item: #1 of 11 id: A17865 author: Cameron, John, 1579?-1625. title: A tract of the soueraigne iudge of controuersies in matters of religion. By Iohn Cameron minister of the Word of God, and divinity professour in the Academie of Montauban. Translated into English by Iohn Verneuil. M.A. date: 1628 words: 17022 flesch: 60 summary: 1 And as for the first , if God speaking in the Scriptures , or by the Scriptures is as if hee speake not at all , vnder a colour that the Scripture is dombe , and giuing no sound , ought wee not vpon the same reason to say that the Fathers speaking in their writings , the Church speaking in the Canōs of the Councells , the Pope in his decrees , and decretalls , in his breefes and in his bulls and indulgences : it were all one as if the Fathers , Church , and Pope speake not at all ? And ought not the writings of the Fathers , the Canons of the Councels , the decrees and decretals , the briefes , bulls , and indulgences bee propounded and applyed ? BVT for all this they call in doubt the sufficiencie of the Iudge , before whom the accusers commence their suite , to wit , God speaking in the Scriptures , or by the Scriptures . keywords: a17865; able; accusation; allegation; ambiguous; apostles; authority; bee; beleeued; betweene; body; cameron; canne; catholique; cause; certaine; chap; children; christ; christian; church; cleare; conscience; controversies; councell; day; dead; demand; desire; difference; div; doctrine; doth; doubt; dumbe; eebo; end; english; faith; false; farre; fathers; foundation; ghost; giue; god; good; great; hath; haue; hauing; heare; hee; himselfe; holy; humaine; iewes; ignorant; image; impossible; iohn; iudge; judgement; knowledge; law; light; like; little; lord; man; manner; matter; meanes; mee; men; moses; multitude; nature; nay; necessary; notes; nullity; obscure; obscurity; opinion; oxford; place; points; prophets; proue; question; reason; receiued; religion; romish; rule; scripture; scripture bee; second; seeke; sense; sentence; serue; shew; speake; speaketh; spirit; spirituall; tcp; testament; testimony; text; themselues; things; thinke; times; title; true; truth; verifying; vnder; vnderstanding; vnto; voyce; vpon; vse; wee; wisdome; wise; wit; word; writings; yea cache: A17865.xml plain text: A17865.txt item: #2 of 11 id: A20965 author: Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez, seigneur de, 1597-1654. title: A wittie encounter betweene Monsieur du Moulin, and Monsieur De Balzac Esteemed two the most elegant pens of their nation. Wherein they deliver things weighty, and important both in religion and state. Faithfully translated out of the french (sic) coppy by A.S. Gent. date: 1636 words: 7186 flesch: 68 summary: I am confident that you will make use of your mercy rather then your Iustice towards him , who into your hands hath voluntarily put the life of his Reputation in good Letters , to him farre , far dearer then his Naturall , during which he vowes to remaine Sir , Your most humble Servant , A. S. THE LETTER OF Monsieur de Moulin , to Monsieur de Balzac . Of whose power , though GOD hath made use in our humiliation , yet hath not his M ty forgotten our ancient services , nor that the dead King his father , of glorious memory , in the time of his affliction , had no other Sanctuary then our Churches . keywords: able; answer; balzac; bee; better; betweene; body; books; cause; characters; churches; cicero; doe; early; eebo; elegant; eloquence; english; force; france; french; god; good; grace; great; greater; hath; himselfe; images; king; lawes; letters; liberty; like; long; man; master; monsieur; moulin; nation; new; online; opinion; owne; oxford; partnership; party; pens; people; phase; pope; power; praise; religion; rome; selfe; sir; sonne; speake; state; stile; tcp; tei; text; things; thrice; thy; time; true; truth; vertue; way; wee; weighty; wit; works; world; xml cache: A20965.xml plain text: A20965.txt item: #3 of 11 id: A41774 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: The Baptist against the papist, or, The Scripture and Rome in contention about the supream seat of judgment, in controversies of religion together with ten arguments or reasons, discovering the present papal church of Rome to be no true church of Christ : wherein it is also evinced that the present assemblies of baptized believers, are the true church of Jesus Christ / by Tho. Grantham ... date: 1663 words: 29083 flesch: 70 summary: THE SECOND PART , SHEWETH , That the present Papal Church of Rome , is not the Church of Christ , for divers important Causes or Reasons . The Seed of the Woman ( or Gospel-Church ) are all such as have the Faith of Jesus , and keep the Commandments of God , at least in Profession ; for that is the thing that is absolutely necessary , in order to any Person 's admission into the Church of Christ , John 3. 5 , 6. 2 Cor. 5. 16 , 17. Rev. 12. ult . Gal. 3. 26 , 27 , 28. 2. All the Children of the new Covenant , or Church of Christ , do DIFFER from the Church under Moses , SO , as that they , each individual , do so know the Lord , as that they need not , in some sort , teach one another , saying , Know the Lord , Heb. 8. Jer. 31. keywords: acts; answer; antient; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; appeal; argument; assemblies; augustine; authority; babylon; baptism; believe; believers; blood; body; books; case; children; christ; church; churches; clear; consent; contrary; controversies; councils; dayes; decrees; desire; differences; divers; doctrine; doth; end; evident; faith; fathers; general; god; good; gospel; great; hath; hold; holy; infallible; infant; jesus; john; judge; judgment; law; like; little; living; lord; man; mark; matter; matth; means; members; men; mind; miracles; moses; mystery; national; nations; necessity; needs; new; old; opinion; order; papal church; paper; papists; paul; people; persons; peter; place; point; power; practice; present; primitive; prophets; purpose; queries; query; reader; reason; received; religion; religious; respect; right; rome; rule; said; scripture; second; self; sense; spirit; succession; tcp; testimony; text; things; time; title; tradition; true church; truth; understanding; use; viz; voice; water; way; word; work; writings; yea; years cache: A41774.xml plain text: A41774.txt item: #4 of 11 id: A47133 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The deism of William Penn and his brethren destructive to the Christian religion, exposed and plainly laid open in the examination and refutation of his late reprinted book called, A discourse of the general rule of faith and practise and judge of controversie, wherein he contendeth that the Holy Scriptures are not the rule of faith and life, but that the light in the conscience of every man is that rule / by George Keith. date: 1699 words: 37086 flesch: 48 summary: Here observe for all his professed kindness to the Scriptures , he will not allow all the parts of Scripture , but only some parts of it , to be so much as a subordinate , secondary and declaratory Rule : though even the Ceremonial Precepts , he has as great reason to believe them to be the Words of God , and consequently a Rule of Faith , though not of Practise ( as touching the external Types ) as truly as any other parts of Scripture . That the common Illumination of the Divine Word , was to the Patriarchs , Abraham , Noah , &c. a Law , or Rule of Justice is granted ; but that it was to them a Law , or Rule of Faith , whereby they believed in the promised Messiah , is denied , for that was a special Revelation , that was the Law or Rule of that Faith , and not the common Illumination , though both common and special , were and are from the same Divine Word ; yet this hinders not their Distinction ; as all the Creatures of God have one Creator and Author of their Being ; yet this hinders not , but that the Creatures are widely distinct one from another . keywords: ages; answer; apostles; arguing; argument; assent; authority; best; book; brethren; case; certain; christ; christian; christian faith; christianity; church; common; conscience; consequence; controversie; conviction; creature; death; definition; deism; deists; dictates; discoveries; divine; doctrine; doth; english; error; eternal; evidence; extraordinary; faith; faithful; false; fundamental; general rule; god; good; grace; great; hath; hearts; high; holy; holy scriptures; holy spirit; illumination; inspiration; instrument; internal; inward; jesus; jews; john; judge; judgment; justice; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; laws; life; light; like; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; matter; means; medium; men; method; mind; moral; nature; necessary; need; new; object; original; outward; page; particular; parts; peculiar; people; perfect; perfect rule; places; plain; practise; precepts; primary rule; principal; principles; prophets; proposition; quakers; question; reason; religion; remission; respect; revelation; rom; rule; salvation; saviour; saying; scriptures; secondary rule; section; seeing; self; sense; sins; special; spirit; spiritual; state; sufficient; tcp; testament; testimony; text; things; think; time; true; true rule; truth; understanding; use; viz; w.p; way; wit; words; work; world; writing; yea cache: A47133.xml plain text: A47133.txt item: #5 of 11 id: A50402 author: Maynard, John, 1600-1665. title: The law of God ratified by the gospel of Christ, or, The harmony of the doctrine of faith with the law of righteousness wherein many of the types and rites of the ceremonial law are unfolded, and the moral law adjusted a rule of holy living to all, though justified by faith / as it was delivered in several sermons preacht to the parochial congregation of Mayfield in Sussex by Mr. Mainard late rector thereof, publisht since his death. date: 1674 words: 80535 flesch: 69 summary: That which we have , Psal. 40. is applied to Christ by the Apostle , Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire , mine ears hast thou opened : burnt offering and sin-offering hast thou not required : then said I , Lo I come , in the volumn of the Book it is written of me , I delight to do thy will O my God , yea thy Law is within my heart : his heart was filled with the love of God , and full of the Law of God , he was freely ready to do or suffer any thing for his Fathers glory . 1 Joh. 3. 8. at large unfolded , Christ God imprest on our nature in himself , the absolute perfection of that holiness the Law required of mans nature , Christ hath fully satisfied the Law , and accomplisht the Prophecies concerning him , which was God , the coessential word , who made all , supports all in heaven and earth , and doth it as primary efficient cause and final for his own glory , so was without robbery equal with God , yet became man , uniting the humane nature to the Godhead , which supported the humane nature , gave value to the sufferings of it , in which nature , he made under the Law , was in capacity of suffering the Curse , which the Godhead , fountain of life and blessedness was not liable to : Who come not to Christ , are expos'd to all that their sins deserve , and the Law threatens : Sin then is bitter , and will be the shame of Sinners . keywords: able; act; affections; altar; angels; answer; apostle; apt; authority; beasts; believers; best; blessed; blood; bodies; body; breast; brethren; calleth; carnal; cause; ceremonial law; ceremonies; chap; children; christ; christ hath; christians; church; circumcision; city; clear; coming; common; conceive; condemnation; condition; conscience; contrary; corrupt; corruption; covenant; creation; creatures; cross; curse; darkness; david; day; days; dead; death; degree; divers; divine; divisions; doctrine; doth; double; duties; earth; end; epistle; errours; eternal; everlasting; evil; exod; eyes; faith; fall; false; falshood; father; feast; fire; flesh; follow; followeth; free; fruits; gal; general; gentiles; ghost; glorious; glory; god; god hath; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; guilt; hand; harvest; hast; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; heavenly; heb; heed; heresies; high; hold; holiness; holy; holy law; hope; house; humane; iesus; iews; ignorance; image; imputed; incense; infinite; iohn; israel; israelites; jesus christ; joh; judge; judgement; justice; justification; justified; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; lamb; land; law; lev; life; light; like; little; living; lord christ; lord god; lord jesus; love; lusts; malice; man; man christ; manifest; mankind; manner; mans; mat; matter; meaning; meat; members; men; mercy; mind; ministers; moral law; moses; mystery; nations; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; obedience; objection; occasion; offering; old; open; ordinances; outward; pardon; particular; passeover; paul; peculiar; people; perfect; perfect law; perfect righteousness; perfection; persons; peter; place; pleased; point; poor; power; preaching; precious; present; priest; prince; profess; prophets; pure; purity; question; ready; reason; regard; repentance; respect; rest; resurrection; righteousness; rom; rule; sabbath; sacred; sacrifice; salt; salvation; satan; satisfaction; satisfied; saviour; saying; scil; scripture; seat; second; sect; self; selves; sense; services; set; sheweth; sin; sinners; sins; son; soul; sound; special; spirit; spiritual; state; subject; sufferings; sufficient; sweet; tabernacle; teachers; temple; testament; text; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; true; truth; turn; types; unclean; united; use; vail; vain; voice; void; vse; water; way; whereof; wisdom; witness; woman; works; world; worship; wrath; written; yea; ● ● cache: A50402.xml plain text: A50402.txt item: #6 of 11 id: A51221 author: Moore, John, 1646-1714. title: Of patience and submission to authority a sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor and the Court of Aldermen at Guild-Hall Chapel on the 27th of January, 1683/4 / by John Moore ... date: 1684 words: 20505 flesch: 64 summary: My Lord , I Publish this Discourse in compliance with your Lordship's Commands , and not without some hopes it may be of use , not onely to bring men to a patient submission to the Will of God , under the manifold troubles and afflictions of this life , but likewise to compose their Minds to all due subjection and obedience to the Civil Authority : (c) It justifies all God's Decrees , has place in every command ; strengthens faith , governs peace , promotes charity , teaches humility , waits for the repentance of men , and the confession of their fault , governs the flesh , preserves the spirit , bridles the tongue , holds the hands , tramples upon temptations , repells scandals , perfects martyrdom ; comforts the poor , moderates the rich , does not burthen the weak , nor consume the strong , delights the Christian , invites the Heathen , recommends the Servant to his Master , and the Master to God , adorns the Woman , approves the Man ; is lovely in a Child , commendable in the young , admirable in the old ; beautifull in every sex and age . keywords: afflictions; aldermen; allegiance; ante; apostle; arguments; atque; authority; authour; aventinus; bellarmine; benno; bishops; bloud; body; books; cardinal; care; cases; cause; chapel; characters; charge; charity; christian; christianity; chron; church; civil; command; concil; condition; conscience; contrary; course; court; credit; cross; crown; day; death; decree; defence; dei; deposing; design; disobedience; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; duties; duty; early; easie; eebo; emperour; encoding; end; english; enim; esse; est; etiam; evil; example; faith; false; farther; fathers; fault; form; france; free; friends; general; god; good; goodness; government; governours; great; greater; gregory; grief; guild; hall; hand; happiness; hard; head; heaven; henry; higher; hildebrand; hist; hoc; holiness; holy; hopes; humble; ignorance; iii; ill; images; imperatorem; inferiour; instances; interest; ipse; january; jesuits; jesus; john; judge; judgment; king; kingdom; labour; laws; lay; lib; life; little; lives; long; lord; loss; love; making; man; manifest; matter; mayor; means; men; mind; moore; nation; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; non; oath; obedience; obligation; occasion; officers; omnes; omni; onely; online; open; opinion; order; ordinance; oxford; pains; papa; partnership; passions; patience; patient; paul; peace; people; persuasion; peter; phase; philosophers; plain; pleasures; pope; power; practice; prayers; precepts; present; primitive; princes; private; proportion; providence; public; qui; quod; quàm; quòd; reason; regem; regi; religion; repentance; resistence; reward; right; rome; royal; rule; sake; scripture; scruples; sed; self; selves; sense; sermon; service; set; sin; sinfull; sins; society; soul; spiritual; state; strength; subjection; subjects; submission; submit; supreme; sword; tcp; tei; text; things; thought; time; title; tom; true; truth; turn; understanding; unjust; unlawfull; vel; vertue; vii; whereof; wicked; wisedom; words; work; world; writ; xml; years cache: A51221.xml plain text: A51221.txt item: #7 of 11 id: A61596 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: Scripture and tradition compared in a sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chapel, Novemb. 27, 1687 / by Edward Stillingfleet ... date: 1688 words: 10439 flesch: 74 summary: Walking in him is an Eastern way of speaking and supposes both an adhering to that Faith they had then received , and living according to it , looking on Christ and his Doctrine , as their only way to Heaven . There are some who pretend , that the Apostles Writings were meerly Accidental and Occasional things , but that the main design was to lodge the great Assurance of the Doctrine of Christ in Tradition from one to another ; and what they wrote was not to make any Rule of Faith , but only to give some good Advice to those Churches they wrote to . keywords: account; advantage; ages; apostles; apostolical; authority; books; care; certainty; christ; christian; church; churches; creed; divine; doctrine; doth; early; eebo; english; epistle; faith; general; genuine; god; good; gospels; great; holy; ierusalem; iesus; infallible; life; lord; luke; mankind; matters; meer; men; mind; necessary; occasions; oral; particular; paul; persons; points; possible; primitive; reason; religion; rule; scriptures; second; sense; spirit; tcp; teachers; testimony; text; things; time; tradition; true; truth; viz; way; words; world; writing cache: A61596.xml plain text: A61596.txt item: #8 of 11 id: A67569 author: Ward, Seth, 1617-1689. title: A philosophicall essay towards an eviction of the being and attributes of God. Immortality of the souls of men. Truth and authority of Scripture. together with an index of the heads of every particular part. date: 1652 words: 26836 flesch: 38 summary: Men usually consider whether or no the things be such as may be certainly and evidently known , and whether these parties had sufficient means to come to the certain knowledge of them , and whether they contain themselves in their relations within the bounds of things liable to certain knowledge : thus then those things which may be certainly known they are the outward events of things , whereas the secret causes may lie concealed , the former are such as are the objects of common sence , and come within the cognizance of all : the later are such as are indiscoverable by any man , they being oftentimes made up of a complexion of actions and dispositions of multitudes of men ; or things perfectly to be known , onely of him that sees all things in speculo aeternitatis . But if this were so , beside that no reason could be given why with both our eyes and two images of it , we see but one thing : it would necessarily follow that we could not see any quantity bigger then our eye in its naturall scituation , for if Images were seen in the eye , they would be seen as they are in the eye , but in the bottom of the eye the images of things are inverted , and consequently the things themselves would seem to be inverted , men would seem to us with their heads below and their feet above , that which is on the right hand would seem to be on the left . keywords: acts; affections; apostles; apprehension; arguments; assertion; attributes; authority; authours; beginning; beleeve; belief; betwixt; bodies; body; books; brain; canon; cause; certain; christ; church; circumstances; clear; common; conclusion; consideration; contemplation; contradiction; contrary; corrupted; creation; credit; demonstration; designe; discourse; doctrine; doe; doth; end; essence; eternall; eternity; evident; eye; faith; farre; force; gain; generall; god; godhead; great; greater; grounds; hand; hath; head; heaven; histories; history; holy; images; immortality; impossible; incorporeall; infinite; jews; judgement; knowledge; law; life; light; like; long; man; manifest; manner; matter; men; minde; miracles; moses; motion; mover; naturall; nature; nay; necessity; new; non; number; objections; objects; old; originall; particular; parts; perfect; place; pleasure; power; present; principles; proof; properties; question; reason; religion; remains; rest; reward; roman; saint; saviour; scriptures; sect; self; selves; sense; severall; simple; souls; spirit; subject; substances; sufficient; testament; text; things; time; true; truth; understanding; unlesse; visible; way; works; world; writings cache: A67569.xml plain text: A67569.txt item: #9 of 11 id: A67823 author: Young, Edward, 1641 or 2-1705. title: Piety's address to the magistrate delivered in a sermon at the assizes held in Winchester, July 11th, 1695 / by E. Young ... date: 1695 words: 8011 flesch: 53 summary: In this appointment of Providence Moses his Rod was the Complete Emblem of the Magistrates Coercive Power ; which is the only Competent Means under God to recover Men from the Bondage of Reigning Vice , and to force a passage thro their opposing Inclinations , without which it is morally impossible they should ever get Free. ( For , since the whole Stile of the Scripture points plainly as it does , This is a Consequence which the Socinians can never evade by all their boasted Happiness of Interpretation , Because the more Happy their Interpretations are , the more they demonstrate This Consequence . ) And now laying These Two Imputations together , let any one tell me how they can be Tolerable ; How the First , when charged upon Him , who thought it not Robbery to be Equal with God ; or How the Second , when charged upon Him , Who made himself of no Reputation , and was the Humblest of Men. keywords: able; act; altho; authority; blessings; books; care; characters; charge; christ; church; common; crimes; early; eebo; english; execution; fear; force; god; godliness; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; honesty; humane; ill; images; influence; laws; life; like; loose; magistrates; man; manners; matter; mean; men; nature; necessary; need; occasion; oxford; particular; peace; people; piety; power; prayer; private; proper; publick; religion; second; sin; state; subsist; tcp; tei; text; things; time; vertue; vice; want; winchester; words; work; world; young cache: A67823.xml plain text: A67823.txt item: #10 of 11 id: A85746 author: Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687, translator. title: Of the authority of the highest powers about sacred things. Or, The right of the state in the Church. Wherein are contained many judicious discourses, pertinent to our times, and of speciall use for the order and peace of all Christian churches. / Put into English by C.B. M.A. The method of every chapter is added in the margent, and collected at the end. date: 1651 words: 77355 flesch: 69 summary: His law of ●onowing the God of Israel was ●o●●osso●adid , than that other of worshipping the Idol vain Cyrus and his Successors , as Histories relate , were given to the worship of false Gods ; yet , without their leave , might ( not the ) Hebrewes rebuild the Temple , for the service of the true . ●●init . keywords: absolute; actions; acts; adde; affairs; age; alleged; alwaies; ambrose; angels; answer; answer'd; antient; antient church; antioch; apostles; apostolicall; appeal; argument; aristotle; assemblies; assembly; assessors; austin; authority; authors; autore; bee; beginning; best; better; beza; bishops; body; books; brethren; businesse; cals; canons; cap; care; catholick; cause; certain; chalcedon; change; chap; chief; children; christ; christian; church; churches; cities; city; civill; clear; clergy; collation; command; committed; common; communion; company; confesse; congregation; consent; constantine; constitution; contrary; controversies; cor; councill; counsell; courts; custome; cyprian; david; day; deacons; death; decrees; degree; deputies; determined; deut; difference; dignity; directive; discourse; distinct; distinction; divers; divine; divine authority; divine law; divine right; divinity; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duty; ecclesiasticall; effect; elders; election; eminence; emperours; empire; end; enemies; england; english; enquire; ephesus; episcopacy; epistle; equall; errour; evill; examples; excellent; excommunication; exercise; expedient; extant; externall; faithfull; false; family; farre; fathers; fault; favour; finall; fit; flock; folio; following; force; france; free; french; function; generall; gift; god; gods; good; gospell; government; governour; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; greek; h. power; hands; hath; hearing; heart; hebrew; hee; help; henry; higher; highest; highest authority; highest power; himselfe; histories; history; hold; holland; holy; honour; hope; humane; humane law; humane power; immutable; imperative; imperiall; inferiour; internall; israel; jerom; jerusalem; jewes; john; judgement; judges; jurisdiction; justinian; keys; kind; kingdome; kings; knowledge; known; labour; later; latin; law; lawes; lawfull; lawyers; lay; learned; learning; leave; left; legislation; lesser; letters; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; love; luke; magistrates; majesty; major; making; man; manifest; manner; masters; matter; meaning; means; meer; men; mind; ministers; ministry; moses; multitude; names; nations; naturall; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neverthelesse; new; nicene; noted; nov; number; obedience; objection; obligation; observed; octavo; office; oft; old; opinion; ordained; order; ordinary; ordination; originall; pagan; pains; parliament; particular; parties; parts; pastorall; pastors; patrons; paul; peculiar; people; perpetuall; person; persuasion; peter; philo; physician; piety; pious; place; pleasure; point; pope; popular; positive; power; power hath; praise; prayer; preaching; precept; presbyters; present; presidents; priesthood; priests; princes; principall; private; profitable; proper; prophecy; prophets; proved; providence; publick; punishment; purpose; quarto; question; reason; regall; religion; respect; rest; right; roman; rome; royall; rule; rulers; sacraments; sacred; sacred things; said; saith; saying; scripture; second; sect; secular; self; senate; seniors; sense; sentence; service; set; severall; shewed; single; sir; sort; speciall; speech; spirit; spirituall; spoken; state; subject; sufficient; suffrages; superiour; supreme; synagogue; synedry; synod; tcp; temple; testament; testimony; text; theodosius; things; think; thought; time; timothy; title; true; truth; twelves; twixt; understanding; unity; universall; unjust; unlawfull; unlesse; unto; use; valentinian; vertue; vicars; way; wayes; wealth; wee; whereof; whosoever; wise; witnesse; women; word; work; worship; worthy; writers; yea; year; ● ● cache: A85746.xml plain text: A85746.txt item: #11 of 11 id: A95602 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. title: For all in authority upon the earth, and in special, those now in England, to read and ponder [by] T. Taylor. date: 1663 words: 2649 flesch: 61 summary: And in particular , let not the good Cause of Libertie for Tender Consciences ( declared for by the King ) now fall in England ; but let the Parliament , & all in Authority under Him , study & strive how to assist Him in it , and to Promote so good a Cause ; for is it not fitting , O all people , that men of truly tender and pure Conscience , and peaceably Principled and Living , should have Liberty to exercise their pure Consciences in goodness towards God and men ; and that the Law should be laid onely upon the Lawless , who are not tender , but manifestly depraved in Conscience , and hard , and careless of heart what they do , both respecting God and man ? Strive not to set up your selves in the Earth ; seek not your own revenges , but seek how you may be serviceable to God , his dear Children , yea , and to all that walk Innocentlie towards one another in the Earth : Seek not the honour which comes from men of this world , but seek that Honour which comes from God onely ; and such as Honour him by doing his Will , them will God honour and none else . keywords: authority; books; characters; christ; consciences; creation; early; earth; eebo; england; english; glory; god; good; hath; holy; image; law; lord; love; man; men; onely; people; spirit; taylor; tcp; tei; tender; text; true; truth; understanding cache: A95602.xml plain text: A95602.txt