item: #1 of 12 id: 10636 author: Polo, Marco title: The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 date: None words: 341309 flesch: 76 summary: When the Mongol army was investing Miafarakain, the chief, Malik Kamál, told his people that everything he had should be at the service of those in need: Thank God, I am not like Mosta'sim, a worshipper of silver and gold! (_Hayton_ in _Ram. and _Borgal_ appear both to be used here for what we call _Russia-Leather_. keywords: ---the; 10th; 115; 11th; 128; 12th; 13th; 14th; 150; 15th; 16th; 17th; 1857; 1889; 18th; 1901; 19th; 1st; 208; 20th; 22nd; 24th; 27th; 28th; 29th; 2nd; 30th; 3rd; 8th; 8vo; 9th; a.d; a.h; abaka; abbott; abbás; ability; able; abode; absence; absent; absolute; abstract; abulfeda; abundance; abundant; academy; accomplished; accordance; account; accuracy; accurate; achmath; acquaintance; acre; action; actual; adam; additions; aden; adjoining; administration; admiral; adoration; advanced; advantage; affairs; affords; afghan; aforesaid; africa; agent; ages; ahmad; aksu; alamút; alashan; alexander; alexandrian; allah; alleged; allusion; altai; ambassadors; analogous; analogy; ancient; andrea; animals; annals; annual; answer; apparent; appearance; appendix; application; approach; appropriate; april; arabian; arabic; arabs; arbre; archbishop; archimandrite; architecture; archives; archway; area; arghún; argon; armed; armenia; armenians; arms; army; arrangements; arrival; arrows; arthur; article; artist; arts; asbestos; asia; asiatic; asie; asleep; aspect; assassins; assistance; association; assumed; astonishing; astrologers; astronomical; astronomy; athenaeum; atkinson; atlas; attached; attack; attempt; attention; audience; august; aung; authentic; authorities; authority; authors; autre; autumn; ava; avoit; aware; ayas; azure; baber; babylon; bacsi; badakhshan; baghdad; baikal; bailo; baldelli; balkh; bamboo; bands; bank; banked; barbaro; bardshír; bark; barley; barons; base; basis; battle; batuta; baudas; bauduin; bearing; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; behalf; belief; bell; bench; benches; benefit; bengal; berlin; bern; best; bibliography; bien; big; biography; birds; birth; birthday; bishop; bitter; black; blood; blue; board; bodies; bodily; body; bokhara; bolgana; bolghar; bolor; bombay; bon; bonin; bonpo; book; boots; borders; bore; borron; bostam; boundary; bow; bows; box; boy; branch; branches; bread; breadth; breeds; bretaingne; bretschneider; bricks; bridge; brief; british; broken; brother; bruun; buckram; buddha; buddhist; buildings; burial; burma; burmese; burnes; burning; bushell; business; c.b; cairo; calcutta; calendar; calif; caliph; calls; camadi; cambaluc; camels; camp; campaign; canal; cane; cannibalism; canning; canton; capacity; capital; captain; capture; caravan; care; career; carpets; carpini; carrying; casa; case; cash; casoni; caspian; castaldi; castle; catalan; catalogue; cathay; cathayans; caucasus; causes; caves; celebrated; central; centre; centuries; century; cepoy; ceremony; certain; ceste; ch'ang; ch'eng; ch'i; ch'ue; chagatai; chaghan; chain; chamber; chandu; changes; chao; chapter; character; characteristic; charchan; chardin; charge; charles; charming; chau; chaucer; che; cheap; chen; chief; children; china; chinese; chinghiz; chingintalas; chingis; chingkim; chitrál; choice; chow; christianity; christians; chronicle; chronology; church; churches; cicogna; cilician; circa; circle; circuit; circulation; circumstances; cities; city; civil; claims; class; classes; clay; clear; clergy; clerk; climate; close; cloth; clothes; clothing; cloud; coal; coast; cobinan; cobler; coffin; coins; cold; collected; collection; collinson; colonel; colour; coloured; columbus; column; combination; come; coming; command; commander; commerce; commission; committed; common; communication; community; company; comparison; compass; competent; compilations; compiler; complete; composition; conception; conclusion; condition; conduct; confidence; conjecture; conjuring; conqueror; conquest; consequence; considerable; consideration; consistent; constantinople; construction; contemporary; contents; continued; contrary; contributions; convent; conversion; copies; copper; copy; cordier; corea; corn; corner; corps; correct; correspondence; corresponding; corresponds; corroboration; corruption; corte; cosmography; costly; cotton; council; counsel; countries; country; course; court; courtesy; cousin; cover; craft; creatures; credit; croix; cross; crown; crusca; cubits; cublay; cunningham; cups; curious; curiously; currency; current; curzola; curzon; custom; cut; cutting; cycle; d'anville; d'avezac; d'ohsson; d'or; daily; dalhousie; damascus; dandolo; darius; dark; darkness; data; date; daughter; david; days; de la; dead; deal; dear; death; deceased; december; decided; deep; deer; defeat; defence; defile; definition; degree; dei; del; delhi; delight; delighted; delightful; delle; demand; department; departure; derbend; derivation; descendants; descent; describe; description; desert; desire; destruction; detailed; details; devient; devoted; devotion; devéria; dialect; diameter; diary; dict; dictation; dictionary; die; diex; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; diffused; diffusion; dignity; digression; diláwar; direction; discovery; discretion; discussion; disease; dish; disposed; disposition; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguished; district; divers; diversion; divination; divine; divinities; division; doctrine; documents; doge; dogs; domenico; dominion; donata; doolittle; door; doria; double; doubt; doubtful; doubtless; douglas; drawing; dream; dresses; drink; drinking; drums; dry; ducange; ducats; duke; dust; duties; duty; dwelling; dynasty; eagle; earlier; earliest; early; earth; east; eastern; eastward; easy; eating; edinburgh; edition; editor; edrisi; edward; effect; egrigaia; egypt; elaborate; elder; elements; elephants; elevated; elias; elliot; elphinstone; embassy; eminent; emperor; empire; employment; empress; enabled; enclosure; encore; encyclop; end; endeavour; enemy; engineers; england; english; engraving; enormous; enter; enterprise; entire; entrance; envoys; equal; equivalent; erdeni; erdmann; erguiul; erroneous; error; escape; essay; established; establishment; estimate; estoit; et de; etc; etymology; europe; european; event; evidence; evil; exact; examination; example; excellent; execution; exercise; exhibits; existence; expedition; experience; explanation; export; expresses; expression; expulsion; extensive; extent; extract; extraordinary; extreme; extremity; eyes; f.r.s; facsimile; fact; fair; faith; faithful; faizabad; falconers; falcons; fall; false; fame; familiar; families; family; famous; fancy; fantina; far; fars; fashion; fast; father; favour; favourable; favourite; fear; feathers; feats; features; february; feeling; feet; felice; felt; feltre; female; ferrier; fertile; festival; fiction; field; fifth; fighting; figure; final; finds; fine; finest; fiordelisa; fire; fish; fist; flesh; florence; flowers; fly; folk; followers; following; follows; font; food; foot; force; foreign; foreigners; forests; forgotten; form; forsyth; fortress; fortune; foundation; founder; fourth; france; francesco; francis; franks; françois; frederic; free; french; frequent; friar; friend; friendship; frontier; fruits; funeral; fung; furnished; g. s.; g.l; g.t; gain; gallant; galleys; game; garden; garnier; gate; gaubil; gauge; gazette; gems; genealogies; general; generation; genoa; genoese; gentleman; genuine; geographers; geographical; geography; george; georgia; gerfalcons; german; ghazan; gházán; gilt; giovanni; giu; gives; glad; glorious; glory; gobi; god; gog; gold; golden; good; gordon; government; governor; grains; grandfather; grandson; grant; grass; grave; great; great abundance; great armenia; great city; great council; great country; great court; great deal; great desert; great distance; great honour; great kaan; great king; great lake; great lord; great measure; great mongol; great number; great palace; great plain; great power; great province; great river; great sea; great state; great variety; great wall; greater; greatest; greek; gregory; grenard; grey; grisostomo; grossi; grounds; guard; gulf; géographie; h. yule; habitation; hair; hakluyt; half; hall; hami; hammer; hand; handed; handsome; happy; hard; hare; harness; hatan; hath; having; hawking; hawks; hayton; head; headquarters; heart; heaven; heavy; hedin; heir; help; henry; henry yule; herds; hereditary; heretics; hermenia; herodotus; heyd; hia; high; higher; highest; highways; hills; hindu; hissar; historians; historical; history; hitherto; hiuen; hold; holy; home; honour; honourable; honoured; hope; horde; horizon; hormos; hormuz; horns; horsemen; horses; host; hours; house; household; houtum; hsia; huc; hui; hulaku; human; humboldt; hung; hunting; husband; huts; hwa; hypothesis; i. p.; i. pp; ibid; ibn; iconium; idea; identical; identification; identity; idolaters; idols; iii; ilch; illustrated; illustration; illustrious; image; imaginary; immediate; immense; imperial; important; imprisonment; incense; inches; inclined; indebted; independent; index; india; indications; indo; influence; information; infra; inhabitants; inhabited; inner; inscriptions; inside; insomuch; instance; institutes; instruments; intelligent; intended; intention; intercourse; interesting; interior; interpolation; interpretation; interval; intimate; introduction; introductory; invasion; irish; iron; irrigation; islam; island; ispahan; issue; italian; italy; item; itineraries; itinerary; jacobite; jacopo; jade; january; java; jerusalem; jesuit; jesus; jewels; jews; johannes; john; johnson; joinville; joseph; journal; journey; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; k.c.s.i; kabul; kaidu; kais; kalgan; kanchau; kao; kara; karaunahs; karákorum; kashgar; keeping; keng; kermán; keshican; khalif; khan; khanbaligh; khanikoff; khorasan; khotan; khwarizm; kien; kind; kindly; kindness; kindred; king; kingdom; kinsay; kipchak; kirghiz; kiria; kishm; kiun; klaproth; knowledge; known; koeppen; koncheh; kubilai; kuh; kuku; kul; kumiz; kunduz; kung; kurdistan; kwan; kwei; káshmir; kúbenán; kúblái; kúsh; l'arbre; l'en; l.c; labour; ladak; ladies; lady; lake; lamas; lamba; land; language; lao; large; largest; late; latin; latitude; law; lawrence; lay; lazari; lead; leader; learned; learning; leather; leave; lecomte; left; legate; legend; length; leopards; letter; levant; level; lewis; liang; liao; liberal; liberty; libraries; library; lies; lieutenant; life; like; likely; limits; line; lions; liquor; lira; lire; list; literary; literature; little; live; living; livres; load; lob; local; locality; lockhart; lofty; london; long; longer; longitude; look; lop; lord; lorenzo; loss; lost; love; lui; m. p.; m. polo; maclagan; maffeo; maffeo polo; magazine; magi; magnificent; magog; mahomedan; mahommet; mailla; maistre; major; makers; making; makrizi; male; man; manchu; manchuria; mangku; manner; manphul; mansion; manufacture; manuscript; map; maps; marble; march; marches; marco polo; marcus; mare; marino; mark; marked; marriage; married; marry; marsden; martin; marvellous; marvels; mas'údi; masa'úd; mass; material; matter; matthew; maundevile; meaning; means; measure; meat; mediaeval; medicine; mediterranean; meeting; meliadus; melons; meloria; members; memoir; memorial; memory; men; mention; merchants; mere; merveilles; message; messengers; messer; messer marco; messires; metropolitan; michel; middle; mighty; milan; miles; milione; military; milk; mind; ming; minister; minor; minutes; miracle; mirza; miscellaneous; mission; missionaries; missionary; mistake; mixed; mixt; modern; moment; monasteries; monastery; monde; money; mongol; mongolia; monks; months; moon; moorcroft; moreta; morning; mosque; mosul; mother; moult; mountains; moving; mss; multitude; muntaner; muratori; murder; murray; museum; music; musk; musulmans; mutual; mystic; mém; müller; n'est; n.e; n.s; n.w; names; napier; narrative; narrow; national; nations; native; natural; nature; naval; nayan; near; nearer; nearest; necessary; need; needful; negropont; neighbourhood; neighbouring; nephew; nestorian; neumann; new; news; nicolas; nicolo; nights; nigudar; noble; nomad; nomenclature; nominal; non; nono; north; northern; nos; nostre; notable; notary; note; note.)--h; note.--the; notes.--1; notice; notion; nought; nous; november; number; numerous; oars; object; obscure; observations; observatory; observes; occasion; occupation; occupied; ocean; october; odd; odoric; offerings; office; officers; official; oil; okkodai; old; old city; old man; oldest; ondanique; ones; open; opening; operation; opinion; oppert; opposite; oppressions; order; oriental; original; orkhon; orthodox; ounces; outer; outside; overland; ovis; owner; oxen; oxus; p'ing; p. de; p. della; paces; page; paizah; palaces; palazzo; palermo; palladius; pallas; palms; pamir; pandit; panjáb; pao; paper; paradise; parallel; parents; paris; park; parker; particulars; parties; partridge; party; pashai; passage; passes; passim; passing; past; pasture; patriarch; paulin; paulo; paulus; pauthier; pay; pearls; peculiar; peculiarities; peculiarity; pegolotti; pein; peking; penalty; people; pereg; perfect; performance; period; permission; persia; persians; personage; personal; persons; peter; petersburg; phayre; philip; photograph; phrase; physician; picture; pieces; pietro; pima; pipino; pisa; pise; place; plain; plant; plateau; plates; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; plenty; pliny; plot; plural; poem; poet; point; pointed; poisonous; pole; poli; polibans; political; polo; polo family; ponent; poor; pope; popular; population; portion; portrait; ports; portuguese; position; possession; possible; post; pounds; pour; power; powerful; practical; practice; prayer; preamble; precious; precise; predecessor; preface; preparation; prepared; presbyter; presence; present; preserved; prester; pretty; prevalent; prices; priests; prince; princess; principal; printing; prisoners; private; privilege; prjevalsky; probability; probable; proc; proceedings; proceeds; process; produce; products; professed; professor; progress; project; prologue; prominent; pronunciation; proper; property; prophet; proportion; province; pseudo; ptolemy; public; publication; puis; purchase; pure; purpose; pétis; qu'il; quae; quality; quand; quantities; quantity; quarter; quarterly; quasi; quatremère; que; queen; question; qui; quiet; quod; quotation; quotes; r.e; raiment; rain; rampart; ramusian; ramusio; rank; rare; rashiduddin; rawlinson; reach; reading; ready; real; reason; reasonable; rebellion; recent; recognised; recognition; record; red; reduced; reference; refuge; regard; region; regular; reinaud; relation; relative; release; relic; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remarks; remote; renders; repeated; reply; report; representation; republics; reputation; request; researches; resemblance; residence; resident; respect; result; return; rev; review; rhubarb; rice; rich; richthofen; ricold; ride; riding; right; rise; river; road; robbers; robert; robes; rockhill; roger; romance; romanin; rome; roof; room; rose; round; route; rowers; royal; rubruck; rubruquis; ruby; rudder; rude; ruins; rukh; ruknuddin; rule; run; running; russian; rusticiano; rémusat; s.e; s.w; sabbionera; sacred; sacrifice; said; saint; salamander; salt; samarkand; samml; sanang; sand; sanskrit; sanudo; saracens; sarai; satisfactory; save; saying; says; scale; scanty; scene; schindler; schmidt; scholar; school; science; scientific; scotland; sculptured; sea; seal; seat; sebourc; second; secretary; sect; section; seeing; seen; sees; self; seljukian; sense; sensin; separate; september; sepulchre; seqq; series; servants; service; set; seth; setzen; seventh; severe; shachau; shah; shangtu; shape; shaw; sheep; sheets; shi; ships; shores; short; shows; shu; sháh; siberia; sicilian; sidenote; sides; siege; siena; sign; signal; signor; silk; silver; similar; simple; sind; single; singular; sining; sir; sirikol; sister; site; sitting; situation; sivas; sixth; size; sketch; skill; skin; slaughter; slaves; slight; small; smaller; smith; snow; society; société; soil; soldaia; soldiers; sole; solution; somewhat; son; sons; sont; soul; source; south; southern; sovereign; space; speaking; special; species; specimen; spelling; sphere; spirit; spoken; spot; spread; spring; square; staff; stages; standard; standing; star; state; statement; station; stay; steel; steppes; sticks; stock; stone; stories; storm; straight; straightway; strange; stream; streets; strength; striking; strong; studies; study; stuffs; styled; subject; substance; suburbs; successor; suffering; sufficient; suggestion; suhchau; suits; sultan; sumatra; summer; sun; sundry; sung; sunt; superior; superstition; supply; supposes; supposition; supra; supreme; surface; survey; survives; suspect; sven; sweet; swords; sykes; syria; syrrhaptes; system; sze; sávah; sér; t'ang; t'ien; tablet; tabriz; tale; talikan; talk; tana; tangut; taossé; tarim; tartars; task; taste; tauris; tavernier; tea; teeth; teixeira; tell; telling; temple; tenduc; tents; term; terrace; terre; terrestrial; territories; territory; testimony; text; textual; thanks; theatre; thee; theirs; theory; thibault; thick; things; thomas; thou; thought; threshold; throne; tibet; tibetan; tien; tiger; tigris; time; timkowski; timur; tis; title; tod; tomb; tongue; total; touching; tour; tout; toutes; town; traces; trade; traders; tradition; traffic; transfer; translation; traveller; travelling; travels; treasure; treaty; trebizond; tree; treuve; trevisan; tribes; tribute; tripoli; tristan; troops; trop; trotter; trouble; true; trustees; truth; tsang; tso; tung; turkestan; turkey; turkish; turks; tuscan; tutia; twice; type; tzu; tútíá; u.s; udny; uighúr; ukek; umbrella; unable; uncertain; uncle; une; unknown; unusual; upper; use; useful; usual; valiant; valley; valour; valuable; value; variety; vast; vein; venetian; veneto; venice; venture; verbiest; verge; verses; version; vessels; vicinity; victory; view; vigne; vii; viii; village; villani; vincent; vir; visible; visit; viz; viâ; voice; vol; volga; vols; volume; von; vos; vous; voyage; vulgar; vámbéry; waggons; wakhán; wall; wang; want; war; warm; wars; wassáf; watch; water; way; wealth; wear; weight; west; western; westward; wheat; white; wide; wife; wild; wilderness; william; wind; wine; winter; wise; wish; wit; witness; wolf; wolves; women; wonderful; wonders; wood; wooden; wool; word; work; worse; worship; worshippers; worthy; writer; writing; wrong; wylie; xii; xiii; xiv; xlii; xvii; xxii; xxiv; xxix; xxvi; xxx; xxxi; yak; yaks; yang; yards; yarkand; years; yellow; yenking; yezd; young; younger; youngest; yuan; yuen; yule; yun; yüan; zinc cache: 10636.txt plain text: 10636.txt item: #2 of 12 id: 10956 author: Morley, John title: Indian speeches (1907-1909) date: None words: 42561 flesch: 65 summary: Extract from the dispatch of the Board of Directors of the East India Company to the Government of India, December 10, 1834, accompanying the Government of India Act_, 1833.[1] They mark the spirit of British rule in India, at three successive stages, for three generations past; and bear directly upon what is now being done. keywords: able; account; act; action; administration; affairs; ameer; ask; attention; authority; bengal; best; better; bill; body; britain; british; business; calcutta; care; case; cent; certain; character; charge; circumstances; civil; classes; clear; college; committee; commons; communities; community; company; concerned; conditions; confidence; consideration; council; country; course; crown; day; days; deal; december; democracy; desire; despatch; different; difficulties; discussion; doubt; duty; east; education; effect; electoral; english; enormous; european; events; executive; experience; extremists; face; fact; faith; feeling; figures; force; forget; formidable; freedom; friend; general; gentlemen; good; government; governor; great; hand; high; hindus; history; hold; hon; hope; house; human; idea; imperial; important; india; india office; indian civil; indian government; indian member; indians; interest; ireland; kind; knowledge; known; language; large; law; legislative; lieutenant; life; like; little; local; long; look; lord; lordships; machinery; mahomedans; majesty; majority; man; marquess; matter; means; measures; members; military; millions; mind; minister; minto; mischief; mixed; moment; months; movement; native; natural; necessary; new; noble; number; object; occasion; office; officers; official; old; opinion; order; oxford; papers; parliament; parliamentary; party; people; personal; persons; place; plague; point; policy; political; population; position; possible; power; practical; present; press; principle; proceedings; proclamation; proposals; public; punjab; queen; question; race; reason; reforms; regard; regulation; relations; religious; repression; respect; responsibility; responsible; result; right; rule; said; scheme; second; secretary; self; sense; service; set; share; single; situation; social; sort; speech; speeches; spirit; spite; state; statement; step; strength; subject; support; sure; system; talk; task; things; think; thought; time; true; turn; united; viceroy; view; vote; want; way; wish; words; work; world; wrong; years cache: 10956.txt plain text: 10956.txt item: #3 of 12 id: 13806 author: Knox, Thomas Wallace title: Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life date: None words: 191002 flesch: 74 summary: There are many good men among the priests of the Eastern church in Siberia, but it must also be admitted there are many bad ones. In the government of Yakutsk there are many horses that find their own living in winter as in summer. keywords: abundance; abundant; accident; accomplished; account; acquaintance; active; admiral; affair; afternoon; agriculture; air; albazin; alexander; altai; american; amoor; anchor; ancient; angara; animals; anossoff; apartment; appearance; approach; arctic; argoon; arms; army; arranged; arrival; articles; asia; asiatic; attempt; attention; authorities; autumn; avatcha; bad; baggage; baikal; ball; bank; barges; bark; barnaool; bath; bay; bear; bearing; beasts; beautiful; bed; beef; beggars; beginning; bell; best; better; birch; birds; black; blagoveshchensk; blood; blue; board; boat; body; bones; book; boots; borasdine; bottle; boundary; bouriats; bow; box; boy; boys; bread; breakfast; breaking; brick; brief; broken; brother; buildings; bushes; business; cabin; cakes; california; capital; captain; caravans; care; careful; carriage; carrying; carts; case; castries; cattle; center; central; ceremony; certain; chains; champagne; change; channel; chapter; character; chetah; chief; children; china; chinese; church; churches; circumstances; cities; city; class; classes; clear; cliff; close; clothing; clouds; coal; coast; coats; cold; colonel; comfortable; command; commerce; commercial; common; companion; company; condition; conduct; conquest; consequence; considerable; construction; continued; control; conversation; copecks; copper; cossacks; costume; country; couple; courier; course; court; courtesy; cover; crew; cross; crossing; crowd; curiosity; curious; current; custom; cut; cutting; daily; danger; dangerous; dark; day; daylight; days; dead; deal; death; deck; deep; degrees; delay; dense; departure; descending; desert; desire; determined; devoted; different; difficult; dinner; direction; dirt; disagreeable; display; distance; district; doctor; dogs; door; double; doubt; dozen; dress; dressed; drink; drinking; drivers; drove; dry; duties; duty; dwellings; early; earth; eastern; easy; effect; efforts; eggs; ekaterineburg; emperor; empire; employment; end; ends; engage; engines; england; english; enormous; enterprise; entire; entrance; equal; escape; establishment; etiquette; europe; european; evening; example; excellent; exception; exhausted; exiles; expected; expedition; expense; experience; extensive; extent; extra; eyes; face; fact; fair; faith; fall; familiar; families; family; famous; far; farewell; fashion; favorite; fear; features; fed; feet; fellow; felt; fence; ferry; fields; figures; find; finding; fine; fire; fish; fishing; fixed; flag; flat; flocks; floor; fog; following; food; foot; force; foreign; foreigners; forest; form; fortune; forward; fourth; frame; francisco; free; freezing; freight; french; frequent; fresh; friend; frontier; frost; frozen; furnished; furs; game; garden; garments; gate; general; gentleman; german; ghijiga; gilyak; gold; goldee; good; government; governor; grass; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; group; guard; gulf; guns; hair; half; hall; halt; hand; harbor; hard; hay; head; heat; heavy; height; high; hills; hold; hole; holy; home; honor; hope; horses; host; hotel; hour; house; household; huge; human; hungry; hunting; ice; igoon; illustration; immense; imperial; important; inches; inclined; inconvenience; ingodah; inhabitants; inside; intelligence; interesting; interior; intervals; introduction; irkutsk; iron; islands; ivan; japan; journey; kamchatka; kanchin; kazan; keeping; khan; kiachta; kind; kirghese; knowledge; known; koriaks; korsackoff; krasnoyarsk; kremlin; labor; laborers; laden; ladies; lady; lake; land; landing; language; large; largest; late; law; lead; leave; left; legs; length; letters; level; liberal; life; like; likely; limited; line; little; live; living; load; logs; long; long time; longer; look; lost; low; lower; lunch; lund; maack; machine; machinery; madame; magnificent; mail; maimaichin; major; making; mammoth; man; manjour; manner; manufacture; market; mass; master; meadows; meal; means; meat; men; merchandise; merchants; middle; midnight; miles; military; mind; mining; minutes; miscellaneous; mississippi; mode; moment; monastery; money; mongol; mongolia; months; monument; moon; morning; moscow; motion; mountains; mouravieff; mouth; moving; mud; muscovite; music; narrow; natives; nature; navigation; near; neat; necessary; nerchinsk; new; nicholas; nicolayevsk; night; nijne; north; northern; novgorod; number; numerous; o'clock; object; observed; occasion; occurrence; ocean; officers; official; ohotsk; open; opening; operation; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinary; ousuree; outer; outside; overland; owner; pacific; packed; padaroshnia; pair; paper; particular; parties; party; pass; passage; passengers; passport; past; paul; pay; peasants; peculiar; pekin; people; perfect; permanent; permit; persons; petersburg; petropavlovsk; picture; picturesque; piece; pig; pigeon; pile; pilot; pine; piotrowski; pipe; place; plain; plank; pleasing; pleasure; plenty; point; pointed; poland; poles; police; polish; political; poor; population; port; portion; position; possible; post; pounds; practice; prepared; present; preserved; pretty; price; priest; principal; prisoners; private; process; progress; prominent; property; proportion; province; provisions; public; punishment; purchase; purposes; pursuit; quality; quantities; quantity; quarters; question; race; railway; rank; rapid; reach; ready; real; rear; reception; region; regular; reindeer; religion; religious; remains; reply; residence; rest; result; retired; return; revolt; rich; ride; riding; rifle; river; road; rock; room; rose; roubles; rough; route; rule; run; running; russian; russian government; safety; sailors; sakhalin; salmon; samovar; sand; satisfied; saw; scale; scene; scenery; schmidt; school; sea; search; season; seat; second; secure; seeing; selenga; sentence; servant; service; set; settlement; settlers; seventy; severe; shafts; shape; sharp; sheepskin; shilka; ship; shops; shore; shot; siberia; siberians; sides; signs; silk; silver; similar; single; size; skill; skin; sky; sledge; sleds; sleep; sleeping; sleigh; slow; small; smoke; smotretal; snow; social; society; soil; soldiers; solid; songaree; sort; sound; soup; southern; space; special; specimens; speed; spirit; spot; spread; spring; square; staff; stage; standing; stands; start; starting; states; station; stay; steamboat; steamer; steppe; steward; stock; stone; stop; stories; story; straits; strange; strangers; stratensk; stream; street; strength; strong; study; subject; success; successful; sudden; sufficient; sugar; summer; sunday; sunset; supply; surface; system; table; tail; tarantass; tartar; taste; tea; teams; telegraph; temperature; temple; territory; theatre; thermometer; things; think; thought; tiger; timber; time; tobacco; toilet; tomsk; town; track; trade; traffic; trans; transportation; travel; traveler; traveling; treaty; trees; tribe; trouble; tumen; turning; udinsk; unable; unfortunate; united; universal; unknown; unpleasant; upper; ural; valley; value; variag; varied; variety; vehicle; verkne; versts; vessels; vicinity; view; village; visible; visit; voice; volga; voyage; wagon; waiting; walking; walls; want; war; warm; washing; watch; watched; water; waves; way; wealth; wear; weather; wedding; week; western; wheels; white; wide; width; wife; wild; wind; windows; wine; winter; wish; wolf; wolves; women; wonderful; wood; wooden; words; work; working; world; worn; worship; worst; yards; years; yemshick; yenesei; york; young; zavod; zeya cache: 13806.txt plain text: 13806.txt item: #4 of 12 id: 2124 author: Faxian title: A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms Being an account by the Chinese monk Fa-hsien of travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline date: None words: 50682 flesch: 75 summary: At the places where Buddha, when he was in the world, cut his hair and nails, topes are erected; and where the three Buddhas(16) that preceded Sakyamuni Buddha and he himself sat; where they walked,(17) and where images of their persons were made. On leaving India, she took with her a branch of the sacred Bo tree at Buddha Gaya, under which Sakyamuni had become Buddha. keywords: a.d; able; account; alms; ananda; ancient; apartments; appearance; arhat; asoka; assembly; author; b.c; bank; beal; better; bhikshu; birth; birthplace; bodhisattva; body; bone; books; bowl; brahman; buddha; buddhaship; buddhist; capital; catalogue; cavern; central; ceylon; ch'ang; chang; chapter; characters; china; chinese; chow; city; clear; clothes; common; compare; complete; connexion; copies; copy; corean; countries; country; course; crossing; cubits; cunningham; davids; days; death; devas; dharma; different; difficult; disciples; distance; distinguished; doctrine; door; doubt; dragon; dynasty; earth; east; eastern; eitel; elephant; emperor; end; equivalent; existence; eyes; face; faith; families; family; famous; father; feet; flowers; followers; following; food; foot; form; fourth; gan; gate; general; gold; good; great; ground; half; hall; han; hand; hardy; having; head; heart; heaven; height; high; highest; hill; hinayana; history; honoured; house; hsien; hsuan; human; hwuy; idea; image; incense; india; indus; inhabitants; japan; jetavana; kalpa; kapilavastu; kasyapa; khoten; kinds; king; kingdom; known; lamps; land; language; large; law; left; legends; length; life; like; little; live; living; long; look; mahayana; maitreya; man; manual; meaning; means; meditation; men; merchants; middle; miles; millions; mind; ministers; monasteries; monastery; monks; month; mother; mountains; names; nanjio; naraka; narrative; near; new; nirvana; north; northern; note; number; offerings; old; ones; order; original; paces; pali; pari; park; patna; people; perfect; period; pilgrims; pillar; place; portion; possible; power; preaching; precious; present; prince; principal; proper; pure; range; reading; reborn; record; regular; reign; relics; remusat; residence; return; reverence; rhys; right; river; road; rock; royal; rules; sacred; sakra; sakyamuni; sang; sanskrit; school; sea; seat; second; self; set; shadow; shen; silver; small; son; south; southern; spot; square; sramana; state; steps; stone; stories; students; subject; substances; summer; sun; supernatural; sutras; system; tao; term; text; things; thought; time; tope; town; translation; travellers; travels; tree; ts'in; tsin; tushita; use; vaisali; version; vihara; village; vinaya; visit; vol; water; watters; way; ways; west; western; wheel; white; wicked; wisdom; wood; words; work; world; worship; xiii; xvi; years; yojanas cache: 2124.txt plain text: 2124.txt item: #5 of 12 id: 26358 author: None title: Eastern Tales by Many Story Tellers date: None words: 199285 flesch: 73 summary: If this is all the friendship great men can show us, we poor people should be best pleased to live as far from them as we can. I have known men, continued Saad, who, although among the best and noblest whom I have ever known in the course of my life, were led unawares, by too great self-confidence, to an action which they might easily have avoided by a little caution, but which has been the beginning of a long chain of transgressions and vices, ending in their complete ruin. keywords: abaquir; able; abosaber; account; accustomed; advanced; adventure; advice; affection; age; agreeable; ahubal; air; aladin; alischar; allah; almurah; animal; answer; apartment; appearance; approach; armies; arms; army; arrival; arrow; assistance; assured; astonished; astonishment; attention; azgid; bagdad; balavan; balsora; basket; bath; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; behold; beloved; bennaskar; best; better; bhazad; bird; black; blessed; blood; blow; body; bohetzad; book; bore; bosom; bow; box; breast; bright; brother; business; butterfly; cadi; cage; caliph; camp; capital; care; cassimir; castle; cause; cavern; certain; chains; chamber; chamsada; change; chief; children; choice; circumstances; city; clothes; comfort; command; companion; company; conceal; condition; conduct; confidence; confusion; consent; consequence; considerable; continued; contrary; conversation; convinced; costly; cottage; counsel; countenance; country; courage; course; court; creature; cries; crime; criminal; crowd; cruel; cry; curiosity; curious; daily; dakianos; damake; danger; dangerous; darandu; dark; darkness; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; delay; delhi; demand; dervish; descended; desert; design; desire; desirous; despair; destroy; determined; diafer; diamonds; different; discourse; disguise; distance; distant; distinguished; divan; dog; dominions; door; dost; doubt; dreadful; dressed; drink; duties; duty; early; earth; east; effect; egypt; eloubrou; empire; employed; enchanter; enchantment; enchantress; enemies; enemy; enraged; entrance; equal; escape; eunuchs; evening; event; evil; execution; exhausted; experience; extraordinary; eyes; face; fair; faithful; fall; false; family; far; fast; fatal; fate; father; fatigue; favour; fear; feeling; feet; female; fine; fire; fish; fixed; flight; flowers; following; food; foot; force; forest; form; fortune; friend; future; gain; garden; gate; genii; genius; giafar; giving; glory; god; gold; golden; good; government; grand; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; grief; ground; guards; guide; guilty; halechalbe; half; hall; hand; happiness; happuck; happy; haroun; haschanascha; haschem; hassan; hath; head; hearing; heart; heaven; hebraim; height; help; hemjunah; high; history; hobaddan; home; honour; hope; horam; houadir; hour; house; human; husband; illustration; increased; india; information; informed; inhabitants; innocence; innocent; interest; iron; jalaladdeen; jemlikha; jewels; jochonan; journey; joy; judge; jussuf; justice; kaskas; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; lady; land; large; law; lay; lead; leave; left; length; liberty; life; like; lion; lips; little; live; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; loud; love; lovely; macoma; magician; magnificent; mahomet; mahoud; maiden; majesty; making; man; manner; march; marriage; master; means; meantime; melon; memory; merchant; messengers; middle; midst; mighty; mind; minister; misfortunes; misnar; mistress; moment; monarch; money; moon; morning; mother; mountains; music; naima; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neighbouring; new; news; night; noble; noise; nourgehan; nouri; number; nurse; object; occasion; offer; officers; old; old man; ollomand; open; opening; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; palace; pardon; passage; passion; path; patience; pavilion; pay; peace; people; persia; person; pieces; plain; pleased; pleasure; point; pointed; poniard; poor; possessed; possession; possible; power; powerful; precious; prepared; presence; present; pretended; priests; prince; princess; prison; proper; prophet; prostrate; providence; provinces; prudence; prudent; public; punishment; purpose; pursued; queen; rabbi; race; reach; ready; reason; rebel; reflections; relation; repose; request; resolution; respect; rest; retired; return; revenge; reward; riches; rising; river; road; robbers; rock; room; rose; royal; sabre; sacrifice; safety; sages; satisfied; saying; sea; search; second; secret; selimansha; sentence; servants; service; set; shaseliman; shepherd; ship; shop; short; silence; silver; sire; situation; slave; sleep; small; smaragdine; snake; sofa; soldiers; son; sorrow; soul; sound; sovereign; speech; spirit; splendid; splendour; spot; spouse; sprang; state; steps; stone; stranger; strength; strong; subjects; success; sudden; sufficient; sultan; sun; support; surprised; sword; tablet; talisman; tasnar; tears; tender; terror; thee; thine; things; thinking; thou; thought; throne; throw; thy; time; tomb; town; trade; train; treasure; trees; trembling; troops; trouble; true; trust; truth; turban; ulin; unfortunate; unhappy; unknown; urad; usual; utmost; vain; valley; value; vengeance; vessel; victim; virtue; visit; vizier; voice; wait; wall; want; water; way; weak; white; wicked; wife; wild; wilt; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; woman; wonder; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worthy; wretch; wretched; year; young; young man; youth cache: 26358.txt plain text: 26358.txt item: #6 of 12 id: 27547 author: Treacher, W. H. (William Hood), Sir title: British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo date: None words: 66354 flesch: 60 summary: The latter are known as _anak mas_, and are the children of a slave mother by a free man other than her master. A lady friend of mine, who found a difficulty in acquiring Malay, pronounced _nanti dahulu_, or _nanti dulu_ as generally spoken, nanty doodle, and suggested that the nanty doodles could be a good name for the Brunai Malays. keywords: aborigines; absence; account; action; actual; addition; admiral; affairs; agent; agriculture; american; animal; annual; archipelago; area; armed; arms; article; assistance; attack; attention; authorities; authority; bad; bajows; balambangan; bank; baron; bay; beginning; best; betel; better; black; blade; board; boats; borneo; borneo company; brass; brief; british; british borneo; british government; british north; brooke; brunai; brunai government; brunai malays; brunai people; brunai river; business; camphor; canoes; capital; captain; care; case; caves; certain; cession; ceylon; character; charles; charter; chief; children; china; chinese; church; circumstances; city; claim; class; climate; cloth; coal; coast; colonial; colonies; colony; common; companies; company; concessions; condition; connection; considerable; consul; coolies; cotton; council; countries; country; course; court; criminal; crop; crown; cultivation; customs; date; datu; day; days; death; demand; dent; description; desire; different; difficult; direct; directors; district; document; doubt; dutch; duties; duty; dyaks; early; east; eastern; effect; efforts; elephants; end; england; english; enterprise; entrance; equal; european; example; exception; existence; expedition; expenditure; export; extent; fact; family; far; father; feet; female; feudal; field; fine; fish; fishing; fixed; flag; followers; following; food; footnote; force; foreign; forest; form; free; fresh; friend; friendly; future; general; gold; good; government; governor; great; ground; guano; guns; half; hand; harbour; hassim; head; heart; heavy; high; higher; hills; history; hongkong; hope; house; hunting; idea; important; independent; india; influence; inhabitants; instance; interest; interior; iron; island; james; java; jungle; kidnapping; kinabalu; kind; kingdom; known; kris; labuan; land; language; large; late; launch; law; laws; leaf; leaves; left; length; life; like; limbang; line; little; london; long; lord; mahomedan; mahomet; majesty; making; malay; malayan; man; manner; market; master; material; matters; means; meeting; miles; ministers; mission; mode; money; monopoly; mountain; muda; muhammadan; mundy; muruts; natives; natural; naval; near; negotiations; nests; net; new; nobles; north borneo; northern; november; number; numerous; nut; object; occasion; officers; officials; old; ones; open; opium; orang; order; ordinary; original; overbeck; owner; pagan; pages; palm; pangeran; party; payment; people; pepper; person; pigafetta; pikuls; piracy; pirates; place; planters; planting; plants; point; police; poor; population; portion; position; possession; possible; posts; power; powerful; prepared; presence; present; previous; price; principal; produce; products; property; protectorate; public; quality; quantity; queen; question; race; raja; rate; ready; rebellion; recent; reception; reference; religion; removed; report; resident; resources; return; revenue; rich; right; river; royal; rule; rája; sago; said; salt; sandakan; sarawak; scale; scheme; sea; season; second; service; settlements; shape; shewn; shops; short; sickness; silver; similar; singapore; sir; size; slave; slavery; small; society; soil; south; sovereign; spaniards; spanish; spirits; spot; square; state; station; steam; steamers; stone; straits; strong; subject; success; sufficient; suitable; sultan; sulu; sumatra; sun; superior; system; tax; taxes; term; territories; territory; thing; thought; throne; timber; time; title; tobacco; total; town; trade; traders; trading; transfer; treaty; trees; tribes; tropical; true; tumonggong; unable; valuable; value; vessels; view; village; visit; war; water; way; west; white; wife; wild; witti; women; wood; wooden; words; work; world; years; yellow; young cache: 27547.txt plain text: 27547.txt item: #7 of 12 id: 32418 author: Pollard, Edward B. title: Oriental Women date: None words: 108712 flesch: 68 summary: But great women, like great men, sometimes make mistakes, and their blunders are often just at the point where they have achieved greatness. And while one woman of the period became a deliverer for four decades, for more than a century many women suffered untold misery for lack of unity among the tribes and leaders capable of bringing the life of the reign to rights. keywords: abraham; account; adam; advance; affairs; affection; africa; aged; ages; alexander; alexandra; allat; altar; american; ancient; angel; apartments; appearance; arab; arab women; arabia; arms; army; arrangements; assyrian; assyrian women; attention; attitude; attractive; australian; australian women; authority; ayesha; baal; babylonian; battle; beasts; beautiful; beautiful woman; beauty; beginning; benjamin; best; better; bird; birth; black; blood; bodies; body; book; bore; bosom; boys; bracelets; breast; bride; bringing; broken; brother; brown; business; care; careful; case; cast; celebrated; centre; centuries; century; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; character; charms; chastity; chief; children; china; chinese; chinese women; chivalry; choice; christian; city; civilization; clan; classes; clay; cleopatra; close; clothing; color; coming; common; companion; company; complete; conception; conditions; conduct; conqueror; considerable; contact; contrast; control; corea; costly; costume; countries; country; course; court; covered; cow; crime; cruel; culture; custom; customary; cut; cyrus; daily; damsel; dances; dancing; darius; dark; daughter; david; day; days; dead; death; deborah; decline; deep; degree; delight; descent; determined; development; devotion; different; difficult; dignity; divine; divorce; djonder; domestic; doubtless; dowry; dress; drink; duties; duty; dynasty; earlier; earliest; early; earth; east; eastern; eating; education; effect; efforts; egypt; egyptian; egyptian women; elements; emperor; empire; empress; empresses; enemies; entire; equality; esther; european; event; evidence; evil; example; exception; exile; existence; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; fair; faithful; fall; familiar; families; family; famous; far; fashion; father; favorite; feasting; feet; female; feminine; field; figure; filial; fine; fingers; finished; fire; flesh; flowers; following; fond; food; foot; force; foreign; form; fortune; freedom; frequent; friends; future; garden; garments; gates; general; generation; gifts; girl; glory; god; goddess; gods; gold; golden; good; government; grace; graceful; great; great women; greater; greatest; greek; grief; groom; ground; habit; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harem; hath; head; heart; heaven; hebrew; hebrew women; herod; herodotus; heroic; high; higher; highest; hindoo; history; holy; home; home life; honor; honored; hope; hours; house; household; huge; human; husband; ideals; illustration; imperial; important; independence; india; infancy; infant; infanticide; influence; inheritance; intended; interest; interesting; isaac; ishtar; islam; islands; israel; jacob; jamshid; japanese; japanese women; jehovah; jerusalem; jewels; jewish; jewish women; jews; jezebel; judges; judith; kind; king; kingdom; known; koran; ladies; lady; land; language; large; later; law; laws; lead; leave; left; legal; legend; legs; length; life; like; line; lips; literary; literature; little; live; living; long; longer; look; lord; lost; love; maiden; making; man; manner; mariamne; marked; marriage; married; married women; marrying; material; matrimonial; matter; meal; meaning; means; measure; members; memory; method; middle; midst; milk; mind; miriam; modern; mohammed; moment; money; months; monuments; moon; moorish women; moors; moral; morning; moses; mother; motherhood; music; names; naomi; narrative; nation; national; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; neck; need; new; nile; noble; notable; noteworthy; number; numerous; occasion; occupation; offering; offspring; oil; old; ones; open; opportunity; order; ordinary; oriental; origin; ornaments; ottoman; painting; pair; palestine; parents; parties; parts; passing; passion; past; peculiar; people; perfect; period; persian; persian women; personal; physical; picture; piece; place; play; plot; poem; poet; poetic; poetry; political; polygamy; poor; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; practical; practice; prayer; presence; present; priest; primitive; prince; princess; privilege; progress; prominent; property; prophet; prophetess; protection; public; pure; purity; purpose; qualities; queen; question; races; rachel; rama; rank; rare; ready; realm; reason; rebekah; records; regard; region; reign; rejoicing; relation; relatives; religion; religious; remarkable; respect; respected; return; rich; right; rings; rise; rival; river; romance; romantic; rome; royal; rule; ruth; rôle; sacred; sacrifice; sad; sarah; saul; saying; school; scriptures; sea; seclusion; second; secret; self; semiramis; semitic; sense; separate; seraglio; servants; service; set; sex; sexes; shakuntala; shaping; share; short; shoulders; silk; silver; singing; single; sister; skill; slave; sleep; small; social; social life; society; solomon; son; song; sons; sorrow; soul; sound; southern; spain; spanish; special; spirit; spouse; standing; state; stone; stories; strange; streets; strength; strict; strong; stronger; struggle; subject; suffering; sultan; sun; supreme; sweet; sword; system; teachings; teeth; tell; temple; tent; territory; thee; things; thou; thought; throne; thy; time; touch; tradition; training; treatment; tree; tribes; true; turkey; turkish; turkish women; type; typical; unable; uncommon; unfortunate; universal; unknown; upper; value; variety; veil; victory; view; virtue; visit; voice; walk; walls; war; warrior; waters; way; wealth; weaving; wedded; wedding; western; white; wide; widow; wife; wild; wine; wisdom; wise; wives; womanhood; womanly; women; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worn; worship; writing; years; young; young woman; younger; youth cache: 32418.txt plain text: 32418.txt item: #8 of 12 id: 32977 author: Kipling, Rudyard title: From Sea to Sea; Letters of Travel date: None words: 216879 flesch: 80 summary: The _'rickshaw_ men are patient and long-suffering. Thakoors and great men also gave gifts out of their benevolence; and there was nothing in the wide world to prevent an Englishman from following their example. keywords: absurd; accident; account; affairs; afraid; afternoon; air; ajmir; akbar; amber; american; ancient; anglo; animal; answer; appearance; armed; arms; army; arrangements; article; artistic; artists; ashamed; attempt; average; away; awful; babies; babu; baby; bad; bade; bag; bahadur; baksh; bamboo; banks; bar; bath; bazar; bearing; beasts; beat; beauties; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; begins; behold; bell; bellied; bengal; best; better; bhumia; big; bill; birds; black; blessed; blind; blocks; blood; blossom; blow; blue; board; boat; body; boiling; bombay; book; boom; boondi; boots; bore; bottle; bowed; box; boxes; boys; branch; brass; break; breaking; breath; breeze; bret; brick; bridge; british; broken; bronze; brother; brown; buggy; building; bulk; bull; bund; bungalow; burma; burmese; burning; business; cabinet; calcutta; california; calls; camel; camp; canal; cane; canton; cantonment; capable; capital; captain; care; careful; carriage; carry; cars; cart; carved; case; cast; cattle; cavalry; cemetery; central; centre; certain; chairs; chances; change; chapter; character; cheap; cherry; chicago; chief; children; china; chinaman; chinese; chitor; cholera; chorus; chowkidar; church; circle; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; civilisation; civilised; clamour; clay; clear; cliff; climate; climb; close; cloth; clothes; cloud; club; coal; coat; cold; collection; colonel; colour; coloured; columbia; comfort; coming; commissioners; common; companies; companion; company; complete; concern; concerned; condition; connected; consideration; constitution; continent; control; conversation; coolie; copper; corner; cost; cotton; council; country; course; courts; courtyard; cover; cow; craft; credit; creed; crew; cross; crowd; crowded; cuckoo; curious; cursed; custom; daily; dainty; dak; dancing; dark; darkness; dawn; day; days; dead; dead man; deal; dear; death; decent; deck; deep; deeper; delhi; delicate; delightful; deoli; department; departure; deputy; desert; desire; details; devil; die; different; difficult; dignity; dinner; direction; dirty; distance; district; doctor; dog; dogs; dollars; door; double; doubt; dozen; draw; drawing; dream; dress; dressed; dressing; drinking; drinks; drive; drivers; driving; drop; drunk; dry; dull; durbar; dust; duty; early; earth; east; eastern; easy; editor; education; effect; elaborate; electric; elephants; empire; enclosure; end; engine; engineer; england; englishman; enormous; equal; escape; european; evening; excellent; experience; extent; eyed; eyes; face; fact; factory; faint; fair; faith; fall; fallen; familiar; family; fancy; far; fashion; fat; fate; father; fault; fear; feel; feeling; feet; fellow; fields; fighting; figures; fine; finest; fingers; finished; fire; fish; fishing; fit; flat; flight; floor; flowers; flying; fog; folk; following; food; fool; foot; force; ford; foreign; forest; form; fort; francisco; free; freedom; french; fresh; friends; frisco; fronts; fun; future; game; ganesh; gang; garden; gate; gau; gay; general; genial; gentile; gentleman; genuine; german; gerowlia; geyser; gift; gigantic; gilt; giridih; girl; glare; glass; globe; gloom; glory; god; gods; goes; going; gold; golden; good; good man; gorge; gorgeous; government; gown; grand; granite; grave; great; great man; greater; greatest; green; grey; grim; guard; guide; guns; hair; half; hall; hand; handed; handle; handsome; happy; harbour; hard; harness; harte; hat; hats; having; head; headed; heart; heaven; heavy; heels; hell; help; high; higher; highness; hills; hillside; hindu; history; hold; holding; holes; home; hong; honour; hope; horizon; horrible; horror; horses; hospital; hot; hotel; hours; house; howrah; huge; hugli; human; humanity; hundreds; hung; hunting; husband; idea; ignorance; iii; imperial; impression; inch; inches; india; indians; infantry; infinite; influence; information; inhabitants; inlay; innocent; inside; instance; interest; interesting; interior; intervals; irish; iron; island; ivory; jack; jamalpur; japanese; japs; jew; jeypore; jim; jodhpur; journey; judge; jungle; justice; keen; keeping; kind; kindly; kings; kioto; know; knowledge; kobé; kong; labour; lacquer; lacquered; ladies; lady; lake; lakhs; lamps; land; language; large; laugh; laughter; law; lay; lead; leave; left; legs; length; letters; level; lies; lieutenant; life; lights; like; lime; line; lips; liquor; list; little; little children; little man; little time; live; living; loafer; local; locomotive; log; london; long; look; looking; loose; lord; lost; lot; love; lovely; low; lucia; luxury; machinery; mad; magnificent; maharaja; maiden; mail; main; majesty; making; mamma; man; manner; marble; march; mark; market; married; marwar; masonry; mass; matter; meaning; means; measure; meet; men; merchants; mere; merits; merry; mewar; middle; mighty; mikado; miles; military; mind; minister; minutes; mist; mixed; modern; moment; money; months; mormon; morning; mother; moulmein; mountain; mouth; mrs; mud; mukh; municipal; murder; museum; music; musquash; mysterious; mystery; nagasaki; naked; names; narrow; nasirabad; nation; native; natural; nature; near; neat; necessary; necessity; neck; need; negro; new; news; newspaper; nice; night; nikko; noises; nose; note; notice; number; occasion; office; officers; official; old; old man; omaha; ones; open; opinion; order; oriental; osaka; outside; overhead; owner; pacific; packed; padre; page; pagoda; pair; palaces; pale; paper; parade; park; particular; parts; pass; passage; passengers; past; path; pattern; pause; paved; pay; pebbles; penang; people; perfect; person; pick; picnic; picture; piece; pig; pigs; pillars; pine; pink; pioneer; pipe; pistol; pit; pitiful; place; plain; plates; play; playing; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; pocket; point; pointed; police; policeman; polished; political; politics; polygamy; ponies; pony; pool; poor; population; portion; portland; position; possible; post; pot; pounds; power; presence; present; pretty; pride; priest; prince; private; procession; produce; professor; progress; proper; property; protection; proud; providence; public; pudmini; pull; punjab; pure; putting; quaint; quarter; queen; question; quiet; quoth; race; rails; railway; raised; rajput; rajputana; ram; rana; rangoon; rank; rate; raw; reach; reaches; reading; ready; real; reason; record; red; reflections; regard; regiment; regular; religion; respect; respectable; rest; result; return; revenue; reverence; revolver; rice; rich; rickshaw; riding; rise; river; road; roar; rock; rod; rolling; roof; room; rose; rotten; rough; round; royal; rude; rule; run; running; runs; rupees; rush; sacred; sad; saddle; safe; sahib; said; sake; salmon; salt; sand; sandstone; savage; save; saw; saying; scale; scenery; scheme; school; scores; screen; sea; search; seas; second; seeing; self; semi; sense; sentence; servants; service; set; shadow; shape; sheer; shift; ship; shipping; shoes; shooting; shop; shore; shot; shoulder; shrine; shut; sick; sides; signs; silence; silent; silk; silver; simla; simple; singapur; singh; single; sink; sir; sister; sitting; size; sky; sleep; slide; slope; slow; small; smells; smitten; smoking; smooth; snow; society; soft; soil; soldier; solid; song; sorrow; sorry; sort; soul; space; speaking; special; speech; speed; spirit; spite; splendour; split; spoke; spot; spread; spring; square; stables; staircase; stalls; standing; stands; stared; stars; startling; state; statement; station; stay; steamer; steps; stock; stone; stories; story; straight; strange; stream; streets; striking; strong; study; stuff; subject; sugar; summer; sumptuous; sun; sunday; sunk; sunlight; sunshine; superior; supply; surface; swearing; sweet; swing; sword; system; table; tail; taipan; tales; talk; talking; tank; tea; teeth; telegraph; telling; temper; temple; terrible; thakur; theory; thick; things; thinking; thomas; thought; thousands; throne; throw; thunder; tiffin; tiger; timber; time; tiny; tobacco; tod; tokio; tom; tomb; tonga; tongue; tops; touch; town; toyo; track; trade; traffic; train; tramway; traveller; treasury; trees; troops; trotter; trouble; trout; true; trunks; truth; tub; tunnel; turn; twilight; type; udaipur; uniform; unknown; unlimited; upper; vain; valley; value; vancouver; vast; verandah; vermilion; viceroy; victoria; view; village; visible; visit; visitor; voice; vote; walk; wall; walled; wandering; want; war; warm; waste; watch; water; wave; way; ways; wealth; wear; wearied; weather; week; weight; west; western; wet; wheel; white; white man; wicked; wide; wife; wild; wilderness; wind; window; wise; wish; wishes; women; wonder; wood; wooden; words; work; working; world; worse; worth; writer; writing; wrong; yankee; yards; years; yellowstone; yokohama; young; young man cache: 32977.txt plain text: 32977.txt item: #9 of 12 id: 35334 author: Tibbitts, Charles John title: Folk-Lore and Legends: Oriental date: None words: 45774 flesch: 77 summary: There is gold for thee, she said, thou wonderful man, to whom all the secrets of Nature are revealed! And as soon as the day shone, and the alarm of the young man subsided, he descended from the roof of the palace; and when his father-in-law beheld him, he rose to him and met him, wondering at seeing him descend from the top of the palace, and he said to him, We see other men come through the doors, but thou comest down from the sky. keywords: adventures; ahmed; air; ameen; appearance; arrow; arschi; art; astrologer; bag; baktschi; beautiful; bed; bird; body; brother; buffalo; caliph; carver; cave; cavern; chan; chief; city; cobbler; companions; country; covered; daughter; day; days; dead; death; desire; destiny; destruction; door; draw; drink; dwelling; earth; enemy; escape; evil; exalted; eyes; father; fear; feast; fell; fire; following; food; forest; form; fortune; fox; friend; frogs; ghool; god; gold; good; great; ground; hammer; hand; hath; head; hearing; heart; heaven; high; hither; hold; home; hope; horse; host; husband; hut; iron; jewels; jinn; journey; joy; king; kingdom; know; lady; land; large; leave; left; length; letter; life; like; little; long; lost; magician; maiden; man; massang; master; means; meat; men; mighty; mind; minister; moon; morning; morrow; mother; near; night; noosheerwân; number; old; old man; open; pagoda; painter; parents; people; pieces; pit; place; poor; power; present; recompense; return; reward; rich; river; roostem; ruby; ruler; sack; saw; saying; sheddád; sheykh; skill; sky; slave; sleep; son; sons; soul; spake; spirits; ssidi; state; stone; story; strength; swine; sword; thee; thieves; thine; things; thou; thou art; thought; thy; tiger; time; tomb; treasure; tree; true; tschadkurrs; tângâri; vain; vineyard; vizier; wall; water; way; weeping; white; wife; wild; wilt; wolf; woman; wonderful; wood; words; world; years; young; young man; younger; youth cache: 35334.txt plain text: 35334.txt item: #10 of 12 id: 38508 author: Vay, Péter title: Empires and Emperors of Russia, China, Korea, and Japan Notes and Recollections by Monsignor Count Vay de Vaya and Luskod date: None words: 97055 flesch: 66 summary: I have been at many great receptions, but I can remember none more impressive than the reception at the Summer Palace. I hope, therefore, that these first impressions of countries which, in name at any rate, are far more familiar to the British public than they were four or five years ago, may prove of great interest to many readers in England and America. keywords: able; accomplished; account; activity; administration; admiration; advantage; affairs; afraid; afternoon; agricultural; american; ancient; answer; appeal; appearance; architecture; area; arms; army; arrival; art; arthur; artistic; asia; asiatic; aspect; atmosphere; attention; attractive; author; autumn; away; banks; barracks; basis; beams; beautiful; beauty; believe; bell; best; better; black; blood; blue; body; books; boys; bridges; bright; brilliant; buildings; bushido; business; calm; capacity; capital; care; carriage; carrying; cart; carved; case; catholic; central; centre; centuries; century; ceremony; certain; chairs; change; character; characteristics; charm; charming; chief; children; china; chinaman; chinese; christian; church; chwang; cities; city; civilization; classes; close; clouds; coal; code; cold; colour; comfort; comfortable; commerce; commercial; common; companies; company; complete; conception; conditions; confucius; considerable; construction; continent; contrary; contrast; control; coolies; corner; cossacks; countries; country; courage; course; court; crossing; crowd; culture; customs; cut; daily; dalny; danger; dark; darkness; day; days; deal; death; deep; description; desert; deserted; desire; desolate; details; developed; development; different; difficult; difficulties; diplomatic; distance; distant; district; domestic; doors; dowager; dragons; drawing; dress; dynasty; early; earth; east; eastern; easy; education; effect; elaborate; electric; emperor; empire; empress; endless; energy; england; english; enormous; entrance; european; events; excellent; exceptional; existence; expected; export; expression; exquisite; extensive; extent; external; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; factories; fairy; faith; families; family; famous; far; fashion; father; favourite; features; feet; fields; fine; finished; flat; flowers; folk; food; forbidden; force; foreign; forests; form; free; french; fresh; friends; funeral; furniture; future; gardens; gate; general; geographical; german; gigantic; glance; gloomy; glory; gold; golden; good; government; governor; grand; great; greater; greatest; green; ground; groves; guest; half; hall; hands; happiness; happy; hard; head; heart; heaven; heavy; help; hidden; high; higher; highest; hills; historical; history; home; honour; hope; hours; houses; huge; human; hundreds; hung; idea; illustration; imagination; imperial; important; imposing; impressed; impressions; industrial; industry; influence; inhabitants; inner; innumerable; instance; institutions; intellectual; interest; interesting; interior; international; irkutsk; iron; islands; japan; japanese; journey; justice; kharbin; kind; kiri; knowledge; known; korea; koreans; labour; lacquer; lake; land; language; large; late; law; leading; leave; left; legation; length; life; light; like; likely; line; little; live; living; local; long; longer; look; looking; lost; magnificent; main; majesty; making; manchuria; manchus; mandarins; manner; marble; marvellous; master; material; matters; means; meet; members; men; mere; methods; middle; midst; mighty; mikado; miles; military; mind; minister; mission; modern; modest; moment; money; mongolian; months; monuments; moral; morning; moscow; mother; mountains; mud; mukden; music; mysterious; narrow; national; nations; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neighbouring; new; nippon; niu; north; northern; number; numerous; object; occasion; occupation; offer; officers; official; old; open; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; organization; oriental; origin; original; outside; page; pagodas; palace; paper; parts; pass; passengers; past; peace; peculiar; pei; pekin; people; perfect; permission; personal; peterhof; petersburg; picture; picturesque; places; plain; play; pleasure; point; political; poor; popular; population; port; position; possess; possibilities; possible; power; present; pretty; pride; primitive; prince; principal; principles; private; problems; procession; progress; progressive; protection; provinces; public; punishment; purple; purpose; quaint; qualities; quarter; question; quiet; race; railway; rate; ready; real; reality; reason; recent; reception; red; refinement; regard; regions; regular; relations; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; residence; respect; return; rice; rich; river; road; roof; roofed; room; rough; route; royal; ruins; rule; russian; sacred; sad; samurai; satisfaction; scattered; scenery; schools; sea; seat; second; sedan; seeing; self; sense; seoul; servants; service; shape; shops; short; siberia; sides; silk; silver; similar; simple; simplicity; single; situation; sky; small; smaller; social; society; soil; soldiers; sound; south; space; special; spiritual; spite; splendour; spot; square; standard; standpoint; stands; start; state; station; stay; step; stock; stone; strange; streams; street; strength; striking; strong; students; study; style; subjects; success; suicide; summer; sun; surprise; surroundings; sword; system; tang; tartar; taste; tea; temples; terms; territory; things; thought; thousands; throne; tien; time; today; tokio; tombs; towers; town; trade; traditions; traffic; train; training; trans; travellers; travelling; treasures; trees; troops; true; tsar; tsi; tsin; turn; typical; uniforms; unique; university; unknown; unquestionably; useful; valuable; value; variety; vast; viceroy; view; villages; virtues; visible; visit; walk; wall; want; war; watch; water; wealth; wear; western; white; wide; windows; winter; wish; women; wonder; wonderful; wooden; work; workmen; world; worn; yamen; yard; years; yellow; young cache: 38508.txt plain text: 38508.txt item: #11 of 12 id: 40900 author: Bartholomew, J. G. (John George) title: A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia date: None words: 65554 flesch: 92 summary: =Adas=, Bombay. =Aden=, Arabia. keywords: 100e; 101e; 102e; 103e; 104e; 105e; 106e; 107e; 108e; 109e; 10n; 10s; 110e; 113e; 114e; 116e; 117e; 119e; 11n; 121e; 122e; 123e; 125e; 127e; 128e; 129e; 12n; 130e; 132e; 133e; 134e; 135e; 136e; 137e; 138e; 139e; 13n; 140e; 141e; 142e; 143e; 145e; 14n; 17n; 18n; 19n; 20n; 21n; 23n; 24n; 26n; 27n; 28n; 29n; 31n; 32n; 33n; 34n; 35n; 36n; 37n; 39n; 40n; 42n; 43n; 45e; 45n; 46n; 48e; 49e; 50e; 50n; 52e; 52n; 56n; 58e; 59e; 62e; 62n; 65e; 67e; 69e; 70e; 71e; 72e; 73e; 74e; 75e; 77e; 83e; 84e; 86e; 87e; 90e; 91e; 92e; 94e; 95e; 96e; 98e; = abel; = adam; = ak; = ala; = alazeisk; = anadyr; = arakan; = arjesh=; = awa=; = baal; = baikal; = balabac; = bali; = banda; = bang; = basses; = batu; = bayan; = beth; = bien; = binh; = black; = blue; = bolan; = budihaul=; = cao; = carmel=; = celebes=; = chang; = chao; = chau; = chel; = chen; = chhung; = chi; = chindwin; = cho; = chu; = current; = dairen=; = dampier; = delhi=; = dera; = dickson; = dong; = el; = en; = feng; = fo; = frederick; = fu; = fukuyama=; = geelvink; = ghijinsk=; = gilolo; = good; = great; = gumal; = hai; = haleb=; = ham; = han; = hei; = heng; = ho; = hoa; = hoi; = hong; = hsiang; = hsiau; = hsin; = hsu; = hu; = hui; = hulu; = hun; = hung; = hwai; = hwei; = iligan; = islamabad=; = java; = kai; = kalat; = kan; = kao; = karnal=; = kham; = khara; = khatanga; = ki=; = kia; = kiai=; = kiao; = kien; = king; = kishangarh=; = kiu; = koh; = kompong; = kong; = kota; = ku; = kuala; = kuchino; = kun; = kuram; = kushiro=; = kwang; = kwei; = kyauk; = kyeng; = lai; = lan; = lang; = lao; = laut; = le; = liao; = lien; = ling; = liu; = lo; = long; = lung; = ma; = maing; = mandarin; = marianne; = mei; = meng; = min; = mu; = muang; = naga; = nam; = nan; = nefud=; = new; = ngan; = nijni; = ning; = nong; = north; = okushiri; = old; = owen; = pa=; = pai; = pak; = pan; = pao; = patience; = patri=; = pei; = peking=; = peng; = pennar; = perak; = pescadores; = phu; = pin=; = ping; = pnom; = po; = pora; = port; = prince; = pulau; = pulo; = pya; = rabbath; = raigarh=; = redang; = rokan; = safed; = saga=; = sai=; = salt; = sambar; = samit; = san; = sapudi; = schouten; = se; = shahgarh=; = shan; = shao; = shi; = shu; = shui; = shun; = siak; = son=; = song; = south; = st; = sual=; = sui; = sulu; = sung; = sze; = tai; = taimyr; = tanah; = tanjong; = tao; = tavoy; = te; = telok; = teng=; = thai; = tien; = tiger; = timor; = tomari=; = tong; = tsing; = tsuen; = tsz; = tung; = tunguska; = udaipur=; = ust; = utch=; = vaico; = van; = verknoi; = victoria; = volcano; = wady; = wei; = wen; = west; = white; = wu; = xuan; = yang; = yen; = ying; = yu=; = yuen; = yung; a.d; a.h; afghanistan; akbar; alexander; ali; alleged; ancient; arabia; arabs; asia; asia minor; asiatic; assam; aurungzebe; b.=; b.c; baluchistan; bartholomew; battle; bay=; bengal; berar; bible; bombay; book; borneo; british; buddha; burckhardt; burma; burton; caliph; cape=; capital; celebrated; central; centuries; century; ceylon; china; china sea; chinese; city; clive; co.; coinage; coins; company; conquered; copper; crusaders; dagh=; day; decisive; defeat; dinar; dirhem; dynasty; earliest; early; earthquake; east; east indies; edinburgh; egypte; emperor; empire; english; established; european; famous; far; fleet; formosa; fort; french; frontier; general; goa; god; gold; greek; gulf; haidarabad; hakluyt; hearn; hindu; history; holy; hwa=; hyder; iii; illustration; india; indies; indo; inner; is.=; island=; japan; japanese; john; ju=; kashmir; kau=; khan; kinglake; kipling; known; korea; krishna; lafcadio; lake=; lamartine; later; legend; little; lord; madras; mahrattas; malacca; malay; malik; malleson; manchuria; marco; massacre; minor; mint; moghul; mohammadan; mohammed; money; mongolia; mount=; mountain; mt.=; mts.=; mutiny; mysore; n.w; nepal; obverse; of=; orient; page =; palestine; pass=; pen; peninsula; persia; persians; philippine; pieces; pilgrimes; plate; point=; polo; portuguese; possession; present; progress; provinces; provs; punjab; r.=; rajah; rajputana; rao; rebuilt; res; reverse; river=; ruins; rupee; russia; russians; s. china; sacred; sahib; saint; saladin; scene; sea; series; shah; shima=; siam; siberia; sikhs; silver; sind; singh; sir; states; strait=; sultan; sumatra; syria; tamerlane; temple; thomson; tibet; time; tippoo; tomb; town; travels; treaty; turkestan; turkey; turks; twain; types; united; victory; vii; viii; vishnu; volney; voyage; war; world cache: 40900.txt plain text: 40900.txt item: #12 of 12 id: 43495 author: Gillis, Charles J. title: Around the World in Seven Months date: None words: 28260 flesch: 74 summary: There we took a circuit around the hills, and saw many great buildings, barracks, schools, etc. The harbor appears to be about a mile wide and two miles long, surrounded by steep hills, on which the city is built, largely in terraces, with many great palaces, mosques, and public buildings, the Mosque of St. Sophia being very prominent. keywords: a.m.; afternoon; american; ancient; appearance; army; bad; beautiful; beauty; big; black; board; boat; bombay; bridge; bright; buildings; cairo; calcutta; camels; canal; canton; captain; carriage; ceylon; chapter; children; china; chinese; city; class; clean; cocoa; cold; colombo; colored; comfortable; consul; cool; country; couple; covered; crowded; cultivated; day; days; deck; degrees; delightful; diameter; dinner; distance; dollars; donkeys; dozen; dressed; drove; elephants; emperor; england; english; evening; excellent; famous; feet; feet high; fellow; fields; fine; finest; fire; flowers; foot; friends; general; gentleman; german; glad; good; grand; great; green; grounds; guide; half; handsome; harbor; heavy; high; hills; home; hong; horses; hotel; hours; house; illuminated; immense; india; instant; interested; island; jaffa; january; japan; jerusalem; jinrickishas; khedive; kind; kong; ladies; lady; lake; large; left; life; like; little; long; looking; lovely; lunch; magnificent; making; man; manner; marble; men; miles; minutes; miss; morning; mosques; mountains; narrow; native; near; new; night; north; numerous; o'clock; officers; old; ones; oriental; p.m.; palaces; park; party; passengers; paved; people; perfect; place; pleasant; poor; pretty; public; railroad; return; ride; river; road; room; rough; run; sand; saw; scene; sea; seeing; ship; shore; sides; silver; small; snow; soldiers; splendid; spot; states; station; steamer; stone; stores; strange; streets; sun; temple; thermometer; thing; time; train; trees; trip; usual; vienna; view; walk; wall; water; way; weather; white; wide; women; wonderful; wood; work; world; years; yesterday; yokohama; york; young cache: 43495.txt plain text: 43495.txt