This is an automatically generated bibliography describing the content of this study carrel.
- 2562
- author: Aristophanes
- title: The Clouds
- date: None
- words: 15444
- flesch: 92
- summary: But I would reply, that old men are boys twice over, and that it is the more reasonable that the old should weep than the young, inasmuch as it is less just that they should err. Strep. Strep.
- keywords: able; account; air; amyn; amynias; argument; better; boy; cause; chaerephon; cho; clever; clouds; come; day; days; desire; dis; door; earth; excellent; exit; father; fellow; fine; gods; good; great; horses; house; interest; jove; jupiter; justice; law; length; like; little; long; look; man; matter; means; men; mind; money; moon; nature; nay; new; night; old; open; order; pas; pasias; person; phid; phidippides; place; possible; present; rain; reason; sacred; shop; sleep; soc; socrates; son; strep; strepsiades; suit; things; thinking; thou; thought; thunder; time; tongue; turn; unhappy; unj; unjust; voice; way; willing; wisdom; wise; witness; words; worse; wretch; yea; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 2571
- author: Aristophanes
- title: Peace
- date: None
- words: 16023
- flesch: 88
- summary: TRYGAEUS Come, my dear friend, come and accept my kisses. TRYGAEUS Come, beetle, home, home, and let us fly on a swift wing.
- keywords: alas; allusion; altar; aristophanes; athenians; athens; attic; aye; b.c; battle; beetle; breastplate; care; celebrated; chorus; chorus oh; city; cleon; cleonymus; country; crest; cursed; daughter; day; dear; death; earth; expedition; f(1; f(2; f(3; father; feast; festivals; fields; figs; fine; fire; folk; friend; goddess; gods; good; great; greece; greek; ground; hands; hasten; head; heave; help; hermes; hierocles; hold; home; honour; house; hurry; husbandmen; hymenaeus; ill; joy; lamachus; little; long; longer; look; lost; love; maker; man; master; meat; men; mortals; mortar; open; peace; people; pestle; piece; play; poet; poor; prayers; quick; right; sacred; sacrifice; scoundrel; second; second servant; senate; servant; sheep; silence; son; spartans; spear; start; stones; straight; table; thee; theoria; thou; thy; time; tis; true; trygaeus; tumult; turn; twas; war; water; way; wine; wish; words; work; wretched; years; young; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 3012
- author: Aristophanes
- title: The Acharnians
- date: None
- words: 13741
- flesch: 85
- summary: Dicaeopolis, an Athenian citizen, but a native of Acharnae, one of the agricultural demes and one which had especially suffered in the Lacedaemonian invasions, sick and tired of the ill-success and miseries of the War, makes up his mind, if he fails to induce the people to adopt his policy of peace at any price, to conclude a private and particular peace of his own to cover himself, his family, and his estate. Accordingly Dicaeopolis dispatches an envoy to Sparta on his own account, who comes back presently with a selection of specimen treaties in his pocket.
- keywords: acharnians; ambassador; amphitheus; aristophanes; assembly; athenians; athens; b.c; bacchus; basket; beggar; boeotian; braggart; bridesmaid; buckler; care; cause; chorus; citizens; city; cleon; country; cup; daughter; day; days; dear; dicaeopolis; dicaeopolis slave; door; drachmae; euripides; eye; f(1; f(2; f(3; feast; fellow; fight; fine; fire; friend; garlic; general; gods; gold; good; gorgon; great; greek; ground; hah; head; heart; herald; hold; honour; house; hunger; husbandman; informer; king; lacedaemonians; lamachus; land; little; long; look; lost; man; market; means; megara; megarian; men; mother; old; open; peace; people; pigs; play; poet; poor; prytanes; pseudartabas; return; salt; scene; sea; second; slave; soldiers; son; sow; stage; stones; strangers; telephus; thee; theorus; thing; thou; time; tis; triumph; troubles; truce; truth; war; way; wee; wife; wine; wish; word; wretch; years; young
- versions: original; plain text
- 3013
- author: Aristophanes
- title: The Birds
- date: None
- words: 21622
- flesch: 85
- summary: PISTHETAERUS Take it then, and be off. PISTHETAERUS Take your flight, clear off, you miserable cur, or you will soon see what comes of quibbling and lying.
- keywords: advice; air; alcibiades; allusion; apollo; aristophanes; athenian; athens; aye; basileia; beaks; better; birds; build; children; chorus; cinesias; city; clever; cloak; clouds; cock; country; crow; cuckoo; daughter; day; dealer; dear; decrees; deme; divine; doubt; eagle; earth; epops; euelpides; f(1; f(2; f(3; father; fear; feast; feathers; fellow; fine; flying; foe; friend; general; gods; golden; good; great; greater; greek; hand; happy; head; heaven; heracles; honour; informer; inspector; iris; jay; king; kite; knowledge; land; law; laws; leave; life; lightning; like; little; long; look; lost; man; mankind; matter; meaning; means; men; messenger; meton; mortals; mother; myrtle; names; nephelococcygia; new; nightingale; olympus; omen; owl; parricide; people; phoebus; pisthetaerus; pisthetaerus aye; place; play; poet; posidon; pot; power; pretty; priest; procne; prometheus; prophet; public; purpose; quick; race; return; right; sacred; sacrifice; sceptre; scholiast; sea; servant; share; slave; son; songs; sort; splendid; stage; stew; straight; strangers; swallow; tereus; things; time; tio; tiotinx; tis; town; triballus; trochilus; tunic; twas; wall; want; war; water; way; wealth; winged; wings; winter; wish; woe; word; work; wretch; young; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 7700
- author: Aristophanes
- title: Lysistrata
- date: None
- words: 15051
- flesch: 89
- summary: _Enter LYSISTRATA_ Hail, Wonder of all women! Men say we're slippery rogues-- CALONICE And aren't they right? LYSISTRATA Yet summoned on the most tremendous business For deliberation, still they snuggle in bed.
- keywords: 1st; 3rd; academic; acropolis; advice; aesthetic; affair; allies; aphrodite; apollo; aristophanes; arms; artemis; ask; athenians; athens; battle; beauty; best; birds; bowl; calonice; case; child; children; chorus; cinesias; city; clear; cloak; close; condition; course; dance; darling; day; dear; deeper; delight; desire; doubt; drop; earth; face; far; fear; feel; fellow; fine; fire; food; force; frae; friends; girl; goddesses; gods; gold; good; great; hair; hands; hard; hellas; help; herald; high; hither; hold; home; hot; house; husband; image; joy; kiss; lampito; laughter; life; little; long; love; lysistrata; lysistrata calonice; magistrate; man; market; mind; myrrhine; need; oath; old; open; pack; peace; pity; play; point; poor; porter; possible; question; quick; ranks; reason; rest; return; right; sense; sex; shakespeare; shoulder; skin; smoke; spartans; spiritual; stand; state; strange; strip; sure; sweet; terms; thing; thou; time; tongue; turn; vain; war; water; way; wife; wild; wine; women; wool; word; work; wrong; years; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 7998
- author: Aristophanes
- title: The Frogs
- date: None
- words: 14872
- flesch: 96
- summary: Nothing else smart? DIO. Come now, that comical joke? DIO.
- keywords: advance; aeac; aesch; aeschylus; apollo; aristophanes; art; audience; aye; bad; best; better; bottle; boy; brekekekex; bull; care; char; charge; charon; chor; choral; chorus; city; clear; clever; dance; dancing; day; days; dead; dear; death; demeter; dio; dionysus; earth; eur; euripides; eyes; fair; father; fellow; fine; fire; friends; frogs; girl; god; gods; good; great; hades; hallo; hands; happy; head; heart; heaven; heracles; high; holy; hos; iacchus; joy; keen; lake; life; like; line; lion; little; long; look; lord; love; man; master; means; men; mighty; mind; muses; mystic; nay; need; noble; noblest; o'er; oil; old; plays; pluto; poet; poor; powers; prologues; pure; ready; rescue; right; scale; ships; single; slave; song; soup; stand; state; test; thee; thing; thou; thought; throng; tis; tragic; traps; true; turn; use; verse; war; way; win; wit; wits; wonderful; words; world; xan; xanthias; young; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 8688
- author: Aristophanes
- title: The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1
- date: None
- words: 89654
- flesch: 86
- summary: The drama takes its title from the Chorus, composed of old men of Acharnae. As for me, I will explain the matter to you all, children, youths, grown-ups and old men, aye, even to the decrepit dotards.
- keywords: able; account; acharnians; acropolis; agoracritus; aid; air; allies; allusion; altar; ambassador; amphitheus; amynias; ancient; answer; aphrodité; apollo; aristophanes; arms; artemis; assembly; athenian; athens; attica; audience; author; aye; b.c; bacchus; bad; barley; basket; baths; battle; bear; beetle; beggar; beginning; belly; best; better; birds; black; blessings; blood; blows; body; boeotian; bold; braggart; brave; bread; brilliant; broken; buckler; business; cake; calonicé; care; cause; celebrated; certain; character; chariot; chief; child; children; chorus; cinesias; citadel; citizens; city; cleon; cleonymus; clever; cloak; close; clouds; come; comedies; comedy; comic; common; contemporary; contrary; cooked; cost; country; courage; court; cratinus; cruel; cup; cursed; dance; date; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; decree; delight; demagogues; demeter; demos; demosthenes; desire; dicaeopolis; dionysia; dionysus; disciple; discourse; dishes; divine; dog; door; double; doubt; drachmae; drink; drive; duty; eagle; earth; easy; enemies; enemy; english; envoys; erect; escape; euripides; evil; expedition; eyes; face; fact; faith; false; family; famous; far; fate; father; favour; fear; feast; fellow; female; festivals; fields; fighting; figs; fine; finger; fire; fish; fit; fleet; flute; foe; folk; fool; force; form; fortune; free; fresh; friend; fun; gain; garlic; general; genius; glorious; glory; goddess; goddesses; gods; gold; golden; good; gorgon; grant; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; ground; habits; hail; hair; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hasten; head; heart; heave; helmet; help; heracles; herald; hermes; hero; hierocles; high; hither; hold; home; honest; honour; horses; host; hot; house; hunger; hurry; husband; husbandman; hymenaeus; hyperbolus; idea; ill; important; impossible; impudent; informer; insult; interest; introduction; island; joy; judge; justice; kind; king; knights; known; lacedaemonian; laconian; lamachus; lampito; language; laugh; law; lead; leather; left; legs; life; like; little; live; long; longer; look; loose; lost; lot; love; lying; lysistrata; mad; magistrate; maker; man; marathon; market; master; matters; meaning; means; meat; megara; megarian; men; mighty; mind; miserable; misfortune; modern; moment; money; month; moon; mortals; mortar; mother; mount; muse; myrrhiné; mysteries; names; nature; nay; near; need; new; nicias; noble; note; number; oath; obscene; offering; old; old men; open; opinion; oracle; orators; order; paean; paphlagonian; parabasis; party; pasias; pay; peace; peloponnesian; penis; people; pericles; phidippides; piece; pigs; piraeus; pity; plague; play; pleasure; pnyx; poet; point; poor; posidon; power; prayers; present; pretty; prisoners; prytanes; prytaneum; public; purpose; pylos; question; quick; rascal; ready; reason; reasoning; reply; rest; return; rich; right; rogue; ruin; rump; run; sacred; sacrifice; salt; satire; sausage; saying; scholiast; school; scoundrel; sea; second; seeing; seller; semi; senate; sense; servant; service; set; share; sheep; shield; shout; silence; single; skin; slave; small; smoke; socrates; soldiers; son; song; sons; sort; sow; sparta; spartans; speaking; spear; spectators; sphacteria; stage; stand; standing; start; statue; stone; straight; strangers; strepsiades; strike; strong; style; subject; success; suits; sure; sweet; tanner; taste; tear; teeth; temple; terms; terrible; text; thanks; thee; theoria; theorus; thing; thou; thought; thrace; threats; thrushes; thunder; thy; time; tis; tongue; tool; town; trade; tragedy; tragic; treaty; tricks; tripe; triumph; trouble; true; truth; trygaeus; tumult; turn; twas; twill; unjust; verses; victim; victory; voice; wait; walls; want; war; water; way; wee; white; wife; wild; wind; wine; wings; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; witness; woe; women; wonder; wood; word; work; wretch; wretched; wrong; years; young; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 8689
- author: Aristophanes
- title: The Eleven Comedies, Volume 2
- date: None
- words: 105749
- flesch: 87
- summary: The drama, as was very often the case, takes its title from the Chorus--a band of old men dressed up as wasps, who acrimonious, stinging, exasperated temper is meant to typify the character fostered among Athenian citizens by excessive addiction to forensic business. Why, this class of old men, if irritated, becomes as terrible as a swarm of wasps.
- keywords: able; actor; address; advice; aeacus; aeschylus; afraid; agathon; air; alcibiades; allusion; ancients; answer; aphrodité; apollo; aristophanes; armed; arms; artemis; assembly; athenian; athens; attack; attica; audience; author; aye; b.c; bacchus; bad; baggage; barbarian; bdelycleon; beard; beat; beautiful; bed; beginning; belly; best; better; beware; big; birds; black; blepsidemus; blepyrus; blind; blows; body; bottle; boy; brave; breath; broken; brother; build; business; cake; carcinus; care; cario; cause; celebrated; certain; chaplets; character; charming; charon; cheese; child; children; chorus; choruses; chremes; chremylus; cinesias; citizen; city; clear; cleonymus; clever; clisthenes; cloak; close; clothes; clouds; coax; cock; cold; come; comedy; comic; coming; command; common; condition; contest; corinth; country; courage; course; court; crime; crow; cry; cuckoo; cursed; custom; cut; dance; dancing; dark; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; dear; death; decrees; delight; deliverer; demeter; desire; devour; dicasts; dine; dionysus; dithyrambic; divine; dog; door; double; doubt; dream; dress; drink; duty; early; earth; ease; easy; effeminate; epops; escape; euelpides; euripides; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; famous; fate; father; favour; fear; feast; feed; feet; fellow; festival; fifth; fighting; figs; fine; fire; fish; flute; fly; flying; foe; folk; fool; foot; force; free; fresh; friend; frogs; fury; garlic; general; girl; glutton; goddess; goddesses; gods; golden; good; grant; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; guard; habits; hades; hail; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hasten; head; heart; heaven; heavy; heliasts; help; heracles; herald; hermes; high; hold; home; honest; honour; house; hurry; husband; idea; ill; illustrious; infamous; informer; inspector; interest; introduction; iris; journey; joy; judge; justice; kind; king; known; labour; land; language; laugh; law; laws; lawsuits; lead; leave; left; legs; life; lightning; like; line; lips; little; long; look; looking; lost; lot; love; lovers; lyre; mad; madness; mankind; manner; market; master; meaning; means; measure; meet; men; mere; messenger; meton; midst; mighty; mind; misfortune; mnesilochus; moment; money; monster; mortals; mother; muses; myrtle; mysteries; names; nature; near; need; new; noble; noise; note; notorious; object; obols; oil; old; old man; old woman; olympus; omen; open; opening; opinion; oracle; orators; order; origin; owl; parody; passage; pay; people; persephoné; persian; pest; philocleon; phoebus; phrynichus; pieces; pisthetaerus; pity; place; plague; play; pleasant; pleasure; plot; pluto; plutus; poet; poetry; point; poor; posidon; possible; pot; pots; poverty; power; praxagora; present; pretty; priest; prize; procné; prologue; prometheus; property; prophet; proverb; public; pun; pure; purpose; question; quick; race; rascal; ready; reason; reply; rest; return; rich; right; road; robe; rogue; round; run; running; sacred; sacrifice; safety; saying; scene; scholiast; scythian; sea; seat; second; secure; sense; servant; service; set; seventh; share; shoes; silence; silent; similar; singing; single; sixth; skin; slave; sleep; small; smoke; son; songs; sophocles; sort; sosias; sparta; spectators; stage; stand; standing; stew; sting; stone; story; straight; strangers; strike; style; subject; sun; swallow; sweet; taking; talent; talk; tear; temple; tereus; terrible; thanks; thee; thesmophoria; thesmophoriazusae; thief; thing; thou; thought; thy; time; tio; tis; title; tongue; torch; town; tragedies; tragedy; tragic; tribunal; trick; triobolus; trochilus; trouble; true; truth; tunic; turn; twas; twill; tyranny; unfortunate; unknown; useful; verse; victory; voice; vote; wait; wall; want; wasps; watch; water; way; wealth; welcome; white; wife; wild; wind; wine; winged; wings; winter; wise; wish; wishes; witness; woe; woman; wood; word; work; worthy; wrath; wretch; wretched; wrong; xanthias; years; young; young man; youth; zeus
- versions: original; plain text