The glory of a true church, and its discipline display'd wherein a true gospel-church is described : together with the power of the keys, and who are to be let in, and who to be shut out / by Benjamin Keach. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1697 Approx. 83 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 37 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2005-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A47522 Wing K66 ESTC R19810 12352725 ocm 12352725 60040 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. 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Whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth , shall be bound in Heaven ; and whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth , shall be loosed in Heaven . LONDON ; Printed in the Year 1697. To the Baptized Churches , particularly to that under my Care. My Brethren , EVery House or Building consisteth both of Matter and Form : And so doth the Church of Christ , or House of the Living God. The Matter or Materials with which it is built are Lively Stones , ● . e. Converted Persons : Also the Matter and Form must be according to the Rule and Pattern shewed in ●he Mount , I mean Christ's Institution , and the Apostolical Churches Constitution , and not after Mens Inventions . Now some Men , because the Ty●ical Church of the Jews was Na●ional , and took in their Carnal Seed ( as such ) therefore the same Mat●er and Form they would have under the Gospel . But tho a Church be rightly built in both these respects , i.e. of fit Matter and right Form , yet without a regular and orderly Discipline , it will soon lose its Beauty , and be polluted . Many Reverend Divines of th● Congregational way , have written most excellently ( it is true ) upon th●● Subject , I mean on Church-Discipline ; but the Books are so voluminou● that the Poorer Sort can't purchas● them , and many others have not Tim● or Learning enough to improve them to their Profit ; and our Brethren th● Baptists have not written ( as I ca● gather ) on this Subject by it self● Therefore I have been earnestly desired by our Members , and also by on● of our Pastors , to write a small and plain Tract concerning the Rules 〈◊〉 the Discipline of a Gospel-Church that all Men may not only know our Faith , but see our Order in this cas● also . True , this ( tho plain ) is bi● short , but may be it may provoke som● other Person to do it more fully . Certainly , ignorance of the rules of Discipline causes no small trouble and disorders in our Churches ; and if this may be a Prevention , or prove profit able to any , let God have the Glory , and I have my End : Who am , Yours Aug. ●● ▪ 1697. Benj. Keach . The Glory of a Gospel-Church , and the true Orderly Discipline thereof explain'd . Concerning a True and Orderly Gospel-Church . BEfore there can be any Orderly Discipline among a Christian Assembly , they must be orderly and regularly constituted into a Church-state , according to the Institution of Christ in the Gospel . 1. A Church of Christ , according to the Gospel-Institution , is a Congregation of Godly Christians , who as a Stated-Assembly ( being first baptized upon the Profession of Faith ) do by mutual agreement and consent give themselves up to the Lord , and one to another , according to the Will of God ; and do ordinarily meet together in one Place , for the Publick Service and Worship of God ; among whom the Word of God and Sacraments are duly administred , according to Christ's Institution . 2. The Beauty and Glory of which Congregation doth consist in their being all Converted Persons , or lively Stones ; being by the Holy Spirit , united to Jesus Christ the Precious Corner-Stone , and only foundation of every Christian , as well as of every particular Congregation , and of the whole Catholick Church . 3. That every Person before they are admitted Members , in such a Church so constituted , must declare to the Church ( or to such with the Pastor , that they shall appoint ) what God hath done for their Souls , or their Experiences of a Saving work of Grace upon their Hearts ; and also the Church should enquire after , and take full satisfaction concerning their Holy Lives , or Good Conversations . And when admitted Members , before the Church they must solemnly enter into a Covenant , to walk in the Fellowship of that particular Congregation , and submit themselves to the Care and Discipline thereof , and to walk faithfully with God in all his Holy Ordinances , and there to be fed and have Communion , and worship God there , when the Church meets ( if possible ) and give themselves up to the watch and charge of the Pastor and Ministry thereof : the Pastor then also signifying in the name of the Church their acceptance of each Person , and endeavour to take the care of them , and to watch over them in the Lord , ( the Members being first satisfied to receive them , and to have Communion with them . ) And so the Pastor to give them the right Hand of Fellowship of a Church , or Church Organical . A Church thus constituted ought forthwith to choose them a Pastor , Elder or Elders , and Deacons , ( we reading of no other Officers , or Offices abiding in the Church ) and what kind of Men they ought to be , and how qualified , is laid down by Paul to Timothy , and to Titus . Moreover , they are to take special care , that both Bishops , Overseers , or Elders , as well as the Deacons , have in some competent manner all those Qualifications ; and after in a Day of solemn Prayer and Fasting , that they have elected them , ( whether Pastor , &c. or Deacons ) and they accepting the Office , must be ordained with Prayer , and laying on of Hands of the Eldership ; being first prov'd , and found meet and fit Persons for so Sacred an Office : Therefore such are very disorderly Churches who have no Pastor or Pastors ordained , they acting not according to the Rule of the Gospel , having something wanting . Of the work of a Pastor , Bishop or Overseer . 1. THe work of a Pastor is to preach the Word of Christ , or to feed the Flock , and to administer all the Ordinances of the Gospel which belong to his Sacred Office , and to be faithful and laborious therein , studying to shew himself approved unto God , a Work-man that needeth not be ashamed , rightly dividing the Word of Truth . He is a Steward of the Mysteries of God , therefore ought to be a Man of good Understanding and Experience , being sound in the Faith , and one that is acquainted with the Mysteries of the Gospel : Because he is to feed the People with Knowledg and Vnderstanding . He must be faithful and skilful to declare the Mind of God , and diligent therein , also to preach in season and out of season ; God having committed unto him the Ministry of Reconciliation , a most choice and sacred Trust. What Interest hath God greater in the World which he hath committed unto Men than this ? Moreover , he must make known the whole Counsel of God to the People . 2. A Pastor is to visit his Flock , to know their state , and to watch over them , to support the weak , and to strengthen the feeble-minded , and succour the tempted , and to reprove them that are unruly . 3. To pray for them at all times , and with them also when sent for , and desired , and as Opportunity serves ; and to sympathize with them in every State and Condition , with all Love and Compassion . 4. And to shew them in all respects , as near as he can , a good Example in Conversation , Charity , Faith and Purity ; that his Ministry may be the more acceptable to all , and the Name of God be glorified , and Religion delivered from Reproach . 5. He must see he carries it to all with all Impartiality , not preferring the Rich above the Poor , nor lord it over . God's Heritage , nor assume any greater Power than God hath given him ; but to shew a humble and meek Spirit , nay to be clothed with Humility . The Office and Work of Deacons . THE Work of Deacons is to serve Tables , viz. to see to provide for the Lord's Table , the Minister's Table , and the Poor's Table ( 1. ) They should provide Bread and Wine for the Lord's Table . ( 2. ) See that every Member contributes to the Maintenance of the Ministry , according to their Ability , and their own voluntary Subscription or Obligation . ( 3. ) That each Member do give weekly to the Poor , as God has blessed him . ( 4. ) Also visit the Poor , and know their Condition as much as in them lies ; that none , especially the aged Widows , be neglected . Of the Duty of Church-Members to their Pastor . 1 st . 'T IS the Duty of every Member to pray for their Pastor and Teachers . Brethren , pray for us , that the Word of the Lord may run and be glorified . Again , saith Paul , Praying also for us , that God would open unto us a door of utterance , to speak the Mystery of Christ. Prayer was made without ceasing of the Church unto God for him . They that neglect this Duty seem not to care either for their Minister , or their own Souls , or whether Sinners be converted , and the Church edified or not . They pray for their daily Bread , and will they not pray to have the Bread of Life plentifully broken to them ? Motives to this . 1. Ministers Work is great : Who is sufficient for these things ? 2. The Opposition is not small which is made against them . 3. God's loud Call is ( as well as Ministers themselves ) for the Saints continual Prayers and Supplication for them . 4. Their Weakness and Temptations are many . 5. The Increase and Edification of the Church depends upon the Success of their Ministry . 6. If they fall or miscarry , God is greatly dishonoured , and his Ways and People reproached . 2 dly . They ought to shew a reverential Estimation of them , being Christ's Ambassadors , also called Rulers , Angels , &c. they that honour them , and receive them , honour and receive Jesus Christ. Esteem them very highly in Love for their Work sake . Again , he saith , Let the Elders that rule well , be accounted worthy of double Honour , especially they who labour in Word and Doctrine : that is , as I conceive , such that are most laborious . 3 dly . 'T is their Duty to submit themselves unto them , that is , in all their Exhortations , good Counsels and Reproofs ; and when they call to any extraordinary Duty , as Prayer , Fasting , or days of Thanksgiving , if they see no just cause why such days should not be kept , they ought to obey their Pastor or Elder , as in other cases also . Obey them that have the Rule over you , and submit your selves . 4 thly . It is their Duty to take care to vindicate them from the unjust Charges of evil Men , or Tongue of Infamy , and not to take up a Reproach against them by report , nor to grieve their Spirits , or weaken their Hands . 5 thly . 'T is the Duty of Members to go to them when under Trouble or Temptations . 6 thly . It is their Duty to provide a comfortable Maintenance for them and their Families , sutable to their State and Condition . Let him that is taught in the Word , communicate to him that teacheth , in all good things . Who goeth a Warfare at his own Charge ? who planteth a Vineyard , and eateth not of the fruit thereof ? &c. Even so hath the Lord ordained , that they that preach the Gospel , should live of the Gospel . If we have sown unto you spiritual things , is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things ? They should minister to them chearfully with all readiness of Mind . Ministers are not to ask for their Bread , but to receive it honourably . The Ministers Maintenance , tho it is not by Tythes , &c. as under the Law , yet they have now as just a right to a comfortable Maintenance as they had then , the equity of the Duty is the same : Our Saviour , saith Dr. Owen , and the Apostles plead it from grounds of Equity and Justice ; and all kind of Laws and Rules of Righteousness among Men of all sorts calls for it . 7 thly . It is their Duty to adhere to them , and abide by them in all their Trials and Persecutions for the Word . Ye were not ashamed of me in my Bonds , &c. 8 thly . Dr. Owen adds another Duty of the Members to their Pastor , viz. to agree to come together upon his Appointment : When they were come , and had gathered the Church together , &c. Query , Are there no ruling Elders besides the Pastor ? Answ. There might be such in the Primitive Apostolical Church , but we see no ground to believe it an abiding Office to continue in the Church , but was only temporary . 1. Because we have none of the Qualifications of such Elders mention'd , or how to be chosen . 2. Because we read not particularly what their Work and Business is , or how distinct from preaching Elders ; tho we see not but the Church may ( if she sees meet ) choose some able and discreet Brethren to be Helps in Government : We have the Qualifications of Bishops and Deacons directly laid down , and how to be chosen , and their Work declared , but of no other Office or Officers in the Church , but these only . Quest. May an Elder of one Church if called , warrantably administer all Ordinances to another ? Answ. No surely ; for we find no warrant for any such Practice , he being only ordained Pastor or Elder of that particular Church that chose him , &c. and hath no Right or Authority to administer as an Elder in any other where he is not so much as a Member . Quest. May a Church call out a Teacher that is no ordained Elder to administer all Ordinances to them ? Ans. You may as well ask , May a Church act disorderly ? Why were Ministers to be ordained , if others unordained might warrantably do all their Work ? if therefore they have no Person fitly qualified for that Office , they must look out from abroad for one that is . Yet ( as we say ) Necessity has no Law ; provided therefore they can't do either , it is better their Teacher be called to do it , than that the Church should be without their Food , and Church-Ordinances neglected ; yet let all Churches take care to organize themselves , and not through Covetousness , or neglect of Duty , rest incompleat Churches , and so under Sin. God is the God of Order , and not of Confusion , in all the Churches of the Saints . And how severely did God deal of old with such that meddled with the Priests Work and Office , who were not of the Priesthood , nor called by him to administer in holy things ! Of the reception of Members . Quest. WHat is the Order of receiving Members into the Church , that were no Members any where before ? Answ. 1. The Person must give an account of his Faith ; and of the Work of Grace upon his Soul before the Church ; and also a strict Enquiry must be made about his Life and Conversation : but if through Bashfulness the Party cannot speak before the Congregation , the Elder and two or three more Persons may receive an account of his or her Faith , and report it to the Church . But if full Satisfaction by the Testimony of good and credible Persons is not given of the Party's Life and Conversation , he must be put by until Satisfaction is obtained in that respect . Moreover , when the Majority are satisfied , and yet one or two Persons are not , the Church and Elder will do well to wait a little time , and endeavour to satisfy such Persons , especially if the Reasons of their dissent seem weighty . Quest. What is to be done when a Person offers himself for Communion from a Church that is corrupt , or erroneous in Principles ? Answ. 1. The Church ought to take an account of his Faith in all Fundamental Points , and of the Work of Grace upon his Heart . 2. And if satisfied , then to send also to that corrupt People , to know whether they have any thing or not against his Life and Conversation : If satisfied in both these respects , the Church may receive him . Quest. To whom is it Members ●oin themselves ? is it to the Elder , or to the Church ? Answ. They are joined to the whole Community of the Church , being incorporated as Members thereof , and thereto abide , tho the Pastor be removed by Death . The Power of the Keys , with Church — Discipline , and Members Duties one to another . 1. WE judg it necessary that a Day monthly be appointed particularly for Discipline , and not to manage such Affairs on the Lord's-day , which should be spent ●n the publick Worship of God , of ● different nature : besides , such ●hings may ( on the account of Discipline ) come before the Church which may not be expedient to be ●eard on the Lord's-day , lest it ●isturb the Spirits of any Members , and hinder their Meditation ●n the Word which they have ●ewly heard : tho in small Congregations perhaps a day in two or three Months may be sufficient . 2. The Power of the Keys , or to receive in and shut out of the Congregation , is committed unto the Church : The Political Power of Christ , saith Dr. Chauncy , is in the Church , whereby it is exercised in the Name of Christ , having all lawful Rule and Government within it self , which he thus proves , viz. 1. The Church essential is the first Subject of the Keys . 2. They must of necessity to their Preservation , purge themselves from all pernicious Members . 3. They have Power to organize themselves with Officers . Yet I humbly conceive I may add , that the Concurrence of the Presbytery is needful hereunto . 4. If need be that they call an Officer from without , or one of another Church , they must first admit him a Member , that they may ordain their Officer from among themselves . 5. They have Power to reject a scandalous Pastor from Office and Membership . ' This Power of Christ is exerted as committed to them by the Hands of the Elder appointed by Christ , the due management whereof is in and with the Church to be his Care and Trust , as a Steward , whereof he is accountable to Christ and the Church , not lording it over God's Heritage . And that the Power of the Keys is in the Church , appears to me from Mat. 18. If he will not hear the Church ; it is not said , if he will not hear the Elder , or Elders . As also that of the Apostle , in directing the Church to cast out the Incestuous Person , he doth not give this Counsel to the Elder or Elders of the Church , but to the Church ; so he commands the Church to withdraw from every Brother that walks disorderly . Purge out the old Leaven , that you may be a new Lump . Of Church-Censures . NOW as to Church-Censures I understand but two besides Suspension , viz. ( 1. ) Withdrawing from a Member that walks disorderly . ( 2. ) Casting out , o● Excommunicating such that are e●ther guilty of notorious or scanda●lous Crimes , of Heresy , &c. o● of contemning the Authority o● the Church . Briefly to each of these . 1. Suspension is to be when'● Member falls under Sin , and th● Church wants time fully to hea● the matter , and so can't withdraw from him , or cast him out . 2. If any Member walks disorderly , tho not guilty of gross scandalous Sins , he or she , as soon as it is taken notice of , ought to be admonished , and endeavours to be used to bring him to Repentance : For we hear that there are some which walk disorderly , not working at all , but are busy-bodies . Such as meddle with Matters that concern them not , it may be ( instead of following their Trade and Business ) they go about from one Member's House to another , telling or carrying of Tales and Stories of this Brother , or of that Brother or Sister , which perhaps may be true , or perhaps false , and may be too to the Reproach or Scandal of some Member or Members , which , if so , it is back-biting ; and that is so notorious a Crime , that without Repentance they shall not ascend God's holy Hill. Back-biting is a diminishing our Neighbours , or Brother's good Name , either by denying him his due Praise , or by saying any thing to his Charge falsely or irregularly , or without sufficient cause or evidence , Thus our Annotators . But this of disorderly walking does not amount to such a Crime , but Evils not so notorious ; Now them ●●at are such , we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ , that with quietness they work , and eat their own Bread. They must be admonished . 1. An Admonition is a faithful Endeavour to convict a Person of a Fault , both as to Matter of Fact and Circumstance ; and this Admonition must be given first , if it be private , by that Brother that knows or has knowledg of the Fault or Evil of the Person offending , whether the Elder , or Member ; for any private Brother ought to admonish such with all care and faithfulness before he proceeds farther . But if it be publick , th● Church ought to send for the Offender , and the Pastor must admonish him before all . 2. But if after all due Endeavours used he is not reclaimed , bu● continues a disorderly Person , the Church must withdraw from him . Now we command you Brethren , is the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ , that you withdraw from every B●●ther that walketh disorderly , and not after the Traditions he received from us . This is not a delivering up to Satan , Excommunicating of dismembring the Person ; for this sort are still to be owned as Members , tho disorderly ones : the Church must note him ▪ so as not to have Communion or Company with him in that sense ; yet court him not as an Enemy , but exhort him as a Brother : if any Man obey not our Word , note that Man. It appears that such who refuse to adhere to what the Pastor commands and exhorts to , in the Name of Christ , are to be deemed disorderly Persons , as such are who meet ●ot with the Church when assembled together to worship God , or ●hat neglect private or family Prayer , or neglect their attendance on the Lord's-Supper , or to contribute to the necessary Charges of the Church , or suffer any Evils unreproved in their Children ; all such may be lookt upon disorderly Walkers , and ought to be proceeded against according to this Rule , or divulge the private Resolves of the Church , as well as in many like cases . Of private Offences of one Brother against another . 1. AS touching private Offences , the Rule Mat. 18. is to be observed , only this by the way must be premised , viz. if but one Brother or two have the knowledg of some Members Crime , yet if it be publickly known to the World , and the Name of God be reproached , it being an immoral Act , 〈◊〉 private Brother is not to proceed with such an Offender , according to Mat. 18. but forthwith to brin● it to the Church , that the public● Scandal may be taken off . 2. But if it be a private Offenc● or Injury done to a Brother 〈◊〉 Sister in particular , and not bei●● a notorious scandalous Sin , tha● Brother must not mention it to one Soul , either within , or without the Church , until he hath proceeded according to the Rule . ( 1. ) He must tell his Brother his Fault . Moreover , if thy Brother shall trespass against thee , go and tell him his fault betwixt thee and him alone ; if he shall hear thee , thou hast gained thy Brother . Thou must labour in Love and all Affections to convince him o● his Fault ; but if he will not hea● thee , ( 2. ) Thou must take one or two more , but be sure see they are discreet Persons , and such that ar● most likely to gain upon him ; and they with thee are to labour with all Wisdom to bring him to the sense of his Fault : 't is not iust to speak to him , as if that were enough ; no , no , but to take all due Pains , and to strive to convince him , that so the matter may be issued , and the Church not troubled with it : But if he will not hear thee , take one or two more , that in the mouth of two or three Witnesses every word may be established . 3. But if he will not hear them after all due Means and Admonitions used , then it must be brought to the Church ; and if he will not hear the Church , he must be cast out : The Elder is to put the Question , whether the offending Brother be in their Judgments incorrigible , and refuseth to hear the Church ; which passing in the Affirmative by the Vote of the Congregation , or the Majority of the Brethren by the lifting up of their Hands , or by their Silence ; the Pastor after calling upon God , and opening the nature of the Offence , and the Justness of their Proceedings , in the Name and by the Authority of Christ , pronounces the Sentence of E● communication to this effect . That A. B. being guilty of great Iniquity , and not manifesting ●●feigned Repentance , but refusing to hear the Church , I do in the Name , and by the Authority of Christ committed unto me as Pastor of this his Church , pronounce and declare that he is to be , and is hereby excommunicated , excluded or cast out of the Congregation , and no longer to be owned a Brother , or a Member of this Church ; and this for the destruction of the Flesh , that his Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus . And this we believe is the substance of that which the Apostle calls a delivering up to Satan , he being cast into the World , which is called the Kingdom of Satan , where he rules and reigns . The delivery unto Satan ( saith Dr. Chauncy ) signifies only the solemn Exclusion of a Person from the Communion of the Church , the visible Kingdom of Christ , and disinfranchizing him , or divesting him of all visible Right to Church Privileges , casting him into the Kingdom of the World , where the Prince of Darkness rules in the Children of disobedience . And this being done , he is to be esteemed to be no better than an Heathen Man , or Publican , or as an evil Person , and not to have so much as intimate civil Communion withal . Of Scandalous Persons guilty of gross Acts of Immorality . IF any Member fall into any gross Acts of Sin , as Swearing , Lying , Drunkenness , Fornication , Covetousness , Extortion , or the like , and it is known and publickly spread abroad to the great scandal and reproach of Religion , and of the Holy Name of God , his Church , and People ; the said Offender so charged , the Church must send one or two Brethren to him to come before the Congregation : if he will not come , but doth slight and contemn the Authority of the Church , that will bring farther Guilt upon him , for which Offence he incurs the Censure before - mentioned But if he doth appear , his Charge is to be laid before him , and the Witnesses called ; and after he ha● made his Defence , and said all he hath to say , and the Congregation finds him Guilty , then the same Censure is to pass upon him , to the end he may be brought to unfeigned Repentance , and the Name of God cleared ; and some time must be taken to make it appear that he hath true Repentance , by the Reformation of his Life and holy walking afterwards , before he be received again , and the Censure of the Church in a solemn manner be taken off . Dr. Chauncy puts this Question , Quest. How is a Church to proceed in case of open and notorious Scandals ? The Answer is , ' the matter of Fact , as such , being beyond all question ; the Church is to proceed immediately to censure , to vindicate the Honour of Christ and his Church , and to manifest to the World their just Indignation against such Notorious Offenders , and wait for a well-grounded and tryed Evidence of his true Repentance under that Ordinance of Christ which is appointed to that end . Observe , It is the opinion of the Doctor , that tho the Person be penitent , yet because his Sin is open and scandalous , he ought to be cast out to vindicate the Honour of Christ and the Church , as part of his just Punishment ( that being one reason of the Ordinance of Excommunication ) as well as to bring the Person to thorow Repentance ; and we are of his Mind . Paul takes no notice in the case of the Incestuous Person of his immediate Repentance ; or if he repent not , then , &c. But says he , deliver such a one to Satan , &c. Saith the Lord , if her Father had but spit in her Face , should she not be ashamed seven Days ? Let her be shut out from the Camp seven Day : ( speaking of Miriam ) and after that let her be received in again . Of dealing with Hereticks and Blasphemers . AS touching Hereticks or Heresy , the same Censure , when they are convicted , ought to pass against them ; Heresy is commonly restrained to signify any perverse Opinion or Error in a fundamental Point of Religion , as to deny the Being of God , or the Deity of Christ , or his Satisfaction , and Justification alone by his Righteousness , or to deny the Resurrection of the Body , or eternal Judgment , or the like . Yet our Annotators say , the Word signifies the same thing with Schism and Divisions ; which if so , such that are guilty of Schism or Divisions in the Church , ought to be excommunicated also . Heresies are called Damnable by the Apostle Peter ; without Repentance such cannot be saved , as bring in Damnable Heresies , denying the Lord that bought them . Two things render a Man an Heretick according to the common signification of the Word . 1. An Error in matters of Faith , Fundamental or Essential to Salvation . 2. Stubbornness and Contumacy in holding and maintaining it . A Man that is an Heretick , after the first and second Admonition reject . Now that this Rejection is all one with Excommunication , appears by what Paul speaks , 1 Tim. 1.20 . Of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander , whom I have delivered unto Satan , that they may learn not to Blaspheme . Their Heresy , or Blasphemy was in saying the Resurrection was past . Some would have none be counted an Heretick but he who is convicted and condemned so to be in his own Conscience , mistaking Paul's Words , Knowing that he that is such , is subverted , being condemned of himself . He may be condemned of himself , tho not for his Heresy , yet for his spending his Time about Questions , and strife of Words , to the disquieting the Peace of the Church ; or tho not condemned of himself directly , yet indirectly ; according to the Purport of his own Notion , or what he grants about the Point in Debate , &c. Else the Apostle refers to some notable and notorious self-condemned Heretick . It is a great question , whether Hymeneus and Alexander we●● condemned in their own Consciences , about that Heresy charged upon them , and yet were delivered up to Satan . However the Rule is plain , respecting any that are subverted , and resolutely maintain any Heretical Notion , i. e. after he hath been twice ( or oftner ) admonished , that is , after all due means used , and pains taken with him , to convince him of his abominable Error ; and yet if he remains obstinate , he must be delivered up to Satan ; that is , the righteous censure of the Church must pass upon him , as in the case of other notorious Crimes . Heresy is a Work of the Flesh : and hence some conceive such ought to be punished by the Civil Magistrate . Quest. What is an Admonition ? Answ. It is a faithful endeavour to convict a Person of a Fault both as to matter of Fact , and his Duty thereupon , charging it on his Conscience in the Name of the Lord Jesus with all Wisdom and Authority . Quest. What is a Church Admonition ? Answ. When an offending Brother rejecting private Admonition by one , or by two or three Persons ; the complaint being brought to the Church by the Elder , the offending Member is rebuked and exhorted in the Name of the Lord Jesus to due Repentance ; and if convicted , and he repents , the Church forgives him , otherwise casts him out , as I before shewed . Quest. May a Church admit a Member of another Congregation to have Communion with them , without an orderly receiving him as a Member ? Answ. If the Person is well known by some of the Church , and that he is an orderly Member of 〈◊〉 Church of the same Faith , he being occasionally cast among them ▪ they may admit him to transie●● Communion for that time ; but i● he abides in that Town or City remote to the Church to whom he belongs , he ought to have his regular dismission , and so be delivered up to the care and watch of the Church where he desires to communicate . Quest. If an Excommunicated Person hath obtained of God true Repentance , and desires to be restored to the Church , what is the manner of his Reception ? Answ. Upon his serious , solemn and publick Acknowledgment thereof before the Church , and due Satisfaction according to the nature of his Offence being given , the Elder solemnly proceeds and declares in the Name of the Lord Jesus , that the sentence which A.B. was laid under ( upon his unfeigned Repentance ) is taken off , and that he is received again a as Member , &c. To the Praise and Glory of God. Q. How ought a Pastor to be ●●●lt withal , if he to the knowledge of the Church , or any Mem●ers thereof , walketh disorderly , ●nd unworthily of his Sacred Of●ice , and Membership ? Take the Answer of another Author here . Answ. ' Those Members , to whom this is manifestly known , ought to go to him privately , and unknown to any others , ( and with the Spirit of Meekness , in great Humility ) lay his Evil before him , and intreat him as a Father , and not rebuke him as there Equal , much less as their Inferiour ; and if they gain upon him , then to receive him into their former Affection and Esteem , for ever hiding it from all others . But if after all tender intreaties , he prove Refractory and Obstinate , then to bring him before the Church , and there to deal with him ; they having Two or Three Witnesses in the face of the Church , to testify matter of Fact against him to their personal Knowledge . 2. But before he be dealt with they must appoint one from among themselves , qualifyd for the work●● a Pastor , to execute the Church Censure against him , &c. Yet n● doubt , the Church may Suspend him from his Communion , & exercisin● of his Office presently , upon hi● being fully Convicted . But seeing in the multitude of Counsel there i● safety , sure no Church would so proceed without the advice of the Presbytery , or of a Sister - Church at least . Q. Suppose a Member should think himself Oppressed by the Church ; or should be Unjustly dealt with ; either Withdrawn from , or Excommunicated , has he no Relief left him ? Answ. We believe he hath Relief ; and also , that there is no Church infallible , but may E●● in some points of Faith , as wel● as in Discipline . And the way proposed , and agreed to , in a general Assembly , held in London , 1692. of the Elders , Ministers , and Messengers of our Churches , we approve of , which is this ; viz. The grieved or injured Person may make his Application to a Sister ▪ Church for Communion ; and that Church may send some Brethren in their names , to that Congregation that have dealt with him , and they to see if they can possibly restore him to his place ; but if they cannot , then to report the matter charged , with the Proofs , to the Church that sent them : and if that Congregation shall , after a full Information , &c. be perswaded the Person was not orderly dealt with , they may receive him into their Communion . Of such that cause Divisions ; or Vnduely separate themselves from the Church . THis I find is generally asserted by all Congregational Divines , or worthy men , i. e. That no person hath power to dismember himself : i. e. He cannot , without great Sin , translate himself from one Church to another ; but ought to have a Dismission from that Church where he is a Member : provided that Church is orderly constituted , nothing being wanting as to any Essential of Salvation ; or of Church-Communion : But if not , yet he ought to indeavour to get his orderly Di●mission . Nor is every small Differenc● in some points of Religion , ( o● Notions of little moment , ) an● grounds for him to desire his Dismission . That he cannot , nor ought no● to Translate himself , see what 〈◊〉 Reverend Writer saith : He cannot , saith he , for many Reasons : 1. It is not Decent , much le● an Orderly going away ; but very unmannerly , and a kind o● running away . 2. Such a Departure is not approved of in Families , or Civi● Societies . 3. It destroys the Relation o● Pastor and People : For wha● may be done by one individua● Person , may be done by all . 4. What Liberty in this kin● belongs to the Sheep , belongs t● the Shepherd ; much more he ma● then also leave his Flock at h● Pleasure , without giving notice o● reason thereof to the Church . 5. It is breaking Covenant wit● Christ , and with the Congregation , and therefore a great Immorality ; he being under Obligation to abide stedfastly with the Church ; i. e. till the Church judge he hath a lawful Call to go to another Congregation . 6. It 's a Schism : For if there be any such thing in the World , it 's of particular Societies . 7. It is a despising the Government of the Church . 8. It is a particular Member's assuming to himself the use of the Keys ; or rather stealing of them . 9. There is as much reason Persons should come into a Church when they please , without asking Consent , as depart when they please . 10. It is very evil and unkind in another Church , to receive such an one , as not doing as they would , or should be dealt with . 11. Such Practices can issue in nothing else than the breach and confusion of all particular Churches ; and make them like Parishes . 12. Such Departures cannot be pleaded for in the least , but upon the notion of a Catholick visible Church , wherein all Members and Officers are run into one Organized Church , which will , and must introduce , a Co-ordinate ( if not a Subordinate ) Pastoral Government , by combination of Elders , over all the Churches ; and therefore by Synods and Classes . 13. It is like a Leak in a Ship , which , if not speedily stopped , will Sink at last . 14. It tends to Anarchy , putting an Arbitrary Power in ev'ry Member . 15. It breaks all Bonds of Love , and raiseth the greatest Animosities between Bretheren and Churches . 16. It is a great Argument of some Guilt lying-on the Party . Thus the Dr. Again he saith , It is no more in the just Power of a particular Member to dissolve his Church-Relation , than in a Man to kill himself : but by his said withdrawment he doth Schismatically rend himself from his Communion , and so Separate himself Sinfully . ★ Quest. What is the just Act of the Church , that cloathes this irregular Separation , with the Formality as it were of an Excomcommunication . He Answers . ( Calling ) this a mixt Excommunication i. e. Originally proceeding from , and consists in , the act of the Brother himself , and is the Formality of his Offence ; upon which proceeds the just and unviolable act of the Church . The Judgment of the Church publickly declared by the Elder of the Congregation ; as the Dr. words it ; viz. That A. B. having so and so irregularly and sinfully withdrawn himself from the Communion of the Congregation , we do now adjudge him a Non-member , and one that is not to Communicate with the Church , in the special Ordinances of Communion , till due Satisfaction is given by him . Yet we believe , as the Dr's Opinion is , that a Church may , ( if they find the Case to be warranted by the Word of God ; or as it may be circumstanced ) give a dismission to a Member , when insisted on , to another regular Church , tho not in every case of small Offence , or dissent in some small points of different Notions , or from Prejudice ; for , that may tend soon to dissolve any Church : For what Church is it , where every Member is of one mind in every particular case and thing about Notions of Religion ? And such that make Divisions , and cause Schisms , or Discord among Brethren , to disturb the Peace of the Church , if they cannot be reclaimed , must be marked , and dealt with as great Offenders : It being one of those things that God hates , and is an abomination to him . Quest. What is a full and lawful Dismission of a Member to another Church , upon his removing his Habitation , or on other warranted Cases . Answ. VVe answer a Letter Testimonial , or Recommendation of the Person ; and if he intends to abide there wholly , to give him up to that Communion , and Fellowship , to be watched over in the Lord. Of Disorders , or causes of Discords , and how to be prevented , corrected , and removed . I. ONE cause of Discord is , through the Ignorance in some Members of the Rules of Discipline , and right Government ; particularly when that Rule in Matth. 18. is not followed . But one Person ●●kes up an Offence against another , and speaks , of it to this or that Person , before he hath , told the Brother offending , of it ; which is a paspable Sin , and a direct violation of Christ's holy Precept : and such must , as Offenders themselves , be in a Gospel way dealt with . To prevent this , the Discipline , of the Church should be taught ; and the Members informed of their Duties . II Another thing that causes Trouble and Disorder in a Church , is want of Love , and tender Affections to one another ; as also not having a full sight and sense of the great evil of breaking the Bonds of Peace , and Vnity : O that all would lay this abominable Evil to Heart , how base a thing it is to break the Peace of a private Family , or Neighbourhood ; but much more sinful to disturb the Peace of the Church of the living God , and break the bonds of the Vnity thereof . Behold , how good , and how pleasant it is , for Brethren to dwell together in Vnity ! But , O how ugly and hateful is the contrary ! III. Another disorderly Practice is this , When one Member or another knows of some sinful act , or evils done by one or more Members , and they conceal it ; or do not act according to the Rule ; pretending they would not be lookt upon as Contentious Persons : but hereby they may become guilty of other Mens Sins , and also suffer the Name of God , and the Church , to lye under Reproach , and all thro their neglect . This is a great Iniquity . IV. When an Elder , or Church shall know that some persons are Scandalous in their Lives , or Hereretical in Judgment , and yet shall bear or connive with them . V. When Members take liberty to hear at other Places , when the Church is assembled to worship God : this is nothing less than a breaking their Covenant with the Church , and may soon dissolve any Church : For by the same Rule , one may take that liberty , another ; nay , every Member may . Moreover , it casts a Contempt upon the Ministery of the Church , and tends to cause such who are Hearers to draw off , and to be Disaffected with the Doctrine taught in the Church , ( they knowing these Dissenters do belong unto it . ) I exhort therefore , in the Name of Christ , this may be prevented : And any of you that know who they are , that take this Liberty , pray discover them to the Church . We lay no restraint upon our Members from hearing such , who are sound in the Faith at other times . VI. The Liberty that some take to hear Men that are corrupt in their Judgments ; and so take in unsound Notions , and also strive to distil them into the Minds of others , as if they were of great Importance . Alas , how many are Corrupted in these days , with Arminianism , Socinianism , and what not ! This causes great trouble and disorder . VII . When one Church shall receive a Member or Members of another Congregation without their Consent or Knowledge : Nay such that are Disorderly and may be loose Livers , or cast out for Immorality ; or Persons filled with Prejudice without cause . This is enough to make Men Atheists , or contemn all Church Authority , and Religion : For hath not one regular Church as great Authority from Christ as another . VIII . Another disorder is , when Members are received without the general Consent of the Church ; or before good Satisfaction is taken of their Godly Lives , and Conversations : Or when a Church is too remiss in the reception of her Members . IX . Another disorder is , when a Church shall receive a charge against a Member , ( it being an Offence between Brother and Brother ) before an orderly proceed has been made by the offended Person . X. When Judgment passes with Partiality ; some are connived at , out of favour or affection : Levi was not to know his Father or Mother in Judgment . XI . When Members do not constantly and early attend our publick Assemblies , and the worship of God on the Lord's-day especially , but are remiss in that matter : This is a great Evil. XII . When part of a Church shall meet together as dissatisfied , to consult Church-matters , without the knowledge or consent of the Church , or Pastor : This is disorderly , and tends to division ; and such should be marked . XIII . Another thing that tends to disquiet the Peace of the Church is , when there are any undue heats of Spirit , or Passion shewed in the Pastor , or others , in managing the Discipline of the Church . Have we not found by experience the sad effect of this ? Therefore things must be always managed with coolness , and sweetness of Spirit , and moderation ; every Brother having liberty to speak his mind , and not to be interrupted , until he has done ; nor above one speak at once . XIV . When one Brother or more Dissents in the sentiments of their Minds from the Church , in any matters circumstantial ; either in repect of Faith , Practice , or Discipline , and will not submit to the Majority , but raise Feuds ; nay , will rend themselves from the Church , rather than consent . I Quaery , what reason , or ground , hath any Man to refuse Communion with a Church that Christ hath not left , but hath Communion with ? XV. When any Member shall divulge , or make known to Persons , not of the Congregation , nor being concerned in those matters what is done in Church-meetings , the Church in this respect ( as well as in others ) is to be as a Garden inclosed , a Spring shut up , a Fountain sealed . This oft times occasions great Grief , and the disorderly Person should be detected . Is it not a shame to any of a private Family , to divulge the Secrets of the Family ? But far greater shame do these expose themselves unto . XVI . Another disorderly Practice is this ; viz. When a Member shall suggest , and seem ●o insinuate into the minds of other Members some evil against their Pastor , yet will not declare what it is ; and may only be evil Surmisings , & out of Prejudice ; and yet refuses to acquaint the Pastor with what it is : This is very abominable , and a palpable violation of the Rule of the Gospel , and Duty of Members to their Minister . Such a person ought to be severely rebuk'd , and if he confess not his Evils , and manifesteth unfeigned Repentance , to be dealt with farther . Moreover , it is a great evil in another to hear such base ▪ Insinuations , and neither rebuke the Accuser , and so discharge his Duty , nor take two or three more to bring the Person to Repentance . If he deal thus by a private Brother , it is a great Evil , but far worse to an Elder , whose Name and Honour , ought with all Care and Justice , to be kept up , as being more Sacred . XVII . Another disorderly Practice is , ( which causes much trouble ) When the publick Charges of a Church are not equally born ; but some too much burdened , when others do but little or nothing . And also , when every one does not Contribute to the Poor , as God has blessed them , on every Lord's day , or first day of the Week , as he hath Commanded . XVIII . Another disorder is this ▪ When Members refuse to communicate with the Church at the Lord's table , because some person , or persons , they think are guilty of Evil , and yet they have not proceeded with them according to Rule : These either Excommunicate the Church , or themselves , or those Persons at least , they censure unwarrantably . I beseech you for Christ's sake , that this may never be any more among you : You ought not to deal thus with them ; or refuse your Communion , ( tho faulty ) until the Church has dismember'd , or withdrawn from them ; or at least Suspended them . XIX . When one Member , shall believe , or receive a report against another , before he knows the truth of the matter . XX. When an Accusation is brought against an Elder , contrary to the Rule , which ought not be without two or three Witnesses , as to the matter of Fact. XXI . When the word of God is not carefully attended upon , on Week , or Lecture-days , by the Members generally ; tho the said Meeting being appointed by the whole Church . XXII . VVhen Days of Prayer and Fasting , and of publick Thanksgiving , or when days of Disciplining are not generally attended upon . Lastly , VVhen Gifted Brethren are not duely encouraged : First privately to exercise their Gifts ; and being in time approved , called forth to Preach or Exercise in the Church : And when encouragment is not given to bestow Learning also upon them , for their better Accomplishment . What will become of the Churches in time to come , if this be not prevented with speed ? What tends to the Glory and Beauty of a true Gospel-Church . I. THat which Primarily tends to the Glory of a Church is the Foundation on which it is Built , which is Jesus Christ. Now this is a blessed and glorious Fou●dation . I. In respect of God the Father , who laid this Foundation in his eternal Purpose , Counsel , and Decree ; Behold I lay in Sion ; and this is as the result of his infinite Wisdom , Love , and Mercy to his Elect. II. In respect had unto Christ himself , who is this Foundation . 1. He is a Suitable Foundation . 1. In respect to the Glory of God in all his Attributes . 2ly . In respect to our Good ; he answering all our wants , who are united to him , or built upon him . 3. In respect of the preciousness of Christ , as a Foundation ; a Stone ; a precious Stone . 4. In respect to the Durableness of it i. e. a tryed Stone ; a sure Foundation . Brethren , a Foundation of a House must of necessity be laid ; no House can be built without a good Foundation , that will stand firm , and unmovable ; it is the strongest part of the Building , and it beareth all the weight of the whole Superstructure : So doth Jesus Christ. III. The Beauty and Glory of a true Church , consists in the true and regular , or right Constitution of it ; nothing being wanting that is Essential to it , upon this account . IV. It consisteth in the Excellency , Glory , and Suitableness of the materials 't is Built with , answering to the Foundation ; all precious Stones , lively Stones ; all regenerated Persons . V. In that all the Stones be well Hewed and Squared ; all made fit for the Building , before laid in . VVere it thus , there would not be so great a Noise of the Hammer and Ax , in Church Discipline , as indeed there is . It was not thus in the Type , I mean in Solomon's Temple . VI. It 's Beauty and Glory consisteth in that all the Stones being not only united by the Spirit , to Christ the Foundation , but also to one another in sincere Love and Affection . In whom all the Building , fitly Framed together , groweth up unto an holy Temple in the Lord. VII . It consisteth in the Holiness and Purity of the Lives and Conversations of all the Members : Be ye Holy , for I am Holy . Holiness becomes thy House , O God , for Ever . VIII . It consisteth in that sweet Union and Concord that ought to be in the Church ; all like the Horse : in Pharoah's Chariot , drawing together : Endeavouring to keep the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace . By this shall all Men know ye are my Disciples , if you Love one another . IX . In their having the divine Presence with them : Or when the Glory of God fills his Temple . X. In keeping out all unsanctified , or unclean Persons , or if they get in , to purge them out by a strict and holy Discipline , or else it will soon loose it's Beauty . XI . In that Zeal and Equality that should be shewed in all to keep up the Honour , Peace , and Comfort of the Church , and the Ministery thereof . XII . In the Administration of right Discipline ; to see no neglect nor delaying of Justice , thro carelesness , or Partiality : ( 1. ) No ways partaking of other Mens Sins ; which may be done by Conniving at it ; ( 2. ) By Lessening or Extenuating of it ( 3. ) By Countenancing , or any ways Incouraging any in Sin. ( 4. ) By not Restoring a Brother , that confesses his Sin when overtaken . ( 5. ) Not bringing in a just Charge against an Offender , nor rebuking him ; and yet have Communion with him . 2ly . Not to wrest Judgment , out of it's true and right Channel : Nor to inflict a greater censure than the Law of Christ requires on any . 3ly . Timely to acquit , and discharge a penitent Person . 4ly . Not to do any thing on● of Prejudice , but in Love , and Bowels , of affection ; and to do all in Christ's Name , or by his authority . XIII . To Sympathize with the Afflicted , Succour the Tempted , and Relieving the Poor and Distressed : Rejoicing with them that Rejoice , and Mourning with them that Mourn . XIV . To speak evil of no Man ; not only speaking no evil of their Brethren , but of no Man , to his hurt or injury , detracting from his Worth and Honour : See Sirach , Whether it be to Friend or Foe , talk not of other Men's Lives ; and if thou canst , without Offence , reveal them not . We must not discourse his Faults , unless in a Gospel-way ; and that too , to amend the Person , and not out of Passion , or Prejudice to expose him , but out of Love to his Soul. Yet we may speak of the evils of others , ( 1. ) When called to do it , in a Legal or Gospel-way ; and it is a Sin then to conceal his Crime . ( 2. ) Or when it is to prevent another , who is in danger to be Infected by his Company , or ill Example . ( 3. ) Or in our own just Defence and Vindication . Moreover , consider the evil of Reproaching of others . First as to the causes why some do it . I. One Cause is from want of Love : Nay from Malice ; and Hatred . 1. From the Baseness , ill Nature , and Cruelty of the accusers Disposition . 2. 'T is occasioned from that itch , of talking and medling in the Affairs of other Men. 3. Or perhaps to raise their own Esteem and Honour , some Degrade their Brother ; which is Abominable . Consider it is Theft , or Robbery ; nay , and 't is worse than to Rob a Man of his Goods , because thou takest away that which perhaps thou canst not restore again . Moreover consider , That such who reproach others , lay themselves open thereby to Reproach . 3. Moreover know , he that Receives , or Hearkens to the Scandal , is as Guilty as the Accuser ; he is like a Person that receives Stolen Goods , and so is as bad as the Thief . This being one of the Grand and Notorious Evils of these Days I speak the more to it . If you abominate this evil , and avoid it , you will shine in Grace and Vertue the more clearly . Alas , in our days , some that would be thought to be great Professers stick not to vilifie Christ's Ministers , even some of the best of Men ; and are so full of Malice , they care not what wrong they do to their Brethren , nor to the truth it self , or interest of God , and so expose themselves to a lasting shame , and their Spirit , and Practice , to an abhorrance ; they are like cursed Cham who discovered his Fathers nakedness ; these persons violate all Laws , both Humane and Divine . 3ly . When they bear one anothers Burdens , and so fulfil the Law of Christ : And that you may do this ; consider where is that Church in which there are no Burdens to be Born. [ Motives thus to do . ] 1. Consider what a Burden Jesus Christ hath born for thee . 2. What a Burden thou hast to bear of thine own . 3. Mayst not thou in some things be a Burden to thy Brethren ? 4. Wouldst thou not have others bear thy Burden . 5. May not God cause thee to bear a more heavy Burden ; because thou canst not bear thy Brother's ? 6. 'T is a fulfilling the Law of Love , nay the Law of Christ. XV. The Glory and Beauty of a Congregation , is the more manifest , when the Authority of the Church , and the Dignity of the Pastoral Office is maintained . How great was the Evil of the gain-saying of Corah ? The Apostles speaks of some that are Selfwilled , Presumptious , who are not afraid to speak evil of Dignities . God has put a Glory and high Dignity upon the Church and in it's Authority and Power ; Whom ye bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven . Moreover , the Pastoral Office , is an Office of Dignity ; they are called Rulers , Angels , Fathers : For any therefore to cast contempt on the Church , or Pastor , is a great evil , and a reproach to Christ , and tends to Disorder and Confusion . Lastly , When Holiness , Righteousness , Charity , Humility , and all true Piety is prest upon the Consciences of every Member , and appears in the Minister : also that all strive to excell therein , with their uttermost Care and Diligences . The Conclusion . KNow my Brethren , That God loves the Gates of Sion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob : Therefore the publick Worship of God ought to be preferred before private . 1. This supposeth there must be a visible Church . 2. And that they frequently meet together to worship God. 3. That they have an orderly Ministery and one ordained Elder , at least , to administer all Publick Ordinances . 4. Moreover , that all Persons have free liberty to assemble with the Church , and to partake of all Ordinances , save those which peculiarly belong to the Church ; as the Lord's Supper , holy Discipline , and days of Prayer and Fasting . Then the Church of Old separated themselves from all Strangers . Yet others may attend on all other publick Ordinances with the Church ; as publick Prayer , Reading , and Preaching the Word and in Singing God's Praises , as hath formerly been proved . May others my Brethren , join in Prayer with us , and not praise God with us ▪ But , O my Brethren ! let me beseech you to shew your high Value , and Estimation for the publick Worship of God. [ Motives hereunto . ] 1. Since God prefers it thus : Or has so great Esteem of his publick Worship . 2. Because he is said to dwell in Sion ; It is his Habitation for ever . The place , where his Honour dwells . 3. Here God is most Glorified . In his Temple every one speaks of his Glory ; My Praise shall be in the great Congregation . 4. Here is most of God's gracious presence ( as one observes it . ) 1. His effectual Presence , in all Places ; Where I record my Name , thither will I come ; and there will I bless thee . 2. Here is More of his intimate presence : Where two or three are gathered together in my Name , there am I in the midst of them . He walks in the midst of the seven Golden Candlesticks . 5. Here are the clearest manifestations of God's Beauty , which made holy David desire to dwell there for ever . See the appearance of Christ to the Churches , Rev , 2. cap. 3. 6. In that it is said , that those that should be Saved , in the Apostles days , God added unto the Church . 7. Here is most Spiritual Advantage to be got : Here the Dews of Hermon fall , they descend upon the Mountain of Sion . Here God commands the Blessing , even Life for evermore . I will abundantly bless her Provision , and satisfie her Poor with Bread. Here David's Doubt was resolved . 8. Here you received your first spiritual Breath , or Life , many Souls are daily Born to Christ. That good which is most Diffusive , is to be Preferred ; but that good which most partake of , is most Diffusive ; O magnifie the Lord with me ! let us exalt his Name together . Live Coals separated , soon die . 9. Brethren ( as a worthy Divine observes ) the Church in her publick Worship is the nearest Resemblance of Heaven , especially in Singing God's Praises . What Esteem also had God's Worthies of old , for God's publick VVorship ? My Soul longeth , yea , even fainteth for the Courts of the Lord. How amiable are thy Tabernacles , O Lord of Hosts ! 10. See how the Promises of God run to Sion , or to his Church : He will bless thee out of Sion . O let nothing discourage you in your waiting at the Posts of Christ's Door : David desired Rather to be a Door-Keeper in the House of God , than to Dwell in the Tents of Wickedness . Yet nevertheless do not neglect , for the Lord's sake , private Devotion ; viz. Secret , and Family-Prayer : O pray to be fitted for publick Worship ! Come out of your Closets to the Church ? What signifies all you do in Publick , if you are not such that keep up the Worship of God in your own Families ? O neglect not Prayer , Reading , and Meditation ! And take care also to Educate and Catechise your Children ; and live as Men and Women that are dead to this World : and walk for the Lord's sake as becomes the Gospel . See that Zeal and Knowledge go together ; a good Conversation . and a good Doctrine go together These Two together , are better than One. Brethren , he that makes the VVord of God his Rule , in whatsoever he doth , and the Glory of God his end in what he doth , shall have the Spirit of God to be his strength . This is like Solomon's Three-fold Cord ; that will be One , or it will be Three ; it can't be Two ; not can it be broken . The Solemn Covenant of the Church of Christ , meeting in White-street , at it's Constitution ; June , 5. 1696. WE who desire to walk together in the Fear of the Lord , do , through the Assistance of his Holy Spirit , profess our deep and serious Humiliation for all our Transgressions . And we do also solemnly , in the Presence of God , of each other , in the Sense of our own Vnworthiness , give up our selves to the Lord , in a Church state according to the Apostolical Constitution that he may be our God , and we may be his People , through the Everlasting Covenant of his Free grace , in which alone we hope to be accepted by him , through his blessed Son Jesus Christ , whom we take to be our High Priest , to justify and sanctify us , and our Prophet to teach us ; and to subject to him as our Law-giver , and the King of Saints ; and to conform to all his Holy Laws and Ordinances , for our growth , Establishment , and Consolation ; that we may be as a Holy Spouse unto him , and serve him in our Generation , and wait for his second Appearance , as our glorious Bridegroom . Being fully satisfied in the way o● Church-Communion , and the Trut● of Grace in some good measure upon one anothers Spirits , we do solemnly join our selves together in a Holy Vnion and Fellowship , humbly submitting to the Discipline of the Gospel , and all Holy Duties required of ● People in such a spiritual Relation . 1. We do promise and ingage to walk in all Holiness , Godliness , Humility , and Brotherly Love , as much as in us lieth to render our Communion delightful to God , comfortable to our selves , and lovely to the res● of the Lord's People . 2. We do promise to watch over each others Conversations , and not to suffer Sin upon one another , so far ● God shall discover it to us , or any ● us ; and to stir up one another to L●●● and good Works ; to warn , rebuke , a●● admonish one another with Meekness according to the Rules left to us of Christ in that Behalf . 3. We do promise in an especial manner to pray for one another , and for the Glory and Increase of this Church , and for the Presence of God in it , and the pouring forth of his Spirit on it , and his Protection over it to his Glory . 4. We do promise to bear one anothers Burdens , to cleave to one another , and to have a Fellow-feeling with one another , in all Conditions both outward and inward , as God in his Providence shall cast any of us into 5. We do promise to bear with one anothers Weakeness , Failings , and Infirmities , with much Tenderness , not discovering to any without the Church , nor any within , unless according to Christ's Rule , and the Order of the Gospel provided in that case . 6. We do promise to strive together for the Truths of the Gospel , and Purity of God's Ways and Ordinances , to avoid Causes , and Causers of Division , endeavouring to keep the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace ; Ephes. 4 3. 7 We do promise to meet together on Lord's Days , and ●●●ther times , as the Lord shall gi●● 〈◊〉 Opportunities , to serve and glorify God in the 〈◊〉 his Worship , to edify one 〈…〉 and to contrive the g●●● 〈…〉 Church . 8. We do promise according to our Ability ( or as God shall bless us with the good things of this World ) to Communicate to our Pastor of Minister , God having ordained that they that Preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel . ( And now can any thing lay a greater obligation upon the Conscience , than this Covenant , what then is the Sin of such who violate it ? ) These and all other Gospel-Duties we humbly submit unto , promising and purposing to perform , not in our own Strength , being consciou● of our own Weakness , but in th● Power , and Strength of the Blessed God , whose we are , and whom we desire to serve : To whom be Glory now and for evermore . Amen . FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A47522-e320 Act. 2.41 , 42 , 43 , 44. Act. 8.14 . Act. 19.4 , 5 , 6. Eph. ● . 1 , 2. and ● . 12 , 13 , 19. Col. 1.2 , 4 , 12. 1 Pet. 2.5 . Act. 5.13 , 14. Rom. 6.17 . Heb. 6.1 , 2. Rom. 6.3 , 4 , 5. 1 Pet. 2.4 , 5 , 6. Eph. 2.20 , 21. Col. 2.19 . Psa. 66.16 . Act. 11.4 , 5 , 6 , &c. 23 , 24. 1 Pet. 3.15 . 2 Cor. 8.5 . Jer. 50.5 . Heb. 13.17 . 1 Pet. 5.1 , 2. Of an Organical Church . 1 Tim. 3.2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7. Tit. 1.5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10. Tit. 1.7 . Act. 6.6 . 2 Tim. 5.22 . Notes for div A47522-e960 1 Cor. 9.16 , 17. Act. 20.31 35. 2 Tim. 2.15 . 2 Cor. 4.1 , 2. 1 Tim. 3. Jer. 3.15 . 2 Tim. 4.2 . 2 Cor. 5.19 Act. 20.20 , 27. Pro. 27.23 . 1 Thess. 5.15 . 1 Tim. 4.12 . Jam. 2.4 . 1 Tim. 5.21 . 1 Pet. 5.3 . and 5.6 . Notes for div A47522-e1430 The Deacons Work. Act. 6.1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10. Acts 5.7 , 8 , 9 , 10. 1 Cor. 16.2 . Acts 6.1 . Notes for div A47522-e1570 1 Thess. ● . 25 . Heb. 13.18 . Notes for div A47522-e1700 2 Cor. 2.16 . 1 Cor. 16.9 . 1 Tim. 4.3 , 4 , 5. 2 Cor. 3.19 , 20. 1 Thess. 3.13 . 1 Tim. 5.17 . Heb. 13.5 , 17. Jer. 20.10 . Zeph. 2.8 . 2 Cor. 11.21 , 23. Gal. 6.6 . 1 Cor. 9.7 , 8. ver . 14. ver . 11. Mat. 10.9 , 10. See Dr. Owen ' s Eshod , p. 21 , 22. 2 Tim. 4.16 , 17 , 18. Eshod , pag. 27. Act. 14.27 . Rom. 12.8 . 1 Tim. 3. Tit. 1.5 , 6 , 7. Act. 20.17 , 27 , 28. Tit. 1.5 . 1 Cor. 14.40 . 1 Tim. 3. 1 Cor. 14.33 , 38. Notes for div A47522-e2820 Of the reception of Members into the Church . Psal. 66.16 . Acts 9.26 , 27. 3 Joh. 9 , 10. Rom. 14.17 , 19. 1 Pet. 3.15 . 1 Cor. 14.40 . Rom. 15.1 , 2. Acts 11.2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6. To whom Members join themselves . Act. 2.47 . & 5.11 , 15. Notes for div A47522-e3170 A monthly day to be appointed for Discipline . The Power of the Keys committed to the Church . Acts 16.5 . 2 Thess. 1.3 , 6. Dr. Chauncy on the Power of the Keys , p. 335. 1 Cor. 5.4 , 5. 2 Thess. 3.6 , 14. 1 Cor. 5.7 . Notes for div A47522-e3490 Of Church-Censures . 2 Thess. 3.11 , 12. Psa. 15.1 , 3. 2 Thess. 3.12 . 2 Thess. 2.6 . Disorderly Members only to be withdrawn from . 2 Thess. 2.14 , 15. Heb. 12.25 . Notes for div A47522-e3810 Of private Offences between Brother and Brother . Mat. 18.15 . Mat. 18.16 . Dr. Chauncy , p. 345. The Sisters are not to vote in the Church . The Act of Excommunication or Church-Censure . 1 Cor. 5. Pag. 345. Mat. 18.17 . Notes for div A47522-e4160 Of Scandalous Crimes or Evils . The Church Censure on notorious Offenders is the same with that in Mat. 18. Pag. 343. 1. Tim. 5.24 . Act. 5.11 . Jud. 23. 1. Cor. 5. 2 Cor. 7.11 . Numb . 12.14 . Notes for div A47522-e4500 Of dealing with Hereticks . See Pool's Annot. on 1 Cor. 11.19 . 2 Pet. 2.1 . Who is an Heretick . Tit. 3.10 . 1 Tim. 1.19 , 20. What an admonition is . The manner of the Reception of a communicate Person . Mat. 13.18 . 2 Cor. 2.6 , 7. 1 Tim. 5. How to proceed against a Scandalous Pastor . ● see not if they have none fitly qualified , but the Church may cast him out , Relief for a Member unjustly dealt with . Notes for div A47522-e5410 The cause of Disorders in the Church . Rom , 6 , 17. Heb , 6 , 2 , 3 Dr. Chauncy pag. 337. Phil. 1.27 . Tit. 2.10 . The great Danger of making a Rent in a Church . Rom. 1.31 . Acts 2.42 . 1 Cor. 12.6 , , 21 , 25. Heb. 10.25 . Jude , 19. ☞ ★ Jude 19. 1 Cor. 1.10 . & 3.3 . & 11.18 . Heb. 10.22.23 , 25. Mixt Excommunication . Rom. 19.17 , 18. 2 Thess. 3.6.14 , 15. Jude 12. Let none call the Church a Prison , since all do voluntarily Covenant with it , and 't is dangerous to break Christ's bonds . 2 Timo. 2.23 . 2 Thess. 3.14 . Prov. 6.16 . Of a Let●er of Re●ommenda●ion . Rom 16.1.2 . Acts 18.27 . Notes for div A47522-e6440 Mat. 18.15 . Disorders Corrected & Removed . Iohn 13.12 , 17 , Eph. 4.3 . Heb. 13.1 . Eph. 4.31 , 32. & cap. 5.2 . Psal. 132.1 . Jam. 3.16 . Acts 5.3.8 . Levit. 19.17 . Acts , 4.23 . Pet. 2.2 . Acts 9.27 . Mat. 18.15 . Psal. 63.1 . Cant. 7.12 . Mark 16.1 . 1 Cor. 1● 25. Romans 16.17 . 2 Tim. 2.25 . Jude , 19. Jam. 3.14.16 . Cant. 4.12 . Rom. 1.29 . 1 Tim. 6.4 . Zech. 7.10 . 1 Tim. 5.19 1 Timo. 5.19 . 1 Cor. 8.14 . ● Cor. 16.2 . Math. 18. Ier. 20.10 . 1 Tim. 5.19 . Isa. 55. ● . Acts 2 , 1 , 2. Acts , 10 , 33. Ioel 2 , 1● . Notes for div A47522-e7210 What tends to the Glory of a Church of Christ. 1 Cor. 3 , 4. Isa. 28.16 . Isa. 28.16 . 1 Pet. 2 , 5 , 6. 1 Kings 6 , 7. Eph. 2.19 , 20 , 21. 1 Pet , 1 , 16 , Psalm 93.5 . Cant. 1.9 . Eph. 4.3 . Exod. 20.24 . Mat , 18 , 20 , 1 Cor. 5.5 , 6.7 . 2 Cor. 8.14 . Tit. 3.2 . Eccl. 19.8 . Apoc. 3 Iohn 9 . 1● . Gen. 9.22 . Gal. 6.2 . 2 Gal. ● . ● . Rom. 3.10 . Iude , 11. Numb . 22.7 , 21. 2 Pet. ● . 10 Rev. 2.1 . 1 Tim. 3.5 . Act. 23 , 5. Psal. 110.3 . 1 Pet. 1.25 . Notes for div A47522-e8460 Psal. 87.2 . Neh. 1.2 . How should Sinners else be Converted , and the Church increased . Psal. 132.13 . Psal. 26.8 . Psal. 29.9 . Exod. 20.24 . Mat. 18.20 . Rev. 1.13 . Psal. 27.4 . Acts 2.47 . Psal. 132.3 . Psal. 130.15 . Psal. 73.16 . ●7 . Psal. 87.5 . Psal. 34.3 . Psal. 84.1 , 2. Isaiah 35. Psal. 128.3 . Isai. 51.3 . Prov. 8.34 . Psal. 26.14 . Psal. 87.4 . Mat. 6.6 . Jer. 10.25 . Eph. 6.4 . Phil. 1.27 . Eccl. . Notes for div A47522-e9390 Ezek. 16.6 , 8. 2 Cor. 8.5 . Hos. 2.23 . 2 Cor. 6.16 . Church-Communion proved . Exod. 26.3.4 , 6. Isa. 62.5 . Psal. 122.3 . Eph. 2.23 . Eph. 4.16 . 1 Pet. 2.5 . Psal. 93.5 . Isa. 55.8 . Luke 1.74.75 . 2 Cor. 7.1 . 1 Tim. 6.11 . 2 Pet. ● . 6 , 7. Act. 20.19 . Phil. 2.3 . Ioh , 13 , 34 , and 15 , 12 , 1 Pet , 1 , 22 , Lev. 19 , 17 , Heb , 10 , 24 , 25 , 1 Thess , 5 , 14 , 15 , Rom , 15 , Eph. 6.18 . Iam. 5.16 . Col , 4 , 12. Gal , 6 , 2 , Heb , 12 , 12 , Heb , 13 , 31 Rom , 12 , 15 2 Cor , 11 , 29 , 1 Iohn 3.17 , 18 , Gal 6 , 1 , 1 Thess , 5 , 14 , Rom , 15 , 12 , Eph , 4 , 31 , 32 , Iude , v , 3 , Gal , 5 , 1 , Tit , 3 , 9 , 10 , 2 Iohn v , 10 , Heb 3 , 10 , and 10 , 25 , Mal , 3 , 16 , Rom , 14 , 18 and 15 , 16 , 〈…〉 26 , ● Cor , 9 , 7 , ● , 9 , -12 , 13 Gal , 6 , 6 ,