THE SEVEN GREAT MONARCHIES OF THE ANCIENT ASIAN WORLD By George Rawlinson AN INDEX Edited by David Widger Project Gutenberg Editions George Rawlinson (1812-1902) Chaldaea, Assyria, Media, Babylon, Persia, Parthia, Sassanian Empire; And The History of Phoenicia CONTENTS Click on the ## before each title to go directly to a linked index of the detailed chapters and illustrations ## Chaldaea ## Assyria ## Media ## Babylon ## Persia ## Parthia ## Sassanian Empire and ## History of Phoenicia VOLUMES, CHAPTERS AND STORIES Chaldaea PREFACE TO FIVE GREAT MONARCHIES. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. PREFACE TO THE SIXTH MONARCHY. PREFACE TO SEVENTH MONARCHY. REFERENCES THE FIRST MONARCHY. CHALDAEA. CHAPTER I. GENERAL VIEW OF THE COUNTRY CHAPTER II. CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS CHAPTER III. THE PEOPLE CHAPTER IV. LANGUAGE AND WRITING CHAPTER V. ARTS AND SCIENCES CHAPTER VI. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS CHAPTER VII. RELIGION CHAPTER VIII. HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY List of Illustrations Plate 1 1. Plan of Mugheir ruins (after Taylor) Plate 2 2. Ruins of Warka (Erech) (after Loftus) Plate 3 3. Akkerkuf (after Ker Porter) 4. Hamman (after Loftus) Plate 4 5. Tel-Ede (ditto) 6. Palms (after Oppert) Plate 5 7. Chaldaean reeds, from an Assyrian sculpture (after Layard) Plate 6 8. Wild sow and pigs, from Koyunjik (Layard) 9. Ethiopians (after Prichard) 10. Cuneiform inscriptions (drawn by the Author, from bricks in the British Museum) Page 42 Plate 7 10. Cuneiform inscriptions (drawn by the Author, from bricks in the British Museum) 11. Chaldaean tablet (after Layard) 12. Signet-cylinder (after Ker Porter) Page 44 Plate 8 13. Bowariyeh (after Loftus) 14. Mugheir Temple (ditto) Plate 9 15. Ground-plan of ditto (ditto) 16. Mugheir Temple, restored (by the Author) 17. Terra-cotta cone, actual size (after Loftus) Plate 10 18. Plan and wall of building patterned with cones (after Loftus) 19. Ground-plan of chambers excavated at Abu-Shahrein (after Taylor) Plate 11 20. Brick vault at Mugheir (ditto) 21. Chaldaean dish-cover tombs (ditto) Plate 12 21. Chaldaean dish-cover tombs (ditto) 22. Chaldaean jar-coffin (ditto) 23. Section of drain (ditto) Plate 13 24. Chaldaean vases of the first period (drawn by the Author from vases in the British Museum) 25. Chaldaean vases, drinking-vessels, and amphora of the second period (ditto) 26. Chaldaean lamps of the second period (ditto) Plate 14 27. Seal-cylinder on metal axis (drawn and partly restored by the Author) 28. Signet-cylinder of King Urukh (after Ker Porter) 29. Flint knives (drawn by the Author from the originals in the British Museum) Plate 15 30. Stone hammer, hatchet, adze, and nail (chiefly after Taylor) 31. Chaldaean bronze spear and arrow-heads (drawn by the Author from the originals in the British Museum) Plate 16 32. Bronze implements (ditto) 33. Flint implement (after Taylor) 34. Ear-rings (drawn by the Author from the originals in the British Museum) 16 Plate 17 35. Leaden pipe and jar (ditto) 36. Bronze bangles (ditto) Plate 18 37. Senkareh table of squares Page 66 Plate 19 38. Costumes of Chaldaeans from the cylinders (after Cullimore and Rich) 39. Serpent symbol (after Cullimore) 40. Flaming Sword (ditto) 41. Figure of Nin. the Fish-God (Layard) 42. Nin's emblem. the Man Bull (ditto) 43. Fish symbols (after Cullimore) 44. Bel-Mer dash (ditto) Page 81 Page 83 Page 84 Plate 20 45. Nergal's emblem, the Ilan-Lion (Layard) Plate 21 46. 47. Clay images of Ishtar (after Cullimore and Layard) 48. Nebo (drawn by the Author from a statue in the British Museum) Page 99 Page 113Table of Chaldaean Kings Assyria THE SECOND MONARCHY CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY CHAPTER II. CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS CHAPTER III. THE PEOPLE CHAPTER IV. THE CAPITAL CHAPTER V. LANGUAGE AND WRITING CHAPTER VI. ARCHITECTURE AND OTHER ARTS CHAPTER VII. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS CHAPTER VIII. RELIGION CHAPTER IX. CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY REFERENCES map_top_th (118K) map_bottom_th (92K) [Click on Maps to Enlarge] Media CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. CHAPTER II. CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS. CHAPTER III. CHARACTER, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. CHAPTER IV. RELIGION. CHAPTER V. LANGUAGE AND WRITING. CHAPTER VI. CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY. List of Illustrations Map Plate I. Plate II. Plate III. Plate IV. Plate V. Plate VI. Plate VII. Babylon CHAPTER I. EXTENT OF THE EMPIRE. CHAPTER II. CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS. CHAPTEE III. THE PEOPLE. CHAPTEE IV. THE CAPITAL. CHAPTER V. ARTS AND SCIENCES. CHAPTER VI. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. CHAPTER VII. RELIGION. CHAPTER VIII. HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY. APPENDIX. A. STANDARD INSCRIPTION OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR. B. ON THE MEANINGS OF BABYLONIAN NAMES. List of Illustrations Map Plate VII. Plate VIII. Plate IX. Plate X. Plate XI. Plate XII. Plate XIII. Page 182 Plate XIV. Plate XV. Plate XVI. Plate XVII. Plate XVIII. Plate XIX. Plate XX. Plate XXI. Plate XXII. Plate XXIII. Plate XXIV. Plate XXV. Page 229 Page 237 Page 263 Page 264 Page 265 Persia CHAPTER I. EXTENT OF THE EMPIRE. CHAPTER II. CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS. CHAPTER III. CHARACTER, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. CHAPTER IV. LANGUAGE AND WRITING. CHAPTER V. ARCHITECTURE AND OTHER ARTS. CHAPTER VI. RELIGION. CHAPTER VII. CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY. Begin CHAPTER I. Parthia CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER X. CHAPTER XI. CHAPTER XII. CHAPTER XIII. CHAPTER XIV. CHAPTER XV. CHAPTER XVI. CHAPTER XVII. CHAPTER XVIII. CHAPTER XIX. CHAPTER XX. CHAPTER XXI. CHAPTER XXII. CHAPTER XXIII. List of Illustrations Map of Parthia Proper Map of Parthia Plate 1. Plate 2. Plate 3. Plate 4. Plate 5. Plate 6. Plate 7. Plate 8. Plate 9. Plate 10. Sassanian Empire CHAPTERS I. to XIV. CHAPTERS XV. to XXVIII. WITH MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS THE SEVENTH MONARCHY HISTORY OF THE SASSANIAN OR NEW PERSIAN EMPIRE. sassian_empire_th (154K) Begin Chapter I. History of Phoenicia PREFACE HISTORY OF PHOENICIA CHAPTER ITHE LAND CHAPTER IICLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS CHAPTER IIITHE PEOPLEORIGIN AND CHARACTERISTICS CHAPTER IVTHE CITIES CHAPTER VTHE COLONIES CHAPTER VIARCHITECTURE CHAPTER VIIÆSTHETIC ART CHAPTER VIIIINDUSTRIAL ART AND MANUFACTURES CHAPTER IXSHIPS, NAVIGATION, AND COMMERCE CHAPTER XMINING CHAPTER XIRELIGION CHAPTER XIIDRESS, ORNAMENTS, AND SOCIAL HABITS CHAPTER XIIIPHOENICIAN WRITING, LANGUAGE, AND LITERATURE CHAPTER XIVPOLITICAL HISTORY 1. Phoenicia, before the establishment of the hegemony of Tyre. 2. Phoenicia under the hegemony of Tyre (B.C. 1252-877) 3. Phoenicia during the period of its subjection to Assyria (B.C. 4. Phoenicia during its struggles with Babylon and Egypt (about B.C. 5. Phoenicia under the Persians (B.C. 528-333) 6. Phoenicia in the time of Alexander the Great (B.C. 333-323) 7. Phoenicia under the Greeks (B.C. 323-65) 8. Phoenicia under the Romans (B.C. 65-A.D. 650) FOOTNOTES