item: #1 of 4 id: 3551 author: Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de title: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Volume 01 date: None words: 29240 flesch: 63 summary: That malevolence which fastens itself upon men who have the misfortune to be somewhat separated from the crowd has, because there is always more profit in saying ill than good, attributed to me several works on Bonaparte; among others, 'Les Memoires secrets d'un Homme qui ne l'a pas quitté', par M. B-------, and 'Memoires secrets sur Napoleon Bonaparte, par M. de B------, and 'Le Precis Historique sur Napoleon'. General Bonaparte repeatedly applied for the erasure of my name, from the month of April 1797, when I rejoined him at Leoben, to the period of the signature of the treaty of Campo-Formio; but without success. keywords: 13th; account; age; albitte; ambition; april; army; arrest; artillery; attack; attention; august; author; barras; bear; bonaparte; bourrienne; brienne; brilliant; brother; campaign; career; certain; change; chapter; character; chief; circumstances; class; college; command; comrades; conduct; confidence; consul; convention; conversation; convinced; corsica; country; court; day; days; de bourrienne; dear; death; departure; different; directory; documents; edition; editor; emperor; enemies; europe; events; expense; extraordinary; facts; family; father; favourable; following; fortune; france; french; friend; friendship; future; general; general bonaparte; genoa; glory; good; government; great; hamburg; hands; head; helena; history; house; husband; idea; important; information; insurrection; interest; interesting; intimacy; italy; josephine; judge; jung; junot; keralio; kind; king; knowledge; known; left; letter; life; list; little; long; louis; lucien; m. de; madame; man; manner; marmont; marseilles; materials; matter; memoirs; men; meneval; military; mind; minister; mission; moment; money; months; mother; napoleon; napoleon bonaparte; natural; necessary; new; note; object; october; officers; old; opinion; order; papers; paris; people; period; personal; persons; place; plan; political; position; post; posterity; power; present; principles; private; public; reader; real; remarkable; report; representatives; republic; respecting; return; robespierre; rue; salicetti; school; second; secretary; sections; senate; sens; share; short; state; study; style; subject; success; taking; thought; time; tome; toulon; true; truth; vendemiaire; venetian; venice; vol; war; way; wife; wish; work; world; year; young; youth cache: 3551.txt plain text: 3551.txt item: #2 of 4 id: 3552 author: Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de title: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Volume 02 date: None words: 33677 flesch: 67 summary: During the negotiations which followed the treaty of Leoben, the Directory ordered General Bonaparte to demand the liberty of MM. de La Fayette, Latour-Marbourg, and Bureau de Puzy, detained at Olmutz since 1792 as prisoners of state. I wrote a great deal on this subject to the dictation of General Bonaparte, and I joined him only on the day after the signature of these preliminaries. keywords: 18th; able; admiral; advance; affairs; age; alexandria; answer; armies; arms; army; arrival; attack; attention; augereau; austria; battle; berthier; board; bonaparte; bottot; bourrienne; brother; brueys; business; cairo; camp; campaign; career; carnot; case; certain; chapter; character; chief; circumstances; city; clichy; command; comte; conde; conduct; conqueror; consequence; conversation; correspondence; councils; country; day; days; death; departure; desaix; desire; determined; different; difficulties; directory; division; east; egypt; emperor; end; enemies; england; english; europe; events; execution; expedition; fact; fall; fauche; favourable; fleet; flotilla; following; fortune; france; francis; french; fructidor; general; general bonaparte; general pichegru; germany; glory; good; government; grand; great; hand; head; headquarters; helena; honour; house; idea; impossible; influence; island; italy; josephine; journey; july; june; kind; king; known; law; leave; left; length; leoben; letter; liberty; list; little; long; louis; madame; malta; man; manner; mantua; march; marriage; means; members; men; milan; military; mind; minister; moment; money; monge; month; moreau; morning; napoleon; national; necessary; negotiations; new; night; nile; note; number; object; observation; occupied; old; opinion; opportunity; order; papers; paris; party; passeriano; peace; people; period; persons; pichegru; plan; point; political; power; preliminaries; presence; present; prince; prisoners; purpose; rastadt; republic; result; return; revolution; rhine; sea; second; secret; set; single; situation; soldiers; squadron; state; subject; success; support; talleyrand; thought; time; tome; toulon; treaty; troops; true; truth; vallette; venetian; venice; victory; vienna; vols; war; water; way; wish; women; word; written; years cache: 3552.txt plain text: 3552.txt item: #3 of 4 id: 3553 author: Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de title: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Volume 03 date: None words: 46681 flesch: 68 summary: From what General Bonaparte communicated to me previously to the 1st of August, his object was, having once secured the possession of Egypt; to return to Toulon with the fleet; then to send troops and provisions of every kind to Egypt; and next to combine with the fleet all the forces that could be supplied, not only by France, but by her allies, for the purpose of attacking England. The loss of the fleet convinced General Bonaparte of the necessity of speedily and effectively organising Egypt, where everything denoted that we should stay for a considerable time, excepting the event of a forced evacuation, which the General was far from foreseeing or fearing. keywords: 18th; 19th; 25th; able; aboukir; absence; account; admiral; advantage; affairs; alexandria; ancients; arish; arms; army; arrival; artillery; assault; attention; august; barras; battle; bernadotte; berthier; bey; board; body; bonaparte; bourrienne; brave; brothers; brumaire; cairo; camp; cause; certain; chapter; character; chief; circumstance; close; cloud; coast; command; communication; conduct; confidence; considerable; constitution; consul; conversation; council; country; course; croisier; d'acre; danger; day; days; death; december; decree; departure; desert; details; determined; different; dinner; directory; distance; doubt; east; effect; egypt; empire; end; enemies; enemy; english; europe; evening; event; excited; expedition; fact; family; fear; fleet; following; force; fortune; france; french; friends; general; general bonaparte; glory; gohier; good; government; grand; great; greatest; grenadiers; guard; hall; hand; head; helena; high; home; hope; horse; hours; idea; infected; influence; informed; inhabitants; institute; italy; jaffa; jean; josephine; journey; july; junot; kind; kléber; know; landing; law; leave; left; legislative; letter; liberty; life; little; long; longer; loss; lost; louis; love; lucien; luxembourg; madame; madame bonaparte; man; march; means; members; men; military; mind; minister; moment; months; moreau; morning; morrow; mother; mount; mourad; murat; napoleon; near; necessary; necessity; news; night; notes; number; numerous; o'clock; object; october; officers; opportunity; order; painful; paris; party; people; period; persons; place; plague; plan; point; possible; power; presence; present; president; prisoners; prophet; purpose; pyramids; reason; report; republic; respect; rest; return; revolution; road; said; scene; sea; second; secret; set; short; sidney; siege; sieyès; sir; situation; small; smith; soldiers; state; subject; success; suez; sufficient; sulkowsky; syria; things; thought; time; tome; tone; town; troops; truth; turkish; turks; unfortunate; visit; want; war; water; way; wells; wife; wish; word; works; wounded; year cache: 3553.txt plain text: 3553.txt item: #4 of 4 id: 3554 author: Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de title: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Volume 04 date: None words: 36163 flesch: 67 summary: Difficulties of a new Government--State of Europe--Bonaparte's wish for peace--M. de Talleyrand Minister for Foreign Affairs-- Negotiations with England and Austria--Their failure--Bonaparte's views on the East--His sacrifices to policy--General Bonaparte denounced to the First Consul--Kléber's letter to the Directory-- Accounts of the Egyptian expedition published in the Moniteur-- Proclamation to the army of the East--Favour and disgrace of certain individuals accounted for. I have often observed that General Bonaparte appeared much less moved when on the point of executing any great design than during the time of projecting it, so accustomed was he to think that what he had resolved on in his mind, was already done. keywords: 18th; account; advantage; affairs; agents; alexander; answer; apartments; army; attention; austria; aware; bad; battle; berthier; bill; bonaparte; bourbons; bourrienne; brumaire; business; cabinet; cambacérès; camp; campaign; caroline; case; chamber; chapter; character; chief; circumstances; command; conduct; confidence; consul; consular; consulate; conversation; corps; correspondence; council; country; course; court; day; days; deal; death; debts; decree; defeu; determined; different; directory; distinguished; duroc; east; effect; egypt; emperor; england; english; europe; evening; events; example; expedition; extraordinary; false; family; far; favour; fear; feeling; fine; fixed; foissac; following; foreign; fouché; france; french; friends; friendship; frotte; general; glory; good; government; grand; great; hamburg; hands; happy; head; helena; high; honour; hours; humour; idea; important; influence; interest; interior; italy; josephine; journals; junot; kind; king; kléber; known; large; latour; laws; left; letter; liberty; life; little; long; longer; look; louis; love; luxembourg; mack; madame bonaparte; malmaison; man; manner; marriage; means; memory; military; mind; minister; moment; money; months; monuments; morning; murat; names; napoleon; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; o'clock; object; occasion; office; old; opinion; order; paris; parties; pass; paul; pearls; people; period; person; place; plan; pleased; pleasure; point; police; political; possession; power; present; principles; private; rank; rapp; real; reason; recollection; remarkable; republic; residence; result; return; revolution; right; road; satisfaction; saying; second; secret; senate; situation; sort; state; step; subject; sufficient; sum; system; table; taking; talleyrand; temple; things; thought; throne; time; title; troops; true; tuileries; usual; view; violent; war; washington; way; wife; wish; word; writing; xviii; years; young cache: 3554.txt plain text: 3554.txt