item: #1 of 11 id: 21238 author: Reid, Mayne title: The Castaways date: None words: 49235 flesch: 73 summary: He took with him a stalk of bamboo, pointed at one end, to be used as a probe in the soft bottom in case any oysters might be lying _perdu_ beneath the sand. It is albumen, gluten, and other substances combined, all existing in the udder, in the egg-shell, in the seed, root, or fruit; from which springs the progeny, whether it be man or beast, flying bird or swimming fish, creeping reptile or fast-rooted forest tree. keywords: arms; bird; boat; body; borneo; captain; chapter; close; danger; day; death; eggs; eyes; feet; forest; fruit; ground; hand; head; helen; henry; length; malay; man; moment; murtagh; pinnace; place; redwood; saloo; sand; sea; ship; spot; strength; thought; time; tree; water; way cache: 21238.txt plain text: 21238.txt item: #2 of 11 id: 22903 author: Keppel, Henry, Sir title: The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy date: None words: 173873 flesch: 64 summary: 'He should have died as other great men have died, and not have received such shame; he should have amoked, [20] or else given himself up for execution.' On the 18th of February the Driver arrived; on the 21st left Sarawak, and at noon of the 24th arrived at the anchorage in Borneo river, having towed the gun-boat against the N.E. monsoon. keywords: account; attack; bay; boats; borneo; british; brooke; captain; case; cents; character; chief; china; chinese; close; coast; country; course; crew; day; days; dido; distance; dyaks; enemy; english; evening; feet; fine; fire; force; gold; good; government; great; ground; guns; half; hand; hassim; having; head; house; interior; island; jungle; labuan; language; left; life; macota; malay; man; means; men; miles; morning; muda; native; near; new; night; number; orang; pangeran; party; people; piracy; pirates; place; point; pontiana; poor; power; present; principal; rajah; rest; return; rice; river; sakarran; sambas; sarawak; sea; seriff; ship; singapore; small; state; sultan; time; town; trade; trees; tribe; vessel; visit; war; water; way; wild; work; years; young cache: 22903.txt plain text: 22903.txt item: #3 of 11 id: 2564 author: Walker, H. Wilfrid title: Wanderings among South Sea Savages and in Borneo and the Philippines date: None words: 59142 flesch: 74 summary: Early in the afternoon we passed large villages situated amid groves of coconut palms. These latter had to pass through many small villages on the way, but the inhabitants did not wait to find out whether they were friends or foes, and the police found the villages empty. keywords: bamboo; birds; canoes; carriers; chief; country; day; dayaks; evening; feet; fiji; fijian; fish; forest; good; government; ground; head; house; hut; kind; lala; left; man; men; monckton; morning; natives; negritos; new; night; people; police; ratu; return; river; small; time; trees; tribe; vic; village; war; water; way; white; women cache: 2564.txt plain text: 2564.txt item: #4 of 11 id: 26844 author: Marryat, Frank title: Borneo and the Indian Archipelago with drawings of costume and scenery date: None words: 74731 flesch: 69 summary: It is not quite so easy a task as may be imagined to reform so many millions of people: for it must be remembered that it is not only at Borneo that we shall have to act, but that we must destroy the power of the sultan of Sooloo, and other tribes who frequent other islands, and who follow the same profession. After fixing the positions of several small islands in the Mendoro Sea, we steered for Samboangan, a Spanish penal colony, situated at the southern extremity of Mindanao. keywords: appearance; bay; board; boats; borneo; brooke; captain; chinese; coast; country; day; days; dyaks; english; evening; fire; good; guns; head; hong; house; illustration; island; kong; left; little; man; manilla; men; miles; morning; natives; night; officers; party; people; pirates; place; prahus; rajah; return; river; round; ship; shore; sincapore; sooloo; sultan; thing; time; town; vessels; village; war; water; way cache: 26844.txt plain text: 26844.txt item: #5 of 11 id: 27801 author: Gomes, Edwin Herbert title: Children of Borneo date: None words: 30241 flesch: 81 summary: Large crown 8vo, with eight Coloured Illustrations, cloth 1s 6d _net_ THE MOSLEM DOCTRINE OF GOD. Large crown 8vo, cloth 15s _net_ The Discourses, commonly known as the Analects, contain the sayings of the Sage as recorded by his disciples. keywords: 8vo; birds; book; borneo; children; cloth; crown; day; deer; dyak; dyak house; feast; food; good; head; house; illustrations; jungle; life; man; men; missionary; missions; net; people; round; siu; spirits; time; war; women; work; world; years cache: 27801.txt plain text: 27801.txt item: #6 of 11 id: 30233 author: Furness, William Henry title: Folk-lore in Borneo A Sketch date: None words: 9013 flesch: 61 summary: Then they decided to continue creating more men; they returned to the Kumpong tree, but they had entirely forgotten their original pattern, and how they had executed it, and they were therefore able to make only very inferior creatures, which became the ancestors of the _Maias_ Katirah Murai was married to old man _ keywords: birds; fire; head; house; kayan; life; long; man; people; river; spirits; time; tree; water; world cache: 30233.txt plain text: 30233.txt item: #7 of 11 id: 37215 author: Beecham, John Charles title: The Argus Pheasant date: None words: 72932 flesch: 87 summary: By indirect reference Peter Gross obtained, piece by piece, a coherent account of the hunting trip on which the Sadonger had lost his life. Peter Gross is Named Resident 25 IV. keywords: batavia; blood; bulungan; captain; carver; chair; chief; chinaman; cho; controlleur; day; dyaks; excellency; eyes; face; glance; god; good; governor; half; hand; head; jungle; kapitein; koyala; left; lips; lkath; long; look; man; men; moment; muller; mynheer; mynheer gross; mynheer muller; new; paddy; people; peter gross; resident; rouse; sachsen; schouten; sea; seng; sing; slyck; smile; things; thought; time; van; van slyck; voice; way; white; woman cache: 37215.txt plain text: 37215.txt item: #8 of 11 id: 44484 author: Brereton, F. S. (Frederick Sadleir) title: With the Dyaks of Borneo: A Tale of the Head Hunters date: None words: 141051 flesch: 83 summary: Taking Tyler by the arm, he led him to a fly which had just driven up, and having ushered him in, took the remaining vacant seat himself. But still the handles flew round rapidly, and within a short space of time Tyler, the officer, and the American mate lay in a heap upon the deck, where they were instantly pounced upon by those who had helped in the rescue. keywords: away; boat; captain; case; chinaman; dat; day; deck; dey; dutchman; dyaks; enemy; eyes; face; fact; feet; forest; forward; good; hand; hanns; head; help; john; jungle; know; leader; look; malays; man; marshall; massa; matter; men; moment; pirates; prahu; river; schlott; schooner; sea; set; sight; sir; sung; tale; tell; thought; time; tyler; water; way cache: 44484.txt plain text: 44484.txt item: #9 of 11 id: 61599 author: Burbidge, F. W. (Frederick William) title: The Gardens of the Sun A naturalist's journal on the mountains and in the forests and swamps of Borneo and the Sulu Archipelago date: None words: 113491 flesch: 70 summary: In rambling about the island one comes across fertile little gardens and groves of mangoes, mangosteen, and other fruit trees, the tenants being generally Chinamen. Cocoanut palms and other fruit trees, 550 acres; sugarcane and vegetable gardens, about 50 acres. keywords: air; balu; bamboo; birds; black; blue; board; boat; borneo; branches; breakfast; chinese; cloth; coast; colour; common; cool; course; cut; dark; day; days; dinner; dry; dusun; end; evening; everett; feet; ferns; fire; fish; flowers; food; foot; forest; form; fruit; gardens; good; green; ground; guides; half; head; height; high; hill; home; house; island; journey; jungle; kiau; kina; kinds; labuan; leaves; left; length; little; malays; man; men; miles; morning; mountain; native; new; night; north; nut; o'clock; open; palm; path; people; place; plants; produce; rain; red; return; rice; river; rocks; saw; sea; shot; singapore; species; specimens; stream; sultan; sulu; time; tobacco; trees; tropical; village; visit; water; way; wet; white; women; work; yellow cache: 61599.txt plain text: 61599.txt item: #10 of 11 id: 720 author: Conrad, Joseph title: Almayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River date: None words: 63776 flesch: 80 summary: Nina Almayer came through the curtained doorway followed by an old Malay woman, who busied herself in setting upon the table a plateful of rice and fish, a jar of water, and a bottle half full of genever. Almayer in his quality of white man--as Lingard before him--had somewhat better relations with the up-river tribes. keywords: abdulla; ali; almayer; babalatchi; canoe; dain; daughter; day; eyes; face; father; girl; great; half; hand; head; heart; house; lakamba; life; light; look; man; master; men; mrs; nina; rajah; river; round; sambir; saw; table; thought; time; tuan; verandah; voice; water; way; white; woman; words cache: 720.txt plain text: 720.txt item: #11 of 11 id: 7489 author: Lumholtz, Carl title: Through Central Borneo; an Account of Two Years' Travel in the Land of Head-Hunters Between the Years 1913 and 1917 date: None words: 133462 flesch: 70 summary: If any one with the hope of possibly finding a new species of mammal should care to follow the matter up, Kelasin on the Upper Barito would not be an extremely difficult place to reach, with good men. During the night much fish was obtained even as far down the river as our kampong, and many men searched for it here, using as lamps petroleum in bamboo with a piece of cloth for a wick. keywords: account; afternoon; animal; antoh; bamboo; birds; blian; borneo; case; chapter; chief; children; country; customs; cut; day; dayaks; days; dead; dutch; eat; expedition; father; feast; fish; food; good; ground; half; head; home; hours; house; hunting; journey; jungle; kampong; kapala; katingan; kayan; kayan river; kenyahs; left; long; mahakam; making; malay; man; men; metres; morning; mother; natives; near; new; night; number; oma; order; penihings; penyahbongs; people; pig; place; prahus; rain; raja; rattan; return; rice; river; saputans; small; tent; time; tree; tribes; upper; utan; water; way; white; wife; women; work; years cache: 7489.txt plain text: 7489.txt