This is an automatically generated bibliography describing the content of this study carrel.
- 16545
- author: Abbott, Jacob
- title: King Alfred of England Makers of History
- date: None
- words: 49461
- flesch: 63
- summary: There is a certain desperation to which men are often aroused in the last extremity, which surpasses courage, and is even sometimes a very effectual substitute for strength; and Alfred might, perhaps, have succeeded, after all, in saving his affairs from utter ruin, had not a new circumstance intervened, which seemed at once to extinguish all remaining hope and to seal his doom. Alfred awoke from his sleep with his mind filled with new hopes and anticipations.
- keywords: abbey; account; accustomed; action; advanced; affairs; age; alfred; ancient; anglo; armies; arms; army; arrows; attack; attempt; attention; battle; boat; bodies; body; bread; britain; british; britons; brother; brutus; burning; camp; canute; case; castle; centuries; certain; change; channel; chapter; character; chieftains; children; christian; church; circumstances; city; close; coast; coming; command; common; condition; conduct; connected; considerable; contest; continent; continued; country; course; cow; danes; danger; danish; daughter; day; days; dead; death; decided; degree; desire; desperate; determined; different; division; dominions; duty; early; edmund; edward; effect; emma; end; enemies; enemy; energy; england; english; ethelney; ethelred; ethelwolf; events; expedition; exploits; extended; extraordinary; extreme; fact; faith; family; father; field; finding; fleet; foes; followers; following; footnote; force; formidable; france; friends; general; german; godwin; gold; good; government; great; greater; ground; guthrum; half; hand; hardicanute; hastings; head; heaven; hengist; herd; high; historians; history; home; honor; hope; hubba; human; husband; illustration; immediate; important; influence; inhabitants; intellectual; interest; island; judith; king; king alfred; kingdom; known; landing; large; latin; leave; left; length; life; line; little; long; lothbroc; love; man; mankind; manner; married; means; measures; men; military; mind; modern; monarch; monasteries; monastery; monks; months; mother; mouth; nations; nature; near; necessary; new; night; number; occasion; ocean; old; order; organized; parties; party; people; period; permanent; personal; place; plans; plunder; point; portion; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; prepared; present; protection; public; race; ragnar; reader; ready; realm; refuge; reign; religious; respect; retreat; return; river; rome; royal; rude; safety; saxon; sea; second; secure; service; ships; shore; situation; small; soldiers; son; sons; sort; southern; spirit; spot; state; strength; strong; struggle; success; successful; tales; terrible; thames; thing; thought; throne; time; town; treaty; troops; true; turn; vast; vessels; victory; wall; war; water; way; welfare; wide; wife; wild; winchester; woman; wood; work; world; years; young
- versions: original; plain text
- 1719
- author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
- title: The Ballad of the White Horse
- date: None
- words: 17697
- flesch: 85
- summary: In the island in the river He was broken to his knee: And he read, writ with an iron pen, That God had wearied of Wessex men And given their country, field and fen, To the devils of the sea. The King went gathering Wessex men, As grain out of the chaff The few that were alive to die, Laughing, as littered skulls that lie
- keywords: ale; alfred; athelney; battle; beasts; better; birds; black; blood; book; break; broken; cast; child; christian; cloud; colan; cross; cry; danes; dark; days; dead; death; doom; door; earls; earth; eldred; elf; end; england; ere; ethandune; evil; eyes; face; fallen; far; farm; feet; fell; field; fire; flowers; foam; folk; foot; forest; free; gates; god; gods; golden; good; grass; great; green; grey; guard; guthrum; hand; hard; harold; harp; hath; head; heart; heathen; heaven; heavy; hell; high; higher; hill; hold; home; horn; horse; hour; iron; island; king; king alfred; land; laughter; left; lie; like; line; little; long; lord; lost; man; mark; men; mighty; mother; night; north; ogier; old; pale; plains; popular; purple; rain; ride; river; road; roaring; roman; rome; rose; round; sad; sea; seas; set; shield; sign; sky; small; smoke; song; soul; spear; stand; star; stone; strange; strong; sun; sword; tale; tall; things; thunder; time; tower; trees; vale; walls; war; waste; way; wessex; white; white horse; wide; wild; wind; wise; wood; world
- versions: original; plain text
- 18936
- author: Hubbard, Elbert
- title: Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 10 Little Journeys To The Homes Of Great Teachers
- date: None
- words: 77491
- flesch: 75
- summary: I know the night-schools of the cities, the Ungraded Rooms, the Schools for Defectives, the educational schemes in prisons, the Manual-Training Schools, the New Education (first suggested by Socrates) as carried out by G. Stanley Hall, John Dewey, and dozens of other good men and women in America. Many good men in Chicago did not cease to revile their chiefest citizen, until the ears of Altgeld were stopped and his hands stiffened by death.
- keywords: ability; able; absolute; account; actual; affairs; age; alfred; america; animal; answer; apollo; argument; aristotle; arms; arnold; assume; athens; attention; augustus; authority; bad; baker; beautiful; beauty; belief; believe; benedict; benefit; best; better; bible; big; birth; bishop; black; blood; bodily; body; book; booker; boy; boys; brain; building; business; calls; care; cause; centuries; century; certain; character; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; christian science; christianity; church; churchmen; cities; citizens; city; class; clear; close; college; colored; common; commonsense; community; conduct; confucius; correct; cosmic; country; courage; course; court; cut; daily; danes; daughter; day; days; dead; death; deep; degree; desert; desire; different; divine; divinity; doctor; dollars; doors; doubt; early; earth; east; easy; ecstasy; eddy; education; effort; egypt; egyptian; emerson; end; enemies; england; engles; english; environment; equality; erasmus; error; example; exercise; existence; experience; face; fact; fair; faith; familiar; family; father; fear; feeling; feet; fine; fire; followers; following; folly; food; fool; form; forth; free; freedom; friedrich; friends; froebel; future; garden; general; genius; gentle; getting; girls; god; gods; good; good man; government; grave; great; great man; greatest; greece; greek; group; gruner; habit; half; hampton; hands; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; heaven; hebrew; hell; help; high; highest; history; hold; holy; home; honest; honor; hope; horses; hour; house; human; humanity; hypatia; idea; ignorance; illustration; impressed; impulse; industry; influence; inspired; instance; institution; intellect; intellectual; intelligent; intent; israelites; italy; jehovah; jesus; john; joy; justice; key; kind; kindergarten; knowledge; known; labor; lad; language; large; later; law; laws; learned; learning; leave; lectures; left; liberty; lies; life; like; line; literary; literature; little; live; living; long; look; lord; love; luther; making; male; man; mankind; married; mary; mathematics; matter; means; meeting; member; men; mental; methods; middle; miles; mind; miracle; modern; monasteries; monastery; monastic; monasticism; money; monk; mortal; moses; mother; mrs; music; names; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; negro; negroes; neighbors; new; number; office; old; ones; open; order; orestes; organized; original; orthodox; page; parents; parts; passages; past; patience; pay; peculiar; people; perfect; pericles; person; personal; pestalozzi; philosophy; physical; picture; place; plan; plato; play; plotinus; poetry; point; poor; popular; position; possible; poverty; power; practical; prayer; preacher; present; pride; priest; proof; proud; public; punishment; pupils; purpose; pythagoras; qualities; question; race; rare; reach; reading; real; reason; regard; religion; religious; respect; rest; return; rhetoric; rich; right; road; roman; rome; room; royal; rugby; rule; sacred; safe; saint; saw; saxons; saying; scholars; school; science; scientific; scientists; scriptures; sea; second; secondhand; secret; secretary; secure; self; sense; service; set; severe; short; silence; silent; simeon; simple; sincere; sixth; slavery; sleep; slow; small; smile; social; society; socrates; soil; soul; southern; special; spirit; stand; state; stone; street; strength; strong; students; study; success; successful; sun; superior; superstition; supreme; sure; system; task; teacher; teaching; temple; things; thinking; thomas; thought; time; today; town; travel; trouble; true; truth; tuskegee; type; understood; university; urge; use; useful; value; vast; village; voice; want; war; washington; waste; way; ways; white; wife; william; willing; wisdom; wise; wish; women; words; work; world; worthy; writer; writing; wrong; years; years old; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 21315
- author: Fenn, George Manville
- title: The King's Sons
- date: None
- words: 11624
- flesch: 88
- summary: good boy! whispered the monk. We cannot do that, boys.
- keywords: alfred; bald; beautiful; bert; big; blue; boy; boys; brave; brothers; brush; danes; day; dear; deep; ethelbald; ethelwulf; eyes; face; father; fine; gold; good; great; half; hands; hard; head; help; hill; horse; ink; jarl; king; latin; laughing; left; letter; like; little; long; look; man; men; monk; mother; old; osburga; paint; place; queen; reeds; right; round; run; shout; sons; swythe; time; water; way; white; window; words; work; yellow; young; youngest
- versions: original; plain text
- 46320
- author: Inman, Herbert
- title: Wulnoth the Wanderer: A Story of King Alfred of England
- date: None
- words: 79995
- flesch: 85
- summary: So the King commanded that Cerdic should be given five hides of good land and that the thrall collar should be taken from his neck; and then Reinbaldus the scald made a song and sang it in the great hall while the King feasted, and this was the song he sang-- Over the storm wave, over the swan bath, Cerdic the Saxon came, to Lethra fleeing From the fierce anger of Berwulf the viking, Fleeing with Olfa, and the child Wulnoth; Thus came young Wulnoth to fair Lethra. Nay, not the Wanderer now, cried the King, for I make Wulnoth Lord of Cantua, and of the marches which border East Anglia and Guthrun's realm; and to him I give overship of my ports, and charge of my long ships, and him
- keywords: aid; alfred; anglia; angry; answer; arms; army; art; atheling; axe; banner; battle; bear; beautiful; beneath; best; better; birds; bishop; black; blood; blow; body; boy; brave; broken; brother; camp; cast; cerdic; chapter; children; christ; church; coming; comrade; conquer; cross; crown; cry; cut; danes; danish; dark; darkness; day; days; dead; dear; death; deeds; deep; denmark; desire; didst; die; dost; earth; east; edgiva; edmund; england; ethelred; evil; eyes; face; fair; far; father; fear; feet; field; fierce; fight; fire; foe; foes; forces; forest; friend; game; giant; gleeman; god; gods; going; good; great; greeting; guthred; guthrun; hald; hall; hand; hard; hardacnute; harm; hast; head; heart; heavy; help; hero; heroes; high; holdas; honor; horns; horse; host; hubba; hungwar; jarl; journey; journeyed; joy; king; king alfred; king edmund; know; lady; land; laugh; lay; left; lethra; life; like; little; lodbrok; long; look; lord; love; man; matter; men; methinks; mightiest; mighty; mind; mother; nameless; nay; near; neck; need; nigh; nithing; noble; northumbria; o king; odin; old; ones; osbert; osric; osth; pain; people; perchance; place; play; poor; power; prince; princess; raven; ready; regner; road; rose; round; royal; save; saxons; saying; sea; seeking; set; shame; shield; ships; sign; skoal; slain; slaughter; slay; soldiers; song; sons; spear; spot; stand; stay; story; stranger; strength; strong; sure; sweet; sword; tale; talk; tarry; task; thanes; thee; thing; thor; thou; thou art; thou dost; thought; thrall; thy; tidings; time; true; trust; truth; turn; victory; vikings; voice; wahrmund; wanderer; warriors; watch; watcher; water; waves; way; weapons; weary; wessex; west; white; wife; wild; wilt; wise; woman; wonder; wood; words; work; world; wulnoth; wyborga; years; young
- versions: original; plain text