item: #1 of 9 id: 21322 author: Bailey, Arthur Scott title: The Tale of Betsy Butterfly Tuck-Me-In Tales date: None words: 13761 flesch: 90 summary: The sun hung low in the west when Mrs. Ladybug found Betsy Butterfly among a clump of milk-weed blossoms. Betsy Butterfly cried happily, as soon as she noticed Mrs. Ladybug. keywords: betsy; betsy butterfly; butterfly; dusty; firefly; freddie; green; joseph; ladybug; mrs cache: 21322.txt plain text: 21322.txt item: #2 of 9 id: 33852 author: Coleman, W. S. (William Stephen) title: British Butterflies: Figures and Descriptions of Every Native Species date: None words: 40668 flesch: 73 summary: {103} Underneath, there is a pretty arrangement of subdued colouring; that of the front wings nearly resembling the upper side; the lower wings clouded and spotted with russet-brown on a paler brown ground, the _dark rounded brown spots_ having _white_ centres; but there are _no black_ 3).--Of this species, greatly resembling our _E. Blandina_, several specimens were formerly taken by some entomologists in the Isle of Arran, where, as also in other mountain districts, it may probably still exist; but its haunts have to be re-discovered by some enterprising butterfly-hunter. From _Blandina_, which it almost exactly resembles on the upper surface, it may be distinguished by the marking of the under side of the hind wing, on which is an irregular, broken band of _pure white_, and between this and the margin a row of _three_ distinct black eye-spots. keywords: appearance; august; black; blue; british; brown; butterflies; butterfly; caterpillar; chrysalis; colour; common; country; creature; dark; feeds; female; fig; form; fritillary; green; ground; hind; insect; localities; near; net; orange; plate; red; small; species; spots; surface; time; white; wings; wood; yellow cache: 33852.txt plain text: 33852.txt item: #3 of 9 id: 34131 author: Furneaux, William S. title: Butterflies and Moths (British) date: None words: 121764 flesch: 74 summary: In this particular case the distinguishing name is _Helice_, so that we should speak of the variety of _Edusa_ above mentioned as: _Colias Edusa_, var. Among the foreign species of the family we are considering there are several that possess these angles; but as there are no others among our own members, the 'Brimstone' is placed by itself in the list of British _Lepidoptera_ as the only member of the genus _Gonopteryx_ or 'angle-winged' butterflies. keywords: august; beautiful; black; blue; body; bottle; box; british; brown; butterflies; butterfly; carpet; case; caterpillar; changes; chrysalis; colour; common; dark; day; early; eggs; end; family; feeds; female; fig; find; food; fore; form; fritillary; genus; green; grey; ground; hawk; head; hind; illustration; insect; july; june; larvæ; leaf; leaves; light; line; little; male; margin; means; middle; moth; net; number; orange; pale; parts; plants; plate; pug; pupæ; rest; segments; small; species; spots; spring; state; surface; time; tip; trees; white; wings; winter; wood; work; yellow; young cache: 34131.txt plain text: 34131.txt item: #4 of 9 id: 37009 author: Weed, Clarence Moores title: Butterflies Worth Knowing date: None words: 82216 flesch: 69 summary: Heliconius Charitonius_ While the butterflies of temperate North America show many examples of marvelous beauty and coloring, one must go to the tropics to see the culmination of what nature has done in painting the outstretched membranes of butterfly wings with gorgeous colors. The parasites of butterfly eggs are legion. keywords: black; body; brood; brown; butterflies; butterfly; case; caterpillars; change; chrysalis; color; eggs; expanse; feed; form; green; head; hind; hind wings; illustration; inches; insect; leaf; leaves; life; near; new; north; northern; orange; page; place; skin; southern; species; spots; spring; states; summer; surface; time; upper; way; weeks; white; wing surface; wings; winter; yellow cache: 37009.txt plain text: 37009.txt item: #5 of 9 id: 40214 author: Davies, G. Christopher (George Christopher) title: The Swan and Her Crew or The Adventures of Three Young Naturalists and Sportsmen on the Broads and Rivers of Norfolk date: None words: 83374 flesch: 84 summary: Frank looked at Dick, and Dick looked at Frank, and Jimmy kicked him under the table, and at last Frank cleared his throat with a preparatory ahem and said,-- I am not good at making speeches, Mr. Meredith, but we wish to express how very much obliged we have been to you for the kindness and the--in fact the--the--well, what we mean to say is--that you are a brick of a good fellow, sir. Reaching the fir-wood Frank entered it, and after looking about for a little time, he fixed upon a tall slender young larch-tree. keywords: air; birds; black; boat; boys; broad; brown; butterfly; chapter; day; dick; eels; eggs; end; feet; fish; frank; good; great; green; ground; half; hawk; head; house; illustration; jimmy; lay; like; line; look; man; mary; morning; nest; net; night; reeds; river; sail; saw; set; sir; swan; thought; time; tree; water; way; white; wild; wind; wings; wood; yacht cache: 40214.txt plain text: 40214.txt item: #6 of 9 id: 42606 author: Punnett, Reginald Crundall title: Mimicry in Butterflies date: None words: 45462 flesch: 67 summary: Nevertheless the H form of female is relatively just as abundant up-country where _hector_ is rarely found as it is low down where _hector_ is plentiful[41]. Pl. IX) there is a rare form of _trophonius_ known as _dorippoides_. keywords: birds; black; butterflies; butterfly; cases; colour; common; experiments; female; fig; form; genus; groups; mimetic; mimicry; mimics; model; new; papilio; pattern; polytes; resemblance; selection; series; species; variation; way; white; wings; | | cache: 42606.txt plain text: 42606.txt item: #7 of 9 id: 43270 author: Sandham, Elizabeth title: The Perambulations of a Bee and a Butterfly, In which are delineated those smaller traits of character which escape the observation of larger spectators. date: None words: 19710 flesch: 57 summary: THE PERAMBULATIONS OF A _Bee and a Butterfly_, &c. &c. THE PERAMBULATIONS OF A _Bee and a Butterfly_, In which are delineated THOSE SMALLER TRAITS OF CHARACTER WHICH ESCAPE THE OBSERVATION OF LARGER SPECTATORS. keywords: bee; butterfly; day; flowers; friend; hive; home; life; place; pleasure; time; way; wings cache: 43270.txt plain text: 43270.txt item: #8 of 9 id: 43713 author: South, Richard title: The Butterflies of the British Isles date: None words: 70185 flesch: 74 summary: _scotica_, the black is still more intense, and the straw-coloured markings are dull in colour. _scotica_ are met with in the Glasgow district, and at Pitcaple in Aberdeenshire. keywords: area; august; black; blue; body; brown; brownish; butterflies; butterfly; caterpillar; central; chrysalis; colour; common; dark; egg; eggs; end; england; female; fig; fore; form; green; head; hind; illustration; july; june; line; margin; north; orange; pale; parts; plate; series; sides; size; species; specimens; spots; time; var; white; whitish; wings; yellow; yellowish cache: 43713.txt plain text: 43713.txt item: #9 of 9 id: 61981 author: Stewart, Alexander Morrison title: British Butterflies date: None words: 25097 flesch: 78 summary: The distribution of nearly all animals is regulated by the food-supply, the climate, or their enemies; yet none of these seem to satisfactorily account for the disappearance and reappearance of _Edusa_ with us. _Cardui_ was everywhere, and even fighting for possession of the Thistle-tops. keywords: black; blue; brown; butterflies; butterfly; caterpillar; colour; common; dark; female; fig; fore; fritillary; green; ground; hind; insect; line; plate; red; species; spots; upper; white; wings; yellow cache: 61981.txt plain text: 61981.txt