item: #1 of 8 id: A03325 author: Higgins, John, fl. 1570-1602, attributed name. title: An ansvvere to master William Perkins, concerning Christs descension into Hell: By John Higins date: 1602.0 words: 9140 flesch: 84 summary: And the very same worde ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) in this text , must needes haue this sense , i. his soule or person was not left in graue For Peter makes an opposition betweene the graue into which David is shut vp , & the hell , out of which Christ was delivered . 31. IOHN HIGINS The word ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) i. soule in these places alleadged Act. 2. 27. 31. cannot signifie the body of Christ , as shal appeare in this page . keywords: bee; body; christ; death; exposition; god; graue; hee; hell; higins; soule; text; thou cache: A03325.xml plain text: A03325.txt item: #2 of 8 id: A04195 author: Jackson, Thomas, 1579-1640. title: A treatise of the holy catholike faith and Church Diuided into three bookes. By Thomas Iackson Dr. in Diuinitie, chaplaine to his Maiestie in ordinarie, and vicar of Saint Nicolas Church in the towne of Newcastle vpon Tyne. The first booke. date: 1627.0 words: 58566 flesch: 54 summary: Church -- Early works to 1800. Of this my desire , & of my best respect vnto your selfe , and to your Noble Lady , I haue no better token for the present , then this Treatise of the holy Catholike Faith and Church . keywords: againe; apostles; argument; authority; bee; beleeue; betweene; body; cap; case; catholike church; catholike faith; christian; christs church; church; church bee; church doth; church militant; church representatiue; church triumphant; churches; death; doctrine; doe; earth; english; est; euery; faith; forme; generall; god; gods; good; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; holy catholike; ierusalem; kingdome; law; lawes; life; liue; man; manner; members; men; new; non; place; points; pope; power; primitiue church; reason; respect; rome; romish church; rule; sense; spirit; spirituall; themselues; time; truth; vnion; vniuersall church; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; wee; word church cache: A04195.xml plain text: A04195.txt item: #3 of 8 id: A04585 author: Johnson, Thomas, minister of Woolborough. title: Stand up to your beliefe, or, A combat betweene Satan tempting, and A Christian triumphing in the comfort of the Creed. By Tho. Iohnson. a. preach. of WolBorrow in Devon. 1640 date: 1640.0 words: 1825 flesch: 95 summary: Thou joy'st in vaine , from him sinne puts thee asunder , y Ch. Both sinne and sinfull men he z suffer'd under , Sa. In mee 's the sinne , in God is y the forgivenesse And here my never ending joy begins , To know that hee 's the pardoner of sinnes , Hee 'l therefore take mee to his high protection When the last trumpe shall sound z the resurrection Void sinne and Sathan both , my soule why load ye With desperate words ? this temple of the body Wherein corruption now and sinne is rife * Shall come to perfect glory a and the life Not such vaine earthly life which still is wasting , But that blest life of Heaven that 's b everlasting . keywords: rom; text; thou; thy cache: A04585.xml plain text: A04585.txt item: #4 of 8 id: A58134 author: Rawlet, John, 1642-1686. title: An explication of the Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer with the addition of some forms of prayer / by John Rawlet ... date: 1672.0 words: 20975 flesch: 79 summary: Q. To whom do we owe the praise of any good thing wrought in us or performed by us ? A. To the Spirit of God , who works in us both to will and to do . Q. What are we taught in the second Commandment ? A. The second Commandment teacheth us to worship God according to his own appointment , and to take special heed that we make not any image or picture of him ; nor give religious worship to an Image , upon any pretence whatsoever . keywords: christ; church; day; god; good; holy; ioh; love; prayer; rom; sins; thee; thou; thy; world cache: A58134.xml plain text: A58134.txt item: #5 of 8 id: A60585 author: Smith, Thomas, 1638-1710. title: A sermon concerning the doctrine, unity, and profession of the Christian faith preached before the University of Oxford : to which is added an appendix concerning the Apostles Creed / by Tho. Smith ... date: 1682.0 words: 14526 flesch: 53 summary: Nusquam transferentes regulam , neque errantes ab artifice , neque abjicientes fidem — This rule of Faith is called somewhere by him , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or little body or System of Articles , containing the sum and substance of the Christian Religion . Now , because Christ did not leave behind him a System or Body of Articles in Writing , ( most of which refer to himself , that is , as well to that wonderful 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or Dispensation and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , as the Greek Fathers call it , and so comprehending his Conception and Birth , and the several Acts of his Life , and his last Sufferings ; as that He was Conceived by the Holy Ghost , Born of a pure and spotless Virgin , did such and such stupendious Miracles , Suffered by way of Atonement and Expiation for the Sins of the whole World ; rose again from the Dead , and ascended Bodily into Heaven , and the like , as to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or transcendent Excellencies of the Divine Nature ; as that He is the only Begotten Son of God , Begotten of the Father before all Worlds , and God of the same Substance with the Father , and the like , which were to be the Fundamentals of his Religion ) but left the business of propagating a Church , which he had Founded by his Blood , to his Apostles , to them we are to have recourse , o as to the Infallible Relators of his Mind and Will. keywords: ages; apostles; apostolical; articles; cap; catholick; christ; christian; christianity; church; communion; council; creed; doctrine; est; faith; form; general; god; lib; new; non; profession; qui; religion; scripture; text; things; times; unity; world cache: A60585.xml plain text: A60585.txt item: #6 of 8 id: A70809 author: Palmer, Herbert, 1601-1647. title: An endeavovr of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Lords prayer, and the Sacraments, plaine and easie tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories, and for the making triall also of their understandings, who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that which they doe conceive. date: 1644.0 words: 16196 flesch: 94 summary: How fit it is to perform this , though thy own expe●●ce will best inform thee , if thou be pleased to make triall of it toward any thou hast care of , yet thou maist partly conceive , if thou wilt take along with thee the reason of the composition of it in this forme , and the drift aimed at by the Author , which will also direct thee to make right use of it . Now the God of all wisdome & grace , who hath graciously promised , that under the kingdom of Christ the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the ●●ord , ●s the waters cover the sea , and particularly that all our children shall be taught of him : von ●safe for Iesus Christs sake , and through him our great Prophet his blessing , as upon all other means used by any , so upon these weak indeavours of his 〈◊〉 thiest servant , that by them , thou ( whoever thou art ) that thinkest good to attempt the making use of them , maist for thyselfe and thine , si●de some help toward the more easie overcoming the conceited inseparable difficulty of making those that are not book learn'd ( as the phrase is ) attain to any measure of understanding in matters of Religion , so as both thou and they may be both the more willing and able to teach and to learn , untill we all com● to the blessed persection promised , when there shall be no more need of teaching every man hi , neighbour , and every man his brother , saying , Know the Lord , because all shall know him from the least to the greatest : comming all in the unity of 〈◊〉 , and of the knowledge of the Son of God , unto a perfect man , unto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ . keywords: christ; doth; god; gods; grace; hath; man; psal; sin; sins; things; ● ● cache: A70809.xml plain text: A70809.txt item: #7 of 8 id: A79808 author: City of London (England). Court of Common Council attributed name. title: The cities X commandements, commanded to be read in all churches, by Mr L. Warner and the Common Councell. date: 1648.0 words: 1350 flesch: 70 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A79808 of text R210812 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.11[133]). l. on that day thou shalt doe no manner of work , thou nor thy sonne , nor thy daughter , for we have entred that day into the Kalendar , and command it to bee kept holy . keywords: common; text; thou; warner cache: A79808.xml plain text: A79808.txt item: #8 of 8 id: A91463 author: Elsynge, Henry, 1598-1654, attributed name. title: The Parliaments X. commandements. date: 1648.0 words: 1031 flesch: 75 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A91463 of text R210764 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.11[121]). [Elsynge, Henry] 1648 679 4 0 0 0 0 0 59 D The rate of 59 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: -early; text; thou cache: A91463.xml plain text: A91463.txt