item: #1 of 7 id: A01239 author: Bohemia (Kingdom). Sovereign (1619-1620 : Frederick I) title: A proclamation made by the high and mighty Fredericke by the grace of God King of Bohemia, &c. Commanding all those his subiects which are now in the seruice of his majesties enemies, to repaire home within the space of 14. dayes, vpon paine of his highnes displeasure, and confiscation of goods and lands. Translated out of the Dutch coppie. date: 1620 words: 2457 flesch: 49 summary: And although wee haue already agreed and taken order with our aforesaid obedient Estares , in what manner , by their helpe , counsaile and assistance , the Hostile dealing and vnchristianlike wronges might bee auerted , and redressed , further resting in this confident hope , that none either of high or low estate or degree , being allyed vnto vs and our Crowne of Bohemia , either holding of vs in Fee , or by Oath of Allegiance , will in any wise , vnder any colour or intent whatsoeuer , hinder this our forcible defence and lawfull Action , nor yet attempt to inuade or oppresse vs and the Crowne of Bohemia with the incorporate Countries thereon depending , nor enter into the same by force of Warre and open hostility , especially if hee will but vouchsafe to ponder and consider the causes at large set foorth in our Deduction not long since Published : Notwithstanding wee haue thought it conuenient to send forth this our friendly warning and admonition , as also our strict Commaund and inhibition , ( moued thereunto , aswell by the Counsaile and aduise , as by the most humble and instant request of our obedient Estates : ) hereby friendly requiring and admonishing all and euery person and subiect of our said Crowne of Bohemia , and strictly Commaunding by vertue of our Royall Authority and Superiority as the Liedge & Soueraigne Lord vpon that fealty , and Allegiance whereby they are bound vnto Vs and our Crowne of Bohemia , and the penalties and feodarie Ordinances therein made , that none of them of what Dignity , estate or Degree soeuer they bee , shall take part in any thing whatsoeuer with the Intimated aduersaries , against vs and the generall Estates of our Crowne of Bohemia , and the Countries appertaining thereunto , neither yet to ayde or assist them by any meanes with Men , money , Ordinance , Munition , Victuall , Intelligence , reliefe , or any other way that may be done , practised or sinisterly deuised . Wee likewise hereby admonish and recall all and euery Captaine , Officer and common Soldier , Subiects vnto vs and the said Crowne of Bohemia , mediately or immediately by fealty , Oath and seruice , or that haue and possesse any Territories , Lands , reuenues or goods either in Bohemia , or in the Fees thereon depending , bee it in any Citties , Townes , Castles , places or grounds , and are now in the pay and seruice of our aduersaries , or their ayders and Assistants in this Warre against vs and the Crowne of Bohemia , and vnder the aforesaid Penalties , most earnestly and strictly charge them , within the space of Fourteene dayes next and imediately following vpon this our Royall insinuation , and Mandate , signified and made knowne vnto them , to leaue , forsake , and abandon the said seruice and pay , of our Aduersaries , ( any Oath , promise , or Allyance by the which they are bound either vnto them or their ayders & dependants notwithstanding ) hereby promising all security for Vs , and our Crowne vnto him , them , or any of them , that within the time herein limited , shall fully performe and obserue this our will and desire , and to the contrary continuing therein , certainly and fully purposing Irreuocably and without any restitution to proceed against them ( according to the afore mentioned and menaced feodarie Penalties ) that refuse to imbrace this our gracious offer , Pardon and beneuolence , and goe on in their premeditated intents and purposes . keywords: bohemia; countries; crowne; haue; tcp; text cache: A01239.xml plain text: A01239.txt item: #2 of 7 id: A02728 author: Harrison, John, fl. 1610-1638. title: A short relation of the departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia: with his royall & vertuous Ladie Elizabeth; and the thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg towards Prague, to receiue the crowne of that kingdome Whearvnto is annexed the solempnitie or maner of the coronation. Translated out of dutch. And now both togither published ... to giue satisfaction to the world, as touching the ground, and truth, of his Maties. proceedings, & vndertaking of that kingdome ... As also to encourage all other noble & heroicall spirits (especiallie our owne nation, whom in hônour it first and chieffelie concerneth) by prerogative of that high, and soveraigne title, hæreditarie to our kings & princes: defendees [sic] of the faith) to the lyke Christian resolution, against Antichrist and his adhærents. date: 1619 words: 5881 flesch: 68 summary: Almightie euerlasting God , King of Kings , in whose power and prouidence are all the kingdomes of the world . This being ended , this prayer following was made by the Administrator : Lord Iesus Christ , euerlasting King of Kings , and only Sauiour of all that doe beleeue in thee , our Mediator and Redeemer , which cals men out of all Nations to thy Kingdome , which settest godly Kings in thy Church , and commandest we should pray for them . keywords: christ; church; day; god; good; haue; holy; king; kingdome; lord; prince; royall; tcp; text; thee; thy; vnto cache: A02728.xml plain text: A02728.txt item: #3 of 7 id: A13508 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: Taylor his trauels: from the citty of London in England, to the citty of Prague in Bohemia The manner of his abode there three weekes, his obseruations there, and his returne from thence: how he past 600 miles downe the riuer of Elue, through Bohemia, Saxony, Anhalt, the bishoprick of Madeberge, Brandenberge, Hamburgh, and so to England. With many relations worthy of note. By Iohn Taylor. date: 1620 words: 9050 flesch: 53 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Thus much I dare affirme , that whosoeuer hee or they bee , that do scatter any scandalous speeches against the plenty in Bohemia of all manner of needfull things for the sustenance of man and beasts , ( of the which there is more aboundance then euer I saw in any place else ) or whatsoeuer they bee that report any ill successe on the Kings party , this little booke , and I the Author doth proclaime and proue them false lyers , and they are to be suspected , for coyning such falshoods , as no well-willers to the Bohemian prosperity . keywords: bee; bohemia; citty; day; england; english; euery; fellow; foote; god; great; hath; haue; hee; man; miles; prague; tcp; text; time; towne; wee cache: A13508.xml plain text: A13508.txt item: #4 of 7 id: A16294 author: Harrison, John, fl. 1610-1638, attributed name. title: Bohemica iura defensa. = The Bohemian lawes or rights defended, against the informer or an answer to an information, falsly so called, secretly printed and divulged against the writings published by the states of Bohemia. Translated out of Latin by I.H. date: 1620 words: 15251 flesch: 63 summary: The second Argument of the Informer is , the disposall of Vladislaus ; but this is both of lesse force than that , and in some sort doth seeme to make for the States : where ( to wit ) he doth affirme King Lodwick of the meere free 〈◊〉 will of the States of Bohemia , to haue been receiued King , which free will ( surely ) ouerthrowing Succession , doth againe seeme to stablish ELECTION . By this short deduction a man may easily see ; the States alwayes to haue preserued the Right of ELECTION ; and that from the first Originall of the Bohemian Nation , not to haue acquired or sought the same from any , either Emperour , or King. keywords: anno; bee; bohemia; bohemians; charles; doe; doth; election; emperour; ferdinand; fol; haue; hee; informer; king; kingdome; right; sonne; states; succession; time; words cache: A16294.xml plain text: A16294.txt item: #5 of 7 id: A16302 author: Bethlen, Gábor, Prince of Transylvania, 1580-1629. title: The true copies of sundrie letters concerning the affaires of Bohemia, as they haue beene seuerally writen in High Dutch, Latine and French, to princes, and other men of account. Newly translated and printed date: 1620 words: 9777 flesch: 46 summary: The true copies of sundrie letters concerning the affaires of Bohemia, as they haue beene seuerally writen in High Dutch, Latine and French, to princes, and other men of account. The true copies of sundrie letters concerning the affaires of Bohemia, as they haue beene seuerally writen in High Dutch, Latine and French, to princes, and other men of account. keywords: bee; bohemia; doe; emperour; france; good; hath; haue; house; king; league; maiestie; men; prince; state; time; vnto; wee cache: A16302.xml plain text: A16302.txt item: #6 of 7 id: A16303 author: Barlow, William, of Amsterdam. title: Tvvo letters or embassies The one sent by the states of Bohemia, to the Elector of Saxony: the other from the Popes Holines to the Emperour, concerning the troubles of Germany. date: 1620 words: 11841 flesch: 43 summary: In all which , it is well knowne our Princes haue fayled ; As 1. dishonouring God by a manifest approbation of thinges contrary to his worde , 2. Disgracing the Kingdome , by violating her Lawes , abrogating her Priuiledges , threatning her Peace , subiecting her to strangers , and tying her as it were to the whipping-Poasts of crueltie and injustice , 3. Abusing the People , by affrighting them with the rages of exorbitant actions , and suffring no man in the securitie & benefit of his owne possessions , 4. As defaming themselues , by the scandalous Imperiousnesse of wicked Counsellors , and weaknes of Iudgement to be ouer-awed in all their actions , by the passionate wilfulnes of such as were enemies to God and men . For euer since the common people haue beene licenced to reade the Scriptures , and make their owne interpretations , they haue startled from the obedience of the Church , and cryed out vpon liberty , as though their Consciences like vntam'd Heyfers were let loose , and they tyed vnto no rules and Lawes but of their owne deuising : this hath made so many mechanicke men presumptuous , and silenced women audacious ; that a poore ignorant Cobler dare compare with a Father of the Church , and a tatling woman instead of being instructed by her Husband , take vpon her to rule both husband and family : This hath set on worke certaine strange spirits to rayle vpon order and conformity , euen in the Churches of Heretickes themselues , that they haue denyed them to be Churches , but the vnswept roomes of Antechrist , because of some enormities , and imperfections in men and Gouernment , which are , were , and shall be in this militant Church , till the comming of Christ to Iudgement . keywords: bee; bohemia; church; emperour; glory; god; good; hath; haue; hee; king; men; owne; peace; princes; religion; saxony; selfe; spaine; text; themselues; times; vpon; way; wee cache: A16303.xml plain text: A16303.txt item: #7 of 7 id: A68069 author: Bohemia (Kingdom). Sovereign (1619-1620 : Frederick I) title: A declaration of the causes, for the which, wee Frederick, by the grace of God King of Bohemia, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Elector of the sacred empire, &c. haue accepted of the crowne of Bohemia, and of the countryes thereunto annexed date: 1620 words: 5254 flesch: 38 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. A declaration of the causes, for the which, wee Frederick, by the grace of God King of Bohemia, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Elector of the sacred empire, &c. haue accepted of the crowne of Bohemia, and of the countryes thereunto annexed Proclamations. keywords: bohemia; countries; empire; estates; god; haue; kingdome; meanes; tcp; text; time cache: A68069.xml plain text: A68069.txt