item: #1 of 21 id: A28133 author: Biddle, Ester. title: The trumpet of the Lord sounded forth unto these three nations as a warning from the spirit of truth, especially unto thee, oh England, who art looked upon as the seat of justice, from whence righteous laws should proceed : likewise, unto thee, thou great and famous city of London, doth the Lord God of vengeance found one warning more into thine ear ... : with a word of wholsome counsel and advice unto thy kings, rulers, judges, bishops, and priests ... : together with a few words unto the royal seed ... / by one who is a sufferer for the testimony of Jesus, in Newgate, Esther Biddle. date: 1662.0 words: 9941 flesch: 45 summary: God hath a remnant in thee , which he hath marked for his own , which shall escape the Wrath that is to come ; Glory , Glory , Songs of Everlasting Praises be rendered unto the living God , who hath not left himself without a witness in thee ; I commit our case unto thee , who art faithful , and keepeth Covenant for ever , and I know thou wilt fight our Battel , and plead our cause with the mighty on earth , who would destroy us from being a People if thy Power did not preserve us ; Glory and Honour be given unto thee , who hath compassed us about with songs of everlasting praises ; and we may blesse the hour and time that thou raised up a People in the North , even a dreadful and terrible Army , who Marched swiftly in thy Power through the Nations , and by them we were convinced , and turned towards the Lord , and they shall be the dread of all Nations , and God hath crowned them with an everlasting Crown , which neither Men nor Devils shall be able to take from them . keywords: beauty; bishops; blood; cause; christ; city; coming; day; dayes; doth; dreadful; dust; earth; eebo; england; english; everlasting; eyes; free; friends; glorious; glory; god; great; hand; hath; head; hearts; heaven; high; holy; judges; justice; king; life; light; london; lord; lord god; love; man; men; mighty; nations; old; peace; people; power; priests; pure; righteous; rulers; seed; set; soul; spirit; streets; tcp; terrible; testimony; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; truth; vengeance; warning; works; world; worship cache: A28133.xml plain text: A28133.txt item: #2 of 21 id: A28348 author: W. B. (William Blake), fl. 1650-1670. title: The trial of the ladies Hide Park, May Day, or, The yellow books partner date: 1657.0 words: 17960 flesch: 33 summary: True , his works were finished from the foundation of the World , but our Salvation is but then begun , when we once begin to look unto him , who cries , Look untome O all ye ends of the Earth , and be saved , for I God and not man , Isa. 45. 1. 6. and yet you mind not , the faithful Ministers tell you this , and every line in the Scripture tells you that unless you do beleeve , unless you do repent , unless you be regenerate , and become new creatures in some measure ▪ you shall be damned with all the Devils in Hell , as sure as God lives in Heaven , Iohn 3. 3. 36. and before next May day some of you may ; yea it may be before next Christmas : and when men are serious be not you light and vain , I am upon damnation , and preaching damnation to the Gallants , yea and to all you careless Gallants in general , that are now in Hide-Park , in the midst of all your Gold and Glory , bravery and brave delights of the day , that ye remember the night wherein no manocan work , as Christ speaks Iohn 9. keywords: alwaies; bed; beleeve; beleeving; best; better; blood; body; books; brave; business; children; christ; christian; church; cry; damned; david; day; death; delights; devil; divine; doth; dye; earth; end; eternity; father; fine; friends; gallants; glories; glory; god; gods; golden; good; grace; great; greatest; hands; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; hide; home; honour; iohn; isa; jesus; joyes; ladies; lady; late; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; lusts; lye; man; men; mercy; mind; money; mrs; near; new; old; onely; park; peace; pleasures; poor; psal; rest; rich; sad; saints; saith; scarce; self; selves; servant; sick; sinners; sins; son; soul; spirit; sun; text; thee; things; thou; thousands; thy; time; trial; true; ungodly; unto; want; way; world; worst; yea; years; young cache: A28348.xml plain text: A28348.txt item: #3 of 21 id: A35274 author: Cary, Mary. title: The resurrection of the witnesses and Englands fall from (the mystical Babylon) Rome clearly demonstrated to be accomplished, whereby great encouragement is administred to all saints, but especially to the saints in England, in the handling of a part of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation / by M. Cary ... date: 1648.0 words: 46818 flesch: 67 summary: When Saints doe most diligently observe the works which God brings to passe , according to what he hath pre-declared in his word ; then do they most answer the end , for which God did before reveal these things , which was that he might be admired and magnified by his people , in bringing all things to passe according to his word , shewing that he is God alone : for none else can declare things to come , as the eternal God doth . What cause have Saints now to admire , and extoll that rich Grace of God , that is extended to them herein ? keywords: able; act; affliction; angel; apostle; appears; authority; babylon; beast; beast hath; bishops; blessed; bloud; bodies; book; cast; cause; chapter; christ; church; city; clear; condition; confidence; daies; day; dead; deduction; desire; discourse; doe; doth; duty; earth; encouragement; end; enemies; enemy; england; evident; fallen; father; fear; feet; fire; flesh; foot; forth; frequent; gentiles; gifts; god; goe; good; grace; great; ground; half; hand; hath; heads; hearing; heaven; hee; high; holy; horns; instruments; jerusalem; jesus; jesus christ; john; kingdome; kings; knowledge; life; like; long; lord; love; low; man; manner; means; measure; men; minde; mouth; mysticall; nations; number; old; parliament; particular; passages; passe; people; persons; place; pope; power; praier; precious; prevail; prophesie; prophets; quake; reading; reason; rejoyce; revelation; righteous; rome; rule; sackcloth; saints; saith; scripture; second; secrets; servants; speciall; spirit; spirituall; temple; tenth; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; threescore; thy; time; title; troden; true; truth; verse; warre; waters; way; wicked; wisdome; witnesses; woman; word; work; worship; years cache: A35274.xml plain text: A35274.txt item: #4 of 21 id: A36273 author: Dole, Dorcas. title: Once more a warning to thee O England but more particularly to the inhabitants of the city of Bristol. date: 1683.0 words: 7225 flesch: 31 summary: The Law of the Spirit of Life which Christ Jesus our Lord is setting up in the Hearts of his People , is beyond the outward Law ; for thereby he purifieth the Conscience , and makes it void of Offence towards God & Man ; & it is beyond the Law of Moses ( which the Jews appeared so strickt for ) which was Gods Ordinance in its time , till Christ came ( who is full of Grace and Truth ) to put an end to Sin , and finish Transgression , and bring in everlasting Righteousness , and set up his everlasting Government in his People , of which there is to be no end ; and those that do live under his Government , can do no less then Fear God , and Honour the King ; giving unto God that which is his , and to the King that which is his ; but as pertaining to the Conscience , it is the King of Heavens Prerogative alone , to sit upon his 〈◊〉 in every one of our Hearts , and to rule and reign there , and to lead and guide us in his Counsel , that after we have obeyed him in all his Commandments , he may bring us unto Glory ; and therefore we dare not bow to any other Worship , but the Spiritual Worship that Jesus spake of to the Woman of Samaria , ( when he found her out there in her Ignorance , by Jacobs O therefore you that have any tenderness for your own Souls ; prize your time , and the day of Gods Love to your Immortal Souls , lest the Midnight Cry overtake you at unawares , in the Night of Apostacy , before you come to own and submit to the Ministration of Condemnation against Sin , which is glorious in its time , here is the strait and narrow way , that is hard to that Birth that lives in Sin , therefore this is the strait way that Christ spoke of , that all must walk in that come to know the Ministration of Justification in the sight of God , which is far more glorious in its time ; those who thus come to receive and submit to Gods Visitation , the way that was once strait and narrow , doth become a Path of Pleasantness to them , and all his ways peace to that Birth which Christ spoke of to Nicodemus , which is of his own nature ; and he that is begotten and brought forth in his Heavenly Divine Nature , as the Scripture saith in 1 John 3. 9. keywords: body; bristol; cause; christ; day; earth; eebo; england; english; everlasting; eyes; friends; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; image; inhabitants; jesus; law; life; living; lord; love; man; men; mercy; moses; nation; outward; people; power; prison; prophets; rest; righteousness; room; scriptures; sin; souls; tcp; text; thee; time; true; truth; way; wicked; witness; works; worship cache: A36273.xml plain text: A36273.txt item: #5 of 21 id: A36389 author: Eleanor, Lady, d. 1652. title: And without proving what we say, but as saying and doing, which are two, like to a cypher alone ... date: 1648.0 words: 1221 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A36389 of text R40381 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing D1968). And without proving what we say, but as saying and doing, which are two, like to a cypher alone: and of more concernment these three witness Douglas, Eleanor, Lady 1648 863 0 0 0 0 2 0 232 F The rate of 232 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the F category of texts with 100 or more defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a36389; books; cypher; d1968; early; eleanor; english; hand; holy; images; iudges; lady; like; octob; online; r40381; saying; tcp; text; wing; witness cache: A36389.xml plain text: A36389.txt item: #6 of 21 id: A36423 author: Eleanor, Lady, d. 1652. title: The revelation interpreted by the La. Eleanor. date: 1646.0 words: 1932 flesch: 75 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A36423 of text R37763 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing D2009). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A36423) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 105780) keywords: a36423; beast; bee; books; deadly; dragon; early; eleanor; english; faction; george; great; heads; hee; horns; lady; like; man; power; revelation; saint; sea; text; time; verse; vvhere; wing; yeare cache: A36423.xml plain text: A36423.txt item: #7 of 21 id: A39271 author: Ellis, Edward, lover of peace and purity. title: A sudden and cloudy messenger, with glimpses of great joy to the Israel of God declaring the hastning of that day of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus in his saints, tending to a deliverance from spiritual and temporal captivity ... / by a lover of peace and purity, though appearing so terrible and dreadfull, Edward Ellis. date: 1649.0 words: 13341 flesch: 72 summary: Zion heard and was glad , and the Daughters of Judah rejoyced because of thy Judgements , O Lord , Psal. 107. 42. A sudden and cloudy messenger, with glimpses of great joy to the Israel of God declaring the hastning of that day of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus in his saints, tending to a deliverance from spiritual and temporal captivity ... / keywords: army; beam; behold; breakings; building; christ; churches; city; cloudy; comming; cry; darknesse; day; dayes; earth; edward; ellis; enemies; england; glorious; glory; god; great; hand; hath; heart; high; hosts; isa; israel; jesus; joy; kingdome; land; life; light; london; long; lord; lord god; lord jesus; man; men; need; ones; peace; people; persons; poore; possible; power; prophesie; prophets; psal; pure; resurrection; saints; scattering; scriptures; selves; set; sorrow; spirituall; strength; strong; temple; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; voice; watchmen; way; wicked; wise; words; world; yea; zech cache: A39271.xml plain text: A39271.txt item: #8 of 21 id: A42011 author: Greene, Thomas, 1634?-1699. title: A trumpet sounded out of Zion as a warning to all the inhabitants of the earth, but more especially to this nation of England, which hath for a long time provoked the Lord by oppression and cruelty in persecuting his sons and daughters ... date: 1662.0 words: 2839 flesch: 60 summary: Ah! the end will be bitter , Sorrow is coming upon you , and Pain as a Woman in travel , anguish and trouble of Spirit shall take hold of you , Fear and the Pit shall be your Portion , and everlasting Contempt shall come upon those who hate the Light , which the Lord hath given to be a leader , and to be salvation to the ends of the Earth ; and all you that will not that he should reign in the Hearts of People , are Enemies to Him ; therefore come unto Him that ye may be broken , for if he fall on you , you will be ground to powder ; for it 's He that saves from Sin , and appeaseth the Fathers Wrath , and reconciles lost man to God , who is come a Light into the World , that all men through Him might believe and be saved ; in whom none can believe but they that come to know him to be the Author of their Faith ; for he is the Author and the Finisher , the First and the Last , which was dead and is alive , and lives for evermore . Therefore tremble ye careless Ones , and be troubled you that are at ease , cloath your selves with Mourning , and take up a Lamentation ye proud Ones of the Earth ; come down from the Mountains of Pride , ye high and lofty Ones , and abhor your selves in Dust and Ashes ; Oh! return , return , make hast and speedily repent , before the Door of Mercy be shut , and you be sealed up in Perdition for ever , for the Lord hath long strove with you , but ye have not turned unto him , but have rushed into Iniquity as a Horse into the Battle , and have erred from his pure Spirit , which hath often reproved you , which would have led you in the Way of Life , and the Path of Peace ; and ye have hated the reproof of Instruction , which is the Way of Life , and have chose the Path that leads to the chambers of Death . keywords: books; characters; cruelty; daughters; day; early; earth; eebo; england; english; god; hath; light; long; lord; nation; ones; online; oppression; partnership; people; phase; return; selves; spirit; tcp; tei; text; time; warning; work cache: A42011.xml plain text: A42011.txt item: #9 of 21 id: A45380 author: Hammond, Charles, 17th cent. title: Englnads [sic] alarum-bell to be rung in the eares of all true Christians, to awaken them out of dead sleep of sin and securitie, that they may arme themselves by prayer and repentance, and seek the Lord while he may be found, before the evill day commeth / written by Charles Hammond. date: 1652.0 words: 3874 flesch: 66 summary: Was sin ever at a greater height then it is now at this time in our Land ? and the more God strives to humble us by his judgments & afflictions , ye more do we presume in sin : what sins is there in ye Scriptures to be pronounc'd against , but we are guilty of ? what Nation under ye sun doth more abound in iniquity thē we do , & especially now of late times ? and briefly , these foure sins which I shall name , are like four Load-stones , to draw down ye heavy wrath of God upon us ; that is , Pride , Coveteousnes , Blasphemy , and Drūkēnes ; & indéed Pride & Coveteousnes are ring-leaders of most sins under ye sun : Pride was one of the chief sins of Sodom . The last sin which I have to name : for indéed 't is not for me to number , nor to reckon all the severall sins of this Nation , for I think we exceed Sodom & Gomorrah in our wickednes ; only I have toucht these four sins , as namely , Pride , Covetousnes , Blasphemy , & Drunkennes , which is the foure crying sins of this Nation : my Alarum-Bell rings loud in the ears of all those that loves ye sin of Drunkennesse : sée what ye Lord saith by the mouth of his Prophet Joel , 1.5 . keywords: alarum; bell; charles; christians; day; dead; desire; doth; earth; eclipse; evill; glory; god; great; hammond; hath; indéed; israel; land; lord; men; nation; people; pride; repentance; rung; saith; sin; sins; sun; text; thē; things; thou; times; true; ye lord cache: A45380.xml plain text: A45380.txt item: #10 of 21 id: A64256 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. title: Gods controversie with England declared, or, A warning-word by way of reproof to the inhabitants thereof ... date: 1661.0 words: 2098 flesch: 61 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A64256) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 100759) For thus saith the Lord , I will Overturn , Overturn , until you wicked and profane multitude be no more ; Even until you , O People , whose ears are wholy shut against the good be consumed and brought to nothing : For your Iniquities do burden my Righteous soul , saith God , and Sodom was not more grievous to me than you are . keywords: books; characters; controversie; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; god; good; image; lord; online; oxford; partnership; people; phase; saith; soul; tcp; tei; text; things; thou; way; wicked; works; xml cache: A64256.xml plain text: A64256.txt item: #11 of 21 id: A66683 author: Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. title: The breaking of the day of God wherein, four things are manifested : I. That the two witnesses are not in ki[ll]ing, but in rising from death, II. The three dayes and half, or 42. months of the saints captivity under the beast, very near expired, III. Christ hath begun to reign in his saints, and to tread their corrupt flesh under his feet, IIII. Christs dominion over the nations of the world, near the approach / by Gerrard VVinstanley. date: 1649.0 words: 39734 flesch: 78 summary: Now this seed of the woman shall break the Serpents head : for God the Father hath engaged himself , to subdue the Serpents power under the feet of S●●nts , as well as under the feet of Christ , he and they being but one body , one man , one branch , one Vine , one Son of God ; being but one in respect of the unity of spirit , and one in respect of the unity of flesh : after their iniquity is purged as it must be , God being Christs God , and their God ; Christs Father , and their Father . But I be●●●● that those that live in the time of the new Testament , while the little horn-beast and whorish spirit , had a ruling power allowed him of God ( though I mention three names , yet they are all one enemy to Christ ) I conceive ( I say ) that these are they to whom God hath given power to prophesie in sack-cloth one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes . keywords: acknowledge; act; actings; angels; anointed; anointing; appearance; authority; babylon; bear; beast; bodies; body; captivity; chap; christ; church; city; cloth; cloud; comfort; common; conceive; corrupt; dan; daniel; darknes; dayes; dead; death; deceived; discoveries; doe; doth; dragon; dwell; earth; ecclesiasticall; end; enemies; envy; experience; faithfull; false; father; feet; finished; fire; flesh; foot; forth; gentiles; glory; god; gods; good; great; half; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; himselfe; holy; honour; house; humane; inventions; jesus; jesus christ; john; joy; killing; kingdom; kings; lamb; law; lawes; liberty; lie; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; magistracy; magistrates; man; manifest; mat; men; mens; mind; months; moses; mouth; mystery; nations; number; onely; particular; peace; people; pit; points; policy; power; prophesie; prophet; reign; rest; rev; righteousnes; river; rule; sack; saints; saith; saith god; second; seed; self; serpent; set; shew; sinners; son; soul; spirit; stand; street; strength; tenth; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; time; true; truth; vision; water; way; wisdom; witnesses; woe; woman; words; work; world; worship; years; ● ● cache: A66683.xml plain text: A66683.txt item: #12 of 21 id: A74677 author: Heydon, John, b. 1629. title: Eugenius Theodidactus. The prophetical trumpeter sounding an allarum to England illustrating the fate of Great Britain, past, present, and to come. Such wonderful things to happen these seven yeers following, as have not been heard of heretofore. A celestial vision. VVith a description of heaven and heavenly things, motives to pacifie Gods threatned wrath: of a bloody, fiery way of the day of judgment, and of saints and angels. / Sung in a most heavenly hymn, to the great comfort of all good Christians, by the Muses most unworthy, John Heydon, gent. philomat. date: 1655.0 words: 42493 flesch: 68 summary: A subtile cheating crew ( That wil with tricks and cozenages pursue The simpler sort ) shal here encrease their breed ; And in their subtilties the Fox exceed . At first appearance , shal be urg'd to say Some word or other , ere they part away , Which wil betray their innocence to blame , And bring upon them detriment and shame : keywords: abide; able; act; affirm; afford; age; alwaies; angels; annoy; apostles; author; beams; bear; beautious; beauty; begin; better; bin; birth; blame; blessed; blessing; blest; blind; bliss; blood; body; bold; book; bread; bright; bring; britain; build; calling; canaan; care; cause; certain; change; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; citie; city; clear; coelestial; cold; colour; comfort; common; compass; conscience; constant; content; corruption; counsel; countrey; courage; course; crimes; crown; cry; danger; darkness; day; dayes; dear; death; declare; deep; delight; depart; desire; desolation; devour; dire; divine; doctrine; dost; doth; doubt; drink; dwel; e're; earth; earthly; effect; elect; encrease; end; endless; endure; england; english; ere; errors; eternall; eternity; ev'n; ev'ry; evil; exercise; express; eyes; face; fair; faith; faithful; fall; false; far; fate; father; fear; fed; feed; feet; fields; fil; fire; firm; fit; flesh; flock; flow; foes; fold; follies; folly; food; foolish; fore; forth; foul; foundation; frame; free; friends; fruit; ful; furious; gain; gates; gifts; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; golden; good; grace; great; greater; green; ground; habitation; halfe; hand; happy; hast; hate; hath; head; hearers; heart; heav'nly; heav'ns; heaven; heed; height; hel; help; heydon; high; hold; holy; honour; hope; hot; house; ill; infinite; iohn; jerusalem; jesus; jews; john; joy; joyes; judge; judgment; kind; king; kingdome; know; knowledge; lamb; land; large; late; law; leave; left; length; life; like; line; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; lustre; mad; majesty; making; man; mark; means; measure; meat; meet; men; mercies; mercy; merit; mighty; mind; mischiefs; muse; mysteries; names; nation; nay; need; nere; new; nigh; noble; non; nought; number; o lord; oft; outward; pass; past; path; people; perfect; perfection; persons; pieces; pious; place; plagues; plain; pleasant; pleasure; poor; possess; power; practise; praise; preaching; precious; presence; present; priests; princely; princes; profession; profit; prophets; proud; pure; purest; pursue; quakers; rare; ready; reason; reign; religion; respect; rest; return; rich; righteousness; river; roman; ruine; run; sacred; saints; sake; salvation; satan; saviour; scorn; sea; seat; self; selves; sense; set; shal; shame; sheep; shew; sight; signes; signifie; sin; sins; sion; sit; songs; soul; sound; soveraign; specious; spirit; spring; stand; stars; state; stay; stead; stil; stones; storms; strange; strength; strong; sun; suppose; sweet; teachers; tel; temporall; text; thee; thine; things; thirst; thou; thought; threatned; throne; thunder; thy; thy god; times; tongue; treasure; tree; true; trust; truth; unworthy; vain; vile; vision; voice; vve; vvhat; vvhen; vvhich; vvho; vvhose; vvith; wait; wall; wander; want; wanton; warrant; water; way; weak; wealth; wel; whereof; white; wicked; wickedness; wil; wilful; wilt; wisdome; wise; word; work; worldly; worlds; worse; worship; wrath; yea; yeers; zeal cache: A74677.xml plain text: A74677.txt item: #13 of 21 id: A76695 author: Biddle, Ester. title: Wo to thee city of Oxford ... date: 1655.0 words: 2537 flesch: 45 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A76695 of text R212296 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B2867). [London : 1655] Title begins first line of text. keywords: a76695; art; biddle; christ; city; cometh; darkness; day; english; eternal; god; jesus; life; light; lord; oxford; repent; text; thee; thou; thy; time; ways; wicked; wickedness; wing; witness; world cache: A76695.xml plain text: A76695.txt item: #14 of 21 id: A77422 author: Grebner, Paul. title: A brief description of the future history of Europe, from Anno 1650 to An. 1710. Treating principally of those grand and famous mutations yet expected in the world, as, the ruine of the Popish hierarchy, the final annihilation of the Turkish Empire, the conversion of the eastern and western Jews, and their restauration to their ancient inheritance in the Holy Land, and the Fifth Monarchie of the universall reign of the Gospel of Christ upon Earth. With principal passages upon every of these, out of that famous manuscript of Paul Grebner, extant in Trinity-Colledge Library in Cambridge. Composed upon the occasion of the young Kings arrival into Scotland, to shew what will in probability be the event of the present affairs in England and Scotland. date: 1650.0 words: 24894 flesch: 63 summary: Grave and judicious Authours have with wonder and admiration observed the heavenly and inimitable Method of holy Scrjptures , how all the Mysteries and memorable Occurrences in the same are comprized in Numbers , how within the compasse of such a Quantity of years , God alwayes divulged his Counsels , and manifested what he purposed should be wrought among the children of men . And for those 12. years God rewarded him with 80. years of government in and over all the land of Aegypt . keywords: aegypt; agreement; ancient; annihilation; anno; anno mundi; antichrist; armenia; army; asia; aut; babel; barbarous; baudensis; beast; beginning; ben; birth; bloud; books; bowels; brethren; brief; burning; cambridge; captivity; certain; changes; chap; chapters; charles; children; christi; christians; church; cities; civil; coasts; colledge; comet; coming; common; conjunction; constantinople; conversion; converted; cruelty; daies; daniel; darknesse; david; day; death; description; destruction; devil; discourse; div; dominions; doth; downfall; dragon; dust; early; earth; eastern; eclipse; edom; effects; emperour; empire; end; enemies; england; english; estate; eternall; europe; european; excellent; extant; eyes; ezekiel; face; families; famine; famous; father; fearfull; felicity; field; fifth; finall; fire; forces; fourth; france; future; gentiles; germany; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; got; government; grand; great; grebner; haec; hands; happy; hath; head; heaven; height; high; history; holy; horrid; house; idolatry; iii; image; india; israelites; italy; jerusalem; jewish; jews; john; joseph; judea; judgement; kingdom; kingdomes; kings; lamentable; land; late; law; leo; liberty; library; life; light; like; lion; living; long; lord; luther; magog; mahomet; manifest; manuscript; massacres; matter; men; merlin; mighty; millenaries; ministers; monarchies; monarchy; moon; moses; multitude; mutations; names; nations; neverthelesse; new; non; north; northern; notes; number; occasion; old; opinions; papacy; papists; parts; passages; paul; people; persecutions; piety; place; plain; pope; popery; popish; post; power; present; prince; prophecie; prophecy; prophet; protestants; provinces; quae; qui; reasons; red; reformation; reign; religion; restauration; return; revel; roman; roman empire; rome; romish; ruine; said; saints; saith; saviour; saying; scotland; scriptures; sea; seal; second; self; set; severall; sin; small; souldiers; space; spain; stand; states; stead; subjects; sun; sword; tartaria; temple; terrible; text; thee; things; thomason; thou; thy; time; treating; tribes; trinity; troubles; true; trumpet; truth; turkish; turks; universall; vial; viz; warre; wars; way; western; wofull; wonderfull; works; world; worship; years; young cache: A77422.xml plain text: A77422.txt item: #15 of 21 id: A80764 author: R. C. (Richard Crane) title: God's zeal thundered forth, against all those magistrates, bishops, priests and people of this city of London, who have deserted their brethren in this day of sore calamity. date: None words: 1835 flesch: 59 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 172566) keywords: books; brethren; calamity; characters; city; day; early; eebo; encoding; english; god; hand; image; london; online; oxford; partnership; people; phase; tcp; tei; text; thee; time; work; yea; zeal cache: A80764.xml plain text: A80764.txt item: #16 of 21 id: A81403 author: Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688. title: To all nations, kindreds, languages, tongues, and people with your princes and rulers and all people from the highest to the lowest. This to you is the word of the Lord God. date: 1660.0 words: 1517 flesch: 64 summary: FEar God and give glory to him , for the hour of his Judgements is come , and his dreadful terrible Day will come speedily upon all Nations and People ; therefore worship him that made Heaven and Earth , and the Sea , and the Fountains of Water , and them upholds by the Word of his Power ; let his fear and dread be upon you all : People , see what acquaintance and union you have with him ; he is a God that will not be mocked , who is now coming in his pure dreadful Majesty , and glorious Almighty Power , to break down and dash in pieces like a Potters Vessel all people from the highest to the lowest , from the Prince on the Throne , to the Beggar on the Dunghil , in and amongst all Nations , Kindreds , Languages , Tongues , and People , who put the Day of the Lord God afar off , and live without the knowledge of the onely true God in this world , serving an unknown God in the ignorance of your minds , and in Traditions ; worshipping you know not what , and walking every one in your own wayes , doing your own works , which leads to satisfie the flesh in the lusts thereof : All which is abomination to the onely true and ever living God , to whom you must give an account for every idle word , and all your deeds done in the body . keywords: counsel; day; earth; god; highest; kindreds; languages; light; lord; lowest; nations; people; sin; text; tongues; true; wayes; word cache: A81403.xml plain text: A81403.txt item: #17 of 21 id: A85476 author: Gotherson, Daniel. title: An alarm to all priests, judges, magistrates, souldiers, and all people; inviting them to repentance and amendment of life : for the great day of the Lord is neer at hand / the substrance of most of this disourse was by several revelations from the spirit of the Lord, given unto the author to be proclaimed: who is known unto many by the name of Daniel Gotherson. : Wherein Tho. Danson, a priest in Sandwich, is proved a deceiver of souls. date: 1660.0 words: 51349 flesch: 50 summary: The man Christ Jesus told the woman of Samaria , Woman , the time is coming and now is , that neither in Jerusalem nor in this mountain shall men worship the Father ; but they that worship him , shall worship him in spirit & in truth , for the Father seeks such to worship him : by these words as also , Luk. 17. 21. Joh. 4. 45. the son of man declares that both outward forms , customs , and types of Moses worship under that ministration at Jerusalem , likewise all forms , and customs , and types of this ministration of himself , as the Lamb held forth at a distance to be our Mediator , should all cease , and give way to the spiritual worship of the Father in the latter days , or to the spreading of the Divine power in men ; the one Law of righteousness being the Teacher of all : so that upon the rising up of Christ in sons and daughters , which is his second coming , the ministration of Christ in one single person is to be silent and draw back , and set the spreading power of righteousness and wisdom in the chair , of whose kingdom there shall be no end : so as all things were gone out from the Spirit , and were gone astray , and corrupted : the Spirit in this great mystery of truth being manifested in the flesh , burns up that dross out of the Creation , and draws in all things again back into himself , and declares himself to be the alone wisdom and power of righteousness , that rules , dwells , that governs and preserves both in and over the whole Creation , 2 Cor. 5. 19. 1 Cor. 5. 24. and now the Son delivers up the Kingdom to God the Father ; and he that is the spreading power , not one single person , become all in all in every person , that is the one King of righteousness in every one . And therefore , dear Friends and People , all be kept lovv in the fear of God at all times , and learn of Christ to be meek and lovvly , that you may find rest unto your souls ; and consider , that the onely thing is to fear God , and keep his Commandments ; for they that hath the Commandments , and keepeth them , dvvelleth in Christ , and Christ in them : and much reading is a vveariness to the flesh : here the end of all is , To fear God , and keep his Commandments ; this is the vvhole duty of man : for he that manifests his faith by being obedient , he shall live for ever : for the Kingdome of God consisteth not in vvords , but in life and povver , vvhich is righteousness ; and that procureth true peace , such peace as men and Devils can never take from you : and so vvalking in this peace , the God of love and peace vvill be vvith you to the end . keywords: able; abraham; act; almighty; anointing; apostles; behold; believe; blessed; blind; blood; body; bondage; bread; brethren; cast; chief; children; christ; christ jesus; come; cometh; coming; commandments; creatures; darkness; david; day; dayes; dead; dear; death; delight; desire; devils; divine; doctrine; doings; doth; dwell; earth; end; enemies; england; epistle; everlasting; evil; experience; eyes; fall; false; father; fear; feet; fire; flesh; forms; free; friends; fruit; fulness; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; high; holiness; holy; hope; house; iniquity; inward; israel; jacob; jerusalem; jesus; joh; joy; judgement; judges; justice; keepeth; kept; king; kingdom; know; knowledge; lamb; law; laws; lay; learned; lies; life; light; like; little; living; long; lord; lord god; lord jesus; lord thy; love; lusts; magistrates; man; man christ; manifest; manner; marks; measure; men; mighty; minde; ministers; ministration; moses; mouth; mystery; nation; nature; new; old; onely; ones; paul; peace; people; perfect; person; places; poor; portion; power; priests; prince; prophets; proud; pure; reason; reign; repent; rest; resurrection; righteousness; rule; sad; said; saints; saith; saith christ; salvation; satan; saviour; scriptures; seed; self; selves; set; shame; shew; sin; single; sins; sion; son; sons; soul; souldiers; spirit; spreading; strength; sword; tcp; teacher; temple; terrible; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thy; thy god; time; tree; true; truth; turn; tythes; vers; vine; voice; vvhen; vvhich; vvill; wait; walk; water; way; ways; wicked; wisdom; wise; witness; woman; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wrath; year cache: A85476.xml plain text: A85476.txt item: #18 of 21 id: A91831 author: Rigge, Ambrose, 1635?-1705. title: To all the hireling priests in England. date: 1659.0 words: 1766 flesch: 65 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A91831) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 172701) Oh! ye seed of evil-doers ; How can you escape the damnation of Hell ? How often have you perverted the right way of the Lord ? Gods sword is drawn against you , and the stroke of it is near to fall upon you , you have long made your selves as fat Horses , with that which you have got by deceit and fraudelity , that your eyes hath stood out with fatness this many years ; but now the time of your calamity draws near , wherein you shall be fed with Judgement and wrath from the Almighty , for the curse shall enter into your houses , where your ill-gotten goods lieth , and shall destroy them with the stones thereof , and with the timber thereof , and as you have laid upon your beds of ease long , so shall you be cast upon the bed of endless torment , for your abominations hath reached to Heaven , and hath long grieved the Most High , your wilful transgressions cannot be numbred , for as troops of robbers wait for a man , so have you murthered in the way by consent , for you have committed much lewdness , and have compelled others to do it also , that would not ; And how many widows houses have you devoured ? keywords: a91831; ambrose; books; early; england; english; gods; like; long; lord; mercy; online; pit; priests; r1494; rigge; selves; text; time; way; wing cache: A91831.xml plain text: A91831.txt item: #19 of 21 id: A93356 author: Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. title: The lamb and his day proclaimed date: None words: 1172 flesch: 64 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A93356 of text R43749 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing S4065). 47 D The rate of 47 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a93356; books; darkness; day; early; earth; end; english; god; hearts; lamb; life; men; online; text; wing; world cache: A93356.xml plain text: A93356.txt item: #20 of 21 id: A93357 author: Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. title: The lamb and his day proclaimed [by] H.S. date: 1661.0 words: 1917 flesch: 57 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A93357) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 151347) keywords: books; characters; darkness; day; early; earth; eebo; encoding; english; god; gods; image; lamb; life; light; love; online; oxford; partnership; phase; sin; tcp; tei; text; world; xml cache: A93357.xml plain text: A93357.txt item: #21 of 21 id: A96341 author: D. W. (Dorothy White) title: The voice of the Lord, saith, cry. date: 1662.0 words: 2233 flesch: 55 summary: eng Judgment of God. Behold thick Darkness hath covered you , and the Clouds of the Night hath infolded you , and your Eyes are yet blinded , that you cannot see the Signes of the Times , nor yet discern the Coming of the Son of Man ; surely , if you did but see the glimerings of the day of God , you would not thus make War against his glorious appearance : A Lamentation could I take up for you , as the Lord Jesus did over Jerusalem of old , who killed the Prophets , who stoned them that were sent to Preach Repentance , over whom he wept and said , Oh Jerusalem , Jerusalem ! that killest the Prophets , and stonest them that were sent unto thee ; do you not do the same , who are Halling and Persecuting , and Imprisoning the innocent People , who fear the Lord God , and for no other thing do Suffer for , but for Truth , and for Righteousness sake ; a woful Day is coming upon you all from the righteous God of Heaven , who hath determined to bring it , and it is even at your doors , although you will not believe it , although it be declared unto you ; keywords: books; characters; coming; cry; day; dorothy; early; earth; eebo; encoding; english; god; great; hath; image; lord; online; oxford; partnership; phase; power; rulers; tcp; tei; text; truth; white; works; xml cache: A96341.xml plain text: A96341.txt