item: #1 of 12 id: 13746 author: Elliot, Robert H. (Robert Henry) title: Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore With chapters on coffee planting in Coorg, the Mysore representative assembly, the Indian congress, caste and the Indian silver question, being the 38 years' experiences of a Mysore planter date: None words: 171780 flesch: 59 summary: The reader will observe that I have said that leaf disease may be reduced within practically speaking harmless limits if the coffee is judiciously shaded with good caste shade trees, and I would call particular attention to the term good caste trees, because bad caste shade trees will not control leaf disease. Borer is worst under bad kinds of shade trees, but can be controlled by good caste trees. keywords: account; animal; assembly; attention; bear; bull; bungalow; caste; cattle; chapter; close; coffee; coffee trees; coorg; country; course; crop; day; disease; doubt; effect; estate; experience; fact; falls; feet; find; following; forest; general; gold; good; government; ground; head; importance; india; instance; jungle; land; leaf; left; manager; manure; means; members; mention; miles; mysore; native; number; order; people; place; plantation; planters; plants; point; present; province; question; reader; regards; rupees; shade; shade trees; soil; subject; tiger; till; time; trees; use; value; view; water; way; western; work; years cache: 13746.txt plain text: 13746.txt item: #2 of 12 id: 20583 author: Russell, R. V. (Robert Vane) title: The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India, Volume 1 date: None words: 186697 flesch: 74 summary: As with Buddhism also, the main feature of Jain belief is the transmigration of souls, and each successive incarnation depends on the sum of good and bad actions or _karman_ in the previous life. _Limba_.--_(Nim_ tree.) keywords: account; ahir; ancestors; animals; article; aryan; bania; banjara; belief; bengal; blood; body; bombay; brahmans; bride; bridegroom; caste; caste system; census; central; ceremony; chamar; character; children; clan; class; classes; cloth; clothes; common; community; country; cultivators; custom; das; day; days; dead; death; descent; dhimar; district; divine; earth; eating; fact; family; father; feast; female; fire; flesh; food; forest; form; god; gonds; good; grain; group; gujarat; guru; hands; head; hindu; house; idea; important; impure; india; jain; kabir; kawar; king; kol; kunbi; kurmi; land; law; life; liquor; mahar; mali; maratha; marriage; marry; means; members; mother; muhammadan; names; number; occupation; order; origin; people; period; persons; place; position; present; priests; principal; provinces; rajputs; rank; reason; religion; report; round; rule; sacrifice; samaj; section; sept; service; sir; society; spirit; state; status; stone; subcaste; subdivision; sunar; synonym; system; teli; term; thought; time; title; totem; tree; tribes; view; village; water; wear; wife; women; word; worship cache: 20583.txt plain text: 20583.txt item: #3 of 12 id: 20668 author: Russell, R. V. (Robert Vane) title: The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India, Volume 4 date: None words: 240478 flesch: 73 summary: The marriage-shed is made of eleven poles festooned with leaves, and inside it are placed two posts of the _saleh_ (_Boswellia serrata_) or _umar_ (_Ficus glomerata_) The Rajjhars will also eat _katcha_ food (cooked with water) from Kunbis and Kahars. keywords: account; ancestors; animals; art; article; bangles; barber; bengal; berar; birth; black; blood; body; bombay; boy; brahmans; branch; bride; bridegroom; brother; caste; caste women; central; ceremony; chief; child; children; clan; class; cloth; clothes; colonel; community; corpse; country; crooke; cultivators; customs; cut; daughter; day; days; dead; death; descendants; devi; districts; drink; earth; eat; end; exogamous; fact; families; family; father; feast; feet; festival; fire; flesh; following; food; forest; form; gazetteer; general; girl; god; goddess; gold; gonds; good; grain; groups; gujarat; hair; hand; having; head; hindu; hold; home; house; husband; impure; india; king; kunbis; left; life; liquor; low; man; maratha; marriage; means; members; mother; muhammadan; nagpur; names; night; northern; number; occupation; oil; order; origin; ornaments; party; people; period; persons; piece; place; position; present; provinces; raja; rajput; rank; reason; religion; report; return; rice; river; round; rule; sacred; saying; second; sept; set; silver; sir; small; snake; social; spirit; states; story; subcastes; sun; thread; thugs; tiger; time; tree; tribes; turmeric; village; vol; water; way; wear; wedding; widow; wife; women; work; worship; years cache: 20668.txt plain text: 20668.txt item: #4 of 12 id: 22010 author: Russell, R. V. (Robert Vane) title: The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India, Volume 2 date: None words: 210576 flesch: 73 summary: Bawaria or Baori is derived from _banwar_, a creeper, or the tendril of a vine, and hence a noose made originally from some fibrous plant and used for trapping animals, this being one of the primary occupations of the tribe. In Betul the practice of _lamjhana_ or serving the father-in-law for a term of years before marrying his daughter, is sometimes followed. keywords: account; ahirs; ancestors; animal; article; baigas; bania; banjaras; berar; bhils; bhuiyas; birth; body; bombay; boy; brahmans; bride; bridegroom; brother; caste; cattle; central; ceremony; chamar; character; chhattisgarh; chief; child; children; class; classes; cloth; clothes; colonel; community; country; couple; cow; crooke; cultivators; customs; cut; day; days; dead; death; descendants; districts; divorce; drink; earth; eat; fact; families; family; father; feast; feet; flesh; following; food; forest; form; general; girl; god; goddess; gonds; good; grain; great; groups; gujarat; hands; head; hindu; home; house; husband; impure; india; king; krishna; land; left; life; liquor; little; man; mandla; maratha; marriage; marry; means; members; mother; muhammadan; nagpur; names; northern; number; occasion; occupation; order; origin; parents; party; people; period; persons; place; position; present; priests; principal; provinces; raja; rajput; rank; religion; rice; river; round; rule; second; sect; sept; set; sir; social; special; spirit; states; stone; story; subcastes; subdivisions; taking; term; thread; time; tree; tribe; village; water; way; wear; wedding; widow; wife; women; work; worship cache: 22010.txt plain text: 22010.txt item: #5 of 12 id: 41424 author: Russell, R. V. (Robert Vane) title: The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India, Volume 3 date: None words: 231287 flesch: 74 summary: u has the sound of oo in poor or boot The plural of caste names and a few common Hindustani words is formed by adding s in the English manner according to ordinary usage, though this is not, of course, the Hindustani plural. Others are the names of Rajput septs and of other castes, as Ahirwar (Ahir) and Bamhania (Brahman). keywords: account; ancestors; animals; article; bastar; bengal; berar; birth; black; blood; body; boy; brahmans; bride; bridegroom; brother; caste; cattle; central; ceremony; child; children; class; cloth; clothes; common; country; couple; cow; cultivators; customs; cut; dance; daughter; day; days; dead; death; deity; deo; districts; divorce; doubt; drink; earth; eat; fact; family; father; feast; feet; fire; flesh; following; food; forest; form; funeral; general; girl; goat; god; goddess; gonds; good; grain; grass; great; group; hair; hand; having; head; hindu; home; house; husband; india; kayasths; khonds; law; leaves; left; life; lingo; liquor; mahadeo; man; mandla; maratha; marriage; means; members; milk; months; moon; mother; muhammadan; nagpur; names; new; night; northern; number; occupation; order; origin; parents; party; people; period; persons; piece; place; position; present; priest; principal; provinces; raja; rajput; religion; report; return; rice; river; round; rule; sacred; sacrifice; second; sept; set; sir; sister; siva; social; son; spirit; states; story; sun; tiger; time; tree; tribe; turmeric; village; water; wear; wedding; white; widow; wife; women; word; work; worship; years cache: 41424.txt plain text: 41424.txt item: #6 of 12 id: 42991 author: Thurston, Edgar title: Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 1 of 7 date: None words: 136249 flesch: 73 summary: | 162.5 | 175 | 149.6 | 81.9 | 95.7 | 68.1 ========================================================= By the dolichocephalic type of cranium which has persisted, and which the Chenchus possess in common with various other jungle tribes, they are still, as shown by the following table, at once differentiated from the mesaticephalic dwellers in the plains near the foot of the Nallamalais:-- ================================================ | | Number of | Cephalic| times the | Index. The following are the results of measurements of Kanikars in the jungle, and at a village some miles from Trivandrum, the capital of Travancore:-- =========================================================== | Stature cm. keywords: + =; = +; = =; = |; account; ancestors; badagas; bants; barber; betel; body; boy; boyas; brahmans; bridegroom; burning; canara; car; caste; census; ceremonies; ceremony; chief; children; class; classes; close; cloth; community; connection; corpse; country; couple; day; days; dead; death; deceased; district; division; dravidian; exogamous; f =; fact; families; family; father; feet; female; festival; fire; flowers; following; food; form; girl; god; gods; good; hair; hand; head; headman; hindu; home; house; husband; india; language; law; leaves; left; life; long; madras; malabar; male; manual; mark; marriage; means; members; milk; money; morning; mother; mysore; names; neck; new; north; number; occasion; oriya; pair; pandal; people; person; place; pollution; pot; pots; present; priest; procession; relations; report; rice; right; round; section; sept; set; siva; small; son; south; southern; stone; sub; sun; taking; tamil |; telugu; temple; thou; thread; time; title; tree; tribes; tulu; turmeric; vessel; village; vishnu; water; white; widow; wife; women; work; worship; years; | =; | canarese; | | cache: 42991.txt plain text: 42991.txt item: #7 of 12 id: 42992 author: Thurston, Edgar title: Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 2 of 7 date: None words: 151270 flesch: 72 summary: The Chakkiliyans beat the tom-tom for Kammalans, Pallis and Kaikolans, and for other castes if desired to do so. During the seventh month of pregnancy, the ceremony of puli kuti, or tamarind juice drinking, is performed as among other castes. keywords: + =; = +; = =; account; betel; black; body; brahmans; brass; bride; bridegroom; brother; canara; cases; caste; cattle; census; ceremonies; ceremony; chenchus; chief; children; class; classes; cloth; cochin; cocoanut; community; connection; copper; country; couple; cow; custom; cut; dancing; dasaris; daughter; day; days; dead; death; deity; district; division; european; exogamous; families; family; father; feast; feet; female; festival; fire; flowers; following; follows; food; forest; form; girl; god; goddess; gold; good; great; half; hand; head; headman; hindu; holeyas; home; house; husband; hut; india; irulas; jews; king; law; leaf; leaves; left; life; little; madras; malabar; man; manual; marriage; meaning; means; members; milk; money; mother; mysore; names; native; near; neck; north; note; number; occupation; oil; oriya; paddy; parents; party; people; person; piece; place; pollution; pot; present; priest; puberty; pulayas; report; return; rice; right; round; rupees; second; section; sept; set; son; south; state; stone; sub; tali; tamil; telugu; temple; thread; time; title; toddy; travancore; tree; turmeric; village; vizagapatam; water; way; white; widow; wife; women; work; worship; years; | =; | | cache: 42992.txt plain text: 42992.txt item: #8 of 12 id: 42993 author: Thurston, Edgar title: Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 3 of 7 date: None words: 153426 flesch: 71 summary: They are tattooed, and tattooing members of other castes is one of their occupations, which include the following:-- Katukuttu, or boring the lobes of the ears. Though in the presence of other castes the Kakkalans speak Malayalam, they have a peculiar language which is used among themselves, and is not understood by others. keywords: = =; account; ashes; bamboo; barber; betel; body; brahmans; brass; bride; bridegroom; brother; caste; cattle; census; ceremonies; ceremony; chief; child; children; class; classes; cloth; community; connection; corpse; country; cow; custom; cut; dancing; daughter; day; days; dead; death; deceased; deity; descendants; district; division; exogamous; family; father; feast; feet; female; fire; flowers; following; food; form; ganjam; gazetteer; girl; god; goddess; gods; gold; good; government; hair; hand; head; headman; home; house; husband; hut; india; kallans; kammalans; kaniyans; kapus; khonds; king; komatis; koravas; land; law; leaf; leaves; left; life; little; live; madras; madura; malabar; man; manual; marriage; means; members; milk; money; mother; names; neck; new; north; number; parents; parts; people; person; place; pot; present; priest; relations; report; return; rice; right; round; rule; sacred; sacrifice; section; sept; set; siva; son; sons; south; spot; state; stone; story; sub; tali; tamil; telugu; temple; thread; time; title; travancore; tree; turmeric; village; vizagapatam; water; way; wife; women; work; worship; years cache: 42993.txt plain text: 42993.txt item: #9 of 12 id: 42994 author: Thurston, Edgar title: Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 4 of 7 date: None words: 154982 flesch: 72 summary: There are also local Mathangis in other villages, but they are all said to be subordinate to the Tudimilla woman, who is the high Pontiff of the institution. Apparently the idea is that, if they make a noise or display a blaze of lights, they will attract the evil spirits, who will swoop down on them and do them some injury, though in other villages it is supposed that a great deal of noise and flourishing of sticks will keep the evil spirits at bay. keywords: = =; account; animal; arcot; basava; bellary; betel; blood; body; brahmans; brass; bride; bridegroom; cases; caste; census; ceremonies; ceremony; chief; children; class; classes; cloth; cocoanut; community; connection; corpse; country; couple; cut; dance; day; days; dead; death; deceased; deity; district; division; drink; earth; end; exogamous; families; family; father; feast; feet; female; festival; fire; flesh; following; follows; food; form; girl; goddess; gods; good; grain; grave; hair; hand; head; headman; hill; hindu; home; house; husband; image; jungle; kotas; kurumbas; large; law; leaf; leaves; left; life; lingayats; little; madigas; madras; malabar; malaialis; malas; male; man; manual; mappillas; marriage; means; members; milk; mother; mysore; neck; new; north; note; number; occasion; outside; party; people; piece; place; pot; pots; present; priest; procession; pujari; red; report; return; rice; right; round; second; sept; set; sheep; siva; son; south; stone; sub; tali; tamil; telugu; temple; thread; time; title; travancore; tree; turmeric; village; water; way; widow; wife; women; wood; work; worship; years cache: 42994.txt plain text: 42994.txt item: #10 of 12 id: 42995 author: Thurston, Edgar title: Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 5 of 7 date: None words: 148304 flesch: 71 summary: Marans may be divided into two main divisions, viz., Marans who called themselves Marars in North Travancore, and who now hesitate to assist other castes in the performance of their funeral rites; and Marans who do not convert their caste designation into an honorific plural, and act as priests for other castes. The number of sub-divisions returned by the rest is no less than 305, of which the majority are the names of other castes. keywords: = =; account; bathe; betel; body; brahmans; bride; bridegroom; brother; caste; census; ceremonies; ceremony; chief; child; children; class; cloth; cocoanut; connection; corpse; country; couple; custom; daughter; day; days; dead; death; deceased; district; division; east; end; exogamous; families; family; father; female; festival; fire; fish; flowers; following; follows; food; form; girl; god; goddess; gold; good; grass; hair; hand; having; head; home; house; husband; india; kind; king; lamp; land; law; leaf; leaves; left; life; madras; madura; malabar; male; man; marriage; marry; meaning; means; members; milk; money; month; morning; mother; nambutiri; names; nayars; near; neck; north; note; number; occasion; offerings; oil; ordinary; pandal; people; person; piece; place; pollution; pot; present; priest; procession; pyre; relations; report; return; rice; right; round; rule; rupees; sept; set; silver; siva; son; south; stone; sub; tali; tamil; taravad; telugu; temple; thread; time; title; travancore; tree; tribe; turmeric; vessel; village; water; way; wear; wife; women; word; work; worship; years cache: 42995.txt plain text: 42995.txt item: #11 of 12 id: 42996 author: Thurston, Edgar title: Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 6 of 7 date: None words: 138113 flesch: 70 summary: But the termination 'Odi' is found in other caste titles such as Adiyodi and Vallodi, and the definition is obviously fanciful, while it does not explain the meaning of Pishar. But, by other castes, they are nicknamed Kumalam Brahmans. keywords: account; ancestors; arcot; bamboo; betel; bishop; body; brahmans; bride; bridegroom; brother; burning; cases; caste; census; century; ceremonies; ceremony; chief; children; christians; church; claim; class; classes; cloth; community; corpse; country; couple; custom; day; days; dead; death; deity; descendants; district; division; exogamous; family; father; feast; feet; female; fire; fish; flowers; following; food; form; gazetteer; girl; god; goddess; good; government; hand; head; headman; hill; house; husband; india; king; kshatriyas; land; leaf; leaves; left; liquor; madras; madura; malabar; man; manual; marriage; meaning; means; members; milk; mother; names; native; near; neck; north; note; number; offerings; origin; oriya; pallis; pandal; paraiyans; paravas; parts; people; person; place; position; pot; pots; present; priests; report; rice; right; round; sacred; sacrifice; savaras; section; sept; set; siva; small; son; south; stone; sub; synonym; syrians; tali; tamil; telugu; temple; thomas; thread; time; tinnevelly; title; toddy; travancore; tree; village; water; way; weavers; weaving; wife; women; word; work; worship; years cache: 42996.txt plain text: 42996.txt item: #12 of 12 id: 42997 author: Thurston, Edgar title: Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 7 of 7 date: None words: 133882 flesch: 73 summary: He is a man of importance, not only in many affairs within his own caste, but also in those of other castes. They are simply a criminal community, into which outsiders are admitted, who give their women in marriage outside the caste, and who adopt children of other castes. keywords: betel; body; boy; brahmans; bridegroom; buffaloes; caste; census; ceremonies; ceremony; chief; child; children; classes; cloth; cocoanut; connection; corpse; country; custom; cut; day; days; dead; death; deceased; deity; district; division; earth; exogamous; family; father; feet; female; fire; following; food; form; funeral; girl; god; goddess; gold; good; government; great; hair; hand; head; house; husband; hut; king; lamp; land; leaf; leaves; left; long; madras; madura; malabar; man; manual; marriage; members; middle; milk; money; mother; nayars; near; neck; north; number; oil; origin; paddy; pandal; party; people; perform; person; place; pollution; pot; pots; present; priests; relations; report; return; rice; right; round; salt; section; sept; set; sister; siva; son; south; stone; sub; synonym; tali; tamil; tandan; telugu; temple; thread; time; title; tiyan; todas; toddy; travancore; tree; uncle; vellalas; village; water; wear; white; wife; women; work; worship; yanadis; year cache: 42997.txt plain text: 42997.txt