item: #1 of 8 id: 19319 author: Munn, William Augustus title: A Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive With an Abstract of Wildman's Complete Guide for the Management of Bees Throughout the Year date: None words: 14584 flesch: 58 summary: [Footnote 1: Mr. John Milton of No. 10, Great Marylebone-street, has some well constructed bar and frame bee-hives of various prices.] Other bees are at the same time busy in stopping all the holes and crevices they happen to find in their new hive, in order to guard against the entrance of insects which covet their honey, their wax, or themselves; and also to exclude the cold air; for it is indispensably necessary that they be lodged warm and secure from damp, &c. keywords: bees; board; box; combs; frame; grooves; half; hive; honey; inch; inches; observation; place; swarm; time; wax cache: 19319.txt plain text: 19319.txt item: #2 of 8 id: 37295 author: Gates, Burton N. (Burton Noble) title: Soft Candy for Bees date: None words: 1545 flesch: 73 summary: 1.--These are the usual and convenient types of candy box or feeder. The latest formula or recipe for the cream, or soft candy, fondant, which is practically a confectioner's recipe, is as follows:-- 12 pounds granulated sugar. keywords: box; candy; | | cache: 37295.txt plain text: 37295.txt item: #3 of 8 id: 39357 author: Sanborn, Charles Emerson title: Texas Honey Plants date: None words: 8127 flesch: 72 summary: Pulse family. Pulse family. keywords: april; august; bees; brood; college; common; coulter; family; honey; honey yield; hunter; july; june; leguminosae; march; places; plants; pollen; prairies; pulse; southern; states; texas; tree; waste; western; yield cache: 39357.txt plain text: 39357.txt item: #4 of 8 id: 48546 author: Benton, Frank title: Bee Keeping date: None words: 20316 flesch: 70 summary: The most active agents in this work are honey bees. In portions of southern Europe sulla clover is a most important forage crop for farm stock as well as for honey bees. =Serradella= is an annual leguminous plant which will grow on sandy land, and which yields, besides good forage, clear honey of good quality in June and July. keywords: apiary; bees; brood; case; cells; colonies; colony; combs; conditions; experiment; fig; frames; hive; honey; illustration; queen; season; sections; station; swarming; time; wax; wintering; work; yield cache: 48546.txt plain text: 48546.txt item: #5 of 8 id: 48547 author: Phillips, Everett Franklin title: Bees date: None words: 20158 flesch: 72 summary: Such spraying not only kills off honey bees, causing a loss to the bee keeper, but interferes with the proper pollination of the blossoms and is thus a detriment to the fruit grower. In actual practice experienced bee keepers with different sizes and makes of hives under similar conditions do not find as much difference in their honey crop as one would be led to believe from the various published accounts. keywords: bee keepers; bees; brood; cells; colonies; colony; comb; comb honey; fig; frames; hive; honey; keepers; queen; rearing; sections; time cache: 48547.txt plain text: 48547.txt item: #6 of 8 id: 58229 author: Nutt, Thomas title: Humanity to Honey-Bees or, Practical Directions for the Management of Honey-Bees Upon an Improved and Humane Plan, by Which the Lives of Bees May Be Preserved, and Abundance of Honey of a Superior Quality May Be Obtained date: None words: 55116 flesch: 56 summary: I feel warranted, however, in asserting of my COLLATERAL-BOX-HIVE, which I am now about to explain,--of my INVERTED-HIVE, and of my OBSERVATORY-HIVE, of which in their proper places minute descriptions will be given,--I feel, I say, warranted in asserting that these--my inventions--possess such conveniences and accommodations both for Bees and Bee-masters, that the pure treasure stored in them by those industrious, little insects may at any time be abstracted from them, not only without destroying the Bees, but without injuring them in the least, or even incommoding their labours by the operation;--that they afford accommodations to the Bees which greatly accelerate the progress of their labours in the summer-season;--and that the Bees never leave them in disgust, as it were, as they not unfrequently _do leave_ other hives, after being deprived of their stores; but, as if nothing had happened to them, continue day by day to accumulate fresh treasures, the quantity of which has astonished the beholders, and not only the quantity, but the quality also. Were, however, the communication to be left open for any considerable time after the Bees have departed, I have no doubt that, if not discovered by Bees belonging to other hives, it (the vacated box) would be re-entered by its own Bees, and by them be soon entirely emptied of its honey. keywords: apiarian; bees; board; box; boxes; cells; collateral; colony; combs; day; end; feeding; floor; glass; hive; honey; inches; management; middle; nature; pavilion; place; practice; queen; state; stock; subject; swarm; system; temperature; time; tin; tree; ventilation; wax; way; winter; work cache: 58229.txt plain text: 58229.txt item: #7 of 8 id: 59485 author: Phillips, Everett Franklin title: Wintering Bees in Cellars date: None words: 10377 flesch: 66 summary: 2.--Interior of bee cellar with hives In piles of four. 3.--Diagram of bee cellar. keywords: bee cellar; beekeeper; bees; cellar; cellar wintering; good; hive; stores; temperature; time cache: 59485.txt plain text: 59485.txt item: #8 of 8 id: 59502 author: Demuth, Geo. S. (George S.) title: The Preparation of Bees for Outdoor Wintering date: None words: 9556 flesch: 69 summary: A common cause of loss is through attempting to winter colonies that are too small. It is somewhat difficult to set a standard for colony strength at this season, but in general it may be stated that it is unwise to attempt to winter colonies that are not strong enough to have brood sufficient to fill three to four Langstroth frames two months before the packing is applied. keywords: bees; case; colonies; colony; hive; honey; packing; time; winter cache: 59502.txt plain text: 59502.txt