item: #1 of 26 id: A32475 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King, a proclamation for prohibiting the importation or retailing of any commodities of the growth or manufacture of the states of the United Provinces date: None words: 1264 flesch: 60 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 107244) keywords: books; characters; charles; commodities; early; eebo; english; growth; image; king; manufacture; online; oxford; partnership; phase; provinces; states; tcp; tei; text; united cache: A32475.xml plain text: A32475.txt item: #2 of 26 id: A37878 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: Ordered by the Parliament, that the ministers in the several congregations within the cities of London and Westminster ... do on the next Lords-day render thanks to almighty God for ... the great success he hath been pleased to give unto the Navy ... against the Dutch fleet, on the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth of this instant February date: None words: 698 flesch: 68 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A37878 of text R42001 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing E1747). 53 D The rate of 53 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a37878; cities; congregations; dutch; english; february; london; ministers; parliament; text; twentieth; westminster cache: A37878.xml plain text: A37878.txt item: #3 of 26 id: A39246 author: Eliot, George, 17th cent. title: An English-duel, or, Three to three, or, Great Britaines challenge to France, Denmark, and Holland her puissance and strength, her readinesse and willingnesse to obey her Soveraigne in his just war, and how all the counties in these three kingdomes are at an hours warning ready to defend His Sacred Majesty, together with the justnesse of his cause, and hopes of a happy conquest over his enemies / by George Eliot. date: 1666.0 words: 1949 flesch: 74 summary: WHen high Jehovah's own right hand did bring Great Britaines Monarch , and her mighty King , To his undoubted right ; and Heavens hand Had quite disarm'd the Rebels of this Land : This famous Island then her dayes did spend In Peace and Plenty , and all Kingdomes send To Englands King , who kindly did him greet With joyful Welcomes ; humbly at his feet Did crave his friendship : and amongst the rest False-hearted France , and that base Scorpions Nest Deceitful Holland , those fat greasie Hogs , Did fawn and flatter like to Spaniel Dogs ▪ But now these greasie States , without a Cause , As God an● all the Christian World well knows , By force of Armes doth seek to overcome The greatest Potentate in Christendome . (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A39246) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 104188) keywords: books; britaines; cause; characters; counties; denmark; doth; duke; early; eebo; eliot; england; english; france; george; good; great; hand; hath; holland; king; kingdomes; online; phase; puissance; sacred; subjects; tcp; tei; text; war; work cache: A39246.xml plain text: A39246.txt item: #4 of 26 id: A39345 author: Eames, John, 17th cent. title: A poem being an essay upon the present vvar with the Dutch, since the first battel and victory obtained by His Highness Royal, June 3, 1665, continued to and upon the late happy victory obtained by His Majesties forces at sea, under the conduct of His Highness Prince Rupert, and His Grace the Duke of Albemarle, July 25, 1666 / by John Eames. date: 1666.0 words: 3326 flesch: 69 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 104104) In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: battel; bold; books; bowels; characters; conduct; courage; day; duke; dutch; eames; early; earth; eebo; encoding; english; fatal; fate; fear; flames; fleet; grace; heaven; highness; images; john; july; june; late; loud; main; nations; new; night; ocean; online; oxford; partnership; phase; poem; ports; present; pride; prince; rage; royal; rupert; sails; sea; shore; sky; spred; storms; sun; tcp; tei; text; thunder; victory; war; wind; xml cache: A39345.xml plain text: A39345.txt item: #5 of 26 id: A46196 author: Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1661-1669 : Ormonde) title: Whereas upon the French Kings declaring warr against His Majestie and his subjects, His Majestie hath issued his declaration against the French, which followeth in these words ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Ormonde. date: None words: 1252 flesch: 61 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). [1666] Title from first 3 lines of text. keywords: books; characters; council; early; eebo; english; french; hath; ireland; kings; lieutenant; lord; majestie; online; ormonde; oxford; partnership; phase; subjects; tcp; tei; text; warr cache: A46196.xml plain text: A46196.txt item: #6 of 26 id: A52147 author: Denham, John, Sir, 1615-1669. title: The second and third advice to a painter, for drawing the history of our navall actions, the two last years, 1665 and 1666 in answer to Mr. Waller. date: 1667.0 words: 7544 flesch: 71 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Yet send him Rupert , as a helper meet , First the Command dividing , then the Fleet. One may may if they be beat , or both be hit , But if they overcome , yet honours split : But Reckoning George already knockt o' th' head , They cut him out like Beef e're he be dead ; Each for a Quarter hopes , the first doth skip , But shall fall short , though at the Generalship . keywords: advice; answer; art; beaufort; better; books; brunker; bullets; cannon; care; characters; coast; command; courage; court; coventry; damn'd; dear; doth; draw; duke; dutch; e're; early; eebo; encoding; english; eyes; fair; fall; far; fate; fear; fight; fire; fit; fleet; foe; french; general; george; good; great; greater; half; hand; hast; hath; hide; history; home; images; iron; john; king; land; leave; life; long; lord; man; meet; men; monck; navall; navy; new; old; online; oxford; painter; partnership; pay; pen; phase; place; prince; ruiter; rupert; sad; safe; sails; sandwich; sea; seas; second; set; ships; shore; shot; small; sound; state; sun; tcp; tei; text; thing; thou; thy; time; true; use; vain; view; waller; war; wind; wing; work; xml; years cache: A52147.xml plain text: A52147.txt item: #7 of 26 id: A60595 author: Smith, William, fl. 1660-1686. title: Ingratitude reveng'd, or, A poem upon the happy victory of His Majesties naval forces against the Dutch, June the 3 and 4, 1665 under the auspicious conduct of His Royal Highness James Duke of York, Lord Admiral of England &c. date: 1665.0 words: 3296 flesch: 69 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: admiral; arms; auspicious; available; books; care; characters; conduct; creation; data; death; doth; duke; dutch; early; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; england; english; fleet; forces; great; greater; happy; highness; images; ingratitude; james; june; kinde; london; lord; majesties; men; naval; neptune; old; online; opdam; oxford; page; partnership; phase; poem; prince; project; reveng'd; royal; shore; shot; smith; tcp; tei; text; victory; waves; whilest; william; work; xml; york cache: A60595.xml plain text: A60595.txt item: #8 of 26 id: A64521 author: Tabor, John. title: Seasonable thoughts in sad times being some reflections on the warre, the pestilence, and the burning of London, considered in the calamity, cause, cure / by Joh. Tabor. date: 1667.0 words: 24169 flesch: 72 summary: But then the startling and astonishing news of the Cities Conflagration , hurried my Muse to a new wrack of tormenting griefs , rending me as many others for a time capable of nothing but to stand in the way for News , wherein for some days together we still met with Job's messengers , with sad tidings of increasing misery : till at length occurring the joyful report of the miraculous extinguishing of the Flames , and unexpected Preservation of the unconsumed part of the City and Suburbs , my mind became more sedate and quiet , and my Muse set her self to reflect on this woe as the former , not without some thoughts of Publication , imagining this had revived mens sense of Gods just displeasure , and might render them capable of remorse for their sins , procuring these dire effects of it in such a dreadful succession of woes : then purposing to discover all our sins as cause of our sufferings , and knowing that by the Law is the knowledge of sin , I run over the Law of God in my thoughts , and observed how sins of all sorts against every Commandment , and others more directly against the Gospel abound among us , so that our sins being found so great , and numerous , we may not wonder our sufferings have been so many and calamitous : But I had rather we , and they in Peace Might live , and War might from all Nations cease Had not Astraea left the Earth , and rage Possest mens bosomes in this Iron age : Had not sin first divided men from God , Then from themselves , scattering all abroad To seek new Countries , all had still been one Language , and People , letting Warr alone . keywords: age; air; arms; bear; belgians; better; bliss; blood; bodies; bold; books; brave; bring; care; cause; cease; christian; christs; church; churches; city; countrey; courage; course; cure; day; days; dead; death; deep; design; die; doth; doubt; drink; duke; dust; dutch; e're; earth; eebo; england; english; ere; ev'ry; evil; eyes; face; faith; fall; false; fast; fear; find; fine; fire; flames; fleet; fly; foes; force; free; friends; fury; gain; giving; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; ground; grown; guns; hand; hath; head; hearts; heat; heav'n; high; holland; holy; home; honour; hope; houses; humble; joy; judgments; kind; king; know; lament; land; late; law; laws; leave; lie; lies; life; light; like; little; lofty; london; long; lord; loss; love; low; loyal; lust; man; means; meet; men; mercy; mind; mortals; nation; navy; nay; near; new; noble; o're; obedience; ocean; old; parents; paul; peace; people; pestilence; pious; places; plague; poor; prey; pride; prince; proud; quench; reader; reflections; religion; repentance; rest; return; rise; ruines; rule; sad; scarce; sea; seas; second; self; sell; selves; sense; set; shame; shew; ships; shot; sickness; sin; sinful; sinners; sins; slain; slaughter; sorrow; sorts; souls; spare; spirits; spring; stand; store; success; sun; sure; tabor; tcp; text; thee; things; think; thou; thoughts; thousands; time; town; trade; triumph; true; trust; truth; vain; valour; vengeance; want; war; water; way; wealth; wind; wine; woe; woes; work; world; wrath; zeal cache: A64521.xml plain text: A64521.txt item: #9 of 26 id: A66777 author: Wither, George, 1588-1667. title: Sigh for the pitchers breathed out in a personal contribution to the national humiliation the last of May, 1666, in the cities of London and Westminster, upon the near approaching engagement then expected between the English and Dutch navies : wherewith are complicated such musings as were occasioned by a report of their actual engagement, and by observing the publike rejoycing whilst this was preparing by the author / George Wither. date: 1666.0 words: 13694 flesch: 70 summary: And though , like Jeremiahs Lamentation , Or Davids humblings , this Humiliation Is not besprinkled with corporeal tears , Or , worded with Hyberbolies like theirs ; Nor strowd with Ashes , nor in Haircloth drest ; Or , with such formal-complements exprest , ( As may be , and ofttimes assumed are As well by Hypocrites , as Men sincere Or , though it may want what affects the Sense , I hope , that , which affects th' Intelligence It shall not want , nor ought , which to that end Is needfull , whereto , I , the same intend ; And , t is exhibited in such a mode , I hope too , as will pleasing be to GOD. To the English Nation , and to every Individual Person within these Brittish Isles , Geo. Wither , wishes that Grace , Peace , and Love in CHRIST JESUS , which by an unfeigned Humiliation , may reconcile us all to GOD ; Vnite us by an indissolvable Band of Charity , to each other ; and in a Christian Amity , withall Nations through the world . keywords: actual; bad; befal; best; better; books; bring; cause; characters; christian; cities; come; common; day; death; destroyd; doth; dread; dutch; duties; early; eebo; effect; end; engagement; english; ere; ev'n; exprest; fast; fear; foes; free; friends; general; george; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; grown; hand; hath; heed; hope; humiliation; interest; judgements; king; kingdom; late; lies; life; like; little; london; long; lord; love; man; men; mercy; mind; mode; musings; nation; national; near; page; peace; penitence; people; persons; pitchers; plagues; pleasd; powre; praise; present; pride; private; publick; publike; purpose; reason; rich; sad; safety; self; selves; sense; sigh; sins; soul; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thy; time; true; truth; vain; vvhich; vvith; war; way; whatsoever; whereto; wither; words; world; worse; yea; year cache: A66777.xml plain text: A66777.txt item: #10 of 26 id: A67334 author: Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. title: Instructions to a painter for the drawing of a picture of the state and posture of the English forces at sea, under the command of His Royal Highness in the conclusion of the year 1664 date: 1665.0 words: 1373 flesch: 67 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Instructions to a painter for the drawing of a picture of the state and posture of the English forces at sea, under the command of His Royal Highness in the conclusion of the year 1664 Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. 1665 Approx. keywords: books; characters; command; drawing; early; eebo; encoding; english; forces; highness; image; online; oxford; partnership; phase; picture; posture; royal; sea; state; tcp; tei; text; war; xml; year cache: A67334.xml plain text: A67334.txt item: #11 of 26 id: A67335 author: Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. title: Instructions to a painter for the drawing of the posture & progress of His Ma[jes]ties forces at sea, under the command of His Highness Royal together with the battel & victory obtained over the Dutch, June 3, 1665 / by Edm. Waller, Esq. date: 1666.0 words: 3627 flesch: 59 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A67335) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 62069) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 300:6) Instructions to a painter for the drawing of the posture & progress of His Ma[jes]ties forces at sea, under the command of His Highness Royal together with the battel & victory obtained over the Dutch, June 3, 1665 / by Edm. 2002-11 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2003-01 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2003-02 John Latta Sampled and proofread 2003-02 John Latta Text and markup reviewed and edited 2003-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion INSTRUCTIONS TO A PAINTER , For the Drawing of the POSTURE & PROGRESS OF His Maties Forces at Sea , Under the Command of His Highness Royal. keywords: arms; battel; blood; books; british; bullets; characters; command; draw; drawing; duke; dutch; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; fight; fleet; forces; great; heav'n; high; highness; images; instructions; june; main; meet; men; nature; new; online; oxford; painter; partnership; pencil; phase; posture; prince; progress; rage; royal; sea; ships; tcp; tei; text; title; valour; victory; waller; war; way; wind; work; world; xml cache: A67335.xml plain text: A67335.txt item: #12 of 26 id: A76017 author: Albemarle, George Monck, Duke of, 1608-1670. title: Two letters from the fleet at sea, touching the late fight: the one written by Generall Monck to the Commissioners of the Admiralty sitting at Whitehall. The other by Capt Bourn, captain of the Resolution to his wife. In which fight Generall Deane is killed by a great shot, and a Dutch admirall blown up, and 3, or 4, of their ships sunk. date: 1653.0 words: 1025 flesch: 75 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A76017 of text R207016 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E698_21). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A76017) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 118354) keywords: captain; dutch; fight; fleet; generall; great; late; letters; monck; resolution; sea; ships; shot; text; wife cache: A76017.xml plain text: A76017.txt item: #13 of 26 id: A76809 author: Albemarle, George Monck, Duke of, 1608-1670. title: A true relation of the late great sea fight as it was sent in a letter to his excellency the Lord General Cromvvell, from Gen. Blake and Gen. Monck. Wherein is a list of what Dutch ships were taken and sunk, with the number of prisoners. Likewise the number of what men were slain and wounded on our side. date: 1653.0 words: 1023 flesch: 80 summary: A true relation of the late great sea fight as it was sent in a letter to his excellency the Lord General Cromvvell, from Gen. Blake and Gen. Monck. A true relation of the late great sea fight as it was sent in a letter to his excellency the Lord General Cromvvell, from Gen. Blake and Gen. Monck. keywords: blake; dutch; excellency; gen; great; list; lord; men; monck; number; prisoners; sea; ships; text; thomason cache: A76809.xml plain text: A76809.txt item: #14 of 26 id: A80995 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Lord Protector. A proclamation of the peace made between this Common-wealth, and that of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. date: 1654.0 words: 921 flesch: 70 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80995 of text R211933 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[87]). The rate of 21 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a80995; common; england; english; lord; lord protector; netherlands; peace; proclamation; protector; provinces; text; thomason; wales; wealth cache: A80995.xml plain text: A80995.txt item: #15 of 26 id: A81018 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Lord protector. Whereas by the thirtieth article of the peace ... date: 1654.0 words: 841 flesch: 69 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A81018 of text R211944 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[91]). [1654] Title from caption and opening line of text. keywords: a81018; article; eighteenth; england; english; lord; lord protector; peace; protector; said; text; thirtieth; thomason; wales cache: A81018.xml plain text: A81018.txt item: #16 of 26 id: A82420 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: An act for setting apart VVednesday the thirteenth day of October, 1652, for a day of publique fasting and humiliation. date: 1652.0 words: 956 flesch: 66 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A82420 of text R211533 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.16[65]). With Parliamentary seal at head of text. keywords: a82420; act; day; england; english; fasting; humiliation; october; parliament; people; publique; text; thirteenth; thomason; vvednesday; wales cache: A82420.xml plain text: A82420.txt item: #17 of 26 id: A82752 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: A declaration of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England for a time of publique thanksgiving, upon the five and twentieth of this instant August, for the great victory lately vouchsafed to their fleet at sea. date: 1653.0 words: 1063 flesch: 63 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A82752 of text R211684 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[47]). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A82752) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 163295) keywords: a82752; august; commonwealth; declaration; england; fleet; great; lord; parliament; publique; sea; text; thanksgiving; thomason; time; twentieth cache: A82752.xml plain text: A82752.txt item: #18 of 26 id: A84459 author: England and Wales. Council of State. title: A declaration from the Generall and Council of State to incite all the good people of these nations to thankfullness and holy rejoycing in the Lord, for the late great victory at sea, obtained by the fleet of this Common-wealth against the Dutch, upon Thursday and Friday being the second and third of June 1653. date: 1653.0 words: 1385 flesch: 78 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A84459 of text R211526 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[13]). A declaration from the Generall and Council of State to incite all the good people of these nations to thankfullness and holy rejoycing in the Lord, for the late great victory at sea, obtained by the fleet of this Common-wealth against the Dutch, upon Thursday and Friday being the second and third of June 1653. keywords: council; day; declaration; dutch; generall; good; great; holy; june; lord; mercy; nations; people; state; text; thomason; ver; victory cache: A84459.xml plain text: A84459.txt item: #19 of 26 id: A84485 author: England and Wales. Council of State. title: Saturday April 22. 1654. By the Council at White-Hall. Whereas a peace is made, concluded, and ratified, between His Highness the Lord Protector, and the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries. ... date: 1654.0 words: 804 flesch: 76 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A84485 of text R211911 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[86]). Title from caption and opening line of text. keywords: april; books; council; early; english; hall; highness; lord; peace; protector; saturday; text; thomason; white cache: A84485.xml plain text: A84485.txt item: #20 of 26 id: A96374 author: White, Thomas, fl. 1652. title: An exact and perfect relation relation [sic] of the terrible, and bloudy fight: between the English and Dutch fleets in the Downs, on Wednesday the 19 of May, 1652. Relating, how Martin Van Trump the Dutch Admiral, upon General Blagues friendly salutation, set forth his bloudy flag of defiance; with the whole particulars of the fight, and the manner of the engagement. Also, a list of our admirals ships that engaged in the aforesaid fight; and the names of those those [sic] that lost men in this service, with the namber [sic] of them that were slain and wounded on both sides; together wth [sic] the sinking of one of the Hollanders, the taking of 3, and the total spoiling of their whole fleet; with their flight to deep in France, and what hapned [sic] to the English in the pursuit. Being the true copy of a letter sent to Mr. Richard Bostock of London, Merchant. Published according to order, and printed for the satisfaction of all that desire to be truly informed, date: 1652.0 words: 2411 flesch: 69 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A96374 of text R206838 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E665_11). no An exact and perfect relation relation [sic] of the terrible, and bloudy fight: between the English and Dutch fleets in the Downs, on Wednes White, Thomas 1652 1857 3 0 0 0 0 0 16 C The rate of 16 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: admiral; bloudy; copy; downs; dutch; english; exact; fight; flag; fleet; hollanders; london; men; relation; ships; shot; text; thomas; time; trump; van; white cache: A96374.xml plain text: A96374.txt item: #21 of 26 id: B02110 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King. A proclamation, for a publick general fast, throughout the realm of Scotland. date: 1665.0 words: 1275 flesch: 63 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B02110) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179366) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; charles; day; early; eebo; english; fast; general; image; king; online; oxford; partnership; phase; proclamation; publick; scotland; tcp; tei; text; works; xml cache: B02110.xml plain text: B02110.txt item: #22 of 26 id: B02111 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King. A proclamation, for a publick general thanksgiving, throughout the realm of Scotland. date: 1665.0 words: 1242 flesch: 64 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B02111) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179367) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; charles; day; early; eebo; english; general; god; image; king; online; oxford; partnership; phase; proclamation; publick; scotland; tcp; tei; text; thanksgiving; works; xml cache: B02111.xml plain text: B02111.txt item: #23 of 26 id: B02116 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: A proclamation, for publishing of the peace between His Majesty and the King of Denmark date: 1667.0 words: 1215 flesch: 65 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179370) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English Books, 1641-1700 ; 2786:31) keywords: books; characters; charles; day; denmark; early; eebo; encoding; english; image; king; majesty; online; oxford; partnership; peace; phase; tcp; tei; text; works; xml cache: B02116.xml plain text: B02116.txt item: #24 of 26 id: B02118 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: A proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States-General of the Vnited Netherlands. date: 1667.0 words: 1216 flesch: 64 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B02118) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179372) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English Books, 1641-1700 ; 2786:33) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: august; books; characters; charles; day; early; eebo; english; general; image; majesty; netherlands; online; oxford; partnership; peace; phase; states; tcp; tei; text; works cache: B02118.xml plain text: B02118.txt item: #25 of 26 id: B02123 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: Proclamation for the Convention of Estates date: 1666.0 words: 1318 flesch: 62 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Royal arms at head of text; initial letter. keywords: books; characters; charles; convention; early; eebo; encoding; english; estates; image; kingdom; online; oxford; partnership; phase; proclamation; royal; scotland; tcp; tei; text; works; xml cache: B02123.xml plain text: B02123.txt item: #26 of 26 id: B05092 author: J. R. fl. 1665. title: The valiant hearted sea-man; declaring a late skirmish fought between our English fleet and the Dutch. Wherein the Dutch was worsted, two of the Dutch ships sunk, and two taken as lawful prize, with a very small loss on the English side. The tune is, Lusty Stukely. date: 1665.0 words: 1551 flesch: 73 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B05092) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 174569) keywords: books; brave; characters; dutch; early; eebo; england; english; fleet; hearts; image; lusty; online; oxford; partnership; phase; sea; ships; tcp; tei; text; valiant; xml cache: B05092.xml plain text: B05092.txt