item: #1 of 18 id: A10198 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: XVI. New quæres proposed to our Lord Prælates. date: 1637.0 words: 7722 flesch: 61 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Can our Arch-Bishops , Bishops , and their Officialls graunt Lycenses , for money , to any of his Majesties Subjects to marry without asking Banes , it being directly contrary to the Statutes of 2. & 3. Ed. 6. c. 21. keywords: acts; affaires; altars; answer; arch; articles; bishops; books; c. 1; canon; cause; ceremonies; chappell; characters; christ; church; churches; commission; common; consistories; contrary; courts; crucifixes; early; ecclesiasticall; eebo; eliz; england; english; force; gods; good; great; hee; high; holy; iewes; images; innovations; iurisdiction; keepe; kings; law; lawes; lay; like; lordships; majesties; men; ministers; money; new; oathes; officers; owne; patent; people; places; power; praeliglates; preaching; prelates; priest; proceedings; right; saviour; severall; state; statute; subjects; tcp; tei; temple; temporall; text; time; visitations; word; works; writt; yards; yeares cache: A10198.xml plain text: A10198.txt item: #2 of 18 id: A26172 author: Atwood, William, d. 1705? title: Jani Anglorum facies nova, or, Several monuments of antiquity touching the great councils of the kingdom and the court of the kings immediate tenants and officers from the first of William the First, to the forty ninth of Henry the third, reviv'd and clear'd : wherein the sense of the common-council of the kingdom mentioned in King John's charter, and of the laws ecclesiastical, or civil, concerning clergy-men's voting in capital cases is submitted to the judgement of the learned. date: 1680.0 words: 39656 flesch: 69 summary: So that he wanted nothing but a Crown to make him King. In the fourth of this King the controversie between the Archbishop of York , and the Bishop of Worcester , was determined at Petreda before the King , Archbishop Lanfranc , the Bishops , Abbots , Earles , et Primatibus totius Angliae , this Mr. Selden rightly calls a Parliament , which is easily to be gathered from the large and comprehensive Signification of Primates . keywords: abbates; abbots; account; accus'd; act; advice; affairs; agitare; aid; aids; alia; aliis; aliorum; ancient; angliae; anglorum; anno; anselm; answer; ante; antiquity; apud; arch; argument; arma; arms; assembly; assensu; assent; attendance; autem; author; authority; auxilia; auxilium; barones; baronibus; baronum; barony; becket; best; bishops; body; books; bracton; brevia; bromton; business; call'd; camden; canons; canterbury; capital; capite; cases; cause; celebravit; certain; charge; charta; charter; chester; chief; choice; christmass; church; cited; cities; citizens; city; civil; clarendon; claus; clear; clergy; clerus; colloquium; comitatus; comites; comitibus; comitum; comma; common; common council; commune; communia; conceive; concern'd; concilio; concilium; consensu; consent; constitution; contrary; convenerunt; conventus; coram; council; counties; county; court; creation; crimen; crown; cum; curia; curia regis; customs; day; days; debent; die; dignity; domini; dorso; dover; dunelm; duty; eadmerus; earl; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edition; edw; edward; eebo; effect; efficax; eis; ejus; ejusdem; england; english; eorum; episc; episcopi; episcoporum; episcopus; escuage; est; etiam; evident; express; extraordinary; facere; facies; farther; feast; fecit; fee; fees; feodis; feudal; final; fitz; fol; following; force; form; free; freeholders; freeman; fuit; general; general council; glos; good; grant; great; great charter; great council; great court; great men; grievance; habeat; habere; haec; hath; hen; henry; histories; history; hoc; holding; homines; honour; hoveden; hundreds; idem; igitur; illius; immediate; immediate tenants; inde; inferiour; inhabitants; instance; intended; inter; interesse; ipse; jani; johannis; john; judgement; judges; judicio; judicium; jure; jurisdiction; justice; king; king henry; king john; kingdom; kings tenants; knights; laesae; laity; lands; lanfranc; large; law; laws; lay; learned; leave; legal; leges; lib; libertates; liberè; licet; like; little; london; long; lords; magnates; magnatibus; majestatis; majores; making; man; manner; matters; meaning; meeting; members; membrorum; mention; mich; miles; military; milites; militibus; militum; minores; modo; money; natale; nation; nature; nay; nec; necessary; need; new; ninth; nisi; nobilitas; nobility; nobis; nobles; non; normandy; northampton; nostris; nostro; nostrorum; nostrum; notice; number; oblig'd; obligation; observable; occasion; offer; officers; omnes; omnibus; omnium; order; ordinary; ordinary court; ordinary curia; oxford; paris; parliament; partem; particular; parties; pass'd; pat; payment; peers; penes; people; personal; persons; pinnedene; place; placitum; plain; plea; pleads; point; pope; populi; populus; post; power; practice; praed; present; president; pretence; primores; primoribus; prince; principes; prior; pro; probi; proceres; proof; proprietors; publick; purpose; quae; quaedam; quam; question; qui; quibus; quod; realm; reason; received; record; rege; regis; regni; reign; rem; representative; resignation; rest; rex; right; rome; rot; said; salutem; sanguinis; scaccario; second; secundum; sed; selden; self; sense; sentence; service; servitio; servitium; set; seu; sheriffs; shews; sibi; sicut; sine; sint; sir; sit; socage; solemn; special; spelman; standing; statute; statutum; stephen; suae; suam; suas; sub; subject; suis; summon'd; summons; sunt; suorum; super; sure; suum; synod; tallage; tam; tcp; tempore; temporibus; tenants; tenent; tenentes; tenuit; tenure; term; terrae; text; thing; thomas; time; titles; toledo; totius; tryal; ubi; unde; unum; us'd; usual; vel; vicecomites; villae; viri; vitae; viz; voluntate; vote; wars; way; west; westminster; whitsontide; william; winchester; windsor; word; work; writs; year cache: A26172.xml plain text: A26172.txt item: #3 of 18 id: A29194 author: Bramhall, John, 1594-1663. title: The consecration and succession, of Protestant bishops justified, the Bishop of Duresme vindicated, and that infamous fable of the ordination at the Nagges head clearly confuted by John Bramhall ... date: 1658.0 words: 47938 flesch: 59 summary: Observe ho● every one of these do pursue another● Arch Bishop Parkers Commission issue● December the sixth , his Confirmation followed December the ninth , his Consecration December the seventeenth , his Inthronisation forthwith , and the Restitution 〈◊〉 his temporalties the first of March ensu●●ing , that is , at the later end of the ver● next terme : ●●taries , and kept in publick Registries , keywords: a29194; account; act; acts; adde; advantage; adversaries; againe; alwaies; ancient; angliae; anno; answer; apparent; appeare; arch bishop; arches; archi; attempt; authentick; authority; authour; barlowes; bath; bedford; beginning; bene; benefices; better; betweene; bishop; bishop barlow; bishop bonner; bishop horne; bishop iewell; bishop parker; bishop scory; bishoprick; body; bonners; booke; bowes; canonicall; canons; canterbury; cardinall; case; catholick; ceremonies; certificate; chancery; change; chapiter; christ; church; churches; chuse; civill; clause; clergy; clerke; commission; common; communion; competent; condemne; confirmation; conscience; consecrated; consecrated bishop; consecration; contrary; controversy; convinced; court; coverdale; credit; cum; daies; davids; day; deacons; deane; death; december; defects; denie; desire; dinner; discourse; dispensation; doctor; doe; doth; doubt; duely; duresme; durham; durst; earle; ecclesiae; ecclesiasticall; edition; edwards; eebo; eighth; election; elisabeth; england; english; episcopall; episcopo; essentialls; evident; exception; expresse; extant; eye; fable; face; false; farre; fathers; favour; fifth; followeth; forgery; forme; foure; fourth; friends; generall; ghost; god; goe; good; great; grindall; ground; hac; hands; harding; hath; head; head consecration; head ordination; hearsay; henry; high; hold; holy; hope; house; imposition; institution; iohn; iudges; john; king; kingdome; known; lambeth; landaffe; law; lawes; lawfull; learned; learning; leases; leave; legality; legall; letters; lie; life; like; little; london; long; lord; malicious; man; manner; maries; mason; matter; meanes; mention; mentioneth; mistake; moneth; nagge; names; nature; neale; necessity; need; new; ninth; nobis; notaries; notary; notes; notice; notorious; number; oath; objection; occasion; office; old; onely; ordeined; ordeining; orders; ordination; owne; parkers; parkers consecration; parliament; parte; pastorem; patents; paul; peeres; persons; place; pole; pope; possible; power; praedictae; praier; prejudice; prescribed; presence; present; pretended; priestly; priests; principall; print; private; proofe; protestant; protestant bishops; protestation; publick; publish; quae; queene; question; reader; ready; realme; reason; recordes; register; reigne; related; relation; religion; respective; rest; reverend; ridiculous; right; rites; rolles; roman; rome; sacraments; sacrilege; said; saith; sanders; sate; schisme; scory; scruple; second; self; selves; sentence; set; severall; shew; silence; silly; single; sixth; solemne; speech; spirituall; stapleton; statute; stow; subject; succession; sufficient; suffragan; suffragan bishop; sun; supremacy; tcp; temporall; temporalties; testimony; text; thē; thing; thinke; time; title; true; truth; undoubted; unlesse; untruth; upper; valide; validity; virtue; vvas; want; way; whilest; witnesses; words; worke; world; writers; yeare; ● e; ● nd; ● ● cache: A29194.xml plain text: A29194.txt item: #4 of 18 id: A32888 author: Northbrooke, John. Spiritvs est vicarius Christi in terra. title: A Christian beleefe concerning bishops date: 1641.0 words: 1132 flesch: 85 summary: A Christian beleefe concerning bishops This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A32888 of text R33290 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C3940). 107 F The rate of 107 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the F category of texts with 100 or more defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a32888; acts; beleefe; bishops; books; c3940; christian; church; early; english; god; john; rom; text; tim; wing cache: A32888.xml plain text: A32888.txt item: #5 of 18 id: A35728 author: Dering, Edward, Sir, 1598-1644. title: A consideration and a resolvtion first concerning the right of the laity in nationall councels : secondly concerning the power of bishops in affaires secular : prepared for the honourable House of Parliament / by Sr. E.D. ... date: 1641.0 words: 7552 flesch: 69 summary: This is enough alone , yet for a further interpretation of {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} looke in ( 1. 28. Genesis ) where God giveth unto man in the time of mans innocency , the rule and dominion over all his creatures , even whilest they all were ( Gen. 1. 31. ) very good . A new one you have not , and the old one is not to be had but by {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . keywords: acts; answer; apostles; argument; authority; bee; bishops; brethren; canons; church; clergie; clergy; consideration; convocation; councell; doe; dominion; doth; election; exercise; god; hath; hee; holy; house; iohn; kingdome; laity; law; looke; lord; luke; master; mat; meeting; men; multitude; nationall; new; non; owne; parliament; pope; power; present; reason; right; roman; saint; saviour; second; sence; synod; temporall; text; time; title; true; unlesse; verse; want; word cache: A35728.xml plain text: A35728.txt item: #6 of 18 id: A36241 author: Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711. title: A defence of the vindication of the deprived bishops wherein the case of Abiathar is particularly considered, and the invalidity of lay-deprivations is further proved, from the doctrine received under the Old Testament, continued in the first ages of christianity, and from our own fundamental laws, in a reply to Dr. Hody and another author : to which is annexed, the doctrine of the church of England, concerning the independency of the clergy on the lay-power, as to those rights of theirs which are purely spiritual, reconciled with our oath of supremancy, and the lay-deprivations of the popish bishops in the beginning of the reformation / by the author of the Vindication of the deprived bishops. date: 1695.0 words: 57466 flesch: 64 summary: How is this reconcilable with what he says elsewhere , that the Posterity of Phineas did * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , were private Persons till this restitution of the Priesthood by Solomon , to the Family of Phineas , at the Expulsion of Abiathar ? where he compares our drinking the Cup of the LORD , with drinking the Cup of Devils ; and our Partaking of the LORDS Table with partaking of the Tables of Devils v. 21. and our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with Christ v. 16. with a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with Devils , v. 20. keywords: a36241; aaron; abiathar; able; account; adversaries; age; ages; agreeable; altar; answer; apostles; apostolical; appear; argument; authority; authorized; benefits; better; bishops; body; book; brethren; calls; care; case; catholick; certain; cession; christian; church; churches; circumstances; civil; clear; clergy; common; communion; competent; compliance; concerned; confined; conscience; consent; consequence; consideration; constitution; contract; contrary; correspondence; covenant; cyprian; david; deprivation; deprived; design; discharge; districts; div; divine; doctor; doctrine; doubt; duties; duty; ecclesiastical; encroachments; england; episcopal; evil; examples; exercise; facts; family; far; fathers; favour; follow; force; function; future; general; god; good; gospel; government; governours; greater; greatest; guilty; henry; high; high priest; holy; hood; hope; implicite; instances; interests; intruders; invalid; invalidity; ithamar; jewish; jews; judge; jurisdiction; kind; king; laity; laws; lay; leave; legal; liberties; liberty; life; like; likely; little; long; lord; magistrate; manifest; matter; means; mind; ministry; nation; nature; nay; necessary; new; noble; notes; oaths; obedience; obligation; obliged; obliging; occasion; office; old; opinion; order; particular; peculium; persecution; persons; phineas; place; pleased; pleasure; possession; possible; posterity; power; practice; precedents; present; pretence; pretended; priest; priest hood; priesthood; primitive; prince; principal; principles; private; proper; publick; purpose; question; reason; reasoning; regard; relation; religion; requisite; right; sacerdotal; sacred; sacrifices; sam; schism; schismatical; second; secular; secure; securing; security; self; sense; shew; sinful; societies; society; solomon; spiritual; state; subjects; submission; sufficient; supream; synods; tcp; temple; temporal; terms; text; things; time; title; true; trust; unjust; use; vii; viii; vindicator; violence; visible; way; whatsoever; words; world; worthy; zadok cache: A36241.xml plain text: A36241.txt item: #7 of 18 id: A36263 author: Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711. title: A vindication of the deprived Bishops, asserting their spiritual rights against a lay-deprivation, against the charge of schism, as managed by the late editors of an anonymous Baroccian ms in two parts ... to which is subjoined the latter end of the said ms. omitted by the editors, making against them and the cause espoused by them, in Greek and English. date: 1692.0 words: 60530 flesch: 58 summary: With the help of this information , we may possibly gather a more distinct account out of our Manuscript Catalogue of Nicephorus , which had otherwise not been so easily intelligible , that it was not two full years ; for so Nicephorus in his Catalogue has it , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , — the number of the months and days are wanting which must have made up near another year . He has observed farther , That in the Service of these Churches there were Bodies of these Rhetors , and among them one who presided over the rest , as Samuel over the Prophets , called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Magister , ( as that Name was in those Ages applied to Presidents of the Palatine Offices also , ) and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , answerable also to the Secular Campidoctores in Vegetius , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: acacius; account; acts; adversaries; affairs; age; ages; agreeable; anastasius; anatolius; antioch; argument; arsenians; arsenius; athanasius; author; authority; beginning; better; bishops; body; breach; brethren; canons; case; catalogue; catholick; catholick church; censures; certain; cession; chalcedon; charge; chrysostome; church; churches; clear; clergy; collection; communicatory; communion; concerned; conscience; consecration; consent; consequence; constantine; constantinople; contrary; council; cyprian; cyril; day; death; deprivation; deprived; design; different; dioceses; discipline; discourse; dispute; distinct; districts; divided; doctrine; doubt; duty; dyptichs; eastern; ecclesiastical; editors; elder; elias; emperor; english; epistle; eutychius; evidence; examples; excuse; express; extant; fact; faith; farther; fathers; favour; fit; flavianus; follow; force; form; fundamental; general; germanus; god; good; great; greater; greek; heresie; hereticks; history; hody; holy; ignatius; instances; interest; intruders; jerusalem; john; joseph; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; justifie; justinian; laity; later; latines; lay; legates; leo; letters; liberty; life; like; likelihood; likely; little; living; long; macedonius; magistrate; making; matter; maximus; means; meletius; memory; men; mention; michael; monks; names; nay; necessary; need; new; nicephorus; nicetas; nicholas; notorious; novatian; number; obligation; oblige; obliging; occasion; office; old; onely; opinions; opposition; orders; original; orthodox; particular; parties; party; pass; patriarch; people; persons; photius; place; plain; pleased; pope; possession; power; practice; precedents; presbyters; present; presume; pretence; pretend; pretended; principal; principles; private; proper; publick; purpose; question; reason; reasoning; received; regard; reign; religion; return; rhetor; right; sacerdotal; said; schism; schismatical; second; secular; self; sense; sentence; separate; separation; set; society; spiritual; state; subjects; successor; sufficient; supposed; synod; synodical; synodicon; tcp; testimony; text; theodosius; theophanes; things; thought; throne; time; timotheus; title; tomus; true; use; validity; vnion; vnionis; way; withall; words; world; worldly; year; ● ● cache: A36263.xml plain text: A36263.txt item: #8 of 18 id: A39933 author: Ford, Thomas, 1598-1674. title: Felo de se, or, The bishops condemned out of their own mouthes confessing their politick devices, and unjust practices, to settle and maintain their lordly dignities, and private interests, to the impoverishing and ruine of the nations wherein such idle and unprofitable drones are suffered to domineer : in a familiar discourse between the said bishops and their tenants, begun in 1660, the year of their unhappy resurrection, and continued to this present year 1668 : published for information of the people, who groan to be delivered from that yoke of bondage, which neither they nor their fathers were able to bear / by a mourner for the poor nations ... date: 1668.0 words: 23563 flesch: 56 summary: But they are all mistaken in us , for whatever some do think of us , we are the most dirtiest fellows in the world , & are employed in and about the vilest work , ( as you know Scullions work is so : ) for God being offended with his golden Vessels , who while we lay among the Pots , grew very rusty , and almost overspread with canker and filthiness ; and he having occasion to make use of the worst and vilest of men , was pleased to call us out of our Dens , and Styes , and bid us go to Skullions-Scouring-work , and therefore gave us spirits and opportunities accordingly , to get Horns and Courts , Powers and Faculties , whereby to do the said work : in and about which work we have been exercising our selves to the utmost of our Power , and have scoured the flesh from the bones of some ; the nearest relations from each other : Estates from some , and Liberty from others : Some we have cursed as black as soot , and then have rub'd them so hard , untill we have separated their Souls from their Bodies , so that you see we are not erected in vain , we are of good use , and we fear we shall be rewarded accordingly . Thirdly , We are set up and used , to confirm the blessed Truths and Wayes of God , which his People espoused and professed , which once cost them but little or nothing : We mean , that by our wicked persecuting , and superstitious spirits and hands , God hath called forth many , both to bear clearer testimonies , and to seal them by their hardships , and sufferings , from and by us , whereby the holy Truths and Wayes of God appear to be real and excellent things indeed ; their suffering for , and sealing Truths and Practices , do greatly commend them to all men , and lay convictions upon them , that they are serious and weighty matters , and so thereby draw the eyes and hearts of persons towards them , causing such as accounted them but the meer fancies and conceits of a few precise persons , to believe them to be choice matters , and worthy of all acceptation , and perswading them that they ought to be embraced , and practised with all confidence and readiness , and at last to set to their seals , that they are most glorious Truths and Wayes , that they need not be ashamed of them , but own and profess them with all boldness ; and also our Lyes and Vanities , which we call Religion , and with which for a time , we corrupted the minds of men , to lose their place and interest in mens hearts . keywords: able; account; answer; asses; authority; bad; beasts; bellies; best; better; bishopricks; bishops; black; blood; bodies; canonical; care; cause; children; christ; church; churches; company; consciences; courts; creatures; cry; day; designs; devices; dignities; doors; doth; earthly; eebo; endeavour; ends; english; enjoyn; estates; evil; eyes; fathers; fear; flocks; garments; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; great; hands; hard; hath; hearts; heaven; hell; help; high; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; idle; interests; jesus; kingdom; land; laws; light; like; little; long; lord; lordly; lordships; love; man; matters; means; men; ministers; money; mouthes; names; nations; need; open; orders; oyl; pastors; people; persecuting; persons; poor; power; practices; prelatical; present; pride; rejoyce; religion; rents; rome; romish; ruine; rulers; sacred; said; satisfied; scripture; selves; service; set; sin; souls; spirits; spiritual; state; subjects; tcp; tenants; text; things; thousands; time; titles; trouble; true; truth; use; way; wayes; wickedness; wise; work; world; worship; worthy; yea; year cache: A39933.xml plain text: A39933.txt item: #9 of 18 id: A41549 author: Gordon, James, Pastor of Banchory-Devenick. title: The reformed bishop, or, XIX articles tendered by Philarchaiesa, well-wisher of the present government of the Church of Scotland, as it is settled by law, in order to the further establishment thereof. date: 1679.0 words: 58160 flesch: 63 summary: Gujus ha●c sunt formalia Verba ; Cleri●us qui Adulation● . & Pr●ditio●ibus , vacare deprehenditur . And when they are called by their Prince , to give their Advice in the Supreme Councel of the Nation ; let them not be m●er Pedarii Senatores , or the insignificant E●●oes of some leading Secular Subject ; but , with a Christian Freedom of Spirit , ( as having Dependance upon none , save God , and his Vice-gerent upon Earth : ) let them give their Judgments impartially , according to their Consciences ; eying singly in all their Consultations and Suffrages , the Glory of God , and the Good both of Church and State. keywords: 6th; account; accounted; acts; address; admirable; advice; affairs; agathens; age; alexander; alexandria; almighty; altar; alwayes; ambrose; ancient; ancient church; anniversary; answer; anti; antioch; antiquity; apology; apostles; apostolick; apt; arms; arrians; article; arts; asia; athanasius; augustine; aurelianens; autem; authority; barbarous; base; basil; bernard; best; better; betwixt; bishops; blessed; blessing; blind; blondel; blood; body; books; brethren; brief; brother; burden; caesar; calling; calvin; canons; cap; cardinal; care; carthaginens; catholick; catholick church; cause; celebrated; censures; centuries; ceremony; certain; chapter; character; charge; charitable; charity; children; chor; christian; christian church; christum; chrysostom; church; churches; city; civil; clemens; clergy; clericorum; clero; command; commendable; comment; common; communion; concerned; concerns; concil; concilii; confirmation; conformity; conjuncture; conscience; consent; consideration; consonant; constantine; constantinople; contempt; contrary; conversation; councel; countenance; country; course; court; creation; creatures; crime; criminal; cruel; cum; cura; cyprian; dangerous; day; dayes; deacons; death; decretum; degree; delinquents; demonstration; deo; deportment; descent; design; design'd; desire; despicable; determined; detestable; deum; devotion; die; difference; dignity; diocess; direct; disciples; discipline; dist; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; doth; duties; duty; dying; early; earth; easter; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; education; eebo; effect; ejus; ejusdem; elder; election; elements; eminent; emperour; employment; end; endeavour; ends; enemies; english; enim; envy; episcopal; episcopi; episcopus; epist; epistle; equal; est; establishment; etiam; eucharist; evidence; evident; exact; example; excellent; execution; exercise; expedient; expression; eyes; face; faculty; faith; fall; families; family; famous; fanaticks; fasting; fate; fathers; favour; fear; feast; fifth; fine; fire; fit; flesh; folly; form; formalia; foundation; fourth; france; free; french; fuit; function; general; generous; gentlemen; germany; glorious; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; government; governours; grace; gracious; gratian; great; greater; greatest; greek; greg; gregorie; gregory; ground; habit; haec; half; hand; hath; heads; heart; heathen; heaven; heb; hellish; henry; hereticks; hic; hierom; hieronym; high; historian; history; holy; hom; home; honest; honorius; honour; honourable; hope; house; humble; humility; idem; iesus; ignorant; image; imaginable; imagine; imitation; imperial; inferiour; ingenuous; innocent; insolent; instances; interest; internal; iohn; isa; issue; item; joyn; judge; judgment; judicious; jure; justice; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; land; later; latin; law; lawful; laws; learned; learning; leave; length; leo; lesser; lewis; lib; lieu; life; like; lines; little; liturgy; live; living; long; lord; love; magistrate; majesty; malice; man; martyr; masters; matter; maxim; mean; men; mention; method; mind; ministers; money; moral; mortification; mother; mouth; names; national church; nativity; natural; nature; nazianz; nec; necessary; necessity; needs; neo; nepotian; new; nice; nisi; noble; non; notable; notice; notion; nullus; number; oath; object; observable; observation; observed; occasion; odious; office; old; omnia; ones; opinion; order; ordinary; ordination; organical; origen; orthodox; parallel; parents; particular; passion; pastor; patience; patriarch; pattern; paul; people; peradventure; perfect; period; persons; pet; philosophy; physical; piety; pious; pitiful; place; platform; pleased; poet; point; policy; poor; pope; possession; posture; potest; power; practice; prayer; preaching; precious; prelate; presbyterian; presbyters; present; pretended; pride; priest; primitive church; prince; principal; principles; private; privilege; probable; professours; proper; providence; provincial; prudence; prudent; publick; purpose; quae; quality; quem; qui; quia; quid; quini; quod; quàm; reader; ready; real; reason; reference; regard; regret; religion; reproach; reputation; respect; respective; return; rich; right; rise; roman; roman church; rome; royal; run; sacred; sad; said; saviour; saying; scandal; scandalous; scarce; scotland; second; secular; sed; seditious; self; selves; semper; sence; seneca; sentence; sentiment; servant; service; set; sexta; shadow; sibi; simony; simple; sit; sixth; small; sober; solemn; solid; soul; special; spirit; spiritual; state; study; subject; subjoyn; sufficient; sunt; superiour; supreme; sure; sword; synod; tcp; tei; temporal; temptation; tender; tertullian; testimonies; testimony; text; theodosius; thereunto; things; thought; time; tit; title; toletan; treatise; true; truth; turonens; understanding; unhappy; uniformity; universal; universities; university; unworthy; use; useful; usual; vacant; vain; vanity; vel; verba; vertue; vid; violent; vita; viz; voice; want; war; way; week; whereof; wherewith; whosoever; wisdom; wise; wish; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; worthy; xix; yea; years; young; younger; zeal; zealous; ● ● cache: A41549.xml plain text: A41549.txt item: #10 of 18 id: A44208 author: Holles, Denzil Holles, Baron, 1599-1680. title: Densell Hollis Esquire, his worthy and learned speech in Parliament on Thnrfeday [sic] the thirtieth of December 1641 vpon the reading of the petition and protestation of the twelve bishoppes, for which they were accused of high treason, and committed to the Tower : wherein is discovered the danger of this protestation, that it is both against the King and his royall prerogatives, the priviledges of Parliaments, the liberties of the subject, and the subvertion of the fundamental lawes of this kingdome. date: 1641.0 words: 1917 flesch: 48 summary: Densell Hollis Esquire, his worthy and learned speech in Parliament on Thnrfeday [sic] the thirtieth of December 1641 vpon the reading of the petition and protestation of the twelve bishoppes, for which they were accused of high treason, and committed to the Tower : wherein is discovered the danger of this protestation, that it is both against the King and his royall prerogatives, the priviledges of Parliaments, the liberties of the subject, and the subvertion of the fundamental lawes of this kingdome. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 567:9) Densell Hollis Esquire, his worthy and learned speech in Parliament on Thnrfeday [sic] the thirtieth of December 1641 vpon the reading of the petition and protestation of the twelve bishoppes, for which they were accused of high treason, and committed to the Tower : wherein is discovered the danger of this protestation, that it is both against the King and his royall prerogatives, the priviledges of Parliaments, the liberties of the subject, and the subvertion of the fundamental lawes of this kingdome. keywords: a44208; bishops; church; dangerous; december; densell; english; esquire; god; great; high; holles; kingdome; lawes; master; parliament; petition; protestation; reading; speaker; speech; state; text; thirtieth; tower; treason; worthy cache: A44208.xml plain text: A44208.txt item: #11 of 18 id: A45301 author: E. I. title: A letter sent to an honourable gentleman in way of satisfaction concerning some slanderous reports lately raised against the bishops and the rest of the clergie of this kingdome. date: 1641.0 words: 1389 flesch: 60 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A45301 of text R14131 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing H392). no A letter sent to an honourable gentleman, in way of satisfaction, concerning some slanderous reports lately raised against the bishops, and Hall, Joseph 1641 1069 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 B The rate of 9 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a45301; bishops; books; early; english; gentleman; god; good; hall; honourable; joseph; kingdome; letter; persons; reports; satisfaction; slanderous; text; way; world cache: A45301.xml plain text: A45301.txt item: #12 of 18 id: A45581 author: Chetwynd, John, 1623-1692. title: A briefe view of the state of the Church of England as it stood in Q. Elizabeths and King James his reigne, to the yeere 1608 being a character and history of the bishops of those times ... / written ... by Sir John Harington ..., Knight. date: 1653.0 words: 43245 flesch: 55 summary: that King who held that Prophetick Axiom as a sure truth , and we see it fulfilled , No Bishop , No King . Upon the decease of Arch-bishop Grindall , the State desirous , to have a learned and discreet person , in so eminent a place ; and the Queen resolved to admit none , but a single man ; choyce was made of Doctor Whiteguist , then Bishop of Worcester , a man in many respects very happy , and in the best Judgements very worthy . keywords: accident; adde; againe; age; ancient; answered; antiquity; arch; archbishop; auditory; author; authority; bad; barlow; bath; beginning; beloved; bene; best; better; birth; bishop; bishoprick; black; blessing; blind; bold; book; bristoll; brother; cambridge; canterbury; care; castle; catalogue; cause; certain; chamber; charge; charity; chichester; children; choyce; christ; church; churches; city; clergy; comfort; commendation; comming; common; company; conquest; conscience; content; contrary; cooper; councel; countenance; country; courage; course; court; courtier; coventry; credit; crowne; cum; dangerous; daughter; davids; day; dayes; dead; dean; death; devotion; die; diocesse; discourse; disposition; divers; divinity; doctor; doe; doth; doubt; durham; earle; earth; effect; eighth; elizabeth; enemy; england; english; envy; epitaph; ergo; esteemed; excellent; eyes; fall; fame; famous; farre; fashion; fast; fathers; fault; favour; feare; finding; fit; fletcher; fortunate; fortune; fox; foxes; free; friend; fuit; gardiner; generall; gentleman; glad; gloucester; god; gods; goe; good; good bishop; goodly; grace; gravity; great; greater; greatest; haec; half; hand; happy; hard; harington; hast; hath; head; hearing; heart; hee; hell; help; henry; hic; highnesse; himselfe; hoc; hold; holy; honest; honourable; honoured; hope; hospitality; house; howbeit; ill; images; ireland; james; john; joy; judgement; justice; kind; king; knight; knowes; knowledge; known; labour; ladiships; lady; large; late; latine; lawfull; lay; lead; learned; learning; lesse; life; like; lincoln; little; lives; living; london; long; longer; lord; love; majesties; majesty; man; manner; mans; marriage; married; martin; mary; matter; matthew; mean; memory; men; mens; mercy; merit; mind; misfortune; money; namque; nature; nec; need; new; noble; non; note; notwithstanding; occasion; oft; old; olive; omit; onely; opinion; owne; oxford; page; pardon; parliament; partiall; particular; passe; past; paul; pen; people; perfect; physick; place; plaine; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; poetry; poets; poor; praise; pray; preacher; preaching; predecessor; prelate; present; present bishop; pretty; priest; prince; private; promise; publique; pulpit; puritans; purpose; quality; quam; queen; question; qui; quod; reading; ready; reason; regi; relation; religion; remembring; remove; report; reputation; respect; respected; rest; reverence; reverent; rich; right; robert; roman; rule; sacriledge; said; saint; saith; sake; salisbury; saying; scandall; scarce; scholler; sea; seat; second; sed; sermon; service; set; sharp; shewed; showe; sic; sine; sir; small; sonne; sort; souldiers; speake; speciall; speech; spirit; spirituall; spring; state; stay; stone; story; stout; straight; successor; sudden; sufficiency; supply; sure; table; tamen; temporall; testament; text; thereof; things; thoby; thomas; thought; time; title; touch; treatise; true; truth; twice; university; vacant; vaughan; verse; vertue; view; vision; vita; viz; want; way; wealth; wells; wickham; wife; william; winchester; window; wise; wit; worcester; word; work; worse; worthy; write; writing; wrong; years; yeeres; york; young; younger cache: A45581.xml plain text: A45581.txt item: #13 of 18 id: A49701 author: Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555. title: The preaching bishop reproving unpreaching prelates Being a brief, but faithful collection of observeable passages, in several sermons preached by the reverend father in God, Mr Hugh Latimer, Bish. of Worcester, (one of our first reformers, and a glorious martyr of Jesus Christ) before K. Edw. the sixth; before the convocation of the clergy, and before the citizens of London, at Pauls. Wherein, many things, relating to the honour and happiness of the king (our most gracious soveraign) the honourable lords, the reverend judges, the citizens of London, and commons of all sorts, but especially, the bishops and clergy are most plainly, piously and pithily represented. date: 1661.0 words: 23413 flesch: 74 summary: Thus men serve the Devil , for God is not thus served , albeit ye say ye serve God ; no the Devil hath more service done unto him in one Holy-day then on many working dayes ; let all these abuses be counted as nothing , who is he that is not sorry to see in so many Holy-dayes rich and wealthy Persons to flow in delicates , and men that live by their travel , poor men to lack necessary meat and drink for their Wives and Children , and that they cannot labour upon the Holy-dayes , except they will be cited , and brought before our Officials . Where the Devil is resident , that he may prevail , up with all Superstition and Idolatry , Censing , Painting of Images , Candles , Palms , Ashes , Holy water , and new Service of mens devising , as though men could invent a better way to honour God with , than God himself hath appointed . keywords: a49701; abuse; answer; bene; best; better; beware; bishop; blanchers; book; brethren; brother; busie; business; case; certain; characters; charge; children; christ; church; chuse; citizens; clean; clergy; cometh; common; company; contrary; convocation; counsel; country; court; cure; darkness; day; dayes; desire; devil; diligent; doctrine; doth; duty; early; ecclesiae; edward; eebo; england; english; enim; esse; est; eyes; faithful; father; fault; fear; fellow; flock; fruit; gentleman; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; good king; gospel; grace; great; hand; hast; hath; hearts; heavy; hell; holy; home; honour; honourable; hope; horses; house; hugh; idle; idolatry; images; judges; king; kingdom; knowledge; labour; lack; lady; latimer; law; learning; life; light; like; little; live; living; london; long; lord; lording; lordships; love; majesty; man; manner; martyr; marvel; matter; meat; meet; men; mens; merry; ministers; moses; nay; nebo; necessary; new; noble; non; note; office; old; omnes; opes; order; oxford; parish; paul; people; persons; place; plough; plow; policy; poor; preacher; preaching; prelacy; prelates; priest; profit; quae; quam; qui; quod; quomodo; realm; reformation; religion; repent; reverend; rich; robin; rome; rule; saith; sake; salvation; saying; school; scripture; second; sed; sedition; self; sentence; sermon; serve; set; shame; shew; sins; sir; sixth; souls; spiritual; state; strange; study; subjects; sunt; superstition; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; time; title; trouble; true; visitation; vvill; vvith; way; wife; worcester; words; work; world; worldly; worthy; yea; year; zeal cache: A49701.xml plain text: A49701.txt item: #14 of 18 id: A56148 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: A catalogue of such testimonies in all ages as plainly evidence bishops and presbyters to be both one, equall and the same ... with a briefe answer to the objections out of antiquity, that seeme to the contrary. date: 1641.0 words: 24149 flesch: 75 summary: The Patents of 31 H , 8 , pars 4. to enable Bishops to consecrate Churches , Chappels , and Church-yards with the Kings License first obtained of 36 H. 8 pars 13. to Robert Holga●e Arch-Bishop of Yorke , to enable and authorize him to keep a Metropolicall visitation , the Patents for the creation of the Bisho●rick● of Oxford , Glocester , Bristol , Peter●●roug● , and VVestminster , An. 34 , & 35 , H , ● , the Patents of Miles Goverdake , Bishop of Exeter , Iohn Povet once Bishop of VVinchester , and Iohn Story Bishop of Rochester , 5 , E. 6 , pars Prima , and of all the other Bishops made in his Raigne , by vertue of the Statute , of 1 E. 6 , c , 2. wiih all the High-Commission Patents grounded on 1 Eliz , c. 1. all which expresly resolves , That all manner of Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction , wherby Bishops are extinguished from , and elivated above ordinary Ministers , is wholy vested in , and for ever , inseperably united and annexed to the imperiall Crowne of this Realme : that our Arch-Bishops , Bishops , Arch-Deacons● and other ●cclesi●sticall Persons have no manner of jurisdiction Ecclesiasticall , but only by , under , and from the Kings Majesty , that they ought to have the jurisdiction delegated and devided to thē by speciall Letters Patents and Commissions under the Kings great Seale to execute the same , not in their owne names and right , but only Nomin● vice , Authoritate nostris Regijs ( as King Edwards , Patents run ) in the Kings owne name right and Authority , as his Officers and subs●itutes , making out all their Proces , Citations , Excommunications , Commissions o● Administration , Probate of wills , and writs of Iur● Patron●●us &c : in the Kings name only , and under his Seale of Armes , not their owne under paine of imprisonment and a premunire ; for the neglect and wilfull contempt whereof all our Bishops and their Officers have encurred severall Premunires to the forfiture of all their temporalities , goods , estates , and liberties to his Majesty , who may much enrich his Exchequer thereby . Tit. 2. de Ordinie c : 4 5. * See C●●su●●a u●ta●tis Pa●●●ien●is 〈◊〉 16.31 . keywords: acts; aerius; af ●; againe; ages; al ●; ancient; anno; answer; anti; antichristian; antiquity; apostles; apud; arch; archbishopricke; archbishops; assertion; aswell; authorities; authority; authors; b ●; bee; bi ●; bibl; bis ●; bish ●; bishopricke; bishops; books; brethren; brit; c ●; c. 1; c. 2; canterbury; cap; catalogue; censure; certaine; ch ●; charge; christ; christian; church; churches; co ●; col; com; command; common; con ●; confesse; continued; contr ●; contrary; convocation; councel; created; crespin; dayes; deacon; death; defence; devill; di ●; dignity; diocesan; distinct; divine; divis; doctor; doctrine; doth; eccles; ecclesia; edward; elders; eliz; england; english; epiphanius; episcopall; epist; epistle; equall; error; evidence; false; fathers; fol; forraigne; foundation; fox; g ●; generall; god; godly; gods; godwin; good; great; h ●; hands; hath; hee; henry; heresie; hierarchie; hierome; high; himselfe; history; house; humane; humility; ibid; ignatius; institution; io ●; iohn; ireland; jurisdiction; king; kingdome; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; la ●; large; law; laws; lay; learned; liberty; life; like; london; long; lord; lordly; ma ●; man; manner; martyr; master; matth; meere; minis ●; ministers; monster; monuments; necessary; new; nicholas; notes; o ●; office; opinion; ordained; order; ordination; ordinis; owne; oxford; p ●; pa ●; parity; parliament; pars; particular; patents; paul; people; persons; pet; peter; phil; pi ●; place; po ●; point; pon ●; poore; pope; popish; power; pr ●; prelates; presbyters; presence; present; pride; priests; primitive; princes; prynne; read; reason; religion; ri ●; richard; right; ro ●; robert; rome; romish; sa ●; saint; saith; scotland; scripture; sea; second; sect; sermon; si ●; sinne; soules; speciall; sqvadron; state; statute; stead; subject; superior; superiority; support; synod; te ●; temporalities; temporall; testimonies; testium; text; th ●; thē; thomas; ti ●; tim; time; timothy; tit; title; titus; tom; treatise; trent; true; truth; tyranny; u ●; vacant; veritatis; void; vv ●; vvilliam; whatsoever; william; wit; words; world; worthy; writers; ye ●; yea ●; yeares; ● age; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● ee; ● en; ● er; ● es; ● ge; ● hem; ● hn; ● il; ● ing; ● ion; ● ione; ● ishop; ● ity; ● ius; ● l; ● ll; ● m; ● men; ● n; ● ne; ● nsis; ● ol; ● om; ● op; ● ope; ● ops; ● ord; ● r; ● res; ● rs; ● ry; ● s; ● shops; ● st; ● t; ● ter; ● ull; ● ut; ● w; ● y; ● ● cache: A56148.xml plain text: A56148.txt item: #15 of 18 id: A78150 author: Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687. title: A grateful mention of deceased bishops date: 1686.0 words: 1805 flesch: 71 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: available; bishops; books; characters; charles; creation; deceased; early; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; english; good; grateful; great; image; james; john; kings; lincoln; mention; online; oxford; partnership; phase; primate; project; sarum; tcp; tei; text; works; xml; york cache: A78150.xml plain text: A78150.txt item: #16 of 18 id: A80298 author: Compton, Henry, 1632-1713. title: Henry, Lord Bishop of London, and Peter Birch, Doctor of Divinity, plaintiffs The King and Queen's Majesties, defendants. In a writ of error in Parliament brought by the plaintiffs upon a judgment in a quare impedit given for Their Majesties in the Court of King's Bench by the uniform opinion of the whole court, for the presentation to the rectory of St. James's in the liberty of Westminster, vacant by the promotion of Dr. Tennison to the Bishoprick of Lincoln. date: None words: 2772 flesch: 58 summary: In a writ of error in Parliament brought by the plaintiffs upon a judgment in a quare impedit given for Their Majesties in the Court of King's Bench by the uniform opinion of the whole court, for the presentation to the rectory of St. James's in the liberty of Westminster, vacant by the promotion of Dr. Tennison to the Bishoprick of Lincoln. In a writ of error in Parliament brought by the plaintiffs upon a judgment in a quare impedit given for Their Majesties in the Court of King's Bench by the uniform opinion of the whole court, for the presentation to the rectory of St. James's in the liberty of Westminster, vacant by the promotion of Dr. Tennison to the Bishoprick of Lincoln. keywords: act; bishop; books; case; court; crown; dispensation; eebo; english; hath; henry; james; judgment; king; law; london; lord; majesties; parliament; plaintiffs; prerogative; promotion; rectory; right; tcp; tennison; text cache: A80298.xml plain text: A80298.txt item: #17 of 18 id: A83813 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. title: Reasons of the House of Commons why Bishops ought not to have votes in Parliament. date: 1641.0 words: 814 flesch: 68 summary: Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 245:669f3[3]) Reasons of the House of Commons why Bishops ought not to have votes in Parliament. England and Wales. Reasons of the House of Commons why Bishops ought not to have votes in Parliament. keywords: a83813; bishops; commons; early; england; english; house; online; parliament; reasons; text; thomason; votes; wales cache: A83813.xml plain text: A83813.txt item: #18 of 18 id: A95750 author: James I, King of England, 1566-1625. title: A nevv discovery of old pontificall practises for the maintenance of the prelates authority and hierarchy. Evinced by their tyranicall persecution of that reverend, learned, pious, and worthy minister in Jesus Christ, Mr. John Udall, in the raigne of Queene Elizabeth. To give satisfaction to all those that blindely endeavour to uphold episcopall government, that their lordly rule in the purest times of the said queene, is the very same with that they have exercised ever since, even to these times. Together with the prelates devises to make him submit, and to subscribe to submissions of their own contriving and invention. And also King James his letter out of Scotland to the queene, in the behalfe of Mr. Vdall and all other persecuted ministers in her realme. date: 1643.0 words: 27404 flesch: 71 summary: SIR Walter Rawleigh willed me to let you understand , that her Majestie is informed of you , that you hold that the Church of England is no Church , and the Sacraments of the same , no Sacraments , and that all her Ecclesiast●●●●●●ws are against the word of God , and so her government , and that all Ecclesiasticall matters ought to be governed by a Presbytery , and shee her selfe to be subject to the censures thereof . Baron Clarke and Serjeant Puckering , that because the Booke of Demonstration of Discipline , whereof he was supposed the Author , and for which he was then Indited , was against the Bishops that exercised the Government appointed them by the Queene , therefore by consequent it was against her Royall Person ; and because that he strove against the Prelates , who were put in Authority by the Queene , therefore he did strive against her , which was contrary to the Maxime of Law , That no penall or criminall Statute which concerneth a mans life , ought to ●e extended beyond the power of naturall words of the same ( such an awing power have the Bishops alwaies carried over the Laws , Judges and Lawyers , as to over-rule them all , and to make them sing ●lacebo ) and then the said Judges directed the Jury to finde him the Author of that Booke , without legall proofe , and to leave the Felony to them , which they said , was resolved by all the Judges of the Land , and the Jury for feare complying with them , found him guilty of Felony , being drawn thereunto by a promise , that it should be no further danger unto him but tend to his good ; for which afterwards , they were exceedingly grieved and troubled . keywords: againe; ander; answer; assises; author; authority; bee; bin; bishops; booke; buck; cause; certaine; christ; christian; church; clarke; compasse; confesse; conscience; councell; course; court; daulton; day; death; demonstration; desire; discipline; doe; doth; effect; end; excellent; favour; felony; forme; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; government; gracious; great; guilty; hand; hath; heare; hee; highnesse; himselfe; honour; hope; house; intent; iohn; iud; iudg; iury; judgement; judges; king; land; law; laws; learned; leave; let; letter; liberty; life; like; lord; lordships; majesties; majesty; making; manner; matter; meanes; meaning; mee; men; mercy; minister; nay; oath; onely; pardon; particular; people; person; place; point; proofe; puck; purpose; queene; question; read; reason; roch; said; second; selfe; sentence; set; shew; sorry; speake; speeches; state; statute; subject; submission; sufficient; tell; testimony; text; thereunto; things; thou; thought; time; true; trust; truth; vda; vdall; verdict; way; whereof; witnesses; word; worthy; writing; yea; yeeld; ● ● cache: A95750.xml plain text: A95750.txt