item: #1 of 6 id: 16135 author: Rout, Ettie Annie title: Safe Marriage: A Return to Sanity date: None words: 16533 flesch: 61 summary: Venereal disease is underground now.--E.A.R.] Apart from voluntary and compulsory treatment for venereal diseases, we certainly need voluntary and compulsory sterilisation of the unfit--diseased and feeble-minded and otherwise unfit persons, who, whatever their other qualifications may be, are unsuitable as parents. This book is addressed on the one hand to those who would | | prevent venereal disease in themselves, and on the other, to | | those who would prevent it in the community. keywords: birth; children; control; disease; england; footnote; health; infection; intercourse; man; marriage; medical; pessary; prevention; rubber; sir; time; use; venereal; way; women; | | cache: 16135.txt plain text: 16135.txt item: #2 of 6 id: 1689 author: Sanger, Margaret title: The Pivot of Civilization date: None words: 53282 flesch: 54 summary: In four years our Federal Government appropriated--roughly speaking--$81,000,000 for the improvement of rivers; $13,000,000 for forest conservation; $8,000,000 for the experimental plant industry; $7,000,000 for the experimental animal industry; $4,000,000 to combat the foot and mouth disease; and less than half a million for the protection of child life. This undervaluation, this cheapening of child life, is to speak crudely but frankly the direct result of overproduction. keywords: american; birth control; children; civilization; class; community; conditions; day; development; education; eugenics; expression; fact; family; feeble; forces; future; health; human; humanity; individual; industrial; intelligence; labor; life; mother; nature; new; people; point; population; power; present; problem; public; race; rate; school; science; self; sex; society; state; time; women; work; working; world; years cache: 1689.txt plain text: 1689.txt item: #3 of 6 id: 31790 author: Sanger, Margaret title: Family Limitation date: None words: 4166 flesch: 70 summary: There is no need for any one to explain to the working men and women in America what this pamphlet is written for or why it is necessary that they should have this information. Women of the working class, especially wage workers, should not have more than two children at most. keywords: act; douche; semen; solution; use; woman; womb cache: 31790.txt plain text: 31790.txt item: #4 of 6 id: 38185 author: Knowlton, Charles title: Fruits of Philosophy: A Treatise on the Population Question date: None words: 21200 flesch: 59 summary: Such cases require the simple operation of dividing the hymen. Some women, it is true, are subject to a slight hemorrhage that sometimes occurs with considerable regularity during pregnancy, and which has led them to suppose they have their turns at such times; but it is not so; the discharge at such times is real blood. keywords: cases; conception; female; happiness; human; instinct; life; ovary; ovum; parts; place; semen; subject; system; time; uterus; vagina; woman cache: 38185.txt plain text: 38185.txt item: #5 of 6 id: 59480 author: Anonymous title: The Malthusian Handbook Designed to Induce Married People to Limit Their Families Within Their Means. date: None words: 19482 flesch: 57 summary: Let us call the population of this island 11,000,000 (Mr. Malthus writes in 1806), and suppose the present produce equal to the easy support of such a number. The method which Mr. Malthus proposed was the substitution of the prudential (or birth-restricting) for the positive (or life-destroying) check. keywords: checks; children; general; increase; justice; law; life; malthusian; man; means; men; nature; new; obscene; pamphlet; population; poverty; public; question; society; work; years cache: 59480.txt plain text: 59480.txt item: #6 of 6 id: 8660 author: Sanger, Margaret title: Woman and the New Race date: None words: 43689 flesch: 64 summary: They therefore declare that it is the duty of such women to populate the land with strong, healthy, intelligent offspring--to bear children in great numbers. The daughters of such women will not be given over to injustice and to prostitution; the sons will not perish in industry nor upon the battle field. keywords: abortion; birth; birth control; chapter; children; church; conditions; continence; contraceptives; control; families; family; freedom; human; infanticide; knowledge; labor; laws; life; means; men; mother; motherhood; new; number; population; race; rate; right; sex; society; states; time; united; woman; workers; world; years cache: 8660.txt plain text: 8660.txt