This is an automatically generated bibliography describing the content of this study carrel.
- 12916
- author: Procopius
- title: The Secret History of the Court of Justinian
- date: None
- words: 44313
- flesch: 56
- summary: As for the plague, of which I have made mention in the former books of my history, although it ravaged the whole earth, yet as many men escaped it as perished by it, some of them never taking the contagion, and others recovering from it. Many men have been born in every age who, either by circumstances or their own character, have shown themselves terrible beings, who became the ruin of cities, countries, and whatever else fell into their hands; but to destroy all men and to ruin the whole earth has been granted to none save these two, who have been helped by Fortune in their schemes to destroy the whole human race.
- keywords: able; actions; affairs; alexandria; anastasius; ancient; antonina; army; arrival; authority; avarice; barbarians; barsyames; belisarius; best; better; birth; blues; body; books; buildings; business; byzantium; cappadocia; care; cause; centenars; certain; chapter; character; charge; chief; children; chosroes; christians; church; churches; cities; citizens; city; conduct; considerable; corn; country; courage; court; crime; cruelty; custom; daily; daughter; day; dead; death; dignity; disgrace; dream; duty; east; emperor; empire; empress; enemy; ephesus; escape; established; estates; events; evil; eyes; face; faction; faith; father; favour; fear; feet; following; food; force; form; fortune; free; friends; future; general; god; gold; good; goths; governor; great; greater; greatest; green; ground; hands; heaven; history; home; house; human; huns; husband; ill; imperial; influence; inhabitants; interests; italy; john; justice; justinian; kind; land; language; large; law; laws; leave; legal; leo; letters; liberius; libya; life; like; little; long; loss; love; magistrates; man; mankind; manner; market; marriage; married; master; matters; means; members; men; mention; money; mother; murder; nature; new; night; number; oaths; occasion; office; officials; opinion; opportunity; order; palestine; parts; pass; patrician; paul; pay; people; persians; persons; peter; photius; place; pleased; plunder; poor; possible; power; presence; present; pretended; pretext; price; private; procopius; property; provinces; public; punishment; rank; reason; regard; reign; respect; rest; return; roman; rome; ruin; saracens; sea; second; secret; senate; servants; service; set; shame; short; slaves; soldiers; solomon; spite; state; straightway; subjects; sufficient; sums; territory; theodora; theodosius; thing; thought; throne; time; treasury; treatment; trouble; unable; usual; vast; vengeance; violent; war; wars; water; way; wealth; wife; women; words; work; world; years; young
- versions: original; plain text
- 16764
- author: Procopius
- title: History of the Wars, Books I and II The Persian War
- date: None
- words: 95139
- flesch: 69
- summary: 10 Bolum, fortress in Persarmenia, near which were the gold mines of the Persian king, I. xv. 18; betrayed to the Romans by Isaac, I. xv. 2 ff.; sends an army against them, I. xii. 10; sends an army into Roman Armenia, I. xv.
- keywords: a.d; able; account; accustomed; advanced; advantage; aethiopians; agreement; alamoundaras; altogether; ambassadors; amida; anastasius; ancient; antioch; arethas; armenia; armenians; armies; army; arsaces; attack; azarethes; barbarians; battle; belisarius; besieged; best; birth; body; book; book i.; boundary; bouzes; brother; byzantium; cabades; camp; captives; capture; cause; certain; chanaranges; chosroes; christians; citizens; city; close; colchis; coming; commander; commands; company; confusion; country; course; cross; danger; daras; day; days; dead; death; difficulty; disease; distance; distant; eager; earth; east; edessa; emperor; emperor justinian; empire; end; enemy; envoys; ephthalitae; escape; euphrates; events; fact; father; favour; fear; fighting; fire; flight; following; follows; force; fortifications; fortress; fortune; friends; gates; general; glones; god; gold; good; goths; goubazes; great; greater; greatest; ground; guard; hand; harm; height; hermogenes; high; hill; history; hold; homeritae; hope; horses; hostile; huns; hypatius; i. i.; i. ii; i. iv; i. v.; i. viii; i. x.; i. xix; i. xvii; i. xxiii; i. xxiv; i. xxvi; iberia; importance; inhabitants; inside; insurrection; invasion; italy; john; journey; justinian; justinus; keeping; kind; king; land; large; later; law; lazica; learning; left; length; letter; lies; life; little; long; longer; making; manner; march; martinus; matter; means; mebodes; men; mesopotamia; mighty; mind; moment; money; narses; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; nephew; nisibis; number; office; officers; open; opposite; order; pass; pay; people; perozes; persarmenia; persian army; persians; peter; petra; place; plan; plunder; point; portion; possible; power; present; priest; prison; procopius; purpose; rear; reason; rest; result; return; right; river; roman army; roman emperor; romans; royal; rufinus; safety; sanctuary; saracens; saying; sea; second; set; short; sides; siege; sittas; situation; small; soldiers; space; speed; stades; stand; straightway; strength; strong; struggle; subject; sufficient; terms; territory; thee; things; thou; thought; throne; tigris; time; treaty; trench; troops; trouble; unable; wall; war; wars; way; wife; willing; wish; words; work; world; xii; xiii; xxix; xxv; xxviii; xxx; year
- versions: original; plain text
- 16765
- author: Procopius
- title: History of the Wars, Books III and IV The Vandalic War
- date: None
- words: 81765
- flesch: 73
- summary: 14, 15 Esdilasas, a Moorish ruler; joins in an attack upon a Roman force, IV. x. 6 ff.; surrenders himself to the Romans, IV. 27 Medic garments, _i.e._ silk; called seric in Procopius' time, as coming from the Chinese (Seres); worn by the Vandals, IV. vi. 7 Medissinissas, a Moorish ruler; joins in an attack upon a Roman force, IV. x. 6 ff.; slays Rufinus, IV. x. 11 Megara, its distance from Athens the measure of a one day's journey, III.
- keywords: a.d; able; account; accustomed; aetius; alaric; alliance; altogether; ancient; antalas; areobindus; arms; army; artabanes; aspar; attack; aurasium; bade; barbarians; basiliscus; battle; beginning; belisarius; best; body; boniface; book iii; brave; brother; byzacium; byzantium; camp; capture; carthage; cause; certain; charge; children; christians; city; close; coming; commander; country; course; coutzinas; danger; day; days; death; decimum; defeat; disorder; distance; distant; east; emperor; empire; enemy; expedition; faith; father; fear; fellow; fighting; fleet; flight; following; follows; force; fortress; fortune; friends; gelimer; general; germanus; giving; gizeric; god; godas; gontharis; good; goths; great; greatest; ground; guards; hadrumetum; hands; harbour; harm; home; honorius; hope; house; iaudas; ibid; iii; ilderic; imperial; infantry; island; italy; john; journey; justinian; kind; kingdom; land; large; later; left; leon; letter; libya; libyans; little; long; longer; making; manner; marches; massagetae; matter; maximus; means; men; mind; moment; money; moorish; moors; mountain; mutineers; nature; near; night; number; numidia; office; order; pass; people; pharas; place; placidia; plain; pledges; plot; plundering; point; possession; possible; power; present; priest; procopius; reason; rest; river; roman army; romans; rome; royal; ruler; sanctuary; sardinia; saying; sea; second; seeing; sergius; ships; short; sicily; siege; small; soldiers; solomon; son; spain; stades; stand; stotzas; straightway; struggle; theodorus; things; thinking; thought; time; tricamarum; tripolis; troops; turn; tyranny; tyrant; tzazon; unable; valentinian; valour; vandals; victory; viii; war; way; wealth; west; wife; wind; women; words; xiii; xiv; xix; xvii; xxi; xxii; xxiv; xxv; xxviii
- versions: original; plain text
- 20298
- author: Procopius
- title: Procopius History of the Wars, Books V. and VI.
- date: None
- words: 75837
- flesch: 73
- summary: 17 Langovilla, home of the Albani, north of Liguria, V. xv. 29 Latin language, V. xi. 2, xv. 4; Latin literature, V. iii. 1; Latin Way, running southward from Rome, V. xiv. 6, VI. 15, 16; Theoderic persuaded to attack him, V. i. 10, VI. vi. 23; his troops defeated by Theoderic, V. i. 14, V. xii. 21; besieged in Ravenna, V. i. 15, 24; his agreement with Theoderic, V. i. 24; killed by Theoderic, V. i. 25 Odysseus, his meeting with Circe, V. xi. 2; with Diomedes stole the Palladium from Troy, V. xv.
- keywords: a.d; able; account; agreement; alliance; amalasuntha; ancient; aqueduct; ariminum; arms; army; atalaric; attack; barbarians; battle; beginning; belisarius; besieged; bessas; best; boats; bodyguard; book; book v.; bridge; brother; byzantium; camp; campania; capture; cause; cavalry; certain; chap; children; circuit; city; close; commanded; constantinus; country; course; dalmatia; danger; day; days; death; distance; distant; emperor; end; enemy; engines; envoys; eruli; fear; fighting; flight; following; follows; footnotes; force; form; fortifications; fortress; fortune; franks; free; garrison; gate; gaul; general; germans; good; gothic; goths; great; greatest; ground; guard; guarding; gulf; half; hand; harbour; harm; head; hold; horsemen; horses; i.e.; ibid; infantry; inhabitants; inside; ionian; isaurians; island; italy; john; journey; justinian; keeping; kind; king; land; large; later; left; length; letter; lies; life; liguria; little; long; longer; manner; martinus; means; men; milan; missiles; modern; money; mundus; naples; nation; nature; neapolitans; near; nero; night; number; odoacer; open; opponents; opposite; order; ostia; outside; pass; people; peter; pincian; place; plain; point; portion; portus; possession; possible; power; present; priest; procopius; provisions; purpose; quiet; ravenna; reason; report; rest; river; road; romans; rome; ruler; salones; saw; sea; second; set; ships; sides; siege; situated; situation; small; soldiers; sort; spain; speed; stades; strong; struggle; subject; taking; territory; theodatus; theoderic; things; thither; thought; thule; tiber; time; troops; trouble; tuscany; unable; unwilling; v. i.; v. iii; v. iv; v. ix; v. vi; v. x.; v. xii; v. xv; v. xviii; v. xxiv; v. xxvi; valerian; valour; victory; visigoths; vittigis; wall; war; way; west; wife; words; world; xiii; xix; xxii; xxix; xxviii; year
- versions: original; plain text
- 32271
- author: Dahn, Felix
- title: A Struggle for Rome, v. 1
- date: None
- words: 103776
- flesch: 82
- summary: But I see no signs of storm, old man, laughed the torch-bearer, and shook his locks. Silence, old man! said Dolios.
- keywords: account; act; advanced; advice; affairs; albinus; alexandros; alps; amalaswintha; ambassador; ambition; amelungs; ancient; angry; answered; antonina; arms; army; assembly; astonishment; athalaric; away; bad; barbarians; bath; battle; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; belisarius; beloved; bent; best; bishop; bitter; black; blind; blood; blue; board; boat; body; bosom; boy; boëthius; breast; broad; bronze; brother; business; byzantine; byzantium; calpurnius; camilla; capable; care; carriage; cassiodorus; catacombs; cause; cethegus; chamber; chapter; cheeks; child; children; christian; church; city; clear; close; cold; companions; complete; condition; conspiracy; conspirators; continued; corbulo; corner; corsican; couch; countenance; country; courage; court; cousin; cross; crown; cry; cunning; cup; curse; curtain; cushions; cut; cæsar; danger; dangerous; daphnidion; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; deadly; death; decided; deep; delicate; die; different; difficulty; documents; dolios; door; doubt; dreams; drink; duke; earl; earnest; earth; east; emperor; empire; empress; enemies; enemy; enthusiasm; entrance; evening; excited; excitement; expression; eyes; face; faithful; fall; family; farewell; fate; father; fatherland; favour; favourite; fear; features; feeling; feet; fellow; figure; fine; fire; flashed; flight; flowers; foot; footsteps; force; forehead; form; fortune; frame; freedom; friend; friendship; furius; future; galatea; gallery; garden; gate; general; girl; glance; glory; god; gods; golden; good; gothelindis; gothic; goths; government; grave; great; greatest; grecian; greeks; green; grey; grief; guard; guests; hair; half; hall; hand; handsome; happiness; happy; harbour; hate; hatred; head; heart; heathen; heaven; heavy; help; hero; high; hildebrand; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; horses; host; hot; hour; house; husband; important; influence; iron; island; italians; italy; joy; julius; justinian; kallistratos; king; kingdom; knees; knowest; known; land; large; law; league; learned; leave; left; letter; licinius; lies; life; like; lips; little; long; look; lord; lost; loud; love; lovely; low; lucius; man; manner; mantle; marble; marcus; massurius; master; means; meeting; men; middle; mind; miriam; mistress; moment; morning; mother; mountains; murder; names; narrow; narses; nation; nature; neapolis; near; nearer; necessary; neck; need; new; news; noble; number; oath; obey; office; old; old man; open; opposite; order; outside; pain; pale; pardon; parting; party; past; path; people; petros; picture; piso; place; plans; pleasure; point; pomponius; poor; position; possible; power; powerful; prefect; prepared; present; pressing; pride; priest; princess; property; protection; proud; purple; queen; quiet; race; rank; rauthgundis; ravenna; reach; realm; reason; regent; report; return; revenge; rich; right; roman; rome; roof; room; rose; round; royal; ruin; rule; rusticiana; sacrifice; sake; scævola; sea; seat; second; secret; self; servants; set; shadow; sharp; shield; shining; short; shoulders; sicily; sick; sign; silence; silent; silverius; slave; small; smile; smiling; soft; son; sons; sorrow; soul; spear; speech; spirit; spite; splendid; spring; stars; startled; state; statues; steps; stone; story; strange; strength; strong; struggle; subject; sun; support; sure; surprise; suspicion; sweet; sword; table; tablets; tall; teja; temple; terrible; thanks; thee; theodahad; theodora; theodoric; thick; thing; thou; thought; thousands; throne; thulun; thy; time; torch; torture; totila; town; tried; true; trust; turning; tyrant; vain; valeria; valerius; venus; victory; villa; violent; voice; wachis; walls; war; warm; watch; water; weak; weapons; west; white; wide; wife; wilt; wind; window; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; witichis; woe; women; wood; words; work; world; years; yesterday; young; youth; youthful
- versions: original; plain text
- 32330
- author: Dahn, Felix
- title: A Struggle for Rome, v. 2
- date: None
- words: 109182
- flesch: 85
- summary: At last Belisarius, who wished to avoid a dispute and the shame of defeat, said: Prefect of Rome, what have you to reply? With a scarcely visible quiver of mockery upon his fine lips, Cethegus bowed and began: The accused refers to a document. I tell thee, old man, there is nothing else to be done, after that message from Ravenna.
- keywords: able; act; advanced; aim; air; amelungs; ancient; angry; answer; antonina; arahad; armed; armour; arms; army; arrows; aspa; assembly; astonishment; attack; axe; barbarians; basilica; battle; bear; beautiful; bed; believe; belisarius; bent; besieged; bessas; best; bishop; black; blood; blow; blue; body; bold; bow; boy; bread; breast; bridge; broken; brother; brow; byzantines; byzantium; calpurnius; camp; canst; capitol; care; cassiodorus; castle; cause; cethegus; chapter; chief; child; children; church; citizens; city; clear; close; comes; coming; commander; constantinus; continued; corpse; couch; country; courage; course; court; cries; crown; cry; danger; dangerous; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; death; deep; defence; demand; desire; despair; destruction; difficulty; direction; distance; document; door; dost; doubt; duke; duty; earl; earth; emperor; enemies; enemy; entrance; evening; expression; eyes; face; faithful; fall; fallen; farewell; father; fear; features; feeling; feet; fell; field; fire; flag; flashed; florentia; flowers; foot; force; form; fortress; fortune; franks; free; freedom; friend; garden; garrison; gate; general; girl; god; gods; golden; good; gothelindis; gothic; goths; grave; great; greater; greeks; grief; guard; guntharis; hail; hair; half; hand; happiness; harbour; hard; head; heart; heaven; heavy; helmet; help; hero; high; hildebad; hill; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; horse; horsemen; hour; huns; husband; immense; imperial; important; impossible; isaac; isaurians; italians; italy; johannes; joy; judge; julius; justice; justinian; kallistratos; king; king witichis; kingdom; known; land; large; lay; leaders; learned; leave; left; legionaries; letter; licinius; lies; life; lightning; like; lips; little; living; long; longer; look; loud; love; lovely; low; lucius; man; manner; mantle; marble; march; marcus; martinus; master; mataswintha; mausoleum; means; men; mercenaries; messenger; middle; mighty; mind; miriam; mistress; moment; morning; morrow; mother; murder; narrow; nation; nature; neapolis; near; nearest; necessary; neck; need; new; news; noble; north; number; oath; old; old man; open; opposite; order; outside; pain; pale; parchment; pass; past; people; perseus; piso; place; plan; point; poor; pope; porta; power; prefect; prepared; present; priest; princess; prisoner; procopius; proof; protection; proud; purple; queen; quiet; ramparts; rauthgundis; ravenna; reach; ready; reason; rebellion; regeta; resistance; rest; retreat; return; revenge; right; river; road; romans; rome; room; rose; round; royal; sacrifice; saddle; said; sake; saw; sea; seat; second; secret; service; shadow; shame; shield; ships; short; shoulder; sick; sides; siege; sign; silence; silent; silverius; simple; sir; slave; small; smile; soldiers; son; soul; south; spear; splendid; sprang; spread; staff; stand; standing; statue; steel; steps; stone; stop; storm; strange; streets; strength; stroke; strong; struggle; sun; sure; surprise; sweet; sword; syphax; taking; tall; teja; temple; tent; terrible; thanks; thee; theodahad; theodoric; thine; things; thorismuth; thou; thought; thousands; throne; thunder; thy; tiber; tiburtinian; time; ting; torch; totila; towns; treachery; troops; true; turning; uliaris; unhappy; vain; valeria; valerius; victory; voice; wachis; walls; war; warriors; watch; water; way; weapons; west; white; wide; wife; wilt; wind; wine; wish; witichis; woe; woman; wood; wooden; words; work; world; wounded; years; yesterday; young
- versions: original; plain text
- 32377
- author: Dahn, Felix
- title: A Struggle for Rome, v. 3
- date: None
- words: 99613
- flesch: 84
- summary: First King Teja must follow King Totila. One night, after sunset--it was now the month of September, and all traces of the battle at Taginæ were already obliterated; the flowers planted by Cassiodorus and the nuns of the cloister round the sarcophagi of King Totila, his bride, and his friend, had put forth new shoots--King Teja, who had just been relieved from his post by Wisand, approached his lava hall, his spear upon his shoulder.
- keywords: able; act; adalgoth; advice; air; alaric; alboin; aligern; ancient; anicius; animal; answered; antonina; armed; armour; arms; army; arrows; attack; attempt; axe; barbarians; basiliskos; battle; bearer; beautiful; belisarius; beloved; bessas; best; black; blood; blow; blue; boats; body; bold; bolt; bosom; boy; brave; break; breast; bride; broken; brother; byzantines; byzantium; camp; capitol; capræ; care; case; cassiodorus; centre; certain; cethegus; chains; chamber; chapter; chief; children; church; citizens; city; clear; cloister; close; coast; coming; commander; complete; conquered; conspiracy; continued; corpse; couch; country; courage; course; court; cried; crown; cry; cup; cæsar; dangerous; dark; day; days; dead; death; deep; destruction; devil; die; distance; door; doubt; drink; dromon; duke; earl; earth; east; emperor; empire; empress; endure; enemies; enemy; entrance; escape; evening; eyes; face; faithful; fall; fallen; fame; farewell; fate; father; favour; fear; field; figure; fire; flaminian; fleet; flight; flowers; fly; foot; force; fortune; forum; forward; free; friend; fugitives; furius; gate; general; germanus; girl; god; golden; good; gothic; gothic king; goths; grandfather; great; greater; greatest; grippa; guard; guntharis; hail; hair; half; hall; hand; harald; harbour; hard; harp; hate; head; heart; heaven; heavy; held; helmet; help; hero; heroes; hiding; high; hildebrand; hill; hold; home; honour; hope; horsemen; horses; hour; house; husband; iffa; imperial; interrupted; iron; isaurians; islands; italians; italy; johannes; joy; julianus; julius; justinian; king; king teja; king totila; kingdom; knees; know; lance; land; large; late; lava; leaders; leave; left; legionaries; letter; licinius; lie; lies; life; like; little; live; long; longer; longobardians; look; loss; lost; love; lovely; lucius; man; manner; mantle; marble; march; master; mataswintha; means; men; mercenaries; militum; mind; mistress; moment; moon; morning; morrow; mountain; narrow; narses; nation; neapolis; near; necessary; neck; need; news; noble; north; northern; number; numerous; old; open; opposite; order; pale; pass; passage; past; peasants; people; persian; photius; piso; place; plan; point; porta; position; possession; possible; power; prefect; present; prince; prisoner; procopius; proud; proved; purple; queen; quiet; raised; ranks; rauthgundis; ravenna; ravine; read; reason; report; rest; retreat; return; revenge; right; river; road; rock; roll; roman; rome; room; rose; round; royal; rule; sacred; safe; sally; salvius; save; saying; sea; seat; second; secret; set; shepherd; shield; ships; short; shoulder; sick; sign; silent; silver; sir; sister; skin; slaves; sleep; small; smile; soldiers; son; song; soul; south; southern; spear; splendid; spot; spring; staff; statue; steps; stone; storm; stream; street; strength; stroke; strong; struggle; sun; superior; sword; syphax; taginæ; taking; tall; teja; tent; terrible; thanks; thee; theodora; theodoric; thine; things; thorismuth; thou; thought; threshold; throne; thrust; thy; tiber; time; totila; town; treachery; treasure; tribunes; troops; true; truth; turning; vain; valeria; vesuvius; victory; voice; wachis; walls; war; warriors; watch; water; way; weak; weapons; west; white; wife; wild; wilt; wind; wine; wings; wisand; wise; wish; witichis; women; wood; words; work; world; wounded; wreath; years; yesterday; young
- versions: original; plain text
- 41929
- author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
- title: Arethusa
- date: None
- words: 101198
- flesch: 83
- summary: I have always heard that the Venetians are good men of business!' Zoë thanked Omobono for the information, and begged him to continue her search.
- keywords: "--_the; action; adopted; afraid; afternoon; agatha; american; andronicus; angry; answer; anxiety; anxious; arethusa; arms; asleep; astrologer; attempt; attention; avenue; bad; bag; bare; basket; beard; beautiful; beauty; bed; beggars; belt; bent; best; better; big; blachernæ; black; blood; blue; boat; body; bokharian; book; box; boys; brave; breath; broad; broken; brown; business; captain; care; carlo; carlo zeno; carpet; cause; certain; chance; chapter; cheek; children; church; city; clear; clerk; cloak; close; cloth; clothes; cold; colour; coming; commission; companion; company; constantinople; cornèr; cotton; counting; country; course; court; crawford; creature; cry; curiosity; cut; danger; dark; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; dealer; death; deep; delicate; different; dinner; direction; divan; door; doubt; dressed; drink; ducats; dull; easy; edge; effect; effort; eleeison; emperor; entrance; evening; expression; eyes; face; fact; faint; fall; fast; fate; father; fear; features; feet; felt; fiction; fifth; figure; fine; fingers; fixed; floor; folds; food; foot; force; fortune; forward; free; fresh; friend; frightened; gate; genoese; girl; giustina; glass; god; gold; golden; good; gorlias; great; greek; grey; guards; guests; hair; half; hand; handsome; happy; hard; head; heart; heaven; heavy; help; high; hold; home; honour; hope; horn; hour; house; human; hungry; hurt; husband; idea; illustration; inclined; inside; instant; interest; iron; italian; johannes; john; karaboghazji; keys; kind; knees; kokóna; kyría; lady; landing; lane; lantern; large; late; laugh; lay; leave; left; legs; life; like; line; lips; litter; little; little man; live; living; lock; long; look; lord; lost; love; low; lucilla; macmillan; mad; maids; man; manner; marble; marco; marin; master; meaning; means; men; merchandise; merchant; mere; message; messer; michael; middle; mind; minutes; mistress; moment; money; morning; morrow; mother; mouth; movement; narrow; natural; nature; near; nearer; neck; nectaria; need; negress; new; night; noble; novels; oars; officer; old; omobono; open; order; outer; outside; pain; palace; pale; pass; past; people; perfect; person; pesaro; piece; pier; pleased; point; polo; poor; possible; presence; present; pretty; price; prisoner; publishers; quarter; question; quick; quiet; rags; ready; real; reason; red; rest; revolution; rhangabé; rich; risk; room; rope; rose; round; running; rustan; sacristan; safe; safety; sake; satisfied; seat; sebastian; second; secretary; servants; sharp; shoulders; sick; signs; silence; silent; silk; silver; sir; skiff; slave; small; smile; smooth; sober; soft; soldiers; sort; spite; spring; stairs; standing; steps; stones; story; straight; strange; street; strength; strong; sudden; sum; sun; sure; surprise; sweet; table; taking; talk; tall; tartar; teeth; temper; tenedos; terror; things; think; thought; throat; throne; time; tocktamish; toes; tone; touch; tower; trouble; true; truth; tunic; turn; upper; upstairs; veil; venetian; venice; vito; voice; walk; wall; want; warm; watch; water; way; weight; white; wide; wife; wild; window; wine; woman; words; work; world; worse; worth; wrist; years; york; young; yulia; zeno; zoë
- versions: original; plain text
- 48762
- author: Gibbon, Edward
- title: History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- date: None
- words: 1421
- flesch: 59
- summary: ======================================================================== Preface To The Initial Project Gutenberg Edition Of The Audio Reading Of Edward Gibbon's Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire. ======================================================================= DIRECTIONS: DOUBLE CLICK ON THE More Files OPTION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PG CATALOG PAGE LISTING TO FIND THE Files DIRECTORY.
- keywords: = =; audio; available; cases; century; chapter; engine; errors; files; gibbon; latin; occasional; reading; rendering; software; speech; text; time; voice; way; words; work; years
- versions: original; plain text
- 6032
- author: Villehardouin, Geoffroi de
- title: Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade and the Conquest of Constantinople
- date: None
- words: 53920
- flesch: 74
- summary: Shortly after died Gerard of Mancicourt, who was a knight much 77 prized, and Giles of Annoy, and many other good people. And at that place took the cross Odo the Champenois of Champlitte, and William his brother, Richard of Dampierre, Odo his brother, Guy of Pesmes, Edmund his brother, Guy of Conflans, and many other good men of Burgundy, whose names are not recorded.
- keywords: adrianople; alexius; armed; arms; assault; attack; barons; battle; besieged; best; blois; boniface; booty; brother; camp; castle; champagne; church; cities; city; comans; coming; company; constantinople; council; count; country; covenant; cross; crusaders; daughter; day; days; death; demotica; division; doge; emperor; emperor alexius; emperor baldwin; emperor henry; empire; end; envoys; fair; fire; flanders; following; foot; force; france; franks; galleys; garrison; gate; geoffry; god; good; great; great host; greeks; guard; hand; help; henry; high; holy; honour; horses; host; hugh; isaac; johannizza; john; joy; king; knights; land; lascaris; leave; little; long; lord; louis; man; march; marquis; marshal; men; messengers; montferrat; morning; morrow; mourzuphles; near; nephew; nicomedia; note; number; order; palace; parliament; people; peter; pilgrims; pity; port; ready; renier; rich; right; robert; rode; roumania; said; salonika; save; sea; sergeants; set; ships; son; speak; straits; strong; succour; syria; tell; tents; theodore; thierri; thither; thought; tidings; time; towers; transports; trit; venetians; venice; villehardouin; wallachia; walls; war; way; wife; william; wise; world
- versions: original; plain text
- 900
- author: Gibbon, Edward
- title: History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3 — Folio format
- date: None
- words: 81
- flesch: 84
- summary: see #892 for HTML format, #733 for plain text. These files are being retained in the Project Gutenberg collection as examples of the obsolete formats of the early days.
- keywords: file; folio
- versions: original; plain text