item: #1 of 11 id: 10432 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Aunt Jane's Nieces out West date: None words: 52799 flesch: 82 summary: Said Uncle John to the stranger, in his frank and friendly way: Tell us as much or as little as you like, my boy. Said Uncle John, in a casual way: Those are remarkably fine pearls, to have come from such an island as Sangoa. keywords: andrews; arthur; beth; boy; business; colby; day; drieux; film; flo; girls; goldstein; john; jones; judge; man; manager; maud; merrick; miss; motion; patsy; pearls; people; picture; room; sangoa; sir; stanton; time; uncle; uncle john; way; young cache: 10432.txt plain text: 10432.txt item: #2 of 11 id: 11517 author: Graves, J. A. (Jackson Alpheus) title: Out of Doors—California and Oregon date: None words: 24836 flesch: 83 summary: The run through the town of that name and through the tunnel, recently constructed to avoid the Newhall grade, was made in good time and without incident. We reached Holister in good time, one hundred and seventy miles from Wawona. keywords: camp; canyon; country; day; days; falls; feet; going; gun; home; lake; land; left; life; miles; morning; mountain; o'clock; open; point; ranch; river; road; run; san; sky; stream; time; trees; trip; valley; water; years; yosemite cache: 11517.txt plain text: 11517.txt item: #3 of 11 id: 15526 author: Stoddard, John L. (John Lawson) title: John L. Stoddard's Lectures, Vol. 10 (of 10) Southern California; Grand Cañon of the Colorado River; Yellowstone National Park date: None words: 39668 flesch: 68 summary: [Illustration: THE BLACK GROWLER.] Returning from the Black Growler, we halted at a lunch-station, the manager of which is Larry. Beyond this, other mountains rise from the gulf, many of which resemble the Step Pyramid at Sakhara, one of the oldest of the royal sepulchres beside the Nile. keywords: air; angeles; arizona; boiling; california; cañon; city; cliffs; day; desert; distance; earth; fact; feet; fire; geyser; height; illustration; indians; lake; land; life; los; man; men; miles; mountain; nature; new; night; ocean; park; place; region; river; san; santa; sea; southern; summit; sun; time; trees; walls; water; world; years; yellowstone cache: 15526.txt plain text: 15526.txt item: #4 of 11 id: 17349 author: Castlemon, Harry title: Frank among the Rancheros date: None words: 46951 flesch: 82 summary: Frank Meets a Highwayman, 81 CHAPTER VIII. yelled Frank, astonished to see his dog so easily defeated. keywords: archie; arthur; boys; dick; dog; escape; frank; good; hand; head; home; horse; johnny; lasso; marmion; mountains; pierre; ranchero; robber; saddle; thing; thought; time; uncle; vane; way; winters cache: 17349.txt plain text: 17349.txt item: #5 of 11 id: 17901 author: Sloane, Julia M. title: The Smiling Hill-Top, and Other California Sketches date: None words: 27770 flesch: 79 summary: Young men bring their girls and show them the sort of little place they'd like to own, and often they ring the door-bell for further inquiries. The first part of the way we made good time, but just out of one of the small seaside towns something vital snapped in the motor's insides. keywords: air; boys; business; california; country; course; day; family; garden; good; heart; hill; home; house; lady; land; life; love; man; milk; motor; new; night; orange; people; place; poppy; red; road; sea; summer; thing; thought; time; town; water; way; years cache: 17901.txt plain text: 17901.txt item: #6 of 11 id: 28022 author: Norton, Brayton title: El Diablo date: None words: 86855 flesch: 93 summary: Curlew_ Gregory encountered Hawkins. UNDER ORDERS 315 XXX THE FIGHT IN THE CAVE 325 XXXI BENEATH THE WATERS 340 XXXII FOR ALL THE WORLD TO KNOW 352 EL DIABLO CHAPTER I FORBIDDEN WATERS Richard Gregory stirred restlessly in his sleep vaguely aware of an unfamiliar sound, a faint tapping, insistent, disturbing. keywords: away; bandrist; boats; business; cannery; chance; close; come; craft; day; diablo; dickie; dickie lang; direction; eyes; face; fish; fishermen; fishing; fleet; fog; girl; gregory; hand; hawkins; head; island; kenneth gregory; lang; look; man; mascola; mccoy; men; richard; right; rock; saw; sea; speed; time; water; way; words; work cache: 28022.txt plain text: 28022.txt item: #7 of 11 id: 28506 author: Warner, Charles Dudley title: Our Italy date: None words: 55451 flesch: 76 summary: 45| 95| 48| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREMES OF HEAT AND COLD.--_Continued._ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | July.| Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Winter.| Spring.| Summer.| Autumn.| Difference | | | | | keywords: acres; air; angeles; barbara; california; cañon; city; climate; color; colorado; cost; country; day; days; desert; diego; east; feet; flowers; fruit; great; hills; illustration; irrigation; land; life; little; loam; long; los; miles; mountain; net; new; north; orange; place; point; production; profit; region; san; sandy; santa; sea; soil; southern; summer; temperature; time; trees; valley; view; water; winter; world; years; | | cache: 28506.txt plain text: 28506.txt item: #8 of 11 id: 34848 author: Vaughan, Terry A. title: Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California date: None words: 28660 flesch: 73 summary: Further, _merriami_ occurred in the lower parts of the juniper belt in 1951 where in 1948 it seemed to be absent. Records kept of trapping localities show that _truei_ was without exception trapped within twenty feet of some treelike shelter such as junipers, pinyons, Joshua tree or scrub oaks. keywords: = =; = dipodomys; = myotis; = neotoma; = peromyscus; = thomomys; angeles; antonio canyon; areas; association; belt; canyon; chaparral; coastal; county; desert; elevation; feet; ground; juniper; mountains; near; oak; range; sage; san; san antonio; slope; species; specimens; text; wash cache: 34848.txt plain text: 34848.txt item: #9 of 11 id: 42579 author: James, George Wharton title: Scenic Mount Lowe and Its Wonderful Railway date: None words: 18045 flesch: 68 summary: Glen Canyon, near Echo Mountain, Mount Lowe Railway.] Mount Lowe Eight. To ride on well constructed bridle roads up mountain slopes, winding in and out on diversified paths, through and by bowers of fragrant trees, shrubs and flowers, looking _up_ through towering pines to majestic cliffs and ponderous rocks, looking _down_ into the depths of vast canyons, where deer find shady coverts, and looking _out_ upon scenes of perfect beauty and sublimity--these things fill the body with vigor and buoyant enthusiasm, and the mind with lasting pictures of increasing interest. PAGE Mountains, by Longfellow 4 Man's Love for the Mountains 7 Distinguished Testimony 13 Mount Lowe Railway 21 Origin of the Mount Lowe Railway 23 Rubio Canyon 27 Great Cable Incline 29 Echo Mountain 31 Echo Mountain House 33 Lowe Observatory 35 Professor Larkin 38 The Spectroscope 43 Great World's Fair Searchlight 47 Operating Machinery of Great Cable Incline 49 Glen Canyon 51 Mount Lowe Eight 53 Phantom Sea 55 Alpine Division 57 Nature and Art 59 Magnificent Views 61 Circular Bridge 65 Alpine Club House, Hanging of the Crane 69 Benefits of Mountain Climbing 79 Health Gained in the Mountains 83 Mountain Canyon in the Winter 85 Flora of Mount Lowe 88 Coast Islands from Mount Lowe 93 Looking from Mount Lowe Over the Valley 94 From Alpine Snow to Semi-Tropical Sea 96 From the Mountains to the Sea 102 Dawn on Mount Lowe 104 Tri-Crested Summit of Mount Lowe 106 A Forest of Pines 106 The Name 107 How to See Mount Lowe 110 Summer on Mount Lowe 112 The Summing Up 114 The Beauties of Mount Lowe 115 Other Picturesque Trips on the Pacific Electric Railway 116 Long Beach 116 Whittier 119 San Gabriel 120 Monrovia and Baldwin's Ranch 123 keywords: alpine; angeles; beautiful; cable; canyon; cars; day; echo mountain; electric; feet; grand; house; illustration; incline; los; lowe railway; miles; mount lowe; mountain; new; ocean; pacific; people; road; san; sea; summit; tavern; valley; world cache: 42579.txt plain text: 42579.txt item: #10 of 11 id: 42680 author: Newmark, Harris title: Sixty Years in Southern California, 1853-1913 Containing the Reminiscences of Harris Newmark date: None words: 259632 flesch: 57 summary: Among the blacksmiths then in Los Angeles was a well-known German, John Goller, who conducted his trade in his own shop, occupying about one hundred feet on Los Angeles Street where the Los Angeles Saddlery Company is now located. In the course of time, the Foys moved to Los Angeles Street, becoming my neighbors; and while there, in 1882, S. C. Foy, in a quaint advertisement embellished with a blanketed horse, announced his establishment as the oldest business house in Los Angeles, still at the old stand, 17 Los Angeles Street, next to H. Newmark & Company's. keywords: acres; adobe; afterward; age; alexander; american; angeles county; angeles street; april; arrival; association; august; baker; banning; bella; block; board; brother; building; business; california; captain; cents; charge; charles; children; citizens; city; co.; coast; colonel; coming; commercial; committee; company; corner; county; court; daughter; day; days; death; december; district; dollars; don; downey; early; east; end; evening; experience; fact; family; father; february; feet; fifties; fire; firm; following; fort; frank; friends; gabriel; general; george; gold; good; government; half; hall; hancock; harris; hellman; henry; high; home; hotel; house; illustration; interest; j. j.; james; january; john; jones; joseph; josé; juan; judge; july; june; land; later; law; life; line; little; living; long; los angeles; lot; louis; main; making; man; march; married; mayor; meeting; mellus; men; merchants; mexican; meyer; middle; miles; miss; money; monica; months; morning; mrs; native; near; new; newmark; news; night; north; november; number; occasion; october; office; order; pacific; partnership; passengers; pedro; people; period; pico; pioneer; place; plaza; present; president; property; public; railroad; ranch; real; residence; return; river; room; route; sale; samuel; san; san francisco; san pedro; santa; school; second; secretary; september; service; set; sheriff; site; small; society; son; southern; spanish; spring; state; steamer; stock; store; street; summer; temple; thomas; time; town; trade; trip; union; united; vineyard; war; way; west; white; wife; william; work; workman; world; years; york; young cache: 42680.txt plain text: 42680.txt item: #11 of 11 id: 60443 author: Riley, Frank title: Eddie date: None words: 8053 flesch: 76 summary: When John O'Hara Smith phoned that afternoon, the General said promptly: Come on in, Dr. Smith--you've got a deal. _Philip Duncan, the St. Louis attorney and former FBI agent, who wrote the definitive History of Espionage, observes that in all the records dealing with spies and counterspies there is no more significant case than that of Dr. John O'Hara Smith, an electronics research engineer. keywords: amos; busch; cowles; eddie; fbi; general; john; know; o'hara; sanders; security; smith; time; x-15 cache: 60443.txt plain text: 60443.txt