item: #1 of 13 id: 11559 author: Symonds, John Addington title: Renaissance in Italy, Volume 3 (of 7) The Fine Arts date: None words: 133751 flesch: 62 summary: We have so far outgrown it, have so completely exchanged mythology for curiosity, and metaphor for science, that the necessary conditions for great art are wanting. [2] It may fairly be questioned whether that necessary connection between art and religion, which is commonly taken for granted, does in truth exist; in other words, whether great art might not flourish without any religious content. keywords: age; andrea; angels; antique; architecture; art; artist; arts; bas; beauty; body; bronze; building; cellini; century; chapel; chapter; character; christian; church; city; composition; dead; death; della; design; effect; expression; eyes; fancy; feeling; fifteenth; figures; florence; florentine; force; form; fra; frescoes; genius; ghiberti; giotto; giovanni; god; gothic; great; greek; hand; heaven; high; history; human; ideal; imagination; influence; italian; italy; judgment; left; life; light; lionardo; little; lorenzo; love; madonna; man; manner; mantegna; marble; master; mediaeval; medici; men; michael angelo; mind; modern; moment; nature; niccola; painters; painting; passion; period; perugino; picture; pisano; place; point; pope; power; raphael; renaissance; revival; roman; rome; s. angelo; school; sculptor; sculpture; sense; siena; signorelli; soul; spirit; statue; study; style; subjects; taste; things; thought; time; treatment; vasari; venetian; venice; vol; way; work; world; years; young cache: 11559.txt plain text: 11559.txt item: #2 of 13 id: 16241 author: Hoyt, Deristhe L. (Deristhe Levinte) title: Barbara's Heritage Young Americans Among the Old Italian Masters date: None words: 64748 flesch: 77 summary: We will not stop at Pisa, said Mr. Sumner, but will come to visit it some time later from Florence; but you must watch for a fine view from the railway of its Cathedral, Leaning Tower, Baptistery, and Campo Santo. Will you tell us something of it all, Mr. Sumner? asked Barbara. keywords: art; barbara; beautiful; bettina; betty; city; day; dear; douglas; eyes; face; find; florence; frescoes; girls; good; hand; home; howard; life; little; look; love; malcom; margery; miss; morning; mother; mrs; painting; people; pictures; robert; rome; sherman; sister; study; sumner; things; thought; time; uncle; way; work; world; years cache: 16241.txt plain text: 16241.txt item: #3 of 13 id: 21212 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors & Architects, Volume 1 (of 8) date: None words: 88288 flesch: 60 summary: This work was carried out in honour of the conversion of the blessed Giovanni Gualberto, citizen of Florence and founder of the congregation of the monks of Vallombrosa, because these and many other works erected afterwards are not to be compared for excellence to those two buildings. When this became known to Giovanni, he employed both brothers in many other works undertaken by him subsequently in Pistoia, Pisa, and other places. keywords: age; agnolo; altar; andrea; angels; arezzo; art; artists; arts; bishop; braccia; building; buonamico; chapel; christ; church; cimabue; city; day; death; design; door; duomo; father; figures; fine; florence; fresco; giotto; good; hand; high; lady; left; length; life; madonna; man; manner; marble; master; men; niccola; number; order; painter; painting; picture; pisa; place; pope; portrait; principal; return; rome; s. croce; s. francesco; s. giovanni; s. maria; saint; scenes; sculpture; siena; st francis; st john; style; taddeo; tempera; things; time; tomb; wall; work; year cache: 21212.txt plain text: 21212.txt item: #4 of 13 id: 26860 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 03 (of 10) Filarete and Simone to Mantegna date: None words: 83363 flesch: 53 summary: This man, among many other works, illuminated a Silius Italicus, which is now in S. Giovanni e Polo in Venice; of which work I will not withhold certain particulars, both because they are worthy of the attention of craftsmen, and because, to my knowledge, no other work by this master is to be found; nor should I know even of this one, had it not been for the affection borne to these noble arts by the Very Reverend Maestro Cosimo Bartoli, a gentleman of Florence, who gave me information about it, to the end that the talent of Attavante might not remain, as it were, buried out of sight. In the hall of the Palazzo de' Priori, moreover, he portrayed from the life Cardinal Galeotto da Pietramala, Bishop Guglielmino degli Ubertini, and Messer Angelo Albergotti, Doctor of Laws; and he made many other works, which are scattered throughout that city. keywords: age; altar; andrea; antonio; arms; art; chapel; christ; church; city; cosimo; day; death; della; diligence; door; figures; filippo; florence; fresco; gentile; good; great; hand; house; illustration; jacopo; left; life; like; lorenzo; madonna; making; man; manner; marble; master; medici; messer; mino; nature; order; painter; painting; panel; pictures; piero; place; pope; reason; rome; s. andrea; s. croce; s. domenico; s. francesco; s. giovanni; s. john; s. lorenzo; s. marco; s. maria; s. peter; s. pietro; things; time; tomb; work cache: 26860.txt plain text: 26860.txt item: #5 of 13 id: 28420 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 04 (of 10) Filippino Lippi to Domenico Puligo date: None words: 96467 flesch: 48 summary: Nor did any great success come to Niccolò Zoccolo, otherwise known as Niccolò Cartoni, who was likewise a disciple of Filippo, and painted at Arezzo the wall that is over the altar of S. Giovanni Decollato; a little panel, passing well done, in S. Agnesa; a panel over a lavatory in the Abbey of S. Fiora, containing a Christ who is asking for water from the woman of Samaria; and many other works, which, since they were commonplace, are not mentioned. A much better master than Morzone was Guerriero, a painter of Padua, who, besides many other works, painted the principal chapel of the Eremite Friars of S. Augustine in Padua, and a chapel for the same friars in the first cloister. keywords: account; altar; andrea; antonio; art; bartolommeo; beauty; bramante; cardinal; chapel; christ; church; city; colouring; day; death; del; della; duke; end; excellent; figures; filippo; florence; francesco; fresco; friars; giovanni; giuliano; good; grace; hand; head; house; illustration; lady; leonardo; life; little; long; lorenzo; madonna; making; manner; master; men; nature; number; order; painter; painting; panel; picture; pietro; place; pope; raffaello; reason; rome; round; s. john; s. maria; s. pietro; said; san; things; time; urbino; way; work cache: 28420.txt plain text: 28420.txt item: #6 of 13 id: 28421 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 05 (of 10) Andrea da Fiesole to Lorenzo Lotto date: None words: 85731 flesch: 50 summary: Another disciple of Baldassarre was Virgilio Romano, who executed a façade with some prisoners in sgraffito-work in the centre of the Borgo Nuovo in his native city, and many other beautiful works. And in the collection of that monarch there is a book of pen-drawings by the same master, full of lovely inventions, buildings, theatres, arches, porticoes, bridges, palaces, and many other works of architecture, all useful and very beautiful. keywords: account; altar; andrea; antonio; art; baldassarre; bologna; chapel; christ; church; city; company; day; death; del; di s.; diligence; figures; florence; francesco; fresco; giovanni; girolamo; good; grace; great; hand; house; illustration; jacopo; king; lady; left; life; lorenzo; madonna; manner; marble; master; men; messer; number; order; painter; painting; panel; picture; place; pope; portrait; raffaello; reason; rome; s. john; s. maria; san; scenes; things; time; way; work cache: 28421.txt plain text: 28421.txt item: #7 of 13 id: 28422 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 06 (of 10) Fra Giocondo to Niccolo Soggi date: None words: 104799 flesch: 44 summary: Il Moro executed many other works, of which there is no need to make mention, although they are all well worthy of remembrance, because he was as diligent a colourist as any master that lived in his day, and because he bestowed much time and labour on his work. And after many other works in chiaroscuro, he executed in the same manner a Venus, with many Loves playing about her. keywords: altar; antonio; art; battista; cardinal; certain; chapel; christ; church; city; company; craftsmen; day; death; del; design; diligence; domenico; duke; end; engraving; figures; florence; francesco; fresco; giovanni; girolamo; giulio; good; great; hand; head; house; jacopo; left; life; madonna; manner; mantua; marc; maria; master; messer; michelagnolo; niccolò; number; order; painter; painting; perino; picture; piece; place; plates; pope; portrait; raffaello; reason; rome; round; scenes; sebastiano; siena; things; time; verona; way; work; years cache: 28422.txt plain text: 28422.txt item: #8 of 13 id: 30693 author: Lee, Vernon title: Renaissance Fancies and Studies Being a Sequel to Euphorion date: None words: 62512 flesch: 50 summary: But these inventions are due to Uccello's special and extraordinary studies of the problems of modelling and foreshortening; and when his contemporaries try to assimilate his achievements, and unite them with the achievements of other men in other special technical directions, there is an end of all individual poetical conception, and a relapse into the traditional arrangements; as may be seen by comparing the Bible stories of Paolo Uccello with those of Benozzo Gozzoli at Pisa. Let us meditate their wisdom and vibrate with their beauty; and, in the words of the prayer of Socrates to the Nymphs and to Pan, ask for beauty in the inward soul, and congruity between the inner and the outer man; and reflect in such manner the gifts of great art and of great thought in our soul's depths. keywords: ages; angels; antique; art; artist; beauty; body; botticelli; century; child; christ; church; colour; creatures; day; domenico; expression; eyes; fact; feeling; figures; filarete; form; francis; frescoes; giotto; god; gods; good; half; hand; head; high; holy; human; individual; instance; life; light; look; love; man; marble; means; mediæval; men; middle; mind; nature; nay; neroni; painters; painting; people; pictures; place; renaissance; round; saints; sculptors; sculpture; sense; sort; soul; stone; things; thought; time; virgin; way; woman; work; world; years; young cache: 30693.txt plain text: 30693.txt item: #9 of 13 id: 31845 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 07 (of 10) Tribolo to Il Sodoma date: None words: 97837 flesch: 41 summary: He did this with one of the heads of Cerberus in the group of Orpheus; in the S. Peter that is in S. Maria del Fiore he let in a piece of drapery; in the case of the Giant of the Piazza, as may be seen, he joined two pieces--a shoulder and a leg--to the Cacus, and in many other works he did the same, holding to such ways as generally damn a sculptor completely. In the same Verona, also, lives Bernardino, called L'India, who, besides many other works, has painted the Fable of Psyche in most beautiful figures on the ceiling of a chamber in the house of Count Marc'Antonio del Tiene. keywords: altar; andrea; antonio; art; baccio; bartolommeo; battista; braccia; chapel; christ; church; city; cristofano; day; del; design; duke; end; excellency; father; figures; florence; francesco; fresco; giorgio; giovanni; girolamo; giuliano; good; hand; head; house; jacopo; left; life; making; manner; marble; master; medici; men; messer; michelagnolo; michele; model; order; painting; picture; piece; place; pontormo; pope; reason; rome; round; san; statue; things; time; tribolo; vasari; water; work; year cache: 31845.txt plain text: 31845.txt item: #10 of 13 id: 31938 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 08 (of 10) Bastiano to Taddeo Zucchero date: None words: 101444 flesch: 43 summary: Besides many other little works that Francesco dal Prato executed, he drew much and well, as may be seen from some designs by his hand that are in our book of drawings. They painted together, likewise, both within and without, the Palace of Coppara, a place of recreation belonging to the Duke of Ferrara; for which lord Benvenuto executed many other works, both by himself and in company with other painters. keywords: agnolo; altar; andrea; antonio; aristotile; arms; art; battista; cardinal; chapel; christ; church; city; company; daniello; del; design; duke; father; federigo; figures; florence; francesco; fresco; giorgio; giovanni; girolamo; good; great; hall; hand; head; house; jacopo; lady; left; life; lord; lorenzo; madonna; manner; marble; master; medici; men; michelagnolo; oils; order; painter; painting; picture; piece; place; pope; raffaello; reason; ridolfo; rome; salviati; san; scenes; set; signor; stucco; study; taddeo; things; time; vasari; way; work; year cache: 31938.txt plain text: 31938.txt item: #11 of 13 id: 32362 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 09 (of 10) Michelagnolo to the Flemings date: None words: 108828 flesch: 44 summary: He portrayed M. Francesco Filetto, an orator of happy memory, and in the same picture, before him, his son, who seems as if alive; which portrait is in the house of Messer Matteo Giustiniani, a lover of these arts, who has also had a picture painted for himself by the painter Jacopo da Bassano, which is very beautiful, as also are many other works by that Bassano which are dispersed throughout Venice, and held in great price, particularly his little works and animals of every kind. For the Cardinal of Lorraine he painted a Christ in an Ecce Homo, a Jove with Io, and many other works. keywords: age; altar; antonio; art; beauty; buonarroti; cardinal; chapel; christ; church; city; craftsmen; day; death; del; design; duke; end; fabric; figures; florence; francesco; friend; genius; giovanni; girolamo; good; grace; half; hand; head; house; illustration; jacopo; judgment; julius; king; left; life; lorenzo; making; man; manner; marble; master; men; messer; michelagnolo; michelagnolo buonarroti; order; painter; painting; palms; picture; piece; pietro; place; pope; portrait; present; reason; rome; round; said; sansovino; sculptor; statues; things; time; tiziano; tomb; vasari; venice; way; work; year cache: 32362.txt plain text: 32362.txt item: #12 of 13 id: 33203 author: Vasari, Giorgio title: Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects, Vol. 10 (of 10) Bronzino to Vasari, & General Index. date: None words: 105260 flesch: 56 summary: Battistino, V, 193, 194 Baviera, IV, 232, 233; V, 194; VI, 100, 101, 109, 209 Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio (Il Sodoma), _Life_, VII, 245-257; IV, 72, 218; V, 73; VI, 236-238, 247, 249; VII, 245-257; VIII, 197 Beatricio, Niccolò (Nicolas Beautrizet), VI, 114 Beccafumi, Domenico (Domenico di Pace), _Life_, VI, 235-251; II, 96; V, 74, 153, 163; VI, 108, 213, 215, 223, 235-251; VII, 252, 255, 256 Beceri, Domenico (Domenico Benci), IV, 283; VII, 141; X, 20 Begarelli, Antonio (Il Modena), VIII, 38; IX, 113 Beham, Hans, VI, 119 Bellegambe, Jean, IX, 266 Belli, Valerio de' (Valerio _ (Carlo da Loro) Carnovale da Urbino, Fra (Fra _Bartolommeo_) Carota, Il (Antonio di Marco di Giano), I, 125; VI, 213; VII, 152; IX, 51 Caroto, Giovan Francesco, _Life_, VI, 15-21; IV, 60; VI, 15-21, 37 Caroto, Giovanni, _Life_, VI, 21-22; VI, 15, 21-22; VII, 238 Carpaccio (Scarpaccia), Vittore, _Life_, IV, 51-61; IX, 210, 211 Carpi, Annibale da, VIII, 36 Carpi, Girolamo da (Girolamo da Ferrara), _Life_, VIII, 30-36; V, 154; VIII, 28-36 Carpi, Giulio da, VIII, 36 Carpi, Ugo da, IV, 233; VI, 106, 107 Carrara, Antonio da, V, 8 Carrara, Danese da (Danese _Cattaneo_) Carrucci, Jacopo (Jacopo da _ keywords: agnolo; alessandro; altar; ancient; andrea; antonio; arch; arezzo; arms; baccio; bartolommeo; battista; beauty; beginning; benedetto; bernardo; bologna; bronzino; car; centre; chapel; christ; church; city; columns; coming; company; cosimo; cristofano; dal; day; del; della; design; diligence; domenico; don; duke; end; father; feet; figures; filippo; florence; foot; form; francesco; francesco da; giorgio; giovanni; giovanni da; girolamo; god; gold; good; grace; habit; hand; head; house; inscription; jacopo; jove; lady; left; life; lord; lorenzo; maestro; making; manner; marble; marco; medici; messer; motto; niccolò; nude; nuptials; order; ornaments; painting; paolo; picture; pietro; place; present; prince; principal; raffaello; reason; right; rome; said; san; saying; sea; second; statue; things; time; tommaso; vasari; viii; vincenzio; way; white; woman; work; year; young cache: 33203.txt plain text: 33203.txt item: #13 of 13 id: 7227 author: Ruskin, John title: Mornings in Florence date: None words: 43293 flesch: 73 summary: See then what kind of work Giotto had been first put to. And now that you have had Shakespeare, and sundry other men of head and heart, following the track of this shepherd lad, _you_ can forgive him his grotesques in the corner. keywords: art; chapel; christ; christian; church; colour; day; face; figure; florence; footnote; form; francis; fresco; giotto; god; good; great; hair; hand; head; law; left; life; look; man; memmi; men; modern; painter; painting; picture; piece; power; rest; right; roof; sculpture; time; way; white; work; world cache: 7227.txt plain text: 7227.txt