This is an automatically generated bibliography describing the content of this study carrel.
- 10100
- author: Nichol, John
- title: Byron
- date: None
- words: 65744
- flesch: 65
- summary: Lord Byron (H. Colburn) 1822 4. Medwin's Conversations with Lord Byron at Pisa, 2 vols.
- keywords: 2nd; abbey; absurd; account; acquaintance; action; adah; adventures; advice; affairs; affected; affectionate; age; allegra; allusions; answer; appearance; april; arrival; athens; attack; august; author; authorship; autumn; bad; bards; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; behalf; bent; best; birth; black; blessington; blood; book; boy; british; broken; brother; burns; business; byron; cain; cambridge; campbell; cantos; captain; care; career; carlisle; cause; century; certain; chapter; character; characteristic; charge; chaworth; childe; children; choice; church; circumstances; city; claim; classic; clear; close; colonel; coming; common; company; comparison; considerable; constant; corinth; correspondence; corsair; countenance; countess; country; courage; course; court; cousin; criticism; critics; dallas; date; daughter; davies; days; dead; dear; death; december; deep; degree; departure; descent; description; distinguished; dog; domestic; don; doubt; dramas; dream; drury; early; earth; effect; england; english; established; estates; evening; event; evil; excursion; existence; expedition; expression; eyes; fact; false; fame; family; famous; fancy; far; farewell; father; favourite; fear; february; feeling; feet; fever; field; fine; fit; fletcher; florence; following; footnote; force; form; fourth; france; free; freedom; french; frequent; fresh; friend; future; gamba; general; geneva; genius; genoa; gentleman; genuine; george; german; giaour; gibbon; glory; god; goethe; good; gordon; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; ground; guardian; guiccioli; habit; hair; half; hand; harold; harrow; having; head; health; hearing; heart; heaven; heavy; heir; henry; hero; high; higher; hills; hints; history; hobhouse; hodgson; home; hours; house; human; humour; hunt; husband; idea; idleness; iii; ill; imagination; impossible; impressions; incidents; inclined; influence; information; inspired; instance; interest; interesting; intimacy; island; italian; italy; january; jeffrey; john; john byron; juan; judgment; july; june; kennedy; kind; knowledge; lady; lady byron; lake; lamb; language; large; later; lay; leave; left; leghorn; leigh; letter; liberal; liberty; life; light; like; lines; literary; literature; little; london; long; look; lord byron; lordship; loss; love; macaulay; madame; maid; man; manfred; manner; march; marriage; married; mary; master; matters; matthews; means; meeting; melancholy; memoirs; memory; men; mere; mesolonghi; midst; milbanke; milton; mind; minor; miss; modern; moment; money; months; moore; moral; morea; morning; mother; movement; mrs; murray; music; mutual; napoleon; narrative; natural; nature; near; newstead; nicholas; noel; notes; nottingham; november; nurse; o'er; occasion; october; old; open; opinion; order; original; pages; pair; party; pasha; passage; passing; passion; pathetic; patras; people; period; personal; persons; picture; pisa; place; play; pleasure; poem; poet; poetic; poetry; point; politics; pope; power; practical; praise; presence; present; previous; pride; prince; property; prose; proud; public; pure; purpose; qualities; race; ralph; rank; ravenna; reading; ready; real; reason; record; reference; regard; regret; religion; remains; remarkable; remarks; reply; residence; respects; result; return; reviewers; richard; riding; robert; rogers; romance; romantic; rome; room; rousseau; said; satire; saying; scene; scenery; school; scotch; scotland; scott; sea; seat; second; self; sense; sentiment; separation; september; series; servants; set; shakespeare; share; shelley; short; siege; similar; sincere; sir; sister; small; social; society; solitude; son; song; soul; sound; southey; spirit; spite; spot; spring; stanhope; stanzas; state; statement; stories; story; strain; strange; street; strength; strong; style; subject; subsequent; success; summer; sun; switzerland; talents; talk; temper; testimony; theatre; thee; things; thought; time; time byron; translation; travels; trelawny; true; truth; turks; tutor; unfortunate; usual; vain; venice; verse; view; villa; violent; vision; visit; volume; walls; walter; want; war; way; weeks; white; wife; wild; william; wish; wit; women; wordsworth; work; world; writer; writing; years; young; | |
- versions: original; plain text
- 10421
- author: Galt, John
- title: The Life of Lord Byron
- date: None
- words: 95052
- flesch: 59
- summary: Among other things, Lord Byron inquired, if the doctor really thought that the devil appeared before God, as is mentioned in the Book of Job, or is it only an allegorical or poetical mode of speaking?--The reply was, I believe it in the strict and literal meaning. At Smyrna Lord Byron remained several days, and saw for the first time the Turkish pastime of the Djerid, a species of tournament to which he more than once alludes.
- keywords: abbey; aberdeen; abydos; account; acquaintance; action; actual; address; admiration; advanced; advantage; adventures; affair; affected; affection; afternoon; age; agreeable; albanian; ali; ambassador; ambition; ancestors; ancient; answer; antiquity; appearance; arms; arrival; aspect; associations; athens; attached; attachment; attack; attempt; attention; author; bards; battle; beauties; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; best; blood; board; boat; body; bold; book; boy; bright; broken; brother; business; calculated; canto; cape; captain; care; castle; cause; celebrated; ceremony; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; chaworth; chief; childe; children; christianity; circumstances; city; clear; close; coffee; cold; college; colonel; colonna; coming; command; common; composition; conception; condition; conduct; consequence; considerable; consideration; constantinople; contrary; conversation; correct; correspondence; corsair; countess; country; course; criticism; curiosity; curious; current; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; death; deemed; deep; degree; departure; dervish; description; desire; determined; different; difficult; dignity; dinner; disappointed; disease; disposed; distance; distinction; distinguished; doctor; dogs; domestic; door; doubt; drama; dull; early; earth; easy; edinburgh; education; effect; eminent; energy; england; english; enjoyment; ephesus; equal; evening; event; evidence; evident; evil; excellence; existence; experience; express; extent; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; fair; fame; family; fancy; fatal; fate; father; favour; fear; features; feelings; feet; fever; field; fine; fit; fletcher; following; foot; force; form; fortune; forward; fragments; friend; friendship; frigate; gamba; general; genius; genoa; gentleman; giaour; girl; glory; god; good; government; governor; grave; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; ground; guard; guiccioli; gulf; hair; half; hand; happy; harold; harrow; hath; having; head; health; hearing; heart; hero; high; highest; hills; history; hobhouse; home; honour; hope; horror; horses; hour; house; human; humour; hunt; husband; idea; ill; imagination; impassioned; importance; impossible; impression; incident; influence; inhabitants; injustice; instance; intended; intention; interest; interesting; island; italian; italy; joannina; john; journey; juan; judge; judgment; kennedy; kind; knowledge; known; lady; lady byron; lake; land; language; large; lay; leave; left; length; lepanto; letter; liberal; lie; life; like; lines; literary; little; lively; living; local; london; long; look; lord byron; lordship; lost; love; malta; man; manfred; manner; marble; market; marriage; married; master; materials; mavrocordato; means; meantime; meeting; memory; men; mere; merit; metaphysical; middle; miles; mind; missolonghi; moment; money; moore; moral; morea; morning; mother; mountain; mrs byron; mystery; names; natural; nature; near; necessary; neighbourhood; new; newstead; night; noble; north; note; notice; number; o'er; object; occasion; occupied; offer; officers; open; opinion; opposite; order; original; parnassus; particular; parties; party; pasha; passage; passion; past; patras; peculiar; people; period; person; personal; pilgrimage; pisa; place; plain; pleasure; poem; poet; poetical; poetry; point; poor; port; possessed; possession; pounds; power; presence; present; prevesa; pride; principal; principles; private; probable; productions; progress; public; publication; purpose; qualities; question; race; rank; ravenna; read; reader; reading; reason; recollections; record; reference; reflections; regard; region; regular; relation; religion; remains; remarkable; reply; reputation; resemblance; residence; respect; respectable; result; return; review; rich; river; road; rock; room; rose; rude; ruins; sad; sardanapalus; satire; satisfied; save; saw; saying; scene; scenery; school; scotland; scriptures; sea; seat; second; self; sense; sensibility; sentiments; seraglio; servants; service; set; shall; shelley; shore; silence; similar; singular; sir; sister; sitting; situation; sleep; smyrna; society; soldiers; son; sons; sorrow; sort; soul; speech; spirit; spot; spring; stand; stanhope; stanzas; stars; state; stern; stone; strange; stream; strong; struck; studies; style; subject; sufficient; suliotes; surprise; sympathy; table; talents; tales; task; taste; temper; temperament; tepellene; testimony; thee; thine; things; thought; thy; time; tis; tomb; town; travellers; travels; trees; true; truth; turkish; turks; usual; vain; variety; vast; venice; verses; vessel; view; village; visit; vizier; voice; walls; war; water; wave; way; weather; white; wide; wife; wild; william; wind; wine; wish; women; wonder; works; world; worthy; wrong; years; young; youth; zante
- versions: original; plain text
- 14061
- author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher
- title: Lady Byron Vindicated A history of the Byron controversy from its beginning in 1816 to the present time
- date: None
- words: 100068
- flesch: 66
- summary: In the piece entitled 'Lines on hearing Lady Byron is ill,' Lord Byron charges on his wife a similar treachery and cruelty. But Lord Byron knew perfectly well, when he suffered that application to be made, that Lady Byron had been entirely convinced that her marriage relations with him could never be renewed, and that duty both to man and God required her to separate from him.
- keywords: a. byron; able; absolute; accepted; account; accusations; acquaintance; action; advice; affairs; affection; affectionate; america; answer; appearance; article; ask; assertion; astonished; attack; attention; author; autobiography; bad; baillie; barnard; beauty; bed; belief; best; bitter; blackwood; blame; blood; book; brain; broken; brother; business; byron controversy; campbell; canto; capable; care; careful; case; causes; certain; chapter; character; charge; charity; child; children; christian; christopher; church; circle; circulation; circumstances; claim; clear; club; clytemnestra; cold; comfort; committed; common; conduct; confidence; confidential; connection; conscience; consequences; consideration; constant; contrary; controversy; conversation; convinced; copy; correspondence; counsel; country; course; court; creature; crime; cruel; danger; date; daughter; day; days; dead; deadly; dear; death; declared; deep; deeper; defence; degree; delicacy; delicate; desire; despair; determined; devoted; different; difficult; discussion; documents; domestic; doubt; duty; early; earth; edition; effect; efforts; england; english; eternal; events; evidence; evident; evil; example; existence; experience; eyes; face; facts; faith; false; falsehood; fame; family; far; fare; father; faults; favour; fear; feelings; female; fit; following; force; form; fortune; foul; free; friends; friendship; future; general; generation; generous; genius; god; good; grave; great; greater; greatest; ground; guiccioli; guilty; habits; half; hallucination; hands; happiness; happy; harold; hate; hatred; head; health; heart; hearted; heaven; help; high; higher; highest; history; hold; home; honest; honour; hope; horror; hour; house; human; humanity; husband; idea; iii; important; impressed; impression; incest; influence; information; informed; injury; innocent; insane; insanity; instance; insult; interest; interview; investigation; jan; journal; juan; judge; judgment; july; justice; kind; kindness; kirkby; know; knowledge; lady anne; lady blessington; lady byron; lady milbanke; lady noel; language; large; late; law; lay; leave; left; legal; leigh; letter; lie; lies; life; like; likely; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; look; lord byron; lost; love; lushington; madame; magazine; maginn; making; man; mankind; manner; march; marriage; married; martineau; matter; means; medwin; meet; memoir; memory; men; mental; mercy; mere; milbanke; mimms; mind; miss; mistress; moment; months; moore; moral; mother; motives; mrs; murray; nature; near; nearest; necessary; new; noble; noctes; noel byron; north; note; number; object; obliged; occasion; old; open; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; painful; papers; parents; particular; parties; party; passages; passion; past; peculiar; people; perfect; period; person; personal; physical; pity; place; poem; poet; poetry; point; poor; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; prepared; present; pride; principles; private; proof; proper; public; publication; pure; purpose; quarterly; question; rank; reader; reading; real; reason; reconciliation; record; regard; relations; religion; religious; remarkable; remarks; remembered; remorse; reply; reputation; respect; responsibility; result; return; review; right; romilly; room; ruin; sacred; sad; sake; saying; school; seaham; second; secret; self; sense; separation; service; set; showing; silence; silent; sin; singular; sins; sir; sister; sketch; slanders; small; society; sorrow; sort; soul; speaking; spirit; stand; state; statement; step; stories; story; stowe; strange; strength; strong; subject; suffering; sufficient; suit; sure; sympathy; talk; terms; testimony; thee; things; thought; thy; time; treatment; trial; true; trust; truth; unnatural; usual; utter; vain; value; venice; view; virtue; virtuous; visit; voice; vol; want; way; wedding; weeks; weight; widow; wife; wilson; wish; witness; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worst; worthy; writer; writings; wrongs; years; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 14841
- author: Moore, Thomas
- title: Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 With His Letters and Journals
- date: None
- words: 130999
- flesch: 62
- summary: The same thirst after fame, with the same sensitiveness to every passing change of popular favour, which led Tasso at last to look upon himself as the most despised of writers[1], had more than once disposed Lord Byron, in the midst of all his triumphs, if not to doubt their reality, at least to distrust their continuance; and sometimes even, with that painful skill which sensibility supplies, to extract out of the brightest tributes of success some omen of future failure, or symptom of decline. ] The chief inducements, on the part of Lord Byron, to this unworthy alliance were, in the first place, a wish to second the kind views of his friend Shelley in inviting Mr. Hunt to join him in Italy; and, in the next, a desire to avail himself of the aid of one so experienced, as an editor, in the favourite project he had now so long contemplated, of a periodical work, in which all the various offspring of his genius might be received fast as they sprung to light.
- keywords: aberdeen; able; abydos; account; acquaintance; acting; action; actual; addison; addition; address; admiration; advanced; advantage; affairs; affected; age; ages; agreeable; alarm; alive; ancient; angry; answer; anxiety; anxious; appearance; april; argostoli; arms; army; arrival; art; article; artificial; artillery; aspect; assistance; athens; attachment; attack; attempt; attention; augusta; author; authority; avail; aware; bad; baillie; bards; barff; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; behalf; believe; beloved; beneath; best; bills; birth; black; blaquiere; blood; board; boat; body; book; bowles; bowring; boy; brigade; british; broken; brother; bruno; burns; business; calls; calm; cambridge; canto; capable; captain; care; career; cast; catholic; cause; celebrated; cephalonia; certain; change; character; charles; chief; childe; children; christian; church; circumstances; citizens; city; civil; classical; close; cold; colonel; comedian; comfort; coming; committee; common; communication; complete; condition; conduct; confidence; confusion; consciousness; consequence; considerable; consideration; constant; constitution; contrary; conversation; copy; corfu; corinth; corps; correct; correspondence; countess; countries; country; countrymen; courage; course; cowper; credit; criticism; curious; current; daily; danger; dante; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; decision; deep; defence; degree; delay; departure; deputies; description; desire; desirous; details; determination; determined; devil; die; different; difficult; dinner; direct; direction; disposed; disposition; dissensions; distance; distinguished; doctor; dollars; domestic; doubt; douglas; draw; dryden; duke; duty; early; earth; edinburgh; edition; editor; education; effect; enabled; endeavour; enemies; enemy; england; english; envy; epistle; equal; escape; esq; essay; europe; evening; events; evident; example; excellent; excuse; executors; exercise; existence; expected; expedition; expenses; experience; express; expression; extent; extract; extraordinary; extreme; eyes; face; facility; fact; faithful; fall; false; fame; family; famous; fancy; far; father; faults; favour; favourable; favourite; fear; features; february; feeling; fellow; fever; field; fifth; figure; fine; fire; fit; fleet; flesh; fletcher; following; folly; footnote; force; foreign; form; fortune; fountain; fourth; francis; free; freedom; french; friend; friendship; future; gamba; gell; general; generosity; generous; genius; genoa; gentleman; george; german; gilchrist; glorious; glory; god; goethe; good; government; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; grief; guard; guiccioli; habit; half; hancock; hands; hanson; happy; harold; harrow; head; health; heart; heaven; help; henry; heroic; high; higher; highest; hill; history; hitherto; hobhouse; homer; honour; honourable; hope; horses; hours; house; human; humanity; hunt; idea; ignorance; illness; illustrious; imagination; importance; inclined; income; increased; individual; indulgence; inferior; influence; information; instance; instructions; intelligence; intended; intention; intercourse; interest; interesting; introduction; invariable; ireland; irish; island; italian; italy; ithaca; january; jesus; john; johnson; journal; journey; juan; judge; judgment; july; justice; kennedy; kind; kindness; kingdom; knowledge; known; lady; lady byron; lake; language; large; late; law; leave; left; leigh; length; lepanto; letter; liberty; licentiousness; life; like; likely; lines; literary; literature; little; living; loan; london; long; longer; look; lord byron; lordship; loss; love; madame; man; manifest; mankind; manner; march; marquis; marriage; mary; materials; matter; mavrocordato; means; measure; medical; meeting; melancholy; memory; men; mention; mere; messrs; middle; midst; miles; military; millingen; milton; mind; minute; mischief; missolonghi; mistake; modern; moment; money; monies; month; moore; moral; morea; morning; morrow; mother; mrs; mss; muir; murray; mystery; names; napier; narrative; national; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; nervous; new; newstead; noble; noel; non; notice; notion; number; o'clock; object; obliged; observations; occasion; occupied; octavius; offer; officers; old; open; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; original; p.s; pacha; page; pain; painful; pamphlet; papers; parry; particular; parties; parts; passage; passion; past; patient; patras; paul; pay; peculiar; pen; people; perfect; period; person; personal; petition; petrarch; physician; picture; piece; place; play; pleased; pleasure; poem; poet; poetical; poetry; point; political; poor; pope; popular; port; portion; portrait; position; possession; possible; post; pounds; power; powerful; practical; praise; preparations; prepared; presence; present; press; pretty; previous; pride; prince; principal; principles; private; probable; produce; progress; promise; proof; proper; property; prose; public; publication; purpose; quality; quarterly; question; quiet; rank; rapid; ravenna; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; reality; reason; recollection; regard; regret; regular; relations; relief; religion; religious; remainder; remains; remark; remarkable; reply; report; representation; reproach; request; resemblance; residence; resources; respect; respectable; respecting; rest; result; resurrection; return; review; revolution; richard; right; road; robert; rock; rome; room; round; ruins; sad; safety; said; sail; sale; salona; saying; scene; school; schoolfellow; scotch; scott; sea; second; self; sense; separation; servant; service; set; shakspeare; shall; share; shelley; sheridan; shipwreck; short; similar; simple; sincere; single; singular; sir; sister; situation; sketch; sleep; slight; society; soldier; sole; solomon; song; soul; southey; speech; spirit; spot; squadron; stand; stanhope; state; stay; step; stores; story; strange; strength; striking; strong; struggle; style; subject; sublime; success; sufficient; suliotes; sum; sun; superfluous; supply; suppose; surprise; survivor; suspicion; swift; sword; sympathy; system; talent; talk; task; taste; temperament; temple; tendency; terms; testimony; thee; thing; thomas; thought; time; tita; title; tomb; tone; town; tragedy; translation; traveller; trelawney; tribute; trifling; troops; true; trust; trustees; truth; turkish; turks; ulysses; union; useful; useless; usual; vain; variety; venice; venture; versatility; verses; vessel; views; violent; visit; volume; voyage; vulgar; walk; want; war; warfare; water; waves; way; weather; welcome; white; wild; william; willing; wind; wish; wishes; witness; woman; words; wordsworth; work; world; worse; worthy; writer; writing; wrong; years; yesterday; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 16548
- author: Moore, Thomas
- title: Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 With His Letters and Journals
- date: None
- words: 101079
- flesch: 77
- summary: You have played the devil by that injudicious _suppression_, which you did totally without my consent. I was obliged to have recourse to the like some years ago, I mean in point of _diet_, and, with the exception of some convivial weeks and days, (it might be months, now and then,) have kept to Pythagoras ever since.
- keywords: abbey; able; absence; accepted; account; acquaintance; add; address; admiration; admire; advantage; affairs; affections; agreeable; alps; amiable; amusing; answer; anxious; appearance; april; armenian; arrival; article; attacks; author; aware; bad; battle; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; best; black; boat; body; books; box; bride; brother; brussels; buonaparte; business; byron; canto; care; career; carnival; case; cast; causes; certain; change; character; chief; childe; children; choice; chronicle; circumstances; city; civil; clarens; cold; coleridge; coming; committee; common; companion; company; compliment; composition; conduct; confidence; consequence; contrary; conversation; copet; copies; copy; copyright; correct; correspondence; corsair; country; courier; course; cut; d----d; daily; dallas; daughter; davies; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; december; dedication; deep; degree; delighted; description; destiny; devil; different; difficult; dine; dinner; diodati; disposed; disposition; dog; domestic; doubt; drama; drunk; drury; early; earth; edinburgh; effect; england; english; epistle; evening; events; excellent; excuse; exercise; eyes; face; fact; fair; fall; fame; family; fancy; fate; father; fault; favour; favourite; fear; february; feeling; feet; fellow; fever; fine; finished; fire; fixed; following; fool; footnote; form; fortune; france; free; french; friend; future; general; geneva; genius; gentleman; giaour; gifford; girl; glaciers; glad; glory; god; good; government; grammar; great; greater; greek; habit; hair; half; hands; happiness; happy; harold; hate; head; health; heart; height; help; high; higher; highest; history; hitherto; hobhouse; hogg; hold; holland; home; honour; hope; horses; hour; human; humour; husband; idea; ill; imagination; impression; influence; instance; intention; interest; irish; italian; italy; january; jeffrey; journal; journey; joy; july; june; jungfrau; justice; kean; kind; kindness; kinnaird; known; lady; lake; lane; language; lara; large; late; law; learned; leave; left; leigh; length; letter; life; like; likely; lines; literary; little; living; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; lord byron; lordship; love; mackintosh; madame; making; man; manner; march; marianna; mark; marriage; married; matter; mean; melancholy; memory; mention; mere; milan; milbanke; mind; miss; mistake; mode; moment; money; month; moore; morning; morrow; mother; mountains; mrs; murray; music; napoleon; natural; nature; near; need; new; newstead; night; noble; notes; november; number; o'er; object; obliged; occasion; october; odd; ode; offer; old; open; opening; opera; opinion; opportunity; order; original; p.s; pain; paper; paris; particular; parties; parting; party; passage; passion; past; pay; peculiar; people; period; perry; person; personal; physician; piccadilly; picture; piece; place; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; poem; poesy; poet; poetry; point; polidori; politics; poor; pope; portion; possession; possible; post; pounds; power; praise; pray; present; press; pretty; previous; private; progress; promise; proof; property; prose; public; publication; publisher; publishing; purpose; quarterly; question; quiet; reach; read; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; recollection; redde; regard; regret; regular; reply; reputation; request; resolution; respect; rest; return; review; risk; road; rocks; rogers; rome; room; round; run; sad; said; sake; satire; satisfied; save; saying; scene; scott; sea; second; self; sense; sentiment; separation; september; servant; set; share; shelley; sheridan; short; silence; similar; simple; single; sir; sister; sleep; small; social; society; solitary; song; sorry; sotheby; soul; speech; spirit; spring; stand; stanzas; state; stay; staël; step; story; strange; street; strength; strong; study; subject; success; sum; summer; sunday; supper; sure; switzerland; talent; talk; task; thanks; theatre; thee; thing; thinking; thomas; thought; time; tolerable; tom; tour; town; tragedy; trouble; true; trust; truth; usual; value; venetian; venice; verona; verses; view; visit; want; water; way; weather; week; welcome; wife; wild; wind; winter; wish; wishes; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; write; writing; wrong; years; yesterday; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 16549
- author: Moore, Thomas
- title: Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 With His Letters and Journals
- date: None
- words: 96895
- flesch: 77
- summary: First and foremost, you must forward my letter to _Moore_ dated 2d _January_, which I said you might open, but desired you _to forward_. But there are few English here at present; the winter is _their_ time.
- keywords: abbot; able; absent; account; acquaintance; address; admiration; admirer; adriatic; advantage; adventures; affairs; aglietti; agreeable; alfieri; allegra; amusing; angry; answer; anxious; appearance; april; ariosto; arms; arrival; article; ask; attachment; attack; august; author; autumn; bad; bankes; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; beppo; best; birth; black; blood; boat; body; bologna; book; brenta; british; broken; brother; business; byron; canal; canto; captain; cardinal; care; carnival; carriage; case; castle; certain; change; character; che; child; church; circumstances; city; clever; close; cold; coming; common; company; complete; conduct; consequences; considerable; consul; contents; contessa; contrary; convent; conversation; copies; copy; correct; correspondence; countess; country; countrymen; course; croker; curious; d----d; daily; dante; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deep; degree; del; delighted; della; departure; description; desire; devil; different; difficulty; dinner; disposed; disposition; distance; distinguished; doctor; dog; don; door; doubt; dozen; drama; early; earth; edinburgh; edition; editor; effect; egli; england; english; enquire; evening; events; evident; excellent; excuse; extracts; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; failure; fair; faliero; fall; fame; family; famous; fancy; far; fate; father; favour; favourite; fear; features; feeling; fellow; female; ferrara; fever; figure; fine; fit; florence; following; fool; footnote; form; foscolo; fourth; french; friend; future; general; geneva; genius; gentleman; german; gifford; girl; glad; glory; god; goethe; gondola; gone; good; government; grand; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; guiccioli; guide; guineas; hair; half; hall; hand; hanson; happiness; happy; harold; hate; having; head; health; heart; heaven; heavy; help; high; history; hobhouse; hold; home; honour; hope; hoppner; horseback; horses; hot; hour; household; human; humour; hunt; hurry; husband; idea; ill; illness; imagination; immediate; impression; influence; instance; intention; interest; interesting; island; italian; italy; january; john; journal; journey; juan; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; kind; kindness; kinnaird; ladies; lady; lalla; language; large; late; laugh; law; leave; left; leigh; length; letter; lewis; lido; life; like; line; list; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; longer; look; lord; lord byron; lordship; loss; lost; love; madame; magazine; magnesia; making; man; manfred; manner; manuel; march; marino; marquis; married; matter; maturin; mean; memory; men; mere; mia; miles; mind; mira; mistress; modern; moment; money; months; moore; moral; morning; morrow; mother; mrs; murray; music; names; naples; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; nel; new; newstead; night; noble; non; notes; notion; november; number; numerous; o'clock; object; obliged; observations; occasion; october; odd; office; old; ones; open; opera; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; original; p.s; packets; padua; pages; paper; parcel; paris; particular; parties; party; passage; passion; patience; paul; pay; people; period; person; personal; perusal; picture; piece; più; place; plan; play; pleased; pleasure; poem; poetical; poetry; poets; point; police; polidori; politics; poor; pope; portrait; possible; post; pounds; power; pray; preceding; preface; presence; present; pretty; price; principal; private; proofs; proper; prophecy; publication; pulci; purpose; quantity; quarterly; queen; question; quiet; r----ts; rate; ravenna; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; recollect; regard; regret; related; remaining; remark; reply; reputation; request; residence; respects; rest; return; review; ride; riding; road; romance; rome; room; rose; round; run; sad; saddle; safe; said; sale; satisfaction; savage; saying; says; scene; scott; sea; second; self; sense; separation; sept; september; servant; set; shape; sheets; shelley; sheridan; short; singular; sir; sister; situation; small; society; sorry; soul; spirit; spot; spring; stanzas; state; stay; step; story; strange; street; striking; strong; style; subject; success; sufficient; summer; sure; suspect; system; tales; talk; tasso; taste; terms; thanks; theatre; thee; thing; thinking; thought; thy; time; tom; tone; tooth; tragedy; translation; trouble; true; trust; truth; unwell; usual; venetian; venezia; venice; verse; vice; villa; visit; viz; volume; walk; walls; want; water; way; weather; week; wife; wind; winter; wish; wishes; woman; wonder; word; work; worse; worth; write; writing; wrong; years; yesterday; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 16570
- author: Moore, Thomas
- title: Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 2 With His Letters and Journals
- date: None
- words: 87811
- flesch: 75
- summary: With regard to the few and simple directions for the disposal of my _carcass_, I must have them implicitly fulfilled, as they will, at least, prevent trouble and expense;--and (what would be of little consequence to me, but may quiet the conscience of the survivors) the garden is _consecrated_ ground. since the '_Lord_ knows when,' probably from a fellow-feeling in the sentiments.
- keywords: abbey; able; absence; abydos; account; acquaintance; address; addresses; admiration; advantage; affairs; agreeable; alive; alterations; amusing; angry; answer; appearance; aspect; athens; attention; august; author; authority; aware; bad; bankes; bards; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; believe; best; bill; bland; blue; body; book; box; boy; bride; brilliant; brother; business; byron; cambridge; canto; care; case; certain; chance; character; charge; cheltenham; childe; choice; circle; circumstances; claims; close; colonel; come; comedy; committee; common; company; composition; conceive; conduct; consequence; consideration; contrary; conversation; convinced; copies; copy; correspondence; country; couplet; course; credit; criticism; curious; daily; dallas; dark; davies; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; december; deep; degree; delay; delight; description; desire; devil; different; difficult; dine; dinner; direct; disposition; dog; doubt; drury; early; earth; east; edinburgh; edition; editor; effect; england; english; entire; equal; esq; evening; event; excellent; excuse; executors; existence; experience; explanation; eyes; face; fair; fall; fame; family; fancy; far; fate; favour; favourite; fear; features; feeling; fellow; finding; fine; fire; fit; following; footnote; force; form; fox; friend; friendship; future; garden; general; genius; gentleman; george; giaour; gifford; girl; glad; god; good; grace; great; greater; greece; greek; habits; half; hand; happy; harness; harold; harrow; hate; hath; having; head; heart; high; hints; history; hobhouse; hodgson; holland; home; honour; hope; horace; host; hour; house; human; humble; humour; hunt; idea; imagination; impression; inclined; influence; instance; intended; intention; interest; james; january; john; journal; journey; judgment; july; june; justice; kind; kindness; lady; lane; language; large; late; law; lay; leave; left; length; letter; lewis; life; like; lines; literary; literature; little; lively; living; london; long; longer; look; lord; lord byron; lord holland; lordship; loss; love; mackintosh; man; mankind; manner; manuscript; matter; matthews; mean; measure; meeting; melancholy; memory; men; mention; miller; mind; miss; modern; moment; money; month; moore; morning; morrow; mother; mrs; murray; music; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; newstead; night; noble; notes; notice; notion; november; number; o'er; obedient; object; objection; obliged; observation; occasion; oct; october; odd; opening; opinion; order; original; p.s; p.s.--i; page; painful; papers; parliament; particular; party; passage; past; people; perfect; period; perry; person; personal; picture; pilgrimage; place; play; pleased; pleasure; poem; poesy; poet; poetical; poetry; point; politics; poor; pope; portion; possible; post; pounds; power; praise; pratt; pray; present; pretty; printer; printing; progress; promise; proof; prose; proud; public; publication; publisher; purpose; quarterly; quarto; question; quiet; rate; reader; reading; ready; real; reality; reason; recollections; record; reference; regard; regret; remains; reply; request; respect; result; return; review; reviewers; rhyme; rochdale; rogers; room; round; sad; said; sake; sale; satire; satisfaction; satisfied; saying; scene; school; scotch; scott; scrope; sea; second; seeing; self; selfish; sense; september; servant; service; set; share; sheridan; short; silent; similar; sincere; single; sir; situation; small; society; solitude; song; sorry; soul; speech; spirit; spot; spring; stand; stanzas; state; station; staël; step; story; strain; strange; street; strong; style; subject; subsequent; success; sufficient; suggestions; suit; sum; summer; sunday; supposed; sure; surprise; talent; talk; taste; temper; thee; thing; thomas; thought; time; tone; town; trouble; true; trust; truth; turkish; usual; vain; vanity; verse; views; visit; voice; volume; want; ward; way; week; welcome; wife; wild; william; willing; wine; wish; wishes; wit; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; write; writing; written; years; yesterday; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 20879
- author: Morley, John
- title: Critical Miscellanies, Vol. 1, Essay 3: Byron
- date: None
- words: 12860
- flesch: 55
- summary: This was an appeal less to nature than from man, just as we have said that Byron's was, and hence it was distinct from the single-eyed appreciation and love of nature for her own sake, for her beauty and terror and unnumbered moods, which has made of her the mistress and the consoler of many men in these times. Conceit and presumption have not been any more fatal to the world, than the waste which comes of great men failing in their hearts to recognise how great they are.
- keywords: action; activity; age; appreciation; art; beauty; best; better; byron; byronic; cain; century; certain; change; character; circumstance; climax; colour; common; complaint; conception; conditions; conduct; country; criticism; day; days; death; difference; direct; domestic; dramatic; elements; emotion; emotional; end; energy; england; english; essence; europe; expression; faith; far; fatal; feeling; fine; force; form; freedom; generation; genius; gifts; gods; good; great; growth; half; harmony; harold; high; highest; historic; history; hold; hope; human; ideas; imagination; individual; influence; intellectual; intelligence; interest; kind; knowledge; law; life; light; like; literature; little; lofty; long; man; manfred; material; melancholy; men; methods; mind; modern; moods; moral; movement; natural; nature; need; new; noble; old; opinion; order; original; outer; passion; past; peculiar; place; poet; poetic; poetry; point; political; positive; power; practical; present; profound; quality; relations; revolutionary; scientific; self; sense; sentiment; shakespeare; shelley; social; society; soul; spirit; spiritual; spite; strength; sympathy; things; thought; time; true; truth; turn; universe; vision; way; words; work; world; worth; æsthetic
- versions: original; plain text
- 25977
- author: Guiccioli, Teresa, contessa di
- title: My Recollections of Lord Byron
- date: None
- words: 255046
- flesch: 65
- summary: The Rev. Mr. Beecher, disapproving as too free one of the poems he had just published at the age of seventeen, in his first edition of the Hours of Idleness, Lord Byron _withdrew_ and _burnt_ the whole edition. Even at moments of the greatest danger, Lord Byron _contemplated death with philosophical calm_.
- keywords: 8vo; abbey; able; absence; absurd; account; accusation; accustomed; acknowledged; acquaintance; acquainted; actions; admirable; admiration; adventures; affairs; affected; affection; affectionate; afterward; age; agreeable; aid; alarmed; alive; alps; ambition; amiable; amused; amusing; ancient; annabel; answer; anxious; appearance; appreciation; ardent; ardor; arguments; article; aspects; assistance; astonishment; atheist; athens; atmosphere; attached; attacks; attention; attraction; author; aware; bad; bear; beauties; beautiful; beauty; beecher; beginning; beings; belief; believe; beloved; benevolence; best; bible; biographers; biography; birth; bitter; bitterness; blame; blood; blue; board; body; bold; book; bosom; boy; boyish; breast; bright; brilliant; brother; brow; byron replied:-"i; cain; calls; calm; calumniated; calumnies; calumny; cambridge; campbell; canto; capable; care; career; cast; catholic; cause; cease; celebrated; censure; certain; change; chapter; character; charity; charm; charming; chaste; chaworth; chief; childe; childhood; childish; children; choice; christian; christianity; church; circle; circumstances; claim; clear; clever; close; cloth; clouds; cold; coleridge; college; colonel; color; combined; coming; common; companion; company; complete; comrades; conception; conclusions; condition; conduct; conrad; conscience; consequences; consideration; consolation; constancy; constant; constituted; contempt; content; contradictions; contradictory; contrary; contrast; control; conversation; convinced; correct; correspondence; corsair; countenance; countess; countries; country; countrymen; courage; course; creation; creator; creature; crime; criticism; critics; cruel; curiosity; daily; dallas; danger; dangerous; dante; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dearest; death; deeds; deep; defect; defense; degree; delicacy; delicate; delight; delighted; delightful; departure; deserves; desire; despair; destiny; details; developed; devoted; devotion; die; different; difficult; difficulties; dignity; dinner; discover; disgust; disposed; disposition; disraeli; distant; distinguished; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrines; domestic; don; doubt; drama; drawing; dream; drury; duel; duty; earliest; early; earth; east; easy; edition; education; effect; efforts; elements; elevated; emotions; enemies; energetic; energy; england; english; englishmen; ennui; enthusiasm; enthusiastic; envy; equal; error; escape; essential; esteem; eternal; evening; events; evil; exaggerated; examination; example; excellent; exception; excessive; excited; excuse; exercise; existence; experience; expression; exquisite; extraordinary; extreme; eyes; face; facts; faculties; fain; fair; faith; faithful; faliero; fall; false; fame; family; famous; fancy; far; farewell; fashionable; fatal; fate; father; faults; favor; favorable; favorite; fear; features; feeling; feet; fellow; female; fever; field; fine; finest; fire; firm; fit; flattered; flattering; florence; following; folly; fond; footnote; force; foreign; forgiveness; forgot; form; forth; fortune; france; free; french; fresh; friend lord; friends; friendship; future; g----; galt; gamba; gayety; general; generosity; generous; geneva; genius; genoa; gentle; gentleman; gentleness; gifted; girl; glance; gloomy; glorious; glory; god; goethe; good; goodness; grand; grateful; gratitude; grave; great; great mind; greater; greatest; greatness; greece; greek; grief; grounds; guardian; guide; guilty; habits; hair; half; hall; hand; handsome; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; harness; harold; harrow; hatred; head; health; hearing; heart; heaven; help; herbert; hero; heroes; heroic; heroism; high; higher; highest; historical; history; hobhouse; hodgson; hold; homage; home; honest; honor; hope; hoppner; horror; host; hours; house; human; humanity; humble; humor; husband; hypocrisy; ida; idea; idol; ignorance; ignorant; ill; illness; illusions; illustrious; imaginary; imagination; immortality; importance; impossible; impressions; impulse; incapable; independence; indifference; indignant; indignation; individual; indulgence; influence; informed; injustice; innocent; inspired; instance; intellectual; intelligence; intention; intercourse; interest; interesting; intimacy; intimate; island; italian; italy; jealousy; jeffrey; john; journal; journey; joy; juan; judge; judgment; justice; keats; keeping; kennedy; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; lady byron; lamartine; language; large; later; laugh; laws; lead; learned; learning; leave; left; length; letter; liberal; liberty; life; light; like; likely; limits; lines; listening; literary; literature; little; lived; living; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord byron; lord cadurcis; lord carlisle; lord castlereagh; lord clare; lord harrington; lord holland; lordship; loss; lost; love; lovely; lustre; madame; making; malice; man; manfred; mankind; manly; manner; marriage; married; mary; material; matter; matthews; means; measure; medwin; meet; meeting; melancholy; memoirs; memoranda; memory; men; mention; mere; merit; merited; metaphysical; midst; milan; milbank; milton; mind; misanthropy; misery; misfortune; miss; missolonghi; mixed; mobility; mode; modesty; moment; money; months; moore; moral; morality; morning; mother; motives; mountains; mrs; murray; music; musters; mutual; mysterious; mystery; names; napoleon; narrative; natural; nature; ne'er; near; necessary; necessity; new; newstead; noble; noble lord; noblest; notes; notice; notions; notwithstanding; novel; number; numerous; o'er; object; obliged; observation; observed; occasion; offer; open; opinion; opportunity; opposed; opposite; order; origin; original; orthodox; pages; pain; painful; parents; particular; party; pasha; passages; passing; passion; passionate; past; patience; peculiar; pen; people; perfect; period; persecution; personages; personal; persons; persuaded; phenomenon; philosophical; philosophy; physical; picture; piece; pisa; place; play; pleased; pleasure; poem; poet; poetical; poetry; point; political; politics; poor; pope; popularity; portion; portrait; possession; power; powerful; practice; praise; prayer; prejudices; presence; present; pride; principal; principles; private; proceeding; produce; promise; proof; proud; prudence; psychological; public; publication; publisher; publishing; punishment; pure; purest; purpose; qualities; quality; question; quiet; race; rank; rare; ravenna; rays; reach; read; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; recollections; reflection; regard; regret; regular; relations; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remarks; remembrance; reply; repose; reproach; reputation; request; required; respect; result; return; returning; revenge; review; rich; ridiculous; rise; rivals; road; rocks; rogers; romantic; rome; room; rose; round; rule; run; sacred; sacrifice; sadness; sake; satire; satisfaction; satisfied; savage; saw; saying; scene; school; scott; scriptures; sea; seat; second; secret; self; sense; sensibility; sensitive; sentiments; separation; servants; service; set; setting; severe; sex; shade; shakspeare; shelley; shone; short; showing; sides; sigh; silence; silent; similar; simple; simplicity; sincere; sincerity; single; singular; sister; skepticism; sky; sleep; small; smiles; social; society; soft; sole; solitary; solitude; sorrow; soul; source; southey; space; speaking; species; spirit; splendid; spot; spread; spring; stanhope; stanzas; star; state; stay; staël; storm; strange; strength; striking; strong; struggle; studies; study; stupid; style; subject; sublime; success; suffering; sufficient; sum; summer; sun; superior; superiority; surprised; sweet; switzerland; sympathy; system; taine; talent; talk; task; tastes; tear; temper; temperament; tendencies; tendency; tenderness; terms; terrible; testimonies; testimony; theatre; thee; thing; thinking; thought; thy; time; tomb; tone; touching; tragedy; travelling; travels; triumph; true; trust; truth; type; unable; understanding; understood; unfortunate; unhappy; union; united; university; unjust; unknown; useless; usual; vain; value; vanity; varied; venetia; venice; verses; vessel; victim; view; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; visit; voice; vol; vols; volume; voyage; vulgar; walter; want; wanted; warm; waves; way; ways; weakness; weather; weeks; wicked; wife; wild; wind; wings; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; wishing; witness; woe; woman; wonderful; words; wordsworth; work; world; worse; worthy; wounded; write; writers; writings; wrong; years; young; young byron; young lord; young man; youth; youthful
- versions: original; plain text
- 32990
- author: Byron, May
- title: A Day with Lord Byron
- date: None
- words: 4904
- flesch: 74
- summary: The listeners are moved to smiles by the bitter humour of the _Vision of Judgment_: they are left half breathless by the impetuous vigour of _Heaven and Earth_. It has been said that Byron is nothing without his descriptions: and in these he has achieved some of his finest work: notably in some immortal stanzas of _Childe Harold_, with their dazzling panoramic succession of vivid scenes: whether depicting how I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs; A palace and a prison on each hand: I saw from out the wave her structures rise As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand.
- keywords: agapo; athens; beauty; bird; blood; bright; byron; chillon; clear; conrad; corsair; dark; day; days; deep; earth; eyes; face; far; fletcher; friends; good; great; half; hand; hate; heart; heaven; hour; illustration; joy; juan; kiss; life; light; little; london; long; lord; love; lovely; low; maid; medwin; men; mind; mou; o'er; palazzo; past; pisa; poetry; prisoner; sas; scott; sea; shelley; skies; soft; spirit; sun; sweet; tender; thought; williams; wind; work; world; youth; zöe
- versions: original; plain text
- 35733
- author: Miller, Barnette
- title: Leigh Hunt's Relations with Byron, Shelley and Keats
- date: None
- words: 67816
- flesch: 73
- summary: Yes (with a grin) it's Mr. Hunt's isn't it? Mr. Hunt redeems himself by occasional beauties; but the rest of these poor creatures seem so far gone that I would not 'march through Coventry with them, that's flat!'
- keywords: 8vo; account; acquaintance; actual; adjectives; admiration; adonais; affairs; affected; affection; age; anecdotes; answer; april; arrival; article; association; attacks; attempt; attention; attitude; august; author; autobiography; bad; barry; beauties; beautiful; beauty; beginning; believe; best; bitter; blackwood; book; brother; byron; bysshe; calls; carlyle; cause; century; certain; chapter; character; charge; charles; chaucer; chief; children; christian; circle; clarke; classical; close; cockaigne; cockney; coleridge; colloquial; columbia; colvin; coming; common; complete; connection; contemporaries; contributions; cornwall; correct; correspondence; corruption; country; couplet; courage; critical; criticism; crown; curious; dante; day; days; dead; death; debt; december; defense; degree; delightful; description; desire; diction; different; difficult; direct; discussion; domestic; doubt; dowden; dryden; early; earth; edinburgh; edition; editor; effect; endymion; enemies; england; english; enthusiasm; equal; essays; evidence; evil; examiner; example; exception; expected; expression; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; failure; faith; fall; fame; familiar; family; fancy; far; father; faults; feast; february; feeling; fields; fine; flowers; foliage; following; form; forman; freedom; french; friends; friendship; general; genius; genoa; gentle; george; gifford; glad; godwin; good; government; grave; great; greater; greatest; green; group; habit; half; hampstead; hand; haydon; hazlitt; head; health; heart; heroic; high; history; home; honour; hope; horace; house; human; hunt; ibid; idea; imagination; imitation; important; independence; indicator; individual; influence; instance; intercourse; interest; intimacy; introduction; ireland; italian; italy; james; january; john; john hunt; john keats; johnson; journals; journey; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; keats; kind; knowledge; known; lamb; lamia; language; large; later; leafy; leigh hunt; letter; libel; liberal; liberty; life; light; like; likely; lines; list; literary; literature; little; living; london; long; look; lord byron; lost; love; magazine; main; man; manner; march; maria; mary; mary shelley; matters; mean; meeting; memoirs; men; milton; mind; mistake; moment; money; month; monthly; moore; moral; morning; mother; motives; movement; mrs; murray; music; narrative; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; nicoll; nineteenth; noble; notes; notice; novello; november; number; object; obligation; occasional; october; offer; old; ones; opinion; order; original; page; pain; paper; particular; party; passage; passion; patmore; peacock; people; percy; period; personal; peter; petty; ph.d; philosophy; physical; picture; pisa; place; pleasant; pleasure; pocket; poems; poetical; poetry; points; political; politics; poor; pope; position; possible; power; praise; preface; present; press; prince; principles; prison; private; procter; professor; profits; pronounced; proof; prose; public; publication; pure; purpose; qualities; quarterly; queen; question; rank; reaction; read; reading; real; reason; recollections; reference; reform; regard; regent; relations; religion; remarkable; reply; reputation; resemblance; respect; return; review; revolution; reynolds; rhymes; rimini; room; round; run; sake; satire; saying; school; scott; second; self; sense; sentence; separate; september; series; set; severn; share; shelley; short; similar; single; sir; situation; small; smith; social; society; sonnet; soul; southey; spenser; spirit; spring; statement; story; strength; striking; strong; studies; study; style; subject; support; sweet; sympathy; table; talents; talk; taste; tell; tendency; theories; theory; things; thomas; thornton hunt; thought; time; time hunt; tiptoe; tom; tone; translation; treatment; trouble; true; truth; understanding; university; use; variety; verse; versification; viii; visit; vols; volume; vulgar; walter; want; way; weekly; wife; william; wise; wish; wit; wordsworth; works; world; worst; writer; writing; years; york; young; | |
- versions: original; plain text
- 41701
- author: Gribble, Francis Henry
- title: The Love Affairs of Lord Byron
- date: None
- words: 92205
- flesch: 69
- summary: What they required was that Lady Byron should state not only that the rumours did not originate with her or her family, but that the charges which they involved made no part of her charges against Lord Byron. He had thought it worth while to send Lady Byron messages about the pleasure which he found in the company of the Venetian harlots; but he sent her none about the charms of Madame Guiccioli.
- keywords: absence; account; acquaintance; action; adventure; affairs; affection; afraid; alleged; answer; apartment; appearance; april; arms; athens; attachment; attempt; attitude; augusta; author; bad; baker; bear; beautiful; bed; beginning; belief; best; better; biographer; birth; blood; book; boy; bride; brother; business; byron mystery; cambridge; capable; captain byron; career; carlisle; case; certain; change; chapter; character; charges; chateaubriand; chaworth; childe; circumstances; clairmont; clear; colonel; common; companion; conduct; confession; confidence; consequence; contrary; cordy; correspondence; countess; country; course; court; cousin; credit; crisis; cut; dallas; dark; date; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dearest; death; degree; departure; desire; diary; different; difficult; dinner; domestic; doubt; draper; dream; drury; duff; early; easy; edgcumbe; effect; emotions; end; engaged; england; english; escape; evening; events; evidence; excuse; exile; explanation; eyes; face; fact; faithful; false; fame; family; famous; fat; father; fear; february; feelings; feet; fellow; female; fighting; final; fire; following; fond; fortune; free; fresh; friends; galt; gamba; general; geneva; genius; george; girl; glory; god; good; grand; great; greater; greece; greek; grief; gross; guiccioli; guilty; habit; hair; half; hand; hanson; happiness; happy; hard; harness; harold; harrow; head; health; heart; help; high; hints; hobhouse; hodgson; hold; holland; home; honour; hope; hour; hunt; husband; idea; importance; impression; incident; indignation; influence; information; instance; interesting; intimacy; introduction; italian; italy; jane; jeaffreson; john; journal; journey; juan; july; june; keeping; kind; knowledge; known; ladies; lady byron; lady caroline; lady melbourne; lady oxford; lamb; language; large; later; law; leave; leigh; letters; life; like; likely; lines; literary; little; live; living; london; long; longer; look; lord byron; love; lovelace; lushington; madame; maid; making; man; manner; march; marianna; marriage; married; mary; mary chaworth; matter; matthews; means; medwin; meeting; melbourne; memory; men; midst; milbanke; mind; miss; mistress; moment; money; months; moore; moral; morning; mother; motives; mrs; murray; mystery; narrative; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; newstead; noble; noel; note; object; occasion; old; open; opinion; orchard; order; oxford; particular; party; passages; passion; passionate; past; peer; people; period; person; personality; picture; piece; pisa; place; play; pleased; pleasure; poem; poet; poetry; point; police; poor; pose; position; possible; power; presence; present; pretty; private; proceedings; proof; proper; proposal; public; publication; purpose; quarrel; question; ralph; rate; ravenna; ready; real; reason; recollections; reconciliation; record; reference; regard; relations; religion; renewal; reply; report; respect; rest; result; return; riding; right; ring; rogers; romance; romantic; room; round; run; sake; salvo; saying; scandal; scene; school; schoolboy; scotch; scrope; sea; second; secret; self; sense; sentiment; separation; set; shelley; short; silence; sir; sister; situation; small; smile; smith; social; society; southwell; speak; spencer; spirit; spite; state; statement; stay; staël; stories; story; stowe; strong; style; subject; subsequent; sudden; suggestion; support; supposed; sure; surprised; talk; temper; terms; theatre; thee; things; thought; throw; thy; time; title; tone; tour; town; travel; trouble; true; truth; understood; usual; vain; venetian; venice; verses; vice; view; visit; war; way; week; wicked; wife; william; wine; wish; witness; woman; words; wordsworth; work; world; worse; writing; wrong; years; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 41809
- author: Edgcumbe, Richard
- title: Byron: The Last Phase
- date: None
- words: 132264
- flesch: 71
- summary: In one conversation which I had with Lord Byron, he dwelt much upon the acquirements and virtues of Lady Byron, and even said she had committed no fault but that of having married him. We know that Augusta's statements, made orally, were subsequently written down from memory; because Lady Byron told one of her friends that she had sent the said 'confession' to the Lord Chancellor (Eldon), 'as a bar to any future proceedings that might be taken by Lord Byron to obtain the custody of Ada.'
- keywords: able; absence; account; action; acts; ada; admiration; advice; affairs; affected; affection; afraid; alarmed; alas; allegra; allusion; annesley; answer; anxiety; anxious; appeal; appearance; april; arms; arrival; artillery; ask; assistance; astarte; attachment; attack; attempt; attention; augusta; augusta leigh; author; authority; aware; bad; bear; beautiful; bed; beginning; belief; bentham; best; birth; bleeding; blessington; blood; board; boat; body; book; bowring; boy; brain; brig; brigade; british; broken; brother; bruno; business; byron mystery; canto; captain; care; cariascachi; cause; cephalonia; certain; change; chapter; character; charles; chaworth; child; children; church; circumstances; city; civil; claire; clear; close; cold; colonel; committee; common; companion; company; conduct; confession; confidence; consent; consequences; considerable; constant; contrary; conversation; convinced; correspondence; corsair; countenance; countess; country; courage; course; court; crime; daily; danger; dangerous; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dearest; death; death byron; december; deep; degree; departure; description; desire; determined; different; difficult; disposition; doctors; dollars; doubt; doyle; dream; duty; early; earth; easy; edleston; effect; enemy; england; english; europe; evening; event; evidence; evident; example; excellent; existence; experience; extract; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faithful; fall; false; fame; family; far; fatal; fate; father; favour; fear; february; feelings; fellow; fever; fine; fit; fixed; fleet; fletcher; following; fond; foot; force; forgotten; form; fortune; free; freedom; friend; friendship; funeral; future; gamba; general; genius; genoa; george; god; good; government; governor; grave; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; grief; grounds; guiccioli; guilt; guns; habit; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harold; hath; having; head; health; heart; heaven; high; history; hitherto; hobhouse; hodgson; home; honour; hopes; hour; house; human; humanity; hunt; husband; i. byron; idea; illness; imagination; impression; incident; influence; information; innocence; inspired; intercourse; interest; interview; intimacy; island; italy; ithaca; january; john; journal; juan; judge; july; june; justice; kennedy; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; lady b.; lady byron; lamb; language; large; later; lay; leave; left; leigh; length; lepanto; letter; letter byron; liberal; liberty; life; like; likely; lines; lion; lips; literary; little; live; living; loan; london; longer; look; lord b.; lord byron; lord lovelace; lordship; loss; lost; love; lovelace; lushington; man; manfred; manner; march; marriage; married; mary; mary chaworth; master; matters; mavrocordato; means; medical; medora; medwin; meeting; melancholy; memory; mention; mere; milbanke; military; millingen; mind; missolonghi; moment; money; months; moore; morea; morning; mother; motives; mrs; murray; musters; mystery; nation; native; natural; nature; ne'er; near; necessary; need; nervous; newstead; night; noble; noel byron; note; november; number; o'clock; o'er; object; occasion; october; odysseus; officers; old; open; opinion; opinion byron; order; pain; papers; parry; particular; passing; passion; past; patient; pay; people; perfect; period; person; personal; physician; picture; pisa; pity; place; place byron; pleased; pleasure; poems; poet; poetry; point; poor; portion; portrait; position; possibility; possible; power; prepared; presence; present; previous; pride; primates; prince; principles; private; promise; proof; property; public; publication; purpose; question; ravenna; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; reconciliation; record; regard; regret; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remembered; remorse; reply; request; respect; rest; return; review; rise; river; room; round; ruin; sacrifice; sad; safety; salona; satisfied; save; saying; scandal; scene; scott; sea; second; secret; self; sense; separation; september; seq; servants; service; set; share; shelley; short; silence; sincere; sir; sister; situation; sleep; small; society; soldiers; sole; sorrow; soul; source; speaking; spirit; spite; spread; stanhope; stanzas; state; statement; strange; streets; strong; subject; sufficient; suliotes; support; supposed; sure; suspicions; sweet; sword; sympathy; taking; talk; task; tear; terms; thee; thine; things; thomas; thought; thy; thyrza; time; time byron; tita; tone; town; treatment; trelawny; troops; true; trust; truth; turkish; turks; understand; unfortunate; unhappy; useless; usual; vain; value; verses; vessel; view; virtues; visit; voice; vol; walter; want; war; waters; way; weak; weather; western; wife; wild; william; wish; wishes; woman; words; work; world; worst; worthy; writer; writing; wrong; years; young; youth; zante
- versions: original; plain text
- 44791
- author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher
- title: Lady Byron Vindicated: A History of the Byron Controversy
- date: None
- words: 100154
- flesch: 67
- summary: Had he not heaped insult upon insult, and scorn upon scorn, had he not forced the iron of his contempt into her very soul, there is no woman of delicacy and virtue, as he _admitted_ Lady Byron to be, who would not have hoped all things, and suffered all things, from one, her love of whom must have been inwoven with so many exalting elements of delicious pride, and more delicious humility. In the piece entitled 'Lines on hearing Lady Byron is ill,' Lord Byron charges on his wife a similar treachery and cruelty.
- keywords: a. byron; able; absolute; accepted; account; accusations; acquaintance; action; advice; affairs; affection; affectionate; america; answer; appearance; article; ask; assertion; astonished; attack; attention; author; autobiography; bad; baillie; barnard; beauty; bed; belief; best; bitter; blackwood; blame; blood; book; brain; broken; brother; business; byron controversy; campbell; canto; capable; care; careful; case; causes; certain; chapter; character; charge; charity; child; children; christian; christopher; church; circle; circulation; circumstances; claim; clear; club; clytemnestra; cold; comfort; committed; common; conduct; confidence; confidential; connection; conscience; consideration; constant; contrary; conversation; convinced; copy; correspondence; counsel; country; course; court; creature; crime; cruel; danger; date; daughter; day; days; dead; deadly; dear; death; declared; deep; deeper; defence; degree; delicacy; delicate; desire; despair; determined; devoted; different; difficult; discussion; documents; domestic; doubt; duty; early; earth; edition; effect; efforts; england; english; eternal; events; evidence; evident; evil; example; existence; experience; eyes; face; facts; faith; false; falsehood; fame; family; far; fare; father; faults; favour; fear; feelings; female; fit; following; footnote; force; form; fortune; forward; foul; free; friends; friendship; future; general; generation; generous; genius; god; good; grave; great; greater; greatest; ground; guiccioli; guilty; habits; half; hallucination; hands; happiness; happy; harold; hate; hatred; head; health; heart; hearted; heaven; help; high; higher; highest; history; hold; home; honest; honour; hope; horror; hour; house; human; humanity; husband; idea; iii; ill; important; impressed; impression; incest; influence; information; informed; injury; innocent; insane; insanity; instance; insult; interest; interview; investigation; italics; jan; journal; juan; judge; judgment; july; justice; kind; kindness; kirkby; know; knowledge; lady anne; lady blessington; lady byron; lady milbanke; lady noel; language; large; late; lay; leave; left; legal; leigh; letter; lie; lies; life; like; likely; literary; literature; little; living; london; long; look; lord byron; lost; love; lushington; madame; magazine; maginn; making; man; mankind; manner; march; marriage; married; martineau; matter; means; medwin; meet; memoir; memory; men; mental; mercy; mere; milbanke; mimms; mind; miss; mistress; moment; months; moore; moral; mother; motives; mrs; murray; nature; near; nearest; necessary; new; noble; noctes; noel byron; north; number; object; obliged; occasion; old; open; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; painful; papers; parents; parties; party; passages; passion; past; peculiar; people; perfect; period; person; personal; physical; pity; place; poem; poet; poetry; point; poor; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; prepared; present; pride; principles; private; proof; proper; public; publication; pure; purpose; quarterly; question; rank; reader; reading; real; reason; reconciliation; record; regard; relations; religion; religious; remarkable; remarks; remembered; remorse; reply; reputation; respect; responsibility; result; return; review; right; romilly; room; ruin; sacred; sad; sake; saying; school; seaham; second; secret; self; sense; separation; service; set; showing; silence; silent; sin; singular; sins; sir; sister; sketch; slanders; small; society; sorrow; sort; soul; speaking; spirit; stand; state; statement; step; stories; story; stowe; strange; strength; strong; subject; suffering; sufficient; suit; sure; sympathy; talk; testimony; thee; things; thought; thy; time; treatment; trial; true; trust; truth; unnatural; usual; utter; vain; value; venice; view; virtue; virtuous; visit; voice; vol; want; way; wedding; weeks; weight; widow; wife; wilson; wish; witness; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worst; worthy; writer; writings; wrongs; years; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 8901
- author: Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
- title: The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 1
- date: None
- words: 130962
- flesch: 74
- summary: No sooner had the unlucky sentence, which I believe was prompted by my evil Genius, escaped my lips, than I was treated with an Oration in the _ancient style_, which I have often so _pathetically_ described to you, unequalled by any thing of _modern_ or _antique_ date; nay the _Philippics_ against Lord Melville P.S.--Since we met, I have reduced myself by violent exercise, _much_ physic, and _hot_ bathing, from 14 stone 6 lb.
- keywords: 2nd; abbey; aberdeen; absence; abydos; account; acquaintance; adair; added; address; adieu; admiral; advice; affairs; affectionate; afraid; agreeable; albania; albemarle; ali; allowance; ambassador; amiable; amusement; amusing; ancient; answer; anxious; appearance; appendix; april; arrival; article; asia; athens; attached; attempt; attention; augusta byron; aunt; author; authority; bad; ball; bankes; bards; bath; bear; beautiful; beauty; becher; beckford; bed; beg; beloved; best; bills; birth; bishop; black; bland; board; body; book; box; boy; boys; bridget; british; brother; burgage; business; butler; byron; cadiz; cambridge; canto; captain; care; carlisle; case; cash; castle; celebrated; certain; chancellor; chancery; chapter; character; charge; charles; chaworth; chief; childe; childish; children; church; circumstances; city; claim; classical; clever; close; club; college; colonel; come; comfort; common; companion; company; compliments; composition; conduct; conjecture; connection; consequence; considerable; constantinople; consul; contents; contrary; convenient; conversation; copy; correct; correspondence; countenance; country; course; court; cousin; credit; criticism; curious; cut; dallas; damned; danger; dark; date; daughter; davies; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dearest; death; debt; december; degree; delawarr; delightful; departure; description; desire; details; determined; devil; diary; different; difficult; dinner; disposed; disposition; distance; distant; distinguished; dorant; doubt; dozen; drink; drury; duchess; duke; dull; earl; east; edinburgh; edition; education; effect; effort; eldest; elizabeth; endeavour; england; english; epistle; equal; escape; esq; esteem; eton; europe; evening; event; excellent; exception; excuse; exercise; expression; extraordinary; eyes; fact; fair; fall; fame; family; famous; fancy; far; father; fault; favour; favourable; fear; february; feel; feeling; feet; fellow; female; field; fifth; figure; fine; finished; fire; fit; fletcher; following; footnote; force; forgot; fortnight; fortune; fountain; fourth; fox; francis; french; fresh; friend; friendship; frigate; furniture; future; galt; garden; gell; general; genius; gentleman; george; gibraltar; gifford; girl; glad; god; gold; good; gordon; government; grandfather; gray; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; grey; hair; half; hall; hand; handsome; hanson; happy; hard; hargreaves; harness; harold; harrow; head; health; heart; help; henry; hero; high; hill; history; hobhouse; hodgson; hold; holidays; holland; home; hon; honour; hope; horace; horses; hotel; hours; house; howard; humble; husband; ibid; idea; idleness; iii; inclination; income; inform; information; intelligence; intention; interest; interesting; invitation; island; italian; ithaca; jackson; james; january; john; john byron; john hanson; johnson; jones; journal; journey; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; kind; kindness; king; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; lady byron; lane; language; large; late; laugh; law; lay; leacroft; leave; left; leigh; length; letter; life; like; lines; lisbon; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; longer; look; lord byron; lordship; loss; love; malta; man; manner; manor; mansion; march; marquis; marriage; married; mary; master; matthews; means; meeting; member; memoirs; memory; men; mention; mere; merit; miles; mind; minority; miss; mistake; modern; moment; money; monthly; months; moore; morea; morning; morrow; mother; mother,--i; mountains; mrs; murray; music; narrative; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; nelson; newark; newstead; night; noble; notice; nottingham; notts; novel; november; number; numerous; object; obliged; occasion; occupied; occurs; october; offer; office; old; open; opera; opinion; opportunity; order; original; oxford; p.s.--i; pacha; packet; page; paper; paris; particular; party; passage; passions; past; patience; patras; pay; pen; people; period; person; personal; piccadilly; picture; pieces; pigot; pitt; place; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; poems; poetical; poetry; point; political; politics; poor; pope; portsmouth; portugal; possession; possible; post; pounds; power; praise; pratt; pray; preface; present; presume; pretty; previous; prince; principal; private; proceedings; promise; proper; property; public; publication; publishing; purpose; qualities; quarrel; quarter; queen; question; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; recollections; regard; regret; remains; remarkable; remarks; remembrance; reply; reputation; request; residence; respect; retired; return; rev; review; reviewers; rhymes; richard; road; robert; rochdale; rock; rogers; room; round; run; said; sail; satire; satisfied; saturday; scenes; scholar; school; scotch; scotland; scrope; sea; seat; second; secretary; self; sell; sentiments; september; series; servant; service; sestos; set; seville; share; short; sick; signature; similar; simple; sincere; single; singular; sir; sir,--i; sister; sitting; situation; sligo; small; smith; smyrna; society; sophia; sorry; southwell; spain; spanish; speech; spirits; spite; spot; spring; stanzas; state; stay; stone; story; street; strong; style; subject; sufficient; sultan; summer; swam; sweet; table; talents; talk; taste; tell; temper; terms; thanks; theatre; thing; thomas; thought; time; title; tolerable; tom; tour; town; translation; traveller; travelling; travels; treatment; trifling; trinity; trouble; true; truth; turkey; turkish; turks; tutor; ulysses; uncle; unhappy; university; usual; value; verse; violent; virtue; visit; voice; vol; volume; voyage; walsh; want; war; water; way; wednesday; week; welcome; westminster; wife; william; wind; wine; winter; wish; wishes; wit; woman; words; wordsworth; work; world; worse; worth; write; writing; years; yesterday; yorkshire; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 9921
- author: Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
- title: The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 2
- date: None
- words: 175671
- flesch: 79
- summary: The other night we were all delivering our respective and various opinions on him and other _hommes marquans_, and mine was this:--Whatever Sheridan has done or chosen to do has been, _par excellence_, always the _best_ of its kind. I have in charge a curious and very long MS. poem, written by Lord Brooke (the _friend_ of Sir _
- keywords: abbey; able; absence; abuse; abydos; account; acquaintance; act; acting; actor; additional; address; addresses; admirable; admiration; admire; advantage; advice; affair; affected; affectionate; afraid; agent; agreeable; allusion; alterations; altered; amusing; angry; anonymous; answer; anxious; appearance; appendix; approbation; april; article; ashamed; aston; athens; attached; attack; attempt; attention; audience; august; author; authority; aware; bad; bag; ball; bankes; bards; battle; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; begins; behalf; believe; bennet; berry; best; bill; bitter; black; blame; bland; blessington; blood; blue; body; book; bore; bow; box; boy; breath; bride; bright; brilliant; british; broken; brother; brummell; buonaparte; busby; business; bye; byron; cambridge; came; campbell; canning; canto; captain; care; career; carlisle; caroline; catholic; cause; cawthorn; celebrated; censure; certain; change; character; charles; charlotte; charm; cheltenham; chief; childe; children; choice; chronicle; church; circumstances; civil; claims; clarke; claughton; clear; clever; close; club; coal; cochrane; cold; coleridge; college; colman; colonel; come; comedy; comfort; committee; common; companion; company; complete; compliment; composition; conceive; concerns; conclusion; conduct; consequence; considerable; content; continued; contract; contrary; conversation; convinced; copies; copy; correct; correspondence; corsair; countenance; countess; countries; country; couplet; courier; course; court; covent; criticism; crown; curious; curran; cut; daily; dallas; damned; dark; daughter; davies; davy; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dearest; death; dec; december; decided; dedicated; dedication; deep; defence; degree; delay; delight; delightful; describes; description; desire; detached; devil; devonshire; diary; die; different; difficult; dine; dinner; disgrace; dislike; distance; dog; domestic; double; doubt; drunk; drury; dublin; duchess; duke; dull; dutch; duty; earl; earth; east; easy; edgeworth; edinburgh; edition; editor; edward; effect; eldest; elizabeth; elliston; endeavour; england; english; entitled; envy; epic; epistle; equal; erskine; essays; established; etc; evening; events; evidence; example; excellent; excuse; exercise; existence; experience; explanation; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; fair; faithful; fall; false; fame; family; famous; fancy; far; fashion; fashionable; fate; father; fault; favour; favourite; fear; features; february; feel; feeling; fellow; fifth; figure; fine; finest; fire; fit; fleet; fletcher; fly; foe; following; fond; fool; foolish; footnote; foreign; form; fortune; fox; france; francis; free; freedom; french; fresh; friend; friendship; future; galt; garden; garrick; gay; general; generous; genius; gentleman; george; giant; giaour; gifford; girl; glad; glenarvon; god; gone; good; government; grand; grateful; gratification; gratitude; grave; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; grey; guineas; habit; hair; half; hall; hamlet; hand; handsome; hanson; happiness; happy; harness; harold; harrow; hath; having; head; health; hearing; heart; heaven; heir; help; henry; hero; high; hill; hints; history; hobhouse; hodgson; hold; holland; home; honest; honour; hope; horace; horner; horses; hour; house; human; humble; humour; hunt; husband; i. p.; ibid; idea; idle; iii; important; independence; influence; information; informed; inquiry; instance; institution; insult; intellectual; intended; intention; interest; introduction; invitation; ireland; irish; italian; italy; james; january; jeffrey; jersey; john; john murray; johnson; journal; journey; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; juvenal; kean; kemble; kind; kindness; king; knife; known; ladies; lady; lady byron; lamb; lancashire; lane; language; large; late; laugh; law; lead; leave; lectures; left; leigh; length; letter; lewis; liberty; life; like; likely; lines; lion; list; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; longer; look; lord b.; lord byron; lord holland; lordship; loss; love; macbeth; mackintosh; madame; magazine; mahomet; making; man; manager; mankind; manner; manuscript; march; marked; marquis; marriage; married; mary; material; matter; matthews; mean; measure; medwin; meeting; melancholy; melbourne; member; memoirs; memory; men; mention; mere; merits; milbanke; military; miller; milton; mind; ministers; miserable; miss; mistake; modern; moment; monday; money; monthly; months; moore; moral; morning; morrow; mother; motion; motive; motto; mrs; murray; muse; music; napoleon; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neighbours; new; newstead; night; noble; non; nonsense; notes; notice; novel; november; number; numerous; o'clock; o'er; obedient; object; objection; obliged; observations; occasion; october; odd; odes; offer; office; old; open; opening; opinion; opposite; orange; order; original; oxford; p.s.--i; page; papers; paragraph; pardon; paris; parliament; parliamentary; parody; particular; parties; party; passage; passion; past; patience; pay; peer; people; perceive; perfect; period; person; personal; petition; picture; pieces; pistols; pity; place; plain; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; poem; poet; poetical; poetry; point; policy; political; politics; poor; pope; popular; popularity; portion; portrait; portsmouth; portugal; possession; possible; post; pounds; power; praise; pray; preface; preference; prepared; present; press; pretty; previous; prince; princess; principal; principles; printer; private; productions; progress; prologue; promised; proof; proper; property; prose; proud; public; publication; publisher; purchase; purpose; pursuits; quantity; quarrel; quarterly; quarto; queen; question; quiet; r.c; rank; rate; read; readers; reading; real; reason; recollection; redde; reflection; regard; regent; regret; regular; relative; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remarks; reply; report; reputation; request; respect; respectable; rest; return; review; reviewers; rhyme; richard; rise; rival; robert; robinson; rochdale; rogers; romance; room; round; royal; rule; run; rushton; sacred; sad; said; sake; sale; samuel; satire; satirist; satisfaction; saturday; save; saw; saying; scene; school; scotch; scott; scrope; sea; second; secret; seeing; selfish; sense; sentence; sentiment; separation; sept; september; servant; service; set; sex; share; sheet; shelley; sheridan; short; silence; silent; similar; sincere; single; singular; sir; sir,--i; sister; situation; sleep; slight; small; smile; smith; society; song; sorry; soul; southey; sovereign; spain; speaking; speech; speeches; spencer; spirit; spite; spot; spring; square; stand; stanza; state; statement; stay; staël; stories; story; strange; street; strong; style; subject; subsequent; success; successful; suit; sum; summer; sunday; superior; supposed; sure; system; talents; talk; taste; tear; temper; text; thanks; theatre; thee; things; think; thinking; thomas; thought; thy; ticknor; time; title; tomorrow; tone; town; trade; tragedy; travels; trouble; true; trust; truth; tuesday; turkish; twice; twopenny; undated; unfortunate; union; useful; useless; usual; vain; valuable; value; vanity; venture; verse; viii; virtue; visit; viz; voice; vol; vols; volume; vous; wales; walter; want; ward; way; webster; wedderburn; wednesday; week; weep; welcome; wellington; whig; whitbread; white; wife; wild; william; willing; wind; wine; winter; wish; wishes; wit; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; writer; writing; written; wrong; years; yesterday; young; younger; youth
- versions: original; plain text