, and the twilight deepened and darkened around; and in haste the refluent ocean fled away from the shore, and left the line of the sand-beach covered with waifs of the tide, with kelp and the slippery sea-weed. farther back in the midst of the household goods and the wagons, like to a gypsy camp, or a leaguer after a battle, all escape cut off by the sea, and the sentinels near them, lay encamped for the night the houseless acadian farmers. back to its nethermost caves retreated the bellowing ocean, dragging adown the beach the rattling pebbles, and leaving inland and far up the shore the stranded boats of the sailors. then, as the night descended, the herds returned from their pastures; sweet was the moist still air with the odor of milk from their udders; lowing they waited, and long, at the well-known bars of the farm-yard,- waited and looked in vain for the voice and the hand of the milkmaid. silence reigned in the streets; from the church no angelus sounded, rose no smoke from the roofs, and gleamed no lights from the windows. but on the shores meanwhile the evening fires had been kindled, built of the drift-wood thrown on the sands from wrecks in the tempest. round them shapes of gloom and sorrowful faces were gathered, voices of women were heard, and of men, and the crying of children. onward from fire to fire, as from hearth to hearth in his parish, wandered the faithful priest, consoling and blessing and cheering, like unto shipwrecked paul on melita's desolate sea-shore. thus he approached the place where evangeline sat with her father, and in the flickering light beheld the face of the old man, haggard and hollow and wan, and without either thought or emotion, e'en as the face of a clock from which the hands have been taken. vainly evangeline strove with words and caresses to cheer him, vainly offered him food; yet he moved not, he looked not, he spake not, but, with a vacant stare, ever gazed at the flickering fire-light. "benedicite!" murmured the priest; in tones of compassion. more he fain would have said, but his heart was full, and his accents faltered and paused on his lips, as the feet of a child on a threshold, hushed by the scene he beholds, and the awful presence of sorrow. silently, therefore, he laid his hand on the head of the maiden, raising his eyes full of tears to the silent stars that above them moved on their way, unperturbed by the wrongs and sorrows of mortals. then sat he down at her side, and they wept together in silence. suddenly rose from the south a light, as in autumn the blood-red moon climbs the crystal walls of heaven, and o'er the horizon titan-like stretches its hundred hands upon mountain and meadow, seizing the rocks and the rivers, and piling huge shadows together. broader and ever broader it gleamed on the roofs of the village, gleamed on the sky and the sea, and the ships that lay in the roadstead. columns of shining smoke uprose, and flashes of flame were thrust through their folds and withdrawn, like the quivering hands of a martyr. then as the wind seized the gleeds and the burning thatch, and, uplifting, whirled them aloft through the air, at once from a hundred house-tops started the sheeted smoke with flashes of flame intermingled. these things beheld in dismay the crowd on the shore and on shipboard. speechless at first they stood, then cried aloud in their anguish, "we shall behold no more our homes in the village of grand-pré!" loud on a sudden the cocks began to crow in the farm-yards, thinking the day had dawned; and anon the lowing of cattle came on the evening breeze, by the barking of dogs interrupted. then rose a sound of dread, such as startles the sleeping encampments far in the western prairies or forests that skirt the nebraska, when the wild horses affrighted sweep by with the speed of the whirlwind, or the loud bellowing herds of buffaloes rush to the river. such was the sound that arose on the night, as the herds and the horses broke through their folds and fences, and madly rushed o'er the meadows. overwhelmed with the sight, yet speechless, the priest and the maiden gazed on the scene of terror that reddened and widened before them; and as they turned at length to speak to their silent companion, lo! from his seat he had fallen, and stretched abroad on the sea-shore motionless lay his form, from which the soul had departed. slowly the priest uplifted the lifeless head, and the maiden knelt at her father's side, and wailed aloud in her terror. then in a swoon she sank, and lay with her head on his bosom. through the long night she lay in deep, oblivious slumber; and when she woke from the trance, she beheld a multitude near her. faces of friends she beheld, that were mournfully gazing upon her, pallid, with tearful eyes, and looks of saddest compassion. still the blaze of the burning village illumined the landscape, reddened the sky overhead, and gleamed on the faces around her, and like the day of doom it seemed to her wavering senses. then a familiar voice she heard, as it said to the people,- "let us bury him here by the sea. when a happier season brings us again to our homes from the unknown land of our exile, then shall his sacred dust be piously laid in the churchyard." such were the words of the priest. and there in haste by the seaside, having the glare of the burning village for funeral torches, but without bell or book, they buried the farmer of grand-pré. and as the voice of the priest repeated the service of sorrow, lo! with a mournful sound, like the voice of a vast congregation, solemnly answered the sea, and mingled its roar with the dirges. 'twas the returning tide, that afar from the waste of the ocean, with the first dawn of the day, came heaving and hurrying landward. then recommenced once more the stir and noise of embarking; and with the ebb of the tide the ships sailed out of the harbor, leaving behind them the dead on the shore, and the village in ruins. part the second. i. many a weary year had passed since the burning of grand-pré, when on the falling tide the freighted vessels departed, bearing a nation, with all its household gods, into exile, exile without an end, and without an example in story. far asunder, on separate coasts, the acadians landed; scattered were they, like flakes of snow, when the wind from the northeast strikes aslant through the fogs that darken the banks of newfoundland. friendless, homeless, hopeless, they wandered from city to city, from the cold lakes of the north to sultry southern savannas,- from the bleak shores of the sea to the lands where the father of waters seizes the hills in his hands, and drags them down to the ocean, deep in their sands to bury the scattered bones of the mammoth. friends they sought and homes; and many, despairing, heart-broken, asked of the earth but a grave, and no longer a friend nor a fireside. written their history stands on tablets of stone in the churchyards. long among them was seen a maiden who waited and wandered, lowly and meek in spirit, and patiently suffering all things. fair was she and young; but, alas! before her extended, dreary and vast and silent, the desert of life, with its pathway marked by the graves of those who had sorrowed and suffered before her, passions long extinguished, and hopes long dead and abandoned, as the emigrant's way o'er the western desert is marked by camp-fires long consumed, and bones that bleach in the sunshine. something there was in her life incomplete, imperfect, unfinished; as if a morning of june, with all its music and sunshine, suddenly paused in the sky, and, fading, slowly descended into the east again, from whence it late had arisen. sometimes she lingered in towns, till, urged by the fever within her, urged by a restless longing, the hunger and thirst of the spirit, she would commence again her endless search and endeavor; sometimes in churchyards strayed, and gazed on the crosses and tombstones, sat by some nameless grave, and thought that perhaps in its bosom he was already at rest, and she longed to slumber beside him. sometimes a rumor, a hearsay, an inarticulate whisper, came with its airy hand to point and beckon her forward. sometimes she spake with those who had seen her beloved and known him, but it was long ago, in some far-off place or forgotten. "gabriel lajeunesse!" they said; "o yes! we have seen him. he was with basil the blacksmith, and both have gone to the prairies; coureurs-des-bois are they, and famous hunters and trappers," "gabriel lajeunesse!" said others; "o yes! we have seen him. he is a voyageur in the lowlands of louisiana." then would they say: "dear child! why dream and wait for him longer? are there not other youths as fair as gabriel? others who have hearts as tender and true, and spirits as loyal? here is baptiste leblanc, the notary's son, who has loved thee many a tedious year; come, give him thy hand and be happy! thou art too fair to be left to braid st. catherine's tresses." then would evangeline answer, serenely but sadly, "i cannot! whither my heart has gone, there follows my hand, and not elsewhere. for when the heart goes before, like a lamp, and illumines the pathway, many things are made clear, that else lie hidden in darkness." thereupon the priest, her friend and father-confessor, said, with a smile, "o daughter! thy god thus speaketh within thee! talk not of wasted affection, affection never was wasted; if it enrich not the heart of another, its waters, returning back to their springs, like the rain, shall fill them full of refreshment; that which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain. patience; accomplish thy labor; accomplish thy work of affection! sorrow and silence are strong, and patient endurance is godlike. therefore accomplish thy labor of love, till the heart is made godlike, purified, strengthened, perfected, and rendered more worthy of heaven!" cheered by the good man's words, evangeline labored and waited. still in her heart she heard the funeral dirge of the ocean, but with its sound there was mingled a voice that whispered, "despair not!" thus did that poor soul wander in want and cheerless discomfort, bleeding, barefooted, over the shards and thorns of existence. let me essay, o muse! to follow the wanderer's footsteps;- not through each devious path, each changeful year of existence; but as a traveller follows a streamlet's course through the valley: far from its margin at times, and seeing the gleam of its water here and there, in some open space, and at intervals only; then drawing nearer its banks, through sylvan glooms that conceal it, though he behold it not, he can hear its continuous murmur; happy, at length, if he find the spot where it reaches an outlet. ii. it was the month of may. far down the beautiful river, past the ohio shore and past the mouth of the wabash, into the golden stream of the broad and swift mississippi, floated a cumbrous boat, that was rowed by acadian boatmen. it was a band of exiles: a raft, as it were, from the shipwrecked nation, scattered along the coast, now floating together, bound by the bonds of a common belief and a common misfortune; men and women and children, who, guided by hope or by hearsay, sought for their kith and their kin among the few-acred farmers on the acadian coast, and the prairies of fair opelousas. with them evangeline went, and her guide, the father felician. onward o'er sunken sands, through a wilderness somber with forests, day after day they glided adown the turbulent river; night after night, by their blazing fires, encamped on its borders. now through rushing chutes, among green islands, where plumelike cotton-trees nodded their shadowy crests, they swept with the current, then emerged into broad lagoons, where silvery sand-bars lay in the stream, and along the wimpling waves of their margin, shining with snow-white plumes, large flocks of pelicans waded. level the landscape grew, and along the shores of the river, shaded by china-trees, in the midst of luxuriant gardens, stood the houses of planters, with negro-cabins and dove-cots. they were approaching the region where reigns perpetual summer, where through the golden coast, and groves of orange and citron, sweeps with majestic curve the river away to the eastward. they, too, swerved from their course; and, entering the bayou of plaquemine, soon were lost in a maze of sluggish and devious waters, which, like a network of steel, extended in every direction. over their heads the towering and tenebrous boughs of the cypress met in a dusky arch, and trailing mosses in mid-air waved like banners that hang on the walls of ancient cathedrals. deathlike the silence seemed, and unbroken, save by the herons home to their roosts in the cedar-trees returning at sunset, or by the owl, as he greeted the moon with demoniac laughter. lovely the moonlight was as it glanced and gleamed on the water, gleamed on the columns of cypress and cedar sustaining the arches, down through whose broken vaults it fell as through chinks in a ruin. dreamlike, and indistinct, and strange were all things around them; and o'er their spirits there came a feeling of wonder and sadness,- strange forebodings of ill, unseen and that cannot be compassed. as, at the tramp of a horse's hoof on the turf of the prairies, far in advance are closed the leaves of the shrinking mimosa, so, at the hoof-beats of fate, with sad forebodings of evil, shrinks and closes the heart, ere the stroke of doom has attained it. but evangeline's heart was sustained by a vision, that faintly floated before her eyes, and beckoned her on through the moonlight. it was the thought of her brain that assumed the shape of a phantom. through those shadowy aisles had gabriel wandered before her, and every stroke of the oar now brought him nearer and nearer. then in his place, at the prow of the boat, rose one of the oarsmen, and, as a signal sound, if others like them peradventure sailed on those gloomy and midnight streams, blew a blast on his bugle. wild through the dark colonnades and corridors leafy the blast rang, breaking the seal of silence, and giving tongues to the forest. soundless above them the banners of moss just stirred to the music. multitudinous echoes awoke and died in the distance, over the watery floor, and beneath the reverberant branches; but not a voice replied; no answer came from the darkness; and, when the echoes had ceased, like a sense of pain was the silence. then evangeline slept; but the boatmen rowed through the midnight, silent at times, then singing familiar canadian boat-songs, such as they sang of old on their own acadian rivers, and through the night were heard the mysterious sounds of the desert, far off,--indistinct,--as of wave or wind in the forest, mixed with the whoop of the crane and the roar of the grim alligator. thus ere another noon they emerged from the shades; and before them lay, in the golden sun, the lakes of the atchafalaya. water-lilies in myriads rocked on the slight undulations made by the passing oars, and, resplendent in beauty, the lotus lifted her golden crown above the heads of the boatmen. faint was the air with the odorous breath of magnolia blossoms, and with the heat of noon; and numberless sylvan islands, fragrant and thickly embowered with blossoming hedges of roses, near to whose shores they glided along, invited to slumber. soon by the fairest of these their weary oars were suspended. under the boughs of wachita willows, that grew by the margin, safely their boat was moored; and scattered about on the greensward, tired with their midnight toil, the weary travellers slumbered. over them vast and high extended the cope of a cedar. swinging from its great arms, the trumpet-flower and the grape-vine hung their ladder of ropes aloft like the ladder of jacob, on whose pendulous stairs the angels ascending, descending, were the swift humming-birds, that flitted from blossom to blossom. such was the vision evangeline saw as she slumbered beneath it. filled was her heart with love, and the dawn of an opening heaven lighted her soul in sleep with the glory of regions celestial. nearer and ever nearer, among the numberless islands, darted a light, swift boat, that sped away o'er the water, urged on its course by the sinewy arms of hunters and trappers. northward its prow was turned, to the land of the bison and beaver. at the helm sat a youth, with countenance thoughtful and care-worn. dark and neglected locks overshadowed his brow, and a sadness somewhat beyond his years on his face was legibly written. gabriel was it, who, weary with waiting, unhappy and restless, sought in the western wilds oblivion of self and of sorrow. swiftly they glided along, close under the lee of the island, but by the opposite bank, and behind a screen of palmettos, so that they saw not the boat, where it lay concealed in the willows, and undisturbed by the dash of their oars, and unseen, were the sleepers, angel of god was there none to awaken the slumbering maiden. swiftly they glided away, like the shade of a cloud on the prairie. after the sound of their oars on the tholes had died in the distance, as from a magic trance the sleepers awoke, and the maiden said with a sigh to the friendly priest, "o father felician! something says in my heart that near me gabriel wanders. is it a foolish dream, an idle and vague superstition? or has an angel passed, and revealed the truth to my spirit?" then, with a blush, she added, "alas for my credulous fancy! unto ears like thine such words as these have no meaning." but made answer the reverend man, and he smiled as he answered,- "daughter, thy words are not idle; nor are they to me without meaning. feeling is deep and still; and the word that floats on the surface is as the tossing buoy, that betrays where the anchor is hidden. therefore trust to thy heart, and to what the world calls illusions. gabriel truly is near thee; for not far away to the southward, on the banks of the têche are the towns of st. maur and st. martin. there the long-wandering bride shall be given again to her bridegroom, there the long-absent pastor regain his flock and his sheepfold. beautiful is the land, with its prairies and forests of fruit-trees; under the feet a garden of flowers, and the bluest of heavens bending above, and resting its dome on the walls of the forest. they who dwell there have named it the eden of louisiana." with these words of cheer they arose and continued their journey. softly the evening came. the sun from the western horizon like a magician extended his golden wand o'er the landscape; twinkling vapors arose; and sky and water and forest seemed all on fire at the touch, and melted and mingled together. hanging between two skies, a cloud with edges of silver, floated the boat, with its dripping oars, on the motionless water. filled was evangeline's heart with inexpressible sweetness. touched by the magic spell, the sacred fountains of feeling glowed with the light of love, as the skies and waters around her. then from a neighboring thicket the mockingbird, wildest of singers, swinging aloft on a willow spray that hung o'er the water, shook from his little throat such floods of delirious music, that the whole air and the woods and the waves seemed silent to listen. plaintive at first were the tones and sad; then soaring to madness seemed they to follow or guide the revel of frenzied bacchantes. single notes were then heard, in sorrowful, low lamentation; till, having gathered them all, he flung them abroad in derision, as when, after a storm, a gust of wind through the tree tops shakes down the rattling rain in a crystal shower on the branches. with such a prelude as this, and hearts that throbbed with emotion, slowly they entered the têche, where it flows through the green opelousas, and, through the amber air, above the crest of the woodland, saw the column of smoke that arose from a neighboring dwelling;- sounds of a horn they heard, and the distant lowing of cattle. iii. near to the bank of the river, o'ershadowed by oaks, from whose branches garlands of spanish moss and of mystic mistletoe flaunted, such as the druids cut down with golden hatchets at yule-tide, stood, secluded and still, the house of the herdsman. a garden girdled it round about with a belt of luxuriant blossoms, filling the air with fragrance. the house itself was of timbers hewn from the cypress-tree, and carefully fitted together. large and low was the roof; and on slender columns supported, rose-wreathed, vine-encircled, a broad and spacious veranda, haunt of the humming-bird and the bee, extended around it. at each end of the house, amid the flowers of the garden, stationed the dove-cots were, as love's perpetual symbol, scenes of endless wooing, and endless contentions of rivals. silence reigned o'er the place. the line of shadow and sunshine ran near the tops of the trees; but the house itself was in shadow, and from its chimney-top, ascending and slowly expanding into the evening air, a thin blue column of smoke rose. in the rear of the house, from the garden gate, ran a pathway through the great groves of oak to the skirts of the limitless prairie, into whose sea of flowers the sun was slowly descending. full in his track of light, like ships with shadowy canvas hanging loose from their spars in a motionless calm in the tropics, stood a cluster of trees, with tangled cordage of grape-vines. just where the woodlands met the flowery surf of the prairie, mounted upon his horse, with spanish saddle and stirrups, sat a herdsman, arrayed in gaiters and doublet of deerskin. broad and brown was the face that from under the spanish sombrero gazed on the peaceful scene, with the lordly look of its master. round about him were numberless herds of kine, that were grazing quietly in the meadows, and breathing the vapory freshness that uprose from the river, and spread itself over the landscape. slowly lifting the horn that hung at his side, and expanding fully his broad, deep chest, he blew a blast, that resounded wildly and sweet and far, through the still damp air of the evening. suddenly out of the grass the long white horns of the cattle rose like flakes of foam on the adverse currents of ocean. silent a moment they gazed, then bellowing rushed o'er the prairie, and the whole mass became a cloud, a shade in the distance. then as the herdsman turned to the house, through the gate of the garden saw he the forms of the priest and the maiden advancing to meet him. suddenly down from his horse he sprang in amazement, and forward rushed with extended arms and exclamations of wonder; when they beheld his face, they recognized basil the blacksmith. hearty his welcome was, as he led his guests to the garden. there in an arbor of roses with endless question and answer gave they vent to their hearts, and renewed their friendly embraces, laughing and weeping by turns, or sitting silent and thoughtful. thoughtful, for gabriel came not; and now dark doubts and misgivings stole o'er the maiden's heart; and basil, somewhat embarrassed, broke the silence and said, "if you came by the atchafalaya, how have you nowhere encountered my gabriel's boat on the bayous?" over evangeline's face at the words of basil a shade passed. tears came into her eyes, and she said, with a tremulous accent, "gone? is gabriel gone?" and, concealing her face on his shoulder, all her o'erburdened heart gave way, and she wept and lamented. then the good basil said,--and his voice grew blithe as he said it,- "be of good cheer, my child; it is only to-day he departed. foolish boy! he has left me alone with my herds and my horses. moody and restless grown, and tried and troubled, his spirit could no longer endure the calm of this quiet existence. thinking ever of thee, uncertain and sorrowful ever, ever silent, or speaking only of thee and his troubles, he at length had become so tedious to men and to maidens, tedious even to me, that at length i bethought me, and sent him unto the town of adayes to trade for mules with the spaniards. thence he will follow the indian trails to the ozark mountains, hunting for furs in the forests, on rivers trapping the beaver. therefore be of good cheer; we will follow the fugitive lover; he is not far on his way, and the fates and the streams are against him. up and away to-morrow, and through the red dew of the morning we will follow him fast and bring him back to his prison." then glad voices were heard, and up from the banks of the river, borne aloft on his comrades' arms, came michael the fiddler. long under basil's roof had he lived like a god on olympus, having no other care than dispensing music to mortals. far renowned was he for his silver locks and his fiddle. "long live michael," they cried, "our brave acadian minstrel!" as they bore him aloft in triumphal procession; and straightway father felician advanced with evangeline, greeting the old man kindly and oft, and recalling the past, while basil, enraptured, hailed with hilarious joy his old companions and gossips, laughing loud and long, and embracing mothers and daughters. much they marvelled to see the wealth of the ci-devant blacksmith, all his domains and his herds, and his patriarchal demeanor; much they marvelled to hear his tales of the soil and the climate, and of the prairies, whose numberless herds were his who would take them; each one thought in his heart, that he, too, would go and do likewise. thus they ascended the steps, and, crossing the airy veranda, entered the hall of the house, where already the supper of basil waited his late return; and they rested and feasted together. over the joyous feast the sudden darkness descended. all was silent without, and, illuming the landscape with silver, fair rose the dewy moon and the myriad stars; but within doors, brighter than these, shone the faces of friends in the glimmering lamplight. then from his station aloft, at the head of the table, the herdsman poured forth his heart and his wine together in endless profusion. lighting his pipe, that was filled with sweet natchitoches tobacco, thus he spake to his guests, who listened, and smiled as they listened:- "welcome once more, my friends, who long have been friendless and homeless, welcome once more to a home, that is better perchance than the old one! here no hungry winter congeals our blood like the rivers; here no stony ground provokes the wrath of the farmer. smoothly the ploughshare runs through the soil, as a keel through the water. all the year round the orange-groves are in blossom; and grass grows more in a single night than a whole canadian summer. here, too, numberless herds run wild and unclaimed in the prairies; here, too, lands may be had for the asking, and forests of timber with a few blows of the axe are hewn and framed into houses. after your houses are built, and your fields are yellow with harvests, no king george of england shall drive you away from your homesteads, burning your dwellings and barns, and stealing your farms and your cattle." speaking these words, he blew a wrathful cloud from his nostrils, while his huge, brown hand came thundering down on the table, so that the guests all started; and father felician, astounded, suddenly paused, with a pinch of snuff halfway to his nostrils. but the brave basil resumed, and his words were milder and gayer: "only beware of the fever, my friends, beware of the fever! for it is not like that of our cold acadian climate, cured by wearing a spider hung round one's neck in a nutshell!" then there were voices heard at the door, and footsteps approaching sounded upon the stairs and the floor of the breezy veranda. it was the neighboring creoles and small acadian planters, who had been summoned all to the house of basil the herdsman. merry the meeting was of ancient comrades and neighbors: friend clasped friend in his arms; and they who before were as strangers, meeting in exile, became straightway as friends to each other, drawn by the gentle bond of a common country together. but in the neighboring hall a strain of music, proceeding from the accordant strings of michael's melodious fiddle, broke up all further speech. away, like children delighted, all things forgotten beside, they gave themselves to the maddening whirl of the dizzy dance, as it swept and swayed to the music, dreamlike, with beaming eyes and the rush of fluttering garments. meanwhile, apart, at the head of the hall, the priest and the herdsman sat, conversing together of past and present and future; while evangeline stood like one entranced, for within her olden memories rose, and loud in the midst of the music heard she the sound of the sea, and an irrepressible sadness came o'er her heart, and unseen she stole forth into the garden. beautiful was the night. behind the black wall of the forest, tipping its summit with silver, arose the moon. on the river fell here and there through the branches a tremulous gleam of the moonlight, like the sweet thoughts of love on a darkened and devious spirit. nearer and round about her, the manifold flowers of the garden poured out their souls in odors, that were their prayers and confessions unto the night, as it went its way, like a silent carthusian. fuller of fragrance than they, and as heavy with shadows and night-dews, hung the heart of the maiden. the calm and the magical moonlight seemed to inundate her soul with indefinable longings, as, through the garden gate, beneath the shade of the oak-trees, passed she along the path to the edge of the measureless prairie. silent it lay, with a silvery haze upon it, and the fire-flies gleaming and floating away in mingled and infinite numbers. over her head the stars, the thoughts of god in the heavens, shone on the eyes of man, who had ceased to marvel and worship, save when a blazing comet was seen on the walls of that temple, as if a hand had appeared and written upon them, "upharsin." and the soul of the maiden, between the stars and the fire-flies, wandered alone, and she cried, "o gabriel! o my beloved! art thou so near unto me, and yet i cannot behold thee? art thou so near unto me, and yet thy voice does not reach me? ah! how often thy feet have trod this path to the prairie! ah! how often thine eyes have looked on the woodlands around me! ah! how often beneath this oak, returning from labor, thou hast lain down to rest, and to dream of me in thy slumbers! when shall these eyes behold, these arms be folded about thee?" loud and sudden and near the note of a whippoorwill sounded like a flute in the woods; and anon, through the neighboring thickets, farther and farther away it floated and dropped into silence. "patience!" whispered the oaks from oracular caverns of darkness; and, from the moonlit meadow, a sigh responded, "to-morrow!" bright rose the sun next day; and all the flowers of the garden bathed his shining feet with their tears, and anointed his tresses with the delicious balm that they bore in their vases of crystal. "farewell!" said the priest, as he stood at the shadowy threshold; "see that you bring us the prodigal son from his fasting and famine, and, too, the foolish virgin, who slept when the bridegroom was coming." "farewell!" answered the maiden, and, smiling, with basil descended down to the river's brink, where the boatmen already were waiting. thus beginning their journey with morning, and sunshine, and gladness, swiftly they followed the flight of him who was speeding before them, blown by the blast of fate like a dead leaf over the desert. not that day, nor the next, nor yet the day that succeeded, found they trace of his course, in lake or forest or river, nor, after many days, had they found him; but vague and uncertain rumors alone were their guides through a wild and desolate country; till, at the little inn of the spanish town of adayes, weary and worn, they alighted, and learned from the garrulous landlord, that on the day before, with horses and guides and companions, gabriel left the village, and took the road of the prairies. iv. far in the west there lies a desert land, where the mountains lift, through perpetual snows, their lofty and luminous summits. down from their jagged, deep ravines, where the gorge, like a gateway, opens a passage rude to the wheels of the emigrant's wagon, westward the oregon flows and the walleway and owyhee. eastward, with devious course, among the windriver mountains, through the sweet-water valley precipitate leaps the nebraska; and to the south, from fontaine-qui-bout and the spanish sierras, fretted with sands and rocks, and swept by the wind of the desert, numberless torrents, with ceaseless sound, descend to the ocean, like the great chords of a harp, in loud and solemn vibrations. spreading between these streams are the wondrous, beautiful prairies, billowy bays of grass ever rolling in shadow and sunshine, bright with luxuriant clusters of roses and purple amorphas. over them wandered the buffalo herds, and the elk and the roebuck; over them wandered the wolves, and herds of riderless horses; fires that blast and blight, and winds that are weary with travel; over them wander the scattered tribes of ishmael's children, staining the desert with blood; and above their terrible war-trails circles and sails aloft, on pinions majestic, the vulture, like the implacable soul of a chieftain slaughtered in battle, by invisible stairs ascending and scaling the heavens. here and there rise smokes from the camps of these savage marauders; here and there rise groves from the margins of swift-running rivers; and the grim, taciturn bear, the anchorite monk of the desert, climbs down their dark ravines to dig for roots by the brookside, and over all is the sky, the clear and crystalline heaven, like the protecting hand of god inverted above them. into this wonderful land, at the base of the ozark mountains, gabriel far had entered, with hunters and trappers behind him. day after day, with their indian guides, the maiden and basil followed his flying steps, and thought each day to o'ertake him. sometimes they saw, or thought they saw, the smoke of his camp-fire rise in the morning air from the distant plain; but at nightfall, when they had reached the place, they found only embers and ashes. and, though their hearts were sad at times and their bodies were weary, hope still guided them on, as the magic fata morgana showed them her lakes of light, that retreated and vanished before them. once, as they sat by their evening fire, there silently entered into the little camp an indian woman, whose features wore deep traces of sorrow, and patience as great as her sorrow. she was a shawnee woman returning home to her people, from the far-off hunting-grounds of the cruel camanches, where her canadian husband, a coureur-des-bois, had been murdered. touched were their hearts at her story, and warmest and friendliest welcome gave they, with words of cheer, and she sat and feasted among them on the buffalo-meat and the venison cooked on the embers. but when their meal was done, and basil and all his companions, worn with the long day's march and the chase of the deer and the bison, stretched themselves on the ground, and slept where the quivering fire-light flashed on their swarthy cheeks, and their forms wrapped up in their blankets, then at the door of evangeline's tent she sat and repeated slowly, with soft, low voice, and the charm of her indian accent, all the tale of her love, with its pleasures, and pains, and reverses. much evangeline wept at the tale, and to know that another hapless heart like her own had loved and had been disappointed. moved to the depths of her soul by pity and woman's compassion, yet in her sorrow pleased that one who had suffered was near her, she in turn related her love and all its disasters. mute with wonder the shawnee sat, and when she had ended still was mute; but at length, as if a mysterious horror passed through her brain, she spake, and repeated the tale of the mowis; mowis, the bridegroom of snow, who won and wedded a maiden, but, when the morning came, arose and passed from the wigwam, fading and melting away and dissolving into the sunshine, till she beheld him no more, though she followed far into the forest. then, in those sweet, low tones, that seemed like a weird incantation, told she the tale of the fair lilinau, who was wooed by a phantom, that, through the pines o'er her father's lodge, in the hush of the twilight, breathed like the evening wind, and whispered love to the maiden, till she followed his green and waving plume through the forest, and never more returned, nor was seen again by her people. silent with wonder and strange surprise, evangeline listened to the soft flow of her magical words, till the region around her seemed like enchanted ground, and her swarthy guest the enchantress. slowly over the tops of the ozark mountains the moon rose, lighting the little tent, and with a mysterious splendor touching the sombre leaves, and embracing and filling the woodland. with a delicious sound the brook rushed by, and the branches swayed and sighed overhead in scarcely audible whispers. filled with the thoughts of love was evangeline's heart, but a secret, subtile sense crept in of pain and indefinite terror, as the cold, poisonous snake creeps into the nest of the swallow. it was no earthly fear. a breath from the region of spirits seemed to float in the air of night; and she felt for a moment that, like the indian maid, she, too, was pursuing a phantom. with this thought she slept, and the fear and the phantom had vanished. early upon the morrow the march was resumed; and the shawnee said, as they journeyed along, "on the western slope of these mountains dwells in his little village the black robe chief of the mission. much he teaches the people, and tells them of mary and jesus; loud laugh their hearts with joy, and weep with pain, as they hear him." then, with a sudden and secret emotion, evangeline answered, "let us go to the mission, for there good tidings await us!" thither they turned their steeds; and behind a spur of the mountains, just as the sun went down, they heard a murmur of voices, and in a meadow green and broad, by the bank of a river, saw the tents of the christians, the tents of the jesuit mission. under a towering oak, that stood in the midst of the village, knelt the black robe chief with his children. a crucifix fastened high on the trunk of the tree, and overshadowed by grape-vines, looked with its agonized face on the multitude kneeling beneath it. this was their rural chapel. aloft, through the intricate arches of its aerial roof, arose the chant of their vespers, mingling its notes with the soft susurrus and sighs of the branches. silent, with heads uncovered, the travellers, nearer approaching, knelt on the swarded floor, and joined in the evening devotions. but when the service was done, and the benediction had fallen forth from the hands of the priest, like seed from the hands of the sower, slowly the reverend man advanced to the strangers and bade them welcome; and when they replied, he smiled with benignant expression, hearing the homelike sounds of his mother-tongue in the forest, and, with words of kindness, conducted them into his wigwam. there upon mats and skins they reposed, and on cakes of the maize-ear feasted, and slaked their thirst from the water-gourd of the teacher. soon was their story told; and the priest with solemnity answered:- "not six suns have risen and set since gabriel, seated on this mat by my side, where now the maiden reposes, told me this same sad tale; then arose and continued his journey!" soft was the voice of the priest, and he spake with an accent of kindness; but on evangeline's heart fell his words as in winter the snow-flakes fall into some lone nest from which the birds have departed. "far to the north he has gone," continued the priest; "but in autumn, when the chase is done, will return again to the mission." then evangeline said, and her voice was meek and submissive, "let me remain with thee, for my soul is sad and afflicted." so seemed it wise and well unto all; and betimes on the morrow, mounting his mexican steed, with his indian guides and companions, homeward basil returned, and evangeline stayed at the mission. slowly, slowly, slowly the days succeeded each other,- days and weeks and months; and the fields of maize that were springing green from the ground when a stranger she came, now waving above her, lifted their slender shafts, with leaves interlacing, and forming cloisters for mendicant crows and granaries pillaged by squirrels. then in the golden weather the maize was husked, and the maidens blushed at each blood-red ear, for that betokened a lover, but at the crooked laughed, and called it a thief in the cornfield. even the blood-red ear to evangeline brought not her lover. "patience!" the priest would say; "have faith, and thy prayer will be answered! look at this delicate plant that lifts its head from the meadow, see how its leaves all point to the north, as true as the magnet; this is the compass-flower, that the finger of god has suspended here on its fragile stock, to direct the traveller's journey over the sea-like, pathless, limitless waste of the desert. such in the soul of man is faith. the blossoms of passion, gay and luxuriant flowers, are brighter and fuller of fragrance, but they beguile us, and lead us astray, and their odor is deadly. only this humble plant can guide us here, and hereafter crown us with asphodel flowers, that are wet with the dews of nepenthe." so came the autumn, and passed, and the winter,--yet gabriel came not; blossomed the opening spring, and the notes of the robin and bluebird sounded sweet upon wold and in wood, yet gabriel came not. but on the breath of the summer winds a rumor was wafted sweeter than song of bird, or hue or odor of blossom. far to the north and east, it said, in the michigan forests, gabriel had his lodge by the banks of the saginaw river. and, with returning guides, that sought the lakes of st. lawrence, saying a sad farewell, evangeline went from the mission. when over weary ways, by long and perilous marches, she had attained at length the depths of the michigan forests, found she the hunter's lodge deserted and fallen to ruin! thus did the long sad years glide on, and in seasons and places divers and distant far was seen the wandering maiden;- now in the tents of grace of the meek moravian missions, now in the noisy camps and the battle-fields of the army, now in secluded hamlets, in towns and populous cities. like a phantom she came, and passed away unremembered. fair was she and young, when in hope began the long journey; faded was she and old, when in disappointment it ended. each succeeding year stole something away from her beauty. leaving behind it, broader and deeper, the gloom and the shadow. then there appeared and spread faint streaks of gray o'er her forehead, dawn of another life, that broke o'er her earthly horizon, as in the eastern sky the first faint streaks of the morning. v. in that delightful land, which is washed by the delaware's waters, guarding in sylvan shades the name of penn the apostle. stands on the banks of its beautiful stream the city he founded. there all the air is balm, and the peach is the emblem of beauty, and the streets still re-echo the names of the trees of the forest, as if they fain would appease the dryads whose haunts they molested. there from the troubled sea had evangeline landed, an exile, finding among the children of penn a home and a country. there old rené leblanc had died; and when he departed, saw at his side only one of all his hundred descendants. something at least there was in the friendly streets of the city, something that spake to her heart, and made her no longer a stranger; and her ear was pleased with the thee and thou of the quakers, for it recalled the past, the old acadian country, where all men were equal, and all were brothers and sisters. so, when the fruitless search, the disappointed endeavor, ended, to recommence no more upon earth, uncomplaining, thither, as leaves to the light, were turned her thoughts and her footsteps. as from a mountain's top the rainy mists of the morning roll away, and afar we behold the landscape below us, sun-illumined, with shining rivers and cities and hamlets, so fell the mists from her mind, and she saw the world far below her, dark no longer, but all illumined with love; and the pathway which she had climbed so far, lying smooth and fair in the distance. gabriel was not forgotten. within her heart was his image, clothed in the beauty of love and youth, as last she beheld him, only more beautiful made by his deathlike silence and absence. into her thoughts of him time entered not, for it was not. over him years had no power; he was not changed, but transfigured; he had become to her heart as one who is dead, and not absent; patience and abnegation of self, and devotion to others, this was the lesson a life of trial and sorrow had taught her. so was her love diffused, but, like to some odorous spices, suffered no waste nor loss, though filling the air with aroma. other hope had she none, nor wish in life, but to follow meekly, with reverent steps, the sacred feet of her saviour. thus many years she lived as a sister of mercy; frequenting lonely and wretched roofs in the crowded lanes of the city, where distress and want concealed themselves from the sunlight, where disease and sorrow in garrets languished neglected. night after night, when the world was asleep, as the watchman repeated loud, through the gusty streets, that all was well in the city, high at some lonely window he saw the light of her taper. day after day, in the gray of the dawn, as slow through the suburbs plodded the german farmer, with flowers and fruits for the market, met he that meek, pale face, returning home from its watchings. then it came to pass that a pestilence fell on the city, presaged by wondrous signs, and mostly by flocks of wild pigeons, darkening the sun in their flight, with naught in their craws but an acorn. and, as the tides of the sea arise in the month of september, flooding some silver stream, till it spreads to a lake in the meadow, so death flooded life, and, o'erflowing its natural margin, spread to a brackish lake, the silver stream of existence. wealth had no power to bribe, nor beauty to charm, the oppressor; but all perished alike beneath the scourge of his anger;- only, alas! the poor, who had neither friends nor attendants, crept away to die in the almshouse, home of the homeless. then in the suburbs it stood, in the midst of meadows and woodlands;- now the city surrounds it; but still, with its gateway and wicket meek, in the midst of splendor, its humble walls seem to echo softly the words of the lord:--"the poor ye always have with you." thither, by night and by day, came the sister of mercy. the dying looked up into her face, and thought, indeed, to behold there gleams of celestial light encircle her forehead with splendor, such as the artist paints o'er the brows of saints and apostles, or such as hangs by night o'er a city seen at a distance. unto their eyes it seemed the lamps of the city celestial, into whose shining gates erelong their spirits would enter. thus, on a sabbath morn, through the streets, deserted and silent, wending her quiet way, she entered the door of the almshouse. sweet on the summer air was the odor of flowers in the garden; and she paused on her way to gather the fairest among them, that the dying once more might rejoice in their fragrance and beauty. then, as she mounted the stairs to the corridors, cooled by the east wind, distant and soft on her ear fell the chimes from the belfry of christ church, while, intermingled with these, across the meadows were wafted sounds of psalms, that were sung by the swedes in their church at wicaco. soft as descending wings fell the calm of the hour on her spirit; something within her said, "at length thy trials are ended"; and, with light in her looks, she entered the chambers of sickness. noiselessly moved about the assiduous, careful attendants, moistening the feverish lip, and the aching brow, and in silence closing the sightless eyes of the dead, and concealing their faces, where on their pallets they lay, like drifts of snow by the roadside. many a languid head, upraised as evangeline entered, turned on its pillow of pain to gaze while she passed, for her presence fell on their hearts like a ray of the sun on the walls of a prison. and, as she looked around, she saw how death, the consoler, laying his hand upon many a heart, had healed it forever. many familiar forms had disappeared in the night-time; vacant their places were, or filled already by strangers. suddenly, as if arrested by fear or a feeling of wonder, still she stood, with her colorless lips apart, while a shudder ran through her frame, and, forgotten, the flowerets dropped from her fingers, and from her eyes and cheeks the light and bloom of the morning. then there escaped from her lips a cry of such terrible anguish, that the dying heard it, and started up from their pillows. on the pallet before her was stretched the form of an old man. long, and thin, and gray were the locks that shaded his temples; but, as he lay in the morning light, his face for a moment seemed to assume once more the forms of its earlier manhood; so are wont to be changed the faces of those who are dying. hot and red on his lips still burned the flush of the fever, as if life, like the hebrew, with blood had besprinkled its portals, that the angel of death might see the sign, and pass over. motionless, senseless, dying, he lay, and his spirit exhausted seemed to be sinking down through infinite depths in the darkness, darkness of slumber and death, forever sinking and sinking. then through those realms of shade, in multiplied reverberations, heard he that cry of pain, and through the hush that succeeded whispered a gentle voice, in accents tender and saint-like, "gabriel! o my beloved!" and died away into silence. then he beheld, in a dream, once more the home of his childhood; green acadian meadows, with sylvan rivers among them, village, and mountain, and woodlands; and, walking under their shadow, as in the days of her youth, evangeline rose in his vision. tears came into his eyes; and as slowly he lifted his eyelids, vanished the vision away, but evangeline knelt by his bedside. vainly he strove to whisper her name, for the accents unuttered died on his lips, and their motion revealed what his tongue would have spoken. vainly he strove to rise; and evangeline, kneeling beside him, kissed his dying lips, and laid his head on her bosom. sweet was the light of his eyes; but it suddenly sank into darkness, as when a lamp is blown out by a gust of wind at a casement. all was ended now, the hope, and the fear, and the sorrow, all the aching of heart, the restless, unsatisfied longing, all the dull, deep pain, and constant anguish of patience! and, as she pressed once more the lifeless head to her bosom, meekly she bowed her own, and murmured, "father, i thank thee!" still stands the forest primeval; but far away from its shadow, side by side, in their nameless graves, the lovers are sleeping. under the humble walls of the little catholic churchyard, in the heart of the city, they lie, unknown and unnoticed. daily the tides of life go ebbing and flowing beside them, thousands of throbbing hearts, where theirs are at rest and forever, thousands of aching brains, where theirs no longer are busy, thousands of toiling hands, where theirs have ceased from their labors, thousands of weary feet, where theirs have completed their journey! still stands the forest primeval; but under the shade of its branches dwells another race, with other customs and language. only along the shore of the mournful and misty atlantic linger a few acadian peasants, whose fathers from exile wandered back to their native land to die in its bosom. in the fisherman's cot the wheel and the loom are still busy; maidens still wear their norman caps and their kirtles of homespun, and by the evening fire repeat evangeline's story. while from its rocky caverns the deep-voiced, neighboring ocean speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail of the forest. [illustration: evangeline.] evangeline a tale of acadie by henry wadsworth longfellow edited with introduction, notes and a plan of study by w.f. conover. a. flanagan co., publishers, chicago copyright 1899 by w.f. conover note. the distinctive feature of this edition of evangeline is the plan of study which forms the latter part of the volume. this plan for the study of "evangeline" is the outgrowth of several years' teaching of this delightful poem. it has proved successful in securing very satisfactory work from classes varying greatly in ability. it has resulted, in a considerable majority of cases, in (1) in awakening an interest in and a love for good literature; (2) opening up the field of literature in a new way, and showing that much wealth may be gotten by digging below the surface; (3) developing a considerable power of discrimination; (4) enlarging the pupil's working vocabulary. see "argument" on page 113. the author. contents. note page 5 introduction. the author 7 the poem 9 acadia and the acadians 12 evangeline: a tale of acadie. part the first 20 part the second 60 notes on evangeline. part one 107 part two 110 a plan of study. part i 119 part ii 124 part iii 142 introduction. the author. henry wadsworth longfellow was born in portland, maine, february 27, 1807. his father and mother were of english stock, his mother being a descendant of "john alden and priscilla." stephen longfellow, his father, was a lawyer and statesman. henry's school life began at the age of three. when he was six years old he could read, spell and multiply, and at the age of seven was half way through his latin grammar. he early showed a taste for reading, and read not only his father's small stock of books, but frequented the portland library and book stores. "the battle of lovell's pond" was his first poem, written when he was thirteen. he entered bowdoin college at the age of fourteen, graduating in 1825. during the latter part of his student life there he began to show a considerable literary bent. shortly after graduating from bowdoin, longfellow was elected professor of modern languages in that institution. before entering upon his work, he spent three years in study and travel in europe, returning to america in 1829. for five and one-half years he taught in bowdoin, during which time he began serious work as an author. in 1834, harvard called him to the chair of modern languages. he again made a trip to europe for further study. longfellow was connected with harvard for nineteen years, resigning his position in 1854 to devote his whole time to literature. his two principal prose works are "outre mer" and "hyperion." the latter was followed by a volume of poems entitled "voices of the night." "ballads and other poems" appeared in 1841, and showed much more talent. "evangeline" was written in 1847; "hiawatha" in 1855, and the "courtship of miles standish" in 1857. "evangeline" and "hiawatha" are considered the best of his longer poems. "the building of the ship" and "excelsior" are perhaps the best known of his shorter poems. longfellow died at cambridge in 1882. the poem. "evangeline" is considered longfellow's masterpiece among his longer poems. it is said to have been the author's favorite. it has a universal popularity, having been translated into many languages. e.c. stedman styles it the "flower of american idyls." "evangeline" is a narrative poem, since it tells a story. some of the world's greatest poems have been of this kind, notably the "iliad" and the "odyssey" of homer, and the "aeneid," of virgil. it may be also classified as an idyl, which is a simple, pastoral poem of no great length. poetry has been defined as "impassioned expression in verse or metrical form." all modern english poetry has metre, and much of it rhyme. by metre is meant a regular recurrence of accented syllables among unaccented syllables. "evangeline" is written in what is called hexameter, having six accents to the line. an accented syllable is followed by one or two unaccented. a line must begin with an accented syllable, the last accent but one be followed by two unaccented syllables, and the last by one. representing an accented syllable by o and an unaccented syllable by a -, the first line of the poem would be as follows: o o o o o o this is the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlocks, "the measure lends itself easily to the lingering melancholy which marks a greater part of the poem." "in reading there should be a gentle labor of the former half of the line and gentle acceleration of the latter half."--_scudder_. [illustration: nova scotia and vicinity.] acadia and the acadians. acadia, now known as nova scotia, was settled by the french in 1607. many of the colonists settled in the fertile region about the bay of minas, an arm of the bay of fundy. one of these settlements was called grand pre, meaning great meadow. the people were industrious and thrifty and they soon attained a considerable prosperity. during the early period of american history, france and england were almost continually at war with one another, and in these wars the colonists were concerned. at the close of what is known as queen anne's war, in 1713, france ceded acadia to the english, and it has since remained in their possession. some thirty-five years passed before an english settlement was made at halifax, the acadians in the meantime remaining in undisturbed possession of the country. soon after the settlement of halifax trouble began between the rival colonists. the acadians were, as a whole, a quiet and peaceable people, content to till their farms and let the mother countries settle any disputes. some of them were not thus minded and they succeeded in causing considerable trouble. frequent attacks were made upon halifax by the indians who were supposed to have been aided and encouraged by the acadians. the acadians had refused to take the oath of allegiance to the english and this caused them to be regarded with suspicion and fear. they had sworn fidelity on the condition that they should not be required to bear arms against the french, with whom they naturally sympathized, being of the same blood and religion. they persistently refused to go further and swear allegiance. the english were not without blame since it must be admitted they had covetous eyes upon the rich farms of the acadians and an opportunity to take possession of them would not be unwelcome. [illustration: map of annapolis and kings counties.] the strife that had so long been going on between france and england to determine which should rule in the new world was now at a critical point. england's power seemed to be trembling in the balance. her defeat meant great disaster to the colonies. alarmed by braddock's failure, the colonists determined something must be done to prevent the acadians giving assistance to the french. to send them to canada would be to strengthen the enemy, while to transport them to any one of the colonies would be equally unwise since they would there be a source of danger. it was finally decided to scatter them among the different settlements. an order was issued requiring all the males of grand pre and vicinity ten years old and upwards to assemble in the church to hear a proclamation of the king. failure to attend would result in a forfeiture of all property of the individual. on the appointed day the men gathered in the church and heard the mandate directing that all their property, excepting household goods and money, should be forfeited to the crown and they with their families should be transported to other lands. they were held prisoners until the time of sailing, the women and the children gathering their belongings on the beach. the expected transports failed to arrive on time and fear of trouble led the english to hurry their prisoners aboard the few ships in the harbor. these were so crowded nearly all the goods had to be left behind, and in the haste of embarking many families, lovers and friends were parted, being carried aboard different ships bound for different ports. on october 29th, 1755, the acadians sailed away into exile, an "exile without an end, and without an example in story." there is a considerable difference of opinion as to whether such extreme measures were justified. the english colonists evidently felt that it was a necessary act, an act of self-preservation. it is, perhaps, no worse than many of the horrors of war. on the other hand the acadians had, as a whole, committed no overt act of disloyalty, though a few of them had done so. should a whole community thus suffer for the wrong doing of a few? this is certainly a difficult question. those interested in the subject should read an article by parkman in "harper's magazine" for november, 1884, where he justifies the action. for the opposite view, see "acadia" by edouard richards, vol. i, chap. iv. the following quotations will be found of interest. the first is from edouard richards; the second and third from two of contemporaries of the exiled acadians, moses de les derniers and brook watson. "all that vast bay, around which but lately an industrious people worked like a swarm of bees, was now deserted. in the silent village, where the doors swung idly in the wind, nothing was heard but the tramp of soldiery and the lowing of cattle, wandering anxiously around the stables as if looking for their masters....the total amount of live-stock owned by the acadians at the time of the deportation has been variously estimated by different historians, or to speak more correctly, very few have paid any attention to this subject....rameau, who has made a much deeper study than any other historian of the acadians, sets the total at 130,000, comprising horned cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs." edouard richard quotes the following from two contemporaries of the exiled acadians. "the acadians were the most innocent and virtuous people i have ever known or read of in any history. they lived in a state of perfect equality, without distinction of rank in society. the title of 'mister' was unknown among them. knowing nothing of luxury, or even the conveniences of life, they were content with a simple manner of living, which they easily compassed by the tillage of their lands. very little ambition or avarice was to be seen among them; they anticipated each other's wants by kindly liberality; they demanded no interest for loans of money or other property. they were humane and hospitable to strangers, and very liberal toward those who embraced their religion. they were very remarkable for their inviolable purity of morals. if any disputes arose in their transactions, they always submitted to the decision of an arbitrator, and their final appeal was to their priest."--_moses de les derniers_. "young men were not encouraged to marry unless the young girl could weave a piece of cloth, and the young man make a pair of wheels. these accomplishments were deemed essential for their marriage settlement, and they hardly needed anything else; for every time there was a wedding the whole village contributed to set up the newly married couple. they built a house for them, and cleared enough land for their immediate needs; they gave them live stock and poultry; and nature, seconded by their own labor, soon put them in a position to help others."--_brook watson_. [illustration: village of grand pré. rivers gaspereau and avon in the distance.] evangeline. prelude. this is the forest primeval. the murmuring pines and the hemlocks, bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight, stand like druids of eld, with voices sad and prophetic, stand like harpers hoar, with beards that rest on their bosoms. loud from its rocky caverns, the deep-voiced neighboring ocean 5 speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail of the forest. this is the forest primeval; but where are the hearts that beneath it leaped like the roe, when he hears in the woodland the voice of the huntsman? where is the thatch-roofed village, the home of acadian farmers-men whose lives glided on like rivers that water the woodlands, 10 darkened by shadows of earth, but reflecting an image of heaven? waste are those pleasant farms, and the farmers forever departed! scattered like dust and leaves, when the mighty blasts of october seize them, and whirl them aloft, and sprinkle them far o'er the ocean. naught but tradition remains of the beautiful village of grand-pre. 15 ye who believe in affection that hopes, and endures, and is patient, ye who believe in the beauty and strength of woman's devotion. list to the mournful tradition still sung by the pines of the forest; list to a tale of love in acadie, home of the happy. part the first. section i. in the acadian land, on the shores of the basin of minas, 20 distant, secluded, still, the little village of grand-pre lay in the fruitful valley. vast meadows stretched to the eastward, giving the village its name and pasture to flocks without number. dikes, that the hands of the farmers had raised with labor incessant, shut out the turbulent tides; but at stated seasons the flood-gates 25 opened and welcomed the sea to wander at will o'er the meadows. west and south there were fields of flax, and orchards and cornfields spreading afar and unfenced o'er the plain; and away to the northward blomidon rose, and the forests old, and aloft on the mountains sea-fogs pitched their tents, and mists from the mighty atlantic 30 looked on the happy valley, but ne'er from their station descended. there, in the midst of its farms, reposed the acadian village. strongly built were the houses, with frames of oak and of hemlock, such as the peasants of normandy built in the reign of the henries. thatched were the roofs, with dormer-windows; and gables projecting 35 over the basement below protected and shaded the doorway. there in the tranquil evenings of summer, when brightly the sunset lighted the village street, and gilded the vanes on the chimneys, matrons and maidens sat in snow-white caps and in kirtles scarlet and blue and green, with distaffs spinning the golden 40 flax for the gossiping looms, whose noisy shuttles within doors mingled their sound with the whir of the wheels and the songs of the maidens. solemnly down the street came the parish priest, and the children paused in their play to kiss the hand he extended to bless them. reverend walked he among them; and up rose matrons and maidens, 45 hailing his slow approach with words of affectionate welcome. then came the laborers home from the field, and serenely the sun sank down to his rest, and twilight prevailed. anon from the belfry softly the angelus sounded, and over the roofs of the village columns of pale blue smoke, like clouds of incense ascending, 50 rose from a hundred hearths, the homes of peace and contentment. thus dwelt together in love these simple acadian farmers,-dwelt in the love of god and of man. alike were they free from fear, that reigns with the tyrant, and envy, the vice of republics. neither locks had they to their doors, nor bars to their windows; 55 but their dwellings were open as day and the hearts of the owners; there the richest was poor, and the poorest lived in abundance. somewhat apart from the village, and nearer the basin of minas, benedict bellefontaine, the wealthiest farmer of grand-pre, dwelt on his goodly acres; and with him, directing his household, 60 gentle evangeline lived, his child, and the pride of the village. stalworth and stately in form was the man of seventy winters; hearty and hale was he, an oak that is covered with snow-flakes; white as the snow were his locks, and his cheeks as brown as the oak-leaves. fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers; 65 black were her eyes as the berry that grows on the thorn by the wayside, black, yet how softly they gleamed beneath the brown shade of her tresses! sweet was her breath as the breath of kine that feed in the meadows. when in the harvest heat she bore to the reapers at noontide flagons of home-brewed ale, ah! fair in sooth was the maiden. 70 fairer was she, when on sunday morn, while the bell from its turret sprinkled with holy sounds the air, as the priest with his hyssop sprinkles the congregation, and scatters blessings upon them down the long street she passed, with her chaplet of beads and her missal, wearing her norman cap and her kirtle of blue, and the ear-rings 75 brought in the olden time from france, and since, as an heirloom, handed down from mother to child, through long generations. but a celestial brightness--a more ethereal beauty-shone on her face and encircled her form, when, after confession, homeward serenely she walked with god's benediction upon her. 80 when she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music. firmly builded with rafters of oak, the house of the farmer stood on the side of a hill commanding the sea; and a shady sycamore grew by the door, with a woodbine wreathing around it. rudely carved was the porch, with seats beneath; and a footpath 85 led through an orchard wide, and disappeared in the meadow. under the sycamore-tree were hives overhung by a penthouse, such as the traveler sees in regions remote by the roadside, built o'er a box for the poor, or the blessed image of mary. farther down, on the slope of the hill, was the well with its moss-grown 90 bucket, fastened with iron, and near it a trough for the horses. shielding the house from storms, on the north, were the barns and the farmyard; there stood the broad-wheeled wains and the antique plows and harrows; there were the folds for the sheep, and there in his feathered seraglio, strutted the lordly turkey, and crowed the cock, with the selfsame 95 voice that in ages of old had startled the penitent peter. bursting with hay were the barns, themselves a village. in each one far o'er the gable projected a roof of thatch; and a staircase, under the sheltering eaves, led up to the odorous cornloft. there too the dove-cot stood, with its meek and innocent inmates 100 murmuring ever of love; while above in the variant breezes numberless noisy weathercocks rattled and sang of mutation. thus, at peace with god and the world, the farmer of grand-pre lived on his sunny farm, and evangeline governed his household. many a youth, as he knelt in the church and opened his missal, 105 fixed his eyes upon her as the saint of his deepest devotion; happy was he who might touch her hand or the hem of her garment! many a suitor came to her door, by the darkness befriended, and, as he knocked and waited to hear the sound of her footsteps, knew not which beat the louder, his heart or the knocker of iron; 110 or, at the joyous feast of the patron saint of the village, bolder grew, and pressed her hand in the dance as he whispered hurried words of love, that seemed a part of the music. but among all who came young gabriel only was welcome; gabriel lajeunesse, the son of basil the blacksmith, 115 who was a mighty man in the village, and honored of all men; for since the birth of time, throughout all ages and nations, has the craft of the smith been held in repute by the people. basil was benedict's friend. their children from earliest childhood grew up together as brother and sister; and father felician, 120 priest and pedagogue both in the village, had taught them their letters out of the selfsame book, with the hymns of the church and the plain-song. but when the hymn was sung, and the daily lesson completed, swiftly they hurried away to the forge of basil the blacksmith. there at the door they stood, with wondering eyes to behold him 125 take in his leathern lap the hoof of the horse as a plaything, nailing the shoe in its place; while near him the tire of the cart-wheel lay like a fiery snake, coiled round in a circle of cinders. oft on autumnal eves, when without in the gathering darkness bursting with light seemed the smithy, through every cranny and crevice, 130 warm by the forge within they watched the laboring bellows, and as its panting ceased, and the sparks expired in the ashes, merrily laughed, and said they were nuns going into the chapel. oft on sledges in winter, as swift as the swoop of the eagle, down the hillside bounding, they glided away o'er the meadow. 135 oft in the barns they climbed to the populous nests on the rafters, seeking with eager eyes that wondrous stone, which the swallow brings from the shore of the sea to restore the sight of its fledglings; lucky was he who found that stone in the nest of the swallow! thus passed a few swift years, and they no longer were children. 140 he was a valiant youth, and his face, like the face of the morning, gladdened the earth with its light, and ripened thought into action. she was a woman now, with the heart and hopes of a woman. "sunshine of st. eulalie" was she called; for that was the sunshine which, as the farmers believed, would load their orchards with apples; 145 she too would bring to her husband's house delight and abundance, filling it full of love and ruddy faces of children. section ii. now had the season returned, when the nights grow colder and longer, and the retreating sun the sign of the scorpion enters. birds of passage sailed through the leaden air, from the ice-bound, 150 desolate northern bays to the shores of tropical islands. harvests were gathered in; and wild with the winds of september wrestled the trees of the forest, as jacob of old with the angel. all the signs foretold a winter long and inclement. bees, with prophetic instinct of want, had hoarded their honey 155 till the hives overflowed; and the indian hunters asserted cold would the winter be, for thick was the fur of the foxes. such was the advent of autumn. then followed that beautiful season, called by the pious acadian peasants the summer of all-saints! filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape 160 lay as if new-created in all the freshness of childhood. peace seemed to reign upon earth, and the restless heart of the ocean was for a moment consoled. all sounds were in harmony blended. voices of children at play, the crowing of cocks in the farm-yards, whir of wings in the drowsy air, and the cooing of pigeons 165 all were subdued and low as the murmurs of love, and the great sun looked with the eye of love through the golden vapors around him; while arrayed in its robes of russet and scarlet and yellow, bright with the sheen of the dew, each glittering tree of the forest flashed like the plane-tree the persian adorned with mantles and jewels. 170 now recommenced the reign of rest and affection and stillness. day with its burden and heat had departed, and twilight descending brought back the evening star to the sky, and the herds to the homestead. pawing the ground they came, and resting their necks on each other, and with their nostrils distended inhaling the freshness of evening. 175 foremost, bearing the bell, evangeline's beautiful heifer, proud of her snow-white hide, and the ribbon that waved from her collar, quietly paced and slow, as if conscious of human affection. then came the shepherd back with his bleating flocks from the seaside, where was their favorite pasture. behind them followed the watch-dog, 180 patient, full of importance, and grand in the pride of his instinct, walking from side to side with a lordly air, and superbly waving his bushy tail, and urging forward the stragglers; regent of flocks was he when the shepherd slept; their protector, when from the forest at night, through the starry silence, the wolves howled. 185 late, with the rising moon, returned the wains from the marshes, laden with briny hay, that filled the air with its odor. cheerily neighed the steeds, with dew on their manes and their fetlocks, while aloft on their shoulders the wooden and ponderous saddles, painted with brilliant dyes, and adorned with tassels of crimson, 190 nodded in bright array, like hollyhocks heavy with blossoms. patiently stood the cows meanwhile, and yielded their udders unto the milkmaid's hand; whilst loud and in regular cadence into the sounding pails the foaming streamlets descended. lowing of cattle and peals of laughter were heard in the farm-yard, 195 echoed back by the barns. anon they sank into stillness; heavily closed, with a jarring sound, the valves of the barn-doors, rattled the wooden bars, and all for a season was silent. in-doors, warm by the wide-mouthed fireplace, idly the farmer sat in his elbow-chair, and watched how the flames and the smoke-wreaths 200 struggled together like foes in a burning city. behind him, nodding and mocking along the wall with gestures fantastic, darted his own huge shadow, and vanished away into darkness. faces, clumsily carved in oak, on the back of his arm-chair, laughed in the flickering light, and the pewter plates on the dresser 205 caught and reflected the flame, as shields of armies the sunshine. fragments of song the old man sang, and carols of christmas, such as at home, in the olden time, his fathers before him sang in their norman orchards and bright burgundian vineyards. close at her father's side was the gentle evangeline seated, 210 spinning flax for the loom that stood in the corner behind her. silent awhile were its treadles, at rest was its diligent shuttle, while the monotonous drone of the wheel, like the drone of a bagpipe, followed the old man's song, and united the fragments together. as in a church, when the chant of the choir at intervals ceases, 215 footfalls are heard in the aisles, or words of priest at the altar, so, in each pause of the song, with measured motion the clock clicked. thus as they sat, there were footsteps heard, and, suddenly lifted, sounded the wooden latch, and the door swung back on its hinges. benedict knew by the hob-nailed shoes it was basil the blacksmith, 220 and by her beating heart evangeline knew who was with him. "welcome!" the farmer exclaimed, as their footsteps paused on the threshold, "welcome, basil, my friend! come, take thy place on the settle close by the chimney-side, which is always empty without thee; take from the shelf overhead thy pipe and the box of tobacco; 225 never so much thyself art thou as when, through the curling smoke of the pipe or the forge, thy friendly and jovial face gleams round and red as the harvest moon through the mist of the marshes." then, with a smile of content, thus answered basil the blacksmith, taking with easy air the accustomed seat by the fireside:- 230 "benedict bellefontaine, thou hast ever thy jest and thy ballad! ever in cheerfullest mood art thou, when others are filled with gloomy forebodings of ill, and see only ruin before them. happy art thou, as if every day thou hadst picked up a horseshoe." pausing a moment, to take the pipe that evangeline brought him, 235 and with a coal from the embers had lighted, he slowly continued:-"four days now are passed since the english ships at their anchors ride in the gaspereau's mouth, with their cannon pointed against us. what their design may be is unknown; but all are commanded on the morrow to meet in the church, where his majesty's mandate 240 will be proclaimed as law in the land. alas! in the mean time many surmises of evil alarm the hearts of the people." then made answer the farmer:--"perhaps some friendlier purpose brings these ships to our shores. perhaps the harvests in england by untimely rains or untimelier heat have been blighted, 245 and from our bursting barns they would feed their cattle and children." "not so thinketh the folk in the village," said warmly the blacksmith, shaking his head as in doubt; then, heaving a sigh, he continued:-"louisburg is not forgotten, nor beau sejour, nor port royal. many already have fled to the forest, and lurk on its outskirts, 250 waiting with anxious hearts the dubious fate of to-morrow. arms have been taken from us, and warlike weapons of all kinds; nothing is left but the blacksmith's sledge and the scythe of the mower." then with a pleasant smile made answer the jovial farmer:-"safer are we unarmed, in the midst of our flocks and our cornfields, 255 safer within these peaceful dikes besieged by the ocean, than our fathers in forts, besieged by the enemy's cannon. fear no evil, my friend, and to-night may no shadow of sorrow fall on this house and hearth; for this is the night of the contract. built are the house and the barn. the merry lads of the village 260 strongly have built them and well; and, breaking the glebe round about them, filled the barn with hay, and the house with food for a twelvemonth. rene leblanc will be here anon, with his papers and inkhorn. shall we not then be glad, and rejoice in the joy of our children?" as apart by the window she stood, with her hand in her lover's, 265 blushing evangeline heard the words that her father had spoken, and, as they died on his lips, the worthy notary entered. section iii. bent like a laboring oar, that toils in the surf of the ocean, bent, but not broken, by age was the form of the notary public; shocks of yellow hair, like the silken floss of the maize, hung 270 over his shoulders; his forehead was high; and glasses with horn bows sat astride on his nose, with a look of wisdom supernal. father of twenty children was he, and more than a hundred children's children rode on his knee, and heard his great watch tick. four long years in the times of the war had he languished a captive, 275 suffering much in an old french fort as the friend of the english. now, though warier grown, without all guile or suspicion, ripe in wisdom was he, but patient, and simple, and childlike. he was beloved by all, and most of all by the children; for he told them tales of the loup-garou in the forest, 280 and of the goblin that came in the night to water the horses, and of the white letiche, the ghost of a child who unchristened died, and was doomed to haunt unseen the chambers of children; and how on christmas eve the oxen talked in the stable, and how the fever was cured by a spider shut up in a nutshell, 285 and of the marvelous powers of four-leaved clover and horseshoes, with whatsoever else was writ in the lore of the village. then up rose from his seat by the fireside basil the blacksmith, knocked from his pipe the ashes, and slowly extending his right hand, "father leblanc," he exclaimed, "thou hast heard the talk in the village, 290 and, perchance, canst tell us some news of these ships and their errand." then with modest demeanor made answer the notary public,-"gossip enough have i heard, in sooth, yet am never the wiser; and what their errand may be i know no better than others. yet am i not of those who imagine some evil intention 295 brings them here, for we are at peace; and why then molest us?" "god's name!" shouted the hasty and somewhat irascible blacksmith; "must we in all things look for the how, and the why, and the wherefore? daily injustice is done, and might is the right of the strongest!" but, without heeding his warmth, continued the notary public,- 300 "man is unjust, but god is just; and finally justice triumphs; and well i remember a story, that often consoled me, when as a captive i lay in the old french fort at port royal." this was the old man's favorite tale, and he loved to repeat it when his neighbors complained that any injustice was done them. 305 "once in an ancient city, whose name i no longer remember, raised aloft on a column, a brazen statute of justice stood in the public square, upholding the scales in its left hand, and in its right a sword, as an emblem that justice presided over the laws of the land, and the hearts and homes of the people. 310 even the birds had built their nests in the scales of the balance, having no fear of the sword that flashed in the sunshine above them. but in the course of time the laws of the land were corrupted; might took the place of right, and the weak were oppressed, and the mighty ruled with an iron rod. then it chanced in a nobleman's palace 315 that a necklace of pearls was lost, and ere long a suspicion fell on an orphan girl who lived as maid in the household. she, after form of trial condemned to die on the scaffold, patiently met her doom at the foot of the statue of justice. as to her father in heaven her innocent spirit ascended, 320 lo! o'er the city a tempest rose; and the bolts of the thunder smote the statue of bronze, and hurled in wrath from its left hand down on the pavement below the clattering scales of the balance, and in the hollow thereof was found the nest of a magpie, into whose clay-built walls the necklace of pearls was inwoven." 325 silenced, but not convinced, when the story was ended, the blacksmith stood like a man who fain would speak, but findeth no language; all his thoughts were congealed into lines on his face, as the vapors freeze in fantastic shapes on the window-panes in the winter. then evangeline lighted the brazen lamp on the table, 330 filled, till it overflowed, the pewter tankard with home-brewed nut-brown ale, that was famed for its strength in the village of grand-pre; while from his pocket the notary drew his papers and inkhorn, wrote with a steady hand the date and the age of the parties, naming the dower of the bride in flocks of sheep and in cattle. 335 orderly all things proceeded, and duly and well were completed, and the great seal of the law was set like a sun on the margin. then from his leathern pouch the farmer threw on the table three times the old man's fee in solid pieces of silver; and the notary rising, and blessing the bride and bridegroom, 340 lifted aloft the tankard of ale and drank to their welfare. wiping the foam from his lip, he solemnly bowed and departed, while in silence the others sat and mused by the fireside, till evangeline brought the draught-board out of its corner. soon was the game begun. in friendly contention the old men 345 laughed at each lucky hit, or unsuccessful manoeuvre, laughed when a man was crowned, or a breach was made in the king-row. meanwhile, apart, in the twilight gloom of a window's embrasure, sat the lovers and whispered together, beholding the moon rise over the pallid sea and the silvery mist of the meadows. 350 silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels. thus was the evening passed. anon the bell from the belfry rang out the hour of nine, the village curfew, and straightway rose the guests and departed; and silence reigned in the household. 355 many a farewell word and sweet good-night on the door-step lingered long in evangeline's heart, and filled it with gladness. carefully then were covered the embers that glowed on the hearth-stone, and on the oaken stairs resounded the tread of the farmer. soon with a soundless step the foot of evangeline followed. 360 up the staircase moved a luminous space in the darkness, lighted less by the lamp than the shining face of the maiden. silent she passed through the hall, and entered the door of her chamber. simple that chamber was, with its curtains of white, and its clothes-press ample and high, on whose spacious shelves were carefully folded 365 linen and woolen stuffs, by the hand of evangeline woven this was the precious dower she would bring to her husband in marriage, better than flocks and herds, being proofs of her skill as a housewife. soon she extinguished her lamp, for the mellow and radiant moonlight streamed through the windows, and lighted the room, till the heart of the maiden 370 swelled and obeyed its power, like the tremulous tides of the ocean. ah! she was fair, exceeding fair to behold, as she stood with naked snow-white feet on the gleaming floor of her chamber! little she dreamed that below, among the trees of the orchard, waited her lover and watched for the gleam of her lamp and her shadow. 375 yet were her thoughts of him, and at times a feeling of sadness passed o'er her soul, as the sailing shade of clouds in the moonlight flitted across the floor and darkened the room for a moment. and, as she gazed from the window, she saw serenely the moon pass forth from the folds of a cloud, and one star follow her footsteps, 380 as out of abraham's tent young ishmael wandered with hagar. section iv. pleasantly rose next morn the sun on the village of grand-pre. pleasantly gleamed in the soft, sweet air the basin of minas, where the ships, with their wavering shadows, were riding at anchor. life had been long astir in the village, and clamorous labor 385 knocked with its hundred hands at the golden gates of the morning. now from the country around, from the farms and neighboring hamlets, came in their holiday dresses the blithe acadian peasants. many a glad good-morrow and jocund laugh from the young folk made the bright air brighter, as up from the numerous meadows, 390 where no path could be seen but the track of wheels in the greensward, group after group appeared, and joined, or passed on the highway. long ere noon, in the village all sounds of labor were silenced. thronged were the streets with people; and noisy groups at the house-doors sat in the cheerful sun, and rejoiced and gossiped together. 395 every house was an inn, where all were welcomed and feasted; for with this simple people, who lived like brothers together, all things were held in common, and what one had was another's. yet under benedict's roof hospitality seemed more abundant: for evangeline stood among the guests of her father. 400 bright was her face with smiles, and words of welcome and gladness fell from her beautiful lips, and blessed the cup as she gave it. under the open sky, in the odorous air of the orchard, stript of its golden fruit, was spread the feast of betrothal. there in the shade of the porch were the priest and the notary seated; 405 there good benedict sat, and sturdy basil the blacksmith. not far withdrawn from these, by the cider press and the bee-hives, michael the fiddler was placed, with the gayest of hearts and of waistcoats. shadow and light from the leaves alternately played on his snow-white hair, as it waved in the wind; and the jolly face of the fiddler 410 glowed like a living coal when the ashes are blown from the embers. gaily the old man sang to the vibrant sound of his fiddle, _tous les bourgeois de chartres_, and _le carillon de dunkerque_, and anon with his wooden shoes beat time to the music. merrily, merrily whirled the wheels of the dizzying dances 415 under the orchard-trees and down the path to the meadows; old folk and young together, and children mingled among them. fairest of all maids was evangeline, benedict's daughter! noblest of all the youths was gabriel, son of the blacksmith! so passed the morning away. and lo! with a summons sonorous 420 sounded the bell from its tower, and over the meadows a drum beat. thronged ere long was the church with men. without, in the churchyard, waited the women. they stood by the graves, and hung on the headstones garlands of autumn-leaves and evergreens fresh from the forest. then came the guard from the ships, and marching proudly among them 425 entered the sacred portal. with loud and dissonant clangor echoed the sound of their brazen drums from ceiling and casement,-echoed a moment only, and slowly the ponderous portal closed, and in silence the crowd awaited the will of the soldiers. then uprose their commander, and spake from the steps of the altar, 430 holding aloft in his hands, with the seals, the royal commission. "you are convened this day," he said, "by his majesty's orders. clement and kind has he been; but how you have answered his kindness let your own hearts reply! to my natural make and my temper painful the task is i do, which to you i know must be grievous. 435 yet must i bow and obey, and deliver the will of our monarch: namely, that all your lands, and dwellings, and cattle of all kinds forfeited be to the crown; and that you yourselves from this province be transported to other lands. god grant you may dwell there ever as faithful subjects, a happy and peaceable people! 440 prisoners now i declare you, for such is his majesty's pleasure!" as, when the air is serene in the sultry solstice of summer, suddenly gathers a storm, and the deadly sling of the hailstones beats down the farmer's corn in the field, and shatters his windows, hiding the sun, and strewing the ground with thatch from the house-roofs, 445 bellowing fly the herds, and seek to break their enclosures; so on the hearts of the people descended the words of the speaker. silent a moment they stood in speechless wonder, and then rose louder and ever louder a wail of sorrow and anger, and, by one impulse moved, they madly rushed to the door-way. 450 vain was the hope of escape; and cries and fierce imprecations rang through the house of prayer; and high o'er the heads of the others rose, with his arms uplifted, the figure of basil the blacksmith, as, on a stormy sea, a spar is tossed by the billows. flushed was his face and distorted with passion; and wildly he shouted,- 455 "down with the tyrants of england! we never have sworn them allegiance! death to these foreign soldiers, who seize on our homes and our harvests!" more he fain would have said, but the merciless hand of a soldier smote him upon the mouth, and dragged him down to the pavement. in the midst of the strife and tumult of angry contention, 460 lo! the door of the chancel opened, and father felician entered, with serious mien, and ascended the steps of the altar. raising his reverend hand, with a gesture he awed into silence all that clamorous throng; and thus he spake to his people; deep were his tones and solemn; in accents measured and mournful 465 spake he, as, after the tocsin's alarum, distinctly the clock strikes. "what is this that ye do, my children? what madness has seized you? forty years of my life have i labored among you, and taught you, not in word alone, but in deed, to love one another! is this the fruit of my toils, of my vigils and prayers and privations? 470 have you so soon forgotten all lessons of love and forgiveness? this is the house of the prince of peace, and would you profane it thus with violent deeds and hearts overflowing with hatred? lo! where the crucified christ from his cross is gazing upon you! see! in those sorrowful eyes what meekness and holy compassion! 475 hark! how those lips still repeat the prayer, 'o father, forgive them!' let us repeat that prayer in the hour when the wicked assail us, let us repeat it now, and say, 'o father, forgive them!'" few were his words of rebuke, but deep in the hearts of his people sank they, and sobs of contrition succeeded the passionate outbreak, 480 while they repeated his prayer and said, "o father, forgive them!" then came the evening service. the tapers gleamed from the altar; fervent and deep was the voice of the priest, and the people responded, not with their lips alone, but their hearts; and the ave maria sang they, and fell on their knees, and their souls, with devotion translated, 485 rose on the ardor of prayer, like elijah ascending to heaven. meanwhile had spread in the village the tidings of ill, and on all sides wandered, wailing, from house to house the women and children. long at her father's door evangeline stood, with her right hand shielding her eyes from the level rays of the sun, that, descending, 490 lighted the village street with mysterious splendor, and roofed each peasant's cottage with golden thatch, and emblazoned its windows. long within had been spread the snow-white cloth on the table; there stood the wheaten loaf, and the honey fragrant with wild flowers; there stood the tankard of ale, and the cheese fresh brought from the dairy; 495 and at the head of the board the great arm-chair of the farmer. thus did evangeline wait at her father's door, as the sunset threw the long shadows of trees o'er the broad ambrosial meadows. ah! on her spirit within a deeper shadow had fallen, and from the fields of her soul a fragrance celestial ascended,- 500 charity, meekness, love, and hope, and forgiveness, and patience! then, all forgetful of self, she wandered into the village, cheering with looks and words the mournful hearts of the women, as o'er the darkening fields with lingering steps they departed, urged by their household cares, and the weary feet of their children. 505 down sank the great red sun, and in golden, glimmering vapors veiled the light of his face, like the prophet descending from sinai. sweetly over the village the bell of the angelus sounded. meanwhile, amid the gloom, by the church evangeline lingered. all was silent within; and in vain at the door and the windows 510 stood she, and listened and looked, until, overcome by emotion "gabriel!" cried she aloud with tremulous voice; but no answer came from the graves of the dead, nor the gloomier grave of the living. slowly at length she returned to the tenantless house of her father. smouldered the fire on the hearth, on the board was the supper untasted. 515 empty and drear was each room, and haunted with phantoms of terror. sadly echoed her step on the stair and the floor of her chamber. in the dead of the night she heard the disconsolate rain fall loud on the withered leaves of the sycamore-tree by the window. keenly the lightning flashed; and the voice of the echoing thunder 520 told her that god was in heaven and governed the world he created! then she remembered the tale she had heard of the justice of heaven; soothed was her troubled soul, and she peacefully slumbered till morning. section v. four times the sun had risen and set; and now on the fifth day cheerily called the cock to the sleeping maids of the farm-house. 525 soon o'er the yellow fields, in silent and mournful procession, came from the neighboring hamlets and farms the acadian women, driving in ponderous wains their household goods to the sea-shore, pausing and looking back to gaze once more on their dwellings, ere they were shut from sight by the winding road and the woodland. 530 close at their sides their children ran, and urged on the oxen, while in their little hands they clasped some fragments of playthings. thus to the gaspereau's mouth they hurried; and there on the sea-beach piled in confusion lay the household goods of the peasants. all day long between the shore and the ships did the boats ply; 535 all day long the wains came laboring down from the village. late in the afternoon, when the sun was near to his setting, echoed far o'er the fields came the roll of drums from the churchyard. thither the women and children thronged. on a sudden the church-doors opened, and forth came the guard, and marching in gloomy procession 540 followed the long-imprisoned, but patient, acadian farmers. even as pilgrims, who journey afar from their homes and their country, sing as they go, and in singing forget they are weary and wayworn, so with songs on their lips the acadian peasants descended down from the church to the shore, amid their wives and their daughters. 545 foremost the young men came; and raising together their voices, sang with tremulous lips a chant of the catholic missions:-"sacred heart of the saviour! o inexhaustible fountain! fill our hearts this day with strength and submission and patience!" then the old men, as they marched, and the women that stood by the wayside 550 joined in the sacred psalm, and the birds in the sunshine above them mingled their notes therewith, like voices of spirits departed. half-way down to the shore evangeline waited in silence, not overcome with grief, but strong in the hour of affliction,-calmly and sadly she waited, until the procession approached her, 555 and she beheld the face of gabriel pale with emotion. tears then filled her eyes, and, eagerly running to meet him, clasped she his hands, and laid her head on his shoulder, and whispered,-"gabriel! be of good cheer! for if we love one another nothing, in truth, can harm us, whatever mischances may happen!" 560 smiling she spake these words; then suddenly paused, for her father saw she, slowly advancing. alas! how changed was his aspect! gone was the glow from his cheek, and the fire from his eye, and his footstep heavier seemed with the weight of the heavy heart in his bosom. but with a smile and a sigh, she clasped his neck and embraced him, 565 speaking words of endearment where words of comfort availed not. thus to the gasperau's mouth moved on that mournful procession. there disorder prevailed, and the tumult and stir of embarking. busily plied the freighted boats; and in the confusion wives were torn from their husbands, and mothers, too late, saw their children 570 left on the land, extending their arms, with wildest entreaties. so unto separate ships were basil and gabriel carried, while in despair on the shore evangeline stood with her father. half the task was not done when the sun went down, and the twilight deepened and darkened around; and in haste the refluent ocean 575 fled away from the shore, and left the line of the sand-beach covered with waifs of the tide, with kelp and the slippery sea-weed. farther back in the midst of the household goods and the wagons, like to a gypsy camp, or a leaguer after a battle, all escape cut off by the sea, and the sentinels near them, 580 lay encamped for the night the houseless acadian farmers. back to its nethermost caves retreated the bellowing ocean, dragging adown the beach the rattling pebbles, and leaving inland and far up the shore the stranded boats of the sailors. then, as the night descended, the herds returned from their pastures, 585 sweet was the moist still air with the odor of milk from their udders lowing they waited, and long, at the well-known bars of the farm-yard,-waited and looked in vain for the voice and the hand of the milkmaid. silence reigned in the streets; from the church no angelus sounded, rose no smoke from the roofs, and gleamed no lights from the windows. 590 but on the shores meanwhile the evening fires had been kindled, built of the drift-wood thrown on the sands from wrecks in the tempest. round them shapes of gloom and sorrowful faces were gathered, voices of women were heard, and of men, and the crying of children. onward from fire to fire, as from hearth to hearth in his parish, 595 wandered the faithful priest, consoling and blessing and cheering, like unto shipwrecked paul on melita's desolate sea-shore. thus he approached the place where evangeline sat with her father, and in the flickering light beheld the face of the old man, haggard and hollow and wan, and without either thought or emotion, 600 e'en as the face of a clock from which the hands have been taken. vainly evangeline strove with words and caresses to cheer him, vainly offered him food; yet he moved not, he looked not, he spake not, but, with a vacant stare, ever gazed at the flickering fire-light. _benedicite!_ murmured the priest, in tones of compassion. 605 more he fain would have said, but his heart was full, and his accents faltered and paused on his lips, as the feet of a child on a threshold, hushed by the scene he beholds, and the awful presence of sorrow. silently, therefore, he laid his hand on the head of the maiden, raising his tearful eyes to the silent stars that above them 610 moved on their way, unperturbed by the wrongs and sorrows of mortals. then sat he down at her side, and they wept together in silence. suddenly rose from the south a light, as in autumn the blood-red moon climbs the crystal walls of heaven, and o'er the horizon titan-like stretches its hundred hands upon mountain and meadow, 615 seizing the rocks and the rivers, and piling huge shadows together. broader and ever broader it gleamed on the roofs of the village, gleamed on the sky and the sea, and the ships that lay in the roadstead. columns of shining smoke uprose, and flashes of flame were thrust through their folds and withdrawn, like the quivering hands of a martyr. 620 then, as the wind seized the gleeds and the burning thatch, and, uplifting, whirled them aloft through the air, at once from a hundred house-tops started the sheeted smoke with flashes of flame intermingled. these things beheld in dismay the crowd on the shore and on shipboard. speechless at first they stood, then cried aloud in their anguish, 625 "we shall behold no more our homes in the village of grand-pre!" loud on a sudden the cocks began to crow in the farmyards, thinking the day had dawned; and anon the lowing of cattle came on the evening breeze, by the barking of dogs interrupted. then rose a sound of dread, such as startles the sleeping encampments 630 far in the western prairies of forests that skirt the nebraska, when the wild horses affrighted sweep by with the speed of the whirlwind, or the loud bellowing herds of buffaloes rush to the river. such was the sound that arose on the night, as the herds and the horses broke through their folds and fences, and madly rushed o'er the meadows. 635 overwhelmed with the sight, yet speechless, the priest and the maiden gazed on the scene of terror that reddened and widened before them; and as they turned at length to speak to their silent companion, lo! from his seat he had fallen, and stretched abroad on the seashore motionless lay his form, from which the soul had departed. 640 slowly the priest uplifted the lifeless head, and the maiden knelt at her father's side, and wailed aloud in her terror. then in a swoon she sank and lay with her head on his bosom. through the long night she lay in deep, oblivious slumber; and when she woke from the trance, she beheld a multitude near her. 645 faces of friends she beheld, that were mournfully gazing upon her, pallid, with tearful eyes, and looks of saddest compassion. still the blaze of the burning village illumined the landscape. reddened the sky overhead, and gleamed on the faces around her, and like the day of doom it seemed to her wavering senses. 650 then a familiar voice she heard, as it said to the people,-"let us bury him here by the sea. when a happier season brings us again to our homes from the unknown land of our exile, then shall his sacred dust be piously laid in the churchyard." such were the words of the priest. and there in haste by the sea-side, 655 having the glare of the burning village for funeral torches, but without bell or book, they buried the farmer of grand-pre. and as the voice of the priest repeated the service of sorrow, lo! with a mournful sound like the voice of a vast congregation, solemnly answered the sea, and mingled its roar with the dirges. 660 't was the returning tide, that afar from the waste of the ocean, with the first dawn of the day, came heaving and hurrying landward. then recommenced once more the stir and noise of embarking; and with the ebb of the tide the ships sailed out of the harbor, leaving behind them the dead on the shore, and the village in ruins. 665 part the second. section i. many a weary year had passed since the burning of grand-pre. when on the falling tide the freighted vessels departed, bearing a nation, with all its household gods, into exile, exile without an end, and without an example in story. far asunder, on separate coasts, the acadians landed; 670 scattered were they, like flakes of snow, when the wind from the northeast strikes aslant through the fogs that darken the banks of newfoundland. friendless, homeless, hopeless, they wandered from city to city, from the cold lakes of the north to sultry southern savannas-from the bleak shores of the sea to the lands where the father of waters 675 seizes the hills in his hands, and drags them down to the ocean, deep in their sands to bury the scattered bones of the mammoth. friends they sought and homes; and many, despairing, heart-broken, asked of the earth but a grave, and no longer a friend nor a fireside. written their history stands on tablets of stone in the churchyards. 680 long among them was seen a maiden who waited and wandered, lowly and meek in spirit, and patiently suffering all things. fair was she and young; but, alas! before her extended, dreary and vast and silent, the desert of life, with its pathway marked by the graves of those who had sorrowed and suffered before her, 685 passions long extinguished, and hopes long dead and abandoned, as the emigrant's way o'er the western desert is marked by camp-fires long consumed, and bones that bleach in the sunshine. something there was in her life incomplete, imperfect, unfinished; as if a morning of june, with all its music and sunshine, 690 suddenly paused in the sky, and fading, slowly descended into the east again, from whence it late had arisen. sometimes she lingered in towns, till, urged by the fever within her, urged by a restless longing, the hunger and thirst of the spirit, she would commence again her endless search and endeavor; 695 sometimes in churchyards strayed, and gazed on the crosses and tombstones, sat by some nameless grave, and thought that perhaps in its bosom, he was already at rest, and she longed to slumber beside him. sometimes a rumor, a hearsay, an inarticulate whisper, came with its airy hand to point and beckon her forward. 700 sometimes she spake with those who had seen her beloved and known him, but it was long ago, in some far-off place or forgotten. "gabriel lajeunesse!" they said; "oh, yes! we have seen him. he was with basil the blacksmith, and both have gone to the prairies; coureurs-des-bois are they, and famous hunters and trappers." 705 "gabriel lajeunesse!" said others; "oh, yes! we have seen him. he is a voyageur in the lowlands of louisiana." then would they say, "dear child! why dream and wait for him longer? are there not other youths as fair as gabriel? others who have hearts as tender and true, and spirits as loyal? 710 here is baptiste leblanc, the notary's son, who has loved thee many a tedious year; come, give him thy hand and be happy! thou art too fair to be left to braid st. catherine's tresses." then would evangeline answer, serenely but sadly, "i cannot! whither my heart has gone, there follows my hand, and not elsewhere. 715 for when the heart goes before, like a lamp, and illumines the pathway, many things are made clear, that else lie hidden in darkness." thereupon the priest, her friend and father-confessor, said, with a smile, "o daughter! thy god thus speaketh within thee! talk not of wasted affection, affection never was wasted; 720 if it enrich not the heart of another, its waters, returning back to their springs, like the rain, shall fill them full of refreshment; that which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain. patience; accomplish thy labor; accomplish thy work of affection! sorrow and silence are strong, and patient endurance is godlike. 725 therefore accomplish thy labor of love, till the heart is made godlike, purified, strengthened, perfected, and rendered more worthy of heaven!" cheered by the good man's words, evangeline labored and waited. still in her heart she heard the funeral dirge of the ocean, but with its sound there was mingled a voice that whispered, "despair not!" 730 thus did that poor soul wander in want and cheerless discomfort, bleeding, barefooted, over the shards and thorns of existence. let me essay, o muse! to follow the wanderer's footsteps;-not through each devious path, each changeful year of existence; but as a traveler follows a streamlet's course through the valley: 735 far from its margin at times, and seeing the gleam of its water here and there, in some open space, and at intervals only; then drawing nearer its banks, through sylvan glooms that conceal it, though he behold it not, he can hear its continuous murmur; happy, at length, if he find a spot where it reaches an outlet. 740 section ii. it was the month of may. far down the beautiful river, past the ohio shore and past the mouth of the wabash, into the golden stream of the broad and swift mississippi, floated a cumbrous boat, that was rowed by acadian boatmen. it was a band of exiles: a raft, as it were, from the shipwrecked 745 nation, scattered along the coast, now floating together, bound by the bonds of a common belief and a common misfortune; men and women and children, who, guided by hope or by hearsay, sought for their kith and their kin among the few-acred farmers on the acadian coast, and the prairies of fair opelousas. 750 with them evangeline went, and her guide, the father felician. onward o'er sunken sands, through a wilderness sombre with forests, day after day they glided adown the turbulent river; night after night, by their blazing fires, encamped on its borders. now through rushing chutes, among green islands, where plumelike 755 cotton-trees nodded their shadowy crests, they swept with the current, then emerged into broad lagoons, where silvery sand-bars lay in the stream, and along the wimpling waves of their margin, shining with snow-white plumes, large flocks of pelicans waded. level the landscape grew, and along the shores of the river, 760 shaded by china-trees, in the midst of luxuriant gardens, stood the houses of planters, with negro cabins and dove-cots. they were approaching the region where reigns perpetual summer, where through the golden coast, and groves of orange and citron, sweeps with majestic curve the river away to the eastward. 765 they, too, swerved from their course; and, entering the bayou of plaquemine, soon were lost in a maze of sluggish and devious waters, which, like a network of steel, extended in every direction. over their heads the towering and tenebrous boughs of the cypress met in a dusky arch, and trailing mosses in mid-air 770 waved like banners that hang on the walls of ancient cathedrals. deathlike the silence seemed, and unbroken, save by the herons home to their roosts in the cedar-trees returning at sunset, or by the owl, as he greeted the moon with demoniac laughter. lovely the moonlight was as it glanced and gleamed on the water, 775 gleamed on the columns of cypress and cedar sustaining the arches, down through whose broken vaults it fell as through chinks in a ruin. dreamlike, and indistinct, and strange were all things around them; and o'er their spirits there came a feeling of wonder and sadness,-strange forebodings of ill, unseen and that cannot be compassed. 780 as, at the tramp of a horse's hoof on the turf of the prairies, far in advance are closed the leaves of the shrinking mimosa, so, at the hoof-beats of fate, with sad forebodings of evil, shrinks and closes the heart, ere the stroke of doom has attained it. but evangeline's heart was sustained by a vision, that faintly 785 floated before her eyes, and beckoned her on through the moonlight. it was the thought of her brain that assumed the shape of a phantom. through those shadowy aisles had gabriel wandered before her, and every stroke of the oar now brought him nearer and nearer. then, in his place, at the prow of the boat, rose one of the oarsmen, 790 and, as a signal sound, if others like them peradventure sailed on those gloomy and midnight streams, blew a blast on his bugle. wild through the dark colonnades and corridors leafy the blast rang, breaking the seal of silence and giving tongues to the forest. soundless above them the banners of moss just stirred to the music. 795 multitudinous echoes awoke and died in the distance, over the watery floor, and beneath the reverberant branches; but not a voice replied; no answer came from the darkness; and when the echoes had ceased, like a sense of pain was the silence. then evangeline slept; but the boatmen rowed through the midnight, 800 silent at times, then singing familiar canadian boat-songs, such as they sang of old on their own acadian rivers. while through the night were heard the mysterious sounds of the desert, far off,--indistinct,--as of wave or wind in the forest, mixed with the whoop of the crane and the roar of the grim alligator. 805 thus ere another noon they emerged from the shades; and before them lay, in the golden sun, the lakes of the atchafalaya. water-lilies in myriads rocked on the slight undulations made by the passing oars, and, resplendent in beauty, the lotus lifted her golden crown above the heads of the boatmen. 810 faint was the air with the odorous breath of magnolia blossoms, and with the heat of noon; and numberless sylvan islands, fragrant and thickly embowered with blossoming hedges of roses, near to whose shores they glided along, invited to slumber. soon by the fairest of these their weary oars were suspended. 815 under the boughs of wachita willows, that grew by the margin, safely their boat was moored; and scattered about on the greensward, tired with their midnight toil, the weary travellers slumbered. over them vast and high extended the cope of a cedar. swinging from its great arms, the trumpet-flower and the grapevine 820 hung their ladder of ropes aloft like the ladder of jacob, on whose pendulous stairs the angels ascending, descending, were the swift humming-birds, that flitted from blossom to blossom. such was the vision evangeline saw as she slumbered beneath it. filled was her heart with love, and the dawn of an opening heaven 825 lighted her soul in sleep with the glory of regions celestial. nearer, ever nearer, among the numberless islands, darted a light, swift boat, that sped away o'er the water, urged on its course by the sinewy arms of hunters and trappers. northward its prow was turned, to the land of the bison and beaver. 830 at the helm sat a youth, with countenance thoughtful and careworn. dark and neglected locks overshadowed his brow, and a sadness somewhat beyond his years on his face was legibly written. gabriel was it, who, weary with waiting, unhappy and restless, sought in the western wilds oblivion of self and of sorrow. 835 swiftly they glided along, close under the lee of the island, but by the opposite bank, and behind a screen of palmettos; so that they saw not the boat, where it lay concealed in the willows; all undisturbed by the dash of their oars, and unseen, were the sleepers; angel of god was there none to awaken the slumbering maiden. 840 swiftly they glided away, like the shade of a cloud on the prairie. after the sound of their oars on the tholes had died in the distance, as from a magic trance the sleepers awoke, and the maiden said with a sigh to the friendly priest, "o father felician! something says in my heart that near me gabriel wanders. 845 is it a foolish dream, an idle and vague superstition? or has an angel passed, and revealed the truth to my spirit?" then, with a blush, she added, "alas for my credulous fancy! unto ears like thine such words as these have no meaning." but made answer the reverend man, and he smiled as he answered,- 850 "daughter, thy words are not idle; nor are they to me without meaning, feeling is deep and still; and the word that floats on the surface is as the tossing buoy, that betrays where the anchor is hidden. therefore trust to thy heart, and to what the world calls illusions. gabriel truly is near thee; for not far away to the southward, 855 on the banks of the teche, are the towns of st. maur and st. martin. there the long-wandering bride shall be given again to her bridegroom, there the long-absent pastor regain his flock and his sheepfold. beautiful is the land, with its prairies and forests of fruit-trees; under the feet a garden of flowers, and the bluest of heavens 860 bending above, and resting its dome on the walls of the forest. they who dwell there have named it the eden of louisiana." with these words of cheer they arose and continued their journey. softly the evening came. the sun from the western horizon like a magician extended his golden wand o'er the landscape; 865 twinkling vapors arose; and sky and water and forest seemed all on fire at the touch, and melted and mingled together. hanging between two skies, a cloud with edges of silver, floated the boat, with its dripping oars, on the motionless water. filled was evangeline's heart with inexpressible sweetness. 870 touched by the magic spell, the sacred fountains of feeling glowed with the light of love, as the skies and waters around her. then from a neighboring thicket the mocking-bird, wildest of singers, swinging aloft on a willow spray that hung o'er the water, shook from his little throat such floods of delirious music 875 that the whole air and the woods and the waves seemed silent to listen. plaintive at first were the tones, and sad; then soaring to madness seemed they to follow or guide the revel of frenzied bacchantes. single notes were then heard, in sorrowful, low, lamentation; till, having gathered them all, he flung them abroad in derision, 880 as when, after a storm, a gust of wind through the tree-tops shakes down the rattling rain in a crystal shower on the branches. with such a prelude as this, and hearts that throbbed with emotion, slowly they entered the teche, where it flows through the green opelousas, and, through the amber air, above the crest of the woodland, 885 saw the column of smoke that arose from a neighboring dwelling;-sounds of a horn they heard, and the distant lowing of cattle. section iii. near to the bank of the river, o'ershadowed by oaks from whose branches garlands of spanish moss and of mystic mistletoe flaunted, such as the druids cut down with golden hatchets at yule-tide, 890 stood, secluded and still, the house of the herdsman. a garden girded it round about with a belt of luxuriant blossoms, filling the air with fragrance. the house itself was of timbers hewn from the cypress-tree, and carefully fitted together. large and low was the roof; and on slender columns supported, 895 rose-wreathed, vine-encircled, a broad and spacious veranda, haunt of the humming-bird and the bee, extended around it. at each end of the house, amid the flowers of the garden, stationed the dove-cots were, as love's perpetual symbol, scenes of endless wooing, and endless contentions of rivals. 900 silence reigned o'er the place. the line of shadow and sunshine ran near the tops of the trees; but the house itself was in shadow, and from its chimney-top, ascending and slowly expanding into the evening air, a thin blue column of smoke rose. in the rear of the house, from the garden gate, ran a pathway 905 through the great groves of oak to the skirts of the limitless prairie, into whose sea of flowers the sun was slowly descending. full in his track of light, like ships with shadowy canvas hanging loose from their spars in a motionless calm in the tropics, stood a cluster of trees, with tangled cordage of grapevines. 910 just where the woodlands met the flowery surf of the prairie, mounted upon his horse, with spanish saddle and stirrups, sat a herdsman, arrayed in gaiters and doublet of deerskin. broad and brown was the face that from under the spanish sombrero gazed on the peaceful scene, with the lordly look of its master. 915 round about him were numberless herds of kine that were grazing quietly in the meadows, and breathing the vapory freshness that uprose from the river, and spread itself over the landscape. slowly lifting the horn that hung at his side, and expanding fully his broad, deep chest, he blew a blast, that resounded 920 wildly and sweet and far, through the still damp air of the evening. suddenly out of the grass the long white horns of the cattle rose like flakes of foam on the adverse currents of ocean. silent a moment they gazed, then bellowing rushed o'er the prairie, and the whole mass became a cloud, a shade in the distance. 925 then, as the herdsman turned to the house, through the gate of the garden saw he the forms of the priest and the maiden advancing to meet him. suddenly down from his horse he sprang in amazement, and forward pushed with extended arms and exclamations of wonder; when they beheld his face, they recognized basil the blacksmith. 930 hearty his welcome was, as he led his guests to the garden. there in an arbor of roses with endless question and answer gave they vent to their hearts, and renewed their friendly embraces, laughing and weeping by turns, or sitting silent and thoughtful. thoughtful, for gabriel came not; and now dark doubts and misgivings 935 stole o'er the maiden's heart; and basil, somewhat embarrassed, broke the silence and said, "if you came by the atchafalaya, how have you nowhere encountered my gabriel's boat on the bayous?" over evangeline's face at the words of basil a shade passed. tears came into her eyes, and she said, with a tremulous accent, 940 "gone? is gabriel gone?" and, concealing her face on his shoulder, all her o'erburdened heart gave way, and she wept and lamented. then the good basil said,--and his voice grew blithe as he said it,-"be of good cheer, my child; it is only today he departed. foolish boy! he has left me alone with my herds and my horses. 945 moody and restless grown, and tried and troubled, his spirit could no longer endure the calm of this quiet existence. thinking ever of thee, uncertain and sorrowful ever, ever silent, or speaking only of thee and his troubles, he at length had become so tedious to men and to maidens, 950 tedious even to me, that at length i bethought me, and sent him unto the town of adayes to trade for mules with the spaniards. thence he will follow the indian trails to the ozark mountains, hunting for furs in the forests, on rivers trapping the beaver. therefore be of good cheer; we will follow the fugitive lover; 955 he is not far on his way, and the fates and the streams are against him. up and away tomorrow, and through the red dew of the morning, we will follow him fast, and bring him back to his prison." then glad voices were heard, and up from the banks of the river, borne aloft on his comrades' arms, came michael the fiddler. 960 long under basil's roof had he lived, like a god on olympus, having no other care than dispensing music to mortals. far renowned was he for his silver locks and his fiddle. "long live michael," they cried, "our brave acadian minstrel!" as they bore him aloft in triumphal procession; and straightway 965 father felician advanced with evangeline, greeting the old man kindly and oft, and recalling the past, while basil, enraptured, hailed with hilarious joy his old companions and gossips, laughing loud and long, and embracing mothers and daughters. much they marvelled to see the wealth of the ci-devant blacksmith, 970 all his domains and his herds, and his patriarchal demeanor; much they marvelled to hear his tales of the soil and the climate, and of the prairies, whose numberless herds were his who would take them; each one thought in his heart, that he, too, would go and do likewise. thus they ascended the steps, and, crossing the breezy veranda, 975 entered the hall of the house, where already the supper of basil waited his late return; and they rested and feasted together. over the joyous feast the sudden darkness descended. all was silent without, and, illuming the landscape with silver, fair rose the dewy moon and the myriad stars; but within doors, 980 brighter than these, shone the faces of friends in the glimmering lamplight. then from his station aloft, at the head of the table, the herdsman poured forth his heart and his wine together in endless profusion. lighting his pipe, that was filled with sweet natchitoches tobacco, thus he spake to his guests, who listened, and smiled as they listened:-985 "welcome once more, my friends, who long have been friendless and homeless, welcome once more to a home, that is better perchance than the old one! here no hungry winter congeals our blood like the rivers; here no stony ground provokes the wrath of the farmer; smoothly the plowshare runs through the soil, as a keel through the water. 990 all the year round the orange-groves are in blossom; and grass grows more in a single night than a whole canadian summer. here, too, numberless herds run wild and unclaimed in the prairies; here, too, lands may be had for the asking, and forests of timber with a few blows of the axe are hewn and framed into houses. 995 after your houses are built, and your fields are yellow with harvests, no king george of england shall drive you away from your homesteads, burning your dwellings and barns, and stealing your farms and your cattle." speaking these words, he blew a wrathful cloud from his nostrils, while his huge, brown hand came thundering down on the table, 1000 so that the guests all started; and father felician, astounded, suddenly paused, with a pinch of snuff half-way to his nostrils. but the brave basil resumed, and his words were milder and gayer:-"only beware of the fever, my friends, beware of the fever! for it is not like that of our cold acadian climate, 1005 cured by wearing a spider hung round one's neck in a nutshell!" then there were voices heard at the door, and footsteps approaching sounded upon the stairs and the floor of the breezy veranda. it was the neighboring creoles and small acadian planters, who had been summoned all to the house of basil the herdsman. 1010 merry the meeting was of ancient comrades and neighbors: friend clasped friend in his arms; and they who before were as strangers, meeting in exile, became straightway as friends to each other, drawn by the gentle bond of a common country together. but in the neighboring hall a strain of music, proceeding 1015 from the accordant strings of michael's melodious fiddle, broke up all further speech. away, like children delighted, all things forgotten beside, they gave themselves to the maddening whirl of the dizzy dance as it swept and swayed to the music, dreamlike, with beaming eyes and the rush of fluttering garments. 1020 meanwhile, apart, at the head of the hall, the priest and the herdsman sat, conversing together of past and present and future; while evangeline stood like one entranced, for within her olden memories rose, and loud in the midst of the music heard she the sound of the sea, and an irrepressible sadness 1025 came o'er her heart, and unseen she stole forth into the garden. beautiful was the night. behind the black wall of the forest, tipping its summit with silver, arose the moon. on the river fell here and there through the branches a tremulous gleam of the moonlight, like the sweet thoughts of love on a darkened and devious spirit. 1030 nearer and round about her, the manifold flowers of the garden poured out their souls in odors, that were their prayers and confessions unto the night, as it went its way, like a silent carthusian. fuller of fragrance than they, and as heavy with shadows and night-dews, hung the heart of the maiden. the calm and the magical moonlight 1035 seemed to inundate her soul with indefinable longings, as, through the garden gate, and beneath the shade of the oak-trees, passed she along the path to the edge of the measureless prairie. silent it lay, with a silvery haze upon it, and fire-flies gleaming and floating away in mingled and infinite numbers. 1040 over her head the stars, the thoughts of god in the heavens, shone on the eyes of man, who had ceased to marvel and worship, save when a blazing comet was seen on the walls of that temple, as if a hand had appeared and written upon them, "upharsin." and the soul of the maiden, between the stars and the fire-flies, 1045 wandered alone, and she cried, "o gabriel! o my beloved! art thou so near unto me, and yet i cannot behold thee? art thou so near unto me, and yet thy voice does not reach me? ah! how often thy feet have trod this path to the prairie! ah! how often thine eyes have looked on the woodlands around me! 1050 ah! how often beneath this oak, returning from labor, thou hast lain down to rest, and to dream of me in thy slumbers! when shall these eyes behold, these arms be folded about thee?" loud and sudden and near the note of a whippoorwill sounded like a flute in the woods; and anon, through the neighboring thickets, 1055 farther and farther away it floated and dropped into silence. "patience!" whispered the oaks from oracular caverns of darkness; and, from the moonlit meadow, a sigh responded, "to-morrow!" bright rose the sun next day; and all the flowers of the garden bathed his shining feet with their tears, and anointed his tresses 1060 with the delicious balm that they bore in their vases of crystal. "farewell!" said the priest, as he stood at the shadowy threshold; "see that you bring us the prodigal son from his fasting and famine, and, too, the foolish virgin, who slept when the bridegroom was coming." "farewell!" answered the maiden, and, smiling, with basil descended 1065 down to the river's brink, where the boatmen already were waiting. thus beginning their journey with morning, and sunshine, and gladness, swiftly they followed the flight of him who was speeding before them, blown by the blast of fate like a dead leaf over the desert. not that day, nor the next, nor yet the day that succeeded, 1070 found they trace of his course, in lake or forest or river, nor, after many days, had they found him; but vague and uncertain rumors alone were their guides through a wild and desolate country; till, at the little inn of the spanish town of adayes, weary and worn, they alighted, and learned from the garrulous landlord 1075 that on the day before, with horses and guides and companions, gabriel left the village, and took the road of the prairies. section iv far in the west there lies a desert land, where the mountains lift, through perpetual snows, their lofty and luminous summits. down from their jagged, deep ravines, where the gorge, like a gateway, 1080 opens a passage rude to the wheels of the emigrant's wagon, westward the oregon flows and the walleway and owyhee. eastward, with devious course, among the wind-river mountains, through the sweet-water valley precipitate leaps the nebraska; and to the south, from fontaine-quibout and the spanish sierras, 1085 fretted with sands and rocks, and swept by the wind of the desert, numberless torrents, with ceaseless sound, descend to the ocean, like the great chords of a harp, in loud and solemn vibrations. spreading between these streams are the wondrous, beautiful prairies, billowy bays of grass ever rolling in shadow and sunshine, 1090 bright with luxuriant clusters of roses and purple amorphas. over them wandered the buffalo herds, and the elk, and the roebuck; over them wandered the wolves, and herds of riderless horses; fires that blast and blight, and winds that are weary with travel; over them wander the scattered tribes of ishmael's children, 1095 staining the desert with blood; and above their terrible war-trails circles and sails aloft, on pinions majestic, the vulture, like the implacable soul of a chieftain slaughtered in battle, by invisible stairs ascending and scaling the heavens. here and there rise smokes from the camps of these savage marauders; 1100 here and there rise groves from the margins of swift-running rivers; and the grim, taciturn bear, the anchorite monk of the desert, climbs down their dark ravines to dig for roots by the brook-side, and over all is the sky, the clear and crystalline heaven, like the protecting hand of god inverted above them. 1105 into this wonderful land, at the base of the ozark mountains, gabriel far had entered, with hunters and trappers behind him. day after day, with their indian guides, the maiden and basil followed his flying steps, and thought each day to o'ertake him. sometimes they saw, or thought they saw, the smoke of his camp-fire 1110 rise in the morning air from the distant plain; but at nightfall, when they had reached the place, they found only embers and ashes. and, though their hearts were sad at times and their bodies were weary, hope still guided them on, as the magic fata morgana showed them her lakes of light, that retreated and vanished before them. 1115 once, as they sat by their evening fire, there silently entered into the little camp an indian woman, whose features wore deep traces of sorrow, and patience as great as her sorrow. she was a shawnee woman returning home to her people, from the far-off hunting-grounds of the cruel camanches, 1120 where her canadian husband, a coureur-des-bois, had been murdered. touched were their hearts at her story, and warmest and friendliest welcome gave they, the words of cheer, and she sat and feasted among them on the buffalo-meat and the venison cooked on the embers. but when their meal was done, and basil and all his companions, 1125 worn with the long day's march and the chase of the deer and the bison, stretched themselves on the ground, and slept where the quivering fire-light flashed on their swarthy cheeks, and their forms wrapped up in their blankets, then at the door of evangeline's tent she sat and repeated slowly, with soft, low voice, and the charm of her indian accent, 1130 all the tale of her love, with its pleasures, and pains, and reverses. much evangeline wept at the tale, and to know that another hapless heart like her own had loved and had been disappointed. moved to the depths of her soul by pity and woman's compassion, yet in her sorrow pleased that one who had suffered was near her, 1135 she in turn related her love and all its disasters. mute with wonder the shawnee sat, and when she had ended still was mute; but at length, as if a mysterious horror passed through her brain, she spake, and repeated the tale of the mowis; mowis, the bridegroom of snow, who won and wedded a maiden. 1140 but, when the morning came, arose and passed from the wigwam, fading and melting away and dissolving into the sunshine, till she beheld him no more, though she followed far into the forest. then, in those sweet, low tones, that seemed like a weird incantation, told she the tale of the fair lilinau, who was wooed by a phantom, 1145 that, through the pines o'er her father's lodge, in the hush of the twilight, breathed like the evening wind, and whispered love to the maiden, till she followed his green and waving plume through the forest, and nevermore returned, nor was seen again by her people. silent with wonder and strange surprise, evangeline listened 1150 to the soft flow of her magical words, till the region around her seemed like enchanted ground, and her swarthy guest the enchantress. slowly over the tops of the ozark mountains the moon rose, lighting the little tent, and with a mysterious splendor touching the sombre leaves, and embracing and filling the woodland. 1155 with a delicious sound the brook rushed by, and the branches swayed and sighed overhead in scarcely audible whispers. filled with the thoughts of love was evangeline's heart, but a secret, subtile sense crept in of pain and indefinite terror, as the cold, poisonous snake creeps into the nest of the swallow. 1160 it was no earthly fear. a breath from the region of spirits seemed to float in the air of night; and she felt for a moment that, like the indian maid, she, too, was pursuing a phantom. with this thought she slept, and the fear and the phantom had vanished. early upon the morrow the march was resumed, and the shawnee 1165 said, as they journeyed along,--"on the western slope of these mountains dwells in his little village the black robe chief of the mission. much he teaches the people, and tells them of mary and jesus; loud laugh their hearts with joy, and weep with pain, as they hear him." then, with a sudden and secret emotion, evangeline answered, 1170 "let us go to the mission, for there good tidings await us!" thither they turned their steeds; and behind a spur of the mountains, just as the sun went down, they heard a murmur of voices, and in a meadow green and broad, by the bank of a river, saw the tents of the christians, the tents of the jesuit mission. 1175 under a towering oak, that stood in the midst of the village, knelt the black robe chief with his children. a crucifix fastened high on the trunk of the tree, and overshadowed by grapevines, looked with its agonized face on the multitude kneeling beneath it. this was their rural chapel. aloft, through the intricate arches 1180 of its aerial roof, arose the chant of their vespers, mingling its notes with the soft susurrus and sighs of the branches. silent, with heads uncovered, the travellers, nearer approaching, knelt on the swarded floor, and joined in the evening devotions. but when the service was done, and the benediction had fallen 1185 forth from the hands of the priest, like seed from the hands of the sower, slowly the reverend man advanced to the strangers, and bade them welcome; and when they replied, he smiled with benignant expression, hearing the homelike sounds of his mother-tongue in the forest, and with words of kindness conducted them into his wigwam. 1190 there upon mats and skins they reposed, and on cakes of the maize-ear feasted, and slaked their thirst from the water-gourd of the teacher. soon was their story told; and the priest with solemnity answered:-"not six suns have risen and set since gabriel, seated on this mat by my side, where now the maiden reposes, 1195 told me the same sad tale; then arose and continued his journey!" soft was the voice of the priest, and he spake with an accent of kindness; but on evangeline's heart fell his words as in winter the snow-flakes fall into some lone nest from which the birds have departed. "far to the north he has gone," continued the priest; "but in autumn, 1200 when the chase is done, will return again to the mission." then evangeline said, and her voice was meek and submissive, "let me remain with thee, for my soul is sad and afflicted." so seemed it wise and well unto all; and betimes on the morrow, mounting his mexican steed, with his indian guides and companions, 1205 homeward basil returned, and evangeline stayed at the mission. slowly, slowly, slowly the days succeeded each other,-days and weeks and months; and the fields of maize that were springing green from the ground when a stranger she came, now waving about her, lifted their slender shafts, with leaves interlacing, and forming 1210 cloisters for mendicant crows and granaries pillaged by squirrels. then in the golden weather the maize was husked, and the maidens blushed at each blood-red ear, for that betokened a lover, but at the crooked laughed, and called it a thief in the corn-field. even the blood-red ear to evangeline brought not her lover. 1215 "patience!" the priest would say; "have faith, and thy prayer will be answered! look at this vigorous plant that lifts its head from the meadow, see how its leaves are turned to the north, as true as the magnet; this is the compass-flower, that the finger of god has planted here in the houseless wild, to direct the traveller's journey 1220 over the sea-like, pathless, limitless waste of the desert. such in the soul of man is faith. the blossoms of passion, gay and luxuriant flowers, are brighter and fuller of fragrance, but they beguile us, and lead us astray, and their odor is deadly. only this humble plant can guide us here, and hereafter 1225 crown us with asphodel flowers, that are wet with the dews of nepenthe." so came the autumn, and passed, and the winter--yet gabriel came not; blossomed the opening spring, and the notes of the robin and bluebird sounded sweet upon wold and in wood, yet gabriel came not. but on the breath of the summer winds a rumor was wafted 1230 sweeter than the song of bird, or hue or odor of blossom. far to the north and east, it is said, in the michigan forests, gabriel had his lodge by the banks of the saginaw river. and, with returning guides, that sought the lakes of st. lawrence, saying a sad farewell, evangeline went from the mission. 1235 when over weary ways, by long and perilous marches, she had attained at length the depths of the michigan forests, found she the hunter's lodge deserted and fallen to ruin! thus did the long sad years glide on, and in seasons and places divers and distant far was seen the wandering maiden;- 1240 now in the tents of grace of the meek moravian missions, now in the noisy camps and the battle-fields of the army, now in secluded hamlets, in towns and populous cities. like a phantom she came, and passed away unremembered. fair was she and young, when in hope began the long journey; 1245 faded was she and old, when in disappointment it ended. each succeeding year stole something away from her beauty, leaving behind it, broader and deeper, the gloom and the shadow. then there appeared and spread faint streaks of gray o'er her forehead, dawn of another life, that broke o'er her earthly horizon, 1250 as in the eastern sky the first faint streaks of the morning. section v. in that delightful land which is washed by the delaware's waters, guarding in sylvan shades the name of penn the apostle, stands on the banks of its beautiful stream the city he founded. there all the air is balm, and the peach is the emblem of beauty. 1255 and the streets still re-echo the names of the trees of the forest, as if they fain would appease the dryads whose haunts they molested. there from the troubled sea had evangeline landed, an exile, finding among the children of penn a home and a country. there old rene leblanc had died; and when he departed, 1260 saw at his side only one of all his hundred descendants. something at least there was in the friendly streets of the city, something that spake to her heart, and made her no longer a stranger; and her ear was pleased with the thee and thou of the quakers, for it recalled the past, the old acadian country, 1265 where all men were equal, and all were brothers and sisters. so, when the fruitless search, the disappointed endeavor, ended, to recommence no more upon earth, uncomplainingly, thither, as leaves to the light, were turned her thoughts and her footsteps. as from a mountain's top the rainy mists of the morning 1270 roll away, and afar we behold the landscape below us, sun-illumined, with shining rivers and cities and hamlets, so fell the mists from her mind, and she saw the world far below her, dark no longer, but all illumined with love; and the pathway which she had climbed so far, lying smooth and fair in the distance. 1275 gabriel was not forgotten. within her heart was his image, clothed in the beauty of love and youth, as last she beheld him, only more beautiful made by his deathlike silence and absence. into her thoughts of him time entered not, for it was not. over him years had no power; he was not changed, but transfigured; 1280 he had become to her heart as one who is dead, and not absent; patience and abnegation of self, and devotion to others, this was the lesson a life of trial and sorrow had taught her. so was her love diffused, but, like to some odorous spices, suffered no waste nor loss, though filling the air with aroma. 1285 other hope had she none, nor wish in life, but to follow, meekly with reverent steps, the sacred feet of her saviour. thus many years she lived as a sister of mercy; frequenting lonely and wretched roofs in the crowded lanes of the city, where distress and want concealed themselves from the sunlight, 1290 where disease and sorrow in garrets languished neglected. night after night when the world was asleep, as the watchman repeated loud, through the gusty streets, that all was well in the city, high at some lonely window he saw the light of her taper. day after day, in the gray of the dawn, as slow through the suburbs 1295 plodded the german farmer, with flowers and fruits for the market, met he that meek, pale face, returning home from its watchings. then it came to pass that a pestilence fell on the city, presaged by wondrous signs, and mostly by flocks of wild pigeons, darkening the sun in their flight, with naught in their craws but an acorn. 1300 and, as the tides of the sea arise in the month of september, flooding some silver stream, till it spreads to a lake in the meadow, so death flooded life, and, o'erflowing its natural margin, spread to a brackish lake the silver stream of existence. wealth had no power to bribe, nor beauty to charm, the oppressor; 1305 but all perished alike beneath the scourge of his anger;-only, alas! the poor, who had neither friends nor attendants, crept away to die in the almshouse, home of the homeless. then in the suburbs it stood, in the midst of meadows and woodlands;-now the city surrounds it; but still, with its gateway and wicket 1310 meek, in the midst of splendor, its humble walls seem to echo softly the words of the lord:--"the poor ye always have with you." thither, by night and by day, came the sister of mercy. the dying looked up into her face, and thought, indeed, to behold there gleams of celestial light encircle her forehead with splendor, 1315 such as the artist paints o'er the brows of saints and apostles, or such as hangs by night o'er a city seen at a distance. unto their eyes it seemed the lamps of the city celestial, into whose shining gates erelong their spirits would enter. thus, on a sabbath morn, through the streets, deserted and silent, 1320 wending her quiet way, she entered the door of the almshouse. sweet on the summer air was the odor of flowers in the garden, and she paused on her way to gather the fairest among them, that the dying once more might rejoice in their fragrance and beauty. then, as she mounted the stairs to the corridors, cooled by the east wind, 1325 distant and soft on her ear fell the chimes from the belfry of christ church, while, intermingled with these, across the meadows were wafted sounds of psalms, that were sung by the swedes in their church at wicaco. soft as descending wings fell the calm of the hour on her spirit; something within her said, "at length thy trials are ended;" 1330 and, with light in her looks, she entered the chambers of sickness. noiselessly moved about the assiduous, careful attendants, moistening the feverish lip, and the aching brow, and in silence closing the sightless eyes of the dead, and concealing their faces, where on their pallets they lay, like drifts of snow by the roadside. 1335 many a languid head, upraised as evangeline entered, turned on its pillow of pain to gaze while she passed, for her presence fell on their hearts like a ray of the sun on the walls of a prison. and, as she looked around, she saw how death the consoler, laying his hand upon many a heart, had healed it forever. 1340 many familiar forms had disappeared in the night time; vacant their places were, or filled already by strangers. suddenly, as if arrested, by fear or a feeling of wonder, still she stood, with her colorless lips apart, while a shudder ran through her frame, and, forgotten, the flowerets dropped from her fingers, 1345 and from her eyes and cheeks the light and bloom of the morning. then there escaped from her lips a cry of such terrible anguish, that the dying heard it, and started up from their pillows. on the pallet before her was stretched the form of an old man. long, and thin, and gray were the locks that shaded his temples; 1350 but, as he lay in the morning light, his face for a moment seemed to assume once more the forms of its earlier manhood; so are wont to be changed the faces of those who are dying. hot and red on his lips still burned the flush of the fever, as if life, like the hebrew, with blood had besprinkled its portals, 1355 that the angel of death might see the sign, and pass over. motionless, senseless, dying, he lay, and his spirit exhausted seemed to be sinking down through infinite depths in the darkness, darkness of slumber and death, forever sinking and sinking. then through those realms of shade, in multiplied reverberations, 1360 heard he that cry of pain, and through the hush that succeeded whispered a gentle voice, in accents tender and saint-like, "gabriel! o my beloved!" and died away into silence. then he beheld, in a dream, once more the home of his childhood; green acadian meadows, with sylvan rivers among them, 1365 village, and mountain, and woodlands; and, walking under their shadow, as in the days of her youth, evangeline rose in his vision. tears came into his eyes; and as slowly he lifted his eyelids, vanished the vision away, but evangeline knelt by his bedside. vainly he strove to whisper her name, for the accents unuttered 1370 died on his lips, and their motion revealed what his tongue would have spoken. vainly he strove to rise; and evangeline, kneeling beside him, kissed his dying lips, and laid his head on her bosom. sweet was the light of his eyes; but it suddenly sank into darkness, as when a lamp is blown out by a gust of wind at a casement. 1375 all was ended now, the hope, and the fear, and the sorrow, all the aching of heart, the restless, unsatisfied longing, all the dull, deep pain, and constant anguish of patience! and, as she pressed once more the lifeless head to her bosom, meekly she bowed her own, and murmured, "father, i thank thee!" 1380 still stands the forest primeval; but far away from its shadow, side by side, in their nameless graves, the lovers are sleeping. under the humble walls of the little catholic churchyard, in the heart of the city, they lie, unknown and unnoticed. daily the tides of life go ebbing and flowing beside them, 1385 thousands of throbbing hearts, where theirs are at rest and forever, thousands of aching brains, where theirs no longer are busy, thousands of toiling hands, where theirs have ceased from their labors, thousands of weary feet, where theirs have completed their journey! still stands the forest primeval; but under the shade of its branches 1390 dwells another race, with other customs and language. only along the shore of the mournful and misty atlantic linger a few acadian peasants, whose fathers from exile wandered back to their native land to die in its bosom. in the fisherman's cot the wheel and the loom are still busy; 1395 maidens still wear their norman caps and their kirtles of homespun, and by the evening fire repeat evangeline's story, while from its rocky caverns the deep-voiced, neighboring ocean speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail of the forest. pictures perry pictures helpful in the study of evangeline: christ church, boston, 1357; the sheepfold, 3049; the blacksmith, 887; evangeline, 23; the wave, 3197; spring, 484; pasturage in the forest, 506; sheep-spring, 757; milking time, 601; angelus, 509; haymaker's rest, 605; landscape, 490; priscilla spinning, 3298; shoeing the horse, 908; henry wadsworth longfellow, 15; priscilla, 1338; autumn, 615; september, 1071; deer by moonlight, 1005; winter scene, 27-b. * * * * * we supply the above at one cent each, if twenty or more are ordered. they may be assorted, as desired. notes. part one. i 1. a primeval forest is one which has not been disturbed by the axe. 3. druids were celtic priests. their religious ceremonies were carried on in oak groves, the trees being regarded as sacred. 10. grand pre (grän-pr[=a]) means large meadow. 20. basin of minas, an arm of the bay of fundy. 25. the tides in the bay of fundy rise to the height of 60 feet. what is the ordinary rise of the tide? 29. blomidon is a promontory about four hundred feet high at the entrance of the bay of minas. 33. the henries were rulers of france in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 34. normandy, a district in northern france bordering on the english channel. 39. kirtle, a petticoat. 49. the angelus was a bell which called people to prayer. what do you know of the painting called "the angelus?" 57. real misery was wholly unknown, and benevolence anticipated the demands of poverty. every misfortune was relieved, as it were, before it could be felt, without ostentation on the one hand and without meanness on the other. it was in short, a society of brethren. abbe reynal. 72. hyssop, a plant. a branch of it could be used like a sponge. it was a symbol of purification from sin. 74. chaplet of beads, a string of beads used in praying. missal, a prayer book. 96. see luke xxii, 60, 61. 111. a patron saint was a saint who was supposed to exercise a special care over the people of a town or district. 115. lajeunesse (lä-zhê-n[)e]s´). 144. there was a saying among the people that "if the sun shines on st. eulalie's day there will be a good crop of apples." it was february 12th. ii. 149. the scorpion is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. the sun enters this sign in late october. 153. for the reference to jacob, see gen. xxxii, 24-30. 159. the summer of all-saints corresponds to our indian summer. all-saints day is nov. 1st. 170. plane tree, a species of sycamore. xerxes, a persian, admired one of them so much he put a mantle upon it and adorned it with jewels. 209. burgundy is a section of eastern france famous for its fine wines. 238. the gaspereau is a river that flows into the basin of minas, east of grand pre. 242. glebe, soil. 249. louisburg, beausejour (b[=o] s[=e]´ zh[=o][=o]r,) and port royal were towns which had been taken from the french by the british. 259. the contract was considered almost as binding as a marriage. remember this. 260-2. as soon as a young man arrived at the proper age, the community built him a house, broke the land about it, and supplied him with all the necessaries of life for twelve months. then he received the partner whom he had chosen, and who brought him her portion in flocks. abbe reynal. iii. 280. loup garou ( l[=o][=o]-ga-r[=o][=o] ) means man-wolf. there was a tradition that a man had the power to change himself into a wolf to devour children. 282. letiche (l[=a]-t[=e]sh´). 293. in sooth, in truth. 307. a figure with scales in the left hand and a sword in the right is sometimes used to represent justice. 354. the curfew was a bell tolled in the evening as a signal to put out the fires and go to bed. 381. see gen. xxi, 14. iv. 413. the names of two french songs. 442. the summer solstice is on the 21st of june. the sun is then farthest north, being over the tropic of cancer. it seems to stand still for a short time. 466. the author contrasts the clamor of the throng and the quiet words of father felician by referring to rapid strokes of the alarm and the quiet, measured strokes of the hour. 476. see luke xxiii, 34. 484. ave maria (äh-v[=a]-mah-r[=e]´-a), a prayer to the virgin mary. 486. see 2 kings ii, 11. 507. see exodus xxiv, 29-35. v. 572-3. parents were separated from children and husbands from wives, some of whom have not to this day met again; and we were so crowded in the transport vessels that we had not even room to lay down, and consequently were prevented from carrying with us proper necessaries, especially for the support and comfort of the aged and weak, many of whom quickly ended their lives. petition of the acadians to the king. 579. leaguer, an army camp. 589. see lines 49, 50. 597. see acts xxvii-xxviii. 604. benedicite, bless you. 631. nebraska, now known as the platte river. 667. bell or book, funeral bell, or book of funeral service. part two. i. 674. savannahs, grassy plains. 678-9. we have already seen, in this province of pennsylvania, two hundred and fifty of our people, which is more than half the number that were landed here, perish through misery and various diseases. petition of the acadians to the king. 705. coureurs-des-bois (k[=o][=o]-rur-d[=a]-bwä'), guides. 707. voyageur (vwä-yä-zh[=u]r,) river boatmen. 713. to braid st. catherine's tresses means to remain unmarried. 733. muse, here the goddess of song. there were nine muses in all. ii. 741. the beautiful river, the ohio. 749. acadian coast, districts near the mouth of the mississippi river where many acadians had settled. opelousas, a district in louisana. 764. golden coast, banks of the mississippi above new orleans. 766. plaquemine (pl[)a]k-m[=e]n.) 782. mimosa, a plant which closes its leaves when agitated. 807. atchafalaya ([)a]ch-[.a]-f[=a]-l[=i]'-á,) a river in louisiana. 815. wachita (w[)o]sh-[=e]-täw,) a river in louisiana. 821. see genesis xxviii, 10-15. 856. teche (t[=a]sh,) a bayou. st. maur (s[)a]n-m[=o]r´.) 879. bacchantes, followers of bacchus, god of wine. iii. 889. mistletoe, a parasite plant which grows on many trees. 890. yule-tide, christmas time. 952. adayes (a-d[=a]´-yes) town in texas. 956. the fates, three goddesses who were supposed to control human destinies. 961. olympus, a mountain of greece supposed by the ancient greeks to be the home of the gods. 970. ci-devant, (s[=e]`-dè-van) former. 984. natchitoches (n[)a]ck´-é-t[)o]sh,) a district of louisiana. 1033. carthusian, a monk of an order where only occasional speech is permitted. 1044. upharsin, divided. see daniel v, 5-29. 1054. this was considered a bad omen. 1063. see luke xv, 11-32. 1064. see matthew xxv, 1-13. iv. 1082. oregon, the columbia river. walleway, a branch of the snake river. owyhee (owy´-hee) river in same region. 1083. wind river mountains, a chain of the rocky mountains, in wyoming. 1084. sweet water valley, in wyoming. nebraska, the platte river. 1085. fontaine-qui-bout (f[)o]n´-t[=a]n-k[=e]-b[=o][=o]) a creek in colorado. spanish sierras, mountain range in new mexico. 1091. amorphas, a shrub having clusters of blue flowers. 1095. ishmael's children. the arabs are considered descendents of ishmael. because of their warlike spirit the american indians have been thought to be descents of ishmael. see genesis xxi, 14-21. 1114. fata morgana (fä-tä-môr-gä´-nä,) mirage. 1139. mowis (m[=o]´-w[=e]s.) 1167. black robe chief, jesuit priest at the head of the mission, so called because of his black robe. 1182. susurrus, whisperings. 1219. humble plant, a plant that grows on the prairies whose leaves point north and south, thus serving as a guide. 1241. moravian missions. the moravians are a christian sect noted for their missionary zeal. v. 1256. a number of streets in philadelphia have the name of trees, as walnut, chestnut, etc. 1257. dryads, goddesses of the woods. 1288. sister of mercy, a member of an order in the roman catholic church. the members devote their lives to works of charity. 1355. see exodus xii, 22-23. argument. "evangeline" is usually studied in the seventh school year--a time when a somewhat intensive study of a piece of literature may be undertaken with profit. this poem offers a most delightful introduction into the wider realms of literature--an introduction fraught with much consequence since the manner of it is likely to have a considerable bearing on the pupil's future in this subject. it is certainly important that the most be made of the opportunity. we believe that the common lack of interest and effort in school work is often due to an absence of definite and visible ends, and of proper directions for the reaching of those ends. pupils do not object to work, and hard work, with something tangible. what they do object to is groping in the dark for something that may turn up--which is too frequently the case in their study of a piece of literature. such a course may be commendable later, but at this period, suggestion and direction are necessary. these are furnished by our "suggestive questions," which indicate lines of study and research. in the ordinary reading class the work is largely done by a few of the brighter pupils. it is quite difficult to secure a careful preparation by the whole class. it is also difficult to ascertain how well the pupils are prepared. the "suggestive questions" will be found very helpful here. care has been exercised in the division of the subject matter that each lesson may, in a sense, be complete in itself. the lessons are supposed to occupy twenty-five or thirty minutes; this, with the nature of the subject matter and the number of unfamiliar words, determining the length of the lessons. the poem is to be studied twice:-first, a general survey to get the story and the characters clearly in mind. second, a careful study of the text that the beauty and richness, the artistic and ethical values of the poem may be realized. it is obvious that no scheme, however carefully wrought out, can in any sense be a substitute for earnestness, enthusiasm and sympathy; and careful preparation is an absolute essential of all successful teaching. with these, it is believed, excellent results may be secured by use of this plan. w.f. conover. _"b" st. school, san diego, cal._ part i. a general survey. _lesson i._ the author and the poem. _lesson ii._ acadia and the acadians. _lesson iii._ discuss the structure of the poem and how it should be read. read. _lessons iv-xiii._ read a section each day to get the outlines of the story. notice carefully the topics given on the following pages, and be able to tell with what lines each topic begins and ends. in the other sections make lists of topics, filling out the outlines. be careful to choose the principal topics and not subordinate ones. evangeline--part i. sec. i. _acadia._ 1. grand pre. 2. benedict bellefontaine. 3. bvangeline. 4. the home. 5. gabriel, basil, father felician. 6. childhood of evangeline and gabriel. 7. manhood and womanhood. sec. ii. _the home._ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. sec. iii. _the interview._ 1. the notary. 2. the argument and story. 3. the betrothal. 4. the game. 5. departure of guests. 6. evangeline. sec. iv. _the summons._ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. sec. v. _the embarking._ 1. gathering of goods. 2. evangeline's message. 3. separated. 4. the camp. 5. fire. 6. death of benedict. 7. exiled. evangeline--part ii. sec. i. _the search begun._ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. sec. ii. _on the mississippi._ 1. the boatmen. 2. the journey. 3. forebodings of ill. 4. the sleep. 5. the bugle. 6. the passing. 7. evangeline's dream. 8. journey continued. 9. arrival. sec. iii. _re-union. search again._ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. sec. iv. _search continued._ 1. the great west. 2. old camp fires. 3. the shawnee--confidences. 4. march resumed. 5. the mission. 6. patience. 7. rumors. on to michigan. 8. years of search. sec. v. _search ended._ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. part ii. study of the text. (1.) lessons i-xxvii. (2.) composition subjects. the questions on the following pages are intended to be suggestive of lines of study. others of like or different import will occur to the teacher. don't be confined to the written questions. many others will be needed to bring out the artistic and spiritual values of the poem and to keep the thread of the story in mind. pupils are expected to know the meaning of words and the particular one the author employs. the understanding of a passage often depends on the meaning of a single word. (see part iii.) suggestive questions. evangeline--part i. sec. i. _introduction. grand pre._ lesson i, lines 1-57. the author gives us a hint of the nature of his narrative. in what lines does he directly refer to it? this is a story of what? what three qualities had this thing? what two pictures does the author contrast, lines 6-15? why murmuring pines? what two parts of one picture, lines 1-5? why compare to the roe? in what ways did their lives resemble a river? why october leaves? remember--this is a story of what? its three qualities are what? what is the first picture in section i? what quality of the people is referred to in line 24? the acadians were engaged in what industry? would their lives be more peaceful in this than in other lines of labor? why use reposed, line 32? who was intimately associated with all the life of the village? explain lines 52-56 and 57. _evangeline._ lesson ii, lines 58-81. what is the topic of this lesson? who is also introduced to us? describe. what does the comparison with an oak suggest? what was evangeline's age? describe her appearance. what qualities does this description show of her? what was benedict's most marked characteristic? evangeline's? _home and childhood of evangeline and gabriel._ lesson iii, lines 82-147. why does the author describe the home so carefully? what do we learn of evangeline, lines 104-114? what two characters are here introduced? tell about their childhood days. note the early attraction of these two for each other. what about the wondrous stone? have stones such powers? evangeline's name (line 144) indicates what? sec. ii. _autumn. evening out-of-doors. in-doors._ lesson iv, lines 148-198. what is the season? what is the sign of the scorpion? what season follows? signs point to what? why should the author refer to signs of a hard winter? what idea does the author reiterate, lines 160-175? note--the author brings up one picture after another to impress us in this way. why? does he picture the home clearly? describe. what things of old time life does he mention? give topic, lines 199-217. where were the norman orchards? what does the loom suggest? _visitors. the news. argument._ lesson v, lines 247-267. what relations existed between basil and benedict? how do you know? note carefully how the talk shows character. how did each view the news? does the author make many simple statements of facts, or does he use much imagery? is this so common in prose? which was the better way of viewing the news? why refer to louisburg, beau sejour and port royal? had basil good reasons for his suspicions? why were the acadians safer than their fathers? why did benedict wish to have no fear? what was the purpose of the call? what preparations had been made for the marriage? sec. iii. _the notary and his story._ lesson vi, lines 268-329. a new character in the story. what others have we met thus far? in what regard was the notary held? describe him. why did the children like him? what was the lore of the village? contrast the blacksmith's and the notary's manner. explain line 299. does the notary's story prove his point--that justice finally triumphs? why? what effect upon basil has the story? explain lines 328-329. _signing the contract. the last good-night._ lesson vii, lines 330-381. what do you learn from line 333? what characteristic does benedict show, line 339? learn 351-352. were these marriage papers that were signed? what? what three facts of old time life, lines 353-368? what are compared, lines 368-371? why should evangleline feel sad at this time? was it natural? how could the star follow her footsteps? look up reference line 381. sec. iv. _the betrothal feast. the mandate._ lesson viii, lines 382-459. was the betrothal feast an important event in grand pre? so much thought of now? explain 385-386. for what purpose were the people gathering? how did acadian life differ from that of today? why was hospitality greater under benedict's roof? who were some of the principal persons at the feast? who is now introduced? was there a peculiar sadness in the occurances of the day? why? we have three pictures strongly contrasted in this, the preceding and the succeeding lessons. try to get a clear idea of each of these three scenes. contrast the feast and the reception of the mandate. why refer to the solstice? what was the immediate effect of the news? then what? was it a time when character would show? explain. who shows clearly his temperament? _father felician's rebuke._ lesson ix, lines 460-486. (to me, this selection is one of the finest in the poem. it is a fine tribute to _character_. we have in this and the preceding lesson two pictures in marked contrast. recall the effects the mandate must have had on the pioneers; how we of the class would feel if we now received such an order. think of the homes made by long years of patient toil, the familiar and much loved scenes--all that made life dear--must be left behind and life begun anew amid strange scenes and among strange people. what utter despair must have possessed them.) what scene of wild passion father felician met when he opened the church door! could force have quieted this mob? could they have been _made_ quiet? then father felician enters, raises his hand and stillness reigns. what causes this great change? what wisdom does the priest show? does he say much? to what does he turn their thoughts? why? who is the "prince of peace"? what great character in history had a like power over a multitude? was it a great thing that the people could say from their hearts "o father, forgive them"? who said it before this? the evening service is held and quiet after the storm. how were their souls translated? what is the reference to elijah? _evangeline's service. shadows._ lesson x, lines 487-523. what change here introduced? why should it come in here? any reason except a continuation of the story? (a well written play or story has a careful mixture of pathos and humor. explain and apply.) note lines 499-501. what was the source of evangeline's great strength of character? who was the prophet? has the reference to the angelus any suggestive sadness? why graves of the living? why did the thunder speak to her? what did it suggest? sec. v. _gathering on the beach._ lesson xi, lines 524-590. how long were they in the church? what was the attitude of the acadians? what happens similarly in nature? what characteristic of woman is shown in lines 553-567? compare evangeline, gabriel and benedict at this point. did evangeline meet her father and gabriel in different ways? why? did she show wisdom in so doing? what turning point now comes? imagine a different circumstance--how would it affect the remainder of the story? picture the village. why refer to the waifs of the tide? _the camp. burning village._ lesson xii, lines 591-635. picture the camp. why refer to paul? what was the condition of benedict? what disposition did he show in this trouble? do you suppose basil was affected in the same way? how do an oak and a willow take a storm? which is the better way? who was the oak and who the willow? what does father felician do? does he show discernment? explain 612-615. how many and what distinct pictures do you find in the lesson? write lines 613-620 in your own words and compare. _death. separation._ lesson xiii, lines 636-665. what was the effect of the fire on benedict? the effect of her father's death on evangeline? what does "without bell or book" mean? what of nature seemed in harmony with the occasion? what two great sorrows came to evangeline so closely? review closing incidents and part one. evangeline--part ii. sec. i. _landing. search begun._ lesson xiv, lines 666-705. how long time has elapsed since the embarking? what were the acadian's household gods? why was the exile without an end? why should the author use this comparison about their scattering? explain fully about the seizing of the hills. what was the attitude of many acadians? of evangeline? what is the desert of life? why so called? what makes life a desert? explain fully lines 683-687. what was there singular about evangeline's life? what effect had this on her life? what was the inarticulate whisper that came to her? _pressing on._ lesson xv, lines 706-740. what is a voyageur? what was evangeline advised to do by her friends? should she have followed their advice? give reason. what was it to braid st. catherine's tresses? what do you think of evangeline's reply? learn lines 720-727. explain. what was the funeral dirge which she heard what was the voice that replied? what is the muse? who appeals to it? how is it to be followed? sec. ii. _on the river. forebodings._ lesson xvi, lines 741-789. has the author followed the wanderer's footsteps in sec. i, part ii? locate scene pictured in lines 741-745. how were these people bound together? how strongly? picture the scene in lines 757-765 clearly. why golden coast? what is a maze? what did the moss look like? what is demoniac laughter? what purpose does the author serve in bringing in this incident? describe scene in lines 763-767. how did the exiles feel this night? what about the mimosa? what are the hoof-beats of fate? what effect have the hoof-beats? was evangeline in the same mood as the others? read to line 863, and then consider carefully the scene and events to line 790. study with care. _night on the river. the passing._ lesson xvii, lines 790-841. explain lines 790-794 and lines 798-799. why do you suppose the bugle was not heard? what if it was? why did they row at midnight? why does the author bring in something weird again as in line 805? note change from night with its weird uncertainty to day with its quiet peace and beauty. why refer to jacob's ladder? how can you account for conditions given in lines 824-5? note that here a calm precedes the storm. who were in the boat speeding north? what was the last we heard of gabriel? what changes had occurred in his appearance? how did he take his lot and disappointment? how different from evangeline? does the account of the passing seem reasonable? are such occurrences common in general life? _evangeline's dream. arrival._ lesson xviii, lines 842-887. does it seem reasonable that evangeline felt gabriel was near? explain and learn lines 852-4. explain 858. why eden of louisiana? has father felician given up to despair on any occasion? what kept him from despairing? had he despaired how would it have affected evangeline and the story? note scene in lines 864-868. does the author here give a picture of nature in harmony with a condition of mind? where? find like treatment in this section. the mocking bird here reminds one of what bird in another scene? does each seem an appropriate part of the picture? what was the prelude? why were their hearts moved with emotion? sec. iii. _meeting basil. disappointment._ lesson xix, lines 888-958. find subject and predicate of first sentence. describe house and surroundings. would flowers grow thus in acadia? what was love's symbol? why sea of flowers? explain 904-910. why surf? contrast basil's home in grand pre and the one here. explain lines 933. was basil's way of breaking the news about gabriel a good one? why should she be deeply disappointed? did gabriel bear his disappointment as did evangeline? what was the result of evangeline's longing? of gabriel's? why a fugitive lover? why fates and streams against him? what did basil mean line 958? _re-union and feast._ lesson xx, lines 959-1020. note here change of scene. is it from pathos to humor or from humor to pathos? what do you gather from lines 959-960 and 964-965? from 961-2? why should they marvel? compare conditions of life in acadia and in louisiana. what familiar fact does basil show, line 982? why refer to king george? note the very attractive picture basil draws--almost a picture of eden. was there an _if_ about it, a final word that quite changed the shading of the picture? is it usually thus? were the acadians naturally light-hearted? _despair. hope. on again._ lesson xxi, lines 1021-1077. what effect had this scene on evangeline? why should she hear the sounds of the sea? why desire to leave the merriment? explain 1028-1038. stars are here spoken of as god's thoughts--what else has the author called them? explain 1041-1044. was the evening in harmony with evangeline's mood? why was it the oaks whispered "patience" and not the beeches or other trees? explain 1059-1061. who were going in quest of gabriel? explain references of "prodigal son" and "foolish virgin" and apply. how was gabriel blown by fate like the dead leaf? how long before they found traces of gabriel? what traces? what news finally? where were they now? sec. iv. _the great west. the shawnee. confidences._ lesson xxii, lines 1078-1164. what are amorphas? why describe thus this territory? who were ishmael's children? why bring out clearly the many dangers to be encountered here? what is fata morgana? who was the anchorite monk? why taciturn? how could they follow his footsteps? who were _they_? how were traces of sorrow and patience visible? were they unusually touched by the shawnee's story? why? was it natural for evangeline and the shawnee to be drawn together? what common bond had they? what was the effect of evangeline's story? were the shawnee's stories appropriate? were they comforting or disheartening? what was the snake that crept into evangeline's thoughts? was it lasting? what would naturally dispell it? are people more brave at night or in the morning? more cheerful when? why? _at the mission. waiting._ lesson xxiii, lines 1165-1205. why black robe chief? why expect good tidings at the mission? what is a rural chapel? what were vespers and sussuras? what was the cause of the priest's pleasure? look up jesuit work in north america. why were the priest's words like snow flakes to evangeline? how did evangeline receive the news? why should she desire to remain at the mission rather than return to basil's home? was there an unselfish purpose in her remaining? _a long search. age._ lesson xxiv, lines 1206-1291. how long did evangeline remain at the mission? what old custom referred to in lines 1212-1214? what do you know of old husking bees? who urged patience? the compass flower illustrates what truth? why is life in a true sense pathless and limitless? what quality is suggested by the gay, luxuriant flower? by the humble plant? evangeline leaves the mission to seek gabriel where? result? how did she spend the following years? would you think from the text here her life was wholly given to the thought of gabriel and to search for him? why? what was the dawn of another life? sec. v. _devotion._ lesson xxv, lines 1252-1297. why was penn an apostle? what city did he found? how do the streets echo the names of the forest? who are the dryads? why did she feel at home here? does she finally give up hope? explain lines 1270-1275. what made the world look bright to her? does one's state of mind determine to a large extent how the world looks? does the world look the same at night and in the morning? when are we most likely to see it as it is? was gabriel forgotten? what were the lessons her life had taught her? what became of her love? how did she act practically upon her feeling? what was the word or the thing that drew her? she shows what quality 1291-1293? what is a sister of mercy? why had she not joined the order before? had she in a true sense been a sister of mercy before joining the order? do you think she regretted the long struggle that fitted her so well for this work? _the pestilence._ lesson xxvi, lines 1298-1342. how did death flood life? what made the lake brackish? why silver stream? what is the usual cause of a pestilence? why call it a scourge of his anger? where was the almshouse? where is the spot now? this was an opportunity for whom? what was the appearance of the sister? what occasioned it? is what we _are_ written in our faces? what morning did she visit the almshouse? in what season? had she a premonition that her quest was ended? are premonitions common? what was the effect of this feeling upon her? why was death a consoler? _the meeting._ lesson xxvii, lines 1343-1400. white expecting something, was evangeline prepared for the meeting? how did it affect her? how did gabriel appear? what was the cause? what is the reference about sprinkling the portals? what was gabriel's condition? what effect had the cry of evangeline? did he recognize evangeline and realize she was with him? what came to his mind? did he finally recognize evangeline? was this recognition a blessing for her? what effect had this meeting upon her? how did she express it? where are the lovers supposed to be now? do you think evangeline's life ended here? scene shifts to where? what has occurred? does the author state that those old scenes of acadian life can now be seen? where? in lines 1399-1400 is there any suggestion as to this story? note.--it would be well at the conclusion of this study to spend one or two periods in going over the story as a whole that the poem, in its general outline, may be better retained in the pupil's mind. composition subjects. 1. acadian life. (contrast with present.) 2. the notary. 3. character of gabriel. 4. character of evangeline. 5. the betrothal feast. 6. the scene on the shore. 7. on the river. (compare mode of traveling with present ones by land and water.) 8. home of basil. (contrast with the home in acadia.) 9. the mission. 10. the search and its reward. select the lines that appeal to you most. select the lines that show the most beautiful sentiment. select the lines that contain the best pictures. part iii. spelling and defining. the work of spelling and defining may be carried on with the study of the text of the poem, or at the conclusion of this study. in the former case allow a week or more to pass after using a selection as a reading lesson before studying it as a spelling lesson, that the reading may not degenerate into a word-study. the words selected are those which should form a part of the pupil's vocabulary. the fact that the context largely determines the meaning of a word should be made clear in this study, and the particular meaning the author employs in the poem should be required. the pupil's discrimination will at first be poor, but he soon develops considerable skill and judgment. i 1. primeval 2. druids 3. eld 4. prophetic 5. hoar 6. caverns 7. disconsolate 8. roe 9. glided 10. reflecting 11. adopt 12. tradition 13. affliction 14. endures 15. patient ii 1. incessant 2. floodgates 3. reposed 4. peasants 5. thatched 6. tranquil 7. vanes 8. distaffs 9. gossiping 10. reverend 11. hailing 12. serenely 13. belfry 14. incense 15. contentment iii 1. stalworth 2. stately 3. gleamed 4. tresses 5. sooth 6. turret 7. hyssop 8. chaplet 9. missal 10. generations 11. ethereal 12. confession 13. benediction 14. exquisite 15. envy iv 1. antique 2. penitent 3. odorous 4. meek 5. innocent 6. variant 7. devotion 8. craft 9. repute 10. pedagogue 11. autumnal 12. expired 13. populous 14. wondrous 15. valiant v 1. desolate 2. tropical 3. inclement 4. mantles 5. hoarded 6. advent 7. pious 8. magical 9. landscape 10. consoled 11. blended 12. subdued 13. arrayed 14. adorned 15. surmises vi 1. instinct 2. superbly 3. ponderous 4. gestures 5. fantastic 6. fragments 7. carols 8. treadles 9. diligent 10. monotonous 11. jovial 12. content 13. accustomed 14. forebodings 15. mandate vii 1. untimely 2. blighted 3. bursting 4. lurk 5. outskirts 6. anxious 7. dubious 8. scythe 9. besieged 10. contract (_n._) 11. glebe 12. inkhorn 13. rejoice 14. worthy 15. notary viii 1. floss 2. wisdom 3. supernal 4. languished 5. warier 6. ripe 7. unchristened 8. doomed 9. haunt 10. marvellous 11. lore 12. demeanor 13. molest 14. irascible 15. triumphs ix 1. brazen 2. emblem 3. presided 4. corrupted 5. oppressed 6. condemned 7. convinced 8. congealed 9. tankard 10. dower 11. contention 12. manoeuvre 13. pallid 14. infinite 15. breach x 1. anon 2. curfew 3. straightway 4. lingered 5. reigned 6. resounded 7. luminous 8. ample 9. spacious 10. dower 11. mellow 12. tremulous 13. serenely 14. flitted 15. abraham xi 1. clamorous 2. hamlets 3. holiday 4. blithe 5. jocund 6. greensward 7. thronged 8. hospitality 9. betrothal 10. waistcoats 11. alternately 12. embers 13. vibrant 14. mingled 15. noblest xii 1. sonorous 2. garlands 3. sacred 4. dissonant 5. clangor 6. convened 7. clement 8. grievous 9. forfeited 10. transported 11. wail 12. imprecations 13. distorted 14. allegiance 15. merciless xiii 1. chancel 2. mien 3. awed 4. clamorous 5. solemn 6. accents 7. vigils 8. profane 9. compassion 10. assail 11. rebuke 12. contrition 13. fervent 14. translated 15. ardor xiv 1. mysterious 2. splendor 3. emblazoned 4. ambrosial 5. celestial 6. charity 7. emotion 8. meekness 9. gloomier 10. tenantless 11. haunted 12. phantoms 13. echoed 14. disconsolate 15. keenly xv 1. confusion 2. thither 3. thronged 4. imprisoned 5. wayworn 6. foremost 7. inexhaustible 8. sacred 9. strength 10. submission 11. affliction 12. procession 13. approached 14. wayside 15. mischances xvi 1. consoling 2. haggard 3. caresses 4. unperturbed 5. mortals 6. titan-like 7. quivering 8. martyr 9. dismay 10. anguish 11. dawned 12. skirt (_v._) 13. aspect 14. affrighted 15. nethermost xvii 1. overwhelmed 2. terror 3. wailed 4. sultry 5. bleak 6. despairing 7. extended 8. desert 9. extinguished 10. consumed 11. incomplete 12. lingered 13. rumor 14. hearsay 15. inarticulate xviii 1. freighted 2. exile 3. asunder 4. swoon 5. oblivious 6. trance 7. multitude 8. pallid 9. compassion 10. landscape 11. senses 12. sacred 13. glare 14. dirges 15. embarking xix 1. voyageur 2. loyal 3. tedious 4. tresses 5. serenely 6. illumines 7. confession 8. enrich 9. refreshments 10. endurance 11. perfected 12. rendered 13. labored 14. despair 15. essay (_v._) xx 1. cumbrous 2. kith 3. kin 4. few-acred 5. sombre 6. turbulent 7. chutes 8. emerged 9. lagoons 10. wimpling 11. luxuriant 12. perpetual 13. citron 14. bayou 15. sluggish xxi 1. corridors 2. multitudinous 3. reverberant 4. mysterious 5. grim 6. myriads 7. resplendent 8. sylvan 9. suspended 10. moored 11. travelers 12. extended 13. pendulous 14. flitted 15. regions xxii 1. countenance 2. legibly 3. oblivion 4. screen 5. trance 6. vague 7. superstition 8. revealed 9. credulous 10. reverend 11. idle 12. buoy 13. betrays 14. illusions 15. eden xxiii 1. magician 2. wand 3. landscape 4. mingled 5. inexpressible 6. delirious 7. plaintive 8. roaring 9. revel 10. frenzied 11. bacchantes 12. lamentation 13. derision 14. prelude 15. amber xxiv 1. garlands 2. mystic 3. flaunted 4. yule-tide 5. girded 6. luxuriant 7. spacious 8. symbol 9. limitless 10. cordage 11. arrayed 12. adverse 13. vent 14. misgivings 15. embarrassed xxv 1. mortals 2. renowned 3. triumphal 4. enraptured 5. hilarious 6. marvelled 7. ci-devant 8. domains 9. patriarchal 10. dispensed 11. profusion 12. congeals 13. ploughshare 14. accordant 15. melodious xxvi 1. entranced 2. irrepressible 3. devious 4. manifold 5. carthusian 6. inundate 7. indefinable 8. measureless 9. marvel 10. comet 11. oracular 12. annointed 13. delicious 14. fasting 15. famine xxvii 1. perpetual 2. jagged 3. gorge 4. emigrant 5. precipitate 6. ceaseless 7. vibrations 8. amorphas 9. blast 10. blight 11. pinions 12. implacable 13. scaling 14. taciturn 15. anchorite xxiii 1. venison 2. companions 3. swarthy 4. reverses 5. compassion 6. mute 7. dissolving 8. weird 9. incantation 10. phantom 11. enchanted 12. enchantress 13. sombre 14. audible 15. indefinite xxix 1. towering 2. crucifix 3. rural 4. chapel 5. intricate 6. aerial 7. vespers 8. swarded 9. benignant 10. wigwam 11. mother-tongue 12. chase (_n._) 13. submissive 14. afflicted 15. betimes xxx 1. interlacing 2. mendicant 3. granaries 4. pillage 5. vigorous 6. magnet 7. suspended 8. fragile 9. limitless 10. luxuriant 11. fragrance 12. hue 13. perilous 14. divers 15. dawn xxxi 1. sylvan 2. apostle 3. balm 4. emblem 5. fain 6. appease 7. haunts 8. molested 9. descendants 10. hamlets 11. illumined 12. transfigured 13. abnegation 14. diffused 15. aroma xxxiii 1. pestilence 2. presaged 3. naught 4. brackish 5. margin 6. oppressor 7. scourge 8. splendor 9. wending 10. corridors 11. intermingled 12. assiduous 13. pallets 14. languid 15. consolor xxxiv 1. flowerets 2. terrible 3. anguish 4. assume 5. portals 6. exhausted 7. infinite 8. reverberations 9. sylvan 10. vanished 11. vainly 12. humble 13. ebbing 14. throbbing 15. customs transcriber's notes: 1. the poem has been compared with another version already on gutenberg-(vngln10). where the two disagreed, this text was carefully re-checked to ensure the text and punctuation matched those on the scanned image. 2. the following apparent errors in the source text were corrected: poem line 73 'bessings' changed to blessings. 346 'manoeuvre': the oe ligature was split. 668 'goods' changed to gods. 692 full stop added to line end. 718 'father-confessor': hyphen added. 840 'their' changed to there. 850 'reverened' changed to reverend. 909 'spar' changed to spars. 909 'tropcis' changed to tropics. 1083 'rivre' changed to river. 1256 'reecho' changed to re-echo. 2. line 713 has been copied and inserted from vgln10. this was missing in the book, but was referenced in the notes; the line numbering also showed a missing line between 710 and 715. 3. no other (deliberate) changes have made to the poem. there remain a number of minor word and punctuation differences between this and vngln10. 4. special characters. a number of characters used in the notes to describe pronunciation do not exist in ascii. the following conventions have been used to represent them: [=a] 'a' + macron; ('a' with a horizontal line above). [=o] 'o' + macron; ('o' with a horizontal line above). [=e] 'e' + macron; ('e' with a horizontal line above). [)a] 'a' with a curved line above like horns. [)e] 'e' with a curved line above like horns. [.a] 'a' with a single dot above [frontispiece: on a block just inside the door sat marc.] the forge in the forest being _the narrative of the acadian ranger, jean de mer, seigneur de briart; and how he crossed the black abbé; and of his adventures in a strange fellowship_ by charles g. d. roberts lamson, wolffe and company boston, new york and london william briggs, toronto mdcccxcvi copyright, 1896, by lamson, wolffe and company. _all rights reserved_ norwood press j. s. cushing & co.--berwick & smith norwood mass. u.s.a. to george e. fenety, esq. this story of a province among whose honoured sons he is not least distinguished is dedicated with esteem and affection [illustration: map of peninsula of acadie (nova scotia)] contents _part i.--marc_ a foreword chapter i. the capture at the forge ii. the black abbé iii. tamin's little stratagem iv. the governor's signature v. in the run of the seas vi. grûl vii. the commander is embarrassed viii. the black abbé comes to dinner ix. the abbé strikes again x. a bit of white petticoat xi. i fall a willing captive _part ii.--mizpah_ xii. in a strange fellowship xiii. my comrade xiv. my comrade shoots excellently well xv. grûl's hour xvi. i cool my adversaries' courage xvii. a night in the deep xviii. the _osprey_, of plymouth xix. the camp by canseau strait xx. the fellowship dissolved xxi. the fight at grand pré xxii. the black abbé strikes in the dark xxiii. the rendezvous at the forge part i marc the forge in the forest a foreword where the five rivers flow down to meet the swinging of the minas tides, and the great cape of blomidon bars out the storm and the fog, lies half a county of rich meadow-lands and long-arcaded orchards. it is a deep-bosomed land, a land of fat cattle, of well-filled barns, of ample cheeses and strong cider; and a well-conditioned folk inhabit it. but behind this countenance of gladness and peace broods the memory of a vanished people. these massive dykes, whereon twice daily the huge tide beats in vain, were built by hands not suffered to possess the fruits of their labour. these comfortable fields have been scorched with the ruin of burning homes, drenched with the tears of women hurried into exile. these orchard lanes, appropriate to the laughter of children or the silences of lovers, have rung with battle and run deep with blood. though the race whose bane he was has gone, still stalks the sinister shadow of the black abbé. the low ridge running between the dykelands of the habitants and the dyke-lands of the canard still carries patches of forest interspersed among its farms, for its soil is sandy and not greatly to be coveted for tillage. these patches are but meagre second growth, with here and there a gnarled birch or overpeering pine, lonely survivor of the primeval brotherhood. the undergrowth has long smoothed out all traces of what a curious eye might fifty years ago have discerned,--the foundations of the chimney of a blacksmith's forge. it is a mould well steeped in fateful devisings, this which lies forgotten under the creeping roots of juniper and ragged-robin, between the diminished stream of canard and the yellow tide of habitants. the forest then was a wide-spreading solemnity of shade wherein armies might have moved unseen. the forge stood where the trail from pereau ran into the more travelled road from the canard to grand pré. the branches of the ancient wood came down all about its low eaves; and the squirrels and blue jays chattered on its roof. it was a place for the gathering of restless spirits, the men of acadie who hated to accept the flag of the english king. it was the acadian headquarters of the noted ranger, jean de mer, who was still called by courtesy, and by the grace of such of his people as adhered to his altered fortunes, the seigneur de briart. his father had been lord of the whole region between blomidon and grand pré; but the english occupation had deprived him of all open and formal lordship, for the de briart sword was notably conspicuous on the side of new france. nevertheless, many of jean de mer's habitants maintained to him a chivalrous allegiance, and paid him rents for lands which in the english eye were freehold properties. he cherished his hold upon these faithful folk, willing by all honest means to keep their hearts to france. his one son, marc, grew up at grand pré, save for the three years of his studying at quebec. his faithful retainer, babin, wielding a smith's hammer at the forge, had ears of wisdom and a tongue of discretion for the men who came and went. once or twice in the year, it was de mer's custom to visit the grand pré country, where he would set his hand to the work of the forge after babin's fashion, playing his part to the befooling of english eyes, and taking, in truth, a quaint pride in his pretended craft. at the time, however, when this narrative opens, he had been a whole three years absent from the acadian land, and his home-coming was yet but three days old. chapter i the capture at the forge it was good to be alive that afternoon. a speckled patch of sunshine, having pushed its way through the branches across the road, lay spread out on the dusty floor of the forge. on a block just inside the door sat marc, his lean, dark face,--the belleisle face, made more hawklike by the blood of his penobscot grandmother,--all aglow with eagerness. the lazy youngster was not shamed at the sight of my diligence, but talked right on, with a volubility which would have much displeased his penobscot grandmother. it was pleasant to be back with the lad again, and i was aweary of the war, which of late had kept my feet forever on the move from louisbourg to the richelieu. my fire gave a cheerful roar as i heaved upon the bellows, and turned my pike-point in the glowing charcoal. as the roar sighed down into silence there was a merry whirr of wings, and a covey of young partridges flashed across the road. a contented mind and a full stomach do often make a man a fool, or i should have made shift to inquire why the partridges had so sharply taken wing. but i never thought of it. i turned, and let the iron grow cool, and leaned with one foot on the anvil, to hear the boy's talk. my soul was indeed asleep, lulled by content, or i would surely have felt the gleam of the beady eyes that watched me through a chink in the logs beside the chimney. but i felt those eyes no more than if i had been a log myself. "yes, father," said marc, pausing in rich contemplation of the picture in his mind's eye, "you would like her hair! it is unmistakably red,--a chestnut red. but her sister's is redder still!" i smiled at his knowledge of my little weakness for hair of that colour; but not of a woman's hair was i thinking at that moment, or i should surely have made some question about the sister. my mind ran off upon another trail. "and what do the english think they're going to do when de ramezay comes down upon them?" i inquired. "do they flatter themselves their tumble-down annapolis is strong enough to hold us off?" the lad flushed resentfully and straightened himself up on his seat. "do you suppose, father, that i was in the fort, and hobnobbing with the governor?" he asked coldly. "i spoke with none of the english save prudence and her sister, and the child." "but why not?" said i, unwilling to acknowledge that i had said anything at which he might take offence. "every one knows your good disposition toward the english, and i should suppose you were in favour at annapolis. the governor, i know, makes much of all our people who favour the english cause." marc stood up,--lean, and fine, and a good half head taller than his father,--and looked at me with eyes of puzzled wrath. "and you think that i, knowing all i do of de ramezay's plans, would talk to the english about them!" he exclaimed in a voice of keen reproach. now, i understood his anger well enough, and in my heart rejoiced at it; for though i knew his honour would endure no stain, i had nevertheless feared lest i should find his sympathies all english. he was a lad with a way of thinking much and thinking for himself, and even now, at twenty year, far more of a scholar than i had ever found time to be. therefore, i say, his indignation pleased me mightily. nevertheless i kept at him. "chut!" said i, "all the world knows by now of de ramezay's plans. there had been no taint of treachery in talking of them!" marc sat down again, and the ghost of a smile flickered over his lean face. though free enough of his speech betimes, he was for the most part as unsmiling as an indian. "i see you are mocking me, father," he said presently, relighting his pipe. "indeed, you know very well i am on your side, for weal or ill. as long as there was a chance of the english being left in peaceable possession of acadie, i urged that we should accept their rule fully and in good faith. no one can say they haven't ruled us gently and generously. and i feel right sure they will continue to rule us, for the odds are on their side in the game they play with france. but seeing that the game has yet to be played out, there is only one side for me, and i believe it to be the losing one. though as a boy i liked them well enough, i have nothing more to do with the english now except to fight them. how could i have another flag than yours?" "you are my own true lad, whatever our difference of opinion!" said i. and if my voice trembled in a manner that might show a softness unsuited to a veteran of my training, bear in mind that, till within the past three days, i had not seen the lad for three years, and then but briefly. at grand pré, and in quebec at school, marc had grown up outside my roving life, and i was just opening my eyes to find a comrade in this tall son of my boyhood's love. his mother, a daughter of old baron st. castin by his penobscot wife, had died while he was yet at the breast. a babe plays but a small part in the life of a ranging bush-fighter, though i had ever a great tenderness for the little lad. now, however, i was looking upon him with new eyes. having blown the coals again into a heat, i returned to marc's words, certain of which had somewhat stuck in my crop. "but you speak with despondence, lad, of the chances of the war, and of the hope of acadie! by st. joseph, we'll drive the english all the way back of the penobscot before you're a twelvemonth older. and acadie will see the flag of the lilies flapping once more over the ramparts of port royal." marc shook his head slowly, and seemed to be following with his eyes the vague pattern of the shadows on the floor. "it seems to me," said he, with a conviction which caught sharply at my heart even though i bore in mind his youth and inexperience, "that rather will the flag of the lilies be cast down even from the strong walls of quebec. but may that day be far off! as for our people here in acadie, during the last twelvemonth it has been made very clear to me that evil days are ahead. the black abbé is preparing many sorrows for us here in acadie." "i suppose you mean la garne!" said i. "he's a diligent servant to france; but i hate a bad priest. he's a dangerous man to cross, marc! don't go out of your way to make an enemy of the black abbé!" again that ghost of a smile glimmered on marc's lips. "i fear you speak too late, father!" said he, quietly. "the reverend abbé has already marked me. he so far honours me as to think that i am an obstacle in his path. there be some whose eyes i have opened to his villany, so that he has lost much credit in certain of the parishes. i doubt not that he will contrive some shrewd stroke for vengeance." my face fell somewhat, for i am not ashamed to confess that i fear a bad priest, the more so in that i yield to none in my reverence for a good one. i turned my iron sharply in the coals, and then exclaimed: "oh, well, we need not greatly trouble ourselves. there are others, methinks, as strong as the black abbé, evil though he be!" but i spoke, as i have often found it expedient to do, with more confidence than i felt. even at this moment, shrill and clear from the leafage at one end of the forge, came the call of the big yellow-winged woodpecker. i pricked up my ears and stiffened my muscles, expectant of i knew not what. marc looked at me with some surprise. "it's only a woodpecker!" said he. "but it's only in the spring," i protested, "that he has a cry like that!" "he cries untimely, as an omen of the ills to come!" said marc, half meaning it and half in jest. had it been anywhere on the perilous frontier,--on the richelieu or in the west, or nigh the bloody massachusetts line, my suspicions would have sprung up wide awake. but in this quiet land between the habitants and the canard i was off my guard,--and what a relief it was, indeed, to let myself be careless for a little! i thought no more of the woodpecker, but remembered that sister with the red hair. i came back to her by indirection, however. "and how did you manage, lad, to be seeing mistress prudence, and her sister, and the child, and yet no others of the english? a matter of dark nights and back windows? eh? but come to think of it, there was a clear moon this day four weeks back, when you were at annapolis." "no, father," answered marc, "it was all much more simple and less adventurous than that. some short way out of the town is a little river, the equille, and a pleasant hidden glade set high upon its bank. it is a favoured resort of both the ladies; and there i met them as often as i was permitted. mizpah would sometimes choose to play apart with the child, down by the water's edge if the tide were full, so i had some gracious opportunity with prudence.- my time being brief, i made the most of it!" he added drily. his quaint directness amused me mightily, and i chuckled as i shaped the red iron upon the anvil. "and who," i inquired, "is this kind sister, with the even redder hair, who goes away with such a timely discretion?" "oh, yes," said marc, "i forgot you knew nothing of her. she is mistress mizpah hanford, the widow of a captain hanford who was some far connection of the governor's. her property is in and about annapolis, and she lives there to manage it, keeping prudence with her for companionship. her child is four or five years old, a yellow-haired, rosy boy called philip. she's very tall,--a head taller than prudence, and older, of course, by perhaps eight years; and very fair, though not so fair as prudence; and altogether--" but at this point i interrupted him. "what's the matter with the indian?" i exclaimed, staring out across marc's shoulders. he sprang to his feet and looked around sharply. an indian, carrying three shad strung upon a sapling, had just appeared on the road before the forge door. as he came in view he was reeling heavily, and clutching at his head. he dropped his fish; and a moment later he himself fell headlong, and lay face downward in the middle of the road. i remember thinking that his legs sprawled childishly. marc strolled over to him with slow indifference. "have a care!" i exclaimed. "there may be some trap in it! it looks not natural!" "what trap can there be?" asked marc, turning the body over. "it's red moose, a shubenacadie micmac. i like not the breed; but ever since he got a hurt on the head, in a fight at canseau last year, he has been subject to the falling sickness. let us carry him to a shady place, and he'll come to himself presently!" i was at his side in a moment, and we stooped to lift the seemingly lifeless figure. in an instant its arms were about my neck in a strangling embrace. at the same time my own arms were seized. i heard a fierce cry from marc, and a groan that was not his. the next moment, though i writhed and struggled with all my strength, i found myself bound hand and foot, and seated on the ground with my back against the door-post of the forge. marc, bound like myself, lay by the roadside; and a painted savage sat near him nursing with both hands a broken jaw. a dozen micmacs stood about us. leaning against the door-post over against me was the black-robed form of la garne. he eyed me, for perhaps ten seconds, with a smile of fine and penetrating sarcasm. then he told his followers to stand marc up against a tree. chapter ii the black abbé when first i saw that smile on the black abbé's face, and realized what had befallen us, i came nigh to bursting with rage, and was on the point of telling my captor some truths to make his ears tingle. but when i heard the order to stand marc up against a tree my veins for an instant turned to ice. many men--and some women, too, god help me, i then being bound and gagged,--had i seen thus stood up against a tree, and never but for one end. i could not believe that such an end was contemplated now, and that by a priest of the church, however unworthy of his office! but i checked my tongue and spoke the abbé fair. "it is quite plain to me, monsieur," said i, quietly, "that my son and i are the victims of some serious mistake, for which you will, i am sure, feel constrained to ask our pardon presently. i await your explanations." la garne, still smiling, looked me over slowly. never before had i seen him face to face, though he had more than once traversed my line of vision. i had known the tireless figure, as tall, almost, as marc himself, stoop-shouldered, but robust, now moving swiftly as if propelled by an energy irresistible, now languid with an affectation of indolence. but the face--i hated the possessor of it with a personal hate the moment my eyes fell upon that face. strong and inflexible was the gaunt, broad, and thin jaw, cruel and cunning the high, pinched forehead and narrow-set, palely glinting eyes. the nose, in particular, greatly offended me, being very long, and thick at the end. "i'll tweak it for him, one fine day," says i to myself, as i boiled under his steady smile. "there is no mistake, monsieur de briart, believe me!" he said, still smiling. there could be no more fair words, of course, after that avowal. "then, sir priest," said i, coldly, "you are both a madman and a scurvy rogue, and you shall yet be on your knees to me for this outrage. you will see then the nature of your mistake, i give you my word." the priest's smile took on something of the complexion of a snarl. "don't be alarmed, monsieur de briart," said he. "you are quite safe, because i know you for a good servant to france; and for your late disrespect to holy church, in my person, while in talk with your pestilent son, these bonds may be a wholesome and sufficient lesson to you!" "you shall have a lesson sufficient rather than wholesome, i promise you!" said i. "but as for this fellow," went on the abbé, without noticing my interruption, "he is a spy. you understand how spies fare, monsieur!" and a malignant light made his eyes appear like two points of steel beneath the ambush of his ragged brows. i saw marc's lean face flush thickly under the gross accusation. "it is a lie, you frocked hound!" he cried, careless of the instant peril in which he stood. but the black abbé never looked at him. "i wish you joy of your son, a very good englishman, monsieur, and now, i fear, not long for this world," said he, in a tone of high civility. "he has long been fouling with his slanders the names of those whom he should reverence, and persuading the people to the english. but now, after patiently waiting, i have proofs. his treachery shall hang him!" for a moment the dear lad's peril froze my senses, so that it was but dimly i heard his voice, ringing with indignation as he hurled back the charge upon the lying lips that made it. "if the home of lies be anywhere out of hell, it is in your malignant mouth, you shame of the church," he cried in defiance. "there can be no proof that i am a spy, even as there can be no proof that you are other than a false-tongued assassin, defiling your sacred office." it was the galling defiance of a savage warrior at the stake, and even in my fear my heart felt proud of it. the priest was not galled, however, by these penetrating insults. "as for the proofs," said he, softly, never looking at marc, but keeping his eyes on my face, "monsieur de ramezay shall judge whether they be proofs or not. if he say they are not, i am content." at a sign, a mere turn of his head it seemed to me, the indians loosed marc's feet to lead him away. "farewell, father," said he, in a firm voice, and turned upon me a look of unshakable courage. "be of good heart, son," i cried to him. "i will be there, and this devil shall be balked!" "you, monsieur," said the priest, still smiling, "will remain here for the present. to-night i will send a villager to loose your bonds. then, by all means, come over and see monsieur de ramezay at chignecto. i may not be there then myself, but this business of the spy will have been settled, for the commander does not waste time in such small matters!" he turned away to follow his painted band, and i, shaking in my impotent rage and fear, called after him:-"as god lives and is my witness, if the lad comes to any harm, these hands will visit it upon you an hundredfold, till you scream for death's mercy!" but the black abbé moved off as if he heard no word, and left me a twisted heap upon the turf, gnawing fiercely at the tough deer-hide of my bonds. chapter iii tamin's little stratagem i had been gnawing, gnawing in an anguish at the thongs, for perhaps five minutes. there had been no more than time for the abbé's wolf-pack to vanish by a turn of the road. suddenly a keen blade slit the thongs that bound my wrists. then my feet felt themselves free. i sat up, astonished, and saw stooping over me the droll, broad face of tamin the fisher,--or tamin violet, as he was rightly, though seldom, called. his mouth was solemn, as always, having never been known to wear a smile; but the little wrinkles laughed about his small bright eyes. i sprang up and grasped his hand. "we must not lose a moment, tamin, my friend!" i panted, dragging him into the thick shade of the wood. "i was thinking you might be in a hurry, m'sieu," said my rescuer. "but unless the mouse wants to be back in the same trap i've just let it out of, you'd better keep still a half-minute and make up your mind. they've a round road to go, and we'll go straight!" "you saw it all?" i asked, curbing myself as best i could, for i perceived the wisdom of his counsel. "oh, ay, m'sieu, i saw it!" replied the fisher. "and i laughed in my bones to hear the lad talk up to the good father. there was more than one shot went home, i warrant, for all the black abbé seemed so deaf. they're festering under his soutane even now, belike!" "but come!" said i. "i've got my wind!" and we darted noiselessly through the cool of the great trees, turning a little east from the road. we ran silently for a space, my companion's short but massive frame leaping, bending, gliding even as lightly as my own, which was ever as lithe as a weasel's. tamin was a rare woodsman, as i marked straightway, though i had known him of old rather as a faithful tenant, and marvellously patient to sit in his boat all day a-fishing on the drift of the minas tides. presently he spoke, under his breath. "very like," said he, drily, "when we come up to them they will all fall down. so, we will take the lad and walk away! eh, what, m'sieu?" "only let us come up to them," said i, "and learn their plans. then we will make ours!" "something of theirs i know," said tamin. "their canoes are on the canard maybe three furlongs to east of the road. thence they will carry the lad to de ramezay, for the black abbé will have things in due form when he can conveniently, and now it is plain he has a scheme well ripe. but if this wind holds, we'll be there before them. my boat is lying hard by." "god be praised!" i muttered; for in truth i saw some light now for the first time. presently, drawing near the road again, i heard the voice of la garne. we at once went softly, and, avoiding again, made direct for where lay the canoes. there we disposed ourselves in a swampy thicket, with a little breadth of water lying before and all the forest behind. the canoes lay just across the little water, and so close that i might have tossed my cap into them. the clean smell of the wet salt sedge came freshly into the thicket. the shadows lay long on the water. we had time to grow quiet, till our breathing was no longer hasty, our blood no longer thumped in our ears. a flock of sand-pipers, with thin cries, settled to feed on the red clay between the canoes and the edge of the tide. suddenly they got up, and puffed away in a flicker of white breasts and brown wings; and i laid a hand on tamin's shoulder. the painted band, marc in their midst, la garne in front, were coming down the slope. the lad's face was stern and scornful. to my joy i saw that there was to be no immediate departure. the redskins flung themselves down indolently. the black abbé saw his prisoner made fast to a tree, and then, telling his followers that he had duties at pereau which would keep him till past sunset, strode off swiftly up the trail. tamin and i, creeping as silently as snakes back into the forest, followed him. for half an hour we followed him, keeping pace for pace through the shadow of the wood. then said i softly to tamin:-"this is my quarrel, my friend! do you keep back, and not bring down his vengeance on your head." "that for his vengeance!" whispered tamin, with a derisive gesture. "i will take service with de ramezay, as a regular soldier of france!" "even there," said i, "his arm might reach and pluck you forth. keep back now, and let him not see your face!" "priest though he be, m'sieu," urged tamin, anxiously, "he is a mighty man of his hands!" i turned upon him a face of scorn which he found sufficient answer. then, signing to him to hold off, i sped forward silently. no weapon had i but a light stick of green ash, just cut. there was smooth, mossy ground along the trail, and my running feet made no more sound than a cat's. i was within a pace of springing upon his neck, when he must have felt my coming. he turned like a flash, uttered a piercing signal cry, and whipped out a dagger. "they'll never hear it," mocked i, and sent the dagger spinning with a smart pass of my stick. the same stroke went nigh to breaking his wrist. he grappled bravely, however, as i took him by the throat, and i was astonished at his force and suppleness. nevertheless the struggle was but brief, and the result a matter to be sworn to beforehand; for i, though not of great stature, am stronger than any other man, big or little, with whom i have ever come to trial; and more than that, when i was a prisoner among the english, i learned their shrewd fashion of wrestling. in a little space the black abbé lay choked into submission, after which i bound him in a way to endure, and seated him against a tree. behind him i caught view of tamin, gesturing drolly, whereat i laughed till i marked an amazement growing in the priest's malignant eyes. "how like you my lesson, good father?" i inquired. but he only glared upon me. i suppose, having no speech that would fitly express his feelings, he conceived that his silence would be most eloquent. but i could see that my next move startled him. with my knife i cut a piece from my shirt, and made therewith a neat gag. "though you seem so dumb at this present," said i, "i suspect that you might find a tongue after my departure. therefore i must beseech you to wear this ornament, for my sake, for a little." and very civilly prying his teeth open, i adjusted the gag. "do not be afraid!" i continued. "i will leave you in this discomfort no longer than you thought it necessary to leave me so. you shall be free after to-morrow's sunrise, if not before. farewell, good father, and may you rest well! let me borrow this ring as a pledge for the safe return of the fragment of my good shirt which you hold so obstinately between your teeth!" and drawing his ring from his finger i turned away and plunged into the forest, where tamin presently joined me. tamin chuckled, deep in his stomach. "my turn now!" said he. "give me the ring, m'sieu, and i'll give you the boy!" "i see you take me!" said i, highly pleased at his quick discernment. we now made way at leisure back to the canoes, and our plans ripened as we went. before we came within hearing of the indians i gave over the ring with final directions, to tamin, and then hastened toward the point of land which runs far out beyond the mouth of the habitants. around this point, as i knew, lay the little creek-mouth wherein tamin kept his boat. beyond the point, perchance a furlong, was a narrow sand-spit covered deep at every flood tide. in a thicket of fir bushes on the bluff over against this sand-spit i lay down to wait for what tamin should bring to pass. i had some little time to wait; and here let me unfold, as i learned it after, what tamin did whilst i waited. about sunset, the tide being far out, and the indians beginning to expect their abbé's return, came tamin to them running in haste along the trail from pereau, as one who carried orders of importance. going straight to the chief, he pointed derisively at marc, whose back was towards him, and cried:-"the good father commands that you take this dog of a spy straightway to the sand-spit that lies off the point yonder. there you will drive a strong stake into the sand, and bind the fellow to it, and leave him there, and return here to await the abbé's coming. you shall do no hurt to the spy, and set no mark upon him. when the tide next ebbs you will go again to the sand-spit and bring his body back; and if the abbé finds any mark upon him, you will get no pay for this venture. you will make your camp here to-night, and if the good father be not returned to you by sunrise to-morrow, you will go to meet him along the pereau trail, for he will be in need of you." the tall chief grunted, and eyed him doubtfully. after a brief contemplation he inquired, in broken french:-"how know you no lie to me?" "here is the holy father's ring, in warranty; and you shall give it back to him when he comes." "it is well," said the chief, taking the ring, and turning to give some commands in his own guttural tongue. tamin repeated his message word by word, then strode away; and before he got out of sight he saw two canoes put off for the sand-spit. then he made all haste to join me on the point. long before he arrived the canoes had come stealing around the point and were drawn up on the treacherous isle of sand. my heart bled for the horror of death which, as i knew, must now be clutching at marc's soul; but i kept telling myself how soon i would make him glad. it wanted yet three hours or more till the tide should cover the sand-spit. i lay very still among the young fir trees, so that a wood-mouse ran within an arm's length of my face, till it caught the moving of my eyes and scurried off with a frightened squeak. i heard the low change in the note of the tide as the first of the flood began to creep in upon the weeds and pebbles. then with some farewell taunts, to which marc answered not a word, the savages went again to their canoes and paddled off swiftly. [illustration: marc tied to post] when they had become but specks on the dim water, i doffed my clothes, took my knife between my teeth, and swam across to the sand-spit. there was a low moon, obscured by thin and slowly drifting clouds, and as i swam through the faint trail of it, marc must have seen me coming. nevertheless he gave no sign, and i could see that his head drooped forward upon his breast. an awful fear came down upon me, and for a second or two i was like to sink, so numb i turned at the thought that perchance the savages had put the knife to him before quitting. i recovered, however, as i called to mind the orders which tamin had rehearsed to me ere starting on his venture; for i knew how sorely the black abbé was feared by his savage flock. what they deemed him to have commanded, that would they do. drawing closer now, i felt the ground beneath my feet. "marc," i called softly, "i'm coming, lad!" the drooped head was lifted. "father!" he exclaimed. and there was something like a sob in that cry of joy. it caught my heart strangely, telling me he was still a boy for all he had borne himself so manfully in the face of sudden and appalling peril. now the long tension was loosed. he was alone with me. as i sprang to him and cut the thongs that held him, one arm went about my neck and i was held very close for the space of some few heart-beats. then he fetched a deep breath, stretched his cramped limbs this way and that, and said simply, "i knew you would come, father! i knew you would find a way!" chapter iv the governor's signature the clouds slipped clear of the moon's face, and we three--marc, i, and the stake--cast sudden long black shadows which led all the way down to the edge of the increeping tide. i looked at the shadows, and a shudder passed through me as if a cold hand had been laid upon my back. marc stood off a little,--never have i seen such quick control, such composure, in one so inexperienced,--and remarked to me:-"what a figure of a man you are, father, to be sure!" i fell into his pretence of lightness at once, a high relief after the long and deadly strain; and i laughed with some pleasure at the praise. in very truth, i cherished a secret pride in my body. "'tis well enough, no doubt, in a dim light," said i, "though by now surely somewhat battered!" marc was already taking off his clothes. as he knotted them into a convenient bundle, there came from the woods, a little way back of the point, the hollow "too-hoo-hoo-whoo-oo!" of the small gray owl. "there's tamin!" said i, and was on the point of answering in like fashion, when the cry was reiterated twice. "that means danger, and much need of haste for us," i growled. together we ran down into the tide, striking out with long strokes for the fine white line that seethed softly along the dark base of the point. i commended the lad mightily for his swimming, as we scrambled upon the beach and slipped swiftly into our clothes. though carrying his bundle on his head, he had given me all i could do to keep abreast of him. we climbed the bluff, and ran through the wet, keen-scented bushes toward the creek where lay the boat. ere we had gone half-way tamin met us, breathless. "what danger?" i asked. "i think they're coming back to tuck the lad in for the night, and see that he's comfortable!" replied tamin, panting heavily. "i heard paddles when they should have been long out of earshot." "something has put them in doubt!" said marc. "sure," said i, "and not strange, if one but think of it!" "yet i told them a fair tale," panted tamin, as he went on swiftly toward his boat. the boat lay yet some yards above the edge of tide, having been run aground near high water. the three of us were not long in dragging her down and getting her afloat. then came the question that was uppermost. "which way?" asked tamin, laconically, taking the tiller, while marc stood by to hoist the dark and well-patched sail. i considered the wind for some moments. "for chignecto!" said i, with emphasis. "we must see de ramezay and settle this hound la garne. otherwise marc stands in hourly peril." as the broad sail drew, and the good boat, leaning well over, gathered way, and the small waves swished and gurgled merrily under her quarter, i could hardly withhold from laughing for sheer gladness. marc was already smoking with great composure beside the mast, his lean face thoughtful, but untroubled. he looked, i thought, almost as old as his war-battered sire who now watched him with so proud an eye. presently i heard tamin fetch a succession of mighty breaths, as he emptied and filled the ample bellows of his lungs. he snatched the green and yellow cap of knitted wool from his head, and let the wind cool the sweating black tangle that coarsely thatched his broad skull. "hein!" he exclaimed, with a droll glance at marc, "that's better than _that_!" and he made an expressive gesture as of setting a knife to his scalp. to me this seemed much out of place and time; but tamin was ever privileged in the eyes of a de mer, so i grumbled not. as for marc, that phantom of a smile, which i had already learned to watch for, just touched his lips, as he remarked calmly: "vraiment, much better. that, as you call it, my tamin, came so near to-night that my scalp needs no cooling since!" "but whither steering?" i inquired; for the boat was speeding south-eastward, straight toward grand pré. tamin's face told plainly that he had his reasons, and i doubted not that they were good. for some moments that wide, grave mouth opened not to make reply, while the little, twinkling, contradictory eyes were fixed intently on some far-off landmark, to me invisible. this point being made apparently to his satisfaction, he relaxed and explained. "you see, m'sieu," said he, "we must get under the loom o' the shore, so's we'll be out of sight when the canoes come round the point. if they see a sail, at this time o' night, they'll suspicion the whole thing and be after us. better let 'em amuse themselves for a spell hunting for the lad on dry land, so's we won't be rushed. been enough rush!" "yes! yes!" assented i, scanning eagerly the point behind us. and marc said:-"very great is your sagacity, my tamin. the black abbé fooled himself when he forgot to take you into his reckoning!" at this speech the little wrinkles gathered thicker about tamin's eyes. at length, deeming us to have gone far enough to catch the loom of the land, as it lay for one watching from the sand-spit, tamin altered our course, and we ran up the basin. just then we marked two canoes rounding the point. they were plainly visible to us, and i made sure we should be seen at once; but a glance at tamin's face reassured me. the fisher understood, as few even among old woodsmen understand it, the lay of the shadow-belts on a wide water at night. noiselessly we lowered our sail and lay drifting, solicitous to mark what the savages might do. the sand-spit was by this so small that from where we lay it was not to be discerned; but we observed the indians run their canoes upon it, disembark, and stoop to examine the footprints in the sand. in a moment or two they embarked again, and paddled straight to the point. "shrewd enough!" said marc. "yes," said i, "and now they'll track us straight to tamin's creek, and understand that we've taken the boat. but they won't know what direction we've taken!" "no, m'sieu," muttered tamin, "but no use loafing round here till they find out!" which being undoubted wisdom of tamin's, we again hoisted sail and continued our voyage. having run some miles up the basin, we altered our course and stood straight across for the northern shore. we now felt secure from pursuit, holding it highly improbable that the savages would guess our purpose and destination. as we sat contenting our eyes with the great bellying of the sail, and the fine flurries of spray that ever and again flashed up from our speeding prow, and the silver-blue creaming of our wake, marc gave us a surprise. thrusting his hand into the bosom of his shirt he drew out a packet and handed it to me. "here, perhaps, are the proofs on which the gentle abbé relied!" said he. taking the packet mechanically, i stared at the lad in astonishment. but there was no information to be gathered from that inscrutable countenance, so i presently recollected myself, and unfolded the papers. there were two of them. the moon was partly clear at the moment, and i made out the first to be an order, written in english, on one master nathaniel apthorp, merchant, of boston, directing him to pay master marc de mer, of grand pré in nova scotia, the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds. it was signed "paul mascarene, gov^r of nova scotia." the other paper was written in finer and more hasty characters, and i could not decipher it in the uncertain light. but the signature was the same as that appended to the order on mr. apthorp. "i cannot decipher this one, in this bad light," said i; "but what does it all mean, marc? how comes the english governor to be owing you two hundred and fifty pounds?" "does he owe me two hundred and fifty pounds? that's surely news of interest!" said marc. i looked at him, amazed. "do you mean to say that you don't know what is in these papers?" i inquired, handing them back. "how should i know that?" said marc, with a calmness which was not a little irritating. "they were placed in my pocket by the good abbé; and since then my opportunities of reading have been but scant!" tamin ejaculated a huge grunt of indignant comprehension; and i, beholding all at once the whole wicked device, threw up my hands and fell to whistling an idle air. it seemed to me a case for which curses would seem but tame and pale. "this other, then," said i, presently, "must be a letter that would seem to have been written to you by the governor, and worded in such a fashion as to compromise you plainly!" "'tis altogether probable, father," replied marc, musingly, as he scanned the page. he was trying to prove his own eyesight better than mine, but found the enterprise beyond him,--as i knew he would. "i can make out nothing of this other, save the signature," he continued. "we must even wait for daylight. and in the meanwhile i think you had better keep the packet, father, for i feel my wits and my experience something lacking in this snarl." i took the papers and hid them in a deep pocket which i wore within the bosom of my shirt. "the trap was well set, and deadly, lad," said i, highly pleased at his confidence in my wisdom to conduct the affair. "but trust me to spring it. whatever this other paper may contain, de ramezay shall see them both and understand the whole plot." "'twill be hard to explain away," said marc, doubtfully, "if it be forged with any fair degree of skill!" "trust my credit with de ramezay for that. it is something the black abbé has not reckoned upon!" said i, with assurance, stuffing my pipe contentedly with the right virginia leaf. marc, being well tired with all that he had undergone that day, laid his head on the cuddy and was presently sound asleep. in a low voice, not to disturb the slumberer, i talked with tamin, and learned how he had chanced to come so pat upon me in my bonds. he had been on the way up to the forge, coming not by the trail, but straight through the forest, when he caught a view of the indians, and took alarm at the stealth of their approach. he had tracked them with a cunning beyond their own, and so achieved to outdo them with their own weapons. the moon now swam clear in the naked sky, the clouds lying far below. by the broad light i could see very well to read the letter. it was but brief, and ran thus:-_to my good friend and trusted helper monsieur marc de mer_:-dear sir,--as touching the affair which you have so prudently carried through, and my gratitude for your so good help, permit the enclosed order on master apthorp to speak for me. if i might hope that you would find it in your heart and within your convenience to put me under yet weightier obligations, i would be so bold as to desire an exact account of the forces at chignecto, and of the enterprize upon which monsieur de ramezay is purposing to employ them. believe me to be, my dear sir, yours with high esteem and consideration, paul mascarene. with a wonder of indignation i read it through, and then again aloud to tamin, who cursed the author with such ingenious acadian oaths as made me presently smile. "it is right shrewdly devised," said i, "but the deviser knew little of the blunt english governor, or never would he have made him write with such courtly circumlocutions. de ramezay, very like, will have seen communications of mascarene's before now, and will scarce fail to note the disagreement." "the fox has been known to file his tongue too smooth," said tamin, sententiously. by this we were come over against the huge black front of blomidon, but our course lay far outside the shadow of his frown, in the silvery run of the seas. the moon floated high over the great cape, yellow as gold, and the bare sky was like an unruffled lake. far behind us opened the mouth of the piziquid stream, a bright gap in the dark but vague shore-line. on our right the waters unrolled without obstruction till they mixed pallidly with the sky in the mouth of cobequid bay. five miles ahead rose the lofty shore which formed the northern wall of minas channel,--grim and forbidding enough by day; but now, in such fashion did the moonlight fall along it, wearing a face of fairyland, and hinting of fountained palaces in its glens and high hollows. after i had filled my heart with the fairness and the wonder of it, i lay down upon a thwart and fell asleep. chapter v in the run of the seas it seemed as if i had but fairly got my eyes shut, when i was awakened by a violent pitching of the boat. i sat up, grasping the gunwale, and saw marc just catching my knee to rouse me. the boat, heeling far over, and hauled close to the wind, was heading a little up the channel and straight for a narrow inlet which i knew to be the joint mouth of two small rivers. "where are you going? why is our course changed?" i asked sharply, being nettled by a sudden notion that they had made some change of plan without my counsel. "look yonder, father!" said marc, pointing. i looked, and my heart shook with mingled wrath and apprehension. behind us followed three canoes, urged on by sail and paddle. "they outsail us?" i inquired. "ay, before the wind, they do, m'sieu!" said tamin. "on this tack, maybe not. we'll soon see!" "but what's this but a mere trap we are running our heads into?" i urged. "i fear there's nothing else but to quit the boat and make through the woods, father," explained marc; "that is, if we're so fortunate as to keep ahead till we reach land." "in the woods, i suppose, we can outwit them or outfoot them," said i; "but those micmacs are untiring on the trail." "i know a good man with a good boat over by shulie on the fundy shore," interposed tamin. "and i know the way over the hills. we'll cheat the rogue of a priest yet!" and he shrewdly measured the distance that parted us from our pursuers. "it galls me to be running from these dogs!" i growled. "our turn will come," said marc, glowering darkly at the canoes. "do you guess the black abbé is with them?" "not he!" grunted tamin. "things may happen this time," said i, "and the good father may wish to keep his soutane clear of them. it's all plain enough to me now. the indians, finding themselves tricked, have gone back on the pereau trail and most inopportunely have released the gentle abbé from his bonds. he has seen through our game, and has sent his pack to look to it that we never get to de ramezay. but _he_ will have no hand in it. oh, no!" "what's plain to me now," interrupted tamin, with some anxiety in his voice, "is that they're gaining on us fast. they've put down leeboards; an' with leeboards down a micmac canoe's hard to beat." "oh!" i exclaimed bitterly, "if we had but our muskets! fool that i was, thus to think to save time and not go back for our weapons! trust me, lad, it's the first time that jean de mer has had that particular kind of folly to repent of!" "but there was nought else for it, father," said marc. "and if, as seems most possible, we come to close quarters presently, we are not so naked as we might be. here's your two pistols, my good whinger, and tamin's fishy dirk. and tamin's gaff here will make a pretty lance. it is borne in upon me that some of the good abbé's lambs will bleat for their shepherd before this night's work be done!" there was a steady light in his eyes that rejoiced me much, and his voice rose and fell as if fain to break into a war song; and i said to myself, "the boy is a fighter, and the fire is in his blood, for all his scholar's prating of peace!" yet he straightway turned his back upon the enemy and with great indifference went to filling his pipe. "ay, an' there be a right good gun in the cuddy!" grunted tamin, after a second or two of silence. "the saints be praised!" said i. and marc's long arm reached in to capture it. it was a huge weapon, and my heart beat high at sight of it. marc caressed it for an instant, then reluctantly passed it to me, with the powder-horn. "i can shoot, a little, myself," said he, "but i would be presumptuous to boast when you were by, father!" "ay, vraiment," said tamin, sharply; "don't think you can shoot with the sieur de briart yet!" "i don't," replied marc, simply, as he handed me out a pouch of bullets and a pouch of slugs. the pursuing canoes were by this come within fair range. there came a strident hail from the foremost:-"lay to, or we shoot!" "shoot, dogs!" i shouted, ramming home the good measure of powder which i had poured into my hand. i followed it with a fair charge of slugs, and was wadding it loosely, when-"duck!" cries tamin, bobbing his head lower than the tiller. neither marc nor i moved a hair. but we gazed at the canoes. on the instant two red flames blazed out, with a redoubled bang; and one bullet went through the sail a little above my head. "not bad!" said marc, glancing tranquilly at the bullet hole. but for my own part, i was angry. to be fired upon thus, at a priest's orders, by a pack of scurvy savages in the pay of our own party,--never before had jean de briart been put to such indignity. i kneeled, and took a very cautious aim,--not, however, at the savages, but at the bow of the nearest canoe. tamin's big gun clapped like a cannon, and kicked my shoulder very vilely. but the result of the shot was all that we could desire. as i made haste to load again i noticed that the savage in the bow had fallen backward in his place, hit by a stray slug. the bulk of the charge, however, had torn a great hole in the bark, close to the water-line. [illustration: tamin's big gun clapped like a cannon, and kicked my shoulder very vilely.] "you've done it, father!" said marc, in a tone of quiet exultation. "hein!" grunted tamin. "they don't like the wet!" the canoe was going down by the bow. the other two craft ranged hurriedly alongside, and took in the gesticulating crew,--all but one, whom they left in the stern to paddle the damaged canoe to land, being loth to lose a serviceable craft. with broken bow high in air the canoe spun around, and sped off up the basin before the wind. the remaining two resumed the chase of us. we had gained a great space during the confusion, yet they came up upon us fast. but now, ere i judged them to be within gunshot, they slackened speed. "they think better of it!" said i, raising the gun again to my shoulder. as i did so they sheered off in haste to a safer distance. "they are not such fools as i had hoped!" said marc. "i so far flatter myself as to think," said i, with some complacency, "that they won't trust themselves willingly again within range of this good barker." by this we were come well within the wide mouth of the estuary, and a steep, wooded point thrust out upon our right. all at once i muttered a curse upon my dulness. "what fools we are, to be sure!" i cried. "no reason that we should toil across the mountains to your good man's good boat at shulie, my tamin. put her about, and we'll sail in comfort around to chignecto; and let these fellows come in range again at their peril!" "to be sure, indeed!" grunted tamin; and with a lurch and great flapping we went about. the canoes, indeed, now fled before us with excellent discretion. our new course carried us under the gloom of the promontory, whence, in a few minutes, we shot out again into the moonlight. it was pleasant to see our antagonists making such courteous haste to give us room. i could not forbear to chuckle over it, and wished mightily that the black abbé were in one of the canoes. "i fear me there's to be no work for tamin's fishy dirk or my good whinger," sighed marc, with a nice air of melancholy; and tamin, with the little wrinkles thicker than ever about his eyes, yelled droll taunts after our late pursuers. in fact, we were all three in immense high feather,--when on a sudden there came a crashing bump that tumbled us headlong, the mast went overboard, and there we were stuck fast upon a sharp rock. the boat was crushed in like an egg-shell, and lay over on her side. the short, chopping seas huddled upon us in a smother. as i rose up, sputtering, i took note of tamin's woollen cap washing away debonairly, snatched off, belike, by a taut rope as the mast fell. then, clinging all three to the topmost gunwale, the waves jumping and sousing us derisively, we stared at each other in speechless dismay. but a chorus of triumphant screeches from the canoes, as they noted our mishap and made to turn, brought us to our senses. "nothing for it but to swim!" said i, thrusting down the now useless musket into the cuddy, where i hoped it might stay in case the wrecked boat should drift ashore. it was drenched, of course, and something too heavy to swim with. i emptied the slugs from my pocket. tamin ducked his head under water and fumbled in the cuddy till i was on the point of plucking him forth, fearing he would drown,--marc, meanwhile, looking on tranquilly and silently, with that fleeting remembrance of a smile. but now tamin arose, gasping, with a small sack and a salted hake in his hands. the fish he passed over to me. "bread, m'sieu!" said he, holding up the drenched sack in triumph. "now for the woods!" 'twas but the toss of a biscuit to shore, and we had gained it ere our enemies were come within gunshot. running swiftly along the strip of beach that skirted the steep, we put the shoulder of the cape between, and were safe from observation for a few minutes. "to the woods, m'sieu!" cried tamin, in a suppressed voice. "no!" said i, sternly. "straight along the beach, till i give the word to turn in! follow me!" "'tis the one chance, to get out of sight now!" grumbled tamin, running beside me, and clutching at his wet sack of bread. "don't you suppose he knows what he is doing, my tamin?" interrupted marc. "'tis for you and me to obey orders!" tamin growled, but said no more. "now in with you to cover," i commanded, waving my salt fish as it had been a marshal's baton. at the same moment i turned, ran up the wet slope where a spring bubbled out of the wood's edge and spread itself over the stones, and sprang behind a thick screen of viburnums. my companions were beside me on the instant,--but it was not an instant too soon. as we paused to look back, there were the canoes coming furiously around the point. staying not long to observe them, i led the way straight into the darkness of the woods, aiming for the seashore at the other side of the point. but tamin was not satisfied. "our road lies straight up yon river," said he. "my friend," said i, "we must e'en find another road to shulie. those fellows will be sure to agree that we have gone that way. knowing that i am a cunning woodsman, they will say, 'he will make them to run in the water, and so leave no trail.' and they will give hot chase up the river." "but there be two rivers," objected tamin. "bien," said i, "they will divide their party, and give hot chase up two rivers!" "and in the meanwhile?" inquired marc. "i'll find the way to shulie," said i. "the stars and the sun are guide enough! i know the main lay of all these coasts." chapter vi grûl the undergrowth into which we had now come was thick and hindering, so there was no further chance of speech. a few minutes more and we came out upon the seaward slope of the point. we pushed straight down to the water, here sheltered from the wind and little troubled. that our footprints might be hidden, at least for a time, we ran, one behind the other, along the lip of the tide, where the water was about ankle deep. in the stillness our splashing sounded dangerously loud, and tamin, yet in a grumbling humour, spoke of it. "but you forget, my friend," said i, gently, "that there is noise and to spare where our enemies are,--across there in the wind!" in a moment tamin spoke again, pointing some little way ahead. "the land drops away yonder, m'sieu, 'twixt the point and the main shore!" he growled, with conspicuous anxiety in his voice. he was no trembler; but it fretted him to be taking what he deemed the weaker course. "nothing," he added, "but a bit of bare beach that the waves go over at spring tides when the wind's down the basin!" i paused in some dismay. but my mind was made up. "we must go on," said i. "but we will stoop low, and lose no time in the passage. they'll scarce be landed yet." and now, as i came to see how low indeed that strip of perilous beach was, i somewhat misdoubted of success in getting by unseen. but we went a little deeper in the tide, and bowed our bodies with great humbleness, and so passed over with painful effort but not a little speed. being come again under shelter, we straightened ourselves, well pleased, fetched a deep breath or two, and ran on with fresh celerity. "but if a redskin should think to step over the beach, there'd be our goose cooked!" muttered tamin. "well said!" i answered. "therefore let us strike inland at once!" and i led the way again into the darkness of the forest. dark as it was, there was yet light enough from the moon to enable me to direct my course as i wished. i struck well west of the course which would have taken us most speedily to shulie, being determined to avoid the valley of the stream which i considered our pursuers were most likely to ascend. to satisfy tamin's doubts i explained my purpose, which was to aim straight for shulie as soon as we were over the water-shed. and i must do him the justice to say he was content, beginning now to come more graciously to my view. we went but slowly, climbing, ever climbing. at times we would be groping through a great blackness of hemlocks. again the forest would be more open, a mingling of fir trees, and birches, and maples. coming at last to more level ground, we were still much hindered by innumerable rocks, amid which the underbrush and wild vines prepared pitfalls for our weary feet. but i was not yet willing to call a halt for breath. on, on we stumbled, the wet branches buffeting our faces, but a cool and pleasant savour of the wild herbs which we trod upon ever exhaling upwards to refresh our senses. as we crossed a little grassy glade, i observed that marc had come to tamin's help, and was carrying the sack of bread. i observed, also, that tamin's face was drawn with fatigue, and that he went with a kind of dogged heaviness. i took pity upon him. we had put, i guessed, good miles between ourselves and our pursuers, and i felt that we were, in all reason, safe for the time. at the further limit of the glade there chattered a shallow brook, whose sweet noise reminded me that i was parched with thirst. the pallor of first dawn was now coming into the sky, and the tree tops began to lift and float in an aerial grayness. i glanced at marc, and his eyes met mine with a keen brightness that told me he was yet unwearied. nevertheless i cried:-"halt, and fall out for breakfast." and with the words i flung myself down by the brook, thrust my burning face into the babbling chill of it, and drank luxuriously. tamin was beside me in an instant; but marc slaked his thirst at more leisure, when he had well enjoyed watching our satisfaction. we lay for a little, till the sky was touched here and there with saffron and flying wisps of pink, and we began to see the colour of grass and leaves. then we made our meal,--a morsel each of the salt hake which i had clung to through our flight, and some bits of tamin's black bread. this bread was wholesome, as i well knew, and to our hunger it was not unsavoury; but it was of a hardness which the sea-water had scarce availed to mitigate. as we ground hastily upon the meagre fare, i felt, rather than heard, a presence come behind me. i turned my head with a start, and at the same instant heard a high, plangent voice, close beside us, crying slowly:-"woe, woe to acadie the fair, for the day of her desolation cometh." it was an astonishing figure upon which my eyes fell,--a figure which might have been grotesque, but was not. instead of laughing, my heart thrilled with a kind of awe. the man was not old,--his frame was erect and strong with manhood; but the long hair hanging about his neck was white, the long beard streaming upon his half-naked breast was white. he wore leathern breeches, and the upper portion of his body was covered only by a cloak of coarse woollen stuff, woven in a staring pattern of black and yellow. on his head was a rimless cap of plaited straw, with a high, pointed crown; and this was stuck full of gaudy flowers and feathers. from the point of the crown rose the stump of what had been, belike, a spray of goldenrod, broken by a hasty journeying through the obstructions of the forest. the man's eyes, of a wild and flaming blue, fixed themselves on mine. in one hand he carried a white stick, with a grotesque carven head, dyed scarlet, which he pointed straight at me. "do you lie down, like cows that chew the cud, when the wolves are on the trail?" demanded that plangent voice. "it's grûl!" cried tamin, springing to his feet and thrusting a piece of black bread into the stranger's hand. but the offering was thrust aside, while those wide eyes flamed yet more wildly upon me. "they are on the trail, i tell you!" he repeated. "i hear their feet even now! go! run! fly!" and he stooped, with an ear toward the ground. "but which way should we fly?" i asked, half in doubt whether his warning should be heeded or derided. i could see that neither marc nor tamin had any such doubts. they were on the strain to be off, and only awaited my word. "go up the brook," said he, in a lower voice. "the first small stream on your left hand, turn up that a little way, and so--for the wolves shall this time be balked. but the black wolf's teeth bite deep. they shall bite upon the throats of the people!" he continued, his voice rising keenly, his white staff, with its grinning scarlet head, waving in strange, intricate curves. we were already off, making at almost full speed up the brook. glancing back, i saw the fantastic form running to and fro over the ground where we had lain; and when the trees hid him we heard those ominous words wailed slowly over and over with the reiterance of a tolling bell:-"woe, woe for acadie the fair, for the day of her desolation cometh!" "he'll throw them off the trail!" said tamin, confidently. "but how did they ever get on it?" queried marc. "'tis plain that they have seen or heard us as we passed the strip of beach!" said i, in deep vexation, for i hated to be overreached by any one in woodcraft. "if we outwit them now, it's no thanks to my tactics, but only to that generous and astonishing madman. you both seemed to know him. who, in the name of all the saints, might he be? what was it you called him, tamin?" "grûl!" replied tamin; and said no more, discreetly husbanding his wind. but marc spoke for him. "i have heard him called no other name but grûl! madman he is, at times, i think. but sane for the most part, and with some touches of a wisdom beyond the wisdom of men. the guise of madness he wears always; and the indians, as well as our own people, reverence him mightily. it is nigh upon three years since he first appeared in acadie. he hates the black abbé,--who, they say, once did him some great mischief in some other land than this,--and his strange ravings, his prodigious prophesyings, do something here and there to weaken the abbé's influence with our people." "then how does he evade the good father's wrath?" i questioned, in wonder. "oh," said marc, "the good father hates him cordially enough. but the indians could not be persuaded, or bullied, or bribed, to lift a hand against him. they say a manitou dwells in him." "maybe they're not far wrong!" grunted tamin. and now i, like tamin, found it prudent to spare my wind. but marc, whose lungs seemed untiring, spoke from time to time as he went, and told me certain incidents, now of grûl's acuteness, now of his gift of prophecy, now of his fantastic madness. we came at length, after passing two small rivulets on the right, to the stream on the left which grûl had indicated. it had a firm bed, wherein our footsteps left no trace, and we ascended it for perhaps a mile, by many windings. then, with crafty care, we crept up from the stream, in such a fashion as to leave no mark of our divergence if, as i thought not likely, our pursuers should come that way. after that we fetched a great circuit, crossed the parent brook, and shortly before noon judged that we might account ourselves secure. where a tiny spring bubbled beneath a granite boulder and trickled away north toward the fundy shore, we stopped to munch black bread and the remnant of the fish. we rested for an hour,--tamin and i sleeping, while marc, who protested that he felt no motion toward slumber, kept watch. when he roused us, we set off pleasantly refreshed, our faces toward shulie. till late that night we journeyed, having a clear moon to guide us. coming at length to the edge of a small lake set with islands, "here," said i, "is the place where we may sleep secure!" we stripped, took our bundles on our heads, and swam out into the shining stillness. we swam past two islets, and landed upon one which caught my fancy. there we lay down in a bed of sweet-smelling fern, and were well content. as we supped on tamin's good black bread, two loons laughed to each other out on the silver surface. we saw their black, watchful heads, moving slowly. then we slept. it was high day when we awoke. the bread was now scarce, so we husbanded it, and made such good speed all day that while it wanted yet some hours of sunset we came out upon a bluff's edge and saw below us the wash and roll of fundy. we were some way west of shulie, but not far, tamin said, from the house of his good friend with the good boat. to this house we came within the hour. it was a small, home-like cabin, among apple trees, in a slant clearing that overhung a narrow creek. there, by a little jetty, i rejoiced to see the boat. the man of the house, one beaudry, was in the woods looking for his cow, but the goodwife made us welcome. when beaudry came in he and tamin fell on each other's necks. and i found, too, that the name of jean de briart, with something of his poor exploits, was not all unknown in the cabin. how well we supped that night, on fresh shad well broiled, and fresh sweet barley bread, and thin brown buckwheat cakes! it was settled at once that beaudry should put us over to de ramezay's camp with the first of the morrow's tide. then, over our pipes, sitting under the apple tree by the porch, we told our late adventures. i say we, but tamin told them, and gave them a droll colouring which delighted me. it must have tickled marc's fancy, too, for i took note that he let his pipe out many times during the story. beaudry kept crying "hein!" and "bien!" and "tiens!" in an ecstasy of admiration. the goodwife, however, was seemingly most touched by the loss of tamin's knitted cap. with a face of great concern, as who should say "poor soul!" she jumped up, ran into the house, was gone a few moments, and returned beaming benevolence. "v'la!" she cried; and stuck upon tamin's wiry black head a bran-new cap of red wool. chapter vii the commander is embarrassed next day we set out at a good hour, and came without further adventure to chignecto. having landed, amid a little swarm of fishing-boats, we then went straight to de ramezay's headquarters, leaving beaudry at the wharf among his cronies. we crossed a strip of dyked marsh, whereon were many sleek acadian cattle cropping the rich aftermath, and ascended the gentle slope of the uplands. amid a few scattered cabins were ranged the tents of the soldiers. camp fires and sheaves of stacked muskets gave the bright scene a warlike countenance. higher up the hill stood a white cottage, larger than the rest, its door painted red, with green panels; and from a staff on its gable, blown out bravely by the wind which ever sweeps those fundy marshlands, flapped the white banner with the lilies of france. the sentry who challenged us at the foot of the slope knew me,--had once fought under me in a border skirmish,--and, saluting with great respect, summoned a guard to conduct us to headquarters. as we climbed the last dusty rise and turned in, past the long well-sweep and two gaunt, steeple-like lombardy poplars, to the yard before the cottage, the door opened and the commander himself stood before us. his face lit up gladly as i stepped forward to greet him, and with great warmth he sprang to embrace me. "my dear briart!" he cried. "i have long expected you!" "i am but just returned to acadie, my dear friend," said i, with no less warmth than he had evinced, "or you would surely have seen me here to greet you on your coming. but the king's service kept me on the richelieu!" "and even your restless activity, my jean, cannot put you in two places at once," said he, as he turned with an air of courteous inquiry to my companions. perceiving at once by his dress that tamin was a habitant, his eyes rested upon marc. "my son marc, monsieur de ramezay," said i. the two bowed, marc very respectfully, as became a young man on presentation to a distinguished officer, but de ramezay with a sudden and most noticeable coldness. at this i flushed with anger, but the moment was not one for explanations. i restrained myself; and turning to tamin, i said in an altered tone:-"and this, de ramezay, is my good friend and faithful follower, tamin violet, of canard parish, who desires to enlist for service under you. more of him, and all to his credit, i will tell you by and by. i merely commend him to you now as brave, capable, and a good shot!" "i have ever need of such!" said de ramezay, quickly. "as you recommend him, he shall serve in monsieur de ville d'avray's company, which forms my own guard." summoning an orderly, he gave directions to this effect. as tamin turned to depart with the orderly, both marc and i stepped up to him and wrung his hands, and thanked him many times for the courage and craft which had saved marc's life as well as the honour of our family. "we'll see you again to-night or in the morning, my tamin," said marc. "and tell you how goes my talk with the commander," added i, quietly. "and for the boat we wrecked," continued marc, "why, of course, we won't remain in your debt for a small thing like that; though for the great matter, and for your love, we are always your debtors gladly!" "and in the king's uniform," said i, cutting short tamin's attempted protestations, "even the black abbé will not try to molest you." i turned again to de ramezay, who was waiting a few paces aside, and said, with a courtesy that was something formal after the warmth of our first greeting:-"your pardon, de ramezay! but tamin has gone through much with us and for us. and now, my son and i would crave an undisturbed conversation with you." at once, and without a word, he conducted us into his private room, where he invited us to be seated. as we complied, he himself remained standing, with every sign of embarrassment in his frank and fearless countenance. i had ever liked him well. good cause to like him, indeed, i had in my heart, for i had once stood over his body in a frontier skirmish, and saved his scalp from the knives of the onondagas. but now my anger was hot against him, for it was plain to me that he had lent ear to some slanders against marc. for a second or two there was a silence, then marc sprang to his feet. "perhaps if i stand," said he, coldly, "monsieur de ramezay will do us the honour of sitting." de ramezay's erect figure--a very soldierly and imposing figure it was in its uniform of white and gold--straightened itself haughtily for an instant. then he began, but with a stammering tongue:-"i bitterly regret--it grieves me,--it pains me to even hint it,--" and he kept his eyes upon the floor as he spoke,--"but your son, my dear friend, is accused--" here i broke in upon him, springing to my feet. "stop!" said i, sternly. he looked at me with a face of sorrowful inquiry, into which a tinge of anger rose slowly. "remember," i continued, "that whatever accusation or imputation you make now, i shall require you to prove beyond a peradventure,--or to make good with your sword against mine! my son is the victim of a vile conspiracy. he is--" "then he _is_ loyal, you say, to france?" interrupted de ramezay, eagerly. "i say," said i, in a voice of steel, "that he has done nothing that his father, a soldier of france, should blush to tell,--nothing that an honest gentleman should not do." my voice softened a little as i noticed the change in his countenance. "and oh, ramezay," i continued, "had any man an hour ago told me that _you_ would condemn a son of mine unheard,--that you, on the mere word of a false priest or his wretched tools, would have believed that a son of jean de mer could be a traitor, i would have driven the words down his throat for a black lie, a slander on my friend!" de ramezay was silent for a moment, his eyes fixed upon the floor. then he lifted his head. "i was wrong. forgive me, my friend!" said he, very simply. "i see clearly that i ought to have held the teller of those tales in suspicion, knowing of him what i do know. and now, since you give me your word the tales are false, they are false. pardon me, i beg of you, monsieur!" he added, turning to marc and holding out his hand. marc bowed very low, but appeared not to see the hand. "if you have heard, monsieur de ramezay," said he, "that, before it was made plain that france would seek to recover acadie out of english hands, i, a mere boy, urged my fellow acadians to accept the rule in good faith;--if you have heard that i then urged them not to be misled to their own undoing by an unscrupulous and merciless intriguer who disgraces his priestly office;--if you have heard that, since then, i have cursed bitterly the corruption at quebec which is threatening new france with instant ruin,--you have heard but truly!" de ramezay bit his lips and flushed slightly. marc was not making the situation easier; but i could scarce blame him. our host, however, motioned us to our seats, taking his own chair immediately that he saw us seated. for my own part, my anger was quite assuaged. i hastened to clear the atmosphere. "let me tell you the whole story, ramezay," said i, "and you will understand. but first let me say that my son is wholly devoted to the cause of france. his former friendly intercourse with the english, a boyish matter, he brought to an utter end when the war came this way." "and let me say," interrupted de ramezay, manfully striving to amend his error, "that when one whom i need not name was filling my ear with matter not creditable to a young man named marc de mer, it did not come at all to my mind--and can you wonder?--that the person so spoken of was a son of my briart, of the man who had so perilled his own life to save mine! i thought your son was but a child. it was thus that the accusations were allowed to stick in my mind,--which i do most heartily repent of! and for which i again crave pardon!" "i beg of you, monsieur, that you will think no more of it!" said marc, heartily, being by this quite appeased. then with some particularity i told our story,--not omitting marc's visit to his little puritan at annapolis, whereat de ramezay smiled, and seemed to understand something which had before been dark to him. when the black abbé came upon the scene (i had none of our host's reluctance to mention the abbé's name!) de ramezay's brows gathered gloomily. but he heard the tale through with breathless attention up to the point of our landing at chignecto. "and now, right glad am i that you are here," he exclaimed, stretching out a hand to each of us. the frank welcome that illuminated the strong lines of his face left no more shadow of anger in our hearts. "and here are the abbé's precious documents!" said i, fetching forth the packet. de ramezay examined both letters with the utmost care. "the reward," he said presently, with a dry smile, "is on a scale that savours of quebec rather more than of thrifty new england. when boston holds the purse-strings, information is bought cheaper than that! as for the signature, it is passable. but i fear it would scarce satisfy master apthorp!" "i thought as much," said i, "though i have seen mascarene's signature but once." de ramezay fingered the paper, and held it up to the light. "but a point which will interest you particularly, monsieur," he continued, addressing marc, "is the fact that this paper was made in france!" "it is gratifying to know that, monsieur!" replied marc, with his vanishing smile. "it would be embarrassing to some people," said de ramezay, "if they knew we were aware of it. but i may say here frankly that they must not know it. you will readily understand that my hands are something less than free. as things go now at quebec, there are methods used which i cannot look upon with favour, and which i must therefore seem not to see. i am forced to use the tools which are placed in my hands. this priest of whom you speak is a power in acadie. he is thought to be indispensable to our cause. he will do the things that, alas, have to be done, but which no one else will do. and i believe he does love france,--he is surely sincere in that. but he rests very heavily, methinks, on the conscience of his good bishop at quebec, who, but for the powers that interfere, would call him to a sharp account. i tell you all this so that you will see why i must not charge the abbé with this villany of his. i am compelled to seem ignorant of it." i assured him that i apprehended the straits in which he found himself, and would be content if he would merely give the abbé to understand that marc was not to be meddled with. "of course," said marc, at this point, "i wish to enter active service, with father; and i shall therefore be, for the most part, beyond the good abbé's reach. but we have business at grand pré and canard that will hold us there a week or thereabouts; and it is annoying to walk in the hourly peril of being tomahawked and scalped for a spy!" "i'll undertake to secure you in this regard," laughed de ramezay; "and in return, perchance i may count on your support when i move against annapolis, as my purpose is to do ere many weeks!" "assuredly!" said marc, "if my father have made for me no other plans!" and he turned to me for my word in the matter. as it chanced, this was exactly as i had purposed, which i made at once to appear. it was presently agreed, therefore, that we should tarry some days at chignecto, returning thereafter to despatch our affairs at home and await de ramezay's summons. as the commander's guests we were lodged in his own quarters, and tamin was detailed to act as our orderly. the good beaudry, with his good boat, was sent home not empty-handed to his goodwife near shulie, with instructions to come again for us in five days. and tamin, having now no more need of it, sent back to madame beaudry, with best compliments, her knitted cap of red wool. chapter viii the black abbé comes to dinner of the pleasant but something irrelevant matter of how merrily we supped that night with de ramezay and his officers,--many of whom i knew, all of whom knew me or my adventurous repute,--i will not linger to discourse. nor of the costly dainties from france which enriched the board, side by side with fair salmon from the tantramar and bursting-fat plover from the joli-coeur marshes. nor of the good red wine of burgundy which so enhanced the relish of those delectable birds,--and of which i might perhaps have drunk more sparingly had good providence but made me more abstemious. let it suffice to say, there was wit enough to spice plainer fare, and courtesy that had shone at versailles. the long bare room, with its low, black-raftered ceiling and polished floor, its dark walls patterned with shelves, was lit by the smoky flames of two-score tallow candles. by and by chairs were pushed back, the company sat with less ceremony, the air grew clouded with the blue vapours of the virginia weed, and tongues wagged something more loosely than before. there were songs,--catches from the banks of rhone, rolling ballads of our own voyageurs. a young captain quite lately from versailles, the sieur de ville d'avray, had an excellent gift of singing. but now, just when the sieur de ville d'avray was rendering, with most commendable taste and spirit, the ballade of "frère lubin," there came an interruption. "il presche en theologien, mais pour boire de belle eau claire, faictes la boire a vostre chien, frère lubin ne le peult faire,"-sang the gay voice,--we all nodding our heads in intent approval, or even, maybe, seeing that the wine was generous, tapping the measure openly with our fingers. but suddenly, though there was no noise to draw them, all eyes turned to the doorway, and the singer paused in his song. i tipped my chair back into the shadow of a shelf, as did marc, who sat a little beyond me. for the visitor, who thus boldly entered unannounced, was none other than the black abbé himself. [illustration: for the visitor was none other than the black abbé himself.] i flung de ramezay a swift glance of anticipation, which he caught as he arose in his place to greet the new-comer. on the faces around the table i took note of an ill-disguised annoyance. the abbé, it was plain, found small favour in that company. but to do him justice, he seemed but little careful to court favour. he stood in the doorway, frowning, a piercing and bitter light in his close-set eyes. he waited for de ramezay to come forward and give him welcome,--which de ramezay presently did, and would have led him to a seat at the table. but "no!" said the grim intruder. "with all thanks for your courtesy, monsieur, i have no time, nor am i in the temper, for revellings. when i have said my word to you i will get me to the house of one of my flock, and sup plainly, and take what rest i may, for at dawn i must set out for the shubenacadie. there is much to be done, and few to do it, and the time grows short!" and he swept a look of reprimand about the circle. "would you speak with me in private, father?" asked de ramezay, with great civility. "it is not necessary, monsieur!" replied the abbé. "i have but to say that i arrested the pestilent young traitor, marc de mer, on his father's estate at canard, and left him under guard while i went to attend to other business. i found upon his person clear proofs of his treachery, which would have justified his hanging on the instant. but i preferred that you should be the judge!" "you did well!" said de ramezay, gravely. "i must ask even you, monsieur l'abbé, to remember on all occasions that i, and i only, am the judge, so long as i remain in acadie!" to this rebuke, courteous though it was, the priest vouchsafed no reply but a slight smile, which uncovered his strong yellow teeth on one side, like a snarl. he continued his report as if there had been no interruption. "in my brief absence his father, with some disaffected habitants, deceived my faithful followers by a trick, and carried off the prisoner. but i have despatched a strong party on the trail of the fugitives. they will certainly be captured, and brought at once--" but at this point his voice failed him. his face worked violently with mingled rage and amazement, and following his gaze i saw marc standing and bowing with elaborate courtesy. "they are already here, sir abbé," said he, "having made haste that they might give you welcome!" a ripple of laughter went around the table, as the company, recovering from some moments of astonishment, began to understand the situation. i, too, rose to my feet, smiling expectantly. the priest's narrow eyes met mine for a second, with a light that was akin to madness. then they shifted. but he found his voice again. "i denounce that man as a proved spy and traitor!" he shouted, striding forward, and pointing a yellow finger of denunciation across the table at marc, while the revellers over whom he leaned made way for him resentfully. "i demand his instant arrest." "gently, monsieur l'abbé," said de ramezay. "these are serious charges to bring against french gentlemen, and friends of the commander; have you proofs--such as will convince me after the closest scrutiny?" he added, with unmistakable significance. "i have myself seen the proofs, i tell you," snarled the abbé, beginning to exert more self-control, but still far unlike the cool, inexorable, smiling cynic who had so galled my soul with his imperturbability when i lay in his bonds beside the forge. "i would fain see them, too," insisted de ramezay. the priest glared at me, and then at marc, baffled. "i have them not," said he, in his slow and biting tones; "but if you would do your duty as the king's servant, monsieur de ramezay, and arrest yonder spy, you would doubtless find the proofs upon his person, if he has not taken the pains to dispose of them." upon this insolent speech, de ramezay took his seat, and left the priest standing alone. when, after a pause, he spoke, his voice was stern and masterful, as if he were addressing a contumacious servant, though he retained the forms of courtesy in his phrases. "monsieur," said he, "when i wish to learn my duty, it will not be the somewhat well-known abbé la garne whom i will ask to teach me. i must require you not to presume further upon the sacredness of your office. your soutane saves you from being called to account by the gentleman whose honour you have aspersed. monsieur marc de mer is the son of my friend. he is also one of my aides-de-camp. i beg that you will understand me without more words when i say that i have examined the whole matter to which you refer. for your own credit, press it no further. i trust you catch my meaning!" "on the contrary," said the abbé, coolly, being by this time quite himself again, and seemingly indifferent to the derisive faces confronting him--"on the contrary, your meaning altogether escapes me, monsieur. all that i understand of your singular behaviour is what the governor and the intendant, not i their unworthy instrument, will be called to pass judgment upon." "i will trouble you to understand also, sir priest," said de ramezay, thoroughly aroused, his tones biting like acid, "that if this young man is further troubled by any of your faithful shubenacadie flock, i will hold you responsible; and the fact that you are useful, having fewer scruples than trouble a mere layman, shall not save you." "be not disturbed for your spy, monsieur," sneered the abbé, now finely tranquil. "i wash my hands of all responsibility in regard to him; look you to that." for the space of some seconds there was silence all about that table of feasting, while the abbé swept a smiling, bitter glance around the room. last, his eyes rested upon mine and leaped with a sudden light of triumph, so that one might have thought not he but i had been worsted in the present encounter. then he turned on his heel and went out, scornful of courtesy. a clamour of talk arose upon this most cherished departure; but i heard it as in a dream, being wrapped up in wonder as to the meaning of that look of triumph. "has the black abbé cast a spell upon you, father?" i heard marc inquiring presently. whereupon i came to myself with a kind of start, and made merry with the rest of them. it was late when marc and i went to the little chamber where our pallets were stretched. there we found tamin awaiting us. he was in a sweat of fear. "what is it, my tamin?" asked marc. "the black abbé," he grunted, the drollness all chased out of the little wrinkles about his eyes. "well," said i, impatiently. "the black abbé; and what of him? he is repenting to-night that he ever tried conclusions with me, i'll wager." i spoke the more confidently because in my heart i was still troubled to know the meaning of the abbé's glance. "hein," said tamin. "he looked--his eyes would lift a scalp! i was standing in the light just under the window, when of a sudden the door closed; and there he stood beside me, with no sound, and still as a heron. he looked at me with those two narrow eyes, as if he would eat my heart out: and i stood there, and shook. then, of a sudden, his face changed. it became like a good priest's face when he says the prayer for the soul that is passing; and he looked at me with solemn eyes. and i was yet more afraid. 'it is not for me to rebuke you,' he said, speaking so that each word seemed an hour long; 'red runs your blood on the deep snow beneath the apple tree.' and before i could steady my teeth to ask him what he meant, he was gone. 'red runs your blood beneath the apple tree.' what did he mean by that?" "oh," said i, speaking lightly to encourage him, though in truth the words fell on me with a chill, "he said it to spoil your sleep and poison your content. it was a cunning revenge, seeing that he dare not lift a hand to punish you otherwise." "to be sure, my tamin, that is all of it," added marc. "who has ever heard that the black abbé was a prophet? faith, 'tis as father says, a cunning and a devilish revenge. but you can balk it finely by paying no heed to it." tamin's face had brightened mightily, but he still looked serious. "do you think so?" he exclaimed with eagerness. "'tis as you say indeed,--the black abbé is no prophet. had it been grûl, now, that said it, there were something to lie awake for, eh?" "yes, indeed, if grûl had said it," muttered marc, contemplating him strangely. but for me, i was something impatient now to be asleep. "think no more of it, my friend," said i, and dismissed him. yet sleepy as i was, i thought of it, and even i must have begun to dream of it. the white sheet of moonlight that lay across my couch became a drift of snow with blood upon it, and the patterned shadow upon the wall an apparition leaning over,--when out of an immense distance, as it were, i heard marc's voice. "father," he cried softly, "are you awake?" "yes, dear lad," said i. "what is it?" "i have been wondering," said he, "why the black abbé looked at you, not me, in his going. he had such a countenance as warns me that he purposes some cunning stroke. but i fear his enmity has turned from me to you." "well, lad, it was surely i that balked him. what would you have?" i asked. "oh," said he, heavily, "that i should have turned that bloodhound onto your trail!" "marc, if it will comfort you to know it, carry this in your memory," said i, with a cheerful lightness, like froth upon the strong emotion that flooded my heart. "when the black abbé strikes at me, it will be through you. he knows where i am like to prove most vulnerable!" "'tis all right, then, so as we sink or swim together, father," said marc, quietly. "that's the way of it now, dear lad! sweet sleep to you, and dreams of red hair!" said i. and i turned my face drowsily to the wall. chapter ix the abbé strikes again the few days of our stay at chignecto were gay and busy ones; and all through them hummed the wind steadily across the pale green marshes, and buffeted the golden-rod on our high shoulder of upland. de ramezay gratified me by making much of marc. the three of us rode daily abroad among the surrounding settlements. and i spent many hours planning with de ramezay a fort which should be built on the site of this camp, in case the coming campaign should fail to drive the english out of acadie. de ramezay, as was ever his wont, was full of confidence in the event. but of the sorry doings at quebec, of the plundering hands upon the public purse, of the shamelessness in high places, he hinted to me so broadly that i began to see much ground for marc's misgivings. and my heart cried out for my fair country of new france. on the fifth day of our stay,--it was a wednesday, and very early in the morning,--the good beaudry with his good boat came for us. the tide serving at about two hours after sunrise, we set out then for grand pré, well content with the jade fortune whose whims had so far favoured us. de ramezay and his officers were at the wharf-end to bid us god-speed; and as i muse upon it now they may have thought curiously of it to see the loving fashion in which both marc and i made a point to embrace our faithful tamin. but that is neither here nor there, so long as we let him plainly understand how our hearts were towards him. the voyage home was uneventful, save that we met contrary winds, whereby it fell that not until evening of the second day did we come into the gaspereau mouth and mark the maids of grand pré carrying water from the village well. the good beaudry we paid to his satisfaction, and left to find lodging in one of the small houses by the water side; while marc and i took our way up the long street with its white houses standing amid their apple trees. having gone perhaps four or five furlongs, returning many a respectful salutation from the doorways as we passed, we then turned up the hill by a little lane which was bordered stiffly with the poplar trees of lombardy, and in short space we came to a pleasant cottage in a garden, under shadow of the tall white church which stood sentinel over the grand pré roofs. the cottage had some apple trees behind it, and many late roses blooming in the garden. it was the home of the good curé, father fafard, most faithful and most gentle of priests. with father fafard we lodged that night, and for some days thereafter. the curé's round face grew unwontedly stern and anxious as we told him our adventures, and rehearsed the doings of the black abbé. he got up from time to time and paced the room, muttering once--"alas that such a man should discredit our holy office! what wrath may he not bring down upon this land!"--and more to a like purport. my own house in grand pré, where marc had inhabited of late, and where i was wont to pay my flitting visits, i judged well to put off my hands for the present, foreseeing that troublous times were nigh. i transferred it in father fafard's presence to a trusty villager by name marquette, whom i could count upon to transfer it back to me as soon as the skies should clear again. i knew that if, by any fortune of war, english troops should come to be quartered in grand pré, they would be careful for the property of the villagers; but the house and goods of an enemy under arms, such would belike fare ill. i collected, also, certain moneys due me in the village, for i knew that the people were prosperous, and i did not know how long their prosperity might continue. this done, marc and i set out for my own estate beside the yellow canard. there i had rents to gather in, but no house to put off my hands. at the time when acadie was ceded to england, a generation back, the house of the de mers had been handed over to one of the most prosperous of our habitants, and with that same family it had ever since remained, yielding indeed a preposterously scant rental, but untroubled by the patient conqueror. my immediate destination was the forge, where i expected to find babin awaiting me with news and messages. at the forge, too, i would receive payment from my tenants, and settle certain points which, as i had heard, were at dispute amongst them. as we drew near the forge, through the pleasant autumn woods, it wanted about an hour of noon. i heard, far off, the muffled thunder of a cock-partridge drumming. but there was no sound of hammer on clanging anvil, no smoke rising from the wide forge chimney; and when we entered, the ashes were dead cold. it was plain there had been no fire in the forge that day. "where can babin be?" i muttered in vexation. "if he got my message, there can be no excuse for his absence." "i'll wager, father," said marc, "that if he is not off on some errand of yours, then he is sick abed, or dead. nought besides would keep babin when you called him." i went to a corner and pulled a square of bark from a seemingly hollow log up under the rafters. in the secret niche thus revealed was a scrap of birch bark scrawled with some rude characters of babin's, whence i learned that my trusty smith was sick of a sharp inflammation. i passed the scrap over to marc, and felt again in the hollow. "what, in the name of all the saints, is this?" i exclaimed, drawing out a short piece of peeled stick. a portion of the stick was cut down to a flat surface, and on this was drawn with charcoal a straight line, having another straight line perpendicular to it, and bisecting it. at the top of the perpendicular was a figure of the sun, thus:- * | ----+---"it's a message from grûl," said marc, the instant that his eyes fell upon it. "h'm; and how do you know that?" said i, turning it over curiously in my fingers. "well," replied marc, "the peeled stick is grill's sign manual. what does he say?" "he seems to say that he is going to build a windmill," said i, with great seriousness; "but doubtless you will give this hieroglyphic quite a different interpretation." marc laughed,--yes, laughed audibly. and it is possible that his penobscot grandmother turned in her grave. it was good to know that the lad _could_ laugh, which i had begun to doubt; but it was puzzling to me to hear him laugh at the mere absurdity which i had just uttered, when my most polished witticisms, of which i had shot off many of late at chignecto, and in conversation with good father fafard, had never availed to bring more than a phantom smile to his lips. however, i made no comment, but handed him "grûl's sign manual," as he chose to call it. "why, father," said he, "you understand it well enough, i know. this is plainly the sun at high noon. at high noon, therefore, we may surely expect to see grûl. he has been here but a short time back; for see, the wood is not yet dry." "sapristi!" said i, "do you call that the sun, lad? it is very much like a windmill." how marc might have retorted upon me, i know not; for at the moment, though it yet wanted much of noon, the fantastic figure of the madman--if he were a madman--sped into the forge. he stopped abruptly before us and scrutinized us for some few seconds in utter silence, his eyes glittering and piercing like sword points. his long white hair and beard were disordered with haste, the flowers and feathers in his pointed cap were for the most part broken, even as when we had last seen him, and his gaudy mantle was somewhat befouled with river mud. yet such power was there in his look and in his gesture, that when he stretched out his little white staff toward me and said "come," i had much ado to keep from obeying him without question. yet this i would not permit myself, as was natural. "whither?" i questioned. "and for what purpose?" by this time he was out at the door, but he stopped. giving me a glance of scorn he turned to marc, and stretched out his staff. "come," he said. and in a breath he was gone, springing with incredible swiftness and smoothness through the underbrush. "we must follow, father!" cried marc; and in the same instant was away. for my own part, it was sorely against me to be led by the nose, and thus blindly, by the madman--whom i now declared certainly to be mad. but marc had gone, so i had no choice, as i conceived it, but to stand by the lad. i went too. and seeing that i had to do it, i did it well, and presently overtook them. "what is this folly?" i asked angrily, panting a little, i confess. but marc signed to me to be silent. i obeyed, though with ill enough grace, and ran on till my mouth was like a board, my tongue like wool. then the grim light of the forest whitened suddenly before us, and our guide stopped. instinctively we imitated his motions, as he stole forward and peered through a screen of leafage. we were on a bank overlooking the canard. a little below, and paddling swiftly towards the river-mouth, were two canoes manned with the abbé's micmacs. in the bottom of one canoe lay a little fair-haired boy, bound. "my god!" cried marc, under his breath, "'tis the child! 'tis little philip hanford." grûl turned his wild eyes upon us. "the power of the dog!" he muttered, "the power of the dog!" "we must get a canoe and follow them!" exclaimed marc, in great agitation, turning to go, and looking at me with passionate appeal. but before i could speak, to assure him of my aid and support, grûl interfered. "wait!" he said, with meaning emphasis, thrusting his little staff almost in the lad's face. "come!" and he started up along the river bank, going swiftly but with noiseless caution. i expected marc to demur, but not so. he evidently had a childlike faith in this fantastic being. he followed without a protest. needless to say, i followed also. but all this mystery, and this blind obedience, and this lordly lack of explanation, were little to my liking. we had not gone above half a mile when grûl stopped, and bent his mad head to listen. such an attitude of listening i had never seen before. the feathers and stalks in his cap seemed to lean forward like a horse's ears; his hair and beard took on a like inclination of intentness; even the grim little scarlet head upon his staff seemed to listen with its master. and marc did as grûl did. then came a sound as of a woman weeping, very close at hand. grûl motioned us to pass him, and creep forward. we did so, lying down and moving as softly as lizards. but i turned to see what our mysterious guide was doing--and lo, he was gone. he might have faded into a summer exhalation, so complete and silent was his exit. this was too much. only my experience as a woods-fighter, my instinctive caution, kept me from springing to my feet and calling him. but my suspicions were all on fire. i laid a firm hand of detention on marc's arm, and whispered:-"he's gone; 'tis a trap." marc looked at me in some wonder, and more impatience. "no trap, father; that's grûl's way," "well," i whispered, "we had better go another way, i'm thinking." as i spoke, the woman's weeping came to us more distinctly. something in the sound seemed to catch marc's heart, and his face changed. "'tis all right, i tell you, father!" came from between his teeth. "come! come! oh, i know the voice!" and he crept forward resolutely. and, of course, i followed. chapter x a bit of white petticoat we had not advanced above a score of paces when, peering stealthily between the stems of herbs and underbrush, we saw what grûl had desired us to see. two more canoes were drawn up at the water's edge. four savages were in sight, sprawling in indolent attitudes under the shade of a wide water-maple. in their midst, at the foot of the tree, lay a woman bound securely. she was huddled together in a posture of hopeless despair; and a dishevelled glory of gold-red tresses fell over her face to hide it. she lay in a moveless silence. yet the sound of weeping continued, and marc, gripping my hand fiercely, set his mouth to my ear and gasped:-"'tis my own maid! 'tis prudence!" then i saw where she sat, a little apart, a slender maid with a lily face, and hair glowing dark red in the full sun that streamed upon her. she was so tied to another tree that she might have no comfort or companionship of her sister,--for i needed now no telling to convey it to me that the lady with the hidden face and the unweeping anguish was mistress mizpah hanford, mother of the child whom i had just seen carried away. i grieved for marc, whose eyes stared out upon the weeping maid from a face that had fallen to the hue of ashes. but i praised the saints for sending to our aid this madman grûl,--whom, in my heart, i now graciously absolved from the charge of madness. seeing the black abbé's hand in the ravishment of these tender victims, i made no doubt to cross him yet again, and my heart rose exultantly to the enterprise. "cheer up, lad," i whispered to marc. "come away a little till we plot." i showed my confidence in my face, and i could see that he straightway took heart thereat. falling back softly for a space of several rods, we paused in a thicket to take counsel. as soon as we could speak freely, marc exclaimed, "they may go at any moment, father. we must haste." "no," said i, "they'll not go till the cool of the day. the others went because they have plainly been ordered to part the child from his mother. it is a most cunning and most cruel malice that could so order it." "it is my enemy's thrust at me," said marc. "how did he know that i loved the maid?" "his eyes are in every corner of acadie," said i; "but we will foil him in this as in other matters. marc, my heart is stirred mightily by that poor mother's pain. i tell you, lad,"--and i looked diligently to the priming of my pistols as i spoke,--"i tell you i will not rest till i give the little one back into her arms." but marc, as was not unnatural, thought now rather of his lily maid sobbing under the tree. "yes, father," said he, "but what is to be done now, to save prudence and mizpah?" "of course, dear lad," i answered, smilingly, "that is just what we are here for. but let me consider." and sitting down upon a fallen tree, i buried my face in my hands. marc, the while, waited with what patience he could muster, relying wholly upon my conduct of the business, but fretting for instant action. we were well armed (each with a brace of pistols and a broadsword, the forest being no place for rapiers), and i accounted that we were an overmatch for the four redskins. but there was much at stake, with always the chance of accident. and, moreover, these indians were allies of france, wherefore i was most unwilling to attack them from the advantage of an ambush. these various considerations decided me. "marc, we'll fight them if needful," said i, lifting up my head. "but i'm going to try first the conclusions of peace. i will endeavour to ransom the prisoners. these micmacs are mightily avaricious, and may yield. it goes against me to attack them from an ambush, seeing that they are of our party and servants of king louis." at this speech marc looked very ill content. "but, father," he objected, "shall we forego the advantage of a surprise? we are but two to their four, and we put the whole issue at hazard. and as for their being of our party, they bring shame upon our party, and greatly dishonour the service of king louis." "nevertheless, dear lad," said i, "they have their claim upon us,--not lightly to be overlooked, in my view of it. but hear my plan. you will go back to where we lay a moment ago, and there be ready with your pistols. i will approach openly by the water side and enter into parley with them. if i can buy the captives, well and good. if they deny me, we quarrel. you will know when to play your part. i am satisfied of that. i shall feel safe under cover of your pistols, and shall depend upon you to account for two of the four. only, do not be too hasty!" "oh, i'm cool as steel now, father," said marc. "but i like not this plan. the danger is all yours. and the quarrel is mine. let us go into it side by side!" "chut, lad!" said i. "your quarrel's my quarrel, and the danger is not more for me than for you, as you won't be long away from me when the fight begins,--if it comes to a fight. and further, my plan is both an honest one and like to succeed. come, let us be doing!" marc seized my hand, and gave me a look of pride and love which put a glow at my heart. "you know best, father," said he. and turning away, he crept toward his post. for me, i made a circuit, in leisurely fashion, and came out upon the shore behind a point some rods below the spot where the savages lay. then i walked boldly up along the water's edge. the indians heard me before i came in view, and were on their feet when i appeared around the point. they regarded me with black suspicion, but no hostile movement, as i strode straight up to them and greeted, fairly enough but coldly, a tall warrior, whom i knew to be one of the black abbé's lieutenants. he grunted, and asked me who i was. "you know well enough who i am," said i, seating myself carelessly upon a rock, "seeing that you had a chief hand in the outrages put upon me the other day by that rascally priest of yours!" at this the chief stepped up to me with an air of menace, his high-cheeked, coppery face scowling with wrath. but i eyed him steadily, and raised my hand with a little gesture of authority. "wait!" said i; and he paused doubtfully. "i have no grudge against you for that," i went on. "you but obeyed your master's orders faithfully, as you will doubtless obey mine a few weeks hence, when i take command of your rabble and try to make you of some real service to the king. i am one of the king's captains." at this the savage looked puzzled, while his fellows grunted in manifest uncertainty. "what you want?" he asked bluntly. i looked at him for some moments without replying. then i glanced at the form of mizpah hanford, still unmoving, the face still hidden under that pathetic splendour of loosened hair. prudence i could not catch view of, by reason of another tree which intervened. but the sound of her weeping had ceased. "i am ready to ransom these prisoners of yours," said i. the savages glanced furtively at each other, but the coppery masks of their features betrayed nothing. "not for ransom," said the chief, with a dogged emphasis. i opened my eyes wide. "you astonish me!" said i. "then how will they profit you? if you wanted their scalps, those you might have taken at annapolis." at that word, revealing that i knew whence they came, i took note of a stir in the silent figure beneath the maple. i felt that her eyes were watching me from behind that sumptuous veil which her bound hands could not put aside. i went on, with a sudden sense of exaltation. "give me these prisoners," i urged, half pleading, half commanding. "they are useless to you except for ransom. i will give you more than any one else will give you. tell me your price." but the savage was obstinate. "not for ransom," he repeated, shaking his head. "you are afraid of your priest," said i, with slow scorn. "he has told you to bring them to him. and what will you get? a pistole or two for each! but i will give you gold, good french crowns, ten times as much as you ever got before!" as i spoke, one of the listening savages got up, his eyes a-sparkle with eagerness, and muttered something in micmac, which i could not understand. but the chief turned upon him so angrily that he slunk back, abashed. "agree with me now," i said earnestly. "then wait here till i fetch the gold, and i will deliver it into your hands before you deliver the captives." but the chief merely turned aside with an air of settling the question, and repeated angrily:-"i say white girls not for ransom." i rose to my feet. "fools, you are," said i, "and no men, but sick women, afraid of your rascal priest. i offered to buy when i might have taken! now i will take, and you will get no ransom! unloose their bonds!" and i pointed with my sword, while my left hand rested upon a pistol in my belt. i am a very pretty shot with my left hand. before the words were fairly out of my lips the four sprang at me. stepping lightly aside, i fired the pistol full at the chief's breast, and he plunged headlong. in the next instant came a report from the edge of the underbrush, and a second savage staggered, groaned, and fell upon his knees, while marc leaped down and rushed upon a third. the remaining one snatched up his musket (the muskets were forgotten at the first, when i seemed to be alone), and took a hasty aim at me; but before he could pull the trigger my second pistol blazed in his face, and he dropped, while his weapon, exploding harmlessly, knocked up some mud and grass. i saw marc chase his antagonist to the canoes at the point of his sword, and prick him lightly for the more speed. but at the same instant, out of the corner of my eye, i saw the savage whom marc's shot had brought down struggle again to his feet and swing his hatchet. with a yell i was upon him, and my sword point (the point is swifter than the edge in an emergency) went through his throat with a sobbing click. but i was just too late. the hatchet had left his hand; and the flying blade caught marc in the shoulder. the sword dropped from his grasp, he reeled, and sat down with a shudder before i could get to his side. i paid no further heed to the remaining indian, but was dimly conscious of him launching a canoe and paddling away in wild haste. i lifted the dear lad into the shade, and anxiously examined the wound. "'tis but a flesh wound," said he, faintly; but i found that the blow had not only grievously gashed the flesh, but split the shoulder blade. "flesh wound!" i muttered. "you'll do no more fighting in this campaign, dear lad, unless they put it off till next spring. this shoulder will be months in mending." "when it does mend, will my arm be the same as ever?" he asked, somewhat tremulously. "'tis my sword arm." "yes, lad, yes; you need not trouble about that," said i. "but it is a case for care." in the meantime, i was cleansing the wound with salt water which i had brought from the river in my cap. now, i cast about in my mind for a bandage; and i looked at the prisoner beneath the maple. marc first, courtesy afterwards, i thought in my heart; for i durst not leave the wound exposed with so many flies in the air. the lady's little feet, bound cruelly, were drawn up in part beneath her dark skirt, but so that a strip of linen petticoat shone under them. i hesitated, but only for a second. lifting the poor little feet softly to one side, with a stammered, "your pardon, madame, but the need is instant!" i slit off a breadth of the soft white stuff with my sword. and i was astonished to feel my face flush hotly as i did it. with strangely thrilling fingers, and the help of my sword edge, i then set free her feet, and with no more words turned hastily back to marc, abashed as a boy. in a few moments i had marc's wound softly dressed, for i had some skill in this rough and ready surgery. i could see by his contracting pupils that the hurt was beginning to agonize, but the dear lad never winced under my fingers, and i commended him heartily as a brave patient. then placing a bundle of cool ferns under his head for a pillow, i turned to the captives, from whom there had been never a word this while. chapter xi i fall a willing captive the lady whose feet i had freed had risen so far as to rest crouching against the gnarled trunk of the maple tree. the glorious abundance of her hair she had shaken back, revealing a white face chiselled like a madonna's, a mouth somewhat large, with lips curved passionately, and great sea-coloured eyes which gazed upon me from dark circles of pain. but the face was drawn now with that wordless and tearless anguish which makes all utterance seem futile,--the anguish of a mother whose child has been torn from her arms and carried she knows not whither. her hands lay in her lap, tight bound; and i noted their long, white slenderness. i felt as if i should go on my knees to serve her--i who had but just now served her with such scant courtesy as it shamed my soul to think on. as i bent low to loose her hands, i sought in my mind for phrases of apology that might show at the same time my necessity and my contrition. but lifting my eyes for an instant to hers, i was pierced with a sense of the anguish which was rending her heart, and straightway i forgot all nice phrases. what i said--the words coming from my lips abruptly--was this: "i will find him! i will save him! be comforted, madame! he shall be restored to you!" in great, simple matters, how little explanation seems needed. she asked not who i was, how i knew, whom i would save, how it was to be done; and i thrill proudly even now to think how my mere word convinced her. the tense lines of her face yielded suddenly, and she broke into a shaking storm of tears, moaning faintly over and over--"philip!--oh, my philip!--oh, my boy!" i watched her with a great compassion. then, ere i could prevent, she amazed me by snatching my hand and pressing it to her lips. but she spoke no word of thanks. drawing my hand gently away, in great embarrassment, i repeated: "believe me, oh, believe me, madame; i _will_ save the little one." then i went to release the other captive, whom i had well-nigh forgotten the while. this lily maid of marc's, this prudence, i found in a white tremour of amazement and inquiry. from where she sat in her bonds, made fast to her tree, she could see nothing of what went on, but she could hear everything, and knew she had been rescued. it was a fair, frank, childlike face she raised to mine as i smiled down upon her, swiftly and gently severing her bonds; and i laid a hand softly on that rich hair which marc had praised, being right glad he loved so sweet a maid as this. i forgot that i must have seemed to her in this act a shade familiar, my fatherly forty years not showing in my face. so, indeed, it was for an instant, i think; for she coloured maidenly. but seeing the great kindness in my eyes, the thought was gone. her own eyes filled with tears, and she sprang up and clung to me, sobbing, like a child just awakened in the night from a bad dream. "oh," she panted, "are they gone? did you kill them? how good you are! oh, god will reward you for being so good to us!" and she trembled so she would certainly have fallen if i had not held her close. "you are safe now, dear," said i, soothing her, quite forgetting that she knew me not as i knew her, and that, if she gave the matter any heed at all, my speech must have puzzled her sorely. "but come with me!" and i led her to where marc lay in the shade. the dear lad's face had gone even whiter than when i left him, and i saw that he had swooned. "the pain and shock have overcome him!" i exclaimed, dropping on my knees to remove the pillow of ferns from under his head. as i did so, i heard the girl catch her breath sharply, with a sort of moan, and glancing up, i saw her face all drawn with misery. while i looked in some surprise, she suddenly threw herself down, and crushed his face in her bosom, quite shutting off the air, which he, being in a faint, greatly needed. i was about to protest, when her words stopped me. "marc, marc," she moaned, "why did you betray us? oh, why did you betray us so cruelly? but oh, i love you even if you _were_ a traitor. now you are dead" (she had not heard me, evidently, saying he had swooned), "now you are dead i may love you, no matter what you did. oh, my love, why did you, why did you?" and while i listened in bewilderment, she sprang to her feet, and her blue eyes blazed upon me fiercely. "you killed him!" she hissed at me across his body. this i remembered afterwards. at the moment i only knew that she was calling the lad a traitor. that i was well tired of. "madame!" said i, sternly. "do not presume so far as to touch him again." it was her turn to look astonished now. her eyes faltered from my angry face to marc's, and back again in a kind of helplessness. "oh, you do well to accuse him," i went on, bitterly,--perhaps not very relevantly. "you shall not dishonour him by touching him, you, who can believe vile lies of the loyal gentleman who loves you, and has, it may be, given his life for the girl who now insults him." the girl's face was now in such a confusion of distress that i almost, but not quite, pitied her. ere she could find words to reply, however, her sister was at her side, catching her hands, murmuring at her ear. "why, prudence, child," she said, "don't you see it all? didn't you see it all? how splendidly marc saved us" (i blessed the tact which led her to put the first credit on marc)--"marc and this most brave and gallant gentleman? it was one of the savages who struck marc down, before my eyes, as he was fighting to save us. that dreadful story was a lie, prudence; don't you see?" the maid saw clearly enough, and with a mighty gladness. she was for throwing herself down again beside the lad to cover his face with kisses--and shut off the air which he so needed. but i thrust her aside. she had believed marc a traitor. marc might forgive her when he could think for himself. i was in no mind to. she looked at me with unutterable reproach, her eyes filling and running over, but she drew back submissively. "i know," she said, "i don't deserve that you should let me go near him. but--i think--i think he would want me to, sir! see, he wants me! oh, let me!" and i perceived that marc's eyes had opened. they saw no one but the maid, and his left hand reached out to her. "oh, well!" said i, grimly. and thereafter it seemed to me that the lad got on with less air than men are accustomed to need when they would make recovery from a swoon. i turned to mizpah hanford; and i wondered what sort of eyes were in marc's head, that he should see prudence when mizpah was by. before i could speak, mizpah began to make excuses for her sister. with heroic fortitude she choked back her own grief, and controlled her voice with a brave simplicity. coming from her lips, these broken excuses seemed sufficient--though to this day i question whether i ought to have relented so readily. she pleaded, and i listened, and was content to listen so long as she would continue to plead. but there was little i clearly remember. at last, however, these words, with which she concluded, aroused me:-"how could we any longer refuse to believe," she urged, "when the good priest confessed to us plainly, after much questioning, that it was monsieur marc de mer who had sent the savages to steal us, and had told them just the place to find us, and the hour? the savages had told us the same thing at first, taunting us with it when we threatened them with marc's vengeance. you see, monsieur, they had plainly been informed by some one of our little retreat at the riverside, and of the hour at which we were wont to frequent it. yet we repudiated the tale with horror. then yesterday, when the good priest told us the same thing, with a reluctance which showed his horror of it, what _could_ we do but believe? though it did seem to us that if marc were false there could be no one true. the priest believed it. he was kind and pitiful, and tried to get the savages to set us free. he talked most earnestly, most vehemently to them; but it was in their own barbarous language, and of course we could not understand. he told us at last that he could do nothing at the time, but that he would exert himself to the utmost to get us out of their hands by and by. then he went away. and then--" "and then, madame," said i, "your little one was taken from you at his orders!" "why, what do you mean, monsieur?" she gasped, her great sea-coloured eyes opening wide with fresh terror. "at his orders? by the orders of that kind priest?" "of what appearance was he?" i inquired, in return. "oh," she cried breathlessly, "he was square yet spare of figure, dark-skinned almost as marc, with a very wide lower face, thin, thin lips, and remarkably light eyes set close together,--a strange, strong face that might look very cruel if he were angry. he looked angry once when he was arguing with the indians." "you have excellently described our bitterest foe, and yours, madame," said i, smiling. "the wicked abbé la garne, the pastor and master of these poor tools of his whom i would fain have spared, but could not." and i pointed to the bodies of the three dead savages, where they lay sprawling in various pathetic awkwardnesses of posture. she looked, seemed to think of them for the first time, shivered, and turned away her pitiful eyes. "those poor wretches," i continued, "were sent by this kind priest to capture you. he knew when and where to find you, because he had played the eavesdropper when marc and i were talking of you." "oh," she cried, clenching her white hands desperately, "can there be a priest so vile?" "ay, and this which you have heard is but a part of his villany. we have but lately baulked him in a plot whereby he had nearly got marc hanged. this, madame, i promise myself the honour of relating to you by and by; but now we must get the poor lad removed to some sort of house and comfort." "and, oh," cried this poor mother, in a voice of piercing anguish and amazement, as if she could not yet wholly realize it,--"my boy, my boy! he is in the power of such a monster!" "be of good heart, i beseech you," said i, with a kind of passion in my voice. "i will find him, i swear i will bring him back to you. i will wait only so long as to see my own boy in safe hands!" again that look of trust was turned upon me, thrilling me with invincible resolve. "oh, i trust you, monsieur!" she cried. then pressing both hands to her eyes with a pathetic gesture, and thrusting back her hair--"i knew you, somehow, for the seigneur de briart," she went on, "as soon as i heard you demanding our release. and i immediately felt a great hope that you would set us free and save philip. i suppose it is from marc that i have learned such confidence, monsieur!" i bowed, awkward and glad, and without a pretty word to repay her with,--i who have some name in quebec for well-turned compliment. but before this woman, who was young enough to be my daughter, i was like a green boy. "you are too kind," i stammered. "it will be my great ambition to justify your good opinion of me." then i turned away to launch a canoe. while i busied myself getting the canoe ready, and spreading ferns in the bottom of it for marc to lie on, mizpah walked up and down in a kind of violent speechlessness, as it were, twisting her long white hands, but no more giving voice to her grief and her anxiety. once she sat down abruptly under the maple tree, and buried her face in her hands. her shoulders shook, but not a sound of sob or moan came to my ears. my heart ached at the sight. i determined that i would give her work to do, such as would compel some attention on her part. as soon as the canoe was ready i asked: "can you paddle, madame?" she nodded an affirmative, her voice seeming to have gone from her. "very well," said i, "then you will take the bow paddle, will you not?" "yes, indeed!" she found voice to cry, with an eagerness which i took to signify that she thought by paddling hard to find her child the sooner. but the manner in which she picked up the paddle, and took her place, and held the canoe, showed me she was no novice in the art of canoeing. i now went to lift marc and carry him to the canoe. "let me help you," pleaded prudence, springing up from beside him. "he must be so heavy!" whereat i laughed. "i can walk, i am sure, father," said marc, faintly, "if you put me on my feet and steady me." "i doubt it, lad," said i, "and 'tis hardly worth while wasting your little strength in the attempt. now, prudence," i went on, turning to the girl, "i want you to get in there in front of the middle bar, and make a comfortable place for this man's head,--if you don't mind taking a live traitor's head in your lap!" at this the poor girl's face flushed scarlet, as she quickly seated herself in the canoe; and her lips trembled so that my heart smote me for the jest. "forgive me, child. i meant it not as a taunt, but merely as a poor jest," i hastened to explain. "your sister has told me all, and you were scarce to blame. now, take the lad and make him as comfortable as a man with a shattered shoulder can hope to be." and i laid marc gently down so that he could slip his long legs under the bar. he straightway closed his eyes from sheer weakness; but he could feel his maid bend her blushing face over his, and his expression was a strangely mingled one of suffering and content. taking my place in the stern of the canoe, i pushed out. the tide was just beginning to ebb. there was no wind. the shores were green and fair on either hand. my dear lad, though sore hurt, was happy in the sweet tenderness of his lily maid. as for me, i looked perhaps overmuch at the radiant head of mizpah, at the lithe vigorous swaying of her long arms, the play of her gracious shoulders as she paddled strenuously. i felt that it was good to be in this canoe, all of us together, floating softly down to the little village beside the canard's mouth. part ii mizpah chapter xii in a strange fellowship i took marc and the ladies to the house of one giraud, a well-tried and trusted retainer, to whom i told the whole affair. then i sent a speedy messenger to father fafard, begging him to come at once. the curé of grand pré was a skilled physician, and i looked to him to treat marc's wound better than i could hope to do. my purpose, as i unfolded it to marc and to the ladies that same evening, sitting by marc's pallet at the open cottage door, was to start the very next day in quest of the stolen child. i would take but one follower, to help me paddle, for i would rely not on force but on cunning in this venture. i would warn some good men among my tenants, and certain others who were in the counsels of the forge, to keep an unobtrusive guard about the place, till marc's wound should be so far healed that he might go to grand pré. and further, i would put them all in the hands of father fafard, with whom even the black abbé would scarce dare to meddle openly. "the curé," said i, turning to mizpah, "you may trust both for his wisdom and his goodness. with him you will all be secure till my return." mizpah bowed her head in acknowledgment, and looked at me gratefully, but could not trust herself to speak. she sat a little apart, by the door, and was making a mighty effort to maintain her outward composure. then i turned to where marc's face, pallid but glad, shone dimly on his pillow. i took his hand, i felt his pulse--for the hundredth time, perhaps. there was no more fever, no more prostration, than was to be accounted inevitable from such a wound. so i said:-"does the plan commend itself to you, dear lad? it troubles me sore to leave you in this plight; but father fafard is skilful, and i think you will not fret for lack of tender nursing. you will not _need_ me, lad; but there is a little lad with yellow hair who needs me now, and i must go to him." the moment i had spoken these last words i wished them back, for mizpah broke down all at once in a terrible passion of tears. but i was ever a bungler where women are concerned, ever saying the wrong thing, ever slow to understand their strange, swift shiftings of mood. this time, however, i understood; for with my words a black realization of the little one's lonely fear came down upon my own soul, till my heart cried out with pity for him; and prudence fell a-weeping by marc's head. but she stopped on the instant, fearing to excite marc hurtfully, and marc said:-"indeed, father, think not a moment more of me. 'tis the poor little lad that needs you. oh that i too could go with you on the quest!" "to-morrow i go," said i, positively, "just as soon as i have seen father fafard." as i spoke, mizpah went out suddenly, and walked with rapid strides down the road, passing giraud on the way as he came from mending the little canoe which i was to take. i had chosen a small and light craft, not knowing what streams i might have to ascend, what long carries i might have to make. as mizpah passed him, going on to lean her arms upon the fence and stare out across the water, giraud turned to watch her for a moment. then, as he came up to the door where we sat, he took off his woollen cap, and said simply, "poor lady! it goes hard with her." "my friend," said i, "will these, while i am gone, be safe here from their enemies,--even should the black abbé come in person?" "master," he replied, with a certain proud nobility, which had ever impressed me in the man, "if any hurt comes to them, it will be not over my dead body alone, but over those of a dozen more stout fellows who would die to serve you." "i believe you," said i, reaching out my hand. he kissed it, and went off quickly about his affairs. hardly was he gone when mizpah came back. she was very pale and calm, and her eyes shone with the fire of some intense purpose. had i known woman's heart as do some of my friends whom i could mention, i should have fathomed that purpose at her first words. but as i have said, i am slow to understand a woman's hints and objects, though men i can read ere their thoughts find speech. there was a faint glory of the last of sunset on mizpah's face and hair as she stood facing me, her lips parted to speak. behind her lay the little garden, with its sunflowers and lupines, and its thicket of pole beans in one corner. then, beyond the gray fence, the smooth tide of the expanding river, violet-hued, the copper and olive wood, the marshes all greenish amber, and the dusky purple of the hills. it was all stamped upon my memory in delectable and imperishable colours, though i know that at the moment i saw only mizpah's tall grace, her red-gold hair, the eyes that seemed to bring my spirit to her feet. i was thinking, "was there ever such another woman's face, or a presence so gracious?" when i realized that she was speaking. "do i paddle well, monsieur?" she asked, with the air of one who repeats a question. "pardon, a thousand pardons, madame!" i exclaimed. "yes, you use your paddle excellently well." "and i can shoot, i can shoot very skilfully," she went on, with strong emphasis. "i can handle both pistol and musket." "indeed, madame!" said i, considerably astonished. "ask marc if i am not a cunning shot," she persisted, while her eyes seemed to burn through me in their eager intentness. "yes, father," came marc's whispered response out of the shadow, where i saw only the bended head of the maid prudence. "yes, father, she is a more cunning marksman than i." i turned again to her, and saw that she expected, that she thirsted for, an answer. but what answer? "madame," said i, bowing profoundly, and hoping to cover my bewilderment with a courtly speech, "may i hope that you will fire a good shot for me some day; i should account it an honour above all others if i might be indebted to such a hand for such succour." she clasped her hands in a great gladness, crying, "then i _may_ go with you?" "go with me!" i cried, looking at her in huge amazement. "she wants to help you find the child," whispered marc. the thought of this white girl among the perils which i saw before me pierced my heart with a strange pang, and in my haste i cried rudely:-"nonsense! impossible! why, it would be mere madness!" so bitter was the pain of disappointment which wrung her face that i put out both hands towards her in passionate deprecation. "forgive me; oh, forgive me, madame!" i pleaded. "but how _could_ i bring you into such perils?" but she caught my hands and would have gone on her knees to me if i had not stayed her roughly. "take me with you," she implored. "i can paddle, i can serve you as well as any man whom you can get. and i am brave, believe me. and how _can_ i wait here when my boy, my darling, my philip, is alone among those beasts? i would die every hour." how could i refuse her? yet refuse her i would, i must. to take her would be to lessen my own powers, i thought, and to add tenfold to the peril of the venture. nevertheless my heart did now so leap at the thought of this strange, close fellowship which she demanded, that i came near to silencing my better judgment, and saying she might go. but i shut my teeth obstinately on the words. at this moment, while she waited trembling, marc once more intervened. "you might do far worse than take her, father. no one else will serve you more bravely or more skilfully, i think." so marc actually approved of this incredible proposal? then was it, after all, so preposterous? my wavering must have shown itself in my face, for her own began to lighten rarely. "but--those clothes!" said i. at this she flushed to her ears. but she answered bravely. "i will wear others; did you think i would so hamper you with this guise? no," she added with a little nervous laugh, "i will play the man; be sure." and so, though i could scarce believe it, it was settled that mizpah hanford should go with me. that night i found little sleep. my thoughts were a chaos of astonishment and apprehension. marc, moreover, kept tossing, for his wound fretted him sorely, and i was continually at his side to give him drink. at about two in the morning there came a horseman to the garden gate, riding swiftly. hurrying out i met him in the path. it was father fafard, come straight upon my word. he turned his horse into giraud's pasture, put saddle and bridle in the porchway, and then followed me in to marc's bedside. when he had dressed the wound anew, and administered a soothing draught, marc fell into a quiet sleep. "he will do well, but it is a matter for long patience," said the curé. then we went out of the house and down to the garden corner by the thicket of beans, where we might talk freely and jar no slumberers. father fafard fell in with my plans most heartily, and accepted my charges. to hold the black abbé in check at any point, would, he felt, be counted unto him for righteousness. my mind being thus set at ease, i resolved to start as soon as might be after daybreak. before it was yet full day, i was again astir, and goodwife giraud was getting ready, in bags, our provision of bacon and black bread. i had many small things to do,--gathering ammunition for two muskets and four pistols, selecting my paddles with care from giraud's stock, and loading the canoe to the utmost advantage for ease of running and economy of space. then, as i went in to the goodwife's breakfast, i was met at the door by a slim youth in leathern coat and leggins, with two pistols and marc's whinger. i recognized the carven hilt stuck bravely in his belt, and marc's knitted cap of gray wool on his head, well pulled down. the boy blushed, but met my eye with a sweet firmness, and i bowed with great courtesy. even in this attire i thought she could not look aught but womanly--for it was mistress mizpah. yet i could not but confess that to the stranger she would appear but as a singularly handsome stripling. the glory of her hair was hidden within her cap. "these are the times," said i, seriously, "that breed brave women." breakfast done, messages and orders repeated, and farewells all spoken, the sun was perhaps an hour high when we paddled away from the little landing under giraud's garden fence. i waved my cap backwards to prudence and the curé, where they stood side by side at the landing. my comrade in the bow waved her hand once, then fell to paddling diligently. i was still in a maze of wonderment, ready at any time to wake and find it a dream. but the little seas that slapped us as we cleared the river mouth, these were plainly real. i headed for the eastern point of the island, intending to land at the mouth of the piziquid and make some inquiries. the morning air was like wine in my veins. there was a gay dancing of ripples over toward blomidon, and the sky was a clear blue. a dash of cool drops wet me. it was no dream. and so in a strange fellowship i set out to find the child. chapter xiii my comrade i could not sufficiently commend the ease and aptness with which my beautiful comrade wielded her paddle. but in a while the day grew hot, and i bade her lie back in her place and rest. at first she would not, till i was compelled to remind her in a tone of railing that i was the captain in this enterprise, and that good soldiers must obey. whereupon, though her back was toward me, i saw a flush creep around to her little ears, and she laid the paddle down something abruptly. i feared that i had vexed her, and i made haste to attempt an explanation, although it seemed to me that she should have understood a matter so obvious. "i beg you to pardon me, madame, if i seem to insist too much," said i, with hesitation. "but you must know that, if you exhaust yourself at the beginning of the journey, before you are hardened to the long continuance of such work, you will be unable to do anything to-morrow, and our quest will be much hindered." "forgive me!" she cried; "you are right, of course. oh, i fear i have done wrong in hampering you! but i am strong, truly, and enduring as most men, monsieur." "yes," i answered, "but to do one thing strenuously all day long, and for days thereafter, that is hard. i believe you can do it, or i should have been mad indeed to bring you. but you must let me advise you at the beginning. for this first day, rest often and save yourself as much as possible. by this means you will be able to do better to-morrow, and better still the day after. by the other means, you will be able to do little to-morrow most likely, and perhaps nothing the day after." "well," she said, turning her head partly around, so that i could see the gracious profile, "tell me, monsieur, when to work and when to rest. i will obey. it is a lucky soldier, i know, who has the seigneur de briart to command him." [illustration: turning her head partly around, so that i could see the gracious profile] "but i fear, madame," said i, "that discipline would sadly suffer if he had often such soldiers to command." to this she made no reply. i saw that she leaned back in her place and changed her posture, so as to fulfil my wish and rest herself to the best advantage. i thought my words over. to me they seemed to have that savour of compliment which i would now avoid. i felt that here, under these strange circumstances, in an intimacy which might by and by be remembered by her with some little confusion, but which now, while she had no thought but for the rescue of the little one, contained no shadow of awkwardness for her clear and earnest soul,--i felt that here i must hold myself under bonds. the play of graceful compliment, such as i would have practised in her drawing-room to show her the courtliness of my breeding, must be forsworn. the admiration, the devotion, the worship, that burned in my eyes whensoever they dwelt upon her, must be strictly veiled. i must seem to forget that i am a man and my companion the fairest of women. yes, i kept telling myself, i must regard her as a comrade only, and a follower, and a boy. i must be frank and careless in my manner toward her; kind, but blunt and positive. she will think nothing of it now, and will blush the less for it by and by, when the child is in her arms again, and she can once more give her mind to little matters. and so i schooled myself; and as i watched her i began to realize more and more, with a delicious warming of my heart, what instant need i had of such schooling if i would not have her see how i was not at all her captain, but her bondsman. at the mouth of the piziquid stream there clustered a few cottages, not enough to call a village; and here we stopped about noon. a meal of milk and eggs and freshly baked rye cakes refreshed us, and eager as was our haste, i judged it wise to rest an hour stretched out in the shade of an apple tree. to this halt, mizpah, after one glance of eager question at my face, made no demur, and i replied to the glance by whispering:-"that is a good soldier! we will gain by this pause, now. we will travel late to-night." the cottagers of whom we had our meal were folk unknown to me; and being informed that the black abbé had some followers in the neighbourhood, i durst give no hint of our purpose. by and by i asked carelessly if two canoes, with indians of the shubenacadie, had gone by this way. i thought that the man looked at me with some suspicion. he hesitated. but before he could reply his goodwife answered for him, with the freedom of a clear conscience. "yes, m'sieu," she chattered, "two canoes, and four indians. they went by yesterday, toward sundown, stopping here for water from our well,--the finest water hereabouts, if i do say it!" "they went up the river, i suppose," said i. "oh, but no, m'sieu," clattered on the worthy dame. "they went straight up the bay. yes, goodman," she continued, changing her tone sharply, "whenever i open my mouth you glare at me as if i was talking nonsense. what have i said wrong now, i'd like to know. yes, i'd like very much to know that, goodman. why should not the gentleman know that they had--" but here the man interrupted her roughly. "will you never be done your prating?" he cried. "can't you see that you worry the gentlemen? how should they care to know that the red rascals made a good catch of shad off the island? now, do go and get some of your fresh buttermilk for the gentlemen to drink before they go. don't you see they are starting?" and, indeed, mizpah's impatience to be gone was plainly evident, and we had rested long enough. i durst not look at her face, lest our host should perceive that i had heard what i wanted to hear. i spoke casually of the weather, and inquired how his apples and his flax were faring, and so filled the minutes safely until the goodwife came with the butter-milk. having both drunk gratefully of the cool, delicately acid, nourishing liquor, we gave the man a piece of silver, and set out in good heart. "we are on the right track, comrade," said i, lightly, steering my course along the shore toward cobequid. her only answer was to fall a-paddling with such an eagerness that i had to check her. "now, now," i said, "more haste, less speed." "but i feel so strong now, and so rested," she cried passionately. "might we not overtake them to-night?" "hardly so soon as that, i fear, madame," i answered. "this is a stern chase, and it is like to be a long one; you must make up your mind to that, if you would not have a fresh disappointment every hour." "oh," she broke out, "if it were your child you were trying to find and save, you would not be so cool about it." "believe me, madame," said i, in a low voice, "i am not perhaps as cool as i appear." "oh, what a weak and silly creature i must seem to you!" she cried. "but i will not be weak and silly when it comes to trial, monsieur, i promise you. i _will_ prove worthy of your confidence. but make allowance for me now, and do not judge me harshly. every moment i seem to hear him crying for me, monsieur." and her head drooped forward in unspeakable grief. i could think of nothing, absolutely nothing, to say. i could only mutter hoarsely, "i do not think you either weak or silly, madame." this answer, feeble as it appeared to myself, seemed in a sense to relieve her. she put down her paddle, leaned forward upon the front bar, with her face in her hands, and sobbed gently for a few minutes. then, while i gazed upon her in rapt commiseration, she all at once resumed the paddle briskly. for my own part, being just lately returned from a long expedition, my muscles were like steel; i felt that i should never weary. steadily onward we pressed, past the mouths of several small streams whose names i did not know, past headland after headland of red clay or pallid plaster rock. as the tide fell, we were driven far out into the bay, till sometimes there was a mile of oozy red flats parting us from the edge of the green. but as the tide rose again, we accompanied its seething vanguard, till at last we were again close in shore. a breeze soon after mid-day springing up behind us, we made excellent progress. but soon after sunset a mist arose, which made our journey too perilous to be continued. i turned into a narrow cove between high banks, where the brawling of a shallow brook promised us fresh water. and there, in a thicket of young fir trees growing at the foot of a steep bank, i set up the canoe on edge, laid some poles and branches against it, and had a secluded shelter for my lady. she looked at it with a gratified admiration and could never be done with thanking me. being now near the shubenacadie mouth, i durst not light a fire, but we uncomplainingly ate our black bread; and then i said: "we will start at first gray, comrade. you will need all the sleep you can win. good night, and kindly dreams." "good night, monsieur," she said softly, and disappeared. then going down to the water's side, i threw off my clothes, and took a swift plunge which steadied and refreshed me mightily. swimming in the misty and murmurous darkness, my venture and my strange fellowship seemed more like a dream to me than ever, and i could scarce believe myself awake. but i was awake enough to feel it when, in stumbling ashore, i scraped my foot painfully on a jagged shell. however, that hurt was soon eased and staunched by holding it for a little under the chill gushing of the brook; after which i dressed myself, gathered a handful of ferns for a pillow, and laid myself down across the opening which led into the thicket. chapter xiv my comrade shoots excellently well from a medley of dreams, in which i saw mizpah binding the black abbé with cords of her own hair--tight, tighter, till they ate into his flesh, and i trembled at the look of shaking horror in his face; in which then i saw the child chasing butterflies before the door of the forge in the forest, and heard babin's hammer beating musically on his anvil, till the sound became the chiming of the angelus over the roofs and walls of quebec, where mizpah and i walked hand fast together on the topmost bastion,--from such a fleeting and blending confusion as this, i woke to feel a hand laid softly on my face in the dark. i needed no seeing to tell me whose was the hand, so slim, so cool, so softly firm; and i had much ado to keep my lips from reverently kissing it. "monsieur, monsieur," came the whisper, "what is that noise, that voice?" "pardon me, comrade, for sleeping so soundly," i murmured, sitting up, and taking her hand in mine with a rough freedom of goodwill, as merely to reassure her. "what is it you hear?" but before she could reply, i heard it myself, a strange, chanting cry, slow and plangent, from far out upon the water. presently i caught the words, and knew the voice. "woe, woe to acadie the fair," it came solemnly, "for the day of her desolation draws nigh!" "it is grûl," said i, "passing in his canoe, on some strange errand of his." "grûl? who is grûl?" she questioned, clinging a little to my hand, and then dropping it suddenly. "a quaint madman of these parts," said i; "and yet i think his madness is in some degree a feigning. he has twice done me inestimable service--once warning us of an immediate peril, and again yesterday, in leading us to the spot where you were held captive. for some reason unknown to me, he has a marvellous kindness for me and mine. but the black abbé he hates in deadly fashion--for some ancient and ineffaceable wrong, if the tale tell true." "and he brought you to us?" she murmured, with a sort of stillness in her voice, which caught me strangely. "yes, grûl did!" said i. and then there was silence between us, and we heard the mysterious and solemn voice passing, and dying away in the distance. my ears at last being released from the tension of listening, my eyes began to serve me, and through the branches i marked a grayness spreading in the sky. "we must be stirring, madame," said i, rising abruptly to my feet. "let us take our bread down to the brook and eat it there." but she was already gone, snatching up the sack of bread; and in a few minutes, having righted the canoe and carried it down to a convenient landing-place, i joined her. she was stretched flat beside a little basin of the brook, her cap off, her hair in a tight coil high upon her head, her sleeves pulled up, while she splashed her face and arms in the running coolness. without pulling down her sleeves or resuming her cap, she seated herself on a stone and held out to me a piece of bread. in the coldly growing dawn her hair and lips were colourless, the whiteness of her arms shadowy and spectral. then as we slowly made our meal, i bringing water for her in my drinking-horn, the rose and fire and violet of sunrise began to sift down into our valley and show me again the hues of life in mizpah's face. i sprang up, handed her the woollen cap, and tried hard to keep my eyes from dwelling upon the sweet and gracious curves of her arms. "aboard! aboard!" i cried, and moved off in a bustling fashion to get the paddles. in a few minutes we were under way, thrusting out from the shore, and pushing through myriad little curling wisps of vapour, which rose in pale hues of violet and pink all over the oil-smooth surface of the tide. for some time we paddled in silence. then, when the sun's first rays fell fairly upon us, i exclaimed lightly:-"you must pull down your sleeves, comrade." "why?" she asked quickly, turning her head and pausing in her stroke. "for two excellent reasons besides the captain's orders," said i. "in the first place, your arms will get so sore with sunburn, that you won't be able to do your fair share of the work. in the second place, if we should meet any strangers, it would be difficult to persuade them that those arms were manly enough for a wood-ranger." "oh," she said quickly, and pulled down the sleeves in some confusion. all that morning we made excellent progress, with the help of a light following wind. when the sun was perhaps two hours high, the mouth of the shubenacadie opened before us; and because this river was the great highway of the black abbé's red people, i ran the canoe in shore and concealed it till i had climbed a bluff near by and scanned the lower reaches of the stream. finding all clear, we put out again, and with the utmost haste paddled past the mouth. not till we were behind the further point, and running along under the shelter of a high bank, did i breathe freely. then i praised mizpah, for in that burst of speed her skill and force had amazed me. but she turned upon me with the question which i had looked for. "if that is the black abbé's river," said she, with great eyes fixing mine, "and the indians have gone that way, why do we pass by?" "i owe you an explanation, comrade," said i. "i think in all likelihood, that way leads straight to your child; but if we went that way, we would be the abbé's prisoners within the next hour,--and how would we help the child then? oh, no; i am bound for the black abbé's back door. a few leagues beyond this lies the river des saumons, and on its banks is a settlement of our acadian folk. many of them are of the abbé's following, and all fear him; but i have there two faithful men who are in the counsels of the forge. one of these dwells some two miles back from the river, half a league this side of the village. i will go to him secretly, and send him on to the shubenacadie for information. then we will act not blindly." to this of course she acquiesced at once, as being the only wise way; but for all that, with each canoe-length that we left the shubenacadie behind, the more did her paddle lag. the impulse seemed all gone out of her. soon therefore i bade her lay down the blade and rest. in a little, when she had lain a while with her face upon her arms,--whether waking or not i could not tell, for she kept her face turned away from me,--she became herself again. no long while after noon, we ran into the mouth of the des saumons. i was highly elated with the success that had so far attended us,--the speed we had made, our immunity from hindrance and question. we landed to eat our hasty meal, but paused not long to rest, being urged now by the keen spur of imagined nearness to our goal. some two hours more of brisk paddling brought us to a narrow and winding creek, up which i turned. for some furlongs it ran through a wide marsh, but at length one bank grew high and copsy. here i put the canoe to land, and stepped ashore, bidding mizpah keep her place. finding the spot to my liking, i pulled the canoe further up on the soft mud, and astonished mizpah by telling her that i must carry her up the bank. "but why?" she cried. "i can walk, monsieur, as well as i could this morning--though i _am_ a little stiff," she added naïvely. "the good soldier asks not why," said i, with affected severity. "but i will tell you. in case any one _should_ come in my absence, there must be but one track visible, and that track mine, leading up and away toward the settlement. you must lie hidden in that thicket, and keep guard. do you understand, madame?" "yes," said she,--"but how can you?--i am awfully heavy." i laughed softly, picked her up as i would a child, and carried her to the edge of the woods, where i let her down on one end of a fallen tree. "now, comrade," said i, "if you will go circumspectly along this log you will leave no trace. hide yourself in the thicket there close to the canoe, keep your pistols primed, and watch till i come back,--and the blessed virgin guard you!" i added, with a sudden fervour. then, having lifted the canoe altogether clear of the water, i set forth at a swinging trot for martin's farm. i found my trusty habitant at home, and ready to do any errand of mine ere i could speak it. but when i told him what i wanted of him he started in some excitement. "why, monsieur," he cried, "i have the very tidings you seek. i myself saw a canoe with two indians pass up the river this morning; and they had a little child with them,--a child with long yellow hair." "up _this_ river!" i exclaimed. "then whither can they be taking him?" "they did not leave him in the village," answered martin, positively, "for the word goes that they passed on up in great haste. by the route they have taken, they are clearly bound for the straits--" "ay, they'll cross to the head of the pictook, and descend that stream," said i. "but which way will they turn then?"--for i was surprised and confused at the information. "well, monsieur," said martin, "when they get to the straits, who knows? they may be going across to ile st. jean. they may turn south to ile royale; for the english, i hear, have no hold there, save at louisburg and canseau. or they may turn north toward miramichi. who knows--save the black abbé?" "i must overtake them," said i, resolutely. "good-bye, my friend and thank you. if all goes well, you will get a summons from the forge ere the moon is again at the full;" and i made haste back to the spot where mizpah waited. as i swung along, i congratulated myself on the good fortune which had so held me to the trail. then i fell to thinking of my comrade, and the wonder of the situation, and the greater wonder of her eyes and hair,--which thoughts sped the time so sweetly that ere i could believe it i saw before me the overhanging willows, and the thicket by the stream. then i stopped as if i had been struck in the face, and shook with a sudden fear. at my very feet, fallen across the dead tree which i have already mentioned, lay the body of an indian. every line of the loose, sprawled body told me that he had met an instant death,--and a bullet hole in his back showed me the manner of it. only for a second did i pause. then i sprang into the thicket, with a horror catching at my heart. there was mizpah lying on her face,--and a hoarse cry broke from my lips. but even as i flung myself down beside her i saw that she was not dead. no, she was shaking with sobs,--and the naturalness of it, strange to say, reassured me on the instant. i made to lift her, when she sprang at once to her feet, and looked at me wildly. i took her hand, to comfort her; but she drew it away, and gazed upon it with a kind of shrinking horror. i understood now what had happened. nevertheless, knowing not just the best thing to say, i asked her what was the matter. "oh," she cried, covering her eyes, "i killed him. he threw up his hands, and groaned, and fell like a log. how could i do it? how could i do it?" i tried to assure her that she had done well; but finding that she would pay me no heed, i went to look at her victim. i turned him over, and muttered a thanksgiving to heaven as i recognized him for one of the worst of the black abbé's flock. i found his tracks all about the canoe. then i went back to mizpah. "good soldier! good comrade!" said i, earnestly. "you have killed little fox, the blackest and cruelest rogue on the whole shubenacadie. oh, i tell you you have done a good deed this day!" the knowledge of this appeared to ease her somewhat, and in a few moments i gathered the details. the indian had come suddenly to the bank, and seeing a canoe there had examined it curiously,--she, the while, waiting in great fear, for she had at once recognized him as one of her former captors, and one of whom she stood in special dread. while looking at our things in the canoe, he had appeared all at once to understand. he had picked up my coat, and examined it carefully,--and the grin that disclosed his long teeth disclosed also that he recognized it. looking to the priming of his musket, he started cautiously up the bank upon my trail. "as soon as he left the canoe," said mizpah, still shaken with sobs, "i knew that something must be done. if he went away, it would be just to give the alarm, and then we could not escape, and philip would be lost forever. but i saw that, instead of going away, he was going to track you and shoot you down. i didn't know what to do, or how i could ever shoot a man in cold blood,--but something _made_ me do it. just as he reached the end of the log, i seemed to see him already shooting you, away in the woods over there,--and then i fired. and oh, oh, oh, i shall never forget how he groaned and fell over!" and she stared at her right hand. "comrade," said i, "i owe my life to you. he _would_ have shot me down; for, as i think of it, i went carelessly, and seldom looked behind when i got into the woods. to be so incautious is not my way, believe me. i know not how it was, unless i so trusted the comrade whom i had left behind to guard my trail. and now, here are news! they have brought the child this way, up this very river! the saints have surely led us thus far, for we are hot upon their track!" and this made her forget to weep for the excellence of her shooting. chapter xv grûl's hour though we were in a hot haste to get away, it was absolutely necessary first to bury the dead indian, lest a hue and cry should be raised that might involve and delay us. with my paddle, therefore, i dug him a shallow grave in the soft mud at the edge of the tide, which was then on the ebb. this meagre inhumation completed, i smoothed the surface as best i could with my paddle; and then we set off, resting easy in the knowledge that the next tide would smooth down all traces of the work. it was by this close upon sunset, and i felt a little hesitation as to what we had best do. i had no wish to run through the settlement till after dark, nor was i anxious to push on against the furious ebb of the des saumons, against which the strongest paddlers could make slow headway. but it was necessary to get out of the creek before the water should quite forsake us; and, moreover, mizpah was in a fever of haste to be gone. she kept gazing about as if she expected the savage to rise from his muddy grave and point at her. we ran out of the creek, therefore, and were instantly caught in the great current of the river. i suffered it to sweep us down for half a mile, having noted on the way up a cluster of haystacks in an angle of the dyke. coming to these, i pushed ashore at once, carried the canoe up, and found that the place was one where we might rest secure. here we ate our black bread and drank new milk, for there were many cattle pasturing on the aftermath, and some of the cows had not yet gone home to milking. then, hiding the canoe behind the dyke, and ourselves between the stacks, in great weariness we sought our sleep. there was no hint of dawn in the sky when i awoke with a start; but the constellations had swung so wide an arc that i knew morning was close at hand. there was a hissing clamour in the river-bed which told me the tide was coming in. that, doubtless, was the change which had so swiftly aroused me. i went to the other side of the stack, where mizpah lay with her cheek upon her arm, her hair fallen adorably about her neck. touching her forehead softly with my hand, i whispered:-"come, comrade, the tide has turned!" whereupon she sat up quietly, as if this were for her the most usual of awakenings, and began to arrange her hair. i went out upon the shadowy marsh and soon accomplished a second theft of new milk, driving the tranquil cow which furnished it into the corner behind the stacks, that our dairy might be the more conveniently at hand. our fast broken (and though i hinted nought of it to mizpah, i found black bread growing monotonous), i carried the canoe down to the edge of the tide. but mistress mizpah's daintiness revolted at the mud, whereupon she took off her moccasins and stockings before she came to it, and i caught a gleam of slim white feet at the dewy edge of the grass. when i had carried down the paddles, pole, and baggage, i found her standing in a quandary. she could not get into the canoe with that sticky clay clinging to her feet, and there was no place where she could sit down to wash them. carelessly enough (though my heart the while trembled within me), i stretched out my hand to her, saying:-"lean on me, comrade, and then you can manage it all right." and so it was that she managed it; and so indifferently did i cast my eyes about, now at the breaking dawn, now at the swelling tide, that i am sure she must have deemed that i saw not or cared not at all how white and slender and shapely were her feet! in few minutes we were afloat, going swiftly on the tide. the sky was all saffron as we slipped through the settlement, and a fairy glow lay upon the white cottages. the banks on either hand took on the ineffable hues of polished nacre. to the door of one cottage, close by the water, came a man yawning, and hailed us. but i flung back a mere "_bon jour_," and sped on. not till the settlement was out of sight behind us, not till the cross on the spire of the village was quite cut off from view, did i drop to the even pace of our day-long journeying. when at length we got beyond the influence of the tide, des saumons was a shallow, sparkling, singing stream, its bed aglow with ruddy-coloured rocks. here i laid aside my paddle and thrust the canoe onwards by means of my long pole of white spruce, while mizpah had nought to do but lean back and watch the shores creep by. at the head of tide we had stopped to drink and to breathe a little. and there, seeing an old man working in front of a solitary cabin, i had deemed it safe to approach him and purchase a few eggs. after this we kept on till an hour past noon, when i stopped in a bend of the river, at the foot of a perpendicular cliff of red rock some seventy or eighty feet in height. here was a thicket wherein we might hide both the canoe and ourselves if necessary. the canoe i hid at once, that--being a matter of the more time. then we both set ourselves to gathering dry sticks, for it seemed to me we might here risk the luxury of a fire, with a dinner of roasted eggs. we had gathered but a handful or two, when i heard a crashing in the underbrush at the top of the cliff; and in a second, catching mizpah by the hand, i had dragged her into hiding. through a screen of dark and drooping hemlock boughs we gazed intently at the top of the cliff,--and i noted, without thinking worth while to remedy my oversight, that i had forgotten to release mizpah's hand. the crashing noise, mingled with some sharp outcries of rage and fear, continued for several minutes. then there was silence; and i saw at the brink a pointed cap stuck full of feathers, and the glare of a black and yellow cloak. "grûl!" i whispered, in astonishment; and i felt an answering surprise in the tightened clasp of mizpah's hand. a moment more and grûl peered over the brink, scrutinizing the upper and lower reaches of the river. he held a coil of rope, one end of which he had made fast to a stout birch tree which leaned well out over the edge. "what is he going to do?" murmured mizpah, with wide eyes. "we'll soon see!" said i, marvelling mightily. the apparition vanished for some minutes, then suddenly reappeared close to the brink. he carried, as lightly as if it had been a bundle of straw, the body of a man, so bound about with many cords as to remind me of nothing so much as a fly in the death wrappings of some black and yellow spider. to add to the semblance, the victim was dressed in black,--and a closer scrutiny showed that he was a priest. "it is the black abbé, none other," i murmured, in a kind of awe; while mizpah shrank closer to my side with a sense of impending tragedies. "grûl has come to his revenge!" i added. in a business fashion grûl knotted the end of his coil of rope about the prisoner's body, the feathers and flowers in his cap, meanwhile, nodding with a kind of satisfied rhythm. then he lowered the swathed and helpless but silently writhing figure a little way from the brink, governing the rope with ease by means of a half-twist about a jutting stump. there was something indescribably terrifying in the sight of the fettered form swinging over the deep, with shudderings and twistings, and the safe edge not a yard length above him. i pitied him in spite of myself; and i put a hand over mizpah's eyes that she might not see what was coming. but she pushed my hand away, and stared in a fascination. for some moments grûl gazed down in silence upon his victim. i fancied i caught the soul-piercing flame of his mad eyes; but this was doubtless due to my imagination rather than to the excellence of my vision. suddenly the victim, his fortitude giving way with the sense of the deadly gulf beneath him, and with the pitiless inquisition of that gaze bent down upon him, broke out into wild pleadings, desperate entreaties, screams of anguished fear, till i myself trembled at it, and mizpah covered her ears. "oh, stop it! save him!" she whispered to me, with white lips. but i shook my head. i could not reach the top of the cliff. and moreover, i had small doubt that grûl's vengeance was just. nevertheless, had i been at the top of the cliff instead of the bottom, i had certainly put a stop to it. after listening for some moments, with a sort of pleasant attention, to the victim's ravings, grûl lay flat, thrust his head and shoulders far out over the brink, and reached down a long arm. i saw the gleam of a knife in his darting hand; and i drew a quick breath of relief. [illustration: grûl lay flat, thrust his head and shoulders far out over the brink, and reached down a long arm.] "that ends it," said i; and i shifted my position, which i had not done, as it seemed to me, for an eternity. the victim's screaming had ceased before the knife touched him. but i was vastly mistaken in thinking it the end. "he has not killed him," muttered mizpah. and then i saw that grûl had merely cut the cord which bound his captive's hands. the abbé was swiftly freeing himself; and grûl, meanwhile, was lowering him down the face of the cliff. when the unhappy captive had descended perhaps twenty feet, his tormentor secured the rope, and again lay down with his head and shoulders leaning over the brink, his hands playing carelessly with the knife. the abbé, with many awkward gestures, presently got his limbs free, and the cord which had enwound him fell trailing like a snake to the cliff foot. then, with clawing hands and sprawling feet, he clutched at the smooth, inexorable rock, in the vain hope of getting a foothold. it was pitiful to see his mad struggles, and the quiet of the face above looking down upon them with unimpassioned interest; till at last, exhausted, the poor wretch ceased to struggle, and looked up at his persecutor with the silence of despair. presently grûl spoke,--for the first time, as far as we knew. "you know me, monsieur l'abbé, i suppose," he remarked, in tone of placid courtesy. "i know you, françois de grûl," came the reply, gasped from a dry mouth. "then further explanation, i think you will allow, is not needed. i will bid you farewell, and a pleasant journey," went on the same civil modulations of grûl's voice. at the same moment he reached down with his shining blade as if to sever the rope. "i did not do it! i did not do it!" screamed the abbé, once more clutching convulsively at the smooth rock. "i swear to you by all the saints!" grûl examined the edge of his knife. he tested it with his thumb. i saw him glance along it critically. then he touched it, ever so lightly, to the rope, so that a single strand parted. "swear to me," he said, in the mildest voice, "swear to me, monsieur l'abbé, that you had no part in it. swear by the holy ghost, monsieur l'abbé!" but the abbé was silent. "swear me that oath now, good abbé," repeated the voice, with a kind of courteous insistence. "i will not swear!" came the ghastly whisper in reply. at this an astonishing change passed over the face that peered down from the brink. its sane tranquillity became a very paroxysm of rage. the grotesque cap was dashed aside, and grûl sprang to his feet, waving his arms, stamping and leaping, his gaudy cloak a-flutter, his long white hair and beard twisting as if with a sentient fury of their own. he was so close upon the brink that i held my breath, expecting him to be plunged headlong. but all at once the paroxysm died out as suddenly as it had begun; and throwing himself down in his former position, grûl once more touched the knife edge to the rope, severing fibre by fibre, slowly, slowly. with the first touch upon the rope rose the abbé's voice again, but no longer in vain entreaty and coward wailings. i listened with a great awe, and a sob broke from mizpah's lips. it was the prayer for the passing soul. we heard it poured forth in steady tones but swift, against the blank face of the cliff. and we waited to see the rope divided at a stroke. but to our astonishment, grûl sprang to his feet again, in another fury, and flung aside his knife. with twitching hands he loosened the rope and began lowering his victim rapidly, till, within some twenty feet of the bottom, the abbé found a footing, and stopped. then grûl tossed the whole rope down upon him. "go!" he cried in his chanting, bell-like tones. "the cup of your iniquity is not yet full. you shall not die till your soul is so black in every part that you will go down straight into hell!" and turning abruptly, he vanished. the black abbé, as if seized with a faintness, leaned against the rock for some minutes. then, freeing himself from the rope, he climbed down to the foot of the cliff, and moved off slowly by the water's edge toward cobequid. we trembled lest he should see us, or the canoe,--i having no stomach for an attack upon one who had just gone through so dreadful a torment. but his face, neck, ears, were like a sweating candle; and his contracted eyes seemed scarce to see the ground before his feet. "seemed," i say. yet even in this supreme moment, he tricked me. chapter xvi i cool my adversaries' courage we now, having been so long delayed, gave up our purpose of a fire, and contented ourselves with the eggs raw. i also cut some very thin slices of the smoked and salted bacon, to eat with our black bread, for i knew that, working as we did, we needed strong food. but mizpah would not touch the uncooked bacon, though its savour, i assured her, was excellent. we had but well begun our meal, and i was stooping over the hard loaf, when a startled exclamation from mizpah made me look up. close behind us stood grûl, impatiently twisting his little white rod with the scarlet head. his eyes were somewhat more piercing, more like blue flame, than ordinarily, but otherwise he looked as usual. so little mark remained upon him of the scene just enacted. both wise and mad! i thought. it struck me that he was pleased with the impression he so plainly made on us both, and for a moment he looked upon us in silence. then swiftly pointing his stick at us, he said sharply:-"fools! do you wait here? but the hound is on the trail. do you dream he did not see you?" then he turned to go. but mizpah was at his side instantly, catching him by the wrist, and imploring him to tell us which way her child had been carried. grûl stopped and looked down upon her with austere dignity, but without replying. passionately mizpah entreated him, not to be denied; and at last, lightly but swiftly removing her fingers from his wrist, he muttered oracularly:-"they will take him to the sea that is within the heart of the land! but go!" he repeated with energy, "or you will not go far!" and with steps so smooth that they seemed not to touch the ground, he went past the cliff foot. his gaudy mantle shone for a moment, and he was gone. the ominous urgency of his warning rang in our ears, and we were not slow in making our own departure. "what does he mean by 'the sea that is within the heart of the land'?" asked mizpah, as we hurriedly launched the canoe. "he means the bras d'or lakes," i said, "those wonderful reaches of land-locked sea that traverse the heart of he royale. it is a likely enough way for the savages to go. there are villages both of acadians and of indians on the island." as we were to learn afterwards, however, grûl had told us falsely. the child was not destined for ile royale. whether the strange being really thought he was directing us aright, or, his vanity not permitting him to confess that he did not know, trusted to a guess with the hope that it might prove a prophecy, i have never been able to determine. as a matter of fact, fate did presently so take our affairs into her own hands, that grûl's misinformation affected the end not at all. but his warning and his exhortation to speed we had to thank for our escape from the perils that soon came upon us. had we not been thus warned, without doubt we should have been taken unawares and perished miserably. on the incidents of our journey for the rest of that day, and up to something past noon of the day following, i need not particularly dwell. suffice to say that we accomplished prodigious things, and that mizpah showed incredible endurance. it was as if she saw her child ever a little way before her, and hoped to come up with him the next minute. when the stream became hopelessly shallow, we got out and waded, dragging the canoe. the long portage to the head of the pictook waters we made in the night, the trail being a clear one, and not overly rough. at the further end of the carry, when i set down the canoe at the stream's edge, i could have dropped for weariness, yet from mizpah i heard no complaint; and her silent heroism stirred my soul to a deepening passion of worship. over and over i told myself that night that i would never rest or count the cost till i had given the child back to her arms. not till we had gone perhaps a mile down the pictook did i order a halt, thrusting the canoe into a secure hiding-place. we snatched an hour of sleep, lying where we stepped ashore. then, rising in the redness of daybreak, we hurried on, eating as we journeyed. and now, conceiving that it was necessary to keep up her strength, mizpah ate of the uncooked bacon; though she wore a face of great aversion as she did so. when, after hours of unmitigated toil, we reached the head of tide and the spacious open reaches of the lower river, i insisted on an hour of rest. mizpah vowed that she was not exhausted,--but she slept instantly, falling by the side of the canoe as she stepped out. for myself i durst not sleep, but i rested, and watched, and sucked an egg, and chewed strips of bacon. when we pushed off again i felt that we must have put a good space between us and our pursuers; and as the ebb tide was helping me i made mizpah go on sleeping, in her place in the bow. "i will need your help more by and by," said i when she protested, "and then you must have all your strength to give me!" the river soon became a wide estuary, with arms and indentations,--a harbour fit to hold a hundred fleets. straight down mid-channel i steered, the shortest course to the mouth. but by and by there sprang up a light head-wind, delaying me. "wake up, comrade," i cried. "i need your good arm now, against this breeze!" she had slept there an hour, and she woke now with a childlike flush in her cheeks. "how good of you to let me sleep so," she exclaimed, turning to give me a grateful glance. but the expression upon her face changed instantly to one of fear, and the colour all went out. "oh, look behind us!" she gasped. i had not indeed waited for her words. glancing over my shoulder, i caught sight of a large canoe, with four savages paddling furiously. the one glimpse was enough. "now, comrade, work!" said i. "but steady! not too hard! this is a long chase, remember!" and i bent mightily to the paddle. our pursuers were a good half-mile behind; and had we not been already wearied, i believe we could have held our own with them all day. our canoe was light and swift, mizpah paddled rarely, and for myself, i have never yet been beaten, by red man or white, in a fair canoe-race. but as it was, i felt that we must win by stratagem, if the saints should so favour us as to let us win at all. half a mile ahead, on our right, was a high point. behind it, as i knew, was a winding estuary of several branches, each the debouchement of a small stream. it was an excellent place in which to evade pursuers. i steered for the high point. as we darted behind its shelter, a backward glance told me that our enemies had not gained upon us. the moment we were hidden from their view i put across to the other side of the channel, ran the canoe behind a jutting boulder, and leapt out. not till we were concealed, canoe and all, behind a safe screen of rocks and underbrush, did mizpah ask my purpose, though she plainly marvelled that i should hide so close to the entrance. "a poor and something public hiding-place is often the most secret," said i. "the indians know that up this water there are a score of turns, and backwaters, and brook-mouths, wherein we might long evade them. as soon as they saw us turn in here, they doubtless concluded that the water was well known to me, and that i would hope to baffle them in the inner labyrinths and escape up one of the streams. they will never dream of us stopping here." "i see!" she exclaimed eagerly. "when they have passed in to look for us, we will slip out, and push on." it was haste she thought of rather than escape. no moment passed, i think, when her whole will, her whole being, were not focussed upon the finding of the child. and the more i realized the intensity of her love and her pain, the more i marvelled at the heroic self-control which forbade her to waste her strength in tears and wailings. the conclusion at which she had now arrived, as to my plan, was one i had not thought of, and i considered it before replying. "no," said i, presently; "that is not quite my purpose, though i confess it is a good one. but, comrade, this is a safe ambush! they must pass within close gunshot of us!" "oh," she cried, paling, and clasping her hands, "_must_ there be more blood? but yes, they bring it on themselves," she went on with a sudden fierceness, flushing again, and her mouth growing cruel. "they would keep us from finding him. their blood be on their own heads!" "i am glad you think of that," said i. "they would have no mercy for us if they should take us now. but indeed, if it will please you to have it so, we need not shoot them down. we can treat them to such a medicine as they had before of me, sink their canoe, and leave them like drowned rats on the other shore." "yes," said mizpah, quietly; "if that will do as well, it will please me much better." and so it was agreed. a very few minutes later the canoe appeared, rounding into the estuary. the savages scanned both shores minutely, but rather from the habit of caution than from any thought that we might have gone to land. if, however, i had not taken care to make my landing behind a boulder, those keen eyes would have marked some splashed spots on the shingle, and we would have been discovered. but no such evil fortune came about. the four paddles flashed onward swiftly. the four fierce, painted and feathered heads thrust forward angrily, expecting to overtake us in one of the inner reaches. i took up mizpah's musket (which was loaded with slugs, while my own carried a bullet, in case i should be called upon for a long and delicate shot), and waited until the canoe was just a little more than abreast of us. then, aiming at the waterline, just in front of the bow paddle, i fired. the effect was instant and complete. the savage in the bow threw up his paddle with a scream and sprang overboard. he was doubtless wounded, and feared a second shot. we saw him swimming lustily toward the opposite shore. the others paddled desperately in the same direction, but before they had gone half-way the canoe was so deep in the water that she moved like a log. then they, too, seized with the fear of a second shot, sprang overboard. by this time i had the musket reloaded. "if they get the canoe ashore, with their weapons aboard her," said i, "they will soon get her patched up, and we will have it all to do over again. here goes for another try, whatever heads may be in the way!" mizpah averted her face, but made no protest, and i fired at the stern of the canoe, which was directly toward me. a swimmer's head, close by, went down; and in a minute more the canoe did likewise. three feathered heads remained in sight; and presently three dark figures dragged themselves ashore--one of them limping badly--and plunged into the woods. "without canoe or guns," said i, "they are fairly harmless for a while." but mizpah, as we re-embarked and headed again for the sea, said nothing. i think that in her bosom, at this time, womanly compassion was striving, and at some disadvantage, with the vindictiveness of outraged motherhood. i think--and i loved her the better for it--she was glad i had killed one more of her child's enemies; but i think, too, she was filled with shame at her gladness. chapter xvii a night in the deep once fairly out again into the harbour, i saw two things that were but little to my satisfaction. far away up the river were three more canoes. i understood at once that the savages whom we had just worsted were the mere vanguard of the black abbé's attack. the new-comers, however, were so far behind that i had excellent hopes of eluding them. the second matter that gave me concern was the strong head-wind that had suddenly arisen. the look of the sky seemed to promise, moreover, that what was now a mere blow might soon become a gale. it was already kicking up a sea that hindered us. most women would have been terrified at it, but mizpah seemed to have no thought of fear. we pressed on doggedly. there was danger ahead, i knew,--a very serious danger, which would tax all my skill to overcome. but the danger behind us was the more menacing. i felt that there was nothing for it but to face the storm and force a passage around the cape. this accomplished,--if we could accomplish it,--i knew our pursuers would not dare to follow. about sundown, though the enemy had drawn perceptibly nearer, i concluded that we must rest and gather our strength. i therefore ran in behind a little headland, the last shelter we could hope for until we should get around the cape. there we ate a hearty meal, drank from a tiny spring, and lay stretched flat on the shore for a quarter of an hour. then, after an apprehensive look at the angry sea, and a prayer that was earnest enough to make up for some scantness in length, i cried:-"come now, comrade, and be brave." "i am not afraid, monsieur," she answered quietly. "if anything happens, i know it will not be because you have failed in anything that the bravest and truest of men could hope to do." "i think that god will help us," said i. that some one greater than ourselves does sometimes help us in such perils, i know, whatever certain hasty men who speak out of a plentiful lack of experience may declare to the contrary. but whether this help be a direct intervention of god himself, or the succour of the blessed saints, or the watchful care of one's guardian spirit, i have never been able to conclude to my own satisfaction. and very much thought have i given to the matter by times, lying out much under the stars night after night, and carrying day by day my life in my hands. however it might be, i felt sustained and comforted as we put out that night. the storm was now so wild that it would have been perilous to face in broad daylight and with a strong man at the bow paddle. yet i believed that we should win through. i felt that my strength, my skill, my sureness of judgment, were of a sudden made greater than i could commonly account them. but whatever strength may have been graciously vouchsafed to me that night, i found that i needed it all. the night fell not darkly, but with a clear sky, and the light of stars, and a diffused glimmer from the white crests of the waves. the gale blew right on shore, and the huge roar of the surf thundering in our ears seemed presently to blunt our sense of peril. the great waves now hung above us, white-crested and hissing, till one would have said we were in the very pit of doom. a moment more, and the light craft would seem to soar upward as the wave slipped under it, a wrenching turn of my wrist would drive her on a slant through the curling top of foam, and then we would slide swiftly into the pit again, down a steep slope of purplish blackness all alive with fleeting eyes of white light. the strain upon my wrist, the mighty effort required at each wave lest we should broach to and be rolled over, were something that i had never dreamed to endure. yet i did endure it. and as for the brave woman in the bow, she simply paddled on, steadily, strongly, without violence, so that i learned to depend on her for just so much force at each swift following crisis. for there was a new crisis every moment,--with a moment's grace as we slipped into each succeeding pit. at last we found ourselves off the cape,--and then well out into the open strait, yet not engulfed. a little,--just as much as i durst, and that was very little,--i shifted our course toward south. this brought a yet heavier strain upon my wrist, but there was no help for it if we would hope to get beyond the cape. how long we were i know not. i lost the sense of time. i had no faculty left save those that were in service now to battle back destruction. but at last i came to realize that we were well clear of the cape, that the sound of the breakers had dwindled, and that the time had come to turn. to turn? ay, but could it be done? it could but be tried. to go on thus much longer was, i knew, impossible. my strength would certainly fail by and by. "comrade," said i,--and my voice sounded strange, as if long unused,--"keep paddling steadily as you are, but the moment i say 'change,' paddle _hard_ on the other side." "yes, monsieur!" she answered as quietly as if we had been walking in a garden. i watched the approach of one of those great waves which would, as i knew, have as vast a fellow to follow upon it. as soon as we were well over the crest i began to turn. "change!" i shouted. and mizpah's paddle flashed to the other side. down we slanted into the pit. we lay at the bottom for a second, broadside on,--then we got the little craft fairly about as she rose. a second more, and the wind caught us, and completed the turn,--and the next crest was fairly at my back. i drew a huge breath, praising god and st. joseph; and we ran in toward the hollow of the land before us. that part of the coast was strange to me, save as seen when passing by ship; but i trusted there would be some estuary or some winding, within which we might safely come to land. the strain was now different, and therefore my nerves and muscles felt a temporary relief; but it was still tremendous. there was still the imminent danger of broaching to as each wave-crest seized and twisted the frail craft. but having the wind behind me, i had of course more steerage way, and therefore a more instant and effective control. we ran on straight before the wind, but a few points off; and with desperate anxiety i peered ahead for some hint of shelter on that wild lee shore. mizpah, of course, knew the unspeakable strain of wielding the stern paddle in such a sea. "are you made of steel, monsieur?" she presently asked. "i can hardly believe it possible that the strength of human sinews should endure so long." "mine, alas, will not endure much longer, comrade," said i. "and what then?" she asked, in a steady voice. "i do not know," said i; "but there is hope. i think we have not been brought through all this for nothing." the roar of the breakers grew louder and louder again, as we gradually neared the high coast which seemed to slip swiftly past on our right hand. it was black and appalling, serried along the crest with tops of fir trees, white along the base with the great gnashing of the breakers. as we ran into the head of the bay, with yet no sign of a shelter, the seas got more perilous, being crowded together and broken so that i could not calculate upon them. soon they became a mad smother; and i knew my strength for this bout had but little longer to last. "the end!" said i; "but we may win through! i will catch you when the crash comes." and some blind prayer, i know not what, kept repeating and repeating in the inward silence of my soul. new strength seemed then to flow upon nerve and sinew,--and i descried, almost ahead of us, a space of smooth and sloping beach up which the seas rushed without rock to shatter them. "this is our chance," i shouted. a wave came, smoother and more whole than most, and paddling desperately i kept awhile upon the crest of it. then like a flash it curled thinly, rolled the canoe over, and hurled us far up on the beach. half blinded, half stunned, and altogether choking, i yet kept my wits; and catching mizpah by the arm, i dragged her violently forward beyond reach of the next wave. dropping her without a word, i turned back, and was just in time to catch the rolling canoe. it, too, i succeeded in dragging to a place of safety; but it was so shattered and crushed as to be useless. the muskets, however, were in it; for i had taken care to lash them under the bars before leaving the shelter of the inlet. the remnants of the canoe i hauled far up on the beach, and then i returned to mizpah, who lay in utter exhaustion just where i had dropped her, so close to the water's edge that she was splashed by the spray of every wave. "come, comrade," i said, lifting her gently. "the saints have indeed been kind to us." but she made no reply. leaning heavily upon me, and moving as if in a dream, she let me lead her to the edge of the wood, where the herbage began behind a sort of windrow of rocks. there, seeing that the rocks shut off the wind, i released her, and dropping on the spot, she went at once to sleep. then i felt myself suddenly as weak as a baby. i had no more care for anything save to sleep. i tried to pluck a bunch of herbage to put under mizpah's head for a pillow; but even as i stooped to gather it, i forgot where i was, and the tide of dreams flowed over me. chapter xviii the _osprey_, of plymouth it must have been a good two hours that i slept. i woke with a start, with a sense of some duty left undone. i was in an awkward position, half on my side amid stones and underbrush, my arms clasping the bundle of herbage which i had meant for mizpah's pillow. the daylight was fairly established, blue and cold, though the sun was not yet visible. the gale hummed shrilly as ever, the huge waves thundered on the trembling beach, and all seaward was such a white and purple hell of raving waters that i shuddered at the sight of it. mizpah was still sleeping. as i looked at her the desire for sleep came over me again with deadly strength, but i resisted it, rushing down to the edge of the surf, and facing a chill buffet of driven spume. i took another glance at the canoe. it was past mending. the two muskets were there, but everything else was gone, washed away, or ground upon the rocks. after much searching, however, to my delight i found a battered roll of bacon wedged into a cleft. pouncing upon this, i bore it in triumph to mizpah. "wake up, comrade," i cried, shaking her softly. "we must be getting away." the poor girl roused herself with difficulty, and sat up. when she tried to stand, she toppled over, and would have fallen if i had not caught her by the arms. it was some minutes before she could control the stiffness of her limbs. at last the whipping of the wind somewhat revived her, and sitting down upon a rock she looked about with a face of hopeless misery. "eat a little," said i, gently, "for we must get away from here at once, lest our enemies come over the hills to look for us." but she pushed aside the untempting, sodden food which i held out to her. "whither shall we go?" she asked heavily. "the canoe is wrecked. how can we find my boy? oh, i wish i could die!" poor girl! my heart ached for her. i knew how her utter and terrible exhaustion had at last sapped that marvellous courage of hers; but i felt that roughness would be her best tonic, though it was far indeed from my heart to speak to her roughly. "shame!" said i, in a voice of stern rebuke. "have you struggled and endured so long, to give up now? will you leave philip to the savages because a canoe is broken? where is your boasted courage? why, we will walk, instead of paddling. come at once." even this rebuke but half aroused her. "i'm so thirsty," she said, looking around with heavy eyes. by good providence, there was a slender stream trickling in at this point, and i led her to it. while she drank and bathed her face, i grubbed in the long grasses growing beside the stream, and found a handful of those tuberous roots which the indians call ground-nuts. these i made her eat, after which she was able to endure a little of the salt bacon. presently, she became more like herself, and began to grieve at the weakness which she had just shown. her humiliation was so deep that i had much ado to comfort her, telling her again and again that she was not responsible for what she had said when she was yet but half awake, and in the bonds of a weariness which would have killed most women. i told her, which was nothing less than true, that i held her for the bravest of women, and that no man could have supported me better than she had done. we pushed our way straight over the height of land which runs seaward and ends in cape merigomish. our way lay through a steep but pleasant woodland, and by the time the sun was an hour high we had walked off much of our fatigue. the tree tops rocked and creaked high above us, but where we walked the wind troubled us not. "where are we going?" asked mizpah, by and by--somewhat tremulously for she still had in mind my censure. "why, comrade," said i, in a cheerful, careless manner of speech, a thousand miles away from the devotion in my heart,--"my purpose is to push straight along the coast to canseau. there we will find a few of your country-folk, fishermen mostly, and from them we will get a boat to carry us up the bras d'or." "but what will become of philip, all this time?" she questioned, with haggard eyes. "as a matter of fact," i answered, "i don't think we will lose much time, after all. if we still had the canoe, we would be storm-bound in the bay back there till the wind changes or subsides--and it may be days before it does the one or the other. as it is, the worst that has befallen us is the loss of our ammunition and our bread. but we will make shift to live, belike, till we reach canseau." "oh, monsieur," she cried, in answer, with a great emotion in her voice, "you give me hope when my despair is blackest. you seem to me more generous, more brave, more strong, than i had dreamed the greatest could be. what makes you so good to an unhappy mother, so faithfully devoted to a poor baby whom you have never seen?" "tut, tut!" said i, roughly; "i but do as any proper minded man would do that had the right skill and the fitting opportunity. thank marc!" but i might have told her more if i had let my heart speak truth. "i know whom to thank, and all my life long will i pray heaven to bless that one!" said mizpah. thus talking by the way, but most of the way silent, we came at length over merigomish and down to the sea again, fetching the shore at the head of a second bay. this was all in a smother and a roar, like that we had just left behind. as we rounded the head of it, we came upon a little sheltered creek, and there, safe out of the gale, lay a small new england fishing schooner. i knew her by the build for a new englander, before i saw the words osprey, plymouth, painted in red letters on her stern. "here is fortune indeed!" said i, while a cry of gladness sprang to mizpah's lips. "i'll charter the craft to take us up the bras d'or." the little ship lay in a very pleasant idleness. the small haven was full of sun, the green, wooded hills sloping softly down about it and shutting off all winds. the water heaved and rocked; but smoothly, stirred by the yeasty tumult that roared past the narrow entrance. the clamour of the surf outside made the calm within the more excellent. several gray figures of the crew lay sprawling about the deck, which we could see very well, by reason of the steepness of the shore on which we stood. in the waist was a gaunt, brown-faced man, with a scant, reddish beard, a nose astonishingly long and sharp, and a blue woollen cap on the back of his head. he stood leaning upon the rail watching us, and spitting contemplatively into the water from time to time. we climbed down to the beach beside the schooner, and i spoke to the man in english. "are you the captain?" i asked civilly. "they do say i be," he answered in a thin, high, sing-song of a voice. "captain ezra bean, schooner _osprey_, of plymouth, at your sarvice." and he waved his hand with a spacious air. i bowed with ceremony. "and i am your very humble servant," said i, "the sieur de briart, of canard by grand pré. we were on our way to canseau, but have lost our canoe and stores in the gale. we are bold to hope, captain, that you will sell us some bread, as also some powder and bullets. we did not lose our little money, heaven be praised!" knowing these new englanders to be greedy of gain, but highly honest, i made no scruple of admitting that we had money about us. "come right aboard, good sirs!" said the captain; and in half a minute the gig, which floated at the stern, was thrust around to us, and we clambered to the deck of the _osprey_, where crew and captain, five in all, gathered about us without ceremony. the captain, i could see at once, was just one of themselves, obeyed when he gave orders, but standing in no sort of formal aloofness. cold salt beef, and biscuit and cheese, and tea, were soon set before us, and as we made a hasty meal they all hung about us and talked, as if we had been in one of their home kitchens on massachusetts bay. as for mizpah, who felt little at ease in playing her man's part, she spoke only in french, and made as if she knew no word of english. captain ezra bean had some french, but no facility in it, and a pronunciation that was beyond measure execrable. but at last, being convinced that they were honest fellows, i spoke of chartering the _osprey_, and in explanation told the main part of our story, representing mizpah as a youth of canard. but, alas, i had not read my men aright. honest they were, and exceeding eager to turn an honest penny,--but they had not the stomach for fighting. when they found that a war party of micmacs was in chase of us, they fell into a great consternation, and insisted on our instant departure. at this i was all taken aback, for i had ever found the men of new england as diligent in war as in trade. but these fellows were in a shaking terror for their lives and for their ship. "why, gentlemen," i said, in a heat, "here are seven of us, well armed! we will make short work of the red rascals, if they are so foolhardy as to attack us." but no! they would hear none of it. "it's no quarrel of mine!" cried captain ezra bean, in his high sing-song, but in a great hurry. "my dooty's to my ship. there's been many of our craft fell afoul of these here savages, and come to grief. we're fast right here till the wind changes, and we'll just speak the redskins fair if they come nigh us, an' there ain't goin' to be no trouble. but you must go your ways, gentlemen, begging your pardon; and no ill will, i hope!" and the boat being hauled around for us, they all made haste to bid us farewell. mizpah, with a flushed face, stepped in at once; but i hung back a little, sick with their cowardly folly. "at least," said i, angrily, "you must sell me a sack of bread, and some powder and ball. till i get them i swear i will not go." "sartinly!" sing-songed the captain; and in a twinkling the supplies were in the boat. "now go, and god speed ye!" i slipped a piece of gold into his hand, and was off. but frightened as he was, he was honest, and in half a minute he called me back. "here is your silver," came the queer, high voice over the rail. "you have overpaid me three times," and i saw his long arm reaching out to me. "keep it," i snapped. "we are in more haste to be gone than you to get rid of us." in five minutes more the woods enfolded us, and the little _osprey_ was hid from our view. i walked violently in my wrathful disappointment, till at last mizpah checked me. "if the good soldier," said she, "might advise his captain, which would be, of course, intolerable, i would dare to remind you of what you have said to me more than once lately. is not this pace too hot to last, monsieur?" and stopping, she leaned heavily on her musket. "forgive me," i exclaimed, flinging myself down on the moss. "and what a fool i am to be angry, too, just because those poor bumpkins wouldn't take up our quarrel." the look of gratitude which mizpah gave me for that little phrase, "our quarrel," made my heart on a sudden strong and light. presently we resumed our journey, going moderately, and keeping enough inland to avoid the windings of the coast. the little _osprey_ we never saw again; but months later, when it came to my ears that a fishing vessel of plymouth had been taken by the indians that autumn while storm-stayed at merigomish, and her crew all slain, i felt a qualm of pity for the poor lads whose selfish fears had so misguided them. chapter xix the camp by canseau strait it was perhaps to their encounter with the _osprey_ we owed it that we saw no more of our pursuers. at any rate we were no further persecuted. after two days of marching we felt safe to light fires. we shot partridges, and a deer; and the fresh meat put new vigour into our veins. we came to the beginning of the narrow strait which severs ile royale from the main peninsula of acadie; and with longing eyes mizpah gazed across, as if hoping to discern the child amid the trees of the opposite shore. at last, i could but say to her:-"we are a long, long way from philip yet, my comrade; were we across this narrow strait, we would be no nearer to him, for the island is so cut up with inland waters, many, deep, and winding, that it would take us months to traverse its length afoot. we must push on to canseau, for a boat is needful to us." and all these days, in the quiet of the great woods, in the stillness of the wilderness nights when often i watched her sleeping, in the hours while she walked patiently by my side, her brave, sweet face wan with grief suppressed, her eyes heavy with longing, my love grew. it took possession of my whole being till this doubtful, perilous journey seemed all that i could desire, and the world we had left behind us became but a blur with only marc's white face in the midst to give it consequence. nevertheless, though my eyes and my spirit waited upon all her movements, i suffered no least suggestion of my worship to appear, but ever with rough kindliness played the part of companion-at-arms. one morning,--it was our fifth day from the _osprey_, but since reaching the strait we had become involved in swamps, and made a very pitifully small advance,--one morning, i say, when it wanted perhaps an hour of noon, we were both startled by a sound of groaning. mizpah came closer to me, and put her hand upon my arm. we stood listening intently. "it is some one hurt," said i, in a moment, "and he is in that gully yonder." cautiously, lest there should be some trap, we followed the sound; and we discovered, at the bottom of a narrow cleft, an indian lad lying wedged between sharp rocks, with the carcass of a fat buck fallen across his body. it was plain to me at once that the young savage had slipped while staggering under his load of venison. i hesitated; for what more likely than that there should be other indians in the neighbourhood; but mizpah cried at once:-"oh, we must help him! quick! come, monsieur!" and in truth the lad's face appealed to me, for he was but a stripling, little younger than marc. very gently we released him from his agonizing position; and when we had laid him on a patch of smooth moss, his groaning ceased. his lips were parched, and when i brought him water he swallowed it desperately. then mizpah bathed his face. presently his eyes opened, rested upon her with a look of unutterable gratitude, and closed again. mizpah's own eyes were brimming with tears, and she turned to me in a sort of appeal, as if she would say:-"how can we leave him?" "let him be for a half hour now," said i, answering her look. "then perhaps he will be able to talk to us." we ate our meal without daring to light a fire. then we sat in silence by the sleeping lad, till at last he opened his eyes, and murmured in the micmac tongue, "water." when he had taken a drink, i offered him biscuit, of which he ate a morsel. then, speaking in french, i asked him whence he came; and how he came to be in such a plight. he answered faintly in the same tongue. "i go from malpic," said he, "to the shubenacadie, with messages. i shot a buck, on the rock there, and he fell into the gully. as i was getting him out i fell in myself, and the carcass on top of me. i know no more till i open my eyes, and my mouth is hard, and kind friends are giving me water. then i sleep again, for i feel all safe," and with a grateful smile his eyes closed wearily. he was fast asleep again, before i could ask any more questions. "come away," i whispered to mizpah, "till we talk about this." she came, but first, with a tender thoughtfulness, she leaned her musket against a tree, with his own beside it, so that if he should wake while we were gone he should at once see the two weapons, and know that he was not deserted. when we were out of earshot, i turned and looked into her eyes. "what is to be done with him?" i asked. "we must stay and take care of him," said she, steadily, "till he can take care of himself." "and philip?" i questioned. she burst into tears, flung herself down, and buried her face in her hands. after sobbing violently for some minutes she grew calm, dashed her tears away, and looked at me in a kind of despair. "the poor boy cannot be left to die here alone," she said, in a shaken voice. "it is perfectly plain what we must do. oh, god, take care of my poor lonely little one." and again she covered her eyes. i took one of her hands in mine, and pressed it firmly. "if there is justice in heaven, he will," i cried passionately. "and he will; i know he will. i think there never was a nobler woman than you, my comrade." "you do not know me," she answered, in a low voice; and rising, she returned to the sick boy's side. seeing that we were here for some days, or perchance a week, i raised two hasty shelters of brush and poles. that night the patient wandered in his mind, but in the morning the fever had left him, and thenceforward he mended swiftly. his gratitude and his docility were touching, and his eyes followed mizpah as would the eyes of a faithful dog. i think his insight penetrated her disguise, so that from the first he knew her for a woman; but his native delicacy kept him from betraying his knowledge. as far as i could see, there were no bones broken, and i guessed that in a week at furthest he would be able to resume his journey without risk. for three days i troubled him not with further questions, mizpah having so decreed. she said that questioning would hinder his recovery; but i think she feared what questioning might disclose. at last, as we finished supper, of which he had well partaken, he rose feebly but with determination, took a few tottering paces, and then came back to his couch, where he lay with gleaming eyes of satisfaction. "i walk now pretty soon," said he. "not keep kind friends here much longer. which way you going when you stopped to take care of indian boy?" i looked across at mizpah, then made up my mind to speak plainly. if i knew anything at all of human nature, this boy was to be trusted. "we are going to ile royale," said i, "to look for a little boy whom some of your tribe have cruelly carried off." his face became the very picture of shame and grief. he looked first at one of us, then the other; and presently dropped his head upon his breast. "why, what is the matter, xavier?" i asked. he had said his name was xavier. "i know," he answered, in a low voice. "it was some of my own people did it." "_what_ do you know? tell us, oh, tell us everything! oh, we helped you! you will surely help us find him!" pleaded mizpah, breathlessly. "by all the blessed saints," he cried, with an earnestness that i felt to be sincere, "i will try to help you. i will risk anything. i will disobey the abbé. i will--" "where _is_ the child? do you know that?" i interrupted. "yes, truly," he replied. "they have taken him north to gaspé, and to the st. lawrence. my uncle, etienne le batard, was in canoe that brought him to mouth of the pictook. then other canoe took him north, where a french family will keep him. the abbé says he shall grow up a monk. but he is not starved or beaten, i swear truly." "how do you know all this?" i asked, looking at him piercingly. but his eye was clear and met mine right honestly. "my uncle came to malpic straight," said he, "where the warriors had a council. then i was sent with word to my father, big etienne, who is on the shubenacadie." "what word?" i asked. but the boy shook his head. "it does not touch the little boy. it does not touch my kind friends. i may not tell it," he said, with a brave dignity. i loved him for this, and trusted him the more. "this lad's tongue and heart are true," said i, looking at mizpah. "we may trust him." "i know it!" said she. whereupon he reached out, grasped a hand of each, and kissed them with a freedom of emotion which i have seldom seen in the full blood indian. "you may trust me," he said, in a low voice, being by this something wearied. "you give me my life. and i will help you find your child." and the manner of his speech, as if he considered the child _our_ child, though it was but accident, stirred me sweetly at the heart,--and i durst not trust myself to meet mizpah's eyes. thus it came about that, after all, we crossed not the narrow strait, nor set foot in ile royale. but when, three days later, i judged our patient sufficiently recovered, we set our faces again toward the shubenacadie. the journey was exceeding slow, but to me very far from tedious, for in rain or shine, or dark or bright, the light shone on me of my mistress's face. and at last, after many days of toilsome wandering, we struck the head waters of the shubenacadie. from this point forward we went with more caution. when we were come within an hour of the indian village, xavier parted company with us. the river here making a long loop, so to speak, we were to cross behind the village at a safe distance, strike the tide again, and hide at a certain point covered with willows till xavier should bring us a canoe. we reached the point, hid ourselves among the willows, and waited close upon two hours. the shadows were falling long across the river, and our anxieties rising with more than proportioned speed, when, at last, a canoe shot around a bend of the river, and made swiftly for the point. we saw xavier in the bow, but there was a tall, powerful warrior in the stern. as the canoe drew near, mizpah caught me anxiously by the arm. "that man was one of the band that captured us at annapolis," she whispered. "what does it mean? _could_ xavier mean to--?" "no," i interrupted; "of course not, comrade. these indians are never treacherous to those who have earned their gratitude. savages though they be, they set civilization a shining example in that. there is nothing to fear here." landing just below us, the two indians came straight toward our hiding-place. at the edge of the wood the tall warrior, whom i now knew for a certainty to be big etienne himself, stopped, and held out both his hands, palm upwards. i at once stepped forth to meet him, leaving my musket behind me. but mizpah who followed me closely, clung to hers,--which might have convinced me, had i needed conviction, that hero though she was she was yet all woman. "you my brother and my sister!" said the tall warrior at once, speaking with dignity, but with little of xavier's fluency. he knew mizpah. "i am glad my brother's heart is turned towards us at last," said i. "my brother knows what injury has been done to us, and what we suffer at the hands of his people." "listen," said he, solemnly. "you give me back my son, my only son, my young brave," and he looked at xavier with loving pride; "for that i can never pay you; but i give you back your son, too, see? and, now, always, i am your brother. but now, you go home. i find the child away north, by the great river. i put him in your arms, safe, laughing,--so;" and he made as if to place a little one in mizpah's arms. "then you believe i love you, and xavier love you. but now, come; not good to stay here more." and, turning abruptly, he led the way to the canoe, and himself taking the stern paddle, while xavier took the bow, motioned us to get in. i hesitated; whereupon he cried:-"many of our people out this way. river not safe for you now. we take you to grand pré, canard, pereau,--where you want. then go north. better so." seeing the strong reason in his words, i accepted his offer thankfully, but insisted upon taking the bow myself, because xavier was not yet well enough to paddle strongly. thus we set out, going swiftly with the tide. as we journeyed, big etienne was at great pains to make us understand that it would take him many weeks to find philip and bring him back to us, because the way was long and difficult. he said we must not look to see the lad before the snow lay deep; but he bound himself to bring him back in safety, barring visitation of god. i saw that mizpah now trusted the tall warrior even as i did. i felt that he would make good his pledge at any hazard. i urged, however, that he should take me with him; but on this point he was obstinate, saying that my presence would only make his task the more difficult, for reasons which occurred to me very readily. it cost me a struggle to give up my purpose of being myself the child's rescuer, and so winning the more credit in mizpah's eyes. but this selfish prompting of my heart i speedily crushed (for which i thank heaven) when i saw that big etienne's plan was the best that could be devised for philip. some miles below the point where the river was already widening, we passed a group of indians with their canoes drawn up on the shore, waiting to ascend with the returning tide. recognizing big etienne in the stern, they paid us no attention beyond a friendly hail. late in the evening we camped, well beyond the river mouth. once on the following morning, when far out upon the bosom of the bay, we passed a canoe that was bound for the shubenacadie, and again the presence and parting hail of our protector saved us from question. our halts for meals were brief and far apart, but light headwinds baffled us much on the journey, so that it was not till toward evening of the second day out from the shubenacadie mouth that we paddled into the canard, and drew up at giraud's little landing under the bank. chapter xx the fellowship dissolved in giraud's cabin during our absence things had gone tranquilly. we found marc mending,--pale and weak indeed, but happy; prudence no longer pale, and with a content in her eyes which told us that her time had not been all passed in grieving for our absence. father fafard was in charge, of course; and of the black abbé there had been nothing seen or heard since our departure. nevertheless there was great news, and a word that deeply concerned me. de ramezay had led his little army against annapolis. just ten days before had he passed up the valley; and for me he had left an urgent message, begging me to join him immediately on my return. this was a black disappointment; for just now my soul desired nothing so much as a few days of quiet converse with mizpah, and the chance to show her a courtesy something different from the rough comradeship of our wilderness travels. but this was not to be. it was incumbent upon me to go in the morning. that evening was a busy one; but i snatched leisure to sit by marc's bedside and give the dear lad a hasty outline of our adventure. the tale called a flush to his face, and breathless exclamations from prudence; but mizpah sat in silence, save for a faint protest once or twice when i told of her heroism, and of her noble self-sacrifice on behalf of the indian lad. she was weighed down with a sadness which she could make no pretence to hide,--doubtless feeling the more little philip's absence and loneliness as she contemplated marc's joy on my return. my hands and lips ached with a longing to comfort her, but i firmly forbade myself to intrude upon her sorrow. by and by, when i spoke of my positive determination to set out for annapolis in the early morning, both marc and prudence strove hard to dissuade me, crying out fervently against my going; but mizpah said nothing more than-"why not take _one day_, at least, to rest?" and i was somewhat hurt at the quiet way she said it. said i to myself within, "she might spare me a little thought, now that she knows philip is safe, and sure to be brought back to her." in the morning i saw big etienne and xavier set forth upon their quest,--and mizpah stood beside me to wish them a grateful "god-speed." pale and sad as was the exquisite madonna face, her lips were marvellously red, and wore an unwonted tenderness. her eyes evaded mine,--which hurt me sorely, but i was comforted a little by her word as the canoe slipped silently away. "i wish we were going with them," said she, in a wistful voice. it was that "we" that stirred my heart. "would to god we were!" said i. half an hour later i hung over my dear lad's pallet, pressing his hands, and bidding him adieu, and kissing his gaunt cheeks. when at last i turned away, dashing some unexpected drops from my eyes (for i had eagerly desired his comradeship in this venture, and had dreamed of him fighting at my side), i found that prudence and the curé had gone down to the landing to see me off, and that mizpah stood alone just outside the door, looking pale and tired. i think i was aggrieved that she should not take the trouble to walk down as far as the landing,--and this may have lent my voice a touch of reserve. "good-bye, madame," said i, holding out my hand. "may god keep you!" in truth it lay heavily upon my soul that she should not have one thought to spare from the child, for me. yet i was not prepared for the way she took my farewell. "it was 'comrade' but yesterday," she murmured, flushing, and withdrawing her hand ere i could give it an instant's pressure. but growing straightway pale again, she added with the stateliness so native to her:-"farewell, monsieur. may god keep you also! my gratitude to the most gallant of gentlemen, to the bravest and truest succourer of those in need, i must ask you to believe in without words; for truly i have no words to express it." and with that she turned away, leaving me most sore at heart for something more than gratitude. a few minutes later, when i had made my adieux to father fafard, and kissed marc's lily maid, as was my right and duty, i had a surprise which sent me on my way something more happily. as our canoe (i had giraud with me now) slipped round a little bluff below the settlement, i caught the flutter of a gown among the trees; and the next instant mizpah appeared, waving her handkerchief. she had gone a good half-mile to wave me a last god-speed. for an instant, as i bared my head, i had a vision of her hair all down about her, a glory that i can never think of without a trembling in my throat. i saw a speaking tenderness in her madonna face,--and i seemed to hear in my heart a call which assuredly her lips did not utter; then my eyes blurred, so hard was it to keep from turning back. i leaned my head forward for a moment on my arms, as if i had been a soft boy, but feeling the canoe swerve instantly from its course, i rose at once and resumed my paddling. nevertheless i turned my head ever and anon toward the shore behind, till i could catch no more the flutter of her gown among the trees. i have wondered many times since, how mizpah's hair chanced then to be down about her in that fashion. did some wanton branch undo it as she came hastily through the trees? or did her own long fingers loosen it for me? of de ramezay's vain march against annapolis i need not speak with any fulness here. the september weather was propitious, wherefore the expedition was an agreeable jaunt for the troops. but my good friend the commander found the fort too strong and too well garrisoned for the force he had brought against it; and the great fleet from france which was to have supported him came never to drop anchor in the basin of secure port royal. it is an ill tale for french ears to hear, for french lips to relate, that which tells of the thronged and mighty ships which sailed from france so proudly to restore the flag of the lilies to her ancient strongholds. oh, my country, what hadst thou done, that the stars in their courses should fight against thee? for, indeed, the hand of fate upon the ships was heavy from the first. great gales scattered them. by twos and threes they met the english foe, and were destroyed; or disease broke out amongst their crews, till they were forced to flee back into port with their dying; or they struggled on through infinite toil and pain, to be hurled to wreck on our iron capes of acadie. the few that came in safety fled back again when they knew the fate of their fellows. and our grim-visaged adversaries of new england, rejoicing in their great deliverance, set themselves to singing psalms of praise with great lustihood through their noses. and for my own part, when i reached de ramezay's camp, the enterprise was already as good as abandoned. for a week longer, less to annoy the enemy, than to spy out the land and commune with the inhabitants, we lay before annapolis. then de ramezay struck camp, and bade his grumbling companions march back to chignecto. but of me he asked a service. and, though i had hoped to go at once to canard, i could not, in honour, deny him. i saw him and his little army marching back whither my heart was fain to drag me also; but my face was set seaward, whither i had no desire to go. for the matter was, that de ramezay had affairs with the abenaqui chiefs of the penobscot, which affairs he was now unable to tend in person, and which he durst hardly entrust to a subordinate, or to one unused to dealing with our savage allies. he knew my credit among the penobscot tribes,--and indeed, he would have been sorely put to it, had i denied him in the matter. the affair carried me from the penobscot country on to the st. lawrence, and then to montreal. the story of it is not pertinent to this narrative, and moreover, which is more to the purpose, the affair was no less private in its nature than public in its import. suffice to say of it, therefore, that with my utmost despatch it engaged me up to the closing of the year. it was not till january was well advanced that i found myself again in de ramezay's camp at chignecto, and looked out across the snow-glittering marshes to the dear hills of acadie. i found that during my absence things had happened. the english governor at annapolis, conceiving that the acadians were restless to throw off the english yoke, had called upon new england for reinforcements. in answer, boston had sent five hundred of her gaunt and silent soldiery, bitter fighters, drinkers of strong rum, quaintly sanctimonious in their cups. their leader was one colonel noble, a man of excellent courage, but small discretion, and with a foolish contempt for his enemies. these men, as de ramezay told me, were now quartered in grand pré village, and lying carelessly. it was his purpose to attack them at once. but being himself weak from a recent sickness, he was obliged to place the conduct of the enterprise in the hands of his second in command. this, as i rejoiced to learn, was a very capable and experienced officer, monsieur de villiers,--the same who, some years later, was to capture the young virginian captain, mr. washington, at fort necessity. though our force was less than that of the new englanders, de ramezay and de villiers both trusted to the advantages of a surprise and a night attack. for my own part i liked little this plan of a night attack; for i love a fair defiance and an open field, and all my years of bush fighting have not taught me another sentiment. but i was well inclined toward any action that would take me speedily to canard. moreover, i knew that de ramezay's plan was justified by the smallness of the force which he could place at de villiers' command. i had further a shrewd suspicion that there were enough of the villagers on the english side to keep the new englanders fairly warned of our movements. in this, as i learned afterwards, i suspected rightly, but the blind over-confidence of colonel noble made the warning of no effect. the preparations for our march went on briskly, and with an eager excitement. the bay being now impassable by reason of the drifting ice, the journey was to be made on snow-shoes, by the long, circuitous land route, through beaubassin, cobequid, piziquid, and so to the gaspereau mouth. every one was in high spirits with the prospect of action after a long and inglorious delay. but for me the days passed leadenly. i was consumed with impatience, and anxiety, and passionate desire for a face that was never an hour absent from my thoughts. my first act on arriving at chignecto had been to ask for tamin, trusting that he might have tidings from canard. but de ramezay told me that he had sent the shrewd fisherman-soldier to grand pré for information. in a fever i awaited his return. at last, but three days before the time set for our departure, he arrived. from him i learned that marc was so far recovered as to walk abroad for a short airing whenever the weather was fine. he, as well as the ladies, was lying very close in giraud's cottage, and their presence was not known to the new englanders at grand pré, at which information i was highly gratified. "and are the ladies in good health?" i asked. "the little miss looks rugged, and her eyes are like stars," said tamin; "but madame- ah, she is pale, and her eyes are heavy." tamin's own eyes almost hid themselves in a network of little wrinkles as he spoke, scrutinizing my face. "she weeps for the child. she said perhaps _you_, monsieur, would find him in your travels, and bring him back to her!" my heart sank at the word. i could not go to canard,--i could not face mizpah again, till i could go to her with philip in my arms. i had hoped that he was restored to her ere this. what had happened? had big etienne deceived me? and xavier, too? i could not think it. yet what else could i think? "ah, my friend," said i, with bitterness, "she will be grievously disappointed in me. she will say i promise much, and perform little. and alas, it seems even so. i have not seen or heard of the child. but has big etienne come back? _surely_ he has not come back without the child?" tamin, it was plain, had heard the whole story from marc, for he asked no questions, and showed no surprise. "no," said he, "they're both away, big etienne and xavier, gone nigh onto four months. some says to gaspé; some says to saguenay. who knows? they're injuns!" and tamin shrugged his shoulders, while his honest little eyes grew beady with distrust. but i no more distrusted, and my heart lightened mightily. they had been checked, baffled perhaps, for weeks; but i felt that they were faithful and would succeed. i resolved that the moment this enterprise of de villiers' was accomplished i would go to help them. but i had yet more questions for tamin. "and the black abbé?" i asked. "where is he?" "at baie verte, minding his store, or at cobequid with his red lambs," replied tamin, puckering his wide mouth drolly. "he is little at chignecto since he met you there, monsieur. and he has not been seen at canard since giraud's cabin grew so hospitable. but grûl is much in the neighbourhood. i think the black abbé fears him." remembering the awful scene on the cliffs of the des saumons, i felt that tamin's surmise was fairly founded; and i blessed the strange being who thus kept watch over those whom i loved. but i said nothing to tamin of what was in my mind, thinking it became me to keep grûl's counsel. chapter xxi the fight at grand pré on the 23d day of january, 1747, we set out from chignecto, four hundred tried bush fighters, white and red,--some three score of our men being indians. we went on snow-shoes, for the world was buried in drifts. there was much snow that winter, with steady cold and no january thaw. on the marsh the snow lay in mighty windrows; but in the woods it was deep, deep, and smotheringly soft. the branches of fir and spruce and hemlock bent to the earth beneath the white burden of it, forming solemn aisles and noiseless fanes within. we marched in column. the leaders, who had the laborious task of tramping the unbroken snow, would keep their place for an hour, then fall to the rear, and enjoy the grateful ease of marching in the footsteps of their fellows. sometimes, as our column wound along like a huge dark snake, some great branch, awakened by our laughter, would let slip its burden upon us in a sudden avalanche. sometimes, in crossing a hidden watercourse, the leading files would disappear, to be dragged forth drenched and cursing and derided. but there were as yet no enemies to beware of; so we marched merrily, and cheered our nights with unstinted blaze of camp fires. on our fourth evening out from chignecto, when we had halted about an hour, there came visitors to the camp. my ear was caught by the sentry's challenge. i went indifferently to see what the stir was all about. "monsieur, we are come!" cried a glad voice which i keenly remembered; and xavier, his face aglow in the firelight, sprang forward to grasp my hand. behind him, standing in moveless dignity, was big etienne, and at his feet a light sledge, with a bundle wrapped in furs. my heart gave a great bound of thankful joy; and i stepped forward to seize the tall warrior's hand in both of mine. "he is well! he sleeps!" said big etienne, gravely. in dealing with men, i pride myself on knowing what to say and how to say it. but at this moment i was filled with so many emotions that words were not at my command. some sort of thanks i stammered to express,--but the indian understood and interrupted me. "you thank me moons ago, brother," he said, in an earnest voice. "you give me my boy. now i give you yours. and we will not forget. that's all." "we will never forget, indeed, my brother," said i, fervently, and again i clasped hands with him, thus pledging a comradeship which in many a strait since then has stood me in good stead. during the rest of that long mid-winter march, philip remained in the care of young xavier, to whom, as well as to big etienne, he was altogether devoted; and i saw a new side of the red man's character in the tenderness of the stern chief toward the child. for my own part i lost no time in bidding for my share in philip's affections. my love went out to the brave-eyed little fellow as if he had been the child of my own flesh. and moreover i was fain to win an ally who would help me to besiege his mother's heart. big etienne had spoken within the mark in saying the child was well. his cheeks were dark with smoke and with forgetfulness of soap and water; but the red blood tinged them wholesomely. his long yellow hair was tangled, but it had the burnished resilience of health. his mouth, a bow of strength and sweetness,--his mother's mouth,--wore the scarlet of clean veins; and the great sea-green eyes with which he stirred my soul were unclouded by fear or sickness. before our march brought us to the hills of gaspereau, philip had admitted me to his favour, ranking me, i think, almost as he did xavier and big etienne. more than that i could not have dared to hope. at sundown of the ninth of february, the seventeenth day of our march from chignecto, we halted in a fir wood only three miles from the gaspereau mouth. we lit no camp fires now, but supped cold, though heartily. we had been met the day before by messengers from grand pré, who told de villiers the disposition of the english troops. with incredible carelessness they were scattered throughout the settlement. about one hundred and fifty, under colonel noble himself, were quartered along a narrow lane, which, running at right angles to the main street, climbed the hillside at the extreme west of the village. for my own part, though de villiers' senior in military rank, i was but a volunteer in this expedition, and served the chief as a kind of informal aide-de-camp and counsellor. together we formed the plan of attack. it was resolved that one half our company, under de villiers himself, should fall upon the isolated party in the lane and cut them to pieces. that left us but two hundred men with whom to engage the remaining three hundred and fifty of the new englanders,--a daring venture, but i undertook to lead it. i undertook by no means to defeat them, however. i knew the fine mettle of these vinegar-faced new englanders, but i swore (and kept my oath) that i would occupy them pleasantly till de villiers, making an end of the other detachment, should come to my aid and clinch the victory. the plan of attack thus settled, i turned my attention to philip. nigh at hand was a cottage where i was known,--where i believed the folk to be very kindly and honest. i told big etienne that we would put the child there to sleep, and after the battle take him to his mother at canard. "and, my brother," said i, laying my hand on his arm, and looking into his eyes with meaning, "let xavier stay with him, for he will be afraid among strangers." "xavier must fight," replied the tall warrior. but his eyes shifted from mine, and there was indecision in his voice. "xavier is but a boy yet, my brother," i insisted. "and this is a night attack. it is no place for an untried boy. no glory, but great peril, for one who has not experience! for my sake bid xavier stay with the child." "you are right, brother. he shall stay," said the indian. and xavier was not consulted. he stayed. but his was a face of sore disappointment when we left him with philip at the cottage,--"to guard with your life, if need be!" said i, in going. and thus gave him a sense of responsibility and peril to cheer his bitter inaction. it had been snowing all day, but lightly. after nightfall there blew up a fitful wind, now fierce, now breathless. at one moment the air would be thick with drift, and the great blasts would buffet us in the teeth. at another, there would seem to be in all the dim-glimmering world no movement and no breathing but our own. it was far past midnight when we came upon the hill-slope overlooking grand pré village; and the village was asleep. not a light was visible save in one long row of cottages at the extreme east end, close by the water side. thither, at our orders, the villagers had quietly withdrawn before midnight. the rash new england men lay sleeping, with apparently no guards set. if there were sentries, then the storm had driven them indoors. the great gusts swirled and roared past their windows, piling the drift more deeply about their thresholds. if any woke, they turned perchance luxuriously in their beds and listened to the blasts, and praised god that the acadian peasants builded their houses warm. they had no thought of the ruin that drew near through the drifts and the whirling darkness. i have never heard that one of them was kept awake with strange terrors, or had any prevision, or made special searching of his soul before sleep. it would seem as if heaven must have forgotten them for a little. or perhaps the saints remembered that the english were not a people to take advice kindly, or to change their plans for any sort of warning that might seem to them irregular. but among us french, that night, there was one at least who was granted some prevision. just before the two columns separated, tamin came to me and wrung my hand. he was with de villiers' detachment. there was a certain awe, a something of farewell, in his manner, and it moved my heart mightily. but i clapped him on the back. "no forebodings, now, my friend," said i; "keep a good heart and your eyes wide open." "the snow is deep to-night, monsieur!" said he gravely, as he turned away. "true," i answered; "but the apple trees are at the other end of the village; and who ever heard that the black abbé was a prophet?" even as i spoke my heart smote me, and i would have given much to wring the loyal fellow's hand once more. but i feared to add to his depression. my men all knew their parts before i led them from the camp. once in the village, only a few whispered orders were necessary. squad by squad, dim forms like phantoms in the drift, filed off stealthily to their places. i, with two dozen others, big etienne at my elbow, took post about the centre of the village, where three large houses, joined together, seemed to promise a rough bout. then we waited. saints, how long we waited, as it seemed! the snow invaded us. but the apple trees were many, and we leaned against them, gnawing our fingers, and protecting our primings with the long flaps of our coats. at last there came a musket-shot from the far-off lane, and straightway thereupon a crashing volley, followed by a dreadful outcry--shouts and screams, and the yelling of the indians. our waiting was done. we sprang forward to dash in the nearest windows, to batter down the nearest doors. lights gleamed. then came crashes of musketry from the points where i had placed my several parties, and i knew they had found their posts. the fight once begun, there was little room for generalship in that driven and shrieking dark. i could see but what was before me. in those three houses there were brave men, that i knew. springing from sleep in their shirts, they seemed to wake full armed, and were already firing upon us as we tried to force our way in through the windows. the main door of the biggest house we strove to carry with a rush, but that, too, belched lead and fire in our faces, and we came upon a barrier of household stuff just inside. by the light of a musket flash, i saw a huge, sour-faced fellow in his shirt, standing on the barrier, with his gun-stock swung back. i made at him nimbly with my sword. i reached him, and the uplifted weapon fell somewhere harmless in the dark. the next moment i felt a sword point, thrusting blindly, furrow across my temple, tearing as if it were both hot and dull, and at the same instant i was dragged out again into the snow. three of us, however, as i learned afterwards, stayed on the floor within. it was big etienne who had saved me. i was dizzy for a moment with my wound, the blood throbbing down in a flood; but i ordered all to fall back under the shelter of the apple trees, and keep up a steady firing upon the doors and windows. the order was passed along, and in a few minutes the firing was steady. then winding my kerchief tightly about my temples, i bade big etienne knot it for me, and for the time i thought no more of that sword-scratch. though my men were heavily outnumbered, the enemy could not guess how few we were. moreover, we had the shelter of the trees, and our fire had their windows to converge upon. we held them, therefore, with no great loss, except for those that fell in the first onslaught, which was bloody for both sides. presently a tongue of flame shot up, and i knew that they had set fire to one of the houses on the lane. the shouting there, and the yelling, died away, but a scattering crackle of musketry continued. then another building burst into flame. the night grew all one red, wavering glare. as the smoke clouds blew this way and that, the shadows rose and fell. the squalls of drift blurred everything; but in the lulls men stood out suddenly as simple targets, and were shot with great precision. yet we had shelter enough, too; for every house, every barn and shed, cast a block of thick darkness on its northern side. then men began to gather in upon the centre. here a squad of my own fellows--yelling and cheering with triumph, if they were indians, quietly exultant if they were veterans--would come from the conquest of a cottage. there a knot of half-clad english, fleeing reluctantly and firing over their shoulders as they fled, would arrive, beat at the doors before us, and be let in hastily under our fire, leaving always some of their number on the threshold. it was like no other fight i had ever fought, for the strange confusion of it; or perhaps my wound confused me yet a little. at length a louder yelling, a sharper firing, a wilder and mightier clamour, arose in the direction of the lane. our own firing slackened. all eyes turned to watch a little band which, fighting furiously, was forcing its way hither through a swarm of assailants. "the vinegar-faces can fight!" i cried, "but we must stop them. come on, lads!" and with a score at my back i rushed to meet the new-comers. rushed, did i say? but i should have said struggled and floundered. for, the moment we were clear of the trampled area, and found ourselves in the open fields, the snow went nearly to our middles. yet we met the gallant little band, which having shaken off its assailants, now fell upon us with a welcome of most earnest curses. men speak of the bloody ferocity of a duel in a dark room. it is nothing to the blind, blundering, reckless, snarling rage of that struggle in the deep snow, and under that swimming delusive light. having emptied my musket and my pistols, i threw them all away, and fell to playing nimbly with my sword. big etienne i saw close beside me, swinging his musket by the barrel. suddenly its deadly sweep missed its object. the tall warrior fell headforemost, carried off his uneasy balance by the force of the blow. ere he could flounder up again a foeman was upon him with uplifted sword. but with a mighty lunge, hurling myself forward from the drift that held my feet, i reached the man's neck with my own point, and fell at his feet. he came down in a heap on top of me. his knee, as i suppose it was, struck me violently on the head. perhaps i was already weakened by that cut upon the temple. the noise all died suddenly away. i remember thinking how warm the snow felt against my face. and the rest of the fight was no concern of mine. chapter xxii the black abbé strikes in the dark i was awakened to consciousness by some one gently lifting me. i struggled at once to my feet, leaning upon him. it was big etienne. "you much hurt?" he queried, in great concern. "why, no!" said i, presently. "head feels sore. i think i'll be all right in a minute." it was in the red and saffron of dawn. the snow had stopped falling. the muskets had stopped clattering. the battle was apparently at an end. all around lay bodies, or rather parts of bodies; for they were more or less hidden in the snow. close by me just a pair of knees was visible, thrust up through a drift into which the man had plunged in falling. the snow was all mottled with blood and powder, a very hideous colour to look upon. i stood erect and stretched myself. "why, brother," i exclaimed, in great relief, "i am as good as new. where is the commander?" big etienne pointed in silence to the street before the three houses. there i saw our men drawn up in menacing array. in and behind the houses were crowded the dark masses of the new englanders, punctuated here and there with the scarlet of an officer's coat. de villiers greeted me as one recovered from the grave. i asked eagerly how he had sped, and how the matter now rested. "success, everywhere success, briart!" he answered, with a sort of controlled elation. "you held these fellows, while we wiped out those yonder. but it was a cruel and bloody affair, and i would the times, and the straits of new france, required not such killing in the dark. but they set fire to a house and barn that they might fight in the light, and so a band of them escaped us and cut their way through here,--what was left of them, at least, after they got done with you! and now their remnant is hemmed in yonder." "we've got them, then," said i. "surely," he answered. "but it will cost our best blood to end it. they have fought like heroes, though they kept guard like fools. and they will battle it out, i think, while a man of them stands." "yes, 'tis the breed of them!" said i, looking across with admiration at the silent and dangerous ranks. "but they have done all that brave men could do. they will accept honourable terms, i think; and such we may offer them without any touch of discredit. what do you say?" this was, indeed what de villiers had in his heart. he withdrew his troops some little distance, that negotiations might be the less embarrassed; and i myself, feeling a fresh dizziness, retired to a cottage where i might have my wound properly tended. but barely had i got the bandage loosened,--a black-eyed acadian maid standing by, with face of deep commiseration and holding a basin of hot water for me,--when there broke out a sudden firing. i clapped the bloody bandage to my head, and ran forth; but i saw there was no need of me. the english had sallied with a fierce heat, hoping to retrieve their fortunes. but the deep snow was like an army to shut them in. before they could come at us they were exhausted, and our muskets dropped them swiftly in the drifts. sullenly they fell back again upon their houses. i turned to my basin and my bandaging. "that settles that!" said i to the damsel. "settles what, monsieur?" she asked. but as she spoke i saw a look of sudden concern cross her face, a faintness came over me, and i lay down, feeling her arm support me as i sank. sleep is the best of medicines for me. i woke late in the afternoon to find my head neatly bandaged, and the dizziness all gone. men came and went softly. i found that de villiers was lying in the same house, having got a serious wound just after i left him. la corne, a brave canadian, was in command. the english had capitulated toward noon, and had pledged themselves to depart for annapolis within forty-eight hours, not to bear arms again in acadie within six months. we had redeemed at grand pré our late failure at annapolis. my first act was to send a runner, on snow-shoes, to canard, with a scrawled note to mizpah. explaining nothing, i merely begged that she and prudence, with marc and father fafard, should meet me at the forge about noon of the following day. in the case of marc not being yet strong enough to journey so far, i prayed mizpah herself, in any event, to come without fail. my next was to send a messenger for xavier and philip. my heart had fallen to aching curiously for the child,--insomuch that i marvelled at it, till at length i set it down as a mere whimsical counterfeit of my longing for his mother. being now refreshed and altogether myself again, i went to visit the lane wherein the fight had opened. the very first house, whose shattered door and windows, blood-smeared threshold, and dripping window-sills, showed that the fight had there raged long and madly, had one great apple tree beside its garden gate. a chill of foreboding smote me as i marked it. i approached with a curious and painful expectancy, the words of the black abbé ringing again in my ears. at the foot of the apple tree the snow was drifted deep. it half covered a pitifully huddled body. i lifted the body. it was tamin. he had been shot through the lungs, and his blood, melting the snow, had gathered in a crimson pool beneath him. here was one grim prophecy fulfilled. carrying him into the house, i laid him gently on a bed. then i turned away with a very sorrowful heart; for there was much to do, and the dead are not urgent. even as i turned, my heart jumped with a new and sickening dread. xavier stood before me--xavier, with wild eyes, and face darkly clotted with blood. the next instant he threw himself at my feet. "the child!" he muttered, covering his face. "they have carried him away. they have carried philip away!" "what do you mean?" i cried, in a voice which my fear made harsh, while at the same time i dragged him to his feet. "who have carried him away? who?" but i knew the answer ere he could speak it,--i knew my enemy had seized the chances of the battle and the night. "the black abbé," wailed the lad, in a voice of poignant sorrow. "he came in the night, with two chepody acadians dressed up like indians, and seized me asleep, and bound me." "but philip!" i cried. "where have they taken him?" and even as i spoke i was planning swiftly. "the abbé started westward with him," answered xavier. "from what i heard say, he would go to pereau; but which way after, i could not find out." "come!" i ordered roughly, "we must follow them!" but as i spoke i saw the lad totter. i caught him by the arm and held him up, perceiving now for the first time how he was both wounded and utterly spent. "let us go first to your father," i said more gently, leading him, and putting what curb i could upon the fierceness of my haste. "how did you get here?" i asked him presently. a gleam came into the lad's faint eyes. "the chepody men stayed till morning," said he, "and then set out on the road toward piziquid, taking me with them. they thought i was nothing but a boy. as we went, i got my hands loose, so,--and waited. at noon one man went into a house,--and--so!--i was free, and had the other dog by the throat. he make no noise; but he fight hard, and hurt me. i got away, and left him in the snow, and ran back all the way to tell you the black abbé--" but here the poor lad's voice failed, and he hung upon me with all his weight. he had fainted, indeed; and now that i thought of his wound, his hunger, his grief, and his prodigious exertions, i wondered not at his swooning. picking him up in my arms, i carried him to the cottage where the kind damsel had so compassionately tended my own bruises. as i entered the thronged cottage with my burden, men came about me with many questions; but i kept my own counsel, not knowing whom i could trust, or where the black abbé might not have his spies posted. moreover, i was so distracted with anxiety about the child, that i had small patience wherewith to take questioning civilly. every bed and every settle being occupied with our wounded, i laid xavier on the floor, with his head upon a blue petticoat which the kind damsel--who came to me as soon as she saw me enter--fetched from a cupboard and rolled up deftly for me. after a careful examination i found no wound upon the lad save two shallow flesh cuts, one across his forehead and one down his chest. i thereupon concluded that exhaustion, together with the loss of blood, had brought him to this pass, and that with a few days' care he would be altogether restored. having put some brandy between his lips, and seen his eyelids tremble with recovering consciousness, i turned to the maiden and said:-"take care of him for me, chérie. he deserves your best care; and i trust him to your good heart. give him something to eat now,--soup, hot milk, at first. and i will come back in two days from now, at furthest." "but monsieur must rest!" "no rest for me to-night!" i interrupted, in a low voice, as i straightened myself up. "do you know where i may find the lad's father, the chief, big--" but there was no need for me to finish the question. there, close behind me, stood the tall indian, looking down at xavier, with trouble in his eyes. he had just entered, in his silent fashion. "there is no danger! he is worn out!" i whispered. "he has done all a brave man could do; but the child is stolen! come outside with me." big etienne stooped quickly and laid his hand upon the lad's breast, and then, most gently, upon his lips. a second later he had followed me out into the deepening twilight. in few words i told him what had happened, and my purpose of going instantly in pursuit. without a word he strode off toward a small cabin about a stone's throw from the cottage which we had just left. "where are you going?" i asked, astonished at this abruptness. "my snow-shoes!" he replied. "and bread. i go with you, my brother!" this, in very truth, was just what i had hoped for. but, in my haste, i had forgotten the need of eating; and, as for my snow-shoes, usually strapped at my back, they had been left at the outskirts of the village the night before in order that my sword arm might have the freer play. it was no time now to go back for them. i slipped into the cottage, borrowed a pair, and was presently forth again to meet big etienne. the indian, instead of bread, had brought a goodly lump of dried beef. side by side, and in silence, we set out for the cabin on the gaspereau where philip and xavier had been captured. we found the place deserted. either the man of the house had been a tool of la garne, or he feared that i would hold him responsible. which it was, i know not to this day; and, at the time, we gave small thought to the question, merely commending the fellow's wisdom in removing himself from our indignation. what engaged our concern was a single snow-shoe track making westward, followed by the trail of a little sledge. "yes," said i; "xavier is surely right. the abbé has gone to cross the habitants and the canard where they are little, and will then, belike, turn down the valley to pereau!" "very like!" grunted my companion; and, at a long lope, we started up the trail. this pace, however, soon told upon me, and brought it into my mind that i had, that day, eaten nothing but a bowl of broth. we halted, therefore, and rested half an hour in the warmth of a dense spruce coppice, and ate abundantly of that very savoury beef. then, much revived, we set out again. treading one behind the other, we marched, in silence, through the glimmering dark; for big etienne was no talker, while i, for my part, was gnawing my heart with rage, and hope frustrated, and the picture of mizpah's anguish. we never stayed our pace till we came, at the edge of dawn, to the spot where the trail went over the dwindled upper current of the habitants. here, to our astonishment, the trail turned eastward, following down the course of the river. i looked at the indian in wondering consternation. "what can it mean?" i cried. "can there be any new plot of his hatching at canard?" "maybe!" said big etienne. at thought of further perils threatening mizpah and marc, the weariness which had been growing upon me vanished, and i sprang forward as briskly as if we had but just set out. even big etienne, though he had no such incentive as mine, seemed to win new vigour with the contemplation of this new coil of the enemy's. if, indeed, he appeared somewhat fresher than i throughout the latter half of this hard march, it is but justice to myself to say that he bore no wound from the late battle. at last, when it was well past ten of the morning, the trail led us out upon the main canard track, and turned toward the settlement. "yes," said i, with bitter conviction; "he has gone to canard. he would never go there had he not some deep scheme of mischief afoot. god grant we be in time!" in less than half an hour we came within sight of the forge in the forest. to my astonishment, the smoke was pouring in furious volume from the forge chimney. "what can babin be about? or can mizpah and marc be there already?" i wondered aloud; but got no answer from my companion. a moment later, a turn of the track brought us to a post of vantage whence we could see straight into the forge. the sight which met our eyes brought us to an instant stop from sheer amazement. chapter xxiii the rendezvous at the forge beside the forge-fire stood grûl. on his left arm was perched philip, half wrapped in the black-and-yellow cloak, and playing with grûl's white wand. at the back of the forge, fettered to the wall, and with his hands bound behind him, stood the black form of our adversary. grûl was heaving upon the bellows, and in the fierce white glow of the coal stuck a number of irons heating. these he turned and twisted with fantastic energy, now and then drawing one forth and brandishing it with a kind of mad glee, so as best to show the intensity of its colour; and whenever he did so little philip shouted with delight. the joy that surged through my breast as i took in all this astonishing turn of affairs, was something which i have no words to tell of. "mary, mother of heaven, be praised for this!" i cried fervently. "what will he do with irons?" queried big etienne, with a curiously startled note in his voice. indeed, what now followed was sufficiently startling. grûl had caught sight of us. immediately he set the child down, heaved twice or thrice mightily upon the bellows, and then drew from the fire two white-hot rods of iron. with these, one in each hand, he approached the black abbé, treading swiftly and sinuously like a panther. i darted forward, chilled with sudden horror. a short scream of mortal fear came from the wretched captive's lips. "stop! stop!" i shouted, as those terrible brands went circling hither and thither about the cringing form. the next instant, and ere i could reach the scene to interfere, the abbé gave a huge bound, reached the door, and plunged out into the snow, pursued by a peal of wild laughter from grûl's lips. this most whimsical of madmen had befooled his captive, in much the same fashion as once before on the cliff beside the des saumons. he had used the deadly iron merely to free him from his bonds, and again held in reserve his full vengeance. fetching a huge breath of relief, i joined in grûl's mocking laughter; while big etienne gave a grunt of manifest dissatisfaction. as for the black abbé, though the sweat of his terror stood in beads upon his forehead, he recovered his composure marvellously. having run some dozen paces he stopped, turned, and gazed steadily upon grûl for perhaps the space of a full minute. then, sweeping a scornful glance across the child, the indian, and myself, he half opened his lips to speak. but if he judged himself not then best ready to speak with dignity,--let no one marvel at that. he changed his purpose, folded his arms across his breast, and strode off slowly and in silence along the track toward grand pré. i thought his shadow, as it fell long and sinister across the snow, lay blacker than was the common wont of shadows. big etienne was already within, and philip in his arms. as i entered the forge door grûl cried solemnly, as if to extenuate his act in freeing the prisoner:-"his cup is not yet full." seizing both his hands in mine, i tried with stammering lips to thank him; but, something to my chagrin, he cut me short most ungraciously. snatching his hands away, he stepped outside the door, and raised his thrilling, bell-like chant:-"woe, woe to acadie the fair, for the day of her desolation cometh." beyond all words though my gratitude was, i could not refrain from shrugging my shoulders at this fantastic mummery, as i turned to embrace little philip. my heart was rioting with joy and hope, and i could not trouble my wits with these mad whimsies of grûl's. when he had quit prophesying and come again within the forge, i tried to draw from him some account of how he had so achieved the child's rescue and the black abbé's utter discomfiture. but he wandered from the matter, whether wilfully or not i could by no means decide; and presently, catching a ghost of a smile on the face of big etienne, i gave up and rested thankful for what i had got. as for philip, he was amiably gracious to both big etienne and myself, but it was manifest that all his little heart had gone out to grûl; and the two were presently playing together in a corner of the forge, at some game which none but themselves could understand. it wanted yet an hour of noon, when, as i stood in the door consuming my heart with impatience, yet unwilling to go and meet mizpah and so mar the climax which i had plotted for, i caught sight of two figures approaching. i needed not eyes to tell me one was mizpah, for the blood shook in all my veins at sight of her. the other was father fafard. "marc," said i to myself, "is not yet strong enough to venture so far; and the maid prudence has stayed with him. but mizpah is here--mizpah is here!" with eyes of delight i dwelt upon her tall, slim form, in its gown of blue woollen cloth which set off so rarely the red-gold enchantment of her hair. but when she was come near enough for me to mark the eager welcome in her eyes and on her lips, i waved at her, clumsily enough, and turned within to catch at a little self-possession. not having my snow-shoes on, i could not be expected to go and meet her; and that waiting in the doorway was too much for me to endure. "keep philip behind the chimney, out of sight," i whispered eagerly to grûl; and somewhat to my wonder he obeyed. on the next instant mizpah stood in the door, smiling upon me, her face all aglow with expectation and greeting; and i found myself clasping both of her white hands. but my tongue refused to speak,--deeming, perchance, that my eyes were usurping its office. finding at length a word of welcome for the good priest, i wrung his hand fervently, then turned again to mizpah. but my first speech was stupid,--so stupid that i wished most heartily that i had held my tongue. "comrade," said i, "this is a glad day for me." her face fell, and her eyes reproached me. "because you have defeated and slain my people?" she asked. my face grew hot for the flat ineptitude of my words. "no! no! not for that!" i cried passionately, "but for _this_!" and i turned to snatch philip from his corner behind the chimney. but grûl was too quick for me. he could play no second part at any time, he. evading my hands, he slipped past me, and himself placed the child in mizpah's arms. i cursed inwardly at his abruptness, though in truth he had done just what i was intending to do myself. as mizpah, with a gasping cry, crushed the little one to her bosom, she went white as a ghost and tottered against the anvil. i sprang to support her, but withheld my arm ere it touched her waist, for even on the instant she had recovered herself. with wordless mother-cries she kissed philip's lips and hair, and buried her face in his neck, he the while clinging to her as if never again for a moment could he let her go. presently, while i waited in great hunger for a word, she turned to big etienne and grûl. "my friends!" she cried, in a shaken voice which faithfully uttered her heart, "my true and loyal friends!" whereupon she wrung their hands, and wrung them, and would have spoken further but that her voice failed her. then, after a moment or two, she turned to me,--yet not wholly. the paleness had by this well vanished, and her eyes, those great sea-coloured eyes, which she would not lift to mine, were running over with tears. philip took one sturdy little arm from her neck, and stretched out his hand to me; but i ignored the invitation. "and what--what have you got for me, mizpah?" i asked, in a very low voice, indeed--a voice perhaps not just as steady as that of a noted bush-fighter is supposed to be at a crisis. the flush grew, deepening down along the clear whiteness of her neck, and she half put out one hand to me. "do you want thanks?" she asked softly. "you _know_ what i want,--what i have wanted above all else in life from the moment my eyes fell upon you!" i cried with a great passion, grown suddenly forgetful of grûl and big etienne, who doubtless found my emotion more or less interesting. for a second or two mizpah made no answer. then she lifted her face, gave me one swift look straight in the eyes,--a look that told me all i longed to know,--and suddenly, with a little laugh that was mostly a sob, put philip into my arms. [illustration: suddenly, with a little laugh that was mostly a sob, put philip into my arms.] "there!" she whispered, dropping her eyes. and by some means it so came about that, as i took the child, my arms held mizpah also. the end images of public domain material from the google print project.) amy in acadia [illustration: "from a drawer behind the counter she drew a small fan." frontispiece. _see_ p. 25.] amy in acadia _a story for girls_ by helen leah reed author of "the brenda books" "miss theodora" "irma and nap" with illustrations by katharine pyle boston little, brown, and company 1905 _copyright, 1905_, by little, brown, and company. _all rights reserved_ published october, 1905 the university press, cambridge, mass., u. s. a. to constance my niece who journeyed with me through acadia contents chapter page i banished 1 ii lost and found 14 iii toward meteghan 29 iv yvonne 43 v new people 57 vi pierre and point à l'église 71 vii digby days 89 viii two adventures 105 ix old port royal 119 x explorations 134 xi a tea party 147 xii in the fog 163 xiii letters and some comments 178 xiv an excursion 191 xv with prejudice 204 xvi evangeline's country 219 xvii safe again 236 xviii the right and the wrong of it 249 xix a discovery 263 xx fire and flame 279 xxi old chebucto 299 xxii finding cousins 315 xxiii good-bye to halifax 329 list of illustrations "from a drawer behind the counter she drew a small fan" _frontispiece_ "'madame bourque,' she cried, 'i asked him to come to see me'" _page_ 71 "'hello! hello!' she shouted" " 170 "'why, what is the matter, child?' she asked affectionately" " 246 "after one ineffectual effort to pry open the lock, the other one had thrown down the scissors" " 282 "behind lucian stalked malachai, flourishing his cane after the fashion of a drum-major" " 320 _amy in acadia_ chapter i banished "no, fritz, i cannot--" "you _will_ not." "well, then i _will_ not ask mother to invite you to go on with us." amy spoke decidedly, but fritz was not ready to give up. "oh, amy, do be reasonable! i cannot say anything more to your mother, for you are in an obstinate mood, evidently determined to persuade yourself that you do not wish us to travel with you." "that is true; i do not wish you to go on with us." "but you and i are _such_ friends." "so we are, and so we shall continue to be. because we are such friends, i am sure that you will forgive me for being so--" "so unreasonable." "no--reasonable. now just look at the whole thing sensibly. here we are--mamma and i and two girls." "what do you call yourself? aren't you a girl?" "don't interrupt; perhaps i should have said two _school_girls. we have come away partly for rest and change, partly for study. so it would only upset all our plans to have you and your friend with us. you'd be dreadfully in the way." "in the way! i like that. why, you could rest, or study all day, for all we'd care, and we'd afford you the change that you would certainly need once in a while. only--if you'll excuse my saying so--who ever heard of any one's resting or studying on a pleasure-trip? just look at the funny side of it yourself, amy--and smile--please." whereupon, quite against her will, the smile that twitched amy's lips extended itself into a laugh, in which fritz tomkins joined heartily. "ah, amy, that laugh makes me think of old times. so now perhaps you'll condescend to explain why two lonely youths may not visit the historic acadia in company with you and your mother, not to mention the other members of your party." amy made no answer, and fritz continued: "just think what we shall lose! it always benefits me to be with your mother, and you are so full of information, amy, and you so love to impart what you know, that by the end of the journey i should be a walking guidebook. to go with you would be better than attending a summer school." "there, fritz," interrupted amy, with rising color, "you are getting back at me for what i have said. but we really mean to make this an improving trip." "so i should judge. improving only to yourselves." "well, then i'll explain, since you find it so hard to understand. you surely know that mamma has been overworking, and yet she does not wish to waste the whole summer. so, after resting a little, she expects to find good sketching-material in nova scotia. then i need more strength before the beginning of my senior year." "i'll be a senior, too, in the autumn," murmured fritz; but amy, not heeding the interruption, continued: "then there's priscilla; she has been rather low-spirited since her father died. she is generally in plymouth in the summer, and this will be a change. besides, she is to read a little english with me for her radcliffe examinations." "_rest_--and _change_--and _study_, for three of you. well, i do hope that the other girl is to get some pleasure out of the trip. didn't you tell me that she comes from chicago?" "oh, martine finds amusement in everything--even in study. she was at a boarding-school last year on the hudson, and she made life there so entertaining for herself and her classmates that she had to leave. her parents then decided to have her visit relatives in boston this spring. next year she's to go to miss crawdon's. she's especially in mother's care, and i do hope she'll enjoy the summer, for she is worried about her mother, who is ill at some baths in germany." "thus far, amy, you haven't offered a single reason for your desire to banish us from your side. neither taps nor i will stand in the way of your mother's sketches, except to pose for her when she asks. we certainly won't deprive the air of its invigorating qualities; and we might even study--" "no, fritz, you'd simply be in the way." "i won't admit that, miss amy redmond, and if i should ask your mother, she would probably say that you are quite wrong in your opinion. in fact, that's why you won't let me talk with her. however, as you've extorted a promise from me, taps and i will go as far away from you as we can--in nova scotia. we'll travel in the opposite direction from acadia, for nova scotia is large enough to contain us all without a collision. but mark my words, many a time in the next few weeks you'll sigh for a manly arm to pull you out of your difficulties. _then_ you'll remember me." "i'm not afraid. acadia has no dangers. even the micmacs are tamed. the french and indian wars are over." "that reminds me,--please excuse me for interrupting,--you will find digby, where you are going to-morrow, very tame compared with pubnico." "pubnico?" "yes, pubnico, a wonderful french village, with acadians and descendants of the old noblesse, and with many interesting things that you'll miss altogether in your misguided course. then we shall go to the deserted loyalist town, shelburne, which is full of history and haunted houses." "you seem to have digested a whole guidebook, fritz. as shelburne is on the opposite side of the peninsula, i suppose that you really have not intended to travel with us." "oh, i had two strings to my bow, and when i heard of the french villages, i decided that to visit them would be the next best thing to do." then, looking at his watch, "but now i really must say good-bye; it's past my time for meeting taps." "good-bye, fritz." amy held out her hand amicably. "you are not angry, are you?" "no, not angry, only--i may never forgive you. certainly i shall not forget." before amy could reply, fritz had wheeled away, and, turning a corner, was soon lost to sight. as amy walked a few steps along the hotel piazza, suddenly she met her mother face to face. "where's fritz?" asked mrs. redmond. "i expected to find him with you." "oh, he's gone. it's settled that the boys are not to come with us." "but, my dear, i hope you have not sent him off. sometimes you are too abrupt." "why, mother, i thought that you did not wish them to come with us." "i was certainly surprised to see fritz on the boat last evening. but he is like my own son, and if he has set his heart on going to digby, we must not keep him away." "oh, he's going around on the other coast, he and his friend." "did you meet his friend?" "no, i heard fritz call him 'taps'--a perfectly ridiculous name. do you know anything about him?" "only what fritz told me last evening--that he was a freshman who had taken a violent fancy to him. fritz said that he had agreed to travel with the boy this summer from a sense of duty." "a sense of duty!" "yes; 'taps,' as he calls him, has been trying to shake off some undesirable friends. he gave up a trip to europe that he might avoid running across them, and fritz, knowing the circumstances, thought that he could do no less than agree to take some other trip with him. it was only on the spur of the moment that they decided to come with us." "fritz was terribly cut up to find that we did not care to have them." "naturally--and indeed, amy, if i had had a chance to talk frankly with him, we could have had them with us part of the time. his friend was a bright, honest-looking lad, hardly more than a schoolboy." "oh, mamma, i thought him so dandified!--just the kind to be a nuisance in a party that intends to rough it." "do you realize, amy, that you use much more slang than before you went to college?" "that's another reason for not having fritz with us; it is not _my_ college, but _his_, that twists my vocabulary." "possibly, but i only hope that he is not offended. well! well! why, priscilla, why, martine, where have you been?" as she spoke two young girls came running up the steps, and one of them with a bound flung herself upon mrs. redmond's neck. "oh, isn't it a perfect morning, so cool and salt-smelling! and it's almost as good as europe to see a foreign flag floating from the hotel--even if it is only english. and isn't yarmouth a dear sleepy old town, though it's said to be so american! some one told me that it was the only place in nova scotia where they hustled. my, but i wish they could see chicago! then they'd know what 'hustle' means." "yes, my dear," gasped mrs. redmond; "but would you move your arm--just a little? you almost choke me." "please excuse me, but i feel so excited that i must hug somebody, and priscilla and amy never let me hug them." "why, i'm sure--" began amy. "oh, no, you haven't said a word, that's quite true, and i've never even tried to embrace you, yet i'm perfectly sure that you would hate it, and so mrs. redmond--" "is the victim," rejoined amy. "well, mamma _is_ amiable. only, while we are travelling, do be careful not to squeeze too tightly; it rumples her stock. mamma, you'll really have to put on a fresh one before we start out." during this conversation priscilla had been silent. she was shorter than martine, and fairer, and her expression was sad, or querulous,--at first glance it was hard to say which. yet her half-mourning costume--the black skirt, and the black ribbon at her throat--suggested what was really the case--that priscilla had had some recent sorrow. "what have you been doing, priscilla?" asked mrs. redmond, noticing the young girl's silence. "doing!" interrupted martine, before priscilla could speak. "only think how silly she's been. this beautiful morning--and in a new place--she has spent writing letters. isn't she a goose?" "oh, martine!" and amy shook her head in reproof. priscilla colored deeply as she turned apologetically to mrs. redmond. "i promised mamma to write as soon as i could. she will get my letter day after to-morrow." "you were very considerate to write promptly. your mother will be delighted to hear so soon. but where have _you_ been, martine?" "oh, rambling a little; i just couldn't stay in the house." "it's strange, martine," added amy, "but a while ago, when i took a stroll down the road, i saw a boy and a girl wheeling down a side street together who looked so like you." "which, the boy or the girl?" disregarding martine's flippancy, amy continued: "i realized that it couldn't possibly be you, as you know no one in yarmouth." "and didn't bring my wheel with me," added martine. "so please, miss amy redmond, don't see double, or else before i know it you'll have all my faults magnified to twice their size." while martine was speaking, priscilla looked at her closely. but martine, if she felt priscilla's eye upon her, showed no embarrassment. instead, she burst into a peal of laughter that woke from his slumbers a quiet old gentleman dozing over his newspaper in a piazza chair. martine's laughter quickly degenerated into a giggle, and with only an "excuse me, i can't help it," she rushed into the house. "there, mother," said amy, "i fear that martine will be a greater care to us than we expected. if she hadn't run off i was going to suggest that we all go for a walk, to see what there really is to be seen in the town. we'll have plenty of time before dinner." "i'll get my hat and bring martine with me;" and mrs. redmond left priscilla and amy by themselves. a little later the four travellers were walking up the broad street, partially shaded with trees, through which they had many glimpses of the blue harbor. "isn't it strange," said priscilla to amy, "to think that this time yesterday we were half-stifled with boston heat! they said that it was the hottest day of the season, and it is probably as hot there to-day; and here we are--" "ready to shiver," interposed amy. "you should have brought a coat, priscilla, for i almost feel an east wind." "oh, the air is soft. there's no danger of catching cold. do you notice all the flowers in these little gardens? it's a pleasant air, like the shoals, and those hawthorn hedges make me think of england,--at least, what i've read of it, for i've never been there. we must ask martine." "you are almost as eloquent as martine herself." amy turned toward priscilla with a smile. "you were so quiet at breakfast, and indeed all the morning, until now, that i feared you were not enjoying the trip." "well, to be honest, i felt homesick at first. you see, i have never been away before without any of my family, and then i hadn't got the motion of the boat out of my head. but now i feel perfectly well, and perhaps--" but here priscilla's voice was not quite steady--"perhaps i shall not be homesick." amy drew priscilla's hand within her arm. "of course not. naturally, you will miss your mother and the children. but you'll go back to them with such red cheeks, and so many interesting things to tell, that you will be glad you had courage to come away. you mustn't be homesick." "oh, i won't be," said priscilla,--"that is, if i can help it; but if i didn't know you much better than martine, i think that i'd have to go home." whereupon amy, perceiving that priscilla was not yet herself, strove to divert her by telling her little incidents of early nova scotian history. her device was successful, and by the time they had overtaken mrs. redmond and martine, priscilla was quite cheerful again. in their walk they had turned aside from the main street, and had reached a point on the outskirts where elevated land gave them a good view of the water. mrs. redmond and martine had found a large flat rock, on which they seated themselves, and mrs. redmond was already at work with her sketchbook before her. "i'm glad that you've come, amy,--i mean miss redmond," began martine. "i've been trying to tell your mother about some kind of a queer stone that i heard some people talking about at the breakfast-table to-day, but i haven't it quite clear in my mind, and so i'm waiting for you to help me out." "oh, the runic stone?" asked amy. "there isn't so very much to tell about it, except that it was found more than seventy years ago, and is thought by some people to be a memorial of the norsemen." "the norsemen in nova scotia? but why didn't they discover the stone before?" "it was found by a dr. fletcher in a cove on his own property. the inscription was on the under side, and showed signs of great age. there, i believe i have something about it here;" and pulling a small notebook from her pocket, amy refreshed her memory. "yes, it weighed about four hundred and fifty pounds, and some antiquarians have translated the inscription, 'harki's son addressed the men.' it seems that there was a man named harki among those norsemen who sailed along the coast of america in 1007." "that is certainly worth knowing," said mrs. redmond, "and i hope that we can see the stone before we go." "well, it's only fair," continued amy, "to tell you that some learned people do not believe in the norse theory." "perhaps it's like the inscription on the dighton rock," interposed priscilla, "that they now think was made by indians." "yes," added amy, "but the strange thing is that a few years ago a second stone was found about a mile away from the other, and the inscription on it was almost the same." "well," exclaimed martine, "it doesn't matter whether the norsemen really were here or not, as long as we can imagine that they may have been. i like the romantic part of history, if it gives you something entertaining to think about. it's all the same whether or not it is true." after which heretical sentiment, priscilla, plymouth-born priscilla, felt herself to be farther away than ever from martine. when priscilla nestled down beside mrs. redmond to watch the growth of her sketch, martine became impatient. "let us go back. we've seen everything there is to see in this part of the town, and perhaps i shall have time for a letter or two before dinner." "i'll go with you," responded amy. "i have some packing to do." "packing?" "oh, just to rearrange some of my things." "very well," said mrs. redmond. "priscilla and i will wait until this sketch is finished, and then we'll return by the electric car." "any one would know that you and your mother are from boston," said martine, turning to amy with a laugh. "i have heard my father say that bostonians are the only people in the world who take the trouble to say 'electric cars.'" "what do others say?" "why, trolley, of course. they'd laugh at you if you said anything else in chicago." "you're pretty rapid in chicago." "and you are rather--well, rather slow in boston." chapter ii lost and found amy's face was flushed, her hat slightly askew, and she felt even more uncomfortable than she looked. it was all on account of her lost keys. for ten minutes or more she had been bending over boxes, and poking among all kinds of things in the shed near the wharf, in the vain hope that she might find what she had lost. when she had discovered that the keys were missing, priscilla volunteered to help her find them. as the discovery had been made at the very moment when the carriage was at the door to take them for an afternoon drive, amy insisted that the others should go without her, since it was evidently her duty to search for the missing. "let me go with you," priscilla had urged. "when we find the keys we can go sightseeing by ourselves. it will be just as good fun as driving." thus amy and priscilla made their way by themselves to the wharf, while mrs. redmond and martine were driven in the direction of milton. "it wouldn't be so bad if it were only my trunk key," amy had lamented, "but there's a key of my mother's on the chain, and several keys of little boxes--one or two of which i have with me; the others are at home. i am always losing keys." "you probably lost them after your trunk had been examined this morning. what a fuss about nothing it was! why, the inspector didn't even lift the tray from my trunk. but we had all the trouble of unlocking and opening our trunks, and in that way i suppose the keys were lost." priscilla spoke with more energy than was usual with her. when they reached the wharf, the dignified custom-house official and the small boys congregated there and in the neighborhood of the train knew nothing about the keys. the inspector remembered seeing them. "i noticed your party particularly, and you were swinging your keys by a long silver chain. well, they may have slipped through a crack somewhere, and so the best thing for you is to get a locksmith to fit a key before you go any farther." overhearing this advice, one or two of the boys lounging about offered to guide the young ladies to a locksmith. thus amy and priscilla, not in the best of spirits, with hats askew and shirt-waists somewhat rumpled, came face to face with fritz tomkins. "oh, ho!" he cried mischievously, as the girls drew near. "what a procession! all you need is a drum and a flag." turning her head, amy saw six little boys walking behind her in indian file. there wasn't much going on at the wharf, and evidently all had thought that there would be some fun in conducting the american young ladies to the locksmith's. fritz himself, seated in the shade at a shop-door, looked aggravatingly comfortable. "why, fritz!" exclaimed amy, "i thought you were miles and miles away,--at pubnico." "don't, don't show your disappointment too plainly. we thought that we'd better not start before the train was ready. that will not be for an hour yet. in the meantime, is there anything that i can do for you? you look a little like a lady in distress." "well, then, appearances are deceitful." amy had recovered from her astonishment at seeing fritz. "i am sure that you are hunting for something." "why are you so sure?" amy was determined not to tell. "she _is_ looking for something, isn't she, priscilla?" fritz had seen more or less of priscilla in boston the past winter, and naturally called her by her first name. priscilla shook her head,--not in dissent, but to show that she had no intention of disclosing more than amy herself chose to explain. "very well," continued fritz, "i am a mind reader. i can tell you all about it. you are looking for a bunch of keys." "how did you know?" for once amy was off guard. "ah! then it's true." "very well, since you know so much, where are the keys?" fritz, thrusting his hand in his pocket, drew out a long silver chain, which he swung around his head in a circle before laying it in amy's hand. "there, little boys, you--" "don't call them little boys, amy; remember how i felt when i was ten." "here, young men." as fritz spoke the boys drew nearer, and fritz, drawing from his pocket a handful of silver, laid in each of six palms a bright ten-cent coin with the queen's head stamped upon it. "but we didn't do anything," one of the six managed to say. "no, but you _would_ have helped the young lady find a locksmith, and besides, you brought her to the particular spot where i was sitting, and so you found her keys for her." this logic was so correct that the six boys, feeling that they had earned the money, rushed off with a shout of "thank you," to find the quickest way of spending it. "you might have brought the keys to the hotel," complained amy. "then i needn't have had this dusty walk." "after the summary way in which you banished me this morning i certainly could not put myself in your way again. but i knew that when you came to dress for the afternoon you would miss your keys, and happen _my_ way. surely you can't object to my being here?" "of course not. i am very much obliged to you." "besides, i found the keys only this afternoon. they had slipped under a board, and when i saw the end of the chain i recognized it at once. may i walk with you part way up-town? i'm sorry that i can't go all the way. but taps and i have an errand to do, and it's now within an hour of train time. remember, you have banished us." as they walked, fritz, abandoning frivolity, outlined his plans for the next week. priscilla listened with great interest. nova scotia was indeed a new land to her, and as she had rather suddenly decided to accompany amy and her mother she had read nothing on the subject of the province in which they were to spend a few weeks. fritz had known little more than priscilla until he had stumbled on some one crossing on the boat the preceding night who had had much to say about the old fort la tour and its neighborhood. "fort la tour!" amy exclaimed. "i shouldn't care to discredit your history, but i am sure that that was on the river st. john across the bay, in quite the opposite direction from where you are going." "there, there, my dear miss amy redmond, you are just like other people. because you know _some_ acadian history you think that you know it all. there certainly was a fort la tour at st. john, but its remains, i hear, are altogether invisible now; whereas the first fort la tour can still be seen in outline, at least. there isn't any masonry, i believe, yet you can trace the outline in the grass. you remember, amy, it was once called fort loméron." "i'm sorry, fritz, but i don't remember. you must have taken a special course in history lately." "yes, this very morning. you see i had time to spare after you sent me into exile, and taps and i were to have our dinner at a private boarding-house, where i thought we ought to stay, since you didn't care to have us at the hotel. well, to make a long story short, i found a set of parkman there, and it seemed wise to refresh my memory before going down to port la tour." "do tell us what you learned." amy spoke eagerly. "i'll admit that i've quite forgotten the first fort la tour." "i haven't much time now," said fritz, "but i'll do what i can to make my knowledge yours,--only you mustn't expect me to be perfectly accurate. this, however, is the way i figure it out. after that old rascal, argall, attacked port royal, in 1613, biencourt, or poutrincourt, as he was known after his father's death, wandered for years in the woods with a few followers, sleeping in the open air, and living on roots and nuts like an indian. in some way or other he managed to get men enough, and material enough, to build a small fort in the cape sable region, that he called fort loméron,--a rocky and foggy neighborhood. but there was fine fishing and hunting, and he felt that the fort was a warning to any enemies who might try to take away the rest of what his father had left him. well, among his followers was young charles de saint étienne de la tour, who also had come out to acadia as a boy. when biencourt died la tour claimed that acadia had been left to him by his friend. he tried to get louis xiii. to help him against the english, and against sir william alexander in particular, to whom james i. had granted acadia. now young charles la tour began to have a hard time because his father claude had married a maid of honor to queen henrietta maria, and had promised charles i. that he would drive out the french and establish the english in nova scotia. but when claude appeared with his two ships before his son's fort, he could not persuade him to turn color and become a baronet of nova scotia. the father made great promises in the name of king charles if the son would surrender, but the son withstood the father, and the latter lost english support because he had not been able to keep his promise; and so he was nothing but a refugee the rest of his life." "served him right for deserting his country," murmured priscilla. "well, it's hard to understand just who did what in those days, and why. some say that charles la tour was no better than his father, and that he, too, accepted from the english the title 'baronet of nova scotia.' on account of the conquest of sir david kirke, nova scotia was english for a while, and then again it was under the control of the french after claude de razilly brought out an expedition in 1632. charles de menou d'aunay, by the way, la tour's great enemy, came with razilly. but la tour made haste to put himself right with the king of france, and, after a visit to paris, came back to nova scotia 'lieutenant-general for the king at fort loméron and its dependencies, and commander at cape sable for the colony of new france.' doesn't that strike you as quite tremendous, when you think of the rocks and the fogs and the seals, together with the forests, that chiefly made up his domain?" "it's very interesting," said priscilla. "what became of la tour?" "it's a long story," responded fritz. "i'm afraid i haven't time to tell it now." "oh, i know all about his quarrel with d'aunay," interposed amy. "it will come in better when we are at port royal--or rather annapolis. but i had forgotten this fort near cape sable." "you shouldn't have forgotten it." fritz's tone deepened in reproach. "for many of la tour's descendants live near the fort, and the place itself is called port la tour. i am astonished that you should have left it out of your plan of travel. you can't go there now, because that is where taps and i are bound, and it wouldn't do for us to get in your way--i mean for you to get in our way. beyond the tip end of nova scotia there's sable island, that used to be haunted by pirates and privateers. some of them may be there still, and if taps and i go there, and if anything happens to us, you may be sorry that you drove us away. good-bye, amy; even a nova scotia train won't wait for me;" and before the astonished girls could say a word, fritz, with a touch of his cap, was walking rapidly away from them. "we haven't offended him?" asked priscilla, timidly. "no, indeed. his plans were already made to go among the french villages. in fact, i thought that he had gone this morning. he started off soon after breakfast." although amy spoke thus decidedly, secretly she wished that she had been less summary with fritz. it was not strange, indeed, that her conscience should prick her a little. when she and fritz were not yet in their teens they had become acquainted at rockley, a summer resort on the north shore where fritz spent the summers with his uncle. rockley was amy's home all the year, and as not many boys or girls of her own age lived near her, she greatly appreciated the companionship of fritz. the latter, for his part, knew that he was very fortunate in having the friendship of amy and her mother; for, like amy, he had neither brothers nor sisters, and although his father was living, his mother had died when he was a baby. his father spent little time with him, as he was fond of exploring new countries, and his travels often kept him away from home two or three years at a time. before entering college fritz had lived with his father's elder brother,--a serious, scholarly man. the uncle made little provision for amusement in his nephew's life, until mrs. redmond had shown him that all work and no play would do fritz more harm than good. amy and fritz, on the whole, had been very congenial friends, although the latter could rarely resist an opportunity to tease amy. mrs. redmond often had to act as peacemaker, and fritz always took her reproofs good-naturedly. no one knew him so well as mrs. redmond did. there was no one to whose words he paid quicker attention. he called her his "adopted mother," and naturally it seemed strange to him that she should agree with amy that he and his friend would be in the way on the nova scotia tour. beneath the jesting tone that he had used with amy lay something sharper, and amy, as he finally turned away, realized this. after the departure of fritz the girls walked on in silence. suddenly an exclamation of priscilla's brought them to a standstill. in the window of a little shop were two cups and saucers of thickish china, decorated in a high-colored rose pattern. the cups were of a quaint, flaring shape, and priscilla announced that she must have them. there were other curiosities in the window,--a small cannon-ball, two reddish short-stemmed pipes, and many things of indian make. the shop-keeper proved to be an elderly woman, with a pleasant, soft accent. the cups, she explained, had belonged to an old couple who had lately died, leaving no children. at the auction she had bought a few bits of china. "i know they are old,--more than a hundred years,--these two cups. i'm sorry i haven't any more, but people from the states are always looking for old things, and there's been a good many here this summer." priscilla bought the cups, and amy inquired about the cannon-ball. "it was dug up near fort st. louis, as some call it, or fort la tour, and the pipes too. they say there's many a strange thing buried there under the ground, if people only had the patience to dig." amy decided that it was hardly wise to burden herself with the cannon-ball, and she didn't care especially for the pipes. "there's something else here," said the woman, "if you won't be offended at my showing it. some americans--" "how did you know that we were americans?" interrupted amy. "oh, as soon as ever a yankee--there, i beg your pardon--any one from the states opens her mouth--" "she puts her foot in it," returned amy, with a smile. "no, no, i wouldn't say a word against the accent, but i can always tell it. i have a sister married in the states, and her children speak like their father. when they come to visit me i tell them that they are regular yankees. not that i have anything against that; i hope i'll live to see boston some time." "have you never been there?" asked priscilla, in surprise. "no, miss; i know that it isn't so far away, but i was born in the old country, and when i take a trip, that's where i'd rather go;" and the little woman sighed. "but i'll show you the curiosity i spoke of." from a drawer behind the counter she drew a small fan, one or two of whose sticks were broken, while the silk was faded and torn. "i bought that from an old lady who said that her grandmother fanned an officer who was wounded at the battle of bunker hill, while he lay sick in her house after the battle. perhaps i oughtn't to speak of it," she concluded apologetically. "why not? the war's entirely over, and no one has any feeling about it now." "i suppose not." but the woman's voice carried a question. "why, to prove that i have no resentment i'll buy the fan,--even if it did once soothe the brow of a hated britisher." amy smiled at priscilla as she spoke. the price named came so well within amy's means that she half doubted the authenticity of the relic. of her doubts, however, she gave no hint to the talkative little englishwoman. instead, by what she afterwards called a genuine inspiration, she asked some question about the french people at pubnico. "oh, they are good enough," said the woman, "and spend plenty of money in yarmouth; and there's many of the young people working here in our shops and mills, although many french come from meteghan and up that way." "meteghan?" queried amy. "yes, that's a pretty country up north on st mary's bay, and all french. if you're going to digby you'd better stop off." "but we were going straight through to digby." "yes, most people go straight through, and don't know what they miss. you see, the natives up there are acadians, and it's kind of foreign like, for they mostly speak only french. my husband and i, we went up there once and stayed at the hotel, for he had an order for some goods that he had to see about himself." while mrs. lufkins was talking the practical priscilla had taken out her notebook, in which she wrote the name of the station and other things that would help them. "do you think that your mother would like to change her plans?" "yes, indeed; she will think this just the thing. probably there will be good material for sketching,--scenery, and odd people, and all that kind of thing. i am sure that she will like it." "thank you, mrs. lufkins," said amy, as they turned away from the mistress of the little shop; and then in a particularly cheerful tone she added to priscilla, "i feel as if i had found a gold-mine. fritz was so very sure that he was to have a monopoly of the only french in nova scotia, that it will be great fun to write him about our french people." "then you think you will go there?" "certainly; mother will enjoy it, and it will be great fun for the rest of us. wasn't mrs. lufkins entertaining? if she were yarmouth-born, perhaps she wouldn't speak of us as yankees. you know the first permanent settlement here was made about 1761, by cape codders. in fact, the name's from yarmouth on the cape, not from the english yarmouth directly. i remember the names of two of the first settlers,--sealed landers and eleshama eldredge. don't they sound like real old puritans?" "but how did they come to be english? why didn't they stay on our side in the revolution?" priscilla's tone contained a whole world of reproach for sealed and eleshama. "oh, that's a long story. i dare say they were on our side--in their hearts; but they couldn't afford to give up all they had worked for, after coming here as pioneers. many of the yarmouth people were thought to be in sympathy with the american privateers that were always prowling about the coast. but the english managed to hold nova scotia, and in the war of 1812 the number of american vessels captured by yarmouth was greater than the number of yarmouth vessels captured by the americans." "when i left home," said priscilla, "i did not know that there was so much history down here. i thought that we were just coming for change of air." "oh, the place is alive with history; only you must let me know if i bore you with too many stories." "you could never bore me." priscilla laid her hand affectionately on amy's. she was an undemonstrative girl, though her likes and dislikes were well known to herself. but for her fondness for amy she would hardly have made one of this summer party. chapter iii toward meteghan amy rested her hand on her bicycle, waiting to mount. "i did not think that it would be quite so lonely; but still, you're sure it's perfectly safe?" "oh, yes, miss, and not a long way." there was a trace of accent in the speech of the man who replied to amy's question. he had just deposited a pouch of mail in the vehicle in which sat mrs. redmond, priscilla, and martine, and had turned to adjust the harness of his meek-looking horse. "you are not afraid, are you?" priscilla's voice was anxious. "i wish that i had brought my bicycle, and could ride with you." "you _do_ look like a maiden all forlorn,--spruce trees to right of you, spruce trees to left of you. excuse my smiling;" and martine's smile lengthened itself into a decided giggle. "don't," whispered priscilla. "the driver will think that you are laughing at him." it always surprised her that martine should show so little respect for amy, who was several years her senior. "amy," interposed mrs. redmond, "do you object to our driving away and leaving you? doubtless if we tried, we could find some kind of a conveyance to carry you and the bicycle." "not till after dinner, madame." their driver turned toward mrs. redmond, lifting his hat politely,--"every horse is away now." "the only thing for amy to do is to let you hold her on your lap, priscilla, while i take the bicycle on mine." at which absurd suggestion even priscilla was forced to laugh; for the vehicle sent down to meteghan station for her majesty's mail was as narrow and shallow as any carriage could well be that made even a pretence of holding four persons. but with the deftness that comes with experience the driver had managed to find room not only for his passengers, but for their suit case and bags, for several packages that had come by train, and finally for his great pouch of mail. "there must be a perfect cavern under the seat," whispered martine to mrs. redmond. "i am sure that we could put amy there." but even as she spoke amy had mounted, and was up the hill ahead before the driver had taken his seat. yet although amy had taken the hill so well, she was soon out of breath. the road was soft, and the hill steeper than she had thought, and when a little chubby boy darted directly toward her, she slipped from her wheel and bent down to talk to the little fellow. to her surprise, at first he did not respond to her "what's your name?" but hung his head shyly. then it occurred to her that he did not understand, and when she repeated her question in french his "louis, mademoiselle," showed that her venture had been right. "does every one here speak french, monsieur?" she asked, as the carriage approached. "yes, all," responded the driver, stopping beside her for a moment. "and no english?" "oh, many, though some have no english." martine and priscilla praised the bright eyes of little louis. mrs. redmond handed him an illustrated paper that she had brought from the train, and the driver started up his horse. "you follow me," he called back to amy. "yes, yes," cried amy, laughing, knowing that she could soon pass him; but while she loitered to talk with the child, the carriage was soon so far ahead that she could barely discern the fluttering of the long veil that martine held out to stream in the wind like a flag. after leaving little louis, amy pedalled along leisurely. at first she passed only one or two houses, but each of them offered her something to think of. in front of one, two or three barefooted children were playing hop-scotch, with the limits marked out in lines drawn by a stick on the dusty road. "i should think they'd stub their toes," she thought, as she watched them, "but they're so well-dressed, except their feet, that i suppose they prefer to go without shoes." in the doorway of a second cottage, set like the other, close to the road, a mother was standing with a baby in her arms, and a tiny little girl clinging to her skirts. these children, like all the others she had seen, had the brightest of black eyes. beside the door was a well, boarded in, with a bucket beside it. the woman looked so friendly that amy stopped for a drink of water, and, making use of her best french, she spent a few minutes talking with the woman. a fine team of oxen hauling an empty hay wagon, beside which walked a strapping youth in blue jeans and a flapping straw hat, was the next reminder to amy that she was indeed in a foreign country. after she had returned the cheerful _bonjour_ of two or three bareheaded women whom she met trudging along toward a hayfield, amy was recalled to herself. her mother and the others were out of sight. "the driver will think that i am not even following;" and making good speed up a long, gradual hill, she saw the carriage waiting for her some distance ahead. "this way, this way," shouted martine. the driver waved his whip toward the left, and when amy caught up, they had changed their direction, and she could feel the soft fresh breeze blowing in from st. mary's bay. "did you ever see such a clear blue sky?" "oh, yes, martine,"--amy was thinking of cloudless days on the north shore,--"but none bluer, perhaps." "but it seems so foreign," interposed priscilla, in a tone that expressed some disapproval of foreign things. "i'm not sure that i like it." "it seems different from other places, though i can't tell why." "this child is part of the why. just look at him." martine pointed to a little boy of about eight, dressed in black, with deep embroidered ruffles of white falling about his wrists, and a broad ruffled collar on his coat. he wore a hat that was something like a tam-o'-shanter, and something like a mortar-board, and he carried a large slate under his arm. "he's evidently on his way home from school. see the crowd of children behind him." as the children drew nearer, some stood still, the better to see the party of strangers. thus the latter had a chance to note various peculiarities of dress and general appearance. one or two little girls wore sunbonnets, one or two wore hats, and several had on their heads black _couvre-chefs_, that made them look like little old women. the sturdy little boys in blouses were more like other boys, and they indeed were too busy racing and tumbling over one another to pay attention to the travellers. "amy," exclaimed martine, "you should have kept beside us all the way, we have been hearing such wonderful stories. down there by the bridge there are several descendants of the baron d'entremont, and other people whose ancestors came from france hundreds of years ago." "the baron d'entremont!" amy felt a thrill of pleasure. surely that was one of the names that fritz had mentioned in connection with pubnico, and if she too could come across some of his descendants, how delightful this would be! the houses were now nearer together than they had been. at the right there was a glimmer of blue water. on the bridge at the foot of the decline amy dismounted to watch the men loading with lumber a little schooner at the wharf near-by. the carriage drew up before the tiny post-office, where part of the mail was left. a gray-bearded man in the door of a small shop caught amy's eye. with his broad-brimmed hat, loose trousers, and slippers,--yes, slippers,--he reminded her of pictures she had seen of old frenchmen. she longed to snap her kodak, to catch him just as he stood there, leaning on his cane. but she did not dare, there was something so very venerable and dignified in his appearance. then her eye fell on the name d'entremont over the shop. martine and priscilla joined her. martine was in great spirits. "your mother is writing a post-card in the office. so, while we are waiting, let us go in here and try the d'entremont brand of ginger ale. they're sure to have some, and one doesn't often have the chance to patronize the descendant of a french nobleman." within the dim little shop two or three men were lounging near the counter, who probably said to themselves, "oh, those foolish americans!" but their manner showed no disrespect as they moved aside, and the proprietor made one or two pleasant remarks as he served the trio. a few minutes later amy was again on her bicycle, the others had taken their places in the carriage, and the little village was behind them. the large farms that they had seen near meteghan station gave place to small gardens. the houses were near together, and they were painted in colors that drew many exclamations of approval from martine. "this is great! i never dreamed that i should see a lavender cottage with green trimmings,--and what a shade of yellow for a house! oh, mrs. redmond, i hope that our water-colors will last the trip. i'm afraid that we'll use them all up, painting the wonders of meteghan. this is meteghan, isn't it?" "yes, mees," replied the driver. "it was all meteghan, from the station, only that was a different name for the other post-office. but there is our church; this is the true village." "star of the sea" was an imposing building, but the journey since leaving yarmouth had been long, and they were too eager now to reach their destination to give the church more than a passing glance. amy's quick eye had noted the swinging sign of the little inn not so very far beyond the church, and, hastening ahead, she was the first to be welcomed by madame, wife of their driver, who was also proprietor of the small hotel. welcomed with ceremonious politeness, they were soon made to feel perfectly at home. when the question was pressed, they all admitted that they were very hungry. in the pleasant rooms to which they were shown, they had barely time to make themselves ready when a loud bell called them to dinner. as the four entered the dining-room, they saw that there were several other guests at the long table. one, a stout man with a fondness for jokes, proved to be the agent for a millinery house in halifax. there were one or two others who said so little that even amy could not tell whether they were french or english; two middle-aged ladies near mrs. redmond quickly let her know that they were teachers from connecticut, now for the first time making a tour of the provinces. they had sailed from new york to halifax for the sake of the sea voyage, and had come down slowly through windsor, grand pré, and annapolis, and were enthusiastic about all these places. "but if you can," one of them concluded, "you must have a few days at little brook,--petit ruisseau, as some call it. it's the centre of everything interesting in clare; it's really where the first acadians landed after the expulsion, and only a short distance from point à l'église." amy listened eagerly. here evidently was some one who could tell her much that she wished to hear about this new country, and later, when they were all outside on the little piazza at the front, she learned what she wished to know. on consulting her mother, they decided that after a day at meteghan they would go on to little brook, and spend at least two or three days there--if possible at the hotel paris, which the teachers recommended. missing priscilla and martine, amy found them in the little sitting-room. "tell me," whispered martine, "aren't you disappointed?" "disappointed with what?" "why, in this house--this room especially; it's so--so unforeign." amy glanced around her,--at the bright-flowered carpet; the marble-topped table, on which was displayed a bouquet of wax-flowers under a glass globe; on the two machine-made oak rockers; and then on the pictures. "where do you suppose they found that picture of the queen with such very pink cheeks, and a mouth as small as a pin, and those wax-figure princelings--and those saints? do you suppose madame and her children know the names of them all?" at that moment madame herself entered the door. "you like pretty things. ah, you must see my rugs, if you would care to." "yes, indeed," amy replied politely. "then come with me. they are in my room,--the best,--and the american ladies always admire them." so the two girls followed their landlady upstairs, where she proudly displayed rug after rug of wonderful design and still more wonderful color. martine dared not say what she thought,--that it seemed a pity that so much time had been put into things that could only dazzle rather than please the average beholder. amy conscientiously praised those that could be properly praised,--for here and there was a rug of really artistic design,--and priscilla gave an exclamation of delight as she noticed on the bed a really exquisite spread. "you like that?" asked madame. "it is good work, all by hand; only two or tree women can now make them. my old aunt who made that is dead, but--" "it is like the finest marseilles, only i never saw so beautiful a pattern. i did not know people could make such things by hand." "on a loom, surely yes; there are only one or two in meteghan, but you can see one work, if you wish, at alexandre babet's." "there, that will be something to see! is it far?" cried martine. "oh, no. you can find it quickly." "after we are rested," responded amy. "the sun is still hot. your rugs and the spread are beautiful." as the girls sat down on the piazza, priscilla turned to amy. "you did not think those rugs really beautiful?" amy did not resent this slight touch of reproach, even though priscilla was so much her junior. "yes, and no. some of them were beautiful even from my point of view. they all were from that of their owner, and since she desired to please us by showing them, it seemed only fair to reward her with a word of praise." "but if every one praises her she will go on using those terrible aniline colors. they made my head ache just to look at them." "oh, priscilla, you are so precise i'll call you 'prim' as well as 'prissie.'" "_no_ one else calls me 'prissie,' martine." "no one else dares tease you. probably your little brothers and sisters are frightened to death of you, and then, because you are the oldest, you have always been made to think that you are absolutely perfect." "oh, martine!" "there, there, i know just how it is. it's so in our family; i have an elder brother, and he has always been held up as a model, although, between you and me, he's far from perfect. it just keeps me busy, showing him his faults. so, miss prissie, if you are too old-maidish i'll have to show you yours." priscilla was helpless under martine's rapid fire of words. in her moments of reflection it surprised her that a girl whom six months before she had not even heard of, should now venture to say things to her that no one in her own family would dare to say. a little later, amy and priscilla and martine set out to see the loom that made the fine quilts. priscilla had desired to postpone the visit until next morning. "it would be better to rest now." "i'm tired resting," protested martine. "unless we move on, i will go indoors, and play doleful things on the melodeon. you don't know what i am when i'm melancholy." unmoved by martine, when amy showed that it was better not to spend the whole afternoon listlessly, priscilla objected no longer. the babet house was a ten minutes' walk up the street. after mistaking one or two houses for the one they were seeking, their third trial brought a tall, long-bearded man to the door who answered to the name of alexandre babet. "we hear that some one here--your wife, perhaps,--makes those beautiful quilts." "oh, yes," responded alexandre, in fair english. "they are good quilts, and we have a loom." martine pinched priscilla's arm. "i'm disappointed; i thought that he'd speak french." "come in, come in;" and alexandre showed them into the neatest of sitting-rooms,--neat, but painfully bare. it was brightened, to be sure, by one or two gay pictures of saints in brilliant-colored garments, and by two or three geraniums in flower on the window. but the wooden floor was unpainted, and on it was only one rug, and there was little furniture besides the high dresser and a long table. alexandre went off to summon his wife, and soon she came in from the kitchen, accompanied by another, whom alexandre introduced as his sister. the girls soon became embarrassed under the piercing gaze of their black eyes. the women wore dark calico gowns with little shawls over their shoulders, and their _couvre-chefs_ were bound closely to their heads. neither of them understood english, nor spoke it. but alexandre proved as talkative as any two women. moreover, he occasionally translated his own words into french, and in the same way made the women understand what the young american girls said--to the great amusement of amy and martine. priscilla sat solemnly through the conversation, as if she found something pathetic in the aspect of the women. during a moment of silence, when the room seemed rather close and uncomfortable,--for the windows were shut, and the blinds were drawn,--there came a gentle tapping on the door. madame babet sprang to her feet. "no, no, sit still; she can come in." then turning to the others, alexandre added, "it is yvonne, our little one. come in, yvonne," he called in a louder tone; "here are americans." upon this the door was pushed open, and a little girl wearing a pink gingham gown and a white sunbonnet, entered slowly, holding one hand outstretched, as if not quite sure of herself. then, walking directly toward madame babet, she slipped to the floor beside her, and laid her head on her lap. the girls looked from her to alexandre to read an explanation in his face, and he, understanding, raised his hand to his eyes. "blind!" exclaimed martine, involuntarily. "poor little thing!" "she understands english," said the man, warningly; "she does not wish pity." "i see much," said yvonne, proudly, "when the light does not glare. i see the american ladies. this one is pretty;" and rising, she made her way carefully to martine, and laid her hand confidingly in hers. martine's color deepened; she felt a great tenderness toward the girl, and she raised the little hand to her lips. chapter iv yvonne "she is adopted," said alexandre, "but we know no difference. she calls us her parents. her mother and father are dead, and she makes her home with us since she was a baby. when i get my gold out she shall sing, oh, so beautifully." "your gold out?" queried amy. "ah, yes! back here on my farm, which looks all rocks, there is much gold underneath. i know not how to get it out, but some day i shall find a miner who knows. see!" from a drawer in the dresser he brought out two pieces of quartz, which he asked the girls to look at carefully. "it is gold underneath, sans doute, and, mees, if you know a miner in boston to study this, he could have some of my gold when it is dug out, but as for me i know not how to get it out, and poor yvonne cannot have her music." gradually the girls gathered that yvonne had a voice "sweeter than an angel's," and that alexandre had set his heart on giving her a musical education. his plans soared far beyond the western continent. he would send her to paris, to italy, and she should astonish the world. the most of this conversation or monologue took place in the little field back of the house that alexandre dignified as "my farm." the soil was poor and rocky, and evidently he had hard work to raise the few patches of vegetables needed for his family. there was a tiny orchard,--it had not been an acadian farm without that. the trees were knotty and scrubby, and amy was not surprised that the prospect of a gold-mine offered even more than the usual attractions to the visionary alexandre. but amy, though she knew nothing of mineralogy, thought it most unlikely that a gold-mine lay hidden beneath the stony surface in which alexandre had dug a deep, deep hole with a vague idea that it was a shaft. indeed, amy felt quite sure that even a mineralogist--for such was the meaning of his "miner"--would give him little encouragement. yet as she looked at the slender figure of yvonne walking ahead with martine, she felt deep sympathy with his ambition. evidently yvonne, in spite of her infirmity, was the pride of the little household. her print gown of a delicate pink cambric was spotlessly neat, and her white sunbonnet had been laundered with the greatest care. though much shorter and slighter than martine, the latter was surprised to find that the little acadienne was hardly a year younger, and that it was true, as alexandre said, that she ought soon to have the chance to study--if--and here was the question--if her voice was what he pictured it. "miss amy," murmured priscilla, half impatiently, "i thought that we came to see the loom." "indeed we did, but these people have been so interesting that we have spent too much time out here." then turning toward their host, who had fallen back, she asked him to show them the loom. "ah, yes, with the greatest pleasure,--the loom, and the beautiful quilts that my wife makes, and the lace of yvonne. the mine did almost make me forget, but we shall go in quick." when they were again in the house he led them up a steep flight of stairs to an unfinished room, with great rafters overhead and two small windows admitting little light. there at the loom sat his silent wife, and beside her stood the equally silent sister. so it fell on alexandre to explain the workings of the great wooden frame. while he was talking, however, the attention of all the girls flagged a little. amy had never been interested in machinery, and made no pretence of understanding it. priscilla was impressed by the quaintness of the scene, but she was weary from her two or three days of travelling, and her mind wandered while the voluble frenchman was talking; and martine, fully occupied with yvonne, paid little heed to any one else. nevertheless they were all sufficiently impressed with the skill with which the rather dull-looking wife of alexandre managed warp and woof, and produced, even as they were looking at her, a fragment of pattern. while alexandre was in the midst of one of his speeches priscilla whispered to amy, and amy, as if at her suggestion, turned to alexandre. "we cannot stay much longer," she said politely, "and we are delighted to have seen this loom, so that we can understand how these quilts are made. it's really quite wonderful, your wife is so clever;" and she paused for a moment to watch the busy fingers now flying in and out among the threads. "but we came particularly to see some of the quilts." "oh, yes, mees, certainly, we will show you quick;" then with an eye to business,--"perhaps you will want to buy." "yes," said amy, "perhaps we may. come, priscilla; come, martine." the two women followed the girls downstairs, and when they were again in the little front room, from a wooden chest in the corner they brought out a large quilt of much more beautiful design than any they had seen. "i must have that," cried martine in delight; "it is just what i want." then, when a second was shown, she was equally enthusiastic, and then a third was laid on top of the pile. "the money from the quilts is saved for yvonne," alexandre whispered to amy, and the latter did not protest when four of the quilts were laid aside for martine. amy also chose one for herself, but priscilla, although she praised them, expressed no inclination to buy. only when some narrow hand-made lace was brought out from the chest did she become enthusiastic, or as nearly enthusiastic as was possible for priscilla, and yvonne blushed under her praise. "it is an old art," the little blind girl explained; "it was my grandmother taught me, and her grandmother taught her, and so on back to the days of old france." "but how can she do it? she is blind!" exclaimed amy. "oh, not all blind, and not always! she can see a little, though everything is dim, and the lace it is knitted,--not pillow lace, like some,--and she can make her fingers go, oh, so quickly! ah, she has much talent, the little yvonne, and you must hear her sing." so yvonne sang to them standing there in the middle of the room, without notes and unaccompanied, and the plaintiveness of the tone and the richness of the voice drew tears from the eyes of the three american girls, while father and mother and aunt were lost in admiration as they gazed at the slender figure in the pale pink gown. hardly had she finished when martine, jumping up, impulsively threw her arms about yvonne's neck. "you must go back with me to the hotel. you must sing to me again. there is a melodeon in the parlor, and i will accompany you. please, mr. babet, can she go back with us?" "it is an honor for yvonne," he replied politely; "i will ask her mother." "oh, let me; i will make her say 'yes'"; and in a few words of rapid french martine asked that yvonne might go to the hotel as her guest, to stay to tea. the mother at once assented, and both of the silent women were in a flutter of excitement as they accompanied yvonne to her bedroom to make some additions to her dress. "ah," said alexandre, "she has never been inside the hotel; it will seem very grand to her." then yvonne, kissing them all,--the mother, the aunt, and finally the tall father,--turned her back to the cottage, and with beaming face leaned on martine's arm as amy led the way. a little distance down the road they saw a man standing by a gate. "good-day, little one," he called; "where are you going?" "to the hotel, uncle placide." "how happens it?" "these american ladies have asked me. i am to have tea." "ah, well, she is a dear little one, and you are good to her." the whole party had now halted in front of the gate, and these words seemed to be particularly addressed to amy; for, standing directly in front of her, placide lifted his hat. "won't you enter?" he asked pleasantly. "but, uncle," remonstrated yvonne, "we have no time; we go to the hotel." "oh, but there is much time; i have been in the states, and i like to talk to the strangers, so enter my garden at least, ladies, to taste of my cherries." there was nothing to do but enter the garden. at the mention of cherries yvonne indeed had seemed more willing to halt on her way to the hotel, and the others, as placide thrust upon them liberal handfuls of his great crimson cherries, did not regret the delay. "you are from boston," he said, after amy had mentioned her home. "ah, i worked in boston, that is, in lowell, which was the same, and then i came home when i had saved enough to buy a house. it is not so gay here as in lowell, but it is happier, and i can make a pleasanter living. i never did like the mill, but the pay was good." "what do you do now, mr. placide?" asked amy. "oh, i fish. the sea is good to us acadians; it is better than the factory. one gets health here as well as fish, and fish enough to keep the house fed. so, with my potatoes and my cherries, i am rich." then, with an afterthought,--"but i hope sometime that little yvonne can go to boston, where there is much music. she could study and be great singer, for the voice it needs teaching. i know that, because i have been in the states where people study so much." the girls found it hard to leave placide, for he was even more fluent than alexandre, and his years in the states had given him a certain amount of information about things american, and he was evidently fond of displaying what he knew. but at last they managed to say good-bye, and continued their way down the road. "i am tired," sighed priscilla, as the four stood at the door of the little hotel. "then let us sit here on the piazza. would this suit you, yvonne?" yvonne turned toward amy with a smile. "i like whatever the other ladies like; it is all good for me." "oh, yes," added martine, "it will be great fun to sit here and watch the passers-by. things are rushing this afternoon; two persons are entering that shop across the way, and i can count three ox-carts and two buggies in sight. where do you suppose the buggies are going?" "perhaps half a mile up the road; perhaps to yarmouth. you know there is a continuous street along st. mary's bay, about forty miles from yarmouth to weymouth." "one street forty miles long!" amy's statement roused priscilla from her lethargy. "the young lady says true," interposed madame, their landlady, who had stepped out on the piazza. "forty miles, and all acadians! is it not marvellous that they have grown to be so much, when the english treated them so cruelly, long, long ago?" "ah, yes, evangeline," responded martine, politely. "evangeline never came back," said the literal priscilla. "that is true," assented the landlady. "but there is more than evangeline to tell about. little yvonne here knows many tales." yvonne sighed softly. "ah, yes, very many. but evangeline lived not in meteghan. her country was grand pré, far north. you will go there, without doubt?" "yes, yvonne, we shall spend a week there." "there are not so many stories about meteghan, for no one lived here until after the exile." "i remember one," interposed amy; "the story of aubrey, who was lost in the woods. at least, some writers say that he was lost in the meteghan woods, others that it all happened near digby." "tell us the story, amy, and we can decide for ourselves where it was." "how like martine!" thought priscilla, "as if a girl could decide where to place an historic event!" "after all," continued amy, "it's only a little story, but it tells of something that happened on that first expedition to st. mary's bay, when de monts brought his vessels here in 1604, and champlain named this stretch of water, as he named so many other places. one member of the expedition was aubrey, a priest, with an intelligent love of nature. a small party went off from the vessel to look for ore along the shores of st. mary's bay. the priest was one of the number, but when the boat was ready to return he could not be found. he had left his sword in the woods, and had gone back to look for it. for four days the others searched for him without success, and suspicion fell on one or two huguenots in the party, in whose company he was last seen. with one of them he had had some rather violent discussions on religious matters. to the credit of all, however, no harm was done to the huguenots in spite of the suspicion. after sailing without aubrey, the party went farther north, and it was nearly three weeks before they returned to the neighborhood where he had disappeared." "did they find him?" asked martine, somewhat impatiently. amy was to learn that martine's temperament led her always to desire the climax almost before she had heard the story itself. "yes, they found him; for when they were some distance from shore they saw something that looked like a flag waving. a boat was sent out, and to the delight of those who went in it, they saw that the flag was a handkerchief tied to a hat on a stick, that the missing aubrey was holding to attract their attention. looking for his sword, the good priest had missed his way, and for seventeen days he had wandered in the woods, living on berries and roots." "how delighted he must have been to see his friends!" "not more delighted than they to see him; for had he not been found, the consequences for the suspected huguenots might have been serious." "it is yvonne's turn to tell us a story," said martine, "but we all need to rest before tea, and i want to tell your mother about the quilts. if she disapproves of my buying so many--" "i suppose that you will send them back;" amy's tone contradicted her words. "oh, no; i will not send them back. but i do wonder what i shall do with them." yvonne and martine went indoors, and amy and priscilla soon followed. amy prepared her mother for yvonne by telling her all that they had learned about the little girl. "i won't discourage martine's altruism," said mrs. redmond. "her impulsiveness in the past has sometimes led her into trouble, but martine herself will be benefited by having this warm interest in another. as to the quilts, though we cannot carry them about with us, they can be easily expressed home, and the duty will not be large." after tea the whole party sat in the little parlor, to listen to yvonne. her first two or three songs were without accompaniment. they were plaintive songs with french words, and unfamiliar to the americans who were listening. but a chance question revealed the fact that yvonne was also familiar with much music that amy knew well. thereupon martine suggested that if amy would improvise some accompaniments yvonne might be heard to even better advantage. so amy, seated there at the melodeon, played, and yvonne continued to sing, and some of the music was rendered with a dramatic power that surprised all who listened. "ah, she will be great some day," said the landlady, listening enraptured to the bird-like tones. "how it had pleased her poor mother to know that she was to be a singer!" while yvonne sang, various plans were rushing through martine's busy brain. "yvonne shall have a parlor organ, yvonne shall have teachers, yvonne shall have her eyes examined by a good oculist. evidently she is not blind,--not really blind." while she was thinking and planning, her eyes never left the face of the little french girl, held there by the wonderfully happy expression which lit it. yvonne's wide, brown eyes, her half-parted lips, the little brown tendrils curling around her forehead, all combined to make a picture that impressed itself strongly on all in the room. moreover, the gentle and unassuming manner of the young singer, as she received the praise showered on her, completely won the hearts of all. or perhaps it would be more nearly true to say that if priscilla's heart was not completely won, she at least had begun to see some reason in martine's infatuation. "is it not wonderful?" asked martine of mrs. redmond. "she certainly sings remarkably well--for a little girl." martine looked up quickly at mrs. redmond. was the latter able to find some flaw in what she herself considered altogether perfect? she had no time just then to question her, for yvonne herself might overhear the reply, and besides, the young girl was about to sing again, and martine could not spare a note. when at last the tall figure of alexandre babet appeared in the doorway, they knew that the music must end, and with a protracted farewell from martine, yvonne and her adopted father started for home before nine o'clock. "yvonne did not seem as much overcome by the grandeur of the hotel as alexandre prophesied," remarked amy, as the girls went upstairs. "yvonne would never be overpowered by anything," responded martine; "i don't believe she'd be surprised by the auditorium." whereat both amy and priscilla laughed loudly. "to compare small things with great," said priscilla, "of course she wouldn't be impressed by this hotel. why, it's smaller than a summer boarding-house." "i wonder what alexandre meant?" mused martine. "oh, it was only his way of trying to make you think that you were doing yvonne a great favor by asking her here," responded amy. "yes, the french way of pretending that things are what they are not," added priscilla, as if the word "french" comprised the very essence of deceit. "take care," retorted martine. "i never dared tell you before, but i had a french great-great-grandmother." although priscilla made no reply to this, her inward comment was, "that accounts for many things that have made me wonder." at breakfast the next morning, before martine had come down to the table, amy asked her mother what she really thought of yvonne's singing. "i do not profess to be a judge of that kind of thing, but the child seems to have a fine natural voice, as well as a musical nature. yet, like all other singers, she must have her tones properly placed, and she is still too young to profit by expensive musical instruction. it is my own opinion that it would be better for her to sing little for the next few years. some of the things that she sang last evening were beyond her, and there is danger of her forcing her voice, and so injuring it." "have you said this to martine?" "no, for martine is the type of girl who profits most by finding out things for herself. she will learn gradually that everything cannot be done at once for yvonne." chapter v new people "i don't like to." "why not?" "it seems strange. they may not care to have us visit them." "we can only try. if they turn us away why, that is the worst we need expect." so, drawing priscilla's arm within hers, amy led her up the narrow flagged walk toward the convent school. a sister wearing a glazed bonnet with a long veil was trimming rosebushes in the garden bed close to the house. "yes, surely, we are glad to have visitors. the school itself is closed now, for the girls have their holidays, but you can see all there is. excuse me for a moment and i will be with you." in a short time she had joined them in the little hallway to which they had been admitted by another sister. "would the ladies care to see the chapel?" "ladies" had a pleasant sound to priscilla, and she put aside her prejudice against entering churches not of her own faith. the chapel was simply a large room suitably fitted with altar and seats. it had no color, but everything was daintily white, with here and there a touch of gold. the neat dormitory, the pleasant schoolroom, and the spotless cleanliness of the whole house appealed to priscilla, and to her surprise she found herself asking the sister questions about her work. "we are sisters of charity, and our headquarters are in halifax," the good sister said gently. "the school is but a little part of our work. we go in and out among the sick and the troubled. the acadians are good to their own, and no one need suffer here; but some will make mistakes, and some suffer through the fault of others, and often the priest and the sisters alone can set things right." soon they had seen all that there was to see, and when the sister, looking at the clock, regretted that she must leave them to visit a sick woman, both girls asked if they might not walk with her. "with pleasure," she replied. "indeed, i would take you to the house where i am going, were it not that this woman is too sick to see visitors." "we should like to see another acadian house," said amy; "we have visited only that of alexandre babet, and that was so plain." "ah, you have been at alexandre babet's. then you have seen the little yvonne. is she not charming?" "yes, charming and talented. we have heard her sing." "yvonne sings sweetly. we have taught her some music here, but nature has done the most for her, and she is so patient about her eyes." "do you think that she will be blind?" asked amy, anxiously. "oh, no, not wholly blind, though it is largely a question of doctors. this came to her through an illness a few years ago. she did not have the right care. they did not understand. but there is always hope, and i think that she is no worse this year or two." "we have a friend who has taken a great fancy to yvonne. she preferred to go up to alexandre babet's this morning rather than to come sightseeing with us." "yvonne wins the heart of all so quickly, and her good father and mother, though adopted, would do everything for her if they could. poor alexandre looks for a gold-mine." "yes, we know," and amy smiled; "but i am glad to know that there is hope for yvonne's eyes." "ah, yes, there is hope. poor child! she has had a strange history." at that moment two small girls crossed their path. they looked like little old women, with their shawls and _couvre-chefs_. the sister laid her hand on the shoulder of one of them. "where are you going?" the girls hung their heads shamefaced, and would not meet the sister's gaze. "ah, you know; go home and get your hats." the children ran off without looking back, and the sister turned with a smile to amy and priscilla. "you see they are foolish. when they are at school i tell them they must wear hats every day; but in holidays they will put on _couvre-chefs_. it is an old fashion that i think not good. when they are married--ah! it is too bad--at once they put on the _couvre-chef_, the very girls that i took such trouble with. it takes long to get the acadians away from the old fashions. but they are good people." "we should like to see more of them," said amy. "we should like to see another acadian house. that of alexandre babet did not seem typical." "then i should be glad to take you to see one. why, here we are, just opposite the house of madame doucet, who speaks some english, and with her daughter you would see two excellent acadians. would you care to call there? i will introduce you, though i must go on farther." priscilla looked up in protest, but when amy expressed pleasure at the prospect of making the visit, she said nothing in opposition. the sister, saying a word or two more in praise of madame doucet, and leading them across the street, knocked briskly on the door of a small pink cottage. this was one of the brightest of the brightly painted dwellings that amy had noticed when on her wheel the day before,--a pink with pale-green trimmings. when the sister had introduced them to the heavy-browed young woman who came to the door, she left them, to go farther on her errand of mercy. the young woman, after welcoming the girls heartily, led them to the kitchen in the rear, into which the bright morning sunshine was pouring, while a tiny canary in its cage sang cheerfully. in the rocking-chair near a window sat an elderly woman, whom the daughter introduced as her mother. she was stouter and stronger looking than madame babet, and although she could hardly be called of ruddy complexion, she was far less sallow. her face showed signs of age, but her hair had hardly begun to turn gray, and she welcomed the two girls so cordially that they were at once at their ease. amy, while the daughter exchanged a few words with her mother, glanced around the room. its floor was partially covered with a square of oilcloth, and the most conspicuous article of furniture was the large, highly polished range, on which were several bright pans and kettles of tin. there were religious pictures on the wall, and one or two rocking-chairs. evidently it was sitting-room as well as kitchen. a set of shelves in the corner laden with dishes attracted amy's attention. madame doucet, observing amy's interest, for she had stepped toward the shelves, said to her kindly,-"ah, go close, eef you please; you may touch them." amy gave an exclamation of delight as she took down a pitcher of copper lustre shining like burnished gold. "how beautiful! i wish i had one like it." "ah, that is not to sell; it is family what you call it?" "heirloom," suggested priscilla. "but yes, that is so, for my grandmère had it long ago. she was daughter to an exile." amy handled the pitcher carefully as she set it back on the shelf. few of the other dishes were china, though one delicate cup and saucer amy pronounced older even than the pitcher. when priscilla complimented the two women on their english, they beamed with pride, and explained that they had made a great effort to learn it while living in yarmouth, where the older woman's husband had worked in a mill. "but we see not many english, so we have not much chance to practise. that how the sister send you here." "as a language-lesson," murmured amy; and even priscilla smiled in spite of herself. the younger woman was talkative. she took them into her neat bedroom, with its floor in two colors,--a yellow geometrical design painted on a brown ground,--and showed them with especial pride her dressing-table, the frame of which she had fashioned with her own hands and draped with white muslin. from the window she pointed out her little garden, with its vegetable patch and tiny strawberry-bed, which she worked herself. "i sell some every year," she said. "that helps keep house. we don't need much, we acadians; we very lazy." "you don't seem lazy to me," remarked amy; "certainly you are hard-working." "p'raps lazy is not the word--no, it is content. we acadians are too content with what we have. we want not too much, and so we make not money as the americans." with some difficulty amy brought to a close the visit to the cheerful mother and daughter. she on her part, and they on theirs, had so many questions to ask and to answer. on their way back to the hotel they stopped for a moment at the graveyard in front of the great brick church. "let us not go in," urged priscilla. "it may not be open," returned amy, "though this stella maris interests me because our landlady told me that the whole parish helped build it. all saved and saved, and gave what they could, and the men, when they came home tired from fishing, would go some distance where the bricks were and haul them to the building. but if you don't care to go into the church, do spend a few minutes in the churchyard,--i have a weakness for studying old gravestones;" and as she spoke amy's mind went back to a day long ago when she and brenda and nora and julia had poked among the stones in that old burying-ground overlooking marblehead harbor. this thought reminded her of fritz, who had teased her that day in his boyish way, and strangely enough these memories took such possession of her that she could not put her mind on this little churchyard of the acadians. moreover there was less of interest here than she had expected. inscriptions were few, and these were modern and practical. there was something pathetic in the general tangle of grass and shrubbery, and in the plain little wooden crosses that marked the majority of the graves. as they approached the hotel a shout greeted them,--"amy, amy, prissie, prissie! where have you been?" "how silly martine is!" priscilla had barely time to say, when martine herself rushed out of a little building near the house. "oh, do come in, yvonne is with me; i've been buying her a hat." "a hat!" "yes, do come and see. there's a man here from halifax,--a drummer, i suppose,--and he has the loveliest fall styles. i would get one for myself if i knew how to carry it." "an autumn hat in july! will you make poor yvonne wear it now?" when they entered the room where the millinery was displayed, they saw yvonne standing in rapt admiration before the long double row of hats that the milliner's man had taken out of his boxes. in her hand she held a large shaggy felt, trimmed with rosettes of velvet. the little girl was fingering it lovingly. "i have never had a hat," she explained, "only hoods and sunbonnets, but my new friend, she desires that i have one for the winter, and it will indeed be a pleasure. i could never wear a _couvre-chef_ like an old woman. i do not see these plain, but they feel so soft." "put it on, yvonne, you look so sweet." so yvonne put it on, and after trying one or two others, martine still preferred the first one. accordingly it was packed in a large box, and martine carried it to the hotel, where yvonne was to stay until mrs. redmond and her party should start for little brook. the afternoon was warm. mrs. redmond went down to the edge of the bay to finish a sketch that she had begun in the morning. amy and priscilla sat on the piazza, lazily watching the passers-by, and commiserating the men mowing grass in the meadow across the road that lay between them and the sea. martine roamed about the house with yvonne clinging closely to her, and at last sat down for an hour in the parlor, to hear yvonne sing some of her plaintive songs. after their early tea alexandre came to claim yvonne, and the two girls fell on each other's necks in a farewell embrace. though they were less demonstrative in their expression, amy and mrs. redmond, and priscilla too, felt some emotion at parting with their new friend. "it isn't a real good-bye," whispered martine to yvonne; "i know that mrs. redmond will help me carry out those plans i spoke of. so _au revoir_." from meteghan to little brook they were to drive eight miles,--at least, all but amy were to drive, while she, as before, was to wheel beside the carriage. "you will stay in little brook a week," said the two connecticut teachers, bidding them good-bye. "don't forget the hotel paris. it's smaller than this," they added, smiling, "but you will find it entertaining in every way." "we can't stay a week," mrs. redmond had replied; "already we need our trunks." "and our letters," added priscilla. "yes, they are waiting for us in digby. you see this side trip to clare was as unexpected as it has been pleasant." but the farewells were at last all said, and with only one backward glance at the landlady and her children, the teachers, and the commercial traveller, the four turned their faces toward petit ruisseau, ... "'when brightly the sunset lighted the village street.'" sang amy as they rode along. "don't you remember that in 'evangeline,' priscilla?" she asked, for she was riding close to the carriage. "it sounds familiar. we must find time to read longfellow while we are at little brook." "yes, indeed; but now--" amy did not finish the sentence, for the driver started up his horse, and to show that she did not intend to be outridden she increased her own speed, and soon was out of hearing of the others. it was a beautiful evening. the gaily painted houses of meteghan, and even those that were dazzling white, all suggested the toy dwellings of the christmas shops. amy greatly enjoyed the scene as she pedalled along. a girl standing in one doorway, knitting busily, called out a cheerful salutation, which amy returned. at one corner was a little shop, where a few men in blue jeans had gathered to talk after their day's work. soon meteghan was far behind, and amy had passed the great white church of saulnierville. as she was still some distance ahead of the carriage, she dismounted to speak to a group of children playing some kind of a dancing game, to which they sang an accompaniment. making an effort to understand the words that they sang to the merry air, she discovered that their french was unlike hers. a little farther on she noticed a boy walking along with the help of a crutch. her first glance made her think of fritz, whom a slight accident had once obliged to limp about in this same way. something in the boy's face when she looked at him a second time rather startled her. he certainly resembled fritz. "i wonder if he is really lame, or if this crutch means only that he has had some slight accident." this was her thought. dismounting, she turned back to the little boy. "how far is it to little brook?" "oh, not very far on a wheel." "a mile?" again ventured amy. "about a mile--perhaps." amy looked back. the carriage was so far behind that it was hardly worth while for her to hurry on toward the hotel paris. moreover, if she knew just where the house was, she would not care to reach it ahead of her mother and the others; so she walked along with the boy. although less talkative than some of the older acadians whom she had met, he was not at all shy, this little pierre, who, after telling her his name, confidently asked her hers. "you speak good english," amy said in compliment. "yes, mademoiselle, we are taught english in school; we must learn it, we acadians. one often meets the english." the last was said with a condescending air, amusing enough in one who was born a subject of the queen of england. "but you," continued pierre, "are not english. you are american,--is it not so?" "yes, americans from the united states." "ah! they are strange, the americans; you are going, perhaps, to the hotel paris?" "yes, but how did you know?" "because it is the only place where americans stay. so late, you would be going somewhere. it is a good house, but madame who keeps it has had a death there to-day." this piece of news disturbed amy. "a death! i must tell my mother. she is behind, in the carriage." "you need not wait for it. it will soon overtake you if you walk with me," said pierre, sadly, glancing down at his crutch. when, however, the carriage did overtake the two, they were not far from the hotel paris. mrs. redmond heard what pierre had to say about the death of the landlady's sister, and when she learned that it was the result of an accident received some years before, she felt less concern than at first about approaching the house. "it is unlikely, however, that madame will wish us to stay there." "oh, she is not so," interposed pierre; "she will always take money when it comes to her." "but i do not like to stay where there is a death," interrupted martine. priscilla made no comment. but mrs. redmond was undisturbed. it was now almost dark, and to return to meteghan would mean a tiresome and probably cold ride. pierre asserted that there was no other house where they could stay in little brook, and it was doubtful if there was any room at church point. "we must at least see madame bourque at the hotel. a message was sent her last night, asking her to reserve rooms for us, and perhaps she can help us out of our difficulty," said mrs. redmond. to the great surprise of all, the hotel paris, when they reached it, proved to be but a small dwelling-house, larger than its neighbors, but even smaller than the inn at meteghan, for which "hotel" seemed a misnomer. as the four sat in the little parlor, madame bourque, a dignified and even elegant appearing woman, in her black gown and black _couvre-chef_, tried to make them feel comfortable. "ah, but the death, it makes no difference," she said, after assuring mrs. redmond that the rooms were in readiness. "it is my sister who has been long sick, and was glad to go. indeed i am sorry that you heard of it, for the funeral will be before you wake in the morning, and had i thought it would disturb madame, why, we might indeed have had it to-day." "business before pleasure," whispered martine to amy, who was trying valiantly to keep from smiling,--a difficult task, indeed, for any of the four. as they seemed to have no choice in the matter, the girls agreed with mrs. redmond that they could hardly do better than take possession of the large, pleasant rooms that madame bourque showed them. in the early morning, a gray morning, before the others were awake, amy looked from the window. a sad little procession was setting out from the door. the plain deal coffin was in an open wagon. behind it were a dozen shabby carriages, with mourners, men and women. they were to drive to the churchyard at point à l'église, three miles away. she did not waken the others, but she watched the little procession until it was out of sight. [illustration: "'madame bourque,' she cried, 'i asked him to come to see me.'"] chapter vi pierre and point à l'église "ah, why should she wish to see you, the american young lady? you have much conceit, pierre." the words were french, the voice was madame bourque's, and amy, quickly translating what she overheard, perceived that madame bourque was throwing obstacles in the way of the little boy's seeing her. "madame bourque," she cried, stepping out into the hall, "i asked him to come to see me. it is as he says." "oh, then excuse me, mademoiselle. i did not understand. i did not know that you had seen pierre." "ah, yes, he helped me find my way last evening. he may come in, may he not?" "ah, surely, since you wish it. pierre talks much, and i have known those whom he tired. but enter, pierre, since you have been invited." then pierre followed amy into the little sitting-room, where priscilla and martine were already seated near an open fire; for the gray and damp early morning had introduced a foggy day, and at present sightseeing was out of the question. priscilla had been writing letters, amy had been reading a history of the acadians, and martine, before pierre's arrival, had been looking through "evangeline." "pierre," amy asked, not knowing just what to say to the old-fashioned boy, "do you care for 'evangeline'?" "surely, yes," he replied, his face lighting up. "your longfellow has sympathy for the acadians. a lady who stayed here last summer lent me his poems, but best i understand the 'evangeline.' "'fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers. black were her eyes as the berry that grows on the thorn by the wayside, black, yet how softly they gleamed beneath the brown shade of her tresses!'" pierre recited with much expression. "ah," he continued, "i can say much of that beautiful poem, and indeed it makes me weep to think how they were treated, those poor acadians, my ancestors. the english were most cruel." "amy," half-whispered martine, "my history is a little rusty, so please tell me if the acadians were driven out from little brook." "no, my dear, little brook was founded by some who made their way back from exile. pierre," she added in a louder tone, "you are so interested in your people, can you tell us about those who founded little brook?" "yes, pierre can tell you all the story," interposed madame bourque, who had entered the room to put wood on the fire. "he knows it all from his grandmother, and he remembers." pierre, thus commended, flushed even more deeply than he had when amy made her request; but he remained silent until she spoke again. "perhaps it is not everything that you would wish to hear," he said, "that i shall tell; but my grandmother told me that it was all forest in clare when the acadians were driven from their homes by the cruel english. there were no farms here then, and so petit ruisseau has no sad memories of poor people driven from their homes. but you know that acadians from annapolis and grand pré and other places farther north were carried off to the english settlements that are now the states, and were treated like beggars; for they had no money, and spoke but a strange tongue. fathers were separated from children, and brothers and sisters were not often in the same ship. but all were strong in their hearts, and determined to come back to their beautiful acadia. some began to come back before the peace, and walked all the way--hundreds and hundreds of miles--from boston and new york, until they reached the coast of the bay. when the war was over, and there was a great peace, many, many more came, and walked all the way around from new brunswick to nova scotia to find their homes again." "but i thought that all their houses were burned and that they had no homes to return to." "that is true; but some knew not this, and even those who had seen the fires from the ships did not believe that everything of theirs was destroyed. so they were very sad when they could find no signs of their old homes, and saw that everything belonged to the english settlers. it was a great crime, sending them away, oh, so many; i am proud my great-great-grandparents were exiles and my great-grandmother was born in salem; so perhaps i am half yankee; that's why i speak some english." at that moment madame bourque took part in the conversation. "ah, it is terrible to think of their sufferings, people of such worth,--it is the crime of history. just think of belliveau; you tell about him, pierre." "oh, he was very brave, and the first exile to land in clare. he and his wife came across the bay in a little boat, bringing their baby too, and they landed safely on the shore that you can see from the window. they had a terrible passage--and to think to-day that some people fear to cross the bay to st. john, even in a steamboat! at first they did have nothing, but they cut wood, and soon other acadians joined them who had walked all the way around on land." "pierre," interposed amy, "you describe things very well; what do you intend to be when you grow up?" a shadow crossed pierre's face. "i should like to be a sailor, and then a great captain, but i am not strong enough, and i shall never grow big; so i think i may be a teacher, and that is why i take trouble to speak and write english." "you should be here," interrupted madame bourque, whose mind still dwelt on the acadians, "on the fifteenth of august; that is the day of the return from exile that all the people in clare celebrate." "we shall hardly be in this part of the country then, madame bourque," responded amy, "but we shall try to know all we can about the early acadians before we leave little brook. but, pierre," added amy, "you haven't told us all that you know, have you? haven't you some stories that your mother or grandmother has told you?" "one about the cane i like much." "then tell it to us." "well, there was one of our family, a great-grand-uncle, i think, who lived down near cape sable before the exile; one time he was very kind to a shipwrecked captain and took him into his house and gave him clothes and food; then when my relative was driven from home they took him to boston, and he had to wander about, begging his bread, for he could not speak english. and then he and his three sons with him were put in jail; then the captain whom he had been kind to heard that these frenchmen were in jail, and, remembering the kindness he had had, went to visit the prisoners. how surprised he was to find his old acquaintance who had helped him after the shipwreck! my relative was glad to see him too. then the captain went to the governor and told him about the kind frenchman who was in jail, and the governor said to bring him before him and perhaps he would pardon him. as my relative had no clothes fit to wear before the governor, the captain bought him a beautiful suit and a cane with a large head. then the governor, when he saw my grandfather, pardoned him and his three sons, and they stayed in boston several years, until the peace, when they all came back to nova scotia. i know this story is true, because i have seen the cane, which one of my cousins owns in pubnico." "do you think that is true?" whispered priscilla to martine. "oh, true enough; it certainly is not very exciting. it has been handed down so long that the point is evidently lost." pierre, once started, continued to tell many stories of the hardships borne by the early acadians, beside which the tale of evangeline seemed almost cheerful. "now, priscilla," said martine, when pierre paused, "you must admit that the english don't show themselves in a very good light compared with the acadians. did you ever hear of such cruelty?" "there must have been some cause for it," rejoined priscilla, stoutly; "we have heard only one side thus far. perhaps the acadians themselves were a little in the wrong." "they certainly were not perfect," interposed amy, taking part in the discussion, "as you will admit when you have read their history more carefully. we have not time to go into things more fully now, and i have thought that grand pré would be the best place for our study of the causes leading to the exile. it's putting the cart before the horse to talk too much of the effects before we know the causes." had pierre exactly understood amy he might have entered into a discussion with her, but for the moment he had run to the front door to admit madame bourque's little daughters, whom he had seen entering the yard. when he was again in the room madame bourque once more joined the group. "how does it happen, madame bourque," asked martine, mischievously, "that your hotel is the hotel paris? you should have named it 'acadia' or 'evangeline,' or something like that." "ah," responded madame bourque, "it is that my husband is a frenchman, from paris, and i like my children not to forget that. some day, when they grow up, they shall go to paris." "have acadians any real love for france?" asked amy. "it is certainly a long, long time since their ancestors left it." "yes, indeed," replied madame bourque, "just as the englishman always loves england, or the irishman ireland; they are still strangers in a strange land, though they must call the english queen their queen," she concluded sentimentally. "some acadians go back to france to study, and some french boys come out to the college at church point, and one of them--ah, it is so romantic!--married an acadienne a few years ago." "oh, tell us about it," exclaimed martine; "i love anything romantic." "well, then," said madame bourque, "there was such a pretty girl at church point in the convent, and this youth was sent by his parents to study at the college of st. anne. he fell in love with the pretty girl and would marry her, and oh, his father and mother they felt so bad, for they thought acadians were something like indians; and so they hurried out to nova scotia, and when they saw the girl they fell in love with her too, and knew she was no savage, and say their son can marry her. but the girl would not leave her people, and as the son would not give up the girl, the parents decided to come to acadia to live, for he was an only son and they were rich. so they have bought much land up beyond weymouth, and they call it new france. they have a great mill where they cut timber, and a railroad of their own twenty miles long, by which they send it to the sea, and good houses and electric lights--all on account of a pretty acadienne." "that's just the kind of story i like," cried martine. "i suppose history is just as true, but someway i have more interest in things that are happening to-day." madame bourque now left the room to make arrangements for the early dinner. she had foretold that the fog would lift before noon, and accordingly priscilla, looking out the window, was not surprised to catch a fleeting glimpse of the sun through an opening in the veil of mist. "we'll take your word that the sun will shine," exclaimed amy, "and i'll run upstairs and ask mamma if she will drive this afternoon. i imagine that the most there is to be seen is at church point, and the sooner we go there the better." madame bourque, when asked, promised to have two carriages ready early in the afternoon, for amy had not only invited pierre to dinner, but intended to take him to drive with her. "mamma," said amy, as she gave her mother an account of the morning, "you will find madame bourque very amusing. she evidently believes the acadians to be the salt of the earth; but though i sympathize with their sufferings, i do not believe they were quite the superior beings that she paints them." "it might be unkind," replied mrs. redmond, "to suggest that this is part of her stock in trade; the more remarkable she can represent the old acadians to have been, the more interested will her guests be in the places associated with them. they were a good, honest people." "but they were peasants, were they not, mamma? you would think to hear her talk that they were very near nobility." "oh, among the acadians of to-day are doubtless many descendants of men of good family in france. indeed, some of them can claim for ancestors charles de la tour and baron d'entremont; but the peasant blood is in the ascendant, and the strain of nobility must be very slight." at the dinner-table pierre won mrs. redmond's heart by the gentleness of his manner, and she told martine that amy's protégé would be a close rival of hers. "no, indeed," replied martine; "no one can rival yvonne. just think of her voice and her little curls and her pink cheeks." "i'll admit that pierre lacks these characteristics, though all in all they would hardly enhance his value. from what amy says, however, i should judge that pierre, even if he has neither curls nor pink cheeks, has a voice that is very effective when he uses it in telling stories." fearing that pierre might overhear these personalities, mrs. redmond changed the conversation. "amy," she said in a somewhat louder voice, "where do you suppose fritz is now?" "oh, if pubnico is as fascinatingly french as he expected it to be, he is probably there still. i doubt if he will be better entertained than we have been." "i almost wish he were with us," rejoined mrs. redmond, "for he is always a fund of entertainment in himself; i have thought of him many times this dull morning, and i hope that we shall find a letter from him awaiting us at digby." if amy agreed with her mother, she did not so express herself at this moment; yet if the truth were known, it must be said that more than once since their parting at yarmouth she had regretted that she had not at least given fritz a chance to join their party. when the carriages came to the door in the afternoon amy recognized them as having formed part of the funeral procession; they were shabby, with hard seats, and the horses, as well as the vehicles, looked as if they had seen better days. it was arranged that amy and pierre should go in the small carriage, as madame bourque's husband assured them that the horse was perfectly safe for a lady to drive. "ah, he could not run away!" "i should think not," said amy. "if he manages to carry us even the three miles to church point i shall be surprised; he seems so dispirited that i imagine the funeral has made more impression on him than on madame bourque herself." mrs. redmond, priscilla, and martine were in the second carriage, and madame bourque was the driver. amy noticed in gardens and windows fewer hollyhocks, oleanders, and other bright flowers than she had seen at meteghan. the houses, too, were painted in less bright colors, and the village street had a less stirring appearance. pierre was a good cicerone; he pointed out near the edge of the sea the spot where the first of the returning exiles had landed. he also showed amy a little one-story house on a slight elevation, said to be the oldest in the town, and to date but little later than the landing. "it is hard," he said in his precise way, "to imagine that it was all forest here in those first years, since now there is hardly a tree in sight except the fruit trees in the orchards. the first comers had large grants of land from the government; thus the english tried to make up for the wrong they had done." "but the farms are very small now," ventured amy. "the yards are so close together." "ah, yes, that is it; each father had many children and divided his land among his sons, and as every one wanted his house to be on the village street, they have kept it up, cutting it up into long narrow strips, some of them running back one or two miles; and away at the end of the strips there are still forests that are worth money." some time before they reached church point, the lighthouse and the college buildings were seen in imposing outline in the distance. their horse justified amy's forebodings, and when they overtook madame bourque and her party the latter were standing near a monument before the large building that pierre had said was the college of st. anne. amy, though undisturbed by martine's gibes at the slowness of her steed, was glad enough to get out of the carriage. both horses were left in charge of a boy whom madame bourque knew, while the sight-seers started to walk to the shrines of the acadians--for by this term did madame bourque describe the burying-ground and site of the early houses. "it is not a long walk," the voluble frenchwoman had explained, "unless you go out to the lighthouse, for which we have not time to-day." priscilla lingered behind the others to copy the inscription on the monument. it was in honor of the abbé sigogne, to whom the acadians of clare owe more than to any other one person. priscilla, reading the inscription, wondered why she had never before heard of this man, who evidently had been so much to his own people. acadia is not far from massachusetts, and yet already she realized that this was a corner of the world of which she knew far too little. amy, however, could tell her what she wished to know, and she hurried on to join the others, who were now far ahead. "amy," she cried, overtaking her friend, "tell me something about the abbé sigogne; i am ashamed to say that i never heard of him before." pierre glanced at the american girl with an expression of absolute amazement at her ignorance. "there is so much to tell," said amy, "that it would be too long a story for the time that we have now; yet as we walk along i can give you a little idea of his work. he was a french priest of good family, who barely escaped losing his head during the french revolution. after fleeing from france he lived a few years in england. when he heard that the poor acadians of clare were without a clergyman, he decided to go to them, and from that time he made their lot his. this was in 1799, about thirty years after their return from exile, and though they had cleared the forest and built houses, they had made little progress in other ways; they were without schools and almost without religion, but the good abbé built them a church, established schools, and made frequent visits to all the little settlements along st. mary's bay, often travelling along the coast in a small, open boat. he taught them many things besides religion. he made them firm in their allegiance to great britain, and when he died, in 1844, he was bitterly mourned by all who knew him, whether english or french." when amy and priscilla and pierre caught up with the others, they were in a large field, looking at a spot of ground on which madame bourque said had stood the very first house at point à l'église, built after the exile. near by was a little old graveyard, where the first generation of returning exiles had been buried. only a few graves were marked, and these with rough stones without inscriptions. a rude arch of whalebone formed the entrance to this little enclosure. it was not very far from the point of land on which stood the lighthouse, near which, along the edge of the sea, a file of black-coated priests was walking. though they were indistinctly seen in the distance, their large caps and flapping surtouts gave them a picturesque appearance. a strange structure like a shrine of open slats decorated with spruce boughs attracted martine's attention, and she insisted on making a sketch of it. "it is a repository," explained pierre, politely, "where the priest stands, as a station for the procession, on festival days." when they returned to the college of st. anne, madame bourque grew more and more eloquent. "is it not wonderful," she said, "that all this great building is restored since the fire of two years ago? you will come inside, ladies, and see how pleasant the rooms are." "i will stay outside," replied priscilla, "and watch the horses," she concluded rather lamely. "nonsense," began amy, but looking at priscilla, she saw that the young girl was in earnest, and so insisted no further. "amy," whispered priscilla, as her friend drew near her, "i was sorry afterwards that i went into the convent yesterday, and so i would much rather not go into a priest's house." "i had no idea that you would be so narrow," rejoined amy. "i don't mean to be narrow," responded priscilla, "but i really don't feel like going inside." so priscilla sat down on the grass near the monument and all the others went inside the main building of the college of st. anne. not very long afterwards mrs. redmond came out again, with her sketch-book in her hand. "i thought it a good time now to make a sketch of the church. i have seen many other schools like this one, for, after all, it's only a boys' boarding-school. the girls enjoy practising their french with the eudist father, who is taking them about, and it will probably be some time before they are ready to leave. i think you make a mistake, priscilla, in not joining them." "it isn't a very old building," said priscilla, implying that this was sufficient reason for her staying away from the party. "it is certainly not very old," rejoined mrs. redmond; "the college has been established less than ten years. it is a great thing to have founded it here in the midst of the acadians, and it has made the boys of clare much more ambitious." "what good is a college education to them?" asked priscilla; "fishing and farming seem to be their chief occupations." "this is really only a preparatory school," replied mrs. redmond, "and the boys who are going into the church or into the professions enter other colleges in canada or in france. the father told us with pride of the high standing of some of the graduates in their work in other colleges." "if i do not care for the college," said priscilla, "i love this church of abbé sigogne's; it makes me think of a new england meeting-house, with its white walls and steeple." mrs. redmond's sketch was hardly finished when the others came out from the college. madame bourque was in her most talkative mood, as she led them across the road into the white church. this time priscilla went with them and looked with some interest at the paintings on the wall, and the sacred emblems, and the tablet inscribed to the memory of abbé sigogne. martine, it must be admitted, found something amusing even in this church, for inside the gallery where the choir boys sat were many pictures of little boats, and even of full-rigged ships scratched in deeply with a penknife, presumably by the fingers of mischievous young singers. pierre, who happened to be with martine when she made this discovery, did not laugh with her, but shaking his head solemnly, said, "ah, those pictures show what really fills the heart of the acadian boy." madame bourque was disappointed that her party of americans did not care to visit the girls' school near by, but the hour was late, and the tired-looking horses were not likely to make speed on the way home. "we have really seen so much," said mrs. redmond, "that we shall need to think it all over before seeing more, and you have been so good a guide that in our one visit to church point we have learned as much as most persons do in two." "we have learned a great deal," murmured priscilla to amy, "but i always feel that madame bourque paints the acadians as much more remarkable than they are. but i should like to have seen father sigogne baptizing indian pappooses; they say that he used to wipe their faces with his gown to find a spot where he could kiss them." "yes, and madame bourque says that there are people still living who can remember great crowds of indians filing through the woods to church point that they might receive abbé sigogne's blessing on st anne's day." chapter vii digby days on the way back to little brook amy had a good chance to talk with little pierre about his hopes and ambitions. she found that he was extremely fond of reading, and it was almost impossible for him to get books such as a boy loves to read. about half a mile from madame bourque's, pierre pointed out a small cottage which he said was his home. "my mother will be there now," he said, "and i hope you will come in with me to see her. she does not speak so very good english," he added apologetically, "but she can understand it." though madame robichaud greeted amy warmly and thanked her for her kindness to pierre, there was something pathetic in her manner and appearance. she was a tall, thin woman, with a delicate, pale face that was made all the paler by her plain black gown and the _couvre-chef_ that covered her hair. her husband, pierre explained, was lost at sea when pierre was five years old, and since that time she had supported them both wholly by her own labor. madame robichaud showed amy with great pride some drawings nailed to the wall that pierre himself had made,--simple drawings of ships and houses that showed draughtsmanship rather than imagination. these suggested to amy that pierre had a talent that might be cultivated to greater advantage than his ambition for school-teaching. she and pierre parted reluctantly, and madame robichaud promised that the little boy should be at the hotel in the morning before amy left little brook. all the travellers slept soundly that night despite the huge feather-beds that madame bourque had provided, as she thought, for their comfort. in the morning they wrote their names in her visitors' book, on whose pages were inscribed the names of a number of americans, some of them fairly well known, who at one time or another had been guests at the hotel paris. pierre arrived very soon after breakfast with a great bunch of hollyhocks or _passe-rose_ for amy. he had evidently taken a great fancy to his new friend. "she is more beautiful even than my school-teacher," he had said to madame bourque; a compliment which the latter repeated as of especial value, because hitherto pierre had considered his teacher the model of womanly perfection. "martine," said mrs. redmond, before the carriage arrived, "have you written to yvonne?" "oh, no; i meant to, but now i'll wait till we reach digby." "i fear that yvonne will be disappointed. she probably expected a letter to-day." "i know it; i am ashamed of myself." martine's tone was penitent, but no one who knew martine ever expected her to do promptly what she had promised. it was always a little easier to put off things to another day. priscilla looked at her scornfully, as if to say "how fickle!" when at last they were ready to start, all felt sad at parting with madame bourque and her family, for in two days they had come to seem almost like old friends. the two little bourque girls, as the carriage drove off, looked with astonishment at the dollar bill that mrs. redmond had put in the hands of the elder to divide with her younger sister. pierre walked on a little way with amy before she mounted her wheel, and on saying good-bye at last he knew that the american lady would really send him the books that she had promised. their train to digby was not the famous "flying bluenose," but a local that made no pretence of hurrying; it instead gave them ample opportunity to study the scenery from the windows. when at last they reached digby, they were warm and dust-covered, and glad enough, too, when they found carriages waiting for them at the station. "it's nothing but a summer resort, this digby that we have heard so much about," complained martine, as they drove along the main street. "just look at those boys in golf suits, and that crowd carrying shawls and wraps as if bound for a sailboat. why, the town doesn't even look english. it makes me think of blue harbor in maine, where we spent one summer." "i noticed a great deal of philadelphia accent while we were waiting for our trunks at the station." "oh, don't mention it," replied martine; "philadelphians flock everywhere, and they are so cliquey that they just spoil a place for me, though i'll admit that they know a good thing when they see it." "be careful, martine," cautioned amy; "no more slang than you can help on this trip." "'on this trip!' if that isn't slang i'd like to know what is." "no matter now; here's the hotel; mail first and rooms afterwards." in an instant amy had hurried to the hotel office, returning to the others with a bundle of letters, which she gave to priscilla to distribute while she went ahead with her mother to look at the rooms they had engaged. the hotel was like most small summer hotels, and in spite of their pleasant remembrance of clare, mrs. redmond and the girls had to admit that it was more comfortable than the little french houses. "'pubnico!' why, of course;" here amy stopped as she held the letter in her hand, turning it over once or twice as people will before opening a letter. "of course; don't hesitate to tell us that it's from fritz. it would be very strange indeed if he had not written," cried martine, mischievously. "'pubnico,'" said priscilla, as if the word had just penetrated her brain; "why, there were two letters with that postmark, were there not?" "oh, no, only one," replied amy, promptly, "and, as martine surmises, it was from fritz." but while amy was speaking priscilla looked sharply at martine, and martine, as if uncomfortable under her gaze, suddenly left the room. after dinner, as they all sat on the piazza, "amy," said mrs. redmond, "you haven't told us yet how fritz is enjoying his journey." "oh, he thinks he has found the only french in nova scotia. he describes their dress and their houses and their great fat oxen, and speaks of the misfortunes of the exiled acadians as if he were an original discoverer. how foolish he will feel when he finds that what he has seen is old news to us, for his description reads just like a description of clare." "only i'll warrant that he didn't find any madame bourque," and priscilla smiled. "no, nor an yvonne," added martine. "not to speak of pierre," concluded amy. "my letter from home," said priscilla, "mentions that this was the hottest week of the season. just think, only yesterday we were half frozen driving home in the fog from church point." after breakfast, on their second morning at digby, mrs. redmond and the girls walked the whole length of the tree-lined main street. as martine had surmised, they had indeed arrived at a regulation summer resort. the holiday spirit prevailed on all sides; every one was going somewhere, or had just been somewhere, on pleasure bent. in spite of her professed prejudice against philadelphians, martine almost fell into the arms of a former schoolmate from the quaker city, who rushed out to greet her from the garden of a small hotel near the top of the hill. "isn't the view fine, and the air just perfect? i'm so glad you're here; there's something to do every hour of the day, and we shall be so glad to have you join us, you and your friends." and she glanced dubiously at priscilla's mourning dress and serious face. "thank you, but i can't make plans just now. there are four in our party; the other two have walked ahead. we arrived only on saturday, and yesterday was so rainy that we stayed indoors until evening, when we all went to church. until we really have our bearings i don't think that i can make any plans. but you must come to see us. there, i haven't introduced you to priscilla; you must excuse me. priscilla, the rose of plymouth, let me introduce you to peggy pratt from the quiet city of philadelphia." "you are the same old martine," cried peggy, as they turned away, while priscilla, reddening, added as the two walked on, "oh, martine, how silly you can be!" amy was delighted with everything that they saw in the course of that morning walk, from the beautiful view of the basin, surrounded by hills that looked mountains, to the little fish-houses, the quintessence of neatness, in front of which quantities of cod were drying. as to the basin, when she said she felt as though she had seen it before, mrs. redmond reminded her that it resembled closely the harbor of santiago, with which she was familiar through pictures. "ah, yes," rejoined amy, "and that little opening into the bay of fundy that they call 'the gut' is like the passage where hobson tried to sink the merrimac." "it isn't such a very little passage; somebody told me that it is nearly a mile wide; it was there that the ships of de monts entered the basin in 1604, when they discovered acadia," mrs. redmond added. "sixteen hundred and four!" cried martine. "oh, dear, we're going backwards in our history. it was seventeen hundred and something when the acadians were expelled, and i shall never be able to remember earlier dates." "at present we may put dates aside. for a day or two we can merely enjoy ourselves." "i hope we are coming to some english history," said priscilla; "i am tired of the french. i always supposed nova scotia was a british province, but this whole week we have heard very little about the english." "i tell you what we'll do, priscilla," cried amy; "while mamma and martine sit here to make a sketch of something or other, you and i can set out in search of some english history. undoubtedly there's an historic house or two to discover. that's the kind of thing i never let escape me." at first it seemed as if amy's search would be unsuccessful. one person after another whom she asked said that there were no historic houses in digby. "there's an old shop over across the way," one added, "the frame of which, they say, was brought out from england; i'll point it out to you, though it doesn't look very old." this last statement was true enough, for the old house had been reshingled and reclapboarded and repainted, so that it retained hardly a vestige of antiquity in its appearance. to compensate amy for her disappointment, the obliging native made a suggestion that in the end proved valuable. "what you ought to do is to see mrs. sally tatem; her house isn't much to look at, but it's old enough, and she knows more about the history of digby than any one else here." "where does she live?" "oh, just a little way up that street and round the next corner and up the hill and you will see a little cottage at the end of the lane; just knock at the door, and if she's at home she'll be very obliging." so amy and priscilla went "up the street and round the next corner and up the hill," and at "the end of the lane" they saw a small white cottage almost covered with vines. amy's knock brought to the door a little old lady with silvery hair and a tiny ruffled cap, wearing a gray gown and, most important of all, a pleasant smile. the hesitation that amy had felt in explaining the object of their visit disappeared under the old lady's greeting. "dear child, come right in; i'll tell you all the digby history i know; but it isn't so very much." as amy sat down in the little sitting-room, she could not help looking about, and she was quick to recognize that the two chairs were chippendale. "they were brought by my grandfather," said mrs. tatem, noting the direction of amy's glance. "he was a captain in the queen's rangers; you know many americans were on the king's side in the revolution." a look of surprise crossed priscilla's face, but she did not venture to raise a question. "yes," responded amy, "i know about the loyalists." "well, my grandfather was a farmer in westchester county, rich and prosperous, but he would not take arms against the king. a friend and neighbor of his was tarred and feathered, and he was in some danger himself. so he went into the war, and when it was over he couldn't stay in new york. with other loyalists he came down here. of course it was very hard for him to have all his property taken away, but his wife was brave and she was willing to suffer." "who sent them away?" asked priscilla, eagerly. "why, the yankees,--the americans, i mean," said mrs. tatem. "the patriots," whispered priscilla. "yes, yes," interposed amy. "but," continued priscilla, "i didn't know that there were two sides to the story." and as she said this the old lady smiled. "we have no bitterness now. i ought not to have said 'yankees.' i have many friends in the states, but it was hard for my mother and aunts to have to grow up in the wilderness. i used to hear my aunt talk. she was an older daughter." "but how did they live here in those days?" "oh, the king gave a large grant of land and provisions for three years and some building material. many who came to settle would not stay, and it was harder for those who did remain. there was no church even, for a long time, until good mr. viets came; he did everything for the white settlers, and even held a school for the blacks." "the blacks?" "oh, yes; you see many people brought their slaves with them." "southerners?" "no, new yorkers. many northern people had slaves in those days. i know that my grandfather had two, but when he died he left them their freedom in his will. out at the joggins' there are still living many descendants of these slaves, and of the black pioneers, a regiment of blacks that fought on the english side in the war." "what you've told us is almost as romantic as the french revolution," said priscilla. "maybe so," replied the old lady, hesitatingly, "though things probably did not seem romantic to the first settlers here; but perhaps it's just as well that our lot was cast in this healthy climate. i hear there's a great deal of sickness in new york, and it's a great big city where people care only for money. i'm sorry our young people go off so much to the states; they could all make a comfortable living if they would only stay at home." amy could not refrain from admiring the china and all the daintiness of the little house, plain and unpretending though it was. but the most interesting thing of all was the old lady with her charming manner and fund of history. "i've heard my mother say," she remarked before they went, "that the first name of digby was conway, and it was only after admiral digby had been here that it was named in his honor." "why didn't the french settle digby?" asked priscilla; "they seem to be everywhere else in nova scotia." "probably because there are no marshes; they were attracted by the dyke lands at annapolis and grand pré." the girls bade good-bye to mrs. tatem with real regret. before she returned to the hotel amy wandered by herself in a little old churchyard where lay many of the first settlers, and as she looked at the weather-beaten stones she saw that many of those who lay buried there were natives of new york or its neighborhood; closing her eyes for a moment to shut out the present, she pictured to herself what life in the wilderness must have been to these refugees who had suffered everything in a losing cause. that afternoon martine's friend, peggy, from philadelphia, invited them all to join a sailing party; though at first disinclined to go, amy at last accepted the invitation. it was a delightful afternoon, with wind and sea in their favor, and the charm of the surrounding scenery was increased by a delicate mist that hovered over the north mountain, as a reminder of the bay of fundy outside. for some reason this sail around digby reminded amy of some of her excursions in marblehead harbor, especially of a certain day on the "balloon," and this in spite of the fact that the "mary jane" in no way compared in equipment with philip's yacht. no picture of marblehead could of course be complete unless fritz were in it, and almost to her annoyance amy now found fritz occupying a large corner of her mind. nevertheless, she was interested in all that was going on around her, and once or twice lent a hand to the skipper, when a sudden change of wind occasioned a quick shifting of the sails. then the bluenose skipper complimented the yankee girl on her skill in handling the ropes, and martine and priscilla and peggy expressed their astonishment that she should know so much about a boat. for almost the first time since their departure from boston priscilla was now in good spirits; she had overcome her original homesickness, and her letters from plymouth had been so cheerful that she was almost ready to find enjoyment in the new scenes and faces. between her and martine there was less intimacy than between her and amy. mrs. redmond was sorry to see that, for some reason, priscilla lacked confidence in martine. this was to be accounted for, perhaps, by the fact that the two girls were so unlike in temperament and education. though reserved in speech, priscilla was uncompromisingly accurate in statement; martine, on the other hand, while apparently unreserved, occasionally lacked frankness. no one could accuse her of being untruthful, and yet her exaggerations and her occasional concealments were a constant annoyance to the literal priscilla. on the second day of their stay at digby, martine had written a long letter to yvonne, and at the same time had sent her a roll of new music, which she had happened to find in a digby shop. "if i knew just how long we should be here, i really think i would send for yvonne to spend a week with us." "we shall not be here a week," rejoined mrs. redmond, "and i am afraid that yvonne would rather handicap us if we tried to have her travel farther." on their last morning at digby, amy and martine had a parting walk around the wharf. the wharf had been a source of much amusement to martine, and she had sketched it at high tide when it looked just like any other wharf, and at low tide when it rose high above the water, its sides covered with seaweed and barnacles. indeed the vagaries of the bay of fundy tides were an endless amusement to the party, exposing, as they did, long, long stretches of reddish mud, and apparently casting up all kinds of craft high and dry on the land. "now, around by the fish-houses," cried martine; "how i shall miss the cod which we meet here at every turn! fish flakes, in my mind, will always be the emblem of digby. priscilla says that she has seen more on cape cod, but i can hardly believe her. it's strange that no one has given us a digby chicken since we came here. any one would suppose that the digby chicken is the only fish that grows here; yet really and truly we haven't seen one, have we, since our arrival? for it's the cod that's everywhere, and it's funny to think that they send so much codfish to the west indies. people there must be thirsty enough without having cod sent to tantalize them." on their way back to the hotel they did an errand in a corner shop. the clerk addressed them in rather broken english, and in answer to amy's question said that he was a descendant of an acadian exile. he told them one or two anecdotes, and when he had to turn to other customers amy waited until they were served, hoping to hear more from him. "that negro," he explained, as a tall black went out of the shop, "is a descendant of one of the slaves of the revolution." "was that other man a negro, too, who went out with him?" "oh, no, he's an indian from the bear river reservation. if you go that way, you must be sure to visit it." "i hope that we are going there, for i hear that bear river is a beautiful place. though i am not particularly anxious to see the micmac on his native heath, it certainly is interesting to have met representatives of the four race elements in this little shop," said amy, as they turned away. "four race elements?" asked martine, not quite understanding her. "yes, of nova scotia loyalists, acadians, indians, and negroes. to be sure pre-loyalists would be more representative than negroes--but the former did not settle digby." "let's go up on cannon hill for a last look. your mother just loves it. we have made some fine sketches of those crooked apple-trees and that old house." "and the cannon? they are certainly unlike any others you will come across." "i have photographed the cannon," replied martine, with dignity, "and if i had time, i might sketch them." "i love it here," cried martine, as they stood on the hill. "one gets such a splendid view of the entrance to the basin,--i can't bring myself to say gut. when i stand here, i just close my eyes, and then fancy how these steep shores must have looked to the frenchmen, champlain and the others, who came sailing in through the passage that june morning so long ago. then when i open my eyes i can actually see them out there--and if i were a poet, like you, amy, i would write something worth while." "i a poet! what nonsense! what put that into your head?" "as if i didn't know all about you, miss amy redmond," and martine quoted a line or two of verse that brought the color to amy's cheeks. "that isn't poetry," she said with a smile. "but you are in a mood that shows me we ought to go home." chapter viii two adventures "oh dear," sighed priscilla three hours later, as she strapped her valise, "i believe i'd rather stay in one place all summer than move so often. i shall miss the pier and the barnacles. when we came in from the boat at low tide the other day, it seemed like one of the caverns of fairyland--so dark and mysterious." "yes, and you'll miss the codfish, too. amy and i have been going through the missing agony this morning. but i have a fish story that will please you, puritan prissie. though curing codfish is a leading occupation here six days of the week, on sunday that man is fined who even sticks a pitchfork into a helpless cod--except,--and here i am afraid that this covers a quantity,--that if there has been a week of wet weather, if sunday is sunny, then the gentle codfish may be turned over. this is merely a humane provision for the comfort of the cod, who otherwise would become unduly weary lying so long on one side." "we shall become unduly weary waiting for you," cried amy, who had entered the room during the latter part of martine's speech. "i hope that you are both ready, for it is almost train time." "all aboard then," cried martine. "if my hat is on straight, nothing need delay us. let me help you with your valise, priscilla. my luggage has gone on." when they reached the station mrs. redmond and her party found that after all they had some time to spare. at five minutes past the hour they took their seats. "standard time, halifax time, hotel time, local time," hummed martine. "i wonder which we're starting by." presently the conductor walked along the station platform to the little waiting-room, and from the open window they heard him speak to some one inside. "have you made up your minds yet, ladies, about going?" he asked in a polite tone. "oh, gracious, yes," exclaimed a shrill voice. "we were waiting for the bell;" and two elderly women hurried toward the train with their knitting in their hands. amy had noticed them busily knitting there, in a corner, when she passed. it seemed, by the conductor's subsequent explanation, that knowing they were uncertain whether to go by that train or the next, he had patiently waited for them to decide. bear river was one of the places where mrs. redmond had planned to stay. after a short railroad journey that included a passage over some wonderful bridges, beyond which was a great extent of water, and after a drive of five or six miles, they found themselves gazing down at picturesque bear river. the beautiful town sloped to a broad stream, its white houses and spires half hidden by trees. "it reminds me of switzerland," cried martine. "it's a dream," exclaimed priscilla. "i don't believe fritz has seen anything more beautiful," added amy. "it deserves a more beautiful name," said mrs. redmond. "but, really, mamma, it's named for imbert, the explorer, and the name doesn't seem so bad when we think of that." their day in bear river proved to be a gala day of the town. they had arrived at the height of the cherry carnival, and games and boat-races and other festivities had been arranged as part of the celebration. the girls were up very early that first morning, and soon after breakfast martine was out with her camera, taking snapshots in every direction. a fat old squaw in a red jersey pretended to be afraid of the kodak, and turned her head; but there was a grin on her face as she looked around, which martine quickly caught. another squaw, also fat, with a little pappoose in her arms and another clinging to her skirts, begged martine to take her. "where you live?" asked martine, as if talking to a child. "up there," pointing vaguely in the distance. "where?" "reservation; you come see." martine was interested. "is it far?" "oh, no." "what's your name?" asked martine. "marie brown. you find my house." though the name didn't seem to fit the indian, martine was glad that it was one that she could remember; for all in a moment she had made up her mind to visit the reservation. during the morning, while she watched the sports and chatted with the bystanders and ate dozens and dozens of the famous bear river cherries, martine said nothing to the others of her intention of visiting the reservation. it would be easy enough to borrow amy's bicycle and say that she did not care to drive with the others. everything happened as she planned. "bear river is so hilly," said mrs. redmond, "that you will hardly wheel very far. but yet it's a quiet little place, and there is no risk in your doing some sight-seeing by yourself." martine soon found herself on a road leading toward the micmac reservation; she had asked her way once or twice, and felt lonely as houses and shops were left behind; but though she was going in the direction of the reservation, she saw nothing to remind her of indians. "where are the wigwams? surely with so many indians around there must be wigwams somewhere." martine looked about anxiously at trees, bushes, and at one or two small wooden houses. she had been riding for half an hour, and she felt that she had not taken the wrong way. there was nothing to do but to inquire at one of the little houses. as she approached it, she realized that it was an indian dwelling; three pappooses were playing in front of it, and a tall, thin squaw, in a purple calico gown, came out to the door as she entered the gate. "marie brown," said the woman; "oh, that far away. too far for you; you better go home; it's late." martine knew that this was intended as advice, not as discourtesy, but martine was not fond of advice, and she decided that if she could not see marie brown she would visit the chapel, of which she had heard some one speak at dinner that day. when she asked the way, the woman drew her one side to an open space behind the house, where, on a hill that did not look too remote, she saw a small, square building with a cross on top for a steeple; so after a little conversation with the squaw about her people and their way of living, martine pushed on toward the hill. she soon found that she must leave her bicycle behind, as there was no good road and the path was steep, and finding a spot that was screened by bushes, she left her wheel there; so on she went on foot until she had come to the enclosure, in the centre of which stood the micmac chapel. seen at close range, it looked like a toy church, built plainly of wood, absolutely simple and bare on the outside. martine raised herself on a ledge of wood so that she could look in through the windows. there was something almost pathetic in the tawdry attempts at decoration--the little altar draped with old lace curtains and gold lace and some faded flowers. on top there was a silver cross within a white canopy, and a small altar with a canopy in the corner. walking around the graveyard, martine noticed that there were french names on almost all the stones. suddenly she was disturbed by the barking of a dog, and, following the direction of the sound, she saw a house on a hill high above the chapel. the dog was running up and down in front of the house, and barking loudly, as if he detected the presence of a stranger near the church. martine remembered that the indian woman in the cabin below had spoken of the chief's house near the church, but this did not reassure her. perhaps the chief, himself, would object to the presence of a young american girl, and she began to wonder how she should make her peace with him if he should interfere; she was less afraid of the possible chief, however, than of the very real dog, whose barking still continued. to leave the enclosure by the way she had come would bring her out in full view of the creature. to avoid this, therefore, with some difficulty she climbed a fence at the other side, believing that she was going straight in the direction of the bicycle. but alas for her miscalculations! she was in a tangled thicket of shrubbery; she tore her dress and scratched her ankles, and she could not get back to the bicycle nor even find the cabin from which she had been directed to the chapel. when at last she reached the broad road, she sat down disconsolately by the side of a fence. "why was i so foolish as to borrow amy's bicycle?" had it been her own wheel, so reckless was martine's disposition, she would have left it behind without a qualm. yet though it was quite possible for her to buy a new one for amy, it did not seem quite right to return to the hotel without it. while she was pondering, without seeing any way out of the difficulty, she heard a shrill voice crying,-"hi, lady, hi!" turning about, she saw the tall, thin indian woman in the purple gown walking down the hill and guiding the bicycle beside her. "why, how did you know i was here?" asked martine, after she had thanked her profusely. "oh, i could see the way you start from the chapel, and i thought you not find your wheel, so i thought i bring him." martine, thanking the woman warmly, gave her all the silver that she happened to have in her purse,--not a very large sum from her point of view, but magnificent from that of the indian. the squaw then walked with her down the hill and into the village, saying that young ladies should not go so far alone. as they walked, martine asked several questions about indian life, and was told that, in the summer, many were away selling baskets or fishing; they would be coming back soon, she said, and even as she spoke martine looked toward the river on which two canoes were gliding, each containing two or three indians and their numerous belongings. "they are coming back for st. anne's day," said the woman; "great time then at the chapel." they had not gone very far together when, turning a corner, the two came suddenly on priscilla and amy. "oh, martine," cried the latter, "where have you been? we have had our tea, and mother is so worried about you." "i hope it was a good tea and that you saved me some," rejoined martine; "for now that you mention it, though i hadn't thought of it before, i realize that i'm half starved." "but where have you been?" "oh, i've been a kind of babe in the woods, only there weren't any berries for me to feed on, and all that i have to show for my adventure are these tears in my gown." "good-bye, ladies," said the indian woman, while martine was talking, "and i thank you much," she concluded, holding out her hand to martine. in a moment she had disappeared. "is that another protégée?" asked priscilla, a little sharply. martine did not answer. she had already plunged into a lively account of her afternoon, omitting nothing, not even her own carelessness in relation to the bicycle. at the hotel mrs. redmond spoke to martine more seriously about the danger in expeditions by herself. "i had no idea that you thought of doing anything beyond wheeling around the town," she said; "and if you had met any real mishap, it would have been very hard for amy and me, in whose care your father and mother put you." so martine promised that in the future she would be less thoughtless. "although to be honest," she added, "my thoughts are so apt to come afterwards that it is almost dangerous to promise anything." that evening, in the little hotel parlor, when martine narrated her adventure, an old gentleman who was a permanent boarder there told her many anecdotes of the micmacs. "in the early days, as you know, they were very friendly to the french. they were early baptized and became roman catholics, and as they began to be civilized, they liked to be known by french names, and many married with the french. the canadian government is very good to them, and provides for them on reservations or encourages them to own land for themselves. the children all go to school, some in reservation schools, and some attend the ordinary day schools with white children. while some of them still prefer to live by hunting, fishing, and indian handicrafts, others work in mills and on railroads; and, on the whole, they compare well with the lower class of white citizens, for they _are_ citizens with certain voting rights." "i thought they'd be more picturesque and like real savages," said martine. "i was so disappointed. there's something attractive in the name 'micmac,' and i supposed that at least they'd live in wigwams." "considering the way in which you rushed in among them," interposed mrs. redmond, "i should think you would be glad that you met only tame indians to-day." "very tame," rejoined martine. "only a tall, thin indian woman in a purple calico gown." "there are certainly not many of the original red men left in nova scotia," said mr. dolph, the gentleman who had been talking to them. "there are some collections of their legends that are interesting to read, and the names of many nova scotia places are of indian origin." "oh, yes," said amy; "i came across some lines to-day that i copied," and she began to recite: "'the memory of the red man, how can it pass away? while their names of music linger, on each mount and stream and bay? while musquodoboit's waters roll sparkling to the main, while falls the laughing sunbeam on chegoggin's fields of grain?'" the next morning, when they were ready to leave bear river, amy decided to wheel rather than drive to the station. it was hardly five miles, over a main road, and she felt that she needed exercise. "keep us in sight, amy." "oh, yes, if i don't pass you," she replied. but amy at first lagged behind,--there were so many lovely points of view, and she stopped several times to enjoy them to the utmost. what a curious effect, to look down on the river, or rather to look down from a hill, and see a ship apparently moored among trees! of course the explanation was that the beautiful bear river lay in a narrow valley, surrounded by hills that descended sharply to its very margin, with trees so close together on its banks as to produce the strange effect that amy had noted. the carriage was out of sight when amy finally pushed on. shortly she realized that pedalling required great effort. at first she ascribed her difficulty to the hills, but a slight grating of the wheel made her look at her tires, and, to her dismay, she found a small puncture. what should she do? she glanced at her watch, and was surprised to see how much time she had lost. one or two wagons had already passed her on their way to the train, and she regretted that she had not called for help. it might have been ignominious--it certainly would have been more discreet--to make her appearance at the station carried in a wagon rather than to lose her train altogether, as now appeared probable. she stopped a boy whom she met walking toward her. "how far is it to the station?" she asked. "only a little way," he replied, after the fashion of boys, and she pushed on hopefully. she heard wheels in the distance, and made up her mind to humiliate herself to the extent of asking the new-comer to assist her; but when the vehicle came in sight it proved to be a narrow, one-seated buggy, and its three passengers seemed more than enough for it. a little farther on she heard an ominous whistle. the train was nearing the station. she felt indignant. "why should this particular train be on time on this particular day? nova scotia trains are not noted for hurrying." now she was walking and dragging her bicycle along. she met a number of persons who evidently had left the train at the bear river station and were walking up to their homes. then she heard the engine whistle again as the signal for starting on, and she knew that it was useless to go down to the station itself. she stood still for a moment, half paralyzed. of course there was no special danger; her mother and the others might go on to annapolis without her, and she could return to bear river for the night; but it was all very mortifying. then a sudden thought came to her; in fact, it had occurred to her when she first discovered the punctured wheel. "if fritz were with me, he would have found some way of mending the puncture; in fact, one man is almost necessary on an excursion." that was what fritz himself had said to her. she recalled his very words, and the remark with which he had ended,--"then you'll remember me." but there was no time for reflection now. the train was coming slowly along the bridges; amy could see the smoke from the engine. between her and the track lay an open space--a slight decline from the point where she stood on the road--covered with long grass and bushes. a quick impulse urged her on; at the worst she could only fail; nova scotia conductors were very obliging, and there was more than half a chance that she might succeed. she lifted her bicycle across her arm, managed to climb over the low fence, and was pushing her way down the hill as the train drew near. a man, probably the conductor, was standing on the platform of a car; she waved her hand violently. the train seemed to move more slowly; a man thrust his head out of the engine cab; he, too, had seen her. she was now not far from the track; the train stood still; the conductor leaped down from his post, plunged into the shrubbery, relieved her of her wheel, and she followed him without a word; then one or two passengers pulled her on board the train, the signal was given, and the engine started on. "lucky it wasn't a flying express," said one of the passengers. "i guess they wouldn't do that in the states," said another. red-faced and crestfallen, amy found herself a moment later in the bosom of her family. "a punctured tire," she began. "yes, yes; don't try to talk." amy sat still. martine fanned her. priscilla brought her a glass of water. her mother asked for no explanation. the passengers stared at her; the majority as if amused, though. one or two talked as if they thought their rights had been infringed. "we were sorry," mrs. redmond said later, "to go without you, but it was better for you to be left than for the rest of us to lose the train; we knew you could go back to bear river, and we could have telegraphed you what to do; we knew you would be equal to the occasion." "so i was." "well, we hardly expected you to stop a train." "oh, the train stopped me." "'all's well that ends well'" later in the day martine came over to sit beside amy. "i'm afraid, amy, that i may have punctured your tire yesterday; the road to the chapel was so very stony." "tires are bound to be punctured," replied amy, "and if this hadn't happened when it did, i shouldn't have had the fun of stopping a train." chapter ix old port royal at annapolis, the old port royal, amy and her party were to stay longer than at any other place. they had engaged rooms at a pleasant house where there were no other boarders, and when they had unpacked their trunks, began to feel as if they were really away for the summer. "we have a fine view of the river," said mrs. redmond to martine the morning after their arrival, as they looked from the windows of her room, which was at the rear of the house. "river!" sniffed martine; "i see nothing but red mud and green marshes; i wonder where the water is." "you won't ask that question at high tide; you'll find water enough to float a small vessel," she replied, "and if you look a little beyond our immediate neighborhood, you can see the whole basin, and far, far away there in the distance, i suppose, that land is digby. i am going out to sketch immediately after breakfast; i've seen several photographs of the old fort, and i have special reasons for wishing to make a sketch of it; and you, martine, will get plenty of inspiration for your water-colors." amy was in her element at annapolis. she had already given some time to the history of the old town, and anticipated great pleasure in retracing the steps of the brave frenchmen who had made it famous. "more french history!" priscilla exclaimed, when amy began to talk about de monts and poutrincourt; "when shall we hear about the english?" and priscilla, with a wry face, continued, "i'm so tired of the french." "all in good time," responded amy; "but now we must take things in due order and not skip about as we did. let us go with the others into the port to-day, and while they are sketching i'll talk a little about its history." so it was that, while mrs. redmond and martine were making sketches of the sally-port and old officers' quarters, amy, seated near them, played the part of historian and guide. "this fort, you know, is from vauban's plans, with four bastions and connecting curtains." "do you suppose there's a moat?" interrupted priscilla; "it looks as if there should be one here." "there used to be a wet ditch in the eighteenth century, and i suppose that was much the same thing, though it's dry now." "oh, i can tell you something more entertaining than that," interposed martine. "they used to have logs on the top of the parapet ready to roll down on the heads of assailants. but tell me, amy, i've forgotten; did champlain build this fort?" "my dear martine, where is your history? vauban and champlain; oh, no. champlain's fort is six miles down the river, opposite goat island." "then who first built this fort?" "probably d'aunay first planned it, and it was improved by brouillan and subercase. you must remember that it has suffered twenty attacks and ten regular sieges. there's little good in talking about it until you know the history of the times better." "oh, dear," murmured martine, "of course i knew this was to be an improving trip, and yet i do think it's hard to have to learn history in the summer." "i'm afraid there's no escape for it," said amy; "the fog is rolling in, and this afternoon i will tell you once for all certain things that will give you great interest in annapolis during your stay here." so, undisturbed by further historical information during the morning, martine, under mrs. redmond's direction, completed her sketch of the officers' quarters within the fort,--a quaint old building, with its thirty-six chimneys and thirty-six fireplaces, every one of which had probably been needed in the long and cold winters of old acadia. as amy had prophesied, the afternoon was foggy, and she felt little compunction in insisting that martine as well as priscilla should join her before her open fire while she talked to them of port royal history. "although some french," she said, "may have visited acadia as early as 1504, our starting point is 1604, when de monts, who was a nobleman of the court of henry fourth, and champlain, and poutrincourt, and pontgravé came out on a voyage of exploration. poutrincourt seems to have been the one most anxious to make a permanent settlement here. champlain was the geographer and map-maker of the expedition, and was also on the search for ores. the grant of the land known as acadia had been given by henry fourth to de monts. he, as well as pontgravé had been on a previous expedition to the new world. at first they were delighted with acadia. they saw fine opportunities for fur-trading as well as for a permanent settlement. but after visiting the shores of the annapolis basin, they made a mistake by going farther south to the st. croix river, and they spent their first winter on an island some distance from its mouth. this proved a bad thing, for the climate was severe and many of the colonists died; so when the weather permitted they went back to the neighborhood of port royal and set up their houses and built a small fort on goat island. "they found the indians everywhere very friendly, especially the old chief, membertou, who was said to be nearly one hundred years old. "when their buildings were finished, de monts sailed back for france, knowing that he could be spared until after the harvests were gathered. pontgravé was left in charge of the colony in his absence, assisted by champlain and champdore. when the spring of 1606 came and de monts had not returned, the colonists were alarmed. they needed the supplies that he had promised to bring them, and they were afraid that something had happened to him. so, late in july, pontgravé started off to see if he could not find some fishing-vessel to take them all back to france. "in the meantime, de monts in france had had trouble in getting people to interest themselves in the port royal colony. but poutrincourt, who had returned with him, proved his best friend, and helped in fitting out a vessel called the 'jonas,' and promised to return to acadia with de monts, and take his family with him, to establish a permanent colony. "with them came lescarbot, an advocate of paris, who afterwards wrote a full account of his residence in acadia, from which we learn many interesting details that, but for him, we would not know. pontgravé fell in with a shallop from de monts' vessel and all returned to port royal. de monts wasn't perfectly satisfied with port royal for a permanent settlement, and he persuaded poutrincourt to make a journey farther south to find a better place; but this expedition ended badly, and poutrincourt returned, convinced that he could be better off at port royal than anywhere else in the new world. "unluckily, the merchants in france who had supplied money for this trading colony sent word that they had decided to give it up. without money with which to trade, the colony could not prosper, and so the majority of the colonists decided to go back to france. poutrincourt, however, was determined to come back, and he took home with him specimens of grain grown in acadia, and various animal, vegetable, and mineral products, to show the king what could be raised in acadia. the king encouraged him to go back, and ratified the grant of land that de monts had given him. "so poutrincourt returned to acadia, and it is greatly to the credit of the indians he had left in charge that all the buildings were unharmed. a new crop of grain, planted by the indians, was growing finely, and membertou and savages welcomed him very cordially. "the king had given him a grant of money to be used for the church and he brought with him a jesuit priest, who baptized the savages by wholesale. "in the summer of 1610, poutrincourt sent his son, biencourt, back to france to report the conversion of the savages and the general prosperity of the colony. things in france were not going to be very favorable now for poutrincourt. when biencourt arrived in paris, it was not long after the assassination of henry fourth. the jesuits were now anxious to get control of acadia, and, to make a long story short, madame de guercheville obtained a grant from the king of the very land that de monts had granted to poutrincourt; biencourt had to take certain jesuits back with him to acadia; and there was much dissension in the little colony. but what really proved its downfall was an attack made in 1613 by the virginian argall, who killed and captured many of the inhabitants and burnt all the buildings to the ground. poutrincourt made no effort to re-establish port royal, but biencourt, his son, remained in the woods, living, with a few companions, the life of an indian." "oh, yes, it was he, was it not," said priscilla, "who was the friend of charles la tour down at fort st. louis?" "the very man," replied amy. "i often think that if biencourt had left a record of his wanderings we should have something very interesting. he and his father made a good fight for new france, but circumstances were too strong for them." "thank you," said priscilla. "i understand better than i did before how the french happened to settle port royal." "why," asked martine, "did that virginian--argall, i think you called him--wish to interfere with the french? jamestown had been settled only six years when he came up here and attacked port royal, and there wasn't any plymouth, then, priscilla." "he had no real right to interfere, but the english, even then, claimed the whole coast of north america, basing their claims on the discoveries of the cabots; argall himself, however, is considered little more than a pirate, and no englishman justifies his destruction of the prosperous and peaceful colony at port royal. "the next settlement here was under the auspices of sir william alexander, a friend of james the first. you remember that he made la tour a baronet of nova scotia. he had great plans, and his colony was near goat island. i am told that some people here in annapolis still speak about the scotch fort, some trace of which is yet to be seen. "war between france and england finally put an end to sir william alexander's colony, and it was charles la tour who did more than any one else to make acadia of some importance to france. he claimed that biencourt, poutrincourt's son, when he died in 1623, had left all his claims to acadia to him, including the position of governor." "amy," said martine, yawning slightly, "this is all very interesting, but unless i have time to digest it i shall forget it entirely. let us put history aside until another day and see if we cannot find something more amusing." "i'm going downstairs for a moment," said priscilla; "i have an idea the mail has come." in a moment she returned with a handful of letters. "boston, plymouth, two from shelburne--where's that? i suppose that i may look at the postmarks?" "give, give," cried martine, and priscilla put a couple in her hand. "only one for me," said amy, "and it's from fritz; he's at shelburne. did you have one too, mamma?" "no," replied mrs. redmond, who had just entered the room. "oh, i thought there were two shelburne postmarks." priscilla noticed martine's heightened color, and an idea that had come to her at yarmouth now returned. as it was a matter in which she had no real right to meddle, she said nothing. "what does fritz say?" asked mrs. redmond, turning to amy. "that he's having the time of his life, that he and taps have found the best fishing in the world, and like nova scotia so much that they may bring a party of their own here next summer. what he writes about the french of pubnico sounds exactly like meteghan and church point, so i'll skip all that; shelburne seems more romantic, and i almost wish it had lain in our path. he says it has one of the finest harbors he ever saw, but i will read you a little in his own words. "'shelburne, my dear amy, is like the ghost of a city, to one who has imagination. it was planned to be the chief city of nova scotia, and there is something rather tragic in looking at the broad streets that were meant for a larger city. hardly one of the fine old houses remains. they say that twelve thousand loyalists came here just after the revolution, and most of them were rich and influential. the frames of large houses were brought and set up here; people tried to live as they would in a great city, with servants and every luxury. with such a great harbor they expected to have a great seaport; but the trouble was, there was nothing in the country back of them. there was no farming land, and no farmers to supply produce for the ships in the harbor to carry away in exchange for other goods. after a while people found they had used up the money they had brought with them from new york and other places. then those who could left shelburne. some went away leaving their houses fully furnished, and they never came back. they went to halifax, to annapolis, or even back to new york and boston after the bitter feeling over the war had gone down. "'if you were here, amy, you'd find plenty of material for poems in shelburne, especially on moonlight nights like last night, when taps and i wandered up and down the broad streets, trying to imagine what shelburne must have been in the days of its greatness. i hope that you and the others are enjoying yourselves as much as you expected to, without me or any other masculine disturber of the peace. i haven't a doubt that your mother thinks we've been pretty badly treated. she always was an unusually sensible woman, and we'd have been useful to carry your bags, if nothing more; however, mark my words, before your journey is over you will sigh for me more than once, and the day will come when you'll really need me.'" "he thinks enough of himself, doesn't he?" said martine. "oh, he's not really conceited," replied amy, "and i dare say that he would liven us up a little; but on the whole things are best as they are." "aren't you quieter than usual, martine?" asked amy that evening. "well, i had a letter from papa to-day," she said, "and he says that mamma is really very ill, and that they may have to stay abroad all summer. i have just written him about yvonne; but of course it will be some time before i can get an answer." "what do you want him to do?" asked amy,--"to let you adopt her? she's almost as tall as you are." "well, i'm not sure what i want, but i know that if yvonne should have her voice cultivated she'd be a great prima donna, and what a feather in my cap to have been her discoverer!" "i fear that your father would need more than your opinion to enable him to decide a matter like that. in fact, only an expert musician could make a safe prophecy about yvonne." "well, at least, i hope that he will consent to letting her go to boston to study next winter. we could find a doctor to help her eyesight." "why not ask your father to invest in alexander's gold mine?" asked amy, with a smile; "then he could do everything for yvonne himself." "that isn't the point. i've really taken a great fancy to yvonne, and i want to have her near me. have you written to pierre yet?" "oh, yes; i went out this morning and bought him a copy of longfellow. he had never owned one himself, and was anxious to have it. i have asked him to write us so that we shall get the letter at grand pré." "it's time priscilla had a protégée," said martine, "though she doesn't seem the kind of person to adopt anything very warmly except her own opinions." this was a rather sharp remark for martine to make, and it convinced amy of something that she had tried to doubt--that the two girls were really rather far apart, "and both such charming girls," she said to herself. martine's letters with the pubnico and shelburne postmarks had given priscilla considerable concern. though not a meddler, she yet saw martine's lack of frankness about those letters. priscilla knew that neither was in the handwriting of fritz tomkins, and she was sure that they were written by the freshman with him whom she knew only by the name of "taps." she was now quite convinced, also, that it really was martine whom amy had seen wheeling through the streets of yarmouth with this same youth. that it was no concern of hers she realized perfectly; and yet, she wondered if it might not be her duty to tell mrs. redmond what she knew. priscilla was over-conscientious; she was always more ready to disclose her own faults than to conceal them,--to disclose, at least, faults that she herself recognized. she did not altogether realize that a certain form of censoriousness was growing upon her; that she was too much inclined to measure all people by her own standard. thus many little things that martine did quite innocently and naturally seemed to priscilla bits of affectation. martine's hand was ever in her pocket. when it was a question of buying books or fruit or some other little thing for the traveller, martine always managed to pay for it, and priscilla thought that her readiness to do this came from a desire to display the size of her allowance. priscilla herself, on the other hand, had to be careful about little expenses, and while their present trip called for no great expenditure, she hated to be obliged so often to thank martine for small luxuries. then, too, martine had an extravagant way of talking that disturbed the serious priscilla. she could not say that she had ever found martine in a real untruth. still, martine's way was not her way, and instead of drawing nearer together as the journey progressed, the two girls were farther apart. martine, on her part, thought priscilla rather old-fashioned, but accounted for the seriousness of her dress and her manner by the fact that she was still in mourning for her father, who had died of fever contracted in cuba at the beginning of the late war. perhaps it was because she realized that her prejudices were a little unreasonable, that priscilla hesitated about speaking to amy or mrs. redmond regarding the suspicious postmarks. the long "historical disquisition," as martine called it, that amy had given them on their first day at annapolis, was not immediately followed by another. their mornings were spent in sketching in the neighborhood, and their afternoons in driving. one day they crossed the grandville ferry and went down to the old fort near goat island. but though they all professed to see slight traces of the earthworks, it required imagination rather than eyesight to discern even a slight trace of poutrincourt's fort. "it's one of the ironies of history," said amy, "that tradition should speak of this as a scotch fort, for the scotch were here so short a time before the french were again in power." "what became of the scotch?" asked priscilla. "it is supposed that most of them went back home, and that the few who stayed intermarried with the conquering french. sir william alexander and his baronets of nova scotia made little impression on acadia." "amy," said martine, "of all the people you've told us about the most interesting to me is young biencourt, wandering about in the woods and living like an indian; i even dreamt about him the other night. how did he happen to escape when argall destroyed the fort?" "oh, he and some of his companions were up there where annapolis now is, working in their grain fields; you know they had a mill up there, and rich fields of grain. the fort itself was not in a good location,--at least for farming. it is said that argall and the other virginians were not aware of the existence of the mill and the fields, and when they had destroyed the fort, thought that there was nothing left for the french." "you may be pretty sure," said martine, "they wouldn't have let anything escape if they'd known; the english are always greedy." "they are not a bit worse than the french," retorted priscilla. "just think how cruel the french were during the reign of terror." "oh, that's an entirely different kind of thing; the french are never half as anxious to grab other people's land as the english are." "there, there," interposed amy, "i'll have to be a board of international arbitration; in other words, let us have peace. there's one thing," she continued, "i feel as if young biencourt kept alive the love of the french for port royal. charles la tour was himself only a boy like biencourt when he first came to the new world. the king had certainly given poutrincourt rights in acadia, and he had passed them on to his son. poutrincourt was killed at the siege of marye in 1610, scarcely three years before argall's destruction of port royal." chapter x explorations "how very gay your attire, martine! do you think of paying afternoon visits?" "no, my dear amy, i do not, because i know no one to visit; but i'm tired of cloth skirts and a shirt-waist, and i thought i would like to see how it would feel to wear something decent." martine's gown was a pale blue voile, made up over a bright blue lining, with a delicate white insertion on the waist; her hat, a blue chip, trimmed with white flowers, and she carried a parasol to match. "is your gown quite suitable for a walk on a dusty road?" "perhaps it isn't," responded martine, "but sometimes one must live up to her feelings, and this is how i feel to-day,--like wearing my very best; besides, this is nothing remarkable, this dress, but it happens to be the best i have with me." "very well," and amy sighed; "it's no use to argue with you, and as soon as priscilla comes downstairs we'll set off." when priscilla appeared, she, like amy, had a short cloth skirt and shirt-waist, but she made no comment on the elegance of martine's appearance. there was one thing rather incongruous in martine's aspect,--she carried a small shovel, which looked as if it had never been used; such, indeed, was the case, and as she brandished it she said cheerfully, "i hope we shall go somewhere where we can dig. i hear there's any amount of hidden treasure around annapolis, and i am anxious to get some of it for myself." the girls walked a good while before they saw anything likely to reward an amateur antiquarian. then, in a field quite outside the town, martine's sharp eyes saw something that interested her. in a moment she was over the fence, with the others following. "there," she said excitedly, "you see these very old, gnarled apple-trees and this clump of willows; i'm perfectly sure that this used to be an acadian farm." "that's a safe guess," rejoined amy, "for all the land about here was once in the hands of the acadians." "yes, but i think from this little mound and that hollow beside it that there was a house on this very spot. i noticed what dr. gray said when he was talking to your mother last evening, and that was what decided me to do some digging for myself." "in a blue voile dress," responded amy, in a tone of disapproval. "ah, martine, you are so absurd!" even while amy was speaking martine had begun to dig,--aimlessly, of course, although in a few minutes she had made a fairly large hole. when her shovel struck something hard she was delighted, but, digging deeper, she brought up only a piece of broken brick. undiscouraged, she dug one side of the first hole, and presently she held out to amy what at first puzzled them both. it looked like a mere bit of rusty iron, but later they decided that it was probably part of an old lock. "which i shall label 'exhibit no. 1' in my museum of curiosities," said martine. "let me see what i can do," cried amy; "you must be tired." so martine surrendered her shovel, and in a quarter of an hour amy brought up an old bottle, not at all remarkable in shape, but very valuable from martine's point of view, because it was undoubtedly an acadian trophy. priscilla contented herself with some slips from an ancient willow-tree. "it is not the best time of year for making cuttings," she said, "but these french willows cling to life as closely as the proverbial cat. i heard of a man who had a walking-stick cut from a willow-tree. it looked as hard and dry as a bone, but one day he happened to stick it in the ground near a spring and forgot all about it. some time afterwards, when he passed, the walking-stick was sending out little shoots, and in time it became a full-fledged willow-tree." "that's a very good story," commented martine, "and as we know you never tell anything but the exact truth, priscilla, neither amy nor i would think of doubting it." as the trio were walking back toward town they met mrs. redmond, driving. "come," she cried, "which two of you will drive with me? you slipped off this afternoon without my realizing that you were going away, and now i want company." "i would rather stroll along," replied amy, "but i am sure that martine and priscilla would enjoy the drive. martine is turning antiquarian, and if your driver can take you to some old grave or indian mound, she will be delighted to use her shovel." "i don't know what i can promise in the way of graves and mounds, but if martine comes with me i can offer her a lovely view." "if you please, mrs. redmond," said priscilla, "i would rather walk back home than drive." although amy tried to make her change her mind, priscilla was firm, and the discussion ended by amy's getting into the carriage with martine and mrs. redmond. as she walked along the main street, where the houses were still rather far apart, priscilla noticed a little graveyard in a corner of a garden. as the gate was open, she felt at liberty to walk inside. the stones at which she glanced were of marble, and the inscriptions were well cut. the names on two or three of them were french, and the men who bore them had evidently been officers in the english army. this interested her, and when she saw a girl of about her own age standing at the door of a cottage near by, she felt emboldened to speak to her. "they were not really french," said the girl, in answer to her question, "but of huguenot family, who fought for the king in the revolution. i've heard my mother say that one of them was a cousin of her grandmother's, and they all came here together at the close of the war." priscilla was delighted. here, perhaps, was a person who would tell her something about the loyalists of the revolution. "were your people loyalists?" she asked. "why, of course," was the reply, as if anything else were unsupposable. "oh, i'm so glad!" responded priscilla. "i've been waiting to hear more about the loyalists." "you are an american?" questioned the girl. "americans are not apt to care about loyalists; they seem to think only about the acadians; but my ancestors were all loyalists, and if you will just come into the house my mother would love to talk to you." so priscilla followed her new acquaintance indoors. outside, the house looked small, but within she found many rooms opening one into another, none of them very large, and all of them with low ceilings. "my mother's great-grandfather built this house when he first came from new york. he was an officer in the loyal american regiment. there is his commission; we framed it to hang on the wall." "by his excellency sir henry clinton, k. b., general and commander-in-chief of all his majesty's forces within the colonies lying on the atlantic ocean, from nova scotia to west florida inclusive, etc., etc., etc. "by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, i do hereby constitute and appoint you to be captain of a company in the loyal american regiment commanded by colonel beverly robinson." priscilla read the whole commission in which the duties of the newly made captain were defined, to the very end where the signature of sir henry clinton still stood out clearly. while the new acquaintance went to call her mother, priscilla looked around the pleasant sitting-room. there was a high, old-fashioned bookcase filled with books, many of them in dingy calf bindings. the young girl returned while she was looking at them, expressing her regret that her mother was not at home. "my grandfather brought many of these books from new york," she said; "he was a nephew of the rector of trinity church, and was himself a graduate of king's college, new york." "i don't see how they had the courage to give up everything and come down here so far away. even if they did not like the new government, i should think they would rather have stayed where most of their friends and relatives were." "oh, it wasn't always a matter of choice," rejoined eunice, for this, priscilla discovered, was her new friend's name; "some had to come, because they had been too active in the king's cause and the other side would not forgive them. even after the peace many were in danger of imprisonment; and then a great many had had all their property confiscated, and thought it would be easier to start over again down here than to live in poverty among their old friends and neighbors." priscilla looked in amazement at eunice. she expressed herself so much more carefully than most girls of her age. "martine would call her quaint," thought priscilla, looking at her, "and if she knows as much about other things as she does about history, she must be a wonder." "i wish my mother were here," said eunice, politely. "she gets quite worked up when she talks about the loyalists." "i should think she would," responded priscilla. "they certainly had a hard time." "she thinks that we have been cut off from things that really are our own, and now, when we have so little money that i can't even afford to go away to college, she feels more and more indignant at the injustice of it all." priscilla did not know exactly what to say. in her mind there was a struggle between her feeling of patriotism and her sense of justice. as eunice had put it, it did not seem fair that the loyalists should have lost everything, simply because they had had the courage to hold out for the king. but a phrase came into her mind that she had often heard, and for the moment it seemed the only sentiment that she could express. "after all," she said gently, "i suppose it was the 'fortune of war' that your people suffered so much." "oh, yes," responded eunice, "that is what i often say to my mother; and then i tell her too, that in one hundred and twenty-five years the family probably would have lost all the property they had before the revolution." finding that the subject was getting a little beyond her, priscilla ventured a more general remark. "there must be many interesting historical incidents connected with annapolis; i mean, incidents that are not french," she concluded hastily. "i am just a little tired, myself, of the acadians." "i don't know of many very entertaining things," responded eunice, "but i remember one story that might amuse you. during the revolution, the people of annapolis were awfully afraid of attacks from privateers. you see, after the acadians were driven out a large colony from new england came down here. they received grants of land from the government, and were very prosperous when the war began. many were on the side of the yankees, but in the end england was able to hold nova scotia. however, the small privateering vessels were constantly coming into nova scotia ports, and even annapolis wasn't perfectly safe. one night two rebel schooners came up to the mouth of the river; they had about eighty men, and landed them safely, because the sentry at the fort was asleep. they entered the houses and stirred people up immensely; they seemed more bent on making mischief than in doing any real violence. there were not many citizens here in the town then, but one of them, looking from the window when he heard a noise in the street, saw two of the rebels disputing over something they had stolen; when they saw him at the window, they dashed into his house, and a minute or two afterwards another annapolis man, only half dressed, rushed excitedly into the room to tell his friend that the yankees were plundering the town; this was unnecessary information, because, as i have said, two rebels were already in the house. he discovered them with their bayonets pointed at him just as he had finished telling his story, and he was so surprised that he fell backward over a cradle, with his feet in the air. his comical appearance made the rebels laugh so, that he afterwards said that this saved his life, for before they had recovered he had jumped to his feet and run away. but later he and all the other able-bodied citizens were shut up in the fort, while the men from the schooners went through the houses and carried away everything movable. they allowed the ladies to keep their shoes, though they first removed the silver buckles. the schooners disappeared in the morning, when the report was spread around that the militia of the county were gathering and coming to annapolis. that, i believe, was the only attack on annapolis during the revolution. it happened two or three years before the arrival of the refugees, and the accounts of it that have been handed down always represented it as a very comical affair." "did you say 'yankees'?" asked priscilla. "did you mean--" "oh, i meant schooners from new england; i've heard they were from cape cod," replied eunice. "it was pretty small business," said priscilla, almost apologetically. "i don't believe that the men on the schooners were either soldiers or sailors. i am sure that washington wouldn't have approved if he had known." "you don't think that all on your side were good, do you," asked eunice, "and that all on ours were bad?" priscilla hardly knew what to reply. she was getting again into deep water, for she saw that although the war was long over, eunice was still a strong partisan. so, as a kind of peace-offering, she asked eunice if she would not walk back home with her. "i should like to have you meet my friends whom i am travelling with," she said. "we are going to stay in annapolis a week or more. mrs. redmond is making some beautiful sketches, and her daughter amy is just dear; she is older than martine and i, but she never makes us feel the difference in our ages, and she knows more than almost anybody i ever saw." "i should love to walk back with you," said eunice, "though i cannot stay very long. what is martine like?" she asked abruptly. "oh, martine,--well, martine is different. she always sees the funny side of things, and she doesn't care what anything costs if she happens to want it. she's perfectly devoted to the french, and i'm so terribly tired of her acadians that i want to find out what the english did in annapolis." "i will be glad to do what i can to help you," responded eunice, "only you mustn't be too touchy about things; for you see we're still all english down here." as priscilla walked back to the boarding-house she congratulated herself on her new friend; for although she had known eunice so short a time, she already regarded her as much more than an ordinary acquaintance. "i can always tell," she said to herself, "whether any one is going to wear well. mother says that that is the only test for real friends, and i can see that eunice and i are likely to be more than acquaintances. i feel as if i had known her a long time. now it wasn't so with martine, and even though we have been together so much this summer, some way i don't feel perfectly comfortable with her. i'd like to be fair, but still--" yes, priscilla meant to be fair, but still--what was the trouble? it is to be feared that she had not yet learned the real meaning of tolerance. martine's point of view was often so unlike hers that priscilla did not make enough effort to put herself in her friend's place. while believing herself just, she certainly permitted herself to be biassed little in her judgments. nor did she realize that martine herself often spoke in an exaggerated tone, chiefly for the purpose of seeing to what extent she could impose on priscilla; for martine, discovering priscilla's attitude toward her, liked to say things to surprise her,--"puritan prissie," as she called her at these times. it would not be quite true, perhaps, to say that priscilla distrusted martine's interest in yvonne, although she had a strong conviction that it was merely impulse that had led her to promise so much. "for the day that we spent at meteghan, yvonne was like a new plaything to her. had martine been with yvonne a week, it would have been the same; she would have lavished things on her, and would have been ready to promise her anything. but 'out of sight, out of mind;' i believe that that is always the way with her. i am not even sure that she is as fond of mrs. redmond and amy as she seems to be." poor priscilla! she was really borrowing trouble needlessly, and yet in more senses than one it was real trouble to her, because she was never sure just how she ought to respond to the more flippant remarks made by martine. they were often so witty that she could not help laughing, even when she felt the greatest need of preserving her own dignity. another grievance was martine's way of addressing amy. priscilla herself had begun by trying to say "miss redmond;" occasionally she slipped into "amy," but more usually "miss amy" was her form of address. martine had laughed loudly at this, and one day she said, "it is what i call too servile. amy is not greatly our superior, but still i'd rather call her miss redmond. i notice that fritz tomkins in some of his letters says 'miss amy redmond.' i wonder if that would do for us?" "oh, amy--that is, miss redmond--explained that it was just his way of making fun of her when he says 'miss amy redmond.'" "probably, but when i can't think of anything else i will say that, though generally amy is good enough for me, and here she is, looking as sweet as a rose." whereupon, without the slightest regard for the dignity with which priscilla would have liked to hedge amy, martine had thrown herself upon the older girl's neck, to the destruction of something less ideal than her dignity; to wit, the freshness of her muslin stock. thinking of this scene, priscilla sighed. "eunice would never do or say anything silly." this goes to show that she did indeed regard eunice as a kindred spirit. chapter xi a tea party "prissie, prissie," said martine, in a teasing tone, "you are altogether too enthusiastic; i don't believe in these perfect people, and your little tory must be rather a prig, from what you say." when martine called her "prissie," priscilla knew that she meant mischief, and though in her inmost heart she admitted that martine's teasing carried no real sting, she never stood this teasing with very good grace. "she isn't a tory," she replied rather sharply; "there are no tories in these days, and eunice airton is not a prig." but martine only laughed; perhaps she retained too firmly in her mind the remembrance of priscilla's indifference to yvonne and was now trying to pay her back. priscilla had just given an enthusiastic account of her new acquaintance, and mrs. redmond and amy had listened with great attention. mrs. redmond, indeed, was pleased that priscilla had found something really to interest her. although away from home not quite two weeks, priscilla had begun to show the good effects of the trip in round and rosier cheeks, and in a slightly more animated manner. yet it had seemed to mrs. redmond that she was not quite as pleased with things in general as the other two girls. she was sorry too to note the growing antagonism between martine and priscilla, though its cause was hard to discover. at first martine's teasing had proceeded from the merest love of fun, and she thought that priscilla took it all too seriously. amy had already cautioned her that she could soon disarm martine, by receiving everything she said as if said in pure fun. but priscilla was sensitive, and she was just conscious enough of certain little foibles of her own to realize that sometimes martine was laughing at her. "even if eunice were a tory, i shouldn't care," she continued. "i never heard any one talk as well as she does." "ah, that's just it, my dear miss prissie prunes," retorted martine; "i'll warrant that she's just as prim and precise as--" martine did not finish the sentence, but priscilla realized well that she meant to say "as prim and precise as you are." the day after this conversation mrs. airton called on mrs. redmond and the girls. martine was not at home, but the others were pleased with the delicate little woman, in rather faded black, who was particularly cordial and anxious to have them see annapolis at its best. as she talked, it was easy to understand how eunice came by her precise manner and language, for there was a certain bookishness in her choice of words, and correctness of expression, that, although not really subject to criticism, might become tiresome. mrs. airton had heard more or less about mrs. redmond and her party from dr. gray, to whose family mrs. redmond had brought an introduction. "now i hope," she said, toward the end of her visit, "that you will give us the pleasure of spending to-morrow afternoon with us and staying to tea. i suppose 'tea' has gone out of fashion in the states, but it's just the height of the strawberry season now, and perhaps you'll accept high tea in place of a late dinner." "we shall be delighted to accept your invitation," mrs. redmond replied, "and as for tea, why, we never have late dinner at home in summer. we shall enjoy your hospitality." now it happened, unfortunately, that on the morning of wednesday, the day for which mrs. airton had invited them, martine and priscilla had their first falling out. like most fallings out, it began in a very trivial way. among martine's belongings was an elaborate toilet set of silver-mounted brushes and boxes; she had had the good sense not to carry them in her travelling bag, but at annapolis, where they were to stay longer than at some places, she had unpacked them all from her trunk, and they were spread out in elaborate array on her bureau. amy had planned an excursion for the morning to granville across the granville ferry to a certain picturesque spot on the other side. when she and priscilla were ready to start, they knocked at martine's door, thinking that she too would be ready. to their surprise, they found her in a loose dressing-sack, busily engaged in polishing her silver. "there, i forgot all about going with you," cried martine; "the damp air has blackened my brushes so that i just thought the best thing was to sit down and polish them." "oh, dear," rejoined priscilla, "we are late as it is; for if we miss this ferry-boat, we'll have to wait so long for another that we won't have any time on the other side." "i can't help it," retorted martine; "you can go without me if you like, though i'll drop what i'm doing and hurry to get dressed; but if you do not want to wait, it's all the same to me." "of course we'll wait," said amy, gently. "i particularly wish you to be with us, martine, and though it will shorten our time a little, we must make the best of it now." priscilla looked at her watch. "we ought to take this next ferry-boat, and if we wait for martine we shall lose it. cleaning silver seems such a waste of time when we're travelling." priscilla's manner rather than her actual words irritated martine. "i am the best judge of what wastes my own time," she said with unwonted sharpness, "and as a matter of fact, i'd rather stay here than go with you." amy, looking at her earnestly, realized that this was not the time for further argument. "very well," she rejoined. "priscilla, let us go on. martine is certainly the best judge of what she ought to do." "i know i shouldn't have criticised martine," apologized priscilla, as they walked along; "but it seems so silly to me that she should carry a valuable set of silver like that on a trip of this kind. i spoke before i thought." "martine has always been greatly indulged," said amy. "at least, i've been told that she sets no value on money, and so what would seem a little extravagant to us does not seem so to her." "well, good taste is good taste," rejoined priscilla, "and if i had ten times as much money as i have, i'd never carry jewelry about with me travelling, nor expensive toilet-sets." amy did not reply to this. her own view was much the same as that of priscilla, but she realized that it was not for her to criticise either girl. the trip to granville proved less satisfactory than she had hoped. the town itself, though small, was attractively situated, and she identified one or two historical spots that she had hoped to see; but she missed the particular road for which she was looking, and on account of their engagement at mrs. airton's, she had to hurry back to annapolis without accomplishing what she had set out to do. the mid-day sun was very hot, and she and priscilla reached the house dusty and tired, to find martine looking tantalizingly cool and comfortable, seated on a rustic bench under a tree in the orchard, busily working at a water-color sketch. after their early dinner, mrs. redmond took amy aside and said rather anxiously: "i wish you could persuade martine to go with us this afternoon." "go with us?" returned amy. "why, of course. mrs. airton expects her." "i don't quite understand it, but she says that she does not care to go, and in fact she has engaged a horse for a ride." "on horseback! who is going with her?" "no one. she says that it's perfectly safe for her to go alone, and though i tried to dissuade her, i can see that she is determined to have her own way." "i suppose that's what they mean by martine's being difficult to manage. thus far i had thought her remarkably amiable." "there's one thing about it," rejoined mrs. redmond, "it may be better to let her have her way this time than to have her take it without our permission. i have learned that the horse she is to have is perfectly safe,--so safe in fact, that i fear she'll find it rather a bore,--and she says that she'll only go over the road where we drove the other afternoon, every step of which she knows; but i must say that i regret her discourtesy to mrs. airton, for her refusal of her invitation must seem very strange. why do you suppose she is unwilling to go?" "i'm afraid it's because she and priscilla had a little disagreement this morning. it was so slight that i wouldn't have attached any importance to it, but apparently martine has taken it more to heart." when priscilla learned of martine's change of plan, she made no comment, believing in her inmost heart that martine had taken this way to show her real distaste to those whom she called priscilla's "tory friends." when mrs. redmond and the other girls reached mrs. airton's early in the afternoon, they found their friend mrs. gray there, and one or two young girls of the neighborhood. for a while they sat in the low-studded sitting-room where priscilla had looked at the commission signed by sir henry clinton. their conversation did not concern itself entirely with the past, but there were many questions about the present, of nova scotia in general and annapolis in particular, that the americans were anxious to ask and the others glad to answer. later, however, they got back to the subject in which priscilla was especially interested,--the loyalist refugees and the hard times they experienced. eunice had shown her, among other things, her great-great-grandfather's silver breastplate, with his monogram and a crown finely engraved upon it, and one or two of his letters, the paper yellow with age and the ink faded. "since you are interested in such things," said mrs. airton, "perhaps you would like to see some other letters. you might show her, eunice, that one that we have that is a copy of the one that my great-grand-aunt hester wrote to sir guy carlton, when she was trying to arrange to leave new york. you know, my dear," she continued in explanation, "in those days people almost always made copies of their letters, and we have a good many that are really very interesting. i believe this letter contained a request from hester and her sister, anne, whose husbands had both been killed toward the close of the war." so amy, taking up the paper, read without difficulty the clear, round handwriting: "'the memorial of hester danforth, widow of benjamin danforth, late captain of the prince of wales' american regiment and anne dutton, widow of josiah dutton, lt. in said regt. humbly sheweth that your memorialist, hester danforth has two sons, one fourteen and the other twelve years old, and anne dutton three children, oldest son fourteen, youngest son seven and her daughter ten years old--that as they purpose to go to nova scotia with their children- they wish to go on the ship with dr. peter brown, who is about going with a company of refugees to st. johns river. that they may be indulged with drawing the land's government may allow them in that quarter and with the company that goes under the direction of dr. brown or such other company of refugees as may appear to your memorialists more eligible. that they may be indulged with the liberty of taking with each of them a man and woman servant and allowances of provisions, clothing, etc. as to your excellency may seem meet. that, should your excellency graciously order six months advance upon their pensions to be paid previous to their sailing, it will be very thankfully received as indeed their circumstances are such as they cannot go with reasonable comfort and decency without it. as your memorialists sufferings have been very long and great--they humbly ask as many favours and indulgences as to your excellency shall appear anyways reasonable and fit, and as in duty bound they will ever pray etc. hester danforth anne dutton new york, _june 2, 1783_.'" "i always think that an interesting letter," said mrs. airton, "because both of those ladies who signed it were brought up in the greatest luxury; their father had one of the large estates on the hudson and their mother was of english birth and an heiress; but the family saved not a single shred of their fortune and it is rather touching to read behind the lines of this letter and to see that both these young women, for they were under thirty-five, had for some time been suffering for the necessities of life." "'the fortune of war,'" commented priscilla, in the very words that she had used on her first visit to eunice. "i hope," added amy, "that they found life comfortable after they came here." "ah," said mrs. airton, shaking her head, "at first life here could hardly be called comfortable. imagine twenty-five hundred people crowded into this little town, which had not rooms for one tenth the number. often a whole family had to content itself with one room, and delicately reared women and children had to spend at least a part of that first winter in tents. several hundred, it is said, were herded together in the church. of course, after a few months they began to distribute themselves through the country. sometimes they had great trouble in taking possession of the land granted them, because it was already in the possession of the new englanders who had settled on the farms of the acadians twenty years before. usually these pre-loyalist settlers had a rightful title to the land they claimed; then the refugees had to apply for other lands. many of these refugees were professional men or merchants from new york city, and they found it hard in middle life to become farmers; but, as you say, my dear, it was the fortune of war, and in time they adapted themselves to the new conditions. in the course of a few years some went back to new york, others sailed over to st. john, where, from the beginning, city life prevailed, and those who stayed here in nova scotia seemed to be contented with their lot; although i for one feel very bitter when i think of all that my family in its various branches lost. i feel it the more because i'm able to do so little for my children, and they are reaching an age when a little money would mean so much." "ah, yes, mamma," interposed eunice, "but if the money had stayed in the family after the revolution it might all have been lost before this, and besides, balfour and i do not care half as much for wealth as--" and here she stopped, for at this point mrs. gray interrupted her. "indeed, i think it a greater privilege to have grown up in annapolis than to have lived in the finest city of the united states. why, i can assure you, mrs. redmond," turning to the latter, "that few places of its size have had so many distinguished residents. when the fort was garrisoned, it was quite like an english town, and i've heard my grandmother speak of the parties that were given here when she was young; not to mention the duke of kent, who was here before her day, there have been such men in the garrison as sir colin campbell, afterwards lord clyde, while sir fenwick williams, the defender of kars, was a native of the town, and surely no literary man in america has a wider reputation than judge haliburton, whose house was just down there beyond the hotel. i often think of the lines by oliver goldsmith, who lived here,--a grand-nephew, my dear," laying her hand on amy's, "of the great english poet, who himself wrote 'the rising village,' describing annapolis." "oh, can't you recite a part of it?" asked amy. she had already discovered a vein of sentimentality in mrs. gray, and she was right in judging that the request would please her. "i'm sorry to say," replied mrs. gray, "that my memory is not what it used to be, and the only lines i recall do not touch on the social so much as the natural charms of annapolis." "oh, but please do say them." this time it was priscilla, and mrs. gray began:- "'here the broad marsh extends its open plain, until its limits touch the distant main; there verdant meads along the uplands spring, and grateful odours to the breezes fling. here crops of grain in rich luxuriance rise, and wave their golden riches to the skies; there smiling orchards interrupt the scene, or gardens, bounded by some hedge of green; the farmer's cottage bosomed 'mong the trees, whose spreading branches shelter from the breeze; the winding stream that turns the busy mill, whose clacking echoes o'er the distant hill; the neat, white church, beside whose walls are spread, the grass-clad hillocks of the sacred dead.'" "it sounds like 'the deserted village,'" said priscilla, politely; "that was one of the poems that we studied at school last year; you recite this beautifully." "ah, well, i'm aware that the first oliver goldsmith's poem is greater poetry, but here in annapolis people were very fond of oliver the younger, and if ever you've time to read the whole poem, you will find that he thoroughly appreciated acadia." but all the hours of that pleasant afternoon were not spent in historical conversation. priscilla and eunice, arm in arm, wandered out in the pleasant orchard, and, swinging together in the hammock, talked about all kinds of things, more frivolous than serious, such as girls care to talk about. in appearance the two girls were not unlike, though eunice was a little the taller, despite the fact that she was a few months younger; her eyes were the same gray-blue and her hair the same pale brown as priscilla's; not quite fair enough to be called golden, and hardly dark enough to be called brown. "it is strange," amy had said to her mother, after eunice had first called on them, "that eunice airton reminds me of some one i have known; i cannot say just who, but it is one of those resemblances that worry one; you feel as if you must decide whom it is she resembles, yet try as i can i cannot think." while the girls were in the orchard, eunice pointed out to priscilla the various additions that had been made to the house. little ells and rooms had been added, some of them only one story high, and the original house, built by her loyalist ancestor, was the very smallest part of the present dwelling. "i thought it strange," said priscilla, "when you said that this house was built just after the revolution, that it should have been so large, but now i understand." "oh, there's been an ell added for nearly every generation. to tell you the truth," she concluded, "although my mother speaks so despondingly now, the family have seen better days, even in annapolis. my grandfather balfour was a very successful lawyer, and in spite of the revolution"--here she smiled--"we might have been rich to-day if he had not sunk his money in unlucky speculation." "balfour?" queried priscilla. "where have i heard that name?" "oh, the name itself is not so very uncommon. there must be many of the name somewhere, although our family was the only one down here." a little later the girls were looking over some of the old books on the bookshelves; they were chiefly history and poetry. there was robertson's "charles fifth," a fine set of pope's complete works, and dodsley's "miscellany," with the gilding on its calf binding not yet quite worn off. priscilla looked at these books with less interest than amy showed for them; she was not as ardent a lover of things ancient, although her respect for eunice increased when the young girl told her that she had read nearly every book in the house. "we have long winter evenings," she said, "and fewer amusements, i suppose, than you have in the cities; and really i would rather read than do anything else." "but these books are so very old-fashioned, and pope's poetry, don't you find it pretty dull? i didn't care so very much for 'the rape of the lock,' though some people call it amusing." "i prefer tennyson," replied eunice, in a judicial tone, "but i feel there are certain things one must read some time, and mother says that i might as well read them now, while i have the books. some time," and here she sighed, "we may have to break up our home, and that might mean packing away all our books; so it's well to 'make hay while the sun shines,'" she concluded with a bright smile that was in marked contrast with the sigh of a moment before. in the meantime amy, in looking over some of the books, gave an exclamation of surprise; she had opened a large bible, on the fly-leaf of which was written "audrey balfour, her book." "there is something very familiar in that name," she cried, "audrey balfour, and yet for the moment i can't recall any one to whom it belongs." "it's a family name," said eunice, "and i've always wished that it had been given to me, for there has always been an audrey in the family for each generation until now." at last supper was announced, and if any of the party had lacked appetite, the sight of the long table, with its delicate china and old-fashioned silver and glass, would have been an inspiration. the silver spoons, to be sure, were very, very thin, and the cups and saucers were not without cracks, and here and there showed other imperfections; but these things only emphasized the fact that silver and china were really old; and the large silver dish, heaped with great strawberries, was of a style that mrs. redmond said would make it almost worth its weight in gold to a collector. "i am so sorry," said mrs. airton, politely, "that miss martine is not with you. i have seen her passing two or three times, and she is a particularly attractive girl." "she is indeed very attractive," responded mrs. redmond, "and on this account we regret her occasional wilfulness; she had planned a ride to the bay shore and we could not induce her to give it up. but she wished me to thank you for her invitation, and she said that if she possibly could, she would be here in time for tea; but it seems now as if she has been unable to carry out this part of her plan." "oh, if she really goes to the shore," interposed mrs. gray, "i am sure she will hardly be back in annapolis before dark. it's a long ride, and i only hope she doesn't find the road too hard." "martine is a good horsewoman; her father told us that we might trust her on any horse, and had i not known this, i should have hesitated to let her go." "she did not go alone, i hope," said mrs. airton, anxiously. "oh, no; she consented rather reluctantly to an escort, and from the stable they sent a mr. frazer, an elderly man, who promised to look after her." "mr. frazer!" eunice laughed as she uttered the name. "well, if he's on his own horse and if miss martine keeps beside him, she'll certainly have a slow, safe ride." chapter xii in the fog in the meantime, where was martine? when mr. frazer and his staid sorrel steed appeared in front of the hotel, martine had smiled inwardly. "his horse certainly looks safe, and the man himself,--well, he may be a good guide, as they say, and perhaps he can tell me about everything we see in passing; but if he proves a bore, as i am perfectly sure he will, i'll contrive some way to rid myself of his company." it was a perfect afternoon for a ride, mild and windless, with just enough sun to relieve the landscape of the monotony by creating artistic effects of light and shade. martine was in great spirits, for, like most persons from the inland cities, she loved the sea even more deeply than those who dwell beside it. "the annapolis basin is tame," she had said the day before. "i am tired of the still, blue water and the red mud and the marshes and the meadows, and i long for a breath of the real ocean." "we're some distance still from the ocean," amy had rejoined. "the nearest to it is the bay of fundy." "well, from all i've heard, the bay of fundy is fiercer than the ocean itself, and i must see it; for i've been tracing our route on the map, and it seems to me that we've left out the bay of fundy altogether; we are curving away from it all the time." "perhaps we can have a picnic on the bay shore before we leave." "oh, no, my dear miss amy redmond; we won't have many days, and 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' just as soon as i can manage it, i'm going to the bay shore myself." so martine had "managed it" by giving up the afternoon at mrs. airton's, and now, as she rode along toward the north mountain, she had a certain feeling of triumph. at first she and her guide kept very close together. he felt it incumbent on him to give her as much information as he could about the country and its history. even when his tale concerned the loyalists, martine did not assume the air of indifference that was always hers when priscilla touched on the same subject. "it's a pity," said mr. frazer, "that there is nothing to be seen now of all the wonders that old general ruggles did in his time. he had one of the largest grants of land hereabouts, away up over the top of a mountain, and though he was past seventy when the war ended, he set to work clearing forests and laying out his grounds like a young man. he imported all kinds of trees from massachusetts, and his place was a model for the whole county. he found a deep gulch on his land that was sheltered from the winds and yet sunny, and there he planted some rare trees,--black walnut and peach and other things that generally grow only in the far south." "was he an english general?" asked martine, listlessly. "oh, i've heard," replied mr. frazer, "that though he was bred a lawyer in massachusetts, he became a colonel in the wars that the americans fought against the french, and was high in command at ticonderoga and crown point; it was in that war that he got his title of brigadier general, and so he might be called an american officer." "then what was he doing down here in nova scotia?" "oh, when the revolutionary troubles began he wasn't in favor of breaking off from the mother country; he was a chief justice of common pleas, and he wrote and spoke against separation. so at last he and his family had to give up everything and take refuge with the british in boston. he doesn't seem to have been a fighter against his countrymen, but he preferred exile to sacrificing his principles. i've always been interested in the old general," added mr. frazer, apologetically, "though i don't just know why, for he was dead long before my father even was born. but i've read a lot about him, and people here still tell many stories of him, and altogether he seems something like those heroes we hear of, working so energetically to keep his spirits up." "yes," said martine, "i agree with you that it does seem rather heroic, only it's a pity that he was on the wrong side." then, lest mr. frazer should be inclined to argue with her, she quickly changed the subject. "this road over the mountain is pleasanter than i thought it would be; i mean, everything looks so cultivated and prosperous." "oh, there isn't a better section anywhere than this," he replied. "the orchards and farms all pay well; why, there's a place up beyond," he continued, "that they call paradise; and if it wasn't for winter, which i suppose they don't have in heaven, i should say that the name just fitted." mr. frazer was so pleased with his own wit that he chuckled softly, and so far forgot himself as to urge his horse forward. "let's stop here," cried martine, "for a moment; i never saw so many beehives." "i don't know," replied mr. frazer, timidly, "as it's hardly safe; sometimes, when they're swarming, they are apt to sting if you go too near them." but martine was already off her horse and over the low fence, and mr. frazer could only follow her example. the farm was situated at the junction of two roads. martine had taken the precaution to tether her horse to a hitching-post, but mr. frazer, trusting too implicitly to the sedateness of his steed, had left it unfettered to nibble the grass by the roadside. the hives that had attracted martine's attention proved as harmless as she had prophesied, so she wandered on toward an old-fashioned garden, blazing with mid-summer blossoms. now jill, the sorrel that mr. frazer had ridden so proudly, proved less reliable than might have been expected from the character of its owner; for, in the course of its nibbling, it wandered down the road, passing back of the farm, and mr. frazer was so intent upon telling martine all that he knew about bees and flowers that he quite forgot to keep his eye on his horse. thus it happened that the animal found itself near some hives whose occupants were changing habitations. then, at the very moment when mr. frazer bethought him of jill, to his horror and great surprise he saw her starting on a run down this back road. he did not wait to explain matters to martine; he knew by the cloud of bees in the distance that the horse had undoubtedly been stung. "wait until i come back," he shouted, as he started in pursuit of his horse. martine smiled as he leaped over a fence, his coat tails flying in the air. "unseemly haste," she murmured, "for so dignified a person. i wonder how long he can keep it up." for five or ten minutes martine continued to wait in the old-fashioned garden; then she looked at her watch. it was later than she supposed; the sun was less bright, and a slight chill in the air warned her of approaching fog. "i didn't promise to wait," she said to herself, "and after all the bother of arranging it i can't be cheated out of my sight of the bay. it's a straight road and perfectly safe, and my horse hasn't shown a sign of a trick; so in five minutes, if my guide hasn't returned, i shall go on alone." at the end of five minutes mr. frazer had not appeared, and martine, remounting her horse, resumed her way toward the bay shore. she set off at a speed that would have quite shaken the breath out of mr. frazer, and she was really surprised to discover how much life her animal had. thus it happened that in spite of the delay she really had a glimpse of the bay of fundy before the fog had hidden it. it is true that already there was a thin veil of mist floating about her and permitting her to see rather dimly the rocky shore, and the scattered hamlet that lay at her feet. martine felt most uncomfortable. her situation was certainly lonely, and she would gladly have borne the rather tiresome conversation of her late guide for the sake of his protection. but though she waited as long as she dared, he did not appear; nor did she meet him as she turned about toward annapolis. toward annapolis--but where was annapolis? for all at once she seemed to be riding through a cloud, and she recalled a day when she and a party of friends had thought themselves lost on one of the highest of the white mountains, pushing their way vaguely through the cloud that enshrouded them. of one thing, however, she now felt sure. when she reached the crossroads and the farm where the beehives were, she would have no difficulty in continuing her way. but, alas for all calculations! how it happened she never knew, but soon she realized that she was on a road quite different from the one by which she had travelled to the shore. in the fog she had turned somewhere, and the new road was lonely in the extreme. there were no houses near; at least, she judged there were not, for the road itself was rough, more like a forest road, and both sides seemed to be lined with trees. for a short time she went on cautiously; then a line of verse came into her mind that she had heard amy quote only the day before,- "'when once a man hath misséd the right way, the farther he doth go, the farther doth he stray.'" so she brought herself to a full stop and, slipping from her horse, stood beside him, gently stroking his side. "good old fellow," she said gently, "if i'd leave you to yourself, i dare say you'd carry me home safely. perhaps in a few minutes we can turn round and make a fresh start; but now i want to think." so she stood for five minutes or more, and among the many thoughts that flew across her brain was one that, if shaped into words, would have been: "i wish that i had gone with the others to mrs. airton's." but she could not remain inactive. "whatever happens, i won't be lost on the mountain," cried martine, emphatically. "it's always better to go on than to stand still, and especially as the fog is so thick that i'm likely to be drenched to the skin if i stay here much longer." at this moment the surrounding stillness was broken by a sound; she listened intently, and in a very short time realized that what she heard was really the noise of approaching wheels. she drew her horse close to the side of the road; a vehicle of some kind was near her. "hello, hello," she shouted, picturing herself at the moment as a stranded mariner on a shipwrecked vessel. the vehicle was close upon her; the driver drew up his horse; martine approached him. "what on earth--" he began. "yes, on earth," responded martine. "i shouldn't like to be at sea, lost in the fog." "so you're lost, are you?" replied the driver of the wagon, in a brisk, cheerful voice. "well, there's one thing, you needn't stay lost." martine looked at the speaker, who had now jumped down from his seat and was standing beside her. he was a tall youth, with reddish brown hair and a frank, pleasant face, and she judged that he was two or three years her senior. "it's fortunate," he said, "that we happened to have an order for some groceries up beyond at the jones farm. i don't come this way once a month, and there is very little passing any day; so if you had waited for some one to rescue you, you would have had to wait a long time." martine was not sure that she liked the word "rescue." all her life she had prided herself on her independence, and it irritated her to realize that she had put herself in a position that obliged her to depend on a stranger. [illustration: "'hello! hello!' she shouted."] "perhaps i shouldn't have said 'lost,'" she responded; "i've only just missed my way a little, and if the fog should lift i could easily find my way back to my friends." "if the fog should lift!" the boy laughed heartily. "are you acquainted with the habits of fogs? or perhaps it behaves differently in the states; but in this part of the world, when it sets in late in the afternoon, it generally stays all night. but come," he continued more gently, "you'll catch cold if you stay here much longer. i'm on my way to annapolis myself, and i'll very gladly take you there. come," he continued, holding out his hand; "you'd better get into the wagon here, and i have a rope by which we can lead the horse behind." "oh, no," said martine; "i can ride just as well. i don't mind the fog, if you will let me follow your wagon." "nonsense!" protested the boy; "you can't go fast enough to keep warm, and your horse might make a misstep; and besides," he concluded, "i have a sister about your age and i know what's best for girls. come, jump in." to her own great surprise martine found herself obeying the strange youth; perhaps, after all, she felt that there would be more comfort for her in his covered wagon than in picking her way through the fog, over the rough road. when she was seated, he handed her a carriage robe which he bade her wrap around her; then he tied his rope to the horse's bridle, saying as he did so: "i know this animal well, and he'll follow us like a tame cat." then he took his seat beside martine and they drove along slowly. after a turn or two they came to the place that martine called "the beehive farm." already she had related the story of mr. frazer's adventure, and her acquaintance had laughed heartily at her account of the good man's flight after the recreant jill. "i didn't suppose even a swarm of bees could put any speed into jill, but frazer himself is so conscientious that i wonder that he isn't sitting here on the fence waiting for your return." as they talked martine wondered and wondered who her rescuer could be. both his language and his subjects of conversation were not what she would have expected from a grocer's boy, for that was what he called himself once or twice, and in the back of the wagon there was a large kerosene can, with one or two empty boxes, as well as some packages that certainly looked like groceries. but she did not waste much time in speculating, because she found so many things to ask that she had never thought to ask any one else before. "didn't realize that the first mill on the continent was built at annapolis?"--said her companion, "and you from chicago, where people are supposed to think and dream about flour and grain? i am surprised. and you didn't know that membertou, that old indian, is reckoned the first convert made in america? dear me, where have you been brought up?" "oh, i'm learning," responded martine. "i'd never heard about the acadians until we came down here. but now i think they're just great; don't you?" "i should hardly call them great," returned the other, with a smile, "although there's any amount of interesting history connected with them; but i've always taken more interest myself in the early days of port royal than in the exile of the acadians. i wish they'd change the name of goat island back to biencourtville, for that's what it's called on lescarbot's map." "oh," replied martine, not knowing what else to say. she knew nothing about lescarbot and less about his map, but she didn't wish to display her ignorance. "i remember biencourt," she added meekly; "he had a very hard time, hadn't he?" the face of the other brightened. "oh, i'm glad you remember him; he's my idea of a hero. i believe if he had lived port royal would have fared much better. charles la tour was not at all the same kind of man. but madame la tour, ah, she was the right sort! perhaps you know her story." "no," replied martine, meekly, "i do not, but probably amy does." "who is this paragon, this 'amy'? you've spoken of her several times; she seems to know everything." "i really think she does," replied martine--"know almost everything. but i wish you could tell me about madame la tour." "there won't be time now, but i could lend you a book, if you stay here longer. she doesn't exactly belong to annapolis; it was the fort at the mouth of the st. john that she defended. but here we are fairly in the town, and you can consider yourself saved," he concluded with a smile. "why, there's mrs. airton's house!" exclaimed martine in surprise; "i didn't know you were coming this way." the boy looked at her curiously. "do you know mrs. airton?" "well, not exactly, for i was out when she called, but she was kind enough to ask me to tea to-day, only i thought i'd like to ride instead. i thought that perhaps i'd be back in time for tea." "you were right in that," rejoined her companion, pulling up his horse. "i'm sure they're not through tea yet; i can leave you and take your horse on to the stable. here, jump out." but martine hesitated, and for the moment she was annoyed at her rescuer. if priscilla or amy should look from a window, how mortifying it would be to be seen driving in a grocer's cart with a riderless steed tagging on behind. "no, thank you," she said; "i would rather go on to my boarding-house; please drive on." she never knew whether her new acquaintance would have heeded her request or not, for hardly had she spoken when from a side door eunice airton and priscilla rushed toward the wagon. "where's martine?" cried priscilla, excitedly; "we recognized the horse." "oh, balfour," began eunice, "what--" without further ado martine jumped down from the seat. the girls had approached the wagon from the rear, and at first had not seen her. her sudden appearance surprised them. by this time amy had reached the group. "what happened?" and she looked on martine for an explanation. "nothing, nothing," replied martine, "only i was caught in the fog." amy laid her hand on martine's arm. "your clothes are damp; you may take cold." "come into the house," added eunice; "we are not yet through tea." martine saw that protest could not avail. as a matter of fact, she was not only cold but hungry, and the prospect of something to eat was one that she could not resist. "you said that you might come to tea," remarked amy, "and so mrs. airton will not be altogether surprised." had any one but amy said this, martine would have suspected her of sarcasm; but even if amy would inwardly smile at her ignominious return, martine could bear ridicule from her better than from any one else. when martine had replaced her waist with a drier one belonging to eunice, eunice led her to the dining-room, where the others had resumed their seats. mrs. redmond and mrs. airton made little comment on her misadventure, and never did hot biscuit, and strawberries, and chocolate, and cookies seem more appetizing to martine than they did on this occasion. later, when amy and priscilla were helping eunice clear the table, mrs. airton sat down beside martine. "i am glad it was balfour who found you," she said, "though i am sorry that he could not come in to tea with you. it is his night at the store, and he usually waits for his tea until late in the evening." "balfour?" asked martine; "who is balfour? of course i know he drove me home, but who is he?" "balfour," replied mrs. airton, "why, balfour is my son and eunice's brother." "ah," cried martine, "i did not realize that; now i understand." but what she understood she did not then explain. not long after tea mr. frazer rushed excitedly into mrs. airton's sitting-room. "i'm so glad the young lady's safe," he cried, "though indeed i thought she'd wait for me; but the sorrel led me a long chase, and when i got back to the farm she wasn't there. but i never thought of her going to the bay shore with the fog rolling in so thick, and when i found she wasn't at the house, i went back again to the farm, thinking she'd taken a wrong turn somewhere. at last i met some one who had seen her driving with balfour; then i knew she was safe. so i must apologize again for the behavior of my sorrel, though it was all the fault of the bees." martine forgave the sorrel as readily as she forgave mr. frazer, for her adventure had ended so pleasantly that there was no occasion for blaming any one. chapter xiii letters and some comments "do you realize that we have only a day or two longer in annapolis?" asked amy, one soft afternoon in july, as she sat with martine and priscilla within the walls of the old fort. mrs. redmond, seated some distance from them, was sketching a bit of far-off shore that came within her range of view. martine had her hands folded idly in her lap, though the sketching-block and materials that lay beside her showed that at least she had made some pretence of work that day. "yes, i realize it all too well," she responded. "i wish we could stay here all summer." "it has been so much pleasanter since we knew the airtons that we shall find it very hard to go," added priscilla. "of course we might stay here the rest of the summer," replied amy, "only, since we had a definite route planned out it would be a pity not to follow it." "the other places may be very stupid," murmured martine. "not grand pré," rejoined priscilla. "you'll probably enjoy that far better than annapolis; you seem to forget that it is full of memories of the expelled acadians." "oh, yes, the acadians; but do you know they don't seem half so important to me as they did when we were in clare. i've really grown tremendously interested in those first frenchmen, who had such an unlucky time here at port royal. annapolis has memories enough for me." "what a fickle creature you are, martine! surely you haven't forgotten yvonne." "no, no," and martine sprang to her feet. "i'm only waiting for a letter from my father and then you shall know what is going to happen to yvonne. why, i've written her three times since i left meteghan; i thought you knew that, amy." "yes, but don't excite yourself unduly, child; only, when you expressed your indifference to acadians i wondered whom you included. nothing would make me forget little pierre. here's a letter that i received from him to-day." amy drew from her pocket a half-sheet of paper and read its contents to her friends:- "'my dear mademoiselle, amy redmond,--it gives me great pleasure to think that you and your beautiful mother and the charming young ladies like so well our historic annapolis. i once it visited with my uncle, to view the fort that was built in the days of the greatness of acadia; it was sad to me to know that now it belongs to the cruel english, who drove my ancestors from their happy homes. when i am a learned man, i shall teach history in a great school, and i will write books to make all know the truth; but now i am only a little boy, and i thank you for your letter and the book you sent me that will ever keep your lovely face fresh in my mind. so with her best duty from my mother, i subscribe myself, "'your humble friend, "'pierre robichaud. "'p. s. please write soon again.'" martine and priscilla smiled at the quaint letter, with its curious mingling of pride and humility and its touch of french gallantry. "pierre seems quite sure of his own future,"--and amy replaced the sheet in her pocket. "with his aim so firmly in view, it's quite probable that he'll attain his ambition." "'best duty,'" observed priscilla, "isn't that a strange expression?" "it certainly isn't french; he has picked it up from some of the 'cruel' english." "he probably had an old-fashioned school-teacher at some time. i hope that we'll see both pierre and yvonne before we return home; but now we must keep our minds on annapolis. i'm so afraid that you haven't got all you might of its history." "oh, my dear amy, priscilla is just brimful of the loyalists and their sufferings; you ought to hear some of the stories that she has gathered up. show her your note-book, priscilla." priscilla reddened and shook her head, while martine continued: "and as for me, i'm so charged with historical associations that i feel as if i'd give them out in electric sparks if any one should rub me the right way. of course i know that this is not the original french fort, but when one is dreaming, she needn't be so very particular about facts; so if i shut my eyes, here on this very spot," and martine suited the action to the word, "i can see poutrincourt and lescarbot and all the others who were here that long winter when de monts had gone back to france, leaving pontgravé in charge. i just imagine that the old barracks over there is the great hall where they used to have their feasts, and i can see them all marching in with the fifteen gentlemen at the head who sat at poutrincourt's table, the grand master strutting in front, with his staff of office in his hand and his napkin over his shoulder. l'ordre de bon temps--that was a capital idea of lescarbot's, to keep them all in good spirits and make each man think himself of supreme importance for a day." "tell me about it," said priscilla. "if i ever knew, i believe i've forgotten what it was." "that's it, my dear; you have been so very full of the much less important english history of annapolis that you've overlooked the more romantic french." then pointing toward the basin, martine chanted: "'sing on, wild sea, your sad refrain, for all the gallant sons of france whose songs and sufferings enhance the romance of the western main.'" "well, if this is a wild sea i wonder what you'd call the bay of fundy," said amy, laughing. "oh, dear! you are so very practical; but i can't argue with you now, for i must make priscilla understand just what 'the order of the good time' was. during the long winter lescarbot suggested that each of the fifteen gentlemen of greatest importance in the settlement should be appointed caterer for a day at a time; so they took turns, and each one tried to outdo the others in providing as many delicacies as possible. the steward of the day was called the grand master, and fish and game were so abundant here that often the table was supplied with food that the king of france might have envied. in order to keep up their dignity, they all observed a very formal ceremony, entering the hall at each meal just as i told you a little while ago. at the close of the day, after grace, the grand master removed his collar and placed it on the neck of the one who was to do duty the next day, while they drank each other's health in wine and recited appropriate verses. no wonder the indians thought it great sport to watch the white men dine, for they crowded the hall at every meal, and membertou, their chief, was often at the governor's table." "i hope the other indians had something to eat." "oh, yes indeed; they were always well fed by the french, and well treated; so that from the very beginning the french and indians were on the very friendliest terms." "you must have done a deal of reading, martine, you know your subject so well," said amy, quizzically. "oh, i haven't read so much," she began. "no, it's all balfour airton," interposed priscilla. "he talks like a book, and he's discovered that he can make martine listen to him." "any one would like to listen to him," rejoined martine, "and i'm glad to say that though he is of english descent, he doesn't consider the english absolutely perfect." "there, there," said amy, throwing oil on the waters, "our acquaintance with the airtons has certainly added to the pleasure of us all. balfour seems a plucky fellow, for it can't be particularly pleasant to him to serve as a grocer's clerk in the summer holidays." "but he needs the money." "oh, yes, martine; but i know boys who would remain idle rather than do work that they thought a little beneath them." "to tell you the truth," added priscilla, "i'm afraid that the airtons have very little money indeed. eunice says that there's a mortgage on their house, and that they may have to give it up before long. balfour has offered to stay out of college and look for work in halifax, but his mother will not listen to this; she wishes him to be a lawyer like his grandfather." "he has a scholarship at college, and he earns more or less money all the year, so that really his education costs his family nothing." "i fear our conversation is too personal," interrupted amy, "though it has certainly been a pleasure to meet two people so free from self-consciousness as eunice and balfour. that reminds me," concluded amy, "that i had a letter to-day from my friend brenda, mrs. weston. she is surprised that we find so much to interest us in nova scotia. she made a trip this way one summer with her parents, but they travelled rather hurriedly through the province and made their longest stay at halifax." "oh, halifax," interrupted martine. "nothing but english; only fancy," with a true english accent, and she raised her hand toward her eye as if holding a monocle. "if there's anything in the world i dislike, it's the real english. excuse me, priscilla; i did not mean to hurt your feelings." "my feelings? why, i'm no more english than you are, martine. you won't deny that you have some english blood in your veins?" "unluckily, i can't deny it; but i'm glad that they named me martine; that at least is un-english." "it certainly is a queer name." "not queer at all, priscilla. my grandfather was martin, and martine is the french feminine for it. if i'd been a boy, i would have been named martin. unluckily i wasn't, and so martine was the best that could be done. my elder brother had been named for my father; lucian, you know, is his name. i never heard any one else call 'martine' a queer name;" and the chicago girl turned away petulantly. noting again the signs of a coming storm, already too frequent on this trip, amy hastened to change the subject. "i don't know why i should have so many letters in my pocket to-day, but since i brought my mail with me, let me read you a little from brenda's letter; you know her, priscilla?" "yes, indeed." "oh, brenda,--mrs. weston," cried martine, eagerly, all trace of annoyance disappearing from her face and voice. "i've never talked with her, but i've seen her several times; i think she's just fine. she isn't a bit prim and stiff like most bostonians. why, she has as much style as a chicago girl." "my dear," interposed amy, "remember that priscilla and i are from the neighborhood of boston." "oh, yes, but you don't set up for style--there, i don't mean that, of course; i only mean--" but martine was getting herself into deep water, and her floundering amused amy, although she maintained a grave face, as she said: "style is not confined to dress; other things are considered just as important by the true critic. however, i'm glad that you admire brenda, for you'll be the more interested in her letter. "'your account of what you have seen in nova scotia is perfectly fascinating. but you haven't told me how you like those funny little brown fish that they call digby chickens, that have a flavor made up of smoked ham and salt cod; you can fancy how surprised i was when i ordered them, for i thought they'd be real chickens. we didn't see any french in nova scotia; i can't imagine where you found them. are they the real thing? or do they speak with a stratford atte bow accent? "'how different this summer is from last, when we were all so worried about arthur and the spanish war,--at least, i was. it is just a year since i was so very ill, and now i am perfectly happy. i feel quite ridiculous when they ask me to chaperone parties of girls who are older than i until i remember that i am really an old married woman and quite settled. "'it is all i can do to prevent arthur's going to the philippines; he really has the war fever, and i wonder what will come of it all. next month he is to make an address at some reunion of spanish war veterans; doesn't it seem absurd to call him a veteran? tim mcsorley is at manila. maggie is down here at rockley with us this summer, and you haven't an idea how useful she is. my mother says that the way she does things is recommendation enough for the mansion school, and that if julia needed to earn money she would make a small fortune training girls. "'i had a letter yesterday from happy hill,--you know that's the name of the farm where she has the girls this summer. they are nearly all new girls, who do not interest me as much as the others who were there my year. norah is with julia this summer; but there, i'm telling you things that are no news to you, and in fact i have very little news of any kind to write; but i hope you'll give my love to your mother and priscilla, and miss stratford and i only hope that you are as strict with them as you can be some times, when you want people to get all the information they can out of a trip. "'oh, that reminds me. i hear that fritz tomkins is in nova scotia; you do not mention him in your letter, but you must be delighted to have him with you. of course four women can get along perfectly well, but if anything should happen, it is so much better to have a man in your party; and fritz is so like a brother that i'm sure you can make him very useful. with love to all, "'sincerely, "'brenda weston.'" amy had read the whole letter aloud without realizing how personal it was, for her original intention had been only to read that part relating to nova scotia. "that sounds just like brenda," she said to the girls, "and i'm glad that she's so happy, for last summer was a miserable one for her." "it was for all of us," murmured priscilla. and then amy suddenly realized that the spanish war was a subject too sore for her to touch on in priscilla's presence. "come," she said, "one last look at old port royal. we shall have several farewell calls to pay to-day and to-morrow, and we may not have time to return to the fort." "amy," said martine, "i know i'm very stupid, but i'd really like to know where port royal ends and fort anne begins. some one told me that this is really fort anne, but you always speak of it as port royal; so just to gratify my curiosity i'm willing to listen to a little more history." "then i'll give you as much, or rather as little, as i can to make you understand some of the happenings at this fort in the early days. i am sorry that i cannot go at all into details about the many sieges and expeditions against the fort in the seventeenth century. the quarrels of d'aunay and charles de la tour form a most exciting series of episodes, and you must read them at length in parkman or some other history. although theirs was not warfare between french and english, la tour was a huguenot, and in a general way the english were on his side. in fact, he once came down to boston and interested winthrop and others in his cause. in the end i suppose la tour may be considered to have been the conqueror; at least, he survived d'aunay, and later married for his second wife d'aunay's widow. port royal was captured by cromwell's fleet in 1654, and a few years later, in the reign of charles ii, was given back to france. in 1690, when england and france were again at war, de menneval, the governor of the fort, had to surrender to sir william phipps, and the account of this expedition you will surely read sometime, for phipps was a new englander and his career most interesting." "the new englanders seem to have had a special spite against acadia," said martine; "so it isn't strange, priscilla, that you have inherited part of it." "oh, no, i haven't; only if i must choose i naturally prefer what is english to what is french." "after all that phipps thought he had accomplished," continued amy, "acadia was again handed back to france; but i will pass over other attacks to remind you of what you have doubtless read many times in your school histories, that, when the treaty of utrecht settled the wars between queen anne and louis xiv, acadia was given to the english. since that time the fort has been fort anne and the town annapolis." "it's no wonder," said martine, "that the acadians hardly knew whom to obey, when they'd been handed over from one side to another so often." "this does account for much of the misunderstanding that finally led to their deportation. they trusted too implicitly in the french king, and for a long time vainly hoped that he would conquer the english and make them again his subjects." hardly had amy finished when a boyish voice was heard crying, "good-morning, good-morning. is it really true that you're starting north to-day?" "no, not to-day; we have still a day or two left before we set out for grand pré; we are going over to see your mother this afternoon." "i'm glad of that," responded balfour, "for i'm to have a day off, or rather an afternoon, and i wanted to be sure of your plans." balfour did not explain that he had asked for this special holiday in order to have some time with his new friends. "you won't spend the whole afternoon with my mother," he began awkwardly,--"at least, not all of you,--and so i thought that perhaps some of you would go for a drive with me." "i am going to stay with eunice," said priscilla; "it will be our last day together." martine said nothing. then balfour turned to amy: "would not you and miss martine drive with me? i can take you to one or two out-of-the-way places that you probably haven't visited." "surely," responded amy, "that will be delightful. i can go, and with pleasure. as for martine, she must speak for herself." amy had no doubt as to martine's desire, so that it was hardly necessary for her to await a reply. "why, of course," replied martine; "there's nothing i'd like so well." chapter xiv an excursion balfour, when the three started on their afternoon expedition, was in a particularly happy frame of mind. "there's one advantage in working all summer--a half holiday seems ten times more valuable now than usually. not that i'm working hard this summer, only my days are not my own, and i can seldom make plans; besides, i do begrudge the time that i have to take from study." "then you will probably think to-day wasted." "no, indeed; besides, we are going to study nature, and--" "a little french history," interposed martine. "did you not say that you would take us to an old battleground?" "yes, i hope to, for my steed is not like jill. we can depend on getting somewhere with lion, whereas jill--" "mr. frazer would say that she went fast enough the day he rode her in my company." "it's a great thing for a horse to know when to stop, as well as when to go on. whoa, lion! there, we can leave him standing while we go up that little hill. it's said to be the site of an ancient french church. it may interest you." amy and martine loudly praised the beauty of the scenery as they stood on the elevated land above the narrow, winding river. "they say that a church stood here in the earliest french days, with a set of silver bells that rang out most musically over the water. then, when the church fell to pieces, the bells sank into the earth, and are hidden somewhere underground,--and any one who likes may dig for them." martine began to prod in the earth with her parasol. "come, my dear, we won't have time to-day, and you need a crowbar rather than that tiny stick. if you found them they would be rather too clumsy to carry home;" and amy laid her hand on martine's arm. "i'd rather look for apostle spoons," replied martine. "i heard of a woman who dug up two in her garden, and when she saw how dirty they were, threw them into a kettle of lye that she happened to have boiling for soap, or something of that kind. she almost lost her head when the ugly lead things came out looking like gold, for they were silver washed with gilt. if she found such things, why not i, for it's a true story, isn't it?" turning to balfour. "oh, yes, fairly true, and there's always a chance of finding something by digging long enough. but i would never waste my time digging, except with hoe and spade, for fruit and vegetables. there's good money," he concluded, "in strawberries here in nova scotia. in annapolis i know a man who has several acres, and in good seasons he gets two thousand boxes a day." "strawberries! aren't apples the prize crop here?" "yes, and more certain than anything else. a man can get $300 an acre from a good orchard. if money were the only thing i'd rather be a farmer than a lawyer down here." "that's better than some gold mines," said amy, as they turned and walked down the hill to the carriage. "when i was a small shaver," continued balfour, "and had plenty of time to spare, i used to walk there along the top of the dykes of annapolis. from the base of seven or eight feet it narrows to hardly a foot at the top, and i can tell you that it was ticklish work keeping a footing." "why didn't i know of that before?" cried martine. "i certainly should have tried it. i love to walk on railroad tracks, and dyke-walking must be almost the same." "you can't try anything of that kind while you are in my care," interposed amy. "the river is probably deeper than it looks, and if you should go too near the edge--" "oh, i can swim, my dear miss amy redmond, though, to put your careful soul at ease, i'll promise not to go near the water. all the same, i wish that i were an indian, at this very moment gliding down from minas to digby. didn't you tell me that this was one of their favorite routes?" and she turned to balfour for a reply. "why, yes," he replied, "from any point outside minas they used to glide over to french cross, then by a portage of four miles to aylesford, and they would be borne on by the current down the annapolis river, sometimes as far even as digby." "french cross?" asked amy. "what have i heard of french cross?" "perhaps of the awful winter there that some of the acadians passed through, just after the deportation." "tell me about it," cried martine, eagerly. "i never heard of it." "well, after the acadians had been put aboard the ships at grand pré, some friendly micmacs hurried down secretly to warn the french at the eastern end of annapolis. when they heard the news, about sixty acadians decided on flight, and with a micmac guide began to make their way north. they hoped to reach a point on the shore where the english would not see them, from which they could cross over to new brunswick, and then get the protection of the french at quebec. but when they reached aylesford they did not dare try to cross. their food was poor, sickness broke out among them, many died, and were buried in the soft aylesford sand. the others went on to french cross, but still did not dare cross the bay. during the bitter cold of december, while they were suffering everything, they saw the last of the transports pass down the bay, carrying their countrymen to the southern colonies. many died during the winter, and when spring came the friendly indians made birch-bark canoes for the remainder, who then crossed in safety to the new brunswick shore." "man's inhumanity to man," sighed amy, sentimentally. "what wretches the english were!" exclaimed martine, more energetically. "remember, please, that i am english;" and balfour raised his hand in remonstrance. "besides, the persecutors of the acadians were not english, but your fellow new englanders, who took the whole matter on themselves, without asking leave of any one else." "but i am no new englander," objected martine. "oh, it's all the same. some of your ancestors were from new england undoubtedly, unless you are different from most chicagoans. but if you repudiate new england, you cannot object to my arousing your sympathies for some of those exiled loyalists who suffered quite as much as the over-pitied acadians." "it's a shame priscilla is not here," murmured martine. now balfour was not likely to speak idly, and in a moment he had begun his recital. "the old lady who told this story to my mother was visiting annapolis from fredericton, and her mother, the daughter of an officer in a new jersey regiment, experienced all the hardships that she described. the vessels with these new jersey officers and soldiers and their families went up the st. john river in early october, and landed at a place called st. ann's, that later became fredericton, the capital of the province. it was a wet, cold season, and the people had no shelter but tents, that they tried to cover with spruce boughs. their floor was the ground, and when snow fell in early november the old lady's mother said that her family tried to shut it out by putting their one rug against the opening. often a part of the family had to sit up all night to keep the others from freezing. when everything else failed they would heat boards at the fire, and hold them over the children to give them needed warmth." "a likely story!" and martine smiled. "indeed, it is perfectly true," rejoined balfour, gravely. "many men and women died of exposure and lack of food that terrible winter. their graves were dug with pickaxe and shovel, in the hard ground not far from the tents. like the acadians at french cross, they had no clergyman to pay the last rites. they had been used to comfortable and pleasant homes, and many of them had had wealth; so it was doubly hard to have to live in indian fashion on fish, and moose, and berries. in the spring they made maple sugar, and killed pigeons. there was great rejoicing when the first vessels came with corn and rye. they were in constant fear of the indians, and it was long before they could live even half decently." "i have always sympathized with the loyalists," said amy, quietly. "oh, well, it's all over now," returned balfour, bitterly. "but it must have been hard for many of them to remember that their houses and lands, and even their personal property, had been passed over to people who to them seemed to have no shadow of right to it." "do you care now?" asked martine, gently. "oh, no;" but balfour's tone belied his words. "my family did not suffer so much as some, though we had to start here in annapolis with little besides the land that the king granted." "back to the soil is a good thing sometimes." "oh, yes, and nova scotia was very hospitable to the poor loyalists; but still--to tell the truth, sometimes i wish that i had grown up on the other side of the line. there seems to be more chance in many ways;" and balfour sighed. amy looked at balfour in surprise. he was evidently considerably her junior, yet he talked like one much older. "i should like to see him and fritz together," she thought. "i believe that fritz would appear five years younger, for he always persists in talking like an overgrown boy." "there," concluded balfour, "i have said too much. on the whole, i am contented, and the province offers more than many corners of the world to an ambitious young man, so enough said. now, just see, i was so absorbed in harrowing your feelings over the loyalists that i have taken a wrong turn, and we are now so far from the battleground that we'll have to give it up this afternoon." "'all roads are alike to me,'" hummed amy, while martine added, "but the scenery here is lovely. just see how the north mountain stands out, with that little fringe of mist hanging about the top, and i've never seen so many fine orchards. oh, i wouldn't have missed this particular drive for anything;" and her flushed cheeks and beaming eyes showed that she had meant what she said. "the drive has been full of pictures, too," added martine. "i've seen a great many things even that you have not spoken of, and whenever i look over there toward the woods i fancy i see an indian creeping along; not an unfriendly savage, but one with a smile on his face, hoping perhaps to be asked by lescarbot to stay to dinner at the fort." "yes," rejoined balfour, "one of those jolly fellows who objected to the wording of the lord's prayer in asking for bread, saying that bread alone wouldn't do for him, as he needed moose, and fish besides." "yes, and some of the french dishes that they favored him with occasionally." "well, i have heard many things that make me believe that the indians of acadia were jokers. some of the stories would shock you, i am afraid;" and balfour hesitated. "oh, we are not so easily shocked. tell us, do." "very likely you've heard this particular thing. but it is said that one of the men in that first expedition of the french undertook to make a dictionary, and when he tried to get some of the natives to give him the micmac for various sacred names, the indian gave him words that were just the contrary,--almost profane, in fact,--so that the frenchman made himself very ridiculous when he tried to make use of his new vocabulary." "which shows," said martine, "that the micmac indian was not such a serious and solemn creature as those that used to appear in our school histories bewailing the advance of the white man. i always thought i'd like to meet one of them." "why, martine?" "yes, just for the pleasure of sticking a pin in him. he would never have had spirit enough to turn his tomahawk against me. but these micmacs knew how to enjoy life. the dictionary maker was probably a prim, conceited fellow, who deserved to be laughed at. of course, in a general way," she concluded hastily, "i am always on the side of the french, and i love to remember that the old fort once belonged to them." "'when from port royal's rude-built walls gleamed o'er the hills afar, the golden lilies on the shield of henry of navarre. "'a gay and gallant company, those voyagers of old, whose life in the acadian fort lescarbot's verse has told,'" recited balfour, as they turned into st. george's street, "and here we are in sight of fort anne, and it pleases my soul that the flag floating above is the flag of great britain." "we won't quarrel about that now," said martine, "for you have given us the very pleasantest afternoon we've had." "yes," added amy, "it has certainly been delightful, and so it is all the harder to remember that this is probably our last excursion around annapolis,--at least, for the present." "you are very good to appreciate our old town so, and i hope that you will find wolfville almost as attractive. i am sorry enough, however, that you are going away. we shall miss you all;" and though emphasizing "all," balfour looked directly at martine as he spoke. "my sister has grown so fond of miss priscilla that she has forgotten her inborn hatred for new englanders, and i hope you'll understand that we all appreciate your interest in acadian history. i only trust i haven't bored you and miss martine by my facts and reminiscences. i fear that i've been almost garrulous." "oh, no, indeed, far from that;" and martine's emphasis showed how deeply she meant what she said. at this moment they had reached their own door and the last good-byes had to be said. "i cannot come again this evening," balfour explained, "but i'll see you for a moment at the train." then, thrusting his hand into his pocket, with an exclamation he drew out a small object that he held toward martine. "i had almost forgotten, but if you would take this," he cried, "for your collection, i would be so pleased. it's in a better condition than most things they dig up;" and as martine took it, she saw that it was a small trowel, remarkably bright, yet of a curious shape. "another acadian relic. how kind you are!" "this fork is for you, miss redmond. even if you have not a collection, it will interest you. the trowel," balfour continued, "was almost as bright as this when it was dug up, it had been buried so deep, and the fork is of an odd shape. of course they haven't any great value," he concluded, "only they are genuine relics, as i know, for i dug them up myself. i might have brought you a gridiron with a long handle and four feet, but you would have found some difficulty in carrying it about, and the little spade can be carried in your travelling-bag for use in mending a broken dyke, or shaping bricks, if you happen to wish to mend or build on the way. that at least was its original use, and the fork--well, you can find many uses for it;" and he turned from martine to amy. both girls found it hard to bid good-bye to balfour. in spite of the shortness of their acquaintance he was already an old friend, one whose friendship they particularly valued. "how sensible he is," sighed martine, as they went indoors, "and to think that he's only a year older than taps!" "a year older than--who?" asked amy, thinking that she must have misunderstood. "what did you say?" "oh, nothing--really nothing," replied martine, hastily, with a heightened color. "i was only thinking that balfour airton seems so very much older than most boys of his age, and he knows so much more than most students." martine's words were hurried and nervous, and amy decided that she was more disturbed than she had expected her to be at parting with her annapolis friends. but if amy only suspected martine's feelings, she had no difficulty in deciding how priscilla felt. she and eunice had formed a most romantic attachment for each other, and made no effort to hide the tears that fell freely as they bade good-bye at the station. at the final parting each threw her arms around the other's neck, and the bystanders tried not to laugh when eunice in her emotion knocked off priscilla's hat and entangled the cord of her eyeglasses in priscilla's belt. but the bystanders, if amused, were sympathetic, consisting as they did chiefly of dr. and mrs. gray, balfour, and mrs. airton, and one or two other friends whom the travellers had met during their weeks in annapolis. "your tears, my dear eunice," said dr. gray, "exactly express the feelings of all the rest of us; and while we wish you, mrs. redmond, a safe journey, it is perhaps not too selfish to hope that you and the young ladies may look back to annapolis as the brightest spot on the map of your travels." "indeed, we shall," said mrs. redmond, cordially, "and--" "all aboard!" called the conductor; "good-bye," shouted balfour; "write soon," sighed eunice. "come back next summer," cried dr. gray. "perhaps sooner," responded amy, and with a puff and a shriek the "flying bluenose" glided off toward the real land of evangeline. chapter xv with prejudice "priscilla," said amy, as they finished breakfast on their first morning at wolfville, "you are no longer homesick." "did i say i was homesick?" "perhaps not in words, though you have looked it a great many times. but i noticed a change during our last week in annapolis; you have seemed perfectly cheerful ever since." "oh, i'm sorry," responded the over-conscientious priscilla, "if i seemed less than cheerful before; it was really very wrong in me, for you and your mother have been so kind, and martine is so very--" here she hesitated for a moment--"so very lively." amy smiled at priscilla's earnestness. "to most persons you would have seemed perfectly cheerful, but little things have shown me that your heart was not wholly with us." "that was only because i had never before been altogether away from my family. but if there has been any change lately, it has been on account of eunice. she seems to me the most sensible person i have ever known, and i hope that she can carry out her plan of going to college. if papa had lived i could have done something for her, but now i can't make any promises for the future, because mamma says that we shall have to be very careful about spending for a few years." "i'm glad, however," responded amy, "that you have this interest in eunice, even if you cannot do all that you would like to do for her; it is rather curious that each of us should have found a protégé in the course of our travels; yvonne, pierre, and eunice, each one so unlike the others, and yet all of them rather interesting." "martine, of course, can accomplish the most," and priscilla sighed. "i imagine that her father and mother never say 'no' to her." "money isn't everything," replied amy, "and you and i can do more or less for eunice and pierre in spite of the fact that time and thought are the most we can give. i have often noticed that the person who has a real interest in the welfare of some one else can really accomplish things in better ways than by spending money." "balfour wouldn't let any one spend much money on eunice; he is so very independent, and wishes always to stand on his own feet. i never saw any one just like him." "i agree with you, priscilla, and i feel that we owe much to him for all he did for us in annapolis; besides, he has given mother one or two letters to people in wolfville, so that i fancy we shall be somewhat indebted to him here." a few moments later amy, in her little bedroom, reread a letter received from fritz that morning. its tone was so cheerful that it ought to have had an exhilarating effect on her; on the contrary, she was now less happy than before she received it. fritz and his friend had already reached chester on the east coast, and he wrote most enthusiastically of the charms of this little watering-place. not one word of regret did he utter now over his separation from mrs. redmond's party. his time was apparently fully occupied with boating and driving excursions and other pleasures of the conventional summer resort. one sentence only, at the end, suggested that he had not forgotten what he had previously said to amy. "i am surprised that you have travelled so comfortably, with not a single accident to interfere with your pleasure; but if anything disagreeable should happen, then perhaps you will wish that you had some stronger person to help you out of your difficulty." with a sigh amy laid the letter in her bureau drawer, and as she did so her eye fell on an envelope addressed to martine. evidently she had picked it up with her own letters when she had brought them upstairs. the envelope was empty and hardly worth returning, but as she took it to drop into the waste basket, she looked, as one will, at the postmark. to her surprise, it was the same, "chester," as on her own letter from fritz. then her mind flew back to the morning at yarmouth, when she thought she had seen martine wheeling down the side street with an unknown youth. the inference was now plain--in some way martine had made the acquaintance of fritz's friend, and was keeping up a correspondence with him. there was nothing very wrong in this in itself, except that it implied on martine's part a certain amount of deception. "taps," as fritz called him, might have been a perfectly desirable friend for all the girls, and fritz himself might have introduced him to martine. she had had no opportunity to meet him on the boat. yet even had he been an old friend of hers, there seemed to be no reason why she should not speak frankly about him. the discovery of this envelope reconciled amy completely to fritz's banishment. it was just as well that he and his friend had been sent off by themselves. as to martine, amy decided that at present it was hardly well to speak to her of the letter, or even mention it to mrs. redmond. but for the rest of the day she was less cordial than usual toward martine, and the young girl felt the change. when amy returned to the piazza, where she had left the others, she found only her mother and martine. in a moment priscilla joined them, looking bright and happy, and with unusual color in her fair cheeks. "i've been down the street," she said, "and the town is so attractive that you must all come with me on an exploring tour; i can't tell why, but i feel more at home here than in most places. wolfville seems less english than annapolis; in fact, it is more like one of our own new england towns." "that, i dare say," rejoined mrs. redmond, "is partly because it is a college town, but more likely because it was settled by americans. i have an idea that hardly a loyalist came here after the revolution." "settled by americans?" cried martine. "wasn't this all french country through here?" "yes--once--my dear. you remember, however, that after the french were deported, their lands were granted to colonists from new england. those who came to this part of nova scotia were chiefly from connecticut, and wolfville is named for a well-known family of these colonists, named de wolfe." "then this isn't grand pré?" "oh, no; there is still a grand pré two or three miles to the west, with relics and memories without end, of evangeline and basil." "let us go there, then, as soon as we can," cried martine. "not yet, my dear. we would better first see something nearer at hand; mr. knight, balfour's friend, has offered to drive us to grand pré this afternoon, and if this suits you all, i will send him a reply at once." the three girls, agreeing that they should enjoy the afternoon drive, fell in with mrs. redmond's suggestion for a morning walk. "i have been advised," said mrs. redmond, "to take a road behind the college, leading to the top of the ridge, where we can get a fine view of the gaspereau valley." though it was a steep hill, the view from the summit repaid them by its surpassing beauty. the deep valley, bordered with trees of varying shades of green, the blue river flowing between, and toward its mouths winding in and out among the marshes, formed a scene long to be remembered. "if we could see to the very mouth," said mrs. redmond, "and bring our imagination into full play, we could picture the poor acadians gathered in forlorn groups waiting to be dragged away to the english transports. their pleasant homes were found all along the sides of this valley, as well as at grand pré. undoubtedly it is longfellow's poem that has given the latter place its greater prominence." some distance along the ridge the four americans continued to walk, until they reached a point from which they had a wider view; then for the first time their eyes fell on the clear waters of minas basin. on its farther shore rose a high, red bluff. "bluff," at least, was what martine called it, but priscilla, repeating her words, exclaimed: "no, no, it's a mountain; it must be." mrs. redmond smiled at the emphasis that each girl threw into her words. "my dear children," she exclaimed, "i should think that you'd at once know blomidon; surely you must often have seen it pictured. blomidon, you remember, was the home of glooscap, the deity of the micmacs, and minas basin was his beaver pond. poets and painters have been inspired by blomidon, and i imagine, martine, that you and i will even make some attempt to reproduce its beauty." "ah," sighed martine, "but we could never give the effect of that light and shade on the side of the mountain, for it really is a mountain, as priscilla says; and there's something quite wonderful in that deep red that stands out so between the sky and the water." "from grand pré we'll have an even better view, i'm told, of blomidon. you are so fond of jewels, martine, that you'll be tempted to cross the basin to hunt for amethysts." "that reminds me," said amy, "of something i read the other day; when de monts visited the basin, he called blomidon, 'cap d'or.' among the amethysts that he found on an island near by was one of extraordinary size, which he took back to france and presented to the king and queen, who had it set among the crown jewels." "we cannot linger here much longer," said mrs. redmond; "if we take this lower road, it will probably bring us into the business section, and then we can walk back home, along the main street." when they had done their errands and were perhaps half-way home, mrs. redmond, who was ahead, looked back for a moment. "here, amy, is something especially for you." amy hurried on and found herself at the entrance of a little graveyard. "oh, mamma, you are laughing at me." there was a suspicious smile on mrs. redmond's lips as she said: "every one, my dear child, knows your _penchant_ for old graveyards, and this one is so bright and cheerful that you might have missed it had i not called your attention to it." following mrs. redmond and amy, the others entered the enclosure. it was, as mrs. redmond had said, "bright and cheerful," with neatly kept walks, and a little fountain playing in the centre. evidently it was no longer a place of burial. many of the stones were more than a hundred years old, and marked the resting-place of the first connecticut settlers. "how far away they were," said amy, "from their real home. after all, in spite of the rich dyke-lands given them here, i wonder if many of them did not regret the homes they had left." "that reminds me," said priscilla, "of some lines i copied from a poem the other day; eunice had the book," and she turned over the leaves of her note-book. "read them, please," said mrs. redmond. so priscilla began rather timidly, "the poem is 'the resettlement of acadia,' but i copied only parts of it," and then she read with expression: "'but the simple norman peasant-folk shall till the land no more, for the vessels from connecticut have anchored by the shore, and many a sturdy puritan, his mind with scripture stored, rejoices he has found at last "the garden of the lord." * * * * * they come as puritans, but who shall say their hearts are blind to the subtle charms of nature, and the love of humankind? * * * * * and tears fall fast from many an eye, long time unused to weep, for o'er the fields lay whitening the bones of cow and sheep.'" "i know that you'll think me frightfully stupid," was martine's comment, as priscilla finished reading. "that is delightful poetry, but it isn't clear in my mind who the connecticut puritans were. were they exiles, too, like the acadians and the loyalists?" "only by their own will. but you are not stupid in failing to understand about the resettling of acadia. many nova scotians know very little about it. after the french had been deported in 1755, this fertile province would have been of little service to england without inhabitants. the simplest way to repeople the land was to attract colonists from the older colonies. so governor lawrence sent a proclamation to massachusetts, rhode island, and connecticut, stating the terms on which the government would grant land to settlers. as a result three separate groups of settlers were formed. the massachusetts families came to annapolis; the rhode islanders to the country north of grand pré, where there is now a newport; and the connecticut settlers, as priscilla has just read, to grand pré. these people were of the highest character. many of them had considerable property of their own, and they came down here in the spirit that took so many sturdy new englanders west a generation or two ago." "thank you, mrs. redmond; i am glad to know that they didn't drive the french out." "oh, no, many of them had undoubtedly seen the fertility of nova scotia during the long french and indian wars, in which they had fought; the richness of the country was pretty well understood. but they themselves had nothing to do with deporting the acadians. dr. gray explained all this at annapolis. but come, girls! you can copy these inscriptions some other day, priscilla. we must rest a little now, if we expect to enjoy the afternoon." when mr. knight called for them that afternoon the girls were surprised at his appearance. mrs. redmond had forgotten to say that he was an extremely young man, whose youth seemed all the greater because he tried to assume the manners and aspect of a much older person. he had been graduated from acadia college a few years before, the youngest of his class by more than a year. he was now a teacher in the neighboring school that fitted boys for acadia, and on this account perhaps felt the need of maintaining a dignity of demeanor that should make them forget his youth. his friendship for balfour and his sincere admiration of the whole airton family ought to have saved him from martine's ridicule. but from the moment that her eye took in the details of his costume,--his high-standing collar, his round-headed walking-stick, his monocle, and his hair neatly parted in the middle (though this was hardly a detail of costume), she was convulsed with laughter. the carriage that mr. knight had brought was two-seated, but each seat was wide enough for three, and the pair of horses looked capable of travelling many miles without fatigue. martine and priscilla begged for the front seat with the driver, and mr. knight, accordingly, sat on the back seat with amy and mrs. redmond. the party was soon outside the more closely built streets, on a broad road that for the time offered little outlook. mr. knight, with the evident intention of doing his full duty by balfour's friend kept up a monologue whose steady current afforded great amusement to martine. "talk of babbling brooks," she murmured; "did you ever hear anything like it?" and she gave priscilla's arm a gentle pinch that made her squirm. "he's taking any amount of trouble to make history clear," rejoined priscilla, who, as usual, was not ready to accept martine's point of view. "yes, but he's beginning at the wrong end. we know all about champlain, and de monts, and the scotch fort, and all that; what we want is how the acadians were treated at grand pré, and where--" "oh, he'll get there." "yes, if we give him time. but i am going to make him change the subject." so, leaning back, martine turned to mr. knight, "you are a great friend of mr. airton's, i believe." "oh, yes, indeed; that is--but of course you know--well, mr. airton is--ah, not exactly a contemporary of mine--that is, he is--i am older." mr. knight, as he spoke, grew rather red in the face. there seemed to be no excuse for his embarrassment, except the one that mrs. redmond gave later, that he regarded martine's question and her way of putting it much in the light of a question from an _enfant terrible_. realizing, however, that he had not said just the right thing, the poor young man next began to stammer in his effort to explain himself. "balfour certainly is a great friend of mine, and one of the finest boys i know." this ought to have been sufficient to please even the critical martine, and had mr. knight not used the word "boy" she might have been quite content. as it was, this word happened to irritate her, and she responded in a tone that disturbed amy: "oh, did you say that mr. airton is younger than you? isn't he considerably taller?" if mr. knight's face had been red before, it now became almost a deep, deep crimson. amy, rejoicing that her mother's seat was so far from martine's that she had not heard this remark, resolved at the earliest opportunity to have a word alone with martine. the opportunity, however, did not come for some time, and meanwhile mr. knight talked enthusiastically of the apple crops of cornwallis, and of the fortune that any man might gather who would deal intelligently with the gravenstein. "the cornwallis valley," he said, "is one of the finest farming regions in the world. you will see what i mean when you go to the look-off, as you will while you are here. but now--" "oh, is this an old french church?" asked martine, excitedly, as they approached an ancient wooden structure half hidden by lombardy poplars. if mr. knight heard her, he did not reply, but he jumped to the ground, even before the driver had fairly pulled up his horses, and then, when the carriage came to a full stop, offered to assist mrs. redmond to the ground. "this," he began, "is sometimes incorrectly called an acadian church." "does he mean to snub me?" whispered martine to priscilla. "yet it is merely an old scotch church," continued mr. knight, "built about a hundred years ago. a service is held here two or three times a year, but the building receives no great care, and, as you can see, even some of its windows have been broken by mischievous boys." "such as balfour airton?" suggested martine. but mr. knight took no notice of her flippant criticism of his previous remark about balfour. "it is like a new england meeting-house," said amy, with a tinge of disappointment, as they looked inside the old building, noting its high pews, and sounding-board, and unadorned walls. then, as she saw martine standing apart from the others, she remembered the words that she had meant to say to her. so, drawing near, she took the young girl's hand in hers. martine looked up at her with a smile. "i know that you have a scolding tucked away somewhere, but i just won't let you give it to me. it won't do me the least little bit of good, and you wouldn't waste even a scolding, would you?" "oh, martine, you are incorrigible; you surely realize that you need at least a reproof. mother would give it to you if she had heard." "mrs. redmond is too sensible to overhear disagreeable things." "very well, martine; but tell me honestly, wouldn't you prefer to sit with mamma? she always has a soothing effect on you." "that would bring me beside mr. knight. no, thanks. surely, amy, you realize how ridiculous he is, talking in that patronizing way of balfour, who is a whole head taller than he." "you forget, my dear child, that if he were not a great friend of balfour's we should not have had the pleasure of his escort this afternoon. he is certainly most kind in taking all this trouble." "i'll admit that he is very kind, though i dare say that we could have found our way around without him. but he is ridiculous, isn't he, with his walking-stick, and his english accent in an out-of-the-way place like this?" "as wolfville has always been his home, mr. knight probably feels that he has the right to a walking-stick or an english accent. if he had a french accent you would perhaps make greater allowances for him. but for the sake of peace, if you don't object, i'll have priscilla change places with you. if you overhear anything you dislike, you may vent your anger on me. i do not wish priscilla to be a victim." "a victim! she doesn't realize that she is a victim now. just look at her. she is hanging on every word that mr. knight utters--and it's all on account of his english accent." chapter xvi evangeline's country "i will admit that what he is saying is perfectly true." "and absolutely necessary, martine, to our understanding properly this land of evangeline." "but he needn't talk so conceitedly, as if he were the only one in the world who knows that there was no real basil, nor gabriel, and that evangeline herself was somebody else. why, even in chicago, where we are farther away from acadia than you are in massachusetts, we know that. but just listen,"--and as martine and amy stood there in silence a few feet from the willows, they heard mr. knight's rather shrill voice saying: "i am aware that you americans have mapped out almost every inch of grand pré, and that you can point out the site of basil's smithy, and gabriel's house, and the old church, although as a matter of fact only the last is at all certain. it is quite natural that you should accept your longfellow as real history, but--" here martine could restrain herself no longer. stepping forward she faced mr. knight, who stopped talking in his surprise at her sudden appearance from the background; and in a clear voice she began to recite: "'with a summons sonorous sounded the bell from its tower, and over the meadows a drum beat. thronged erelong was the church with men. without, in the churchyard, waited the women. they stood by the graves, and hung on the headstones garlands of autumn-leaves and evergreens fresh from the forest. then came the guard from the ships, and marching proudly among them entered the sacred portal. with loud and dissonant clangor echoed the sound of their brazen drums from ceiling and casement.' isn't that history," she asked gravely, "as well as longfellow?" "why, yes, in a general way," responded mr. knight, with an amused smile. "as to details, why, i am not quite so sure, though i can assure you i have no intention of questioning mr. longfellow's accuracy. far from it. his picture of the deportation is wonderfully complete." "yet you were criticising him." "oh, no, only the tendency of some tourists to connect everything in the neighborhood of grand pré with something mentioned by longfellow." "but if it makes the place more interesting," began martine. "oh, certainly, that is one of the uses of poetry, and really, miss stratford, i intended no criticism of 'evangeline,' only--" and again that smile of amusement--"you will pardon me when i say that these are not evangeline's willows, as some call them, except in the poetic sense." "they are very picturesque," said amy, in an effort to turn the conversation. "until i came to nova scotia i had never thought of willows as so strong and sturdy. in fact, i had in mind only the weeping variety." the line of willows, a dozen or so beside the rail fence, with two or three cows grazing in their shade, formed a picture so tempting that priscilla turned her camera upon it, and with a wave of her hand pointed to something beyond. in a minute or two mrs. redmond and amy were beside her, with mr. knight and martine but a step behind. "shall you object if we call this evangeline's well?" asked martine, with a touch of scorn in her voice. "ah, call it what you please, miss stratford. it is certainly an old french well. evangeline may have drunk from it." "is it quite safe to drink from an old well?" "oh, mamma, you are not usually so anxious." "i can assure you, mrs. redmond, that this is pure water. the wall was built a few years ago, and you will find the water deliciously cold. this well, by the way, is probably near the site of the priest's house;" and involuntarily he glanced toward martine. "oh," she rejoined, as if in answer to his glance, "i thought that there was no priest--except in the poem." "ah, surely there had been a priest, though not father felician; and indeed at the time of the deportation the priest was away from grand pré, a prisoner at halifax, and so he could not exhort the people. but these are mere matters of detail. undoubtedly we are now standing very near the site of the church." "i wonder if the bells are hidden in the earth like those we heard of at annapolis," and amy turned to martine with a smile, hoping to divert her from quizzing mr. knight. "ah, the bells!" exclaimed the offending young man. "there is a story--if you should care for it." "by all means," replied mrs. redmond; and under the embarrassing gaze of four pairs of eyes mr. knight told his tale. "it isn't a remarkable story in any way, only they say that when the acadians saw that they were prisoners, some of them managed to take down the bell and wall it up in one of the vaults under the church, while the church treasure was put in the other. years afterwards, in the days of the english settlers, a strange vessel was seen in the basin one night. people who passed this way thought they heard queer noises during the night, and in the morning the ground near the site of the old church was disturbed. some people said that in the night they had heard a bell ringing. that night there came a terrible storm, and soon bits of wreckage drifted in that must have come from the strange vessel. in this way every one believed that the theft had been avenged--if the strangers stole the bell and the treasure. it is only fair to say," continued mr. knight, "that some believe that the bell was taken by returning acadians who wished to set it up in an acadian chapel on the gaspé coast. at any rate, there are people still living who have heard their parents say that at certain times they can hear the distant ringing of this grand pré bell." "how weird!" cried martine. "are there any more stories like that? i love them." "oh, there are some others connected with buried treasures, but an evil fate was usually supposed to attend those who grew suddenly rich by unearthing acadian treasure; and there are tales of ghostly fires on st. john's eve; and other stories used to trouble me very much when i was small and had to pass lonely places in the night." "oho," thought martine, though she said nothing, "then it is as i thought; he is easily scared." "at the time of the deportation," said mr. knight, as they took their places again in the carriage, "the water came much nearer the village. since the days of the acadians thousands of acres of dyke-lands have been reclaimed. when the connecticut settlers came they found many dykes broken, through which the sea was rolling in, and they might have had a hard time repairing them if they had not found a few acadians still left in the country, who had managed to escape the english and were lurking in the neighborhood of their old homes." "that reminds me," said priscilla; "who were the acadians, that is, where did they come from in the first place? i have never thought of this before." "why, priscilla, they were--" then amy stopped, not feeling quite sure of her ground. "oh, they were french, from--" and martine could get no farther. "of course they were french, but why did they know so much about dykes and such things?" when no one else seemed inclined to answer the question, mr. knight undertook to reply. "the acadians of grand pré, like the acadians of annapolis, were nearly all descended from a group of peasants from rochelle, pictou, and saintonge, who came out with d'aunay and razilly about 1630. they came from a region of marshes, and they brought with them the art of building dykes. the _aboiteaux_ that they built were marvels, and before you go we must try to show you one of the dykes at low tide, when all the wonderful method of building will be displayed. pierre terriau, by the way, was the name of the first acadian to settle in the grand pré region. he came to the shores of the habitant in 1671. others soon joined him. the people at minas were so shut off from port royal that they grew very independent. indeed, this desire to escape the close observation of those at the fort was what sent acadians from port royal to this new region. in time there were three parishes in minas,--st. joseph, st. charles, and grand pré,--and the people were like one great family, constantly inter-marrying, and always ready to help one another. "'neither locks had they to their doors, nor bars to their windows; but their dwellings were open as day and the hearts of the owners; there the richest was poor, and the poorest lived in abundance,' as your longfellow says;" and martine, had she been inclined, might have taken this as an apology for the disrespect she had imagined cast on her poet a little earlier. but there was no time now to discuss either longfellow or the acadians. before the party stretched the broad dyke-lands, where already many farmers were cutting hay, while here and there were mammoth haystacks. priscilla snapped her camera at a hay wagon with a larger load than any she had ever seen, drawn by two of the heaviest, sleekest oxen; amy made a few notes in her diary; mrs. redmond sighed for her palette and sketch-book; and martine exclaimed loudly on the richness of color, the vivid green of the marshes, the unclouded blue of the sky, and the richer blue of the water, with a glimpse here and there of reddish shores, and above all blomidon, the magnificent, showing up in the distance, like a veritable giant. "have you seen all that you care to see at grand pré?" asked mr. knight, politely, with a "here, driver, draw up for a last look at blomidon before we turn toward avonport." "how dark it looks now!" exclaimed amy, pointing to the promontory. "that is because the sun no longer shines on it," replied mr. knight "listen to one of our poets: "'this is that black bastion, based in surge, pregnant with agate and with amethyst, whose foot the tides of storied minas scourge, whose top austere withdraws into its mist. * * * * * "'yonder, across these reeling fields of foam, came the sad threat of the avenging ships. what profit now to know if just the doom, though harsh. the streaming eyes, the praying lips, the shadow of inextinguishable pain, the poet's deathless music, these remain.'" "have we seen all that we can see?" interrupted martine, untouched by the poetical tribute to her acadians. she was determined to show no appreciation of anything said by mr. knight. "have we seen all that we can see?" repeated martine, adding with some sharpness, "i thought that there would be much more." "well, i am sure--" and mr. knight hesitated, "i am sorry--but there isn't so very much--you know all the acadian houses were burnt, and it's just a modern village--the old covenanter church is perhaps the oldest thing--and you've seen the old well and the willows and the things that we point out to americans." "there it is!" thought martine, "that same patronizing tone when he speaks of americans." "oh, there is one thing," continued the unhappy young man, conscious now, as at all times, of martine's disapproval, "i should have shown you the little ridge near the station where colonel noble and one of his soldiers were buried, after that terrible fight in 1747. you remember the french had only seven killed to the one hundred english who were slaughtered." "that was a cowardly attack," said amy, warmly. "but it was the real french, and not the acadians, who were responsible," interposed martine. "yet the acadians helped--at least as guides." "this pleasant country has certainly witnessed a great deal of tragedy." mrs. redmond's voice was that of the peacemaker. "yet through it all blomidon has remained there calm and placid." up to this time priscilla had had little to say. "but glooscap, the deity of the micmacs," responded mrs. redmond,--"you remember that after the white men came to minas, displeased with their teachings, he fled away, and has never been seen since. "'you can see yourself five islands glooscap flung at him that day, when from blomidon to sharp he tore the beaver's dam away. cleared the channel, and the waters thundered out into the bay. here he left us--see the orchards, red and gold in every tree! all the land from gaspereau to portapique and cheverie, all the garden lands of minas and a passage out to sea.'" "why, mamma, i never heard you quote poetry--at such length." "perhaps you thought that i couldn't, but this is a canadian poet, and later you must read more of the myths grouped around glooscap." "oh, i know that blomidon was his home, and minas his beaver-pond, and spencer island used to be his kettle that he tipped upside down when he deserted acadia, and two rocks there in the bay were once his dogs that he turned to stone at the same time. he never was cruel, never grew old, and was never to die, and so i suppose that the indians are looking constantly for him to come back and restore their own to them." "as to that," said the serious mr. knight, "the indians in nova scotia are much better off than in the days of glooscap. they may sit side by side with white children in almost all the schools of the country. many of them live on land of their own, and raise live stock--though unluckily they prefer ponies to heifers, and in every way the government is fitting them for the full responsibilities of citizenship." "oh, dear," sighed martine, laying her hand on amy's and leaning forward so that those on the back seat might not hear. "what a regular schoolmaster he is! he is more improving even than you, miss amy redmond. but listen--how much more appreciative is our dear priscilla." in spite of herself amy could but smile as priscilla's gentle voice came to her. "thank you, mr. knight; the present condition of the indians interests me very much, and i have made a note of what you have said to report at one of our indian aid association meetings when i return home," whereat the driver of their vehicle laughed, chuckled, and shook his head. "i'd like to show her some specimen micmacs," he said to martine, "that come round here oftener than once in a while, and have some distance to travel before they are fully fitted for the responsibilities of citizenship." "now, ladies, a last look at blomidon," cried mr. knight, as the carriage took a sharp turn, and then, after one long, backward look, they pressed on and drove westward toward avonport. "dear prissie," said martine, when at last they stood on the broad beach, "you have been a very good girl to-day." priscilla, reddening at her words, made no reply. "yes, you have been very good," continued martine, "and when mr. knight recalls this afternoon he will remember with pleasure the close attention that you have given to his every word." "oh, martine, how absurd you are; i never heard you talk so pompously before." "this is the effect of a few hours spent with an eloquent guide, philosopher, and friend. poor amy is under the spell now; he seems to be teaching her geology." looking in the direction of the spot where they had left mrs. redmond and amy, priscilla saw that mr. knight was pointing at the stones with his walking-stick, as if they were diagrams on a blackboard. "he is probably explaining the rock formation," said priscilla, solemnly. "my guidebook says that the region has great geological interest." "then let us go off by ourselves somewhere, for if he gets the chance he will try to teach us all he knows, and really, i could not stand any more instruction to-day. come, prissie." at first priscilla hesitated. "do come; we'll have such a good chance to study those rocks and crags by ourselves." "i'd rather wait for the others, but still--" "that's a good girl;" and, half dragging priscilla by the arm, martine set off rapidly toward the bold cliffs that promised them more entertainment than they had had that afternoon. "there are sure to be shells," said martine, "and perhaps curious seaweeds in some of the little pools. the tide is so high that undoubtedly there are many strange things washed up here." martine was correct in her surmises, and for half an hour the two felt like explorers as they picked their way from stone to stone, filling their hands with trophies. "isn't it fun?" cried martine. "i feel as if we were quite alone in the world. we can just enjoy ourselves without thinking of history or geology, or anything else." "i wonder if the others will be worried," said priscilla, who herself was not quite sure that she enjoyed this sensation of being quite alone in the world, with nobody near but martine. "of course they won't be worried. we shall be back before they even miss us. besides, i'd like to worry mr. knight." priscilla looked at her watch. "i think that we ought to return now; we have been gone more than half an hour." "oh, not yet--but listen; some one is calling. it is mr. knight. 'young ladies, young ladies,'" and martine mimicked the tones that now were borne quite clearly to their ears. "i just won't have him find us, and lead us back as if we were two children who had done something that we shouldn't; let us hide behind these rocks until he passes." somewhat against her will priscilla allowed herself to be led into a rocky nook where a jutting ledge hid them effectually from any passer-by. so mr. knight, walking along the cliffs above them, even had he peered down to the lower level, could hardly have seen them. his "young ladies, young ladies, we're starting home now," grew feebler and feebler, and when martine had assured herself that he was really a safe distance away, she came out from her hiding-place with a cry of "danger past." "we mustn't stay here too long," remonstrated priscilla; "mrs. redmond will be worried." "i am perfectly willing to go now," replied martine, "since mr. knight won't lead me by the nose. we had a hard climb to this grotto, but it will be much easier going down." hardly had martine spoken when priscilla, who was a few steps ahead of her, turned back with a cry of alarm. "look, martine; what shall we do?" stepping up beside her friend, martine too exclaimed in surprise. "do you suppose it will come any higher? i have heard of the rapid rise of the tide, but this has just rushed in." even in that first quick glance both girls realized that they were in a critical position. in going up to the "grotto," as martine called it, they had taken no notice of tide-water marks, such as both of them might have observed. the rocky arms by which they had ascended were now covered by water, and an incoming wave dashed over priscilla's feet as they stood there, uncertain what to do. "will it come all the way in? we shall be drenched if it does." "no," said martine, turning about and inspecting the nook where they had been standing when they heard mr. knight's voice. "you can see that if the last high tide had come in lately as far as that little hollow, there would be some water there now. instead, it is perfectly dry. you can prove that for yourself." "yes, yes, you are right; by standing back here we can at least keep dry, but oh, dear, when shall we get out?" "probably not until mr. knight rescues us," replied martine, cheerfully, "and even he will hardly come to our relief until low tide, which is probably some hours away." whatever the real danger, priscilla and martine saw at once that they were in a very disagreeable predicament. the little niche in which alone they could have a dry footing on three sides had steep walls, whose height at the lowest was surely twenty feet. martine scanned the sides carefully, but the stone surface was perfectly smooth. nowhere was there a projection that offered the least foothold. it was in no way possible for either girl to climb to the top. toward them flowed the advancing tide. it had entirely cut them off from the path by which they had reached the grotto, and though it might not be dangerously deep at every point of the beach and rocks that it now covered, neither girl had courage to venture into the water. martine indeed had proposed to wade as far as it seemed safe, and then, if necessary, swim to some point where she might get a footing. "no, no," priscilla had remonstrated, "you might in some way miss the others, and if you had to wait around for some time in your wet clothes you would be really worse off than you are now--and besides, i should hate to be left here all alone." "it might be a waste of energy," replied martine, "for surely the tide cannot come up to this little hollow; so it is only a question of time when we shall get out of this. but it does seem to me that so unusually clever a person as that mr. knight thinks himself might have found us before this." "you aren't quite fair, martine, for he certainly was just above us here, calling with all his might. i dare say that he even looked over the edge. you hid yourself so completely, and made me hide too, so that when he looked he could not see us. he must think that we went in exactly the opposite direction, and he and the others are probably a mile away now, searching for us." "i do not care how much bother mr. knight has, but i do regret putting mrs. redmond and amy to such trouble. why did you come with me, priscilla? if you had refused we shouldn't have got into this scrape." "oh, martine, when you fairly dragged me here! surely you are unjust." martine knew that she was unjust but like many persons who realize their own foolishness, she experienced a certain relief for the present in blaming some one else. "it will be hours," she grumbled, "before the tide will be low enough to let us out for it is still coming in, and we shall be kept here for some time after it turns." "if we get out before dark i shall be thankful. it will be terribly disagreeable to find ourselves alone here in the dark." "oh, it won't be as bad as that!" martine's voice became suddenly cheerful. self-reproach had taken hold of her. what if priscilla should really suffer from this escapade? as if in answer to her thoughts, priscilla coughed once or twice. "there it is," thought martine; "priscilla is away for her health, and i may undo all the good of the summer. it will be a great disappointment to mrs. redmond, as well as to priscilla's mother. they both expected so much from this trip." which reflections showed that martine was certainly not a villain of the deepest dye. had she been hardened in perversity she could not so soon have reached a state of repentance. but repentance without works avails little, and when priscilla coughed for a fourth time martine became quite feverish with anxiety. two large clouds in the distance seemed to her to indicate a coming storm. wretched enough would their condition be if they should be caught by a heavy rain while they were in this exposed position. chapter xvii safe again time passes slowly when one has nothing to do, and although the fact that their situation was equally disagreeable to both should have drawn martine and priscilla closely together, they now found even less than usual to talk about. yet strangely enough, without blaming the other each was heaping mental reproaches on herself,--martine saw her own folly in running away from the others, and priscilla was conscious that she had been too easily led. "we might help time pass by reciting poetry," said martine. "or discussing history," rejoined priscilla. "this might be a good time to settle the respective merits of the loyalists and the acadians." "with the tide coming in so fast i should hardly dare get into a discussion; there'd be no one to help pull us in if we fell out. but listen, isn't that some one calling?" "i believe it is, although the sound doesn't come from above. don't you hear it?" "yes, i do; it's some one calling 'halloo, halloo.' perhaps--" "yes, it may be some one searching for us." any doubts that martine may have had were soon removed by the sight of a small dory gliding into their field of vision some distance below them. there were two men in the dory, both hatless and in their shirt-sleeves. in an instant both girls were on their feet, waving their handkerchiefs. in the same instant the men in the boat caught sight of them, and one of them lifted his oar and flourished it two or three times in the air. "how will they get here?" asked martine. "oh, probably the water isn't very deep; they can push up part way, and then wade." "if they can wade, we might have ventured." "it would not have been safe for us. see, they are pushing the boat up all the way." the water, indeed, was deep enough to let the boat come up into the hollow--now filled with water--between the two arms of rock, whereby the two girls had climbed to their present position. while the boat was still some distance away priscilla and martine had recognized the immaculate mr. knight as the man who was steering. mr. knight, however, was immaculate no longer; he was hatless and coatless, his hair somewhat tumbled, and his face very red from the unwonted exertion. from the moment of recognizing him until the moment when the side of the boat grazed the ledge was a very short time indeed. "we thought we'd find you somewhere near here; at least, we hoped so," said mr. knight, looking from one girl to the other as if to decide which was the real culprit. "but how in the world did you get here?" "walked," replied martine, laconically; "hadn't time to swim." "but if you walked why didn't i see you when i looked an hour or two ago? i remember standing above this particular place and calling. perhaps you weren't here then." martine said nothing. if it should be necessary to confess she could attend to this later. at present she had enough to think about. "is mrs. redmond worried?" asked priscilla, anxiously. "yes and no," replied mr. knight, "though she'll be glad enough to see you." "must we go in the boat?" priscilla spoke as if she dreaded the experiment, and she added, "it looks so very wobbly." "oh, that boat, she's as steady as a setting hen," exclaimed mr. knight's companion. "just you look out, though, and don't wet your feet." "i'll go first, priscilla, and if i survive, why, then you can follow." but before martine had attempted to take her place mr. knight turned to priscilla, "of course, if you would rather not go in the dory we could wait here until the tide ebbs. i could stay with you while mr. sands rows back to report to mrs. redmond. but the boat is perfectly safe, i can assure you." "of course it is perfectly safe," exclaimed martine, angrily; "i never heard such a silly idea." but whether she meant to apply "silly" to priscilla's timidity or to mr. knight's suggestion she did not deign to explain, and the young man, after one curious glance in her direction, did not address her again. it was but the work of a minute or two to get the girls aboard the dory, and soon they were at a landing-place from which they could reach mrs. redmond and amy. "you ain't the first people that's got caught in that way on the rocks," said mr. sands as they rowed along, "only generally it's some romantic couple that rather likes to stay there till the tide goes out. but your ma was afraid that if you was there you might try to wade, and so catch your death of cold, and besides, she wasn't sure you were anywhere, as long as mr. knight couldn't find you; so when they all seemed so concerned the only thing was to haul out the dory, though it wouldn't have hurt you a mite if you'd had to stay." "i would as soon have stayed," said martine, coldly; "it was a good view, and i rather enjoyed sitting there in that little grotto." "grotto," mr. sands laughed loudly, and martine fancied that a smile flickered at the corners of mr. knight's lips. "grotto," repeated mr. sands. "well, i never heard that name used before in these parts. i thought a grotto was foreign, but you've said something now that i won't forget. here, mr. knight, you help the young ladies out, while i steady the boat," and in a second the two girls were running up the beach, where mrs. redmond and amy greeted them with open arms. it was now after sunset, and all were hungry and cold. in aspect they were wholly unlike the party that had set out from wolfville that afternoon. all seemed quiet and subdued,--martine and priscilla, because they had really been more fatigued by their little adventure than at the time they had realized; mrs. redmond and amy, because they had been most anxious at the prolonged absence of the girls, and mr. knight--well, perhaps inwardly he was blaming "those americans" for giving him much more trouble than was his due. whatever his thoughts, however, he made no criticism, and any perturbation that he may have felt was shown only by his silence. what was most to the point, however, the horses and the driver were in good spirits, and set out for wolfville at a fine rate. while the others had been looking and waiting, man and beast had had food and drink, and this accounted for their energy. "grotto," cried mr. sands, as the party drove away, "well, that does beat all." once on the way back to wolfville they stopped before a house, after mr. knight had had a word with the driver. then the young man, excusing himself, went within, returning soon with a small package. this he opened after he had resumed his seat, and distributed to each of the party a bread and butter sandwich and two or three cookies. "i might have brought more," he explained, "but it would be a pity to take away all your appetite for your supper at wolfville." the sandwiches and the cakes seemed to promote conversation, and in the remaining half hour the party was as bright and cheerful as a party of young persons ought to be after a summer excursion. when they reached the house mr. knight declined the invitation that mrs. redmond gave him to stay to tea, though he promised to call on her the next day. "while we are in wolfville," said mrs. redmond, as he turned away, "we may not be able to show you how thoroughly we enjoyed the delightful afternoon you have given us, but if you come to boston we will do our best to make a return." "i can assure you that the pleasure has been altogether on my side," responded mr. knight. "and i can assure you," added martine, who had now fully recovered her spirits, "that priscilla was an unwilling accomplice of mine this afternoon, and that you were very good to rescue me as well as her--everything considered." "oh, but i can assure you," began mr. knight, "that i didn't mean--that is, i--" and here realizing that the more he tried to say the more he might blunder, the poor young man backed down the steps with a polite bow and a single "good-night." "priscilla," said amy, that evening, as she handed the former her mail, "here's a funny little package for you, half open at one end, and a letter directed in the same handwriting. excuse my noticing that the letter is post-marked 'meteghan.'" "why shouldn't you?" responded priscilla. "we all have acquired the habit of looking at one another's post-marks." "open the parcel," cried amy; "i'm curious to see what it is." priscilla glanced at martine, who was deep in a letter from one of her boarding-school friends. then she cut the string, and, loosening the paper, handed the package to amy while she glanced over the meteghan letter. "why, it looks like yvonne's lace," cried amy, and at the word "yvonne" martine joined the group. "why, it is yvonne's lace," she exclaimed. "how did you get it?" "i sent for some," replied priscilla. "i thought that it might help her if i should buy it. i could not buy much, but it has pleased her to sell it. read her letter." tears came into martine's eyes as she read the simple letter of thanks that seemed to come straight from the heart of the little french girl. "she remembers us all, though she doesn't spell the names just right, and she sends the best love of uncle alexandre, uncle placide, and aunts mathilde and marie. well, we must have made an impression." then, after glancing at the letter a second time, martine continued: "but you are a brick, priscilla. how did you happen to think of sending for the lace? i had forgotten all about it, though i was anxious to help yvonne." "she writes a good letter, considering that she sees so dimly;" and amy called martine's attention to the clear, round hand. "the convent sisters have certainly done a great deal for the child." when all had admired the strip of lace, priscilla folded it up neatly and laid it with her letters. she was relieved that martine had not taken offence at her writing for it. though priscilla had not intended this to be a silent reproof to martine, it had somewhat this effect, for too frequently in martine's life "out of sight" meant "out of mind," and though she had no desire to break the promises that she had made so freely when in meteghan, still, but for priscilla's reminder she might have been long in keeping them. at the same time it is but fair to say that already without priscilla's knowledge she had taken steps toward carrying out the larger plan that she had conceived regarding yvonne's future. "mamma," said amy, after she had shown mrs. redmond yvonne's letter, "i have just had a letter from julia." "ah, that is delightful," said mrs. redmond. "i am always so pleased to hear from julia." julia bourne, the cousin of amy's friend brenda,--mrs. weston--was little older than amy or the other girls in brenda's group. julia, on being graduated from radcliffe, had decided to spend most of her time and a fair share of her income on a domestic science school for girls. the experiment carried on in the mansion, a stately west end house belonging to her former teacher, miss south, during its two years of existence, had proved most successful. the work at the mansion had been in the nature of social settlement work, and amy, with little money to give, had been glad to enroll herself as a voluntary teacher. but for the nova scotia trip amy would have been one of julia's assistants this very summer at happy hill. often, indeed, in the course of her travels she had thought of the work going on there, and had indulged in a little self-reproach that she should be spending her own holidays in idleness. most persons, even those inclined to be critical, would have said that amy had really enough work on her hands in the five or six hours of tutoring that she tried to give priscilla every week. yet even granting that her time was not sufficiently occupied, there is a kind of idleness that in the end is more beneficial to the individual than any amount of work. although amy had not been in danger, perhaps, of breaking down during the past season, still, mrs. redmond realized that she had been working up to the limit of her strength, and she had planned the nova scotia trip in such a way that amy should be unable to withstand going. that amy would need all her strength for her senior year at wellesley had been mrs. redmond's strongest plea. every day of this summer had been a proof to amy of her mother's wisdom. "of course we miss you [wrote julia], and i am glad to say that no one else can exactly take your place. but i honestly believe that in a certain way you can do almost as much good in acadia as here; for it will be a great thing to inspire priscilla with more confidence in herself, and tone down martine a little. "here at happy hill we have two or three of the girls who were at the mansion its first year. we have been able, i am glad to say, to imbue them with some sense of responsibility. each of them in turn is called housekeeper for a week, and although things are not really altogether in her hands, the effect on her is really the same, and we older people merely act as a check to prevent matters from going too far out of line. "it is very amusing to see these older girls take charge of the younger, and instruct them in all the details of country life. they have some gardening to do, and they make butter and cheese, and each one is shown how to drive, and is permitted at intervals to drive down to the village. then they have open-air gymnastics in addition to the very considerable amount of exercise that goes with their housework, and they have just enough study from books every day to prevent their growing altogether rusty. "mr. and mrs. elton--it doesn't seem quite natural yet to speak of miss south as mrs. elton--are now, i suppose, in norway. they sent the girls a box of unmounted photographs last week, showing the most picturesque scenery in greece and italy, where they were in the early spring. nora is to be with me part of the summer, and anstiss rowe, as perhaps you know, is giving all her time to happy hill. brenda undoubtedly keeps you informed about affairs at rockley. she is perfectly happy, and altogether different from the brenda of a year ago. "when your acadia days are over, i hope that you will have a week to spare for happy hill before wellesley opens again. with my best regards to your mother and the girls, "julia." when amy had finished this letter mrs. redmond glanced through it. "i should like to go up to happy hill for at least a week," said amy. "it is altogether probable that you can. we shall be at home by the first of september. why, what has become of martine?" amy looked toward the chair where martine had been sitting a few minutes before. it was certainly empty. "i'll run up to her room;" and, suiting her action to her word, in a moment amy was knocking at martine's door. in answer to a feeble "come in" she entered, only to find martine lying face downward on the bed. "why, what is the matter, child?" she asked, affectionately stroking martine's hair. "oh, nothing," came in muffled tones from the prostrate martine, "only this has been such a long day." "you are tired," responded amy, "and probably you were more excited than you realized when you and priscilla were lost." "we weren't lost"--martine threw considerable spirit into her voice,--"i knew just where we were." "but we did not--" amy, though amused, tried not to show her amusement--"we were rather alarmed, so really my mother and i ought to be the persons to collapse. come, martine, even if you are tired, you must cheer up, and go to bed." [illustration: "'why, what is the matter, child?' she asked affectionately."] "it isn't because i'm tired," and martine's tears flowed afresh, "but i thought that to-night there would be a letter from my mother. there must be a mail in, and i have counted up the time from new york. there ought to be a letter to-night. i am sure that she's worse." "nonsense, child. probably she does not feel quite well enough to write, and your father has overlooked the mail. you know how apt men are to forget." so amy tried to pacify martine, and at last succeeded in getting her to look at things more cheerfully. she had never before seen martine in low spirits, and she felt quite sure that fatigue, even more than disappointment, had caused the tears. "i will admit," she said, "that this has been a trying day, beginning with--" "beginning with mr. knight,"--and now martine was smiling. "wasn't he funny, with his 'you americans,' as if we were some strange species?" "but in the end don't you think that mr. knight did pretty well? i think that he more than redeemed himself by his kindness." "well, as he is a friend of balfour airton's i suppose that i ought not to criticise him. there, don't shake your head, amy. yes, i do think that he was very kind--in the end. but the day has been fearfully long. we ought not to have taken that walk this morning." when at last martine went to bed amy sat beside her until she fell asleep. there was a strange mingling of childishness and womanliness in this little chicagoan to which amy could not accustom herself. her worldly wisdom and grown-up air of womanliness were quite as hard to understand as the extreme childishness in which she sometimes indulged. the more equable priscilla was much easier to comprehend, and yet amy was not altogether sure that priscilla, under stress of circumstances, would be the easier to manage. chapter xviii the right and the wrong of it "for my own part," said martine, "i am just as firmly on the side of the acadians as ever. they may have been stupid about the oath, and probably they were too easily influenced by le loutre, but they had been handed from england to france and from france to england so often that i don't see how they could consider themselves english when really they were french." "you must have had irish ancestors as well as french," said amy, with a laugh. "your remark sounds almost like a bull." "well, i mean to take the bull by the horns," replied martine; "you can blame any one else for the deportation, but not the poor acadians. they certainly did not in the least know who they were. but i am glad," she concluded, "that you have taken so much trouble to explain it all to me, miss amy redmond, for i have never before understood why the english were so cruel." "it is surely a fact"--amy spoke decidedly--"that the english government would have preferred to keep the acadians their subjects. they needed them to supply provisions, and to man their garrisons. with their knowledge of woodcraft, and of the indians, the acadians would have been invaluable on the english side." "but you couldn't expect them to fight against the french, who were their own flesh and blood!" and martine cast a glance of reproach at her friend. "that, of course, was the chief point in the dispute. the acadians claimed to be neutrals, when really they were sending their produce to louisbourg, or to the french in other places, to help them continue their war with the english. yet they expected the protection of the english when in trouble, and they always had it, although their only tax was the tithe that they spent for the support of their own church." amy and martine were sitting on the broad sands of evangeline's beach, looking toward blomidon, and waiting for priscilla, who had strolled some distance away. they had driven over from wolfville in the omnibus, and were to have an hour or two at the edge of the basin before they need return. in the midst of the discussion priscilla rejoined them. "more acadians!" she cried with a smile. "let me ask you a favor--" "to say no more about them?" "no, not that. when we leave the neighborhood of wolfville we shall think of other things; so, once for all i, for one, should be glad to have the whole story straightened out. we know what happened after the expulsion, for we've been at clare, and we know about the earliest french; we heard all that at annapolis. but now, my dear miss amy redmond, you have been looking into this thing thoroughly, and if--" "yes," urged martine, "if you'll please tell us what happened in the years between, it will save our reading, and you will make it much clearer to us than any book." "down with your flattery," rejoined amy; "yet as there's no time like the present, i will tell the story briefly. we might as well pass over the various transfers of acadia from france to england, and from england to france, before 1710. but the conquest of annapolis by general nicholson in that year gave acadia finally to england. the change of government was confirmed by the treaty of utrecht in 1713, and all acadians who did not wish to be subject to england were given time to leave. those who remained were required to take an oath of fidelity to king george, and england on her part agreed to let them exercise their own religion under their own priests. in spite of these arrangements many of these simple-minded acadians still considered themselves subjects of the king of france, even up to the time of the expulsion. perhaps the priests encouraged them in this and delayed their taking the oath of allegiance. by 1730, however, nearly all had signed the oath, and if war had not broken out later between france and england there might have been no further trouble. but when it was found that many of the acadians, instead of remaining neutral, were joining with french and indians in attacks on the english, lord cornwallis, the governor at halifax, required them to take the oath again. this was necessary because a new generation had grown up who had been encouraged by the priests and politicians in enmity to england. most of them would not take the new oath, because it required them to defend acadia against the enemies of england, and this, they said, would oblige them to fight against the french, their kinsmen. in 1751 there was a large immigration of acadians to île st. jean, then in the hands of the french. these exiles suffered much, but they were encouraged to hope that when france reconquered acadia they could go back to their deserted homes. "cornwallis continued firm, and at last the acadians were informed that all who would not take the oath must leave nova scotia. in the very beginning deputies from the acadian villages had gone to halifax to say that it would be impossible to take the oath and ask permission to dispose of their farms and leave the country." "why didn't they go? it would have been so much better in the end." "it is hard to say, martine. friends of the acadians claim that the english put all kinds of obstacles in their way, first refusing them transportation in english vessels, then preventing their buying rigging at louisbourg for vessels of their own. but, as i have said, more than a thousand did eventually pass over to the île st. jean, and some of these took part in the defence of beauséjour." "well, they were surely very conscientious," said martine, "for they knew that by taking the oath and becoming british subjects they could live in comfort on their farms. it was very brave in them to choose poverty and exile." "it might seem braver, if behind it all they had not had the feeling that the time was near when the french would drive the british from nova scotia and so restore them to their own." "it was all that le loutre, i suppose," commented priscilla; "he was responsible for so much." "whether he was really as bad as some represent him would be hard to say; but this missionary to the micmacs had great influence, and it was all used against the english. we pity the acadians, but we ought to pity the innocent english settlers on the outskirts of halifax, and at other places, who were tortured and murdered by the indians whom le loutre and other french had stirred up. now, to keep to our story without making it too long, the acadians dallied and dallied. they did not take the oath of allegiance, and they did not seem to be preparing to leave the country. at last lieutenant-governor lawrence gave them only a short time to decide. "well, the french and indian war continued, and the english were generally more successful than the french. at last beauséjour was captured, chiefly by the help of a body of troops commanded by colonel winslow. these men were new englanders,--sturdy, conscientious men from country towns, a large number of whom had been farmers and small tradesmen. "beauséjour fell the middle of june, and it may interest you, priscilla, to know that le loutre, rather than fall into the hands of the english, fled to quebec, where he was coldly received. later he went to france, and died in obscurity. "in july, 1755, a memorial was sent to lieutenant-governor lawrence, signed by twenty-five leading acadians, on the subject of the oath, and requesting the return of their guns that the government had obliged them to give up on account of their sympathy with the french. when governor lawrence sent for the signers to come to halifax, fifteen appeared before them. he pointed out the insincerity of their memorial, and when he desired them to sign the oath they flatly refused. finally, on the twenty-eighth of july, these deputies and others from annapolis appeared before the governor and council, and although warned that the consequences would be serious, they declined to take any oath differing from that taken under governor phillips; that is, they were unwilling to bear arms for the english against the french." "that, i must say, seems noble to me, since they knew what risks they were running," cried martine. "that is to an extent a matter of opinion. but their refusal decided governor lawrence what to do. he immediately wrote to colonel monckton that enough transports had been ordered up the bay for the acadians, and that he must remove them. he was told that all the property of the acadians was now forfeited to the crown, and that they would be allowed to take on board ship only their money and their household goods." "it is a wonder he left them anything," said martine, sarcastically. "he wasn't absolutely heartless, and he gave careful directions for provisioning the transports for their long journey." "i am sorry that it was a new englander who had to carry out these cruel orders," said priscilla. "yes, it fell on lieutenant-colonel winslow, and a detachment of those new england troops that had fought at beauséjour to attend to the deportation at grand pré. it was tuesday, the second of september, when he ordered all the male inhabitants from ten years upwards to assemble on the following friday in the church at grand pré, to hear what his majesty had to say to them. then--but really i think one gets the story better from longfellow. it is from this point that we have our sympathies so deeply touched, and we are willing to forget that the simple-minded acadians had brought much of their trouble on themselves." "it doesn't make their sufferings less, even if they were to blame," interposed martine. "that is true. they may have been less peaceable and amiable than they have been represented by the poet, and their homes and their ways of living may have been less--less--" "æsthetic," suggested priscilla, with a smile. "well, æsthetic, then. but all this does not alter the fact that they deserved the greatest pity. many of them, indeed, honestly believed that they were still the subjects of louis xv, and that to take the oath required by the english would be a great crime." "what they needed was a really good and disinterested man to advise them; some one like paul mascarene, who was partly french, and yet could get the english point of view," said priscilla. "some way i can't feel that the english were altogether disinterested--although," she concluded hastily, "i am more on the english side than the french,--and i am very sorry that it was a man of plymouth descent who carried away the acadians from grand pré." this, in view of priscilla's previous prejudice against the acadians, was really a very liberal statement, as the others realized. "it should console you, then, to remember that colonel winslow was simply a soldier acting under orders, and we have no reason to think that he used needless cruelty. 'it hurts me to hear their weeping and wailing,' he said in his journal, and this shows that he had a tender heart." "but i can't see why families were separated, and why all these acadians couldn't have been sent up to upper canada to the other french;" and martine sighed deeply. "you forget that france and england were still at war, and to have put so many able-bodied men at the service of france would indeed have been madness. governor lawrence explained all this in letters to the governors of the different colonies to whom he sent the acadians. they were sent to as many different colonies as possible, and broken up into small groups, so that they could not unite in any plan for return." "i suppose that governor lawrence thought it better for them to become public charges,--people who had always been perfectly independent." "oh, well, there is a bright side. many of them never lost hope for a minute, and even those who went to the french west indies soon began to plan to get back to acadia. in the end, after the peace, they began to take the oath, and receive their new grants of land, and since then england has had no more devoted subjects--as we saw for ourselves in clare." "all the same," said martine, "this must be a haunted region around here, and i can tell you i should hate to walk through grand pré alone after dark, or even drive through." "speaking of haunted regions," said priscilla, "though i don't know why i think of him just now, what do you suppose has happened to mr. knight? no one has seen him since our adventure." "_we_ haven't seen him," responded amy, "but i sincerely hope that he is in the land of the living. i must have forgotten to tell you that mamma had a letter from him the day after our drive, telling us that he had been suddenly called to new brunswick, and expressing his regret that probably he should not see us again." "that must have been a great relief to him," murmured martine, "that call to new brunswick. otherwise he might have had to see us again." "oh, he expressed great regret at having to go without doing so." "that was kind in him, even if it wasn't quite sincere. it is my own opinion that he went away on purpose. he couldn't bear to see us again when he remembered how his hair was tumbled--not a sign of the parting--and his cuffs wet. but _we_ remember, don't we, and i hardly blame him for running away." "martine, my dear child, you are very absurd. no man could possibly be so vain." "especially, my dear miss amy redmond, one whose business is the instruction of youth," rejoined martine, flippantly. "i had a letter from eunice this morning," interposed priscilla, "and she said that balfour had had a letter from mr. knight, who thanked him for the introduction he had given him to us. she said that he had written about our trip to grand pré, and was surprised to find americans so much interested in acadian history." "that is all very well. people always write that way after a letter of introduction; they feel that they must. you cannot persuade me that mr. knight had any other reason for running to new brunswick except to avoid us." "perhaps he wished to escape our thanks for the rescue." "rescue!" martine's tone was scornful enough. "we weren't in the least little bit of danger." "we weren't exactly comfortable," responded priscilla. "i was thankful enough, i can tell you, when mr. knight and the dory came in sight. why, we might have had to stay there for hours." "oh, no; there would have been some way. the tide goes out as rapidly as it flows in." "well, leaving out individuals, who certainly have been very kind to us," interposed amy, "considering that in their hearts many of them think of us as 'those yankees,' wolfville has been fairly worth while." "yes," replied martine, "though i haven't been able to paint blomidon, i have captured the grand pré willows. the subject may be trite, but i've managed to give it a touch of individuality by adding a tree or two and lopping off a branch or so, here and there, and this will set some persons guessing as to what my view is." "oh, martine!" "but the artistic reputation of the party is kept up by your mother's sketches. that one of the marshes is simply perfect. no one who had not seen the colors could believe that nature up here in the north is so brilliant. the water is so blue,--and she has caught it exactly,--and the bright red of the shore at low tide, and the vivid green of the dyke grass, varied here and there with clumps of yellow--" "stop, stop; you make me fairly dizzy." "but it's a true picture, isn't it? and your mother has reproduced it to perfection, and if she doesn't sell it before christmas i shall get papa to buy it for me." so the three friends sat and chatted on this their last afternoon in evangeline's land, half regretting that the time was near when they must bid good-bye to acadia. though they had not tried to do all the things possible for the tourist, they had gone to the look-off, the highest part of the blomidon ridge, and from this spot had had a magnificent view of the annapolis and cornwallis valleys, and the six rivers flowing into minas, and the hundreds of fertile farms and the picturesque seaports lying almost at their feet; and they had made also several side trips. priscilla had slaked her thirst for information by setting down in her note-books many facts about the productiveness of the region, and declared that in future if she should meet a boy anxious to become a farmer she would send him to nova scotia rather than to the unknown west. "ah, but there's no government land for him to take up here, and farms don't go for a song. every inch is cultivated," rejoined amy. thus at last, when amy with her mother and her friends were ready to leave wolfville and grand pré and their neighborhood, their minds were filled not only with the history of acadia and the memories of the past, but with pictures of the present that seemed likely to be lasting. mrs. redmond, moreover, in balancing her accounts,--not a reckoning of money, but of something more precious--counted as the greatest gain the improvement in health made by priscilla and the improvement in disposition made by martine. priscilla's gain was easily recognized. even she herself could see it when she looked in the glass, and she was daily growing more and more conscious of it. but martine's gain,--perhaps she herself did not realize it. perhaps she had not known in the beginning how much she needed improving. yet mrs. redmond, realizing it, had observed with pleasure that martine was not nearly as self-willed, was not nearly as ready to ridicule the foibles of others as at the beginning of the trip. just as the angles of priscilla's disposition were rounding off to a certain degree, so martine was much less likely than formerly to fly off in a tangent. although it could hardly be said that the two girls understood each other perfectly, it was yet the fact that wishes collided far less often than in the past. when priscilla yielded, she did so with a smaller show of helpless resignation than had been her wont, and martine no longer thought it clever to laugh at every suggestion made by priscilla. as to amy, her mother saw with pleasure that to her the summer had been one of real refreshment. if she had been absolutely idle she could not have been half as happy as now, with the sense of responsibility that was hers in having the care, or at least the partial care, of martine and priscilla; moreover the trip itself, opening as it did to her a country of which previously she had known so little, was in every way a delight to her. it had shown to her a world of history and poetry with which she had not been familiar, even though she had known something about it, and this in itself was worth much to her. chapter xix a discovery "i almost wish," said amy to her mother, as their train was speeding away from wolfville, "that we were going direct to halifax." "that _is_ a concession," responded mrs. redmond, with a smile, "for if you had been less anxious to see windsor we should have passed on without stopping there. perhaps even yet it is not too late to change our plans." "oh, no; i am just as anxious as ever to visit king's college, and martine and priscilla, if not enthusiastic, still feel pleased at the prospect of seeing one more town before we reach halifax. i've had to use some persuasion to get them to take this point of view, and it would be very foolish indeed for me to be the one to change plans now." a moment later martine and priscilla, who had been looking from the window on the opposite side of the car, returned to their seats. "would you care to give up windsor now?" asked mrs. redmond. "no, indeed; since i realized that windsor is the old piziquid of the acadians i have been crazy to see it, for i read a story the other day whose scene was laid there; and besides, i've heard that windsor has one of the queerest harbors in the world, with water in it hardly two or three hours a day, and only red mud the rest of the time." "that's nothing very new," interrupted priscilla; "we've seen enough of that kind of thing already in nova scotia." "oh, but the difference is that the harbor of windsor is so large that they say it is very amusing to see so many great vessels stranded in it i'm quite reconciled now to spending a day or two there; it's only priscilla who objects, mrs. redmond." "i don't really object" responded priscilla, "but i'm afraid we won't have all the time we need at halifax." "after all, we shall not be limited in our stay there. unless those letters that i expect insist on my return at once i shall be quite willing to stay away until after the first of september." "who is it then, besides priscilla, who wishes to cut windsor?" "no one but me, martine," returned amy; "and this is only because i have a little feeling that i can't explain that we might better go through directly to halifax. it's the kind of feeling that leads people sometimes to give up a particular train from fear that some accident will befall it." "ugh!" and martine held up her hands in protest. "i never knew before, miss amy redmond, that you could be superstitious, for that's what 'having feelings' amounts to." "well, at least i'm strong-minded enough to disregard these premonitions. in my heart of hearts i believe that we shall not only escape from windsor alive, but enjoy our stay there thoroughly." not so very long after leaving wolfville the travellers were within sight of windsor. they had passed through beautiful farming regions with occasional glimpses of river and marsh; and there across a stretch of yellowish water they caught sight of the town which the indians had so correctly named piziquid, "the meeting of the waters." this first glimpse showed a town built up on the sides of leafy hills and stretching down to the water, bordered with many wharves, at which lay three-masted schooners and craft of every size. their rooms had been engaged at one of the smaller hotels. it was delightfully situated on a side street, and within seemed pleasant and homelike. already their bags had been taken to the rooms assigned them, and martine and priscilla lingered a moment to speak to the landlady's little daughter, a child of five or six, who was playing in the hall. "how red her cheeks are! i must kiss her;" and martine bent down to suit the action to the word. but the little girl was coquettish, and, slipping away, stood at some distance, staring at the strange young ladies. priscilla looked sharply at the child. "i wouldn't kiss her," she remonstrated. "her cheeks are flushed; they are almost feverish. i believe she's not well." "nonsense," rejoined martine, with a laugh. "every one down here has red cheeks;" and she took a few steps forward in pursuit of the child. priscilla laid her hand on her arm "no, no, she looks just as my little sister did after she had scarlet fever; promise me you won't kiss her." "i don't see why you should care," said martine; "but you seem so in earnest that for once i'll do what you wish." at this moment mrs. redmond approached the girls, in company with the landlady, who had been showing her her room. she, too, looked keenly at the little child. "is this your little girl?" she asked her companion. "yes, my only child." "is she,--is she quite well?" the woman hesitated for a moment. "she has been sick, but she's almost well," she replied. "what was the matter with her?" asked mrs. redmond, pleasantly. "she has had scarlet fever, but--" "girls," said mrs. redmond, "have your bags brought from your rooms." then she turned to the landlady. "i can understand now why you can offer us a choice of so many rooms; the fever, i suppose, drove your guests away. i'm sorry, but we, too, must look farther." in a few moments the four had called a carriage and were on their way to seek a new abode. martine saw the ridiculous side of the whole affair and made the others laugh at her account of the way priscilla had saved her from the fatal kiss. "it is no laughing matter," protested mrs. redmond; "the child was evidently in that condition when the disease is particularly contagious, even though she herself is not especially ill. i shall have to watch you all very carefully, and shall be thankful enough if you do not suffer from this exposure." "there, amy," cried priscilla, "the worst is over; your premonitions are justified, and another time we won't laugh at your superstition. though you hadn't scarlet fever in mind, this was the danger which we were to pass through." "i hope that the worst really is over, but it is rather curious that this particular incident should have happened here after what i said." under the guidance of their driver the party soon found a boarding-place in a large wooden house, attractively situated on a hill. on the morning after their arrival mrs. redmond advised the girls to make the most of their time. "i'm told that we can visit the college and return in time to take the afternoon train for halifax, but perhaps it will be as well to do things a little more at our leisure and go on to-morrow." "oh, far better," said martine; "it would be so tiresome to go on to-day; besides--" and here she stopped as if she had almost disclosed something that she should not speak about. soon after breakfast martine and amy strolled off to the grass-grown ramparts of fort edward, the defence that had been built by the english against the french when acadia came into their possession. an old blockhouse was the most interesting thing to be seen from the fort; interesting at least from the historical point of view. "what makes windsor seem so very new?" asked martine. "every one speaks of it as such an old town, and it seems to be full of new brick buildings that look as if they'd been finished hardly a week." "it's the fire," replied amy. "the greater part of windsor was destroyed by fire a year or two ago. it used to be much prettier, they say, with its old wooden buildings and tree-lined streets. the trees and the old-fashioned dwellings have all been swept away,--at least in this part of the city. when we go to king's college this afternoon we shall see what is left of the older section." "martine," said mrs. redmond, when the two returned, "i'm sorry to have to reprove you." "if any one is to reprove me you are the one, mrs. redmond, whom i should prefer to administer the reproof; but what is the trouble now? am i in danger of catching anything new?" "no, my child, but see!" mrs. redmond held up before martine a small chamois bag. "oh, dear, did i really leave it lying about?" "yes, martine, and had any one else found it you might have been put to considerable trouble to recover your rings." taking the little bag from mrs. redmond's hands, martine emptied its contents on a table. there they were,--not only the four beautiful rings, but the diamond star that her father had given her the preceding christmas. ever since priscilla had expressed her contempt for those who wore expensive jewelry while travelling, martine had carried her rings in the little bag in which she kept the star and one or two other valuable pins. "it seems to me," said mrs. redmond, "that it would have been wiser to leave these valuable things in boston." "but i always have them with me, and nothing has ever happened." mrs. redmond hesitated as to what she should say. although she was martine's temporary guardian, she believed that it was not her place to instruct the young girl on points that would naturally come within the observation of her parents. if they had established no rules regarding the times when she should or should not wear jewelry, it was hardly the duty of another to interfere. yet she saw that a word or two now might prevent further complications while she and martine were travelling together. "it is true," she said, "that people must judge for themselves when they shall and when they shall not wear jewels. but your rings, i can see, are all valuable, especially the emerald, and it is so easy to mislay such things when dressing, or when leaving a boarding-house, that if i were you i would put them safely away." though she did not express it, her real thought was that in travelling there is seldom an occasion when a young girl needs to wear jewelry. "thank you, mrs. redmond," said martine, pleasantly. "i am truly sorry that i brought these things with me, although at home i always wear my rings without thinking about them. the diamond star i thought might be worn if we were invited to a party or a reception while away, but i see now that it would not be the thing for me to wear it at all this summer. in fact, when papa gave it to me he said that he did not expect me to wear it often until i was eighteen, but i thought i would like to have it with me, and it seemed safe enough in this bag." "yes, when you wear the bag around your neck; but if you leave it carelessly lying about, you'll have only yourself to blame if you lose it." "thank you, mrs. redmond," responded martine; "after this i will see that it is put away." martine had received mrs. redmond's words so well that the latter was more than ever impressed with the young girl's amiability, and she wondered that between her and priscilla there could still exist any antagonism. there was no evidence, however, of anything but good feeling when the four set out for their drive to king's college. amy had told them that they were to drive also near the grounds of the old home of that judge haliburton whose other home they had seen at annapolis, explaining: "some persons call him 'the father of canadian literature,' because his 'sam slick' and his history were almost the first books written in canada to attract the attention of people outside." king's college, in a certain way, offered rather less than the girls had expected, though its chief college building was an imposing structure, with great columns in front. the grounds were extensive, and the gently rolling lawns suggested an english landscape. "king's is an old college for this part of the world," said mrs. redmond, "and though i cannot remember all i have heard about it, various old forms and ceremonies are kept up here, i believe, and commencement is always very interesting." "it isn't as old as harvard, is it?" asked martine. "what a question!" interposed priscilla. "no college is as old as harvard--at least, in this country. just see how small this is, too!" "yet you ought to be especially interested in king's college, priscilla," said mrs. redmond, gently, "for it was founded by exiled loyalists almost immediately after the revolution. indeed, plans for the college were made in new york even before the close of the war, when it was seen that large numbers of educated men and women would probably have to bring up their children in a new country, where it would take time to establish even ordinary day schools." "after the revolution! that seems young compared with harvard. but come, let us see what there is in this ancient-looking library. the driver says it's the only building open to visitors now," said amy, who had been leading the way. there were some entertaining books and portraits in the old library, and after lingering over them a little while, the girls prepared to return to the town. they took a last look at the old college before the carriage drove away. "its surroundings are beautiful," exclaimed amy, "but it doesn't compare with wellesley;" and before her eyes rose a picture of the college beautiful, with its lake, its hills and groves, and its many fine buildings. "i'm very glad, however," she added, "that we came here, for i have got a certain impression from king's college that is quite worth having." "so say we all of us," added martine. and thus in an amiable frame of mind the party returned to their boarding-house, pleased with their sightseeing. although none of the girls would admit that they were tired, mrs. redmond suggested that all go to bed early. "i'll agree," responded martine, "if you'll come up first to my room." martine's room was large and pleasant, and even for so short a stay she had thought it worth while to give it a few homelike touches. photographs of her parents and of one or two of her friends in ornamental frames were on the mantelpiece, and over the mantelpiece itself she had draped a soft foreign scarf. her silver toilet articles occupied the top of the bureau; for in spite of priscilla's disapproval, or perhaps because of it, she now carried these things in her suit case. slight though these little touches were, martine had contrived to relieve the room of its purely boarding-house aspect. the house itself was plain, and both inside and out had a certain aspect of flimsiness. this had been accounted for by some one who had told mrs. redmond that it had been put up very hastily, immediately after the recent fire. it had been built for a boarding-house and pretended to be nothing else. it was airy and clean, but neither its landlady nor the other boarders attracted the travellers sufficiently to incline them to stay downstairs in the general sitting-room; so the three girls and mrs. redmond sat and chatted in martine's room, enjoying the box of chocolates that she had opened for their especial pleasure. "they ought to be good," she said, when mrs. redmond praised them. "they came from halifax;" and she glanced mischievously at priscilla. "from halifax?" repeated amy. "i suppose that's where most shopkeepers in windsor get their goods." "halifax by way of windsor." "no, no," retorted martine, "not by way of windsor at all; they came to me by mail. you know i went down to the post-office the last moment before we left wolfville." the others made no comment, but priscilla and amy exchanged glances, and priscilla's seemed to say: "i told you so." before, however, anything could be said, martine rushed to her bureau. "i received a letter, too, at the same time," she cried, "and except for these chocolates i never should have thought of it again." lifting the cover of the candy box, she took from it a large square envelope, which for safe keeping, perhaps, she had placed under the lace paper that lined it. "what next?" thought amy. "if the letter is from either fritz or taps, i wonder if she'll venture to read it." then martine, with the utmost unconcern, opened the envelope, saying as she did so: "it's from mrs. blair; you know she's a cousin of mamma's, and she often gives me good advice; i suppose this letter is full of it. that's one reason i left it to read on the train. i knew it would keep till then; and, after all, i entirely forgot it." "mrs. blair would feel complimented," interposed amy. "oh, she knows me; i never hide my feelings." "do you ever try?" "yes, my dear mrs. redmond; i've never dared let you know just how much i care for you." thus effectually silenced, mrs. redmond waited for martine to read her letter. "you ought to like mrs. blair," said amy, for martine still held the opened envelope in her hand without attempting to read its contents. "why?" "because she has style, martine, and you generally put that before everything else; but read your letter, i would like to hear where they are, for i am always interested in edith's doings." "yes, yes," yet martine did not take the letter from the envelope; "but people need something besides style. i get so out of patience with mrs. blair when she and mamma are together. she always has the air of disapproving of mamma for having married a western man. she makes me think of the new yorker who said to a chicago woman, 'how can you bear to live so far away?' 'away? from what?' asked the other. and the new yorker couldn't say a word." "but that isn't like mrs. blair, for she always has a word ready for everything. do read your letter, martine," continued amy. so martine glanced hastily over the pages, making comments as she read. "oh, it's a kind of duty letter. she wants me to think it a great privilege that you have allowed me to travel with you this summer. she seems to have an especially high regard for you, priscilla. i won't flatter you by reading what she says. oh, yes, and she wants to give me some bad news. she has seen mamma at carlsbad and thinks her looking very miserable. well, that's about all, except that she wishes edith cared more for europe." "yes," interposed amy, "edith was very anxious to go west this summer with philip and pamela; they're having a fine trip over the canadian rockies." martine evidently was not listening to amy. her face wore an expression of great bewilderment, and then, with an exclamation of surprise she thrust the letter into amy's hand: "read it," she cried; "isn't it extraordinary?" and she pointed to the signature. "'audrey balfour blair!' did you know that was her name?" "why, i'm not sure," responded amy. "i never had a letter from mrs. blair." "nor i," responded martine, "though edith often writes to me." "that's why balfour and audrey seem so familiar to me," added priscilla, whose family were on rather intimate terms with mrs. blair. "i never heard even mamma speak of mrs. blair by her first name," continued martine. "of course i must have known that it was audrey, but i had never noticed the balfour before." "well, if balfour is a family name of mrs. blair's it must be of your mother's also; or at least it probably is." "in that case," said martine, "then balfour and i may be cousins." "i wish that eunice and i were cousins." priscilla's wistful tone was in contrast to the brighter one in which martine had spoken. "what's in a name?" continued the latter. "i dare say it's only the merest happening that these names are alike." "i was going to suggest," commented mrs. redmond, "that it might be wiser not to build your hopes too high, although i'll admit that there may be some connection between the two families." "what pleases me the most," said martine, "is to think of mrs. blair's disgust when she hears that her family names belong also to people in nova scotia." "and one of them a grocer's clerk," added amy, whereupon martine colored deeply. "balfour's just as good as philip blair, and he won't have to leave college without taking his degree." then, as if ashamed of her petulance, she added: "to find out how things really are i suppose that after this i'll have to take an interest in genealogy. mrs. blair belongs to the colonial dames and offered to have mamma's name put through, and i think she would have consented to this if i hadn't laughed so at the idea. i dare say the dames are different from the daughters. i hope so at any rate, for the daughters are always waving their ancestors in one another's faces, especially at their meetings, which i am told are like real battles." "oh, no," protested mrs. redmond, "not always. i've been at some that were very pleasant." "well, before long," concluded martine, "you'll find me climbing family trees in a way that will make you dizzy; in fact, i feel a little giddy, as the english say, at the very prospect of having--eunice for a cousin. indeed, i believe i'll not sleep a wink to-night in my effort to settle the question." chapter xx fire and flame long after the others had left her martine sat alone. she was restless and wide-awake, and any one looking at her would have seen that her face was far less cheerful than usual. her thoughts, indeed, were disturbed, and one or two tears fell as she held her mother's portrait before her and looked earnestly into the deep blue eyes. the portrait was a miniature, painted in the days when her mother was almost as young in appearance as martine herself, though in fact she had been married for several years. the young girl especially valued it because she could remember perfectly when her mother had been very like the lady in the picture, and also because this miniature had not been copied. it was too valuable a thing for martine to carry with her when travelling. mrs. blair's letter, with its mention of her mother's poor health, had stirred her deeply. she had concealed her feelings in the presence of mrs. redmond and the girls; or rather, for the moment she had been more impressed by the suggestion that came to her, through mrs. blair's signature, of a connection between her family and the airtons. now, however, she began to dwell on the significance of the news from carlsbad, and the conclusion was hard to set aside that her mother's condition was even worse than her father's brief letters had given her to understand. putting away the miniature with a sigh, she drew the last two letters from the portfolio, reading and re-reading them in a vain effort to decide whether her father had written briefly merely to conceal his feelings. "it's strange that men always write so little in a letter. though papa would always rather telegraph than write, still, when he does write, i _do_ think that he might say something. now if it were mamma, why, she would tell me everything;" and upon this, with the knowledge that it might be long before her mother could write to her, martine burst into tears. as she tossed the letters aside martine threw herself on her bed, and then-how long she had lain there she did not know, although rising with a start, she realized that she had fallen asleep, and almost as quickly she perceived a strong smell of smoke in the room. opening her door, she turned toward the ell where mrs. redmond and the two girls had their rooms. the smell of smoke was stronger there, and in the darkness some one brushed against her, crying, "the house must be on fire." with a leap martine reached the top floor where her friends were. mrs. redmond's door opened to her knock, and then she rapped loudly on the door of the room that amy and priscilla occupied together. "fire, fire!" she called, and in a moment mrs. redmond's voice was added to hers. "open the door, amy; don't wait to dress. come, come, don't you understand? the house is on fire." "yes, yes, we are dressing." "unlock the door; i can help bring out some of your things." the hall was thick with smoke. mrs. redmond and martine knew that the fire was near. amy's voice was heard from the room--or was it amy?--speaking almost in terror, "i cannot open the door; i have mislaid the key." "why did you take it from the lock? oh, amy!" mrs. redmond uttered no further reproof now. it was a time for action. "martine," she cried, "we must go for help." but martine made no reply. already she was far on her way downstairs. all the people in the house were now evidently aware of the fire. doors were slamming, and she heard steps and voices ahead of her. in spite of her difficulty in making her way through the thick smoke, martine soon found herself near the broad front door. here two or three men were standing. "please help me quickly," cried martine, breathlessly; "my friends are in a room in the wing, and cannot open the door. come, i will show you." leading the way, martine was soon at amy's door again. she could see no one, for there were no lights in the hall, but she recognized mrs. redmond's voice. "i found a pair of large scissors in my valise; perhaps with them the lock can be pried open." one of the men who had come with martine was already pounding on the panels of the door to learn where it could most easily be broken in. after one ineffectual effort to pry open the lock, the other one had thrown down the scissors that mrs. redmond had handed him. both of these things had occupied seconds rather than minutes,--seconds that seemed hours to martine and mrs. redmond,--and then, before further violence had been done to the door, there was a click, a turn of the lock, and amy and priscilla stood before the four others. their appearance showed that they had indeed dressed hastily, but they made no apologies as they hurried on. when they reached the street mrs. redmond drew a breath of relief. "oh, amy," she cried, "how could you be so careless?" "i took the key from the door absent-mindedly, and had set my travelling-bag on it. i'm thankful enough that i found it, for the door might have been hard to break in." "look, look!" cried priscilla, excitedly. "we are out none too soon." as she spoke flames were bursting from the wing of the house that they had so lately left, and men and women were pouring in and out of the main building, removing furniture, pictures, and clothes. "let me count you," cried mrs. redmond. "i am not sure--" "it's martine, mamma,--she is not with us. where did she go?" [illustration: "after one ineffectual effort to pry open the lock, the other one had thrown down the scissors."] "perhaps she has gone back to her room for her things. she had left everything behind when she came to rouse us." "impossible! she would not be so foolish. the fire is close to her room. here are the engines. why were they so long in coming?" "where is martine? we must find her." "no, no, amy," and mrs. redmond laid her hand on her daughter's arm. "but, mother, if she had not called us--" "yes, if she had not called us we might be in there now. she did not think of herself, and now she has gone to her room for some of her things." "her diamond perhaps;" and then, as if ashamed of her words, priscilla added, "but i can help amy, mrs. redmond. you cannot hurry as we must." as mrs. redmond watched amy and priscilla running into the house she wished she had gone with them. uncertainty was harder to bear than any effort she might have made. her suspense, however, was not long, for to her relief she heard amy's voice. "here's martine, mamma. we had barely time to reach her. look, look!" this latter exclamation was called forth by the rapid spread of the flames. it was a beautiful sight--beautiful yet terrible to those who so lately had been within the walls that now seemed to be melting in the heat. yet even as they gazed martine began to laugh hysterically. "you look so--so queer--priss--prissie," she cried, and again she laughed. the light from the fire enabled them to see one another plainly, and as the others glanced at priscilla they saw a black streak across her forehead that altogether changed her expression. "it's a case where the pot can't call the kettle black," rejoined amy; "your own complexion is not milk-white at the present moment, martine." "you are the only one who has her hair properly arranged, miss amy. even your mother has a hasty coiffure, and no collar. oh, mrs. redmond!" and again martine laughed nervously. "it matters less how we look than how we feel. i wish that you, like priscilla, had brought your coat, though i fear there is only one hat among us." "what a noise the engine makes! can't we get away soon?" "i hope so. if we only had a man with us we could send him off for a carriage. even fritz would be useful now." from her mother's tone amy could not judge whether or not she was in earnest, though in truth the same thought had come to her. "after all," cried martine, holding up her watch, "it is not half-past eleven. i had begun to think that to-morrow had come. the flames are not so bright. i believe that the fire is dying down. it started in so well that i almost hoped that we'd see the house in ashes." "oh, martine!" "but nearly all the furniture has been saved, and the house is probably insured, and--" "you are shivering, martine. come, we must make our way through the crowd. even if we have to walk down to the large hotel near the station, that will be better than staying here." so they made their way through the crowd. heaps of household goods and pieces of furniture were scattered over the lawn, and even on the sidewalk in front. the engine was still hissing, flames were still darting from back and sides of the house that had so lately sheltered them. hardly had the four reached the street when a man's voice called, "stop, ladies, for a moment." as they halted, the man, whose outline they could barely distinguish, overtook them. "you are the american ladies whose doors i tried to break open a little while ago. i would have helped you further, but i had to return immediately to my sister, who has been ill, and who is now in a neighbor's house. i have been anxious about you, for you are strangers. have you plans, or will you permit me to make a suggestion?" "we shall be only too happy to hear your suggestion, mr.--" "taunton," quickly rejoined the stranger, as mrs. redmond paused, adding, "i would suggest that you come with me to the house where i have taken my sister, and i may say that i have been asked to bring you back with me. the house is large, and you can all get a good night's rest." it is needless to say that mr. taunton's invitation was gratefully accepted, and soon the four found themselves in a warm room, where a hospitable little hostess bustled about, offering them tea, and bread and butter, though after all it wasn't a meal-time. "she's very good," murmured martine to amy, "not to mention how queer we look. for my own part, i haven't dared look a mirror in the face, though there are two in the room. how much has happened in the last hour!--for it is only a little more than an hour since we knew of the fire; that is, since i smelled smoke." "i hope that it wasn't long enough for you and priscilla to catch cold. we shall never forget how chilly the air of an august midnight can be." "oh, i am all right," responded martine. and then, as if to disprove her own words, she sneezed violently. "why did you go back to your room, martine? it was a dangerous thing to do. you brought nothing out with you but that little bag." "oh, i had barely time to get that. the room was so hot and smoky that i quite lost my head, yet i got what i especially went for;" and she opened the little bag and drew from it a small velvet case. "your diamond!" cried amy. "ah, martine, how foolish to have had it with you!" "no, amy, not my diamond pin;" and snapping a spring she disclosed the miniature of her mother. "that is more to me than ten diamond pins. i had barely time to snatch it from the bureau and pick up this bag." "then you left the pin behind!" "no, child, no; it is safely hung around my neck. but one of my rings was on the cushion, and it will delight priscilla's heart to know that i did not save a single brush or silver-topped bottle. it will be rather hard for papa, for he'll have to replace them all next christmas. but i do wish that i had my hat and my suit case. until we overtake our trunks at halifax we can't make ourselves perfectly respectable." "but still," rejoined amy, "i am thankful that we have a place where we can sleep to-night--and mamma is beckoning us, so let us follow." it was nine o'clock, and the sun was streaming brightly through their windows before mrs. redmond and the girls left their rooms next morning. all but priscilla had slept well, but the latter had tossed about all night, with her thoughts dwelling more on martine even than on the exciting events of the fire. clearly martine had acted very generously in the efforts she had made to awaken the others. she had had ample time to save all her own possessions, yet quite neglectful of herself, her one thought had been for others. if priscilla was sometimes harsh in her criticisms, she at least wished to be fair. after her night of confused thoughts, it was not strange, perhaps, that priscilla awoke heavy-eyed and dull, thus causing mrs. redmond to wonder whether this one experience might not undo all the good accomplished during their weeks in acadia. martine was still inclined to sneeze, but she laughed when caught in the act. "it sounds like hay fever, doesn't it? i have never had a fashionable ailment before, and if it is hay fever, why, i am in the part of the world where patients are often sent, and my recovery will be rapid." after breakfast mr. taunton, their new acquaintance, offered to help mrs. redmond in any way that she might suggest. "you may wish your luggage or your tickets attended to--or, or your shopping," he concluded. "my sister and i saved both our trunks, and she is resting so comfortably this morning that i can put myself at your service." "i do not wonder that you speak of shopping. we could hardly go even as far as the station without buying a few necessary things. if we could have a carriage in about an hour we could do some errands. we are going to halifax by the afternoon train." "you have lost more than most of the other boarders, in proportion to what you had in the house," continued mr. taunton. "our late landlady is the heaviest loser, but she is a cheerful little body, and consoles herself with the thought that she is well insured." "don't forget to pay our board bill, mamma; it just occurred to me that we left so unexpectedly that we forgot even to mention it to her," interrupted amy. mr. taunton laughed heartily at her suggestion, and then began an earnest plea for his own city, st. john, in contrast with halifax. "if you can visit but one, st. john is the better worth seeing. we come to nova scotia occasionally to rest, but st. john is wide-awake, and its churches and public buildings will compare favorably with any in the united states. then you have heard of our wonderful reversible falls, that flow with the tide one way and with the river the other, and the beautiful kennebecasis--" "you would make a good tourist agent," interrupted their amiable hostess, mrs. andrews, entering the room at this moment. "but if i should begin to paint the charms of the citadel, and old st. paul's, and the northwest arm, and--" mr. taunton laughed. "it's a feud as old as the hills, this rivalry between st. john and halifax, and a stranger can settle the matter for himself only by seeing both places; but if you must give up either, i honestly believe that you can best spare halifax." before mrs. andrews could protest, a violent ringing of the doorbell called her from the room. a second later she returned to the sitting-room, followed by two young men. in an instant half a dozen tongues were loudly exclaiming, "why, fritz, how in the world did you find us?" mrs. redmond held the hand of one of the new-comers while she looked affectionately up into his face; amy, drawing back a little, appeared far from displeased at this sudden appearance; and martine,--priscilla could hardly believe her eyes,--yes, martine had certainly thrown her arms around the neck of fritz's companion, who was no other than the freshman "taps," of whom priscilla had had a passing glimpse on the yarmouth boat. while priscilla gasped in amazement mrs. redmond and amy could not conceal their surprise at martine's demonstrativeness. but they had not to wait long for the explanation, which martine herself saw was due them. "there, there, lucian, don't be too affectionate until i explain--" "explain what?" asked the so-called "taps." "wait, listen;" and slipping her arm through that of fritz's friend, martine turned with a bow toward mrs. redmond. "let me introduce to you and amy and priscilla, as well as to the rest of the company, my brother, lucian stratford, otherwise 'taps.' there, lucian, don't say a word. let me explain how it was. of course at first we didn't mean to make any secret of it, but lucian and i thought it would be fun to see whether you could tell whether we were brother and sister, and he made fritz--i mean mr. tomkins--promise not to tell you. it seemed rather funny that you hadn't heard. then when amy was so sniffy--excuse me, amy--about having boys in the party, why, i had to promise not to tell. it was hard at first, but i got interested in keeping it up when i found that priscilla was so suspicious." priscilla, coloring, looked more and more uncomfortable, mrs. redmond was slowly grasping the situation, and only amy appeared to be angry. "it's like you, fritz," she exclaimed, "to go out of your way to play a practical joke on me, but i did expect something better from martine." martine's face grew serious. "i can't see that the joke affects you, particularly, miss amy redmond!" rejoined fritz. "to be sure, you have had various accidents that might not have happened had we been with you to protect you, but as to knowing that 'taps' was martine stratford's brother, why, you could have found that out for yourself, or at any rate i should have told you only too gladly had you given me a chance. but when you banished me so completely--" "come, come, children, no quarrelling. we won't banish you again, fritz, and if you feel like going on with us we shall be only too happy to have your company. your coming now is certainly most opportune. you can do so much to help us; we have shopping--but first let me introduce you to mr. taunton, who has been so kind to us, and to mrs. andrews, our hostess, and to the others." after the introductions fritz explained why they had come to windsor. "halifax may be slow, but it is reached by telegraph, and the daily papers contain some news, so when i saw the headlines 'fire at windsor,' i naturally read the whole thing, for, according to the schedule which lucian had from his sister, you were due here yesterday, or the day before, and we had even thought of running up to meet you." "though we decided it would be better sport to take you by surprise at halifax," interposed lucian. "yes, and when we read that some american ladies had barely escaped with their clothes--" "not all of their clothes," murmured martine. "we thought," continued fritz, "that we'd risk it by rushing up here." "so we bolted our breakfast," interposed taps, "and made the 'yankee' and--" "we poked among the ruins," added fritz," and when we didn't find any remains, we asked a few questions of some others who were poking there." "and here we are," concluded taps, "and from this on i'm going to keep my eye on martine. you didn't set the fire, did you, sister?" "there, lucian, if you tease like that you'll be banished." "no more banishment for either of us," cried fritz, boldly. "you've all had accidents enough to show you the need of adequate protection." "perhaps you could have prevented the fire," said amy, with some sarcasm. "i could have prevented your staying at any house but the most fire-proof hotel in the town, and that i believe is still standing." "what did you save?" asked lucian, in an effort to turn the conversation. "oh, my mother's picture," said martine, softly. and then, as if afraid of seeming sentimental, "but i lost an emerald ring and all my silver brushes, and a pair of slippers, and one of my gloves, and a dozen postage stamps." "stop, stop, martine." "well, i saved my best stock, and mrs. redmond saved her umbrella, and we--" "are all clothed and in our right minds, excepting you, martine, who seem in danger of losing yours," interrupted amy. "i believe that carriage at the door is the one that mr. taunton telephoned for; so, if we are going to halifax to-day, it is surely time to start on our shopping expedition." acting on this suggestion, priscilla and martine helped amy gather together their few remaining possessions, while mrs. redmond discussed her plans with fritz. when at last the moment came for the few words of farewell, mrs. redmond and the girls felt that in bidding good-bye to mrs. andrews and the tauntons they were parting with friends whom they had known for weeks instead of hours. mrs. redmond and the girls drove to the station, where fritz and lucian met them after a brisk walk down town. "fritz," said amy, as the two stood together in the hotel sitting-room, "i have a confession to make." "open confession is good for the soul, so out with it at once, fair lady." "it is simply this: i am really glad that you are here to take charge of things. even in travelling mamma, you know, hates to attend to practical details. now of course we have got on very well, barring one or two little things." "fires and such." there was a mischievous twinkle in fritz's eye. "oh, well, even that might have been worse; so now, until we reach halifax, i do wish that you would take charge of everything." "with pleasure," responded fritz. "especially will i see that you do not mislay your keys. but you look tired, amy. come, sit down." whereupon amy sank wearily upon a sofa, only too glad that for the present her responsibility was shifted to some one else. there was a funny side, however, to the zeal displayed by fritz and lucian. they insisted, with an emphasis that no one dared oppose, that the girls and mrs. redmond should rest quietly while they went out to shop. "my dear boys," mrs. redmond had protested, "there is hardly a thing that we shall really need before we reach halifax. in the parlor cars we shall be unnoticed and perfectly comfortable, and after we have opened our trunks we can tell what we most require." "oh, mrs. redmond, there must be some errands for us to do. can't you trust us?" lucian's face was so expressive of disappointment that mrs. redmond was glad that she had made out a small list. "of course there are some things--and we are ever so much obliged to you and fritz for your willingness to do errands." "you see," continued lucian, confidentially, and dropping his voice that his sister might not overhear him, "i didn't ask martine what she needed. that would have started her off to suggest no end of things,--you know what girls are. i can tell pretty well what she ought to have, so we'll just slip off before she can say anything." fritz had condescended to accept a few suggestions from amy, and the two boys rushed off in high spirits. an hour later, when they returned, their arms filled with packages, followed by a grinning hotel boy who was dragging a large parcel, mrs. redmond lifted her hands in amazement. "two hats!" she exclaimed, in still greater surprise as they undid the strings of the larger package, "but only one was really needed. martine left hers behind, but amy--" "now, mrs. redmond," said fritz, "perhaps you didn't observe amy's. why, some one must have turned the hose on it; the flowers were all bedraggled, and the ribbon--mrs. redmond, surely you must have noticed its condition. but these are so pretty that i couldn't let lucian be the only one to buy a hat." "it's certainly very thoughtful in you, fritz, but still my list--" "oh, we've got everything that was on the list, only these little extras were just to amuse ourselves." "six stocks! you extravagant boy!" martine, arriving on the scene, had opened one of her brother's parcels. "six stocks!" he repeated. "why, that's only one and a half apiece!" "and gloves; well, we could have waited until we reached halifax. they are probably better there. i wish i had thought to speak of shirt waists," continued martine. "this is hardly respectable." "oh, i thought of that, too," replied lucian; "at least, i remembered you hadn't a coat, so i supposed some sort of a wrap would do. coats have to be kind of tailor-made and fitted, don't they?" while he spoke lucian was undoing the largest package, from which he drew out a scotch shawl of brown and yellow plaid. "there, that's the thing!" he exclaimed with pride. "it looks as if it had come straight from edinburgh. you can throw it over your shoulders instead of a coat." "oh, lucian," cried martine, "you can't expect me to wrap myself up like that, especially on a warm august afternoon!" "why shouldn't it be all right travelling?" asked lucian, with less elation. "you wouldn't have to think about the fit." but when he saw that all the others were laughing at him, he walked off toward the window, murmuring what sounded like "there's no pleasing some people." "come back, come back," cried martine, as he turned away; "the shawl will be very useful if we go yachting at halifax, and no one but you would have thought of these delicious boxes of chocolates. we all thank you very, very much; see, there's a box for you and priscilla, amy, as well as for me." lucian's face brightened under his sister's praise, while amy and priscilla thanked him for their chocolates. "you were dreadfully worried, weren't you, prissie," said martine, mischievously, "over the chocolates that i offered you last evening? but though lucian was the giver in that case, perhaps you will enjoy these better, knowing where they came from." "shall i put this magazine in your bag?" asked priscilla, hoping thus to divert martine from further teasing. "certainly," replied martine. "let lucian help you with the catch. it is hard to open." "the magazines are fritz's contribution," explained lucian, as he worked with the spring of martine's bag. "there's one for each of the party. but hello, what's this? did you think of digging a grave, or anything of that kind, sister, when you brought this along? it's a strange thing to have saved from a fire;" and before martine could protest lucian had withdrawn his hand from the bag in which he had been fumbling, and before the gaze of the whole party held up a queerly shaped little trowel. "i didn't ask you to meddle with things in my bag," cried martine, excitedly, after the manner of sisters. "well, what's the matter with the little spade?" asked lucian, looking from one to the other. no one replied as amy snatched it from his hand. in fact, amy was the only one to recognize it as the acadian relic that balfour airton had given to martine. chapter xxi old chebucto so slightly had the travellers really suffered from the fire that they soon recovered from the effects of that exciting night, yet they were glad enough to reach halifax and open their trunks. "it seems better than luck that we sent these trunks ahead to halifax. if they had been burned--" "we should have had great fun shopping, my dear miss amy redmond," responded martine; "as it is, we shall just have to pretend that we need things when we see any startling bargains in the shop-windows." "if you should try to replace what you have lost you could keep yourself busy for a day or two," rejoined amy. "no, thank you. the things that i lost i can wait for until christmas. i have bought some inexpensive brushes, plain enough for priscilla to approve; but at christmas--well, perhaps i can persuade papa to get tortoise-shell, or something more elaborate than the simple silver set that melted away at windsor." in this way martine always turned aside the sympathy that the others tried to offer her for her losses. fritz and lucian had taken the travellers to the small halifax hotel, where they themselves had been staying for two or three days before their sudden flight to windsor. it was a cheerful, homelike place, and in its little garden the girls spent more or less time resting after the exertions of their later days in acadia. the fire and the events immediately following it had seemed to bring martine and priscilla more closely together,--at least, for the time their lack of sympathy was less plainly evident. one day the two were sitting in the garden. "i almost wish we had been a week longer in acadia," priscilla said. "why, we are in acadia still!" rejoined martine. "don't speak of acadia as so far away." "oh," responded priscilla, "perhaps all nova scotia is acadia; but really, when we use the word we mean where the french settled. halifax is thoroughly english. on that account i do prefer it, though acadia was certainly interesting." "thanks!" said martine, "but i am going to prove that halifax also was settled by the french. amy laughed at me yesterday when i tried to prove my case. but listen; it was amy herself who told me that no one had thought seriously of making a settlement here until d'anville's fleet took refuge here after their defeat near louisbourg. the ships were safe enough, but the men died by hundreds, and were buried on the beach. well, after they had gone away, some sort of a petition was sent from boston to england, asking that a settlement and fortifications be established to prevent the french from coming into chebucto again and interfering with new england ships. the english thought this a good plan, because the acadians at annapolis and other places would be kept down if there was a strong town on the coast. so, you see, if it hadn't been for the french, halifax might never have been settled. have i proved my case?" priscilla shook her head. she could not quite tell whether martine was in fun or in earnest. "it seems to me that if massachusetts men suggested the plan to england, you could just as easily say that boston men settled halifax." "that's just what 'taps'--i beg his pardon--lucian said when i explained my theory to him. but then, he can't be expected to share my feelings about the acadians,--at least, not yet,--although on the whole he is pretty sensible, isn't he?" priscilla found it difficult to answer this question directly, so, to conceal her embarrassment, she propounded another question. "why do they call your brother 'taps'?" she asked abruptly. "for no reason whatever, that i could ever see. but you know how boys insist on nicknaming one another. mamma just hates it; and, if you notice, i always say 'lucian.'" "'lucian' is such a good name," said priscilla. "yes, and don't you think that lucian himself is a dear?" "i like him very much," responded priscilla, simply. she would hardly have applied martine's term to him, but she had found lucian helpful and entertaining during their three or four days in halifax. "i believe," continued martine, "that i might have told you something about lucian before, except that i thought you might be prejudiced." "prejudiced!" "yes, a month ago you were much narrower-minded than you are now, and of course you and amy had heard that fritz tomkins had charge of a freshman who had been in rather bad company last year; and so if you had heard that it was lucian before you had seen him, why, you might have had the queerest notions about him." "you have the funniest way of putting things;" and priscilla smiled again. "well, really," continued martine, "there was nothing wrong with lucian, only he is rather too good natured, and papa might as well give him a smaller allowance. but i heard fritz tomkins telling mrs. redmond that lucian had kept a very good standing last year, but he wanted to break off with one or two men who were not going just the right way, and they wanted him to go to paris and vienna, and the only way was to plan some other kind of a trip. but there's really no harm in lucian." "oh, no," said priscilla, "i am sure of that; he has such a good face. it is curious that, with his blond hair and blue eyes, he still reminds me of you, and you are almost a brunette." as priscilla paused for a moment, the latch of the iron gate clicked sharply, and as a step sounded on the flagged walk, martine rose quickly to her feet. "why, mr. knight!" she exclaimed, and in a moment priscilla, too, was welcoming the new-comer. "but we thought you in new brunswick!" "so i was a day or two ago. certain business has brought me now to halifax, and it is rather singular that we should be staying at the same hotel. i saw your names on the book this morning, and wondered if i should see you before my departure." mr. knight's manner was so unaffected that martine at once reproached herself inwardly for having imagined that he had run away from wolfville to escape mrs. redmond's party. "i am to be here only a day or two," he continued, "but if there's anything i can do--" "in the way of rescuing," interrupted martine. "oh, please," he protested, "don't mention that; it was so slight." "you know," continued priscilla, "we've been rescued once more,--at least i have been, for really it was martine who was the rescuer." and then, when the young man seemed mystified by their words, the two had to tell him the story of the windsor fire, of which, it seemed, he had not heard. after mr. knight had congratulated them on their escape and condoled with them on their losses, he said: "in case i have no other chance, i must tell you that my chief regret in leaving wolfville so unexpectedly was the fact that i had no chance to show you through acadia college, or tell you much about it. i know that that was one of the things balfour had in mind when he wrote to me that i should present acadia college in the best possible light." "oh, indeed," responded martine, with a slight touch of impatience, "we have heard quantities about it,--that it offers the same advantages to women as to men; that a great many distinguished college men in the 'states,' as you say down here, were graduates of acadia; that it has a lovely situation, and plenty of time to grow," she concluded suddenly, for, after all, though truce had been declared, martine could not resist the opportunity of teasing mr. knight. "i saw balfour airton," continued mr. knight, apparently undisturbed, "when at annapolis the other day, and he is to be one of the distinguished graduates of acadia." "did he say so?" martine did not try to conceal her genuine surprise. "oh, no; balfour thinks of nothing now but hard work, and he's likely to have his share of it the next few years." a little later mr. knight excused himself for leaving the two, on the plea of letters to write, and during the two remaining days of his stay they saw little of him. "he's afraid that he may have to rescue us again," martine confided to amy, though secretly she was a little piqued by his indifference. fritz and lucian, however, pronounced mr. knight a brick, and spent one afternoon with him in a long tramp to a place called herring cove, the description of which filled the girls with envy. during their whole stay in halifax, however, the boys went off on few excursions by themselves. "you have been left too long to your own devices," fritz would say, solemnly shaking his head, "and the punishment for your rash deeds is that you are now to be forever in our care and protection. until you are safely back in boston i hardly dare let you out of my sight, for fear of fire and flood." "do you consider this sail-boat especially safe just because you are in it?" asked priscilla. "if my mother could behold us now she would think us in the greatest danger. in spite of spending all her summers at the edge of the sea, she is always afraid of a sail-boat." "but i would rather run some risk than miss this sail around the northwest arm. in fact i wouldn't have missed it for the world;" and amy glanced gratefully in fritz's direction, for it was he who had planned this particular excursion, and had gained mrs. redmond's rather reluctant consent. "this narrow arm of the sea is so picturesque," she continued, "with its wooded shores, and the harbor is so interesting with its islands and its shipping." "just like any harbor," cried martine. "oh, i don't know. one has a sense of its greatness here. no wonder even the micmacs called it chebucto, which i believe is a word of theirs for 'great harbor.'" "please, amy, this is a pleasure trip with no instruction. you mustn't tell us the size of the dry dock, nor the number of guns mounted on george's island or on york redoubt, or on any other of the harbor fortifications." "nor the time of day," retorted amy, looking at her watch, "though all the same, captain fritz, it is time to turn about, for i absolutely promised that we'd be at home by five o'clock." "your word is law," responded fritz. "tell me a little history," urged lucian; but amy refused to do anything but enjoy the sail, and martine, looking at her closely, wondered if she had taken her words as criticism. "there's one bit of harbor history that i shall speak of," said lucian, as they turned homeward. "no, martine, you needn't try to stop me. everybody remembers captain lawrence and his 'don't give up the ship.' well, do you know that he died here in halifax? the 'shannon' brought the 'chesapeake' as a prize into this very harbor where we are now sailing. it was the first sunday in june, 1813, and the town was in the greatest excitement. the news of their coming went quickly through the town, and every one who could get hold of a small boat pushed out to see the ships. the men were swabbing the decks, and the scuppers ran red with blood." "don't, lucian," cried martine. "oh, but this is history, and the kind you should remember. the 'shannon' had set out from halifax but a short time before, and when the two ships met in boston harbor they fought a fierce duel. the 'shannon' had less than a hundred in killed and wounded, and the 'chesapeake' nearly two hundred, all in about twenty minutes; so no wonder it's called one of the bloodiest fights on record. the ships must have been a sight to the quiet haligonians. then," continued lucian, "captain lawrence and lieutenant ludlow were buried with high honors in the old english burying-ground here, and there was a great procession from the king's wharf, with the coffins covered with our flags, and six british post captains bearing the pall." "you'll have to visit the grave, amy," said martine, mischievously. "can't be done. an american brig with a flag of truce came for the bodies in august, and they were carried back to their native country." "how in the world did you remember so much?" asked martine. "i never realized before that you took an interest in history." "this is the result," retorted lucian, "of travelling with an intelligent companion," and he pointed to fritz. "no, i didn't do it; don't blame me," rejoined fritz. "he ran across a history yesterday, or book of annals, or something of that kind, and naturally the mention of the 'chesapeake' and the 'shannon' interested him." "enough said--in excuse," replied martine, while priscilla added, "i wonder if we shall visit melville island before we go. you know that is where they kept the american prisoners during that war. i had a great-grand uncle who was taken prisoner, and i've always remembered that he was at melville island, halifax. my mother has his diary." "why, that is interesting," said amy. "perhaps it may sound like wishing ill to my forebears, but i'd even be willing to have had a relative or two imprisoned here, just for the sake of having a closer association with halifax." "that's a very silly remark, miss amy redmond," cried fritz, disapprovingly. "yes," added martine; "i might as well wish that some of my french ancestors had been among the exiled acadians, so that i could take a deeper interest in clare. not that i need a deeper interest--but that reminds me," and she turned to her brother. "it's strange, lucian, that i hadn't thought to tell you before, but i believe i've found some new relations in nova scotia; at least, i hope so. do you know whether we had any tories in our family?" "tories! i should hope not," and lucian's voice rang with patriotism. "oh, they are all dead now, so don't excite yourself. but two things equal to the same thing are sometimes equal to each other. we are certainly cousins of mrs. blair's. you'll admit that?" "yes, worse luck to it," grumbled lucian. "she is such a--such a--" "you mean so conventional," interposed martine, sedately; "but that's very proper for a bostonian. well, mrs. blair's name is audrey balfour blair." "why not?" asked lucian. "well, we met a girl this summer whose grandmother's name was audrey balfour, and what i want to know is--are we related to her?" "to the grandmother?" exclaimed lucian. "how in the world should i know? and if we are, what's the difference? probably the old lady's dead by this time. most grandmothers are." "oh, lucian, do be serious." "you'd better be serious yourself--say, look out for the boom, or you'll lose your head as well as your temper." "i haven't lost my temper. there, i'm glad we're putting in for shore now, if lucian is going to be so disagreeable." thus the conversation drifted from audrey balfour, and for the present martine's question was unanswered. this afternoon was only one of several that they spent on the water, and when the conditions were favorable, sometimes amy, sometimes martine, had a chance to show her skill as skipper, while the boys approved or made suggestions, and mrs. redmond and priscilla sat back, trying not to show the timidity that they felt. on shore as well as at sea they found much to occupy them, and as conditions for picture-taking happened for the time to be particularly favorable, each one added largely to her own collection of photographs. each of the girls had a camera with her; but at first priscilla had been the only one really zealous for photography. when they visited the citadel lucian and fritz had managed to intimidate them by telling them of the fearful fate that might be theirs should their cameras be seen in its neighborhood; so the cameras were hidden until the girls were far from what martine called "the sacred precincts," until, indeed, the sight of a redcoat on barrington street, standing where the sun illuminated his whole figure, caused her to shout in delight: "there, my camera, quick, lucian. here's my chance to catch one of those crazy little caps. how do they manage to make them stay on one ear? quick, before he moves, or sees us," and then the click of a spring showed that she had accomplished her aim. * * * * * one dull afternoon amy and priscilla, wandering about, found their way into the parliament building, and after admiring the stately old portraits in the rooms of the historical society, spent an hour or two over some of the old books and papers in the archives. this was especially gratifying to priscilla, because she was thus able to satisfy her curiosity about the exiled loyalists. their sufferings seemed all the more real when written out in detail in these old manuscript volumes, and as she read, she sighed. the sigh was not wholly for the miseries of the past. that very morning she had received a letter from eunice that had set her thinking. "i am so glad [wrote eunice] that you like halifax. but it there--in the capital of our province? sometimes it seems as if i should never go anywhere, though balfour says that he will send me to college, that i can depend on that. but that will be only to acadia, and i shall have to wait so long, until he has a law practice--and when will that be? besides, he thinks now that he may have to stay out of college a year, if not give it up altogether. it's the mortgage on the house. there's some kind of trouble about it, and balfour is determined not to let it go. it would just break mother's heart. but i oughtn't to make this a complaining letter, when one of the pleasantest things this summer--or any summer--has been my acquaintance with you,--and the others, too, of course, though i didn't know them so well. please give them my love, but the most for yourself. "your affectionate "eunice." now eunice was really so fond of priscilla that nothing was farther from her thoughts than to make her friend unhappy. yet such was priscilla's sympathy for her annapolis friend that the remembrance of the letter made her feel sad, even as she sat with amy in the old library. "if papa had only lived," she thought, "i could have asked him to do something, but now,--why, eunice herself would be surprised to know how little pocket money i have. not that eunice wants anything, but it would be so delightful to pay off that mortgage, and then make sure that balfour could get through college, and then see him put eunice through college, and then perhaps she could come up and take post-graduate work with me at radcliffe." then, amused at the rapidity with which her thoughts were running away with her, for priscilla had not yet passed her own finals for college, she laughed aloud. unexpectedly the clouds had been chased away. "priscilla," said amy, "i am delighted to hear you laugh. you have been altogether too quiet to-day. surely you are not homesick again." "oh, no, not homesick, only thinking." "tell me then, so that i may laugh too,--unless it's a secret." "oh, no, it's hardly worth mentioning; besides, it has ended in a foolish wish--if only i had money like martine!" "martine cares little for money," responded amy, with some sharpness. this was not the first time that she had thought priscilla too ready to criticise martine. "i know that. she is surely very generous, only it would be so easy to do things for others if one had as much money as she has." "i know what you think, priscilla; but still martine's way of spending money is not altogether extravagance. she has had more in her hands than most girls we know, and rich chicagoans are fonder of spending than hoarding. it's in the air. martine does not care for money in itself, but for what money buys." "but she surely throws it around without getting full value." "that's a matter of temperament." "yes," but priscilla's voice sounded as if she were not sure of this. to herself, indeed, she was saying, "it is strange that martine has not talked of making plans for yvonne. ah, if i had as much in my power i certainly wouldn't let eunice worry about mortgages and going to college and all that kind of thing." "priscilla, priscilla, wake up," cried amy, a moment later. "look at the citadel. it's hard to realize that this is the greatest fortress in america, and that only a few generations ago it was nothing but a stockade, a defence against the indians." "a few generations ago!" repeated priscilla. "why, it must be--" "a bare hundred and fifty years, my dear child, since the english ships with their two or three thousand settlers came sailing into the harbor." "a bare hundred and fifty years," echoed priscilla, "and yet that is rather a long time, and halifax isn't a large city yet." before amy could reply she felt her arm seized from behind. turning about, she found herself face to face with martine, who held a letter in her disengaged hand. priscilla, not hearing the steps, had walked on a little before she discovered that amy was not with her. but a moment later she too faced about, and, as her eye fell on martine, she could not help seeing that the latter was holding her finger on her lips with a warning glance at amy, as if between the two there was some secret understanding. chapter xxii finding cousins in the end it had been much better for priscilla if she had at once retraced her steps. instead, while amy still had her back to her, while martine stood with her finger on her lips, priscilla, with a rapid step that was almost a stride, walked farther away from them. turning first one corner and then another, she indulged herself in her unreasonable annoyance with amy and martine. for a minute or two she continued to walk briskly, wondering all the time if the others would catch up with her. at length, when her curiosity overcame her pride, she did turn around, only to discover that her friends were nowhere in sight. "i shouldn't think amy would have acted so," she said to herself. "of course i can't expect much from martine, but amy is different." yet if any one else had put the question to priscilla she would have found it hard to say wherein martine was at fault. it was only that in that fleeting glance she had gained the impression that the two were trying to hold some secret from her. priscilla had not walked very far when another turn brought her in front of a small wooden building that reminded her at once of a child's toy. "is it a school, or a church?" she wondered, and she glanced up at the little steeple. "hello, miss denman;" and priscilla, lowering her gaze from the steeple, saw in front of her martine's brother, lucian stratford. "i didn't expect to see you here by yourself," continued lucian. "i thought that you girls were off somewhere together." "we were," replied priscilla, "but i just thought i would--do a little sightseeing alone." "well, i don't blame you," rejoined lucian; "it's sometimes so hard to get martine to take an interest in things. it used to be just so in europe. we could never depend on her, so i don't blame you for keeping by yourself." priscilla made no reply. she really had no explanation. "this is a funny little church, isn't it?" continued lucian. "fritz and i were over here the other day. some one had told him about it. it's a little dutch church, and almost as old as the city itself. it was built for the lutherans, for in the beginning there were a lot of german settlers here in halifax." "thank you," said priscilla. "you are as good as a guide-book; one never expects a boy to take an interest in such things." "i can't say that i do generally, only you remember that foggy afternoon when you girls were all so busy writing letters? well, fritz and i got tired of staying indoors browsing over books, so we started out. we went down to the great dry dock--though i don't suppose that you girls would care for that,--and we had a chance to go into old st. paul's,--that's about as old as the city too, and makes you think of one of the queer, dingy london churches. it has any number of interesting tablets and memorials, and we planned to take you girls there before we go, and then walking about we just chanced on this little toy building. but i've got a suggestion for to-day," concluded lucian. "you see, it's saturday, and one of the market days, so if you'd like to go, i'd be happy to take you down there. what do you say?" "why, yes, of course i'd like it. you are very kind to think of it." priscilla remembered that amy had spoken of going to the market, and for a moment she regretted her absence. lucian stratford, however, proved a surprisingly agreeable guide, and even before they had reached the green market priscilla was quite ashamed of the little prejudice that she had once held against him. "it's an old custom," lucian explained, as the two stood in the middle of the street, "for the country people to drive in with their produce." the market was in post office square, and almost every foot of space was occupied by some man or woman with something to sell. indians, negroes, country people--it was a motley crowd and well worth seeing. the indians for the most part sat on the sidewalk, bent over their wares, though here and there one or two leaned back against a building. "we saw indians like these at bear river," said priscilla, "only a little better dressed,--perhaps because it was a holiday. but these baskets are the best i've seen this summer." baskets and sweet grass were the stock in trade of these indians, and some of the baskets were of odd designs and really artistic shapes. "do you really like them?" asked lucian, and almost in the next breath he had laid three or four of the prettiest in priscilla's arms. "for martine?" asked priscilla. "no, no, for you,--if you'll take them. there, let me carry them. i did not mean to load you down. only i thought i might see something else." "oh, nothing more now, thank you. you are very kind, but these are really almost too much, and i can carry them myself--" an old negro at this moment crossed their path, swinging a cane. they realized his nearness only when a sudden flourish of the stick sent priscilla's baskets flying into the street. the negro, apologizing profusely, hastened to help lucian collect the baskets, and priscilla was pleased that lucian showed no anger at the man's carelessness. instead, he began an animated conversation with the old fellow, and returned to priscilla's side smiling broadly. "the old man has been praising his son's wife's vegetables so warmly that we'll just have to go over there to see them. she is the fat darkey sitting in that cart yonder, and i hope we'll get off without buying her out." the next moment lucian was laughing and chaffering with the old negro's son's wife, and priscilla gasped as she saw him pointing out turnips, carrots, and even summer squashes. she did not know him well enough to protest, and she only wondered how he meant to get the things home. "they're all mine," he called to priscilla, as she waited for him a short distance from the cart. then he leaned over toward the old man and said something, and the negro hobbled off, smiling. in a moment he returned with a large pail, into which his son's wife heaped lucian's purchases. "there," said lucian, as he returned to priscilla's side, "won't mrs. redmond and the others stare when they behold this load?" and he lifted the pail that priscilla might the more readily admire its contents. "but you don't intend to carry it through the streets?" there was a question in priscilla's tone. lucian glanced at her curiously. he had just been thinking how companionable she was, and now this plymouth girl was going to show herself as narrow and conventional as others. "i needn't carry it," he responded. "perhaps sambo here--is your name sambo?" "no, sir, my name's mr. malachai robertson." "oh, excuse me, sambo--i mean, mr. malachai robertson--could you find me a good smart boy to carry this pail?" malachai looked at his stick--symbol of dignity--then at the young man, but at the same time he probably reflected that a fair fee was in sight; so he straightened himself up, reached over toward the pail, and with an "i'll carry it, sah," fell into line behind lucian and priscilla. before the two, however, were quite ready to turn homeward, they lingered to watch the shoppers patronizing the green market, and buying supplies of vegetables and fruit. "i only wish that mrs. redmond had come. it will be too bad if she misses it altogether--and amy; the sun has come out so bright that she ought to be here to photograph some of these groups of colored people." "oh, the chance is that you will all be here in halifax next wednesday morning. the market is here twice a week," responded lucian. "just now i suppose we ought to be turning home, as they are horribly prompt about meals at the mayflower." as the two walked up hollis street priscilla noticed that some whom they met looked at them curiously. but only after she herself had thrown a backward glance over her shoulder did she realize the cause, for straight behind lucian stalked malachai, flourishing his cane after the fashion of a drum-major with his baton, while with the other hand he supported on his shoulder the pail of vegetables, balancing it with such a nicety that the carrots and squash and the large bunch of radishes kept their place on the top, though to the casual observer they seemed on the point of falling to the ground. [illustration: "behind lucian stalked malachai, flourishing his cane after the fashion of a drum-major."] had priscilla been able to see herself she would have discovered that she, too, added to the gaiety of the group, for her baskets were even more brilliant in coloring than the vegetables, and as she had to carry them in her arms they made a rather startling display. lucian had offered to take her load, but she had waved him away. "no, a boy always finds it much harder to manage clumsy packages. these are not heavy; it's merely that they look awkward." so lucian had contented himself with buying three or four bouquets of the brightest flowers,--dahlias and garden asters chiefly,--and with both hands thus filled he made the procession more brilliant. when they reached the house none of their party happened to be in sight, so, at lucian's suggestions, priscilla left her baskets on the sitting-room table while she went upstairs to find mrs. redmond. amy's room adjoined her mother's, and as priscilla stood there at mrs. redmond's half-open door the sound of voices in the inner room floated out to her. for a moment she stood there listening, quite unconscious that she was eavesdropping, until a sentence in martine's clear voice came to her. "she certainly is a terrible trial, narrow minded and priggish, and i don't wonder, amy, that you dislike her." when priscilla grasped this sentence in its entirety she turned about instantly. "did you find them? are they coming down?" asked lucian, cheerfully, as she rejoined him. "i--i didn't; that is, i'm not sure," stammered priscilla. "if you don't mind, i'll leave the baskets here. perhaps you would give them to the others;" and before lucian could stop her she had run upstairs again. at the dinner-table lucian looked anxiously at priscilla. when she thought that no one was observing her, he caught her wiping away a surreptitious drop of moisture. what could be the matter? lucian racked his brains to decide if by any mischance he had in word or act offended priscilla; but his conscience reassured him. he could not recall anything that might have annoyed her. on the contrary, up to the moment of their return to the house they had got along swimmingly--the latter phrase was his way of putting it. "there's no accounting for girls," he said to himself. "i've known martine to get dreadfully excited about nothing; but priscilla denman seemed such a sensible girl that i don't quite understand what the trouble is." before dinner had ended, however, lucian decided that whatever it was that had disturbed priscilla she did not blame him; for she turned to him with the utmost friendliness when he made some allusion to their morning walk, and between them they soon had the others at table laughing at their account of malachai and the green market. "i hope you paid the old man well for his trouble," said martine; "for it probably was a great favor on his part to walk up hollis street toting a pail." "probably he paid him too well," rejoined fritz, "unless he has changed his habits within the week. on our way from yarmouth i tried to make lucian see how demoralizing it would be to the natives to introduce the habit of tipping here." "oh, but one ought to pay for benefits received," said lucian, "and i really do try to be prudent." when dinner was over lucian noticed that, as they left the room, priscilla seemed to be trying to avoid martine. she hardly replied to some question that the latter addressed her, and he saw other evidences that priscilla did not care to speak to her. after dinner martine ran up to her brother. "oh, lucian," she cried, "here's the most exciting letter from papa! i can't tell you all that's in it now, for it must be kept secret a little longer. but aren't you glad that mamma is better? i know you had a letter from her this morning. to think they'll be home in september! oh, lucian, i'd like to hug you, i'm so happy!" "please, please, not now," begged lucian; "we couldn't explain to people that i'm your brother;" and he pointed to several passers-by on the sidewalk just outside the garden. "then sit here with me in this little arbor. i have several questions, and this is the first good chance i've had. did you ever hear the name 'balfour' in our family--in mother's family, i mean?" lucian shook his head. "'balfour'?" he repeated. "i've certainly heard the name somewhere--lately, too, i should think." "yes, of course, dear stupid. balfour airton; that's the nice boy we met at annapolis. mr. knight's friend, you know, the one we've talked about." "oh, yes, of course; do you mean to ask if he is in our family? strange i never heard of it." "there, listen, lucian; this is what i mean. mrs. blair is mother's cousin, and her name, you know, is audrey balfour blair." "has she a first name, and one so frivolous as 'audrey'? how did that happen?" "that's just what i wish to know. i thought that perhaps you would remember whether her name was balfour before her marriage." for a few minutes lucian seemed lost in reflection, then looking up he exclaimed,-"yes, martine, i am sure; mrs. blair's name was _not_ 'balfour,' it was 'tuck.' i once met a brother of hers. he was visiting chicago. but, i'll tell you what--i am pretty sure that her grandmother was a balfour. that's where the relationship to mamma comes in. you know that _her_ grandmother was a balfour, and that's what makes them cousins; their grandmothers were sisters." "why, lucian," cried martine, jumping to her feet in her excitement, "that's just what i wanted to know. i don't care anything about mrs. blair's grandmother, but if there's a balfour in mamma's family, don't you see how splendid it would be?" "can't say that i do," responded lucian; "but if it pleases you, it's probably all right." lucian had often said confidentially to his friends that the ways of girls were past finding out, and he did not except his sister from the general rule. "oh, but can't you see, lucian, that if i could prove that balfour airton is a cousin to mrs. blair, and if mamma is a cousin of mrs. blair's, which--" "which she is, without doubt," said lucian. "why, then, don't you see--" "oh, yes, i see," cried lucian. "why, then, you would be cousin to balfour airton and his sister. well, perhaps there's no harm in that, if it pleases you; but what is there in it for me? i might not like either of your prodigies, and so i am not ready to be made a cousin to people i have never seen." yet a good-humored twinkle in lucian's eye seemed to say, "if i would i could tell you something that would please you mightily--and perhaps i will." now martine, understanding her brother pretty well, saw that he was really more sympathetic than he professed to be, so she wisely decided to wait until he was quite reedy to tell her what she wished to know; and to change the subject she pulled a letter from her pocket. "if you hadn't had a letter from mamma by the same mail i would show this to you," she said. "it's the most delightful letter papa has ever written me, though i won't tell why--at least not just now," and she waved the closely written sheet rather tantalizingly before him. "oh, ho, child, you cannot tease me at this late day; and besides, i know why you try. put your letter away, little sister; i can wait until you choose to read it to me. but i know what you want, and i am willing to gratify your curiosity. yes, there was an audrey balfour in mother's family; but you may be less interested in her when i tell you about her. she was a tory." lucian uttered the last word with all the scorn of one who has studied american history built on the most thoroughgoing anti-british basis. "oh, that's nothing," responded martine; "at least, priscilla would call it nothing. each of us likes both acadians and tories, though i am supposed to care only for acadians, and priscilla for tories. but how do you happen to know about this audrey balfour?" "through the colonial dames, my dear. you see, mamma had to have some papers filled out last spring. it was while you were at school, and she asked me to get a genealogist to copy certain things for her. well, i found that mother's great-grandfather was a tory, who was driven from his home and went to england or to canada to live. one or two of his elder children were married before the revolution, and their husbands were on the patriot side. one of these was audrey, who was the grandmother of mrs. blair; another was our great-grandmother edmonds. she was martha balfour." "i see," interrupted martine. "our great-grandmother! then it isn't so strange that i didn't remember the balfour in our family; it is so far away. i think it's just wonderful that you remember it." "oh, it only happened so because i had had to have it looked up. i had the whole line typewritten for my own benefit, and i looked at it several times this year. i noticed the tory thomas and audrey especially, and i wondered if they would effect my eligibility to a patriotic society that i am anxious to join. but i believe that i am all right because i am the loyal descendant of a tory ancestor." "dear me!" cried martine, when lucian had finished this long speech. "you really sound quite learned! i believe that college has done you some good after all." "after all! if you look up my record you'll find that i took all the history last year that harvard allows a freshman, and it's because i have a bent that way that i can remember these things." "well, lucian, you've proved yourself a brick. i hope priscilla won't object to this. sometimes she is a little jealous--but there, don't repeat it--perhaps jealous is not just the word; but somehow, she doesn't always approve of me." "she's fighting rather shy of you to-day," responded lucian, "and i can't help wondering what you've been up to. miss denman doesn't seem to me an unreasonable girl. she and i had a fine time to-day at the market. i'm afraid that you have been teasing her, martine." but martine continued to insist that her conscience was quite clear, so far as priscilla was concerned, and that lucian must imagine any traces of ill-feeling. nevertheless, she could but observe that priscilla seemed to be avoiding her; for, in the afternoon, when amy and fritz went off on their bicycles for a spin through the park, priscilla declined martine's invitation to go with her and lucian to the public gardens to hear the band play. "i have letters to write," she said, "and--well, on the whole, i really can't go." "very well," rejoined martine, rather shortly, as she left priscilla's room to report to lucian that her invitation had been so scorned. "you must have done something to offend her; think it over carefully, martine, and then confess," urged lucian. priscilla had made so good an impression on him that he was unable to consider her wholly in the wrong. chapter xxiii good-bye to halifax lucian's well-meant advice shared the fate of most advice volunteered by brothers. martine, unconscious of offence, had no intention of apologizing to priscilla for things she had not done. instead, she began to feel annoyed with the latter for her unfairness; for certainly, priscilla, in giving lucian the impression that he had received, must have been unfair. "but if she has been unfair," said martine, "she can just wait for my news. it's too bad, for when i first read papa's letter it seemed as if i could hardly wait to go downstairs to tell the others." now martine, though impulsive, was not naturally vindictive, and it would have been almost impossible for her to keep her secret from amy and priscilla had she not, immediately after reading her letter, confided its contents to mrs. redmond. somebody knew; and in the course of two or three hours that they all passed together on saturday evening, martine more than once changed her seat to have a whispered word or two with amy's mother. on sunday they all set out for the garrison church. "we make almost as imposing an array as the troops themselves," said amy. "perhaps we might if we were stretched out in single file. since the boys joined us we are really a regiment; but halifax people are so used to seeing strangers that i am afraid that they won't take any special notice of us," responded martine. "i should hope they wouldn't. how well we should have to behave if we felt that all eyes were upon us," replied amy. after service they pushed their way through the crowd waiting outside the churchyard to see the troops form in line. "it doesn't seem quite the thing on sunday, does it?" murmured priscilla to amy; whereat martine, laughing loudly, cried: "but surely it is better for the soldiers to turn out to church in a body than to sit in their barracks moping." "soldiers moping!" and fritz laughed. "perhaps it isn't the soldiers, but the people crowding to stare at them, who take away the sunday feeling," continued priscilla. "that's just what we are doing ourselves," retorted martine, "and i don't feel very wicked." "come, come, children, don't quarrel," cried lucian. "you are both probably right, and both probably wrong." neither girl replied, for the troops in their brilliant uniforms were beginning their homeward march to the inspiring music of a fine band. as they walked homeward martine, slipping her arm through amy's, drew her one side. "tell me," she said, "and please don't let the others hear or they will laugh--is halifax the capital of canada?" "no, my dear, it--" "there, i thought it couldn't be; i knew it must be montreal. but i asked priscilla why that old gray building was called government house, and she said because halifax was the capital. i never expect priscilla to make a mistake;" and there was a slight touch of sarcasm in martine's tone. "she was not wholly wrong," rejoined amy, "for halifax is the capital of nova scotia. canada itself is composed of several provinces, of which nova scotia is one. the provinces are united under a general government with ottawa the capital--not montreal--as you suggested. all the provinces send representatives to the parliament that assembles every year at ottawa." "oh, i see--like our states and washington." "yes, the general plan of government is much the same, and each province has its own parliament. priscilla and i were in the parliament building here the other day. it is really a state house." "i've noticed the parliament building, but what is the government house?" "oh, that is the residence of the governor of nova scotia. his real title is lieutenant-governor, because all canada has a governor-general, who lives at ottawa." both girls had been so interested in this little conversation that unconsciously they had lagged, and the others were now far ahead of them. "martine," said amy, "as we have a few minutes alone now, do let me influence you to make up with priscilla--not that any little misunderstanding is wholly your fault, but it is so much harder for priscilla to give in than it is for you." "but honestly, i haven't said or done a thing to offend her,--at least, not a thing that i know of, though of course for a day or two i have seen that she was trying to be particularly stiff with me." "well, then i wouldn't notice her stiffness. just act as if you were the best friends in the world, and things will soon straighten themselves out." "that certainly would be the most agreeable way, and to please you, miss amy redmond, i will follow your advice. besides, i have something very exciting to tell you and priscilla, and i really cannot wait longer than this afternoon." "hurry, young ladies, hurry, hurry!" it was lucian calling to them. he had turned to meet them. "what kept you so long, martine? what have you been doing?" "nothing, only talking." "oh, that accounts for it. when once martine begins to talk in earnest, she takes no heed of time." martine replied lightly to her brother's badinage, and the three reached the house in great spirits. with amy's caution before her martine avoided collision with priscilla during the dinner hour. after dinner, while they were all sitting together in the little arbor,--mrs. redmond as well as the girls,--martine drew a letter from her pocket. "listen," she cried; "i have something to read you--no, i can tell it better in my own words, although it is nearly all in papa's letter. so listen, amy; it's for you,--and it's for you, priscilla, as well as for me." "and for me, too?" asked lucian, trying to throw great expression into his voice. "no, no, of course not. mrs. redmond knows, and she thinks it fine, so listen. in the first place, papa feels much obliged to every one for keeping me contented. you know i tried to make a fuss when they wouldn't take me to europe, and he says that it's a splendid thing for me to get so interested in history. this is what he says:-"'when you get back to chicago you'll find that there's a lot of history there that is worth studying--not entirely about the great fire, and part of the history of illinois is french.' i never knew that before," interpolated martine. then she continued to read, "'your mother and i think that you owe much to the young ladies who are with you, as well as to mrs. redmond, to whom i am also writing this mail. we are much gratified by what you write about the various young people in whom you are interested. although i cannot promise, without knowing more about her, to launch your special protégée, yvonne, on a prima donna's career, it seems right that you should be helped to do something for her, so i am enclosing a check for three hundred dollars.'" amy started; priscilla gazed in astonishment. "'this,'" martine continued to read, "'is to be divided into three parts. your third is for yvonne; a second third is for miss amy to use as she sees fit for the little french boy--i forget his name; and though you haven't said so, i am sure that miss priscilla hasn't been behind her friends in adopting somebody. perhaps i ought to have sent more, but it will do for a beginning, and i shall be glad to hear that the money does some good.'" "there's more about mamma's getting better and coming home soon, that i needn't read. but isn't it splendid? you can't think how hard it was for me to keep it to myself a whole day." upon this there was a small babel for a second or two, until, after a moment of silence, priscilla, in words that showed some slight hesitation, spoke,-"i must thank you, martine, as much as your father. you must have made him think very pleasantly of us all. but i wonder if i ought to keep the money?" "no, my dear puritan prissie, you mustn't keep it. it's for you to give away as quickly as you can to your protégée, and we all know who that is." "yes," added mrs. redmond; "you need have no hesitation in using it for eunice. mr. stratford has written me fully on the subject. he says that this summer has cost him so much less than martine's vacations usually cost, that his gift is only a part of what he has saved." "he hasn't heard yet about the windsor fire," murmured martine, "or he might feel differently, though the silver and the jewelry will be a christmas matter," she concluded hastily. "shall i send all the money at once to yvonne, mrs. redmond?" "oh, no, my dear; we must talk things over and make careful plans for yvonne and pierre. a little money will go a good way with both of them." "oh, of course, mrs. redmond, whatever you say will be the thing. that isn't slang is it, miss amy redmond? there's a pained expression at the corners of your mouth; but never mind, you can't deny that i've improved this summer--to beat the band;" and with this shot martine, darting forward, laid her hand on amy's arm. "as an impartial judge i can say that you all have improved this summer,--at least, speaking for the three girls," said mrs. redmond. "although i haven't commented on it, it has pleased me greatly to observe the rounding off of several sharp corners." "'speaking for the three girls,'" quoted fritz,--"but where do we two come in? didn't we banish ourselves when we were bid, and keep out of sight, until we heard that you had been almost destroyed by fire? our improvement has been quite remarkable, though i don't see any one paying premiums to us; and if we had protégés whom we wished to protect we'd have to go deep into our own pockets for the wherewithal." "yes," added lucian, "i was thinking of that myself. it's a good thing that we haven't found any one to be interested in." "oh, but you have, lucian; at least, i have found some one for you. don't you remember our new cousins, the airtons? how stupid! i haven't told any one else." and hereupon, without further delay, martine plunged into an account of the discovery that she thought that she had made--that eunice airton and her brother were cousins in the third or fourth degree to her and lucian. "i feel as if we ought to wait until we can make sure, but lucian says that he can put his hand on the papers when he returns to cambridge--and at any rate mamma will know. i'm awfully sorry, prissie dear, that they are not your cousins too; but perhaps we can find a link somewhere back among the mayflowers--just large enough to join you and eunice." priscilla, not knowing what to reply to martine's fun, wisely chose the golden mean of silence. if martine had not said "prissie" she might have thought her wholly in earnest. "but oh, dear," reflected priscilla, "i do wish that eunice had turned out to be my cousin instead of martine's. it doesn't seem fair that she should have everything." this thought, however, had hardly shaped itself, when priscilla put it far from her. martine had certainly been generous, and priscilla, if narrow in some ways, meant never to be unjust. martine, however, had other things than priscilla's attitude on her mind. "so you see, lucian," she concluded, "there is some one for you to help,--not that balfour airton wishes any one to do anything for him,--but if he's a cousin, you'd naturally want to help him save his time for study in the summer holidays." "i study so diligently myself in the summer," commented lucian, "that i'd be a fine one to lay down the law to my new cousin! no, poor fellow, if i have anything to do with him, i'll certainly not advise him to lay himself out on summer study." "oh, lucian! if i didn't know that you'd take an interest in balfour, i'd try to persuade you; but just think how mrs. blair will feel!" "mrs. blair! what in the world has she to do with--anything?" concluded amy, vaguely. "why, if eunice and balfour are our cousins, then they are her cousins, and as she doesn't like people who work, it will be great fun to tell her about balfour, for probably he'll get through college much better than philip did--" "my dear martine, did mrs. blair ever harm you?" "no, except to say that what a pity it is that i am not at all like edith." "there! eunice airton reminds me of edith; that's the resemblance that puzzled me;" and amy seemed pleased with her discovery. "oh, if they're at all alike, i won't object to this eunice as a cousin, for edith isn't half bad, and--" lucian's speech was cut short by the appearance on the scene of the little buttons of the hotel, who happened to know lucian rather better than the rest of the party. "if you please, sir," he said, "here's a telegram for one of the ladies, and i don't know which is which, though her name--it seems to be mrs. redmond," and he handed an envelope to lucian. in an instant mrs. redmond had read the despatch, while amy asked anxiously, "is it anything serious, mamma?" "no, no, my child, far from it. i told you there was a probability that certain business would call me home a little earlier than we had planned. well, the summons has come, and i ought to start to-morrow." "oh, i am so glad!" exclaimed priscilla, with an expression of real delight. "why, i thought that you were enjoying yourself." "yes, mrs. redmond, so i am, but i shall be so happy to see mamma again, and the children. i had a letter from the twins yesterday, and they miss me dreadfully." "shall we go home through clare? shall we have a chance to see yvonne?" "and pierre?" added amy. "and eunice? of course we could stay over one train at wolfville," pleaded priscilla. "my dear children," remonstrated mrs. redmond, "i fear that you did not understand me. i must be in boston as quickly as possible, and that means that we must take the direct boat from halifax." "all of us? then lucian and i will return to new england with hardly a glimpse of the real acadia." "i have no control over your movements. you and lucian must do whatever seems best for yourselves." "whatever you advise is best," interposed lucian, gallantly, "but i am pretty sure that fritz will agree with me that it would be much pleasanter for us if you would permit us to return with you." "not only pleasanter, but much safer for some of the members of your party;" and fritz assumed an air of importance. "yes," added lucian, "there's my sister. suppose she should accidentally fall overboard, or--" "or suppose amy should lose her keys," interrupted fritz, "or--" "there, there, if the girls never suffer greater mishaps than those that have come to them this summer, they will do very well. we call this a pretty successful trip." "and really," added martine, "nothing that has happened was anybody's fault. those things were simply adventures, and besides, i might easily have had scarlet fever; so congratulate me on my escape. even a trip through acadia would have been just a little dull without some mishaps." when mrs. redmond had left the young people to themselves, they separated into two groups, martine and priscilla and lucian in one, and amy and fritz in another. "now, priscilla," cried martine, "since we are friends again, perhaps you will not object to telling me why you were annoyed with me yesterday. even lucian noticed it." priscilla, coloring at this abrupt question, glanced shyly at lucian. "oh, you needn't mind lucian," said martine, noting the direction of her glance. "he doesn't count." thus priscilla, feeling less afraid of lucian's criticism than of his sister's reckless tongue, admitted that her feelings had been hurt by the glimpse that she had had of martine with her finger on her lips. "i always have hated secrets," she admitted, "especially when it seems as if some one is trying to keep something from me. i thought that if you and amy didn't wish me to know anything,--i mean, if there was anything that you didn't wish me to know,--why i wouldn't intrude; but i realize now how foolish i was, especially as the secret was something pleasant for me." "after all, i didn't tell it to amy then, so you might as well have stayed with us." "oh, no, she mightn't, for then miss denman and i wouldn't have had that visit to the green market. you, by the way, will miss it, because you won't be here next market day," interposed lucian. "it certainly was great fun, especially mr. malachai robertson," added priscilla, with a smile, "and i have learned one thing--not to indulge myself in any little jealous feelings, particularly on this trip." "on this trip;" and martine shook her finger at her friend. "to think that puritan prissie should break forth into slang!" but the only effect of her ridicule was to make priscilla smile too, and open her heart a little wider. "i haven't quite finished my confession," she continued. "you know yesterday morning, when your brother and i came home from the green market, i overheard you talking to amy about some one who was 'narrow-minded and conventional,' and you didn't wonder she disliked her, and i thought it was me," concluded poor priscilla, with an apparent disregard of grammar. "of course we didn't mean you," responded martine, "although at this moment i don't quite--oh, yes, i do remember. it was miss belloc, one of amy's classmates. amy was telling me of some priggish things that miss belloc had said, and i did use those very words yesterday. but if you had listened longer you would have heard amy say, 'not that i disliked miss belloc, but her narrow views.' then you would have known that we didn't mean you." "oh, i know that you didn't, and i realize now that i have been very unfair." "oh, no, only a little unfair," rejoined martine, "but 'least said, soonest mended,' and the most important thing is that now we are both going to be perfectly fair after this." meanwhile amy and fritz were discussing various practical matters. "your mother and i have been talking over this letter of mr. stratford's, and we both agree that you probably will not disagree with us--in other words, we think it would be wiser for you girls not to send money to your protégé pierre, or to yvonne, or eunice, until after we have reached boston." fritz had assumed a manner of unwonted dignity, and with difficulty amy refrained from laughing at him. "delay will give martine time to find out if it is best to put part of the money in the hands of some one to spend for yvonne in clare, or whether it would be better to have her come to boston to have her eyes treated. then, after you have talked with one or two teachers, you can judge whether pierre is too young to have a course of manual training. you don't know what you want yourself yet." "really, fritz!" "yes, really, miss amy redmond, i think that the poor little beggar ought to have some fun with his hundred dollars, instead of being ground down to more education. then, as to eunice airton and her brother, why, if they really are cousins of martine's, priscilla denman needn't have them on her mind any longer. mr. stratford will come down with something handsome, so they might have this hundred as an instalment to get some fun with at once." "you don't know balfour airton. i shouldn't be surprised if he should insist on his sister's returning martine's present." "then the sooner martine proves her cousinship the better. the money can wait until that is accomplished. now a word especially for you, miss amy redmond. please admit that lucian and i are very magnanimous in making so few reflections upon our banishment. also admit, please, that you would have had a much better time if we had been with you." "we couldn't have had a better time," averred amy, stoutly. "we've enjoyed every minute of it, and i shall return to college a new person. why, i've gained ten pounds in these few weeks." "ah, amy," sighed fritz, "you are as practical and unsentimental as ever you were at rockley. yet you love old graveyards, and can write poetry. here i would have saved you from fire and flood, could have kept your keys in my care, and still you say that by yourselves you have had a better time than if we had been with you!" "oh, no, i didn't say that, only that we have had so pleasant a time that it couldn't have been better." here amy stopped. she saw that she had involved herself in a contradiction; so with fritz's laughing voice ringing in her ears she hastened indoors to talk over with mrs. redmond the various arrangements for their departure from acadia. the end [illustration] helen leah reed's "brenda" books brenda, her school and her club illustrated by jessie willcox smith. 12mo. $1.50. _the boston herald_ says: "miss reed's girls have all the impulses and likes of real girls as their characters are developing, and her record of their thoughts and actions reads like a chapter snatched from the page of life. it is bright, genial, merry, wholesome, and full of good characterizations." brenda's summer at rockley illustrated by jessie willcox smith. 12mo. $1.50. a charming picture of vacation life along the famous north shore of massachusetts. the _outlook_ says: "the author is one of the best equipped of our writers for girls of larger growth. her stories are strong, intelligent, and wholesome." brenda's cousin at radcliffe illustrated by alice barber stephens. 12mo. $1.50. a remarkably real and fascinating story of a college girl's career, excelling in interest miss reed's first "brenda" book. the _providence news_ says of it: "no better college story has been written." the author is a graduate of radcliffe college which she describes. brenda's bargain illustrated. 12mo. $1.50. "the fourth and last of the 'brenda' books," says _the bookman_, "deals with social settlement work, under conditions with which the author is familiar." the _boston transcript_ adds: "this book is by far the best of the series." little, brown, & company, _publishers_ 254 washington st., boston, massachusetts _a story for younger girls_ irma and nap by helen leah reed author of "amy in acadia," the "brenda" books, etc. illustrated by clara e. atwood. 12mo. $1.25 a brightly written story about children from eleven to thirteen years of age, who live in a suburban town, and attend a public grammar school. the book is full of incident of school and home life. [illustration:] the story deals with real life, and is told in the simple and natural style which characterized miss reed's popular "brenda" stories.--_washington post._ there are little people in this sweetly written story with whom all will feel at once that they have been long acquainted, so real do they seem, as well as their plans, their play, and their school and home and everyday life.--_boston courier._ her children are real; her style also is natural and pleasing.--_the outlook_, new york. miss reed's children are perfectly natural and act as real girls would under the same circumstances. nap is a lively little dog, who takes an important part in the development of the story.--_christian register_, boston. a clever story, not a bit preachy, but with much influence for right living in evidence throughout.--_chicago evening post._ little, brown, and company 254 washington street, boston anna chapin ray's "teddy" stories miss ray's work draws instant comparison with the best of miss alcott's: first, because she has the same genuine sympathy with boy and girl life; secondly, because she creates real characters, individual and natural, like the young people one knows, actually working out the same kind of problems; and, finally, because her style of writing is equally unaffected and straightforward.--_christian register_, boston. teddy: her book. a story of sweet sixteen illustrated by vesper l. george. 12mo. $1.50. this bewitching story of "sweet sixteen," with its earnestness, impetuosity, merry pranks, and unconscious love for her hero, has the same spring-like charm.--_kate sanborn._ phebe: her profession. a sequel to "teddy: her book" illustrated by frank t. merrill. 12mo. $1.50. this is one of the few books written for young people in which there is to be found the same vigor and grace that one demands in a good story for older people.--_worcester spy._ teddy: her daughter a sequel to "teddy: her book," and "phebe: her profession" illustrated by j. b. graff. 12mo. $1.50. it is a human story, all the characters breathing life and activity.--_buffalo times._ nathalie's chum illustrated by ellen bernard thompson. 12mo. $1.50. nathalie is the sort of a young girl whom other girls like to read about.--_hartford courant._ ursula's freshman. a sequel to "nathalie's chum" illustrated by harriet roosevelt richards. 12mo. $1.50. the best of a series already the best of its kind.--_boston herald._ nathalie's sister. a sequel to "ursula's freshman" illustrated by alice barber stephens. 12mo. $1.50. peggy, the heroine, is a most original little lady who says and does all sorts of interesting things. she has pluck and spirit, and a temper, but she is very lovable, and girls will find her delightful to read about.--_louisville evening post._ new illustrated editions of miss alcott's famous stories the little women series by louisa m. alcott. illustrated edition. with eighty-four full-page plates from drawings especially made for this edition by reginald b. birch, alice barber stephens, jessie willcox smith, and harriet roosevelt richards. 8 vols. crown 8vo. decorated cloth, gilt, in box, $16.00. separately as follows: 1. little men: life at plumfield with jo's boys with 15 full-page illustrations by reginald b. birch. $2.00. 2. little women: or meg, jo, beth, and amy with 15 full-page illustrations by alice barber stephens. $2.00. 3. an old-fashioned girl with 12 full-page pictures by jessie willcox smith. $2.00. 4. jo's boys, and how they turned out a sequel to "little men." with 10 full-page plates by ellen wetherald ahrens. $2.00. 5. eight cousins; or, the aunt-hill with 8 full-page pictures by harriet roosevelt richards. 6. rose in bloom a sequel to "eight cousins." with 8 full-page pictures by harriet roosevelt richards. $2.00. 7. under the lilacs with 8 original full-page pictures by alice barber stephens. $2.00. 8. jack and jill with 8 full-page pictures from drawings by harriet roosevelt richards. $2.00. the artists selected to illustrate have caught the spirit of the originals and contributed a series of strikingly beautiful and faithful pictures of the author's characters and scenes.--_boston herald._ alice barber stephens, who is very near the head of american illustrators, has shown wonderful ability in delineating the characters and costumes for "little women," they are almost startlingly realistic.--_worcester spy._ miss alcott's books have never before had such an attractive typographical dress as the present. they are printed in large type on heavy paper, artistically bound, and illustrated with many full-page drawings.--_philadelphia press_. little, brown, & company _publishers_, 254 washington street, boston, mass. transcriber's notes: obsolete and alternate spellings were retained. punctuation was standardized. regional dialect was retained, e.g. 'tree' instead of 'three' 'hat' changed to 'that' ... think that she is no worse ... 'yo'd' changed to 'you'd' ... if you'd had to stay ... rose à charlitte [illustration: "rose à charlitte stood confronting the newcomer." (_see page 58_.)] rose à charlitte +an acadien romance+ by marshall saunders author of "beautiful joe," "the house of armour," etc. +illustrated by+ h. de m. young [illustration] boston l. c. page and company (incorporated) _copyright, 1898_ by l. c. page and company (incorporated) _entered at stationers' hall, london_ +colonial press+: electrotyped and printed by c. h. simonds & co. boston, u. s. a. +dedication+ i inscribe this story of the acadiens to one who was their warm friend and helper while administering the public systems of education in nova scotia and in new brunswick, to a man whose classic verse is rich in suggestion caught from the picturesque evangeline land, and who is a valued and lifelong friend of my beloved father,- to +theodore harding rand, d. c. l.+ of mcmaster university toronto contents. book i. rose à charlitte. chapter page i. vesper l. nimmo 11 ii. a message from the dead 21 iii. from boston to acadie 28 iv. the sleeping water inn 47 v. agapit the acadien 67 vi. vesper suggests an explanation 82 vii. a deadlock 90 viii. on the sudden something ill 98 ix. a talk on the wharf 108 x. back to the concession 122 xi. news of the fiery frenchman 138 xii. an unhappy river 154 xiii. an illumination 161 xiv. with the old ones 178 xv. the cave of the bears 196 xvi. for the honor of their race 210 xvii. the sublimest thing in the world 222 xviii. narcisse goes in search of the englishman 236 xix. an interrupted mass 251 xx. with the watercrows 262 xxi. a supreme adieu 281 book ii. bidiane. i. a new arrival at sleeping water 303 ii. bidiane goes to call on rose à charlitte 319 iii. taken unawares 334 iv. an unknown irritant 353 v. bidiane plays an overture 361 vi. a snake in the grass interferes with the education of mirabelle marie 372 vii. ghosts by sleeping water 386 viii. faire bombance 404 ix. love and politics 419 x. a campaign begun in bribery 434 xi. what election day brought forth 451 xii. bidiane falls in a river 463 xiii. charlitte comes back 474 xiv. bidiane receives a shock 483 xv. the beautiful stranger goes away without her captain 499 xvi. an acadien festival 506 illustrations. page "rose à charlitte stood confronting the newcomer" _frontispiece_ "they were friends" 60 "'agapit,' she murmured, 'can we not tell him?'" 229 "'mademoiselle, i salute your return'" 311 "'either that man or i must leave this house'" 409 "throwing her arm around the neck of her recovered child" 513 book i. rose à charlitte chapter i. vesper l. nimmo. "hast committed a crime, and think'st thou to escape? alas, my father!"--_old play._ "evil deeds do not die," and the handsome young man stretched out in an easy chair by the fire raised his curly black head and gazed into the farthest corner of the comfortably furnished room as if challenging a denial of this statement. no one contradicted him, for he was alone, and with a slightly satirical smile he went on. "one fellow sows the seeds, and another has to reap them--no, you don't reap seeds, you reap what springs up. deadly plants, we will say, nightshades and that sort of thing; and the surprised and inoffensive descendants of sinful sires have to drop their ordinary occupations and seize reaping-hooks to clean out these things that shoot up in their paths. here am i, for example, a comparatively harmless product of the nineteenth century, confronted with a upas-tree planted by my great-grandfather of the eighteenth,--just one hundred and forty years ago. it was certainly very heedless in the old boy," and he smiled again and stared indolently at the leaping flames in the grate. the fire was of wood,--sections of young trees cut small and laid crosswise,--and from their slender stems escaping gases choked and sputtered angrily. "i am burning miniature trees," drawled the young man; "by the way, they seem to be assisting in my soliloquy. perhaps they know this little secret," and with sudden animation he put out his hand and rang the bell beside him. a colored boy appeared. "henry," said the young man, "where did you get this wood?" "i got it out of a schooner, sir, down on one of the wharves." "what port did the schooner hail from?" "from novy scoshy, sir." "were the crew acadiens?" "what, sir?" "were there any french sailors on her?" "yes, sir, i guess so. i heard 'em jabbering some queer kind of talk." "listen to the wood in that fire,--what does it say to you?" henry grinned broadly. "it sounds like as if it was laughing at me, sir." "you think so? that will do." the boy closed the door softly and went away, and the young man murmured, "just what i thought. they do know. now, acadien treelets, gasping your last to throw a gleam of brightness into my lazy life, tell me, is anything worth while? if there had been a curse laid on your ancestors in the forest, would you devote your last five minutes to lifting it?" the angry gasping and sobbing in the fire had died away. two of the topmost billets of wood rolled gently over and emitted a soft muttering. "you would, eh?" said the young man, with a sweet, subtle smile. "you would spend your last breath for the good of your race. you have left some saplings behind you in the forest. you hope that they will be happy, and should i, a human being, be less disinterested than you?" "vesper," said a sudden voice, from the doorway, "are you talking to yourself?" the young man deliberately turned his head. the better to observe the action of the sticks of wood, and to catch their last dying murmurs, he had leaned forward, and sat with his hands on his knees. now he got up, drew a chair to the fire for his mother, then sank back into his own. "i do not like to hear you talking to yourself," she went on, in a querulous, birdlike voice, "it seems like the habit of an old man or a crazy person." "one likes sometimes to have a little confidential conversation, my mother." "you always were secretive and unlike other people," she said, in acute maternal satisfaction and appreciation. "of all the boys on the hill there was none as clever as you in keeping his own counsel." "so you think, but remember that i happened to be your son," he said, protestingly. "others have remarked it. even your teachers said they could never make you out," and her caressing glance swept tenderly over his dark curly head, his pallid face, and slender figure. his satirical yet affectionate eyes met hers, then he looked at the fire. "mother, it is getting hot in boston." "hot, vesper?" and she stretched out one little white hand towards the fireplace. "this is an exceptional day. the wind is easterly and raw, and it is raining. remember what perfect weather we have had. it is the first of june; it ought to be getting warm." "i do not wish to leave boston until the last of the month," said the little lady, decidedly, "unless,--unless," and she wistfully surveyed him, "it is better for your health to go away." "suppose, before we go to the white mountains, i take a trial trip by myself, just to see if i can get on without coddling?" "i could not think of allowing you to go away alone," she said, with a shake of her white head. "it would seriously endanger your health." "i should like to go," he said, shortly. "i am better now." he had made up his mind to leave her, and, after a brief struggle with herself, during which she clasped her hands painfully on her lap, the little lady yielded with a good grace. "where do you wish to go?" "i have not decided. do you know anything about nova scotia?" "i know where it is, on the map," she said, doubtfully. "i once had a housemaid from there. she was a very good girl." "perhaps i will take a run over there." "i have never been to nova scotia," she said, gently. "if it is anything of a place, i will take you some other time. i don't know anything about the hotels now." "but you, vesper," she said, anxiously, "you will suffer more than i would." "then i shall not stay." "how long will you be gone?" "i do not know,--mother, your expression is that of a concerned hen whose chicken is about to have its first run. i have been away from you before." "not since you have been ill so much," and she sighed, heavily. "vesper, i wish you had a wife to go with you." "really,--another woman to run after me with pill-boxes and medicine-bottles. no, thank you." her face cleared. she did not wish him to get married, and he knew it. slightly moving his dark head back and forth against the cushions of his chair, he averted his eyes from the widow's garments that she wore. he never looked at them without feeling a shock of sympathy for her, although her loss in parting from a kind and tender husband had not been equal to his in losing a father who had been an almost perfect being to him. his mother still had him,--the son who was the light of her frail little life,--and he had her, and he loved her with a kind, indulgent, filial affection, and with sympathy for her many frailties; but, when his heart cried out for his departed father, he quietly absented himself from her. and that father--that good, honorable, level-headed man--had ended his life by committing suicide. he had never understood it. it was a most bitter and stinging mystery to him even now, and he glanced at the box of dusty, faded letters on the floor beside him. "vesper," said mrs. nimmo, "do you find anything interesting among those letters of your father?" "not my father's. there is not one of his among them. indeed, i think he never could have opened this box. did you ever know of his doing so?" "i cannot tell. they have been up in the attic ever since i was married. he examined some of the boxes, then he asked you to do it. he was always busy, too busy. he worked himself to death," and a tear fell on her black dress. "i wish now that i had done as he requested," said the young man, gravely. "there are some questions that i should have asked him. do you remember ever hearing him say anything about the death of my great-grandfather?" she reflected a minute. "it seems to me that i have. he was the first of your father's family to come to this country. there is a faint recollection in my mind of having heard that he--well, he died in some sudden way," and she stopped in confusion. "it comes back to me now," said vesper. "was he not the old man who got out of bed, when his nurse was in the next room, and put a pistol to his head?" "i daresay," said his mother, slowly. "of course it was temporary insanity." "of course." "why do you ask?" she went on, curiously. "do you find his name among the old documents?" vesper understood her better than to make too great a mystery of a thing that he wished to conceal. "yes, there is a letter from him." "i should like to read it," she said, fussily fumbling at her waist for her spectacle-case. vesper indifferently turned his head towards her. "it is very long." her enthusiasm died away, and she sank back in her rocking-chair. "my great-grandfather shot himself, and my grandfather was lost at sea," pursued the young man, dreamily. "yes," she said, reluctantly; then she added, "my people all die in bed." "his ship caught on fire." she shuddered. "yes; no one escaped." "all burnt up, probably; and if they took to their boats they must have died of starvation, for they were never heard of." they were both silent, and the same thought was in their minds. was this very cool and calm young man, sitting staring into the fire, to end his days in the violent manner peculiar to the rugged members of his father's family, or was he to die according to the sober and methodical rule of the peaceful members of his mother's house? out of the depths of a quick maternal agony she exclaimed, "you are more like me than your father." her son gave her an assenting and affectionate glance, though he knew that she knew he was not at all like her. he even began to fancy, in a curious introspective fashion, whether he should have cared at all for this little white-haired lady if he had happened to have had another woman for a mother. the thought amused him, then he felt rebuked, and, leaning over, he took one of the white hands on her lap and kissed it gently. "we should really investigate our family histories in this country more than we do," he said. "i wish that i had questioned my father about his ancestors. i know almost nothing of them. mother," he went on, presently, "have you ever heard of the expulsion of the acadiens?" and bending over the sticks of wood neatly laid beside him, he picked up one and gazed at a little excrescence in the bark which bore some resemblance to a human face. "oh, yes," she replied, with gentle rebuke, "do you not remember that i used to know mr. longfellow?" vesper slowly, and almost caressingly, submitted the stick of wood to the leaping embrace of the flames that rose up to catch it. "what is your opinion of his poem 'evangeline?'" "it was a pretty thing,--very pretty and very sad. i remember crying over it when it came out." "you never heard that our family had any connection with the expulsion?" "no, vesper, we are not french." "no, we certainly are not," and he relapsed into silence. "i think i will run over to nova scotia, next week," he said, when she presently got up to leave the room. "will you let henry find out about steamers and trains?" "yes, if you think you must go," she said, wistfully. "i daresay the steamer would be easier for you." "the steamer then let it be." "and if you must go i will have to look over your clothes. it will be cool there, like maine, i fancy. you must take warm things," and she glided from the room. "i wish you would not bother about them," he said; "they are all right." but she did not hear him. chapter ii. a message from the dead. "the glossing words of reason and of song, to tell of hate and virtue to defend, may never set the bitter deed aright, nor satisfy the ages with the wrong." j. f. herbin. "now let me read this effusion of my thoughtless grandparent once more," said vesper, and he took the top paper from the box and ran over its contents in a murmuring voice. i, john matthew nimmo, a scotchman, born in glasgow, at present a dying man, in the town of halifax, nova scotia, leave this last message for my son thomas nimmo, now voyaging on the high seas. my son thomas, by the will of god, you, my only child, are abroad at this time of great disease and distress with me. my eyes will be closed in death ere you return, and i am forced to commit to paper the words i would fain have spoken with living voice to you. you, my son, have known me as a hard and stern man. by the grace of god my heart is now humbled and like that of a little child. my son, my son, by the infinite mercies of our saviour, let me supplicate you not to leave repentance to a dying bed. on the first day of the last week, i, being stricken down with paralysis, lay here on my couch. the room was quiet; i was alone. suddenly i heard a great noise, and the weeping and wailing of women and children, and the groans of men. then a heavy bell began to toll, and a light as of a bright fire sprang up against my wall. i entered into a great swoon, in which i seemed to be a young man again,--a stout and hearty man, a high liver, a proud swearer. i had on my uniform; there was a sword in my hand. i trod the deck of my stout ship, the _confidence_. i heard the plash of waves against the sides, and i lifted my haughty eyes to heaven; i was afraid of none, no not the ruler of the universe. down under the planks that my foot pressed were prisoners, to wit, the acadiens, that we were carrying to the port of boston. what mattered their sufferings to me? i did not think of them. i called for a bottle of wine, and looked again over the sea, and wished for a fair wind so that we might the sooner enter our prisoners at the port of boston, and make merry with our friends. my son, as i, in my swoon, contemplated my former self, it is not in the power of mortal man to convey to you my awful scorn of what i then was,--my gross desires, my carnal wishes. i was no better than the beasts of the fields. after a time, as i trod the deck, a young acadien was brought before me. my officers said that he had been endeavouring to stir up a mutiny among the prisoners, and had urged them to make themselves masters of the ship and to cast us into the sea. i called him a papist dog. i asked him whether he wished to be thrown to the fishes. i could speak no french, but he knew somewhat of english, and he answered me proudly. he stretched out his hand to the smoking village of grand pré that we were leaving. he called to heaven for a judgment to be sent down on the english for their cruelty. i struck him to the deck. he could not rise. i thought he would not; but in a brief space of time he was dead, the last words on his lips a curse on me and my children, and a wish that in our dying moments we might suffer some of the torments he was then enduring. i had his body rolled into the sea, and i forgot him, my son. in the unrighteous work to which i had put my hand in the persecution of the french, a death more or less was a circumstance to be forgotten. i was then a young man, and in all the years that have intervened i have been oblivious of him. the hand of the lord has been laid upon me; i have been despoiled of my goods; nothing that i have done has prospered; and yet i give you my solemn word i never, until now, in these days of dying, have reflected that a curse has been upon me and will descend to you, my son, and to your sons after you. therefore, i leave this solemn request. methinks i shall not lie easy in my narrow bed until that some of my descendants have made restitution to the seed of the frenchman. i bethink me that he was one le noir, called the fiery frenchman of grand pré, from a birthmark on his face, but of his baptismal name i am ignorant. that he was a married man i well know, for one cause of his complaint was that he had been separated from his wife and child, which thing was not of my doing, but by the orders of governor lawrence, who commanded the men and the women to be embarked apart. but seek them not in the city of boston, my son, nor in that of philadelphia, where his young wife was carried, but come back to this old acadien land, whither the refugees are now tending. ah me! it seems that i am yet a young man, that he is still alive,--the man whom i killed. alas! i am old and about to die, but, my son, by the love and compassion of god, let me entreat you to carry out the wishes of your father. seek the family of the frenchman; make restitution, even to the half of your goods, or you will have no prosperity in this world nor any happiness in the world to come. if you are unable to carry out this, my last wish, let this letter be handed to your children. eschew riotous living, and fold in your heart my saying, that the forcible dispossession of the acadien people from their land and properties was an unrighteous and unholy act, brought about chiefly by the lust of hatred and greed on the part of that iniquitous man, governor lawrence, of this province, and his counsellors. may god have mercy on my soul. your father, soon to be a clod of clay, john matthew nimmo. halifax, may 9, 1800. with a slight shudder vesper dropped the letter back in the box and wiped the dust from his fingers. "unhappy old man,--there is not the slightest evidence that his callous son thomas paid any heed to his exhortations. i can imagine the contempt with which he would throw this letter aside; he would probably remark that his father had lost his mind. and yet was it a superstition about altering the fortunes of the family that made him shortly after exchange his father's grant of land in nova scotia for one in this state?" and he picked up another faded document, this one of parchment and containing a record of the transfer of certain estates in the vicinity of the town of boston to thomas nimmo, removing from halifax, nova scotia, to the state of massachusetts. "then thomas got burnt for despising the commands of his father; but my poor sire,--where does his guilt come in? he did not know of the existence of this letter,--that i could swear, for with his kind heart and streak of romance he would have looked up this acadien ghost and laid it. if i were also romantic, i should say it killed him. as it is, i shall stick to my present opinion that he killed himself by overwork. "now, shall i be cynical and let this thing go, or shall i, like a knight of the middle ages, or an adventurous fool of the present, set out in quest of the seed of the fiery frenchman? _ciel!_ i have already decided. it is a floating feather to pursue, an occupation just serious enough for my convalescent state. _en route_, then, for acadie," and he closed his eyes and sank into a reverie, which was, after the lapse of an hour, interrupted by the entrance of the colored boy with a handful of papers. "good boy, henry," said his master, approvingly. "mis' nimmo, she tole me to hurry," said the boy, with a flash of his resplendent ivories, "'cause she never like you to wait for nothing. so i jus' run down to washington street." vesper smiled, and took up one of the folders. "h'm, evangeline route. the nova scotians are smart enough to make capital out of the poem--henry, come rub my left ankle, there is some rheumatism in it. what is this? 'the dominion atlantic railway have now completed their magnificent system to the hub of the universe by placing on the route between it and nova scotia a steamship named after one of the heirs-presumptive of the british throne.' henry, where is the hub of the universe?" henry looked up from the hearth-rug. "i dunno, sir; ain't it heaven?" "it ought to be," said the young man; and he went on, "'this steamship is a dream of beauty, with the lines of an exquisite yacht. her appointments are as perfect as taste and science can suggest, in music-room, dining-room, smoking-room, parlor, staterooms, bathrooms, and all other apartments. the cabinet work is in solid walnut and oak, the softened light falling through domes and panels of stained glass, the upholstery is in figured and other velvets, the tapestries are of silk. there is a perfect _cuisine_, and a union of comfort and luxury throughout.'" the young man laid down the folder. "how would you like to go to sea in that royal craft, henry?" "it sounds fine," said the boy, smacking his lips. "no mention is made of seasickness, nor of going to the bottom. a pity it would be to waste all that finery on the fishes--don't rub quite so hard. let me see," and he took up the folder again. "what days does she leave? go to-morrow to the office, henry, and engage the most comfortable stateroom on this bit of magnificence for next thursday." chapter iii. from boston to acadie. "for this is in the land of acadie, the fairest place of all the earth and sea." j. f. h. it is always amusing to be among a crowd of people on the lewis wharf, in boston, when a steamer is about to leave for the neighboring province of nova scotia. the provincials are so slow, so deliberate, so determined not to be hurried. the americans are so brisk, so expeditious, so bewildering in the multitude of things they will accomplish in the briefest possible space of time. they surround the provincials, they attempt to hurry them, to infuse a little more life into their exercises of volition, to convince them that a busy wharf is not the place to weigh arguments for or against a proposed course of action, yet the provincials will not be hurried; they stop to plan, consider, deliberate, and decide, and in the end they arrive at satisfactory conclusions without one hundredth part of the worry and vexation of soul which shortens the lives of their more nervous cousins, the americans. at noon, on the thursday following his decision to go to nova scotia, vesper nimmo stood on the deck of the _royal edward_, a smile on his handsome face,--a shrewd smile, that deepened and broadened whenever he looked towards the place where stood his mother, with a fluffy white shawl wrapped around her throat, and the faithful henry for a bodyguard. express wagons, piled high with towers of babel in the shape of trunks that shook and quivered and threatened to fall on unsuspecting heads, rattled down and discharged their contents on the already congested wharf, where intending passengers, escorting friends, custom officials, and wharf men were talking, gesticulating, admonishing, and escaping death in varied forms, such as by crushing, falling, squeezing, deaths by exhaustion, by kicks from nervous horse legs, or by fright from being swept into the convenient black pool of the harbor. however, scorning the danger, the crowd talked and jabbered on, until, finally, the last bit of freight, the last bit of luggage, was on board. a signal was given, the ambulance drew back,--the dark and mournful wagon from which, alas, at nearly every steamer's trip, a long, light box is taken, in which one canadian is going home quite still and mute. a swarm of stewards from the steamer descended upon their quarry, the passengers, and a separation was made between the sheep and the foolish goats, in the company's eyes, who would not be persuaded to seek the fair canadian pastures. carefully the stewards herded and guarded their giddy sheep to the steamer, often turning back to recover one skipping behind for a last parley with the goats. at last they were all up the gangway, the gorgeous ship swung her princely nose to the stream, and vesper nimmo felt himself really off for nova scotia. he waved an adieu to his mother, then drew back to avoid an onset of stolid, red-cheeked canadian sheep and lambs, who pressed towards the railing, some with damp handkerchiefs at their eyes, others cheerfully exhorting the goats to write soon. his eye fell on a delicate slip of a girl, with consumption written all over her shaking form; and, swinging on his heel, he went to stroll about the decks, and watch, with proud and passionate concealed emotion, the yellow receding dome of the state house. he had been brought up in the shadow of that ægis. it was almost as sacred to him as the blue sky above, and not until he could no longer see it did he allow his eyes to wander over other points of interest of the historic harbor. how many times his sturdy new england forefathers had dropped their hoes to man the ships that sailed over these blue waters, to hew down the agag of acadie! what a bloodthirsty set they were in those days! indians, english, french,--how they harried, and worried, and bit, and tore at each other! he thoughtfully smoothed the little silky mustache that adorned his upper lip, and murmured, "thank heaven, i go on a more peaceful errand." once out of the harbor, and feeling the white deck beneath his feet gracefully dipping to meet the swell of the ocean, he found a seat and drew a guide-book from his pocket. of ancient acadie he knew something, but of this modern acadie he had, strange to say, felt no curiosity, although it lay at his very doors, until he had discovered the letter of his great-grandfather. the day was warm and sunshiny. it was the third of june, and for some time he sat quietly reading and bathed in golden light. then across his calm, peaceful state of content, stole a feeling scarcely to be described, and so faint that it was barely perceptible. he was not quite happy. the balm had gone from the air; the spirit of the writer, who so eloquently described the lure of the acadien land, no longer communed with his. he read on, knowing what was coming, yet resolved not to yield until he was absolutely forced to do so. in half an hour he had flung down his book, and was in his stateroom, face downward, his window wide open, his body gently swaying to and fro with the motion of the steamer, the salt air deliciously lapping his ears, the back of his neck, and his hands, but unable to get at his face, obstinately buried in the pillow. "sick, sir?" inquired a brisk voice, with a delicate note of suggestion. vesper uncovered one eye, and growled, "no,--shut that door." the steward disappeared, and did not return for some hours, while vesper's whole sensitive system passed into a painless agony, the only movement he made being to turn himself over on his back, where he lay, apparently calm and happy, and serenely staring at the white ceiling of his dainty cell. "can i do anything for you, sir?" asked the steward's voice once more. vesper, who would not have spoken if he had been offered the _royal edward_ full of gold pieces, did not even roll an eyeball at him, but kept on gravely staring upward. "your collar's choking you, sir," said the man, coming forward; and he deftly slipped a stud from its place and laid it on the wash-stand. "shall i take off your boots?" vesper submitted to having his boots withdrawn, and his feet covered, with as much indifference as if they belonged to some other man, and continued to spend the rest of the day and the night in the same state of passivity. towards morning he had a vague wish to know the time, but it did not occur to him, any more than it would have occurred to a stone image, to put up his hand to the watch in his breast pocket. daylight came, then sunlight streaming into his room, and cheery sounds of voices without, but he did not stir. not until the thrill of contact with the land went through the steamer did he spring to his feet, like a man restored to consciousness by galvanic action. he was the first passenger to reach the wharf, and the steward, who watched him going, remarked sarcastically that he was glad to see "that 'ere dead man come to life." vesper was himself again when his feet touched the shore. he looked about him, saw the bright little town of yarmouth, black rocks, a blue harbor, and a glorious sky. his contemplation of the landscape over, he reflected that he was faint from hunger. he turned his back on the steamer, where his fellow passengers had recently breakfasted at fine tables spread under a ceiling of milky white and gold, and hurried to a modest eating-house near by from which a savory smell of broiled steak and fried potatoes floated out on the morning air. he entered it, and after a hasty wash and brush-up ate his breakfast with frantic appetite. he now felt that he had received a new lease of life, and buttoning his collar up around his neck, for the temperature was some degrees lower than that of his native city, he hurried back to the wharf, where the passengers and the customs men were quarrelling as if they had been enemies for life. with ingratiating and politic calmness he pointed out his trunk and bicycle, assured the suspicious official that although he was an american he was honest and had nothing to sell and nothing dutiable in the former, and that he had not the slightest objection to paying the thirty per cent deposit required on the latter; then, a prey to inward laughter at the enlivening spectacle of open trunks and red faces, he proceeded to the railway station, looking about him for other signs that he was in a foreign country. nova scotia was very like maine so far. here were the maine houses, the maine trees and rocks, even the maine wild flowers by the side of the road. he thoughtfully boarded the train, scrutinized the comfortable parlor-car, and, after the lapse of half an hour, decided that he was not in maine, for, if he had been, the train would certainly have started. as he was making this reflection, a dapper individual, in light trousers, a shiny hat, and with the indescribable air of being a travelling salesman, entered the car where vesper sat in solitary grandeur. vesper slightly inclined his head, and the stranger, dropping a neat leather bag in the seat next him, observed, "we had a good passage." "very good," replied vesper. "nobody sick," pursued the dapper individual, taking off his hat, brushing it, and carefully replacing it on his head. "i should think not," returned vesper; then he consulted his watch. "we are late in starting." "we're always late," observed the newcomer, tartly. "this is your first trip down here?" vesper, with the reluctance of his countrymen to admit that they have done or are doing something for the first time, did not contradict his statement. "i've been coming to this province for ten years," said his companion. "i represent stone and warrior." vesper knew stone and warrior's huge dry-goods establishment, and had due respect for the opinion of one of their travellers. "and when we start we don't go," said the dry-goods man. "this train doesn't dare show its nose in halifax before six o'clock, so she's just got to put in the time somewhere. later in the season they'll clap on the flying bluenose, which makes them think they're flying through the air, because she spurts and gets in two hours earlier. how far are you going?" "i don't know; possibly to grand pré." "a pretty country there, but no big farms,--kitchen-gardening compared with ours." "that is where the french used to be." "yes, but there ain't one there now. the most of the french in the province are down here." vesper let his surprised eyes wander out through the car window. "pretty soon we'll begin to run through the woods. there'll be a shanty or two, a few decent houses and a station here and there, and you'd think we were miles from nowhere, but at the same time we're running abreast of a village thirty-five miles long." "that is a good length." "the houses are strung along the shores of this bay," continued the salesman, leaning over and tapping the map spread on vesper's knee. "the bay is forty miles long." "why didn't they build the railway where the village is?" "that's nova scotia," said the salesman, drily. "because the people were there, they put the railroad through the woods. they beat the dutch." "can't they make money?" "like the mischief, if they want to," and the salesman settled back in his seat and put his hands in his pockets. "it makes me smile to hear people talking about these green nova scotians. they'll jump ahead of you in a bargain as quick as a new yorker when they give their minds to it. but i'll add 'em up in one word,--they don't care." vesper did not reply, and, after a minute's pause his companion went on, with waxing indignation. "they ought to have been born in the cannibal isles, every man jack of 'em, where they could sit outdoors all day and pick up cocoanuts or eat each other. upon my life, you can stand in the middle of halifax, which is their capital city, and shy a stone at half a dozen banks and the post-office, and look down and see grass growing between the bricks at your feet." "very unprogressive," murmured vesper. the salesman relented. "but i've got some good chums there, and i must say they've got a lot of soft soap,--more than we have." "that is, better manners?" "exactly; but"--and he once more hardened his heart against the nova scotians,--"they've got more time than we have. there ain't so many of 'em. look at our boston women at a bargain-counter,--you've got a lot of curtains at four dollars a pair. you can't sell 'em. you run 'em up to six dollars and advertise, 'great drop on ten-dollar curtains.' the women rush to get 'em. how much time have they to be polite? about as much as a pack of wolves." "what is the population of halifax?" asked vesper. "about forty thousand," said the salesman, lolling his head on the back of the seat, and running his sentences as glibly from his lips as if he were reciting a lesson, "and a sly, sleepy old place it is, with lots of money in it, and people pretending they are poor. suburbs fine, but the city dirty from the soft coal they burn. a board fence around every lot you could spread a handkerchief on,--so afraid neighbors will see into their back yards. if they'd knock down their fences, pick up a little of the trash in the streets, and limit the size of their hotel keys, they'd get on." "are there any french people there?" the salesman was not interested in the french. "no," he said, "not that i ever heard of. they could make lots of money there," he went on, with enthusiasm, "if they'd wake up. you know there's an english garrison, and our girls like the military; but these blamed provincials, though they've got a big pot of jam, won't do anything to draw our rich flies, not even as much as to put up a bathing-house. they don't care a continental. "there's a hotel beyond halifax where a big excursion from new york used to go every year. last year the manager said, 'if you don't clean up your old hotel, and put a decent boat on the lake, you'll never see me again.' the hotel proprietor said, 'i guess this house is clean enough for us, and we haven't been spilt out of the boat yet, and you and your excursion can go to jericho.' so the excursion goes to jericho now, and the hotel man gets more time for sleep." "have you ever been in this french village?" asked vesper. "no," and the salesman stifled a yawn. "i only call at the principal towns, where the big stores are. good lord! i wish those stick-in-the-muds would come up from the wharf. if i knew how to run an engine i'd be off without 'em," and he strolled to the car door. "it's as quiet as death down there. the passengers must have chopped up the train-hands and thrown 'em in the water. if my wife made up her mind to move to this province, i'd die in ten days, for i'd have so much time to think over my sins. glory hallelujah, here they come!" and he returned to his seat. "the whole tribe of 'em, edging along as if they were a funeral procession and we were the corpses on ahead. we're off," he said, jocularly, to vesper, and he kicked out his little dapper legs, stuck his ticket in the front of his shiny hat, and sank into a seat, where he was soon asleep. vesper was rather out of his reckoning. it had not occurred to him, in spite of longfellow's assurance about naught but tradition remaining of the beautiful village of grand pré, that no french were really to be found there. now, according to the salesman, he should look for the acadiens in this part of the province. however, if the french village was thirty-five miles long there was no hurry about leaving the train, and he settled back and watched his fellow passengers leisurely climbing the steps. among those who entered the parlor-car was a stout, gentlemanly man, gesticulating earnestly, although his hands were full of parcels, and turning every instant to look with a quick, bright eye into the face of his companion, who was a priest. the priest left him shortly after they entered the car, and the stout man sat down and unfolded a newspaper on which the name and place of publication--_l'évangéline, journal hebdomadaire, weymouth_--met vesper's eye with grateful familiarity. the title was, of course, a pathetic reminder of the poem. weymouth, and he glanced at his map, was in the line of villages along the bay. the gentleman for a time read the paper intently. then his nervous hands flung it down, and vesper, leaning over, politely asked if he would lend it to him. it was handed to him with a bow, and the young american was soon deep in its contents. it had been founded in the interests of the acadiens of the maritime provinces, he read in fluent modern french, which greatly surprised him, as he had expected to be confronted by some curious _patois_ concocted by this remnant of a foreign race isolated so long among the english. he read every word of the paper,--the cards of professional men, the advertisements of shopkeepers, the remarks on agriculture, the editorials on canadian politics, the local news, and the story by a parisian novelist. finally he returned _l'évangéline_ to its owner, whose quick eyes were looking him all over in mingled curiosity and gratification, which at last culminated in the remark that it was a fine morning. vesper, with slow, quiet emphasis, which always imparted weight and importance to his words, assented to this, with the qualification that it was chilly. "it is never very warm here until the end of june," said the stout gentleman, with a courteous gesture, "but i find this weather most agreeable for wheeling. i am shortly to leave the train and take to my bicycle for the remainder of my journey." vesper asked him whether there was a good road along the shores of the bay. "the best in the province, but i regret to say that the roads to it from the stations are cut up by heavy teaming." "and the hotels,--are they good?" "according to the guide-books there are none in frenchtown," said the gentleman, with lively sarcasm. "i know of one or two where one can be comfortable. here, for instance," and one of his facile hands indicated a modest advertisement in _l'évangéline_. sleeping water inn. this inn, well patronized in the past, is still the rendezvous for tourists, bicyclists, etc. the house is airy, and the table is good. a trustworthy teamster is always at the train to carry trunks and valises to the inn. rose de forêt, proprietress. vesper looked up, to find his neighbor smiling involuntarily. "pardon me," he said, with contrition, "i am thinking that you would find the house satisfactory." "it is kept by a woman?" "yes," said the stranger, with preternatural gravity; "rose à charlitte." vesper said nothing, and his face was rarely an index of his thoughts, yet the stranger, knowing in some indefinable way that he wished for further information, continued. "on the bay, the friendly fashion prevails of using only the first name. rose à charlitte is rarely called madame de forêt." vesper saw that some special interest attached to the proprietress of the acadien inn, yet did not see his way clear to find out what it was. his new acquaintance, however, had a relish for his subject of conversation, and pursued it with satisfaction. "she is very remarkable, and makes money, yet i hope that fate will intervene to preserve her from a life which is, perhaps, too public for a woman of her stamp. a rich uncle, one auguste le noir, whose beautiful home among orange and fig trees on the bayou vermillon in louisiana i visited last year, may perhaps rescue her. not that she does anything at all out of the way," he added, hastily, "but she is beautiful and young." vesper repressed a slight start at the mention of the name le noir, then asked calmly if it was a common one among the acadiens. the le noirs and le blancs, the gentleman assured him, were as plentiful as blackberries, while as to melançons, there were eighty families of them on the bay. "this has given rise to the curious house-that-jack-built system of naming," he said. "there is jean à jacques melançon, which is jean, the son of jacques,--jean à basile, jean à david, and sometimes jean à martin à conrade à benoit melançon, but"--and he checked himself quickly--"i am, perhaps, wearying you with all this?" he was as a man anxious, yet hesitating, to impart information, and vesper hastened to assure him that he was deeply interested in the acadiens. the cloud swept from the face of the vivacious gentleman. "you gratify me. the old prejudice against my countrymen still lingers in this province in the shape of indifference. i rarely discuss them unless i know my listener." "have i the pleasure of addressing an acadien?" asked vesper. "i have the honor to be one," said the stout gentleman, and his face flushed like that of a girl. vesper gave him a quick glance. this was the first acadien that he had ever seen, and he was about as far removed from the typical acadien that he had pictured to himself as a man could be. this man was a gentleman. he had expected to find the acadiens, after all the trials they had gone through in their dispossession of property and wanderings by sea and land, degenerated into a despoiled and poverty-stricken remnant of peasantry. curiously gratified by the discovery that here was one who had not gone under in the stress of war and persecution, he remarked that his companion was probably well-informed on the subject of the expulsion of his countrymen from this province. "the expulsion,--ah!" said the gentleman, in a repressed voice. then, unable to proceed, he made a helpless gesture and turned his face towards the window. the younger man thought that there were tears in his eyes, and forbore to speak. "one mentions it so calmly nowadays," said the acadien, presently, looking at him. "there is no passion, no resentment, yet it is a living flame in the breast of every true acadien, and this is the reason,--it is a tragedy that is yet championed. it is commonly believed that the deportation of the acadiens was a necessity brought about by their stubbornness." "that is the view i have always taken of it," said vesper, mildly. "i have never looked into the subject exhaustively, but my conclusion from desultory reading has been that the acadiens were an obstinate set of people who dictated terms to the english, which, as a conquered race, they should not have done, and they got transported for it." "then let me beg you, my dear sir, to search into the matter. if you happen to visit the sleeping water inn, ask for agapit le noir. he is an enthusiast on the subject, and will inform you; and if at any time you find yourself in our beautiful city of halifax, may i not beg the pleasure of a call? i shall be happy to lay before you some historical records of our race," and he offered vesper a card on which was engraved, dr. bernardin arseneau, barrington street, halifax. vesper took the card, thanked him, and said, "shall i find any of the descendants of the settlers of grand pré among the acadiens on this bay?" "many, many of them. when the french first came to nova scotia, they naturally selected the richest portions of the province. at the expulsion these farms were seized. when, through incredible hardships, they came struggling back to this country that they so much loved, they could not believe that their lands would not be restored to them. many of them trudged on foot to fertile grand pré, to port royal, and other places. they looked in amazement at the settlers who had taken their homes. you know who they were?" "no, i do not," said vesper. "they were your own countrymen, my dear sir, if, as i rightly judge, you come from the united states. they came to this country, and found waiting for them the fertile fields whose owners had been seized, imprisoned, tortured, and carried to foreign countries, some years before. such is the justice of the world. for their portion the returned acadiens received this strip of forest on the bay saint-mary. you will see what they have made of it," and, with a smile at once friendly and sad, the stout gentleman left the train and descended to a little station at which they had just pulled up. chapter iv. the sleeping water inn. "montrez-moi votre menu et je vous montrerai mon coeur." a few minutes later, the train had again entered the forest, and vesper, who had a passion for trees and ranked them with human beings in his affections, allowed the mystery and charm of these foreigners to steal over him. in dignified silence and reserve the tall pines seemed to draw back from the rude contact of the passing train. the more assertive firs and spruces stood still, while the slender hackmatacks, most beautiful of all the trees of the wood, writhed and shook with fright, nervously tossing their tremulous arms and tasselled heads, and breathing long odoriferous sighs that floated after, but did not at all touch the sympathies of the roaring monster from the outer world who so often desecrated their solitude. vesper's delicate nostrils dilated as the spicy odors saluted them, and he thought, with tenderness, of the home trees that he loved, the elms of the common and those of the square where he had been born. how many times he had encircled them with admiring footsteps, noting the individual characteristics of each tree, and giving to each one a separate place in his heart. just for an instant he regretted that for to-night he could not lie down in their shadow. then he turned irritably to the salesman, who was stretching and shaking out his legs, and performing other calisthenic exploits as accompaniments of waking. "haven't we come to great scott yet?" he asked, getting up, and sauntering to vesper's window. vesper consulted his folder. among the french names he could discover nothing like this, unless it was grosses coques, so called, his guide-book told him, because the acadiens had discovered enormous clams there. the salesman settled the question by dabbing at the name with his fat forefinger. "confound these french names, and thank the lord they're beginning to give them up. this sleeping water we're coming to used to be _l'eau dormante_. if i had my way, i'd string up on these pines every fellow that spoke a word of this gibberish. that would cure 'em. why can't they have one language, as we do?" "how would you like to talk french?" asked vesper, quietly. the little man laughed shrewdly, and not unkindly. "every man to his liking. i guess it's best not to fight too much." "i get off here," said vesper, gathering up his papers. "happy you,--you won't have to wait for all of evangeline's heifers to step off the track between here and halifax." vesper nodded to him, and, swinging himself from the car, went to find the conductor. there was ample time to get that gentlemanly official's consent to have his wheel and trunk put off at this station, instead of at grand pré, and ample time for vesper to give a long look at the names in the line of cars, which were, successively, basil the blacksmith, benedict the father, rené the notary, and gabriel the lover, before the locomotive snuffed its nostrils and, panting and heaving, started off to trail its romantic appendages through the country of evangeline. when the train had disappeared, vesper looked about him. he was no longer in the heart of the forest. an open country and scattering houses appeared in the distance, and here he could distinctly feel a mischievous breeze from the bay that playfully ruffled his hair, and tossed back the violets at his feet every time that they bent over to look at their own sweet faces in the black, mirror-like pool of water set in a mossy bed beside them. he stooped and picked one of the wistful purple blossoms, then stepped up on the platform of the gabled station-house. inside the kitchen, a woman, sitting with her back to the passing trains, was spinning, and at the same time rocking a cradle, while near the door stood an individual who, to vesper's secret amusement, might have posed either as a member of the human species, or as one of the class _aves_. he had many times seen the fellows of this white-haired, smooth-faced old man, in the southern states in the shape of cardinal-birds. those resplendent creatures in the male sex are usually clothed in gay red jackets. this male's plumage was also red, but, unlike the cardinal-birds, it had a trimming of pearl buttons and white lace. the bird's high and conical crest was expressed in the man by a pointed red cap. the bird is nondescript as to the legs,--so also was the man; and the loud and musical note of the southern songster was reproduced in the fife-like tones of the acadien, when he presently spoke. he was an official, and carried in his hand a locked bag containing her majesty's mail for her acadien subjects of the bay. vesper had seen the mail-carriers along the route, tossing their bags to the passing train, and receiving others in return, but none as gorgeous as this one, and he was wondering why the gentle-faced septuagenarian made himself so peculiar, when he was addressed in a sweet, high voice. "sir," said the bird-man, in french,--for was he not emmanuel victor de la rive, lineal descendant of a french marquis who had married a queen's maid of honor, and had subsequently bequeathed his bones and his large family of children to his adored acadie?--"sir, is it possible that you are a guest for the inn?" "it is possible," said vesper, gravely. "alas!" said the old man, turning to the dark-eyed woman, who had left her cradle and spinning-wheel, "is it not always so? when rose à charlitte does not send, there are arrivals. when she does, there are not. she will be in despair. sir, shall i have the honor of taking you over in my road-cart?" "i have a wheel," said vesper, pointing to the bicycle, leaning disconsolately against his trunk. the black-eyed woman immediately put out her hand for his checks. "then may i have the honor of showing you the way?" said monsieur de la rive, bowing before vesper as if he were a divinity. "there are sides of the road which it is well to avoid." "i shall be most happy to avail myself of your offer." "i will send the trunk over," said the station woman. "there is a constant going that way." vesper thanked her, and left the station in the wake of the cardinal-bird, who sat perched on his narrow seat as easily as if it were a branch of a tree, turning his crested head at frequent intervals to look anxiously at the mail-bag which, for reasons best known to himself, he carried slung to a nail in the back of his cart. at frequent intervals, too, he piped shrill and sweet remarks to vesper. "courage; the road will soon improve. it is the ox-teams that cut it up. they load schooners in the bay. here at last is a good spot. monsieur can mount now. beware of the sharp stones. all the bones of the earth stick up in places. does monsieur intend to stay long in sleeping water? was it monsieur that rose à charlitte expected when she drove through the pouring rain to the station, two days since? what did he say in the letter that he sent yesterday in explanation of his change of plans? did monsieur come from halifax, or boston? did he know mrs. de la rive, laundress, of cambridge street? had he samples of candy or tobacco in that big box of his? how much did he charge a pound for his best peppermints?" vesper, fully occupied with keeping his wheel out of the ruts in the road, and in maintaining a safe distance from the cart, which pressed him sore if he went ahead and waited for him if he dallied behind, answered "yes" and "no" at random, until at length he had involved himself in such a maze of contradictions that monsieur de la rive felt himself forced to pull up his brown pony and remonstrate. "but it is impossible, monsieur, that you should have seen mrs. de la rive, who has been dying for weeks, dancing at the wedding of the daughter of her step-uncle, the baker, and yet you say 'yes' when i remark that she was not there." the stop and the remonstrance were so birdlike and so quick, that vesper, taken aback, fell off his wheel and broke his cyclometer. he picked himself out of the dust, swearing under his breath, and monsieur de la rive, being a gentleman, and seeing that this quiet young stranger was disinclined for conversation, suddenly whipped up his pony and sped madly on ahead, the tails of his red coat streaming out behind him, the tip of his pointed cap fluttering and nodding over his thick white locks of hair. after the lapse of a few minutes, vesper had recovered his composure, and was looking calmly about him. the road was better now, and they were nearing the bay, that lay shimmering and shining like a great sea-serpent coiled between purple hills. he did not know what grand pré was like, and was therefore unaware of the extent of the acadiens' loss in being driven from it; but this was by no means a barren country. on either side of him were fairly prosperous farms, each one with a light painted wooden house, around which clustered usually a group of children, presided over by a mother, who, as the mail-driver dashed by, would appear in the doorway, thrusting forth her matronly face, often partly shrouded by a black handkerchief. these black handkerchiefs, _la cape normande_ of old france, were almost universal on the heads of women and girls. he could see them in the fields and up and down the roads. they and the vivacious sound of the french tongue gave the foreign touch to his surroundings, which he found, but for these reminders, might once again have been those of an out-of-the-way district in some new england state. he noticed, with regret, that the forest had all been swept away. the acadiens, in their zeal for farming, had wielded their axes so successfully that scarcely a tree had been left between the station and the bay. here and there stood a lonely guardian angel, in the shape of a solitary pine, hovering over some acadien roof-tree, and turning a melancholy face towards its brothers of the forest,--rugged giants primeval, now prostrate and forlorn, and being trailed slowly along towards the waiting schooners in the bay. the most of these fallen giants were loaded on rough carts drawn by pairs of sleek and well-kept oxen who were yoked by the horns. the carts were covered with mud from the bad roads of the forest, and muddy also were the boots of the stalwart acadien drivers, who walked beside the oxen, whip in hand, and turned frankly curious faces towards the stranger who flashed by their slow-moving teams on his shining wheel. the road was now better, and vesper quickly attained to the top of the last hill between the station and the bay. ah! now the fields did not appear bare, the houses naked, the whole country wind-swept and cold, for the wide, regal, magnificent bay lay spread out before him. it was no longer a thread of light, a sea-serpent shining in the distance, but a great, broad, beautiful basin, on whose placid bosom all the acadien, new england, and nova scotian fleets might float with never a jostle between any of their ships. a fire of admiration kindled in his calm eyes, and he allowed himself to glide rapidly down the hill towards this brilliant blue sweep of water, along whose nearer shores stretched, as far as his gaze could reach, the curious dotted line of the french village. the country had become flat, as flat as holland, and the fields rolled down into the water in the softest, most exquisite shades of green, according to the different kinds of grass or grain flourishing along the shores. the houses were placed among the fields, some close together, some far apart, all, however, but a stone's throw from the water's edge, as if the acadiens, fearful of another expulsion, held themselves always in readiness to step into the procession of boats and schooners moored almost in their dooryards. at the point where vesper found himself threatened with precipitation into the bay, they struck the village line. here, at the corner, was the general shop and post-office of sleeping water. the cardinal-bird fluttered his mail-bag in among the loafers at the door, saw the shopkeeper catch it, then, swelling out his vermilion breast with importance, he nimbly took the corner with one wheel in the air and pulled up before the largest, whitest house on the street, and flourished a flaming wing in the direction of a swinging sign,--"the sleeping water inn." vesper, biting his lip to restrain a smile, rounded the corner after him, and leisurely stepped from his wheel in front of the house. "ring, sir, and enter," piped the bird, then, wishing him _bonne chance_ (good luck), he flew away. vesper pulled the bell, and, as no one answered his summons, he sauntered through the open door into the hall. so this was an acadien house,--and he had expected a log hut. he could command a view from where he stood of a staircase, a smoking-room, and a parlor,--all clean, cool, and comfortably furnished, and having easy chairs, muslin curtains, books, and pictures. he smiled to himself, murmured "i wonder where the dining-room is? these flies will probably know," and followed a prosperous-looking swarm sailing through the hall to a distant doorway. a table, covered by a snowy cloth and set ready for a meal, stood before him. he walked around it, rapped on a door, behind which he heard a murmur of voices, and was immediately favored with a sight of an acadien kitchen. this one happened to be large, lofty, and of a grateful irregularity in shape. the ceiling was as white as snow, and a delicate blue and cream paper adorned the walls. the floor was of hard wood and partly covered with brightly colored mats, made by the skilful fingers of acadien women. there were several windows and doors, and two pantries, but no fireplace. an enormous boston cooking range took its place. every cover on it glistened with blacking, every bit of nickel plating was polished to the last degree, and, as if to show that this model stove could not possibly be malevolent enough to throw out impurities in the way of soot and ashes, there stood beside it a tall clothes-horse full of white ironed clothes hung up to air. but the most remarkable thing in this exquisitely clean kitchen was the mistress of the inn,--tall, willowy mrs. rose à charlitte, who stood confronting the newcomer with a dish-cover in one hand and a clean napkin in the other, her pretty oval face flushed from some sacrifice she had been offering up on her huge moloch of a stove. [illustration: "rose à charlitte stood confronting the newcomer."] "can you give me some lunch?" asked vesper, and he wondered whether he should find a descendant of the fiery frenchman in this placid beauty, whose limpid blue eyes, girlish, innocent gaze, and thick braid of hair, with the little confusion of curls on the forehead, reminded him rather of a gretchen or a marguerite of the stage. "but yes," said mrs. rose à charlitte, in uncertain yet pretty english, and her gentle and demure glance scrutinized him with some shrewdness and accurate guessing as to his attainments and station in life. "can you give it to me soon?" he asked. "i can give it soon," she replied, and as she spoke she made an almost imperceptible motion of her head in the direction of the neat maid-servant behind her, who at once flew out to the garden for fresh vegetables, while, with her foot, which was almost as slender as her hand, mrs. rose à charlitte pulled out a damper in the stove that at once caused a still more urgent draft to animate the glowing wood inside. "can you let me have a room?" pursued vesper. "yes, sir," said mrs. rose, and she turned to the third occupant of the kitchen, a pale child with a flowerlike face and large, serious eyes, who sat with folded hands in a little chair. "narcisse," she said, in french, "wilt thou go and show the judge's room?" the child, without taking his fascinated gaze from vesper, responded, in a sweet, drawling voice, "_ou-a-a-y, ma ma-r-re_" (yes, my mother). then, rising, he trotted slowly through the dining-room and up the staircase to a hall above, where he gravely threw open the door of a good-sized chamber, whose chief ornament was a huge white bed. "why do you call this the judge's room?" asked vesper, in french. the child answered him in unintelligible childish speech, that made the young man observe him intently. "i believe you look like me, you black lily," he said, at last. there was, indeed, a resemblance between their two heads. both had pale, inscrutable faces, dark eyes, and curls like midnight clustering over their white foreheads. both were serious, grave, and reserved in expression. the child stared up at vesper, then, seizing one of his hands, he patted it gently with his tiny fingers. they were friends. [illustration: "they were friends."] vesper allowed the child to hold his hand until he plunged his head into a basin of cold water. then, with water dripping from his face, he paused to examine a towel before he would press it against his sensitive skin. it was fine and perfectly clean, and, with a satisfied air, he murmured: "so far, doctor arseneau has not led me astray." the child waited patiently until the stranger had smoothed down his black curls, then, stretching out a hand, he mutely invited him to descend to the parlor. upon arriving there, he modestly withdrew to a corner, after pointing out a collection of photographs on the table. vesper made a pretence of examining them until the entrance of his landlady with the announcement that his lunch was served. she shyly set before him a plate of soup, and a dish which she called a little _ragoût_, "not as good as the _ragoûts_ of boston, and yet eatable." "how do you know that i am from boston?" asked vesper. "i do not know," she murmured, with a quick blush. "monsieur is from halifax, i thought. he seems english. i speak of boston because it was there that i learned to cook." vesper said nothing, but his silence seemed to invite a further explanation, and she went on, modestly: "when i received news that my husband had died of yellow fever in the west indies, neighbors said, 'what will you do?' my stepmother said, 'come home;' but i answered, 'no; a child that has left its father's roof does not return. i will keep hotel. my house is of size. i will go to boston and learn to cook better than i know.' so i went, and stayed one week." "that was a short time to learn cooking," observed vesper, politely. "i did not study. i bought _cuisine_ books. i went to grand hotels and regarded the tables and tasted the dishes. if i now had more money, i would do similar," and she anxiously surveyed her modest table and the aristocratic young man seated at it; "but not many people come, and the money lacks. however, our lord knows that i wish to educate my child. strangers will come when he is older. "and," she went on, after a time, with mingled reluctance and honesty, "i must not hide from you that i have already in the bank two hundred dollars. it is not much; not so much as the gautreaus, who have six hundred, and agapit, who has four, yet it is a starting." vesper slightly wrinkled his forehead, and mrs. rose, fearful that her cooking displeased him, for he had scarcely tasted the _ragoût_ and had put aside a roast chicken, hastened to exclaim, "that pudding is but overheated, and i did wrong to place it before you. despise it if you care, and it will please the hens." "it is a very good pudding," said vesper, composedly, and he proceeded to finish it. "here is a custard which is quite fresh," said his landlady, feverishly, "and bananas, and oranges, and some coffee." "thank you. no cream--may i ask why you call that room you put me in the judge's room?" "because we have court near by, every year. the judge who comes exists in that room. it is a most stirabout time, for many witnesses and lawyers come. perhaps monsieur passed the court-house and saw a lady looking through the bars?" "no, i did not. who is the lady?" "a naughty one, who sold liquor. she had no license, she could not pay her fine, therefore she must look through those iron bars," and mrs. rose à charlitte shuddered. vesper looked interested, and presently she went on: "but clothilde dubois has some mercies,--one rocking-chair, her own feather bed, some dainties to eat, and many friends to visit and talk through the bars." "is there much drinking among the acadiens on this bay?" asked vesper. "they do not drink at all," she said, stoutly. "really,--then you never see a drunken man?" "i never see a drunken man," rejoined his pretty hostess. "then i suppose there are no fights." "there are no fights among acadiens. they are good people. they go to mass and vespers on sunday. they listen to their good priests. in the evening one amuses oneself, and on monday we rise early to work. there are no dances, no fights." vesper's meditative glance wandered through the window to a square of grass outside, where some little girls in pink cotton dresses were playing croquet. he was drinking his coffee and watching their graceful behavior, when his attention was recalled to the room by hearing mrs. rose à charlitte say to her child, "there, narcisse, is a morsel for thy trees." the little boy had come from the corner where he had sat like a patient mouse, and, with some excitement, was heaping a plate with the food that vesper had rejected. "not so fast, little one," said his mother, with an apologetic glance at the stranger. "take these plates to the pantry, it will be better." "ah, but they will have a good dinner to-day," said the child. "i will give most to the french willows, my mother. in the morning it will all be gone." "but, my treasure, it is the dogs that get it, not the trees." "no, my mother," he drawled, "you do not know. in the night the long branches stretch out their arms; they sweep it up," and he clasped his tiny hands in ecstasy. vesper's curiosity was aroused, although he had not understood half that the child had said. "does he like trees?" he asked. rose à charlitte made a puzzled gesture. "sir, to him the trees, the flowers, the grass, are quite alive. he will not play croquet with those dear little girls lest his shoes hurt the grass. if i would allow, he would take all the food from the house and lay under the trees and the flowers. he often cries at night, for he says the hollyhocks and sunflowers are hungry, because they are tall and lean. he suffers terribly to see the big spruces and pines cut down and dragged to the shore. the doctor says he should go away for awhile, but it is a puzzle, for i cannot endure to have him leave me." vesper gave more attention than he yet had done to the perusal of the child's sensitive yet strangely composed face. then he glanced at the mother. did she understand him? she did. in her deep blue eyes he could readily perceive the quick flash of maternal love and sympathy whenever her boy spoke to her. she was young, too, extremely young, to have the care of rearing a child. she must have been married in her cradle, and with that thought in mind he said, "do acadien women marry at an early age?" "not more so than the english," said mrs. rose, with a shrug of her graceful, sloping shoulders, "though i was but young,--but seventeen. but my husband wished it so. he had built this house. he had been long ready for marriage," and she glanced at the wall behind vesper. the young man turned around. just behind him hung the enlarged photograph of a man of middle age,--a man who must have been many years older than his young wife, and whose death had, evidently, not left a permanent blank in her affections. in a naïve, innocent way she imparted a few more particulars to vesper with regard to her late husband, and, as he rose from the table, she followed him to the parlor and said, gently, "perhaps monsieur will register." vesper sat down before the visitors' book on the table, and, taking up a pen, wrote, "vesper l. nimmo, _the evening news_, boston." after he had pressed the blotting-paper on his words, and pushed the book from him, his landlady stretched out her hand in childlike curiosity. "vesper," she said,--"that name is beautiful; it is in a hymn to the blessed virgin; but _evening news_,--surely it means not a journal?" vesper assured her that it did. the young french widow's face fell. she gazed at him with a sudden and inexplicable change of expression, in which there was something of regret, something of reproach. "_il faut que je m'en aille_" (i must go away), she murmured, reverting to her native language, and she swiftly withdrew. vesper lifted his level eyebrows and languidly strolled out to the veranda. "the acadienne evidently entertains some prejudice against newspaper men. if my dear father were here he would immediately proceed, in his inimitable way, to clear it from her mind. as for me, i am not sufficiently interested," and he listlessly stretched himself out on a veranda settle. "monsieur," said a little voice, in deliberate french, "will you tell me a story about a tree?" vesper understood narcisse this time, and, taking him on his knee, he pointed to the wooded hills across the bay and related a wonderful tale of a city beyond the sun where the trees were not obliged to stand still in the earth from morning till night, but could walk about and visit men and women, who were their brothers and sisters, and sometimes the young trees would stoop down and play with the children. chapter v. agapit, the acadien. "the music of our life is keyed to moods that sweep athwart the soul; the strain will oft in gladness roll, or die in sobs and tears at need; but sad or gay, 'tis ever true that, e'en as flowers from light take hue, the key is of our mood the deed." aminta. cornelius o'brien, _archbishop of halifax_. after mrs. rose à charlitte left vesper she passed through the kitchen, and, ascending an open stairway leading to regions above, was soon at the door of the highest room in the house. away up there, sitting at a large table drawn up to the window which commanded an extensive view of the bay, sat a sturdy, black-haired young man. as mrs. rose entered the room she glanced about approvingly--for she was a model housekeeper--at the neatly arranged books and papers on tables and shelves, and then said, regretfully, and in french, "there is another of them." "of them,--of whom?" said the young man, peevishly, and in the same language. "of the foolish ones who write," continued mrs. rose, with gentle mischief; "who waste much time in scribbling." "there are people whose brains are continually stewing over cooking-stoves," said the young man, scornfully; "they are incapable of rising higher." "la, la, agapit," she said, good-naturedly. "do not be angry with thy cousin. i came to warn thee lest thou shouldst talk freely to him and afterward be sorry." the young man threw his pen on the table, pushed back his chair, and, springing to his feet, began to pace excitedly up and down the room, gesticulating eagerly as he talked. "when fine weather comes," he exclaimed, "strangers flock to the bay. we are glad to see them,--all but these abominable idiots. therefore when they arrive let the frost come, let us have hail, wind, and snow to drive them home, that we may enjoy peace." "but unfortunately in june we have fine weather," said mrs. rose. "i will insult him," said her black-haired cousin, wildly. "i will drive him from the house," and he stood on tiptoe and glared in her face. "no, no; thou wilt do nothing of the sort, agapit." "i will," he said, distractedly. "i will, i will, i will." "agapit," said the young woman, firmly, "if it were not for the strangers i should have only crusts for my child, not good bread and butter, therefore calm thyself. thou must be civil to this stranger." "i will not," he said, sullenly. mrs. rose à charlitte's temper gave way. "pack up thy clothes," she said, angrily; "there is no living with thee,--thou art so disagreeable. take thy old trash, thy papers so old and dusty, and leave my house. thou wilt make me starve,--my child will not be educated. go,--i cast thee off." agapit became calm as he contemplated her wrathful, beautiful face. "thou art like all women," he said, composedly, "a little excitable at times. i am a man, therefore i understand thee," and pushing back his coat he stuck his thumbs in the armholes and majestically resumed his walk about the room. "come now, cease thy crying," he went on, uneasily, after a time, when rose, who had thrown herself into a chair and had covered her face with her hands, did not look at him. "i shall not leave thee, rose." "he is very distinguished," she sobbed, "very polite, and his finger nails are as white as thy bedspread. he is quite a gentleman; why does he write for those wicked journals?" "thou hast been talking to him, rose," said her cousin, suspiciously, stopping short and fixing her with a fiery glance; "with thy usual innocence thou hast told him all that thou dost know and ever wilt know." rose shuddered, and withdrew her hands from her eyes. "i told him nothing, not a word." "thou didst not tell him of thy wish to educate thy boy, of thy two hundred dollars in the bank, of thy husband, who teased thy stepmother till she married thee to him, nor of me, for example?" and his voice rose excitedly. his cousin was quite composed now. "i told him nothing," she repeated, firmly. "if thou didst do so," he continued, threateningly, "it will all come out in a newspaper,--'melting innocence of an acadien landlady. she tells a reporter in five minutes the story of her life.'" "it will not appear," said mrs. rose, hastily. "he is a worthy young man, and handsome, too. there is not on the bay a handsomer young man. i will ask him to write nothing, and he will listen to me." "oh, thou false one," cried the young man, half in vexation, half in perplexity. "i wish that thou wert a child,--i would shake thee till thy teeth chattered!" mrs. rose ran from the room. "he is a pig, an imbecile, and he terrifies me so that i tell what is not true. what will father duvair say to me? i will rise at six to-morrow, and go to confession." vesper went early to bed that night, and slept soundly until early the next morning, when he opened his eyes to a vision of hazy green fields, a wide sheet of tremulous water, and a quiet, damp road, bordered by silent houses. he sprang from his bed, and went to the open window. the sun was just coming from behind a bank of clouds. he watched the bay lighting up under its rays, the green fields brightening, the moisture evaporating; then hastily throwing on his clothes, he went down-stairs, unlatched the front door, and hurried across the road into a hay-field, where the newly cut grass, dripping with moisture, wet his slippered but stockingless feet. down by the rocks he saw a small bathing-house. he slipped off his clothes, and, clad only in a thin bathing-suit, stood shivering for an instant at the edge of the water. "it will be frightfully cold," he muttered. "dare i--yes, i do," and he plunged boldly into the deliciously salt waves, and swam to and fro, until he was glowing from head to foot. as he was hurrying up to the inn, a few minutes later, he saw, coming down the road, a small two-wheeled cart, in which was seated mrs. rose à charlitte. she was driving a white pony, and she sat demure, charming, with an air of penitence about her, and wearing the mourning garb of acadien women,--a plain black dress, a black shawl, and a black silk handkerchief, drawn hood-wise over her flaxen mop of hair and tied under her chin. the young man surveyed her approvingly. she seemed to belong naturally to the cool, sweet dampness of the morning, and he guessed correctly that she had been to early mass in the white church whose steeple he could see in the distance. he was amused with the shy, embarrassed "_bon jour_" (good morning) that she gave him as she passed, and murmuring, "the shadow of _the evening news_ is still upon her," he went to his room, and made his toilet for breakfast. an hour later, a loud bell rang through the house, and vesper, in making his way to the dining-room, met a reserved, sulky-faced young man in the hall, who bowed coolly and stepped aside for him to pass. "h'm, agapit lenoir," reflected vesper, darting a critical glance at him. "the acadien who was to unbosom himself to me. he does not look as if he would enjoy the process," and he took his seat at the table, where mrs. rose à charlitte, grown strangely quiet, served his breakfast in an almost unbroken silence. vesper thoughtfully poured some of the thick yellow cream on his porridge, and enjoyably dallied over it, but when his landlady would have set before him a dish of smoking hot potatoes and beefsteak, he said, "i do not care for anything further." rose à charlitte drew back in undisguised concern. "but you have eaten nothing. agapit has taken twice as much as this." "that is the young man i met just now?" "yes, he is my cousin; very kind to me. his parents are dead, and he was brought up by my stepmother. he is so clever, so clever! it is truly strange what he knows. his uncle, who was a priest, left him many papers, and all day, when agapit does not work, he sits and writes or reads. some day he will be a learned man--" rose paused abruptly. in her regret at the stranger's want of appetite she was forgetting that she had resolved to have no further conversation with him, and in sudden confusion she made the excuse that she wished to see her child, and melted away like a snowflake, in the direction of the kitchen, where vesper had just heard narcisse's sweet voice asking permission to talk to the englishman from boston. the young american wandered out to the stable. two acadiens were there, asking agapit for the loan of a set of harness. at vesper's approach they continued their conversation in french, although he had distinctly heard them speaking excellent english before he joined them. these men were employing an almost new language to him. this was not the french of _l'évangéline_, of doctor arseneau, nor of rose à charlitte. nor was it _patois_ such as he had heard in france, and which would have been unintelligible to him. this must be the true acadien dialect, and he listened with pleasure to the softening and sweetening of some syllables and the sharpening and ruining of others. they were saying _ung houmme_, for a man. this was not unmusical; neither was _persounne_, for nobody; but the _ang_ sound so freely interspersing their sentences was detestable; as was also the reckless introduction of english phrases, such as "all right," "you bet," "how queer," "too proud," "funny," "steam-cars," and many others. their conversation for some time left the stable, then it returned along the line of discussion of a glossy black horse that stood in one of the stalls. "_ce cheval est de bounne harage_" (this horse is well-bred), said one of the acadiens, admiringly, and vesper's thoughts ran back to a word in the latin grammar of his boyhood. _hara_, a pen or stable. _de bonne race_, a modern frenchman would be likely to say. probably these men were speaking the language brought by their ancestors to acadie; without doubt they were. on this bay would be presented to him the curious spectacle of the descendants of a number of people lifted bodily out of france, and preserving in their adopted country the tongue that had been lost to the motherland. in france the language had drifted. here the acadiens were using the same syllables that had hung on the lips of kings, courtiers, poets, and wits of three and four hundred years ago. with keen interest, for he had a passion for the study of languages, he carefully analyzed each sentence that he heard, until, fearing that his attitude might seem impertinent to the acadiens, he strolled away. his feet naturally turned in the direction of the corner, the most lively spot in sleeping water. in the blacksmith's shop a short, stout young acadien with light hair, blue eyes, and a dirty face and arms, was striking the red-hot tip of a pickax with ringing blows. he nodded civilly enough to vesper when he joined the knot of men who stood about the wide door watching him, but no one else spoke to him. a farmer was waiting to have a pair of cream white oxen shod, a stable-keeper, from another part of _la ville française_, was impatiently chafing and fretting over the amount of time required to mend his sulky wheel, and conversing with him were two well-dressed young men, who appeared to be acadiens from abroad spending their holidays at home. vesper's arrival had the effect of dispersing the little group. the stable-man moved away to his sulky, as if he preferred the vicinity of his roan horse, who gazed at him so benevolently, to that of vesper, who surveyed him so indifferently. the farmer entered the shop and sat down on a box in a dark corner, while the acadien young men, after cold glances at the newcomer, moved away to the post-office. after a time vesper remembered that he must have some canadian stamps, and followed them. outside the shop five or six teams were lined up. they were on their way to the wharf below, and were loaded with more of the enormous trees that he had seen the day before. probably their sturdy strength, hoarded through long years in acadien forests, would be devoted to the support of some warehouse or mansion in his native puritan city, whose founders had called so loudly for the destruction of the french. vesper cast a regretful glance in the direction of the trees, and entered the little shop, whose well-stocked shelves were full of rolls of cotton and flannel, and boxes of groceries, confectionery, and stationery. the drivers of the ox-teams were inside, doing their shopping. they were somewhat rougher in appearance than the inhabitants of sleeping water, and were louder and noisier in their conversation. vesper saw a young acadien whisper a few words to one of them, and the teamster in return scowled fiercely at him, and muttered something about "a goddam yankee." the young american stared coolly at him, and, going up to the counter, purchased his stamps from a fat man in shirt-sleeves, who served him with exquisite and distant courtesy. then, leaving the shop, he shrugged his shoulders, and went back the way he had come, murmuring, in amused curiosity, "i must solve this mystery of _the evening news_. my friend agapit is infecting all who come within the circle of his influence." he walked on past the inn, staring with interest at the houses bordering the road. a few were very small, a few very old. he could mark the transition of a family in some cases from their larval state in a low, gray, caterpillar-like house of one story to a gay-winged butterfly home of two or three stories. however, on the whole, the dwellings were nearly all of the same size,--there were no sharp distinctions between rich and poor. he saw no peasants, no pampered landlords. these acadiens all seemed to be small farmers, and all were on an equality. the creaking of an approaching team caught his attention. it was drawn by a pair of magnificent red oxen, groomed as carefully as if they had been horses, and beside them walked an old man, who was holding an ejaculatory conversation with them in english; for the acadiens of the bay saint-mary always address their oxen and horses as if they belonged to the english race. "i wonder whether this worthy man in homespun has been informed that i am a kind of leper," reflected vesper, as he uttered a somewhat guarded "_bon jour_." "_bon jour_," said the old man, delightedly, and he halted and admonished his companions to do the same. "_il fait beau_" (it is a fine day), pursued vesper, cautiously. "_oui, mais je crais qu'il va mouiller_" (yes, but i think it is going to rain), said the acadien, with gentle affability; then he went on, apologetically, and in english, "i do not speak the good french." "it is the best of french," said vesper, "for it is old." "and you," continued the old man, not to be outdone in courtesy, "you speak like the sisters of st. joseph who once called at my house. their words were like round pebbles dropping from their mouths." vesper smoothed his mustache, and glanced kindly at his aged companion, who proceeded to ask him whether he was staying at the inn. "ah, it is a good inn," he went on, "and rose à charlitte is _très-smart, très-smart_. perhaps you do not understand my english," he added, when vesper did not reply to him. "on the contrary, i find that you speak admirably." "you are kind," said the old man, shaking his head, "but my english langwidge is spiled since my daughter went to bostons, for i talk to no one. she married an irish boy; he is a nusser." "an usher,--in a theatre?" "no, sir, in a cross-spittal. he nusses sick people, and gets two dollars a day." "oh, indeed." "do you come from bostons?" asked the old man. "yes, i do." "and do you know my daughter?" "what is her name?" the acadien reflected for some time, then said it was maccraw, whereupon vesper assured him that he had never had the pleasure of meeting her. "is your trade an easy one?" asked the old man, wistfully. "no; very hard." "you are then a farmer." "no; i wish i were. my trade is taking care of my health." the acadien examined him from head to foot. "your face is beautifuller than a woman's, but you are poorly built." vesper drew up his straight and slender figure. he was not surprised that it did not come up to the acadien's standard of manly beauty. "let us shake hands lest we never meet again," said the old man, so gently, so kindly, and with so much benevolence, that vesper responded, warmly, "i hope to see you some other time." "perhaps you will call. we are but poor, yet if it would please you--" "i shall be most happy. where do you live?" "near the low down brook, way off there. demand antoine à joe rimbaut," and, smiling and nodding farewell, the old man moved on. "a good heart," said vesper, looking after him. "caw, caw," said a solemn voice at his elbow. he turned around. one of the blackest of crows sat on a garden fence that surrounded a neat pink cottage. the cottage was itself smothered in lilacs, whose fragrant blossoms were in their prime, although the boston lilacs had long since faded and died. "do not be afraid, sir," said a woman in the inevitable handkerchief, who jumped up from a flower bed that she was weeding, "he is quite tame." "_un corbeau apprivoisé_" (a tame crow), said vesper, lifting his cap. "_un corbeau privé_, we say," she replied, shyly. "you speak the good french, like the priests out of france." she was not a very young woman, nor was she very pretty, but she was delightfully modest and retiring in her manner, and vesper, leaning against the fence, assured her that he feared the acadiens were lacking in a proper appreciation of their ability to speak their own language. after a time he looked over the fields behind her cottage, and asked the name of a church crowning a hill in the distance. "it is the saulnierville church," she replied, "but you must not walk so far. you will stay to dinner?" while vesper was politely declining her invitation, a frenchman with a long, pointed nose, and bright, sharp eyes, came around the corner of the house. "he is my husband," said the woman. "edouard, this gentleman speaks the good french." the acadien warmly seconded the invitation of his wife that vesper should stay to dinner, but he escaped from them with smiling thanks and a promise to come another day. "they never saw me before, and they asked me to stay to dinner. that is true hospitality,--they have not been infected. i will make my way back to the inn, and interview that sulky beggar." chapter vi. vesper suggests an explanation. "glad of a quarrel straight i clap the door; sir, let me see you and your works no more." pope. at twelve o'clock mrs. rose à charlitte was standing in her cold pantry deftly putting a cap of icing on a rich rounded loaf of cake, when she heard a question asked, in vesper's smooth neutral tones, "where is madame?" she stepped into the kitchen, and found that he was interrogating her servant célina. "i should like to speak to that young man i saw this morning," he said, when he saw her. "he has gone out, monsieur," she replied, after a moment's hesitation. "which is his room?" "the one by the smoking-room," she answered, with a deep blush. vesper's white teeth gleamed through his dark mustache, and, seeing that he was laughing at her, she grew confused, and hung her head. "can i get to it by this staircase?" asked vesper, exposing her petty deceit. "i think i can by going up to the roof, and dropping down." mrs. rose lifted her head long enough to flash him a scrutinizing glance. then, becoming sensible of the determination of purpose under his indifference of manner, she said, in scarcely audible tones, "i will show you." "i have only a simple question to ask him," said vesper, reassuringly, as he followed her towards the staircase. "agapit is quick like lightning," she said, over her shoulder, "but his heart is good. he helps to keep our grandmother, who spends her days in bed." "that is exemplary. i would be the last one to hurt the feelings of the prop of an aged person," murmured vesper. rose à charlitte was not satisfied. she unwillingly mounted the stairs, and pointed out the door of her cousin's room, then withdrew to the next one, and listened anxiously in case there might be some disturbance between the young men. there was none; so, after a time, she went down-stairs. agapit, at vesper's entrance, abruptly pushed back his chair from the table and, rising, presented a red and angry face to his visitor. "i have interrupted you, i fear," said vesper, smoothly. "i will not detain you long. i merely wish to ask a question." "will you sit down?" said agapit, sulkily, and he forced himself to offer the most comfortable chair in the room to his caller. vesper did not seat himself until he saw that agapit was prepared to follow his example. then he looked into the black eyes of the acadien, which were like two of the deep, dark pools in the forest, and said, "a matter of business has brought me to this bay. i may have some inquiries to make, in which i would find myself hampered by any prejudice among persons i might choose to question. i fancy that some of the people here look on me with suspicion. i am quite unaware of having given offence in any way. possibly you can explain,--i am not bent on an explanation, you understand. if you choose to offer one, i shall be glad to listen." he spoke listlessly, tapping on the table with his fingers, and allowing his eyes to wander around the room, rather than to remain fixed on agapit's face. the young acadien could scarcely restrain a torrent of words until vesper had finished speaking. "since you ask, i will explain,--yes, i will not be silent. we are not rude here,--oh, no. we are too kind to strangers. vipers have crept in among us. they have stolen heat and warmth from our bosoms"--he paused, choking with rage. "and you have reason to suppose that i may prove a viper?" asked vesper, indolently. "yes, you also are one. you come here, we receive you. you depart, you laugh in your sleeve,--a newspaper comes. we see it all. the meek and patient acadiens are once more held up to be a laughing-stock." vesper wrinkled his level eyebrows. "perhaps you will characterize this viperish conduct?" agapit calmed himself slightly. "wait but an instant. control your curiosity, and i will give you something to read," and he went on his knees, and rummaged among some loose papers in an open box. "look at it," he said, at last, springing up and handing his caller a newspaper; "read, and possibly you will understand." vesper's quick eye ran over the sheet that he held up. "this is a new york weekly paper. yes, i know it well. what is there here that concerns you?" "look, look here," said agapit, tapping a column in the paper with an impatient gesture. "read the nonsense, the drivel, the insanity of the thing--" "ah,--'among the acadiens, quaintness unrivalled, archaic forms of speech, a dance and a wedding, the spirit of evangeline, humorous traits, if you wish a good laugh go among them!'" "she laughed in print, she screamed in black ink!" exclaimed agapit. "the silly one,--the witch." "who was she,--this lady viper?" asked vesper, briefly. "she was a woman--a newspaper woman. she spent a summer among us. she gloomed about the beach with a shawl on her shoulders; a small dog followed her. she laid in bed. she read novels, and then," he continued, with rising voice, "she returned home, she wrote this detestability about us." "why need you care?" said vesper, coolly. "she had to reel off a certain amount of copy. all correspondents have to do so. she only touched up things a little to make lively reading." "not touching up, but manufacturing," retorted agapit, with blazing eyes. "she had nothing to go on, nothing--nothing--nothing. we are just like other people," and he ruffled his coal-black hair with both his hands, and looked at his caller fiercely. "do you not find us so?" "not exactly," said vesper, so dispassionately and calmly, and with such statuesque repose of manner, that he seemed rather to breathe the words than to form them with his lips. "and you will express that in your paper. you will not tell the truth. my countrymen will never have justice,--never, never. they are always misrepresented, always." "what a firebrand!" reflected vesper, and he surveyed, with some animation, the inflamed, suspicious face of the frenchman. "you also will caricature us," pursued agapit; "others have done so, why should not you?" vesper's lips parted. he was on the point of imparting to agapit the story of his great-grandfather's letter. then he closed them. why should he be browbeaten into communicating his private affairs to a stranger? "thank you," he said, and he rose to leave the room. "i am obliged for the information you have given me." agapit's face darkened; he would dearly love to secure a promise of good behavior from this stranger, who was so non-committal, so reserved, and yet so strangely attractive. "see," he said, grandly, and flinging his hand in the direction of his books and papers. "to an honest man, really interested in my people, i would be pleased to give information. i have many documents, many books." "ah, you take an interest in this sort of thing," said vesper. "an interest--i should die without my books and papers; they are my life." "and yet you were cut out for a farmer," thought vesper, as he surveyed agapit's sturdy frame. "i suppose you have the details of the expulsion at your fingers' ends," he said, aloud. "ah, the expulsion," muttered agapit, turning deathly pale, "the abominable, damnable expulsion!" "your feelings run high on the subject," murmured vesper. "it suffocates me, it chokes me, when i reflect how it was brought about. you know, of course, that in the eighteenth century there flourished a devil,--no, not a devil," contemptuously. "what is that for a word? devil, devil,--it is so common that there is no badness in it. even the women say, 'poor devil, i pity him.' say, rather, there was a god of infamy, the blackest, the basest, the most infernal of created beings that our lord ever permitted to pollute this earth--" for a minute he became incoherent, then he caught his breath. "this demon, this arch-fiend, the misbegotten lawrence that your historian parkman sets himself to whitewash--" "i know of parkman," said vesper, coldly, "he was once a neighbor of ours." "was he!" exclaimed agapit, in a paroxysm of excitement. "a fine neighbor, a worthy man! parkman,--the new england story-teller, the traducer, who was too careless to set himself to the task of investigating records." vesper was not prepared to hear any abuse of his countryman, and, turning on his heel, he left the room, while agapit, furious to think that, unasked, he had been betrayed into furnishing a newspaper correspondent with some crumbs of information that might possibly be dished up in appetizing form for the delectation of american readers, slammed the door behind him, and went back to his writing. chapter vii. a deadlock. "i found the fullest summer here between these sloping meadow-hills and yon; and came all beauty then, from dawn to dawn, whether the tide was veiled or flowing clear." j. f. h. three days later, vesper had only two friends in sleeping water,--that is, only two open friends. he knew he had a secret one in mrs. rose à charlitte, who waited on him with the air of a sorrowing saint. the open friends were the child narcisse, and emmanuel victor de la rive, the mail-driver. rose could not keep her child away from the handsome stranger. narcisse had fallen into a passionate adoration for him, and even in his dreams prattled of the englishman from boston. on the third night of vesper's stay in sleeping water a violent thunder-storm arose. lying in his bed and watching the weird lighting up of the bay under the vivid discharges of electricity, he heard a fumbling at his door-knob, and, upon unlocking the door, discovered narcisse, pale and seraphic, in a long white nightgown, and with beads of distress on his forehead. "mr. englishman," he said to vesper, who now understood his childish lingo, "i come to you, for my mother sleeps soundly, and she cannot tell me when she wakes,--the trees and the flowers, are they not in a terrible fright?" and, holding up his gown with one hand, he went swiftly to the window, and pointed out towards the willows, writhing and twisting in the wind, and the gentle flowers laid low on the earth. a yellow glare lighted up the room, a terrible peal of thunder shook the house, but the child did not quail, and stood waiting for an answer to his question. "come here," said vesper, calmly, "and i will explain to you that the thunder does not hurt them, and that they have a way of bending before the blast." narcisse immediately drew his pink heels up over the side of vesper's bed. he was unspeakably soothed by the merest word of this stranger, in whose nervous sensitiveness and reserve he found a spirit more congenial to his own than in that of his physically perfect mother. vesper talked to him for some time, and the child at last fell asleep, his tiny hand clasping a scapulary on his breast, his pretty lips murmuring to the picture on it, "good st. joseph, mr. englishman says that only a few of the trees and flowers are hurt by the storm. watch over the little willows and the small lilies while i sleep, and do not let them be harmed." vesper at first patiently and kindly endured the pressure of the curly head laid on his arm. he would like to have a beautiful child like this for his own. then thoughts of his childhood began to steal over him. he remembered climbing into his father's bed, gazing worshipfully into his face, and stroking his handsome head. "o god, my father!" he muttered, "i have lost him," and, unable to endure the presence of the child, he softly waked him. "go back to your mother, narcisse. she may miss you." the child sleepily obeyed him, and went to continue his dreams by his mother's side, while vesper lay awake until the morning, a prey to recollections at once tender and painful. vesper's second friend, the mail-driver, never failed to call on him every morning. if one could put a stamp on a letter it was permissible at any point on the route to call, "_arrête-toi_" (stop), to the crimson flying bird. if one could not stamp a letter, it was illegal to detain him. vesper never had, however, to call "_arrête-toi_." of his own accord emmanuel victor de la rive, upon arriving before the inn, would fling the reins over his pony's back, and spring nimbly out. he was sure to find vesper lolling on the seat under the willows, or lying in the hammock, with narcisse somewhere near, whereupon he would seat himself for a few minutes, and in his own courteous and curious way would ask various and sundry questions of this stranger, who had fascinated him almost as completely as he had narcisse. on the morning after the thunder-storm he had fallen into an admiration of vesper's beautiful white teeth. were they all his own, and not artificial? with such teeth he could marry any woman. he was a bachelor now, was he not? did he always intend to remain one? how much longer would he stay in sleeping water? and vesper, parrying his questions with his usual skill, sent him away with his ears full of polite sentences that, when he came to analyze them, conveyed not a single item of information to his surprised brain. however, he felt no resentment towards vesper. his admiration rose superior to any rebuffs. it even soared above the warning intimations he received from many acadiens to the effect that he was laying himself open to hostile criticism by his intercourse with the enemy within the camp. vesper was amused by him, and on this particular morning, after he left, he lay back in the hammock, his mind enjoyably dwelling on the characteristics of the volatile acadien. narcisse, who stood beside him in the centre of the bare spot on the lawn, by the hammock, in vain begged for a story, and at last, losing patience, knelt down and put his head to the ground. the englishman had told him that each grass-blade came up from the earth with a tale on the tip of its quivering tongue, and that all might hear who bent an ear to listen. narcisse wished to get news of the storm in the night, and really fancied that the grass-blades told him it had prevailed in the bowels of the earth. he sprang up to impart the news to vesper, and agapit, who was passing down the lane by the house to the street, scowled, disapprovingly, at the pretty, wagging head and animated gestures. vesper gazed after him, and paid no attention to narcisse. "i wonder," he murmured, languidly, "what spell holds me in the neighborhood of this acadien demagogue who has turned his following against me. it must be the bay," and in a trance of pleasure he surveyed its sparkling surface. always beautiful,--never the same. was ever another sheet of water so wholly charming, was ever another occupation so fitted for unstrung nerves as this placid watching of its varying humors and tumults? this morning it was like crystal. a fleet of small boats was dancing out to the deep sea fishing-grounds, and three brown-sailed schooners were gliding up the bay to mysterious waters unknown to him. as soon as he grew stronger, he must follow them up to the rolling country and the fertile fields beyond sleeping water. just now the mere thought of leaving the inn filled him with nervous apprehension, and he started painfully and irritably as the sharp clang of the dinner-bell rang out through the open windows of the house. followed by narcisse, he sauntered to the table, where he caused rose à charlitte's heart a succession of pangs and anxieties. "he does not like my cooking; he eats nothing," she said, mournfully, to agapit, who was taking a substantial dinner at the kitchen table. "i wish that he would go away," said agapit, "i hate his insolent face." "but he is not insolent," said rose, pleadingly. "it is only that he does not care for us; he is likely rich, and we are but poor." "do many millionaires come to thy quiet inn?" asked agapit, ironically. rose reluctantly admitted that, so far, her patrons had not been people of wealth. "he is probably a beggar," said agapit. "he has paid thee nothing yet. i dare say he has only old clothes in that trunk of his. perhaps he was forced to leave his home. he intends to spend the rest of his life here." "if he would work," said rose, timidly, "he could earn his board. if thou goest away, i shall need a man for the stable." "look at his white hands," said agapit, "he is lazy,--and dost thou think i would leave thee with that young sprig? his character may be of the worst. what do we know of him?" and he tramped out to the stable, while mrs. rose confusedly withdrew to her pantry. an hour later, while agapit was grooming toochune, the thoroughbred black horse that was the wonder of the bay, narcisse came and stood in the stable door, and for a long time silently watched him. then he heaved a small sigh. he was thinking neither of the horse nor of agapit, and said, wistfully, "the englishman from boston sleeps as well as my mother. i have tried to wake him, but i cannot." agapit paid no attention to him, but the matter was weighing on the child's mind, and after a time he continued, "his face is very white, as white as the breast of the ducks." "his face is always white," growled agapit. narcisse went away, and sat patiently down by the hammock, while agapit, who kept an eye on him despite himself, took occasion a little later to go to the garden, ostensibly to mend a hole in the fence, in reality to peer through the willows at vesper. what he saw caused him to drop his knife, and go to the well, where célina was drawing a bucket of water. "the englishman has fainted," he said, and he took the bucket from her. célina ran after him, and watched him thrust narcisse aside and dash a handful of water in vesper's marble, immobile face. narcisse raised one of his tiny fists and struck agapit a smart blow, and, in spite of their concern for the englishman, both the grown people turned and stared in surprise at him. for the first time they saw the sweet-tempered child in a rage. "go away," he said, in a choking voice, "you shall not hurt him." "hush, little rabbit," said the young man. "i try to do him good. christophe! christophe!" and he hailed an acadien who was passing along the road. "come assist me to carry the englishman into the house. this is something worse than a faint." chapter viii. on the sudden something ill. "dull days had hung like curtained mysteries, and nights were weary with the starless skies. at once came life, and fire, and joys untold, and promises for violets to unfold; and every breeze had shreds of melodies, so faint and sweet." j. f. herbin. one midnight, three weeks later, when perfect silence and darkness brooded over sleeping water, and the only lights burning were the stars up aloft, and two lamps in two windows of the inn, vesper opened his eyes and looked about him. he saw for some dreamy moments only a swimming curtain of black, with a few familiar objects picked out against the gloom. he could distinguish his trunk sailing to and fro, a remembered mirror before which he had brushed his hair, a book in a well-known binding, and a lamp with a soft yellow globe, that immediately took him to a certain restaurant in paris, and made him fancy that he was dining under the yellow lights in its ceiling. where was he,--in what country had he been having this long, dreamless sleep? and by dint of much brain racking, which bathed his whole body in a profuse perspiration, he at length retraced his steps back into his life, and decided that he was in the last place that he remembered before he fell into this disembodied-spirit condition of mind,--his room in the sleeping water inn. there was the open window, through which he had so often listened to the soothing murmur of the sea; there were the easy chairs, the chest of drawers, the little table, that, as he remembered it last, was not covered with medicine-bottles. the child's cot was a wholly new object. had the landlady's little boy been sharing his quarters? what was his name? ah, yes, narcisse,--and what had they called the sulky acadien who had hung about the house, and who now sat reading in a rocking-chair by the table? agapit--that was it; but why was he here in his room? some one had been ill. "i am that person," suddenly drifted into his tortured mind. "i have been very ill; perhaps i am going to die." but the thought caused him no uneasiness, no regret; he was conscious only of an indescribably acute and nervous torture as his weary eyes glued themselves to the unconscious face of his watcher. agapit would soon lift his head, would stare at him, would utter some exclamation; and, in mute, frantic expectation, vesper waited for the start and the exclamation. if they did come he felt that they would kill him; if they did not, he felt that nothing less than a sudden and immediate felling to the floor of his companion would satisfy the demands of his insane and frantic agitation. fortunately agapit soon turned his anxious face towards the bed. he did not start, he did not exclaim: he had been too well drilled for that; but a quick, quiet rapture fell upon him that was expressed only by the trembling of his finger tips. the young american had come out of the death-like unconsciousness of past days and nights; he now had a chance to recover; but while a thanksgiving to the mother of angels was trembling on his lips, his patient surveyed him in an ecstasy of irritation and weakness that found expression in hysterical laughter. agapit was alarmed. he had never heard vesper laugh in health. he had rarely smiled. possibly he might be calmed by the offer of something to eat, and, picking up a bowl of jelly, he approached the bed. vesper made a supreme effort, slightly moved his head from the descending spoon, and uttered the worst expression that he could summon from his limited vocabulary of abuse of former days. agapit drew back, and resignedly put the jelly on the table. "he remembers the past," he reflected, with hanging head. vesper did not remember the past; he was conscious of no resentment. he was possessed only of a wild desire to be rid of this man, whose presence inflamed him to the verge of madness. after sorrowfully surveying him, while retreating further and further from his inarticulate expressions of rage, agapit stepped into the hall. in a few minutes he returned with rose, who looked pale and weary, as if she, too, were a watcher by a sick-bed. she glanced quickly at vesper, suppressed a smile when he made a face at agapit, and signed to the latter to leave the room. vesper became calm. instead of sitting down beside him, or staring at him, she had gone to the window, and stood with folded hands, looking out into the night. after some time she went to the table, took up a bottle, and, carefully examining it, poured a few drops into a spoon. vesper took the liquid from her, with no sense of irritation; then, as she quickly turned away, he felt himself sinking down, down, through his bed, through the floor, through the crust of the earth, into regions of infinite space, from which he had come back to the world for a time. the next time he waked up, agapit was again with him. the former pantomime would have been repeated if agapit had not at once precipitated himself from the room, and sent rose to take his place. this time she smiled at vesper, and made an effort to retain his attention, even going so far as to leave the room and reënter with a wan effigy of narcisse in her arms,--a pale and puny thing that stared languidly at him, and attempted to kiss his hand. vesper tried to speak to the child, lost himself in the attempt, then roused his slumbering fancy once more and breathed a question to mrs. rose,--"my mother?" "your mother is well, and is here," murmured his landlady. "you shall see her soon." vesper's periods of slumber after this were not of so long duration, and one warm and delicious afternoon, when the sunlight was streaming in and flooding his bed, he opened his eyes on a frail, happy figure fluttering about the room. "ah, mother," he said, calmly, "you are here." she flew to the bed, she hovered over him, embraced him, turned away, came back to him, and finally, rigidly clasping her hands to ensure self-control, sat down beside him. at first she would not talk, the doctor would not permit it; but after some days her tongue was allowed to take its course freely and uninterruptedly. "my dear boy, what a horrible fright you gave me! your letters came every day for a week, then they stopped. i waited two days, thinking you had gone to some other place, then i telegraphed. you were ill. you can imagine how i hurried here, with henry to take care of me. and what do you think i found? such a curious state of affairs. do you know that these acadiens hated you at first?" "yes, i remember that." "but when you fell ill, that young man, agapit, installed himself as your nurse. they spoke of getting a sister of charity, but had some scruples, thinking you might not like it, as you are a protestant. mrs. de forêt closed her inn; she would receive no guests, lest they might disturb you. she and her cousin nursed you. they got an english doctor to drive twelve miles every day,--they thought you would prefer him to a french one. then her little boy fell ill; he said the young man agapit had hurt you. they thought he would die, for he had brain fever. he called all the time for you, and when he had lucid intervals, they could only convince him you were not dead by bringing him in, and putting him in this cot. really, it was a most deplorable state of affairs. but the charming part is that they thought you were a pauper. when i arrived, they were thunderstruck. they had not opened your trunk, which you left locked, though they said they would have done so if i had not come, for they feared you might die, and they wanted to get the addresses of your friends, and every morning, my dear boy, for three days after you were taken ill, you started up at nine o'clock, the time that queer, red postman used to come,--and wrote a letter to me." mrs. nimmo paused, hid her face in her hands, and burst into tears. "it almost broke my heart when i heard it,--to think of you rousing yourself every day from your semi-unconsciousness to write to your mother. i cannot forgive myself for letting you go away without me." "why did they not write from here to you?" asked vesper. "they did not know i was your mother. i don't think they looked at the address of the letters you had sent. they thought you were poor, and an adventurer." "why did they not write to _the evening news_?" "my dear boy, they were doing everything possible for you, and they would have written in time." "you have, of course, told them that they shall suffer no loss by all this?" "yes, yes; but they seem almost ashamed to take money from me. that charming landlady says, 'if i were rich i would pay all, myself.' vesper, she is a wonderful woman." "is she?" he said, languidly. "i never saw any one like her. my darling, how do you feel? mayn't i give you some wine? i feel as if i had got you back from the grave, i can never be sufficiently thankful. the doctor says you may be carried out-of-doors in a week, if you keep on improving, as you are sure to do. the air here seems to suit you perfectly. you would never have been ill if you had not been run down when you came. that young man agapit is making a stretcher to carry you. he is terribly ashamed of his dislike for you, and he fairly worships you now." "i suppose you went through my trunk," said vesper, in faint, indulgent tones. "well, yes," said mrs. nimmo, reluctantly. "i thought, perhaps, there might be something to be attended to." "and you read my great-grandfather's letter?" "yes,--i will tell you exactly what i did. i found the key the second day i came, and i opened the trunk. when i discovered that old yellow letter, i knew it was something important. i read it, and of course recognized that you had come here in search of the fiery frenchman's children. however, i did not think you would like me to tell these acadiens that, so i merely said, 'how you have misunderstood my son! he came here to do good to some of your people. he is looking for the descendants of a poor unhappy man. my son has money, and would help you.'" vesper tried to keep back the little crease of amusement forming itself about his wasted lips. he had rarely seen his mother so happy and so excited. she prattled on, watching him sharply to see the effect of her words, and hovering over him like a kind little mother-bird. in some way she reminded him curiously enough of emmanuel de la rive. "i simply told them how good you are, and how you hate to have a fuss made over you. the young acadien man actually writhed, and mrs. de forêt cried like a baby. then they said, 'oh, why did he put the name of a paper after his name?' 'how cruel in you to say that!' i replied to them. 'he does that because it reminds him of his dead father, whom he adored. my husband was editor and proprietor of the paper, and my son owns a part of it.' you should have seen the young acadien. he put his head down on his arms, then he lifted it, and said, 'but does your son not write?' 'write!' i exclaimed, indignantly, 'he hates writing. to me, his own mother, he only sends half a dozen lines. he never wrote a newspaper article in his life.' they would have been utterly overcome if i had not praised them for their disinterestedness in taking care of you in spite of their prejudice against you. vesper, they will do anything for you now; and that exquisite child,--it is just like a romance that he should have fallen ill because you did." "is he better?" "almost well. they often bring him in when you are asleep. i daresay it would amuse you to have him sit on your bed for awhile." vesper was silent, and, after a time, his mother ran on: "this french district is delightfully unique. i never was in such an out-of-the-world place except in europe. i feel as if i had been moved back into a former century, when i see those women going about in their black handkerchiefs. i sit at the window and watch them going by,--i should never weary of them." vesper said nothing, but he reflected affectionately and acutely that in a fortnight his appreciative but fickle mother would be longing for the rustle of silks, the flutter of laces, and the hum of fashionable conversation on a veranda, which was her idea of an enjoyable summer existence. chapter ix. a talk on the wharf. "long have i lingered where the marshlands are, oft hearing in the murmur of the tide the past, alive again and at my side, with unrelenting power and hateful war." j. f. h. "there goes the priest of the parish in his buggy," said mrs. nimmo. "he must have a sick call." she sat on a garden chair, crocheting a white shawl and watching the passers-by on the road. "and there are some sisters of charity from one of the convents and an old indian with a load of baskets is begging from them--don't you want to look at these bicyclists, vesper? one, two, three, four, five, six. they are from boston, i know, by the square collars on their jerseys. the nova scotians do not dress in that way." vesper gave only a partial though pleased attention to his mother, who had picked up an astonishing amount of neighborhood news, and as he lay on a rug at her feet, with his hat pulled over his brows, his mind soared up to the blue sky above him. during his illness he had always seemed to be sinking down into blackness and desolation. with returning health and decreased nervousness his soul mounted upward, and he would lie for hours at a time bathed in a delicious reverie and dreaming of "a nest among the stars." "and there is the blacksmith from the corner," continued mrs. nimmo, "who comes here so often to borrow things that a blacksmith is commonly supposed to have. yesterday he wanted a hammer. 'not a hammer,' said célina to me, 'but a wife.'" vesper's brain immediately turned an abrupt somersault in a descent from the sky to earth. "what did you say, mother?" "merely that the blacksmith wishes to marry our landlady. it will be an excellent match for her. don't you think so?" "in some respects,--yes." "she is too young, and too handsome, to remain a widow. célina says that she has had a great many admirers, but she has never seemed to fancy any one but the blacksmith. she went for a drive with him last sunday evening. you know that is the time young acadiens call on the girls they admire. you see them walking by, or driving in their buggies. if a girl's _fiancé_ did not call on her that evening she would throw him over--there she is now with your beef tea," and mrs. nimmo admiringly watched rose coming from the kitchen and carefully guarding a dainty china cup in her hand. vesper got up and took it from her. "don't you think it is nonsense for me to be drinking this every morning?" he asked. rose looked up at him as he stood, tall, keen-eyed, interested, and waiting for her answer. "what does madame, your mother, say?" she asked, indicating mrs. nimmo, by a pretty gesture. "his mother says," remarked mrs. nimmo, indulgently, "that her son should take any dose, no matter how disagreeable, if it has for its object the good of his health." vesper glanced sharply at her, then poured the last few drops of his tea on the ground. "ah," said mrs. rose, anxiously, "i feared that i had not put in enough salt. now i know." "it was perfect," said vesper. "i am only offering a libation to those pansies," and he inclined his dark head towards narcisse, who was seated cross-legged in the hammock. rose took the cup, smiled innocently and angelically on her child and the young man and his mother, and returned to the house. agapit presently came hurrying by the fence. "ah, that is good!" he exclaimed, when he saw vesper sauntering to and fro; "do you not think you could essay a walk to the wharf?" "yes," said vesper, while his mother anxiously looked up from her work. "then come,--let me have the honor of escorting you," and agapit showed his big white teeth in an ecstatic smile. vesper extended a hand to narcisse, and, lifting his cap to his mother, went slowly down the lane to the road. agapit could scarcely contain his delight. he grinned broadly at every one they met, tried to accommodate his pace to vesper's, kept forgetting and striding ahead, and finally, cramming his hands in his pockets, fell behind and muttered, "i feel as if i had known you a hundred years." "you didn't feel that way six weeks ago," said vesper, good-humoredly. "i blush for it,--i am ashamed, but can you blame me? since days of long ago, acadiens have been so much maligned. you do not find that we are worse than others?" "well, i think you would have been a pretty ticklish fellow to have handled at the time of the expulsion." "our dear lord knew better than to bring me into the world then," said agapit, naïvely. "i should have urged the acadiens to take up arms. there were enough of them to kill those devilish english." "do all the acadiens hate the english as much as you do?" "_i_ hate the english?" cried agapit. "how grossly you deceive yourself!" "what do you mean then by that strong language?" agapit threw himself into an excited attitude. "let you dare--you youthful, proud young republic,--to insult our canadian flag. you would see where stands agapit lenoir! england is the greatest nation in the world," and proudly swelling out his breast, he swept his glance over the majestic bay before them. "yes, barring the united states of america." "i cannot quarrel with you," said agapit, and the fire left his glance, and moisture came to his eyes. "let us each hold to our own opinion." "and suppose insults not forthcoming,--give me some further explanation meantime." "my quarrel is not with the great-minded," said agapit, earnestly, "the eagerly anxious-for-peace englishmen in years gone by, who reinforced the kings and queens of england. no,--i impeach the low-born upstarts and their colonial accomplices. do you know, can you imagine, that the diabolical scheme of the expulsion of the acadiens was conceived by a barber, and carried into decapitation by a house painter?" "not possible," murmured vesper. "yes, possible,--let me find you a seat. i shall not forgive myself if i weary you, and those women will kill me." they had reached the wharf, and agapit pointed to a pile of boards against the wooden breastwork that kept the waves from dashing over in times of storm. "that infamous letter is always like a scroll of fire before me," he exclaimed, pacing restlessly to and fro before vesper and the child. "in it the once barber and footman, craggs, who was then secretary of state, wrote to the governor of nova scotia: 'i see you do not get the better of the acadiens. it is singular that those people should have preferred to lose their goods rather than be exposed to fight against their brethren. this sentimentality is stupid.' ah, let it be stupid!" exclaimed agapit, breaking off. "let us once more have an expulsion. the acadiens will go, they will suffer, they will die, before they give up sentimentality." "hear, hear!" observed vesper. agapit surveyed him with a glowing eye. "listen to further words from this solemn official, this barber secretary: 'these people are evidently too much attached to their fellow countrymen and to their religion ever to make true englishmen.' of what are true englishmen made, mr. englishman from boston?" "of poor frenchmen, according to the barber." "now hear more courtly language from the honorable craggs: 'it must be avowed that your position is deucedly critical. it was very difficult to prevent them from departing after having left the bargain to their choice--'" "what does he mean by that?" asked vesper. "call to your memory the terms of the treaty of utrecht." "i don't remember a word of it,--bear in mind, my friend, that i am not an acadien, and this question does not possess for me the moving interest it does for you. i only know longfellow's 'evangeline,'--which, until lately, has always seemed to me to be a pretty myth dressed up to please the public, and make money for the author,--some magazine articles, and parkman, my favorite historian, whom you, nevertheless, seem to dislike." agapit dropped on a block of wood, and rocked himself to and fro, as if in distress. "i will not characterize parkman, since he is your countryman; but i would dearly love--i would truly admire to say what i think of him. now as to the treaty of utrecht; think just a moment, and you will remember that it transferred the acadiens as the subjects of louis xiv. of france to the good queen anne of england." vesper, instead of puzzling his brain with historical reminiscences, immediately began to make preparations for physical comfort, and stretched himself out on the pile of boards, with his arm for a pillow. "do not sleep, but conversate," said agapit, eagerly. "it is cool here, you possibly would get cold if you shut your eyes. i will change this matter of talk,--there is one i would fain introduce." vesper, in inward diversion, found that a new solemnity had taken possession of the young acadien. he looked unutterable things at the bay, indescribable things at the sky, and mysterious things at the cook of the schooner, who had just thrust his head through a window in his caboose. at last he gave expression to his emotion. "would this not be a fitting time to talk of the wonderful letter of which madame, your mother, hinted?" vesper, without a word, drew a folded paper from his pocket, and handed it to him. agapit took it reverently, swayed back and forth while devouring its contents, then, unable to restrain himself, sprang up, and walked, or rather ran, to and fro while perusing it a second time. at last he came to a dead halt, and breathing hard, and with eyes aflame, ejaculated, "thank you, a thousand, thousand time for showing me this precious letter." then pressing it to his breast, he disappeared entirely from vesper's range of vision. after a time he came back. some of his excitement had gone from his head through his heels, and he sank heavily on a block of wood. "you do not know, you cannot tell," he said, "what this letter means to us." "what does it mean?" "it means--i do not know that i can say the word, but i will try--cor-rob-oration." "explain a little further, will you?" "in the past all was for the english. now records are being discovered, old documents are coming to light. the guilty colonial authorities suppressed them. now these records declare for the acadiens." "so--this letter, being from one on the opposite side, is valuable." "it is like a diamond unearthed," said agapit, turning it over; "but,"--in sudden curiosity,--"this is a copy mutilated, for the name of the captain is not here. from whom did you have it, if i am permitted to ask?" "from the great-grandson of the old fellow mentioned." "and he does not wish his name known?" "well, naturally one does not care to shout the sins of one's ancestors." "the noble young man, the dear young man," said agapit, warmly. "he will atone for the sins of his fathers." "not particularly noble, only business-like." "and has he much money, that he wishes to aid this family of acadiens?" "no, not much. his father's family never succeeded in making money and keeping it. his mother is rich." "i should like to see him," exclaimed agapit, and his black eyes flashed over vesper's composed features. "i should love him for his sensitive heart." "there is nothing very interesting about him," said vesper. "a sick, used-up creature." "ah,--he is delicate." "yes, and without courage. he is a college man and would have chosen a profession if his health had not broken down." "i pity him from my heart; i send good wishes to his sick-bed," said agapit, in a passion of enthusiasm. "i will pray to our lord to raise him." "can you give him any assistance?" asked vesper, nodding towards the letter. "i do not know; i cannot tell. there are many lenoirs. but i will go over my papers; i will sit up at night, as i now do some writing for the post-office. you know i am poor, and obliged to work. i must pay rose for my board. i will not depend on a woman." vesper half lifted his drooping eyelids. "what are you going to make of yourself?" "i wish to study law. i save money for a period in a university." "how old are you?" "twenty-three." "your cousin looks about that age." "she is twenty-four,--a year older; and you,--may i ask your age?" "guess." agapit studied his face. "you are twenty-six." "no." "i daresay we are both younger than rose," said agapit, ingenuously, "and she has less sense than either." "did your ancestors come from the south of france?" asked vesper, abruptly. "not the lenoirs; but my mother's family was from provence. why do you ask?" "you are like a frenchman of the south." "i know that i am impetuous," pursued agapit. "rose says that i resemble the tea-kettle. i boil and bubble all the time that i am not asleep, and"--uneasily--"she also says that i speak too hastily of women; that i do not esteem them as clever as they are. what do you think?" vesper laughed quickly. "southerners all have a slight contempt for women. however, they are frank about it. is there one thought agitating your bosom that you do not express?" "no; most unfortunately. it chagrins me that i speak everything. i feel, and often speak before i feel, but what can one do? it is my nature. rose also follows her nature. she is beautiful, but she studies nothing, absolutely nothing, but the science of cooking." "without which philosophers would go mad from indigestion." "yes; she was born to cook and to obey. let her keep her position, and not say, 'agapit, thou must do so and so,' as she sometimes will, if i am not rocky with her." "rocky?" queried vesper. "firmy, firm," said agapit, in confusion. "the words twist in my mind, unless my blood is hot, when i speak better. will you not correct me? upon going out in the world i do not wish to be laughed." "to be laughed at," said his new friend. "don't worry yourself. you speak well enough, and will improve." agapit grew pale with emotion. "ah, but we shall miss you when you go! there has been no englishman here that we so liked. i hope that you will be long in finding the descendants of the fiery frenchman." "perhaps i shall find some of them in you and your cousin," said vesper. "ah, if you could, what joy! what bliss!--but i fear it is not so. our forefathers were not of grand pré." vesper relapsed into silence, only occasionally rousing himself to answer some of agapit's restless torrent of remarks about the ancient letter. at last he grew tired, and, sitting up, laid a caressing hand on the head of narcisse, who was playing with some shells beside him. "come, little one, we must return to the house." on the way back they met the blacksmith. agapit snickered gleefully, "all the world supposes that he is making the velvet paw to rose." "she drives with him," said vesper, indifferently. "yes, but to obtain news of her sister who flouts him. she is down the bay, and rose receives news of her. she will no longer drive with him if she hears this gossip." "why should she not?" "i do not know, but she will not. possibly because she is no coquette." "she will probably marry some one." "she cannot," muttered agapit, and he fell into a quiet rage, and out of it again in the duration of a few seconds. then he resumed a light-hearted conversation with vesper, who averted his curious eyes from him. chapter x. back to the concession. "and nature hath remembered, for a trace of calm acadien life yet holds command, where, undisturbed, the rustling willows stand, and the curved grass, telling the breeze's pace." j. f. h. mrs. rose à charlitte served her dinner in the middle of the day. the six o'clock meal she called supper. with feminine insight she noticed, at supper, on a day a week later, that her guest was more quiet than usual, and even dull in humor. agapit, who was nearly always in high spirits, and always very much absorbed in himself, came bustling in,--sobered down for one minute to cross himself, and reverently repeat a _bénédicité_, then launched into a voluble and enjoyable conversation on the subject of which he never tired,--his beloved countrymen, the acadiens. rose withdrew to the innermost recesses of her pantry. "do you know these little berries?" she asked, coming back, and setting a glass dish, full of a thick, whitish preserve, before vesper. "no," he said, absently, "what are they?" "they are _poudabre_, or _capillaire_,--waxen berries that grow deep in the woods. they hide their little selves under leaves, yet the children find them. they are expensive, and we do not buy many, yet perhaps you will find them excellent." "they are delicious," said vesper, tasting them. "give me also some," said agapit, with pretended jealousy. "it is not often that we are favored with _poudabre_." "there are yours beside your plate," said rose, mischievously; "you have, if anything, more than mr. nimmo." she very seldom mentioned vesper's name. it sounded foreign on her lips, and he usually liked to hear her. this evening he paid no attention to her, and, with a trace of disappointment in her manner, she went away to the kitchen. after vesper left the table she came back. "agapit, the young man is dull." "i assure thee," said agapit, in french, and very dictatorially, "he is as gay as he usually is." "he is never gay, but this evening he is troubled." agapit grew uneasy. "dost thou think he will again become ill?" rose's brilliant face became pale. "i trust not. ah, that would be terrible!" "possibly he thinks of something. where is his mother?" "above, in her room. some books came from boston in a box, and she reads. go to him, agapit; talk not of the dear dead, but of the living. seek not to find out in what his dullness consists, and do not say abrupt things, but gentle. remember all the kind sayings that thou knowest about women. say that they are constant if they truly love. they do not forget." agapit's fingers remained motionless in the bowl of the big pipe that he was filling with tobacco. "_ma foi_, but thou art eloquent. what has come over thee?" "nothing, nothing," she said, hurriedly, "i only wonder whether he thinks of his _fiancée_." "how dost thou know he has a _fiancée_?" "i do not know, i guess. surely, so handsome a young man must belong already to some woman." "ah,--probably. rose, i am glad that thou hast never been a coquette." "and why should i be one?" she asked, wonderingly. "why, thou hast ways,--sly ways, like most women, and thou art meek and gentle, else why do men run after thee, thou little bleating lamb?" rose made him no answer beyond a shrug of her shoulders. "but thou wilt not marry. is it not so?" he continued, with tremulous eagerness. "it is better for thee to remain single and guard thy child." she looked up at him wistfully, then, as solemnly as if she were taking a vow, she murmured, "i do not know all things, but i think i shall never marry." agapit could scarcely contain his delight. he laid a hand on her shoulder, and exclaimed, "my good little cousin!" then he lighted his pipe and smoked in ecstatic silence. rose occupied herself with clearing the things from the table, until a sudden thought struck agapit. "leave all that for célina. let us take a drive, you and i and the little one. thou hast been much in the house lately." "but mr. nimmo--will it be kind to leave him?" "he can come if he will, but thou must also ask madame. go then, while i harness toochune." "i am not ready," said rose, shrinking back. "ready!" laughed agapit. "i will make thee ready," and he pulled her shawl and handkerchief from a peg near the kitchen door. "i had the intention of wearing my hat," faltered rose. "absurdity! keep it for mass, and save thy money. go ask the young man, while i am at the stable." rose meekly put on the shawl and the handkerchief, and went to the front of the house. vesper stood in the doorway, his hands clasped behind his back. she could only see his curly head, a bit of his cheek, and the tip of his mustache. at the sound of her light step he turned around, and his face brightened. "look at the sunset," he said, kindly, when she stood in embarrassment before him. "it is remarkable." it was indeed remarkable. a blood-red sun was shouldering his way in and out of a wide dull mass of gray cloud that was unrelieved by a single fleck of color. rose looked at the sky, and vesper looked at her, and thought of a grieving madonna. she had been so gay and cheerful lately. what had happened to call that expression of divine tenderness and sympathy to her face? he had never seen her so ethereal and so spiritually beautiful, not even when she was bending over his sick-bed. what a rest and a pleasure to weary eyes she was, in her black artistic garments, and how pure was the oval of her face, how becoming the touch of brownness on the fair skin. the silk handkerchief knotted under her chin and pulled hood-wise over the shock of flaxen hair combed up from the forehead, which two or three little curls caressed daintily, gave the finishing touch of quaintness and out-of-the-worldness to her appearance. "you are feeling slightly blue this evening, are you not?" he asked. "blue,--that means one's thoughts are black?" said rose, bringing her glance back to him. "yes." "then i am a very little blue," she said, frankly. "this inn is like the world to me. when those about me are sad, i, too, am sad. sometimes i grieve when strangers go,--for days in advance i have a weight at heart. when they leave, i shut myself in my room. for others i do not care." "and are you melancholy this evening because you are thinking that my mother and i must soon leave?" her eyes filled with tears. "no; i did not think of that, but i do now." "then what was wrong with you?" "nothing, since you are again cheerful," she said, in tones so doleful that vesper burst into one of his rare laughs, and rose, laughing with him, brushed the tears from her face. "there was something running in my mind that made me feel gloomy," he said, after a short silence. "it has been haunting me all day." her eager glance was a prayer to him to share the cause of his unhappiness with her, and he recited, in a low, penetrating voice, the lines: "mon dieu, pour fuir la mort n'est-il aucun moyen? quoi? dans un jour peut-être immobile et glacé.... aujourd'hui avenir, le monde, la pensée et puis, demain, ... plus rien." rose had never heard anything like this, and she was troubled, and turned her blue eyes to the sky, where a trailing white cloud was soaring above the dark cloud-bank below. "it is like a soul going up to our lord," she murmured, reverently. vesper would not shock her further with his heterodoxy. "forget what i said," he went on, lightly, "and let me beg you never to put anything on your head but that handkerchief. you acadien women wear it with such an air." "but it is because we know how to tie it. look,--this is how the italian women in boston carry those colored ones," and, pulling the piece of silk from her head, she arranged it in severe lines about her face. "a decided difference," vesper was saying, when agapit came around the corner of the house, driving toochune, who was attached to a shining dog-cart. "are you going with us?" he called out. "i have not yet been asked." "thou naughty rose," exclaimed agapit; but she had already hurried up-stairs to invite mrs. nimmo to accompany them. "madame, your mother, prefers to read," she said, when she came back, "therefore narcisse will come." "mount beside me," said agapit to vesper; "rose and narcisse will sit in the background." "no," said vesper, and he calmly assisted rose to the front seat, then extended a hand to swing narcisse up beside her. the child, however, clung to him, and vesper was obliged to take him in the back seat, where he sat nodding his head and looking like a big perfumed flower in his drooping hat and picturesque pink trousers. "you smile," said agapit, who had suddenly twisted his head around. "i always do," said vesper, "for the space of five minutes after getting into this cart." "but why?" "well--an amusing contrast presents itself to my mind." "and the contrast, what is it?" "i am driving with a modern evangeline, who is not the owner of the rough cart that i would have fancied her in, a few weeks ago, but of a trap that would be an ornament to commonwealth avenue." "am i the modern evangeline?" said agapit, in his breakneck fashion. "to my mind she was embodied in the person of your cousin," and vesper bowed in a sidewise fashion towards his landlady. rose crimsoned with pleasure. "but do you think i am like evangeline,--she was so dark, so beautiful?" "you are passable, rose, passable," interjected agapit, "but you lack the passion, the fortitude of the heroine of mr. nimmo's immortal countryman, whom all acadiens venerate. alas! only the poets and story-tellers have been true to acadie. it is the historians who lie." "why do you think your cousin is lacking in passion and fortitude?" asked vesper, who had either lost his gloomy thoughts, or had completely subdued them, and had become unusually vivacious. "she has never loved,--she cannot. rose, did you love your husband as i did _la belle marguerite_?" "my husband was older,--he was as a father," stammered rose. "certainly i did not tear my hair, i did not beat my foot on the ground when he died, as you did when _la belle_ married the miller." "have you ever loved any man?" pursued agapit, unmercifully. "oh, shut up, agapit," muttered vesper; "don't bully a woman." agapit turned to stare at him,--not angrily, but rather as if he had discovered something new and peculiar in the shape of young manhood. "hear what she always says when young men, and often old men, drive up and say, 'rose à charlitte, will you marry me?' she says, 'love,--it is all nonsense. you make all that.' is it not so, rose?" "yes," she replied, almost inaudibly; "i have said it." "you make all that," repeated agapit, triumphantly. "they can rave and cry,--they can say, 'my heart is breaking;' and she responds, 'love,--there is no such thing. you make all that.' and yet you call her an evangeline, a martyr of love who laid her life on its holy altar." rose was goaded into a response, and turned a flushed and puzzled face to her cousin. "agapit, i will explain that lately i do not care to say 'you make all that.' i comprehend--possibly because the blacksmith talks so much to me of his wish towards my sister--that one does not make love. it is something that grows slowly, in the breast, like a flower. therefore, do not say that i am of ice or stone." "but you do not care to marry,--you just come from telling me so." "yes; i am not for marriage," she said, modestly, "yet do not say that i understand not. it is a beautiful thing to love." "it is," said agapit, "yet do not think of it, since thou dost not care for a husband. let thy thoughts run on thy cooking. thou wert born for that. i think that thou must have arrived in this world with a little stew-pan in thy hand, a tasting fork hanging at thy girdle. do not wish to be an evangeline or to read books. figure to yourself, mr. nimmo,"--and he turned his head to the back seat,--"that last night she came to my room, she begged me for an english book,--she who says often to narcisse, 'i will shake thee, my little one, if thou usest english words.' she says now that she wishes to learn,--she finds herself forgetful of many things that she learned in the convent. i said, 'go to bed, thou silly fool. thy eyes are burning and have black rings around them the color of thy stove,' and she whimpered like a baby." "your cousin is an egotist, mrs. rose," said vesper, over his shoulder. "i will lend you some books." "agapit is as a brother," she replied, simply. "i have been a good brother to thee," he said, "and i will never forget thee; not even when i go out into the world. some day i will send for thee to live with me and my wife." "perhaps thy wife will not let me," she said, demurely. "then she may leave me; i detest women who will not obey." for some time the cousins chattered on and endeavored to snatch a glimpse, in "time's long and dark prospective glass," of agapit's future wife, while vesper listened to them with as much indulgence as if they had been two children. he was just endeavoring to fathom the rationale of their curious interchange of _thou_ and _you_, when agapit said, "if it is agreeable to you, we will drive back in the woods to the concession. we have a cousin who is ill there,--see, here we pass the station," and he pointed his whip at the gabled roof near them. the wheels of the dog-cart rolled smoothly over the iron rails, and they entered upon a road bordered by sturdy evergreens that emitted a deliciously resinous odor and occasioned mrs. rose to murmur, reverently, "it is like mass; for from trees like these the altar boys get the gum for incense." wild gooseberry and raspberry bushes lined the roadside, and under their fruit-laden branches grew many wild flowers. a man who stopped agapit to address a few remarks to him gathered a handful of berries and a few sprays of wild roses and tossed them in narcisse's lap. the child uttered a polite, "_merci, monsieur_" (thank you, sir), then silently spread the flowers and berries on the lap rug and allowed tears from his beautiful eyes to drop on them. vesper took some of the berries in his hand, and carefully explained to the sorrowing narcisse that the sensitive shrubs did not shiver when their clothes were stripped from them and their hats pulled off. they were rather shaking their sides in laughter that they could give pleasure to so good and gentle a boy. and the flowers that bowed so meekly when one wished to behead them, were trembling with delight to think that they should be carried, for even a short time, by one who loved them so well. narcisse at last was comforted, and, drying his tears, he soberly ate the berries, and presented the roses to his mother in a brilliant nosegay, keeping only one that he lovingly fastened in his neck, where it could brush against his cheek. soon they were among the clearings in the forest. back of every farm stood grim trees in serried rows, like soldiers about to close in on the gaps made in their ranks by the diligent hands of the acadien farmers. the trees looked inexorable, but the farmers were more so. here in the backwoods so quiet and still, so favorable for farming, the forest must go as it had gone near the shore. about every farmhouse, men and women were engaged in driving in cows, tying up horses, shutting up poultry, feeding pigs, and performing the hundred and one duties that fall to the lot of a farmer's family. everywhere were children. each farmer seemed to have a quiver full of these quiet, well-behaved little creatures, who gazed shyly and curiously at the dog-cart as it went driving by. when they came to a brawling, noisy river, having on its banks a saw-mill deserted for the night, agapit exclaimed, "we are at last arrived!" close to the mill was a low, old-fashioned house, situated in the midst of an extensive apple orchard in which the fruit was already taking on size and color. "they picked four hundred barrels from it last year," said agapit, "our cousins, the kessys, who live here. they are rich, but very simple," and springing out, he tied toochune's head to the gatepost. "now let us enter," he said, and he ushered vesper into a small, dull room where an old woman of gigantic stature sat smoking by an open fireplace. another tall woman, with soft black eyes, and wearing on her breast a medal of the congregation of st. anne, took rose away to the sick-room, while agapit led vesper and narcisse to the fireplace. "cousin grandmother, will you not tell this gentleman of the commencement of the bay?" the old woman, who was nearly sightless, took her pipe from her mouth, and turned her white head. "does he speak french?" "yes, yes," said agapit, joyfully. a light came into her face,--a light that vesper noticed always came into the faces of acadiens, no matter how fluent their english, if he addressed them in their mother tongue. "i was born _en haut de la baie_" (up the bay), she began, softly. "further than sleeping water,--towards digby," said agapit, in an undertone. "near bleury," she continued, "where there were only eight families. in the morning my mother would look out at the neighbors' chimneys; where she saw smoke she would send me, saying, 'go, child, and borrow fire.' ah! those were hard days. we had no roads. we walked over the beach fifteen miles to pointe à l'eglise to hear mass sung by the good abbé. "there were plenty of fish, plenty of moose, but not so many boats in those days. the hardships were great, so great that the weak died. now when my daughter sits and plays on the organ, i think of it. david kessy, my father, was very big. once our wagon, loaded with twenty bushels of potatoes, stuck in the mud. he put his shoulder against it and lifted it. nowadays we would rig a jack, but my father was strong, so strong that he took insults, though he trembled, for he knew a blow from his hand would kill a man." the acadienne paused, and fell into a gentle reverie, from which agapit, who was stepping nimbly in and out of the room with jelly and other delicacies that he had brought for the invalid, soon roused her. "tell him about the derangement, cousin grandmother," he vociferated in her ear, "and the march from annapolis." chapter xi news of the fiery frenchman. "below me winds the river to the sea, on whose brown slope stood wailing, homeless maids; stood exiled sons; unsheltered hoary heads; and sires and mothers dumb in agony. the awful glare of burning homes, where free and happy late they dwelt, breaks on the shades, encompassing the sailing fleet; then fades, with tumbling roof, upon the night-bound sea. how deep is hope in sorrow sunk! how harsh the stranger voice; and loud the hopeless wail! then silence came to dwell; the tide fell low; the embers died. on the deserted marsh, where grain and grass stirred only to the gale, the moose unchased dare cross the gaspereau." j. f. herbin. an extraordinary change came over the aged woman at agapit's words. some color crept to her withered cheeks. she straightened herself, and, no longer leaning on her cane, said, in a loud, firm voice, to vesper, "the acadiens were not all stolen from annapolis at the derangement. did you think they were?" "i don't know that i ever thought about it, madame," he said, courteously; "but i should like to know." "about fifty families ran to the wood," she said, with mournful vivacity; "they spent the winter there; i have heard the old people talk of it when i was young. they would sit by the fire and cry. i would try not to cry, but the tears would come. they said their good homes were burnt. only at night could they revisit them, lest soldiers would catch them. they dug their vegetables from the ground. they also got one cow and carried her back. ah, she was a treasure! there was one man among them who was only half french, and they feared him, so they watched. one day he went out of the woods,--the men took their guns and followed. soon he returned, fifty soldiers marching behind him. 'halt!' cried the acadiens. they fired, they killed, and the rest of the soldiers ran. 'discharge me! discharge me!' cried the man, whom they had caught. 'yes, we will discharge you,' they said, and they put his back against a tree, and once more they fired, but very sadly. at the end of the winter some families went away in ships, but the comeaus, thibaudeaus, and melançons said, 'we cannot leave acadie; we will find a quiet place.' so they began a march, and one could trace them by the graves they dug. i will not tell you all, for why should you be sad? i will say that the indians were good, but sometimes the food went, and they had to boil their moccasins. one woman, who had a young baby, got very weak. they lifted her up, they shook the pea-straw stuffing from the sack she lay on, and found her a handful of peas, which they boiled, and she got better. "they went on and on, they crossed streams, and carried the little ones, until they came here to the bay,--to grosses coques,--where they found big clams, and the tired women said, 'here is food; let us stay.' "the men cut a big pine and hollowed a boat, in which they went to the head of the bay for the cow they had left there. they threw her down, tied her legs, and brought her to grosses coques. little by little they carried also other things to the bay, and made themselves homes. "then the families grew, and now they cover all the bay. do you understand now about the march from annapolis?" "thank you, yes," said vesper, much moved by the sight of tears trickling down her faded face. "what reason did the old people give for this expulsion from their homes?" "always the same, always, always," said madame kessy, with energy. "they would not take the oath, because the english would not put in it that they need not fight against the french." "but now you are happy under english rule?" "yes, now,--but the past? what can make up for the weeping of the old people?" nothing could, and vesper hastened to introduce a new subject of conversation. "i have heard much about the good abbé that you speak of. did you ever see him?" "see him,--ah, sir, he was an angel of god, on this bay, and he a gentleman out of france. we were all his children, even the poor indians, whom he gathered around him and taught our holy religion, till their fine voices would ring over the bay, in hymns to the ever blessed virgin. he denied himself, he paid our doctors' bills, even to twenty pounds at a time,--ah, there was mourning when he died. when my bans were published in church the good abbé rode no more on horseback along the bay. he lay a corpse, and i could scarcely hold up my head to be married." "in speaking of those old days," said vesper, "can you call to mind ever hearing of a lenoir of grand pré called the fiery frenchman?" "of etex lenoir," cried the old woman, in trumpet tones, "of the martyr who shamed an englishman, and was murdered by him?" "yes, that is the man." "i have heard of him often, often. the old ones spoke of it to me. his heart was broken,--the captain, who was more cruel than winslow, called him a papist dog, and struck him down, and the sailors threw him into the sea. he laid a curse on the wicked captain, but i cannot remember his name." "did you ever hear anything of the wife and child of etex lenoir?" "no," she said, absently, "there was only the husband etex that i had heard of. would not his wife come back to the bay? i do not know," and she relapsed into the dullness from which her temporary excitement had roused her. "he was called the fiery frenchman," she muttered, presently, but so low that vesper had to lean forward to hear her. "the old ones said that there was a mark like flame on his forehead, and he was like fire himself." "agapit, is it not time that we embark?" said rose, gliding from an inner room. "it will soon be dark." agapit sprang up. vesper shook hands with madame kessy and her daughter, and politely assured them, in answer to their urgent request, that he would be sure to call again, then took his seat in the dog-cart, where in company with his new friends he was soon bowling quickly over a bit of smooth and newly repaired road. away ahead, under the trees, they soon heard snatches of a lively song, and presently two young men staggered into view supporting each other, and having much difficulty in keeping to their side of the road. agapit, with angry mutterings, drove furiously by the young men, with his head well in the air, although they saluted him as their dear cousin from the bay. rose did not speak, but she hung her head, and vesper knew that she was blushing to the tips of the white ears inside her black handkerchief. no one ventured a remark until they reached a place where four roads met, when agapit ejaculated, desperately, "the devil is also here!" vesper turned around. the sun had gone down, the twilight was nearly over, but he possessed keen sight and could plainly discover against the dull blue evening sky the figures of a number of men and boys, some of whom were balancing themselves on the top of a zigzag fence, while others stood with hands in their pockets,--all vociferously laughing and jeering at a man who staggered to and fro in their midst with clenched fists, and light shirt-sleeves spotted with red. "this is abominable," said agapit, in a rage, and he was about to lay his whip on toochune's back when vesper suggested mildly that he was in danger of running down some of his countrymen. agapit pulled up the horse with a jerk, and rose immediately sprang to the road and ran up to the young man, who had plainly been fighting and was about to fight again. vesper slipped from his seat and stood by the wheel. "do not follow her," exclaimed agapit; "they will not hurt her. they would beat you." "i know it." "she is my cousin, thou impatient one," pursued agapit, irritably. "i would not allow her to be insulted." "i know that, too," said vesper, calmly, and he watched the young men springing off the fences and hurrying up to rose, who had taken the pugilist by the hand. "isidore," she said, sorrowfully, and as unaffectedly as if they had been alone, "hast thou been fighting again?" "it is her second cousin," growled agapit; "that is why she interferes." "_écoute-moi, écoute-moi_, rose" (listen to me), stammered the young man in the blood-stained shirt. "they all set upon me. i was about to be massacred. i struck out but a little, and i got some taps here and there. i was drunk at first, but i am not very drunk now." "poor isidore, i will take thee home; come with me." the crowd of men and boys set up a roar. they were quarrelsome and mischievous, and had not yet got their fill of rowdyism. "_va-t'ang, va-t'ang_" (go away), "rose à charlitte. we want no women here. go home about thy business. if big fists wishes to fight, we will fight." among all the noisy, discordant voices this was the only insulting one, and rose turned and fixed her mild gaze on the offender, who was one of the oldest men present, and the chief mischief-maker of the neighborhood. "but it is not well for all to fight one man," she said, gently. "we fight one by one. isidore is big,--he has never enough. go away, or there will yet be a bigger row," and he added a sentence of gross abuse. vesper made a step forward, but isidore, the young bully, who was of immense height and breadth, and a son of the old acadienne that they had just quitted, was before him. "you wish to fight, my friends," he said, jocularly; "here, take this," and, lifting his big foot, he quickly upset the offender, and kicked him towards some men in the crowd who were also relatives of rose. one of them sprang forward, and, with his dark face alight with glee at the chance to avenge the affront offered to his kinswoman, at once proceeded to beat the offender calmly and systematically, and to roll him under the fence. rose, in great distress, attempted to go to his rescue, but the young giant threw his arm around her. "this is only fun, my cousin. thou must not spoil everything. come, i will return with thee." "_nâni_" (no), cried agapit, furiously, "thou wilt not. fit company art thou for strangers!" isidore stared confusedly at him, while vesper settled the question by inviting him in the back seat and installing rose beside him. then he held out his arms to narcisse, who had been watching the disturbance with drowsy interest, fearful only that the englishman from boston might leave him to take a hand in it. as soon as vesper mounted the seat beside him, agapit jerked the reins, and set off at a rapid pace; so rapid that vesper at first caught only snatches of the dialogue carried on behind him, that was tearful on the part of rose, and meek on that of isidore. soon agapit sobered down, and rose's words could be distinguished. "my cousin, how canst thou? think only of thy mother and thy wife; and the good priest,--suppose he had come!" "then thou wouldst have seen running like that of foxes," replied isidore, in good-natured, semi-interested tones. "thou wast not born a drunkard. when sober thou art good, but there could not be a worse man when drunk. such a pile of cursing words to go up to the sky,--and such a volley of fisting. ah, how thou wast wounding christ!" isidore held on tightly, for agapit was still driving fast, and uttered an inaudible reply. "tell me where thou didst get that liquor," said rose. "it was a stolen cask, my cousin." "isidore!" "but i did not steal it. it came from thy charming bay. thou didst not know that, shortly ago, a captain sailed to sleeping water with five casks of rum. he hired a man from the concession to help him hide them, but the man stole one cask. imagine the rage of the captain, but he could not prosecute, for it was smuggled. since then we have fun occasionally." "who is that bad man? if i knew where was his cask, i would take a little nail and make a hole in it." "rose, couldst thou expect me to tell thee?" "yes," she said, warmly. then, remembering that she had been talking english to his french, she suddenly relapsed into low, swift sentences in her own tongue, which vesper could not understand. he caught their import, however. she was still inveighing against the sin of drunkenness and was begging him to reform, and her voice did not flag until they reached his home, where his wife--a young woman with magnificent eyes and a straight, queenly figure--stood by the gate. "_bon soir_ (good evening), claudine," called out agapit. "we have brought home isidore, who, hearing that a distinguished stranger was about to pass through the concession, thoughtfully put himself on exhibition at the four roads. you had better keep him at home until _la guerrière_ goes back to saint pierre." "it was _la guerrière_ that brought the liquor," said rose, suddenly, to isidore. he did not contradict her, and she said, firmly, "never shall that captain darken my doors again." the young acadien beauty gave vesper a fleeting glance, then she said, bitterly, "it should rather be saint judas, for from there the evil one sends stuff to torture us women--here enter," and half scornfully, half affectionately, she extended a hand to her huge husband, who was making a wavering effort to reach the gateway. he clung to her as if she had been an anchor, and when she asked him what had happened to his shirt he stuttered, regretfully, "torn, claudine,--torn again." "how many times should one mend a shirt?" she asked, turning her big blazing eyes on rose. "charlitte never became drunk," said rose, in a plaintive voice, "but i have mended the shirts of my brothers at least a hundred times." "then i have but one more time," said the youthful madame kessy. "after that i shall throw it in the fire. go into the house, my husband. i was a fool to have married thee," she added, under her breath. isidore stood tottering on his feet, and regarded her with tipsy gravity. "and thou shalt come with me, my pretty one, and make me a hot supper and sing me a song." "i will not do that. thou canst eat cold bread, and i will sing thee a song with my tongue that will not please thee." "the priest married us," said isidore, doggedly, and in momentary sobriety he stalked to the place where she stood, picked her up, and, putting her under his arm, carried her into the house, she meanwhile protesting and laughing hysterically while she shrieked out something to rose about the loan of a sleeve pattern. "yes, yes, i understand," called rose, "the big sleeve, with many folds; i will send it. make thy husband his supper and come soon to see me." "rose," said agapit, severely, as they drove away, "is it a good thing to make light of that curse of curses?" "to make light of it! _mon dieu_, you do not understand. it is men who make women laugh even when their hearts are breaking." agapit did not reply, and, as they were about to enter a thick wood, he passed the reins to vesper and got out to light the lamps. while he was fidgeting with them, rose moved around so that she could look into the front seat. "your child is all right," said vesper, gazing down at the head laid confidingly against his arm. "he is sound asleep,--not a bit alarmed by that fuss." "it does not frighten him when human beings cry out. he only sorrows for things that have no voices, and he is always right when with you. it is not that; i wish to ask you--to ask you to forgive me." "for what?" "but you know--i told you what was not true." "do not speak of it. it was a mere bagatelle." "it is not a bagatelle to make untruths," she said, wearily, "but i often do it,--most readily when i am frightened. but you did not frighten me." vesper did not reply except by a reassuring glance, which in her preoccupation she lost, and, catching her breath, she went on, "i think so often of a sentence from an englishman that the sisters of a convent used to say to us,--it is about the little lies as well as the big ones that come from the pit." "do you mean ruskin?" said vesper, curiously, "when he speaks of 'one falsity as harmless, and another as slight, and another as unintended,--cast them all aside; they may be light and accidental, but they are ugly soot from the smoke of the pit for all that?'" "yes, yes, it is that,--will you write it for me?--and remember," she continued, hurriedly, as she saw agapit preparing to reënter the cart, "that i did not say what i did to make a fine tale, but for my people whom i love. you were a stranger, and i supposed you would linger but a day and then proceed, and it is hard for me to say that the acadiens are no better than the english,--that they will get drunk and fight. i did not imagine that you would see them, yet i should not have told the story," and with her flaxen head drooping on her breast she turned away from him. "when is lying justifiable?" asked vesper of agapit. the young acadien plunged into a long argument that lasted until they reached the top of the hill overlooking sleeping water. then he paused, and as he once more saw above him the wide expanse of sky to which he was accustomed, and knew that before him lay the bay, wide, open, and free, he drew a long breath. "ah, but i am glad to arrive home. when i go to the woods it is as if a large window through which i had been taking in the whole world had been closed." no one replied to him, and he soon swung them around the corner and up to the inn door. rose led her sleepy boy into the kitchen, where bright lights were burning, and where the maid célina seemed to be entertaining callers. vesper took the lantern and followed agapit to the stable. "is it a habit of yours to give your hotel guests drives?" he asked, hanging the lantern on a hook and assisting agapit in unbuckling straps. "yes, whenever it pleases us. many, also, hire our horse and pony. you see that we have no common horse in toochune." "yes, i know he is a thoroughbred." "rose, of course, could not buy such an animal. he was a gift from her uncle in louisiana. he also sent her this dog-cart and her organ. he is rich, very rich. he went south as a boy, and was adopted by an old farmer; rose is the daughter of his favorite sister, and i tell her that she will inherit from him, for his wife is dead and he is alone, but she says not to count on what one does not know." vesper had already been favored with these items of information by his mother, so he said nothing, and assisted agapit in his task of making long-legged toochune comfortable for the night. having finished, and being rewarded by a grateful glance from the animal's lustrous eyes, they both went to the pump outside and washed their hands. "it is too fine for the house," said agapit. "are you too fatigued to walk? if agreeable i will take you to sleeping water river, where you have not yet been, and tell you how it accumulated its name. there is no one inside," he continued, as vesper cast a glance at the kitchen windows, "but the miller and his wife, in whom i no longer take pleasure, and the mail-driver who tells so long stories." "so long that you have no chance." "exactly," said agapit, fumbling in his pocket. "see what i bought to-day of a travelling merchant. four cigars for ten cents. two for you, and two for me. shall we smoke them?" vesper took the cigars, slipped them in his pocket, and brought out one of his own, then with agapit took the road leading back from the village to the river. chapter xii. an unhappy river. "pools and shadows merge beneath the branches, where the rushes lean and stumble prone; and sad along the verge the marsh-hen totters. strange the branches play above the snake-roots in the dark and wet, adown the hueless trunks, this summer day. strange things the willows whisper." j. f. h. "there is a story among the old people," said agapit, "that a band of acadiens, who evaded the english at the time of the expulsion, sailed into this bay in a schooner. they anchored opposite sleeping water, and some of the men came ashore in a boat. not knowing that an english ship lay up yonder, hidden by a point of land, they pressed back into the woods towards sleeping water lake. some of the english, also, were on their way to this lake, for it is historic. the acadiens found traces of them and turned towards the shore, but the english pursued over the marshes by the river, which at last the acadiens must cross. they threw aside their guns and jumped in, and, as one head rose after another, the english, standing on the bank, shot until all but one were killed. this one was a le blanc, a descendant of rené le blanc, that one reads of in 'evangeline.' rising up on the bank, he found himself alone. figure the anguish of his heart,--his brothers and friends were dead. he would never see them again, and he turned and stretched out a hand in a supreme adieu. the english, who would not trouble to swim, fired at him, and called, 'go to sleep with your comrades in the river.' "'they sleep,' he cried, 'but they will rise again in their children,' and, quite untouched by their fire, he ran to his boat, and, reaching the ship, set sail to new brunswick; and in later years his children and the children of the murdered ones came back to the bay, and began to call the river sleeping water, and, in time, the lake, which was queen anne's lake, was also changed to sleeping water lake." "and the soldiers?" "ah! you look for vengeance, but does vengeance always come? remember the persian distich: "'they came, conquered, and burned, pillaged, murdered, and went.'" "i do not understand this question thoroughly," said vesper, with irritation, "yet from your conversation it seems not so barbarous a thing that the acadiens should have been transported as that those who remained should have been so persecuted." "now is your time to read 'richard.' i have long been waiting for your health to be restored, for it is exciting." "that is the acadien historian you have spoken of?" "yes; and when you read him you will understand my joy at the venerable letter you showed me. you will see why we blame the guilty lawrence and his colleagues, and not england herself, for the wickedness wrought her french children." vesper smoked out his cigar in silence. they had left the village street some distance behind them, and were now walking along a flat, narrow road, having a thick, hedge-like border of tangled bushes and wild flowers that were agitated by a gentle breeze, and waved out a sweet, faint perfume on the night air. on either side of them were low, grassy marshes, screened by clumps of green. "we are arrived at last," said agapit, pausing on a rustic bridge that spanned the road; "and down there," he went on, in a choking voice, "is where the bones of my countrymen lie." vesper leaned over the railing. what a sluggish, silent, stealthy river! he could perceive no flow in its reluctant waters. a few willows, natives, not french ones, swayed above it, and close to its edge grew the tall grasses, rustling and whispering together as if imparting guilty secrets concerning the waters below. "which way does it go?" murmured vesper; but agapit did not hear him, for he was eagerly muttering: "a hateful river,--i never see a bird drink from it, there are no fishes in it, the lilies will not grow here, and the children fall in and are drowned; and, though it has often been sounded, they can find no bottom to it." vesper stared below in silence, only making an involuntary movement when his companion's cap fell off and struck the face of the dull black mirror presented to them. "let it go," exclaimed agapit, with a shudder. "poor as i am, i would not wear it now. it is tainted," and flinging back the dark locks from his forehead, he turned his face towards the shore. "no, i will talk no more about the acadiens," he said, when vesper tried to get him to enter upon his favorite theme, "for, though you are polite, i fear i shall weary you; we will speak of other things." the night was a perfect one, and for an hour the two young men walked up and down the quiet road before the inn, talking at first of the fishing that was over, and the hunting that would in a few weeks begin. vesper would have enjoyed seeking big game in the backwoods, if his health had permitted, and he listened with suppressed eagerness to agapit's account of a moose hunt. the world of sport disposed of, their conversation drifted to literature, to science and art in general,--to women and love affairs, and agapit rambled on excitedly and delightedly, while vesper, contenting himself with the briefest of rejoinders, extracted an acute and amused interest from the entirely novel and out-of-the-way opinions presented to him. "ah! but i enjoy this," said agapit, at last; "it is the fault of my countrymen that they do not read enough and study,--their sole fault. i meet with so few who will discuss, yet i must not detain you. come in, come in, and i will give you my 'richard.' begin not to read him to-night, for you could not sleep. i believe," and he raised his brown, flushed face to the stars above, "that he has done justice to the acadien people; but remember, we do not complain now. we are faithful to our sovereign and to our country,--as faithful as you are to your union. the smart of the past is over. we ask only that the world may believe that the acadiens were loyal and consistent, and that we do not wish for reparation from england except, perhaps--" and he hesitated and looked down at the shabby sleeve of his coat, while tears filled his eyes. "_mon dieu!_ i will not speak of the pitiful economies that i am obliged to practise to educate myself. and there are other young men more poor. if the colonial government would give us some help, i would go to college; for now i hesitate lest i should save my money for my family. if the good lands that were taken from us were now ours, we should be rich--" vesper liked the young acadien best in his quiet moods. "don't worry," he said, consolingly; "something will turn up. get me that book, will you?" vesper paused for an instant when he entered his room. on a table by his bed was placed a tray, covered by a napkin. lifting the napkin, he discovered a wing of cold chicken with jelly, thin slices of bread and butter, and a covered pitcher of chocolate. he poured himself out a cup of the chocolate, and murmuring, "here's to the lady of the sleeping water inn," seized one of the two volumes that agapit had given him, and, throwing himself into an easy chair, began to read. one by one the hours slipped away, but he did not move in his chair, except to put out a hand at regular intervals and turn a leaf. shortly before daybreak a chill wind blew up the bay, and came floating in the window. he threw down the book, rose slowly to his feet, and looked about him in a dreamy way. he had been transported to a previous century and to another atmosphere than this peaceful one. he shivered sensitively, and, going to the window, closed it, and stood gazing at the faint flush in the sky. "o god! it is true," he muttered, drearily, "we are sent into this world to enact hell. goethe understood that. and what a hell of long years was enacted on these shores!" "the devils," he went on, in youthful, generous indignation; "they had no pity, not even after years of suffering on the part of their victims." his eyes smarted, his head ached. he put his hand to his eyes, and, when it came away wet, he curled his lip. he had not shed tears since he was a boy. then he threw himself on his bed, and thoughts of his father mingled with those of the acadiens. an invincible melancholy took possession of him, and burying his face in his arms, he lay for a long time with his whole frame quivering in emotion. chapter xiii. an illumination. "sait-on où l'on va?" "what a sleeper, what a lover of his bed!" exclaimed agapit, the next morning, as he rapped vigorously on vesper's door. "is he never going to rise?" "what do you want?" said a voice from within. "i, agapit, latest and warmest of your friends, apologize for disturbing you, but am forced to ask a question." "come in; the door is not locked." agapit thrust his head in. "did you sit late reading my books?" vesper lifted his closely cropped curly head from the pillow. "yes." "and did not your heart stir with pity for the unfortunate acadiens?" "i found the history interesting." "i wept over it at my first reading,--i gnashed my teeth; but come,--will you not go to the picnic with us? all the bay is going, as the two former days of it were dull." "i had forgotten it. does my mother wish to go?" "madame, your mother, is already prepared. see from your window, she talks to the mail-driver, who never tires of her adorable french. do you know, this morning he came herding down the road three shy children, who were triplets. she was charmed, having never seen more than twins." vesper raised himself on his elbow and glanced through the window at monsieur de la rive, who, with his bright wings folded close to his sides, was cheeping voluble remarks to mrs. nimmo. "all right, i will go," he said. agapit hurried down-stairs, and vesper began to dress himself in a leisurely way, stopping frequently to go to the window and gaze dreamily out at the bay. soon rose came to the kitchen door to feed her hens. she looked so lovely, as she stood with her resplendent head in a blaze of sunlight, that vesper's fingers paused in the act of fastening his necktie, and he stood still to watch her. presently the mail-driver went streaking down the road in fiery flight, and mrs. nimmo, seeing rose alone, came tripping towards her. to her son, who understood her perfectly, there were visible in mrs. nimmo's manner some sure and certain signs of an inward disturbance. rose, however, perceived nothing, and continued feeding her hens with her usual grace and composure. "are you not going to the picnic?" asked mrs. nimmo, and her eye ran over the simple cotton gown that rose always wore in the morning. "yes, madame, but first i do my work." "you will be glad to see your friends there,--and your family?" "ah, yes, madame,--it is such a pleasure." "i should like to see your sister, perside." "i will present her, madame; she will be honored." "and it is she that the blacksmith is going to marry? do you know," and mrs. nimmo laughed tremulously, "i have been thinking all the time that it was you." "now i get at the cause of your discontent," soliloquized vesper, above, "my poor little mother." rose surveyed her companion in astonishment: "i thought all the bay knew." "but i am not the bay," said mrs. nimmo, with attempted playfulness; "i am boston." a shadow crossed rose's face. "yes, madame, i know. i might have told you, but i did not think; and you are delicate,--you would not ask." "no, i am not delicate," said mrs. nimmo, honestly. "i am inclined to be curious, or interested in other people, we will say,--i think you are very kind to be making matrimonial plans for other young women, and not to think of yourself." "madame?" "you do not know that long word. it means pertaining to marriage." "ah! marriage, i understand that. but, lately, i resolve not to marry," and rose turned her deep blue eyes, in which there was not a trace of craft or deceit, on her nervously apprehensive interlocutor, while vesper murmured in the window above, "she is absolutely guileless, my mother; cast out of your mind that vague and formless suspicion." mrs. nimmo, however, preferred to keep the suspicion, and not only to keep it, but to foster the stealthy creeping thing until it had taken on the rudiments of organized reflection. "some young people do not care for marriage," she said, after a long pause. "my son never has." "may the lord forgive you for that," ejaculated her son, piously. then he listened for rose's response, which was given with deep respect and humility. "he is devoted to you, madame. it is pleasant to see a son thus." "he is a dear boy, and it would kill me if he were to leave me. i am glad that you appreciate him, and that he has found this place so interesting. we shall hate to leave here." "must you go soon, madame?" "pretty soon, i think; as soon as my son finishes this quest of his. you know it is very quiet here. you like it because it is your home, but we, of course, are accustomed to a different life." "i know that, madame," said rose, sadly, "and it will seem yet more quiet when we do not see you. i dread the long days." "i daresay we may come back sometime. my son likes to revisit favorite spots, and the strong air of the bay certainly agrees wonderfully with him. he is sleeping like a baby this morning. i must go now and see if he is up. thank you for speaking so frankly to me about yourself. do you know, i believe you agree with me,"--and mrs. nimmo leaned confidentially towards her,--"that it is a perfectly wicked thing for a widow to marry again," and she tripped away, folding about her the white shawl she always wore. rose gazed after her retreating form with a face that was, for a time, wholly mystified. by degrees, her expression became clearer. "good heavens! she understands," muttered vesper; "now let us see if there will be any resentment." there was none. a vivid, agonized blush overspread rose's cheeks. she let the last remnant of food slip to the expectant hens from her two hands, that suddenly went out in a gesture of acute distress; but the glance that she bestowed on mrs. nimmo, who was just vanishing around the corner of the house, was one of saintly magnanimity, with not a trace of pride or rebellion in it. vesper shrugged his shoulders and left the window. "strange that the best of women will worry each other," and philosophically proceeding with his toilet, he shortly after went down-stairs. after a breakfast that was not scanty, as his breakfasts had been before his illness, but one that was comprehensive and eaten with good appetite, he made his way to the parlor, where his mother was sitting among a number of vivacious acadiens. rose, slim and elegant in a new black gown, and having on her head a small straw hat, with a dotted veil drawn neatly over her pink cheeks and mass of light hair, was receiving other young men and women who were arriving, while agapit, burly, and almost handsome in his sunday suit of black serge, was bustling about, and, immediately pouncing upon vesper, introduced him to each member of the party. the young american did not care to talk. he returned to the doorway, and, loitering there, amused himself by comparing the acadiens who had remained at home with those who had gone out into the world. the latter were dressed more gaily; they had more assurance, and, in nearly every case, less charm of manner than the former. there was rose's aunt,--white-haired madame pitre. she was like a sweet and demure little owl in her hood-like handkerchief and plain gown. amandine, her daughter who had never left the bay, was a second little owl; but the sisters diane and lucie, factory girls from worcester, were overdressed birds of paradise, in their rustling silk blouses, big plumed hats, and self-conscious manners. "here, at last, is the wagon," cried agapit, running to the door, as a huge, six-seated vehicle, drawn by four horses, appeared. he made haste to assist his friends and relatives into it, then, darting to vesper, who stood on the veranda, exclaimed, "the most honorable seat beside me is for madame, your mother." "do you care to go?" asked vesper, addressing her. "i should like to go to the picnic, but could you not drive me?" "but certainly he can," exclaimed agapit. "toochune is in the stable. possibly this big wagon would be noisy for madame. i will go and harness." "you will do nothing of the kind," said vesper, laying a detaining hand on his shoulder. "you go on. we will follow." agapit nodded gaily, and sprang to the box, while rose bent her flushed face over narcisse, who set up a sudden wail of despair. "he is coming, my child. thou knowest he does not break his promises." narcisse raised his fist as if to strike her; he was in a fury at being restrained, and, although ordinarily a shy child, he was at present utterly regardless of the strangers about him. "stop, stop, agapit!" cried diane; "he will cast himself over the wheel!" agapit pulled up the horses, and vesper, hearing the disturbance, and knowing the cause, came sauntering after the wagon, with a broad smile on his face. he became grave, however, when he saw rose's pained expression. "i think it better not to yield," she said, in a low voice. "calm thyself, narcisse, thou shalt not get out." "i will," gasped the child. "you are a bad mother. the englishman may run away if i leave him. you know he is going." "let me have him for a minute," said vesper. "i will talk to him," and, reaching out his arms, he took the child from the blacksmith, who swung him over the side of the wagon. "come get a drink of water," said the young american, good-humoredly. "your little face is as red as a turkey-cock's." narcisse pressed his hot forehead to vesper's cheek, and meekly allowed himself to be carried into the house. "now don't be a baby," said vesper, putting him on the kitchen sink, and holding a glass of water to his lips; "i am coming after you in half an hour." "will you not run away?" "no," said vesper, "i will not." narcisse gave him a searching look. "i believe you; but my mother once said to me that i should have a ball, and she did not give it." "what is it that the englishman has done to the child?" whispered madame pitre to her neighbor, when vesper brought back the quiet and composed narcisse and handed him to his mother. "it is like magic." "it is rather that the child needs a father," replied the young acadienne addressed. "rose should marry." "i wish the englishman was poor," muttered madame pitre, "and also acadien; but he does not think of rose, and acadiens do not marry out of their race." vesper watched them out of sight, and then he found that agapit had spoken truly when he said that all the bay was going to the picnic. célina's mother, a brown-faced, vigorous old woman who was to take charge of the inn for the day, was the only person to be seen, and he therefore went himself to the stable and harnessed toochune to the dog-cart. célina's mother admiringly watched the dog-cart joining the procession of bicycles, buggies, two-wheeled carts, and big family wagons going down the bay, and fancied that its occupants must be extremely happy. mrs. nimmo, however, was not happy, and nothing distracted her attention from her own teasing thoughts. she listened abstractedly to the merry chatter of french in the air, and gazed disconsolately at the gloriously sunny bay, where a few distant schooner sails stood up sharp against the sky like the white wings of birds. at last she sighed heavily, and said, in a plaintive voice, "vesper, are you not getting tired of sleeping water?" he flicked his whip at a fly that was torturing toochune, then said, calmly, "no, i am not." "i never saw you so interested in a place," she observed, with a fretful side glance. "the travelling agents and loquacious peasants never seem to bore you." "but i do not talk to the agents, and i do not find the others loquacious; neither would i call them peasants." "it doesn't matter what you call them. they are all beneath you." vesper looked meditatively across the bay at a zigzag, woolly trail of smoke made by a steamer that was going back and forth in a distressed way, as if unable to find the narrow passage that led to the bay of fundy. "the checkertons have gone to the white mountains," said mrs. nimmo, in a vexed tone, as if the thought gave her no pleasure. "i should like to join them there." "very well, we can leave here to-morrow." her face brightened. "but your business?" "i can send some one to look after it, or agapit would attend to it." "and you would not need to come back?" "not necessarily. i might do so, however." "in the event of some of the lenoirs being found?" "in the event of my not being able to exist without--the bay." "give me the charles river," said mrs. nimmo, hastily. "it is worth fifty bays." "to me also," said vesper; "but there is one family here that i should like to transplant to the banks of the charles." mrs. nimmo did not speak until they had passed through long comeauville and longer saulnierville, and were entering peaceful meteghan river with its quietly flowing stream and grassy meadows. then having partly subdued the first shock of having a horror of such magnitude presented to her, she murmured, "are you sure that you know your own mind?" "quite sure, mother," he said, earnestly and affectionately; "but now, as always, my first duty is to you." tears sprang to her eyes, and ran quietly down her cheeks. "when you lay ill," she said, in a repressed voice, "i sat by you. i prayed to god to spare your life. i vowed that i would do anything to please you, yet, now that you are well, i cannot bear the idea of giving you up to another woman." vesper looked over his shoulder, then guided toochune up by one of the gay gardens before the never-ending row of houses in order to allow a hay-wagon to pass them. when they were again in the middle of the road, he said, "i, too, had serious thoughts when i was ill, but you know how difficult it is for me to speak of the things nearest my heart." "i know that you are a good son," she said, passionately. "you would give up the woman of your choice for my sake, but i would not allow it, for it would make you hate me,--i have seen so much trouble in families where mothers have opposed their sons' marriages. it does no good, and then--i do not want you to be a lonely old man when i'm gone." "mother," he said, protestingly. "how did it happen?" she asked, suddenly composing herself, and dabbing at her face with her handkerchief. vesper's face grew pale, and, after a short hesitation, he said, dreamily, "i scarcely know. she has become mixed up with my life in an imperceptible way, and there is an inexpressible something about her that i have never found in any other woman." mrs. nimmo struggled with a dozen conflicting thoughts. then she sighed, miserably, "have you asked her to marry you?" "no." "but you will?" "i do not know," he said, reluctantly. "i have nothing planned. i wish to tell you, to save misunderstandings." "she has some crotchet against marriage,--she told me so this morning. do you know what it is?" "i can guess." mrs. nimmo pondered a minute. "she has fallen in love with you," she said at last, "and because she thinks you will not marry her, she will have no other man." "i think you scarcely understand her. she does not understand herself." mrs. nimmo uttered a soft, "nonsense!" under her breath. "suppose we drop the matter for a time," said vesper, in acute sensitiveness. "it is in an incipient state as yet." "i know you better than to suppose that it will remain incipient," said his mother, despairingly. "you never give anything up. but, as you say, we had better not talk any more about it. it has given me a terrible shock, and i will need time to get over it,--i thank you for telling me, however," and she silently directed her attention to the distant red cathedral spire, and the white houses of meteghan,--the place where the picnic was being held. they caught up with the big wagon just before it reached a large brown building, surrounded by a garden and pleasure-grounds, and situated some distance from the road. this was the convent, and vesper knew that, within its quiet walls, rose had received the education that had added to her native grace the gentle _savoir faire_ that reminded him of convent-bred girls that he had met abroad, and that made her seem more like the denizen of a city than the mistress of a little country inn. in front of the convent the road was almost blocked by vehicles. rows of horses stood with their heads tied to its garden fence, and bicycles by the dozen were ranged in the shadow of its big trees. across the road from it a green field had been surrounded by a hedge of young spruce trees, and from this enclosure sounds of music and merrymaking could be heard. a continual stream of people kept pouring in at the entrance-gate, without, however, making much diminution in the crowd outside. agapit requested his passengers to alight, then, accompanied by one of the young men of his party, who took charge of vesper's horse, he drove to a near stable. five minutes later he returned, and found his companions drawn up together watching acadien boys and girls flock into the saloon of a travelling photographer. "there is now no time for picture-taking," he vociferated; "come, let us enter. see, i have tickets," and he proudly marshalled his small army up to the gate, and entered the picnic grounds at their head. they found vesper and his mother inside. this ecclesiastical fair going on under the convent walls, and almost in the shadow of the red cathedral, reminded them of the fairs of history. here, as there, no policemen were needed among the throngs of buyers and sellers, who strolled around and around the grassy enclosure, and examined the wares exhibited in verdant booths. good order was ensured by the presence of several priests, who were greeted with courtesy and reverence by all. agapit, who was a devout catholic, stood with his hat in his hand until his own parish priest had passed; then his eyes fell on the essentially modern and central object in the fair grounds,--a huge merry-go-round from boston, with brightly painted blue seats, to which a load of acadien children clung in an ecstasy of delight, as they felt themselves being madly whirled through the air. "let us all ride!" he exclaimed. "come, showman, give us the next turn." the wheezing, panting engine stopped, and they all mounted, even madame pitre, who shivered with delicious apprehension, and mrs. nimmo, who whispered in her son's ear, "i never did such a thing before, but in acadie one must do as the acadiens do." vesper sat down beside her, and took the slightly dubious narcisse on his knee, holding him closely when an expression of fear flitted over his delicate features, and encouraging him to sit upright when at last he became more bold. "another turn," shouted agapit, when the music ceased, and they were again stationary. the whistle blew, and they all set out again; but no one wished to attempt a third round, and, giddily stumbling over each other, they dismounted and with laughing remarks wandered to another part of the grounds, where dancing was going on in two spruce arbors. "it is necessary for all to join," he proclaimed, at the top of his voice, but his best persuasions failed to induce either rose or vesper to step into the arbors, where two young acadiens sat perched up in two corners, and gleefully tuned their fiddles. "she will not dance, because she wishes to make herself singular," reflected mrs. nimmo, bitterly, and vesper, who felt the unspoken thought as keenly as if it had been uttered, moved a step nearer rose, who modestly stood apart from them. agapit flung down his money,--ten cents apiece for each dance,--and, ordering his associates to choose their partners, signed to the fiddlers to begin. mrs. nimmo forgot rose for a time, as she watched the dancers. the girls were shy and demure; the young men danced lustily, and with great spirit, emphasizing the first note of each bar by a stamp on the floor, and beating a kind of tattoo with one foot, when not taking part in the quadrille. "do you have only square dances?" she asked madame pitre, when a second and a third quadrille were succeeded by a fourth. "yes," said the acadienne, gravely. "there is no sin in a quadrille. there is in a waltz." "come seek the lunch-tables," said agapit, presently bursting out on them, and mopping his perspiring face with his handkerchief. "most ambrosial dainties are known to the cooks of this parish." chapter xiv. with the old ones. "the fresh salt breezes mingle with the smell of clover fields and ripened hay beside; and nature, musing, happy and serene, hath here for willing man her sweetest spell." j. f. h. after lunch, the sleeping water party separated. the pitres found some old friends from up the bay. agapit wandered away with some young men, and vesper, lazily declining to saunter with them, stood leaning against a tree behind a bench on which his mother and rose were seated. the latter received and exchanged numerous greetings with her acquaintances who passed by, sometimes detaining them for an introduction to mrs. nimmo, who was making a supreme effort to be gracious and agreeable to the woman that the fates had apparently destined to be her daughter-in-law. vesper looked on, well pleased. "why do you not introduce me?" he said, mischievously, while his mother's attention was occupied with two acadien girls. rose gave him a troubled glance. she took no pleasure in his presence now,--his mother had spoiled all that, and, although naturally simple and unaffected, she was now tortured by self-consciousness. "i think that you do not care," she said, in a low voice. vesper did not pursue the subject. "have all acadien women gentle manners?" he asked, with a glance at the pair of shy, retiring ones talking to his mother. a far-away look came into rose's eyes, and she replied, with more composure: "the abbé casgrain says--he who wrote 'a pilgrimage to the land of evangeline'--that over all acadiens hangs a quietness and melancholy that come from the troubles of long ago; but agapit does not find it so." "what does agapit say?" "he finds," and rose drew her slight figure up proudly, "that we are born to good manners. it was the best blood of france that settled acadie. did our forefathers come here poor? no, they brought much money. they built fine houses of stone, not wood; grand pré was a very fine village. they also built châteaux. then, after scatteration, we became poor; but can we not keep our good manners?" vesper was much diverted by the glance with which his mother, having bowed farewell to her new acquaintances, suddenly favored rose. there was pride in it,--pride in the beauty and distinction of the woman beside her who was scarcely more than a girl; yet there was also in her glance a jealousy and aversion that could not yet be overcome. time alone could effect this; and smothering a sigh, vesper lifted his head towards narcisse, who had crawled from his shoulder to a most uncomfortable seat on the lower limb of a pine-tree, where, however, he professed to be most comfortable, and sat with his head against the rough bark as delightedly as if it were the softest of cushions. "i am quite right," said narcisse, in english, which language he was learning with astonishing rapidity, and vesper again turned his attention to the picturesque, constantly changing groups of people. he liked best the brown and wrinkled old faces belonging to farmers and their wives who were enjoying a well-earned holiday. the young men in gray suits, he heard rose telling his mother, were sailors from up the bay, whose schooners had arrived just in time for them to throw themselves on their wheels and come to the picnic. the smooth-faced girls in blue, with pink handkerchiefs on their heads, were from a settlement back in the woods. the dark-eyed maidens in sailor hats, who looked like a troop of young evangelines, were the six demoiselles aucoin, the daughters of a lawyer in meteghan, and the tall lady in blue was an acadienne from new york, who brought her family every summer to her old home on the bay. "and that tall priest in the distance," said rose, "is the father in whose parish we are. once he was a colonel in the army of france." "there is something military in his figure," murmured mrs. nimmo. "he was born among the acadiens in france. they did not need him to ministrate, so when he became a priest he journeyed here," continued rose, hurriedly, for the piercing eyes of the kindly-faced ecclesiastic had sought out vesper and his mother, and he was approaching them with an uplifted hat. rose got up and said, in a fluttering voice, "may i present you, father la croix, to mrs. nimmo, and also her son?" the priest bowed gracefully, and begged to assure madame and her son that their fame had already preceded them, and that he was deeply grateful to them for honoring his picnic with their presence. "i suppose there are not many english people here to-day," said mrs. nimmo, smiling amiably, while vesper contented himself with a silent bow. father la croix gazed about the crowd, now greatly augmented. "as far as i can see, madame, you and your son are the only english that we have the pleasure of entertaining. you are now in the heart of the french district of clare." "and yet i hear a good deal of english spoken." father la croix smiled. "we all understand it, and you see here a good many young people employed in the states, who are home for their holidays." "and i suppose we are the only protestants here," continued mrs. nimmo. "the only ones,--you are also alone in the parish of sleeping water. if at any time a sense of isolation should prey upon madame and her son--" he did not finish his sentence except by another smile of infinite amusement, and a slight withdrawal of his firm lips from his set of remarkably white teeth. rose was disturbed. vesper noticed that the mention of the word protestant at any time sent her into a transport of uneasiness. she was terrified lest a word might be said to wound his feelings or those of his mother. "_monsieur le curé_ is jesting, madame de forêt," he said, reassuringly. "he is quite willing that we should remain heretics." rose's face cleared, and vesper said to the priest, "are there any old people here to-day who would be inclined to talk about the early settlers?" "yes, and they would be flattered,--up behind the lunch-tables is a knot of old men exchanging reminiscences of early days. may i have the pleasure of introducing you to them?" "i shall be gratified if you will do so," and both men lifted their hats to mrs. nimmo and rose, and then disappeared among the crowd. narcisse immediately demanded to be taken from the tree, and, upon reaching the ground, burst into tears. "look, my mother,--i did not see before." rose followed the direction of his pointing finger. he pretended to have just discovered that under the feet of this changeful assemblage were millions of crushed and suffering grass-blades. rose exchanged a glance with mrs. nimmo. this was a stroke of childish diplomacy. he wished to follow vesper. "show him something to distract his attention," whispered the elder woman. "i will go talk to madame pitre." "see, narcisse, this little revolver," said rose, leading him up to a big wheel of fortune, before which a dozen men sat holding numbered sticks in their hands. "when the wheel stops, some men lose, others gain." "i see only the grass-blades," wailed narcisse. "my mother, does it hurt them to be trampled on?" "no, my child; see, they fly back again. i have even heard that it made them grow." "let us walk where there is no grass," said narcisse, passionately, and, drawing her along with him, he went obliviously past the fruit and candy booths, and the spread tables, to a little knoll where sat three old men on rugs. vesper lay stretched on the grass before them, and, catching sight of narcisse, who was approaching so boldly, and his mother, who was holding back so shyly, he craved permission from the old men to seat them on one of the rugs. the permission was gladly given, and rose shook hands with the three old men, whom she knew well. two of them were brothers, from meteghan, the other was a cousin, from up the bay, whom they rarely saw. the brothers were slim, well-made, dapper old men; the cousin was a fat, jolly farmer, dressed in homespun. "i can tell you one of olden times," said this latter, in a thick, syrupy voice, "better dan dat last." "suppose we have it then," said vesper. "dere was pierre belliveau,--pierre aged dwenty-one and a half at de drama of 1755. his fadder was made prisoner. pierre, he run to de fores' wid four,--firs' cyprian gautreau and de tree brudders, joseph _dit_ coudgeau, charlitte _dit_ le fort--" "is that where the husband of madame de forêt got his name?" interrupted vesper, indicating his landlady by a gesture. "yes," said the old man, "it is a name of long ago,--besides charlitte was bonaventure, an' dese five men suffered horrible, mos' horrible, for winter came on, an' dey was all de time hungry w'en dey wasn't eatin', an' dey had to roam by night like dogs, to pick up w'at dey could. but dey live till de spring, an' dey wander like de wile beasties roun' de fores' of beauséjour, an' dey was well watched by de english. if dey had been shot, dis man would not be talkin' to you, for bonaventure was my ancessor on my modder's side. on a day w'en dey come to tintamarre--you know de great ma'sh of tintamarre?" "no; i never heard of it." "well, it big ma'sh in westmoreland county. one day dey come dere, an' dey perceive not far from dem a _goêlette_,--a schooner. de sea was low, an' all de men in de schooner atten' de return of de tide, for dey was high an' dry. dose five acadiens look at dat schooner, den dey w'isper,--den dey wander, as perchance, near dat schooner. de cap'en look at dem like a happy wile beas', 'cause he was sent from port royal to catch the runawoods. he call out, he invite dose acadiens, he say, 'come on, we make you no harm,' an' dey go, meek like sheep; soon de sea mount, de cap'en shout, 'raise de anchor,' but pierre said, 'we mus' go ashore.' 'trow dose romans in _la cale_,' say dat bad man. _la cale c'est_--" "in the hold," supplied the two other eager old men, in a breath. "yes, in de hole,--but tink you dey went? no; charlitte he was big, he had de force of five men, he look at pierre. pierre he shout, '_fesse_, charlitte,' and charlitte he snatch a bar from de deck, he bang it on de head of de englishman an' massacre him. 'debarrass us of anoder,' cried pierre. charlitte he raise his bar again,--an' still anoder, an' tree englishmen lay on de deck. only de cap'en remain, an' a sailor very big,--mos' as big as charlitte. de cap'en was consternate, yet he made a sign of de han'. de sailor jump on pierre an' try to pitch him in de hole. tink you charlitte let him go? no; he runs, he chucks dat sailor in de sea. den de cap'en falls on his knees. 'spare me de life an' i will spare you de lives.' 'spare us de lives!' said pierre, 'did you spare de lives of dose unhappy ones of port royal whom you sen' to exile? no; an' you would carry us to halifax to de cruel english. dat is how you spare. where are our mudders an' fadders, our brudders an' sisters? you carry dem to a way-off shore w'ere dey cry mos' all de time. we shall see dem never. recommen' your soul to god.' den after a little he say very low, 'charlitte _fesse_,' again. an' charlitte he _fesse_, an' dey brush de han' over de eyes an' lower dat cap'en in de sea. "den pierre, who was fine sailor, run de schooner up to petitcodiac. later on, de son of bonaventure come to dis bay, an' his daughter was my mudder." when the old man finished speaking, a shudder ran over the little group, and vesper gazed thoughtfully at the lively scene beyond them. this was a dearly bought picnic. these quiet old men, gentle mrs. rose, the prattling children, the vivacious young men and women, were all descendants of ancestors who had with tears and blood sought a resting-place for their children. he longed to hear more of their exploits, and he was just about to prefer a request when little narcisse, who had been listening with parted lips, leaned forward and patted the old man's boot. "tell narcisse yet another story with trees in it." the fat old man nodded his head. "i know anodder of a belliveau, dis one charles. he was a carpenter an' he made ships from trees. at de great derangement de english hole him prisoner at port royal. one of de ships to take away de acadiens had broke her mas' in a tempes'. charles he make anodder, and w'en he finish dat mas' he ask his pay. one refuse him dat. den de mas' will fall,' he say. 'i done someting to it.' de cap'en hurry to give him de price, an' charlie he say, 'it all right.' w'en dey embark de prisoners dey put charles on dat schooner. dey soon leave de war-ship dat go wid dem, but de cap'en of de war-ship he say to de cap'en of de schooner, 'take care, my fren', you got some good sailors 'mong dose acadiens.' de cap'en of de schooner laugh. he was like dose trees, narcisse, dat is rooted so strong dey tink dat no ting can never upset dem. he still let dose acadiens come on deck,--six, seven at a times, cause de hole pretty foul, an' dey might die. one day, w'en de order was given, 'go down, you acadiens, an' come up seven odder,' de firs' lot dey open de hatch, den spring on de bridge. dey garrotte de cap'en and crew, an' charles go to turn de schooner. de cap'en call, 'dat gran' mas' is weak,--you go for to break it.' 'liar,' shouted charles, 'dis is i dat make it.' dose acadiens mount de river st. john,--i don' know what dey did wid dose english. i hope dey kill 'em," he added, mildly. "père baudouin," said rose, bending forward, "this is an englishman from boston." "i know," said the old man; "he is good english, dose were bad." vesper smiled, and asked him whether he had ever heard of the fiery frenchman of grand pré. the old man considered carefully and consulted with his cousins. neither of them had ever heard of such a person. there were so many acadiens, they said, in an explanatory way, so many different bands, so many scattering groups journeying homeward. but they would inquire. "here comes father la croix," said rose, softly; "will you not ask him to help you?" "you are very kind to be so much interested in this search of mine," said vesper, in a low voice. rose's lip trembled, and avoiding his glance, she kept her eyes fixed steadily on the ex-colonel and present priest, who was expressing a courteous hope that vesper had obtained the information he wished. "not yet," said vesper, "though i am greatly indebted to these gentlemen," and he turned to thank the old men. "i know of your mission," said father la croix, "and if you will favor me with some details, perhaps i can help you." vesper walked to and fro on the grass with him for some minutes, and then watched him threading his way in and out among the groups of his parishioners and their guests until at last he mounted the band-stand, and extended his hand over the crowd. he did not utter a word, yet there was almost instantaneous silence. the merry-go-round stopped, the dancers paused, and a hush fell on all present. "my dear people," he said, "it rejoices me to see so many of you here to-day, and to know that you are enjoying yourselves. let us be thankful to god for the fine weather. i am here to request you to do me a favor. you all have old people in your homes,--you hear them talking of the great expulsion. i wish you to ask these old ones whether they remember a certain etex lenoir, called the fiery frenchman of grand pré. he, too, was carried away, but never reached his destination, having died on the ship _confidence_, but his wife and child probably arrived in philadelphia. find out, if you can, the fate of this widow and her child,--whether they died in a foreign land, or whether she succeeded in coming back to acadie,--and bring the information to me." he descended the steps, and vesper hastened to thank him warmly for his interest. "it may result in nothing," said the priest, "yet there is an immense amount of information stored up among the acadiens on this bay; i do not at all despair of finding this family," and he took a kindly leave of vesper, after directing him where to find his mother. "but this is terrible," said rose, trying to restrain the ardent narcisse, who was dragging her towards his beloved englishman. "my child, thy mother will be forced to whip thee." vesper at that moment turned around, and his keen glance sought her out. "why do you struggle with him?" he asked, coming to meet them. "but i cannot have him tease you." "he does not tease me," and in quiet sympathy vesper endeavored to restore peace to her troubled mind. she, most beautiful flower of all this show, and most deserving of joy and comfort, had been unhappy and ill at ease ever since they entered the gates. the lingering, furtive glances of several young acadiens were unheeded by her. her only thought was to reach her home and be away from this bustle and excitement, and it was his mother who had wrought this change in her; and in sharp regret, vesper surveyed the little lady, who, apparently in the most amiable of moods, was sitting chatting to an acadien matron to whom father la croix had introduced her. a slight scuffle in a clump of green bushes beside them distracted his attention from her. a pleading exclamation from a manly voice was followed by an eloquent silence, a brisk sound like a slap, or a box on the ears, and a laugh from a girl, with a threatening, "_tu me paicras ça_" (thou shalt pay me for that). vesper laughed too. there was something so irresistibly comical in the man's second exclamation of dismayed surprise. "it is perside," said rose, wearily. "how can she be so gay, in so public a place?" "serves the blacksmith right, for trying to kiss her," said vesper. "perside," said rose, rebukingly, and thrusting her head through the verdant screen, "come and be presented to mrs. nimmo." perside came forward. she was a laughing, piquant beauty, smaller and more self-conscious than rose. with admirable composure she dismissed her blacksmith-_fiancé_, and followed her sister. mrs. nimmo had been receiving a flattering amount of attention, and was holding quite a small court of acadien women about her. among them was rose's stepmother. vesper had not met her before, and he gazed at her calm, statuesque, almost severe profile, under the dark handkerchief. her hands, worn by honest toil, and folded in her lap, were unmistakable signs of a long and hard struggle with poverty. yet her smile was gentleness and sweetness itself, when she returned vesper's salutation. a poor farm, many cares, many children,--he knew her history, for rose had told him of her mother's death during perside's infancy, and the great kindness of the young woman who had married their father and had brought up not only his children, but also the motherless agapit. with a filial courtesy that won the admiration of the acadiens, among whom respect for parents is earnestly inculcated, vesper asked his mother if she wished him to take her home. "if you are quite ready to leave," she replied, getting up and drawing her wrap about her. the acadien women uttered their regrets that madame should leave so soon. but would she not come to visit them in their own homes? "you are very kind," she said, graciously, "but we leave soon,--possibly in two days," and her inquiring eyes rested on her son, who gravely inclined his head in assent. there was a chorus of farewells and requests that madame would, at some future time, visit the bay, and mrs. nimmo, bowing her acknowledgments, and singling out perside for a specially approving glance, took her son's arm and was about to move away when he said, "if you do not object, we will take the child with us. he is tired, and is wearing out his mother." mrs. nimmo could afford to be magnanimous, as they were so soon to go away, and might possibly shake off all connection with this place. therefore she favored the pale and suffering rose with a compassionate glance, and extended an inviting hand to the impetuous boy, who, however, disdained it and ran to vesper. "but why are they going?" cried agapit, hurrying up to rose, as she stood gazing after the retreating nimmos. "did you tell them of the fireworks, and the concert, and the french play; also that there would be a moon to return by?" "madame was weary." "come thou then with me. i enjoy myself so much. my shirt is wet on my back from the dancing. it is hot like a hay field--what, thou wilt not? rose, why art thou so dull to-day?" she tried to compose herself, to banish the heartrending look of sorrow from her face, but she was not skilled in the art of concealing her emotions, and the effort was a vain one. "rose!" said her cousin, in sudden dismay. "rose--rose!" "what is the matter with thee?" she asked, alarmed in her turn by his strange agitation. "hush,--walk aside with me. now tell me, what is this?" "narcisse has been a trouble," began rose, hurriedly; then she calmed herself. "i will not deceive thee,--it is not narcisse, though he has worried me. agapit, i wish to go home." "i will send thee; but be quiet, speak not above thy breath. tell me, has this englishman--" "the englishman has done nothing," said rose, brokenly, "except that in two days he goes back to the world." "and dost thou care? stop, let me see thy face. rose, thou art like a sister to me. my poor one, my dear cousin, do not cry. come, where is thy dignity, thy pride? remember that acadien women do not give their hearts; they must be begged." "i remember," she said, resolutely. "i will be strong. fear not, agapit, and let us return. the women will be staring." she brushed her hand over her face, then by a determined effort of will summoned back her lost composure, and with a firm, light step rejoined the group that they had just left. "_mon dieu!_" muttered agapit, "my pleasure is gone, and i was lately so happy. i thought of this nightmare, and yet i did not imagine it would come. i might have known,--he is so calm, so cool, so handsome. that kind charms women and men too, for i also love him, yet i must give him up. rose, my sister, thou must not go home early. i must keep thee here and suffer with thee, for, until the englishman leaves, thou must be kept from him as a little bunch of tow from a slow fire. does he already love thee? may the holy saints forbid--yes--no, i cannot tell. he is inscrutable. if he does, i think it not. if he does not, i think it so." chapter xv. the cave of the bears. "i had found out a sweet green spot, where a lily was blooming fair; the din of the city disturbed it not; but the spirit that shades the quiet cot with its wings of love was there. "i found that lily's bloom when the day was dark and chill; it smiled like a star in a misty gloom, and it sent abroad a sweet perfume, which is floating around me still." percival. more than twenty miles beyond sleeping water is a curious church built of cobblestones. many years ago, the devoted priest of this parish resolved that his flock must have a new church, and yet how were they to obtain one without money? he pondered over the problem for some time, and at last he arrived at a satisfactory solution. would his parishioners give time and labor, if he supplied the material for construction? they would,--and he pointed to the stones on the beach. the bay already supplied them with meat and drink, they were now to obtain a place of worship from it. they worked with a will, and in a short time their church went up like the temple of old, without the aid of alien labor. vesper, on the day after the picnic, had announced his intention of visiting this church, and agapit, in unconcealed disapproval and slight vexation, stood watching him clean his wheel, preparatory to setting out on the road down the bay. he would be sure to overtake rose, who had shortly before left the inn with narcisse. she had had a terrible scene with the child relative to the approaching departure of the american, and agapit himself had advised her to take him to her stepmother. he wished now that he had not done so, he wished that he could prevent vesper from going after her,--he almost wished that this quiet, imperturbable young man had never come to the bay. "and yet, why should i do that?" he reflected, penitently. "does not good come when one works from honest motives, though bad only is at first apparent? though we suffer now, we may yet be happy," and, casting a long, reluctant look at the taciturn young american, he rose from his comfortable seat and went up-stairs. he was tired, out of sorts, and irresistibly sleepy, having been up all night examining the old documents left by his uncle, the priest, in the hope of finding something relating to the fiery frenchman, for he was now as anxious to conclude vesper's mission to the bay as he had formerly been to prolong it. with a quiet step he crept past the darkened room where mrs. nimmo, after worrying her son by her insistence on doing her own packing, had been obliged to retire, in a high state of irritation, and with a raging headache. he hoped that the poor lady would be able to travel by the morrow; her son would be, there was no doubt of that. how well and strong he seemed now, how immeasurably he had gained in physical well-being since coming to the bay. "for that we should be thankful," said agapit, in sincere admiration and regard, as he stood by his window and watched vesper spinning down the road. "he goes so cool, so careless, like those soldiers who went to battle with a rose between their lips, and i do not dare to warn, to question, lest i bring on what i would keep back. but do thou, my cousin rose, not linger on the way. it would be better for thee to bite a piece from thy little tongue than to have words with this handsome stranger whom i fear thou lovest. now to work again, and then, if there is time, half an hour's sleep before supper, for my eyelids flag strangely." agapit sat down before the table bestrewn with papers, while vesper went swiftly over the road until he reached the picnic ground of the day before, now restored to its former quietness as a grazing place for cows. of all the cheerful show there was left only the big merry-go-round, that was being packed in an enormous wagon drawn by four pairs of oxen. "what are you going to do with it?" asked vesper, springing off his wheel, and addressing the acadiens at work. "we take it to a parish farther down the bay, where there is to be yet another picnic," said one of them. "how much did they make yesterday?" pursued vesper. "six hundred dollars, and only four hundred the day before, and three the first, for you remember those days were partly rainy." "and some people say that you acadiens are poor." the man grinned. "there were many people here, many things. this wooden darling," and he pointed to the dismembered merry-go-round, "earned one dollar and twenty cents every five minutes. we need much for our churches," and he jerked his thumb towards the red cathedral. "the plaster falls, it must be restored. do you go far, sir?" vesper mentioned his destination. all the acadiens on the bay knew him and took a friendly interest in his movements, and the man advised him to take in the cave of the bears, that was also a show-place for strangers. "it is three miles farther, where there is a bite in the shore, and the bluff is high. you will know it by two yellow houses, like twins. descend there, and you will see a troop of ugly bears quite still about a cave. the indians of this coast say that their great man, glooscap, in days before the french came, once sat in the cave to rest. some hungry bears came to eat him, but he stretched out a pine-tree that he carried and they were turned to stone." vesper thanked him, and went on. when he reached the sudden and picturesque cove in the bay, his attention was caught, not so much by its beauty, as by the presence of the inn pony, who neighed a joyful welcome, and impatiently jerked back and forth the road-cart to which he was attached. vesper glanced sharply at the yellow houses. perhaps rose was making a call in one of them. then he stroked the pony, who playfully nipped his coat sleeve, and, after propping his wheel against a stump, ran nimbly down a grassy road, where a goat was soberly feeding among lobster-traps and drawn-up boats. he crossed the strip of sand in the semicircular inlet, and there before him were the bears,--ugly brown rocks with coats of slippery seaweed, their grinning heads turned towards the mouth of a black cavern in the lower part of the bluff, their staring eye-sockets fixed on the dainty woman's figure inside, as if they would fain devour her. rose sat with her face to the sea, her head against the damp rock wall,--her whole attitude one of abandonment and mournful despair. vesper began to hurry towards her, but, catching sight of narcisse, he stopped. the child, with a face convulsed and tear-stained, was angrily seizing stones from the beach to fling them against the most lifelike bear of all,--a grotesque, hideous creature, that appeared to be shouldering his way from the water in order to plunge into the cave. "dost thou mock me?" exclaimed narcisse, furiously. "i will strike thee yet again, thou hateful thing. thou shalt not come on shore to eat my mother and the englishman," and he dashed a yet larger stone against it. "narcisse," said vesper. the child turned quickly. then his trouble was forgotten, and stumbling and slipping over the seaweed, but at last attaining his goal, he flung his small unhappy self against vesper's breast. "i love you, i love you,--_gros comme la grange à pinot_" (as much as pinot's barn),--"yet my mother carried me away. take me with you, mr. englishman. narcisse is very sick without you." in maternal alarm rose sprang up at her child's first shriek. then she sank back, pale and confused, for vesper's eye was upon her, although apparently he was engaged only in fondling the little curly head, and in allowing the child to stroke his face and dive into his pockets, to pull out his watch, and indulge in the fond and foolish familiarities permitted to a child by a loving father. "go to her, narcisse," said vesper, presently, and the small boy ran into the cave. "my mother, my mother!" he cried, in an ecstasy; and he wagged his curly head as if he would shake it from his body. "the englishman returns to you and to me,--he will stay away only a short time. come, get up, get up. let us go back to the inn. i am to go no more to my grandmother. is it not so?" and he anxiously gazed at vesper, who was slowly approaching. vesper did not speak, neither did rose. what was the matter with these grown people that they stared so stupidly at each other? "have you a headache, mr. englishman?" he asked, with abrupt childish anxiety, as he noticed a sudden and unusual wave of color sweeping over his friend's face. "and you, my mother,--why do you hang your head? give only the englishman your hand and he will lift you from the rock. he is strong, very strong,--he carries me over the rough places." "will you give me your hand, rose?" she started back, with a heart-broken gesture. "but you are imbecile, my darling mother!" cried narcisse, throwing himself on her in terror. "the englishman will become angry,--he will leave us. give him your hand, and let us go from this place," and, resolutely seizing her fluttering fingers in his own soft ones, he directed them to vesper's strong, true clasp. "go stone the bears again, narcisse," said the young man, with a strange quiver in his voice. "i will talk to your mother about going back to the inn. see, she is not well;" for rose had bowed her weary head on her arm. "yes, talk to her," said the child, "that is good, and, above all, do not let her hand go. she runs from me sometimes, the little naughty mother," and, with affected roguishness that, however, concealed a certain anxiety, he put his head on one side, and stared affectionately at her as he left the cave. he had gone some distance, and vesper had already whispered a few words in rose's ear, when he returned and stared again at them. "will you tell me only one little story, mr. englishman?" "about what, you small bother?" "about bears, big brown bears, not gentle trees." "there was once a sick bear," said the young man, "and he went all about the world, but could not get well until he found a quiet spot, where a gentle lady cured him." "and then--" "the lady had a cub," said vesper, suddenly catching him in his arms and taking him out to the strip of sand, "a fascinating cub that the bear--i mean the man--adored." narcisse laughed gleefully, snatched vesper's cap and set off with it, fell into a pool of water and was rescued, and set to the task of taking off his shoes and stockings and drying them in the sun, while vesper went back to rose, who still sat like a person in acute distress of body and mind. "i was sudden,--i startled you," he murmured. she made a dissenting gesture, but did not speak. "will you look at me, rose?" he said, softly; "just once." "but i am afraid," fluttered from her pale lips. "when i gaze into your eyes it is hard--" he stood over her in such quiet, breathless sympathy that presently she looked up, thinking he was gone. his glance caught and held hers. she got up, allowed him to take her hands and press them to his lips, and to place on her head the hat that had fallen to the ground. "i will say nothing more now," he murmured, "you are shocked and upset. we had better go home." "come and be presented to mrs. nimmo," suddenly said a saucy, laughing voice. rose started nervously. her sister perside had caught sight of them,--teasing, yet considerate perside, since she had bestowed only one glance on the lovers, and had then gone sauntering past the mouth of the cave, out to the wide array of black rocks beyond them. she carried a hooked stick over her shoulder, and a tin pail in her hand, and sometimes she looked back at a second girl, similarly equipped, who was running down the grassy road after her. nothing could have made rose more quickly recover herself. "it is not the time of perigee,--you will find nothing," she called after perside; then she added to vesper, in a low, shy voice, "she seeks lobsters. she danced so much at the picnic that she was too tired to go home, and had to stay here with cousins." "times and seasons do not matter for some things," returned perside, gaily, over her shoulder; "one has the fun." narcisse stopped digging his bare toes in the sand and shrieked, delightedly, "aunt perside, aunt perside, do you know the englishman returns to my mother and me? he will never leave us, and i am not to go to my grandmother." then, fearful that his assertions had been too strong, he averted his gaze from the two approaching people, and fixed it on the blazing sun. "will you promise not to make a scene when i leave to-morrow?" said vesper. narcisse blinked at him, his eyes full of spots and wheels and revolving lights. he was silly with joy, and gurgled deep down in his little throat. "let me kiss your hand, as you kissed my mother's. it is a pretty sight." "will you be a good boy when i leave to-morrow," said vesper again. "but why should i cry if you return?" cried the child, excitedly flinging a handful of sand at his boots. "narcisse will never again be bad," and rolling over and over, and kicking his pink heels in glee, he forced vesper and rose to retire to a respectful distance. they stood watching him for some time, and, as they watched, rose's tortured face grew calm, and a spark of the divine passion animating her lover's face came into her deep blue eyes. she had no right to break the tender, sensitive little heart given so strangely to this stranger. she would forget agapit and his warnings; she would forget the proud women of her race, who would not wed a stranger, and one of another creed; she would also forget the nervous, jealous mother who would keep her son from all women. "you have asked me for myself," she said, impulsively stretching out her hands to him, "for myself and my child. we are yours." vesper bent down, and pressed her cool fingers against his burning cheeks. she smiled at him, even laughed gleefully, and passed her hands over his head in a playful caress; then, with her former expression of exaltation and virginal modesty and shyness, she ran up the grassy road, and paused at the top to look back at him, as he toiled up with narcisse. she was vivacious and merry now,--he had never seen her just so before. in an instant,--a breath,--with her surrender to him, she had seemed to drop her load of care, that usually made her youthful face so grave and sweet beyond her years. he would like to see her cheerful and laughing--thoughtless even; and murmuring endearing epithets under his breath, he assisted her into the cart, placed the reins in her hands, tucked narcisse in by her side, and, surreptitiously lifting a fold of her dress to his face, murmured, "_au revoir_, my sweet saint." then, stroking his mustache to conceal from the yellow houses his proud smile of ownership, he watched the upright pose of the light head, and the contorted appearance of the dark one that was twisted over a little shoulder as long as the cart was in sight. he forgot all about the church, and, going back to the beach, he lay for a long time sunning himself on the sand, and plunged in a delicious reverie. then, mounting his wheel, he returned to the inn. agapit was running excitedly to and fro on the veranda. "come, make haste," he cried, as he caught sight of him in the distance. "extremely strange things have happened--let me assist you with that wheel,--a malediction on it, these bicycles go always where one does not expect. there is news of the fiery frenchman. i found something, also father la croix." "this is interesting," said vesper, good-naturedly, as he folded his arms, and lounged against one of the veranda posts. "i was delving among my uncle's papers. i had precipitately come on the name of lenoir,--etex, the son of raphael, who was a wealthy _bourgeois_ of calais, and emigrated to grand pré. he was dead when the expulsion came, and of his two sons one, gabriel lenoir, escaped up the st. john river, and that gabriel was my ancestor, and that of rose; therefore, most astonishingly to me, we are related to this family whom you have sought," and agapit wound up with a flourish of his hands and his heels. "i am glad of this," said vesper, in a deeply gratified voice. "but more remains. i was shouting over my discovery, when father la croix came. i ran, i descended,--the good man presented his compliments to madame and you. several of his people went to him this morning. they had questioned the old ones. he wrote what they said, and here it is. see--the son of the murdered etex was samson. his mother landed in philadelphia. in griping poverty the boy grew up. he went to boston. he joined the acadiens who marched the five hundred miles through the woods to acadie. he arrived at the baie chaleur, where he married a comeau. he had many children, but his eldest, jean, is he in whom you will interest yourself, as in the direct line." "and what of jean?" asked vesper, when agapit stopped to catch his breath. agapit pointed to the bay. "he lies over digby neck, in the bay of fundy, but his only child is on this bay." "a boy or a girl?" "a devil," cried agapit, in a burst of grief, "a little devil." chapter xvi. for the honor of their race. "love is the perfect sum of all delight! i have no other choice either for pen or voice to sing or write." "why is the descendant of the fiery frenchman a devil?" asked vesper. "because she has no heart. they have taken from her her race, her religion. her mother, who had some indian blood, was also wild. she would not sweep her kitchen floor. she went to sea with her husband, and when she was drowned with him, her sister, who is also gay, took the child." "what do you mean by gay?" "i mean like hawks. they go here and there,--they love the woods. they do not keep neat houses, and yet they are full of strange ambitions. they change their names. they are not so much like the english as we are, yet they pretend to have no french blood. sometimes i visit them, for the uncle of the child--claude à sucre--is worthy, but his wife i detestate. she has no bones of purpose; she is like a flabby sunfish." "where do they live?" "up the bay,--near bleury." "and do you think there is nothing i can do for this little renegade?" "nothing?" cried agapit. "you can do everything. it is the opportunity of your life. you so wise, so generous, so understanding the acadiens. you have in your power to make born again the whole family through the child. they are superstitious. they will respect the claim of the dead. come to the garden to talk, for there are strangers approaching." vesper shivered. he was not altogether happy over the discovery of the lost link connecting him with the far-back tragedy in which his great-grandfather had been involved. however, he suppressed all signs of emotion, and, following agapit to the lawn, he walked to and fro, listening attentively to the explanations and information showered upon him. when rose came to the door to ring the supper-bell, both young men paused. she thought they had been speaking of her, and blushed divinely. agapit, with an alarmed expression, turned to his companion, who smiled quietly, and was just about to address him, when a lad came running up to them. "agapit, come quickly,--old miser lefroy is dying, and would make his will. he calls for thee." "return,--say that i will come," exclaimed agapit, waving his hand; then he looked at vesper. "one word only, why does rose look so strangely?" "rose has promised to be my wife." agapit groaned, flung himself away a few steps, then came back. "say no more to her till you see me. how could you--and yet you do her honor. i cannot blame you," and with a farewell glance, in which there was a curious blending of despair and gratified pride, he ran after the boy. vesper went up-stairs to his mother, who announced herself no better, and begged only that she might not be disturbed. he accordingly descended to the dining-room and took his place at the table. rose was quietly moving to and fro with a heightened color. she was glad that agapit was away,--it was more agreeable to her to have only one lord and master present; yet, sensitively alive to the idiosyncrasies of this new one, she feared that he was disapproving of her unusual number of guests. he, however, nobly suppressed his disapproval, and even talked pleasantly of recent political happenings in his own country with some travelling agents who happened to be some of his own fellow citizens. "ah, it is a wonderful thing, this love," she said to herself, as she went to the kitchen for a fresh supply of coffee; "it makes one more anxious to please, and to think less of oneself. mr. nimmo wishes to aid me,--and yet, though he is so kind, he slightly wrinkles his beautiful eyebrows when i place dishes on the table. he does not like me to serve. he would have me sit by him; some day i shall do so;" and, overcome by the confused bliss of the thought, she retired behind the pantry door, where the curious célina found her with her face buried in her hands, and in quick, feminine intuition at once guessed her secret. there were many dishes to wash after supper, and vesper, who was keeping an eye on the kitchen, inwardly applauded célina, who, instead of running to the door as she usually did to exchange pleasantries with waiting friends and admirers, accomplished her tasks with surprising celerity. in the brief space of three-quarters of an hour she was ready to go out, and after donning a fresh blouse and a clean apron, and coquettishly tying a handkerchief on her head, she went to the lawn, where she would play croquet and gossip with her friends until the stars came out. vesper left the smokers on the veranda and the chattering women in the parlor, and sauntered through the quiet dining-room and kitchen. rose was nowhere in sight, but her pet kitten, that followed her from morning till night, was mewing at the door of a small room used as a laundry. vesper cautiously looked in. the supple young back of his sweetheart was bent over a wash-tub. "rose," he exclaimed, "what are you doing?" she turned a blushing face over her shoulder. "only a little washing--a very little. the washerwoman forgot." vesper walked around the tub. "it was such a pleasure," she stammered. "i did not know that you would wish to talk to me till perhaps later on." her slender hands gripped a white garment affectionately, and partly lifted it from the soap-suds. vesper, peering in the tub, discovered that it was one of the white jerseys that he wore bicycling, and, gently taking it from her, he dropped it out of sight in the foam. "but it is of wool,--it will shrink," she said, anxiously. he laughed, dried her white arms on his handkerchief, and begged her to sit down on a bench beside him. she shyly drew back and, pulling down her sleeves, seated herself on a stool opposite. "rose," he said, seriously, "do you know how to flirt?" her beautiful lips parted, and she laughed in a gleeful, wholehearted way that reminded him of narcisse. "i think that it would be possible to learn," she said, demurely. vesper did not offer to teach her. he fell into an intoxicated silence, and sat musing on this, the purest and sweetest passion of his life. what had she done--this simple acadien woman--to fill his heart with such profound happiness? a light from the window behind her shone around her flaxen head, and reminded him of the luminous halos surrounding the heads of her favorite saints. since the ecstatic dreams of boyhood he had experienced nothing like this,--and yet this dream was more extended, more spiritual and less earthly than those, for infinite worlds of happiness now unfolded themselves to his vision, and endless possibilities and responsibilities stretched out before him. this woman's life would be given fearlessly into his hands, and also the life of her child. he, vesper nimmo, almost a broken link in humanity's chain, would become once more a part in the glorious whole. rose, enraptured with this intellectual love-making, sat watching every varying emotion playing over her lover's face. how different he was from charlitte,--ah, poor charlitte!--and she shuddered. he was so rough, so careless. he had been like a good-natured bear that wished a plaything. he had not loved her as gently, as tenderly as this man did. "rose," asked vesper, suddenly, "what is the matter with agapit?" "i do not know," she said, and her face grew troubled. "perhaps he is angry that i have told a story, for i said i would not marry." "why should he not wish you to marry?" again she said that she did not know. "will you marry me in six weeks?" "i will marry when you wish," she replied, with dignity, "yet i beg you to think well of it. my little boy is in his bed, and when i no longer see him, i doubt. there are so few things that i know. if i go to your dear country, that you love so much, you may drop your head in shame,--notwithstanding what you have said, i give you up if you wish." "womanlike, you must inject a drop of bitterness into the only full cup of happiness ever lifted to your lips. let us suppose, however, that you are right. my people are certainly not as your people. shall we part now,--shall i go away to-morrow, and never see you again?" rose stared blindly at him. "are you willing for me to go?" he asked, quietly. his motive in suggesting the parting was the not unworthy one of a lover who longs for an open expression of affection from one dear to him, yet he was shocked at the signs of rose's suppressed passion and inarticulate terror. she did not start from her seat, she did not throw herself in his inviting arms, and beg him to stay with her. no; the terrified blue eyes were lowered meekly to the floor, and, in scarcely audible accents, she murmured, "what seems right to you must be done." "rose,--i shall never leave you." "i feel that i have reached up to heaven, and plucked out a very bright star," she stammered, with white lips, "and yet here it is," and trying to conceal her agony, she opened her clenched and quivering hand, as if to restore something to him. he went down on his knees before her. "you are a princess among your people, rose. keep the star,--it is but a poor ornament for you," and seizing her suffering hands, he clasped them to his breast. "listen, till i tell you my reasons for not leaving the woman who has given me my life and inspired me with hope for the future." rose listened, and grew pale at his eloquent words, and still more eloquent pauses. after some time, a gentle, melancholy smile came creeping to her face; a smile that seemed to reflect past suffering rather than present joy. "it is like pain," she said, and she timidly laid a finger on his dark head, "this great joy. i have had so many terrors,--i have loved you so long, i find, and i thought you would die." vesper felt that his veins had been filled with some glowing elixir of earthly and heavenly delight. how adorable she was,--how unique, with her modesty, her shyness, her restrained eagerness. surely he had found the one peerless woman in the world. "talk to me more about yourself and your feelings," he entreated. "i have longed to tell you," she murmured, "that you have taught me what it is,--this love; and also that one does not make it, for it is life or death, and therefore can only come from the lord. when you speak, your words are so agreeable that they are like rain on dusty ground. i feel that you are quite admirable," and, interrupting herself, she bent over to gently kiss his cheek as he still knelt before her. "continue, rose," he said, shutting his eyes in an ecstasy. "i speak freely," she said, "because i feel that i can trust you without fear, and always, always love and serve you till you are quite, quite old. i also understand you. formerly i did not. you say that i am like a princess. ah, not so much as you. you are altogether like a prince. you had the air of being contented; i did not know your thoughts. now i can look into your beautiful white soul. you hide nothing from me. no, do not put your face down. you are a very, very good man. i do not think that there can be any one so good." vesper looked up, and laid a finger across the sweet, praising mouth. "let us talk of your mother," said rose. "since i love you, i love her more; but she does not like me equally." "but she will, my ingenuous darling. i have talked to her twice. she is quite reconciled, but it will take time for her to act a mother's part. you will have patience?" rose wrinkled her delicate brows. "i put myself in her place,--ah, how hard for her! let me fancy you my son. how could i give you up? and yet it would be wrong for her to take you from one who can make you more happy; is it not so?" vesper sprang to his feet. "yes, rose; it is you and i against the world,--one heart, one soul; it is wonderful, and a great mystery," and clasping his hands behind him, he walked to and fro along the narrow room. rose, with a transfigured face, watched him, and hung on every word falling from his lips, as he spoke of his plans for the future, his disappointed hopes and broken aspirations of the past. it did not occur to either of them, so absorbed were they with each other, to glance at the small window overlooking the dooryard, where an eager face came and went at intervals. sometimes the face was angry; sometimes sorrowful. sometimes a clenched fist was raised between it and the glass as if at an imaginary enemy. the unfortunate watcher, in great perplexity of mind, was going through every gesture in the pantomime of distress. the lovers, unmindful of him, continued their conversation, and the suffering agapit continued to suffer. vesper talked and walked on, occasionally stopping to listen to a remark from rose, or to bend over her in an adoring, respectful attitude while he bestowed a caress or received a shy and affectionate one from her. "it is sinful,--i should interrupt," groaned agapit, "yet it would be cruel. they are in paradise. ah, dear blessed virgin,--mother of suffering hearts,--have pity on them, for they are both noble, both good;" and he dashed his hand across his eyes to hide the sight of the beautiful head held as tenderly between the hands of the handsome stranger as if it were indeed a fragile, full-blown rose. "they take leave," he muttered; "i will look no more,--it is a sacrilege," and he rushed into the house by another door. the croquet players called to him from the lawn. he could hear the click of the balls and the merry voices as he passed, but he paid no heed to them. only in the dining-room did he stay his hasty steps. there, in front of the picture of rose's husband, he paused with uplifted arm. "scoundrel!" he muttered, furiously; then striking his fist through the glass, he shattered the portrait, from the small twinkling eyes to its good-natured, sensuous mouth. chapter xvii. the sublimest thing in the world. "ah, tragedy of lusty life! how oft some high emprise a soul divinely grips, but as it crests, fate's undertow despoils!" theodore h. rand. mrs. nimmo was better the next morning, and, rising betimes, gave her son an early audience in her room. "you need not tell me anything," she said, with a searching glance at him. "it is all arranged between you and the acadien woman. i know,--you cannot stave off these things. i will be good, vesper, only give me time,--give me time, and let us have no explanations. you can tell her that you have not spoken to me, and she will not expect me to gush." her voice died away in a pitiful quaver, and vesper quietly, but with intense affection, kissed the cold cheek she offered him. "go away," she said, pushing him from her, "or i shall break down, and i want my strength for the journey." vesper went down-stairs, his eyes running before him for the sweet presence of rose. she was not in the dining-room, and with suppressed disappointment he looked curiously at célina, who was red-eyed and doleful, and requested her to take his mother's breakfast up-stairs. then, with a disagreeable premonition of trouble, he turned his attention to agapit, whose face had turned a sickly yellow and who was toying abstractedly with his food. he appeared to be ill, and, refusing to talk, waited silently for vesper to finish his breakfast. "will you come to the smoking-room?" he then said; and being answered by a silent nod, he preceded vesper to that room and carefully closed the door. "now give me your hand," he said, tragically, "for i am going to make you angry, and perhaps you will never again clasp mine in friendship." "get out," said vesper, peevishly. "i detest melodrama,--and say quickly what you have to say. we have only an hour before the train leaves." "my speech can be made in a short time," said agapit, solemnly. "your farewell of sleeping water to-day must be eternal." "don't be a fool, agapit, but go look for a rope for my mother's trunk; she has lost the straps." "if i found a rope it would be to hang myself," said agapit, desperately. "never was i so unhappy, never, never." "what is wrong with you?" "i am desolated over your engagement to my cousin. we thank you for the honor, but we decline it." "indeed! as the engagement does not include you, i must own that i will take my dismissal only from your cousin." "look at me,--do i seem like one in play? god knows i do not wish to torment you. all night i walked my floor, and rose,--unhappy rose! i shudder when i think how she passed the black hours after my cruel revealings." "what have you said to rose?" asked vesper, in a fury. "you forget that she now belongs to me." "she belongs to no one but our lord," said agapit, in an agony. "you cannot have her, though the thought makes my heart bleed for you." vesper's face flushed. "if you will let it stop bleeding long enough to be coherent, i shall be obliged to you." "oh, do not be angry with me,--let me tell you now that i love you for your kindness to my people. you came among us,--you, an englishman. you did not despise us. you offer my cousin your hand, and it breaks our hearts to refuse it, but she cannot marry you. she sends you that message,--'you must go away and forget me. marry another woman if you so care. i must give you up.' these are her words as she stood pale and cold." vesper seated himself on the edge of the big table in the centre of the room. very deliberately he took out his watch and laid it beside him. so intense was the stillness of the room, so nervously sensitive and unstrung was agapit by his night's vigil, that he started at the rattling of the chain on the polished surface. "i give you five minutes," said vesper, "to explain your attitude towards your cousin, on the subject of her marriage. as i understand the matter, you were an orphan brought up by her father. of late years you arrogate the place of a brother. your decisions are supreme. you announce now that she is not to marry. you have some little knowledge of me. do you fancy that i will be put off by any of your trumpery fancies?" "no, no," said agapit, wildly. "i know you better,--you have a will of steel. but can you not trust me? i say an impediment exists. it is like a mountain. you cannot get over it, you cannot get around it; it would pain you to know, and i cannot tell it. go quietly away therefore." vesper was excessively angry. with his love for rose had grown a certain jealousy of agapit, whose influence over her had been unbounded. yet he controlled himself, and said, coldly, "there are other ways of getting past a mountain." "by flying?" said agapit, eagerly. "no,--tunnelling. tell me now how long this obstacle has existed?" "it would be more agreeable to me not to answer questions." "i daresay, but i shall stay here until you do." "then, it is one year," said agapit, reluctantly. "it has, therefore, not arisen since i came?" "oh, no, a thousand times no." "it is a question of religion?" "no, it is not," said agapit, indignantly; "we are not in the middle ages." "it seems to me that we are; does rose's priest know?" "yes, but not through her." "through you,--at confession?" "yes, but he would die rather than break the seal of confession." "of course. does any one here but you know?" "oh, no, no; only myself, and rose's uncle, and one other." "it has something to do with her first marriage," said vesper, sharply. "did she promise her husband not to marry again?" agapit would not answer him. "you are putting me off with some silly bugbear," said vesper, contemptuously. "a bugbear! holy mother of angels, it is a question of the honor of our race. but for that, i would tell you." "you do not wish her to marry me because i am an american." "i would be proud to have her marry an american," said agapit, vehemently. "i shall not waste more time on you," said vesper, disdainfully. "rose will explain." "you must not go to her," said agapit, blocking his way. "she is in a strange state. i fear for her reason." "you do," muttered vesper, "and you try to keep me from her?" agapit stood obstinately pressing his back against the door. "you want her for yourself," said vesper, suddenly striking him a smart blow across the face. the acadien sprang forward, his burly frame trembled, his hot breath enveloped vesper's face as he stood angrily regarding him. then he turned on his heel, and pressed his handkerchief to his bleeding lips. "i will not strike you," he mumbled, "for you do not understand. i, too, have loved and been unhappy." the glance that he threw over his shoulder was so humble, so forgiving, that vesper's heart was touched. "i ask your pardon, agapit,--you have worried me out of my senses," and he warmly clasped the hand that the acadien extended to him. "come," said agapit, with an adorable smile. "follow me. you have a generous heart. you shall see your rose." agapit knocked softly at his cousin's door, then, on receiving permission, entered with a reverent step. vesper had never been in this little white chamber before. one comprehensive glance he bestowed on it, then his eyes came back to rose, who had, he knew without being told, spent the whole night on her knees before the niche in the wall, where stood a pale statuette of the virgin. this was a rose he did not know, and one whose frozen beauty struck a deadly chill to his heart. he had lost her,--he knew it before she opened her lips. she seemed not older, but younger. the look on her face he had seen on the faces of dead children; the blood had been frightened from her very lips. what was it that had given her this deadly shock? he was more than ever determined to know, and, subduing every emotion but that of stern curiosity, he stood expectant. "you insisted on an adieu," she murmured, painfully. "i am coming back in a week," said vesper, stubbornly. the hand that held her prayer-book trembled. "you have told him that he must not return?" and she turned to agapit, and lifted her flaxen eyebrows, that seemed almost dark against the unearthly pallor of her skin. "yes," he said, with a gusty sigh. "i have told him, but he does not heed me." "it is for the honor of our race," she said to vesper. "rose," he said, keenly, "do you think i will give you up?" her white lips quivered. "you must go; it is wrong for me even to see you." vesper stared at agapit, and seeing that he was determined not to leave the room, he turned his back squarely on him. "rose," he said, in a low voice, "rose." the saint died in her, the woman awoke. little by little the color crept back to her face. her ears, her lips, her cheeks, and brow were suffused with the faint, delicate hue of the flower whose name she bore. a passionate light sprang into her blue eyes. "agapit," she murmured, "agapit," yet her glance did not leave vesper's face, "can we not tell him?" [illustration: "'agapit,' she murmured, 'can we not tell him?'"] "shall we be unfaithful to our race?" said her cousin, inexorably. "what is our race?" she asked, wildly. "there are the acadiens, there are also the americans,--the one lord makes all. agapit, permit that we tell him." "think of your oath, rose." "my oath--my oath--and did i not also swear to love him? i told him only yesterday, and now i must give him up forever, and cause him pain. agapit, you shall tell him. he must not go away angry. ah, my cousin, my cousin," and, evading vesper, she stretched out the prayer-book, "by our holy religion, i beg that you have pity. tell him, tell him,--i shall never see him again. it will kill me if he goes angry from me." there were tears of agony in her eyes, and agapit faltered as he surveyed her. "we are to be alone here all the years," she said, "you and i. it will be a sin even to think of the past. let us have no thought to start with as sad as this, that we let one so dear go out in the world blaming us." "well, then," said agapit, sullenly, "i surrender. tell you this stranger; let him have part in an unusual shame of our people." "i tell him!" and she drew back, hurt and startled. "no, agapit, that confession comes better from thee. adieu, adieu," and she turned, in a paroxysm of tenderness, to vesper, and in her anguish burst into her native language. "after this minute, i must put thee far from my thoughts,--thou, so good, so kind, that i had hoped to walk with through life. but purgatory does not last forever; the blessed saints also suffered. after we die, perhaps--" and she buried her face in her hands, and wept violently. "but do not thou remember," she said at last, checking her tears. "go out into the world and find another, better wife. i release thee, go, go--" vesper said nothing, but he gave agapit a terrible glance, and that young man, although biting his lip and scowling fiercely, discreetly stepped into the hall. for half a minute rose lay unresistingly in vesper's arms, then she gently forced him from the room, and with a low and bitter cry, "for this i must atone," she opened her prayer-book, and again dropped on her knees. once more the two young men found themselves in the smoking-room. "now, what is it?" asked vesper, sternly. agapit hung his head. in accents of deepest shame he murmured, "charlitte yet lives." "charlitte--what, rose's husband?" a miserable nod from agapit answered his question. "it is rumor," stammered vesper; "it cannot be. you said that he was dead." "he has been seen,--the miserable man lives with another woman." vesper had received the worst blow of his life, yet his black eyes fixed themselves steadily on agapit's face. "what proof have you?" agapit stumbled through some brief sentences. "an acadien--michel amireau--came home to die. he was a sailor. he had seen charlitte in new orleans. he had changed his name, yet michel knew him, and went to the uncle of rose, on the bayou vermilion. the uncle promised to watch him. that is why he is so kind to rose, this good uncle, and sends her so much. but charlitte goes no more to sea, but lives with this woman. he is happy; such a devil should die." vesper was stunned and bewildered, yet his mind had never worked more clearly. "does any other person know?" he asked, sharply. "no one; michel would not tell, and he is dead." vesper leaned on a chair-back, and convulsively clasped his fingers until every drop of blood seemed to have left them. "why did he leave rose?" "who can tell?" said agapit, drearily. "rose is beautiful; this other woman unbeautiful and older, much older. but charlitte was always gross like a pig,--but good-natured. rose was too fine, too spiritual. she smiled at him, she did not drink, nor dance, nor laugh loudly. these are the women he likes." "how old is he?" "not old,--fifty, perhaps. if our lord would only let him die! but those men live forever. he is strong, very strong." "would rose consent to a divorce?" "a divorce! _mon dieu_, she is a good catholic." vesper sank into a chair and dropped his head on his hand. hot, rebellious thoughts leaped into his heart. yesterday he had been so happy; to-day-"my friend," said agapit, softly, "do not give way." his words stung vesper as if they had been an insult. "i am not giving way," he said, fiercely. "i am trying to find a way out of this diabolical scrape." "but surely there is only one road to follow." vesper said nothing, but his eyes were blazing, and agapit recoiled from him with a look of terror. "you surely would not influence one who loves you to do anything wrong?" "rose is mine," said vesper, grimly. "but she is married to charlitte." "to a dastardly villain,--she must separate from him." "but she cannot." "she will if i ask her," and vesper started up, as if he were about to seek her. "stop but an instant," and agapit pressed both hands to his forehead with a gesture of bewilderment. "let me say over some things first to you. think of what you have done here,--you, so quiet, so strong,--so pretending not to be good, and yet very good. you have led rose as a grown one leads a child. before you came i did not revere her as i do at present. she is now so careful, she will not speak even the least of untruths; she wishes to improve herself,--to be more fitted for the company of the blessed in heaven." vesper made some inarticulate sound in his throat, and agapit went on hurriedly. "women are weak, men are imperious; she may, perhaps, do anything you say, but is it not well to think over exactly what one would tell her? she is in trouble now, but soon she will recover and look about her. she will see all the world equally so. there are good priests with sore hearts, also holy women, but they serve god. all the world cannot marry. marriage, what is it?--a little living together,--a separation. there is also a holy union of hearts. we can live for god, you, and i, and rose, but for a time is it not best that we do not see each other?" again vesper did not reply except by a convulsive movement of his shoulders, and an impatient drumming on the table with his fingers. "dear young man, whom i so much admire," said agapit, leaning across towards him, "i have confidence in you. you, who think so much of the honor of your race,--you who shielded the name of your ancestor lest dishonor should come on it, i trust you fully. you will, some day when it seems good to you, find out this child who has cast off her race; and now go,--the door is open, seek rose if you will. you will say nothing unworthy to her. you know love, the greatest of things, but you also know duty, the sublimest." his voice died away, and vesper still preserved a dogged silence. at last, however, his struggle with himself was over, and in a harsh, rough voice, utterly unlike his usual one, he looked up and said, "have we time to catch the train?" "by driving fast," said agapit, mildly, "we may. possibly the train is late also." "make haste then," said vesper, and he hurried to his mother, whose voice he heard in the hall. agapit fairly ran to the stable, and as he ran he muttered, "we are all very young,--the old ones say that trouble cuts into the hearts of youth. let us pray our lord for old age." chapter xviii. narcisse goes in search of the englishman. "l'homme s'agite, dieu le mène." mrs. nimmo was a very unhappy woman. she had never before had a trouble equal to this trouble, and, as she sat at the long window in the bedroom of her absent son, she drearily felt that it was eating the heart and spirit out of her. vesper was away, and she had refused to share his unhappy wanderings, for she knew that he did not wish her to do so. very calmly and coldly he had told her that his engagement to rose à charlitte was over. he assigned no cause for it, and mrs. nimmo, in her desperation, earnestly wished that he had never heard of the acadiens, that rose à charlitte had never been born, and that the little peninsula of nova scotia had never been traced on the surface of the globe. it was a lovely evening of late summer. the square in which she lived was cool and quiet, for very few of its inhabitants had come back from their summer excursions. away in the distance, beyond the leafy common, she could hear the subdued roar of the city, but on the brick pavements about her there was scarcely a footfall. the window at which she sat faced the south. in winter her son's room was flooded with sunlight, but in summer the branching elm outside put forth a kindly screen of leaves to shield it from the too oppressive heat. her glance wandered between the delicate lace curtains, swaying to and fro, to this old elm that seemed a member of her family. how much her son loved it,--and with an indulgent thought of vesper's passion for the natives of the outdoor world, a disagreeable recollection of the acadien woman's child leaped into her mind. how absurdly fond of trees and flowers he had been, and what a fanciful, unnatural child he was, altogether. she had never liked him, and he had never liked her, and she wrinkled her brows at the distasteful remembrance of him. a knock at the half-open door distracted her attention, and, languidly turning her head, she said, "what is it, henry?" "it's a young woman, mis' nimmo," replied that ever alert and demure colored boy, "what sometimes brings you photographs. she come in a hack with a girl." "let her come up. she may leave the girl below." "i guess that girl ain't a girl, mis' nimmo,--she looks mighty like a boy. she's the symbol of the little feller in the french place i took you to." mrs. nimmo gave him a rebuking glance. "let the girl remain down-stairs." "madame," said a sudden voice, "this is now boston,--where is the englishman?" mrs. nimmo started from her chair. here was the french child himself, standing calmly before her in the twilight, his small body habited in ridiculous and disfiguring girl's clothes, his cropped curly head and white face appearing above an absurd kind of grayish yellow cloak. "narcisse!" she ejaculated. "madame," said the faint yet determined little voice, "is the englishman in his house?" mrs. nimmo's glance fell upon henry, who was standing open-mouthed and grotesque, and with a gesture she sent him from the room. narcisse, exhausted yet eager, had started on a tour of investigation about the room, holding up with one hand the girl's trappings, which considerably hampered his movements, and clutching something to his breast with the other. he had found the house of the englishman and his mother, and by sure tokens he recognized his recent presence in this very room. here were his books, his gloves, his cap, and, best of all, another picture of him; and, with a cry of delight, he dropped on a footstool before a full-length portrait of the man he adored. here he would rest: his search was ended; and meekly surveying mrs. nimmo, he murmured, "could narcisse have a glass of milk?" mrs. nimmo's emotions at present all seemed to belong to the order of the intense. she had never before been so troubled; she had never before been so bewildered. what did the presence of this child under her roof mean? was his mother anywhere near? surely not,--rose would never clothe her comely child in those shabby garments of the other sex. she turned her puzzled face to the doorway, and found an answer to her questions in the presence of an anxious-faced young woman there, who said, apologetically, "he got away from me; he's been like a wild thing to get here. do you know him?" "know him? yes, i have seen him before." the anxious-faced young woman breathed a sigh of relief. "i thought, maybe, i'd been taken in. i was just closing up the studio, an hour ago, when two men came up the stairs with this little fellow wrapped in an old coat. they said they were from a schooner called the _nancy jane_, down at one of the wharves, and they picked up this boy in a drifting boat on the bay saint-mary two days ago. they said he was frightened half out of his senses, and was holding on to that photo in his hand,--show the lady, dear." narcisse, whose tired head was nodding sleepily on his breast, paid no attention to her request, so she gently withdrew one of his hands from under his cloak and exhibited in it a torn and stained photograph of vesper. mrs. nimmo caught her breath, and attempted to take it from him, but he quickly roused himself, and, placing it beneath him, rolled over on the floor, and, with a farewell glance at the portrait above, fell sound asleep. "he's beat out," said the anxious-faced young woman. "i'm glad i've got him to friends. the sailors were awful glad to get rid of him. they kind of thought he was a french child from nova scotia, but they hadn't time to run back with him, for they had to hurry here with their cargo, and then he held on to the photo and said he wanted to be taken to that young man. the sailors saw our address on it, but they sort of misdoubted we wouldn't keep him. however, i thought i'd take him off their hands, for he was frightened to death they would carry him back to their vessel, though i guess they was kind enough to him. i gave them back their coat, and borrowed some things from the woman who takes care of our studio. i forgot to say the boy had only a night-dress on when they found him." mrs. nimmo mechanically felt in her pocket for her purse. "they didn't say anything about a woman being with him?" "no, ma'am; he wouldn't talk to them much, but they said it was likely a child's trick of getting in a boat and setting himself loose." "would you--would you care to keep him until he is sent for?" faltered mrs. nimmo. "i--oh, no, i couldn't. i've only a room in a lodging-house. i'd be afraid of something happening to him, for i'm out all day. i offered him something to eat, but he wouldn't take it--oh, thank you, ma'am, i didn't spend all that. i guess i'll have to go. does he come from down east?" "yes, he is french. my son visited his house this summer, and used to pet him a good deal." the young woman cast a glance of veiled admiration at the portrait. "and the little one ran away to find him. quite a story. he's cute, too," and, airily patting narcisse's curly head, she took her leave of mrs. nimmo, and made her way down-stairs. a good many strange happenings came into her daily life in this large city, and this was not one of the strangest. mrs. nimmo sat still and stared at narcisse. rose had probably not been in the boat with him,--had probably not been drowned. he had apparently run away from home, and the first thing to do was to communicate with his mother, who would be frantic with anxiety about him. she therefore wrote out a telegram to rose, "your boy is with me, and safe and well," and ringing for henry, she bade him send it as quickly as possible. then she sank again into profound meditation. the child had come to see vesper. had she better not let him know about it? if she applied the principles of sound reasoning to the case, she certainly should do so. it might also be politic. perhaps it would bring him home to her, and, sighing heavily, she wrote another telegram. in the meantime narcisse did not awake. he lay still, enjoying the heavy slumber of exhaustion and content. he was in the house of his beloved englishman; all would now be well. he did not know that, after a time, his trustful confidence awoke the mother spirit in the woman watching him. the child for a time was wholly in her care. no other person in this vast city was interested in him. no one cared for him. a strange, long-unknown feeling fluttered about her breast, and memories of her past youth awoke. she had also once been a child. she had been lonely and terrified, and suffered childish agonies not to be revealed until years of maturity. they were mostly agonies about trifles,--still, she had suffered. she pictured to herself the despair and anger of the boy upon finding that vesper did not return to sleeping water as he had promised to do. with his little white face in a snarl, he would enter the boat and set himself adrift, to face sufferings of fright and loneliness of which in his petted childhood he could have had no conception. and yet what courage. she could see that he was exhausted, yet there had been no whining, no complaining; he had attained his object and he was satisfied. he was really like her own boy, and, with a proud, motherly smile, she gazed alternately from the curly head on the carpet to the curly one in the portrait. the external resemblance, too, was indeed remarkable, and now the thought did not displease her, although it had invariably done so in sleeping water, when she had heard it frequently and naïvely commented on by the acadiens. well, the child had thrown himself on her protection,--he should not repent it; and, summoning a housemaid, she sent her in search of some of vesper's long-unused clothing, and then together they slipped the disfiguring girl's dress from narcisse's shapely body, and put on him a long white nightrobe. he drowsily opened his eyes as they were lifting him into vesper's bed, saw that the photograph was still in his possession, and that a familiar face was bending over him, then, sweetly murmuring "_bon soir_" (good night), he again slipped into the land of dreams. several times during the night mrs. nimmo stole into her son's room, and drew the white sheet from the black head half buried in the pillow. once she kissed him, and this time she went back to her bed with a lighter heart, and was soon asleep herself. she was having a prolonged nap the next morning when something caused her suddenly to open her eyes. just for an instant she fancied herself a happy young wife again, her husband by her side, their adored child paying them an early morning call. then the dream was over. this was the little foreign boy who was sitting curled up on the foot of her bed, nibbling hungrily at a handful of biscuits. "i came, madame, because those others i do not know," and he pointed towards the floor, to indicate her servants. "has your son, the englishman, yet arrived?" "no," she said, gently. "your skin is white," said narcisse, approvingly; "that is good; i do not like that man." "but you have seen colored people on the bay,--you must not dislike henry. my husband brought him here as a boy to wait on my son. i can never give him up." "he is amiable," said narcisse, diplomatically. "he gave me these," and he extended his biscuits. they were carrying on their conversation in french, for only with vesper did narcisse care to speak english. perfectly aware, in his acute childish intelligence, that he was, for a time, entirely dependent on "madame," whom, up to this, he had been jealous of, and had positively disliked, he was keeping on her a watchful and roguish eye. mrs. nimmo, meanwhile, was interested and amused, but would make no overtures to him. "is your bed as soft as mine, madame?" he said, politely. "i do not know; i never slept in that one." narcisse drew a corner of her silk coverlet over his feet. "narcisse was very sick yesterday." "i do not wonder," said his hostess. "your son said that he would return, but he did not." "my son has other things to think of, little boy." mrs. nimmo's manner was one that would have checked confidences in an ordinary child. it made narcisse more eager to justify himself. "why does my mother cry every night?" he asked, suddenly. "how can i tell?" answered mrs. nimmo, peevishly. "i hear a noise in the night, like trees in a storm," said narcisse, tragically, and, drawing himself up, he fetched a tremendous sigh from the pit of his little stomach; "then i put up my hand so,"--and leaning over, he placed three fingers on mrs. nimmo's eyelids,--"and my mother's face is quite wet, like leaves in the rain." mrs. nimmo did not reply, and he went on with alarming abruptness. "she cries for the englishman. i also cried, and one night i got out of bed. it was very fine; there was the night sun in the sky,--you know, madame, there is a night sun and a day sun--" "yes, i know." "i went creeping, creeping to the wharf like a fly on a tree. i was not afraid, for i carried your son in my hand, and he says only babies cry when they are alone." "and then,--" said mrs. nimmo. "oh, the beautiful stone!" cried narcisse, his volatile fancy attracted by a sparkling ring on mrs. nimmo's finger. she sighed, and allowed him to handle it for a moment. "i have just put it on again, little boy. i have been in mourning for the last two years. tell me about your going to the boat." "there is nothing to tell," said narcisse; "it was a very little boat." "whose boat was it?" "the blacksmith's." "how did you get it off from the wharf?" "like this," and bending over, he began to fumble with the strings of her nightcap, tying and untying until he tickled her throat and made her laugh irresistibly and push him away. "there was no knife," he said, "or i would have cut it." "but you did wrong to take the blacksmith's boat." narcisse's face flushed, yet he was too happy to become annoyed with her. "when the englishman is there, i am good, and my mother does not cry. let him go back with me." "and what shall i do?" narcisse was plainly embarrassed. at last he said, earnestly, "remain, madame, with the black man, who will take care of you. when does the englishman arrive?" "i do not know; run away now, i want to dress." "you have here a fine bathroom," said narcisse, sauntering across the room to an open door. "when am i to have my bath?" "does your mother give you one every day?" "yes, madame, at night, before i go to bed. do you not know the screen in our room, and the little tub, and the dish with the soap that smells so nice? i must scour myself hard in order to be clean." "i am glad to hear that. i will send a tub to your room." "but i like this, madame." "come, come," she said, peremptorily, "run away. no one bathes in my tub but myself." narcisse had a passion for dabbling in water, and he found this dainty bathroom irresistible. "i hate you, madame," he said, flushing angrily, and stamping his foot at her. "i hate you." mrs. nimmo looked admiringly past the child at his reflection in her cheval glass. what a beauty he was, as he stood furiously regarding her, his sweet, proud face convulsed, his little body trembling inside his white gown! in his recklessness he had forgotten to be polite to her, and she liked him the better for it. "you are a naughty boy," she said, indulgently. "i cannot have you in my room if you talk like that." without a word narcisse went to her dressing-table, picked up his precious photograph that he had left propped against a silver-backed brush, and turned to leave her, when she said, curiously, "why did you tear that picture if you think so much of it?" narcisse immediately fell into a state of pitiable confusion, and, hanging his head, remained speechless. "if you will say you are sorry for being rude, i will give you another one," she said, and in a luxury of delight at playing with this little soul, she raised herself on her arm and held out a hand to him. narcisse drew back his lips at her as if he had been a small dog. "madame," he faltered, tapping his teeth, "these did it, but i stopped them." "what do you mean?" said mrs. nimmo, and a horrible suspicion entered her mind. "narcisse was hungry--in the boat--" stammered the boy. "he nibbled but a little of the picture. he could not bite the englishman long." mrs. nimmo shuddered. she had never been hungry in her life. "come here, you poor child. you shall have a bath in my room as soon as i finish. give me a kiss." narcisse's sensitive spirit immediately became bathed with light. "shall i kiss you as your son the englishman kissed my mother?" "yes," said mrs. nimmo, bravely, and she held out her arms. "but you must not do so," said narcisse, drawing back. "you must now cry, and hide your face like this,"--and his slender, supple fingers guided her head into a distressed position,--"and when i approach, you must wave your hands." "did your mother do that?" asked mrs. nimmo, eagerly. "yes,--and your son lifted her hand like this," and narcisse bent a graceful knee before her. "did she not throw her arms around his neck and cling to him?" inquired the lady, in an excess of jealous curiosity. "no, she ran from us up the bank." "your mother is a wicked woman to cause my son pain," said mrs. nimmo, in indignant and rapid french. "my mother is not wicked," said narcisse, vehemently. "i wish to see her. i do not like you." they were on the verge of another disagreement, and mrs. nimmo, with a soothing caress, hurried him from the room. what a curious boy he was! and as she dressed herself she sometimes smiled and sometimes frowned at her reflection in the glass, but the light in her eyes was always a happy one, and there was an unusual color in her cheeks. chapter xix. an interrupted mass. "here is our dearest theme where skies are blue and brightest, to sing a single song in places that love it best; freighting the happy breeze when snowy clouds are lightest; making a song to cease not when the singer is dumb in rest." j. f. h. away up the bay, past sleeping water and church point, past historic piau's isle and belliveau's cove and the lovely sissiboo river, past weymouth and the barrens, and other villages stretched out along this highroad, between yarmouth and digby, is bleury,--beautiful bleury, which is the final outpost in the long-extended line of acadien villages. beyond this, the bay--what there is of it, for it soon ends this side of digby--is english. but beautiful bleury, which rejoices in a high bluff, a richly wooded shore, swelling hills, and an altogether firmer, bolder outlook than flat sleeping water, is not wholly french. some of its inhabitants are english. here the english tide meets the french tide, and, swelling up the bay and back in the woods, they overrun the land, and form curious contrasts and results, unknown and unfelt in the purely acadien districts nearer the sea. in bleury there is one schoolhouse common to both races, and on a certain afternoon, three weeks after little narcisse's adventurous voyage in search of the englishman, the children were tumultuously pouring out from it. instinctively they formed themselves into four distinct groups. the groups at last resolved themselves into four processions, two going up the road, two down. the french children took one side of the road, the english the other, and each procession kept severely to its own place. heading the rows of english children who went up the bay was a red-haired girl of some twelve summers, whose fiery head gleamed like a torch, held at the head of the procession. as far as the coloring of her skin was concerned, and the exquisite shading of her velvety brown eyes, and the shape of her slightly upturned nose, she might have been english. but her eager gestures, her vivacity, her swiftness and lightness of manner, marked her as a stranger and an alien among the english children by whom she was surrounded. this was bidiane lenoir, agapit's little renegade, and just now she was highly indignant over a matter of offended pride. a french girl had taken a place above her in a class, and also, secure in the fortress of the schoolroom, had made a detestable face at her. "i hate them,--those frenchies," she cried, casting a glance of defiance at the acadien children meekly filing along beyond her. "i sha'n't walk beside 'em. go on, you ----," and she added an offensive epithet. the dark-faced, shy acadiens trotted soberly on, swinging their books and lunch-baskets in their hands. they would not go out of their way to seek a quarrel. "run," said bidiane, imperiously. the little acadiens would not run, they preferred to walk, and bidiane furiously called to her adherents, "let's sing mass." this was the deepest insult that could be offered to the children across the road. sometimes in their childish quarrels aprons and jackets were torn, and faces were slapped, but no bodily injury ever equalled in indignity that put upon the catholic children when their religion was ridiculed. however, they did not retaliate, but their faces became gloomy, and they immediately quickened their steps. "holler louder," bidiane exhorted her followers, and she broke into a howling "_pax vobiscum_," while a boy at her elbow groaned, "_et cum spiritu tuo_," and the remainder of the children screamed in an irreverent chorus, that ran all up and down the scale, "_gloria tibi domine_." the acadien children fled now, some of them with fingers in their ears, others casting bewildered looks of horror, as if expecting to see the earth open and swallow up their sacrilegious tormentors, who stood shrieking with delight at the success of their efforts to rid themselves of their undesired companions. "shut up," said bidiane, suddenly, and at once the laughter was stilled. there was a stranger in their midst. he had come gliding among them on one of the bright shining wheels that went up and down the bay in such large numbers. before bidiane had spoken he had dismounted, and his quick eye was surveying them with a glance like lightning. the children stared silently at him. ridicule cuts sharply into the heart of a child, and a sound whipping inflicted on every girl and boy present would not have impressed on them the burden of their iniquity as did the fine sarcasm and disdainful amusement with which this handsome stranger regarded them. one by one they dropped away, and bidiane only remained rooted to the spot by some magic incomprehensible to her. "your name is bidiane lenoir," he said, quietly. "it ain't," she said, doggedly; "it's biddy ann black." "really,--and there are no lenoirs about here, nor corbineaus?" "down the bay are lenoirs and corbineaus," said the little girl, defiantly; then she burst out with a question, "you ain't the englishman from boston?" "i am." "gosh!" she said, in profound astonishment; then she lowered her eyes, and traced a serpent in the dust with her great toe. all up and down the bay had flashed the news of this wonderful stranger who had come to sleeping water in quest of an heir or heiress to some vast fortune. the heir had been found in the person of herself,--small, red-haired biddy ann black, and it had been firmly believed among her fellow playmates that at any moment the prince might appear in a golden chariot and whisk her away with him to realms of bliss, where she would live in a gorgeous palace and eat cakes and sweetmeats all day long, sailing at intervals in a boat of her own over a bay of transcendent loveliness, in which she would catch codfish as big as whales. this story had been believed until very recently, when it had somewhat died away by reason of the non-appearance of the prince. now he had arrived, and bidiane's untrained mind and her little wild beast heart were in a tumult. she felt that he did not approve of her, and she loved and hated him in a breath. he was smooth, and dignified, and sleek, like a priest. he was dark, too, like the french people, and she scowled fiercely. he would see that her cotton gown was soiled; why had she not worn a clean one to-day, and also put on her shoes? would he really want her to go away with him? she would not do so; and a lump arose in her throat, and with a passionate emotion that she did not understand she gazed across the bay towards the purple hills of digby neck. vesper, perfectly aware of what was passing in her mind, waited for her to recover herself. "i would like to see your uncle and aunt," he said, at last. "will you take me to them?" she responded by a gesture in the affirmative, and, still with eyes bent obstinately on the ground, led the way towards a low brown house situated in a hollow between two hills, and surrounded by a grove of tall french poplars, whose ancestors had been nourished by the sweet waters of the seine. vesper's time was limited, and he was anxious to gain the confidence of the little maid, if possible, but she would not talk to him. "do you like cocoanuts?" he said, presently, on seeing in the distance a negro approaching, with a load of this foreign fruit, that he had probably obtained from some schooner. "you bet," said bidiane, briefly. vesper stopped the negro, and bought as many nuts at five cents apiece as he and bidiane could carry. then, trying to make her smile by balancing one on the saddle of his wheel, he walked slowly beside her. bidiane solemnly watched him. she would not talk, she would not smile, but she cheerfully dropped her load when one of his cocoanuts rolled in the ditch, and, at the expense of a scratched face from an inquisitive rose-bush that bent over to see what she was doing, she restored it to him. "your cheek is bleeding," said vesper. "no odds," she remarked, with indian-like fortitude, and she preceded him into a grassy dooryard, that was pervaded by a powerful smell of frying doughnuts. mirabelle marie, her fat, good-natured young aunt, stood in the kitchen doorway with a fork in her hand, and seeing that the stranger was english, she beamed a joyous, hearty welcome on him. "good day, sir; you'll stop to supper? that's right. shove your wheel ag'in that fence, and come right in. biddy, git the creamer from the well and give the genl'man a glass of milk. you won't?--all right, sir, walk into the settin'-room. what! you'd rather set under the trees? all right. my man's up in the barn, fussin' with a sick cow that's lost her cud. he's puttin' a rind of bacon on her horns. what d'ye say, biddy?"--this latter in an undertone to the little girl, who was pulling at her dress. "this is the englishman from boston--_sakerjé_!" and, dropping her fork, she wiped her hands on her dress and darted out to offer vesper still more effusive expressions of hospitality. he smiled amiably on her, and presently she returned to the kitchen, silly and distracted in appearance, and telling bidiane that she felt like a hen with her head cut off. the stranger who was to do so much for them had come. she could have prostrated herself in the dust before him. "scoot, biddy, scoot," she exclaimed; "borry meat of some kind. go to the maxwells or to the whites. tell 'em he's come, and we've got nothin' but fish and salt pork, and they know the english hate that like pizen. and git a junk of butter with only a mite of salt in it. mine's salted heavy for the market. and skip to the store and ask 'em to score us for a pound of cheese and some fancy crackers." bidiane ran away, and, as she ran, her ill humor left her, and she felt herself to be a very important personage. vivaciously and swiftly she exclaimed, "he's come!" to several children whom she met, and with a keen and exquisite sense of pleasure looked back to see them standing open-mouthed in the road, impressed in a most gratifying way by the news communicated. in the meantime mirabelle marie began to make frantic and ludicrous preparations to set a superfine meal before the stranger, who was now entitled to a double share of honor. in her extreme haste everything went wrong. she upset her pot of lard; the cat and dog got at her plate of doughnuts, and stole half of them; the hot biscuits that she hastily mixed burnt to a cinder, and the jar of preserved berries that she opened proved to have been employing their leisure time in the cellar by fermenting most viciously. however, she did not lose her temper, and, as she was not a woman to be cast down by trifles, she seated herself in a rocking-chair, fanned herself vigorously with her apron, and laughed spasmodically. bidiane found her there on her return. the little girl possessed a keener sense of propriety than her careless relative; she was also more moody and variable, and immediately falling into a rage, she conveyed some plain truths to mirabelle marie, in inelegant language. the woman continued to laugh, and to stare through the window at vesper, who sat motionless under the trees. one arm was thrown over the back of his seat, and his handsome head was turned away from the house. "poor calf," said mirabelle marie, "he looks down the bay; he is a very divil for good looks. rose à charlitte is one big fool." "we shall have only slops for supper," said bidiane, in a fury, and swearing under her breath at her. mirabelle marie at this bestirred herself, and tried to evolve a meal from the ruin of her hopes, and the fresh supply of food that her niece had obtained. the little girl meantime found a clean cloth, and spread it on the table. she carefully arranged on it their heavy white dishes and substantial knives and spoons. then she blew a horn, which made claude à sucre, her strapping great uncle, suddenly loom against the horizon, in the direction of the barn. he came to the house, and was about to ask a question, but closed his mouth when he saw the stranger in the yard. "go change," said bidiane, pouncing upon him. claude knew what she meant, and glanced resignedly from his homespun suit to her resolved face. there was no appeal, so he went to his bedroom to don his sunday garments. he had not without merit gained his nickname of sugar claude; for he was, if possible, more easy-going than his wife. bidiane next attacked her aunt, whose face was the color of fire, from bending over the stove. "go put on clean duds; these are dirty." "go yourself, you little cat," said mirabelle marie, shaking her mountain of flesh with a good-natured laugh. "i'm going--i ain't as dirty as you, anyway--and take off those sneaks." mirabelle marie stuck out one of the flat feet encased in rubber-soled shoes. "my land! if i do, i'll go barefoot." bidiane subsided and went to the door to look for her two boy cousins. where were they? she shaded her eyes with her two brown hands, and her gaze swept the land and the water. where were those boys? were they back in the pasture, or down by the river, or playing in the barn, or out in the boat? a small schooner beating up the bay caught her eye. that was johnny maxwell's schooner. she knew it by the three-cornered patch on the mainsail. and in captain johnny's pockets, when he came from boston, were always candy, nuts, and raisins,--and the young maxwells were of a generous disposition, and the whole neighborhood knew it. her cousins would be on the wharf below the house, awaiting his arrival. well, they should come to supper first; and, like a bird of prey, she swooped down the road upon her victims, and, catching them firmly by the shoulders, marched them up to the house. chapter xx. with the watercrows. "her mouth was ever agape, her ears were ever ajar; if you wanted to find a sweeter fool, you shouldn't have come this far." --_old song._ when the meal was at last prepared, and the whole family were assembled in the sitting-room, where the table had been drawn from the kitchen, they took a united view of vesper's back; then claude à sucre was sent to escort him to the house. with a rapturous face mirabelle marie surveyed the steaming dish of _soupe à la patate_ (potato soup), the mound of buttered toast, the wedge of tough fried steak, the strips of raw dried codfish, the pink cake, and fancy biscuits. surely the stranger would be impressed by the magnificence of this display, and she glanced wonderingly at bidiane, whose eyes were lowered to the floor. the little girl had enjoyed advantages superior to her own, in that she mingled freely in english society, where she herself--mirabelle marie--was strangely shunned. could it be that she was ashamed of this board? certainly she could never have seen anything much grander; and, swelling with gratified pride and ambition, the mistress of the household seated herself behind her portly teapot, from which vantage-ground she beamed, huge and silly, like a full-grown moon upon the occupants of the table. her guest was not hungry, apparently, for he scarcely touched the dishes that she pressed upon him. however, he responded so gracefully and with such well-bred composure to her exhortations that he should eat his fill, for there was more in the cellar, that she was far from resenting his lack of appetite. he was certainly a "boss young man;" and as she sat, delicious visions swam through her brain of new implements for the farm, a new barn, perhaps, new furniture for the house, with possibly an organ, a spick and span wagon, and a horse, or even a pair, and the eventual establishment of her two sons in boston,--the el dorado of her imagination,--where they would become prosperous merchants, and make heaps of gold for their mother to spend. in her excitement she began to put her food in her mouth with both hands, until reminded that she was flying in the face of english etiquette by a vigorous kick administered under the table by bidiane. vesper, with an effort, called back his painful wandering thoughts, which had indeed gone down the bay, and concentrated them upon this picturesquely untidy family. this was an entirely different establishment from that of the sleeping water inn. fortunately there was no grossness, no clownishness of behavior, which would have irreparably offended his fastidious taste. they were simply uncultured, scrambling, and even interesting with the background of this old homestead, which was one of the most ancient that he had seen on the bay, and which had probably been built by some of the early settlers. while he was quietly making his observations, the family finished their meal, and seeing that they were waiting for him to give the signal for leaving the table, he politely rose and stepped behind his chair. mirabelle marie scurried to her feet and pushed the table against the wall. then the whole family sat down in a semicircle facing a large open fireplace heaped high with the accumulated rubbish of the summer, and breathlessly waited for the stranger to tell them of his place of birth, the amount of his fortune, his future expectations and hopes, his intentions with regard to bidiane, and of various and sundry other matters that might come in during the course of their conversation. vesper, with his usual objection to having any course of action mapped out for him, sat gazing imperturbably at them. he was really sorry for mirabelle marie, who was plainly bursting with eagerness. her husband was more reserved, yet he, too, was suffering from suppressed curiosity, and timidly and wistfully handled his pipe, that he longed to and yet did not dare to smoke. his two small boys sat dangling their legs from seats that were uncomfortably high for them. they were typical acadien children,--shy, elusive, and retreating within themselves in the presence of strangers; and if, by chance, vesper caught a stealthy glance from one of them, the little fellow immediately averted his glossy head, as if afraid that the calm eyes of the stranger might lay bare the inmost secrets of his youthful soul. bidiane was the most interesting of the group. she was evidently a born manager and the ruling spirit in the household, for he could see that they all stood in awe of her. she must possess some force of will to enable her to subdue her natural eagerness and vivacity, so as to appear sober and reserved. his presence was evidently a constraint to the little red-haired witch, and he could scarcely have understood her character, if agapit had not supplied him with a key to it. young as she was, she acutely appreciated the racial differences about her. there were two worlds in her mind,--french and english. the careless predilections of her aunt had become fierce prejudices with her, and, at present, although she was proud to have an englishman under their roof, she was at the same time tortured by the contrast that she knew he must find between the humble home of her relatives and the more prosperous surroundings of the english people with whom he was accustomed to mingle. "she is a clever little imp," agapit had said, "and wise beyond her years." vesper, when his unobtrusive examination of her small resolved face was over, glanced about the low, square room in which they sat. the sun was just leaving it. the family would soon be thinking of going to bed. all around the room were other rooms evidently used as sleeping apartments, for through a half-open door he saw an unmade bed, and he knew, from the construction of the house, that there was no upper story. after a time the silence became oppressive, and mirabelle marie, seeing that the stranger would not entertain her, set herself to the task of entertaining him, and with an ingratiating and insinuating smile informed him that the biggest liar on the bay lived in bleury. "his name's bill," she said, "blowin' bill duckfoot, an' the boys git 'round him an' say, 'give us a yarn.' he says, 'well, give me a chaw of 'baccy,' then he starts off. 'onct when i went to sea'--he's never bin off the bay, you know--'it blowed as hard as it could for ten days. then it blowed ten times harder. we had to lash the cook to the mast.' 'what did you do when you wanted grub?' says the boys. 'oh, we unlashed him for awhile,' says bill. 'one day the schooner cracked from stern to stem. cap'en and men begun to holler and says we was goin' to the bottom.' 'cheer up,' says bill, 'i'll fix a way.' so he got 'em to lash the anchor chains 'roun' the schooner, an' that hold 'em together till they got to boston, and there was nothin' too good for bill. it was cousin duckfoot, an' brother duckfoot, and good frien' duckfoot, and lots of treatin'." vesper in suppressed astonishment surveyed mirabelle marie, who, at the conclusion of her story, burst into a fit of such hearty laughter that she seemed to be threatened there and then with a fit of apoplexy. her face grew purple, tears ran down her cheeks, and through eyes that had become mere slits in her face she looked at claude, who too was convulsed with amusement, at her two small boys, who giggled behind their hands, and at bidiane, who only smiled sarcastically. vesper at once summoned an expression of interest to his face, and mirabelle marie, encouraged by it, caught her breath with an explosive sound, wiped the tears from her eyes, and at once continued. "here's another daisy one. 'onct,' says bill, 'all han's was lost 'cept me an' a nigger. i went to the stern as cap'en, and he to the bow as deck-han'. a big wave struck the schooner, and when we righted, wasn't the nigger at stern as cap'en, an' i was at bow as deck-han'!'" while vesper was waiting for the conclusion of the story, a burst of joyous cachinnation assured him that it had already come. mirabelle marie was again rocking herself to and fro in immoderate delight, her head at each dip forward nearly touching her knees, while her husband was slapping his side vigorously. vesper laughed himself. truly there were many different orders of mind in the universe. he saw nothing amusing in the reported exploits of the liar duckfoot. they also would not have brought a smile to the face of his beautiful rose, yet the corbineaus, or watercrows, as they translated their name in order to make themselves appear english, found these stories irresistibly comical. it was a blessing for them that they did so, otherwise the whole realm of humor might be lost to them; and he was going off in a dreamy speculation with regard to their other mental proclivities, when he was roused by another story from his hostess. "duckfoot is a mason by trade, an' onct he built a chimbley for a woman. 'make a good draught,' says she. 'you bet,' says he, an' he built his chimbley an' runs away; as he runs he looks back, an' there was the woman's duds that was hangin' by the fire goin' up the chimbley. he had built such a draught that nothin' could stay in the kitchen, so she had to go down on her knees an' beg him to change it." "to beg him to change it," vociferated claude, and he soundly smacked his unresisting knee. "oh, lord, 'ow funny!" and he roared with laughter so stimulating that he forgot his fear of vesper and bidiane, and, boldly lighting his pipe, put it between his lips. mirabelle marie, whose flow of eloquence it was difficult to check, related several other tales of duckfoot bill. many times, before the railway in this township of clare had been built, he had told them of his uncle, who had, he said, a magnificent residence in louisiana, with a park full of valuable animals called skunks. these animals he had never fully described, and they were consequently enveloped in a cloud of admiration and mystery, until a horde of them came with the railroad to the bay, when the credulous acadiens learned for themselves what they really were. during the recital of this tale, bidiane's face went from disapproval to disgust, and at last, diving under the table, she seized a basket and went to work vigorously, as if the occupation of her fingers would ease the perturbation of her mind. vesper watched her closely. she was picking out the threads of old cotton and woollen garments that had been cut into small pieces. these threads would be washed, laid out on the grass to dry, and then be carded, and spun, and woven over again, according to a thrifty custom of the acadiens, and made into bedcovers, stockings, and cloth. the child must possess some industry, for this work--"pickings," as it was called--was usually done by the women. in brooding silence the little girl listened to mirabelle marie's final tale of duckfoot bill, whose wife called out to him, one day, from the yard, that there was a flock of wild geese passing over the house. without troubling to go out, he merely discharged his gun up the chimney beside which he sat, and the ramrod, carelessly being left in, killed a certain number of geese. "how many do you guess that ramrod run through?" vesper good-naturedly guessed two. "no,--seven," she shrieked; "they was strung in a row like dried apples," and she burst into fresh peals of laughter, until suddenly plunged into the calmness of despair by a few words from bidiane, who leaned over and whispered angrily to her. mirabelle marie trembled, and gazed at the stranger. was it true,--did he wish to commend her to a less pleasant place than bleury for teasing him with these entrancing stories? she could gather nothing from his face; so she entered tremulously into a new subject of conversation, and, pointing to claude's long legs, assured him that his heavy woollen stockings had been made entirely by bidiane. "she's smart,--as smart as a steel trap," said the aunt. "she can catch the sheeps, hold 'em down, shear the wool, an' spin it." bidiane immediately pushed her basket under the table with so fiery and resentful a glance that the unfortunate mirabelle marie relapsed into silence. "have you ever gone to sea?" asked vesper, of the silently smoking claude. "yessir, we mos' all goes to sea when we's young." "onct he was wrecked," interrupted his wife. "yessir, i was. off arichat we got on a ledge. we thump up an' down. we was all on deck but the cook. the cap'en sends me to the galley for 'im. 'e come up, we go ashore, an' the schooner go to pieces." "tell him about the mouse," said bidiane, abruptly. "the mouse?--oh, yess, when i go for the cook i find 'im in the corner, a big stick in his 'and. i dunno 'ow 'e stan'. 'is stove was upside down, an' there was an awful wariwarie" (racket). "'e seem not to think of danger. ''ist,' says 'e. 'don' mek a noise,--i wan' to kill that mouse.'" vesper laughed at this, and mirabelle marie's face cleared. "tell the englishman who was the cap'en of yous," she said, impulsively, and she resolutely turned her back on bidiane's terrific frown. "well, 'e was smart," said claude, apologetically. "'e always get on though 'e not know much. one day when 'e fus' wen' to sea 'is wife says, 'all the cap'ens' wives talk about their charts, an' you ain't gut none. i buy one.' so she wen' to yarmouth, an' buy 'im a chart. she also buy some of that shiny cloth for kitchen table w'at 'as blue scrawly lines like writin' on it. the cap'en leave the nex' mornin' before she was up, an' 'e takes with 'im the oilcloth instid of the chart, an' 'e 'angs it in 'is cabin; 'e didn't know no differ. 'e never could write,--that man. he mek always a pictur of 'is men when 'e wan' to write the fish they ketch. but 'e was smart, very smart. 'e mek also money. onct 'e was passenger on a schooner that smacks ag'in a steamer in a fog. all 'an's scuttle, 'cause that mek a big scare. they forgit 'im. 'e wake; 'e find 'imself lonely. was 'e frightful? oh, no; 'e can't work sails, but 'e steer that schooner to boston, an' claim salvage." "tell also the name of the cap'en," said mirabelle marie. claude moved uneasily in his chair, and would not speak. "what was it?" asked vesper. "it was crispin," said mirabelle marie, solemnly. "crispin, the brother of charlitte." vesper calmly took a cigarette from his pocket, and lighted it. "it is a nice place down the bay," said mirabelle marie, uneasily. "very nice," responded her guest. "rose à charlitte has a good name," she continued, "a very good name." vesper fingered his cigarette, and gazed blankly at her. "they speak good french there," she said. her husband and bidiane stared at her. they had never heard such a sentiment from her lips before. however, they were accustomed to her ways, and they soon got over their surprise. "do you not speak french?" asked vesper. mrs. watercrow shrugged her shoulders. "it is no good. we are all english about here. how can one be french? way back, when we went to mass, the priest was always botherin'--'talk french to your young ones. don't let them forgit the way the old people talked.' one day i come home and says to my biggest boy, '_va ramasser des écopeaux_'" (go pick up some chips). "he snarl at me, 'do you mean potatoes?' he didn't like it." "did he not understand you?" asked vesper. "naw, naw," said claude, bitterly. "we 'ave french nebbors, but our young ones don' play with. they don' know french. my wife she speak it w'en we don' want 'em to know w'at we say." "you always like french," said his wife, contemptuously. "i guess you gut somethin' french inside you." claude, for some reason or other, probably because, usually without an advocate, he now knew that he had one in vesper, was roused to unusual animation. he snatched his pipe from his mouth and said, warmly, "it's me 'art that's french, an' sometimes it's sore. i speak not much, but i think often we are fools. do the eenglish like us? no, only a few come with us; they grin 'cause we put off our french speakin' like an ole coat. a man say to me one day, 'you 'ave nothin'. you do not go to mass, you preten' to be protestan', w'en you not brought up to it. you big fool, you don' know w'at it is. if you was dyin' to-morrer you'd sen' for the priest.'" mirabelle marie opened her eyes wide at her husband's eloquence. he was not yet through. "an' our children, they are silly with it. they donno' w'at they are. all day sunday they play; sometimes they say cuss words. i say, 'do it not,' 'an' they ast me w'y. i cannot tell. they are not french, they are not eenglish. they 'ave no religion. i donno' w'ere they go w'en they die." mirabelle marie boldly determined to make confidences to the englishman in her turn. "the english have loads of money. i wish i could go to boston. i could make it there,--yes, lots of it." claude was not to be put down. "i like our own langwidge, oh, yes," he said, sadly. "w'en i was a leetle boy i wen' to school. all was eenglish. they put in my 'and an eenglish book. i'd lef my mother, i was stoopid. i thought all the children's teeth was broke, 'cause they spoke so strange. never will i forgit my firs' day in school. w'y do they teach eenglish to the french? the words was like fish 'ooks in my flesh." "would you be willing to send that little girl down the bay to a french convent?" said vesper, waving his cigarette towards bidiane. "we can't pay that," said mirabelle marie, eagerly. "but i would." while she was nodding her head complacently over this, the first of the favors to be showered on them, claude said, slowly, "down the bay is like a bad, bad place to my children; they do not wish to go, not even to ride. they go towards digby. biddy ann would not go to the convent,--would she, biddy?" the little girl threw up her head angrily. "i hate frenchtown, and that black spider, agapit lenoir." claude's face darkened, and his wife chuckled. surely now there would be nothing left for the englishman to do but to transplant them all to boston. "would you not go?" asked vesper, addressing bidiane. "not a damn step," said the girl, in a fury, and, violently pushing back her chair, she rushed from the room. if this young man wished to make a french girl of her, he might go on his way. she would have nothing to do with him. and with a rebellious and angry heart at this traitor to his race, as she regarded him, she climbed up a ladder in the kitchen that led to a sure hiding-place under the roof. her aunt clutched her head in despair. bidiane would ruin everything. "she's all eaten up to go to boston," she gasped. "i am not a rich man," said vesper, coldly. "i don't feel able at present to propose anything further for her than to give her a year or two in a convent." mirabelle marie gaped speechlessly at him. in one crashing ruin her new barn, and farming implements, the wagon and horses, and trunks full of fine clothes fell into the abyss of lost hopes. the prince had not the long purse that she supposed he would have. and yet such was her good-nature that, when she recovered from the shock, she regarded him just as kindly and as admiringly as before, and if he had been in the twinkling of an eye reduced to want she would have been the first to relieve him, and give what aid she could. nothing could destroy her deep-rooted and extravagant admiration for the english race. her fascinated glance followed him as he got up and sauntered to the open door. "you'll stop all night?" she said, hospitably, shuffling after him. "we have one good bed, with many feathers." he did not hear her, for in a state of extreme boredom, and slight absent-mindedness, he had stepped out under the poplars. "better leave 'im alone, i guess," said claude; then he slipped off his coat. "i'll go milk." "an' i'll make up the bed," said his wife; and taking the hairpins out of the switch that bidiane had made her attach to her own thick lump of hair, she laid it on the shelf by the clock, and allowed her own brown wave to stream freely down her back. then she unfastened her corsets, which she did not dare to take off, as no woman in bleury who did not wear that article of dress tightly enfolding her chest and waist was considered to have reached the acme of respectability. however, she could for a time allow them to gape slightly apart, and having by this proceeding added much to her comfort, she entered one of the small rooms near by. vesper meanwhile walked slowly towards the gate, while bidiane watched him through a loophole in the roof. his body only was in bleury; his heart was in sleeping water. step by step he was following rose about her daily duties. he knew just at what time of day her slender feet carried her to the stable, to the duck-yard, to the hen-house. he knew the exact hour that she entered her kitchen in the morning, and went from it to the pantry. he could see her beautiful face at the cool pantry window, as she stood mixing various dishes, and occasionally glancing at the passers-by on the road. sometimes she sang gently to herself, "rose of the cross, thou mystic flower," or "dear angel ever at my side," or some of the latin hymns to the virgin. at this present moment her tasks would all be done. if there were guests who desired her presence, she might be seated with them in the little parlor. if there were none, she was probably alone in her room. of what was she thinking? the blood surged to his face, there was a beating in his ears, and he raised his suffering glance to the sky. "o god! now i know why i suffered when my father died. it was to prepare me for this." then his mind went back to rose. had she succeeded in driving his image from her pure mind and imagination? alas! he feared not,--he would like to know. he had heard nothing of her since leaving sleeping water. agapit had written once, but he had not mentioned her. this inaction was horrible,--this place wearied him insufferably. he glanced towards his wheel, and a sentence from one of agapit's books came into his mind. it contained the advice of an old monk to a penitent, "my son, when in grievous temptation from trouble of the mind, engage violently in some exercise of the body." he was a swift rider, and there was no need for him to linger longer here. these people were painfully subservient. if at any time anything came into his mind to be done for the little girl, they would readily agree to it; that is, if the small tigress concurred; at present there was nothing to be done for her. he laid his hand on his bicycle and went towards the house again. there was no one to be seen, so he hurried up to the rickety barn where claude sat on a milking-stool, trying to keep his long legs out of the way of a frisky cow. the frenchman was overcome with stolid dismay when vesper briefly bade him good-by, and going to the barn door, he stared regretfully after him. mirabelle marie, in blissful unconsciousness of the sudden departure, went on with her bed-making, but bidiane, through the crack in the roof, saw him go, and in childish contradiction of spirit shed tears of anger and disappointment at the sight. chapter xxi. a supreme adieu. "how reads the riddle of our life, that mortals seek immortal joy, that pleasures here so quickly cloy, and hearts are e'en with yearnings rife? that love's bright morn no midday knows, and darkness comes ere even's close, and fondest hopes bear seeds of strife. "let fools deride; faith's god-girt breast their puny shafts can turn aside, and mock with these their sin-born pride. our souls were made for god the best; 'tis he alone can satisfy their every want, can still each cry; in him alone shall they find rest." cornelius o'brien, _archbishop of halifax_. the night was one of velvety softness, and the stars, as if suspecting his mission, blinked delicately and discreetly down upon him, while vesper, who knew every step of the way, went speeding down the bay with a wildly beating heart. several acadiens recognized him as he swept past them on the road, but he did not stop to parley with them, for he wished to reach yarmouth as soon as possible. his brain was tortured, and it seemed to him that, at every revolution of his wheels, a swift, subtle temptation assaulted him more insidiously and more fiercely. he would pass right by the sleeping water inn. why should he not pause there for a few minutes and make some arrangement with rose about narcisse, who was still in boston? he certainly had a duty to perform towards the child. would it not be foolish for him to pass by the mother's door without speaking to her of him? what harm could there be in a conversation of five minutes' duration? his head throbbed, his muscles contracted. only this afternoon he had been firm, as firm as a rock. he had sternly resolved not to see her again, not to write to her, not to meet her, not to send her a message, unless he should hear that she had been released from the bond of her marriage. what had come over him now? he was as weak as a child. he had better stop and think the matter over; and he sprang from his wheel and threw himself down on a grassy bank, covered with broad leaves that concealed the dead and withered flowers of the summer. somewhere in the darkness behind him was lonely piau's isle, where several of the acadien forefathers of the bay lay buried. what courage and powers of endurance they had possessed! they had bravely borne their burdens, lived their day, and were now at rest. some day,--in a few years, perhaps,--he, too, would be a handful of dust, and he, too, would leave a record behind him; what would his record be? he bit his lip and set his teeth savagely. he was a fool and a coward. he would not go to sleeping water, but would immediately turn his back on temptation, and go to weymouth. he could stay at a hotel there all night, and take the train in the morning. the soft air caressed his weary head; for a long time he lay staring up at the stars through the interlaced branches of an apple-tree over him, then he slowly rose. his face was towards the head of the bay; he no longer looked towards sleeping water, but for a minute he stood irresolutely, and in that brief space of time his good resolution was irrevocably lost. some girls were going to a merrymaking, and, as they went, they laughed gaily and continuously. one of them had clear, silvery tones like those of rose. the color again surged to his face, the blood flew madly through his veins. he must see her, if only for an instant; and, hesitating no longer, he turned and went careering swiftly through the darkness. a short time later he had reached the inn. there was a light in rose's window. she must have gone to bed. célina only was in the kitchen, and, with a hasty glance at her, he walked to the stable. a terrible quacking in the duck-yard advised him who was there, and he was further assured by hearing an irritable voice exclaim, "if fowls were hatched dumb, there would not be this distracting tumult!" agapit was after a duck. it fell to his lot to do the killing for the household, and it was so great a trial to his kind heart that, if the other members of the family had due warning, they usually, at such times, shut themselves up to be out of reach of his lamentable outcries when he was confronted by a protesting chicken, an innocent lamb, a tumultuous pig, or a trusting calf. just now he emerged from the yard, holding a sleepy drake by the wing. "_miséricorde!_" he exclaimed, when he almost ran into vesper, "who is it? you--you?" and he peered at him through the darkness. "yes, it is i." "confiding fool," said agapit, impatiently tossing the drake back among his startled comrades, "i will save thy neck once more." vesper marked the emphasis. "i am on my way to yarmouth," he said, calmly, "and i have stopped to see your cousin about narcisse." "ah!--he is well, i trust." "he is better than when he was here." "his mother has gone to bed." "i will wait, then, until the morning." "ah!" said agapit again; then he laughed recklessly and seized vesper's hand. "i cannot pretend. you see that i am rejoiced to have you again with us." "i, too, am glad to be here." "but you will not stay?" "oh, no, agapit--you know me better than that." vesper's tone was confident, yet agapit looked anxiously at him through the gathering gloom. "it would be better for rose not to see you." "agapit--we are not babies." "no, you are worse,--it is well said that only our lord loves lovers. no other would have patience." vesper held his straight figure a little straighter, and his manner warned the young acadien to be careful of what he said, but he dashed on, "words are brave; actions are braver." "how is madame de forêt?" asked vesper, shortly. "what do you expect--joyous, riotous health? reflect only that she has been completely overthrown about her child. i hope that madame, your mother, is well." "she has not been in such good health for years. she is greatly entertained by narcisse," and vesper smiled at some reminiscence. "it is one of the most charming of nights," said agapit, insinuatingly. "toochune would be glad to have a harness on his back. we could fly over the road to yarmouth. it would be more agreeable than travelling by day." "thank you, agapit--i do not wish to go to-night." "oh, you self-willed one--you lucifer!" said agapit, wildly. "you dare-all, you conquer-all! take care that you are not trapped." "come, show me a room," said vesper, who was secretly gratified with the irrepressible delight of the acadien in again seeing him,--a delight that could not be conquered by his anxiety. "this evening the house is again full," said agapit. "rose is quite wearied; come softly up-stairs. i can give you but the small apartment next her own, but you must not rise early in the morning, and seek an interview with her." two angry red spots immediately appeared in vesper's cheeks, and he stared haughtily at him. agapit snapped his fingers. "i trust you not that much, though if you had not come back, my confidence would have reached to eternity. you are unfortunately too nobly human,--why were you not divine? but i must not reproach. have i not too been a lover? you are capable of all, even of talking through the wall with your beloved. you should have stayed away, you should have stayed away!" and, grumbling and shaking his head, he ushered his guest up-stairs, and into a tiny and exquisitely clean room, that contained only a bed, a table, a wash-stand, and one chair. agapit motioned vesper to the chair, and sprawled himself half over the foot of the bed, half out the open window, while he talked to his companion, whose manner had a new and caressing charm that attracted him even more irresistibly than his former cool and somewhat careless one had done. "ah, why is life so?" he at last exclaimed, springing up, with a sigh. "under all is such sadness. your presence gives such joy. why should it be denied us?" vesper stared at his shoes to hide the nervous tears that sprang to his eyes. agapit immediately averted his sorrowful glance. "you are not angry with me for my free speech?" "good heavens, no!" said vesper, irritably turning his back on him, "but i would thank you to leave me." "good night," said the acadien, softly. "may the blessed virgin give you peace. remember that i love you, for i prophesy that we on the morrow shall quarrel," and with this cheerful assurance he gently closed the door, and went to the next room. rose threw open the door to him, and agapit, though he was prepared for any change in her, yet for an instant could not conceal his astonishment. where was her pallor,--her weariness? gone, like the mists of the morning before the glory of the sun. her face was delicately colored, her blue eyes were flooded with the most exquisite and tender light that he had ever seen in them. she had heard her lover's step, and agapit dejectedly reflected that he should have even more trouble with her than with vesper. "surely, i am to see him to-night?" she murmured. "surely not," growled agapit. "for what do you wish to see him?" "agapit,--should not a mother hear of her little one?" "is it for that only you wish to see him?" "for that,--also for other things. is he changed, agapit? has his face grown more pale?" agapit broke into vigorous french. "he is more foolish than ever, that i assure thee. such a simpleton, and thou lovest him!" "if he is a fool, then there are no wise men in the world; but thou art only teasing. ah, agapit, dear agapit," and she clasped her hands, and extended them towards him. "tell me only what he says of narcisse." "he is well; he will tell thee in the morning of a plan he has. go now to bed,--and rose, to-morrow be sensible, be wise. thou wert so noteworthy these three weeks ago, what has come to thee now?" "agapit, thou dost remember thy mother a very little, is it not so?" "yes, yes." "thou couldst part from her; but suppose she came back from the dead. suppose thou couldst hear her voice in the hall, what wouldst thou do?" "i would run to greet her," he said, rashly. "i would be mad with pleasure." "that man was as one dead," she said, with an eloquent gesture towards the next room. "i did not think of seeing him again. how can i cease from joy?" "give me thy promise," he said, abruptly, "not to see him without me. otherwise, thou mayst be prowling in the morning, when i oversleep myself, and thou wilt talk about me to this charming stranger." "agapit," she said, in amazement, "wouldst thou insult me?" "no, little rabbit,--i would only prevent thee from insulting me." "it is like jailorizing. i shall not be a naughty child in a cell." "but thou wilt," he said, with determination. "give me thy promise." rose became indignant, and agapit, who was watching her keenly, stepped inside her room, lest he should be overheard. "rose," he said, swiftly, and with a deep, indrawn breath, "have i not been a brother to thee?" "yes, yes,--until now." "now, most of all,--some day thou wilt feel it. would i do anything to injure thee? i tell thee thou art like a weak child now. have i not been in love? do not i know that for a time one's blood burns, and one is mad?" "but what do you fear?" she asked, proudly, drawing back from him. "i fear nothing, little goose," he exclaimed, catching her by the wrist, "for i take precautions. i have talked to this young man,--do not i also esteem him? i tell thee, as i told him,--he is capable of all, and when thou seest him, a word, a look, and he will insist upon thy leaving thy husband to go with him." "agapit, i am furious with thee. would i do a wrong thing?" "not of thyself; but think, rose, thou art weak and nervous. thy strength has been tried; when thou seest thy lover thou wilt be like a silly sheep. trust me,--when thy father, on his dying bed, pointed to thee, i knew his meaning. did not i say 'yes, yes, i will take care of her, for she is beautiful, and men are wicked.'" "but thou didst let me marry charlitte," she said, with a stifled cry. agapit was crushed by her accusation. he made a despairing gesture. "i have expected this, but, rose, i was younger. i did not know the hearts of women. we thought it well,--your stepmother and i. he begged for thee, and we did not dream--young girls sometimes do well to settle. he seemed a wise man--" "forgive me," cried rose, wildly, and suddenly pushing him towards the door, "and go away. i will not talk to mr. nimmo without thee." "some day thou wilt thank me," said agapit. "it is common to reproach those who favor us. left alone, thou wouldst rise early in the morning,--thy handsome vesper would whisper in thy ear, and i, rising, might find thee convinced that there is nothing for thee but to submit to the sacrilege of a divorce." rose was not touched by his wistful tones. her pretty fingers even assisted him gently from the room, and, philosophically shrugging his shoulders, he went to bed. rose, left alone, pressed her empty arms and palpitating heart against the bare walls of the next room. "you are good and noble,--you would do nothing wrong. that wicked agapit, he thinks evil of thee--" and, with other fond and foolish words, she stood mutely caressing the wall until fatigue overpowered her, when she undressed and crept into her lonely bed. agapit, who possessed a warm heart, an ardent imagination, and a lively regard for the other sex, was at present without a love-affair of his own, and his mind was therefore free to dwell on the troubles of rose and vesper. all night long he dreamed of lovers. they haunted him, tortured him with their griefs, misunderstandings, and afflictions, and, rather glad than sorry to awake from his disturbed sleep, he lifted his shaggy head from the pillow early in the morning and, vehemently shaking it, muttered, "the devil himself is in those who make love." then, with his protective instinct keenly alive, he sprang up and went to the window, where he saw something that made him again mutter a reference to the evil one. his window was directly over that of his cousin, and although it was but daybreak, she was up and dressed, and leaning from it to look at vesper, who stood on the grass below. they were not carrying on a conversation; she was true to the letter of her promise, but this mute, unspoken dialogue was infinitely more dangerous. agapit groaned, and surveyed vesper's glowing face. who would dream that he, so dignified, would condescend to this? was it arranged through the wall, or did he walk under her window and think of her until his influence drew her from her bed? "i also have done such things," he muttered; "possibly i may again, therefore i must be merciful." vesper at this instant caught sight of his dishevelled head. rose also looked up, and agapit retreated in dismay at the sound of their stifled but irresistible laughter. "ah, you do not cry all the time," he ejaculated, in confusion; then he made haste to attire himself and to call for rose, who demurely went down-stairs with him and greeted vesper with quiet and loving reserve. the two young men went with her to the kitchen, where she touched a match to the fire. while it was burning she sat down and talked to them, or, rather, they talked to her. the question was what to do with narcisse. "madame de forêt," said vesper, softly, "i will tell you what i have already told your cousin. i returned home unexpectedly a fortnight ago, having in the interval missed a telegram from my mother, telling me that your boy was in boston. when i reached my own door, i saw to my surprise the child of--of--" "of the woman you love," thought agapit, grimly. "your child," continued vesper, in some confusion, "who was kneeling on the pavement before our house. he had dug a hole in the narrow circle of earth left around the tree, and he was thrusting porridge and cream down it, while the sparrows on the branches above watched him with interest. here in sleeping water we had about stopped that feeding of the trees; but my mother, i found, indulged him in everything. he was glad to see me, and i--i had dreaded the solitude of my home, and i quickly discovered that it had been banished by his presence. he has effected a transformation in my mother, and she wishes me to beg you that we may keep him for a time." agapit had never before heard vesper speak at such length. he himself was silent, and waited for some expression of opinion from rose. she turned to him. "you remember what our doctor says when he looks over my little one,--that he is weak, and the air of the bay is too strong for him?" "the doctors in boston also say it," responded vesper. "mrs. nimmo has taken him to them." rose flashed a glance of inexpressible gratitude at vesper. "you wish him to remain in boston?" said agapit. "yes, yes,--if they will be so kind, and if it is right that we allow that they keep him for a time." agapit reflected a minute. could rose endure the double blow of a separation from her child and from her lover? yes, he knew her well enough to understand that, although her mother heart and her woman's heart would be torn, she would, after the first sharp pang was over, cheerfully endure any torture in order to contribute to the welfare of the two beings that she loved best on earth. narcisse would be benefited physically by the separation, vesper would be benefited mentally. he knew, in addition, that a haunting dread of charlitte possessed her. although he was a fickle, unfaithful man, the paternal instinct might some day awake in him, and he would return and demand his child. agapit would not himself be surprised to see him reappear at any time in sleeping water, therefore he said, shortly, "it is a good plan." "we can at least try it," said vesper. "i will report how it works." "and while he is with you, you will have some instruction in his own religion given him?" said rose, timidly. "you need not mention that," said vesper; "it goes without saying." rose took a crucifix from her breast and handed it to him. "you will give him that from his mother," she said, with trembling lips. vesper held it in his hand for a minute, then he silently put it in his pocket. there was a long pause, broken at last by agapit, who said, "will you get the breakfast, rose? mr. nimmo assured me that he wished to start at once. is it not so?" "yes," said vesper, shortly. rose got up and went to the pantry. "will you put the things on this table?" said vesper. "and will not you and agapit have breakfast with me?" rose nodded her head, and, with a breaking heart, she went to and fro, her feet touching the hardwood floor and the rugs as noiselessly as if there had been a death in the house. the two young men sat and stared at the stove or out the windows. agapit was anathematizing vesper for returning to settle a matter that could have been arranged by writing, and vesper was alternately in a dumb fury with agapit for not leaving him alone with rose, or in a state of extravagant laudation because he did not do so. what a watch-dog he was,--what a sure guardian to leave over his beautiful sweetheart! dispirited and without appetite, the three at last assembled around the table. rose choked over every morsel that she ate, until, unable longer to endure the trial, she left the table, and contented herself with waiting upon them. vesper was famished, having eaten so little the evening before, yet he turned away from the toast and coffee and chops that rose set before him. "i will go now; agapit, come to the gate with me. i want to speak to you." rose started violently. it seemed to her that her whole agitated, overwrought soul had gone out to her lover in a shriek of despair, yet she had not uttered a sound. vesper could not endure the agony of her eyes. "rose," he said, stretching out his hands to her, "will you do as i wish?" "no," said agapit, stepping between them. "rose," said vesper, caressingly, "shall i go to see charlitte?" "yes, yes," she moaned, desperately, and sinking to a chair, she dropped her swimming head on the table. "no," said agapit, again, "you shall not break god's laws. rose is married to charlitte." vesper tried to pass him, to assist rose, who was half fainting, but agapit's burly form was immovable, and the furious young american lifted his arm to strike him. "_nâni_," said agapit, tossing his arm in the air, "two blows from no man for me," and he promptly knocked vesper down. rose, shocked and terrified, instantly recovered. she ran to her fallen hero, bent over him with fond and distracted words, and when he struggled to his feet, and with a red and furious face would have flown at agapit, she restrained him, by clinging to his arm. "dear fools," said agapit, "i would have saved you this humbling, but you would not listen. it is now time to part. the doctor comes up the road." vesper made a superhuman effort at self-control, and passed his hand over his eyes, to clear away the mists of passion. then he looked through the kitchen window. the doctor was indeed driving up to the inn. "good-by, rose," he exclaimed, "and do you, agapit," and he surveyed the acadien in bitter resentment, "treat charlitte as you have treated me, if he comes for her." even in her despair rose reflected that they were parting in anger. "vesper, vesper,--most darling of men," she cried, wildly, detaining him, "shake hands, at least." "i will not," he muttered, then he gently put her from him, and flung himself from the room. "one does not forget those things," said agapit, gloomily, and he followed her out-of-doors. vesper, staggering so that he could hardly mount his wheel, was just about to leave the yard. rose clung to the doorpost, and watched him; then she ran to the gate. down, down the bay he went; farther, farther, always from her. first the two shining wheels disappeared, then his straight blue back, then the curly head with the little cap. she had lost him,--perhaps forever; and this time she fainted in earnest, and agapit carried her to the kitchen, where the english doctor, who had been the one to attend vesper, stood, with a shrewd and pitying look on his weather-beaten face. book ii. bidiane chapter i. a new arrival at sleeping water. "but swift or slow the days will pass, the longest night will have a morn, and to each day is duly born a night from time's inverted glass." --_aminta._ five years have passed away,--five long years. five times the acadien farmers have sown their seeds. five times they have gathered their crops. five times summer suns have smiled upon the bay, and five times winter winds have chilled it. and five times five changes have there been in sleeping water, though it is a place that changes little. some old people have died, some new ones have been born, but chief among all changes has been the one effected by the sometime presence, and now always absence, of the young englishman from boston, who had come so quietly among the acadiens, and had gone so quietly, and yet whose influence had lingered, and would always linger among them. in the first place, rose à charlitte had given up the inn. shortly after the englishman had gone away, her uncle had died, and had left her, not a great fortune, but a very snug little sum of money--and with a part of it she had built herself a cottage on the banks of sleeping water river, where she now lived with célina, her former servant, who had, in her devotion to her mistress, taken a vow never to marry unless rose herself should choose a husband. this there seemed little likelihood of her doing. she had apparently forsworn marriage when she rejected the englishman. all the bay knew that he had been violently in love with her, all the bay knew that she had sent him away, but none knew the reason for it. she had apparently loved him,--she had certainly never loved any other man. it was suspected that agapit lenoir was in the secret, but he would not discuss the englishman with any one, and, gentle and sweet as rose was, there were very few who cared to broach the subject to her. another change had been the coming to sleeping water of a family from up the bay. they kept the inn now, and they were _protégés_ of the englishman, and relatives of a young girl that he and his mother had taken away--away across the ocean to france some four years before--because she was a badly brought up child, who did not love her native tongue nor her father's people. it had been a wonderful thing that had happened to these watercrows in the coming of the englishman to the bay. his mission had been to search for the heirs of etex lenoir, who had been murdered by his great-grandfather at the time of the terrible expulsion, and he had found a direct one in the person of this naughty little bidiane. she had been a great trouble to him at first, it was said, but, under his wise government, she had soon sobered down; and she had also brought him luck, as much luck as a pot of gold, for, directly after he had discovered her he--who had not been a rich young man, but one largely dependent on his mother--had fallen heir to a large fortune, left to him by a distant relative. this relative had been a great-aunt, who had heard of his romantic and dutiful journey to acadie, and, being touched by it, and feeling assured that he was a worthy young man, she had immediately made a will, leaving him all that she possessed, and had then died. he had sought to atone for the sins of his forefathers, and had reaped a rich reward. a good deal of the englishman's money had been bestowed on these watercrows. with kindly tolerance, he had indulged a whim of theirs to go to boston when they were obliged to leave their heavily mortgaged farm. it was said that they had expected to make vast sums of money there. the englishman knew that they could not do so, but that they might cease the repinings and see for themselves what a great city really was for poor people, he had allowed them to make a short stay in one. the result had been that they were horrified; yes, absolutely horrified,--this family transported from the wide, beautiful bay,--at the narrowness of the streets in the large city of boston, at the rush of people, the race for work, the general crowding and pushing, the oppression of the poor, the tiny rooms in which they were obliged to live, and the foul air which fairly suffocated them. they had begged the englishman to let them come back to the bay, even if they lived only in a shanty. they could not endure that terrible city. he generously had given them the sleeping water inn that he had bought when rose à charlitte had left it, and there they had tried to keep a hotel, with but indifferent success, until claudine, the widow of isidore kessy, had come to assist them. the acadiens in sleeping water, with their keen social instincts, and sympathetically curious habit of looking over, and under, and into, and across every subject of interest to them, were never tired of discussing vesper nimmo and his affairs. he had still with him the little narcisse who had run from the bay five years before, and, although the englishman himself never wrote to rose à charlitte, there came every week to the bay a letter addressed to her in the handwriting of the young bidiane lenoir, who, according to the instructions of the englishman, gave rose a full and minute account of every occurrence in her child's life. in this way she was kept from feeling lonely. these letters were said to be delectable, yes, quite delectable. célina said so, and she ought to know. the white-headed, red-coated mail-driver, who never flagged in his admiration for vesper, was just now talking about him. twice a day during the long five years had emmanuel de la rive flashed over the long road to the station. twice a day had this descendant of the old french nobleman courteously taken off his hat to the woman who kept the station, and then, placing it on his knee, had sat down to discuss calmly and impartially the news of the day with her, in the ten minutes that he allowed himself before the train arrived. he in the village, she at the station, could most agreeably keep the ball of gossip rolling, so that on its way up and down the bay it might not make too long a tarrying at sleeping water. on this particular july morning he was on his favorite subject. "has it happened to come to your ears," he said in his shrill, musical voice to madame thériault, who, as of old, was rocking a cradle with her foot, and spinning with her hands, "that there is talk of a great scheme that the englishman has in mind for having cars that will run along the shores of the bay, without a locomotive?" "yes, i have heard." "it would be a great thing for the bay, as we are far from these stations in the woods." "it is my belief that he will some day return, and rose will then marry him," said the woman, who, true to the traditions of her sex, took a more lively interest in the affairs of the heart than in those connected with means of transportation. "it is evident that she does not wish to marry now," he said, modestly. "she lives like a nun. it is incredible; she is young, yet she thinks only of good works." "at least, her heart is not broken." "hearts do not break when one has plenty of money," said madame thériault, wisely. "if it were not for the child, i daresay that she would become a holy woman. did you hear that the family with typhoid fever can at last leave her house?" "yes, long ago,--ages." "i heard only this morning," he said, dejectedly, then he brightened, "but it was told to me that it is suspected that the young bidiane lenoir will come back to the bay this summer." "indeed,--can that be so?" "it is quite true, i think. i had it from the blacksmith, whose wife perside heard it from célina." "who had it from rose--_eh bonn! eh bonn! eh bonn!_" (_eh bien!_--well, well, well). "the young girl is now old enough to marry. possibly the englishman will marry her." emmanuel's fine face flushed, and his delicate voice rose high in defence of his adored englishman. "no, no; he does not change, that one,--not more so than the hills. he waits like gabriel for evangeline. this is also the opinion of the bay. you are quite alone--but hark! is that the train?" and clutching his mail-bag by its long neck, he slipped to the kitchen door, which opened on the platform of the station. yes; it was indeed the flying bluenose, coming down the straight track from pointe à l'eglise, with a shrill note of warning. emmanuel hurried to the edge of the platform, and extended his mail-bag to the clerk in shirt-sleeves, who leaned from the postal-car to take it, and to hand him one in return. then, his duty over, he felt himself free to take observations of any passengers that there might be for sleeping water. there was just one, and--could it be possible--could he believe the evidence of his eyesight--had the little wild, red-haired apostate from up the bay at last come back, clothed and in her right mind? he made a mute, joyous signal to the station woman who stood in the doorway, then he drew a little nearer to the very composed and graceful girl who had just been assisted from the train, with great deference, by a youthful conductor. "are my trunks all out?" she said to him, in a tone of voice that assured the mail-man that, without being bold or immodest, she was quite well able to take care of herself. the conductor pointed to the brakemen, who were tumbling out some luggage to the platform. "i hope that they will be careful of my wheel," said the girl. "it's all right," replied the conductor, and he raised his arm as a signal for the train to move on. "if anything goes wrong with it, send it to this station, and i will take it to yarmouth and have it mended for you." "thank you," said the girl, graciously; then she turned to emmanuel, and looked steadfastly at his red jacket. he, meanwhile, politely tried to avert his eyes from her, but he could not do so. she was fresh from the home of the englishman in paris, and he could not conceal his tremulous eager interest in her. she was not beautiful, like flaxen-haired rose à charlitte, nor dark and statuesque, like the stately claudine; but she was _distinguée_, yes, _très-distinguée_, and her manner was just what he had imagined that of a true parisienne would be like. she was small and dainty, and possessed a back as straight as a soldier's, and a magnificent bust. her round face was slightly freckled, her nose was a little upturned, but the hazy, fine mass of hair that surrounded her head was most beauteous,--it was like the sun shining through the reddish meadow grass. he was her servant, her devoted slave, and emmanuel, who had never dreamed that he possessed patrician instincts, bowed low before her, "mademoiselle, i am at your service." "_merci, monsieur_" (thank you, sir), she said, with conventional politeness; then in rapid and exquisite french, that charmed him almost to tears, she asked, mischievously, "but i have never been here before, how do you know me?" he bowed again. "the name of mademoiselle bidiane lenoir is often on our lips. mademoiselle, i salute your return." [illustration: "'mademoiselle, i salute your return.'"] "you are very kind, monsieur de la rive," she said, with a frank smile; then she precipitated herself on a bed of yellow marigolds growing beside the station house. "oh, the delightful flowers!" "is she not charming?" murmured emmanuel, in a blissful undertone, to madame thériault. "what grace, what courtesy!--and it is due to the englishman." madame thériault's black eyes were critically running over bidiane's tailor-made gown. "the englishman will marry her," she said, sententiously. then she asked, abruptly, "have you ever seen her before?" "yes, once, years ago; she was a little hawk, i assure you." "she will do now," and the woman approached her. "mademoiselle, may i ask for your checks." bidiane sprang up from the flower bed and caught her by both hands. "you are madame thériault--i know of you from mr. nimmo. ah, it is pleasant to be among friends. for days and days it has been strangers--strangers--only strangers. now i am with my own people," and she proudly held up her red head. the woman blushed in deep gratification. "mademoiselle, i am more than glad to see you. how is the young englishman who left many friends on the bay?" "do you call him young? he is at least thirty." "but he was young when here." "true, i forgot that. he is well, very well. he is never ill now. he is always busy, and such a good man--oh, so good!" and bidiane clasped her hands, and rolled her lustrous, tawny eyes to the sky. "and the child of rose à charlitte?" said emmanuel, eagerly. "a little angel,--so calm, so gentle, so polite. if you could see him bow to the ladies,--it is ravishing, i assure you. and he is always spoiled by mrs. nimmo, who adores him." "will he come back to the bay?" "i do not know," and bidiane's vivacious face grew puzzled. "i do not ask questions--alas! have i offended you?--i assure you i was thinking only of myself. i am curious. i talk too much, but you have seen mr. nimmo. you know that beyond a certain point he will not go. i am ignorant of his intentions with regard to the child. i am ignorant of his mother's intentions; all i know is that mr. nimmo wishes him to be a forester." "a forester!" ejaculated madame thériault, "and what is that trade?" bidiane laughed gaily. "but, my dear madame, it is not a trade. it is a profession. here on the bay we do not have it, but abroad one hears often of it. young men study it constantly. it is to take care of trees. do you know that if they are cut down, water courses dry up? in clare we do not think of that, but in other countries trees are thought useful and beautiful, and they keep them." "hold--but that is wonderful," said emmanuel. bidiane turned to him with a winning smile. "monsieur, how am i to get to the shore? i am eaten up with impatience to see madame de forêt and my aunt." "but there is my cart, mademoiselle," and he pointed to the shed beyond them. "i shall feel honored to conduct you." "i gladly accept your offer, monsieur. _au revoir_, madame." madame thériault reluctantly watched them depart. she would like to keep this gay, charming creature with her for an hour longer. "it is wonderful that they did not come to meet you," said emmanuel, "but they did not expect you naturally." "i sent a telegram from halifax," said bidiane, "but can you believe it?--i was so stupid as to say wednesday instead of tuesday. therefore madame de forêt expects me to-morrow." "you advised her rather than mirabelle marie, but wherefore?" bidiane shook her shining head. "i do not know. i did not ask; i did simply as mr. nimmo told me. he arranges all. i was with friends until this morning. only that one thing did i do alone on the journey,--that is to telegraph,--and i did it wrong," and a joyous, subdued peal of laughter rang out on the warm morning air. emmanuel reverently assisted her into his cart, and got in beside her. his blood had been quickened in his veins by this unexpected occurrence. he tried not to look too often at this charming girl beside him, but, in spite of his best efforts, his eyes irresistibly and involuntarily kept seeking her face. she was so eloquent, so well-mannered; her clothes were smooth and sleek like satin; there was a faint perfume of lovely flowers about her,--she had come from the very heart and centre of the great world into which he had never ventured. she was charged with magic. what an acquisition to the bay she would be! he carefully avoided the ruts and stones of the road. he would not for the world give her an unnecessary shock, and he ardently wished that this highway from the woods to the bay might be as smooth as his desire would have it. "and this is sleeping water," she said, dreamily. emmanuel assured her that it was, and she immediately began to ply him with questions about the occupants of the various farms that they were passing, until a sudden thought flashed into her mind and made her laughter again break out like music. "i am thinking--ah, me! it is really too absurd for anything--of the astonishment of madame de forêt when i walk in upon her. tell me, i beg you, some particulars about her. she wrote not very much about herself." emmanuel had a great liking for rose, and he joyfully imparted to bidiane the most minute particulars concerning her dress, appearance, conduct, daily life, her friends and surroundings. he talked steadily for a mile, and bidiane, whose curiosity seemed insatiable on the subject of rose, urged him on until he was forced to pause for breath. bidiane turned her head to look at him, and immediately had her attention attracted to a new subject. "that red jacket is charming, monsieur," she said, with flattering interest. "if it is quite agreeable, i should like to know where you got it." "mademoiselle, you know that in halifax there are many soldiers." "yes,--english ones. there were french ones in paris. oh, i adore the short blue capes of the military men." "the english soldiers wear red coats." "yes, monsieur." "sometimes they are sold when their bright surface is soiled. men buy them, and, after cleaning, sell them in the country. it is cheerful to see a farmer working in a field clad in red." "ah! this is one that a soldier used to wear." "no, mademoiselle,--not so fast. i had seen these red coats,--acadiens have always loved that color above others. i wished to have one; therefore, when asked to sing at a concert many years ago, i said to my sister, 'buy red cloth and make me a red coat. put trimmings on it.'" "and you sang in this?" "no, mademoiselle,--you are too fast again," and he laughed delightedly at her precipitancy. "i sang in one long years ago, when i was young. afterwards, to save,--for we acadiens do not waste, you know,--i wore it to drive in. in time it fell to pieces." "and you liked it so much that you had another made?" "exactly, mademoiselle. you have guessed it now," and his tones were triumphant. her curiosity on the subject of the coat being satisfied, she returned to rose, and finally asked a series of questions with regard to her aunt. her chatter ceased, however, when they reached the bay, and, overcome with admiration, she gazed silently at the place where from shore to shore the shining waters lay, beneath the sun, as placid as a cheek. emmanuel, discovering that her eyes were full of tears, delicately refrained from further conversation until they reached the corner, when he asked, softly, "to the inn, or to madame de forêt's?" bidiane started. "to madame de forêt's--no, no, to the inn, otherwise my aunt might be offended." he drew up before the veranda, where mirabelle marie and claude both happened to be standing. there were at first incredulous glances, then a great burst of noise from the woman and an amazed grunt from the man. bidiane flew up the steps and embraced them, and emmanuel lingered on in a trance of ecstasy. he could not tear himself away, and did not attempt to do so until the trio vanished into the house. chapter ii. bidiane goes to call on rose à charlitte. "love duty, ease your neighbor's load, learn life is but an episode, and grateful peace will fill your mind." aminta. archbishop o'brien. mirabelle marie and her husband seated themselves in the parlor with bidiane close beside them. "you're only a mite of a thing yet," shrieked mrs. watercrow, "though you've growed up; but _sakerjé_! how fine, how fine,--and what a shiny cloth in your coat! how much did that cost?" "do not scream at me," said bidiane, good-humoredly. "i still hear well." claude à sucre roared in a stentorian voice, and clapped his knee. "she comes home eenglish,--quite eenglish." "and the englishman,--he is still rich," said mirabelle marie, greedily, and feeling not at all snubbed. "does he wear all the time a collar with white wings and a split coat?" "but you took much money from him," said bidiane, reproachfully. "oh, that boston,--that divil's hole!" vociferated mirabelle marie. "we did not come back some first-class yankees _whitewashés_. no, no, we are french now,--you bet! when i was a young one my old mother used to ketch flies between her thumb and finger. she'd say, '_je te squeezerai_'" (i will squeeze you). "well, we were the flies, boston was my old mother. but you've been in cities, biddy ann; you know 'em." "ah! but i was not poor. we lived in a beautiful quarter in paris,--and do not call me biddy ann; my name is bidiane." "lord help us,--ain't she stylish!" squealed her delighted aunt. "go on, biddy, tell us about the fine ladies, and the elegant frocks, and the dimens; everythin' shines, ain't that so? did the englishman shove a dollar bill in yer hand every day?" "no, he did not," said bidiane, with dignity. "i was only a little girl to him. he gave me scarcely any money to spend." "is he goin' to marry yer,--say now, biddy, ain't that so?" bidiane's quick temper asserted itself. "if you don't stop being so vulgar, i sha'n't say another word to you." "aw, shut up, now," said claude, remonstratingly, to his wife. mrs. watercrow was slightly abashed. "i don't go for to make yeh mad," she said, humbly. "no, no, of course you did not," said the girl, in quick compunction, and she laid one of her slim white hands on mirabelle marie's fat brown ones. "i should not have spoken so hastily." "look at that,--she's as meek as a cat," said the woman, in surprise, while her husband softly caressed bidiane's shoulder. "the englishman, as you call him, does not care much for women," bidiane went on, gently. "now that he has money he is much occupied, and he always has men coming to see him. he often went out with his mother, but rarely with me or with any ladies. he travels, too, and takes narcisse with him; and now, tell me, do you like being down the bay?" her aunt shrugged her shoulders. "a long sight more'n boston." "why did you give up the farm?" said the girl to claude; "the old farm that belonged to your grandfather." "i be a fool, an' i don' know it teel long after," said claude, slowly. "and you speak french here,--the boys, have they learned it?" "you bet,--they learned in boston from _acajens_. biddy, what makes yeh come back? yer a big goose not to stay with the englishman." bidiane surveyed her aunt disapprovingly. "could i live always depending on him? no, i wish to work hard, to earn some money,--and you, are you not going to pay him for this fine house?" "god knows, he has money enough." "but we mus' pay back," said claude, smiting the table with his fist. "i ain't got much larnin', but i've got a leetle idee, an' i tell you, maw,--don' you spen' the money in that stockin'." his wife's fat shoulders shook in a hearty laugh. his face darkened. "you give that to biddy." "yes," said his niece, "give it to me. come now, and get it, and show me the house." mrs. watercrow rose resignedly, and preceded the girl to the kitchen. "let's find claudine. she's a boss cook, mos' as good as rose à charlitte. biddy, be you goin' to stay along of us?" "i don't know," said the girl, gaily. "will you have me?" "you bet! biddy,"--and she lowered her voice,--"you know 'bout isidore?" the girl shuddered. "yes." "it was drink, drink, drink, like a fool. one day, when he works back in the woods with some of those frenchmen out of france, he go for to do like them, an' roast a frog on the biler in the mill ingine. his brain overswelled, overfoamed, an' he fell agin the biler. then he was dead." "hush,--don't talk about him; claudine may hear you." "how,--you know her?" "i know everybody. mr. nimmo and his mother talked so often of the bay. they do not wish narcisse to forget." "that's good. does the englishman's maw like the little one?" "yes, she does." "claudine ain't here," and mirabelle marie waddled through the kitchen, and directed her sneaks to the back stairway. "we'll skip up to her room." bidiane followed her, but when mrs. watercrow would have pushed open the door confronting them, she caught her hand. "the divil," said her surprised relative, "do you want to scare the life out of me?" "knock," said bidiane, "always, always at the door of a bedroom or a private room, but not at that of a public one such as a parlor." "am i english?" exclaimed mirabelle marie, drawing back and regarding her in profound astonishment. "no, but you are going to be,--or rather you are going to be a polite frenchwoman," said bidiane, firmly. mirabelle marie laughed till the tears ran down her cheeks. she had just had presented to her, in the person of bidiane, a delicious and first-class joke. claudine came out of her room, and silently stared at them until bidiane took her hand, when her handsome, rather sullen face brightened perceptibly. bidiane liked her, and some swift and keen perception told her that in the young widow she would find a more apt pupil and a more congenial associate than in her aunt. she went into the room, and, sitting down by the window, talked at length to her of narcisse and the englishman. at last she said, "can you see madame de forêt's house from here?" mirabelle marie, who had squatted comfortably on the bed, like an enormous toad, got up and toddled to the window. "it's there ag'in those pines back of the river. there's no other sim'lar." bidiane glanced at the cool white cottage against its green background. "why, it is like a tiny grand trianon!" "an' what's that?" "it is a villa near paris, a very fine one, built in the form of a horseshoe." "yes,--that's what we call it," interrupted her aunt. "we ain't blind. we say the horseshoe cottage." "one of the kings of france had the grand trianon built for a woman he loved," said bidiane, reverently. "i think mr. nimmo must have sent the plan for this from paris,--but he never spoke to me about it." "he is not a man who tells all," said claudine, in french. bidiane and mirabelle marie had been speaking english, but they now reverted to their own language. "when do you have lunch?" asked bidiane. "lunch,--what's that?" asked her aunt. "we have dinner soon." "and i must descend," said claudine, hurrying down-stairs. "i smell something burning." bidiane was about to follow her, when there was a clattering heard on the stairway. "it's the young ones," cried mirabelle marie, joyfully. "some fool has told 'em. they'll wring your neck like the blowpipe of a chicken." the next minute two noisy, rough, yet slightly shy boys had taken possession of their returned cousin and were leading her about the inn in triumph. mirabelle marie tried to keep up with them, but could not succeed in doing so. she was too excited to keep still, too happy to work, so she kept on waddling from one room to another, to the stable, the garden, and even to the corner,--to every spot where she could catch a glimpse of the tail of bidiane's gown, or the heels of her twinkling shoes. the girl was indefatigable; she wished to see everything at once. she would wear herself out. two hours after lunch she announced her determination to call on rose. "i'll skip along, too," said her aunt, promptly. "i wish to be quite alone when i first see this wonderful woman," said bidiane. "but why is she wonderful?" asked mirabelle marie. bidiane did not hear her. she had flitted out to the veranda, wrapping a scarf around her shoulders as she went. while her aunt stood gazing longingly after her, she tripped up the village street, enjoying immensely the impression she created among the women and children, who ran to the doorways and windows to see her pass. there were no houses along the cutting in the hill through which the road led to the sullen stream of sleeping water. rose's house stood quite alone, and at some distance from the street, its gleaming, freshly painted front towards the river, its curved back against a row of pine-trees. it was very quiet. there was not a creature stirring, and the warm july sunshine lay languidly on some deserted chairs about a table on the lawn. bidiane went slowly up to the hall door and rang the bell. rosy-cheeked célina soon stood before her; and smiling a welcome, for she knew very well who the visitor was, she gently opened the door of a long, narrow blue and white room on the right side of the hall. bidiane paused on the threshold. this dainty, exquisite apartment, furnished so simply, and yet so elegantly, had not been planned by an architect or furnished by a decorator of the bay. this bric-à-brac, too, was not acadien, but parisian. ah, how much mr. nimmo loved rose à charlitte! and she drew a long breath and gazed with girlish and fascinated awe at the tall, beautiful woman who rose from a low seat, and slowly approached her. rose was about to address her, but bidiane put up a protesting hand. "don't speak to me for a minute," she said, breathlessly. "i want to look at you." rose smiled indulgently, and bidiane gazed on. she felt herself to be a dove, a messenger sent from a faithful lover to the woman he worshipped. what a high and holy mission was hers! she trembled blissfully, then, one by one, she examined the features of this acadien beauty, whose quiet life had kept her from fading or withering in the slightest degree. she was, indeed, "a rose of dawn." these were the words written below the large painting of her that hung in mr. nimmo's room. she must tell rose about it, although of course the picture and the inscription must be perfectly familiar to her, through mr. nimmo's descriptions. "madame de forêt," she said at last, "it is really you. oh, how i have longed to see you! i could scarcely wait." "won't you sit down?" said her hostess, just a trifle shyly. bidiane dropped into a chair. "i have teased mrs. nimmo with questions. i have said again and again, 'what is she like?'--but i never could tell from what she said. i had only the picture to go by." "the picture?" said rose, slightly raising her eyebrows. "your painting, you know, that is over mr. nimmo's writing-table." "does he have one of me?" asked rose, quietly. "yes, yes,--an immense one. as broad as that,"--and she stretched out her arms. "it was enlarged from a photograph." "ah! when he was here i missed a photograph one day from my album, but i did not know that he had taken it. however, i suspected." "but does he not write you everything?" "you only are my kind little correspondent,--with, of course, narcisse." "really, i thought that he wrote everything to you. dear madame de forêt, may i speak freely to you?" "as freely as you wish, my dear child." bidiane burst into a flood of conversation. "i think it is so romantic,--his devotion to you. he does not talk of it, but i can't help knowing, because mrs. nimmo talks to me about it when she gets too worked up to keep still. she really loves you, madame de forêt. she wishes that you would allow her son to marry you. if you only knew how much she admires you, i am sure you would put aside your objection to her son." rose for a few minutes seemed lost in thought, then she said, "does mrs. nimmo think that i do not care for her son?" "no, she says she thinks you care for him, but there is some objection in your mind that you cannot get over, and she cannot imagine what it is." "dear little mademoiselle, i will also speak freely to you, for it is well for you to understand, and i feel that you are a good friend, because i have received so many letters from you. it is impossible that i should marry mr. nimmo, therefore we will not speak of it, if you please. there is an obstacle,--he knows and agrees to it. years ago, i thought some day this obstacle might be taken away. now, i think it is the will of our lord that it remain, and i am content." "oh, oh!" said bidiane, wrinkling her face as if she were about to cry, "i cannot bear to hear you say this." rose smiled gently. "when you are older, as old as i am, you will understand that marriage is not the chief thing in life. it is good, yet one can be happy without. one can be pushed quietly further and further apart from another soul. at first, one cries out, one thinks that the parting will kill, but it is often the best thing for the two souls. i tell you this because i love you, and because i know mr. nimmo has taken much care in your training, and wishes me to be an elder sister. do not seek sorrow, little one, but do not try to run from it. this dear, dear man that you speak of, was a divine being, a saint to me. i did wrong to worship him. to separate from me was a good thing for him. he is now more what i then thought him, than he was at the time. do you understand?" "yes, yes," said bidiane, breaking into tears, and impulsively throwing herself on her knees beside her, "but you dash my pet scheme to pieces. i wish to see you two united. i thought perhaps if i told you that, although no one knows it but his mother, he just wor--wor--ships you--" rose stroked her head. "warm-hearted child,--and also loyal. our lord rewards such devotion. nothing is lost. your precious tears remind me of those i once shed." bidiane did not recover herself. she was tired, excited, profoundly touched by rose's beauty and "sweet gravity of soul," and her perfect resignation to her lot. "but you are not happy," she exclaimed at last, dashing away her tears; "you cannot be. it is not right. i love to read in novels, when mr. nimmo allows me, of the divine right of passion. i asked him one day what it meant, and he explained. i did not know that it gave him pain,--that his heart must be aching. he is so quiet,--no one would dream that he is unhappy; yet his mother knows that he is, and when she gets too worried, she talks to me, although she is not one-half as fond of me as she is of narcisse." a great wave of color came over rose's face at the mention of her child. she would like to speak of him at once, yet she restrained herself. "dear little girl," she said, in her low, soothing voice, "you are so young, so delightfully young. see, i have just been explaining to you, yet you do not listen. you will have to learn for yourself. the experience of one woman does not help another. yet let me read to you, who think it so painful a thing to be denied anything that one wants, a few sentences from our good archbishop." bidiane sprang lightly to her feet, and rose went to a bookcase, and, taking out a small volume bound in green and gold, read to her: "'marriage is a high and holy state, and intended for the vast majority of mankind, but those who expand and merge human love in the divine, espousing their souls to god in a life of celibacy, tread a higher and holier path, and are better fitted to do nobler service for god in the cause of suffering humanity.'" "those are good words," said bidiane, with twitching lips. "it is of course a catholic view," said rose; "you are a protestant, and you may not agree perfectly with it, yet i wish only to convince you that if one is denied the companionship of one that is beloved, it is not well to say, 'everything is at an end. i am of no use in the world.'" "i think you are the best and the sweetest woman that i ever saw," said bidiane, impulsively. "no, no; not the best," said rose, in accents of painful humility. "do not say it,--i feel myself the greatest of sinners. i read my books of devotion, i feel myself guilty of all,--even the blackest of crimes. it seems that there is nothing i have not sinned in my thoughts. i have been blameless in nothing, except that i have not neglected the baptism of children in infancy." "you--a sinner!" said bidiane, in profound scepticism. "i do not believe it." "none are pure in the sight of our spotless lord," said rose, in agitation; "none, none. we can only try to be so. let me repeat to you one more line from our archbishop. it is a poem telling of the struggle of souls, of the search for happiness that is not to be found in the world. this short line is always with me. i cannot reach up to it, i can only admire it. listen, dear child, and remember it is this only that is important, and both protestant and catholic can accept it--'walking on earth, but living with god.'" bidiane flung her arms about her neck. "teach me to be good like you and mr. nimmo. i assure you i am very bad and impatient." "my dear girl, my sister," murmured rose, tenderly, "you are a gift and i accept you. now will you not tell me something of your life in paris? many things were not related in your letters." chapter iii. taken unawares. "who can speak the mingled passions that surprised his heart?" thomson. bidiane nothing loath, broke into a vivacious narrative. "ah, that mr. nimmo, i just idolize him. how much he has done for me! just figure to yourself what a spectacle i must have been when he first saw me. i was ignorant,--as ignorant as a little pig. i knew nothing. he asked me if i would go down the bay to a convent. i said, quite violently, 'no, i will not.' then he went home to boston, but he did not give me up. i soon received a message. would i go to france with him and his mother, for it had been decided that a voyage would be good for the little narcisse? that dazzled me, and i said 'yes.' i left the bay, but just fancy how utterly stupid, how frightfully from out of the woods i was. i will give one instance: when my uncle put me on the steamer at yarmouth it was late, he had to hurry ashore. he did not show me the stateroom prepared for me, and i, dazed owl, sat on the deck shivering and drawing my cloak about me. i thought i had paid for that one tiny piece of the steamer and i must not move from it. then a kind woman came and took me below." "but you were young, you had never travelled, mademoiselle." "don't say mademoiselle, say bidiane,--please do, i would love it." "very well, bidiane,--dear little bidiane." the girl leaned forward, and was again about to embrace her hostess with fervent arms, but suddenly paused to exclaim, "i think i hear wheels!" she ran to one of the open windows. "who drives a black buggy,--no, a white horse with a long tail?" "agapit lenoir," said rose, coming to stand beside her. "oh, how is he? i hate to see him. i used to be so rude, but i suppose he has forgiven me. mrs. nimmo says he is very good, still i do not think mr. nimmo cares much for him." rose sighed. that was the one stain on the character of the otherwise perfect vesper. he had never forgiven agapit for striking him. "why he looks quite smart," bidiane rattled on. "does he get on well with his law practice?" "very well; but he works hard--too hard. this horse is his only luxury." "i detest white horses. why didn't he get a dark one?" "i think this one was cheaper." "is he poor?" "not now, but he is economical. he saves his money." "oh, he is a screw, a miser." "no, not that,--he gives away a good deal. he has had a hard life, has my poor cousin, and now he understands the trials of others." "poverty is tiresome, but it is sometimes good for one," said bidiane, wisely. rose's white teeth gleamed in sudden amusement. "ah, the dear little parrot, she has been well trained." bidiane leaned out the window. there was agapit, peering eagerly forward from the hood of his carriage, and staring up with some of the old apprehensiveness with which he used to approach her. "what a dreadful child i was," reflected bidiane, with a blush of shame. "he is yet afraid of me." agapit, with difficulty averting his eyes from her round, childish face and its tangle of reddish hair, sprang from his seat and fastened his horse to the post sunk in the grass at the edge of the lawn, while rose, followed by bidiane, went out to meet him. "how do you do, rose," he murmured, taking her hand in his own, while his eyes ran behind to the waiting bidiane. the girl, ladylike and modest, and full of contrition for her former misdeeds, was yet possessed by a mischievous impulse to find out whether her power over the burly, youthful, excitable agapit extended to this thinner, more serious-looking man, with the big black mustache and the shining eye-glasses. "ah, fanatic, acadien imbecile," she said, coolly extending her fingers, "i am glad to see you again." though her tone was reassuring, agapit still seemed to be overcome by some emotion, and for a few seconds did not recover himself. then he smiled, looked relieved, and, taking a step nearer her, bowed profoundly. "when did you arrive, mademoiselle?" "but you knew i was here," she said, gaily, "i saw it in your face when you first appeared." agapit dropped his eyes nervously. "he is certainly terribly afraid of me," reflected bidiane again; then she listened to what he was saying. "the bay whispers and chatters, mademoiselle; the little waves that kiss the shores of sleeping water take her secrets from her and carry them up to the mouth of the weymouth river--" "you have a telephone, i suppose," said bidiane, in an eminently practical tone of voice. "yes, i have," and he relapsed into silence. "here we are together, we three," said bidiane, impulsively. "how i wish that mr. nimmo could see us." rose lost some of her beautiful color. these continual references to her lover were very trying. "i will leave you two to amuse each other for a few minutes, while i go and ask célina to make us some tea _à l'anglaise_." "i should not have said that," exclaimed bidiane, gazing after her; "how easy it is to talk too much. each night, when i go to bed, i lie awake thinking of all the foolish things i have said during the day, and i con over sensible speeches that i might have uttered. i suppose you never do that?" "why not, mademoiselle?" "oh, because you are older, and because you are so clever. really, i am quite afraid of you," and she demurely glanced at him from under her curly eyelashes. "once you were not afraid," he remarked, cautiously. "no; but now you must be very learned." "i always was fond of study." "mr. nimmo says that some day you will be a judge, and then probably you will write a book. will you?" "some day, perhaps. at present, i only write short articles for magazines and newspapers." "how charming! what are they about?" "they are mostly acadien and historical." "do you ever write stories--love stories?" "sometimes, mademoiselle." "delicious! may i read them?" "i do not know," and he smiled. "you would probably be too much amused. you would think they were true." "and are they not?" "oh, no, although some have a slight foundation of fact." bidiane stared curiously at him, opened her lips, closed them again, set her small white teeth firmly, as if bidding them stand guard over some audacious thought, then at last burst out with it, for she was still excited and animated by her journey, and was bubbling over with delight at being released from the espionage of strangers to whom she could not talk freely. "you have been in love, of course?" agapit modestly looked at his boots. "you find me unconventional," cried bidiane, in alarm. "mrs. nimmo says i will never get over it. i do not know what i shall do,--but here, at least, on the bay, i thought it would not so much matter. really, it was a consolation in leaving paris." "mademoiselle, it is not that," he said, hesitatingly. "i assure you, the question has been asked before, with not so much delicacy--but with whom should i fall in love?" "with any one. it must be a horrible sensation. i have never felt it, but i cry very often over tales of lovers. possibly you are like madame de forêt, you do not care to marry." "perhaps i am waiting until she does, mademoiselle." "i suppose you could not tell me," she said, in the dainty, coaxing tones of a child, "what it is that separates your cousin from mr. nimmo?" "no, mademoiselle, i regret to say that i cannot." "is it something she can ever get over?" "possibly." "you don't want to be teased about it. i will talk of something else; people don't marry very often after they are thirty. that is the dividing line." agapit dragged at his mustache with restless fingers. "you are laughing at me, you find me amusing," she said, with a sharp look at him. "i assure you i don't mind being laughed at. i hate dull people--oh, i must ask you if you know that i am quite acadien now?" "rose has told me something of it." "yes, i know. she says that you read my letters, and i think it is perfectly sweet in you. i know what you have done for me. i know, you need not try to conceal it. it was you that urged mr. nimmo not to give me up, it is to you that i am indebted for my glimpse of the world. i assure you i am grateful. that is why i speak so freely to you. you are a friend and also a relative. may we not call ourselves cousins?" "certainly, mademoiselle,--i am honored," said agapit, in a stumbling voice. "you are not used to me yet. i overcome you, but wait a little, you will not mind my peculiarities, and let me tell you that if there is anything i can do for you, i shall be so glad. i could copy papers or write letters. i am only a mouse and you are a lion, yet perhaps i could bite your net a little." agapit straightened himself, and stepped out rather more boldly as they went to and fro over the grass. "i seem only like a prattling, silly girl to you," she said, humbly, "yet i have a little sense, and i can write a good hand--a good round hand. i often used to assist mr. nimmo in copying passages from books." agapit felt like a hero. "some day, mademoiselle, i may apply to you for assistance. in the meantime, i thank you." they continued their slow walk to and fro. sometimes they looked across the river to the village, but mostly they looked at each other, and agapit, with acute pleasure, basked in the light of bidiane's admiring glances. "you have always stayed here," she exclaimed; "you did not desert your dear bay as i did." "but for a short time only. you remember that i was at laval university in quebec." "oh, yes, i forgot that. madame de forêt wrote me. do you know, i thought that perhaps you would not come back. however, mr. nimmo was not surprised that you did." "there are a great many young men out in the world, mademoiselle. i found few people who were interested in me. this is my home, and is not one's home the best place to earn one's living?" "yes; and also you did not wish to go too far away from your cousin. i know your devotion, it is quite romantic. she adores you, i easily saw that in her letters. do you know, i imagined"--and she lowered her voice, and glanced over her shoulder--"that mr. nimmo wrote to her, because he never seemed curious about my letters from her." "that is mr. nimmo's way, mademoiselle." "it is a pity that they do not write. it would be such a pleasure to them both. i know that. they cannot deceive me." "but she is not engaged to him." "if you reject a man, you reject him," said bidiane, with animation, "but you know there is a kind of lingering correspondence that decides nothing. if the affair were all broken off, mr. nimmo would not keep narcisse." agapit wrinkled his forehead. "true; yet i assure you they have had no communication except through you and the childish scrawls of narcisse." bidiane was surprised. "does he not send her things?" "no, mademoiselle." "but her furniture is french." "there are french stores in the states, and rose travels occasionally, you know." "hush,--she is coming back. ah! the adorable woman." agapit threw his advancing cousin a glance of affectionate admiration, and went to assist her with the tea things. bidiane watched him putting the tray on the table, and going to meet célina, who was bringing out a teapot and cups and saucers. "next to mr. nimmo, he is the kindest man i ever saw," she murmured, curling herself up in a rattan chair. "but we are not talking," she said, a few minutes later. rose and agapit both smiled indulgently at her. neither of them talked as much as in former days. they were quieter, more subdued. "let me think of some questions," said the girl. "are you, mr. lenoir, as furious an acadien as you used to be?" agapit fixed his big black eyes on her, and began to twist the ends of his long mustache. "mademoiselle, since i have travelled a little, and mingled with other men, i do not talk so loudly and vehemently, but my heart is still the same. it is acadie forever with me." "ah, that is right," she said, enthusiastically. "not noisy talk, but service for our countrymen." "will you not have a cup of tea, and also tell us how you became an acadien?" said agapit, who seemed to divine her secret thought. "thank you, thank you,--yes, i will do both," and bidiane's round face immediately became transfigured,--the freckles almost disappeared. one saw only "the tiger dusk and gold" of her eyes, and her reddish crown of hair. "i will tell you of that noblest of men, that angel, who swept down upon the bay, and bore away a little owl in his pinions,--or talons, is it?--to the marvellous city of paris, just because he wished to inspire the stupid owl with love for its country." "but the great-grandfather of the eagle, or, rather, the angel, killed the great-grandfather of the owl," said agapit; "do not forget that, mademoiselle. will you have a biscuit?" "thank you,--suppose he did, that does not alter the delightfulness of his conduct. who takes account of naughty grandfathers in this prosaic age? no one but mr. nimmo. and do we not put away from us--that is, society people do--all those who are rough and have not good manners? did mr. nimmo do this? no, he would train his little acadien owl. the first night we arrived in paris he took me with narcisse for a fifteen minutes' stroll along the arcades of the rue de rivoli. i was overcome. we had just arrived, we had driven through lighted streets to a magnificent hotel. the bridges across the river gleamed with lights. i thought i must be in heaven. you have read the descriptions of it?" "of paris,--yes," said agapit, dreamily. "every one was speaking french,--the language that i detested. i was dumb. here was a great country, a great people, and they were french. i had thought that all the world outside the bay was english, even though i had been taught differently at school. but i did not believe my teachers. i told stories, i thought that they also did. but to return to the rue de rivoli,--there were the shops, there were the merchants. now that i have seen so much they do not seem great things to me, but then--ah! then they were palaces, the merchants were kings and princes offering their plate and jewels and gorgeous robes for sale. "'choose,' said mr. nimmo to narcisse and to me, 'choose some souvenir to the value of three francs.' i stammered, i hesitated, i wished everything, i selected nothing. little narcisse laid his finger on a sparkling napkin-ring. i could not decide. i was intoxicated, and mr. nimmo calmly conducted us home. i got nothing, because i could not control myself. the next day, and for many days, mr. nimmo took us about that wonderful city. it was all so ravishing, so spotless, so immense. we did not visit the ugly parts. i had neat and suitable clothes. i was instructed to be quiet, and not to talk loudly or cry out, and in time i learned,--though at first i very much annoyed mrs. nimmo. never, never, did her son lose patience. madame de forêt, it is charming to live in a peaceful, splendid home, where there are no loud voices, no unseemly noises,--to have servants everywhere, even to push the chair behind you at the table." "yes, if one is born to it," said rose, quietly. "but one gets born to it, dear madame. in a short time, i assure you, i put on airs. i straightened my back, i no longer joked with the servants. i said, quietly, 'give me this. give me that,'--and i disliked to walk. i wished always to step in a carriage. then mr. nimmo talked to me." "what did he say?" asked agapit, jealously and unexpectedly. "my dear sir," said bidiane, drawing herself up, and speaking in her grandest manner, "i beg permission to withhold from you that information. you, i see, do not worship my hero as wildly as i do. i address my remarks to your cousin," and she turned her head towards rose. they both laughed, and she herself laughed merrily and excitedly. then she hurried on: "i had a governess for a time, then afterwards i was sent every day to a boarding-school near by the hotel where we lived. i was taught many things about this glorious country of france, this land from which my forefathers had gone to acadie. soon i began to be less ashamed of my nation. later on i began to be proud. very often i would be sent for to go to the _salon_ (drawing-room). there would be strangers,--gentlemen and ladies to whom mrs. nimmo would introduce me, and her son would say, 'this is a little girl from acadie.' immediately i would be smiled on, and made much of, and the fine people would say, 'ah, the acadiens were courageous,--they were a brave race,' and they would address me in french, and i could only hang my head and listen to mr. nimmo, who would remark, quietly, 'bidiane has lived among the english,--she is just learning her own language.' "ah, then i would study. i took my french grammar to bed, and one day came the grand revelation. i of course had always attended school here on the bay, but you know, dear madame de forêt, how little acadien history is taught us. mr. nimmo had given me a history of our own people to read. some histories are dull, but this one i liked. it was late one afternoon; i sat by my window and read, and i came to a story. you, i daresay, know it," and she turned eagerly to agapit. "i daresay, mademoiselle, if i were to hear it--" "it is of those three hundred acadiens, who were taken from prince edward island by captain nichols. i read of what he said to the government, 'my ship is leaking, i cannot get it to england.' yet he was forced to go, you know,--yet let me have the sad pleasure of telling you that i read of their arrival to within a hundred leagues of the coast of england. the ship had given out, it was going down, and the captain sent for the priest on board,--at this point i ran to the fire, for daylight faded. with eyes blinded by tears i finished the story,--the priest addressed his people. he said that the captain had told him that all could not be saved, that if the acadiens would consent to remain quiet, he and his sailors would seize the boats, and have a chance for their lives. 'you will be quiet, my dear people,' said the priest. 'you have suffered much,--you will suffer more,' and he gave them absolution. i shrieked with pain when i read that they were quiet, very quiet,--that one acadien, who ventured in a boat, was rebuked by his wife so that he stepped contentedly back to her side. then the captain and sailors embarked, they set out for the shore, and finally reached it; and the acadiens remained calmly on board. they went calmly to the bottom of the sea, and i flung the book far from me, and rushed down-stairs,--i must see mr. nimmo. he was in the _salon_ with a gentleman who was to dine with him, but i saw only my friend. i precipitated myself on a chair beside him. 'ah, tell me, tell me!' i entreated, 'is it all true? were they martyrs,--these countrymen of mine? were they patient and afflicted? is it their children that i have despised,--their religion that i have mocked?' "'yes, yes,' he said, gently, 'but you did not understand.' "'i understand,' i cried, 'and i hate the english. i will no longer be a protestant. they murdered my forefathers and mothers.' "he did not reason with me then,--he sent me to bed, and for six days i went every morning to mass in the madeleine. then i grew tired, because i had not been brought up to it, and it seemed strange to me. that was the time mr. nimmo explained many things to me. i learned that, though one must hate evil, there is a duty of forgiveness--but i weary you," and she sprang up from her chair. "i must also go home; my aunt will wonder where i am. i shall soon see you both again, i hope," and waving her hand, she ran lightly towards the gate. "an abrupt departure," said agapit, as he watched her out of sight. "she is nervous, and also homesick for the nimmos," said rose; "but what a dear child. her letters have made her seem like a friend of years' standing. perhaps we should have kept her from lingering on those stories of the old time." "do not reproach yourself," said agapit, as he took another piece of cake, "we could not have kept her from it. she was just about to cry,--she is probably crying now," and there was a curious satisfaction in his voice. "are you not well to-day, agapit?" asked rose, anxiously. "_mon dieu_, yes,--what makes you think otherwise?" "you seem subdued, almost dull." agapit immediately endeavored to take on a more sprightly air. "it is that child,--she is overcoming. i was not prepared for such life, such animation. she cannot write as she speaks." "no; her letters were stiff." "without doubt, mr. nimmo has sent her here to be an amiable distraction for you," said agapit. "he is afraid that you are getting too holy, too far beyond him. he sends this parisian butterfly to amuse you. he has plenty of money, he can indulge his whims." his tone was bitter, and rose forbore to answer him. he was so good, this cousin of hers, and yet his poverty and his long-continued struggle to obtain an education had somewhat soured him, and he had not quite fulfilled the promise of his earlier years. he was also a little jealous of vesper. if vesper had been as generous towards him as he was towards other people, agapit would have kept up his old admiration for him. as it was, they both possessed indomitable pride along different lines, and all through these years not a line of friendly correspondence had passed between them,--they had kept severely apart. but for this pride, rose would have been allowed to share all that she had with her adopted brother, and would not have been obliged to stand aside and, with a heart wrung with compassion, see him suffer for the lack of things that she might easily have provided. however, he was getting on better now. he had a large number of clients, and was in a fair way to make a good living for himself. they talked a little more of bidiane's arrival, that had made an unusual commotion in their quiet lives, then agapit, having lingered longer than usual, hurried back to his office and his home, in the town of weymouth, that was some miles distant from sleeping water. a few hours later, bidiane laid her tired, agitated head on her pillow, after putting up a very fervent and protestant petition that something might enable her to look into the heart of her catholic friend, rose à charlitte, and discover what the mysterious obstacle was that prevented her from enjoying a happy union with mr. nimmo. chapter iv. an unknown irritant. "il est de ces longs jours d'indicible malaise où l'on voudrait dormir du lourd sommeil des morts, de ces heures d'angoisse où l'existence pèse sur l'âme et sur le corps." two or three weeks went by, and, although bidiane's headquarters were nominally at the inn, she visited the horseshoe cottage morning, noon, and night. rose always smiled when she heard the rustling of her silk-lined skirts, and often murmured: "sa robe fait froufrou, froufrou, ses petits pieds font toc, toc, toc." "i wonder how long she is going to stay here?" said agapit, one day, to his cousin. "she does not know,--she obeys mr. nimmo blindly, although sometimes she chatters of earning her own living." "i do not think he would permit that," said agapit, hastily. "nor i, but he does not tell her so." "he is a kind of _grand monarque_ among you women. he speaks, and you listen; and now that bidiane has broken the ice and we talk more freely of him, i may say that i do not approve of his keeping your boy any longer, although it is a foolish thing for me to mention, since you have never asked my advice on the subject." "my dear brother," said rose, softly, "in this one thing i have not agreed with you, because you are not a mother, and cannot understand. i feared to bring back my boy when he was delicate, lest he should die of the separation from mr. nimmo. it was better for me to cry myself to sleep for many nights than for me to have him for a few weeks, and then, perhaps, lay his little body in the cold ground. where would then be my satisfaction? and now that he is strong, i console myself with the thought of the fine schools that he attends, i follow him every hour of the day, through the letters that mr. nimmo sends to bidiane. as i dust my room in the morning, i hold conversations with him. "i say, 'how goes the latin, little one, and the greek? they are hard, but do not give up. some day thou wilt be a clever man.' all the time i talk to him. i tell him of every happening on the bay. naturally i cannot put all this in my letters to him, that are few and short on account of--well you know why i do not write too much. agapit, i do not dare to bring him back. he gives that dear young man an object in life; he also interests his mother, who now loves me, through my child. i speak of the schools, and yet it is not altogether for that, for have we not a good college for boys here on the bay? it is something higher. it is for the good of souls that he stays away. not yet, not yet, can i recall him. it would not seem right, and i cannot do what is wrong; also there is his father." agapit, with a resigned gesture, drew on his gloves. he had been making a short call and was just about to return home. "are you going to the inn?" asked rose. "why should i call there?" he said, a trifle irritably. "i have not the time to dance attendance on young girls." rose was lost in gentle amazement at agapit's recent attitude towards bidiane. her mind ran back to the long winter and summer evenings when he had come to her house, and had sat for hours reading the letters from paris. he had taken a profound interest in the little renegade. step by step he had followed her career. he had felt himself in a measure responsible for the successful issue of the venture in taking her abroad. and had he not often spoken delightedly of her return, and her probable dissemination among the young people of the stock of new ideas that she would be sure to bring with her? this was just what she had done. she had enlarged the circle of her acquaintance, and every one liked her, every one admired her. day after day she flashed up and down the bay, on the bicycle that she had brought with her from paris, and, as she flew by the houses, even the old women left their windows and hobbled to the door to catch a gay salutation from her. only agapit was dissatisfied, only agapit did not praise her, and rose on this day, as she stood wistfully looking into his face, carried on an internal soliloquy. it must be because she represents mr. nimmo. she has been educated by him, she reveres him. he has only lent her to the bay, and will some day take her away, and agapit, who feels this, is jealous because he is rich, and because he will not forgive. it is strange that the best of men and women are so human; but our dear lord will some day melt their hearts; and rose, who had never disliked any one and had not an enemy in the world, checked a sigh and endeavored to turn her thoughts to some more agreeable subject. agapit, however, still stood before her, and while he was there it was difficult to think of anything else. then he presently asked a distracting question, and one that completely upset her again, although it was put in a would-be careless tone of voice. "does the poirier boy go much to the inn?" rose tried to conceal her emotion, but it was hard for her to do so, as she felt that she had just been afforded a painful lightning glance into agapit's mind. he felt that he was growing old. bidiane was associating with the girls and young men who had been mere children five years before. the poirier boy, in particular, had grown up with amazing rapidity and precociousness. he was handsomer, far handsomer than agapit had ever been, he was also very clever, and very much made of on account of his being the most distinguished pupil in the college of sainte-anne, that was presided over by the eudist fathers from france. "agapit," she said, suddenly, and in sweet, patient alarm, "are we getting old, you and i?" "we shall soon be thirty," he said, gruffly, and he turned away. rose had never before thought much on the subject of her age. whatever traces the slow, painful years had left on her inner soul, there were no revealing marks on the outer countenance of her body. her glass showed her still an unruffled, peaceful face, a delicate skin, an eye undimmed, and the same beautiful abundance of shining hair. "but, agapit," she said, earnestly, "this is absurd. we are in our prime. only you are obliged to wear glasses. and even if we were old, it would not be a terrible thing--there is too much praise of youth. it is a charming time, and yet it is a time of follies. as for me, i love the old ones. only as we grow older do we find rest." "the follies of youth," repeated agapit, sarcastically, "yes, such follies as we have had,--the racking anxiety to find food to put in one's mouth, to find sticks for the fire, books for the shelf. yes, that is fine folly. i do not wonder that you sigh for age." rose followed him to the front door, where he stood on the threshold and looked down at the river. "some days i wish i were there," he said, wearily. rose had come to the end of her philosophy, and in real alarm she examined his irritated, disheartened face. "i believe that you are hungry," she said at last. "no, i am not,--i have a headache. i was up all last night reading a book on commercial law. i could not eat to-day, but i am not hungry." "you are starving--come, take off your gloves," she said, peremptorily. "you shall have such a fine little dinner. i know what célina is preparing, and i will assist her so that you may have it soon. go lie down there in the sitting-room." "i do not wish to stay," said agapit, disagreeably; "i am like a bear." "the first true word that you have spoken," she said, shaking a finger at him. "you are not like my good agapit to-day. see, i will leave you for a time--jovite, jovite," and she went to the back door and waved her hand in the direction of the stable. "go take out monsieur lenoir's horse. he stays to dinner." after dinner she persuaded him to go down to the inn with her. bidiane was in the parlor, sitting before a piano that vesper had had sent from boston for her. two young acadien girls were beside her, and when they were not laughing and exchanging jokes, they sang french songs, the favorite one being "_un canadien errant_," to which they returned over and over again. several shy young captains from schooners in the bay were sitting tilted back on chairs on the veranda, each one with a straw held between his teeth to give him countenance. agapit joined them, while rose went in the parlor and assisted the girls with their singing. she did not feel much older than they did. it was curious how this question of age oppressed some people; and she glanced through the window at agapit's now reasonably contented face. "i am glad you came with him," whispered bidiane, mischievously. "he avoids me now, and i am quite afraid of him. the poor man, he thought to find me a blue-stocking, discussing dictionaries and encyclopædias; he finds me empty-headed and silly, so he abandons me to the younger set, although i admire him so deeply. you, at least, will never give me up," and she sighed and laughed at the same time, and affectionately squeezed rose's hand. rose laughed too. she was becoming more light-hearted under bidiane's half-nonsensical, half-sensible influence, and the two young acadien girls politely averted their surprised eyes from the saint who would condescend to lay aside for a minute her crown of martyrdom. all the bay knew that she had had some trouble, although they did not know what it was. chapter v. bidiane plays an overture. "i've tried the force of every reason on him, soothed and caressed, been angry, soothed again." addison. a few days later, bidiane happened to be caught in a predicament, when none of her new friends were near, and she was forced to avail herself of agapit's assistance. she had been on her wheel nearly to weymouth to make a call on one of her numerous and newly acquired girl friends. merrily she was gliding homeward, and being on a short stretch of road bounded by hay-fields that contained no houses, and fancying that no one was near her, she lifted up her voice in a saucy refrain, "_l'homme qui m'aura, il n'aura pas tout ce qu'il voudra_" (the man that gets me, will not get all he wants). "_la femme qui m'aura, elle n'aura pas tout ce qu'elle voudra_" (the woman that gets me, she'll not get all she wants), chanted agapit, who was coming behind in his buggy. suddenly the girl's voice ceased; in the twinkling of an eye there had been a rip, a sudden evacuation of air from one of the rubber tubes on her wheel, and she had sprung to the road. "good afternoon," said agapit, driving up, "you have punctured a tire." "yes," she replied, in dismay, "the wretched thing! if i knew which wicked stone it was that did it, i would throw it into the bay." "what will you do?" "oh, i do not know. i wish i had leather tires." "i will take you to sleeping water, mademoiselle, if you wish." "but i do not care to cause you that trouble," and she gazed mischievously and longingly up and down the road. "it will not be a trouble," he said, gravely. "anything is a trouble that one does not enjoy." "but there is duty, mademoiselle." "ah, yes, duty, dear duty," she said, making a face. "i have been instructed to love it, therefore i accept your offer. how fortunate for me that you happened to be driving by! almost every one is haying. what shall we do with the wheel?" "we can perhaps lash it on behind. i have some rope. no, it is too large. well, we can at least wheel it to the post-office in belliveau's cove,--or stay, give me your wrench. i will take off the wheel, carry it to meteghan river, and have it mended. i am going to chéticamp to-night. to-morrow i will call for it and bring it to you." "oh, you are good,--i did not know that there is a repair shop at meteghan river." "there is,--they even make wheels." "but the outside world does not know that. the train conductor told that if anything went wrong with my bicycle, i would have to send it to yarmouth." "the outside world does not know of many things that exist in clare. will you get into the buggy, mademoiselle? i will attend to this." bidiane meekly ensconced herself under the hood, and took the reins in her hands. "what are you going to do with the remains?" she asked, when agapit put the injured wheel in beside her. "we might leave them at madame leblanc's," and he pointed to a white house in the distance. "she will send them to you by some passing cart." "that is a good plan,--she is quite a friend of mine." "i will go on foot, if you will drive my horse." they at once set out, bidiane driving, and agapit walking silently along the grassy path at the side of the road. the day was tranquil, charming, and a perfect specimen of "the divine weather" that saint-mary's bay is said to enjoy in summer. earlier in the afternoon there had been a soft roll of pearl gray fog on the bay, in and out of which the schooners had been slipping like phantom ships. now it had cleared away, and the long blue sweep of water was open to them. they could plainly see the opposite shores of long digby neck,--each fisherman's cottage, each comfortable farmhouse, each bit of forest sloping to the water's edge. over these hills hung the sun, hot and glowing, as a sun should be in haying time. on digby neck the people were probably making hay. here about them there had been a general desertion of the houses for work in the fields. men, women, and children were up on the slopes on their left, and down on the banks on their right, the women's cotton dresses shining in gay spots of color against the green foliage of the evergreen and hardwood trees that grew singly or in groups about the extensive fields of grass. madame leblanc was not at home, so agapit pinned a note to the bicycle, and left it standing outside her front gate with the comfortable assurance that, although it might be the object of curious glances, no one would touch it until the return of the mistress of the house. then he entered the buggy, and, with one glance into bidiane's eyes, which were dancing with merriment, he took the reins from her and drove on briskly. she stared at the magnificent panorama of purple hills and shining water spread out before them, and, remembering the company that she was in, tried to concentrate her attention on the tragic history of her countrymen. her most earnest effort was in vain; she could not do so, and she endeavored to get further back, and con over the romantic exploits of champlain and de monts, whose oddly shaped ships had ploughed these waters; but here again she failed. her mind came back, always irresistibly back, from the ancient past to the man of modern times seated beside her. she was sorry that he did not like her; she had tried hard to please him. he really was wiser than any one she knew; could she not bring about a better understanding with him? if he only knew how ignorant she felt, how anxious she was to learn, perhaps he would not be so hard on her. it was most unfortunate that she should have had on her bicycling dress. she had never heard him speak against the wheel as a means of exercise, yet she felt intuitively that he did not like it. he adored modest women, and in bicycling they were absolutely forced to occasionally show their ankles. gradually and imperceptibly she drew her trim-gaitered feet under her blue skirt; then she put up a cautious hand to feel that her jaunty sailor hat was set straight on her coils of hair. had he heard, she wondered, that six other acadien girls, inspired by her example, were to have wheels? he would think that she had set the bay crazy. perhaps he regarded it as a misfortune that she had ever come back to it. if he were any other man she would be furiously angry with him. she would not speak to him again. and, with an abrupt shrug of her shoulders, she watched the squawking progress of a gull from the bay back to the woods, and then said, impulsively, "it is going to rain." agapit came out of his reverie and murmured an assent. then he looked again into her yellowish brown, certainly charming eyes when full of sunlight, as they were at present from their unwinking stare at the bright sky. "up the bay, digby neck was our barometer," she said, thoughtfully. "when it grew purple, we were to have rain. here one observes the gulls, and the sign never fails,--a noisy flight is rain within twenty-four hours. the old gull is telling the young ones to stay back by the lake in the forest, i suppose." agapit tried to shake off his dreaminess and to carry on a conversation with her, but failed dismally, until he discovered that she was choking with suppressed laughter. "oh, pardon, pardon, monsieur; i was thinking--ah! how delicious is one's surprise at some things--i am thinking how absurd. you that i fancied would be a brother--you almost as angelic as mr. nimmo--you do not care for me at all. you try so hard, but i plague you, i annoy. but what will you? i cannot make myself over. i talk all the acadienism that i can, but one cannot forever linger on the old times. you yourself say that one should not." "so you think, mademoiselle, that i dislike you?" "think it, my dear sir,--i know it. all the bay knows it." "then all the bay is mistaken; i esteem you highly." "actions speak louder than words," and her teasing glance played about his shining glasses. "in order to be polite you perjure yourself." "mademoiselle!" "i am sorry to be so terribly plain-spoken," she said, nodding her head shrewdly, yet childishly. "but i understand perfectly that you think i have a feather for a brain. you really cannot stoop to converse with me. you say, 'oh, that deceived mr. nimmo! he thinks he has accomplished a wonderful thing. he says, "come now, see what i have done for a child of the bay; i will send her back to you. fall down and worship her."'" agapit smiled despite himself. "mademoiselle, you must not make fun of yourself." "but why not? it is my chief amusement. i am the most ridiculous mortal that ever lived, and i know how foolish i am; but why do you not exercise your charity? you are, i hear, kind and forbearing with the worst specimens of humanity on the bay. why should you be severe with me?" agapit winced as if she had pinched him. "what do you wish me to do?" "already it is known that you avoid me," she continued, airily; "you who are so much respected. i should like to have your good opinion, and, ridiculous as i am, you know that i am less so than i used to be." she spoke with a certain dignity, and agapit was profoundly touched. "mademoiselle," he said, in a low voice, "i am ashamed of myself. you do not understand me, and i assert again that i do not dislike you." "then why don't you come to see me?" she asked, pointedly. "i cannot tell you," he said, and his eyes blazed excitedly. "do not urge the question. however, i will come--yes, i will. you shall not complain of me in future." bidiane felt slightly subdued, and listened in silence to his energetic remarks suddenly addressed to the horse, who had taken advantage of his master's wandering attention by endeavoring to draw the buggy into a ditch where grew some luscious bunches of grass. "there comes pius poirier," she said, after a time. the young acadien was on horseback. his stolid, fine-featured face was as immovable as marble, as he jogged by, but there was some play between his violet eyes and bidiane's tawny ones that agapit did not catch, but strongly suspected. "do you wish to speak to him?" he inquired, coldly, when bidiane stretched her neck outside the buggy to gaze after him. "no," she said, composedly, "i only want to see how he sits his horse. he is my first admirer," she added, demurely, but with irrepressible glee. "indeed,--i should fancy that mademoiselle might have had several." "what,--and i am only seventeen? you are crazy, my dear sir,--i am only beginning that sort of thing. it is very amusing to have young men come to see you; although, of course," she interpolated, modestly, "i shall not make a choice for some years yet." "i should hope not," said her companion, stiffly. "i say i have never had an admirer; yet sometimes gay young men would stare at me in the street,--i suppose on account of this red hair,--and mr. nimmo would be very much annoyed with them." "a city is a wicked place; it is well that you have come home." "with that i console myself when i am sometimes lonely for paris," said bidiane, wistfully. "i long to see those entrancing streets and parks, and to mingle with the lively crowds of people; but i say to myself what mr. nimmo often told me, that one can be as happy in one place as in another, and home is the best of all to keep the heart fresh. 'bidiane,' he said, one day, when i was extolling the beauties of paris, 'i would give it all for one glimpse of the wind-swept shores of your native bay.'" "ah, he still thinks that!" "yes, yes; though i never after heard him say anything like it. i only know his feelings through his mother." agapit turned the conversation to other subjects. he never cared to discuss vesper nimmo for any length of time. when they reached the sleeping water inn, bidiane hospitably invited him to stay to supper. "no, thank you,--i must hurry on to chéticamp." "good-by, then; you were kind to bring me home. shall we not be better friends in future?" "yes, yes," said agapit, hurriedly. "i apologize, mademoiselle," and jumping into his buggy, he drove quickly away. bidiane's gay face clouded. "you are not very polite to me, sir. sometimes you smile like a sunbeam, and sometimes you glower like a rain-cloud, but i'll find out what is the matter with you, if it takes me a year. it is very discomposing to be treated so." chapter vi. a snake in the grass interferes with the education of mirabelle marie. "fair is the earth and fair is the sky; god of the tempest, god of the calm, what must be heaven when here is such balm?" --_aminta._ bidiane, being of a practical turn of mind, and having a tremendous fund of energy to bestow upon the world in some way or other, was doing her best to follow the hint given her by vesper nimmo, that she should, as a means of furthering her education, spend some time at the sleeping water inn, with the object of imparting to mirabelle marie a few ideas hitherto outside her narrow range of thought. sometimes the girl became provoked with her aunt, sometimes she had to check herself severely, and rapidly mutter vesper's incantation, "do not despise any one; if you do, it will be at a great loss to yourself." at other times bidiane had no need to think of the incantation. her aunt was so good-natured, so forgiving, she was so full of pride in her young niece, that it seemed as if only the most intense provocation could justify any impatience with her. mirabelle marie loved bidiane almost as well as she loved her own children, and it was only some radical measure, such as the changing of her sneaks at sundown for a pair of slippers, or the sitting in the parlor instead of the kitchen, that excited her rebellion. however, she readily yielded,--these skirmishes were not the occurrences that vexed bidiane's soul. the renewed battles were the things that discouraged her. no victory was sustained. each day she must contend for what had been conceded the day before, and she was tortured by the knowledge that so little hold had she on mirabelle marie's slippery soul that, if she were to leave sleeping water on any certain day, by the next one matters would at once slip back to their former condition. "do not be discouraged," vesper wrote her. "the bay was not built in a day. some of your ancestors lived in camps in the woods." this was an allusion on his part to the grandmother of mrs. watercrow, who had actually been a squaw, and bidiane, as a highly civilized being, winced slightly at it. very little of the indian strain had entered her veins, except a few drops that were exhibited in a passion for rambling in the woods. she was more like her french ancestors, but her aunt had the lazy, careless blood, as had also her children. one of the chief difficulties that bidiane had to contend with, in her aunt, was her irreligion. mirabelle marie had weak religious instincts. she had as a child, and as a very young woman, been an adherent of the roman catholic church, and had obtained some grasp of its doctrines. when, in order to become "stylish," she had forsaken this church, she found herself in the position of a forlorn dog who, having dropped his substantial bone, finds himself groping for a shadow. protestantism was an empty word to her. she could not comprehend it; and bidiane, although a protestant herself, shrewdly made up her mind that there was no hope for her aunt save in the church of her forefathers. however, in what way to get her back to it,--that was the question. she scolded, entreated, reasoned, but all in vain. mirabelle marie lounged about the house all day sunday, very often, strange to say, amusing herself with declamations against the irreligion of the people of boston. bidiane's opportunity to change this state of affairs at last came, and all unthinkingly she embraced it. the opportunity began on a hot and windy afternoon, a few days after her drive with agapit. she sat on the veranda reading, until struck by a sudden thought which made her close her book, and glance up and down the long road, to see if the flying clouds of dust were escorting any approaching traveller to the inn. no one was coming, so she hastily left the house and ran across the road to the narrow green field that lay between the inn and the bay. the field was bounded by straggling rows of raspberry bushes, and over the bushes hung a few apple-trees,--meek, patient trees, their backs bent from stooping before the strong westerly winds, their short, stubby foliage blown all over their surprised heads. there was a sheep-pen in the corner of the field next the road, and near it was a barred gate, opening on a winding path that led down to the flat shore. bidiane went through the gate, frowned slightly at a mowing-machine left out-of-doors for many days by the careless claude, then laughed at the handle of its uplifted brake, that looked like a disconsolate and protesting arm raised to the sky. all the family were in the hay field. two white oxen drew the hay wagon slowly to and fro, while claudine and the two boys circled about it, raking together scattered wisps left from the big cocks that claude threw up to mirabelle marie. the mistress of the house was in her element. she gloried in haying, which was the only form of exercise that appealed in the least to her. her face was overspread by a grin of delight, her red dress fluttered in the strong breeze, and she gleefully jumped up and down on top of the load, and superimposed her fat jolly weight on the masses of hay. bidiane ran towards them, dilating her small nostrils as she ran to catch the many delicious odors of the summer air. the strong perfume of the hay overpowered them all, and, in an intoxication of delight, she dropped on a heap of it, and raised an armful to her face. a squeal from claudine roused her. her rake had uncovered a mouse's nest, and she was busily engaged in killing every one of the tiny velvety creatures. "but why do you do it?" asked bidiane, running up to her. claudine stared at her. she was a magnificent specimen of womanhood as she stood in the blazing light of the sun, and bidiane, even in the midst of her subdued indignation, thought of some lines in the shakespeare that she had just laid down: "'tis not your inky brows, your black silk hair, your bugle eyeballs, nor your cheek of cream, that can entame my spirits to your worship." claudine was carrying on a vigorous line of reasoning. she admired bidiane intensely, and she quietly listened with pleasure to what she called her _rocamboles_ of the olden times, which were bidiane's tales of acadien exploits and sufferings. she was a more apt pupil than the dense and silly mirabelle marie. "if i was a mouse i wouldn't like to be killed," she said, presently, going on with her raking; and bidiane, having made her think, was satisfied. "now, claudine," she said, "you must be tired. give me your rake, and do you go up to the house and rest." "yes, go, claudine," said mirabelle marie, from her height, "you look drug out." "i am not tired," said claudine, in french, "and i shall not give my rake to you, bidiane. you are not used to work." bidiane bubbled over into low, rippling laughter. "i delicate,--ah, that is good! give me your rake, claude. you go up to the barn now, do you not?" claude nodded, and extended a strong hand to assist his wife in sliding to the ground. then, accompanied by his boys, he jogged slowly after the wagon to the barn, where the oxen would be unyoked, and the grasping pitcher would lift the load in two or three mouthfuls to the mows. bidiane threw down her rake and ran to the fence for some raspberries, and while her hands were busy with the red fruit, her bright eyes kept scanning the road. she watched a foot-passenger coming slowly from the station, pausing at the corner, drifting in a leisurely way towards the inn, and finally, after a glance at mirabelle marie's conspicuous gown, climbing the fence, and moving deliberately towards her. "h'm--a snake in the grass," murmured bidiane, keeping an eye on the new arrival, and presently she, too, made her way towards her aunt and claudine, who had ceased work and were seated on the hay. "this is nannichette," said mirabelle marie, somewhat apprehensively, when bidiane reached them. "yes, i know," said the girl, and she nodded stiffly to the woman, who was almost as fat and as easy-going as mirabelle marie herself. nannichette was half acadien and half english, and she had married a pure indian who lived back in the woods near the sleeping water lake. she was not a very desirable acquaintance for mirabelle marie, but she was not a positively bad woman, and no one would think of shutting a door against her, although her acquaintance was not positively sought after by the scrupulous acadiens. "we was gabbin' about diggin' for gold one day, nannichette and i," said mirabelle marie, insinuatingly. "she knows a heap about good places, and the good time to dig. you tell us, biddy,--i mean bidiane,--some of yer yarns about the lake. mebbe there's some talk of gold in 'em." bidiane sat down on the hay. if she talked, it would at least prevent nannichette from pouring her nonsense into her aunt's ear, so she began. "i have not yet seen this lake of _l'eau dormante_, but i have read of it. long, long ago, before the english came to this province, and even before the french came, there was an indian encampment on the shores of this deep, smooth, dark lake. many canoes shot gaily across its glassy surface, many camp-fires sent up their smoke from among the trees to the clear, blue sky. the encampment was an old, old one. the indians had occupied it for many winters; they planned to occupy it for many more, but one sweet spring night, when they were dreaming of summer roamings, a band of hostile indians came slipping behind the tree-trunks. a bright blaze shot up to the clear sky, and the bosom of sleeping water looked as if some one had drawn a bloody finger across it. following this were shrieks and savage yells, and afterward a profound silence. the indians left, and the shuddering trees grew closer together to hide the traces of the savage invaders--no, the marks of devastation," she said, stopping suddenly and correcting herself, for she had a good memory, and at times was apt to repeat verbatim the words of some of her favorite historians or story-tellers. "the green running vines, also," she continued, "made haste to spread over the blackened ground, and the leaves fell quietly over the dead bodies and warmly covered them. years went by, the leaf-mould had gathered thick over the graves of the indians, and then, on a memorable day, the feast of sainte-anne's, the french discovered the lovely, silent sleeping water, the gem of the forest, and erected a fort on its banks. the royal flag floated over the trees, a small space of ground was cleared for the planting of corn, and a garden was laid out, where seeds from old france grew and flourished, for no disturbing gales from the bay ever reached this sanctuary of the wildwood. "all went merrily as a marriage bell until one winter night, when the bosom of the lake was frosted with ice, and the snow-laden branches of the trees hung heavily earthward. then, in the hush before morning, a small detachment of men on snowshoes, arrayed in a foreign uniform, and carrying hatchets in their hands--" "more injuns!" gasped mirabelle marie, clapping her hand to her mouth in lively distress at bidiane's tragic manner. "no, no! i didn't say tomahawks," said bidiane, who started nervously at the interruption; "the hatchets weren't for killing,--they were to cut the branches. these soldiers crept stealthily and painfully through the underbrush, where broken limbs and prickly shrubs stretched out detaining arms to hold them back; but they would not be held, for the lust of murder was in their hearts. when they reached the broad and open lake--" "you jist said it was frozen," interrupted the irrepressible mirabelle marie. "i beg your pardon,--the ice-sealed sheet of water,--the soldiers threw away their hatchets and unslung their guns, and again a shout of horror went up to the clear vault of heaven. white men slew white men, for the invaders were not indians, but english soldiers, and there were streaks of crimson on the snow where the french soldiers laid themselves down to die. "there seemed to be a curse on the lake, and it was deserted for many years, until a band of sorrowing acadien exiles was forced to take refuge in the half-ruined fort. they summered and wintered there, until they all died of a strange sickness and were buried by one man who, only, survived. he vowed that the lake was haunted, and would never be an abode for human beings; so he came to the shore and built himself a log cabin, that he occupied in fear and trembling until at last the time came when the french were no longer persecuted." "agapit lenoir also says that the lake is haunted," exclaimed claudine, in excited french. "he hates the little river that comes stealing from it. he likes the bay, the open bay. there is no one here that loves the river but rose à charlitte." "but dere is gold dere,--heaps," said the visitor, in english, and her eyes glistened. "only foolish people say that," remarked claudine, decidedly, "and even if there should be gold there, it would be cursed." "you not think that," said nannichette, shrinking back. "oh, how stupid all this is!" said bidiane. "up the bay i used to hear this talk of gold. you remember, my aunt?" mirabelle marie's shoulders shook with amusement. "_mon jheu_, yes, on the stony dead man's point, where there ain't enough earth to _fricasser les cailloux_" (fricassee the pebbles); "it's all dug up like graveyards. come on, nannichette, tell us ag'in of yer fantome." nannichette became suddenly shy, and mirabelle marie took it upon herself to be spokeswoman. "she was rockin' her baby, when she heard a divil of a noise. the ceiling gapped at her, jist like you open yer mouth, and a fantome voice says--" "'dere is gole in sleepin' water lake,'" interrupted nannichette, hastily. "'only women shall dig,--men cannot fine.'" "an' nannichette was squshed,--she fell ag'in the floor with her baby." "and then she ran about to see if she could find some women foolish enough to believe this," said bidiane, with fine youthful disdain. a slow color crept into nannichette's brown cheek. "dere is gole dere," she said, obstinately. "de speerit tell me where to look." "that was satan who spoke to you, nannichette," said claudine, seriously; "or maybe you had had a little rum. come now, hadn't you?" nannichette scowled, while mirabelle marie murmured, with reverent admiration, "i dessay the divil knows where there is lots of gold." "it drives me frantic to hear you discuss this subject," said bidiane, suddenly springing to her feet. "oh, if you knew how ignorant it sounds, how way back in the olden times! what would the people in paris say if they could hear you? oh, please, let us talk of something else; let us mention art." "what's dat?" asked nannichette, pricking up her ears. "it is all about music, and writing poetry, and making lovely pictures, and all kinds of elegant things,--it elevates your mind and soul. don't talk about hateful things. what do you want to live back in the woods for? why don't you come out to the shore?" "dat's why i wan' de gole," said nannichette, triumphantly. "of'en i use to hunt for some of cap'en kidd's pots." "good gracious!" said bidiane, with an impatient gesture, "how much money do you suppose that man had? they are searching for his treasure all along the coast. i don't believe he ever had a bit. he was a wicked old pirate,--i wouldn't spend his money if i found it--" mirabelle marie and nannichette surveyed each other's faces with cunning, glittering eyes. there was a secret understanding between them; no speech was necessary, and they contemplated bidiane as two benevolent wild beasts might survey an innocent and highly cultured lamb who attempted to reason with them. bidiane dimly felt her powerlessness, and, accompanied by claudine, went back to her raking, and left the two sitting on the hay. while the girl was undressing that night, claudine tapped at her door. "it is all arranged, bidiane. they are going to dig." bidiane impatiently shook her hanging mass of hair, and stamped her foot on the floor. "they shall not." "nannichette did not go away," continued claudine. "she hung about the stable, and mirabelle marie took her up some food. i was feeding the pig, and i overheard whispering. they are to get some women together, and nannichette will lead them to the place the spirit told her of." "oh, the simpleton! she shall not come here again, and my aunt shall not accompany her--but where do they wish to go?" "to the sleeping water lake." "claudine, you know there is no gold there. the indians had none, the french had none,--where would the poor exiles get it?" "all this is reasonable, but there are people who are foolish,--always foolish. i tell you, this seeking for gold is like a fever. one catches it from another. i had an uncle who thought there was a treasure hid on his farm; he dug it all over, then he went crazy." bidiane's head, that, in the light of her lamp, had turned to a dull red-gold, sank on her breast. "i have it," she said at last, flinging it up, and choking with irrepressible laughter. "let them go,--we will play them a trick. nothing else will cure my aunt. listen,--" and she laid a hand on the shoulder of the young woman confronting her, and earnestly unfolded a primitive plan. claudine at once fell in with it. she had never yet disapproved of a suggestion of bidiane, and after a time she went chuckling to bed. chapter vii. ghosts by sleeping water. "which apparition, it seems, was you." --_tatler._ the next day claudine's left eyelid trembled in bidiane's direction. the girl followed her to the pantry, where she heard, murmured over a pan of milk, "they go to-night, as soon as it is dark,--mirabelle marie, suretta, and mosée-délice." "very well," said bidiane, curling her lip, "we will go too." accordingly, that evening, when mirabelle marie clapped her rakish hat on her head,--for nothing would induce her to wear a handkerchief,--and said that she was going to visit a sick neighbor, bidiane demurely commended her thoughtfulness, and sent an affecting message to the invalid. however, the mistress of the inn had no sooner disappeared than her younger helpmeets tied black handkerchiefs on their heads, and slipped out to the yard, each carrying a rolled-up sheet and a paper of pins. with much suppressed laughter they glided up behind the barn, and struck across the fields to the station road. when half-way there, bidiane felt something damp and cold touch her hand, and, with a start and a slight scream, discovered that her uncle's dog, bastarache, in that way signified his wish to join the expedition. "come, then, good dog," she said, in french, for he was a late acquisition and, having been brought up in the woods, understood no english, "thou, too, shalt be a ghost." it was a dark, furiously windy night, for the hot gale that had been blowing over the bay for three days was just about dying away with a fiercer display of energy than before. the stars were out, but they did not give much light, and bidiane and claudine had only to stand a little aside from the road, under a group of spruces, in order to be completely hidden from the three women as they went tugging by. they had met at the corner, and, in no fear of discovery, for the night was most unpleasant and there were few people stirring, they trudged boldly on, screaming neighborhood news at the top of their voices, in order to be heard above the noise of the wind. bidiane and claudine followed them at a safe distance. "_mon dieu_, but mirabelle marie's fat legs will ache to-morrow," said claudine, "she that walks so little." "if it were an honest errand that she was going on, she would have asked for the horse. as it is, she was ashamed to do so." the three women fairly galloped over the road to the station, for, at first, both tongues and heels were excited, and even mirabelle marie, although she was the only fat one of the party, managed to keep up with the others. to claudine, bidiane, and the dog, the few miles to the station were a mere bagatelle. however, after crossing the railway track, they were obliged to go more slowly, for the three in front had begun to flag. they also had stopped gossiping, and when an occasional wagon approached, they stepped into the bushes beside the road until it had passed by. the dog, in great wonderment of mind, chafed at the string that bidiane took from her pocket and fastened around his neck. he scented his mistress on ahead, and did not understand why the two parties might not be amicably united. a mile beyond the station, the three gold-seekers left the main road and plunged into a rough wood-track that led to the lake. here the darkness was intense; the trees formed a thick screen overhead, through which only occasional glimpses of a narrow lane of stars could be obtained. "this is terrible," gasped bidiane, as her foot struck a root; "lift your feet high, claudine." claudine gave her a hand. she was almost hysterical from listening to the groaning on ahead. "since the day of my husband's death, i have not laughed so much," she said, winking away the nervous tears in her eyes. "i do not love fun as much as some people, but when i laugh, i laugh hard." "my aunt will be in bed to-morrow," sighed bidiane; "what a pity that she is such a goose." "she is tough," giggled claudine, "do not disturb yourself. it is you that i fear for." at last, the black, damp, dark road emerged on a clearing. there stood the indian's dwelling,--small and yellow, with a fertile garden before it, and a tiny, prosperous orchard at the back. "you must enter this house some day," whispered claudine. "everything shines there, and they are well fixed. nannichette has a sewing-machine, and a fine cook-stove, and when she does not help her husband make baskets, she sews and bakes." "will her husband approve of this expedition?" "no, no, he must have gone to the shore, or nannichette would not undertake it,--listen to what mirabelle marie says." the fat woman had sunk exhausted on the doorstep of the yellow house. "nannichette, i be _dèche_ if i go a step furder, till you gimme _checque chouse pour mouiller la langue_" (give me something to wet my tongue). "all right," said nannichette, in the soft, drawling tones that she had caught from the indians, and she brought her out a pitcher of milk. mirabelle marie put the pitcher to her lips, and gurgled over the milk a joyful thanksgiving that she had got away from the rough road, and the rougher wind, that raged like a bull; then she said, "your husband is away?" "no," said nannichette, in some embarrassment, "he ain't, but come in." mirabelle marie rose, and with her companions went into the house, while bidiane and claudine crept to the windows. "dear me, this is the best indian house that i ever saw," said bidiane, taking a survey, through the cheap lace curtains, of the sewing-machine, the cupboard of dishes, and the neat tables and chairs inside. then she glided on in a voyage of discovery around the house, skirting the diminutive bedrooms, where half a dozen children lay snoring in comfortable beds, and finally arriving outside a shed, where a tall, slight indian was on his knees, planing staves for a tub by the light of a lamp on a bracket above him. his wife's work lay on the floor. when not suffering from the gold fever, she twisted together the dried strips of maple wood and scented grasses, and made baskets that she sold at a good price. the indian did not move an eyelid, but he plainly saw bidiane and claudine, and wondered why they were not with the other women, who, in some uneasiness of mind, stood in the doorway, looking at him over each other's shoulders. after his brief nod and taciturn "hullo, ladies," his wife said, "we go for walk in woods." "what for you lie?" he said, in english, for the micmacs of the bay are accomplished linguists, and make use of three languages. "you go to dig gold," and he grunted contemptuously. no one replied to him, and he continued, "ladies, all religions is good. i cannot say, you go hell 'cause you catholic, an' i go heaven 'cause i protestant. all same with god, if you believe your religion. but your priesties not say to dig gold." he took up the stave that he had laid down, and went on with his work of smoothing it, while the four "ladies," mirabelle marie, suretta, mosée-délice, and his wife, appeared to be somewhat ashamed of themselves. "'pon my soul an' body, there ain't no harm in diggin' gold," said mirabelle marie. "that gives us fun." "how many you be?" he asked. "four," said nannichette, who was regarding her lord and master with some shyness; for stupid as she was, she recognized the fact that he was the more civilized being, and that the prosperity of their family was largely due to him. the indian's liquid eyes glistened for an instant towards the window, where stood bidiane and claudine. "take care, ladies, there be ghosties in the woods." the four women laughed loudly, but in a shaky manner; then taking each a handful of raspberries, from a huge basketful that nannichette offered them, and that was destined for the preserve pot on the morrow, they once more plunged into the dark woods. bidiane and claudine restrained the leaping dog, and quietly followed them. the former could not conceal her delight when they came suddenly upon the lake. it lay like a huge, dusky mirror, turned up to the sky with a myriad stars piercing its glassy bosom. "stop," murmured claudine. the four women had paused ahead of them. they were talking and gesticulating violently, for all conversation was forbidden while digging. one word spoken aloud, and the charm would be broken, the spirit would rush angrily from the spot. therefore they were finishing up their ends of talk, and nannichette was assuring them that she would take them to the exact spot revealed to her in the vision. presently they set off in indian file, nannichette in front, as the one led by the spirit, and carrying with her a washed and polished spade, that she had brought from her home. claudine and bidiane were careful not to speak, for there was not a word uttered now by the women in front, and the pursuers needed to follow them with extreme caution. on they went, climbing silently over the grassy mounds that were now the only reminders of the old french fort, or stumbling unexpectedly and noisily into the great heap of clam shells, whose contents had been eaten by the hungry exiles of long ago. at last they stopped. nannichette stared up at the sky, down at the ground, across the lake on her right, and into the woods on her left, and then pointed to a spot in the grass, and with a magical flourish of the spade began to dig. having an indian husband, she was accustomed to work out-of-doors, and was therefore able to dig for a long time before she became sensible of fatigue, and was obliged mutely to extend the spade to suretta. not so enduring were the other women. their ancestors had ploughed and reaped, but acadiennes of the present day rarely work on the farms, unless it is during the haying season. suretta soon gave out. mosée-délice took her place, and mirabelle marie hung back until the last. bidiane and claudine withdrew among the trees, stifling their laughter and trying to calm the dog, who had finally reached a state of frenzy at this mysterious separation. "my unfortunate aunt!" murmured bidiane; "do let us put an end to this." claudine was snickering convulsively. she had begun to array herself in one of the sheets, and was transported with amusement and anticipation. meanwhile, doubt and discord had reared their disturbing heads among the members of the digging party. mirabelle marie persisted in throwing up the spade too soon, and the other women, regarding her with glowing, eloquent looks, quietly arranged that the honorable agricultural implement, now perverted to so unbecoming a use, should return to her hands with disquieting frequency. the earth was soft here by the lake, yet it was heavy to lift out, for the hole had now become quite deep. suddenly, to the horror and anger of nannichette and the other two women, both of whom were beginning to have mysterious warnings and impressions that they were now on the brink of discovery of one pot of gold, and perhaps two, there was an impatient exclamation from mirabelle marie. "the divil!" she cried, and her voice broke out shrilly in the deathly silence; "bidiane was right. it ain't no speerit you saw. i'm goin'," and she scrambled out of the hole. with angry reproaches for her precipitancy and laziness, the other women fell upon her with their tongues. she had given them this long walk to the lake, she had spoiled everything, and, as their furious voices smote the still air, bidiane, claudine, and the dog emerged slowly and decently from the heavy gloom behind them like ghosts rising from the lake. "i will give you a bit of my sheet," bidiane had said to bastarache; consequently he stalked beside them like a diminutive bogey in a graceful mantle of white. "_ah, mon jheu! chesque j'vois?_" (what do i see), screamed suretta, who was the first to catch sight of them. "ten candles to the virgin if i get out of this!" and she ran like a startled deer. with various expressions of terror, the others followed her. they carried with them the appearance of the white ethereal figures, standing against the awful black background of the trees, and as they ran, their shrieks and yells of horror, particularly those from mirabelle marie, were so heartrending that bidiane, in sudden compunction, screamed to her, "don't you know me, my aunt? it is bidiane, your niece. don't be afraid!" mirabelle marie was making so much noise herself that she could scarcely have heard a trumpet sounding in her ears, and fear lent her wings of such extraordinary vigor in flight that she was almost immediately out of sight. bidiane turned to the dog, who was tripping and stumbling inside his snowy drapery, and to claudine, who was shrieking with delight at him. "go then, good dog, console your mistress," she said. "follow those piercing screams that float backward," and she was just about to release him when she was obliged to go to the assistance of claudine, who had caught her foot, and had fallen to the ground, where she lay overcome by hysterical laughter. bidiane had to get water from the lake to dash on her face, and when at last they were ready to proceed on their way, the forest was as still as when they had entered it. "bah, i am tired of this joke," said bidiane. "we have accomplished our object. let us throw these things in the lake. i am ashamed of them;" and she put a stone inside their white trappings, and hurled them into sleeping water, which mutely received and swallowed them. "now," she said, impatiently, "let us overtake them. i am afraid lest mirabelle marie stumble, she is so heavy." claudine, leaning against a tree and mopping her eyes, vowed that it was the best joke that she had ever heard of; then she joined bidiane, and they hurriedly made their way to the yellow cottage. it was deserted now, except for the presence of the six children of mixed blood, who were still sleeping like six little dark logs, laid three on a bed. "we shall overtake them," said bidiane; "let us hurry." however, they did not catch up to them on the forest path, nor even on the main road, for when the terrified women had rushed into the presence of the indian and had besought him to escort them away from the spirit-haunted lake, that amused man, with a cheerful grunt, had taken them back to the shore by a short cut known only to himself. therefore, when bidiane and claudine arrived breathlessly home, they found mirabelle marie there before them. she sat in a rocking-chair in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by a group of sympathizers, who listened breathlessly to her tale of woe, that she related with chattering teeth. bidiane ran to her and threw her arms about her neck. "_mon jheu_, biddy, i've got such a fright. i'm mos' dead. three ghosties came out of sleepin' water, and chased us,--we were back for gold. suretta an' mosée-délice have run home. they're mos' scairt to pieces. oh, i'll never sin again. i wisht i'd made my easter duties. i'll go to confession to-morrer." "it was i, my aunt," cried bidiane, in distress. "it was awful," moaned mirabelle marie. "i see the speerit of me mother, i see the speerit of me sister, i see the speerit of me leetle lame child." "it was the dog," exclaimed bidiane, and, gazing around the kitchen for him, she discovered agapit sitting quietly in a corner. "oh, how do you do?" she said, in some embarrassment; then she again gave her attention to her distressed aunt. "the dogue,--biddy, you ain't crazy?" "yes, yes, the dog and claudine and i. see how she is laughing. we heard your plans, we followed you, we dressed in sheets." "the dogue," reiterated mirabelle marie, in blank astonishment, and pointing to bastarache, who lay under the sofa solemnly winking at her. "ain't he ben plumped down there ever since supper, claude?" "yes, he's ben there." "but claude sleeps in the evenings," urged bidiane. "i assure you that bastarache was with us." "oh, the dear leetle liar," said mirabelle marie, affectionately embracing her. "but i'm glad to git back again to yeh." "i'm telling the truth," said bidiane, desperately. "can't you speak, claudine?" "we did go," said claudine, who was still possessed by a demon of laughter. "we followed you." "followed us to sleepin' water! you're lyin', too. _sakerjé_, it was awful to see me mother and me sister and the leetle dead child," and she trotted both feet wildly on the floor, while her rolling eye sought comfort from bidiane. "what shall i do?" said bidiane. "mr. lenoir, you will believe me. i wanted to cure my aunt of her foolishness. we took sheets--" "sheets?" repeated mirabelle. "whose sheets?" "yours, my aunt,--oh, it was very bad in us, but they were old ones; they had holes." "what did you do with 'em?" "we threw them in the lake." "come, now, look at that, ha, ha," and mirabelle marie laughed in a quavering voice. "i can see claudine throwing sheets in the lake. she would make pickin's of 'em. don't lie, bidiane, me girl, or you'll see ghosties. you want to help your poor aunt,--you've made up a nice leetle lie, but don't tell it. see, jude and edouard are heatin' some soup. give some to agapit lenoir and take a cup yourself." bidiane, with a gesture of utter helplessness, gave up the discussion and sat down beside agapit. "you believe me, do you not?" she asked, under cover of the joyful bustle that arose when the two boys began to pass around the soup. "yes," he replied, making a wry face over his steaming cup. "and what do you think of me?" she asked, anxiously. agapit, although an ardent acadien, and one bent on advancing the interests of his countrymen in every way, had yet little patience with the class to which mirabelle marie belonged. apparently kind and forbearing with them, he yet left them severely alone. his was the party of progress, and he had been half amused, half scornful of the efforts that bidiane had put forth to educate her deficient relative. "on general principles," he said, coolly, "it is better not to chase a fat aunt through dark woods; yet, in this case, i would say it has done good." "i did not wish to be heartless," said bidiane, with tears in her eyes. "i wished to teach her a lesson." "well, you have done so. hear her swear that she will go to mass,--she will, too. the only way to work upon such a nature is through fear." "i am glad to have her go to mass, but i did not wish her to go in this way." "be thankful that you have attained your object," he said, dryly. "now i must go. i hoped to spend the evening with you, and hear you sing." "you will come again, soon?" said bidiane, following him to the door. "it is a good many miles to come, and a good many to go back, mademoiselle. i have not always the time--and, besides that, i have soon to go to halifax on business." "well, i thank you for keeping your promise to come," said bidiane, humbly, and with gratitude. she was completely unnerved by the events of the evening, and was in no humor to find fault. agapit clapped his hat firmly on his head as a gust of wind whirled across the yard and tried to take it from him. "we are always glad to see you here," said bidiane, wistfully, as she watched him step across to the picket fence, where his white horse shone through the darkness; "though i suppose you have pleasant company in weymouth. i have been introduced to some nice english girls from there." "yes, there are nice ones," he said. "i should like to see more of them, but i am usually busy in the afternoons and evenings." "do not work too hard,--that is a mistake. one must enjoy life a little." he gathered up the reins in his hands and paused a minute before he stepped into the buggy. "i suppose i seem very old to you." she hesitated for an instant, and the wind dying down a little seemed to take the words from her lips and softly breathe them against his dark, quiet face. "not so very old,--not as old as you did at first. if i were as old as you, i should not do such silly things." he stared solemnly at her wind-blown figure swaying lightly to and fro on the gravel, and at the little hands put up to keep her dishevelled hair from her eyes and cheeks, which were both glowing from her hurried scamper home. "are you really worried because you played this trick on your aunt?" "yes, terribly, she has been like a mother to me. i would be ashamed for mr. nimmo to know." "and will you lie awake to-night and vex yourself about it?" "oh, yes, yes,--how can you tell? perhaps you also have troubles." agapit laughed in sudden and genuine amusement. "mademoiselle, my cousin, let me say something to you that you may perhaps remember when you are older. it is this: you have at present about as much comprehension and appreciation of real heart trouble, and of mental struggles that tear one first this way, then that way,--you have about as much understanding of them as has that kitten sheltering itself behind you." bidiane quietly stowed away this remark among the somewhat heterogeneous furniture of her mind; then she said, "i feel quite old when i talk to my aunt and to claudine." "you are certainly ahead of them in some mental experiences, but you are not yet up to some other people." "i am not up to madame de forêt," she said, gently, "nor to you. i feel sure now that you have some troubles." "and what do you imagine they are?" "i imagine that they are things that you will get over," she said, with spirit. "you are not a coward." he smiled, and softly bade her good night. "good night, _mon cousin_," she said, gravely, and taking the crying kitten in her arms, she put her head on one side and listened until the sound of the carriage wheels grew faint in the distance. chapter viii. faire bombance. "could but our ancestors retrieve their fate, and see their offspring thus degenerate, how we contend for birth and names unknown; and build on their past acts, and not our own; they'd cancel records and their tombs deface, and then disown the vile, degenerate race; for families is all a cheat, 'tis personal virtue only, makes us great." the true born englishman. defoe. bidiane was late for supper, and claudine was regretfully remarking that the croquettes and the hot potatoes in the oven would all be burnt to cinders, when the young person herself walked into the kitchen, her face a fiery crimson, a row of tiny beads of perspiration at the conjunction of her smooth forehead with her red hair. "i have had a glorious ride," she said, opening the door of the big oven and taking out the hot dishes. claudine laid aside the towel with which she was wiping the cups and saucers that mirabelle marie washed. "go sit down at the table, bidiane; you must be weary." the girl, nothing loath, went to the dining-room, while claudine brought her in hot coffee, buttered toast, and preserved peaches and cream, and then returning to the kitchen watched her through the open door, as she satisfied the demands of a certainly prosperous appetite. "and yet, it is not food i want, as much as drink," said bidiane, gaily, as she poured herself out a second glass of milk. "ah, the bicycle, claudine. if you rode, you would know how one's mouth feels like a dry bone." "i think i would like a wheel," said claudine, modestly. "i have enough money saved." "have you? then you must get one, and i will teach you to ride." "how would one go about it?" "we will do it in this way," said bidiane, in a business-like manner, for she loved to arrange the affairs of other people. "how much money have you?" "i have one hundred dollars." "'pon me soul an' body, i'd have borrered some if i'd known that," interrupted mirabelle marie, with a chuckle. "good gracious," observed bidiane, "you don't want more than half that. we will give fifty to one of the men on the schooners. isn't _la sauterelle_ going to boston, to-morrow?" "yes; the cook was just in for yeast." "has he a head for business?" "pretty fair." "does he know anything about machines?" "he once sold sewing-machines, and he also would show how to work them." "the very man,--we will give him the fifty dollars and tell him to pick you out a good wheel and bring it back in the schooner." "then there will be no duty to pay," said claudine, joyfully. "h'm,--well, perhaps we had better pay the duty," said bidiane; "it won't be so very much. it is a great temptation to smuggle things from the states, but i know we shouldn't. by the way, i must tell mirabelle marie a good joke i just heard up the bay. my aunt,--where are you?" mirabelle marie came into the room and seated herself near claudine. "marc à jaddus à dominique's little girl gave him away," said bidiane, laughingly. "she ran over to the custom-house in belliveau's cove and told the man what lovely things her papa had brought from boston, in his schooner, and the customs man hurried over, and marc had to pay--i must tell you, too, that i bought some white ribbon for alzélie gauterot, while i was in the cove," and bidiane pulled a little parcel from her pocket. mirabelle marie was intensely interested. ever since the affair of the ghosts, which bidiane had given up trying to persuade her was not ghostly, but very material, she had become deeply religious, and took her whole family to mass and vespers every sunday. just now the children of the parish were in training for their first communion. she watched the little creatures daily trotting up the road towards the church to receive instruction, and she hoped that her boys would soon be among them. in the small daughter of her next-door neighbor, who was to make her first communion with the others, she took a special interest, and in her zeal had offered to make the dress, which kind office had devolved upon bidiane and claudine. "also, i have been thinking of a scheme to save money," said bidiane. "for a veil we can just take off this fly screen," and she pointed to white netting on the table. "no one but you and claudine will know. it is fine and soft, and can be freshly done up." "_mon jheu!_ but you are smart, and a real acadien brat," said her aunt. "claudine, will you go to the door? some divil rings,--that is, some lady or gentleman," she added, as she caught a menacing glance from bidiane. "if you keep a hotel you must always be glad to see strangers," said bidiane, severely. "it is money in your pocket." "but such a trouble, and i am sleepy." "if you are not careful you will have to give up this inn,--however, i must not scold, for you do far better than when i first came." "it is the political gentleman," said claudine, entering, and noiselessly closing the door behind her. "he who has been going up and down the bay for a day or two. he wishes supper and a bed." "_sakerjé!_" muttered mirabelle marie, rising with an effort. "if i was a man i guess i'd let pollyticks alone, and stay to hum. i s'ppose he's got a nest with some feathers in it. i guess you'd better ask him out, though. there's enough to start him, ain't there?" and she waddled out to the kitchen. "ah, the political gentleman," said bidiane. "it was he for whom i helped maggie guilbaut pick blackberries, yesterday. they expected him to call, and were going to offer him berries and cream." mirabelle marie, on going to the kitchen, had left her niece sitting composedly at the table, only lifting an eyelid to glance at the door by which the stranger would enter; but when she returned, as she almost immediately did, to ask the gentleman whether he would prefer tea to coffee, a curious spectacle met her gaze. bidiane, with a face that was absolutely furious, had sprung to her feet and was grasping the sides of her bicycle skirt with clenched hands, while the stranger, who was a lean, dark man, with a pale, rather pleasing face, when not disfigured by a sarcastic smile, stood staring at her as if he remembered seeing her before, but had some difficulty in locating her among his acquaintances. upon her aunt's appearance, bidiane found her voice. "either i or that man must leave this house," she said, pointing a scornful finger at him. [illustration: "'either that man or i must leave this house.'"] mirabelle marie, who was not easily shocked, was plainly so on the present occasion. "whist, bidiane," she said, trying to pull her down on her chair; "this is the pollytickle genl'man,--county member they call 'im." "i do not care if he is member for fifty counties," said bidiane, in concentrated scorn. "he is a libeller, a slanderer, and i will not stay under the same roof with him,--and to think it was for him i picked the blackberries,--we cannot entertain you here, sir." the expression of disagreeable surprise with which the man with the unpleasant smile had regarded her gave way to one of cool disdain. "this is your house, i think?" he said, appealing to mirabelle marie. "yessir," she said, putting down her tea-caddy, and arranging both her hands on her hips, in which position she would hold them until the dispute was finished. "and you do not refuse me entertainment?" he went on, with the same unpleasant smile. "you cannot, i think, as this is a public house, and you have no just reason for excluding me from it." "my aunt," said bidiane, flashing around to her in a towering passion, "if you do not immediately turn this man out-of-doors, i shall never speak to you again." "i be _dèche_," sputtered the confused landlady, "if i see into this hash. look at 'em, claudine. this genl'man'll be mad if i do one thing, an' biddy'll take my head off if i do another. _sakerjé!_ you've got to fit it out yourselves." "listen, my aunt," said bidiane, excitedly, and yet with an effort to control herself. "i will tell you what happened. on my way here i was in a hotel in halifax. i had gone there with some people from the steamer who were taking charge of me. we were on our way to our rooms. we were all speaking english. no one would think that there was a french person in the party. we passed a gentleman, this gentleman, who stood outside his door; he was speaking to a servant. 'bring me quickly,' he said, 'some water,--some hot water. i have been down among the evil-smelling french of clare. i must go again, and i want a good wash first.'" mirabelle marie was by no means overcome with horror at the recitation of this trespass on the part of her would-be guest; but claudine's eyes blazed and flashed on the stranger's back until he moved slightly, and shrugged his shoulders as if he felt their power. "imagine," cried bidiane, "he called us 'evil-smelling,'--we, the best housekeepers in the world, whose stoves shine, whose kitchen floors are as white as the beach! i choked with wrath. i ran up to him and said, '_moi, je suis acadienne_'" (i am an acadienne). "did i not, sir?" the stranger lifted his eyebrows indulgently and satirically, but did not speak. "and he was astonished," continued bidiane. "_ma foi_, but he was astonished! he started, and stared at me, and i said, 'i will tell you what you are, sir, unless you apologize.'" "i guess yeh apologized, didn't yeh?" said mirabelle marie, mildly. "the young lady is dreaming," said the stranger, coolly, and he seated himself at the table. "can you let me have something to eat at once, madame? i have a brother who resembles me; perhaps she saw him." bidiane grew so pale with wrath, and trembled so violently that claudine ran to support her, and cried, "tell us, bidiane, what did you say to this bad man?" bidiane slightly recovered herself. "i said to him, 'sir, i regret to tell you that you are lying.'" the man at the table surveyed her in intense irritation. "i do not know where you come from, young woman," he said, hastily, "but you look irish." "and if i were not acadien i would be irish," she said, in a low voice, "for they also suffer for their country. good-by, my aunt, i am going to rose à charlitte. i see you wish to keep this story-teller." "hole on, hole on," ejaculated mirabelle marie in distress. "look here, sir, you've gut me in a fix, and you've gut to git me out of it." "i shall not leave your house unless you tell me to do so," he said, in cool, quiet anger. bidiane stretched out her hands to him, and with tears in her eyes exclaimed, pleadingly, "say only that you regret having slandered the acadiens. i will forget that you put my people to shame before the english, for they all knew that i was coming to clare. we will overlook it. acadiens are not ungenerous, sir." "as i said before, you are dreaming," responded the stranger, in a restrained fury. "i never was so put upon in my life. i never saw you before." bidiane drew herself up like an inspired prophetess. "beware, sir, of the wrath of god. you lied before,--you are lying now." the man fell into such a repressed rage that mirabelle marie, who was the only unembarrassed spectator, inasmuch as she was weak in racial loves and hatreds, felt called upon to decide the case. the gentleman, she saw, was the story-teller. bidiane, who had not been particularly truthful as a child, had yet never told her a falsehood since her return from france. "i'm awful sorry, sir, but you've gut to go. i brought up this leetle girl, an' her mother's dead." the gentleman rose,--a gentleman no longer, but a plain, common, very ugly-tempered man. these acadiens were actually turning him, an englishman, out of the inn. and he had thought the whole people so meek, so spiritless. he was doing them such an honor to personally canvass them for votes for the approaching election. his astonishment almost overmastered his rage, and in a choking voice he said to mirabelle marie, "your house will suffer for this,--you will regret it to the end of your life." "i know some business," exclaimed claudine, in sudden and irrepressible zeal. "i know that you wish to make laws, but will our men send you when they know what you say?" he snatched his hat from the seat behind him. his election was threatened. unless he chained these women's tongues, what he had said would run up and down the bay like wildfire,--and yet a word now would stop it. should he apologize? a devil rose in his heart. he would not. "do your worst," he said, in a low, sneering voice. "you are a pack of liars yourselves," and while bidiane and claudine stiffened themselves with rage, and mirabelle marie contemptuously muttered, "get out, ole beast," he cast a final malevolent glance on them, and left the house. for a time the three remained speechless; then bidiane sank into her chair, pushed back her half-eaten supper, propped her red head on her hand, and burst into passionate weeping. claudine stood gloomily watching her, while mirabelle marie sat down, and shifting her hands from her hips, laid them on her trembling knees. "i guess he'll drive us out of this, biddy,--an' i like sleepin' water." bidiane lifted her face to the ceiling, just as if she were "taking a vowel," her aunt reflected, in her far from perfect english. "he shall not ruin us, my aunt,--we will ruin him." "what'll you do, sissy?" "i will tell you something about politics," said bidiane, immediately becoming calm. "mr. nimmo has explained to me something about them, and if you listen, you will understand. in the first place, do you know what politics are?" and hastily wiping her eyes, she intently surveyed the two women who were hanging on her words. "yes, i know," said her aunt, joyfully. "it's when men quit work, an' gab, an' git red in the face, an' pass the bottle, an' pick rows, to fine out which shall go up to the city of boston to make laws an' sit in a big room with lots of other men." bidiane, with an impatient gesture, turned to claudine. "you know better than that?" "well, yes,--a little," said the black-eyed beauty, contemptuously. "my aunt," said bidiane, solemnly, "you have been out in the world, and yet you have many things to learn. politics is a science, and deep, very deep." "is it?" said her aunt, humbly. "an' what's a science?" "a science is--well, a science is something wonderfully clever--when one knows a great deal. now this dominion of canada in which we live is large, very large, and there are two parties of politicians in it. you know them, claudine?" "yes, i do," said the young woman, promptly; "they are liberals and conservatives." "that is right; and just now the premier of the dominion is a frenchman, my aunt,--i don't believe you knew that,--and we are proud of him." "an' what's the premier?" "he is the chief one,--the one who stands over the others, when they make the laws." "oh, the boss!--you will tell him about this bad man." "no, it would grieve him too much, for the premier is always a good man, who never does anything wrong. this bad man will impose on him, and try to get him to promise to let him go to ottawa--oh, by the way, claudine, we must explain about that. my aunt, you know that there are two cities to which politicians go to make the laws. one is the capital." "yes, i know,--in boston city." "nonsense,--boston is in the united states. we are in canada. halifax is the capital of nova scotia." "but all our folks go to boston when they travels," said mirabelle marie, in a slightly injured tone. "yes, yes, i know,--the foolish people; they should go to halifax. well, that is where the big house is in which they make the laws. i saw it when i was there, and it has pictures of kings and queens in it. now, when a man becomes too clever for this house, they send him to ottawa, where the premier is." "yes, i remember,--the good frenchman." "well, this bad man now wishes to go to halifax; then if he is ambitious,--and he is bad enough to be anything,--he may wish to go to ottawa. but we must stop him right away before he does more mischief, for all men think he is good. mr. guilbaut was praising him yesterday." "he didn't say he is bad?" "no, no, he thinks him very good, and says he will be elected; but we know him to be a liar, and should a liar make laws for his country?" "a liar should stay to hum, where he is known," was the decisive response. "very good,--now should we not try to drive this man out of clare?" "but what can we do?" asked mirabelle marie. "he is already out an' lying like the divil about us--that is, like a man out of the woods." "we can talk," said her niece, seriously. "there are women's rights, you know." "women's rights," repeated her aunt, thoughtfully. "it is not in the prayer-book." "no, of course not." "come now, biddy, tell us what it is." "it is a long subject, my aunt. it would take too many words to explain, though mr. nimmo has often told me about it. women who believe that--can do as men. why should we not vote,--you, and i, and claudine?" "i dunno. i guess the men won't let us." "i should like to vote," said bidiane, stoutly, "but even though we cannot, we can tell the men on the bay of this monster, and they will send him home." "all right," said her aunt; while claudine, who had been sitting with knitted brows during the last few minutes, exclaimed, "i have it, bidiane; let us make _bombance_" (feasting). "do you know what it means?" no, bidiane did not, but mirabelle marie did, and immediately began to make a gurgling noise in her throat. "once i helped to make it in the house of an aunt. glory! that was fun. but the tin, claudine, where'll you git that?" "my one hundred dollars," cried the black-eyed assistant. "i will give them to my country, for i hate that man. i will do without the wheel." "but what is this?" asked bidiane, reproachfully. "what are you agreeing to? i do not understand." "tell her, claudine," said mirabelle marie, with a proud wave of her hand. "she's english, yeh know." claudine explained the phrase, and for the next hour the three, with chairs drawn close together, nodded, talked, and gesticulated, while laying out a feminine electioneering campaign. chapter ix. love and politics. "calm with the truth of life, deep with the love of loving, new, yet never unknown, my heart takes up the tune. singing that needs no words, joy that needs no proving, sinking in one long dream as summer bides with june." one morning, three weeks later, rose, on getting up and going out to the sunny yard where she kept her fancy breed of fowls, found them all overcome by some strange disorder. the morning was bright and inspiring, yet they were all sleeping heavily and stupidly under, instead of upon, their usual roosting-place. she waked up one or two, ran her fingers through their showy plumage, and, after receiving remonstrating glances from reproachful and recognizing eyes, softly laid them down again, and turned her attention to a resplendent red and gold cock, who alone had not succumbed to the mysterious malady, and was staggering to and fro, eyeing her with a doubtful, yet knowing look. "come, fiddéding," she said, gently, "tell me what has happened to these poor hens?" fiddéding, instead of enlightening her, swaggered towards the fence, and, after many failures, succeeded in climbing to it and in propping his tail against a post. then he flapped his gorgeous wings, and opened his beak to crow, but in the endeavor lost his balance, and with a dismal squawk fell to the ground. sheepishly resigning himself to his fate, he tried to gain the ranks of the somniferous hens, but, not succeeding, fell down where he was, and hid his head under his wing. a slight noise caught rose's attention, and looking up, she found jovite leaning against the fence, and grinning from ear to ear. "do you know what is the matter with the hens?" she asked. "yes, madame; if you come to the stable, i will show you what they have been taking." rose, with a grave face, visited the stable, and then instructed him to harness her pony to the cart and bring him around to the front of the house. half an hour later she was driving towards weymouth. as it happened to be saturday, it was market-day, and the general shopping-time for the farmers and the fishermen all along the bay, and even from back in the woods. many of them, with wives and daughters in their big wagons, were on their way to sell butter, eggs, and farm produce, and obtain, in exchange, groceries and dry goods, that they would find in larger quantities and in greater varieties in weymouth than in the smaller villages along the shore. upon reaching weymouth, she stopped on the principal street, that runs across a bridge over the lovely sissiboo river, and leaving the staid and sober pony to brush the flies from himself without the assistance of her whip, she knocked at the door of her cousin's office. "come in," said a voice, and she was speedily confronted by agapit, who sat at a table facing the door. he dropped his book and sprang up, when he saw her. "oh! _ma chère_, i am glad to see you. i was just feeling dull." she gently received and retained both his hands in hers. "one often does feel dull after a journey. ah! but i have missed you." "it has only been two weeks--" "and you have come back with that same weary look on your face," she said, anxiously. "agapit, i try to put that look in the back of my mind, but it will not stay." he lightly kissed her fingers, and drew a chair beside his own for her. "it amuses you to worry." "my cousin!" "i apologize,--you are the soul of angelic concern for the minds and bodies of your fellow mortals. and how goes everything in sleeping water? i have been quite homesick for the good old place." rose, in spite of the distressed expression that still lingered about her face, began to smile, and said, impulsively, "once or twice i have almost recalled you, but i did not like to interrupt. yours was a case at the supreme court, was it not, if that is the way to word it?" "yes, rose; but has anything gone wrong? you mentioned nothing in your letters," and, as he spoke, he took off his glasses and began to polish them with his handkerchief. "not wrong, exactly, yet--" and she laughed. "it is bidiane." the hand with which agapit was manipulating his glasses trembled slightly, and hurriedly putting them on, he pushed back the papers on the table before him, and gave her an acute and undivided attention. "some one wants to marry her, i suppose," he said, hastily. "she is quite a flirt." "no, no, not yet,--pius poirier may, by and by, but do not be too severe with her, agapit. she has no time to think of lovers now. she is--but have you not heard? surely you must have--every one is laughing about it." "i have heard nothing. i returned late last night. i came directly here this morning. i intended to go to see you to-morrow." "i thought you would, but i could not wait. little bidiane should be stopped at once, or she will become notorious and get into the papers,--i was afraid it might already be known in halifax." "my dear rose, there are people in halifax who never heard of clare, and who do not know that there are even a score of acadiens left in the country; but what is she doing?" and he masked his impatience under an admirable coolness. "she says she is making _bombance_," said rose, and she struggled to repress a second laugh; "but i will begin from the first, as you know nothing. the very day you left, that mr. greening, who has been canvassing the county for votes, went to our inn, and bidiane recognized him as a man who had spoken ill of the acadiens in her presence in halifax." "what had he said?" "he said that they were 'evil-smelling,'" said rose, with reluctance. "oh, indeed,--he did," and agapit's lip curled. "i would not have believed it of greening. he is rather a decent fellow. sarcastic, you know, but not a fool, by any means. bidiane, i suppose, cut him." "no, she did not cut him; he had not been introduced. she asked him to apologize, and he would not. then she told mirabelle marie to request him to leave the house. he did so." "was he angry?" "yes, and insulting; and you can figure to yourself into what kind of a state our quick-tempered bidiane became. she talked to claudine and her aunt, and they agreed to pass mr. greening's remark up and down the bay." agapit began to laugh. something in his cousin's strangely excited manner, in the expression of her face, usually so delicately colored, now so deeply flushed and bewildered over bidiane's irrepressibility, amused him intensely, but most of all he laughed from sheer gladness of heart, that the question to be dealt with was not one of a lover for their distant and youthful cousin. rose was delighted to see him in such good spirits. "but there is more to come, agapit. the thing grew. at first, bidiane contented herself with flying about on her wheel and telling all the acadien girls what a bad man mr. greening was to say such a thing, and they must not let their fathers vote for him. following this, claudine, who is very excited in her calm way, began to drive mirabelle marie about. they stayed at home only long enough to prepare meals, then they went. it is all up and down the bay,--that wretched epithet of the unfortunate mr. greening,--and while the men laugh, the women are furious. they cannot recover from it." "well, 'evil-smelling' is not a pretty adjective," said agapit, with his lips still stretched back from his white teeth. "at bidiane's age, what a rage i should have been in!" "but you are in the affair now," said rose, helplessly, "and you must not be angry." "i!" he ejaculated, suddenly letting fall a ruler that he had been balancing on his finger. "yes,--at first there was no talk of another candidate. it was only, 'let the slanderous mr. greening be driven away;' but, as i said, the affair grew. you know our people are mostly liberals. mr. greening is the new one; you, too, are one. of course there is old mr. gray, who has been elected for some years. one afternoon the blacksmith in sleeping water said, jokingly, to bidiane, 'you are taking away one of our candidates; you must give us another.' he was mending her wheel at the time, and i was present to ask him to send a hoe to jovite. bidiane hesitated a little time. she looked down the bay, she looked up here towards weymouth, then she shot a quick glance at me from her curious yellow eyes, and said, 'there is my far-removed cousin, agapit lenoir. he is a good acadien; he is also clever. what do you want of an englishman?' 'by jove!' said the blacksmith, and he slapped his leather apron,--you know he has been much in the states, agapit, and he is very wide in his opinions,--'by jove!' he said, 'we couldn't have a better. i never thought of him. he is so quiet nowadays, though he used to be a firebrand, that one forgets him. i guess he'd go in by acclamation.' agapit, what is acclamation? i searched in my dictionary, and it said, 'a clapping of hands.'" agapit was thunderstruck. he stared at her confusedly for a few seconds, then he exclaimed, "the dear little diablette!" "perhaps i should have told you before," said rose, eagerly, "but i hated to write anything against bidiane, she is so charming, though so self-willed. but yesterday i began to think that people may suppose you have allowed her to make use of your name. she chatters of you all the time, and i believe that you will be asked to become one of the members for this county. though the talk has been mostly among the women, they are influencing the men, and last evening mr. greening had a quarrel with the comeaus, and went away." "i must go see her,--this must be stopped," said agapit, rising hastily. rose got up, too. "but stay a minute,--hear all. the naughty thing that bidiane has done is about money, but i will not tell you that. you must question her. this only i can say: my hens are all quite drunk this morning." "quite drunk!" said agapit, and he paused with his arms half in a dust coat that he had taken from a hook on the wall. "what do you mean?" rose suffocated a laugh in her throat, and said, seriously, "when jovite got up this morning, he found them quite weak in their legs. they took no breakfast, they wished only to drink. he had to watch to keep them from falling in the river. afterwards they went to sleep, and he searched the stable, and found some burnt out matches, where some one had been smoking and sleeping in the barn, also two bottles of whiskey hidden in a barrel where one had broken on some oats that the hens had eaten. so you see the affair becomes serious when men prowl about at night, and open hen-house doors, and are in danger of setting fire to stables." agapit made a grimace. he had a lively imagination, and had readily supplied all these details. "i suppose you do not wish to take me back to sleeping water?" rose hesitated, then said, meekly, "perhaps it would be better for me not to do it, nor for you to say that i have talked to you. bidiane speaks plainly, and, though i know she likes me, she is most extremely animated just now. claudine, you know, spoils her. also, she avoids me lately,--you will not be too severe with her. it is so loving that she should work for you. i think she hopes to break down some of your prejudice that she says still exists against her." rose could not see her cousin's face, for he had abruptly turned his back on her, and was staring out the window. "you will remember, agapit," she went on, with gentle persistence; "do not be irritable with her; she cannot endure it just at present." "and why should i be irritable?" he demanded, suddenly wheeling around. "is she not doing me a great honor?" rose fell back a few steps, and clasped her amazed hands. this transfigured face was a revelation to her. "you, too, agapit!" she managed to utter. "yes, i, too," he said, bravely, while a dull, heavy crimson mantled his cheeks. "i, too, as well as the poirier boy, and half a dozen others; and why not?" "you love her, agapit?" "does it seem like hatred?" "yes--that is, no--but certainly you have treated her strangely, but i am glad, glad. i don't know when anything has so rejoiced me,--it takes me back through long years," and, sitting down, she covered her face with her nervous hands. "i did not intend to tell you," said her cousin, hurriedly, and he laid a consoling finger on the back of her drooping head. "i wish now i had kept it from you." "ah, but i am selfish," she cried, immediately lifting her tearful face to him. "forgive me,--i wish to know everything that concerns you. is it this that has made you unhappy lately?" with some reluctance he acknowledged that it was. "but now you will be happy, my dear cousin. you must tell her at once. although she is young, she will understand. it will make her more steady. it is the best thing that could happen to her." agapit surveyed her in quiet, intense affection. "softly, my dear girl. you and i are too absorbed in each other. there is the omnipotent mr. nimmo to consult." "he will not oppose. oh, he will be pleased, enraptured,--i know that he will. i have never thought of it before, because of late years you have seemed not to give your thoughts to marriage, but now it comes to me that, in sending her here, one object might have been that she would please you; that you would please her. i am sure of it now. he is sorry for the past, he wishes to atone, yet he is still proud, and cannot say, 'forgive me.' this young girl is the peace-offering." agapit smiled uneasily. "pardon me for the thought, but you dispose somewhat summarily of the young girl." rose threw out her hands to him. "your happiness is perhaps too much to me, yet i would also make her happy in giving her to you. she is so restless, so wayward,--she does not know her own mind yet." "she seems to be leading a pretty consistent course at present." rose's face was like an exquisitely tinted sky at sunrise. "ah! this is wonderful, it overcomes me; and to think that i should not have suspected it! you adore this little bidiane. she is everything to you, more than i am,--more than i am." "i love you for that spice of jealousy," said agapit, with animation. "go home now, dear girl, and i will follow; or do you stay here, and i will start first." "yes, yes, go; i will remain a time. i will be glad to think this over." "you will not cry," he said, anxiously, pausing with his hand on the door-knob. "i will try not to do so." "probably i will have to give her up," he said, doggedly. "she is a creature of whims, and i must not speak to her yet; but i do not wish you to suffer." rose was deeply moved. this was no boyish passion, but the unspeakably bitter, weary longing of a man. "if i could not suffer with others i would be dead," she said, simply. "my dear cousin, i will pray for success in this, your touching love-affair." "some day i will tell you all about it," he said, abruptly. "i will describe the strange influence that she has always had over me,--an influence that made me tremble before her even when she was a tiny girl, and that overpowered me when she lately returned to us. however, this is not the occasion to talk; my acknowledgment of all this has been quite unpremeditated. another day it will be more easy--" "ah, agapit, how thou art changed," she said, gliding easily into french; "how i admire thee for thy reserve. that gives thee more power than thou hadst when young. thou wilt win bidiane,--do not despair." "in the meantime there are other, younger men," he responded, in the same language. "i seem old, i know that i do to her." "old, and thou art not yet thirty! i assure thee, agapit, she respects thee for thy age. she laughs at thee, perhaps, to thy face, but she praises thee behind thy back." "she is not beautiful," said agapit, irrelevantly, "yet every one likes her." "and dost thou not find her beautiful? it seems to me that, when i love, the dear one cannot be ugly." "understand me, rose," said her cousin, earnestly; "once when i loved a woman she instantly became an angel, but one gets over that. bidiane is even plain-looking to me. it is her soul, her spirit, that charms me,--that little restless, loving heart. if i could only put my hand on it, and say, 'thou art mine,' i should be the happiest man in the world. she charms me because she changes. she is never the same; a man would never weary of her." rose's face became as pale as death. "agapit, would a man weary of me?" he did not reply to her. choked by some emotion, he had again turned to the door. "i thank the blessed virgin that i have been spared that sorrow," she murmured, closing her eyes, and allowing her flaxen lashes to softly brush her cheeks. "once i could only grieve,--now i say perhaps it was well for me not to marry. if i had lost the love of a husband,--a true husband,--it would have killed me very quickly, and it would also have made him say that all women are stupid." "rose, thou art incomparable," said agapit, half laughing, half frowning, and flinging himself back to the table. "no man would tire of thee. cease thy foolishness, and promise me not to cry when i am gone." she opened her eyes, looked as startled as if she had been asleep, but submissively gave the required promise. "think of something cheerful," he went on. she saw that he was really distressed, and, disengaging her thoughts from herself by a quiet, intense effort, she roguishly murmured, "i will let my mind run to the conversation that you will have with this fair one--no, this plain one--when you announce your love." agapit blushed furiously, and hurried from the room, while rose, as an earnest of her obedience to him, showed him, at the window, until he was out of sight, a countenance alight with gentle mischief and entire contentment of mind. chapter x. a campaign begun in bribery. "after madness acted, question asked." tennyson. before the day was many hours older, agapit was driving his white horse into the inn yard. there seemed to be more people about the house then there usually were, and bidiane, who stood at the side door, was handing a long paper parcel to a man. "take it away," agapit heard her say, in peremptory tones; "don't you open it here." the acadien to whom she was talking happened to be, agapit knew, a ne'er-do-weel. he shuffled away, when he caught sight of the young lawyer, but bidiane ran delightedly towards him. "oh, mr. lenoir, you are as welcome as mayflowers in april!" her face was flushed, there were faint dark circles around the light brown eyes that harmonized so much better with her red hair than blue ones would have done. the sun shone down into these eyes, emphasizing this harmony between them and the hair, and agapit, looking deeply into them, forgot immediately the mentor's part that he was to act, and clasped her warmly and approvingly by the hand. "come in," she said; but agapit, who would never sit in the house if it were possible to stay out-of-doors, conducted her to one of the rustic seats by the croquet lawn. he sat down, and she perched in the hammock, sitting on one foot, swinging the other, and overwhelming him with questions about his visit to halifax. "and what have you been doing with yourself since i have been away?" he asked, with a hypocritical assumption of ignorance. "you know very well what i have been doing," she said, rapidly. "did not i see rose driving in to call on you this morning? and you have come down to scold me. i understand you perfectly; you cannot deceive me." agapit was silent, quite overcome by this mark of feminine insight. "i will never do it again," she went on, "but i am going to see this through. it is such fun--'claude,' said my aunt to her husband, when we first decided to make _bombance_, 'what politics do you belong to?' 'i am a conservative,' he said; because, you know, my aunt has always told him to vote as the english people about him did. she has known nothing of politics. 'no, you are not,' she replied, 'you are a liberal;' and claudine and i nearly exploded with laughter to hear her trying to convince him that he must be a liberal like our good french premier, and that he must endeavor to drive the conservative candidate out. claude said, 'but we have always been conservatives, and our house is to be their meeting-place on the day of election.' 'it is the meeting-place for the liberals,' said my aunt. but claude would not give in, so he and his party will have the laundry, while we will have the parlor; but i can tell you a secret," and she leaned forward and whispered, "claude will vote for the liberal man. mirabelle marie will see to that." "you say liberal man,--there are two--" "but one is going to retire." "and who will take his place?" "never mind," she said, smiling provokingly. "the liberals are going to have a convention to-morrow evening in the comeauville schoolhouse, and women are going. then you will see--why there is father duvair. what does he wish?" she sprang lightly from the hammock, and while she watched the priest, agapit watched her, and saw that she grew first as pale as a lily, then red as a rose. the parish priest was walking slowly towards the inn. he was a young man of tall, commanding presence, and being a priest "out of france," he had on a _soutane_ (cassock) and a three-cornered hat. on the bay are irish priests, nova scotian priests, acadien priests, and french-canadian priests, but only the priests "out of france" hold to the strictly french customs of dress. the others dress as do the halifax ecclesiastics, in tall silk or shovel hats and black broadcloth garments like those worn by clergymen of protestant denominations. "_bon jour, mademoiselle_," he said to bidiane. "_bon jour, monsieur le curé_," she replied, with deep respect. "is madame corbineau within?" he went on, after warmly greeting agapit, who was an old favorite of his. "yes, _monsieur le curé_,--i will take you to her," and she led the way to the house. in a few minutes she came dejectedly back. "you are in trouble," said agapit, tenderly; "what is it?" she glanced miserably at him from under her curling eyelashes. "when mirabelle marie went into the parlor, father duvair said politely, so politely, 'i wish to buy a little rum, madame; can you sell me some?' my aunt looked at me, and i said, 'yes, _monsieur le curé_,' for i knew if we set the priest against us we should have trouble,--and then we have not been quite right, i know that." "where did you get the rum?" asked agapit, kindly. "from a schooner,--two weeks ago,--there were four casks. it is necessary, you know, to make _bombance_. some men will not vote without." "and you have been bribing." "not bribing," she said, and she dropped her head; "just coaxing." "where did you get the money to buy it?" for some reason or other she evaded a direct answer to this question, and after much deliberation murmured, in the lowest of voices, that claudine had had some money. "bidiane, she is a poor woman." "she loves her country," said the girl, flashing out suddenly at him, "and she is not ashamed of it. however, claude bought the rum and found the bottles, and we always say, 'take it home,--do not drink it here.' we know that the priests are against drinking, so we had to make haste, for claudine said they would get after us. therefore, just now, i at once gave in. father duvair said, 'i would like to buy all you have; how much is it worth?' i said fifty dollars, and he pulled the money out of his pocket and mirabelle marie took it, and then he borrowed a nail and a hammer and went down in the cellar, and claudine whispered loudly as he went through the kitchen, 'i wonder whether he will find the cask under the coal?' and he heard her, for she said it on purpose, and he turned and gave her a quick look as he passed." "i don't understand perfectly," said agapit, with patient gravity. "this seems to be a house divided against itself. claudine spends her money for something she hates, and then informs on herself." bidiane would not answer him, and he continued, "is father duvair at present engaged in the work of destruction in the cellar?" "i just told you that he is." "how much rum will he find there?" "two casks," she said, mournfully. "it is what we were keeping for the election." "and you think it wise to give men that poison to drink?" asked agapit, in an impartial and judicial manner. "a little does not hurt; why, some of the women say that it makes their husbands good-natured." "if you were married, would you like your husband to be a drunkard?" "no," she said, defiantly; "but i would not mind his getting drunk occasionally, if he would be gentlemanly about it." her tone was sharp and irritated, and agapit, seeing that her nerves were all unstrung, smiled indulgently instead of chiding her. she smiled, too, rather uncertainly; then she said, "hush, here is father duvair coming back." that muscular young priest was sauntering towards them, his stout walking-stick under his arm, while he slowly rubbed his damp hands with his white handkerchief. agapit stood up when he saw him, and went to meet him, but bidiane sat still in her old seat in the hammock. agapit drew a cheque-book from his pocket, and, resting it on the picket fence, wrote something quickly on it, tore out the leaf, and extended it towards the priest. "this is for you, father; will you be good enough to hand it to some priest who is unexpectedly called upon to make certain outlays for the good of his parishioners?" father duvair bowed slightly, and, without offering to take it, went on wiping his hands. "how are you getting on with your business, agapit?" "i am fully occupied. my income supports me, and i am even able to lay up a little." "are you able to marry?" "yes, father, whenever i wish." a gleam of humor appeared in father duvair's eyes, and he glanced towards the apparently careless girl seated in the hammock. "you will take the cheque, father," said agapit, "otherwise it will cause me great pain." the priest reluctantly took the slip of paper from him, then, lifting his hat, he said to bidiane, "i have the honor to wish you good morning, mademoiselle." "_monsieur le curé_," she said, disconsolately, rising and coming towards him, "you must not think me too wicked." "mademoiselle, you do not do yourself justice," he said, gravely. bidiane's eyes wandered to the spots of moisture on his cassock. "i wish that rum had been in the bay," she said; "yet, _monsieur le curé_, mr. greening is a very bad man." "charity, charity, mademoiselle. we all speak hastily at times. shall i tell you what i think of you?" "yes, yes, _monsieur le curé_, if you please." "i think that you have a good heart, but a hasty judgment. you will, like many others, grow wise as you grow older, yet, mademoiselle, we do not wish you to lose that good heart. do you not think that mr. greening has had his lesson?" "yes, i do." "then, mademoiselle, you will cease wearying yourself with--with--" "with unwomanly exertions against him," said bidiane, with a quivering lip and a laughing eye. "hardly that,--but you are vexing yourself unnecessarily." "don't you think that my good cousin here ought to go to parliament?" she asked, wistfully. father duvair laughed outright, refused to commit himself, and went slowly away. "i like him," said bidiane, as she watched him out of sight, "he is so even-tempered, and he never scolds his flock as some clergymen do. just to think of his going down into that cellar and letting all that liquor run out. his boots were quite wet, and did you notice the splashes on his nice black cassock?" "yes; who will get the fifty dollars?" "dear me, i forgot all about it. i have known a good deal of money to go into my aunt's big pocket, but very little comes out. just excuse me for a minute,--i may get it if i pounce upon her at once." bidiane ran to the house, from whence issued immediately after a lively sound of squealing. in a few minutes she appeared in the doorway, cramming something in her pocket and looking over her shoulder at her aunt, who stood slapping her sides and vowing that she had been robbed. "i have it all but five dollars," said the girl, breathlessly. "the dear old thing was stuffing it into her stocking for mr. nimmo. 'you sha'n't rob peter to pay paul,' i said, and i snatched it away from her. then she squealed like a pig, and ran after me." "you will give this to claudine?" "i don't know. i think i'll have to divide it. we had to give that maledicted jean drague three dollars for his vote. that was my money." "where did you see jean drague?" "i went to his house. some one told me that the conservative candidate had called, and had laid seven dollars on the mantelpiece. i also called, and there were the seven dollars, so i took them up, and laid down ten instead." agapit did not speak, but contented himself with twisting the ends of his mustache in a vigorous manner. "and the worst of it is that we are not sure of him now," she said, drearily. "i wonder what mr. nimmo would say if he knew how i have been acting?" "i have been wondering, myself." "some of you will be kind enough to tell him, i suppose," she said. "oh, dear, i'm tired," and leaning her head against the hammock supports, she began to cry wearily and dejectedly. agapit was nearly frantic. he got up, walked to and fro about her, half stretched out his hand to touch her burnished head, drew it back upon reflecting that the eyes of the street, the neighbors, and the inn might be upon him, and at last said, desperately, "you ought to have a husband, bidiane. you are a very torrent of energy; you will always be getting into scrapes." "why don't you get married yourself?" and she turned an irritated eye upon him. "i cannot," said agapit, in sudden calm, and with an inspiration; "the woman that i love does not love me." "are you in love?" asked bidiane, immediately drying her eyes. "who is she?" "i cannot tell you." "oh, some english girl, i imagine," she said, disdainfully. "suppose mr. greening could hear you?" "i am not talking against the english," she retorted, snappishly, "but i should think that you, of all men, would want to marry a woman of your own nation,--the dear little acadien nation,--the only thing that i love," and she wound up with a despairing sob. "the girl that i love is an acadien," said agapit, in a lower voice, for two men had just driven into the yard. "is it claudine?" "claudine has a good education," he said, coldly, "yet she is hardly fitted to be my wife." "i daresay it is rose." "it is not rose," said agapit; and rendered desperate by the knowledge that he must not raise his voice, must not seem excited, must not stand too close to her, lest he attract the attention of some of the people at a little distance from them, and yet that he must snatch this, the golden moment, to press his suit upon her, he crammed both hands in his coat pockets, and roamed distractedly around the square of grass. "do i know her?" asked bidiane when, after a time, he came back to the hammock. "a little,--not thoroughly. you do not appreciate her at her full value." "well," said bidiane, resignedly, "i give it up. i daresay i will find out in time. i can't go over the names of all the girls on the bay--i wish i knew what it is that keeps our darling rose and mr. nimmo apart." "i wish i could tell you." "is it something that can be got over?" "yes." she swung herself more vigorously in her delight. "if they could only marry, i would be willing to die an old maid." "but i thought you had already made up your mind to do that," said agapit, striking an attitude of pretended unconcern. "oh, yes, i forgot,--i have made up my mind that i am not suited to matrimony. just fancy having to ask a man every time you wanted a little money,--and having to be meek and patient all the time. no, indeed, i wish to have my own way rather more than most women do," and, in a gay and heartless derision of the other sex, she hummed a little tune. "just wait till you fall in love," said agapit, threateningly. "a silly boy asked me to marry him, the other evening. just as if i would! why, he is only a baby." "that was pius poirier," said agapit, delightedly and ungenerously. "i shall not tell you. i did wrong to mention him," said bidiane, calmly. "he is a diligent student; he will get on in the world," said agapit, more thoughtfully. "but without me,--i shall never marry." "i know a man who loves you," said agapit, cautiously. "do you?--well, don't tell me. tell him, if you have his confidence, that he is a goose for his pains," and bidiane reclined against her hammock cushions in supreme indifference. "but he is very fond of you," said agapit, with exquisite gentleness, "and very unhappy to think that you do not care for him." bidiane held her breath and favored him with a sharp glance. then she sat up very straight. "what makes you so pale?" "i am sympathizing with that poor man." "but you are trembling, too." "am i?" and with the pretence of a laugh he turned away. "_mon cousin_," she said, sweetly, "tell that poor man that i am hoping soon to leave sleeping water, and to go out in the world again." "no, no, bidiane, you must not," he said, turning restlessly on his heel, and coming back to her. "yes, i am. i have become very unhappy here. every one is against me, and i am losing my health. when i came, i was intoxicated with life. i could run for hours. i was never tired. it was a delight to live. now i feel weary, and like a consumptive. i think i shall die young. my parents did, you know." "yes; they were both drowned. you will pardon me, if i say that i think you have a constitution of iron." "you are quite mistaken," she said, with dignity. "time will show that i am right. unless i leave sleeping water at once, i feel that i shall go into a decline." "may i ask whether you think it a good plan to leave a place immediately upon matters going wrong with one living in it?" "it would be for me," she said, decidedly. "then, mademoiselle, you will never find rest for the sole of your foot." "i am tired of sleeping water," she said, excitedly quitting the hammock, and looking as if she were about to leave him. "i wish to get out in the world to do something. this life is unendurable." "bidiane,--dear bidiane,--you will not leave us?" "yes, i will," she said, decidedly; "you are not willing for me to have my own way in one single thing. you are not in the least like mr. nimmo," and holding her head well in the air, she walked towards the house. "not like mr. nimmo," said agapit, with a darkening brow. "dear little fool, one would think you had never felt that iron hand in the velvet glove. because i am more rash and loud-spoken, you misjudge me. you are so young, so foolish, so adorable, so surprised, so intoxicated with what i have said, that you are beside yourself. i am not discouraged, oh, no," and, with a sudden hopeful smile overspreading his face, he was about to spring into his buggy and drive away, when bidiane came sauntering back to him. "i am forgetting the duties of hospitality," she said, stiffly. "will you not come into the house and have something to eat or drink after your long drive?" "bidiane," he said, in a low, eager voice, "i am not a harsh man." "yes, you are," she said, with a catching of her breath. "you are against me, and the whole bay will laugh at me,--and i thought you would be pleased." "bidiane," he muttered, casting a desperate glance about him, "i am frantic--oh, for permission to dry those tears! if i could only reveal my heart to you, but you are such a child, you would not understand." "will you do as i wish you to?" she asked, obstinately. "yes, yes, anything, my darling one." "then you will take mr. greening's place?" "oh, the baby,--you do not comprehend this question. i have talked to no one,--i know nothing,--i am not one to put myself forward." "if you are requested or elected to-night,--or whatever they call it,--will you go up to halifax to 'make the laws,' as my aunt says?" inquired bidiane, smiling slightly, and revealing to him just the tips of her glittering teeth. "yes, yes,--anything to please you." she was again about to leave him, but he detained her. "i, also, have a condition to make in this campaign of bribery. if i am nominated, and run an election, what then,--where is my reward?" she hesitated, and he hastened to dissipate the cloud overspreading her face. "never mind, i bind myself with chains, but i leave you free. go, little one, i will not detain you,--i exact nothing." "thank you," she said, soberly, and, instead of hurrying away, she stood still and watched him leaving the yard. just before he reached weymouth, he put his hand in his pocket to take out his handkerchief. to his surprise there came fluttering out with it a number of bills. he gathered them together, counted them, found that he had just forty-five dollars, and smiling and muttering, "the little sharp-eyes,--i did not think that she took in my transaction with father duvair," he went contentedly on his way. chapter xi. what election day brought forth. "oh, my companions, now should we carouse, now we should strike the ground with a free foot, now is the time to deck the temples of the gods." ode 37. horace. it was election time all through the province of nova scotia, and great excitement prevailed, for the bluenoses are nothing if not keen politicians. in the french part of the county of digby there was an unusual amount of interest taken in the election, and considerable amusement prevailed with regard to it. mr. greening had been spirited away. his unwise and untrue remark about the inhabitants of the township clare had so persistently followed him, and his anger with the three women at the sleeping water inn had at last been so stubbornly and so deeply resented by the acadiens, who are slow to arouse but difficult to quiet when once aroused, that he had been called upon to make a public apology. this he had refused to do, and the discomfited liberals had at once relegated him to private life. his prospective political career was ruined. thenceforward he would lead the life of an unostentatious citizen. he had been chased and whipped out of public affairs, as many another man has been, by an unwise sentence that had risen up against him in his day of judgment. the surprised liberals had not far to go to seek his successor. the whole french population had been stirred by the cry of an acadien for the acadiens; and agapit lenoir, _nolens volens_, but in truth quite _volens_, had been called to become the liberal nominee. there was absolutely nothing to be said against him. he was a young man,--not too young,--he was of good habits; he was well educated, well bred, and he possessed the respect not only of the population along the bay, but of many of the english residents of the other parts of the county, who had heard of the diligent young acadien lawyer of weymouth. the wise heads of the liberal party, in welcoming this new representative to their ranks, had not the slightest doubt of his success. without money, without powerful friends, without influence, except that of a blameless career, and without asking for a single vote, he would be swept into public life on a wave of public opinion. however, they did not tell him this, but in secret anxiety they put forth all their efforts towards making sure the calling and election of their other liberal candidate, who would, from the very fact of agapit's assured success, be more in danger from the machinations of the one conservative candidate that the county had returned for years. one liberal and one conservative candidate had been elected almost from time immemorial. this year, if the campaign were skilfully directed in the perilously short time remaining to them, there might be returned, on account of agapit's sudden and extraordinary popularity, two liberals and no conservative at all. agapit, in truth, knew very little about elections, although he had always taken a quiet interest in them. he had been too much occupied with his struggle for daily bread for mind and body, to be able to afford much time for outside affairs, and he showed his inexperience immediately after his informal nomination by the convention, and his legal one by the sheriff, by laying strict commands upon bidiane and her confederates that they should do no more canvassing for him. apparently they subsided, but they had gone too far to be wholly repressed, and mirabelle marie and claudine calmly carried on their work of baking enormous batches of pies and cakes, for a whole week before the election took place, and of laying in a stock of confectionery, fruit, and raisins, and of engaging sundry chickens and sides of beef, and also the ovens of neighbors to roast them in. "for men-folks," said mirabelle marie, "is like pigs; if you feed 'em high, they don' squeal." agapit did not know what bidiane was doing. she was shy and elusive, and avoided meeting him, but he strongly suspected that she was the power behind the throne in making these extensive preparations. he was not able to visit the inn except very occasionally, for, according to instructions from headquarters, he was kept travelling from one end of the county to the other, cramming himself with information _en route_, and delivering it, at first stumblingly, but always modestly and honestly, to acadien audiences, who wagged delighted heads, and vowed that this young fellow should go up to sit in parliament, where several of his race had already honorably acquitted themselves. what had they been thinking of, the last five years? formerly they had always had an acadien representative, but lately they had dropped into an easy-going habit of allowing some englishman to represent them. the english race were well enough, but why not have a man of your own race? they would take up that old habit again, and this time they would stick to it. at last the time of canvassing and lecturing was over, and the day of the election came. the sleeping water inn had been scrubbed from the attic to the cellar, every article of furniture was resplendent, and two long tables spread with every variety of dainties known to the bay had been put up in the two large front rooms of the house. in these two rooms, the smoking-room and the parlor, men were expected to come and go, eating and drinking at will,--liberal men, be it understood. the conservatives were restricted to the laundry, and claude ruefully surveyed the cold stove, the empty table, and the hard benches set apart for him and his fellow politicians. he was exceedingly confused in his mind. mirabelle marie had explained to him again and again the reason for the sudden change in her hazy beliefs with regard to the conduct of state affairs, but claude was one acadien who found it inconsistent to turn a man out of public life on account of one unfortunate word, while so many people in private life could grow, and thrive, and utter scores of unfortunate words without rebuke. however, his wife had stood over him until he had promised to vote for agapit, and in great dejection of spirit he smoked his pipe and tried not to meet the eyes of his handful of associates, who did not know that he was to withhold his small support from them. from early morn till dewy eve the contest went on between the two parties. all along the shore, and back in the settlements in the woods, men left their work, and, driving to the different polling-places, registered their votes, and then loitered about to watch others do likewise. it was a general holiday, and not an acadien and not a nova scotian would settle down to work again until the result of the election was known. bidiane early retreated to one of the upper rooms of the house, and from the windows looked down upon the crowd about the polling-booth at the corner, or crept to the staircase to listen to jubilant sounds below, for mirabelle marie and claudine were darting about, filling the orders of those who came to buy, but in general insisting on "treating" the liberal tongues and palates weary from much talking. bidiane did not see agapit, although she had heard some one say that he had gone down the bay early in the morning. she saw the conservative candidate, mr. folsom, drive swiftly by, waving his hat and shouting a hopeful response to the cheering that greeted him from some of the men at the corner, and her heart died within her at the sound. shortly before noon she descended from her watch-tower, and betook herself to the pantry, where she soberly spent the afternoon in washing dishes, only turning her head occasionally as mirabelle marie or claudine darted in with an armful of soiled cups and saucers and hurried ejaculations such as "they vow agapit'll go in. there's an awful strong party for him down the bay. every one's grinning over that story about old greening. they say we'll not know till some time in the night--bidiane, you look pale as a ghost. go lie down,--we'll manage. i never did see such a time,--and the way they drink! such thirsty throats! more lemonade glasses, biddy. it's lucky father duvair got that rum, or we'd have 'em all as drunk as goats." and the girl washed on, and looked down the road from the little pantry window, and in a fierce, silent excitement wished that the thing might soon be over, so that her throbbing head would be still. soon after five o'clock, when the legal hour for closing the polling-places arrived, they learned the majority for agapit, for he it was that obtained it in all the villages in the vicinity of sleeping water. "he's in hereabouts," shouted mirabelle marie, joyfully, as she came plunging into the pantry, "an' they say he'll git in everywheres. the ole conservative ain't gut a show at all. oh, ain't you glad, biddy?" "of course she's glad," said claudine, giving mrs. corbineau a push with her elbow, "but let her alone, can't you? she's tired, so she's quiet about it." as it grew dark, the returns from the whole, or nearly the whole county came pouring in. men mounted on horseback, or driving in light carts, came dashing up to the corner to receive the latest news from the crowd about the telephone office, and receiving it, dashed on again to impart the news to others. soon they knew quite surely, although there were some backwoods districts still to be heard from. in them the count could be pretty accurately reckoned, for it did not vary much from year to year. they could be relied on to remain liberal or conservative, as the case might be. bidiane, who had again retreated up-stairs, for nothing would satisfy her but being alone, heard, shortly after it grew quite dark, a sudden uproar of joyous and incoherent noises below. she ran to the top of the front staircase. the men, many of whom had been joined by their wives, had left the dreary polling-place, which was an unused shop, and had sought the more cheerful shelter of the inn. soft showers of rain were gently falling, but many of the excited acadiens stood heedlessly on the grass outside, or leaned from the veranda to exchange exultant cries with those of their friends who went driving by. many others stalked about the hall and front rooms, shaking hands, clapping shoulders, congratulating, laughing, joking, and rejoicing, while mirabelle marie, her fat face radiant with glee, plunged about among them like a huge, unwieldy duck, flourishing her apron, and making more noise and clatter than all the rest of the women combined. agapit was in,--in by an overwhelming majority. his name headed the lists; the other liberal candidate followed him at a respectful distance, and the conservative candidate was nowhere at all. bidiane trembled like a leaf; then, pressing her hands over her ears, she ran to hide herself in a closet. in the meantime, the back of the house was gloomy. one by one the conservatives were slipping away home; still, a few yet lingered, and sat dispiritedly looking at each other and the empty wash-tubs in the laundry, while they passed about a bottle of weak raspberry vinegar and water, which was the only beverage mirabelle and claudine had allowed them. claude, as in honor bound, sat with them until his wife, who gloried in including every one within reach in what she called her "jollifications," came bounding in, and ordered them all into the front of the house, where the proceedings of the day were to be wound up with a supper. good-humored raillery greeted claude and his small flock of conservatives when mirabelle marie came driving them in before her. "ah, joe à jack, where is thy doubloon?" called out a liberal. "thou hast lost it,--thy candidate is in the bay. it is all up with him. and thou, guillaume,--away to the shore with thee. you remember, boys, he promised to swallow a dog-fish, tail first, if agapit lenoir went in." a roar of laughter greeted this announcement, and the unfortunate guillaume was pushed into a seat, and had a glass thrust into his hand. "drink, cousin, to fortify thee for thy task. a dog-fish,--_sakerjé!_ but it will be prickly swallowing." "biddy ann, biddy ann," shrieked her aunt, up the staircase, "come and hear the good news," but bidiane, who was usually social in her instincts, was now eccentric and solitary, and would not respond. "skedaddle up-stairs and hunt her out, claudine," said mrs. corbineau; but bidiane, hearing the request, cunningly ran to the back of the house, descended the kitchen stairway, and escaped out-of-doors. she would go up to the horseshoe cottage and see rose. there, at least, it would be quiet; she hated this screaming. her small feet went pit-a-pat over the dark road. there were lights in all the windows. everybody was excited to-night. everybody but herself. she was left out of the general rejoicing, and a wave of injured feeling and of desperate dissatisfaction and bodily fatigue swept over her. and she had fancied that agapit's election would plunge her into a tumult of joy. however, she kept on her way, and dodging a party of hilarious young acadiens, who were lustily informing the neighborhood that the immortal malbrouck had really gone to the wars at last, she took to the wet grass and ran across the fields to the cottage. there were two private bridges across sleeping water just here, the comeau bridge and rose à charlitte's. bidiane trotted nimbly over the former, jumped a low stone wall, and found herself under the windows of rose's parlor. why, there was the hero of the day talking to rose! what was he doing here? she had fancied him the centre of a crowd of men,--he, speech-making, and the cynosure of all eyes,--and here he was, quietly lolling in an easy chair by the fire that rose always had on cool, rainy evenings. however, he had evidently just arrived, for his boots were muddy, and his white horse, instead of being tied to the post, was standing patiently by the door,--a sure sign that his master was not to stay long. well, she would go home. they looked comfortable in there, and they were carrying on an animated conversation. they did not want her, and, frowning impatiently, she uttered an irritable "get away!" to the friendly white horse, who, taking advantage of one of the few occasions when he was not attached to the buggy, which was the bane of his existence, had approached, and was extending a curious and sympathetically quivering nose in her direction. the horse drew back, and, moving his ears sensitively back and forth, watched her going down the path to the river. chapter xii. bidiane falls in a river. "he laid a finger under her chin, his arm for her girdle at waist was thrown; now, what will happen, and who will win, with me in the fight and my lady-love? "sleek as a lizard at round of a stone, the look of her heart slipped out and in. sweet on her lord her soft eyes shone, as innocents clear of a shade of sin." george meredith. five minutes later, agapit left rose, and, coming out-of-doors, stared about for his horse, turenne, who was nowhere to be seen. while he stood momentarily expecting to see the big, familiar white shape loom up through the darkness, he fancied that he heard some one calling his name. he turned his head towards the river. there was a fine, soft wind blowing, the sky was dull and moist, and, although the rain had ceased for a time, it was evidently going to fall again. surely he had been mistaken about hearing his name, unless turenne had suddenly been gifted with the power of speech. no,--there it was again; and now he discovered that it was uttered in the voice that, of all the voices in the world, he loved best to hear, and it was at present ejaculating, in peremptory and impatient tones, "agapit! agapit!" he precipitated himself down the hill, peering through the darkness as he went, and on the way running afoul of his white nag, who stood staring with stolid interest at a small round head beside the bridge, and two white hands that were clinging to its rustic foundations. "do help me out," said bidiane; "my feet are quite wet." agapit uttered a confused, smothered exclamation, and, stooping over, seized her firmly by the shoulders, and drew her out from the clinging embrace of sleeping water. "i never saw such a river," said bidiane, shaking herself like a small wet dog, and avoiding her lover's shocked glance. "it is just like jelly." "come up to the house," he ejaculated. "no, no; it would only frighten rose. she is getting to dislike this river, for people talk so much against it. i will go home." "then let me put you on turenne's back," said agapit, pointing to his horse as he stood curiously regarding them. "no, i might fall off--i have had enough frights for to-night," and she shuddered. "i shall run home. i never take cold. _ma foi!_ but it is good to be out of that slippery mud." agapit hurried along beside her. "how did it happen?" "i was just going to cross the bridge. the river looked so sleepy and quiet, and so like a mirror, that i wondered if i could see my face, if i bent close to it. i stepped on the bank, and it gave way under me, and then i fell in; and to save myself from being sucked down i clung to the bridge, and waited for you to come, for i didn't seem to have strength to drag myself out." agapit could not speak for a time. he was struggling with an intense emotion that would have been unintelligible to her if he had expressed it. at last he said, "how did you know that i was here?" "i saw you," said bidiane, and she slightly slackened her pace, and glanced at him from the corners of her eyes. "through the window?" "yes." "why did you not come in?" "i did not wish to do so." "you are jealous," he exclaimed, and he endeavored to take her hand. "let my hand alone,--you flatter yourself." "you were frightened there in the river, little one," he murmured. bidiane paused for an instant, and gazed over her shoulder. "your old horse is nearly on my heels, and his eyes are like carriage lamps." "back!" exclaimed agapit, to the curious and irrepressible turenne. "you say nothing of your election," remarked bidiane. "are you glad?" he drew a rapid breath, and turned his red face towards her again. "my mind is in a whirl, little cousin, and my pulses are going like hammers. you do not know what it is to sway men by the tongue. when one stands up, and speaks, and the human faces spreading out like a flower-bed change and lighten, or grow gloomy, as one wishes, it is majestic,--it makes a man feel like a deity." "you will get on in the world," said bidiane, impulsively. "you have it in you." "but must i go alone?" he said, passionately. "bidiane, you, though so much younger, you understand me. i have been happy to-day, yes, happy, for amid all the excitement, the changing faces, the buzzing of talk in my ears, there has been one little countenance before me--" "yes,--rose's." "you treat me as if i were a boy," he said, vehemently, "on this day when i was so important. why are you so flippant?" "don't be angry with me," she said, coaxingly. "angry," he muttered, in a shocked voice. "i am not angry. how could i be with you, whom i love so much?" "easily," she murmured. "i scarcely wished to see you to-day. i almost dreaded to hear you had been elected, for i thought you would be angry because we--because claudine, and my aunt, and i, talked against mr. greening, and drove him out, and suggested you. i know men don't like to be helped by women." "your efforts counted," he said, patiently, and yet with desperate haste, for they were rapidly nearing the inn, "yet you know sleeping water is a small district, and the county is large. there was in some places great dissatisfaction with mr. greening, but don't talk of him. my dear one, will you--" "you don't know the worst thing about me," she interrupted, in a low voice. "there was one dreadful thing i did." he checked an oncoming flow of endearing words, and stared at her. "you have been flirting," he said at last. "worse than that," she said, shamefacedly. "if you say first that you will forgive me, i will tell you about it--no, i will not either. i shall just tell you, and if you don't want to overlook it you need not--why, what is the matter with you?" "nothing, nothing," he muttered, with an averted face. he had suddenly become as rigid as marble, and bidiane surveyed him in bewildered surprise, until a sudden illumination broke over her, when she lapsed into nervous amusement. "you have always been very kind to me, very interested," she said, with the utmost gentleness and sweetness; "surely you are not going to lose patience now." "go on," said agapit, stonily, "tell me about this--this escapade." "how bad a thing would i have to do for you not to forgive me?" she asked. "bidiane--_de grâce_, continue." "but i want to know," she said, persistently. "suppose i had just murdered some one, and had not a friend in the world, would you stand by me?" he would not reply to her, and she went on, "i know you think a good deal of your honor, but the world is full of bad people. some one ought to love them--if you were going to be hanged to-morrow i would visit you in your cell. i would take you flowers and something to eat, and i might even go to the scaffold with you." agapit in dumb anguish, and scarcely knowing what he did, snatched his hat from his head and swung it to and fro. "you had better put on your hat," she said, amiably, "you will take cold." agapit, suddenly seized her by the shoulders and, holding her firmly, but gently, stared into her eyes that were full of tears. "ah! you amuse yourself by torturing me," he said, with a groan of relief. "you are as pure as a snowdrop, you have not been flirting." "oh, i am so angry with you for being hateful and suspicious," she said, proudly, and with a heaving bosom, and she averted her face to brush the tears from her eyes. "you know i don't care a rap for any man in the world but mr. nimmo, except the tiniest atom of respect for you." agapit at once broke into abject apologies, and being graciously forgiven, he humbly entreated her to continue the recital of her misdeeds. "it was when we began to make _bombance_" she said, in a lofty tone. "every one assured us that we must have rum, but claudine would not let us take her money for it, because her husband drank until he made his head queer and had that dreadful fall. she said to buy anything with her money but liquor. we didn't know what to do until one day a man came in and told us that if we wanted money we should go to the rich members of our party. he mentioned mr. smith, in weymouth, and i said, 'well, i will go and ask him for money to buy something for these wicked men to stop them from voting for a wretch who calls us names.' 'but you must not say that,' replied the man, and he laughed. 'you must go to mr. smith and say, "there is an election coming on, and there will be great doings at the sleeping water inn, and it ought to be painted."' 'but it has just been painted,' i said. 'never mind,' he told me, 'it must be painted.' then i understood, and claudine and i went to mr. smith, and asked him if it would not be a wise thing to paint the inn, and he laughed and said, 'by all manner of means, yes,--give it a good thick coat and make it stick on well,' and he gave us some bills." "how many?" asked agapit, for bidiane's voice was sinking lower and lower. "one hundred dollars,--just what claudine had." "and you spent it, dearest child?" "yes, it just melted away. you know how money goes. but i shall pay it back some day." "how will you get the money?" "i don't know," she said, with a sigh. "i shall try to earn it." "you may earn it now, in the quarter of a minute," he said, fatuously. "and you call yourself an honest man--you talk against bribery and corruption, you doubt poor lonely orphans when they are going to confess little peccadilloes, and fancy in your wicked heart that they have committed some awful sin!" said bidiane, in low, withering tones. "i think you had better go home, sir." they had arrived in front of the inn, and, although agapit knew that she ought to go at once and put off her wet shoes, he still lingered, and said, delightedly, in low, cautious tones, "but, bidiane, you have surely a little affection for me--and one short kiss--very short--certainly it would not be so wicked." "if you do not love a man, it is a crime to embrace him," she said, with cold severity. "then i look forward to more gracious times," he replied. "good night, little one, in twenty minutes i must be in belliveau's cove." bidiane, strangely subdued in appearance, stood watching him as, with eyes riveted on her, he extended a grasping hand towards turenne's hanging bridle. when he caught it he leaped into the saddle, and bidiane, supposing herself to be rid of him, mischievously blew him a kiss from the tips of her fingers. in a trice he had thrown himself from turenne's back and had caught her as she started to run swiftly to the house. "do not squeal, dear slippery eel," he said, laughingly, "thou hast called me back, and i shall kiss thee. now go," and he released her, as she struggled in his embrace, laughing for the first time since her capture by the river. "once i have held you in my arms--now you will come again," and shaking his head and with many a backward glance, he set off through the rain and the darkness towards his waiting friends and supporters, a few miles farther on. an hour later, claudine left the vivacious, unwearied revellers below, and went up-stairs to see whether bidiane had returned home. she found her in bed, staring thoughtfully at the ceiling. "claudine," she said, turning her brown eyes on her friend and admirer, "how did you feel when isidore asked you to marry him?" "how did i feel--_miséricorde_, how can i tell? for one thing, i wished that he would give up the drink." "but how did you feel towards him?" asked bidiane, curiously. "was it like being lost in a big river, and swimming about for ages, and having noises in your head, and some one else was swimming about trying to find you, and you couldn't touch his hand for a long time, and then he dragged you out to the shore, which was the shore of matrimony?" claudine, who found nothing in the world more delectable than bidiane's fancies, giggled with delight. then she asked her where she had spent the evening. bidiane related her adventure, whereupon claudine said, dryly, "i guess the other person in your river must be agapit lenoir." "would you marry him if he asked you?" said bidiane. "mercy, how do i know--has he said anything of me?" "no, no," replied bidiane, hastily. "he wants to marry me." "that's what i thought," said claudine, soberly. "i can't tell you what love is. you can't talk it. i guess he'll teach you if you give him a chance. he's a good man, bidiane. you'd better take him--it's an opening for you, too. he'll get on out in the world." bidiane laid her head back on her pillow, and slipped again into a hazy, dreamy condition of mind, in which the ever recurring subject of meditation was the one of the proper experience and manifestation of love between men and the women they adore. "i don't love him, yet what makes me so cross when he looks at another woman, even my beloved rose?" she murmured; and with this puzzling question bravely to the fore she fell asleep. chapter xiii. charlitte comes back. "from dawn to gloaming, and from dark to dawn, dreams the unvoiced, declining michaelmas. o'er all the orchards where a summer was the noon is full of peace, and loiters on. the branches stir not as the light airs run all day; their stretching shadows slowly pass through the curled surface of the faded grass, telling the hours of the cloudless sun." j. f. h. the last golden days of summer had come, and the acadien farmers were rejoicing in a bountiful harvest. day by day huge wagons, heaped high with grain, were driven to the threshing-mills, and day by day the stores of vegetables and fruit laid in for the winter were increased in barn and store-house. everything had done well this year, even the flower gardens, and some of the more pious of the women attributed their abundance of blossoms to the blessing of the seeds by the parish priests. agapit lenoir, who now naturally took a broader and wider interest in the affairs of his countrymen, sat on rose à charlitte's lawn, discussing matters in general. soon he would have to go to halifax for his first session of the local legislature. since his election he had come a little out of the shyness and reserve that had settled upon him in his early manhood. he was now usually acknowledged to be a rising young man, and one sure to become a credit to his nation and his province. he would be a member of the dominion parliament some day, the old people said, and in his more mature age he might even become a senator. he had obtained just what he had needed,--a start in life. everything was open to him now. with his racial zeal and love for his countrymen, he could become a representative man,--an acadien of the acadiens. then, too, he would marry an accomplished wife, who would be of great assistance to him, for it was a well-known fact that he was engaged to his lively distant relative, bidiane lenoir, the young girl who had been educated abroad by the englishman from boston. just now he was talking to this same relative, who, instead of sitting down quietly beside him, was pursuing an erratic course of wanderings about the trees on the lawn. she professed to be looking for a robin's deserted nest, but she was managing at the same time to give careful attention to what her lover was saying, as he sat with eyes fixed now upon her, now upon the bay, and waved at intervals the long pipe that he was smoking. "yes," he said, continuing his subject, "that is one of the first things i shall lay before the house--the lack of proper schoolhouse accommodation on the bay." "you are very much interested in the schoolhouses," said bidiane, sarcastically. "you have talked of them quite ten minutes." his face lighted up swiftly. "let us return, then, to our old, old subject,--will you not reconsider your cruel decision not to marry me, and go with me to halifax this autumn?" "no," said bidiane, decidedly, yet with an evident liking for the topic of conversation presented to her. "i have told you again and again that i will not. i am surprised at your asking. who would comfort our darling rose?" "possibly, i say, only possibly, she is not as dependent upon us as you imagine." "dependent! of course she is dependent. am i not with her nearly all the time. see, there she comes,--the beauty! she grows more charming every day. she is like those lovely flemish women, who are so tall, and graceful, and simple, and elegant, and whose heads are like burnished gold. i wish you could see them, agapit. mr. nimmo says they have preserved intact the admirable _naïveté_ of the women of the middle ages. their husbands are often brutal, yet they never rebel." "is _naïveté_ justifiable under those circumstances, _mignonne_?" "hush,--she will hear you. now what does that boy want, i wonder. just see him scampering up the road." he wished to see her, and was soon stumbling through a verbal message. bidiane kindly but firmly followed him in it, and, stopping him whenever he used a corrupted french word, made him substitute another for it. "no, raoul, not _j'étions_ but _j'étais_" (i was). "_petit mieux_" (a little better), "not _p'tit mieux_. _la rue_ not _la street_. _ces jeunes demoiselles_" (those young ladies), "not _ces jeunes ladies_." "they are so careless, these acadiens of ours," she said, turning to agapit, with a despairing gesture. "this boy knows good french, yet he speaks the impure. why do his people say _becker_ for _baiser_" (kiss) "and _gueule_ for _bouche_" (mouth) "and _échine_ for _dos_" (back)? "it is so vulgar!" "patience," muttered agapit, "what does he wish?" "his sister lucie wants you and me to go up to grosses coques this evening to supper. some of the d'entremonts are coming from pubnico. there will be a big wagon filled with straw, and all the young people from here are going, raoul says. it will be fun; will you go?" "yes, if it will please you." "it will," and she turned to the boy. "run home, raoul, and tell lucie that we accept her invitation. thou art not vexed with me for correcting thee?" "_nenni_" (no), said the child, displaying a dimple in his cheek. bidiane caught him and kissed him. "in the spring we will have great fun, thou and i. we will go back to the woods, and with a sharp knife tear the bark from young spruces, and eat the juicy _bobillon_ inside. then we will also find candy. canst thou dig up the fern roots and peel them until thou findest the tender morsel at the bottom?" "_oui_," laughed the child, and bidiane, after pushing him towards rose, for an embrace from her, conducted him to the gate. "is there any use in asking rose to go with us this evening?" she said, coming back to agapit, and speaking in an undertone. "no, i think not." "why is it that she avoids all junketing, and sits only with sick people?" he murmured an uneasy, unintelligible response, and bidiane again directed her attention to rose. "what are you staring at so intently, _ma chère_?" "that beautiful stranger," said rose, nodding towards the bay. "it is a new sail." "every woman on the bay knows the ships but me," said bidiane, discontentedly. "i have got out of it from being so long away." "and why do the girls know the ships?" asked agapit. bidiane discreetly refused to answer him. "because they have lovers on board. your lover stays on shore, little one." "and poor rose looks over the sea," said bidiane, dreamily. "i should think that you might trust me now with the story of her trouble, whatever it is, but you are so reserved, so fearful of making wild statements. you don't treat me as well even as you do a business person,--a client is it you call one?" agapit smiled happily. "marry me, then, and in becoming your advocate i will deal plainly with you as a client, and state fully to you all the facts of this case." "i daresay we shall have frightful quarrels when we are married," said bidiane, cheerfully. "i daresay." "just see how rose stares at that ship." "she is a beauty," said agapit, critically, "and foreign rigged." there was "a free wind" blowing, and the beautiful stranger moved like a graceful bird before it. rose--the favorite occupation in whose quiet life was to watch the white sails that passed up and down the bay--still kept her eyes fixed on it, and presently said, "the stranger is pointing towards sleeping water." "i will get the marine glass," said bidiane, running to the house. "she is putting out a boat," said rose, when she came back. "she is coming in to the wharf." "allow me to see for one minute, rose," said agapit, and he extended his hand for the glass; then silently watched the sailors running about and looking no larger than ants on the distant deck. "they are not going to the wharf," said bidiane. "they are making for that rock by the inn bathing-house. perhaps they will engage in swimming." a slight color appeared in rose's cheeks, and she glanced longingly at the glass that agapit still held. the mystery of the sea and the magic of ships and of seafaring lives was interwoven with her whole being. she felt an intense gentle interest in the strange sail and the foreign sailors, and nothing would have given her greater pleasure than to have shown them some kindness. "i wish," she murmured, "that i were now at the inn. they should have a jug of cream, and some fresh fruit." the horseshoe cottage being situated on rising ground, a little beyond the river, afforded the three people on the lawn an uninterrupted view of the movements of the boat. while bidiane prattled on, and severely rebuked agapit for his selfishness in keeping the glass to himself, rose watched the boat touching the big rocks, where one man sprang from it, and walked towards the inn. she could see his figure in the distance, looking at first scarcely larger than a black lead pencil, but soon taking on the dimensions of a rather short, thick-set man. he remained stationary on the inn veranda for a few minutes, then, leaving it, he passed down the village street. "it is some stranger from abroad, asking his way about," said bidiane; "one of the numerous comeau tribe, no doubt. oh, i hope he will go on the drive to-night." "why, i believe he is coming here," she exclaimed, after another period of observation of the stranger's movements; "he is passing by all the houses. yes, he is turning in by the cutting through the hill. who can he be?" rose and agapit, grown strangely silent, did not answer her, and, without thinking of examining their faces, she kept her eyes fixed on the man rapidly approaching them. "he is neither old nor young," she said, vivaciously. "yes, he is, too,--he is old. his hair is quite gray. he swaggers a little bit. i think he must be the captain of the beautiful stranger. there is an indefinable something about him that doesn't belong to a common sailor; don't you think so, agapit?" her red head tilted itself sideways, yet she still kept a watchful eye on the newcomer. she could now see that he was quietly dressed in dark brown clothes, that his complexion was also brown, his eyes small and twinkling, his lips thick, and partly covered by a short, grizzled mustache. he wore on his head a white straw hat, that he took off when he neared the group. his face was now fully visible, and there was a wild cry from rose. "ah, charlitte, charlitte,--you have come back!" chapter xiv. bidiane receives a shock. "whate'er thy lot, whoe'er thou be,- confess thy folly, kiss the rod, and in thy chastening sorrow, see the hand of god." montgomery. bidiane flashed around upon her companions. rose--pale, trembling, almost unearthly in a beauty from which everything earthly and material seemed to have been purged away--stood extending her hands to the wanderer, her only expression one of profound thanksgiving for his return. agapit, on the contrary, sat stock-still, his face convulsed with profound and bitter contempt, almost with hatred; and bidiane, in speechless astonishment, stared from him to the others. charlitte was not dead,--he had returned; and rose was not surprised,--she was even glad to see him! what did it mean, and where was mr. nimmo's share in this reunion? she clenched her hands, her eyes filled with despairing tears, and, in subdued anger, she surveyed the very ordinary-looking man, who had surrendered one of his brown hands to rose, in pleased satisfaction. "you are more stunning than ever, rose," he said, coolly kissing her; "and who is this young lady?" and he pointed a sturdy forefinger at bidiane, who stood in the background, trembling in every limb. "it is bidiane lenoir, charlitte, from up the bay. bidiane, come shake hands with my husband." "i forbid," said agapit, calmly. he had recovered himself, and, with a face as imperturbable as that of the sphinx, he now sat staring up into the air. "agapit," said rose, pleadingly, "will you not greet my husband after all these years?" "no," he said, "i will not," and coolly taking up his pipe he lighted it, turned away from them, and began to smoke. rose, with her blue eyes dimmed with tears, looked at her husband. "do not be displeased. he will forgive in time; he has been a brother to me all the years that you have been away." charlitte understood agapit better than she did, and, shrugging his shoulders as if to beg her not to distress herself, he busied himself with staring at bidiane, whose curiosity and bewilderment had culminated in a kind of stupefaction, in which she stood surreptitiously pinching her arm in order to convince herself that this wonderful reappearance was real,--that the man sitting so quietly before her was actually the husband of her beloved rose. charlitte's eyes twinkled mischievously, as he surveyed her. "were you ever shipwrecked, young lady?" he asked. bidiane shuddered, and then, with difficulty, ejaculated, "no, never." "i was," said charlitte, unblushingly, "on a cannibal island. all the rest of the crew were eaten. i was the only one spared, and i was left shut up in a hut in a palm grove until six months ago, when a passing ship took me off and brought me to new york." bidiane, by means of a vigorous effort, was able to partly restore her mind to working order. should she believe this man or not? she felt dimly that she did not like him, yet she could not resist rose's touching, mute entreaty that she should bestow some recognition on the returned one. therefore she said, confusedly, "those cannibals, where did they live?" "in the south sea islands, 'way yonder," and charlitte's eyes seemed to twinkle into immense distance. rose was hanging her head. this recital pained her, and before bidiane could again speak, she said, hurriedly, "do not mention it. our lord and the blessed virgin have brought you home. ah! how glad father duvair will be, and the village." "good heavens!" said charlitte. "do you think i care for the village. i have come to see you." for the first time rose shrank from him, and agapit brought down his eyes from the sky to glance keenly at him. "charlitte," faltered rose, "there have been great changes since you went away. i--i--" and she hesitated, and looked at bidiane. bidiane shrank behind a spruce-tree near which she was standing, and from its shelter looked out like a small red squirrel of an inquiring turn of mind. she felt that she was about to be banished, and in the present dazed state of her brain she dreaded to be alone. agapit's inexorable gaze sought her out, and, taking his pipe from his mouth, he sauntered over to her. "wilt thou run away, little one? we may have something to talk of not fit for thy tender ears." "yes, i will," she murmured, shocked into unexpected submission by the suppressed misery of his voice. "i will be in the garden," and she darted away. the coast was now clear for any action the new arrival might choose to take. his first proceeding was to stare hard at agapit, as if he wished that he, too, would take himself away; but this agapit had no intention of doing, and he smoked on imperturbably, pretending not to see charlitte's irritated glances, and keeping his own fixed on the azure depths of the sky. "you mention changes," said charlitte, at last, turning to his wife. "what changes?" "you have just arrived, you have heard nothing,--and yet there would be little to hear about me, and sleeping water does not change much,--yet--" charlitte's cool glance wandered contemptuously over that part of the village nearest them. "it is dull here,--as dull as the cannibal islands. i think moss would grow on me if i stayed." "but it would break my heart to leave it," said rose, desperately. "i would take good care of you," he said, jocularly. "we would go to new orleans. you would amuse yourself well. there are young men there,--plenty of them,--far smarter than the boys on the bay." rose was in an agony. with frantic eyes she devoured the cool, cynical face of her husband, then, with a low cry, she fell on her knees before him. "charlitte, charlitte, i must confess." charlitte at once became intensely interested, and forgot to watch agapit, who, however, got up, and, savagely biting his pipe, strolled to a little distance. "i have done wrong, my husband," sobbed rose. charlitte's eyes twinkled. was he going to hear a confession of guilt that would make his own seem lighter? "forgive me, forgive me," she moaned. "my heart is glad that you have come back, yet, oh, my husband, i must tell you that it also cries out for another." "for agapit?" he said, kindly, stroking her clenched hands. "no,--no, no, for a stranger. you know i never loved you as a woman should love her husband. i was so young when i married. i thought only of attending to my house. then you went away; i was sorry, so sorry, when news came of your death, but my heart was not broken. five years ago this stranger came, and i felt--oh, i cannot tell you--but i found what this love was. then i had to send him away, but, although he was gone, he seemed to be still with me. i thought of him all the time,--the wind seemed to whisper his words in my ear as i walked. i saw his handsome face, his smiling eyes. i went daily over the paths his feet used to take. after a long, long time, i was able to tear him from my mind. now i know that i shall never see him again, that i shall only meet him after i die, yet i feel that i belong to him, that he belongs to me. oh, my husband, this is love, and is it right that, feeling so, i should go with you?" "who is this man?" asked charlitte. "what is he called?" rose winced. "vesper is his name; vesper nimmo,--but do not let us talk of him. i have put him from my mind." "did he make love to you?" "oh, yes; but let us pass that over,--it is wicked to talk of it now." charlitte, who was not troubled with any delicacy of feeling, was about to put some searching and crucial questions to her, but forbore, moved, despite himself, by the anguish and innocence of the gaze bent upon him. "where is he now?" "in paris. i have done wrong, wrong," and she again buried her face in her hands, and her whole frame shook with emotion. "having had one husband, it would have been better to have thought only of him. i do not think one should marry again, unless--" "nonsense," said charlitte, abruptly. "the fellow should have married you. he got tired, i guess. by this time he's had half a dozen other fancies." rose shrank from him in speechless horror, and, seeing it, charlitte made haste to change the subject of conversation. "where is the boy?" "he is with him," she said, hurriedly. "that was pretty cute in you," said charlitte, with a good-natured vulgar laugh. "you were afraid i'd come home and take him from you,--you always were a little fool, rose. get up off the grass, and sit down, and don't distress yourself so. this isn't a hanging matter, and i'm not going to bully you; i never did." "no, never," she said, with a fresh outburst of tears. "you were always kind, my husband." "i think our marriage was all a mistake," he said, good-humoredly, "but we can't undo it. i knew you never liked me,--if you had, i might never--that is, things might have been different. tell me now when that fool, agapit, first began to set you against me?" "he has not set me against you, my husband; he rarely speaks of you." "when did you first find out that i wasn't dead?" said charlitte, persistently; and rose, who was as wax in his hands, was soon saying, hesitatingly, "i first knew that he did not care for you when mr. nimmo went away." "how did you know?" "he broke your picture, my husband,--oh, do not make me tell what i do not wish to." "how did he break it?" asked charlitte, and his face darkened. "he struck it with his hand,--but i had it mended." "he was mad because i was keeping you from the other fellow. then he told you that you had better give him the mitten?" "yes," said rose, sighing heavily, and sitting mute, like a prisoner awaiting sentence. "you have not done quite right, rose," said her husband, mildly, "not quite right. it would have been better for you to have given that stranger the go by. he was only amusing himself. still, i can't blame you. you're young, and mighty fine looking, and you've kept on the straight through your widowhood. i heard once from some sailors how you kept the young fellows off, and you always said you'd had a good husband. i shall never forget that you called me good, rose, for there are some folks that think i am pretty bad." "then they are evil folks," she said, tremulously; "are we not all sinners? does not our lord command us to forgive those who repent?" a curious light came into charlitte's eyes, and he put his tongue in his cheek. then he went on, calmly. "i'm on my way from turk's island to saint john, new brunswick,--i've got a cargo of salt to unload there, and, 'pon my word, i hadn't a thought of calling here until i got up in the bay, working towards petit passage. i guess it was old habit that made me run for this place, and i thought i'd give you a call, and see if you were moping to death, and wanted to go away with me. if you do, i'll be glad to have you. if not, i'll not bother you." a deadly faintness came over rose. "charlitte, are you not sorry for your sin? ah! tell me that you repent. and will you not talk to father duvair? so many quiet nights i think of you and pray that you may understand that you are being led into this wickedness. that other woman,--she is still living?" "what other woman? oh, lord, yes,--i thought that fool agapit had had spies on me." rose was so near fainting that she only half comprehended what he said. "i wish you'd come with me," he went on, jocosely. "if you happened to worry i'd send you back to this dull little hole. you're not going to swoon, are you? here, put your head on this," and he drew up to her a small table on which bidiane had been playing solitaire. "you used not to be delicate." "i am not now," she whispered, dropping her head on her folded arms, "but i cannot hold myself up. when i saw you come, i thought it was to say you were sorry. now--" "come, brace up, rose," he said, uneasily. "i'll sit down beside you for awhile. there's lots of time for me to repent yet," and he chuckled shortly and struck his broad chest with his fist. "i'm as strong as a horse; there's nothing wrong with me, except a little rheumatism, and i'll outgrow that. i'm only fifty-two, and my father died at ninety. come on, girl,--don't cry. i wish i hadn't started this talk of taking you away. you'd be glad of it, though, if you'd go. listen till i tell you what a fine place new orleans is--" rose did not listen to him. she still sat with her flaxen head bowed on her arms, that rested on the little table. she was a perfect picture of silent, yet agitated distress. "you are not praying, are you?" asked her husband, in a disturbed manner. "i believe you are. come, i'll go away." for some time there was no movement in the half prostrated figure, then the head moved slightly, and charlitte caught a faint sentence, "repent, my husband." "yes, i repent," he said, hastily. "good lord, i'll do anything. only cheer up and let me out of this." the grief-stricken rose pushed back the hair from her tear-stained face and slowly raised her head from her arms. it was only necessary for her to show that face to her husband. so impressed was it with the stamp of intense anguish of mind, of grief for his past delinquencies of conduct, of a sorrow nobly, quietly borne through long years, that even he--callous, careless, and thoughtless--was profoundly moved. for a long time he was silent. then his lip trembled and he turned his head aside. "'pon my word, rose,--i didn't think you'd fret like this. i'll do better; let me go now." one of her hands stole with velvety clasp to his brown wrists, and while the gentle touch lasted he sat still, listening with an averted face to the words whispered in his ear. agapit, in the meantime, was walking in the garden with bidiane. he had told her all that she wished to know with regard to the recreant husband, and in a passionate, resentful state of mind she was storming to and fro, scarcely knowing what she said. "it is abominable, treacherous!--and we stand idly here. go and drive him away, agapit. he should not be allowed to speak to our spotless rose. i should think that the skies would fall--and i spoke to him, the traitor! go, agapit,--i wish you would knock him down." agapit, with an indulgent glance, stood at a little distance from her, softly murmuring, from time to time, "you are very young, bidiane." "young! i am glad that i am young, so that i can feel angry. you are stolid, unfeeling. you care nothing for rose. i shall go myself and tell that wretch to his face what i think of him." she was actually starting, but agapit caught her gently by the arm. "bidiane, restrain yourself," and drawing her under the friendly shade of a solitary pine-tree that had been left when the garden was made, he smoothed her angry cheeks and kissed her hot forehead. "you condone his offence,--you, also, some day, will leave me for some woman," she gasped. "this from you to me," he said, quietly and proudly, "when you know that we acadiens are proud of our virtue,--of the virtue of our women particularly; and if the women are pure, it is because the men are so." "rose cannot love that demon," exclaimed bidiane. "no, she does not love him, but she understands what you will understand when you are older,--the awful sacredness of the marriage tie. think of one of the sentences that she read to us last sunday from thomas à kempis: 'a pure heart penetrates heaven and hell.' she has been in a hell of suffering herself. i think when in it she wished her husband were dead. her charity is therefore infinite towards him. her sins of thought are equal in her chastened mind to his sins of body." "but you will not let her go away with him?" "she will not wish to go, my treasure. she talks to him, and repent, repent, is, i am sure, the burden of her cry. you do not understand that under her gentleness is a stern resolve. she will be soft and kind, yet she would die rather than live with charlitte or surrender her child to him." "but he may wish to stay here," faltered bidiane. "he will not stay with her, _chérie_. she is no longer a girl, but a woman. she is not resentful, yet charlitte has sinned deeply against her, and she remembers,--and now i must return to her. charlitte has little delicacy of feeling, and may stay too long." "wait a minute, agapit,--is it her money that he is after?" "no, little one, he is not mercenary. he would not take money from a woman. he also would not give her any unless she begged him to do so. i think that his visit is a mere caprice that, however, if humored, would degenerate into a carrying away of rose,--and now _au revoir_." bidiane, in her excited, overstrained condition of mind, bestowed one of her infrequent caresses on him, and agapit, in mingled surprise and gratification, found a pair of loving arms flung around his neck, and heard a frantic whisper: "if you ever do anything bad, i shall kill you; but you will not, for you are good." "thank you. if i am faithless you may kill me," and, reluctantly leaving her, he strode along the summit of the slight hill on which the house stood, until he caught sight of the tableau on the lawn. charlitte was just leaving his wife. his head was hanging on his breast; he looked ashamed of himself, and in haste to be gone, yet he paused and cast an occasional stealthy and regretful glance at rose, who, with a face aglow with angelic forgiveness, seemed to be bestowing a parting benediction on him. the next time that he lifted his head, his small, sharp eyes caught sight of agapit, whereupon he immediately snatched his hand from rose, and hastily began to descend the hill towards the river. rose remained standing, and silently watched him. she did not look at agapit,--her eyes were riveted on her husband. something within her seemed to cry out as his feet carried him down the hill to the brink of the inexorable stream, where the bones of so many of his countrymen lay. "_adieu_, my husband," she called, suddenly and pleadingly, "thou wilt not forget." charlitte paused just before he reached the bridge, and, little dreaming that his feet were never to cross its planks, he swept a glance over the peaceful bay, the waiting boat, and the beautiful ship. then he turned and waved his hand to his wife, and for one instant, they remembered afterwards, he put a finger on his breast, where lay a crucifix that she had just given him. "_adjheu_, rose," he called, loudly, "i will remember." at the same minute, however, that the smile of farewell lighted up his face, an oath slipped to his lips, and he stepped back from the bridge. chapter xv. the beautiful stranger goes away without her captain. "repentance is the relinquishment of any practice from the conviction that it has offended god. sorrow, fear, and anxiety are properly not parts but adjuncts of repentance, yet they are too closely connected with it to be easily separated." --_rambler._ charlitte did not plan to show himself at all in sleeping water. he possessed a toughened conscience and moral fibre calculated to stand a considerably heavy strain, yet some blind instinct warned him that he had better seek no conversation with his friends of former days. for this reason he had avoided the corner on his way to rose's house, but he had not been able to keep secret the news of his arrival. some women at the windows had recognized him, and a few loungers at the corner had strolled down to his boat, and had conversed with the sailors, who, although norwegians, yet knew enough english to tell their captain's name, which, according to a custom prevailing among acadiens, was simply the french name turned into english. charlitte de forêt had become charlitte forrest. emmanuel de la rive was terribly excited. he had just come from the station with the afternoon mail, and, on hearing that charlitte was alive, and had actually arrived, he had immediately put himself at the head of a contingent of men, who proposed to go up to the cottage and ascertain the truth of the case. if it were so,--and it must be so,--what a wonderful, what an extraordinary occurrence! sleeping water had never known anything like this, and he jabbered steadily all the way up to the cottage. charlitte saw them coming,--this crowd of old friends, headed by the mail-driver in the red jacket, and he looked helplessly up at rose. "come back," she called; "come and receive your friends with me." charlitte, however, glanced at agapit, and preferred to stay where he was, and in a trice emmanuel and the other men and boys were beside him, grasping his hands, vociferating congratulations on his escape from death, and plying him with inquiries as to the precise quarter of the globe in which the last few years of his existence had been passed. charlitte, unable to stave off the questions showered upon him, was tortured by a desire to yield to his rough and sailorlike sense of humor, and entertain himself for a few minutes at the expense of his friends by regaling them with his monstrous yarns of shipwreck and escape from the cannibal islands. something restrained him. he glanced up at rose, and saw that she had lost hope of his returning to her. she was gliding down the hill towards him,--a loving, anxious, guardian angel. he could not tell lies in her presence. "come, boys," he said, with coarse good nature. "come on to my ship, i'll take you all aboard." emmanuel, in a perfect intoxication of delight and eager curiosity, crowded close to charlitte, as the throng of men and boys turned and began to surge over the bridge, and the hero of the moment, his attention caught by the bright jacket, singled emmanuel out for special attention, and even linked his arm in his as they went. bidiane, weary of her long stay in the garden, at that minute came around the corner of the house on a reconnoitring expedition. her brown eyes took in the whole scene,--rose hurrying down the hill, agapit standing silently on it, and the swarm of men surrounding the newcomer like happy buzzing bees, while they joyfully escorted him away from the cottage. this was the picture for an instant before her, then simultaneously with a warning cry from agapit,--"the bridge, _mon dieu_! do not linger on it; you are a strong pressure!"--there was a sudden crash, a brief and profound silence, then a great splashing, accompanied by shouts and cries of astonishment. the slight rustic structure had given way under the unusually heavy weight imposed upon it, and a score or two of the men of sleeping water were being subjected to a thorough ducking. however, they were all used to the water, their lives were partly passed on the sea, and they were all accomplished swimmers. as one head after another came bobbing up from the treacherous river, it was greeted with cries and jeers from dripping figures seated on the grass, or crawling over the muddy banks. célina ran from the house, and jovite from the stable, both shrieking with laughter. only agapit looked grave, and, snatching a hammock from a tree, he ran down the hill to the place where rose stood with clasped hands. "where is charlitte?" she cried, "and emmanuel?--they were close together; i do not see them." a sudden hush followed her words. every man sprang to his feet. emmanuel's red jacket was nowhere to be seen,--in the first excitement they had not missed him,--neither was charlitte visible. they must be still at the bottom of the river, locked in a friendly embrace. rose's wild cry pierced the hearts of her fellow countrymen, and in an instant some of the dripping figures were again in the river. agapit was one of the most expert divers present, and he at once took off his coat and his boots. bidiane threw herself upon him, but he pushed her aside and, putting his hands before him, plunged down towards the exact spot where he had last seen charlitte. the girl, in wild terror, turned to rose, who stood motionless, her lips moving, her eyes fixed on the black river. "ah, god! there is no bottom to it,--rose, rose, call him back!" rose did not respond, and bidiane ran frantically to and fro on the bank. the muddy water was splashed up in her face, there was a constant appearance of heads, and disappearance of feet. her lover would be suffocated there below, he stayed so long,--and in her despair she was in danger of slipping in herself, until rose came to her rescue and held her firmly by her dress. after a space of time, that seemed interminably long, but that in reality lasted only a few minutes, there was a confused disturbance of the surface of the water about the remains of the wrecked bridge. then two or three arms appeared,--a muddy form encased in a besmeared bright jacket was drawn out, and willing hands on the bank received it, and in desperate haste made attempts at resuscitation. "go, célina, to the house,--heat water and blankets," said rose, turning her deathly pale face towards her maid; "and do you, lionel and sylvain, kindly help her. run, jovite, and telephone for a doctor--oh, be quick! ah, charlitte, charlitte!" and with a distracted cry she fell on her knees beside the inanimate drenched form laid at her feet. tears rained down her cheeks, yet she rapidly and skilfully superintended the efforts made for restoration. her hands assisted in raising the inert back. she feverishly lifted the silent tongue, and endeavored to force air to the choked lungs, and her friends, with covert pitying glances, zealously assisted her. "there is no hope, rose," said agapit, at last. "you are wasting your strength, and keeping these brave fellows in their wet clothes." her face grew stony, yet she managed to articulate, "but i have heard even if after the lapse of hours,--if one works hard--" "there is no hope," he said, again. "we found him by the bank. there was timber above him, he was suffocated in mud." she looked up at him piteously, then she again burst into tears, and threw herself across the body. "go, dear friends,--leave me alone with him. oh, charlitte, charlitte!--that i should have lived to see this day." "emmanuel is also dead," said agapit, in a low voice. "emmanuel,--good, kind emmanuel,--the beloved of all the village; not so--" and she painfully lifted her head and stared at the second prostrate figure. the men were all standing around him weeping. they were not ashamed of their tears,--these kind-hearted, gentle acadiens. such a calamity had seldom befallen their village. it was equal to the sad wrecks of winter. rose's overwrought brain gave way as she gazed, and she fell senseless by charlitte's dead body. agapit carried her to the house, and laid her in her bed in the room that she was not to leave for many days. "this is an awful time," said célina, sobbing bitterly, and addressing the mute and terrified bidiane. "let us pray for the souls of those poor men who died without the last sacraments." "let us pray rather for the soul of one who repented on his death-bed," muttered agapit, staring with white lips at the men who were carrying the body of charlitte into one of the lower rooms of the house. chapter xvi. an acadien festival. "vive jésus! vive jésus! avec la croix, son cher partage. vive jésus! dans les coeurs de tous les élus! portons la croix. * * * * * sans choix, sans ennui, sans murmure, portons la croix! quoique très amère et très dure, malgré les sens et la nature, portons la croix!" --_acadien song._ charlitte had been in his grave for nearly two years. he slept peacefully in the little green cemetery hard by the white church where a slender, sorrowful woman came twice every week to hear a priest repeat masses for the repose of his soul. he slept on and gave no sign, and his countrymen came and went above him, reflecting occasionally on their own end, but mostly, after the manner of all men, allowing their thoughts to linger rather on matters pertaining to time than on those of eternity. one fifteenth of august--the day consecrated by acadiens all over canada to the memory of their forefathers--had come and gone, and another had arrived. this day was one of heavenly peace and calm. the sky was faintly, exquisitely blue, and so placid was the bay that the occupants of the boats crossing from digby neck to some of the churches in frenchtown were forced to take in their sails, and apply themselves to their oars. since early morning the roads of the parish in which sleeping water is situated had been black with people, and now at ten o'clock some two thousand acadiens were assembled about the doors of the old church at pointe à l'eglise. there was no talking, no laughing. in unbroken silence they waited for the sound of the bell, and when it came they flocked into the church, packing it full, and overflowing out to the broad flight of steps, where they knelt in rows and tried to obtain glimpses over each other's shoulders of the blue and white decorations inside, and of the altar ablaze with lights. the priests from the college and glebe-house, robed in handsome vestments, filed out from the vestry, and, quietly approaching the silken banners standing against the low gallery, handed them to representatives of different societies connected with the church. the children of the guardian angel received the picture of their patron saint, and, gathering around it, fluttered soberly out to the open air through the narrow lane left among the kneeling worshippers. the children of the society of mary followed them, their white-clad and veiled figures clustering about the pale, pitying virgin carried by two of their number. a banner waving beside her bore the prayer, "_marie, priez pour nous_" (mary, pray for us), and, as if responding to the petition, her two hands were extended in blessing over them. after the troop of snowy girls walked the black sisters in big bonnets and drooping shawls, and the brown sisters, assistants to the eudists, who wore black veils with white flaps against their pale faces. then came the priests, altar boys, and all the congregation. until they left the church the organ played an accompaniment to their chanting. on the steps a young deacon put a cornet to his lips, and, taking up the last note of the organ, prolonged it into a vigorous leadership of the singing: ave maris stella, dei mater alma, atque semper virgo felix coeli porta. as the congregation sang, they crossed the road to the gates of the college grounds, and divided into two parts, the men, with heads uncovered, going one side, and the women on the other. above the gate-posts waved two flags, the union jack and the acadien national flag,--a french tricolor, crossed by a blue stripe, and pierced with a yellow star. slowly and solemnly the long array of men and women passed by the glebe-house and the white marble tomb of the good abbé, whose life was given to the acadiens of the bay saint-mary. the hymns sung by the priests at the head of the procession floated back to the congregation in the rear, and at the moment when the singing was beginning to die away in the distance and the procession was winding out of sight behind the big college, two strangers suddenly appeared on the scene. they were a slender, elegant man and a beautiful lad of a clear, healthy pallor of skin. the man, with a look of grave, quiet happiness on his handsome face, stepped from the carriage in which they were driving, fastened his horse to a near fence, and threw a longing glance after the disappearing procession. "if we hurry, narcisse," he said, "we shall be able to overtake them." the lad at once placed himself beside him, and together they went on their way towards the gates. "do you remember it?" asked the man, softly, as the boy lifted his hat when they passed by the door of the silent, decorated church. "yes, perfectly," he said, with a sweet, delicate intonation of voice. "it seems as if my mother must be kneeling there." vesper's brow and cheeks immediately became suffused with crimson. "she is probably on ahead. we will find out. if she is not, we shall drive at once to sleeping water." they hurried on silently. the procession was now moving through another gate, this one opening on the point of land where are the ruins of the first church that the good abbé built on the bay. beside its crumbling ruins and the prostrate altarstones a new, fresh altar had been put up,--this one for temporary use. it was a veritable bower of green amid which bloomed many flowers, the fragile nurslings of the sisters in the adjacent convent. before this altar the priests and deacons knelt for an instant on colored rugs, then, while the people gathered closely around them, an acadien abbé from the neighboring province of new brunswick ascended the steps of the altar, and, standing beside the embowered virgin mother, special patron and protectress of his race, he delivered a fervent panegyric on the ancestors of the men and women before him. while he recounted the struggles and trials of the early acadiens, many of his hearers wept silently, but when this second good abbé eloquently exhorted them not to linger too long on a sad past, but to gird themselves for a glorious future, to be constant to their race and to their religion, their faces cleared,--they were no longer a prey to mournful recollections. vesper, holding his hat in his hand, and closely accompanied by narcisse, moved slowly nearer and nearer to a man who stood with his face half hidden by his black hat. it was agapit, and at vesper's touch he started slightly, then, for he would not speak on this solemn occasion, he extended a hand that was grasped in the firm and enduring clasp of a friendship that would not again be broken. vesper would never forget that, amid all the bustle and confusion succeeding charlitte's death, agapit had found time to send him a cable message,--"charlitte is dead." after communicating with agapit, vesper drew the boy nearer to him, and fell back a little. he was inexpressibly moved. a few years ago he would have called this "perverted christianity--mariolatry." now, now--"o god!" he muttered, "my pure saint, she has genuine piety," and under wet lashes he stole a glance at one form, preëminently beautiful among the group of straight and slim young acadien women beyond him. she was there,--his heart's delight, his treasure. she was his. the holy, rapt expression would give place to one more earthly, more self-conscious. he would not surrender her to heaven just yet,--but still, would it not be heaven on earth to be united to her? she did not know that he was near. in complete oblivion of her surroundings she followed the singing of the tantum ergo. when the benediction was over, she lifted her bowed head, her eyes turned once towards the cemetery. she was thinking of charlitte. the sensitive narcisse trembled. the excess of melancholy and sentimental feeling about him penetrated to his soul, and vesper withdrew with him to the edge of the crowd. then before the procession re-formed to march back to the church, they took up their station by the college gates. all the acadiens saw him there as they approached,--all but rose. she only raised her eyes from her prayer-book to fix them on the sky. she alone of the women seemed to be so wholly absorbed in a religious fervor that she did not know where she was going nor what she was doing. some of the acadiens looked doubtfully at vesper. since the death of her husband, whose treachery towards her had in some way been discovered, she had been regarded more than ever as a saint,--as one set apart for prayer and meditation almost as much as if she had been consecrated to them. would she give up her saintly life for marriage with the englishman? would she do it? surely this holy hour was the wrong time to ask her, and they waited breathlessly until they reached the gates where the procession was to break up. there she discovered vesper. in the face of all the congregation he had stepped up and was holding out his hand to her. she did not hesitate an instant. she did not even seem to be surprised. an expression of joyful surrender sprang to her face; in silent, solemn ecstasy she took her lover's hand, and, throwing her arm around the neck of her recovered child, she started with them on the long road down the bay. [illustration: "throwing her arm around the neck of her recovered child."] * * * * * all this happened a few years ago, but the story is yet going on. if you come from boston to-day, and take your wheel or carriage at yarmouth,--for the strong winds blow one up and not down the bay,--you will, after passing through salmon river, chéticamp, meteghan, saulnierville, and other places, come to the swinging sign of the sleeping water inn. there, if you stop, you will be taken good care of by claudine and mirabelle marie,--who is really a vastly improved woman. perhaps among all the two hundred thousand acadiens scattered throughout the maritime provinces of canada there is not a more interesting inn than that of sleeping water. they will give you good meals and keep your room tidy, and they will also show you--if you are really interested in the acadien french--a pretty cottage in the form of a horseshoe that was moved bodily away from the wicked sleeping water river and placed in a flat green field by the shore. to it, you will be informed, comes every year a family from boston, consisting of an englishman and his wife, his mother and two children. they will describe the family to you, or perhaps, if it is summer-time, you may see the englishman himself, riding a tall bay horse and looking affectionately at a beautiful lad who accompanies him on a glossy black steed rejoicing in the name of toochune. the englishman is a man of wealth and many schemes. he has organized a company for the planting and cultivation of trees along the shore of the charming, but certainly wind-swept bay. he also is busy now surveying the coast for the carrying out of his long-cherished plan of an electric railway running along the shore. he will yet have it, the acadiens say, but in the meantime he amuses himself by viewing the land and interviewing the people, and when he is weary he rides home to the cottage where his pale, fragile mother is looking eagerly for her adopted, idolized grandchild narcisse, and where his wife sits by the window and waits for him. as she waits she often smiles and gazes down at her lap where lies a tiny creature,--a little girl whose eyes and mouth are her own, but whose hair is the hair of vesper. perhaps you will go to sleeping water by the train. if so, do not look out for the red coat which always used to be the distinguishing mark of this place, and do not mention emmanuel's name to the woman who keeps the station, nor to her husband, for they were very fond of him, and if you speak of the red-jacketed mail-man they will turn aside to hide their tears. nannichette and her husband have come out of the woods and live by the shore. mirabelle marie has persuaded the former to go to mass with her. the indian in secret delight says nothing, but occasionally he utters a happy grunt. bidiane and her husband live in weymouth. their _ménage_ is small and unambitious as yet, in order that they may do great things in the future, bidiane says. she is absolutely charming when she ties a handkerchief on her head and sweeps out her rooms; and sometimes she cooks. often at such times she scampers across a yard that separates her from her husband's office, and, after looking in his window to make sure that he is alone, she flies in, startles and half suffocates him by throwing her arms around his neck and stuffing in his mouth or his pocket some new and delectable dainty known only to herself and the cook-book. she is very happy, and turns with delight from her winter visits to halifax, where, however, she manages to enjoy herself hugely, to her summer on the bay, when she can enjoy the most congenial society in the world to her and to her husband,--that of vesper nimmo and his wife rose. the end. _selections from l. c. page and company's list of new fiction._ [illustration] selections from l. c. page and company's list of new fiction. an enemy to the king. from the recently discovered memoirs of the sieur de la tournoire. by robert neilson stephens. illustrated by h. de m. young. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.25= an historical romance of the sixteenth century, describing the adventures of a young french nobleman at the court of henry iv., and on the field with henry of navarre. the continental dragoon. a romance of philipse manor house, in 1778. by robert neilson stephens, author of "an enemy to the king." illustrated by h. c. edwards. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= a stirring romance of the revolution, the scene being laid in and around the old philipse manor house, near yonkers, which at the time of the story was the central point of the so-called "neutral territory" between the two armies. muriella; or, le selve. by ouida. illustrated by m. b. prendergast. 1 vol., library 12 mo, cloth =$1.25= this is the latest work from the pen of the brilliant author of "under two flags," "moths," etc., etc. it is the story of the love and sacrifice of a young peasant girl, told in the absorbing style peculiar to the author. the road to paris. by robert neilson stephens, author of "an enemy to the king," "the continental dragoon," etc. illustrated by h. c. edwards. (in press.) 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= an historical romance, being an account of the life of an american gentleman adventurer of jacobite ancestry, whose family early settled in the colony of pennsylvania. the scene shifts from the unsettled forests of the then west to philadelphia, new york, london, paris, and, in fact, wherever a love of adventure and a roving fancy can lead a soldier of fortune. the story is written in mr. stephens's best style, and is of absorbing interest. rose à charlitte. an acadien romance. by marshall saunders, author of "beautiful joe," etc. illustrated by h. de m. young. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= in this novel, the scene of which is laid principally in the land of evangeline, marshall saunders has made a departure from the style of her earlier successes. the historical and descriptive setting of the novel is accurate, the plot is well conceived and executed, the characters are drawn with a firm and delightful touch, and the fortunes of the heroine, rose à charlitte, a descendant of an old acadien family, will be followed with eagerness by the author's host of admirers. bobbie mcduff. by clinton ross, author of "the scarlet coat," "zuleika," etc. illustrated by b. west clinedinst. 1 vol., large 16mo, cloth =$1.00= clinton ross is well known as one of the most promising of recent american writers of fiction, and in the description of the adventures of his latest hero, bobbie mcduff, he has repeated his earlier successes. mr. ross has made good use of the wealth of material at his command. new york furnishes him the hero, sunny italy a heroine, grim russia the villain of the story, while the requirements of the exciting plot shift the scene from paris to new york, and back again to a remote, almost feudal villa on the southern coast of italy. in kings' houses. a romance of the reign of queen anne. by julia c. r. dorr, author of "a cathedral pilgrimage," etc. illustrated by frank t. merrill. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= mrs. dorr's poems and travel sketches have earned for her a distinct place in american literature, and her romance, "in kings' houses," is written with all the charm of her earlier works. the story deals with one of the most romantic episodes in english history. queen anne, the last of the reigning stuarts, is described with a strong, yet sympathetic touch, and the young duke of gloster, the "little lady," and the hero of the tale, robin sandys, are delightful characterizations. sons of adversity. a romance of queen elizabeth's time. by l. cope conford, author of "captain jacobus," etc. illustrated by j. w. kennedy. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.25= a tale of adventure on land and sea at the time when protestant england and catholic spain were struggling for naval supremacy. spanish conspiracies against the peace of good queen bess, a vivid description of the raise of the spanish siege of leyden by the combined dutch and english forces, sea fights, the recovery of stolen treasure, are all skilfully woven elements in a plot of unusual strength. the count of nideck. from the french of erckman-chatrian, translated and adapted by ralph browning fiske. illustrated by victor a. searles. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.25= a romance of the black forest, woven around the mysterious legend of the wehr wolf. the plot has to do with the later german feudal times, is brisk in action, and moves spiritedly from start to finish. mr. fiske deserves a great deal of credit for the excellence of his work. no more interesting romance has appeared recently. the making of a saint. by w. somerset maugham. illustrated by gilbert james. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= "the making of a saint" is a romance of mediæval italy, the scene being laid in the 15th century. it relates the life of a young leader of free companions who, at the close of one of the many petty italian wars, returns to his native city. there he becomes involved in its politics, intrigues, and feuds, and finally joins an uprising of the townspeople against their lord. none can resent the frankness and apparent brutality of the scenes through which the hero and his companions of both sexes are made to pass, and many will yield ungrudging praise to the author's vital handling of the truth. in the characters are mirrored the life of the italy of their day. the book will confirm mr. maugham's reputation as a strong and original writer. omar the tentmaker. a romance of old persia. by nathan haskell dole. illustrated. (in press.) 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= mr. dole's study of persian literature and history admirably equips him to enter into the life and spirit of the time of the romance, and the hosts of admirers of the inimitable quatrains of omar khayyam, made famous by fitzgerald, will be deeply interested in a tale based on authentic facts in the career of the famous persian poet. the three chief characters are omar khayyam, nizam-ul-mulk, the generous and high-minded vizier of the tartar sultan malik shah of mero, and hassan ibu sabbah, the ambitious and revengeful founder of the sect of the assassins. the scene is laid partly at naishapur, in the province of khorasan, which about the period of the first crusade was at its acme of civilization and refinement, and partly in the mountain fortress of alamut, south of the caspian sea, where the ismailians under hassan established themselves towards the close of the 11th century. human nature is always the same, and the passions of love and ambition, of religion and fanaticism, of friendship and jealousy, are admirably contrasted in the fortunes of these three able and remarkable characters as well as in those of the minor personages of the story. captain fracasse. a new translation from the french of gotier. illustrated by victor a. searles. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.25= this famous romance has been out of print for some time, and a new translation is sure to appeal to its many admirers, who have never yet had any edition worthy of the story. the rejuvenation of miss semaphore. a farcical novel. by hal godfrey. illustrated by etheldred b. barry. (in press.) 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.25= a fanciful, laughable tale of two maiden sisters of uncertain age who are induced, by their natural longing for a return to youth and its blessings, to pay a large sum for a mystical water which possesses the value of setting backwards the hands of time. no more delightfully fresh and original book has appeared since "vice versa" charmed an amused world. it is well written, drawn to the life, and full of the most enjoyable humor. midst the wild carpathians. by maurus jokai, author of "black diamonds," "the lion of janina," etc. authorized translation by r. nisbet bain. illustrated. (in press.) 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.25= a thrilling, historical, hungarian novel, in which the extraordinary dramatic and descriptive powers of the great magyar writer have full play. as a picture of feudal life in hungary it has never been surpassed for fidelity and vividness. the translation is exceedingly well done. the golden dog. a romance of quebec. by william kirby. new authorized edition. illustrated by j. w. kennedy. 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.25= a powerful romance of love, intrigue, and adventure in the time of louis xv. and mme. de pompadour, when the french colonies were making their great struggle to retain for an ungrateful court the fairest jewels in the colonial diadem of france. bijli the dancer. by james blythe patton. illustrated by horace van rinth. (in press.) 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= a novel of modern india. the fortunes of the heroine, an indian naucht girl, are told with a vigor, pathos, and a wealth of poetic sympathy that makes the book admirable from first to last. "to arms!" being some passages from the early life of allan oliphant, chirurgeon, written by himself, and now set forth for the first time. by andrew balfour. illustrated. (in press.) 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= a romance dealing with an interesting phase of scottish and english history, the jacobite insurrection of 1715, which will appeal strongly to the great number of admirers of historical fiction. the story is splendidly told, the magic circle which the author draws about the reader compelling a complete forgetfulness of prosaic nineteenth century life. mere folly. a novel. by maria louise poole, author of "in a dike shanty," etc. illustrated. (in press.) 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.25= an extremely well-written story of modern life. the interest centres in the development of the character of the heroine, a new england girl, whose high-strung temperament is in constant revolt against the confining limitations of nineteenth century surroundings. the reader's interest is held to the end, and the book will take high rank among american psychological novels. a hypocritical romance and other stories. by caroline ticknor. illustrated by j. w. kennedy. 1 vol., large 16mo, cloth =$1.00= miss ticknor, well known as one of the most promising of the younger school of american writers, has never done better work than in the majority of these clever stories, written in a delightful comedy vein. cross trails. by victor waite. illustrated. (in press.) 1 vol., library 12mo, cloth =$1.50= a spanish-american novel of unusual interest, a brilliant, dashing, and stirring story, teeming with humanity and life. mr. waite is to be congratulated upon the strength with which he has drawn his characters. a mad madonna and other stories. by l. clarkson whitelock, with eight half-tone illustrations. 1 vol., large 16mo, cloth =$1.00= a half dozen remarkable psychological stories, delicate in color and conception. each of the six has a touch of the supernatural, a quick suggestion, a vivid intensity, and a dreamy realism that is matchless in its forceful execution. on the point. a summer idyl. by nathan haskell dole, author of "not angels quite," with dainty half-tone illustrations as chapter headings. 1 vol., large 16mo, cloth =$1.00= a bright and clever story of a summer on the coast of maine, fresh, breezy, and readable from the first to the last page. the narrative describes the summer outing of a mr. merrithew and his family. the characters are all honest, pleasant people, whom we are glad to know. we part from them with the same regret with which we leave a congenial party of friends. cavalleria rusticana; or, under the shadow of etna. translated from the italian of giovanni verga, by nathan haskell dole. illustrated by etheldred b. barry. 1 vol., 16mo, cloth =$0.50= giovanni verga stands at present as unquestionably the most prominent of the italian novelists. his supremacy in the domain of the short story and in the wider range of the romance is recognized both at home and abroad. the present volume contains a selection from the most dramatic and characteristic of his sicilian tales. verga is himself a native of sicily, and his knowledge of that wonderful country, with its poetic and yet superstitious peasantry, is absolute. such pathos, humor, variety, and dramatic quality are rarely met in a single volume. transcriber's note apparent printer's errors have been retained, unless stated below. punctuation, capitalization, accents and formatting markup have been made consistent. "-" surrounding text represents italics. "=" surrounding text represents bold. "+" surrounding text represents the use of a gothic font in the original. page 64, 100, 176 and 202, changed "ecstacy" to "ecstasy" for continuity. page 120, "forthfathers" changed to "forefathers" for consistency. (our forefathers were not of grand pré.) page 163, added the missing word, "to" ("i should like to see your sister, perside.") page 220, "pantomine" changed to "pantomime". (the unfortunate watcher, in great perplexity of mind, was going through every gesture in the pantomime of distress.) page 294, "agapit" changed to "vesper". ("the doctors in boston also say it," responded vesper.) page 394, "how" changed to "now". (the earth was soft here by the lake, yet it was heavy to lift out, for the hole had now become quite deep.) page 506, "malgre" changed to "malgré". (quoique très amère et très dure, malgré les sens et la nature, portons la croix!)