item: #1 of 31 id: A01094 author: Fotherby, Martin, 1549 or 50-1620. title: Foure sermons, lately preached, by Martin Fotherby Doctor in Diuinity, and chaplain vnto the Kings Maiestie. The first at Cambridge, at the Masters Commencement. Iuly 7. anno 1607. The second at Canterbury, at the Lord Archbishops visitation. Septemb. 14. anno 1607. The third at Paules Crosse, vpon the day of our deliuerance from the gun-powder treason. Nouemb. 5. anno 1607. The fourth at the court, before the Kings Maiestie. Nouemb. 15. anno 1607. Whereunto is added, an answere vnto certaine obiections of one vnresolued, as concerning the vse of the Crosse in baptisme: written by him in anno 1604. and now commanded to be published by authoritie date: 1608.0 words: 69492 flesch: 72 summary: If you grant these te●ples to bee mans inuentions ( as they can not be denied to be the workes of mens hands , no nor of their heads neither ) then must you either denie , that they were lawfully conuerted vnto the seruice of GOD , cont●ary to the running firea●●e of all Diuines ▪ Or els you must cancell that , which before you auerred , That it is vnlawfull to vse the inuentions of man in the seruice of GOD , if once they haue beene abused vnto idolatry . Besides , this absurdity would follow of it ; If all such casuall admonitions should bee condemned ; that the same crosse , at the same time , admonishing the Papist of his popish ad●ration , and the protestant of Christs death and passion , should at one and the same instant , be both a monument of idolatry and of true p●ety , and so should be lawfull and vnlawfull , both at once . keywords: abuse; againe; apostle; authority; bee; booke; calleth; cap; cause; ceremonies; christ; church; conscience; crosse; doe; doth; end; euen; euery; farre; giue; god; gods; good; great; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; idolatry; idols; iohn; iubilation; king; law; lib; like; line; lord; man; mans; men; monument; moses; nature; neuer; non; noteth; onely; owne; pag; papists; paul; people; place; power; preaching; prophet; psal; purpose; reading; reason; remembrance; rule; saint; saith; scriptures; second; sense; seruice; signe; signification; speaketh; themselues; things; thinke; time; true; truth; vaine; vanity; vnto; vnto god; vnto idolatry; vpon; vse; wee; word; yea cache: A01094.xml plain text: A01094.txt item: #2 of 31 id: A10833 author: Robinson, John, 1575?-1625. title: A defence of the doctrine propounded by the synode at Dort against Iohn Murton and his associates, in a treatise intituled; A description what God, &c. With the refutation of their answer to a writing touching baptism. By Iohn Robinson. date: 1624.0 words: 79348 flesch: 73 summary: No work of man , is so mans alone , as that God hath not some hand in it , in sustaining and ordering the person and work , yea in effecting that which is good in it , as all that is , which hath in it any created being or order . God giues repentance ; Men confer Baptism : Repentance is mans work ; for it is man that repenteth by grace : Baptism ( considered as inward ) is Gods work ; as outward , the Ministers under God. keywords: adversaries; answer; apostle; baptism; children; christ; church; come; covenant; doe; doth; election; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hand; hath; haue; hee; holy; infants; law; lord; man; means; men; pag; persons; place; power; promise; purpose; repentance; rom; salvation; scriptures; sin; spirit; things; truth; words; work; world cache: A10833.xml plain text: A10833.txt item: #3 of 31 id: A23664 author: Allen, William, d. 1686. title: A doubt resolved, or, Satisfaction for the seekers wherein the case touching an administrator of gospel ordinances, in these times, is handled : wherein also some other questions are more briefly touched, viz. I. Whether water-baptism was to continue in force after the ministry of John the Baptist ceased, II. VVhether Gospel ordinances are things spirituall, or carnall, III. VVhether a power to preach by immediate revelation of the spirit, be necessary in every Gospel minister?, IIII. What is is to be baptized with the Spirit : well worthy the consideration of many who in these times are unsetled in their judgements touching these points / by William Allen. date: 1655.0 words: 15404 flesch: 68 summary: VVhether Gospel ordinances are things spirituall, or carnall, III. VVhether Gospel ordinances are things spirituall, or carnall, III. keywords: apostles; baptism; christ; god; gospel; hath; men; ministry; moses; ordinances; sect; spirit; things; times cache: A23664.xml plain text: A23664.txt item: #4 of 31 id: A30138 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Differences in judgment about vvater-baptism, no bar to communion, or, To communicate with saints, as saints, proved lawful in answer to a book written by the Baptists, and published by Mr. T.P. and Mr. W.K. entituled, Some serious reflections on that part of Mr. Bunyan's confession of faith, touching church-communion with unbaptized believers : wherein, their objections and arguments are answered, and the doctrine of communion still asserted and vindicated : here is also Mr. Henry's Jesse's judgment in the case, fully declaring the doctrine I have asserted / by John Bunyan. date: 1673.0 words: 32219 flesch: 71 summary: Sir , Know you not yet , that a difference is to be put betwixt those Rules that discover the Essentials of Holiness , and those that in themselves are not such ; and that that of Faith and the Moral Law is the one , and Baptism , &c. the other ? Is not Love to God , abhorrence of Idols , to forbear Blaspheming , to honour our Parents , to do no Murther , to forbear Theft , not to bear False witness , nor Covet , &c. are not ( I say ) these the Precepts of the Lord Jesus , because delivered by Moses ? Or , are these such as may better be broken , than for want of light to forbear Baptism with Water ? Or , doth a man while he liveth in the neglect of these , and in the mean time bustle about those you call Gospel-Commands , most honour Christ , or best fit himself for Fellowship with the Saints ? What if I did ? ( as I did not but you grant it ; And now I will ask you , ●nd pray deal fairly in your Answer , May man be a visible Saint without light therein ; May he have a good Conscience without light therein ? And seeing that Baptism is none of the worship that Christ Instituted in his Church for them to practise as a Church , must he be kept dark about all other things concerning the Worship of God in his Church , until he receive light therein ? keywords: answ; argument; baptism; christ; church; communion; doctrine; faith; fellowship; god; hath; light; lord; man; pag; saints; spirit; things; water cache: A30138.xml plain text: A30138.txt item: #5 of 31 id: A32091 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1671-1732. title: A practical discourse concerning vows with a special reference to baptism and the Lord's Supper / by Edmund Calamy. date: 1697.0 words: 69996 flesch: 59 summary: 2. As for us , who come under Vows to God , we may be considered , either as Rational Creatures , or as Christians , which makes a considerable difference : Your Parents brought you under Vows to God ; Oh desire not to be released . keywords: blood; care; case; children; christ; christian; covenant; duty; engagements; god; grace; hath; hearts; help; holy; life; lord; love; matter; parents; persons; sacramental; sacred; saviour; self; selves; sense; sin; solemn; spirit; table; thee; thing; thou; thy; time; vows; way; world cache: A32091.xml plain text: A32091.txt item: #6 of 31 id: A33349 author: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. title: Three practical essays ... containing instructions for a holy life, with earnest exhortations, especially to young persons, drawn from the consideration of the severity of the discipline of the primitive church / by Samuel Clark ... date: 1699.0 words: 58509 flesch: 54 summary: Thus as certain as is our Knowledge of the Being of God and of the Constitution of Things , so certain may we be of the Obligation of Religion , and of the Reward of Vertue . And thus , to come to the subject of our present Discourses , in the great Business of Repentance and Conversion , the reason why some Men have attributed the whole of Mans Conversion to such an extraordinary and uncertain Grace of God , as has given Men occasion to sit still in their Sins , in expectation of the time when this extraordinary Grace should be poured down upon them ; is because they have fixed that Assistance of God's Grace to an uncertain Period , which God himself has constantly annexed to his Ordinances , and which he certainly bestows upon Men at their Baptism , or at their solemn taking upon themselves the Profession of Religion . keywords: baptism; chap; christian; church; confirmation; death; design; duties; duty; end; faith; god; good; gospel; grace; happiness; heaven; holy; jewish; law; life; lives; lord; love; man; men; mind; nature; obedience; present; reason; religion; repentance; righteousness; saviour; sin; sins; spirit; state; temptations; things; time; truth; virtue; works; world cache: A33349.xml plain text: A33349.txt item: #7 of 31 id: A37493 author: Dell, William, d. 1664. title: Baptismōn didachē, or, The doctrine of baptisms reduced from its ancient and modern corruptions and restored to its primitive soundness and integrity, according to the word of truth, the substance of faith & the nature of Christ's kingdom / by William Dell ... date: 1697.0 words: 12580 flesch: 50 summary: Baptismōn didachē, or, The doctrine of baptisms reduced from its ancient and modern corruptions and restored to its primitive soundness and integrity, according to the word of truth, the substance of faith & the nature of Christ's kingdom / by William Dell ... Baptismōn didachē, or, The doctrine of baptisms reduced from its ancient and modern corruptions and restored to its primitive soundness and integrity, according to the word of truth, the substance of faith & the nature of Christ's kingdom / by William Dell ... keywords: baptism; christ; god; iohn; kingdom; men; new; spirit; testament; water; word cache: A37493.xml plain text: A37493.txt item: #8 of 31 id: A38702 author: Etherington, John, fl. 1641-1645. title: The defence of Iohn Etherington against Steven Denison and his witnesses their accusatons and depositions vvherein their whole proceedings and ground whereupon he was censured and committed to prison by the high commission court is in brief declared : which he having now opportunitie and speciall occasion also urging, thought needfull to publish. date: 1641.0 words: 23214 flesch: 54 summary: So whereas I say , Caesar may command a place for the publique , my meaning is , that the King may lawfully with authoritie from God , and warrant from his word , command a place and places for the publique worship of God , to all his Subjects , in and throughout all parts of his Dominions ; which if the King may , and that my words doe intend and expresse so much , ( as I thinke no man that is wise and conscionable will deny ) then all the Kings subjects are bound to obey the King , and come to the publique worship of God in those publique places ; and as it is for place , so it is for time , and other such like circumstances , ( as in the 83. And that it is here entred into of us , and kept not through the Law , by doing any kind of worke or works therein contained , but through the promise , eventhe the Gospell of Jesus Christ by beleeving , as Saint Paul saith ; For wee which have beleeved doe enter into rest , as h●e said , as I have sworns in my wrath , if they shall enter into my rest , although ( saith he ) the workes were finished from the foundation of the world , for hee spake in a certaine place of the seventh day on this wise , And God did rest the seventh Day from all his workes ; and in this place againe , If they shall enter into my rest , Heb. 4. Where the Apostle declareth plainely , that the rest of God , which hee is said to rest the seventh day , and this in David , which the faithfull doe enter into , is all one and the same rest , and that it is preached unto us in the Gospell , as it was to the Israelites in Davids time , and in the wildernesse ; And the reason why they that fell in the Wildernesse entred not in ; was their hardnesse of heart and unbeleefe , as in the 15. ver. of the 3. chap. keywords: baptisme; christ; christian; church; court; day; denison; doe; doth; england; etherington; flesh; god; hath; hee; law; man; things; time; words cache: A38702.xml plain text: A38702.txt item: #9 of 31 id: A41790 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: A sigh for peace, or, The cause of division discovered wherein the great Gospel promise of the Holy Ghost, and the doctrine of prayer with imposition of hands, as the way ordained of God to seek for it, is asserted and vindicated, as the interest and duty of Christs disciples in general : in answer to a book intituled A search for schism / by Tho. Grantham ... date: 1671.0 words: 36396 flesch: 65 summary: That which — we have heard , which we have ●●en with our eyes , which we have look'd upon , and our hands have handled of the word of Life . — tha● which we have seen and heard declare we unto you 1 John 1. 1 , 5. But why so ? verily because there is only one Lord Jesus our Saviour , whom the Heavens must retain till the times of the resti●ution of all things ; even so , if there were not a succession of Apostles , it were one of the easiest things in the World to discover a false Ap●stle . keywords: acts; apostles; brethren; christ; christians; church; churches; doctrine; doth; foundation; ghost; god; gospel; hands; hath; heb; holy; laying; lord; men; principle; promise; spirit; things; time; truth; word; ● ● cache: A41790.xml plain text: A41790.txt item: #10 of 31 id: A41822 author: Gratton, John, 1641-1712. title: John Baptist's decreasing and Christ's increasing witnessed being a treatise concerning baptism in the type, and baptism in the mystery / by John Gratton ... date: 1674.0 words: 12606 flesch: 57 summary: [ mark ] Here was need for Iohn ; I have need , said Iohn ; well , Jesus denyes it not but there was so , nevertheless Suffer it to be so NOW [ mark Now ] Why Now ? Because Now is thy Time ; for thou wast sent before me for this End , might Christ have said , and this Dispensation is of God ; and thus , or therefore it becometh us to fulfil all the Righteousness : why , then Iohn suffered him . Of this Man's Seed ( saith he ) hath God according to his Promise , raised unto Israel a Saviour , Jesus , when John had first preached before his Coming the Baptism of Repentance to all the People of Israel : Mind ye , all ye Baptizers in Water , when Christ was raised unto Israel , when Iohn had first preached before his Coming [ mark ] Iohn had a Time we grant and own with all our Hearts ; but was it not before his Coming here spoken of ? keywords: baptism; christ; ghost; god; holy; iohn; lord; mark; spirit; water cache: A41822.xml plain text: A41822.txt item: #11 of 31 id: A41824 author: Gratton, John, 1641-1712. title: A treatise concerning baptism, and the Lord's Supper shewing, that the true disciples of Christ are sent to baptize men into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the carrying on of which, Christ is with them, and will be, to the end of the world : also, a few words concerning the Lord's Supper, shewing that those that sup with him are in his kingdom. date: 1695.0 words: 33324 flesch: 63 summary: But since Babylon , the Mystery of Iniquity , the Mother of Harlots , got upon the Beast , we have seen many a beastly , drunken and unclean Man , pretend to be a spiritual Man , and a Minister of the Gospel ; and hath not such been cried up , and made great , and bore Rule amongst the People , who have been carried away with his Doctrine ; and why ? Because he is a greater Scholar , and hath attained the Languages , and can speak , or write , like Pilate , Latin , Greek , and Hebrew : But is he dead to Sin , and alive unto Righteousness , made so unto God through Christ ? But , Can any Man serve two Masters ? Christ said , They could not : And , Can any Man be both a Servant of Christ , and a Servant of Sin also ? Christ saith , He that commits Sin , is the Servant of Sin : And Iohn , his beloved Apostle , saith , He that commits Sin , is of the Devil : And in my Iudgment it cannot be denied ; for Sin was never any Service of God , but of the Devil ; and if Men be found in the Devil's Service , and yet say , They are Servants of Christ , What sensible Man will believe them ? Now , therefore , here is the ground Cause of all our Divisions about Religion , Rebels and Wicked Men that are gone away from God , Christ , the Holy Ghost , and are gone into the Kingdom of Satan , and live in Sin all their Days ( for his Kingdom is a Kingdom of Sin ) and yet say , They are Servants of Christ Iesus , and the blind People believe them , though their Fruits do manifest them . keywords: baptism; bread; christ; christ jesus; father; ghost; god; holy; iohn; jesus; lord; men; power; spirit; things; water; world cache: A41824.xml plain text: A41824.txt item: #12 of 31 id: A44168 author: Holland, Richard, 1679-1706. title: A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Magnus the Martyr, by London-Bridge, on Sunday February 11th, 1699/700 at the baptizing of some persons of riper years, brought up by Quakers and anabaptists, but now conform'd to the Church of England / by Richard Holland ... date: 1700.0 words: 9709 flesch: 60 summary: We all know our selves , to be Fools and Vile Sinners ; and when ever we shall be brought to our Senses , to acknowledge our Sin and Folly ; we shall Act like Men , and make our selves of the Number of those that God will accept , that Christ came to Save and Dyed for , and most certainly will Receive into his Everlasting Arms , when he shall come again to make up his Jewels . 2. In God the Son , who Redeem'd him and all Mankind ; That is , who was pleased to undergo the Wrath of His Heavenly Father , and all those Scourges due to our Sins , that we might be free from Sin and Sorrow , the power and danger of Death and Satan . keywords: christ; church; father; god; good; holy; jesus; life; lord; men; selves; sin cache: A44168.xml plain text: A44168.txt item: #13 of 31 id: A47124 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The arguments of the Quakers, more particularly, of George Whitehead, William Penn, Robert Barclay, John Gratton, George Fox, Humphry Norton, and my own arguments against baptism and the Supper, examined and refuted also, some clear proofs from Scripture, shewing that they are institutions of Christ under the Gospel : with an appendix containing some observations upon some passages in a book of W. Penn called A caveat against Popery, and on some passages of a book of John Pennington, caled The fig leaf covering discovered / by George Keith. date: 1698.0 words: 54983 flesch: 52 summary: I answer in part it is so , but not in full , or in the whole ; for he that not only Prayeth to God in the Name of Christ , and confesseth him in Words , but also sheweth his Obedience and Subjection to all the Commands of Christ , the least as well as the greatest , whereof the outward Baptism , and the Supper are some , is the most Accomplished Christian , and beareth the most compleat Badge of Christianianity . Therefore as in the Jewish Church , God had appointed , that whoever did not obey the Mosaical Precepts , were to be excluded the Congregation , and debarred from the external Privileges that they had as a Church , even so Christ has appointed , that whosoever professing him in Words , deny him in Works , and walk disorderly and offensively , as well as who err concerning the Faith , so as not to hold the Head , that they ought to be rejected and disowned ; in token whereof , they are to be debarred from the external Signs of the Saints Communion with God and Christ , and one with another . keywords: argument; baptisme; blood; body; bread; christ; come; coming; doth; faith; flesh; god; gospel; hath; holy; inward; lord; man christ; men; outward; paul; scripture; spirit; supper; things; water; words cache: A47124.xml plain text: A47124.txt item: #14 of 31 id: A47167 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A refutation of three opposers of truth by plain evidence of the holy Scripture, viz. I. Of Pardon Tillinghast, who pleadeth for water-baptism, its being a Gospel-precept, and opposeth Christ within, as a false Christ. To which is added, something concerning the Supper, &c. II. Of B. Keech, in his book called, A tutor for children, where he disputeth against the sufficiency of the light within, in order of salvation; and calleth Christ in the heart, a false Christ in the secret chamber. II. Of Cotton Mather, who in his appendix to his book, called, Memorable providences, relating to witchcrafts, &c. doth so weakly defend his father Increase Mather from being justly chargeable with abusing the honest people called Quakers, that he doth the more lay open his fathers nakedness; and beside the abuses and injuries that his father had cast upon that people, C. Mather, the son, addeth new abuses of his own. And a few words of a letter to John Cotton, called a minister, at Plymouth in New England. By George Keith. date: 1690.0 words: 26102 flesch: 39 summary: And when he told the Pharisees , who looked that the Kingdom of God should come with Observations , as to say , lo here , or lo there , he said , for behold the Kingdom of God is within you , Luke 17.21 . and surely , where the Kingdom of God is , there are God and Christ● So that the plain letter of the Scripture is against thy most absurd and Anti-christian Doctrine , That the Christ in the hearts of men , yea , even of the Saints , as thou wouldst have it ( for thou makest no distinction ) is a false Christ ; for the plain tendency of this thy Work of Darkness is to make People believe , that Christ is not a Light within the Saints , because , as thou alledgest , the Light within was not crucified for us , but Iesus Christ of Nazareth . But if thou say , thou believest that Christ is both God and Man , and that he was from the beginning , to wit , that Word by whom all things were made , then , why dost thou deny that Christ , as he is that Word , is in the Saints ? for though Christ only suffered in the flesh , and as Man upon the Tree of the Cross , yet he who suffered , was not meer Man , but God and Man , and yet still one Christ. keywords: baptism; christ; doth; god; gospel; hath; holy; law; light; mather; men; new; people; quakers; spirit; thou; thy; time; water; words cache: A47167.xml plain text: A47167.txt item: #15 of 31 id: A47448 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A counter-antidote, to purge out the malignant effects of a late counterfeit, prepared by Mr. Gyles Shute ... being an answer to his vindication of his pretended Antidote to prevent the prevalency of Anabaptism, shewing that Mr. Hercules Collins's reply to the said author remains unanswered : wherein the baptism of believers is evinced to be God's ordinance, and the baptized congregations proved true churches of Jesus Christ : with a further detection of the error of pedo-baptism : to which is added, An answer to Mr. Shute's reply to Mr. Collins's half-sheet / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1694.0 words: 49848 flesch: 68 summary: The Text says positively , secret Things belong unto God , not unto us That is , such secret things which God hath not made known to his dearest Children ; for we deny not but some things that were kept secret , are now revealed , and some things also that are made known to the godly , are kept secret from the wicked ; hence 't is , said the Secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him , and he will shew them his Covenant , Psal. 2● . the Old House and Old legal Right of Church-membership is overturned and r●oted out for ever ? And say I , if the Covenant for incoveannting of the fleshly Seed , as such , is abolished , and no new Law is given forth for the bringing in again professing Parents and their Carnal Seed , as such , what is it this Man contends for , yet what a mighty stir he makes about that in Rom. 11. keywords: abraham; answer; baptism; believers; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; covenant god; doth; faith; god; gospel; grace; hath; infants; law; man; page; promise; seed; viz; water; ● ● cache: A47448.xml plain text: A47448.txt item: #16 of 31 id: A47535 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : wherein it is clearly evinced that baptism ... is immersion, or dipping the whole body, &c : also that believers are only the true subjects (and not infants) of that holy sacrament : likewise Mr. Smythies arguments for infant-baptism in his late book entitled, The non-communicant ... fully answered / by Benj. Keach ... date: 1689.0 words: 58221 flesch: 65 summary: Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : wherein it is clearly evinced that baptism ... is immersion, or dipping the whole body, &c : also that believers are only the true subjects (and not infants) of that holy sacrament : likewise Mr. Smythies arguments for infant-baptism in his late book entitled, The non-communicant ... fully answered / by Benj. keywords: baptism; baptizing; believers; children; christ; church; commission; covenant; disciples; god; gospel; hath; holy; infants; jesus; jesus christ; john; lord; man; men; new; ordinance; saith; spirit; thing; water; word cache: A47535.xml plain text: A47535.txt item: #17 of 31 id: A47585 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Laying on of hands upon baptized believers, as such, proved an ordinance of Christ in answer to Mr. Danvers's former book intituled, A treatise of laying on of hands : with a brief answer to a late book called, A treatise concerning laying on of hands, written by a nameless author / by B.K. ... date: 1698.0 words: 33834 flesch: 63 summary: I readily grant what he says about the several sorts of Laying on of hands , and the use and end of them , but must needs except against what he speaks concerning the third sort : he affirms that Hands were laid upon Persons for conferring the extraordinary Gifts of the Spirit ; and mentions two Scriptures for proof , viz. But then he says , It must be such a Laying on of hands as is somewhere taught or practised ; but such a Laying on of hands upon all baptized Believers , we find no where taught or practised : Jesus Christ had no hands laid upon him by John Baptist , after he baptized him ; neither did he give one word of it in his Commission upon his Ascension ; neither do we read that the Church of the Hebrews practised any such thing ; for there is no mention that the 120 had Hands laid on them , nor the 3000 in Acts 2. or 5000 in Acts 4. after their Baptism , before they broke Bread ; neither do we find the least of it in any other Churches in the New Testament ; neither in Samaria by Philip , nor Corinth , Philippi , Colossia , Thessalonica , Rome , the Churches of Galatia , the Churches in Asia , Smyrna , Thyatira , Pergamos , Sardis , Philadelphia , no nor in Ephesus , It is true Paul laid his hands upon twelve of their number upon another occasion , as Peter and John did in Samaria , &c. Answ . keywords: acts; apostles; baptism; believers; christ; church; gifts; god; hands; heb; holy; holy spirit; laying; lord; ordinance; practice; saith; spirit; tho; viz; word cache: A47585.xml plain text: A47585.txt item: #18 of 31 id: A50248 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: A defence of the answer and arguments of the synod met at Boston in the year 1662 concerning the subject of Baptism and consociation of churches against the reply made thereto, by the Reverend Mr. John Davenport, pastor of the church at New-Haven, in his treatise entituled Another essay for investigation of the truth &c. : together with an answer to the apologetical preface set before that essay, by some of the elders who were members of the Synod above-mentioned. date: 1664.0 words: 80630 flesch: 56 summary: [ That if the Church can have any hope of persons , that they have any thing of Faith and Grace i● them , though never so little , they ought , being adult , to be admitted to full Communion ] this we say will , if followed , bring corruptions and impurities into Churches : for he must abandon all the Rules of Charity , that cannot hope this of multitudes of young persons that grow up among us , who yet if they were presently admitted to full Communion , we should soon feel a change in the management of Church●affairs ; and the Interest of Formality and common Profession , would soon be advanced above the Interest of the power of Godliness . Pag. 24. comparing this with the deep silence of them ●ll touching any such Selectio● in point of Baptism● as to the Children that are born among them : and it is kno●n to be their ordinary practice to Baptize many Children , whose Parents they would not admit to the Lords Supper . keywords: adult; ans; answer; argument; author; baptism; case; childe; children; christ; church; churches; communion; covenant; d ●; discipline; doth; f ●; god; grace; hath; infants; lords; man; members; membership; men; onely; pag; parents; personal; persons; proposition; question; reason; reverend; right; saith; scripture; state; supper; synod; thing; unto; viz; way; ● e; ● n; ● s; ● ● cache: A50248.xml plain text: A50248.txt item: #19 of 31 id: A57271 author: Rider, William, fl. 1656. title: Laying on of hands asserted: or, A plain discovery of the truth thereof under those several considerations, minded in the New Testament. 1. Upon persons for healing: with a brief discovery of that ordinance of Christ, (to wit) anointing with oile. 2. Upon persons to office. 3. Upon believers, baptized, as such: and that principle of Christs doctrine cleared, for their obedience: with objections answered to each particular. To which is annexed, a confutation of four chapters written by some person, or persons, in opposition to this principle of the doctrine of Christ, (to wit) laying on of hands upon believers baptized, as such; wherein the weakness of their reasons against the truth, is plainly discovered, and the truth further asserted, and vindicated. By VVilliam Rider, servant to the Church of Christ. date: 1656.0 words: 31432 flesch: 66 summary: He that doth authoritatively as the first Apostles , or by vertue of the authority of the Church of Christ , lay the foundation of the service of God , he is properly an Apostle , he doth the work of an Apostle : for other foundation no man can lay , that is to be approved of by the Lord ; yet other men may lay the same , even preach the same Doctrine of Christ , which he did , &c. Thirdly , Of laying on of hands upon Baptized believers as such , to the end they might receive the Spirit . THat laying on of hands upon Baptized believers , as such , is one part of their obedience to the Lord , which he requires of them ; an Ordinance of the Lord Jesus Christ ; I shall thus prove unto you : First , because it is a saying of our Lord Jesus Christ , that which he taught , and that for believers obedience , as well as repentance , faith and Baptisme : see Heb. 6. 1 , 2. Many persons do say , If we could but see , where ever Christ taught it ; Surely , we should not gainsay it . Again consider , how can it be thought with honour to God and his truth , that a man can be said to continue in the Doctrine of the Apostles or word of Christ , when they were not in the practise of it ? for say the Objectors , There is no mention made of laying on of hands , no more say I there is not of the resurrection and eternal Judgment , and yet both preached and received by them . keywords: acts; apostles; believers; christ; foundation; god; hands; heb; laying; lord; principle; spirit; truth; word cache: A57271.xml plain text: A57271.txt item: #20 of 31 id: A61410 author: Stennett, Joseph, 1663-1713. title: Hymns compos'd for the celebration of the holy ordinance of baptism By Joseph Stennett. date: 1725.0 words: 3804 flesch: 89 summary: 4. 14 , 15 , 16. Notes for div A61410-e1590 Mat. 11. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A61410) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 37995) keywords: a61410; col; ioh; mat; notes; rom; souls; tcp; text cache: A61410.xml plain text: A61410.txt item: #21 of 31 id: A63577 author: Bissel, Mr. title: A true narrative of the Portsmouth disputation, between some ministers of the Presbyterian, and others of the Baptist, persuasion, concerning the subjects and manner of baptism held in Mr. Williams's meeting-place there on Wednesday, Feb. 22. 1698/9. The managers for the Presbyterians were, Mr. Samuel Chandler of Fareham. Mr. Leigh of Newport in the Isle of Wight. Mr. Robinson of Hungerford in Berks, moderator. For the Baptists were, Dr. William Russel of London. Mr. John Williams of East Knoyle in Wiltshire. Mr. John Sharp of Froome in Somersetshire, moderator. Transcribed from two copies taken at the dispute; the one by Mr. Bissel Town-Clerk of Portsmouth, and the other by Mr. Samuel Ring. Revis'd and publish'd by Dr. William Russel. date: 1699.0 words: 34755 flesch: 77 summary: You Argue thus , because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Them , is of the Masculine Gender , it must agree with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Disciples , being of the same Gender : And not with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , all Nations . If 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath no other Antecedent agreeing therewith but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , then none are to be Baptized but such as are first made Disciples by the Ministry of Men , which Infants are not capable of . keywords: argument; baptism; baptizing; chandler; christ; church; commission; dipping; disciples; god; hath; infants; instance; john; know; leigh; russel; subjects; water; way; williams; word cache: A63577.xml plain text: A63577.txt item: #22 of 31 id: A63778 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A discovrse of baptisme its institution and efficacy upon all beleevers : together with a consideration of the practice of the church in baptizing infants of beleeving parents and the practice justified / by Jer. Taylor. date: 1653.0 words: 27080 flesch: 59 summary: But that this Rite of admitting into mysteries , and institutions , and offices of religion by Baptisms , was used by the posterity of Noah , or at least very early among the Jews , besides the testimonies of their own Doctors , I am the rather induced to believe , because the Heathen had the same Rite in many places and in several Religions : so they initiated disciples into the secrets of a Mithra ; and the Priests of Cotyttus were called b Baptae , because by Baptism they were admitted into the Religion ; and they c thought Murther , Incest , Rapes , and the worst or Crimes , were purged by dipping in the Sea , or fresh Springs ; and a Proselyte is called in Arrianus , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , intinctus , a baptized person . 1. The first fruit is , That in Baptism we are admitted to the Kingdome of Christ , presented unto him , consigned with his Sacrament , enter into his Militia , give up our understandings and our choice to the obedience of Christ , and in all senses that we can , become his Disciples , witnessing a good confession , and undertaking a holy life : and therefore in Scripture {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} and {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , are conjoyn'd in the significations , as they are in the mystery : it is a giving up our names to Christ , and it is part of the foundation of the first Principles of the Religion , as appears in S. Pauls Catechism ; it is so the first thing , that it is for babes , and Neophytes , in which they are matriculated and adopted into the house of their Father , and taken into the hands of their Mother . keywords: baptism; children; christ; church; covenant; death; doe; effect; faith; god; grace; hath; holy; infants; life; man; non; persons; reason; repentance; sacrament; sin; sins; spirit; state; things; water cache: A63778.xml plain text: A63778.txt item: #23 of 31 id: A65465 author: Wesley, Samuel, 1662-1735. title: The pious communicant rightly prepar'd, or, A discourse concerning the Blessed Sacrament wherein the nature of it is described, our obligation to frequent communion enforced, and directions given for due preparation for it, behaviour at, and after it, and profiting by it : with prayers and hymns, suited to the several parts of that holy office : to which is added, a short discourse of baptism / by Samuel Wesley ... date: None words: 61171 flesch: 65 summary: The general Nature of Repentance , consists in a thorough Change of Heart and Life , so as to hate all Sin , and turn to God ; to love God more than the World , or our Lusts , or even , than our own Lives , in the prevailing bent , the settled Choice of our Minds , and to evidence this by keeping his Commandments : To live in the course of no greater Sin , such as Drunkenness , Swearing , Uncleanness , neglect of Publick Worship , or the like ; which waste the Conscience , and are a perfect Contradiction to true Repentance , and must be left immediately , as we would avoid eternal Misery : not to indulge so much as Sins of Infirmity , nor to say , is it not a little one ? such as sloth , passion , forgetfulness of our Duty in some Instances , wandring Thoughts , or the like : for a Christian is to fight against all Sin , and such as are at first comparatively little , yet do all deserve God's Anger , and eternal Punishments , and will if they are neglected , grow bigger , and at last perhaps , irresistible . I say , true Repentance is a thorough Change , of the whole Man , the Principles , Inclinations and Desires , as well as outward Actions ; and hence it 's call'd in Scripture , the New-Man , the New-Heart , the New-Creature , because we are all by Nature the Children of Wrath , and guilty of Original Sin * ; nor is there any who has lived to years of Discretion , but what has made that sad use of his Reason , to sin against his Maker , and to commit many actual Transgressions , if not to fall into grosser habits of wickedness ; from which God knows , very few can say they are wholly innocent in this degenerate Age : Now there is no way to recover from this , and to escape God's Anger , but by forsaking Sin , with the greatest abhorrence and detestation . keywords: baptism; blood; body; bread; children; christ; christian; church; communion; covenant; death; end; faith; god; good; grace; great; heaven; holy; life; lord; love; man; nature; persons; preparation; repentance; sacrament; saviour; sins; thee; things; tho; thou; thy; time; world cache: A65465.xml plain text: A65465.txt item: #24 of 31 id: A65838 author: Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. title: The authority of the true ministry in baptizing with the spirit, and the idolatry of such men, as are doting about shadows and carnal ordinances, and their ignorance of the spirits baptism (of which, water baptism was but a figure) discovered : and herein is shewed, that water baptism is neither of necessity to salvation, nor yet is it now practiced either by authority from heaven, or by any New-Testament-law that is in force upon believers, seeing the substance, and the end of things abolished is come and enjoyed, wherein the types, shadows and fingers, are ended : being a short return to a book entituled, A reply to a scandalous paper, subscribed by one Samuel Bradley, a Baptist teacher, as concerning a dispute that was between some of the people called Quakers, and some Baptists in South-warke. date: 1660.0 words: 9043 flesch: 58 summary: If there be so many Baptismes , and yet but one propely called baptism , which is the Baptism of water ; then from this it follows that the baptism of the Spirit , or the baptism by which the Saints were saved , was not properly called Baptism ; and this would charge the Apostles with speaking improperly , or falsly , when they spoke of the Baptism by which they were saved , or of their being all baptised by one Spirit into one Body And thus this said Baptist's falshood and folly appears , who here also counteth the one Baptism spoken of in Eph. 4. the Baptism of water ; and so hath shut out the baptism of the Spirit , as not properly called Baptism , and Idollatrously hath set water baptism above it ; when as the baptism of the Spirit was that which water baptism did but shadow or figure forth ; for by one Spirit were the Saints baptised into the body of Christ , which the baptism of outward water doth not baptise any into ; for such as uphold water baptism now are in the strife , and much in devision , when as they who are baptised into the body of Christ are in unity . The Major proposition of this Argument is false , as the baptism of water is intended in it to be in force , as long as teaching ; for teaching was of force , where that baptism was not , as Paul was a witness ; who was sent to the one , not to the other ; also Teaching is of force to many who are not plunged in outward water , and by true teaching are converted to Christ , when there is no stresse for Salvation upon water baptism , neither is it of necessity to Salvation , as S. B : hath confessed : And where he concludes that baptism , and all the rest of the Appointments of Christ , are in force , and to continue to the end of the World , and for proof saith , that the Scripture saith expressly they are to continue to the end of the world , and quotes Matth. 28. and 20. I say this conclusion is as false as the major , and herein hath he perverted the Scripture , Math. keywords: baptism; christ; hath; spirit; water; water baptism cache: A65838.xml plain text: A65838.txt item: #25 of 31 id: A66526 author: Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. Appeal to the Baptists against Henry D'Anvers, Esq. title: Vindiciæ vindiciarum, or, A vindication of a late treatise, entituled, Infant-baptism asserted and vindicated by Scripture and antiquity in answer to Mr. Hen. D'Anvers his reply : to which is annexed, the Right Reverend Dr. Barlow (now Bishop-elect of Lincoln) his apologetical-letter : also An appeal to the Baptists (so called) against Mr. Danvers, for his strange forgeries, and misrepresentations of divers councils and authors, both antient and modern / by Obed Wills. date: 1675.0 words: 47808 flesch: 59 summary: 4. I acknowledg that such words as are cited by Mr. * Danvers ( and such others , spoke and Writ then , with more Confidence than Judgment or Discretion ) are in that Letter , which had been secret still , if some had not betrayed that trust which was reposed in them . D'Anvers his reply : to which is annexed, the Right Reverend Dr. Barlow (now Bishop-elect of Lincoln) his apologetical-letter : also An appeal to the Baptists (so called) against Mr. Danvers, for his strange forgeries, and misrepresentations of divers councils and authors, both antient and modern / by Obed Wills. keywords: adult; adult baptism; age; answer; austin; baptism; baptizing; believers; believers baptism; book; century; children; christ; church; councils; cyprian; danvers; doth; doth mr; god; good; hath; infants; infants baptism; magdiburgs; man; men; nazianzen; non; persons; place; reader; reason; reply; saith; saith mr; scripture; thing; time; tradition; treatise; truth; viz; waldenses; words cache: A66526.xml plain text: A66526.txt item: #26 of 31 id: A69672 author: Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. title: Baptism and the Lord's Supper substantially asserted being an apology in behalf of the people called Quakers, concerning those two heads / by Robert Barclay. date: 1696.0 words: 32213 flesch: 64 summary: I Answer : This urgeth nothing , unless it be granted also , that both of them belong to the Essence of Baptism ; so that Baptism is not to be accounted as truly Administred , where both are not : which none of our Adversaries will acknowledge ; but on the contrary account not only all those truly Baptized with the Baptism of Christ , who are Baptized with Water , though they be uncertain whether they be Baptized with the Spirit , or not ; but they even account such truly Baptized with the Baptism of Christ , because Sprinkled , or Baptized with Water , though it be manifest and most certain , that they are not Baptized with the Spirit , as being Enemies thereunto in their Hearts by wicked Works . Moreover , the Apostle in this place doth seem especially to guard against those , that might esteem Water-baptism the true Baptism of Christ ; because ( lest by the Comparison induced by him in the preceding verse , betwixt the Souls that were saved in Noah's Ark , and us , that are now saved by Baptism ; lest , I say , any should have thence hastily concluded , that because the former were saved by Water , this place must needs be taken to speak of Water-Baptism ) to prevent such a mistake , he plainly affirms , that it is not that , but another thing . keywords: apostle; baptism; blood; body; bread; ceremony; christ; flesh; god; hath; john; life; lord; matter; saith; spirit; spiritual; things; use; water; wine cache: A69672.xml plain text: A69672.txt item: #27 of 31 id: A85408 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: Philadelphia: or, XL. queries peaceably and inoffensively propounded for the discovery of truth in this question, or case of conscience; whether persons baptized (as themselves call baptism) after a profession of faith, may, or may not, lawfully, and with good conscience, hold communion with such churches, who judg themselves truly baptized, though in infancy, and before such a profession? Together with some few brief touches about infant, and after-baptism. By J.G. a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. date: 1653.0 words: 13031 flesch: 43 summary: Now then , if Faith , and profession of Faith , qualifie for Baptism , meerly in respect of their relation , and as they report ( with such credit as appertains to them , and is meet to be given them by men ) the persons in whom they are , and from whom they proceed , to be in an estate of Grace and Favor with God , is it not as evident as the Sun at noon day , that all persons of mankind , who are , or may be known by more assured testimonies and declarations , then any mans own profession of his own Faith amounts unto , to be in the same , or like grace and favor with God , to be every whit as regularly , and as compleatly qualified for Baptism , as the greatest and loudest Professors of their Faith under Heaven ? Philadelphia: or, XL. queries peaceably and inoffensively propounded for the discovery of truth in this question, or case of conscience; whether persons baptized (as themselves call baptism) after a profession of faith, may, or may not, lawfully, and with good conscience, hold communion with such churches, who judg themselves truly baptized, though in infancy, and before such a profession? keywords: baptism; case; children; christ; christian; church; churches; communion; faith; god; hath; men; non; persons; practice; scriptures; yea cache: A85408.xml plain text: A85408.txt item: #28 of 31 id: A85422 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: VVater-dipping no firm footing for Church-communion: or Considerations proving it not simply lawful, but necessary also (in point of duty) for persons baptized after the new mode of dipping, to continue communion with those churches, or imbodied societies of saints, of which they were members before the said dipping; and that to betray their trust or faith given unto Jesus Christ to serve him in the relation and capacity, whether of officers, or other members, in these churches (respectively) by deserting these churches, is a sin highly provoking in the sight of God. Together with a post-script touching the pretended Answer to the Forty queries about Church-communion, infant and after baptism. By John Goodwin, a servant of God in the Gospel of his dear Son. date: 1653.0 words: 37302 flesch: 55 summary: For {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , to teach , doth not signifie to teach men so , as to make them willing to obey the Gospel , For what can be more evident then that the Apostle by the particle , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , as manyas , in the Scriptures before us , did not intend to divide the beleeving members of the Churches of Rome & Galatia , from the unbeleeving party of men in these places , but only beleevers themselves amongst themselves , the baptized , from the un-baptized ; considering that in the former of the said places , he expresseth himself thus ; Know ye not that so many of Us as were baptized into Jesus Christ , &c. and in the latter , thus : For as many of YOV as have been baptized , & c ? keywords: answer; apostles; baptism; beleevers; body; brethren; case; christ; church; churches; circumcision; communion; dipping; doth; faith; god; gospel; ground; hath; law; man; members; men; non; persons; reason; saints; spirit; yea cache: A85422.xml plain text: A85422.txt item: #29 of 31 id: A94739 author: Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. title: A short catechism about Baptism. By John Tombes, B.D. date: 1659.0 words: 3387 flesch: 81 summary: 1. IS Baptism with water an Ordinance of Christ , to be continued by his Disciples till the end of the World ? Baptism with water is an ordinance of Christ , which is to be continued by his Disciples till the end of the World ; as appears by his command , Mat. 28. 19 , 20. keywords: answ; baptism; christ; quest cache: A94739.xml plain text: A94739.txt item: #30 of 31 id: A95331 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A discourse of baptisme, its institution and efficacy upon all believers. Together with a consideration of the practise of the Church in baptizing infants of beleeving parents: and the practise justified by Jer: Taylor D.D. date: 1652.0 words: 27102 flesch: 59 summary: But that this Rite of admitting into mysteries , and institutions , and offices of Religion by Baptisms , was used by the posterity of Noah , or at least very early among the Jews , besides the testimonies of their own Doctors , I am the rather induced to believe , because the Heathen had the same Rite in many places and in several Religions : so they initiated disciples into the secrets of a Mithra ; and the Priests of Cotyttus were called b Baptae , because by Baptism they were admitted into the Religion ; and they c thought Murther , Incest , Rapes , and the worst of Crimes , were purged by dipping in the Sea , or fresh Springs ; and a Proselyte is called in Arrianus , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , intinctus , a baptized person . 1. The first fruit is , That in Baptism we are admitted to the Kingdome of Christ , presented unto him , consigned with his Sacrament , enter into his Militia , give up our understandings and our choice to the obedience of Christ , and in all senses that we can , become his Disciples , witnessing a good confession , and undertaking a holy life : and therefore in Scripture {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , and {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , are conjoyn'd in the significations , as they are in the mystery : it is a giving up our names to Christ , and it is part of the foundation or the first Principles of the Religion , as appears in S. Pauls Catechism ; it is so the first thing , that it is for babes , and Neophytes , in which they are matriculated and adopted into the house of their Father , and taken into the hands of their Mother . keywords: baptism; children; christ; church; covenant; death; effect; faith; god; grace; hath; holy; infants; life; man; non; persons; reason; repentance; sacrament; sin; sins; spirit; state; things; water cache: A95331.xml plain text: A95331.txt item: #31 of 31 id: B05463 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: A proclamation, against penny-weddings date: 1687.0 words: 1734 flesch: 61 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B05463) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 176100) keywords: act; burials; eebo; english; tcp; text cache: B05463.xml plain text: B05463.txt