item: #1 of 6 id: 6530 author: None title: The Gospel of Mark for Readers date: None words: 13666 flesch: 91 summary: Jesus answered, Ye know not what ye ask. So that ye may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins, (Jesus turned to the sick man and said,) I say to thee, Arise. keywords: art; boat; bread; brother; chief; day; days; dead; devils; disciples; father; galilee; god; good; great; hand; heaven; house; james; jesus; john; kingdom; left; lord; man; master; men; mother; multitude; people; peter; pharisees; pilate; place; priests; sabbath; scribes; sea; seed; sick; son; spirit; temple; thee; things; thou; way; whosoever; wife; word cache: 6530.txt plain text: 6530.txt item: #2 of 6 id: 8041 author: Anonymous title: The Bible, King James version, Book 41: Mark date: None words: 15903 flesch: 93 summary: For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. keywords: art; bread; brother; cast; certain; chief; children; cometh; country; damsel; day; days; dead; death; devils; disciples; earth; eat; elias; father; fire; galilee; god; good; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; high; house; james; jerusalem; jesus; john; kingdom; left; lord; man; master; men; mother; multitude; new; people; peter; pharisees; pilate; place; priests; round; sabbath; saith; saying; scribes; sea; ship; sick; simon; son; spake; spirit; straightway; synagogue; temple; thee; things; thou; time; unclean; way; whosoever; wife; word cache: 8041.txt plain text: 8041.txt item: #3 of 6 id: 8071 author: Maclaren, Alexander title: Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Mark date: None words: 203141 flesch: 75 summary: But what I wish to insist upon is that for large numbers of us, and no doubt for many men and women whom I address now, the real reason why they have not trust in Jesus Christ is because they do not care to possess the blessings which Jesus Christ brings. The Apostle John never employs it, either in his 'gospel' or in his epistles, and in the Apocalypse the word is only once found, and then it may be a question whether it refers to the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. keywords: absence; absolute; acceptance; account; action; activity; acts; afraid; agony; angels; anger; angry; announcement; answer; apostle; apparent; appeal; appearance; application; apprehension; arms; ask; aspect; assurance; astonishment; attempt; attention; attitude; authority; awful; bad; baptism; bare; bartimaeus; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beginning; believe; belongs; beloved; beneath; best; better; bids; black; blessed; blessedness; blessing; blind; blood; boat; body; bold; bond; bread; brethren; bridegroom; brief; broken; brother; burden; busy; calls; calm; capable; capacity; capernaum; care; case; cast; centre; certain; change; character; characteristics; chief; children; christian; christian life; christianity; church; circle; circumstances; city; claims; class; cleansing; clear; close; cloud; cold; colt; come; cometh; coming; command; common; communion; companionship; compassion; complete; condemnation; condition; conduct; confidence; conflict; connection; conscience; consciousness; consequences; constant; contact; content; contrast; convictions; country; course; cross; crowd; crucified; cry; crying; cure; cut; daily; dark; darkness; day; days; dead; deaf; deal; dear; death; deeds; deep; deeper; deepest; degrees; delights; deliverance; demoniac; demons; denial; depths; desire; despair; devils; different; difficulty; dignity; dim; direction; disciples; discipleship; disease; distinct; divine; divinity; dominion; door; doubt; drink; dry; dumb; duties; duty; dying; eager; earth; earthly; easy; effect; effort; element; elijah; emblem; emotion; end; energy; enthusiasm; entrance; eternal; evangelist; events; evil; example; exercise; experience; explanation; expression; externals; eyes; face; fact; failure; fain; faith; fall; false; familiar; fancy; far; fashion; fast; father; fault; fear; feeble; feeling; feet; fellowship; felt; fever; fiery; fill; finger; fire; fit; fixed; flame; flesh; flow; foes; followers; following; food; force; forgiveness; form; forth; foundation; free; friends; fruit; fulfilled; future; galilee; garment; gate; gaze; general; generation; gentle; gentleness; gifts; giving; glad; gladness; glimpse; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gracious; grasp; grateful; great; greater; greatest; grieved; group; growth; half; hand; hard; hardness; harm; hate; hath; hatred; head; healer; healing; hearers; heart; heaven; heavy; help; herod; herodias; high; higher; highest; hinder; history; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; horror; hour; house; human; humanity; humble; ignorance; iii; immediate; imperfect; important; impulse; incident; indignation; individual; infinite; influence; instance; intended; inward; israel; james; jerusalem; jesus christ; jewish; jews; john; joy; judas; judge; judgment; keeping; kind; kindred; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; lake; lamp; land; language; large; law; lead; leaves; left; leper; lesson; level; life; lift; light; like; limits; lips; little; lives; lofty; long; longing; look; lord; lost; love; loving; lowly; luke; main; making; man; manhood; manifest; manifestation; manner; mark; mary; master; material; matthew; meaning; means; measure; meek; meet; memory; men; merciful; mercy; mere; message; messengers; messiah; methods; midst; mightier; mighty; mind; miracle; miraculous; misery; mission; modern; moment; moral; morning; moses; mother; motive; mountain; multitude; mystery; narrative; narrow; natural; nature; nazareth; near; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; new; news; note; notice; obedience; object; occasion; office; old; ones; open; opposite; order; ordinary; outside; outward; owner; pain; parable; parts; passage; passes; passing; passover; past; patient; pattern; paul; people; perfect; perfection; perpetual; personal; peter; pharisees; phrase; physical; picture; piece; pilate; pity; place; point; poor; poor man; popular; position; possession; possibility; possible; power; practical; praise; prayer; preaching; precious; preparation; prepared; presence; present; priest; principle; process; proclaim; profound; progress; promise; prophecy; prophet; proportion; pure; purity; purpose; putting; question; quick; quiet; reach; ready; real; reality; reason; rebuke; reception; recognition; record; reference; regard; region; relationship; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remembered; remembrance; repose; responsibility; rest; result; resurrection; return; revelation; rich; righteous; righteousness; risen; road; robe; root; rough; round; royal; rude; rulers; run; sabbath; sacred; sacrifice; sad; safe; sake; salt; salvation; satan; save; saviour; saying; scene; scribes; scripture; sea; second; secret; seed; seeing; seek; self; selfishness; sense; sentence; separate; servants; service; set; sets; shadow; shame; sharp; shows; shrinking; sick; sickness; sign; significance; silence; silent; simon; simple; sin; sinful; singular; sinners; sins; sister; sleep; slow; small; soil; soldiers; solemn; solitary; solitude; son; sorrow; sorrowful; sort; soul; source; sown; speaking; special; speech; spirit; spiritual; stages; stand; standing; state; statement; step; stern; story; straightway; strange; stream; strength; striking; strong; stronger; subject; submission; subsequent; success; sufferer; suffering; sufficient; sun; supernatural; sure; surface; surrender; sweet; swift; symbol; sympathy; synagogue; talk; task; teacher; teaching; tell; telling; temple; tenderness; terrible; testament; text; thankful; thee; things; think; thinking; thou; thought; throne; thy; time; toil; token; tone; touch; touches; transfiguration; treasure; tree; triumph; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; unbelief; unclean; understanding; unique; universal; universe; unseen; unto; uses; utter; vain; veil; venture; verse; version; victory; view; village; vineyard; virtue; visible; vision; vivid; voice; waiting; want; warning; waste; water; way; ways; weakness; week; weight; white; whosoever; wide; wife; wild; wilt; wind; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; witness; witnesses; woman; wonder; wonderful; words; work; working; world; worse; worship; worthy; wrath; wrong; xiv; xvi; years; yield; young; youth cache: 8071.txt plain text: 8071.txt item: #4 of 6 id: 8268 author: Anonymous title: The World English Bible (WEB): Mark date: None words: 15383 flesch: 93 summary: As he went out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, Teacher, see what kind of stones and what kind of buildings! 013:002 Jesus said to him, Do you see these great buildings? It happened in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. keywords: afraid; amazed; authority; boat; bread; brother; cast; chief; children; country; day; days; dead; death; demons; disciples; drink; elijah; father; galilee; god; good; great; hand; hear; heaven; high; house; james; jerusalem; jesus; john; kingdom; left; life; like; little; loaves; lord; man; men; mother; multitude; people; peter; pharisees; pilate; priests; sabbath; sake; saying; scribes; sea; sick; simon; son; spirit; synagogue; teacher; teaching; temple; things; times; unclean; watch; way; wife; word; young cache: 8268.txt plain text: 8268.txt item: #5 of 6 id: 8348 author: None title: The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 48: Mark The Challoner Revision date: None words: 16441 flesch: 94 summary: And he taught his disciples and said to them: The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise again the third day. For leaving the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men, the washing of pots and of cups: and many other things you do like to these. keywords: answering; behold; bread; brother; cast; chapter; chief; christ; cometh; day; days; dead; disciples; father; galilee; god; good; great; hand; hath; heaven; hour; house; james; jerusalem; jesus; john; kingdom; lord; man; mark; master; men; mother; multitude; people; peter; pharisees; priests; saith; saying; scribes; sea; ship; sick; son; spirit; temple; thee; things; thou; thy; way; whosoever; wife; word cache: 8348.txt plain text: 8348.txt item: #6 of 6 id: 8829 author: Weymouth, Richard Francis title: Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Mark date: None words: 15950 flesch: 91 summary: 010:014 Jesus, however, on seeing this, was moved to indignation, and said to them, Let the little children come to me: do not hinder them; for to those who are childlike the Kingdom of God belongs. 010:042 Jesus, however, called them to Him and said to them, You are aware how those who are deemed rulers among the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men make them feel their authority; 010:043 keywords: ask; authority; boat; body; bread; brother; children; country; crowd; daughter; day; days; dead; death; demons; disciples; elijah; faith; father; feet; food; foul; galilee; god; good; great; hands; head; herod; high; holy; home; house; james; jerusalem; jesus; john; kingdom; lake; left; life; little; loaves; long; lord; man; mary; men; message; moses; mother; multitude; news; order; people; peter; pharisees; pilate; place; power; priests; rabbi; right; round; sabbath; sake; saying; scribes; seed; simon; solemn; son; spirit; teaching; temple; things; time; truth; way; wife; wine; woman; words cache: 8829.txt plain text: 8829.txt