item: #1 of 9 id: A25262 author: Ames, Richard, d. 1693. title: Fatal friendship, or, The Drunkards misery being a satyr against hard drinking / by the author of The search after Claret. date: 1693 words: 5337 flesch: 74 summary: Oft to a Tavern have I known go in , A knot of Friends to drink a Glass of Wine , In Love and Unity they all sit down , Now doubly welcome to each other grown ; To each Man's Health the Glass goes briskly round , And nought but Mirth and Jollity is found ; But when one Bottle ushers in another , And this Half Flask brings in his younger Brother : A Scene quite different appears , For now with Wine inflam'd each petty Jar , Will 'mongst these Friends create a Civil War ; Wine spilt by accident , an Health forgot , Or a Glass fill'd too full upon the Spot , Can set 'em altogether by the Ears ; Rascal , and Rogue , are words they use by turns , And each with Wine and Fury doubly burns ; Which , if too high wound up , perhaps proceeds , To throwing Bottles at each others Heads ; Then Swords from Scabbards are lugg'd out . But our bold Sons of Bacchus , here , Do in their practice openly appear ; Who , on you , when they force the Glass , or Cup , Pale Poyson , in Disguise of Wine you sup ; Yet think not Poyson from the Grape they press ; No , Wine 's a Cordial , till by lewd Excess , It does its kind refreshing Nature lose , And Death lies lurking in the noble Juyce : And can that Man be then my Friend , Who , because , Mithridates-like , He Poysons can digest ( for Wine 's no less , When swallow'd to a vast Excess ) Will unto me the fatal Draught commend . keywords: appears; author; blood; body; books; bottle; characters; claret; company; drink; drinking; drunkards; drunken; early; eebo; encoding; english; estate; excess; fall; fatal; friendship; glass; good; gout; hard; health; house; images; kind; large; leave; life; like; lot; man; men; mighty; money; nature; nay; ne're; old; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; reason; satyr; self; sin; sober; spark; tavern; tcp; tei; tell; text; tho; time; vice; wine; works; xml cache: A25262.xml plain text: A25262.txt item: #2 of 9 id: A30674 author: Bury, Edward, 1616-1700. title: England's bane, or, The deadly danger of drunkenness described in a letter to a friend wherein are many convincing arguments against it and many aggravations of it in professors of religion, and many other things tending to a reformation of that beastly sin / by Edward Bury. date: 1677 words: 23683 flesch: 57 summary: 2. Consider also how much this Beastly sin of Drunkenness doth debauch , defile , deform the Body of man which should be the Temple of the Holy Ghost , Holy and Honourable : yea how it weakens it , fills it with diseases , distempers , and disorders , which often prove mortal , and set a Period to Life it self : the Body of man is in it self a famous Fabrick , a beautiful Pile , a sumptuous Structure , and bespeaks God for it's Author , and of all the visible Creation seems to be Gods Masterpiece ; if we take it in pieces and consider it in its parts , you will find it an excellent piece of work , every piece being so useful and exact , nothing wanting , nothing redundant ; the Heart , the Liver , the Brain , the Brain , the Muscles , Sinews , Nerves , Arteries , Veins , and Ligaments , and the several Members of the Body , yea the whole is a beautiful piece dropt out of the hands of a choice Workman , but this filthy vice doth so deform , deface , and defile it , that it looks not like that which God Created it to be , how doth it deform the Face ? the Nose , the Eyes , the Cheeks are red and pimpled , the Face swoln like a Bladder , the Countenance disturbed , writhen , and deformed . 7. Drunkenness unfits a man for any Calling , Place , or Office in Church or Commonwealth , for any imployment , vocation , or business whatsoever , for any duty either to God or man , either to our general or particular calling , and consequently it renders a man an useless , unserviceable , unprofitable burthen of the Earth , and like Salt that hath lost its savour , thenceforth good for nothing but to be trodden under foot , or to be cast off ; or like a rotten member to be cut off and not cherished , lest it infect the other also . keywords: adultery; aggra; ale; ashamed; bad; bear; beast; beastly; belly; better; blood; blot; body; bury; calling; cause; children; christ; christian; companions; company; condition; conscience; courses; creation; creatures; cup; custom; danger; day; dead; death; devil; diseases; door; doth; doubtless; drink; drinking; drunkard; drunkenness; duty; early; earth; edward; eebo; end; enemies; enemy; english; estate; eternity; examples; eyes; face; fall; family; father; fear; filthy; fire; fit; friend; general; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; greatest; guilty; hand; hath; head; healths; heart; heaven; heed; hell; holiness; holy; hopes; house; image; isa; judgments; language; law; life; like; little; long; lord; loss; love; man; means; men; nature; nay; night; office; oft; old; parts; people; persons; place; pleasure; poor; portion; prayer; profession; prov; reason; reformation; relations; religion; repentance; righteous; ruin; rule; sad; saith; self; servants; service; set; shame; sin; sins; skin; society; sodom; solomon; soul; speak; spirit; strong; sure; tcp; text; things; thou; time; true; unfit; vice; wages; want; way; wicked; wine; wise; work; world; worse; yea cache: A30674.xml plain text: A30674.txt item: #3 of 9 id: A46993 author: Jole, William, d. ca. 1702. title: A vvarning to drunkards by the sad and suddain death of John Woolman, of Sarret, in the county of Hartford. With a letter of exhortation written to the people on that sorrowful occasion. By William Jole, minister of Sarret. date: 1680 words: 2774 flesch: 68 summary: Secondly , Consider what heinous Aggravations this Sin admitts of ; Secondly , Consider how one Drunkard makes many more Partakers of his Sin. keywords: books; characters; death; drink; drunkard; drunkenness; early; eebo; encoding; english; exhortation; god; good; images; john; jole; letter; man; minister; online; oxford; partnership; people; phase; sad; sarret; set; sin; sins; tcp; tei; text; time; william; woolman; works cache: A46993.xml plain text: A46993.txt item: #4 of 9 id: A66704 author: Poor Robin. title: Poor Robins character of an honest drunken curr with a relation of the frollicks of his life and conversation and his epitaph. date: 1675 words: 2408 flesch: 64 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: ale; bed; books; character; conversation; creation; curr; drunken; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; epitaph; frollicks; good; honest; images; life; man; online; oxford; partnership; permission; phase; poor; reason; relation; robins; sleep; tcp; tei; text; work; xml cache: A66704.xml plain text: A66704.txt item: #5 of 9 id: A67662 author: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. title: A Warning-piece to all drunkards and health-drinkers faithfully collected from the works of English and foreign learned authors of good esteem, Mr. Samuel Ward and Mr. Samuel Clark, and others ... date: 1682 words: 27369 flesch: 69 summary: Soon after the imprisonment of this Thomas Savage , in Newgate ; upon the desire of one of his Friends , Mr. R. F. and T. V. went to him in the Prison , and had liberty , with much readiness from the Keepers to discourse with him : They asked him , if he were the person that had murthered the Maid ? He answered , that he was ; they did then open to him the hainous nature of that sin , endeavouring to set it home upon his Conscience , telling him of the express Law of God , Thou shalt not Kill , and the express threatnings , That whosoever sheddeth mans blood , by man shall his blood be shed . But laying all this aside , they say all these are Modes and Ceremonies in drinking ; and their meaning is no more , but only to pray for the Health and Prosperity of such and such ▪ Which is the reason they are at it in a posture of Prayer , standing up , standing bare , sometimes kneeling upon their knees , as Supplicants do to God Almighty : But will any rational man think these men at Prayers ? Are these praying postures ? Did God ever command , or his People ever apply to the Throne in this manner of Address ? Have men lived to this age , and cannot yet distinguish between drinking intemperately and praying fervently ? as if to Pray were to Drink , and to Drink were to Pray ! keywords: able; act; ale; arg; author; bed; beer; benhadad; best; better; blood; bodies; body; books; butler; cause; certain; children; christ; church; city; cold; committed; common; companions; company; conscience; course; crown; cups; danger; david; day; dayes; dead; death; devil; digestion; disease; doth; dreadful; drink; drinkers; drinking; drunkards; drunkenness; early; eebo; end; english; examples; exceeding; excess; eyes; fact; faculties; fall; father; fear; feet; fellow; fire; fit; foolish; friends; general; god; gods; good; grace; great; guilty; hammer; hand; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; hell; high; hope; house; image; instances; isa; israel; jesus; john; judgments; kind; kingdom; kings; known; land; law; let; life; like; liquor; little; live; london; long; lord; love; maid; man; manner; mans; master; men; mercy; mind; ministers; money; morning; mortal; mouth; nathaniel; nation; nature; needs; new; night; old; parts; people; persons; piece; place; poor; pot; poyson; present; pride; prov; punishment; ratcliff; reason; repentance; sabbath; saith; samuel; saying; scriptures; sea; self; selves; serpent; servants; service; set; sickness; sin; sinners; sinning; sins; slew; small; sober; soul; spirits; sting; stomach; strange; street; strength; strong; strong drink; sundry; tcp; text; thee; thing; thirst; thou; till; time; true; turn; warning; water; way; whoredom; wicked; wife; wine; wise; wits; woe; word; work; worse; worth; wrath; yea; year; young cache: A67662.xml plain text: A67662.txt item: #6 of 9 id: A67741 author: Younge, Richard. title: The blemish of government, the shame of religion, the disgrace of mankind, or, A charge drawn up against drunkards and presented to His Highness the Lord Protector, in the name of all the Sober Party in the three nations, humbly craving that they may be kept alone by themselves from infecting others ... / by R. Younge of Roxwell in Essex. date: 1658 words: 10872 flesch: 67 summary: But I were as good knock at a deaf mans door , as press or perswade the most to the duty , though thus necessary : for those two Idols , Discretion and cursed Covetousn●●bear a greater sway with the common Professors of this age , than either their Ma●●or Redeemer : Though confident I am , others will do more than I●say , Philem. 7. Br. How they are so pernicious , that to damn their own souls , is the least part of their mischief ; and that they draw vengeance upon thousands , by seducing s●●e , and giving ill example to others . keywords: act; aim; ale; beasts; blind; books; case; charge; children; christians; common; company; conscience; custom; day; dead; death; devils; disgrace; door; drink; drinking; drunkards; drunkenness; english; fear; fire; gen; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heads; healths; hearts; heaven; hell; house; joh; land; law; let; life; like; long; lord; love; luk; man; mankind; mat; means; men; mouths; oaths; pleasure; poor; prov; reason; religion; satan; self; sellers; set; shame; sin; sins; sober; souls; speak; spend; swear; tap; tavern; text; thou; thousands; time; turn; vice; way; wealth; wickedness; wife; wine; words; work; worse; yea; younge; ● ● cache: A67741.xml plain text: A67741.txt item: #7 of 9 id: A87056 author: Hammond, Samuel, d. 1665. title: Gods judgements upon drunkards, swearers, and sabbath-breakers. In a collection of the most remarkable examples of Gods revealed wrath upon these sins with their aggravations, as well from scripture, as reason. And a caution to authority, lest the impunity of these evils bring a scourge upon the whole nation. By W. L. date: 1659 words: 30737 flesch: 64 summary: 1. That Gods judgments are not not like arrows shot into the Aire at randome , he does not {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , God hath blessed ends , either to reclaim the party smitten , i● judgements short of death seize on them , or to be ● Pillar of salt to others , that they may hear , fear , and do n● more so : those Jews that exemplarily fell in the wildernesse ; they are said 1 Cor. 10.6 . to be {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , types to future generations ; they are engraven characters of divine vengeance , that we should read their punishment , and avoid their sin . Magistrates are not to beare the Sword in vain ; if you do not quarrel with sin , God will with you ; you are , or should ●e , the Banks of the Common-wealth , to keep us from a Land-flood , and Torrent of confusion ; you are the Hed●es to prophanesse : The life of the Law is executions ; It s a principle in Moral Policy , That not to execute the Lawes , is worse than to break them , Acts and Ordinances will not beat down prophanesse , unlesse the first be throughly acted , and the last set on fire by authority : many take encouragement by the slack execution of Justice , which otherwise might with care prove a hinderance , not onely from sin , but punishment , nay , it may be , from Eternal flames . keywords: account; act; afraid; aggravations; ale; anger; anguish; authority; authour; belly; better; blessed; blood; body; breakers; breaking; care; carlisle; cause; christian; church; city; common; company; conscience; county; creatures; cursed; cursing; custom; day; dead; death; devill; displeasure; divine; door; drink; drinking; drunkard; drunkennesse; duty; earth; end; estate; eternal; evils; examples; excesse; experience; eyes; face; fall; family; favour; fear; fire; force; frequent; friends; fruits; gentleman; gentry; glory; god; godly; gods; gods judgements; good; great; greatest; guilty; hand; hath; head; health; heart; heathens; heaven; hell; high; holy; home; honour; hope; horrid; house; impiety; impunity; john; judgements; justice; king; knowledge; labour; land; law; lawes; lead; left; lesse; liberty; life; like; little; living; london; long; lords; lords day; love; man; master; mayor; meeting; mercy; midst; mind; minister; morning; mouth; nation; nature; nay; neck; needs; nigh; noble; non; notorious; oathes; occasion; onely; outward; parish; parts; people; persons; pieces; place; play; poor; power; profane; profit; prophane; providence; punishment; rage; reach; reason; reformation; remarkable; repent; rest; river; roman; ruine; sabbath; sabbath day; sad; said; saith; sayes; saying; sea; self; selves; sense; sermon; servants; set; severe; severity; shame; short; sicknesse; sight; sin; sinners; sins; sir; sober; sobriety; soul; spirit; stand; swearer; swearing; terrible; terrour; text; theatre; thee; thing; thou; threatnings; thy; time; torment; town; true; unlesse; unto; vain; vengeance; warning; way; whereof; wicked; wickednesse; wife; wine; wish; word; work; worse; wounds; wrath; year; young; ● ● cache: A87056.xml plain text: A87056.txt item: #8 of 9 id: A87472 author: Everard, Giles. De herba panacea. English. Selections. 1676. title: The touchstone, or, Trial of tobacco whether it be good for all constitutions : with a word of advice against immoderate drinking and smoaking : likewise examples of some that have drunk their lives away, and died suddenly : with King Jame's [sic] opinion of tobacco, and how it came first into England : also the first original of coffee : to which is added, witty poems about tobacco and coffe [sic] : something about tobacco, written by George Withers, the late famous poet ... date: 1676 words: 29722 flesch: 55 summary: Gentle Readers , HEre is presented to you a Brief , Learned , and a very seasonable Treatise for the Age we live in : It was many years since Penned by King James of happy and blessed Memory , Entituled , A Counterblast to Tobacco ; It it here verbatim , faithfully transcribed out of the large and learned Volume of His other Works in Folio , which are rare and scarce to be had for money , and of too great a price for the common sort of Tobacco-smokers to purchase : It is granted , the thing may be good , and Physical , and healthful , being moderately and but seldom taken ; but for men to take ten or twenty Pipes in a day in all Companies , Morning , Noon and Night , before and presently after Meals ; this is a strange way of taking Physick . No , it is become in place of a Cure , a point of good Fellowship ; and he that will refuse to take a Pipe of Tobacco among his Fellows ( though by his own election he would rather smell the savor of a sink ) is accompted peevish , and no good company ; even as they do with tipling in the cold Eastern-Countries , yea the Mistriss cannot in a more mannerly kind entertain her Servant , then by giving him out of her fair hand a pipe of Tobacco ; but herein is not only a great vanity , but a great contempt of God's good Gifts , that the sweetness of mans breath being a good gift of God , should be wilfully corrupted by this stinking smoke , wherein I must confess it hath too strong of vertue , and so that which is an Ornament of Nature , and can neither by any artifice be at the first acquired , nor once lost be recovered again , shall be filthily corrupted with an incurable stink , which vile quality is as directly contrary to that wrong Opinion which is holden of the wholesomeness thereof , as the venome of putrifaction is contrary to the vertue preservative . keywords: -early; able; abound; abuse; act; advice; age; air; ale; answer; antidote; argument; ashamed; bad; barbarous; base; beer; benefit; best; better; black; bodies; body; book; brain; breath; broad; cause; certain; children; christ; church; cockatrice; coffee; cold; common; company; constitution; contrary; corrupted; counterblast; country; course; cup; cure; custome; daily; dangerous; day; days; deadly; death; digestion; disease; divers; doctor; doth; drink; drinking; drunkards; drunkenness; dry; eebo; effects; end; enemies; england; english; entry; evil; examples; excess; experience; eyes; faculties; fall; famous; far; fellows; filthy; fire; fit; foolish; force; foul; free; frequent; fume; general; george; god; good; grace; great; great tobacco; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hath; head; health; heat; hell; help; herb; high; hold; home; hope; hot; house; hurtful; ill; immoderate; indians; injurious; intemperate; james; john; judgment; kind; kingdom; known; large; late; life; light; like; liquor; little; lives; living; london; long; longer; lord; love; majesties; man; manner; mans; matter; maynwaring; mean; meat; medicinal; medicine; men; mind; moisture; money; mortal; mouth; nation; natural; nature; needs; new; notice; office; onely; opinion; ordinary; original; page; particular; parts; people; persons; physician; physick; pipe; place; plague; plant; pleasure; pot; power; poyson; precious; present; procuring; proof; proper; properties; quality; reason; received; remedy; rest; royal; sad; scorbutick; scurvy; second; self; selves; serpent; short; sickness; sin; sins; sleep; smoke; smoking; sober; solomon; sorts; soul; spirits; spiritual; state; stinking; stomach; strange; strength; strong; subject; sun; sundry; superfluous; sure; symptoms; taking; tast; tcp; text; thee; thing; thirst; thou; time; tobacco; tobacconists; transcribed; treatise; true; use; vanities; vanity; vertue; vile; water; way; weed; whereof; wife; wine; wise; woe; wonder; works; world; worse; yea; years; young cache: A87472.xml plain text: A87472.txt item: #9 of 9 id: B02730 author: Dod, John, 1549?-1645. title: An extempore sermon, preached upon malt, by a way of caution to good fellows; at the request of two schollars, / by a lover of ale, out of a hallow [sic] tree. date: 1691 words: 1343 flesch: 66 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B02730) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 175838) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: ale; books; caution; characters; early; eebo; english; good; lover; malt; online; partnership; phase; request; sermon; tcp; tei; text; way; works cache: B02730.xml plain text: B02730.txt