item: #1 of 15 id: 13102 author: Boccaccio, Giovanni title: The Decameron, Volume II date: None words: 163772 flesch: 62 summary: Messer Amerigo possessed, a mile or so from Trapani, a goodly estate, to which he was wont not seldom to resort with his daughter and other ladies by way of recreation; and on one of these days, while there they tarried with Pietro, whom they had brought with them, suddenly, as will sometimes happen in summer, the sky became overcast with black clouds, insomuch that the lady and her companions, lest the storm should surprise them there, set out on their return to Trapani, making all the haste they might. Her husband's story shewed his wife that there were other ladies as knowing as she, albeit misfortune might sometimes overtake them and gladly would she have spoken out in defence of Ercolano's wife, but, thinking that, by censuring another's sin, she would secure more scope for her own, she launched out on this wise:--Fine doings indeed, a right virtuous and saintly lady she must be: here is the loyalty of an honest woman, and one to whom I had lief have confessed, so spiritual I deemed her; and the worst of it is that, being no longer young, she sets a rare example to those that are so. keywords: answer; art; aught; bade; bed; bruno; buffalmacco; calandrino; cause; city; come; company; damsel; daughter; day; days; death; door; doubt; fair; father; find; forthwith; fortune; girl; god; good; hand; hast; head; heart; home; honour; house; husband; king; ladies; lady; leave; let; life; like; love; maid; man; matter; meet; men; messer; minded; night; nought; novel; pietro; place; pleasure; priest; purpose; queen; quoth; reason; rest; set; shew; soul; story; tell; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tis; torello; twas; way; wife; wilt; woman; words cache: 13102.txt plain text: 13102.txt item: #2 of 15 id: 15895 author: Adams, J. S., Mrs. title: Allegories of Life date: None words: 26436 flesch: 86 summary: Children, said a faithful father, one day, to his sons and daughters, I have a journey to take which will keep me many days, perhaps weeks, from you; and as we have no power over conditions,--such as storms, sickness, or any of the so-called accidents of life,--I may be detained long beyond my appointed time of absence. The next day the traveler who had slowly journeyed, and made a path for those who would come after, was able to go to his labors; while his companion was disabled for many days longer. keywords: day; earth; eyes; faith; father; good; home; hope; joy; life; man; night; people; sister; sorrow; thought; time; truth; words cache: 15895.txt plain text: 15895.txt item: #3 of 15 id: 19809 author: Macduff, John R. (John Ross) title: The Story of a Dewdrop date: None words: 5561 flesch: 79 summary: Beautiful little pages in the shape of pink clouds, quite like tiny angels with wings, were holding up her train. The snowdrop and crocus had long ago hid their faces to make way for more ambitious rivals. keywords: dewdrop; morning; night; nightingale; queen; rose; sun; thrush; way cache: 19809.txt plain text: 19809.txt item: #4 of 15 id: 20541 author: Wilberforce, Samuel title: The Rocky Island and Other Similitudes date: None words: 28710 flesch: 79 summary: There were persons coming in of all nations and people, and some, too, of all ages, though the greatest number were little children, so small that their little hands would not hold the man's gifts, and so he hung them round their necks, for them to use as soon as they were able. There were a multitude of other happy children too in the castle, with whom they lived, and learned, and spent their glad days. keywords: book; children; darkness; eyes; god; heart; king; light; look; lord; man; path; round; thought; way cache: 20541.txt plain text: 20541.txt item: #5 of 15 id: 20634 author: Wynne, Ellis title: The Sleeping Bard; Or, Visions of the World, Death, and Hell date: None words: 39119 flesch: 70 summary: Go to the street of _Pride_, and enquire for an _arrogant man_, or for a pennyworth of _coquetry_, mixed up by Pride; 'woe's me,' says Hypocrisy, 'there is no such thing here; nothing at all I assure you in the whole street but grandeur.' King of the kings of the world_, _prince of Hell_, _and ruler of the Deep_, _to our natural son_, _the most mighty and terrible king Death_, _greeting_, _pre-eminence_, _and eternal spoil_. keywords: angel; belial; black; body; church; city; country; death; destruction; devils; earth; end; fair; gate; great; hand; heart; hell; hypocrisy; king; look; love; lucifer; man; men; order; people; place; present; pride; street; thing; time; world; yonder cache: 20634.txt plain text: 20634.txt item: #6 of 15 id: 23700 author: Boccaccio, Giovanni title: The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio date: None words: 310245 flesch: 60 summary: Wherefore he fell to passing continually before her house, now afoot and now on horseback, as the occasion served him, insomuch that she and many other ladies got wind of the cause of his constant passings to and fro and oftentimes made merry among themselves to see a man thus ripe of years and wit in love, as if they deemed that that most pleasant passion of love took root and flourished only in the silly minds of the young and not otherwhere. Then was the body carried into a church and the sad mother, repairing thither with many other ladies, kinswomen and neighbours, began to weep without stint and make sore moan over him, according to our usance. keywords: abbot; abode; arms; art; aught; avail; bed; body; bruno; calandrino; cast; cause; chamber; chanced; city; come; coming; company; counsel; damsel; daughter; day; days; dead; death; desire; door; end; exceeding; eyes; fair; fashion; father; favour; fear; finding; folk; footnote; fortune; friend; gentleman; girl; god; good; hand; hath; having; head; hearing; heart; hold; home; honour; house; husband; i.e.; ill; king; know; knowing; ladies; lady; leave; left; let; life; look; lord; love; madam; maid; man; matter; means; men; messer; mind; mistress; morning; nay; night; occasion; pass; place; pleasure; present; purpose; queen; quoth; reason; return; save; saying; seeing; set; somewhat; son; sore; speak; story; taking; tell; thee; thereof; thine; things; thither; thou; thought; thy; time; utmost; water; way; weeping; whenas; wife; wise; wit; woman; words; world; worth; years cache: 23700.txt plain text: 23700.txt item: #7 of 15 id: 33945 author: Housman, Clemence title: The Unknown Sea date: None words: 62592 flesch: 89 summary: At daybreak she stood, alone at her desire, beside a new-made grave, and knew that the body of Diadyomene lay beneath, and knew hardly less surely, that somewhere beneath the sea she overlooked the body of Christian lay. 'Tis Christian.' 'Christian!' said Lois, in a voice of such surprise that Rhoda was disillusioned. keywords: answer; boat; body; boy; breath; child; christian; dark; day; dead; death; deep; diadyomene; eyes; face; feet; giles; god; hand; head; heart; life; lois; look; love; man; mother; night; philip; rhoda; rose; sea; set; soul; strength; tell; tide; voice; way; white; word cache: 33945.txt plain text: 33945.txt item: #8 of 15 id: 35654 author: Wallace, Edna Kingsley title: The Stars in the Pool: A Prose Poem for Lovers date: None words: 11745 flesch: 85 summary: Flame Speaketh Modestly_] Then was there feasting and laughter, and Flame, son of Lokus, told many tales of far countries--of strange customs, and cunning of husbandry and handicraft; of wars and the courts of Kings; of mightily mountains, of great seas and the storms thereof, wherein he himself had laboured mightily with the men of the ship that they should not perish all. [Sidenote: _Cometh Flame_] Now when Flame, yet some way off, saw that the woman in shining raiment was the beloved of his soul, Roseheart, his heart leapt within him, and there was upon his limbs the speed of light. keywords: eyes; flame; love; maid; roseheart; sidenote; telwyn; thee; thou; woman cache: 35654.txt plain text: 35654.txt item: #9 of 15 id: 36759 author: Guild, C. S. (Caroline Snowden) title: Daisy; or, The Fairy Spectacles date: None words: 26088 flesch: 82 summary: The truth was, Maud had a feeling that, if poor little Daisy had an angel to watch over her, she, who was so much more beautiful, could not be left to perish. When any of these things happened, of course poor Daisy had to be scolded, as if it were her fault. keywords: daisy; dame; face; fairy; father; girl; heart; home; look; maud; mother; peter; sister; spectacles; susan; thought cache: 36759.txt plain text: 36759.txt item: #10 of 15 id: 43886 author: Day, Samuel Phillips title: Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress: In Words of One Syllable date: None words: 27462 flesch: 95 summary: Said he, It is for that I know not where to go. True, there are, by the help of him who frames the laws, some stout and firm steps found through the midst of this slough; these steps are all but hid, or if they be seen, men step on one side, and then they get all grime with mire, though the steps be there; but the ground is good when they are once got in at the gate. keywords: christian; friend; gate; good; know; man; men; place; saw; thee; things; thou; time; way; words cache: 43886.txt plain text: 43886.txt item: #11 of 15 id: 44748 author: Maher, Zena A. title: The Witch Hypnotizer date: None words: 12219 flesch: 85 summary: She lived quite alone in a little cottage on the outskirts of a large city in America, of course, and why should not the free soil produce all sorts when it is the dumping ground for all creation? Alone, with the exception of her dog and several cages of canaries which, by the way, were a new departure in the line of pets, for the old-time Witches were supposed to favor cats and parrots, she commanded the respect of all, but there was something so very peculiar about her that some of her more superstitious neighbors looked upon this woman as a kind of good Witch. That women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broidered hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. keywords: chapter; day; evil; god; good; isaiah; jeremiah; lord; man; shall; spirit; thou; thy; time; witch; work cache: 44748.txt plain text: 44748.txt item: #12 of 15 id: 4735 author: Wright, Harold Bell title: The Shepherd of the Hills date: None words: 77240 flesch: 92 summary: Preachin' Bill, says, Hit's a plumb shame there ain't more men in th' world built like old man Matthews and that thar boy o' his'n. 'What do you know 'bout an engine, you darned hill billy,' says th' old man, kind o' short. keywords: big; boy; cabin; dad; daddy; day; eyes; face; father; gibbs; girl; good; hand; head; hills; home; house; howitt; jim; lane; life; look; man; matt; matthews; men; night; ollie; pete; sammy; saw; shepherd; tell; things; time; trail; voice; wash; way; young cache: 4735.txt plain text: 4735.txt item: #13 of 15 id: 52617 author: Boccaccio, Giovanni title: The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Containing an hundred pleasant Novels date: None words: 200996 flesch: 63 summary: _Bernardo_ answered in this manner. _Bernardo_ confessed, that his description of the Chamber was true, and acknowledged moreover, that these other things did belong to his Wife: keywords: abbot; affection; againe; answer; backe; bee; body; chamber; city; comfort; company; count; daughter; day; dayes; dead; death; desire; divers; doe; elsee; faire; father; favour; forth; fortune; friends; gentleman; god; good; great; hand; hath; heard; hearing; himselfe; holy; home; honour; hope; house; husband; kinde; king; ladies; lady; let; life; like; little; lord; love; madam; man; manner; marriage; matter; meanes; mee; men; mother; neere; night; novell; occasion; owne; passe; people; perceiving; person; place; pleasing; power; purpose; queene; quoth; reason; regard; respect; rest; saide; seeing; seene; selfe; shee; sonne; soule; spake; speeches; teares; thee; things; thither; thou; thought; thy; time; true; way; whatsoever; whereof; wife; woman; words; world; young cache: 52617.txt plain text: 52617.txt item: #14 of 15 id: 52618 author: Boccaccio, Giovanni title: The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Containing an hundred pleasant Novels date: None words: 165014 flesch: 69 summary: Florentynes_ (who purposely came to make themselves merry) as neighbouring Husbandmen of the Village: _Bruno_ was to begin the service, with the Pils in a faire Cup, and _Buffalmaco_ followed him with another Cup, to deliver the wine out of the Flaggon, all the company beeing set round, as in a circle; and _Bruno_ with _Buffalmaco_ being in the midst of them, _ After these, and many more like loving speeches had passed between them, according as _Nathan_ very instantly requested, _Mithridanes_ returned back with him to the Pallace, where many dayes he highly honored & respected him, comforting & counselling him, to persever alwayes in his honourable determination. keywords: affection; againe; argument; art; backe; bed; bee; beleeve; bin; bruno; buffalmaco; calandrino; chamber; come; command; comming; company; day; dayes; desire; divers; doe; doore; faire; forth; fortune; friend; gentleman; gisippus; good; great; hand; hast; hath; head; hearing; hee; himselfe; home; honour; house; husband; kinde; king; ladies; lady; life; like; long; lord; love; madame; man; manner; matter; meanes; mee; men; morning; neere; night; novell; occasion; order; owne; place; power; quoth; reason; regard; rest; saide; saying; seeing; seene; selfe; sent; shame; shee; signior; sir; soone; speake; speeches; tell; thee; thing; thorello; thou; thy; time; way; whatsoever; whereof; wife; woman; words; world; yong cache: 52618.txt plain text: 52618.txt item: #15 of 15 id: 8771 author: Cabell, James Branch title: Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice date: None words: 96464 flesch: 80 summary: Said Jurgen: I do not criticize. And besides, you must remember what you did with that gimlet! Said Jurgen: All this is hardly to the purpose. keywords: anaïtis; black; chloris; come; course; dame; day; dear; dorothy; duke jurgen; emperor jurgen; eyes; face; fellow; fine; girl; god; gogyrvan; good; guenevere; hand; head; heart; heaven; helen; hell; jurgen; jurgen abode; justice; king jurgen; koshchei; lady; left; life; lisa; look; love; madame; man; matter; men; moment; mother; night; people; persons; place; prince jurgen; queen; saw; shadow; shirt; sir; sort; talk; things; thought; time; way; wife; woman; world; young cache: 8771.txt plain text: 8771.txt