the lamb and his day proclaimed smith, humphrey, d. 1663. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a93356 of text r43749 in the english short title catalog (wing s4065). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 4 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a93356 wing s4065 estc r43749 42475189 ocm 42475189 151346 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a93356) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 151346) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2256:3) the lamb and his day proclaimed smith, humphrey, d. 1663. 1 sheet ([1] p.) s.n., [london : 1660 or 1661] signed at end of sheet: h.s. attributed to humphrey smith by wing (2nd ed.). reproduction of original in: friends' library (london, england) eng judgment day -quaker authors -early works to 1800. apocalyptic literature. broadsides -london (england) -17th century. a93356 r43749 (wing s4065). civilwar no the lamb and his day proclaimed. the kingdome of god is at hand, which come not with observation ... is near unto all that will receive it, [no entry] 1660 843 4 0 0 0 0 0 47 d the rate of 47 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the d category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. 2007-07 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-07 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-09 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2007-09 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the lamb and his day proclaimed . the kingdome of god is at hand , which come● not with observation ▪ salvation is near unto all that will receive it , redemption is coming in a time unexpected , and deliverance in a way not known , as a thief in the dark is the heir ●ome , whose light out of darkness is shining , and that which shineth out of darkness is it alone that giveth the knowledge of god , whom to know is life eternal ; and the brightness of the day of god is springing forth of darkness , as the morning sun after the darkness of the night , and glorious is this day of the revelation of god , to all them that have waited for his coming , who in the life of his power , through the obedience in his love , come to rejoyce in his dominion over all the powers of darkness for ever , and sound forth the dreadful day of his power unto all the inhabitants of the earth , from the which , christ the saviour comes to take p●ace , and to bring the sword of gods judgments into the bowels of all the earthly minded , and in him that judgeth the secrets of all mens hearts , doth his followers rejoyce , and proclaim him unto you all that makes an end of sin , who of the father of love and mercy is tendred unto all that will receive him , that in him who condemns the evil deeds , and sin in the flesh , salvation might be attained unto who now comes unto his own , of whom many receive him not , for he is come to judge the world whom god so loved , that he gave his son the light of the world , that whosoever believe in him ( by whom the secrets of all hearts are , and shall be judged ) may be saved from wrath to come , and find a sure hiding place , when the wicked shall be cut off the earth . and now who will receive the lamb , in whose mouth there is no guile , 〈◊〉 among the sons of men will receive him that hath been slain from the foundation of the world , who will receive him that is the gift of god which is perfect , who will receive him that is a man of sorrowes , whose beauty is hid from the prudent of the earth , who will receive him that the priests cry out against , and the rulers say away with him from the earth , who will come unto the waters of life and return unto the fountain of living mercies , that in his belly the springs of life may be felt : who can endure to follow him to the end of the world , whose kingdome is not of this world , and who receiveth not honour of men , who can hear , receive , and keep the hard sayings , and drink his blood that cleanseth from all sin , who is willing to receive him that is the resurrection , and the life , whose presence troubled and terrified his own disciples , so that their hearts burned within them , who will lay down their crowns at the foot of him that is the light , and mourn over him that is slain-whom they have pierced , and through patience , long suffering , and obedience , follow the one shepheard in the regeneration even unto them is the word of consolation sent . therefore be ye awakned , ô all ye rulers and people , let not your hearts be hardned against gods witness in you , neither stop your ears , nor close your eyes , for of a truth the lord is at hand , and is come to try you , with his loving kindness and with his judgments . his flock despised of men , hath he sent in the meekness of his love , to preach the innocent life of his son among you , in meekness , patience , sufferings , tribulations , who being reviled , revileth not again , but in patience enduring long imprisonments , yea want and sickness there , and abuses , cruel mockings , stonings in the street dayly , and revilings by ungodly persons , whose cruelty is increased , and their sins multiplyed , increasing to the day of judgment , and righteous revelation of gods wrath upon all unrighteousness of men , who hold his truth in that which is not his righteousness , which is now brought near unto all that fear , before him in uprightness of heart , that truth in the inward parts they might come to know , and in it worship the god of the spirits of all flesh . h. s. and without proving what we say, but as saying and doing, which are two, like to a cypher alone ... eleanor, lady, d. 1652. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a36389 of text r40381 in the english short title catalog (wing d1968). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 5 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a36389 wing d1968 estc r40381 18971395 ocm 18971395 108515 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a36389) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 108515) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1667:8) and without proving what we say, but as saying and doing, which are two, like to a cypher alone ... eleanor, lady, d. 1652. 6 + p. s.n., [london? : 1648] caption title. attributed to lady eleanor by wing and nuc pre-1956 imprints. place and date of publication suggested by nuc pre-1956 imprints. error in paging: p. 1 misnumbered 3. imperfect: lacks all after p. 6. reproduction of the original in the british library. eng charles -i, -king of england, 1600-1649 -prophecies. apocalyptic literature. great britain -history -civil war, 1642-1649. a36389 r40381 (wing d1968). civilwar no and without proving what we say, but as saying and doing, which are two, like to a cypher alone: and of more concernment these three witness douglas, eleanor, lady 1648 863 0 0 0 0 2 0 232 f the rate of 232 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the f category of texts with 100 or more defects per 10,000 words. 2006-10 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2006-10 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2006-11 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2006-11 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2007-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion and without proving what we say , but as saying and doing , which are two , like to a cypher alone : and of more concernment these three witnesses in earth , then supposed , what power indued with , whereof as insues in relation to the three in the high court of heaven ( joh. &c. ) they stiled iudges of the earth ( to wit ) the grave and prudent barons of exchequer ; et hi tres unum , &c. mr. baron trevare , the ancient of days in his likeness , his voyce gone out into all lands , &c. psal. 19. the second like the son of man , the azure clouds mixt his foot-carpet ; the third answerable to the holy ghosts slow operation , miracles and prophesie for a time ceased , or like that saying of theirs , have not so much as heard whether any holy ghost , &c. committed to whose ministery the mystery of times and seasons , by all the world slighted or derided , &c. several days before whom this troublesom tryal appearing , of no mean consequence , the manor and rectory of pyreton , by what means and indirect courses taken , thereto the king intitled , by jugling projectors plots , an old outlawry revived , caused hereby to stretch it self out by their breathing into it , &c. to overthrow a lawful purchase and ioynture , after injoyed so many years , waiting their opportunity , the widows estate to cut it off , by such trivial incumbrances sifted forth : the very image of the beast , revel. 13. with the great-seal faced forth , only paying his majesty about a mark yearly such a costly purchase therein by his own officer born out , his solicitor general . not unlike that dispute about moses body , between the archangel and the other ( the tempter ) reported by jude , this law point debated so often in open court , by the advantage taken of her imprisonment , that got into possession : so passing from this to the iudges their charge for repairing this no slender breach , appointed to stand in the gap , to take off the lords heavy hand from him , namely the king , by conjuring this spirit down , raised up in his name , a lye in samuels likeness : and how came to pass , for the sin against the holy ghost committed , shewing also forgiven neither in this world nor the other ; witness the archbishop , taking prophesie for no other then madness , gone to his proper place from towerhil : and yet deliverd not groaning so long in travel the kingdoms three , such distraction under witness in ecclesiastical and civil affairs both . as not unknown to himself these , of her coming unto him without manifestation not of a commission in that case armor of proof , to give him a taste or warning of his judgement at hand , the hand writing ( dan. 5. ) served on him in his gallery , was immediately by a reference answered under his hand bearing date , 1633. octob. &c. whitehal , committed for that cause the space of two years a close prisoner in the gate-house , even octob. 23. when brought first thither , honored with the same very day of irelands massacre , octob. 23. and of keynton-fight , &c. stript of all ever since , a cup whereof himself since hath drunk the dregs . this is the business that sleeps not . howsoever he faln asleep , like them bidden to sleep on , &c. she though then , and since armd with no few sad tokens of that kinde come to pass on others no obscure ones ; witness the dukes fatal month of august foretold . vvith this for another observation , her ioynture the manor of englefield whilest she in the gatehouse , bought by the marques of winchester , how his of basing , such an example not the like , unlucky babel towers , toward the increase of widows and fatherless , made to kiss the ground . and impeaced of treason in this kinde ; no light thing ; about their neck a meeter ornament what weight not unknown ; then s. george a horseback . yet for making atonement in that case for such his majesties folly , like as when jobs captivity said to return , was appointed to pray for his three friends : so on the other side , the aforesaid iudges three to make his peace , to turn his captivisy away , faln so low as hard to judge , whether exposed to the dunghil , or the dungeons slavery the greater or better estate , unhapily by his own seeking hapned . nor his name wiped out of this record , once a good confession made , afterward makes as bad an end , opening the very yates of hell , like balaam , loving the wages of to all nations, kindreds, languages, tongues, and people with your princes and rulers and all people from the highest to the lowest. this to you is the word of the lord god. dewsbury, william, 1621-1688. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a81403 of text r171763 in the english short title catalog (wing d1274). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 7 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a81403 wing d1274 estc r171763 45789270 ocm 45789270 172581 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a81403) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 172581) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2639:20) to all nations, kindreds, languages, tongues, and people with your princes and rulers and all people from the highest to the lowest. this to you is the word of the lord god. dewsbury, william, 1621-1688. 1 sheet ([1] p.) printed for robert wilson ..., london : 1660. signed: w.d. [i.e. william dewsbury]. imprint from colophon. reproduction of original in: friends' library (london, england). eng apocalyptic literature. broadsides -england -17th century. a81403 r171763 (wing d1274). civilwar no to all nations, kindreds, languages, tongues, and people, with your princes and rulers, and all people from the highest to the lowest. this dewsbury, william 1660 1208 3 0 0 0 0 0 25 c the rate of 25 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the c category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. 2007-10 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-10 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-11 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2007-11 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion to all nations , kindreds , languages , tongues , and people , with your princes and rulers ▪ and all people from the highest to the lowest . this to you is the word of the lord god . fear god and give glory to him , for the hour of his judgements is come , and his dreadful terrible day will come speedily upon all nations and people ; therefore worship him that made heaven and earth , and the sea , and the fountains of water , and them upholds by the word of his power ; let his fear and dread be upon you all : people , see what acquaintance and union you have with him ; he is a god that will not be mocked , who is now coming in his pure dreadful majesty , and glorious almighty power , to break down and dash in pieces like a potters vessel all people from the highest to the lowest , from the prince on the throne , to the beggar on the dunghil , in and amongst all nations , kindreds , languages , tongues , and people , who put the day of the lord god afar off , and live without the knowledge of the onely true god in this world , serving an unknown god in the ignorance of your minds , and in traditions ; worshipping you know not what , and walking every one in your own wayes , doing your own works , which leads to satisfie the flesh in the lusts thereof : all which is abomination to the onely true and ever living god , to whom you must give an account for every idle word , and all your deeds done in the body . all people upon the face of the earth , let the time past be sufficient you have lived without the knowledge of the onely true god ; in this day the living god visits you with a day of visitation of mercy , to declare his counsel to you , that ●ou may come to the knowledge of him ; be warned to depart from the evil of your wayes , and hearken diligently to the counsel of the onely true god , who waits upon you to be gracious unto you , whose grace hath appeared unto all men , which is the light christ jesus the son of god hath ●ighted you with , that discovereth unto you the secret evil of your hearts and consciences ; in the fear of the living god , search your hearts with the light , which is the counsel of god , that convinceth you in your hearts and consciences , that lying is a sin , swearing is a sin , covetousness a sin , pride a sin , drunkenness a sin , and gluttony a sin , whoredom and uncleanness a sin , cozening , cheating , and dissimulations sins , tyranny , cruelty , and oppression , and murther are sins ; which fore-mentioned , cryes to the god of heaven for vengeance , which if you do not walk in obedience to the grace of god , the light , which discovereth them , to guide you out of them : as the lord god destroyed the old world , who received not his counsel , so will the lord god of heaven and earth break in upon all you people , scattered in all nations , kindreds , tongues and languages ; for his eternal decree is gone over you all who walk in your wicked wayes , he will break you down and dash you to pieces , and you shall become an abhorring to all flesh : therefore prize your time while god preserves you , for the day of your visitation is come , wherein the god of heaven visits you , and exhorts you in the power of his spirit to return to him , which if you diligently hearken to his counsel the light , which sheweth you your evil wayes , and convinceth you of your sins as before written , and wait on him in the light to lead you out of all idolatry , and every sinful and evil way ; then will the only true god give you power over your sinful and unclean nature , and he will teach you his wayes and lead you in the paths of righteousness , and save you out of all your idolatrous wayes you have walked in , and will establish you in eternal rest and peace , with all his children that walk in obedience to his counsel the light , which convinceth of sin in the secrets of your hearts and consciences , in which light he is gathering of his people out of all nations , kindreds , languages , and tongues , and people , into his own kingdom , in the light with him to walk , who is now establishing his kingdom in the earth , which kingdom shall break down all other kingdoms , and their dominion take away , and destroy to the end . then shall the kingdom of the everliving god be known in the earth to destroy the image , ( that will not submit to him , ) and to establish all those that walk in the light , in his everlasting kingdom to dwell , and there to praise his name alone , who is worthy over all , god blessed for ever . hear and fear all nations , kindreds , tongues , languages , and people , repent and turn to the onely true god , in hearkning diligently to his counsel the light , that convinceth of sin in the secrets of your hearts and consciences , that ye be not cut off in the dreadful terrible day of the fierce wrath of the everliving god , wherein he will destroy all idolatry out of the earth , and perform according to his word , here to you declared , and none of you shall escape , which disobey his counsel the light , and you shall certainly know the mouth of the lord hath spoken it , what he will bring upon all nations . remember you are warned in your life-time , in this day of your visitation , if you slight it , your destruction is of your selves , and your blood is upon your own heads . from the righteous seed , of whom it is written , it shall be no more said , the lord liveth that brought us forth of the land of egypt ; but the lord liveth that hath raised up his seed , and brought it forth of the north-countrey , jer. 23. 7 , 8. forth of the northern countrey called england , from the seed of god there risen , that shall spread over all the nations of the world . w. d. london , printed for robert wilson , at the sign of the black-spread-eagle and wind-mill , in martins le grand , 1660. god's zeal thundered forth, against all those magistrates, bishops, priests and people of this city of london, who have deserted their brethren in this day of sore calamity. r. c. (richard crane) 1665 approx. 6 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2008-09 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a80764 wing c6812a estc r171589 45789256 ocm 45789256 172566 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a80764) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 172566) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2639:5) god's zeal thundered forth, against all those magistrates, bishops, priests and people of this city of london, who have deserted their brethren in this day of sore calamity. r. c. (richard crane) 1 sheet ([1] p.) s.n.], [london : printed the 4th. day of the 6th. moneth, 1665. signed: r.c. [i.e. richard crane]. place of publication suggested by wing. date of publication from colophon. reproduction of original in: friends' library (london, england). created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng apocalyptic literature. persecution -england -early works to 1800. broadsides -england -17th century. 2007-10 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-10 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-11 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2007-11 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion gods zeal thundered forth , against all those magistrates , bishops , priests and people of this city of london , who have deserted their brethren in this day of sore calamity . thus saith the lord , behold , oh city ! i have visited thee with my judgement , to the end thy inhabitants through true repentance might learn righteousness ; and therefore have i given my angel commission to smite in thee , to cut off and destroy ; who is fulfilling my decree , prophecyed of in thee o city , by my servants , whom thou hast rewarded evil for all their love unto thee ; and the cry of their injurious sufferings , and oppressions are entred into my ears , for whose sakes i am arisen to plead with all their adversaries , and will lay wast and make desolate ; yea , and i will even lay heaps upon heaps , for all thy abominations wherewith thou hast provoked me year after year , and time after time ; yea , in my zeal have i declared it . and you who have most shamefully deserted your brethren in this day of calamity , and have fled the judgment , and have taken sanctuary in the holes of the earth , and clifts of the rocks , thinking thereby to hide from my presence ; i will visit you , i will visit you , and you shall know i am god of the country as well as the city , and my hand shall search you out , and your gods of silver and of gold , in whorn you have trusted this many years , and do trust , shall not be able to save you from my wrath , for i am god of the whole earth . is this christianity to your brethren , to leave them sick and wounded , with my judgments ? what , all pass by , yea , levite and all , surely , surely , my hand shall follow you even to the remotest hole and corner , whereunto you are fl●d : and for you that have taken upon you to promote a national church and worship , and are ministers thereof , and are found in this ungodly desertion ; my hand is against you for ever , forasmuch as you have given the magistrate no rest till he hath wrought your vengeance upon my people ; my woes for ever is your portion : what did you make mention of my name in your assemblies in a time of prosperity , and in a time of judgment do you flee ? am not i the same god still ; if your worship was good then , it is good now ; and surely in such a time as this all hands and hearts in holiness are to be lifted up ; but to me have you been known of old , and the wayes of your hypocrisie and deceit , your inventions , traditions , and all your vain imitations , mine eyes have beheld , and my very soul hath loathed them , and long ago have i spued them forth , in these nations , and these your deceitful performances , are a very abhorency unto my soul. and would you have a people whom i have gathered forth of all people to magnifie my name , and in whom i have placed my righteousness and truth , manifested unto them by my eternal spirit , to bow unto your wayes , which my very soul abhors ? though you have been permitted for some years to inflict penalties upon them according to the rule of your lusts ; and some you have slain , and some banished , and many imprisoned , and are at this time in your cruel goales held ; for your better effecting your barbarity of banishment on them , i tell you and that in my holy zeal , you shall fail in your purpose , for i have not gathered them into my holy truth , any more to conform , or bow to an harlot , for my wayes are purity , in which i am leading of them . and thy wound o national church of england which thou hast given thy self in this day and time shall never more be cured , for all the balme that thy halberts , clubs , and staves , with all thy ungodly coercions of all sorts pour'd into it ; shall not heale it , for if thou would have exalted thy way , now had been thy time to have been zealous , and those eyes which were blinded , with thy charmes and sorceries , behold i will open them , yea and they shall hate thee with an utter detestation , and my great dispensation at hand will i manifest , which hath been spoken of old , i will , i will , yea i will , devide between priest and magistrate , and this my work is in order unto it , the eye in me doth behold it : and though you may in your hearts treasure up vengeance in your holes whereinto yee are fled , and may think so soon as my hand is a little removed , to fall to your old cursed work of persecution , and inflicting your barbarous penalty upon my people ; i say i will honour and magnifie my name in and through all these things , remember pharaoh , for his second plague was worse and more heavy then his first ; and at last he paid dear for all his aggrevation . and you who have lived like divels in the flesh in ramming , damming , sinking , and confounding , with numberless execrations , your very lives have been hell on earth , your heaven hath been in taverns , alchouses , whorehouses , and all manner of ungodly stage-playes , and other places of debauchery ; you even have made my fury to smoke , and your cursed desires in belching forth oathes , plagues , and other hideous execrations , are now , even now falfilling upon you . and thus with my judgements which are pure and just , will i sweep this nation till the hypocrite , prophane , persecuter , and ungodly be no more . r. c. printed the 4th . day of the 6th . moneth , 1665. the lamb and his day proclaimed [by] h.s. smith, humphrey, d. 1663. 1661 approx. 6 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2008-09 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a93357 wing s4066 estc r43750 42475190 ocm 42475190 151347 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a93357) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 151347) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2256:4) the lamb and his day proclaimed [by] h.s. smith, humphrey, d. 1663. 1 sheet ([1] p.). printed for m.w., [london] : in the year 1661. place of publication from wing (2nd ed.). reproduction of original in: friends' library (london, england) created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng judgment day -quaker authors. apocalyptic literature. broadsides -london (england) -17th century. 2007-07 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-08 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-09 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2007-09 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the lamb & his day proclaimed . the kingdome of god is at hand , which comes not with observation , salvation is near unto all that will receive it , redemption is coming in a time unexpected , and deliverance in a way not known , as a thief in the dark is the heir come , whose light out of darkness is shining , and that which shineth out of darkness is it alone that giveth the knowledge of god , whom to know is life eternal ; and the brightness of the day of god is springing forth of darkness as the morning sun after the darkness of the night , and glorious is this day of the revelation of god , to all them that have waited for his coming , who in the life of his power ▪ through the obedience in his love , come to rejoyce in his dominion over all the powers of darkness for ever , and sound forth the dreadful day of his power unto all the inhabitants of the earth ▪ from the which , christ the saviour comes to take peace , and to b●ing the sword of gods judgments into the bowels of all the earthly minded , and in him that judgeth the secrets of all mens hearts , doth his followers rejoyce , and proclaim him unto you all that makes an end of sin , who of the father of love and mercy is tendred unto all that will receive him , that in him who condemns the evil deeds and sin in the flesh , salvation might be attained unto who now comes unto his own , of whom many receive him not for he is come to judge the world whom god so loved that he gave his son the light of the world , that whosoever believe in him ( by whom the secrets of all hearts are , and shall be judged ) may be saved from wrath to come , and find a sure hiding place , when the wicked shall be cut off the earth . and now who will receive the lamb , in whose mouth there is no guile , who among the sons of men will receive him that hath been slain from the foundation of the world , who will receive him that is the gift of god which is perfect , who will receive him that is a man of sorrowes , whose beauty is hid from the prudent of the earth , who will receive him that the priests cry out against and the rulers say away with him from the earth , who will come unto the waters of life and return unto the fountain of living mercies , that in his belly the springs of life may be felt : who can endure to follow him to the end of the world , whose kingdome is not of this world , and who receiveth not honour of men , who can hear , receive , and keep the hard sayings , and drink his blood that cleanseth from all sin , who is willing to receive him that is the resurrection and the life , whose presence troubled and terrified his own disciples so that their hearts burned within them , who will lay down their crowns at the foot of him that is the light , and mourn over him that is slain whom they have pierced , and through patience , long suffering , and obedience , follow the one shepheard in the regeneration even unto them is the word of consolation sent . therefore be ye awakned o all ye rulers and people , let not your hearts be hardned against gods witness in you neither stop your ears , nor close your eyes , for ofa truth the lord is at hand , and is come to cry you , wi●h his loving kindness and with his judgments . his flock despised of men , hath he sent in the meekness of his love , to preach the innocent life of his son among you , in meekness , patience , sufferings and tribulations , who being reviled , revileth not again , but in patience enduring long imprisonments , yea want and sickness there , and abuses , cruel mockings , stonings in the street dayly , and revilings by ungodly persons , whose cruelty is increased and their sins multiplied increasing to the day or judgment , and righteous revelation of gods wrath upon all unrighteousness of men , who hold his truth in that which is not his righteousness , which is now brought near unto all that fear , before him in uprightness of heart , that truth in the inward parts they might come to know , and in it worship the god of the spirits of all flesh and all you people that are meek and tender , who have been taught by the priest ▪ and not by the lord , whose mercy to the humble abideth for ever , the lord god almighty hath so loved you , that he hath provided a better teacher for you , which shall not be removed and a priest that abideth for ever , and a bishop for your souls , and behold he is no less then a king yea he ruleth over kings , and help is laid upon him , who is mighty , and he is able to save , and he is so willing to do it that he hath laid down his life for that end ▪ and he standeth at the door and knocks , and he that knocks is called the word , and the word is as a hamer , and the word is in the heart where christ is to be received , and where this knocks for entrance , and it knocks against sin and in him is no sin , and he cometh to save you from sin , and to lead you the way to the father ; and without money doth he ever teach , nay he giveth abundantly unto all that are taught by him , and that more then mortal riches , and you may have him to be with you alwaies for ever , and he can resolve all your doubts , and satisfie every one , and replenish the weary , and nourish the faint , and in him are all gods treasures , of the which by him you may come to pertake for ever , and he himself is as a treasure in thy field , but hid from thee , which i have found in the earthen vessel , and declare it unto thee , that thy fallow ground may be ript up to find the pearl , for this is neer unto thee , and the motion of it is against thy sin , the beauty whereof thou can never see , untill to it thou come to hearken . h. s. this being written in true love and simplicity of heart , for the good of all people . printed for m. w. in the year 1661. to all the hireling priests in england. rigge, ambrose, 1635?-1705. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a91831 of text r224247 in the english short title catalog (wing r1494). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 8 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a91831 wing r1494 estc r224247 45789390 ocm 45789390 172701 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a91831) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 172701) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2646:6) to all the hireling priests in england. rigge, ambrose, 1635?-1705. 1 sheet ([1] p.) printed for thomas simmons ..., london. : 1659. signed: amb. rigge. reproduction of original in: friends' library (london, england). eng apocalyptic literature. broadsides -england -17th century. a91831 r224247 (wing r1494). civilwar no to all the hireling priests in england. rigge, ambrose 1659 1535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a this text has no known defects that were recorded as gap elements at the time of transcription. 2007-07 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-07 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-08 emma (leeson) huber sampled and proofread 2007-08 emma (leeson) huber text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion to all the hireling priests in england . gods indignation is greatly kindled against you , oh! ye seed of evil-doers ; how can you escape the damnation of hell ? how often have you perverted the right way of the lord ? gods sword is drawn against you , and the stroke of it is near to fall upon you , you have long made your selves as fat horses , with that which you have got by deceit and fraudelity , that your eyes hath stood out with fatness this many years ; but now the time of your calamity draws near , wherein you shall be fed with judgement and wrath from the almighty , for the curse shall enter into your houses , where your ill-gotten goods lieth , and shall destroy them with the stones thereof , and with the timber thereof , and as you have laid upon your beds of ease long , so shall you be cast upon the bed of endless torment , for your abominations hath reached to heaven , and hath long grieved the most high , your wilful transgressions cannot be numbred , for as troops of robbers wait for a man , so have you murthered in the way by consent , for you have committed much lewdness , and have compelled others to do it also , that would not ; and how many widows houses have you devoured ? wo , wo , wo from the lord god is gone out against you , cursed shall you be when you go forth and when you come in ; oh! how is gods indignation kindled against you , ye generation of vipers , who hath fed your selves and not the flock ; oh! what will you do when the lord requires his flock at your hands ? what a ravening and tearing in england have you made for your bellies , which is your god , the like cannot be parallel'd by all the false prophets that ever was heard or read of ; then when this would not satisfie you , you have thirsted after blood it self , therefore shall your cup be filled with it , god will smite you with shame and contempt , so that you shall become a reproach to all that fears him ; the day of the lord shall come upon you as pain upon a woman in travel ; and that light within , which you have so much derided and cried against , shall be kindled as a fire in your bowels , and shall never be quenched till it have consumed you root and branch , for god will not much longer be mocked by you . oh! you greedy dumb dogs , who could never be satisfied , hell and destruction hath enlarged her self to receive you , because you have provoked the lord and rebelled against him dayes without number , oh! how have you caused his servants and messengers to be shamefully intreated for declaring unto you his truth in most parts of the nation ? nay , when some of the rulers would have shewed mercy unto them , you have provoked them to wrath , therefore shall you have judgement without mercy , who hath shewed no mercy ; the lord hath shaked his hand at your dishonest gain , his soul loaths your solemn assemblies , your sacrifices are abomination in his sight , for your hands are full of blood , your iniquities are come up to heaven , the cry of the poor and the complaint of the needy , which you have grievously oppressed , hath the lord heard ; your sheeps covering which you have hid your selves long under , shall now be ript off , and your nakedness and shame shall appear unto all men , the lord will discover your secret parts when you shall not be able to make a covering to hide you , the night of darkness is coming over you , wherein you shall stumble and be snared and taken , and this is because you have hated the true light , and caused others to hate it , your calamities cannot be numbred . oh! how sad is the cry that i have heard against you , you have turned many from the right way of the lord , to follow the imaginations of your corrupt hearts , and when the true light did break forth to have guided their feet into the way of peace , you have laboured by all your strength to keep all people from it , and said all manner of evil against it , and for this cause will gods judgements be heavy upon you , you have often taken the sheaf from the hungry , and hath with-holden water from the thirsty , therefore shall a famine and a drought come upon you , till you be consumed , you shall be like unto the grasse that growes upon the house top , whereof the mower cannot fill his hand , nor the gatherer of sheaves his bosom , you have been shameful vine-dressers , your vineyards are overgrown with weeds , netles and thistles in the sight of the whole nation , therefore will the curse come upon you , fear , the pit , and the snare will compass you , and it shall come to pass that as many of you as are not slain with fear , shall fall in the pit , and as many as escapes the pit shall fall into the snare ; for from under gods protection are you gone , and therefore will he suffer him that you have served so long to give you your reward , your end will be much worse then ever was your beginning , though it was popery ; had you but in any measure stood in the counsel of god , and caused his people to have heard his word of faith in their hearts , they had been turned from the evil of their wayes long ere now , but you have run and god never sent you , but the love of filthy lucre , so you were never like to profit the people at all ; therefore will the lord smite you with a sore blow , and lay all your honour in the dust , and cloath you with contempt in the sight of all that fears him , nay you shall proceed not much further till your folly shall be made manifest unto all men as theirs was who trod in your steps in former ages ; oh howl , howl and lament for the misery that is coming upon you , you have often hated reproof time after time when the lord would have done good unto you and have had mercy upon you , for notwithstanding you were placed in his vineyard , yet when he sent his servants to look for fruits , you have beaten and shamefully intreated them , and now he having sent his son you have slain him , what do you think will the lord of the vineyard do when he comes to reckon with you ? he will cast you out of his vineyard and will let it out to others , who will yield him fruit in due season , wo , wo unto you , for you have stood in the way of many & would neither enter into the kingdom your selves , nor suffer them that would , this have you often done , your long robes ( pharisee like ) which you have long gloried in , shall become ragged & torn , and shall be unto you a torment , your powdred hair and sweet perfumes shall be turned into stink , your wives hoods and vailes , gold and silver lace , and other gaudy attire which you have ravened from your parishes , ( by which you are maintained ) and caused to be hung upon them , shal become like them which gods judgment came upon in isaiah chap. 3. their honour shall fade as the flower and go out as the snuff of a candle , and these are the words of the lord which was given in to me to write unto you when i was in weakness as to the outward , and who warned me to warn you what he hath intended against you ; therefore if there be any one of you , that are not guilty of the things aforementioned , whose hearts are not wholly hardened , sit down in sackcloth and repent while you have a little time , least gods controversie be sealed against you all , and you be turned into the pit where there is no redemption . written from the spirit of truth which is the words of truth , unto all the false hirelings in england by amb. rigge . london . printed for thomas simmons , at the bull and mouth near aldersgate , 1659. gods controversie with england declared, or, a warning-word by way of reproof to the inhabitants thereof ... taylor, thomas, 1618-1682. 1661 approx. 8 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2004-11 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a64256 wing t575 estc r33905 13612809 ocm 13612809 100759 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a64256) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 100759) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1051:14) gods controversie with england declared, or, a warning-word by way of reproof to the inhabitants thereof ... taylor, thomas, 1618-1682. 1 broadside. printed for robert wilson ..., london : 1661. reproduction of original in the huntington library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng society of friends -apologetic works. apocalyptic literature. 2004-07 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2004-07 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2004-08 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2004-08 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2004-10 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion gods controversie with england declared or a vvarning-vvord by way of reproof to the inhabitants thereof , even to such as forget god , and are adding one sin unto another . upon the second day of the fifth moneth , 1661. as i travelled under the burdens of the people , the lord god of everlasting power , glory , wisdom and righteousness said unto me with a strong hand , write my controversie with this people of england , who are onely wise to do evil , but to do good have no knowledge , who proceed from evil to worse , and fear not me at all , saith the lord god ; whose iniquities are greatly increased against me , and to such a height do the floods of their ungodliness make haste to arise , that all the channels will be quick●y full ; and then woe , woe , unto them , saith the dreadful and holy one. for thus saith the lord , i will overturn , overturn , until you wicked and profane multitude be no more ; even until you , o people , whose ears are wholy shut against the good be consumed and brought to nothing : for your iniquities do burden my righteous soul , saith god , and sodom was not more grievous to me than you are . for o what studying and ●riving is in thy multitude how they may exceed in their vanities , in ●heir riotings , drinkings , revelings , and heathenish abominations of all forts ! hath not my soul considered , saith god , what you have done , both the last year and this , under pretence of honouring your king. what do you think by dishonouring me , to honour your king ? you and your king ( if he allow of your doings ) will i severely judge , saith the lord god , except ye speedily repent , and all look better to your ways than hitherto you have done . o consider this , ye forgetters of god , ye filthy hearted people , how have ye made the land to stink before me , with your abominations ! o i have seen , saith god , how wickedly and with a high hand , as it were in despight of me you set up your may-poles , that accursed thing , the last year , and i warned you of it , and called ye to repentance ; but , as if i had said nothing , you have doubled your wickedness in the same thing this year also , to provoke my soul to arise up against you to your hurt : and the beesom on the top of some of them , signifies that i will sweep the land of evil doers ; and surely it shall come to passe , that if ye will not yet repent of your wickedness , that i will plague you with the plagues of egypt , and i will do such things amongst you in my judgement , and fury poured forth , that the nations about that hear thereof , shall stand amazed at thee . o revolted and back-sliden nation ; whither art thou gone already ? and whither wilt thou run , if thou be suffered to go on ? into the pit that thou art step already , and into the nethermost hell thou wilt fall if i let thee alone . but i will arise , saith god , i will execute righteous judgement in thee , with fire and sword will i plead with thee , and thy mighty men shall fall with thee , who sing thy song , and take part with thy lewdnesse , and strengthen thy ungodly hands in thy wicked ways , and say in their hearts , o this is a good day , these are good subjects , this is the time we have long looked for ; now we reign ; now we may do what we will , and who shall controul us ? who shall hinder us from filling our selves with all manner of delights ? now we are setled in our way ; now will we build our decayed houses , and restore our fallen worships ; now will we repair the broken fences of our parks , that we may have game to the full ; now shall our horses be well fed for the race , that they may fully please us ; now let the cock-pits be looked to , for that ( cruel ) sport , and let our bowling-alleys be well dressed for our daily recreation ; now shall the stage-players for our delight , have their full liberty , and all the sons of vanity have due encouragement for the old things we love , and that which is new , though never so much the better , our souls loath ; we like the old ways of our fathers , because when they had lord-bishops and their minster services with mattens , and evensong , with organs , and singing-boys , and such like things , then there was peace and plenty ; and when the neighbourhood could meet together and sit about a bone-fire or may-pole , or under a bower , and drink strong drink , and tell stories , and sing and roar , then there was love and agreement ; and when playes , and pastimes , and wakes were duely frequented and observed , then was it a merry time , and a joyful land , and all went well in those days , when such things were on foot ; and when those that said they feared the lord , and so could not joyn with us , but rather witnessed against us , and reproved us for such things , were taken a course withal , o then was it a good day , say many ; and as it was then so would we have it now , saith your vain and wicked hearts , o ye fallen sons and daughters of adam ! and i see you , saith the lord god , with both your hands endeavouring these things , and abusing my power , if possible to set up the devils kingdom with it ; and thus quite contrary to my ordinance , saith the lord , are you become as a terrour to the good , and an encouragement to them that do evil , and mine eye seeth you right well ; and my heart considereth you thorowly , and i cannot love you , for prophaneness and hypocrisie is your covering , and you are as the cloaths of a menstruous woman in my sight . away with your vain worships , saith god , my soul loaths your sabbaths and services thereon , yea , your sacraments are a burden to me ; i hate your prayers , praises , professions and confessions , for you mend not your lives and doings at all ; i will stir up my jealousie and it shall kindle like flames of fire upon you , and utterly consume the joy of your hearts , and for joy the bitterest of sorrows shall seize upon you , and you shall become a burden to your selves , except you speedily repent and turn to the lord god , from whom you are far gone away . for i have a long time held my peace , saith the lord , but now i will cry like a travelling woman , i will destroy and devour at once , i will lay waste the mountains and the hills , because they have not answered my power with fruits of righteousness to me . and the multitudes of people who are as grashoppers in thy bowels devouring every green thing , and spending my creatures upon their lusts , not regarding my glory at all , shall be as heaps of fuel for the fire of my jealousie , and it shall kindle upon them , and none shall quench it , neither shall it cease burning till i have consumed thy drosse , and appeased my wrath in the consumption of thy wicked ones , saith the lord god. for tophet is prepared of old , for the purposes of my heart , according to the scriptures , saith the holy one. thomas taylor . london , printed for robert wilson , at the sign of the black-spread-eogle and windmil , in martins le grand , 1661. the voice of the lord, saith, cry. d. w. (dorothy white) 1662 approx. 9 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2008-09 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a96341 wing w1761 estc r186483 45578503 ocm 45578503 172417 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a96341) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 172417) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2628:39) the voice of the lord, saith, cry. d. w. (dorothy white) 1 sheet ([1] p.). [s.n.], london : printed in the year, 1662. signed: dorothy white. reproduction of original in the friends' library (london, england). created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng judgment of god. apocalyptic literature. broadsides -england -17th century. 2007-06 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-06 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-08 emma (leeson) huber sampled and proofread 2007-08 emma (leeson) huber text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the voice of the lord , saith , cry . and what shall i cry , oh! the day of the lord god hasteneth , and is coming upon all proud flesh , upon the lofty and the high-minded , upon all the tall cedars ; and the sword of the lord god is drawn to cut down all fruitless trees : and this is the cry of the lord god of heaven , which is gone forth against you unjust justices , with all the false judges , with whom we are to contend for the truth and faith of our lord jesus christ , who is come again with power and great glory ; against whom , the rulers and the judges of the earth take counsel , who are combinding together against the lord of glory , and his holy anointed , who are blessed for ever : and this is the day of the lord god , wherein we warn you , again and again , to repent of your evil deeds , your works of darkness , which you are working in the night which is over you . behold thick darkness hath covered you , and the clouds of the night hath infolded you , and your eyes are yet blinded , that you cannot see the signes of the times , nor yet discern the coming of the son of man ; surely , if you did but see the glimerings of the day of god , you would not thus make war against his glorious appearance : a lamentation could i take up for you , as the lord jesus did over jerusalem of old , who killed the prophets , who stoned them that were sent to preach repentance , over whom he wept and said , oh jerusalem , jerusalem ! that killest the prophets , and stonest them that were sent unto thee ; do you not do the same , who are halling and persecuting , and imprisoning the innocent people , who fear the lord god , and for no other thing do suffer for , but for truth , and for righteousness sake ; a woful day is coming upon you all from the righteous god of heaven , who hath determined to bring it , and it is even at your doors , although you will not believe it , although it be declared unto you ; you despisers and wonderers , you shall surely perish if you repent not ; and as sure as the lord liveth , he will plead with you , by the sword of his eternal vengeance ; and woe unto you who are decreeing unrighteous decrees , who are seeking by all subtilty to ensnare the just ; but away with your abominations , we see the subtilty of the devil , whose servants ye are , and so we may call you , as christ did your fore-fathers , who said , they were of the seed of abraham their father , but they were of their father the devil , whose works they did . the same you do now , and the vengeance of god must come upon you , then shall you see the king of glory appear in flames of consuming fire , rewarding you , the workers of iniquity ; then shall the witness of god be awakned in every one of your consciences , although it be now as it were asleep , although the son of god is slain in the streets of sodom , when the blood of the covenant is trampled under by you the uncircumcised in heart and ears , who cannot indure the truth when it is spoken ; but there is a witness of god in every conscience of you ; this you shall know awakned in the day that is coming , and this shall arise to your condemnation , and then your consciences condemning you , god is greater , and will condemn you also ; and then whither will you fly ? i tell you the mountains shall not cover you , neither shall the rocks hide you from the flames of his wrath , when he appeareth to judgement : therefore you judges on earth come forth , arise you dead to the judgement of the great day of the lord god , who is arising to judge you according to your works ; therefore i say in the power of the living god , and by his holy spirit , you shall be unthroned , and thrown down , the mouth of the lord of host hath spoken it ; and your kingdom shall be laid waste , and your dwelling places made desolate without inhabitants ; your habitation is a habitation of unclean spirits , the devil keepeth your house , by whose power you rule ; but woe unto the earth , and to the sea , for the devil is come down , having great rage , because his kingdom is to be destroyed ; and woe unto the rulers of this present age , who are vessels of wrath , who are fitted for destruction , in whom the prince of this world lodgeth , and by his power you think to make the sons of god bow ; nay , the authority of the heavenly power in which we stand , shall bind you all , you kings and princes of the earth ; the dominion of our god raigneth over hell and death , and above you , in the king of heavens authority , and you shall bow and bend unto the power in which we dwell ; and the lord god hath put it into my heart to expostulate this matter , and to contend for the faith and truth of the lord jesus , against whom you rulers of the earth are taking counsel , and making war against ; but your counsellor god will confound , and your counsels shall be dasht in pieces , and your unrighteous decrees shall be confounded , and you shall never be able to make an end of the work which you have begun , it will be too pondrous for you ; and this testimony we have to bear for the living god , against you the oppressors of his truth ; and truth and righteousness shall be again established in the earth , although it is become a sting and a torment , yet the truth , the living stone shall dash you to pieces , and grinde you to powder ; therefore tremble , dread and fear the god of host , who will terribly shake the foundations and pillars of the earth , before whom you shall quake and tremble ; then shall you know that the god of the quakers is a consuming fire , which will render vengeance upon you all , whose day you shall not escape . therefore i say tremble , oh earth , ye judges and rulers stand in awe of the dreadful god , who is coming with thousands of his angels to judge the world , and you shall all know his power to your everlasting destruction , if you submit not to his government , which is righteous , holy and true , and is upon his shoulders ; and because of injustice the land mourns , and because of false judgement great is the oppression ; and instead of justice behold oppression is found amongst you , who are looking for bribes , and rewards , and gifts , which hath blinded your eyes : and so by the deceitfulness of sin , you are led into captivity by the prince of this world , who ruleth in the earthly minded , who covets after earthly things , whose hearts are filled with unclean lusts ; these are not the temples of god , but these are vessels filled with uncleanness and abomination , against whom the cry of the lord is gone forth , who will meet them with sudden destruction ; and the day hastens , that was never the like , nor ever the like shall be after it , the great and notable day , the mighty and terrible day , which is near to be revealed ; i say the like was never , nor shall be the like after it , so dreadful , so terrible , shall be the day of god upon his enemies , that no flesh shall be saved that liveth in corruption ; and woe unto the world for they shall mourn and weep bitterly , and mens hearts shall fail them for fear , and they shall run up and down as men amazed , and looking for those things which shall come upon the earth ; for the tribes of the earth shall mourn , and great sorrow and desolation shall come on all that are found out of the covenant of the lord god ; and no other hiding-place shall be found , but the holy ark of god , into which the righteous shall enter , but the wicked and rebellious shall be destroyed by fire and by sword. so this was upon my spirit from god to declare and publish , as a faithful testimony and warning ; published by me , dorothy white . dated from the white-lyon prison in southwark , this 17th of the 8th month , 1662. london , printed in the year , 1662. the revelation interpreted by the la. eleanor. eleanor, lady, d. 1652. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a36423 of text r37763 in the english short title catalog (wing d2009). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 12 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 8 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a36423 wing d2009 estc r37763 17014193 ocm 17014193 105780 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a36423) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 105780) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1614:17) the revelation interpreted by the la. eleanor. eleanor, lady, d. 1652. 15 p. [s.n.], [london] printed : 1646. place of publication suggested by wing. numerous errors in paging. reproduction of original in the british library. eng bible. -n.t. -revelation xiii -commentaries. bible. -n.t. -revelation xiii -prophecies. apocalyptic literature. a36423 r37763 (wing d2009). civilwar no the revelation interpreted: by the la. eleanor. douglas, eleanor, lady 1646 1860 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a this text has no known defects that were recorded as gap elements at the time of transcription. 2006-10 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2006-10 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2006-11 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2006-11 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2007-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the revelation interpreted : by the la. eleanor . 2 thessal . 2. 3. let no man deceive you , by any meanes for that day shall not come , except there come a falling away first , &c. printed in the yeare , 1646. the revelation interpreted : by the lady eleanor . chap. xiii . passing by caesars adored image : with the time amounting to about 1700. yeares past , since their uprising , as hereby appeares giving the seaven heads and ten horns : untill its setting , that monarchies period , rather proceeding with these , to shew the truth , who the founder of great brjttains unhappie faction , as the holy ghost here gives to understand so plainly , that none needs to aske , whose description this , of this sea-monster no other then the admyrals-office : where the waters having the priority , thus shewes : verse , i. and j stood upon the sand of the sea , and saw a beast rise up out of the sea , having seven heads , and ten horns , and upon his horns ten crownes , and upon his heads the names of blasphemy : the dragon giving him his power and great authority : namely , george viliers , created duke of buckingham . vvhere follows the names given to ships , one cald the leopard , another the beare , and the lyon , and the like , as not unknowne . vers. and so of his deadly wound given at porchmouth , that addored minnion , for two seven yeares who was so followed of every one , and admired : of whose large gifts thus farther : verse . iii. and j saw one of his heads ( as it were ) wounded to death , and all the vvorld admired the beast : and his deadly wound was healed . and there was given him a mouth speaking great things , and blasphemie : and power was given him to continue 42. moneths ; and he opened his mouth in blasphemy , &c. vvhere shewes here , besides the healing of that foule soare the kings-evill , porchmouths blovv , by a butchers knife given , how cured . also what an insaciable mouth by him opened ; daily fed with such gifes , offices , and titles of honor not a few ; wanting no kindred to bee supplyed . this aspiering man buckingham , from the beast deriving his name , so much bound to the dragon his patron , rather then to saint george . this supporter of the spanish faction , colour'd or clok'd under arminisme : that beyond expectation ter ten years , his fathers vnlvkye favourite who continned his too , from 1625. march , untill 1628. august , two and forty monthes , or three yeares and halfe before his pay receiv'd , not behind with it then being as not unknown fore-warnd of that very moneth , caesar , as he foretold of the jdes of march . vvhere serving for both meridians shews . the french k : for his blasphemous tongue also how rewarded , who gives the ten horns crown'd . that in the yeare , 1610. likewise was slaine , whose faction revived again or continu'd too . as by the power of the keyes , conjured up such spirits or factions set a foote , begeting in kingdoms such desperate vvarres and doings ; where the one not more suddenly in that manner taken away , then the other remaining in prison so long : waiting his appointed time , as extant upon record , sometime made known to him : but no more of that now . but of his sorceries and witchcrafts as revealed here , or miracles . vvhere farthermore , for the treasurers-office thus , usurp'd by the clergie , ( verse 11. ) and j beheld another beast comming out of the earth , with two horns like a lamb , spake like the dragon , and exerciseth all the power of the first beast , &c. and so no farther , of this canonized expert doctor or saint , inspired by the red dragon , ( with such a gift in healing , ) by whom this deadly wound healed , worse then when buckingham was liveing . the number of whose name , even ( vjs-covnt vvjlers ) as count the number of the brjttjsh-beast , namely 666. these numerall letters hjs : vic lvvvi , viscount vvilers : together with the weight of solomons gold yearly 666. talents , ( chron. 9. chap. ) included in those characters . of a truth directly pointed at great brittains revenue and customes rather ; amounting to about six hundred thousand pounds per annum : put on this account , &c. and so much for this peice finished in such hast : the last dayes story . dedicated to him that hath vnderstanding and eares , to weigh it too : the vanity setting forth , and instabillity of worldly things , or perferment in this admirable beast : his rising , and falling , whose power to the wonder of all continuing from the yeare , 1625. march ( first of this present reigne : ) untill august , 1628. as afore-shewed , even the dukes due 42. moneths : and concerning the treasvrers-office ingrossed by the clergy , our high-priest , horned like the lamb , ( to wit ) the two arch-bishop-pricks , voyced like the old red dragon . that wonder in heaven whose place found no more there : stileing themselves like the arch-angell , no lesse . and thus passing on : from that sea-wonder , to this vvonder coming out of the earth ; faining ( as it were ) himself to bee elias : when bals priests slaine , and to say the truth in this comes not short ; he the occasion of their ruine , the bishops their downfall : and for such , fire descending from heaven , witnesse the wrath of god ; as fire and sword , who can gaine-say it , but hee the author thereof doubtlesse , and the day of iudgement too : hastend it , not far off . so farther , as here noted or signified for the time of easter thus , or the resvrrection-feast : vvhen such a bloody reigne beganne , namely ; vvherein that abomination ( the cause of these judgements ) idolatry again set up , directly in these expressed : and all whose names are not written in the booke of life , of the lambe slaine from the begining of the vvorld ; shall worship or obey him : as againe , this for another witnesse of the aforesaid feast ; peters cutting off that mans eares , againe healed . even pointed at , as cryed here . jf any man have an eare , let him heare : verse , he that leads into captivity , shall goe into captivity ; and hee that killeth , shall be killed . ( as much to say ) as some want their eares , so others their vnderstanding more , that discerne not these . vvhere shewes , unto such cruelty , and blood-thirstynesse , how this man added blasphemies-madnesse : as these giving to understand , saying ; that hee hath power to give life , breath , and speech , &c. verse . ( as it were ) because the keys of the bottumlesse pit his , where gold so current : therefore in him all live and move , &c. fearefull to bee named or spoken . and these are the jmages those angels adored also : and as for the beast that had the deadly vvound with the sword and did live , ( or was healed ) besides the faction continued , points withall at the great plague , when the angels sword so suddenly sheathed , 1625. with worse plagues accompanied ; the advancers of jdolatry and tyrranny : as here farther more aludes to great babylons proclamations of the golden jmage ; he that would not fall downe before it , to be killed : ( as much to say ) altars served , and bowed unto , &c. and at last , what measure they meted to others , served with the same themselves : sometime that were so observ'd , feared and flattered ; this sea-god : and god of the windes like , dragon-like by sea and land roaring , setting kingdomes together by the eares : breathing and thundering out lying and blasphemie , as they please , without controule : and so hee , vvho hath vnderstanding ; needs no farther to wonder or bee informed , what these revealed last monsters are : the signes infalible of the last day at hand : vvhere besides caesars golden image , adored ; gold made their god : ( verse ) aluding to the that : vsed too for the kings-evill so dangerous to bee lost or vvanting . and as here , jdolatry and covetousnesse both exprest : so deified caesar , his translating of the yeare , points thereat : those 365 dayes of the yeare : like enoch dayes also 365 , hee translated , or that was not : whose successor eternity , like methuselah , as augustus outreigned all the rest , and that succeeded him untimely cut off . and againe , as eternity preceding time , so k : james his 60 yeares reign , before his novv aged 46 ; bearing times marke or seal 1646. time to bee longer : his power put downe too : and so no farther of the dragons old quarrell to saint george , in advancing one of that name , or seating in the saddle such a gracelesse one : breaking his owne neck : and ruine of the kingdome . this new adored saint , ( as no doubt canonized ) saint george the second , saluted with seven-fold blasphemous superscriptions dayly such , and the like made upon his name ( his grace ) : whereas thrice six 666. the restlesse number thereof . here unto the vvlgare not referred or directed : but he which vnderstands misteryes of state to him : proverbs xvi . how much better it is to get wisdome then gold : and to get understanding rather to chosen then silver . and thus wild as the dragon : hee with sathans marke in the head , of the old serpents cut , ( geneses . 3. ) by some mermayde , as this blasphemer : spewd up doubtlesse ; so from them his inchanting noats had , of menacing such , reaching from earth to heaven . finis . fjnjs . a trumpet sounded out of zion as a warning to all the inhabitants of the earth, but more especially to this nation of england, which hath for a long time provoked the lord by oppression and cruelty in persecuting his sons and daughters ... greene, thomas, 1634?-1699. 1662 approx. 11 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2009-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a42011 wing g1846 estc r37405 16439214 ocm 16439214 105410 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a42011) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 105410) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1093:18) a trumpet sounded out of zion as a warning to all the inhabitants of the earth, but more especially to this nation of england, which hath for a long time provoked the lord by oppression and cruelty in persecuting his sons and daughters ... greene, thomas, 1634?-1699. 7 p. s.n., [london : 1662] signed at end: thomas green. caption title. imprint suggested by wing. reproduction of original in the british library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng society of friends -england -pastoral letters and charges. apocalyptic literature. 2007-11 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-01 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-07 judith siefring sampled and proofread 2008-07 judith siefring text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion a trumpet sounded out of zion : as a warning to all the inhabitants of the earth , but more especially to this nation of england , which hath for a long time provoked the lord , by oppression and cruelty , in persecuting his sons and daughters . which may serve as a call to them , to turn from their wickedness , before their day be past , and their sun be set , and they shut up in dismal darkness . hear all ye that are stout-hearted , and give ear ye lofty ones , who have long provoked the lord , and have strove against his true and faithful witness that he hath placed in your hearts , which hath many times let you see the evil of your wayes , but it you have not regarded ; and the lord hath also commanded many of his sons and daughters to warn you , of the dreadful , terrible day that is coming upon you , but still ye daily provoke the lord , by laying heavy burdens grievous to be born , upon his people that fear and dread his holy name , by adding afflictions to their bonds . therefore as a warning unto you , this i send , both high and low , who persecute and oppress the people that the lord hath chosen ; the lord hath beheld you , the lord hath beheld you , the work which you are about to do , will be too hard for you ; for who ever fought against the lord and prospered ? ye briers , ye thorns , the lord will burn you up and utterly consume you , his indignation is kindled against you , and in his fierce wrath he will destroy you ▪ oh vain men ! would you limit the lord , or his good spirit in his people , that they should not be led thereby ? if ye can stop the sun that it shall not give light to the world , or stay the moon from going its course , or number the sands on the sea-shore , then may you fight against the lord and his people , and prosper . therefore hearken ye strong oakes , and give ear ye tall cedars , to the terrible , dreadful sound , which is as the sound of a trumpet , and as a warning unto you all , to break off from wickedness , oppression , and cruelty , by turning unto the lord before your day be past , and the sun go down upon you . oh! listen ye great ones of the earth , and give good heed ye that are of low degree , yea , all that put afar off the evil day , and cause the seat of violence to come near , that lie upon beds of ivory , that stretch your selves upon your couches , and eat the lambs of the flock , and the calves out of the midst of the stall ; that chaunt to the sound of the vyal , and invent to your selves instruments of musick like david ; that drink wine in bowls , and annoint your selves with the chief ointments , but are not grieved at all for the affliction of the people of god , whose afflictions are as joseph's . oh! the indignation of the lord is kindled , and by your abominations he is highly provoked ( for , is not in thee o nation found the greatest abominations ? ) ezek. 8.16 . for you turn your backs on the temple of the lord , and you worship the sun towards the east ; will not the lord be avenged on such a people ? yea , he will tread you in his anger , and trample you in his fury ; for thus faith the lord by the prophet , their blood shall be sprinkled , upon my garments , and i will stain all my rayments ; for the day of vengeance is in my heart , for i looked on my people and there was none to help , and i wondred that there was none to uphold : therefore with mine own arm will i save them , and by mine allmightiness i will preserve them , and the ungodly shall know that i am the lord that made the earth by my power , and established the world by my wisdom , and stretched out the heavens by my understanding ; i will lead my people as i did joseph like a flock , i will be with them in their greatest straits , but my fury shall burn as an oven , and my dreadful hand shall not spare , but i will be avenged of mine enemies . therefore tremble ye careless ones , and be troubled you that are at ease , cloath your selves with mourning , and take up a lamentation ye proud ones of the earth ; come down from the mountains of pride , ye high and lofty ones , and abhor your selves in dust and ashes ; oh! return , return , make hast and speedily repent , before the door of mercy be shut , and you be sealed up in perdition for ever , for the lord hath long strove with you , but ye have not turned unto him , but have rushed into iniquity as a horse into the battle , and have erred from his pure spirit , which hath often reproved you , which would have led you in the way of life , and the path of peace ; and ye have hated the reproof of instruction , which is the way of life , and have chose the path that leads to the chambers of death . oh england , england ! the sins of sodom , and the iniquities of gomorrah are found in thee , pride and fulness of bread ; and now you inhabitants are satisfying the lusts of the flesh , eating , and drinking , and rising up to play , glorying in your shame , seeking to your selves honour , and to make all bow before you ; building your towers so strong , as if it should reach to heaven , that so you might not again be scattered , and that you might exalt your own horn : ah! how have you forgot the lord that hath done great things for you , and hath raised you when you were very low ; surely it was not that you should dishonour him , neither that you should have the supremacy to rule over the consciences of people , which alone is the lord 's right ; for him have we choose ( whom ye persecute ) to be our god , even the lord , the god of jacob , and to him we commit our cause , for he alone is our defence ; and this ye may be sure , that we are not of those that fight with carnal weapons , or to defend ourselves with them , for we wrestle not against flesh and blood , but against spiritual wickedness that rules in the hearts of people , and with no other weapons but those that are spiritual : therefore hearken all ye that are erred from the lord in your hearts , and have forgot your maker ; for all that forget god must be turned into hell , ( mark ) all that forget god : therefore this is a warning to you all , and an invitation of love that you return to the lord , that he may have mercy on you , and to the living god , that he may pardon you ; for your sins have reached to heaven , and your iniquities are come before him. oh! while you have yet a day return to the lord before it be over , and time to you be no more , and your perpetual destruction be sealed , for then you may call to the mountains , and cry to the hills to cover you , but from them there is no salvation , for alone in the lord jehovah is everlasting strength , and preservation for ever . therefore be awakened ye that sleep , and arise from the dead , that ye may know christ to be your light , to lead you out of darkness , which you are at this day found in , doing the works thereof : ah! the end will be bitter , sorrow is coming upon you , and pain as a woman in travel , anguish and trouble of spirit shall take hold of you , fear and the pit shall be your portion , and everlasting contempt shall come upon those who hate the light , which the lord hath given to be a leader , and to be salvation to the ends of the earth ; and all you that will not that he should reign in the hearts of people , are enemies to him ; therefore come unto him that ye may be broken , for if he fall on you , you will be ground to powder ; for it 's he that saves from sin , and appeaseth the fathers wrath , and reconciles lost man to god , who is come a light into the world , that all men through him might believe and be saved ; in whom none can believe but they that come to know him to be the author of their faith ; for he is the author and the finisher , the first and the last , which was dead and is alive , and lives for evermore . oh! come unto him that you may know him , to blot out your iniquities , and your sins out of his remembrance ; but if ye persist and go on in cruelty against the lord and his people , then he will make a short work with you : ah! did ever a nation sin against the lord as this nation ? or hath the like mercies been bestowed upon any people , as the people of this land ? and yet have not returned unto the lord ; the king of nineveh will rise up in judgement against you , who came down from his throne , and humbled himself at the preaching of repentance by jonah , and the lord did forgive him , and did divert the judgement that it came not on his people . therefore repent , repent , this is my cry , for woe , woe and misery will certainly overtake you ; for the lord hath looked for mercy , but behold oppression , for bowels of pitty , but behold hard-heartedness and cruelty ; you multiply your iniquities , and cruelty greatly abounds , and cain's spirit you are led by ; for ye are casting into holes and prisons those that fear the lord , and number them amongst transgressors ; oh! how is justice fallen in the streets , and equity hath no place ? and yet called a christian nation ; but this be sure , you want a christian spirit , your sacrifice is as cain's , and your tears and prayers as esau's , and the lord hath no respect unto them , but will spread them as dung on your faces , for it's truth the lord requires , and alone in that is he worshipped . therefore hear all ye that drink new-wine with a song , ye shall mourn and languish , and the merry in heart shall sigh , the mirth of the tabret shall cease , the noise of them that rejoice ( and not in the lord ) shall end in mourning , and the joy of the harper shall be turned into sorrow ; oh! the land is full of bloody cryes , the cities are full of violence , the upright and those that fear the lord , and dread his holy name , are daily made a prey upon , and are accounted as sheep for the slaughter , for no other thing , but as concerning the law of their god. oh! for these things will the lord visit you with plagues , as he did pharaoh king of egypt , yea , plague after plague , and perplexity of spirit shall be upon you , till you let the true israel go free to worship the living god. and this lay upon me , to warn you while you have a day to return to the lord , before he cut you off in his sore displeasure ; and thus far have i cleared my conscience as concerning you , whether you hear or forbear . by a lover of truth and all that walk therein ; called thomas green , in scorn a quaker . the 11th . day of the 10th . month , 1662. the end . wo to thee city of oxford ... biddle, ester. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a76695 of text r212296 in the english short title catalog (wing b2867). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 12 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a76695 wing b2867 estc r212296 45789158 ocm 45789158 172470 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a76695) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 172470) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2632:5) wo to thee city of oxford ... biddle, ester. 1 sheet ([1] p.) s.n., [london : 1655] title begins first line of text. signed: hester biddle. date and place of publication suggested by wing. reproduction of original in: friends' library (london, england). eng society of friends -england -pastoral letters and charges. apocalyptic literature -early works to 1800. repentance. broadsides -england -17th century. a76695 r212296 (wing b2867). civilwar no vvo to the city of oxford, thy wickedness surmounteth the wickedness of sodome; ... biddle, ester 1655 2389 3 0 0 0 0 0 13 c the rate of 13 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the c category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. 2008-07 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-08 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-09 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2008-09 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2009-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion vvo to thee city of oxford , thy wickedness surmounteth the wickedness of sodome ; therefore repent whilst thou hast time , least i consume thee with fire , as i have done it ; therefore harden not your hearts , least i consume you , and my wrath burn like fire , and i consume you in my fierce anger , and so be brought to nought ; for thou hast joyned hands with thy sister jerusalem ; therefore will i uncover thy nakedness , and thy shame will i unfold that the beast in thee may be discovered that sitteth on many waters ; for thou art full of wickedness , thy hands are full of deceit , the well-favoured harlot lodgeth in thee , the mother of witchcraft ; and now i am raising my swift witness to confound her ways : i am the light of the world and do enlighten every one that cometh into the world , saith christ jesus . i am the sure foundation , and he that buildeth upon me shall have eternal life ; i have mourned for you as one mourneth for her first born , and you would not come unto me that you might live : i have knocked and called , and none would hear ; therefore will i thunder out my judgments upon this wicked generation which hath not the fear of god ; therefore the wicked shall see it and tremble : horror and terror , and pain shall take hold upon them as upon a woman in travel , and many shall cry , but there shall be none to deliver them ; therefore repent whilst i give you a day , least you become as fruitless trees which cumbers the ground , for every plant that my heavenly father hath not planted , will be pluckt up by the roots , and therefore repent whilst i give you a day , for i gave iesabel a day , and i gave jerusalem a day , but they would not ; therefore mind what i shall say , and where i do speak be still , and low , and wait in silence , and then you shall hear a voice saying , this is the way walk in it , and if any have any desire to walk in this way , i will be with them , and guide them , and there shall you find sweet paths , and plentious redemption . therefore for your souls health ; for it was for the good of your souls that i took upon me the seed of abraham , and became the likeness of sinful flesh , were it not that i loved the world ; t●erefore i would not have you go astray as sheep without a shepheard , scattered up and down upon every mountain and valley , and carried away with every winde of doctrine ; but now am i a raising up my own seed which hath been so long under pharaoh the task-master , oxford thou task-master , pharaoh thou oppresser which opresseth the just seed within thee , in setting up thy own righteousness and wisdom , which shall grow as ragged as an old garment that moths hath eat , and i will make thee know that my righteousness endureth from generation to generation , and so for ever . and now let hills be removed , and mountains be dashed to pieces , and the strong hold be levelled ; for a day there is coming that will make the keepers of the house tremble , woful and terrible will that day be to the wicked , whilst the strong-man keeps the house all is at peace , but when a stronger than he cometh , he then must be turned out ; i came not to bring peace but war , saith christ jesus , and now turn in your eys from beholding vanity ; for that eye looketh from christ , and that nature is accursed from god , for christ jesus is pure , and can behold no vain thing : esau is accursed from god , jacob have i loved and esau have i hated , for out of abraham shall my name be called . death reigneth over all men till they be regenerate and born again : and they that be born again of god sin not , but their sins are forgiven them ; therfore repent that your sins may be forgiven you also , the master hath given you a tallent to see how you will improve it , that you may be found faithful stewards , that when the lord shall call for that which he hath given you , that when the lord comes he may say , come yee good and faithful stewards , enter into your masters joy : but for the wicked , go ye cursed and ye that forget god shall be cast into hell . praises , praises to the lord , that he is raysing up his own saints to judg the earth : and many now do witness their judgments true , but to the wicked judgments are terrible : and none but them cometh to see the fresh springs of eternal life , but they that live in the life of them that gave them forth , and there they will come to see the filthiness of these two wicked cities , how they ly wallowing in their blood , and their blood shall be required at their own hands ; for they that come forth of oxford & cambridge , they are such as isaiah was sent to , to cry woe against , greedy dumb-dogs that never have enough , and love greeting in the market-places , and long prayers in the synagogues and the upper seats at feasts , and be called of men masters ; they are filthy bruit-beasts which maketh my people to err , therefore the ground is cursed for your sakes : thorns and thistles shall it bring forth for your sakes until you return to adams first estate . and now i have shown you the way that you should walk in , take heed to the light that shineth in a dark place : light shineth in darkness , & the darkness comprehendeth it not ; therefore repent that the darkness may be taken away , and so become children of the light , and not children of the night , but children of the day ; for they that walk in the day stumble not , because they have the light with them : but they that walk in the night stumble , because they are in darkness ; and now let the light search you , for christ jesus is now searching jerusalem with candles , and not one corner of it must go unsearched . beware of seducers that cometh in sheeps cloathing , but inwardly are ravenous wolves ; for such christ jesus spoke of that should come in the latter days , oh oxford thou art full of filth , thy priests are all corrupt as brass and iron is corrupt and cankered , so is this city full of hainous sins thou art full of pride and covetousness , thou art poluted in thy blood , and joyns house to house , and field to field , until there is no place left for the poor . god exalteth the poor in spirit , but the rich he sendeth empty away ; it is the humble and lowly mind trembles at my word , that i teach , and now see in you , and search in you whether you are not in cains ways , murdering and killing the just in you , and whiping , and stocking them that the lord hath sent to you ; therefore repent and do so no more , take heed and do so no more , least i render my plagues double on thy head ; and when the book of conscience is opened then shalt thou witness this to be true ; therefore remember that thou wast forewarned in thy life time , therefore wait in silence till the day dawn , and the day-star arise in your hearts , then will you come to witness sweet springs , fresh ones of eternal life ; but for the wicked they be like the raging sea that tosseth to and fro , that casteth up nothing but mire and dirt : your hearts are full of dirt , and filth , thy pride shall become as filthy rags upon the dunghil ; therefore sit down and bethink thee what thou art , thou art but dust and ashes : and cannot i kill and make alive , cannot i cast down and raise up , spread abroad and bring together : yea , my hands have done all these things ; i am a gathering all my sheep together where they have been scattered in this dark and cloudy day , i will bring them from under pharaoh that they may have one master , one shephard , and one sheepfold ; the true shephard will lay down his life for his sheep : but the hireling will fly when persecution comes ; and therefore will i gather my sheep out of their mouths , and he that hath an ear let him hear ; and therefore will i pour out my iudgments upon them , to cut down and burn up & to destroy ; for it is to the cutting down of pride , of filth , of covetousnes voluptuousnes , and all wicked ways , & what delight is in the pride of life ? if thy conscience accuse thee , what peace canst thou have ? therefore have i sent light into the world , but men love darkness rather then light , and there is their condemnation . christ jesus is the eternal life , and they that come to witness him in power and glory , cometh to witness christ jesus the substance ; and this light will lead thee out of all forms & shaddows , and in it will come to see all things have an end but christ jesus , and he endureth for ever ; and therefore build upon him that endureth for ever , build not upon the sand , for the waves beating to and fro , they bring the sand into the sea and so the builder looseth his work , and he that waiteth upon me shall not wa●● in vain , but have eternal life : it is them that endureth to the end shall be saved : it is not him that cryeth lord , lord , but them that doth the will of my father which is in heaven shall be saved ; and see whose will thou art doing , & see if thou be not in thy own will & man in his own will hath never seen god at any time ; for adam when he was in his fallen estate , he was driven out from god , & so alienated from god & see if you be not vagabonds as cain was , for cain was a vagabond & a runagate , he slew the just , and so dost thou ▪ therefore thou hast run after other gods , & hast cast my righteous law behind thy back ; and therefore am i coming to rip up all hearts , it is i that tryeth the reins , it is i that knoweth the thoughts long before , annd how can you hide your selves from such a god as i ? i will render judgments upon the head of the wicked , and all the world shall see the glory of god ; for he is arising in his glory to judg the earth , with righteous judgment and equity will he judg the earth , and the wicked shall see it & tremble ; and now am i looking for the corn & wine & oyl i gave to feed the poor , but you have spent it upon your lusts ; the whole creation groans under you , for your evil deeds & corrupt language : in cains nature you are , and death speaketh of the fame of god . powerful , powerful is the god of glory in all his works his ways past finding out , and to them that live in christ jesus , they know the mind and will of god their guide and keeper ; but to the wicked he is a destroyer , to destroy their wicked ways with fire and with a sword to cut down the fruitless branches ; for what is the wild grape-tree good for ? men cannot make any instruments of the wood ; therefore it is good for nothing but to be cast into the fire : so shall the wicked ; for tophet is prepared of old for them that will not obey gods word , and his servants , but obey sin and satan ; and therefore will i pour out my seven vials upon the seat of the beast , the wicked beast is in every wicked heart , and therefore sink down & wait and see how thy soul lyeth in death , drowned in filth , smothered in wickedness ; therefore repent that that which presseth down thy soul may be taken away , for the soul is mine , and i desire nothing of any but my own , and that with advantage ; for he is the sloathful servant that improveth not his masters goods ; & therefore from him that hath a little , that little he hath shall be taken away & given to him that hath most , and he that hath an ear let him hear : and while you have time prize it ; remember you are warned in your life time , and all left without excuse . hester biddle . englnads [sic] alarum-bell to be rung in the eares of all true christians, to awaken them out of dead sleep of sin and securitie, that they may arme themselves by prayer and repentance, and seek the lord while he may be found, before the evill day commeth / written by charles hammond. hammond, charles, 17th cent. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a45380 of text r39229 in the english short title catalog (wing h492). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 20 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 9 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a45380 wing h492 estc r39229 18283142 ocm 18283142 107301 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a45380) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 107301) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1635:9) englnads [sic] alarum-bell to be rung in the eares of all true christians, to awaken them out of dead sleep of sin and securitie, that they may arme themselves by prayer and repentance, and seek the lord while he may be found, before the evill day commeth / written by charles hammond. hammond, charles, 17th cent. [16] p. printed for richard burton ..., london : 1652. reproduction of original in the british library. eng apocalyptic literature. repentance. great britain -religion -17th century. a45380 r39229 (wing h492). civilwar no englnads [sic] alarum-bell. to be rung in the eares of all true christians, to awaken them out of dead sleep of sin and securitie; that they hammond, charles 1652 3957 3 0 0 0 0 0 8 b the rate of 8 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the b category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. 2008-04 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-07 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2009-01 emma (leeson) huber sampled and proofread 2009-01 emma (leeson) huber text and markup reviewed and edited 2009-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion englnads alarum-bell . to be rung in the eares of all true christians , to awaken them out of dead sleep of sin and securitie ; that they may arme themselves by prayer and repentance , and seek the lord while he may be found , before the evill day commeth . written by charles hammond . joel 2.1 . blow the trumpet in sion , and sound an alarum in my holy mountaines ; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble , for the day of the lord commeth , for it is nigh at hand . london , printed for richard burton , at the signe of the horse-shooe in smithfield . 1652. englands alarum-bell . this alarum-bell , i have sent to be rung in the ears of all true christians , whereby it may arowse them from the dead sleep of sin & security : & to beware of gods iudgments , which he threatens against all obstinate , presumptuous , & stiff-necked people : behold friends , i would not have you thinke , that i will take upon me to prophesie or prognosticate any thing in this booke , but what is warranted me by the scriptures . that little talent that the lord hath lent me , i would not hide it , but willingly so lay it out , that ye use may redound to the glory of god , & the good of all those that fear him : my desire is , that this my small book , cald englands alarum-bell , may be as powerfull in your eares , & work so much for your souls , to stop gods wrath by prayer and repentance , as the preaching of jonah to the ninivites , as the lord commanded him ; who at the hearing of jonah , when he said , yet forty dayes & niniveh shall be overthrown : they fasted and mayed with such earnestnes & sincerity to ye lord , that god repented him of ye evill that he said he would doe , & did it not : as you may read in the 3 of jonah ; you have heard lately , & do hear by the iudgemēts & prognostications of many mē now lately , of many sad things that are like to befall , not onely this nation , but all christendome besides ; whether they will prove true or false , none but ye lord knows : the stars & planets i must confes are ye messengers of god , & are sent as fore runners of many things , which they do dive much into , yet faile in their judgements many times : & many times i am perswaded that the lord doth call back ye terrour of those signes and tokens that he sends , to make them know , that they are but men . there is many i am perswaded , ye did look to sée the 29 of march last , to be a terrible day , as all writers did prognosticate . i must confes the eclipse was true , both of the moon the 15 day , & the sun the 29 , according as they had written ; the moon indéed a very sad one , & great winds rose upon her eclipse , according as m. culpepper writ in his almanack ; for the sun , 't was eclipsed so much , as ye appearance of it was like a new moon ; 9 parts of 12 of her were darkned , or more , but ye splendor of that that did appear of it , was so bright and glorious , & so clear the aire was , that the day was not so terrible to behold : but the power of the lord was admirable in this eclipse : i would desire all you yt have séen this eclipse , to consider this thing ye power of god over man was this , ( that i may with reverence say ) he caused light out of darknesse : for the splendor of ye part of the sun that was not eclipsed was so glorious , that it gave a luster on earth frō the dark heavens ; which if the lord had suffered the clouds to have covered ye part of the sun that was not eclipsed , wt such clouds & darknesse that was in the morning before she was eclipsed , it would have bin then ( i think ) a dismall day to look on indéed ; & then perhaps more glory would have bin given to some men on earth , then to god above , and afterwards would have bin so extolled for their prognostications by so many silly people in these times , yt they would have took their almanacks for scripture , & have looked more in them , thē in ye bible . they writ very largely of the effects that will follow ; what the effects will be the lord knows : & if they do know by ye stars & planets , that the lord doth intend those things that they writ on ; yet let this my alarum-bell sound so much cōfort in ye ears of all true christians , that if we wil but truly & with a sincere heart repent us of our sins , & leave them , ye lord will repent him of the evill that hée pretended , & leave punishing : you shall find in the 13 of hosea the 9 & 10 ver. the comfortable words of ye lord which he spare to his people after he had aflicted thē ; saith he , o israel , thou hast destroyed thy selfe , but in me is thy help ; i will be thy king , where is any other that may save thee in all thy cities ? by this you may sée the lord hath no delight to the destruction of a nation or people . i desire you likewise , yt the brightnes of the lords mercy in this eclipse of the sun , may not be a means to harden your hearts , as i am afraid it doth too many in this land , that makes a laughing at it , & thinks , because it was not so dismal a day as it was spoke of by ye astrologers , yt god sent those signs & tokens in vain : i desire you to be carefull what you do , & scoffe not at the wonders of the lord , for though he lightened the glory of the sun , in the eclipse ; without repentance , he will darken the glory of this nation , & we may féele ye effects . remēber what the lord saith by the mouth of his prophet , isaiah , cap. 5.12 they regard not the workes of the lord , neither consider the oppression of his hands ; therfore my people are gone to captivity , because they have no knowledge . i look upon this eclipse in my opinion in two several ways , that it is a fore-runner both of mercy & iudgement . first , i take it as the lords mercy , that he shews these signs in heavē to forewarn us on earth of his judgments to come , & that all his people may prepare to méet him by repentance , before the day of his wrath comes upon us . next , i looke upon it as his judgments , which he threatens by it ; for the lord may say by us as he did by ye children of israel , amos 3.2 . you onely have i knowne , of all the families of the earth , therefore i will punish you for your iniquities " : for truly i think , no nation under the sun hath the lord done more thē for us , & yet no nation hath provoked him as we have done . look again in the 4. of amos , 9 , 10 , 11. verses i have sent amongst you the pestilence , after the māner of egypt ; your young men have i slaine with the sword , and have taken away your horses ; and i have made the stink of your corps to come up in your nostrills ; ye : have you not returned unto me , saith the lord . i have overthrowne some of you , as i overthrew sodome and gomorrah , & you were as fire-brands pluckt out of the burning , yet have you 〈◊〉 returned unto me , saith the lord : therefore thus will i doe with thee , o israel ; and because i will do this unto thee , prepare to meet thy god , o israel . i thinke if we rightly understand these words , the lord may say as much to england as he did to israel , & we may apply it to our selves : therefore i conclude this matter concerning the eclipses ; & desire you to take notice of this , that when god shews wonders in the heavens above , and signs in ye earth below , 't is high time to look about us , & not to be as they were in the time of noah , for , they were eating & drinking , & marrying , & giving in marriage , til the flood came upō thē all . but if you wil take my advice , look upon thē as they are men ; & though god hath endued them with more knowledge then other men ; yet all the wisdome of this world is but foolishnes , in regard of the knowledge & wisdome of god above . now give me leave to ring this my alarum-bell once more to this sinfull nation , & to shew you in this booke , by the help of god & the scriptures , the reason & cause yt the lord hath to enter into a controversie with us ; & truly i think there is none that hears or reads this book , that hath ye fear of god before their eyes , but will acknowledg this alarum-bell hath iust cause to be rung lou● in the ears of all this nation , to tel england of her sins , yt by prayer we may stand in the gap , to kéepe out the iudgements of god which is like to bée poured out upon this land . i refer the consideration of this book to any christian , that hath any féeling of the grace of god in them . was sin ever at a greater height then it is now at this time in our land ? and the more god strives to humble us by his judgments & afflictions , ye more do we presume in sin : what sins is there in ye scriptures to be pronounc'd against , but we are guilty of ? what nation under ye sun doth more abound in iniquity thē we do , & especially now of late times ? and briefly , these foure sins which i shall name , are like four load-stones , to draw down ye heavy wrath of god upon us ; that is , pride , coveteousnes , blasphemy , and drūkēnes ; & indéed pride & coveteousnes are ring-leaders of most sins under ye sun : pride was one of the chief sins of sodom . look in ezek. 16.49 . what ye lord saith to samaria . behold , this was the iniquity of thy sister sodom ; pride , fulnes of bread , & abundance of idlenesse was in her , & in her daughters , neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy . and at vers. 50. and they were haughty , & cōmitted abomination before me ; therefore i took thē away as i saw good . may not the lord say so to our nation ? did you ever sée or hear , that pride was ever grown to ye height in town & city , as 't is now ? nay , there are some that are so pust up with the pride of heart , that they will pine the'r carkasse inwardly . what fashiō● is there invented every day , to fulfil ye pride of this nation ? & we do as 't were almost tell god to his face , that ye more he séeks to humble us by his judgmēts which he hath sent amongst us , the more we presūptuously séek to exalt our selves , by our pride & ambition : but remember what the lord saith , he wil pull down the proud and lofty , and exalt the humble and meeke . covetousnesse is a sin that is linkt with pride , for neither of them both hath any charity in them : ye poore may lie & starve in ye stréets , rather thē pride or covetousnes wil either cloth their nakednes , or fill their bellies : no , no , they will rather eat up the poore ( as ye lord saith ) rather thē féed them . but look to it , thou that hast corn , & wine , & riches ; you are but stewards for ye poor , & where ye lord gives much , much he requires , either tēporal or spiritula : thou must give an account one day , how yu hast spent that talent that god hath lent thée ; without you use it the beteer , he will say , depart , i know you not ; i was a hungry , and you gave me no meat ; i was thirstie , and you gave me no drinke ; i was a stranger , and you took me not in ; naked , & you cloathed me not ; sick , and in prison , and you visited me not : mat. 25.42 , 43. i think you understand , he meant his poore members on earth ; how many poore souls in these times are ready to starve , & where is the pity or charity yt is shew'd unto them ? did not job say , the lord giveth , and the lord taketh , blessed be his name . and knowst thou , o man , what ere thou be , how soone the lord may take thy wealth from thée , or thée from it ? doe not be fed with ye fancies of these times ; that it is a relique of popery to give alms or be charitable ; no , if thou hast faith & no good works , it is a dead faith : all thy gold & riches cannot buy thée one dram of repentance , nor procure one blast of breath , more then ye lord ( out of his mercy ) doth bestow upon thée : thou mayst covet riches here on earth , but thou canst not covet life ; thou mayst covet , but it is in vaine . the scriptures are fulfilled in these our times , & indéed looke in mat. 24. & read it , & you shall find all things fulfilled , only ye calling of the jews , & we know not how soon that may be . our saviour saith , and because iniquity shall abound , the love of many shall grow cold : & indéed so it doth now , for there is little love or charity to be found amongst us ; look what ye lord saith by the mouth of his prophet hosea , chap. 4.1 , 2. hear ye the word of the lord , ye children of israel ; for the lord hath a controverfie with the inhabitants of the land , because there is no truth , nor mercy , nor knowledge of god in the land . by swearing , & lying , killing , & stealing , & committing adultery , they break out , & blood toucheth blood : there fore shal the land mourn , & every one that dwelleth therein shall languish . we may apply this to our selves , if we consider prophesie : if ye lord will not hold him guiltle ; that taketh his name in vaine ; how will he hold him guiltlesse , yt takes a glory in swearing , as many do in these times , who boast in their oaths , & scarce ever think of god but whē they swear by his name , whether it be false or true ? look in zechariah 5.3 , 4. you shall sée what the lord sent against yt théefe & the swearer , for the lord joyn & them both together ; for the swearer robs god of his honour : & he sent out a curse to destroy them , & it shall remaine in the midst of their house , till it had destroyed both them & it . i desire you yt are addicted to that sin beware , for it is such a sin that you can make no excuse for it ; it brings you neither pleasure nor profit , unlesse it be the wrath of god , which he threatens against presūptuous sins : it is such a sin in this nation ( the lord be mercifull to us ) that you shall scarce walk the stréets but you shal hear little children , ye scarce knows the right hand from the left , yet they can learn to swear , & their parents scarce correct them for it . the lord may well visit the sins of the father upon ye children , when you suffer your children to take his most sacred name in vaine . the last sin which i have to name : for indéed 't is not for me to number , nor to reckon all the severall sins of this nation , for i think we exceed sodom & gomorrah in our wickednes ; only i have toucht these four sins , as namely , pride , covetousnes , blasphemy , & drunkennes , which is the foure crying sins of this nation : my alarum-bell rings loud in the ears of all those that loves ye sin of drunkennesse : sée what ye lord saith by the mouth of his prophet joel , 1.5 . awake ye drunkards , and weep , & howle all ye drinkers of wine , because of the new wine ; for it is out off from your mouth . read ye chapter , & you shall find what the lord did doe for abusing those creatures ; for in time of plenty , they made a wast : therefore ye lord brought a famine & scarcity , because of their drunkennes & gluttony . again , look in habakkuk 2.15 , 16. woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink , that puttest thy bottle to him , & makest him drunk also , that thou maist look on his nakednesse . the cup of the lord ; right hand shal be turned unto thee , & shamefull spung shal be on thy glory . let us take héed : we have , the lord be thanked , plenty ; but by our riotousnes , & drunkennes , it is just with god to bring a scarcity . how many poor souls , in this natiō , would be glad of a draught of béer to quench their thrist ; when many thousands take so much , they are fain to disgorge it up again , & worst then beasts , most shamefully abuse those creatures that god hath sent for the nourishment of man ? i desire you to beware of that sin , for a man is not himself when he is in drink , he is subject to all kind of wickednes . how many dangerous & desperate sins hath many men fallen into when they have bin in ye case , and such great ones too , that hath indangered both soule and body . now , i have given you warning by my alarum-bell , that you may prepare your salves by flying from sin , and flying to the lord by repētance ; which if we undoubtly do , we néed not fear what man prognosticates ; for the lord hath promised , at what time soever a sinner doth repent him of his sins from the bottome of his heart , he will blot out all his iniquities . but we must not delay our repētance ; & take our own time , for we know not how soone the lord will come ; but let us be like wise virgins , to be ready at all times to méet him , that we may enter into glory with him : for thus much assure your selves , there is like to be great troubles throughout all christendome : for all nations are preparing for the destruction of one another . iust as ye lord speaketh shal be in the latter dayes : there shall be great tribulations , such as was not since the beginning of the world , mat. 24.21 . for nation shall rise against nation , and kingdome against kingdome , and there shall be earth-quakes in divers places , and there shall be famines , and great troubles : these are the beginnings of sorrow , mark 13.8 . and now to conclude , desiring you to look in amos 5.14 , 16. seeke good , and not evill , that you may live ; and so the lord , the god of hosts , shall be with you , as he hath spoken . hate the evill , and love the go●d , and establish judgements in the gate ; it may be the lord of god of hosts wil be gracious to ye remnant of joseph : for the lord hath promised he will hide his people in the day of his wrath . then let us séek the lord while he may be found , before the evill day cōmeth ; for if we get under the protection of his wings , we néed not feer the day of doome , nor the day of death : neither sword , pestilence , nor famine shal hurt us , for the lord will bring his people out of all their troubles . so the last sound of this my alarum-bell , concludes with the swéet harmony of saint paul , in his epistle to the romans , chap. 8. vers. 38 , 39. which i would desire all christians in these sad times , to arme thēselves with the same resolution , and then assure your selves you shall bée more then conquerors . for , i am perswaded , saith s. paul , that neither death , nor life , nor angells , nor principalities , nor powers , nor things present , nor things to come , nor height , nor depth , nor any other creature , shall be able to separate us from the love of god , which is in christ jesus our lord . finis . once more a warning to thee o england but more particularly to the inhabitants of the city of bristol. dole, dorcas. 1683 approx. 37 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 11 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; 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[18]: dorcas dole. newgate prison in bristol, the 17th of the 9th month, 1683. place of publication suggested by wing. contains errors in pagination. reproduction of original in the british library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; 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yet once more in the tender love of god , is my heart opened for thy everlasting welfare and prosperity , that so the day of gods judgments may not overtake you at unawares . and thee o city of bristol in perticuler ; for thy ●nhabitants have greatly provoked the lord against them , and without they do speedily return unto the lord with true and unfeigned repentance , the wrath of god will break forth upon thee , and there shall be none able to deliver thee from the stroak of his hand , of what he hath decreed to bring upon thee ; for thy sins have reached unto heaven , and thy abomination stands as a great record against thee ; for some of thy inhabitants have committed no less evil then great rebellion against the god of heaven , in that they have not only rejected , but also despised the appearance of christ in themselves and others , who is come and comeing to overturn , overturn , and overturn , till he come whose right it is to take unto himself his great power , and reign in every conscience , according to the promise of god , in psal . 2. 8. ask of me , and i shall give thee the heathen for thy inheritance , and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession . o therefore be ye warned , you great men of the earth , from the highest to the lowest , what laws and decrees you make and execute against the lords innocent people , whom you have nothing against , but in matter of worship to our god ; as daniels enemys had no other cause , who drawed in the king by their flatterys , pretending honour for him , to fulfil their hearts lust ; and so caused him to seal the decree against daniel , which made the kings heart sorrowful , but mark what became of them that laid the snare privily to destroy the innocent ; for the snare that they had laid for him , became a pit of destruction to them , and the kings eyes were opened to see who was his greatest friends , and could do no less then testifie , that daniels god , was the lord of lords , and king of kings , and hath all power in heaven and earth in his hand . o therefore fear and tremble before the great god of heaven and earth , whose almighty power is able to dash you in pieces like a potters vessel , and to cast you as dung upon the face of the earth , and give your flesh to the fouls of the air ; for asuredly the god of daniel , and of shadrach , meshach and abednego is our god , and his arm is not at all shortned , that it cannot save ; nor his ear heavy , that it cannot hear ; but he will asuredly hear the cry of the oppressed , and will deliver us in his own appointed time , as he did israel of old ; for he is a god hearing prayer , and to whom every knee must bow. o therefore take warning you inhabitants of this nation of england , before the day of your visitation be quite over ; for without speedy repentance be found in thee , the overflowing scourge will asuredly pass through thee , as it did over jerusalem of old. for what sins were there committed in her , that are not found in thee at this day ▪ for they pleaded highly for the law and the prophets , and had the scriptures of truth , and said , had they been in the dayes of their fore-fathers , they would not have killed the prophets ▪ yet being ignorant of what the prophets testified of in the scriptures of truth concerning christ , they reviled him , and despised him , and put him to death , notwithstanding he turned them to the holy scriptures , and bid them , search them , for they are they ( said he ) that testifie of me , but you will not come to me that you may have life ▪ and he also said , that he was not come to destroy the law nor the prophets , but to fulfil them ▪ and he was the end of the law for righteousness sake , to all that did believe in him ; and to as many as did believe in his name in that day , to them he gave power to become sons & daughters of the most high god , & established his second covenant in them , according to his promise , by writing his law in their hearts , and putting his truth in their inward parts ; and so they were no more under the law , but under grace , and for this end was the gospel preached , that sin might be condemned in the flesh , that we might be justified in the spirit . the law of the spirit of life which christ jesus our lord is setting up in the hearts of his people , is beyond the outward law ; for thereby he purifieth the conscience , and makes it void of offence towards god & man ; & it is beyond the law of moses ( which the jews appeared so strickt for ) which was gods ordinance in its time , till christ came ( who is full of grace and truth ) to put an end to sin , and finish transgression , and bring in everlasting righteousness , and set up his everlasting government in his people , of which there is to be no end ; and those that do live under his government , can do no less then fear god , and honour the king ; giving unto god that which is his , and to the king that which is his ; but as pertaining to the conscience , it is the king of heavens prerogative alone , to sit upon his 〈◊〉 in every one of our hearts , and to rule and reign there , and to lead and guide us in his counsel , that after we have obeyed him in all his commandments , he may bring us unto glory ; and therefore we dare not bow to any other worship , but the spiritual worship that jesus spake of to the woman of samaria , ( when he found her out there in her ignorance , by jacobs well , ) whose meat and drink it was to preach the everlasting gospel , which is the power of god to salvation , & was to the poor woman , that she might be an instrument in his hand , to go & preach unto her neighbours , & to call them unto him , that they might hear him themselves ; & is the same christ that we do invite all to this day , that he may set your sins in order before you , and bring all to your remembrance whatsoever you have done from your youth unwards , as he did to this woman . o therefore you that have any tenderness for your own souls ; prize your time , and the day of gods love to your immortal souls , lest the midnight cry overtake you at unawares , in the night of apostacy , before you come to own and submit to the ministration of condemnation against sin , which is glorious in its time , here is the strait and narrow way , that is hard to that birth that lives in sin , therefore this is the strait way that christ spoke of , that all must walk in that come to know the ministration of justification in the sight of god , which is far more glorious in its time ; those who thus come to receive and submit to gods visitation , the way that was once strait and narrow , doth become a path of pleasantness to them , and all his ways peace to that birth which christ spoke of to nicodemus , which is of his own nature ; and he that is begotten and brought forth in his heavenly divine nature , as the scripture saith in 1 john 3. 9. whosoever is born of god , doth not commit sin ; for his seed remaineth in him ; and he cannot sin , because he is born of god. so there is not a good thought , nor a good desire , but what is of the lords begetting in us ; and he that begets these good desires in us , is able to fulfil the desires of them that fear him , according to his promise in the holy scriptures of truth ; and those he makes able rather to chuse , as moses did , to suffer affliction with the people of god , then to enjoy the pleasures of sin which is but for a season . o therefore you priests and people of all sorts , that are pleading for sin term of life , search the scriptures , for they are they that testifie against you , in all your ungodly actions ; for you are not only under the condemnation of the law of moses , but also transgressors of the law of grace , that do live and act in sin , in persecuting your honest neighbours , who for conscience sake cannot bow to the wills of men , in things relating to gods worship ; for the law of moses was added because of transgression ; for before sin entred there was no need of an outward law to punish for sin , but to keep to the law of the spirit of truth within , in which state man would have been happy had he kept therein ; for christ is the resurrection and the life , that was promised after the fall of adam and eve , that should redeem fallen man out of that estate into the restoration and image of god again . therefore you that are pleading to be saved by christs death and sufferings , and yet keep in the image of the earthly , and are not come to suffer with christ , & to be buried with him in baptism , that you may know the resurrection of his life to raise up your souls that are dead in trespasses and sins , that you may put off the old man with his deeds , and so come to bear the image of the heavenly , and so live in newness of life , you are but deceiving your own souls , for the end of christs comeing was , to redeem his people out of sin , and not to save them in their sins ▪ for as christ said , if you dye in your sins , whither i go you cannot come ; for he is of purer eyes then to behold iniquity , as to let it go unreproved , or to dwell with uncleanness ; ( therefore ) as the prophet said , he was a man of sorrow , and acquainted with grief , in that prepared body of which it was said , he went about doing good , and healing all manner of diseases , for them that did believe in him ; but where unbelief was , he did not many mighty works there ; for there is nothing unpossible to those that do believe in his name . o! therefore fear and tremble ye inhabitants of the earth , and wait to know the iudgments of the lord to be set up in you , that you may learn righteousness through them ; for the unlimitted power of the lord is going through this nation , and it is in vain for mortal men , whose breath is in their nostrils , to set themselves in battle array against the lamb and his followers , for the lamb and his followers shall have the victory ; for he is that great prophet which moses prophesied of , that should be raised up like unto him , and said , him shall ye hear in all things ; and those that will not hear this prophet , shall be cut off from among the people : for the mighty power of the lord is going through this nation , and the day that is at hand will burn as an oven against all the proud , and all that do wickedly ; for they shall be as stubble before devouring fire ; for the best of them is as a bryar , and the most upright as a thorn hedge ; therefore the day will be very terrible in breaking down the pleasant pictures and guilded cup of vain religion , that have been held out ( to deceive the nations ) full of abominations . and against you priests and teachers also , that are not come so far as the pharisaical righteousness , to make the outside clean ; for there is a fire kindled in the wrath of god , which will burn in his sore displeasure , against all you that are covering your selves with a covering , but not of gods eternal spirit ; for all other coverings will be too narrow , and the bed too short to stretch your selves on ; for there is a cloud of witnesses against you , the law , the prophets , christ and his apostles ; your persecution exceeds sauls , which was a man that walked as to the law blameless , and he persecuted in zeal for the law which moses received from the mouth of god , and was ignorant that christ was come , who was the end of the law for righteousness sake , to as many as did believe in his name ; and so his zeal was for the law and the temple , ( where ) gods holiness once appeared ; so the lord smote him down in mercy , that he might pass thorough the ministration of condemnation , which is glorious in its time , and be raised up in the administration of iustification , which came by iesus christ , which is far more glorious ; for the law came by moses , but grace and truth by jesus christ ; and if they escaped not that refused him that spake on earth , of how much sorer punishment shall they be thought worthy that refuseth him that speaketh from heaven ? whose grace hath appeared unto all men , to bring pardon for sin to them that do obey it , and to teach them to deny all ungodliness and wordly lusts , and to live a righteous & godly life in this present evil world : and so such come to witness . that christ did not come to destroy the law and the prophets , but to fulfil all righteousness within , and to cut down sin in the motion , by the true circumcision within , and then such comes to witness the apostles words , who said , that neither circumcision , which was outward , nor uncircumcision availeth any thing , but a new creature . but ah! you priests , rulers and persecutors , that are risen up against the people of god in these times , how have you appeared against the law and the gospel ? and by your fruits you are known to be those that christ spoke of to his disciples , who said , by their fruits ye shall know them ; and he also bid them , ( that had the everlasting gospel to preach ) as they had freely received , freely give : but wherein hath your love appeared to god or to your neighbours , to love the lord your god with all your hearts , and with all your souls , and your neighbours as your selves : on which two great commandments hang all the law and the prophets , which must be fulfilled in the royal law of christ within ; but you have rather appeared like them that came forth out of the city , desireing christ to depart out of their coast , for the loss of a few swine , notwithstanding the great miracle which he did for their neighbour , in casting out legions of devils that did torment him , and he sate by jesus cloathed , and in his right mind . o! therefore blush and be ashamed , you that pretend the scripture is your only rule , and live so contrary to it ; for have you not appeared worse then those who prayed christ to depart out from their coast , to save their outward substance , and would have none of the knowledge of his ways ? for you have rejected and despised christ in his appearance , who hath waited long to be gracious to your souls , though he hath knocked so long at the door of your hearts , till his locks have been wet with the dew of the night , and yet you still refuse him , and the knowledge of his ways , and had rather entertain your legion of unclean thoughts and ungodly deeds , and have also said , that there is no living without sin on this side the grave ; and so have made a covenant with hell and death , which must be broken , if ever you come to know the travail of your souls , as david did , when he cryed under the sence of gods iudgments for sin , that he would give no sleep to his eyes , nor slumber to his eye-lids , till he had found a habitation for the god of iacob to dwell in ; for he must have the whole heart where he takes up his abode , and no room left for uncleanness ; o therefore search and see , whether you be not worse then they that desired christ to depart from them to save self , that will give no room for christ in your own hearts to reign there , nor no room for his subjects that are under the reign of his power ; though we would eat our own bread , and wear our own apparel ; but you are taking away our outward substance , which the lord hath blest us with to nourish us and our familys , and taking of us to prison , and then come to disturb us in the prison , for no other cause but for meeting together in the name of jesus , to worship the father and the son in the spirit and in the truth ; and for this cause are we put into prison ; and for the same cause are we still sufferers in the prison , for several times was i pulled out of the meeting while i was a prisoner at bridewel , and kept from the rest of my friends till the meeting was done , for no other cause , but being at prayer to the living god , before the now sheriffs came into their places ; and since they have come in , they have also bent their bow against the righteous , and gone from prison to prison , to disturb us in our spiritual worship in the prison , and gave the keepers orders , that we should not be suffered to come together to preach and pray : and according to their orders were we lockt asunder . but blessed be the name of the lord , our teacher cannot be removed into a corner , and therefore they cannot seperate us from his presence , which is life to our souls ; if they put us one by one into a stinking dungeon , there will our god hear our prayers , and send the angel of his presence down amongst us , to sweeten our souls with the sweet oyntment of his love , as blessed be his name , he did at that time amongst us ; and in the sense of his living presence and power , my heart and mouth was opened to praise the lord for his goodness and mercy to our souls , and in prayer , that he might preserve us in the living sence of the same to the end of our days , that so we might receive the end of our hope and faith , even the salvation of our souls ; and in the mean time came in sheriff arnold with others in his company , who took me off my knees from prayer , and sent me away by his man to newgate , and he and the rest followed after to disturb friends here ; and when they came in , they were very fierce to thrust in through friends that sate in the outward roomes , that they might come to the innermost room in the prison , to see if they could find any preaching or praying , but friends being sitting in silence , they could hear no words till after they came in ; a friend spake to them , to fear the lord , because his name is great , and for these words , or such like , was he commanded to be taken away out of his lodging room , ( from the rest of friends ) and put him down into a dark room , called the west-house ; & they commanded that i should be put from the rest of friends also , and not be suffered to meet with them ; & so i told them , they were but mortal men , and that the sword of mortality hanged over their heads , which was near ready to cut them down , and therefore my desire to them was to repent . so the turn-key took me down into a place , called paules , and put me into a dark hole ; and thomas lugg an informer , and now a constable , one of the company that came along with the sheriff , followed after , and spoke of chaining of me , & that i should have neither bread nor water , ; and the next meeting day , being lockt and kept one from another in several roomes , i being at prayer , the goaler and his man came where i was , and took me off my knees , and would not suffer me to stay with the rest of my friends that lodged in the same dark room , it being a place where felloners use to lodge , and would not suffer one friend to go along with me , but put me among the felloners and debtors , where i was derided and shamefully intreated , and water thrown on me , for no other cause but praying to the living god ; and ever since i am not suffered to stay in the room with my friends on our meeting days , but in a little time taken forth and put from the rest of my friends , though drunkards and swearers are suffered frequently to meet and make themselves drunk , without being used after the manner that we are used . what is above written , is not written boastingly , or to exalt self , but that all may know our innocency , and the true cause wherefore and by whom we suffer ; and it is great pitty that men professing religion , should bring forth no better fruites , which is no way inducing to any sober people , who have any regard to gods honour , or the good of their own souls , to come to be of their religion , the thing that they in words so much press for . and blessed be the name of the lord , we have no cause to complain , that our sufferings are too hard for the testimony of jesus , who suffered death for us ; neither have we any thing to glory in , but in the lord jesus , that is giving us strength in weakness ; for of our selves we have nothing to glory in , but our infirmities ; but glory be to his name for evermore , that is redeeming of us out of imperfection , and making our hearts sound in his statutes , who works in us , both to will and to do of his own good pleasure , and so let his own works live to praise him , saith my soul , forever and for evermore ; for it is by grace we stand , and not by any works of ours ; but that faith that doth not bring forth good works is a dead faith , and is not the faith which the iust lives by , which stands in the power of god , oh! therefore consider before it be too late , ye rulers and teachers of the people , what fruites there are brought forth in this nation , that preaching and praying to the living god is become a crime in this nation ; and hasten to put a stop to this great current of wickedness , that is running down the streets like a mighty stream ; for the determination of israels god is to humble this nation , and to thinn the land of evil-doers ; and those that will not bring their works before death to iudgment , the lord will send forth his destroying angel , to cut them down by mortality ; for as sure as he did send forth his angel in jerusalem , to mark all that mourn & sigh for the abominations of the times ; so is the angel of his presence sent forth this day to mark all the upright heatted , that our souls may rest in the day of trouble , that is coming upon the wicked , that will not come to see sin to be exceeding sinful , and so come to cry out under the body of sin and death , as the apostle once did in the sense of his wretchedness , till he came to witness victory through christ iesus his lord , and a resting place in him for his soul ; for as to an outward callamity , the lord may suffer the righteous to pertake with the wicked , the miraculous works of god in this day are inward , an inward change and a through translation out of the kingdom of satan , into the kingdom of the lord iesus christ within ; for the king of heaven suffereth violence in and until the violent 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it by force . o! you that are gazing after christ and his miracles , in the outward observations , like unto the wise professing jews , notwithstanding they had seen many miracles that iesus had done , yet nothing would serve them but their own wills , without he would come down from the cross , they would not believe in him ; and many miracles have been wrought by christ in this day , not only among the mean ones , but also some among the great and mighty of the earth that have believed on him , and have parted with their legions of unclean thoughts and actions to entertain christ , and when this through change hath been made , your visible eyes have beheld , that they have lived in newness of life outwardly also , and yet you will not understand that scripture , john 14. 12. where christ said , verily , verily , i say unto you , he that believeth on me , the werkes that i do , shall he do also , and greater worke then these shall he do , because i go unto my father . and what greater workes can be done in the sight of the visible eye , then was done by him in that prepared body , which suffered without the gates of jerusalem ; for as many as did believe in his name , and seek him in brokenness of heart , as mary magdalen did ( out of whom he cast seaven devils ) when she sought him at the sepulchre , if she could see his body , but he was risen out of the sight of all visibles ; for though she had seen that body but three days before , yet her visible eyes could not discern the lords body , but thought it had been the gardiner , ( which indeed he is the true gardiner , which pulls up every plant and weed in his people , which is not of his own right hands planting , that their sacrifice may be pleasant and sweet in his sight ) but he saw the integrity of her heart , that she was sick of love after him , and therefore in his tender bowels of mercy and tender compassion , he could not refrain himself any longer , but made himself known unto her , and said , woman , why weepest thou ? whom seekest thou ? and when she asked for her lord in the resurrection of life and power he appeared unto her , and indued her with wisdom and power , and sent her to preach the resurrection to his disciples ; for if christ send us in a message , whether the words be few or many , it is preaching the everlasting gospel , whether it be male or female , they are all one in christ ; for as the woman fell first into the transgression , so in the restoration christ first appeared unto her , and sent her to declare unto the men that he was risen ; and afterwards he appeared unto the two men , as they were walking on the way , and their hearts burned within them , while he was opening the scriptures to them ; but their visible eyes could not discern the lords body that was risien out of the sight of all visibles , though they knew him a little before , until he made himself known in breaking of bread with them : and he is the resurrection and the life at this day , that opens the understandings of his people , whereby they understand the scriptures of truth , and causes the dead to hear his voice and live . oh! therefore my counsel is unto you , both professor and prophane , that you do not trifle away your pretious time , to sit under the ministry of the idol shepherds this day , which do feed you with a form of words without the power ; for the book is sealed to the learned and unlearned , till the lyon of the tribe of judah open the book , and unloose the seals . oh! therefore hearken no more to the corrupt teachings of men , who have gotten the words of the prophets , christ and his apostles , but are ignorant of the power that preserves from sin , and speaketh , ( saying ) thus saith the lord , whereas the lord hath not spoken unto them , therefore they do not profit the people at all , for they have nothing to do to take the name of the lord in their mouths , who do hate to be reformed in themselves ; for what were they the better that went to deck themselves with the apostles words , and spake the same words as they did , in the name of jesus , ( saying ) we abjure you to come out of the man ; but the devils would not be subject unto them , because they wanted the power ; but said unto them , jesus we know , and paul we know , but who are ye ? and so run upon them and wounded them : and therefore let every one that nameth the name of jesus , depart from iniquity ; for the scripture saith , that there is none can call jesus , lord , but by the holy ghost ; and the lord said by the mouth of his prophet to rebellious israel , that though they said the lord liveth , yet they swore falsly , because they did not witness him to be their redeemer to live in them . oh! therefore be awakened to righteousness you professors of all sorts , and sit no longer under this dead ministry , that stands only in a form of words , without the power ; for the kingdom of god is come in power , & there is room enough for all that do follow christ in the regeneration , in inward tribulation ; and those that have passed through this inward tribulation , have no cause to fear the outward sufferings , nor what man can do unto them , although it be to the laying down of our outward lives ; for the wrath of man shall go no further then what shall make for gods glory , and the residue he will restrain ; for we know from whom that religion did arise , that would take mony to forgive sin , and for the gift of god which is not to bought with mony ; and therefore the devils subjects are so greedy after it , who makes it their god , and their glory is their shame ; for th●y have manifested that they have no love to god nor to their neighbours , in keeping of us all this while in prison , and neither to send priest nor prophet amongst us , to exhort us , or to shew us by plain scripture that we are out of the way ; i have spoken to the keeper several times , that if ●hey were in the right , and we in the wrong , that he would get one of the priests to come amongst us , according to gospel order ; but he would not without we would promise to hear him preach , and say nothing to contradict him : therefore we look upon them to be such that are either afraid or ashamed to stand by their ministry , being such as the prophet ezekiel testified against , ezek. 34. 2. and also the apostle further testifying , that they are allienated from the common-wealth of israel , and strangers to the covenant of grace ; the day of the lord is going over them all , and the songs of their temples , which they have sung in babylon , shall be turned into howling and bitter lamentation , because they did not first learn to roar and weep , as david did , in the sence of gods judgments , till they come to be quickened by his judgments and mercys , and so to sing of judgment and mercy . oh! therefore in the love of god , i warn you all , my neighbours and acquaintance , and my heart is in travail for you , that you may not return back again to bow down to the imaginations of men , which is no better then the worshippings of idols : oh! therefore you that love your own souls , and your children , wait to feel the blood of sprinkling over your hearts , that you may be spared in the day that is at hand , when nothing will stand by you , but the witness of god in your own consciences , bearing witness to your spirits , that you are the lords . if the witness of god in your own hearts testifie against you , then neither husband , nor wife , nor children can speak true peace to you , nor appease the wrath of god that will come upon you , but 〈◊〉 weeping and wailing on every hand ; a wounded body one may bear , but a wounded soul who can bear ? oh! therefore in the true love of god , once more in perticular to you that are professors , and have in measure seperated from the publick , as you love your own souls , and children , and near relations , which are near and dear unto you ; that you may have a care that you do not bring a burthen upon your own souls , and upon your near relations , that may behold you upon your rowling dying pillows , in going back again to the worship of the time , for sear of man ; but rather dread and fear the living god , who is able in a moment of time by the stroak of his hand to cut down you and your familys , both souls and bodys , and cast you into everlasting misery , where the great gulph is fixed between the righteous and the wicked , that although they may weep and wail , there will not be one drop of mercy for them . oh! therefore the desire of my soul is , that england may chuse the fast that god hath chosen , ( viz ) to visit the widow and the fatherless , and let the oppressed go free , and as the apostle saith , keep unspotted from the world ; for the lord is great , and greatly to be feared ; and he will not clear the guilty , that have made a profession in vain ; for there was cause enough thirty years ago to seperate from the national worship , and much more now ; for the wicked grow worse and worse , and the measure of their iniquity is almost full ; and the cup that they have filled to others , shall they drink double from the hand of the lord themselves , without any mixture of mercy , if they repent not . oh! therefore let none think it is so easy to take up religion , as a child doth a play-game , and so lay it down again , and think there is no evil in so doing : for if you had no zeal for god when you took up your religion first , it is high time for you now to begin ; for our god is a jealous god , whose name is prophaned amongst the heathen , and he will send forth his destroying angel to smite the first-born in egypt , the region of darkness , where sin is multiplyed and reigns ; then blessed and happy will all they be , that know the blood of sprinkling upon the lentils of the doors of their hearts , that so they may be spared in the day of the fierce anger of the lord : for if the anger of the lord is kindled never so little , then blessed are all they that put their trust in him . so in true love to your immortal souls , have i cleared my conscience of what lay upon me from the lord , and shall leave the effect to him , for whether you will hear or forbear , i am clear : for as the apostle said , having known the terrours of god for sin , he could do no less then warn all men every where to repent ; and as the lord said to the prophet ezekiel , ( viz. ) when i say to the wicked , thou shalt surely dye , and thou giv'st him not warning , nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way , to save his life ; the same wicked man shall dye in his iniquity , but his blood will i require at thy hand ; yet if thou warn the wicked , and he turn not from his wickedness , nor from his wicked way , he shall dye in his iniquity , but thou hast delivered thy soul , ezek , 33. 8 , 9. so with my hearty desires and prayers to god for england's prosperity , that all might pertake of the universal love of god , which is offered to all men in the day of their visitation . this from one who is a sufferer for the testimony of jesus , and desires the universal welfare of all men. newgate prison in bristol , the 17th of the 9th month , 1683. dorcas dole . the end . the trumpet of the lord sounded forth unto these three nations as a warning from the spirit of truth, especially unto thee, oh england, who art looked upon as the seat of justice, from whence righteous laws should proceed : likewise, unto thee, thou great and famous city of london, doth the lord god of vengeance found one warning more into thine ear ... : with a word of wholsome counsel and advice unto thy kings, rulers, judges, bishops, and priests ... : together with a few words unto the royal seed ... / by one who is a sufferer for the testimony of jesus, in newgate, esther biddle. biddle, ester. 1662 approx. 51 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 13 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; 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(eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a28133) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 106891) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1119:7) the trumpet of the lord sounded forth unto these three nations as a warning from the spirit of truth, especially unto thee, oh england, who art looked upon as the seat of justice, from whence righteous laws should proceed : likewise, unto thee, thou great and famous city of london, doth the lord god of vengeance found one warning more into thine ear ... : with a word of wholsome counsel and advice unto thy kings, rulers, judges, bishops, and priests ... : together with a few words unto the royal seed ... / by one who is a sufferer for the testimony of jesus, in newgate, esther biddle. biddle, ester. 24 p. [s.n.], london printed: 1662. reproduction of original in the british library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng apocalyptic literature -early works to 1800. 2006-04 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2006-05 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2006-09 judith siefring sampled and proofread 2006-09 judith siefring text and markup reviewed and edited 2007-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the trumpet of the lord sounded forth unto these three nations , as a warning from the spirit of truth ; especially unto thee , oh england , who art looked upon as the seat of justice , from whence righteous laws should proceed . likewise , unto thee , thou great and famous city of london , doth the lord god of vengeance sound one warning more into thine ear , that ( if possible ) haply thou mayest hearken unto him , and amend thy life before it be too late . with a word of wholsome counsel and advice unto thy king , rulers , judges , bishops and priests , that they may prize the day of their visitation , before it pass away : as also , a word of prophesie of the sore destruction that is coming upon them if they repent not . together with a few words unto the royal seed , which is chosen of god , and separated from the world , to do his will for ever . by one who is a sufferer for the testimony of jesus , in newgate , esther biddle . london , printed in the year , 1662. one warning more from the lord god of vengeance , sounded forth unto thee , oh city of london . oh london , london ! the dreadful lord god of everlasting strength , which faileth not , his notable , terrible , and dreadful day is coming upon thee as at noon day , and from it thou canst not escape , neither canst thou quench god's fire which burns as an oven , which is overtaking thee : oh the burden of the lord concerning this treacherous and backsliding city ! oh! calamity , upon calamity , misery upon misery , plagues upon plagues , sickness upon sickness , and one disease upon another will the lord god of power bring upon thee , and the lord will destroy thee from being inhabited , unlesse thou dost repent from the bottom of thine heart , and lead a new life , and abhor thy self in dust and ashes ; the everlasting counsellour and prince of peace is come , and coming to take peace from thee , and to hide comfort from thine eyes . oh! wo is me for thee , my heart is even broken within me , and mine eyes as a fountain floweth forth before the lord in thy behalf , that the bitter cup which thou and thy joyning sister hath to drink , may be taken away , if it be his will. oh! that thou wouldt return unto the lord as nineveh did , who received the message of cod ; and the king came from his stately throne , and humbled himself before the lord , and his soul was obedient unto the higher power , which is god , and all that had a being in that city , both man and beast , was covered with sackcloth and ashes ; three dayes and three nights they humbled themselves before the higher power , who is king of kings and lord of lords , who is governour amongst the gods , even he repented himself of the evil which he thought to bring upon them , and accepted of their humiliation . oh london ! it would be well for thee to consider thy wayes , and worship , and religion , and search with the light , and let the light shew thee whether thy wayes and worship , and law is pure , which is given forth in thee ; if it be not so , i pray thee as in christ stead , let his light lead thee into his way and judgements , and worship , and religion , which are holy , that thy soul may be saved in the terrible day of the lord ; for there are hundreds in thee , that do not know their right hand from their left , neither can they discern the power of the lamb from the power of the beast . therefore hath the lord stayed his fury from breaking forth upon thee ; yet a little while and the mighty hand , and out-stretched arm of the lord , which is stretched forth from sea to sea , will come upon thee suddenly . oh thou city ! saith the lord , who formed thee in the womb , and gave thee life and breath , and hath been as a tender father and loving nurse even from thy cradle ; have not i made the earth to bring forth her corn , and oyl , and wine for thee ? have i not cloathed the earth with grasse , and the dew to descend upon it , and the softly showers of rain ? have not i caused to distill upon thy flowers and vines that they might give a fragrant smell unto thee ? how have thy streets and houses been dressed with the glory of them ? and have not thine eyes beheld the glorious collours of the flowers and workmanship of my hands , the which many of you shall see no more because of my destroying angel. oh london ! have not i who am the god of the whole world , placed a glorious burning fire in thee , which all the water in the sea cannot quench , which gives light in thee , and unto thee , and all nations ; which is my witness in every man , which stands up for me against all manner of sin ? hath not the lord broken up the seals of the great deep , and opened the fountain of everlasting life in the midst of thee , to wash thee from thy leprosie , and to heal thy putrifying sores : oh! thou art full of running sores , from the crown of thine head , to the sole of thy foot , there is not a free place ; have not i opened a well of pure water to bathe and make thee white ? i the lord of host hath caused my sons , and daughters , and handmaids to leave both father , and mother , house and land , wife and children ; and indeed all outward things , to come unto thee , rising up early in sore travels and labours , to warn thee , and call thee to repentance , that thou mightst be saved before my dreadful stroke be struck at thee , which will not fail : have not they shewed thee many things which hath come to passe ? i have shewn and am shewing signes in heaven and earth , in thee , which shall make the keepers of the house to tremble ; have not the dead been raised , the blind made to see , the lame to walk , the dumb to speak , the leopards been cleansed in thee ? have not i made the elements to melt with fervent heat , the powers of heaven have been shook by me , the sun have i turned into darkness , and the moon hath lost her light : the old heaven , and the old earth hath the lord made to passe away at the brightness of his coming ; and as i have worked and suffered in you , so i will do until i have made up my jewels , which i am perfecting through sufferings in thee ; and until i have gathered my seed from the four winds in thee , into my bosom , from whence it came , until then will i work , and bear the burden of iniquity , even until the seed suffering measure is come to an end ; and then shall not my eye pitty , nor hands spare thee , but i will bathe my sword in thy blood , and i will give thee blood to drink , even as thou hast done by my innocent lambs , even so will i do by thee ; and as they have seen their blood lie in thy streets , so shalt thou see thine , and the day will be hot and terrible that is coming upon thee , unlesse thou dost repent ; i the everlasting god have looked down out of my holy habitation , and have beheld the sufferings of my people , notwithstanding the noble and worthy acts that have been done by my people in thee , how hast thou bruised , beaten , and knocked down , killed and spilt the blood of my innocent lambs , and haled them into thy nasty prisons until they die ; oh! the blood of the innocent is found in thee , which cryeth aloud for vengeance unto my throne , drunkenness , whoredom , and gluttony , and all manner of ungodliness , tyranny and oppression , is found in thee ; thy priests preach for hire , and thy people love to have it so ; rioting and ungodly meetings , stage-playes , ballad singing , cards , and dice , and all manner of folly ( not in corners only , but in the high places of thy streets ) wicked works & actions are not punished by thee , and hundreds may meet together to commit folly , and take the name of the pure god in vain , and cause his soul to mourn , and abuse themselves with his creatures , until they can neither go , nor hardly speak ; taverns and ale-houses are frequented day and night , and are seldom disturbed by the magistrates , or sent to prison , or bruised , or knocked down ; but they that are innocent and cannot lift up a hand , or bear arms for or against any man , and have no evil or hard thought in their hearts against any one , neither do they speak evil of things they know not , or contemn magistracy , but reprove sin in the gate , and ungodliness in the streets , and so have made themselves a prey ; these are they that are punished by thee , and whose sufferings are deeper than any people upon the earth besides . oh london ! the sins of the old world is found in thee ; art thou guilty or not guilty ? for thy time draweth near , wherein thou must give an account unto me , who am a dreadful and most terrible judge , unto that spirit which leadeth thee into persecution : oh! thou art grown numerous , and very great , thy beam reacheth unto heaven , and thy glory unto the end of the earth , and thou hast crowned thy self with dignity , and hast built thy nest among the stars , and sitteth as a queen , thou hast made thy self strong , and hast said in thy heart , thou shalt not see sorrow ; thou seest no scarcity within thy gates , but fulness within thy pallaces : but know this as from the lord , thou bloody city , thou shall know his terrible stroak , who is god almighty ; he will plead with thee as in the valley of jehosaphat , even with the fire of his wrath , and the glittering sword of his spirit . oh! thou famous and beautiful harlot , who art beautified with the glory of egypt , thou hast played the whore with many lovers ; oh! thy bed is defiled , and thou hast forgotten thy creator , which maketh my soul to mourn ; thy strength shall become weakness , and thy glory shall perish , thy beauty shall be turned into ashes , and thy honour shall become contemptable , because thou art covered with a dark cloud of sin and transgression , and so cannot behold the lord ; envy hath misled thy mind , which hath caused thee to imprison his messengers , not only them of thy own city , but strangers , who hath forsaken all to visit thee in bowels of everlasting love ; and thus hast thou rewarded them , which is contrary to christ's command , which is to love strangers . in the dayes of old , they received strangers and washed their feet , and gave them to eat and to drink ; but thou briusest and knockest them down , and keepest them in prison from their families ; and hast said , the parish will look after them : oh thou merciless city ! dost thou think to obtain mercy from the lord ? how many families hast thou seperated , the wife from the husband , and the husband from the wife , and the mother from her children , and the servant from the master , not suffering them to see each other for a time ; the lord hath said , cursed is he that separateth a man from his wife ; and dust not thou bring that curse and many more upon thy head ? we have been found in no plots nor risings , but have seeked the good of all souls , and the prosperity of all nations ; in olivers dayes , and ever since we have been gathered out of the worships and vanities of this city , and could not bow unto hammon , we have been a suffering people , and nothing could be found against us but concerning the worship of our god , which must disanul all unjust laws made by man : the medes and persians had nothing against daniel , but concerning his faith ; and i know daniels spirit liveth amongst us . therefore consider what thou art doing , for in vain dost thou set up briers and thornes in battle against the terrible god , for by the brightness of his coming shall they be burnt up ; for assuredly the lord will arise mightily for his seeds sake , for as a lyon roused up , is he come , who is the munition of rocks , and as a she bear bereaved of her young ones , will he roar and disquiet all thy inhabitants . oh london ! god hath a remnant in thee , which he hath marked for his own , which shall escape the wrath that is to come ; glory , glory , songs of everlasting praises be rendered unto the living god , who hath not left himself without a witness in thee ; oh london ! if thou wouldst return saith the lord almighty , i will heal thy back-slidings , and forgive thee all thy sins ; i will withdraw my bitter cup which i have filled full of my indignation , and i will cover thee with my garment of everlasting love , and i will be married unto thee , even as a young man marrieth a virgin , never to be seperated ; i looked down from the throne of my glory , and i saw thy distressed condition , thou art as a sheep without a shepherd , as upon the mountains of prey , and art scattered hither and thither , amongst the clouds of religions ; thou knowest not which way to turn , thou art like the dove , thou canst find no rest nor footing for the soal of thy foot ; thou art liable to be torn by the woolfs , and devoured by the lyons ; thy teachers are removed into corners , and thou art disposessed of thy wonted houses and service : therefore saith the lord , do i pitty thy condition , and if thou wilt hearken unto me , who am near thee in thy heart , and in thy mouth ; at thy down lying i am with thee , and in the night season i visit thee , and at thy uprising i call thee to repentance : how many years have i born with thee , as i did with the old world ? but my patience came to an end , and my wrath waxed hot , and so it will against thee , if thou wilt not hear my beloved son , which i have sent a light into the world ; and if thou wilt learn of the light which shines in thy heart , then thou wilt be on heaps no more , neither will thy teachers , and worships , and church , be any more removed into corners , but thou wilt be built upon christ , the pillar and ground of truth , who is the church of the first-born ; then wilt thou have fellowship with the lord , and thy-glory , and crown , and beauty shall never have an end , but thou shalt be the glory of the whole earth , and the beauty of all nations , and kings , shall come to thy rising , and princes to the brightness of thy glory ; there is no city upon the earth can say as thou canst in this latter day , for the power of the lord hath been shed abroad in thee , and thou hast been visited more than any ; therefore prize the son of the lord , least thou art cast into utter darkness ; for it is i the lord that chaineth leviathan , which no man can tame , who am god , and there is none besides me ; by my wisdom the world was made , and the heavens framed ; i created the sea , and caused the rivers to run into it , and have set the sands , as swadling bands that it cannot over-pass ; and this is my decree which i will have sealed unto my people , i am the quakers god , and will be with them unto the end of this world , and in the end they shall be with me in my glorious kingdome , where they shall be kept from their persecutors , and lye down in joy , peace and tranquility , with the rest of my holy martyrs , and prophets , and apostles , in years past : and i am utterly against all that do oppose them , who am a terrible god , and will bring the wickedness of the wicked to an end , but the righteousness of the righteous doth live with me . this is my decree , and it shall live for ever , and remain world without end ; and if thou canst cause the rain from raining , or the stars from shining , or the sun from going her course , or giving light to the nations , then mayest thou alter my decree with my people , whose seed shall be for number as the sand upon the sea shore , and for multitude as the stars of heaven , and they shall shine in glory more brighter than the sun at noon day , in the firmament of my power , when the generation of the wicked , shall be cast into the lake , which is prepared of god , for the king of darkness and his subjects . the trumpet of the lord sounded forth unto england , scotland ▪ and ireland , with a word of wholsome advice and counsel to the king , rulers , and judges thereof . oh king ! this is my counsel unto thee , and thy rulers and judges ; oh! hearken unto the light of christ in your consciences , that it may bear rule in your hearts , that you may judge for the lord , and oppression may be expel'd in your dominions . oh! that you would do justice , and love mercy , and walk humbly with the god of heaven , then would the lord give you length of dayes , and a long life , peace and plenty shall be in your dominions , every one shall sit under his own vine and fig-tree , and none shall make them afraid , joy and tranquillity shall be in your palaces ; this shall you see and know to be accomplished , if you will leave off oppressing the righteous , and set the captive free . oh ye rulers , judges , and justices , and all people high and low ! be it known unto you from the mighty judge of powerful majesty , that he is risen , who will scatter rulers in his anger , and will pluck down kings in his wroth . oh! the anger of the lord waxeth hot against all workers of iniquity , and he will set his oppressed seed free , which cryeth unto him for deliverance ; and know this , what cruelty soever be in your hearts against us , the lord will confound it and bring it to nothing ; for the lord is on our sides , and we fear not imprisonment , banishment , fine or tortures , or whatever the wrath of man can inflict upon us ; for our hearts are firmly fixed upon the lord , and we are freely given up in body , soul , and spirit to suffer for god's cause : oh you rulers ! if the lord suffereth you to banish us , i know that the lord will go along with us , as he did with abraham in a strange land , but know this , we shall leave a seed behind us , which shall be your tormentor , and shall witness for us when we are gone . oh lord ! i commit our case unto thee , who art faithful , and keepeth covenant for ever , and i know thou wilt fight our battel , and plead our cause with the mighty on earth , who would destroy us from being a people if thy power did not preserve us ; glory and honour be given unto thee , who hath compassed us about with songs of everlasting praises ; and we may blesse the hour and time that thou raised up a people in the north , even a dreadful and terrible army , who marched swiftly in thy power through the nations , and by them we were convinced , and turned towards the lord , and they shall be the dread of all nations , and god hath crowned them with an everlasting crown , which neither men nor devils shall be able to take from them . oh you rulers and judges of these nations ! do you think to overcome us or make us yeeld by keeping them in prison , which you think are our teachers , and ring-leaders ? nay , christ is our teacher , and he cannot be removed into a corner , who is the antient of dayes , and will cause us to increase dayly , and to grow as calves in the stall ; we are not like the world , who must have a priest to interpret the scriptures to them , and when he is removed , they are scattered and knows not what to do ; but my friends , we witness the scriptures fulfil'd , who hath said in the latter dayes , he would pour out his spirit upon sons and daughters , and they should prophesie ; and they shall all be taught of me , and great shall be their peace , and in righteousness shall they be established : so the lord doth not speak unto us in an unknown tongue , but in our own language do we hear him perfectly , whose voice is better than life ; and for this cause doth the unlearned hate us , and the uncircumcised revile us , because we cannot own the teaching that is of this world , but that which cometh immediately from god , and that is pure and refresheth the soul , and holdeth up the head in the day of battel , and it causeth us to meet together , to worship the lord as we ought to do ; and oh you rulers , and people ! it is in vain for you to strive against us , for the god of heaven is with us . oh england , scotland and ireland ! but more especially thou o england , that art the most fruitful and famous land , in which the lord hath been pleased to make manifest his life and power , beauty and glory , more than in any nation under the heavens ; in so much , that he hath raised his sons and daughters from death to life , and hath made them bold and valiant souldiers for his testimony , which he hath given them to bear forth unto all nations ; and by the glorious and powerful word of life , which hath proceeded out of their mouthes , hath thy judges and rulers been convinced of the evil of their way , and have been made to confesse to the truth , both priests and people , both high and low , rich and poor , hath the lord visited in this day of great salvation , and everlasting love ; so that none could plead inorance , but many like demas hath denyed the truth , and imbraced this present evil world : and now oh england ! will the lord try and prove all thy inhabitants , from the king that sitteth upon his throne , unto the beggar that sitteth upon the dunghill , even all sorts of professors and prophane ; oh! the fire is kindled , and the furnace is even hot , in the which your works and worships , faith and religion must be tryed , and that which will not remain in the furnace , must be consumed by the fire of the lord ; for the most high and glorious king is a trying and purifying his children in the furnace , as jerusalem , that they may come forth as pollished silver , and well refined gold ; and he hath brought many through the furnace , and hath set them as pillars in his house , to bear forth a valiant and noble testimony of what they have seen , tasted and handled of the word of life , unto thy inhabitants , and unto the whole world , that they may fear that dreadful god , who made heaven and earth , in whose sight the whole world is but as the drop of a bucket , and at whose presence the heavens shall wax old as a garment that moths have eat , and the element shall passe away with a great noise , the earth shall be dissolved , and all things therein shall mourn , and the souls shall fail before him which he hath made . oh! let your king and queen , dukes and earls , lords and ladies , judges and rulers , and all bishops , deacons , priests and people in these three nations , and all the world , consider their wayes , worships , and religions , and fear and tremble before the mighty god , who hath the hearts of kings and rulers in his hand ; times , and seasons are with him , the dominions of the world are at his disposing , who is the high and lofty one , and doth inhabit eternity ; what is the pope or the kings of the earth , will he not bring them to judgement , and turn them to dust again from whence they came ? oh you high and lofty ones ! who spendeth god's creation upon your lusts , and doth not feed the hungry , nor cloath the naked , but they are ready to perish in the streets ; both old and young , lame and blind lyeth in your streets , and at your masse-house doors , crying for bread , which even melteth my heart ; and maketh the soul of the righteous to mourn : did not the lord make all men and women upon the earth of one mould , why then should there be so much honour and respect unto some men and women , and not unto others , but they are almost naked for want of cloathing , and almost starved for want of bread ? and are you not all brethren , and all under the government of one king ? oh repent ! least the lord consume you , and be ashamed , and cloath the naked , and feed the hungry , and set the oppressed free . oh king ! thou art as head under god over these three nations , & the lord hath set thee as overseer , to see justice and true judgement executed in thy dominions ; oh! let all unjust lawes and unrighteous decrees made in thy dayes , and before thy dayes , be all disanul'd and made of none effect , and henceforth let there be good and wholsom lawes established , that all the honest-hearted in thy dominions may worship the god of their life , without any molestation ; and if thou decreest any thing , let it not grieve the lord , for the lord god of israel looketh for better fruit at thy hands than he did of all that are gone before thee ; for in the time of ignorance god winked , but now is the glorious light of the morning risen , and god calleth all men every where to repentance . oh you rulers , priests , and people of these three lands ! i most humbly intreat you to learn wisdom before it be too late , and prudence before it be hid from your eyes . oh! leave off your old wayes and worships , and observing dayes , times and seasons , and learn the new and living way , which is the way in the wilderness , though a wafering man or a fool shall not err therein ; this calls for holiness and purity , without which you cannot see the lord ; therefore consider you are but men , and made of the dust of the earth , and you know not how soon you may return to your long homes , and shall be seen no more ; have you the length of your life , or the number of your dayes in your own hands ? have you the command of death , or can you stay its stroke ? nay , you are but as potsheards broken by the hand of the potter , you are here to day and gone to morrow , your beauty is as the grass , and your glory as the flower thereof , cut down by the hand of the mower ; your crown is mortal , and will fade away ; ah , poor dust and ashes , why do you persecute us even to death , for no other cause but for worshiping the god of heaven ? oh! do you think that the lord is such a one as your selves ? or are you so vain to believe , that he winks or joyns with you in persecuting , knocking down , and spilling our blood in your streets ; and murdering of us in your prisons ? nay , nay although he hath suffered such things to be done , for the tryal of our faith , and the filling up of the measute of your iniquity , which is near full ; now will i arise , saith the dreadful and terrible god , who am cloathed with vengeance as with a robe , and with zeal as with a garment , and i will tear and devour , and for sions sake i will not be quiet , and for my beloved jerusalem i will not be silent , but i will roar and thunder forth my voice out of my holy mountain , and the beasts shall tremble , the earth shall be as a smoke , the tall cedars shall fall , and the stirdy oakes shall be plucked up by the roots , and all things of this world shall be afraid ; the bats shall go into their holes , and the lyons into their dens , when the lord appeareth in his beauty , to make inquisition for blood , then shall your hearts fail you for fear of those things that are coming upon you ; in that terrible day , all your lovers will do you no good , and your familiars will stand afar off ; then must you be left to the judge of judges , where you shall see the book of conscience opened , where your indictments will be read at large , and he will judge you according as your deeds shall be . oh then ! if you have not done justice , nor loved mercy , or did the thing that was just in the sight of the lord , then shall you be banished from the presence of the king of heanen for evermore , into utter darkness , where is weeping , wailing , and gnashing of teeth , and you shall be a stink to ages to come . oh! blessed and happy will it be for those judges , and rnlers , and poople , who hath clean hands , and pure hearts , and have not joyned with the wicked in persecuting the innocent ; surely there reward will be great in heaven . my friends , i was once of this religion which is now in power , i was signed with the sign of the cross , & baptized into the faith ; my godfathers and godmothers promised and vowed , that i should forsake the devil and all his works , the pomps and vanities of this wicked world , and all the sinful lusts of the flesh , and that i should keep gods holy will and commandments all the dayes of my life ; and when i was young , my father had me bishop'd , thinking thereby to gain a blessing for me : i spent many years in oxford , where the carriages of the schollars , did trouble me in that day , they were so wilde ; after the best sort of religion and custom of the nation , was i brought up ; then the lord drew me to this city , where i applyed my heart both evening and morning , and at noon day , unto reading and hearing the common-prayer ; when there was but one place of worship left in this city , i went to it , and when there books were burned , i stood for them , for my heart was wholly joyned unto them ; and when the king's head was taken off , my heart and soul was burdened , that i was even weary of my life , and the enemy waited to devour me ; then did the lord take away my hearing that i was deaf as to all teachings of men for a year ; then that faith which i was baptized in , did no good , for all that the man and women had promised , and vowed , i should do , i could not forsake the pomps and vanities , and sinful lusts of the flesh i run into ; and they stood alwayes before my eyes , my cry was continually unto the lord , that i might put off that body of death , which hindred me from his presence ; then did the lord carry me to a meeting of the people called quakers , where i was filled with the dread and power of the lord , and it raised my soul to bear testimony to the truth , and after a little season the lord set my sins in order before me , and every idle word which i had spoken was brought to my remembrance , where i received a just reward from the lord , and so came to have peace of conscience with my saviour , which i never could obtain whilst i walked with those people . oh my friends ! i can truly say , ever since i was a child , the witness of god pursued me , and what ever i did , i had no peace in this worship , or service , which is now in being ; it tired and vexed my tender soul , to see what a sad estate i was in ; but now glory be to the lord , i am set at liberty from this vain religion , which never profited me at all ; and would you have me to conform to this religion , which keepeth the soul in the grave ? hay i shall never conform unto this worship whilst i have breath , but shall bear my testimony against it , for i know the powerful cod is risen to throw it down , and wo be to all that uphold it . oh your rulers ! be it known unto you , if you will not do justice and ease the oppressed , and set the captives free , the lord will overturn you , and destroy you from being a people , as he hath done in years past ; for his sword is in his hand , and it will cut you down , unless you do repent , ye shall likewise perish . one warning more to the bishops , priests , deacons , friers , and jesuites . oh ! woe be unto you bishops , priests , deacons , friers , and jesuites , and all other officers under you , for the lord is risen in power , yea , he is risen in dreadful and terrible wrath ; oh! i have seen , i have seen this night , the dreadful flames which the lord god will cast you into ; oh! your communion-tables which you sacrifice upon unto devils , and not unto the living god , your altars which you bow down unto , and make an image of , will the dreadful lord of vengeance overthrow in his fiery indignation ; your surplices and tippets , and all your loathsome robes , which you dress your selves withall , which are like unto a menstrous cloth before the eye of the pure jehovah , he will rent them all off , who is the bishop of our souls : oh you bishops , priests , deacons , friers and jesuites ! once more will the judge of heaven and earth plead with you , because you are a blood-thirsty generation , you are a building of zion with blood , and jerusalem with iniquity , as your forefathers did in the dayes of old : therefore will the lord of the harvest cast you heaps upon heaps , as stones in the street , and as mire in the high-way ; the lord of heaven and earth loaths your worships ; your singing , and the noise of your organs doth the lord abhor ; and instead of your instrument of musick , will the lord make you howl and lament bitterly , in so much that the earth shall be astonished , and your downfal shall be so great , that nations shall fear and tremble before our god ; your communion and union is with devils and unclean spirits ▪ and not with the powerful god , which creats a new heaven , and a new earth ; and this shall you see fulfilled in its time and season ; for the lord hath determined your utter destruction , both pope and bishops , both root and branch , from off the face of the earth : oh it hastens , it hastens , and wrath will not stay . in this glorious day , in which zion is rayed in beauty bright , to stand in her strength against this dark night ; whose clouds are so many , and skie so dim , that zions beauty can hardly be seen ; but the lord is risen in this his glorious day , to sweep bishops , prelates , and clouds away . babylons destruction is very near , let all the world fear for evermore . a few words unto the royal seed , which is chosen of god , and seperated from the world , to do his will for ever . oh friends ! blessed are you of the immortal god , who are centred in the city of refuge , which is made without hands , which indeed is the lot and inheritance of the unspotted lambs , whose hearts are after nothing but the glory of god , which is the crown and cause of rejoycing of his sons and daughters , who do inhabit in and about this city , who are come to the church of the first-born , and to the innumerable company of angels , and to the spirits of just men made perfect ; oh! my beloved ones , your life is above this city , and denies the vanity of it , and it loaths the worship that abounds in it ; oh! it is well with you , for the lord hath made you up as his jewels and pillars in his house for ever : oh! my friends , who do inhabit in and about this city , who are convinced of the abominations and uncleanness that is committed in her ; i am moved of the dreadful and terrible god to warn you , that you do not joyn with her spirit , neither in word nor thought , for assuredly the day of her pain and sorrow is at hand , in the which she shall weep bitterly , and shall make all astonished , who are from the power and life of god ; oh my friends ! keep to the power and to the judgements of the just judge , that that eye and thought that would look out at her glory , and that would think to sit at ease in her borders , let that be judged and accursed for ever , that would have any life below the son of god : oh my friends ! call to mind the years past , how pretious and fresh was the love of the lord in your hearts , when he first visited you in this city ? oh! did you think any thing to dear for him ? could you not have laid down your lives for his truth ? were you not glad when you were robbed of your glory , and bereaved of your choicest jewels even for the lords sake ? oh my friends ! i can bear you record in the sight of god , who was a fellow feeler of your integrity and faithfulness unto the lamb. oh! you tender ones , with whom my soul hath union , keep to that pure and undefiled love , even to the measure of god's grace , that it may teach you continually to deny all things that is of this world , and unclean in this city , that you may stand every one in your measures , as lights in this dark city ; for the lord of the heavens and the earth , hath placed you in and about this city , as he hath done the sun , moon , and stars , and there you in the firmament are to stand fixed in him , who is the glorious morning star , you must not wander least you cease to give light in the place , where you are set ; for remember they that wandered were reserved in chaines of darkness until the judgement of the great day , which is near at hand , to give unto every one a just reward . oh! you beloved friends of god , this i have to say unto you from the mighty god , although you are set as marks for the mighty men to shoot at , and as a by-word in the mouth of the beggars , and are reckoned the worst of all people , not worthy to live upon the earth ; yet know this , that the covenant of the lord is made with you , and his power and life shall not depart from you , nor from your seed for evermore ; glory , praises , and power eternally be rendered unto the lord , who reigneth in the heavens , who never altereth , but liveth a god for ever . oh my friends ! this is the earnest desire of my soul , that we may keep close unto our maker , even to bear a pure , holy and faithful testimony in our generation , against all that do oppose the lamb in this city , as the prophets , and apostles , and holy martyrs , have done in their day , against all false gods , worships , and worshippers ; we have the same spirit to fight against in this city , as they had in the world before : therefore my companions , and fellow sufferers , have we not need to stand up for god's cause , for the which we have , and are called to bear forth our testimony , in so deep sufferings as we have come through ? and if we are to drink of a deeper cup , yet let us be thankful unto the lord of the harvest , for it is for the gathering of the exiles into abraham's bosome , and the poor thirsty soules unto the place of broad rivers : oh! rejoyce , and give praises unto god on high , who hath begun his work , and will finish it in his time : oh my friends ! let us keep clear of this city , let us not tast nor handle any of her works , for her works are vanity and falshood , the poyson of aspes is under her tongue , and deceit is in her hands ; therefore it is good that we bear a faithful testimony for the most high against this generation , and if our lot be to die , and we appointed to be slain for the same , it will be well with us , our souls shall be received into the bosome of the father , where we shall glorifie god day and night , and shall be free from oppression : oh dear hearts ! be not afraid of the threatnings , or proud looks of vain man , which is but like a bubble , he can but kill the body , but cannot kill the soul ; oh! be continually prepared to die , that none may be afraid of death when it comes , for it may come suddenly , when ye are asleep , or in the twinckling of an eye ; oh! that then the rest which god hath prepared for his people , may be entred into , or else misery and pain will be found , which is the reward of the slothful and disobedient ; the way of the righteous is life eternal , and the path of the just is a burning and a shining light , which our eyes have seen , and our hands have handled of the word of life , by which we have been preserved unto this day ; and i am certain if thousands of thousands should rise up against us , they shall not prevail , for the lord the mighty jehovah is with us , and will fight our battel , and plead our cause with the mighty ones of the earth ; we need do nothing but stand still in gods salvation , which is the saving health of all nations , and will plead with all tongues and kindreds of the earth , who do oppose him ; and his lambs and babes , who walketh in his holy path , which is life to the upright in heart . oh! the wisdom , power and glory of the unlimitted god , what tongue is able to declare it , or what heart can conceal the infiniteness of the riches of the judge of heaven and earth ? it even fills the heart with love and life , and over-shadows the soul and mind with the glory and beauty of the unspotted lamb , which taketh away the sins of the world ; oh! the weight of his glory , i am even swallowed up with the incomprehensibleness of it ; oh! the height and the depth of it is past finding out , by the wisdom of this world ; oh my friends ! is not that god amongst us , who created adam in innocency , and eve of the dust of the earth ? did not he cause abraham to leave the land of his nativity , and go into a strange land ? and did he not compass him about with strength and power , and gave him favour in the sight of the people ? and is he not the same god still ? yes , although the earth may wax old , and heavens vanish away as smoak , and the elements with fervent heat , yet he remains unchangeable , who is our head ; oh! what is all the world before him , who is judge of judges , and king of kings ? it's but as the drop of a bucket in his sight ; and a thousaud years is but as one day with our god : therefore it is expedient for all friends to watch and wait , and pray least they enter into temptation : and this have i seen my beloved friends this night as from the lord , that there must be a watching and waiting for the invisible power of the lamb to arise , to move , to pray , to speak , and then it will be a pure and a holy sacrifice which the lord will accept : oh my friends ! let us whilst we have breath sacrifice our sighs , tears and groans , prayers , and fastings , upon god's holy altar , that a sweet savour may ascend into the nostrels of the most high god , that so we may receive a blessing from heaven for evermore : and this the lord hath put into my heart , and i cannot forbear but write , that if any prayeth or speaketh unless in the holy power of the dreadful god amongst us , it is as water spilt upon the ground , and it will bring a curse rather than a blessing ; the lord looketh for a holy and clean sacrifice from us , above all the people in the world , because he hath raised up his own life in us , and chosen us to be his people , and the lot of his inheritance , and the place where his honour dwelleth , is with us ; and i know sacrifices have been offered by us , and is to this day , which the lord's soul loves , and he doth delight to make us his choice ; he is our god , and we have none in heaven nor in earth to plead our cause but he , that suffered , and layd down his life on earth , but now sits in majesty and glory in the highest heavens , who is our chief leader and guide , and doth lead us into his power to meet together , and to stand in awe and sin not ; and if ( friends ) we should not meet together , we should sin against god , and should miss of his presence , who hath said , where two or three are met together in my name , there will i be ( saith the lord ) and this is my testimony as a witness to this thing , i never went to any meeting since i knew the truth , even from the first meeting to this day , but i was filled with the living power of the lord ; oh! the sweet showers that doth descend from the presence of the lord , and the pleasant rains that falleth from his throne like silver drops , it doth distil upon our hearts , whilst we are in our meetings in the name and power of jesus , who is amongst us , and hath raised us , and is raising us from the dead ; and hath , and is quickning our mortal bodies , that they may be like unto his glorious body ; he hath and doth turn us from darkness to light , from satans power to his own : oh! can we forget or refuse such glorious benefits , which we have received from the god of our life , in our meetings together ? i know my friends , you are not unsensible of this great gain , by losing the love of the world , to meet together with the king of heaven and earth , whose presence is better than life : oh! how hath he opened the sluce of everlasting mercies and love , that it hath poured down from the crown of our head , to the soal of our foot , so that we have been washed throughout by the endless goodness of the lord in our meetings : and this is my mind , and i hope you are and will be of the same with me , and i do believe the lord will carry me on to the end ; i had rather die the cruellest death that ever was , or can be devised by man , than to neglect or abstain from meeting together in his name ; for i know who ever doth it , neglects their own salvation , and the day of their visitation . oh my beloved friends ! if we suffer imprisonment , or loss of life upon the account of meeting together , let us rejoyce , for it is for christ sake that we are persecuted , for great is our reward in heaven ; oh! christ is our meat and drink , he is become our table in the midst of our persecutors , our cup doth overflow , when we are in close prisons , christ is with us , who cannot be exposed from us by the wrath of wicked men ; when we are brought out of prison , and had before the rulers , then christ goeth along with us , and teacheth us what to say ; he is a mouth , and wisdom , and utterance , we take no care what to do ; when we are sent back again to prison from the rulers , if it be into a nasty hole or dungeon , our saviour goeth with us , and he teacheth us patience , and meekness , and poureth upon our head and hearts his holy oyle , which maketh us sing for joy of heart , that he hath counted us worthy to suffer for his name : so my friends , if they fight against us , they fight against god , for god is with us , and it is his cause we stand for , and suffer in goods , body and spirit : and therefore seeing it is so weighty a thing that we lye at stake for , we value not what men , or devils , spirits , or angels can do unto us , for our hearts and spirits are firmly fixed upon the lord and his cause ; and for meeting together as long as we are moved of the lord , the which will be i hope as long as we have breath ; oh all you my friends ! who are young and tender , and all you who are looking abroad to see what will become of us , and cannot joyn with us , because of persecution , have a care , i warn you in the presence of the dreadful god , stand not in that slippery place , least the day of mercy pass over whilst you stand gazing , and repentance be hid from your eyes , then would you give the whole world if you had it , for one hour to repent it , but then it will be too late : therefore i beseech you not to look at us , but to mind your own salvation , and what the lord saith unto you by his witness in you ; for every one in the day of god's account shall answer for himself , and receive a reward according to their works ; the lord is no respecter of persons , the king as well as the beggar shall know the stroak of god's hand , when the book of conscience is opened , wherein their sins are written as with the point of a diamond ; and i know that there is nothing can blot them out but the blood of the lamb ; and therefore do we utterly deny and abhor any pardons from the bishops , for i know they cannot pardon themselves , nor keep their own soul alive ; our confidence is in god , who hath tryed our reins and searched our hearts by his living power ; glory everlastingly be given unto the higher power , to whom our souls are subject , and in whom we live , and shall do world without end . oh zions king ! thy beauty bright , hath fill'd our hearts with great delight ; thy city pure our eye doth see , in which alone dwells purity : oh! rejoyce ye saints of zion all , for god hath sav'd you from the fall : it 's no matter if our bodies dye , our souls shall live eternally , with god who ruleth in the heavens high : a city pure god hath prepar'd for us , when our enemies hath laid us in the dust : thy day and beauty doth declare , an open war with sin and sinner ; who doth thy name , defame . o lord unto thy glorious name all knees shall bow of things in heaven , and things below ; thy seed royal , that glorious plant , which thou into the world hath sent , a light , is content with punishment . from sinners hands , who like iron bands against thy own seed stands , their hearts is bent , with full consent , thy seed to rent . o lord thy seed to heaven doth cry for delivery , in this day of perplexity ; thou righteous judge , thy suffering lambs in prisons lie , until they die for thy testimony , which shall remain when all is slain , which doth increase , our joy and peace . oh! blessed be the day our sins were washt away , and we set free , to follow thee , from the gulf of misery , who art a god of purity : o lord we will serve thee , whilst we have breath , for thou art judge of heaven and earth ; honour and glory is thine alone , and be it rendered to thee for evermore . finis . a sudden and cloudy messenger, with glimpses of great joy to the israel of god declaring the hastning of that day of the resurrection of the lord jesus in his saints, tending to a deliverance from spiritual and temporal captivity ... / by a lover of peace and purity, though appearing so terrible and dreadfull, edward ellis. ellis, edward, lover of peace and purity. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a39271 of text r22890 in the english short title catalog (wing e576). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 75 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 17 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a39271 wing e576 estc r22890 12125622 ocm 12125622 54588 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a39271) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 54588) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 93:8) a sudden and cloudy messenger, with glimpses of great joy to the israel of god declaring the hastning of that day of the resurrection of the lord jesus in his saints, tending to a deliverance from spiritual and temporal captivity ... / by a lover of peace and purity, though appearing so terrible and dreadfull, edward ellis. ellis, edward, lover of peace and purity. [8], 24 p. printed for the author, london : 1649. reproduction of original in thomason collection, british library. eng second advent. apocalyptic literature. a39271 r22890 (wing e576). civilwar no a sudden and cloudy messenger, with glimpses of great joy to the israel of god. declaring the hastning of that day of the resurrection of th ellis, edward, lover of peace and purity 1650 15086 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 b the rate of 4 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the b category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. 2006-10 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2006-11 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-01 emma (leeson) huber sampled and proofread 2007-01 emma (leeson) huber text and markup reviewed and edited 2007-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion a sudden and cloudy messenger , with glimpses of great joy to the israel of god . declaring the hastning of that day of the resurrection of the lord jesus in his saints , tending to a deliverance from spiritual and temporal captivity , but much sorrow , woe , and calamity , to the lords , and his peoples enemies in england . presented especially , to the waiters for this day of the lord , to the gathered churches , parliament , army , city of london , and ministers of england . a spark from the altar , or a beame of the light of god , declaring the scattering of the gathered churches in england . a voice out of cloudy discoveries to the army . a further warning to london , of the dreadful coming of the lord god almighty . a voice to high and low , shewing what the determination of the lord seems to be on this land . a warning to awaken all the idol shepherds in england , otherwise called ministers , with friendly advise to those in the ministry , that have the true spirituall life of jesus brought forth in them . by a lover of peace and purity , though appearing so terrible and dreadfull . edward ellis . gal. 1. 15. 16. 17. when it pleased god to reveale his son in me , that i might preach him among the heathen , immediatly i conferred not with flesh and bloud , neither went i to them that were apostles before me . cant. 2. 11 , 12. loe the winter is past , the rain is over and gone , the flowres appear on the earth ; the time of the singing of birds is come , and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land , the figtree putteth forth her green figs , and the vine with the tender grapes give a good smell . arise my love , my fair one , and come away , untill the day break , and the shadows fly away . cant. 3. 11. go forth o ye daughters of zion , and behold king solomon with the crown , wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals , and in the day of the gladnesse of his heart . london , printed for the author . 1649. an epistle to the churches , parliament , army , city of london , and ministers , so called , in england . churches , should i tell you of more warres , pldgues , famine , staining of all worldly glory , shaking all earthly powers ; you would , ( it may be ) beleeve me . but , if by a beam of light , i tell you of the shaking and scattering of your heaven , your sumptuous and glorious building , the churches gathered : you say , this is a hard saying , who can heare it ; but surely it will be done , whether you beleeve it , or no . but , heare a word more , i told you my spark of light was well nigh spent , it s now suppli'd , or anointed with fresh oyle : mistake me not , my design is not presently , if i could , to take you off those wayes wherein you are , or may be profitable in building up one another in your most holy faith , so long as there is lambs , smoaking flax , or bruised reeds , or babes in christ among you , there is need of your helping one another , till power from on high be brought forth in a more immediate way to do it , which shall be in the time appointed by the father . the end of that which is declared unto you , is to prove you are not of so long continuance as many of you imagine . honourable parliament of england , who are managing the great affairs of this tottering kingdom , you are now higher than you were : i have nothing against it , but there is one higher than you , the lord of hosts , who has his designs in the midst of yours . in this small volume , written by a glimse of his light , you may take a small view and sight of his footsteps , that are , and will be upon this kingdome , even the overturning all worldly powers , and governments , that his may be set up , whose right all government is , the lord jesus , which is more pure , and spirituall , than any is yet in the world ; to which , if you , or others , shall act subserviently , you may flourish ; if not , expect yours , or their designs frustrated , or broken , that tend to exaltation . this kingdome , to whom you ought to be as fathers , how many stormes has past through it , and been upon it ? al 's pretty quiet now , and they begin to strengthen , and settle all , almost exalting themselves , as though all evill were past , though not a whit bettered by those judgments that have been already . but behold , that line of desolution that is spread over this land , to lay its excellencie yet more lower : i wish you would lay it to heart , and tremble before the lord ; put off , and lay by your brave ornaments , within , and without , that the lord may know what to doe unto you . could i command as many drops of bloud , as teares have fallen from mine eies , or sighs from within , as have been in beholding the miseries hang over this kingdome : i would write unto you in a more scarlet die . if you will read this book , you shall find nothing but joy and gladnesse proclaimed to the israel of god , and that the day of their redemption drawes nigh ; but lamentation , mourning , and woe , to the wicked , be they high or low , rich or poor , noble or ignoble ; those in power , or not in power , i can proclaim nothing else ; what it will cost me , i know not : storms i have met with already , but they caused me not to desist from my work , but were as wind to the fire , which makes it flame the more , so long as god thought fit to imploy me . i have lived among divers great persons many years , a poor servant , and now come to this hard incounter with them , it seems harsh ; but surely the strong lord of hoasts is before , he leads , he is light , life , and strength , a strong tower , a buckler , and shield , to help me to beare stripes , if need be , and to avoid their scornes , although they should say , as eliab to david , 1 sam. 17. 28. i know thy pride , and the haughtinesse of thy spirit . or as michal to david , 2 sam. 6. 20 , 21. that i have uncovered my selfe as one of the vaine fellowes , it is before , and at the command of the lord : but i will yet be more vile then thus , in this manner , if the lord think fit , and will be base in mine owne sight . plainnesse and truth is almost out of fashion , it was once otherwise , job 32. 21 , 22. let me not , i pray , accept any mans person , neither let me give titles unto man . for i know not to give flattering titles , in so doing my maker would soon make me away . zech. 8. 16. speak you every man the truth to his neighbour . but , idle shepherds , awake , call upon the lord , come , you should be wise , if you read what is said concerning powers , great ones , city and you . what will you do even like your brethren in former times , will you not ? you know who smote michaiah on the cheek , 1 kin. 22. 24. and said , which way went the spirit of the lord from me to thee : so amos 7. 10. a priest that ought to have been wiser , when a heardsman comes with a true message from god , he like a deceiver sent to the king , saying , amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the land of israel , the land is not able to beare all his words , go saith he , flee the way into the land of judah , eat bread , and prophesie there . but prophesie not again at bethel , for it is the kings chappel , and it is the kings court . he might as well have said , amos , this is no place to entertaine such persons as shall prophesie of ruine , or desolation , although commanded by god , if you will come hither and be welcome , you must speak pleasing things , prophesie of wine and strong drink , and pleasures , such as are fit for great persons , prophesie flatteries , as ahabs prophets did , 1 kin. 22. 6. and then thou shalt be entertained at court , and with great ones as they were : it may be so now in our land , flattering and deceitfull priests that prophesie lies and pleasing things to the fancies of great persons may flourish , when as they that declare the truth of god to them , may go in danger of the losse of all outward injoyments , but they will say i am beside my businesse , towards you o watchmen ; therefore hearken , do not you like amasiah say , i have conspired against this land , nor that it is not able to bear all my words , nor bid me prophesie somewhere else , or of pleasinger things , they are the true sayings of god , would you have me cry peace , when the lord cryes trouble , and so be consumed for my pains , what the lord hath spoken to me , that declare i to you ; oh you l say , observe , what ? he makes himself a prophet , this is as christ saith , false prophets shall arise and deceive many : well , they shall so , take heed you be not a kin to them : do you thinke i am guided by a deceiving spirit , come then , handle me , pry into me , try and search me by the scriptures , i am willing to be tryed , but you want sight , i le refer my self to the judgement of those that have a clearer light then you , even the saints : but secure london , what say you to me ? what 's your judgement concerning these sad things threatned against you , you have had many warnings from the lord , by divers men , you haue taken little notice of them to believe them , would you believe one that should be raised from the grave to declare against you from the lord ? why ? behold , he hath sent one with a message raised from the valley & shadow of death , from the powers of darknesse that were within him , even from the belly of hel . the floods compassed him about , his billowes and waves passed over him , he was even broken , and shattered in pieces ; his strength of inward and outward man ; was well nigh spent , as to his own view , and the view of others , laid aside as a vessel of no use , yet suddenly by an almighty power , raised him like a lion roaring for his prey : of a fearfull and faint heart made bold , of weak was made strong , to declare as sad a message elsewhere as to you , even with , and not minding the hazzard of life . wilt thou believe now , and turn to the lord , whether you will hear , or whether you will forbear , know you have had a message , you shall be inexcusable . as for you of the army of officers , and souldiers , the least part of this small book concerns you , as you are souldiers , but if you war against heaven , you will be conquered , notwithstanding all your victories ; the line of dissolution will reach you , you have been such , as have been made use of by god to work great outward salvation for israel , that before was in , and under the hands of cruel , and unreasonable men , blessed be his great name for it , and the lord reward your kindnesse and labours into your bosomes , with spirituull and temporall blessings . i know , you will many of you confesse , that you have seen much of the power of god with you , subduing your enemies , and that god hath shown much of his kindnesse to his poore israel , as in giving them such deliverance as at this day , they are so precious and dear in his sight , that he hath reproved and given men ( i may say ) to the slaughter for their sakes : but as if that were not enough he is following them with more excellent things , even the breakings forth of his own glorie , in a more large manner , which you may see a glimpse of in this book : and what ever desolations shall come upon this kingdome , through his fullnesse in them , they shall lift up their heads when others shall call to rocks and mountaines to cover them from that wrath which will be upon them . the temple of the lord jesus is to be built , and exalted , yea , glorified with his own glorie : the time and day growes on apace , though israel it self knows not what to make of it , when moses walkt into egypt , saying , let israel go , though there were great combustions amongst the egyptians , and israel hearkened not to the voice of moses for anguish of spirit , and cruel bondage , and moses was troubled , and much discouraged in his work , complaining to the lord , that israel would not hearken to his message , exod. 6. 9. 12. yet it presages israels deliverance is nigh at hand , israel is in boudage now , and hath been a long time , and for the lord to snatch poore persons out of the fire , and cause them to walkup and down in the middest of great ones , as hath been done through the strength of god in cambridge-shire , and now in this citie : the great ones must know israel must be delivered out of captivitie and bondage spirituall , and temporall : let the world and israel too think what they will , of a truth ▪ god is hastning with the breakings forth of some great spirituall glory . where your scouts were met formerly , it argued your army was near , the lord sending his scouts or fore-runners , crying , the lord is come , and coming ; it presages he is at hand , if the lord send watchmen , that shall lift up their voyce like singers , and call upon the waste places of jerusalem , to break forth into joy , and sing together , and say to zion , thy god raigneth , and the lord will bring back their captivity , read isa. 52. 7. 8 , 9. and tell me what you think . this the lord hath done of late in england , and does still , though they be accounted mad men , men wondred at , scoft at , as neh. 4. 2. what do these feeble jews ? will they fortifie themselves ? will they sacrifice ? will they make an end in a day ? scoffers , hearken , israel must sacrifice otherwise than they have done ; the spirituall temple of jesus must be built : we care not , though for walls , bulwarks , or armies for this work ; god is all this to the building of this temple , isa. 26. 1. zech. 9. 8. nay hearken , the lord himselfe will be the alone erecter and exalter of it , zech. 16. 12. 13. not by might , or by power , but of the spirit of the lord of hoasts , zech. 4. 6. the lord will be the glory of it also , it s now but the day of small things , there 's many powers of darknesse to hinder the breaking forth of this glory . but , who are you , o great mountaines , before the breakings forth of the lord jesus ? you shall become a plain , he shall be brought forth in despight of you , and there shall be shoutings , crying , grace , grace unto him . be silent , o all flesh , before the lord , for he is rising out of the habitation of his holinesse . the fountaine yet maintaines life , therefore o spirituall israel , doe you search the scriptures whether these things be so , or no , like those , acts 17. and do not lightly cast these precious declarations to you , away , till you have carefully examined these things , and consider what these voices meane . o israel , consider , is here another gospel ? the breakings forth of another spirit ? another faith , or new prophesies ? or , is here not a tast of the promises , prophesies , and words of the prophets of old , and apostles of our lord jesus ghrist ? i speak as to wise men , judge what i say , and with mary , ponder these things in your hearts . the god of wisedome be your light injudging : it s the desire of him , who could willinglp spend , and be spent , ( if the father thinks fit ) for the furtherance of your consolation and joy ; who is the unworthiest of all saints , edvvard ellis . a spark from the altar : or , a beam of the light of god . declaring the scattering of the gathered churches in england , before the consummation of all things . or , the end of the world , tending to a discovery , or separation , betweene the righteous and the wicked ; which shall be done by the lords comming to his temple : at which day , the saints shall enjoy a more cleare sight of their fathers glory , than now they doe . churches , harken ; i know you will startle at this cloudy messenger , with a sparke from the altar , or a beame of the light of god , scattering yours , which seems to be as a full sun . many of you glory much in your priviledges , as if the lord were no where in his manifestations of light , and love , but among you ; so did the jewes , jer. 7. the temple of the lord , the temple of the lord . many of you thinke your selves very well , and rich ; i should not meddle to impoverish , or strip you of your glory , were i not certaine i am under the teachings , and subservient to the designe of my father . you have , many of you , like hannahs adversary , vext the soules of those that were not under your formes , upraiding them with barrennesse , and unfruitfulnesse , boasting of your owne . but consider , hannah had an husband , and being vext with her adversary , cryed unto the lord , he brought forth fruit out of her wombe , and she was a joyfull mother of children , when she that vext her , its possible , waxt feeble . to spiritualize it ; those you have , and still vex , have an husband , the lord jesus ; in him is their fruit found , which he will bring forth , and cause them to be fruitfull , and strong , when you may be weake , and feeble : then shall they sing hannahs song of joy , read it , 1 sam. 2. therefore , talke no more so exceeding proudly , let not arrogancy come out of your mouthes ; for the lord is a god of knowledge , by him actions are weighed , they that stumbled , are , and shall be girt with strength , 1 sam. 2. 4. psal. 113. 7. 8. he raiseth up the poore , ( even such as you despise ) out of the dust , and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill , that he may set him with princes , even with the princes of his people . but hearken still ; tell many of you of a spirituall glory , that 's contrary to yours ; or a land more excellent than yours ; one may almost as soone make a blind man beleeve the moone is made of cheese , ( as saith the proverb ) as cause you to see this spirituall land ; that is , discoveries above , and contrary to yours . i have been wandring a long time like noahs dove , as the spies to search the land , i have seene it afar off , behold a branch , or a cluster of its fruit , it s a glorious land , only with pure , spirituall glory , the inhabitants are very wise , and strong , but with the wisedome and strength of the lord of hoasts , no need of any low , or inferiour light , but the pure light of god ; no need of teachers , to say , know the lord ; no feare of enemies , the gates stand open . it s very pure , nothing but holinesse there ; it s very strong , the lord himselfe is walls and bulwarks . there may be dogs , and ravenous beasts about it , they may attempt to storme it , but they shall soone be destroyed , rev. 20. 9. this spirituall land of canaan , is altogether glorious : when the lord has given me a more cleare view of it , if he thinkes fit , you shall heare of it . but churches , hearken : many of you boast much of your strong pillars , that will beare up your building to the end of all things almost , i mean those scriptures that are so frequently brought to prove the continuance of your practise ; but i spare you , considering the disciples were ignorant to the resurrection of christ , though taught by him , living under his teaching of their measure . yet hearken , there 's a great deal of danger in your way , and practice , in retaining those scriptures that make for you , in opposition , and clear contradiction to many others . you boast much of them , to prove your way , if that be true which many of you hold out , if the light of god did not lead me , i might question the authority of them , which i doe not , but am rather confirmed in the excellency of them , or else not know what to make of them . but churches , hearken still : because many of you are so confident , that i may not beat the aire , or speak at uncertainty , what will you say to those scriptures that prove your desolution ? first , consider those scriptures that promise , and prophesie of the large measure of the fulnesse of god , the saints shall be filled withall in the last daies , and then tell how long you thinke your building can stand , joel 2. 28. i will poure out my spirit upon all flesh , and your sons and your daughters shall prophesie ; your old men shall dreame dreames , and your young men shall see visions . and so , upon the servants , and upon the handmaids , in those dayes will i powre out my spirit , zech. 12. 8. in that day shall the lord defend the inhabitants of jerusalem , and he that is feeble among them at that day , shall be as david , and the house of david shall be as god , as the angel of the lord before them . zech. 10. 5. and they shall be as mighty men , which tread downe their enemies in the mire of the streets ; in the battle they shall fight , because the lord is with them , and the riders of horses shall be confounded . zech. 10. chap. 7. vers. 12. and they of ephraim , shall be like a mighty man , and their heart shal rejoyce as through wine , yea their children shall see it , and be glad , their heart shall rejoyce in the lord . and i will strengthen them in the lord , and they shall walk up and downe in his name , saith the lord . hearken , and observe churches , the strength spoken of here , is , because of the fulnesse of god he will fill his israel with ; me thinkes there is one prop of your building gone . but , hearken still , there 's more behind , isa. 60. 22. a little one shal● become a thousand , and a small one a strong nation , i the lord will hasten it . in his time , isa. 25. 7 , 8. he will destroy in this mountaine the face of the covering cast over all people , and the vaile that is spread over all nations . he will swallow up death in victory , and the lord god will wipe away tears from off all faces , and the rebuke of his people shall he taken away : the lord hath spoken it . hearken yet , zec. 9. 15. 16. 17. the lord of hosts shall defond them ; and they shall devoure and subdue with fling stones , and they shall drink and make a noyse as through wine , and they shall be filled like bowls , they shall be like a crown lifted up , as an ensigne upon his land , corn shall make the young men chearfull , and new wine the maids . churches harken , this mirth presages sadnesse to your building ; doth it not appear to you weaker then it was , how ever , hearken , there 's more yet , zach. 14. 8. 21. and it shall be in that day , that living waters shall go out from ierusalem , half of them towards the former sea , and half of them toward the hinder sea , in summer and in winter shall it be , and there shall be no more the canaanite in the house of the lord . mic. 3. 7. and i will make her that halted a remnant , and her that was cast far off a strong nation , and the lord shall reign over them in mount sion , from hence forth , even for ever . isa. 33. and the inhabitant shall not say , i am sick . rev. 21. 1 , 2. and there was no more sea ; and i john saw the holy city coming down from god out of heaven , prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . all these scriptures do clearly prove the abundance of grace , and spirituall glory the saints shall have powred upon them , from that fulnesse of their head , the lord jesus . when this time comes , surely churches , you will stagger like a drunken man . you that are not taken up into , and made partakers of this glory , you will not know what to do with your selves , you le be like him that cryed after his god . awaken your selves , and hearken still , and secondly consider those scriptures that hold forth a dissolution of your formes of worship , what if i should say ordinances ? as you converse in them . remember it is but a spark from the altar , a beam of the light of god , that declares your dissolution : if your light be as a full sun , sit still , and ●●e through me ; fall not upon me with harsh censures . what can a spark , a beam of light see ; but consider , for in that , rev. 21. 22. 23. and the street of the city was pure gold , and as it were transparent glasse ; and i saw no temple therein : for the lord god almighty and the lamb are the temple of it , and the city had no need of the sunne , neither of the moon to shine in it ; for the glory of god did lighten it , and the lamb is the light thereof . if this scripture may be interpreted concerning the glory of the church on earth , as it may be compared with others , which cannot fully be done now with a beam of light : but if the lord please , it may hereafter ; but if it may be interpreted so as you cannot clearly deny , then what will become of your churches which many expect shall even last near as long as sunne and moon endures . hearken still , ier. 31. 34. and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour , and every man his brother , saying , know the lord , for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them , saith the lord . 1. epist. john 2. 27. but the annointing which you have received of him abideth in you , and ye need not that any man teach you , but as the same annointing teacheth you of all things , and is truth , and is no ly . these scriptures , i expect shall be fulfilled in the very letter of them , i conceive your quick apprehensions , in part , to quarrell against this , but i le let you alone , till the spark or beam of light be increast : i le leave to your further consideration to confirm the scattering of you , rev. 22. 3. 4. 5. isa. 60. 19. 2 pet. 1. 19. and when you have considered these , and those quoted and set down before ; tell truly what will become of that famous building many so much adore . i shall hardly heare , of the result of your thoughts , therefore know from a beam of the light of god , concerning your building , there will not be one stone left uponanother . the house of your glorie will be left desolate . but come now let us reason , i know you startle , and are affrighted at the spirituall and heavenly voice of christ , as the disciples were when christ spoke to them in a form they had not conversed with him in : so do you let the spirituall voice of jesus come amongst you , which tends to destroy your fleshly forms or knowledge : you are terrified , and affrighted , and cry out a spirit , but a deceiving one : i grant you , it is abroad : the deceiving one may act very like the true breakings forth of the spirit of god , take heed you be not offended at the truth , because error is abroad . i certainly believe there are many choise spirits among you , to them i declare , my desire is not to force you out of your particular wayes of worship ; but if you meet with the presence of the lord , walk there , and i say unto you , as it was said to the disciples , tarry at ierusalem till you be endued with power from on high , to arise from what you are : but in the mean time beware of passing such censures as usually comes from many that are of your assemblies : you think , it is possible , you are very high in principles , there be those that are higher : they will not despise you ; if their highnesse be of god , it teaches no such thing , so far as they are acted by the true light of god , if they do , it is from the darknesse that is in them , do not you judge them . hearken still , and more which proves your scattering , or the dissolution of your practise , though many of you be glewd as close to it almost as your flesh to your bones : consider that scripture , mal. 3. the coming of the lord jesus to his temple , as a devouring fire to burn and destroy the filthinesse that is in his saints . the effects of his coming is to difference between the righteous and the wicked , between them that fear god , and them that fear him not : this scripture reaches these last dayes , you are conversing one with another , with a great deal of comfort , because you are joyned together in an outward forme : but there will be found many false ones among you , when this day comes ; and surely , then you will be shaken , and that day tend to your s●attering , how you shall be gathered together , judge you , further , consider those scriptures that prophesie of the shaking of heaven , and earth , and declare what will become of yours in that day , if you can , farewel , the spark from the altar : the beam of light hath even spent it self ; for there shall be a day , that the watchmen upon the mount of ephraim , jer. 31. 6. shall cry , arise , yea , and let us go up to zion unto the lord our god . micah 2. 10. arise , yea , and depart , for this is not your rest , because it is polluted . joh. 14. 31. arise , let us go hence . cant. 6. 10. who is he that looketh forth as the morning , fair as the moon , clear as the sunne , and terrible as an army with banners . a voice out of cloudy discoveries to the army . hearken , o army , i was of you , i am with you still , and acknowledge that present power you injoy , to be that , the lord of all armies hath invested you with ; you have been , and still in appearance are , instrumentally a wall of defence , to keepe israel from the rage of malicious enimies , through the good hand of our god , that hath been upon you , as you have fought for israel , with your swords in the field ; many of you being sprinkled with blood : israel hath wrestled with god for you in the mount , like moses , bedewed with teares ; that one without another should not boast of victory , and that both might returne praise , singly to god ; and the lord of hosts be made more glorious to either of you . what you have done this way was excellent and glorious in its season ; the lord thereby dying , as i may say , his , and your garments , with the blood of his own , and israels enemies : i cannot certainly determine , whether you shall conquer them any more so , or no ; remember what the voyce is ( cloudy ) you have got many victories , and conquests by your sword of steal : will you suffer your selves now to be overcome by the sword of the spirit , the power of the lord jesus christ ? surely this designe of the lord is hastening apace , whereby he will overcome all his enemies , in his saints , by the power of his spirit , which will be as great a plague and torment to high and low , in this land , as these miseries by a bloudy and unnaturall warre ; nay , surely greater when this day of the resurrection of the lord comes in his saints ; which doubtlesse is hastning , they shall consume away while they stand on their feet , when as beheading and slaying in the field , delivered them from their paine presently . as to this world , it s a wonder to consider , and observeable , that not a dog should bark at israel , when they marcht out of aegypt , though at midnight : it will be as great a wonder , to see israel , i mean , the beloved ones of the lord , to march up and downe in england , in his strength , and majesty , and not a dog , i mean wicked men , so called , revel. 21. not able to bite , though bark they may , by reason of that consumption , and vexation of spirit , that shall be upon them . army , keep your swords , and your power , walking in wayes of justice , and righteousnesse ; but you that are spirituall , mind , and hasten the comming of that day , wherein israel shall have no need of armies , to defend them from enimies ; the lord in them will be strong enough to doe that ; besides , he will be a wall of fire round about them , no need of scouts , sentenels , or guards , the lord will keepe it night and day ; this glorious dayes a comming of the saints exaltation , and safety , by the fulnesse of jesus in them . the alarm 's given , trumpets sound , harolds proclaime it , the watchmen are set upon the watch-tower , spie him neerer and neerer , tarry there long , no relief , as from men , yet not weary . awake , awake , stand up israel in the army , when the lord calls ; but tarry till then , the world will yet rage , and be mad , but le ts goe up at once , feare them not , their strength is departed from them , the lord of hoasts is on israels side still . they say , they are strong , wise , and rich : it s no such thing , they have rejected the word of the lord ; they are weake , foolish , and poore , as to a spirituall understanding : but , were they as they say , the battle 's the lords , he marches in the van , he sounds the trumpet , and will go before as whirlwinds of the south ; zec. 9. joel 2. he will also send a hornet before , their hearts shall fail them , and melt away like water . this spirituall army will be very great , mighty men all , when they are got together ; no feare of fainting in their marches , for god is with them , and in his strength shall they walk . you enemies of the lord of hoasts in england , be you what you will , tremble , quake , and feare , for this terrible day of the lord of hoasts is comming apace . and you o army , as you have been wise , and diligent , to learne , and find out the designes , and intended marches of your enemies formerly ; be wise now , and with double diligence , set your selves to know the designes , footsteps , and travellings of the lord of hoasts , that are , and will be upon this kingdom , and act subservantly ; carry on your designes in the light and wisedome of god , he alone , and his saints must be exalted in a spirituall power ; to which , if you be subjected , you that are so , shall flourish ; but ruination , and desolation of those that are not so at his comming : it s a voice , ( but of a cloudy discovery ) that 's spoken to you . the messenger that writ this book , sudden , and cloudy , you must not expect clearnesse , it concernes you , and others , to pry narrowly into , and search the scriptures , whether they be so , or no , then judge , not before . micah 4. chap. 3. 4. farewell . finis . a further warning to london of the dreadfull coming of the lord god almighty . o london , in thee was i nourished many years ; for thy happinesse i have suffered much , my blood had not been dear to me , so thou mightest have flourished , and have been a city that the lord would have taken pleasure in ; my bowells are yearning after thee , i must bear witnesse against thee for all this ; and how am i straitened till it be accomplished ; from the dayes of thy fathers , thou hast departed from the lord : the lord sent his messengers in the midst of thee to call thee to return to him , what usage they had , thou , and many in the world knowst to thy shame : your fathers , where are they ? the prophets , do they live for ever , but hath not the words of his servants taken hold on you ? the day of the lords anger they spoke of , how hath it been accomplished on you , these years past , thou hast , & art set on fire , yet thou knowest it not , you are consuming , but lay it not to heart . the lord hath yet a farther controversie with thee , because thou art unmindfull of him , he brings forth his judgements morning by morning , but thou takest no shame , his judgements are in thee , and about thee , but thou learnest not righteousnesse , nor beholdest the majesty ofthe of the lord ; his hand hathbeen , and is lifted up against thee ; thou wilt not see , but thou shalt see , and be ashamed for all thy abominations , ( or confounded by the fury of the lord . ) o london , consider what plagues , what unseasonable weather , what want of bread hath been in thee in former years ? but thou returnest not to the lord ! but behold , and tremble for fear , o london , that bloody war that was brought forth , not by the power of man , but from , and by the lord of hosts : how many thousands of thy men are slain with the sword , how are the widdows , and fatherlesse increased in thee : how are thy riches exhausted ? what leading into captivity ? what complaining in thy streets ? how art thou forced to be servant to those that formerly thou wouldst have despised ! ( thou dost it now , but canst thou help thy self ? ) o london , what vexatiousnesse of spirit hast thou ? what a trembling heart is in the midst of thee ? a great and sad consumption is upon you : but that which is the greatest plague of all , and declares a further consumption upon you , is , you are not bettered by the judgement of the lord . you are at peace in appearance now , and you think the bitternesse of death is over : but a deceived heart hath deceived you , london ! i beseech you in the name of the lord consider , the lord hath yet a further cotroversie with you : his hand is stretched out still : thy sinnes remain : your spots are not the spots of the lords people : but of rebellious children that refuse to hear the rod , and who hath appointed it ; you refuse to return , your pride testifies to your face , you will refrain turning to the lord , and you will refrain turning away his anger . what people ever set themselves against the lord , and prospered : how furiously hath the lord marched up and down amongst us : how are his garments died in blood : not of the mean men onely , but of the mighty ; thy mighty and thy honourable men are fallen in thy streets : yet his anger is not turned away . london ! mind that thunderclap given to you of late : the lord was there , itpreaches to you , that unlesse you repent , you shall perish also . london ! in thee , & against thee is found the blood and cryes of poor saints , acry of oppression , the cry of the poor unminded : a cry , yea , and a horrible cry of abomination , that hath , that still doth come up into the ears of the lord of hosts . london , is there no healing for you , are your wounds incurable ? nothing but the blood of jesus can wash you from your filthines , whch to your shame you despise : what shall i say unto you , be instructed , lest the soul of god depart from you , and he take no pleasure in you : london , you are conquered and overcome in your power by men , that it cannot break forth to mannage warre against them : but your inward power that maintaines warre against heaven is unsubdued , you are yet found fighters against god : but he will bestronger then you : and overcome you by his strong power in despite of thee . the lord hath lain still a long time , and you thought he had forgotten , or forsaken the earth ; but he is , and will rise more and more with fury in his face , to recompence wrath to his , and his peoples enemies : to make up his iewells , and glorifie the house of his glory , that is , his saints , whom you have so much despised , and trampled under foot , you have ruled , they must rule . you that have been , and still are enemies to the lord , your best dayes are past , the dayes of zions joyes are coming : the lord must be king over all the earth , the lord will come gloriously too , and in his saints . you enemies to god make haste , you wicked generation , what you do , do quickly , the lord is coming apace , with sorrow and mourning to you , but with joy and gladnesse to his israel . how will you like it wordlings ? to see the saints rule 't will vex you , but you cannot help it : they must be the head , you the tail , the lord iesus will reigne in them , you must be spoiled , isa. 32. behold a king shall reigne in righteousnesse , and princes shall rule in judgement . ezek. 39. 10. and they shall spoil those that spoiled them , and rob those that robbed them , saith the lord . how will you like this you stout spirits , to see the saints spoil you , and you to be their servants , and come bowing to them , is . 60. 14. the sonnes of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee , they that despise thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet : the lord will manifest himself so in his saints , and he hath begun it already , that the proudest of you , if you will not honour and exalt them , woe unto you ▪ isa. 60. 12. the nation and kingdome that will not serve thee shal perish : yea , those nations shall be utterly wasted . as youtender ( o london ) your own happinesse and welfare , repent of your despising the saints , and take heed of offending them hereafter , the lord hath , and will reprove kings and great ones for their sakes . but london thou boastest of thy religious enjoyments , thy prayers and fastings ; and because of these , you cry as those in micah 3. 11. and are like them , you lean upon the lord , and say , is not the lord among us , no evill can come upon us : be not deceived , so did the israelites many years , zec. 7. and yet the lord took no pleasure in them . it is possible , he takes as little in you . you will say , are all our dayes of fasting in vain . hear you that are enemies to god , he takes as little delight in your sacrifices , as in those , isa. 63. 3. london , thou thinkest there be those in thee , that god hears their prayers ; it is true , that god hears the prayers of the saints , but you shall have but little benefit by it , that warre against heaven , they have praied much for the prevention of spilling that blood that hath been spilt , and for the avoyding those iudgements they saw hang over this land : but you see they could not prevail , their praiers returned into their own bosomes : they pray now much , but it is for the breaking forth of a spirituall glorie : a vexation to you , o rebellious people : you shall ( it is possible ) see it , but not tast thereof ; london , consider thy condition , the bridegroom is coming , he yet intreats thee to return , if thou wilt not , he will send plagues upon you , till he hath consumed thee ; and leave a poore people , and afflicted , and they shall fear , and praise the name of the lord , which you refuse to doe . heare this from the lord by the unworthiest of men , edward ellis . amos 7. 14. i was no prophet , neither was i a prophets son , but i was an heardman , and a gatherer of sickamore fruit : and the lord took me as i followed the flock , and the lord said unto me , go prophesie unto my people israel . isa. 21. 10. that which i have heard of the lord of hosts , the god of israel , have i declared unto you , i was bowed down at the hearing of it , i was dismayed at the seeing of it . isa. 28. 11. 13. for with stammering lips , and another tongue will he speak to this people , that they might go , and fall backward , and be broken , and snared , and taken , ezek. 2. 5. yet shall they know there hath been a prophet among them . isa. 52. 8 , 9. 10. thy watchmen shall lift up their voice , with the voice together shall they sing : for they shall see eye to eye , when the lord shall bring again zion , break forth into joy , sing together you waste places of jerusalem , for the lord hath comforted his people , he hath redeemed jerusalem : the lord hath made bare his holy arme in the eyes of the nations , and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our god . finis . a voice to high and low , shewing what the determination of the lord seemes to be on this land . high & low , hearken , the lord of hosts is come , and stil coming , his decree is like that of nebuchaduezzar , dan. 3. 29. i make a decree , that every people , nation , and language , which speak any thing amisse against the god of shadrach , meshach , and abednego , shall be cut in pieces , and their house shall be made a dunghill : this is the determination of god upon all those that shall speak , or act , any thing amisse against the god of israel , unlesse they repent ; and that which the lord hath begun already to do , he hath , and is still a making good , that prophesie , isa. 24. read it , o england , to thy sorrow , who wouldest have emptied this land of the saints , and destroyed them , now thou art near destruction thy self , the day of the lord is come against all those powers , that wereas cedars , as oaks , as high mountaines , he hath powred contempt upon princes , psal 107. and caused them to wander in the wildernesse , where there is no way , and that promise is now fulfilled . it shall come to passe , isa. 24. 21. that the lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high , and the kings of the earth upon the earth , isa. 23. 9. the lord of hosts hath purposed it to stain the pride of all glory , and to bring into contempt all the honourable upon the earth . this he hath done already very much . you present powers that have been as a rod , and staffe in gods hand for the accomplishing of his designe , tremble , and fear , and avoid walking in their steps : think not your power so strong , that it cannot be moved , for that strong god which overturned those powers that were before you , is able , and will most certainly dash you in pieces , if you shall walk in their steps of oppression and violence , psalm 75. 5. lift not up your horn on high , speak not with a stiffe neck ; for promotion cometh neither from the east , nor from the west , but god is the judge , he putteth down one , and setteth up another . if you will honour god , he will honour you ; if not , you shall be lightly esteemed , both of god , and his saints , for they are looking for a spirituall glorie and power ; and will esteem of you , as you act by the breakings forth of a spirituall light in you . you corrupted ones of what degree soever ; how have you despis'd the poor saints , and scornd the excellent of the earth ? now is god lifted up , now is he exalted , and they shall despise you , howle you great ones , what a sad day , by the light of god , doe i see comming upon you ; your glory is gone , the saints shall see through you now , by the light of the father . you painted sepulchers , what ever you are , if you will not exalt the lord jesus , they 'l esteeme of you no more , than the mire in the streets : many of them have esteemed of you , and hath got their bread with sorrow of heart among you , because of that abundance of vanity that was in you , and that darknesse that was in their own spirits ; they durst not speake to you for feare of your power ; their father will fill them with his own glory , then shall they not fear your faces . you great ones that have , and yet doe , oppresse the saints ; put off your brave ornaments , and mourne , for the day of your joy is much spent , vexation and disquiet of heart you must have , but israel joy and gladnesse . the saints deliverance must be in the destruction of their inward and outward enemies ; you enemies of the lord in england , consider , turn to the lord speedily ; the door of mercy is seemingly yet open , it may be soon shut ; you will cry for pitty then , but there shall be none ; but as you have rejoyced at the sorrowes of the godly , so shall they rejoyce in yours . zion heard and was glad , and the daughters of judah rejoyced because of thy judgements , o lord , psal. 107. 42. when god is pouring contempt on princes , on the great ones of the earth , the righteous shall see it and rejoyce . you enemies of the lord , be you great men , or others , read in the revelations , what songs the saints shall sing , it s your doom , and day of sorrow . the day of the lord is come , o england ! a day of wrath and fury , a consumption is in this land ; many sorrowes already , more behind : yea , such a day as yet , was never upon it . alas , for that day is great , so that none is like it , jer. 30. 7. i have heard a voyce of trembling , of fear , and not of peace : wherefore doe we see every man with his hand on his loynes , as a woman in travell : all faces are turned into palenesse ; the foules of the air knowes the time of their comming , but thou , o england , knowest not the comming of the lord , it presages more ruine to thee . the day of the lord makes haste , wherein he alone must be exalted in his own pure strength and wisedome . rulers take heed you act in the pure wisedome of god ; all your fleshly wisedome must be destroyed , and the designes it thinks to effect will be frustrated , to your sorrow and griefe , that are not spirituall . the day is come , the lord marches on still , wherein he hath , and will sift , and fanne thee , o england ! you see how the lord hath discovered your spirits , one to another . parliament , consider this , you seem to be more pure then others ; there 's drossie and chaffie spirits amongst you ; surely the lord will search you yet more . take heed the next discovery be not by the breaking forth of a spirituall glory and power , in those that are upright amongst you : surely the lords separating day 's at hand , to divide between sheep and goats , who are yet so mingled , that nothing but the pure light of god can discover . o england ! this will not be one of the least of thy plagues , that are comming upon thee : you seem to be like those mal. 3. desiring delighting in , and longing for the comming of jesus to his temple . he makes haste , but who may abide his comming ? he comes like a refiners fire , and fullers sope , to take away that filthinesse that is in his saints ; then shall they return , and discern between the righteous and the wicked : and what a sad day this will be to thee , o england judge . the day of the lord is come , and hastens greatly for thee o israel ! for thee o captive daughter , zion , who lyest in the dust among the pors in the valley and shadow of death ; how doest thou mourn , by reason of the oppressors within and without thee , thou fearest continually , there is none to guid , or comfort thee , almost amongst thy friends ; thou art drunk , yet not with wine , but with the fury of the lord ; thou faintest as thou travailest up and down ; thou art as a wild bull in a net , the more thou strivest to get out of thy misery , the more thou art intangled : thou prostratst thy selfe to thy enemies , that say , bow down that we may goe over thee : and how have they darkned the breaking forth of thy spirituall glory ? thou chaste spouse , how many looks hast thou for thy deare husband , for the resurrection of the lord jesus in thee , why he is risen , and hath appeared to some already ? the words will seem to thee as tales , thou beleevest them not ; yet say not , how can this thing be ? though it be marveilous in thy sight . o sad soule consider , is any thing too hard for god ? he will worke , and who shall let him , if he say , take away thy filthy garments , they are gone ; be full , thou art full , he will fill thee with his own presence , then shall the enemy be thrust out , and the spoilers spoild : the dayes of thy mourning shall have an end ; deliver thy self , o zion , that dwelleth with the daughter of babylon , the lord will contend with those that have vext thee , they shall be consumed by the brightnesse of his appearing ; thou shalt rejoyce according to the dayes of thy mourning . how hath thy king , o zion , cast down thine enemies in this kingdome ? he will goe on , and thou shalt rejoyce , when the world shall howle for sorrow , isa. 65. 13. 14 , 15. read thy glory also in the 60. of isa. the sonne of righteousnesse will arise with healing in his wings , and cure thee of all thy diseases ; and as thou hast been the shame of this kingdome , thou shalt be the glory of it ; the lord will hasten to you all , o israel in his time . come lord jesus , come quickly . surely his salvation is nigh them that feare him , that glory may dwel in our land , psal. 85. only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see , the reward of the wicked , psal. 91. 8. as we have heard , so have we seene in the city of the lord of hosts , in the city of our god , god will establish it for ever psal. 48. a warning , to awaken all the idle shepherds , ( otherwise called ministers ) in england , with friendly advice to those who are in the ministry , who have the true spiritual life of jesus brought forth in them . vvatchmen , where are you ? what , asleep ? where 's your flock ? awake , and heare the lords controversie with you : you have fed your selves , and not the flock ; you have sought your selves , and not them : you have been cruell , in rejecting , and scattering them . and now behold , the lord is , and will be cruell , scattering , and rejecting you : you howl and cry already , because no man will buy your wares . yee merchants of babylon , did you thinke it possible , so great judgments should have come upon you in so little time ? alas for you , you blind guids , how doe you travaile up and downe in sorrow , and yet more is your portion still ? how will you live ? the lord will take of his saints which you have despised , for priests , and levites . do not you see how they are increased already ? they were but as a cloud of a hand breadth , and now they are almost spread over the land . are they not as a great army ? not of locusts , as you thinke ; but the servants of the most high god , in whom he will so appeare , that you shall be fill'd with madnesse , and vexation of spirit , by reason of the brightnesse of the lords comming in them , which glory , unlesse you returne unto the lord , you shall not taste of . you think you are rich , and wise , and see more than they . well , watchmen , what doe you see ? doe you see men like trees ? does the light appeare to you to be neither cleare nor darke ? are you brought into a wilderness , not in temporall , but spirituall things ? you will say , no , this is new light , and heresie . therefore , hearken , and know , you wicked pastors , your light is darknesse , and you retaine it , in opposition to further breakings forth of the lord jesus . woe unto you , woe unto you , that call light darknesse , and darknesse light . watchmen , the morning is come , and yet commeth , and also the night , if you will enquire , enquire . returne , come , its night , and watchmen , what thinke you of it ? you are ignorant . therefore , consider micah 3. 5. 6. where the lord declares against false prophets . you are their brethren , their judgments yours . night shall be unto you , that you shall not have a vision ; and it shall be dark unto you , that you shall not devine . and the sun shall goe down over the prophets , and the day shall be dark over them . then shall the seers be ashamed , and the deviners confounded : yea , they shall cover their lips , for there is no answer of god . this is your plague from the lord at this day you carelesse shepherds , the sunne is set upon you ; this glorious and bright day of the lord is darke over you ; the breakings forth of the sunne of righteousness is upon the saints , it will break forth to a perfect day . light , life , and glory , is among the israel of god ; but darkness and obscurity among you . but you 'l say , you are ministers of the gospel , and light is amongst you : so were the scribes and pharisees teachers in israel , as well as you in england . they could declare to herod , the place where christ should be borne . but when he was born , and chose poor despised , and ignorant persons , to proclaime his glory in the world , who greater enemies to him than they . hearken , you that have , and would pretend to be our leaders , have not many of you acknowledged , and preacht something of glorious times which were to come , even the comming of the lord jesus in spirit . why , behold , he is come , and still comming in his spirituall glorie ; but the persons he hath appeared to , are so mean , and poore ; so sinfull , and unworthy ; that you , ( o ignorant watchmen ) and thousands more in the kingdome , are offended , and stumble , even to the ruine of your poore soules , unless you repent . hearken , you know who could tell where christ was borne in the flesh , the shepheards : the place where he was laid , in the manger . watchmen , would you know the place , or the persons , in whom the lord jesus will be born , or bring forth himselfe gloriously in , its possible , in the vilest , and unworthiest of men , that you should stumble ; and the riches of his mercy exalted towards them : they will love much , because much was forgiven them . but take notice , the breakings forth of this glory , gives no liberty , but destroyes , and consumes the filthiness of their natures , who are partakers of it . would you hear of the spirituall glorie , and excellencie of the lord jesus ? goe to the plough-men , to the shops , to the souldiery , and many other places , and there you may find those that can declare much of it to you : but you will goe neer to perish before you will doe so , therefore you lie down in darkness . you careless guides , the lord is angry with you : how many poor souls has been lost , whom you pretended to be watchmen to , and you never gave them warning of their danger , but even luld them asleep : you walk in lies : you have , and doe , strengthen the hands of evill doers , that they returne not from their wickedness . you deserve to perish for them ; the cry of the poore oppressed husbandman is against you , whom you have defrauded , by requiring part of their increase , not minding their precious soules for it , like greedy and cruell dogs as you are , read isa. 56. 11. and phil. 3. 2. you may say , the state gives it you , let them looke it be not laid to their charge . the true ministers of christ , in former time , never required the magistrate to enact lawes to constrain people to maintaine them ; nor did they make such a trade of preaching as you doe , to sell the word of god as men sell beasts . you ignorant and beastly watchmen , those whom you have sheltred your selves so much under , might as lawfully make a law , to drive you from the pulpit , to the plough , or dig the ground , and as just it would be . watchmen , come , are you for peace ? you 'l say , with all your hearts , never good daies since we have had such divisions . but hypocrites , hearken , they that put not into your mouthes , you prepared warre against them . but remember , how many yeares is it since israels troubles were ? how did you help them forward ? how did you rejoice in their afflictions ? now is , and shall be the time of your woe and calamitie ; they shall help forward , and rejoyce in yours ; yea , they shall give you a double portion of sorrow . hearken still : you wait for a day to reigne as you have done : you 'l pay these preachers their wags then , will you not ? but stay , you may be deceiv'd , the lord does not bring forth children for the slaughter : know it , ye ravenous wolves ; if you wait for it , you may starve before that day come : i know you are hungrie , and thirstie , after the bodies and bloud of the saints , like your fore-runner , bonner , of whose tribe you are : would you be content to satisfie your hungry appetites on him that is writing to you ; if my father thinks fit , and gives me life and strength , you shall . but hearken , watchmen , be instructed , be wise in time , meedle no more with the saints , you will but trouble and molest your selves , and yet not conquer them . behold what you have pul'd upon your heads , by medling with them in former yeares , the same you shall meet with still . read zech. 12. i will make jerusalem a cap of trembling unto all the people round about , when they shall be in the siege against it : the lord will make his people like a harth of fire among the wood , like a torch of fire in the sheafe , and they shall devoure all the people round about . but againe ; in that day will i make jerusalem a burthensome stone for all people , all that burthen themselves with it shall be cut in pieces , though all the people of the earth were gathered together against it . therefore , be you quiet , and be content , if the lord of hoasts think fit , and be their servants , though it be to hew their wood , and draw their water ; and if you will yet preach , preach this , that the kingdome is to be given to the saints of the most high god , and that the lord has , and will , reprove , and destroy , the great ones of the kingdome for their sakes , if they will yet oppose , and labour to destroy the breakings forth of god in them . watchmen , heare yet , the day of the lord hastens greatly upon us , to staine , and bring downe all fleshly and worldly wisedome , and , out of its ruine , bring forth a pure and spirituall glory in his saints . there is a fountaine open for sinne , and for uncleannesse ; if you will repent of your abominations , and turne to the lord , you may be washt , and made cleane ; if you will not , you are in hazard of perishing . it s the counsell of god concerning you , o false and deceiving prophets . jer. 23. 15. behold , i will feed them with wormwood , and make them drinke the water of gall : for , from the prophets ( of england , it may be read ) is prophanenesse gone forth into all the land . zach. 13. and it shall come to passe , that when any shall yet prophesie , then his father that begot him , shall say unto him , thoushalt not live , for thouspeakest lies in the name of the lord . and it shall come to passe , that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision , when he hath prophesied ; neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive . isa. 26. they are dead , they shall not live ; they are deceased , they shall not rise ; their m●mory is , and shall perish . psal. 120. then said they among the heathen , the lord hath done great things for them , the lord hath done great things for us , whereof we are glad . zech. 11. 3. that is , a voice of howling of the shepherds , for their glory is spoiled . if the lord had not been of our side , may israel say , they had swallowed us up . friendly advice to those ministers that have the spirituall life of jesus brought forth in them . deare friends . i hope you will not startle , or be offended at those harsh words spoken to those lazie pastors , or punishments denounced against them : they are words of scripture , or according to it ; the punishments , such as are threatned by the lord against such a generation of men as they are ; my desire is not to cast contempt upon you , but to incourage the lowest appearance of god in you , though you be but one of a hundred to those false pastors . it has been so , what a company of false prophets were there to one elijah , 1 kings 22. 6. and surely , our land may parallel jerusalem , wherein is many false teachers , for one that is true and faithfull : but the lord knowes who are his , though men know not one from another . friends , the lord jesus most certainly is hasting with a glorious manifestation of himself , in , and for his saints . my desire is not so much to teach you , but , as a friend , desire you to take heed you act nothing against him , which ( its possible ) you may doe , by reason of that darknesse that remaines in you unsubdued , and destroyed by light of god . the way he comes in , is , and will be contrary to the wisedome of flesh ; its possible , you shall not have the first sight , or discovery of this glory . the resurrection of jesus christ out of the grave , was made known to mary magdalen , out of whom christ had cast many devils , before the disciples , and to two others unexpectedly in their journey : they declared , but the disciples beleeved them not , their words seemed as tales : the lord jesus will have his resurrection in the hearts of the saints , and that such a one , as will cause a great earth-quake in them , even to the destroying those powers of darknesse that shall striv to keep him down ; and what if he shall thus so appear , and raise up himself , first in those that wereas great sinners as mary magdalen was , and they shall declare this glad tidings , and proclaime this glory , that the lord is risen , and will rise more and more in his temple . why should this offend you ? may not he doe with his owne what he will ? give as much to a poore prodigall , or more , than to you that have continued in your fathers house ? what if the unworthiest of men , yea , the last be first in this discoverie of jesus ; be not troubled , or offended at it , the vision may speak in you , though it tarrie : wait for it , and with abraham , see this day , and rejoice . you will aske what day doe we speake of : why , the day of israels deliverance from the spirituall bondage and captivitie wherein they lie , whose oppressors shall be destroyed by the brightness of his appearing , a glorie to be manifested in these last claies to the saints . read those scriptures which say , sorrow and sighing shal fly away , all teares shall be wip't from their eyes : there shall be no more a canaanite in the house of the lord . and those prophesies that concerne these last daies , and you shall see glorious things spoken of sion , the citie of the lord of hosts , which some have a glimse of , and are earnestly longing for their breaking forth to a perfect day . my friends , i would not have you think , that i conceive the various transformations of the devill , as an angel of light , to be these glorious discoveries of jesus : but its certaine , the lords discoveries are amongst us , the devill is so busie in acting like him . take this as a rule from one that waits for clearer light , what ever principle gives way to the principles , filthiness , or excellencie of our natures , is contrary to the pure light and nature of god . but our god will teach us to avoid their slights ; they may come near , but shall not deceive the elect. friends , let me intreat you , not to be so much offended at lay-mens preaching , ( as you call them ) i have travail'd up and down formerly , and have seene you much against them ; i am afraid there is a remainder of that spirit still . moses was not angry ( though a great prophet ) when some would prophesie in the camp , but honestlie said , i would all the lords people were prophets . when the disciples saw some casting out devils , and followed not them , they forbad them : christ hearing it , very meekly replies , forbid them not ; of a truth , there is a more clear sight and enjoyment of spirituall things among them , than with you . but i spare you , chusing rather to go backward , covering your infirmities , than forward , to lay them open . yet , my friends , if it be possible , let me beg one thing at your hands , even for the lord jesus christ sake : consider the poore husbandmen , who suffer much by your way of maintenance . what if you should preach the gospel , and trust god for a living ? the aposties did so , the people wereas cruell to them , as these can be to you , yet they lived in the world , should not you ? mistake me not , i think you ought to live on the ministrie , if you be truly called thereto by god , but your barganing with people , so much you will have , or not preach , is a practise i understand not , if you do by the pure light of god , it is well . friends , the bridegroom is coming , mind his beloved ones you meet withall of it : he comes as a thief in the night , blessed are they that wait for him . come lord jesus , come quickly : and let those that love his appearing say amen . finis . cant. 2. ver. 8. the voice of my beloved , behold , he cometh leaping over the mountaines , skipping upon the hills : i sate under his shadow with great delight , and his fruit was sweet to my tast . be thou like a young roe , or young hart upon the mountains of bether , or of division , as you may read it . cant. 8. who is this that cometh up from the wildernesse leaning upon her beloved ? psal. 8. what is man that thou art mindfull of him , and the sonne of man that thou visitest him . an apology to the true israel of god . my dear friends , you have been very precious in my sight , formerly , though i , a poore weak creature , have wanted power so to walk as to adornthe glorious gospel of jesus christ , which hath caused me where i have loved , scarce to own god or you , for fear of bringing contempt , and despising to both ; no injoyment satisfying me , but even to be declared the son of god with power , as christ was , which yet i wait for more , and more , god hath disposed of me now a little to bring my self forth by writing : the words used to great ones , to idle shepherds , to many in the gathered churches , may seem harsh to you , and grieve your spirits , thinking them to be contrary to the meeknesse & gentlenesse of iesus christ , and so be grieved and made sad ; but shall i adde sorrow to you , now my bowells are most yearning over you , and not able to speak any thing against you , but all i can for you , in blessings spirituall and temporall , to prevent your grief if it be possible ; consider first , what is judged here of such a generation , as have been , and are enemies to god , it s in the wombe with you , it s here brought forth : you had by the light of christ spelt it , here 's onely the pronounciation of the word . secondly , consider iesus christ is the lion of the tribe of iudah , as well as the lamb slain from the beginning , both these he used on earth , he was meek , gentle , not quenching smoaking flax , nor breaking broken reeds , yet was able to appeare otherwise , if need were , as you may see at large mat. 23. which life he doth , and will bring forth in his saints . thirdly , those raised expressions , and actions the saints used , and shall act , did not , nor shall arise from a power or principall of darknesse , but from the power and puritie of god in them , read 2. kings 3. 4. acts 13. 10. psal. 149. 6 , 7 , 8 , 9. 1 cor. 6. 23. rev. 18. 6. 7. israel , i believe the saints shall be more terrible to the world then ever they have been , and reward them according to their works , not in , or by a base power , but a pure one , rule , judge , inflict punishments , they shall , but in righteousnesse and judgement , whereas the world hath ruled over , judged , and inflicted punishments on israel by a beastly , and fleshly power , and principle , which the time is coming , and who knows how soon , but such a power then , shall not be found in israel , but destroyed by the exaltation of iesus in them . fourthly consider , hath not this generation of men spoken so too , been as goliah , despisers of the host of israel , not beccause they were filthy , but for the breaking forth of some beams of the glory of god , and thereby defied god himself , most certainly he hath and will defie them more and more , and that the breaking forth of himself in his people , in this i have endevoured to remove that sight of trouble i saw might befall your spirits . and israel , through the goodnesse of god , you may in this book see a glimpse of a feast prepared for israel , some have had a taste of it , how soon you may , i know not , see it , long for it , and rejoyce as abraham , you l say i may do it , and not taste of it my self , well you have been , and still are precious in my sight , the lord doe with me as seemeth good in his sight , let me have your prayers who am unworthy of mercie , edward ellis . finis . the trial of the ladies hide park, may day, or, the yellow books partner w. b. (william blake), fl. 1650-1670. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a28348 of text r33222 in the english short title catalog (wing b3153c). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 92 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 25 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a28348 wing b3153c estc r33222 13109241 ocm 13109241 97592 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a28348) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 97592) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1543:15) the trial of the ladies hide park, may day, or, the yellow books partner w. b. (william blake), fl. 1650-1670. [2], 46 p. printed and are to be sold by mr. butler ..., london : may the first, 1657. signed at end: w.b. "first published in 1656 with title: the trial of the ladies"--nuc pre-1956 imprints. reproduction of original in the british library. eng apocalyptic literature. sin. a28348 r33222 (wing b3153c). civilwar no the trial of the ladies. hide park, may day. or, the yellow books partner. w. b 1657 19895 35 0 0 0 0 0 18 c the rate of 18 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the c category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. 2003-08 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2003-09 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2003-11 stephanie batkie sampled and proofread 2003-11 stephanie batkie text and markup reviewed and edited 2003-12 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the trial of the ladies . hide park , may day . or , the yellow books partner . london , printed , and are to be sold by mr. butler in lincolns field , near the three tun tavern , by the new market place . may the first , 1657. the triall of the ladies . madam , may it please your honour , you may well remember i was last may to wait upon you in the park , there were many gallants , and many lookers on , and many will be there again , but some of our old friends will scarce come by reason of the late act , and the county generals ; but however if you please we will take the ayre , and the observation of the day once more ; there will be old vyeing for the honour of it , but in my mind the silver coach carried it the last year , however , we will be as plain as may be , and as private too : but do you hear the news about the late triall , and the lords and ladies that are likely to be damned , with other great sinners ; the trial was at hell all it is to be feared , there was at the trial , twelve apostles , four patriarchs , four prophets and evangelists , in all twenty and four , these were of the jury ; mercy and justice sate that day : and it is well for some that mercy sits every day , he waits and pleads too for the worst of sinners , however take heed of abusing it : the persons called to the barre , were , mr. wilfull , and mr. careless , monsieur aulymoade de france , and mr. new-come-over , mr. kill-devil that sweares the new oaths , there was the lady hoyden , and mrs. looseness , mrs. tittle-tattle , and mrs. never-give-over , the lord never-be-good , and his lady were both damned ; mr. duell , the lord heathen , and the lady christless are in great danger , money-bag the usurer , hard-heart the sinner , and shine-shooes the citizen , are all turn'd over ; mr. inside , and mr. counter , and many rich roundheads whose god is their gain , their shop , and their belly ; alderman chinck , and deputy tell-money , old mr. hugster , and old mr. starve-many , mr. swear and lye , and mr. cheat-many , parson flatter , and parson bitter , doctor nothing the orthodox divine , and many common prayer men , are all upon their triall ; captain cut-throat , and collonel get-all , late mr. wagstick , and now-we-will-be-quiet ; these and many gallants are upon their trial , and if they miss damning , they will be at park the next may day . mrs. never-repent , will go as long as she lives , mrs. silver-stuff , mrs. jewell will be there , mrs. rant-about , sweares , stares , and spends all , and the poor man sells all for a whore , the lord belly-god , the lord lye-a-bed , mr. sack-pot , and mrs. lemmon , and mr. butterfly , mr. camester , and mr. gallop will be there , to the delight of many ladies , but the lord abhorres them all in their present courses ; but the jury being called , and the malefactors at the barre , solomon made a great speech , the sum and substance was , vanity of vanities , all is vanity : old father abraham that was called out of ur , gen. 11. 31. pleaded much for some of these , saying they might be his seed notwithstanding all their wickedness , and that the promise was not to him as a single person , but even to as many as the lord our god should call , and said he , i have called my son out of egypt , and my servants from among the heathens , hosea 11. 1. but elias cryed out fire , fire , fire , luke 10. 54. stay , stay , said abraham , i waited long for the promise , and god waits longer for the sinner , forty years he was grieved with one generation , psalms 95. 10. and many years he waits still , and if any of these will yet repent they may enter into his rest , heb. 3. 19. true , his works were finished from the foundation of the world , but our salvation is but then begun , when we once begin to look unto him , who cries , look untome o all ye ends of the earth , and be saved , for i god and not man , isa. 45. 22. i cryed out of the belly of hell , sayes david , & i sayes ionas out of the belly of the whale , io. 1. 17. 2. 2. and the lord heard me , and peradventure neneveth may be spared ; and there may be a seed among this generation of vipers , yea who knowes but some of these at the bar , god will have mercy upon , and give them repentance never to be repented of , who are yet far from any thing of that nature : a lord or lady may as well be saved as another man , it is true , the poor receive the gospell , and not many rich , not many mighty , not many noble , 1 cor. 1. 26. but who will say that none do , that are mighty , rich , and noble ; and if so , let us hope the best , o but sayes saint timothy , they that live in pleasure are dead while they live , 1 tim. 5. 6. yea said st. iohn , but the dead shall hear the voice of the son of god and live , iohn 5. 25. there were other speeches , isaiah made a long one , saying , god had laid on christ the iniquity of us all , and received from christ satisfaction for us all , but that will never do you any good sayes peter , unless with me you do repent that ever ye crucified , or with me denied the lord of life and glory , acts 3. 19. paul cryed refreshing comes from repenting , and repenting from beleeving , and if you do not beleeve in the son of god , and the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world , ioh. 1. 29. ye shall be all damned , saith iohn 3. 36. and said david i made hast to turn my feet unto thy statutes ; in some things there is more hast than good speed , but in beleeving and repenting there is great danger to delay a day : i delayed said lot and i had like to have been burnt ; it happens in an hour , what it doth not in seven years again : yea the floud came , and christ will come in an hour when they look not for him , matt. 25. 50. if christ should come on a may day , there would be a brave show indeed , and a great scuffle , for all his holy angels comes when he comes , and some saints , iude saith thousands , and i beleeve thousands of thousands , yea ten thousand times ten thousand , vers. 14. what do you talk of that day saith the old worldling , and the young gallant ▪ god take me this is not a time to preach when we are in our sports , said a spark the last year , and swore a great oath ; be gone with your godly book : but it is good preaching every day , and to be looking for his coming , long looked for will come , long lookt for comes at last , and is nearer now than ever , behold the iudge stands at the door , iames 5. 9. yea he comes as a thief in the night , blessed is he that watcheth , revel. 16. 15. the lords son hath been long in france , and the lord christ comes as a man from a far country , so he saith himself , luke 19. 12. but these princes of the world that hath power in their hands , and these gallants that have pleasure in their eyes , wills that he would never come ; but poor men look hard , and poor saints pray hard , come lord iesus , revel. 22. 21. make hast o my beloved , saith the spouse , canticles 8. 14. and saith david if i had the wings of a dove , i would fly away and meet thee , o thou whom my soul loveth , psalms 55. 6. but yet i am constrained to dwell in mesheck among wicked men and devils , that flutter up and down in coaches some , and in poore attire others ; but these golden sparks whose eyes start out with lust and fatness , in their slippery parts , from whence they go down to hell in a moment , psal. 9. 19. these are they that fill the world and defile the world by their examples , they rule the rost while the saints turn the spit , and christ will turn them and the tide too : and then sneak mr. roundhead , and poor mr. goodman , with conscience , and honest the true man , with thousands of beleevers more , will have a brave day , in the after part of the worlds day : after some is good manners , and after your crispin pins , hoods , scarfes , vales , fine linnen , jewels , chains and bracelets , are all pull'd off , as isaiah speaketh , chap. 3. 17. o ladies read this prophesie , and see if it may not reach some of you ; ye point at that very condition , which ye shall then be in , when god shall come to undress you by death and sickness , which certainly he will erre long do , yea he will strip you to your skins , and leave no●hing but sin , guilt , shame , misery , and baldness on you , whilest he cloaths his servants as it were with suns and starres , this will be a brave change , and saith iohn this change we all look for , 1 iohn 3. 2. and it is good to look forwards and backwards too sometimes . do not tell me what i was but what i am , saies some , but it is good to consider what we were , what we are , and what we shall be ; i was conceived in sin saith david psal. 51. and i a little spawn or lust in the loynes of mr. such an one , saith another , still i am a shaddow and an empty one ; and so are most of you gallants at the park , you know not what you would have , or should have , you know not what to do , yea , you know not how to spend one day as you should , but are troubled and fain to send one to another , what shall we do ? where shall we go ? pray present my service to mrs. such an one , and mrs. such an one , and tell her that i am even sick untill i go abroad ; but my lady takes physick , and the devils go a cat baiting when they get one of them : if a poor man be damned , the devil is very glad ; but if a dives be , the devils they cry one to another , make hast , make hast , great orlando is coming , great orlando is coming ; and truly when your great ungodly lords and ladies come near to their confines , the devils run and tumble , yea they scramble for a wanton , young and silken bit . but i remember about twenty years agoe , i saw a puppit play , called the chaios or creation of the world , but the ugly devils made such hayling and hissing about the lord dives with their stub feet , and their short tales , that i was affrighted at the heart , however there was two or three peales , and the ringers they were very merry , and if a man were to be hanged , some would be so , but to see them that are likely to be damned , go singing up and down the stairs with their silk and silver clappers , pit pat , yea in the streets and coaches sometimes and never think nothing , is a very sad thing ; but few of these can play at have at all , and yet teey'le leap from all in a moment , can you sing ? leap soul , farewell world , have at all , o christ i come , i come ; i come to thee , for i know that my redeemer lives , and i shall see him with these eyes , iob 19. 25. but this posting for the doctors argues fear , and this continual heighting up and down , guilt , yea fear , guilt , sin , and you alwaies lye together , and whil'st the lord lies in the ladies bed , the devil lies in both their souls many times ; but t is a thousand pitties any sweet , young , and lovely good conditioned lady , should be ever bedded with the devill , yet many times some sell as sweet conditioned children to him for a little money and honour as any are in the world : i know the lord such an one , hath a daughter that he will give ten , twenty , thirty , forty thousand pounds with , truly one is to much with such a man , though he be of great blood , good blood is better than great , and a good man is better than a heathen that knowes not god nor the devil ; a good man with a bad woman , is in a bad case , but a good woman with a bad man , is in the devils pound : but how came you there ? my father ( cries the poor lady ) and my old aunt would have it so , yea and it may be you your self were too forward ; some mad scabbs run away with a mad rogue , and that is like to like , somesing , and see never a merry day , others cry , and know not what to say when they are to be married , but they that are put into such a pound , or into the devils pallace , are very miserable , slaves to other mens lusts , though they have much money at command , yet some have scarce enough to pay a poor debt when once married ; and others spends so much , that the poor husband fells all , while she playes all , and scarce payes in six moneths , or seven years sometimes , when poor honest men pay according to their words , and tradesmen in three , six , or nine moneths time . but unbeleevers pay for all when they come to dye , and that is soon enough to pay for the sweetest pleasures in the world , if our lives be but a vapour , as they are iam. 1. 11. but their misery is , they are ever paying , and yet can never pay all , though they lye in fiery burning flames for millions , millions , and millions of years ; as that young man an apothecary once said : o consider this all yee that forget god , and what if some of you should come to pay so dear for your maying and your gaying up and down , would it not be very sad , a man may better pay some debts in a week , than he can for some sins in an hundred thousand years , but of all sins of a kind , great mens sins are the greatest , a great tree gives a great swap when he falls , and a great man makes a great spudder at his funeral , but lord whither doth that man fall ? that falls from room to room , from the coach to the chamber , from the chamber to the bed , from the bed to the floore , from the foore to the coffin , from the coffin to worms , and from the wormes to the devils at the last day , in the mean time the soul is there , while the body is lugging down the staires : when a general leaves a field , there is so many at his heeles , and something left behind , the slain , or the dead , the trampling of the grasse , and the carcasse of the beasts ; but when the lord leaves his house , there is triming up again for the new commer : the old mourning and the old master being laid a side , nothing remains but the name , the lusts , and the sins of the family , yea they run from father to son , and son to son , and the curse of god after them all : some men leave great possessions for all their children , and great houses in good order , but if they go to the devill and leave a thousand houses to every child , and a name to that which may last to dooms day , yet for all this , i would be loath to go along with them : some men take gold in their boots when they go to france , and others money in their pockets when they go along journey , but i had rather take christ with me for eternity , than all the lords and ladies in the world to my grave . if you stir an old horse head , sometimes you shall see many flyes ; and if you stir an old swearer in his sick bed , you shall hear many oaths . an old gouty and ungodly sinner , makes a great noyse when he is punished for his sins , and a pocky surgeon tells a great lye when he sayes he will cure that in a fortnights time with his cursed pills ; but some would do well to hang them that put forth such bills , they encourage many men to sin where the grace of god is wanting : if a man want a member it is a sad thing , but if a man be noysome or unwholesome it is worse ; but lord bring me to any shame or misery rather than to perpetual condemnation . when ladies dye of the cancer or ulcer in the belly , the best side is put outwards , but when lords dye of the pox , it is an ugly business ; the consumption of the purse , is the want of take heed , and the consumption of the lungs , is the want of good dyet ; but the consumption of the blood and bones , is brutish and immoderate love too , and foolish fondness of the wife many times : bnt if a man kill himself this way , or his wife with too many children , he is near kin to a murderer , blood will be required if a man shed blood ; but if the soul be lost this way , who shall make amends : t is not impossible that he may repent when he is old , and they that kill themselves this way when they are young , shorten the dayes of grace and of nature , when as he that never truly repents nor beleeves , shall be eternally damned , as sure as the lord lives . when mr. kill-devil was called to his tryal , he was taxed for swearing , lying , and whoring ; some men are guilty of these sins , and almost three thousand more , and yet all may be pardoned ; but lord have mercy upon me , if a man shall answer for every idle word , as christ speaks in the day of judgement , mat. 12. 26. yea , and what shall then become of most of our mayers , and others too , whose words and conversations are altogether so . but most men are wise when t is too late ; o that god were mine , o that christ were mine , o that heaven were mine , o that i might live a little longer , i would never do as i have done , yea i would give for heaven so much , when they are going to be damned ; but if the sun be going down or setting , it is in vain to cry hold sun hold , good sun hold ; yet mercy , mercy may be found at the last minute , but to cry then lord jesus , lord jesus , and not to think of god before , is a very sad thing ; what a gentleman and never think on god , and yet a christian , for shame consider what you do and say sometimes in the open sun ; t is good to display your bounty , but to display your lusts and sins night and day , as sodom , crying come , come , come sir , let us go again , again and again to the maske , to the ball , to the tavern , to the park , to the fields , and delights of the world , never minding going out of the world , or how vain these bewitching things of the world are , untill it be too late , is to imitate a fool : all men know they must dye , and most men say they must be called to an account , but pray mr. graceless what can you say for your self ? to begin with one : o sir you were at church once , and it may be but once in a month , and yet scarce in many months did you mind what was said unto you , but to hear once of a christ , and of gods love giving christ for the worst of sinners is enough to stop thy mouth for an hundred thousand millions of years , take him devill cries st. paul , if you receive the grace of god in vain : hard-heart cried he could not repent , but peter asked him why so , because he sought it when it was too late , but whose fault was that , when god gives repentance never to be repented of , and mercies that should never be fotgotten ; do not you remember sir when you were sick ? do not you remember when you were like to dye , and what you promised then ? when the doctors gave you off , and the lord took you up from the grave again , when the next newes was ; o sir it was in my sickness that i said so and so , but if sinners , lords or ladies will promise unto god when they are sick , and forget him when they are well , they may be damned when they die , and that is time enough : if a man hath been twice or thrice at the barre , and is once burnt in the hand , t is ten to one but he hangs when he comes there again ; yet a man may go many times to the throne of grace for one and the same corruption ; some go to cheapside to fetch flowers , and others hard by to get stuff , but few go to god when they are young , for grace to serve him in their generation ; yea i think in my conscience some fine fools even think god is beholding to them , if they should say their prayers , go to church as other ordinary people do . and because we cry to some , you are too fine forsooth to do this or that , they even think so too in relation unto god ; when as i tell you god and christ is more worthy of your service an hundred thousand times , than the best of you all , or the best of all the princes of the world , are worthy of this honour ; namely to be an unworthy servant of god , what do you condescend to serve a god ? a god that can damne you , and yet a god that will not damne you , if you serve him in sincerity . amongst many things , there are three great cares that lies on every wise married man ; first to serve god in his generation , secondly to provide for his family , thirdly to get his wife well down without sinning , when she is on the top of the house , t is not good to be both in a passion at once ; yea when either be , you are not fit ( especially ) to pray , or to do any thing else : if a parent correct a child in his anger , t is ten to one but he will do it foolishly or sinfully ; half an hour after is best , and then with good words , and good counsell in a friendly way : but if any of you gallants ( though never so vain and prophane ) will yet serve god , he will save you and yours too , that so do , with an eternal salvation : but for any mortals to think , it is a little below themselves to walk humbly with god , stooping down to the lowest things and ordinances of christ : yea to kisse the feet of christ , is an honour too great for the greatest potentate in the world . mary washed them with her teares , and wiped them with her hair , but what was maries love to christ , who loved her first and washed her soul in his blood . some say washing in a hart or dears blood , will make the white hands whiter ; i am sure washing in the dearest blood of all bloods , will make the fowlest soul of any sinner in the world , whiter than the driven snow ; yea there is none of you fair ladies , that have commonly the worst souls , but it will do so . about a fortnight since i was going into the fields , to meditate about seven or eight of the clock , and that is the best hour , and the best time in the day , is the dusk of the even ; but as i was going by yonder great house , i was thinking much upon the lord that lives in it , and whether he or no must answer for all the sins in the family , and though there be not half so many sinners there , as there us'd to be in the late kings daies , yet i did conclude there were too many of one poor creature to answer for , who hath too many of his own , when as his whole estate will not make an amends for one : lord thought i then , it is better a thousand times to be a poor nit , gnat , worm , nothing , than a great ungodly man or woman ; but as i was thinking so , i heard the passing bell cry , tong tong three times , yet some do not mind it once in twenty times when they hear it : if you hear a man swear , if you hear a man lye , if you hear a man rant too much , or a lady complement , crying sir your humble servant , and your very humble servant sweet madam , fetching curches upon curches down to the ground , t is no great hurt , but when they cry faith and troth , and as they live , and as they hope to live , as they are vertuous , and as they are vicious , lord , christ , god take me , and as i hope to be saved , nay god damne me , as i heard once a lady should say , who was a great lords daughter , which was a word from the devil , and the devils tale was in her mough when she said so , but the curse of god hangs over swearers heads and families , read this text , zak. 5. 3. in the mean time some pay to the poor two or three pounds at a clap upon this account , yea i know a she rant that lately paid more ; but t is well for some body and the devils kingdome that such sparks be , for one of these do him more grace , than a thousand poor sneaks : t is the lords and ladies , and the brave sparks , that brings up all the fashions , and the new oaths ; but new devils , new lusts , new oaths and new fashions , come all almost from one and the same place , and the devils children are as much in fashion almost as ever i saw . i heard three men swear , and i saw three men sit in covent garden church , more like puppits than saints or civil men ; i wonder how they dare come so near white-hall , or that any should venture to read there or elsewhere , a whole sermon at a clap , as they do near st giles and covent garden ; i would go a hundred mile barefoot , that the lord protector would make one strict act against this lazy kind of pocket preaching , there is no business in the world troubles me like this , that some should so much set by these doctors , parsons , deanes , tryers and others , and so little by gifted saints and christians ; when i think in my conscience some of them do more hurt than good in the church of christ , they are such bitter enemies to the spiritual appearances of christ , especially the spirit of prophesie in the poor servants of christ : i know a rich man in the new exchange , that might do more good than twenty of your parsons that have nothing in them , but civility , morallity , and a few legall moral exhortations ; but the man wants an heart , though his gifts and parts be great , and a clear intellect withall , but t is a poor business to be a poor preacher until the thing be more set by ; and yet 't was once more set by among the souldiers than now it is by farre , it may be they cannot so well tend it ; some think there is too much light , and yet there is too little and too little practice ; but more light , more love , and more living up to what we know would do well together . if a man should be a professor , or saint as you call him , ten or twenty years together , and make it all his business to get money , money , money , the curse of money light upon him i cry , and all such professors that never have enough . i knew a welch woman , that was a very good and godly woman , worth a thousand pounds at least , and never a child in all the world , and she cryed what should she do with a thousand pound if she were a widdow : truly a thousand pound will go a great way well husbanded ; and a thousand saints may do more than they do a thousand times for christ , and the world than they do ; they that do nothing are but ciphers at the best , they that do little are but droans , they that do much are most their own friends ; he that sins least , wrongs his ow● soul , but they that sin much are the devils slaves : if a man drudge in the durt for a little cheese , or if a man plead much for a little gold , or sin much for a little while , what will it avayle , if he must lye in hell an hundred thousand years : if a man go fine all the day long , and want a bed at night , or if a man go poor and have a bed at night , which is best ; if a man play at cards all christmas , and loose all by candlemas , he may chance to go beg all the year after : if a man play with a strange ladies bosome or a lords locks , it is a ready way to go down to hell saith solomon , prov. 2. 16. and 6. 26. and the onely way to want in the winter is to play in the summer , but if a man play away , sleep away , or sin away one sermon , one sabbath , and one season after another ( as a man may do ) until it be too late to get grace , matt. 23. 38. luke 13. 26. he may go like a wretch to hell , and in hell say would to god i were out ; i see the embleme of a surety ; a fool leaping with his head into the great end of an horn , but being got to the little end , he could not get it back ; how many such foolish ones are there now at hide park , that leap into the devils lap of sinful pleasure , then into the pan of sufferings , sometimes in their bodies , and sometimes in their consciences , and lastly into the fire of hell : i saw a brave coach go up ludgate-hill , with a golden arse ; and i saw them stand still at saint peters pauls wharfe , but saint peter and saint paul were never troubled with such kind of hearers as go thereabouts . three things spoyle young ladies , marrying too soon , ill edication , and such kind of parsons that preach little or nothing to any purpose : let a heart be broken betimes for sin , and it will be saved in time from sin , death , hell , and eternal burnings ; yea christ will love that lady with an everlasting love , that will love him when she is young and he poor ; and poor christ is as poor now as ever , and it is as poor a business to be a servant unto christ as ever i knew it ; if a man should pluck a bible from his pocket among some , they would be ready to laugh , but if a man should look into a bible and seriously consider what will become of them , it would make one weep ▪ why weeps my lord , cryed hazael to elisha , 2 kings 8 ▪ 12. to think what evill thou shalt do . and to think what some shall suffer for an hundred thousand millions of years for a moments pleasure , and all your lives are no more ; yea the longest life of you all is but a moments time in comparison of eternity : o eternity , eternity , when i think on thee , how is time , ages , worlds swallowed up like tittle fishes by the whales ; here one generation comes , whilst another goes , but all moulters into eternity like flesh to dust : i truly saies my lady but all this we never think on ; why then you think your selves to hell , or you go for want of thinking unto hell ; but can you think your selves back : a man or woman never act so beneath themselves , as when they cry they did not think of it , or consider of it : non-consideration is the cause of most mens damnation ; what should the devil mind you of hell as he does you of your lusts , sins and pleasures , it were the way to loose you and spoyl his own kinkdome , i am sure god minds you , christ loves you , and hath washed or would have washed you in his own blood , revel. 1. 6. and yet you mind not , the faithful ministers tell you this , and every line in the scripture tells you that unless you do beleeve , unless you do repent , unless you be regenerate , and become new creatures in some measure ▪ you shall be damned with all the devils in hell , as sure as god lives in heaven , iohn 3. 3. 36. and before next may day some of you may ; yea it may be before next christmas : and when men are serious be not you light and vain , i am upon damnation , and preaching damnation to the gallants , yea and to all you careless gallants in general , that are now in hide-park , in the midst of all your gold and glory , bravery and brave delights of the day , that ye remember the night wherein no manocan work , as christ speaks iohn 9. 3. and therefore for all this great boasting and vyeing for the honour and glory of the day , i say for all this , you must come to die and to iudgement , and upon pain of damnation i tell you this , yea the lord tells you , that if you still goe on to neglect so great salvation as is freely tendered to you , despising his grace , his love , and his son and the delight of his soul , our onely most and ever glorious dear and blessed redeemer ; god blessed for evermore , rom. 9. 5. who hath a thousand crowns to give unto you , and a thousand pardons more than you need , or ten thousand sinners greater than you , were they in the world , yet i say christ stands with these crowns and pardons for you : if a man should stand with a rainbow round about you , yea if a god should stand with a rainbow round about you , yea if a thousand gods ( although there be but one ) should stand with a thousand rainbows round about you all , it were not half so much as a god and christ , and a god with christ in his arms ▪ a bleeding , dying , living , longing , loving christ for some of your souls ; and although christ would as fain have you as any in the world , and as much embrace you and reward you as any in the world , yet i say , that notwithstanding all this , if you shall despise him , and think to do below as angels once did above , namely to be above god ; he will fling you down to hell , and the darksome holes and dens in hell ; do not deceive your selves , you may seek pleasures here and find , ease in hell but never find , sinners may find sinners , and old companions may find each other , yea some of you may do so , but the devils will find you all torments , while god finds wrath and you guilt ; yea the devil will find power , though you cannot death ; yea an exquisite torture to torment sinners for evermore : if an ugly collier should but breath upon you , it would make you sick ; but if the devil come to sit and blow upon you , this will make great change , for some of you young gentlewomen , that the sun must now scarce shine on ; and what a hell will this be , to go from golden coaches and beds of downe , to fiery litters and beds in hell , to fry and roare with ugly devils in burning flames for evermore ; o for gods sake consider this all ye that neglect god , or despise god and heaven for a moments lust . and if there be not a heaven and an hell , a reall place where angels sing and saints rejoyce , devils roare and sinners fly , yea something that is equivolent unto this in the other world , burn your bibles for a cheating book for they have deceived me and many thousand more : but if the scriptures be a truth , and the very words of god , as certainly they be , they are so searching into the consciences of every man that seriously looks into them , that he must needs confess this truth , heb. 4. 12. then i say i know nothing of the scriptures , if you are not much more likely to be with them , that fry , and cry and houle at the grates of hell , than any sinners in the world ▪ yea you and all you that do nothing but court sin , and complement your time and daies away . for of all sinners in the world , english sinners are the worst and the least to be excused , because they enjoy the most mercies , means , and light of any under heaven ; and of all sinners in england , you lords and ladies and you great gentry have the most reason to be eternally damned : you go best , fare best , lie best , and have least to do of any in the world ; you need not care for your honours , it will be honour enough for to serve christ , and they that honour me , them ( saith christ ) will my father love and honour , iohn 12. 26. but lords and ladies look for shadows and neglect the substance , the substance of honours is to honour christ , and to be a servant to christ , yea this is honour indeed a crown to your honour , and that little thing you call your honour . and therefore david cryed , thy servant lord , thy servant lord , making that and that alone his joy and glory ▪ but for a man to be the son of such a swearer , lyar , belly-god , heathen , or idolater ; yea to be the son of such or such a flatterer , moneyed , rich or landed man , in comparison of being the son , the saint , and the servant of god , a faithful covenant keeper , and a man 〈◊〉 of god in his generation . but as for those that have god in their mouths , power in their hands , onely honour and profit in their eyes , let them and their names rot , yea let the next generation utterly forg●● those that love not our lord jesus ▪ but seek themselues , and have no heart to do to the uttermost for god , christ , saints , souls , and nations , but of all nations i still say this is the sinfullest ; if you consider the love , light , means , and mercies , which still we sin against , and of all sinners in this nation , great men and great professors that are nought , are the greatest sinners , and of all professors the richest are the greatest ; and yet of all rich and great professors , gifted professors ( in some sense ) are the greatest that do nothing in the church of christ , but bury their talents and their souls also in the world , the love , lusts , and pleasures of the world ; nevertheless many of these may and shall be saved , because his mercy endureth for ever , and his covenant he will and shall keep , with all the seeed of abraham and david , psal. 88. 3. 4. but o ye seed of abraham , isack , and iacob , mind this text , and what your duty is to such a living , loving , giving , faithful , covenant keeping god , but when money-bag the usurer was called to the bar , it was asked him what he thought of money , and what was the best improvement of it ; he cryed eight , eight , or six in the hundred now as things stand , t is better than to buy land , for that is never paid for so long as the world lasts , if the the tax so long continue ; a penny well got , and a penny well spent is better than a pound of another mans , he that gets a little by birth right , moderate industry , faith and prayer , gets well , but he that gets much by right or wrong , or continual setting his heart upon the world , is but a fool or worldling at the best . i knew a man that got a great estate , and he go● it from a small and low begining , but he got nothing but money , for few loved him , and as few missed him , and when he dyed he gave but one grunt , and cryed i am sick , and by and by dyed with the curtains drawn to him , and he that 〈◊〉 ( as is likely ) besides what the devil had , gave two or three mourning suits , and so buried him handsomely : but if a man bury himself or soul , with these self soul deceaving cares and pleasures of this cursed and bewitching world , which lies altogether in wickedness and under condemnation ; yea the whole world doth so upon the matter , 1 iohn 5. 19. he may be raised again though not to glory , that which every man sowes be shall reap , here or hereafter . when dives was in hell , he thought upon his brethren : but when a citizens heir comes to be a spark , he seldome thinks upon the old fool that goes there , for the money which he so profusely spends , or the portion of his daughter , yea few of these upstarts think upon the old folks that go to the devil ; if a man should be hang'd for anothers mans stealing , it would be sad ; but if a man be damn'd for another mans vain glory , pride , gaming , carding , ranting , or whoring , it is much more : truly some make no better use of that estate than this , or to piss again the wall that for which many are damn'd ; i will not say how many , but i beleeve above an hundred every year within the walls of london . if a man steal for another , suffer and be hang'd , it is sad as i said before , but to be eternally damn'd is much more ; and it may be onely to make him a fine gentleman , a fine fool , a swearing gentleman and a brave spark , but the old fool hath no carriage in him , and the old mother must scarce be known where she lives by the fine daughter : if the ministers of london could preach themselves , and many of their hearers , out of this cursed damning sin of covetousness , it were a gallant thing ; some talk was of the jewes , and the coming in of the jewes , but if the devil be more covetous than many gentiles , priests , and citizens i am mistaken ; for a belly god to mind his gut , and a filthy swearer his ungodly lust , is a common thing ; but no swearers , drunkards , whores or harlots in the world , have their hearts so much going after any sin in the world , than some noted ministers , and professors that are called saints , have after this cursed sin of covetousness ; they talk of faith , and preach you must live by faith ; others write sermons all the year about , frequent meetings , and enter into fellowships many of them , but money , money is their god , and for money they will chop and change , cheat and lye , and make any man a saint . i knew two great men that were about last year near st. martins canonized for saints ; one was worth forty thousand pounds , and the other an hundred , but the devil is money , and in money if that will make a saint ; i will never beleeve he goes to heaven that does no good , gets a great estate and makes no profession at all of christ , the waies , saints , and servants of christ , say you what you will to please fools , friends , and kindred , yet a little money and it may be mourning . if a man should look into the sepulchre of a man newly buryed it would be a loathsome business , but if a man look into the lives of many rich men which ministers make saints in their funeral orations , it might be said the man was more a fool , a beast , a muck worme , or at best a civil gentleman , or an ignorant christian , rather than a saint : truly i know nothing so much as three things that make a saint , faith in the blood of christ , union with the person of christ , and receaved measure of sanctification from the spirit of christ , and these three things with chearfulness , thankfulness , fruitfulness or holiness , make a brave saint indeed : if my lord or my lady had such an onely daughter , and a lovely lady also , she were a match for the greatest prince in the world , and were angelical spirits capable of marrying or giving in marriage , as they are not , mark 12. 25. they would come to such vertues , but when blossomes , birth , and beauty have nothing to ado●ne them , but spangles , gold and outward glory , they are farre short of the church of christ , the kings daughter who is all glorious within , psal. 45. 13. inward glory is true glory , outward glory is false , inward glory is pure , light , life , and heart purifying , but of outward honour , glory , beauty and esteem , a man may have a great deal , and a great deal of gold , with capps , knees , and bowings to him for his portion , and go to the devil when all is done , but the lord is my portion saies the church , lament. 3. 25. and truly it were a lamentation well worth the taking up , to think how many brave sparks and ladyes that are now in midst of all their gold and glory , displaying of themselves , and glories as it were for the glory of the day in hide-park with leaping , lightsome hearts and souls through the pleasures of it ; yet that the night should and suddenly will come , that all these must undress and go away hence to the darksome cold earth ; yea to the darksome dens , or darkest dungeons of hell , if they have nothing but outward glory for their portion ; and then they will be more miserable than they that are acquainted with a kind of hell beforehand , some say when they make a nun in another country , first they make a feast as rich and noble as may be , then they invite their greatest friends , yea they entertaine all of qualitie with the greatest delights that this earth can afford , and she her self to espouse her self to christ as she thinks , is dressed with all that youthful , virgin , rich and princely attire that is possible to be thought on or adorned with , but the feast and the mask , the musick and the singing being over , the poor lady is 〈◊〉 to the skin , yea she burns in the presence of them all , ( her greatest ornament and glory ) her hair , and all for the kingdome of heavens sake , sequestring her self from all the pleasures of this life for another , which she ignorantly hopes to find in a wrong way : but sure i am you wilfully loose that which you may easily find in a way of beleeving , though not in a way of working ; and this is a lamentation ; and a thing to be taken up for a lamentation , that you the lords and ladies of england , the gentry and the greater part of the gentry , and glory of the nation in a common sense , forgoe for a present heaven , which yet is but a hell to a heavenly man and an heavenmind , the true heaven , and the god of heaven whose loving kindness is better than life , so saith david , psal. 63. o madam home is home ( as we use to say ) though never so homely , and heaven is heaven when all is done , but there is no home like to heaven , and the god in heaven , which you forgot for a moments lust ; were your pleasures as his are for evermore , it were something , but for moments joyes to loose a heaven , the joyes of heaven and heavenly glories for evermore , is a loss indeed . and now i am speaking of heaven , let me give you one touch of that and i have done ; onely i shall make your funeral sermon in conclusion , for i think verily you will be damned , and never come there , yea most of you will be so , and though i am but a poor man , yet i would not be in some of your conditions for an hundred thousand worlds : heretofore when i have been going to bed , i have thought when i saw my sins , before i came to see them all freely done away and pardoned by the blood of christ , if i should have been sick in my bed and dye , what a miserable creature should i be , sure i am in danger to be damned thought i ; and yet there is no man living but he may be easily saved , if he looks to god , and beleeves in god in time , yea if a man beleeves in god and lives to god really , he shall as certainly be saved , as ever any sinner in the world was damned , iohn 3. 36. but now if some of you should go home and consider a little in the night , what you have been doing all the day ; yea what you have been undoing all your lives along , it would make you sad indeed ; some men live long enough to get heaven for their souls , and an estate for their children , but if they get nothing but an estate for their relations , let them have this for an epitaph upon their graves , here lies penny wise , but pound foolish : and let them have a little thatch in their hands also , for that will do them as much good as the welfare of their wives and children , if their souls doe miscarry in the other world ; but for a man to live ten , twenty , forty years or upwards , to undo his relations , and his own soul as some do , yea most of you fine folks do litte else , but sin a great deal , and live a little while to undoe and damne your selves for ever and ever ; some fill the bag or bushel in a little time and are carried away into the land of shinar , zaph . 5. 5. and we remember them no more , when they are once gone to the devil : i beleeve you your selves have almost forgot forty brave sparks as heretofore used hide-park : christ was thirty three years old before he thoroughly saved one soul , and then he dyed and saved all the world , iohn 1. 29. but it is that world that beleeves in him , repents and lives to him : but of the world of gallants that i saw the last year in hide-park , i did not see above half a dozen of my acquaintance that looked any thing saint-like , or sion-ward ; some look as if they would never pray , others as if they would never swear or sin they are so handsome ; and yet they do nothing else but sin and swear , or tittle tattle all the day long ; for my part i did not hear one word of christ , and yet i was in the park all the afternoon , but it was upon a good account , and for my part i am resolved ( for ought i know ) never to go again after this bout : i have witnessed twice against them , and once against the tryr●s at white-hall , and i beleeve they will make but a blind business with the keyes of david now in their hands , which should be in the hands of christ alone , isa. 22. 22. nor will they ever put the power of preaching , for fear of spoyling their trade , into the hands of any in the world , but they that will make an absolute trade of it ; when as i am confident an ugly knotty stick , being hewed and plained a little , will make a better piece of timber , than some of them that they set up , will ever be builders in the church of christ : but mr. such an one , and mr. such an ones letter must pass him , especially if he comes with a little of the old synods catechisme in his mouth , and some of them will so kon it upon the stairs when they are going to be tryed : but there is a young gentleman that makes a sweet trade in getting money for passes and i know not what , yea one told me of a parson solicitor that gets more than i can by my trade , by rerommending , helping , and puting young priests in a right way to obtain their business , and ye know he must be a good man , such a tryer commends him , and twenty more , and you know he is a great tryers friend , country man , or coosin , and therefore he must pass ; and there was old passing when the great scuffle was ( as a door keeper told me ) but let them try , and try , and do what they will , for my part i profess in the presence of god , i had rather preach , or be in the publick speaking a word to christ for sinners , or a word for sinners to christ in a way of prayer , than eat my meat though never so hungry , and yet i would work for my living : yea thousands in this nation thirst after this liberty ; who are holy , humble , knowing , godly , blameless , self denying , gifted christians ; yea equally gifted with most ministers : things might be done in decency and order , and yet the minister never the worse , christian liberty well used doth not abuse or justle out the ministerial calling in the least , t is strange there cannot be a medium found out by those that hold the helme , but for my part i am resolved not willingly to pay one penny , untill i have liberty to pray or some body else , who is godly , in the room of most clarks and readers that are stark nought ; a good minister and a good christian , two or three would do more good in a parish , than he and an old sleepy reader can or will do in many years . we have a good benefice , and a minister will come there whether we will or no i think , and yet he is beloved where he is , and we had pitched upon another that is godly and blameless . but i fear i shall do little here this day , the lords and ladies are resolved to go home , and so will i , yea i resolve to go home , and mind home , death , grave , and eternity more than ever i have done , and yet i have vowed much & writ vowes , but a thousand vowes will do no good unless god give a man strength to live to him ; and for you great persons , you can as well come out of you skins as out of your sins and snares ; yea if god almighty do not pluck you out of your present conditions all the men on earth cannot help you , no nor all the saints on earth ; o pray , pray , yea at night go home and say , lord jesus help me , lord jesus look upon me , and make me now to apply my heart to wisdome after all my former folly . a man may easily pull a man down hill , or down to hell , but he can hardly pluck him up to heaven or heaven-ward : yea i find it very hard to come to the certainty of heaven , and to be looking off from working for heaven , notwithstanding the promise is not to him that worketh , but to him that beleeves in him that justifies the ungodly ; a golden text : o read , read rom. 4. 5. and upon this account the ungodliest man in england may be justified , and to be justified , you know is to have all a mans sins pordoned , hid and done away ; o the blessedness of that man whose sins are so done away , psal. 32. 1. and now if one of you gentiles , or genteel sinners , would go home at night and really beleeve them pardoned , they would be so ; t is but beleeving or not beleeving that makes a man to be saved or damned , yea really it is no more , iohn 3. 36. yea tis beleeving , and beleeving more than any thing that makes a man live to god and love god . i will warrant if one of you gallants could now but really beleeve god would love you and save you , notwithstanding all your former sinfulness , you would be gallant christians indeed , and god loving christians instead of the devils slave : well there is a new way to heaven , or a nearer way i am sure than most men have hinted at , and that is by beleeving before repenting , yea by fetching repentance and reformation from beleeving gods love in christ to poor sinners , as sinners , that is , while yet they are in their sins ; when a leapors leaprosie is washed off , he is as lovely as another man , when a sinner is reformed , he is as lovely as a saint in his conversation , but before god reformes , he loves , yea , i have loved thee with an everlasting love , saith god ; he is nothing but love saith iohn , 1. 4. 10. yea he is ever living , loving , and giving good things to you the worst of sinners ; else why are you out of hell and here this day , out of sickness , out of misery , out of want , though all these things come in love to his children ; o for gods sake love god , & if indeed you do but mind him a little in his son , you cannot but love him ; he is the fountain of love , and a loving fountain , that hath a thousand seas of sweetness and divine delights , for all those that come unto him , with the is the well of life saith david , psal. 36. 9. and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore : but t is christ that is this pleasure , and that right hand that god stretcheth out to you the worst of sinners , and if you will take hold of his strength upon his word , you shall make peace with him , isa. 27. 5. and he will make peace with you and your souls , yea christ will make peace between you both , yea to them that are afarre off he maketh peace , and preacheth peace by the blood of his crosse , rom. 5. 1. peace be unto you in this room saith christ , iohn 20. 19. and peace be to you in hide-park say i , and if you will hearken to it there is peace in the blood of christ for you all , for that speaketh better things than the blood of abell ; and i beseech you to mind this night what it speaketh : i know what your ranting , and vaunting in a thing of nought speaks , namely hell all t is to be feared ; but the blood of christ speaks yet peace to the worst of you all : take heed again , and again take heed , ye refuse not him that speaks from heaven , that which few of the princes of this world which come to nought , do know , or have known for many hundred of yeers , 1 cor. 1. 18. but to you is it spoken , not in a voyce of thunder like god in mount synai , where no man durst come near for fear of death , exod. 19. 15. but in a love and dovelike spirit , the spirit of love , and the dove that is speckled with the blood of christ , is yet at some of your windowes hearts and souls with an olive brance an embleme of peace , from the god of peace and our lord jesus christ to some of your souls ; o tast and see that the lord is gracious : blessed is the man that puts his trust in him , and if you will trust in him now and at all times , yea trust you in the lord jehovah for ever , for in his arms there is everlasting strength to save you and your souls for evermore , isa. 26. 4. but if you make ( as the manner of you gallants is ) a push of god , he will make a mock and a laugh at you when you come to die and be damned ; so saith this scripture , prov. 1 26. most men say , o that god were mine , o that christ were mine when they are dying , and o that i might live a little longer , i would never do as i have done ; truly some of you have lived too long already , and it were to be considered , whether it had not been better for some of you to have been damned ten or twenty years-ago , then to be heighting up and down in coaches still , for if you will to hell , the sooner the better , the greatest surfet begets the greatest feaver , and the longest sinner the greatest hell , for i am of this opinion , that god is to most men as they apprehend him to be , and a mans hell , shall lie most in his bowels , and come most from his own sins : so that the more light the more sin , and the more sins against light , the more hell still sayes christ , if i had not come unto them my self , they had not known sin , that is they had not known or committed so much sin , or been guilty so farre as now they are , iohn 8. 19. some ranting sinners will swear so lustily when they are well , and speak so whiningly when they are sick , spent and even dead in a consumption and likely to go to the devil ; and some saints look so chearfully through the sense of gods love , when they are even loaded with afflictions , that it would do a man good to see them . i saw an old beggar with a dish on his back , and a lord with a bunch on his , and two great saints with the world in their mouths ; one was talking of this estate , and the other of that mans estate , and both of them had too much , and care enough with what they had : there is none so merry as fools , nor any so foolish as wise men that can never tell when they have enough , nor how to do good with what they have : my lord needy and my lord greedy , will never be good , nor satisfied though they have the devil and all : and it is a strange thing that a poor man and a saint , can hardly satisfie himself in the love of god , so as to look a little chearful and walk very thankful in all changes : let a man sneak through the world with a patcht arse , or flutter thorough with a golden traine , it is much a like , provided they be both damn'd ; for to be hang'd in halters , or to be hang'd in golden chains , is much alike , if he must be hang'd : and if you will be damn'd and go to the devil , go how you will it is all one , and to one purpose : but i know how poor saints should go to heaven , and that is by singing and dancing , and ever having the high praises of god in their mouths , and a two edged sword of zeal in their hands , to cut down all ungodly lusts and kings in their souls , psal. 149. 8. yea to hew them in pieces , for the spirit of god and the word will spare none , as samuel said to agag , 1 sam. 15. 33. nor be at peace with the least traytor , when iesabell look'd out of the window , she cryed what peace , 2 kings 9. 30. and when you look out of your coaches with your ugly faces , i cannot tell what to make of you , you are so patch'd and peec'd with old taffaty and taffaty patches , yet some of you young ladies , would look like little angels almost if it were not for these sins , and some ugly things that you are guilty of . but to be guilty of nothing is a gallant thing , and if any of you will be guilty of no sin when you come to die , look to christ while you live , and live to god till you die , and you shall have a better husband than any lord of them all . strange lords and strange lusts have ruled you hitherto , isa. 26. 13. but christ is alwaies young and lovely ; yea to look to , to lean on , to hope in , and to follow after he is altogether so ; and he dyed for you when he was thirty three years of age , and yet lives and ever lives to make intercession for you ; for god sake court or think on him a little : here is old courting ill condition mrs. such an one , and mrs. such an one , and she hath so many servants , and so many servants , and all it may be for the money , and nothing but the money : but christ hath few enough , and yet he is as rich as ever , and will give more than ever any of you yet enjoyed , for a dram of his grace is more worth than thousands of your estates , who have nothing but a little dirt , and a little gold , with a little lace , and a little thing called honour ; but christ hath the dew of his youth , and the youth of his age , psal. 110. 3. yea eternities is in his hands as well as the keyes of death and hell , or the power over hell , sin , death , men , and devils , revel. 1. 18. and in his hand he holds a ring , a golden ring or a reconciled god ; yea and god holds him to the worst of you all , but you have no mind to marry and be the sons of god , but to be the children of the devil still , and his you are sure enough , iohn 8. 44. when god was on the earth moses had a great mind to see his face , exod. 33. 18. would you had so to see his son ; when the lord general came from worcester , there went many thousands to see him , and when christ shall come to england , i hope to see him and more done for him than yet there is ; but will you love him or will you not , he is altogether lovely in his names , in his natures , in his person , in his promises ; yea and in his kingdom which i hope is nearer then some men imagine : mr. tillinghurst told us strange things in his book , called the key to misticall numbers , the man may be right in some things , and i beleeve he is ; twenty shops in london have these books of his , would as many of you had christ in your hearts and in your lives ; but will you marry or will you not , will you marry or will you burn , will you burn in hell an hundred thousand years , or will you take christ for better or worse , nay t is worse to refuse christ , than to take all the shame in the world with christ ; and what a shame is this , that you should be too fine for poor christ , when poor christ makes you rich and gives the best of riches to you , yea durable riches . see page 11. of the yellow book , or the last may dayes letter . but take my word if you do not take christ ; the devil will take you and tear you worse than poor cocks are torn or bears bated , yea you shall tear your selves in a thousand pieces if it were possible , and yet not destroy your selves ; great malefactors are hang'd alive in hell , and their misery is they cannot die , nor get the fire out , mat. 25. 41. this shall be done to the man whom god will honour ; he shall live with god and reigne ( as it were ) with christ in the eternity of god , but all you that hate the lord shall be consumed as the fat of lambs , psal. 37. 20. yea let them all be consumed and confounded together that will not marry christ , or ever hear of being the servants of christ ; there is such a deal of service among you , but pray what have you done for christ any of you genteel heathenish sinners , yea or any of you professing saints ; truly you that have done most , have done nothing to any purpose , and you that have done nothing , have done enough to have damn'd you in your best action that ever you did , if you were to be tryed by the law or the purity of gods justice out of christ ; but the business is , who almost doth any thing , or doth not at all mind every thing , and no man minds the things of christ , phil. 2. 21. truly christ hath a great many enemies and a great many friends , and a great many lookers on , some men look which way the tide runs , and some which way the gain comes ; but godliness with content is great gain , 1 tim. 6. 6. and still i say the great stain of godliness is , they are so greedy after it ; but greedy lovers of profits , and greedy lovers of pleasures , are little better than greedy doggs both , and will be shut out of the new jerusalem that cometh down from god , or is above with god , revel. 21. 2. and now if some of you ladies after all this brave dressing of your selves , should be shut out of hide-park , and made to stand in the ditch whil'st all the nobles and rest of the gallants were admitted in to take their fill of pleasures and the pleasures of the day , it would be a great vexation ; but if thousands of you should be shut out of heaven and the kingdome of heaven , as christ speaks luke 13. 27. for minding nothing but pleasure , the pleasures of the day and the pastimes of the night ; how will you then weep , when you your selves shall see abraham , isaack , and iacob , with thousands more sitting down there , but you your selves shut out , ver. 28. christ wept bitterly for jerusalem , luke 13. 34. and if he were on earth , i think he would weep for you , for you are the most to be pittied , for all your laughing and your singing one unto another of any people ; yea of any creatures in the world : yea i in my conscience do verily think so , for a man to sing to a bird and catch him in a net , or hearken to a syrryan as they say , and be catched by a song , is a misery ▪ and a cheaty misery ; none gets so much by gaming , as the devill does by playing his cards in some of your laps , and truly you frequently commit adultery when you look so lustfully as you do mat. 5. 25. on one anothers faces , yea you make your selves whores and harlots by your talk many times : christian talk and christian name , with christian life and conversation would do well together , and if christ be your master let him be your copy , for i will not give a farthing for that christian , that is little better than an old common protestant : an old protestant and an old papish will agree better , than either can with an honest roundhead ; and yet the old religion is the true ; ask for the good old way and follow that saies the prophet , ier. 6. 16. and not these new lights and fangles , and now i am resolved to be half a quaker to a hair , but not a whole one for a thousand worlds ; i resolve to be less complementall , less a flatterer , more an inward and an outward christian ; yea a circumspect christian in all things : but to deny jerusalems christ , gods exalted , dear and onely son who is god over all blessed for evermore , rom. 9. 5. that hath washed me in his own blood , revel. 1. 5. saved my soul from hell , and reconciled me unto god ; for a whimsey , i never will ; nor shall they ever pick my comforts by a many new words , forced humility or reformation that ariseth out of self , and leads man to rest on self , a broken reed a muddy cestern , and all that do so will lie down in sorrow ; yea this is all you shall have at my hands saith the lord : yea all you that compass your selves about by your own sparks , isa. 50. 11. for other foundations can no man lay than what is laid christ jesus , 1 cor. 3. 11. o foundation , foundation , time and age outlasting foundation , heaven , earth , saint and angell burying foundation , how art thou neglected by generations of self righteous men on the one side , doggs , careless sinners , loose christians , and despisers on the other , and yet thou art all in all in life , death , and eternity , col. 3. 11. yea thou art gods all in all , and our all in all , who have all our hopes , helps , and mercies in and from thee , yea in thee and in thee alone is all our justification , sanctification , and hopes of glorification ; and yet how little do we live unto thee , do or speak for thee , our dearest dear before the sons of men : but o christs time will come , and certainly come that we shall wish a thousand times , that the best of us all had said more , and done more a thousand times for thee than the best of us all have done : and therefore to you the powers of this nation , i humbly give this advice , ( knowing good men in prosperity may easily forget the vowes in adversity ) that you remember as long as you live the cause for which so many tuns of blood were spilt , and millions of souls sent to hell sooner than ordinary ; yea the cause of our ever blessed , dear , and glorious redeemer , and what ever men say he certainly once had , and still has a cause and controversie to plead with the natitions ; however he will erre long certainly come and call all men to account : and then you the dry skuls , heads and bones of the caviliers shall rise together ; yea with their dead bodies shall you arise , or they with yours as the prophet speaks in another case , isa. 26. 19. in the mean time know the night is at hand wherein no man can work , iohn 9. 3. and as owner said of ireton , so i say to all you ; go your way and take your lot , and at the end of your dayes you shall stand up again , dan. 12. last . and to all under you i give this advice , study to be quiet and at peace in your own spirits ; gods waies are in the deep , and his designes take place in all ages , yea they never slack nor stay . children obey your parents , servants your masters , not with eye service , but in singleness of heart as serving the lord . to all good married men i give this , first to love your wives as christ loved his church , if it were possible , and in loving , love their souls as much above their bodies , as you do their bodies above their cloathes ; it will do the wife the husband good to think the soul is in heaven smiling , when absent here on earth or present in a coffin ; t is the condition of friends , that is more than any thing , the true cause of joy or grief ; if a friend be in prosperity , you onely mourn for his absence , but if in adversity you mourn double : and truly there is a vast difference between a wife gone to hell , and a husband gone to heaven , or a wife gone to heaven and an husband gone to hell , and so for any other friends , now when we do what we can to go our selves and draw others we have done our duty ; but for you great ungodly gentry , you draw all almost to hell that come near you ; and yet i think it is a greater comfort to bury two good wives than one bad : who would have a side of his house or body burnt , yea his bed-fellow go to hell ; and yet most of you and your children will go thither by reason of your examples . whither do you think the lord such an one is gone that dyed lately , nay in your conscience speak as judging by the rule of gods word , and mr. such an one that kept his brave coach and six horses , and never went without : but to your children i give this advice , first to read over the families they came of , what sins they have been guilty , and what judgements have fallen upon father , grandfather , and great grandfather ; one broke his neck , another his heart , a third lost his head , a fourth made a miserable end in his bed , yea dyed suddenly and never said lord have mercy on me : it is good to observe these things , and it is easier to love , repent , or begin to live to god before twelve or twenty years of age be past than after , and so again before thirty than forty ; but if a man mis forty years before he begins to look to christ , it is an hundred to one but he goes to the devill ; yet hundreds turn civill and morally honest , and so go civilly to the pit : there is four or five turnings before a man turns into the right way for heaven , and yet some hit on it at the first , and that is by throwing themselves upon gods love in christ in a way of reall beleeving , and that barely upon the account of the promise , which is yea and amen without any qualification , rom. 4. 13. but some turn from wildness to sobriety , and so from bravery to plainness , from papistry to protestantism , and yet are little the better , and so back again without being much the worse ; and some turn from the ordinary protestants to be professors , and yet are ten fold more the child of the devil than before . every turn is a turn from god , if the heart be unturn'd to god ; and the white devil is the worst , and will carry a man to hell when he thinks he is going to heaven ▪ & persecute another only for a gospel spirit , and a gospel light , without a gospel life , will certainly rise in judgement against any man in the world ; and so will all your ladyships sins if you do not take heed in time : mouls see and swans sing a little before they dye , and it may be then most of you will be wise , and till then few are so : do you think christ made you so fine and so handsome , so rich and so noble for nothing ; yea do you think he made you christians as you say , and brought you forth in england the garden of the world , and in some sense you the flowers of this garden , for nothing but to sing and dance , make a french courchy , complement for a husband , and height about with a servant , truly christ will have little reason to damn heathens and save you ; t is true you are called by his name , but that should teach you good manners and good lives ; i beleeve some would be ashamed if we should tell of a cromwell that would not fight , or a fayrfax , whose name i hope will never be forgotten ; and truly christ will be ashamed of you , that will not live to him as well as be baptized ; and if you were not baptized , there is no man living but would take some of you to be the devils children you are so wicked . but the end of all things is at hand , and that is your funeral text with which i shall conclude , 2 pet. 4. 7. but you will ask me what end , not the end of gods mercy , for there is no end thereof , that is from everlasting to everlasting , to them that fear him , psal. 103. 17. nor is there any end of his love , or the promises of his love , for they are numbe●less from one end of the bible to the other , and so is his providence to his children , even from the womb to the grave ; yea that never leaves them till they come to abrahams bosome , and then god is all in all to them , 1 cor. 15. 19. but there is an end of your sinning , and saints sorrowing , of your living , and the kingdomes of the world raigning ; yea there is an end of this suns shining , the rains fulling , the winds blowing , and the spirits breathing : yea that breaths where , when , and as long as it listeth , take heed of grieving and resisting that , for if ever that finally leave you , and come no more to your consciences , beds , and elbowes , saying go to pelham , go to pelham , go to god , go to christ , look to god , look to heaven , hell , mind both , for all these bewitching things and fooling up and down , or else thon art undone for ever : soul hast thou ever another if thou loosest this ; have a care of loosing all for a moments lust , but there is an end of all this kind of breathings , and your singing , yea there will be no more may dayes after a few dayes more ; i think you had best take your solemne leave , and weep over one anothers backs , necks , & shoulders , and say farewell ladies , farewel lords , farewel coaches , farewel bravery and brave delights , birds , fields , hedges , bed , sun , moon , saints and sinners , farewel all for ever , and farewel all for evermore , for i must now be damn'd for ever , or i go i know not whither , as that great man said to his soul , when he cryed soul , soul , whither art thou now going , and then the fine fare , and the good chear , and the fine linnen , with the lemmon sauce , must have an end , and the sweet singing ; but the howling , that must be for evermore . but take a touch of heaven or ahout heaven , though you never intend to come there , and i have done : and for heaven ; first it is a place for divine discoveries , secondly of divine rest , thirdly of divine joyes , fourthly of divine glories ; and in it god discovers four things ; the secrets of his heart , the fulness of his glory , the nearness of relation , and greatness of his love : we shall know as we are known , gods decrees , purposes , and secrets , his glory , the fulness of his glory , and nearness of relation ; yea we shall come from the east and from the west , the north and the south , and sit down with abraham , isaack , and iacob , in the kingdome of our god and father , and know him to be our father even from everlasting , isa. 63. 16. luke 13. 29. god shall so abundantly discover his love unto us , calling of us by his own name ; o ephraim , ephraim , my dear child thou art mine : yea lord god and father i am , and so is all that glory that thou hast given me , as christ speaks in another case . god gives to christ , christ gives to saints , and saints gives to god all again : and so god is all in all and ever shall be , 1 cor. 2. 9. but secondly , heaven is a place of divine rest , from sorrow , sin and labour , tumults , noyses , feares , and troubles : in this world you shall have trouble , but in me ye shall have peace saith christ , iohn 16. 33. internal , external , and eternal . a mans enemies shall be at peace with him sometimes , and yet his friends warre against him if his waies please god . and so the soul is like the needle on the point , the ark or dove upon the waters , she wants footing for the sole of the foot , and god is often wanting to the soul of a saint , thou didst hide thy face saith david and i was troubled ; and the greatest trouble in the world is gods hiding of his face ; but time shall pass and time will come , that israels god will be no more a hiding god , isa. 45. i5 . nor they a wandring people in the barren wilderness of this world , for in their country which is heaven , there is rest without weariness , for the wavering man and the wearied saint ; and the bed and pillow is not half so sweet to the wearied man , as is this rest . and the saints rest is god , yea god is their sweetest , true , and lasting rest and home , and so is heaven : yea this is the land of canaan indeed , and that canaan which every one would land in when they come to dye . i knew one of you the other day , that alwaies wore a feather in his cap , but being sick , he sent a bill to beg that he might be pardoned and go thither : yea there is none of you all but would fain lay your bones , and lodge your sinning souls in canaan when you come to dye ; oh but you must live in canaan , or go the way to canaan if ever you mean to come thither : t is not an old fashion'd priests benediction or absolution , with a little common prayer , a sup of wine with a bit of bread , will lodge you there , this may seal your damnation , but it will never bring you to salvation , no , no , these low things shore none upon the land of canaan ; it is gods love , christs merit , and regeneration of the spirit , a thing ye never knew what belongs to , iohn 3. 5. that sets the soul there . but to go on , heaven is a place of divine joyes , and they that live in heaven live in joyes , and yet the joyes of heaven can never live in them , they are so great : enter into thy masters joy saith christ . light may enter in the eye , but not the body of light , joy may enter into the heart , but not the body of joy : men and angels are but finite creatures , but the joyes of heaven are infinite , unspeakable , unconceivable ; earthly joyes are but shadowes of spiritual , the joy of the harvest is nothing to the joy of the elect , and the sweetest joyes of the spirit is nothing in comparison to the joyes of heaven : ye shall rejoyce saith christ , and no man shall take your joy from you , iohn 16. 22. and this is that joy which christ speaks of : some fountains have their mouths or pipes by which they continually send their christal streams into the artificial wells with pleasant noyses ; god hath his continual joyes and glories , which he alwaies sends forth by discoveries from himself into the souls of his , which they being filled withal , sends forth ( as it were ) from other golden pipes his continual praises ; and herein lies the joyes of heaven , and the heaven above which you scarce beleeve : angels and communion with angels are not the joyes of heaven , saints and communion with saints are not the joyes of heaven , these may sing , and joy , and play together , yet are they not the joy of heaven , t is the musick rather than the string , that is the melody of musick , and it is god rather than the creature , that is the joy of heaven , and hence it is that their joy is alwaies fresh and green , musick dulls , beauty fades , yea the sun appears sometimes darker than at other , at leastwise unto apprehension , but this joy is alwaies rising , more and more delighting , now where there is a continual rising of divine joyes & glories , there can be no ebbing of divine delights , the eccho rises with the voice ; the musick with the string , joyes by discoveries do the like , yea they rise unanimously in all the saints , and being risen in them , heaven is made a double heaven , shout o ye inhabitants of jerusalem , for great is the holy one in the midst of thee , isa. 12. 6. but howle ye ships of tarshish and pleasant pictures ; yea let the ungodly and rich howle together , isa. 2. 16. iam. 5. 1. but shout o inhabitants of jerusalem , above , the city of the great king ; this shouting denotes the highest pitch of joy that saints shall be filled with , when they shall come to sup with god and christ , by feeding on divine delights , rayes , joyes , and glories , which are the dishes of that wedding supper , where every saint shall feed his full , revell . 19. 8. 3 26. his full of joy , his full of praise , and sing his part , yea every angell his , and all shall try their skill and strain their voices to make one melodious song of praises unto god , and the lamb for evermore , revell. 7. 10. 15. 3. some say that a syrrian or the song thereof , will so inchaunt a man , that irresistibly it shall draw him to his fatall ruine ; confident i am were one saint or angell to sing from heaven this day to you in hide-park , but one quarter of an hour , it would kill all other delights , and make you mind the god of heaven , and the joyes of heaven for evermore ; and all your former sinful sweetest pleasures , would be but as the asses braying , to the most melodious musick in comparison of that . but heaven is a place of divine glories , and glorious things are spoken of thee o citie of god : all manner of precious stones are fetch'd to set up thy glory , o jerusalem , jerusalem , revell . 21. 19. and in the lies a sun for every eye , a crown for every head ; yea a crown that fadeth not away : crowns are the highest pitch of glory that the aspiring soul of man can work unto , but the lowest shadow of divine glory . crowns and kingdomes are but fading things , yea they are now fading , while the glory of christ is rising in our land : yea in ireland which the devil and the pope thought once to have had for their share ; but blessed shall they be , who have been most instrumental to plant the gospel there , and some body here have been very much instrumental that way , and many to pull down you and the crowns of some of your families ; yea the crown of these nations , all which lie in the dirt : and yet you go on to sin as much as ever , and never think how many was sent to the devil in the late warre standing up for the crown , yea how many great ones were sent in a day in some great fights , ( to wit ) naseby , york , newberry , or spinham land : and yet these kind of crownes are not worth contending for , they are such light , foolish , fading things ; but saints crowns are exceeding weighty , heavy , and massy ; yea there is an eternal weight of glory that attends every saint , 2 cor. 4. 17. an eternal weight of glory can never be poys'd or fade away , but a present earthly glory every age can discover to be light and vain ; yea within these few daies i have discovered much my self , and many vain men ( as david sayes ) which now are not : and where is mr. such an one with his brave feather , and mr. such an one with his golden back : alass , alass , t is a thousand pi●tles their heaven was so short . and for your stately laying out the carcass at the last that is much more , i saw the fragments of a silly bird which a ravenous fowl had prayed upon , and all that was left by the hedge , was a legg and a wing , and a few loose feathers , may be the surgeon brawns up the whole body bowels and all , with a great deal of beating by his huge sledges , after which nasty and noysome work , the harril dresses that and a room , three or four some dark and some light one within another , before you come where the body lyes in a thick sheet , with a many popish candles , candlesticks , great standards , silk and silver scutchions , half a dozen in the nature of weepers , to see who comes to stayr , and some are even ready to say their prayers , but the spiritual man mourns , others crying they never saw the like , nor shall they ever see more what 's become of the wing and the legg , the life and the soul , whilst death and rottenness sleeps in the feathers ; and is this all you call the laying in state , solomon sales , vanity of vanities all is vanity : and would this text was ever sounding in your eares , and written in your foreheads , as well as in your lives : but what all doth the wise man mean , questionless this and all below the sun , and that is all indeed , but what 's reserved for the saints whom you now despise and count fools , and their ends to be without honour , wisdome 5. 4. o read , read this text though it be apocripha , we fools counted his life madness , and yet his lot is among the saints , we wearied our selves in wickedness , but what hath pride profitted us , and what hath vaunting and riches profitted us , all is passed away like a shadow , p●st , or ship that passeth over the waves , ver. 10. but their portion is above the sun and yours below , theirs where no moaths , theeves , or rust can come , ma● 6 ▪ 9 ▪ but at all these things they can and do come ; yea they will come at all your glories ▪ and there is a secret worm at the roo● of every glory , yea your sweetest pleasures have a thousand snares , envy , pride , malice , and covetousness are alwaies eating , alwaies stealing and staining earthly glories : this way nation eats up nation , and time them again : but time , death , grave , nor eternity it self can ever fade , steal or eat away the least bit of a saints glory , no , no , death and time puts them in , and locks them safely up for that glory which eternity is alwaies opening and unfolding ▪ but for all your earthly glories they are soon opened , one man and one age opens anothe●s glory ; pride and envy ●olds up that again to shew it selt , but death folds up all , yea all the sorrow , shame , and sufferings of the saints and glories of the world : yea it will fold up all your maying and your gaying ▪ and your present glories , so that that which is the outlet , is the inlet both to one and the other : darkness , hell , sin , shame and sorrow is the inlet of death to such as you : yea this breaks in like mighty seas upon the stroaks of death and so doth rest , peace , joy , and glory to the saints : but what is the glory of heaven and the sains in heaven may some say : alass it is a question out of question , or a question for eternity , but this may and hath been said already : god is the glory of and the heaven of heavens both to saints and angells : but how much of 〈◊〉 heaven every single saint shall have for his share , is a question never to be answered : this we know a crown shall be on every head , and a sun on every face , and the least saint shall shine as the sun in the kingdome of his father , mat. 13. 43. and christ as a sun to all : yea christ humane shall do so , and if so , what shall christ divine and the father in the spirit do , that is the question out of question , and beyond all answer : the eye that made the eye , the ear that made the ear , the sun that made the sun , the heaven that made that heaven which is called heaven , cannot be spoken to : men may look into the beam●s , but not into the sun it is so glorious ; the rayes of glory , on the backs of the glorified may be looked into and spoken of , but not to one thousand part , as once queen sheba said to solomon , eye hath not seen , nor ear heard , that which thou o god hast prepared for them that waite for thee , isa. 64. 4. nay it never entred into the heart of any man to conceive saith st. paul , what god hath prepared for them that fear him , 1 cor. 2. 9. o how great is that goodness saith david . but something is revealed by the spirit , yea so much that many wiser than any of you , have despised with disdain and detestation all yours and this worlds glory for it , and others have desired to die that they might be at it ▪ when as all as you desire to live for , is onely to sin , or be a little longer out of hell ; but i beleeve many of you are sadduces , which scarce beleeve there is a heaven , a hell or resurrection : but fain would paul die upon this account , and who would not do so and be uncloathed , that he might be cloathed upon with this house from heaven and glory of heaven , yea crowd thorough and thorough the gates of death , for the crown of crowns , this wreath of life and glory : o ●ut where is the christian that can say so now , and unstrip his dublet and affections to the creature , freely laying down all that is near and dear at the feet of christ , for love to christ , the joyes of christ , and glories of heaven ; the saints cannot see now as in stevens time , the glory of god , and christ at the right hand , nor the immortall things that paul speaks of , ● cor. 2. 9. and hence it is they cannot desire to unstrip and be dissolved : o but were the least glimpses of immortal crowns and glory clearly in their eyes , they would leap into the grave and call for death , as a man for a friend in a great distress : we have heard of some that have thrown themselves into the ocean for to catch the shadow , i am sure the god of heaven and the joyes of heaven are the substance which all men should catch at , but the shadow most do ; yea the saints themselves are l●w and dungy , sishing for the creature rather than immortal glories : but were they minded as in former times , i make no question but the saints of this age would ( imperious like ) as much scorn the dungy chaff , stubble , straw , and vanity of this world , as the lofty eagle doth the poorest prey when she is flying towards heaven , yea were our thoughts upon our fathers house , our fathers home , our fathers glory ; yea and our glory which is laid up for us where all our faithfull friends are gone , and longs for our communion , me thinks the pavement and curtains of heaven , the place where sun , moon , and staries are pitched , tells us t is a glorious place : yea if the outside of this ark above the water be so speckled and spangled , what is the inside where god and all the saved creatures are ; sun , moon , and starres are but the 〈◊〉 of heaven , the 〈◊〉 beaten garmen● which must passe away , and be folded up as an old thing , psal. 102. 26. and when this old thing shall be done away , god and the lamb become a new heaven to the saints ; yea when god and the lamb shall compass them , and be their temple , and they his pillars in this temple , bearing up his everlasting praises , revell. 3. 12. then shall the glory of the lord and the lamb be for sun and moon , revell. 21. 23. here gospel , spirit , ordinances are in the church and temple , the sun moon , and glory of it , and would it were so in all , and not form and formality , but god shall immediately one day himself become their sun and glory , isa. 60. 20 and the lamb shall personally lead them to the fountains of living waters ; not to sup a little as now , but to bath and tumble in those everlasting streames and oceans of divine glory : yea when every saint shall have a temple , sun , and sea of glory to himself , walk hand in hand as it were with the lamb , revell. 7. 17. thorough and thorough the glorious high discoveries of god , which are the seas of glory , and the glorified seas wherein their souls shall alwayes tumble , never sounding any bottome in those boundless glorious bancks , carrying them by gales of divine joyes further and further , from all bounds and bottoms , rocks , and dangers . and now i conclude with this advice , if you indeed think there is a heaven , look for that , or if indeed this be a fancy , and all that you call divinity be a meer piece of knavish policy , to make fools and asses of honest men , then take your pleasure stil , and let the daies of darkness never come near you nor your thoughts , or families , which do but spoil your pleasures , for if you affright a child with a bugbeare , you may make hm fearful all his life , and if you your selves will fancy that which is not , it will be great losse and trouble to the minds of such as you , who yet want more pleasures , or time to pursue after more ; nay do you not : o but if after all there should be a god , o but if there should be a heaven , and a god better than heaven a thousand times , or a thousand heavens , which should at last be lost for want of thinking or beleeving ; what a sad case will you then be in ; yea i say what a sad case will you then all be in , when god is lost , christ , heaven , soul , body , and all is lost for a moments lust : o madam consider this in time ; yea this night , least the night of nights overtake you , which that it may not , it is and ever shall be , the hearts desire and prayer of him , who with st. paul wisher● from his soul that you and your children , with the whole israel of god , may be saved in the day of our lord jesus christ , romans 10. 1. and so i rest , your humble servant , w. b. finis . a brief description of the future history of europe, from anno 1650 to an. 1710. treating principally of those grand and famous mutations yet expected in the world, as, the ruine of the popish hierarchy, the final annihilation of the turkish empire, the conversion of the eastern and western jews, and their restauration to their ancient inheritance in the holy land, and the fifth monarchie of the universall reign of the gospel of christ upon earth. with principal passages upon every of these, out of that famous manuscript of paul grebner, extant in trinity-colledge library in cambridge. composed upon the occasion of the young kings arrival into scotland, to shew what will in probability be the event of the present affairs in england and scotland. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a77422 of text r9126 in the english short title catalog (thomason e616_13). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 162 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 26 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a77422 wing b4570 thomason e616_13 estc r9126 99873475 99873475 165767 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a77422) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 165767) images scanned from microfilm: (thomason tracts ; 94:e616[13]) a brief description of the future history of europe, from anno 1650 to an. 1710. treating principally of those grand and famous mutations yet expected in the world, as, the ruine of the popish hierarchy, the final annihilation of the turkish empire, the conversion of the eastern and western jews, and their restauration to their ancient inheritance in the holy land, and the fifth monarchie of the universall reign of the gospel of christ upon earth. with principal passages upon every of these, out of that famous manuscript of paul grebner, extant in trinity-colledge library in cambridge. composed upon the occasion of the young kings arrival into scotland, to shew what will in probability be the event of the present affairs in england and scotland. grebner, paul. [12], 38, [2] p. s.n.], [london : printed in the year, 1650. attributed to paul grebner. cf. bm. annotation on thomason copy: "nou: 23". early english books microfilm copy (yale university library) appears at reel 223:10, is bound after p4058. reproductions of the originals in british library (early english books 146:5; thomason tracts e.616[13]) and the yale university library (early english books 223:10). eng fifth monarchy men -early works to 1800. apocalyptic literature -early works to 1800. europe -politics and government -1648-1715 -early works to 1800. europe -history -prophecies -early works to 1800. great britain -history -prophecies -early works to 1800. a77422 r9126 (thomason e616_13). civilwar no a brief description of the future history of europe, from anno 1650 to an. 1710.: treating principally of those grand and famous mutations grebner, paul. 1650 27441 9 15 0 0 0 0 9 b the rate of 9 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the b category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. 2007-10 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-10 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-12 emma (leeson) huber sampled and proofread 2007-12 emma (leeson) huber text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion a brief description of the future history of europe , from anno 1650 to an. 1710. treating principally of those grand and famous mutations yet expected in the world , as , the ruine of the popish hierarchy , the final annihilation of the turkish empire , the conversion of the eastern and western jews , and their restauration to their ancient inheritances in the holy land , and the fifth monarchie of the universall reign of the gospel of christ upon earth . with principal passages upon every of these , out of that famous manuscript of pavl grebner extant in trinity-colledge library in cambridge . composed upon the occasion of the young kings arrival into scotland , to shew what will in probability be the event of the present affairs in england and scotland . ludit in humanis divina potentia rebus . printed in the year , 1650. to the ingenuous and wel-affected readers . gentlemen , i here present you with a mishapen embryo , having neither had time for perfection , nor life to actuate acception . a meer chaos and disordered discourse is it , yet for matter treating of wonderfull and famous events , which in this european world are quickly to be performed . it is true , that primi foetus sunt horridiores , as commonly defective in mature conceptions and ripenesse of judgement . yet they that reade this pamphlet seriously , will finde those passages opened ( i will not say fully explained ) in scripture , which commentator never yet disclosed , nor divine unfolded . in such an intricate labyrinth it is easie to stray : therefore i am confident , charity will usher your iudgements , and your love cover mine infirmities . i know i have slipt in many places , but for the present can neither tell where , nor how : some ariadne might do well to lead the way , and i shall be as ready to follow : secundae cogitationes sunt meliores : if i finde those non-entities to be accepted with , but as much respect as worse ware every day is , it shall not irk me to bestow a week or two in licking it over into a better form and putting a handsomer coat upon it 's back . there are several passages in it , which ( i know ) will not resent with our great ones : but amicus plato , amicus socrates , yet magis amica veritas , which shall prevail , though all the world gather in battalia against it . i must confesse it is too too abortive : for it came into the world in fewer hours , then tostatus bestowed in translating the five first chapters of genesis out of greek into latine . i wish it may obtain the end for which i made it : that is , to move us all with repentance to meet god in these great mutations and changes he is bringing upon us in this land ; that every one would strive to reform one from heresies , sects and schisms ; to suffer the scriptures to be our rule , and the holy ghost our guide both in faith , religion and discipline , that so god may put out his hand in amending the body-politick in the whole , that judgement may depart from us , destruction flee far from us ; that peace may dwell within our wals and plenteousness within our palaces . i study multum in parvo , and hope to give satisfaction to all , but such as are wedded more to their wils then reasons . for these i have no more but this , a good winde at their backs to the anticyra's , that they may drink hellebor lustily to purge their brains , that they may be more quick , and their eye-sight clearer . i quote strange authors in this work ; and good reason , for the work it self is strange . yet they in whose hands these authors are ( and they are not in every library ) shall finde i have both dealt with them truly , and cited them faithfully . and for the tractate it self , it will with the learned be either laudatus aut saltem excusatus ; either of which shall content me at this time . farewel . a brief description of the future history of europe , from anno 1650 , to an. 1710. i. the occasion of writing this treatise . having with silence and admiration beheld these ten years , the horrid broyls and civil tumults in these western coasts of europe , i cannot but adore the justice of god upon his enemies , and his paternall chastisements upon his church for sin . it hath made me often wonder , to behold how virulently and barbarously protestants could oppose and massacre one another , when the romish froggs can live in an established amity among themselves , and laugh at our follies . i will not say , it is jesuiticall projects which sets us by the ears together , so much as our own seditious and schismaticall spirits , and want of charity . if we would but ponder , how much popery hath won upon us by these warres and divisions , what fearfull occasions we have given to the professed enemies of christ to blaspheme his name , and deride our religion , it would much provoke us to end our controversies , and band against the common enemy . the empire hath got but a wofull booty , by her 30 years warres , having weakned her self with the losse of six millions of valiant souldiers , and enticed that imp of mahomet to prepare an army of 200000 , now in the field , and ready to march within the bowels of germany . we in england have gained no better by our civil warre , but in stead of one tyrant to advance a douzen over us , and from the height of liberty to runne the broad way up the next hill , to the height of slavery . our western sun is set , on whom the eies of all protestants were fixt , to have composed their differences , and united them into a mutuall league against the romish dragon , and the false prophet . nor was any insufficiency in him to the performance of so glorious an enterprize , had not the sins of his own subjects , hastned his untimely fate . behold then what profits our warre hath brought us ! and what a blessing our sins have deprived us of ! how fearfull are the judgements of god and his anger against sin , when the church is dilacerated , the commonwealth disjoynted and dismembred in every part thereof , the lust of tyrants , the pleasure of pesants , the barbarousnes of souldiers , dissentions of churchmen , sad and tragicall ends of nobles , confusions in families , countenancing of heresies , and applauding of blasphemies are so rife and ripe amongst men ! on the contrary , how happy are kingdomes , how blessed be commonwealths , when princes , magistrates , and other subordinate officers , each in their severall place and calling , strive to promote the glory of god , with the liberty , honour and tranquillity of subjects ; where the ministry is incouraged , universities countenanced , courts of judicature upholden , subjects be unanimous and accustomed to the exercise of piety and godlinesse : lastly when both prince and people aim joyntly at the advancement of the gospel and mutuall commodity of one another , so that there be no decay , no leading into captivity , nor complaining in their streets ! ii. the subject matter of this ensuing discourse . the disparity of these two contradictory conditions , and the fearfull effects , which they in all ages have wrought in the consciences of men , have made me at length after a long time of silence put pen to paper , and through the intricate labyrinth of those portions of scripture which never commentator yet ever medled with ( i mean , the twelve last chapters of ezekiel , the three last of the revelation , the last of daniel , with some passages in hosea and zechary ) to descry when we people of england with all protestants in europe shall see an end of these our warres and tumults , what shall be the estate of our churches , stares and kingdomes , from this present year 1650 , to the beginning of the fifth and last universall monarchy of the gospel of christ upon earth , which shall begin in the year of our lord 1710 ; and in what year we may expect the downfals of the beast of rome , the red dragon of constantinople , the totall conversion and restauration both of the eastern and western jews within their holy land of jury : all which must most certainly be falfilled before the end of the world . of these high points and mysteries , i finde nothing in any commentator upon the last of daniel and the revelations , save only brightman , who being acquainted in leiden with joseph scaliger , got some ( but those very imperfect ) notes of grebner concerning those numbers in ezekiel and daniel . but that excellent manuscript , which johannes baudensis writ of the life and writings of grebner , declareth all these things most plainly and punctually , how that greater troubles , fearfuller combustions , direfuller devastations shall come upon the western . kingdomes of europe , then yet ever did , before they can expect the downfall either of turk or pope , or the universall monarchy of the gospel of christ upon earth . in which incomparable work the learned astrologer bringeth divine and heavenly reasons , why europe ( for the space of thirty seven years , after that fearfull blazing comet in 1618. ) should with amazed eyes behold the infinite and sudden mutations and downfals of flourishing states and potent kingdomes , the deformity of empires , and mournfull faces of commonwealths ( as is lately happened in england , portugall , swethland , bohemia , and denmark ) the devastations of whole kingdoms at a clap , and burning six or seven nations at once in their ashes and cinders ( as of late in germany ) not to make them ask whether there be a god , heaven and providence , or not ? or whether empires and states depend wholly upon the will and power of man , or upon secret and hidden causes beyond the thoughts and expectations of the world ? but to praise god for his paternall corrections , seeing by this they know he remembreth them , and that through this fire and water of affliction he will bring his church to a finall conquest over her enemies , and both the congregations of jews and gentiles to an universall monarchy over the face of the whole earth . severall passages of which manuscript i will insert here and there in this ensuing discourse , as method and matter shall require . iii. the confutation of the wicked opinions of the millenaries of the personall reign of christ upon earth after an. 1700. since the spirituall sword was sheathed in england ( which lopt off the serpentine heads of heresie and schisme , while they were yet growing ) it is a wonder to see how all sects and schismaticall opinions in the world have ( like devouring weed ) overgrown and choked the seed of the word . above the rest , the millenaries have exalted themselves , whose abominable pamphlets have flown abroad like atomes , wherein they dream of a personall reign of christ upon earth , how he shall descent from heaven an. 1666 , destroy all the works of darknesse in every corner of the earth , make an easie passage to men from earth to heaven , so that they may ascend into heaven , and leap down to earth again , as oft as they list : how he shall keep a quarter sessions or goal-delivery in his own person upon mount olivet , call all nations before him , rebuke them of sin face to face , and shall cut out of them their stony hearts , and shall sew in their bellies hearts of flesh in stead thereof : that an. dom. 1700 shall be the day of judgement , and that the judgement shall last other 1700 years , because otherwise the glorious attributes of christ's mercy and justice cannot be sufficiently explained to the world and the consciences of men . all which fopperies with many mo too horrid to relate , are contained in m. archers personall reign of christ upon earth , rich. stirreys kingdome of king jesus , and in a.r. his caelestis hierusalem , printed a. 1642 , 1644 , and 1645. now having unmasked the vanity of this error ( ut contraria juxtà se posita magis elucescant ) i will epitomize in this section the truth of the future estate of the world , from this time to the end , which afterward i intend ( god willing ) further to dilate and prosecute in this treatise . this year 1650 all europe are in civil warres . these civill warres shall not cease till they have mustered out a great army of the true worshippers of god to ruine rome , which shall be about anno 1666. rome thus destroyed , the western jews shall begin to learn the waies of god , and believe his gospel ( which they cannot do so long as rome standeth ) and shall anno 1683. enter upon the conversion of their eastern brethren ( the 10. tribes now invisibly hid in tartaria and india ) and they two ( none else ) shall ruine the mahumetan empire about an. 1698. and so shall be restored to the holy land to reinhabit jerusalem . then must begin a comparative felicity of the church of god upon earth , because after these times both turk and pope shall be destroyed . neverthelesse this felicity must be mingled with internall troubles and persecutions , within the bowels of the church , because the church shall never be wholly at rest , while the world standeth . lo , here the difference betwixt truth and heresie , betwixt the opinions of the millenaries and right sense of scriptures . the millenaries say , christ must descend personally feom heaven : the scriptures on the contrary say , he shall not come from heaven personally till the last day , when he shall descend with his holy angels in flaming fire to judge the quick and the dead . he shall send power and strength from heaven to his true worshipppers ( as he hath done hitherto ) to destroy turk and pope , from heaven he shall give power to his ancient people the jews , to regain their ancient land of judea , and not by his corporeall presence upon earth : from heaven about an. 1700. he shall transferre his gospel from europe , as he hath done from asia , and raise up and inspire godly ministers after his own will , who shall implant his holy word in all and every of the kingdomes and provinces of america , and in all countries of the southern and eastern india , china , tartaria , and in all the regions of the north unto the worlds end , and make it shine in as great purity and glory as ever it hath done in england or germany . this is the felicity of the church , the fifth monarchy in nebuchadnezzars image , the ministeriall ( not personall ) reign and kingdom of christ upon earth , which must not endure for ever ( as archer would have it ) nor for a 1000 years ( as alsted dreams ) but for a very short time , that all nations ( none excepted ) may professe gods worship , and none plead ignorance before his tribunall , presently after which the dissolution of the world shall come , after which time shall be no more . iv. a declaration of the effects of the blaving comet , anno 1618. this digression made , i return to my purposed method . that fearfull and ominous night-torch , which prognosticated all that misery to germany and great brittain , which they have now suffered , was the forerunner of all our evils . this comet longomontanus and d. bambridge say appeared but 28. dayes , indeed it was neither observed in denmark nor at london before novemb. 18. or 21. but erycius puteanus observed it novemb. 11. the first time , as he testifies in the first book of his learned paradoxologie , pag. 33. 38. so it appeared for the space of 37. or 38. dayes , foreshewing that first germany , livonia , swethland , with other north-parts of europe , then scotland , england and ireland , should feel the terrible effects thereof in warre and famine , for the space of 37. or 38. years , even from an. 1618. till an. 1656. this comet was strengthned by a fearfull conjunction of saturn and jupiter , an. 1616. july 18. the effects of both which were not to be confined in those terrible concomitants of war perpetrated in germany ( which l.b. and d. vincent so pathetically delineate ) but were to end in the judgements of god upon europe for neglecting the downfall of antichrist , ruine of rome , annihilation of the sodomiticall order of the society of jesuites , and in the extirpation of all kingdoms and free states of papists , to make way for the lion of the north to erect his fifth monarchie in the ashes of germany , wherein shall be established the eternall felicity of the church , by the conversion of the jews and fulnesse of the gentiles . m. shirley fellow of trinity-colledge in cambridge , once shewed me a letter from his learned friend buxtorf , dared an. 1624. may 3. wherein was contained a prognostique prophecy of the before-mentioned comet and conjunction , sent him from that incomparable astrologer , johannes baudensis nephew to paul grebner , which for the strangenesse and rarity of it , i will here insert . caeterùm , quòd de patriae nostrae afflictissimae statu consilesco , indignaris ; nihil profectò seribendum nunc habeo , nisi omnia ( ut poetae verhis utor ) in pejus ruere , & retrò sublapsa referri . tam'danus quàm caesar enixè laborant , ut miseram germaniam quamprimùm pessum iri spectent : nec milites utriusqùe qui●quam aliud meditantur , nisi strages & vastitatem . accepi nudiustertius à johanne baudensi ( amico mihi multimodis charissimo ) sententias nostratium astrologorum de horribili illo cometà , qui anno 1618. apparuit , & nuperrimâ saturni & jovis conjunctione . en tibi vaticinium , si non apostolicum , at longè ( ni fallor ) plusquàm astrologicum . surrexit deus & gladium eduxit . clades magnorum imperatorum , strages populorum , regum funera , rerum-publicarum eversiones , monarchiarum mut●●iones , assassinationes principum & ducum illustriorum , vivienta & superba consi●ia , proditiones & rebelliones inter subditos in hoc coelo nostro europico exorientur . experientur religiosi à potentioribus legum & institutorum ecclesiasticorum mutationem , à plebeijs novarum rerum inexplebilem cupiditatem . boreales europae partes ferro , morbo & peste laborabunt , depauperabuntur divites , principes dominijs exuti erunt , exulabunt patres & filij post longum turbarum inter capedinem in integrum restituentur . hie quoque cometa terribilem romae ruinam , singulisque europae civitatibus incendia minitatur , clerici papicolae praecipuè cardinales de gradibus si●is dejicientur , lowlistae ubique ad mortem rapientur , nec gallis aut hispanis animus erit carnificum laqueos evitare . quinimò cernimus etiam in terrâ sanct a àveteribus incolis oriturum regnum , quod erit christianis miraculum , & orbi terricul●mentum . novique imperij revolutio istis succedet , sub quo generale gaudium , laetitia & voluptas humano generi subministrabitur , improbis ubique de medio sublatis . haec omnia per regem quendam borealem peragentur , qui pacem , religionem , & securitatem per totum orbem miraculosè stabilibit . whereas you are angry that i keep silence concerning the estate of our most distressed countrey . truly i have nothing now to write , but that all things ( that i may use the words of the poet ) grow worse and woese . as well the king of denmark as the emperour earnestly endeavour to see miserable germany destroyed as soon as may be ; neither do the souldiers of either of them , think of any other thing then slaughter and desolation . i received the other day , from my dear friend john baudensis , the opinions of our astrologers concerning that terrible comet which appeared anno 1618 , and about the later conjunction of saturn and jupiter . behold thou then a prophecie ( if not apostolical ) yet ( if i mistake not ) far beyond astrological . god hath arisen and drawn his sword : there shall happen in these our european regions , the destruction of great emperours , the slaughter of people , funerals of kings , subversions of common-wealths , mutations of monarchies , massacres of princes and illustrious commanders , violent and proud counsels , treasons and rebellions amongst subjects : clergie-men shall finde a change of laws and ecclesiastical constitutions , by those of greater power , and an insatiable desire of new things amongst common people . the northern parts of europe shall be greatly oppressed with warre , sicknesse and pestilence . rich men shall be impoverished , princes cast out of their dominions ; the fathers shall be banished , and after a long space of trouble their children shall be restored to their former condition . this comet also threatneth the terrible ruine of rome and burnings in all the cities of europe . the papistical clergy , especially the cardinals , shall be cast down from their dignities , the jesuites every where shall be drawn to death , neither shall the french-men or spaniards have courage to save their necks from the halters . furthermore , we discern a kingdom to arise of the most ancient inhabitants in the holy land , which to christians shall be a miracle , and to the world a terrour ; and these shall obtain the revolution of a new empire , under which shall be administred universal gladnesse , joy and delight to mankinde ( the wicked being every where taken away . ) all these things shall be effected by a certain northern king who shall miraculously establish peace , religion and security throughout the whole world . thus far the words of this letter . and how punctually all these things are come to passe , let the world judge . we in england have felt the misery of the one , and are ready stript to suffer the calamities of the other , having for the present lost what is impossible to be regained , and seeing a new storm of devastations hanging over our heads by the young kings late arrival in scotland ( where he is received as absolute soveraign ) which fils mens hearts with pensive thoughts and doubtings what will be the end of these wofull beginnings . for my part , i am a zealous adoret of a parliament , nor deserve i to censure the actions of our representatives , yet will i not promise the term of an age to our novel government , but think verily , a change to the old model is nigh at hand . it is casual to the best kingdoms to have interregnums , but as we stand now , we shall neither be for six years together a body politique , nor a true church of god . that excellent astrologer of misnia , paul grebner , was more then an inquisitour into the effects of starres , being questionlesse indued from above with a prophetick spirit , not to be desired , much lesse expected of all . he plainly affirms , that as england ever was a monarchy within it self , since it was discovered by the romans , so shall it so continue and remain , even then when all other kingdoms and states in europe are swallowed up of the fifth monarchie of the lion of the north . his prophecie of our civil wars , of the fate of our late king , and the restauration of his son to his fathers dominions , runneth thus in ban . 72. per idem tempus rex quidam borealis ( nomine carolus ) mariam ex papisticâ religione fibi assumptam in matrimonium conjunxerit , ex quo evadet regum infelicissimus . unde populus ejus , ipso abdicato , comitem quendam perantiquae familiae regno praeponet , qui tres annos , aut circitèr durabit ; & hoc quoque remoto , equitem quendam bellicosum in ejus locum assumet , qui paulo ampliùs regnabit . post hunc eliget nullum . interea , unus è stirpe caroli in littore regni patres sui cum gallicis , suevicis , danicis , hollandicis , burgurdicis & germanicis auxiliis stabit , omnes inimicos suos cruentissimo praelio superabit , & posteà regnum suum felicissimè administrabit , eritque cerolo magno major . and in ban . 74. he saith , circà anno 1663 brittaniarum rex antiquum cum belgarum ordinibus foedus & amicitiam rumpet , ob ereptas sibi ab ipsorum piratis naviculas quasdam , qui pertrepidi ad novum danorum regem ( nomine christiernum ) confugient , qui utrosque primò compositissimis orationibus , deinde muneribus in concordiam alliciet . about the same time a certain northern king ( named charles ) who shall marry mary of the popish religion to his great unhappinesse , so that his people ( rejecting him ) shall set up an earl of a very ancient family , who shall continue three years or thereabouts , he dying they shall elect in his stead a warlike knight , who shall rule a little longer : after him they elect none ; but in the mean one of charles his stock shall land on the sea-coasts of his fathers kingdom , and with french , swedish , danish , hollandian , burgonian and german forces , in a most cruel battell shall vanquish all his enemies , and afterward most happily govern his kingdom , and be greater then charls the great . and about the year 1663 , the king of the most ancient brittains for the losse of some ships at sea shall break his league and amity with the states of holland , who fearing , shall to the new king of danes ( named christiernus ) for succour , and he by fair intreaties and large gifts shall win either side to agreement . nor ever doth he speak of england in all that famous manuscript , but as of the most warlike and potent kingdome in europe . therefore all good christians ought to wish the new warre were concluded rather by an happy agreement and composition , then by sword and musket , and the king placed on his throne rather with the hands of his loving and and rejoyce all subjects , than with the swords of forreigners . for if the beginning of his restauration be in bloud , and tumbling of garments in bloud , the accomplishment of it will be with burning and fuel of fire . that this future history of europe , may be more fully and clearly understood , i intend to set it down by way of chronology upon the principall passages in ezekiel and the revelations , as i lately collected it out of the two m s s. of grebner and ioannes baudensis , and afterward subscribed certain notes and animadversions upon the same . anno christi . 1 anno mundi . 3947 the woman travelleth , viz. the jewish synagogue bringeth forth christ , whereupon ensueth the battel between michael and the dragon ( christ and the devil ) christ being persecuted of the devil by herod in his infancy , flieth into aegypt , anno christi . 34 anno mundi . 3981 in his appointed time of 34 years , suffereth and ascendeth into heaven ; anno christi . 65 anno mundi . 4012 the devil enraged that he could no more persecute christ , raiseth persecutions against the primitive church by nero and others , revel. 12. per tot . anno christi . 70 anno mundi . 4017 the first seal opened , the white horse and his rider , with the crowned bow , signifieth the purity of the gospel in the primitive church , revel. 6. 2. anno christi . 71 anno mundi . 4018 satan is bound for a 1000 years from raging against the church , pevel . 20. 2. 8. anno christi . 65 anno mundi . 4020 the second seal opened , the red horse is the massacre of christians in the ten general persecutions about anno 65 , to an. 330. revel. 6. 3 , 4. anno christi . 104 anno mundi . 4051 the third seal opened , simon magus , ebion and cerinthus trouble the church with damnable and infectious heresies , revel. 6. 5 , 6. anno christi . 173 anno mundi . 4120 the fourth seal opened , horrid famine , devouring pestilences and outragious wars , waste and depopulate the roman empire for cruelty to christians , revel. 6. 7 , 8. anno christi . 194 anno mundi . 4141 the fifth seal opened , mutual massacres of the wretched caesars , beginning at pertinax , and ending at licinius , slain by constantine the great , revel. 6. 9 , 10 , 11. anno christi . 288 anno mundi . 4235 the sixth seal opened , dioclesian and maximilian give over their caesarships , because they could not eradicate christianity . constantine strengthened with their armies and provinces , warreth upon licinius , slayeth him , destroyeth the pretorian-camp , abolisheth heathenism , and setteth up the true worship of god , revel. 6. 12. to the end . anno mundi . 4255 anno christi . 308 the seventh seal opened , and silence in heaven for half an hour , viz. the church enjoyeth rest thirty years , all the time that constantine the great reigned , revel. 8. 1. anno mundi . 4286 anno christi . 339 yet clouds of persecution arise in the interim in the sky of the church ; and the seven angels prepare themselves to blow the seven trumpets for the space of 23 years , even all the reign of constantines three sons , revel. 8. 2 , 3. anno mundi . 4310 anno christi . 363 julian that wretched apostata bending his utmost endeavours to ruine the gospel , licenceth 17000 jews to return to jerusalem to rebuild their temple ; but god destroyeth them all by lightnings and pestilences : horrible earthquakes cast up into the air the foundations which had been buried in rubbish till then . therefore daniels compute of the temples finall ruine must but begin then ; there begin his two numbers ( chap. 12. ver. 11 , 12. ) of 1290 , and 1335 , which in all must but make 1335 years , which added to 363 , make up and point to anno christi 1698 , the joyfull jubile of the churches deliverance from all adversity . anno mundi . 4373 anno christi . 426 the first trumpet blown . fire and hail ( war and bloudshed ) cast into the troublesome sea of the roman-western-empire by valentinian , and the succeeding emperours , untill the end of the western-empire , the savage inundations of goths , huns , vandals and bulgarians into italy , revel. 8. 7. anno mundi . 4553 anno christi . 606 the second trumpet blown , boniface that mountain of fiery combustions obtaineth of phocas the popish supremacy . hence wars betwixt the emperours and popes , revel. 8. 8 , 9. anno mundi . 4613 anno christi . 666 the third trumpet blown , the romish bishop ( the great star of the western christian clergy ) falleth from the heaven of truth and godlinesse , and of a vigilant pastour becomes a ravenous robber of the church , and the gifts thereof , revel. 8. 10 , 11. anno mundi . 4946 anno christi . 999 the fourth trumpet blown , the pope fallen from piety , and his clergy from the pulpits , christ the sun of righteousness with his merits , the church the moon , and the ministers the stars thereof are eclipsed , and vilified by sylvester ii , revel. 8. 12 , 13. anno mundi . 5018 anno christi . 1071 satan loosed out of prison beginneth to rage by gregory vii against the gospel of christ , revel. 20. 4. anno mundi . 5140 anno christi . 1195 the fifth trumpet blown , the vicar of christ with his keyes openeth hel's mouth to let out his cloister-fiends and satanical locusts to overspread the earth of christendome , described by john most graphically , revel. 9. 9. to 13. anno mundi . 5245 anno christi . 1300 the sixth trumpet blown , the ottoman empire ariseth , invadeth first the eastern-empire of constantinople , and winneth it : then flieth upon the germane emperour with barbarous millions of invincible armies , revel. 9. 13. to the end . the saying , revel. 9. 15. of the turks preparation for a day , a moneth , and a year , beginneth now . which number allegorically taken maketh 398 years : which added to a. 1300 , the year of the original of the turkish empire , sheweth that a. 1698. shall be the final downfal of the same . anno mundi . 5462 anno christi . 1517 the last trumpet is blown , the thrones , principalities and dominions in heaven rejoyce , that god would now at length take his churches cause in hand , and raise up luther , and other sons of thunder to vindicate the quarrel thereof against the romish antichrist to the ruine of his kingdom , revel. 11. from ver. 15. to the end . by eating of the book , chap. 10. measuring the temple and slaying the witnesses , chap. 11. is understood the reformation by luther , and downfall of the papacy under charles the fifth . anno mundi . 5504 anno christi . 1559 the first vial poured-out , england , scotland and ireland by the reign of queen elizabeth , renounce the papacy ; which generates the ulcers of spight and malice in the romish church against england , revel. 16. 2. anno mundi . 5518 anno christi . 1572 the second vial poured out , martin chemnitius and others , pronounce the vengeance of god against the mortiferous sea of the councel of trent , revel. 18. 3. anno mundi . 5528 anno christi . 1583 the third vial poured out , the stinking waters of the papacy are infected with bloud in murthering of the popes and romanists in rome , the slaughters of the spaniards in the low-countreys , and the discomfiture of the spanish-armado in anno 1588. revel. 16. 5 , 6 , 7. anno mundi . 5540 anno christi . 1605 the fourth vial poured out , the protestant champions pareus , polanus , whitakers , perkins , andrews , king james and others , pour light upon the sunne of the gospel , in writing against bellarmine , stapleton , campian , and other papists , revel. 16. 8 , 9. anno mundi . 5565 anno christi . 1630 the fifth vial is now pouring out , the swedes in germany , an. 1632. the english in england , 1640 , combine against the papists , jesuites proscribed in poland and swethland , anno 1648. this vial shall end in the ruine of rome , anno 1666. revel. 16. 10 , 11. anno mundi . 5594 anno christi . 1659 the sixth vial beginneth to be poured out , three barbarous nations sack hydruntum in apulia , made enrodes into the eastern coasts of italy , and sack them with fire and sword . factions and massacres in rome and tuskany . the pope contemned and invaded , the western christians make an army , and fire rome in the 2419 year after romulus laid the foundation thereof , as sibylla prophesied . oracul . lib. 4. revel. 16. from ver. 12. to 17. anno mundi . 5595 anno christi . 1660 the faithfull and true warriour riding upon a white horse descendeth from heaven with his souldiers riding upon white horses , to fight against the enemies of his church . the angel in the sun calleth to all the fowles of heaven , to come to the feast of god , to eat the flesh of kings , captains , mighty men and horses . rev. 19. 11 , 17 , 18. and i saw the beast , and the kings of the earth , and the warriours gathered together , to warre against him that sate on the horse , and against his souldiers . but the beast was taken , and with him the false prophet , that worketh miracles before him , whereby he deceived them that have received the beasts mark , and them that worship his image : these two were cast alive into the lake burning with fire and brimstene , &c. ibid. 19 , 20. anno mundi . 5601 anno christi . 1666 vrbs antiqua ruit , multos dominata per annos : destruiturque armis gens scelerata suis . go out of her my people , that ye be not partakers of her sins , nor receive of her plagues forasmuch ( o rome ) as thou glorifiedst thy self , and livedst in pleasure , saying , i sit a queen , am no widdow , and shall see no sorrow : therefore shall thy plagues come upon thee in one day , death , sorrow and famine , and thou shalt be burnt with fire ; for strong is the lord god that judgeth thee . the kings of the earth shall bewail thee , and thou shalt never more be inhabited , the light of a candle shall shine no more in thee , and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more in thee . rejoyce ( o heavens ! ) for righteous are gods judgements , he hath condemned the great whore . then they sung hallelujah , and her smoak arose up for evermore rev. 18. 7 , 8 , 20. & 19. 3. anno mundi . 5614 anno christi . 1679 rome being destroyed , jews dwell amongst protestants , and begin to search into the scriptures , and learn the waies of god . anno mundi . 5618 anno christi . 1684 a great conjunction of saturn and jupiter in leo . the jews converted in the west , prepare to unite with their brethren in the east , and raise a combination to propagate the gospel and destroy the headless-turks . anno mundi . 5622 anno christi . 1687 praise our god all ye his saints and servants , and ye that fear him both small and great . and i heard the voice of a great multitude both small and great , as it were the sound of many waters , and as the voice of strong thundrings , saying , hallelujah , for the lord our god reigneth . let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to him , for the marriage of the lamb is come , and his wife hath made her self ready . rev 19. 5 , 6 , 7. anno mundi . 5633 anno christi . 1698 the dreadfull and terrible battell of the jews with the enraged turks in the land of judea , where the turks are destroyed with an eternall destruction . ezech. 38. & 39. chap. all . gog and magog , ( viz. turks and tartarians ) gather themselves together to battell , whose number is as the sand of the sea , and they went up into the plain of the earth , and incompassed the tents of the saints about , even the beloved city , but fire came down from god out of heaven , and destroyed them . revelat. 20. 8 , 9. anno mundi . 5635 anno christi . 1700 the fifth monarchy . anno mundi . 5645 anno christi . 1710 and i saw a new heaven and a new earth , for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away , and there was no more sea . the new jerusalem came down from god out of heaven , trimmed like a bride to meet her husband . and i heard a great voice out of heaven saying , behold the glory and tabernacle of god with men , and he shall dwell with them , and they shall be his people , and god himself shall be their god with them : and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes , and there shall be no more death , neither sorrow , neither crying , neither shall there be any more pain , for the first things are passed away . rev. 21. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , &c. anno mundi . 5698 anno christi . 1763 no more germany , no more any western empire or any footstep thereof ; for god hath now transplanted his gospel from europe unto a more gratefull and pregnant soyl , which will bring forth the fruits thereof in due season . anno mundi . 5699 anno christi . 1764 jam nova progenies coelo demittitur alto , exoriturque atris lucifer albus equis . anno mundi . 5702 anno christi . 1767 the holy temple restored at jerusalem : the holy utensils prepared : the glory of god filseth the house , god lovingly upbraideth the israelites for their infidelity and idolatry , for which they were vagabonds in all coasts of the world 2400 years , without king , law , priest and temple , and rehearseth their blessed and joyfull estate now being converted and victorious over all their enemies . ezech. 12. last chap. per tot . anno mundi . 5705 anno christi . 1770 behold i make all things new . rev. 21. 5. anno mundi . 5728 anno christi . 1793 the jewish magistrates and ministers labour in the conversion of the world to the gospel of god . ezech. 46. per tot . anno mundi . 5765 anno christi . 1830 the seventh viall powred out , and now are all things fulfilled which are contained in the scriptures . after which all nations may expect the comming of the great judge , to render to every man according to his works . thus farre reacheth the observations of grebner and baudensis . vi . a true explication of that number in rev. 20. 8. before i come to comment upon this chronologicall index , it will not be amisse to deliver that saying , revel. 20. 8. ( and the saints shall reign with christ a thousand years ) from all those false interpretations which have been fastned upon it , by papias , bucholcherus , scaliger , brightman , alsted and others , and declare the true sense of it , as remotest from innovation , and coming nearest the intention of the h. ghost . there is in this 20 chap. two severall epoches of a 1000 years , which are two severall waies to be interpreted . the first is in vers. 2. of satan being bound for a 1000 years ; which must begin either at the instant of our saviours incarnation , and end at an. 1000 , in the 2d year of the popedome of sylvester ii , that infamous sodomite , necromancer , and conjurer , under whom the filthinesse and idolatry of the romish church was brought to the height : or rather they must begin at the destruction of the 2d temple by titus , which was an. 71 , and end in an. 1071 , in the popedome of gregory vii , aliàs hildebrand , who first broke bonds of allegiance with henry the emperour , excommunicated him , set the gospel in a totall eclipse , and europe in the mournfull flames of a civil warre : but of this in the chronology . but this in the 8 vers. of the saints reigning with christ a 1000 years , alsted , bucholcherus and others expound of a comparative felicity of the church on this earth , for a 1000 years , beginning . an. 1694 , when they say all visible enemies of the church shall be overthrown , and must end an. ch. 2694. after which shall be the warre of gog and magog against the church , which shall be prevented by the coming of christ to judgement . but in this alsted is wide from the right mark : for this number must begin an. 1072 , at the expiration of the former , and must be interpreted for all that time that the world shall last after the aforesaid an. 1072. and the holy ghost doth term this indefinite and unlimited time by the number of a 1000 years , for three speciall reasons : 1 because a 1000 years are the number of perfection and of eternity , and doth most aptly serve to expresse the end of these earthly troubles , and the beginning of that time which never shall have end . 2 because those things which the holy ghost in the scriptures affirmeth are yet to come , must not be plenarily accomplished till after an. 1830 , it may please god that the glorious and flourishing estate of the church and gospel here upon earth , may continue much of 200 years longer , to increase the number of them who shall be saved , and to amplifie more the heavenly attributes of gods mercy , righteousnesse , truth , holinesse and omnipotency in the salvation of the just : and his equity , judgement and uprightnesse in the firebrands of destruction . 3 because a vicissitudinary time of affliction and ease , persecution and rest , pure doctrine and heresies , is signified to be the whole continuance or most part of a 1000 years , wherein those who are to suffer for the testimony of the word of god , and the truth of jesus christ , shall have their reward after the expiration of that time , which cannot be till after the last generall judgement . the fearfull and terrible warre of gog and magog ( viz. the bloudy warre of turks and tartarians with the jews newly converted in the land of jury , in which the very name of turks shall be rooted from off the earth ) must be before the beginning of this glorious estate and felicity of the church of god here upon earth , and therefore the 7 , 8 , 9 , and 10 verses , are in order of time before the 5 and the 6. the devil and antichristianity must be chained up in the dungeon of hell for the space of a 1000 years after the incarnation of christ . an. 1000 must the devil and romish idolatry by the popedome of sylvester the second , be let loose to range upon earth , and tyrannize over the church for the most part of another 1000 , ever till an. 1698 ( numorus completus being put here pro incompleto ) before an happy and comfortable estate of the gospel can be brought forth to the world . therefore all christendome from this year 1650 , must expect very sad and wofull daies , much persecution , bloodshed and savadge tyranny in every kingdom of europe ( especially in france , spain , italy , swethland , germany and england ) untill an. 1698. some of thosekingdoms which have abandoned the superstition of the beast , shall by subtle allurements be perswaded to readmit and reestablish the same . wofull and unsupportable afflictions shall besall both the european jews ( which are the two tribes of benjamin and judah , now resident in christendom and turkie ) as likewise the ten tribes , the kingdom of israel ( who shall insensibly and miraculously arise out of the bowels of tartaria and india , about an. 1669. ) who neverthelesse shall be so extraordinarily supported by god , that they shall stand in little or no need at all of the christians . because from this time of the conversion of the israelites for the space of 30 years , these 12 tribes shall suffer much trouble , heathens , papists and mahometans , shall strive to eradicate their name from under heaven , and yet all in vain ; for an illustrious and heroick prince ( è tribu nephtali oriundus ) shall be their valiant and fortunate commander , called michael , not proprio nomine , but because he dan. 12. 1. shall stand up and shew himself the assertor and protector of their religion and liberty . in which time shall be such troubles as never were , no , nor ever shall be to the end of the world . for like as the christians had rest 30. years from the ascension of christ , and now have endured the fiery triall almost these 1600. years , since that time from the heathen emperors , and the beast ; so the israelites , which shall 1600. years till anno 1668. live without prince , law , temple , sacrifice , and true religion ( as hosea prophesied ch. 3. v. 4 , 5. ) beginning now to be converted to christ , shall have savage times of affliction and butcheries for other 30. years ( to welcome their conversion withall ) till anno 1698. when god shall grant rest from their enemies , and begin a peaceable estate of the church . vii . certain remarkable nambers in scripture , whereby the epoch's of the ruine of turk , pope , and the corversion of the iews are more fully strengthned . entring at length upon my notes on the afore-said chronology , i think it meet first to strengthen the former epoch's of the ruine of rome , downfall of the turk and tartar , and the conversion of the jews by the conduct of certain memorable numbers in holy scriptures . grave and judicious authours have with wonder and admiration observed the heavenly and inimitable method of holy scrjptures , how all the mysteries and memorable occurrences in the same are comprized in numbers , how within the compasse of such a quantity of years , god alwayes divulged his counsels , and manifested what he purposed should be wrought among the children of men . so that in considering the admirable consent and agreement of times by things past , we may probably conjecture of things to come . from the creation to the floud was 1656 years : the floud was a sign of the consummation of all those things which are to be fulfilled before the conclusion of time . anno christi 1656 , let the church of god expect with joy and comfort , the acting of the first scene of the tragedies of all those european kingdoms , which have been implacable persecutours of the gospel of christ . the whole government of moses ( who was a second noah to the church ) is a shadow of the kingdom of christ . the law continued in force 1529 years to the passion of christ : but 1598 years to the destruction of the temple by titus : the destruction of the temple by titus was according to the accompt of dionyfius exiguus , a. c. 69. from thence reckon the number of 1598 years , and you come to a. 1667 ; which is the year which shall smoke with the ascending up of the flames which consume the kingdom of the beast . from the nativity of christ to his re-nativity in the preaching of his gospel by luther and other eminent ministers are 1517 years : and from the beginning of the reign of the maccabees untill the birth of christ are 169 years : put these two sums together , and you come to anno 1686 , in which god having 18 years before enlightned the eyes of those who for almost 2000 years have sit in darknesse , and in the shadow of death , and having laid the kingdom of the beast and the false prophet in the lowest dust , shall bring that people into the bosome of the true church , which within 13 years after shall deliver his children from all adversity . from the universal deluge of man-kinde by the floud to the beginning of the universal captivity of the church under nebuchadnezzar beleaguering jerusalem are numbered 1698 years : so likewise from the birth of the king of kings unto the final consummation of the miseries , and restauration of the felicity of the church by the destruction of gog and magog , shall be reckoned the very same number of 1698 years . from the confusion of the tower of babel to the return of the jews from babel , are 1666 years : and from prophane pompey's spoiling of the temple at jerusalem ( when the kingdom was taken from the house of david , and superstition and gentilism began to spring up amongst the jews ) to the birth of of antichrist and apostasie in the church of god are 666 years ; from thence reckon a 1000 years wherein the saints must suffer persecution and martyrdom for the testimony of jesus christ , and the truth of a good conscience , revel. 20. 4. and you come to a. 1666 , in which shall be fulfilled all those things which are mentioned , revel. 18 , and the 19 chapter . so likewise from the departure out of aegypt , untill the death of christ , are numbered 1542 years : to these adde those 169 years , which are from the beginning of the reign of the assomonaei or macchabees to the birth of christ , and you come to anno 1711 ; which year shall be wonderfull and terrible to all the world , because that in the year next going before ( viz. anno 1710. ) the abominable names and mention of papists , turks and tartars being eradicated from the memories of men , the glorious estate of the gospel , and the terrestial felicity of the church of god shall begin over the face of the whole earth . from the birth of moses untill the destruction of jerusalem by titus ( which typifies the end of the world ) are 1646 years : so many from the incarnation of our saviour , denoted that year , whose influence hath begun , and shall prove fatal to most of the kingdoms of europe : adde to these 20 years to come after , from that time ( which 980 years ago were prophesied of , to be those years , in which the kingdom and the dominion , and the greatness of kingdoms under the whole heaven , shall be given to the saints of the most high , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and all dominions shall serve and obey him , dan. 7. 17. ) and it will amount to the year of the fatal ●uine of the beast , anno 1666. from these few particulars of the consent and agreement of times in the holy scriptures , i infer thus much . about the year 1657 shall be great changes and alterations in government in every kingdom in europe , as well protestant as papist , attended and accompanied with such horrid combustions and massacres , as hath not been before since the memory of man . this shall make way ( as i said before ) for the protestants to unite in a general combination to send forces under the conduct of an invincible cyrus over the alps to harrow italy with fire and sword , and after level the wals of rome with the lowest dust , anno 1666. for as in the year of grace 666 , popery was brought to a full maturity in the womb by vitalian ( who ordained latin-service in the church , contrary to christs institution , and the precedent primitive times ) and as 1000 the number of perfection and eternity is seldom used in our ordinary computes , but left out for brevity sake ( as we use to say , the spanish-armado was in 588 for 1588 , and the powder-plot in 605 for 1605. ) so it is most certain and indubitable , that as the birth of antichrist was in anno 666 , so the death of it shall be anno 1666 , though the carkasse of it may lie unburied for 30 years after , yet questionlesse it shall with gog and magog be cast into the lake of gods wrath at one and the same time . this ruine of rome shall make way within ten years after to the conversion of the jews : for seeing the kingdom of antichrist ( as now it is ) is the only let to their conversion ( for all the jews that now are , live within the papacy , and are prohibited from turning christians , partly because of the idolatry they see amongst the papists in their worshipping of images ( the jews being zealots in the second commandment . ) partly because at their conversion with the papists they must renounce all their goods as ill gotten , which rigid condition a worldly people will never yield to ) therefore till the very name and power of popery be destroyed , and they admitted amongst protestant kingdoms , there can be small hope of their conversion . but now antichrist totally destroyed , they begin to see into their errours and ignorances , endeavour to learn the wayes of god , and that the saviour of the world ( whom they so long expected ) is come so many years since and suffered . this conversion of the western jews shall be compleated in that fatall and terrible year 1683. and six years after that shall they be united with their eastern-brethren the 10 tribes captivated by salmanasser , who have for 2433 years lien invisible in the bowels of the kingdoms of turks and tartarians . the christian world neither must nor ought to enquire , how this people which have lien hid and obscured so long a space , shall in so small a time as a year and an half , so visibly , so powerfully , and so magnificently arise to the terrour and conquest of the whole earth . the holy ghost declareth , ezek. 37. 8. by the dry bones , fleshed and indued with life in an instant , so that they stood upon their feet , and became a great army ; what a strange , horrid and wonderfull thing this shall be , and how terrible it shall appear to the sight of the world in that year ; which within 15 years after ( viz. anno 1698. ) shall fight that famous and fearfull pitcht-field with the united forcs of turks and tartarians , which shall prove the deliverance of the church of god from all adversity . thrice shall europe within this time strive to establish that power , which superstition and tyranny first procreated : thrice shall the children of this world raise innumerable forces to destroy the saints of the most high : thrice shall the power of godliness prevail in the hearts and arms of those , who shall make the land thrice drunk with the bloud of the enemies of christ ; and whose grand ancestours stew'd it so oft with the bloud of the prophets and apostles . preparatives to these fearfull wonders shall be those horrid and ominous eclipses preceding the year 1660 , fatall and conspicuous to europe ; signs both of god's paternal chastizements for sects and schisms in the church , and of his confuming judgements impending upon the implacable enemies thereof . in the year 1654 , august 2. shall happen a fearfull and lamentable total eclipse of the sun in the 39 degree of leo , about half an hour before high noon , where shall be seen the mighty hand of god working wonders in italy , sicily , bohemia , greece , armenia and syria , the kingdoms subject to leo . the body of the sun in this eclipse will be totally darkned for the space of two hours and 29 minutes : it will be so great , the like hath not been before , nor after shall be : greater then that eclipse of the sun which was feb. 25. 1597. commonly called the dark saturday . of this eclipse thus baudenfis m. s. fol. 105. exercit. 59. papa , dum petripatrimonium dilaturies , italicum quendam ducem possessionibus spoliabit-avitis , &c. the pope attempting to enlarge peter's patrimony by seizing upon the ancient estate of an italian duke deceased without issue , sets his own nest on fire , and rome in a combustion . this year shall a new sect of sodomitical monks arise , which being tollerated by the pope , sets that quarrel betwixt him and the duke of florence , which shall prove the downfall of both in a few years . this is affirmed likewise by grebner , ban . 75. yet in the interim ( saith baudenfis ) god shall promote the happiness of jerusalem , peace shall be within her wals , and plenteousness within her palaces . and fol. 134. exerc. 67. he saith , the years 1657 , 1658 , 1661 , 1663 , shall be formidable to austria , silesia , hungary , holland , france and portugal , because that every one of those years shall be attended with four eclipses apiece , portending the mutations of all those several states , and that the revolution of time is come , wherein they must give place to the lion of the north , whose scepter shall bruise their power to nothing , and his gauntlet lay their forces prostrate at his feet . at which time all europe shall sing this mournfull ditty ; " heu mala progenies fatis servata nefandis , " gensque nefandarum domitrix altrixque ferarum , " quid fueras , quid fisque vide : tua prima propago " bella gerit , fibolémque pctet lues atra secundam . " at leo terribilis borealibus cduus oris " fammifcram ex orco & pelagiplangentibus undis " educens aciem , pecudes urbésque virósque " sternet , & antiquis solem lunámque movebit " sedibus ; ille etiam patrie jure infima summa " reddet , & occasum sub leges mittet inermem . thus englished . alas ill race , to dismall fates reserv'd , by whom dire beasts are tamed and preserv'd , see what thou wert and art : thy first issue inclines to war , plague doth the next subdue . but lion fierce sprung from the northern shore shall bring from deepest hell and waves that rore a blasing army , he shall men o'rerun , cities and cattel , yea the moon and sun shall he remove ; and father-like the least make highest , and give laws to the weak west . yet he that returns back in reviewall of the conjunctions and fiery triplicities , may see how they have in part prognosticated the present troubles and and distractions of europe , with the common-wealths of england and scotland . anno 1603 in the first great conjunction of saturn and jupiter , in the fiery triplicity , k. james came to the crown of england , and so was fulfilled that prophecie which an holy anchoret made 890 years agoe , english men for that they wonneth them to drunkeinesse , to treakson , and rechlesenesse of got's house , firsten by dancs , thenth by nortmans , and the thrid time by scots , whom they holden lest worthen of all , they shallen be overcompn . then the world shallen be unstable , and so various and diversable , that the unstablenesse of thoughts shallen be betookeineid by many manner diversity of cloathing . this could never be fulfilled but by a scottish king swaying the english-scepter ; and therefore never came to passe till the union of the two kingdoms under the said king . as the second conjunction , anno 1623. found germany and most of the west involved in civil wars , and as the third an. 1643. found the king and subjects of england in the field one against the other ; so the fourth conjunction , an. 1663 in sagitarius shall begin those destructive combustions in italy , which shall allure the protestant armies to make a third all-conquering party in the same ; and the fifth an. 1683 in leo shall bring forth the conversion of the jews : but the sixth conjunction happening in taurus , an. 1703 , shall behold that which many glorious saints and children of god have read of , and rejoyced and desired to see , and yet could not see them . for now revel. 22. 1. shall the sea ( that is , the miserable estate of the world by wars , desolations and sicknesses ) be destroyed , and no more extant . now shall the time of tribulation , war and desolation , the time of torments , temptation , heresie and persecution be utterly abolished from the memory of men for a new heaven and a new earth , a renovated church , purified saints shall succeed in the room of those wolves , who in sheeps-cloathing devoured the flock of christ . these are the dayes , for the hope of which the stones of sion cry day by day , though little esteeming seven thousand deaths in regard of that precious assurance graven in their brests , that they shall then , and in that day behold the lord , which hath mercifully gathered them from all nations , and hath so wonderfully preserved them from the sorcery of babylon ( which hath destroyed all the earth ) that leadeth them in and out before pagans , hereticks and idolaters , before the covetous and foolish-wise of this world , so prudently and so invisibly , that they seeing are not seen , and living are not known . but from these low things let us ascend up to scripture further to prove the certainty thereof . daniels image as it gave the first , so it gave the fullest knowledge of this great mystery of the church of god , dan. 2. per tot . in which image is described in brief the estate of the world , from the very day god revealed this to damel , and he to nebuchadnezzar , to the full and final end and conclusion of time . by the golden head , silver arms , brazen belly , and iron legs , we must understand the chaldean , persian , macedouian and roman monarchies , which successively one after another , tyrannized over mankinde by cruelty , and by cruelty came to as miserable destructions in the end . the feet part of iron , and part of clay , denoted the declining estate of the roman empire ( after that indiscreet division of it under charles the great into the eastern and western ) under the present papacy , and now-vulturizing house of austria , which hitherto doth and shall continue until an. 1694. therefore the stone cut without hands ( in the 34 verse ) ( which smote the image on his feet , that were part of iron , part of clay , and so brake them to pieces , that the iron , brasse , clay , silver and gold became as chaff of the summer-flowers that the winde carried them away , and no more place was found for them ; and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain , and filled the earth ) must needs be understood of a glorious monarchy of the church of god upon earth , which by the conversion of the universal nation of the jews shall overcome all her enemies , and reign triumphantly in all nations under heaven , in universality , uniformity , integrity and innocency of life and conversation . this blessed and happy estate of christs church upon earth ( after the aforesaid battel of gog and magog described ezech. 38. and 39 chap. of which enough before ) is graphically deciphered in the nine last chapters of the same prophet , beginning at the 40 ; where under a specious and large type of restoring the old jewish temple with the sacrifices ( chap. 40. ) the measuring , ordering and disposing of it in every thing thereto belonging ( chap. 41. ) as the chambers of the priests in the temple , the holy utensils ( chap. 42. ) the glory of god filling the house ( chap. 43. ) his paternall upbraiding the israelites for their antient idolatry , and demonstrating his great and affectionate love to them for the present ( chap. 44. ) is contained ( as i said before ) a pithy discourse how powerfull and magnificent these new converted christians shall be ; how holy , learned and unanimous their ministers should be , how ardent and studious they shall be in communicating the gospel of christ to such as yet sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death ( chap. 45. ) how vigilant their princes and magistrates shall be in being keepers of the house of god , that is in incouraging the ministers , tam praemio quàm paenâ , to inftruct the people in the knowledge of the truch , that so both ministers and people may render due obedience to their common saviour , in love to god , and charity toward men . and again , the reserved portions of land for the temple , city , priests and princes all in just measures and dimensions , the waters issuing out of the temple , ever increasing in latitude and profundity , the severall divisions of the particular lots of priests , temple , levites , the city and the princes secondarily repeated in the 45 , 46 , 47 , and the last chapters , evidently declare the undoubted certainty and verity of this wonderfull mystery , that the jews shall repossesse their antient possessions and severall inheritances in the land of judea ; how devout , pious and chearfull they shall be in the worship and service of god , intimated by the frequent performing of spirituall sacrifices and oblations : how potent and spatious their church shall be , how great and infinite the priviledges , and never decreasing graces of god shall be to it , signified by the depth and latitude of the spiritual waters of life . thirdly , daniel in the end of his 11 chap. doth above all other , most plainly and specifiquely picture the two grand preparations to this spirituall monarchy of christs church in the end of the world : viz. 1 the {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} of the enemies of god , and 2. the conversion of the jews . for in the 40 , 41 , 42 , and 43 verses of the said 11 chapter , declaring first , what victories the saracens should get over the roman empire , by saying , that the king of the south should push at him ( viz. the saracens should invade the emperour ) and secondly , what lamentable havock the turk should make of the roman monarchy by conquering and subduing from them all the eastern empire of constantinople , in these words , and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwinde , with charets and horsemen and many ships , and shall enter into the countries , and shall overflow and passe thorow ; which was verified in the turks conquering all greece , scythia , moldavia , servia , asia , syria , mesopotamia and the isles of the aegean sea : and he shall enter into the pleasant land , and many countries shall be overthrown , but these shall escape out of his hands , edom and moab ; and the chief of the children of ammon , which also came to passe when selimus i. invaded egypt , slew tomumbey the sultan thereof , eradicated the very name of the mamalucks , and so got all the wealth and treasures of memphis and grand-cairo , and added also judca as a member of egypt to the turkish empire , an. 1517. his son solymon the magnificent , awed india and ethiopia , and his grandchilde selimus ii. conquered tunis and algiers in afrique , yet neither of them medled with the arabians , edomites or moabites , as thinking them a people not worth conquering . in the 44 verse , daniel saith , but tydings out of the east and west shall trouble him ; the conversion of the eastern and western jews , shall so inrage the turke , that he shall levy innumerable forces , and march forth in great fury to destroy and root them out : and he shall pitch the tabernacle of his palace between the seas in the glorious and holy mountain , shall fight a most terrible and bloudy pitcht field with them in their own land of jury , and yet shall he come to his end , his power , by god's providence , shall be overthrown , and totally eradicated by them from off the earth , and none shall help him . lastly , s. john in revel. 9. 15. setteth down in plain and evident numbers , the very beginning , increase and downfall of this hellish generation . for in saying the turkish armies shall be prepared at an hour , a day , a moneth , and a year , he analogically declareth the very time of their birth , and the year when they shall come to a finall annihilation . here a day is to be taken prophetically for a year , a moneth for 31 daies , which likewise make so many years , and a year for the daies of a bissextile julian year ( which are 366 ) making in the same manner as many propheticall years as in the former epoch's of daniel and ezekiel : so the sum's of 366 , 31 and 1 , make a compleat product of 398 years , which added to an. 1300 ( the year in which the ottoman empire first saw light in the world ) plainly demonstrates , that as the turkish empire began an. christi 1300 , so in an. 1698 shall be the fatall end and finall downfall of the same . thus it is evident , that as the downfall and captivity of the jewish nation fell in the building and birth of that city , which was afterward the fourth monarchy ; so in the buriall and ruine of the same city and monarchy shall be their conversion to the gospel of truth , and the institution of the fifth monarchy ; in which all power , and earthly magnificence must submit to the kingdom of the saints of god , and all sccpters bow to the authority of the church of christ . viii . the cōmon objection of divines against the v , monarchy and the universall kingdom of the gospel here upon earth , crawn from the badnesse of the times , answered . against these former assertions it is thus objected : that these are but the dreams of idle headedmen , considering the sad method of the world in the continuall increase of sin and wickednesse , and degeneration of all sublunary things daily more and more to worse ; and because our saviour said , at his second coming he should scarce finde faith upon earth . but to this i answer ; no time is god's time for the propogation of the gospel , and enlargement of his church , but in the deluge of sin and inundation of impiety : then is his power most manifest , when man is weakest ; his decrees most effectible , when-we think him the furthest off ; and his providence nearest execution , then , when the world is most irregular , and incapable of a reformation . when the abominations and paganismes of the old world had destroyed all true worship of god , and an 120 years of repentance did no good , then was god's time to separate the wheat from the chaffe , and by saying of noahs family to preserve a seed for the implantation of a new . so in the new world , when idolatry had overspread all , the judgement and mercy of god most appeared-in abrahams vocation , by selecting his church from the rest of mankinde , and continuing it above 2000 years in the house of heber , the true heir to grace and salvation . thus was it in the destruction of sodome and gomorrha , in the babylonish captivity , in the reformation by luther , when all the world were become apostates , god's providence shone out brightest , and was most conspicuous in propagating religion , maugre all the opposition the devil and the world could invent or devise : so shall it be in this prefixed time : though the world must degenerate more and more in civility and humanity ; christianity be eclipsed in a higher measure , and the true worshippers of god decrease above what ever yet hath been done : though protestantisme in many coasts and kingdoms shall be totally swallowed up of popery and mahumetanisme ; more lamentable warres and fearfull massacres rage through england , germany , france , spain , italy , and all european monarchies , then we have yet beheld ; and though some of these kingdoms wholly revolt to popery , others be luke-warm and at a stand , untill an. 1686 ; yet all these shall but make way for the finall eradication of the enemies of the church , and the glorious and wonderfull birth , and erection of the fifth monarchie universall , which by these pangs and sorrows of christendome shall be brought forth about the time of the totall conversion of the jews . for the season is now come , when judgement must begin ( not at the temple of antichrist ) but at the house of god ; and what bloud soever is shed upon the soyl of the church , shall be no other then fruitfull showers and warm seasons , to make the field of christmore pregnant in production of that glorious harvest of saints , which shall cover the earth . for as it shall be in the end of the world , this old , decrepit , and corrupt world must be purged and refined with the fire of the lord , before there can be placed in stead thereof a new heaven and a new earth : so in the finall conclusion of the troubles of the church , warres , apostasies , alternations and changes in kingdoms and states , the {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} of gog and magog , and all the enemies of christ , the amputation of unprofitable trees , and eradication of noxious weeds out of the garden of the church , shall facilitate and prepare the way for the ingresse of the monarchy of the gospel into the eyes of the world . far wide therefore is the surmise of those christians , how this doctrine of the universall regiment of the church upon earth is a vain glorious and fantastick dream , considering the hopes of it now are small , and like to be lesser , because charity and devotion daily decreaseth : nay rather this is the most evident sign that it speedily approacheth , because the malice of the devil with the corruption of mankinde , hourly augmenteth and strives to stifle and prevent it . if god be known to be god by bringing light out of darknesse , and manifesting his power in weaknesse ; then certainly shall these warres and schismes among christians , the barbarous invasions and conquests of turks and tartars , the encreasing idolatry of the western and eastern indians , be an axe in the hand of god , to lop off all superfluous branches from his vine , to make it overspread with nourishing fruit , the globe of the whole earth . ix . certain epigrams of petrus damiani of the ruine of turk and pope , &c. never yet before printed . and that these are no novell opinions , these following testimonies may give sufficient evidence , petrus damiani flourished anno 1060. a laborious divine , an acute philosopher , and a witty poet . gesner and other bibliothecaries say nothing of him is extant . yet i have seen in the library of trinity-colledge in cambridge certain latine epigrams of his , of the conversion of the jews , of the destruction of the world by fire in the last day , of the ruine of rome , and of the last judgement , which latine epigrams i finde translated into english stanza's in an old manuscript of l. b. intituled the dove . 1. of the burning of the world by fire . primum foedavit mundum scelerata libido , cujus quàm ad coelum flammea massa venit , diluvium immissum est , immensumque obruit orbem , vt mala tanta pijs eluerentur aquis : o dira ebrietas mundi faex prima secundi , te opposita interiment atque elementa prement . justitiam domini in cunctis sic cernimus actis , vnda lavat venerem , pocula flamma bibet . thus englished . as the first world did first by lust offend , whose burning rage to such a height did win , that god to quench the same a floud did send , o drunkennesse , the second world's first sin ! the course of vice that element must end , which is opposed to that which did begin . in every thing gods justice we may spie , as flouds drown lust , flames drunkennesse must dry . 2. of the ruine of rome . effuge , grex christi , peccati à gurgite diro , cui meretrix odio est , atque corona triplex , effuge , dum tempus datur , & fera praelia cessant ; ne ut tu delitias , sic sua damna feras . quum jam funestos agnus superaverit hostes , pingue gregique epulum militibusque dabit . se mentem metet haec meretrix , quam sevit , eandent : jam sathanae sedes , quae domina orbis erat . thus englished . fly , faithfull christians , from that sea of sin , who hate the whore , and the two-horned beast ; fly , fly , in time before their griefs begin , lest as their pleasures , so their plagues you taste . when once the lamb the victory doth win , he of fat things will make his flock a feast . who as she sowed , so shall she reap those evils , once the worlds mistresse , now a cage of devils . 3. of the conversion of the jews . postquam evangelium toto narretur in orbe , fulget & ignotis nostris genitoribus oris , quum gentes christum agnoscunt generalitèr omnes . quas deus aeternùm aetherea dignabitur aulâ , tunc amplectetur verum solynaea propago , quod priùs invidiâ tam aversabatur iniquâ : vltima evangelium , legem quae prima recepit , quos docuit primos , postremos christus habebit . thus englished . the gospel once being preacht in every place , to lands of which our fathers could not tell , and when the gentiles all are drawn to grace , which in the new jerusalem should dwell . then shall the stubborn jews the truth embrace , from which with such disdain they did rebell : who first the law , last shall the gospel have , christ whom he first did call , shall last receive . 4. of the last judgement . indictum tempus , quod totum territet orbem , per praedicta homines signa monere solet . praelia , evangelium mundo vulgatur , adorant judaei christum , cognita jam meretrix : zelus hebet , stellaeque cadunt , fera crimina regnant , aegra fides languet , daemonis ira furit : vltima jam genus omne malorum buccina clangit , supremamque diem signa tremenda notant . thus englished . that threatned time which must the world appall , is that all may amend by signs foreshown . wars rumor'd are , the gospel preach'd o're all , the jews convert , the antichrist is known . devils rage , vice reigns , zeal cools , faith fails , stars fall , all sorts of plagues hath the last trumpet blown . and by prodigious signs 't may plain appear , that of the son of man the time draws near . thus by this great divine living in the mistiest times of popery , it may plain appear , that it was a received opinion that the total destruction of rome , the conversion of the jews , and the fifth monarchy should precede the end of the world . and this is also confirmed by hieronymus savanarola ( who died a martyr at florence , a. 1498. ) whose prophesies are extant in the works of franciscus mirandula . that in the last times jews , turks and moors should be converted to christ , a man like cyrus with a numerous army of true professors should come over the alpes and destroy rome , and ruinate all the kingdoms and states of italy . that grievous wars , bloud-sheddings and massacres should arise in the world by a northern king for a happy reformation , who should carry the gospel out of europe into a vast and unknown world in the end of time . that an eastern king should blow the trumpet of god from tartaria , which should reform all the islands of the indian infidels . he likewise prophesied in particular of julio the second , of the troubles of the duke of mirandula , of luthers reformation , of the persecutions of merindol , chabriers , angrogne , the valtoline , and other places of france , all which most evidently came to passe . thirdly , a prophecie of the estate and condition of the times unto the end of the world , was found written in hebrew under the foundation of the church of s. denis in france , a. 1616. by the sexton of the place , as he digged for the erecting of a monument for the lord teligni . he gave it unto the popes nuncio ( who rewarded him with 200 dollars for his pains ) from him it was sent to the cardinall of bruges , who presented it unto the young k. lewis xiii . it was written in parchment , and wrapped in lead in the form of an heart : hebrew numericall letters were set at the side of every line , signifying in what year of our lord every accident should come to passe , and be manifested to the world . out of hebrew it was translated into latine by johannes parmarino secretary to the said cardinall . the prophesie runs thus . anno christi . 1661 obruit italiam saevo mars impius aestu . anno christi . 1665 vnica sint christo pascua , campus , oves . anno christi . 1666 totum operit mundum terror & ira dei . anno christi . 1667 pauci jehovam venerantur . anno christi . 1678 inclytus exurgit factis heros . anno christi . 1686 europatremit : asiā urget metus . anno christi . 1693 generalis terrae motus ruit . anno christi . 1699 agnoscunt omnes gentes deum . anno christi . 1700 flumina siccentur ubique . anno christi . 1710 pastor & ecclesia unica . אאא 3 alephs . text contained within heart-shaped outline the heat of war doth italy surround , let christ's pasture be one , his sheep and ground . gods wrath and terrour doth the world confound . but few that god do reverence . a prince shall rise of eminence . asia doth tremble , europe shake . now is a generall earthquake . all nations gods knowledge partake . rivers are dried every where . pastor and church only one are . by this prophecy great troubles must arise in italy within this small time , cruell wars afflicting every state thereof , which must be preparations to the eternall destruction and ruine of rome the head city thereof : rome can never be destroyed except protestants lay aside their unnecessary civill contentions , which may ( god so disposing ) come to them about anno 1665. after which great commotions are like to arise in europe , till a noble hero arise , which shall quench those evils by imploying christians in mutuall leagues against the turk . suddenly after which comes troublesome daies in asia and africk . then follows universall peace and quietnesse of nations , prophesied of by ezechiel and s. john in the revelations , which must bring forth the purity and perfection of the gospel over the whole earth . x. the true explanation of the prophecy of the cōtinuance of the turkish empire , found in m. fox's acts and monuments , pag , 746. of how large an extent the turkish empire should be , how far it should prevail against christendome , when it should be at the height , and when christians should begin to cry quits with them by victories and conquests , is long since extant in ancient prophesies . one whereof m. fox in his first volume of acts and monuments , pag. 746. antiq. edit. relates he found in the persian language in a manuscript of bartholomary georgienitz : the substance whereof in latine is this . imperator noster veniet , ethnici principes regnum capiet , rubrum quoque pomum capiet , inque suam potestatem rediget . quod si inseptimum usque annum christianorum gladius non insurrexerit , usque ad duodecimum annum eis dominabitur . domos aedificabit , vineas plantabit , hortos sepibus muniet , liberos procrebit , & post duodecimum annum christianorum gladius apparebit , & turcam quaque versum in fugam aget . our emperour shall come , he shall take the kingdom of a heathen prince , he shall also take the red apple , and subdue it to himself . but if the christians sword shall not arise by the seventh year , he shall reign over them to the twelfth year , he shall build houses , plant vineyards , hedge in orchards , and beget children , and after the twelfth year shall the christians sword appear , and put the turk to flight on every side . m. fox expounds these 12 years to be 12 turkish emperours prevailing against christians , beginning at the first emperour ottoman an. 1300. and so solyman the magnificent to be the twelfth emperour , and the last that should prevail against christians ; who began his reign an. 1519. and died an. 1567. but i think rather it must begin at mahomet the ii. winning of constantinople ( called here rubrum pomum ) an. 1452. and must end at the late emperour mahomet the iv. his death the last august , 1649. my reason is this : other emperours have prevailed against christians , since solyman the magnificent . for selimus the ii. his son wan cyprus from the venetians . armurath iii. took the fort guiermo from the hungarians , and his son mahomet iii. took agria in hungary , and had he pursued his victory , had won that whole kingdom in lesse them a year : so the late mahomet is the 12 emperour from mahomet the ii. and now after his death shall the turks prevail no more against christians . for fourty years agoe that kingdom was at a stand , and is declining to an eternall destruction . the sword of the christians shall now arise and prevail against the turks till an. 1696. when the converted jews shall gather head to overcome them in a bloudy pitcht field , and root out their name from off the earth . by this young emperours decease without issue , the ottoman line is extinct , and none left . one sultan hali ( a persian by birth ) is now steward of the ottoman house , and the crim-tartar by old composition and agreement layeth claim to the turkish empire , which at present is in combustion because of this . and though above 200000 turks are in the field , with an intent ( as is thought ) to invade germany , yet if christians could but leave off their unnecessary divisions , they might soon ruinate the turkish , empire . for since armurath iv. his death , an. 1642. ( who began to reign , an. 1623. ) all the time of this late mahomet's reign , since there hath been continuall contentions and mussacres amongst the turks , the jannizaries eluding and despising the young and weak emperour , which terrified the mufti and the bassa's sore , because they had a prophecy , that as a mahomet wan constantinople , so a mahomet should lose it again to the christians . however the matter goes for the present , the year 1698 shall be fatall both to them and to the pope in both their ruines , and the beginning of the comparative felicity of the church of god , as may be further manifested by an excellent prophecy , which the learned erasmus received from reuchlinus , and was found in the study of justus lypsius by janus douza the younger , running thus . post mille expletos à partu virginis annos , et post sexcentos rursus ab orbe datos , nonagefimus octavus mirabilis annus ingruet , is secum gaudia laeta faeret . corruet hoc anno turcarum invisa propago ; roma , tuum in libris fabula nomen erit . omnia tunc mundi sursum ibunt atque retrorsum imperia , ut populos sceptra novella premant : vtque suum cunctas verbum diffundat in oras . christus , & imperitet nomine ubique suo . thus englished . six thousand years from virgins birth expir'd , six hundred after that acquir'd , the famous ninety eighth year shall come on , full of great contentation . this year the turkish hatefull race shall rue , rome shall a fable be , not true . then shall be tost all kingdoms of the world , and into a new kingdom hurl'd : that into all coasts christ his word may spred , and be alone the peoples head . xi . a true exposition of 2 esdr. 11. ch. the two books of esdras are thought ( and that by none of the least learned , as augustine , hierome , ambrose , tostatus , scaliger the elder , melancthon , arrias montanus , bucer , and bibliander ) to be canonicall , because of the most evident fulfilling of many predictions in them contained . in the 11 chap. of the second of those books , there is under the type of an eagle , a manifest prophecie both of the roman heathenish empire , as likewise of the papacy with her chief leagurers to this present time throughout the whole chapter . this eagle is that roman heathenish empire ; her twelve feathered wings are the twelve first emperours from julius cesar to nerva coccejus . the three heads are the three kingdoms of france , spain and germany , preordained of god to uphold and maintain the power of her pride , when all her wings ( her heathenish and tyrannicall cesars ) should fail her . neverthelesse , under her 12 first cesars are comprehended in generall all the emperours which reigned in her from julius cesar ( who first crackt the strings of her liberty ) to augustulus momyllus ( her last roman cesar ) for the space of 474 years . her 8 contrary feathers are the 8 terrible inundations of severall nations from the north ( god's scourges ) which over-whelmed her fairest provinccs , sunk her state in bloud , and by fire and sword humbled her as low as the dust she trod on ; viz. 1 alaricus and his west-gothes , 2 attilas and his hunnes , 3 gensericus and his vandals , 4 odoacer , 5 theodoricus and his east-goths , 6 totilas and his spaniards , 7 alboinus and his longobards ( who deposed her diminitive cesar augustulus momyllus ) 8 and lastly , the intestine homebred faction and conspiracy , which proved more pernitious then the rest ( as all included diseases are the worst ) which in the reigns of otho the great , otho iii , and frederique ii , so often strove to eradicate the papall superiority , and reedifie her s. p. q. r. buried so many ages ago out of the ruines of the city . the head in the midst is the germane empire , begun an. 801 on christmas day , by charles the great , which though vers. 32. it long did and yet doth put the earth in great fear , yet vers. 33. must vanish in an instant , as did the wings , and come to nought . the germane empire thus destroied , vers. 35. the head on the right side ( the kingdom of spain ) must devour the head on the left side , which is the kingdom of france . therefore it is manifest , that the kingdom of france , though now it flourisheth in what glory and magnificence earth can afford , must ere long be humbled by the power of spain , with many discomfitures , and brought to dolefull streights and great perplexities . i my self have observed one remarkable adjunct of that kingdome in particular , how that year ( in which the figures of the golden number were equall to the figures of the year of christ ) hath ever proved fatall to that monarchy for warre , bloudshed , pestilence and famine . it was so with them from an. 1570 to an. 1576. in all which seven years , the guisian faction made lamentable havock of the church of god and the kingdom ; so shall it be in that year in which the finall tragedy of that kingdom shall be acted , six years after which france shall be no more . but when that shall be , no sign of europe shall remain , nor remembrance where the wals of rome stood . the lion ( which vers . 37. and chap. 12. v. 31. came roaring out of the wood speaking to the eagle , and rebuking her for her wickednesse ) is the wind which the most high god hath kept for rome and her wickednesse till the end , even the lion of the north ( of which you shall hear anon a prophesie of the true merlin ) which shall reprove the roman empire , and cast before her her spoils ; he shall set her alive in judgement , rebuke and correct her , and deliver the residue of gods people by affliction which are preserved upon his borders and make them joyfull untill the day of judgement . in the 13 chapter , esdras beholds a vision of a man rising out of the sea , and devouring the multitudes of fighters that came against him , neither with sword , spear nor any instrument of warre , but only with the fire and storm that came out of his mouth ; which is christ the son of man , who through a sea of bloudy persecutions and tribulations propagated his gospel over the earth , confounding and devouring the multitudinous pagans and idolaters fighting against christians , by the invincible force of the gospel . after a long time of the obstinate wilfulnesse and fulnesse of the gentiles , he shall call to himself another peaceable multitude , vers. 12 , 40. even the whole nation of the jews , out of armenia , tartaria , and the eastern india , whom god shall defend and convert to the gospel , when he shall destroy all other nations upon earth . these are called the peaceable people , because after the conversion of the jews , shall come that ministeriall monarchy of the church over the whole world ; that peaceable and still time , when all kingdoms under heaven shall forget fighting one against another , warres shall cease in all the world , and swords and spears shall be beaten into plowshares and pruning hooks . when the seventh angel blew the trumpet , luther began his reformation , then it is , when the multitude stood before the lamb , and sung the new song of moses ; and then neverthelesse is but the vail only of the tabernacle opened in heaven , and a great cloud and smoak covered that glory . but it must be 180 years after , when the kingdomes of this world become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ , and those be destroyed that destroyed the earth . for then and not till then shall the temple of god be fully opened in heaven , and the ark of his testament ( the very same modell , which god shewed to moses in the mount ) shall be seen in jerusalem , not in a tabernacle , but in that temple , which the power of god shall make . then shall lastly , the four beasts , the elders , with all the angels of heaven , and all the creatures of heaven and earth , and of the sea and under the earth fall down before the throne , and give glory , honour , blessing and praise unto him that sitteth on the throne , and to the lamb for ever , and the four beasts shall say , amen . xii . evidences out of scripture that the ten tribes shall be brought out of tartaria & india , and converted to the gospel , as well as our western iews . i have heard many jews discoursing of this their glorious restauration and religion to come . they say , they never possessed ( no not in the time of david and solomon , when their kingdom was largest ) an half of that which god promised in deuteronomy and joshua . indeed it is said in joshua , no good thing failed of what god promised , but this is to be understood of their peaceable settlement in what joshua then conquer'd , not of the utmost bounders of what they were to possesse towards the end of time . from euphrates to the red sea , all the coasts on the west to the great mediterranean sea , with tyrus and sydon , on the north hemath and celosyria , even in length from lebanon to egypt , was to be the confines of this sacred commonwealth . now if we consider , what a moity of this was possessed by lot , ammon , esau , the kings of tyrus and sidon , the philistines with syria , we may plainly see , that more then an half was never their own , of what god promised . in confidence of possessing which , and all the world beside in time to come , in their great hosanna they shake palmes in their hands , in triumph towards the four coasts of heaven , to intimate that in their universall empire every tree of the wood shall clap hands , and sing for joy . it is strange , and makes me give more credit to esdras then otherwise i would , to see how pat he goes with our saviour christ , in affirming the second captivity of the jews to be long , and that their return should be about the ruine of the roman empire . he relates how the ten tribes ( soon after their captivity by salmanasser ) travelled through a great river or strait ( perhaps the streits of anian ) in a long journey of many moneths or years to a country not inhabited . yea many good authors , who write of the histories of america , relate how the maxicans have a tradition ( delivered from father to son , time out of minde ) of a great multitude coming a great journey into those parts with an ark carried before them on mens shoulders , with their god inclosed therein . these people certainly were jews , from whom they learned circumcision ( which our travellers finde in most of their coasts ) with other rites of tribes , heads of tribes and families , with some handsome ceremonies of marriages , funerals and washings , directly the same with the jews or israelites . but to prove , that the israelites were first placed in media and carmania , and from thence removed into india , let us return a little back , and survey scriptures and some approved authors . when salmanasser king of assyria carried the ten tribes into captivity ( in the fifth year of the reign of hezekiah king of judah ) he was a prince of spacious dominions and invincible forces , as comprizing within his empire all media and persia , mesepotamia , assyria , all arabia and ethiopia inferiour to the confines of egypt , all syria and palestine ( save only the poor exhausted kingdom of judah ) and lastly armenia with all the coasts bordering upon the caspian and euxine sea , as farre as tartaria . by this it will be hard to define in which province of his empire he placed them , out of his dominions we may well think he would not abandon them . in the 2 king. 17. 6. it is said that he placed them in hala and habor by the river of gozan , and in the cities of the medes . which hala ( or rather chala ) and habor by affinity of pronuntiation , can be no other then colchies and iberia , two provinces of armenia , the first bordering upon the euxine , the latter upon the caspian sea and the confines of the tartars . east of armenia lies media , in the cities of which , a great part of the israelites were likewise placed to inhabit . north of armenia is the entrance into those immense and indiscoverable nations of muscovites and tartars , the utmost limits of whose kingdoms were never yet fully known . the chief river of which countries arising farre beyond the hyperborian territories , after a wearisome travel through many nations and provinces , disburthens it self at last into the caspian sea , at the very entrance into armenia , where it is called zolga ( though our mariners call it wolga ) which is nothing else but a metathesis or a bad pronunciation of the word gozan . so that that saying of ben-gorion is true ( if that manuscript be his which gallo-belgicus fathers upon him , yet visible in bibliothecâ florentinâ ) salbumadzar ( saith he ) rex assyrius , exciso samariae regno , decem illas tribus , quae à divino cultu tandiu ante desciverant ad idololatriam , abductas in captivitatem conlocavit in fasso , alvati , loride , & bascapante civitatibus colchidos & iberiae armenicarum provinciarum , & in ecbatana & bocchu urbibus mediae juxta pontum euxinum , & mare caspium . thus by the testimony of this great rabbi it is manifest that the opinion of those men is fond who think the ten tribes to be utterly lost ; thus likewise is it plain that the jews conversion must first arise out of the east , and that fassum , alvatis , loris , and bascapan cities of colchis and iberia , and ecbatana and bocchu cities of media were the places , where salmanasser ( called here salbumadzar ) placed these israelites in name , but pagans in nature . and john lunclay in this pandects of the turkish history , fol. 769. writes , how there are certain hoords ( troops or families ) of people near the more northern parts of tartaria , which retain the names of dan , zebulun and nepthali , and in the vicinity of rega there is a certain barbarous nation of letti , which for three moneths in the year perpetually wander up and down the fields , having these words jure-shele-mashalom continually in their mouth , as a kinde of lamentable tune or mournfull ditty : by which words authours credibly suppose are meant jerusalem and damascus the two head cities of judah and israel . he that diligenrly reades the history of these x. tribes in scripture , after their revolt from the house of david , and combination with jeroboam in erecting idolatry , may see that they were a nation quickly overgrown with heathenism , cruelty , and barbarousnesse , wholly become abominable pagans in nature , manners , life , condition and conversations ; as if they had had numa pomphilius to their father , and not abraham the faithfull : they only kept circumcision and the names of their progenitors in remembrance , but had quite forgotten the stories of their religion and piety , thence it came to passe that in this their captivity , being transported and implanted among those nations , they quickly conjoyned and counited with them in marriage and affinity ( being already long before coupled with them in idolatry ) and so ceased to be called israelites , but being now all one people , were called by the names of armenians and medes . that these israeltes likewise inhabited part of tartaria , and from thence spread into india and the east , and that they likewise possessed a part of the caucasian mountains mingled with a people , which herodotus calls {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} ( a word not unakin to turks ) is manifest by these undeniable reasons . 1. because the colchians , iberians , and a great part of tartaria used circumcision in most ancient times , long before the building of rome , which they could not have received from any people else but from these israelites , who 30. years before the foundation of rome were sent to inhabit among them . 2. the crim-tartars derive their progeny from sampson ( hence so many of them have been called camson , an obscure notion of sampson ) and in imitation of him wear long hair ; which could not have been , except they had had their originall from those people from whom they had the memory of sampson . 3. the names likewise of moses , aharon , cham , selim , or solyman ( a vitious pronunciation of shlemo or solomon ) were proper names of men amongst the turks long before ever they broke into asia . now what times the turks first broke into asia , chronologers agree not among themselves : some say they broke through the caspian streits into armenia major ( now turcomannia ) an. 844. but i rather suppose their first irruption into asia was 20. years after the death of alexander the great , about an. m. 3718. when the parthians shook off the macedonian yoke , and began their empire : for in those times we reade in mela , pliny and herodotus , that a barbarous and savage people from the north had invaded and possessed carmania , which could be no other then this nation of the turks . thus it is plainly manifest , that when these israelites passed into america , they left a great part of their brethren behinde them in asia , tartaria , and india . millions of them are in persia , and their domineering at this present day in carmania , is rightly observed by benjamin the jew in eyre , by mercator , ortelius , and other geographers . xiii . other excellent proofs of the future conversion and monarchy of the iews . i. from abraham . abraham was told in genesis , his seed must thrice be like dust , and then afterward like stars ( stars not for multitude , but for piety and glory ) once in aegypt ; se●●ndly in babel ; thirdly throughout the world in the roman empire , and afterward in the beginning of the fifth monarchy must enlighten the whole world with the glory of god . and the jews themselves have an ancient tradition , that they must have two messiahs ; the first should come about what time the government was taken from judah ; he should lay the foundation of their redemption , afterwards be betrayed , crucified , and die by their own hands , and leave them in a dolefull plight in the jaws of destruction by the gentiles : him they called ben-joseph or ben-ephraim , alluding to sorrowful joseph , who endured so much hardship , being sold by his brethren into aegypt , and estranged from his fathers house ; and to the unfortunate attempt of the tribe of ephraim ( soon after that barbarous edict of murthering male infants came forth ) to deliver themselves and the israelites by force of arms from pharaoh some 12 years before the birth of moses ; when pharaoh levying an huge army , made fearful slaughters of them , forcing them to return to their old obedience , of which you may reade in psal. 78. 9. in this doleful misery they should remain so long till their second messiah came and delivered them from the hands of all their enemies , restored them to their native land of judea , and reigned over them in equal fame and prosperity with david their father . him therefore they call ben-david . ii. from isaac . secondly , isaac was moe wayes then in his immolation a figure of christ . he had two sons esau and jacob , of whom it is said , the elder shall serve the younger . edom ( which jews interpret to be the roman christian church , the first-born to christ from isaac ) must come to serve the younger , the jewish converted church in the end of time , when it is once come up . iii. from jacob . thirdly , jacob a type of christ in his descent to aegypt had two wives , leah a type of the visible church of carnal jews using and leaning upon ceremonious shadows in stead of the true sacrifice from moses to the end of the second temple : as likewise of the church of the gentiles , which from the ascension of christ was to continue in vicissitudinary fortune to it's end , full 1668 years . thus leah was blear-ey'd , but fruitfull in her posterity , yet not so acceptable and lovely in the eyes of her husband as rachel ( a type of the glorious jewish church in the end of monarchies ) who was to be many dayes barren , even from the end of the second temple , till anno 1683 , then brings forth joseph , leaves her fathers idolatrous house , within a few years after travels again , and brings forth the staff of jacobs old age with the losse of her own life . iv. from the new testament , act. 1. fourthly , that the jews were to have a temporal monarchy in the end of the roman empire , is evident likewise out of the new testament . in the first of acts our saviour christs disciples shewed how greatly the jews expected for this time , when their messiah should deliver them from the yoke of the romans , and restore them to their temporal kingdom in judea ; as likewise how near they thought the season and period to be in our saviours time , when they came to him , saying , lord , wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to israel ? our saviour in his answer doth not deny but that such a time was to be , when the jews should be restored to their temporal kingdom in their own land ( which should exceed davids and solomons in magnificence , and should extend over the whole world ) but only blames and checks his apostles for enquiring of that which neither was needful for them to know , neither should be in their dayes ; as likewise for being too inquisitive in the times and seasons when it should be , and was to begin , which ( said he ) the father hath put in his own power . and whoso reads hos. 3. 4 , 5. the four last chapters of zechary , mich. 7. 15 , 16 , 17. esa. 2. 2 , 3 , 4. and chapter 27. 12 , 13. with jer. 24. 6 , 7. with divers other passages in scripture , may plainly see that neither solomons house nor the maccabees ever obtained their full propriety , nor were those prophecies of their universall soveraignty ever fulfilled in the old testament . v from moses song , deut. 32. fifthly , the song of moses in the 32. of deuteronomy , is clear , that many and great afflictions shall befall them in the latter daies , even all the time of their first messiah , and the roman empire . no jew in the world ever expounded otherwise from the 36. verse to the 43. of that song . and to this place they referre their afflictions which they have , and shall suffer all the time of the roman empire till their restauration . there is but few of them now , but will confesse that their messiah ben-joseph , is come already , but their ben-david is yet hid in the depth of the sea , and will arise from thence about the finall end of the destruction of the gentiles . vi from the history and life of ioseph sixthly , the life of joseph in genesis hath in it more then history . at 17. years of age he was sold by his brethren , and stood before pharaoh to expound him his dreams at thirty . so he lived above 12. years in misery and irons . and for those 12. years god rewarded him with 80. years of government in and over all the land of aegypt . his brethren came and bowed to him according to his dream of the sheaves ; his father also was inferiour and subjected to him as he was viceroy in the government of aegypt : and was nourished and maintained by him according to his second dream of the sun , moon , and the eleven stars crouching and making obeisance . though his brethren pitied him not in the anguish of his soul , yet he forgiveth and preserveth them in aegypt , and at their deliverance thence marcheth triumphantly before them to canaan in his coffin . but yet neverthelesse jacob was to stay in canaan , and joseph was to be unknown to his brethren till aegypt be destroied by famine , and yeeld it self to joseph . and the bones of joseph too must stay in aegypt till 600000 men besides women and children be delivered them by the hands of moses and aaron . no departure from aegypt , no passage through the red-sea without the bones of joseph . edom in the dayes of moses , and babylon in daniels time suffered the severest punishments god could inflict upon a people , and all for afflicting eber. and here is a mystery not so observed as observable in scripture . as aegypt was broken before the first tabernacle was set up by moses : as edom was harrowed by david before the first temple was erected by solomon : and thirdly , as babel was brought to nothing by cyrus before the second temple was built by zorubbabel and jehoshuah : so shall both edom and babel , turk , pope , and all monarchies in the earth be brought to dust , before the third temple be built by the converted jews in their native land of judea and jerusalem . jerusalem now inhabited by turks and hereticall christians shall at that time be purged from filth , and be the only receptacle of the children of god . but when that time shall be , i have abundantly shewn in the sections before . and in that season shall benjamin be sent down from his good father in the power of his right arm , and joseph ( even ben-joseph ) shall make himself known to his brethren , who did hate him , shoot at him , cast him into the pit , and delivered him to the gentiles . which excellent parallels of joseph and christ are fully explained in the massorch , zoar , and in rabbi-asse , besides ezechiel and s. john in the revelations . notwithstanding in citing these jewish traditions , i would not be mistaken , as if i maintained a second descention of our saviour christ from heaven , as the millenaries do ; or that the jews must have him come personally down from heaven to destroy the whole world , and restore them to their land of judea , i mean no such thing . god hath other means to bring his purposes to passe then , by sending his sonne christ to sojourn the second time upon earth . a second moses , yet a king , must work all this for them : yet not a moses of their own bloud , but a captain from the north ; who shall work the works of god in righteousnesse , and make peace like a mighty stream overflow the whole earth . xiv . what uses protestants ought to make of this blessing of the conversion of the iews . the consideration of these future great blessings of god towards this nation of the jews , and in them to all the world in the advancement of the gospel ; as likewise the laying to heart the grievous calamities which have so long tossed the kingdomes and free-states of europe , should move all men with repentance to prepare themselves to meet those great and fearfull mutations which god is bringing upon all the european coasts of the world . historians have made their four monarchies according to the rise or fall of severall particular nations . 1. assyrians . 2. persians . 3. grecians . and 4. romans : but this is a lame division , and comes far short of that transcendent metamorphosis of humane affairs , which ( by comparing of histories , observation of new starres and comets of late , with the consideration of the manners and conditions of the sonnes of men ) we may easily perceive must within these few years be brought upon the world . the learned mathematicians and philosophers ( who have more throughly searched into the secrets of astrology ) rightlier place their four monarchies according to the four coasts of heaven . 1. the eastern monarchy of the assyrians . 2. the two southern monarchies of the persians and grecians , bounded within the circumference of 3600 miles , or 11 degrees of latitude . 3. the western monarchy of the romans . 4. and lastly , the northern monarchy ( but in right accompt the fifth ) must be of the northern lion , which to the amazement of christendome , shall arise from the northern sea , and pitch his tents in the ashes of the eastern and western monarchies . but now having made mention so oft of this v. monarchy in this pamphlet , i think it meet to produce two or three reasons of the truth and certainty of it , deduced out of the holy scriptures and humane authority . reasons of the v. monarchy . i first , the jews have a tenet among them , that their messias must not come in the flesh till the destruction of the fourth monarchy in daniel , which is the roman : and so will not beleeve christians professing him to ●e come already : but say , this coming is deferred till the roman empire be totally abolished ; which because it is not nor must be yet , they will not beleeve he hath appeared . but the jews are deceived in this , for dan. 2. 44. and 7. 9 , 22. the incarnation of our saviour christ was promised to be in the very nick of the constitution and establishment of the roman empire , and not after the ruine of it ( which was performed accordingly ) else should there have been six monarchies before the end of the world . for the dispersion and rejection of the jews , the revelation of antichrist with the fulnesse of the gentiles , was prophesied to be accomplished in the fourth monarchy , all which we see are punctually fulfilled . none of which should yet have come to passe , if our saviour christ was not to be incarnate before the end of the roman empire . therefore as the rejection of the jews with these other signs and things was to be in the fourth monarchy ; so their conversion and remission into the church , and the glorious estate of the gospel upon earth must be in another fifth monarchy , which is yet to come . reasons of the v. monarchy . ii secondly , so many empires as are comprized in nebuchadnezzars image ( dan. 2. ) must come to passe before the end of the world : but five monarchies are comprehended in that image , ergò . the major is manifest , the minor is thus proved : nebuchadnezzar himself was the golden head of this image , as he was in another respect the feet of the old decrepit assyrian monarchy , which by his chaldean empire and the ruine thereof ( which was approaching ) should totally be annihilated . the armes and brests of silver are the empire of the medes and persians . the belly of brasse is the empire of the grecians by alexander the great . lastly , the iron leggs and the clay toes depictured the roman empire , with the present declining house of austria , and the breathlesse papacy . therefore the stone cut without hands which brake this image in pieces , and became a mountain and filled the earth , must be understood ( as i touched before ) of a fifth monarchy yet to come , in which , by the conversion of the jews and fulnesse of the gentiles the gospel shall shine in majesty over all kingdoms upon earth . reasons of the v. monarchy . iii thirdly , if the rejection and dispersion of the jews were to be in the fourth monarchy , as is apparent by gen. 49. 10. and numb. 24. 24. then was their conversion not to be till the beginning of the fifth , and towards the end of the world , as is manifest by the apostle , rom. 11. 25. but the first is true and therefore the latter also . reasons of the v. monarchy . iv fourthly , the conversion and restauration of the jews to their antient inheritances in the holy land ( which ezekiel hath so largely described in his twelve last chapters ) and the glorious felicity of the gospel of christ proceeding from their conversion , must either be in the fourth monarchy , or not untill the fifth . but in the fourth monarchy it cannot be , for among the turks the jews are kept in extream slavery , idolatry and ignorance : and under the papacy they are not permitted to use the new testament ( by which only they must be saved ) and besides they are so inraged against christianity , by the papists image-worship , that there is a flat impossibility ( much lesse any hopes ) of their conversion , so long as either the turkish empire or the papacy stands in force . ergò their conversion and restauration cannot be , till both turk and pope eternally be destroyed , and so the fourth monarchy finally ended . thus having delivered the reasons of a fifth monarchy , i come to describe the lion of the north , as i finde it in an antient prophecie of the true merlin , and by grebner . first of merlin . many scholars have often disputed what merlin should be , who he was , what time he lived in , whether those prophecies be true , and his , which go under his name , or not : how he came by them , and lastly , what reckoning is to be made of them . of every of which somewhat . it hath fared with merlin , as with tostatus in spain , and many learned in our times ; who for the eminency of their learning , and approbation of their writings , became so famous , that pedlar authors father'd bastar'd ware upon them in every corner for easier vent . merlins there were severall of old ; one a welsh-man in the daies of edgar the monarch , of an austere living and monkish conversation . he lived for the most part in the isle of anglesey , where he had familiarity and acquaintance with the bards and druides then not wholly extinct , who had incomparable skill in divination by birds , and other kinde of magique . he was an excellent astrologer and a great chymist : so that many think those prophecies , that are like his , to be deducted from no more then naturall reason . all those prophecies which i have seen of his ( some of which i have ) i cannot see how they smell any whit of a prophetique spirit ; they speak him a great scholar in astrology , but no prophet . but there was living in k. lucius daies another merlin ( called the first ) a scottish man , and he is the true merlin , and if any prophecies could be found of his , great credit was to be given to them . he was a great friend of k. lucius himself , and his daily companion . of his there is but one prophecie extant , which i found in that antient chronicle of nennius of bangor of the saxons ( who yet lives in manuscript ) k. lucius being as yet unconverted from paganisme to christianity , would needs joyn in confederacy with santoline a king of the scutti ( now scots ) to raise warre against the roman emperour ; to which purpose he asked councel of merlin what he should do in this matter ; who earnestly dehorted him from his purpose ; and in the end prevailed . merlin prophesied to him , that within lesse then a sesquidecumane period of time , the eagles head should be cloven in two ; one part whereof agar should burn with fire , and japhet the other after the grand revolution of daies . mark ( o king ) saith he , and consider , samothea shall be quickly overflown with a vagabond army of an unknown originall , spued out of a land toward the east , which a floud from the north shall quickly possesse . i know thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart ; thou seekest friendship from a people , whose weaknesse shall be thy glory , and their greatnesse thy ruine . a squadron of fishers are risen up from the east , which shall ascend unarmed upon the world without spear and shield , to whom all nations shall in time obey . they shall destroy the temples of thy gods ( o lucius ) and convert them to the service of their eternall king , who only can rescue from the grave , and deliver from the snares of death . behold i see a great sun arise insensibly upon us brittanes ! but ( woe is me ! ) what black seas of darknesse , and rivers of bloud pursue after it ? hast thou not heard of the valiant angles , of barbarous neustria , of yonder terrible picts thy perfidious enemies ? these shall overflow thy land , and possess the cities thereof , till the old age of empires , and government shall flow upon the world . ill is autem temporibus revolutis , cauda virginis leonem intrabit , & sagittarii dorsum scorpius ascendet . borealia regna à mossoribus obterentur , australes principatus in statum pulvereum desinent , & insulanarum monarchiarum potestates sine fraeno aut milite ephippiabuntur ; bella atrocia vent is dissipabuntur , & pessum ibunt judiciali grandine , quae per baculum ortum habuerunt , per spurios juventutem . sol ipse tympanizabit miniato clamyde indutus , & luna cineritiis cothurnis ad nundinas tolutabit . rides , o rex ? at quibus haec supervenient , luctu & maerore contabescent . haec omnia vix plenè peragentur , quùm princeps regali origine coronatus ex borealibus plagis proveniet , suis inexpectatus , alienigenis desideratus ; qui eò quòd leone ferociente infignietur , leo nuncupabitur , non conquiescet , donec synodo per eum convocatâ minisque dissolutâ , victricia arma in hostes transferat , & lamentabili successu vicinorum principum ditiones pessundet . alexandrum magnum virtute , cyrum felicitate superabit : freta transnavigabit ; à multis regibus imperator salutabitur ; & urbem quandam vetustam solo aequabit . intereà ex oriente princeps bellipotens illum praelio lacesset , contr à quem leo cum omnibus copiis procedet , & cis euphratem positis castris illum expectabit . si princeps flumen transibit , leo superabitur ; at ipse exercitu fluvium transducto hostem cruento conflictu superabit , & universum orientem in potestatem rediget . dum haec agentur , complures reguli ex india in suriam cum ingentibus irrumpent excercitibus , & circà vallem jehosaphat praeliabundi leonem opperibunt , ubi ab ipso ad internecionem omnes delebuntur . nec multò post , leo ipse fatis concedet , postquàm regnum transfugarum mirand à pietate in perpetuum fundavit . those times being past , the tail of the virgin shall enter the lion , and scorpio shall ascend the back of sagittary : the northern kingdoms shall be wasted by reapers , the southern principalities shall end in dust , and the powers of the iland-monarchies without either bridle or souldier shall be harnessed . cruell warres shall be scattered by the windes , and quell'd by a revengefull hail , whose beginning were by a staff , their growth and continuance by bastards . the sun it self shall play on the timbrell clad with a vermilion coat , and the moon with dunne buskins shall amble to the fair . laugh'st thou , o king ? but those on whom these things shall come , for grief and sorrow shall pine away . all these things shall scarce be accomplisht , when a prince of royall stock shall come forth crowned from the northern parts , as to his own people unexpected , but desired by forreigners , who because he shall bear a rampant lion , shall therefore be called a lion . he shall not rest , till having called a synod and after dissolved it by threats , he shall advance his conquering arms against his enemies , and by wofull successe shall harrase the territories of neighbour princes . he shall exceed alexander the great in vertue , and cyrus in successe . he shall passe the seas and be saluted emperour by many kings : a certain antient city shall he lay even with the ground . in the mean while a powerfull prince out of the east shall provoke him to battel , against whom the lion shall march with all his forces , and pitching his camp on this side euphrates , shall expect him . if the prince shall come over the river , the lion shall be overcome : but he shall passe his army over the river , and give his enemy a bloudy defeat , and be master of all the east . while these things are in action , divers petty kings from india shall break into syria with mighty armies , and provided for battel shall wait for the lion about the valley of jehoshaphat , where they shall by him be all wholly cut off . not long after shall the lion himself decease , after that with eminent piety he shall have established the kingdome of fugitives . this is all that is extant of this former merlin , whose glorious works and inestimable prophecies are utterly lost to the great detriment of learning . not much unlike this , is that of grebner , ban . 73. europae labes & imbecillitas singulorum ejusdem regnorum sedem mirabilitèr struet qvintae monarchiae , quae sub tempus exitii imperii romani ad terrorem totius mundi ex ruinis germaniae refulgebit . haec triennii spatio caetera europae regna aut vi perdomitabit , aut belli metu ad societatem perpellet : quò universalem ligam & unionem omnium protestantium efficiet sub specie bellum poloniae inferendi , re autem verâ imperium austriacum italiamque invadendi . nec eum spes fesellerit . nam circà hoc tempus secta quaedam manachorum adeò abominabilis , obscaena , & seditiosa in papatûs sinu orietur ; ut compellet tam protetestantes quàm italiae principes extremum romae exitium moliri . the corruption of europe , and the weaknesse of her several kingdoms shall strangely make way for the fifth monarchy , which about the time of the fall of the roman empire to the terrour of the whole world shall appear out of the ruines of germany . she within three years shall either subdue by force the rest of the kingdoms of asia , or for fear of war shall bring them to a league , whereby she shall conclude an universal confederacy , under colour of making warre against polonia , but in deed to invade the austrian empire and italy . neither shall her hope fail her : for about this time a certain sect of monks shall arise in the bosome of the papacy , so abominable , obscene and seditious ; that it shall urge both the protestants and princes of italy to endeavour the utter subversion of rome . thus having shewed the seat and certainty of this v. monarchie ; i come to declare what people or kingdom in europe shall obtain and rule it , and whose it shall soly be . of the european christians two several kingdoms long since , and of late have mainly striven for the fifth monarchy . first , the kingdom of spain hath alwayes for a matter of 170 years ago by incorporating it self with the house of austria , and the most potent families of germany and italy by strange marriages and odde medlies laboured extremely to bring all europe under her wings , that so she might become the glorious sun of the west . on the other side , the swede of late by keeping an high hand over the king of poland , and fixing his glorious trophies of conquest in all corners of germany ; hath brought the emperour to so low an ebb , and hath of late become so terrible to the pope and spaniard : and lastly can in an instant enleague himself with all protestant kingdoms and states , either for fear or favour upon any necessary occasion , that many account him the man that both goeth the directest way , and whom heaven hath ordained to sway the imperial scepter within the limits of the church . but neither of these are they who are ordained to the empire of the fifth monarchy . not the spaniard , because he is for his inhumane cruelty so generally hated of christians , all men avoiding him and flying from him , as the serpent from the ash : his indian plantations both thrive not , and likewise for their barbarousnesse are so detested of the savages worse than vipers , and upon opportunities are accordingly massacred . yea , those places of italy which are under his protection , as florence , genoa , millain and other cities afford him as much affection , as the spider doth the serpent . thus is he the universal odium of all the world , thrives in no place , and like oyl over-swiming all other liquids , and can hardly incorporate with any ; so seldom is he conjoyned but in natural antipathy with all nations . adde hereunto the austerity and unpleasantnesse of his government , chusing rather to domineer over subdued countries by rapine and cruelty , than to govern them by love and piety . and lastly , his governours in every province aim at their own ends , pilling and squeezing the subjects , so that his name and government is every where abominated , no province continuing loyal any longer then they can get arms and stoutly rebel . the injustice of which hath caused portugal to be rent from him , which while the world standeth shall never be his again . and moreover the oracle tels him , that naples , navar , his reconciled provinces in belgia , with his indian plantations ( the best jewels he hath ) shall be pluckt within 30 years to come from his ambitious crown , never to be recovered again . secondly , the swede cannot be paramount in this monarchy , because of the various sects and schisms he is pestered with , so inveterate and so predominant , that no reformation can purge him of them . the male line of that royal pedegree is extinct , and only a weak young princess surviving ; the whole kingdom shared and governed by factious nobles and covetous generals , and while every one sucks from the veins of the body politique to cram his own , it will be soon evacuated , both of life and nourishment . besides , it hath been since prophesied to sweden , that he shall not be so much as a tributary kingdom to this great soveraignty , but shall be the first , that shall be made a slave to that famous northern lion , who shall wear the crown of that transcendent monarchy . as for france , denmark , england , and the free cantons of germany , they make account for the present they do valiantly if they can well husband what is got already . and for england in particular , if it chance that she make war upon any neighbour enemy , and enlarge their dominions by conquest , it is more to secure her self , and prevent the invasion of the great eagle , and her chief feathers , then any grecdinesse of extending her bounders by the conquest and ruine of others . if she keep her ancient soil and possessions in those times , it is as much as heaven hath ordained her , and more she shall not have . who then must be lord of this monarchy ? or what people shall be parts and members thereof ? even a nation which at this day is hid invisibly within the bowels of europe , which seeing are not seen , and living are not known : which shall by a miraculous resurrection ( like the jews from india and tartaria ) be raised to destroy all idolatry and abomination out of every corner of the north , with the weapons of an holy warfare tending to the glory of god , and the honour of their king . his sword shall be religion , and his ensigns righteousnesse and piety . all the godly in every kingdom and state in europe , the converted jews conjoyned and united with them in spirit and habitation , shall ( as i said before ) root out all names of iniquity , and be this monarchy , which shall only consist of , and subsist by holinesse , and an unquenchable desire of propagating the glory and gospel of god : according to that of daniel , chap. 7. ver. 27. and the kingdom , and dominion , and the greatnesse of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and all dominions shall serve and obey him . the first preparation to the birth of which , was that ominous and fatal starre which appeared in the head of cassiopea , an. 1572 , the effects of which shall begin to operate upon europe , and the eastern coasts of america , an. 1699 , in bringing a mystery to light which all the sons of adam are not able to effect . of this fatal and ominous starre ( or comet , chuse you whether ) i finde several tractates written . one nuntius propheticus in print : magell de quintâ monarchiâ , & openheims ephemeris caelica , both manuscripts , both excellently discoursing of the effects thereof : how that , quo tempore accidet septima & ultima-maxima superiorum planetarum conjunctio , princeps erit monarchia prima , quae caput ex ruinis quarti imperii erexerit . currus lunae zodiacum perturbabit , cauda draconis coget plciades in fletum prorumpere , dorsum delphini ascendet , & flores virgineos obfuscabit : continuaeturbae , seditiones , bella civilia , strages , panolethriae luctuosissimae omnia illa regua & illustres familias persequentur , ex quibus ista monarchia orta est , aut ei ullo modo obviabunt . burgundiae domus finera accipiet , silesiae libertas gallico neroni prostituetur . belgarum ordinespotentiae & aristocratiae suae finem videbunt , &c. openheim fol. 86. but magel is most plain above all three , fol. 67. col . 8. fatcor majorum lumiuarium deliquia sine insigni hominnm pernicie pecorumque strage nunquam extitisse : regnorum mutationes etiam , populorum clades , regum funera , bella & incendia in ipsorum deliquiorum a●ticulis , aut paulò post evidentèr apparuisse . fateor etiam superiorum erronum coitum malorum ut plurimùm iliadc comitari : atque hanc stellam ( quae hoc an. 1572 in vertice cassiopeae illuxit ) suprà omnem elementarem regionem collocatam novi imperij revolutionem dominiumque significasse . quae tamen effecta haec aetas nostra minimè perspiciet : reservanda nihil-ominùs in gentem quandam etiamnum invisibilem , cujus magnitudinis radij in universum caeli terraeque ambitum extendentur . at what time the 7th , the last and greatest conjunction of the chief planets shall happen , the first monarchy shall reign , which shall lift up her head out of the ruines of the iv empire . the chariot of the moon shall disturb the zodiack . the tail of the dragon shall force the pleiades to break out into weeping , shall ascend the back of the dolphin , and shall darken the lustre of the virgin : daily troubles , seditions , civil wars , slaughters , and most lamentable universal destructions shall vex all those kingdoms and eminent families , from whence that monarchy sprang , or which shall any way crosse it . the house of burgundie shall be at an end : the liberty of silesia shall be prostituted to a french nero . the estates of belgia shall see an end of their power and aristocracy . i confesse eclipses of the great luminaries never hapned without the notable destruction of men and slaughter of cattel : the changes also of kingdoms , the deaths of people , funerals of kings , wars and fires have broke forth either in the very time of their eclipses , or within a little after . i confesse also the conjunction of the higher wandring starres is for the most part attended with an iliad of mischiefs : and that this star ( which this year 1572 appeared on the top of cassiopaea ) being placed above the whole elementary region , did signifie the revolution and dominion of a new empire . which effects shall not yet be seen by this our age ; yet are they reserved for a certain nation , as yet invisible , the beams of whose greatness shall be extended through the whole verge of heaven and earth . in that same year shall the kingdom of salvation be preached by the ministry of the saints the most high , to those immense and unknown american coasts , to whom as yet the name of christ was never yet revealed . and that people who from the creation till that time were the empire of satan , shall be called the specious and spacious church of god . the gates of which shall be open continually , neither day nor night shall they be shut , that men may bring unto them the riches of the gentiles , and the treasures of the kings of the earth . all nations and kingdoms , that will not serve her , shall perish and be destroyed for ever . within whose land shall be heard no violence nor destruction , nor desolation within her borders ; but salvation shall be her wals , and praise her gates . her government shall be peace , and her exaactors righteousnesse . her sun shall never go down , nor her moon ever be hid , for the lord shall be her everlasting light , and the dayes of her sorrow shall be ended . the people within her shall be all righteous ; for ever shall they possesse their proper inheritances , for god shall make them an everlasting glory , and a joy from generation to generation . therefore ought no man to be sorrowfull for the calamities of europe , or the afflictions of the times ; nor grieved with the mutations and downfals of kingdoms and empires , neither should he be afraid because wars and miseries rage in all coasts of the world . for this is the eternal law of creatures ( which the creator imposed upon them at first ) that the birth of one thing should be the death of another , and that the order of nature should be preserved by the vicissitudinary course of alternate mutability . and why should we be offended at warres amongst men , when there are daily and continual conflicts between the elements themselves ? cities , republiques , empires and families are mortal as men , have their states of birth , infamy , growth and old-age as well as they . glory , majesty , arts and soveraignty began in asia by the assyrians ; from them departed to the medes and persians ; and from them ( before they had well tasted the sweetnesse of them ) translated to the grecians , and next to the romans : the glory of the roman empire was eclipsed and humbled by the barbarous inundations of goths , huns , vandals , and other savage nations , who being themselves once civilized and mollified by the effeminacies of italy and the west , were in 560 years space overthrown by the potency of charlemain and the germans . germany hath now fully possessed the imperial dignity 790 years ; and before fifty years moe be past , shall be made a scorned servitor of the king of the north , whose power and religion shall transcend the utmost confines of east and west . in the beginning of which empire , venice shall not brag of being inaccessible by the circumfluent ocean , and london , paris , antwerp and prague , the iv ladies of europe shall be humbled to sit in the dust of eternal destruction . the consideration of this must teach men humility in prosperity , carefulnesse to know god and keep his commandments , seeing every plant which he hath not planted shall be plucked up , and nothing can be permanent but by his favour and protection . xv . a prayer to god to unite his church , end the afflictions of it , and to hasten the conversion of the iews , with the monarchy of the gospel . thou therefore the eternall and incomprehensible father of lights , the indivisible god of peace and unity , look down at length upon the afflicted estate of thy gospel and mournfull face of thy church , clouded with sects and schisms , rent by civill combustions , dying by the wounds which her sons have given , and wallowing in that gore which was shed by the hands of her own children . though our sins have deserved that we should for ever be cast out of the sight of thy countenance , yet respect thou the bloud of thy sonne , crying better things then that of abel , and be once at one again with thy inheritance abraham knows us not , israel is ignorant of us , but thou art our father , and in thee shall be all our affiance , with whom even the worst of men have found mercy . extend the light of thy loving-kindenes to the tribes of jacob , and return to the many thousands of israel , for the time to build up zion is come , and the daies of restoring jerusalem cannot be prolonged . for why ? thy servants think upon her stones , and favour the very dust thereof . but remember edom , o lord , as thou remembredst babel , which have cryed so oft , down with it , down with it to the very earth . pour thy vengeance down upon the beast of rome , and the red dragon of constantinople , who never knew thy name , that so the sorrowfull sighings of the prisoners may come before thee . and thy servants be preserved that are appointed to die . let thy work be upon the man of thy right hand , and upon the son of man whom thou hast made so strong for thy self , that pharaoh , elam , mesheck , with the sonnes of tubal may fall in the midst of them that are slain by the sword , and may descend into the midst of hell with all that help them , even the whole multitude of the uncircumcised , whose lot is to goe into the nether parts of the earth . there shall they have their beds with the uncircumcised near those valiants , which are gone down to the grave , with their weapons of war , and have laid their swords under their heads , because they were the fear of the mighty in the land of the living . but what shall be said to the captain of the nations , or to the angell destroying edom and babylon ? even this , that the lord hath founded zion , and the poor of his people shall trust in it . he will leave an afflicted people , and they shall trust in the name of the lord : he shall give them a pure law , that they may pray to him with one consent . he shall open the doors of darknesse , the gates of obscurity shall he break down , that the world may be filled with the knowledge of the lord as the waters cover the sea . o thou sower of discord , and captain of iniquity , how long wilt thou delight to murther , spoil and pursue the distressed ? knowest thou not that it will be bitternesse in the end ? command the people to return every man from pursuing his brother : for lo , a nation is risen against you , a mighty nation and terrible from the east , whose horses aee fire and his chariots flames of fire to devour : his men are as swift as the eagle , who will have no compassion on the fruit of the womb , nor shall their eye pity : they shall encompasse thy tents with an intent to lay all waste before them , but neverthelesse be confident and bold in the lord of hosts : for fire shall come down from heaven and return their wickednesse upon their heads , and their doings upon their own pates . o thou worship of israel ! how wonderfull art thou in thy doings toward the children of men ! bringing light out of darknesse , strength out of weaknesse , and making justice the mean to the manifestation of thy goodnesse and glory ! as for me , i will expect him who is as well the king of salem , peace , as melchisedeck , the king of justice , all my daies : and will heartily pray for his coming , who shall bring every work into judgement , and every thing to a legall triall , whether it be good or evill . he is the lamb upon the white throne , before whose face heaven and earth shall fly away , and the sea be no more found : death and hell shall give up the dead that are in them , and every name that is not written in the book of life , shall be cast into the lake of fire . for which time all the creation groaneth , crying out to be delivered from the bondage of corruption , and restored to the glorious liberty of the sons of god . even so , come lord jesus , come quickly , that sin may be destroyed for ever , and righteousnesse eternally established in stead thereof , amen . finis . forsitan hunc aliquis verbosum dicere librum non dubitet : forsan multo proestantior alter pauca reperta putet , quum plura invenerit ipse : deses & impatiens nimis haec obscura probabit : pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli . sed me juditij non poenitet : haec benè vobis commisi , quibus est amor & sapientia juxtà , et labor in studijs ijsdem celebratus inhaeret : vos sequar : investro satis est examine cautum . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a77422e-920 grebners prophecie of our late king , and his son now king . notes for div a77422e-1530 ☜ ☜ notes for div a77422e-4890 the estate of england with other provinces of europe from anno 1650. to an. 1698. notes for div a77422e-5480 a prognostick of the estates of certain years of an. 1657 of the eclipse in an. 1654. baudenfis prognostication of anno 1657 , 1658 , 1661 , 1663. a description of the 7 fiery triplicities . the exposition of nebuchadnezzars image , in dan. 2. the exposition of the 12 last chapters of ezechiel . the exposition of the end of daniels 11 chap. the exposition of rev. 9. 15. notes for div a77422e-7910 prophesies of hieronymus savanarola . a prophecy lately found in france , of the future estate of the world till an. 1710. notes for div a77422e-9620 a prophecy of the year 1698 , found in the study of iustus lypsius . notes for div a77422e-10940 a large discourse of a probable conjecture that the ten tribes of israel were placed by salmanasser in armenia and media , & that from thence they passed into tartaria , and so into india . notes for div a77422e-13390 description of the four monarchies . prophecies of the lion of the north . 1. of the true merlin in k. lucius daies , an. ch. 130. ii. of grebner . who shall be king of this v monarchy . not the spaniard . nor the swede . object . answ . of the effects of that fatal star , which appeared in the head of cassiopea , an. 1572. the description of the flourishing monarchy of the gospel in america and india about anno 1710 , and a. 1763. the breaking of the day of god wherein, four things are manifested : i. that the two witnesses are not in ki[ll]ing, but in rising from death, ii. the three dayes and half, or 42. months of the saints captivity under the beast, very near expired, iii. christ hath begun to reign in his saints, and to tread their corrupt flesh under his feet, iiii. christs dominion over the nations of the world, near the approach / by gerrard vvinstanley. winstanley, gerrard, b. 1609. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a66683 of text r40126 in the english short title catalog (wing w3042). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 250 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 77 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a66683 wing w3042 estc r40126 18724716 ocm 18724716 108220 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a66683) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 108220) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1662:20) the breaking of the day of god wherein, four things are manifested : i. that the two witnesses are not in ki[ll]ing, but in rising from death, ii. the three dayes and half, or 42. months of the saints captivity under the beast, very near expired, iii. christ hath begun to reign in his saints, and to tread their corrupt flesh under his feet, iiii. christs dominion over the nations of the world, near the approach / by gerrard vvinstanley. winstanley, gerrard, b. 1609. [14], 138 p. printed by i.c. for giles calvert ..., london : 1649. numerous errors in paging. reproduction of original in bodleian library. eng apocalyptic literature. secularization (theology) levellers. great britain -history -civil war, 1642-1649. a66683 r40126 (wing w3042). civilwar no the breaking of the day of god. wherein, four things are manifested. i. that the two witnesses are not in killing: but in rising from death. winstanley, gerrard 1649 45052 419 0 0 0 0 0 93 d the rate of 93 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the d category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. 2005-08 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2005-08 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2005-12 jonathan blaney sampled and proofread 2005-12 jonathan blaney text and markup reviewed and edited 2006-01 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the breaking of the day of god . wherein , four things are manifested . i. that the two witnesses are not in killing : but in rising from death . ii. the three dayes and half : or 42. months of the saints captivity under the beast , very near expired . iii. christ hath begun to reign in his saints , and to tread their corrupt flesh under his feet . iiii. christs dominion over the nations of the world , near the approach . by gerrard vvinstanley . london , printed by i. c. for giles calvert , at the black-spread-eagle , at the west end of pauls , 1649. to the despised sons and daughters of zion , scattered up and down the kingdom of england . dear friends , and fellow brethren in the kingdom and patience of jesus christ : you have been , and are the object of the worlds hatred and reproach ; not simply as you are men and women , but because the light & beauty of our father shines forth of you , which they cannot behold : therefore they brand you for wicked ones , and your principles to be errour . and under that name of deceivers & troublers ( though indeed they themselves are the only deceivers & troublers ) they threaten your ruine & death : you are the signes and wonders of the kingdom ; you are the object of every ones laughter and reproach ; you are the men , that they would plunder ; you are the men , that are sentenced to be put to death in these uproar risings , under the name of round-heads , that the name of israel may be no more known in the land ; but they shall never prevaile , your father hath blessed you , yea and you shall be blessed : you are the men they would chain up by an ecclesiasticall compulsive or coersive power , you are the men that they would give no liberty to ; to practise what god teaches you ; you are the men preached against , writ against , & petitioned against to the higher power , to bring you under their foot-steps : you are the men that are counted the troublers of kingdoms and parishes where you dwell , though the truth is , you are the only peaceable men in the kingdom , who love the kingdoms peace , the magistrates peace , and the peoples peace ; who love the health and peace of all their souls . but what 's the reason , the world doth so storm against you ; but because you are not of the world , nor cannot walk in the darkwayes of the world ; they hated your lord and master , jesus christ , and they hate you ; they knew not him , and they know not you ; for if they had known him , they would not have crucified him ; and if they did truly know the power of that god , that dwels in you , they would not so despise you . but well : these things must be ; it is your fathers will it shall be so , the world must lie under darkness for a time , that is gods dispensation to them ; and you that are children of light , must lie under reproach and oppressions of the world ; that is gods dispensation to you . but it shall be but for a little time . what i have here to say , is to bring you glad tydings , that your redemption drawes neer ; you are come to the half day of the beasts reign , which may be very hot , yet it will be short , for the son of righteousness and peace i● risen ; and he is beginning to disperse those cold , rainy clouds of mens lusts and inventions ; and to make the earth , ( mankind ) to become like the summer season , full of light , heat , fruitfulness and comfort . there are two things which the lord our righteousness is in doing . first , he is burning up all the drosse of our flesh , and treading it under his feet ; by his bright appearing in our hearts ; and by the lively and free discoveries of himself , and doth cast out the accuser , ( the serpent ) and takes possession and dwels in you himself , and takes you up to dwell in him : this is gods kingdom , and this many of you have experience of ; and this strength of your god within , is that which supports you against all the storming provocations of the world without ; stronger is he that is in you , then he that is in the world . secondly , the same god of truth , he is burning up the drosse and shaking and casting down all corruptions , which the wise flesh ( or rather wicked serpent ) hath built up in common-wealths and churches ; and is beginning to spread the knowledg of himself over the earth , as the waters cover the seas ; but for the present , men are angry & disquieted at it , they would not know god , nor be saved , god at first must work against their wills , and make their swelling spirit to become willing and obedient , before they can be healed . and what 's the reason ? why truly the , serpent that deceived the whole earth , doth still stir up the whole world to wonder after the beast ; and to maintain that corrupt power as long as he can ; for when once the anointing takes the kingdom and reigns : the beast , or fleshly wisdom in states and churches , shall never reigne more : this the serpent knows , and because god and the lamb sits upon the throne , judging the beast and serpent ; the smoke of their torment ascends upwards day and night , in blasphemy against god , and bitter language and ill usages of his saints ; that live above , in the liberty and life of god , which is a condition above the bondage and death of the serpent ; well it must be thus for a time , but do you wait patiently upon your god , and you shall see in conclusion , he will bring in your enemies to fall down at christs feet , and acknowledge love , and live in the same god with you , and then your joy shall be more and more fulfilled . this thing god ere long will do ; far he is judging the serpent . and if england , scotland , and ireland ; this three-fold kingdom , united under one head or state government , be the tenth part of the city babylon , that must fall off from the beast first , as i have no doubtings but daily confirmations in me , that it shall be ; you shall then see , that all this envy and bitterness of spirit in these nations , shalldie , and shall be swallowed up , in the spirit of love : you shall see these great nationall divisions , to be swallowed up into brotherly one-ness ; you shall see oppressing injustice , to be swallowed up into righteousness and peace , and the fire of gods spirit , to burn up the fire of mens lusts and inventions : so that magistrates shall love the people , and be nursing fathers to them , for that prophesie comes now to be fulfilled ; and the people shall love and chearfully obey the commands of magistrates ; all striving who shall honour god most , in their severall places and callings , this god can do , and this he will do : for he is commander in chief , in and of the spirits of men . there are three songs , which god hath taught us , and will have us to sing in experience continually . the first is , fear ( or rather love ) god , and give glory to him . the second is , babylon is faln , is flan , that great city babylon is faln . and the third is haleluja : for the lord god omnipotent reigns . now brethren , you i speak to , in whom the serpent ● subdued ; you see and feel , that god your teacher , your comfort , your life , your strength , your liberty ; you are set free by him , and it is a sweet satisfying freedom : now speak plainly , do not your hearts love god , and glory in him , do you not acknowledge god all in all , in pardoning , healing , teaching , saving , and manifesting love and life to you ; and that your selves , men and creatures can do nothing herein , but must let that alone to god for ever , now you give glory to him , and you love him , and i beleeve that scripture that is interpreted , fear god , should rather be , love god , for the frame of spirit thus set at liberty , in whom babylon is faln , and in whom the lord god omnipotent reigns ; is rather full of the embracings and breathings of love and delight to give god all the glory , rather then fear ; which 〈…〉 of bondage , which perfect love casts out ▪ well , all that i have 〈…〉 the midst of this cloud of 〈…〉 your redemption drawes near : god is working out , an inward , and an outward peace , and liberty for you all . what i have writ in this following discourse , i could not but write , i was carried by a strong hand ( i believe of god ) in writing of it through much bodily weakness , and yet with abundance of delight ; that gave strength to my spirit ; i leave it with you . but the crown of glory i chearfully set upon his head that sits upon the throne , and upon the lamb for evermore . may 20. 1648. your brother , and companion in the kingdom and patience of jesus christ . gerrard winstanley . the particulars insisted upon in the following discourse . chapter , i. the great mystery of god is this : he will cast the serpent out of man ; and subdue that ●orrupt flesh under his feet , & dwell in man himself . pag. 1. the promises and types of the old testament , point out god manrfested in the flesh , which is gods kingdom . god by his prophets fore-told the captivity of gentile saints , under the little horn , the beast . the prophets saw not in the depth of those prophesies , god gave them to write . god manifested in the flesh , makes known his own mystery to men . seven particular heads to be minded about gods two witnesses . chap. ii. what the testimony of the two witnesses is . p. 9. jesus christ and his saints make one perfect man . the anointing that dwelt in jesus , and in his saints , is that only power , that bruises the serpents head . the world ever hated the appearance of god in the flesh . chap. iii. who these two witnesses are that god speaks of ; to whom he will give power to prophesie in sack-cloth , 1260. dayes . p. 15. what is meant by three that bear witness in heaven , and by three that bear witness on earth . the excellency of christs spirit in his sufferings . christ was not compelled by humane authority , to bear testimony of his fathers councell ; but he did it willingly . the saints are not compelled , they bear testimony of the father willingly : by the power of the same anointing . gentile saints are gods witnesses , that prophesie in sackcloth 42. months . what is meant by two candlesticks . and by one golden candlestick , and two olive-trees of each side of it . and by two olive-branches . jesus christ was the first that went under the captivity of mystery babylon , and the first that came out . christ laid the foundation of sion ; and his hand shall finish the building . the two witnesses kill enemies by fire that proceeds out of their mouth : and how . what it is to hurt the two witnesses . what antichrist is . what is meant by heaven . the witnesses have power to shut heaven , that it rain not : and how . what is meant by rain . the witnesses have power over waters , to turn them into blood ; and how . chap. iv. what is meant by 1260. dayes , which is the time given to the 2. witnesses to prophesie in , cloathed in sack-cloth . p , 42. what is meant by prophesie : and to prophesie in sack-cloth . and by 1260. dayes in a literall sence . and by silence in heaven for the space of half an hour . and by wilderness into which the woman fled . the wilderness is a safe hiding place ( in gods hand ) from the face of the serpent . the earth helped the woman . what is meant by 1260. dayes in a mystical sense . and by 3. dayes and half , by 42. months , or by time , times , and dividing of time , that the saints are to lie under the captivity of mystery babylon . what is meant by dragon , by leopard , by the beast with 2 horns like a lamb , and by the image of the beast . the proud beast , or whorish spirit , will not suffer christ to reign ●ing , priest , and prophet ; but he will reign in his stead . what it is to speak like the dragon . the saints rejoyce when christ reigns . what the seaventh day or sabbath is . the saints greatly rejoyce , when they feel and see the serpent cast out of them : and the anointing appears to rule and dwell in them . chap. v the witnesses were to be slain when they had finished their testimony . p. 63. the witnesses finish their testimony , and prove the word of the father true : that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpents head , by their own experience , not by hear-say . what the bottomles pit is . what the beast is that rose out of the bottomless pit . what the smoak is that ascended out of the bottomless pit . what the king of this bottomless pit is . what is the ayre wherein the beast lives . s. john speaks that the two witnesses must prophesie in sack-cloth , but 1260. dayes : and daniel saith , that the sanctuary and hoast shall be trod under foot , 2300. dayes , how these are reconciled . the beast kills the two witnesses , and how . three dispositions in the beast whereby he kils gods two witnesses . the ecclesiastical lawes of the beast , kill gods 2 witnesses , but give liberty to gods enemies . the whore kils the two witnesses , by that authority which she got from the kings of the earth when she and they committed fornication together . what the mystery of iniquity is . wh●● the kingdom or mystery of god is . the killing of the two witnesses , is not a killing of the bodies of their flesh only : but 〈◊〉 killing of their testimony , and how . the rea●●● and whorish spirit , snubs and thwarts jesus christ in 8. particulars . chap. vi . the witnesses were slain long agoe , have lain dead in the street of the great city three dayes and almost the half , and are now upon their rising . p. 85. we in these dayes are under the found of the sixth angel , or second woe . four angels are loosed , that were bound up in the great river euphrates ; and what they do . what the great river euphrates signifies . what is meant by kings of the east , whose way is prepared when euphrates is dried up . those four angels are evill ones , and what they are by name . how these four evil angels kill the third part of men . these four evil angels raise armies of horse-men , and what they are . what is meant by fire , smoak , and brimstone , that proceed out of the horses mouths , by which the third part of men are killed . the rest of the men that were not killed , yet repented not ; and who they be . why these our dayes are called the half day of the beast : or the dividing of time . they of the nations , kindreds , tongues and people , shall see the dead bodies of the witnesses he dead in the street of the great city 3 dayes and half : and who they are . they will not suffer the two witnesses to be put in graves ; what is the meaning . what the great city babylon is . what the street of the great city is . the beast doth not do his own will , when he killed the witnesses , but gods will . a scruple answered . the power called ecclesiastical , hath and doth deny the scriptures . men of the earth rejoyced when the witnesses were slain . the appearance of god in saints casting down the formes and customes of t●● beast , is that which torments the world . g●● calls his witnesses to come up to heaven 〈◊〉 him : what is meant . what the cloud is , in which the witnesse●● ascend up to heaven . what is meant by earth quake . in the earth-quake the tenth part of the cit● fell , what is that . seaven thousand men were slain in the earth quake , who are they . how those 7000. me●● are slain . the re●nant were affrighted , what is that . the reformation , and preservation of magistracy in common-wealths : is that which every man is to mind with tender care ; it being gods ordinance . the downfall of humane ecclesiastical power will be the reformation and preservation o● magistracy , and peace of common-wealths . that which men call ecclesiasticall power was raised up by the craft of the serpent , on purpose to make war with christ and his saints , god only suffering it for a limited time . ecclesiasticall troubler , relies upon the arme of flesh to support it , not upon the arme of god . ecclesiasticall power hath alwayes made men hypocrites . ecclesiastical power hath through its policy , ever made magistrates to act backwards . a conclusion . ●rophesies fvlfilled : as particular and generall experience is proved . chap. i. 〈◊〉 great mystery of god is this : hee will cast ●●e serpent out of man ; and subdue that cor●upt flesh under his feet , and dwell in man him●elf . in every age of the world god , hath manifested his love to sinners , more clear than other , that he will deliver them from the power of darknesse , by no other ●●●e or power ; but by his son jesus christ . ●●●om adam to moses , god revealed his son , ●●●er the name of a seed , the seed of the woman bruise the serpents head ; and then to abraham promising a blessednes to all nations thorow his sonne . in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed . this was gods sowing time , and all our mercies , graces , pardon , life , salvation , are in that seed of his love , jesus christ , whom the father hath sent and cast into the world : even as the fruitfull crop of corn , lies in the small seed , which the husbandman throws into the earth . then from moses till the fulnesse of time , or the period of gods determinate counsell . that christ should come in the flesh . god did make known his sonne , under types , figures shadows and ceremonies of the law : and god took no delight in those legall performances , no further then they by his appointment , held forth his son . and so the law was a teaching ( not a whipping ) schoole-master till christ came in the flesh . when god made known the law of works to the people upon mount sinai in horeb , he taught the people therein to beg a mediatour ; for god appeared so terrible to them , that they said to moses . do thou speake to us , and we will bear , but let not god speak with us , lest we die . they have spoken well , saith god , in what they have spoken ; therefore bid them go to their tents again , and come thou , said god to moses , and stand by me , and i will speak unto thee , and thou shalt be a mediator betweene me and the people . but moses was made onely a type of christ , who is the mediator of a better covenant then this . for as soon as god had granted them moses , he promised them his son jesus christ in moses : for when the people had desired moses to speak to them from god , they have well spoken , saith the lord , in what they have spoken . for i will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee ; and i will put my words into his mouth , and he shall speak unto them , all that i will command him : and the apostle shews plainly , that this prophet , whom god promised , is jesus christ the sonne of god , or god manifest in the flesh . and so the law of types and ceremonies , whereof moses was the mediator , was but a teaching school-master to lead us to christ ; for it was added till the time of reformation , or till the seed came : for it was impossiible that the blood of buls and goats should take away sinnes ; therefore when christ or the anointing came into the world ; he saith , sacrifice and offerings thou wouldest not ; but a body hast thou prepared for me : in burnt-offerings and sacrifices thou hast no pleasure . then said i , lo i come to do thy will o god . he takes away the first covenant , where of moses was mediator that he might establish the second , whereof he himself is mediator . and therefore stephen told the jewes , that though they had received the law by the hand of angels , yet they had not kept it : and why ? because saith he , there was not a prophet that god sent to fore-tell the coming of christ , the just one ; but your fathers did slay them ; and of whom now , your selves are the murtherers of the just one . they should have observed moses covenant of types , till christ came , who was the body and substance of all , and cleaved to him , and then rejected the types . ah but they rejected christ , and kept to the types still ; and therefore saith stephen , you have not kept the law . as it was the sin of the jewes to keep to the letter of moses , when christ was come in the flesh : so i believe it will be the sin of many professing gentiles , to keep to the bare letter of the apostles , only looking upon christ in the flesh , when the promise of the father is come , that he will take up his saints into a spirituall enjoyment of himself ; and that they shall die to formes , and know christ no more after the flesh . i hope i shall declare a truth in this before i have done . in the dayes of daniel , ezekiel , and zechariah , who did prophesie towards the latter end of the jewish figurative worship ; which was a little before the dawning of the new testament , or of gods being manifest in flesh , in the man christ jesus . for daniel did prophesie in the first year of darius , which was the full end of seventy years of israels captivity in babylon . now from the carrying away into babylon till christ came , was fourteen generations , but 70. years of those fourteen generations , were now expired ; so that the dawning of the new or better testament , was near at hand in the time of those prophets . and now upon the delivering of israel after the flesh from that babylonish captivity , god reveals to daniel in a vision , his councel and purpose , to send his spirituall israel , which are the believing gentiles , into a longer captivity , under the power of mysticall babylon . for daniels vision reports three things . first , the nature and power of this mysticall enemy . secondly , how that the house-hold of faith , in the latter dayes shall lie under that antichristian power for a certain time . thirdly , it points out the saints deliverance from this captivity ; and the ruine of that tyrannicall beast . and all the time of this mysticall captivity , it is called by the spirit of god , the hour of temptation that shall come upon all the world , to try them that dwell upon the earth . now to daniel god revealed the vision more dark and hidden ; for daniel himself did not understand the mystery of the vision ; for saith daniel , i hear , but i understand not : then said i , o my lord , what shall be the end of these things ? and he said , go thou thy way daniel , for the words are closed and sealed up till the time of the end ; for thou shalt rest , and shalt stand in the lot , at the end of the dayes . but when jesus christ , the lamb of god was come ; and had shed his blood , and was gone to the father again , and was found worthy and able to open the book of the mystery of godliness , and of the mystery of iniquities , and to loose the seven seales thereof : that is , to make known to sinners that by his bloud , a sweet harmony and consent was made among the seven attributes of the god-head ; and so fully declaring their reconciliation to god , according to his eternall councell in him . then did god give the full revelation of all things to this son , that he might reveal them again to his servants . for god doth not speak to us out of his son , but in his son , and by his son : and it shall come to passe , that , that soul , that will not hear the voice of this great prophet which god hath sent into the world , that we might live through him ; shall be cut off from among the people . and now jesus christ being , in this last age of the world , fully revealed to be the seed of the woman ; the messia , the holy and just one ; and by his bloud hath worthily deserved to be king of saints , and king of the world ; he doth now clearly shew by his spirit , the right understanding of all those books , dark sayings of old , and visions that were sealed up to the prophets . many truths he hath made known already , yet i beleeve there are many more truths , which are not yet made known to the sons of men ; for indeed our weakness is not able to bear all truths at once : but at the sound of the seventh angels trumpet , when the mystery of god is finished , and temple of god is opened in heaven : that is , when christ in spirit is made known to saints : and i believe , that the time for this angell to sound , growes very near , if not begun already : then the saints shall see clearly into the mystery of god , which they have so long time earnestly desired to attain unto . now among many other truths which god hath promised by his spirit to lead his saints into , which must be made known in the time of the end . there is one mystery of god concerning gods two witnesses , spoken of by st. john , and what the meaning is ( as they conceived ) many dear servants of god have writ very largely , which i shall neither contradict nor condemn , but only adde what i understand , and so cast in my mite into this treasure of god , according to the measure of the gift of christ which i have received . revelations 11. 3. i will give power to my two witnesses , and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore dayes , cloathed in sackcloth . some by these two witnesses , do understand , the law and gospel , and others conceive them to be christian magistrates and ministers : some understand them to be faithfull men and women that have been martyred for the testimony of jesus : and others conceive them to be only the ministers of the gospel , as the margent notes in the bible shew : and others do say they be two particular eminent saints , whom god will raise up towards the end . but the scriptures of truth , will not give their harmoniall consent to any of these so laid down , neither will they own any of the like terravid and fading subjects absolutely to be those two witnesses , which the spirit in that place speaks of . therefore according to the proportion of faith received , in declaring of my perswasion therein , i shall endeavour to shew : first , what the testimony is which these two witnesses do bear witness unto . secondly , to shew you who these two witnesses are . thirdly , to shew you what the meaning is ( as i conceive , ) of the 1260. dayes , which is the time appointed them of god to prophesie in , and when they must be slain . fourthly , to shew how the two witnesses are slain , and how long they have been dead , and how long they are to lie dead , before the spirit of life from god enter into them , and set them upon their feet . fiftly , to shew what falles out in the world upon the slaying of these two witnesses ; and why they of the nations , people , tongues and kinreds , will not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves , and buried . sixtly , what shall follow upon the resurrection of the two witnesses from the dead . and seventhly , i shall endeavour to shew what i have given me to understand by those dark words , phrases , and termes of time which are expressed in that eleventh chapter of the revelations , under which this mystery of god concerning his two faithfull witnesses doth lie folded up . but i do declare what i conceive of the words and phrases all along this discourse , as they necessarily fall in the way . chap. ii. what the testimony of the two witnesses is . now for the first of these , to shew what the testimony of the two witnesses is . i conceive it is to bear witness of the eternall will and councel of god . that the seed of the woman should brusse the serpents head ; and that this seed is jesus christ his son : a perfect man after the flesh , as he was called the child jesus , or the sun of man . or secondly , a perfect man in the unity of faith with all his saints : he being the head , and all the city of zion , or number of saints the members , knit into one spirituall body , by the spirit of the father . and this is called the branch and the vine . now a branch or vine , doth not consist of one sprig or rod , but of divers : and so the seed of the woman , the anointing , or the son of god ; doth not consist of one man only after the flesh , to wit , the man christ jesus ; but also those whom the father hath chosen and given to jesus the anointed , and writ their names in him , the lambs book , makes up but one son of god , being all partakers of one spirit . and likewise they make up but one feed of the woman , they be●ng all partakers of one fl●sh , to wit , the flesh of christ ; the saints being bone of christs bone , and flesh of his flesh . and this is the 1and of righteousness , which all the children of zion shall inher●t : they shall not dwell in adams corrupt flesh : but in christ pure flesh . and because christs mysticall body springs from the first adam , which is from the earth , earthly and corrupt . therefore the lord takes away the filthy garments from them : and purges the iniquity of that land in one day ; that is , in the day of christs power , and so makes them conformable to the second adam , which is the lord from heaven . now this seed of the woman shall break the serpents head : for god the father hath engaged himself , to subdue the serpents power under the feet of s●●nts , as well as under the feet of christ , he and they being but one body , one man , one branch , one vine , one son of god ; being but one in respect of the unity of spirit , and one in respect of the unity of flesh : after their iniquity is purged as it must be , god being christs god , and their god ; christs father , and their father . only here lies the difference , christ hath the full measure of the spirit ; but god gives to the saints severally as he will , according to the measure of the fulness of christ , jesus christ he breaks the serpents head , by the strength of his father which dwelleth in him , and the saints break the serpents head by christs strength in them , even the same anointing : and hence it is that christ the head , prayed , that his disciples , or body mysticall , might be one with him , as he and his father were one : and when the saints are taken up into this spiritual enjoyment , and feeles , sees , and findes by experience , that gods strength which is the anointing , dwells in them , and is become the lord their righteousness : they henceforth know christ after the flesh no more . and this speaks great comfort to saints , to the poorest members that live alone among the scoffing sons of bondage , as well as to the whole city in generall : they shall never fall from grace ; their eternall life is as sure as the eternall life of jesus christ their head , in whom their life is hid , god himself being that life and strength : and these being part of that seed , which the father hath said shall break the serpents head ; so that the serpent shall only bruise the heel , by his temptings ; but he shal never blot out one name that is writ in the lambs book of life ; for this compleat man , or seed of the woman , shall break the serpents head . the head of this mysticall body hath conquered already , and is sat down in glory , waiting till his body be glorified with him , and so all enemies be for ever made his foot-stool . and this is the counsel of god , which the two witnesses give testimony of , that the serpents head shall be bruised , and sinners reconcil'd to god , by no other name or power , but only by jesus christ , the anointed son of god . this anointing being god himself in man . god was in christ reconciling the world to himself , not imputing their sins to them . but the lamb christ jesus he is the chief , and the power of the fa●her appeared first in him , and after that , through him in the saints , to break the serpents head , according to the word of the father . and this is the testimony which these two faithfull witnesses , beare witness to , for the glory of the father , who is engaged . in this was manifested the love of god towards us , because god sent his only begotten son into the world , that we might live through him ; and we have seen , and do testifie that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world . whosoever shall confess that jesus is the son of god ; that is acknowledge , that jesus is that power whereby god will break the se●pents head , god dwells in him , and he in god . and so again , who is he that overcometh the world , but he that believeth that jesus the anointed is the son of god . and this eternall councel and purpose of the father , that the seed of the woman should break the serpents head ; was declared as soon as the devil , or red dragon had deceived the whole world in adam . and this councel of god is held forth to the world in all the promises ; in all the mosayecall types , and in all the prophesies of old . for minde it , the scriptures point out nothing else to us but this , that jesus christ is , the onely begotten son and strength of god , whereby he will subdue the power of darknes , and translate sinners into his owne kingdome and glory : and he is the very righteousnesse of god ; whereunto the selfeconceited jewes and gentiles will not submit . and therefore god had need of faithfull witnesses to bear testimony hereof to the world ; such witnesses as men may say ( after the vail is taken off their hearts ) that without doubt their testimony of the fathers councell is true . such witnesses as can and will prove their testimony , not from the writings and words of others : but from their own experienced knowledge , of what they have seen and heard , and been made acquainted with from god . the world is so far from believing this report : that the anointed , is the power of god : that when christ appeared as a man in the flesh ; they reproached him , under the name of a mecannick tradesman , a carpenter ; and never rested till they had killed him and cast him out . and now in these latter dayes , when christ comes in spirit , ruling and working in the saints , according to the promise of the father , truly the ignorant deceived world denies him still , will not own his spirit , but jeeres him , calling him the spirit of the divell , and a spirit of errour : even as the jewes told christ after the flesh , that he was a deceiver of the people . and this deceived world , or corrupt flesh of man , endeavours to make lawes and establish ●hem with all possible policy and power , to ●ring the anointed into bondage , and will not allow him a liberty to worke where and upon whom he pleaseth ; but would restrain him to their scanty measure , the principles of the flesh : and so though the world allow christ the name of king , priest , and prophet , yet they will act ●hese offices themselves , both over him , and over his body the church . ey , but gods two faithfull witnesses shall not only prove that christ is king , priest , and prophet in name only : but that he is those in ●ule , in operation and powre , proving it in ●heir own experience ; which in time the world ●hall see , and be ashamed ; though for the present they will not see , nor be ashamed , for ●heir envy to christ and his fellowes : and ●hen shall the glory of the father be advanced , ●nd the song of the saints , shall set the crown of glory upon the head of him that sits upon the throne , and upon the lamb for evermore . for then all nations shall see the word ●nd councel of the father fullfilled ; that the ●erpents head is bruised by the seed of the woman . this is their testimony , which i lay ●own generall , but the witnesses prove their testimony by particular experiences ; as here●fter i shall relate some . chap. iii. who these two witnesses are that god speaks of , to whom he will give power to prophesie in sackcloth a thousand two hundred and sixty daies . now the second thing is , to shew who these two witnesses are which god speaks of . i will give power to my two witnesses . and these are , the word of god , and the spirit of god , or christ in flesh , and christ in spirit , or the anointing in the person of christ after the flesh ; or the anointing in the flesh of saints : and these are but one in respect of nature , one spirit , and one flesh , one body , as i have shewed : but they are two in respect of their appearance or manifestation in or to the world . the man christ jesus , who was borne of the virgin , and dyed by the hands of the jewes at jerusalem ; he is the one witnesse . and the body of saints in whom the spirit of jesus christ dwells , who are persecuted for the same testimony that christ held : they are the other witnesse . and my understanding herein is built up as followes . ☞ there are three that bear witnesse in heaven . the father , the word and the spirit , and these three are one . but one witnes , though three names or denominations . by heaven , i understand the church , or the city zion , in whom the anointiug dwels , and in ●hem and to them , the witnesses of those three ●n one , is satisfaction enough ; and the saints ●ife is bound up in that divine manifestation , and ●hey live in that life , and see light in that light . the son of righteousnes , the lamb the anointng , is the light of that city , which makes it heaven . the testimony of men to the saints is no●hing , they have no peace nor joy in their hearts , till god himself do witnesse to them by ● lovely manifestation of himself , taking them ●p into his own rest . and this is god in three discoveries , which make up but one witnesse , both in and to zion the church : not to the world first : but to them first , and afterward to the world . then there are three that bear witnes in earth . the water , bloud , and spirit , and these three ●re one : but one witnesse though 3 denomina●ions , making one perfectman . now by earth , [ understand either the saints before they have a cleare manifestation , before their filthy garments be quite taken off them : for then they look upon christ after the flesh ; and seek for testimonies of the fathers love and promise in a ●itterall way ; and god condescends to the weaknes of their flesh ; for in the fulnes of time , god ●ent his sonn made of a vvoman , made under the law , to redeem them that were under the law , that we might receive the adoption of sons , according to the promise . gen. 3. 15. or secondly , by earth , i vnderstand mankind ; all sects and nations , as they are considered one flesh , or one earth ; of which all of us are made even one created humanity . and unto this earth , god sends water , bloud & spirit , in two appearences , to witnesse this his faithfulnesse , that what he spake shall come to pass● that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpents head . god cals these his two witnesses , because they are two discoveries of his own wisdom and power . for first , by water , bloud and spirit , i understand to be our lord jesus , the seed of the woman , a perfect man according to the flesh ; who 〈◊〉 the first faithfull and true witnes , the humane ●ody of christ , and the eternall spirit that dwelt ●herin : or that power which god gave : i wil give power to , my two witnesses , &c. and god gave this is power , when the holy spirit descended like a dove upon christ jesus , when he was baptized , and came straight-way out of the water . this power god gives to both his witnesses : but to his humane body first . if you look into the evangelist iohn , you shall find that one of the souldiers with a spear pierced christs side , and forthwith there came out water and blood : now the water and blood declared jesus christ to be a true and reall man , the seed of the woman , according to the word and councell of god ; and so the vvord was made flesh , and dwelt among us and we saw the glory thereof , as the glory of the onely begotten son of god , full of grace and truth . now physitians say , and it is a truth , that the heart of man hath adjoyning to it a bladder or skin of water , which cools the heat of the bloud ; which they call the pericardium . and the spear piercing christ to the heart did break that skin of water , and so there came out that water and blood that was in his heart ; this shews he was a man , the seed of the woman . and then for the spirit or power that was in jesus christ declares him to be one faithfull witnesse ; for though hisfufferings were so great that he sweat drops of blood , yet there was no sin , or murmerings against god found in him ; but he was still full of the sprrint of humility and patience , of love , and of faithfulnesse to god his father , who had assigned him that cup to drink . and likewise was still full of the spirit of love to poor lost sinners , that flood in need of this his death , or else they could not have bin reconciled to god : and this unbsameable spirit of his , gives testimony to heaven and earth , that christis the great power of god , and so the world , to the councel of his father : for indeed no son of man besindes him , could be found to suffer the like intolerable burden of wrath , and yet beare it , with such a patient understanding , loving , faithful , and pittiful spirit towards others , as christ did . now this humane body of christ , is an active and loving witness , bearing record of the father wish courage ; and he did not receive his testimony from any creature ; but from the father . for the son can do nothing of himself , . but what he seeth the father do ; and whatsoever he doth , the son doth likewise . jesus christ was not compelled to bear witness to the father , as a malefactor is compelled to bear the sentence of justice , but he undertook to bruise the serpents head voluntarily : he suffered freely , and dyed freely , seeing it was the will of his father : he took up death ( which was the desert of our sins ) willingly and voluntarily ; as soone as the father had declared his councel concerning him , behold ( saith christ ) i come to do thy will o god ; and no man takes away my life ; for i lay it down of my self : i have power to lay it down . and i have power to take it up again . new if the blood of buls and goats , and the ashes of an heifer , sprinckling the unclean , sanctifyeth to the purifying of the flesh , how much more shall the bloud of christ , who through his eternall spirit , offered himse ; f without spot to god , purge our consciences from dead works ( of humane formes and fleshly actings ) to serve the living god , in spirit and truth . the scriptures are plentifull to prove this , in the evangelist , we see christ beares witnes of himself , that he is the son of god : and told the jewes , that unlesse they believed that he was he , they should die in their sins : the pharisees told him , his record was not true , because he bare record of himself : but saith he , my record is true ; and i am one that bear record of my self , and my father that sent me beareth witness of me . i have many things to say and judge of you : but he that sent me is true , and i speak unto the world those things which i have heard of him : and when ye have lifted up the son of man , then ye shall know that i am he , and that i do nothing of my self , but as my father hath taught me , so i speak . and st. john writes . grace and peace to the seven churches , that is , ( to the complaeat number and body of saints ) from jesus christ who is the faithfull and true witnesse . and again unto the angel of the church of laodicea , write thest things saith the amen the faithfull and true witnese , the beginning of the creation of god . and by this we see that jesus christ , he was gods first witness . then secondly , the saints or city zion or the mystical body of christ ; this is gods other witness : and these doe not receive their testimony from men , but from jesus christ . and their testimony is still the same , that christ bare witness to ; and therefore they are said to suffer for the testimony of jesus . now this second witness , is not to be restrained to magistrates , ministers , particular men or women ; but to all the body , consisting of learned , unlearned , poor and rich , men and women , in whom the spirit of the son dwells and from whom they receive their testimony : neither are they compelled to bear witness , but through the same anointing , they professe god willingly ; and they finde it is pleasing to them to acknowledg the father , as to take their meat and drink : therefore certainly those that have neither will nor skill to bear witness to the father , unlesse they have a directory from men , and those that never worship god without a humane power to encourage them . yea , ☜ rather , they that would fain have a humane power establisht , to suppresse gods witnesses , it is a manifest sign that they themselves are none of his witnesses . now i conceive that water , bloud and spirit ( as i mentioned before ) points out the saints , which are the feed of the woman likewise , and as our lord jesus our head gave testimony in his appointed time ( prophesying in sackcloth ) so the saints his body in whom the spirit rules , giving testimony in their appointed time . and the understanding people in all nations , kinreds , tongues , and people , do see their testimony ; and how they have bin slain in the streets of the great city babylon , three dayes and an half , as i shall declare how i conceive it , if god please : now these saints are not only learned schollers in humane wisdome , but such as the world counts fools , neither are they gods witnesses that are compelled by humane lawes to worship god : for these witnesses declare their testimony willingly against the wisdome of the flesh , neither is there here and there one saint that are called gods witnesses , but all the saints in one body , three in one water , bloud and spirit , make up one witness . now this spirit , or this anointing that is in saints , which indeed is christ the lord their righteousness , is a faithfull witness likewise : this is he that came by water and bloud , and not by water only , but by water and bloud ; and this christ came not only in himself , but in his saints , whom he sanctifies and washeth in his bloud ; and it is the spirit that beares witness , because though the bodies be weak , yet the spirit in them is truth , it being the anointing which they have received from the holy one . and when christ had not only freely shed the water about his heart , but the bloud in his heart also , as a price laid down for sinners : he that saw it , saith the text , meaning god , and the spirit of god that was in christ , a●● those few saints then present ; bore record 〈◊〉 his record is true , and he knoweth that he 〈◊〉 truth , that ye might believe . all the whole body of saints , both 〈◊〉 and gentiles , are gods witnesses ; for one ●●●●rit unites them into one body . but i be●●●● that those that live in the time of the new testament , while the little horn-beast and whorish spirit , had a ruling power allowed him of god ( though i mention three names , yet they are all one enemy to christ ) i conceive ( i say ) that these are they to whom god hath given power to prophesie in sack-cloth one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes . and these are they that are slain in the streets of the great city babylon , that is , by the power of the beast : yet the saints of old , are to take part of this honour , & stand in this lot , because they & these have all one spirit ; and if god had appointed them this sackcloth honor , they would have been faithfull witnesses of god , as well as these : nay , in their time , they bore witness to god , against the same spirit of the beast ; though he had not the same power as he hath now : mordecai , hester , & the jews , gave a faithfull testimony to god , against proud , hypocritical , and bloudy hamon : and likewise daniel & the three children did bear witnese to god faithfully , against the hypocriticall and bloudy practices of darius councellers : which sufferings of them then , did but type out the sackcloth-profession of saints in the dayes of the little horne , the beast and whorish spirit , or as i may say , judas spirit of self-love and hypocrisie , that must reign in the world for a time . thus we see it is jesus christ after the flesh , and his spirit ruling in the flesh of saints , which are gods two witnesses : the spirit of christ sent down into saints , or rather the saints taken up into fellowship with that spirit , according to the fathers promise , and love to his sons and daughters in the latter dayes , which must prophesie in sack-cloth , one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes ; and it can be no other but these in whom the power of god dwels and rules . and there are divers discoveries of this truth laid down by god himself , as a testimony from him that these two are his witnesses , in the four , five , and six verses of that seventh chapter of the revelations . in the fourth verse , these two witnesses are ●aid to be the two olive trees , and the two candle-sticks , standing before the god of the whole earth . now i conceive that these two olive-trees , and two candlesticks , can be ap●lyed to no other , but to the two appearances of the anointing . first , in the body or flesh of christ . secondly , in the flesh of saints , that is to say , christ and his spirit . and marvel not that i say , christ and his spirit are the two candle-sticks , because the scriptures in other places , call christ and his spirit the lights of god , as indeed they are , and by candlesticks , are properly meant the churches , or particular societies of saints , as st. john writes . but in this place , the light that is held forth , is this eternal councel of god , that jesus christ is this son , by whom he will bruise the serpents head , and reconcile sinners to himself , and by no other name or power whatsoever . so that when christ was visibly seen upon the earth , in the day and hour of his sufferings , or time of his sack-cloth prophesying ; he and his spirit in one person were the candle-stick , in whom this mystery of god , and truth of his councel did burn and shine forth to the world ; and therein they were a certain witnes of the father . but set that day and houre aside , and then properly the churches are called candlesticks , in whom christ and his spirit burnes bright , and shines gloriously . men or women , magistrates or ministers , or churches , cannot be called these two candlesticks : because the churches ate taken up and moved by christ , and such as were un-willing are made willing to beare the testimony of god , by the almighty working of christ in them that beleeve . but now christ and his spirit , was never unwilling to bear witness to this purpose of the father ; for as soon as ever the father had declared his will ; loe , i come , saith christ , to doe thy will , o god . and therefore the father glories in christ , and makes proclamation to all the world , that he will have all men honour the son , as they honour the father . then again , they are called two olive-trees ; and these cannot be men and women , magistrates or ministers : but onely christ and his spirit . if you looke into the fourth chapter of zechariah , there is mention of one golden candlestick , which i conceive is the generall church of christ , or the great congregation , as david speaks , the mysticall body of christ , the saints , or city sion . and , then there is mention of two olive trees by the candlestick , one upon the right side of the bowle , and the other upon the left side thereof . now these two olive-trees are iesus christ ☜ and his spirit , the one being under , the other over the church : which are the two armes of god , imbracing the church in love . for first , god sent the humane body of christ , to testifie his love to the church , and to comfort her in all her asslictions : because he was afflicted for them , and with them , and therofore , in that he himself hath suffered being tempted , he is able to succour them that are tempted : and this is the olive-tree upon the left side of the candlestick . then secondly , god sent his spirit the comforter , to testifie his unchangeable love to the church , and to lead her into all truth ; because he is the spirit of truth : and so in the bodily absence of christ , the spirit , which is the lord our righteousnesse , ruling as a king in love in them , doth counsell , comfort , sanctifie , and remaines with the church for ever ; and so doth establish the covenant of grace to them to be an everlasting covenant . and this is the olive tree upon the right side of the candlestick . and further , zechariah goeth on , making mention of two olive branches , which through the two golden p●pes empty the golden oyle out of themselves . and the angel said to zechariah , knowest thou not what these be ? and he said , no , my lord . then he said , these are two anointed ones , that stand before the lord of the whole earth . now these two olive trees , and these two branches , that thus empty themselves with constant running , and so feed the church with life and light , which is that golden oyle that they empty out of themselves , and which the angel likewise called the two anointed ones , they cannot be meant of any other but iesus christ in his own particular person in the flesh ; and he spiritually in his saints . for there is none that hath the seven pipes , the seven lamps , and the seven eyes , which are the seven spiritual power of god in his hand , but onely iesus christ , for the spirit descended , and rested upon him : and in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the god-head bodily . and then secondly , because none stands by the lord of the whole earth , as the angel told zechariah , but onely jesus christ and his eternall spirit , who is both the outward and the inward lord and king of saints . and this is cleared by gods own word to daniel , when god shewed to him , what was written in the scriptures of truth , there is none , saith god , holdeth or standeth with me in these things , but michael your prince , that is , iesus christ , in his two-fold discoveries , in the flesh of the man iesus , and in the flesh of saints by the same spirit : and the great promise of the gospel , for the exalting of iesus christ , the anointed , and the anointing is this , sit thou , saith god , on my right hand , ( or stand by me ) untill i make thine enemies thy foot-stool . now brethren you know , that the church and sainrs doe not receive light , life & grace , from any other but from christ ; of his fulnesse we receive grace for grace : therefore these two olive-trees , these two candlestickes which john speakes of , and these two witnesses which god glories in , and calleth his witnesses , must needs be meant christ and his spirit , or the two appearances of god in iesus , and in his saints . there is one phrase mose in that fourth verse , which is this , these two olive-trees , and the two candlestickes , strand before the god of the whole earth , saith john . and these two stand by the lord of the whole earth , saith zechariah . i conceive the meaning is two-fold , as the phrases are different . they stand by the lord of the whole erth saith zechariah , that is , they hold with him , as two friends maintaining one and the same cause , in giving testimony , and in convincing the world by experimentall discoveries of this truth , and counsell of god , that the seed of the woman shall break the serpents head : and none holds with me in these things , saith god to daniel , but michael your prince . and they stand before the god of the whole earth , saith john , that is , as they two faithfull witnesses , the anointed and the anointing , christ and his spirit , hold with god in defence of his word , truth , and honour ; so these two witnesses they stand before god : that is , they are alwayes in his eye , in his heart , are his delight , and his right hand ; and so will honour them as they honour him : and so certainly will subdue all enemies under christs feet ; as under the feet of his humane body , so under the feet of his body the church , which are the heele of christ , and so part of his feet , according to the word of the father : therefore the apostle speaking of christ , this man , saith he , after he had offered up one sacrifice for all , sate down at the right hand of god , expecting till his enemies be made his f●ot-stool . and zechariah makes it yet more plain , that iesus christ , a perfect man in the sense aspresaid , is gods two witnesses , that both stand by and before the god of the whole earth . as zech. 4. 7. who are thou , o great mountain , before zerubbahel ? thou shalt become a plain : and ●o forward to the end of the ninth verse . zerubbabel types out iesus christ , who is the king , or chiefe governour in sion , gods holy hill . for zerubbabel was the chief of the fathers of israel , that was carried into the captivity of earthly babylon : and he was reckoned the first that came out of that literall captivity . all other priests and elders were counted inferior to him , as appeares ezra 2. 2. nehem. 7. 7. and this types out iesus christ , that is the head and chiefe of saints , that was carried , or rather sent captive into mysticall babylon , that is , to prophesie in sack-cloth under the wisdome and powers of the flesh . or serpent , which ruled in the jewes and gentiles , and under which he was slain . and he was the first that returned with joy from that captivity ; for he rose by the power of god , the third day , and ascended to his father . and all the rest of the saints in their appointed time , when their testimony is finished , they shall come along with christ our or from under then same captivity , as inferior priest and elders for christ the first fruits , then afterwards they that are christs ; as it shall be in that other resurnection , where these words are used , i. cor. 15. then again , zerubbabel was the chiefe tha● did build the temple and walls of the citi●jerusalem which was thrown down ; all the rest of the fathers and elders were inferior to him , as appears , ezra . 4. 2. nehem. 12. 1. and this types out jesus christ , who is the chiefe in zion , and whose hands did lay the foundation of that spirituall house of god both in respect of one private saint , and in respect of the whole body , as is mysteriously declered by zechary , chap 4. 9. for where it is said , that the hands of zerub babel have laid the foundation of this house , and his hands shall finish it ; it points out cleare to me , that by the phrase , this house , hath reference to the golden candlestick in the second verse , which is the church zion , or house of god , for there is no other house , spoke o● but this ; as is likewise mystically held forth in the chapter before , which is the voyce of the father unto christ the anointed , under the name of joshna the high priest : if thou wil● walk in my wayes , and keep my charge , then shalt thou also judge my house , and i will give thee places to walk in among these that stand by heare now , o joshua the high priest ( that is christ the anointed ) thou and thy fellowes that sit before thee : for they are men wonderd at ; that is , the saints , or house of god in whom the anointing dwels , the foundation of this house , the hands of jesus christ hath laid , and his hands shall finish this temple and city building . therefore god the father makes a boasting exultation over all enemies of christ , that rise up to hinder him in building gods spirituall house , the saints ; as sanballat and tobia , rise up to hinder the building of literall jerusalem , who art thou , o grat mountain before zerubbabel ? thou shalt become plain ; that is , who art thou , o great wisdome and powers of the flesh , and darknesse before christ my sonne ? ye shall all be trod under his feet ; nay , his very heels shall stamp you down : for behold , i will bring forth my servant the branch , and he shall break the serpents head . then god goes on to hold forth to our view his two faithfull witnesses , which he calls the two anointed ones , which stand by the lord of the whole earth , which are the branch , that is , first the man christ jesus , the anointed , for in him the godhead dwels bodily , and he is pointed out by the name joshua the high priest ; and by the name zerubbabel , as being the first and chiefe witnesse . then secondly , his mystical body the saints , which being united to him , and he to them by the same anointing , makes up gods branch . and these are pointed out to be joshua's mysticall body , that was cloathed with filthy garments in the dayes of corrupt flesh , before god caused their iniquity to passe away , and cloathed him with change of garments , that is , with the beauty of the anointing . ☞ now mind this , that though the saints be many particular persons , yet as they stand in relation to christ , they are but one body , kni● together by that one spirit the anointing ; and jesus christ , as he is called the anointed of the father , cannot properly be called a perfect man if he should be separated , or stand at a distance from the saints , his body and spirituall house therefore the apostle joynes head and members together , and so make up one complea● christ , or anointed , in eph. 4. 13. and 1 cor. 12. 12. as you may read . and these i conceive to be gods two faithfull witnesses , the man , or child jesus , who is the head and chiefe witnesse ; and the citie zion , who are anointed with the same spirit , every one with that measure as god is pleased to divide to every one his portion as he will , according to the measure of the gift of christ . and these two witnesses stand by the god of the whole earth , in proving in their own experience , this to be a truth ; that the seed of the woman shall break the serpents head : and there are none that acknowledge the father , and beare witnesse to him herein , but onely these two , against all the world , and babylon : all others wander after the beast , flesh , & self . but these only whose names are written in the book of life , admire god , and make their boast only in him continually . but iesus christ the head , he beares witnesse by the power of the father in him : the father that dwelleth in me , saith christ , he doth the works ; and the saints they beare witnesse by the power of christ , which is the father likewise that is in them , as in him . but the saints receive this power at the second hand ; for the anointing that was powred upon the head of christ iesus , fell down to the skirts of his garments , and so his meanest member partakes of that anointing , and by his power the saints doe all things , and without him they can doe nothing . the spirit of god gives a second testimony , that the two witnesses are iesus christ in his flesh : and iesus christ spiritually in the flesh of saints , and can be no other . for saith he , in rev. 11. 5. if any man will hurt them , fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies . and if any will hurt them , he must on this manner be killed . now mark , this is one part of honour which the father hath given his two witnesses , to kill enemies by fire that proceedeth out of their mouth . for when paul spake of the destruction of the man of sin , or mystery of iniquity , it is not to be done by an earthly power , of prisons and punishments : but the lord jesus himselfe ( saitn he ) shall consume him with the spirit of his mouth , and with the brightnesse of his comming . and in the great battell of god almighty , when christ and his saints fought with the beast , and the kings of the earth , which is the wisdome of the flesh strengthened by humane authority , the text saith : that the beast and the false prophet were taken ( as other places say , god takes the wise in their craftinesse ) and they were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone ; that is , they were plunged into a deep vexation of spirit , so that they gnawed their tongues with anger ; which is as terrible to that proud spirit , as a fire of brimstone to tender flesh . and the remnant were slaine with the sword that proceeded out of the mouth of him that sate upon the horse . by remnant i conceive , is meant the common people that were deceived by the learned wisdome of the beast : but when she was destroyed , first , that was the main upholder of deceit ; then the people were undeceived and convinced , by the word of truth in the mouth of the anointed . and whereas they wandred after the beast , now they admire at the wisdome and power of christ ; for the word of his mouth , is a sharp two edged sword ; and when that appeares , no policy or strength of flesh , can stand before it ; which would make void the councel of god , by her directories , and blessed reformation as the flesh called it . therefore if any will hurt gods two faithfull witnesses ; that is , if any will deny them or their testimony , and turning them and their witness into a lie , as all ungodly men do ; turning the grace of god into wantonness ; and so making void gods eternall councel in their thoughts , words , and practises , so far as lies in them ; after this manner they shall be destroyed : that is , not by prisons , whips , or punishments of men ; nor by any carnall weapons , but by the spirit of truth , that proceedeth out of their mouth . every spirit that confesseth not that jesus christ is come in the flesh , is not of god . and this is that spirit of antichrist , whereof you have heard , that it should come , and even now already it is in the world . he that denies the anointing to be manifest in the flesh of the person , christ jesus , is antichrist : but this none denies , if any do , they be very few ; for all sorts of professors , acknowledge jesus christ to be born of the virgin , and to be a man , and so come in the flesh . but there are but few that confesse , that the anointing , is manifest in the flesh of saints : or that christ who is the lord our righteousnes , doth rule in beleevers , from one single person to the whole city , which are his body , scattered up and down the world . and if they do confesse this , yet when christ doth manifestly appear to dwel and rule in the flesh of his saints , they will not freely acknowledge it ; but presently stand off and call it a delusion , or blasphemy for any to affirm , that the same anointing for kind , as was in the flesh of iesus christ , doth rule and dwell in the flesh , according to the measure of the gift of christ : and in this sense there are many antichrists , that deny christ to be come in the flesh . and what do these antichrists do , but hurt gods witnesses , or deny that power the anointing , which god hath given to his witnesses : or if they acknowledg the one witnes , to wit , iesus christ after the flesh , yet they deny the second witnes , the saints , which is christs mystical body ; or christ in his spirit , manifesting this testimony in their flesh , as he did in their own person , that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpents head . but he that believeth on the son of god , hath the witness in himself : that is , be that belieyeth in whole christ , head and members , a perfect man , consisting of divers members , hath the witnes in himself , the truth is in him , as it was in iesus : but he that believeth not god , hath made him a lyer , because he believeth not . the record that god gave of his son . then farther , god proves christ in his two-fold appearance , that is , in his own person , and in flesh , or persons of his saints , to be his two witnesses ; for saith he in the 6. verse of the eleventh chapter of the revelations . these have power to shut heaven , that it raine not in the dayes of their prophesie ; and have power over waters to turn them into bloud ; and to smite the earth with all plagues as oft as they will . by heaven , i conceive may be understood either god himself or his church : if we understand god to be that heaven , that the witnesses have power to shut that it rain not in the dayes of their prophesies ; then i conceive the meaning is two-fold , thus , first , they have power to stay the hand of god from raining and powring down destruction upon the beast all the dayes of their prophesie , because god hath said , they shall prophesie in sackcloth one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes . so that god hath given the power of destroying the beast out of his hand ; or hath tyed up his power till that time be accomplished ; for it is their time of prophesying in sackcloth : it is not gods time of raining down wrath as yet : because god by his word hath limitted himself to such a time . and truly here our god points out such a spring as may refresh his people in all their suflerings . to consider the sufferings of the saints , and the enemies cruelty ; is not acted according to the will of the enemy , but enemies and saints , and troubles ; are all in gods hand , and enemies shall dye , the saints shall be comforted , and all teares wiped from their eyes , when gods appointed time is accomplished , and not till then . surely this gives much strength of peace and patience , to poor children of god , in their sufferings . but secondly , they have power to shut heaven , or to stay gods hand from raining down judgement upon the beast , all the dayes of their prophesies ; as sometimes god rained down a deluge of water to drown the rebellious world : and sometimes he rained a deluge of fire . as a plague to destroy those wicked people in sodome and gomorah . and this power is in the hand of the anointed iesus christ ; for he hath the power of hell and death . and the reason is this , iesus christ hath bought out this power by his bloud , out of the hands of offended justice : for now as god shewes no mercy out of christ , so he executes no act of wrath or justice , but by the hand of christ : for the father hath committed all judgment to the son ; and christ is all , and in all . christ hath the key of life and death , he can either bind or loose ; destroy or save : therefore it is said , that the witnesses have power to shut heaven , or the hand of offended justice ▪ that it rain not down plagues : and they have power to open heaven , and to smite the earth with plagues as oft as they will . or secondly , if by heaven we understand the church , which i rather adhere to : then i conceive the meaning is this . the witnesses have power from god to prophesie in sackcloth one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes ; and there shall not be showers of divine discoveries , whereby the beast shall be utterly consumed all that time , onely she shall be plagued now and then , by those divine discoveries , like drops of raine , so often as the spirit of truth , the anointing which rules in the witnesses , pleaseth . and by these few discoveries of divine truths from god to , and in the church ; the carnall inventions of the beast shall be discovered to be evil , and made void thereby ; and the beast or subtile flesh , shall be put to her shifts , to invent new deceits every age against christ , which doth plague this carnall earth mightily . but the witnesses have power to shut heaven that it rain not . that you may see into the mystery hereof . by rain , i understand two things , by which the beast is destoyed quite . first , when discoveries of god , and manifestations of the brightness of the anointed iesus christ , appears in every member of the church , like a showre of raine , that sweepes away the refuge of lies , or fleshly inventions before them , as isaih saith , the earth ( or saints ) shall be filled with the knowledge of the lord as the waters cover the sea ; for now the darknes of men , cannot stand before the light of god , nor the wisdom of the corrupt flesh , cannot stand before the wisdom of god , and this is that sword that is in the mouth of christ , whereby he destroyes his enemies , and this shall be made good when the church shall not need to be taught by any man , but shall be all taught by god , and by that same anointing shall know all things . but heaven , or the church , is shut up from these plentifull discoveries , till the time of the end , that the witnesses sackcloth-prophesying is accomplished ; but when that time is finished , then this rain shall appear , whereby the beast with all her fleshly deceits shall be destroyed . secondly , by raine , i understand the number of saints that shall increase and spread like the multitude of drops in a showre of raine , or like sands upon the sea shoar , so that their number shall over-top the number of babylons citizens : and so the church being full of the righteousnes of god , and discoveries of christ , shall sweep away the city babylon , with all her beastly practices , and fleshly inventions : and hereby the beast shall be destroyed . for whereas all the dayes of the witnesses sack-cloth-prophesying , and death , the earth ( that is the flesh of men , and conversation of men ) was full of drinesse and unfruitfulnesse before god , in every thought , word , & work , by reason of the beast , or wisdom of the flesh that ruled in them , and promoted self . now by this rain , the earth or flesh of man , is filled with fruits of righteousness and truth . i mean , by the plentifull discoveries of truth ▪ or brightness of christ ; and by the plentiful1 increase of the saints , the destruction of the beast , or the serpents head in flesh is broken and consumed . and that there shall be such increase of saints in the latter dayes , the prophesie of hosea makes it manifest ; for when god cast off literal israel , he promised the large increase of spiritual israel , which are beleeving iewes and gentiles that shall be like the sands of the sea shoar in the day of christ . but the witnesses have a power to shut the church , or heaven , from raining in this kind , till their prophesie be ended , as god appointed : and then ( i believe ) there shall appear plentifull manifestations of gods love in the church , to the increase of their number , and to the increase of their spiritual enjoyment of god . and likewise there shall appear hereby even plentifull manifestation of justice and wrath upon the beast and wisdom of the flesh to its utter overthrow . and these manifestations of love & justice , shal appear like a showr● of raine , sweeping away the refuge of lye before it . and yet further in that sixt verse , they have power over waters to turn them into bloud . by waters , first of all i conceive are mean● the inventions , actings , and appearances of the power and wisdom of the flesh , arising against the testimony of the two witnesses , to prove their testimony false . for the devil and corrupt flesh would faine prove god a lyer , and would not have the seed of the woman break the serpents head . and hence doth arise such a dea● adoe among men to find out a way to worship god , and give direction to others , and to enforce people to observe those directions , o● else to stand lyable to humane punishments , as though they must help christ to save sinners : but when the angel powres out his viall into the sea , fountains and waters of babylon , that is , upon the very spirit of subtile enmity it self , and upon all the carnall wisdom and appearances that have flowed there-from ; and caused them to become like the bloud of a dead man : that is , to corrupt and dye for ever . and every living soul within the sea dyed . that is , all the strength , glory , and being of the beast , dyed . and the place and power , fleshly wisdom , and actings against christ and the saints was seen no more ; and this suites with the oath that the angel swore in daniels hearing , and in johns hearing likewise . that when the beast had accomplished to scatter the holy people , all those things in the vision , should be finished , and time should be no more . for when the seventh angel had powred out his vial upon the ayre , or the element wherein the beast lived , which is a humane magisterial power , got from the kings of the earth , when they and she committed spiritual fornication together , after that god had limitted the beast a time to reign in : then there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven : that is , from christ , saying , it is done . and in that day , saith god , i will make a covenant of peace for israel , and i will break the bow and the sword , and the battel out of the earth , and make them lie down safely : and there shall none hurt in all gods holy mountain any more , as the beast hath done hurt . but secondly , when these waters are applied to nations , kinreds , tongues , and people ; as they be , for saith john , the waters which thou sawest , whereon the whore sitteth , are peoples , and multitudes , and nations , and tongues . then they point out unto us those people , men and women , in whom the flesh rules , in all her self-actings and inventions against christ , and in either of these senses , that is , either the multitude of fleshly inventions arising from the spirit of self-love ; or , the multitude of people in whom the flesh works so powerfully ; or both these joyned into one body , make up the city babylon . and all those phrases , as mystery babylon , beast , whore , and mother of harlots , and abominations of the earth , are to be applyed hereunto . and when the waters are thus turned into bloud by the testimony of gods two witnesses ; that is , the wisdom , inventions , and actings of the flesh are now destroyed , and proved evil , and the men in whom this wisdom appeared against god , are ashamed and confounded ; then it is manifest , that the seed of the woman , christ the anointed , hath broken the serpents head . i heard the angel of the waters say , thou art righteous , o lord , which art , which wast , and shall be , because thou hast thus judged ; for they have shed the bloud of saints , and prophets , and thou hast given them bloud to drink , for they are worthy . and by these phrases thus made manifest , it appeares , that jesus christ in his two-fold appearance , in the flesh , and in the spirit , as hath been declared , are gods two faithfull wit●esses , and can be meant of no creature . chap. iv. what is meant by one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes : which is the time given to the two witnesses to prophesie in , cloathed in sack-cloth . and now i come to the third particular to be minded : that is , to shew the meaning of the thousand two hundred and sixty dayes , which is the time given them of god to prophesie in ; and when they must be slain , and who it is that slayeth them . in handling of this , i shall observe three things in prophesie . first , to prophesie is to fore-tell , either in plain or dark language , what hereafter shall come to passe and this did god the father , when he said , the seed of the woman shall break the serpents head : and this is both a promise and a prophesie . secondly , to prophesie is to make such things plain and easie to the understanding of others , which appeared dark and hidden before : and this did jesus christ when he made the mysteries of the kingdome of god plain and easie to the understanding of his● ] 〈◊〉 which were spoken indark sayings 〈◊〉 ther 's : and this is gospel-ministery by the 〈…〉 of truth . thirdly , to prophesie is to give testin● 〈◊〉 or proofe of such things to be true by 〈◊〉 discoveries , which god hath 〈◊〉 or fore-told heretofore should 〈◊〉 passe in the latter dayes : and this did jesus christ , when he by his death and resurrection , did experimentally prove himselfe to be the seed of the woman that broke the serpents head . and so the spirit of christ in the cōversion of sinners to god , doth provelikewise by many cleare experiences , that those sinners so taken up to god , are part of that seed of the woman , in whom the serpents head is broken . and they shall prophesie in sack-cloth ( saith god ) and so they doe . for first , all those abusive slanders , mockings , oppressions and death , which was laid wrongfully upon jesus christ ( for his enemies confesse they found no fault in him , and yet they would crucifie him ) doth not all this shew a cause , time and houre of mourning , or wearing sack-cloth ? and this was the condition of christ whilest he was in the world , bearing a visible testimony to his fathers counsell . and this is the same condition of his church ; for as he was in the world , so are ●hey . the world knew not him , neither doth the world know them : the world hated him , ●nd it hates them . secondly , sack-cloth implies the absence of ●ome friend , plenty , honour , comfort , &c. and did not our lord christ leave his glory in heaven , and came and took upon him the forme ●f a servant ; nay , took upon him the curse ●ue to sin , which is death , that he might ●reak the serpents head , and free sinners from the bondage of that power of darknesse ? and ●oth not his church goe on weeping ▪ carrying ●heir sheaves with them , like pilgrims and ●●rangers looking for a dwelling place in god ; ●nd waiting upon him till he wipe away all ears , &c. and thus they prophesie in sack-●loth . thirdly , jesus christ prophesieth in sack-●loth while his heel is bruised by the serpent ●nd his seed ; for in all their afflictions he is ●fflicted with them . therefore it is a time of ●●ourning to christ , to see such cruelties and ●ppressions to be inflicted upon his church , ●hom he doth so dearly love . and it is a sack-cloth time to his church , ●hen they see the name , the truth , end testi●ony of their lord christ whom they love , to 〈◊〉 blasphemed , rejected and persecuted in the ●orld . and now i shall observe the time that god i ●ath given his witnesses to prophesie in , and that is 1260 dayes . the number of 1260 dayes is to be understood , as i conceive , in a two-fold sense , yet both pointing out the mystery of god : the first , more literall , the second more mysticall . as first , i conceive , that these , 1260 dayes , are reckoned according to the dayes of a week , that our saviour christ jesus did beare witnesse to his father from the time of his baptisme , and descending of the spirit upon him , to the day that he was crucified . for he began his visible testimony , that he was the son of god , when he was supposed to be about 30 years of age , as luke speaks , & we read not of any thing that he did till this time that he was baptized , and the spirit descended upon him . and from that time , till he was crucified , as i have gathered by books , it was supposed to be about three years & a half , which is about this account , which the spirit calls 1260 days , according to the days of a week : it is but about 17 dayes difference . the like number of dayes is spoken of , rev. 12. and the woman fled into the wildernesse , where she hath a place prepared of god 1260 dyes . this i conceive was the same tearm of dayes , according to the number of the dayes in a week , that one saviour did prophesie here in the world among men . and this points out unto us the time of the battell that was fought between michael our prince , the seed of the woman ; and the dragon , or the power of darknesse ruling in the corrupt posterity of adam . for if the serpent and his seed , could have made jesus christ to have sinned by their temptations , then the serpent had conquered him , and had broken gods head . but jesus christ held out to the end , and sinned not , as he that saw it bore , witnesse , and his witnesse is true ; therefore he broke the serpents head , and became a faithfull witnesse to his fathers counsell . now all the time of this bettell , the church was kept by the power of god at a stand , and there were no voyces heard , but silent for the space of halfe an houre , that little time of 1260 dayes : and god and angels , saints and men , were spectators of this great battell between the serpent and christ . but when christ had finished his testimony , he laid down his life , and the serpent and his seed thought they had conquered him , and began to rejoyce and make merry , as revel. 11. 10. and then was made manifest in heaven , that is , in and to the church , by the father , the spirit of truth , that christ by death had overcome him that had the power of death , which was the devill . then there was heard a loud voyce in heaven , in the kingdome and victory of christ . now is come salvation and . strength , an● 〈◊〉 kingdom of our god , and , the power of his christ , for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before god day and night and they ( the church ) overcame him ( the serpent ) by the blood of the lamb● ( the death 〈◊〉 jesus christ ) and by the word of their testimony ( the fathers promise , that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpents head . ) and they loved not their lives unto death . they would rather dye , as the martyrs did , then they would deny this testimony of jesus . one thing note here , that as the silence in heaven for the space of halfe an houre , points out the time of tine battell between the serpent and christ in the flesh , so likewise it points out the spirituall combat between the spirit of christ and the flesh , or the serpents power in every beleever . for so long as the flesh and serpent accuses , their consciences before god day and night , and every disobedient action that will breake their peace , is laid before them , they cannot sing praises , but mourn bitterly ; for as yet god hath given them no testimony of his love in pardoning of them , and of receiving them into his enjoyment : & this is the writing time , or the halfe houres silence , till god give deliverance . but when the anointing sets the poor souls free from these accusations , by a satisfying discovery of his love , then there arise voices of ●raises , and thundrings-forth of thankesgiving ●o god day and night , even as the accusation formerly was day and night . and truly here is great comfort to every particular member of zion , to know that the wisdome and power of their corrupt flesh , which fights against the anointing , and accuses their consciences day and night before god , presenting god to be an angry god to them , when as indeed he is loving , yea , and love it selfe to poore sinners ; i say , for them to know , that it is conquered , and the life and power of it is taken away by christ the anoiuted , it is comfort . and when christ , who is the lord our righteousnesse , is pleased to cast the serpent out of your flesh , and to take possession , and dwell in you himselfe ; then you shall be freed from all those accusations , and from the malice of the accuser , and be made able to sing by experience , now is come salvation and strength , and the kingdome of our god , and the power of his christ , to my soule ; for the prince of darknesse , and powers of my flesh that fought in me against the anointing , or spirit of truth , is now cast out : for god hath pardoned all my disobediences , and taken me into his own rest : therefore honour and glory be to him that sits upon the throne , and to , 〈◊〉 lamb for evermore . and now the dragon being vexed , and 〈◊〉 of wrath , because he is conquered , and c●st out of heaven , ( even every particular member of zion ) he rules strongly still in the children of disobedience , or in the serpents 〈◊〉 in whom he dwels ; and raises all cruell per●●cutions against the church , out of whom he is cast , and in whom the anointing rules . and of whom according to the flesh , the lamb jesus christ was born . and as paul spake of isaac and ismael , that he that was born after the flesh , persecuted him that was born after the sprit : even so it is now , he or they in whom the serpent rules , persecutes him or them out of whom the serpent is cast , and in whom the anointing rules , who is the lord our righteousnesse . but ( saith john ) unto the woman ( or church ) was given two wings of a great eagle , that she might flie into the wildernesse into her prepared place , where she is nourished for a time , times , and halfe a time , from the face of the serpent . i conceive , that the soule , by the wisdome and love of god , is carried into a condition of sensible barrennesse , both in it selfe and in others ; in which condition the soule is under gods protection from the face of the serpent , so that this wildernesse spoke of , is a very safe condition , or hiding-place from the serpent , wherein the soul is fed and nourished by god , and not by any creature , for a lime , times , and halfe a time ; that is , the church , and every particular member , is fed and protected by god all the severall degrees of the dayes of the beast , as hath been shewed . and here i shall mind two things , first , what this wildernesse is not . secondly , what it is . first , ☞ when men are in a good conceir of their own wisdome , learning , and strength , as the jewes were , that thought they had all knowledge to discerne truth from errour ; and therefore when christ , who is truth it selfe , came to them , they called him a deceiver , and a man of errors , and sought to kill him , through that conceit of theirs . but christ told them , that of all men , though they were the chiefe in humane learning in those dayes , they were the deepest in sin and errors , and the furthest from truth , because you say , wee see ( saith christ to them ) therefore your sin remains . now this good conceit of a mans self is not the wildernesse-condition , it is not a safe hiding-place from the serpent , but it is before his face , or in his hand . or again , when men suck content from creatures , as from mens learning , gifts , customs , prayers , or formes of worship , and think they shall never have comfort umlesse they enjoy these outward helps ; this is to preferre the broken cisternes before the fountains . and this is not the wildernesse-condition neither : for still the poor man is before the face of the serpent , and in his hand ; for he seekes contentment from creatures , and not from god onely , by resting upon outward helps . but now secondly , when a soule is driven or called into the wildernesse , where she is fed by gods speciall and loving care , from the face of the serpent , we are to mind two things . first , it is such a condition , wherein a man is dead to all his owne wisdome , memory , strength , learning , actings , and lookes upon all as priviledges of no gain , but of weaknesse and of drosse ; without the anointing , he cannot meditate , nor understand ; till god come into him ; he cannot speak , till god give utterance ; he feeles his heart barren of understanding , of love , of peace , he feeles and sees nothing in him , but onely a thirsting soul after god , whom his secret thoughts tell him , is able to satisfie him , if he please but to manifest himselfe . and secondly , as the soul sees a barrennesse and death within it self , so likewise is she dead to every thing without , she finds no comfort or strength from any man or creature ; preaching , praying , and all outward forms , are barren actions to this poor soul , because she sees the spirit absent . and therefore she cries , saw yee not my beloved , him whose enjoyment i ●on● after ; i can take no delight in your company and societies , and in your actings , unlesse my god whom my soul loves , did manifest himself to me there . the experiences and writings of prophets , apostles , and saints , are dry shels to me , and cannot comfort , unlesse god whom my soule breathes after , give to me likewise some experience of his love , as he gave to them , and then i shall have joy ; yea , and my joy then will be fulfilled , and not till then . and here also the soule sees and feels a barrennesse , as if she were in the midst of an unfruitfull and dry wildernesse , where she sees nothing within , but a hunger-starving soule , nor any thing without round about , but barren trees , as our saviour sought for figs from the tree , but found none . now this poor man sees nothing in others and nothing in himself to nourish him ; but onely a secret hope of relief from god , waiting upon him with tears in his eyes till god come , longing to see him , mourning in his absence ; for the soule hath no sensible manifestation as yet . and this , i conceive , is the wildernesse into which the woman fled , & in which the lamb feeds her : and this is a sure hiding-place from the face of the serpent , and a very safe condition in two respects . first , because god is now ingaged to take care of this soule ( for by woman , in that place , i conceive is pointed out the church in generall , and every particular beleever , and what is made good to one soule is true in all sion ) she is now dead to all other protectore ; but alive to god , she waits , she sighes , she breathes after him . o. when shall i see my god , when shall i be satisfied with the mannoe which is from heaven , even the sweet enjoyment of the anointed . secondly , it is a safe condition because the soule is now in a way of nourishment before god , from the face of the serpent ; god never manifests himselse to a soule , till he hath first emptied her of her-selfe , and drawn her off from sucking milk from the teats of the creatures : for saith god , whom shall i give understanding to ? and to whom shall i teach doctrine , but to them that are drawne from the milk , and are weaned from the teats of a mans own self-conceit , and sucking contentment from mens learning and inventions ? and so saith the apostle , you are dead to all things below god ; but your life is hid with god in christ . this is a very safe condition for a poor soul ( though she thinkes not so ; for she is now in gods way that leads to true rest . and when god is pleased not onely to allure her , and bring her into this wildernesse , but begins likewise to speake kindly to her , and to manifest his love in lively and sweet discoveries , then the writings and experiences of prophets , apostles and saints , do fulfill his joy ; and he now sees there is no lie of the truth ; that is , of the anointing . but this woman , say some , cannot point out a partioular beloever , but some thing more generall , because it is said , that the earth helped the woman , as you may read , rev. 12. 15 , 16. i conceive there is no scruple in this objection . i will answer it briefly : first , if the magistrates , or common people , be this earth , as some think , then it followes , that if they help the church in generall , they help every particular believer also . but i conceive that interpretation is too far below the spiritualnesse of this mystery , though there may be a truth in it notwithstanding . for god makes use of magistrates and common people to help his church and saints against the serpents flood of mallcious temptaitons . but by earth i rather conceive is to be understood the humane body of christ , which is made of the same earth that our bodies are , and this helps the church ; for by the blood of this lamb , they overcome the serpent , and by this lamb they are fed , as you may read more fully rev , 7. 9. 17. now in the second place we are to look into the mysticall meaning of this number 1260 dayes . and i conceive , they point out the length of time that the church of christ is to lie under the captivitie of the little horn , or antichristian power , which are called gentiles ; for they are not in covenant with god . the time of the battell , as i shewed , was 126● dayes , according to single dayes in a weeke and the holy city shall be trod under the feet of the gentiles almost so many yeares , according to the yeares in a mans life : this conceive is one mystery of god , i say , almost , doe not say altogether so many yeares as . the beattell was dayes . for christ will not have them to hold . an even proportion of years to those 1260 dayes but hath shortned the dayes of their captivity for the elects sake . and therefore , saith god the witnesses shall prophesie 1260 dayes , and the gentiles shall tread under foot the holy city 42 moneths . now these 42 moneths being just 3 single yeares and halfe , beare a proportion of time with the 3 dayes and halfe , that the witnesses must lie dead : but i pray mark , we are not to reckon the fourty two moneths , nor the three dayes and halfe , to point out no longer time then barely three single years and half , as some think . but i conceive , that god by these tearmes of time , points at a higher mystery : that is , points out to us 3 ages and a halfe , or 3 degrees of time and a halfe , that he hath determined for the beast to tread the holy city under foot . therefore when the question was asked by one angel in daniels vision : how long shall it be to the end of these wonders ? another angel swears by him that liveth for ever . that it shall be for a time , times , and an half ; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people , all these things shal be fi●ished : john mentions the samet earms of time . so that now mark , i conceive these time , times , and a half , are 3 ages and a half , which god can and will shorten as he pleases , as he hath promised : and the 42. months , nor the 3 dayes and half , doth not hold a proportion of years , to the 1260. dayes , which was the time of the battel ; but they point out 3. ages , and an half , of the reigne of the beast . as the day and reign of the dragon , the ●lay and reign of the leopard , the day ●nd reign of the beast with two horns , which speaks like a dragon , the day and reign of the image of the beast , which i conceive is the half day : and by the names and discriptions of these beasts , and by the 3 dayes and half , or the divided time , as now it is god points out the different workings of the wisdom of the flesh , and how she flies from one shape to another , as christ comes into the heart of his saints to discover her . and that an age of a man is called a day , the scriptures make it plain ; as our saviour said , abraham desired to see my day : that is the day and reign of christ , so the day of moses , or the age or time while moses bore rule , and so here the day of the dragon , before the devill took up any other shape . if you desire to know the beast , that treads you and the holy city under foot : look first into your own hearts , for there she sits ; and after that ye have beheld her confused workings there against christ , then look into the world , and you shall see the same confusioin of ignorance , pride , self-love , oppression , and vain conversation acted against christ , in states , in assemblies , and in some churches in the world . but when christ comes in his brightnes ; in glory light and beauty , as the son that shines from east to west , enlightning the whole earth ; then will this beast or wisdom of the flesh be destroyed , in all her shapes and disguises . first in the flesh and hearts of saints , and afterward through the multitude of saints , and their manifold discoveries from god , all her confusion shall be thrown down in the world , and she shall reign no more ; but the kingdom , yea the greatnes of the kingdom under the whole heaven , shall be given to the saints of the most high . the beast , or this powerfull wisdom of the flesh ; or rather the serpent in flesh , which reads down the holy city 42. months , or 3. layes and half , in her first day she is grosse , ●nd down right prophane , which was the day ●f the dragon , or magistracy out of joynt , as ●n the day of nero , when magistrates and people were all deceived ; but satan finding he ●ould not do mischief enough against christ ●n this age , or day . he chauges his shape into an angel of light , 〈◊〉 in the day and time of setting up an univer●all bishop that should rule successively ; but ●eing discovered by the light of christ to be ●ery hypocriticall , and full of abominations : ●his is the leopard . she changes her self into her 3. day , into re●ormed episcopacy , & appears by faire shews , ●f pretending peace , even more closely hypo●riticall . but this day of hers likewise , being discovered to be a day of darknes by the lord our righteousnes : this is the lamb with the ●wo hornes , &c. she changes her self into her half day , or image , which is more closely hipocriticall , then the former , she being now hedged into a nar●ow compasse by christ , and all her shifts are almost discovered , so that every young man of christ , can point the finger at her , and say that as she that will not suffer christ to reign king , ●riest , and prophet in his own house ; but will give him the name , but reign her self in those offices . this is she that will not suffer christ to choose his own church , out of the world ; but she will chuse for him , and christ must either be content with a whole parish , and a whole kingdom , and so the whole world to bee his church , or else this beastly whorish spirit , will allow him no church at all . this is she that will not suffer christ to call , to gift , and to send forth , his own ministers and servants , to work in his vineyard ; but she will choose , & call , and gift them for him ; and he must either be content , with such ministers as she ordaines , and counts able schollers , and orthodox divines , or else he shall have none at all : shepherds and fishermen , or tradesmen that are unlearned in mens writings , she will not allow to preach the gospel , though christ give them anointing , and bid them speak the things which they have seen and heard from him . more might be said here , but every mans experience can ad some thing ; but i will speak two words more , to them that pretend love to christ . first , if there be any that by humane wisdom and policy endeavour to set up the worship of god , or that by a humane law , or compulfive power , will inforce others to give testimony to the father , that jesus christ is his almighty power : call you these people , or this government what you will , i am confident it speaks like the dragon and it is the image of the beast . and secondly , if there be any that pretend love to christ , and yet in their judgements and practices are part for christ , and part for the flesh . and though they do not desire a humane law to enforce others to walk in their way , yet they will not own as brethren , nor with the tender embracings of love will not receive any ; but such as are of their own way and judgment , though the anointing which knits christs misticall body together be manifest in them : call you this likewise what you will , i am confident it speaks like the dragon , and is of the image of the beast , and part of the half day . but i will speak one work of comfort to the saints , your captivity under the antichristian power , is come to the half day or half time , and the lamb will nourish and feed you before the throne , or under the eye and protecting care of god , in this half time ; as he hath fed the church with love and watchfull care , in the 3 , dayes that are past ; and the power of this blaspheming horne , that will not acknowledge christs testimony , nor suffer others to acknowledg him : this day of his is and shall be shortned for the elects sake . and i believe ere long we shall heare the angel say , it is done , her 3 dayes and half , or her time , times , and half time is now accomplished . and the stone which is cut 〈…〉 mountains without hands , even 〈…〉 christ our righteousnes , shall destr●●● 〈…〉 workings and kingdom of darkne● 〈…〉 in the saints , and likewise 〈…〉 power , that satan exercised over 〈…〉 he trod them under foot the 42. 〈…〉 now christ will reigne himself for 〈…〉 ever , for of his kingdom there shal1 〈…〉 . and then the world shall see by experience , that word of solomon , to be made good . that when the wicked ( that is , the flesh rules ) the city mournes ; but when the righteous ( that is , jesus christ ) rules , the city zion rejoyces , and there is great shouting for joy among the saints , when they can speak by experience and say , o rejoyce , rejoyce , for the lord god omnipotent reignes . and now doth the sonne of righteousnes , rise higher in the bright manifestations of himself upon the soules of his saints , and the day of christ begins to shine more clear ; even that one day , as zachariah calls , it , which did appear in the hearts of saints formerly , for abraham saw it , and david saw it , and rejoyced to see it . and truly this day of christ , this sweet discovery of the fathers love to poor sinners , began to dawne upon the seventh day in course after the creation of all things ; for adam sinned upon the sixth day towards the close of the day or cool of the evening , and then the seventh day in course should have been a day of punishment or destruction to adam , for his disobedience : i but the son of our righteousness rises presently and love appeared in this promise , that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpents head , and so stopped the breakings forth of wrath , and made it a day of joy and gladness unto lost sinners , and therefore when the jews told christ he was a finner , because he had broke the sabbath-day , when he had but cured the lame man upon that day . why saith christ , my father worketh hitherto , and i work , that is : all the six dayes was my fathers time of working , and making all things ; but the seventh day is my day , and now i work , to bruise the serpents head , and to save that which was lost . and therefore i say , this one day of christ , did dawn upon the seaventh day from the creation : and the sonne of righteousnes hath rose higher and higher , in the discoveries of himself , or his church : though the thick and cold clouds of flesh and self-love , both in our selves , and in the world , hath darkened the beames of it from us . i but now the winter is near past , the summer is come , the flowers appear in the earth : that is , the glorious workings of the anointing , in the spirit of saints ; the time of the singing of birds is come , that is , all the saints begin to sing halelujah , for the lord god omnipotent reigneth , within , and begins to reign in the world , and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land , that is , the voice of the lord christ our rightousnes , is heard and seen to rule in our flesh : and now the beast or wisdom and power of our corrupt flesh , or serpent within us , is wounded to death , and she shall reign no more . and so by the multitude of divine discoveries , self-love and confusion shall be destroyed in the flesh of saints ; and their very flesh shall be made that land of righteousnes , even the branch or the lords own planting the inhe●●tance of their father ; in whom the king of righteousnes , and the king of peace shall dwell and rule for ever . and by the multitude of these saints whom christ will raise up like drops in a shoure of raine for number . all the oppression , injustiee false shewes and formes of gods worship , shall all be destroyed in the world , and judgement shall run down our streets like a stream , and righteousnes like a river . and though there be a people still on earth , in whom the wisdom and power of the flesh dwells ( as yet there must be ) yet the power of it shall be kept under , and suppressed by the power of christ , the anoining in the saints , for a certain terme of years appointed by the father . and then he will let satan loose again , who shall stir up those children of disobedience in whom he dwells , to joyn together in one mind and spirit of malice , and of fleshly wisdom and force , which is gog and magog 〈◊〉 destroy the holy city , the saints , the body of christ , and house of god . but then shall the wrath of the lamb be made manifest to their destruction , and then comes the end , that the son shall deliver up the kingdom unto the father . chap. v. the witnesses were to be slain when they had finished their testimony . now in the next particular , we are to mind the time when the witnesses are to be slain , and that is , when they have finished their testimony , as john speaks , when they shall have finished their testimony , the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomles pit , shall make war against them , and shall overcome them and kill them . these two witnesses ( i conceive ) may be said to have finished their testimony , when by manifest experience they have made it appear , that the seed of the woman hath broken the serpents head , and so have proved the word of the father to be true . and this they have done , for first , jesus christ in his own person he broke the serpents head , when he trod under his feet all the sub●●wit and power of the serpent , and prevailed over all his temptations , so that satan could find nothing in him ; and so by death , overcame him that had the power of death , which was the devil . secondly , jesus christ , breaks the serpents head in the saints , when he makes them able to speak out of experience , i was proud ( saith the soul ) now god hath made me humble : i was envious , now god hath made me love , even my enemies ; i loved and acted injustice , now god hath made me to hate injustice , and to love truth in my heart , and to act righteousnes chearfully . the flesh and the lusts of it ruled strongly in me , now holines rules in me , so that i can look back and see my strong sins and lusts lie like dead enemies before me ; and my heart rejoyceth in the anointing , who hath given me the victory . and now i see , that the love , the self-denial , the inward rejoycing of my heart to advance god above all things , is christ , the anointing in me , the hope of my future established enjoyment of god . and this is my life , and this my life is hid with god in the anointed , & in this glory of christ , thus revealed in me , and to my sight & feeling , that the serpents head is broken in me , in part , and shall be quite broken at the resurrection , at the day that my body is raised out of the dust ; in this i rejoyce with joy unspeakable . formerly my life and joy was bound up in creatures , in riches , in friends , in self-satisfaction , in my pride , covetousnes , and contents of the flesh . ah but now my life is the enjoyment of my god ; his wisdom i glory in , his will , his love , his spirit of truth i glory in . not only to heare of these without , by the voice of others , but to feel the working , dwelling , and ruling in me . to hear that christ was raised from death , and from the grave , is joy . but to see and feel christ the anointing , raised upon me ; and to feel him who is the spring of life , to be opened in me , and to send forth sweet manifestations of god to my soul , this is much more joyous , and full of abundance of inward refreshments . but the foul sees and feeles more of this glory within it self , then it can relate in words ; and when once the saints can speak this in experience , then the serpents head is broke in them , the seed of the woman , and they seal to the truth of the fathers word , and now their testimony is finished . and this was pauls case , while the serpents power and head , ruled in him , he was a blasphemer , and a persecuter , as himself confessed ; but when the power of god appeared to break the serpents head in him , then saith he , but i have obtained mercy , and by the grace of god am made to preach , and to acknowledge and practice , that faith of god which once i endeavored to destroy . but when the witnesses had thus finished their testimony , and proved the word of the father true in their own experience , then the beast that ascended out of the bottomles pit , made war against them and kil'd them . now here mind first , what is the bottomles pit , i conceive it is the corrupt heart and flesh of man ; for there is no end of the pride , envy ignorant self-conceited subtilty ; and hurtfull nature of it against christ , the prince of princes , and being far below god . for let a man live ten thousand million of years , and the sinfulnes of his flesh will not lessen ; but grow worse and worse , and rise higher and higher , in wickednes , against righteousnes and peace , if christ do but let him alone : so that the depth of this pit being so far below god , may be well said to be bottomles . but this is spoke after the manner of men , for no man can search the bottom of his heart ; but god knowes the full depth of it : it is not a bottomles pit to him , though it be a bottomles pit to men . then secondly , mind , that the beast that rises up out of this bottomles pit , is the wisdom and power of it , branching it self forth into divers forms of church-government , being contrary to christ in every thing , and so makes war against gods witnesses , in all their actings , either inwardly or outwardly . and this beast , or blind , subtil , hypocriticalnes of the flesh will not suffer christ the anointing to rule in the flesh , but she will rule therein , and over christ too ; this is the beast which hath his seat in every son and daughter of adam . now john speaks of a smoak , that rises up , out of the bottomles pit , and this smoak i conceive , is either the inward inventions , accusations , and workings of the flesh within , like a cloud hiding the son of righteousnes from the soul as long as he can . or else it is the outward actings of the wisdom of the flesh , in hypocrisie and provocations from men , which is like an overflowing wave of powerfull wickednes , which drownes the souls of men under ignorance and darknes that they know not what to do , or else pufs up their minds with a vain confidence , that they worship god according to his word , when as it is manifest they have not so much as the letter of the word to warrant their practices ; and so this smoak becomes a strong delusion , to them in whom the beast reignes with power . then thirdly , mind , there is a king of this bottomles pit , and that is , satan the spirit of darknes that rules in the children of disobedience ; or the prince of the ayre : the ayre , i conceive is the element wherein the beast or whorish spirit lives , and that is , either the time which god hath given her to reigne in , or else the humane , compulsive , and coersive power , exercised by satan , against christ & his saints : compelling the saints to forsake the spirituall way of christ , and to honour the god of forces , and of silver and gold , which they know not , as daniel speaks ; for take away this power , or let but the angel powre out his viall upon this ayre , and the beast dies , her time is done or accomplished . so that here is the bottomles pit , the corrupt flesh : then the beast that ascendeth out of this bottomles pit , and that is ; the wisdom of the flesh , which is enmity against god . and then here is the king of this bottomles pit : even satan or the universall power of darknes , that leads poor sinners captive at his will . and yet these three are but one power of darknes in three discoveries , fighting and making war against christ , and his testimony ; but the anointed will destroy this power of darknes , and translate his mysticall body into his own kingdome of light and liberty . and when they had finished their testimony , the beast shall make war against them , and shall overcome them , and kill them . before i proceed , it is needfull to clear one scripture of daniel , that may raise a scruple : in that which i have already writ , it appeares that god said , the witnesses should prophesie in sack-cloth 1260. dayes . but when one saint spake to another saint , and asked , how long shall be the vision of the daily sacrifice , and the transgression of desolation , to give both the sanctuary and the host to be troden under foot ? the angel answered , unto 2300. dayes . then shall the sanctuary be clensed . now this time of daniels vision was 14. generations , ( except the 70. years captivity ) before christ came : therefore i conceive , that this 2300. dayes , doth point out so many full years , that the church partly of the jews , and partly of the gentiles , shall lie under the captivity of the blaspheming horne , in his severall shapes . and so points out the oppressions of the church of the jews , the destruction of the city jerusalem , and the destroying of the temple , and all those wastings of the church ( both before christ came ) among the jews , ( and since christ came ) among the gentiles , and so comprehends the tyranny both of the dragon ( corrupt magistracy , ) and the tyranny of the beast ( the antichristian shapes ) over the holy city , from the end of the 70. years captivity in babylon , to the time of the end , that the beast shall reigne no longer . and i believe that this 2300. dayes are a full number of years , that the church of the jews and gentiles , have suffered and must suffer under the serpents power , till the appointed time be finished from the end of the 70. years captivity ; for when daniel asked the angel , what should be the end of these things , he said , go thy way daniel , for the words are closed up and sealed , till the time of the end , pointing out to us that the jews were yet to suffer many things before the gentiles be called . but when god speaks , that his witnesses shall prophesie 1260. dayes , and that the holy city or the host , shall be trod under foot , 42. months , which are one and the same tearm of time as hath been shewed ; i believe he points out the very direct time of captivity that the church of the gentiles shall undergo under mystery babylon , or the blaspheming horn . and therefore when the angel was shewing the vision of these things to john . saith he , seale not the sayings of this prophesie , for the time is at hand ; or the time of the 1260. dayes , are upon the beginning , and the time of the jewish church is come to a period . and as god was pleased to shew unto john the beginning of those 1260. dayes captivity , so i believe , god is pleased to shew his servants now , that these 1260. dayes , are very near an end . and that the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of christ , and he shall take to him his own power , and reign for ever and ever . even so come lord iesus . i shall now proceed ; hither to we see who it is that kills gods two witnesses , even the wisdom and envious power and policy of corrupt flesh : that would be as god , and sit in gods temple , and rule over all that is called god . the corrupt wisdom , blind zeal , and meritorious actings , is forcibly pressed upon the saints , by the flesh ; before the believing in the free grace and love , and gift of god , yea , the flesh honours it self and dishonours god , and all that worship god , or that live in him , yea , the flesh rules and strives mightily , and hath a great prevailing power to enforce men to attend upon her preparative use of means , which she calls means , and self-actings ; to get knowledge , comfort , life , and will not suffer men , nay , nor the saints some-times to honour god by waiting upon him , and wheresoever you see the flesh active , if god be pleased to teach , you shall see the flesh both in your self and in others , to slight , despise , and undervalue god , though to your present apprehension , you think you honour god ; but truly we dishonour god when we would worship him in the way of the flesh ; and will not wait upon him in his own way . it remaines now to shew how the beast ( or flesh ) doth kill the two witnesses . and this phrase killing , is but a fuller declaration of that compleat captivity under the blaspheming horn in his severall shapes , for the space of 42. months , or three dayes and half , or 1260. dayes , which are all one ; and then that god that gave his witnesses into the hands of the beast to be killed , raises them up to life again : and as solomon said , the righteous is delivered , and the wicked falls into his place ; for upon their rising , the beast is killed , and he dies for ever ; but the killing of the witnesses is not everlasting , neither is their death eternall ; for god will raise them up from death , and of the life and kingdom of the two witnesses , there shall be no end . but how are the witnesses slain ? why truly when the wisdom and powers of the beast rules in full strength , then the father hath so . determined , that the witnesses shall be trod under foot and killed , but this killing is but in the eye of the world , not in the eye of god and saints ; for because i live ( saith christ ) therefore you live , and the world sees me no more , but you see me . and there are three dispositions of the beast , to be considered in killing gods witnesse● . first , consider the spirit of envy and heart-burning that is in the flesh against gods witnesses . as first , the flesh of every man within , in the secret of his own heart , doth rise and fret against any truth which doth principally advance god , and deny self : we cannot bear the truths of god at first hearing , nor ever , till god make us able : i speak in experience , my own flesh declared its rebellion against god in this particular . tell a man that he hath no knowledge , & no faith in god , and his heart swels presently , and thinks you wrong him ; tell him him his own humane learning and workings are abomination to the lord , and that he must lay aside his beloved actings , and wait onely upon god for knowledge and faith , & his heart swels , and cannot endure to hear of waiting upon god : and truly , god is more honoured by our waiting , then by the multitude of our self-actings . tell a man that god doth and wil give his spirit to tradesmen now-a-dayes , as he gave himself to husbandmen and fishermen formerly , and that these being taught of god , are ministers which god sends forth ; and that humane schollars that are not so taught of god , are no ministers , but such as run before god send them , though they have the ordination of humane authority , his heart presently swels against this , and he cries it down for an error , and cannot endure to heare , that god should teach any but schollars , that any should preach glad tidings from god to sinners , but such schollars : here the flesh within every man labours to kill gods witnesses : for the flesh grudges to give god his liberty to doe with his own what he will , and the flesh would have something in it selfe , it hath a secret grudging to acknowledge all wisdom , faith and life must be given of god , and that his actings can get nothing . and if there were not an inward root of bitternes in every mans heart against truth , there would not be such strivings and wars amongst men as there is ; the flesh of every man envies the anointing , and would not have god to reign in him , but by secret grudgings and swellings would cast god out ; not under the name of god , but under the name of an error● for truly our flesh will envy truth , it will not envy error : the flesh will kill its enemy , not its friend . barabbas must live and christ must die ; and so christ , who is god blessed for ever , is put to death under the name of a deceiver , and a man full of errors . and thus the flesh in every man labours to kill gods witnesses ; even the declarations of truth within it selfe , by grudging , because he cannot beare it . secondly , this spirit of envie which ariseth in the flesh against gods witnesses , whose testimony honours god ; doth not onely appeare inwardly in the sensible feeling of a mans owne corruptions , when god begins to teach him , but it appeares outwardly likewise , in other mens actings to the view one of another . as the envy of darius his counsellors against daniel : the envy of herod against the child jesus : and the envy of the scribes and pharisees against christ & his apostles , who threw down the letter of the law which the jewes doted upon , and set up the spirituall practice of the gospel , which they could not endure . this envie in the flesh , is the first on-set of the beast to kill gods witnesses . a second disposition of the beas is , the spirit of subtill policy and hypocriticall craft , that laies wait to ensnare gods witnesses , and makes his mountain strong against god . and this crafty hypocrisie appears in every man likewise : for when god hath found out a mans iniquity , and begins to shame the flesh , that he may save the soul ; the heart wil not with humility acknowledge it self sinfull ; but will have many turnings , shifts , and policies to justifie himself ; though his conscience tell him he is guilty . so while the witnesses of god prove the man a sinner , his flesh still would fain be esteemed righteous , and labours to kill the witnesses . if the heart be found guilty of pride , coveteousnesse , envie , unfaithfulnesse , or any uncleannesse , it hath many winding pretences to cleare himself , and so prove god the liar . but well , though the fleshly conscience smother and kill gods witnesses within it selfe , and by his shifts avoids shame , and so rejoyceth in his innocency got by lying craft ; yea , and rejoyces over that testimony from god , that bore witnesse against his conscience . as when the witnesses were slain in in that 11. revel. all that dwelt upon the earth , that were tormented by them , rejoyced at their death . even so all the wisdom , love , joy , and peace in sin , that were tormented in a man by the testimony of truth against them ; now they all rejoyce by the loud out-cries of the flesh , ( god suffering it ) the truth is slighted , and the conscience quieted upon carnall grounds , through carnall policy . but when the determined time is accomplished , that god will raise up the spirit of his son in thee , who is killed by , and lies buried under thy corruptions , then god will destroy thy flesh , & all thy carnall joy & peace , and all thy own self-works shall be burned , and he will make thee confesse thy selfe a sinner , and a wicked man . when god hath given thee experience that he hath broke the serpents head in thee , and so hath revealed his son in thee , and filled thee with joy and peace of himself , taking thee into his rest , into his kingdome and glory , by the rising of the bright morning star , and the resurrection of gods truth , the anointing within thee ; then the envy , policy , and all the wickednesse of the flesh acting against god , shall be destroyed . and the anointing , which is the lord our righteousnesse , shall dwel and rule in thee for thee for ever , which is thy redemption . and secondly , this spirit of hypocriticall craft against truth , appeares in others likewise , to the view one of another ; by slighting the testimony of god by a two-fold policy : first , by devising carnall customes , and false formes of worship , which are pleasing to the flesh , not according to the command and example of scriptures , which the flesh pretends to follow , and yet doth not . here is truth killed by the subtill inventions of the flesh , which are cried up for sound learning . secondly , the flesh kils truth , by working subtilly with the higher powers of the earth , the magistracy , which god hath set in the world , by which he preserves peace , and outwardly punishes them that doe evil . i say , the flesh works subtilly to deceive this , and gets an authority here-from to make lawes , canons , directories , & ecelesiastical or classical constitutions , to compel all men to an uniforme conformity , to all her inventions , customs and formes of worship agreed upon : and this is the subtilty of the little horn , or the king of a ●erce countenance , which daniels vision speaks of , whose power shall be mighty , but not by his own power . for truly this ecclesiasticall power is no power which god did ordai● or make ; but is a power which the crafty flesh hath got from the kings of the earth , whereby the flesh doth destroy wonderfully , the mighty and the holy people . and likewise through his policy , ( god still suffering it , and having appointed a time for the flesh to act its part in , against god ) mind that , he causes craft to prosper in his hand , and he shall magnifie himselfe in his heart ; and by peace ( or by pretending of peace ) shall destroy many ; he shall also stand up against the prince of princes : ( here is the up-shot of the fleshes malice and policy ) but he shall be broken without hand . now mark : all this crafty hypocriticall policy of the beast , is not to move gods witnesses to be faithfull , to give god all the glory , but to intangle them in and by the usurped power and unjust lawes and constitutions of the flesh ; because the witnesses beare testimony that the flesh wo●ld reigne as god , and would sit in the temple of god , that is , in created man : but their testimony is , that god will destroy this serpent and will reigne himselfe in his own house , even man . and this we have experience of , that the canons and lawes that have been made and confirmed by humane authority , to maintain directories , and ecclesiasticall forms of worship , did not suppresse wickednesse : for ungodly men , that wondred after the beast , and honored the flesh , still have their liberty in sinfull practices . but they have insnared and suppressed the saints , that worship the lamb , that is , god in man : or the holy breathing in mans flesh . and this is the second on-set the beast makes to kill gods witnesse . as darius his crafty counsellors got the king to signe a decree , which they pretended would be for his honour and welfare , but the subtill intent was to entrap and kill daniel , who was gods friend . a third disposition in the beast , is the spirit of cruelty which puts all those lawes and canons in execution , to kill gods witnesses . and the flesh in every man is very ready to assent hereunto , even to stop the mouth , and to kill truth . and this is cruelty ; the flesh would not have truth to live , but is still heart-burning against it , truth must be kild , because it testifies against the flesh , that the deeds thereof are evill . if thou be vain-glorious ; and the flesh be proud of learning , gifts , preaching , praying , actings ; and set a man tell thee never so mildly of thy pride , coveteousnesse , and oppression , or self-worship , and blind devotion ; and though the inward conscience tell thee , thou art scuh a one , yet thy flesh burnes and swels presently , and nothing wil satisfie thy disquiet flesh , if it might have its will , but the imprisonment and death of him that speakes the truth . and is glad to heare of any glosse , or subtill invention , or authoritative law , that doth seem to kill truth , and countenance a vain and empty form of gods worship . if god give thee a discerning heart , thou wilt acknowledge , that thy own flesh within , as well as the flesh of other men , is very cruel against truth , and rejoyces in its death . and when the flesh gets a power into his hand , as it hath a power when the kings of the earth give their authority and power to it ; then it puts all politick lawes and ecclesiasticall constitutions into execution , to kill the appearances of truth every where . the jewes by the envy and policy of their flesh , first , made a canon-law , that whosoever acknowledged iesus the anointed , should be put out of the synagogue . and within a littie time after , did put this law into execution , and did cast the poor man out , whom christ had cured of his blindnesse , because he testifies love to christ , and said , he was no sinner , whom their flesh said , was a sinner . likewise they did imprison and beat the apostles by the same ecclesiasticall law , because they preached the name of iesus ▪ and have we not all experience , how this selfe-honoring beast , in her three shapes already past , hath mightily suppressed , martyred , and worn out the saints of the most high god , by executing her canon-lawes , by inquisitions , high commissions , and classicall censures , upon those innocent lambs of christ , that could not conform through their love to god ) unto her fleshly forms of worship , and carnall customes , which he hath with a great confidence declared to be according to the scriptures , which upon examination appears to be her own invention and fancy , and not agreeable to the sense of the scriptures in any kind . and here lies the great mystery of all , god the father will have his son iesus christ to be advanced , king , priest , and prophet ; for god in flesh must rule , and this is gods kingdome . but the corrupt felsh , ( or rather the serpent in flesh ) would be god ; therefore all the wisdome and power of it , sets it selfe as god , and strives to advance it selfe ●above god , and denies and persecutes gods anointed ones , in whom god delights . and this mystery of iniquity did work in daniels time , by envy and craft against the appearances of god in daniel : and it prevailed in the time of caiaphas the high priest , to kill the man christ iesus , who was gods faithful and true witnesse . and as the beast had got a humane corrupted power to put christ to death , yet an illegal law ; for the judge confessed he found no fault in christ ; yet the beast had no law to put such to death , as acknowledged or beleeved in christ ; for the anointing in saints was not yet known so manifestly in the world . therefore she began to creep in , in rauls time , to spy out the saints liberty , and to bring them into bondage : and after some few years she commits fornication with the kings of the earth , and they gave their authority and power to the beast , and then an universall bishop was set up at rome , and a compulsive power was put into his hands to compell all men and women to conforme to what divine government or worship he and his colledge made , or else to suffer punishment . and now the beast makes directories , and church-governments , not according to scripture , but by her conclusions and inferences from scripture that agree ( not with the mystery of god ) but with her own being & maintenance . and likewise she hath power in her hand to make laws and canons , and ecclesiastical censures , to inforce a conformity hereunto . the first of these is to insnare the saints , and to catch them within the limits of a law ; and in the next place to kill them . and thus the beast hath killed and worn out the saints , and made warre with christ , gods two witnesses a long time . and the beast hath killed them by her ecclesiasticall lawes ( an ordinance of government which god never made ) but is a corrupt power cunningly juggled out of the hands of civill magistrates of the earth , which is gods ordinance , which he appointed for the government of the world . and by this ecclesiasticall bastardly power which was got in fornication with the kings of the earth ; the beast hath reigned and lived in pomp like a delicate whore , first killed , and then trod the witnesses under her feet : for now she doth what she will , she sits like a queen , and knowes no sorrow ; for she hath a power from the kings of the earth , and this power is permitted and limited by our god , to tread them under foot 42 months which beare testimony of her ruine . for this is the testimony of the two witnesses , that god will reigne and dwell in flesh , and tread the beast under his feet . and this is gods kingdome ; but this the beast cannot indure to heare of . therefore she envies gods two witnesses , and uses all her policy to kill them , and tread them under her whorish feet , that she might prove god a liar , and reign her selfe as god , in gods temple . it is not any particular man or office , that kils gods witnesses , but it is the serpentine flesh in every man that advances it self in men and offices above god , and this must be till god take him away , or tread this wicked one under his feet . but one thing note , that the slayiug of the witnesses , is not a slaying of the bodies of their flesh onely , but a slaying of their actions and testimonies , by reproaches , oppression , and ecclesiasticall laws , not suffering them to act ike themselves , according to their testimony of the father in the view of the world , so that they ly like dead bodies in the worlds account , though they be still living in themselves : and will appeare to the world to be alive ere long . for first , the humane body of christ was kild by the jews , that was the history : but this is not the onely killing ; for afterwards when the beast had committed fornication with the kings of the earth , then he killed the lawes , ordinances , and commands of christ ; by seting up lawes , ordinances , and commands of his own invention , in stead thereof , and would not suffer the practicall directions of jesus christ to have a being on earth ; but turnes the scriptures that testifie of christ , up-side down , advancing the mysterie of iniquity , that is , the serpent in the flesh , in stead of the mystery of godlinesse , god manifest in the flesh , and hath drawn a dark veil over the free grace of gods absolute workings , ( as the witnesses testifie god to be all in all ) and carries sinners back again to a ceremoniall , jewish , and legall way of worship , to seek salvation not by faith onely , but ( as it were ) by the workes of the law . as for instance in 8. particulars . 1. jesus christ said , wee should bee all taught of god , and that he would send the spirit of truth to lead us into all truth . but the beast saith , we must be taught by men , and calls the teachings of god , without mens teachings , a delusion . 2. jesus christ sends forth his servants to preach the kingdome of god , that is , to speak of what they have heard and seen of the indwelling and in-working of god in themselves , and in the man jesus christ . but the beast will suffer none to preach , though they be taught of god , unlesse they come out of her schools of learning first , and so speak what they have seen and heard from commentaries , books , and ancient authors . 3. jesus christ commands his servants to love their enemies , and pray for such as doe despitefully use them . but the beast , though she pretend love to god by outward profession , will not onely oppresse and kill despiteful enemies , but such as are peaceable men , under the name of factious , and men of errors , if they cannot conform to her principles and practices . 4. iesus christ calls his church out of the world , & makes them to beleeve in god by his own almighty power ; but the beast will have a whole parish , a whole kingdome , and so the whole world to be his church in her time , or else she wil suffer him to have no church at all . 5. iesus christ speakes honourably of the saints , and calls them , his sheep , his little flocke , his peculiar ones . but the beast speakes bitterly of them , evill intreats them , prisons , whips , oppresses and murders them , and thinks she doth god good service in so doing . 6. jesus christ commends the communion of saints , such as worship the father sincerely in spirit & truth . the beast commends the communion of bare professors , for saints , whose worship lies in forms and customes onely . 7. jesus christ declares that his sabbath , or day of rest to a saint , is his indwelling in the soul , and the souls indwelling in him , which is continuall , and not an observation of one seventh day in the week , after the jewish type . but the beast being unacquainted with the substance , observes one day in seven , after the manner of the typicall worship ; and condemnes the soules continuall resting in christ , and christ in it , for an error . 8. and so for bapti●me , breaking of bread , and saints communion , ministers maintenance , as jesus christ left direction , the beast by her usurped authority , and fleshly inferences , quite altered , and practices clean contrary things of her own invention , and hath deceived the whole earth , that all the world wonders after the beast , and judges her wayes more wise , more holy , more orderly , and more decent , then the directory of jesus christ . and thus we see the beast hath killed one of gods witnesses , jesus christ , both in his humane body , and in his testimony ; and christ hath lain like a dead body under the power of the beast , three dayes , and upwards of the halfe , and then for the saints , in whom the same anointing dwels , who are gods second witnes ; for they hold the testimony of jesus , to acknowledg the lord their god , and him onely will serve . first , the beast hath killed the bodies of their flesh , by martyrdom in several ages of the world by-past , in her three dayes that are by-past . and so all along since , the beast hath slain them in their actings and testimony , and would not suffer them to receive christ and his testimony . and whereas the anointing teaches them to worship the lord their god only , & acknowledge him all in all , in binding and loosing the conscience , the beast hath usurped this power , which she got by craft from the kings of the earth , to appoint directories , ordinances , and ecclesiastical governments , to inforce every one upon pain of prisons and death not to deny these , but to own them , & to submit to them , as gods directories , ordinances , and government , to the binding and loosing of conscience , when the plain truth is , they are but the thresholds of the beast , laid equal with gods thresholds , and the posts of the beasts house set equal with the posts of gods house ; and brought in on purpose to pollute gods sanctuary ; for which god will consume the beast , and all that worship both him and his image . chap. vi . the witnesses were slain long agoe , have lien dead in the street of the great city three dayes and almost the half ; and are now upon their rising . now consider that this slaying of the two witnesses is past long agoe , and they are lying in the street of the great city like dead bodies three dayes and an half , but i believe they have lien dead , well nigh their full time , if not compleat ; for i believe they are upon their rising . but are the witnesses then slain for certain , i answer , by the experience that we have of the fulfilling of johns vision and prophesie , it appears clear to me , that they are slain : and that the troubles of the world at this very day is but the cloud in which the witnesses doth ascend up to god , after that the spirit of life from god was entered into them . this is partly seen by some already ; but for the time and season when god will make this manifest to the view of the world , i am silent ; god hath the times and seasons in his own power , yet i have perswasions in me from experimentall grounds of gods own working , that ere long within few years , god will make this visible to the world , but they shall be filled with great feare , and be offended at it . a mans own sight and perswasion will not satisfie others ; therefore i shall add a few things more that lies in my spirit to confirm this , grounded upon johns vision , for the fulfilling of a prophesie , shews the meaning of a prophesie . in revel. 8. 13. there are three woes denounced to the inhabitants of the earth : the first woe is past already , and i have nothing to speak of it but only this : that when the bottomlesse pit or corrupt flesh was opened , made manifest , and had a liberty to act it self , it brought forth woe and sorrow to the inhabitants of the earth ; that is , to such as lived below god , meerly in the use of creatures of this world ; such as lived seemingly a little higher , and yet below god too , in the use of gods ordinances ; but in an outward profession to the flesh , living by sense , ( through a meer form and custome , and humane . ) these meet with woe & sorrow , for a literall profession exposed them to the lash , but to worship god in spirit , carries away the smart , when the flesh is let loose it prepares misery to it self and to all that live after the flesh . the third woe is yet to come , and i have nothing to say of it , only i greatly rejoyce in expectation of that universall glory which god will reveal to his saints , and into which they shal be taken up when those dayes come . but the middle woe , or the second in course , is now in being ; and there are great troubles to be acted in the world , but yet for the comfort of the saints , two things are to be noted . first , that under the sound of the sixth angel , that pronounces the woe , the death of the beast is declared , and that his determinate time is quite finished , and though he strive mightily , like a dying hog for life at the last gaspe , yet he shall never reign again in majesty , established by an usurped law , over christ and his saints , as he hath done ; for his time , times , and dividing of a time , his 42. months , and his three dayes and half , are upon the point of expiring . and the lord christ is beginning , nay hath begun to take the kingdom , and to reign ; of whose kingdom there shall be no end . secondly , note that under the sound of the sixth angel , the witnesses are to be killed , but to arise from death , and ascend up to god , in the cloud : and their rising is the inhabitant ; of the earths woe , even to such as have no hope , but in this life , it will be , and it begins to be a time of woe to them ; for all creature comforts , helps and communion , shall be taken away and dead to them . and i believe we are under that sound ; oppression , and injustice , doth so mightily abound in the kingdoms and magistracy of the world , for when the seventh angel sounds , then christ , or the anointing , ●ho is king of righteousnes , and king of peace , shall reign in the kingdoms and magi●tracy of the world , for a certain space , or a thousand years , as the scripture speaks : which yet generally doth not appear , though this kingdom of christ doth begin to appear , in & among the saints that are scattered abroad . the beast is giving up his last breath , and his violent kicking and sprawling , troubles the whole world for a little time ; for the spirit of the beast is the life of the inhabitants of the earth : therefore i believe the witnesses are not in killing , but in rising from death , and that the world must see ere long ; which will be a third woe to them , when they shall see poor despised saints whom no man regards , to partake of the glory of the city of god , and they themselves put by . there is one passage of johns vision ; while ●his sixth angel sounds , which gives light hereunto : the words are these . loose the four angels that are bound in the great river●uphrates : and the four angels were loosed , &c. these are four evill angels as i conceive , which stir up the four quarters of the earth to enmity against every appearance of god , so that there shall be risings up of much bitternes in the east , west , north , and south , among the sons of men against god , though they think not so , for they think their cruelty is godlines , and they think their malice is zeal , and they think their oppressing , imprisoning & murdering the saints , under the name of erroneous round-heads , doth god good service . and it appears they are four evill angels , because they were bound up like prisoners , in so bad a place , as in the river euphrates : and they were prepared for this time , that is , for an houre , a day , a moneth , and a year , to slay the third part of men , it appears they are four evill angels , if we consider , first , what the great river euphrates is : i believe this euphrates is the spirit of the beast , or the very serpent himself , which like a great river overflowes every son and daughter of the first adam . and this river euphrates is to be dried up , when the sixth angel powres out his violl , so that the way of the kings of the earth might be prepared . the meaning to me is this ; that when this spirit of the beast , is dried up , destroyed and subdued , then the kings of the east , or such , in and upon whom the son of righteousnes rises first ; which are the elect or city sion , they come and take the kingdom , and the anointing in them , who is the lord our righteousnes , reigns in the earth , that is , in mankind , forever and ever . the spirit of the beast or serpent is called euphrates , because as the river euphrates in the history , overflowed a great part of the earth . so this spirit of darknes overflowes man-kind , and drownes them in ignorance , pride , covetousnes , malice , disobedience , discontent , & deceived zeale ; but when this is dryed up , as it must be when the seaventh angel sounds , then the nations appeare for god . and the saints are called kings of the east , for their knowledg , and for their faithfulnes to god , for as the wise men or kings of the east , found out where jesus christ lay , when he was born , but would not tell herod who laid wait to kill him , but went another way . so these spiritual kings of the east , or as daniel calls them , the wise or understanding people ▪ they know where the anointing appears ; and they know that the kingdom of christ is spirituall : for the anointing teaches them all things , and they have experience of the love , sincerity , humility , peace , and the like , which are the laws and walls of that kingdom . and likewise they know that the spiritual powers of darknes , as ignorance , pride , envy , discontent , hypocrisie , self-love , and the like , is the serpent , that would destroy christ or the anointing : for if pride ruled which is the serpent in the children of disobedience , then humility which is christ in the saints , must be destroyed : and if malice reign , then love which is christ in the saints , must die . and so of all the rest . and the saints knowes this : therefore in the second place they are called kings of the east , because they do not betray christ into the hands of herod the serpent ; but they hold forth the power of christ , in faith and patience , till god finish his work , & thereby destroys the enemies . now when pride , covetousnes , injustice , envy , self-love , and the like , is dried up like a river that cannot run , then the way is prepared for these kings of the east , to take the kingdom , and to reign in with christ and righteousnes for ever ; and these four angels were bound up in this river euphrates , and were not suffered to act in their full strength , or appear out of that cursed fountain of darknesses till god pleased to let them loose , therefore they were evill , because bound up or imprisoned in such an evill stinking river . secondly , these four angels were evil , in respect of their nature , for i believe they are four spiritual powers of wickednes . as first , wicked craft and subtilty in the strength of it . 2. hypocrisie in the strength of it : 3. envy in the strength of it : and 4. a murdering cruelty in the strength of it . now these four angels or powers of darknes were bound up within the very body of the serpent , and not suffered to act in that violent universal strength as they do , till this sixth angel sounded , and now being let loose , they stir up every one in the four quarters of the earth , and vex , and torment you day and night ; for men in whom these powers rule , they have no rest . and men are stirred up in armies to kill and slay . but whom do they slay ? not the witnesses , though they think so in their heart : as it is spoke of gog and magog ; but those men only who have not the seal of god in their forehead , or as it is said before , the inhabitants of the earth . and truly the strong subtil craft , unparalleld hypocrisie , extream envy , and inbred cruelty , that is expressed in the four quarters of the land of the world too , against the saints , that are branded sectaries , schismaticks , anabaptists , round-heads , doth appear plain to me , to be those three powerfull angels of darknes , which are let loose in the spirits of men , even in that spirit of darknes that hath overspread the earth , man-kind ; like the over-flowing river euphrates , therefore they are evil angels . thirdly , consider , how doe these angels slay , the third part of men ? why truly i believe it is not their killing of their bodies only , though it may be in these great troubles , many are , and doubtles shall be killed in that sense ; but it points out a worser death then that of the body ; for they kill the very minds and consciences of men . and it is thus . these four angels shall be so powerfull in mens spirits , and spread so universally over the earth of man-kind , that many that are convinced of a false worship , and unjust wayes that are practised generally , shall out of slavish fear of men , and out of shame to own god , his wayes at this time are so contemptible , and so generally reproached , slandered , and hated , tha● a third part of men shall turn hypocrites , and practice wayes contrary to their knowledg , and will say , do , subscribe and fight , laugh , scosse , reproach and kill the saints , yea do any thing ; so they may have the flattering word of their carnall neighbours , and not be called round-heads , anabaptists , or independants , these names whereby the saints are branded are so odious . and truly these men are slain , for the fearfull and unbelieving shall have their part in the lake , which is the second death . and every parish through this kingdom and the world too , at this very day , are full of these dead men and women . but these four angels are spiritual powers of darknes , which do not appear in apparitions and visions ; but being let loose in mens spirits , they rule and work there ; and the multitudes of men whom they violently stir up are called armies of horse-men , as you may read , which declares their strength and their swiftnes to do hurt , pointed out by the strength and swiftnes of horses . now these armies of horse-men , or multitudes of men , put upon violent and unreasonable actions , by these four evil angels , are the appearing cause that doth hurt and kill weak spirited men and women , by over-awing them . and out of the mouthes of those armies , thus set on fire ; there proceeded fire , smoak , and brimstone , by which the third part of men were killed . by smoak is betokened false doctrines , threatnings , reproaches , scoffes , oppressions , and bitter provocations . brimstone betokens , persecution , whips , plunderings , prisons . and fire betokens , fire and faggot , hanging , murdering , or putting them to death in any kind , that do not submit to the wayes of these four angels . and this is further cleared by the 19. vers. the power of this army whereby they do hurt , is in their mouths and in their tails . that is , they call their own inventions and lies , the doctrines of god ; and against them that do not submit thereunto . first , they give out bitter reviling language , and threatning speeches , to plunder , imprison , and kill . and thereby over-aw men , and make them afraid and ashamed to own god , and so kill them . and if this doth not do , then their power is in their tails ; when by the authority of the civil magistrate , whom these four angels have deceived , they over-awe men by punishments , whips , prisons , plunderings , and death ; for this followes the other , as the tail follows the head . and therefore mind , that when threatnings , reproaches , and bitter language goes before ; prisons and death followes , if they can but deceive the magistracy , which is gods ordinance , and get an authority by craft from him so to do : and thus the four angels by their armies deceive , and kill weak men , and make them out of slavish fear , and bashfull shame to disown god , and to say or do any thing , to preserve themselves from danger . and the rest of the men that were not killed by these plagues , repented not : that is , though these armies of men , in whom these four angels rule with violence , were not themselves over-awed by this slavish fear and bashful shame , because they are audacious , bold , and desperately confident in wicked wayes . and though they do see poor weak men over-awed by them , and made to do any thing , ( not out of sincerity of heart to god , ) but out of hypocrisie and fear to their usurped power of wickednesse . they have neither piety in them , to see men so enslaved , but rather glorie in it : neither do they repent of their own works , and false idolatrous worship , which is self-invention , neither indeed can they , for the four evil angels being let loose , rule in them . so that these that repent not of the works of their hands , are the master-upholders of the beast against god ; such as repent not of their pretended plat-forms and customes of pretended divine worship , which have no warrant from god such as repent not of their covetousnes after silver and gold by rich tythes ; nor of their murther in reviling , imprisoning , and killing the saints ; nor of their fornication , in loving themselves , riches , creatures , honours , more then god . but though they do not repent , yet they shall not reign alwayes like lords over gods inheritance . for god hath and doth proclaim by the voice of the sixth good angel , that time to the beast shall be no more , his dayes are near done . and secondly , after that the spirit of life from god hath raised up the two witnesses , there were seven thousand slain in the earth-quake , which are these very master-builders and upholders of the beast , as i shall shew anon . well , here is a great cloud of trouble arises ; nay , it is risen , and these four evil angels , subtilty , hypocrisie , malice , and cruelty , are very bitter in the spirits of men , whom they torment day and night , and kill . and they have condemned to death all the saints of god in the kingdom , under the name of round-heads ; and they are boldly confident , they shall compasse their murther-intent , but they shall never do it . for the day of the beast is ended , his reign is done , and the saints shall sing that song in experience , babylon is faln , is faln . for the spirit of life appears in some already , and will appear in more ere long , ( when the showre of hayl falls , ) and god takes up his saints to himself , for the witnesses are not in killing , bnt in rising from death , and ascending up to god in this cloud : the cloud of woe shall not now fall upon them , but upon the inhabitants of the earth , who have no other hope or comfort , but in this life . there are a few words more mentioned in johns vision , in that eleaventh of the revelatiticons , which being fulfilled declare , that the witnesses are not in killing , but in rising from death : it is said , that they of the nations , kinred , tongues , and people , shall see their dead bodies , lie in the street of the great city three dayes and an half , &c. these two appearances of god in flesh , which testifie of god : that is . the appearance of god in the man jesus ; and the appearance of god in the saints , are said to be dead bodies ; when they do not act and operate like themselves , in the view of them ; whose names are not written in the lambs book of life ; so long as the beast hath a time to fit in the temple of god , and to shew himself as god , no more then the dead bodies of men , can do the actions of living men . god the father hath made christ his anointing the king , priest , and prophet , to bring sinners to god ; but these offices of christ have been trampled upon by the lawes , canons , acts and ordinances of the beast , and have not visibly appeared to the world ; but the anointing of the father in jesus and the saints , have been like dead bodies , in respect of such operations , and have not acted publikely like themselves ; but have lain all the time of the beast , dead in the eye of the unbelieving world , who have rejected them and stumbled at them , till the spirit of life from god , rayses them up , and sets them upon their feet ; that is , till god subdue all enemies under christs feet ( the anointing ) and give all rule and all authority to him . but though the beast have allowed christ the name of king , priest and prophet , yet he hath denied christ both the operation and honour of these three offices , and hath set the crown of these upon his own head . for whiles the beast declares himself to be so quick-sighted , that he can presently discerne , what is truth and what is errour ; and take upon him , by his usurped power , to punish errours , with plundering , prisons , and death . does he not thereby declare himself to be as god in knowledg , knowing good and evil . and as god likewise in majesty , by punishing every one that opposes his beastly being : and so he declares himself to be an absolute infallible prophet to teach men , a king to rule and punish men , and a priest to save men from death by his skil and operation . and thus the beast hath a long time acted these three offices of christ , as himself pleased ; and the anointing in jesus , and the same in the saints , have lain like two dead bodies , killed under the hand of the beast . and these two dead bodies were to lie dead , three dayes and an half : that is , the whole reign of the beast , in his three ages and an half . as first , the time and age of the dragon , which was majestracy out of joynt , that persecuted christ and his saints , by open violence , before the universal bishop was lifted up by the dragon ; and this is the first shape or time or age , in which the serpent appeared to kill the witnesses . secondly , the time and age of the leopard , which is that we call grosse popery , when the universall bishop bare rule by the authority of the dragon , before there was any church reformation ; and this was not so down-right violent , but kils the witnesses by a pretended law , under the names of error , for indeed the appearance of god in flesh , is far different from the appearance of the serpent in flesh . and the serpent having a time , to act himself , and to maintain his being , labours to destroy the being of god , and calls the appearance of god an errour or deceiver . thirdly , the time and age of the beast with two horns like a lamb , but spake like a dragon ; and this is that we call reformed episcopacy , which was of the same nature ; and had the same authoritive power from the deceived kings of the earth , to make war with christ & his saints , as the former had , though a little more hypocritical ; for it came in sheeps cloathing , but it spake like a dragon ; for it devoured the sheep by his common lawes , ecclesiasticall power , and high commission courts . and these two shapes of popery and episcopacy are called times , because they are two ages or dayes of the beast , maintaining one and the same nature and compulsive and coersive power , the one being more grosly abominable , the other more hypocritically abominable : so that here is time , the dragon ; and times , popery and episcopacy , faln in the world : or three dayes , which are visibly past and gone already , in this one tenth part of the citie , england , &c. here remains in being , the dividing of time , or halfe day , which is called , the image of the beast , because it hath not the authority of the beast , though it have the nature and spirit of the beast in it . and this halfe day , or this dividing of time , is the age of the beast , under which england , scotland , and ireland doe now groan ; and it may be a very hot time for the length of it ; but it will be but short . and i have some hopes that god will make this three-fold kingdome , being under one magistracy , the tenth part of the city babylon that shall fall off first from the beast . and this is called the dividing of time , because the witnesses are neither under an absolute bondage by ecclesiasticall lawes , as formerly ; neither in absolute freedome , because the boylings of the foure evill angels mentioned before in mens spirits , both in magistrates , common people , and such as they call ministers , are so opposite against them . and i beleeve that gods two witnesses do yet lie dead publickly under the heart-burning power of discontent , both of out-side professing presbyters , and out-side professing independents ▪ but this will not last long : for the sincere-hearted , that worship god in spirit and truth , are reproached thereby , and are not much visible in the eye of the world . and then again it is called the halfe-day , in regard of the shortnesse of it ; and when it shall end our god onely knowes : but there are two things that give me great perswasion that this halfe-day is neer an end . first , because our lord jesus the anointed , told us by his own mouth , that these days should be shortned for the elects sake . secondly , the rejoycing in hope which god hath put into my heart , grounded upon experience of his love which i see in my self ; and in others of his servants ; and of his power in shaking kingdomes , and things in the world , agreeable to the prophesy of ezekiel , which was fore-told to be in the latter dayes , gives me great perswasion , that this halfe-day is neer an end . now it is clear to me , that the time , times , or the three dayes , which are but one and the same thing , are already past , and therefore i beleeve , that the witnesses are not in killing , but are upon their rising . then further it is said , that they of the nations , kinreds , tongues and people shall see their dead bodies lie in the street of the great city , three dayes and a half ; that is , the saints , or elect that lived ●n all the three ages and dayes of the beast , shall ●ee the appearance of god in the man jesus , and the appearance of god in the saints , to be suppressed , reproached , killed , and not suffered to act like themselves by the ecclesiasticall laws and canons of the beast . and these three dayes and a halfe cannot be three single dayes , nor three single yeares and half , according to mens account of dayes and yeares , as some think ; for then the saints that were scattered in all nations , kinreds , tongues & people , could not have seen them lie dead in regard of the shortnesse of time , and the great difficulty of travell to see experience . but in the three ages and halfe of the beast , all the saints of god through the whole dominions of the beast , have suffered more or lesse by the beast , and have seen , doe see , and shall see the captivity end . the testimony of god in those two-fold appearances to be suppressed , and not suffered to act visibly in the world , but to lie like a patient long-sufferer , till christ come and destroy his enemies by the word of his mouth , and by the brightnesse of his coming . another thing mind , that though these of the nations , kinreds , tongues and people , do see the dead bodies of the two witnesses so lie in the street , yet they will not suffer them to be put in graves : that is , though the city babylon look upon the manifestation of god in the flesh of jesus , and in the flesh of the saints , as two dead bodies , yet the saints see them to be living , and looks upon them with pretious thoughts . and though the city babylon would have these two witnesses put in graves , that is , quite buried , forgotten , and put out of memory , by their sharp lawes , to advance the learning of the flesh , and to suppresse the teachings of god , yet the city of god , the saints , will not forget christ , nor put him out of memory . for though they cannot acknowledge christ and his testimony publickly , for fe●r , or by restraint of those lawes , as the disciples durst not meet publickly for feare of the iewes , yet they will acknowledge and remember christ among themselves , and speak of him , and rejoce in him : and so will not suffer these two witnesses to be put in graves , or to be forgotten . from hence likewise it appeares , that the witnesses were killed long agoe , and in these troublesome daies are upon their rising ; for they must rife in a cloud . and by the great city which is called spiritual sodom , & egypt , is meant that wicked babylon , or that serpent ( which hath over-spread mankind , and keeps it in bondage ) which god will destroy and cast into the lake . and by the street of the great city , it is clear to me , to be the limited time , wherein god hath determined the beast to reign , & would not call him to account , but let him doe what he will to advance himselfe : and in all this determinate time , the beast walkes up and downe at liberty ( as a man walkes up and down in a street of a citie where there is no stop ) and knowes no sorrow . and here is both a time limited to the beast , and the wicked power of the beast limited in this time : for the beast does not doe his own will , but gods will , and that is comfort for the saints . well , all this limited time , or the full length of this street , or the length of the chain in which the beast is tied god hath suffered the beast to walk at liberty up and down . thus long thou shalt reign over my saints , and no longer , saith god . and all this limited time the two witnesses are first killed , and then lie dead , under the lawes , canons , and bastardly ecclesiasticall power ; for god never made it ( though he suffer ir ) ● or it is the power which the beast makes use of all his limited time ; and by this power the beast keeps the witnesses under , and wil not suffer them to act like living bodies publickly . but there is one clause may raise a scruple : it is said , they lie in the street of the great city , where also ( where also ) our lord was slain . this implies , may some say , that iesus christ was neither of the two witnesses ; but that they were to be slain a long time after his departure hence , and in the same city where also he was slain . i answer , when i say , that jesus christ is one of gods witnesses , i doe not look upon the body of his flesh onely , but upon the manifestation of god in that flesh of his . and the witnesses . if you observe all along , i judge them to be these two : first , the manifestation of god in the man christ iesus . and secondly , the manifestation of god in the flesh of saints ; for hereby god makes good his ancient word of , promise , that the seed of the woman shall breake the serpents head . and therefore though the flesh of christ was killed in that city babylon , ( or by the spirit of babylon , which is indeed the meaning ) yet the manifestation of god in the flesh ; was not killed by the dragon and leopard , till divers yeares after iesus christ was crucified . for the saints had a liberty to acknowledge and professe god openly , and to practice what god in christ had made known to them , for a long time after christ was departed , and their testimony was not suppressed by any humane deceived power ; for in pauls time , which was after christ , the spirit of babylon began to work , to bring the saints into bondage : but it had not as yet an ecclesiasticall power . and when john writ his epistles , this babylon was in rising towards his greatnesse , but it was not set upon the throne by the kings of the earth , as yet . but when the dragon ( that is , magistracy out of joynt ) and the leopard ( that is , a spirit of whoredome pretending love to god , but intending to advance it self above god ) had committed fornication together , then they begat this beast ( or ecclesiasticall power ) to kill and suppresse , not men and women simply , but the manifest appearance of god in them , and then the purity of the scriptures of the gospel was corrupted , and the practice of it quite altered , and the invention of selfe-seeking flesh set up in the room of it , and sharp punishing lawes were made to forbid fishermen , shepheards , husbandmen and tradesmen , for ever preaching of god any more , but schollars b●●d up in humane letters , should onely do that work . so that the manifest appearance of god in the man christ iesus , as it was left in writing , had a dark veil of humane inferences , and selfish conclusions drawn over it : and ever after the manifest appearance of god in the saints , was suppressed likewise . for the beast which hath a limited time and power to reigne , by god , will not suffer god to reigne by him ; but takes away his liberty , and would destroy gods being , and will not suffer god to reveale himselfe any more in flesh and this is called the time of gods patience and long-suffering : so that the witnesses , or the manifestations of god in flesh , were slain in that citie babylon , and lie dead in that street , in which also the flesh or body of iesus christ was crucified and slain . but that slaying was but the history , and god leads us , as we are able to beare it , from carnall knowledge , to spirituall and divine knowledge , and that crucifying is nothing in respect of the other . for to suppresse the appearance of god in flesh , is the main businesse the serpent aimes at : for if the serpent could kill this , as he killed the flesh , and so hinder the appearance of god in his sons and daughters in these latter dayes , according to his ancient promise , then hee would prove god a lyar , that the seed of the woman should not bruise the serpents head ; and then the serpent would prove the onely being , which he strives to maintain . i but god will make his own counsell good , and he will raise up his witnesses again , which the beast hath killed and supprest , and god will make himselfe visible to all men , dwelling and ruling himselfe in man , and subduing the serpent under the feet of mankinde , according to his promise . that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpents head . but further , in that eleventh revelations and tenth verse , it is said , that after the witnesses were slain , they that dwelt upon the earth rejoyced over them , and made merry , and sent gifts one to another , because these two prophets , tormented them , that dwelt off the earth . i shall not speak much of this ; for they that are acquainted with histories , or have any experience , can tell , what rejoycings there have been in all ages of the beast , when the appearance of god in humane flesh , by martyrdom or punishment , hath been supprest ; and the wisdome and learning of the beast , ( which the whole world wonders after ) is advanced . and if men of the earth , such as have their hope and comfort in this world only , could destroy the appearance of god in such as they call round-heads ( among whom there are pretious saints ) they would rejoyce mightily ; but some that are so called , are meerly carnall , and are but as the chaffe among the wheat , or weeds among good corn . for it is the bright appearing of god in the saints , casting down all formes and customes of the beast , which doth torment the world at this very day , as the bright shining of the sun doth mightily offend a weak-sighted eye . and indeed , if this worshiping of god in spirit , were or could be beaten down , and proved an error : and if every man were or could be forced to maintain and practice one outward lazie , formall , customary , and tyth-oppressing way of pretended divine worship , which pleases the flesh : for it nurses up pride , coveteousnesse , ignorance , oppression , and is the mother , or harlot rather of all abominations : and if men might be freely taught , that they shall goe to heaven though they seek it not by faith onely , but as it were by the workes of the law , that is , by bidding them doe what they are able , and christ will doe the rest ; and so joyne christs merits and mens workes together , o then , cry some , it would be a merry world , and we should have good times again . ah! but the dayes of the beast are done , and god is putting a stop in the street of babylon , and taking away that limited power , and is beginning to raise up his witnesses : that is , god is beginning to manifest himselfe more abundantly then formerly in the flesh of his saints , the seed of the woman , and more plentifully dividing to every one his portion severally as god will , according to the measure of the gift of the anointing , even as hee did manifest himselfe to dwell bodily in the anointed jesus , who is the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all . and god doth this , that his saints may worship him , not in bare formes of godlinesse , and customes of religion , in a self-seeking way of pride and coveteousnesse , expressing bitternesse of spirit to others thar differ ; but that they may in his strength , worship him in love , sincerity , humility , and in spirit and truth , inwardly rejoycing and glorying continually in god onely . at this the nations of the world will bee mightily angry , when it appeares more plentifull ; and i beleeve it will appeare ere long : for ( saith the angel in the vision ) after three dayes and halfe the spirit of life from god entred into them , and they stood upon their feet , and great fear fell upon them which saw them . now i conceive , yea it is cleare to me , that these three dayes and halfe are upon the very period and finished point ; three dayes are compleatly past , and the halfe day is ●now in being ; and this halfe day must be shortned too for the elects sake : so that the time will not bee long , before the glory of god that is made known in secret , be preached on the house top . and they heard a great voyce from heaven , saying , come up hither , and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud , and their enemies beheld them . the two witnesses heard god speake out of heaven ; it was a lively voyce : it was not the dead voyce of a man speaking out of a book . and what is this heaven ? why truly , as the firmament is called heaven in the history , because the created sun , moon , and stars , those glorious lights , are seated there : so wheresoever god dwels , who is the light of lights , that is called heaven in the mystery . and this leads us to the sanctified humane nature , jesus christ , in whom god dwels bodily : and i beleeve this is the heaven here spoken of ; so that god the father speakes out of his beloved sonne jesus christ , and calls his witnesses , that have been trampled upon under the feet of them that were not in covenant with god , fourty two months , that is , the three dayes and halfe of the beasts reigne , and bids them come up hither , into the same condition of nature , life , liberty , peace , victory , kingdome and glory of his beloved son jesus christ . and this paul having some experience of , gives god thanks that had called him into his kingdome and glory . for seeing the men of the world will have no communion with these lights of god , his witnesses , but mightily oppresse them , and weare chem out , therefore god takes them up into fellowship with himselfe : and so the anointing in the man iesus , and the anointing in the saints , are made one with the father , and the father entred into iesus and the saints ; so they likewise enter into the father , and partake of his rest and peace . and this is gods kingdome , even god thus manifested in flesh . and so humane flesh is changed into the image of god , and the vile bodies of the saints are made glorious by the in-dwelling of the holy breathings of almighty god . come up hither , faith god , into the same height of glory , you shal lie no longer under the feet of the gentiles , for the appointed time is accomplished . and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud . now this cloud is the combustions , delusions , oppressions , and troubles , which the foure evill angels before spoken of , raise up . for mind , and you shall see , that when the sixth angel began to blow the trumpet , the foure evill angels were loosed out of the great river euphrates , and they went forth killing and doing hurt . and thus they continued untill the witnesses ascended up to heaven , and then this second woe ceased . and the third woe to the inhabitants of the earth , cometh presently after , as you may read . so the loosing of the four evill angels and the troubles that they stir up and the ascending up of the witnesses into heaven , were all to be acted under the sound of the sixth angel , which is the second woe . by cloud note four things : first , what the cloud is . secondly , it darkens the sunne from our sight . thirdly , it sends down rain . fourthly , the effects that follow . now by cloud , in this spirituall sense , i conceive is meant a conjunction of the seven thousand ( which iohn mentions , which i shall speak somthing of anone ) either in whole as they live in all nations , or in part as they have power in one nation , to manage the cause of the beast , by preferring the wisdome , power , and learning of the flesh , in either upholding old corrupt formes and customes , or in making new ones of pretended divine worship . by reason whereof in the second place , the light of the son of righteousnesse , iesus christ is hid from the generality of men ; where these bear sway ; for the immediate teachings of god must not be preached , neither must any be suffered to write thereof , but the seven thousand , or such as they tollerate . and so the wisdome of men is taught for the wisdome of god , by reason whereof , a dark veil is drawn over the mindes of men , so that the whole world wonders after the beast , saying , who is like the beast ? who is able to make warre with him ? or , thirdly , by cloud may be meant the two effects that follow , as first , the falling of the could in a showr of rain ; for when the usurped authority of the seven thousand is slighted by the saints , and these mordecaies will not bow to that proud haman ; and indeed none dare encounter with the wisdome , power , customes , formes , directories and abominations of the beast , but the saints in whom the holy breathings of god dwell , and the weakest of these dares throw him the glove . i say , when that cloud of false witnesse is scattered , it showres down threatnings , oppressions , prisons , punishments , death , like a flood of water to drown the woman ( the spouse of christ ) upon every one that will not conform ; for truly the king of a fierce countenance ( the prince of darknesse ) rules in the cloud , who through policie makes craft to prosper in his hand , and he destroyes the holy people mightily , and then the second effect . but in the fourth place , the falling of the . cloud makes men to run under some shelter . and so when this cloud of false witnesses falls , either in self-seeking , and false doctrines , in threatnings , or punishments , upon all that will not conform , or in forcing people to conform , or in restraining people from such wayes of divine worship , ●s god hath perswaded their hearts unto ; and ●o taking peace from the earth . in the falling of this cloud , or in this showre of rain , god calls upon his two faithfull witnesses , & bids them come up to him , & shelter themselves , in heaven , even in the glory , kingdome and beauty of jesus christ . and , they ascend up to heaven in this cloud , that is , god takes up his saints to him , & is their refuge and shelter , their life , liberty , and comfort ; he dwels in them , and they dwell in him . and now they live above the wisdome , malice & sorrows of the world , in the joy , rest & peace of the father , as iesus the anointed did . and their enemies beheld them , that is , those that were the upholders of the beast , shal be cōvinced in their consciences , that the saints whom god , so takes up into fellowship with himselfe , though they be not bred schollars inhumane arts , yet they are more righteous then they : and at this sight they shall be offended , and very angry . and in the same hour there was an earthquake . by earthquake mind two things : first , when god shakes down all the corrupt flesh in a saint , and treads it under his feet , making that subtile , proud , coveteous , envious , and unclean serpent his foot-stoole , shaking down , either more visible , or lesse visible in the eye of the world , old adams building , that he may set up his own new building , the anointing . and this shaking is that which vnbelievers scoff & make a laughing-stock at in these dayes : but they can do no otherwise , for they are slaves to the serpent , and he makes them do so , and they will do so till god pul them out of that power of darknes . but this is not the shaking onely which is pointed out by johns vision , though without this the other that follows cannot be done . therfore secondly , the earthquake here pointed at , is this : when god shakes down corruption in magistracy , which the beast brought in , and so restores that ordinance of god to purity in justice ; and when he shakes down all false shews , forms & customes of pretended divine worship , that he may advance himsel to be the onely teacher of truths in the hearts of his saints and in the effecting of this great work , god shakes , and will yet shake , kings , parliaments armies , counties , kingdomes , universities , humane learnings , studies , yea , shake rich men , and poore men , and throwes down every thing that stands in his way opposing him in his work . and this is the earthquake here spoken of , which is the history of things , which followes the other which is the mystery . for as all outward abominations in mens practises came from the indwelling of the beast in every mans heart : so when god first shakes down and casts out the beast out of mens hearts , the outward abominations and unjust practises in church and state , shake together and fall presently . and truly this is one main testimony that god is shaking down the corrupt flesh in many , and is in raysing of his witnesses , in regard we see so much shakings of kingdoms , assemblies , churches , and corruptions out of them , which have been brought in and upheld by the beast , all the time of his reign . and in the earth-quake , the tenth part of the city babylon fell off from the beast , and begins to submit to the scepter of jesus christ ; and the wisdom , love , justice , and peaceablenes of the saints , or rather of gods indwelling , and teaching of them , shall appear so bright , and the government in their hands becometh so righteous , more peaceable , and more safe , for the well-being of men , then the former customs , laws , and directories were , all walking in love and justice , as members of one body , christ , knit together by the same anointing , that the very enemies shall give glory to god and say , his wayes and actings are more righteous then mens ; and then multitudes shall come in and enquire after sion , with their faces thither-wards , the beauty of sion shall be so glorious . by tenth part of the city , that fell in the earth-quake , i believe it is a tenth part of the nations of the world , that have been deceived by the beast , and that have acted for the beast , against christ , and wondered after the beast ; for when the ten horns , or ten kingdoms that formerly had given their power to the beast , begin to hate the whore , and to take back their power , out of the hand of that ecclesiastical whorish spirit ; the forty two months being now ended , and the words of god fulfilled , then the whole ten kingdoms shall joyn together to advance god in christ , and shall make the beastly whore desolate and naked , and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire . and there is some good hopes , that these three kingdoms , england , scotland , & ireland , though three , yet united under one state-government , is the tenth part of that great city , that shall first fall from the beast , and submit to christ , and then we shall see the witnesses are in rising , which i believe with rejoycing , that god is raising of them , and that this violent storming of the beast in this tenth part of the city babylon , shall ere long droop and hang the head , like a dead man that hath no strength to strive any longer : the discoveries and manifestations of god in his saints , shall come in so plentifully like a showre of hayl , that shall sweepe away all the refuge of lies before it . but if this threefold kingdom , be not the tenth part , nor the land which god will honour , the first of nations , in raising up his witnesses in , and in casting off their sack-cloth here , the saints must wait but a little longer with patience upon their god , for i am mightily perswaded , and filled with a sweet joy in the expectation of it , that there is a tenth part of the city babylon , falling off from the beast ; and striving to set the crown with shouting upon the head of jesus christ . and in this tenth part the two witnesses must first throw off their mourning garment , and sack-cloth ; but whether it shall be these three united kingdoms or no , i leave that to our father and submit to him ; wishing in my heart that england , scotland , and ireland , might live before god in this glory ; i rejoyce inwardly that this shall be the tenth part . i have no doubting in my heart about it , i have strong perswasions in my spirit , that it shall be ; i greatly desire in my soul , that this land may be the tenth part . yet not my will , but the will of my father be done . and as there fell in the earth-quake , the tenth part of the city : so in the same earth-quake were slain of men , seaven thousand . by seaven thousand , i conceive are pointed out , the compleat number of those false witnesses ( for seaven , implies a perfect number ) whereby the beast hath deceived the people ; so that all false prophets , false ministers , either of justice of divinity , which have reigned with the beast , shall be destroyed with the beast , in this earth-quake ; or as john speaks in revelations 19. in that great battel of god-almighty ; the beast was taken and with him the false prophet , that wrought miracles before him : with which he deceived them that had the marke of the beast , and them that worshipped his image ; these both were cast alive into a lake of fire , burning with brimstone . that which he called the seaven thousand , in the eleventh chapter he calls the false prophet in this nineteenth : for it is one and the same conjunction of power , that doth mannage the cause of the beast in his severall shapes , in his three dayes and half . i do not believe that kingly authority , or parliamentary authority is reckoned in the number of the seaven thousand ; for these two authorities are gods ordinances , or the higher powers , which god hath ordained for to preserve peace in the world . but all usurped powers from these are clergical , ecclesiastical , classical , which are stolen by craft from those kings of the earth , on purpose to make war with the saints , and to stand up against the prince of princes ; these are the seaven thousand , and this is the false prophet that must be broken without hand , even the bright appearing of god in saints , shall consume that beast . and by the number of seven thousand , as god points out the compleat number of such ●as do mannage the cause of the beast ; so he points out that the number that shall be deceived , are not a few in the rank of hundreds ; but many , very many in the rank of thousands , so many as he calls them the whole world : but all that seaven thousand or compleat number that upholds that cause of the beast , are to be slain in the earth-quake . but this slaying , is not meant the killing of their bodies , though it may possibly fall out that in so great troubles of he world , some may be slain in that sense . for their slaying points out , the slaying of their cause , the destroying of he beast , with all the wisdom , authority , forms , customs , and oppressions ; for when the witnesses , are raised , the limited power of the beast is ended , and he shall reign no longer , and so the seaven thousand , or the compleat number of such as mannaged the cause of he beast have no more work to do . and these are said to be slain in a twofold respect . first , when they shall see the cause of the beast is destroyed , and they are like to have no more gain come in , for they have no work to do , for they cannot work in christs vineyard : now their hearts are filled with anger , madnes and vexation , to see that inferiour people , even the fools of the world , but the babes and sucklings of christ , are raised up to speak the deep things of god , which those masters of art understand not : and so the seaven thousand seeing their trade go down , they grow very angry , and that beastly spirit in them , opens his mouth in balsphemy against god , and blasphemeth his name and his tabernacle , and them that dwell in heaven : calling light darknes , and darknes light , and calling every truth an error , because it is too high for their understanding , and in this sense they are flain , and their hearts die within them with discontent , and vexation ; and so they lie in hell , or under the dispensation of wrath . but secondly , these , or some of these shall be slain in another sense : that is , they shall even burn their books , forsake their private chambers and colledges , and deny their ecclesiastical trade , which their fathers and friends for worldly living sake have bred them too , and shall come in and joyn with the saints to wait upon god , and to give glory to him ; and some shall by the spirit of burning , or bright appearing of god in them , be thus slain , and happy it will be for those among the seaven thousand that shall be thus slain , for they have escaped the woe , which the other that are disconted and angry lie under . and the remnant were affrighted , and gave glory to the god of heaven ; by remnant are meant the common people , that have been deceived by the false prophet , or 7000 ▪ that mannaged the cause of the beast ; for when they shall see that husbandmen , and tradesmen in every corner , are able to speak in experience of things and truths which they have heard and seen from god ; & their learned clargy begin to be sleighted in their office , and be ashamed in their own visions , though their persons be tender in the eyes of saints , &c. why now the ignorant common people are afraid , that all lawes and governments shall be thrown aside , nay , the beast doth buz them in the head with such a conceit , to make the appearance of god odious , as if men now should live in sin and error , as they list without controle , this the beast pretends , but inwardly her fear is , she shall be destroyed her self ; because the lawes , forms , directories and customs of the flesh , are denyed by the saints , and mordecaie that loves god , will not bow to proud selfish hamon ; and this is the remnant shall be afraid of . but when god is pleased to put it into the hearts of governours and kings of the earth , to take their authority out of the hands of the beast , as our governours in this tenth part of 〈◊〉 city have done in part ; and when god is 〈◊〉 sed to shake down all injustice in the civil ●●istracy , and restores that to the beauty and ●●●●ty of justice and tendernes , as i am confident 〈◊〉 is about that work , then we shall have no ●se to fear or be troubled that we shall have 〈◊〉 laws and government , for we shall then 〈◊〉 laws and governments according to truth , 〈◊〉 magistrates that will tender , love , and delight to be executing justice , for the good and ●●●●ry of the common-wealth . but this is the misery of our age , men strive to uphold the usurped ecclesiastical power , which god never made , only he determined to 〈◊〉 way it should rise and reign too , forty two months over his witnesses : and in upholding of this , which god is in throwing down , because the time is near expired , men are so ma● and ignorant ( as the beast hath deceived them ) that they will throw down the lawfull powe● too , even magistracy , which is the higher power god hath ordained , and commands every man to be obedient too . and they count magistracy no government ; unlesse the beast reign cheek by chaw by it as formerly in the dayes of ignorance ; but it must not be so , for magistracy in the common-wealth must stand , its gods ordinance . but this ecclesiastical beastly stole● power in and over the saints shall fall ; for the seven angels of god are sent to powre out seaven viols of wrath , to blast , curse , and destroy all the glory of the beast . and when christ comes in brightnes , and consumes the remnant : that is , when christ by his bright appearing , burns up and consumes all● the ignorance , envy , discontent , unbelief , and al● the drosse of the flesh in all people , and teache● them to knowledge of his will . then this remnant shall give glory to god , they shall then fal● down before god , and acknowledg him lord o● lords , and king of kings ; they shall acknowledge all gods ordinances , and forsake the beast , and rejoyce and sing songs of praise because the lord god omnipotent reigns . this ecclesiastical power hath been a great troubler of magistracy , ever since the deceived magistracy set it up ; for when tender hearted magistrates , have sat in the seat of magistracy , it hath been a grief and burden to them : witnes queen maries dayes , as in the book of martyrs , to imprison , banish , fine , and sometimes put to death , peaceable quiet men , that have no offence laid to their charge , but about the matters of their god ; as darius bad councellers troubled daniel , who indeed were a type of this ecclesiastical troubler . for while the serpent ruled still in particular persons , he was every foot put to his shifts to deceive and stir up new enemies against god and his saints , when the old ones returned to dust : therefore he wrought very subtilly to deceive the kings of the earth● , that by them might be established this ecclesiastical troubler , to be a standing law ; for as daniel speaks , this king of a fierce countenance , reigns by a power , that is none of his own , but by the power of magistracy , out of whose hand the serpent hath got it by his craft . and so , though persons die that mannage the cause of this troublesome beast , and others come in their roome , yet still the office and trouble remains ; and it hath been observed , that when some bishops have first been made bishops , they were tender hearted and zealous , but after a little time by mannaging this ecclesiastical beast , which their office tyed them too , they grew hard-hearted , and great oppressors of peaceable men , that were guided by god to walk sincerely , according to what they knew and understood , and durst not do any thing , because others do it , or said it was a truth unles they saw it , to be a truth likewise . i wish this were seriously minded in these our dayes . and as it was raised by deceived magistracy , so in every change of time , the maintainers of that stolen usurped power , did not rely upon god , to preserve and carry on church-work , but still they were petitioned to kings and parliaments , to establish this ecclesiastical power , to enforce men to a uniformity in religion , but self-love and temporal livings were the bottom of that zeal , and so by the precepts of men , they have taught , or rather by compulsion have enforced men , to pretend a fear of god ; for thei● ecclesiastical power , makes men fear men , mor● then god , and so makes hypocrites , which hath been a power , god hath since esay prophesied threatned , and executed wrath upon the mannagers . so that ever since this ecclesiastical power was raised up , it hath been a troubler of godly magistrates , a troubler and silencer of godly ministers , a troubler of common people in , high-commission courts , sessions , and by classical censures , & making men hypocrites to act contrary to their knowledg for fear of punishment . but if it please god to put it into the heart of magistrates in kingdomes , to take back their power from this beast , and to let the government of church-work lie only upon the shoulders of our lord christ , for it is his due right , he is king of saints . then the pure reformation of civill magistracy would soon appeare , confusion and babylon would die , and there would be peace among men . indeed the main cause of all our nationall troubles is , the discontent of the whorish spirit in men that wonder after the beast , but when once it is faln really in common-wealths , as it is faln in some saints , then men will be freed from bitternesse , and rejoyce because the lord god omnipotent reigneth . and magistracy , which is gods ordinance , will run in its right channell , to be a terror to the wicked , and to protect them that doe well ; whereas by this ecclesiasticall power established by deceived magistracy , the sincere in heart , that worship god in spirit and truth , according as god hath taught them , and they understand : these are , and have been troubled in sessions , in courts , and punished by fines , and prisons , &c. but the loose-hearted that will be of any religion that the most is of , these have their liberty without restraint , and so magistracy hath acted quite backwards , in punishing them that do ●●ell , and protecting in a hypocriticall liberty them that do evill . o that our magistrates would let church-work alone to christ , upon whose shoulders they shall find the government lies , and not upon theirs ; and then in the wisdom and strength of christ , they would govern common-wealths in justice , love , and righteousnesse , more peacebly . all that i shall say in conclusion is this , wait patiently upon the lord , let every man that loves god , endevour by the spirit of wisdome , meeknesse , and love , to dry up the river euphrates ; even this spirit of bitternesse , that like a great river hath over-flowed the earth of man-kind . for it is not revenge , fines , fightings , that will subdue a tumultuous spirit ; but a soft answer , love and meeknesse , tendernesse and justice , to doe as we would be done unto : this will appease wrath . when this son of righteousnesse and love arises in magistrates and people , one to another , then these tumultuous nationall stormes will cease , and not till then . this son is risen in some , or else these tumultuous stormes would have made it a cold and uncomfortable season before this time . this sonne will rise higher , and must rise higher , and the bright shining of it will be englands liberty . well , i am confident , that those that are very violent in spirit , without double-dealing , acting outwardly what meerly is in their hearts and knowledge , though for the present they are tormented even in hell night and day by that unquiet spirit ; yet these 〈…〉 make and enjoy a peaceable , quiet , and righteous spirit , and i beleeve within a short time , and they shall be delivered from this serpents bondage , and gods kingdome shall enter into them ; and when men have wearied out themselves in following their lusts , then is gods time to take them up into his rest and liberty . this work god maniests in some , that are scattered up and down , like a few drops of haile before the showre fall in force . and when he workes in generall , then the showre of haile shall fall in force , and sweep away all the refuge of lies before it ; that is , plentifull discoveries of god in every man , burns up the drosse of the flesh , and plentifull increase of saints in a kingdome , is like a showre of haile , that sweeps away all abominations in states and churches : and such a time as this is coming on , when the seventh angel sounds . and i shall leave with you one scripture , with which i will conclude . and the temple of god was opened in heaven , and there was seen in his temple the arke of his testament , and there were lightnings , and voyces , and thundrings , and an earth-quake , and great haile . commander in chiefe is god himselfe , who rules the spirits of men : wait then on him , up-roares to quell , and setle peace again . those that doe rise for fleshly ends , a kingdome for to trouble , shall lose their pains , undoe themselves , and vanish like a bubble . gods shaking nations , trying men , and changing times and customes , ruining the beast , and saving men , amidst these great combustions . cease striving then , ye sons of men , destroy not one another : god will avenge him that 's opprest , by christ our elder brother . his turn is next , the realm to take , and rule the sons of men , and beast and devill , pope and sin , shall never rise again . but yet mens hearts disquiet are , and bitter as we see ; hot times have been , hot times yet are , but hotter yet may be . for now the image of the beast appeares to act his part ; but he 's a falling , and saints shall sing haleluja with joy of heart . finis . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a66683e-180 1. kin● 18. psal. ● num. ● 12. dan. 24. d●● 6. 5. 〈…〉 ii ●n 19. ●hn ●et . 〈◊〉 . ●e 〈◊〉 12. jer. 23 ● 6 2 thes 2. 8. luke 17. 21. heb. 4. 3. 1 john 4. 4. esa. 1. esa. 1 rev. 〈◊〉 dan. 7. 6. 27. rev. 11. 5. rev. 16. 7. rev. 14. 〈◊〉 1. esa. 60. 4. ●ev. 11. ●3 . cor. 〈◊〉 4. ●a . 4. 4. esa. 49. 22. rev. 1● 7. 8. chap. 19. 6. 1 pet. 4. 13. ☜ john 18. ●ev. 22. 1. ●ev. 5. ●3 . notes for div a66683e-1500 act. 4. 12. gen. 3. 15. chap. 18. 18. gal. 3. ● . 16. gal. 3. ●20 . heb. 10. 5 exod 20. 19. deut. 5. 28. heb. 8 ▪ deut. 1 18. acts 3. 21. 22 heb. 1● 4. and 5 ▪ 10. psa. 40 6. act. 7. 52. col. 2. 7. rev. 11. ●2 . ● cor. 5. 16. can. 2. ●0 . 11. dan. 9. 1. 23. 24. mat. 〈◊〉 1 dan. 7 21. 25 25. & cha● 8. 23. 2. rev. 1 rev. 3 10 dan. 12● 8. 9. 13 iohn 4. ●ev. 5. 2. ●ct 2. 13 ●ev. 1. 1 ●ct 3. 23 john 3. 9. ●sal . 78. 2. ☜ john 16. 12 mar : 4 13 rev. 11 19. phil. 3. 11. john 16. 13. 1 cor. 12. 11. eph. 4. 7. notes for div a66683e-2750 ●n . 3. 15. 〈◊〉 . 1. 25. ●phes . 4. 13. cor. 12 3 , 14. ●ecl . 3. 8. ●ohn 15. 5. ●ohn 6. 37. rev. 13. 8. isa. 60. 21. zech. 3. 4. 9. rom. 8. 29. psal. 110. 1. col. 1. 24. ier. 50. 20. 1 cor. 12. 11. ephes. 4 7 isa. 27. 1 iohn ● 2● iohn 1 21 ● cor. 5. 16. 1 pet. 1. 5. rev. 20. 15. heb. 10. 13. thes. ● . 10. act. 4. 12. ● cor. 5. 19. gen. 3. 15 1 iohn 4 9. 14. 15. 1 iohn 5 5 rev. 12 9 col. 1. 13. cor. 3. 16. mat 13. 19. 〈◊〉 23. ●6 . ●●hn 7. 12. dan. 8. 23 , 24 , 25. mic. 6. 16. isa. 26. 11. zac. 3. 8. rev. 5. 13. notes for div a66683e-3530 1 iohn 5. 7. 8. 9. rev. 21. 23. acts 10. 40. 41. zech. 3. 4. god . 4. 4. mat. 3. 16. john 19. 35. john 1. 14. i pet. 2 23. isa. 55. 5 , 6. john 5. 19. john . 10. 17. 18. heb. 9. 13. 14. john 8. 13. 14. 18. john 8. 26. 28. rev. 1. 5. cha. 3. 14 ●ev. 6. 9. rev. 1. 1. 1 tim. 6. 13. rev. 19. 10. rev. 11 9. mat. 11. 27. 1 cor. 1. 27. psal , 110. 3. jer. 23. 5. 6. i john 5. 6. 1 john 2. 20 1 cor. 6. 20. ●ohn 19. ●5 1 cor. 12. 12. dan. 7. 35. rev. 1. 20. acts 4. 12. 1 isa. 19. psa. 40. 6. heb. 10. 7 , 9. heb. 2. 18. john 14. 19. 26. ezek. 37 26. zech. 4. 12. rev. 5. 6. cor 2. 9. dan. 10. 21. psa. 110. 1. john 1. 16. rev. 11. 3 , 4. zech. 4. 14. 1 pet. 1. 13. rev. 11. 4. gen. 3. 15. psal. 49. 6. heb. 10. 12. psal. 2. 6. 1. cor , 15. 26. zech. 3. 7. 8. zech. 3. 8. esay 60. 22. col. 2. 9. 1 john 2. 27. zech. 3. 4. john 14. 10. psa. 133. 2. rev. 11. 5. 2 thes. ●2 . 8. rev. 19. 14. rev. 13. ●3 . rev. 1. ●6 . jude 4. 1 john 3 , 4. eze. 11. 16. ●●hes . 7. ● cor. 12. ●2 . ●ev. 11. 3. ●john ● . ● , rev. 11. rev. 1. ●8 . ☜ 1 cor. 6. 20. rev. 11. 6. rev. 16● 8● isa. 11. 9. 2 thes. ● . 8. john 2. ●0 . 27. ●er . 31. ●4 . ios. 1. 10. hos. i. 10. isa. 28. 2. 17. gen. 3. 1. 5. ☜ rev. 16. 3. dan. 12. ●7 . rev. 10. 6. rev. 16. 17. rev. 17. 2. hos. 2. 8. isa. 11. 9. rev. 17. 15. ephes. 2. rev. 16. 5. 6. notes for div a66683e-7160 gen. 3. 15 ▪ mat. 1● ▪ 11. 1 pet. 4. 13. rev. 11. 3. esa. 53. 6 , 7. 1 john 3. 2. phil. 2. 6 , 7. rev. 7. 17. gen 3. 15. psal. 83. 2. ☜ luke , 2. 23. rev. 12. 6. rev. 12. 7 , 8 , 9. joh. 19. 35. jer. 3. 1● . john 19 ▪ 30 , heb , 2. 14. rev 12. ●0 , 11. gal. 5. ●7 . john 8. 36. rev. 8 5 jer. 23. 6. 1 cor. 3. 17. cor. 1. 17. ●ph . 2. 2. ●al. 4. 29. ●ev 12. 4. ●say 32. ●0 . to 15. ●say 28. 〈◊〉 &c. luke , 12. 32. john 7. john 9. 41. ☜ esay 32. 12 , &c. cant. 3. 3. 1 john 1. 4. esay . 32. 12 , 15. esay 28. ●9 . col. 3. 3. hos. 2 , 14 joh. 1. 4. john 2. 1. asts 5. 34. rev. 12. dan. 7. 21. mat. 24. 22. rev 11. 2 , 3. rev. 11. 9. dan. 11. 36. dan. 12 : 7. 7. dan 7. 25. dan 12. 14. mat. 24. 22. rev. 13. 2. 11. 14. 2 thes. 2. 8. revel. 16. 17. dan. 7. 7. revel. 12 17. rev. 13. 2. dan. 8. 25. ezek 34. 16. rev. 13 , 11 , 14. 2 thes. 2. 4. 5. john 15. 19. luke 10. 21. act. 4. 13. 20. 1 john 2. 20. 27. ☜ rev. 17. 2. rev. 13. esa. 29. 13. rev. 13. 17. rev. 7. 17. dan. 7. 11. rev. 16. 17. dan. 12. 7. dan. 2. 45. jer. 23. 6 rev. 11. 15. prov. 11. 10. psal. 97. 1. rev. 19. 9. zech. 3. 9 ☜ john 19 14. gen. 3. 8. ex. 12 ▪ 6 john 5. 17. zach. 3. 9. can. 2. 10. 11 , 12. esay 60. ● . ●er . 23. 6 rev. 20 ● &c. ez. 38. 18 1 cor. 15. 28. notes for div a66683e-9850 rev. 11 7 mat. 4. hab. 2. 14. col. 1. 27. 1 pet. 4. 13. 1 cor. 15. 26. job 42. 5. phil. 3. 11. john 11. 35 rev. 2. 17. 1 tim. ●● 13. gal. 1. 23 ● rev 11. 7. ☜ dan. 8. 25. gen. 6. 5. 1 king 8. 39. dan. 7● 21. 25. revel 13. 6. 7. rev. 9. 2 thes. 11. rev. 1. 10. 2 sam. 22. 5. ●ev. 9. ●● . ●ev. 10. 6. dan. 11. 8. 43 rev. 16. 17. col. 1. 13 tim. 2. ●6 . thes. ● . 12. col. 1. 12. rev. 11. 7. dan. 8. 13. 14. dan. 8. 17. 19. 20. &c. dan. 12. 9. rev. 22. 10. rev. 11. 15. rev. 13. 5. 6. psal. 106. 29. rev. 11. 2. 3 , 9. rev. 11. dan. 7. 27. john 16. 12. ☜ esay 1. 11 , 12 , 13. esay 54. 13. john 6. 45. john 9. 34. john 4. 1. john 7. 12. dan. 6. mat. 2. acts 7. 52. dan. 8. 23. ezek. 28 15. gen. 3. 12 esay 32. 15. 1 cor. 3. 15. luke 18. 13. gal. 1. 15 1 pet. 4. 13. 2 pet. 1. 10. 1 john 27. rom. 13. 1. rev. 17. 2. dan. 7. 7 , 11 , 24. dan. 8. 9. 〈◊〉 . 8. 24 , ●evel . 13 ●6 . ●an . 11. ●6 . thess. ●4 . ●en . 3. ●● 5. dan. 7. ●1 , 25. dan. 6. luke 21 12. 17. ☜ john . 7. 7 luke 22. 8. act. 5. 33. ●ev. 13. 〈◊〉 rev. 17. 〈◊〉 . ●ev. 18. 〈…〉 . ●ohn 9. acts 16. ● 4. acts 5. dan. 11 ▪ 43. psa. 2. 6. luk. 17 ▪ 21. 2 thess. 4 , 5. dan. 6. rev. 1. 5 ▪ gal. 2. 4. 5. rev. 13. ●2 . rev. 17. ●2 . dan. 11. 36. &c. dan. 8. 9 , 24. rom. 13 , ● , 2 , &c. rev. 18. ● , 7. dan. 7. 25. rev. 11. 3. gen. 3. 15. jer. 23. ● dan. 11 ▪ 42 , 43. izek. 43 〈◊〉 thess. ● . 5 , 5. mat. 15. 〈◊〉 ☞ ●oh . 6. 45 eph. 1. 19. johu 15. 19. john 4. 23. rev. 12. 9. rev. 13. 3 ▪ 1 john 2. 20. 27. dan. 8. 25. rev. 14 ▪ 9. 10. 11. eze. 43 8 ▪ notes for div a66683e-13600 rev. 11. 8. rev. 11. 11. 13. 18. rev. 9. 2. esay 32. 9. rev. 9. 12 dan. 12. 7. rev. 13. 6. 7. rev. 10. 6. 7. dan. 2. 44. dan. 7. 26. 27. rev. 11. 15. 17. rev. 20. 6. jer. 30 , 17. rev. 21. 8 rev. 9 , 14. 15. &c. rev. 9. 15. ☞ rev. 16. 12. dan. 7. 27. jer. 23. 6 gen. 2. 14. mat. 2. dan. 1● , 10. john 10 ▪ 14. 1 john ● 27 : john 5. 4. ●ev. 14. heb. 7. 2. ☜ rev. 14. 11. ez. 38. 10. 11. &c. rev. 4. esa. 25. 13. john 9. 22. rev. 2. rev. 21. 8. rev. 9. 6. 17. 18 ● . rev. 9. 19. mat. 1 ▪ . rev. 1 ▪ rom. 1. 2. ●an . 8. 25. ●ev. 9. ● . ●●r . 17. ● . ●ph . 2. 2. dan. 11. ●2 . 43. rev. 1. rev. 1. 17. rev. 1 ▪ 13. rev. 1● 11. rev. 1 ▪ rev. 1. 19. vers. 1. rev. ● 8. 9. ●●al . 2. 6 jer. 23. ● . 2 thes. 2. 5. john 9. 24. gen. 3. 6 ▪ 1 john 20● 27. rev. 11. 9. rev. 12. 27. rev. 12. ●7 . rev. 13. ● . 2. rev. 17. 17. john 7. ●2 . rev. 13. 11. dan. 8. 23. 24. revel. 17. 5. rev. 13. 14 , 5. &c. rev. 11. 13. luk. 21. 17. mat. 24. 22. ezek 38 19. 20. rev. 11. ●9 . 2 thess. 2. 8. rev. 11. 9. 1 pet. 2. 7 ▪ joh. 6. 45 ●ohn 20. ●9 . rev. 11. ● . col. 1. 13. rev. 20. ●0 . 14. dan. 7. ●5 . rev. 13 ● , 8. rev. 18. 7 dan. 8. 15● 23 , &c. esay 10. 6 , 7 , &c ▪ dan. 12 ▪ 7. dan. 8. 24. dan. 7. 21 , 22. rev. 11. 8. i pet● 18. gen. 3. 15 gal. 2. 4 , ● . john 4. ● , 2. rev. 17. ●ev. 13. 2 act. 5. amos 10 , &c. 2 thes. 2. 4. luke 2 ▪ 28. ●el 2. ●cts 2. ●●r . 23. 6 ●pet. 4. ● . ●eb . 10. ● . ●ev , 11. ● . ●●v . 13 ▪ 3. ☜ dan 11. 37 , 38 , 43. rev. 17 ▪ 5. ●●v . 16. ●7 . cor. 12. ●ph . 4. 12 ●3 . ●ol . 2. 9. ●ph . 1. 23 ●tim 3. ●oh . 4. 23 mark 4● 22. rev. 11. 12. col. 2. ▪ 1 thes 2. 12. ●●u .. 7. ●hil . 3. ● . ●an . 8. ●an . 12. ●●v . 9. 13 rev. 1● 13 , 14. rev. 11. 13. ●●v . 13. ●●v . 12. ●an . 8. ● , 24. ●m . 4. rev. 1. 9. rev. 11. 18. esay 66. 1. prov. 1. 22. eze. 38. ●9 . & e. ●ohn . 6. ●5 . ●ag . 12. ● . ☞ rev. 117 ▪ 13. 2 thes. 2. 8. 1 cor. 12. 13. jer. 50. ● . rev. 17. 2. 16. 17 dan. 12 ▪ 7 ▪ rev. 14. ●1 . esa. 28. 7. rev. 11. 3. rev. 13. 11. &c. rev. 19 ▪ 19. &c. rom. 13. 2. ● pet. 2. ● 3. 14. rev. 13. ● . 4. 7. dan. 8. ● 5. ●ev. 19. &c. ●ev. 13. 3. ●ev. 12. 9. dan. 8. 25. rev. 16. 17. acts 19. 24. &c. rev. 11. 8. rev. 16. 10. mat. 11. 25. rev. 13. 6 ▪ john 7. 12. 1 sam. 25. 37. mat. 24. 26. mica . 3. 5. rev. 19. 21. ●thes . 2. 8. rev. 11. ●3 . zach. 1 hest. 3. ●● rev. 17● ezek. 38● 19. &c. esa. 45 ▪ 22. dan. 7. 21. dan. 8. 9● 23. &c. rev. 11. ● . ●an . 11. dan. 12. 7. rev. 12. 9. rom. 13. 1. 2. act 17. 30. rev. 10. 6 ▪ rev. 16. 2. 17. rev. 19. 21. esa. 54. 13. rev. 19. 6. dan●● rev. dan. 6. 5● dan. 8● 24. 25. rev. 17. rom. 14. ● . 12. esay 29. 13. &c. esay . ●● rev. 15. rev. 1. 11. rev. 1. 4. 1 pet. 14. rom. 1. 2. 1 john 27. prov. 10 , matth. 7. 2. 〈◊〉 . 3. 〈◊〉 . 6. 〈◊〉 . 29. 〈◊〉 . 14. 13. 〈◊〉 . 17. 33. ●●n . 23. 27. 〈◊〉 2. 22. 〈◊〉 38. 19. 〈◊〉 9. 19 ▪ 〈◊〉 24. 1. 2● 〈◊〉 ●5 . 22. 〈◊〉 . 12. 19. 〈◊〉 ●3 . 2. 〈◊〉 ●2 . 24. 〈◊〉 . 7. 26 ▪ 〈◊〉 16. 17. 〈◊〉 . 24. 42. 〈◊〉 . 25 〈◊〉 . 19. 13 , 〈◊〉 . 13. 15 , 〈◊〉 . 8. 25. 〈…〉 the resurrection of the witnesses and englands fall from (the mystical babylon) rome clearly demonstrated to be accomplished, whereby great encouragement is administred to all saints, but especially to the saints in england, in the handling of a part of the eleventh chapter of the revelation / by m. cary ... cary, mary. 1648 approx. 279 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 117 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2008-09 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a35274 wing c737a estc r33344 13277407 ocm 13277407 98732 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above 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in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng bible. -n.t. -revelation xi -commentaries. apocalyptic literature. 2006-06 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2006-06 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-06 ali jakobson sampled and proofread 2007-06 ali jakobson text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the resurrection of the witnesses ; and englands fall from ( the mystical babylon ) rome . clearly demonstrated to be accomplished . whereby great encouragement is administred to all saints , but especially to the saints in england . in the handling of a part of the eleventh chapter of the revelation . by m. cary , a minister or servant of jesus christ , and of all his saints . psal. 126. 1 , 2 , 3. when the lord turned again the captivity of sion : we were like them that dream . then was our mouth filled with laughter , and our tongue with singing , then said they among the heathen : the lord hath done great things for them . the lord hath done great things for us ; whereof we are glad . london , printed by d. m. for giles calvert at the black-spread-eagle at the west end of pauls , 1648. to the honoured francis rovse and thomas boon esquires , members of the honourable house of commons in parliament . honoured sirs , it being the great designe of god the father to set up his son our lord jesus christ , as his king upon the holy hill of sion , and ( though the heathen rage , and the people imagine vain things , saying , come let us break their bonds in sunder , and cast away their cords from us ) to give him the heathen for his inheritance , and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession . i say , this being gods design , he hath for the effecting of it , given all power and authority in heaven and in earth into his hand , and accordingly jesus christ hath undertaken to execute all gods decrees , which are mentioned in the prophesie of the book of the revelation , where we finde that god had decreed , that for an appointed terme of time , his church , his temple , his saints should be in an afflicted , persecuted , depressed , low condition , and that the beast , and the babylonian enemies of his church should have power to grow great , and to flourish , and to make war against the saints , and to blaspheme god , and his name , and his saints , for an appointed time also , and that after that time was expired , that then jesus christ should improve that power that was for that end given to him , in giving a glorious deliverance to his church , and ruining totally the beast , great babylon , and all his enemies , that so the kingdomes of this world may become his kingdoms , and that in such a manner , as they were not before , even so as all that are in authority , that will not cast their crowns at his feet , shall be broken in peeces , for he the lord alone must be exalted in that day ; there must be one lord , and his name one in all the earth . now as it most clearly appears to me from the divine oracles of the scripture , having compared the works of god , and his word together , i have in the ensuing discourse held it forth ( for the encouragement of all that wait for the appearing of the lord jesus christ for the overthrowing of his enemies , and the deliverance of his people from their persecutions ) that the time is already come , wherein the appointed time of the prevailing power of the beast over the saints , is come to a period ; and accordingly jesus christ hath begunne to bring downe the power of the beast , and to lift up his saints out of that low , afflicted , persecuted condition in which they have beene , and that in order to the perfecting of these things england is already fallen from the mysticall babylon , rome . now , honoured sir , you having been glorious starres , shining with a great deal of splendour in your countrey both in the publikenesse of your spirits , and the holinesse of your conversations , wherein you have been eminent examples , and speciall encouragements unto others , and knowing that it is the desire of your souls to see the lord jesus alone advanced , who-ever be thrown down . i have presumed to present this little treatise unto you , not doubting of your ingenuous and favourable acceptance of it . but though i publish it under your name and favour , yet doe i not thereby desire you to patronize any thing in it ( if there should be any thing ) that is not truth , and for the truth that is in it , i need desire no patron ; for great is the truth , and it will prevail . yet notwithstanding the sonnes of truth , as farre as the truth appears to them in truth will own it , and contend for it , and doubtlesse so will you. i am sirs , a petitioner to heaven for sions , this kingdoms and your prosperity , m. c. to the reader . our lord jesus christ , in the eighteenth chapter of luke , from the first to the eighth verse , from the example of the importunate widdow , stirring up his disciples to importunate praier , he there assures them , that god will surely hear the praiers of his own elect that cry to him day and night , and avenge them of their adversaries ; and this he will doe for them , though he make them tarry long . and hereby saints may be assured , that god will hear their frequent importunate praiers , which night and day they have put up against the man of sinne , the beast , and their babylonian enemies , who have troden the saints under feet , and made warre against them , and overcome them , and dealt cruelly with them above this twelve hundred years : and that he will at last avenge them on these their enemies . but saies our saviour at the eighth verse , neverthelesse , when the sonne of man cometh , shall he finde faith on earth ? whereby he implies , that when hee cometh , his people shall scarce have faith to beleeve that hee will thus avenge them on their enemies . but when he shall come to doe it , it will be beyond their faith . and even thus is it with saints now , they have scarce faith to believe , that the lord jesus hath now begun , and is going on to avenge his own elect on their adversaries , the mysticall babylonians . now for the strengthening of the faith of saints concerning this thing , i doe present them with this ensuing discourse , wherein as the lord hath discovered it to me ( to the strengthening of my faith concerning the prosperity of sion henceforward , and giving me great joy and pleasure therein . ) i have made it to appeare from the scriptures , that the lord hath already lifted up his saints from under the vassalage of their enemies , and hath begunne to put the cup of trembling , into the hands of them that afflicted them . which i desire that all that love , and honour the lord jesus may diligently observe . for the most high god , of whom , and through whom , and to whom are all things , and for whose pleasure they are , and were created , both whose wisdome and knowledge are unfathomable ; tels his people of old by the prophet isaiah , as wee have it in the fourty eighth chapter of his prophesie , at the third and the fifth verses , that he declared from the beginning the things hee would bring to passe , and that he shewed it them before it came to passe : and he gives the reason why he did so , in the fourth and fifth verses , because ( said hee ) i knew that thou art obstinate , and thy necke is an iron sinew , and thy brow brasse : and , least thou shouldest say , mine idol hath done them , and my graven image , and my molten image hath commanded them . and therefore the prophet isaiah in the fourty eighth chapter , and fourteenth verse , hee makes a challenge to the nations , and to the people , to assemble themselves , and to shew which among them hath declared those things . but there is none to be found among the sonnes of men that can declare any thing : for he maketh the diviners mad , &c. and isaiah the fourty third , and the thirteenth , he saith , before the day was , i am hee , and there is none that can deliver out of mine hands : i will work , and who shall let it . and isaiah the fourtie six chapter , and the ninth and tenth verses , i am god , and there is none like mee , declaring the end from the beginning , and from ancient times , the things that are not yet done , saying , my counsell shall stand , and i will doe all my pleasure . and yet notwithstanding all this , that people of israel , who had seene and knowne , ( or might have ) all the glorious workes of the most high , and observed how he declared things before they came to passe , and had thereby a greater advantage then the heathen , of being convinced of his eternall power and god-head : yet were they so vile , as to question it , having in them an emnitie to the true god , and chose rather to worship idols , and denie the eternall god : as appeares in the fourty sixth chapter of isaiah , and therefore at the eighth and ninth verses , he saies , remember this , and shew your selves men , and bring it againe to minde , o yee transgressours . remember the former things of old , for i am god , and there is none else , i am god , and there is none like me , declaring the end from the beginning , and from ancient times the things that are not yet done ; saying , my counsell shall stand , and i will doe all my pleasure . remember ; as if hee had said , and shew your selves men , shew your selves to be rationall creatures , and be not as the horse and mule that hath no understanding ; but seeing i have declared from ancient times , the things i would doe long before they came to passe : saying , my counsell shall stand , and i will doe all my pleasure : and be ye thereby convinced , that i am god , and there is none like me . but as then , so now , are there many that are become atheists , denying the true god , and jesus christ , whom he hath sent , whose necke are an iron sinew , and their brow brasse , who had they not lost the principles of reason , might by the things of the creation , be convinced of his eternall power and god-head , romans the first chapter , and the twentieth verse . as also by observing how hee declared , what it was his will to bring to passe long agoe , and how hee hath brought to passe what hee so declared . but they have lost even the principles of reason which they once had , by which they might have then been convinced hereof ; whereby they are left without excuse , as the apostle saies , romans the first and the twentieth . but they having lost reason , are now become vaine in their imaginations , and their foolish heart is darkened ; and though they professe themselves to be wise , and are puft up with selfe-conceits of wisdome , in their frothy and blasphemous discourses : yet they are become fooles , changing the truth of god into a lie . and the apostle gives the reason why god hath thus given them over , in the first chapter to the romans the one and twentieth , and the eight and twentieth verses , because they did not like to retaine god in their knowledge , and because that when they knew god , they glorified him not as god. the like reason hee giveth , why them that perish are deceived by the man of sinne , as in the second epistle to the thessalonians the second chapter , and the tenth verse , because they received not the love of the truth . but now , though atheists , and papists , denie the eternall god , and observe not his wonderfull workes , how he declares things long before they come to passe : saying , my counsell shall stand , and i will doe all my pleasure ; and accordingly brings it to passe , because their foolish heart is darkned : yet all his saints doe , and will observe this : for saith the psalmist , in the hundred and eleventh psalme , and the second and third verses , the workes of the lord are great , sought out of all them that have pleasure therein . his worke is honourable , and glorious , and his righteousnesse endureth for ever : he hath made his wonderfull workes to be remembred , &c. the lord hath made his wonderfull workes to be remembred among his saints , though others remember them not , yet his saints have pleasure in them , and therefore search them out , and they have a promise made to them , that in the observing the wonderfull things of the lord , they shall understand his loving kindenesse , it runnes thus , who so is wise , and will observe these things , even they shall understand the loving kindenesse of the lord * , as psalme the hundred and third and the fourty third verse . now it being so , let saints diligently observe the ensuing discourse , wherin it doth appear , that god hath brought to passe the things he did fifteen hundred yeares agoe predeclare ; which they observing it may tend much to the strengthening of their faith in this , that jesus christ hath begun , and is going on to avenge them on their enemies . for in the ensuing discourse it will appear , that as jesus christ did long since reveale to john , how that after the mysticall babylonians had persecuted his saints a long time , he would raise up his saints out of their persecuted condition , and bring down those their babylonian enemies : so hee hath alreadie begunne to doe this thing , even to raise up his saints , and to bring downe their enemies , and that punctually , according to what hee did reveal to john. now i know there hath been observed by many saints , many things that god revealed to john , which he hath brought to passe . many of which observations are already in print : but that which i chiefly aim at in this discourse , is that which is not yet printed by any other , and whether any other have yet observed it , i know not ; but they are passages so eminently worthy to be observed , in this present time , because they give the saints such ground of encouragement and consolation , in respect of the happy successe that shall be of the very present affairs of this kingdome ( how knotty and difficult so ever for the present , or for sometime , yet they may appear to be ) as that in love to all saints i could not but communicate them to them in this way . but there are two things , which it may be may cause some to retain some unbeleeving and doubtfull thoughts concerning the happy successe of present things , although it be made clear in the following discourse , that the time of saints being cloathed in sackcloth is expired . first , it may be some cannot receive it , because they look for farther judgements to come upon this kingdome , ( wherein outwardly the saints may suffer also ) because of the great provoking sins of this kingdom , as drunkennesse , and adulteries , and oaths , and their entering into so many covenants concerning religious things , for which they have no sufficient warrant , now in the times of the gospel , and the oppressions of the poor , and meaner sort of people , and the great neglect of doing justice generally , &c. now to these i say , that it is true , that if god should deal with this nation , according to its demerits ; then indeed no other could be expected , but an utter desolation of it , that it might either swim in bloud , or burn with fire untill it were consumed . but first , i desire you to consider , that god hath a very great number of his dear saints in this kingdom , in whom he delights , and for whose sake he may , and i had almost said , will spare this kingdome , and spare the cities and towns , and counties where they are for if god would have spared sodome for ten righteous persons , we have a great ground of hope , that he will spare london , yea all england from a generall devastation and desolation , having thousands of righteous persons in london , and in all england a very great number . and how many plots of wicked men , wherein they endeavoured the ruine of this kingdome , hath god blasted ? having such a great number of his precious jewels in it . and secondly , what though h●ere be in this kingdome , many that are great enemies to jesus christ , yet god can by his covenant of grace , bring many of them in to the obedience of christ , and make them of persecutors to become eminent saints , and call those his people that were not his people : and why should we doubt whether he would do so , since these are the times wherein he hath promised to do so , and hath already begun to doe it ? but thirdly , if it be so , that some are hardned to destruction , and they are never quiet , but still are plotting against the just , to ruine them : yet know they shall not prevail over the saints , but in opposing them shall ruine themselves , zech. 12. 3. as appears in the following discourse . secondly , doubtfull thoughts may be in others , that yet the saints may be overcome , because they see they have so many enemies abroad , and at home , and they are speaking great words , and are still plotting against them . to such , i say , let them suppose that there were none that did dare to make any opposisition at all in this kingdome , but that all things went smoothly on , in the hands of those that are carrying it on : and if they could then beleeve , that indeed god would not have his saints in this kingdome to be troden under foot by the beast any more . then let them have the same faith to beleeve it now , as knowing it is as easie with god , to carry on this work over the mountains as over the plains , and he will make the great mountain to become a plain before zerubbabel , before his people , zech. 4. 7. he can command those that are preparing warre against them to sit still , and proceed no farther , and put a fear upon them ; or if they doe goe on , yet he can make it to come to nothing , and to be the most effectual way to lay them lower , and to raise his people higher . now if any particular man would be as sure of safety , as all the witnesses in generall are ; then if he be a man in any publike imploiment , let him according to his place oppose the beast , and act for the welfare of all that wish well to sion , and doe justice unto all , from the highest unto the lowest , and be more forward to act for the meanest , then for the highest . let him suppose the condition of the meanest man * that seeks to him for just things to be his own condition , and act for him , as hee would be dealt with himself were he in that condition : for thus relieving of the poor and distressed ones , is most acceptable to the lord of sabbath , and in so doing , i am confident it will go well with him , however it go with others . again , if he be a private man ; let him also in his place , wish well to sion , and oppose the beast ; so shall he also prosper in the prosperity of sion . and now reader , who ever thou art , if thou dost receive any benefit of any kinde , by reading the ensuing discourse , whether of encouragement , consolation , information , or quickning , i beseech thee to return all the glory of it to the most high , to whom alone it is due , who for that end made use of so weak an instrument : in whom if thou be a friend to the lord jesus christ , i am thy friend 〈◊〉 serve thee m. cary. revel . chap. 11. from vers . 1. to 14. verse 1. and there was given me a reed like a rod , and the angel stood , saying , rise , and measure the temple of god , and the altar , and them that worship therein . 2. but the court which is without the temple , leave out , and measure it not : for it is given unto the gentiles , and the holy city shall they tread under foot fourty and two months . 3. and i will give power unto my two witnesses , and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth . 4. these are the two olive-trees , and the two candlesticks , standing before the god of the earth . 5. and if any man will hurt them , fire proceedeth out of their mouth , and devoureth their enemies : and if any man wil hurt them , he must in this manner be killed . 6. these have power to shut heaven , that it rain not in the daies of their prophecy : and have power over waters to turn them to bloud , and to smite the earth with all plagues , as often as they will. 7. and when they shal have finished their testimony , the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomlesse pit , shall make war against them , and shall overcome them , and kill them . 8. and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city , which spiritually is called sodom and aegypt , where also our lord was crucified . 9. and they of the people , and kindreds , and tongues , and nations , shall see their dead bodies three daies and an half , and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves . 10. and they that dwell upon the earth , shall rejoyce over them , and make merry , and shall send gifts one to another : because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth . 11. and after three daies and an half , the spirit of life from god entered into them : and they stood upon their feet , and great fear fell upon them which saw them . 12. and they heard a great voice from heaven , saying unto them , come up hither . and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them . 13. and the same hour was there a great earth-quake , and the tenth part of the city fell , and in the earth-quake were slain of men seven thousand ; and the remnant were affrighted , and gave glory to the god of heaven . 14. the second woe is past , and behold , the third woe cometh quickly . the preamble . from these verses , i desire as the lord shall enable me , to declare that which god hath discovered to me : for i hope that it may be as advantagious to others , as it hath been to my own soul . but though the publication of what appears to me in these verses , be that which i chiefly aim at ; yet being prest in spirit , to give forth some meditations from the preamble of this book ; which preamble is contained in the three first verses of the first chapter of this book of the revelation : i cannot but here insert it , as a preamble to the following discourse also ; though it may be it may not seem in the eyes of some so pertinent . the three verses are as follows : 1. the revelation of jesus christ , which god gave unto him , to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to passe ; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant john. 2. who bare record of the word of god , and of the testimony of jesus christ , and of all things that he saw . 3. blessed is he that readeth , and they that hear the words of this prophecy , and keep those things which are written therein , for the time is at hand . in these verses is contained these five particulars : first , the subject matter of this book . secondly , the reason of the divulgation of this book . thirdly , the instruments of the divulgation of this book . fourthly , the fruitfulnesse of those instruments in the divulging this book . fifthly , the pronunciation of a blessing upon the persons that reade or hear the words of this book . the first particular contained in these verses , is the subject matter of this book ; and that it exprest in these words , the revelation of things that must shortly come to passe , the word of god , and the testimony of jesus christ . from whence this is the observation . observ . 1. that the whole book of the revelation , is a revelation , declaration or manifestation of the minde of god , about the things which were to come to passe , shortly after the revealing of it : which revelation is the word of god , and the testimony of jesus christ . this point being so evident , and clear in the text , i shall not produce any further proofs of it , because i intend brevity , but immediately proceed to the deductions which flow from it , which are these . if this book be a revelation or declaration of the minde of god about the things , which were shortly to come to passe : then it is our duty to observe how god hath brought to passe , the things which he did pre-declare he would bring to passe ; that so we may glorifie god in his omnisciency in fore-seeing , and fore-knowledge of all things , and in his omnipotency , in bringing the things to passe which he did fore-appoint to bring to passe : that he can doe all things , and nothing can hinder him from bringing all things to passe , according to the counsel of his own will. when saints doe most diligently observe the works which god brings to passe , according to what he hath pre-declared in his word ; then do they most answer the end , for which god did before reveal these things , which was that he might be admired and magnified by his people , in bringing all things to passe according to his word , shewing that he is god alone : for none else can declare things to come , as the eternal god doth . but how can saints have experience of this , but by comparing his word and works together ? therefore it is the duty of saints frequently so to do . so much of the first . secondly , is this book of the revelation , the word of god , and the testimony of jesus christ ? then we are hereby informed , that it is warrantable for us to call that which is a revelation of the minde of god , the word of god. we see john cals it so , and why may not we ? i the rather speak of this : because some have affirmed , that nothing may be called the word of god , but jesus christ ; because it is a title the scripture gives to him , as john 1. 1. in the beginning was the word , and the word was with god , and the word was god. and vers . 14. the word was made flesh , and dwelt among us , and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the only begotten son of god , full of grace and truth . and 1 joh. 5. 7. for there are three that bare record in heaven , the father , the word , and the holy ghost , and these three are one . and revel . 19. 13. and he was cloathed with a vesture dipt in bloud , and his name is called , the word of god ; and the armies that were in heaven followed him upon white horses , &c. but let these know , that though in these places that title , the word of god , is given to jesus christ , he being the essential word of god : which is the reason why this title is given to him . yet that the spirit of god , gives this title also to the scripture , to the written word , the word which is the revelation of the minde of god , as appears here , and in other places , as jer. 2. 1. moreover , the word of the lord came unto me , saying , go and cry in the ears , &c. and vers . 4. hear ye the word of the lord , o house of jacob , and all the families of the house of israel . and jer. 7. 2. stand in the gates of the lords house , and proclaim there this word , saying , hear the word of the lord all ye of judah , that enter in at these gates to worship the lord. thus saith the lord of host , the god of israel : amend your waies , &c. and jer. 14. 1. the word of the lord that came to jeremiah concerning the dearth , &c. and jer. 30. 1 , 2. the word that came to jeremiah from the lord , saying , thus speaketh the lord god of israel , saying , write all the words that i have spoken unto thee in a book . and severall like passages to these we have , as in ezekiel 6. 1. and 7. 1. and 12. 1. and 16. 1. and hos . 1. 1. and 4. 1. and the like we have also in joel , jonah , micah , zechary , and the rest of the prophets : where it is clear , that that which was the revelation , or manifestation of the minde of god , concerning the waies in which he would have his people to walk , or the things which he was about to doe , whether of bringing a dearth upon a people , or any other judgement ; or the doing of them good : this title is given to it ; the word of god. so that it is clear that this title may be given to the written word , the scripture , both by all the fore-cited places ( besides many others that might have been cited to the same effect ) and also in the text , where this book of the revelation , is called the word of god. but i still acknowledge , that jesus christ is more eminently the word of god , he being the originall of it : for as god doth all things else by jesus christ , so he gives out his word by him , and jesus christ gives testimony to it : which is the next instruction arising from the point , and comes now to be spoken of . thirdly , is it so , that this book of the revelation is the word of god , and the testimony of jesus christ ? then this may informe us , that as this : so all the scriptures , doe as truly come from jesus christ , as from god the father : for he gives testimony to what the father saies . what the father declares , he witnesses , and testifieth the same ; and therefore he is said to be the faithfull witnesse . rev. 1. 5. and it is said of him , 1 cor. 1. 20. for all the promises of god in him are yea , and in him amen . so much of the first particular , the subject matter of this book . i come now to the second , which is . the reason of the divulgation of this book ; and that is contained in these words : which god gave unto jesus christ to shew unto his servants . from whence arises this observation . observ . 2. that it is the pleasure of god , to have his servants acquainted with his secrets , and to know what is his minde concerning things to come . this we see was the reason of the divulgation of this book : because it was the minde of god to have his servants acquainted with it , a sutable place to this , is that , john 15. 15. henceforth ( saith jesus christ ) i call you not servants ; for the servant knoweth no what his lord doth ; but i call you friends : for all things that i have heard of my father , i have made known unto you : and psalm . 25. 14. the secret of the lord is with them that fear him , and he will shew them of his covenant . so that it is a clear truth , that it is the pleasure of god to have his servants acquainted with his secrets , and to know his minde , concerning things to come . it being so , in the first place it teaches saints to admire , and magnifie the love of the father , that doth expresse himself so graciously to them , as to afford them that honour to be as his friends , in r●vealing his secrets to them . it is a remarkable passage , amos 3. 7. surely the lord god will doe nothing , but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets . oh what a high savour is this , that the lord should engage himself that he will doe nothing , but he will reveal it unto his servants ! as a tender husband unbosomes himself , and discovers his secrets to his beloved wife , and cannot with-hold them from her . so the lord god doth expresse his tender love unto his servants , in revealing his secrets to them , and he will doe nothing but he will discover it unto them . what cause have saints now to admire , and extoll that rich grace of god , that is extended to them herein ? secondly , doth the lord reveal his secrets unto his servants ? then ought they to be dilligent observers of what he reveals unto them . revealed things are said to belong unto us , and if they belong unto us , then it behoves saints to observe them , and to improve them to those ends for which they are discovered to us ; and if we should come short of it , we should demean our selves very unworthily . when a man reveals his secret unto his dear friend , if his friend should slight him in it , and take no notice of what he discovers to him , he were a very unkinde , and a very unworthy friend : but how much more may we be said , to carry our selves unkindly , and unworthily ; if we should slight the love of our god , in revealing his secrets to us , by not being diligent in observing of them ? since it pleases the lord , to reveal to his servents things to come ; it well becomes them to observe them exactly . and so much of the second particular , the reason of the divulgation of this book . i come now to the third , which is the instruments of the divulgation of this book , which is contained in these words : who sent , and signified it by his angel unto his servant john. so that the angel , and john , were employed as instruments in that work . from whence the observation is this . observ . 3. that though jesus christ could reveal immediately to al his servants , all these things revealed in this book ; yet it pleased him to chuse rather to doe it by instruments . if it had pleased him , he might have revealed these things to all his people , in all ages since john , immediately by his own spirit ; but he chuses rather to doe it by the writings of john : which he preserves and keeps up in a high esteem in the hearts of all his saints ; as his own infallible , and unquestionable truth , and testimony : or else he might have sent a john , or some prophet of his , to have revealed these things by mouth unto his people , in every age , age after age : but he chuses rather to doe it by revealing it to john , so many hundreds of years agoe ; and his writings must be the instruments of revealing these things unto his people ; and he might have revealed those things unto john immediately himself , without any other instrument : but he chuses to signifie it by his angel to his servant john. so he might teach , and edifie , and build up his people immediately ; but he chuses rather to doe it by instruments , by apostles , and prophets , and evangelists , and pastors , and teachers : which he hath appointed , for the perfecting of the saints , for the edifying of the body of christ ; till we all come in the unity of the faith , and of the knowledge of the son of god unto a perfectman , &c. ephes . 4. 11 , 12 , 13. so he might likewise , have revealed himself immediately to all his people of old ; but generally it pleased him to make use either of angels , or of his servants the prophets , to be the instruments of revealing his minde unto his people then . now the reasons why it pleaseth god , usually to make use of instruments to effect his designs by , may be these . the first is that which is the reason of all his doings ; his own will. he makes use of instruments , because it is his will to make use of instruments : for his will is the reason , and the rule of all his actions . secondly , but a subordinate reason to this , may be to shew his soveraignty over al his people ; therefore he sends them about his work , they being all at his royall command . as a prince hath power over all that are in his dominion , saying to this man go , and he goeth , and to another , come , and he commeth , and to another doe this , and he doth it : so the great king of kings , and lord of lords , maketh it to appear that he hath all his servants at his beck , by sending of them about severall employments . thirdly , another reason why he maketh use of instruments , in revealing and discovering his minde to his people , and building up of his saints , may be to maintain a communion among saints : for if god should reveal himself to all alike , then would not his people have such communion one with another , as they have , to the end they may partake one of anothers gifts ; and therefore doth it please the lord to make use of instruments , whereas if it pleased him , he could have effected all things immediately , without means or instruments : and since it is so then , first , it reprehends those that have a low esteem of instruments , and sleight and undervalue means , upon this ground : that god can worke without instruments , and without means . but let such know , that it is the will of god to make use of instruments , and in sleighting instruments , they contradict his will : and as they that sleight the kings officers , doe sleight the king : so they , in sleighting the instruments and means that god hath appointed to work by , do sleight god himself , and they do as much as in them lies , endeavor to break the communion of saints . and surely what ever the pretences of such persons are , that doe neglect means , and sleight instruments , this cometh not from the spirit of god in them ; for the spirit teacheth not to undervalue any means , which god hath appointed to be used . though it is true , the spirit teaches us not to idolize means , nor to tie god to worke only by means , but to acknowledge that god can , and sometimes doth worke without means and instruments ; though he doth usually work by means and instruments : and therefore it is as great an evil on the one side , to reject the instruments , or means that god uses to work by , because he hath not absolutely tied himself to them ; as on the other side , to idolize means or instruments , because god doth usually work by them . therefore in the second place saints are here exhorted , to have a high esteem of instruments , as being of gods appointment , by whom he will reveal himself to his people , and quicken , and comfort , and build them up upon the true foundation . since the lord will make use of instruments , o saints doe not you sleight them , least you sleight god himself : but esteem them very highly in love , for their works sake . it is the rule of the apostle , 1 thes . 5. 12 , 13. saies the apostle there , we beseech you brethren , to know them which labour among you , and are over you in the lord , and admonish you ; and to esteem them very highly in love for their works sake . the apostle knew very well that god could if he had pleased , have built up his people without employing some to labour among them , in the word , and doctrine , and without the admonitions of men , but these being instruments , and means of gods appointment ; he therefore presses the saints , to esteem very highly of those instruments , for that works sake that god had appointed them unto : for though paul , and apollo , and cephas can doe nothing of themselves , yet they are to be highly esteemed , as being instruments in gods hand , by which god will work . and so all the means which god hath appointed for his people to make use of , in which he will be found of them , and in which he will have communion with them , let them prize , and embrace , and make use of , waiting upon god in the use of them , who will be found of them at last , and will make it appear , that they have not sought him in the use of means in vain . though for a time he seem to be silent towards them , yet at last he that shall come , will come , an i will not tarry . it is unquestionably the policy of satan , to take off saints from using means , that they may be deprived of that comfort , and benefit which otherwise they might obtain in the use of means . therefore let all saints beware of such delusions , whereby they are drawn to dishonour god , in sleighting the instruments and means which he hath appointed , and let them be exhorted to embrace means , and make diligent use of them ; for they are blessed that so doe , as will appear in the handling of the fifth particular . but so much for this third particular , the instruments of the divulgation of this book . the fourth particular , is the faithfulnes of those instruments in the divulgation of this book , it is exprest in these words : who bare record of the word of god , and of the testimony of jesus , and of all things that he saw . we see that as the angel signified it to john , so john did not fail in recording any thing of it , but he bare record of all things that he saw . whence the observation is this : observ . 4. that when god setteth instruments about a worke which he will have done , they must , and they shall effect it . jesus christ will have his secrets declared to his servants , and he imploieth john about this work ; and john doth it punctually : he bare record of the word of god , and of the testimony of jesus , and what , of some things ? nay , of all things which he saw . and this truth is further confirmed , by two pertinent scriptures , which we have to this effect . one is amos 3. 8. the lion hath roared , who will not fear ? the lord god hath spoken , who can but prophesie ? the other is , acts 4. 20. for we cannot but speak the things which wee have seen and heard . in both these places it appears , that it is not possible for instruments to be silent , nor to sit still , when god hath spoken to them , and given them commission to doe his work . first , is it so that when god setteth instruments about a work which he will have done , that they must , and shall effect it ? then this informes us of the reason why saints fear not persecution , nor imprisonment , nor death , but choose rather to suffer them all , then to conceal the truth that is discovered to them , or to disert the work they are called to : for god having stirred up their spirits , and set them about this work , they cannot be silent , and sit still , but shall go on in despite of all opposition , to accomplish the worke which god hath appointed them to do . thus did luther , and thus have many other saints done , and many shall doe : for if the lord have spoken they cannot but prophesie , speak the things they have seen and heard : for their light is not given them to hide it under a bushell ; but their love to christ constraines them to hold it forth , and the strength of christ carries them forth . secondly , since it is so , it serves to encourage saints , considering that the work that god hath to doe shall surely be accomplished , no opposition shall hinder it : for though instruments seem to be never so weak , yet they must , and shall accomplish gods designs . therefore fear not , the day shall break forth , and the shaddowes shall fly away , and none of the powers of darknesse shall be able to hinder it . but i shall say more to this point in the following discourse ; therefore so much shall suffice to be here spoken of it , and of this fourth particular , the faithfulnesse of the instruments of divulging this book . the fifth particular , is the pronounciation of a blessing upon the persons that read , or hear the words of this book . and that we have in these words : blessed is he that readeth , and they that hear the words of this prophesie , and keep those things which are written therein ; for the time is at hand . from whence arises this observation . observ . 5. that it is a blessed thing , to reade and hear the word of god , and particularly that which is contained in the book of the revelation , so as to keep it . this clearly appears in these words : and the apostle james likewise witnesseth the same , jam. 1. 25. be ye doers of the word ( saith he at the 22. vers . ) and not hearers only deceiving your own selves . whereas it appears he speakes of the written word , which men may ●●ar with the ear , and doe not . and now at the 15. vers . he saies : who so looketh into the perfect law of liberty , and continueth therein ; he being not a forgetfull hearer , but a doer of the work , this man shall be blessed in his deed . what is the man that james saith shall be blessed ? it is the man that looketh into the perfect law of liberty , ( that is ) heareth or readeth the word of god in the scripture , ( which is a perfect law of liberty , spiritual liberty ) and heareth or readeth it , not forgetfully , but is a doer of it : this is the blessed man. thus it is a clear , that it is a blessed thing to hear and reade the word of god , and particularly that which is contained in the book of the revelation , so as to keep it . then first , this condemns those that neglect the reading , and the hearing of the word : since it is a blessed thing to reade , and hear the word of god so as to do it . now they that doe not reade it , nor hear it , cannot doe it : for saies the apostle , rom. 10. 14. how shall they believe in him , of whom they have not heard ? implying , that without hearing the word of god , they cannot believe in god : but if the apostle had not so said , yet we see it to be true , in that the nations and people to whom the gospel is not preached , and that doe not reade it , doe altogether continue in unbelief . and so those that are under the darknesse of popery , to whom the word in the purity of it is not preached , and have not liberty to reade it , they continue also in a dark and a miserable condition ; but among those people where the word is embraced , and read , and heard there are many brought into the obedience of faith . nay , in some places of this kingdome where they seldom en●oy a publick preacher , yet by reading the word they are made partakers of the sweet blessing of it . they ought therefore to be sharply reproved for their folly , who neglect the hearing , and reading the word , and consequently the doing of it , in which they might be blessed . in the second place , hence all sorts of people are exhorted to be frequent in reading the word , for all desire to be blessed , and those that have in any measure been made partakers of the blessing of the gospel , they cannot but desire more of it ; therfore it would be wisdome for all to improve the means of being made blessed , which is hearing , and reading the word . if a man that desires a great outward estate , should be perswaded that if there were any way at all for him to attain that estate , it must be such , or such a way , that man would be sure to take that way . why this is the case in respect of attaining spiritual blessings ; the readiest way that any soul can take to attain them , is a frequent reading , and hearing of the word of god , waiting for the comming in of the spirit in it . o therefore let not men discover that they have a sleight esteem of spirituall blessings , and heavenly treasures , by neglecting the means by which they are attained : for if men have a high esteem of gold , and pearls , if they know the means by which they may be attained , they will make use of those means : so according to the esteem we have of spirituall blessings , will be our diligence in improving the means of attaining them . object . but it may be some one will say , i have been frequent in hearing and reading the word , and finde it but an empty thing , i hear and am as carnal as before , i read and am as dark , and low as before ; and therefore how can it be said that hearing , and reading the word , is a means of attaining spirituall blessings ? i answer , answ . first , if thou findest to thy apprehension , but little benefit from hearing or reading the word ; yet thou canst not conclude it would be better with thee , if thou didst not reade or hear the word , for there is no ground of hope for thee , when thou neglectest all means of enlivening , comforting , or of heightning the spirit . but secondly , though to thy apprehension thou hast no benefit from reading , or hearing the word , yet remember , that the word is compared to seed , mat. 13. 19. and 1 pet. 1. 23. now you know that seed useth to lie hid under the clods for a time , and afterward groweth up : so may the seed of the word seem to be hid in thee for a time , and yet afterward it may grow up , and bring forth fruit . the disciples while the lord jesus was with them , often heard his word , and he plainly fore-told them of his resurrection , but when their lord was crucified , though they had so often heard it , yet they seemed to be altogether ignorant of the doctrine of the resurrection , but afterward it was sweet unto them when the spirit brought it , with other things to their remembrance . in the 4. of iohns gospel , at the 36 , 37 , 38. verses , our saviour tels his disciples , that both he that soweth , and he that reapeth shall rejoice together , but ( saies he ) herein is that saying true , one soweth , and another reapeth . i have sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour , other men laboured and ye are entred into their labours . others had sowed the seed of eternal life in the hearts of the people : and therefore he said in the 35 , vers . that the fields were already white unto the harvest , but the disciples were sent to reap the fruit of that seed , that others had laboured in the sowing of : so that one minister may sow the seed of life , and joy in the hearts of some people , and another may reap it . but the time shall come , that both he that soweth , and he that reapeth shall rejoice together . when the seed ●● sowne the fruit doth not by and by appear , and of this saints have had experience , that have laine long under the hearing of the word , frequently attending upon it , and been diligent in reading , and yet have attained to their own apprehensions neither to faith , nor peace , nor joy , nor strength , but have seemed to be as unbelieving , as carnal , and as fleshly as ever , walking heavily for a long time : and that word which hath been sweet to others that at the same time heard it , hath been as nothing to them . that word which hath raised the heart , and strengthened the faith , and inflamed the love of others , hath seemed to have no effect upon them , and thus some have continued weeks , months , nay years together , and if they have had any reviving , it hath been but as a morning dew ; and yet at last when the fathers appointed time was come , wherein he hath raised them up to joy , and peace in believing , and given them life , vigour and strength , then hath the spirit brought to their remembrance , the things which they heard many years before , and then have they been wonderfully overcome , and taken with it , and it hath brought forth fruit abundantly in them . therefore saints , you that say you finde little or no effect , the word hath upon you for the present , be not thereby discouraged , but goe on to reade and to hear the word still , for it is a means which is often blessed to many . but thirdly , is it so , that it is a blessed thing to reade and hear the word , so as to keep it ? then it serves to exhort all , as to hear and reade the word , so to look beyond it , in the frequent hearing and reading of it waiting for the coming in of the spirit ; for the blessing is not pronounced upon the hearers of the word only , but such as hear it , and keep it , and hear it and doe it : and then shalt thou hear the word so as to keep it , when the spirit comes along with it : therefore when thou comest to hear the word , doe not rest upon the bare hearing of the word , but expect the coming of the spirit ; and that thou maiest thus doe , consider that there are frequent presidents in scripture , that in the hearing of the word the spirit hath been given : as you have it , act. 10. 44. while peter yet spake these words , the holy ghost fell on all them which heard the word . and in the second of the acts at the 41. verse , we finde that there were three thousand souls converted , at the preaching of peter . and when philip went down to samaria , and preached the word , there were by his preaching many converted , both men , and women , as appears acts 8. 12. there are severall other passages in the acts to this purpose . and gal. 3. 2. saith the apostle , received you the spirit by the workes of the law , or by the hearing of faith ? whereby it appears , that the spirit was received by the hearing of the word of faith , and therfore it is that the apostle cals the ministery of the gospel , the ministration of the spirit , 2 cor. 3. 8. therefore let all be encouraged in the hearing of the word to wait for the spirit , whereby they may not be forgetfull hearers , but doers of the word , and be blessed in so doing . vse 4. and in the last place it serves to encourage all saints , to be frequent in reading of , and meditating upon the book of the revelation ; for there is a blessing particularly pronounced upon them that read , or hear , and keep the things that are written therein : therefore let none be discouraged from reading those things that are written in this book , because they are so hard to be understood , and are more darke and mysterious than most places of scripture . it is true , they are so , but to encourage us to be frequent in reading of it , notwithstanding the mysteriousnesse of it , the holy ghost hear pronounces a particular blessing to it , which is a speciall encouragement to incite us to the reading of it . and there is also another encouragement in these words , for the time is at hand . and now if we be desirous to be informed , of the things that concern the present time , then let us look diligently into the book of the revelation , for this word , the time is at hand , hath held true , and doth , and shall hold true , in all ages , and times , even until the glorious appearing of jesus christ , to judge the quick and the dead , when all shall appear before the judgement seat of christ : for there hath been no age since the delivery of it , in which it might not be said , the time is at hand , that is , the time is come , in which some part or other of it , hath been fulfilling : for at the time when this revelation was given to john , then was fulfilling that which is spoken concerning the seven churches ; and soon after , that which was to be done in the opening of the seals , began to be fulfilled , which is not yet fully accomplished , and about four hundred year after johns time , began that to be fulfilled , which is spoken of concerning the rising of the beast , and what is revealed concerning the actions of the beast ; and the pouring out of the viols upon the beast , hath been since that and now is a fulfilling , and what is spoken concerning the totall ruine of the beast , and the happy deliverance of the saints , and the glorious state of the church after deliverance , shall be hereafter fulfilled . so that still it might , and now , and hereafter it may be said of the prophecy of this book , the time is at hand : therefore it concernes us to be frequently looking into it , and diligently to observe the things , that are written therein . and now since the following discourse , is on a part of the book of the revelation ; let these two motives , which here you have to stirre you up to the reading of the whole book ; as , that it is a blessed thing , and it concerns the present time , incite you to the reading , and the serious consideration of what is herein delivered , concerning the exact accomplishment , of some of the things contained in this book , which comes now to be spoken of . an exposition vpon part of the eleventh chapter of the revelation . the exposition of the first verse . and there was given unto me a reed like unto a rod ] in the 21. chapter of this book at the 15. verse , when the holy city was put into a delivered , enlarged , raised condition , there is mention made of a golden reed wherewith it was to be measured . but here is not a golden reed , but a reed like unto a rod , importing , that it is a chastized and afflicted , depressed , low condition into which it was at this time to be put : and that it was indeed so , appears in what follows . and the angel stood , saying ] this angel , chap. 10. 1. is thus described : and i saw a mighty angel come down from heaven , cloathed with a cloud , and a rain-bow was upon his head , and his face was as it were the sunne , and his feet as pillars of fire . this description resembles that which is given of jesus christ , chap. 1. 15 , 16. by which it appears , that this angel here spoken of is jesus christ . it is indeed the lord jesus christ , that doth order and dispose all things in , and concerning his church , and all things in the world , and therefore it is , that all power is given unto him , in heaven , and earth , mat. 28. he is the king of the holy hill of sion , psalm . 2. and he must rule the nations with a rod of iron , and break them in peeces like a potters vessel , and he must raign untill he have put all his enemies under his feet . rise and measure ] the lord jesus doth not leave his people in the hand of enemies , nor under the rod of the wicked in a carelesse manner , as if he did not care how much they were given up to the hand of the enemies : no , but they are measured out to affliction , and so far as they are measured out unto it so far shall they be under affliction , and no farther . so god measured job to affliction , all that he hath is in thy power only upon himself put not forth thine hand , job 1. 12. and again , behold , he is in thine hand , but save his life . the wicked shall not goe a hairs-breadth beyond the measure . jesus christ hath such a tender respect unto all his people in their sufferings , that they shall have no more then need , 1 pet. 1. 6. measure the temple ] the word temple in the old testament , is used only for that house that solomon built in jerusalem unto the lord , which was called the temple of the lord ; it being the place wherein god was in a speciall manner present , and wherein he would in a speciall manner be worshipped . but in the new testament it is used , first , for the church , the saints of god , of which that temple was a figure : for as god was in a speciall manner present in that temple , so he is in a speciall manner present in his people . and so we have it , 2 cor. 6. 16. for ye are the temple of the living god , as god hath said , i will dwell in them , and walk in them , and i will be their god , and they shall be my people . & 1 cor. 6. 19. what know ye not that your bodies are the temple of the holy ghost , which is in you , &c. and thus the word temple in the new testament is used for the saints , as the temple was a figure of them , as they have a speciall presence of god in them . which is likewise spoken of isay . 66. 1 , 2. thus faith the lord , the heaven is my thron , and the earth is my foot-stool : where is the house that ye build unto me , and were is the place of my rest , for all these things hath my hand made , and all these things have been saith the lord , but to this man will i look ; even unto him that is poor , and of a contrite spirit , and that trembleth at my word . so that he that is of a poor , and of a contrite spirit , and trembleth at the word of god , shall be the house , the temple of god. as we have it also isay . 57. 15. but secondly , the word temple in the new testament , as it is used for those in whom there is a speciall presence of god ; so it is used to signify that means by which knowledge , and instrustion is given out : as the temple of old was the place where people were to receive instruction and knowledge . and in this sense it is used , rev. 21. 22. and i saw no temple therein , for the lord god almighty , and the lamb are the temple of it . this is spoken of the new jerusalem , of that glorious state the church shall be in , when they shall be all taught of god , from the greatest to the least . now the word temple heer in the text , doth signify these . eirst , it signifies the saints of god , as they are they in whom god in a speciall manner dwels . and ▪ secondly , it signifies the ordinances , and means whereby knowledge is dispensed , and instruction is received : for it is the saints that are as lights in the world , and they both instuct the ignorant , and edify one another , especially when they are congregated , assembled together to worship god , according to his own will , and to prophesy to edify one another . the temple of god and the alter , and them that worship therein ] it clearly appears in these words , that the word temple heer , includes the saints , both as they are an habitation of god through the spirit ; and so are his temple , and as they are being assembled together , the means of instruction and increasing knowledge , and doe worship god aright : for least the word temple should not be full enough to expresse this , it is added , and the altar ( which in the temple was the place where they worshipped god ) and them that worship therein . not only the place of worship , but the worshippers . so that this takes in all saints , as they are a temple , as their assemblies are the place wherein god is worshipped , and instruction is given , and received ; and as they are worshippers as saints worshipping god , and possessing god. verse 2. but the court that is without the temple ] the court is said to be without the temple : as of old the court was without the temple , and was a more common place , not so holy as any part of the temple was ; so that the court heer being without the temple , it is some outside thing , it is no part of the temple . now it being apparent that saints onely are the temple of god , this court heer mentioned , though it seem to be neer the temple , yet is not the temple , is none of the saints , but some outside professors , that seem to the outward eye to be near to saints : as the court was near to the temple , yet they are not of that holy place , they are but an outside , they are without the temple . but the court that is without the temple leave out , or cast out , and measure it not ] though jesus christ have a tender care of his saints under affliction , and they are measured out to the chastisement appointed to them ; yet hath he no such respect unto such as are not his . though they are professors . though they seem to be near the temple , yet if they be not the temple , though they do professe him , yet if they do not possesse him as the temple doth , they must be left out , cast out of the care of jesus christ . but the court that is without the temple cast out and measure it not ( jesus christ will not own that as his , and therefore it must not be measured ) for it ] it was the temple and the altar , and them that worshipped therin , that was measured out to chastisement : so then it was it that was to be given unto the gentiles by measure ; so that this word ( for it ) may be read thus ( for the temple ) is given unto the gentiles ] the word gentiles in the old testament , when the temple was in its glory , was used to expresse such as were not of the church of god ; for the israelites only were accounted the church : & all others were looked upon as strangers to it , such as were a far off : as such as were enemies to the temple , and would have the temple ruined and laid wast . but note , though the difference between jewes and gentiles since the daies of the gospel be taken away , and the gentiles , as well as the jewes may now be of the church of god , if they be built upon the lord jesus ; yet the word gentiles is heer used to expresse those that were not of the church , nor of the temple ; but would have the temple ruined . and as the babylonians of old had the temple for a while given unto them : so now jesus christ gives his spirituall temple , into the hands of these gentiles the mysticall babylonians for a while . and the holy city ] this title , the holy city , we finde in scripture , is first given unto the city of jerusalem , the city wherein the materiall temple was scituate , as appears matth. 37. 3. where it is said at the death of our saviour , that the graves were opened , and many bodies of the saints which slept arose , and came out of the graves after his resurrection , and went into the holy city , and appeared unto many . which city it is evident was the city of jerusalem . and indeed jerusalem was then accounted a city more holy then others ; because it was the place wherein men ought in a more especiall manner to worship god. and therefore saies the woman of samaria , ye say in jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship ; and our saviour doth not contradict this , ( for indeed it is out of all contradiction ) that jerusalem had been the place where men ought to worship , for god had placed his name there , and there he would be worshiped ; because the temple was there wherein was his speciall presence . so that in this respect , jerusalem was once a more holy city then others . but when the cause was taken away the effect ceased , when jerusalem ceased to be the place where men were enjoined to worship god , and god had removed his special presence from the temple ; then jerusalem was no more holy then another place . and because that jerusalem was to cease to be the place of worship , and the holy place ; therefore it is that our saviour , iohn 4. 21 , 23. saith , the hour commeth when ye shall neither in the mountain of samaria , nor yet at jerusalem worship the father ; but the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit , and in truth : for the father seeketh such to worship him . as if he had said , jerusalem shall not be the place of worship , men shall not worship god there , for if men doe perform jerusalem worship , that is , worship with that worship that hath respect to an outward place , it shal be accounted as no worship , no , men shall not worship in jerusalem , but such as worship the father must worship him with an inward , spiritual worship , and in truth , that is , in the son , in the spirit , and in the son , and such the father seeks to worship him , such he is now a seeking out , both of jews and gentiles ; and such worship is most pleasing unto him . so that jerusalem had once the title of the holy city . it was once the place wherein god was worshipped , but it is now ceased to be so . but secondly , this title , the holy city , is given in scripture unto that city , of which that jerusalem of old was a figure , and that is , the saints , and people of god , who are all citizens of the holy city . and therefore paul writing to the saints at ephesus , saith he , ephes . 2. 19. ye are no more strangers , and forreigners ; but fellow citizens with the saints , and of the houshold of god. and that jerusalem of old was a figure of this holy city , appears hebr. 12. 22. and gal. 4. 26. where the saints are called by the name of jerusalem , only they are differenced from the material jerusalem , in that they are called , the heavenly jerusalem , and jerusalem which is above . now that this heavenly jerusalem , which is compacted of saints , and sanctified ones , and therefore must needs be a holy city . i say that this spirituall jerusalem hath this title , the holy city , given to it doth appear , revel . 21. 2. and i john saw the holy city , new jerusalem comming down from god out of heaven , prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . who is the spouse , the bride that is adorned for her husband jesus christ , but his saints ? they then are the new and heavenly jerusalem , they are the holy city . and the holy city shall they ( that is the gentiles fore-spoken of ) tread under foot ] to be trouden under foot by an enemy , is the highest kinde of insultation of an enemy over a people that possibly can be : for what greater contempt , and scorn , and envy can an enemy expresse , then by treading , a person or a people , under feet ? and yet this is the condition , the church was put into , which is spoken of in the prophesie of isaiah , chap. 51. 23. where it was said that those enemies , that afflicted the saints , said to their souls bow down , that we may goe over , and their bodies was laid as the ground , and as the streets to them that went over . and this is the condition which the holy city , the temple of god , his precious saints are here also appointed unto , even to be trod under foot , to be depressed , and greatly persecuted , to be bowed down under the feet of their enemies , to be made as the ground , and as the street to them to goe over . querie . but now , before i proceed any further , the querie will be , what those gentiles are in particular , to whom the temple , and the holy city was to be given , and by whom they were to be trodden under foot ? for as jerusalem , and the temple of old were given to the babylonians in particular : so the question is now , who the particular enemies are to whom the temple , and the holy city now are delivered ? for though the holy city hath many enemies , yet she is not given to them all . answ . i answer , though in this chapter there be no other description of them , but only this , the gentiles : yet we have a large description of them , in three severall chapters of this prophesie : which descriptions as they lie , i shall here incert . the first is , rev. 12. 3. 4. and there appeared another wonder in heaven , and behold a great red dragon having seaven heads , and ten horns , and seven crowns upon his heads , and his tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven , and did cast them to the earth . the second place in which the enemies of the saints , ( to whom they are given for a while ) are described is , rev. 13. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8. verses , which is as followes . and i stood upon the sand of the sea , and saw a beast rise up out of the sea , having seven heads and ten horns , and upon his horns ten crowns , and upon his head the name of blasphemy . and the beast which i saw was like unto a leopard , and his feet were as the feet of a bear , and his mouth as the mouth of a lion , and the dragon gave him his power , and seat , and great authority . and i saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death , and his deadly wound was healed , and all the world wondered after the beast , and they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast , and they worshipped the beast saying , who is like unto the beast ? who is able to make war with him ? and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things , and blasphemies , and power was given unto him to continue fourty , and two months . and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against god , to blaspheme his name , and his tabernacle , and them that dwelt in heaven . and it was given unto him to make war with the saints , and to overcome them : and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues , and nations , and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him , whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world . the third place where the enemies of the temple , and the holy city , viz. the saints are described , is rev. 17. 3 , 4 , 5 , 6. as it followeth . and i saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast , full of names of blasphemy , having seven heads , and ten horns , and the woman was arraied in purple , and scarlet colour , and decked with gold , and precious stone , and pearls , having a golden cup in her hand , full of abominations and filthinesse of her fornication : and upon her forehead was a name written , mystery , babylon the great , the mother of harlots , and abominations of the earth . and i saw the woman drunken with the bloud of the saints , and with the bloud of the martyrs of jesus : and when i saw her i wondred with great admiration . thus now the enemies of the church , the temple or holy city , which in the text in hand are only described by this word ( the gentiles ) in these passages are more largely characterized . but these expressions used in these descriptions of these enemies , being for the most part very mysterious : we have these mysteries opened , and unveiled in the 17. chap. from the 7 , vers . to the end of the chapter , as it followes . and the angel said unto me wherefore didst thou marvel ? i will tell thee the mystery of the woman , and of the beast that carrieth her which hath the seven heads , and ten horns . the beast that thou sawest was , and is not , and shall ascend out of the bottomelesse pit , and goe into perdition ; and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder , whose names were not written in the book of life , from the foundation of the world , when they behold the beast that was , and is not , and yet is . and here is the minde which hath wisdome : the seven heads are seven mountains , on which the woman sitteth , and there are seven kings , five are fallen , and one is , and the other is not yet come : and when he commeth , he must continue a short space . and the beast that was and is not even he is the eighth , and is of the seven , and goeth into perdition . and the ten horns which thou sawest , are ten kings which have received no kindome as yet : but receive power as kings one hour with the beast . these have one minde , and shall give their power and strength unto the beast . these shall make warre with the lamb , and the lamb shall overcome them : for he is lord of lords , and king of kings , and they that are with him , are called , and chosen , and faithfull . and he saith unto me the waters which thou sawest , where the whore sitteth , are peoples , and multitudes , and nations , and tongues . and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast , these shall hate the whore , and shall make her desolate and naked , and shall eat her flesh , and burn her with fire , for god hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will , and to agree , and give their kingdom unto the beast , untill the words of god shall be fulfilled . and the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth . in these words , we have the mysterie opened of what is delivered in the 12 , 13 , and 17. chapters , concerning the beast , and the woman , and the heads , and the horns , and the many waters : which are all mysterious expressions , and hard to be understood , ( as those were , dan. 7. from the 1 , to the 9 , ver . untill the interpretation was given to daniel at the 16 , verse and so on ) but the angel having in this 17 , chap. opened these mysteries , now the meaning of them is more apparent : so that , first , if it be queried , what is the beast ? we have it answered , verse 8. in these words , the beast that thou sawest was , and is not ; and shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit , and go into perdition . now by comparing this with some passages in the 12 , and 13. chapters , we shall plainly see what the beast is . in the 11. chap. at the 9 , verse , the dragon there mentioned , is said to be , that old serpent called the devill , and satan which deceiveth the whole world . and in the 13. chap. at the 1 , and 2. verses , it is said , that a beast did rise up out of the sea , having seven heads , and ten horns , and upon his horns ten crowns , and upon his heads the names of blasphemy : and the beast was like unto a leopard , and his feet were as the feet of a bear , and his mouth as the mouth of a lion ; and the dragon gave him his power , and his seat , and great authority . so then ; the beast that hath seven heads , and ten horns , and is like unto a leopard , &c. is some wicked one in whom the devil raigns ; who hath power , and a seat , and great authority in the earth : which power , and seat , and great authority , was given unto him of the devil . and though that wicked one , that hath that devilish power , and authority , be distinct from the devil ; ( as he that receives is distinct from him that gives : ) yet they are so one , as the devill is said to be in the beast : for what the beast is said to doe , the devill is said to doe : for in the 13. chapter , at the 7 , vers . it is the beast that is said to make war with saints : but in the 12. chapter , at the 17 , verse , the devill is said to doe it . and again , they are so one , as the beast is said to be the devill ; and therefore when the angel comes to declare what the beast is , in the fore-mentioned place , saies he , the beast shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit . it is not said he shall receive his authority from him that ascends out of the bottomlesse pit , ( though that be the meaning of it , as before appears : ) but he shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit ; to shew the onenesse of the devil , and the beast . thus the mysterie of the beast is unfolded ; and it appears , that the beast is a wicked one , that hath a devilish power , and authority , and is one with the devil . this is he of whom it is said , all the world wondered after the beast ; and worshipped the dragon that gave power unto the beast ; and worshipped the beast saying , who is like unto the beast ? who is able to make warre with him ? and of whom it was said , that there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things , and blasphemies ; and power was given unto him to continue fourty and two months , &c. as you have it pages 46 , and 47. but secondly , if it be queried , what that woman is , that is said chapter 17. 3. to sit upon this beast ? we have an answer to this , in the 18 , verse of this 17. chapter , in these words : and the woman which thou sawest , is that great city which raigneth over the kings of the earth . now what that great city was , that did then raign over the kings of the earth ; though it were not so apparent in severall other histories as it is ; yet the scriptures could sufficiently inform us : for it informs us , that tribute was paid to caesar ; matth. 22. 17. and that because caesar was he that raigned over the kings of the earth , the jews said to pilate , if thou let this man go , thou art not caesars friend . and that paul appealed to caesar , as being the highest authority that then was : as appears , acts 25. 10 , 11. now the place where caesars royall seat was then , was the city of rome , as appears in that paul was sent thither . so that rome was the city that then raigned over the kings of the earth . and therefore it was that it was accounted such a priviledge to be a roman , acts 22. 25 , 26. now since it is clear in scripture ; ( and all histories do acknowledge it , ) that rome was the great city that raigned over the kings of the earth ; then it appears , that rome is that woman that is said to sit upon the beast . now this being apparent , it doth appear the more clearly what the beast is . it was clear before , that the beast was a wicked one in whom the devill raigned , that had received power , and a seat , and great authority from the devil : but it did not so clearly appear who that wicked one in particular is . but here it appears that it is particularly he upon whom the city of rome sitteth : he that supports it . now it is apparent that it is that wicked one the pope , that is the support of the cursed city . he it is that bears her up in her pompe , and pride , and filthy abominable , sodomiticall practises . he is the beast upon which that great whore sitteth . and the city of rome hath been , and to this day is such a fountain of filthinesse , and whoredoms , and all cursed abominations : as this name appears so perspicuously in her forehead , as he that runs may reade it , mysterie , babylon the great , the mother of harlots , and abominations of the earth . and it is apparent , that she is drunken with the blood of saints , and the blood of the martyrs of jesus . but thirdly , if the question be , what the seven heads of the beast are ? the angel gives an answer to that , at the 9 , verse of the 17. chapter . the seven heads are seven mountains upon which the woman sitteth . the woman being the city of rome ; the seven heads of the beast , are said to be the seven mountains upon which that city was built . and with this historians agree , 〈◊〉 say , that the city of rome was founded upon seven mountains . now these may as properly be said to be the seven heads of the beast ; as the ten kings may be said to be his ten horns : as will appear by and by . fourthly , if it should be enquired , what the ten horns are , mentioned chap. 12. 3. and 13. 1. & 17. 3 ? the angel answers that in the 12 , verse of the seventeen chapter , in these words : and the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings , which have received no kingdome as yet , but receive power as kings one hour with the beast . these have one minde , and shall give their power , and strength unto the beast ; these shall make war with the lamb , &c. in these words the angel unveils this also , and tels us , that those which are mysteriously exprest by the ten horns of the beast , are the ten kings , which did give up their power , and strength unto the beast with one consent , & one mind , and thus it came to passe : for when the devil gave the pope that power , and authority , whereby the emperor of rome was subjected to him , then the ten kingdomes that were under rome , did likewise willingly give up their power to him also ; and were subjected to the beast , and as he , so they also made warre with the lamb the lord jesus in his saints : and so became the ten horns of the beast , by which he became the more dreadfull , and terrible : for he had not been so dreadful , if he had but only had the strength of his seven heads , of that great city that is seated upon seven hils : but having these ten horns also , these ten kingdoms he was become very terrible . but fifthly , if it should be queried , what the many waters are upon which the woman sitteth , mentioned chap. 17. 1. & 13. 1 ? the angel answers that also , in the 15. verse of the 17. chapter , in these words : the waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth , are peoples , and multitudes , and nations , and tongues . so that this is not left in the mysterie neither ; but the angel plainly declares , that by the waters is meant the peoples , and nations , and multitudes , and tongues . and the whore is said to sit upon them ; because they have willingly subjected themselves unto her , to be as it were vassals to her . now by this time it appears from these 12 , 13 , and 17. chapters , what those gentiles ( mentioned in the text , to whom the temple , and the holy city was given , ) are in particular : for it appears that as though the church of old had many enemies , yet they were particularly given to the babylonians , the chaldeans : so now , the church is particularly given to be trodden under foot of mysticall babylon , rome , and of that wicked one the pope , that hath received from the devil , his power , and his seat , and great authority . now that these particular enemies did as the text declares , tread the holy city under foot , appears also in these following passages : rev. 12. 13 , 14 , 15. the dragon persecuted the woman , which brought forth a man-childe : and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle , that she might flee into the wildernesse , into her place , where she is nourished for a time , and times , and half a time from the face of the serpent ; and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman , that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood . that by the dragon here mentioned , is meant the pope who is one with him , appears page 49. 50. now he is here said to persecute the woman , ( the church ) that is cloathed with the sun , and the moon under her feet . and this wicked one persecutes the church , as she is thereby driven into the wildernesse : that is , into a desolate , bewildred , barren , and sad condition ; and that , so long as the beast remains : ( for that 's the meaning of a time , times , and half a time , as will appear in what follows , ) as if it were not possible for the church to be in any other then a wildernesse condition , untill the ruine of the beast , and the fall of babylon were come . and when he had driven the church into that desolate wildernesse condition , he was not therewith satisfied , but cast out water as a flood after her , that he might cause her to be carried away with the flood . and hath it not been even thus ? did not that scarlet coloured beast so persecute the holy city , all the saints of god ever since his first rise , as that they have been in a desolate , sad , wildernesse condition ever since ? and yet is he not so satisfied , but is sending out of his floods of malice , and fury after the saints ; and would swallow them all up if it were possible . again , chapter 12. 17. he is said , to be ●roth with the woman , and to make war with the remnant of her seed , which keep the commandments of god , and have the testimony of jesus christ . and chap. 13. 6 , 7. and the beast opened his mouth in blasphemy against god , to blaspheme his name , and his tabernacle , and them that dwelt in heaven ; and it was given unto him to make war with the saints , and to overcome them . and hath not that beast , the , pope punctually done as is here spoken of him , in opening his mouth in blasphemy against god , to blaspheme his name and his saints ? hath he not said himself was the head of the church , and that he could forgive sins , with many other blasphemies ? and hath not he made war with the saints , which kept the commandments of god , and the testimony of jesus christ ? have not they been the only ones with whom he hath made war ? the most vilest , and most abominable persons were most nourished by that cursed beast ; and the most precious saints have been most hated , and hath he not also overcome them ? for , for this twelve hundred years he hath so overcome them , as they never had power to rise up against him untill of late . again , chap. 17. 6. the great whore is said to be drunke with the blood of saints , and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus . and chap. 18. 24. it is again said of babylon , the city of rome , the great whore , that in her was found the blood of prophets , and of saints , and of all that were slain upon the earth . and most evident it is , that rome hath not only made others drunken with the cup of her abominations , and filthinesse of her fornications ; but is her self drunken with the blood of the saints , and the blood of the martyrs of jesus , which she hath taken in greedily , and eagerly , and in her it will be found , when with violence she shall be thrown down , and become the habitation of devils , and the hold of every foul spirit , and a cage of every unclean and hurtfull bird. thus by this time it appears by whom , and how the holy city hath been troden under foot . and the holy city shall they tread under foot , fourty and two moneths . ] it being apparent , what the enemies of the church are , and that they have troden the temple , and holy city under foot . the next thing to be cleared , is the time how long those enemies of the church were to tread her under foot . and that is heer said to be fourty and two moneths . now what the meaning of this is , will more clearly appear , by comparing it with four other passages in the prophecy of this book . one is chap. 12. 6. and the woman fled into the wildernesse , where she had a place prepared of god , that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore daies . a second , chap. 12. 14. and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle , that she might flee into the wilderness : into her place ; where she is nourished , for a time , and times , and halfe a time , from the face of the serpent . a third , is chap. 11. 3. and i will give power unto my two witnesses , and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore daies , cloathed in sackcloth . a fourth , is chap. 13. 5. and there was given unto the beast , a mouth speaking great things , and blasphemies ; and power was given unto him to continue fourty and two months . & it was given unto him to make war , &c. now the text speaks of the afflicted condition of the church , under the expression of being trod under foot : and the first of these passages speaks of the afflicted condition of the church , under the expression of flying into the wildernesse ; because of the persecution of her enemies . the second of these passages , speaks likewise of the afflicted condition of the chuch , under the same expression as the former , of fleeing into the wildernesse . the third of these expressions , speakes of the afflicted condition of the church , under the expression of being cloathed in sack-cloath . and the 4. speaks of the afflicted condition of the church , under the expression of the beasts making war with the saints and overcoming them , and they all speaking the same thing : the affliction of the church , do also speak of the same time of the continuance of that affliction , with this in the text. now in the text , that time is expressed under the expression of fourty and two moneths . and in the first of a thousand two hundred and threescore daies . in the second of a time , and times , and half a time . in the third of a thousand two hundred and threescore daies . in the fourth of fourtie and two moneths . now that these agree in one , appears thus . in fourty and two moneths , accounting thirty daies to a moneth , there is just a thousand two hundred and threescore daies : so that fourty and two moneths , and a thousand two hundred and threescore daies , agree in one . again in three years and a half , we have just fourty and two months , accounting twelve moneths to a year : so that a time , times , and half a time , that is , one year , two years , and half a year , which is three years and a half , agrees with fourty and two moneths . and with a thousand two hundred and threescore daies . so that the time the church was to continue under affliction , to be troden under foot , was a thousand two hundred & threescore daies . now as the prophet ezekiel was to account a day for a year ( eze. 4 , 5 , 6. ) so this one thousand two hundred and threescore daies , is to be accounted a thousand two hundred and threescore years . so then whereas in the text it is said , that the church should be troden under foot fourty and two moneths by the gentiles ; that is particularly , by that wicked one the pope , and his adherents , the mysticall babylonians : the meaning of that fourty two moneths is , a thousand two hundred and threescore years . and it must of necessity be acknowledged to be so ; for the beast hath troden the holy city under foot , for above twelve hundred years already . verse . 3. and i will give power unto my two witnesses , and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred , and threescore daies cloathed in sackcloth . ] that this word ( my two witnesses ) cannot be confined onely to two men , that should be the witnesses of christ jesus ; is most apparent : because they are said to continue so long , as the holy city was to be troden under foot of the beast ; which is a thousand two hundred and threescore years . now twelve hundred years , is a terme of time which no man ever lived when men lived longest : much lesse since the flood , therefore since the two witnesses are said to continue twelve hundred and sixty years ; they cannot be confined onely unto two men , but do include all the saints , that have been witnesses of the truths of jesus christ , ever since the beast began to persecute the church : for jesus christ during all that time , did never leave himself without witnesses , though for the most part of that time , the number of them were very small , in comparison of the false prophets of the beast : which may be the reason , why they are here exprest by the smallest of numbers , the number two . but i say , jesus christ hath never left himself without witnesses ; but hath had some at all times , that have been witnesses of his truths , in opposition to the beast . and those are they , that are here in the text said to prophesie , a thousand two hundred , and sixty daies . now as this text holds forth , that jesus christ hath had witnesses , during all the raign of the beast , and the persecuted condition of the church : so other passages in this prophesie confirm it , as chap. 8. 9. i saw under the altar , the souls of them that were slain for the word of god , and for the testimony which they held . these were some that had witnessed , and testified the truths of christ against the beast , and sealed their testimony with their bloud ; for they were slain for the word of god , and for the testimony which they held . and to shew that these were not all that witnessed the truths of christ , but that jesus christ had continually some that were his witnesses , which the beast should continually be slaying ; it is said in the 11. verse of that chap. that they should rest yet for a little season , untill their fellow servants also , and their brethren that should be killed as they were , should be fulfilled : so that christ had a further number of witnesses , which were also to honour him , by laying down their lives for his truth . and chap. 12. 11. the witnesses of christ , are again mentioned , for it is said , that the dragon did make war , with them which kept the commandments of god , and have the testimony of jesus christ . and verse 12. they are said , to overcome the devil , by the bloud of the lamb , ( by which all saints do overcome him ) and by the word of their testimony : for they loved not their lives unto the death . here it appears that the saints did so witnesse the truths of christ ; as they counted not their lives dear unto them , but laid them down to seale the truth which they held , which was a means of convincing many of the truth , and thereby they were overcomers of the beast . and chap. 18. 24. when babylon came to be throwne downe , it is said , that in her was found the bloud of prophets , and of all that were slain upon the earth : whereby it appears , that during all the raign of the beast , he hath been slaying the prophets , witnesses , and saints of jesus christ . thus by these severall passages it is evident , that christ hath had his witnesses during all the raign of the beast ; and it is apparent that this word , my two witnesses includes all those witnesses of christ , that have been during all the raign of the beast : for they have been said to prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore years . object . but how could all the witnesses of christ , be said to prophesie ? i answer , every saint in a sence , may be said to be a prophet . for they are prophets to whom god discovers his secrets : and there is no true saints , but the secrets of god are discovered to them , psal . 15. 14. the secret of the lord is with them that fear him , and he will shew them his covenant . the truth is , it is the discoveries of god , and of jesus christ , and of hidden truths that maketh saints . if the lord did not reveal his secrets unto poor souls , it would not be possible for them to be saints . now then as soon as the soul is made a saint , it is made a prophet : for when the lord hath revealed himself unto the soul and discovered his secrets to it , made it to see the wonderfull things of his law , and caused it to rejoyce in the sweet discoveries of his grace , the soul cannot choose but declare them to others . yea the word is as a fire in its bosome , and it cannot hold it in , according to that rule , when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren . this is ever the sweet temper of a real saint , he cannot but give vent to the bublings of christ upon his heart : and that in opposing gain-saiers , contending earnestly for the faith , and in the edifying , exhorting , and comforting of other saints . now that this is prophecying , is most evident in these scriptures , 1 cor. 14. 3. he that prophesieth , speaketh unto men to edification , and exhortation , and comfort . now this all saints in some measure or other can do , and sometimes doth ; though some saints can doe it farre more excellently then others , yet he that speaketh to edification , exhortation and consolation , though with much weaknesse , doth as truly prophesie as he that hath greatest abilities . another scripture is act. 15. 32. and judas and silas being prophets also themselves , exhorted the brethren with many words , and confirmed them . here it is evident , that to speak the word of exhortation , and information , to the confirming of saints in the truth , is to prophesie : for judas and silas are said to exhort and confirm the saints , as they were prophets . another passage to this purpose is revel . 19. 10. for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophesie . this passage gives a most clear answer to the question , what is it to prophesie ? the angel had said , chap. 18. 24. that in babylon was found the bloud of prophets , and of saints . now here he makes it to appear , what the prophets were that rome had slain ; namely , they were they that had the testimony of jesus ; for ( saith he ) the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophesie . so that all saints that have the testimony of jesus , have the spirit of prophesie : and so all that were slain for the testimony of jesus , were they that did prophesie in sackcloth . i will give power unto my two witnesses , and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore daies clothed in sackcloth . ] jesus christ having in the former verse , declared that the holy city should be troden under foot , which is the afflicted condition of the church , he doth here declare , what supplies they should have in that condition : in that he saies that he would give unto them this gift , that they should prophesie . though they are to be destitute of outward comforts and outward liberties by the enemies persecuting of them , yet they are to have inward comforts : the lord will reveal his secrets to them , which shall exceed all outward comforts ; they shall have the testimony of jesus , which is the spirit of prophesie . i will give unto my two witnesses , and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore daies . ] that this one thousand two hundred and threescore daies , is a thousand two hundred and threescore years , appears in pag. 59 , 60 , &c. where it is evident , that it is the same term of time with that in the former verse , and with that in former passages of this book ; and that the meaning of them all , is a thousand two hundred and threescore years , there appears . cloathed in sackcloth ] while the church was in the materiall babylon , they were in a sad and mourning posture ; for they wept and hung their harps on willows , and could not sing the songs of sion : so the church now being in mysticall babylon , and insulted over by their enemies , god having for a time given them to be troden under foot by them , they are in mourning , sad and sable garments ; clothed in sackcloth : though they inwardly enjoy the discoveries of the bosome secrets of the father , the comforts of the spirit , though they have the spirit of prophesie : yet they prophesie in sackcloth , their out-side , their cloathing is sackcloth , to the outward eye they are in a sad posture : and they cannot be otherwise , while they are under the power and tyrany of babylon . verse 4. these are the two olive-trees ] these , that is , these two witnesses , are the two olive-trees . in that they are said to be ( the ) two olive-trees , it implies it hath reference unto some passage of scripture , wherein there is a former mention of them . now the place where they are mentioned , is zech. 4. so that zechariah doth prophesie of these two witnesses , under the expression of two olive-trees ; and therefore the holy ghost mentioning the witnesses here , declares , that these are they that are elsewhere called the two olive-trees . now in that place , zech. 4. 4. we finde that the prophet doth ask the angel , what these be ? and then the angel makes this answer , this is the word of the lord unto zerubbabel , saying ; not by might , nor by power , but by my spirit , saith the lord of hosts : who art thou , ô great mountain ? before zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain , and he shall bring forth the head stone thereof with shoutings , crying , grace , grace unto it . now this is somewhat a mysterious answer ; but thus much appears in it : that though the saints seem to be little in the eyes of men , and their enemy ( whether it be the materiall babylon , or the mystical babylon ) seem to be a great mountain , as if it were impossible for the saints to remove their mountainous enemy : yet they shall be removed out of their way , the great mountain shall become a plain before them ; and those saints that seem to be little , but as an handfull to a mountain , they shall when the great mountain is become a plain ; again , become a glorious temple , and when it shal be thus , there shall be shoutings , crying , grace , grace unto it . and this appears to be spoken of the two witnesses in the text ; for they have seemed to be small and little , and their enemy a great mountain : but undoubtedly this mountain shall become a plain before them , and they shall again become a glorious temple , a mountain of holinesse , the praise of the whole earth . but the prophet at the 12 verse , is said again to ask the angel , what the olive-branches are ? and receives this further answer : these be the two anointed ones , that stand by the lord of the whole earth : here is another description of them , in which it is most evident , that by the two olive-trees is meant the saints , servants and witnesses of jesus christ ; for this is a plain character of saints ; for first , saints are anointed ones , and are said to be anointed , 2 cor. 1. 21. and are said to have received an unction from the holy one , 1 joh. 2. 20. again secondly , as saints are anointed ones , so it is they only that can come into the presence of god ; it is they only that can enter into the holy of holies , by the new and living way , which jesus christ hath made for them . now by this time it is clear , that by the two olive-trees , is meant all saints : for they are anointed ones , and they stand in the presence of god ; they then are the two olive-trees , which have prophesied , cloathed in sackcloth , and though they have been but as a handfull , compared with that great mountain the beast , so that they could not prevail by might , nor by power , yet by that unction , by that anointing , that spirit that is upon them they shall prevail . these are the two olive-trees , and the two candle-sticks ] these witnesses are also said to be candle-sticks , because all saints as they are anointed ones , so they are the light of the world , mat. 5. 14. they are light in the lord , and they shine as lights amidst a crooked and perverse generation . these are the two olive-trees , and the two candlesticks , standing before the god of the earth . ] the wicked ( saith the psalmist ) shall not stand in thy presence , neither shall evil dwell with thee . it is indeed onely the prerogative of those holy ones , that are washed in the bloud of the lamb , that are unblameable and unreprovable in his sight : and to these doth hee hold out the golden scepter of his grace , and these do stand in the presence of the lord of the whole earth . verse 5. and if any man will hurt them , fire proceedeth out of their mouth , and devoureth their enemies . ] the saints in a sence , are the judges and executioners of their enemies . behold a king , saith the prophet ( isa . 32. 1 ) shall raign in righteousnesse , and princes shall rule in judgment ; speaking of the raign of the lord jesus , and his saints ruling with him , so that as he judgeth , so doe they ; and they passe sentence with him upon their enemies , and therefore is it here said , if any man will hurt them , fire proceedeth out of their mouth , and devoureth their enemies : that is , that breath of the spirit that proceedeth out of their mouth , in their praiers doth both pronounce the sentence and bring down the fire of wrath upon their enemies . and this is clear , revel . 8. 3. for there it appears , that when the praiers of all saints were offered upon the golden altar , that then the angel took the censor , and filled it with fire of the altar , and cast it into the earth , and there were voices , and thunderings , and lightnings , and an earth-quake . so that this is the power that saints have to devour their enemies , and though their enemies be never so high and potent , yet they are not so high , nor so potent , but they can reach them , either to kill or destroy them , or to binde and imprison them . and this is further witnessed unto by the psalmist , psalme 149. 6 , 7 , 8 , 9. where speaking of the saints , saies he , let the high praises of god be in their mouths , and a two-edged sword in their hands , to execute vengeance upon the gentiles , and punishments upon the people , to binde their kings with chains , and their nobles with fetters of iron ; to execute upon them the judgement written : this honour have all his saints . here the psalmist speaks of executing vengeance upon the gentiles , and punishments upon the people , of binding kings in chains , and nobles in fetters of iron . why ? who must doe thus ? must it not be some great and mighty potentate ? no , but this is to be done by saints , and that not only by some saints , but as well by the weakest of saints , as by the strongest ; for this honour have all his saints . all saints doe execute vengeance upon their enemies ; if any man will hurt them , fire proceedeth out of their mouth ; from their praiers proceedeth a fire of wrath , and devoureth their enemies . and if any man will hurt them , he must in this manner be killed . ] as a fire proceedeth out of their mouth , that devoured their enemies in general : so if any man will hurt them , he must in the same manner be killed , that is , by the fire that proceedeth out of their mouth . verse 6. these have power to shut heaven , that it rain not in the daies of their prophesie . ] as the fire mentioned in the former verse , was not material fire , but it was mystically spoken : so the rain here mentioned , is to be mystically understood , as it is in severall places of scripture . i will cite but only two places , for they will be sufficient : and in both of them , what is to be understood by water or rain , is declared . as isa . 44. 3. i will pour water upon him that is thirstly , and flouds upon the dry ground . now would we know , what is here meant by water and flouds ? it follows in the next words , i will pour my spirit upon thy seed , and my blessing upon thine off-spring . so that here the spirit , and the blessings of heaven are expressed by water , and by flouds . the other place , is joh. 3. 38 , 39. he that beleeveth on me , as the scripture hath sa●d , out of his belly shal flow rivers of living water . the next verse explains this , this he spake of the spirit , which they that beleeve on him should receive . so that we see what the scripture means by water , when it speaks mystically of it : so that it is in this sence , that the saints are said here during the prevalency of the beast , to shut heaven that it rain not : for it cannot be understood of materiall rain , for that hath been extended to the unjust , as to the just : and if materiall rain should be with-held , the saints and witnesses might have as well suffered by the with-holding of it , as others : no , it is not the with-holding of materiall rain , but a greater judgement then that : for as the saints had power to bring a fire of wrath upon their enemies : so to shut up the rain of spirituall blessings , that the flouds of the spirit do not descend upon them . but whereas the saints are like the tree , that is planted by the rivers of water , that is alwaies green and flourishing ; their enemies are for want of these waters , as a dry tree that brings forth no fruit , and must be hewen down and cast into the fire . that it rain not in the daies of their prophesie ] we see what the daies of their prophesie is , at the third verse , where they are said to prophesie , cloathed in sackcloth , a thousand two hundred and threescore daies : which hath been shewed to be so many years , which is the tearm of time which the gentiles , the beast is to prevail , and the holy city , the saints are to be troden under foot ; these we see are said to be the daies of their prophesying , cloathed in sackcloth ; not but that they might prophesie after that time is expired : but those were the daies of their prophesying in sackcloth , because they are troden under foot , and they are given to the beast , the babylonians , and during these daies of their prophesying in sackcloth , they have power to shut heaven , that it rain not spirituall blessings upon their enemies . and hath it not been even thus ? hath not the beast , and all his adherents been as dry trees , and have they not continued to be so , without ever obtaining a drop of spirituall grace ? have they not been as the dry ground , obdurate and hardened in their hellish waies ? insomuch as it is to be admired , that they should so continue without any relenting or returning for so many hundred years , although they have had the scriptures , and many of them great outward parts and abilities , and the writings of many precious saints ; which are means by which god uses to worke ; but none of these means could work any thing , because they had the heaven so shut , that none of the waters of the spirit did descend upon them . therefore it was that the letter of the word , and all other advantages could doe nothing , for they are all nothing without the spirit . and have power over waters , to turn them to bloud ] this is another plague distinct from the former ( but it is also mystically expressed ) therfore these waters , are not those that are said to be shut up from them : for it is not possible for them to be turned into bloud : that is , to be made uselesse , as waters are , when they are turned into bloud : but they are those waters which their enemies the babylonians made use of , in stead of the waters of the spirit : and what were they ? it were their canons , and decrees , and constitutions which they gave forth , as equivalent unto the very dictates of the spirit it self : and they declared them to be of as great authority , and of these waters they made all that did adhere to them to drinke : and with these waters they contented themselves , never caring for the waters of the spirit . now the saints had power over these waters , to turn them to bloud ; which they did by the spirit of prophesie which they had ; whereby they did so hold forth the testimony of jesus christ , in the purity of it , as all the romish doctrines , and popish canons were turned to bloud , rendered uselesse unto others , and discovered to be corrupt . and this is that which was done by those angels or saints , that poured out the second and third viols . revel . 16. 3 , 4. and to smite the earth with all plagues , as often as they will. ] how saints may be said to smite the earth , or earthly men with all plagues , doth in part appear page 72. where it appears , that they doe it by their praiers : for when the praiers of the saints ascended up before god , then it is said , revel . 8. 5. that fire was cast upon the earth , or earthly men , and produced dreadfull effects ; as voices and thundering , and lightnings , and an earthquake . thus saints doe smite the earth with all plagues by their praiers . but they doe not only smite the earth by their praiers , but also by their prophesying , and holding forth the testimony of jesus christ : for by the earth here spoken of , is peculiarly expressed those earthly men , that in a more especial manner trod the saints under foot . now they ( as before appears ) were the beast , the pope , and his complices , the babylonian romans , and all that were of that faction . now these the saints do smite with all plagues , by their holding forth the testimony of jesus christ against them ( as well as by praying against them : ) for thereby is their doctrine discovered , to be a pack of abominable lies ; and this proves a plague unto them , and this pains them at the very heart : for by this plague , they are like to die , it is like to prove a mortall disease unto them , and therefore is very grievous , revel . 12. 11. the saints are said to overcome the dragon by the bloud of the lamb , and by the word of their testimony ; for they loved not their lives unto the death : whereby it is evident , that by holding forth the testimony of jesus christ , and sealing it with their bloud , the saints doe smite the devil in the beast , so as to overcome him . and thus by their praiers , and by the word of their testimony , saints doe smite the earth , that is , their babylonical enemies with all plagues as often as they will. verse 7. and when they shall have finished their testimony . it is but a prefixed terme of time , as appears in the third verse , that jesus christ will have his people prophesie in a despicable , sad , and low condition , cloathed in sackcloth : and that is so long as the beast is to continue , as appears by comparing the third verse of this chapter , with the fifth verse of the thirteenth chapter : and that tearm of time which the beast was to continue , and the saints to be troden under foot , and to prophesie in sackcloth , is a thousand two hundred and threescore years , as appears , page 62. now this 1260. years , being added to the year wherein the beast received his devillish power , and seat , and great authority , in the raign of phocus the emperour : which was , as say historians , in the year 404. i say adding to this , 1260. it makes up , 1664. and this year , 1664 should be the year wherein the witnesses should finish their giving testimony , cloathed in sackcloth : if this 1260 years should be computed according to the rule of astronomers , allowing 365 daies to a year , and to every fourth year adding a day more . but we finde that the holy ghost in this prophesie , not observing that rule , doth allow but 360 daies to a year , and according to that rule , 1260 daies to three yeares and an half . and therefore in computing the time of the witnesses , prophesying in sackcloth , we are to observe the rule which the holy ghost here laies down , to allow 360 daies to a year , and so the time of the witnesses prophesying in sackcloth , is to expire eighteen years , and almost an half , sooner then as by the other account : and so the beginning of the year 1645. was the time when the witnesses prophesying in sackcloth , and of being troden under foot of the beast , and his adherents did expire . and when they shall have finished their testimony , the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomlesse pit ] that the pope is the beast that ascended out of the bottomlesse pit , is made evident , in p. 49 , &c. and therefore it is the pope , that is expressed here also , by the name of the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomlesse pit . the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomles pit , shall make war against them . ] this warre which is here mentioned , that the beast was to make against the witnesses , the saints of jesus christ , is the late warre that hath been by him made in ireland and england , as will perspicuously appear , by comparing it with that description of it , which is given in this and the following verses . and first that this warre was made by the beast that ascended out of the bottomlesse pit , that is , by the pope , is most evident : for , first , what is done by any of the ten kingdomes , that are of his hornes is his act . and secondly , whatever is done by his instigation , is done by him : now in both these respects , the warre late in england , and in ireland is the beasts warre . for first , all that have acknowledged any kingdoms to be the horns of the beast , have acknowledged england to be one of them . therefore this warre being made by the authority of one of the ten horns of the beast , was made by the beast . but it may be objected : but england was fallen from rome before the warre , which was begun in 1641. for queen elizabeth long since cast off the popes supremacy , and it was never since acknowledged by the kings of england ; and together with the popes supremacy , was the popish canons and decrees rejected , and for matter of doctrine , the doctrine embraced in england , was purely refined from the dregs of mens inventions , and how could england then be said , ( these things being done ) to be one of the horns of the beast , and a part of the babylonicall city of rome ? answ . although england had done these things , yet england was still one of the horns and a part of that city . and this will appear , if we consider , what it was that made the bishop of rome to become the beast , and what made the city of rome , to become the mysticall babylon . now the bishop of rome did then become the beast , when he did receive from the devil ( for jesus christ never gave it him ) a power to exercise authority , over the consciences of all that did professe christianity : and by this power he did oppresse , and trouble , and afflict the precious saints of jesus christ ; by this means also did rome become the mysticall babylon ; for heerby did it enslave , and vassalize the saints , as babylon of old did the church that then was : and then consequently all the ten kingdomes , that did exercise this authority over the conscience , did thereby become a part of babylon , and the horns of the beast ; by which he did push , and gore , and destroy the saints of jesus christ . and hereby was the holy city troden under foot . now then , though queen elizabeth cast of the popes supremacy , and a great part of his devilish doctrine ; yet england did notwithstanding remain one of the horns of the beast , and a part of romish babylon : because there was a party retained , which did exercise authority over the consciences of saints ; which hath proved a great bondage to them , and hath persecuted the saints , as the beast was wont to do : for even in queen elizabeths daies , there were some saints persecuted , that did scruple in some things to conforme to the bishops ; though the bishops then , were not so bad as they have been since : but since the bishops grew worse , and worse , and became more prophane , and filthy , and wicked ( as all that usurp authority over the consciences do , and as the bishop of rome did ) i say since queen elizabeths time , that they grew worse and worse , they have growne higher , and higher in the persecution of saints ; so that a reall godly minister could scarce be suffered to abide in the kingdome : but many were fain to flie to holland , and new england , and other places ; and those that did abide in the kingdome , were exceedingly persecuted . and thus england did remain a horn of the beast , and a part of babylon ; because there was a power retained , that did exercise authority over the conscience . and heerby it is evident , that the late war in england and ireland was made by the beast . for first , that war was made by one of his horns , england being then a horn of the beast . and secondly , this war was made by the beast : because it was by his instigation ; for it was evident that this war was , bellum episcopale , the bishops war ; and that they together with the queen , acted for the beast , and were thereunto instigated by him : and to that end the popes nuncioes , and jesuites were so long resident in england , and ireland ; and all the papists in england and ireland , were violent in the prosecution of it . so that this is clear , that the late war in england and ireland was made by the beast . but secondly , as the war in england and ireland was made by the beast ; so it was made by him against the witnesses , the saints , and precious ones of jesus christ : for that which is done against the most considerable number of saints , is done against the whole ; as being the way to prevail over all . now in england there are a more considerable number of the faithfull servants , and witnesses of jesus christ ; then is in any kingdome in the world. as one truly said , england is the richest ship in the world ; for god hath more of those precious jewels in it , than he hath in any other kingdome in the world. it is true that in other kingdomes , as in france , and germany , and scotland , &c there are a vast number of such as are called protestants ; but they are exceeding formall , and luke-warme generally ; they are professors , but few possessors of christ : but for sincere , reall saints that walke close with god , in a pious & holy conversation ; england ▪ exceeds all other kingdomes in the world . now the war being made against these , it was made against all the witnesses , against all saints . now that it was made against the saints in england . is also evident for it was the rooting out of such as were called puritans , and independents , and brownists , that was chiefly aimed at in that war ; and therefore it was given out , that they would leave no more puritans in england , then there were protestants in rome . and this was made evident in all their proceedings , for the puritans were they , against whom they expressed their greatest malice . and such as they called puritents , were the most precious saints of jesus christ . thus it is evident , that this warre was made by the beast against the saints , the witnesses of jesus christ . and the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomlesse pit , shall make war against them , and shall overcome them , and kill them . ] iu this war that was made by the beast against the saints , and witnesses of jesus christ , he did so prevail as he did overcome them ; for at the very first breaking out in ireland , there was such terrible blow given unto the saints , and they were so overcome , as the beast , and his adherents thought themselves sure of overcoming all the rest in ireland , and england ; so that all the rest did then seem to be as dead men ; and as at the beginning they overcame , so they continued overcoming , & keeping the witnesses under , for they did both prevail in the field , and exceedingly overcame them that opposed them , and also took cities , and towns , and castles , and got possession of county after country ; so that the witnesses whom they chiefly opposed , were brought to such a low ebbe , as for three years and a half , they seemed to be as dead , as lost , and had little hope , and lesse confidence of overcomming the enemy , but on the other side , the enemy had great confidence , that the puritants and round-heads ( as they termed them ) should not rise again ; for they looked upon them as dead ▪ verse . 8. and their dead bodies ] the witnesses being overcome , and brought to such a low ebbe , and seeming to be so unable to recover strength again to overcome the beast , they were look't upon as dead bodies ; as no more able to overcome the beast , than so many dead carcases . and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city , which spiritually is called sodom and egypt , where also our lord was crucified ] there is a mention made of rome , revel . 17. 18. and there this title is given to it , the great city . and here again the same title is given to it , the groat city . but least this should not expresse it clearly enough ; here are some other distinguishing characters given to it : and they are these : first , that it is spiritually called sodom ; for the abominable filthinesses , and sodomiticall practises , that are in it ; for the abominations of that city are so many , and so apparent ; as there is no city in the world , that may so fitly be called by the name of spirituall sodom , as it . and secondly , it is spiritually called egypt : and this name also is most fitly given to that city ; for as egypt of old , was a house of bondage to the people of god ; so hath rome been a house of bondage , to the saints , for above twelve hundred years . thirdly , it is distinguished by this character , where also our lord was crucified : because it was by the power of rome , that our lord was crucified ; so that though it was not in rome , but near jerusalem , yet jerusalem being then under the power of rome , it was accounted as a part of rome . these are the characters that are given to rome ; whereby it is made evident , that this great city is rome . now that the witnesses being overcome , that their dead bodies did lie in the street of this great city is apparent ; for england being one of the ten horns of the beast , is a part of that great city . and so the dead bodies of the witnesses being in england , did lie in the street of that great city . vers . 9. and they of the people , and kindreds , and tongues , and nations shall see their dead bodies ] these that are here exprest by those titles of the people , and kindreds , and tongues , and nations , are some that are distinct from the witnesses ; for they are said to see their dead bodies : so that they are another sort of people , that is , they are not saints , are not of the holy city , but of the people , and kindreds , and nations of the world. shall see their dead bodies three daies and a half ] those daies as these mentioned in the 3. verse , are propheticall daies ; so that by these three daies and a half , is meant three years and a half . and they of the people , and kindreds , and tongues , and nations shall see their dead bodies three daies and a half , and shall not suffer them to be put in graves ] these people , and kindred , and nations , and tongues , though they be not of the witnesses , and saints ; yet they are not for the beast , but doe help the saints against the beast ; for they are said to keep the dead bodies of the saints , from being put in graves : when the beast had overcome the saints so as they seemed to be quite lost , they seemed to be dead : then they would not suffer them to be interred ; though they were brought low , yet they would not suffer them to be brought so low , but kept them from being totally removed out of sight ; from being put into a condition , wherein they should not be in such a capacity of rising , as when they were unburied . sutable to this , is that passage , rev. 12. 16. where it is said , when the dragon poured out waters as a floud after the woman , that he might cause her to be carried away of the floud ; that then the earth helped the woman , and opened her mouth , and swallowed up the floud . here it is evident , that the church being followed by the beast , with a floud of persecution , that the people of the earth doe keep off the fury of the beast , from destroying the church utterly ; so that the people of the earth are made instruments of helping the saints , against the persecution of the beast . and so it was in the late warre in england , the lord made some such as were but carnall , and prophane , to be instruments of helping the saints , from being totally overcome of the beast ; for those of the saints that were in the parliaments army , that fought against the beast , were but a small number compared with the others in that army , that were not saints . and indeed it is very wonderfull to consider , how by an over-ruling providence , the hearts of carnall men were commanded to stand up in the defence of the witnesses , against the beast : for there were many thousands , that did engage themselves with the parliament , in their defensive warre , that were not the witnesses . thus god made them of the people , and kindreds , and tongues , and nations , to be instruments of keeping the bodies of the witnesses , from being put in graves , from being put totally under the earth , under the beast , although they were brought so low , as they were as dead in their own , and the account of the beast . vers . 10. and they that dwell upon the earth , shall rejoyce over them , and make merry , and shall send gifts one to another ] they that were the adherents of the beast , are here expressed by this character , they that dwell upon the earth . for this is a character most proper to them , and is most usually used to expresse the beast , and his faction , in the prophesie of this book ; as chap. 16. 1. where the seven angels , are bid to pour out their viols upon the earth , which was upon the beast and his adherents , as appears throughout the chapter , and so again in the 6 , verse of this 11. chap. it is said , the witnesses had power to smite the earth , with all plagues as often as they will. which is peculiarly spoken of the members of the beast : for it is they that the witnesses doe more especiall plague ; and so it is they , ( i say ) that are here thus expressed , they that dwell upon the earth . they that dwell upon the earth , shall rejoyce over them , and make merry , and shall send gifts one to another ] the witnesses being overcome , and lying for dead ; they that are of the beast do therin rejoyce , and expresse a great deal of delight , that they have in it , and make themselves as merry with it as possibly they may , and a mad mirth it is . and thus they did here in england , for that three years and a half , that the witnesses seemed to be dead . for in oxford , and other places where they that were for the beast were resident ; they had feasting , drinking healths , and ringing bels , and making bonfires , and roaring , and carousing , and swearing , and cursing , and banning , and damning ; and all the hellish mirth they could invent . and why ? because the puritans , and round-heads , and anabaptists , brownists , and tub-preachers ( as they termed the witnesses ) were overcome . they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoyce over them , and make merry , and send gifts one to another ; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth ] the witnesses , prophets , saints , of jesus christ , doe kill , plague , and torment those that dwell upon the earth : that is , those that were members of the beast , and how they doe so , hath been shewed in the opening of the 5 , and 6. verses : and because they doe so , is the reason why they are so hated of them , and why they doe so much rejoyce in the casting down of them ; for they cannot endure those torments , that the prophets of jesus , doe inflict upon them , when they hold forth the truth of christ , so as to overthrow their devilish doctrines , and turn their waters into bloud ; when they doe so hold forth the truth , as to throw down the pomp , and pride , of their clergy : they cannot endure this , and when they doe declare against the sottishnesse , and blindnesse , and prophanenesse of the people which they nourish up , and admit to partake of sealing ordinances : this proves a torment to them , as doth also the holding forth of other truths of christ , which doe oppose them in their lusts , and in their crooked waies : and because the saints doe so torment the beasts crew , therefore doe they rejoyce so much when they have any hope of rooting them out . vers . 11. and after three daies , and a half , the spirit of life from god entred into them ] as the late war made by the beast against the witnesses , doth fully agree with all the circumstances of it , laid down in the former verses ; so it agrees exactly with what is laid down in this verse also : for after the witnesses had been in so low a condition , as they were ( as paul was when he was stoned ) supposed to be dead , for three years and a half : they did not lie as dead a day longer , but at the very day , when the three years and a half were expired ; then the spirit of life from god entred into them , and they began to stand upon their feet . for on the 23. day of october , 1641. did the beast begin the war in ireland ; and he continued overcomming the witnesses , the saints of jesus christ , in ireland , and in england , untill the 5. day of april , 1645. and from the 23. of october , 1641. unto the 5. of april , 1645. there is just a thousand two hundred , and sixty daies ; which according to the scripture account , ( though not according to the heathen account ) is three years and a half compleat : and when this three years , and a half were expired ; which was , i say , one the 5. of april , 1645. then was the resurrection of the witnesses : for they having lain dead for three years and a half before ; then the spirit of life from god entred into them . and the year 1645. as it is the year wherein the witnesses were raised from the dead ; so it is the year , wherein the term of time in which they were to prophesie in sack-cloth , and to be troden under foot was to expire , and the year also wherein the prevailing power of the beast over the saints was to expire , as is made evident in the opening of the 2 , vers . pag. 60. &c. now that one the 5. day of april , 1645. the saints , witnesses , and servants of jesus christ , were raised up , and that then a spirit of life from god entred into them , appears thus : on the 5. day of april , 1645. the parliaments army , who had stood for the defence of the saints against the beast ; and had bin before that time exceedingly overcome , and were brought into a very low condition at that time , being new modelled , and having a great many precious saints in it , both eminent commanders , inferiour officers , and common soldiers ; and being then put under the conduct of sir thomas fairfax ; they then began to march against the enemy , and then had a spirit of life from god , that entred into them , as did appear in all their actings afterward ; for they went on with such vigour , courage , life , and fortitude , as they effected every work they took in hand ; defeated all the enemies with whom they did encounter ; had the victory in every battle they fought ; never sate down before any city , town , or castle , but they took it in , before they raised their siege : thus they acted like men raised from that dead , low , condition they were in before , and why ? because now a spirit of life from god was entred into them : and unto god did they give all the praise , and so let them doe still : for they had as surely fled before their enemies , and been beat down as the myre in the streets then , as ever they had been before , if the spirit of life from god had not been put upon them . thus the 5. day of april , 1645. did the witnesses , the saints , ( of whom the beast thought to make an utter end , ) stand upon their feet having a spirit of life from god put upon them ; when the army that fought their battles , and defended their righteous cause , began to march against the army of the beast , to the overthrowing of it . and they stood upon their feet , and great fear fell upon them that saw them ] the saints being raised from the dead , from that dejected , low condition in which they were , for three years and a half ; a spirit of life from god being put upon them : they then stood upon their feet , to the fear , and amazement of their enemies . before indeed the saints did lie dead in the street , and were as the street to them that went over them : but since the spirit of life from god entred into them , they have stood upon their feet ; and as men that stand upon their feet , so long as they doe stand upon their feet , are not in a capacity of being trod under foot of men : so the witnesses , and saints of jesus christ , since they stood upon their feet , could not be troden under foot of men . though they have been troden under feet a thousand two hundred , and threescore years , and the beast hath had power so long to trample them under feet ; yet since the spirit of life from god entred into them , and they stood upon their feet , it was not possible for the beast , nor any of his adherents , so to trample them under foot any more . and they stood upon their feet , and great fear fell upon them which saw them ] the witnesses standing upon their feet , as men risen from the dead , did cast a great fear , and terrour upon their enemies : for now they begin to fear what will become of themselves , and their great idoll , the beast ; they seeing the witnesses of jesus to stand upon their feet , fearfulnesse doth surprize them ▪ because now they conceive that their kingdome is going down ; as indeed it is going down wonderfully , as they did rejoyce , and make merry , when they saw the saints , or puritans , as they termed them , brought into a low condition , when they lay dead ; so now on the contrary , they seeing these puritans , the precious sonnes of sion to stand upon their feet , now a fear , a great fear is fallen upon them . vers . 12. and they heerd a great voice from heaven , saying , unto them , come up hither . and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud , and their enemies beheld them ] as the beast , and they that joyn with him , are in severall places of the prophesie of this book , called ; the earth : so the saints , and witnesses of jesus christ , are in opposition to the beast , called , heaven as rev. 13. 6. it is said of the beast , that he opened his mouth in blasphemy against god , to blaspheme his name , and his tabernacle , and them that dwelt in heaven . by them that dwelt in heaven , is meant , the saints of god , who are called , them that dwell in heaven . as the members of the beast are called , them that dwell upon the earth , rev. 11. 10. and so rev. 15. 5. it being said ( in the former verses ) of the saints , that had gotten the victory over the beast , and over his image , and over his mark , that they sung the song of moses the servant of god , and the song of the lamb ; saith john , after this i looked , and behold , the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven , was opened . and chap. 11. 19. and the temple of god was opened in heaven ; and there was seen in his temple , the ark of his testament , &c. it is evident , that in both these places the saints , the church of god , is called heaven ; for it cannot be understood of heaven it self ; for there is no temple . so in this verse , whereas it is said the witnesses heard a voice from heaven : by heaven , here also , is meant , the church , the saints of god. so that , the meaning of this verse , is this , the witnesses of jesus , being raised from the dead , and having a spirit of life from god put upon them ; and standing upon their feet like living men ; that part of the saints that in a more especiall manner , acted in opposing the beast , and had a most eminent spirit of life , and courage put into them , did hear a voice from the churches of christ ; from most of the saints , wherein they expressed their great affection to them ; and owned them , and embraced them in their societies . they said unto them , come up hither , and they again mutually embraced them ; they went into the heavenly societies of the saints , they ascended up to that heaven : but it was in a cloud , it was not clearly seen of men , but though not clearly , yet it was seen by them ; for their enemies beheld them ; their enemies beheld them though in a cloud , in an obscure manner . and thus it was with those saints that were in the army on the parliament side , as before they stood upon their feet , and prevailed against their enemies , they had the praiers of all other saints : so afterward , were they with great affection , received into the societies of saints , and embraced by them , and this did appear to their enemies ; though not very clearly . vers . 13. and the same hour was there a great earth-quake . the kingdome of the beast being called the earth , it is that earth of whom this earth-quake is spoken . now this earth-quake , is said to be the same hour when the witnesses being risen from the dead , did ascend into the societies of the saints ; and were by them received , and embraced : in that same hour , there was a great earth-quake . the state of the beast hath been shaken before . the witnesses have made a former earth-quake in the kingdom of the beast , which was mentioned , chap. 7. 5. but that is not said to be a great earth-quake ; but this is said to be a great earth-quake . and indeed this was a greater earth-quake ; a greater shaking to the kingdome of the beast , then any that hath been before it , as doth appear by the effects of it , mentioned in this verse . though it is true , this is not the greatest earth-quake that shall come on the kingdome of the beast ; for there shall be a farre greater earth-quake that shall come upon it : as appears , chap. 16. 18. yet this was a very great earth-quake ; a very great shaking to the kingdome of the beast : for in this earth-quake , the tenth part of the city fell ] this word , the city , hath reference unto a city , formerly mentioned in this chapter , and that is vers . 8. and it is there so plainly described , as it doth evidently appear to be the mystical babylon . and the tenth part ] the ten kingdomes that were the ten horns of the beast , were ten severall parts of mysticall babylon , which did raign over them . so that england being one of them , was a tenth part of mystical babylon . and a tenth part of the city fell ] this was one of the effects of the earth-quake , which was occasioned by the resurrection of the witnesses , the saints in england ; it did so shake the great babylon of the beast , as a tenth part of it fell . and this most exactly came to passe , in the year of the resurrection of the witnesses , 1645. for then did the kingdome of england ( which was a tenth part of great babylon ) fall from rome ; for then was that removed from it , whereby it had continued to be a part of babylon ( the place of saints slavery ) namely , the power of men over the consciences of saints : for after the army , which was for the witnesses , stood upon their feet , in 1645. they so cast of that power that men had had over their consciences , and over their persons and estates for their conscience sake ; as it was not possible for the beast , nor any of his adherents to recover that power again , over the consciences of the saints in this kingdome ( though they did with all their strength , and greatest industry endeavour it afterwards ) for the witnesses then standing upon their feet ; there was such an earth-quake , great babylon was so shaken , as england fell from it ; the yoke of bondage which was upon the consciences of saints in england , was then cast off : and this was one effect of the great earth-quake , which there was in mysticall babylon , at the resurrection of the witnesses : that england fell from it . thus england is fallen from the great whore , mystical babylon ; and is become a president to the other kingdoms ; who must all in time , cast off the yoke of bondage under which they are ; and hate the whore , and make her desolate , and naked , &c. revel . 17. 16. and in the earth-quake were slain of men seven thousand . ] this was another effect of the earth-quake , that as a tenth part of the city fell , so there were slain of men seven thousand . what is meant by the fall of the tenth part of the city , is already apparent , and it is not the material falling of a tenth part , of any material city , but the mystical falling of the tenth part of a mysticall city . and sutable to this , is the meaning of this slaying of seven thousand men , not by the material falling of any part of a material city . but the earth-quake being a mysticall shaking of mystical babylon ; this is a mystical slaying of seven thousand men ; whereby they die mystically , that is , cease to live any longer to mystical babylon , being by beholding the great victory , which the saints had over the beast converted , and fallen off from the beast , which seven thousand men were before , either secretly , or openly lovers and worshippers of the beast . but it may be objected , how doth it appear that seven thousand men , or persons were so converted , by the resurrection of the witnesses ? answ . though it doe not visibly appear to the outward eyes of any ; yet it is sufficient to perswade me , and should be to perswade all saints to believe it : in that this scripture , this oracle of heaven , saith it . when there was no true worshippers of god in israel , that were visible to elijah the prophet , and that then the lord telling him , that he had left seven thousand in israel , who had not bowed the knee to baal , nor had kissed him with the mouth ; it was sufficient to perswade elijah to believe it : although not one of those seven thousand did visibly appear to him . therefore much more ought saints now , not to question the truth of this ; that seven thousand are in this mysticall earth-quake , mystically slaine , though it be not altogether so visible to us ( as other things are ) because this scripture saies it . and besides , what the scripture saies in it , there is a probability of it , for it is very probable , that many are convinced , that the witnesses , the saints , are gods people , and those that sight against them , are enemies of god , and doe fight against god. i say it is probable , that many are convinced of this , because god hath so owned his people , and given them such victory over those vile wretches that did oppose them , and formerly reproach them , and say , where is your god ? and now god appearing to be for them , when the enemy were come to such a height of impiety and insolency : there is no question , but that many were convinced by it , and fell from the beast , and that the number of these so fallen from the beast is , no lesse then seven thousand . and this was the effect of the great earth-quake . and in the earth-quake were slain of men seven thousand , and the remnant were affrighted , and gave glory to the god of heaven . ] this remnant here spoken of , are distinct from the witnesses , whether they be such as were for the beast , or others ; they are not of the witnesses , but were some that were affrighted at the witnesses , having a spirit of life from god put upon them ; and their standing upon their feet : and therefore not of them , but some others , and they were not of the seven thousand neither , because they are said to be the remnant , or the residue . so then , the meaning of this clause , is this ; that the raising up of the witnesses in such an eminent manner , to the shaking of great babylon , did so work upon the residue of people , as were not of the witnesses , nor of the seven thousand , as that either they were affrighted at it , or had their mouths opened to glorifie god in it , or both . and thus it was in the year 1645. the generality of people , both in the kingdome , and in others , that either saw or heard of the great things god did for the saints , were either affrighted , and amazed at it , or else did glorifie god in working so wonderfully as he did : for when god did worke so wonderfully , and beyond expectation , in giving victory upon victory , and successe upon successe unto his people ; so as they seemed to be , as them that dreamed : i say , when god did thus , then the generality of people did admire , and acknowledge god in it , and give him the glory of it , they glorified the god of heaven , that had done such great things , in such an unexpected manner , and in so short a time . and thus the remnant were affrighted , and gave glory to the god of heaven . verse 14. the second woe is past , and behold the third woe cometh quickly . in the 8. chapter at the 13. verse , it is said , that an angel did flie thorow the midst of heaven , saying , with a loud voice ; woe , woe , woe to the inhabiters of the earth ; by reason of the other voices , of the trumpet of the three angels , which are yet to sound . and at the 9. chapter in the former part of that chapter , there being a description of a great judgement of god , upon wicked men , such as had not the seal of god in their fore-heads , at the 12. verse it is said , one woe is past , and behold there come two woes more hereafter . and now upon the resurrection of the witnesses , which brings in such a great earth-quake at the same hour with it ; which gives such a terrible blow to babylon , and the beast ; it is said in this verse , that the second woe is past , and the third woe cometh quickly . so that there remaineth one great woe more to come upon the * inhabiters of the earth . and what this woe is which is to come , now quickly upon the inhabiters of the earth wil be , appears in the following verses of this chap. as the taking off the kingdoms of this world , from the beast , and from all others , to be subjected only to our lord , and his christ ; for him to raign over them for ever and ever , &c. and now , that the witnesses are risen , this is to be expected , and that quickly ; and that to the great joy of all saints , and to the casting down of all their enemies that are implacable . and thus much for the explication of that part of the chapter which at this time i intended to treat of . i now come to draw some deducations from it , wherewith i shall conclude this treatise . the application . these verses being thus opened , many profitable deductions doe arise there-from . but i shall passe by some of them , and be as brief as i may in others , that are points fully and sweetly held forth by others in other treatises , because i shall take liberty to be more large in some things that are not as yet clearly held forth in print by any other , that i have heard of . deduction 1. that deduction that first in order arises from the first verse , is a word of comfort for all afflicted saints ; and the word of comfort for such is this , that all their afflictions , whatever they be , are measured out unto them by their god , who hath a tender love unto them , and care over them in their affliction . the saints of god who are his temple , and the holy and beloved city , we see here are measured out unto an afflicted , sad condition : and their afflictions come not at randome , nor according to the will of their enemies : no , but they are measured unto affliction , and their enemies could have no power over them , but that they were by their god given unto the gentiles , to be troden under foot , otherwise it could not have been possible , for the gentiles to have troden them under foot . now since it is gods act towards his people , it must needs be for their good , and therefore paul speaking of the afflictions , and the sufferings that saints undergoe , speaks of it as their priviledge , phil. 1. 29. vnto you it is given , in the behalf of christ , not only to believe on him , but also to suffer for his sake . and the holy ghost in the prophesie of micah , speaks of the rod of affliction , as of the food of the people of god , micah 7. 14. feed thy people with thy rod ; the flock of thine heritage , which dwell solitarily in the wood . and as in micah , god is said to feed his people with his rod ; so he is said to comfort them with his rod : for saith david , psal . 23. 4. thy rod and thy staffe they comfort me . and therefore let saints in an afflicted condition , be comforted in this consideration , that their affliction , what ever it be , is that which comes not by chance , as men use to say ; nor according to the wils of men ; but their god hath dispenced it out unto them , who doth it in great wisdome , and great love , and gives them out affliction , as their priviledge , as their food , and for their comfort . o therefore , let poor souls in affliction be no more cast down , and walk no more heavily , nor goe mourning all the day long no more , because of their afflictions , but walk comfortably under afflictions , because they come from a loving god , who hath appointed them thereunto , 1 thes . 3. 3. deduction 2. in the second place , it serves to enforme us , that it is of god , that enemies do rise up against the saints ; for we see here , that the gentiles , the mystical babylonians , were by god appointed to afflict the people of god ; to tread the holy city under foot , before ever they had a being . now as god doth in love suffer his people to be afflicted : so in wrath he usually gives up wicked men to be the instruments of afflicting his people . for as the sufferings of saints worke out for them a greater weight of glory , ( 2 cor. 4. 17. ) so the wrongs and violence ; that wicked men doe offer unto the saints , doth procure for them a greater weight of vengeance . and therefore the apostle , phil. 1. 28. bids the saints , to be in nothing terrified by their adversaries ; which is to them ( saith he ) an evident token of perdition , but to you of salvation , and that of god. and 2 thess . 1. 6. it is ( saith he ) a righteous thing with god , to recompence tribulation unto them which trouble his saints . so that god raises up wicked men to afflict his people , that he may pour out the fuller viols of wrath upon them . and therefore , when god told pharaoh , that he would at that time send all his plagues upon his heart , and upon his servants and people , exod. 9. 14. saith he at the 16. verse . and in very deed , for this cause have i raised thee up , for to shew in thee my power , and that my name may be declared thorowout all the earth . so that no enemy can rise up against the people of god ; but it is of god , and god usually doth it , that he may pour out the fuller viols of wrath upon them . i say usually , it is so , but it is not alwaies so : for some enemies of saints are sometimes chosen vessels , as paul was : but ordinarily , it is so , and so it shall be with the beast : for both babylon of old , and this mystical babylon , after they had afflicted , and oppressed the people of god , so much as was before ordained , were appointed to take off the dregs of that cup of trembling , which they put into the hands of the people of god , isa . 51. 21 , 22 , 23. hear now thou afflicted , and drunken , but not with wine : thus saith thy lord , the lord and thy gad , that pleadeth the cause of ●is people ; behold i have taken out of thy hand , the cup of trembling , even the dregs of the cup of my fury ; thou shalt no more drink it again , but i will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee , which have said to thy soul , bowe down , that we may goe over , and thou hast laid thy body as the ground , and as the street to them that went over . and how this was done , and shall be done , both to the materiall and the mysticall babylon , appears at large in the 47. chapter of isaiah , and the 51. of jeremiah , and the 18. of the revelation : besides in severall other scriptures . now then , we may cease to wonder , why wicked men doe prevail so much , and continue so long in doing violence unto saints ; for we see it is of god ; for ordinarily he suffers it , that vengeance may fall the heavier upon them at last . babylon hath multiplied her abominations for a long time , and made her selfe drunk with the bloud of saints ; but at last she shall be rewarded double for all the cruelties she hath done to the saints . deduction 3. thirdly , saints are here instructed to beware how they be too hasty to get out of an afflicted condition ; and especially to beware how they use any indirect means , that so they may come the sooner out of affliction : for it is vain and sinfull for them so to doe : for the time how long they shall remain in an afflicted condition , is fixed by the father , and so long they shall remain under affliction , though they strive and struggle never so much , to come sooner out of it . for we see here the holy city , was to be troden under foot of the gentiles , to be in an afflicted condition fourty and two months , and so long they did abide in that condition ; it may be they might expect deliverance the first moneth of years ; but if not then , yet the second moneth , when sixty years were expired , they might then hope deliverance was near . for the materiall babylon , held the people of god but seventy years , but yet deliverance came not in three , nor four , nor five , nor twenty moneths of years ; but when they had been five hundred years under persecution , there came no deliverance from the tyranny of the beast , but the saints were to remain seven hundred years longer , and why ? because the time appointed for deliverance was not come till then . the decree was past , that the holy city should be trod under foot fourty and two moneths , and the decree being past , so long it must , and so long it did remain to be troden under foot . it is wisdome therefore for saints , quietly to submit to the will of their god , in affliction , and not to be too hasty to get out , before the appointed time of their god be come ; but if he tarry they must wait . deduction 4. fourthly , in the next here is a further word of consolation to saints in affliction : and that is , that when the time of affliction , in which they are to abide under affliction , is expired , then they shall be delivered out of affliction , and nothing shall longer prolong their affliction : for we see that though the holy city must be trod under foot , fourty and two moneths : yet when that time is expired , they must be delivered . the rod of the wicked must not alway rest upon the lot of the righteous : no , the father hath appointed a time , wherein deliverance must come . the saints must not alwaies be laid low , and therefore saith the church , micah 7. 8. rejoyce not against me , ô mine enemy ; when i fall , i shall rise again . so , though the witnesses be cloathed in sack-cloth , a long time , yet it shall not be alwaies so , they shall at last have beauty for ashes , the oil of joy for mourning , the garment of praise , for the spirit of heavinesse , isa . 61. 3. and though they have for a time lien among the pots ; yet shall they be , as the wings of a dove , covered with silver , and her fethers with yellow gold , psal . 68. 13. and of this we are to be confident under any affliction , that we shall have deliverance , and nothing shall be able to hinder it , when the appointed time for our deliverance is come , though not before . deduction 5. fifthly , in the next place , is it so , that jesus christ hath had some that have prophesied , during all the twelve hundred and odde years that the beast hath tyrannized over the saints , during all the time , the saints have been under the bondage of mysticall babylon , then this may serve to convince those of their errour , who will not hear ( such as they acknowledge to be real ) saints , to hold forth the word of truth , the testimony of jesus , to the edification , exhortation , and comfort of others : and the reason why they will not hear them , is , because they conceive , that since the rising up of the beast , and the babylonish darknesse , there hath been no true pastors , nor teachers , nor prophets . now for the convincing of those of their errour herein ; i shall be the more large in this use , endeavouring to make it clearly to appear to be their great weaknes . and now , you that lie under this scruple , in the spirit of love and meeknesse , i desire you to consider , how evident it is , that jesus christ hath had some true prophets , during all this twelve hundred years , that the beast hath troden the saints under foot : for jesus christ saith expresly , i will give power unto my two witnesses , and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and sixty daies , cloathed in sackcloth . and this hath been made good , for it appears , tha● in all times since , christ hath had some that have prophesied , that is , have held forth the testimony of jesus christ ; for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophesie . and indeed every true saint is a prophet , because the lord revealing his secrets to a soul , as it maketh it a saint , so it maketh it a prophet , and so the lord looks upon his saints ▪ as his witnesses and prophets . now this being evident , that christ hath had true prophets ; this maketh it clear , that as it is said , ephes . 4. 10 , 11 , 12 , 13. that jesus christ , when he ascended up farre above all heavens , gave some apostles , and some prophets , and some evangelists , and some pastours and teachers , for the perfecting of saints , for the worke of the ministery , for the edifying of the body of christ , till we all come into the unity of the faith , and of the knowledge of the sonne of god , unto a perfect man , unto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of christ. so this word hath been fulfilled , jesus christ hath alwaies continued these . for , first , apostles have been continued for the edifying of the body of christ , as it is here said : for the apostles being the eie-witnesses of the lord jesus christ , in all that he did and suffered , and of his resurrection , as it is evident in that expression of peter , when another apostle was to be chosen in the place of judas , acts 1. 21 , 22. wherefore of these men which have accompanied with us , all the time that the lord jesus went in , and out among us . beginning from the baptisme of john , unto that same day he was taken from us , must one be ordained to be a witnesse with us of his resurrection . i say , they being eie-witnesses of the lord jesus , their witnesse which they gave of him is left still upon record , in which apostles still continue usefull to the church , for perfecting of saints for the work of the ministery , and for the edifying of the body of christ , till we all come , &c. and in this sense apostles have continued : but prophets , evangelists , pastours , and teachers have actually continued in the church ; and that doth appear by this , because we here see it is evident that prophets have been continued . now a man that is a true prophet of jesus christ may be , and in some degree truly is an evangelist , and pastour , and a teacher also . for first , to be an evangelist , is to be able to hold forth the gospel , in the grace and sweetnesse of it , and he that is so is an evangelist . and secondly , to be a pastour , is to be able to feed the flock of christ , both the sheep and tender lambs , with the wholsome , saving truths of christ , to the nourishing , and strengthning of their souls . and thirdly , to be a teacher , is to be able to unfold the mysteries of the gospel , and clearly to hold forth the truths of christ , to the instruction of the ignorant , and encreasing of knowledge ; and he that is so is a teacher . now he that is a prophet , may be all these : first , he may be a man that publisheth the glad tydings , of the grace of the gospel . and secondly , a man that teacheth , and instructeth people , with knowledge and understanding . and thirdly , a man that feeds the flock of christ , with wholsome saving truths . i say a prophet may be , an evangelist , a pastour , and teacher , and so was paul : that he was a prophet , appears , acts 13. 1. and that he was a pastour , appears , in that he was so frequent in feeding the church of god : and that he was a teacher , appears , acts 13. 1. and 2 tim. 1. 11. and acts 20. 27. and that he was an evangelist , appears in all his epistles , by his full , and sweet holding forth the grace of the gospel in them , and as paul was so : so it might be also said of apollo , and peter , and barnabas , and timothy , and others . but here it may be objected , if one man may be both a prophet , and evangelist , a pastour , and teacher , why doth the apostle speak of them particularly , as given to particular persons ; for saith he , jesus christ when he ascended gave some apostles , and some prophets , and some evangelists , and some pastors , and teachers . and again , 1 cor. 12. 29. he saith , are all apostles ? are all prophets ? are all teachers ? implying that the spirit had dispenced out the gift of prophesying to one , of teaching to another , of apostleship to a third , and not all these gifts to one . answ . though it be true , that a prophet may be also an apostle , an evangelist , a pastour , and teacher , as paul was ; yet the scripture speaks particularly of them , because they are severall gifts , and sometimes they are severally dispensed ; so that one man may be more properly said to be an evangelist , because he may be more able to hold forth the sweet word of the gospel , and to be a son of consolation , and to be more evangelical then other , and so may be more properly said to be an evangelist . and so of the rest , one man may be more eminent in one of these gifts , then in the rest ; and so may be more properly said to be , either a pastour , or a teacher , and yet notwithstanding , he that is an evangelist , may in some sort be able to act , as a pastour , or a teacher : so he that is a pastour , may in some sort , be able to act as an evangelist , or a teacher , though in an especiall manner he may be fitted to doe the work of a pastour , and so of the rest : so that the reason why they are particularly spoken of , is , because that some saints may be more eminently fitted for one of them , then for the rest ; and not that they , that have one of these gifts , have only one of those gifts , and is utterly void of the rest , and this will be the more confirmed , and cleared by comparing this , with that passage , 1 cor. 12. 8 , 9 , 10. for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdome , to another tbe word of knowledge , by the same spirit , to another faith , by the same spirit , to another the gifts of healing , by the same spirit , to another the working of miracles , to another prophesie , to another discerning of spirits , to another divers kindes of toungues , to another the interpretation of tongues . here the apostle speaks of severall gifts , and saith that one is given to one , and another to another , and a third to a third , &c. and his meaning is , that one saint is more eminent for one gift , and another for another , and not that he that had the word of wisdome , had no knowledge , nor no faith , &c. nor that he that had faith , had not wisdome , nor knowledge , &c. nor that he that had knowledge , had no faith , nor wisdome , nor prophesie , &c. nor that he that had discerning of spirits , had no knowledge , nor prophesie , nor wisdome , nor faith , &c. but this is the apostles meaning , that he that had the word of knowledge , might not have so much faith , nor wisdome , nor discerning of spirits , &c. as he that had lesse knowledge , so he that was full of faith , might have lesse wisdome , and discerning of spirits , and knowledge , &c. then those that were more weak in faith . but now as some might be eminent in one of these gifts only ; so some might be eminent for two , or three : and others might be eminent for them all . and those that were eminent for one only , could not be said to have none of the rest . now by this time the reason is evident , why the apostle speaks of prophets , evangelists , pastours , and teachers distinctly , and withall it is evident , that he that is a prophet is an evangelist , a pastour , and a teacher . for as it cannot be said of him that hath faith , that he hath no knowledge , nor wisdome , nor discerning of spirits , &c. so it cannot be said of a prophet , that he is no evangelist , nor pastour , nor teacher . and now , it is evident , that prophets have been continued all the while , the saints have been in babylon ; and in the continuance of prophets , there hath been a continuance of evangelists , and pastours , and teachers , whereby that scripture hath been made good , ephes . 4. 10 , 11 , 12 , 13. which saies , they must all continue , till we all come in the unity of the faith , and of the knowledge of the son of god , &c. and this being so evident , it appears to be from weaknesse , and darknesse that any have questioned , whether any of these have been during the time , that the saints have been captivated to babylon . but here this query may be made ; may there be prophets , evangelists , apostles , and teachers , that were never ordained by the laying on of hands ? answ . yes they may ; for the scripture speaks not of laying on of hands upon any , but only of bishops , and deacons ; and they only had the laying on of hands because they were ordained , to doe some particular things , which were to be done by them , and was proper to them only , and none in the church else , were to act in them , but only they . but prophesying , and evangelizing , and feeding , and teaching , and building up one another , was common to all in the church , as every one had received the gift , so to minister , as good stewards of the grace they had received ! for their gifts are not given to be laid up in a napkin , but the manifestation of the spirit , is given to every one to profit withall . so that , these i say were not restrained only to be done by bishops , and deacons , who only were persons ordained , by the laying on of hands ; but were common to be done by all . now a bishop , ( which the scripture indifferently cals , either a bishop , or an elder , or a presbyter , ) is ordained by the laying on of hands ; because he is appointed to the work , which is proper to that office , and not to any other in the church . now the works that are proper to a bishop , elder , or presbyter . are , first , to rule , and guide , and govern the church : and this is clear by that of the apostle , 1 tim. 5. 17. let the bishops that rule well be counted worthy of double honour . and 1 tim. 3. 4. the apostle saies , that a bishop must be one that rules well his own house ; implying , that he is not fit to rule the church of god , if he doe not rule his own house well . and of those it is that the apostle speaks , hebrew . 13. 7. remember them which rule over you , who have spoken unto you the word of god. and vers . 17. obey them which have the rule over you and submit , for they watch for your souls . and of these he also speaks , 1 thes . 5. 12. know them which labour among you , and are over you in the lord , and admonish you . moreover , secondly ▪ it is the work of a bishop , or presbyter , to ordain elders , or bishops in the churches where they are wanting , as appears , titus 1. 5. the apostle there speaking to titus , who was a bishop or presbyter , saith , for this cause left i thee in crete ; that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting ; and ordain elders in every city . and so timothy being a bishop , it was his work , as appears by that rule given him , 1 tim. 5. 22. lay hand suddenly on no man. again it likewise is made evident , to be the work of presbyters , 1 timothy 4. 14. and 2 tim. 1. 6. now these things were proper to the office of a bishop , and others that are not ordained to be bishops , have no warrant to take upon them to act in these things . but there are other things that bishops are also enjoined to doe , that may be and ought to be done by other brethren , but bishops are enjoined to doe them , in an especiall manner , and they are these : first , to feed the flock over which they are made over-seers , and this is that paul enjoins the elders of the church of ephesus to doe , acts 20. 29. take heed unto your selves , and unto all the flock over which the holy ghost hath made you over-seers , and feed the church of god , which he hath purchased with his own bloud . and this is that which timothy , who was an elder , or bishop , was enjoined to , in these passages , 1 tim. 4. 3. preach the word , be instant in season , and out of season , reprove , rebuke , exhort with all long-suffering , and doctrine . and vers . 5. doe the work of an evangelist , make full proof of thy ministery . and 2 tim. 2. 15. study to shew thy self approved unto god , a work-man that needeth not to be ashamed , rightly deviding the word of truth . thus ought bishops in a more especiall manner to feed the flock of god , and to instruct and admonish them . but this is not their duties only , but the duty of all the brethren , according to their severall abilities . but secondly , it is the duty of bishops , or presbyters , to be good examples to believers : this also timothy was enjoined unto , 1 tim. 4. 12. be thou an example to believers , in word , in conversation , in love , in spirit , in faith , and purity . and this titus , who was a bishop , was also enjoined unto , tit. 2. 7. in all things shew thy self a pattern of good works : in doctrine shewing uncorruptnesse , gravity , sincerity . and 2 tim. 2. 2. the things which thou hast heard of me among many witnesses , the same commit thou to faithfull men , who shall be able to teach others also . thus it is the duty of elders , or presbyters , to be a good example to believers : but it is not their duty only , but the duty of all other saints also . thirdly , it is the duty of bishops , to watch over the souls of the flock which are committed to them ; for they must give account of them to god , and this the elders , or bishops of the church of ephesus , are enjoined unto , acts 20. 28. take heed ( saith the apostle ) unto your selves , and unto the flock over which the holy ghost hath made you over-seers : for i know ( saies he ) that after my departure , there shall grievous wolves enter in among you : so that the elders of the church ought to look to the flock , to keep them from the pernicious doctrines of wolvish men , and heb. 13. 17. saith the apostle , obey them that have the rule over you , and submit your selves ; for they watch for your souls , as they that must give account , that they may doe it with joy . so that it is evident , that it is the duty of the elders of the church , to watch over the souls of the people . but this is not their duty only ; but the duty of all believers , to watch over one another . thus the scripture declaring that bishops are ordained , by the laying on of hands , declares what things are to be done by bishops , as bishops , and not by other saints ; and what things are to be done by them , which is to be done by others also . now the scripture speaks but of one office more , to which persons are ordained by the laying on of hands , and that is of deacons . now the office of a deacon the scripture expresses distinctly also , namely , that they are to receive the collections for the poor , and to distribute it to the poor , to widows , and to such as are in want , and to all according to their necessities . and this appears , act. 6. 1. 2 , 3. and 4. verses compared together ; this was the work which deacons were ordained to doe , and which is to be done by them only , and not by others in the church . but we finde that stephen and philip being deacons , were such as did feed the flock , preach the word , opposed gainsaiers , were teachers , and did the work of apostles and evangelists , and wrought miracles , and wonders among the people , as appears in the sixth , seventh and eighth chapter of the acts ; but these are the duty of deacons ; but not their duties only , but the duties of all the brethren , in which they are to act according to the measure of grace received . and now , since the scripture speaks but only of bishops and deacons , that were ordained by the laying on of hands , and declares it is the duty of the rest of the brethren in the church , to prophesie , as 1 cor. 14. 31. ye may all prophesie one by one ; and that it is the duty of others in the church to doe the work of evangelists , pastors and teachers . it is hereby clear , that they may be apostles , prophets , evangelists , pastours and teachers , that were never ordained by the laying on of hands . and so much for answer to that query . and since it is made so evident , that prophets , apostles , evangelists , pastours and teachers have continued all the while the beast hath continued , i hope , hereby they that thorow darknesse have been of the contrary minde , will be hereby convinced of their errour herein . and now be ye exhorted to frequent the assemblies of saints ; and come to those meeting places , where such as are precious saints , doe hold forth the word of truth ; and by the spirit of prophesie doe sprak unto men , to edification , exhortation and comfort . o come you , and partake of those gifts of the spirit , whereby some are inabled to hold forth the glad tidings of the gospel , to publish peace , and grace , and mercy thorow jesus christ , and to doe the worke of an evangelist , and partake you of those gifts , whereby others are inabled to unfold the mysteries of the gospel , and to teach , and instruct the simple , and to doe the work of a teacher . in a word , come and partake of apostolicall , propheticall and pastorall gifts , of all the particular operations and manifestations of the spirit of christ in his saints : which are given to profit withall . consider that jesus christ saith , i will give unto my two witnesses , and they shall prophesie . it is the gift of jesus christ unto his people , which he gives not only for the good of the persons in whom it is , but for the good of others also . saints have an interest in one anothers gifts ; and therefore paul speaking of such as were prophets , as himself and peter , and apollo , saith he to the saints ( 1 cor. 3. 21 , 22. ) all are yours , whether paul or apollo , or cephas , &c. thus the gifts that are given to others , are given to them for me , and the gifts that are given to me , how weak soever , are not altogether for my self , but for others also : for jesus christ hath so disposed of it , to give several gifts to several saints , to this end to maintain communion among saints . o therefore you that are saints , have communion one with another , that you may receive benefit from one another , as christ hath appointed : for he gave some apostles , and some prophets , and some evangelists , and some pastours and teachers ; what to do ? for the perfecting of saints , for the work of the ministery , for the edifying of the body of christ . now doe you desire to be edified ? doe you desire to presse forward toward perfection , that you may not be as children , carried about with every winde of doctrine ? then frequent the assemblies of the saints , that you may partake of their gifts . jesus christ hath given them to effect these things in you , and all his people : and for the keeping a spirit of love among saints , that they receiving benefit one from another , may not say one to another , i have no need of you , as those seem to doe , that forsake the assemblies of saints : but that all being joyned and knit together , may encrease with the encrease of god. and so much shall suffice to be spoken to this . deduction 6. sixthly , the next instruction that i shall come to ( though it be not the next in order , yet i shall place it here , because of the affinity it hath with this ) is this . that since the witnesses , the saints of jesus christ , have had a spirit of praier , all the while the beast hath continued ; whereby their enemies have been devoured , as by a spirituall fire : then hereby they may be convinced of their errour , that say they are in babylon , and therefore doe not joyn with any , in pouring out their fouls to god in praier , nor yet doe it themselves . now let such consider , that in the darkest mid-night of popery , saints have had a spirit of praier ; and indeed it is not possible to be a saint , and not to have a spirit of praier . it is the very nature and constitution of the spirit of a saint , to ascend upward to god in praier , at all times , and upon all occasions . the truth is , that though the saints may be without other ordinances , as baptism , and breaking of bread ( though i know no rule they have willingly to neglect them neither : ) yet they cannot be without the use of praier and prophesying ; and therefore we see that saints have alwaies enjoyed them , during all the time they have been troden under foot : the spirit of praier , and prophesie hath been still upon them . and herein they have appeared to be both living christians , and waking christians : a dead man cannot breathe , nor can a sleeping man speak ; but when a man breathes and speaks , he is discovered to be , both a living , and a waking man. now if christians be not dead christians , then sure they will both breathe , and speak as soon as the breath of spiritual life is in a man , he is a man that breaths toward god in praier continually : and when he is grown up a little , he is able to speak , to edification , exhortation and comfort ; though some are more fluent in speaking , and have better utterance then others , yet * all in whom there is true spiritual life , in some sort or other , doe so speak as to edifie , exhort , and comfort one another . let such therefore as are in this errour , beware how they entertain principles , so contrary to the very life of christianity . and o do you not stop your breath ; what though you be in babylon ? yet you must breathe there , otherwise you are stifled . beware therefore of being stifled , breathe freely toward thy god , whereever thou art . thou maist have communion with him in any place . though thou art with daniel in babylon , and in a lions den ; yet the breathings and the pantings of thy soul after god , are acceptable to him . object . but perhaps some may say , when i goe about to pray , i finde much deadnesse , fleshlinesse , carnality and coldnesse in my self , both when i am to pray publikely with other saints , and when i am privately retired ; and i look upon this as an effect of babylonish darknesse . i question therefore whether i may pray , until it be wholly done away . answ . the apostle , when he bids us , in all things to make known our requests to god , and to pray without ceasing , and to continue in praier , and to pray continually , phil. 4. 6. 1 thess . 5. 17. col. 4. 2. did very well know , that saints did carry flesh about them , which would be opposing the spirit● ; and therefore he himself saith , when i would doe good , evil is present with me ; and , the flesh lusteth against the spirit , and the spirit against the flesh , and these are contrary the one to the other : so that ye cannot doe the things that ye would , gal. 5. 17. i say the apostle knew this , that the flesh would oppose , but he would not have saints , upon that ground to neglect spirituall duties : for that were to suffer the flesh to get the victory ; but rather to be the more frequent in spirituall duties , and to be the more incessant in holy performances , especially in praier , that so they might overcome the flesh that so opposeth . again secondly , when the apostle presses saints to spirituall duties , he speaks to them as knowing , that though they carry flesh still about them , yet that they have a spirit in them , in which they are to act toward god : and that though flesh be acting in them ; yet at the same time , that spirit may act in them . and therefore when saints come to pray , though the flesh doe endeavour , to put out the life of the spirit , yet the spirit strives to mortifie the flesh : and though both act at the same time , yet god is able to distinguish , between what cometh from his own spirit , which is alwaies in his saints , and what comes from flesh in them . and though the flesh doe act its part , yet jesus christ having by one offering , done away all the corruptions of the flesh in his people : god can notwithstanding the flesh in them , smell a sweet savour in those performances , in which there is much weaknesse and flesh , and but little of the spirit appearing ; there being an attonement already made , for the sins of their holy things . so that saints , you having spirit in you , as well as flesh , you are not to neglect to performe spirituall duties , because you doe not see flesh wholly subdued ( for that was never yet done in any saint , while he remained in this tabernacle ) but in that spirit to act , especially in praier , even when you finde flesh also acting ; for if you have but a spiritual desire , to have that flesh subdued , that desire cometh from the spirit ; and that spark being neglected , may seem to die ; but if according to the rule of paul to timothy , we stirre up that gift of the spirit we have received , how weak soever it may seem to be , that spark may grow up into a flame , and get strength in a great measure , to burn up that corruption that so troubles and burthens us . therefore the apostle gives this rule , to continue in praier . saints doe you desire to have flesh subdued ? then continue so desiring , and be continually lifting up your spirits , to your god in praier against it : and that you may doe so , take all opportunities to retire your self , from other imploiments , that you may lift up your souls unto god in praier : and doe not content your selves with barely having these desires , and so be continually plunging your selves in worldly imploiments , in conversing with sublunary things : but improve all opportunities , to retire your selves , from conversing with these things , for the enlivening and enflaming of your spirits ; and doe not perswade your selves , that while you are discoursing of your bargains , and tradings , and lands , and livings , and cloathing , and i know not what ; that you pray as well , as when you retire your self into a private place , to lift up your souls in secret to god in praier : for our saviour gives you this direction ; when you pray enter into your closets , and shut your doors , and pray to your father which is in secret , &c. matth. 6. 6. and our saviour himself observed the same rule : for it is often said of him , that he went apart into a mountain to pray ; and continued whole nights in praier unto god : the night being the time in which he was free from other imploiments . and so act. 10. 9. it is said , that peter went upon the house to pray . and truly if saints did improve more opportunities , and take more advantages thus to retire themselves to converse with god ; so much coldnesse and lukewarmnesse , worldlinesse , covetousnesse , pride , and contention would not appear in them . but it hath been the designe of the common enemy , to take off saints from these warrantable , profitable and advantagious retirements , wherein they might enjoy communion with god , to the end they may continue in a more loose and carnal frame , to the sading of their spirits , and to the scandal of their most holy profession . but another may say , i finde that our saviour saith unto his disciples , whatsoever ye shall ask in my name , that will i doe , joh. 14. 13. and john saith , we have confidence toward god , and whatsoever we ask , we receive of him , 1 joh. 3. 21 , 22. and again , this is the confidence that we have in him , that if we ask any thing according to his will , he heareth us ; and if we know that he hear us , whatsoever we ask , we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him , 1 john 5. 14 , 15. and by these passages it appears , that saints in the primitive times , before the great falling away , and the rising of the beast ; when they praied , had assurance that they should have the petitions they desired . but when i pray , i have no such confidence in many things : and many times it is a long time before my petitions are answered ; and in some petitions i have a plain denial ; and therefore i question , whether it be not sinfull for me so to continue praying , until i am fully come out of babylon : and then i conceive that i shall have such a spirit of praier , as the saints had in the primitive times , and have confidence , that whatsoever i ask of god , i shall receive of him . answ . first , that the saints while they have been under the bondage of babylon , have had a spirit of praier ; and have had their petitions heard , is evident . for their praiers have brought judgements upon their enemies , being presented upon the golden altar . and if it have been no sin , for these to continue praying , though they were in babylon : then doubtlesse it would be no sin for thee to pray , though thou shouldest be in babylon . but secondly , whereas thou saist , that in some things thou hast no confidence that thou shalt be heard ; and sometimes it is long before some petitions are granted , and other petitions are plainly denied . let me tell thee , that if in those things , in which thou hast no confidence , thou doe pray for them with the submission of thy will , unto the will of the father , it may be no sin for thee so to pray , for the things that thy soul desires , though thou hast no confidence of them ; if they be such things , as be not sinfull in themselves , as such as these are not , viz. to be delivered from bodily distempers , to be kept from dangers in travelling , whether by sea or land ; to be delivered from the tyranny of unreasonable men , that seek to doe thee hurt : or to have parents , or children , or wife , or husband , or brethren , or sisters , or any other friend delivered from bodily distempers , or dangers in travelling , &c. or to have them brought to the knowledge of the truth , from darknesse to light , and from the power of satan to god : or to have them kept from errours and seducing spirits . i say these , and such like things , which are not sinfull in themselves , if thy soul desire them , it will be no sinne for thee to pray for them , though thou hast no confidence that they shall be granted ; so thou pray for these , with the submitting of thy will , to the will of the father . and this is clear , in that the lord jesus himself , in whom was no sinne , did pray so , with submission to the fathers will , for deliverance from that bitter cup , which he was to drink of , though he had no confidence that 〈◊〉 petition should be granted . so that saints may pray , for those things which th●y doe not infallibly know , to be according to the minde of god : and yet it may be no sinne so to pray , if they doe pray with submission to the fathers will. and in so praying they may be acceptable to the father , who many times doth grant some of those petitions , as soon as they are put up ; and at other times , after he hath made his people to wait long , and to pray importunately for them . and if some of them be denied , yet their persons and praiers may be accepted , and may be , and sometimes are granted another way , god giving them in that , which is better then the thing desired . but thirdly , all saints may have , and doubtlesse many saints have as much confidence now in praier , as the saints had in the primitive times ; for what was the confidence that saints then had ? saith john , this is the confidence that we have in him , that if we ask any thing according to his will , he heareth us . this was the primitive saints confidence , and what saint hath not this confidence now , that if we ask any thing according to his will , he heareth us ? saints are now confident , that the things they pray for which god wils , and intends to give unto them , shall be granted , only they have not an infallible spirit , so as to know in all things , what it is the will of god to bestow upon them . but many things they doe know , and others they have strong perswasions of , when god in a more then ordinary manner , moves their spirits to pray for them . thus saints have a holy boldnes and confidence , in approaching to the throne of grace , by the mediation of jesus christ , coming to god in the spirit of adoption , being confident of having every good thing , that a gracious and loving father sees good for them , all their petitions are heard . they are confident , that if they ask any thing according to his will , he heareth them . and no saints in the primitive times had other confidence . so that saints , it is no sinne for you to continue praying , making known your requests to god , but it is your duty so to do . but fourthly , though flesh doe break out , and in some things saints doe not pray aright , yet they are not therefore wholly to neglect praying : knowing that god still delights in the breathings of his owne spirit in them ; although they have many weaknesses and infirmities in them . and fifthly , if they finde their faith is not so high , nor their confidence so strong , as some primitive saints were , then ought they to pray for the increase of faith . if they be weak in faith , let them have recourse to him , who is the authour and finisher of faith , for the strengthening of it ; who will give liberally , and will not upbraid his people , though they be weak . though a man that is altogether faithlesse , hath no promise sure to him ; yet the man weak in faith , hath as many promises made to him , as he that is strong in faith . so that though it be weak , yet if it be a true faith in him that praies for the increase of faith , he shall finde accesse to the throne of grace . and so much for the clearing of this . deduction 7. seventhly , the next deduction is to discover the excellency and preciousnes of saints , from the 4 & 5 verses , they are discovered to be excellent , in that they are said to be olive trees , they are not as the dry tree , who is nigh unto cursing , whose end is to be burned , he. 6. 8. but blessed and happy is the condition of saints : for they have an unction from the holy ones , they stand in the presence of the lord of the whole earth . they are precious in the eies of god , and profitable to men : for they empty the golden oil , they have received from the holy one into others ; the spirit as it floweth from them , sometimes penitrates into those that are strangers , aliens to jesus christ , whereby they are brought home to the imbraces of jesus christ : and then saints are excellent in their eyes also . and so david cals them , psal . 16. 2 , 3. my goodnesse extendeth not to thee ; but to the saints that are in the earth , and to the excellent in whom is all my delight . and excellent they are . secondly , because they are not only as olive-trees , but as candle-sticks . for as it is said of jesus christ , so it is said of them , they are the light of the world , mat. 5. 14. they are as light shining in a dark place . now how precious is light , to them that are continually in a sensible darknesse ? light is one of the most precious things in the world : it puts a beauty upon other things , it chears and comforts the heart ; it causes men to see the dangers that are in their way , that so they may avoid them : and many others , are the excellent properties of this naturall light ; but many more , are the precious effects of spirituall light . and this is that that saints have ; though others are in the darknesse of hell , yet they enjoy the light of heaven : the lord god almighty , and the lamb are a light unto them , rev. 21. 23. and in this respect also saints are excellent and precious ones : but i would be brief in this particular , and therefore shall not further enlarge it . deduction 8. eighthly , the next deduction , in which i shall be brief also , is to discover from the fifth verse , the dangerous condition of those wicked men , that are enemies to saints . though saints seem to be poor , weak , despicable creatures , and their enemies in outward appearance seem to be strong and potent , and to be overcomers of them : yet these seeming weak saints , are strong , and mighty : for they can but send up a message to heaven , and bring secret and invisible arrows from thence , which shall destroy their enemies . the breath of their mouth kindles coals of fire , that destroies their enemies ; and if any man will hurt them , he must with this fire be killed . little doe wicked men think , that when they deal cruelly with saints , they bring coals of fire upon their owne heads ; yet so they doe , if they continue irreconcilable enemies unto them . there is a notable place , to shew the danger men run upon , when they offer to wrong the saints of god , it is zech 12. 3. in that day , saith the lord , will i make jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people : all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces ; though all the people of the earth shall be gathered together against it . though the spirituall jerusalem , the saints of god , had all the people of the earth gathered together against them ; yet so potent and strong are they , through the lord of host their god , as they should overcome them all ; they should be as a burdensome stone , and should crush in pieces , all that burden themselves with them . therefore it would be wisdome in men , to beware how they offer any violence to any one of the saints of god , either to their lives or liberties , how colourable so ever the pretences be , upon which they doe it ; seeing it is such a dangerous thing to abuse saints : as that in wronging them , men be devoured or destroied by them . and so i have done with this particular also . deduction 9. ninthly , in the next place from the sixth verse , might be discovered the reason , why there hath been such a hardnesse of heart and impenitency upon the beast , and the babylonish crew ; namely , because that as a judgement upon them , for persecuting the saints of god ; the heavens have been so shut up against them , as that none of the waters of the spirit have descended upon them . but i passe this by , with some other particulars that might be observed in that verse . deduction 10. the tenth deduction is from the seventh verse , where it is said , the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomlesse pit , shall make warre , &c. it doth enform us , that this title , the beast , is the most proper title of the pope ; as is evident in the comparing of the several passages in this prophesie , where the beast is mentioned together ; which is done in the explicatory part of this discourse ; where it appears evidently , that by the beast is meant the pope : now in all the other passages , of the prophesie of this book , where the pope is mentioned ; and in this seventh verse , he being called the beast , it is evident , that this is his most proper title . though it is true , the pope is antichristian , yet we doe no where , in the prophesie of this book , nor in any other scripture where he is expressely spoken of , finde the title of antichrist given to him . but generally , in the prophesie of this book , and in the prophesie of daniel , where there are some things spoken of him , he is called the beast . and for the 2 thess . 2. where he is also expresly spoken of , and plainly described , he is not called there antichrist neither , but is there called , that man of sin , the son of perdition , and that wicked . now it is said , there are many antichrists , 1 john 2. 19. but it is no where said , there are many beasts , and therefore he is called , the beast , and that man of sinne , the sonne of perdition , and that wicked . as we use to say , the king of such a kingdome ; and the governour of such a place ; and , the maior of such a city or town ; importing there is but one : so the pope is called , the beast . for though there be many antichrists , yet there is but one beast ; but one pope , who is , the beast . i doe the rather observe this : first to discover , the exceeding greatnesse of the wickednesse , and the abominablenesse of the pope ; who for his opposition to god , and his enmity to the saints , is exprest by a peculiar title , that is proper only to that wicked one : to shew that he is above al others hateful and cursed . and secondly , i doe the rather speak of this , because some doe confusedly speak of the beast and antichrist , confounding the beast with antichrist , whereas there be many that are , and may be called antichrists , especially some that are risen up lately , that deny that jesus is the christ , making themselves equal with the lord jesus christ : and who do also deny , that jesus christ is come in the flesh ; or at least have a light esteem of christs coming in the flesh : by looking upon that flesh , which was so united unto the god-head , as when the life of it was laid down : it was said to be the life of god , 1 john 3. 16. as no * more to be esteemed then the flesh of a common man. i say these , and such as these are antichrists , as is clear , 1 john 2. 22. and 1 joh. 4. 3. but though there be many antichrists , yet there is but one that may be called the beast : but by confounding the beast with antichrist , some look upon the beast onely as antichrist , whereas there be many antichrists , which are to be rejected and avoided , besides the beast ; though they have more specious pretences than the beasts pretences now are , and are thereby the more like to prevail upon the more knowing professors of the time . so much for this particular . deduction 11. eleventhly , in the eleventh place , it serves to justifie the parliament , and all that joyned with them in the late defensive war. now although they have been branded with the odious titles of rebels and traitours , and what not : yet here their justice and righteousnes in that act , appears as clear as the sunne . for first , we see here , that the enemies which they did oppose was the beast , that did ascend out of the bottomlesse pit . and who the beast is , and how the beast did appear to be he , that did wage the late warre in england and ireland , is made evident in the explicatory part of this discourse . now since it was the beast , that cursed enemy of jesus christ , and all his saints , that raised this warre , it was a most righteous act in the parliament , and all that did adhere to them , to oppose him , and his party in it . but here by the way i desire to declare , that though i doe affirme , that that warre was raised by the beast , that cursed enemy of jesus christ : yet doe i not hereby condemn every particular man that did engage in this warre ; nor any particular man , high or low : for i know not , but that it might be possible , for some by colourable pretences to be drawn to engage in this warre , that never intended to fight for the beast , but on the contrary hated him . but this i affirm , that the generality of those ( especially of the chiefest ) that engaged in this warre , were such as were thereunto incited by the beast , and intended the advancement of the beast . and now i say , seeing the warre , that was raised against the protestants in ireland , and against the parliament , and such as were stiled puritans and round-heads in england , was a warre made by the beast , that ascended out of the bottomlesse pit , and contrived in rome and hell : it was a most righteous thing for the parliament , and those that adhered to them , to defend themselves against it : god having put a power into their hands to do it : and yet were they no rebels , unlesse it were rebellion to oppose the pope and the devil . and secondly , the righteousnesse of the parliament , and those that adhered to them , is made further evident , by considering the ends for which the beast did raise this war ; and they were , first , to destroy the witnesses , to make an utter end of all the saints and servants of jesus christ , and to leave none that should oppose or speak against the beast , the pope , that so he might bring all men into a professed subjection to himself . and knowing that the puritans were the only obstructers hereof ( for others would easily enough have been perswaded unto a uniformity , and would say , that there was little or nothing in the romish doctrines , but might have been imbraced , rather then to make any division , if the puritans were removed out of the way ) therefore one main end the beast had in this warre , was to overcome the witnesses . now this being one end of the beast in that warre , it was a righteous thing for the parliament , and those that adhered to them , to oppose the beast , for the rescuing of , and preserving of the saints of jesus christ , from the tyranny of the beast . it being a righteous act in abraham to rescue and deliver one just lot , from those that would have captivated him , and his family : it is much more a righteous act in the parliamentary party , to rescue and deliver , all the precious saints of jesus christ : ( for al saints had a share in this deliverance ) from the cruelty and tyranny of the beast , that sought their ruine . but secondly , their righteousnesse in that act , will appear , if we consider the other end of the beast in the late warre , and that was to thrust out jesus christ , from raigning as king , and to set up his owne kingdome , by subjecting the consciences of all that professe jesus christ , both in this kingdome , and all others , unto his laws . now this being his other great design in that war ; it was a most righteous thing to oppose him in it . and it had been a great sinne for the parliament to stoop themselves , and to suffer all the rest in the kingdome , thus to be subjected to the beast ; and lay aside the regall power of jesus christ : god having put power into their hands , to oppose the beast herein . thus , the righteousnesse of those that did oppose the beast , appears , if we look upon the ends of the beast in that warre . and thirdly , their righteousnesse in that act of opposing the beast , is made the farther evident , because it is in part a fulfilling of that righteous sentence , which god hath past upon the beast , revel . 18. 6 , 7. where god saies to his people thus , reward her even as she rewarded you , and double unto her double according to her works ; in the cup which she hath filled , fill to her double : how much she hath glorified her self , and lived deliciously , so much torment and sorrow give her . now this sentence is in this warre ( wherein the beast hath been overcome , and his designs frustrated , and a tenth part of babylon is fallen ) in part fulfilled : for in this warre babylon hath in part had of the same cup , which she filled to the saints , as she overcame them , so they have in part overcome her ; and this is the beginning of her torments , which are coming on apace , and ere long the cup that she hath filled , shall be filled to her double . now the parliament , and those that adhered to them , having in the late defensive warre , in part fulfilled that righteous sentence of god upon babylon ; it doth therein most clearly appear to be a righteous act . deduction 12. twelfthly , in the next place here is a discovery of the reason why the parliamentary army , did not more prevail for the first three years and an half , and why after that period of time it was so successefull and victorious : the reason of it here plainly appears to be , because it was ( according to fore-appointment ) the minde of god , to have his people brought to a low ebb , for such a period of time ; so that they should be lookt upon as dead men , and the enemy should rejoyce over them , as if they were all totally overcome for three years and an half : and since it was so , it was not possible for the instruments that were then imploied , if they had been never so faithfull , so active and diligent , to do any more , then that which god had raised them up for ; which was only to keep the dead bodies of his people from being buried : and so much they did : they still defended the cause of the witnesses against the enemy , so as it was only kept , as it were above-ground , though it seemed to be as dead . and so god would have it to be , for the first three yeares and an half : but when the first three years and an half were compleatly ( according to scripture account ) expired ; then it was not possible , for the adverse party to prevail over them ; for then the time was come , in which the witnesses were to be raised , and then the spirit of life from god entered into them : and that was the reason why they went on like active , living men , so couragiously and victoriously : for god had appointed them to carry on his worke , for the fall of this kingdom from rome . deduction 13. thirteenth , in the next place , this serves to exhort all those that were drawne to engage in the late war against the parliament , and those godly people that adhered to them , to relinquish that act of theirs . and that , first , because it is so apparent , that in so doing , they were instruments of upholding the kingdome of the beast , and that they did in it endeavour to support the beast , as much as in them lay , whatever the pretences were upon which they were drawne to engage in it : and therefore if they desire to be enemies to the beast , let them be enemies to this act of theirs : for in it they went about to support the beast , though it was in vain , the time of his ruine being come : and therefore it behoves them to repent of what they have done in it ; for it is not good pretences can justifie an evil action . it would be their wisdome therefore , now at last to renounce it , as they renounce the beast himself . and secondly , it concerns them to repent of this deed of theirs , considering against whom they fought , not against ordinary men , but against the choisest of * men , the witnesses and servants of jesus christ : nay they fought not against them onely , but against jesus christ : for as jesus christ saith to his disciples , that the world hated them , because it hated him ; and he that hateth him , hateth the father also , joh. 15. 18. & 23. so it may be said , that they that fought against the saints of iesus christ , fought against iesus christ himself , and against the father also . now therefore , you that were active in that quarrel of the beast , how doth it concern you to renounce what you have done therein ? least you be found to be fighters against god : and let no longer a spirit of emnity and difference remain between you , and those that you opposed in that particular , but be of one minde with them , in a mutuall opposing of the beast with them . and this doe , least persisting in that way of defending the beast , you be destroied with the beast . deduction 14. fourteenthly , in the next place it enformes all those that did engage in the late defensive warre , that they have cause to rejoyce in what they have done , in that particular , and no cause to repent of it . have you contributed to the maintenance of the warre in england and ireland , by lending plate , and disbursing money ? and have you sent horses , and arms , and provisions to the army ? and have your servants or children , or your selves in person , been actually in that warre ? you have cause to rejoyce in all that you have done therein : for you see it was a most just and righteous act , and god hath by it brought a most glorious worke to passe , in the bringing this kingdome from that vassallage to rome , in which it hath been this twelve hundred years , and putting the cup of trembling into the hands of the enemies of iesus christ , the dregs whereof they shall at last take off . and therefore you have no cause to repent , but to rejoyce in what you have done therein ; to rejoyce that you had the honour to be in any measure instruments of promoting such a cause ; and if you suffered any losses , by being opposers of the adverse party , yet it was farre better to be losers in opposing them , then in any measure to comply with them . and you that have received wounds , or lost limbs , for promoting that cause may glory in them : for what soever you have herein done , or suffered , it hath been in , and for opposing that grand enemy of iesus christ , the beast , and in being instruments of bringing gods designe to passe , for the ruining of great babylon , and the setting up the kingdome of iesus christ . and therefore , how ever you seem to be rewarded of men for it ; yet never repent of it , but rejoyce in what you have done in it . deduction 15. fifteenthly , in the next place this may convince those of their errour , that take to themselves a power over the consciences of saints , to rule over them , and make laws for them , and to force them to obedience to those laws . let such seriously consider this , that this is apparently that cursed power that the beast hath usurpt to himself , or at least it had no other donor then the dragon , the old serpent , the devil : who gave the beast his power and seat , and great authority . and by this power the bishop of rome , first became , and still continues to be the beast . and this is a power that is abhorred of god ; for those men that exercise this power , doe take away the legislative power of god , who is the king , the judge , and the law-giver of his saints ; and doe give iesus christ lesse honour , then the heathens doe their idols , who doe allow them to be the orderers of their own worship . o that these men therefore might be convinced of their errour , in imposing their lawes upon the consciences of saints , and constraining them to worship god , according to the rules that they have hammered out from them ; though they dare not affirme that they themselves are infallible : for surely , if they persist in it , god who is jealous of his glory , and will not give it to another , will break out in the fire of his jealousie against them , as well as against the beast , that great man of sin , who sitteth in the temple of god , and takes upon him to make lawes as god. it concerns them therefore , to beware how they goe on in these waies , least they be destroyed with that son of perdition . again , let such consider , that all those that ever exercifed this power , for the generallity of them were alwaies enemies of the most precious , and most spirituall saints ; and were followed with a curse . let them but look upon the bishops , and generally they were enemies of saints , and a curse rested on them , even a blindenesse of minde , and hardnesse of heart ; and at last they were brought down , and shame and contempt cast upon them . and it may be some of you , that have endeavoured to take the same power , have opposed the bishops for the same thing : o therefore , that in the consideration heerof you might at last lay down that imposing power , although thereby you may seem to lose , that honour that you seek from men , and to lose much of these outward things , the things of the world , which at best are but vanity : for it is far better to be without these , and have a good conscience , than to enjoy much of these , either with a troubled , or seared conscience , and a hardened heart . it is better to be at emnity with the beast heerin , and lose much of the world , then to enjoy abundance of the world , and soon after to perish with the beast . again , this let me tell you with all , that if you shall persist , in endeavouring to get such an imposing power ( it being that by which the beast raigns in any place where it is ) it is in vain for you to endeavour it in england , for england is fallen from rome , and is no more a part of rome ; and therefore it is in vain to seeke to exercise a romish power any longer in it . and england being thus fallen , is become a president to the other kingdomes so to doe , and shall not return to rome again , for england and all the other kingdomes must hate the whore , and make her desolate . and thus much i cannot but speake , to you that endeavour to take such a power upon you , whether you will hear , or whether you will forbear . deduction 16. 16. the next particular arising from these verses thus opened , is an exhortation to all the saints in england , to dwell together in unity . o you precious sonnes and daughters of the almighty , the saints , and witnesses of the lord jesus christ , that are in this kingdome of england , consider you what your condition was about seven or eight year ago ; at what time you were trampled upon by the bishops ( which was a treading under foot of the beast ) call to minde how some of you were pillored , and had your eares cropt and many of you imprisoned , and fined , and by severall other waies were persecuted , and troubled by the members of the beast your adversaries : and that onely for acting that which in your conscience , you were parswaded was according to the minde of god ; and which if you had for fear of men , or for any other reason left undone , your conscience told you , that you should in so doing be disobedient to your heavenly father . i say , call these things to minde , and what a great pressure it was to your spirit , that you could not with liberty , and freedome follow the lamb ; but men did what in them lay to enforce you to worship the beast , and to embrace for doctrine , the commandments of men . o how grievious was this oppression to you ! and what a burden was it ? and how did you groan in your spirits to be delivered ? what a grief was it to you to see precious saints cruelly , and ridgedly dealt with , by the enemies of iesus christ ? and how many frequent prayers did your souls breath out , and lift up to heaven against your enemies , and for deliverance , from their yoake of bondage ? i say , call these things to minde , and remember that this was the condition of you all , whether you are such as are commonly called presbyterians , or independents , or anabaptists , if you were saints , if you loved the lord iesus christ in sincerity , you were all a like hated of , and opposed by the beast : and it was a grief , and burden to all your spirits , to see the enemies of iesus christ to prevail so much , and you all , both presbyterians , independents and anabaptists did pour out many effectual , fervent praiers against the beast , and the bishops his adherents in england . again , consider , as the beast was thus an enemy to you all alike , so it was a mercy to you all alike , when in the year 1645. god gave you all , a full victory over the adherents of the beast in this kingdom : for then the bishops , and them that fought for them ( and in them the beast ) was overcome . and this , i say , was a mercy to you all alike , and it was alike answer to all your praiers , and alike joy to all your spirits , to see your enemies , and the enemies of jesus christ overcome . and now since you are all children of the same father , and have all one lord iesus christ , and have all one spirit , and have all drank of one cup of affliction , and had all one common enemy that hated you all , and persecuted you all , because you had all the one holy spirit of the father , and of the son in you : and since your father in love to you all , and in answer to the praiers of you all , gave you all alike deliverance from that enemy of you all . o unite , unite , unite ! since your god hath made you one in his love , o be you one in your love one to another ! and let it appear that you dwell in god , by dwelling in love . what a low , unworthy thing is it , for you that dwell in god , to grow cold in love towards your brethren , the children of your father , for differing from you in judgement , in some circumstantiall things only ? what if some be weak , and doe not know so much of the minde of god , in some circumstantial things as you ( whether you be presbyterians , independents or anabaptists ) conceive you doe ? will you therefore not love your weak brother , for whom christ died , and who is beloved of your father , because your father in his wisdome , hath yet with-held that light from him , which he hath given to you ? what a weaknesse is this in you thus to doe ? doe you not know , that it is not for your merits that you have more then him , but it was from grace , from free favour that you have it ? and doth what you have received from grace , worke such an effect in you , as to make you grow cold in love toward your brethren ? o let it be far from you ! and what though some are presbyterians and some independents , as they are commonly distinguished ? though i could wish , that these distinctions of difference might be all laid aside , and that all that belong to jesus christ might only be called saints , and the servants of jesus christ , and by such generall expressions as include them all , though they still differ in circumstances : for there were no such distinctions used among saints in the primitive times , though there were differences in some circumstances . but i say , what though some are presbyterians and some anabaptists , &c. yet if they are such as you judge to be in christ jesus , and to be beloved of the father : resolve you in the strength of christ , to suffer none of their differences from you in judgement , to with-draw your affections from them : but since you love your god and father , love you his beloved children , and your brethren : and since you sincerely love the lord jesus christ , let it appear in loving of those upon whom his image is stampt : for there is no reason , why you should not love presbyterians , as well as independents , and anabaptists , as well as presbyterians , &c. unlesse you look upon them as no saints , as such as are no lovers of the lord jesus : but if you look upon them as saints , then if you love the lord jesus , you cannot but love them , what ever their judgements be . and if you be deficient herein , you are to condemn your selves in it , and to be humbled for it . and henceforth , considering the onenesse that is between you all , what ever your judgements are , and that you have been as one in your sufferings , and as one in deliverances from sufferings , doe you still be one in love , and then upon you will the lord command the blessing , even life for evermore . psal . 133. 3. deduction 17. 17. the next , and the main deduction that flows from these verses , being thus explained , is a speciall encouragement , in particular to the high and honourable court of parliament , and to his excellency the lord fairfax , and the honoured his councell of warre , and all inferiour officers and souldiers , and in generall to all the witnesses of jesus christ in this kingdom of england . first , it is of speciall encouragement unto the high and honourable court of parliament ; for as much as ( a great number of them , being the witnesses of jesus christ ) they were the primary or first instruments , that god made use of to defend the cause of his people , and to preserve them from the tyranny and fury of the beast . now you being the first instruments that god made use of , to plead the cause of his people , god having into your hand first put the power of opposing the beast : and that wonderfull hath been the spirit of courage and constancy , that hath been put upon you in that high court of parliament , that make it your design to advance the honour of jesus christ , and the good of the saints , and of all the subjects of this kingdome in generall : so that though you have been opposed by great and potent enemies , yet your courage hath not failed , but you have persisted constant , in prosecuting the same designes , since you first began to oppose strafford and canterbury , in 1641. unto the year 1645 , still opposing the adverse party ; and you have not basely complied with them ( though some corrupt members diserted you , and did so ) but you still stuck to your first principles ; and god having put power into your hands , hath inabled you to carry on his designe in the worst of times , and after all , having graciously given you good successe , to your unwearied pains and labours thorow which you had gone , by giving you a happy conquest over your enemies . and in all this , the word of god being fulfilled , these things being according to what is written , even your being first laid low , and also your raising again , it being written , predeclared , that the beast should make warre with the witnesses ( of whom you are a part , and whose cause you defend ) and should overcome them , and kill them , and that they should lie dead three years and an half , and after three years and an half , should be raised to the terrour of their enemies , and that in their rising , a tenth part of babylon should fall , &c. these things being written and fulfilled , the beast having made warre against the witnesses ( whose cause you have been principle instruments of defending against him , and his adherents , ) and having overcome them and killed them , both in england and ireland , and they being dead for three years and an half , the enemy rejoycing over them , and making merry , because they thought they had been so slain , as they should never recover life again ; your armies being overcome , and your garisons being possessed by the enemy , and after three years and an half , the spirit of life being put upon your army , and they , as it is written , standing upon their feet , and therein at the same time , england being fallen from the beast , from being a part of great babylon , and this in the year 1645. and that year being the year , wherein it is written , the prevailing power of the beast should come to a period . i say , these things being so , here is special incouragement to you witnesses , in the high court of parliament , to goe on in defending that cause , that god hath given you the honour hitherto , to be instruments of defending : i say , to go on to defend it . and that , first , by doing justice upon your , and the enemies of jesus christ . hath god delivered any of the chief actours of this unnaturall , bloudy warre into your hands ? then you being a civil power , ordained of god , are to doe justice upon evil doers : for the apostle saith of a ruler , rom. 13. 4. he is the minister of god , and he beareth not the sword in vain : for he is the minister of god , a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil . and they are evil-doers in a high degree , that are theeves and murderers : and such are the chief actours of an unjust warre . now if god have delivered any such into your hands , you are to execute wrath upon them : for it is an observable passage , 1 king. 20. 42. the prophet of the lord there tels ahab king of israel , after he had let benhadad king of syria , whom the lord had delivered into his hand , to go away with his life ; that ahabs life should goe for his life . therefore it is not safe , to neglect doing justice upon such persons , although they consent to such articles of agreement ( being constrained to doe it , for their own ends ) as benhadad did , 1 king. 20. 34. now you in the high court of parliament , whom god hath honoured to be the chief instruments of defending the righteous cause of the witnesses , have speciall encouragement to goe on to execute just wrath upon such grosse evil doers , without fear . and also secondly , you have encouragement to goe on , to deal well with all the witnesses and servants of jesus christ , that walk soberly and justly toward men , and holily towards god , that are under your jurisdiction ; whether they be such as are commonly called presbyterians or independents , or anabaptists , &c. even to deal well with them , and all the subjects of the kingdome , and to undoe the heavy burdens , and to let the oppressed goe free , and to break every yoke , and to establish just and righteous laws . i say , here is speciall encouragement for you to doe thus ; for in doing thus , you shall prosper and become a glory to the kingdome ; and no enemy shall ever henceforth be able to prevail against you : for though formerly you were brought into a low condition , and the enemy prevailed over you with a very high hand ; yet henceforth the enemy shall no more prevail against you , although they were in number a hundred thousand more then they are . and secondly , from these verses thus opened , here is speciall encouragement in particular , for his excellency the lord fairfax , and the honoured councel of warre : since as the parliament are the primary , so they are the secondary instruments , of defending the cause of the saints of god against the beast . now , since you , and the army under you in an especial manner ( according to what is written , and declared long agoe ) were they that had a spirit of life from god put upon you , in the year 1645. whereby life was put into all the witnesses , and whereby you were inabled to act like living men , men that had a life from god , in the overcoming the beast and his adherents in this kingdom : and seeing you have been instruments of defending that cause ever since : i say , seeing god hath honoured you , so as to make you such eminent instruments of this great worke , and the hearts of all the saints in england , are generally knit unto you , and the eyes of all the saints in england are upon you , most noble general , and worthy commanders ; here is , i say , special encouragement for you to goe on still to improve the power that god hath given you , for the same end for which it was given you , viz. the suppressing of the beast , and defending all the saints and servants of jesus christ in this kingdome , and to goe on ( having the honour of jesus christ , and not your own , and publike good more then private ends in your eye , and in your heart ) to endeavour to cause justice and righteousnesse to abound in this kingdome : and this is your encouragement , that in so doing , as you have alwaies been since 1645. so you shall ever be conquerours in all the battles you fight , and overcomers of all the enemies with whom you encounter , no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper , nor no enemy shall be able to stand before you ; yea though all the people of the earth should be gathered together against you ; yet you should be but as a burthensome stone unto them , and all that burden themselves with you , should be broken in pieces . and thirdly , here is speciall encouragement , for all the saints in england in generall , to be of good courage , not to fear the menaces or threatnings of any enemy : for no enemy shall ever any more prevail over them . now what i say , for the encouragement of the parliament , and of the generall , and chief commanders of the army in particular , and of all the saints in england in generall , is clearly grounded in the scripture , and therefore is it unquestionable , and to be received and observed of the parliament , army and saints in england . indeed if i should declare any thing to you , and tell you that i had it by vision or revelation , and it were not apparent in scripture , i know no warrant you had to receive it , or to have any confidence of it : for as paul speaking of the day of christ , saith to the thessalonians , now we beseech you by the comming of the lord jesus christ , and by our gathering unto him , that you be not soon shaken in minde , nor be troubled , neither by spirit , nor by word , nor by letter , as from us , as that the day of christ is at hand ; let no man deceive you by any means ; for that day shall not come , except there come a falling away first , &c. so may i say , you have reason to beware that you be not soon shaken in minde , or troubled , neither by spirit , nor by word , nor by letter from any , concerning any thing for which they doe not bring a word from the scripture : and let no man deceive you , for you may be deluded and deceived , if you receive any thing from any , which is not according to what is revealed in the scripture , as the young prophet was deluded by the old prophet , when he received that doctrine which was contrary to the word of the lord , which before he had received : so may you , if you should so doe . therefore if a prophet , or an apostle , or an angel from heaven , should bring any message which is not consonant unto the word , which you have already received in the scripture , you are not to be shaken in minde , nor to be troubled by it , nor to imbrace it . but now the scripture grounds , upon which i doe for their encouragement declare and affirme , that the parliament , and the army in prosecuting the righteous cause of the saints ( and that all the saints of england in generall ) shall all overcome their enemies , and go on victoriously hence forward are these . first , because the witnesses are raised from the dead , the spirit of life from god is entered into them , and they do stand upon their feet . secondly , because england is fallen from rome , and is no more a tenth part of that great mystical babylon . thirdly , because the one thousand two hundred and threescore years , in which the beast was to tread the holy city under foot , did expire in 1645. now the first of these grounds , is evidently drawn from scripture , as appears in the explicatory part of this discourse ; where it is evident , that that great and considerable number of saints in england , and all reall saints of jesus christ , of whom it is said , that the beast should make warre against them , and overcome them , and that they should lie dead three years and an half , the spirit of life from god should enter into them , and they should stand upon their feet , to the fear of their enemies , and to the glory of their god. and it is evident , that this which this scriptrre hath said of them , is punctually come to passe ; the beast did make warre against all saints , in making warre against that great number of the saints in england in the late warre , the beast did overcome them , and kill them , and they were mystically dead for three years and an halfe , and as soon as the three yeares and an halfe were compleatly expired , the spirit of life from god entered into them , a spirit of life , vigour and courage was put upon them , and they did no longer lie as dead men , but like living men , they stood upon their feet , to the fear and amazement of their enemies , and to the glory of their god , who had put such a spirit of vigour , and courage upon them . and now upon this ground , may all the saints in england , and those worthies in the parliament of england , and their army , who have been instruments of bringing down the power of the beast in england , be encouraged to continue opposing the beast , and acting justly and righteously toward all , and be assured ( god having put a spirit of life upon them , and made them to stand upon their feet ) they shall overcome every enemy , that shall rise up against them , and the enemie in no battle , shall be able to stand before them , nor give them one defeat , but shall fall before them , and bee cut downe as mowne grasse , and the men of warre shall not finde their hands , but turne their backs , and flee before them : for they shall now finde them living men , such as have a spirit of life from god put upon them . the second ground , upon which i affirme , that no enemy shall be ever able to prevail over them , is clear in scripture . for it is also evident in the explicatory part of this discourse , that england is that tenth part of the citie , which the holy ghost in this scripture speaks of , where it is said , that upon the raising of the witnesses , and their having a spirit of life from god put into them , and their standing upon their feet , a tenth part of the city fell . and it also appears , that england being that tenth part of the city , is fallen from mysticall babylon , and is no longer a part of it , but is overcome by the lord jesus , hee is now king of it , who is king of kings , and lord of lords , who will keep it for himselfe , and will not suffer it to be subjected to the beast any more : the saints in england are brought out of the bondage of mysticall babylon , and shall return no more to it , and therefore they may be confident , that none of the romish power , of any of the other nine kingdomes , neither those that are more remote , or those that are nearer neighbours to it , shall ever be able to prevail over england . thirdly , the third ground of my affirming that the parliament , armie and witnesses in england , shall hence-forth overcome all the enemies that shall rise up against them , is evident also in scripture : for it appears also in the explicatory part of this discourse , that the one thousand two hundred and threescore daies , in which it is said in this scripture , that the holy citie should be troden under foot , and that the witnesses should be in sack-cloth , by reason of the gentiles , the spirituall babylonians tyrannizing over them , is one thousand two hundred and threescore yeares , and did expire , anno domini 1645. as appeares by computing the time of the beast's continuance ( as it ought to bee computed ) by the scripture account : and also , this one thousand two hundred and threescore yeares of the beast's continuance , appeares to be then expired , because it is said , that when the witnesses had finished their prophesie in sack-cloth , that then the beast should make warre with them , and overcome them . now the beast having made warre against them , and overcome them , and they being raised again , and set upon their feet , to the feare of their enehemies , in the yeare , one thousand six hundred fourty and five . it is by this evident , that that year , the one thousand two hundred and threescore yeares , wherein the holy city , the saints should be troden under feet by the beast , did expire . and now you witnesses in the parliament , and parliamentary armie , and kingdome of england , may be confident , that all the combined power , both of men and devils , which shall conspire against you , shall never be able to prevail against you ; for you shall be troden under foot no more , the beast shall prevail over you no more ; for the time of his prevailing over you is expired , and he must hence-forth be troden under foot himselfe , and you must henceforth prevail over him , and you must reward great babylon , as she hath rewarded you ; the cup which shee hath filled , you must goe on to fill to her double . now in these considerations , and from these grounds , held forth in the word of truth , the scripture , and that part of it in this booke of the revelation , which revelation god gave unto his sonne jesus christ , to shew unto his servants . let all the saints in england be strong , and of a good courage , and feare not what man can doe unto them . let not the heart of any one saint be troubled , fearing that either poperie , prelacie , or presbytery shall recover any power in england , to lord it over gods heritage , to tyrannize over the witnesses of jesus christ , or to restrain them from walking in that way , which appears to them to be according to the minde of god. but saints , be you assured it shall never be , since you have a spirit of life from god put upon you ; and since england is fallen from babylon , and since the time of the beast's tyrannical power over you , is expired , therefore cast off all unbeleeving thoughts , and all distrustfull feares of these things ; and be confident , that jesus christ will by you , goe on conquering , and to conquer . and what though a great armie should be a preparing to overcome you , as there was in july , one thousand six hundred and fourty seven ? yet as then , they were soon blasted , so they shall be for the future : for you have a spirit of life and courage from god put into you ; therefore men shall not prevaile over you . and you are no more a part of babylon , therefore you cannot be kept in bondage , and the time of your being troden under foot is expired : and therefore though all the malignants in this kingdome , and in scotland , and all those forraign forces , that those factours of rome , that are gone from england into france , or else-where , can possibly procure , were conjoyned together in one body , and marching against you ; yet should not your hearts be troubled , nor be affraid , but be assured they should be overcome by you : and what though you seem to be small in number ? you know that god hath formerly commanded others to stand for you , and can doe so still , if it be consonant to his wisdome now also ; but if it were not so , it were an evil in you to distrust his power , to whom it is all one to save by few , or by many ; for victory commeth not from the strength of horses , or the legs of men , but from the lord of hosts . and therefore upon these grounds , let all the witnesses of england , be confident of overcomming all that shall rise up against them , by the strength of the lord of hoasts their god. and having experience that god hath done thus for them ever hitherto , since one thousand six hundred and fourty five , let them not be of such unworthy spirits , as to be distrustfull for the future . deduction 18. the last particular that i shall hence observe , is , to stirre up the hearts of saints to joyfulnesse and praises . o saints considering what god hath done for you , seeing hee hath put a spirit of life upon you , and hath made you that lay dead to stand upon your feet ; and seeing that england is fallen from mysticall babylon ; and that now your enemy the beast shall have no more power over you , he that hath troden you under feet a thousand two hundred and threescore yeares , shall tread you under foot no more ; and that now your time of prophesying in sack-cloth is expired : put you now on , in stead of your sack-cloth , the garments of joy and praise , and walk no longer sadly , being delivered out of the bondage of spiritual aegypt , and from the oppression of your enemies ; let your hearts be affected herewith , and your souls rejoyce in the apprehension of it . for suppose that when you were under that bondage , so that you were driven into corners , and your enemies hunted after you to make a prey of you , and having taken some of you , did imprison some , and fine others , and banish others , and pillory others : if one should then have come into your meetings , and told you as an infallible truth , that within one moneth your enemies should be brought down , and tyrannize no longer over you , but you should be set at liberty to worship the lord jesus , in that way which he should discover to you , to be most agreeable to his owne minde . how would your spirits at the apprehension hereof , have been filled with joy ? your joy would have been such , as would have been beyond expression . o let your joy be now no lesse , since this is actually done ; and especially having assurance that you shall be brought under bondage no more : but let your hearts leap and sing for joy ! and in your joy let the high praises of god be in your mouths , and let him be exalted in your spirits . o be frequent in offering up the sacrifices of praises , in the secrets of your spirits unto your god , that hath done such things for you ! i will extoll thee , o lord ( saith david ) for thou hast lifted me up , and hast not made my foes to rejoyce over me . this is now the case of all the saints in england . the lord hath lifted them up , and doth not suffer their foes to rejoyce over them . o that with that sweet singer of israel , they might extoll the lord their god in it , and for it ; for praise is comely , saith that holy man , for the upright ( psal . 33. 1. ) and it is a good thing ( saith he ) to give thankes unto the lord , and to sing praises unto the name of the most high , and to shew forth his loving kindenesse in the morning , and his faithfulnesse in the nights , psal . 92. 1 , 2. let saints therefore be much in this comely , good and pleasant worke of praise ; and improve all opportunities to exercise themselves in this worke . let them sing praises unto the most high in the morning , and shew forth his loving kindenesse and faithfulnesse in the nights . though others forget god , and he is not in all their thoughts , and they doe not remember the great things he doth for his people , yet let him be much in the thoughts of his saints , yea much in their thoughts to praise him for his benefits . and let them say within themselves ; blesse the lord , ô my soul , and forget not all his benefits . o let them not forget to praise him for what he did for them , in the year , 1645. but let them register in their hearts , the particular acts of the great things he then did for them : and let them not forget , what hee did doe for them in july 1647. let them not suffer these things to slip out of their minde , but let them call to minde how frequent and importunate they were with god in praier , for to obtain these mercies for themselves , and for the kingdom : and having now attained them , let them be as frequent , and as ready to praise him , call upon me , saith god , in the day of trouble , and i will hear thee , and thou shalt glorifie me , psal . 50. 15. o now , you that called upon god in the day of trouble , and were heard : be you much in that heavenly and angelical work of glorifying god! let all that love the lord in england , remember that it is the duty , as well as the priviledge of those that have got the victory over the beast , to sing a song of praises , unto him that fits upon the throne , and unto the lamb for ever and ever , revel . 15. 3. and since they are the persons , that have now got the victory over the beast : let them with enlarged hearts , sing that new song of praise , and let not doubtfull , nor distrustfull thoughts of the power and faithfulnes of god for the future in the least measure sad their spirits , or keep back their praises : but let the voice of joy and praise be heard in the tabernacles of the righteous in england : for the right hand of the lord is exalted , the right hand of the lord hath done valiantly for them , and they shall not die but live , and declare the works of the lord , psal . 118. 15 , 16 , 17. the postscript . it being so , that ( since my finishing of this discourse ) there are some further mutations in these kingdomes , which may seem to give to some some ground to question that which i have here asserted , viz. that the witnesses are slain by the beast , and that ( according to this prophesie ) after they had lain dead three years and an half , they are risen and doe stand upon their feet : if this be so , may some one say , then how cometh it to passe , that there is such a probability that the enemies of the saints shall again get ground of them , and bring them again into a low condition ? for inchiquin in ireland , and poyer in wales , and a great party in scotland doe seem to act afresh for the beast , and doe expresly declare against the witnesses under the titles of independents and sectaries , &c. but if the witnesses were indeed slain and raised , then undoubtedly they should indeed go on conquering and overcoming the beast , and the beast should no more recover power over them , to put them into a distressed condition ; for then the daies of their prophesying in sack-cloth , in sad and sable garments is expired : but how can it be said to be so , since the beast seems in a probable way of recovering power over them again ? now that this seeming ground of fear may be removed , i shall lay down these three considerations . first , that though the beast shall no more prevail over the witnesses to bring them down , yet he may and must endeavour to oppose the witnesses , and again to make war against them that they may bring him downe : for now that the time of his prevalencie over the saints is expired , he must not long continue in his present station ; but as he shall not goe higher , so he shall go lower , yea he shall come down wonderfully , and how shall that be but by his opposing the saints , who shall be as a burden some stone , and all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in peeces ? and therefore the more we see that that the accomplices of the beast do endeavour to oppose the saints , the nearer we may conclude that hee and they are to their ruine ; and therefore their risings and stirrings should be rather encouragements then discouragements unto the saints . but secondly , that the witnesses are indeed slain and risen , and do stand upon their feet , is altogether unquestionable , because ( as appeares by the fore-going discourse ) this prophesie of the slaying of the witnesses , and of their rising , &c. is in every particular iota and tittle of it most exactly accomplished , i will not here recapitulate any of the particulars , but refer the reader to the fore-going discourse , but shall here only desire the reader to consider of this one in a more especiall manner , viz. that the holy ghost expresly declares , that the falling of a tenth part of the city should immediately follow the witnesses , standing upon their feet , and be in the same hour with it as an effect of it . now that a tenth part of the city ( particularly the kingdom of england ) is fallen from the mystical babylon , that is to say , from being a place of bondage to the saints is most evident , and therefore it is undeniable , that the witnesses are slain and risen . thirdly , it is no wonder that the witnesses being raised , and having a spirit of life from god put upon them , that the beast doth endeavour to oppose them ; for that spirit of vigour and courage that is put upon them , is to be exercised and actuated , and they must goe on in it to give that scarlet whore bloud to drink , and to reward her , as she hath rewarded them , and of the cup which she hath filled to them to fill to her double : for the saints are those armies in heaven , which are said to follow him that is faithfull and true , and in righteousnes doth judge , and make war , who is cloathed with a vesture dipt in bloud , and whose name is called the word of god , when he cometh to make a final end of the beast , and the false prophet , and them that worship his image , and to cast them a live into a lake of fire burning with brimstone . now that the saints may be actuall instruments , not only of beginning to ruine the beast , but of the totall ruining of the beast : it is no wonder that he endeavours again to recover strength against them ; and therefore when the dragon and his angels ( the beast and his imps ) do fight against michael and his angels ( jesus christ and his saints ) it is said that they prevailed not ( that is after the witnesses were risen to oppose the saints ) but were cast out , and that was the shortest way they could take to be overcome , and to be cast out , even their opposing jesus christ , and his saints , which have a spirit of life from god put upon them . thus much for the removing of that doubt . now that i may not be mistaken , i shall here adde a caution , and so conclude : it is this , i desire it may be observed , that though i have particularly ( in this discourse ) mentioned the parliament and the army ( having good ground so to do from what they have done , and have beene instruments of already ) encouraging them to go on in opposing the beast , and his adherents , and defending the witnesses of jesus christ , assuring them of successe in their undertakings , yet it is upon no other grounds , then as they shall so go on ; but if they shall turn aside , and aim more at corrupt and self ends then at the promoting of justice and righteousnesse , then at the publike good of the kingdom , then enlargements shall come for the saints , and they being delivered from the rage of the beast , shall be preserved wholly from his fury some other way , and by some other means , when corrupt persons may perish in carrying on of corrupt designs , but i hope ( and have perswasions of ) better things of those worthies , even that as god hath begun , so he will go on to grant them the honour , and the happinesse still to remaine glorious instruments in his hand , of setting up his king upon his holy hill of sion , and subjecting these nations unto his royall scepter , that judgement may run down among us as water , and righteousnesse as a mighty stream . finis . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a35274-e1350 * the psalmist in the former part of that psalme , had been speaking of severall passages of the providence of god , which it concernes saints to observe , amongst the rest these are some , he poureth contempt upon princes , causeth them to wander in the wildernesse where there is no way ; yet hee setteth the poor on high from affliction , and maketh him families like a flocke . the righteous shall see it and rejoyce , and all iniquity shall stop her mouth . now this is that which is by saints to be observed at this time also , even how god beginneth to pour contempt upon babylonish princes , viz. bishops and other babylonian factours , and to set the saints that were lookt upon as poor despised creatures on high from afflictions and to make of them families like a flock , who not long since were small in number , but now is this number greatly increased . * i say , that seek for just things , not those that seek for unjust things , as for protection in evil waies , or for places of profit or honour , when they neither deserve them , nor are fit for them , or else have too many already , &c. notes for div a35274-e3740 * that is upon mysticall babylonians . notes for div a35274-e9560 1 pet. 1. 4. 10. 1 cor. 12. 7. * therefore to confine this speaking or prophesying to such only as are ordained to be bishops or presbyters , is a principle derived from babylonian darknes , and hath not the least footing in the scripture . * though that flesh as it was offered up through the eternall spirit , was a propitiation for our sins , and that bloud so shed did cleanse us from all sin : ye that flesh so offered , did at once sanctifie and perfect all that are his . 1 jo. 4. 10. and 1 joh. 1. 7. and heb. 10. 10. and 14. * though i say that it was against the choisest of men ; yet i doe not hereby affirme , that all that were engaged on that side , in an outward opposition , were the choisest of men : for some that were on that side , might be as bad as some on the other side : for some of the nations , and kindreds , and tongues , and people that were distinct from the witnesses did help the witnesses , as the earth was said to help the woman , revel . 12. 16. eugenius theodidactus. the prophetical trumpeter sounding an allarum to england illustrating the fate of great britain, past, present, and to come. such wonderful things to happen these seven yeers following, as have not been heard of heretofore. a celestial vision. vvith a description of heaven and heavenly things, motives to pacifie gods threatned wrath: of a bloody, fiery way of the day of judgment, and of saints and angels. / sung in a most heavenly hymn, to the great comfort of all good christians, by the muses most unworthy, john heydon, gent. philomat. heydon, john, b. 1629. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a74677 of text r208414 in the english short title catalog (thomason e1671_3). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 298 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 85 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a74677 thomason e1671_3 estc r208414 99867369 99867369 119677 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for 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(eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a74677) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 119677) images scanned from microfilm: (thomason tracts ; 209:e1671[3]) eugenius theodidactus. the prophetical trumpeter sounding an allarum to england illustrating the fate of great britain, past, present, and to come. such wonderful things to happen these seven yeers following, as have not been heard of heretofore. a celestial vision. vvith a description of heaven and heavenly things, motives to pacifie gods threatned wrath: of a bloody, fiery way of the day of judgment, and of saints and angels. / sung in a most heavenly hymn, to the great comfort of all good christians, by the muses most unworthy, john heydon, gent. philomat. heydon, john, b. 1629. [8], 135 [i.e. 155], [1] p. printed by t. lock for the author, and are to be sold by thomas blackmore, at the angel in pauls church-yard, london, : 1655. in verse. page 155 misnumbered 135. annotation on thomason copy: "june 29". reproduction of the original in the british library. eng apocalyptic literature -early works to 1800. religious poetry, english -early modern, 1500-1700. a74677 r208414 (thomason e1671_3). civilwar no eugenius theodidactus.: the prophetical trumpeter sounding an allarum to england illustrating the fate of great britain, past, present, and heydon, john 1655 49058 140 15 0 0 0 0 32 c the rate of 32 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the c category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. 2008-09 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-10 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-12 john pas sampled and proofread 2008-12 john pas text and markup reviewed and edited 2009-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion eugenius theodidactus , the prophetical trumpeter sounding an allarum to england illustrating the fate of great britain , past , present , and to come . such wonderful things to happen these seven yeers following , as have not been heard of heretofore . a celestial vision . vvith a description of heaven and heavenly things , motives to pacifie gods threatned wrath : of a bloody , fiery way of the day of judgment , and of saints and angels . sung in a most heavenly hymn , to the great comfort of all good christians , by the mvses most unworthy , john heydon , gent. philomat . {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} . possibile est satyras non scribere . london , printed by t. lock for the author , and are to be sold by thomas blackmore , at the angel in pauls church-yard , 1655. to the truly vertuous and tride learning , beholding no mountain for eminence , not supportment for height , mr. william lilly o give me leave to pul the curta●n by that clouds , thy worth in such obscurity , good seneca stay but a while thy bleeding to accept what i received at thy reading , here i present it in a solemn strain , and thus i pluckt the curtain back again . the same iohn heydon . hom. ill. a. {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} . i am gravis ille mihi nig●i quam ●mini ditis , ore aliud qui seri , aliud sub poctare colat . as vale of death , so do i hate that kind , whose tongue from thought , whose mouth dissents from minde . the same , i. h. to capt. iohn heydon . vvhat ornament might i devise to sit the aspiring height of thy admired spirit , or , what faire garland worthy is to sit on thy blest brows that compass in all merit ? thou shalt not crowned be with cammon bayse , because for thee it is a crown too low ; apolloes tree can yeild the simple praise , it is too dull a vesture for thy brow , but with a wreath of starres shalt thou be crown'd , vvhich when thy working temples do sustain , vvillike the spheares be ever moving round after the royal musick of the brain . thy skill doth equall phoebus , not thy birth , he to heaven gives musick , thou to earth , i. c. esq to the author , mr. iohn heydon . fain would i speak , but yet my tongue-●ide muse in rivers thirst ; and when she hath most use of speech , is strucken dumb ; she 's plentious poore , and knew she less to say , she could say more : she doth enjoy , and yet she cannot find beginning too much brightness hath struck her blind . i could admire thee iohn , and though in truth the downy characters of thy blooming youth scarce write the man , yet if we measure yeares by vertue , thou a heroicall spirit wilt appear , for when most men do fil their greedy maws vvith comick laughter , and the sweaty plause of vulger palmes , others write wounding lines , and wil accuse , though they be worse , the times thou steer'st another course , and spend'st thy oyle in sacred objects , and in holy toyle , no sinfull eloquence thy verse defames , no lustfull sports nor cupidinean flamess , thy poesie doth neither frown nor smile , there 's no satyrick , nor venerious stile ; and must these works be hid , and car'st thou less to give them to the moths , then to the press , free them from darkness , iohn , that they may be a torch to others , and a crown to thee , for ere they shall obscured lye undone like raphael , i le usher in heydon . m. b. esq to the right honourable in his countrey ; righr servicible in ireland ; right able of himselfe ; his excellency , the lord henry cromvvel-deputy of ireland . i se the storm a comming , whether shall i seek covert in the mountain , or the valley ? or , else be take me to the silent stream , and let the tempest burst and split his splean vpon the earth ; so i be safe and saven , vvhile i shall ride at anchor in the haven ; alas , the fatall sister-hood ( in sport vvill there betray thee ; for within the port , shipwrack hath disappointed and disgrac't , the proverb of long look't for comes at last ; then wil i launch into the very mayne to see if neptunes diety wil dayne to fence and fling his trident on my head , by pewer whereof all storms are scattered ; vvhich if he do deny , my comfort it shall be , my shipwrack great , noble men shalt see i sink not in a dicch , nor by the shore , but dye , and lye at neptunes palace d●re : t is thou alone that bearst the triple mace , canst in the very speed of all their chase restrain their pursuit , do but protect it , the simple misterious nereides of the prophet , charge aeolus ( as he does honour thee , he do not dis-imbulk his cheeks at me , i have done nothing to offend thy traine , stole amemone as the poets fayne , nor sought to spoyle the sea-gods bed of corall ; i mean , heavens mysteries ; for that 's the morall , if this be so , vouchsafe me thy protection , that i may bring this work unto perfection ; then will i sing thy fortune and thy fame , and prove that cromvvels from the trojans came ; shew where his ancestors long since did build a seat which hitherto their name have fill'd : now may that name and honour nere expire , but in a melting firmament of fire . from cliffords-inne , the 10. of may , 1655. so prayeth your lord-ships most humble servant john heydon . to the reader . reader ; these lines which must pass thorow the pikes and swords of censure , are not written to pleasure every man , then i should displease my selfe and my friend ; i write only to give my friends that i promised , call me not one of our now priest , now prophet , and then lawyer , i le assure you i never fancied a pulpet , never could boast of entheusiasmes , nor never could attain to such perfection in the law , although it hath been the most of my study , and now my profession , viz. the practise of an attorney in the vpper-bench ; if you would know who i am , i was born in this sumptious , city , in green-arbour london , i lived sometime in warwick-shire very obscurely , it was my fortune to travel into other countreys , first with a merchant , as factor , he dyed , afterwards i was forced to exercise my self in martial disciplines in spain , and turkey , under the command of sede-malamet booker knine alcad at the siege of sally , i made my escape , was taken again , yet escaped to mamorah , then i went to zant , from thence carrled to s●vel , and then to the spaw , and when i came to england i followed the law , and gave a very ignorant fellow five and thirty pounds to instruct me in that honourable profession he like a duns took my money , and left me as ignorant as when i came to him ; it was my good hap to meet with an honest man , and by his instructions i came to be what i am , reader , i have taken in vacation to publish what may at all times be advantagious to you . a well-wisher to all honest men is , j. heydon the preface . you wanton lads that spend your winged time , and chant your ears in reading lustful rime , who like transformed acteon range about and beat the woods to find diana out ; is 't this you 'ld have ? then hence here 's no content for you ; my muse nere knew what venus meant : but stay , i may subvert your rude conceit , and every verse may prove a heavenly bait ; o that ye were such captives ! then be thrice happy : such as these are only free . leave , leave your wanton toyes , and let alone apollo sporting at his helicon : let vulcan deale with venus , what 's to thee ? although she dandle cupid● on her knee , be not inchanted with her wanton charms , let her not hug thee in her whorish arms : but wisely do ( as n●ptune did ) in spight of all , spew out the lady aphrodite . come , come , fond lad , what wouldst thou behold a visage that wil make thy v●nus cold , if this be all , he g●ve thy eye delight , come see that face that lends the sun his light : a cae●e i●ll glorious sight i did espie , no earthly object for thy wandring eye , i saw a face that made the heavens to shine , oh seek that glorious face that lends thee thine , looke and behold that light , which if thou see aright , wil make the earth a heaven to thee ; come see that glistring face from which arise such glorious beams that dazels angels eyes : vvhat canst have more ? but dost thou think that such a comely visage wil not let thee touch ; or dost thou think a sun that shines so clear wil scorn to let a lesser orb come neare , no thou mistakest ; say , dost thou truly thirst for him , i dare avouch he lov'd the first , be not dismaid , it needs no more dispute , come give that glorious face a kind salute . the propheticall trumpeter sounding an allarum to britaine . i do not wonder , as i erst have done , that when the prophet ionas should have gone , to nineveh , gods word he disobey'd , and would himselfe to tharsus have convey'd : for , i have now a sense how flesh and blood the motions of the holy ghost withstood , and feel ( me thinks ) how many a likely doubt the devil and his frailty found him out . he was a man , ( though he a prophet were ) in whom no little weakness did appear : and , thus he thought , perchance , vvhat shall i d● a strange attempt my heart is urged too : and , there is somwhat , earnestly incites that i should hasten to the ninivites , and , preach , that if they alter not their wayes , their time of standing is but forty dayes . my soul perswadeth god enjoyus me to it : and sleep in peace i cannot til i do it : but common reason striveth to restrain this motion , and perswadeth me 't is vain . it saith ; i am a sinner , and so fraile , that many times my best endeavours faile to rectifie my selfe . how shall i then be hopeful of reclaiming other men ? to israel i have threatned many years gods judgements : yet , no fruit thereof appears although they have some knowledge of the lord , and are within his league , they slight his word : vvhat hope then is there , that a heathen nation vvill prove regardfull of my exhortation ? the stile of prophet , in this land i carry ; and such a calling , here , is ordinary but , in a forraigne state , what warranty have i , to publish such a prophesie ? how may the king and people take the same , i shall in the open streets defame so great a city ? and condemn for sin , a place wherein i never yet have bin . if i shall , the lord commanded me , then , they perhaps will answer , what is he ? for , they profess him not . nay , some suspition they may conceive , that i to move sedition amsent among them . or , if otherwise they shall suppose , how can they but dispise my , person , and my counsel , who shall from so farre a place , so meere a stranger come , that no man knows , or what , or who i am , or , from what countrey , or , from whom i came ? such thought ( belike ) delay'd and foar'd him so ; and , so the spirit urg'd him to go for niniveh ; that not to go , nor stay , could he resolve ; but , fled another way . from which rebellious course , god fetcheth him back vvith such a vegeance , that he did not lack sufficient proofes , how reason did betray him , and in his calling , causlesly affray him , yea ( mark heav'ns providence ) though ionas went another way , it crost not gods intent , but furthered it . for , doubtless , e're he came to nineveh , the miracle and fame of his deliverance , was sent before ; and , made his preaching work on them the more . now , though i do not arrogate , nor dare my selfe ( except in frailttes ) to compare with blessed ionas : yet i may behold to say , our causes a resemblance hold . my heart , and when that moves , as one avers , it more prevails than many counsellers . my heart ( i say ) perswaded me e're while , to read a warning lecture to this i le . and in such manner moved , that to say it came from god , me thinks , behold i may yet , my own nat'rall frailty , and the world , among my thoughts so many doubtings hurld , that every step had rubs . i levell'd some in my last canto . yet , i could not come to even ground , till i had overtopt some other mountains which my passage stopt . beware , said reason , how thou undertake this hazardous adventure , which to make thou hast resolv'd : for this wise age denies that god vouchsafed any prophesies concerning them ; or , that the application of ought foretold , pertaineth to this nation , she saith , my constancy is no true signe that god first moved this intent of mine ; since hereticks , and traytors , oft are seen as bold in all their causes to have been as martyrs be . and , that for what they do , they can pretend the holy spirit too : and she perswades t is likely i shall pass ( at best ) for one that much deluded was . she sayes , moreover , that if these times be indeed , so wicked , as they seem to me ; i shall in stead of moving to repent , nought else but stir their fury , and be rent perhaps in pieces , by their hasty rage , for , what 's more likely in a wicked age ? when people in their sins grow hardned once , she sayes i may as wel go talk to ●ones , as tell them ought . for , they are in the dark ; and , what they see and hear , they do not mark . she urged that the prophets in old times did speak in vain against the peoples crimes ; and if in them their words begat no faith , much less will such as mine , my reason saith . she tells me also that this i le hath store of prophets and of preachers never more : she sayes , that though their calling none neglect , their pains appear to take but small effect : and , if such men authorised as they , do cast their words , without success , away ; in vain my muse ( whose warrant most contemn ) doth seek to work more piety in them . a thousand things unto the life effect ; yea , all and more than any can object , ( who shall peruse this book ) my reason brought before me , and objected to my thought , and , as a pilgrim ( who occasions hath to take some extraordinary path ) arrival making at a double way , is doubtfull whether to proceed or stay : so fared i ; i was nigh tyred quite , before i could be certain of the right . yea , twixt my doubtings , and all those replies which in my meditations did arise ; i so amazed grew , i could not know which way thest befitted me to got but , at the last , god brought me thorow all my doubts and fears ; as though the storm and whale once ionas came : that so all they , who are ordained for their good , these lynes to hear , the more may profit , when they think upon what streights i passed , e're this work was done , to that intent my frailties i have so insisted on , as in this book i do . yea , i am hopefull al●o , they that read these lines of mine ( and mark with how much head and christian awfulness , my heart was won to censure and reprove as i have done ) will plainly see , these numbers flow not from fantastick rashness ; not from envy come . nor spring from faction ; neither were begot by their distracted zeale , who ( knowing not what spirit guides them ) often are beguiled with shews of truth ; and madly have reviled both good and ill : and whose unsavoury rimes defames mens persons more then check their crimes dishonour kings ; their sacred names blaspheme ; and having ga●n'd some notions in a dreame , or by report ( of what they know not well ) desire their giddy thoughts abroad to tell : in hope to merit ; as indeed they do , sometime the pillory and gallows too . i trust , i say , these lines will seem no such , or , if they do , truth is , i care not much , because i certain am what pow●r infused those matters whereupon i now have mused , and know , that none will these or me condemn , but they whose rage and follies i contemn . yet , that they may be sure i never care who censures me , nor what their censures are , ( when honest things i do ) here , somwhat more i 'le add to what is mentioned before , and give thee , britaine , a more perfect sight of thy distempers , and thy sickly plight . yea , thou shalt know , i have not seen alone a bodily coniumption stealing on , and wasting of thy temporalties ; but , that i also have discovered of late , a lethargy upon thy soul to steal : and that as wel the church as commonweale doth need a cure . oh! do not quite neglect , the good of both ; but , one at least respect . though judahs sicknesses unheeded be , ( although thy temporall wounds afflict not thee ) yet look on syon : yea , behold and see thy spiritualties how much impair'd they be . the churches patrimony is decay'd and many a one is in her spoyles araid , those patrons , as we term them in this age , who of her dowries have the patronage , do rob and cheat her , many times of all ; and their donations basely set to saile . those cananites , whom thou preservest here , and by thy lawes to be expelled were , are in thy borders now so multiply'd , that they are thorns and thistles in thy side , they are become a serpent in thy path , which bites unseen ; and nigh unhorsed hath some able riders , on thy places high thy people doth commit idolatry , and reare strange alters . in my fields are found those cunning harmless foxes to abound , that spoile thy vines . and some i have espy'd , twixt whose opposed tales , are firebrands ty'd , which wasts thy fruits . thy harvest seemeth fair ; but secret blastings do so much impaire and blite the corn ; that when it comes to bread , thy children oft unwholsomly are fed , men use religion as a stalking-horse to catch preferment ; yea , sometimes to worse and baser uses they employ the same ; like that bold harlot , who quite void of shame , did of her vowes , and of her peace-offerings make a ginn , lascivious customers to take . yea , some resembling him , from whom was cast one devill , when one sin they have displac't , of which the world took notice , sweep and clense themselves ( in show ) from all their other sins ; yet secretly , let sathan repossess , and foul them with a seven-fold wickedness . an universall dulness will benum thy senses , if thou do not soon become more heedfull of thy state , then thou art yet : for , ev'ry part hath felt an ague-fit . thy academs , which are the famous places in which all pious knowledges and graces should nourisht he , and whence thy chiefe supply of teachers , come , ( as from a nursery ) ev'n those fair fountains are much tainted grown , with doctrine hardly sound , which thence are blown through ev'ry quarter . in their schools are heard vain jigs and janglings , worthless of regard . their very pulpits , and their oratories , are stages , whereupon their own vain glories men often act . yea , many a vain conceit , is brought instead of arguments of weight : and ( which is worse ) disorder is so rife among them ; and the weeds of evill life have so o'regrown those gardens , that ( unless good government shall speedily redress that spreading mischiefe ) it wil over●p the plants of syon , and destroy her crop . to be thy shepheards , wolves are stoln in ; and thou hast those who even by day begin to sow their tares among thy purest seed ; and , with mixt grains thy lands polutions breed . for hire , and money , prophesies the prophet : the priest doth preach to make a living of it , ev'n meerly for a living ; and but few their holy charge for conscience sake pursue , which i by many signes could make apparent , but that it is not yet within my warrant . loqunter curae leves ; little cures do make men preach whilest poverty endures . ingentes stupent ; but , large livings make our doctors dumb , condemn not my mistake : for , though i do the latine sentence wrong , that 's true i tell you in the english tongue . our nation , which of late prophainness hated , is in that sin almost fasionated . the scriptures without reverence are used , the holy phrase , in jesting , is abused to flour , or praise , or curse , we can apply gods holy word , most irreligiously . instead of emblemes , moving thoughts divine , the filthy pictures of lewd aretine , are found in many closets foolish lies , prophane and most lascivious elegies , are publike made yea , those whom heretofore a heathen emperour did so abhor , that he , for them , their wanton author sent to undergo perpetuall banishment ; ev'n these , we read , and worse than those , by far , allowed pass , and unaproved are . nay , their vain authors often cherisht be , at least , they have the favour to go free . but , if a graver mus● reprove their sin , lord , with what a hasty zeal they call it in how libellous they make it and how vile , thou know'st ; and at that folly thou do it ●mile . full warily the politick divine , ( who should allow it ) scanneth every line before it pass ; each phrase he doth suspect ; although he findeth nothing to be checkt , he fears to licence it . and if by chance it pass abroad , forthwith doth ignorance mistake or misapply , and false and bad constructions are of good expressions made : yea , they who on the seats of judgement sit , are oft , most ready to miscensure it . i would they were as forward to disgrace those authors , who have filled ev'ry place with fruitless volumes for dispersed are ev'n quite throughout this land every year , ev'n many thousand reames of scurrill toyes . songs , rimes and ballads , whose vain use destroyes or hinders vertuous knowledge , and devotion , and thus they do to further the promotion of our diana . yet , behold , if we to publish some few sheets required be , con ai●ing pious hy●ns , or christian songs . or ought which to the praise of god belongs : we do so fear the hindrance of our gain , that like the ephesian silver-smith , faine a great complaint , as to have enlarged a little book , had grievously o'recharged the common-wealth . whereas if it were weigh'd how much of late this land is overlaid with triviall volumes : or how much they do corrupt our manners , and religion too , by that abusive matter they contain , i should not seem unjustly to complain . these times do swarm with pamphlets , which be far more dangerous than mortall poysons are . ev'n in those books , whereby the simple thought to finde true knowledge , they their bane have caught : for , thence , strong heresies ( there being hid amid some doubtles truths , a while unspi'd ) steale out among the people , by degrees ; more mischief working than each reader sees . and , so , to ruine knowledge , that is made a instrument ; whereby it rising had . for ( by their lucre , who the churches peace disturb , their private profit to increase ) those doctrines which are un-authorised , are so promiscuously divulg'd , and spread , among approved verities , that fome are in those labyrinths amaz'd become : and such a contradiction is in that vvhich their confused pamphlets do relate ; that common readers know not which to leave , nor , which the church of egland doth receive . and from this mischiefe many others flow , vvhich will , in future times , more harmfull grow . this spins vain controversies to their length ; by this most heresies receive their strength . and what distraction it already makes , our grieved mother wofull notice takes instead of active knowledge , and her fruit ; this silleth men with itching o● dispute , and empty words ; whereby are set abroach a thousand quarrells , to the truths raproach . the sectaries , the munkeys , and the apes , the cubs and foxes , which do ma● our grapes , the vvolves in sheep-skins , and our frantick rable of vvorship-mongers , are innumerable . and as the churches quiet they molest , so they each other spightfully infest . vve have some quakers , some that halfe way go : some semi-quezills , some wholly so ; some anabaptists , some who do refuse black-puddings , and good pork , like arrant jews : some also term'd arminians are among our priests and people , very lately sprung . vvhat most , so call●d , profess , i stand not for ; and what some say they teach , i do abhor . but , what some other , so misnam'd , believe , is that where●o best christians credit give . for , as we see the most reformed man , by libertines is term'd a protestan : so ( by our purblinde formalist ) all those vvho new fantastick crotchets do oppose , begin to be misterm'd coxils now . and hence e'relong will greater mischiefs grow then most imagine . for , the foolish fear , lest they to be dattrells may appear , or else be term'd quakers , will make great multitudes religion quite forsake . and i am halfe perswaded this will one of those great schismes or earthquakes , cause which iohn foretold in his apocalyps ; and they are blest , who shall not thereby fall away . some hocasses and some famalists have we ; and some , that no man can tel what they be ; nor they themselves , some seem so wondrous pure they no mans conversations can endure , unless they use their pleaistrings ; and appear in ev'ry formall garb which they shall weare . there be of those , who in their words deny , and hate the practise of idolatry , yet make an idol of their formall zeale , and underneath strickt holiness , conceale a mystery of evil which deceives them , and , when they think all safe , in danger leaves them . their whole religion some do place in hearing : some , in the outward action of forbearing ill deeds or in wel doing , though the heart in that performance bear no reall part . some others , of their morrall actions make small conscience : and affirm that god doth take no notice how ●n body they transgress , if him in their ●nward man confess : as if a soul beloved could reside within a body quite un●an●fide . some not contented in the act of sin are grown so impudent , that they begin to justifie themselves in wickedness ; or , by quait arguments to make it less ; and , by such monsters , to such ends as this , the christian liberty defamed is . mewfangledness , religion hath o'rethrown ; and , many as fantasticall are grown in that , as in apparell . some , delight in nothing more than to be opposite to other men : their zeale they wholly spend the present government to reprehend ; the churches discipline to v●ll fie ; and raile , at all , which pleads antiquity . they love not peace : and therefore have suspition of truth it self , if out of persecution : and are so thankless , or so heedless be of gods great love , in giving such a free and plentious means of publishing his word , that , what , his prophets of the jews record , some verifie in us . much pralse is given to that blinde age , wherein the queen of heaven was worshipt here . and alsly we extoll those dayes , as being much more plentifull . some , at the frequency of preaching g●utch , and , tyred with it , think we have too much : nay , impudently practise to suppress that exercise , and make our plenty less , and , that their doing may not want some faire or goodly coulor , they do call for pray'r , instead thereof ; as if we could not pray , until our preaching we had sent away . as these are foolishly , or lewdly , wise ; we have some others want only precise : so waywardly dispised , amidst our plenty , and through their curiosity , so dainty , that very many cannot well digest the bread of life , but in their manner drest . nor will gods manna , or that measure serve , which he provides ; but , they cry out they starve ▪ ( unless they feed upon their own opinions , which are like egypt garlike and her onion● ) some like not prayer that 's extempory : some notany that set form doth carry . some think there 's no devotion , but in those that howle , or whine , or snufle in the nose ; as if that god vouchsafed all his graces for feigned gestures , or for sowre faces . some think not that the man , who gravely teacheth ; or hath a sober gesture when he preacheth , of gentle voyce : hath any zeal in him , and therefore , such like preachers they contemn . yea , they suppose that no mans doctrine lave● the soul of any one , unless he raves , and roares aloud , and slings , and hurleth so as if his arms he quite away would throw ; or over-leap the pulpet , or else break it : and this , if their opinion true may make it , is to advance their voyces trumpet-like , as god commands : yea this they say doth strike sin dead . whereas indeed , god seldome goes in whirlwinds , but is in the voice of those who speak in meekness . and it is not in the pow'r of noyse to shake the walls of sin : for clamors , antique actions , writhed looks and such like mimmick rhetorick none brooks that hath discretion : neither doth it move the heart of any , when we so reprove ; except it be in some contrary motion , which interrupts the hearts good devotion . the well affected christian pities it ; it makes prophanest men at nought to set gods ordinance . meere morall men despise such affatection ; much it terrifies the ignorant : but very few from thence receive sound knowledg , or true penitence . some relish nothing , but those points that are in controversie : some would nothing hear but songs of mercy ; some delight in none but songs of thunder , and scarce any one is pleas'd in what he hears . nay of their preachers , merchanicks , arrogate to be the teachers . yea , most of us , what e're our pastor sayes , keep still our own opinions and our wayes . to hear and know gods word , to some among our nation , seemeth only to belong to clergy men ; and their implicite faith is built on what the common rumour saith . some others fill'd with curiosity affirm that ev'ry sev'rall mystery within gods book included , doth concern ev●n each particular christian man to learn : whereas they might as wel affirm each guest that is invited to each feast , is bound the sev'ral dishes there to heed and upon every meet before him feed , nay , some have almost this imagination that there is hardly hope of their salvation who speak not hebrew . and this now adayes , makes foolish women , and young prentises to learn that holy tongues ; in which they grow as do those who nothing know , save to be arrogant , and to contemn those pastors , who have taken charge of them , the appetite of some grows dull and failes , unless it may be pampered with quailes ; high flying crotchets , which we see do fill not halfe so many souls as they do kill . we cannot be content to make our flights , for that which god exposeth to our sights , and search for that which he is pleas'd to show , but , we must also pry , what god doth know , which was indeed an ancient fallacy o satan ; and the very same whereby he cheated e● from seeking to disclose beyond our warrant , what god onely knows , proceedeth many errors . thence doth come most questions that have troubled christendome . yea , searching things conceal'd , hath overthrown the comfortable use of what is known . hence flowes their fruitless fond asseveration , who blundred on eternall-reprobation , and many groundless whimsies have invented , whereby much better musings are prevented . of reprobation i no doubt have made ; yet , those vain quarrellings which we have had . concerning her , and her antiquity , ( but that the world hath wiser fooles then i ) appears to me to bring so little fruits , that i suppose it fitter for disputes in hell , ( among the reprobated crue ) then for a church of christians to pursue : at least to brawle about with such hot rage , as hath possest some spirits of this age . for , some have urg'd this point of reprobation as if the chiefest ground-work of salvation depended on believing , just , as they ( deluded by their fancies ) please to say . and , though they never found gods holy word did any mention of the same afford , but , as of that which did begin since time ; and with respect to some committed crime : they , nevertheless , their streights together gather , to prove the child solder than the father . and , since that fatall thred , there , finds her spinning , but for of ; at farthest from beginning : they reprobation otherwhile confound with our predestination : which is found no where in all the scripture to respect the reprobates , but only gods elect. and then they are compeld to prove the sense of their dark ten● , by an inference ; and to affirm from reason that election eternall , doth infer the like rejection . as if an action of eternity , were fit to square our shallow reasons , by which argument because it hath not taken true faith , to ground on , may with ease be shaken . their tortering structure , therefore , up to keep , they into gods foreknowledg boldly peep , beyond his warrant ; searching for decrees and secrets , farther than an angell sees : presuming then , as if all things they knew , and had eternitie within their view . but , that hath such an infinite extention . beyond their narrow-bounded comprehension , that there they wander on , til they are mad and lose that little knowledge which they had . for what are they but mad men who maintain the giddy fancies of their own weak brain , for theses of religion , which we must believe as they affirm them , of be thrust among the reprobates ? vvhat less , i pray , are they then mad who fool their wits away in wheeling arguments which have no end ? in strains which man shall never apprehend ? in seeking what their knowledg doth exceed ? in vain disputings , which contentions breed . in strange chymera's , and fantastick notions , that neither stir us up to good devotions , nor mend our manners ? but our wayes pervert , distract the judgment , or puffe up the heart . if this i may not madnes call , or folly , t is ( at the best ) religious-melancholly . what shal we judge of those who strive to make gods word ( whose terms and scope they much mistake their proofes for that whereof no proofes they are , and sleight those truths , for which the text is clear : what shall we deem of those , who quite mistaking good authors , and their volumes guilty making of what they never meant , do preach and write against those books with rancerous despight , which being wel examin'd , say the same which they affirm , and check what they do blame . such men there be , and they great noyse have made by fighting furiously with their own shade . what may be thought of them , who likely , ever , in their perverse opinions to persever , take knowledge upon trust : and follow those , who lead them on , as wild-geese fly in rows ? and when their multitude is waxen great , do then so wilfully prejudicate , become so confident of that they hold , and in their blinde assurance , so are bold , that they can brook no tryall , neither see their oversights , how plain so e're they be ; but fondly think ( though we believe it not ) that they infallibilitie have got . some piousmen ; yea , some great doctors tread . such labyrinths ; and often are misled by holding that which they at first were taught , without due proving all things as they ought ; and vulgar men are often led awry , by their examples , and for company . for as a traveller that is to come from some far countrey , through large deserts home , nor knowing wel the way , is glad to take his course with such who shows of cunning make , and walks along , depending still on them , through many a wood , and over many a stream , till he and they are lost : there to remain he finds no safetie , nor means back again , nor list to leave his company ; because he hopes that nearer homeward stil he draws , and that his guides ful sure of passage are , although they cannot wel describe it where , so , when plain men do first attempt the way of knowledge , by their guides , they walk astray . vvithout distrust : and when arriv'd they be vvhere many troublesome windings they do see and where no certainty they can behold , yet , on their leaders knowledg they are bold , or on their multitude : yea , though they know , and see them erre , and turn and stagger so , in darksome paths , that well suppose they may , they rove and wander in an uncouth way ; yet stil they are unwilling to suspect the wisdome of the fathers of their sect. yea , though no satisfaction they can find , though fears and doubtings do afflict their mind , they still impute it rather to their own infirmities , or to the depths unknown of those mysterious points , to mention brought ; but never call in question what is taught : lest being by those teachers terrifide , they might forsaken in despaire abide . their doctors , also , failing to devise strong arguments , their hearers to suffice , this course , to save their credits , late have got ; they say , forsooth , faiths doctrine settles not with naturall capacities ; and that the spirit must those men illuminate vvho shall receive them . and indeed in this , they do both say the truth , and say amiss : this is a jesuitish juggling trick , and if allow'd it be , each lunatick , and every brain-sick dreamer , by that way , may foist upon us all that he can say , for , though gods holy spirit must create new hearts within us , and regenerate depraved nature , e're it can be able to make our outward hearings profitable ; vve must not think that all which fancy faith ( in terms obscure ) are mysteries of faith . nor make the hearers want of power to teach their meanings to be proofes of what they teach . there is twixt men , and that which they are taught , some naturall proportion , or t is naught . the deepest mystery of our profession , is capable of literall expression , as wel to reprobates as men elected ; or else it may of error be suspected . yea , wicked men a power granted have to understand , although they misconceive ; and can of darkest pointsmake plain relations , though to themselves they faile in applications . god never yet did bid us take in hand to publish that which none can understand : much less affecteth he a man should mutter . rude sounds of that , whose depth he cannot utter ; or in uncertain terms , as many do , who preach non-sense , and oft non entia too : for those which man to man is bound to show , are such plain truths , as we by word may know ; which when the hearer can express again , the fruit hath equalled the teachers pain . then , though the soul doth many times conceive by faith , and by that word which we receive ) deep mysteries , and that which far transcends a carnall knowledge : though she apprehends some glimmerings of those objects , that are higher then humane reason ever shall aspire ; though she hath tastings of that blessedness , which mortall tongue could never yet express ; and though the soul may have some earnest given on earth , of what it shall enjoy in heaven ; though god may , when he list ( and now and then , for cause not ordinary ) to some men vouchsafeth ( for their secret satisfactions ) a few reflections from eternall actions : though this be so , let no man arrogate that he such secrets can by word relate : for , they are things , of which no voice can preach ; high flights , to which no mortall man can reach , t is gods own work , such raptures to convey , to compass them there is no other way , but by his blessed spirit : and of those most can we not , some must we not disclose . for if they only touch our private state , they were not sent , that we should them relate ; but deigned that the soul they strengthen might amid the perils of some secret sight ; vvhen men to honour god , or for their sin , the terrours of this life are plunged in . and as it is reputed of those things , vvhich foolish people think some fairy brings , so , of euthusiamses speak i may ; discover them , and straight they fly away . for , thus they fare who boast of revelations , or of the certainty of their salvations , or any ghostly gift , at times or places , which warrant not the mention of such graces : yea , by revealing things which they should hide , they entrance make for over weening pride : and that quite m●rres the blessing they possest , or , for a while obscureth it at best : and yet , if any man shall climb so high , that they attain unto a mystery , conceiv'd by few ; they may , if they be able , disclose it where it may be profitable . but they must know , that ( if it be , indeed , of such transcendency ; as doth exceed meere naturall reaches ) it should be declar'd to none , save unto those who are prepar'd for such conceptions ; and more apt to know them by their own thoughts , then are out words to show them else , all they utter will in clouds appear , and errors , men , for truths , away wil bear . would this had been observed a little more , by some who in our congregations roare of gods unknown decrees , eternall callings , of perseverance , and of finall fallings . and such like mysteries . or else , i would that they their meanings better utter could , if wel they meant . for , though those points afford much comfomrt and instruction , as gods word hath mentioned them , and may applyed be , and opened , when we just occasion see ; yet , as most handle them , who now adayes , do pass for preachers , with a vulger praise , they profit not ; for , this ripe age hath young and forward wits , who by their fluent tongue , and able memories , a way have found to build a house , e're they have laid the ground , with common places , and with notes purloin'd ( not wel applyed , and as ill conjoyn'd ) a garb of preaching these have soon attained , vvhich hath , with many , approbation gained beyond their merit . for , they take in hand those mysteries , they neither understand , nor studied on . and they have much distracted some hearers , by their doctrines ill compacted : yea , by enquiring out what god fore-sees , and medling much with his unknown decrees , the churches peace so much disturb'd have they ; so foul and crooked made faiths plainest way ; such scandalls rais'd ; and interrupted so , by doubts impertinent , what men should do ; and their endeavours nullified so far , that many of them at a nonplus are . heydons not of their minds , who take from this and other things , that are perform'd amiss , occasion to disparage frequent preaching , or , to abate our plentiousness of teaching : for , of our harvest , lord , i humbly pray , the store of labourers continue may . and , i could also wish , that none were chose to be a seed-man , till he truly knows the wheat from tares ; and is indu'd with reason , and grace , to sow in order , and in season , and that those art-less workmen may be staid , vvho build before foundations they have laid : lest , when our church wel built , suppose we shall , it sink , and overwhelm us in the fall . it pities me to mark what rents appear within our sion , and what daubings are to hide the ruines , and i fear the frame vvil totter , if we long neglect the same . our watchmen for the greater part , are grown less mindful of gods honor , than their own : for either almost wholly we omit that work , or undiscreetly follow it . some speak the truth , without sincere intention , as they who preach the gospel for contention . some by their wicked lives do give offence , and harden men in their impenitence . as if not hel nor heav'n they did believe , they ryot , game , drink drunk , and whore , and thieve , for avarice , and envy , none are worse ; they are malicious , and blaspheme , and curse , as much as any others . none are more regardless of the soul that 's mean and poore , among their neighbors , none more quarrelsome , or that more hardly reconcil'd become , then many clergy-men : and as we see they are the best of men , when good they be ; so , there are none that wander more astray ; vvhen they have left a sanctified way . some pastors are too hot , and some too cold , and very few the golden temper hold . some at the papist with such madness fling , as if they could not utter any thing of them too vile ; though ne're so false it were : and we so used by their iesuits are . some others at the quakers do strike , so furiously , that they are often like to wrong the protestants : for , men impose that name sometime , upon the best of those ; yea , they who are prophaine , that name mislay on all who make a conscience of their way . some shepheards on their flocks are gorg'd at full , and sumptiously arrayed in their wooll . but , those that are diseas'd , they make not strong : their sickliest sheep they seldome come among : they take no care the broken up to bind ; the sheep that 's lost they never seek to find : they let such wander as will run astray , and many times their fury so doth fray the tender conscience , that their indiscretion doth fright their hearers headlong to perdition . gods bounty hath large pastorage provided , but they have not his flocks with wisdome guided : for in the midst of plenty , some be ready . to starve in ignorance . some sheep are headdy : some get the staggers , some the scab , and they infect their fellows . some the wantons play among the thorns and bryars , which have torn the marks and fleeces , which they should have worn . some straggle from the flock , and they are straight surpriz'd by wolves , which lye for them in wait . some sought large feeding , and ranck pastures got , vvhich prov'd not wholsome , and they caught the ●ot . for , many preach themselves , and fancies broach , that scandall preaching , to the truths reproach . yea , some term that ( forsooth ) gods word divine , vvhich would halfe shame me , should they term it mine , and they we see , longest pray and speak are prized of most though head nor foot they make . because the common hearers of this land , think best of that which least they understand . some , also , by their feet disturb the springs ; or trample or defile gods pasturings , by hypocrites , injuriously defamed ; by the frailties of the best , oft shamed . and pow'r ecclesiasticall is granted to them , ful often , who those minds have wanted becomming such authority : and they play fast and loose , ev'n with the churches key . they censure and absolve , as best shall make for their advantage ; not for conscience sake . as they shall please , they punnish or connive ; and by the peoples follies they do thrive . of evill customes many are we see insinuated , and so strict are we to keep them , that we sottishly deny to leave them , for what more would edifie ? and we so much do innovations fear , that needfull reformations none appear . vve have prophained every holy thing ; even our most christian feasts which are to bring gods mercies to our thought , and memorize of saving grace , the sacred mysteries : some have even those gain-sayed ; and in that have evil spoken of they know not what . some others keep them ; but as heathenishly , as feasts of bacchus ; and impietie is then so rife , that god is rarely named or thought upon , except to be blasphemed . by these , and other wayes , the church doth lose much honour to the glory of her foes , and our great shame and loss : for her decayes shall be this realms disprofit and dispraise . god hath a controversie with our land ; and in an evil plight affairs do stand . already we do smart or doing ill ; yet us the hand of god afflicteth stil , and hey are either such as make obscure faiths principles ; or such whose lives impure , prophane their doctrines . other some have we , vvho like the beast that over-game some be , do push their weaker brethren with their horns ; and hunt them from the flock , by wrongs , or scorn gods houses , also , much neglected are ; and of his sanctuaries , few have care . a barn , or any common house , or room , is thought as wel gods worship to become , as in the churches infancy ; or there , vvherewants , and wars , and persecutions are . amidst our peace and plenties , we do grutch our oratories should be trimm●d as much as are our vulgar dwellings ; and repine that exercises which are most divine , should with more rites , or ornaments be done , then when the troublous times afforded none . as if a garden when the flow'rs are blown , vvere stil to look as when it first was sown . to worship so in spirit , we pretend that in our bodies , we do scarcely bend a leg , or move a cap , when there we be , vvhere gods most holy mysteries we see yea , many seem so careful to have bin , to let no superstition enter in , that they have almost , wholly banisht hence , all decency , and pious reverence . the church by lukewarm christians , is neglected by bruitish athests it is dis-respected ; by greedy vvorldlings , robbed of her fleeces , by self-will'd schismaticks nigh torn in pieces ; by tyrants and by infidels opposed ; by her blind guides , to hazard oft exposed ; and many see it not ; as many be so wilful , that his hand they wil not see . some plainly view the same , but nothing care some at the sight thereof amazed are , like balthazar , and have a trembling heart , yet wil not from their vanities depart . about such matters , othersome are loath their thoughts to busie , ( meerly out of sloth ) like him , who rather would in hazard put his life , than rise from bed the door to shut . some dream that all things do by chance succeed , and that i prate more of them than i need : but heav'n and earth to witness i invoke , that causlesly , i nothing here have spoke . if this , oh sickly iland ! thou believe , and for thy great infirmitie shalt grieve , and , grieving of thy follies make confessions ; and , to confess thine infinite transgressions : that thou amend those errors : god shal then thy manifold distempers cure agen ; make all thy scarlet sins as white as snow , and cast his threatned judgments on thy foe . but , if thou ( fondly thinking thou art wel ) shalt sleight this message , which my muse doth tel , and scorn her counsel ; if thou shalt not rue thy former wayes ; but frowardly pursue thy wilful course : then , hark what i am bold , ( in spight of all thy madness ) to unfold . for , i wil tel thy fortune ; which when they that are unborn shal read another day , they will believe gods mercy did infuse thy poets brest , with a prophetick muse . and know , that he this author did prefer to be from him , this iles remembrancer . if thou , i say , oh britain ! shalt retain thy crying sins , thou dost presume in vain of gods protection . if thou stop thine eare , or burn this rowle , in whice recorded are thy just inditements ; it shall written be vvith new additions , deeply stampt on thee with such characters , that no time shall race their fatal image , from thy scarred face : though haughtily thou dost thy self dispose , because the sea thy borders doth inclose . although upon the rocks thy nest is plac'd : though thou among the stars thy dwelling hast ; though thou encrease thy ships ; and unto that which is thine own , with king iehosaphat ; joyn ahabs forces . though thou watch and ward , and all thy ports and havens strongly guard ; although thou multiply thy inland forces , and muster up large troops of men and horses ; though like an eagle thou thy wings display'st , and ( high thy self advancing ) proudly say'st ; i fit aloft , and am so high , that none can fetch me from the place i rest upon . yea , though thou no advantages didst want , of which the glorious emperies did vaunt ; yet , sure , thou shalt be humbled and brought low ; ev'n then , perhaps , when least thou fear'st it so . till thou repent , provisions which are made for thy defence , or others to invade , shall be in vaine ; and stil the greater cost thou shalt bestow , the honour that is lost shall be the greater , and thy wasted strength , be sink of a consumption at the length thy treaties , which for peace or profit be , shall neither peace , nor profit bring to thee . or , if thy counsels prosper for a while , god wil permit it , onely to beguile thy foolishness ; and tempt thee on to run some courses , that will bring his judgements on . yea , all thy winnings shall but fuel be , to feed those follies that now spring in thee ; and make with vengeance those the more enrag'd who shall for thy correction be engag'd . what ever threatned in gods book hath bin , against a wicked people for their sin , shall come on thee : his hand shall be for ill , on every mountain , and high-raised hill . thy lofty cedars , and thy sturdy oaks , shall feel the fury of his thunder stroake . upon the ships , thy havens , and thy ports , upon thy arms , thy armies , and thy forts , upon thy pleasures and commodities , thy crafts mechanick , and thy merchandise ; on all the fruits and cattel in thy fields , on what the ayre , or what the water yeilds , on state and people ; on both weak and strong , on priest and prophet or both old and young ; yea , on each person , place , and every thing , the plague it hath deserved , god shal bring . what ever thou dost hope he frustrate shall ; and make what e're thou fearest on thee fall . this pleasant soyle , wherein such plenty grows , and where both milk and honey overflows , shall for thy peoples wickedness be made a land as barren , as what never had , such plenties in it . god shall drive away thy pleasant fowles , and all those fish that play within thy waters ; and for whose great store some other nations would have prais'd him more . those rivers , that have made thy vallies rich , shall be like streams of ever burning pitch , thy dust , as brimstone , fields as hard and dry as iron is ; the firmament on high , like brass , shall yeild thee neither rain nor due , the hope of wasted blessings to renue . aleanness , shall thy fatness quite devour ; thy wheat shall in the place of wholsome flowre , yeild nought but bran . in stead of grass and corn , thou shalt in times of harvest , reap the thorn , the thistle and the bryar . of their shadows thy groves shall robbed be : thy flowry medows shal steri ; e wax : there shal be seldom seen sheep on thy downs , or shepheards on the green , thy walks , thy gardens , and each pleasant plot , shall be as those where men inhabit not , thy villages ; where goodly dwellings are , shal stand as if they unfrequented were . thy cities and thy palaces wherein most neatness and magnificence hath bln , shal heaps of rubish be , and as in those demolisht abbies where in dawes and crowes . now make their nests , the bramble , and the nettle , shal in their halls and parlours root , and settle , thy princes houses , and thy wealthy ports , now fill●d with men of all degrees and sorts , shal no inbabitants in them retain , but some poor fisherman , or countrey swain , vvho of thy glories , when the marks they see , shall wonder what those mighty ruins be ; as now they do , who old foundations find , of towns and cities perisht out of mind . the places where much people meetings had , shal vermine holes , and dens for beasts be made . or walks for sprights , who from those uncouth rooms shall fright the passenger , which that way comes . in stead of mirth and laughter , lamentation shall there abide : and loathsome desolation , in stead of company . where once was heard sweet melody , men shall be made afeard with hideous cryes , and howlings of despaire . thy very climate , and thy temp'rate ayre , shall lose their wholsomness , for thy offences , and breed hot fevers , murraines , pestilences , and all diseases ! they that now are trained in ease , and with soft pleasures entertained ; in stead of idle games , and wanton dances , shall practise how to handle guns , and launces ; and be compell'd to leave their friends embraces , to end their lives in divers uncouth places ; or else , thy face , with their own blood defile , in hope to keep themselves , and thee , from spoile . thy beautious women , whose great pride is more than theirs , whom esay blamed heretofore , in stead of paintings , and of costly sents , of glittering gems , and precious ornaments , shall wear deformitie about their faces ; and being rob'd of all their tempting graces , feele wants , diseases , and all such like things , which to a wanton lover lothing brings . thy god , shall for thy overflowing vices , scourge thee with scorpions , serpents , cockatrices , and other such ; whose tailes with stings are armed , that neither can be plucked forth , nor charmed . thou shalt not be suffiz'd when thou art fed ; nor shalt thou suffer scarcitie of bread and temporall food alone ; but , of that meat , whereof the faithfull soul desires to eat . that curse of ravenous beasts , which god hath said , upon a wicked kingdom shal be laid , he will inflict on thee . for though there be no tygers , lyons , wolves , or bears in thee , by beastly minded men that shall be far more cruel than those bloody spoylers are , thou shalt be torn : for , each man shall assay his fellow to devour as lawfull prey . in stead of lyons , tyrants thou shalt breed , who not of conscience nor of law take heed ; but , on the weak mans portion lay their paw , and make their pleasures to become their law , in stead of tygers , men of no compassion , a furious , and a wilful generation , shall fil thy borders . thieves and outlaws vile , shal hunt the waies , and haunt the woods for spoyle , as bears and wolves . a subtile cheating crew ( that wil with tricks and cozenages pursue the simpler sort ) shal here encrease their breed ; and in their subtilties the fox exceed . that hoggish herd , which alwaies rooting are within the ground , and never upward rear . their grunting snouts ; nor fix their eyes on heav'n , to look from whence their daily food is giv'n : those filthy swinish livers , who desire to feed on draff , and wallow in the mire ; those who affect rank puddles , more than springs ; to trample and despise most pleasant things ; the holy to prophane ; gods herbs of grace to nouzle up , his vinyard to deface ; and such like harms to do : these shal thy fields , marre worse , then those wild boares the desart yeilds . if thou remaine impenitent , thou art like egypt , and so stony is thy heart . for which obdurateness , those plagues wil all descend on thee , which did on egypt fall . blood , frogs , and lice , great swarms of uncoth flies , th' infectious murraine , whereof cattle dies : boyles , scabs , & blaines fierce haile , & thunder-storms , the locust , and all fruit devouring vvorms . cross darkness , and the death of those that be thy darlings , all those plagues shall fall on thee , according as the letter doth imply , or , as in mystick sense they signifie . thy purest rivers god shall turn to blood ; with ev'ry lake , that hath been sweet and good , ev'n in thy nostrils he shall make it stink , for nothing shall thy people eat or drink , vntill their own or others blood it cost ; or put their lives in hazard to be lost . most loathsome frogs ; that is a race impure , of base condition , and of birth obscure , ( ev'n in unwholsome ●ens , and ditches , bred ) shal with a clownish rudeness over-spread thy pleasant'st fields ; thy fairest rooms possess ; and make unwholsome by their sluttishness , thy kneeding troughs , thy ovens , and that meat , whereof thy people , and thy princes eat , this hatefull brood , shall climb to croak and sing , within in lodging chambers of the king , yea , there make practise of those naturall notes , which issue from their evil-sounding throats : to wit , vain-brags , revilings , r●baldries , vile slanders , and unchristian blasphemies . the land shall breed a nasty generation , unworthy either of the reputation or name of men . for , they as lice shall feed ev'n on the body whence they did proceed ; til poverty , and floventy , and sloath , have quite disgraced them , and consum'd them both . there shall , moreover , swarmes of divers flies , engendred be in thy prosperities , to be a plague : the flesh-flye shal corrupt thy savory meats ; musketoes interrupt the weary traveller ; thou shalt have drones , dores , hornets , wasps , and such like angry-ones , who represent that warm whose buzzing tongues ( like stings ) are used in their neighbors wrongs ; and , stil are flying , and stil bumming so , as if they meant some weighty work to do , whenas , upon the common stock they spend ; and nought perform of that which they pretend . thy butter-flies shall plague thee too ; ev'n those , who wast their lands and rents , in gaudy clothes or idle flutterings , and then spawn their seed , upon thy godli●st flow'rs and herbs to feed . as beasts destroyed by the murraine be , so they that are of beastly life in thee , by lewd example shal infect each other , and in their foul diseases rot together . on all thy people , or what sort soe're , shall scabs , and bile , and running sores appear , the fruits of their corruption . yea , with pains ( within their conscience , and with scars and blaines of outward infamy ) they shal be grieved , and in their tortures perish unrelieved . tempestious storms , upon this i le shall fall , hot thunder-bolts , and haile-stones therewithall , men either too too hot , or too too cold , or else luke warm . but few or none shall hold a rightfull temper : and these meteors wil thy borders with a thousand mischieves fil , the locust also , and the palmer worms , shall prey on what escapeth from the storms , not they alone , which on the grass do breed ; but also , they who from the pit proceed which hath no bottom and when any thing doth by the dew of heav'n begin to spring , they shal devour the same , til they have left thee , nor leafe nor blossome ; but of all bereft thee . then shall a darkness , far more black , then when the light corporeal thou dost lack . for grossest ignorance ; o'reshadowing all , shall in so thick a darkness thee inthrall , that thou a blockish people shalt be made , stil wandring on in a deceiving sha●e ; mistrusting those that safest paths are showing , most trusting them , who counsel thy undoing ; and aye tormented be with doubts and fears , as one that outcries , in dark places hears . nor shal the hand of god from thee return , til he hath also more thine eldest-born , that is , til he hath taken from the quite , ev'n that whereon thou fetst thy whole delight ; and filled ev'ry house throughout this nation , with deaths unlooked for , and lamentation . so great shall be thy ruine , and thy shame , that when the neighbor kingdomes hear the same their ears shal tingle . and when that day comes , in which thy follies must receive their dooms ; a day of clouds , a day of gloominess , a day of black despaire , and heaviness it wil appear . and then thy vanities , , thy gold , thy silver , thy confederacies , and all those reeds on which thou hast depended ; wil faile thy trust , and leave thee unbefriended . thy judge , thy priests , and prophets , then shal mourn and , peradventure , feignedly return to beg of god to succour them : but they who wil not hearken to his voice to day , shal cry unheeded : and he wil dispise their vows , their prayers , and their sacrifice : a sea of troubles , all thy hopes shall swallow , as waves on waves , so plague on plague shal follow : and ev'ry thing that was a blessing to thee , shal turn to be a curse ; and help undo thee . thy magistrates have to thee thy fathers bin : by means of them hath peace been kept within thy sea-girt limits : they thy weale befriended , the blessed faith they stoutly have defended : but know , that , til thou shalt repent , no part belongs to thee of what is his desert ; his princely vertues , to his own availe , shall profit much : but they to thee shall faile . to thee his clemency shall seem severe , his favours all , shall injuries appear , and when thy sin is fully ripe in thee , thy prince and people then alike shall be , thou shalt have babes to be thy iudges , or worse , those tyrants who by cruelty and force shal take away thy ancient freedomes quite , from all their subjects , yea themselves delight , in their vexations : and all those that are made slaves thereby , shal murther , yet not dare to stir against them . by degrees they shal deprive thee of thy patrimonies all ; compel thee ( as in other lands this day ) for thine own meat , and thine own drink to pay . and at the last begin to exercise . upon thy sons , all heathenish tyrannies , as just prerogatives . to these intents , thy nobles shall become their instruments . for they who had their birth from noble races , shall some and some be brought into disgraces ; from offices they shall excluded stand : and all their vertuous off-spring , from the land , shall quite be worn : instead of whom shall rise a brood advanced by impieties , by flattery , by purchase , and by that which ev'ry truly noble one doth hate . from stems obscure , and out of mean professions , they shall ascend and mount by their ambitions , to seats of justice , and those names to bear , which honor'd most within these nations are . and being thither got shall make more strong their new-built greatness , by encreasing wrong . to those , wil some of these themselves unite , who by their births to lordly stiles have right ; but viciously consuming their estate , did from their fathers worths degenerate : by this confederacy , their nobler bloods shall countenance the others il-got goods ; the others wealth again , shall keep from scorn their beggery , who have been nobly born : and both together , being else unable , ( in this il course to make their standing stable ) shall seek how they more great and strong may grow , by compassing the publike overthrow , they shal abuse thy friends with tailes and lies ; with seeming love and servile flatteries . they shall perswade them they have power to make their wills their law ; and as they please to take their peoples goods , their children and their lives , ev'n by their just and due prerogatives . when thus much they have made them to believe , then they shall teach them practises to grieve their subjects by ; and instruments become to help the sorewing up , by some and some , to compass their designs . they shall devise strange projects , and with impudence and lyes , proceed in setling them . they shall forget those reverent usages , which do befit the majestie of state , and raile and storm , vvhen they pretend disorders to reform , in their high counsels , and where men should have kind admonitions , and reprovings grave , vvhen they offend , they shall be threatned there , or scoft , or taunted , though no cause appear . it is unseemly for a judge to sit and exercise a jibling school-boyes wit upon their trades , or names , who stand before their judgment seats : but who doth not abhor , to hear it , when a magistrate objects , birth , poverty , or personall defects in an upbraiding wise ? or , who with me derides it not , when in our courts we see those men , whose bodies are both old and weak , ( forgetting grave and useful things to speak ) vent giants words , and bristle up as tho their very breath could armies overthrow : vvhereas ( poor weaklings ) were there in their places no more authority , then in their faces , their persons , or their language , all their chafing , and threatning , nothing would effect but laughing . for unto me big looks , and crying , hoh , as dreadful seems as when a child cryes , boh , to fright his nurse , yea such a bugbeare fashion effecteth nought but scornful indignation . but in those times ( which nearer are than some suppose perhaps ) such rhetorick will come to be in use ; and arguments of reason and just proceeding , wil be out of season . their wisdome shal be folly ; and go nigh to bring contempt on their authority . their councel-table shal a snare be made , and those 'gainst whom they no just matter had , at first appearance , shal be urg'd to say some word or other , ere they part away , which wil betray their innocence to blame , and bring upon them detriment and shame : yea , many times ( as david hath of old , concerning such oppressors , wel fore-told ) to humble crouchings , and to feigned showes , descend they shal to work mens overthrowes : and , what their subtilty doth fail to gain , they shal by rigour and by force obtain . what ever from thy people they can teare or borrow , they shall keep , as if it were a prize which had been taken from the foe : and , they shal make no conscience what they do to prejudice posteritie . for , they to gain their lust , hut for the present day , shall with such love unto themselves endeavor , that ( though they knew it would undo for ever their own posterity ) it shal not make those monsters any better course to take . nay , god shall give them up for their offences , to such uncomely reprobated sences : and blind them so , that when the ax they see ev'n hewing at the root of their own tree , by their own handy strokes , they shal not grieve for their approaching fall : no , nor believe their fall approacheth ; nor assume that heed which might prevent it , til they fall indeed . thy judges , britain , in those days will bee like roaring lions , making prey of thee . god shall deliver thee into their hand , and they shall act their pleasure in the land ; as once his prophet threatned to that nation , vvhich doth exemplifie thy desolation . thy priests ( as thou hast wallowed in excess ) shal take delight in drink and wantonness . and those , whom thou dost call thy noble ones shall to the very marrow , gnaw thy bones . thy lawyers fulfully shall wrest thy laws , and ( to the ruin of the common cause ) shal mis-interpret them , in hope of grace from those , who may dispoyle them of their place . yea , that whereto they are obliged , both by conscience , by their calling , and their oath to put in execution they shal feare , and leave them helpless , who oppressed are . thy prelates in the spoyl of thee shal share ; thy priests as light shall be as those that are the meanest persons : all their prophesies or preachings shall be heresies and lies . the word of truth shal not in them remain , their lips no wholsome knowledge shal retain , and all his outward means of saving grace , thy god shall carry to another place . mark wel , oh britain ! what i now shal say , and do not sleightly pass these words away . but be assured that when god begins , to bring that vengeance on thee for thy sins , which hazard shall with total over-throw , thy prophets , and thy priests will sl●ely sow the seeds of that dissention , and sedition , which time wil ripen for thy sad perdition , ev'n they who formerly were of thy peace the happy instruments , shall then increase thy troubles most . and , ev'n as when the iews gods truth-presaging prophets did abuse , he suffered those who preached in his name , such falshoods , as the chiefest cause became of their destruction : so if thou go on to make a scorn ( as thou hast often done ) of them who seek thy welfare , he will send false prophets that shal bring thee to thine end , by saying all things thou wouldst have them say , and lulling thee asleep in thine own way . if any brain-sick fellow , whom the devil seduceth to inflict on thee some evil , shall coyn false doctrines , or perswade thee to some foolish course that wil at length undo the common-weal : his counsel thou shalt follow ; thou , cover'd with his bait , a hook shalt swallow to rend thy entrails : and thine ignorance shal also for that mischief him advance . but if that any lover of thy weal , inspir'd with truth , and with an honest zeal , shall tell thee ought pertaining to thy good , his messages shal stiffly be withstood : that seer shall charged not to see ; his word shall sleighted as a po●sherd be : his life shal be traduced , to disgrace his counsels ; or , his errant to debase : instead of recompence , he shal be sure imprisonments or threatnings to procure : and peradventure ( as those prophets were , who did among the iewish peers declare their states enormities ) his good intention , may be so wrong'd , that he , by some invention , may lose his life , with publike shame and hate , as one that is a troubler of the state . but not unless the priest , thereto consent : for in those dayes shal few men innocent be griev'd ( through any quarter of the land ) in which thy clergie shall not have some hand . if ever in the fields ( as god forbid ) the bloo● of thine own children shall be shed by civil discord , they shal blow the flame , that will become thy ruine , and thy shame . and thus it shall be kindled . when the times , are nigh at worse ; and thy increasing crimes almost compleat ; the devil shal begin to bring strange crotchets , and opinions in among thy teachers , which wil breed disunion , and interrupt the visible communion of thy establish't church , and , in the steed of zealous pastors , ( who gods flock did feed ) there shal arise within thee , by degrees , a clergie , that shall more desire to fleece , then feed the flock . a clergie it shall be , divided in it self : and they shall thee divide among them , into sev'ral factions : vvhich rend thee will , and fill thee with destractions : they all in outward seeming shall pretend gods glory , and to have one pious end : but , under colour of sincere devotion , their studie shal be temporal promotion : yvhich wil among themselves strange quarrels make vvherein thy other children shal partake . as to the persons , or the cause , they stand affected , even quite throughout the land . now one great man among them gets the pow'r , from all the rest , and like an emperour , doth act his pleasure . and we know 't is common to have some foolish favorite or woman , to govern him , so in a pop'lar state , affairs are manag'd by the self same fate ; and either one or more away do steal the peoples hearts , and sway the commonweale . thus god is pleas'd , to humble and to raise : thus he by sev'ral names , and sev'rall waies , the world doth govern . yea thus ev'n in one nation , and in one state , he makes much alteration in forms of government : of changing that which is but accidentall to a state . and such his justice , and his wisdome is , that he preserveth by the means of this , those things which do essentially pertain to that great power which over all doth reign . nor is he pleased thus it should be done in states that meerly civil are alone ; but also in the churches governments , allows the change of outward accidents . yea , they to whom he gives the oversights of some particular church , may change old rites , the customes , forms , or titles as occasions are offered them ; or as the times , or nations , require a change : provided so , that they take nothing which essential is away ; nor add what shall repugne or prejudice gods laws , his prophets , or the liberties of them that are his people . for , in what hath any church a pow'r , if not in that vvhich is indifferent ? or , in what i pray vvil men the church authority obey , if not in such like things ? or who should be the judge what is indifferent , if not she ? a private spirit knows what best agrees with his own fancy , but the church best sees , what fits the congregation . for ; what gives , offence to one , another man receives much comfort ; and his conscience edifies . by disciplines which many do despise , there is i know , a middle-way that lies ev'n just betwixt the two extremities , which to sedition , and to faction tend . to find which tract , my whole desire i bend ; and wish it follow'd more . for , if we tread that harmless path , we cannot be misled ; nor sham'd , though blam'd we be . to ev'ry man i faine would give his due ; and all i can i do endeavour it . i would not wrong my countrey ; neither take what doth belong to cesar : nor infringe , or prejudice , the universall churches liberties ; nor for her outward discipline prefer or censure any church particular , or any state , but as befit it may , his muse , which nought but necedfull truths doth say . nor have i any purpose to withdraw obedience , or respect from any law that 's positive , or to dishearten from those customes , which a christian state become . nor have i any thought to scandalize , or speak amiss of principalities ; or , to traduce mens persons : but , i fall on errors of mens lives in generall , and , on those great abuses , which i see to blemish ev'ry calling and degree . of dignities and persons , i observe , all means i can , their honours to preserve , vvhen i reprove their faults . and ev'n as he that hunteth foxes , where lambs feeding be , may fright that harmless flock , and suffer blame of some by-standers , ( knowing not his game ) vvhen from his dogs , those innocents are free , and none but their devourers bitten be . so , though my reprehensions , often are mistook by foolish readers ; they are far from reprehending those , or taxing that vvhich is unfitting for my shooting at . i speak those things which wil advantage rather then harm : and hence this blinded age may gather much light . vvhich little volume doth relate nought else but what is like to be our fate , if sin increase ; and what in former times did fall on other nations for their crimes . i utter what our welfare may increase , and help confirm us in a happy peace ; vvhich they wil never compass , who pursue to speak what 's pleasing , rather than what 's true , how ever , here my thoughts deliv'red be : let god , as he shal please , deliver me . and if what here is mention'd , thou dost heed ( oh britain ! ) in those times that shall succeed , it may prevent much loss , and make thee shun those mischiefs , whereby kingdoms are undone . but to thy other sins if thou shalt add rebellions ( as false prophets wil perswade ) vvhich likely are to follow , when thou shalt in thy profession of religion halt : then wil thy priests and people scourge each other , 〈◊〉 their offences , til both fail together : by weakning of your pow'rs to make them way , vvho seeek and look for that unhappy day : then shall disorder ev'ry where abound and neither just not pious man be found . the best shal be a bryar or a thorn , by whom their neighbors shal be scratcht and torn . thy prophets shal to nothing condescend for any merit , just , or pious end ; but either for encreasing of their treasure , or , for accomplishing their wilful , pleasure : and unto what they sel or daine for need ; there shall be given little trust or heed . for that which by their words confirm they shall , ( the royal seals uniting therewithal ) a toy shall frustrate ; and a gift shall make their strickest orders no effect to take . the judge , without a bribe , no cause shall end : no man shall trust his brother , or his friend : the parents and the children shall despise and hate , and spoyle each other , she that lies vvithin her husbands bosome , shall betray him : they who thy people should protect , shall slay them , the aged shall regarded be of none : the poor shall by the rich be trodden on : such grievous insolencies , every where shall acted be , that good and bad shall fear in thee to dwel ; and men discreet shal hate to be a ruler , or a magistrate . vvhen they behold ( without impenitence ) so much injustice , and such violence . and when thy wickedness this height shal gain , to which ( no doubt ) it wil ere long attain , if thou proceed : then from the bow that 's bent and halfe way drawn already , shal be sent a morral arrow , and it pierce thee shal quite through the head , the liver , and the gall . the lord shall call , and whistle from afarre , for those thy enemies that fiercest are : for those thou fearest most ; and they shall from their countreys , like a whirlwind hither come , they shall not sleep , nor slumber , nor untie their garments till within thy field they lye , sharp shall their arrows be , and strong their bow , their faces shall as ful of honor show as doth a lions . like a bolt of thunder their troops of horse shall come and tread thee under their iron feet : thy foes shall eat thy bread . and with thy flocks both clothed be and fed . thy dwellers , they shall carry from their own , to countries which their fathers have not known , and thither shall such mischiefs them pursue , that they who seek the pit-fall to eschew , shall in a snare be taken . if they shall escape the sword , a serpent in the wall to death shall sting them : yea , ( although they hap to shun a hundred plagues ) they shall not escape ; but , with new dangers stil be chac'd about , until that they are wholly rooted out . the plowman then shal be afraid to sowe , artificers their labour shal sorgoe ; the merchant man shal cross the seas no more , ( except to fly , and seek some other shore ) thy ablest men shall faint : thy wise-ones then , shal know themselves to be but foolish men . and they who built and planted by oppression , shal leave their gettings to the foes possession . yea , god wil scourge thee , england , seven times more with seven times greater plagues than heretofore : then , thy allies their friendship shal with-draw ; and , they that of thy greatness stand in awe , shal say in scorn , is this the valiant nation , that had throughout the world such reputation by victories upon the shore ? are these that people which was master of the seas , and grew so mighty ? yea , that petty nation that were not worthy of thy indignation , shal mock thee too ; and all thy former fame forgot shall be , or mentioned to thy shame . mark how gods plagues were doubled on the jews , when they his mildrorrections did abuse : mark what at last upon their land he sent : and , look thou for the self-same punishment , if them thou imitatest . for their sin at first , but eight yeers bondage they were in . their wickedness grew more , and god did then , to eglon make them slaves eight yeers and ten , they disobeying still , the god of heaven , their yeer of servitude were twenty seven , to iabin and to midian : then prevailed philistia forty yeers ; and when that failed , to make them of their evil wayes repent , there was among themselves a fatal rent ; and , they oft scourg'd each other . still they trod the self-same path ; and then the hand of god ●rought ashur on them ; and did make them beare his heavy yoke untill the seventeenth yeer . and last of all the roman empire came , which from their countrey rooted out their name , that foolish project which they did imbrace , to keep them in possession of their place , did loose it : and , like cain , that vagrant nation , hath now remain'd in fearful desolation , nigh sixteen hundred years ; and whatsoere some lately dream , in vain they look for here a temp'ral kingdome . for , as long ago their psalmist said , no prophet doth foreshow this thraldomes end . nor shall it end until the gentiles their just number do fulfil : which is unlike to be until that hour , in which there shall be no more temporall pow'r , of temporall kingdome ; therefore gather them ( oh lord ! ) unto thy new jerusalem , in thy due time . for , yet unto that place they have a promist right , by thy meer grace , to those who shal repent , thy firm election continues in this temporall rejection . oh! shew thy mercy in their desolation , that thou maist honor'd be in their salvation yea , teach us also , by their fearfull fall , to hearken to thy voice , when thou dost call ; ( lest thou in anger unto us protest , that we shall never come into thy rest . ) for we have follow'd them in all their sin ; such , and so many , have our warnings bin : and if thou stil prolong not thy compassion , to us belongs the selfe-same desolation . and it wil shortly come , with all those terrors that we on them inflicted , for their errors . then wo shall be to them that heretofore by joyning house to house expell'd the poor ; and field have into field incoporated , until their town-ship were depopulated . for desolate their dwelling shall be made : ev●n in their blood the lord shall bathe his blade : and they that have by avarice and wiles , erected pallaces and costly piles ; shal think the stones and timbers in the wall , aloud to god , for vengeance on them call . then wo shal be to them who early rise to eat and drink , and play , and wantonnize ; stil adding sin to sin , for , they the pain of cold , and thirst , and hunger , shal sustain ; and be the servile slaves of them that are their foes , as to their lusts they captives were . then wo to them who darkness more have lov'd then light , and good advice have disapprov'd : for they shall wander in a crooked path , which neither light , nor end , nor comfort hath . and when for guides and counsel they do cry , not one shal pitty them who passeth by . then wo to them that have corrupted bin , to justifie the wicked in his sin : or for a bribe ; the righteous to condemn : for flames ( as on the chaff ) shall seize on them : their bodies to the dunghill shal be cast : their flowre shal turn to dust ; their stock shal wast , and all the glorious titles they have worn , shal but increase their infamy and scorn , then wo to them that have been rais'd aloft by good mens ruines , and by laying soft and easie pillows , under great mens arms , to make them pleas'd in their alluring charms . then wo to them who being grown afraid of some nigh peril , sought unlawful aid ; and settings gods protection quite aside , upon their own inventions have rely'd . for god their foolish hopes wil bring to nought ; on them , their feared mischief shal be brought ; and all their wit and strength , shal not suffice , to have their sorrow of , which on them lies . yea , then , oh britain ! wo to ev'ry one , that hath without repentance evil done : for , those who do not heed , not bear in mind his visitings , gods reaching hand will find ; and they with howling cryes and lamentation , shal sue and seek , in vain , for his compassion . because they careless of his mercies were , til in consuming wrath he did appear . burst i we set far off that evil day , in dul security we pass away our precious time ; and with vain hopes and toyes , build up a trust which ev'ry puffe destroyes . and therefore stil when healing is expected , new and unlookt for troubles are effected . we gather armies and we fleets prepare : and then both strong and safe we think we are but when we look for victories and glory , what follows , but events that make us sorry ? and 't is gods mercie that we turn our faces with so few losses , and no more disgraces . for what are most of those whom we commend such actions to ; and whom we forth do send to fights those battels , which the lords we call , but , such as never fight for him at all ? whom dost thou make thy captains , and dispose such offices unto , but unto those ( some few excepted ) who procure by friends , command and pay , to serve their private ends ? this iland hath some sense of what the ayles , and very much , this evil times bewailes : but not our sins do we so much lament , or mourn , that god for them is discontent , as that the plagues , they being disturb our pleasures , encrease our dangers and exhaust our treasures . and for these causes , now and then we fast , and pray , as long as halfe a day doth last , for if the sun do but a little clear that cloud , from which a tempest we do fear , what kinde of grief we took we plainly shew by those rejoycings which thereon ensue : for in the stead of such due thankfulness , as christian zeal obligeth to express ; to pleasure ( not to god ) we sacrifice ; renew our sins , revive our vanities ; and all our vowed gratitude expires , in games , in guns , in bels , in health , or fires . we fain would be at peace : but few men go that way , as yet , whereby it may be so . we have not that humility which must effect it : we are false , and cannot trust each other ; no nor god with true confessions : which shews that we abhor not our transgressions . it proves , that of our errors , we in heart repent not , neither purpose to depart from any folly , for all they that are sincerely penitent , do nothing fear so much as their own guilt ; nor seek to gain ought more , than to be reconcil'd again . and they that are thus minded , never can be long unreconcil'd to god , or man . when we should stoop , we most our selves exalt , ●nd though we be , would not be thought in fault . nay , though we faulty be , and thought and known , and proved so , and see that we are thrown by our apparent errors into straits , from which we cannot get by all our sleights . yet stil our selves we vaunt and justifie , and struggle , til the snare we faster tye . we sin , and we to boast it have no shame , yet storm when others do our follies name : and rather then wee wil so much as say we did amiss ( though that might wipe away the stain of all ) i think that some of us so wilful are , so proud , and mischievous , that we our selves , would run , and our nation , to keep our shadow of a reputation . oh! if we are thus head-strong , 't is unlike we any part of our proud failes wil strike til they have sunk our vessel in the sea , or by the furious winds are torn away . 't were better , tho , we did confess our wound , than hide it til our state grew more unsound . 't were better we some wealth or office lost , then keep them , til our lives , and all it cost : and therefore , let us w●ely be advised , before we by a tempest be surprised . down first with our top-gallants , and our flags ; in storms the skilfull●st pilots make no brags . let us ( if that be not enough ) let fall our misne-yard , and strike our top-sailes all . if this we find be not enough to do , strike fore-saile , sprit-saile , yea and mainsaile too . and , rather then our ship should sink or rend : let 's over-board , goods , mast , and tanckling send . save but the hul the master , and the men ; and we may live to scour the seas agen . believe it england , howsoever some who should foresee thy plagues before they come , endeavour to perswade thee that thou hast a hopeful time , and that the worst is past . yet , i dare boldly tel thee , thou hast nigh worn out gods patience by impiety . and that unless the same we do renue by penitence our folly we shall rue . but what am i , that me thou should'st believe ? or unto what i tel , credit give ? it may be this adultrous generation expecteth tokens of her desolation ; and therefore i wil give them signes of that which they are now almost arrived at . nor signes , so mysticall as most of those which did the ruine of the jews disclose ; but sings as evident as are the day . for know ye britaines , that what god did say ierusalems destruction should foreshew , he spake to ev'ry state that should ensue . and that he nought of her or to her spake , for hers alone , but also for our sake . one sign that gods long-suffering we have tyred , and that his patience is almost expired , is that , that many judgments he hath sent , and stil remov'd them e're we did repent . for god ( ev'n by his holiness ) did sweare , ( saith amos ) such a nation he wil tear with bryars , and with fish-hooks rend away the whole posterity of such as they . clean teeth ( saith god ) i gave them ; and with bread in many places , them i scantly fed ; and yet they sought me not : then i restrained the dews of heaven , upon this field i rained , and not on that ; yea , to one city came some two or three , to quench their thirsty flame ; yet to return to me no care they took ; with blastings then , and meldews i them strook ; and mixt amongst their fruits the palmer-worme yet they their lives did not a jot reform , then did i send the pestilence ( said he ) devoured , by the sword , their young men be ; their horse are slain , and up to heaven ascends their stink ; yet i discover no amends . the self same things thy god in thee hath done , oh england ! yet , here follows thereupon so small amendment , that they are a sign to thee ; and their sharp judgement wil be thine . the second token which doth fore-declare when cities , states , and realms , declining are , ev'n christ himself hath left us : for , ( saith he ) vvhen desolation shall approaching be , of wars , and warlike rumors ye shal hear ; rare signes and tokens wil in heaven appear ; down from the firm ament the stars shall fall ; the hearts of many men , then , sail them shall ; there wil be many scandals and offences ; great earthquakes , schismes , dearths , and pestilences , realm , realm , and nation , nation , shall oppose ; the nearest friends shal be the greatest soes , against the church shal many tyranniz● ; deceivers , and false prophets , shal arise ; in ev'ry place shal wickedness abound ; tnd charity shal very cold be found . this christ himself did prophecy : and we are doubtless blind , unless confest it be , that at this hour , upon this kingdome here , these marks of desolation viewed are . how often have we seen prodigious lights , o' respread the face of heav'n in moonless nights ? how many dreadfull meteors , have there been in this our climate , lately heard and seen ? who knoweth not that but a while ago a great eclipse did threat , if not foreshow gods judgements ? in what age , to fore did hear so many , who did saints and scars appear , fall ( as it were ) from heav'n ? or who hath heard of greater eathquakes , than hath lately scar'd these quarters of the world ? how oft , the touch , of famine have we had ? but , when so much devoured by the pestilence were we , as in this present year our folks shall be , of wars , and martial rumors , never more were heard within these confines heretofore ; when were all kingdomes , and all nations through the world , so opposite as they are now ? i 've been in no countrey , whether nigh or far , but is engag'd or threatned with some war . all places , either present woes bewaile ; or else things feared make mens hearts to faile . false prophets , and deceivers we have many ; we scarcely find integrity in any : the name of christ begins in ev'ry place to suffer persecution and disgrace ; and we the greatest jeopardies are in , among our neighbors , and our nearest kin , strange heresies do ev'ry where encrease , disturbing sion , and exiling peace . impiety doth multiply . true love grows cold . and if these tokens do not prove our fall draws on , unless we do amend ? i know not when our folly shall have end . a third apparent sign which doth declare vvhen some devouring plague approacheth neer , is when a nation doth anew begin to let idolatry to enter in : and openly or secretly give place to heresie where truth establisht was : or , when like ieroboam to possess an outward profit , or a temporal peace , they either change religions , or devise a worship which doth mix idolatries with truth . for this , ev'n for this very crime , the king of ashur , in hosea's time led isr'el captive . and , both from the sight of god , and from the house ef david quite they were cut off forever , and did neither serve god nor idols ; but ev'n both together ; in such a mixt religion as is that which some among us , now have aimed at . mark england , and i prethee mark it well , if this offence which ruin'd israel , on thee appear not : and if so it be , amend , or look for what it threatens thee . the fourth true token , which doth fore-express the ruine of a land for wickedness , is when the priests and magistrates begin , to grow extremely impudent in sin . this sign the prophet micah giveth us ; and he ( not i ) to you cries loudly thus : heare , o ye house of iacob , and all yee that princes of the house of israel bee : ye iustice hate , and ye pervert what 's good ; ye build the walls of sion up with blood ; ierusalem with sin , ye up have rear'd , your iudges pass their censures for reward ; your priests do preach for hire , your prophets do like them ; and prophecy for money too . and , for this cause shall sion mount ( saith he ) ev'n like a plowed field become to be ; and like a forrest hill where bushes grow , the citie of ierusalem shall show . change but the names , oh britain ! and that token of desolation unto thee is spoken . for , what this day thy priests and prophets are , their actions and the peoples cries declare . a fifth sure evidence , that the cause , for which god among thy ruins wil entomb thy fame ere long ( if thou repent not ) is this , that thou dost ev'ry day the more ungodly grow , by how much more the blessed means of grace doth multiply it self in ev'ry place . god sends unto thee many learned preachers apostles , pastors , and all kind of teachers ; his visions and his prophecies upon thee he multiplies : and ( that he might have won thee to more sincerity ) on all occasions by counsel , by entreaty , and perswasions , he hath advis'd , assured and besought thee , with precept upon precept he hath taught thee ; by line on line , by miracle , by reason , in ev'ry place , in season , out of season ; by little and by little , and by much sometime at once : yet is thy nature such , that still thou waxest worse ; and in the room of pleasant grapes , more thistles daily come : and thou that art so haughty , and so proud , for this , shalt vanish like an empty cloud ; and , as a lion , leopard , or a beare , thy god , for this , shall thee in pieces teare . if thou suppose my muse did this devise , go take it from hosea's prophesies . the six undoubted signal when the last good days of sinful realms are almost past , is when the people neer to god shal draw in word , to make profession of his law : and by their tongues his praises forth declare ! yet in their hearts from him continue far . to such a land , their destiny displayes isajah : for even thus the prophet sayes : god wil produce a marvel in that state and do a work that men shall wonder at ; the wisdome of their wisest counseller , shal perish , and their prudent men shal erre . on their deep counsels , sorrow shal attend ; their secret plots shal have a dismall end ; their giddy projects which they have devised , shal as the potters clay be quite dispised . like carmel , lebanon , shal seem , and he like lebanon , shal make mount carmel be . their pleasant fields like desarts shal appear ; and there shal gardens be , where desarts are . god keep ( thou brittish ile ) this plague from thee for signes thereof upon thy body be . thou of the purest worship mak'st profession ; yet , waxest more impure in thy condition . thou boastest of the knowledge of gods word , yet thereunto in manners to accord thou dost refuse . thou makest protestation of pietie ; yet hatest reformation . yea when when thy tongue doth sing of praise divine , thy heart doth plot some temporall designe . and some of those , who in this wise are holy , begin to shew their wisdome wil be folly . for when from sight their snares they deepest hide , by god almightles eyes they are espy'd . the seventh symptome of a dreadful blow , if not of a perpetual overthrow , is when a slumbring spirit doth surprize a nation , and hath closed up their eys : or when the prophets and the seers are so clouded , that plain truths do not appear : or when the visions evidently seen are passed by , as if they had not been : or when to nations who can read , god gives his book● ; and thereof doth unseal the leafes , and bids them read the same , which they to do deny , or plead unableness thereto . black signes are these . for if that book to them , stil dark ; or as a book unsealed seem ; or , if they heed no more what here is said , then they that have the book and cannot read ; the iudgements last repeated , are the doom , that shall on such a stupid nation come . this signe is come on us , for , lo , unsealed gods book is now amongst us , and revealed are all the mysteries which do concern the children of this present age to learn . so wel hath hath he instructed this our land , that we not only read , but understand the secrets of his word . the prophesies of his chiefe seers , are before our eyes , unveiled : true interpretations are made , and many proper applications ev'n to our selves , yet is our heart so blind , that what we know and see we do not mind . we hear and speak , and much adoe we keep , but we as senseless are as men asleep . what then we do . yea , while that we are talking . what snares are in the way where we are walking , we heed not what we say , but pass along ; and , many times , are fast insnar'd among those mischiefs , and those faults we did condemn , before our tongues have lost to mention them . for our neglect of god in former times , ( or for some present unrepented crimes ) a slumbring spirit so possesseth us , that our estate is wondrous dangerous . we see and hear , and tel to one another our perils , yet we headlong hast together to wilful ruine , and are grown so mad , that when our friends a better course perswade , or seek to stop us ( when they see we run that way in which we cannot ruine shun ) we persecute those men with all our soul , that we may damn our selves without controul . the eight plain sign , by which i understand that some devouring mischiefs are at hand , is that maliciousness which i do see among professors of one faith to be . we have but one father and one mother , do persecute and torture one another . so hotly we oppose not antichrist , as we our fellow brethren do resist . the protestant , the protestant defies ; and we our selves , our selves do scandalize . our church we have exposed to more scorn ; and her fair seamless vestment rent , and torn , by our own fury , more than by their spight who are to us directly opposite , to save an apple we the tree destroy , and quarrels make for ev'ry needless toy , from us if any brother differ shall but in a crotchet , we upon him fall as eagerly , and with as bitter hate , as if we knew him for a reprobate . and what ever all this doth signifie , saint paul ( by way of caveat ) doth imply . take heed ( saith he ) lest while ye bite each other , you of your selves , consumed be together . another sign , which causeth me to fear , that our confusion is approaching neer , are those divisions , which i have espide in church and common-wealth , this present tide . we cannot hide these rents ; for they do gape so wide , that some their jaws can hardly scape . would god , the way to close them up we knew , else what they threaten time wil shortly shew ; for , all men know , a city or a land , vvithin it self divided , cannot stand . the last black signe that here i wil repeat , ( vvhich doth to kingdomes desolation threat ) is when the hand of god almighty brings ; the people into bondage to their kings . i say , when their own judges shall take delight , those whom he should protect , to rob , and smite . when they who fed the sheep , the sheep shal kil , and eat them ; and suppose they do il . when god gives up a nation unto those that are their neighbors , that they may , as foes , devour them . when ( oh england ! ) thou shalt see this come to pass , a sign it is to thee that god is angry , and a certain token that into pieces thou shalt quite be broken : if not by forraine strength : by force at home ; and that thy greater torment wil become . this vengeance , and this fearful preparation , of bringing ruine on a sinful nation , if they remain impenitentent the lord doth menace ; and by zachary record , to make us wise . oh! let us therefore learn , what now is comming on us to discern . for , ( wel considered , if all things were ) from this captivity , we seem not far . it now already seems to be projected ; nay , little wants of being quite effected . but , if god should from us , as god forbid , take him , as once he good iosiah did , he also wil ( unless we mend ) perchance , in times to come , a shepheard here advance , who shal not plead for what his young men say is just ; but take the same , perforce , away . an idol shepheard , who shal neither care to find or seek for those that starved are ; nor guard the lambs ; nor cure what hath a wound ; nor cherish those that firm to him are found ; but take the fat , and rob them of their fleeces and eat their flesh , and break their bones in pieces . more signes i might , as yet , commemorate , to shew gods patience is nigh out of date . but these are signes enough , and so apparent , that twenty more wil give no better warrant to what i speak . yet , if these false appear , that 's one signe more , our fall approacheth neere . be mindful , therefore , while it is to day ; and let no good occasion slip away . now rend your hearts , ye britaines , wash & rinse them from all corruption , from all evil clense them . go offer up the pleasing sacrifice of righteousness , from folly turn your eyes , seek peace , and follow it , with strict pursuit : relieve the needy , judgment execute ; refresh the weary , right the fatherless : the strangers , and the widows wants redress : give praise to god , depend with lowly faith , on him , and what is holy spirit faith : remember what a price thy ransome cost ; and now redeme the time that thou hast lost . return , return thou ( oh back-sliding nation ) and let thy tears prevent thy desolation . as yet , thou maist return : for , gods embrace is open for thee , if thou hast the grace , to give it meeting . yet , repentance may prevent the mischiefs of that evil day , which here is menac'd : yet , thou maist have peace , and by discreet endeavouring , encrease each outward grace , and ev'ry inward thing , which wil additions to thy comfort bring . if this thou do ; these fearful threatnings all , ( repeated here ) to mercies change he shall . we cannot fay , it wil excuse thee from all chastisement , or that no blow shall come . for , peradventure , thou so long hast bin unpenitent , that some loud crying sin hath wak'd that vengeance , which upon thy crimes must fall ( as once in ieremiahs times ) vvithout prevention ; to exemplifie gods hate of sin to all posterity . but , sure we are , that if he doth not stay his threatned hand , the stroke that he doth lay vvil fall the lighter ; and become a blessing , thy future joyes , and vertues more encreasing , than all that large prosperity and rest . vvhich thou , so long together hast possest . god ( with a writers ink-horn ) one hath sent , to set a mark on them that shal repent ; and bids him promise in his name , that they vvho shall , recanting , leave their evil way , and in their hearts , bewaile the grievous crimes , and miseries of sion , in their times . that they shal be secure and saved from the hand of these destroyers which must come : or else by their destruction find a way to that repairing which wil ne're decay . yea , thou , oh britaine ! if thou couldst reform thy manners , might●st expel the dreadful storm now threatned ; and thy foes ( who triumph would the ruine of thy glory to behold , and jeere thee when thou fallest ) soon shal see thy god returning and avenging thee on their insultings : yea , with angry blows he would effect their shameful overthrows . or turn their hearts . for when from sin men cease , god makes their enemies and them at peace . moreover thou shalt have in thy possessing , each inward grace , and ev'ry outward blessing ; thy fruitful herds shal in rich pastures feed ; thy soyle shall plenteously encrease thy seed ; thy flock , shal neither shepheards want , nor meat ; clean provander , thy stabled beast shal eat ; there shall be rivers in thy dales , and fountains upon the tops of all thy noblest mountains : the moon shal cast upon thee beams as bright as now the sun , and with a seven fold light the sun shal bless thee . he that rules in thee , to all his people reconcil'd shal be ; and they shal find themselves no whit deceived , in those good hopes which are of him conceived ; but he , ( and they , who shall his throne possess when he is gone ) shal reign in righteousness ; and be more careful of thy weal by far , than parents of their childrens profits are : thy magistrates , with wisdome shall proceed in all that shall be counsell'd or decreed . as harbours , when it blows tempestuously ; as rivers into places over-dry ; as shadows are to men opprest with heat ; as to a hungry stomack wholsome meat ; to thee so welcom , and as much contenting , thy nobles wil becom , on thy repenting . thy priests shal preach true doctrines in thy temples , and make it fruitful by their good examples . thy god with righteousness shal them array , and hear and answer them , when they do pray . thy eyes that yet are blinded , shal be clear ; thy ears , that then are deafned , then shal hear ; thy tongue , that stammers now , shal then speak plain ; thy heart shal perfect understanding gain ; the preaching of the gospel shal encrease ; thy god shal make thy comforts and thy peace , to flow as doth a river ; they who plant , the blessing of their labor shal not want ; thy poorest people shal at ful be fed ; the meek shal of no tyrant stand in dread ; thou shalt have grace and knowledg , to avoid those things whereby the rest may be annoid ; thou shalt possess thy wished blessings all ; and god shal hear the stil before thou call . but as a chime , whose frets disordered grow , can never cause it self in tune to go , nor chime at all , until some cunning hand doth make the same again in order stand : or , as the clock , whose plummets are not weight , strikes sometimes one for three , and six for eight ; so fareth it with men and kingdomes all , when once from their integrity they fall . they may their motion hurry out of frame , but have no power to rectifie the same . that curious hand which first those pieces wrought , must mend them stil , or they wil stil be nought . to thee i therefore now my speech convert , thou famous artist , who creator art of heav'n and earth , and of those goodly spheares , that now have whirled many thousand yeeres . ( and shall until thy pleasure gives it ending ) in their perpetual motion without mending . oh! be thou pleased , by thy pow'rful hand , to set in order this depraved land . our whole foundation , lord , is out of course ; and ev'ry thing stil groweth worse and worse , the way that leads quite from thee , we have tooke thy covenant , and all thy lawes are broke ; in mischiefs , and in folly , is our pleasure ; our crying sins have almost fill'd their measure ; yet , ev'ry day we had a new transgression and stil abuse thy favour and compassion . our governour , our prelates , and our nobles , have by their sins encrease , encreast our trouble . our priests , and all the people , have misgone ; all kind of evil deeds , we all have done . vve have not lived as those means of grace require , which thou hast granted lo this place : but rather worse than many who have had less helps than we , of being better made . no nation under heav'n so lew'd hath bin , that had so many warnings for their sin , and such perpetuall callings on , as we , to leave our wickedness , and turn to thee . yet , we in stead of turning , furthe went ; and when thy mercies and thy plagues were sent to pul us back ; they seldome wrought our fray , or moved to repentance one whole day . no blessing , no affliction , hath a power , to move compunction in us , for one hour , unless thou work it . all that i can speak and all that i have spoken , til thou breake and mollifie the heart , wil fruitless be , not onely in my hearers , but in me . if thou prepare not way for more esteeme , all these remembrances , wil foolish seeme , nay these , in stead of moving to repent , vvil indignation move , and discontent ; which wil mens hardned hearts obdurate more , and make their fault much greater then before . unless thou give a blessing , i may strive as wel to make a marble stone alive , as to effect my purpose : yea , all this , like wholsome counsel to a mad man is , and i for my good meaning shall be torn in pieces , or exposed be to scorn . for they against thy word do stop their ear , and wild in disobedience , wil not hear . in this , we all confess our selves to blame , and that we therefore have deserved shame . yea lord , we do acknowledg● , that for this , there nothing else to us pertaining is , ( respecting our own worth ) but desolation , and finall rooting out , without compassion . but gracious god , though such our merit be , yet mercy stil pertaineth unto thee . to thee the act of pard'ning and forgiving , ] as much belongs ( oh father everliving ) as plagues to us : and it were better far our sins had less than their deservings are , then that thy clemency should be out-gone ; by all the wickedness that can be done . as wel as theirs whose lives now left them have , thou canst command those bodies from the grave , who stink , and putrifie , and buryed be in their corruption . such , oh sord ! are we , oh! call us from this grave , and shew thy pow'r upon this much polluted land of our , forgive us all our slips , our negligences , our sins of knowledge , and our ignorances ; our daring wickedness ; our bloody crimes , and all the faults of past and present times . permit not thy just wrath to burn for ever ; in thy displeasure do not stil persever , but call us from that pit of death , and sin , and from that path of hel which we are in . remember , that this vinyard hath a vine , vvhich had her planting by that hand of thine , remember , when from egypt thou remov'dst it , vvith what entire affection , then , thou lov'dst it . how thou didst weed and dress it heretofore , how thou didst fence it from the forrest bore , and think how sweet a vintage then it brought , vvhen thy first work upon them thou had'st wrought . remember , that without thy daily care , the choicest plants , soon wild and fruitless are , and that as long as thou dost prune and dress , the sowrest vine shal bring a sweet encrease . remember , also lord , how stil that i oe , vvho first pursued us , doth seek to sow his tares among thy wheat ; and to his pow'r , break down thy fence , and trample and devour the seeds of grace , as soon as they do sprout ; and is too strong for us to keep him out . oh! let not him prevail , such harm to do us , as he desires , but lord , return unto us . return in mercy : though thou find us slack to come our selves , fetch , draw , and pul us back from our own courses , by thy grace divine , and set , and keep us , in each way of thine . vouchsafe that every one in his degree , the secret error of his life may see , and in his lawful calling all his dayes , perform his christian duty to thy praise . give peace this troublous age ; for perillous the times are grown , and no man fights for us but thou , oh god! nor do we seek or crave that any other champion we may have . nay , give us troubles , if thy wil be so , that we may have thy strength to bear them too ; and in affliction thee more glorifie , then here heretofore in our prosperity . for when thy countenance on us did shine , those lands that boasted of their corn and wine , had not that joy which thou didst then inspire , vvhen we were boyld and fryde in blood and fire . oh! give us again that joy , although it cost us our lives . restore thou what our sin hath lost us , thy church in these dominions . lord preserve in purity : and teach us thee to serve in holiness and righteousness , until vve shal the number of our dayes fulfil , defend these nations from all overthrows , by forraign enemies , or home-bred foes . our state with ev'ry grace and vertue bless , vvhich may thine honor and its own increase . inflame our nobles with more love and zeal , to thy true spouse , and to his commonweale , inspire our clergy in their several places , vvith knowledge , and all sanctifying graces ; that by their lives and doctrines they may rear those parts of sion which decayed are . awake this people give them souls that may believe thy vvord , and thy commands obey . the plagues deserv'd already , save them from . more watchful make them , in all times to come . for blessings past , let hearty thanks be given . for present ones , let sacrifice to heav'n be daily offered up . for what is needing ( or may be useful in the time succeding ) let faithful prayers to thy throne be sent , with heart and hands upright and innocent : and let all this the better furthered be , through these remembrances now brought by me . for which high favour , and imboldning thus my spirit , in a time so dangerous ; for chusing me , that am so despicable , to be imployed in this honorable and great imployment ( which i more esteem , than to be crowned with a diadem ) for thy enabling me in this embassage ; for bringing to conclusion this my message ; for sparing of my life , when thousands dy'd , before , behind me , and on ev'ry side ; for saving of me many a time since then , vvhen i had forfeited my soul agen ; for all those griefs and poverties , by which i am in better things made great , and rich , then all that wealth and honor brings man to , wherewith the world doth keep so much ado : for all which thou to me on earth hast given ; for all , which doth concern my hopes of heaven ; for these and those innumerable graces , vouchsafed me at , at sundry times and places , unthought upon , unfeigned praise i render : lnd for a living sacrifice i tender to thee ( oh god ) my body , soul , and all , which mine i may , by thy donation , call . accept it blessed maker , for his sake who did this offring acceptable make by giving up himself . oh! look thou not upon those blemishes which i have got by naturall corruption ; or by those polluted acts which from that ulcer flows , according to my skill , i have enroll'd thy mercies ; and thy justice i have told . i have not hid thy workings in my brest ; but as i could , their pow'r i have exprest . among our great assemblies , to declare thy wil and pleasure , lo , i do not fear : and though by princes i am checkt and blamed ; to speak the truth , i am no whit ashamed . oh! shew thou , lord , thy mercy so to me , and let thy love and truth , my guardians be . forgive me all the follies of my youth ; my faulty deeds ; the errors of my mouth ; the wandrings of my heart , and ev'ry one of those good works that i have left undone . forgive me all wherein i did amiss , since thou employd'st me in performing this : my doubting of thy calling me unto it , my fears , which oft disheartned me to do it ; my sloth , my negligences , my evasions , and my deferring it , on vain occasions , vvhen i had vowed that no work of mine , should take me up , til i had finisht thine . lord , pardone this ; and let no future sin , nor what already hath committed bin , prophane this work , or cause the same to be the lesse effectual to this land , or me . but to my self ( oh lord ) and others , let it so moving be , that we may ne're forget it . let not the evil , nor the good effect it takes , or puff me up , or me deject : or make me think that i the better am , because i tel how others are to blame : but let it keep me in a christian fear , stil humbly heedful what my actions are . let all those observations i have had , of others errors , be occasion made to minde me of mine own . and lest i erre , let ev'ry man be my remembrancer ; with so much charity , as i have sought to bring their duties more into our thought . and if in any sin i linger long , without repentance ; lord , let ev'ry tongue that names me , check me for it : and to me become , what i to others fain would be . oh! let me not be like those busie brooms , which having cleansed many nasty rooms , do make themselves the fouler : but sweet father , let me be like the precious diamond rather , which doth by polishing another stone , the better shape and lustre , set upon his own rough body . let my life be such , as that mans ought to be , who knoweth much of thy good pleasure . and most awful god , let none of those who spread of me abroad unjust reports , the devils purpose gain , by making these my warnings prove in vain to those that heare them , but let such disgaces reflect with shame , upon their authors faces , til they repent . and let their scandall serve within my heart true meekness to preserve ; and that humility which else perchance , vain-glory , or some naturall arrogance might overthrow , if i should think upon with carnal thoughts , some good my lines have done . restrain , moreover , them who out of pride , or ignorance , this labour shal deride . make them perceive who , shal prefer a story , composed for some temporall friends glory , before those poems which thy works declare , that vain and witless their opinions are ; and if by thee i was appointed lord , thy judgements and thy merc●es to record , as here i do , set thou thy mark on those , who shal despitefully the same oppose : and let it pulikely be seen of all , til of their malice they repent them shall . as i my conscience have discharged here , without concealing ought for love , or fear ; from furious men let me preserved be , and from the scorn of ●ools deliver ●e vouchsafe at length some comforting reflection , according to the years of my affliction . on me , for good , some token please to show , that they who see it , may thy bounty know ; rejoyce , with fellow-feeling of the same , and joyne with me , in praising of thy name . and least ( oh lord ! ) some weak ones may despise my words because of such necessities as they have brought upon me , by their spight , who to my studies have bin opposite ; oh! give me that , which may sufficient be to make them know , that i have served thee ; and that my labours are to be regarded , although they seem not outwardly rewarded . these honours , or thar wealth i do not crave , which they affect , who most endeavoured have to please the world ; i only ask to gain but food and rayment , lord , for all my pains , and that the slanders and the poverties wherewith my patience thou shalt exercise , make not these lines , or me become a scorn , nor leave me to the world-ward quite forlorn . yet in preferring of this humble suit , i make not my request so absolute as that i wil capitulate , or tye to such conditions , thy dread majesty ; for if to honour but an earthly prince , my muse had sung , it had been impudence to prompt his bounty ; or to doubt he might forget to do my honest labours right . do therefore as thou pleasest : only give thy servant grace , contentedly to live , and to be thankfull whatsoever shall in this my weary pilgrimage befall , such things thou dost command me to require with earnest , and an absolute desire with which i come : beseeching i may find thy love coutinue , though none else be kind that blessedness eternall i may get , though all i loose on earth to compass it , and that at last when my account is even , my payment may be summon'd up in heaven : lord , this wil please me , call me quickly thither , and pay me there my wages altogether ; not that which mine by merit seemes to be , but that which by thy meere grace is due to me . a coelestial vision of future events . th' armi-potent , all-seeing , all-creator , th' all-mighty artizan of earths thearer , having inclos'd in his un-clapsed book . when heaven and earth their first foundation tooke , and therein registred this firm conclusion , an universall end , and all-confusion of all the world , which when once discreated , should be refin'd , renew'd and re-created , this great decree wil doubtless ratifie , and for th' elects sake , doe 't more speedily , as sybels , prophets , and apostles wise , yea , christ himself did truly prophetize . then pallid death , whose ash-pale face did fright the stoutest champion , most un-daunted sprite , having at length with strength enough displaid , his all-tryumphant trophies , having made a massacre and havock of all flesh , thinking to nimrodize it stil afresh , like proud disdainfull pompey at the last shall meet our caesar , and at 's feet shall cast the glory of his mortall-wounding might , shal lose his fatall sting which did so bite and pierce the heart of every mortall creature , t' reduce to dust each wormlings dusty feature . death being then mans fatall final fo , him , christ victoriously shall overthrow , from forth his claws shal strongly wrest the conquest , and fel all-felling death at 's feet thus vanquisht , but as the corner-creeping thiefe doth watch with sure advantage unawares to catch , the careless servants left the house to keep , vvhom when he findeth snorting fast asleep , suddainly sets upon them , thus doth prey on 's hop't-for booty , and then hasts away . or as it fares in a faire summer morning , vvhen the great light the azure skie's adorning , and new-now risen from th' antipodes , his radient rayes displaies the world to please : at whose sweet sight the pretty lark doth rise , vvith warbling noats wav'ring i' th lofty skies , earth having op't her shop of sweet perfumes of fragrant flowres , herbs , plants , and pleasant blooms ; t● gentle wind fans coolness through the ayre , the suns encreasing heat thus to impare ; each creature much delighted at the heart , to see this sight ; now ready to take part of pleasure , in this pleasant day begun , vvhen as upon a sudden , o're the sun a mighty rain-swolne-cloud begins to spred ; and furious winds through th' ayre are nimbly fled from forth their stations , blustring up and down , the angry heavens upon the earth'gin frown and from their spouts powre down great streaming showers , dashing and washing trees , plants , herbs and flowers , vvith light-heeld lightning , and such cannon-thunder , as heaven and earth were reft and cleft in sunder , damping the former hope of sweet delight , by this so sudden change amazing sight ; even so this second comming of christ jesus from sins most heavy hateful yoke to ease us , to purge the world of its impurity , to plague the quakers incredulity , t' avenge the blood of his dear slaughtered saints , to give an end to their sad sighs and plaints , shall sudden be , wil come at unawares , when worldly men are plung'd in worldly cares , when lustfull men are most a sensuallizing , vvhen fawning gnathoes most are temporizing , vvhen as voluptuous-vain-lings sport and play , vvhen they do least expect , suspect this day , then shall this unsure-certain dooms-day come , to some most welcome , wofull unto some , unto the wicked terrible and fearful , unto the godly comfortable and chearful , unto the hectors a day of lamentation , unto the quozils , a day of consolation , sharp to the wicked , joyful to the just , gods wrath the sinner scattering as the dust , then as i th' dayes of noe , with wondrous change shall dire destruction int'all places range . as that , with waters woful inundation : so , this , with fires all-spoyling conflagration . as , that , with water , cold the heat of sin , wherewith the world had then inflamed bin : so this , with fire to burn the rotten sticks , of want of love ( combustible dry kicks ) our globy-gran-dame earth , shall then all flame , like a huge bonefire , and about the same the bound-less , groundless , sea , bright fishes station , shal be exciccated with strange admiration : and that great-little , nimble scale-arm'd hoast , eo longer shal through the watry region . yea , then that huge leviathan ( seas wonder ) shal cease his sport , and roaring voice like thunder . then heaven and earth , shal variated be , to pure perfection in the highest degrees ; then all the sphears , the stars , and heavenly motions , which serv●d for time-distinctions , certain notions , planets and plants , which man on earth did use , their power in man and vertue then shal lose . yea , all vicissitudes , all alternations of heav●n and earth ; shal leave their antique stations , shal be dissolved , cease , and have an end , mountains shal melt , and to low dales descend . the creatures then , which groan and moan in pain , freed at the least , if not renewd again ; then shal be heard a loud heart-daunting voice a heavenly trump shall sound with ecchoing noise by gods all-potent power and providence , shall all flesh of this vast circumference hear and appear by that loud trumpets summon , at this grand-sessions all the world in common . then ratling , roaring thunder shal be heard , whereby the wicked shal be frighted , feard , then all the world shal be as flaming fire , christ our iust-gentle judge with love and ire shal come with all the hoast of winged legions , soaring about the bright-star spangled regions . with whom apostles , prophets , martyrs flye in compleat glory in the glistring skye . mercy and justice marching cheek by jowle shal his divine triumphant chariot rowle , whose wheels shal shine with lightning all about , with beams of glory each-where blazing out . who shall in 's hand a book in folio bear , wherein mans faults and follies written were . then shal the wicked sin-polluted goats ingulft in sorrow , roar with hideous noats , howle , groan , and grieve , and lamentably moan at gods supernall and tribunall throne , holding their hands at 's barre with grief and horror ; shall hear the judges sentence to their terrour , their self-accusing conscience telling them that they are guilty , and wil them condemn . and satans sergeants at their elbowes stand , to bear their souls and bodies out of hand to his infernal-jayle , with fiery chains to bind them fast to hels nere ending paint . their sin , i say , wil stand at their right hand , and at their lest wil damned divils stand : vvithin , th accusing conscience crying shame , vvithout them , all the world a burning flame : under their feet , soul frying , gaping hel , and ore their heads , their judge most fierce and fel . too late they then weep for un-wept-for sin , too late they wish they never born had been , too late ashamed at heav'ns most glorious light , they wish , but vainly wish , that mountains might them cover , smother , from heart-searching judge , thus rest of comfort , up and down they trudge . and then the just-chiefe-justice wrathfully , on 's left hand , sayes to the wicked , stand you by , you awless , lawless , wicked , hence , depart into eternall terrour , pain , and smart , depart , i say , you cursed , go , begon into the depth of hels deep dungeon . that prison where your damned souls must lye , and dye a thousand deaths , yet never dye . where shall be weaping , walling , schreeks and groans , gnashing of teeth , hel-howling , sighs and moans , divels tormenting you in flames eternal , with fearfull frights , by hellish fiends infernall , for ereta be sequestred from all joy . in endless , restless , mercy less annoy . o woful wages , for their works of sin ! o how much better they ne're born had bin ! o that when they were born , they then had dyde , then thus for sin , hels horrors to abide ! but as we see after a mighty storm , the sun shines out with beams bright , fair and warm : so the god-fearing , and sin-flying sheep , vvhich did christs laws and heasts sincerely keep , vvhich his distressed members cloath'd and fed , vvhich to their power the poore had comforted , to these blest saints , i say , at s right hand placed , vvho shall be with caelestiall glory-graced , vvhom he elected in be angelized , vvhose souls in joy shall be immortallized ; vvith sweet aspect to these wil christ thus say , come , come you blessed of the lord for aye . come , near adopted brethren , come to mee , vvith me you all shall glorified be , receive the kingdome for you all prepared , ere earths foundation was to the earth declared . for your good service under my faiths banner , you shall be crown'd with my chiefe champions honor . since for my sake you once liv'd in annoy : now with me come into your masters joy , into that joy , whereof none shall be able you to deprive , it is so firm and stable . thus then the lord-chiefe-justice having driven the rout of damned reprobates from heaven , and having with the fan of his decree , the chaff from wheat thus clensed and made free , thus in a bundle having bound the tares , the con-corrupted heap of hellish wares : and by the power of 's ireful iron rod , his foes beat down and under foot thus trod : his church from all uncleanness purifide , his sacred sons enthronized sanctifide : now shall they all with joy inexplicable , with great content , and comfort amiable , behold and see the new-jerusalem : the citie of the lord , vouchsaft to them . that sole metropolis , that sacred seat , vvherein our trine-one lord most good , most great had long time promis'd , and now means to dwel , vvith all his saints in vertue that excel . this being that sweet spouse spirituall , that blotless , spotless bride coelestiall , to whom the lamb christ jesus is contracted : now ready that the nuptialls be enacted . vvho being in her militant estate , was then with blemishes contaminate , was often sin-sick , by her sinful course , and as it were in danger of devorce ; by re-re-lapses and her oft offence , though stil protected by heavens indulgence . but now being in her pure and glorious state , in heav'n triumphant , un-contaminate , conform'd unto , confirmd in puritie all-chast , now plac't in sweet security , now undivorceable , lovely and sweet , is new , prepar'd her bridegroom thus to meet . her eyes like orient-pearls , her cheeks with dimples : most amiable , fair , free of least pimples . her lips like threds of scarlet , coral red , her temples faire , her hair like golden thred . her breath more savourie then mellifluous dew , her brests like two young twin-roes white of hiew , arayed in fine pure linnen , clean and white , in vestures wrought with gold which glister bright , and cast an odor ferous fragrant sent , or sp●kenard , saffro● , and most pure ointment , attended on by virgins vertuous , chast , to meet her bridegroom , thus she forth doth hast . oh sacred sight , sweet shew , souls soveraign bliss , when thus the bridegroom his dear spouse shall kiss , mariage of manna and of m● compacted , whereby our souls with christ are aye compacted , prefigur'd in the sacred sacrament of christs last supper , given to this intent . thus christ ( i say ) his love , his dove shall meet , thus they each other kindly then shall greet : thus shall this glorious city then appear , vvherein the just shal reign with joy and cheer . but now ere we behold this blest theater , let me herein be th angels imitater , t● each godly ceder here to signifie this observation , of importancie : that since in this great cities model rare , vve are to meet with wonders past compare , vve shall behold inimitable art , such as may quickly wonder-strike the heart , and seem to reason's sin blear'd , flesh-blinde eye , t● exuperate the bounds of veritie : therefore a winged messenger from heaven . to the blest evangelist this charge hath given , to register in time concluding scrowles , to write this truth in scriptures sacred rowles , that heav'ns all-seeing , all foreseeing king , truths spotless fountain , faiths ore-flowing-spring , that alpha and omega , first and last , who was , is , shal be , when all times are past , who is as powerful to perform his wil : as ready-prest his mercies to fulfil ; whose promises are all yea and amen : hath promis'd ( and what 's he among all men hath ever known the lord to falsifie his cov'nant made , or from his word to flie ? ) hath vow'd ( i say ) that hee 'le all things renew , all imperfections bring to perfect hiew , and make the joy of 's glorified saint , endless and free from future moan and plaints . yea , with such grace and forcible perswasion he seems to countermand all frail evasion of doubting or demurring in this kind ; as if he should have said ; man , be not blind ; let it not seem an intricate hard thing , that i , the lord , these things to pass should bring , i , which of nothing all things did create , i , which but breath'd , and made each animate , i , the arch-mover of what ere did move , shall ought to me so difficult then prove , as not my beck , and how stre●ght to obey ? o no , be wise , do not my power gainsay , be not incredulous to fear or doubt , for i the lord , this thing wil bring about : not only for my power , but promise sake , and the great care which ore my saints i take . to crown them all , with promised salvation , their foes to fel to hel with dire damnation ; that true believers then may find me true , athiests their infidelity may rue . yea with a tripple firm ingemination , hath heaven confirm'd this faithful protestation . and what so scornfully , scoff●ing cham so bold ? vvhat impious athiest dares it untrue hold what fearfull , faultfull , or unfaithfull cain , doth dare this truth , deride , doubt or disdain ? doubtless the simplest peevish grammatist , the rudest rustick , who yet never wist what t is to sound heav'ns depth of prudencie ; would soon condemn them of absurditie . o the great wisdome and indulgent grace ! of heav'ns great king , himselfe so to debase ; precept on precept thus to us to teach , his wil so oft t'inculeate and to preach . line after line , yea now and then a little , our faith more soundly to confirm and settle . us to inform in his pure veritie , us to reform from infidelity . therefore such faithless and incredulous , such graceless , godless , irreligious , as do deny or wil bely this truth ; shall be rejected to their endless ruth ; shall ne're have part nor portion in this joy , but he obtruded unto ●i● annoy . and their too-light , too-late beliefe shal rue , when they receive their meed and merit due : when with the damned sin-co-operators they shal of wo and horror be partakers . read then with faith , and what thou readst , desire , and that thou canst not comprehend , admire . but , here as at a stand , i stand amazed , that i a dust-born babe , poor , weak and crazed , of stammering tongue , a child an understanding , of heart , oft subject unto sins commanding . should undertake ( worm that i am ) to pried into the depth of so great mysterie . that to describe , which asks an angells skil , as souls which of that sight hath had its fil ; and yet all to● too little , to declare the beauty infinite , the splendor fair of great jehovahs palace chrystaline , all full of hev'nly glory , all divine ; which to admire the more i do contend , i more admire , and less do comprehend : and whose rare fabrique and coelestial sight , i rather could stand wondring at , than write . pardon , oh therefore pardon lord , i pray , my great presumption , let thy grace alway illuminate my sin-caecated heart : and to my layes thy sacred help impart . that nought may be mis-done , mis-thought , mis-said , o lord i crave thy sacred soveraigne ayde . give me a voice now , o voice all divine ! with heav'nly fire inspire this brest of mine , and since thou . lord , art able to declare by th mouthes of babes , which weak and tender are , thy might and power : lord ( though unworthy i ) into my heart infuse aboundantly the so soveraigne graces of thy holy sprite , that my weak pen , thy wondrous praise may write . that thy enthusiasme of prophetick skil , may on my layes like honey sweet distil : that by divine divine iohns godly guide , i from the truth may not once step aside , but by his true propheticall direction , may methodize jerusalems perfection , that all that read it , may enflamed be wth hearts desire therein to reign with thee , to make great hast and speedy properation , to this blest citie with due preparation . as god th' ereliving , all good giving king , the first that moves of every moving thing , when unto moses he vouchsaft to show the land of canaan which didoverflo with milk and honey , which he vow'd to give to iacobs off-spring , wherein they should live ; on top of pisgah mountain did him place , that moses might from thence behold the grace , the pleasure , wealth , and riches of that land , which they should have by power of his right hand : even so the darling of christ jesus , iohn , rapt in the spirit was also plac't , upon a high-topt mount in pathmos , whence he might contemplate this great cities glorious sight ; a sight more glorious far , than that the devil that subtil serpent , fire-brand of evil , shew'd to our saviour in his great temptation , when he with satan fought for our salvation . thou wel-beloved of thy saviour deer , ( saith a blest angel unto iohn ) draw neer , with joy come hither , stand a while by me , and thou the heavenly canaan shalt see . the churches glorifi'd spirituall state , thou shalt behold and sweetly contemplate the spotless spouse , th' immaculate chast bride , with which the lamb christ jesus wil abide : the joy in god , and godly consolation , th' elected saints most holy habitation : prepared for them by the trinitie , where they shall reign , remain eternally , call'd the great citie , holy canaan : great , whose inhabitants none number can , holy , because no putrifacting sin , nor least impuritie can there creep in ; call'd canaan , or new jerusalem , a place of peace , saints rest , souls diadem . now this most holy heavn●ly habitacle , was most magnificent saints receptacle vvith glorie , which did from the lord proceed , vvhose most refulgent splendour did exceed the lustre of all precious stones most bright , they all come short of this most glorious light . yea , as faire transparent iasper green , so shall his saints felicitie be seen for ere to was most fresh and alwaies flourish , because gods power and prudence shall it nourish : it being pure as any crystall clear , vvhereby not blot , not spot can there appear ; no stains of foul terrestriall uncleanness , no gross pollutions or impure obsceanness , shall this their joy obnub●late make dim , or once eclipse their beauty , fram'd by him ; gods gracious presence and great majestie shall it so deck , decore and glorifie . here t is no triviall question , why the light of this blest cities lustre equisite is to a precious jasper stone compared ; tnd why 't might not have been as wel declared , by th' sun , or moon , or stars most excellent , or artificiall lights which men invent ? all these are lights , true ; but too light they be , compar'd with light it self , i' th' highest degree . first , in regard the suns far piercing rayes , vvith its bright beams the eye-sight much decayes , if the beholder thereon fixtly look , nor can his sight the brightness thereof brook ; but precious stones have no obnoxious might , but with their splendour rarely do delight the eyes of their beholders , so that they the more on them they look , the more they may . vvhereby , egregiously they intimate and to us point the sweet and delicate delight we shal in heav'nly knowledge finde , so to affect and recreate the minde , as that the more we thereof do possess , the more our love whereof we shall express . again the artificial lights men make , as torches , tapers , lamps , and candles , slake ; are soon burnt out , extinct , and therefore need some fomentarie adjunct , them to feed : but as for precious stones , their sparkling light is genuine , by nature shineth bright , and glisters in the most obscure dark place , alwayes retaining their resplendant grace : and therefore do most lively represent the splendor fair , and beauty excellent of th' ever selfe subsisting deitie , alwaies the same , one-same eternity . this citie is inviron'd , bounded round , with a great high-topt wall , thick , strong and sound , which unto us doth thus much intimate ; that though i' th' churches militant esrate , the congregations of christs faithful saints were stil molested , ful of wofull plaint , tost to and fro with storms tyrannicall , with persecutions most satanicall , and like noes-ark were ne're in peace or rest , with worldly billowing-waves dasht and distrest : yet in this chuch-triumphant , they shal be from all heart-hurting fear of danger free . surely , securely , kept from least annoy , in heav'nly safetie sempiternall joy . for why , the doctrine apostolicall shall as a firm invincible strong wall debar and keep out , heart deluding errors , all unclean creatures , lyers and the tortors , vvhich their abominations might effect ; for , this wall doctrinall doth them reject : and thus the prophet ieremie doth call a constont preacher , a strong , brazen wall . now this strong wall is made more admirable , by stately ports and ground-work solid , stable , twelve gates are about it plac't conveniently , vvhich thus much do unto us signifie : that all her friends and citizens shall see , the way to th' city easie , plain to be ; plain to the just , to th' unjust narrow straight , easie to those , to these most intricate . and on these gates were charactred most fair , the names of isr'els twelve tribes , to declare their good assu●ance and their ready way , that none might wander , erre , or go astray . there needs no use of a conducting guide , their way lying ope ' to them on every side . but here by th' names of israels twelve tribes , the sacred spirit unto us describes , ( they being , once , gods sole peculiar vine , til they did from his love and lure decline ) that , by a figure , are in them included the elected gentiles , once from grace secluded . even people of all nations under heaven ( to whom , salvation , god in christ hath given ) are here all ta'ne for sp'rituall israelites , whom christ the corner-stone to th' jews unites . at these twelve gates , twelve angels there did stand . but not like edens-angels , in their hand holding a sword , a sword like fiery flame , to daunt and drive , what ever thither came : but here these angels stand like porters kind , that abr'ams faithfull sons access may find unto the tree of life , and sacred spring : vvhich grows and flows from christ this edens king vvith most commodious decent scituation are these twelve gates plac ' 'bout this heav'nly station and good ezechiel doth them thus digest three east , three north , three south , and three by west . these three tribes names ; dan , ioseph , semamen , orethe three eastern gates were to be seen . orethe three ports set on the northern side , iude , levi , reubens names might be discride . ore the three southern gates th' inscription of simeon , isachar , and zabu●on . also the three gates on the vvest part had the name of aser , napthalem , and god . of which most decent triple distribution of these twelve gates , this is the resolution ; namely , that all the saint-elected souls , vvhose names are written : heav'ns eternall rowles , from whatsoever quarter of the earth , they had their first originall and birth : yet , had but one especiall means t' ascend unto this citie , their hopes happy end . to wit , the blest profession of the trinitie , hereby , to christ th' are joynd in neer affinitie and , that they thus , professing three in one : shall finde the way wide ope to heav'ns high throne . shall find the path more parent , plain and straight , and at the gates twelve angels for them wait , a twelf fold ground-work and foundatoin strong , did also to this mighty wall belong . i mean not to the citie , but the vvall , for , of the citie , christ is all in all . upon which twelve foundations glorious , rare , christs twelve apostles names were graven faire : who here are said to be this walls foundation , by their apostolique administration , for having by their blest ministry , christ jesus doctrine preached publikely unto the world : as the first instruments are therefore , thus , the twelve strong firmaments : not that they are the principall foundation , but having first place in this fabrication . are ( as i so may say ) the first stones laid , on which the building of this wall was made . for , no man is so silly , as to say , that the foundation doth it self down lay : but that 's the office of the architector , which is christ jesus , this great works director . this cities soveraign , whose un-shrinking shoulders , are this most glorious cities firm upholders . who laid his twelve disciples as supporters of this quadrangled walls most spacious quarters , as those in whom his churches doctrine pure did most consist and constantly endure : thus are th' apostles grounds of ministration , but christ the only basis of salvation . but what sayes rome to this ? that man of sin , who proudly reignes and rules as lord and king , peters supremacy , superiour state , is here ( me thinks ) quite torn , worn out of date . for though our saviour call'd his faith , the rock , whereon hee 'd build his church , his love , his flock , and his and all th' apostles doctrine pure , to be his churches ground-work , grounded sure : yet neither is st. peter here exprest , to be in dignity above the rest : nor yet to be the principall foundation : but one with others have their station , then , surely , hence , 't is most apparent plain , that antichrist of rome doth not maintain his proud priority , from peters faith ; but from his person ( whom he falsly saith , t' have been romes bishop , which , nor he , nor 's crue shall ere be able to approve as true ) his person 't is , i say , not doctrine pure , oh this it is the pope can worst endure : therefore since he mis-deems christs blest foundation he ne're shall have least part in christs salvation . but now return we whence we have digrest , the light-bright angel ( which did manifest unto s. iohn this glorious sacred sight ) now like some noble pers'nage , princely wight , like to another prudent ne●emie , or like good ezra ful of prudencie , by th' symbole of a golden reed in ' his hand , did represent , that he with that met-wand , the cities spacious round should measure out the height , length , breadth , and compass all about , entries , and wall , environing the same all under line and measure truly came : all most exactly form'd with due respect , by the arch-artist of this architect . yea , with a golden reed he meets the same , most fit to measure such a glorious frame . by which externall gesture , the angel here , as else-where in the prophets may appear in their prophetick visions us'd to show the lords intent , by thus descending to our weak capacity : which ne're can keep a verball document , in mind so deep , as actual gestures evermore we find , examples more than precepts teach the mind . and here by th' angels meeting with a reed , we are advis'd to take a speciall heed , and deeply to imprint in mind and heart , the subsequent discription and rare art , the stately symmetry , worth admiration , of this coelestiall sacred habitation , containing in 't an heav'nly harmony , with the chiefe grounds of christian verity , this citie lay in form quadrangulare , by which firm cubique plat-form , here we are to understand and note , the stable state of this mount-sion free from hostile hate : not to be stirr'd by tempests violent , immoveable , most constant , permanent . which being square , the gates are opposite to the four corners of the earths-globe aright , from every part whereof to let in those , whom christ the lamb , to reign with him hath chose . the four evangelists the pattern are , by whom this edifice was fashion'd square : by matthew mark , luke and christ tendred iohn , was fram'd ( i say ) this constitution . and since the twelve apostles , as foresai● , were by their short and present doctrine made the strong foundation of the holy wall . is 't not a concord most harmonicall ▪ that these evangalists most excellent , by their long-lasting-written testament ; should the four corners of that square build out , and it to ful perfection bring about . the angell then , with 's reed the citie meeted ; which by juss measure was thus computated , twelve thousand sta●es , whereof eight makes a mile , which fifteen hundreth miles do just compile : the length , height , breadth , being of all equal space , do make , almost , infinite room and place , within the wall : as christ himself hath said , in my dear heavinly fathers house , are made many fair mansions : fit to comprehend , th' increase of gods elect , to th worlds last end . now then , the totall body of this place , doth to us represent the beautious grace , the great felicitie , admired joy , which in this citie we shall sure enjoy in the united glorious deitie , th' incomprehensible trine-unitie . the three distinct dimensions as foreshew'd , of latitude , longitude , altitude , present the severall measures of delight , which in the father , son , and holy-sprite , we shall possess , and this felicitie , to be alike , of equall quantitie . there shall we three in one most clearly see , there shall we also worship one in three , and of this joy we shall have full fruition , alike of all , without all intermission , even as the persons are one in the deitie , and one in substance in the unite trinity , the premises thus re-obscur'd , afford to us a most harmonious sweet accord , twixt god and this his holy habitacle , the lambs sweet spouse ; caelestial tabernacle . god , the worlds most admired artizan , when first he fashion'd and created man , like his own perfect image , did him make ; god would man should his makers likeness take , even so this cities specious symmetrie , is shaped like heavens sacred deitie . as god himself in trinitie is one : so by this citie his true church is shown . as of the god-head there be persons three , and father , son , and spirit co-equal be : so those dimensions , length , height , breadth , are all by the angel measur'd , to be just equal . as neither person in the deity , is seperable from their unity : so none of these dimensions , being three , may from a citie separated be , or other solid body , otherwise it were not sound , but line or superfice . the persons three and their three offices , are not confounded : and no more are these ; for neither is the length , the breadth , and so the height is neither breadth , nor length we know , and even as athanasius in his creed , as wittily , as wisely doth proceed , and sayes , the father , son , and holy sprite , though three in persons are one god unite : so longitude , latitude , altitude , must one sole citie evermore include . the doctrine also of the deitie , is witnest in the four-fold verity , writ by the four evangelists : so here this new-jerusalem , as doth appear , is in a quadrate , or square form set down ; most like a strong immoveable firm town . the twelve apostles , were disperst and sent to every quarter of earths continent , to preach to all our saviours doctrine sound , whereby al nations heav'ns rightrode way have found : on twelve foundations , so stands this great frame , and by twelve gates all go into the same . lastly the god-head universall is , and infinite in glory and in bliss , infinitely extended over all : so in jerusalem coelestiall , is infinite tranquillity and peace , aboundant roome , for all the great encrease of gods dear saints , who were predestinate to this jerusalems most happy state . thus having heard this sacred symphonie twixt god and 's church : proceed we orderly . the angel now here measuring the wall , the mighty bulwark apostolicall , of this angelick state of sanctitie , found it to be rais'd up in cubits high , even by a twelve-fold-high-ascending course , by th' twelve apostles rais'd to mighty force . but this though spoken in a humane sort : yet hath a heav'nly sence of great import , namely , that though the church , here , militant was evermore distrest with wo and want ; being by worldly obstacles kept low , and never could to ful perfection grow : yet now in her triumphant dignity , to plenary perfection springs on high ; yhis being by twelve courses signifi'd , which twelve times so much more being multiply'd , t'an hundreth forty four courses of height ; do make the wall to rise , direct upright , by jews and gentiles mighty multitude , vvhom grace by faith wil in this frame include . thus now , we having seen the stately stature , the spacious compass of this heaven-built structure : let us with our divine divine behold the matter , substance and most precious mold . vvhereof the wall , citie and firm foundation , the twelve great gate of this heav'ns habitation , were form'd , adorn'd , yea with what pavement rare , the streets were pav'd , all which is to declare the wonderfull unspeakable delight , vvhich gods dear saints in presence of his sight , shall in that life to come , to th'ful possess : and thus the prophet isay did redress , and consolate the jews disconsolation , declaring in his true vaticination , the glory of this new-jerusalem , vvhich god would once re-build , re-make for them . o happy are they , which are interested . and whose blest souls are there into invested ! now then the building of this fencive wall , this sincere doctrine apostolicall , of precious stones , most gloriously did shine vvith bountie and with beauty most divine . having a lustre like the jasper green , vvhich evermore to flourish shall be seen . hence then , this note is set before our eyes : that this rare fabrique , pompous edifice , is all most precious , specious , round about , as bright within , as it is light without . but in this wall , this one thing is most rare , is most regardable , beyond compare : that though those twelve foundations firm & strong , were so by courses set and laid along , as that course after course , th' are placed all , and strangely ordred clean throughout the wall : yet is the wall , as here we plainly see , thus wholly said of jasper for to be . which is indeed to shew and signifye . that though those ground-props of the ministrie , whose rare and divers gifts in every one , are by rich jews afterwards here shown : yet that the matter and the lustre bright , of this great wall , are said , and that most right , to arise from one , which is the lord alone , designed here by this rare jasper stone . he only is the churches bulwark strong , for though to these apostles did belong diversitie of gifts of heav'nly grace : yet each of them in his peculiar place did over build one and the self-same thing , and not themselves did preach , but christ their king . the cities model was of perfect gold , most delectable , glorious to behold . which mettle , for its ex'lent properties , this cities glory rarely amplifies . it being of all other chiefe and best , for these five reasons in pure gold exprest . first , that the burning fire consumes it not : next , that it takes no canker , stain or spot . again , for use it longest doth endure , as also that the fire makes it more pure . lastly , nor salt nor vinegar can spoil , nor any such liquidity defile . the fair corruscant beauty of the same , and therefore from the rest it bares the fame . o! must not then this city needs be stable ? is 't not most strong , invincible , durable ? being so free from stains of all corruption , being so far from fear of foes irruption . nay , here 's not all , there 's one more property of rare respect , of precious ex'lencie ; namely , that it like clearest glass doth glister , and thereby casts a more admired lustre : whereby is thus much to us intimated : that 't is not with soul spots contaminated , but doth with such a radient splendor shine , that all may alwaies clearly cast their eyne with most sweet contemplation , on the face of gods great beauty and most bounteous grace , by re-percussion of those glorious beams which from his god-head , on his saints forth streams therefore this glorious city of the lord , which inwardly such beauty doth afford , is fat unlike the seat of romes great whore ; which she doth gild and gorgeously daub o're , in her externall parts ; so to delude the simple and besotted multitude . whereas within she's wholly inquinated , with filthy beastliness all-vitiated , and by her cup of poysonous fornication , would all defile with her abomination : being beast-like drunken with the blood of saints , which to heav'ns throne do send up abels plaints . but this coelestial sacred architecture , like solomons faire brides most princely vesture , is precious , curious , beautiful within , admits no soile , or smallest touch of sin ; within , without , all spotless purity , and inter-mixt with boundless majesty . thus having view'd the wall , and what rare substance they are fram'd withall : now le ts behold , and that with admiration , the sumptuous substance of the strong foundation . all which , though of themselves they are most precious yet are they made more gogeous , gay and specious , being embost , enamelled and dight , to make them give a more resplendent light , with patriarchs , prophets , and professors good ; with valiant martyrs , who not spar'd their blood in christs just quarrel , with interpteters , and soul converting holy ministers : all these do garnish , deck , and decorate , the twelve foundations of this blissful state . which here the angell fitly doth compare unto twelve gems , or precious stones most rare vvhose vertues , colours , places where they grow , is worth our labour severally to know , the first foundation is of jasper stone , an indian gem , as is by plinie shown ; vvhose specious splendor , and whose beauty rare , t is easier to admire , than to declare . for , a confuse promiscuous multitude of noble vertues , it doth in't include : in which , a pleasant multiplicitie of excellencies rare varietie may be perceiv'd ; but which is chiefe or best , cannot be casly seen : or soon exprest : for , it , as hath been snew'd , doth represent gods blest similitude most excellent , therefore this stone ( and that most worthily ) hath in this building chiefe priority , the second was a precious saphyr stone . vvhich is reported 'mongst the medes t'have grown , faire goldey spots , this precibus stone doth garnish , vvith a remarkable and beautious burnish . the third was of a chalcedonie clear , found 'bout the chalcedonian waters ; near the rocks semplegads or those isles in thrac● : this stone being nam'd after that foresaid place , t is of one colour glistring like a flame , and with the carbuncle doth seem the same . vvhich with good reason , wel may signifie , of burning zeal an ardent fervencie . the fourth an em●aude , or smaragdes rare . vvhich stone t is said doth grow i' th' scythian lare of colour green , glist●ing most clear and bright , vvhich hiew indeed doth most tontent the sight ; and is internally as admirable , as for externall beautie delectable : for if by too-intentive contemplation the sight grow dim , this stones rare delactation doth soon refresh the lassitude of th' eye , and gives the sight perfection speedily : vvhose beauty green , sound knowledg intimates , which th' eye of understanding highly rates , " therefore t is next the chalcidonie set ; " to shew , that where zeal hath with knowledg met , " and are conjoynd i' th' heart their supreme seat : " then are they both most pure and most compleat . for knowledge without zeal brings proud ambition , and zeal without true knowledg , superstition . a sardonix is for the fift foundation , vvhich is a gem found in the indian nation , vvhose superficial face is red and white , like a mans naile of 's hand , and shines most bright . and this doth also to us signifye , a certain shew of chast humanity . a sardius , carbuncle or rubic rare , doth this most sacred sixt foundation rear . a precious stone , which specially is found by sardus citie in the lybian ground : of colour red like blood , to intimate , a severitie on clemency should wait ; and fitly 's with the sardonix here placed , because the foresaid fleshly colours graced , and cannot fade , but fresh vivificate , by being joynd with this associate . the seventh foundation is a chrysolite : an aethiopian stone which glisters bright , of golden hiew , and this doth demonstrate much dignity , and great magistick state . the eigth a beryll , which ( as pliny saith ) is found in indie : this , for colour hath sea water-green , betokening lowliness : for , water as experience doth express , yeilds and gives place to each interposition , which is against it set , or makes inscission . " set with the chrysollte to signifie , " meekness with greatness should keep company : a vertuous mean thus ever to retain , and rash extremes stil wisely to refrayne . the ninth a opaze which was first found out by arabian rovers , ranging all about , call'd traglodit's : this stone 's of colour green , and yet not simply so , for in t' is seen much yellowness , glistring like perfect gold , giving a lustre pleasant to behold . a precious stone call'd indian chrysoprase , doth this great vvalls tenth firm foundation raise . which also gives a certain golden glister , but therein is a scallion juyce commixture , this fortresses eleventh and twelf foundation , were both of them two gems of indian nation , call'd hyacinth and ametist : both which are of a purple colour , faire and rich . and now of all that hitherto is said , of these rich precious stones whereof was made this twelve-fold solid glorious strong foundation , this is the scope , true use and application : namely , that as a careful architector , who of a princely building is director ; and chiefe ore-seer , sends with expedition his quarrions , masons , gives them this commission , in every quarter to search out and dress , to hiew and cut , to have in readiness the choicest stones that might be got for gold , for strength to build , and beautious to behold : or , as wit-wondrous solomon is said , when he would have the lords great temple made , to send his princes to provide each thing , which might decore the seat of heav'ns great king : with hiram his kind neighbor did compact , for necessaries to that sacred act : who sent both men and all his choicest stuff , of every thing aboundantly enough : even so the lord , this cities master-builder , earths globy universals strong hand we●lder , to th' build in got this blessed habitation sent his apostles into every nation , to india , aegypt , aethiopia , arabia , europe , and armenia . through every course it● worlds circumference , to reach and preach with care and diligence , to congregate and bring into his ●old , his precious people ; who , like perfect gold should gorgeously adorn this sacred frame , some prophets , martyrs , preachers of great same ; some with one gift , some with another graced , that in this sancture they might thus be placed , to frame and build this everlasting palace of everliving stones , and endless solace . who as th' had built his church once militant : now should they thus build up his church triumphant and as they had converted souls to christ : their souls should shine like stars in glory high'st . thus then the citie , wall , and groundwork past , to th' gates with joy we now are come at last . twelve gates most rich and precious did belong to the wall apostolike , most firm , most strong , which gates were all of pearls most orient . yet all were but one pearl most excellent , even jesus christ , who is the only port , through whom th' elect must into bliss resort . through whom alone by saith we here are fed . through whom at last we all shal tast that bread , that bread of life never to hunger more , which for his saints christ hath laid up in store . he only is the dore , by which ( i say ) we shal go in and out , feed , live for ay . and as on twelve foundations did arise a vvall , as we did formerly premise ; but one in matter and in lustre bright , even god the father , father of all light : so these twelve ports , are all one pearl most rare , even god the son whence they derived are . but here this one objection may accrew , how it may come to pass , a pearl should shew and represent this man-god christ our king ? to which objection , i this answer bring : that as the shel wherein the pearl doth grow , ( which pliny plainly in his work doth snow ) doth at a certain season gape and yawn , and without any generating spawne , draws into it a dew , from forth the ayre ; which , by the sea , i' th' shel grows orient fair , and of this dew doth more coagulate , than t is of earthly stuff coaugmentate : even so , the holy ghost from heav'ns high frame , upon the blessed virgin mary came ; and gods eternall power , whose breath all made , did so christs virgin-mother over-shade : that without any humane copulation , christ in her womb took on him incarnation . yet so , as that his powerfull divinity was stil assistant unto his humanity , which subject was to mans infirmitie : but not to sins even last impurity : being thus most perfect god and man indeed , knowing our wants to help us at our need . thus then , we see , that these twelve pearly gates consisting of one pearl , this intimates , that we in heaven or earth none o● her have to invocate , our sinful souls to save , but jesus christ , true god and man alone , who sits ( our advocate ) in heav'ns high throne . oh then , the wilful madness of our foe ! that monstrous beast of rome , who though he know this our position most authenticall , both he and his besotted shavelings all , vet they unto their saints appropriate , and unto angels dare accommodate the honour only due to christs blest name . angels themselves having refus'd the same and since nor saints , nor angels know out state , nor have in them , power , us to consolate , but christ hath will'd us come to him alone , who can and wil ease and appease our moan , therefore that they dare add and thus diminish from gods firm truth ; they do but strive to finish and measure up to th'ful their own damnation , threatned to all such in the revelation . the gates thus entred , now we may behold the streets within , all pav'd with purest gold , which gave allustre like the clearest glass , even every street through which the saints shall pass , and customarily walk up and down , like glorious kings in pomp and great renown : which streets and patent passages , imply ( amongst their other joyes ) the liberty and perfect freedome , which those sacred saints shall fully there possess ; without restraints of being unto any one place tyde , for why , wheres'ere they go , god is their guide , they walk in god , and god in them alwayes : their beautious paths shining with his bright rayes . thus have we seen th' essential majesty , this cities glorious frame and symmetry , the most magnificent and blissful state of those which are in christ incorporate : but yet , whiles here , we see 't no otherwise , then as we had a myst before our eyes . then as we were i th' bottome of a vail , whence of a perfect sight we needs must fail , by reason that cloud-kissing mountaines hie , and lofty trees are interpos'd to th' eye : and hereby hinder our more clear aspect of this most glorious heavenly architect : so that , but aenigmatically , we as through a glass , this sacred city see ; whiles in the flesh we live by lively faith , as blessed paul in his epistle saith : yet let it joy our hearts our souls delight , that though but thus , we may admire this sight . that though but with the prophet daniel , we may ope the window and look toward thee , o dateless , fateless , restful , blissful citie ; where hallelujah is the angels ditty . now let it not be ( o! how can it be ? ) tedious to us , to contemplate and see what majesty and dignity compleat is accessary to the glory great of that externall beauty of this place , fill'd with the glory of the lords bright face ; making this city most magnificent , an abstract common-weale most permanent . first , there shall be no temple in the same , wherein to worship god all-glorious name , no sacrificing , no peculiar place , to worship in , or be this cities grace , nor no externall paedagogie , shall be useful there , no service ritual , like that under the law amongst the jews , when they did their old sacrifices use . but god the father , and the lamb christ jesus , shal of such heavy yokes then clearly ease us . and be a temple unto his , most faire , to whose blest saints with delight repaire . his worship , then , shal be most plain and pure , and shal for ever constantly endure . without all legal rites or ceremonie , adoring god in christ in sanctimony whose looks to them as lessons shall appear , his holy name be'ng musick in their ear . and such indeed is this great cities state , so admirable , so inexplicate : that gold and precious stones being too too base , t' express the glory of that glorious place , if nature did more precious things bring forth , more amply to describe this cities worth : i therefore know not , what terrestrial thing we may with due proportion hereto bring , to have a fit and true analogy unto this temple of eternitie , but god himself and jesus christ alone ; in whom it may most properly be shown . again this citie hath no need of light , neither of sun , or moone , or stars most bright , for , as the prophet saith , when god again shall his dear church restore and o're it reign , the glorious light thereof so clear shall shine , by the blest presence of the unite-trine : that even the sun and moon shall seem most dark , and in comparison but like a spark , to that ineffable , refulgent light of gods blest countenance and sacred sight . whereby alone the saints shall all possess such perfect joy and hearty cheerfulness , as that all earthly comfort , though it seem'd , and were as bright as sun and moon esteem'd , shall be superfluous , needless , most neglected , and unto this compar'd , not least respected : also , the heirs and sons of this salvation , even all th' elected people of each nation , kings of the earth whom euphrates did bar , and once sequester from christs kingdome far ; so many as are saved ( as many shall ) shall in jerusalem coelestiall with perfect joy , enjoy the full fruition of this most infinite and heav'nly vision , and thither shal their pomp and honour bring , even unto god and christ their heav'nly king . but here 's not meant their worldly wealth and state , their gems and jewels , gold or silver plate , for , since this sacred citie needs no light , of sun or moon , which shine on earth so bright : much less shal there be need of worldly pelfe , in this most sacred sumptuous commwealth . but this is hereby understood and meant , that those good princes which were eminent for vertuous gifts of grace and piety , shall lift up all their whole felicity , their glory and their princely estimation from earthly unto heav'nly contemplation : and only fix their joy upon the same , and glory thus to glorifie gods name . the gates , moreover , of this city , shall be never shut , but stand widrope to all . none shall from this felicity be staid , nor be shut up , as frighted or afraid . for there shall be no enemy to fear them , no doubt of danger , then shall once come near them , all spight of former adversaries cease , for there shall be perpetuall rest and peace . and which is more , there shal be here no night , for why , an everlasting splendour bright from gods all-glorious presence shall proceed , a lightmore pure then light it self indeed , shal so incessantly shine forth alway , making an endless everlasting day . but here this night may further intimate , a two-fold meaning lit'ral , figurate : the literal sense that there no night shal be , is , that indeed the saints no night shal see . for why ? as hath been said all times distinctions of day and night , summer and winter seasons shal then quite cease and be superfluous : the figurative sence and meaning , thus may be explain'd , that no obscurity of error of slye hypocrisie , no unclean thing foul or abominable , no filthy creature , lyer detestable , no murthering cains , no iudas implous , no cham's , nor achams sacrilegious , no cruel , faithless , friendless , envious else that hurts his neighbour , but much more himself , " no avaricious arm'd in hooking tenters , " and clad in bird-lime catching all adventures , nor ought that may contagiously infect , or once eclipse the joy of christs elect , or violate the glorious state and bliss which christ the lamb hath purchased for his : nor in the least degree shall hurt or wrong the flourishing estate , which doth belong to th' saints rare dignity , and perfect light of sincere worship of the lord of might : which is his angels glory and chiefe grace , and shall for ever in them keep firm place . but those shall hither come with joyes most rise , whose names are registred i th' book of life , for whom the lamb christ jesus did ordain this glorious kingdome with him thus to reign , who were predestinate to this salvation , before the worlds originall foundation . to these alone the gates stand open wide , these shal for ever with the lamb abide , lastly , to make this citie most compleat , in every part to be as good as great , the holy ghost having at large declared the churches glorie , being thus compared unto a sumptuous citie ful of state , now finally proceedeth to relate , that both this city and its citizens are furnisht and replenisht with al all means for conservation of their endless joy , sufficient to protect them from annoy : they have , i say , spirituall lively meat , divine angelike mann ' to drink , to eat , the soveraign balsum to conserve alway their health , in health , from fall or least decay . the holy spirit as erst , here using stil , these earthly terms t' express heav'n● sacred wil . and all to shew heav'ns great benignity , descending thus to our capacity , this honour'd city hath in it also a sacred river which doth over-flow with pure and precious water of blest life , whose stream do issue from its fount most rife . a current river , not a pool with soil , nor foul or troubled , aegyptian nile ; or billowing euphrates ; but sweet and fair with dectable streams , smooth , clear and rare . a river for its great aboundancie , pure in respect of its sweet sanctity , of water of gods sp'rits rare gifts of grace , of life , whose tasters live an endless space , and clear as crystall from all spissitude , from all unclean corrupt amaritude . this river shall from gods great throne proceed and from the lambs , gliding with pleasant speed . and thus the river here may signifie , the holy ghosts gifts , third in a trinity . which is not sleightly ratifi'd , indeed , in that t is said here , that it shal proceed from gods and from the lambs most sacred throne , which iohns shewn prophesie hath clearly shown . yea , and i th' midst of this great cities street pav'd all with gold , as mould under their feet , through all the pleasant passages most fair , where to and fro the sainted souls repair : on either side this river ( rare to see ) doth flourish fairely a life-giving tree . which tree of life , doth thus much to us show , that to those gracious waters , which do flow , to all the grace●s of gods sacred spirit ; christ jesus is conjoynd , by whose just merit , his church hath life , true peace , and sure salvation , thus having with the sp●rite co-operation : and stil residing with his saints elect , continually doth guide and them direct , exhibiting to all , by his tuition , easie partaking , and a ful fruition of all the benefits and heav'nly graces , which in and 'bout this river he thus places . whereon they all shall spiritually feed , alwaies desiring , yet ne'ere stand in need . which tree of life , twelve sorts of fruite doth beare , whereby the holy spirit doth declare , first , that the lord , who is the god of order , doth much detest confusion or disorder . in stil retaining as he first begun , the number twelve , which hitherto is done : and also to express that there shal be , in number and measure full sufficiencie , to saturate the longing appecites , of all the twelve spirituall israelites , even of all those that so have run their race , the twelve apostles doctrine to imbrace , t' observe and keep ( maugre the rage and spight of pope and pagan , foes to truths pure light . ) thus then , we see the angell here observing an exquisite decorum , thence not swerving : who since the city , entries , romes foundations , and symmetry of these blest habitations , to th' number twelve have been accommodated ; and orderly thus stil continuated : therefore with decent correspondencie , the angel to this number doth apply the spiritual food , and furniture most meet , making a consort most harmonious sweet , conformably agreeing thus in one , with those whence they had their comparison . now as twelve sorts of fruit grow on this tree , the saints to satisfie : so shall they be for delicacie , sweet content and pleasure . as every saint shall have aboundant measure : so shall this pleasant plenitude of grace , no nauseous surset cause , in any case . for , as christ jesus is that drink and meat , whereof each sainted soul shal tast and eat : so is he sweet , pleasant , and delicate , whereon they feed their fil , yet moderate , taking sufficient for their contentation , and their beatitudes firm conservation . which truth is farther illustrated here , in that t is said this tree of life doth bear , doth every month bear fruit , green , ripe , and fair , which with delights their apperites repair . not that the times shall then alternate be , by years , months , dayes , as now-a-dayes we see , for then the seasons cease , time 's termined , sun , moon , and stars , are then quite vanished , as formerly was toucht : but here is meant , that all things then shal give such rare content , shal be so ful of rich variety , shall yeild such cordial sweet society and with such fulness all the saints shall feed , as that to store and hoord up shall not need . in that the harvest there shall ever last , their pleasant spring-time then shall nere be past . also the leaves of this most blessed tree , shal salutiferous and most soveraign be , to help , to heal , to cure all maladies , which 'mongst the gentile nations do arise . so that this tree not only makes them live : but to the elect a healthful life doth give . yet here 's not meant the churches final state , but that when antichrist is ruinate , when god shal th'unbelieving nations call , and faithless jews , who once from grace did fall . but by these leaves is chiefly intimated , that all the smallest gifts , accommodated by th lamb christ jesus to the saints elect , shal serve some way their souls with joy t' affect . t' exhilerate and cheer their sacred mind , in 's meanest blessings they shall comfort find . but now behold now follow him indeeed that which doth all the former joyes exceed : the absolute accomplishment of all , the accessary blessings , which befall the citizens of this rare domicil , th' inhabitants of gods great sion-hill . namely , that in it there no curse shall be , it shal be from destruction firmly free . it shall be subject to no execration , but strongly stand , fearless of alteration . which is a symbole , and a certainty of this blest cities perpetuity , a most infallible strong argument , that t is eternall and most permanent . a three-fold reason hereof may be given , first , that ( as is foresaid ) this seat of heaven , this holy habitacle shal contain no unclean thing , which may its beauty stain . again , the glorious throne and sacred seat , whereon omnipotent jehovah great , whereon the blessed trinity wil raign , shall here abide and evermore remain . lastly , in that all these his servants shall with sincere love and zeal angelicall , for ever invocate his sacred name , and his due praises constantly proclaim : serving the lord in singleness of heart , not once to wil from 's worship to depart . but curses are ( we know ) for gross transgressors , for disobedient stubborn male-factors , not for th' obedient , faithful and sincere : thus then , is their perennity most clear , moreover all the saints of this blest race , shal see th' all-beautious , light-bright shining face of that arch essence of eternity , to walk and talk with him familiarly : and with inexplicable sweet delight have ful fruition of this sacred sight , not as he is , immense and infinite , for so even angels see not his bright light , who are described covering their face with their angelike wings : in any case not able to behold his glorious sight , he infinite , they being definite . yet that we shall have his ful contemplation is certain , but with this just limitation , first , in respect of us , we shal possess a perfect sight of gods great holiness . the lord in us , and we in him shal dwel in such ful measure , as no tongue can tel ; he wil replenish every faculty of soul and body most aboundantly , with his most precious presence : by his sight he 'le fil our mines , from darkness freed quite , our hearts he 'le quicken , there shal be no deadness , our whole affections freed from gloomie sadness . what man is capable to comprehend , even so great glory god wil then extend ? again , of that blest sight , which we shall have , no inter-mediums shal our sight deprave . here , we as in a vision do him see , by mediate revelation : then shall we of him immediate perfect sight possess , which none but those that have it , can express : a measure running over , heapt and p●est ; wll christ bestow upon his saints most blest . his name shal also in their fore-heads be . that is , they shal with such bold constancie and un-revolting zeal profess his name , that nothing shal obliterate the same ; or cause them once neglect their pure profession , by least relapse or undiscreet transgression . they shal be so conform'd , confirm'd therein , to persevere as they did first begin , constant , couragious , evermore the same , professing stil jehovahs glorious name . again , his name is said ( as here we see ) upon their fore-heads charactred to be , because the lord wil publikely agnize them , by this cognizance and patronize ( by his all-seeing , and all-soveraign power ) them and their states , as in a fenced tower . and in this city there shal be no night , no need of candle , sun or stars most bright , that is , there shal be no obscurity . or darkness of adverse calamity , no night of obumbratick cloudy error , no frighting fear , nor no heart daunting terror , no sly bie-fronted close hypocrisie , shall viriate their intact integrity , no need of earthly comfort more or less , no seeking , suing there , wrongs to redress , by temp'rall laws , or ecclesiasticall , for , there the trinity is all in all : and is this glorious cities great lord-keeper , most vigilant , and watchful , he 's no sleeper , and , which ( as was promis'd ) is the perfection , and consummating of this benediction , this glorious kingdome , where gods saints shal reign shal doubtless sempiternally remain , like glorified kings most gloriously , their bliss shal last , past all eternity . now as bounteous hearted king doth use , when he a fau'ri●e unto him doth chose , on whom he meaneth largely to bestow his golden gifts , like rivers to ore-flow ; what he doth promise or by words proclaime , by 's letters-patents ratifies the same : thus , o even thus our bounteous hearted lord , the heart of bounty loves ore-flowing word , having his church his favorite elected , and promis'd she shal be by him erected , richly endow'd , gorgeously beautified rarely be royalliz'd and sanctified , her head adorned with a crown of gold , a fragrant garland which shal nere wax old , triumphantly in endless joy shal reign , and see her subject , abject foes in pain ; the lord ( i say ) this promise having given , that all these joyes they shal possess in heaven . to verifie his promise , and confirm what he hath said beyond times endless term , hath given his letters patents , his broad seal i th' sacred scriptures , which he'ele nere repeal ; seal'd by an angels testimony pure and as his act and deed given and made sure , to blessed iohn , in the behalf and right and to the use of all the saints of light . which being done , makes thereof proclamation , vvith most emphaticall asseveration , that he , the lord of lords , and king of kings , hath power to do , and wil perform these things . and surely , heaven and earth shal pass away , yea , all things shal prepostrously decay , ere his pure word in one least jot or tittle , shall fade or fail , or alter nere so little . vvhich , though some wretches athiesticall , some nauseous neuter , satans tennis-ball , some execrable saduces ( i say ) vvhich do the resurrection denay , though some vile quakers pythagoricall , or anabaptists most diabolicall , vvhich have suppos'd the spirits trans-migration from one t' another in life consummation ; vvhich do with devillish dotage them perswade , that there 's no god which ere the world hath mad ; nor that the would ere had a prime beginning , and think and hold that it shal nere have ending . although such hectors past all grace , may entertain a thought , with brazen face , and heart of flinty infidelity , to think or say that the rare symmetry of this jerusalem coelestial , seems as thing meer hyperbolicall , incredible to their besotted sense , and past the reach of their intelligence ; yet let the rabble of such miscreants know , that ther 's 'gainst them pronounc't a fearful wo , there no-belief , or wavering un-belief , shal fil their souls with never ending grief : and what they erst would not conceive in mind , their heart with smart shal then both feel and find . nor shal they have least part or portion here , of this great cities pleasure , joy and cheer , but from gods presence shal be seperated , which is the second death nere terminated . as for good abrahams faithful generation , who waver not in tottering haesitation , who have a hearty thirst , and thirsting heart of these rare pleasures once to have their part : whose hope past hope doth cause their souls aspire , by faith in christ this kingdome to acquire , wherewith , i th' warfare of this life , they fight , fenc't with the bulwark of a zeal upright , arm'd at all points , with christs blest furniture , wherewith they may most constantly endure the fight spiritual , their loins to tye with the strong g●rdle of christs verity ; having the brest-plate on of righteousness , to quench the darts of hels ourtagiousness , and on their head the helmet of salvation , true peril proofe 'gainst he is most hot temptation , the sword o' th' spirit , brandisht in their hand , wherewith they may couragiously withstand that brood of quakers anabaptists and the flesh ; vvhich evermore assault the soul afresh vvith hot encounters , hellish stratagems , to keep them from the new jerusalems eternal bliss : in which most faithfull fight if they magnanimously stand upright , assisted by that all-proofe , fervent prayer , the godlies guard , supporter , and chiefe stayer , if thus they get ( as thus being arm'd they shall ) the conquest , ore those foes fierce capitall , even from the proud pope their old enemy , vvhen he shall challenge them this fight to try , ( as oft he wil ) they nere by fraud or force , by terrours or by torments leave their course of constant perseverance to the end , but his hopes frustrate , and their souls defend : then shall they like brave victors have the crown of immortality of blest renown , triumphantly to reign with christ their king , and all their vertues as rich trophies bring , and lay before him , for which he wil give a crown , a kingdome wherein they shal live , the lord in them , and they in him shal dwel , as christs co-heirs , whom he loves passing wel , and shal sit down with him as children dear , to sup at 's table with coelestial cheere , and then their thirst of this accomplishment shal satisfyed be with ful content , then shall the holy , happy , faithful , see the structure of this sacred frame to be far more illustrious , admirable , rare , than earthly things could possibly declare ; and that those stones and gold were too too base , to serve t' illustrate heav'ns coelestial place , whose boundless beauty all discourse transcendeth , whose infinite felicity nere endeth . yea , that t is such as that no mortal eye , could but as through a glass the same descry : such as no ear hath heard no tongue ere told the majesty which there they shal behold , yea , such ( i say ) as never humane heart could ere conceive th' incogitable part . o then , my soul , thou having contemplated this city all with glory decorated , thou having viewd , with heart exulting pleasure , the majesty unparralleld , the matchless treasure , the most magnificent , majestick state , where into christ wil his incorporate : what wilt thou thereof with thy self conclude ? what wilt thou say of this beatitude ? oh this , even this , with peter and with iohn at christs admir'd tranfiguration , t is good to make thy seat and mansion there , oh there t is best to dwel and dwel for ere . never did noble greece so much affect their poetiz'd elysean fields aspect , never so much did wandring wise vlysses desire his chast penelopes kind kisses : or rather , more divinely for to raise my thoughts unto a more religious phrase , never did noah more desire to see ararats hills , where he of 's ark was free : nor sheba's queen to see wise solomon , nor at christs birth more glad was simeon , then doth my soul desire these heav'nly fields , which perfect pleasure joy and comfort yeilds , to see my saviour sweet on sion hil , my sences with his sacred sight to fil , to ske him in his glorified state , therein to be with him associate : even in these mansions of eternity , to live in sure in pure felicity . which happiness , though yet i may not have , until my soul receive my corps from grave , until i mortal be immortalized , and with the sacred angels angelized ; unttlith ' clouds my saviour come again , to re-collect th' elect with him to reign . o yet , my soul , thy selfe delight and solace , to ruminate the joyes of that sweet palace , to recapitulate the sacred pleasure the saints shal then possess in plenteous measure , even in the eternal palace crystaline , the sacred seat of the united trine ; the glorious court and heav'nly presence chamber of heav'ns great emp'rour , wonderful commander , that alpha and omega , first and last , who was , is , shal be , when all times are past , that mighty , powerful , one sole god most high , th' eternal king , nay , self-eternity , infinite , all in all , yet out of all , of ends the end , of firsts originall , the life of lives , bounties ore-flowing flood , cause of all causes , ocean of all good , un-seen , all-seer , stars-guide , sight of seeing , that one-none which to nothing gave a beeing . there also shal my soul behold and see the most ineffable deep mystery of that incomprehensible trine-one , sitting in glory in his glistring throne , with blessed saints and angels comitated , with all the heavenly hoast of soul-beated prophets , apostles , patriarchs of old , the noble band of martyrs stout and bold ; our parents , wives , our children , kindred , friends , yea all to whom christs saving health extends : all of them clad in bliss coelestial , all shining bright in joy angelicall . wherein the presence of their heavenly king , they hallelujah , hallelujah sing to him that sitteth on the throne most high , making a most harmonious melody , with sacred sugred notes and heav'nly songs , singing the praise which to the lamb belongs . this being their especial exercise , their pleasant practise , customary guise , stil to behold the lords most beautious face , burning with love of his most lovely grace , their mouthes stil fill'd with praises of his name , in magnifying his immortall fame , without all tediousness or intermission , protected alwaies by his blest tuition , o there is infinite , un-uttered joy ! mirth without mourning , bliss without annoy , health without sickness or pernicious humors , perfection without all sonitainting humors , peace without war , and light without darkness , love without hate , beauty without paleness , sweetness without all fulsome surfeiting , life without death , life ere continuing . there are no sighs , no sobs , no penury , no hunger , thirst , but with saturity , no chilling , killing frosts , or least extremes , no parching sun-shine , with her piercing beams , no wil to sin , no power to offend , no enemie least mischief to intend . good paul hath there no need to watch and pray , to labour in the world both night and day ; and good old ierome then may cease t' afflict himself , so often , by a life most strict : to conquer his spirituall enemy , to overthtow the serpents subtilty . for there 's all peace , security and rest , that peace which can by no means be exprest : there 's all perfection sacred light excelling , all sorrow , care , darkness , and dread expelling . o life eternall ! holy habitacle ! heav'nly jerusalem , saints receptacle ! o amiable city of the lord ! how should my soul thy prayses due record ? what excellent rare thing are said of thee ? what things are writ , are hop't , are found to be in thee ! thou hast the seat of glory sure , that good-best good-god , joy and solace pure , which far exceeds the science and deep sense of humane reason and intelligence . por which even legions of professors good , and godly martyrs have not spar'd their blood , but with undaunted valiant courage have made lyons , tygres , fire and sword their grave , that after death they might enjoy that crown , those palms of peace , of honour and renown , wherewith thy saints , o blest jerusalem ! are happifi'd in happiness supreme , vvalking as kings , in those most gorgeous streets , vvhere each one nought but perfect pleasure meets : in streets , i say , more precious than pure gold , glistring with glory wondrous to behold . the gates of which most holy habitation , are pearls of pearless price and valuation , vvhose wall is all of precious stones most pure , incomparably rich and strong t' endure , there is that glorious paradice coelestiall , surpassing adams paradice terrestriall , vvherein are fluent oyly rivers currents , fair brooks of butter and sweet honney torrents . replenished with garden-walks and bowers , vvith beds all wrought and frought with fragrant flowers . vvhose odoriferous rare variety afford most various sweet amenity , vvhose curious colours , and whose lovely greene are alwaies fresh , are alwaies springing seen . there , hearts-ease , saffron , lillies and the rose , do savour , sent , spring , spire , with sweet repose . there all the spices aromaticall , t' afford delight and cheer the heart withall . there is that soveraign balsum med'cinable , for sent and salve most precious amiable . all these in thee flourish without defect : vvith these the garlands of the saints are dect , vvithout corruption they continue stil , and sprout and spring about this sion hil . in thee 's that peace of god , which doth exceed mans understanding and faith wavering creed , there is that glory which doth all advance ; obnoxious never unto change or chance . there 's that eternal light as sure as pure , that sun of righteousness for ere t' endure . that white and bright blest lamb of god most high , vvho shews and shines most clear incessantly , vvhich no time ever shal once terminate , nor no disastrous chance extenuate , there 's day which never darkness doth admit . there in their bowers of pleasure saints do sit . there also is certain security . there shalt thou find secure eternity . there all rare comforts from heav'ns glorious king successively , successfully do spring . what ere the soul can wish , request , desire , is there at hand without the least enquire : what ere thou lovest , there is to be found , only , what 's il , comes not in this blest ground . oh then , my soul , what pleasure infinite ? oh what an ocean of most sweet delight ? yea , what a most profound and pure abyss ; thus to behold the lord of lords , is this ? thus to behold with ravisht admiration the lords bright face with sacred contemplation : yea , with thine eyes to see , what faiths dim eye on earth was never able to espie , even that eternal trinity most blest , which can by man no sooner be exprest ; than austines seeming lad could powre or lade the mighty ocean , into th' shel he made without a bottome , that his shel to fil : no sooner can ( i say ) mans stupid wil : til his corruptiod in-corruption be , this holy mystery clearly know and see . but when thou mortal dost imortallize , when christ my king , thy soul once happifies , then shalt thou tast that god is good and gracious , then shalt thou live in this his house most spacious , then shalt thou tast the spring of life most sweet , then in the heav'ns thou shalt christ jesus meet , then shal thy water of terrestrial griefe be turn'd into the wine of sweet reliefe : then shall thy sobs be turned into songs , then shalt thou triumph for thy worldly wrongs ; o then in that most sacred glorious sight is to be found the fulness of delight , of wisdome , beautie , riches , knowledge pure , of happiness for ever to endure , of goodness , joy , and true nobilitie , of treasure , pleasure , and felicitie , of all that merits love or admiration , or worketh comfort , or sure contentation . yea , all the powers , and powerful faculties of soul and bodie shal partake likewise , shal be sufficed with the ful fruition of heav'ns eternal ternal glorious vision . god unto all his sacred saints shal be their universal sweet felicitie , containing each particular delight which may affect th' aspect of their blest sight : infinite both for number and for measure , and without end shal be their endless pleasure . to th' eyes he shal be a mirror cleer , melodious musick to delight the ear : to th' palate he shal be mellifluous mell , sweet spiring balm for to refresh the smel . unto the understanding he shal bee a light most bright and pure it'h high'st degree , to th' vvill he shal be perfect contentation , to th' memory erelasting continuation . in him we also shal injoy , possess , what ever , various time could here express : yea , all the beauties of his rarest creatures , vvhich may our love allure by their sweet features , all joy and pleasure to content the minde , such at it'h creatures selves we nere could find . this sight ( i say ) is th' angels chiefest treasure , the saint repast , repose and princely pleasure , this is their everlasting life , their crown , their meed , their majestie , their high renown , this their rich rest , their spacious specious palace , their outward , inward joy , and soveraign solace : their paradise divine , their diadem , their ample bliss , their blest jerusalem ; their peace of god past all imagination , their ful beatitude and sweet salvation , to see him who them made , re-made , made saints , him seeing to possess without restraints : possessing him to love him as their king , and loving him to praise him , as the spring , and fountain of this all felicity , and praising ever this blest ●nitie . o then my soul , cease not to like , to love , these admirable lovely joyes above : and though thy corrupt flesh is th' obstacle , and stays , delayes from this blest habitacle : although thy flesh like churlish nabal frown , refuse the pains to seek this sacred crown : yet let thy spirit like good abigal , go forth to find this place angelical . let hagar , never get her mistris place , nor ismael good isaac , so disgrace ; but strive most strenuously , fight that good fight , subdue thy flesh , withstand proud satans might ▪ and with the eye of faith believe , desire to live with christ , pray seek , sue and inquire ▪ pray earnestly to christ thy king above , in burning zeal , firm faith and burning love . for , what ●s this world ? nought but a flou●ing fanciesie , a theatre or vainness , pleasant phren● a sinc of sin , a shop of all deceit , iniquities chief center and sure seat , a map , a mirror of all miserie , a dunge on of most dire calamitie , lovely to look on like the scarlet vvhore , but dangerous to deal with evermore : a mazie labyrinth of impious errors , a camp of cruelty , of tears and terrors , constant in nought , but in inconstancy , and most unconstant in that constancie : in nought the same , save not to be the same , and of being , but a very name : still floting , fleeting , never at a stay , hates on the morrow whom it loves to day . yea , t is a ioab ful of craft and guile , kills his embracers with a traiterous smile . a wrastler 't is , and trippeth up the heels , of many a man ere he its grasping ●eels : solomon wise , strong sampson so renownd , it made their lengths to measure on the ground . therefore to love the world , is nought els , sure , then to her lime-twigs thy poor soul t' allure , which so the feathers of thy faith will marre , thy soul , if 't may be , from heav'ns joyes to barre . why then my soul , shouldst thou to the earth be thral , which hast a heav'nly blest original ? why shouldst thou pin thy thoughts on mortal things who art immortal from the king of kings ? and , why shouldst thou a sp'rit invisible , be pleas'd with things both gross and visible ? striving to pamper thy corrupted bodie , whose definition is indeed , that both-die : both soul and body when the flesh gives way to sin and satan in their dire decay . and hence it is , that latinists likewise , thus corpus fitly crimologize : cor which was once the heart of pure perfection , is thus made pus , all filth and foul infection . why then shouldst thou then thy self so low depress , who art of high caelestial nobleness , one of thy fathers first-born children deer ; whose name in heav'ns blest records may appear . why should the worlds falle promises delude thee , since heav'n with grace & goodness hath indu●d thee . wilt thou a princes son , a heavenly prince , let satans gilded apples thee convince ? wilt thou the son of heav'ns all-sacred king , offend thy father for so vile a thing ? wilt thou thy birth-right esau-like forge for one dire mess of broth , bewitching wo ! oh. no! deceitful dalilah a-dieu , thy syrens songs , my soul doth most eschew . thy crocadile-like tears which would betray me , by heav'ns preventing-grace shal never slay me : for all thy bitter-sweets , false protestations , my soul esteemeth but hellish incantations . wherefore as a●mon being once defiled with his own sister , whom he had beguiled , after the fact , did hate her ten times more then ever he had loved her before : so i , whom thy false friendship once defiled , vvhom thy deceitful ambush once beguiled : i hate , abominate thy mischief more , then ere i lov'd or liked thee before . as sea-men rocks , as children scorp●ons flie : so ( oh my sou● ) hate worldly vanity : and , oh ! what 's he , that would not leave most glad worlds vanities so finite , base and bad . for pleasures infinite : vvhat 's he would take fraudulent joyes , and permanent forsake : none doubtless , none ; but dastards void of grace , none but faint-hearted , fearful cowards base . the resolute couragious christian bold , dares deaths grim face confront , see and behold , dares death defie , and his approach desire , because by death , he knows he shal acquire the end of all his hope , for deaths the key which opes the door to true felicitie . yea , 't is no pain , but of all pains the end , the gate of heav'n and ladder to ascend . and death 's the death of all his storms and strife , and sweet beginning of immortal life . therefore with smiling count'nance , merrily to heav'n his place of rest he casts his eye : and in his heart these thoughts are oft revolved , unfeignedly i wish to be dissolved . to be with thee ( o christ my saviour sweet ) thee my deer eldest brother for to meet . i see thee christ , i see thee heav'nly home , i gladly would and quickly to thee come . i see thee , o thou saints caelestial place , i much desire i once had run my race . but though i cannot with elias run , i th' strength o' th spirit in this race begun , unto the heav'nly canaan : yet give grace , though i with iacob halt , to halt apace : and if not so , yet that at least i may like to an infant , learn to creep the way : and grow from strength to strength , from grace to grace , until i come in presence of thy face . for i am weary of this pilgrimage , and long for thee my heav'nly heritage . how oft have i thee view'd with admiration ? how oft hast thou been my souls meditation ? how oft have i been ravisht with desire , that unto thee my soul might once aspire ? how oft have i been scorn'd and vili-pended earths most unpleasant pleasures quickly ended ? being compared to those joyes above , which from my heart , my soul doth dearly love : my heart , my life , my bliss , my joy , my gem , my soules dear soul is new-ierusalem . and now i come , my joyes i come to you , for whom , i did so often seek and sue . i pain and death do heartily imbrace , so that my soul amongst you may take place : yea , though ev'n hel it self were in my way , and would my journey stop , disturb , or stay , i would it pass , and hazard hells annoy , to live with christ in his caelestial joy . and , surely , since heath'nish cleo● brotus did seem ( but desp'rately ) so valorous , hearing his master plato once discourse of immortalitie : with furious force ( from an high rock ) himself did head-long throw , in hope to be immortalized so : o how much rather then , i pray , ought i , dying it'h lord , a thousand death to die , to be inve●ted in that perfect glory , shown an affur'd in truths most faithful story ? he di'd in bare opinion , souls blind-love , i die in saith and knowledg from above : he onely hop● to have immortal life , i , for immortal rest and glory rife ; he went unsent-for , i am oft invited , even christ himself my soul hath oft incited : incited oft , i say , with resolution , and pauls firm faith , to wish for dissolution . shal then his pagan-courage mine excel ? shal fear of death my christian-courage quell , since my sure ground than his , is much more firm , and death to me is but my sorrows term ? and that my soul i' th end shall sure exult , although the way seem somewhat difficult ? o no , my soul , be valorous and stout , with constant courage persevere , hold out . none fight but with a hope of victory : thy fight wel finisht , brings eternitie . if one shoul say unto a captain stout , go forward with bold courage , fight it out ; do but thy utmost , fight and give not over , for , thou in th end the conquest shalt recover . would any david his goliah flie ? from whom he 's sure to win the victorie . would any gideon such a fight refuse ? could any valiant ioshua , think you , chuse but enter combat with the proudest foe ? whom he with triumph surely shal orethrow . my saviour sweet even thus to me hath said ; take courage , christian souldier ben't afraid , do thou thy utmost , satan to with-stand : for i will be propitious at thy hand . fight valiently and though thy foes fierce might may hap to bring thee on thy knees i' th fight , may often foil thee by his crafty snare , yea , though his claws were ready thee to tare , yet i wil raise thee up , i le thee defend , and thou shalt sure be victor in the end . who then ( i say ) what 's he would be so base , as not this proffer gladlie to imbrace ? who could with vile pusillanimity , so free a conquest coward like deny ? shal do●ing lovers for their ladies fight , and for their sakes account all danger slight ! shall merchants venture both lives and goods , for wealth & pelf through th' oceans dangrous floods ? yea , shal the ship boy gladly undergo all hazards which or sea or shore can show ? onely in hope to gain a masters place . and to obtain a cunning pilots grace . and shal my soul turn coward , ●ear and flie ? shal not my soul controle that enemy ? whom christ my general first overthrew , and thereby all his subtilties wel knew : and knowing them hath taught me how to fight , me to defend ; him offend , put to flight ; yea , and hath promis'd heel assistant bee ; and in my weakness cause my foe to flee ; and underneath my feet pull satan down , and me as victor , graciously wil crown . o then my soul ! stand stourly to 't and fear not , christs sacred arms in vain about thee bear not . fight this good fight , and let proud satan know , christ being captain , thou'lt him overthrow , for , if heav'ns king by grace be on thy side , thou needst not fear what ere do thee betide : no danger sure , can in that battel bee , where thou for christ , and christ doth fight for thee . and here 's my comfort , this is my souls stay , that whether satan wound or do me stay , dye fleshly body , so my soul may live , christ to my soul the palm of grace wil give . but as a mighty emp'rour which proclaims at some great feast olympick warlike games , wherein to him which proves the conqueror , and doth the best exploits , this emperor wil give a crown , his valor to reward ; and him with kingly favour wil regard . but not the emp'rour unto him descends , but lie to th' emp'rors gallery ascends , there from his princely hand to take the crown , the triumph , trophy , of his high renown , even so the christian souldier having gained the victory , for which he long had strained with all his power spiritual , to quel the rage of ray●nous sin , and satan fel , musts from the worlds lists in a blessed end by death , heav'ns glorious gallery ascend , there , from the hands of jesus christ himself to take a crown far passing worldly pelf ; a crown of joy , even glories plenitude , a crown of bliss , even heav'ns beatitude . not as the meede of his deserving merit , but as the free gift of gods sacred spirit ; for having done what ever i am able , yet my best service is unprofitable . only in mercy he is pleas'd to crown his own good gifts in me to my renown . o! therefore death , shal be my welcome guest , death , which translates from la sour unto rest , from worldly sorrow , to heav'ns joyes encrease , from wo to weale , from trouble to sweet peace . from earth the stage of instability , to heav'n the fortress of true constancie . go then you godless heliogabolites , you drunken vicars , proud cosmopolites , go please your selves in swearing , feasting , fighting , and not what 's just , but what 's your lusts delight in . go please your selves with rich and large extents of wealthy mannors , stately tenements , grow proud to see your underlings beslaved , and by your greatness wrongfully outbraved , to see your ward-roabs stuft with proud apparel , your mouths with oathes , your thoughts with strife & quarrel . to have variety of worldly pleasure , delicate gardens , coffers ful of treasure . treasure ( sa●d i ? ) nay white and yellow clay , bewitching mammon , sin-bane , souls decay : or if there 's ought that doth you more allure , or which you would with more content procure , use it , possess it , yet for all this know , you shall it all with shame and smart for go . yea god wil take at deaths disastrous day , your lands ( your life ) your goods ( your gods ) away . this , this ( alas ) did cause the prophets cry , this mov'd s. paul with zealous ard●ncy , 'gainst worldlings to cry out , and them accuse , that they themselves , their souls would so abuse , such lying vanities so to respect , so sottishly their souls health to reject , in aegypt , straw and stubble for to buy , yea straw i say and chaffe , which finally would their own house burn down and ruinate , and head-long them to hel precipitate . whereas their saviour at a cheaper price would sel them gold , pure gold , rare merchandise , even all the golden joyes and sweet delight of paradise coelestial , sacred sight : that pearl of blest salvation , which to buy the wisest merchant would most joyfully sel all his worldly treasure , earthly pelfe , with this rare jewel to enrich himself . and what 's his price ? o cheap , and nought else , sure , but what thou maist thy self with ease procure , only thy heart , t is only this , he craves : this given to god , both soul and body saves , not that thy god is better by the same , but thou made blest , to magnifie his name , 't is onely thine not his good , he desires ; and for this good he only thanks requires , oh therefore silly , simple , sinful man , what greater madness ? tel me , if thou can ? than such a proffer , fondly to refuse , than death for life , for treasure , straw to choose ; for precious liquor , fountain water good , to choose foul puddles stinking ful of mud ; oh more then mad men thus to take more pain ; head-long to run to hel with might and main : then even the holiest sain is to go to heaven , who oft with treats and threats are thereto driven . but ( 〈◊〉 my soul ) thy saviours counsel take ; o do not thou his bounty so forsake ! go buy of him , give body , heart and all , to purchase this rare gem angelicall . and with that royal shepheard david say , o thou my soul trust in the lord alway : yea in his awe and law take thou delight , o like , love , love look on this both day and night . let it be thy arithmetick , alwayes to take account and number out thy dayes . a deaths-head let thy chiefe companion be , an hour glass remembrancer to thee . let thy chiefe study be continually , how to live wel , and blessedly to dye . so shalt thou ( o my soul ) most happy be , when thou of that blest citie art made free , when thou , amongst that sacred hierarchie shal sing sweet tones and tunes melodiously ; with heav●ns psalmodical harmonious quire of saints and angels zealous , hot as fire , the diapason of whose heav'nly layes doth warble forth heav'ns due deserved praise , where thou being grac't and plac't in heav'nly state , in precious pleasure ne're to ●erminate , being sweetly rap't in heav'nly extasie , christ and his churches epithalamy , my sainted foul with surged voice shal sing , to god in christ my three-one heav'nly king : o happy citizens enfranchis'd there ! o joyful quiristers singing so cleare ! victorious souldiers thus to be trans-planted ! where peace for war , where life for death is granted . happy wert thou ( my soul ) most truly blessed , if thou wert once of this rare joy possessed : that then i might be fill'd and never fated with that rare sight , which once initiated ; shal last for aye without times dissolution , shal be most specious without all pollution . therefore my heart ( as hart being chaft and chased by furious hounds most nimbly tract and traced ) desires the water-brook his heat t' allay , that so refresht , he thence may scud away : even so my heart ( o lord ) desires to see those crystal streams of life which slow from thee ! sighes , sues , pursues , her countrey to recover , here abject , subject , too too triumpht over by my three fierce and furious enemyes : who seek my soul t' insnare and sin-surprize , even satan that old hunter and his hounds , the quakers , hectors which give my soul deep wounds . who more like ravening wolves would fain devour and captivate my soul in hellish power , but thy preventing grace ( o spring of grace ) preserves my soul , dis-nerves their horrid chace ; and as a bird out of the fowlers grin , and as noes dove looking to be let in , into the ark of thine eternal rest : my cyred soul is unto the addrest , my soul with worlds encumbrances oppressed ; desires ( o lord ) to be by thee refreshed , my soul doth thirst and hasteth to draw near , and longs before thy presence to appear , o tree of life ! o ever-living spring ! whose laud and praise the heav'nly hoast do sing ! o when shal i come and appear in sight of thee , the s●n of righteousness most bright ? when shal my soul by thine all-saving hand , be led with joy from forth this des●rt land ? when shal i leave this wilderness of wo , wherein my soul is tossed to and fro ? i sit alone ; as one a house the sparrow : i th' vale and dale of tears , fears , sighes and sorrow . o lead ( dear christ ) my love-sick soul by th' hand , from this vast wilderness drie thirsty land : to thy wine-cellers , that i there may tast of thy wine-flagons thou prepared hast . comfort me with the apples of thy grace . with thy hid-manna strengthen my weak case . with heav'nly milk and honny ( lord ) make glad my heart , which worlds afflictions hath made sad , o let me once from wisedomes sacred lip , coelestial nard , and rosean liquor sip . yea , let me fatiare mine insariate thirst , with that sweet milk wherewith thy saints are noure't , i thirst , o lord , i thirst , thou art the wel , o quench my thirst , and let me with thee dwel , i hunger , lord , i hunger , thou are bread , even bread of life , o let my soul be fed . i seek thee , lord , yet stil i go astray , through high-waies , by-wayes , yet i miss the way : thou art , ( o lord ) the perfect way and dore , my soul wil follow , if thou go before . direct my feet to leave the paths of sin , ope glories gate , and let my soul go in . let it be riches to me to possess thee ; let it be gloy to me to confess thee ; let it be clothes , christ jesus to put on ; let it be food , his word to feed upon ; yea , let it be my life , to live and dye , for christ my king , and for his verity . so shal my riches be to me eternall , so shal my glory be with christ supernal , so shal my clothing fril be fair and new , so shal my food be manna heav'nly dew , so shal my life nere fade , but ever spring , being stil preserv'd by christ my lord and king . but , oh alas ! when shal i see that day ? that day of gladness never to decay , that day of jubile when all are glad , that day when all rejoyce , none can be sad ? whose endless time and never fixed date , eternity shal never exterminate . that saints blest birth-day , which shal nere have evening that lasting day to which no night gives ending . that rare grand-iubile , that feasts of feasts . sabbaths of sabbaths , endless rests of rests : to which least care shal never dare come neare , wherein the saints shal shake of● palid fear . o pure , o pleasant , most desired day of that eternal springing month of may ! in which my soul shal evermore rejoyce , in which my soul shal hear that happy voice , enter ( blest soul ) into thy masters joy , enter into sweet rest without annoy ; enter into the house of christ thy king , where peace and plenty mirth and joy do spring , where thou shalt find things most to be admired , where thou shalt have what most thy soul desired . joyes infinitely , numberless , i say , and various pleasures infinitely gay : unspy able , unspeakable by man , immutable , inscrutable to scan ; where i , thy soul wil feed , wil feast , wil fil : feed with spiritual food of my blest wil , feast with the dainties of delight most pure , and fil with glory which shal e're endure . enter , i say , and hear that melody , which comprehends dateless festivity . where is all good , no evil to abuse : where 's all thou wishest , nought thou wouldst refuse , where 's life e're-living , sweet and amiable , where is true fame and glory memorable , vvhere is , i say , certain security , securest peace and peaceful pleasancie ; most pleasant joy , and joyful happiness , happy eternity , eternal blessedness ; the blessed trinity in unity : the unities trine-one rare deity . the deities three-one's most blessed vision , which is our masters joy in ful● fruition . o joy of joyes , o joy beyond all pleasure ! far passing far transcending terrene treasure . o joy without annoy , o true conten● o soveraign bliss , and souls sweet ravishment ! o everlasting kingdome , supreme peace ! where all the saints enjoy such joyes encrease , where all the saints are clothed with pure light , as with a garment shining glorious bright : their heads adorn'd with crowns of purest gold , and precious stones most glorious to behold ; whose only exercise is to rejoyce , to triumph , and to sing with sacred voyce , sweet hallelujah to their soveraign king , which them to this felicity did bring . oh when shall my poore soul be made partaker of this great joy , o thou my lord and maker ! vvhen shall see thee in it , it in theee ? and therein dwel i in thee , thou in me ? surely ( o lord ) i wil make hast and fly , i le make no stay , but post most speedily . i le never cease to seek , til i have found , i le not leave knocking , til my soul be crown'd . i le ne're leave asking , til thou hast me given my boon , thy bounty , even those ioyes of heaven : since then , i say , such is heavens majesty ! and since this world is but meere misery : vvhat is 't can hinder this my speedy pace , vvhich i must run , til i have run my race ; can worldly power or principality ? can kingly favours , wealth or dignity ? can worldly pleasures , pleasant unto some ? can height or depth , things present , things to come ? oh no , with paul i le all abominate , e're they shal me from christs love seperate . i le cry avaunt you soul betraying joyes , which bee-like bring the sting of ●re annoyes . avaunt , i say , worlds momentary pleasure , worlds transitory toyes , earths trashie treasure : the love of christ hath so inflam●d my heart , that as i trust , it nere shal thence depart ; and , lord , confirm , strengthen this faith of mine , o let it never faint , fail , or decline . but wo to me , poor wretch , who still am fain amongst the tents of meshech to remain : to have my habitation mongst the rout of quakers most ungodly , stubborn , stout . the time me thinks , is much procrastinated , o that the date thereof were terminated . ah me ! how long shall it be said to me , wait , wait , expect , and thou the time shalt see ? and shalt thou see ? my soul thou art too blame , i must accuse thee ( o my soul ! ) for shame think not the time too long count it not much , that with these tryals god thy faith should touch . for as a goldsmith waits most carefully upon his gold , which he i' th fire wiltry ; that when t is burnd enough and purifide ; it may not in the fire to wast abide : so god his children dear attends upon , when in the fire of dire affliction he purposeth to purifie and try them : when thus enough refined he doth spie them : by no means will he suffer them to wast , but for their comfort to them soon wil hast . as that most rare pair-royal wel did know : good shedrach , meshach , and abednego : whom he i' th babylonian fire did prove , yet so respected in his sacred love ; that not so much as one hair of their head . was burnt or sindg'd , or once diminished . o then , my soul , if god have such a care , as from thy head not one small simple hair can fall to th' ground , without his providence : o then have thou assured confidence , that he thy soul wil nere permit to perish , but in due time wil thee refresh and cherish ; and say with iob , that than of god most just : lord , though thou kil me , i wil in thee trust . yea , then confess ( as t is ) that all the wo , which in this life for christ thou undergo ; that all earths torments or afflicting toyes , are most unworthy heav'ns most blissful joyes . heav'ns joyes for weight and measure infinite , earths pains to death , but slender , small and slight . heav'ns joyes most perfect , absolutely pure , earths choicest pleasures pain and grief procure . heav'ns joyes are sempiternal , everlasting , earths joyes meere toyes , stil fleeting , ever wasting . o then ( my soul ) have patience , do not grudge , lest so thou make thy christ thine angry judge : give patience , lord , thy sacred wil to bear , and then receive my soul , how , when , or where . for as no gold nor silver can be pure , until the fires burning it endure : nor stones for palace work can wel be fit , til they with hammers oft be cut and smit : no more , i say , is'● possible that we vessels of honour in gods house can be : til we be fin'd and melted in the fire of worldly crosses and afflictions dire . neither can we as living stones have place ; jerusalems coelestial walls to grace ; unless the hammers of earths tribulation , oft bruise the flesh to work the souls salvation . but though thy servants , lord , may oft be tempted , yet can they never finally be tainted , they ne're can be surpris'd , though oft assailed , for why , heav'ns safeguard hath them never failed . christians and persecutions joyne together , like christ and 's cross , few calms much stormy weather ere th' israelites to th' land of promise came , their temp'ral canaan , canaan of such fame ; th' endur'd much danger , many miseries : and shal not i , most patiently likewise endure all dangers , all anxiety ; shal i not undergo all misery , in this my journey to heav'ns holy land ; o yes , with constant courage to it stand . for why , i 'm sure the more i here endure , my joyes in heav'n shal be more pure . and who would not to heav'n go joyfully , though with elias he in whirl-winds flye ; grant therefore , lord , i take earths nocuments as precious balm , as my souls documents . confirm my faith with constant resolution , to wait , and fit me for my dissolution : to wait for thee my saviour , staff and stay , til thou shalt change my bodies house of clay ; that like thy glorious body it may be , that so thy power and glory i may see : that i may hear and see , and bear a part , in heav's heart-charming musick sacred art , in that rare comfort of mel-melody , at christs rare nuptials blest solemnity , come then , lord jesus , oh , i cannot cease , to wish my soul in thine eternal peace , give me , o lord , good stephens eagles-eye , through thickest clouds heav'ns glory to espye . give me ( o lord ) a voice angelicall , with heart unfeigned on thee thus to call : how long ( o lord ) how long wilt thou delay ? lord jesus come , come quickly , do not stay ; make hast and tarry not , i thee intreat , and draw my soul from earth to heavenly seat , for why ? i fea● ( lord falsifie my fear ) that satan wil 'gainst me such malice bear , to cause my refractory flesh to stur my soul unto rebellion : so t' incur thy wrath and indignation for the fame , my stubborn flesh , therefore ( lord ) curb and tame . o , free me from this fleshly prison strong , wherein my soul hath fettered lyen too long : fett'red i say , yea fest'red more 's my shame , more art thou fl●sh ; and much more i too blame , who oft with adam fondly have aspired , and with vain-glory led , have oft desired the fruit o' th' tree of knowledge for to eat , not of the tree of life , more soveraign meat , and to be red in any other book , much pride and pleasure i have often took , than in my book of conscience , to behold , the wo whereinto sin doth me infold . with wontons i oft view'd prides looking-glass , but not times dyall , how my dayes did pass . yea , on earths follies i have fixt mine eyes : gazing on blaztng worldly vanities . yet lord i know that as thou hast a book , wherein my faults are writ on them to look : so thou a bottle hast , wherein to keep my contrite tears , when i for sin do weep . and though my self unworthy i agnize unto thy throne to lift my finful eyes : yet i my self unworthy do not find to weepe before thee til mine eyes be blind . lord then vouchsafe , vouchsafe i thee beseech , an ear an answer to my souls sad speech . o come lord iesus , come i humbly pray . speake peace unto my soul , o do not stay : bind up my wounds , make whole my malady vvith the samaratans sweet charity , into my sore , powre thou the oyle of gladness ; revive my soul from sin constrained sadness . o bring my soul out of this mire and mnd , this sinck of sin where i too long have stood : smite off my fetters of iniquity , as thou didst peters in captivity , stop in me all the conduits of transgression , break satans weapons of my son's oppression , yea , let my eyes be as continual lavers to wash and clense sins ulcers stinking savours : for a clean lord ( i know ) takes delectation , to have a clean heart for his habitation . give therefore grace ( o lord ) whiles here i live , that i a bil of due divorce may give unto that harlo● sin , which too-too-long hath by false flattery done my soul much wrong , o , double , treble happy were i sure , if once i might put off sins rags impare , t●ose menstruous cloathes wherewith i am disguised , vvhereby thine image in mee 's not agnized : vvhereby in thy pure sight i am but loathed . o therefore that my soul might once be cloathed vvith thy most royal robes of righteousness , thy seamel●ss , spotless coat of holyness , and therein be presented to the sight of my great lord the father of all light , and be ingrafted and incorporate , into this new-ierusalems blest state , ino this kingdome evermore existing , into this kingdome all of joy consisting : where all thy saints and sacred angels reign , by thee their mighty lord and soveraign , cloathed in vestures of the purest white , stil in the presence of thy sacred sight : their heads adorn'd with crowns of purest gold , of preecious stones , rich pearls rare to behold . thou lord alone being the diadem of these thy saints in this ierusalem : whose only sight , is their beatitude , which duresfor aye without vicissitude . but lord , it may be thou maist say to me , alas , poor soul , wouldst thou my beauty see ? none ere could see the glory of my face and lives on earth , such is mans mortal case . lord , thus i answer , and i this confess , that thy coelestial glorious , holiness is so immense , so infinite , so rare , so great , so glorious gracious , specious , fair , that no flesh living can it see , and live , yet to my soul ( o lord ) this mercy give , that so it may behold thy sacred sight , let death with thousand deaths my body smite ; so my poore soul may see thy majesty , let death my breath , and life end speedily . oh then , i say , and ne're shal cease to say , o three-sold , four-sold happy , sure , as they , who by a pious life and blessed end , by christ , heav'ns ladder , to heav'ns joyes ascend , who for the minutes of earths lamentation , enjoy heav'ns endless years of consolation , who from this earthly prison are set free , and in heav'ns palace live , o christ , with thee : yea , who being dead to sin and earthly toyes , are there in plenitude of perfect joyes , but oh most wretched miserable i , who ( in the flouds of worlds mortality , by huge heav'n-mounting , hel descending waves , by rocks , syrths , whirlpoles , al which seem my graves ) am stil constrain'd to sail through dangers great , which waters , winds , weather , together threat : and , which is more , i mosterroniously through ignorance , oft wander clean away , i lose my way , and then am danger'd most , not ●nowing whither my poor ship doth coast : being thus expos'd to seas all jeopardies , like ionah , when from ninive he flies , tost to and fro , even into the maw of hel , by furious hound which 'gainst me rage and swel : so that my way to th' harbour of my rest thus being lost my soul is fore opprest . but which is worst , whiles thus to thee i sail , i meet sea-monsters which do me assail : resistful remoraes do strive to stay me , and huge leviathan gapes wide to slay me ; lifes , toyes and troubles , satans craft and power , nould stay my voyage , and would me devour . restless , redresse is thus i store about , hnd for thy heavenly my soul cryes out . wherefore sea-calming , wind controlly lord , to my perplexed soul thine aid afford ; for if thou wilt ( o lord . ) thou canst me cherish : o therefore help , or else my soul wil perish . one depth ( o lord ) another in doth call , as waves break out and on each other fall : the depth of my calamity profound , doth invocate thy mercies which abound . i call and cry from many waters deep , my soul from sinking ( lord ) preserve and keep . o keep me from these dangers imminent , which have my silly soul on all sides pent , let thine oustretched arm , upholding grace ; once bring my soul unto her resting place , from floods or worldly infelicity , into the ●ven of eternity . how long , o lord , how long wilt thou prolong , thy wrath● appeale and ease me , from among these d●death-threatning dangers ? o direct my way to thee , my 〈◊〉 to thee erect . my ●fidence re-plan in thee , i pray , that ●o these temp●sts may me not dismay ; that so these floods , though flow , may not com neer me that so these blasts , though blow , may not so fe●r me , thou being my un-rocking rock , my shield , my fortress strong , which to no force can yeild , most skilful pilot , so my stern direct , my weather beaten boat , so safe protect , that it these dangers infinite may sh●n , and to my harbour may the right way run : commiserate , compassionate my case , and in thine arms , o christ , my soul embrace . though i with ionas seamen lose my wares , my goods , my life , worlds pleasures , best affairs ; though persecution rocks my bark may batter , my danger driven boat may split may shatter ; yet grant , o lord , i may not shipwrack make of my sure faith in thee ; but as the snake is said t' expose his body to the blow of him that smites , to save his head : even so i willingly may undergo all crosses , and with content may bear the greatest losses , that i may hold fast faith in christ my head , so i may live by faith , to sin be dead . with this conclusion should my soul be cherisht , i had been undone , had i thus not perisht . yea , with those argo-nautae willingly , my ship through straightest passages shal flye , so that in th' end i may with joy possess the golden fleece of endless happiness . lord , though the puddle of impurity hath my poor soul polluted loathsomely the ocean of iniquities foul flood hath me beimeard in stinking mire and mud : o yet , sweet christ , with hylap of thy merit , clense and make clean my sin-polluted spirit ; wash me , o christ , with thy most precious blood , none , nought but thou , can do my soul this good , my wel-nigh-shipwrackt soul , o lord assist , vvhich too . too-long the way to thee hath mist . contemn me not , condemn me not for sin , but let my soul to thy sweet rest go in . remit ( o lord ) what i have il-omitted , remove ( o lord ) what i have mis-committeed . and though i be to pass by th' gates of hel , grant power to pass them , and with thee to dwel . to dwel i say with thee , i th' land of living , where to thy saints thy joyes thou stil art giving . o thou my souls sweet soul , my harts dear hart , in this distress do not from me depart ; be to my soul as a bright-morning-star , which i may clearly see though somwhat far , and be , as th' art indeed , the sun most bright , of righteousness , that my flesh-dimmed sight being with faiths collyrium made more cleer , i speedily may see the way appear to my heart-chearing long desired port , whereto my soul hath longed to resort , i may in time see , and fore-see sins charms , and so prevent th' event of sins great harms , that on the shore i may perceive thee stand , giving me aym with thy most sacred hand , to keep the right way to thine habitation , the heaven of happiness , and sure salvation . that passing thus this danger-obvious ocean , by thee the strong arch-mover of each motion , i may go forward with such circumspection , and be so guided by thy good direction , and with thy grace be so corroborated , and with rock-founded faith so animated , that as 'twixt scylla's and charib●is fear , my bark in passage doth a ful sail bear : i mean proud pharisaical self-station , and graceless diffident , cains desperation , by th' justified publicans example , i may the right regenerate paths trample of that true penitent good prodical , to thee ( o lord ) for mercy cry and call , that by thy gracious guide and safe tuition , i may escape despairs and prides perdition , and so with joy , with joy unut●erable , approaching to the shore most amiable : casting the anchor of a constant hope on christ my saviour , fastned with faiths rope , i may my merchandizes bring a-land , and put them into my sweet saviours hand ; even all the gains which i poor soul had made of this good talent lent to me to trade : to whom although i bring but one for five , yet will he not my soul of heaven deprive . and though that one through mine infirmitie , hath been much blemish't with impurity , hath been disgrac't , defac't , and much abused , yet by my christ it wil not be refused , but graciously hee 'l take my wil for deed , wil hold me by the hand and thus proceed : vvell done , good servant , worthy of my trust , wel done ( i say ) thy service hath been just ; since thou in little matters hast done well , thou shalt be lord of things which far excel . since thou to do my will hast done thy best , come , come with me into thy masters rest . even so lord iesus , come i humbly pray , for thine elects sake hast that happy day . i look , i long , that i might once deserie that happy day , my soul to happyfie : that i with thee ( my saviour ) may rejoyce , that with heart-cheering musick and sweet voice , in that blest chorus sweet , angelical society of saints celestial , i , halleluiah , halleluiah may sing cheerfully to god the lord alway ; to god the father , son , and holy ghost , unto the trine-one lord of host . to this great god be given all thanks and praise , for his sweet succour in these sacred layes . amen . finis . — omnis gloria solus est domini . thrice happy vision , more thrice happy zeal , thus flames us with god , saints , heav'ns commonweal . to the good , godly , and ingenuous reader . gentlemen , this book was written for you , & for none ●ut you ; any that are malicious , wicked , and corrupted with any deadly sin , in no wise let him presume with uzza to touch the ark lest he die . it is inchanted with white magick , the angel of righteousness doth and wil protect it , the spirit of the air his seal & plannet ; sachiel his , s●irit , and zebul his region , the mild south , winde bloweth peace and concord , to those i mean , such as it is dedicated to , and none but honest , good , moral , discreet men may read it , whose lives are devoted to the service of god , and in whose hearts there is no guile , to such this book is given . excuse my absence from the press , ( which causeth me thus to express ) reader , if you with any errors meet in this or that , or the other sheet , you must therefore the printer blame , for he did all these errors frame . an alarm to all priests, judges, magistrates, souldiers, and all people; inviting them to repentance and amendment of life : for the great day of the lord is neer at hand / the substrance of most of this disourse was by several revelations from the spirit of the lord, given unto the author to be proclaimed: who is known unto many by the name of daniel gotherson. : wherein tho. danson, a priest in sandwich, is proved a deceiver of souls. gotherson, daniel. 1660 approx. 295 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 71 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2009-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a85476 wing g1351 estc r177564 45789330 ocm 45789330 172640 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a85476) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 172640) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2642:5) an alarm to all priests, judges, magistrates, souldiers, and all people; inviting them to repentance and amendment of life : for the great day of the lord is neer at hand / the substrance of most of this disourse was by several revelations from the spirit of the lord, given unto the author to be proclaimed: who is known unto many by the name of daniel gotherson. : wherein tho. danson, a priest in sandwich, is proved a deceiver of souls. gotherson, daniel. [8], 7, [120] p. printed by james cottrel ..., london : [1660] date of publication suggested by wing. imperfect: stained, final pages mutilated. reproduction of original in: friends' library (london, england). created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; 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and the great mystery of salvation lieth treasured up in christ . and if thou without prejudice , in the cool of the day , dost search and commune with thy own heart , and be still , thou mayst find the true bread that came down from heaven , that whosoever eateth thereof , shall never dye : and thou shalt plainly see all deceivers unmasked , and their deceipt plainly and nakedly laid open , with all antichristian practises used to this day ; and their mystery of iniquity unfolded unto all those that are not wilfully blind , and desire to stupifie their sences . but if thou wilt search in thy heart , in meekness , for the light christ , thou shalt finde eye-salve , the balm of gilead , the blood of christ that will cleanse thee from all sin : for it will , by thy obedience , bring thee to mount sion , the city of the living god , the mount that cannot be touched : for it is a spiritual life that must be witnessed : and christ plainly sheweth , that the father seeketh such to worship him , as worship him in the spirit and in truth . and therefore lend thy heart , nay , give it up into god , that thou , in thy own vessel , mayest have the bread of life : for it must be the oyl in a man 's own lamp , that must convey him into the bridegrooms chamber , to receive that blessing : come you blessed of my father , saith christ , inherit the kingdom prepared for you ▪ enter , thou good servant , into the joy of thy lord : he is that great prophet that moses spake of , that whosoever would not hear , should be cut off from amongst the people ; who is jesus , that saveth his people from their sins : whose great day of power hath appeared unto many , and is appearing unto all , and doth pull down their pride : for , the loftiness of men must be brought low , and their haughtiness must be humbled : for christ teacheth all his to be meek and lowly , that they may finde rest unto their souls : for , blessed are the meek ; they shall inherit the earth : and by hiding the word christ in thy heart , thou shalt be kept , as david was , from sinning against god : for those that hear the voyce of christ , & desire to be taught by him , as the truth is in jesus , they shall be guided by him to do the will of god in every thing , and be led by the spirit of god , to do as they would be done unto ; and to walk in all things as christ hath walked : for they shall be filled with the spirit of righteousness , that filleth all in all : and they shall not need that any man shall teach them , but as the anointing which dwelleth in them , teacheth them all things : for they shall know their true teacher . know you not that christ is in you , except you be reprobates ? and so being taught by christ , they shall taste of his fulness , and the arm of his strength they shall all witness ; that will make them walk from strength to strength , and grace shall make them see god in sion : for holiness becometh the house of the lord for ever : and by leading holy lives , they find their works to be wrought in god , and themselves branches springing from that vine christ ; and they come in by that true door , and they follow christs voice : for he is their shepherd , and he leadeth them into pleasant pastures , where their souls are refreshed with that which is sweeter then the honey , and the honey-comb , and is better then thousands of gold and silver : for it is the enjoyment of the lord , which is better then life . and therefore as thou tenderest thy salvation , be like the wise man that fore-saw the evil , and made his hiding place in his god : for assure your selvs , high and low , rich and poor , learned and vnlearned , priests and people , the great day of the lords wrath is near at hand , wherein the stout ones of the earth shall tremble : for all their words and works must come to judgment ; and none but those that have truth in the inward parts , shall stand before him : it is the unspotted life , the undefiled in their way , the pure in heart , will see him with comfort : the clean heart is a fit temple for the holy ghost to dwell in : and those that have part in the first resurrection , from the death of sin to the life of grace ; over such the second death hath no power . this treatise is for your instruction , to bring you to a sight of all that is past , and present , and to come . and therefore seriously read without prejudice : for it is the advice of him that thirsteth after the salvation of all men , that they may come to the knowledge of the truth , that they may be saved : for every one that shall finde a benefit by christ , are such as have part in him ; such as are baptized into him ; and such are baptized into his death ; and they are new creatures , and old things are passed away ; all things are become new : for in christ jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing , nor uncircumcision ; but a new creature : and where the new creature is , there is the vnity of the spirit witnessed to be kept in the bond of peace . the 22 of the 10. month , commonly called by the heathens , december , 1659. i am a true lover of all whose desires are after the living god , who am called daniel gotherson . a preparative to the ensuing epistles . 1. despise not prophesie : 1 th 5 trie all things ; firmly hold that that is sound and pure : the rest thou may'st be bold , as vanity and lewd illusion for to hate . but if thou judge too soon , thou wilt repent too late . be well assur'd 't is good , before thou do approve ; be well assur'd 't is naught , before thou dare reprove . mean while i wish thee do as abrams servant did ; as paul in macedon , to preach when christ him bid . as the beraeans , whose nobility is prais'd by gods own holy pen : these men their courage rais'd , and utmost industrie , to finde the certaintie , when doubtful novelty they heard or did espie . 2. before or rash receive , or rash reject they durst ; first if his doctrine swerve , detest him as accurst . but if of heresie thou canst not him detect , stay till thou see the truth made plain by the effect . it is a wickedness to which men are not slow , in rage to cast away that which they do not know . so josephs brethren did his dreams as dreams deride ; but them their reverend king , up in his bosome laid . and though he thought them strange , durst not yet vilipend ; but humbly did observe , until he saw the end . so moses brethren durst his zealous loving fact , reprove as deed accurst , and as usurpers act . 3. though moses knew that god had sent him to that end ; and hop'd his brethren would this secret understand . eldad and medad , when i' th' camp they prophesie , even joshua is rash to blame them foolishly . but moses tells him plain , not zeal doth him inflame , but envie and disdain ; and would god would his name not in these two alone in this sort glorifie ; but in all jacobs seed . when gideon did destroy , in his heroick rage , the altar which the jews to baal had set up ; oh how this people spews dire wrath , and fell despight ! but joash bold replies , will ye for idols fight ? that dares this morning dies . 4. when saul from that he was , was suddenly transum'd , and with the prophets did as now he was indu'd : some spake of this amiss , but some were better skill'd , and said , they cannot chuse , which with god's spirit are fill'd . vvilt thou the winds forbid to blow where they are sent ? shall sacred prophesies in schools or cells be pent ? vvhen david offered his service to his king , vvhat a loud peal did then his eldest brother ring ? as if god might not send , vvhen , whom he thinketh best , and as to him seems good , to relieve a state distrest . as if god might not set on shepherds head the crown , vvhen they themselves forget , that must be tumbled down . 5. but let eliab storm , let saul himself run mad , let him and all his crew conspire against the lad : prince jonathan is wise , and for his brother glad ; and for his thankless king ; religiously is sad . michal shall be his friend , and so shall all the best ; and above all his choice , vvhat cares he for the rest ? vvhat weighs he nabals scorn ? the ziphims treachery ? abner his skill in war ? dog doegs villanies ? vvhen jeroboams king a prophet reprehended : his majesty incens'd bid him be apprehended . for this his hand he lost , until he su'd for grace . kings , 't will be to your cost , if prophets you disgrace . 6. did not king ahab so , and with him that abus'd his prince with tales , and false , micaiah just accus'd ? the bethelites prophane , that taught ( as we to swear ) their boys and gyrls to mock him that had power to tear , and with a word destroy their lives , did in one day four hundred children loose , naaman went away from elisha his gate , vvith scorn and rage fulfill'd , because ( so wise men are , learned and deeply skill'd in their own judgments blind , ) the word which him was sent did not his prouder thoughts and high conceits content , but though his footing slid , his servants were more wise ; and boldly faithful did their foolish lord advise . 7. if lords or kings misdeem you that on them attend , be not base flattering parasites , but your best counsels lend . do not your selves and them , fond parasites , for fear , fearless down headlong cast in pits of deeper care : yet , if you be but stout , to speak as you believe , you may your froward lord his leprosie relieve . or if he needs must wend after his own advise , you have done nobly yet , and as became the wise . vvhen elisha again in a sad time of want , did promise by next day bread should be nothing scant ; this cannot be , quoth he , that thought god could not do that which he could not see vvas possible . and so , 8. if men these prophecies judge as to sense they seem , how can they feasibly such uncouth wonders deem ? but learn of that proud lord your judgements to submit : for god is wise , and strong to do all he thinks fit . if in his name then hear you shall things difficult , do not with flesh and blood too suddenly consult . you may as did this prince , his life who therefore lost , false sentence over-soon pronounce unto your cost . do not with jehu's friends , if in your sight appear ( as will ) a prophet , ask , what makes this mad-man here ? alas ! can you streight know what god in heaven hath meant ? can you sans tryal know who is not surely sent ? 9. let us this jeremie how to supplant devise , ( said the rash jews ) for sure all that he tells are lies : is no man wise but he ? is all the learning his ? are there no prophets more ? do all else go amiss ? poor men ! thus they must do , that must themseves destroy . sad jeremiah they 'll force against their pride to pray : i would their good , my god , but they reward me ill : let famine and the sword them and their infants kill . as much did pashur gain , the chief of clergie-men , a sect which always hath before all other been in mischievous designs , and spightful machinations : be wise therefore you droans , and shun these consultations . 10. if your arch-priests will needs like anti-christs resist , bid them alone for you malicious blind persist . he that these priests huge fame , and their foul friends found out , hath ever been the same , and will still ( do not doubt . ) they shall be terrifi'd , that terrible now seem : magor-missabib is this bul-beggers new names . poor wretches , i do not your pride at all envie ! i do not , but lament and moan your misery ; and of these surly sect vvhich with hilchias child , at hand i do foresee , repentance be your shield . vvhen jeremie again , by dreaful comminations , his people would restrain vvith hideous exclamations , 11. ( the priests they being chief ) against him they conspire : treason must be his crime , destruction must be his hire . for if you mark it well , priests they this use have got , reprove the state of sin , and death must be thy lot , if these blood-thirsty hounds be suffered to prevail : but magistrates are wise , though cater-caps can rail , and carry after them sometimes with glosing lies ; ( as they jehoiakim ) the king ( god op'd his eyes ) yet you that fear the lord , and in his son believe ; do not too soon consent , but boldly wise relieve : and namely shaphans child , such is thy prudence rare ; so art thou just and mild , and for our weal takest care . 12. although jehoiakim vvould not with reverence hear the book of jeremie , but scornfully did it tear , and in the fire consume unto his greater hurt , and of his royal race ; yet some men had the heart , vvhich next him were the first , and sat in highest place , the prophet and his words to heed , and to imbrace . they tremble as they hear , and amongst themselves confer , vvhat course is best to take these judgements to aufer . in zedechiah's days , again this holy wight , for telling them the truth , of treason he 's indight . but though his own are blind , a pagan doth believe : moors more then jews are kind , ( oh shame ! ) and dare relieve , 13. whom they dare persecute , and do the king exhort he credit not too soon malicious fond report . when amos in the court gods judgements did denounce ; the prince of prelates then him traytor doth pronounce ; and the fond king incense : but what was his reward ? priests , you the storie read , and awfully regard : thy wife , said amos then , proud priest , shall play the whore ; thy sons and daughters all the sword shall soon devour : thy place thy eyes shall see thy enemies possess ; and in a forraign land thy self die in distress . frown , mowe , grin , grind thy teeth , swell , break , for all thy mood , the word i speak is truth , and cannot be withstood . 14. our lord himself his own would not receive nor love , chiefly the chief amongst you his words and works reprove . because the ways of god they measure by their wits , they 're scandaliz'd and fall , and still lies in the pit. oh learn by their extreams and lasting miseries , what 't is for to refuse the profer'd verities . what 't is rashly to judge , resist , and presecute things that distaste , before thou know how to confute . as after his ascent , when he his promise paid , many both mock't , and rail'd , and of the apostles said , for they did prophesie , and with new tongues could they babbled idlely , because their brains were weak . speak , 15. but wise gamaliel , when others burst for spight , and plotted to destroy gods prophets if they might , sage counsel freely gave : princes , beseech you hear ; be well advis'd , take heed , too sudden wrath forbear . as theudas lying knave , judas the counterfeit , although a while they seem'd great credit for to get , yet quickly came to nought : so if these men you see , not true apostles , but impostors crafty be ; believe it , they will soon such as they are appear : but if they be of god , god will his servants clear ; and we that dare resist not men but heavens king , shall wish that we had wist , and late repent this thing . 16. if therefore thou be'st wise , reader , thy spirit suspect , when thou perceiv'st it tempt thee rashly to reject that which thou now hast read , or shalt within a while : do not with high conceit thy weaker wits beguile . though doctors dote as yet , and this false doctrine teach , that prophets now no more . of future things shall preach , nor miracles be seen ; do not their dreams receive . blinde guides , their silly selves and others they deceive . and if thou say as they , then hear this prophesie ; thy eye before thou die , shall give thy tongue the lie . who shall the jews convert ? who shall restore our peace ? who shall the pope subvert ? and mahomet make cease ? 16. did not elias need when 'twixt jehove and the doubtful jews did half ? did not elias call men from their crooked ways , and for the lord prepare ; before himself appear'd his gospel to declare ? and dost thou hope that now , these schisms at all shall cease ; and the round world with light , as the full moon increase , without elias aid ? or art thou so purblind , as nor in malachie , nor in esay to find , that as the baptist did vvalk in elias might ; vvhen this messias came a miserable wight : so much more now before vve see his glorious day , his usher shall prepare afore his face the way ? 18. nor do thou curious scan from whence he doth appear , nor what his person is : for then i can but fear , thou some offence wilt take , as men were wont of old , when in gods secrets they to pry were over-bold . god doth send whom he list ; the reason none can tell , but only god himself . for this you must all know , christs merits are the thing which all must flie unto even for salvation . god did appoint him for salvation unto all that in the light believe . which light is christ alone , who hath enlightned every one , which in the world hath been , or shall be to the end . the lord he did also david and salomon call , and his apostles twelve , his prophets every one . no man deserves this place , no man is competent , let god do what he will , let this thy mind content . 19. praise god that he hath found one whom employ he will , more for thy good then goods , to save thy soul from ill , danger , fear , care , and grief ; all for thy comfort , and thy heavie hearts relief . who if thou knew the soul of those whom god hath call'd , as israel in aegypt , i know thou art much appall'd : dost mourn , complain and cry , that god as he of old , vvill now again provide the sorrows that unfold thee , and his woful spouse . how quickly to relieve , the means then glad imbrace ! the choyce thee let not grieve ; thy wisdom in this case , is thankful modestie ; say unto god thy grace vvithout an envious eye . 20. the poor , the mean , the rude , the vile god oft doth call ; and place in highest room , that he the lord of all , of all may be confest , his counsels be ador'd , rather then vainly scan'd , his name with hymns decor'd ; and all flesh put to shame . david and saul were poor ; moses a man unfit , amos a country-boor , the chief of prophets all , and of all kings the head , a carpenters son some so call'd : the apostles carn'd their bread : the most were ideots call'd : paul was a wicked man : mathew himself records a hated publican . even nathaniel said , from nazareth to hope for good , i am afraid : yet christ from thence did come , which brings salvation . 21. the word he brings , the works that he shall do , respect : all proud , and wicked ways far from thy thoughts reject . dost thou believe ? then lend thy helping hand : dar'st thou deny ? i dare thee then withstand . or art thou in doubt ? then pray that thou mayst see : study within , and then confer with me . egerton , anno 1660. d. gotherson . finis . the first epistle : to all people whose souls panteth after god , as the hart panteth after the water-brooks . and now also is the ax laid to the root of the tree : therefore every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit , is hewen down and cast into the fire . i is to the circumcised in heart , that cometh or springeth from all the twelve tribes , that jesus christ is lovely , the choicest of ten thousand ; for whom they part with all , to purchase that pearl that is of so great worth , that the heart cannot conceive , nor the tongue express , nor the eye see that is mortal ; being that stone with the new name written in it , that no man knoweth but he that hath it ; and is not discernable with any but they that are born again , that can witness they are become little children , for only to such belongeth the kingdom , and to none other . now the soul being of so great worth , that christ said , what will it profit a man to gain the whole world , and to loose his soul ? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ? by which it appeareth , that there is none but christ the promised seed can redeem man from death , nor offer unto god a ransom for him : and as the tree falleth , so it lieth , and there is no repentance in the grave whither thou goest : and every word and work must be brought to judgement , with every secret thing ; and god is no respecter of persons , for he cannot behold transgression in jacob , nor sin in israel ; and if david a man after his own heart sinneth , he must go with broken bones to his grave for it : and seeing all have sinned , and come short of the glory of god , it is the one thing necessary for every man and woman seriously to consider , and wait in seeking the lord , that he may be manifested unto every ones particular : and this is to be sought for , to know him that taketh away sin , even the sins of the world : for as in adam all died , so in christ shall all be made alive : and christ hath lightned every man that cometh into the world : and christ the hope of glory is in every one ; and know ye not that christ is in you , unless you be reprobates ? now the man christ jesus , the great prophet , declared in general terms what should be in latter times , leaving it to every son and daughter to declare their particular experiences when the spirit doth rise up in them , and manisest himself unto them : for they that believe ( saith he ) out of their bellies shall flow rivers ( or plentiful discoveries ) of the water of life . therefore as moses gave way to christ ; for when christ appeared in flesh , moses administration began to be silent , and drew back , and set jesus christ in the chair , to be the great prophet that should be the teacher in types after him ; and the ministration of these discoveries were to reign in the world their appointed times : even so the lamb christ jesus , or that single body , gives way to the holy ghost , or spreading spirit , joh. 16. 7. joh. 17. 21. if i go not away , the comforter cannot come to you : for he that dwells bodily in me , is to spread himself in you ; that as the father in me , and i in him , are one ; even so i in you and you in me , may become one with the father . and the testimony of the apostles declares as much , 2 cor. 5. 16. col. 1. 27. though we have know christ after the flesh , ( in one single body ) yet now henceforth know we him no more so , but we look after that mystery which hath been kept secret from ages and generations past , which is christ in you the hope of glory : & therefore i must tell you that yet live in dipping in water , and observation of gospel-ordinances as ye call them , forms and types , you live yet under the ministration of jesus christ after the flesh , declaring the lamb christ to remain as yet in one single person : but know you , that as the ministration of moses gave way to this ; so this ministration is to give way to the inward teachings of christ , and the spreading of the spirit in sons and daughters , which will more excellently declare the glory of the mystery . the man christ jesus told the woman of samaria , woman , the time is coming and now is , that neither in jerusalem nor in this mountain shall men worship the father ; but they that worship him , shall worship him in spirit & in truth , for the father seeks such to worship him : by these words as also , luk. 17. 21. joh. 4. 45. the son of man declares that both outward forms , customs , and types of moses worship under that ministration at jerusalem , likewise all forms , and customs , and types of this ministration of himself , as the lamb held forth at a distance to be our mediator , should all cease , and give way to the spiritual worship of the father in the latter days , or to the spreading of the divine power in men ; the one law of righteousness being the teacher of all : so that upon the rising up of christ in sons and daughters , which is his second coming , the ministration of christ in one single person is to be silent and draw back , and set the spreading power of righteousness and wisdom in the chair , of whose kingdom there shall be no end : so as all things were gone out from the spirit , and were gone astray , and corrupted : the spirit in this great mystery of truth being manifested in the flesh , burns up that dross out of the creation , and draws in all things again back into himself , and declares himself to be the alone wisdom and power of righteousness , that rules , dwells , that governs and preserves both in and over the whole creation , 2 cor. 5. 19. 1 cor. 5. 24. and now the son delivers up the kingdom to god the father ; and he that is the spreading power , not one single person , become all in all in every person , that is the one king of righteousness in every one . here is plainly seen what the dividing of time is , which is the last period in which the beast is to reign : for now every ministration pleads his priviledge till the law of righteousness drown up all in himself . moses yet pleads priviledge in the practice of the jewes after the flesh : the son of man , christ in one single person , pleads a priviledg ; and not onely the true ministration of the son of man according to the apostles declaration , but likewise many false forms , customs and observations of worshipping are raised up through a wrong understanding of those scriptures ; all pleads their priviledge : and lastly , the ministration of the spirit , forsaking all forms and types , worshipping the father in the substance of truth , this now pleads his priviledge as his due right by course . so that you see here is the dividing of time . but this last ministration is the sufferer for the present , as being denied his right by the former , that ought to give way : and as the worshippers in moses ministration envied and killed those as worshipped the son of man , the lamb and his worshippers ; so now those that worship christ at a distance , in their several congregations and forms , and are most zealous therein , are in these dayes the most bitterest enemies to the ministration of christ in the spirit and in truth . but when this ministration of the spirit spreads himself , he will make the greatest separation that ever was : for though israels separation out of egypt amazed the world , and the separation of gathered congregations out of parish churches ( so called ) did trouble the earth , though it is no more but going out of one form into another , and none into the unity of the one spirit : yet this ministration of the spirit now rising up by right of inheritance , will take peace from the world much more ; for he hath begun , and he will go on to gather the scattered of israel together out of all egyptian bondages and self-seeking oppressing governments , and out of all forms and customs of the beast , to worship the father in spirit in and truth , being made to be all of one heart and one mind : and this shall more and more appear , as the day approacheth , which hath already dawned . therefore let me tell you , that all your enmity will not uphold your forms ; your imprisoning , and reviling , and making laws to suppress such as are contrary to you , will never work your will , but pull miseries and shame upon your selves , as the zealous scribes and pharisees did , in killing the just one christ the son of man. therefore be patient , look up to him for teaching , from whom every good and perfect gift cometh down , even the father of lights , in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning , who stands at the door and knocks ; and if any man will open , he will come in and sup with him ; and the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity , delighteth to dwell in the contrite ones , that he may give life unto them : for when the law of righteousness ariseth up , and maketh himself more manifest , he will reconcile all , and make every one to be of one heart and of one mind ; and no other power must be the restorer , but this king of righteousness and peace : for this is he that makes men do as they would be done unto , and then envy and bitterness dies : see act. 4. 32. isa . 60. 16. now when this king , jesus , emanuel god with us , ariseth up in sons and daughters , whereby the scriptures are proved true prophesies , promises , visions , and revelations ; the teachers of this world deny the testimony , crying out , visions and revelations are ceased , because they would have the people ever learning of them , and giving their money to them for that which is not bread , and profiteth not : for they can teach no further then they have learned ; and they have learned no further then the declaration , which the scripture it self saith is but a dead letter : it is a mystery , and christ revealeth it by his spirit ; and it is the spirit that maketh known the deep and hidden things of god. now when any receiveth power from on high , by believing in him , and he maketh such to eat the good of the land , and they are forced to bear their testimony to witness unto others , as david did ; he had not hid his goodness within his breast , but shewed even in the great congregation what the lord had done for his soul : i say , when any thus moved speaketh to the priests of our days , although scripture warrants speaking one by one , as it is made manifest to them by the spirit , and the first is to hold his peace ; yet they presently cry out , a disturbance in their steeple-house , and hale them to prisons , where many times the just ones of the lord jehovah die in the outward man by their hardships , as in colchester gaol , and other places in the nation , by the priests means , who possess the people with conceits , and make them believe their lies , that these people are self-conceited , and it is errour and blasphemy they hold : even just like those that when the holy ghost had filled the apostles and all those that were with them , they cried out & mocked , saying , these men are filled with new wine ; because they knew not the voice of the spirit : for the natural man knoweth not the things of god ; they are spiritually discerned . well , he is at hand , and is a working ; for he that keepeth israel neither slumbereth nor sleepeth ; and he will discover your shame , and make your nakedness appear unto all men : for wickedness shall slay the wicked , though no mans hands be upon him . the tender lambs of christ by the wolves in sheeps clothing are destroyed ; but yet let the wolves know for their eternal woes , that the lambs are the blessed of the most high : for the king of righteousness is in them , for they are the field wherein the treasure hath lain hid all the dark and cloudy days of the beasts reign , which is now almost expired : they are zion whom no man regards , out of whom salvation cometh : for jacob is in them , who hath been long a servant to esau , and now is set free , and he will glorifie himself both in them and for them , to the shame of all wolfish esaus that are of a destroying nature : and the whole earth shall be filled by these with the knowledge of the lord , of whose dominion and power there shall be no end : for the consolation of israel doth draw neer to be made manifest to every ones particular ; therefore let all wait with patience for it , on him that is almighty , able to save : for jesus is able to save to the utmost all those that come unto god by him ; and for ever blessed are such , for the lord is their portion : for it is the law and power of righteousness which made abraham forsake his isaac , his dearest relations according to the flesh , rather then to refuse the way of his god ; and by this he found peace : so that this king of righteousness , and prince of peace , that governed abraham , and is called blessed , the blessing of all nations , for this shall save his people from their sins : for he shall remove from the curse , and restore his from the bondage they groane under ; for abraham sprang from him , as a tree groweth from a seed that gave the tree its being : the law of righteousness and peace ruling and dwelling in any one , is the seed of abraham ; and the several branches of men and women in whom that power rests , are children , and of the family of abraham : for it was not the man of the flesh that was called abraham , but the law of righteousness , and truth , and peace , that did rule and govern in that body , he was the abraham : for it is clear , that before this righteous power was manifest in it , it was abram , as you may read gen. 17. 1. and when abram was ninety years old and nine , the lord appeared unto abram , and said unto him , i am the almighty god : walk before me and be thou perfit , and i will make my covenant between thee and me : vers . 5. neither shall thy name be called any more abram , but thy name shall be called abraham : for a father of many nations have i made thee ; and in mat. 3. the pharisees and sadduces come to johns baptism , as you may see ver . 7. and he said unto them , o generation of vipers , who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come ? bring forth fruits meet for repentance : & think not to say within your selves , we have abraham for our father ; for god is able of these stones to raise up children unto abraham . so it is plain , that jew or gentile in whom the power of righteousness breaketh forth and ruleth , are the children of abraham , act. 10. 34. of a truth i perceive that god is no respecter of persons ; but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness , is accepted with him . for as the visible body of christ was not the anointing , but the spirit in that body was the christ , the spreading power of righteousness , which was to fill the earth with himself ; and his body but a house or temple for the present work , to redeem the lost man according to the promise , the seed of the woman shall break the serpents head , as also to throw down moses law ; and became the substance of his lambs , and types , and sacrifice ; for that body was the lamb that did fulfil the righteous will , by his voluntary and free-will offering up of himself : therefore christ is called the spreading power , because he fills all with himself ; and because this power did appear first to abraham as we read of , therefore is he called the father of the faithful : for it was an everlasting covenant that god made with him ; therefore every one that follows after him , and treads in his steps , being willing and obedient , they shall eat the good of the land , and they shall be called children of that seed of abraham , which seed is the blessing of all nations , and is the restorer of all his from bondage : and although his just ones many times lie under oppression and hardship by the seed of the flesh , and they are despised ones by them ; yet now the day is at hand , that their glory shall arise : and the reason is , for the almighty god is in them of a truth , & he will lead their captivity captive , and set them down in peace : for they are the city of the lord , new jerusalem , the place of his rest , which shall be the praise of the whole earth : for the almighty king of righteousness is their saviour , and there is no other name under heaven whereby men can be saved , but the name of jesus ; and verily i bear my testimony from him , that he will be exalted in this the great day of his power , for the lord is a bringing mighty things to pass in this the day of his appearance , and the hearts of his shall fear : for , to him ( saith the lord ) will i look , that trembleth at my word ; and therefore let all his redeemed ones wait patiently for the consolation of israel ; for their king is coming , and he will fill the earth with his glory , and turn ungodliness from jacob : then shall jacob rejoyce , and israel shall be glad . for without controversie , great is the mystery of godliness : god was manifest in the flesh , justified in the spirit , seen of angels , preached unto the gentiles , believed on in the world , received up into glory . and that his might not be deceived , he saith , in the latter times seducing spirits shall come , and so cunningly carry themselves , that if possible the very elect should be deceived : and paul 1 tim. 4. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. sheweth some of the principles of their deceit : and thus he saith : now the spirit speaketh expresly , that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith , giving heed to the seducing spirits and doctrines of devils , speaking lies in hypocrisie , having their consciences seared with a hot-iron ; forbidding to marry , and commanding to abstain from meats , which god hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth : for every creature of god is good , and nothing to be refused , if it be received with thanksgiving ; for it is sanctified by the word of god and prayer . and this paul exhorts those that will manifest themselves good ministers of jesus christ , such who are nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine , that they should put the brethren in minde of these things , and exercise themselves in godliness : by which it appears , that paul reckoneth such as are before spoken of , amongst hymeneus and philetus , who concerning the truth have erred , saying , the resurrection is past already , and overthrow the faith of some ; nevertheless , the foundation of god standeth sure , having this seal , the lord knoweth them that are his : and let every one that nameth the name of christ , depart from iniquity . so that it is plain , that every act of evil is a fruit of old adam , the flesh , which hath nothing but envie , lust , pride , drunkenness , malice , and all uncharitableness , which the king of righteousness , christ jesus , redeemeth his from , and also maketh his righteous , godly , full of faith , love , patience , meekness , being without spot , unrebukable : for they are born again , not of corruptible seed , but of incorruptible , by the word of god , which liveth and abideth for ever ; which word is christ in them the hope of glory : for moses truly said unto the fathers , a prophet shall the lord your god raise up unto you of your brethren , like unto me ; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you . so that it is plain , that the lamb christ jesus , was the substance of moses ; and where the substance is , shadows and types doth cease : and this method of divine discovery doth finish the mystery ; for the lord doth take up all into himself , for he is in all , and acts through all ; and all that power of righteousness that appeareth in any , is still but that power of the lord which he hath promised to pour forth in the last dayes , as you may see in the second of the acts , vers . 17 , 18. and it shall come to pass in the last dayes , saith god , i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh : and your sons and daughters shall prophesie , and your young men shall see visions , and your old men shall dream dreams ; and on my servants , and on my hand-maids , will i pour out of my spirit in those dayes , and they shall prophesie . so that every branch shall be a joynt or member of the mystical body , or several spreadings forth of the vine , being filled with that one spirit , christ the anointing , who filleth all with himself , and so becomes the alone king of righteousness , that rules and governes all his ransomed ones , joh. 17. 23. i in them , and thou in me , that they may be made perfect in one , that the world may know that thou hast sent me , and hast loved them as thou hast loved me : for i am the lord , and beside me there is no saviour . he is in every one of his little ones that are born again ; and how , is declared , joh. 14. v. 15 , 16 , 17 , 18. if you love me , keep my commandments : and i will pray the father , and he shall give you another comforter , that he may abide with you for ever ; even the spirit of truth , whom the world cannot receive , because it seeth him not , neither knoweth him : but ye know him , for he dwelleth with you , and shall be in you : i will not leave you comfortless ; i will come to you . yet a little while , and the world seeth me no more , but ye see me : because i live , ye shall live also . at that day ye shall know that i am in my father , and you in me , and i in you . he that hath my commandments and keepeth them , he it is that loveth me ; and he that loveth me , shall be loved of my father , and i will love him , and manifest my self unto him : if a man love me , he will keep my word , and my father will love him ; and we will come unto him , and make our abode with him . and rom. 8. 9. now if any man hath not the spirit of christ , he is none of his ; for as many as are led by the spirit of god , they are sons of god , vers . 14. ephes . 1. 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23. paul speaking to them concerning their faith in the lord jesus , as he had heard , and their love unto all saints ; he ceased not to give thanks for them , making mention of them in his prayers ; that the god of our lord jesus christ , the father of glory , may give unto them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him ; the eyes of their understandings being enlightned , that they may know what is the hope of his calling , and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints , and what is the exceeding greatness of his power , to usward , who believe , according to the working of his mighty power , which he wrought in christ , when he raised him from the dead , and set him at his own right hand , in the heavenly places , far above all principalities , and power , and might , and dominion , and every name that is named , not onely in this world , but also in that which is to come ; and hath put all things under his feet , and gave him to be the head over all things to the church , which is his body , the fulness of him that filleth all in all . which mystery was made known to paul by revelation ; and he expresly saith , that this mystery in christ was not made known unto the sons of men in other ages , as it is now revealed unto his apostles and prophets , which is made known by the spirit ; and that is , that the gentiles should be fellow-heirs , and of the same body , and partakers of his promise in christ : and to this end , he prayeth for them , that they may be strengthened in the inner man , by the riches of his glory , with might , by his spirit ; that christ may dwell in their hearts by faith , that they may be filled with all the fulness of god , and may grow up into him in all things , which is the head , even christ jesus in them the hope of glory , which cleanseth all his from all filthiness , that they may perfect holiness in his fear : for they that have learned christ , and been taught by him , as the truth is in jesus , they put off all uncleanness and lasciviousness , they put off the old man , with his deeds , which is , lying , deceipt , lust , evil speaking ; they must not be angry , neither give place to the devil , nor his temptations ; against which they must keep a continual watch , that they may not fall ; they must let no rotten nor corrupt communication proceed out of their mouths , but that which is good to the use of edifying , that it may minister grace to the hearers ; and all bitterness , wrath , anger , and evil speaking , and clamour , must be put away , with all malice , drunkenness and fornication , filthiness and foolish jesting . and that which maketh manifest sin , is the light in every one ; for all things are reproved and made manifest by the light ; for whatsoever doth make manifest , is light : and therefore awake thou that sleepest , and stand up from the dead , and christ shall give thee light ; and wait on the lord , to be filled with his spirit ; for we are members of his body , of his flesh , and of his bones ; that you may be strong in the lord , and the power of his might , that puting on the whole armour of god , they may be able to stand against the wises of sathan ; for they are not onely to wrestle against flesh and blood , but against principalities , and powers , against the rulers of the darkness of this world , against spiritual wickednesses in high places ; and therefore they must have their loins girt about with truth , and having on the brest-plate of righteousness , the sword of the spirit , which is the word of god , that enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , christ in you the hope of glory : for they that are christs , crucifie the flesh , with the affections , and lusts : and he maketh his walk as he hath walked , to be holy as he is holy , and pure as he is pure ; to count all things but loss and dung , that they may win christ , for whom they suffer the loss of all things , that they may know him , and the power of his resurrection , and the fellowship of his sufferings , being made conformable to his death , that they may attain unto the resurrection of the dead ; forgetting those things that are behinde , and reaching after those things that are before , that they may attain unto perfection ; having their conversations in heaven , from whence they look for the saviour , the lord jesus christ , who shall change their vile bodies , that they may be fashioned according to his glorious body , according to that working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself ; and therefore they are careful for nothing , but in every thing , by prayer , and thanksgiving , and supplication , their requests are made known unto god ; and those things that are true , just , pure , and of good report , peaceable , and lovely , bowels of compassion , kindness , humbleness of minde , meekness , long-suffering , charity , that whatsoever they do , in word or deed , they may and ought to do all in the name of jesus christ , giving thanks to god the father by him : & this is the fruits the saints are clothed with , which doth demonstrate their new birth , which gift is from above , from the father of spirits , from whom they receive power to become the sons of god , by believing in his name . behold , the days come , saith the lord , that i will raise unto david a righteous branch ; and a king shall reign and prosper , and shall execute judgement and justice in the earth : in his dayes judah shall be saved , and israel shall dwell safely ; and this is his name whereby he shall be called , the lord ovr righteovsness : for he is that mighty king that shall be established upon the holy hill of sion ; that is , he shall be the onely king , unto whom every man and woman must be subject ; for he shall reign for ever and ever . but here may an objection arise : we see the power of darkness reigns in most men and women , and they are guided by the god of this world , who ruleth in the hearts of the children of disobedience ; for the mystery of iniquity doth work in them , with all deceivableness in unrighteousness , in them that perish , to whom the lord sendeth strong delusions , that they should believe lies , that they all might be damned , that would not receive the truth in the love of it , but took pleasure ( mark this ) in unrighteousness ; so it is sin is the cause of all misery . i answer , that all men by nature are children of wrath ; but god , who is rich in mercie , giveth unto all a tender of grace , for he stands at the door , and knocketh ; if any man open , he will come in , and sup with him . now there is a measure of the light of christ in every one , which is given to profit withal : and when he cometh , he destroyeth sin , or taketh away sin , for he came to destroy the works of the devil ; and he will consume and destroy all sin , by the brightness of his power , for he is stronger then the strong man , that divideth the spoils , and taketh from him whatsoever he trusteth in . so that whatsoever estate a son or daughter is in , it is still but christ combating with his enemies , in that estate , drawing all into himself , and destroying all opposing powers , that himself may remain to be the one alone almighty power , spread forth every where ; and so doing the will of the father , bruising the serpents head in them that believe , that he alone who is the divine , may grow up , flourish and remain , and bring forth abundance of fruit in them , when their created flesh is purged from bondage , and made subject unto him in all things ; for they that are in christ , ought so to walk as christ hath walked , who did no evil , neither was there guile found in his mouth ; so that every one speaking the truth in love , may grow up into him in all things , which is their head , even christ , who is their anointed ; and he shall subdue all their enemies under their feet , psal . 100. 1. and his people shall be willing in the day of his power . and the new heaven and the new earth , mentioned rev. 5. 13. wherein he who is king of righteousness doth dwell and rule , and they that are his redeemed ones , shall see him in all his creatures , and they shall all rejoyce in each other , and all their joy in him shall be full . this great mystery , christ , is begun to appear , and christ is arising , and drawing all his into himself : and he that hath part in the first resurrection , over him the second death shall have no power . for there is no peace , saith my god , to the wicked ; there is no peace so long as deceipt lodgeth in the heart : if i regard iniquity in my heart , god will not hear me ; there can be no quiet nor true peace in man , till the kingdom of darkness be conquered , and the serpent be cast out , and all his works ; and then such a heart is made a fit temple for the holy ghost , to dwell bodily in : for all christs enemies must to the fire , and when they are burnt up , then he reignes in the soul ; for unto us a child is born , and unto us a son is given , and the government shall be upon his shoulder ; and his name shall be called , wonderful , counsellour , the mighty god , the everlasting father , the prince of peace ; of the increase of his government and peace , there shall be no end : and those that wait or stay themselves on the lord , he keepeth such in perfect peace . for it is righteousness that delivereth from death , even death eternal ; and therefore it concerneth every man and woman to wait , that he may feel that power of righteousness , the lord subduing every lust in them , bringing all into subjection that is contrary to him , that christ alone may rule . open the gates , and stand open ye everlasting doors , that the king of glory may enter in , which is jesus , who will cast out all sin , that he may present his without spot unto the father : for the lord hateth every hypocrite , isa . 9. 17. and christ saith , wo unto you scribes and pharisees , hypocrites : for wickedness burneth as a fire , and through the wrath of the lord of hosts is the land darkned , and the people shall be as fewel of the fire ; no man shall spare his brother , and all because of sin . and tophet is prepared of old , even for the king it is prepared ; and the breath of the lord , as a river of brimstone , kindleth it . and therefore all you stout-hearted magistrates that oppress and destroy his holy ones in this the day of the lords power , fear and tremble , for he is coming to punish the stout heart of the king , and all that do wickedly under him : and he pronounceth wo unto all them that make or decree unrighteous decrees , and that write grievousness , and subscribe it , to turn aside the needy from judgement , and take away the right from the poor , that widows may be their prey , and that they may rob the fatherless : what will you do in this the day of the lords visitation , which will bring desolation upon all oppressours ? for they shall be troden down as dirt in the streets , isa . 10. 6. and all those that kill the prophets , and stone the just ones that are sent unto them , to turn them from the evil of their doings : let them fear and tremble before him , for fear he require at the hands of them the bloud of all the prophets slain from the foundation of the world : for the wicked shall be turned into hell , and all people that forget god : for the lord is known by the judgements which he executeth , in snaring the wicked in the works of his own hands : for the lord will break in pieces all unjust oppressing magistrates like a potters vessel . be wise now therefore o ye kings , be learned ye judges of the earth ; serve the lord in fear , and rejoyce in trembling ; kiss the son , lest he be angry , and ye perish in the way ; when his wrath shall suddenly burn , then blessed are all they that trust in him . for nothing but truth in the inward parts can stand before him , and therefore every one wait till this king jesus , who is the word , and was in the beginning ; and all things were made by him , and without him was not any thing made that was made : for in him is life , and the life is the light of men , which is the true light that lightneth every man that cometh into the world : and to all those that do receive this light , in the love of it , to them he gives power to ●ecome the sons of god , even to such as believe on his name , which are born not of blood , nor of the will of the flesh , but of the will of god. for it is plain , the word was made flesh , and dwelt amongst us , joh. 1. 14. the same was in the beginning vvith god , of vvhose fulness vve have received grace for grace . now say the people of this world , vvho lye in vvickedness ( for the vvhole world lyeth in vvickedness ) this light vvill delude you , it vvill deceive you . thou vain man , what can deceive antichrist ? what can deceive a drunkard , a whoremonger , an unclean swearer , lyer , covetous man , who is an idolater ? are not these led by the prince of darkness , that ruleth in the hearts of the children of disobedience ? cannot all men see that they are in darkness ? and can the light of the world , christ jesus , can he delude them ? these are plainly lulled asleep by satan in a carnal security , and cry peace , peace , until sudden destruction cometh upon them , as travail upon a woman with child , and they shall not escape it . therefore let me advise such to wait and repent , if possible , that this the sin of the thoughts of their hearts may be forgiven them : for they are in the gall of bitterness , and the bond of iniquity . for i bear my testimony from the everlasting spirit of the lord jesus , that this which hath been declared , is the truth of god , and will become his povver unto salvation unto every one that can lay hold upon him : for they shall put on the nevv man , vvhich after god is created in righteousness and true holiness , vvhose conversation is in heaven , from vvhence they look for the saviour , the lord jesus christ , vvho shall change their vile bodies , that they may be fashioned like unto his glorious body , according to the vvorking vvhereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself : for christ by his appearance vvith the spirit of his mouth , vvill burn up all the cursed seed of bondage , under vvhich his redeemed ones groane ; and vvhen that vvhich is the serpents seed is cast forth , then the heart is a fit temple for the father himself to dvvel in , a garden vvherein he vvill take delight : for the lord vvill be alone exalted in this the great day of his povver , vvherein judah shall be saved , and israel shall dvvell safely : and this is his name whereby he shall be called , the lord our righteousness . now the priests of this generation delude the people , just like those spoken of , jer. 23. 14. i have seen in the prophets of jerusalem an horrible thing , they commit adultery , and walk in lies ; they strengthen the hands of evil doers , that none doth return out of his wickedness : for the lord feedeth them with wormwood , and giveth them gall to drink ; for the lord expresly saith , they shall not profit his people ; for they speak a divination of their own heart , and not out of the mouth of the lord ; and they tell the people , if they walk after the imaginations of their own hearts , no evil shall come upon them : i have not sent these prophets ( saith the lord ) yet they run ; i have not spoken to them , yet they prophesied : but if they had stood in my counsel , and had caused my people to hear my words , then they should have turned them from their evil way , and from the evil of their doings . am i a god at hand , saith the lord , and not a god afar off ? can any hide himself in secret places , that i shall not see him , saith the lord ? do not i fill heaven and earth , saith the lord ? how long shall this be in the hearts of the prophets that prophesie lies ? yea , they are prophets of the deceipt of their own hearts , which think to cause my people to forget my name , by the dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour , as their fathers have forgotten my name for baal . therefore am i against the prophets , saith the lord , that steal my word every one from his neighbour , therefore they shall not profit this people at all , saith the lord. now let the priests be tried , do they know the voice of the lord ? do they not deny , and say , revelation is ceased , and teach men cannot be freed from sin while they live , and teach people to die in their sin ? and what will become of them then ? for as the tree falleth , so it lyeth ; and there is no repentance in the grave . well , look to it , woes will be your portion , jer. 23. 40. the lord will bring an everlasting reproach upon you , and a perpetual shame , which shall not be forgotten . and therefore let me seriously desire every one to wait patiently upon the lord , and to turn in to the light of their mindes , that checketh for sin and evil : for this is the true teacher : for that which giveth power over one sin , will give power over all sin , if the watch be carefully kept ; and strength from on high will be manifested to give power against all sin , if the minde be turned to the lord , who will seek that which was lost , and bring again that which was driven away , and will bind up that which was broken , and they shall be safe : and thus shall they know that i the lord their god am with them , and that they are my people , saith the lord god : for they know the word of the lord for ever settled in heaven , and they make my law their delight , and will never forget my precepts , but will meditate on my law day and night : for christ saveth his from their sins . he it is that cometh out of sion , to turn ungodliness from jacob : and the time shall come , that the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of the lord christ , and he will lead the captivity captive , and let the prisoners of hope go free ; now they that hunger and thirst after righteousness , shall be filled ; and the poor receive the gospel dayly : christ is drawing all men after him ; he is calling in the isles and nations of the world , to come to this great battle : and blessed for ever are all those that fighteth under him , and are his souldiers . i give thee thanks , o father , lord of heaven and earth , because thou hast hidden these things from the wise and learned , and hast revealed them unto babes ; for such have the anointing from the anointed , as you may see in 1 joh. 2. 27. but that anointing which you received of him , dwelleth in you ; and you need not that any man teach you , but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things ; and it is true , and is not lying , and as it taught you , ye shall abide in him : and now little children abide in him , if ye know that he is righteous , know ye that he that doth righteousness is born of him : for he that findeth rest and peace in this precious wisdom and power of the spirit , findeth it not by looking upon it at a distance , but by seeing and feeling that power , ruling in the body of his flesh ; for that which makes true love flow forth to every creature , is christ in you the hope of glory , who indeed is the blessing of all nations , and the joy of the whole earth ; therefore fear not , o servant jacob , neither be affraid , o israel : for i will save thee , and thou shalt dwell safely ; and shalt not follow me in types and figures , in a formal customary way of worship , which is zeal without knowledge ; for he that hath the anointing within , seeth the father in every thing . now he that speaketh from imagination or tradition , and not from experience of what he seeth , cannot tell another of his evil , but such a one is a false prophet , and runneth before he is sent , put forward by some secret lust ; and he never can bring to that which procureth peace , for he knoweth it not ; because that which a man seeks for , whereby he might have peace , is within the heart , not without : the word of life , christ , the restoring spirit , is to be found within you , even in-your mouths , and in your hearts ; the kingdom of heaven is within you . and therefore i must tell you the priests of this generation , read all the books in your universities , that tells you what hath been formerly ; and though by your natural parts , with the help of such studies , you can make speeches of a day long , yet you have no peace , but your hearts still are as a barren wilderness , and increase in sorrow , till your eyes return into your selves , and the spirit come from on high to make you read in your own book , your heart , wherein you shall find the mystery of iniquity , the man of sin seated , which is the fruits of the first adam : and till the mystery of godliness , the second adam , christ jesus , be revealed in you , to destroy the works of the devil , and make you righteous , and restore you to life , there is not neither can there be peace : for there is no peace to the wicked , saith my god : and , if i regard iniquity in my heart , god will not hear me : and , he that liveth in sin , the wrath of god abideth upon him . so it is clear , that the single-hearted ones , who see the mystery of righteousness , and are acquainted every one according to his measure , with that spirit of truth that is to be the blessing of the whole earth , and that enlightens all that come into the world , although they are slightly regarded , and trodden under foot of men of the world , whom god filleth with his hid treasure , that have every worldly thing their hearts can wish for , that their eyes many times are ready to start out for fatness : yet let them know for their sorrow and wo , that out of this sion , which no man regards , shall the deliverer come : for the light and life of christ vvithin the heart , discovers all darkness , and delivers mankinde from bondage ; and beside him there is no saviour : and what vvill become of those that are found fighters against god ? for they that persecute them , persecute me , saith christ . and therefore fear and tremble , vvhoever rhou art , for the wrath of the lord smoaketh against thee , and his jealousie burneth like fire : if thou art found in a persecuting nature , thy sin will bring destruction upon thee , and there shall be no remedy . although judgement is not executed speedily against evil doers , which causeth their hearts to be set in them to do evil , yet the lord will punish the hairy scalp of them that go on in their wickedness ; and when their sins are fully ripe , then judgement shall come upon them to the utmost , and there shall be no remedy : and therefore , o man , who ever thou art , great or small , that fighteth or striveth against his little ones , fear and tremble , and cease from sinning any longer in that nature , for fear the lord may be a heaping up thy iniquities , that he may bring wrath upon thee to the utmost , and then there shall be no remedy ; for he repayeth them that hate him to their face , to destroy them , he will not be slack . deut. 7. 10 , 21. for the lord thy god is amongst you ; a mighty god , and terrible ; who is now rising in his might and power , to destroy the man of sin , and is rising like a mighty man , refreshed after wine , and the seed of wickedness shall be destroyed by the brightness and glory of his coming : for he alone that is the king of righteousness will be exalted amongst you . and therefore let all flesh stand still , waiting in silence before him , that they may see the salvation of god. the second epistle : to all people whose souls panteth after god , as the hart panteth after the water-brooks . now to him that ordereth his conversation aright , will i shew the salvation of god. hearken to the word of the lord , and your souls shall live : mind what power rules in you , whether it be a particular , confining , selfish power , which is of the devil , or whether it be an universal , spreading power , that doth delight in the liberty of the son : for if the son shall make you free , then are you free indeed . the selfish power vvhen it is crossed or shamed , it grows distempered , bitter spirited , sometimes endeavouring to kill that bodie it dwels in , and sometime some other that angers it : but the power of christ , who is the giver forth of the law of righteousness , ruling within , is not moved to anger : charity , true love , thinketh not evil , but hopeth , and endureth all things , being meek and patient , loving and acting righteously , both to his own body , and to others , though they be his enemies , following the rule of jesus christ their king , do good to them that hate you , and pray for them that despightfully use you , that you may be children of your father which is in heaven . let every man and woman know , that there is but two spirits , a good and a bad ; there is but two wayes , the straight and the narrow , that leadeth to life eternal , and few find it ; and the broad way , that leadeth to destruction , and many there be that go in that vvay : there is but god and the devil , heaven and hell ; the way to happiness , and the way to misery ; the way to life , and the way to death , even death eternal . and the way to life , is believing in the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world . and verily it doth concern every man to know in what state he is , whether the spirit or the flesh beareth sway : for the two powers before spoken of , are the two adams in mankinde ; they are jacob and esau , son of the free-vvoman , or son of bondage : the first kills and crucifieth the son of god ; but the second , the lord from heaven , he maketh alive : for christ the spirit of truth , doth arise above the power of evil ; and he takes the body , and rules in it : isa . 65. 17. he makes it a new heaven and a new earth , vvhere in dwells righteousness . now that vvhich seeks after the enjoyment of creatures , to have peace in them , doth but seek the living among the dead : for all sin makes but one perfect body of the power of darkness , the devil , vvhich doth raign in every man , till the man of righteousness , christ , the stronger then he , vvho is the anointing , comes and throws down his strong holds , and divides the spoil : and vvhen christ this word of life hath the possession , that soul hath true peace in the salvation that cometh out of sion : for peace is not to be found in any other : for he is the prince of peace , and the captain of our salvation , vvho hath perfected for ever all those that are sanctified by him ; and he ever liveth to make intercession for them : for by his obedience many are made righteous . every one shall be called by my name : for i created him for my glory , formed him and made him . i will bring forth the blinde people , and they shall have eyes ; and the deaf , and they shall have ears . i , even i am the lord , and besides me there is no saviour . isai . 43. 7 , 8 , 11. because thou wast precious in my sight , and i loved thee , therefore will i give men for thee , and people for thy sake . this people have i formed for my self ; they shall shew forth my praise . and all the seed of the serpent shall be destroyed ; and the power of darkness is that cursed ground that is for burning , vvhich the lord of life and glory vvill trample upon ; for he came into the world to destroy the works of the devil ; and all things shall be subdued by his power , and he vvill put all things under his feet : and then when all things are brought under by this prince of peace , then the soul sits down in peace in him who is the king of righteousness , vvho will make all that living earth subject to himself , and fill all with holy breathings . glorious things are spoken of him ; for he is the city of god : and this holy breathing is the kingdom of heaven within you , when he rules within you ; and the kingdom of heaven without you likewise , when you see the same glory rule in others , in vvhich you rejoyce . for in the day of christs power , he vvill subdue all his enemies under his feet , and deliver up the kingdom to his father . therefore let not any one marvel to see the people turning from one way of worship to another : for the father is driving his people thorow all the ways , and forms , and customs , and reformations , and governments of the beast , to weary them out in all , that so they may not find rest for the soles of their feet , in any outward form of worship , nor in any thing until they come to lie down in him , forsaking all forms to worship the father in spirit and in truth ; that is , to walk uprightly , being holy in all manner of conversation ; for it is written , be ye holy , as i am holy ; and pass the time of your sojourning here in his fear , knowing that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things , as silver and gold , from your vain conversations in time past , but with the pretious blood of christ jesus , as a lamb slain from the foundation of the world . and until christ reigneth as lord and king , the soul is restless , running from post to pillar , as i may so call it , from one worship and form to another , meeting nothing but confusion and the curse in every thing he doth ; so poor creatures are in bondage within , for they know not what to do ; the way to sion is not yet clear , and they are filled with sighings and secret mournings , to see themselves in confusion and loss , to stick in the mire , but cannot get out : this is inward slavery which they groan under , being under the hand of the tyrant flesh that rules the kingdom , and devises the several fleshly forms and ways of government , to which , if any refuse to conform , then he thinks fit to punish them with imprisonment or shameful reproach , any way he can invent ; so that many weak spirits are brought under , and are in awe , either by fear or shame ; and thus jacoh hath been kept very low , but he must arise . to see the divine power in creature-objects is sweet , but to see him ruling in the heart , is sweeter : for the spouse had seen christ , or else she could never have called him her beloved , and mourned in his absence . now all things , yea all things , must be but loss , dung , and dogs meat , that we may be found in him , having the law of righteousness and peace ruling and dwelling in our hearts , being refreshed with those sweet smelling spices , the discovery of the fathers love within , which is the word of god. this is sweeter then the honey and the honey-comb ; for this is to see him neer at hand , even within the heart , ruling and resting there : this is the kingdom of heaven within you ; this the city of refuge that will not fail a man ; this is the rock of defence and offence : this is the power that makes a man as bold as a lyon , that in the greatest streights findeth peace and rest : like paul , can sing at midnight , although in chains under the hardship of persecution by tyrants , for he felt peace , and was at rest ; yea , such peace as the world knows not of : let come what will come , this man knows it is the will of his father it shall be so , and he feels a quiet peace compass his heart , so that he seeth and feeleth peace within , and rejoyceth in the excellencie of it ; he seeth love and patience within , and rejoyceth in that sweet oyntment that doth cast a delightful savour all his soul over . now if this man should be forsaken of all his outward friends , imprisoned , banished , all men deny to deal with him , because they count him a man of strange opinions , and blasphemies , calling him all reproachful names ; as they shall say all manner of evil falsly against the new-born babes , and they shall kill them , and think they do god good service in it : yet the saints are in god , he lives in them and they in him ; and he will have his holy ones , whom he draws up to worship himself in spirit and in truth , to be silent , slow to speech , for a season ; yet quick-sighted , eagle eyed ; though they be silent , they are not sottish , as the world judgeth , and falsly surmiseth of them ; but they shall all see and behold with the single eye , and judge others righteously , and they shall not be judged of any man. and let the ignorant professors of the world be ashamed , for condemnation will fall upon them , and fear shall surprize the hypocrites : for the righteous actings and patient silence of those that are drawn up to wait on the lord , shall be the great shame and confusion of face upon them ; the wise flesh , that would be an angel of light , is full of words , but dead to the law of righteousness : the saints must dye to waste words , but be made alive to righteousness , walking uprightly to all things , in all well-pleasing , in the sight of god their heavenly father : for the man of the flesh is altogether for preaching , praying , as he calls it , observations of forms and customs , and knows not how to worship , if these be taken away ; he hath no peace if this be gone . but the man that is in his natural condition , that is not born again , this mans prayer shall turn into sin , and all that ever he doth is an abomination in the sight of god , and he that hath his eyes in his head , as solomon saith the wiseman hath , he beholds all these his performances to be out of the life and power of christ , and death is in all that ever he doth : let his specious fair pretences be what they will , if the inward power be wanting , no sacrifice can be accepted : therefore the clean heart god accepteth ; therefore the just man is continually meditating , the law of his god is in his heart , therefore his footsteps shall not slide . the godly man turns his eye inward to see the law of righteousness guiding and ruling his body ; and this is the excellent sight , to see the divine power in ones self , ruling , dwelling and living within ; which if it doth , that body wherein it dwells , shall be wholly subject in all its actions to the law of righteousness . they that know what the power of love , and the law of righteousness is , they know the truth of what is here verified : they that live in the light , they see the lord abroad and at home ; they see him in other creatures , and they see him in themselves ; patiently submitting to his will in all things , that it may be done on earth , as it is in heaven ; so that there is a sweet composed agreement between the disposing hand of god without , and his power within . he that thus seeth the lord the antient of dayes , the one almighty power , doth mightily honour him , when nothing can be done abroad , either in adversity or in prosperity , but the divine power that rules in the heart , consents , rejoyces , and doth not grudge : and now the lord is one , and his name one , and his power one , every where . the sight of the king of glory within , lies not in the strength of memory , calling to minde what a man hath read and heard , being able by a humane capacity to joyn things together into a method , and through the power of free utterance , to hold it forth to others , as the fashion of students in their sermon-work is , which a plough-man that never was bred in the universities , may do as much ; nay , they do more , in some kind , as experience teaches . but the sight of the king of glory within , lies in the beholding of light arising up from an inward power of feeling experience , filling the soul with the glory of the law of righteousness , which doth not vanish like the taking in of words and comfort from the mouth of a hear-say-priest , who doth speak by the strength of his memory ; but it doth continue like the sun in the firmament , shining forth from that established power of the divine within ; and the inlivened heart shall sooner be separated from glorying in the law of righteousness that dwells in him , then the light and heat of the sun , can be separated from the sun : and truly , let me tell you , that as a man finds abundance of sweet peace in his heart , when he is made to live in the kingdom of heaven ; so the words that this man speaks from this power within , are very profitable to others , and is good seed , wheresoever it is sown , that will spring up , and bring forth fruit : for vvords spoken from the light of experience , have a two-fold operation upon the hearts of the hearers : for first , if i lie under straits and bondage in my spirit , by reason of some inward and outward troubles , by reason of the enthraldom to my ovvn lusts , that overpowers me , so that i cannot do what i would ; then the words of experience from anothers mouth that hath been in the same condition , and is passed thorow it , sounds liberty and life to my weary soul : i speak what i have felt in this particular . secondly , if i delight in any way of the flesh , as to seek peace in creatures abroad vvithout me , or to seek satisfaction to my self-vvill and lust , in the midst of this , i do ( occasionally ) hear the vvords of experience from others , declaring such actions and motions to be the powers of the flesh and devil , and not of the spirit of righteousness ; presently these vvords take peace from the earth , that is , from proud flesh , and fills the vvhole soul vvith anger , distemper , gradging and torment : and this is another operation that pure language produceth , vvhich is , a launcing of the dead flesh , that the disease may be cured ; for this wounding is not to the ruine of the creature , but it is a medicine sent from the lord to heal him , to take away the evil peace from the flesh , that so the created part may lie down in rest , and be at peace in christ which cannot be moved : for every comfort that is of the flesh , shall be shaken and removed ; but christ the one povver of righteousness and peace , shall not be shaken nor moved , but stand firm for ever . now by this may you see the kingdom of the flesh and devil , vvhich must be shaken to pieces , and fall , and the kingdom of heaven , or of god , that endures for ever , and is that rock that cannot be removed . for every one that hath lain under the bondage of selfish power , and is delivered , he can from that experience , declare vvhat the power of darkness is , in vvhole mankind . now some may say , what is it for a man to live in the kingdom of hell , devil , or darkness ? i answer : when a man takes delight in nothing but satisfying of the lusts of his own heart ; vvhen the vvay of the flesh is pleasing , and the vvay of the spirit of righteousness is a burden to him ; vvhen he glories in himself , and feeds vvith delight upon his covetousness , pride , envie , lust , self-vvill , and in all other evil , that doth satisfie his devillish appetite ; and if he can but overcome that power that checketh his will , or crosseth his carnal delights , then this man is in his kingdom , he rejoyceth , and is well pleased . but yet know , thou vain man , that this is yet but the kingdom of the flesh , that must be shaken , and this earth must be removed ; for this is glorying in a mans shame . what is the kingdom of heaven , or of christ ? the law of righteousness and peace , ruling and dwelling in mankinde , is the kingdom of heaven ; for this is the universal power bearing rule , and therefore treadeth the selfish power under his feet ; for all his delight is in the law of the lord , and in that law he doth exercise himself both day and night . now vvhere the heart is thus established vvith grace , there is perfect peace ; and that which is perfect peace , is the kingdom of heaven within you : yea , it is the white stone , with the new name written in it , that none know it but them that have it . what is it for a man to live in the kingdom of heaven within you ? when a man is come to that condition by believing in the light , that he is brought over the works of darkness , and is made subject in every thing to the king of righteousness , jesus christ , and all his delight is to walk according to his law in every thing , his crown and glory being in that law of righteousness which he findes seated in his heart , and findes content no where else ; and when the spirit is honoured , this man is in his kingdom , he hath vvhat he would have : for vvhen a man is made to see and know the law of love and righteousness within him , and delights to act from that power of life and liberty which he seeth & feeleth seated in him ; now this man is carried on with much joy & sweet calmness , meekness and moderation , and is full of glory : this is the excellencie of the work of christ , not onely to make flesh subject to righteousness , but to know himself made subject , and to rejoyce in the sweet enjoyment of that prince of peace : to make a man rejoyce , and to know the ground of it , that his joy is unmoveable . what do you mean by divine power ? the divine is the spreading power of righteousness , which is christ that filleth all in all with himself , & he is called a tree , or a vine , because he doth not lie in any single person , but spreads himself in all mankind ; & every single body in vvhom he breathes , is but a bough or bud of the vine : so that look upon all together in whom christ is spread , and they make up but one vine , knit together by that one spirit into one body , vvhether they be poor or rich , learned or unlearned ; therefore those rich men that despise the poor , and those learned that despise the unlearned , as your university men and priests of the nation doth , for there is some priests now in the nation , that vvere not bred in the university : but know all of you that are despisers of them that are good , and have them in contempt for their poverty , and because they are unlearned in your logick and tongues , as men are ; vvhy i must tell you , you are all but pricks of the thorn-bush , not branches of the vine , and you are the curse that is now very neer unto burning . and every single one alone in vvhom christ breaths , is but a parcel of the vine in vvhom the divine power dwells and rests , even as every branch of an appletree is filled vvith the sap , vvhich is the life of the vvhole tree . christ is the divine , because he grovvs and flourishes in the time of light ; he is the son himself , he is a vine or tree that grows by day in the heat of light , and so brings forth abundance of fruit to the glory of the father . trees that grow in the heat of the sun , they bring forth pleasant fruit : so those that are branches of this vine , that grows in the heat and life of the one spirit , the king of righteousness , they bring forth abundance of the fruits of righteousness , according to the nature of the vine they grow from : therefore the saints are called , children of the day , not of the night ; for they speak vvhat they know experimentally , and vvhat they have received feelingly from the lord : as we have tasted , as we have felt , as we have handled , so we deliver unto you : and their actions and words are not spent at random ; for they act righteously in the creation , among all they have to do vvithal , and they do it from the law of reason and righteousness which they feel seated vvithin them . for every one that doth speak or act from the light or power of the divine within himself , can give an accompt of his words and actions ; but this is the glorying that the fleshly part hides himself from : for the law of righteousness , fleshly israel , could not behold the new covenant , which the men of the long robe , the clergy-men , so called , are unacquainted with . for opposite to this divine christ , there is a night-vine , which is the power of selfishness , which is a fruit of the bottomless pit ; and it is spread abroad in mankinde , and every man and woman that is guided by this selfish power of darkness , are but branches of the night-vine ; and this night-vine which is fleshly man , hath from the beginning of adams fall , filled the whole earth vvith darkness , under pretence of learning , and fleshly forms of government , and so is become a spread tree : but he is called by the spirit of righteousness , the thorn ; the fruit he brings forth , is sower and bitter , and good for nothing but the dunghil ; for trees that grow alwayes in the shade or place of darkness , where the light and heat of the sun doth not co-operate , brings forth unpleasant fruit . now this night-vine , or rather thorn-bush , is the branchings forth of the wisdom and power of selfish flesh ; every bud from it , is a sharp prickle : treacherous and covetous judas was one branch from that root , and he hath risen sin up to a mighty great tree : for every treacherous and covetous heart is but the buddings forth of judas : so the envious scribes and pharisees are other branches from the same root , and these have risen up into mighty spreading trees ; for every one that is zealous without knowledge , making a profession of the spirit of righteousness , and yet grudging and hating the vvay of the spirit , are but the buddings forth of the scribes and pharisees that killed the just one , the lord of life and glory , and wrote hebrew , greek and latin over his head , to blind the world , that their learning taught them to do that act of murder : and although they have now killed christ after the flesh , and by that have spread in every land and family , to hinder christ from rising , or else to suppress and kill him again after he is risen , if they could , in sons and daughters , whom he hath , by the manifestation of his light , made himself known unto them . so covetous demas , proud simon magus , froward and churlish nabal , unrighteous elymas , and such like , are all the budoings forth of the thorn-bush , and have covered the earth with their branches , to keep it in darkness , and to hide the son of righteousness from it ; and all these are centred in the clergy of this nation , or the priests , which is most suitable to their taking of tythes , which is the great sin of oppression that many people for conscience sake , and nothing else , are undone in their outward estates ; and some through hard imprisonment , have lost their bodily lives : and this great and sad grievance is upheld by these mens pride , covetousness , idleness , bitterness of spirit , despising and treading all under foot in whom the spirit of the lamb appears ; which all those that are born again do see and know this to be true , and that these are the standing enemies against christ ; their churches , as they call them , are the successors of the jews synagogues , and are houses of bon-dage . and though they have prevailed with the magistrates for their tythes , to settle them , yet they shall finde the last end of them will be sad ; for they are but hear-say preachers of the gospel , they cannot say any thing from any testimony of light they have within themselves , but from the writings they have from the apostles , which they profess great love to , & keep charily for their tythes sake : and by the one , they deceive the people of their souls , for they preach the letter for the spirit ; and by the other , they pick their purses . and this is very manifest by their carriage : for though those writings which they live by , were not writings that proceeded from any scholars according unto humane art , but from fisher-men , shepherds , husbandmen , who spake and writ as the spirit gave them utterance , from an inward testimony of life ; yet now these learned scholars , having got the writings of these inferiour men of the world , so called by some , they now slight , and despise , and trample under their feet , men guided by the spirit of the lord , pressing upon the powers of the earth , to make laws to hold them under bondage , and that lay-people , tradesmen , and such as are not bred in schools , may have no liberty to speak or write of the spirit . and why so ? because out of these despised ones of the world , doth the spirit rise up more and more to clearer light , making them to speak from experience , and every fresh discovery of the father shines more glorious then the old , till at last the creature is made to see the father face to face in his own light . but now the scholars that come to speak from the strength of what they have stole from others , being not filled with the holy ghost , which maketh ministers , they have no inward testimony of their own to uphold their trade , but by a customary practise , they uphold their trade thus , by holding fast the old letter , getting their livings by telling the people the meanings of those tradesmens words and writings . but alas ! they mightily deceive them , and corrupt their meanings , by their multitudes of false expositions and interpretations : for no man knows the meaning of the spirit of god , but he that hath the spirit : and if the father sends forth any of these tradesmen to declare their testimony which is in them , as in these dayes he sends forth many , and these true labourers shall increase , maugre the malice of men & devils , and all those false aspersions cast upon them , calling them new lights , factious , erronious blasphemers , and the like , shall not hurt them : for it is but that the scriptures may be fulfilled ; they shall say or speak all manner of evil , falsly , against them for my sake ; and they that kill them shall think they do god good service in it , even as those that killed the just one , crying , crucifie him , crucifie him : but all will be to no purpose , for the work is of the lord , and it shall stand : the counsels of the lord taketh place in every age , and his word is stablished in heaven ; and when all things else shall come to nothing , then not one jot or tittle of this shall fail . wicked men and deceivers had best give over , for it is hard for them to kick against the pricks , or strive against the stream : for the lord jehovah , at whose voice the mountains quake , the hills tremble ; that telleth all the stars , and calleth them all by their names ; and saith to the proud waves of the seas , thus far shall ye go , and no farther ; that keepeth the devils in chains , against that great and terrible day , when all men shall be judged for the things done in their flesh ; that divided the seas for his children to pass over , and drowned his enemies in the same waters ; i say , this god is too great for man to contest with . but what is the reason that the preachers of this world , so called by many , are so bitter against truth in the inward parts ? in words they speak much for it . because the light of truth that springs up out of this earth , which the scholars tread under feet , will shine so clear , as it will put out the candle of these wicked learned deceivers . now the people are not to look for any teaching , but from the great prophet jesus christ , and are not to acknowledge any other ruler , but such as are guided by him , this king of peace , who plants the law of righteousness in the hearts . the hear-say teachers would have the people look up to them for teaching : and verily i must bear my testimony , that the more i look'd upon any man for teaching , the more i was wrapt into bondage and confusion ; and therefore all the upshot and end of the priests is onely to hinder christ from rising , and to keep jacob under , that he may be a servant unto the man of flesh . so it is plain , that all that is done in the world about hear-say priests , and their settled forms of worship , is no other but the spreadings forth of the thorn-bush , the fleshly man , to hinder the worship of the father in spirit and in truth ; and all these strict and zealous preachers , so called , and professors of other mens words and writings , and upholders of forms and customs , are no other but the scribes , pharisees , and judas , that still pursues christ in enmity . and this is the reason why many are so ignorant and cold spirited in the acknowledgement of the father , because the night-vine or branches of the thorn-bush are so mighty great and thick , that they hide the light and heat of the sun of righteousness from it ; this is the man of sin , the mystery of iniquity , that lets , and must let , till he be taken out of the way . indeed , this thorn-bush doth so prick , that none dare meddle with it , but those that are well clothed with christ , such as have put on the whole armour of god. this thorn-bush or night-vine , grows in the cold time of the night , while the sun of righteousness is under the clouds ; and the fruit it brings forth is unpleasant , as pride , covetousness , envy , self-love , hypocrisie , confusion , bondage , and all misery , under the power of darkness : and all that oppress the holy just ones , they act from this night-vine , and are children of the night and of darkness . now from hence it doth appear what proud men the clergy are , that call themselves divines , when their light is but a candle , stolen from the apostles and prophets writings ; it is not their own light , it is but hear-say in them , who cannot in their own particulars witness the things they do declare or hold forth unto others ; and therefore their pride , and covetousness , doth plainly declare them to be false christs , and false prophets , and that they are but branches of the thorn-bush that are full of sharp pricks , in regard they endeavour to uphold a forced maintenance from the people , whether they will or no , and force the people to be silent , to hear them preach hear-say , what austin , gregory , and the fathers have said ; and none must gainsay what they affirm , although never so false , upon pain of 5 l. or lye in the common goal , and be bound to their good behaviour ; and are like to be crushed in their estates , by the power of many wicked magistrates , if they oppose these hear-say priests that say and unsay ; for they know not what they say , but say to darken peoples knowledge more and more ! o sad anti-christian laws , against the plain scripture , which alloweth prophesying , or speaking one by one , as the spirit giveth or maketh manifest , and the first shall hold his peace : doth not the shame of those laws and their makers almost appear unto all men ? if it do not , it will do very suddenly : assure your selves , you priests , you must fall and be turned out , as judas , simon magus , and the scribes and pharisees , that are the greatest enemies to christ , the spreading power of righteousness : for the lord doth not send hear-say men to be labourers in his vineyard , but such as he first fills with his divine power , and then sends them to work in his vineyard : so that still it is but christ in them , that is the one , that is sent of the father : for the father sends none but his only beloved son in whom he is well pleased , who is the law of righteousness and peace , the spreading power that fills all in all . and you shall finde , you priests that are so puft up , and filled with pride , and are cloathed with covetousness , that ere it be long these poor despised ones of the world that have this law written in their hearts , are the true labourers that are sent forth into the vineyard ; and you that call your selves divines , and labourers , you are but traitors to christ , and enemies to his spirit : you have had warnings from time to time ; many prophets hath the lord sent unto you , and righteous men ; but you have stopped your ears , and hardned your hearts at the voice of the charmer , charm he never so wisely : but the greater will be your woes and sorrow ; for you are left without excuse ; you are the men that must have your mouths stopped , not by a humane tyrannical hand of power , as you have stopped the mouths of gods holy and just ones , for that they abhor ; for the lord himself , whom you dishonour by your hypocrisie , will stop your mouths with shame and sorrow , when he makes you to see your selves in the state of devils , deceivers , scribes and pharisees , simon magus , demas and judas , that are traitors to the spirit and power of righteousness which is in the saints . but if you say you do not assume the names of divines as you write your selves , under which description you are as bad as diviners , sorcerers or deceivers , as balaam was , and as the maid that got her master gain by divination , in act. 16. 16. you hold forth letter for spirit , make people believe your words of hear-say , that it is the testimony and experience of the spirit within you ; and you pick their purses extreamly by this sorcery and divination . so it appears plain that the word you call divinity , darkens knowledge : you talk much of the body of divinity , and of anatomizing divinity : o fine language ! but when it comes to trial , it is but a husk : all is not gold that glisters ; there is no kernel ; the words ye say are without life ; the spirit that gave forth the scripture , ye are strangers unto : the natural man understands not the things of god ; they are spiritually discern'd : the spirit hath filled the hearts of those you despise . you go on , selling words for mony to the blinde people , whom you have deceived ; and the spirit is not at all in your service , and your service stinks before the lord : your preachings , prayings , and all your will-worships , with all the people joyning with you , is but an abomination in the sight of the lord ; for you are the people that draw nigh to god with your lips , but your hearts are far from him ; and are removed afar off love ; justice , righteous actings , doing injury to no man , is not to be found among you , neither clean hands and a pure heart : for the alone peace of the heart lieth in seeing and feeling christ the divine power to rise up and rule within ; and every soul is in confusion , bon-dage and sorrrow , until he have true light and feeling thereof in himself , as i have shewed and found by experience . and surely this may command all mouths to be silent , that speak from hear-say , and yet saith , thus saith the lord : he lies , & he dishonoureth the lord , whoever he is , that speaketh before the lord hath revealed himself in him , & spoke to him , and put words into his mouth ; & he doth exceedingly wrong the souls of his hearers , by deceiving them ; and so their lives , their whole actions , and their conversations are unprofitable to all men , because they make them believe a divination are words of knowledge spoke from a pure testimony . surely if the lord had not become the teacher of his despised ones , they had been over-spread with egyptian bon-dage and darkness , as the priests are , by whom the earth is corrupted , and over spread with thick darkness : well , you have prophecies and promises in the writings of the prophets and apostles , wait upon the lord till you see the fulfilling of them within your selves : and leave off your much talk about words and syllables ; for by this multitude of waste discourse people are blinded , that they neither minde the ptophecies of scriptures , nor wait for the fulfilling of them in themselves : for whatsoever is written , is written for our instruction , upon whom the ends of the world shall fall . and verily , i can truly say ; that so long as i was a blinde professor , a strict goer to church , as they call it , and a hearer of sermons , and never questioned what the priest said , but believed as the learned clergy , the church , so called , believed ; and still forgot all i heard : though i must say , the words they said were like a pleasant song in my ears , whilst i heard them . and this i know is the best condition of all your zealous professors , this is all they can get from you ; for you are in bondage and confusion ; and ignorance is the mother of your devotion : for your lives are in the flesh , you do not savour the things that are of the spirit , and so you are not of god. whilst i was such a professor , i was counted by some priests and others , a good christian , and a godly man , though all that was in me , was but zealous ignorance , and led me on in the heighth of the deceitful nature . but since it hath pleased the father to reveal his son in me , and hath caused me to speak what i know from an inward principle of light and power of life within ; now the same priests , and professors whom they have deceived , my former acquaintance , begin to be affraid of me , and call me an erronious man , a dangerous man ; and look upon me as upon a man of another world ; and in that , they are not mistaken : for our conversation is in heaven ; and our delight on earth is in the saints , and in those excellent ones , that excels in vertue . for my part , i can truly say , from the goodness of the lord , who is worthy of everlasting praises , to be acknowledged from me , that am as a brand snatch'd out of the fire , and kept from burning , by the goodness and loving kindness of the lord , that my portion is fallen to me in a goodly heritage ; the lord is my portion ; i have the lord , i have enough . i look upon them with the eye of pity and love , seeing them as yet to live under the spirit of delusion , and power of darkness ; the god of this world having blinded their eyes , that they cannot see the way to the kingdom : and therefore i think it my duty to wait upon the great restorer of all things , until he manifest or raise in them the manifestation of the measure of that light that he hath placed in their souls , and given them to profit withal , and then that ruling in them , will makes us become one again , and then we shall not be divided any more . o dear friends ! despise not this word , wait on the lord for teachings ; you neither will nor can have rest in your souls , until he speak in you peace : for those that stay themselves on him , are kept in perfect peace , and follow your forms as much and as fast as you can , in the strictest way you can possible , and it will not bring you peace ; nay , it will bring you to a loss , and you shall be more and more wrapt into confusion and sorrow of heart : i speak what i have found , and therefore let not any deceive themselves . but when once the heart is made subject to christ , the law of righteousness , looking up to him for instruction , waiting with a meek and quiet spirit till he appear in you , then you shall have peace , then you shall know the truth ; and those that are made free by the son , they are free indeed : for they shall hunger no more , neither thirst any more ; for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall govern them , and shall lead them to the lively fountain of water : and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes . the third epistle : to all those that teach for hire , and divine for money , that they may lay their hands on their hearts , and consider the evil of their doings , and cease to do evil , and learn to do well : for the terrible day of the lord is at hand ; and who can dwell in everlasting burnings ? verily i must bear my testimony from the spirit of the lord jesus , which is everlasting , that you the priests of england are all blinde guides , and have your right eyes put out : and i shall prove you deceivers of the people , and woes everlasting will be your portions , if you proceed ; and therefore in tender love to your souls , i send this unto you , without consulting with flesh and blood . consider this , you that are wandring stars , that when christ appeared in flesh , moses administration began to be silent , and drew back , and set jesus christ in the chair , to be the great prophet that should be the teacher in types after him , and the ministration of these discoveries were to reign in the world their appointed time : even so the lamb , christ jesus , or that single body , gives way to the holy ghost , which is the spreading spirit , joh. 16. 7. joh. 17. 21. if i go not away ( saith christ ) the comforter cannot come to you : for he that dwells bodily in me , is to spread himself in you ; that as the father in me , and i in him are one , even so i in you , and you in me , may become one with the father : and the testimony of the apostles declare as much , 2 cor. 5. 16. col. 1. 27. though we have known christ after the flesh , yet now henceforth know we him no more : but we look after the mystery which hath been kept secret from ages and generations past , which is , christ in you , the hope of glory . and therefore all your merchandizing in gospel forms , as you call them , and types , declare you the priests of england , to be yet under the ministration of christ after the flesh , declaring the lamb jesus to remain yet in one single person . but know you , that as the ministration of moses gave way to this , so this ministration is to give way to the inward teachings of christ , and the spreading of the spirit in sons and daughters , which doth more excellently declare the glory of the mystery ; and this you call , a dumb idol : for all those that patiently wait in silence upon the lord , do wait for the manifestation of the measure of the spirit of god , to be poured down upon them , to make them profit withal ; for they that are led by the spirit of god , they are the sons of god. the man christ jesus told the woman of samaria , woman , the time is coming , and now is , that neither in jerusalem , nor in this mountain shall men worship the father ; but they that worship him , shall worship him in spirit and in truth ; for the father seeketh such to worship him . now you shew your ignorance of scriptures , and that you have not the key of david , that openeth and no man shutteth ; and shutteth , and no man openeth ; but like those that made silver shrines for diana , cryed her up for a great goddess , because their living was got by it ; but their deceipt was plainly seen to all , whose eyes were opened . now you deny the teacher within , that shall not be moved into a corner : for the word is nigh thee , even in thy heart , and in thy mouth ; and you need not tell the people , lo , here is christ , or lo , he is there : for there is in every one a measure of the light of christ , which is given them to profit withal ; and if they follow that light , it will bring them out of every evil way : for it is that pure thing in man , that never did consent to sin , nor never will , but doth check and reprove for evil thoughts , and vain lusts and desires , which this light judgeth down ; for christ hath thus enlightned every man that cometh into the world : now till the measure of this light is manifested in you , so as totally to destroy the works of the devil , for to that end christ came , even to destroy sin ; i bear my testimony from the lords spirit , you are strangers from the covenant of grace , and aliens from the commonwealth of israel , and are without god in the world : and how are you fit to teach another , that know not your own guide , that is , the lord from heaven ? for know you not that the kingdom of heaven is within you ? you disciples , you little ones , that are born again , not of corruptible seed , but of incorruptible , the word that abideth for ever , christ in you , the hope of glory : for know you not that christ is in you , except ye be reprobates ? so your deceipt is to drive a trade in the world , to deceive souls , to keep people from knowing the true teacher : for if they should once know one within them , to lead them whither they in their corrrupt wills would not go , and should give way to obey that holy voice , for it is the voice of christ , then they would not give their money for that which profiteth not , and that which is not bread ; for christ saith , he that eateth the bread that i shall give him , shall live for ever : for my flesh is meat indeed : and , he that believeth in me , out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water : now you do esteem men contrary minded , as hereticks ; the just one , christ , was accused for a perverter of the people , by the jews , luk. 23. 14. stephen was stoned for blasphemy , act. 7 , 59. herod killed james the brother of john , with the sword , imprisoned peter , act. 12. 2 , 4. paul stoned till they supposed he was dead , act. 14. 19. they had trials , heb. 11. 36. by mockings , by bands and imprisonments , by cruel scourgings , they were stoned , they were sawn asunder , they were slain with the sword ; and all for faith , for bearing testimony for that which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world : for paul said , that when christ had revealed himself in him , then he spake the word with boldness , and went about turning people from darkness to light , and from the power of satan unto god , that they might receive remission of sins , which teacheth to follow peace with all men , and holiness , without which no man shall see the lord. now the light maketh manifest the mystery of babylon the great , the mother of harlots , and abominations of the earth , who hath made her self drunk with the bloud of the martyrs of jesus , and saints of the most high : those that have the mark in their foreheads , in which you are yet , even in babel , in confusion : and therefore fear and tremble before the lord , for who is able to dwell in everlasting burnings ? for the devil that deceived them , shall be cast into the lake of fire : mark that , that deceived them : nothing makes a man more like unto the devil , the prince of darkness , then to be a deceiver of the brethren , and they shall all to perdition , rev. 17. 8. for they do mock now with the lamb jesus , and they offend his little ones . o! it were better that a milstone were hanged about their necks , and they thrown into the sea , then to offend one of those little ones that put their trust in me . but know this , the lamb shall overcome you , for he is lord of lords , and king of kings , and they that are with him are called , and chosen , and faithful , and therefore rejoyce over her , ye holy ones , for god hath avenged you on her , and will avenge : for true and righteous are his judgements ; for he hath judged the great whore , which did corrupt the earth with her fornication ; and hath and will avenge the blood of his servants at her hand : for the dreadful and terrible day of the lord is at hand , in which no iniquity or deceipt can stand : there is nothing but the pure , holy and undefiled shall be able to enter : for no unclean thing can enter the kingdom of heaven ; and it must be the oyl in a mans own vessel , whereby the true light is maintained , by which alone the bridgegroom can be followed in to the marriage-chamber , who is the true vine ; and they that abide in him , and he in them , they bring forth much fruit ; and he is the way that whosoever walketh in , shall come to the father : he is that rock that whosoever buildeth his house on it , shall stand , and no persecution , storm or tempest , shall shake : although the mountains move into the midst of the sea , my heart ( saith david ) shall not be troubled : why ? because it standeth fixed , fixed in the lord : the lord keepeth such in perfect peace , whose mindes are stayed in him : there is nothing can disturb the peace of them whose mindes are turned in to the light christ , and hearken to his voice ; for my sheep ( saith christ ) follow me , they know my voice ; i am the true shepherd , and they will not follow a stranger : now you are come in not by christ the door , but by the inventions and wills of wicked men , like your selves , who are out of the life and power of god , and so cannot make ministers : for the carnal man knoweth not the things of god , they are spiritually discerned : read act. 13 , 2. it is the holy ghost that sends ministers , they must be anointed by the holy child jesus , the anointing , before they can go teach ; & this you may see mar. 16. 15. after the resurrection , go ye eleven disciples into all the world , & preach ye the gospel to every creature : he doth not say to the scribes and pharisees , and high priests , go ye ; nay , they put him to death , crucified him , as you the priests do now , even murder the just one , in your own particulars , and in every other that you can , to whom christ pronounced this wo : wo unto you , lawyers , for you will not go to heaven your selves , and those that would , ye hinder . o dumb dogs , idol-shepherds , that cry , the lord , when the lord never put into their mouthes : but they prepare war against the just ; when he cannot put into their mouths , then they prepare war. take heed , leave off seducing , for everlasting woes will be your portion : and this take notice , that from the lord you are warned to repent , and turn in to the light in your consciences , that checketh you for sin and evil , for that is your true teacher , emmanuel , god with us ; and to this i bear my testimony , that it is true , and they that believe in the light christ jesus , in you that believe the hope of glory , they shall finde him raising them from the death of sin to the life of grace , and have part in the first resurrection , and over such the second death shall have no power ; for he is jesus , that redeemeth his from all iniquity , who is the light of the world , and the life of men , the living way , the resurrection and the life , the faithful and true witness , the first and the last , the beginning and the end , who was dead , and is alive for evermore . now this mystery is made known unto the saints , col. 1. 27. even the mystery hid from ages and generations , and is now unto his chosen ones made manifest ; which is , christ in them the hope of glory , ver . 28. whom we preach , warning every man , and teaching every man in all wisdom ; that we may present every man perfect in christ jesus , whereunto i labour , striving according to his working which worketh in me mightly : as ye have therefore received christ jesus , the lord , so walk you in him , rooted and built up in him : for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the godhead bodily ; and ye are compleat in him , for you are risen with him , through the faith of the operation of god , who hath raised him from the dead ; therefore their bodies are of christ , and therefore they are not to be deceived by voluntary worships , and beggarly rudiments ; which indeed have a shew of wisdom , but it is to the man that is blinde : and , if the blind lead the blind , they shall both fall into the ditch . now is the day of the lords mighty power appearing , and his people need not go to the priests for help , jer. 31. 34. after those days , saith the lord god , i will put my law in their inward parts , and write it in their hearts , and will be their god , and they shall be my people ; and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour , and every man his brother , saying , know the lord : for they shall all know me , from the least of them to the greatest of them ; for i will forgive their iniquities saith the lord , and remember their sins no more . thus saith the lord which giveth the sun for a light by day , and the ordinances of the moon and stars for a light by night , which divideth the sea , when the waves thereof roar , the lord of hosts is his name . now is it fit to hearken to your preaching , as you call it , by arguments and expositions , putting a meaning upon other mens words , as you priests do , telling stories by hear-say of what you have read out of the works of those , it is like , as much out of the power and life of god as your selves ? whereas none of you know by experience : for if you did , you durst not sue for treble damages , but with zacheus make restitution to those ye have robbed : it is plain you are merchandizers of the scriptures , and drive a trade with your traditions , and imaginations of your own brains ; and woes will be your portion , if you proceed : for you plainly preach to others , to get a living by it , and this makes you all children of the curse : for it is plainly seen , that money , covetousness is your god. well , you must all be slighted ; your preaching stinks before the father , and he will draw his people out of your confusion , and leave you naked and bare , and your shame shall be made manifest to all men . for indeed , i bear my testimony from the lord , that you are a most wicked generation of men : for you are teaching people , busying their heads what hath been done in the time of moses , and the prophets and apostles times , and in the son of mans time in the flesh , jesus , the anointed ; but you do not , nor cannot teach them , because you are strangers to it , to wait upon the lord , to find light from the spirit of righteousness , which is to arise from the measure of the light of christ in every one , and his power in and upon the heart . now all the learning and arts in the world , is but to speak methodically of what hath been , what is , and conjecture what shall be : all which is uncertain . now he that speaks within , as we have felt , as we have tasted , as we have handled , so we deliver unto you ; i say , these must know what they say , and know who they worship : and whereas some of you call silent meetings a dumb idol , when the people of the lord are waiting on him , for the fulfilling of those prophecies promised unto them ; you shew your blindness : for it is and shall be the portion of the sons and daughters of the lord to wait in silence with their eyes looking upwards , waiting to be taught onely by christ , the great prophet , before whom all flesh shall be made silent . and therefore cease your teachings , and your prayers , as you call them : for they are an abomination to the lord , until you finde this true teacher christ in you , opening your hearts to hear his voice : for whoever doth speak , and not declare the lord in a pure language , that is , from himself , shall bear his shame , whoever he be . for the time is come that none shall need anything to teach him the way to sion , but an humble quiet heart , to wait on the lord , till he manifest himself unto them : for the lord is a great king , and worthy to be waited upon ; and his testimony within , fills the soul with joy and singing ; such joy as the world knoweth not of , and such joy as men and devils cannot take from them , by which his holy ones have experience of his goodness , that he is the rose of sharon , the choicest among the sons , altogether lovely ; whose love is better then wine , his fruits are sweet unto the taste ; whose voyce is sweet , and his countenance altogether comely ; and the souls of his beloved ones delighteth in him : and by this experience of him , he gives power unto them to speak forth those experiences unto others , and then they speak to the rejoycing of one another , and to the praise of him that declares himself in them . and therefore thou , whoever thou art , that speakest thy imaginations , studies of thy own brain , thoughts , and makes thy self a teacher of others , and the voice of the lord hath not appeared to thee , and the anointing from the holy spirit hath not come down upon thee , thou shalt be judged for thy unrighteousness , because thou seekest to honor flesh , for thou dost not honour the lord : for the anointing that cometh to teach all things , creates new heaven , and new earth , wherein dwelleth righteousness ; for they shall be filled with the fulness of christ , who is the spreading power that filleth all in all ; every member of his body , being a star shining forth of him ; or rather , a body in and out of whom he shines ; for he is the power that fills all , rom. 8. 23. we that have the first fruits of the spirit , even we , groan within our selves , waiting for the adoption , to wit , the redemption of our bodies ; and the spirit it self maketh intercession for us , with groanings which cannot be uttered : and he that searcheth the heart , knoweth what the minde of the spirit is ; because he maketh intercession for the saints , according to the will of god : for he makes all new by himself and for himself ; and this is called the holy breathing , which christ said the comforter shall come , who shall abide with you for ever . know ye not that ye are the temple of god , and that the spirit of god dwelleth in you ? 1 cor. 3. 16. now the fleshly part , first adam , seeks peace , life and glory to himself , from creatures , and things that are without him ; as first , he seeks content and peace from wife , children , friends , riches , places of dominion over others ; but that peace that is built upon such hay or stubble , shall come to nothing , and the foundations shall fall , 1 cor. 3. 12 , 13. secondly , the fleshly first adam that is from the earth earthly , seeks content and peace from sermons , prayers , studies , books , church-fellowship , and from outward forms and customs in their forms of worship ; but that peace that is built upon this foundation , will fall and come to nothing likewise ; rom. 9. 31. but israel which followed after the law of righteousness , hath not attained to the law of righteousness ; for they sought it not by faith , but as it were by the works of the law ; the reason they stumbled at that stumbling stone which the builders refused , but now is become the corner-stone , the rock of ages : as it is written , behold , i lay in sion a stumbling stone , and a rock of offence , and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed : the word is nigh thee , even in thy heart and in thy mouth , that is , the word of faith which we preach , rom. 10. 8. isa . 28. 9. those that are weaned from the milk , and drawn from the brest , he teacheth knowledge , and maketh to understand doctrine . now wo unto those that have made lies their refuge , and under falshood have hid themselves , every one wondring after the beast , and worshipping the golden image , the inventions of their own hands , who are deceived by her witchcrafts , her gog and magog , who are in number like the sand of the sea : but what will be their end ? they must be destroyed by fire : and therefore follow not a multitude to do evil . and the devil that deceived them shall be cast into the lake of fire , where the beast and false prophets are , who shall be tormented day and night , for ever and ever . o stand amazed all deceivers of his people : for the time will come that he will require the blood of his people at your hands ; and what will become of you , when the dreadful and terrible god appears in judgement ? you will then desire the hills to fall upon you , to hide you from his presence ; then those that have christ in them , who hath filled them with everlasting rest and glory , shall lift up their heads , for their redemption draweth neer ; and he that shall be your judge , is become their saviour : for the father judgeth no man , but hath committed all judgement unto the son : and they that live in the son , have the light of life abiding in them . and so in him they walk from strength to strength , until they appear before god in sion . the fourth epistle : to all the hypocrites in sion , desiring them that they would return , that the lord may heal their back-slidings : for the wrath of the living god is revealed from heaven against all vnrighteousness ; and woes will be upon them , even woes eternal , that take upon them the profession of religion in any form , to be a cloak to their sin and vnrighteousness . there is no man ( saith christ ) that putteth his hand to the plough , and looketh back , that is apt for the kingdom of god. now doth not most professors look back ? do they do the works god , or are they not doing the works of the devil ? is not wrath , anger , backbiting , whispering , deceiving , over-reaching in their bargains , killing , is not these fruits to be found amongst all professors ? and therefore it is high time for them to repent , that they may do their first works : for the time once was , that they had zeal , and love , and gentleness and temperance , and were in the moderation a little kept : but now they are come into the persecuting nature , into the destroying nature , the devouring nature , the dogs nature ; and are out of the lambs nature : for the fruits of faith , are love , goodness , gentleness , meekness , temperance , brotherly kindness , charity , bowels of compassion , holiness and righteousness ; against such ( saith paul ) there is no law : for they that are christs , have crucified the flesh , with the affections and lusts . and now amongst those tender lambs of christ , those babes that are born again , those plants of the lords right hand , trees of his own planting that are full of sap , the cedars of lebanon ; i mean those that are by the wicked of the earth , the men of this world , in scorn called quakers , amongst these is crept in wicked deceivers , ungodly men , and ungodly women , even as judas crept in amongst the apostles , such who think that gain is godliness , such who follow christ for the loaves , such as think they can serve two masters , god and mammon , christ and riches , christ and lusts , christ and the world , christ and antichrist ; such who teach that doctrine of devils , that paul speaketh of , denying to marry , and to abstain from meats , such who turn the grace of god in them into wantonness , truce breakers , breakers of covenants , pretending they were married in their carnal estate ; and they were never moved of the lord , and therefore they may leave their husbands , and leave their wives ; and that spirit these are guided by , is of satan , and so will lead them to take others , as their blind ignis fatuus leads them : for by nothing but imagination , lust and fancie , are such led . and such leads away silly women , that are captivated by satan , laden with divers lusts and pleasures , that are alwayes learning , and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth . others are led to neglect their families and relations , to neglect their children ; contrary to that doctrine of paul , that saith , a man is worse then an infidel that doth not provide for his family , meaning his outward family : for , let every man wait on his calling ; and god hath appointed that the creation shall be managed , that man may be lord of all the creatures : and christ saith , it is a more happier thing to give then to receive : and the apostle commandeth to lay up , that there may be a distribution amongst the saints : and how can he lay up that is idle , and runs to and fro , wasting his time in idleness , and consuming his pretious time , whilst his wife and children wants at home ? and so this spirit rents and tears the affections of men from their wives , and women from their husbands , and children from their parents ; and this that brings into a dis-uniting , is not the spirit of the lord : for the spirit of the lord brings into union : for it shall convince the whole world at last , that they shall be all of one heart , and of one spirit ; and the one alone spirit of righteousness shall fill all in all : and this cannot be that spirit that rents and makes divisions ; but this spirit of righteousness teacheth the man to know his own wife , and love her , as christ did the church ; and it teacheth the woman to know and love her own husband ; and the man and woman so taught , live like turtle doves . and so the unbelieving woman cometh to be sanctified by the believing man ; & the unbelieving man by the believing woman ; and here the good vertuous wife cometh to be found , that solomon speaketh of , whose price is above pearls , and she doth him good and not evil all his days : and is not as the wicked woman , that is termed by him , a whorish woman , that is rottenness to her husbands bones . and others there are , that are very loose in their carriage , and deny the resurrection of the body , contrary to the doctrine of the apostle , saying , the resurrection is past already , and such was in his time , that had overthrown the faith of some : now these people are in distraction , and the spirit of the lord leades into unity , love , and peace , and out of all disturbance ; and the lord is the portion of his people for ever , and they that stay themselves upon god , are kept in perfect peace : and the spirit of god is infallible : they that are guided by that , cannot erre ; and these do erre , not knowing the scriptures , and so are led into the distraction which causeth disturbance ; and this is , by the cunningness of satan , who lieth in wait to deceive , and this simple people are led captive by him , to do his will at his pleasure . and therefore dear friends , take heed how you hear , and whom you hear ; and be not blinded by those that lie cunningly in wait , to deceive you : for all that is to be known of god , is made manifest in man : and this is all the lord thy god requireth of thee , to do justly , love mercy , and to walk humbly with thy god : for holiness becometh the house of the lord for ever . and christ saith , he that hath my commandments and keepeth them , dwelleth in me , and i in him . and therefore do not think the name or the profession of a thing will serve the turn ; it is coming into the life and power of the thing that is expected from the lord : they that cry in that day , we have eat and drunk in thy presence , and thou hast taught in our streets ; all that will not do : depart from me , saith christ : the reason why , is shewed by him , because they were workers of iniquity . so there is no priviledge for a people , be they never so high in gods favour , yet if they sin against him , they must know , the wrath of god is against them : for if a righteous man turn from his righteousness , and do that which is evil , he shall die for the evil , and i will remember his righteousness ( saith the lord ) no more . the people of israel were a peculiar people , the lord had manifested his love in abundance to them , he fed them with angels food , and led them in the wilderness , that their cloaths waxed not old ; and he made the rock gush out waters , and gave them quails , the lusts of their own hearts . but they died in judgement ; whilst the meat was in their mouthes , the wrath of god came down upon them , and gods soul came to be angry with them , even so much that the lord said , my soul shall be avenged on this generation . david , a man after gods own heart , yet for sinning , was forc'd to go with broken bones , and his ioines were filled with a sore disease , and he went groaning all the day long . moses for striking the rock twice , did not enter the land of canaan . and therefore do not thou think , whoever thou art , and let thy profession be what it will : for if thou sinnest against god , thou must be punished by him . and know this , that the end of all teaching , and speaking , and writing , is to be brought to doing . the end of all , saith solomon , is to fear god , and keep his commandments : this is the whole duty of man. and therefore be as thou seemest to be , or seem to be as thou art : for it is onely the pure in heart shall see god ; and the meek shall inherit the earth , and dwell therein for ever . the fifth epistle : to roger crabb , and francis jennings , john porter , elizabeth porter , stephen powel , sarah aldridge , anne bunion : to all those that are in the deceipt with him , who stile themselves the servants of the lord onely ; with judeth edds , and some few others , whose names i cannot finde : that they may see their durty dregs , and repent of their abominations : for the wrath of god is revealed against all deceipt , and all deceivers . lamentations , mourning and wo is pronounced against all evil ; and he that soweth , or she that soweth dissention amongst brethren , is such a one as the soul of the lord abhorreth . now let not their looks dismay thee , thou tender-hearted child or children of the most high : for the duty of obedience which the lord thy god requireth of thee , is not in any other thing but in being obedient to the commands of god , as sin is made known unto thee , by the light of the everlasting spirit of righteousness which is in thee , and there is placed , to make known sin and evil unto thee , and is there placed in thy heart , to raise thy immortal soul , by the immortal seed of the word , which is , christ in thee , that thou mayst live unto him that hath called thee out of darkness into his marvelous light , that we might not henceforth live unto our selves , but unto him ; and therefore living unto him , is to be holy as he was holy , and pure as he was pure : and so the life of the saints is to be a life of purity , and it is the pure in heart that see him ; and so it is not as roger crabb surmiseth , and william smith , and john dunck , and others , in wearing hair or not hair : for if they will believe the history of josephus , they may finde that christ wore his hair very long , waving about his shoulders ; and the scriptures of truth maketh mention , that he wore it according to the manner of the nazarites , who had no razor come upon their heads : neither is it in dirty hands & faces , as they fondly do surmise ; but it lieth in the hidden man of the heart , in a meek and quiet spirit , which is a thing of god , much set by : neither is it in straw hats , or such fond conceits ; for they cannot be made without hands , no more then woollen ones . but the reader may take notice , that this people being departed from the living presence of the lord god , where life , and peace , and rest is to be dwelt in ; they wander up and down , seeking rest , and finde none : for the peace is not in eating or drinking , but in righteousness , peace , and joy in the holy ghost . it is not then in denying the lawful use of the creatures : for the apostle saith , whatsoever is sold in the shambles , that eat , making no scruple for conscience-sake . so then it is clear , that men may lawfully eat all creatures , as well as herbs , or what groweth naturally : and every creature of god is good ( saith paul ) and nothing ought to be refused , if it be received with praise and thanks giving : and , it is not that ( saith christ ) that goeth into the man , that doth defile the man ; but that which cometh out : for out of the heart ( saith christ ) proceedeth adultery , fornication , murder , and the like : so it is the evil heart being corrupted , that is the cause of the man being defiled , and it is not the denying of meats wherein religion stands : for they may see that christ fed five thousand men with five loaves and two fishes , and commanded the fragments to be taken up , that nothing might be left ; and he turned water into wine : if he had not allowed the use of it , he would not have made it ; but it was to be drunk . and christ saith , if any of you have a son shall ask bread , will he give him a stone ? or if he shall ask a fish , will he give him a serpent ? so he clearly owneth the eating of those creatures . and if they , or any led by their fond deceitful spirit , that deny the resurrection of the body of christ out of the grave , let them read luk. 26. vers . 37. and so forward : but they were terrified and affrighted , and supposed that they had seen a spirit : and he said unto them , why are you troubled , and why do thoughts arise in your hearts ? behold my hands and my feet , that it is i my self ; handle me , and see : for a spirit hath not flesh and bones , as you see me have . and when he had thus spoken , he shewed them his hands and his feet . and while they yet believed not , for joy , and wondered , he said unto them , have ye here any meat ? and they gave him a piece of broyled fish , and a honey-comb ; and he took it , and did eat before them : and he said unto them , these are the words which i spake unto you , while i was yet with you , that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses , and in the prophets , and in the psalmes , concerning me . then opened he their understandings , that they might understand the scriptures . act. 1. vers . 9. and so forward : and when he had spoken these things , while they beheld , he was taken up , and a cloud received him out of their sight ; and while they looked stedfastly towards heaven , as he went up , behold , two men stood by them in white apparel , which said , ye men of galilee , why stand ye gazing up into heaven ? this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven , shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven . and these peoples teacher , roger crabb , most blasphemously speaketh of a place where no righteousness shall enter in , without distinction ; and so he putteth no difference between the pretious and the vile ; and so most wickedly and perversly taketh upon him to speak of things he knoweth not : for christ the righteousness of god , who is righteous as god is righteous , doth enter , and sits on the throne with clean hands ; and his righteous seed , in all his true babes and little ones , is raised , that they feel his living presence in them , constraining them to love ; and they feel his arm of strength carrying them , and guiding them in all their wayes ; and they feel that rock of ages , bruising the head of the serpent , who is too powerful in roger crabb , and his followers , and leads them captive to do his will : for of whomsoever a man is overcome , his servant he is , of whom he is overcome ; whether it be of sin unto death , or of obedience unto righteousness . and so dear friends , i desire you to repent , and turn , and put away the evil of your doings . cease to do evil : learn to do well : hide the word of the lord in your hearts , that you may not sin against god : and be content with this knowledge of the lord , to know what he requires of thee , and to do it ; and that is this , what doth the lord thy god require of thee , o man , but , to do justly , to love mercy , and to walk humbly with thy god ? the sixth epistle : to all magistrates , judges , lawyers , commanders , souldiers and priests : that they may plainly see by the scriptures of truth , what the lord god requireth at their hands ; and they may see here , as in a glass , how short they come of what is required of them , and repent , and turn from their wicked and abominable ways , that the lord may have mercy upon them : for this they may assure themselves , the fierce and terrible day of the lord is near at hand , and none but the pure in heart shall be able to stand before him : for nothing can dwell in his presence but purity : for without holiness , none shall see him with comfort . i shall direct the reader to some texts of scripture , that sets forth what gifts a true teacher ought to be qualified with . see gen. 17. 1. and when abraham was ninety and nine years old , the lord appeared unto him , and said , abraham , i am the almighty god ; walk before me , and be thou perfect . gen. 18. 19. for i know him , that he will command his children , and his houshould after him ; and they shall keep the way of the lord , to do justice and judgement . heb. 11. 24. by faith moses , when he was come to years , refused to be called the son of pharaohs daughter : chusing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god , then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season . vers . 26. esteeming the reproach of christ , greater riches then the treasures in egypt : for he had respect to the recompence of the reward . by faith he forsook egypt , not fearing the wrath of the king : for he endured , as seeing him who is invisible . gen. 5. 22. and enoch walked with god , after he begat methusala , three hundred years . and vers . 24. and enoch walked with god ; and he was not : for god took him . exod. 4. 14. and the lord said , is not aaron the levite thy brother ? i know that he can speak well : and he cometh forth to meet thee ; and when he seeth thee , he will be glad in his heart . vers . 15. and thou shalt speak unto him , and put words in his mouth ; and i will be with thy mouth , and with his mouth , and will teach you what you shall do . vers . 16. and he shall be thy spokes-man unto the people ; and he shall be , even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth , and thou shalt be to him instead of god. josh . 1. 1. and the lord spake to joshua , vers ● . there shall not a man be able to stand before thee all the dayes of thy life : as i was with moses , so will i be with thee : i will not fail thee , nor forsake thee . vers . 6. be strong and of a good courage : for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance , the land which i sware unto their fathers to give them : onely be thou strong and very couragious , that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law that moses my servant hath commanded thee : turn not from it , to the right hand , nor to the left ; that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest . vers . 8. this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth , but thou shalt meditate therein day and night . 1 sam. 2. 10. the adversaries of the lord shall be broken to pieces : out of heaven shall he thunder upon them : the lord shall judge the ends of the earth , & he shall give strength unto his king , and exalt the horns of his anointed . concerning david , psal . 18. 20 , 21 , 22 , 23. the lord rewarded me according to the cleanness of my hands , according to my righteousness hath he recompenced me : for i have kept the wayes of the lord , and have not wickedly departed from my god : for all his judgements were before me , and i did not put away his statutes from me : i was also upright before him , and i kept my self from my own iniquity : mark that , from my own iniquity ; his delightful sin : and vers . 32. of the same psalm , it is god that girdeth me with strength , and maketh my ways perfect . psal . 37. 37. mark the perfect man , and behold the upright : for the end of that man is peace . psal . 119. 101. i have refrained my feet from every evil way . vers . 113. i hate vain thoughts , but thy law do i love . vers . 128. i hate every false way . 1 king. 3. 14. and if thou wilt walk in my ways , to keep my statutes and my commandments , as thy father david did walk , then will i lengthen thy dayes . and pro. 23. 26. my son , give me thy heart , and let thy eyes observe my ways . 2 chron. 34. and josiah did that which was right in the sight of the lord , and walked in all the wayes of david his father , and declined neither to the right hand , nor to the left . ezra 7. 10. for ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the lord , and to do it . vers . 25 , 26. and thou ezra , after the wisdom of thy god that is in thy hand , set magistrates and judges , which may judge all the people ; all such as know the laws of thy god , beyond the river : and teach ye them that know them not : and whosoever will not do the law of thy god , and the law of the king , let judgement be executed speedily upon him , whether it be unto death , or to banishment , or to confiscation of goods , or to imprisonment . neh. 1. 5. o lord god of heaven , the great and terrible god , that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him , & keep his commandments . neh. 10. 29 , they came to their brethren , their nobles , and entered into a curse , and into an oath , to walk in gods law , which was given by moses the servant of the lord ; and to observe and do all the commandments of the lord our god , and his judgements , and his statutes . job 1. 1. there was a man in the land of uz , whose name was job , and that man was perfect and upright , and one that feared god , and eschewed evil . isa . 2. 3. let us go up to the house of the god of jacob , and he will teach us of his ways , and we will walk in his pathes : for out of sion shall go forth the law , and the word of the lord from jerusalem . sanctifie the lord of hosts himself , and let him be your fear , and your dread . thou wilt keep him in perfect peace , whose minde is stayed on thee , because he trusteth in thee . trust ye in the lord for ever : for in the lord jehovah is everlasting strength . the wayes of the just is uprightness . thou most upright dost weigh the pathes of the just ; yea , in the ways of thy judgements , o lord , have we waited for thee : the desire of our soul is to thy name , and to the remembrance of thee . thus saith the lord of hosts , the god of israel , amend your wayes and your doings : trust not in lying words , saying , the temple of the lord , the temple of the lord , the temple of the lord : for if you throughly amend your wayes and your doings ; if you throughly execute judgement between a man and his neighbour ; if ye oppress not the stranger , the fatherless and the widow , and shed not innocent blood in this place , neither walk after other gods to your hurt : then will i cause you to dwell in this place , in the land that i gave to your fathers , for ever and for ever . behold , ye trust in lying words that cannot profit : will ye steal , murder , and commit adultery , and swear falsly , and burn incense to baal , and walk after other gods , whom ye know not , and come and stand before me in this house , which is called by my name , and say , we are delivered to do all these abominations ? but this thing commanded i them , saying , obey my voice , and i will be your god , and you shall be my people : and walk ye in all the wayes that i have commanded you , that it may be well unto you . behold , the dayes come , saith the lord , that i will raise unto david a righteous branch ; and a king shall reign and prosper , and shall execute judgement and justice on the earth : in his days judah shall be saved , and israel shall dwell safely : and this is his name whereby he shall be called , the lord our righteousness . nevertheless , if thou warn the righteous man , that the righteous sin not , and he doth not sin , he shall surely live : the soul that sinneth shall die : but if a man be just , and do that which is lawful and right , and hath not eaten upon the mountains , neither hath lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of israel , neither hath defiled his neighbours wife , neither hath come neer to menstruous women , and hath not oppressed any , but hath restored to the debtor his pledge ; hath spoiled none by violence , hath given his bread to the hungry , and hath covered the naked with a garment ; he that hath not given forth upon usury , neither hath taken any increase , that hath with-drawn his hand from iniquity , hath executed true judgement between man and man ; hath walked in my statutes , and kept my judgements , to deal truly ; he is just , he shall surely live , saith the lord god. and they that be wise shall shine as the stars in the firmament , for ever and ever : and they that turn many to righteousness , as the brightness of the firmament . and in that day will i make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field , & with the fowls of heaven , and with the creeping things of the ground ; and i will break the bow , and the sword , and the battel out of the earth , and will make them dwell safely ; and i will betroth thee unto my self in righteousness for ever ; yea , i will betroth thee unto my self in righteousness , and in judgement , and in loving kindness , and in mercy : i will betroth thee unto my self in faithfulness ; and thou shalt know the lord. the lord also shall roar out of sion , and utter his voice from jerusalem : and the heavens and the earth shall shake : but the lord will be the hope of his people , & the strength of the children of israel . then shall jerusalem be holy , and there shall no stranger pass through her any more : for thus saith the lord unto the house of israel , seek ye me , and ye shall live . but upon mount sion shall be deliverance , and there shall be holiness ; and the house of jacob shall possess their possessions . they that observe lying vanities , forsake their own mercy . but i will sacrifice to thee with the voice of thanksgiving ; i will pay that that i have vowed : salvation is of the lord. thus saith the lord , concerning the prophets that make my people err , that bite with their teeth , and cry peace ; and he that putteth not into their mouths , they ever prepare war against him . but truly , i am full of power , by the spirit of the lord , and of judgement , and of might , to declare unto jacob his transgressions , and to israel his sin . hear this , ye heads of the house of jacob , and princes of the house of israel , that abhor all judgement , and pervert all equity ; they build up sion with blood , and jerusalem with iniquity ; the heads thereof judge for reward , and the priests thereof teach for hire , and the prophets thereof divine for money : yet will they lean upon the lord , and say , is not the lord amongst us ? no evil can come upon us . therefore shall zion for your sakes be plowed as a field , and jerusalem shall become heaps , and the mountains of the house as the high places of the forests . the lord is of purer eyes then to behold evil , and cannot behold iniquity . when the lords appearance cometh upon the soul , then he cuts away all idols , and they shall be no more remembred : the appearance of the lord giveth sight to the blind : christ jesus enlightneth every man that cometh into the world ; and that is christ the son of the most high , that checketh for evil in every one , and that is the true teacher . follow that : it will bring thee out of all evil ; for it leadeth unto perfect peace . ye shall not say , lo here is christ , or lo he is there : but the word is nigh thee , even in thy heart , and in thy mouth : and this true teacher , will keep thee from the very appearance of evil . the lord jesus promised the comforter should come after his departure ; and peter received it : for he being full of the holy ghost , there was three thousand added by his ministry at once : and the apostles , when-they had prayed , the place was shaken where they were assembled together , and they were all filled with the holy ghost , and they spake the word of god with boldness . now christ is the bread of life : and he that eateth the bread that i shall give him , ( saith christ ) shall never hunger : and he that believeth in me , ( saith christ ) hath everlasting life : and he that eateth the bread that i shall give him , shall live for ever . and those that are risen with christ , set their affections on the things above , where christ sitteth at the right hand of god ; and they do not minde earthly things : for as they have born the image of the earthly adam , which is sin unto death ; so they must bear the image of the heavenly , which is obedience unto righteousness : the end whereof , through his mercy that enableth them to bear it , is everlasting life and salvation : and , he that is born of god , sinneth not , because he is born of god ; neither can he sin , because he is born of god : for he that committeth sin , is of the devil . now consider these sayings , and ponder them in your minds ; for where the lord cometh , his presence is very dreadful and terrible ; and he destroyeth all graven images , and grindeth them to dust ; he maketh that heart deny himself , and take up his cross dayly , and follow him . when a stronger then the strong man armed cometh , he destroyeth his strong holds , and divideth the spoils , and maketh the heart clean : a new heart , saith the lord , will i give thee , and a new spirit will i put into thee , and i will lead thee , and be thy everlasting reward and strength to support thee : for i dwell in the humble , and delight to give life to my contrite ones : for with the holy , wilt thou be holy ; and with the contrite and pure , will i be pure , saith the lord. now by thy words , thou shalt be justified ; and by thy words condemned . now this is from the true lover of all your souls , the seed of god in you , that groaneth after the deliverance of it , may come forth from the state of bondage , and corruption , and thraldom , where it is kept , that it may come to the glorious liberty of the sons of god almighty , the most high , who with continual praises with one heart , and in oneness of spirit sing continual praises and hallelujahs to him that liveth for ever and ever , who alone is worthy of all everlasting praises from his own , henceforth and for ever . now i shall shew the signs , marks and characters of good magistrates , as the lord giveth of them , as i find in scripture : and by the manifestation of his spirit within me , i know it is the lords desire , that judges and all magistrates should be such as feareth the lord and hateth covetousness , and worketh righteousness , that judgement and justice may run down like a mighty stream , and rivers of waters . moses was a good magistrate : he executed the law with justice upon all , without respect of persons , or gifts , or rewards , according to the command of the lord , who was the lawgiver : for the law came by moses , but grace by jesus christ . deborah was a good magistrate , and the children of israel came up to her for judgement ; and she judged israel at that time , and the lord was with her , and made her lead away the captives , and lead them into captivity that oppressed his people : for she was just before him ; and the stars from heaven fought in their courses for her , against the enemies of truth , and the river kishon swept them away : and the land had rest forty years : and the lord caused the mighty and the nobles to be in subjection unto her , and the lord went before her , and the earth trembled , and the heavens dropped , the clouds dropped water . gideon was a good magistrate , and the angel of the lord appeared unto him , and said , the lord is with thee , thou mighty man of valour ; go in this thy might , and thou shalt save israel . and the lord said unto him , i will be with thee . and the lord said unto him , peace be unto thee ; thou shalt not dye : and the spirit of the lord came upon gideon ; and gideon did as the lord had commanded him . and gideon said , that neither i nor my son shall rule over you . and the land had rest forty years in the days of gideon solomon was a good magistrate , and god said unto him , because thou askedst this thing , and hast not asked the life of thy enemies , nor long life for thy self , neither riches for thy self , but hast asked for thy self understanding to discern judgement ; behold , i have done according to thy words : lo , i have given thee a wise and an understanding heart , so that there was none like thee before thee , neither after thee shall arise any like unto thee ; and i have given thee that which thou hast not asked , both riches and honour ; so that there shall not be any like unto thee , amongst the kings all thy dayes . and solomon said , his meditation was stayed on the lord all the day long , and his meditation was of his goodness , kept in the lords fear : and solomonraigned over all israel forty years . asa was a good magistrate : he was perfect before the lord , although the high places were not taken away in his time : he reigned one and forty years , and the people had much comfort by him , & made sore lamentation for his death : for they , by his appointment , entered into a solemn league and covenant , that whosoever would not seek the lord god of israel , should be put to death , whether small or great , whether man or woman : and all judah rejoyced at the oath : for they had sworn with all their hearts , and sought him with their whole desires , and he was found of them ; and the lord gave them rest round about : and asa reigned in peace seven and thirty years . hezekiah was a good magistrate ; and he did that which was right in the sight of the lord , according to all that david his father had done , and wrought that which was right and truth in the sight of the lord , according to all that david his father had done ; and wrought that which was right in the sight of the lord , and he did it with all his heart , in seeking the commandments of his god , and prospered in the work . josiah was a good magistrate ; and he did that which was right in the sight of the lord , and walked in the wayes of david his father , and did not decline from the right hand , nor the left : and the people sorely lamented his death : for all judah mourned for him , and jerusalem , and jeremiah lamented his death : and he reigned one and thirty years . and paul saith of a good bishop , that he must be no striker , blameless , the steward of the lord , not soon angry , not given to filthy lucre , nor wine , but a lover of hospitality , a lover of good men , sober , just , holy , temperate , holding fast the faithful word : and he sheweth the reason , that he may be able by sound doctrine to convince gain-sayers : he exhorts that prayers and supplications may be made for kings , and all in authority ; to what end , he sheweth ; to this end , that we may live peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty : for this is good and acceptable in god our saviour : and he saith , the magistrate beareth not the sword sor nought ; it is for the punishment of evil doers , and for the praise of them that do well . now that magistrate whose heart is not touched with the true fear of the lord , and that seed of true faith that is as small as a grain of mustard-seed , hath got the pre-eminence , and is chief in his soul , and christ jesus is set up in his soul , in him on the throne , that he hath the whole heart , and the whole man is in his dominion , that can truly say , by bearing testimony to the witness of god in him , that to him to live is christ , and to die is gain ; unless the magistrate be such , he is not christs magistrate : for those that are christs , have crucified the flesh , with the affections and lusts ; and no drunkard , whoremaster , swearer , proud , ambitious , self-seeker , lover of pleasures more then lover of god , having a form of godliness , but denying the power thereof , no such can be said to be of god , and so are not to have that double honour which is due to magistrates that do truly rule in his fear . and this discovers plainly how short those judges and justices come of being godly magistrates , that suffer and consent to the imprisoning of just and righteous ones , whom the lord esteemeth as the apple of his eye ; and those that touch them to their hurt , will one day find it , that the lord esteemeth them as his jewels : and yet how is the goals filled with them through the nation ? and some have perished to death , because they cannot consent , for conscience-sake , to pay tythes , seeing them to be a great and abominable oppression . i could wish that judges and all magistrates would regard their oathes , to do equal administration of justice to every man alike , to have no mans cause in respect of person , but rightly to judge for the poor as well as the rich , and let the merits of the cause carry it ; minding the words of jehosaphat : for he said to the judges , take heed what you do : for ye judge not for man , but for the lord : wherefore let the fear of the lord be upon you : for there is no iniquity with the lord our god , nor taking of gifts . and let them that are contrary minded , remember the ends of empson and dudly , and mind the proceedings of henry the third , in the five and thirtieth year of his reigne , against henry de bath , one of the judges then . and the sixteenth year of edward the first , there being a great complaint of the ill administration of justice by the judges ; whereupon the then parliament , upon due examination , and proofs of their bribery and extortion , together with their injustice done to the people , were fined to pay to the king , as followeth : ralph hengham , chief justice of the upper bench , 7000 marks ; john lineton , chief justice of the lower bench , 3000 marks ; william brompton justice , 6000 marks ; solomon rochester , 4000 marks ; thomas lodington , 2000 marks ; walter hopton , 2000 marks ; richard boyland , 4000 marks ; william sham , 3000 marks ; robert litbury , master of the rolls , 1000 marks ; roger liester , 1000 marks ; henry bray , escheter , and judge for the jews , 1000 marks ; adam streton , chief baron of the exchequer , was fined 34000 marks ; and thomas wayland , being found the greatest delinquent , for bribery and extortion , and being of the greatest substance had all his estate , real and personal , taken from him to the kings use : and this great act of justice was highly pleasing to the people , and brough● much honour to the king , as well as treasure into his coffers : and one bellknap and trisillian , being both chief justices , were executed for injustice . in the year forty one , articles were exhibited against john bramston chief justice , robert barkly , francis crawly , humphry davenport , richard weston , thomas trevor , being justices of both the benches , and barons of the exchequer ; and as i take it , they were degraded for injustice done the people . it is said of that great tyrant nero , that he could not indure an unjust judge : for one being convicted before him for injustice , he caused him to be flea'd alive , and his skin to be nailed to the judgement-seat , that whoever came on that seat , might have that act of justice fresh in his memory . thou art inexcusable , o man , whoever thou art , that judgest another : for wherein thou judgest another , thou condemnest thy self , if thou dost the same things : and thinkest thou to escape the judgement of cod ? now it were a good thing for the people of england , that the chief magistrates with their council , would erect a court of justice , where every man , by their proclamation , might once every quarter of a year , appeal to the said court , for relief against any injury done them by judges , justices , or any officers of the commonwealth in private or in publick , done to their detriment . this would be a high act of justice from the counsellors , magistrates or rulers , who should preserve justice in the land : and it would be very satisfactory to all the people ; and this would make men follow the command of christ in time , to do unto all men , as they would have all men do unto them . by all these texts of scripture before-rehearsed , it is plainly shewed by the holy ghost , the marks of true teachers and false ; the marks of hireling shepherds , and such as fleece the flock ; and such as are of christ , and are truly ministers of christ , and have the spirit of christ , god having revealed himself in them , they do minister food in due season ; and they do feed the flock of christ , over which the holy ghost hath made them overseers ; and they do turn people unto god , unto the light that is single , that knoweth the deep and hidden things of god : for the father that dwelleth in them , sheweth them all things ; and they have the first fruits of the spirit , and god is in them of a truth , and they and the father are one ; and they do abide in the vine , and in him they bring forth much fruit , to the glory of god the father : and these fruits of the holy ghost are to be found dwelling in them , as love , joy , meekness , patience , temperance , brotherly kindness , bowels of mercy , humbleness of minde , holiness and righteousness . and the false teachers appear plainly by their fruits , to be the priests that do receive tythes : for they seek gain from their quarters ; they fleece the flock , and do not feed them ; they speak a divination of their own brain ; they are in the number of those that steal the word from their neighbour , and cry , the lord saith , when the lord never spake unto them : they do not at all profit the people : for they that were unclean , are unclean ; they that were filthy , are filthy still ; and drunkards are drunkards still : they are not sent of god ; for if they were , they would have turned people from the evil of their doings , and they should have learned to do well . by their fruits ( christ saith ) they shall be known : for men do not gather figs of thorns , nor grapes of thistles : but every good tree bringeth forth good fruit : and by their covetous filthy lives they destroy the hearty professions of their hearers , who are much led by example and practice of their teachers ; and herein they are partakers of other mens sins , and so must partake with them of their plagues ; and the blind doth lead the blind , and they must fall into the ditch : for they that cannot witness in their own particulars , that the spirit of the lord in them , is raised , and hath the whole seat of the soul in his dominion and power , and the seed of god is raised in him , and there is a continual watch kept to destroy sin in its first motion , and so it is not yeilded to , but is laid all upon the tempter : unless a man be brought to this , he is not a fit person to teach others : for christ commandeth his disciples to be perfect , as their father which is in heaven is perfect ; and to be holy , in all manner of conversation : for without holiness no man shall see the lord : and , he that is in christ , ought so to walk as christ hath walked , who did no sin , neither was there guile found in him . i am sure the priests dare not say they are in christ , or that he hath revealed himself in them , or that the holy ghost is come down upon them : if these effects were wrought in them they durst not sue the just and righteous for treble damages , and make such spoil and havock of their estates , as they do , throughout the nation ; taking from some eight times as much as is the due , according to their own demands . o sad generation of men ! that dare say the lords prayer , as they say , forgive us our trespasses , as we forgive them that trespass against us ; and yet it is like , the next day sueth for treble damage for a pretended trespass , done before he saith the petition . do they think the lord god , who hath an all-seeing eye , doth not know their hypocrisie , and will repay their deceit upon their own heads ? yea , be assured all of you , he will. do you follow the rule that christ commandeth , to do unto all men , as you would that all men should do unto you ? do you expect a day wherein god shall judge the secrets of all men , by jesus christ , and when every man shall give an accompt for the things done in his bodie ? and do ye think that these actions before-rehearsed , will stand and bear weight in that day ? o fear and tremble : for whatsoever a man soweth , that shall he assuredly reap ; he that soweth to his flesh , shall of that , reap corruption ; but he that soweth to the spirit , shall of that , reap life everlasting : for they that are led by the spirit of god , they are the sons of god ; and they that are led by their wills and lusts , whose servants are they ? the apostle tells you , that of whomsoever a man is overcome , his servant he is ; whether it be of sin unto death , or of obedience unto righteousness . and therefore awake thou that sleepest , and stand up from the dead , and christ shall give thee light : and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess ; but be ye filled with the spirit : and look to see that scripture fulfilled in you , that ye are covetors of spiritual things , and all other scriptures also : for they are written for our instruction , upon whom the ends of the world shall fall ; and leave off the woolvish nature , the dogs nature , the lyons nature , and the destroying nature ; and put on the lambs nature , be tender hearted one to another ; and if any man have a quarrel against another , forgive it , even as god for christs sake , forgiveth thee : if thou unfainedly repent , and turn from the evil of thy doings , then the lord will blot out all thy transgressions , and he will remember thy sins no more . o turn ye , turn ye : for why will ye die , ye house of israel ? and therefore let all now take up the sore lamentation , and teturn unto him , that they may be saved : for jesus is able to save to the utmost all those that come unto god by him , seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them : and they that do forsake lying vanities , and cleave unto him , blessed , yea , for ever blessed are they ; for they that have part in this first resurrection , from the death of sin unto the life of grace , over such the second death shall have no power ; but they shall reign as lords and kings , for ever and ever ; and the high praises of god shall be found in their mouthes , and they shall be all cloathed with white , the white robes of his righteousness ; and follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth ; and he will lead them unto the lively fountains , and wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and they shall sing praises and hallelujahs unto him , for ever and ever : for he hath found them worthy , and hath given them to be with his father , that they may behold his glory , and see him as he is : for none of christs prayers shall fail : he saith , father , i will that those whom thou hast given me may be with me where i am , that they may behold my glory ; that as thou , o father , art in me , and i in thee ; so that they may be made one in vs , joh. 17. 23 , 24. and they have all this benefit here , that if they abide in christ , and his word abide in them , let them ask what they will , and it shall be done unto them . and herein is my father glorified ( saith christ ) that you bear much fruit , joh. 15. 7 , 8. these things have i spoken unto you , that my joy might remain in you , and that your joy might be full , saith christ . now as for all others , let them be in what form of worship soever , if they be out of the life and power of christ , as is before shewed , who are in the life , which are onely such that have the seed of god raised in their own particulars , and alwayes obey it in the power thereof ; such are not under the power of the law , but under grace : and the spirit of the lord jesus which dwelleth in them , hath made them free from the law of sin and of death ; and they , and they onely are christs , because they are led by the spirit of christ : and all others , let their forms be episcopal , presbytery , independents , anabaptists , or whatever ; all their worship is but will-worship ; and their eatings and drinkings , and washings , and preachings , and singings , and hearings , are all but the sacrifice of fools , being all will worship , the inventions of mens hands , out of the life and power of the truth , as it is in jesus ; and therefore is before the lord , but as the cutting off a dogs neck , being a blind zeal without knowledge : for i know upon what ground they all stand , having run through all these forms , and could never finde rest for the sole of my feet , in them ; neither can any find true peace , until they come to lie down in the father , worshipping him in spirit and in truth , being holy in all manner of conversation : for unto such it is become natural to do the will of their father on earth , as it is done in heaven . and therefore i do dearly exhort you all , men and women , to whom this shall come , to keep close to the pure seed of god in you : for that is your true teacher ; and follow it , and it will shew you the father and the son : and if you obey this doctrine , you shall know that it is of god : and lend not your ears at any time or place unto the tempter , but crush the serpent in the first motions of sin ; and then they turn upon his own accompt , and not upon thine : for it is no sin to be tempted , but the sin is to yeild : for when lust hath conceived , it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished , bringeth forth death . therefore break the cockatrice egg , before it be hatched , that it may never come to be a serpent : and resist the devil , and he will flee from you ; and turn in the minde to the pure light , and wait in it , that preserved you may all be out of that sin and evil that would defile you : for this pure principle of god in you , will not consent at any time to sin , but will check and reprove for it ; and if its motions be obeyed , it will keep you all single and unspotted of the world ; and so you shall be found worthy to follow the lamb in this the day of his power , wherein he is risen to make war with the beast and false prophet . and therefore it doth concern every one continually to watch , and to have their loines girt about with the preparation of the gospel of truth , that is , with jesus , the word , by whom all things were made , who is in all his babes and children that are born again ; and those that have his commandments and keepeth them , dwelleth in him , and he in them : and this lamb of god , that taketh away the sins of the world , shall have the victory : and blessed and thrice happy are all they that can come to witness , sensibly , in their own particular , him rising in them , that are truly fighting under his bann●… against sin , the world , and the devil ; and feel a dayly conquering of sin ; that die dayly ( as paul saith ) unto sin , that they may be made alive unto god ; and ( as david saith ) that hateth the very appearance of evil . and the onely way to this , is to keep low in ones self , and to wait in the cool of the day , turning in to the light , and in it wait ; and put on the whole armour of god , that you may be preserved at all times out of the snares of satan : for this will let you see sensibly , the tree that bringeth forth corrupt fruit to be cut down in you , and a new plant raised , which will bring forth its fruit in due season , to the glory of the lord , who alone is worthy of all glory and honour , and everlasting praises , for ever and for ever . and therefore all friends , keep in the pure fear and wisdom of the lord , that at all times you may be ordered by it , to do all things to his glory , at all times , and in all places ; that you may be a good savour unto all men you have to do withal ; and let your souls truly pant and thirst after the living god , as the hart panteth after the water-brooks : for your redeemer is neer you , if you refuse him not : the word is nigh thee , even in thy heart and in thy mouth : and , the kingdom of heaven is within you , as is plainly shewed in this treatise : and if satan be in his first motions resisted , you shall plainly see him pass away , as the shadows pass away , and the dew , when the sun ariseth . and therefore keep in the pure fear and wisdom of god , that with it you may be ordered and guided in all things , to do them to his glory ; and so you shall sensibly witness the seed of god in you all to reign , that will trample satan under feet : and then shall the saints rejoyce , and they shall witness pure and holy rejoycings , with songs of triumph and praises , with glory , glory , glory , and everlasting praises to their father , which is in heaven , who is worthy . we have had great stirs in the nation , of late years , by souldiers , and great words , and good language have they spoken , that they would do much for christ , and the setling of his kingdom , which they do not know ; and the protecting of his people , whose life is in it , being in righteousness , peace , and joy in the holy ghost ; which is a hard thing for a souldier that kills men for mony , houses , lands and goods , ever to witness , until with zacheus , he restore to him that he hath robbed by forged cavilation , and to the debtor his pledge . but the whole nation is sensible , if they be not wilfully blind , of the backsliding and apostatizing of the army , and how in all changes they have sought themselves , and not the things of god : it is like they have forgot that text , joh. 18. 16. my kingdom ( saith christ ) is not of this world : and paul saith , rom. 14. 17. the kingdom of god is not meat and drink , nor yet arms and armies , but righteousness , and peace , and joy in the holy ghost , which souldiers and armies usually destroy and confound : and therefore christs souldiers must have onely the sword of the spirit , which is the word of god , which leadeth them into all the truth and peace , and condemneth the very practices of this army , that hath so often changed and sworn , and engaged , with hands lifted up to heaven , and yet broke all as fast as made them , to the sadding of the hearts of all their faithful friends , to the strengthning of the hands of their enemies ; and if they do not speedily repent , they must expect that the great god will pay their hypocrisie and deceitful dealings , with indignation and wrath upon the heads of every one of them that doth , or hath done evil : and when the measure of their iniquities are full , they must expect wrath from heaven to be poured down upon them , and there shall be no remedy : for they may read that david , although a man after gods own heart , yet because his hands were dipt in bloud , the lord would not let him build an house unto his name . zach. 4. 6. not by power , but by my spirit , saith the lord of hosts , is this work to be done . we read that souldiers have been great enemies to christ and his kingdom , joh. 19. 23 , 24 , 32 , 34. the souldiers armed with swords , staves , and spears , were imployed to take christ , and apprehend him , to bring him to pilate ; they stripped him of his garments and robes , and crowned him with thorns ; they spit in his face , they buffeted him , they gave him vinegar to drink , they crucified him , and cast lots for his garments ; they thrust a spear through his side , they watched the sepulcher , for fear he should be taken away ; and after he was risen , the chief priests gave large money to the souldiers to broach their lies , that his disciples came by night , and stole him away while they slept : the souldiers stretched forth their hands to vex certain of the church ; they killed james the apostle with the sword ; they apprehended peter , and put him in prison , where he was guarded day and night with four quaternions of souldiers , to prevent an escape . the lord hath resolved that men of blood , as is before shewed , shall not build his house : christ is the king and prince of peace , and his subjects are the subjects of peace ; christs gospel is the gospel of peace , his apostles and ministers the embassadors of peace , and his kingdom consists in righteousness and peace . now nothing is more directly opposite , inconsistent and destructive to this peace , to the king , prince , gospel , embassadors , and kingdom of peace , then armies , wars , souldiers and arms are : and therefore you may read , that when christ sent forth his disciples to preach his gospel , and set up his kingdom , he did not chuse captains of thousands and hundreds , nor yet souldiers and armed men , but fisher-men and others , altogether averse from war ; and commanded them in express terms , not to take gold , silver , nor brass in their purses , nor scrip , nor two coats , nor yet staves ; much less pistols , musquets , pikes , carbines , swords : for christ expresly meaneth that his ministers must be no fighters , no strikers , strivers , much less professed warriers ; and their weapons must be the spirit , and their mouth , the word of god ; and they must fight onely against mens lusts and sins , not against their persons . it is prophesied by the holy men of old , that men shall learn war no more , but his people shall break their spears into pruning books , and their swords into plough-shares : for nation shall not rise against nation , nor lift up the sword any more ; neither shall they learn war any more , but live in peace . and these things shall be fulfilled , when christs kingdom cometh to be set up ; and they shall keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace . and therefore let me admonish you all , to leave off your dissembling , & tell people in plain terms , you fight to get great estates , and kill men for mony : and sad and miserable will be the end of you , unless you repent , and perform all those ingagements , vows and promises made at triplo-heath , new-market , and other places ; where , by your large declarations , remonstrances , professed by you , that you aimed at nothing but the publick good , you caused many honest hearts to joyn with you , to the shedding of blood. and therefore speedily repent , and turn to the lord , with fasting , weeping and mourning , and set your selves to do justice in the earth , for fear it speedily open her mouth , and swallow you up , as it did corah , dathan and abiram : for assure your selves , the lord is coming against you in judgement , and he will be avenged on every one of you , great and small . and therefore , if you expect to reign with christ , i say unto you once more , speedily repent , and put away the evil of your doings , and go way , and sin no more , by your deceitful wicked practices , lest a worse thing come unto you . and consider how often you have declared to put your helping hand and utmost endeavours to regulate the laws , that are so exceeding chargeable and burdensome to the people of this nation , that i have heard it credibly reported , that according to calculation , cast up by good arithmeticians , that say , there is neer seven millions of mony spent yearly , by the people of the nation , in law and equity ; and above one hundred thousand a year , it cannot be less , amongst serjeants , bayliffs , and such kind of needless officers , besides many persons murdered every year , in and about arrests , and escaping from serjeants , that no nation but england can parallel the like practices : which is a shame to all that profess the knowledge of the lord , and makes the very turks say in their common speech , as i have been credibly informed , when any doth them some great injury , i think you will use me like a christian : o abominable shame ! that turks must rise in judgement , and condemn the great talkers of religion in england : and this heightens the spirits of judges , and makes them proud , and not like their predecessors , that rode to westminster upon asses to shew their humility , from serjeants inne , and back again to westminster , and did not vaunt and lord it over the people as some have done of late years , and gained great riches for themselves and their favourites and creatures ; it is to be feared not justly , but evilly : just like the papist priests in former times , when most of those laws now in being were made , who gained in their times most part of the great situations , and best lands in this nation , by combination , craft and subtilty ; by lulling the people asleep in ignorance and blindness , in their vain superstition , pronouncing hell and damnation , with bell , book and candle , to all that did not observe the same ; and thereby brought the people into a fond belief of them : for since that fall , those , that is to say , the judges and their favorites , have far out-run those priests , in gaining riches in an excessive manner , by griping very many men . and it is to be observed , that many of them have come of poor and indigent parentage , yet have they climed up , and leaped into most of the lordly titles and gainful places and offices in the nation , and therein and thereby have domineered and tyrannized over , and oppressed the honest people , and gained the favour of fawning , flattering , and lascivious courtiers , by rewards which they have usually given at their enterance , which they have made up again out of others , to their sorrows ; contrary to the practice of the judges in old time , in this nation ; and the lawyers formerly were milde to their clyents , and honest , ( as i must confess , some i have had trial of , hath been to me , as serjeant twisden , william wilde , shelton , and a few others ) and used them very kindly , and had great care of their business ; seldom any lawyer taking above one fee in one cause in a term ; and they did not let their clyents standcap in hand , and make them scrape legs , and beseech them to take their mony , and take large excessive fees , as some will , and have done , and pretend they are afraid one of another : as serjeant conyers took a fee of me to move in chancery , and kept it four several dayes ; and serjeant maynard , and chal. chute was fee'd to defend the motion ; and that cause was in an order positive , that unless cause was shewed that day , i was in a manner undone , in a business of almost all my estate : and by the rules of the court , i was to stand committed , if i spake up my self ; and i could get no other , the time being so short ; yet this serjeant , just as he came to the bar , gave me my fee , and run into the court , and told me the atturney-general was against me , and he durst not nor would not meddle in the case : so i was forced to move the commissioners my self , and run the hazard of committing to the fleet , or else i had been ruined . now let all men judge , if such lawyers ought not to be punished : for by law they ought to be for ever put by pleading in that court , or any other , and suffer imprisonment , during the pleasure of the king or chief magistrate , as you may read by the statute of 3 edw. 1. chap. 29. the life of the law is execution of it . and some , nay , too many , have taken large fees to speak in causes , to my knowledge , and have never come to the bar at all ; and the party hath gone and demanded his money again of them , and they have denyed to give it again ; and told their clyents it was enough for them that they were not against them . is not this a grand impudence ? and doth not this cry for vengeance against such a generation as this is , that the poor , the fatherless , the widow , hath little or no right done him ? for if a poor man have never so much right to an estate , he cannot get it but by suing under forma pauperis ; and if he be cast , as many , nay most times he is , let his cause be never so good or just , by the reason of a corrupt judge , and the weight of his adversaries purse , which makes most causes , according to the late practises and proceedings , then the poor man must be whipt at the carts tayl , saith our laws : and if any man lends the poor man money to sue for his estate , then it is champerty and maintenance , saith the laws of england , and barratry : and the man that doth it , must be fined all his estate , and be punished with imprisonment , and pilloried , or what punishment a corrupt judge pleaseth to put upon him . and now , souldiers , will you tell us you have regulated our laws ? i say unto you , up and be doing , and act like men of courage , and do some great things for us , according to all your oaths , declarations , remonstrances and engagements ; or assure your selves , the proudest of you shall be dashed and broken to pieces , like a potters vessel , and none shall be able to deliver you : for the lord is risen , and will stand by his redeemed ones , whom you are now helping to eat up , as men eat bread , and stand them in no stead at all : and your gilded promises and specious pretences will not hold out without doing ; it is he that doth good , and he that keepeth promise , shall come into the holy hill ; they that break it shall be sure to be cast forth for ever : your form of godliness , without the power , is known , and is discerned by all men , who have their eyes in their heads . now having done with the deceipt of these men , at present , i must speak a few words , in the vindication of a party , who hath some calumnies cast upon her , by the scandalous pen of a lying priest , one tho. danson at sandwich in kent ; it is on the behalf of one he calleth mrs. dorothy gudderson , in his book called the quakers folly opened , by him , as he alledgeth , upon his dispute at sandwich , with three quakers , on the 12 , 13 , 14. dayes of the month he calleth april , in the year 1659. wherein he stiles himself , fellow of magdalen colledge in oxon : where he might , if he had made good use of his time , have learned more manners then to traduce a person so much above him by birth and parentage , as she is ; which thing he highly esteemeth and prizeth , although she denieth it ; having so learned christ , as to count all things but dross and dung , that she may be found in him , not having her own righteousness , which is by the law , but having the righteousness which is by christ , through faith in his blood , and so expecting justification by the righteousness of jesus christ within her . and this i know is her whole desire , panting and breathing after holiness ; as the hart panteth after the water-brooks , so longeth or breatheth her soul after the living god. and thus tho. danson beginneth his discourse of her : i will tell thee a true story , which may perhaps move thy laughter . just like a jester in a play , more like then a staid fellow of a colledge ; wherein he condemneth her for denying to kiss a gentleman , and is ashamed to tell it was himself : for i being present the same time , perceived by his countenance , as far as one may judge or discover by outward appearance of another , that he was much disturbed that she refused him to salute her : and the passage was thus : he coming to salute her , she put forth her hand to him , and said , that so far as god had made manifest to her any sin , or vain custome of the world , she should and had denied her self in it : and that she did believe to be one . and verily he might have been so far judicious , after so many high complements used to her , and his wife inviting her to his house , as to have forborn the putting her in print , just in the end of his book , as much as in him lay , to make her ridiculous to her friends , kindred and acquaintance ; when she said she believed it , and he may know , that what is not of faith , is sin . but all men may see what spirit he is guided by , even a lying spirit . he may be ashamed of what he held forth at the meeting , at sandwich ; as also his traducing of samuel fisher , charging him with many lies , to my knowledge , in his book , i being present at the meeting , and also knowing samuel fisher very well , being confident he is a precious child of the living god , one that is born again , and is a babe in christ , and his vvhole desire is to do the vvill of his father , vvhich his soul continually breathes after , vvhich is , the living god that made heaven and earth ; and it is his meat and drink to do his vvill on earth ; and i am sure this is the desire of his soul : and that he is a true minister of jesus christ , i do bear testimony unto it , the witness of god in me being raised by his ministry : and for those false aspersions cast upon him , of his receiving a pension from the pope , i know his soul abhorreth any such thing ; and that he is as great a hater of the pope , and his vvayes , as any man in england is ; and i knovv he hath no such need , nor ever vvill have : for they that seek the kingdom of god , and the righteousness thereof , all other things shall he administred unto them : and i do verily think , that there is not a man in england more able to confute errour and heresie , then samuel fisher is . and verily , tho. danson did exceedingly vvrest the scriptures , giving his dark and blinde meanings of them , at that meeting in sandwich : for he said , we were not justified by that christ that was in us ; he said , no , no , twice to it : for he owned two christs , one vvithout the saints , and another within them . but this he became ashamed of , and disowned in the meeting : and then he owned but one christ in the saints and in heaven , as there is but one god ; though he be in heaven , yet is he with him that is poor , and of a contrite heart , and trembleth at his word . yet still he could not clear himself from his former assertion , in his denying justification by the righteousness of christ within : for he might as well have said , that christ and his righteousness was divided ; inasmuch as he owned christ in the saints , but not his righteousness , which justified : and all his discourse and drift was , to have men justified in their sins , and to be sinners all their lives , as one that justifieth the wicked , prov. 7. 15. isa . 26. 12. god hath wrought all our works in us , saith the prophet : rom. 4. 5 , 9. saith the apostle , abrahams faith was counted to him for righteousness : and this priest is a bolsterer of men up in their sins , and sows pillows under their arms , as i may so say , in comparison : for he calleth them worthy that are his hearers , that loveth flattering and fained titles , and the fawnings of men , which is deceipt ; when none ought to have the title of worthy , but those that truly set their faces toward sion , and seek it with their whole hearts , and desire to have the king of righteousness and prince of peace , to guide them and rule them in all their actions and works , that they may witness them to be all wrought in god. now this person , tho. danson , all his teachings tendeth to a justification of christ without us , and not to a justification wrought by christ within us ; and so his hearers can never attain to that perfect peace that the scripture speaks of , which is thus written , that he that stayes himself upon the lord , he keepeth such in perfect peace ; and there is no peace to be found out of a man : the peace is within the heart ; the gospel , christ jesus , the enlivening word is within the soul ; and he is the pure word , power and wisdom of the father , who is the onely reconciler unto god , who is made manifest for the same purpose , to break down the partition-vvall which separates the soul from god , & to bring the soul into its proper place & centre , into unity & fellowship withgod , who is light , in whom there is no darkness ; and so by abiding in this living word christ , and he abiding in you , the creatures are brought to serve the ever living god in newness of life , and in the spirit ; and so christ will and doth work their work in them and for them , to their everlasting salvation : and so the first fruits of the spirit , maketh them alive unto god ; and according to christs words , he that believeth in him hath everlasting life , and he shall never come into condemnation , but shall pass from death unto life : for christ alone is the onely saviour ; and there is no name under heaven given unto men , whereby they can be saved , but by the name of jesus . and this gospel christ , is a free gift of god : it is not to be bought for mony , as tho. danson falsly surmiseth : for he must know , that there is a necessity laid upon those that are the true teachers of the gospel , and woes is to be upon them , if they do not teach freely , and be instant in season and out of season : for christ saith to them , as ye have freely received , so freely give : and so having received from the lord that which they do deliver unto the saints , they speak from a pure principle of life and power , that reacheth the witness of god in their hearers , and they live themselves in the life and power of what they speak , and so by their good examples are a good savour unto all men that they have to do withal ; and so they bring people into the pure and perfect image of christ , and the unity of faith , which brings them to the knowledge of the son of god , unto a perfect man , unto the measure and the stature and the fulness of christ ; and they say , we that are dead unto sin , how can we live any longer therein ? and such are in the number of such as the apostle said , we preach wisdom amongst those that be perfect ; not the wisdom of the world , but the wisdom and power of god , which is pure and peaceable . therefore it is good and righteous to let the people know the false teachers , and those that call themselves ministers of christ , and are not , but are of the synagogues of satan . and the true prophets of the lord , alwayes did stir the peoples memory up with these deceivers : isaiah cried against such hirelings as seeked gain from their quarters , isa . 56. jeremiah cried against such as taught for hire , and divined for mony , jer. 5. christ himself cried against such as were called of men , master , stood praying in the synagogues , and had the chiefest places in the assemblies , mat. 23. the apostle jude declared against such as went in the way of cain , in envie ; and such as went after the ways of balaam , for gifts and rewards , jud. 11. peter declared against such as through fained words and covetousness made merchandize of the people , 2 pet. 1. 5. these and such-like practices manifests the false teachers : for they that have not the spirit of the lord jesus dwelling bodily in them , leading them into all the fruits of holiness and righteousness , making them perfect in christ ; unless they be such , they are no ministers of christ , let their pretences be what they will : for they that are christs have crucified the flesh , with the affections and lusts thereof ; and , they that live in the spirit , shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh ; and they that are risen with christ , seek the things that are above , where christ sitteth at the right hand of the throne of god , and they do not mind earthly things . and therefore all dear friends , mind the pure love of the eternal god , the loving father unto you all , to manifest his living pure way of truth , life and salvation unto you , which is treasured up in christ , who is in you that believe , the hope of glory : and therefore lay hold upon him , and highly prize this the day of your visitation , which the father hath given you all in tender love to your souls , which the lord desires the salvation of : for the lord saith , as i live , saith the lord , i desire not the death of a sinner , but that he may turn from his wickedness , and live : and , god would have none to perish , but that all might come to the knowledge of the truth , that they might be saved . and what is the reason when men have the measure of the manifestation of the true light of christ in them , which is given them to profit withal , that they are not saved ? the reason is , because they will not part with their lusts , their darling sins : for they love darkness more then light , because their deeds are evil ; and they will not come unto the light , that they may have their deeds made manifest : and , thy condemnation is of thy self , o israel : and christ saith , i stand at the door and knock : if any man will open , i will come in , and sup with him , and he with me . o jerusalem , jerusalem , that killest the prophets , and stonest those that are sent unto thee , how often would i have gathered thee together as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings ! and ye would not . so thy rebellious sinful nature leadeth thee to thy everlasting destruction , because thou takest pleasure in unrighteousness and sin , and thou slightest the pure wayes of the living god , and countest the blood of the covenant an unholy thing , and thou dost despite unto the spirit of grace . and therefore now search and try your wayes , and turn to the lord , and put away the evil of your doings , and learn to do well ; and the lord will heal all your back-slidings , and will love you freely , and remember your sins past no more , if you from this day go away and sin no more . but if you go on in sin , know , that although judgement is not speedily executed against evil doers , yet the lord will punish assuredly the hairy scalp of him that goeth on in his sins and wickednesses ; and when the measure of thy iniquities are fully ripe , then judgement shall come upon thee to the utmost , and there shall be no remedy , and none shall be able to deliver thee , in the day of the lords wrath . and therefore stand in aw , and sin not , lest a worse thing come upon thee , then yet hath done . and therefore confess thy sins unto the lord , and he is faithful and just to forgive thee thy sins . but woe be unto him that covereth his sin , and hideth his transgressions : for he shall not prosper . therefore high and low , rich and poor , learned and unlearned , turn unto the lord , and harden not your hearts : and let the great ones know , that the almighty god is coming against them , and he will plead with them , by fire and by the sword ; and the ungodly shall be as chaff before the wind , as stubble before the fire : for the day of the lord shall burn as an oven , and the day shall burn up all that do wickedly : for the lord god will not be mocked , but he will be avenged on his enemies ; and all the unbelieving and unrighteous generation of men , both priests and people , shall feel the stroke of his almighty arm of power , if they do not speedily repent , and turn unto him , and leave off their wicked deceitful wayes , and their doings that are not good : for they are wallowing in their own wayes , and their hearts are running a whoring after their own inventions . and therefore return unto the lord , and learn righteousness now at the last , before you die : for as the tree falleth , so it lieth , and there is no repentance in the grave whither thou goest ; and as death leaveth , judgement findeth : for this i say as paul doth , that according to the way that most men call heresie , so worship i the god of my fathers ; believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets , and that there shall be a resurrection both of the just , and the unjust , a resurrection of the dead : and herein do i exercise my self , to have alwayes a conscience void of offence , towards god and towards man. act. 1. 10 , 11. and while they looked stedfastly towards heaven , as he went up ; behold , two men stood by them in white apparel , which also said , ye men of galilee , why stand yee gazing up into heaven ? this same jesus , which is taken up from you into heaven , shall so come in like manner , as ye have seen him go into heaven . act. 2. 20. the sun shall be turned into darkness , and the moon into blood , before that great and notable day of the lord come , 1 thes . 4. 15 , 16 , 17. for this we say unto you by the word of the lord , that we which are alive , and remain unto the coming of the lord , shall not prevent them that are asleep : for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout , with the voice of the arch-angel , and with the trump of god ; and the dead in christ shall rise first : then we which are alive and remain , shall be caught up together with them in the clouds , to meet the lord in the air ; and so shall we ever be with the lord. 1 thes . 5. but ye , brethren , are not in darkness , that that day should overtake you as a thief , 2 thes . 7 , 8. and to you which are troubled , rest with us , when the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels , in flaming fire , taking vengeance on them that know not god , and that obey not the gospel of our lord jesus christ ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the lord , and from the glory of his power , when he shall come to be glorified in his saints , and to be admired in all them that believe . as paul reasoned with felix , ( act. 24. 25. ) of judgement , felix trembled , and said , go thy way , i will call for thee , when i have a convenient season . 1 cor. 15. if after the manner of men ( saith paul ) i have fought with beasts at ephesus , what advantageth it me , if the dead rise not ? 1 cor. 15. 43. it is raised in power , by the mighty power of him that is almighty , that said , let there be light , and it was so ; and laid the foundations of the earth , by the word of his power , & can destroy it in the very twinkling of an eye , by the word of his power , 1 cor. 15. 52. in a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound , and the dead shall be raised incorruptible , and we shall be changed . 2 cor. 5. 10. for we must all appear before the judgement-seat of christ , that every one may receive the things done in his body , according to that he hath done , whether it be good or bad . 2 pet. 3. 7. but the heavens and the earth which are now , by the same word , are kept in store , reserved unto fire , against the day of judgement , and perdition of ungodly men . vers . 10. but the day of the lord shall come as a thief in the night , in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise , and the elements shall melt with fervent heat ; and the earth , with the works that therein are , shall be burnt up . ver. 12. looking for , and hasting to the coming of the day of god , wherein the heavens being on fire , shall be dissolved , and the elements shall melt with fervent heat . mal. 4. 1. for behold , the day cometh , that shall burn as an oven , and all the proud , yea , and all that do wickedly shall be stubble ; and the day that cometh shall burn them up , saith the lord of hosts , and shall leave them neither root nor branch . i could instance many more places to clear it , and to shew the lords purpose in it , to make his mighty power to appear , and to shew to all that ever was , his justice in fulfilling his promise to his redeemed ones , and to lay all their sins upon the prince of darkness , the devil , for tempting the new-born babes of christ ; and he not prevailing over them , because greater is he that is in them , then he that is in the world ; and sin must not go unpunished : therefore satan tempting , and they not yeilding , it is all treasured upon his accompt , against that terrible day : and if it were not for that day , he should still remain , and be a deceiver of the brethren , and still range up and down the earth , and do wickedness . but his day of wrath is approaching , and that day is it , as you may see plainly , in that epistle of jude , vers . 6. and the angels , which kept not their first estate , but left their own habitation , he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness , unto the judgement of the great day . when this day is , none knoweth but the father , who keepeth it to himself : but thy particular , and the men of this generations day of judgement is at hand ; and therefore it is good to live in judgement at all times : for blessed is the man that feareth alwayes . and verily it is a blessed state for a man to wait on the lord at all times : for blessed is he that waiteth on him : and , salvation is of the lord , and his blessing is upon his people . and when the minde is stayed upon god , then the heart judgeth down sin in the first rise of it , and so it is blasted and laid upon the devils accompt , that is the tempter : and the mind that is always staid upon the lord , waiting upon that pure seed of god in him , judgeth down sin at all times , and sin hath no entrance in that heart , but it is , by the power of christ in him , kept pure , and clean , and uncorrupt , and holy as god is holy , in all manner of conversation ; as it is written , be ye holy , as i am holy ; and be ye perfect , as your father which is in heaven is perfect . now all those that allow themselves in any sin or lust of the flesh , they cannot be of god , neither can any sacrifice that man or woman doth , be accepted . if i regard iniquity in my heart , god will not hear my prayer : and , the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination in the sight of the lord god : and , the prayers of the wicked shall turn into sin . and therefore cleanse your hands , you sinners , and purifie your hearts , ye double-minded ; that when that day cometh , you may be found in the number of those that shall have the sun of righteousness arise upon them , with healing under his wings ; and they shall grow up as fat calves : for their redemption draweth near . and as for the wicked , wo to them , it shall go ill with them : for the wicked shall be turned into hell , and all people that forget god : for the lord is known by the judgements which he executeth , when he snareth the wicked in the works of his own hands . the seventh epistle : to all magistrates , and persons in power , to consider what they do , when they oppress the tender lambs of christs fold : for the great day of the lord is at hand , and he will bring every word and work unto judgement . god said to pharaoh by moses , let my people go , that they may serve me ; and if thou wilt not let them go , i will shew my power and wonders upon thee ; i will pour out my plagues upon thee and thy people . the lord is coming to punish the stout-hearted magistrates that oppress his babes and children : and it is not he that cries , lord , lord , that will be able to stand before him : for he is coming with fire , like a refiners fire , to purge the dross from the good metal ; and it is only he that doth the will of his father which is in heaven , that shall be able to lift up his head in that day : for the lord will be avenged of all his enemies , be they never so lofty ; for they are all alike to him : god is no respecter of persons , but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness , is accepted with him : and the lord is a bringing forth his people with joy , and his chosen ones with gladness : for he is become their sun and shield , their righteousness and strength , and their exceeding great reward : for his delight is in the upright on the earth , and such he doth make to excel in vertue : and the lord will overturn all false deceitful powers , that are not of his planting , and he will root them up , and leave them neither root nor branch , and they shall feel the stroke of his almighty arm , in this the day of his fierce wrath : for it is coming upon the hypocrites in sion ; for the marriage of the lamb is come : now is he coming in power and great glory , and none but the pure in heart shall see him ; and they shall behold him as he is : for the lord is the god of truth , and an everlasting king : at his anger the earth shall tremble , and the nations cannot abide his wrath : for he hath made the earth by his power , and established the world by his wisdom , and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion ; he causeth the clouds to ascend unto the ends from the earth . and therefore every one , come to know this great god , that you may in him lie down in peace , and finde rest unto your souls ; and know this , that there is no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus , that walk not after the flesh , but after the spirit : for condemnation hath passed over them already ; they are compleat in christ , and renewed into his image ; they are in covenant with him ; they are his children ; they are born of him : and he that is born of him sinneth not , neither can he sin ; because he is born of god. the reason , because he is born of him , that is , the pure seed of god in him , being always obeyed and waited in , the watch being continually kept , by this he overcometh the world ; and this is our victory , even our faith , that hath given us victory over the world ; and this faith standeth in christ , who removeth those mountains of sin and uncleanness , that hath possest them in the time of their ignorance , even like so many devils : for every sin is a devil , as you may read , that mary magdalen had seven devils cast out of her , that is , seven reigning unclean spirits , being devils : and the devils besought christ , when they saw they must go forth of the man possest , that they might enter into the herd of swine : so by this faith in christ , the corrupt fruitless tree that cumbreth the ground , is removed , and a plant of righteousness , of the lords own planting , is placed in the room of it , that is planted by the rivers of waters , that flourisheth , and bringeth fruit in season , and whatsoever it doth , doth prosper , and his leaf shall never wither , but it shall bring forth his fruit in due season , to the glory of the father ; and so by abiding in christ the vine , the creature doth bring forth much fruit to the glory of the father ; & the pure is known from that which is impure , & the holy from that which is unholy & that of god from that which is not of god : for that which is holy , is to abide in the house of god , who dwelleth not in unclean temples made with hands ; but his temples are his saints , and their bodies are the temples of the holy ghost , and this is the living sacrifice that god accepteth : for it is the living that praise the lord , the dead cannot : they that are dead in trespasses and sins , they praise not god , their sacrifice is as the cutting off a dogs neck : it is the redeemed of the lord that sings the songs of sion , the songs of holiness : they are they that follow the lamb in the regeneration , and they are regenerated ; and these follow the lamb jesus , through great tribulations , and they have washed their garments in his blood , and they shall sit on his right hand for evermore : for he hath found them worthy : for he hath redeemed them from all iniquity , that they may serve him in righteousness and true holiness , all the dayes of their lives ; and so they are come to the perfect liberty of the sons of god ; they are led by his spirit , which leads them into all truth , out of all sin , and all unrighteousness ; and so they are kept without spot or wrinkle , in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation ; and the comforter , which is the spirit of truth , leads them into all truth , and sets up true judgement , and justice , and equity , that that rules the whole man , and governs the souls of his , that all unjust rulers and governours , that hath had possession formerly , is destroyed , and the lord god alone doth reign in this the day of his power , and he alone doth plead the cause of his redeemed ones , by that of his pure self , which he hath placed in every one of them , and hath made it to get the victory . and therefore wo , wo unto them that lay heavy burdens upon his despised ones : for a day of terrible wrath and vengeance is coming upon you all , and the sword of the lord is drawn , and will be avenged on all his enemies , in this the great day of his terrible ; appearance ; and the enemies of his power shall know , that he alone will reign and be exalted , in this great day of his appearance : for the lord alone will reign , and be king over all the kingdoms of the world ; and all the kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdoms of the lord , and of his christ , and unto him shall all bend and bow , and all the powers of the earth be made subject : for he is the light , and in him is the light of the world ; and he is the beloved of god. therefore every one lend their ear unto him , and hear him : for in him is to be found the white stone , with the new name written in it , that no man knoweth , but he that hath it : for all that are led by the spirit of god , are led into holiness : for holiness becometh the house of god for ever : it is none but the pure in heart shall see god : for god is righteousness , and he leadeth his people into righteousness : they that are led by his grace , are led out of ungodliness , and out of the pathes of the wicked : for the wicked walk in darkness , they stumble at noon-day : the fool saith in his heart , there is no god ; and his actions plainly declare it : for he liveth as though there were no god to punish him , nor devil to torment him , nor hell-fire to burn him , which is the portion of the wicked ; storm and tempest , fire and brimstone is their portion for ever , from the presence of the lord , rev. 19. 3. and her smoak rose up for evermore . and therefore you stout-hearted of the world , that bend your brows against the just , fear and tremble : for the righteous god is coming in judgement to avenge the blood of his servants at your hands ; and which of you will be able to dwell in everlasting burnings ? for judgement is already begun at the house of god : and if the righteous scarcely be saved , where shall the sinner and the ungodly appear ? and therefore repent , repent , go away , and sin no more , before repentance be hid from your eyes , and you be cut off from the land of the living , and meet the lord speedily in the wayes of his judgements : o it is good to live in judgement at all times , that is , to judge sin down in the first motion , as hath been already shewn . and therefore all you that would be counted christians , and be co-heirs with christ jesus the son of the living god , who is the onely saviour of man-kind , depart from iniquity , sin , and all ungodliness , and return to him who is come to judge all flesh , raising up his true and faithful vvitness in all concernments , which sheweth to all men upon the face of the earth , what sin , iniquity , and all ungodliness is , to the end they may unto their father , return and repent of their former evil ways , that their sins may be taken away , and their iniquities may be blotted out , and his perfect life brought forth , which doth his will on earth as it is in heaven : and such who do obey this holy voyce of christ in them , do witness his kingdome come in great power and glory , which is not of this vvorld : therefore the vvorld knovveth it not : for they vvill not come unto christ , that they may have life ; and therefore they cannot tast of the tree of life , and eat and live for ever , john 6. 50. this is the bread ( saith christ ) that cometh down from heaven , that a man may eat thereof , and not dye . i am ( saith christ ) the living bread which came down from heaven : if any man eat of this bread , he shall live for ever ; and the bread that i will give , is my flesh , which i will give for the life of the world . and this is he that giveth povver to understand the scriptures , that are dark to the understanding , until he that gave them forth , open their understandings : as you may see in luke 24. 45. then opened he their understandings , that they might understand the scriptures : the onely vvay to obtain this favour from the lord , is to love the pure seed of god , in the vvhich is gods vvitness in thy conscience , and is his written vvord in thy heart , vvhich vvas that vvord to david , that he had such a love unto , that by loving of it , god made him vviser then his teachers , and it vvas sweeter then the honey and the honey comb , and it vvas better then thousands of gold and silver : and solomon saith of this vvisdome , the merchandise is better then the merchandise of silver , and the gain thereof is better then gold : and this is the pearl of great price , that the man sold all to buy it : therefore my desire , nay , the desires of my soul , thirsteth after the salvation of all men . and therefore , dear friends and people , all be kept lovv in the fear of god at all times , and learn of christ to be meek and lovvly , that you may find rest unto your souls ; and consider , that the onely thing is to fear god , and keep his commandments ; for they that hath the commandments , and keepeth them , dvvelleth in christ , and christ in them : and much reading is a vveariness to the flesh : here the end of all is , to fear god , and keep his commandments ; this is the vvhole duty of man : for he that manifests his faith by being obedient , he shall live for ever : for the kingdome of god consisteth not in vvords , but in life and povver , vvhich is righteousness ; and that procureth true peace , such peace as men and devils can never take from you : and so vvalking in this peace , the god of love and peace vvill be vvith you to the end . now unto god our father , be glory , and everlasting praises ascribed , both novv and for ever , and for ever . amen . the eighth epistle : to richard allen , a priest in the parish of crundal in kent , and also to be communicated to the rest of his brethren the priests , to shew them the unlawfulness & wicked practice of receiving of tythes , contrary to the practice of christ and his apostles ; and yet call themselves , a gospel-ministry : but they must know , the terrible day of the lords wrath is at hand , and this their act of oppression must come to judgement . what hast thou to do to take the name of the lord in thy mouth , seeing thou hatest to be reformed ? for , let him that calleth on the name of the lord , depart from iniquity : and , he that saith he is in christ , ought so to walk as christ hath walked : and , he that hath faith , it purifieth the heart , and he purifieth himself as christ is pure . now he that liveth in any known sin , is a transgressor of the law : and , he that keepeth the vvhole law , and yet offendeth in one point , is guilty of all : and , he that breaketh one of these least commandments , and teacheth men so , shall be called the least in the kingdome of heaven . now i do charge thee with the desiring of thy neighbours goods , which thou hast no just right to , neither by the law of god , nor just law of man : but the reason is , there is laws in being for thy wicked lust , because all things are out of gods order : for our judges are not as they were at first , nor our counsellours as at the beginning ; if they were , they might tell the people of the law , what it is : for the power of the nation of england hath had their laws invested and enacted by parliaments , and they chosen by the people . now it vvas never conceived that a people should be so void of reason , as to give a company of persons a power to destroy their birth-right , the property of their estates : for they are called to provide for the safety and weal of a people , not for their hurt or damage : and all laws are grounded upon reason , or ought to be ; and where reason ceaseth , there the law ceaseth . now thou art so ingenuous to confess that tythes came first into england by the appointment and command of the pope , and popish laws : and is it reasonable that those laws should binde us , that vvere first made by them ; vvhen vve are so distinct from them , that vve now , in our times , have had laws made amongst us , for the selling and sequestring of their estates , quatenus as papists ? and that an act of parliament made against common right , as tythes is , common equity and common reason , is therefore null and void in it self in law , and ought not to be executed , as appears by these following laws : see the first part of doctor bonham's case , fol. 118. and the eighth of edward the third , fol. 3 , 30 , 33. e. cassanet , 32. and the 27 h. annuity 41. and the 1 of eliz. dyer 113. and first part of cook 's institutes , lib. 2. chap. 11. sect. 209. fol. 140. and the fourth of edward the fourth , 12. 12. edward the fourth , 18. 1 henry the seventh , 12 , 13. plowd . com. fol. 369. yea , ( saith that learned oracle of the law of england , edward cook , in the fourth part of his institutes , fol. 330. ) where reason ceaseth , there the law ceaseth : for seeing reason is the very life and spirit of the lavv it self , the law is not to be esteemed to respect that vvhich hath no reason , although the generality of the words at the first institution , or after the letter , seem otherwise . and ( saith the learned author , in his first part of institutes , fol. 140. ) all customs and prescriptions , acts of parliament , lavvs and judgements that be against reason , are void and null in themselves . and saith the armies atturny john cooke , in the late kings case stated , page the 23. that by the law of england , any act or agreement against the laws of god and nature , as i shall prove tythes are against both , is a meer nullity , saith he : for as a man hath no hand in making the laws of god and nature , no more hath he power to mar or alter them : and he cites the earl of leicesters adjudged case for a proof : and all the judges in england cannot make one case to be law , that is not reason , no more then they can make one hair white that is naturally black : for law must be reason adjudged ; and every law of man must be consonant to the law of god , otherwise they are not righteous nor obligatory . now what reason is there that a poor man taking a frame at a rack rent , and peradventure hiring money at use , and spending all his time and pains for a whole year to maintain his charge , which is his duty , being up early , and down late , eating the bread of sorrow , plowing and sowing , and buying seed himself , running the hazard of the loss of all his cattle ; and for want of a good season , peradventure may hardly have the seed he cast into the ground ; and after he hath reaped it at his own charge , then for a lazy priest , a non-resident , a drunkard , a whoremaster , a covetous person , ambitious , arrogant , proud , vain , lascivious , swaggering , swearing , fighting , lying , unconfcionable , antichristian , ungodly priest , as many are such ; and some are filled with all unrighteousness , being enemies to christ , and his chosen ones , persecuting the righteous seed ; for such a one to come and take the tenth of the poor mans corn : let any man judge whether this be reason ; when the poor man neither imploies him , nor dare not hear him ; for fear , if he should come to hear his will-vvorship in his idol-temple , he may justly fall into the condemnation of the devil . thou sayest , that abraham paid tythes to melchisedec . i answer : that was before the levitical priesthood : and christ jesus is made a priest for ever , after the order of melchisedec ; which was thus : melchisedec met abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings , who brought him bread and wine ; and abraham gave him the tenth of the spoil : what was this to the paying of tythes yearly out of his own estate ? canst thou prove that abraham did pay tythes out of that ? and now the levitical priesthood is changed by christ jesus , and therefore there is a change of the law : and now the priesthood is not committed to the natural off-spring of levi , or any other tribe , but to christ jesus , the unchangable priesthood , whose kingdom stands not in figures and carnal ordinances , but in the substance : for the time is come , ( saith christ ) that ye shall not worship the father at jerusalem , nor in this mountain ; but the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth : for he seeketh such to worship him . now since the destruction of the temple at jerusalem , thou canst not read that ever god commanded another house to be built . thou sayest that christ jesus said , ye tythe mint and cummin ; these things ye ought not to leave undone . christ jesus spake then to the jews , in the time when the levitical priesthood was not ended , who were bound by the law. but when christ was offered up , he said , it is finished . now do thou remember , that he that addeth or diminisheth from the words of the prophecies of this book , his name shall be blotted out of the book of life : and peruse thy letter , and see if thou hast not added . thou hast those texts quoted , no man muzleth the mouth of the ox , that treadeth out the corn : and , no man goeth a warfare at his own charge : and , he that plants a vineyard eats the fruit thereof : and herein it is agreed , that the ministers of christ jesus , who are effectually called to his service , and labour in the word and doctrine , ought to be comfortably provided for , that they go not a warfare at their own charge : but this doth not require the world , which lies waste as a wilderness , and is not of the vineyard , should contribute : for christ saith , father , i pray not for the world , but for those that thou hast given me out of the world , that they may be one , as thou , o father , art in me , & i in thee , so that they may be made one in us : therefore no reason that they that are of the world should be compelled to give of the substance of their labours to christs ministers : for every man is sole owner of his own ; and he that violently or fraudulently dispossesseth him of any , is a thief and a robber in the sight of god and good men : god abhorreth the sacrifice of the wicked , and hath no need of his substance : for the earth is the lords , and the fulness thereof ; and he will never forsake those that put their trust in him : and , the just man shall live by his own faith : and , if any man with-draw himself , saith the lord , my soul shall have no pleasure in him : and such as christ sent forth , he alwayes took care that they never wanted , but they were always kept without being chargeable to any , and they eat the fruits of their own vineyards which they had planted , not which other men had planted : and by the churches who were gathered out of the world , were they maintained , to preach the gospel to the world , who lay in wickedness , unto whom they would not make the gospel chargeable or burdensome ; which was their glory , and their crown : and this example of the apostles , leaves every one free to give him that teacheth , not binding any to the maintenance of those that have less need then the giver . and this discovers the hireling shepherds , that teach for filthy lucre , that fleece the flock , and not feed them ; that have a form of godliness , but deny the power thereof ; from such there is an express command to turn away , who make merchandize of the scriptures : for the lord saith , they shall not profit my people : for they are ever learning , and never able to bring to the knowledge of the truth : for he that knowetn not the life of faith , to witness it in his own particular , how can he teach another ? thou sayest , that peter converted three thousand souls at one sermon , and thereby it did appear he was a minister of christ , the lord effectually working with his ministry , upon the hearts of his hearers . now thou hast been a teacher to the people of crundal many years , and name me but one man or woman that hath been converted by thy ministry ; and if they can demonstrate unto me the work of regeneration , wrought upon them by thy teaching , then i will pay thee thy demands . and how canst thou plead thy self a minister of the gospel , and sue for treble damages ? for learned judge rolle said in court , that tythes were not due and payable by the law of the land : in a case of tythes , on the bench , when he was chief justice : and when they were paid in the old law , the levites , the fatherless , the widdows , the strangers , were all to be provided for out of them ; and the priests of england hath no such custome , but consume them on their pride and lusts , and wicked covetousness : and the disciples of christ were commanded to go into all the world , to preach the gospel to every creature ; they were not to stay in a place : and the signes that followed them that believed in their doctrine , in his name they should cast out devils , they shall speak with new tongues , they shall take up serpents , and if they drink any deadly thing , it shall not hurt them ; they shall lay hands on the sick , and they shall recover . thou sayest , that believers sold their possessions , and laid them dovvn at the apostles feet . but they did distribute them as every man had need , they did not purchase lands , and let the money to usury and extortion , as the priests of this generation do . thou sayest that paul informs of the qualities of a good bishop , to be a man blameless , not given to filthy lucre : and christ saith , go not to law with any man. now learn thou these lessons , and follow righteousness , faith , love , peace , with them that call on the lord , out of a pure heart . thou directest me to that text , in heb. 7. 8. and here men that die receive tythes : read the 11 verse of that chapter : if therefore perfection were by the levitical priesthood , for under it the people received the law , what further need was there that another priest should arise after the order of melchisedec ? for christ came of another tribe : he sprang out of judah , who was not made after the law of a carnal commandment , but after the power of an endlesslife : and vers . 25. wherefore he is able also to save to the utmost them that come unto god by him , seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them . and it shall come to passin the last dayes , saith god , i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh , and your sons and daughters shall prophesie ; and your young men shall see visions , and your old men shall dream dreams ; and on my servants , and on my hand-maids i will pour out of my spirit in those dayes , and they shall prophesie . and verily , i do bear my testimony , that i do witness such a people now upon the earth , whom the lord hath revealed his secrets unto , and doth powerfully work upon the hearts of thousands , to the turning them from darkness unto light , and from the power of satan unto god , that they do receive remission of sins : and this i do witness in my own particular , in great measure ; blessed , yea , for ever blessed be his holy and dreadful name : for he alone is worthy of everlasting praises from his own , both now , henceforth , and for ever . and woes , everlasting woes will be the portion of all those that oppress his righteous ones . now i finde that all men that will attain unto salvation , must hear the son of god : for , a prophet ( saith moses ) will the lord your god raise up unto you , in all things like unto me , and him shall you hear : and it shall come to pass , that whosoever shall not hear him , shall be cut off from amongst the people . now neither the son of god , nor none of his disciples nor apostles did ever take tythes , or ever command the paying of them : and they were not persons ordained by the will of man , but were anointed with the holy anointing , and were , by that spirit that did anoint them , commanded to feed the flock of christ , over which the holy ghost had made them overseers . and christ himself saith , that unless a man be born again , he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven . and this new birth is a death unto all sin , and a life unto all righteousness : and this every man must feel , that it is as natural for him to serve the law of god , as it was formerly to serve the law of sin . and he is the true teacher that is able by his own experience to tell another how he hath passed from death to life : for no unclean thing can enter the kingdom : for without are covetous , lyers , adulterers , drunkards , extortioners , and all evil doers . now a true teacher must hate the very appearance of evil ; he must hate vain thoughts , and every false way . we shall finde in scripture , that all the teachers of righteousness were such as were filled with the spirit of the lord , and did not preach for filthy lucre or gain , but of a ready minde , and were not as the priests of these times are , that lie as thieves and robbers , to murder in the way , and sue for treble damages , and persecute the son of god in all those that desire to live godly in him : which they will feel one day , that those that persecute them , they persecute him : and it were better that a milstone were hanged about his neck , and he thrown into the sea , then that he should offend one of those little ones that put their trust in me , saith christ . now i finde that in the year 600. or soon after , gregory the first , then pope of rome , sent over augustine the monk into england ; by vvhom ethelbert king of kent was converted : this augustine vvas a c●…n regular ; and after he had obtained his own design , he then preached up tythes in england , by the popes appointment ; and at the same time , taught the people that the pardon of sin might be merited by good works . in the year 786. two legats were sent over from pope hadrian the first , to offa king of mercland , alwolf king of northumberland , vvho made a decree , that the people of those two kingdoms should pay tythes : king athelstone about the year 930. king edmond about the year 940. king edgar about the year 970. king etheldred 1010. king knute about the year 1020. edward the confessor , and others of the saxon kings , by order from the pope , made laws for tythes . the normans afterwards entering this kingdome , william the conquerour , henry the first , henry the second , king stephen , and other kings , by the like order from the pope , confirmed the said laws for tythes : and yet notvvithstanding all these laws , yet vvas it left to the ovvner to confer it vvhere he pleased ; vvhich vvas the cause of making so many rich abbies and monasteries in england : and until the year 1200. or thereabouts , every one gave their tythes as they pleased ; vvhich made pope innocent the third , send his decretal epistle the bishop of canterbury , commanding him to injoyn every man to pay his tythes to those that ministred spiritual things to them ; which vvas inforced by sentence of the ecclesiastical courts . and this vvas the first beginning of parochial tythes in england : and this after , by the parliament was thought reasonable , and then established by a law , the king and people being all papists . now all this will i prove : and let any man , that hath any fear of the lord , judge whether that the rules and practice of those back-sliders , who were in the dark night of apostacy , be fit to guide us , who have again received the pure light , as the apostles of our lord and saviour , and have received the lord jesus christ , and know how to walk in him : for know ye not that christ is in you , unless you be reprobates ? and , put you on the lord jesus christ , and make no provision for the flesh , to fulfil the lusts ●…eof . the ninth epistle : to all priests that teach for hire , and divine for money ; that call themselves ministers of christ , and are not , but are of the synagogue of satan ; that they may repent : for the day of the lord is at hand . the arm and strength of the lord god is found and felt in the hearts of all his chosen ones ; and they feel themselves branches springing forth of the tree of life : and in him ( that is , in christ ) by abiding in him , and his living word abiding in them , they bring forth much fruit , and they walk from strength to strength , and from faith to faith , until they appear before god in sion : and they do turn people from darkness unto light , and from the power of satan unto god , that they do receive remission of sins , and an inheritance amongst those that are sanctified : and as they have felt , and handled , and tasted of the good word of eternal life ; so they do deliver it unto others : freely they have received , and freely do they give , according to the command of christ their law-giver ; and they have received the unction , the anoynting , from the holy one , which doth abide in them , and teacheth them all things ; and they have the first fruits of the spirit , which doth make them alive unto god. and they do go into the dark corners of the world , as they are moved by the holy ghost , to preach freely the everlasting gospel of salvation , glad tydings to all people , whose feet are beautiful : and they do it upon this account , that a necessity doth lie upon them , and woes will be upon them if they do it not , if they do the work of the lord negligently : and they are ready to sacrifice their lives , and to seal the truth of their ministry with their blood , that they may finish their work with joy and inward consolation , which is full of power and great glory ; and their conversations are without covetousness , they seek not their ovvn , but the things of jesus , the salvation of all men , that they may live the life of holiness ; as they have been servants unto sin , so , that they may novv come to be made free from sin , and have their lives in holiness and righteousness , the end whereof , is everlasting life : for the gift of grace is free ; and so many as receive him , to them he gives power to become the sons of god , even to all those that do believe in his name : and their conversations are in heaven ; and they do not minde earthly things ; and they do the works of the spirit , vvhich doth make them alive unto god : for as many as are led by the spirit of god , they are the sons of god ; and they are as lights in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation : and they are holy , harmless , vvithout spot and blemish , vvaiting vvith oyl in their own lamps , for the coming of the lord , that they may enter into his joy , and receive the end of their faith , which is , the salvation of their souls . the true ministers of christ , they were filled with the holy ghost , before they went forth ; as paul saith , when christ had revealed himself in him , then he spake the word with boldness : and many of the priests say , that judas had a commission , as well as the rest of the apostles , because christ sent them forth , and said , as you go , preach ; and say , the kingdom of god is at hand ; vvhich kingdom was the pouring down of the spirit of righteousness , vvhich he promised that the holy ghost should come down , and abide with them for ever , and lead them into all truth . but there is not one text that ever i could find , that they did go forth until the lot fell upon matthias in the room of judas , and he was numbered amongst the twelve . it is said , that the seventy returned , and said , behold , lord , the devils are subject unto us . so at the best , those priests that pleads for judas , doth but derive their office from him : for he was a deceiver at the best : and so are all they that have not received the holy ghost : for the apostles were to feed the flock of christ , over which the holy ghost hath made them overseers , and the priests of this generation , are they not proud , covetous , arrogant , ambitious , self-lovers , lovers of pleasures more then lovers of god , having a form of godliness , but denying the power thereof ? where is the man or the woman that hath been at any time snatcht out of the paws of satan , and out of the snares of hell , by their ministry , as it is called ? where is the fruits of the holy ghost to be found amongst their hearers , which is , love , joy , meekness , temperance , brothetly kindeness , bowels of compassion , enduring all things , temperance , righteousness , and holy in all manner of conversation ? is not the fruits of their hearers clean contrary ? are they not wrath , anger , malice , murder , robbery , plunder , a neater word for thieves , swearing , adultery , fornication , and all uncharitableness , scoffing , despising those that are good , heady , high-minded , disobedient to parents , unnatural , truce-breakers , covenant-breakers ? and by this it appears , that they neither have the call of christs ministers : for if the lord had sent them , they should have turned people from the evil of their doings , and they should have learned to do well : neither have they the maintenance of christs ministers , nor the fruits of christs ministers : for christs ministers , they were commanded to take nothing with them , neither money , nor staff , nor scrip ; and they were to enquire who was worthy , and there enter , and there eat such things as was set before them , and that was their maintenance : not to force people , and take away their goods , three times as much as was or could be demanded . and the fruits of christs ministers : peter converted three thousand at once ; and many thousands now , blessed be the holy name of the ever-living god , are escaped out of the snare of the hunter , by the sounding forth of the everlasting gospel of salvation from his true ministers , who are despised , and scornfully called , by the seed of evil doers , quakers : whose doctrine is , to turn people to the light within them , which doth bring them out of rebellion , and the disobedient nature , which the light doth reprove and condemn ; and they that do draw from the teachings of christ within , such the light christ doth shew to be seducers , 1 joh. 2. 26 , 27. and this light doth bring into the holy life , and into the pure worship of god in the spirit . and therefore i do dearly exhort you from the lord , to come out of all your false churches , your false ways , and from your proud deceitful priests ; and come to christ the true pastor and bishop of your souls ; and so you shall come to the church that is in god , 1 thes . 1. 1. heb. 12. 22 , 23. whose overseers are made by the holy ghost . and so dear friends i do dearly exhort you to take heed to that which is pure of god in your consciences , and obey it , and make that your teacher : for that calls for a pure conversation , 1 pet. 1. 13 , 14 , 15 , 16. and let your light so shine before men , that they may see your good works : and so you shall all come to be baptized into christ , and so put him on , by one spirit , and come to be buried with him in the true baptism , rom. 6. 1 , 2. and so a fellowship into the new life cometh to be witnessed , where there is one faith , one lord , and one baptism ; and so one god and father of them all : and so they are kept in that church which is the pillar and ground of truth , ephes . 4. 4 , 5 , 6 , 7. 2 tim. 2. 19. 1 tim. 3. 15. mat. 11. 28. christ calleth all that are weary and heavy laden , to come unto him , and he will give : them rest . and therefore obey the light , and come out from your sins , take up the cross , and deny your wills , and forsake your iniquities , and touch not the unclean thing , and he will receive you ; and take heed you do not reject the counsel of the lord god , who desires to bring you to salvation : for , the vision is but for an appointed time : and , the lords spirit shall not alwayes strive with man. the tenth epistle : to all drunkards , swearers , vsurers , extortioners , adulterers , and all unclean persons , shewing the heavy wrath of the living god burneth like fire against such evil persons , and the terrible day of vengeance is at hand : and these are to warn them , that they speedily repent , before their hearts come to be ript up , and laid naked before the mighty and terrible god , who doth regard no mans person in judgement , but every one shall receive according to the things done in his body , whether they be good or evil . the light that discovers sin , is christ ; and when any evil is committed , gods witness in the conscience is disturbed , the just seed lyeth oppressed , and then the soul lieth under the wrath of god : and who can dwell in his displeasure ? and the many sad judgements that have befallen persons in that condition of drunkenness , i think , should deter persons from that accursed beastly sin , which maketh men , that they are like unto the swine , as you may see in 2 sam. 13. 28. now had absalom commanded his servants , saying , mark now when amnons heart is merry with wine : and when i say unto you , smite amnon ; kill him , fear not . another president you may see in 1 king. 16. 8 , 9 , 10. in the six and twentieth year of asa king of judah , began elah the son of baasha to reign over israel in tirzah , and reigned two years . and his servant zimri ( captain of half his chariots ) conspired against him as he was in tirzah , drinking till he was drunk in the house of arza , steward of his house in tirzah . and zimri came and smote him , and killed him in the twenty and seventh year of asa king of judah , and reigned in his stead . holofernes , being drunk , was slain by judith . noah being drunk , his sons mocked him : he became a scorn to his children . lot being drunk , committed incest with his two daughters . benhadad being drunk , you may see what a sad loss he came to , and how he was discomfited , 1 king. 20. 16 , 20 , 34. david made vriah drunk , and then sent letters to joab to have him set in the front of the battle , that he might be slain . we ought not to keep company with drunkards , prov. 23. 20 , 21. the wo of the lord of hosts , the god of israel , is pronounced against drunkards , isa . 5. 11. vvo vnto them that rise up early , to follow drunkenness , and to them that continue until night , till the wine doth inflame them : for they regard not the work of the lord , neither consider the works of his hands . many more texts of scripture might be quoted , and many examples of gods judgements against such sinners to my own knowledge : as , some that have fallen into wells , and been drowned ; some into the thames ; some have broke their necks off their horses ; some their legs , their arms ; sides wasting their pretious time , that god hath put into their hands to get wisdom , and also ruining their wives and children in wasting and consuming their estates : for a drunken man is fit to do any wickedness , & to act any ungodliness : and this sad sin is many times committed by peoples drinking of healths : the devil stealeth upon them , and if he can get them to drink healths , he hath them safe enough : for of whomsoever a man is overcome , his servant he is , to whom he is overcome ; whether it be of sin unto death , or of obedience unto righteousness : so he that is overcome by sin , is the devils slave . and verily , my soul doth mourn in secret , and my heart doth bleed within me , and sorrow doth over-whelm me , for some of my dearly beloved friends , that are overtaken by satans snares in this way of sinning : and therefore my desire is to them from the lord , that they would mind the light of christ in their consciences , which is , gods witness for himself ; and it will either excuse or accuse , acquit or condemne : and this being silently and patiently waited in , will teach the denying the drinking of healths ; and will be a means to keep out of this beastly sin , that makes persons like beasts , and defaces the image of god , and defiles his temple ; and such , if they do not speedily repent , the lord will destroy them : for he that defiles the temple of god , him will god destroy . and your bodies are the temples of the holy ghost . and next to this is swearers : for because of oaths the land mourneth : and , the curse shall enter into the house of the swearer , and consume it , even with the beams and timber thereof . and what a company of sad creatures there is , that will swear any thing for advantage , in buying and selling in their ordinary course of trading in the world , between man and man ! how for six pence , many times , they will sell their faith ! o let such fear , and tremble , and repent : for without heavenly jerusalem are all swearers , drunkards , and all lyers , who have their portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone . and the sin of accustoming a mans self to swearing , is reproved , eccles . 23. 9. to 24. & 17. 14. and christ jesus gave this command to all that then were and should be , swear not at all , saith christ : and all controversies may be ended without swearing , if the magistrates would come to the line of true judgement , and be guided by the witness of god in them . and therefore dear friends , leave off this wicked custome of vain swearing : for it neither profiteth the speaker nor hearer ; but serveth the devil , and bringeth everlasting destruction to the soul . and there is a great and most abominable sin committed in and by many , that they eat up gods people like bread , they devour them by extortion and usury : but such must not come to the holy hill of sion . vvo to them that get fields and houses by violence and oppression , and devour the fatherless and the widdow : they are far from the commands of christ , which saith , lend , looking for nothing again : it is a sin forbidden amongst the jews , exod. 20. 17. & 22. 25. lev. 25. 35 , 36 , 37. deut. 5. 21. neh. 5. 1. to 14. psal . 15. 1 , 5. prov. 22. 7 , 16 , 22 , 52. & the 22. 8. jer. 15. 10. ezek. 18. 13. and 22. 12. mat. 5. 42. & 7. 12. luk. 6. 30 , 34 , 35. and this lay upon me to acquaint all people with from the lord , that they do injury to no man , for gain to themselves ; but every one do as they would be done unto , as they would that men should do unto them : for the great day of the lords wrath is at hand , and all shall be judged according to the things done in their bodies , whether they be good or evil : and all evil doers , sin lyeth at their doors , and the flaming sword of the lord of hosts doth hang over their heads . and therefore my desire , yea , my souls desire unto all is , that they would keep their mindes out of fading , visible , perishing things : for none but such have their hearts upon the invisible god , who is a spirit ; and none but spiritual worshippers do serve him , or honour him ; even such the father seeketh to worship him , that worship him in the spirit and in truth ; and such feel their lives to be in god , and they live by faith , which faith is the faith of gods elect : for they that so come to live , dayly do they feel the flowings in of comfort , from the well-spring of life ; and they grow like trees that are planted by the rivers of vvaters , that do bring forth fruit in due season , whose leaf shall not fade , and whatsoever they do , it shall prosper ; and the lord refresheth their souls with fatness , and giveth them the bread of life , that they eat , and live for ever ; and they drink of that water , that they never thirst : and they taste of that heavenly rock , which is christ : and they are the tender lambs of christ : and the lord god doth esteem of them as his jewels ; and they that touch them , touch the apple of gods eye : for they are they that do overcome the world , and they shall be cloathed in white , and they shall follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth , and sing songs of triumph ; glory , glory , everlasting glory and hallelujahs be given to him that is lord of lords , and king of kings , that is the god that giveth his people light , and in his light they see the everlasting light , which maketh them live for evermore in his presence , where there is the fulness of joy , and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore . the eleventh epistle : to all those whose souls panteth after the living god , as the hart panteth after the water-brooks . dear hearts , my dearly beloved in the light and love of god , for whom my soul travelleth in birth , that i might see christ formed in you , that you might walk worthy of the lord , unto all well-pleasing ; being fruitful in every good work , and increasing in the knowledge of god , strengthned with all might , according to his glorious power , unto all patience , and long-suffering , with joyfulness ; giving thanks to the father , who hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light ; who hath delivered us from the power of darkness , and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son ; in whom we have redemption through his blood , even the forgiveness of sins : who is the image of the invisible god , the first born of every creature : for it pleased the father , that in him should all fulness dwell . and so dear hearts , as you wait in him out of all visible things , wherein your life hath formerly been nourished and upheld , you shall ( by christ ) witness a new birth , and a new nature ; and the life of god will be felt and witnessed , which doth redeem the soul out of sin , and of inquity , and doth reach the seed of god , which is pure , and of his fulness , of whom we receive grace for grace : and so the pure innocent seed of the lord springeth up in you , that you become fruitful branches , and bring forth much fruit unto the lord ; and so every one in their several measure , answer the lords expectation : who is this day seeking for fruits amongst his people : and all dead fruitless trees must have the ax laid to the root of them , that they may be hewed down , and cast into the fire : for the lord hath chosen forth of the world , unto himself , a people to wait in his counsel and light , that they may serve him in righteousness , and obey him in truth . and therefore , dear hearts , be diligent and watchful , that in the strength of god , you may be continually armed against the old devouring enemy , satan ; who goeth about like a roaring lyon : and all his war is against the tender lambs of christs fold ; that he may make rents and divisions amongst them : but you are commanded to resist him , being stedfast in the faith , & always to let your works and labour to abound in the lord , for as much as you knovv your labour is not in vain in the lord : and this know , that satan will do what he may or possibly can against you : he had sought to winnow peter as wheat was winnowed in a sieve : he tempted christ , but there was no ground for him to enter in him . and those that are renewed in the spirit of their mindes in christ , they pluck up and plow up the fallow ground of their hearts , they pluck up sin by the roots ; they remove the ground , that there is no room to receive the devils temptations , although he strives to the utmost of his power to keep the seed of god in bondage ; which seed is gods elect and precious , and he will redeem it out of captivity and thraldome : for it is the resurrection , and the holy birth , the beloved , the incorruptible , that destroyes satans kingdom : and therefore love it , and nourish it , and cherish it , and let it have the whole dominion in you , and it will totally put out satan , and you shall tread him under your feet : for where the seed of god doth reign , there satan is subjected : and so in the light of god you will finde strength , and power , and dominion over the enemie , and over all his sleights and deceits . as you stand in the light , which is the power of god , the enemy will find no place to enter , and his strength will be abated and decreased , and then you will , by degrees , find your bodies fit temples for the holy ghost to dwell in , and the strength of the lord god of life and glory will dayly be renewed unto you ; and in his strength you shall walk , until you appear before him in sion : and you shall obtain victory over the enemy of your souls , and know the glorious liberty of the sons of god , and so come to have a portion and an inheritance with the babes of christ , even an everlasting inheritance reserved in heaven for you , in that kingdom which hath no end ; and even such glory as no eye hath seen , nor ear hath heard , nor tongue is able to express , which god hath laid up for them that love him : what hath not eye seen ? what hath not ear heard ? and the heart is able to conceive more then all , yea , it is able to conceive and entertain into the imagination any thing ; yet all this is nothing to those everlasting joyes , and comforts , and consolations , which the saints shall enjoy in the presence of the lord for evermore . and therefore faint not at your fiery trials , which cometh , or is admitted , or suffered in the wisdom that is infinite , to try you , as if some strange thing were come unto you , as you may see in 1 pet. 4. 12 , 13. but rejoyce , in as much as you are partakers of christs sufferings , that when his glory shall be revealed , you may be glad also , with exceeding joy : if you be reproached for the name of christ , happy are you : for the spirit of god and of glory resteth upon you : on their parts he is evil spoken of , but on your parts he is glorified : for the time is come , that judgement must begin at the house of god : and if it first begin at us , what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of god ? and if the righteous scarcely be saved , where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear ? wherefore ( saith the same apostle ) let them that suffer according to the will of god , commit the keeping of their souls , to him , in well-doing , as unto a faithful creator . and so dear hearts , look not out at things past , present , or to come , or at others , but stand in the light , and in the counsel of the lord , and freely give up to his will , as job did : although he kill me , ( saith he ) yet will i trust in him . and in the lords due time , there shall be deliverance out of all troubles , and he will work your peace , even peace that men and devils shall not take from you : for he that keepeth israel , neither slumbereth nor sleepeth : and although many are the troubles of the righteous , yet the lord will deliver them out of them all . and therefore cast your whole care upon the lord , and trust in him , and he shall bring it to pass : he shall bring forth your righteousness as clear as the light , and your just dealing as the noon day : and so the power of the lord will compass you about , and his angels shall have charge concerning you , to keep you in all his ways : for they that stay themselves upon the arm of the lord , have perfect peace ; and their strength shall be renewed day by day in him , who is made perfect , and is become the author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him ; which is jesus , that saveth to the utmost all that come to god by him : for he ever liveth to make intercession for them . and so believe in him , and you shall be saved : for christ is the end of the law for righteousness , to every one that believeth : for moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law , that the man which doth them , shall live by them : but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise , say not in thy heart , who shall ascend into heaven ? that is , to bring christ down from above ; or who shall ascend into the deep ? that is , to bring christ back again from the dead . but what saith it ? the word is nigh thee , even in thy mouth and in thy heart ; that is , the word of faith which we preach ; which teacheth to deny all ungodliness , and worldly lust , and to live godly , soberly , and righteously in this present evil world ; and to do injury to no man , but to do unto all men , as you would have all men do unto you : even this the lord thy god doth require of thee , o man , to do justly , to love mercy , and to walk humbly with thy god. and this walking with god , is that way that enoch vvalked in , & all the holy men of god that brought their souls to the true centre of rest , even rest everlasting , where there is the innumerable company of angels , and the first-born , whose names are written in heaven , in the book of life . and so dear hearts , indure , as moses did , all things patiently , as seeing him that is invisible : for the patient abiding of the meek shall not be forgotten : and the lord bottles up all the tears of his redeemed ones : and so every one come with patience to do the will of god , that when you have done it , you may receive the reward : and so every one come to feel christ jesus , in you that believe , the hope of glory ; and feed upon the living gospel , which is the bread of life , that whosoever eateth , hungreth no more : for every one must come to possess christ in their own hearts : for it is the oyl in a mans own lamp , that must convey him into the bridegrooms chamber , where the fulness of life and joy is to be found , possessed , and enjoyed : for unto such , who ordereth their conversations aright , will christ say at last , come you blessed of my father , inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world : for those that be guided by christ , are such as hear his voice , and do desire to be taught by him , as the truth is in jesus ; and they shall be guided by him to do the will of god in every thing , and so they shall come to be filled with his righteousness , and so his righteousness filleth them with everlasting glory : and the pure broken heart that is contrite , the lord doth accept . and so let all rulers and magistrates cease the naming of god , until they part from evil : and let them cease their medling with setling the things of gods kingdom ; for i have seen they have all been broken to pieces as soon as they go about that work : for the lord will do his work himself : by his spirit and by his power it shall be accomplished ; and it shall not be in the power of man to hinder : but he will break the great potsherds of the earth to pieces , if they meddle with those things that concern the setling of his kingdom . and therefore in render love to their souls , i dearly exhort them to settle their own governments , and their own kingdoms , which are of this world ; and let christ alone with the setling of his kingdom , which is not of this world : for a spirit of righteousness shall rule and reign in the earth , as the spirit of wickedness hath done : and although the devil doth roar , yet the time is at hamd when this shall be : and it shall not be in the power of man to hinder it . and therefore give over striving against the stream , you mighty potentates of the world : for it is hard for you to kick against the pricks : for the great day of the lord is at hand , and all mens works shall be tryed with fire : and in that day , the great and mighty men shall cry to the mountains and the hills , to fall upon them , and hide them from his presence . and therefore all lend their ear to this call to repentance , while the day of their salvation lasteth ; and whilst the lord standeth at the door of your hearts , knocking , let him in : remember what christ said to jerusalem : jerusalem , o jerusalem , thou that killest the prophets , and stonest them that are sent unto thee ! how often would i have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings ! and ye would not . but her calamity came of a sudden : and so let her be an example for you , speedily to repent , and put away the evil of your doings : cease to do evil , and learn to do well ; for fear the wrath of the lord destroy you : for the time was , when all the kings of the earth would not have believed that the adversary should have entered the gates of jerusalem ; and all the inhabitants of the world would not have believed that the enemy should have entered the gates of jerusalem , for the sins of her prophets and of her priests ; which were full of iniquity , as the priests of england are , who have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her . and therefore wo , wo to thee , o england , if thou dost not speedily repent , and put away the evil of thy doings : for the lord desireth not the death of a sinner , but that he may live . therefore turn ye , turn ye : for why will you die , o house of israel ? and come to be within the promise of the elect of god : for the lord loveth his saints , and he preserveth the faithful , and mercy shall embrace them on every side : for he is nigh to them that are of a broken heart , and he saveth them that are of a contrite spirit : therefore blessed are the people whose god is the lord , the people who he hath chosen for his own inheritance : for the eye of the lord is over them , to preserve them , and to keep them in all their wayes , and to preserve them in famine ; and thousands shall fall before them , and the plague shall not come neer them : for the destroying angels shall pass over their heads . therefore all dear hearts fear the living god , who is a god of power , and he is dreadful to all the workers of iniquity ; but a god of love , and joy , and consolation to all those that fear him , and that delight in his commandments , to do them . therefore fear the living god , and wait upon him , that you may finde pure wisdom flow in upon you , from on high : for every good and perfect gift cometh down from above , from the father of lights , who doth powerfully manifest himself unto his babes and children , and doth flow from heaven with fresh discoveries of his love unto his belved ones , that they can say feelingly , their beloved is their and they are his : and he draws them by the cords of everlasting love , that they are refreshed at the well-spring of life . and therefore return , return : forsake your idol-shepherds , and embrace christ , which is the light : for he is the true shepherd and bishop of your souls , in whom the sure mercies of david are enjoyed , and the glory of israel is witnessed ; even the free covenant of light , in which the true prophets did stand , who is the rock of ages , and is the light of the world , and is perfect righteousness ; and they that are in him , are righte us by his righteousness : for he hath for ever perfected all those that are sanctified : and he commandeth his to be holy as he is holy , and pure as he is pure : and , be ye perfect ( saith christ ) as your father which is in heaven is perfect : and the cross of christ is the mighty power of god unto salvation , unto every one that believeth : and by this ( saith christ ) shall you appear to be my disciples , by taking up the cross dayly , and following me : and gods witness in every man will shew him the cross of christ , what it is : for that will shew all those that are faithful to it , what is the will of god in every thing : for it is that pure thing of god in man , that never did consent to sin , nor never will , but shews man all that ever he did : and so we may say , with the woman , come , see a man that hath told me all that ever i have done : is not this the christ ? said she . and so , dear hearts , this is your true teacher , emmanuel , god with us : and the lord is a strong towet , the righteous fly unto it , and are safe : and they are hid in that invisible life which is in god : and they know the life of god : and they walk in his dayly presence , and the arm of his strength is revealed dayly unto them , which bringeth salvation . and therefore come off from all your idol shepherds , and from all your false forms of worship unto the lord , who is bringing his people off from the barren mountains , where they have fed upon husks and chaff : and he is become their ●…cher himself , and he will feed them with the finest of the wheat , and they shall drink of the well-spring of life , and never thirst again : and they shall finde , that one day in his courts , is better then a thousand elsewhere . now the priests must know , that an old mass-house is not the courts of god : for the church of christ is the pillar and ground of truth : and as many as were baptized , were baptized into christ : and , they that are in christ , are new creatures : old things are passed away ; all things are become new : and , your bodies are the temples of the holy ghost : and him that defiles the temple of god , him will god destroy . and so dear friends , and brethren , and sisters , and fathers , and all you that do fear the lord , take heed how you hear , and take heed whom you hear : for i do see dangerous seducers and deceivers abroad in the world , besides the priests ; even such as the apostle peter speaketh of , that even would beguile the saints out of their simplicity , if they could , even as the serpent beguiled eve ; such as have eyes full of adultery , beguiling unstable souls , hearts exercised with covetous practises ; having forsaken the right way , and gone astray , following the way of balaam the son of bosor , which loved the wages of unrighteousness : these are wells without water , clouds that are carried with a tempest ; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever : for when they speak great swelling words , in the name of the lord , they allure through the lusts of the flesh , through much wantonness , those who were clean escaped from them who live in errour : while they promise them liberty , 〈…〉 themselves are the servants of corruption : for of whom 〈…〉 overcome , of the same is he brought in bondage : for 〈…〉 they have escaped the pollutions of the world , through 〈…〉 knowledge of the lord and saviour jesus christ , they are 〈…〉 intangled therein , and over-come , the latter end is 〈…〉 with them , then the beginning : for it had been better 〈…〉 yhem not to have known the way of righteousness , then after 〈…〉 have know it , to turn from the holy commandment deli 〈…〉 ed unto them , but it is happened unto them according to 〈…〉 true proverb , 〈…〉 dog is turned to his own vomit again●● 〈…〉 sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire . and amongst the 〈…〉 other , so called , that saith he was born in holland ; ●…t he is the dangerousest person that ever i read of , or heard of , next unto that grand apostate , spira : and i fear he had more brethren : i shall do my endeavour to finde them out and then publish them to the world , that all men may take notice of them . and my advice now unto you from the lo●… is , that you all , dear hearts , wait low in the counsel of the lord god : and when you have got into the simplicity of christ , stay in it , and abide in it , and wait in the power and strength of god , that you may be kept out of the wiles and suggestions of the roaring enemy , who stirreth up enemies without , and enemies within , and all to keep your crown from you . put on therefore , dearly beloved in the lord , the whole armour of god , that you may be more then conquerours , through christ that loveth you , even as paul was : and learn the wisdom which is from above , which is pure , peaceable , gentle , easie to be intreated , full of mercy and good fruits : be humble , meek , lowly , be broken-hearred , be contrite-spirited : let patience possess your souls : for ye were as sheep going astray , but ye are now returned to the saviour and bishop of your souls , christ jesus . unto his keeping i commit you : to whom be given everlasting praises , honour , and all holy hallelujahs to him that liveth for ever , and for evermore world without end . the grace of our lord jesus christ be with all those that set their faces toward sion , and seek it with their so●… sire : to which my soul saith , amen . finis . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a85476-e520 deut. 13. chap. 18. 2 pet. 2. baal