item: #1 of 11 id: A41777 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: The forerunner to a further answer (if need be) to two books lately published against Tho. Grantham of Norwich wherein the spirit and temper of the Calvinists is discovered, particularly Mr. Calvin, Mr. Finch, and his little præcursor : to which is prefixed, the solid testimony of Mr. George Wither, against Calvinism, the worst of doctrines / by Tho. Grantham ... date: 1691 words: 5883 flesch: 63 summary: Grantham of Norwich wherein the spirit and temper of the Calvinists is discovered, particularly Mr. Calvin, Mr. Finch, and his little præcursor : to which is prefixed, the solid testimony of Mr. George Wither, against Calvinism, the worst of doctrines / by Tho. Grantham of Norwich wherein the spirit and temper of the Calvinists is discovered, particularly Mr. Calvin, Mr. Finch, and his little præcursor : to which is prefixed, the solid testimony of Mr. George Wither, against Calvinism, the worst of doctrines / by Tho. keywords: calvin; christ; finch; god; man; men; servetus; tcp; text cache: A41777.xml plain text: A41777.txt item: #2 of 11 id: A48243 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: The letter writ by the last Assembly General of the Clergy of France to the Protestants, inviting them to return to their communion together with the methods proposed by them for their conviction / translated into English, and examined by Gilbert Burnet. date: 1683 words: 41123 flesch: 58 summary: Qui pace su● , id est Impietatis suae uni●ate se j●ctant ▪ agen●es se non ut Christi Episcopos sed 〈◊〉 ●ntichristi Sacerdotes . Si ad fidem veram istiusmodi vis adhiberetur , Episcopalis Doctrina obviam pergere● , dicer●●que , Deus universitatis est , obsequio non eg●t necessario , non requirit coactam confessionem . keywords: ages; apostles; authority; bishop; body; christ; christian; church; churches; clergy; communion; council; divine; doctrine; faith; fathers; france; general; god; good; great; hereticks; letter; man; matter; men; method; nature; non; opinions; popes; power; present; protestants; religion; rome; schism; scripture; sense; separation; set; shew; things; time; tradition; truth; use; way; words; world; worship; ● ● cache: A48243.xml plain text: A48243.txt item: #3 of 11 id: A67743 author: Younge, Richard. title: The cause and cure of ignorance, error, enmity, atheisme, prophanesse, &c., or, A most hopefull and speedy way to grace and salvation, by plucking up impediments by the roote reduced to explication, confirmation, application, tending to illumination, sanctification, devotion / by R. Younge ... date: 1648 words: 58085 flesch: 80 summary: Againe , search the whole Bible over and you shall not finde one holy man mentioned , without mention of something hee suffered from ungodly men ; as it were easie to instance , how Abel , Lot , Noah , Righteous men Abraham the Father of the faithfull , Isaac , Iacob , Ioseph Patriarches and Fathers of the Church , meek Moses , upright Sam●●l , holy David , wise Solomon , all the Lords Priests , Prophets , Apostles ; yea the harmlesse Babes and our Saviour Christ himselfe , did severally suffer from wicked and ungodly men , yea , never man came to Heaven , but first hee passed through this Purgatory : God had one Sonne without sinne , but never any one without suffering ; which makes our Saviour say , Woe be to you , when all men speake well of you , that is , when evill men speake well of you , for so did the Iews of the false Prophets , Luke 6.26 . And because hee cannot force men against their wills ; ( which leaves us without excuse ) for though that old Sheba , blowes many an inticing blast , to carry us away from our true allegiance to Christ Iesus our King : yet the minde of man is not capable of a violation , either from man or Sathan : therefore he useth his utmost pollicy to perswade us . keywords: acts; bee; beleeve; cause; children; christ; christians; cor; death; doe; enmity; evill; god; godly; gods; good; hate; hath; hatred; heart; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; holy; iohn; know; knowledge; life; like; lord; love; man; matth; men; owne; paul; reason; religion; saith; satan; sect; seed; servants; sin; things; thinke; thou; time; true; truth; way; wee; wicked; wisdome; wise; words; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67743.xml plain text: A67743.txt item: #4 of 11 id: A67756 author: Younge, Richard. title: The hearts-index, or, Self-knowledg [sic] together with I. the wonderful change that the word and spirit do work upon the heart when a sinner is converted II. the excellency of grace above nature III. the safety and calm of such as have sued out their pardon in Christ / by R. Younge ... date: 1667 words: 14904 flesch: 74 summary: so the heart of man is deceitful above all things : even so deceitful , that none but God alone can know it , as the Prophet shews , Jer. 17.10 . It was horrid ingratitude in the Jews , to scourge and crucifie Christ , who did them good every way ; for he healed their diseases fed their bodies , enlightned their minds , of God became man , and lived miserably amongst them many years , that he might save their souls : but they fell short of my ingratitude to God , in that most of them were not in the least convinced , that he was the Messias sent from God , and promised from the beginning . keywords: christ; conscience; evil; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; life; man; men; sect; self; sin; sins; spirit; thought; word; yea cache: A67756.xml plain text: A67756.txt item: #5 of 11 id: A67761 author: Younge, Richard. title: A leafe from the tree of life wherewith to heal the nation of all strife and controversie, and to settle therein peace and unitie / by R. Younge ... date: 1661 words: 12729 flesch: 78 summary: Yea if none would be precise in their actions , nor reprove others for their evill courses ; if they would but be prophane and wicked , and make no bones of sin ; their malice would cease , and we should not have a Roundhead or a Pha●●tick in all the world . And as for my old acquaintance , they so envy to see themselves cashe●●ed , and so mortally hate me , for that I will no longer continue miserable , nor run with them ( as I have done ) to the same excesse of riot , 1 Per. 4. 4. ●hat they make me weary of my life , as the daughters of Heth did Rebechah , Gen. 27. 46. keywords: acts; christ; god; godly; good; hate; hath; john; like; man; matth; men; paul; satan; seed; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67761.xml plain text: A67761.txt item: #6 of 11 id: A67763 author: Younge, Richard. title: Philarguromastix, or, The arraignment of covetousnesse, and ambition, in our great and greedy cormorants that retard and hinder reformation, (all whose reaches, are at riches) that make gold their god, and commodity the stern of their consciences, that hold everything lawful, if it be gainful, that prefer a little base pelf, before God, and their own salvations, that being fatted with Gods blessings, do spurn at his precepts : dedicated to all corrupt cunning, and cruel [bracket] governours, polititians ... : together with the lively, and lovely characters, of [bracket] justice, thankfulnesse ... : being a subject very seasonable, for these atheistical, and self-seeking times / by Junius Florilegus. date: 1653 words: 25258 flesch: 74 summary: Not can you expect he should be faithful to men : that is so unfaithful to God. Offices should be given freely , to the most fit and deserving ; ( As the Stern is committed to him , that is most expert , and skilful in Navigation , ) that is , to men of courage , fearing God , dealing truly , and hating Covetousnesse , Exod. keywords: cause; chap; conscience; covetousnesse; fear; god; gods; gold; good; hath; honour; iudges; king; law; life; lord; love; man; men; money; people; places; riches; self; soul; thing; times; way; wealth; wicked; world; yea cache: A67763.xml plain text: A67763.txt item: #7 of 11 id: A67764 author: Younge, Richard. title: Preparation to conversion, or, Faith's harbinger in a rare epistle, writ by a person of quality before his death, to his surviving friends, shewing, that Satan prevails most by deception of our reason, that the beauty of holiness and true wisdom is unseen to the world, that ingrateful persons are as witless as wicked, why most men hear the Gospel year after year, and are never the better, with wholsom instruction, to prevent destruction : all richly fraught with choise and pithy sentences, similitudes, examples, metaphors, rhetorical and pointed expressions, which being thought by many worth the transcribing at no small charge, is now committed to the press / by R. Young ... date: 1658 words: 9986 flesch: 73 summary: For who almost does not make a very Idol of Discretion ; and more fear the censures of men , then the displeasure of God ? Men owe God some good will , but ( like those Rulers , Joh. 12.42 . ) they dare not shew it . Preparation to conversion, or, Faith's harbinger in a rare epistle, writ by a person of quality before his death, to his surviving friends, shewing, that Satan prevails most by deception of our reason, that the beauty of holiness and true wisdom is unseen to the world, that ingrateful persons are as witless as wicked, why most men hear the Gospel year after year, and are never the better, with wholsom instruction, to prevent destruction : all richly fraught with choise and pithy sentences, similitudes, examples, metaphors, rhetorical and pointed expressions, which being thought by many worth the transcribing at no small charge, is now committed to the press / by R. Young ... keywords: christ; faith; god; good; hath; like; love; man; men; selves; sin; word; yea cache: A67764.xml plain text: A67764.txt item: #8 of 11 id: A67772 author: Younge, Richard. title: A serious and pathetical description of heaven and hell according to the pencil of the Holy Ghost, and the best expositors: sufficient (with the blessing of God) to make the worst of men hate sin, and love holiness. Being five chapters taken out of a book entituled, The whole duty of a Christian: composed by R. Younge, late of Roxwell in Essex, florilegus. date: 1677 words: 15472 flesch: 73 summary: For as St. Paul tells us , The heart of man is not able to conceive those joyes ; which being so , How should I be able to express them in words ? And yet though we cannot comprehend this glory , this far most excellent , exceeding , and eternal weight of transcendent glory ; yet may and ought we to admire the never enough to be admired bounty and goodness of God and our Redeemer , in crying out , O the depth , &c. O the sweetness of his love , how unsearchable are his thoughts , and intendments to man-ward ? ( once miserably forlorn , lost and undone ) and his ways past finding out , Rom. 11. 33. CHAP. But I may appeal to any mans conscience , that hath been softned with the unction of grace , and truly tasted the powers of the World to come ; To him that hath the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the holy Ghost ; in whose Soul the light of grace shines , whether his whole life be not a perpetual Hallelujah , in comparison of his natural condition ? keywords: fire; glory; god; hath; heaven; hell; joy; life; man; mat; men; sin; soul; thee; thou; thy; world; yea cache: A67772.xml plain text: A67772.txt item: #9 of 11 id: A67778 author: Younge, Richard. title: A sovereign antidote against all grief extracted out of the choisest authors, ancient and modern both holy and humane : necessary to be read of all that any way suffer tribulation / by R. Younge ... date: 1654 words: 54413 flesch: 69 summary: O God! we may not alwaies measure thy meaning by thy semblance ; sometimes what thou most intendest , thou shewest least●… In our afflictions thou turn'st thy back upon us , and hidest thy face from us , when thou most mindest our distresses . Use 2. 2 If the malice of our enemies , as it is husbanded to our thrist ( by a divine and supream providence ) doth make so much for our advantage and benefit here , and hereafter ; as namely , that it opens our eyes no less then peace and prosperity had formerly shut them ; that nothing doth so powerfully call home the conscience , as affliction ; and that we need no other art of memory for sin , besides misery ; It commonly we are at variance with God , when we are at pe●…ce with our enemies , and that it is both hard and happy , not to be the worse with liberty , as the sedentary life is most subject to diseases : if vigour of body , and infirmity of minde , do for the most part lodge under one roof , and that a wearish outside be a strong motive to mortification : if God , the All-wise Physician , knows this the fittest medicine for our souls sickness , and that we cannot otherwise be cured ; if our pride forceth God to do by us , as S●…rtorius did by his Army , who perceiving his Souldiers puft up through many Victories , and hearing them boast of their many Conquests , led them of purpose into the lap of their Enemies , to the end that stripes might learn them moderation . keywords: bee; children; christ; comfort; day; death; doth; end; enemies; fear; fire; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hee; holy; know; life; lord; love; man; mee; men; mercy; psal; saint; saith; satan; self; shall; sin; sins; son; soul; spirit; suffer; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; way; wee; work; world; yea cache: A67778.xml plain text: A67778.txt item: #10 of 11 id: A67780 author: Younge, Richard. title: A sovereign antidote to drive out discontent in all that any way suffer affliction As also the benefit of affliction; and how to husband it so, that the weakest Christian (with blessing from above) may be able to support himself in his most miserable exigents. Together with the wit, generosity, magnanimity and invincible strength of a patient Christian rightly so stiled, and as is herein characterized extracted out of the choisest authors, ancient and modern, both holy and humane. Necessary to be read of all that any way suffer tribulation. The second part. By R. Younge, of Roxwell in Essex, Florilegus. Licensed and entered according to order. date: 1668 words: 20382 flesch: 69 summary: What I speak is not at 〈◊〉 dome , I know well what hath been the product of a little good counse●● given to me , when I was a youth : It proved not only the saving of 〈◊〉 soul , and the occasion of composing , my many well approved of peice● of practicall Divinity , ( in which God hath made my pen , an instrumen● to serve him , and me a president without a president : for never did 〈◊〉 insufficient a dunce put pen to paper , upon such an account , withou● becoming a fool in print . Now that some may be perswaded to make this use of their sufferings , and that we may also put to silence the ignorance of others ; ( foolish men who are mistaken in judging of this matter , supposing it a base thing to suffer injuries unrevenged ) see the Reasons which deservedly make Gods children so patiently to suffer wrongs that the men● of the world never dream of : keywords: body; christian; conscience; death; doth; enemies; enemy; fear; fire; god; gods; good; hath; heart; heaven; king; law; life; man; men; patience; saith; self; soul; text; thou; true; way; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67780.xml plain text: A67780.txt item: #11 of 11 id: A67781 author: Younge, Richard. title: The tryall of true wisdom, with how to become wise indeed, or, A choice and cheap gift for a friend both to please and pleasure him, be he inferior or superior, sinful or faithful, ignorant or intelligent / By R. Younge ... ; add this as an appendix, or third part, to The hearts index, and, A short and sure way, to grace and salvation. date: 1658 words: 18508 flesch: 77 summary: These ensuing Notions ( which I have purposely taken , as a handful out of the whole sack , to squander away amongst my acquaintance ) are such Nuts , as will discover not a few ( who are men in appearance , and their own opinion ) to be as wise , and well affected as Aesops Cock ; that preferred a barley Corn , before a Pearl : or Plinies Moal , that would dig under ground with great dexterity : but was blind , it brought into the Sun . Or Diaphontus , that refused his mothers blessing , to hear a song : Or the Israelites , who preferred Garlick and Onions , before Quails and manna . Men no more differ from Beasts , Plants , Stones ; in speech , reason , shape , than some differ from others , in heart , in brain , in life . keywords: christ; end; faith; fools; god; gods; good; grace; hath; holy; knowledge; let; light; man; men; reason; saving; soul; things; way; wisdom; world; yea cache: A67781.xml plain text: A67781.txt