item: #1 of 6 id: 1120 author: Shakespeare, William title: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar date: None words: 40 flesch: 79 summary: THERE IS AN IMPROVED EDITION OF THIS TITLE WHICH MAY BE VIEWED AS EBOOK (#100) at ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* THIS EBOOK WAS ONE OF PROJECT GUTENBERG'S EARLY FILES PRODUCED keywords: ebook cache: 1120.txt plain text: 1120.txt item: #2 of 6 id: 11688 author: Abbott, Jacob title: History of Julius Caesar date: None words: 53691 flesch: 67 summary: [Sidenote: Caesar at Rhodes.] During his absence from Rome Caesar went to Rhodes, where his former preceptor resided, and he continued to pursue there for some time his former studies. [Sidenote: Some willing to make Caesar king.] keywords: account; accustomed; action; address; advanced; adventures; africa; age; aid; air; alexandria; ambition; ancient; antony; ariovistus; armed; armies; arms; army; arrangements; asia; attempt; attendants; attention; authority; battle; bibulus; board; boat; bodies; body; brutus; caesar; camp; campaigns; career; cassius; cato; cause; certain; chapter; character; charge; cities; city; cleopatra; coast; coming; command; commander; community; confusion; connected; conquered; conquests; considerable; conspiracy; conspirators; consuls; contest; continued; cornelia; countries; country; courage; course; crassus; danger; daughter; day; days; death; decided; deed; degree; design; destruction; determined; distress; dreadful; effect; efforts; egypt; egyptian; empire; enemies; enemy; escape; events; example; excited; excitement; expected; exploits; extended; extraordinary; fact; fame; father; favor; fleet; flight; foot; force; foreign; forum; friends; funeral; future; gain; galleys; gaul; general; generosity; glory; government; great; greatness; ground; guard; half; hands; having; head; high; higher; highest; history; home; honor; horses; house; illustration; influence; intended; interest; italy; king; known; land; landing; large; law; left; legion; length; life; like; line; little; long; magnificent; mankind; manner; march; marius; master; means; measures; mediterranean; men; military; mind; minor; money; nations; near; necessary; neighboring; new; night; number; occasion; officers; open; order; party; patrician; people; period; personal; pirates; place; plan; point; policy; political; pompey; populace; popular; population; port; position; possession; possible; power; preparations; prepared; present; private; progress; protection; provinces; ptolemy; public; rank; ready; renown; resistance; respect; retreat; return; rivals; river; roman; rome; rubicon; scene; sea; senate; senators; service; set; ships; shore; shows; sidenote; small; soldiers; sort; spain; splendid; state; statues; streets; strong; struggle; success; successful; supplies; supreme; sylla; tent; terrible; terror; thing; thought; throne; time; time caesar; triumph; troops; true; usual; vast; victory; violence; war; water; way; wealth; wife; wild; willing; work; world; years; young cache: 11688.txt plain text: 11688.txt item: #3 of 6 id: 1785 author: Shakespeare, William title: Julius Caesar date: None words: 40 flesch: 79 summary: THERE IS AN IMPROVED EDITION OF THIS TITLE WHICH MAY BE VIEWED AS EBOOK (#1522) at ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* THIS EBOOK WAS ONE OF PROJECT GUTENBERG'S EARLY FILES PRODUCED keywords: ebook cache: 1785.txt plain text: 1785.txt item: #4 of 6 id: 21379 author: Fenn, George Manville title: Marcus: the Young Centurion date: None words: 85270 flesch: 87 summary: Something you can't make out? Yes, father--old Serge. Ah, Serge! said Cracis, with his brow clouding over. Old Serge says what you said has cut him to the heart, and that you didn't forgive him properly, and that he is dishonoured and disgraced as a soldier. keywords: able; advance; afraid; answer; armed; armour; arms; army; attack; bad; beautiful; bed; beginning; best; better; big; bit; blow; body; boy; boys; brave; breast; breath; caius; camp; captain; care; chapter; chariot; chest; chief; clear; close; coming; commands; companion; continued; country; course; cracis; crook; cut; darkness; dash; day; days; dead; deep; direction; distance; dog; door; driver; duty; end; enemies; enemy; excitement; eyes; face; fact; far; farm; fast; father; feeling; feet; fellow; fierce; fighting; following; foot; force; forward; free; fresh; friend; gallop; gauls; general; good; grand; great; guard; half; hand; hard; head; heart; heavy; helmet; help; high; hills; hold; home; hoofs; horses; hot; hour; julius; knees; lad; late; laugh; lead; leader; left; lie; life; like; line; lips; little; long; look; lost; lupe; man; march; marching; marcus; master; master marcus; means; men; message; mind; minute; moment; morning; mountains; nay; near; need; new; nice; nonsense; officer; old; old man; old serge; old soldier; open; orders; pair; pass; people; place; plain; plenty; ponies; poor; position; pretty; ready; rear; reply; rest; right; rocks; roman; rome; room; rough; round; running; rush; serge; servant; set; sharp; shield; short; sigh; silence; silent; sir; sleep; slope; smile; snow; soldier; son; sounds; spear; sprang; stand; standing; start; steady; step; stone; stop; straight; stranger; strong; sun; sure; sword; taking; talk; teeth; tell; things; thinking; thought; thrust; time; tired; track; trees; trouble; true; truth; turn; turning; use; uttered; visitor; voice; want; warrior; watch; water; way; weapons; wheels; wild; window; wish; wolves; words; work; worse; wounded; wrong; years; yonder; young; young marcus cache: 21379.txt plain text: 21379.txt item: #5 of 6 id: 30846 author: None title: The Tragedy Of Caesar's Revenge date: None words: 22541 flesch: 93 summary: And news of power to ease thy stormy greefe, But see where _Cassius_ weltreth in his blood, Doth beate the Earth, and yet not fully dead. In _Thessaly_ weele meete the Enemy, And in that ground distaynd with _Pompeys_ bloud, And fruitefull made with _Romane_ massaker, VVeele either sacrifice our guilty foe, To appease the furies of these howling Ghostes, That wander restles through the sliemy ground Or else that _ keywords: act; actvs; againe; ambition; ambitious; angry; anthony; armes; ayde; b.m; base; beauty; bee; black; bleeding; blisse; blood; bloudy; body; braue; breath; bright; brutus; c.w; calphurnia; care; casca; cassius; cast; cato; cause; cease; change; cheekes; come; comfort; conquered; conquering; cornelia; countries; country; crowne; cruell; cæsar; danger; day; dead; deadly; death; deede; die; discord; dolo; dolobella; dost; doth; downe; dreadfull; drums; dyce; earth; end; exeunt; exit; eyes; face; faire; fall; fame; fatall; father; feare; field; fieldes; fight; flames; flie; foe; fore; fortune; friend; funerall; furies; fury; gentle; ghost; giue; glorious; glory; gods; goe; goulden; great; greater; greatnesse; greefe; ground; hand; haples; hast; hate; hath; haue; head; hearse; heart; heauens; heauy; heere; hell; hide; high; honor; hope; horror; house; idle; iii; ile; ill; immortall; ioue; ioy; ioyes; king; land; leaue; liberty; life; like; list; liue; liuing; long; looke; lord; losse; loue; mars; meanes; mee; men; mighty; minde; mourne; murther; names; neuer; noble; octauian; old; onely; original; ouerthrowne; page; pale; past; peace; phoebus; play; pleasures; pompey; poore; powers; praise; pride; princely; proud; ptolomey; queene; rage; renowne; returne; reuenge; romaine; roman; rome; romulus; royall; rule; sacred; sad; scena; sea; seas; seeke; selfe; sem; senate; senators; serue; shalbe; shame; siluer; slaine; sleepe; soft; sonne; soule; sound; speake; spoyles; stab; stand; starrs; state; stay; sterne; strength; strike; sun; sweete; sword; talke; teares; tell; thee; thine; thirst; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tis; titinnius; title; tombe; tragick; triumphes; triumphing; troopes; true; vaine; vertue; victories; victory; vnder; vnto; vpon; vvhat; vvhich; warre; waues; weake; weepe; whome; woes; words; worke; world; worthy; wronges; yeeld; youth cache: 30846.txt plain text: 30846.txt item: #6 of 6 id: 8425 author: Froude, James Anthony title: Caesar: A Sketch date: None words: 162041 flesch: 72 summary: Cato Caesar was most anxious to save; but Cato's enmity was so ungovernable that he grudged Caesar the honor of forgiving him. Pompeius omnia pollicetur et Caesar, do quibus ita credo, ut nihil de meâ comparatione deminuam. keywords: 10th; able; absence; absent; accident; accomplished; account; action; active; acts; administration; admiration; adopted; advanced; advantage; advice; aeduan; aedui; affairs; affected; afraid; africa; afterward; age; ages; agrarian; alarm; alexandria; alive; allies; alps; ambiorix; ambition; ambitious; ancient; answer; antonius; antony; anxious; appearance; ariovistus; aristocracy; aristocratic; armed; armies; arms; army; asia; asiatic; assembly; atque; attack; attempt; atticus; aurelia; authority; b.c; bad; bank; battle; beginning; belief; best; better; bibulus; birth; blood; boats; bodies; body; boy; brave; break; bridge; brilliant; brindisi; britain; britons; broken; brother; brutus; business; caesar; caius; calvinus; camp; campaign; candidate; capable; care; cassius; catiline; cato; cause; cavalry; century; certain; change; chapter; character; check; chief; children; cicero; cimbri; cinna; circumstances; citizens; city; civil; classes; clear; cleopatra; clodius; close; coast; cohorts; colleague; college; coming; comitia; command; commander; commonwealth; companions; complete; composed; comrades; condition; conduct; confidence; confusion; conquered; conqueror; conquest; conscious; consent; consequence; conservative; considerable; conspiracy; conspirators; constitution; consul; consulship; contemporaries; contented; continued; control; convenient; corn; correspondence; corrupt; corruption; cotta; council; countries; country; countrymen; courage; course; courts; crassus; crime; cross; crowd; cruelty; curio; cut; cyprus; daily; danger; dangerous; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; death; decimus; defeat; defence; delay; demand; democracy; democratic; deserved; desire; desperate; destruction; determined; dictator; different; difficulties; difficulty; dion; direction; disaster; discipline; disgrace; disposed; disposition; distant; distinction; distinguished; divided; division; dominion; domitius; doubt; dress; drove; durazzo; duty; eager; early; east; easy; effect; efforts; egypt; election; empire; encouraged; enemies; enemy; engagement; enim; enormous; enthusiasm; entire; envoys; equal; equites; escape; established; estates; evening; events; evidence; evident; evil; example; excuse; execution; exile; expected; expedition; experience; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; factions; failure; faith; fall; false; familiar; families; family; far; farmers; fate; father; favor; favorite; fear; feared; feeling; fellow; field; fighting; final; fine; fire; fleet; flight; flung; followers; following; force; foreign; forests; forms; fortune; forum; free; freedom; fresh; friends; friendship; frontier; functions; future; gabinius; gallic; garrison; gates; gaul; general; generations; genius; gentlemen; germans; gladiators; glory; gods; going; good; government; governors; gracchi; gracchus; great; greater; greatest; greatness; greece; greek; guard; guilty; habits; hair; half; hands; hard; head; heart; help; helvetii; high; higher; highest; history; hitherto; hold; home; honest; honor; honorable; hope; horses; hours; house; human; ibid; idle; ignorant; ill; imagination; immediate; impatient; important; independence; indignation; induciomarus; influence; information; inhabitants; injury; injustice; inquiry; insisted; institutions; insurrection; intended; intention; interest; invasion; islands; italians; italy; january; juba; judges; judgment; jugurtha; julius caesar; justice; kind; king; knights; knowledge; known; labienus; labor; land; language; large; late; law; laws; leaders; leave; left; legionaries; legions; leisure; length; lentulus; lepidus; letters; liberties; liberty; life; like; likely; lines; little; living; loire; long; longer; longinus; look; loose; lords; loss; lost; love; lucca; lucius; lucullus; luxury; magistrates; majority; mankind; marcellus; march; marius; married; massacre; masters; material; matter; meaning; means; measures; mediterranean; meeting; members; men; mercy; mere; metellus; middle; midst; miles; military; milo; mind; minor; mischief; miserable; mistake; mithridates; mob; moderate; modern; moment; money; months; moral; morning; mother; mountains; movement; multitude; murder; names; nation; national; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neque; nervii; new; news; noble; non; north; notice; numbers; object; occasion; octavius; officers; old; oligarchy; open; opinion; opportunity; opposite; optimates; orator; order; outside; overthrow; pardon; parthians; parties; party; pass; passage; passes; passionate; passions; past; patrician; patriotism; pay; peninsula; people; person; personal; persuade; pharnaces; pharsalia; picture; pieces; pirates; piso; place; plain; pleased; pleasure; plunder; point; political; politics; pompey; poor; popular; population; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; practical; praetor; praise; preferred; preparations; prepared; presence; present; pretended; prince; principal; prisoners; private; privilege; problem; progress; promise; property; proscription; prosecution; proud; province; provincials; ptolemy; public; publius; punishment; purpose; qualities; quam; quarrel; quarters; question; quiet; quintus; race; rank; reach; ready; real; reason; recall; recovered; reform; religion; remaining; remains; remarkable; report; republic; reputation; resistance; resources; respect; respectable; rest; result; return; revenge; revolution; rhine; rich; right; rise; rising; rival; river; road; roman; roman army; roman people; roman senate; rome; roscius; round; ruin; rule; run; sabinus; sacred; safety; sallust; satisfied; saturninus; savage; save; scandal; scene; scipio; sea; second; secret; secure; security; seine; self; senate; senatorial; senators; sense; sequani; sertorius; service; set; severe; share; ships; short; sidenote; sides; siege; similar; single; singular; sister; situation; skill; slaves; small; society; soldiers; sons; south; sovereign; spain; special; speech; speeches; spirit; spite; splendid; spot; spread; stand; standing; state; statesman; stay; step; storm; streets; strength; strong; stronger; struggle; subject; submission; success; successes; successful; suetonius; summer; sun; superior; supplies; support; supposed; supreme; surrender; suspicion; sword; sylla; syria; system; taking; temples; terms; territory; teutons; theory; things; thought; thousands; tiberius; time; time caesar; town; transports; treachery; treasury; trebonius; trial; tribes; tribunes; triumph; troops; true; trusted; truth; unable; united; universal; unknown; useful; usual; vain; value; vanity; vast; vercingetorix; verres; vessels; veto; victories; victory; vii; viii; violence; violent; vote; walls; want; war; watch; water; way; weak; weather; weeks; weight; wife; wild; willing; winter; wise; wish; women; woods; work; working; world; worst; wounded; years; young; young caesar; younger cache: 8425.txt plain text: 8425.txt