item: #1 of 4 id: A47264 author: Kent, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of, 1581-1651. title: A choice manual of rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery collected and practised by the Right Honorable, the Countesse of Kent, late deceased ; as also most exquisite ways of preserving, conserving, candying, &c. ; published by W.I., Gent. date: 1653 words: 57781 flesch: 72 summary: Take rindes while they be new one pound , of running water the value of five wine pints , then seeth it unto three pints , then strain it , and with one pound of Sugar seeth it to a Sirupe , and when you take it from the fire , put to it four graines of Musk. Take one quart of running Water out of the Brook , seeth it , and skum it , put thereto five or six spoonfuls of Vinegar , a good quantity of Sugar and Cinnamon , three or four Cloves bruised , drink it luke-warm . keywords: ale; almonds; amber; annise; annoint; apricocks; aqua; bag; bed; beef; best; black; bloud; body; boil; bones; bottome; boyle; boyling; bread; breast; broth; bruise; butter; cakes; calves; camphire; candie; candy; capon; chickens; child; cinnamon; claret; clean; close; cloth; cloves; cold; cool; cover; cream; currans; cut; dayes; dish; doe; drachm; draught; drink; dry; dung; earthen; eggs; english; evening; excellent; eyes; fair; fasting; feet; fennel; fine; fire; fit; floures; flower; fresh; gallon; ginger; glasse; good; goosberries; grains; grated; grease; green; grieved; half; handful; hard; hath; head; hearbs; heat; helpeth; honey; hot; hour; houres; ibid; jelly; juyce; large; lay; leaves; leg; lemon; like; linnen; liquor; little; little sugar; loaf; long; lye; mace; manner; marrow; meat; medicine; milk; mince; morning; morter; musk; mutton; new; night; nutmeg; ointment; ounce; oven; oysters; pan; pare; parsley; paste; patient; penniworth; pepper; pie; piece; pint; pipkin; place; plague; plaister; pot; pouder; pound; pretty; pudding; quantity; quarter; quinces; raisins; red; rest; roast; roots; rosemary; roses; rosewater; rosin; roul; rue; running; sack; saffron; sage; salt; salve; sauce; scald; scrape; scum; season; seeds; seeth; self; set; shoulder; shred; sippets; sirrup; sirupe; skillet; skin; sliced; small; soft; sore; space; spoonfuls; stamp; stand; steep; stew; stick; stirring; stomack; stone; strain; strong; stuffe; suet; sugar; sun; sweet; tart; temper; tender; thereto; thick; thin; thyme; times; tongue; triacle; turpentine; use; veal; verjuyce; vinegar; vitae; warm; water; wax; weight; wet; white; white wine; wine; woman; work; year; yolks; young cache: A47264.xml plain text: A47264.txt item: #2 of 4 id: A47270 author: Kent, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of, 1581-1651. title: A true gentlewomans delight Wherein is contained all manner of cookery: together with preserving, conserving, drying and candying. Very necessary for all ladies and gentlewomen. Published by W. I. gent. date: 1653 words: 26103 flesch: 71 summary: Another part of the same meat stew in a di●● , with a little white W●ne , a little Butter , and sliced L●m●● ▪ on● Anch●vy two Oysters , tw● 〈◊〉 of Mace , a little Thyme in a branch , and one whole Onion , take out the Thyme and the Onion when it is stewed , doe it altogether on a chafingdish of coales till it be tender , then dish it , garnish your dish with hard Eggs , and Barberries , and sliced Lemon , and sippets round the dish . Take four and twenty Eggs , an● beat them with Salt together , an● put it into a quart of seething Milk stirring it untill it caudles , then tak● it off , and put in into a napkin , hanging it up till all the Whay be ru● through , when it is cold , take i● and grind it in a stone Morter wit● Sack and Sugar , to your taste ; and otherwise to make it look white , leave the yolks , and instead of Sack put in Rosewater . keywords: almonds; apricocks; beef; bones; bottome; boyle; bread; broth; butter; cakes; candy; capon; chickens; cinnamon; claret; clean; close; cloth; cloves; cold; cool; cream; currans; cut; dates; dish; dry; eggs; fair; fine; fire; flower; fresh; ginger; glasse; good; grated; half; handfull; hard; head; hearbs; hot; hour; ibid; jelly; lay; leg; lemon; like; liquor; little; little sugar; mace; marrow; meat; milk; mince; mingle; mutton; nutmeg; ounce; oven; oysters; pare; paste; pepper; pie; piece; pint; pot; pound; pretty; pudding; quantity; quarter; quinces; rabbet; roots; rosewater; roul; sack; salt; sauce; scrape; scum; season; set; shoulder; sippets; skin; sliced; small; soft; spoonfuls; stew; stick; stirring; stuffe; suet; sugar; sweet; tart; tender; thick; thin; thyme; veal; verjuyce; vinegar; water; white; wine; yolkes; ● ● cache: A47270.xml plain text: A47270.txt item: #3 of 4 id: A66834 author: Woolley, Hannah, fl. 1670. title: The Accomplish'd lady's delight in preserving, physick, beautifying, and cookery containing I. the art of preserving and candying fruits & flowers ..., II. the physical cabinet, or, excellent receipts in physick and chirurgery : together with some rare beautifying waters, to adorn and add loveliness to the face and body : and also some new and excellent secrets and experiments in the art of angling, 3. the compleat cooks guide, or, directions for dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl, and fish, both in the English and French mode ... date: 1675 words: 67451 flesch: 80 summary: Take to every pound of Quince , a pound and a quarter of Sugar , Clarifie this Sugar with the white of an Egg , coar your Quinces , but not too much , then put this Sugar , and Water , and Quince being ra● together , and so make them boyl so fast that you can see no Quince , but forget not to turn them , and take off what scum you can keep them boiling thus fast till you think they are enough . Take a pottle of water , and four pound of Sugar , and let them boyl together , and when they boyl , scum them as clean as you can , then take the whites of two or three eggs and beat them to froath , put the froath into the pan to make the scum ●●se , then scum it as clean as you can ; take off the Kettle and put in the Quinces , and let them boil a good while and stir them , and when they are boiled enough put them into boxes . keywords: ale; almonds; amber; annoint; apples; bacon; bait; baked; barberries; barley; beat; beef; best; black; blood; body; boil; bones; boyl; boyling; bread; breast; broath; bruised; butter; cakes; candy; candyed; capon; carp; cherries; chicken; cinamon; claret; clarified; clean; cloath; close; cloves; coals; coffin; cold; colour; conserve; cool; couple; cover; covered; cream; cure; currans; cut; dates; days; dish; distill; dram; drink; dry; dryed; earthen; eggs; english; evening; excellent; face; fair; fair water; fashion; fat; fennel; fine; fine sugar; fire; fish; fit; flowers; french; fresh; fruits; fry; gallon; garnish; gentle; ginger; glass; good; grains; grapes; grated; gravy; grease; great; green; hair; half; handful; hands; hard; harts; hath; head; heat; herbs; honey; hook; hot; hour; jelly; juice; lard; large; leaves; leg; like; limon; line; liquor; little; little salt; little sugar; little water; little white; liver; long; lye; mace; manner; marrow; meat; middle; milk; minced; mingle; morning; mortar; musk; mutton; neats; new; night; nutmeg; onions; oranges; ounce; oven; oysters; pan; pare; parsley; paste; peel; penny; pepper; pickle; pieces; pike; pint; pipkin; pippins; place; pot; pound; pour; powder; preserved; preserving; pretty; pudding; pye; quantity; quarter; quarts; quinces; raisins; ready; red; roast; roasted; roch; roots; rose; rosemary; roul; run; running; sack; saffron; sage; sallet; salmon; salt; sauce; scrape; scum; season; seeds; set; shred; sides; sippets; skin; sliced; small; soft; spinage; spirit; spoonfuls; stalks; stamp; stew; stewed; stick; stone; strain; strong; stuff; suet; sugar; sun; sweet; syrup; table; tart; teeth; temper; tender; thereof; thereto; therewith; thick; thin; thyme; time; trout; turn; use; veal; venison; verjuice; vessel; vinegar; warm; wash; water; way; weight; wet; white; white sugar; wine; wings; winter; work; worms; wormwood; worth; year; yolks; young; ● ● cache: A66834.xml plain text: A66834.txt item: #4 of 4 id: A66839 author: Woolley, Hannah, fl. 1670. title: The compleat servant-maid; or, The young maidens tutor Directing them how they may fit, and qualifie themselves for any of these employments. Viz. Waiting woman, house-keeper, chamber-maid, cook-maid, under cook-maid, nursery-maid, dairy-maid, laundry-maid, house-maid, scullery-maid. Composed for the great benefit and advantage of all young maidens. date: 1677 words: 28900 flesch: 75 summary: Take the leav●s of Coltsfoot and wash them very clean , then wipe them wi●h a clean cloth leaf by l●a● , then dry them well with a cloth , then beat them in a morter and put them in a strainer , and wring all ●●e juice ou● of them and put it into glasses , ●nd let it stand in them to settle all Night , ●he next day pour out the clearest of the ●uice from the grounds into a clear bason , and take for every pint thereof a pound of Suga● finely beaten , boyl the juice of Colts●foot softly on a Charcole fire , and when you have well scum'd it , put in the Sugar according to its proportion , and so let ther● boyl together keeping it with due scummin● until it will stand on a stiff purl , dropping it on a plate : Then take it from the fire , and pour it thorow a Jelly bag into a fair Bason , putting first a branch or two of Ros●mary into the bags bottom , then keep it stirring with a spoon until it be lukewarm , otherwise it will have a Cream upon it , so letting it stand all night , put it in what vessels you think fit to keep it in , for your future use and service . So that if you carefully and diligently peruse this Book , and observe the directions therein given , you will soon gain the Title of a Complete Servan●-maid , which may be the means of making you a good Mistress : For there is no Sober , Honest , and Discreet man , but will make choice of one , that hath Gained the Reputation of a Good and Complete Servant , for his Wife , rather than one who can do nothing but Trick up her self fine , an● like a Bartholomew Baby● is fit for nothing else but to be looked upon . keywords: ale; bacon; bake; barberries; beef; best; black; blood; bone; boyl; bread; broth; butter; careful; chickens; cinnamon; claret; clean; close; cloth; cloves; coffin; cold; cook; course; cream; currants; cut; days; desire; directions; dish; distil; dram; draw; dry; eggs; employment; end; english; excellent; fair; fine; fire; fish; fit; flesh; flower; fowl; french; ginger; glass; good; goose; gooseberries; grated; gravy; great; green; half; hand; handful; hard; head; heat; herbs; hot; hours; house; juice; lady; lamb; lard; large; lay; leaves; left; legs; lemon; like; linnen; liquor; little; long; lye; m ●; mace; maid; making; manner; meat; milk; mince; mingle; mistress; morning; mutton; new; nutmeg; o ●; onions; orange; ounce; oysters; pan; paste; peel; pence; pepper; pickle; pidgeons; piece; pint; pipkin; place; points; pot; pound; powder; pretty; price; pye; quality; quantity; quarter; quinces; raisins; red; remains; right; roast; roasted; roots; rose; rosemary; rosewater; s ●; sage; salmon; salt; sawce; season; second; seeds; self; set; shillings; skin; slices; small; spoonfuls; stamp; stew; stewed; stick; stirring; store; strain; strained; strong; stuff; suet; sugar; sweet; syrup; table; tcp; text; th ●; thereof; thick; thin; thorow; time; use; veal; venison; verjuice; vinegar; warm; wash; washing; water; way; white; whitewine; wi ●; wine; work; writing; yolks; young; ● e; ● h; ● r; ● ● cache: A66839.xml plain text: A66839.txt