item: #1 of 62 id: 12038 author: Moses, Montrose Jonas title: Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: Introduction and Bibliography date: None words: 6668 flesch: 81 summary: Belasco Theatre, January 31, 1909); The Trail of the Lonesome Pine, being a dramatization of John Fox's novel (New York: New Amsterdam Theatre, January 29, 1912); Fine Feathers (New York: Albaugh's Opera House, December 13, 1886; New York production, Niblo's Garden, May 2, 1887); The Drama of Civilization, a pageant (New York: Madison Square Garden, November 27, 1887); Anarchy (Buffalo, N. Y.: Academy of Music, May 30, 1887); Paul Kauvar; or, Anarchy (New York: keywords: american; april; belasco; boston; december; drama; january; new york; november; october; philadelphia; plays; september; square; theatre; vols; william cache: 12038.txt plain text: 12038.txt item: #2 of 62 id: 12293 author: Hazlitt, William Carew title: Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine date: None words: 48879 flesch: 66 summary: Soyer had also perhaps certain misgivings touching too close an approximation to other _chefs_ besides Milton and Shakespeare, for he refers to the profound ideas of Locke, to which he was introduced, to his vast discomfort, in a most superb library in the midst of a splendid baronial hall. At other times, seed-cakes, wafers, and other light confections. keywords: 8vo; ale; art; author; bake; beat; beef; boil; book; bread; butter; century; cookery; country; cut; day; days; dish; dishes; early; edition; eggs; england; english; fine; fire; fish; food; french; good; half; hour; king; kitchen; london; master; meat; milk; mrs; mutton; nutmeg; orange; pot; pound; pudding; receipts; sack; salt; set; sugar; table; time; tis; use; volume; water; way; white; wine; work; yolks cache: 12293.txt plain text: 12293.txt item: #3 of 62 id: 13714 author: None title: Talbot Mundy Biblio Materials Toward a Bibliography of the Works of Talbot Mundy date: None words: 5548 flesch: 65 summary: (There Was A Door--BOOK) Written under the pen-name of WALTER GALT these tales of Billy Blain, pugilist--all from Adventure Magazine THE GONER 1912--February THE SECOND RUNG 1912--June DORG'S LUCK 1912--August ACROSS THE COLOR LINE 1912--October LOVE AND WAR 1912--November THE TOP OF THE LADDER 1912--December Cover orange--black letters THE DEVIL'S GUARD Bobbs-Merrill Indianapolis 1926 335 Oriental Club Wells & Shakespeare (I find myself wondering why I should go to the trouble to write what few men will believe ...) (Ramsden--MAGAZINE--Adventure 6/8/26) keywords: adventure; bobbs; book; century; cover; jimgrim; king; letters; london; magazine; merrill; new; red; york cache: 13714.txt plain text: 13714.txt item: #4 of 62 id: 13852 author: Bennett, Arnold title: Literary Taste: How to Form It With Detailed Instructions for Collecting a Complete Library of English Literature date: None words: 25007 flesch: 72 summary: If a classic is a classic because it gives _pleasure_ to succeeding generations of the people who are most keenly interested in literature, and if Lamb frequently strikes you as dull, then evidently there is something wrong. The right things are the right things solely because the passionate few _like_ reading them. keywords: author; beauty; book; chapter; charles; classics; edition; english; everyman; john; lamb; library; life; literature; man; matter; mind; pleasure; poems; poetry; prose; read; reading; sir; style; taste; thomas; universal; verse; vols; wordsworth; works; world cache: 13852.txt plain text: 13852.txt item: #5 of 62 id: 14062 author: Wilde, Oscar title: Miscellanies date: None words: 90858 flesch: 69 summary: So do not mind what art Philadelphia or New York is having, but make by the hands of your own citizens beautiful art for the joy of your own citizens, for you have here the primary elements of a great artistic movement. The art which has fulfilled the conditions of beauty has fulfilled all conditions: it is for the critic to teach the people how to find in the calm of such art the highest expression of their own most stormy passions. keywords: art; artist; arts; beauty; blue; book; century; colour; course; criticism; day; design; dress; edition; effect; england; english; expression; fact; february; form; gazette; god; good; greek; hand; history; house; idea; joy; keats; laws; lecture; life; literature; london; look; love; mall; mall gazette; man; matter; men; method; modern; mrs; music; myrrhina; nature; new; page; painter; painting; pall; people; picture; poetry; point; polybius; principles; public; regards; right; school; sense; sir; spirit; subject; things; thought; time; value; vol; whistler; wilde; woman; work; world; young cache: 14062.txt plain text: 14062.txt item: #6 of 62 id: 14498 author: Orr, Sutherland, Mrs. title: A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.) date: None words: 132469 flesch: 78 summary: In social life, for instance, it would do away with all those acts of faith, those instinctive judgments and feelings, which are the essence _of_ life. Man_ becomes the summit of creation; the sole successor to the vacant throne of God. keywords: 8vo; aristophanes; art; balaustion; belief; book; browning; case; character; church; count; course; day; death; earth; edition; euripides; existence; experience; face; fact; fancy; feeling; footnote; form; friend; god; good; half; hand; heart; home; human; husband; idea; iii; king; knowledge; law; life; london; love; lyrics; man; manner; means; men; mind; moment; nature; new; night; place; poems; poet; point; pompilia; power; present; real; robert; romances; second; self; sense; son; sordello; soul; spirit; story; strength; subject; thought; time; tragedy; truth; vii; vol; way; wife; women; words; work; world; xiv; xvi; years cache: 14498.txt plain text: 14498.txt item: #7 of 62 id: 16224 author: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall title: A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One date: None words: 110120 flesch: 71 summary: Verard_, folio, UPON VELLUM, in the Royal Library at Paris, iii 130 ---- ---- 1496, _Verard,_ folio, UPON VELLUM, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 328 _Lascaris Gram. M. Lesné thus wrathfully dilates upon this supposition: Je me garderai bien de passer sous silence la dernière partie de votre Lettre; _un bruit assez étrange est venu jusqu'à vous_; et Charles Lewis doit vous quitter pour quelque temps pour établir en France une école de reliure d'apres les principes du gôut anglais; mais vous croyez, dites-vous, que ce projet est sûrement chimérique, ou que, si on le tentait, il serait de courte durée. keywords: ------in; 4to; 8vo; abbey; abbé; account; air; approach; arsenal; author; bayeux; bon; books; building; c'est; caen; castle; cathedral; century; chapter library; character; choir; church; city; collection; copy; country; dans; date; day; de la; de rouen; des; description; dinner; door; edition; effect; england; english; est; evening; eye; falaise; feet; figure; folio; form; france; french; friend; general; good; grand; half; hand; head; henry; houses; iii; interior; left; length; les; letter; library; licquet; life; long; looking; manner; monastery; monsieur; morning; munich; nave; near; normandy; nous; number; old; original; ornaments; pages; paper; paris; paris ii; pas; place; portion; pour; present; principal; public; que; qui; revolution; right; road; rouen; route; royal; rue; scene; second; seine; set; sir; son; sort; spot; state; stone; streets; stuttgart; sun; tapestry; thing; time; tour; tout; tower; town; vellum; vienna; view; vire; visit; vol; volume; vous; walls; way; white; william; wood; work; year cache: 16224.txt plain text: 16224.txt item: #8 of 62 id: 16715 author: Ball, Margaret title: Sir Walter Scott as a Critic of Literature date: None words: 74559 flesch: 69 summary: But the scheme failed here in America, and apparently the letter was not made public until Cooper, irritated by the appearance in Lockhart's _Life of Scott_ of Sir Walter's comments on his personal manner,[328] explained the affair (except the reason for dropping the plan), and published the correspondence in the _Knickerbocker Magazine_ for April, 1838.[329] Later in the same year Cooper wrote a severe review of the biography of Scott, attacking his character in a way that seems absurdly exaggerated.[330] Auld Robin Gray_, 157 Austen, Jane, 75, 100, 130 _Autobiography of Scott_, 160 Bage, Robert, 73, 75, 79 Baillie, Joanna, 46, 85, 97, 98, 114, 118, 151, 156 _ keywords: author; ballads; book; byron; century; criticism; drama; dryden; edinburgh; edition; english; essay; footnote; general; good; historical; history; iii; interest; introduction; john; journal; letters; life; literature; lockhart; london; man; memoirs; men; minstrelsy; new; notes; novels; poems; poetry; public; quarterly; regard; remarks; review; romances; scott; sir; southey; subject; swift; tales; time; vol; vols; walter scott; work; writing; years cache: 16715.txt plain text: 16715.txt item: #9 of 62 id: 17107 author: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall title: A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Two date: None words: 109564 flesch: 74 summary: The colophon, just given, is on the reverse of _z_ i. Of this romance I freely avow my total ignorance. He is among the most obliging and communicative of literary Parisians; and does not suffer his good nature to be soured, or his activity to abate, from the influence of _national_ prejudice. keywords: 4to; 8vo; account; appearance; art; attention; author; bibliographical; binding; black; book; catalogue; cathedral; century; character; church; collection; columns; condition; copies; copy; country; crapelet; cut; date; day; de la; denon; des; description; edition; effect; eighths; end; english; eye; feet; figure; fine; folio; following; france; french; friend; general; gold; good; gothic; ground; half; hand; having; head; height; house; illuminations; inches; interior; kind; leaf; leaves; left; length; les; letter; librarian; library; life; lines; lord; louis; madame; man; manner; measures; morocco; notice; number; order; original; page; paper; paris; perfect; picture; piece; place; portrait; preceding; present; principal; public; que; red; reverse; right; roman; room; royal; rue; sale; second; size; sound; state; strasbourg; style; taste; text; thing; time; type; vellum; view; volume; way; white; wood; work; years cache: 17107.txt plain text: 17107.txt item: #10 of 62 id: 17202 author: None title: Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours date: None words: 22220 flesch: 89 summary: Stories children love. Dodge, $1.25. -- Stories children love. keywords: adventures; book; bryant; children; christmas; christmas stories; english; english fairy; fables; fairy book; fairy stories; fairy tales; folk; folk stories; grimm; hood; houghton; hour; jacobs; king; lang; life; little; macmillan; red; robin; scribner; scudder; sir; smith; stories; story; tell; thanksgiving; versions; wiggin cache: 17202.txt plain text: 17202.txt item: #11 of 62 id: 17624 author: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall title: A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three date: None words: 122234 flesch: 71 summary: _teime fleis_. [8] This was the _second_ copy, with the same original piece, which I had seen abroad; that in the Library of the Arsenal at Paris being the first. keywords: account; appearance; art; attention; bavaria; bible; bibliographical; binding; black; book; building; carriage; cathedral; century; character; church; city; collection; copies; copy; country; course; cropt; cut; date; day; description; door; early; edition; effect; emperor; end; english; eye; feet; figures; fine; folio; following; form; french; friend; german; gold; good; gothic; greek; half; hand; head; height; horses; house; imperial; inn; interior; kind; language; latin; leaves; left; letter; librarian; library; life; manner; miles; monastery; morning; morocco; mss; munich; notice; number; nuremberg; order; original; page; paris; perfect; pictures; place; portrait; present; prince; principal; professor; public; quarto; question; red; right; road; room; royal; second; size; sort; sound; state; subject; text; thing; time; town; vellum; vienna; view; visit; volume; way; white; wood; work; year cache: 17624.txt plain text: 17624.txt item: #12 of 62 id: 17719 author: Firkins, Ina Ten Eyck title: Henrik Ibsen A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography with an Index to Characters date: None words: 24343 flesch: 86 summary: +Zanoni.+ Henrik Ibsen and the drama. +The Richard Mansfield acting-version of Peer Gynt+ by Henrik Ibsen. keywords: ---henrik; 1901; berlin; bjørnson; brand; brandes; builder; der; dial; die; doll; drama; dramen; duck; e. henrik; emp; eyolf; fortn; gabler; gal; gosse; gynt; h. ibsen; hedda; henrik ibsen; house; ibsen als; ibsen et; ibsen og; ibsen und; ibsenism; ibsens; jaeger; july; kristiania; lady; little; london; mar; n.y; nation; new; nov; p. h.; paris; peer; poet; r. henrik; r. ibsen; review; revue; theatre; von cache: 17719.txt plain text: 17719.txt item: #13 of 62 id: 17857 author: Halsey, Rosalie Vrylina title: Forgotten Books of the American Nursery A History of the Development of the American Story-Book date: None words: 62435 flesch: 65 summary: Hitherto little children had been perforce content with the few illustrations the adult books offered. The first, A LITTLE BOOK for children wherein are set down several directions for little children: and several remarkable stories both ancient and modern of little children, divers whereof are lately deceased, was a reprint from an English book of the same title, and therefore has not in this chronicle the interest of the second book. keywords: american; amusement; author; books; boston; boy; boys; century; charles; children; country; day; days; edgeworth; edition; england; english; family; gift; good; great; history; illustration; instruction; john; juvenile; letters; library; life; like; literature; little; london; mind; miss; moral; mother; mrs; new; newbery; nursery; page; paper; parents; people; philadelphia; pictures; play; primer; read; reading; school; stories; story; sunday; tales; thomas; time; title; toy; way; work; years; york; young cache: 17857.txt plain text: 17857.txt item: #14 of 62 id: 18347 author: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh title: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index Second Edition date: None words: 25952 flesch: 69 summary: =Primitive man.= _ =England, Church of.= =Anglo-Japanese alliance.= Askew, 1906, p. 13: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 11: Briefs. keywords: = r; american; articles; askew; briefs; brookings; bulletin; cents; church; country; craig; education; england; english; free; general; gibson; good; government; lists; matson; national; of.=; p. debates; p. reference; public; references; references.--askew; ringwalt; rowton; speeches; states; system; thomas; united; united states; university cache: 18347.txt plain text: 18347.txt item: #15 of 62 id: 19157 author: Arnold, Gertrude Weld title: A Mother's List of Books for Children date: None words: 48316 flesch: 80 summary: 2.00 The Editor trusts that this book may be a guide into romance and fairy-land to many children.... 1.50 Admirable selections, chosen partly with view to reading aloud, a large proportion not being found in other children's (p. 86) anthologies. keywords: .50; account; adventures; age; american; animals; author; birds; black; book; boys; century; children; co.; color; country; crane; days; doubleday; editor; england; english; fairy; girls; good; harper; history; houghton; illustrations; indian; john; king; land; legends; life; little; love; macmillan; man; mother; mrs; nature; new; north; page; people; pictures; plates; poetry; school; scribner; smith; stories; story; tales; text; time; volume; white; work; world; years; york; young cache: 19157.txt plain text: 19157.txt item: #16 of 62 id: 20218 author: Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro title: History of the Incas date: None words: 70738 flesch: 76 summary: Tupac Inca Yupanqui sets out, a second time, by order of his father, to conquer what remained unsubdued in Chinchay-suyu XLVII. The life of Tupac Inca Yupanqui, the tenth Inca XLIX. keywords: army; atahualpa; ayar; ayllu; brother; captains; ccapac; ccapac yupanqui; chalco; chancas; city; conquered; cusi; cuzco; death; don; father; francisco; history; house; huascar; huayna; huayna ccapac; inca; inca rocca; inca yupanqui; island; land; leagues; left; life; mama; manco; manco ccapac; mayta; means; men; natives; note; order; pachacuti inca; people; peru; place; provinces; quiz; rest; sarmiento; sinchi; son; son inca; sons; sun; things; time; tupac inca; valley; viracocha; viracocha inca; war; way; years cache: 20218.txt plain text: 20218.txt item: #17 of 62 id: 20416 author: Warner, William title: The Annual Catalogue (1737) Or, A New and Compleat List of All The New Books, New Editions of Books, Pamphlets, &c. date: None words: 11802 flesch: 84 summary: B. Motte_, &c. _7s. Knapton_, &c. _2l. keywords: 10s; account; cooper; edit; england; english; history; j. roberts; john; mess; note; original; osborne; poem; price; roberts; sermon; tho; transcriber; vols; worrall cache: 20416.txt plain text: 20416.txt item: #18 of 62 id: 23464 author: Lee, Sidney, Sir title: A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles date: None words: 150274 flesch: 65 summary: {26} Halliwell-Phillipps, ii. 11-13. {27} Cf. Ellacombe, _Shakespeare as an Angler_, 1883; J. E. Harting, _Ornithology of Shakespeare_, 1872. It is now the property of Frau Oberst Becker, the discoverer's daughter-in-law, Darmstadt, Heidelbergerstrasse 111. {296b} Some account of Shakespeare's portraits will be found in the following works: James Boaden, _Inquiry into various Pictures and Prints of Shakespeare_, 1824; Abraham Wivell, _Inquiry into Shakespeare's Portraits_, 1827, with engravings by B. and W. Holl; George Scharf, _Principal Portraits of Shakespeare_, 1864; J. Hain Friswell, _Life-Portraits of Shakespeare_, 1864; William Page, _ keywords: actors; author; barnes; book; career; century; character; chief; collection; comedy; common; company; contemporary; copies; copy; court; daniel; date; day; death; dedication; doubtless; dramatic; dramatist; drayton; earl; edition; elizabethan; england; english; evidence; family; father; folio; form; french; friend; george; hall; hamlet; hand; henry; history; house; i.e.; iii; interest; italian; james; john shakespeare; jonson; juliet; king; labour; lady; letters; life; lines; literature; london; long; lord; love; man; manuscript; marlowe; marriage; men; mistress; mrs; new; night; note; original; page; parts; patron; pembroke; period; petrarch; piece; place; players; plays; poems; poet; portrait; pounds; property; publication; publisher; queen; references; relations; richard; richard shakespeare; rival; robert; romeo; second; seq; series; shakespeare; shakespeare society; sidney; sir; sonnets; sonnetteers; southampton; spenser; stage; story; stratford; text; theatre; theory; thomas; thorpe; thou; thy; time; title; tragedy; translation; verse; version; volume; wife; william shakespeare; wit; words; work; years; young; youth cache: 23464.txt plain text: 23464.txt item: #19 of 62 id: 23558 author: Jones, Henry Festing title: The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College, Cambridge A Catalogue and a Commentary date: None words: 18234 flesch: 83 summary: By Butler and Brevitas--the Butler being Henry Thomas Butler, nephew of Samuel Butler. an edition inscribed, Samuel Butler, October 20th, 1850; and an edition of Dr. Butler's Atlas of Antient Geography. keywords: alfred; alps; books; butler; charles; colour; copy; darwin; drawing; edition; john; jones; life; london; memoir; new; note; oil; painting; s. butler; samuel butler; sanctuaries; second; sketch; streatfeild; water cache: 23558.txt plain text: 23558.txt item: #20 of 62 id: 25939 author: Wise, Thomas James title: A Bibliography of the writings in Prose and Verse of George Henry Borrow date: None words: 45617 flesch: 88 summary: On page 86 the paragraph beginning Issued in dark blue cloth boards... originally read: Issued in dark blue cloth boards, with white paper back-labels, lettered _Borrow's_ / _Gypsies_ / _of_ / _ In 1840 'remainder' copies of the First Edition of _Faustus_ were issued with a new title-page, pasted upon a stub, carrying at foot the following publishers' imprint, _London_: / _Simpkin_, _ keywords: ballads; blank; book; borrow; british; contents; copies; copy; edition; george; green; half; head; imprint; inches; king; leaves; library; lines; london; manuscript; measure; museum; octavo; page; paper; picture; press; reverse; sheet; signatures; sir; spain; text; thou; title; title page; vol cache: 25939.txt plain text: 25939.txt item: #21 of 62 id: 28540 author: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall title: Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance date: None words: 304829 flesch: 72 summary: _ _s._ _d._ _ _s._ _d._ keywords: 12mo; 4to; 8vo; a.d; account; anecdotes; ante; antiquary; antiquities; archbishop; articles; askew; attention; auction; author; authority; b.l; baker; bale; beginning; bibliographer; bibliographical; bibliomania; bibliotheca; bibliothéque; binding; bishop; black; body; boke; books; bookseller; britain; british; bure; cabinet; canterbury; cardinal; care; catalogue; catalogue de; cause; caxton; celebrated; century; certain; character; charles; choice; chronicles; church; classics; close; collection; collectors; college; complete; concerning; consequence; consult; copies; copy; country; cum; curiosity; curious; cuts; date; day; days; de la; dear; death; des; description; discourse; disease; ditto; doctor; duke; earl; edition; editor; edward; elizabeth; eminent; england; english; entire; erasmus; esq; est; et de; evening; execution; eyes; fair; fame; family; father; favourite; fear; fine; fire; folio; following; footnote; foreign; form; forth; france; french; friend; general; gentleman; george; gilt; god; gold; good; grand; greek; guineas; half; hand; hath; head; hearne; heart; henry; herbert; history; hope; house; human; iii; illustration; illustrious; impression; index; italian; james; john; judge; judgment; kind; king; knowledge; labours; language; large; late; latin; lay; learning; leaves; left; leland; length; letter; librarian; libraries; library; librorum; life; lisardo; list; literary; literature; livres; london; long; look; lord; lorenzo; love; lysander; majesty; making; man; manner; manuscripts; martin; master; means; memory; men; mention; mind; morhof; morning; morocco; mss; museum; nature; noble; non; notes; notice; number; object; octavo; old; ones; order; original; owner; oxford; page; paper; paris; particular; passion; paul; peignot; perfect; period; person; phil; philemon; pictures; pieces; place; plates; pleasure; plus; poetry; point; poor; pope; portrait; possession; pour; preceding; preface; present; press; prices; prince; printing; prints; productions; proof; public; publication; purchase; pynson; quarto; queen; rare; rarity; rawlinson; reader; reading; remains; reputation; respect; rest; rev; richard; right; robert; roman; room; round; royal; russia; sale; scarce; school; second; sense; set; shakspeare; short; sign; sir; smith; society; specimen; spencer; spirit; state; steevens; street; study; subject; sum; sur; symptom; table; taste; thing; thomas; thought; thy; till; time; title; transcriber; treasures; truth; typographical; uncut; university; value; vellum; vide; view; vol; vols; volumes; want; way; west; white; william; wish; wood; worde; work; world; writers; writing; wynkyn; year; young cache: 28540.txt plain text: 28540.txt item: #22 of 62 id: 31351 author: Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison) title: A Record of Study in Aboriginal American Languages date: None words: 6764 flesch: 67 summary: Proceedings of the _American Philosophical Society_, November, 1893. 23. In _Proceedings_ of American Philosophical Society, November, 1897. keywords: american; american philosophical; language; mexico; nahuatl; native; notes; philosophical; proceedings; society; stock; vocabulary cache: 31351.txt plain text: 31351.txt item: #23 of 62 id: 314 author: Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank) title: Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest, with a Few Observations date: None words: 54279 flesch: 74 summary: HOOPER, J. J. _Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs_, 1845. BUSH, I. J. _Gringo Doctor_, Caldwell, Idaho, 1939. keywords: adventures; american; austin; bibliography; biography; book; boston; buffalo; california; cattle; character; charles; country; cowboy; dallas; days; dobie; early; facts; fiction; folk; folklore; frank; frontier; george; good; henry; historical; history; horse; human; illustrated; indian; james; john; knowledge; land; life; literature; london; long; man; men; mexican; mexico; mountain; narrative; nature; new; new mexico; new york; norman; north; oklahoma; people; plains; press; ranch; range; reminiscences; russell; santa; society; songs; southern; southwest; spanish; stories; subject; tales; texas; time; trail; university; way; western; wild; william; work; writing; years cache: 314.txt plain text: 314.txt item: #24 of 62 id: 31781 author: Shay, Frank title: The Bibliography of Walt Whitman date: None words: 6127 flesch: 77 summary: Octavo, half-calf, leather label; portrait, Photo'd from life, Sept., '72, Brooklyn, N. Y., by G. F. Pearsall, Fulton St. signed Walt Whitman, born May 31, 1819; title, pp. Octavo maroon cloth, uncut; title stamped in gilt on front cover; portrait, the 70th year, title, contents, (5)-140; advertisement. 1888 Complete (portrait) Poems and Prose of Walt Whitman, 1855-1888. keywords: cloth; contents; copies; edition; grass; leaves; new; title; uncut; walt; whitman cache: 31781.txt plain text: 31781.txt item: #25 of 62 id: 34838 author: Sloane, William Milligan title: The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Vol. 4 (of 4) date: None words: 207523 flesch: 65 summary: éd. rev., corr. 2 éd., rev., corr. keywords: 102; 105; 107; 113; 117; 119; 126; 143; 145; 146; 156; 172; 178; 1812; 1813; 1814; 186; 188; 193; 194; 233; 239; 257; 266; 330; 332; 8{o; = beauharnais; = buonaparte; = fournier; = frederick; = helfert; = masson; = müffling; = st; = talleyrand; advance; alexander; alliance; allies; ambition; army; attack; attitude; austria; battle; berlin; bernadotte; blücher; campagne; campaign; capture; caulaincourt; cavalry; character; charles; coalition; commanding; concerning; congress; constitution; corps; corsica; council; country; course; created; day; days; de la; death; defense; demands; des; directory; dresden; duc; duke; effect; elba; emperor; empire; enemy; england; english; europe; european; expedition; ferdinand; fighting; fontainebleau; force; france; french; gen.=; general; geschichte; government; grand; great; grouchy; guard; h.=; helena; histoire; history; iii; imperial; influence; invasion; italy; joseph; king; left; leipsic; leipzig; les; letter; life; line; london; louis; macdonald; march; marmont; marriage; marshal; member; men; metternich; military; minister; mme; morning; movements; murat; mémoires; napoleon; national; near; negotiations; new; ney; occupation; of=; offers; operations; order; paris; peace; people; plans; policy; position; power; prince; prussian; public; question; relations; retreat; return; revolution; rhine; right; river=; rome; royalist; russia; scheme; schwarzenberg; second; self; seq; service; sir; spain; state; strength; success; sur; system; the=; time; treaty; troops; vienna; von; war; waterloo; wellington; work; years cache: 34838.txt plain text: 34838.txt item: #26 of 62 id: 35191 author: Middleton, Thomas C. (Thomas Cooke) title: Some notes on the bibliography of the Philippines date: None words: 13355 flesch: 48 summary: Our list of Philippina, as you will notice, although given merely in outline, embraces in its sweep across the literary horizon of that quarter of Malaysia many works of recognized merit in the several lines of intellectual energy--of history, archæology, ethnology, philology and natural philosophy; books, all of them, which, if perchance not masterpieces according to the higher standard of Caucasian scholarship, will yet be acknowledged of much interest, nay, of great value in the inspiration and development of scientific thought. In his latest bibliography, [11] where the number of published works in each of the twenty-seven dialects of the Philippines is set down by Retana, you will observe from a study of his lists, that though in many dialects there are no grammars so entitled, or other scientific aids to learning a given idiom, yet there are many works of religious cast printed therein,--hand-books of practical religion, which you will find useful beyond measure to linguists. keywords: archipelago; arte; augustinian; biblioteca; books; dialects; dictionary; father; general; history; islands; luzon; madrid; manila; missionary; order; philippines; press; printing; retana; scholar; spanish; tagal; time; whereof; work; years; zúñiga cache: 35191.txt plain text: 35191.txt item: #27 of 62 id: 35272 author: None title: A Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 1 Forming a portion of the library of Robert Hoe date: None words: 86495 flesch: 78 summary: London Printed in the Year, M DCC XI. [vignette] London Printed by Darton & Harvey, for F. & C. Rivington, . . . keywords: 12mo; 4to; 8vo; account; author; bedford; bewick; bindery; blake; blank; blue; boards; book; borders; british; brown; burns; byron; calf; charles; citron; cloth; club; co.; coleridge; collection; company; copies; copy; covers; crown 8vo; david; dcc; dccc; designs; dickens; dobson; edges; edinburgh; edition; edition london; edward; english; engravings; esq; etc; foolscap 8vo; frontispiece; gay; george; gilt; goldsmith; green; half; henry; history; iii; illustrated; illustrations; india; inserted; james; john; johnson; letters; life; london; london william; lord; matthews; morocco; mosaic; murray; new; notes; original; page; panels; paper; paper copy; pickering; plates; poems; poetical; portrait; post 8vo; press; proofs; red; rev; richard; rivière; robert; royal 8vo; samuel; second; series; sides; silk; sir; songs; states; text; theatre; thomas; title; uncut; vellum; verso; vignette; volumes; william; works; year; york cache: 35272.txt plain text: 35272.txt item: #28 of 62 id: 35273 author: None title: A Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 2 Forming a portion of the library of Robert Hoe date: None words: 81326 flesch: 78 summary: London Printed & Sold, by Preston, . . . _ First edition of Agis, and first London edition of Douglas. keywords: 12mo; 4to; 8vo; account; author; bedford; bindery; blank; blue; boards; book; borders; boston; brown; calf; charles; cloth; club; co.; collection; company; containing; copies; copy; covers; crown 8vo; david; dcc; dccc; edges; edition; edition london; edward; english; engravings; esq; etc; folio; french; frontispiece; george; gilt; grain morocco; green; half; henry; history; hunt; iii; illustrated; illustrations; india; irving; james; janseniste; jest; john; johnson; lamb; lang; leaf; letters; life; london; london william; longfellow; longman; lord; matthews; morocco; morris; mrs; murray; new; notes; original; page; paine; paper; plates; poems; pope; portrait; post 8vo; press; price; printed; proofs; red; richard; rivière; royal 8vo; second; series; sides; sir; text; thomas; title; uncut; vellum; verso; vignette; volumes; walter; william; woodcut; works; york cache: 35273.txt plain text: 35273.txt item: #29 of 62 id: 35274 author: None title: A Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 3 Forming a portion of the library of Robert Hoe date: None words: 54417 flesch: 78 summary: London William Pickering   1833. London John Pearson . . . keywords: 4to; 8vo; alfred; algernon; author; bedford; bindery; blank; blue; boards; borders; brown; calf; charles; cloth; club; co.; collection; copies; copy; covers; crown 8vo; dcc; edges; edinburgh; edition; english; engravings; esq; etc; frontispiece; george; gilt; green; half; henry; history; illustrated; illustrations; india; james; john; letters; levant; life; london; morocco; new; notes; page; paper; percy; plates; poems; portrait; post 8vo; press; proofs; red; richard; rivière; robert; rossetti; royal 8vo; ruskin; scott; second; shelley; sides; sir; smith; swift; swinburne; tennyson; text; thomas; title; vellum; verso; volumes; walpole; william; works; york cache: 35274.txt plain text: 35274.txt item: #30 of 62 id: 35494 author: Pollard, Alfred W. (Alfred William) title: Fine Books date: None words: 118247 flesch: 62 summary: A much better book than either of these last is the edition in French and Latin of Ovid's _Metamorphoses_ in four quarto volumes (1767-71); with plates after Boucher, Eisen, Gravelot, and Moreau, and headpieces by Choffard at the beginning of each book. Breidenbach_ printers seem to have held aloof altogether from copperplates. keywords: 4to; account; aldus; art; augsburg; author; basel; beginning; bible; block; books; borders; british; business; cambridge; capitals; case; caxton; century; chapter; city; collection; collectors; cologne; copies; copy; countries; cuts; date; day; death; des; designs; dutch; early; edition; end; england; english; english books; engraver; engravings; fifteenth; fine; florence; folio; form; france; french; fust; german; great; greek; gutenberg; half; hand; hans; henry; history; horae; illustrated; illustrations; incunabula; interest; invention; italian; italy; jean; johann; john; kind; king; latin; leaf; leaves; left; les; library; life; line; little; london; lyon; mainz; men; museum; new; number; nuremberg; original; oxford; page; paper; paris; period; peter; pictures; place; plates; portrait; press; presses; printed; printers; printing; publisher; pynson; richard; robert; roman; rome; royal; schoeffer; second; series; set; sir; sixteenth; son; speculum; strassburg; style; text; thomas; time; title; titlepage; type; university; use; venice; version; volume; von; vérard; way; william; woodcuts; worde; work; years; york cache: 35494.txt plain text: 35494.txt item: #31 of 62 id: 36471 author: None title: United States Government Publications, v. 8 Jan.-Jun. 1892 A Monthly Catalog date: None words: 60401 flesch: 82 summary: 603-630. BOOTH, JAMES C. Report from the Committee on finance favoring bill for the relief of heirs of J. C. Booth. Favoring bill (H.R. 456) to limit the jurisdiction of the district and circuit courts of the U.S. keywords: ---_same; .50; 1st; 1st sess; 2pp; 3pp; 4^o; 4pp; 52d cong; 6pp; act; affairs; agr'l; approved; april; bill; bulletin; bureau; chief; claims; committee; consular; contents; court; dep't; department; district; division; doc; education; february; general; h.r; information; interior; january; john; june; march; military; mis; nat; office; pls; public; relief; rep; report; secretary; sen; sess; smithsonian; states; survey; treasury; u.s; united; vol; war; washington; year cache: 36471.txt plain text: 36471.txt item: #32 of 62 id: 36746 author: Steel, W. G. (William Gladstone) title: The Mountains of Oregon date: None words: 24969 flesch: 76 summary: See pages 55, 57 and 59. ROCKY MOUNTAINS.--Named by the Verendrye brothers (1742). Gray subsequently entered the river and named it Point Adams.--(Life on Puget Sound,--Leighton, page 48. keywords: alpine; article; bay; cape; capt; club; crater; day; department; feet; great; indians; lake; man; members; miles; mountain; o'clock; oregon; page; point; portland; president; puget; river; rock; snow; sound; states; summit; tacoma; time; vancouver; vol; water; way; west; white cache: 36746.txt plain text: 36746.txt item: #33 of 62 id: 36783 author: Gould, George M. (George Milbrey) title: Concerning Lafcadio Hearn; With a Bibliography by Laura Stedman date: None words: 97713 flesch: 79 summary: Athenæum_ does not speak so cordially, and a review in the _Atlantic Monthly_ says:-- Mr. Hearn is not at his best as a metaphysician.... Atlantic Monthly_, Lafcadio Hearn, the Man, October, 1905, vol. keywords: 8vo; art; artist; atlantic; attempt; away; beauty; blue; book; boston; brown; chapter; character; child; children; cincinnati; city; colour; company; course; creole; day; dead; death; december; east; edition; english; eyes; face; fact; faith; father; february; figaro; form; french; friend; ghostly; god; gold; good; green; half; harper; hearn; history; house; january; japanese; june; lafcadio hearn; letters; life; literature; little; living; london; love; man; maupassant; men; mind; monthly; mother; nature; new; night; november; october; orleans; page; paper; people; place; power; religion; review; revue; saw; sea; sense; smile; soul; spirit; stories; story; study; style; temple; things; thought; time; voice; vol; volume; west; white; wife; woman; words; work; world; years; york; young cache: 36783.txt plain text: 36783.txt item: #34 of 62 id: 37031 author: None title: English and Scottish Ballads, Volume I date: None words: 61094 flesch: 91 summary: The transformation on which the story turns is found also in Chaucer's _Wife of Bath's Tale_, in Gower's tale of _Florent and the King of Sicily's Daughter_; (_Confessio Amantis_, Book I.) in the ballad of _King Henry_ (page 147 of this volume); and in an Icelandic saga of the Danish king Helgius, quoted by Scott in his illustrations to _King Henry, Minstrelsy_, iii. 274. This ballad was communicated to Sir Walter Scott, (_Minstrelsy_, iii. 195,) by Mr. William Laidlaw, who took it down from recitation. keywords: als; ane; arms; arthur; awa; aye; ballads; bonny; book; boy; brother; child; collection; court; daughter; day; dear; dragon; edinburgh; english; fair; far; father; ffor; forth; frae; gae; gane; gang; gay; george; gold; good; green; hae; hame; hand; head; hir; iii; kai; king; knee; knight; kyng; lady; land; lang; london; lord; love; maid; man; mantle; men; mother; nae; o'er; poems; poetry; queen; red; round; sae; sall; scotland; scottish; sea; set; shee; sir; soe; songs; steed; story; tell; thee; thomas; thou; thy; time; tree; true; vols; water; way; wife; wind; wood; words; ye'll; young cache: 37031.txt plain text: 37031.txt item: #35 of 62 id: 38132 author: None title: A Hundred and Sixty Books by Washington Authors Some Other Writers Who are Contributors to Periodical Literature; Lines Worth Knowing by Heart date: None words: 9490 flesch: 80 summary: A Hundred and Sixty Books by Washington Authors Some other writers who are contributors to periodical literature Lines worth knowing by heart In paper thirty-five cents In cloth fifty cents Printed for the Compiler Copyright 1916 by SUSAN WHITCOMB HASSELL Everett, Wash. Printers Lowman & Hanford Co. Seattle CONTENTS Page A Hundred and Sixty Books History 6-10 Travel and Description 10-13 Scientific and Technical 14-16 Fiction 16-20 Juvenile 20-21 Poetry 22-23 Unclassified Prose 23-26 Other Writers 27-28 Lines Worth Knowing by Heart 29-36 Index to Writers 37-40 FOREWORD Mrs. Maynard is honored in Seattle as the founder of a free reading room which grew into the Young Men's Christian Association of the city. keywords: alaska; american; author; book; good; history; home; life; man; mother; mrs; new; people; seattle; state; stories; story; tacoma; toot; volumes; washington; william; work; world; years cache: 38132.txt plain text: 38132.txt item: #36 of 62 id: 38164 author: Sketchley, R. E. D. (Rose Esther Dorothea) title: English Book-Illustration of To-day Appreciations of the Work of Living English Illustrators, with Lists of Their Books date: None words: 45773 flesch: 81 summary: _ 8º. (Dent, 1899.) (See _C. H. Robinson_.) _H. J. Ford_ 113 Fairy Tales by Q. _H. R. Millar_ 115 INTRODUCTION. keywords: 4º.; 8º.; abbey; art; artist; black; blackie; book; brock; charles; children; colours; country; decorations; dent; drawings; english; etchings; expression; f. anstey; f. d.; f. g.; f. h.; f. p.; fairy; garden; george; harper; illust; illustrations; illustrator; introduction; john; lane; leave; life; little; longmans; macmillan; miss; mrs; new; pages; pennell; pictures; poems; school; scott; series; sir; stories; subject; tales; vols; walter; white; william; wood; work cache: 38164.txt plain text: 38164.txt item: #37 of 62 id: 38726 author: Quigley, Margery Closey title: Index to Kindergarten Songs Including Singing Games and Folk Songs date: None words: 74536 flesch: 100 summary: See_ Party. Little song of gratitude. keywords: baby; ball; bed; bee; bells; bird; birdie; blue; boy; bss; bye; carol; cat; cbo; cgv; children; christmas; cole; come; composers; conrade; cpp; cradle; cradle song; dance; day; dear; easter; efs; elliott; farmer; fdm; flowers; froebel; fsc; game; gaynor; god; good; hailmann; hill; hmc1; hmc2; hubbard; hymn; knowlton; lady; land; lbs; lcd; little; love; lullaby; man; merry; moon; morning; mother; msg; msl; music; neidlinger; nest; night; old; pfp; play; pretty; pussy; rain; rcs; reinecke; robin; round; sc1; sc2; shs; sing; sl1; sl2; sleep; smith; snow; song; spring; sss; star; stevenson; stn; summer; sun; sweet; tgs; thanksgiving; thee; time; tlb; tree; tufts; twinkle; variant; walker; white; wiggin; wind; winter cache: 38726.txt plain text: 38726.txt item: #38 of 62 id: 39494 author: None title: Poetry of the Supernatural date: None words: 5733 flesch: 91 summary: In the hour that I meet ye ghost to ghost, Stripped of the flesh that ye skulk within, Stripped to the coward soul 'ware of its sin, Ye shall learn, ye shall learn, whether dead men hate! =Kingsley=, Charles. keywords: ---the; anthology; ballad; book; dead; death; ghost; john; man; night; poems; poetry; sea; stedman; verse; william cache: 39494.txt plain text: 39494.txt item: #39 of 62 id: 39828 author: Wegelin, Oscar title: Early American Plays, 1714-1830 A Compilation of the Titles of Plays and Dramatic Poems Written by Authors Born in or Residing in North America Previous to 1830 date: None words: 21351 flesch: 83 summary: A Comedy in Five Acts, as performed at the New York Theatre. (the Man-Hater) written by Robert Hunter, Colonial Governor of New York, assisted by Lewis Morris. keywords: 12mo; 16mo; 18mo; 8vo; acts; american; author; boston; charleston; college; comedy; drama; dramatic; dunlap; edition; england; farce; french; james; john; london; march; new york; opera; park; philadelphia; play; poems; revolution; states; street; theatre; time; tragedy; united; york theatre cache: 39828.txt plain text: 39828.txt item: #40 of 62 id: 39845 author: Pollard, Alfred W. (Alfred William) title: Early Illustrated Books A History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the 15th and 16th Centuries date: None words: 50782 flesch: 66 summary: Horae_ cuts which W. de Worde used must have been Caxton's, for we find one of them, the Crucifixion, used in the _Fifteen O'es_, which was itself intended as a supplement to a _ The Castle at Antwerp was used as a device by Gerard Leeu, and subsequently by Thierry Martens, and a printer at Gouda placed a similar erection on an elephant, perhaps as a pun between _howdah_ and Gouda. keywords: appear; arms; artist; augsburg; bible; black; books; borders; caxton; century; chapter; christ; copies; copy; cuts; date; death; designs; device; edition; end; english; figures; form; french; german; ground; half; hand; having; horae; illustration; initials; italian; jean; king; leeu; left; letters; mark; new; number; page; page cuts; paris; pictures; press; printers; printing; pynson; red; second; series; set; text; time; title; type; use; vellum; venice; vignettes; vérard; white; woodcuts; worde; work; year cache: 39845.txt plain text: 39845.txt item: #41 of 62 id: 40250 author: Crane, Walter title: Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New 3rd ed. date: None words: 33929 flesch: 66 summary: The introduction of the use of the copper-plate marks a new era in book illustration, but as regards their decoration, one of distinct decline. Able painter and designer as he was in his own way, the interest of his work is entirely on that side, and is rather valuable as illustrating the life and manners of his time than as furnishing examples of book illustration, and his work certainly has no decorative aim, although no doubt quite harmonious in an eighteenth century room. keywords: art; artists; beauty; black; book; book illustration; century; character; decoration; designers; designs; drawing; effect; english; feeling; hans; illustration; italian; life; line; modern; new; page; period; press; printers; printing; school; sense; sidenote; style; text; title; treatment; type; venice; white; work; xvth cache: 40250.txt plain text: 40250.txt item: #42 of 62 id: 40617 author: Lambley, K. Rebillon (Kathleen Rebillon) title: The Teaching and Cultivation of the French Language in England during Tudor and Stuart Times With an Introductory Chapter on the Preceding Period date: None words: 187068 flesch: 73 summary: Addison, Joseph, 218, 220, 370 _n._ Aesop, in French, 294, 382 Aimar de Ranconnet, 190, 230 _n._ Alexander, Sir Wm., 250, 255 Alexandre, Pierre, 118 Alexis, Guillaume, 101 Allen, Cardinal, 217 _Amadis de Gaule_, 85, 194 _n._, 196, 223 Amyot, Jacques, 196, 199 *Anchoran, J. A., 295 Ancients and Moderns, quarrel of, 391 *André, Bernard, 68, 75, 76 Angers, 205, 346, 351 Anglo-French, 18 _sq._, 26 Anne, Queen of England, 381, 389 _n._ Beaux *Ganeur, Onias, 155 _n._ Garlande, John de, 5, 7, 24 Garnier, Jean, 201 Garnier, Philippe, 230 Garnier, Robert, 194 _n._ Gascoigne, George, 142 Gascons, 326 Geneva, 233 _sq._, 249, 326, 343 _n._, 344, 345 _Gentleman's Companion_, 219 Geography, 383, 385, 388, 398 *Gerbier, Sir Balthazar, 222 _n._, 260 _n._, 275 _n._, 297, 345 German language, 62, 73 _n._, 121, 169 _n._, 230 _n._, 236, 242 _sq._, 279, 295, 354 Germans, 123 _n._, 326 Germany, 211, 219, 220 Gibbon, 358 _n._ *Giffard, James, 292 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 121 Glapthorne: _ keywords: academy; account; alphabet; attention; author; beginning; bien; blois; book; cambridge; case; century french; chapter; charles; chief; children; church; cit; come; company; continental french; conversation; copy; cotgrave; country; court; court french; date; day; de france; de la; de paris; des; dialogues; dieu; doubt; duke; duwes; early; edition; education; edward; elizabeth; end; england; english; english court; english dictionary; english grammar; english language; english literature; englishmen; est; et de; exercises; fact; family; famous; following; foreign; foreigners; form; france; françois; french; french dictionary; french grammar; french littleton; french orthography; french schoolemaister; frenchmen; general; gentlemen; god; good; grammar; grammar rules; great; greek; half; hand; hath; header; help; henry; herbert; holyband; house; i. p.; importance; influence; instance; instruction; interest; italian; james; jean; john; king; knowledge; la france; ladies; lady; language; langue; latin; law french; learning; left; letters; life; list; literature; london; long; lord; man; mary; master; mauger; means; merchants; method; middle; miège; mon; mothe; native; new; nous; number; order; original; oxford; palsgrave; papers; paris; parler; pas; paul; pepys; period; phrases; pierre; place; point; popularity; pour; practice; present; prince; princess; private; professor; pronounce; pronunciation; protestant; pupils; que; queen; qui; read; reading; refugees; robert; royal; rules; scholars; schools; second; set; seventeenth; sir; soc; son; spanish; speaking; speech; sqq; state; street; students; study; subjects; teachers; teaching; text; thomas; time; tongue; tout; town; translation; travellers; treatise; tutor; universities; university; use; verbs; viii; vocabulary; vol; vous; way; william; words; work; writers; writing; years; young cache: 40617.txt plain text: 40617.txt item: #43 of 62 id: 40728 author: Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse title: Notes on the Bibliography of Yucatan and Central America Comprising Yucatan, Chiapas, Guatemala (the Ruins of Palenque, Ocosingo, and Copan), and Oaxaca (Ruins of Mitla) date: None words: 13447 flesch: 70 summary: book has also another title: Historia de la Provincia de San Vicente de Chyapa y Guatemala de la Orden de San Domingo.--Madrid, 1619 and 1620.--Treats of Yucatan also, following Las Casas generally. Carta al Rey sobre la fundacion de la Villa de San Francisco de Campeche, y de la Ciudad de Mérida, 14 June, 1543. keywords: america; antonio; antonio de; central; century; chiapas; de chiapas; de guatemala; de la; de los; de yucatan; del; des; edition; english; francisco; fray; general; guatemala; historia; historia de; indias; juan; las; london; madrid; mention; méxico; palenque; paris; provincia; relacion; relacion de; spanish; translation; vol; vols; works; york; yucatan cache: 40728.txt plain text: 40728.txt item: #44 of 62 id: 41290 author: None title: Arbuthnotiana: The Story of the St. Alb-ns Ghost (1712) A Catalogue of Dr. Arbuthnot's Library (1779) date: None words: 14965 flesch: 66 summary: Such is the following Story of Mother _Haggy_ of St. _Alb----ns_, in the Reign of King _ [12] Dr. Moore, however, seems to include the _Story_ in his condemnation of all the Pseudo-Wagstaffe pieces except the _Comment upon ... keywords: arbuthnot; avaro; boards; books; catalogue; cuts; des; dictionary; edition; english; estate; fig; ghost; haggite; histoire; history; john; lat; library; life; london; man; mother; new; opera; par; poems; second; swift; time; university; wagstaffe; william; works cache: 41290.txt plain text: 41290.txt item: #45 of 62 id: 42059 author: Winsor, Justin title: Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery date: None words: 217883 flesch: 68 summary: There is nothing more striking in the history of American discovery than the fact that the Italian people furnished to Spain Columbus, to England Cabot, and to France Verrazano; and that the three leading powers of Europe, following as maritime explorers in the lead of Portugal, who could not dispense with Vespucius, another Italian, pushed their rights through men whom they had borrowed from the central region of the Mediterranean, while Italy in its own name never possessed a rood of American soil. The successive wills of Diego Columbus, it may be observed, call her in one (1509) Philippa Moñiz, and in the other (1523) keywords: admiral; america; asia; bartholomew columbus; belief; bobadilla; brother; cabot; cacique; cape; caravels; casas; century; character; christopher columbus; coast; colony; columbus; copy; country; course; court; crown; cuba; date; day; days; diego; discoveries; discovery; domingo; duke; east; end; england; english; española; europe; expedition; fact; father; ferdinand columbus; fleet; french; genoa; globe; gold; good; great; gulf; harbor; harrisse; historie; history; humboldt; illustration; indians; indies; irving; isabella; island; juan; june; king; knowledge; las; left; letter; life; light; line; little; making; man; map; maps; martyr; men; mind; natives; navarrete; new; north; october; ojeda; order; ovando; passage; people; pinzon; place; point; portugal; portuguese; present; ptolemy; purpose; queen; question; record; region; return; roldan; royal; santo; sea; second; september; seville; ships; shore; sidenote; son; south; sovereigns; spain; spaniards; spanish; spirit; story; thought; time; time columbus; vespucius; vessels; views; voyage; water; way; western; work; world; years cache: 42059.txt plain text: 42059.txt item: #46 of 62 id: 42808 author: Bancroft, Hubert Howe title: The Native Races [of the Pacific states], Volume 2, Civilized Nations The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Volume 2 date: None words: 315684 flesch: 75 summary: Compónese aquella palabra de _huaxin_, perdiendo _in_ por contraccion, muy usada en mexicano al componerse las palabras, y de _tlan_, partícula que significa donde hay, ó abunda algo, y que sirve para formar colectivos. Nine, _chico nahui_,--These names from six to nine are simply those from one to four, with a prefix whose meaning is not altogether clear, but which is said to be composed of _chico_, 'at one side,' and _ihuan_ or _huan_, meaning 'near another,' 'with,' or simply 'and.' keywords: + =; -the; = +; = =; = |; account; acosta; age; ahau; amer; american; animals; annales; ant; antiq; anáhuac; apologética; arms; articles; authorities; authority; authors; aztec; battle; bernal; bien; birds; black; blood; bodies; body; boturini; bourbourg; brasseur; brasseur de; cacao; cada; calendar; camargo; cap; capital; carbajal; care; cartas; casas; case; central; centre; century; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; chapter; character; che; chich; chief; children; cities; city; civ; civilization; civilized; classes; clavigero; coast; codex; cogolludo; col; colors; common; como; compans; conq; conquest; copper; corn; cortés; cotton; council; country; court; culture; custom; cut; dance; dans; day; days; de bourbourg; de doc; de el; de la; de los; de oro; de que; de sus; de un; dead; death; dec; del; des; description; development; diaz; dos; dress; duran; ears; earth; ecles; ellos; empire; end; eran; espinosa; estos; evil; extent; face; fact; family; father; feast; feathers; feet; festival; figures; fine; fire; flesh; flowers; fol; following; food; force; foreign; form; friends; gama; game; gardens; garments; gen; general; geschichte; god; gods; gold; gomara; good; government; grand; great; ground; guatemala; hair; half; hand; head; heart; herrera; hist; history; home; honor; house; huitzilopochtli; human; humboldt; husband; icazbalceta; idea; idols; iii; incense; ind; indios; information; institutions; intellectual; ixtlilxochitl; judges; kind; king; kingdom; kingsborough; knowledge; labor; lake; landa; language; las; las casas; law; laws; left; les; lib; life; long; lord; maguey; maize; making; man; manner; market; marriage; martyr; mas; material; matter; maya; means; mej; men; mendieta; merchants; messico; mex; mexican; mexico; michoacan; military; mind; monarch; monarq; montezuma; month; mother; motolinia; muy; nahua; names; nat; nations; native; natural; nature; new; nicaragua; nobles; non; north; number; occasion; offerings; order; origin; original; ornaments; otros; oviedo; paper; para; parents; parts; people; period; person; peter; picture; pimentel; place; point; por; porque; position; power; preceding; prescott; present; priests; princes; principal; progress; property; provinces; public; punishment; purpose; que; qui; quiché; rank; reason; red; relacion; religion; rest; right; rites; royal; sacrifice; sahagun; savage; second; service; set; sidenote; sign; slaves; sobre; society; son; sons; south; spaniards; spanish; speak; square; squier; state; steps; stone; storia; subject; succession; sun; sus; system; série; table; temple; tenian; ternaux; tezcuco; tezozomoc; thee; things; thou; thought; throne; tierra; time; tlax; todos; toltec; tom; torquemada; towns; tribes; una; veytia; victims; viii; vna; vol; volume; voy; walls; war; warriors; water; way; wealth; weapons; west; white; wife; women; wood; words; work; world; writers; writing; ximenez; y de; y el; y en; y la; y los; y que; year; ynd; young; yucatan; | +; | =; | atemoztli; | quecholli; | remensis; | toxcatl; | | cache: 42808.txt plain text: 42808.txt item: #47 of 62 id: 42877 author: Grolier Club title: One Hundred Books Famous in English Literature With Facsimiles of the Title-Pages date: None words: 23223 flesch: 74 summary: BEATTIE THE LIFE AND STRANGE SURPRIZING ADVENTURES OF _ROBINSON CRUSOE_, Of _YORK_, MARINER: George_ in _Fleetstreet_, near St. _Dunstan_'s Church. keywords: age; art; author; books; character; church; civilization; england; english; english literature; folio; form; genius; greatness; history; illustration; inches; john; knowledge; leaf; life; light; literature; london; man; men; milton; mind; nation; nature; new; noble; o n; past; people; poets; power; race; read; shakespeare; shelley; soul; spirit; street; thought; time; truth; volumes; william; works; world cache: 42877.txt plain text: 42877.txt item: #48 of 62 id: 43691 author: Hindley, Charles title: The History of the Catnach Press at Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Alnwick and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London date: None words: 57598 flesch: 74 summary: that he and Mr. Mark Smith [Signature: Mr. Smith.] were both bound on the same day as apprentices to Mr. John Catnach, and that they afterwards worked together as improvers in their trade with:-- It was here--in Monmouth Court, a thoroughfare connecting Monmouth Street with Little Earl Street--that the late eminent Mr. Catnach developed the resources of his genius and trade. keywords: alnwick; ballad; bewick; body; book; business; catnach; catnach press; court; cut; day; days; dear; death; dials; execution; father; good; hand; head; house; illustration; j. catnach; james; james catnach; jemmy; jerry; john; john catnach; king; know; life; literature; little; london; love; man; monmouth; morgan; mother; mrs; murder; night; place; poor; press; printer; queen; ryle; sir; son; songs; street; subject; time; tom; town; trial; turpin; way; wife; william; wood; work; years; young cache: 43691.txt plain text: 43691.txt item: #49 of 62 id: 43857 author: Boston Public Library title: Catalogue of books on philately in the Public Library of the city of Boston date: None words: 9720 flesch: 82 summary: St. Louis, 1892, 64pp. illus. $=American Philatelic Association.= 2237.137$ $Catalogue of the American Philatelic Association's loan exhibit of postage stamps to the United States Post Office Department, at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893.$ $Birmingham, Conn. Bacon & Co., 1893. keywords: 8^o; boston; catalogue; co.; des; envelopes; illus; john; london; mass; new; philatelic; plates; postage; stamps; timbres; vol; york cache: 43857.txt plain text: 43857.txt item: #50 of 62 id: 44962 author: None title: Early American Poetry 1610-1820: A List of Works in the New York Public Library date: None words: 48259 flesch: 82 summary: 4 p.l., 5-180 p. 24º. =NBHD= Published to aid the author to study for the ministry. The Columbian muse_, New York, 1794, p. 146-147, _NBH_, and in Samuel Kettell, _Specimens of American poetry_, Boston, 1829, v. 1, p. 170-171, _NBH_. keywords: ---the; 16º.; 4º.; = an=; = nbh=; = nbhd=; american; american literature; american poems; author; boston; columbian; death; duyckinck; edition; elegy; england; esq; facsimile; general; george; historical; james; john; joseph; kettell; late; library; life; literature; london; magazine; mrs; museum; nbb; new; new york; notes; ode; original; p. p.; p. sq; p.l; p.v; page; philadelphia; poem; poetry; pseud; reprinted; reserve=; samuel; society; specimens; street; thomas; title; washington; william; year cache: 44962.txt plain text: 44962.txt item: #51 of 62 id: 45426 author: White, Gleeson title: English Illustration 'The Sixties': 1855-70 With Numerous Illustrations by Ford Madox Brown: A. Boyd Houghton: Arthur Hughes: Charles Keene: M. J. Lawless: Lord Leighton, P.R.A.: Sir J. E. Millais, P.R.A.: G. Du Maurier: J. W. North, R.A.: G. J. Pinwell: Dante Gabriel Rossetti: W. Small: Frederick Sandys: J. Mcneill Whistler: Frederick Walker, A.R.A.: and Others date: None words: 90066 flesch: 73 summary: In 1865 the _Armadale_ illustrations take up twelve full pages, and Du Maurier supplies the remaining twelve stories to _Wives and Daughters_. The Sea-Side Well_ (p. 249), _One of Many_ (p. 446), and fourteen illustrations to _ keywords: artist; birket; book; boyd; dalziel; day; designs; drawings; edwards; english; engraving; f. j.; f. w.; fine; foster; g. j.; gilbert; good; green; houghton; hughes; illustrated; illustrations; j. a.; j. d.; j. e.; j. pinwell; j. w.; john; lawson; life; london; m. j.; magazine; maurier; millais; new; number; page; period; pictures; pinwell; poems; sandys; series; sir; sixties; small; society; sunday; thomas; time; volume; w. p.; walker; watson; week; wood; words; work; year cache: 45426.txt plain text: 45426.txt item: #52 of 62 id: 45793 author: Langbaine, Gerard title: Momus Triumphans: or, the Plagiaries of the English Stage (1688[1687]) date: None words: 26490 flesch: 76 summary: Tragedy_, T. C. _ Nepos= both in the Life of =Alcibiades=. [293] Plot from =Ravenscroft='s =Scaramouch=. [294] Stollen part from =Shakespear='s =Romeo & Juliet=, Plot from =Plutarch=, in his Life of =C. Marius=, and =Lucan='s =Pharsalia=, Book 2d. keywords: 4o john; = c.; = french=; account; authors; book; c. 4o; c. 8o; c. fol; catalogue; chronicles; dryden; english; folio; history; i. 4o; john; king; kirkman; lady; langbaine; lib; life; london; love; lovers; man; masque; momus; new; parts; plays; plot; poets; prince; queen; read; robert; second; sir =; t. 4o; t. 8o; t. c.; t. fol; time; tragedy; university; volume; wife; william; wit; woman cache: 45793.txt plain text: 45793.txt item: #53 of 62 id: 46614 author: Jordan, David Starr title: A Guide to the Study of Fishes, Volume 1 (of 2) date: None words: 184214 flesch: 67 summary: Teeth of numerous species of _Psammodus_ and _ Still others, known as _anadromous_ fishes, feed and mature in the sea, but ascend the rivers as the impulse of reproduction grows strong. keywords: account; adult; agassiz; air; america; animals; atlantic; bass; black; bladder; blood; body; bones; bony fishes; brain; california; cases; cavity; cells; chapter; character; class; coast; common; conditions; connection; cranium; dean; development; devonian; dipnoans; distribution; dorsal; eggs; elements; end; evidence; external; eye; fact; families; family; fauna; fig; fin; fins; fishes; fold; food; forms; fossil fishes; function; genera; genus; gill; girdle; group; günther; hand; head; illustration; isthmus; japan; jaw; jaws; lake; lampreys; lateral; length; life; like; limbs; line; linnæus; living; lung; male; marine; means; median; mediterranean; mouth; natural; nature; new; north; northern; number; order; organs; origin; pacific; parts; pectoral; period; place; plates; presence; present; primitive; process; professor; range; rays; red; regard; region; river; river fishes; rocks; salmon; sand; scales; sea; sea fishes; seas; series; sharks; shore fishes; shoulder; sides; size; skeleton; skin; skull; spawning; specialized; species; spines; stage; stream; structure; study; surface; system; tail; teeth; time; tropical; trout; true; type; upper; use; ventral; vertebrates; vertebræ; view; water fishes; water species; waters; way; west; woodward; work; young cache: 46614.txt plain text: 46614.txt item: #54 of 62 id: 47809 author: Atherton, William H. (William Henry) title: Montreal, 1535-1914. Vol. 1. Under the French Régime, 1535-1760 date: None words: 244754 flesch: 65 summary: M. de Maisonneuve apparently did not manifest more interest than his fellow guests at table, but on rising he took M. de la Dauversière aside and invited him to his apartment. M. de Maisonneuve had some difficulty in persuading his father to give his consent to his departure. keywords: account; april; arms; arrival; associates; august; baron de; bishop; bourgeoys; canada; canadian; captain; cartier; champlain; chapel; chapter; charles; chevalier de; chief; children; chomedey de; church; château de; city; colony; company; council; country; dame de; day; days; de belmont; de casson; de courcelles; de fénelon; de la; de lauson; de longueuil; de lévis; de maisonneuve; de montmagny; de montreal; de mézy; de quen; de queylus; de rigaud; de st; de tracy; de vaudreuil; death; des; dieu; dollier de; eau de; english; expedition; father de; february; feet; following; fort; france; françois de; french; frontenac; gabriel de; general; general de; god; good; government; governor; governor de; governor general; history; hochelaga; hospital; house; hurons; hôtel; illustration; indians; inhabitants; intendant; iroquois; island; jacques; january; jean; jean de; jeanne; jesuits; july; june; king; lake; laval; lawrence; letters; life; livres; louis de; m. de; madame; making; man; mance; march; marguerite; marie de; marquis de; men; military; minister; mission; money; montcalm; montreal; mountain; moyne; near; new; new france; notre; november; number; october; officers; order; parish; party; paul de; people; period; perrot; pierre; place; plan de; point; position; present; quebec; religious; return; river; royal; said; salle; sault; savages; second; seigneurs; seminary; september; settlement; sieur de; soldiers; street; sulpicians; superior; time; town; trade; troops; ville de; visit; voyage; war; way; winter; women; work; year; young cache: 47809.txt plain text: 47809.txt item: #55 of 62 id: 48403 author: Wardrop, John Oliver title: The Kingdom of Georgia: Notes of travel in a land of women, wine, and song date: None words: 43573 flesch: 75 summary: Aided by the Lesghians and the Kakhetians, under Alexander, son of Irakli, they were at first successful, but the tide turned, and Erivan, Tavriz, and other places saw Russia victorious. He himself frankly acknowledged this in many places. keywords: 4to; 8vo; armenian; army; caucase; caucasus; century; church; city; country; course; david; day; der; des; die; english; european; feet; georgia; georgians; good; ground; half; history; house; irakli; journey; kakheti; kaukasus; king; land; left; lesghians; life; london; man; men; near; order; paris; pbg; people; persia; place; plain; present; prince; queen; right; river; road; russian; signakh; son; station; tamara; tiflis; time; town; und; village; vols; von; war; way; work; years cache: 48403.txt plain text: 48403.txt item: #56 of 62 id: 48794 author: Library of Congress title: Pioneer Imprints from Fifty States date: None words: 32105 flesch: 63 summary: In addition to its small volume of issues from 1846 and 1847, the Library of Congress has an incomplete volume of _Spectator_ issues from September 12, 1850, to January 27, 1852, when the paper had a larger format and appeared weekly. The Library's _A Check List of American Newspapers_, published in 1901, records holdings only for December 12, 1850, to February 27, 1851, but all of the _Spectator_ issues look as if they have been in the Library from an early date. keywords: acts; american; assembly; book; city; congress; congress copy; copies; copy; day; december; early; footnote; gazette; general; governor; history; house; illustration; imprint; issue; james; john; laws; library; march; mcmurtrie; new; newspaper; november; number; page; paper; present; press; printer; printing; session; state; territorial; territory; thomas; title; volume; washington; william; work; year; york cache: 48794.txt plain text: 48794.txt item: #57 of 62 id: 50715 author: None title: De Tribus Impostoribus, A. D. 1230: The Three Impostors Translated (with notes and comments) from a French manuscript of the work written in the year 1716, with a dissertation on the original treatise and a bibliography of the various editions date: None words: 40535 flesch: 67 summary: But for mind, it must be that God favored them more than other men, for they claimed an understanding more brilliant than others. The matter is self-evident, but to make it more clear, let us see if they are differently constituted than other men. keywords: author; body; book; christ; death; edition; enemies; following; frederick; god; gods; good; iii; jesus; latin; law; life; mahomet; man; manuscript; matter; men; moses; nature; new; order; people; place; power; reason; religion; soul; spirit; testimony; things; time; title; treatise; tribus; truth; world; worship cache: 50715.txt plain text: 50715.txt item: #58 of 62 id: 52371 author: None title: Armenia and the Armenians: A List of References in the New York Public Library date: None words: 63132 flesch: 79 summary: Dissertation pour le doctorat présentée à la faculté de droit de l'Université de Lausanne. Notice sur le voyage littéraire de M. Schulz en Orient, et sur les découvertes qu'il a faites récemment dans les ruines de la ville de Sémiramis en Arménie. keywords: ---the; 1893; akademiya; american; année; ararat; armenia; armenians; armenien; armenischen; arméniens; asiatic; asiatique; aus; bbx; berlin; boston; brosset; bryce; bulletin; church; co.; col; colonies; constantinople; dans; das; date; de l'arménie; de la; de paris; den; der; des; deutsche; die; documents; e. p.; english; et de; et la; et p.; folk; friedrich; für; g. p.; geschichte; gesellschaft; gregory; henry; historiens; history; imperatorskaya; inscriptions; institut; j. p.; jahrg; james; jean; john; journal; journey; kaa; l'algérie; l'arménie; l'histoire; l'orient; leipzig; les; lettres; literature; london; map; maps; marie; massacres; minor; mélanges; n. p.; nauk; new; new armenia; new york; notes; nouvelle; oaa; onk; onl; onp; onq; oriental; p. a.; p. armenia; p. de; p. migne; p. putnam; p. series; p.l; paris; paul; petite; philologie; pétersbourg; qcb; qoa; question; review; revue; saint; society; société; sons; sur; série; text; tome; turkey; turkish; ueber; und; van; venice; verhandlungen; victor; viii p.; von; von p.; voyage; wien; william; wissenschaften; xiv p.; york; zeitschrift; zur; über cache: 52371.txt plain text: 52371.txt item: #59 of 62 id: 54253 author: Jennings, John M. (John Melville) title: A Selected Bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699 date: None words: 19735 flesch: 76 summary: =Virginia historical register=, and literary companion; ed. =Virginia in 1623= keywords: america; brown; c.=; century; colonial; colonial virginia; colony; early; early virginia; england; english; historical; history; jamestown; john; letter; london; mag; n. y.; new; p. =; present; purchas; quar; records; reprinted; richmond; ser; sir; smith; state; thomas; virginia; virginia company; william; williamsburg cache: 54253.txt plain text: 54253.txt item: #60 of 62 id: 55919 author: Duff, E. Gordon (Edward Gordon) title: William Caxton date: None words: 32491 flesch: 74 summary: _See before under_ Caxton. England, Caxton first printer of, 13 First dated book in, 34 Only two unique Caxtons outside, 45, 78 English language, Caxton's remarks on changes in, 77, pl. XIX. keywords: blades; blank; book; british; bruges; caxton; copies; copy; date; early; edition; england; english; fol; french; illustration; john; leaf; leaves; library; life; lord; museum; oxford; page; press; printer; printing; second; time; translation; type; william; worde; work; year cache: 55919.txt plain text: 55919.txt item: #61 of 62 id: 58377 author: E. & F. N. Spon title: A Short List of Scientific Books Published by E. & F. N. Spon, Limited. February 1914 date: None words: 15534 flesch: 90 summary: By =W. L. Carpenter= and =H. Leask=. Second edition, 104 illus., 456 pp., crown 8vo. By =S. S. Boyce=. 13 illus., 112 pp., crown 8vo. keywords: 18mo; 8vo; = a.; = c.; = e.; = f.; = g.; = j.; = t.; = w.; crown 8vo; edition; illus; net; new; new york; plates; practical; second; series; tables; york cache: 58377.txt plain text: 58377.txt item: #62 of 62 id: 5957 author: Shedlock, Marie L. title: The Art of the Story-Teller date: None words: 64213 flesch: 78 summary: As an exception to this kind of mixture, I should quote The Honey Bee, and Other Stories, translated from the Danish of Evald by C. G. Moore Smith. There is something of the same idea in the Adventures of Telemachus, written by Fenelon for his royal pupil, the young Duke of Burgundy, but whereas Calthrop trusts to the results of indirect teaching by means of dramatic stories, Fenelon, on the contrary, makes use of the somewhat heavy, didactic method, so that one would think the attention of the young prince must have wandered at times; and I imagine Telemachus was in the same condition when he was addressed at such length by Mentor, who, being Minerva, though in disguise, should occasionally have displayed that sense of humor which must always temper true wisdom. keywords: andersen; appeal; art; audience; bird; blue; book; children; day; effect; emperor; experience; eyes; fairy; form; good; great; imagination; interest; kind; king; legends; life; little; man; means; mind; mrs; nightingale; old; people; place; point; power; princess; question; real; rose; round; sense; shepherd; sing; stories; story; subject; tales; teachers; telling; things; thou; thought; time; use; water; way; words; work; world; years cache: 5957.txt plain text: 5957.txt