item: #1 of 12 id: A01425 author: Gallobelgicus. title: Wine, Beer, and Ale Together by the Ears date: 1630 words: 86924 flesch: -303 summary: Wine .

From France , from Spaine , from Greece .

Beere .

Thou art a mad Greeke indeed .

Wine .

Where thou must neuer hope to come : who dares denie that I haue beene a trauailer ?

Beere .

A trauailer ? in a tumbrell , a little Beere will go farther : why Wine , art not thou kept vnder locke and key , confinde to some corner of a Cellar , and there indeed commonly close prisoner , vnlesse the Iaylor or Yeoman of the Bottles turne the Key for the chamber-maid now and then , for which shee vowes not to leaue him , till the last gaspe , where Beere goes abroad , and randeuous in euery place .

Ale .

Thou art glad of a Bottle thy selfe , Wine , sometimes , and so is Beere too , for all he froaths now .


So , so .

Ale ,

My third Prerogatiue , is my Learning .

Wine .

Learning ? If you haue the Liberall Sciences , pray be free , and le breuities sake I remit you to my bookes .

Beere .

Bookes ? printed Cum priuilegio no doubt on , and sold for the Company of Stationers : what are the names ?

Ale .

Admire me , but when I name learned , though not the great Alexander Ale and Tostatus the Iesuite .

Wine .

O learned Ale , you scorne to make Indentures any more , but you might as well haue concluded this without booke .

Beere .

Why , you will shortly be Towne-Clerke , the Citie Chronicler is too meane a place for you .

Ale .

Now for my strength and invincibilitie .

Beere .

But heere let mee interrupt you , talke no more of strength , none but Beere deserues to bee call'd strong , no pen is able to set downe my victories . I ? why , I haue been the destruction . �

Wine .

Of Troy , hast not ? heere your owne mouthes condemne you : if killing be your conquest , euery Quacksaluing knaue may haue the credit of a rare Phisician , that sends more to the Church and Churchyard , then diseases doe : I Wine , comfort & preserue , let that be my Character . I am cosen German to the blood , not so like in my appearance as I am in nature , I repaire the debilities of age , and reuiue the refrigerated spirits , exhilarate the heart , and steele the brow with confidence . For you both the Poet hath drawne you memoriall in one . � nil spissus illa Dum bibitur , nil clarius est dum mingitur , vnde Constat quod mult as foeces in corpore linquat . keywords: 003; 007; 010; 012; > ann; > beer; > evanston; > man; > martin; > purpose; > textual; a"/; a-0020; a-0150; a-0290; a-0340; a-0500; a-1410; a-2510; a-2990; author; b"/; b-0560; b-0940; bibl xml; body xml; closer xml; editor >; floatingtext xml; id="a01425; idno; item xml; join="left">'sisle; quote xml; reg="'ll; reg="'t; reg="again">agenbeebeeredoedownedrunkeeueryfearegiuehaueleauemeaneneuerohthentostvponvswee,; selfea01425; type="contract1">t.