item: #1 of 416 id: A01042 author: Forbes, Patrick, 1564-1635. title: Eubulus, or A dialogue, where-in a rugged Romish rhyme, (inscrybed, Catholicke questions, to the Protestaut [sic]) is confuted, and the questions there-of answered. By P.A. date: 1627.0 words: 52364 flesch: 70 summary: For , how-so-ever the Converters of others , by an improper Speach , may be called Catholicks ; as anie particular Church , holding Trueth , is called a Catholicke Church ; or anie faithfull Man , a Catholicke man , because they are true partes of the Catholicke Church , in which onlie is Trueth , Lyfe , and Salvation : yet , to call anie particular , eyther person , order of persons , or companie , the Catholicke man , persons , or Church , it is an insolentlie arrogant Speach . ●…atth . keywords: able; absolutelie; accordinglie; account; acknowledge; aequivocation; affected; agayne; agaynst; ages; alwayes; anie; answere; antichrist; antichristian; apostasie; apostle; appeare; argument; assumption; augustine; aunswered; authoritie; ballad; beare; beast; bee; beene; belieue; bellarmine; better; betwixt; bodie; borne; calling; cap; carefullie; case; catholicke; catholicke church; certayne; chapter; character; children; christ; christians; church; churches; citie; cleare; clearlie; common; communion; companie; competent; conclusion; condition; conference; confesse; contagion; continuance; contrarie; conveane; counsell; course; damned; day; dealing; deceit; defence; degrees; denye; devilish; devils; discerne; discerning; disease; disputation; distinct; diverse; divine; doctrine; doe; doeth; earth; ecclesia; ende; english; ensigne; eriphilus; errour; esteemed; eubulus; evidentlie; evill; experience; eyes; eyther; fall; falleth; false; farder; farre; fathers; fayle; fayth; follow; foorth; fore; foundation; free; gangrene; gates; ghost; giue; glorie; god; goe; good; gospell; grace; grant; great; greatlie; ground; haereticall; haeretickes; hand; hardlie; hath; haue; head; health; heart; heathen; heaven; hee; hee bee; heere; holie; holinesse; honour; hope; house; howe; humours; hundreth; impietie; impudent; indeede; infected; iohn; judgement; justlie; keepe; keeping; king; kingdome; know; knowne; lawfull; length; lesse; lib; light; little; living; logicke; long; lord; loue; lyfe; lyke; man; manner; marke; matter; matth; mayne; meane; measure; mee; men; mens; monstrous; moste; multitude; mynde; namelie; nations; naturall; necessitie; new; non; notes; nowe; number; objection; ones; onlie; open; opinion; ordination; orthodox; outward; owne; pag; papalitie; papistes; partes; particular; paul; perceiue; perception; perfect; persons; peter; philadelphus; philomathes; place; playne; playnlie; pleade; poet; pope; poperie; possiblie; power; poynt; poyntes; poyson; pretende; professe; profession; professours; promise; prooue; prooveth; proper; properlie; proposition; protestant; purpose; question; qui; reade; reading; reason; reasoning; relation; religion; resolution; respect; rest; revel; ridiculous; rightlie; rome; romish; rule; ryme; sacrifice; salvation; satan; sayde; sayeth; saynct; scripture; seeing; seeke; selfe; selues; sense; separated; set; shee; sheepe; short; sinne; small; soone; sooth; sophisticall; sore; soule; speach; speake; speaketh; spirit; spirituall; standing; state; strange; subject; succession; sure; syllogisme; tcp; teach; teacheth; temple; text; thee; theriomachus; thing; thinges; thinke; thou; throne; thy; times; title; tolde; true; true church; truelie; trueth; tyme; verie; verilie; verses; visibilitie; visible; vnder; vnderstand; vnited; vnitie; vniversalitie; vnto; voyce; vpon; vpright; vse; vsurpation; vvhat; vvhere; vvhich; vvho; want; wayes; weaknesse; wee; whome; whyle; willing; word; wordes; worke; worlde; worship; worshippers; wyse; ydle; yea; yeares cache: A01042.xml plain text: A01042.txt item: #2 of 416 id: A01148 author: Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. title: The conuersion of a most noble lady of Fraunce In Iune last past, 1608. Madame Gratiana, wife to the high and mightie lord; Claudius, Lord of Tremoille; Duke of Thouars; peere of Fraunce, and Prince of Talmonde. A most Christian epistle, written by her, to the ladyes of Fraunce, to resolue them in the cause of her conuersion from popery, to the the profession of Gods Gospell: and aduising them to imitate her religious example. Truely translated out of French. date: 1608.0 words: 14978 flesch: 64 summary: And since he hath purchased for vs the remission of our sinnes : there remaineth no more oblations to be made for sinne , but his blood only is sufficient : whereby he is entred into the holy places , hauing obtained euerlasting redemption for vs And we haue daily libertie likewise , by the blood of Iesus , to enter into the holy places : in regard that he is the eternall sacrificer , to saue all such as he shall present to God , liuing there as their continuall intercessor . After God had determined in his good time , to withdrawe me out of the sinck of sinne and idolatrie , to incorporate me in the communion of his Sonne , within the bosome of his sanctified Church , the refuge for all them that desire saluation , ( and where I wish , and desire in soule , that I could embrace you all : ) keywords: abuses; againe; altar; apostle; bee; blasphemies; blessed; bloud; bodie; body; bread; cause; christ; christian; church; communion; consecration; conuersion; cor; daily; death; desire; doe; doth; drinke; eebo; end; english; epistle; euen; euerlasting; example; eyes; faithfull; father; fraunce; giuen; god; gods; good; gospell; great; hath; haue; heauen; hee; heere; high; himselfe; holy; honorable; iesus; iesus christ; images; institution; ladies; life; like; lord; maister; manner; masse; nature; neuer; new; offering; onely; order; owne; people; place; prayers; present; priest; promise; publike; reason; receiue; regard; remembraunce; right; romaine; sacrament; sacrifice; sacriledge; saint; saith; sanctified; sauiour; signe; sinnes; soules; spirit; supper; tcp; text; themselues; thing; time; title; true; truth; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; wine; wit; words; worship; yea cache: A01148.xml plain text: A01148.txt item: #3 of 416 id: A01391 author: Gainsford, Thomas, d. 1624?, attributed name. title: The friers chronicle: or, The true legend of priests and monkes liues date: 1623.0 words: 17121 flesch: 62 summary: It is reported of Oliuer Mailard , that when hee saw the wickednesse and Villany of Priests and Friers , he wondred , that the Saints interred in the Church , did not rise and pull out the eyes of the Whore-masters , and Deceiuers . Honorius the 3. authorized the worship of the Masse-cake , forbade the marriage of Priests , and maintained the filthinesse of Monkes and Friers : his malice so extended against the Scots that had slaine Adam Bishop of Catnes , that hee caused foure hundred to bee hang'd , and gelded their children , to extinguish their race for euer . keywords: abbot; amazed; anthony; author; bed; bee; behinde; beleeue; best; better; betweene; bishop; blasphemies; blessed; bloudy; body; booke; breeches; brother; cardinall; cast; cause; certaine; chamber; characters; child; christ; chronicle; church; clement; common; company; confesse; coozening; countenance; crosse; crownes; daughter; day; dayes; death; deuices; deuotion; disease; diuell; diuers; doe; duke; earle; eebo; emperour; england; english; euer; eyes; farre; father; feast; feed; fellow; fields; filthinesse; fire; fiue; foure; france; francis; franciscan; frier; generall; gentleman; george; giue; glorious; god; gods; goe; good; great; gregory; ground; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; hee; henry; himselfe; holy; home; hot; house; husband; ignorance; ignorant; images; impieties; infinit; insomuch; instances; iohn; iudge; iulius; keepe; kill'd; king; ladies; lady; leaue; legend; leo; life; liues; long; lord; loue; man; manner; mary; masse; meane; mee; men; miracles; monasteries; money; monkes; mother; murther; needs; neere; new; night; nunnes; old; order; ouer; owne; papists; paris; particulars; pay; people; perceiued; peter; place; pleasure; pope; popish; pot; priests; protestants; purpose; reason; religion; returne; richard; ridiculous; rome; runne; saint; saith; sake; sauiour; second; sent; set; seuen; shee; sonne; soules; speake; sport; stead; stories; story; strange; tale; tcp; tei; text; theft; themselues; thing; thomas; thou; time; true; vnder; vnderstood; vnto; vpon; vvith; wherevpon; whores; wicked; wife; women; worke; world; yea; yong cache: A01391.xml plain text: A01391.txt item: #4 of 416 id: A01537 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Iacobs thankfulnesse to God, for Gods goodnesse to Iacob A meditation on Genesis 32. 10. VVherein by the way also the popish doctrine of mans merite is discussed. By Thomas Gataker, B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. date: 1624.0 words: 42713 flesch: 84 summary: Vi●am rep●s●●nti 〈…〉 fidei red●●turus exulto . r In co quod ●ec . opera dicitur , i●sa operum qualitas intelligitur , ut cujus apparuerint bona opera , ejus sit & retributio gloriosa , Ib. s 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rectè vertitur , secundum meritū , vel pro merito & dignitate operū Quid est enim reddere sec. opera , nisi reddere sicut opera mer●tur ? Bel. de j●s●ific . keywords: a01537; able; abominable; account; acknowledge; actions; adversaries; aegyptus; aeternam; againe; agere; agreement; alij; aliquid; aliter; aliud; ambr; answer; apoc; apostle; appeare; apud; art; ashamed; aske; atque; aug; augustine; aut; autem; backe; basil; bee; beginnings; bellar; bellarmine; bern; bernard; best; better; betweene; blessing; bon ●; bona; bonis; bonum; books; bountie; c. 2; cajetan; cap; cardinall; carefull; cases; cast; cause; characters; charge; children; christi; christian; chron; chrysost; chrysostome; church; cic; claime; close; co ●; commeth; comparison; condignitie; condigno; conferre; confesse; confession; confidence; congruitie; consideration; contrarie; course; covenant; crowne; cui; cum; cū; d ●; dan; danger; datur; david; day; de grat; de iustific; de poenit; de temp; de verb; deale; death; deb ●; debitorem; debitum; debt; debtor; deeds; degree; dei; deo; des ●; desert; desire; deum; deus; deut; dicere; dicimus; dicit; difference; dignus; discontent; distresse; divers; divinae; doctrine; doe; dom; domini; dominus; doth; durand; durst; eam; early; earth; eccles; edition; eebo; effect; ejus; encoding; end; english; enim; ephes; epist; ergò; esai; esse; est; estate; eternall; etiam; evill; example; eyes; faber; facit; factus; faile; faithfull; fall; farre; fast; fathers; fault; favours; feare; fidei; fieri; fit; followeth; fore; free; frō; fruit; fuerit; future; gataker; gen; generall; genes; genesis; gift; giveth; gloriam; glorie; glorious; glory; god; gods; gods mercie; goe; good; goodnesse; grace; gracious; gratia; great; greatnesse; greg; gregorie; ground; h ●; hab ●; habere; habet; haec; halfe; hand; hard; hath; haue; heart; heaven; hebr; hee; hee hath; hieron; high; hill; himselfe; hinc; hist; hoc; hold; holy; hom; homines; homo; honour; hope; hugo; humble; humilitie; iacob; ibid; ibidem; idem; idem de; idem ibid; ideò; idē; iesus; igitur; illa; ille; illi; illo; illum; images; imagine; imò; inter; ioan; iob; iohn; ipsa; ipse; ipsius; ipsum; ista; ita; itaque; iudge; iun; iustific; j ●; jam; judgement; judicio; judicium; justice; justitia; justorum; justus; keepe; kinde; kindnesse; king; kingdome; know; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; l. 4; l. 5; laban; land; language; large; leave; lest; lib; liberalitie; licet; life; light; like; little; long; looke; lord; love; low; luc; luk; magis; magna; magnus; majestie; major; mala; man; manner; mans; matter; matth; meanes; mee; meere; mei; men; mens; mer ●; merces; mercie; mercifull; mercy; mereri; meretur; merit; meritis; meritoria; meritum; meum; mihi; miseratio; misericordia; modo; moral; nam; nat; naz; nec; need; nemo; neque; nihil; nilus; nisi; nobis; nomine; non; non potest; nostra; nostris; note; nō; nulla; nullus; nunc; observ; observeth; obtaine; occasion; oft; omne; omnia; omnium; onely; online; opera; operibus; operis; opus; orat; ought; ovid; owne; oxford; p ●; pacti; page; par; particular; partnership; parts; paul; pauper; people; performance; phase; philip; place; pleade; pleased; plin; plut; poenit; point; poore; poorenesse; popish; posse; possit; possumus; potest; pr ●; practise; prayer; presence; present; presumption; pride; pro; promise; prophet; propriè; propter; prosper; proud; prov; psal; psalmist; publican; qu ●; quae; quam; quanto; quasi; quā; quem; question; qui; quia; quibus; quicquid; quid; quippe; quis; quod; quod non; quomodo; raine; ratione; reade; reason; receiue; rectè; reddere; redditur; regard; remission; rest; returne; rich; righteousnesse; river; rom; rule; s ●; safest; saints; saith; saith augustine; saith bellarmine; saith bernard; saith god; saith hee; saith iob; sake; salvation; sam; satisfaction; saviour; schol; scire; scripture; se ●; sec; second; secundum; sed; sed non; seeke; selves; semper; sen; sense; sent; serm; servants; set; shee; shew; short; sibi; sic; sicut; sine; sinnes; siquidem; sis; sit; sive; small; sol ●; sola; solum; soone; sp ●; speaketh; spem; spirit; stabat; staffe; stead; strange; strict; su ●; sua; sub; suis; suite; sum; sunt; sup; superbia; sure; suum; tamen; tantum; tcp; tearmes; tei; telleth; temp; text; thankes; thankfull; thankfulnesse; thee; thereunto; thess; things; thinke; thom; thomas; thou; thy; tibi; tim; time; tom; totum; tranquil; true; trust; truth; tu ●; tua; tunc; tuum; ubi; una; uncertaine; unde; unjust; unprofitablenesse; unworthinesse; unworthy; vbi; vel; velut; verb; verè; vide; videtur; vilenesse; vitae; vnde; vpon; vse; vult; wages; want; water; way; wealth; wee; whatsoever; whereof; wise; wit; word; workes; worship; worth; worthie; writers; wrong; xml; yea; yeeres; ▪ ●; ● ae; ● b; ● bet; ● e; ● er; ● g; ● m; ● n; ● ns; ● o; ● om; ● r; ● ra; ● ri; ● rum; ● st; ● sti; ● t; ● ti; ● tur; ● u; ● ver; ● ● cache: A01537.xml plain text: A01537.txt item: #5 of 416 id: A01890 author: Goodwin, George, fl. 1607-1620. title: Babels balm: or The honey-combe of Romes religion With a neate draining and straining-out of the rammish honey thereof. Sung in tenne most elegant elegies in Latine, by that most worthy Christian satyrist, Master George Good-vvinne. And translated into tenne English satyres, by the Muses most vnworthy Eccho, Iohn Vicars. date: 1624.0 words: 30282 flesch: 88 summary: Thus Romes●are ●are Prelates were not Fathers , all : This one , w● may their Ghostly M●ther call . Christ then , our great chiefe Pastor , holds both these : Contention theirs , ●eares not Christs Coate of Peace . keywords: a01890; aboue; alas; anti; appeare; arch; argvment; art; asses; babels; bad; balme; bane; bare; base; beast; bee; beleeue; better; betweene; birth; bishop; bit; blacke; blessed; blest; blinde; blood; body; bold; bones; booke; braue; bread; breake; brow; burne; buy; canst; care; cause; chaire; characters; charge; chiefe; christ; christs flesh; church; churches; clergie; combe; containe; councels; crimes; crosse; crowne; cup; cure; day; dead; deadly; deare; death; decree; deeds; delight; desert; didst; die; dire; diuers; diuine; div; doctrine; doe; dost; doth; doth romes; doubt; downe; drinke; dull; eares; early; earth; earthly; eebo; end; english; equall; ergo; errour; euen; euer; euill; excell; eyes; fact; faire; faith; fall; false; fast; fathers; fed; feed; feet; fell; fierce; fill; finde; firme; fish; fit; flame; flesh; flie; flocke; floods; flow; flower; fly; fold; fond; fooles; foule; fraud; free; gaine; gainst; gaue; gay; george; gifts; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; goodnesse; got; grace; gratis; great; greater; greatest; guide; guiltie; halfe; hand; hast; hate; hath; haue; head; heart; heau'n; hee; heere; hell; hid; high; himselfe; hir; hold; holy; honey; honour; honourable; hope; hornes; hoste; house; huge; image; impious; inherit; iohn; iudge; iust; keepe; key; kingdomes; kings; kisse; knowes; knowne; lambes; land; large; latine; law; lawes; lawlesse; left; lesse; life; like; little; liues; long; loose; lord; loue; lyes; mad; maist; man; mans; martyrs; masse; master; mee; men; mens; merits; milke; mind; mitred; monarchs; monsters; monstrous; mother; mouth; muse; ne're; need; new; notes; nought; o christ; o're; oft; onely; opinions; order; ouer; oyle; papall; papists; pardon; past; pastor; paul; pay; people; peter; pietie; piety; plac't; place; plaine; pleasure; plot; pompe; poore; popes; popish; power; poyson; praise; pregnant; prelate; pride; priests; prince; prop; proper; proud; pseudo; pure; quicke; rage; raigne; rare; reader; ready; reason; religion; religious; reliques; rest; rich; riches; right; rites; rocke; romes; romish; rule; sacred; saints; saluation; satan; satyre; saue; sauiour; sayes; sayst; scarce; scepters; scope; scriptures; sea; seate; sect; seene; selfe; sense; seruant; set; shall; shame; sharpe; sheepe; shewes; ship; showne; signes; sinne; sins; sire; sit; skill; slaues; sole; soone; soules; sound; speake; spirituall; spring; stand; starre; stay; stones; stoole; stout; straight; strange; strong; substance; supper; supreme; sure; sweet; sword; tame; taste; tcp; tei; temple; tenne; text; thee; themselues; thine; things; thou; thou'lt; thousands; throne; thunder; thy; time; title; toyes; traditions; treasure; triple; true; trust; truth; verse; vertues; vicars; vice; vnder; vnto; vnworthy; vowes; vpon; vse; warres; waues; waxe; way; weake; wealth; white; whore; wicked; wine; wise; wish; wit; witnesse; woe; wolfe; wonder; wood; words; worke; world; worship; worthy; wounds; wrath; writ; wrong; yea; zeale; ● o; ● t; ● ● cache: A01890.xml plain text: A01890.txt item: #6 of 416 id: A02358 author: Guild, William, 1586-1657. title: Popish glorying in antiquity turned to their shame Whereby is shewed, how they wrong, villifie, and disgrace, that whereunto they pretend to carry greateste reuerence: and are most guilty of that which they vpbraide vnto others. Collected and proued out of themselues, for the singular profit both of pastors and professors. By William Guild, minister at King Edward. date: 1627.0 words: 44325 flesch: 74 summary: ●xta● . ●re , to all judicious Eyes , That they , not wee , Antiquitie despyse . keywords: a02358; aboue; adding; addition; adduceth; admit; adoration; adversaries; affirmeth; agayne; agaynst; alleadged; alleadging; alphonsus; altho; ambrose; ancient; anie; anno; answereth; antichrist; antiquitie; apostles; apostolicall; appeale; apud; arb; art; athanasius; augustine; authoritie; authors; baptisme; baronius; basill; bee; beeing; beginning; belieue; bell lib; bellarmine; bellarmine answereth; bene; bernard; bertram; better; betweene; bishop; blessed; blood; bodie; boniface; booke; bread; c. 2; c. 7; c. 9; calleth; canon; canus; cap; cardinall; carefullie; carthage; catholicke; cause; chalcedon; chap; chapter; christ; christians; chrysostome; church; churches; citeth; cleare; clearlie; clement; clergie; co ●; commentaries; commenting; common; conception; concil; concludeth; confesseth; confession; confirmation; consecration; consent; constantinople; contrarie; copies; corpus; corrupt; corrupted; councell; counterfeyt; craftie; credit; cum; cup; custome; cyprian; damasus; darknesse; dayes; de bon; de christ; de concil; de confir; de euch; de gra; de mon; de pont; de purg; de sanct; de scrip; dead; death; declareth; di ●; direction; disclaymeth; disp; dist; div; diverse; divine; doctors; doctrine; doe; doeth; dogmaticall; doubt; drinke; eccl; edition; eebo; english; epiphanius; epistle; epistola; equall; erasmus; erre; errour; especiallie; esse; est; euch; eusebius; evidence; example; exposition; fact; false; famous; farre; fasciculus; fathers; fayth; fere; filthie; finde; flesh; foorth; forbidden; forced; fore; forgerie; fraude; fraudfull; free; frō; fuisse; fyre; generall; gether; ghost; giue; giveth; god; godlie; gods; goe; good; gra; granteth; gratian; great; greeke; gregorie; grosse; ground; guild; habent; haec; hath; haue; head; hee; heere; hell; heresie; hereticke; hi ●; high; himselfe; historie; hoc; holie; holy; homilies; honorius; honour; humane; hunc; hundreth; iames; ibidem; ierome; iesuit; ignorance; images; impudent; index; initio; instance; institution; iohn; ireneus; judge; judgement; king; knowne; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; l. de; late; latine; lawfull; learning; left; leo; lib; light; like; little; long; lord; lyfe; lyke; lyke manner; lyturgie; magis; manifest; manner; marie; marriage; martyr; masse; matter; matthew; meaning; mee; men; mention; miere; missa; monasticall; moste; mouth; mynde; nam; nec; new; neyther; nice; non; notable; notes; noveltie; nowe; number; olde; omnes; omnia; onelie; oper; opinion; opposed; origen; originall; orthodox; owne; p ●; papacie; papall; papists; paris; particular; partlie; patres; patrum; paul; people; perfect; persons; peter; place; plaine; po ●; points; pon ●; pont; pope; poperie; popish; possevin; power; practise; prayer; presence; pretended; priest; primitiue; priviledge; proofe; prophets; proue; purgatorie; purging; qu ●; quae; quam; questions; quia; quod; r ●; rabanus; reader; reall; reason; receiue; records; rejecteth; relation; resp; respondeo; rest; resurrection; rhem; rhemists; romane; romanists; rome; sacrament; sacred; saide; saith; salmeron; sayeth; sayeth bellarmine; sayeth hee; saying; saynct; scripture; seaventh; second; secondlie; sect; sed; seene; selfe; selues; senensis; sense; sententia; sermon; serue; set; shee; shift; showeth; showne; singular; sinne; sixt; socrates; sole; sort; soules; speach; speaketh; standing; subject; succession; sundrie; sunt; supremacie; sure; surelie; sylvester; tcp; telleth; tertullian; testifie; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; theodoret; things; thou; thy; time; tit; title; traditions; transsubstantiation; truelie; trueth; tyme; vel; venerable; verbo; verie; veritie; videtur; virgine; vnder; vnitie; vnto; vpon; vrge; vse; vvas; vvhat; vvhen; vvhere; vvhich; vvho; vvith; warrand; way; wee; whome; whoore; wicked; wise; wit; witnesse; wordes; works; worship; writs; wryters; wyfe; wyse; yea; yeares; yee; ● d; ● e; ● ll; ● m; ● n; ● nt; ● o; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A02358.xml plain text: A02358.txt item: #7 of 416 id: A02398 author: Gurnay, Edmund, d. 1648. title: The demonstration of Antichrist. By Edmund Gurnay, Bach. Theol. p. of Harpley Norfolke date: 1631.0 words: 4472 flesch: 78 summary: Or if our English Admirers of Rome will beleeue nothing concerning the Discipline of that Church , but so farre forth as they can be assured thereof within the bounds of England ; they may haue recourse to the six Articles established in English Parliament ▪ the first whereof enacteth thus ▪ Whosoeuer shall say , that in the Sacrament of the Altar vnder the forme of bread and wine ( after the consecration thereof ) there is not present , really , the naturall Body and Bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ ; conceiued of the Virgine Mary ; or that after the said consecration there remaineth any substance of bread or wine , or any other substance but the substance of Christ , both God and man , &c. then he shall be adiudged an heretike , and suffer death by burning , and shall forfeit to the King , all his lands , tenements , &c. as in case of hye reason . In Prou , 1. ● . and elsewhere thus ; Christ left bread and wine , as he that goes ●voyage leaues a gage : keywords: absence; antichrist; bee; blaspheme; bloud; bodily; body; books; bread; characters; christ; church; contra; creature; daily; death; early; eebo; english; figure; flesh; forceth; forme; god; hath; haue; head; heauen; hee; image; lib; light; little; man; men; nature; paine; perfit; position; power; present; sacrament; substance; tcp; tei; temporall; text; vnto; vpon; wee; wine; word; works cache: A02398.xml plain text: A02398.txt item: #8 of 416 id: A02400 author: Gurnay, Edmund, d. 1648. title: The Romish chaine. By Edmund Gurnay, parson of Harpley date: 1624.0 words: 14100 flesch: 59 summary: Now that those Kings were more deeply charged so to improue those Christians then Peter was , we thus proue ; by they had greater meanes so to doe : euery mans charge being answerable vnto his meanes , vnto whom much is giuen ( as our Sauiour tels vs ) there being much of him to bee required ; and , the more mighty ( as Salomon addes ) being to expect the sorer triall . Thirdly , and principally , because rhey had at their dispose and command ( though only in the Lord wee grant , and no otherwise could Peter or any mortall man haue at command ) the gifts , abilities , and mysteries of those their Christian Subiects ; the Lord expresly charging euery soule ( amongst them ) to bee subiect vnto the higher powers ; and ( euen out of Peters owne mouth ) that they should submit themselues vnto euery ordinance of man , whether vnto the King as the Supreame , &c. keywords: aboue; act; adam; answer; apostles; argument; authority; bee; better; bishop; body; books; borne; case; chaine; charge; christians; church; common; condition; contrary; course; day; diuers; diuine; doe; early; earth; eebo; end; english; epistles; euen; euery; faith; fall; farre; father; follow; force; garments; gifts; giue; glory; god; good; gospell; grace; greater; hand; hath; haue; head; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; iames; iesus; immediate; inferiour; iohn; iudge; keyes; kind; kings; knowledge; law; lesse; life; light; like; long; lord; maine; man; meanes; member; men; moses; nature; necessity; neuer; new; old; onely; ouer; owne; papa; particular; paul; people; person; peter; place; popes; power; princes; reader; rest; roman; rome; romish; rule; sauiour; scripture; second; seuerall; sheepe; sonne; spirituall; subiect; succession; successour; tcp; tearmed; tei; text; throne; time; title; twelue; vertue; vnder; vnity; vniuersall; vnto; vpon; wee; whatsoeuer; witnesse; works; world; yea; yeeres cache: A02400.xml plain text: A02400.txt item: #9 of 416 id: A02436 author: Heath, John, Fellow of New College, Oxford, attributed name. title: The diuell of the vault. Or, The vnmasking of murther in a briefe declaration of the Cacolicke-complotted [sic] treason, lately discouerd: I.H. date: 1616.0 words: 2974 flesch: 69 summary: If murther , furies , fates and death , beclad with bloody weede : Would all concurre with Nights blacke houres , to plot some dismall deede : Let them but congregate themselues , and silent stand awhile : To draw deathes samplar from the sense , and sequel of my stile . Exstracted from the Stratagems , of Pope and Popish name : That euery letter in these lines , may Character his shame : Whose strict Religion grounded false , on proud rebellion stands ; Which dooth subborne his hel-bred troupe , with blood t' imbrue their hands . Behold ▪ how Papists sought her death , to their nere ▪ sleeping shame . keywords: alarmes; available; blacke; bloud; books; briefe; cacolicke; characters; creation; darke; data; deaths; declaration; discouerd; early; earth; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; end; english; euery; feare; god; great; haue; heauen; hell; images; keying; life; like; markup; men; murther; nere; online; oxford; page; papists; partnership; phase; plot; popish; project; proquest; protestants; romes; saint; shame; state; strange; tcp; tei; text; title; treason; vault; vnmasking; works; xml cache: A02436.xml plain text: A02436.txt item: #10 of 416 id: A02563 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: The olde religion a treatise, wherin is laid downe the true state of the difference betwixt the reformed, and Romane Church; and the blame of this schisme is cast vpon the true authors. Seruing for the vindication of our innocence, for the setling of wauering minds for a preseruatiue against Popish insinuations. By Ios. Hall, B. of Exon. date: 1628.0 words: 37445 flesch: 76 summary: The Manuell of Christian Re●igion set forth in the Prouinciall Councell of Coleyne , shall serue for ●ll ; Bellarmine himselfe grants them ●erein ours ; and they are worth ●ur entertayning ; That Booke is ●ommended by Cassander , as mar●ellously approued by all the lear●ed Diuines of Italy , and France , ●s that , which notably sets forth the ●umme of the iudgement of the Ancients concerning this , and o●her points of Christian Religion ; ● Nos dicimus , &c. ) Tapperus ) to expect Heauen as a poore man doth an Almes ; rather , ( according to Saint Austens charge ( Non sit cap●●turgidum , &c. ) ( Let not the hea● bee proud , that it may receiue a Crowne . ) keywords: able; aboue; absolution; acts; adde; altar; ambrose; anathema; ancient; angels; anno; antiquitie; apostle; articles; aug; augustine; authoritie; authors; basil; bee; behold; beleeue; bellarmine; bernard; best; better; bishop; blessed; bloud; bodie; body; boniface; books; bread; brethren; c. de; c. ibid; called; canon; cap; cardinall; care; cassander; cause; censures; challenge; chap; charge; christ; christian; chrysostome; church; churches; citie; cleare; command; common; communion; concil; confesse; confession; constantinople; contrarie; cor; corruptions; councell; course; creature; credere; crosse; cum; cup; cyprian; cyrill; daily; dangerous; dare; day; dead; death; debet; decree; dei; desire; deuotion; differences; dispensations; diuers; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; drinke; durand; eares; early; earth; easie; eccles; ecclesia; eebo; elements; emperour; england; english; enim; epist; erasmus; erroneous; errours; esay; est; eternall; etiam; euen; euer; euerie; euill; eyes; fall; famous; farre; fathers; fauour; feare; fiue; flesh; fore; foule; free; gal; gaue; generall; ghost; giue; glorious; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; greeke; gregorie; ground; halfe; hands; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; hee; heresie; hierome; hieron; high; himselfe; historie; hold; holy; honour; hugo; humane; ibid; iesus; ignorant; image; imperfection; imputation; imputed; indulgences; infinite; inherent; innocence; institution; instruction; inter; inuocation; iohn; iudgement; iust; iustice; iustification; iustified; iustitia; knowes; knowne; l. 2; labour; language; large; late; lateran; latine; law; leaue; lesse; lib; life; light; like; little; liuing; loe; lombard; long; looke; lord; loue; luther; making; man; manners; mans; martyrs; masse; master; meane; mee; meere; men; mention; mercie; merit; mis; mother; nature; nec; necessitie; need; neque; new; newnesse; nobis; non; nos; noted; noueltie; number; obedience; obseruation; obserued; old; olde; omnes; opinion; orat; order; ouer; owne; papae; pardons; particular; paul; penance; people; perfect; peter; pietie; place; plaine; point; poore; pope; power; practice; prayers; present; pretended; priest; professe; profession; profitable; propter; proud; psal; publike; purgatorie; purpose; quae; quam; quarrell; qui; quis; quod; reader; reason; receiued; reformed; religion; remission; respect; rest; righteousnesse; rites; romane; romane church; rome; romish; rule; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; saint; saith; saith hee; saluation; satisfaction; saue; sauiour; sayd; sayes; schisme; scripture; second; sect; sense; seruice; sess; seuerall; shal; sinnes; sins; sit; sonne; soules; speake; speech; spirit; spirituall; stand; state; strange; substance; sufficient; sunt; superstition; sure; synode; tcp; tels; tertullian; text; thee; themselues; therfore; thing; thomas; thou; thought; throne; thy; time; title; tongue; traditions; transsubstantiation; trent; trid; tridentine; true; truth; vaine; vbi; vel; verie; vid; vita; vlt; vnder; vnderstood; vniuersall; vnto; voyce; vpon; vse; vulgar; water; way; wee; whereof; whiles; whosoeuer; wicked; wine; wise; words; workes; world; worship; worthy; yea; yee; yeeld; yeeres; zeale; ● e; ● t; ● ● cache: A02563.xml plain text: A02563.txt item: #11 of 416 id: A02568 author: Azpilcueta, Martín de, 1492?-1586. title: The peace of Rome Proclaimed to all the world, by her famous Cardinall Bellarmine, and the no lesse famous casuist Nauarre. Whereof the one acknowledgeth, and numbers vp aboue three hundred differences of opinion, maintained in the popish church. The other confesses neere threescore differences amongst their owne doctors in one onely point of their religion. Gathered faithfully out of their writings in their own words, and diuided into foure bookes, and those into seuerall decads. Whereto is prefixed a serious disswasiue from poperie. By I.H. date: 1609.0 words: 52090 flesch: 79 summary: The same by Epiphanius , by Cyrill , by Athanasius , Gregory Nazianzen , Damascen : yea by Lyranus , both Hugoes , Caietan , Carthusian , and Montanus himselfe , &c. All of them with full consent reiecting these same Apocryphall bookes with vs. Now heare the present Church of Rome in her owne words , thus : The holy Synode of Trent hath thought good to set downe with this Decree a iust Catalogue of the bookes of holy Scripture ; least any man should make doubt which they be which are receiued by the Synode ; And they are these vnder-written , Of the old Testament fiue bookes of Moses , then Ioshua , the Iudges , Ruth , foure bookes of the Kings , two of the Chronicles , two of Esdras the first and the second , which is called Nehemias , Tobias , Iudith , Ester , Iob , the Psalter of Dauid , containing one hundreth and fiftie Psalmes , the Prouerbes of Salomon , Ecclesiastes , the Song of Songs , the booke of Wisedome , Ecclesiasticus , Esay , Hieremy , &c. two bookes of the Macabees , the first and the second . keywords: aboue; absolution; abulensis; act; adrian; adrianus; affirmes; albertus; alensis; alexander; alphonsus; ambrose; ancient; andreas; anthoninus; apostles; appeares; arguments; ariminensis; art; augustine; austen; autem; authority; authors; baptisme; bee; bellarm; bellarmine; bellarmine ibid; better; betwixt; bishops; blessed; blood; body; bonauenture; booke; bread; c. 1; c. 2; c. bellarm; c. c.; c. de; c. non; c. quamuis; caietane; caietanus; caluin; canonicall; canonists; canus; cap; capreolus; card; cardinall; cases; castro; catharinus; catholici; catholikes; cause; certaine; chap; chapter; character; charity; christ; christian; chrysostome; church; cleare; common; common opinion; confesse; confession; confirmation; confuted; conscience; consent; contrary; contrition; cordubensis; corrupted; councell; day; dayes; death; decad; deceiued; decree; denie; desire; differences; different; differing; disagreeing; dist; diuers; diuided; diuines; doctors; doctrine; doe; dominicus; doth; doubt; driedo; durandus; eccles; eckius; edition; english; epistle; erasmus; erre; erroneous; error; essence; essentiall; est; eternall; eucharist; euery; euill; extreame; false; fathers; fiue; florence; fol; forbidden; forme; foure; fourth; franciscus; freewill; gabriel; generall; gerson; ghost; giue; glory; glosse; god; gods; goe; good; grace; gratian; great; greater; greeke; gregorie; gregory; habite; hands; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hebrew; hee; hell; helpe; heresie; hereticall; heretickes; hierome; himselfe; hoc; hold; holdes; holy; hostiensis; hugo; humane; iansenius; ibid; iewes; igitur; images; indeede; infants; innocentius; inter; iohannes; iohn; iudgement; iurisdiction; iustice; iustification; keyes; know; knowes; knowledge; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; l. 4; later; latine; law; lawfull; learned; leaue; ledesmius; leo; lib; life; light; lombard; long; lord; louan; loue; lyranus; maior; man; manifest; marsilius; masse; matrimony; matter; meane; meere; merite; minde; minister; mortall; namelesse; naturall; nature; nauar; nauarre; nauarrus; necessary; necessity; neuer; new; neyther; nicholas; ninthly; non; notes; number; occam; omnes; onely; opinion; originall; ouer; owne; paenit; pag; paines; paludanus; panormitan; papists; pardons; parents; particular; parts; penance; penitent; people; peter; petrus; pighius; place; plaine; point; poore; pope; popish; power; precept; present; priest; princes; probable; proue; punishment; purgatorie; purpose; quaest; quaestio; quality; quamuis; question; qui; quidem; quod; rankes; reason; receiue; religion; reports; respect; rest; richardus; rome; ruardus; rupertus; s. thomas; sacrament; sacramentall; sacrifice; said; saint; saint thomas; saith; saluation; sancto; satisfaction; satisfie; saunders; schoolemen; scotus; scriptures; second; seemes; sent; sess; set; seuenthly; seuerall; shew; sinne; sit; sixtus; sort; soto; soule; speake; speech; spirituall; state; substance; sufficient; suffrages; sum; summa; sunt; syluester; tcp; teach; teacheth; temporall; testament; text; thee; theirs; themselues; things; thinke; thirdly; thomas; thou; time; tit; tract; trent; true; truth; turrecremata; vega; veniall; verb; vertue; victoria; vnder; vnderstood; vnto; vow; vpon; vse; vulgar; waldensis; way; wee; words; worke; world; writers; yea; yeare cache: A02568.xml plain text: A02568.txt item: #12 of 416 id: A02584 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: The reconciler: or An epistle pacificatorie of the seeming differences of opinion concerning the true being and visibilitie of the Roman Church Enlarged with the addition of letters of resolution, for that purpose, from some famous divines of our Church. By Ios: Exon. date: 1629.0 words: 13950 flesch: 63 summary: So as , together with the symbole of the covenant , the Covenant it selfe remained still in her ; I meane in all the Churches of the West , no otherwise than it did in the Church of Israel , even after that all things were in part profaned by Ieroboam , and other impious , and Idolatrous Kings , upon the defection made by them from the Church , and Tribe of Iuda ; For , neither doe I assent to them which would have the Church of Rome to have no lesse ceased to be the Church of Christ , than those Easterne Churches , which afterwards turned Mahumetan ; what Church was ever more corrupt than the Church of the ten Tribes , yet we learne from the Scriptures , that it was still the Church of God ? But , if we measure the true being of a visible Church , by the direct maintenance of fundamentall principles , though by consequences indirectly overturned , and by the possession of the word of God , and his Sacraments , though not without soule adulteration ; what judicious Christian can but , with mee , subscribe to learned Zanchius , that the Church of Rome hath yet the true visibilitie of a Church of Christ : what should I need to press the latitude , and multiplicity of sense of the word , Church ; there is no one term that I know , in all use of speech , so various ; If , in a large sense , it be taken to comprehend the society of all that professe Christian Religion , through the whole world , howsoever impured , who can denie this title to the Roman ? keywords: answere; art; assertion; author; babylon; bee; beseech; best; better; brother; calling; children; christ; christian; christian church; church; churches; common; communion; couenant; desire; diuines; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; english; errour; exod; exon; false; famous; farre; father; french; glorie; god; gods; gods church; goe; good; great; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; hold; holy; hosea; husband; idolatrous; iesus; iewes; iohn; ios; lesse; letters; life; little; long; lord; lordship; loue; man; manner; mee; men; mis; moses; mouth; need; new; occasion; opinion; ouer; outward; owne; oxford; peace; people; point; preaching; professe; proposition; publique; pure; quarrell; question; reader; reason; reconciler; religion; returne; reuel; reuerend; right; roman; roman church; rome; sacraments; saint; saith; sake; second; selfe; sense; shee; sound; speake; spirit; tcp; temple; tenet; text; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; title; true; true church; truth; verie; visibilitie; visible; visible church; vnto; voice; vpon; way; wee; whiles; wife; word; worthy; yea; yee; zeale cache: A02584.xml plain text: A02584.txt item: #13 of 416 id: A02610 author: Hampton, Christopher, 1552-1625. title: A sermon preached in the cittie of Glasco in Scotland, on the tenth day of Iune, 1610 At the holding of a generall assembly there. By Christopher Hampton, Doctor in Diuinitie, and chaplaine to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. date: 1611.0 words: 9795 flesch: 69 summary: Iudge then whether authoritie is greater : the Myter , or the Scepter ? Both these offices are now conioyned in Christ : and is he not greater in his Kingdome ? He stands at the right hand of God as an aduocate and Priest : he sitteth as a King. Not for any doubt I haue of the Serenitie of your alowance : but to conuince the calumniations of a tragicall trifler , so farre transported for the losse of his Helena , that he forgets all duties , becomes a reuiler of the Prince of the people , a false accuser of the brethren , and an inhumane disquieter of a soule that liues with God. keywords: abraham; alwayes; apostles; authoritie; books; brethren; catholique; cause; characters; christ; christian; christopher; church; ciuill; conscience; dauid; diuinitie; doctrine; doe; doth; early; ecclesiasticall; eebo; english; euery; faith; father; forme; generall; ghost; giuen; glasco; god; godlinesse; gods; goe; good; gospell; great; greater; hampton; hath; haue; heart; hee; high; himselfe; holy; house; iesus; ioy; kinde; king; kingdome; law; lawes; leuie; libertie; life; like; lord; man; markes; melchisedech; men; ministers; nature; neuer; new; obedience; owne; particular; pastors; paul; payd; people; place; power; priesthood; reason; receiued; reioyce; religion; right; rome; sacraments; scripture; sermon; spirit; tabernacle; tcp; tei; temple; tenth; testament; text; themselues; things; thou; time; true; truth; tythes; vnto; vpon; water; wee; word cache: A02610.xml plain text: A02610.txt item: #14 of 416 id: A02681 author: Harris, Paul, 1573-1635? title: Fratres sobrii estote. I. Pet. 5. 8. Or, An admonition to the fryars of this Kingdome of Ireland to abandon such hereticall doctrines as they daylie publish to the corruption of our holy faith, the ruine of soules, and their owne damnation which sleepeth not, by Paul Harris priest. date: 1634.0 words: 35909 flesch: 61 summary: I a●●irme ( saith he ) . MOST blessed Father , in these later and worser dayes are risen vp among vs from the Orders of the Begging Fryars , men speaking perverse things , and drawing many disciples after them , not onely in the matter of the Eleaven Propositions , but profiting vnto the worse , they labour to transfer us from him who hath called us unto the grace of Christ , unto an other gospell , teaching the people as well in publicke assem●lyes as private houses , these wretched and prophane doctrines : 1. keywords: able; aforesaid; againe; age; alas; almighty; alwayes; ancient; answer; apostle; appeare; archbishop; argument; assurance; assured; aug; autem; authority; authors; barnwell; bee; begging; behold; beleeve; benefices; benefit; bernard; best; better; bin; bishop; blessed; body; bookes; brethren; brother; calling; canon; cardinall; care; carmelites; catholicke; cause; certaine; certitude; chap; chapter; characters; charge; charity; children; christ; christian; chronicle; church; churches; citty; civill; clement; clergy; command; comming; common; confesse; confession; conformable; consent; contented; contrary; cord; corruption; councell; country; courts; crosse; cum; custome; david; day; dayes; dead; death; defence; dei; demaund; desire; diocesse; disciples; discourse; divine; doctor; doctrine; doe; dominican; doth; doubtlesse; dublin; dye; dyed; early; ecclesiasticall; eebo; end; england; english; enim; epistle; ergo; error; eternall; evill; examples; experience; eyes; face; faith; false; farre; fast; father; fault; feare; fellowes; fire; flemming; flock; forsomuch; francis; franciscans; friars; friends; frō; gates; generall; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; good; government; grace; great; greater; guardian; habit; hands; harris; hath; head; hearing; heart; heaven; hell; himselfe; hireling; hoc; holy; holy church; honour; hope; house; hugh; humane; iesuites; ignorant; image; iohn; ireland; iustice; judge; jurisdiction; kind; kingdome; kings; know; knowledge; knowne; labour; laity; large; late; law; lawes; lay; learned; learning; leave; legacy; lib; life; like; limericke; little; lives; living; long; longer; lord; love; luissa; lyes; maintaine; maintenance; man; manifest; mans; matter; meanes; meere; men; mendicants; mens; mercenary; mind; minors; miserable; monke; mother; names; nature; nay; necessary; new; non; number; obedience; old; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; owne; page; parish; particular; parts; pastor; paul; penitent; people; persons; peter; place; point; poore; pope; poverty; power; precept; present; priest; princes; private; priviledge; profession; promise; prophets; protestant; psal; publish; purgatory; purpose; quality; qui; quis; quod; reader; reason; regulars; religion; rest; revelation; richard; right; roman; rome; ruine; rule; s. aug; s. francis; s. paul; sacraments; safety; said; saints; salvation; sanctity; saturday; saviour; sayth; scapular; scriptures; second; secular; seemes; selves; sermon; service; set; sheep; signes; simon; sin; sins; small; sort; soules; spirituall; square; state; stoc; subject; sudden; superiours; supernaturall; sure; tcp; tei; tell; temporall; text; thee; things; thomas; thorough; thou; time; true; truth; twixt; understanding; unhappy; vertue; vicar; virgin; visions; voyce; vrbanus; want; way; wee; white; whosoever; wicked; william; women; words; worke; world; worthy; writing; yea; yeares; ● ● cache: A02681.xml plain text: A02681.txt item: #15 of 416 id: A02797 author: Hastings, Francis, Sir, d. 1610. title: An apologie or defence of the watch-vvord, against the virulent and seditious ward-vvord published by an English-Spaniard, lurking vnder the title of N.D. Devided into eight seuerall resistances according to his so many encounters, written by Sir Francis Hastings Knight date: 1600.0 words: 65357 flesch: 51 summary: Therefore thou blasphemous mouth against God and man , cease anie more to barke at this blessed dead mans graue . First proud presumption before God , that we put no opinion of merit in our workes , but referre them partly to the glorifying of our good God , according to that , Let your light so shine before men , &c. partly to the assuring our selues of our election by the fruits thereof , as Peter exhorteth , Make your election sure by good works , acknowledging that of Bernard , Bona opera sunt via regni , non causa regnandi : Good workes are the way wherein we must walke to the kingdom of Heauen , but not the cause wherefore we shall obtaine the kingdome . keywords: aboue; absurd; account; accusation; adde; affection; againe; allen; almightie; alwaies; anie; annointed; answere; antichrist; apologie; apostle; apparant; appeare; argument; authoritie; base; becket; bee; beleeue; best; better; betweene; betwixt; bishop; blasphemie; blessed; blessings; blood; bloudie; bodie; boner; booke; breake; brethren; brother; bull; calling; cardinall; care; carriage; carrie; cast; catholikes; cause; certaine; charge; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; ciuill; cleare; clergie; clerke; commaundement; commeth; committed; common; concerning; conclusion; condemne; confesse; confession; conscience; contrarie; controuersie; councell; countrie; course; crosse; crowne; cruell; crueltie; daies; daily; dangerous; darkenes; dauid; daunger; day; dead; dealing; death; deede; defence; desire; deuotion; disloyaltie; disposition; dissimulation; diuell; diuers; diuinitie; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duke; dutie; earle; ecclesiasticall; edward; eebo; elder; elizabeth; emperour; encounterer; end; enemies; england; english; equall; euen; euerie; euery; euident; euill; example; excommunication; execution; exercise; face; faith; fall; false; farre; father; fault; feare; fire; fit; flatterie; follow; force; forraine; forth; foure; france; francis; free; french; friends; friers; gardiner; generall; gentle; giue; glorie; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; gouernment; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatest; gregorie; ground; hand; happie; hard; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearing; heart; heauen; hee; henrie; heresie; heretike; high; himselfe; hold; holines; holy; home; honest; honorable; honour; hope; house; howsoeuer; humour; hurt; husband; idle; idolatrie; iesuites; iesus; ignorance; image; impudent; indifferent; indulgences; inferiour; infinite; innocent; inuasion; inward; iohn; ioyne; ireland; israel; iudgement; iust; iustice; iustifying; keepe; kill; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; labour; ladie; land; lawes; lawfull; lay; laye; learning; leaue; libell; libertie; life; light; like; little; liue; liuing; long; longer; lord; loue; loyaltie; lye; lying; magistrates; maiestie; maintaine; malice; malicious; malignitie; man; manifest; manner; mans; maries; martyr; masse; matter; meanes; meaning; mee; men; men haue; mens; mercie; milde; mind; miracles; money; mother; moued; mouth; n.d; nation; nature; nay; needs; neuer; new; nobles; non; number; oath; obedience; occasion; offer; olde; onelie; onely; open; opinion; ought; outward; owne; papists; pardon; paris; parliament; parsons; particular; people; perceiue; perill; person; perswade; peter; pius; place; plaine; plainely; pleasure; point; poore; pope; poperie; popish; power; practise; praier; praise; preaching; prelates; present; pride; priest; priestes; princes; prison; professe; profession; proofe; proposition; protestants; proue; publike; punishment; purpose; queene; question; quintus; rare; rayling; reader; reading; realme; rebellion; receiue; recusants; religion; religious; remission; resistance; respect; rest; reuerence; richard; rome; romish; ruine; rule; safetie; said; saint; sake; saluation; sathan; sauiour; saunders; saying; schooles; scotland; scots; scriptures; second; secret; sect; seditious; seeke; seeking; seemeth; serue; seruice; set; setteth; setting; shameles; shee; shew; shewed; sheweth; simple; sinne; sir; sith; slaughter; slaunder; sort; soueraigne; soule; sound; space; spaine; spaniard; spanish; speake; speaketh; speaking; speciall; speech; speeches; spirituall; stand; state; storie; strange; subiects; sufficient; sundrie; superiour; supremacie; tcp; teacheth; temporall; tender; testament; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thomas; thou; thy; time; title; tongue; traiterous; traitors; treason; trouble; true; true religion; trust; truth; vaine; vaunt; verie; view; vnder; vnderstand; vnto; vow; vpon; vsed; vttered; walke; want; ward; warrant; way; weake; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; wicked; wife; willing; wise; wisedome; wit; words; worke; world; worship; worthie; write; writeth; writing; yea; yeares; yeeld; young; ● ● cache: A02797.xml plain text: A02797.txt item: #16 of 416 id: A03335 author: Higgons, Theophilus, 1578?-1659. title: Mystical babylon, or Papall Rome A treatise vpon those words, Apocal. 18.2. It is fallen, it is fallen Babylon, &c. In which the wicked, and miserable condition of Rome, as shee now is in her present Babylonian estate, and as she shall be in her future ineuitable ruine, is fully discouered: and sundry controuersiall points of religion, betwixt the Protestants, and the Papists, are briefly discussed. By Theophilus Higgons, rector of the parochiall Church of Hunton, neere Maidstone in Kent. date: 1624.0 words: 65990 flesch: 52 summary: Whether , and How the name of Babylon , in the visions of Saint Iohn , doth agree vnto Rome ) is of singular consequence ; thereby to confront the audacious insultations of her politike Agents ; to giue an Antidote against the poyson , which they seeke to instill into many vnsetled hearts : that so , they , who are fallen from the truth , may bee happily reduced vnto it ; and they , who are falling , may be strongly confirmed in the same . Againe , that , which , in both these places is spoken of , mysticall Babylon ( Rome ; as an one you shall heare ) is foretold by prophecie ( and we haue seene it verified by experience ) of literall Babylon keywords: aboue; act; adoration; againe; ages; alreadie; ancient; anon; answere; antichrist; antichristian; apoc; apocal; apostolicall; appeare; assertion; augustine; authoritie; babylon; babylon doth; babylonian; beast; bee; bee babylon; beginning; behalfe; behold; beleeue; bellarmine; better; betwixt; bishop; blessed; bloud; bloudie; bodie; body; booke; bread; brethren; cap; cardinall; case; causes; censure; certaine; chapter; children; christ; christian; church; circumstances; citie; citizens; ciuill; cleere; cleerely; comfort; common; comparison; conceiue; conclusion; condition; confesse; confession; conscience; consequence; courses; creature; crowne; cruell; crueltie; daniel; day; death; degree; desire; destruction; dignitie; direct; discerne; discouer; discourse; diuine; doctrine; doe; dominion; doth; double; earth; ecclesiasticall; effect; emperour; empire; end; enemies; england; ensue; errour; esay; eternall; ethnicall; euen; euery; euidence; example; excellent; experience; eyes; faithfull; fall; fallen; false; farre; fatall; father; feare; finall; fire; follow; followeth; force; foure; fourth; france; future; gaue; generall; giue; glorie; glorious; god; god doth; gods; goe; good; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatest; greatnesse; hands; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearts; heauen; hee; hee doth; heere; henry; hierome; himselfe; histories; holy; honour; hope; hornes; humane; idolatrie; idolatry; ierusalem; iesuite; iesus; images; imperiall; increase; indulgences; infallible; ingenious; interpretation; iohn; issue; iudgement; iudicious; iust; iustice; kind; kingdomes; kings; knowledge; large; lawfull; lay; learned; leaue; lesse; lib; life; light; like; literall; literall babylon; little; liues; long; lord; loue; man; manner; marke; matter; meanes; mee; members; men; merchants; mightie; miserable; monarch; mother; mysterie; mysticall; names; nations; nature; neuer; new; note; notice; number; oath; obedience; obseruation; obserue; office; old; onely; open; opinion; opposition; order; ouer; outward; owne; papall; papall rome; papists; particular; parts; passages; passe; past; paul; pen; people; perceiue; performe; persecution; person; peter; place; pleasure; point; poore; pope; popish; power; practise; prayer; prediction; presence; present; pretended; pride; princes; principall; proofe; proper; prophesie; prophet; protestants; proue; psal; publike; punishment; purgatorie; purpose; qualitie; question; reason; receiue; reconciliation; regard; reigne; religion; religious; remonstrance; repentance; resolution; respect; returne; reuealed; reuelation; ribera; romane; rome; rome doth; romish; royall; ruine; sacrament; sacred; said; saint; saith; scandall; scripture; seat; second; second beast; secret; seeme; sense; sentence; sermon; seruice; seuerall; shall; shee; shew; singular; sinnes; sins; societie; sonne; souereigne; soules; speake; speaketh; speciall; speech; spirituall; stand; state; strength; strong; subiects; substance; substantiall; successe; sufficient; sundry; sword; tcp; temporall; tenour; tertullian; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; title; tongue; treatise; true; truth; verse; vertue; viegas; vision; viz; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnto; vnto babylon; vnto god; vnto rome; vnto saint; vpon; vpon rome; vse; ware; warres; way; wee; whereof; whore; wicked; wit; words; worke; world; worship; wrath; yea; yeeres cache: A03335.xml plain text: A03335.txt item: #17 of 416 id: A03880 author: Gordon, James, 1541-1620. title: A treatise of the vnvvritten Word of God, commonly called traditions. Written in Latin, by the R. Father Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland, Doctour of Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by I. L. of the same Society. The second part of the first controuersy date: 1614.0 words: 13353 flesch: 75 summary: 2. The first , that there must needes be some Catalogue or Canon of the sacred Bookes aswell of the old as of the new Testament , the which all Christians with an assured faith should imbrace as a most certaine and an vndoubted truth , and this is a very necessary point of faith , yea of it dependeth the authority of all the bookes of holy Scripture , because by this Canon the sacred and true books of Scriptures are discerned and made knowne from all those which be Apochriphall ; especially because aswell in times past as in these our daies there hath byn so many , and so great Controuersyes about the Canonicall and Apochriphall bookes of Scripture ; and such a Canon was altogeather necessary aswell in the auncient Church before Christ , as in our present Church after Christes tyme ; the which also our Aduersaries themselues haue learned by experience . But there is one thing I cannot let passe , because therby we clearly conuince that the Traditions of the Church do not only contayne vnwritten points of fayth , but ( that which is more ) euen in our Aduersaries iudgment they change and abolish such things as are expresly commaunded in Scriptures : for euen in the Table of the Law of God , which is sayd to be written by Gods owne hand , in many and manyfest words the keeping of the Sabboth day is comaunded , the which notwithstanding , now all , except a few Anabaptists , do confesse to be abrogated by Ecclesiasticall Tradition only , without any expresse testimony of Scripture . keywords: a03880; aduersaries; againe; apocalyps; apostles; argument; augustine; authority; baptisme; belieue; beza; bookes; caluin; catholike; chap; christ; church; contrary; controuersy; div; doctrine; doth; end; english; euen; euery; expresse; extant; faith; fathers; galathians; god; great; hath; haue; holy; holy scripture; iohn; law; moreouer; necessary; neuer; new; neyther; notes; old; opinion; paul; place; point; poynts; preached; principle; proue; reason; said; sayth; scripture; second; seing; selfe; sense; set; signifieth; speake; tcp; testament; text; themselues; things; tom; traditions; trinity; true; tyme; vnderstood; vnto; vnwritten; wherby; wit; word; wordes; yea cache: A03880.xml plain text: A03880.txt item: #18 of 416 id: A03881 author: Gordon, James, 1541-1620. title: A treatise of the vvritten VVord of God. Composed in Latin, by the Reuerend Father Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland, Doctour of Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English, by I. L. of the same Society. The first part of the first controuersy date: 1614.0 words: 16820 flesch: 75 summary: The vnhappy Iewes , sayth he , & more vnhappy Heretikes , whilst they attend only to the sound of the ●etter , as a body without a soule , so they remay●● dead , and voyd of the spirit which quickneth . And els where : All Heretickes which receiue the Scriptures and their authority will seeme to follow them ▪ whereas indeed they follow rather their owne errors , and are therefore Heretikes , not because they co●ntem●e them , but because they do not vnderstand them . keywords: a03881; aduersaries; answere; apostle; auncient; authority; belieue; betweene; beza; body; bookes; byn; caluin; canon; catholike; cause; certayne; chap; chapter; christ; church; controuersy; cor; diuell; diuers; div; doctrine; doth; doubt; easy; edition; end; english; errors; eternall; euen; euery; euident; faith; faithfull; fathers; ghost; god; good; great; greeke; hath; haue; head; hebrew; himselfe; holy; holy scripture; iewes; instit; interpretation; interpreter; ipsa; iudge; iudgment; latin; lesse; letter; lib; life; light; little; man; manifest; manner; matt; meaning; moreouer; necessary; needes; neuer; new; neyther; notes; obiect; obscure; old; owne; places; proper; proue; read; reading; reason; rom; saying; sayth; scripture; sect; seed; sense; serpent; shift; speake; speaketh; tcp; testament; text; themselues; thinges; thou; togeather; tongue; translation; true; truth; tyme; version; vnderstood; vnto; vpon; vulgar; whome; wit; woman; word; wordes; yea; ● ● cache: A03881.xml plain text: A03881.txt item: #19 of 416 id: A03882 author: Gordon, James, 1541-1620. title: A treatise concerning the properties and offices of the true Church of Christ VVritten in Latin, by the reuerend Father Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland, Doctour of Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English, by I.L. of the same Society. The first part of the second controuersy date: 1614.0 words: 14130 flesch: 83 summary: Fourthly the same is proued by the foresaid offices of the Church , for that Church must necessarily be visible , which conceyueth and bringeth forth Infidells to Christ , by the preaching of the Ghospell , for neyther they which do preach are inuisible but visible , and the preaching also it is visible and not inuisible . Church -- Marks -- Early works to 1800. keywords: a03882; acknowledge; aduersaries; affirme; alwaies; apostle; argument; augustine; belieue; beza; body; calu; caluin; cap; catholike; christ; church; controuersy; cor; desert; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; eccles; end; english; ephes; erre; erreth; error; euen; euery; extraordinary; false; father; fayth; ghost; god; good; hath; haue; himselfe; holy; inuisible; ioan; isay; kingdome; lord; man; matters; moone; moreouer; nations; neuer; neyther; notes; offices; pillar; place; properties; prophet; proue; sacraments; saints; saith; scripture; second; sect; speaketh; spirit; supra; tcp; text; thee; themselues; therfore; thinges; thy; tom; true church; truth; tyme; visible; visible church; vlt; vnto; vocation; vpon; whome; wit; word; yea; yeares cache: A03882.xml plain text: A03882.txt item: #20 of 416 id: A03883 author: Gordon, James, 1541-1620. title: A treatise concerning the ground of faith. VVritten in Latin, by the reuerend Father Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland, Doctour of Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English, by I.L. of the same Society. The second part of the second controuersy date: 1614.0 words: 14482 flesch: 78 summary: Church -- Infallibility -- Early works to 1800. Therefore in regard of men , the Church supporteth the truth , because it maketh it famous by her prayse and commendation , because the retayneth it in sincerity and purity , and because she deliuereth and sendeth it to her posterity . keywords: aduersaries; alwaies; apostles; argument; augustine; authority; belieue; beza; caluin; cap; catholike; catholike church; certainty; christ; church; doctrine; doe; doth; english; erre; euen; euery; faith; foundation; generall; ghospell; ghost; god; ground; hath; haue; himselfe; holy; ioan; iudge; knowne; man; manifest; manner; men; mouth; necessary; new; neyther; owne; particuler; paul; place; preaching; present; priuate; properties; property; proue; reason; regard; rule; sayth; scripture; second; sect; sense; speaketh; spirit; tcp; testament; testimony; text; therfore; therof; thing; thinges; true; truth; tymes; vnto; vpon; vs.; wanteth; wit; word; yea; yeares cache: A03883.xml plain text: A03883.txt item: #21 of 416 id: A03884 author: Gordon, James, 1541-1620. title: A treatise concerning the church Wherin it is shewed, by the signes, offices, and properties therof, that the Church of Rome (and consequently such particuler churches as liue in her communion) is the only true church of Christ. VVritten in Latin, by the Reuerend Father Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland, Doctour of Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by I.L. of the same Society. The third part of the second controuersy. date: 1614.0 words: 26984 flesch: 81 summary: But Doctor Sanders , Bellarmine , Coccius , and L●ro●ius do most euidētly demostrate that the Roman Church neuer erred hitherto in doctrine concerning matters of faith . Con●●ss . keywords: a03884; adoration; aduersaries; afterward; agreement; alwayes; apostles; argument; art; augustine; auncient; authority; baronius; beginning; belieue; bellarmine; better; beza; bishop; blessed; body; booke; byn; caluin; cap; catholike; catholike church; cause; certaine; chap; chapter; chiefest; christ; church; church hath; churches; citty; coccius; common; con ●; confesse; continuall; contrary; controuersy; cor; councell; declareth; diuers; div; doctrine; doe; doth; downe; earth; ecclesiasticall; edition; eebo; els; end; english; ephes; epist; erre; euen; euery; false; fathers; fayth; feete; fine; forth; foundation; generall; giuen; god; good; great; hath; haue; head; heretikes; himselfe; hitherto; holy; holy scripture; honour; huius; ioan; kingdome; kissing; knowne; latin; lawfull; leo; little; lord; manifest; manner; markes; matters; matth; men; miracles; moreouer; nations; naturall; nature; necessary; needes; neuer; new; neyther; notes; o ●; obiect; office; old; opinion; particuler; past; pastors; paul; person; peter; place; pope; preaching; princes; promise; properties; prophet; proue; psal; reason; rocke; roman church; romane; rome; s. paul; s. peter; sacraments; said; saith; saluation; sayd; scripture; second; sect; seene; seing; sense; set; sheepe; signes; sincere; speaketh; subiect; succession; supra; supreme; t ●; tcp; teach; testament; text; thee; themselues; therfore; therof; thing; thinges; thou; togeather; tom; true church; truth; tyme; visible; visible church; vlt; vnderstood; vnity; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; wherby; whome; wit; word; wordes; writeth; writings; yea; yeares; ● e; ● ● cache: A03884.xml plain text: A03884.txt item: #22 of 416 id: A04286 author: Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621. title: An apologie for the oath of allegiance first set foorth without a name, and now acknowledged by the authour, the Right High and Mightie Prince, Iames, by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. ; together with a premonition of His Maiesties, to all most mightie monarches, kings, free princes and states of Christendome. date: None words: 54950 flesch: 70 summary: But whose hatred did he feare in this ? was it not yours ? Who haue interest , but KINGS , in the withdrawing of true Subiection from Kings ? An apologie for the oath of allegiance first set foorth without a name, and now acknowledged by the authour, the Right High and Mightie Prince, Iames, by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. ; together with a premonition of His Maiesties, to all most mightie monarches, kings, free princes and states of Christendome. keywords: aboue; account; againe; aliue; allegiance; alreadie; ancient; anent; angels; ann; answerer; antichrist; apocalyps; apologie; apostles; apostolike; appeare; arch; article; ashamed; attempt; authoritie; authour; babylon; beast; bee; beginning; beleeue; bellarmine; bene; betweene; bin; birth; bishops; blessed; blood; body; booke; brethren; breue; calling; cap; cardinall; carefull; catholike; cause; certaine; chapter; charitie; christ; christendome; christian; chron; church; churches; citie; ciuill; cleare; command; commeth; comming; common; concil; confesse; confession; confutation; conscience; consent; consider; conspiracies; constancie; constantinople; contrary; controuersies; corrupted; councell; countrey; craft; crowne; cruell; daily; day; dayes; death; deposed; description; desire; destruction; deuils; difference; discourse; dist; diuers; diuine; diuinitie; diuinity; doctrine; doe; doeth; dominions; doubt; dragon; earth; earthly; ecclesiasticall; eebo; election; elias; emperour; empire; end; england; english; enoch; epist; epistle; errand; eternall; ethnicke; euen; euery; euill; example; excellent; excommunication; expresse; eyes; faith; fall; false; famous; farre; fathers; feare; fidelitie; fire; fiue; flesh; foorth; forme; foure; france; free; garnet; gaue; generall; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gouernement; great; greatest; greatnesse; gregory; ground; halfe; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; hee; heere; hell; henry; hereticall; heretike; high; himselfe; histories; history; hold; holy; honour; hope; hornes; horse; hundreth; iames; ibid; ibidem; idolatrie; ierusalem; iesuites; images; innumerable; interest; iohn; iudge; iudgement; iulian; iust; keepe; kingdome; kings; knowen; knowledge; late; lawes; lawfull; leaue; left; leo; letter; lib; life; like; little; liues; long; lord; lye; lying; maiesties; maine; maintaine; making; man; maner; mans; marke; martyrdome; martyrs; matter; matth; meane; mee; members; men; mention; mightie; monarch; moses; mouth; mystery; nations; naturall; nature; nay; neuer; new; non; number; oath; obedience; occasion; office; old; olde; onely; opinion; order; ouer; owne; pag; papists; paradise; parliament; particular; paul; people; persecution; person; perswade; peter; place; plaine; point; pope; power; practise; prayers; predecessors; preface; premonition; present; pretended; priests; primacie; princes; principall; procure; professe; profession; promise; proofe; prophet; proue; publike; punishment; puritanes; purpose; queene; question; reason; receiue; reigne; religion; respect; rest; reuealed; reuel; reuerence; reward; right; romane; rome; romish; rule; safe; said; saints; sake; saluation; sam; sayd; saying; scotland; scripture; sea; seale; seat; second; secret; seeme; sense; sentence; serue; set; shee; shew; short; sinne; sitting; sixt; sonnes; sorts; soueraigne; soules; space; speake; speaketh; spirituall; state; strange; strong; subiection; subiects; substance; sundry; supremacie; sure; tcp; temple; temporall; testament; text; themselues; thereunto; thing; thinke; time; title; tortus; touching; traitours; true; trueth; verse; vertue; vnder; vnderstand; vnto; vpon; vse; vsed; wares; warrant; way; wee; wel; whatsoeuer; whereof; wil; wise; witnesses; woman; wonder; words; worke; world; worship; worthy; write; wrong; xiij; xvij; yea; yeeres cache: A04286.xml plain text: A04286.txt item: #23 of 416 id: A04347 author: James, Thomas, 1573?-1629. title: A manuduction, or introduction vnto diuinitie containing a confutation of papists by papists, throughout the important articles of our religion; their testimonies taken either out of the Indices expurgatorii, or out of the Fathers, and ancient records; but especially the parchments. By Tho. Iames, Doctor of Diuinitie, late fellow of New-Colledge in Oxford, and Sub-Deane of the cathedrall church of Welles. This marke noteth the places that are taken out of the Indices expurgatorij: and this [pointing hand], a note of the places in the manuscripts. date: 1625.0 words: 64009 flesch: 77 summary: b † Pag●nu● in Th●saur● p. 120. ● † Non fides ●ed vera & firm● persuasio . ●e● . keywords: a04347; able; aboue; abuses; acceptable; adag; adam; adoration; aduersaries; againe; ali ●; alii; amore; ancient; anima; ann ●; annal; anno; annotations; answer; ant; antiquitie; apocrypha; apostles; apostoli; appeare; apud; archbishop; argument; article; ashamed; aswell; atque; aug; augustine; auricular; aut; autem; author; authoritie; b ●; ba ●; bacon; bad; baptisme; bas ●; basil; bee; beginning; beleeue; belike; bene; best; better; betweene; bible; biblia; bibliotheca; bin; bishop; blacke; blessed; blind; blood; bo ●; body; boior; bold; bona; bones; booke; bread; breake; buls; businesse; c. 2; c. c.; canon; cap; cardinals; care; catholike; cau ●; cause; censure; cent; ceremonies; certaine; characters; charitie; chiefe; children; christ; christian; christus; chron; chronicon; chrysost; church; churches; citie; ciuill; cl ●; cleane; clergie; co ●; col; colledge; colours; comfort; commandement; commeth; comming; common; complaint; con ●; conc; conclusion; confesse; confession; confessour; confidence; coniecture; conscience; constantine; constat; constitutions; contempt; continere; contra; contrary; contrition; controuersies; copies; corporis; corruptions; couetous; councell; countries; country; court; creed; crosse; cu ●; culpa; cum; cure; cyti ●; d ●; da ●; danger; day; dayes; de ●; dead; death; deceiued; declarat; defence; dei; del; deo; desire; deum; deus ●; deut; di ●; dicitur; dignitie; diligent; disposed; diuers; diuine; diuinitie; div; doctor; doctrine; doe; dom; dominis; donation; doth; doubt; doubtlesse; drawne; duarenus; duo; durst; duties; eam; early; earth; ecclesiae; ecclesiasticall; edition; edw; eebo; effect; eighth; eius; emperour; end; england; english; enim; eorum; eos; epistle; erasmus; erre; errors; errour; espencaeus; esse; est; etiam; euery; euill; example; excellent; expresse; expurgatorii; eyes; f ●; fa ●; faber; faces; facit; faile; faith; faithfull; fall; false; famous; farre; farther; fathers; fault; feare; fellow; ferus; fides; fiducia; filthy; fine; fire; fit; folio; followeth; foolish; forbeare; force; forraine; foule; fountaine; fourth; france; free; friars; fuit; funerals; ga ●; gascoigne; generall; geo; germ; gift; giue; giueth; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; goodworkes; gospell; got; gouernment; grace; grant; gratia; great; greater; greatest; greeke; greg; gregorie; gregory; ground; guil; gyraldus; h ●; habere; habet; hac; haec; halfe; hands; happy; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearts; heauen; hebrew; hee; helena; hell; helpe; henry; hic; hidden; hier; hierome; high; higher; himselfe; hist; historie; history; hoc; hold; holinesse; holy; hominum; honest; honourable; hope; houses; hugo; humane; iac; iames; idle; iesuite; iesus; iewes; ignatius; ignis; ignorant; illud; images; index; indices; indifferent; indulgences; inquisition; inquisitors; instrument; inter; inuent; inuocation; iob; iohn; iouius; ipsa; isid; iu ●; iudas; iudgement; iudges; iurie; iurisdiction; iustice; iustification; k ●; keepe; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; krantz; krantzius; l ●; l. 2; langius; large; late; latine; laur; law; lawes; lawfull; lay; lead; learned; leaue; left; lege; leo; letters; lib; librarie; library; libri; life; like; lincoln; little; liuely; liues; liuing; long; longer; lord; los; lucam; lugd; luther; lye; m ●; ma ●; magdalen; magis; magistrate; maiestie; maintaine; maketh; making; man; manner; mans; manuscript; marg; marke; marriage; married; martin; masse; masters; math; matter; meane; mee; meere; men; mens; mercy; merit; mi ●; mind; minister; minus; miracles; miracula; miraculis; misericordia; mixture; moderate; modo; monachi; money; monkes; montanus; mother; mouthes; ms p.; n ●; nam; nature; nay; nec; necessarie; need; neque; neuer; new; nic; nihil; ninth; nisi; non; nos; nostra; nota; notes; noteth; notorious; nu ●; nulla; number; o. p.; ob ●; obiection; obseruation; occasion; oculus; office; old; omnes; omnia; omnibus; onely; op ●; open; opera; operibus; opinion; order; ordine; originall; ouer; ought; outward; owne; ox ●; oxford; oxon; p ●; pa ●; pag; paines; paper; papists; par; parchments; pardons; parliament; parts; passion; pauls; pec ●; peccata; penance; people; perfect; perpetuall; persons; peter; petri; pietie; pl ●; place; plaine; platina; pleasing; pleasure; po ●; point; pol ●; polit; polyd; polydor; poore; pope; popish; possible; power; pr ●; practise; prae ●; prayers; precept; present; priests; primitiue; princes; priuate; probl; proceeding; professe; profit; prohibition; promise; proofes; prophets; proposition; propter; protestants; proue; prouidence; publike; punishment; purgatorie; puritants; purpose; q ●; qu ●; qua ●; quae; quam; queene; question; qui; quia; quidam; quo ●; quod; quàm; quòd; reade; reading; realme; reason; receiue; records; reformation; religion; religious; reliques; repentance; report; repugnant; request; rerum; rest; reuerence; rich; right; righteousnesse; rites; rocke; romane; rome; romish; rule; sacerdos; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; sacris; said; saint; sake; saluation; salutem; satisfaction; saue; sauiour; saying; sc ●; schol; schollers; schooles; scilicet; scripture; se ●; seale; seas; second; secret; sect; secundum; sed; seene; selfe; sense; sent; sentence; seruants; serue; seruice; set; seuenth; seuerall; shame; shewed; shewing; si ●; sic; sicke; simple; sine; sinnes; siue; sixth; small; sola; solus; somewhat; sonne; sort; souldiers; soules; sound; spaine; speake; speciall; spirituall; state; stella; step; storie; story; sua; sub; subiect; suffice; sufficient; sundry; sunt; suo; superb ●; superstition; sure; swords; syl ●; syluester; tcp; tei; temporall; testament; testimonies; text; th ●; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thought; thuanus; time; title; tongues; tot; touch; traditions; transcribed; translation; transubstantiation; treasure; treatise; tree; trent; trid; trinitie; trouble; true; trust; truth; turne; v ●; va ●; vaine; val; vat; vatablus; vbi; vel; ven; ver ●; verba; verbum; vertue; vi ●; vices; vide; virgil; vita; vnder; vnderstand; vniuersitie; vnlesse; vnto; vnto god; vow; vpon; vse; vulgar; vxorem; warrant; water; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whilest; whit; wholesome; wicelius; wife; willing; wise; witnesses; women; word; workes; worse; worship; worshipping; worthy; writers; writeth; writings; yeares; yee; yeeld; young; zuing; zuingerum; ▪ ●; ● adder; ● ae; ● anus; ● ar; ● bus; ● ci; ● ct; ● dore; ● dum; ● e; ● eri; ● et; ● g; ● ges; ● gio; ● ll; ● lyd; ● milio; ● mus; ● na; ● nd; ● ndo; ● ng; ● nsi; ● nt; ● ntur; ● o; ● os; ● ot; ● r; ● ra; ● rg; ● rum; ● runt; ● s; ● sse; ● st; ● stis; ● t; ● ta; ● ti; ● tiis; ● u; ● uent; ● um; ● un; ● ur; ● è; ● ▪; ● ●; ☞ ● cache: A04347.xml plain text: A04347.txt item: #24 of 416 id: A04417 author: Burton, Henry, 1578-1648, attributed name. title: Christ on his throne. Or, Christs church-government briefly laid downe and how it ought to bee set up in all Christian congregations. Resolved in sundry cases of conscience. date: 1640.0 words: 13062 flesch: 65 summary: Yea , for prelates or Church , or any humane power to ordaine and impose Ceremonies to binde the consciences in the worship of God , this is expressely condemned and forbidden both by Christ himselfe , and by the Prophets , and by the Apostles . For which cause , I have in these straits of time , thought it one part of my duty which I owe unto Christ , and to his Church , to propound , and briefly to resolve ( as God hath enabled me ) some important Cases of Conscience , which ( hoping they may conduce to the furthering of the great businesse now in agitation concerning Religion ) I have adventured most humbly to recommend unto the serious consideration of this most just , sage and grave Senate , as to which not only I , but all the people of the Land doe owe our best service , and for whose happy successe of all their grave Counsels , we are all bound daily , and that in a more than ordinary manner to solicite ( as we still doe ) the throne of Grace , that the Spirit of Christ may be abundantly poured forth upon this most Noble Assembly , in all wisdome , and understanding , and in all judgement , zeale , courage , constancy , unity , unamity in the love of the Truth , that such a perfect Reformation may be wrought as Christ at this time calleth for , as his word appointeth , as all Gods people every where thirst after , and as the whole Antichristian faction is afraid of , that so , when Christ alone shall be set upon his Throne over our soules , to rule us according to his word , and to dwell among us by his Spirit , the Kings throne may be for ever established in justice and judgement , and Gods people in this Land may enjoy both inward and outward peace unto the day of Christ , and so our posterity after us may blesse God , and for ever call this Parliament , The blessed Parliament . keywords: act; answer; antiquity; apostles; article; authority; bee; better; bishops; booke; case; censure; ceremonies; christ; christian; church; churches; communion; congregation; conscience; cor; doe; doth; elders; english; faith; false; forme; generall; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; government; grace; great; hands; hath; hee; hierarchy; himselfe; holy; humane; jurisdiction; king; kingdome; law; lay; life; like; long; lord; matters; meanes; ministers; necessary; new; non; office; officers; old; onely; order; owne; particular; people; place; power; prayer; prelacy; prelates; present; priests; read; reason; reformation; religion; right; roman; rule; scripture; selfe; service; set; spirit; state; synod; testament; text; things; throne; time; title; true; use; way; wee; word; worke; worship; yea cache: A04417.xml plain text: A04417.txt item: #25 of 416 id: A05176 author: Capilupi, Lelio, 1497?-1560? aut title: The anatomie of the Romane clergie: or, a discoverie of the abuses thereof. Written in Latine by sundrie authors of their owne profession. And translated into English verse by G.L. date: 1623.0 words: 8348 flesch: 77 summary: Salut vera Ioun proles , &c. Hoc iacet in tumulo Lucretia nomine , sed re Thais , &c. Papa Pius quintus moritur , &c. keywords: a05176; alexander; altar; armes; authors; best; books; c. capil; capil; cardinals; care; ceasse; chaire; characters; child; christ; church; citie; clergie; cloysters; companie; court; day; doth; doubt; early; eebo; encoding; english; epist; epitaph; euen; euery; eyes; faire; fall; father; feare; filthie; flie; francis; friend; friers; gaine; giue; god; gold; good; grace; great; haue; head; heauen; hell; himselfe; holy; house; images; keepe; kings; ladiships; land; latine; life; like; liue; long; lyes; man; men; neuer; night; old; online; orders; owne; oxford; partnership; people; peter; phase; place; poore; pope; princes; profession; religion; remaine; rest; romane; rome; sacred; said; saints; seene; set; shame; sit; sonne; speake; state; store; strife; sundrie; sword; tcp; tei; text; themselues; things; thou; thought; thy; time; true; verse; vertue; vnto; vpon; way; wine; woods; works; world; xml cache: A05176.xml plain text: A05176.txt item: #26 of 416 id: A05387 author: Lever, Christopher, fl. 1627. title: Queene Elizabeths teares: or, Her resolute bearing the Christian crosse inflicted on her by the persecuting hands of Steuen Gardner Bishop of Winchester, in the bloodie time of Queene Marie. Written by Christopher Leuer. date: 1607.0 words: 11709 flesch: 71 summary: Queene Elizabeths teares: or, Her resolute bearing the Christian crosse inflicted on her by the persecuting hands of Steuen Gardner Bishop of Winchester, in the bloodie time of Queene Marie. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 720:10) Queene Elizabeths teares: or, Her resolute bearing the Christian crosse inflicted on her by the persecuting hands of Steuen Gardner Bishop of Winchester, in the bloodie time of Queene Marie. keywords: arte; base; beautie; beauty; beene; best; better; bishop; blood; breath; care; cause; christopher; church; court; daies; daniel; day; death; deseruing; desire; diligence; doe; doth; earth; eebo; eie; elizabeth; end; english; enuie; ere; eternall; euer; euill; face; fauour; feare; fire; gardner; gaue; giue; god; gods; good; grace; gratious; great; griefe; hands; haste; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; high; hir; holie; holy; honour; humble; image; innocence; ladie; lady; large; liber; life; light; like; little; loose; lord; loue; maiestie; marie; men; minde; nature; number; offence; oft; patience; place; praise; present; princely; princesse; queene; resolute; resort; rest; saith; saue; selfe; set; shame; sister; sorrowes; soueraigne; state; steuen; sunne; sure; tcp; teares; text; thou; thought; thy; tide; time; towre; treasure; true; truth; verse; vertuous; vnto; vpon; warre; whome; words; world; wrong; wyat cache: A05387.xml plain text: A05387.txt item: #27 of 416 id: A07304 author: Maxwell, James, b. 1581. title: Admirable and notable prophesies vttered in former times by 24. famous Romain-Catholickes, concerning the Church of Rome's defection, tribulation, and reformation / written first in Latine, & now published in the English tongue, both by Iames Maxwell ... date: 1614.0 words: 952 flesch: 60 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A07304) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 27869) keywords: books; characters; church; early; eebo; english; harper; image; maxwell; online; oxford; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; xml cache: A07304.xml plain text: A07304.txt item: #28 of 416 id: A07760 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: The anatomie of popish tyrannie wherein is conteyned a plaine declaration and Christian censure, of all the principall parts, of the libels, letters, edictes, pamphlets, and bookes, lately published by the secular-priests and English hispanized Iesuties, with their Iesuited arch-priest; both pleasant and profitable to all well affected readers. date: 1603.0 words: 72789 flesch: 77 summary: Prima , quod de terminati● s●lius papa in his quae sunt fidei , non obligat vt pracisé est talis , ad credendum : al●●quin staret in casu , quod qui ▪ obligaretur ad contradictoria , vel ad falsum contra fidem . In the end the said Heywood loathing and abhorring many enormities amongst the Iesuites wrote sundrie letters to the Pope , instantly desiring his h●lin●s , that the Iesuites might be reformed ; affirming that otherwise he should see their ruine ( he feared , ) in his owne dates . keywords: able; aboue; acknowledge; actions; adde; aduiso; affaires; affirmeth; againe; allegeance; allen; alreadie; alwaies; ancient; apologie; appeale; arch; armes; arrant; art; article; aswell; attempt; authoritie; bad; bare; bastard; becke; bee; behalfe; beleeue; bellarmine; best; betweene; bishop; bishoppe; blackwell; bloodie; bodie; booke; brethren; bull; buls; béene; cap; cardinall; cast; catechisme; catholike; cause; censure; certaine; chapter; charge; charitie; chiefe; chiefest; christian; christs; church; cleare; colledge; colleton; collington; command; comming; committed; common; conclusion; concurre; condemne; confesse; confession; conquest; conscience; consent; considerations; conspiracies; constitutions; contrarie; councell; countrey; countrie; courses; court; credit; crowne; cruell; cursed; daies; day; deale; dealing; death; declaration; decree; defence; deliuer; denie; depriue; desire; deuill; diademe; direction; discouery; discourse; disloyall; diuell; diuers; doctor; doctrine; doe; dominions; doth; doubtlesse; duke; earle; earth; effect; elizabeth; els; end; enemie; england; english; ergo; euen; euerie; euery; euident; excommunication; execrable; execution; exercise; expresse; eyther; fact; faction; faculties; faith; faithfull; false; famous; farre; father; father parsons; fauour; fellowes; fift; find; fit; flat; fol; forces; forraine; forsooth; foure; fourth; france; free; french; friers; garnet; gaue; generall; gentle; gentleman; giue; god; godly; gods; goe; golden; good; gouernment; grace; grant; great; greater; ground; hands; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearted; hearts; heauen; heere; heretike; heywood; high; himselfe; hir; hold; holinesse; holt; holy; honest; honour; hope; house; howsoeuer; iesuite parsons; iesuites; iesuites catechisme; iesuites haue; iesuiticall; iesus; ignorant; iii; iiii; important; impudent; indeede; indifferent; infanta; intended; inuasions; iohn; ioyne; ireland; ismael; iudge; iudgement; iustice; keepe; king; kingdome; kinges; knowen; knowne; labour; ladie; large; late; lawes; lawfull; lay; leaue; lesse; letter; libell; life; like; little; liue; liuing; loe; long; lord; loue; lyar; lying; maiestie; maiesty; maintaine; making; man; manie; manner; mans; marke; master; matters; meanes; men; messengers; mightie; money; mouth; nation; natiue; naturall; nature; nay; necessitie; needes; neuer; new; noble; non; notable; note; notorious; notwithstanding; number; nunnes; obedience; obseruations; obserue; offence; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinarie; ouerthrow; owne; owne words; oxford; pag; page; papists; paragraph; paris; parsons; particular; partie; penall; people; perforce; person; perswade; peruse; peter; place; plaine; plainely; pleasure; plots; points; poore; pope; popish; pouertie; pound; power; poyson; practises; preamble; preface; present; priests; priests haue; prince; principall; priuate; proceeding; professe; profession; proued; purpose; queene; quodl; quodlibet; reader; realme; reason; rebellion; receiue; regard; relation; religion; religious; renounce; replie; reply; respect; rest; reuerend; richard; right; robert; rome; romish; royall; rule; sacred; said; saint; sake; schollers; scotland; sea; second; secret; sect; section; secular; secular priests; sedition; seditious; seeme; seminaries; sentence; set; shame; shew; simple; sinne; sixt; small; societie; solemne; sort; soueraigne; soules; spaine; spaniards; spanish; sparing; speake; spirituall; state; statutes; subiects; sufficient; superiour; sée; tcp; telleth; temporall; termes; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; thē; thing; thinges; thinke; thomas; thought; time; title; toleration; trayterous; traytors; treacheries; treasonable; treasons; true; truth; tyrannie; vel; verie; vers; viz; vnder; vnderstand; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vow; vowes; vpon; vse; vtter; warres; watson; way; whatsoeuer; whereof; whome; wicked; william; wise; witnes; witnesse; women; words; worke; world; worthie; worthy; write; writeth; writings; yeare; yeeld; ● ● cache: A07760.xml plain text: A07760.txt item: #29 of 416 id: A07782 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: A Christian dialogue, betweene Theophilus a deformed Catholike in Rome, and Remigius a reformed Catholike in the Church of England Conteining. a plaine and succinct resolution, of sundry very intricate and important points of religion, which doe mightily assaile the weake consciences of the vulgar sort of people; penned ... for the vtter confusion of all seditious Iesuites and Iesuited popelings in England ... date: 1609.0 words: 51353 flesch: 74 summary: ●●fine . TO THE RIHGT VVORSHIPFVLL MY APPROVED GOOD FRIENDS , SIR STEuen Procter , Sir Timothie Whittingham , Sir Vincent Skinner , and Sir Timothie Hutton , Knights ; and his Maiesties most zealous , vp●ight , & painfull Iustices of the Peace . keywords: able; aboue; act; adde; affirmeth; alphonsus; apostles; argument; assertion; aswell; aug; auncient; austen; authority; bee; behalfe; behold; bellarmine; beléeue; benedict; best; better; bible; bishops; blacke; body; bookes; bread; bée; béene; canonicall; cap; cardinals; case; catholike; celestine; ceremonies; chaire; chap; chapter; charge; children; christ; christian; christian faith; church; churches; cléere; common; condemne; condition; confession; confirmation; confirmeth; congregation; constance; constant; controuersie; cor; corrupt; couenant; councell; credit; cyprian; daies; day; dead; dealing; deare; death; decrée; deposed; desire; deut; discourse; distinction; diuell; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; double; doubtlesse; earth; ecclesia; eebo; elect; emperour; end; england; english; enim; ephes; ergo; erre; errors; euen; euery; euident; euill; example; exod; expresse; faile; faith; faithfull; false; famous; farre; father; flat; flesh; followeth; force; foundation; fryer; generall; ghost; giue; giueth; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; grace; grant; great; greater; gregory; ground; hand; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; hebrew; hee; hell; heresie; hic; high; himselfe; holden; holinesse; holy; hée; idolatry; iesuite; iesus; iewes; ignorance; indifferent; indéede; infallible; intricate; inuincible; iohn; iudge; iudgement; iudiciall; iurisdiction; iust; king; knowledge; large; late; latin; law; lawe; lay; learned; left; letters; lib; life; little; liuing; long; lord; luk; luke; lyra; man; manifest; manner; mans; marke; mat; materiall; matters; meane; meaning; memorable; men; moses; mouth; méere; nature; nauclerus; necessary; necessity; neuer; new; non; note; néedes; o ●; obiection; old; onely; opinion; order; originall; ouer; owne; pag; paines; panormitanus; papa; papists; parsons; particular; parts; passe; pastors; paul; people; perfect; performe; person; peter; petrus; place; plainely; platina; point; pope; pope iohn; popedome; popelings; popery; popish; popish faith; possible; power; pray; prayer; prerogatiue; presence; preuaile; priests; priuate; promise; prophets; proue; psalmes; publike; publique; pure; question; qui; quia; quod; reader; reason; regenerate; regeneration; religion; remig; reply; resolution; respect; rest; right; rocke; romans; rome; romish; s. peter; said; saint; sake; saluation; saue; sayd; saying; scripture; second; secular; sed; seeme; sense; sentence; serue; set; shew; sheweth; sinne; sinneth; sir; small; sort; soule; sound; speake; speaketh; spirit; state; strong; subiect; succession; successors; sufficient; sundry; swarue; sée; tcp; teacheth; telleth; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; themselues; theoph; theophilus; things; thinke; thou; thy; thée; time; true; true faith; truth; ver; visible; viz; vnderstand; vniuersall; vniuersity; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; vulgar; way; whatsoeuer; whereof; wicked; willing; wit; withall; woman; words; worke; world; writers; writeth; writings; y ●; yea; yeares; yée; zealous; ● e; ● t; ● ● cache: A07782.xml plain text: A07782.txt item: #30 of 416 id: A07802 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: The dovvnefall of poperie proposed by way of a new challenge to all English Iesuits and Iesuited or Italianized papists: daring them all iointly, and euery one of them seuerally, to make answere thereunto if they can, or haue any truth on their side; knowing for a truth that otherwise all the world will crie with open mouths, fie vpon them, and their patched hotch-potch religion. date: 1604.0 words: 57284 flesch: 73 summary: Out of these golden words , deliuered as God would haue it by the pens of papists , to the confusion of all papists , I note first , that the holy and blessed bread of the Eucharist or Lords supper , is called the bodie of Christ. Seuenthly , that by the flat doctrine not only of Saint Bede , but also of two famous popish writers ( whose authoritie is euer most forcible against papists ) Dionysius Carthus . and Nicholaus Lyranus , iniquitie is a mortall sinne , because it is against the eternall law , which is equitie it selfe , and the will of God. keywords: a07802; able; aboue; absurd; act; addeth; aeterna; affirmeth; againe; agreeable; alij; aliquid; aliud; alreadie; ambrose; angles; anima; anselmus; apostles; apud; aquinas; argument; article; assertion; atque; attaine; august; auntient; auoucheth; austen; autem; authoritie; baptisme; beare; bede; bee; behalfe; beleeue; bellarmine; berengarius; bernard; best; better; betweene; bishop; blessed; bloud; bodie; body; boniface; bookes; bread; brood; canonicall; canus; cap; cardinall; carnall; carthusianus; cause; certaine; challenge; chapter; charitie; charles; children; christ; christian; christus; chrysostome; church; churches; cleere; col; commaundements; commaundeth; commeth; common; conclusion; concupiscence; condemne; condigne; confesse; consecrate; consecration; consent; consisteth; consonant; constantinople; contra; contradiction; contrarie; controuersie; copulation; cor; corpus; couenant; councels; counsell; countrey; creation; credit; crosse; cuius; cum; cursed; cyprian; daily; day; dayes; dead; death; debt; decrees; deed; deere; dei; deliuereth; denie; deo; depart; depose; deserts; desire; deum; deus; deut; dicere; dicit; dionysius; discourse; dispensation; dist; diuine; div; docet; doctor; doctrine; doe; dominion; dominus; doth; doubtlesse; drawne; durand; durandus; earth; ecclesiae; eebo; ego; eius; elect; els; emperour; empire; end; england; english; enim; epist; equitie; ergo; erre; est; eternall; eternall life; etiam; eucharist; euen; euery; euery sinne; euident; euill; exact; excellent; exposition; expresse; expresse words; facit; facta; faithfull; fall; false; famous; farre; father; fide; fift; fire; fit; flat; flesh; followeth; force; forgiuen; forsooth; foundation; fourth; france; free; frier; gaue; generall; gentle; ghost; gift; giue; glorie; glosse; god; god himselfe; godly; gods; gods law; goe; golden; good; gospell; grace; gratiam; graunteth; great; greater; greeke; gregorie; ground; guiltie; haec; hand; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; helpe; hereof; hierome; high; highest; himselfe; hinc; hoc; hold; holdeth; holy; holy scriptures; home; hominis; homo; ideo; iesuit; iesuited; iesuiticall; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; illa; illi; illud; imperiall; implieth; important; impossible; infants; inferiour; infinit; iniquitas; iniquitie; inter; inuoluntarie; ioan; iohn; ioseph; ipsa; ipse; italie; iudas; iudgement; iure; iustice; iustified; iustitia; keepe; kind; king; kingdomes; knowledge; knowne; labours; large; late; law; lawes; lawfull; learned; left; legates; legem; legis; lex; lib; life; like; little; liuing; locus; loe; long; lord; loue; lust; lyra; lyranus; maine; maketh; man; manibus; manifest; manner; mans; marke; masse; matrimonie; matter; meanes; meaneth; meaning; melchior; men; mercedem; mercie; mercy; merit; merites; meritum; mind; modo; moe; mortall; moses; motions; motiues; mouth; naturall; nature; necessarie; needfull; needs; neque; neuer; new; nihil; nisi; nobis; non; nos; nostra; note; nulla; nunc; obedience; obiection; oblation; obserue; old; omnes; omnia; omnium; onely; open; opera; operibus; opinion; origen; originall; ouer; owne; owne words; pag; panem; papa; papists; parts; paul; paulus; peccatum; people; perfect; performe; persons; peter; pipine; place; plainely; platina; pleasure; point; pope; poperie; popish; popish doctrine; potest; power; precept; present; priests; promise; prooue; prophets; proposition; propter; proued; psal; pure; purpose; quae; quam; quasi; question; qui; quia; quibus; quicquid; quid; quidem; quis; quod; ratio; reader; reading; reall; reason; receiued; redemption; regenerate; rei; religion; renowned; reputed; respect; rest; reward; rex; rhemes; rhemists; right; righteousnesse; romanes; rome; romish; royall; rule; s. austen; sacrament; sacrifice; said; saint; saint austen; saith; saith s.; sake; saluation; saue; schoole; scripturarum; scriptures; second; secular; secundum; sed; seeke; seemeth; selfesame; seminarie; sense; sentence; sequitur; set; shame; shew; sic; sicut; sigebert; signifieth; sinne; sit; siue; sixt; solum; sort; soueraigne; soule; sound; speaketh; spirit; step; studie; subiect; sufficient; sum; sunt; suo; supper; sure; swaruing; tanquam; tantum; tcp; teacheth; tearmes; telleth; testament; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; thereunto; things; thinke; thomas; thou; thy; tibi; time; tit; tom; tongue; torne; tota; touching; traditions; transgression; translation; trent; true; truth; value; vbi; vel; veniall; vero; vertue; verè; victor; vide; vita; viz; vlt; vnawares; vnder; vnderstand; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vnwritten; voluntarie; vpon; vse; vulgar; vve; vvhat; vvhich; way; wedlocke; wee; whatsoeuer; wicked; wife; wise; withall; women; words; workes; world; worthie; worthy; writers; writeth; writing; yea; yeeld; yeeres; zacharie cache: A07802.xml plain text: A07802.txt item: #31 of 416 id: A07803 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: A direct answer vnto the scandalous exceptions, which Theophilus Higgons hath lately obiected against D. Morton In the which there is principally discussed, two of the most notorious obiections vsed by the Romanists, viz. 1. M. Luthers conference with the diuell, and 2. The sence of the article of Christ his descension into hell. date: 1609.0 words: 12758 flesch: 66 summary: SECONDLY , why was your Church so distracted in this matter vpon the Sermon and Treatise of D. Bilson ? How came it to passe , that D. Reinolds his Caluinian resolution in this matter , was confuted by M. Perks ? and why did M. Willet ( the Synopticall Theologue , as he is phrased by * D. Barlow ) oppose himself against M. Perks his answer ? The sence of the article of Christ his descension into hell. keywords: aduersaries; answer; apologie; apostles; ardentius; article; augustine; author; baptisme; beleeue; bellarmine; bene; booke; caluin; campian; cap; catholicke; cause; certaine; chapter; characters; christ; christian; church; common; conference; confesse; conscience; consent; contrarie; creed; crosse; death; defence; dei; del'rio; descension; descent; disp; diuell; doctor; doctrine; doth; doubt; early; eebo; elect; english; equall; ergo; esse; euen; euery; experience; faith; faithfull; false; falshood; farre; fathers; feu; giue; god; good; grace; hath; haue; hell; heresie; higgons; himselfe; hoc; hold; holy; humanitie; iesuite; iesus; infernall; interrogatorie; iouinian; iudgement; lib; lie; limbus; little; lord; luther; m. higgons; malicious; man; masse; matter; men; morton; necessarie; neuer; noble; non; onely; opinion; owne; pag; patrum; personall; place; point; power; professe; protestants; question; reall; reason; religion; right; romanists; romish; salmeron; saying; scriptures; second; sect; seeme; selfe; sence; sinne; soule; suarez; tcp; tei; testimonie; text; themselues; theophilus; thing; thou; thought; time; tom; true; truth; viz; vnto; vpon; word; yov cache: A07803.xml plain text: A07803.txt item: #32 of 416 id: A07806 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: An exact discoverie of Romish doctrine in the case of conspiracie and rebellion by pregnant obseruations: collected (not without direction from our superiours) out of the expresse dogmaticall principles of popish priests and doctors. date: 1605.0 words: 11045 flesch: 70 summary: The inscription : Gul●helmus mise●atione diuina S. R. E. Tituli S. Martini in montibus Cardinali● , C●nctis ●egnt Angli●e & H●ber●ae Pr●teribus . The Master of the Seminarie at Rhemes writeth and in●ituleth his booke : b Caluinish-Turcisme , and plaine Mahometisme . Which booke Deane Gifford doth no lesse impudently than impotently m●●ntaine , saying , that c Caluins doctrine is worse than the Alcoran of the Turkes . keywords: a07806; abdicat; absolue; allen; ancient; answere; apud; armes; article; atque; authoritie; bannes; bee; behalfe; booke; brethren; cap; cardinall; case; catholiques; challenge; characters; christians; church; ciuill; colledge; common; conscience; consent; contra; creation; creswell; cum; death; defence; denie; deposing; desire; desperate; direction; discoverie; diuinitie; div; doctors; doctrine; doe; dogmaticall; doth; early; edition; eebo; eius; emperours; encoding; end; enemies; england; english; eos; episc; ergo; examination; example; fact; faction; farre; father; force; france; french; gal; generall; glossa; god; good; great; gregorie; haeretici; hands; hath; haue; head; hee; henry; heresie; hereticall; heretiques; himselfe; hoc; hold; holy; ibidem; iesuite; images; instruct; inuasion; iusta; kinde; king; kingdome; kinred; late; lesse; letter; lib; libr; like; long; manner; master; meaning; men; minor; monke; murder; naturall; necessarie; non; notes; oath; oathes; obedience; obseruations; onely; online; oxford; pag; parsons; partnership; people; phase; philopater; pius; pont; pontifex; pontificem; pope; popish; positions; possit; power; practise; pregnant; priests; prince; professe; protestants; publique; quae; queene; qui; quia; quintus; quod; quàm; reader; reason; rebellion; regem; regis; reinalds; religion; rem; rome; romish; saith; second; sect; sed; seditious; seminarie; sentence; sheweth; simancha; societie; sonne; soueraigne; spanish; spirits; stapleton; stc; suam; subiection; subiects; succession; sunt; suo; superiours; tcp; tei; temporall; tenour; text; themselues; time; tit; title; true; truth; vel; vniuersitie; vnto; vpon; wee; whosoeuer; works; xistus; xml; yea; yeere; ● ● cache: A07806.xml plain text: A07806.txt item: #33 of 416 id: A07817 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: A preamble vnto an incounter with P.R. the author of the deceitfull treatise of mitigation concerning the Romish doctrine both in question of rebellion and aequiuocation: by Thomas Morton. Published by authoritie. date: 1608.0 words: 55658 flesch: 70 summary: And first tender A Satisfaction vnto P. R. his first Motion concerning his fellowes , who haue intangled themselues in open falsifications . A Satisfaction vnto P. R. his second demaund concerning himselfe , in the discouerie of his owne not orious falshoods , inforcing him by vertue of his owne promise neuer heereafter to credit himselfe . keywords: able; aboue; accusation; accuser; aduersaries; aduersary; aequiuocation; againe; allegation; allegeth; ancient; anno; answer; answerer; answereth; answering; apostle; apparent; appeare; argument; art; asleepe; assertion; auouch; author; authority; baronius; bee; beginning; behalfe; beleeue; bellarmine; best; better; betweene; beza; binius; bishops; blinde; blood; booke; bouchier; calleth; caluin; caluinus; calumnious; campian; canon; cap; cardinall; carerius; casuists; catholike; cauill; cause; celsus; censure; certaine; challenge; chap; chapter; characters; charge; chiefe; christ; christendome; christian; church; citeth; citing; clemens; commendation; comment; common; comparison; competent; conc; concilij; concilium; conclusion; condemne; confesse; confession; confuted; conscience; consent; consequence; contradiction; contrary; controuersie; cosenage; councell; creation; creature; credit; crowne; cum; cùm; damnable; dangers; dead; dealing; death; deceitfull; decree; defence; dei; demand; denie; dicunt; difference; disciples; disp; disposition; diuers; diuines; doctors; doctrine; doe; doleman; doth; double; doubt; edition; eebo; elizabeth; els; emperour; end; england; english; enim; epiphanius; epistle; epistola; ergo; erre; error; esse; etiam; euangelists; euen; euery; euidence; exact; example; exception; excuse; expresse; extrauagants; eyes; faithfull; false; falshood; falsifications; falsitie; farre; fathers; fault; feare; fellow; fellowes; fift; fine; fire; fit; followeth; forbid; forme; foure; fourth; fox; france; francford; fraud; free; friend; frisingensis; fuisse; fuit; generall; giue; glosse; god; gods; gold; good; goodman; grace; great; greater; greatest; greeke; gregorie; gregory; grieuous; ground; guilty; hac; haec; hanc; hand; hath; haue; head; hearer; heart; hebrew; hee; heere; heereafter; heerein; heereof; henry; heresie; heretikes; hierome; hildebrand; himselfe; hoc; holy; hope; house; iesuit; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; illos; illud; images; imagines; imaginibus; impietie; impossibility; impossible; impudent; incounter; iniurie; inquit; instance; insultation; insulteth; intention; inter; italian; italy; iudge; iudgement; iust; iustice; iustification; iustifie; jes; kinde; king; kingdome; know; knowen; knoweth; lad; lambertus; late; latine; law; lawfull; learne; learning; leaue; left; liar; lib; lie; life; like; little; logike; long; lord; lying; making; malice; malicious; man; maner; manifest; mans; maruell; materiall; matter; meane; meaning; mee; men; mentall; mention; mind; minister; mitigation; moderate; morton; names; nature; nauclerus; nay; nec; needs; neuer; new; nice; noble; non; notable; note; notorious; notwithstanding; num; number; oath; obedience; obiected; obiection; obserue; omnes; onely; open; opinion; otto; outward; owne; oxford; p. r.; pag; page; parsons; particle; particular; passe; people; peraduenture; perceiue; person; peter; place; plaine; platina; point; polydore; pope; popish; positions; post; potest; power; practise; preamble; preface; preiudice; present; priests; princes; principall; priuate; professed; promise; pronounce; prooue; proper; proposition; protestants; prouidence; psal; publike; purgatory; purpose; quae; queene; question; quia; quod; quàm; quòd; r. doth; r. hath; rare; reader; reason; reasoning; rebellion; reinolds; religion; report; reported; reseruation; respect; rest; right; rome; romish; said; saith; saith p.; satisfaction; saue; sauiour; sayd; saying; schooles; scribes; scriptures; sea; second; sed; seeme; sense; sentence; set; seuenth; shall; shamelesse; shed; shew; sic; signifie; simile; sinner; sir; sixt; slanderous; sonne; souldiers; soules; speaker; speaketh; speech; spirit; spirituall; state; subiect; succession; sufficient; sunt; supposed; supra; surius; sweare; syllogisme; tamen; taxation; tcp; teacheth; temporall; termes; testimonies; testimony; text; thee; theeues; themselues; therfore; thing; thinke; thinketh; thomas; thorowout; thou; thought; tibi; time; title; tom; translation; treatise; triple; true; truth; tyrant; vasques; vel; verba; vertue; verè; verò; videtur; viz; vnderstand; vniuersities; vnto; vnto p.; vpon; vse; want; way; wealth; wee; whereof; whereunto; whosoeuer; wiat; wicked; wilfull; willing; wit; witnesse; woman; words; world; wound; writers; writeth; writing; yea; yeeres; ● ● cache: A07817.xml plain text: A07817.txt item: #34 of 416 id: A07845 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: The golden ballance of tryall VVherein the reader shall plainly and briefely behold, as in a glasse of crystall; aswell by what rule all controuersies in religion, are to be examined, as also who is, and of right ought to be the vpright iudge in that behalfe. Whereunto is also annexed a counterblast against a masked companion, terming himself E.O. but supposed to be Robert Parsons the trayterous Iesuite. date: 1603.0 words: 29586 flesch: 75 summary: The great Schooleman and renowned popish Bishoppe Melchior Canus confesseth verie plainely , that the consent of many Bishops and learned men , doth not yeeld a sound argument for mans conscience to rest thereupon . Secondly , that the Fathers haue plainely shewed themselues to be men , and to haue had their imperfections accordingly . keywords: a07845; able; aboue; affirmeth; againe; agaynst; alphonsus; alreadie; apostles; approued; aquinas; art; aswell; august; aunswere; austen; authoritie; bee; belieue; bellarmine; best; better; bishoppes; bishops; bodie; bookes; canon; canus; cap; cause; celestine; chaire; chapter; christ; christes; christian; church; ciuill; cleare; companion; concil; condemne; confesse; confession; confirmed; confutation; consent; constantine; contrarie; controuersies; councell; credite; cum; cyprian; day; dayes; decree; deed; dei; desire; deuill; deut; dicitur; discerne; discourse; diuell; diuine; div; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; doubtles; e.o; ecclesia; eebo; emperour; end; england; english; enim; errare; erre; error; est; euen; euerie; euery; euident; expedient; expresse; faile; faith; faithfull; false; falshood; falsum; famous; farre; fathers; feare; fide; flat; forsooth; freely; generall; gentle; ghost; giue; glosse; god; godly; gods; golden; good; graunt; great; hand; hath; haue; hee; heresie; heretiques; high; himselfe; hoc; holy; iesuite; iesus; impudent; indifferent; infallible; intention; iohn; ita; iudgement; iudges; keepe; king; kinges; knot; knowledge; large; late; law; lay; learned; legem; lib; libell; lie; like; little; liues; locis; loe; long; lord; lyra; maister; man; manifest; mans; matter; meere; melchior; men; ministers; moses; motiues; mouth; nature; nec; necessarie; needes; neuer; neyther; nisi; non; note; notorious; number; obiection; omnes; onely; opinion; origen; owne; papa; papist; papistes; paris; parsons; partes; people; perforce; person; peter; pharisies; place; plaine; point; pope; popedome; popish; potest; power; pray; present; priestes; priuate; prophet; proued; prouinciall; publike; pure; quae; quam; question; quia; quod; reader; reason; religion; religious; renowmed; respect; rest; right; robert; rome; romish; royall; rule; said; saint; saluation; sayth; schismes; scribes; scripture; second; secular; seemeth; seminaries; sense; sentence; sequitur; serue; set; sheepe; shew; signe; silly; sit; sole; soules; sound; speake; sunt; supposed; suruey; sutcliffe; syluester; tamen; tcp; telleth; temple; testimonie; text; themselues; thing; thinges; thinke; thomas; thou; time; togither; tom; touching; trayterous; true; truth; vel; verie; verum; vnder; vniuersall; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; wicked; wil; wise; wit; withall; wordes; works; world; worthy; writers; writeth; yeares cache: A07845.xml plain text: A07845.txt item: #35 of 416 id: A07868 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: The Iesuits antepast conteining, a repy against a pretensed aunswere to the Downe-fall of poperie, lately published by a masked Iesuite Robert Parsons by name, though he hide himselfe couertly vnder the letters of S.R. which may fitly be interpreted (a sawcy rebell.) date: 1608.0 words: 78079 flesch: 76 summary: For how dare the Schoole-Doctours teach publiquely , contrary to the Popes minde ? VVas not your famous Doctour Michael at Louain , threatned to frame his opinion to the Popes liking , or else yee w●●e what would haue followed ? Did not the Pope send Toledo the Iesuite , to conferre with him , and tell him what the Pope thought , and therefore he must , and so forth ? Boniface the eight falling at variance with King Phillippe the faire , woulde needes excommunicate him , but there was neuer excommunication cost Pope so deare , as that did him , for his Nuncios were committed prisoners his B●l●es burnt , and Bonif●ce himselfe being taken by Naueret Chancellor of Fraunce , presently after dyed for very sorrow . keywords: a07868; abiathar; able; aboue; act; actuall; adam; adde; addeth; affirmeth; againe; aliquid; allegeance; alphonsus; ambrose; angell; angles; answere; apostle; apostolicall; aquinas; argument; article; assertion; aug; auncient; auoucheth; austen; authority; baptisme; bare; bee; behalfe; behold; beleeue; bell; bellarmine; bels; best; better; betweene; bible; bishops; blasphemy; blessed; blind; bloud; bodies; body; booke; bread; breake; byshop; calleth; canus; cap; cardinall; cases; cause; certaine; chaire; challenge; chapter; childe; children; christ; christ himselfe; christes; christian; church; churches; citeth; cleere; col; commaundements; common; conclusion; concupiscence; condemne; condigne; confesse; confession; confutation; congregation; consecration; consent; consequence; constant; constantine; contradiction; contrary; controuersie; cor; councels; counsell; crosse; cum; cyprian; daies; daily; damnation; dauid; day; dead; deadly; dealing; deare; death; debt; decrees; dei; denyeth; deposed; desire; discerne; discourse; dispute; distinction; diuine; doctor; doctrine; doe; doone; doth; doubtlesse; downefall; durand; earth; east; effect; elect; emperor; emperours; empire; end; england; english; ergo; erre; essence; est; eternall; eucharist; euen; euery; euident; euill; expresse; faithfull; false; falshood; falsly; famous; farre; fast; fathers; faults; fauour; fayth; figure; fire; fisher; fit; flat; flesh; follow; followeth; fond; foolish; force; forgiuen; forsooth; fourth; france; free; fryer; gaue; gentle; ghost; giue; glory; glosse; god; god himselfe; godly; gods; gods law; gods word; golden; good; goodworkes; gospell; grace; graunt; graunteth; great; greater; gregory; guilty; habituall; hands; hart; hath; haue; hauing; head; heauen; hee; hee saith; heere; heresie; hierome; high; himselfe; hoc; hold; holdeth; holy; holy scripture; house; howsoeuer; iames; iesuite; iesuite s.; iesus; iewes; ignorance; impossible; imputed; imputeth; indeede; indifferent; infallible; iniquity; iohn; iosephus; italy; iudas; iudge; iudgement; iust; iustice; iustification; iustified; keepe; keeping; killing; kind; king; kingdome; kinges; know; knoweth; knowne; large; late; law; lawe; learned; lesse; lib; life; like; little; liue; liuing; loe; long; lord; loue; luke; lye; lying; lyra; maister; man; manner; mans; marke; masked; masse; matter; meanes; meaneth; meaning; mee; melchior; men; mercy; merite; mind; mortall; motions; motiues; mouth; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; needes; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; neyther; noble; non; note; notorious; notwithstanding; obedience; obiection; onely; opinion; order; originall; ouer; owne; page; papists; parent; paris; parsons; paule; peccatum; people; perceiue; perfect; perforce; person; peter; place; plaine; platina; pleasure; point; pope; popery; popish; popish doctrine; position; potest; power; preaching; precept; predestination; presence; present; priest; prince; priuate; prooueth; proper; prophet; proue; psalme; purgatory; purpose; quae; quantity; question; quia; quod; r. bell; reader; reall; reason; receiued; regenerate; religion; remaine; reply; reputed; respect; rest; right; robert; roman; rome; romish; royall; rule; s. austen; s. iohn; s. r.; sacrament; sacramentall; sacred; sacrifice; said; saint; saint austen; saith; saith bell; saith s.; sake; salomon; saluation; saue; sauiour; sayde; schoole; scripture; second; sed; seeing; seemeth; selues; sence; sentence; seruant; serue; set; sheepe; sheweth; shoulde; sinne; sinners; sins; sixt; sort; soueraigne; sound; speake; speaketh; spirituall; stand; start; step; subiect; substance; sufficient; superiour; supposed; supra; suruey; t. b.; taught; tcp; teacheth; teeth; telleth; temporall; testament; testimony; text; thee; themselues; thereunto; therfore; theyr; thē; thing; thinges; thinke; thinketh; thomas; thou; thought; thy; time; tom; torne; touching; traditions; transgression; true; true god; truth; vaine; vbi; vel; veniall; victoria; viz; vnawares; vnder; vnderstand; vndoubted; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vnwritten; voluntary; vpon; vse; vulgar; want; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; wil; wise; withall; wombe; words; workes; world; worthy; woulde; writers; writeth; writing; yea; yeares; yeeld; yeelded; zeale; ● ● cache: A07868.xml plain text: A07868.txt item: #36 of 416 id: A07880 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: The Popes funerall Containing a plaine, succinct, and pithy reply, to a pretensed answere of a shamelesse and foolish libell, intituled, The forerunner of Bels downfall. VVhich is nothing else indeede, (as the indifferent reader shall preceiue by the due peruse thereof,) but an euident manifestation of his owne folly; with the vtter confusion of poperie, and all popish vassals throughout the Christian world. date: 1605.0 words: 35042 flesch: 73 summary: 3 Our shameles lying Libeller telleth his readers , that Bels bookes haue long since receiued their answere : Marrie Syr , he by & by addeth a merie iest by way of correction , in these expresse words : but the answere hath beene hitherto suppressed vpon iust occasion : and in another place , he telleth vs another like merry iest , ( for he seemes to be the Popes owne iester , that fiue Bookes are written against my Motiues , and my Survey of Poperie : and to giue a grace to his tale , he addeth , that this supposed answere was finished fiue yeares agoe , here is a most cozening legierdemain . yet our silly Libeller , beholding , as in a glasse of cristall , not his owne shame and confusion only , but of his brethren the Iesuits , & of the whole rabble of Papists in like maner , to bee concluded by the generall iudgement of the whole world , vnlesse they did answere the bookes which I haue published against them , and their superstitious , idolatrous , and plaine Antichristian Romish religion , deemed it the best course for himselfe , & for the safegard of the life of their mouse-eaten and rotten Popery , to let passe vntouched my Reply to Parsons his fellow Iesuite , and to set abroach some new foolish and odde conceit , so to keepe the peoples heads occupied : for their only drift and shift is this , to seduce the people with coozening trickes of their counterfeit legierdemain , as they dealt with Sebastian , the late King of Portugall . keywords: able; aboue; act; affirmeth; agoe; angelus; angles; answere; answering; antoninus; appeare; article; austen; bare; bee; behalfe; behold; beleeue; bellarmine; bels; bene; best; better; bishops; bookes; brethren; brother; bufloes; cap; cardinall; cause; challenge; chap; chapter; child; christian; christs; church; col; condigne; conduct; confesse; confusion; conscience; constant; coozening; couenant; courage; coward; credite; cum; day; dead; deale; dealing; desire; direct; discourse; dispensation; dissention; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; doubtlesse; downefall; durst; earth; eebo; eius; end; england; english; erre; eternall; euen; euery; euident; expresse; eyes; face; fall; false; famous; farre; father; faults; fellowes; fiue; flat; foolish; fore; forerunner; fornication; forsooth; free; fumus; generall; gentle; giue; god; godly; gods; good; grace; graunt; great; hand; hath; haue; heart; hee; helpe; himselfe; holy; iesuite; iesus; impertinent; importance; impudent; indeede; indifferent; iosephus; iudgement; iust; king; knowne; large; late; learned; libeller; life; like; little; loe; long; lyar; lyes; lying; man; maner; manifest; mans; marke; marriage; martin; matter; meaning; mee; men; motions; motiues; mysteries; naturall; nature; necessary; needes; neuer; new; non; notorious; number; onely; open; opinion; ouer; owne; pag; page; papists; parsons; passe; paul; people; perceiue; period; person; piece; place; plaine; poore; pope; popelings; poperie; popery; popish; potch; power; pretensed; priests; print; promise; proofe; proue; publish; purpose; quae; question; reader; reason; redemption; religion; religious; reply; respect; reward; right; robert; rome; romish; runner; sacrament; safe; said; saith; sake; saluation; saue; sayd; scriptures; second; secular; selfe; sense; sentence; set; shall; shamelesse; sillie; silly; sinne; sister; soone; sort; soule; space; speake; standeth; store; sua; sundry; suruey; tcp; telleth; testimony; text; themselues; thē; things; thomas; thou; time; title; touching; true; truth; turne; vassals; verie; vers; viz; vnderstand; vnto; vnworthy; voluntary; vpon; vpstart; vse; way; wee; whosoeuer; wicked; wil; willing; wise; wish; wits; woman; words; workes; world; worthy; writers; writeth; yeares cache: A07880.xml plain text: A07880.txt item: #37 of 416 id: A07949 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: The tryall of the nevv religion Contayning a plaine demonstration, that the late faith and doctrine of the Church of Rome, is indeede the new religion. By Thomas Bell. date: 1608.0 words: 14467 flesch: 77 summary: Of C●●●●lmasday Chap. Where I wish the Reader to 〈◊〉 by the way , this word ( mod● , now adayes , ) because it doth most ●●●ely and sufficiently , set before our eyes , the mutability of the late Romish Religion . keywords: a07949; aboue; article; auncient; bee; beleeue; bell; best; bishop; body; books; bread; cap; capit; cause; celestine; chap; christ; christian; church; condigne; confession; councell; cyprian; day; dayes; decree; div; doctrine; doe; dom; doth; eebo; english; ergo; erre; euen; euery; famous; fast; fathers; fayth; fish; fiue; flesh; free; generall; god; gods; good; great; gregory; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; iesuite; illation; images; indifferent; kind; knowne; large; late; law; lawfull; learned; lent; lib; life; little; long; man; manner; mans; marriage; married; masse; matter; men; merrite; mortall; naturall; neuer; new; new religion; nice; notes; old; onely; opinion; owne; page; papists; pardons; pax; people; peter; pius; pope; popery; popish; popish fayth; power; priestes; priuate; purgatory; ragge; reader; reason; religion; respect; rest; reward; rome; romish; rotten; saint; saith; schoole; scriptures; second; sergius; set; silly; sinnes; sonne; space; suruey; tcp; telleth; text; thing; thomas; time; true; truth; veniall; viz; vnknowne; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; words; workes; world; writeth; yea; yeeres; ● ● cache: A07949.xml plain text: A07949.txt item: #38 of 416 id: A07963 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: The vvoefull crie of Rome Containing a defiance to popery. With Thomas Bells second challenge to all fauorites of that Romish faction. Succinctly comprehending much variety of matter ... date: 1605.0 words: 27256 flesch: 70 summary: Saint Loy , for their horses , S. Anthonie , for their Pigges , S. Roch , for the pestilence : S. Steuen , for the night : S. Iohn for the day : S. Nicholas , for their studies , Saint George , for their warres : S. Cosma , and S. Damian , for their sores : S. Appolonia , for their teeth : S. Agnes , for their Virginitie : and others innumerable , for the like ende and effect : they errect Church● to their saints : they frame images to them : they carry their images about in Procession : they consecrate alters to them , they dedicate Holy-dayes to thē , they make vowes for the honour of them , they offer presents to their altars and images : they put Lampes , tapers , torches and lights before their images : they kneele downe before their images : they touch them : they embrace them , they speake to thē : they intreat them , as if they were yet liuings yea , they seem to surpas the folly & impietie of the Gentiles . I Haue proued at large elsewhere , how Poperie crept into the Curch by peece-meale , and how she receiued her daily increments : Now it shall bee sufficient , to touch succinctly and plainely , when & by what meanes , Rom● became the head of al Churches : the truth therfore of this point , is this ; viz. keywords: a.d; able; aboue; adde; addeth; affirmeth; antoninus; aquinas; arch; authoritie; bee; behalfe; behold; beleeue; benedict; best; better; betweene; blessed; body; boniface; booke; borne; brother; byshop; byshoppe; canonist; canons; cap; cardinals; care; carranza; cause; challenge; chap; chapter; characters; charge; christ; christian; christus; church; churches; common; confession; constance; constant; constitution; councell; credite; cum; daily; day; dayes; deacons; dead; dealing; deare; death; decrees; defence; deliuer; deo; discourse; dispensations; diuell; diuine; doctor; doctrine; doe; dome; dominican; doth; doubtlesse; durst; early; earth; ecclesia; eebo; effect; emperour; end; ende; english; ergo; erre; esset; est; esteeme; eternall; etiam; euen; euery; excommunication; expresse; faction; famous; famous popish; farre; fathers; fift; fire; fisher; flat; fol; force; formosus; forsooth; fourth; free; fryer; fumus; geilerius; generall; gentle; giue; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; gregorie; gregory; hand; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; hee; helpe; heresie; heretique; hierome; high; himselfe; hoc; holden; holdeth; holy; honest; honour; hus; iesuited; iesuits; iesus; images; instruction; intollerable; iohannes; iohn; iudgement; iurisdiction; iust; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; large; late; law; lawe; learned; lib; life; light; like; little; loe; long; lord; maister; man; maner; marke; marriage; martinus; martyr; mary; masse; matter; meanes; memorable; men; minde; mother; myracles; nanclerus; nec; needes; neuer; new; non; nos; note; notwithstanding; number; obedience; old; omnes; onely; opinion; orders; originall; ouer; owne; pag; paine; papa; papists; pardoning; pardons; paul; penance; people; person; peter; phocas; place; platina; point; polonus; poore; pope; pope iohn; poperie; popery; popes haue; popes owne; popish; popish doctrine; popish pardons; post; potest; power; practise; praga; prayer; present; preuaile; priests; primacie; priuate; pro; prohibition; proue; publique; purgatorie; purpose; quae; quam; qui; quia; quod; reader; reason; receiue; religion; religious; rest; reuerend; rome; romish; romish church; royall; safe; said; saint; saith; saluation; schisme; scotus; scriptures; second; sed; sequitur; serenus; sergius; set; shal; sinnes; sit; sonne; soueraigne; soules; space; speake; speciall; subiect; succession; sufficient; sundry; sunt; super; superstitious; supra; syluester; tamen; tcp; teacheth; tei; telleth; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; thereunto; therof; thing; thomas; thou; throne; thy; time; titles; traditions; true; truth; tyrannie; vbi; vel; virgin; vita; viz; vnder; vnlesse; vnto; vnwritten; vpon; vse; way; whereof; whosoeuer; wicked; wil; wise; words; worke; world; worship; worthy; writers; writeth; yeares; yeeld; ● ● cache: A07963.xml plain text: A07963.txt item: #39 of 416 id: A07972 author: Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621. title: An ample declaration of the Christian doctrine. Composed in Italian by the renowned Cardinal: Card. Bellarmine. Translated into English by Richard Hadock D. of Diuinitie date: 1604.0 words: 41924 flesch: 67 summary: S I haue heare a doubt , whether this commandement forbiddeth a man to kil him selfe , as it forbiddeth to kil an other ; M Without all doubt this commandement forbiddeth to kil himselfe , because no man is maister of his owne life , man being made not by himself , but by God. S Where in consisteth the counsaile of obedience ; M In renouncing our proper iudgment , and proper wil , which in the holie Gospel is called , denying of a mans selfe , and to subiect him selfe to the wil of his superior , in al things that be not against God. keywords: aboue; adulterie; alwaies; angels; apostles; article; baptisme; bee; beginning; beleeue; better; blessed; bodie; body; bread; cause; certaine; chap; charitie; childe; children; christ; christians; church; commandement; comming; committed; confesse; consisteth; contrarie; corporall; creation; creatures; creede; crosse; daies; day; dead; death; declaration; declare; desire; diuel; diuine; diuinitie; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; earth; end; english; enuie; eternall; euerie; euery; euil; example; faith; false; father; flesh; forbiddeth; forme; foure; fourth; geue; ghost; giue; glorie; god; god doth; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; hee; hell; helpe; highest; himselfe; holie; holie ghost; holy; honour; hope; iesus; iewes; images; incarnation; iustice; kingdome; ladie; law; life; like; litle; liue; liuing; long; lord; loue; man; maner; manie; mans; maria; masse; meanes; meaneth; mee; memorie; men; mercie; moreouer; mortall; mother; mouth; murder; nature; necessarie; need; needfull; neighbour; neuer; noster; obserue; office; old; onely; owne; particular; parts; passion; pater; penance; people; perfection; person; petition; place; poore; power; praise; pray; prayer; present; priest; principall; promise; proper; reason; receiued; reliques; remaine; remedie; rest; resurrection; returne; right; s vvhat; sacrament; said; saints; saluation; sauiour; second; seemeth; selues; seuen; shew; signifieth; sinne; sins; sixt; soule; speake; spirituall; spoken; sunday; tcp; teach; text; theft; themselues; thē; things; thou; thought; thy; time; touching; true; vertues; virgin; vnderstanding; vnderstood; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vse; vvhat; wee; wel; whē; wife; wil; wisdome; wit; woman; words; workes; worketh; world; yea cache: A07972.xml plain text: A07972.txt item: #40 of 416 id: A08249 author: Nixon, Anthony. title: Elizaes memoriall. King Iames his arriuall. And Romes downefall date: 1603.0 words: 4106 flesch: 75 summary: H●nry th● seaventh of th● hou●e 〈◊〉 Lan●●s●er 〈…〉 Edward the fourth his daughter the house Yorke . 〈…〉 Notes for div A08249-e3420 Contention betweene feare and hopefull 〈◊〉 at El●zaes de●th 〈…〉 Iame●● procl 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . Feare for Elizaes death Ioy for K. Iames happ proclama●●●● The royal 〈…〉 K 〈◊〉 . keywords: a08249; arriuall; blessings; books; characters; crowne; daies; day; death; doth; early; earth; eebo; elizaes; encoding; encrease; england; english; eternall; euen; fame; feare; god; great; hath; haue; hearts; iames; images; ioyes; king; land; life; light; long; lord; loue; memoriall; neuer; online; oxford; partnership; peace; perfect; phase; plentie; praise; princely; raigne; rest; romes; rule; sacred; second; tcp; tei; text; thing; thy; time; true; truth; vnder; vnto; vpon; works; worthy; xml; ● ● cache: A08249.xml plain text: A08249.txt item: #41 of 416 id: A08330 author: S. N. (Sylvester Norris), 1572-1630. title: A true report of the priuate colloquy betweene M. Smith, aliâs Norrice, and M. VValker held in the presence of two vvorthy knights, and of a few other gentlemen, some Catholikes, some Protestants : with a briefe confutation of the false, and adulterated summe, which M. Walker, pastour of S. Iohn Euangelist in Watling-streete, hath diuulged of the same. date: 1624.0 words: 15663 flesch: 73 summary: Haue I not sufficiently inculcated vnto you , that my question is of the Church now militant on earth ; of that Church which we ought to heare , and obey ; of that which M. Whitaker describeth by the marks before mentioned ; of that which your selfe distinguished to be partly visible , partly inuisible ? And run you now back againe to your counterfait Catholike , and wholy inuisible Church ? Are you so sodainly distracted of your wi●s , as not only to forget what I had sayd , but what your selfe had written immediatly before ? Without doubt to Christs visible , to Christs militāt , to Christs Cath. Church : for to no other would he bring them , no other is his fold , no other his one , and that singular one , of which he is chiefe and supreme Pastour . keywords: able; absurd; act; alwayes; answere; apostles; apostolicall; argument; article; aske; aug; augustine; belieue; better; betweene; breake; cap; catholike; catholike church; cause; characters; christ; church; companion; corrupted; corruption; credit; definition; deliuer; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; els; england; english; entire; erre; errour; essence; euen; euery; expresse; false; fayth; fundamentall; future; gentlemen; ghost; giue; god; gods; good; great; greeke; habit; hath; haue; hebrew; heere; holy; infallible; inuisible; inward; knowledge; knowne; latin; law; little; long; lord; m. smith; m. vvalker; m. walker; man; markes; matter; meanes; meeting; men; militant; minor; mishne; moode; mouth; nature; necessary; neuer; owne; pastours; people; place; point; preaching; priest; priuate; protestants; proued; purpose; question; read; reason; redeeme; respect; resurrection; saluation; sayd; saying; scripture; second; selfe; sense; set; shew; signifieth; speaketh; spirit; subiect; summe; syr; tcp; text; thē; thing; thorah; thou; translation; true; true church; truth; tyme; verity; visible; vnderstanding; vnto; vpon; vvalker; walker; way; whitaker; wit; word; wordes; writeth; ● ● cache: A08330.xml plain text: A08330.txt item: #42 of 416 id: A08697 author: Coton, Pierre, 1564-1626. title: A letter of a Catholike man beyond the seas, written to his friend in England including another of Peter Coton priest, of the Society of Iesus, to the Queene Regent of France / translated out of French into English ; touching the imputation of the death of Henry the IIII, late K. of France, to priests, Iesuites, or Catholicke doctrine. date: 1610.0 words: 9716 flesch: 50 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. But it hath happened to them as to men which find themselues vnder the ruine of a house , where one stone doth not expect the other to couer and ouerwhelme them , vpon whome it falleth . keywords: aboue; affection; alwayes; author; authority; body; booke; byn; catholike; cause; chapter; characters; church; common; constance; contrary; coton; councell; crowne; death; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; early; eebo; english; euery; fact; father; france; french; friend; god; good; great; hath; haue; hauing; head; henry; hereticks; himselfe; honour; iesuites; iesus; iiii; images; iust; king; kinges; late; lawfull; lesse; letter; life; madame; man; manifest; mariana; matter; men; nature; neuer; new; oath; obedience; opinion; order; owne; paris; particuler; person; peter; power; princes; queene; question; regent; religion; sayd; society; soueraigne; state; subiect; tcp; tei; text; themselues; therfore; therof; thē; things; thought; time; true; truth; vnder; vnto; vpon; whome; works; world; yea; yeares cache: A08697.xml plain text: A08697.txt item: #43 of 416 id: A09104 author: Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. title: A little treatise concerning trial of spirits: taken for the most part our of the works of the R.F. Robert Parsons, of the Societie of Iesus. Whereunto is added a comparison of a true Roman Catholike with a Protestant, wherby may bee discouered the difference of their spirits. With an appendix taken out of a later writer date: 1620.0 words: 12396 flesch: 51 summary: Whereas Protestants in this behalfe following another Spirit of selfe-will , and selfe judgement , and loosing the raynes of libertie to the pregnancie of each mans wit , doe hold and determine what their owne judgements for the time doe thinke to bee true , or most probable , and are subject to no authoritie in this behalfe , but to their owne Spirit ; which is variable , according to the varietie of arguments and probabilities that doe occurre . Next to this , for so much as appertaineth to life and actions ; the Catholike man holdeth that wee can doe nothing at all of our selues , no not so much as to thinke a good thought , but we must be preuented and assisted by Gods holy grace , as may bee shewed out of the Councell of Trent , which teacheth with Saint Paul , that our sufficiencie is of Christ ; yet is the force of this grace so tempered notwithstanding , as it vseth no violence , nor excludeth the free concurrance of mans wil , preuented and stirred vp by the foresaid grace of our Sauiour , and motion of the holy Ghost : keywords: actions; aduersaries; againe; ancient; baptisme; bee; beleeue; betweene; bishops; books; bradford; catholike; cause; christian; church; comparison; concupiscence; conduct; contrary; councell; desire; difference; disputation; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; english; euen; euery; faith; fathers; foresaid; fox; free; generall; giue; god; gods; good; grace; grant; hands; hath; haue; hee; helpe; heretikes; himselfe; holy; hope; inward; iohn; judgement; kalendar; life; light; little; man; manner; mans; martyrs; matter; men; ministers; motion; new; offer; onely; owne; parsons; particular; people; place; points; protestants; publike; reason; receiued; religion; robert; roman; sacraments; safe; said; saint; sauiour; scriptures; second; securitie; seeme; selfe; set; sinne; sort; speake; spirit; state; sufficient; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thou; time; treatise; trent; triall; true; truth; vertues; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; whatsoeuer; wil; wit; words; workes; world; yea cache: A09104.xml plain text: A09104.txt item: #44 of 416 id: A09107 author: Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. title: A relation of the triall made before the King of France, vpon the yeare 1600 betvveene the Bishop of Eureux, and the L. Plessis Mornay About certayne pointes of corrupting and falsifying authors, wherof the said Plessis was openly conuicted. Newly reuewed, and sett forth againe, with a defence therof, against the impugnations both of the L. Plessis in France, & of O.E. in England. By N.D. date: 1604.0 words: 59801 flesch: 63 summary: First , for that the glosse vseth to cyte short peeces of sentences , as yt serueth to purpose for explicatiō of words in the text , but Plessis tooke vpon him to sett downe a whole place out of S. Hierome , for impugning prayer to Saints desceased , and so cyted them verbatim and at large , vntill he came to the words that made against him : to witt , that Saints prayers will not help their children , yf they be negligent , which condition yet the glosse omitteth not but expresseth yt in other equiualent words thus : These ( I say ) are the faults which we obiect vnto Maister Sutcliffe and his fellowes , and not misplacing of marginall notes , or mistandinge of words , points , or quotaetions ; nay we may ad a further degree of false dealinge , that hath no excuse in the world , which is , that where the falshood is euidēt , and cannot be denyed , nor by any probable meanes defended , yet not to confesse the same , nor to excuse yt by ignorance , forgetfullnes , trust vpon other men , or by any like error , but to continue , and bolster out the same by other sleights and new frauds : this I say is the highest degree of all falshood and impudency , & vsed as now yow haue seene both by Maister Plessis in his reply after his first confutation ; and much more by Maister Sutcliffe his aduocate in his broken defence , and the like we shall see practised againe by him afterward in this Chapter , vpon like occasions of defendinge himselfe , and his owne wrytings . keywords: a09107; able; aboue; accordinge; acts; aduersary; aduocate; affirmeth; againe; alleage; alleageth; ancient; answere; antiquity; apostles; appeare; argument; augustine; authenticall; authority; authors; aërius; baptisme; beginning; behalfe; beleeue; bernard; better; betweene; bishop; bleau; body; booke; bread; briefe; brother; byn; caluyn; cap; catholike; cause; certayne; chalenge; chancelour; chap; chapter; charge; cheefe; children; christ; christians; chrysostome; church; combatt; commemoration; conclusion; conference; confesse; contrary; controuersie; conuersion; conuinced; corrupted; councell; creditt; crinitus; crosse; cyrill; day; dayes; dead; dealinge; deceaued; deed; defence; deliuer; deputyes; desire; different; discourse; disputation; dispute; dist; diuers; div; doctors; doctrine; doth; doubt; durand; durandus; earnest; edition; effect; emperors; end; england; english; epiphanius; epistle; euery; euidently; eureux; examen; examination; examine; example; excuse; eyes; fact; false; falshood; falsifications; falsified; farre; fathers; fellow; fifth; fol; followeth; followinge; force; forsaid; forward; fountayne; fourth; fox; france; fraud; french; gaue; generall; giue; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greeke; ground; hands; hath; haue; haue byn; haue seene; hauing; head; heere; help; heresie; heretiks; hierome; himselfe; hitherto; holy; honour; hope; humi; ibid; idolls; iewell; ignorance; images; impertinent; infants; infinite; iohn; iudges; iudgment; iulian; iustinian; kind; king; knowne; l. plessis; late; lateran; latyn; law; lawes; learned; leaue; left; lesse; lett; letters; lib; life; like; little; liue; long; lord; lyne; maiestie; maister; maister plessis; man; manifest; manner; mans; march; marke; masse; mathew; matter; meanes; meaning; men; mens; minister; monsieur plessis; mornay; mynd; necessary; needs; negligent; neuer; new; neyther; noble; notes; nothinge; notorious; notwithstandinge; number; o. e.; obiected; obiection; occasion; offer; open; opinion; order; ouer; ouerthrow; owne; owne words; pag; page; paris; particular; party; partyes; passage; past; people; persons; place; plaine; plessis; plessis mornay; points; poore; popes; prayers; prayinge; preface; presence; present; president; principall; print; proofe; protestants; proue; publike; purpose; putt; question; reader; reall; reason; records; refuge; refut; relation; religion; reply; resolution; respect; rest; returne; robert; s. cyrill; s. hierome; sacrifice; said; saints; saith; saluation; sauiour; saumur; sayinge; scotus; scriptures; second; secretaryes; seemeth; seene; seing; sense; sentence; sett; seuerall; shame; shew; sheweth; shift; signe; soone; sort; soules; speach; speake; spiritt; stand; state; substance; substantiall; successe; sufficient; sutcliffe; syr; tcp; text; themselues; theodorete; theodosius; therby; therin; therof; thervnto; things; thinke; time; title; togeather; transubstantiation; treatise; triall; true; truth; tyme; valens; vnder; vnderstood; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; vve; vvill; vvith; want; way; wheras; wherfore; whome; willfull; wise; witt; wittnesse; words; worke; world; wryters; wrytings; wrytten; yeares; yf plessis; yow; yow haue; yt selfe; ● ● cache: A09107.xml plain text: A09107.txt item: #45 of 416 id: A09599 author: Phillips, John, d. 1640. title: The way to heauen shevving, 1. That saluation is onely in the Church. 2. What that Church is. 3. By what meanes men are added to the Church. 4. The author, or efficient of this addition. 5. The time & continuance of that worke. 6. The happinesse of those that are added to the Church. By Iohn Phillips, Bachelor of Diuinity, and pastor of Feuersham in Kent. date: 1625.0 words: 31450 flesch: 76 summary: The prophecies of the Christian Church foretell as much , both for outward persecutions , and open apostasie , vnder one eminent Head , called , That man of Sinne , who should take vpon him to oppose and exalt himselfe aboue all that is called God , challenging the chiefe soueraignty in the Temple or Church of God. Againe , let vs not rashly censure , nor vncomfortably despaire of those that are without : The Lord addeth to his Church daily : therefore let vs , while there is time , both hope , and helpe forward the worke of God. keywords: aboue; act; addition; aduersaries; againe; apostle; arke; aug; augustine; author; baptisme; bee; beleeue; better; betweene; blessed; blood; body; branch; bread; called; calleth; calling; catholicke; cause; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; citie; common; communion; condition; confesse; confession; congregation; consideration; contrary; cor; corrupt; corrupt church; daily; day; death; definition; dei; desire; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; eebo; effectuall; elect; election; end; england; english; eph; error; est; eternall; euen; euery; expresse; eyes; faithfull; farre; father; foorth; foundation; free; fruit; gen; generall; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; good; grace; great; ground; hand; happinesse; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearing; heart; heauen; heauenly; heb; hee; heere; hell; himselfe; hold; holy; hope; house; ierusalem; iesus; iewes; images; ioh; iohn; isa; iudge; iudgement; iustification; know; knowledge; knowne; leaue; let; life; light; like; little; liue; liuely; looke; lord; man; manner; mat; math; matter; meanes; mee; member; men; mercy; merit; mother; nature; nay; necessary; necessitie; neuer; new; non; noted; number; onely; open; ordinance; orthodoxe; ouer; outward; owne; particular; particular church; paul; peculiar; people; pet; peter; place; point; power; practice; praise; prayer; preaching; priest; prime; promise; prophet; psal; pure; purpose; qui; reason; receiue; regard; religion; religious; rest; reu; righteousnesse; rom; rome; romish; rule; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; saint; saith; saluation; sanctification; sauiour; scripture; second; seruice; set; shew; shewed; sinne; society; soule; sound; speake; speaketh; speaking; spirit; subiect; substance; sufficient; tcp; text; themselues; things; thinke; thou; time; touching; true; true church; truth; vine; visible; visible church; vnder; vniuersall; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; whereof; whereunto; wine; withall; word; worke; worship; yea; yeeres; ● ● cache: A09599.xml plain text: A09599.txt item: #46 of 416 id: A10087 author: Pricket, Robert. title: The Iesuits miracles, or new popish vvonders Containing the straw, the crowne, and the vvondrous child, with the confutation of them and their follies. date: 1607.0 words: 6775 flesch: 76 summary: Thus Iesuits can hels sulfer smoke perfume , And make the sent of damned Treason sweet , Popes and Iesuits dare diuellishly presume , To make a diuell for heauens saluation meete , Traytors indued with Romes most gratious spirit , Must after death the name of Martyrs merit . For Romes auaile they treasons must protect . keywords: arme; beare; best; blessed; bloud; books; breake; campion; cause; characters; child; christ; church; crowne; death; doth; early; earths; eebo; england; english; euen; euer; face; faith; faithlesse; fall; false; fire; flie; force; friend; garnets; glorie; god; gods; good; grace; grasse; great; greatest; hath; haue; heauens; hell; hellish; himselfe; holy; hopes; iesuits; ioy; iudgement; king; lies; life; like; liue; looke; loue; lying; martyrs; meanes; mightie; miracles; new; online; papists; parsons; partnership; passe; phase; place; plot; pope; popish; power; priest; proud; religion; romes; saints; sea; serue; sinne; soules; speake; state; strange; straw; strawes; strength; tcp; tei; text; themselues; thing; time; traytors; treason; true; truth; vaine; vild; whore; wonders; wondrous; worke; world; wrath cache: A10087.xml plain text: A10087.txt item: #47 of 416 id: A10177 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: A briefe suruay and censure of Mr Cozens his couzening deuotions Prouing both the forme and matter of Mr Cozens his booke of priuate deuotions, or the houres of prayer, lately published, to be meerely popish: to differ from the priuate prayers authorized by Queene Elizabeth 1560. to be transcribed out of popish authors, with which they are here paralelled: and to be scandalous and preiudiciall to our Church, and aduantagious onely to the Church of Rome. By William Prynne Gent. Hospitij Lincolniensis. date: 1628.0 words: 48616 flesch: 71 summary: yet this one clause , and passage , if there were no other ; were * sufficient to bewray his pestilent , dangerous , and Popish Designes : and to proclaime vnto the World ; that hee endeauours nothing more , * but to root out all true Protestant Pi●tie , and Deuotion● and to bring in all prophannesse , vnder the very name● and vizard of Deuotion , which his Booke● and Title seeme to praise and magnifie . RIght honorable , thrice worthy , a●d true Christian Senators , your pious z●ale , and zealous pietie , in questioning some Popish and Arminian Bookes , which haue beene lately published ( and I would I could not say authorized and patronized : ) by some spurious and Romanized , if not Apostalized Sonnes , and Pastors of our Church , to the inquietation of o●r State , the h●zzard of our Church , the propagation of Pop●ry and Arminianisme , the be●r●ying of the truth , the encouragement of our Enemies , and the inexpiable blemish of our orthodox and Apostolicall Religion ; hath , as at first inuited me to pen , so now emboldened mee to p●blish , and dedicate , this BRIEFE SVRVAY and Censure of Maste● Cozens his cozening Deuotions to your Honours : if not to animate , helpe , or further , yet at least to ease you in the Anatomie and cleare Discouery of that virulent and popish poyson , which is couched in the veines , and cloaked vnder the Coule , and Saint-like habit of those new Deuotions , which now expect , nay neede , your doome and censure . keywords: 1560; absolution; abstinence; acts; adde; adore; aduantage; aduantagious; affaires; affirmes; altar; altered; alwayes; ancient; ancient church; angels; answers; antiquitie; apostles; apostolicall; approbation; arminian; arminianisme; articles; assertion; auricular; author; authoritie; authorized; baptisme; bare; beatitudes; bee; beginning; beleeue; bellarmine; benefit; bern; bernard; best; bishop; bitter; blessed; blood; body; bonis; booke; briefe; calender; canonicall; canonicall howers; canons; cap; care; catholique; cause; censure; ceremonies; certaine; challenge; charitie; chatechismes; christ; christian; church; churches; cleare; clemens; clergie; commandement; commission; common; common prayer; concil; conclusion; condemne; confesse; confession; confine; conscience; contradiction; contrary; cor; corporall; councell; countenance; court; couzening; cozens; crosse; cum; cure; dangerous; dayes; dayly; dead; deadly; defence; deuotions; deuout; different; diuine; doctor; doctrinall; doctrine; doe; doeth; earth; easter; ecclesiasticall; editions; eebo; elizabeth; ember; end; enemies; england; english; enim; enioyned; epist; erre; errors; est; established; euening; euery; eues; euidence; euident; excuse; exercises; expresse; eyes; ezech; faith; false; farre; fasting; father; feare; festiuall; fift; fire; fiue; flocke; forme; foure; fourth; frame; free; frequent; friend; frontispiece; fruites; fulke; generall; ghost; gifts; giue; god; godly; gods; goe; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; guilt; h ●; hand; hath; haue; head; hearing; heart; heauen; heauenly; hee; hierom; high; himselfe; hist; holy; holy ghost; homelies; honours; hope; houres; hovvers; howers; iames; iesuits; iesus; images; impression; index; instit; institut; iohn; ioy; ioyfull; iudgement; iustice; iustifie; keepe; kellams; kindes; kingdome; knowledge; l. 1; labour; ladies; lady; late; lawes; lawfull; lay; learned; leaue; ledesma; lent; let; lib; licence; life; little; liues; loe; london; long; lord; loue; m ●; maister; manner; manuall; marke; marriages; math; matter; mediation; meditating; meerely; members; memory; men; mens; mention; mercy; method; ministers; ministrie; morning; mountagues; nature; nay; necessary; needes; nemo; neuer; new; new deuotions; ninth; notes; o ●; obseruation; obserue; occasion; offenders; offices; oft; old; onely; open; operibus; orders; orthodox; otium; ouer; outward; owne; owne church; pag; page; paines; papists; paralell; parliament; particular; passages; patience; peace; penance; people; persons; pictures; pietie; pious; plea; points; poore; poperie; popery; popish; popish authors; popish deuotions; power; poysonous; pr ●; practise; prayer; prayer booke; preaching; precepts; preface; preiudiciall; prescribed; presence; present; presse; pride; priest; primer; principall; printed; printers; printing; priuate; priuate deuotions; priuate prayers; procure; professed; prooue; prophane; protestant; prynne; psalmes; publike; publishing; purpose; quam; queene; qui; quod; reader; reason; receiue; receiuing; record; recorded; religion; religious; rest; rhemish; rhemists; right; rogation; roman; rome; romish; sacraments; sacred; saint; sake; saluation; satyr; scandalous; scriptures; seasons; second; sect; secular; sermons; seruice; sess; set; seuen; seuerall; shame; shee; shew; sicke; silence; sinnes; sixt; sloth; solemne; sonne; soule; speake; speciall; spirit; spirituale; stand; state; stile; su ●; subiect; suite; sundry; sunt; superstitious; supper; support; suppresse; suruay; tcp; temporall; testifie; text; th ●; themselues; thing; thinke; thou; thy; times; title; transcribed; trash; treacherous; treatises; trouble; true; truth; twelue; vaine; vaux; vespers; visitation; vnder; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vs.; vse; vsher; want; wee; weeke; whatsoeuer; whiles; william; wit; words; workes; world; worship; worthy; writers; writings; yea; yeere; zeale; zealous; ▪ ●; ● d; ● e; ● ge; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● sse; ● t; ● ue; ● y; ● ● cache: A10177.xml plain text: A10177.txt item: #48 of 416 id: A10380 author: Ramsay, Andrew, 1574-1660. title: A warning to come out of Babylon, in a sermon preached by Master Andrew Ramsay, minister at Edinburgh; at the receiving of Mr. Thomas Abernethie, sometime Jesuite, into the societie of the truely reformed Church of Scotland date: 1638.0 words: 14393 flesch: 66 summary: But in the latter end of the 400 year of God , the reading of Apocrypha , in the kirk did open a doore to the reading of homilies , and they to the reading of the acts of Martyres , and thereafter the fabulous legends of Saints ( fictitious for the most part ) in stead of Gods word did sound in his church ; and 〈◊〉 last , the reading of Apocryp●● , and humane writs in the church made , that these books called Apocrypha were esteemed Canonick , and of no lesse authoritie , then if they had beene dyted by the holy Ghost . ho de po●nit . & confe● . keywords: altar; andrew; angels; antichrist; antiquitie; apostle; article; augustine; authoritie; babel; babylon; bee; beginning; bishops; blood; body; books; bread; cap; chap; characters; children; christ; christian; church; citie; commandement; confusion; contrare; corrupt; councels; craft; crosse; crueltie; cup; dayes; dead; death; deceit; degrees; destruction; divine; doctrine; doth; early; earth; edinburgh; eebo; emperours; english; errours; faith; false; father; free; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; greater; hath; heaven; hee; heresies; hereticall; holy; idolatrie; images; jesus; kings; kirk; law; lawes; lib; life; light; like; long; lord; love; men; merit; moses; mother; moyens; mysterie; mystick; opponents; owne; partakers; people; persons; peter; pharisees; place; plagues; pope; power; precise; pride; priest; princes; publick; ramsay; reading; reasons; reformation; religion; righteousnesse; romane; romane church; rome; romish; sacrifice; saints; salvation; sayeth; scripture; second; shee; sins; souls; speciall; spirit; tcp; text; things; thought; time; title; traditions; true; voice; warning; wee; word; works; worship; worshipping; year; yee; ● ● cache: A10380.xml plain text: A10380.txt item: #49 of 416 id: A10699 author: Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. title: A Catholicke conference betvveene Syr Tady Mac. Mareall a popish priest of VVaterforde, and Patricke Plaine a young student in Trinity Colledge by Dublin in Ireland VVherein is deliuered the certayne maner of execution that was vsed vpon a popish bishop, and a popish priest, that for seueral matters of treason were executed at Dublin the first of February, now last past. 16ll. Strange to be related, credible to be beleeued, and pleasant to bee perused. By Barnabe Rych, Gent. seruant to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie. date: 1612.0 words: 21673 flesch: 71 summary: Then Pilates impietie , that deliuered Christ to bee crucified , proclaiming the sonne of God for a traytor , and to aspire the Crowne of Iurie in Hebrue Greeke and Latine , must prescribe a rule to the Church of God against the Apostle Corin. 14. Ta. Ta. It is no treason to say the Pope may depose princes , when he hath receiued that power from Christ . keywords: againe; apostles; aswell; authoritie; barnabe; bee; beleeue; better; bin; bishop; blessed; bloud; body; booke; bread; catholicke; cause; chayre; christ; christ himselfe; christes; church; colledge; consciences; country; day; death; disciples; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; dublin; dublyne; eating; eebo; english; erre; errour; euery; execution; faith; fathers; flesh; gallowes; giue; god; gods; good; gospell; great; hall; hath; haue; head; heauen; hee; heere; heresie; heretickes; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; idolatry; ierusalem; iesuites; image; indeede; iohn; ireland; iudge; king; kinges; lady; lawes; learned; learning; life; light; like; list; little; long; lord; lypsius; man; maner; masse; matter; meane; mee; moses; mouth; myracles; neuer; neyther; nowe; onely; ouer; owne; papistes; past; patricke; paul; people; perceiue; peter; place; pope; popish; power; presence; present; priest; priestes; prince; promise; protestants; religion; rest; rome; sacrament; saint; sauiour; sayd; sayth; scriptures; seate; seeke; serue; seruice; set; shame; shew; shoulde; sir; sonne; sort; speake; strange; sure; syr; tady; tcp; teach; text; thee; themselues; thing; thinke; thomas; thou; time; treason; true; truth; vnderstand; vnto; vppon; vse; wee; wil; wine; women; wonder; wordes; world; worship; woulde; yeares cache: A10699.xml plain text: A10699.txt item: #50 of 416 id: A10713 author: Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. title: A nevv description of Ireland vvherein is described the disposition of the Irish whereunto they are inclined. No lesse admirable to be perused then credible to be beleeued: neither vnprofitable nor vnpleasant to bee read and vnderstood, by those worthy cittizens of London that be now vndertakers in Ireland: by Barnabe Rich, Gent date: 1610.0 words: 37214 flesch: 50 summary: A nevv description of Ireland vvherein is described the disposition of the Irish whereunto they are inclined. A nevv description of Ireland vvherein is described the disposition of the Irish whereunto they are inclined. keywords: able; againe; ale; armed; ashamed; aswell; authority; barnabe; barrell; bee; beene; beleeue; best; better; betweene; bin; birth; blind; body; booke; cap; cause; certaine; chap; charge; children; christ; christian; church; cittizens; citty; ciuility; common; company; conceit; confesse; contempt; corne; countrey; credit; cruelty; custome; daies; daily; day; dead; death; deputy; description; desirous; difference; disobedience; disposition; diuers; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; drawne; drinke; dubline; durst; eebo; eies; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; euerie; euermore; euery; example; execution; experience; fame; farre; fasting; fathers; fault; find; fishing; foolish; free; friends; generall; gentleman; giue; god; good; gouerned; gouernment; gracious; great; greatest; halfe; hath; haue; haue bin; haue knowne; hauing; hee; hell; high; himselfe; hir; hold; holden; holinesse; holy; honest; hope; house; husbandry; idolatry; ignorance; ignorant; ill; impugne; inclined; ingratitude; ireland; irish; irish haue; irish themselues; iudge; keepe; kinde; king; know; knowledge; knowne; language; late; lawes; leaue; left; lesse; life; light; like; list; little; liue; liuing; london; long; lord; loue; lough; maiesties; maiesty; maister; making; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; meanes; mee; men; mercy; miracles; multitude; murther; nature; neere; neuer; new; north; number; oath; obedience; onely; open; order; ouer; owne; papists; pardons; parts; passe; past; patrick; pay; people; persons; place; poore; pope; poperie; popery; popish; practise; presidents; prince; profit; protest; prouerbe; purpose; queene; read; realme; reason; rebellion; rebels; reformed; religion; reputed; respect; rest; rich; rude; saide; saint; saith; seeke; selfe haue; serue; seruice; set; seuerall; shew; sort; souldiers; speake; stand; stanihurst; store; strange; subiects; superstitious; sure; tauerne; tcp; text; themselues; therfore; thing; thinke; thought; time; traitors; true; trust; truth; tyrone; verie; vertue; vnciuill; vnder; vndertake; vnto; vpon; vse; vsed; want; water; way; wee; wels; whatsoeuer; whereunto; wife; wil; wise; wit; wiues; women; worke; world; wormes; worthy; woulde; writing; yeares cache: A10713.xml plain text: A10713.txt item: #51 of 416 id: A10719 author: Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. title: A short suruey of Ireland Truely discouering who it is that hath so armed the hearts of that people with disobedience to their prince. With a description of the countrey, and the condition of the people. No lesse necessarie and needfull to be respected by the English, then requisite and behoouefull to be reformed in the Irish. By Barnabe Rych, Gentleman. date: None words: 18350 flesch: 52 summary: From whence shall this errour spring from that very occasion that deceiued the Ie●es in the looking after Christ , they looke for him still , but hee is come many hundred yeares agoe and they are not aware of it : wee also haue looked for Antichrist , and he hath almost raigned as long , and we are not aware of it , and that because either of vs haue looked carnal●y for him , and not in those places where we ought to haue sought him : the ●ewes had found Christ v●●ily and truely , if they had sought for him in the scriptures , according to the law and the Prophets . hee shall not say I am Antichrist , I am that man of sinne , I am that childe of pe●dition , I am that aduer●asie ▪ and am contra●ie to Christ : nay he shall not lay him selfe so wide open , for then who would be deceiued by him ? and he shall deceiue ●any . keywords: able; againe; anno; antichrist; apostle; bee; beleeue; better; betweene; blessed; blood; chap; christ; christ saith; christian; church; comming; contrary; countrey; crosse; daily; day; death; deceiue; disciples; diuell; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; eies; english; euen; euery; false; father; flesh; forbiddeth; giue; glorie; god; gods; good; gospell; great; greater; hands; hath; haue; head; hearts; heauen; hee; himselfe; holinesse; holy; honour; hope; iesus; iewes; images; iohn; ireland; irish; kingdome; kings; knowledge; knowne; lawe; lies; life; light; like; little; long; looke; lord; loue; lying; man; maner; marke; matter; men; ministers; money; myracles; nay; neuer; new; number; obedience; onely; open; ouer; owne; paine; pardons; paul; people; place; poore; pope; pope saith; priests; prince; prophesied; prophets; purgatorie; rest; rome; sacraments; saint; saith; saluation; sauiour; scriptures; second; sects; seeke; seruice; set; shew; sinnes; soules; speake; spirit; strange; subiects; tcp; temple; text; themselues; thē; things; thou; thy; time; trueth; trust; vnder; vnto; vpon; wee; whatsoeuer; wise; wonders; words; workes; world; ● ● cache: A10719.xml plain text: A10719.txt item: #52 of 416 id: A10723 author: Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. title: A true and a kinde excuse vvritten in defence of that booke, intituled A newe description of Irelande Wherein is freely confessed 1 The cause of the writing of that booke. 2 How that booke was brought into obloquy and slander 3 A reuocation of all ouersightes that through ignorance were published in that booke. 4 A bulwarke or defence of all truthes contayned in that booke. Pleasant and pleasing both to English, and Irish. By Barnabe Rych, Gent. Seruant to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie. date: 1612.0 words: 21856 flesch: 42 summary: Whatsoeuer is not of faith , is sinne , sayeth the Apostle Rom. 14. and therefore he that would deserue grace by workes going beefore faith , goeth about to please God with sinnes by heaping one vppon an other , and therefore thou canst not deserue grace by thy workes . They be the Agents and Factors , for the most insatiable marchant in the 〈◊〉 , I meane the Pope that selleth Gods lawes , his owne traditions , hee selleth sinne , hee selleth righteousnes , hee selleth CHRIST , hee selleth the blessed Sacramente of his fleshe and bloude : hee selleth the workes of Saintes , hee selleth Christes merites , hee selleth the people of God , he selleth holy orders , hee selleth pardon and remission of sinnes , hee selleth GOD and all his ordinances , and all for money . keywords: able; agaynst; aswell; barnabe; bee; beleeue; best; better; betweene; blessed; bloud; booke; catholicke; cause; christ; christian; church; cittizens; citty; committed; confesse; conscience; country; damnation; day; death; defence; description; deserue; deuill; doctrine; doe; doth; dubline; eebo; enemie; england; english; euery; example; excuse; eyes; faith; fasting; fathers; fault; flesh; followeth; forgiue; generall; ghost; giue; giueth; glory; god; gods; good; good workes; gospell; grace; great; hath; haue; hearing; heart; hee; heere; hell; himselfe; holy; honorable; howe; ignorance; ignorant; images; indeede; infinite; ireland; irish; iustification; king; knowledge; knowne; law; lawe; life; like; little; long; lord; loue; maiestie; malice; man; manner; matter; mayor; mee; men; mercy; merites; nature; needes; neuer; neyther; number; obedience; occasion; onely; open; ouer; owne; page; papistes; people; poore; pope; popery; popish; power; priests; prince; reason; rebellions; receiue; religion; respect; rest; reuocation; righteousnesse; saint; sake; saluation; sauiour; sayd; sayth; scriptures; seeke; selleth; seruice; shee; shoulde; sight; sinnes; slander; sonne; speake; spirit; subiectes; sure; tcp; text; themselues; thinges; thinke; thou; time; towardes; true; truth; vnderstanding; vnto; vpon; wee; wicked; wil; wise; wisedome; wiues; word; workes; worthy; writing cache: A10723.xml plain text: A10723.txt item: #53 of 416 id: A10852 author: Robinson, Thomas, fl. 1622. title: The anatomy of the English nunnery at Lisbon in Portugall Dissected and laid open by one that was sometime a yonger brother of the conuent: who (if the grace of God had not preuented him) might haue growne as old in a wicked life as the oldest among them. Published by authoritie. date: 1622.0 words: 10826 flesch: 55 summary: They haue Vineyards , Oliue fields , corn-ground and houses , to the value of foure hundred c mil-reis by the yeere , which was the portion of the Portugese aforesaid , whom ( being sole heire to her father , a man of great wealth ) they perswaded to become a religious sister in their Couent . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: abbesse; able; aforesaid; againe; alias; anatomy; anne; articles; beeing; best; better; booke; briget; brother; chamber; characters; church; come; comming; confessor; daughters; day; dead; diuers; doe; early; eebo; end; england; english; estate; euery; familiar; father; fellow; foster; free; friends; friers; ghostly; giuen; god; goe; good; grate; great; hands; hath; haue; hauing; hee; himselfe; holy; house; iesuites; knowne; length; lesse; life; like; lisbon; little; long; man; matter; meanes; mee; men; money; names; neuer; nunnes; obedience; old; open; order; ouer; owne; place; present; profession; reader; reason; religious; reliques; rest; saint; satisfaction; saue; seene; selfe; set; shee; sister; small; soone; sort; speake; summe; sundry; syon; tcp; tei; text; themselues; thing; thomas; time; title; true; vnder; vnderstanding; vnto; vpon; vse; want; way; women; works; yea; yeeres; yonger cache: A10852.xml plain text: A10852.txt item: #54 of 416 id: A12327 author: Smart, Peter, 1569-1652? title: A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of Durham, Iuly, 7. 1628. By Peter Smart date: 1640.0 words: 10974 flesch: 68 summary: he that hateth his brother , walketh in darknesse , and yet ●gaine , he that hateth his brother , is a man●sl●yer . Now whereas some have Odi , other Odisti , God hateth , or I hate ; they are all one , to one effect , for we m●st hate what God hateth , we must love what God loveth ; we must apply our selves to Gods will , and conforme our selves to the similitude of God , af●er whose image we are made , as much as we can . keywords: a12327; againe; altar; backes; bee; better; bishops; blood; body; books; brother; cathedrall; ceremoniall; ceremonies; ceremony; christ; christians; church; churches; communion; cope; david; day; death; doe; ducking; early; east; end; enemies; english; evill; faithfull; farre; father; fire; font; ghost; gift; glory; god; gods; good; gospell; hands; hath; hatred; heaven; hee; himselfe; hold; holy; idolatrous; idols; iewes; images; inventions; king; law; lay; life; little; long; looke; lords; love; loveth; m ●; making; man; manner; masse; men; mindes; minister; montanus; nay; north; o ●; onely; order; p ●; papists; paul; people; perfect; peter; place; popish; praise; prayers; priest; prophet; psal; quid; quire; religion; rome; sacraments; sacrifice; saith; saviour; selves; sermon; service; singing; smart; soules; stc; stead; superstitious; table; tcp; temple; text; thing; thinke; thou; time; true; truth; vaine; vanities; vanity; vnder; vpon; way; wee; west; word; workes; worship; yee; ● d; ● e; ● h; ● ing; ● nd; ● r; ● s; ● st; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A12327.xml plain text: A12327.txt item: #55 of 416 id: A13174 author: Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. title: The subuersion of Robert Parsons his confused and worthlesse worke, entituled, A treatise of three conuersions of England from paganisme to Christian religion date: 1606.0 words: 54320 flesch: 72 summary: Is it not then a mad conceit of Parsons , to suppose , because for many ages past it is reported , that the ancient Britains and Saxons were conuerted by preachers sent from Rome , that the Church of England should be subiect to the Pope or Church of Rome ? So farre is Parsons from his accompt , when he supposeth , that the faith and Church of Rome , that now is , hath alwaies continued since the first preaching of the Gospell , and bene visible in England . keywords: able; aboue; absurd; abuses; acts; addeth; adherents; aduersaries; affection; affirmeth; afterward; againe; agents; alledgeth; allegations; altar; alwayes; ambrose; ancient; angels; angl; anno; antichrist; antioch; apostles; apostolike; appeare; applieth; arguments; articles; augustine; austin; authenticall; authority; authors; baronius; beda; bede; beginning; beleeued; bellarmine; beléeue; bene; better; betwixt; bishops; blasphemous; blessed; bloud; bodie; body; booke; bread; britains; calleth; cap; cardinals; catholike; catholike church; cause; ceremonies; certaine; certes; chaire; chapter; child; christ; christes; christian; christian church; christian faith; christian religion; christianitie; church; church euer; churches; citeth; claudius; clement; coming; common; condemne; confesse; confession; confirmation; consorts; constance; constantine; contrarie; contrary; controuersie; conuenticle; conuersions; corruptions; councels; credit; cum; cyprian; dayes; dead; death; decretals; difference; discourse; diuers; doctors; doctrine; domini; doth; doubt; ecclesiasticall; eebo; eleutherius; end; enemies; england; english; epistle; errors; eucharist; euery; eusebius; fabulous; false; farre; fathers; fauour; fellowes; florence; follow; followers; fooleries; foolish; forme; fourth; foxe; france; french; friars; frō; galfridus; generall; ghost; giue; giueth; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; great; gregorie; gregory; grosse; haeres; hand; hath; haue; head; heare; henry; heresies; hereticall; heretikes; hierome; hierusalem; himselfe; hist; histories; history; hold; holdeth; holy; honor; house; idle; iebusites; iland; images; impious; indulgences; inhabitants; innocent; innocentius; institution; ioane; iohn; ioseph; irenaeus; iudge; king; kingdome; knowne; late; lateran; latria; law; legend; lib; life; like; likely; little; long; lord; lucius; lyes; magdeburgians; maintaine; man; mans; marianus; marke; martyrs; maruell; masse; massing; master; matters; matthew; meanes; meaning; members; men; mention; mentioneth; metaphrastes; miracles; moderne; monke; nations; nay; nero; neuer; new; non; number; obedience; office; old; onely; opinions; ordeined; order; ouer; owne; pag; paganisme; papists; parsons; particular; past; paule; people; person; peter; pious; place; points; pope; popish; power; practise; preachers; preaching; preface; present; pride; priests; princes; principall; professed; proofe; prophets; proue; purgatory; purpose; quae; question; qui; quick; quod; raigne; reade; reall; reason; receiued; religion; report; reporteth; respect; rest; right; rob; robert; romaines; romanists; rome; romish; romish church; rule; s. peter; sacraments; sacrifice; saints; saith; sate; sauiour; saxons; sayd; scotus; scriptures; sea; second; seeke; sentences; set; shew; sheweth; simon; simple; sinnes; small; sort; speake; speaketh; speaking; strange; subiect; subiection; substance; succession; successors; succéed; sufficient; sunt; supposeth; sée; séemeth; talketh; tcp; teachers; teacheth; telleth; temporall; tertullian; testifieth; testimonie; text; themselues; things; thought; thrée; time; title; tongues; traditions; transubstantiation; treatise; trent; triall; trinity; true; true church; truth; vaine; visible; visible church; viz; vnder; vnderstandeth; vnderstood; vniuersall; vniuersall church; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vntruth; vpon; vse; vsed; way; weake; whatsoeuer; wicked; wicleffe; wine; witnesse; woman; words; worke; world; worship; writers; writing; yeares cache: A13174.xml plain text: A13174.txt item: #56 of 416 id: A13544 author: Jemmat, William, 1596?-1678. title: A mappe of Rome liuely exhibiting her mercilesse meeknesse, and cruell mercies to the Church of God: preached in fiue sermons, on occasion of the Gunpowder Treason, by T.T. and now published by W.I. minister. 1. The Romish furnace. 2. The Romish Edom. 3. The Romish fowler. 4. The Romish conception. To which is added, 5. The English gratulation. date: 1620.0 words: 38563 flesch: 77 summary: ●buchadnezzar would at length come ( by such euents as haue befall ●n him ) to acknowledge the Sonne of God with vs , protecting and defending his owne religion among vs : and that the tyrant would but come to aske that Iewish question , Who is this whom the windes and seas obey , as in 88. yet against all lawes of God , na●u●e , and nations they crie , Downe with it , &c. 2. Edoms chiefe spight was not against any ignoble place , or village , but against Ierusalem the citie of God , for pleasure a paradise , for spatiousnesse sixe miles about , for multitude of people fifteene hundred thousand inhabitants , for beautie the eye of the world . keywords: able; aboue; act; answ; antichrist; babel; babylon; babylonians; barbarous; beast; beene; behold; benefit; better; betweene; bird; birth; blessed; blessing; blood; blow; bodies; booke; brethren; brother; burne; care; catholike; cause; charge; children; christ; christian; church; churches; citie; conceiue; conception; confusion; counsell; countries; country; cruell; crueltie; cruelty; cut; danger; dauid; day; dayes; deadly; death; deliuerance; destruction; diuels; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; edom; edomites; eebo; effect; emperours; end; enemies; england; english; esau; escape; euen; euery; euill; example; execution; exod; expectation; expresse; eyes; fall; farre; father; feare; fire; fiue; flames; flesh; foure; fourth; fowlers; france; friends; furnace; generall; giue; glorious; glory; god; god himselfe; godly; gods; goe; good; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatest; ground; gunpowder; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heathen; heauen; hee; hell; hellish; helpe; himselfe; history; holy; horrible; house; ierusalem; iesuites; iewes; image; innocent; instruments; iohn; israel; iudgement; iustice; king; kingdomes; knowne; labour; land; late; law; lawes; layd; leaue; lesse; life; light; like; little; liues; long; lord; man; manner; martyrs; massacre; matter; meanes; members; men; mercies; mercy; midst; minde; mischiefe; mouth; nations; nature; nay; nebuchadnezzar; net; nets; neuer; nobles; note; number; obad; obiect; occasion; old; olde; onely; open; ouer; ouerthrow; owne; pag; paines; papists; parliament; patience; peace; people; persons; pieces; pit; plot; poore; pope; popish; power; praise; prayer; prepared; presence; present; priests; princes; promise; prophet; protestants; prou; psal; psalme; punishment; purpose; rage; reioyce; religion; respect; returne; reuel; rome; romish; safetie; safety; saints; saith; saue; sea; secret; seely; sentence; set; shame; sinnes; slaine; slaughter; small; snares; sonne; space; speciall; speech; spirit; state; strength; strong; sure; sword; syon; tcp; teman; temple; terrible; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; time; title; trauell; treason; troubles; true; truth; tyrant; vaine; vers; vnder; vnnaturall; vnto; vpon; vse; water; way; wee; whereof; wicked; wickednesse; women; words; worke; world; worship; wrath; yea; yeares; young; ● ● cache: A13544.xml plain text: A13544.txt item: #57 of 416 id: A13558 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. title: Tvvo sermons the one A heavenly voice, calling all Gods people out of Romish Babylon. The other An everlasting record of the utter ruine of Romish Amalek. By Thomas Taylor, preacher of the Word at Redding in Berkshire. date: 1624.0 words: 18496 flesch: 71 summary: And in both a confusion of vices , and a Chaos of all filthinesse : similia mala , saith Orosius , sinnes of highest degrees against God and man : for what else can be expected of a people left by God ? What else but a chaine of sinne reaching up unto heaven , in that state the head of which is the man of sinne . For the sins of Babylon , they were most transcendent both against God , and against man. keywords: againe; amalek; amalekites; answer; antichrist; armes; babel; babylon; babylonians; backe; bee; betweene; bloud; booke; brethren; calling; canaan; cause; children; christ; christian; church; churches; citie; city; commandement; confusion; cruelty; cup; danger; day; death; desire; destruction; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; easterne; eebo; egypt; eies; end; enemies; english; everlasting; evill; execution; fall; feare; fierce; fire; god; godly; gods; gods people; goe; golden; good; gospell; grace; great; hand; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heavenly; hee; high; himselfe; hopes; house; husband; idolaters; idolatry; ier; iesus; iewes; images; ioshua; israel; iustice; kingdome; kings; land; lawes; life; light; like; little; long; lord; lot; man; meanes; men; moses; mother; nebuchadnezzer; neere; new; old; onely; open; owne; pag; papists; partake; people; persons; place; plagues; popish; power; praiers; present; princes; reade; reasons; record; religion; remembrance; rest; revenge; rome; romish; ruine; saith; scriptures; seat; second; selves; servants; set; shee; sinnes; societie; stand; state; taylor; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; time; true; truth; utter; voice; want; warre; way; wee; westerne; whore; wicked; world; worship; wrath; yeeres cache: A13558.xml plain text: A13558.txt item: #58 of 416 id: A13774 author: Coligny, Guy Paul de, 1555-1586, attributed name. title: The true copy of tvvo letters, with their seuerall answeres, contayning the late apostasie of the Earle of Lauall, after his returne from Italy VVherein the principall poynts in controuersie with the papists, are learnedly and fully confuted. By D. Tilenus. Faythfully translated by D.D.S. date: 1605.0 words: 12324 flesch: 57 summary: But if the second , how can a Church without faith , hope and charity , bee thought pure ? Learne then ( sir ) by these two arguments , as by two marks , or rather ensignes , the purity of the place , where those people would lodge you : neuertheles , this is that Church which Cardinall Baronius maintaynes and defends to haue neither spot nor blemish . Fourthly , that by the propre confessiion of diuers and many Doctors of the Romaine Church , yea euen Cardinalls , disorder was verie great and extreame in the said Church , and that shee had neede of reformation , as well in the head as in the members , as well in the Faith as in the maners . keywords: a13774; ancient; apostles; authority; bee; beleeue; bellarmine; bodie; body; characters; christ; church; corrupt; death; demaund; desire; disciple; diuers; doctrine; doth; doubts; earle; eebo; english; euen; euery; eyes; faith; faithfull; fathers; forme; frō; generall; giuen; god; good; grace; great; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heresies; himselfe; hold; holy; hope; iesus; italy; iust; knowledge; lauall; lesse; letter; lib; life; light; little; long; lord; maiesties; maiesty; man; maner; master; measure; mee; ministers; necessary; neere; owne; people; person; place; poore; pope; pray; pretended; pure; purity; question; receiue; regard; religion; rome; said; saluation; sayes; scriptures; second; seeing; selfe; sending; seruice; soule; spirit; subiect; tcp; text; themselues; thē; thēselues; things; thy; tilenus; time; tom; true; truth; visible; vnderstand; vnto; vpon; wee; wit; work; world; yea cache: A13774.xml plain text: A13774.txt item: #59 of 416 id: A14210 author: Beringer, Joachim. title: The Romane conclaue VVherein, by way of history, exemplified vpon the liues of the Romane emperours, from Charles the Great, to Rodulph now reigning; the forcible entries, and vsurpations of the Iesuited statists, successiuely practised against the sacred maiestie of the said empire: and so by application, against the residue of the Christian kings, and free-states are liuely acted, and truely reported. By Io. Vrsinus ante-Iesuite. date: 1609.0 words: 63304 flesch: 64 summary: No maruell : for this is that Boniface the eight , who ( like the Diuell in the Gospell ) censured all principalities and powers to bee in his donation ; who vsurped vpon both swords , and would needs haue inforced the whole world , to haue acknowledged him their Lord Peramount : glorying that to him were committed the keies of Heauen gate : That he ought to be iudged of no man , no though hee carried a million of soules with him to hell for company . being dead , by the right of Election , inuested vpon him by the donation of Leo the viij , to his predecessor Otho the great , hee had chosen Gregorie the v. for Pope ; Crescentius and the people stomacking that a man of the German nation should be aduanced to be their Bishop , and him also chosen by the sole authority of the Emperor , they resolued to depose him ; and in his place they substituted , Iohn the xviij . keywords: abbots; able; aboue; absence; absolution; account; accustomed; acknowledge; actions; admirable; adrian; affaires; againe; age; ages; albert; alexander; alwaies; ambition; anno; answer; ante; apostolique; appeare; apulia; archbishop; armes; armie; army; articles; ashes; assembly; assistance; aswell; auarice; augustus; auignion; auncient; austria; authority; barbarous; base; battell; bauaria; bee; beeing; beleeue; benedict; best; better; betweene; bishop; blood; body; boniface; breues; brother; businesse; caesar; calling; canons; cap; cardinals; carefull; cariage; catholique; cause; certaine; chaire; charles; children; christendome; christian; church; churches; cities; city; ciuill; clement; clergie; commandement; commandeth; comming; commission; common; companies; company; conditions; conference; confesse; confession; confirmation; conrade; conscience; consent; constance; constantinople; continued; contrarie; contrary; controuersie; coronation; councell; country; court; creatures; crosse; crowne; cruell; cunning; curse; cuspinian; daies; dangerous; daughter; day; dead; death; decease; decree; depart; deposed; desire; despight; diadem; dignity; displeasure; disposition; dist; diuell; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duke; dutchy; earle; earth; ecclesiasticall; eebo; effect; election; electors; eleuenth; embassadors; eminent; emperor; emperours; empire; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; euen; euery; euill; example; excellent; excommunication; faction; faith; fall; false; famous; father; fauour; feare; fell; ferdinand; fidelity; fift; fire; fit; fiue; followeth; forces; fore; forthwith; fourth; france; francis; frederick; free; french; friends; fury; future; gates; gaue; gen; generall; gentlemen; germanes; germanie; germany; giue; giueth; glad; glorious; gloss; god; gods; goeth; good; gouernment; great; greater; greatnesse; gregorie; gregory; griefe; habit; hands; hard; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearing; heart; heauen; hee; henrie; henry; high; hildebrand; himselfe; historie; history; hold; holinesse; holy; honest; honor; honorius; honourable; hope; house; humane; humble; humility; humours; ierusalem; imagination; imperiall; impudent; indignity; infinit; inforced; innocent; integrity; intended; inuestiture; iohn; iourney; issue; italian; italie; italy; item; iudgement; iulius; iust; keepe; keies; kind; king; kingdome; know; lamentable; large; late; law; lawfull; lay; league; learned; learning; left; legats; leo; lesse; letters; lewes; lib; liberty; life; like; liking; little; liues; long; longer; lord; lotharius; loue; maiestie; maiesty; maintaine; malice; man; manifest; manner; mans; martin; masse; master; matters; maximilian; meanes; meaning; men; millan; mind; ministers; mischiefes; miserably; mogunce; mony; moreouer; motion; mouth; murder; naples; nations; nature; naucl; neuer; new; nicholas; ninth; nobility; noble; non; note; notice; nouell; oath; oathes; obedience; obserue; occasion; office; onely; open; opinion; oration; order; otho; ouer; owne; ozias; papacie; papacy; papall; paralip; pardon; parties; party; paschal; patience; paul; peace; peaceable; people; perceiuing; perpetuall; persons; peter; philip; pius; places; platina; pleasure; points; pope; popedome; popish; possession; potentates; power; practises; predecessors; preferred; prelates; prepared; presence; present; president; pride; priest; princes; prison; prisoner; priuate; proceedings; proclaimeth; promise; proud; prouince; publique; punishment; purpose; queene; question; quoth; raigne; rebellion; receiue; reconciliation; record; reformation; regard; religion; religious; remembrance; report; request; residue; restitution; returne; reuenge; richard; right; rodulph; roger; romane; romanists; rome; romish; sacred; safe; said; saint; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; saxonie; saying; schisme; scripture; sea; second; seene; sentence; sergius; seruants; seruice; set; seuenth; shee; shew; sicil; siege; sigismund; siluester; sithence; sixt; slaughter; slew; small; soldan; sole; solemne; sonne; sooner; soueraigne; souldiers; soules; space; spaine; speake; spirits; state; stead; strong; subiects; succeeding; successor; sufficient; suffrage; supra; sweuia; sword; sworne; taking; tcp; temple; temporall; tenth; termes; testimony; text; themselues; things; thinke; thirteenth; thou; thrust; time; title; treason; treasure; true; truth; twelfth; twentith; tyrannie; tyranny; valiant; venetians; vertue; victor; vide; vita; viz; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vnto caesar; vpon; vrban; vrsperg; vse; vtmost; warrant; warre; way; wealth; whereof; wherewith; whome; wicked; wife; william; withall; witnesse; wits; words; worke; worketh; world; worldly; worthy; yea; yeares; yeere; zeale cache: A14210.xml plain text: A14210.txt item: #60 of 416 id: A14435 author: Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. aut title: A very Christian, learned, and briefe discourse, concerning the true, ancient, and Catholicke faith, against all wicked vp-start heresies seruing very profitably for a preseruatiue against the profane nouelties of papists, Anabaptists, Arrians, Brownists, and all other sectaries. First composed by Vincentius Lirinensis in Latine, about twelue hundreth yeares ago. And now faithfully translated into English, and illustrated with certaine marginall notes. By Thomas Tuke. date: 1611.0 words: 24543 flesch: 69 summary: But the Catholicke faith doth so say that the Word of God was made Man , that hee tooke vpon him our nature and properties , not deceitfully , and in shew , but truly , and liuely : and that he did not resemble those things , which belong to the nature of man , as not his owne , but that hee did sustaine them rather , as being his owne : and that hee was altogether also the very thing , which hee did resemble . So then , if we will not giue eare vnto Man , but vnto God , if we will not trust vnto our owne wings , but seeke for aide of him , we may boldly expect assistance of him according to his word . keywords: able; alwaies; ancient; ans; antiquity; apollinaris; apostle; aske; authority; bee; beleeue; bene; bishop; blessed; body; bookes; bvt; care; catholicke; certaine; chap; christ; christian; church; come; committed; condemne; consent; contrary; decrees; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; ecclesiasticall; eebo; elders; english; epistle; error; errours; euen; euer; examples; excellent; faith; false; fathers; feare; flesh; follow; giue; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; haue; hauing; head; heauen; heauenly; hee; heresies; heretickes; himselfe; hold; holy; indeede; iudgement; keepe; knowledge; labour; latine; learning; let; life; light; like; little; lord; loue; man; manifest; manner; matter; meanes; members; memory; men; moses; mother; nature; necessary; nestorius; new; nouell; nouelties; nouelty; number; old; onely; open; opinions; ouer; owne; paul; people; perfect; person; photinus; place; preach; priests; profane; prophane; prophets; quest; quoth; read; reason; receiue; regard; religion; rest; sacred; saints; sake; sauiour; sayd; scriptures; second; seeme; sentences; set; shew; sonne; soule; speake; strange; substances; tcp; teachers; temple; temptation; text; thee; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thou; time; trinity; true; truth; virgin; vnderstanding; vnderstood; vnity; vniuersall; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whiles; wicked; wit; word; yea; yeares; yee cache: A14435.xml plain text: A14435.txt item: #61 of 416 id: A14614 author: Bedell, William, 1571-1642. aut title: The copies of certaine letters vvhich haue passed betweene Spaine and England in matter of religion Concerning the generall motiues to the Romane obedience. Betweene Master Iames Wadesworth, a late pensioner of the holy Inquisition in Siuill, and W. Bedell a minister of the Gospell of Iesus Christ in Suffolke. date: 1624.0 words: 57451 flesch: 69 summary: A taste of the for●eries of the Papacy . Of the inuisibilitie of the Church said to bee an e●asion of Protestants . keywords: able; aboue; account; acts; adde; aduantage; aduersarie; affection; againe; ages; altar; ancient; antichrist; antiquitie; apostasie; apostle; appeares; arguments; armes; articles; augustine; authoritie; authors; baptisme; beare; bedell; bee; beginning; beleeue; bellarmine; bernard; best; betweene; bishop; bloud; body; boniface; booke; brother; brownists; calling; caluin; caluinists; canonicall; canons; cap; cardinall; catholike; catholike church; cause; certaine; chalice; chap; chapter; charitie; children; christ; christendome; christian; church; churches; citie; clergie; come; comming; common; conceit; conclusion; confesse; confession; conscience; consecration; consent; contrarie; contrary; controuersies; copies; cor; councell; countries; court; credit; creed; crosse; cum; cyprian; danaeus; day; deacons; dead; deadly; death; debt; defence; deliuer; deliuerie; denie; deo; desire; difference; discourse; diuine; doctor; doctrine; doe; dominicans; doth; doubt; easie; ecclesiasticall; edition; eebo; elect; elizabeth; emperour; england; english; epistle; ergo; erre; error; euen; euer; euident; euill; example; exception; excuse; externall; eyes; faction; false; farre; fathers; fault; fauour; fire; fit; foot; forme; foundation; foure; fourth; france; fraud; free; french; friend; generall; geneua; germanie; ghost; giue; giuing; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; gouernment; grant; gratian; great; greater; greeke; hall; hands; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; hebrew; hee; hee haue; hee saith; henry; heretikes; hierome; high; highest; himselfe; hold; holland; holy; honour; hope; howsoeuer; humane; iames; iesus; indeede; infallibilitie; infallible; intention; interpretation; interpreter; iohn; iudge; iudgement; iust; keepe; king; kingdome; know; knowne; labour; large; late; law; lawes; lawfull; leaue; left; length; leo; lesse; let; letter; life; like; little; loe; long; lord; loue; louing; luther; lutherans; madrid; making; man; manner; maruell; master; matters; matth; meanes; meaning; mee; members; men; mention; minde; ministers; mother; motiues; mouth; nags; nay; necessarie; neede; new; non; notes; number; obedience; obserued; occasion; office; old; omit; onely; opinion; order; ordination; originall; ouer; owne; pag; pamelius; papist; pardon; parliament; parsons; particular; parts; passe; passion; pastors; paul; people; perceiue; person; peter; place; plaine; plessis; points; pontificall; pope; possible; power; prayer; presence; present; pretended; priesthood; priests; princes; priuate; proceede; profession; proofe; proper; protestants; proue; publike; puritanes; purpose; quae; queene; question; qui; quicke; quod; reader; reading; reason; rebellion; receipt; receiued; reformation; reformers; religion; remaine; respect; rest; returne; right; romane; romanists; rome; rule; sacraments; sacrifice; safe; said; saint; saith; saluation; salutem; saue; sauiour; saying; scotland; scriptures; second; sects; seeme; selfe; sense; sentence; set; shee; sheepe; shew; shewes; sinnes; sort; soule; sound; spaine; speake; spirituall; state; stephanus; storie; subiect; subscribe; substance; succession; sufficient; sundrie; sundry; super; sure; t ●; tcp; temporall; testimonies; testimony; text; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; title; touching; true; true church; truth; tyrannie; venice; vice; visible; viz; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vniformitie; vnitie; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; wadesworth; want; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; william; wise; witnesse; woman; word; wordes; worke; writing; yea; yee; yeeres; ● e; ● n; ● o; ● s; ● ● cache: A14614.xml plain text: A14614.txt item: #62 of 416 id: A14615 author: Wadsworth, James, 1604-1656? title: The English Spanish pilgrime. Or, A nevv discouerie of Spanish popery, and Iesuiticall stratagems VVith the estate of the English pentioners and fugitiues vnder the King of Spaines dominions, and else where at this present. Also laying open the new order of the Iesuitrices and preaching nunnes. Composed by Iames Wadsworth Gentleman, newly conuerted into his true mothers bosome, the Church of England, with the motiues why he left the Sea of Rome; a late pentioner to his Maiesty of Spaine, and nominated his captaine in Flanders: sonne to Mr. Iames Wadsworth, Bachelor of Diuinity, sometime of Emanuell Colledge in the Vniuersity of Cambridge, who was peruerted in the yeere 1604. and late tutor to Donia Maria Infanta of Spaine. Published by speciall license. date: 1629.0 words: 25853 flesch: 45 summary: crownes behind , which their deceit his daughter now seeing sued them in the law , but the Iesuites so possessed the Iudges that they ouerthrew her in the cause , so that now she was left destitute of Father and goods , the foresaid Moores & Iesuites being trebly paid . Furthermore they shewed him the sepulcher and monument of his great Vnckle S. Francis Inglefield , sometimes priuy Counsellor , & Master of the Wards to Queene Mary , and King Philip , who had also beene buried in their Colledge , and had beene as they say one of their chiefe Benefactors , and for his sake they were bound to giue him respect , and the best counsell they could : but hee replyed that he must with all hast make for Doway , sith his father had sent for him to come thither : on the next morning as soone as I rose I went to his Chamber , where he told me of all occurences and passages with the Iesuites the night past , which hauing done wee resolued to depart after dinner , but the Rector , and Father Fosser , & Father ward the Sup-Rector , very earnestly besought vs to stay with them two dayes longer , because they had a Lay brother Iohn Hill alias Wood by name , who was ther for Flanders , and would be for our company if we would stay so long for him , which we did . keywords: aboue; admirall; aforesaid; answer; bed; bee; best; better; booke; brother; browne; callis; captaine; castle; catholike; chapter; charge; church; colledge; companion; company; containes; countrey; course; court; creation; creswell; crownes; daily; day; dayes; death; deliuered; dinner; discipline; diuerse; doctor; doe; doway; duke; earle; eebo; england; english; english iesuites; farre; father; fiue; flanders; follow; forthwith; foure; france; francis; french; friends; fryers; fugitiues; gaue; generall; gentleman; ghostly; giuen; god; goe; good; gouernor; grand; great; greater; halfe; hands; hath; haue; hauing; head; hee; henry; hill; himselfe; holy; honour; house; iames; iesuites; inglefield; iohn; journey; keepe; king; kingdome; large; late; leagues; leaue; left; lesse; letters; liberty; life; like; little; liues; london; long; lord; lucas; madrid; maiesty; maior; making; man; manner; marriners; mary; master; meanes; mee; men; merchant; misery; monastery; money; monkes; moores; morning; mother; neuer; new; night; occasion; old; omers; onely; order; ouer; owne; oxford; paris; past; pension; perceiuing; pilgrime; place; pleased; pope; pound; prefect; present; priests; prison; purse; read; rector; religion; respect; rest; returne; romane; rome; said; saue; saying; schooles; sea; seas; second; secular; seeing; seruice; set; seuen; shippe; sir; siuill; society; sonne; souldiers; space; spaine; spanish; state; students; study; supper; tcp; text; themselues; thing; thomas; thunder; time; true; truth; tutor; vice; vnder; vniuersity; vntill; vnto; vpon; wadsworth; water; way; wee; whereof; white; wife; william; withall; world; yeeres; young cache: A14615.xml plain text: A14615.txt item: #63 of 416 id: A14618 author: Wadsworth, James, 1604-1656? title: Further obseruations of the English Spanish pilgrime, concerning Spaine being a second part of his former booke, and containing these particulars: the description of a famous monastery, or house of the King of Spaines, called the Escuriall, not the like in the Christian world: a briefe relation of certaine dæmonicall stratagems of the Spanish Inquisition exercised on diuers English men of note of late times, and now liuing in England. A relation of the founding of a military order in Rome, to wit, of the immaculate Conception of our Lady, the blessed Virgin. Composed by Iames Wadsworth, Gentleman, lately conuerted into his true mothers bosome, the Church of England, and heretofore pentioner to the King of Spaine. date: 1630.0 words: 12076 flesch: 65 summary: Further obseruations of the English Spanish pilgrime, concerning Spaine being a second part of his former booke, and containing these particulars: the description of a famous monastery, or house of the King of Spaines, called the Escuriall, not the like in the Christian world: a briefe relation of certaine dæmonicall stratagems of the Spanish Inquisition exercised on diuers English men of note of late times, and now liuing in England. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1044:16) Further obseruations of the English Spanish pilgrime, concerning Spaine being a second part of his former booke, and containing these particulars: the description of a famous monastery, or house of the King of Spaines, called the Escuriall, not the like in the Christian world: a briefe relation of certaine dæmonicall stratagems of the Spanish Inquisition exercised on diuers English men of note of late times, and now liuing in England. keywords: a14618; aboue; againe; altar; author; bee; blessed; body; booke; building; cause; certaine; christian; church; colledge; common; conception; countrey; court; crosse; custodia; day; diuers; doe; duke; earle; eebo; england; english; entrance; faire; famous; father; foot; foure; france; friend; gate; gentleman; god; goe; gold; good; great; hath; haue; hauing; hee; henry; high; holinesse; holy; house; iames; iasper; iesuite; image; immaculate; inquisition; iourney; king; lady; life; light; like; little; long; lord; lower; madrid; maiestie; manner; marble; master; men; military; monastery; money; monkes; noble; open; order; ouer; owne; parts; passage; pauement; pictures; pilgrime; pillars; place; pope; porch; princes; quire; reason; refectory; relation; religion; roe; rome; saint; sea; second; seene; selfe; set; sides; sir; spaine; spanish; square; stand; stately; statues; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thou; thy; time; title; true; virgin; vpon; vse; wadsworth; walke; water; way; white; whore; worke; world; wrought; yeeres cache: A14618.xml plain text: A14618.txt item: #64 of 416 id: A14656 author: Fisher, John, 1569-1641. aut title: Fishers folly unfolded: or The vaunting Iesuites vanity discovered in a challenge of his (by him proudly made, but on his part poorely performed.) Vndertaken and answered by George Walker pastor of S. Iohn Euangelist in Watlingstreet London date: 1624.0 words: 14291 flesch: 57 summary: But all this could not prevaile to wring one syllogisme from him , which made the hearers thinke that hee had no art nor skill to make an argument : And that they did not thinke amisse nor erre in their opinion , appeared by that which followed ; for although hee durst not undertake , during the time of the conference , to make one syllogisme , or to propound an argument in forme , yet at the breaking up , when hee was ready to depart , he tooke his paper and wrote downe and gave to Master Walker , desiring him to answer at leasure this argument which followeth , and which is yet to be shewed under his owne hand , though perhaps to men of judgement it may seeme incredible that any Priest or Iesuit of his name and note , should be so absurd , as to propound for a syllogisme such a confused speech , without forme , moode or figure : It runnes word for word thus ; That Church which beginning with Christ , and his Apostles , hath visibly professed in all ages that faith ( which Christ and his Apostles taught ) without change in any point necessarie to salvation , is that Church whose judgement is to bee followed , and no private man must oppose his judgement against it . He wonders that any dare be so hardie as to yeeld so far in promise , and tels them , that the promise will never be performed , neither will any Protestant Minister be so bold as to meet his invincible Master Fisher ; but being urged and pressed to make a triall , hee brings word at length upon a Satturday at night , that the next Munday the Iesuit Fisher will come to his brothers house to encounter with any opposite whomsoever . keywords: ages; answer; apostles; argument; authoritie; bee; best; booke; calling; catholike; challenge; chiefe; christ; christians; church; common; conscience; controversie; denie; disputation; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; english; experience; faith; faithfull; fathers; fisher; god; gods; grace; great; hand; hath; hee; himselfe; hold; holy; iesuit; infallible; judgement; knowledge; maine; man; master; master fisher; master walker; meanes; necessarie; new; novice; originall; owne; paper; papists; particular; pastors; place; points; present; private; prophets; proposition; protestants; questions; reason; religion; rome; salvation; scriptures; selfe; set; shee; shew; shewed; speake; spirit; tcp; testimonie; text; things; time; true; truth; viz; walker; way; whore; word; worke; writing; yeeres cache: A14656.xml plain text: A14656.txt item: #65 of 416 id: A14657 author: S. N. (Sylvester Norris), 1572-1630. title: The svmme of a dispvtation betweene Mr. VValker, pastor of St. Iohn Euanglists [sic] in Watling-street London, and a popish priest calling himselfe Mr. Smith, but indeed Norrice assisted by other priests and papists : held in the presence of some worthy knights, with other gentlemen of both religions. date: 1624.0 words: 12193 flesch: 69 summary: The svmme of a dispvtation betweene Mr. VValker, pastor of St. Iohn Euanglists [sic] in Watling-street London, and a popish priest calling himselfe Mr. Smith, but indeed Norrice assisted by other priests and papists : held in the presence of some worthy knights, with other gentlemen of both religions. [sic] in Watling-street London, and a popish priest calling himselfe Mr. Smith, but indeed Norrice assisted by other priests and papists : held in the presence of some worthy knights, with other gentlemen of both religions. keywords: answer; apostles; argument; bee; breake; catholike; catholike church; christ; church; churches; contrary; disputation; dispute; diuers; doctor; doe; doth; earth; eebo; england; english; ergo; erre; essence; euery; faith; false; fundamentall; gentlemen; god; gods; gospell; hath; haue; hebrew; hee; himselfe; holy; infallible; latine; law; maine; man; meanes; militant; moses; necessary; neuer; norrice; originall; owne; particular; place; point; popish; pricks; priests; proposition; proue; purpose; questions; read; reason; rome; scriptures; shew; sir; smith; speake; syllogisme; tcp; text; thing; time; translation; true; true church; truth; visible; vnto; vpon; vvalker; walker; william; wit; word cache: A14657.xml plain text: A14657.txt item: #66 of 416 id: A14830 author: Bagshaw, Christopher, d. 1625? title: A sparing discouerie of our English Iesuits, and of Fa. Parsons proceedings vnder pretence of promoting the Catholike faith in England for a caueat to all true Catholiks our very louing brethren and friends, how they embrace such very vncatholike, though Iesuiticall deseignments. date: 1601.0 words: 27624 flesch: 50 summary: their drifts , practises , and deuises which are first in intention and framing of platformes ) ouershadowed with hypocriticall zeale pharisaicall pretence , and catholick shew of so true religion , as impossible for any one to equall them in any degree of perfection : whereas in very deede they are men of the most corrupt manners , imperfect life , and stayne of religion , that liue in the Cathol . For this cause it is , that the secular Priests must be holden for men infamous , detected of most notorious vices , scandales , passionate , ignorant , vnlearned , and vnfit for gouernment . keywords: able; aboue; actions; alwayes; attempt; authoritie; best; better; bin; bishop; blackwell; booke; brethren; calling; calumniations; cardinall; care; cassane; catholicks; cause; certayne; charge; charles; chiefe; church; colledge; commeth; comming; common; conceits; contempt; countrie; country; course; credit; crowne; day; death; deseignements; deum; discourse; diuers; doctor; doe; doth; doubt; duke; eebo; effect; end; england; english; euen; euer; example; exercise; extraordinary; faith; fall; false; farre; father; father parsons; fauour; fellowes; fit; forsooth; foure; friends; generall; gentleman; giue; god; gods; good; good father; gouernment; great; greater; hands; hath; haue; haue bin; hauing; hee; hereof; heywood; high; himselfe; holy; holynes; home; hope; house; iesuites; iesuiticall; iesus; ignorant; indeede; infanta; keepe; kinde; king; kingdome; knowne; large; lawfull; layd; learning; leaue; lesse; letters; life; like; list; little; liue; long; longer; loue; maiestie; maister; man; manifest; manner; matter; meanes; men; mens; money; nation; nay; necessary; new; non; occasion; odious; opinion; order; ordine; ouer; owne; oxford; paget; parsons; particular; parties; parts; people; peraduenture; perfection; person; place; pleasure; point; poore; pope; pound; practises; present; pretence; pretended; priests; princes; prisoners; proceedings; prouinciall; purpose; receiue; rector; religion; religious; report; respect; rest; right; rome; rule; runne; said; sayd; sayth; second; secular; secular priests; seminary; serue; set; setting; shew; societie; sort; soules; spayne; spirit; state; students; subiects; sufficient; sundry; sure; tcp; text; themselues; thing; thinke; time; title; treatises; true; trust; truth; turne; viz; vnder; vnderstand; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wealth; wee; whereunto; whilest; wicked; words; worke; world; worthie; writings; yeare; zeale cache: A14830.xml plain text: A14830.txt item: #67 of 416 id: A15398 author: Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. title: Ecclesia triumphans: that is, The ioy of the English church for the happie coronation of the most vertuous and pious prince, Iames by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defendour of the faith, &c. and for the ioyfull continuance of religion and peace by the same. With a briefe exposition of the 122. Psalme, and fit application to the time: wherein are declared the manifold benefits like to grow by these good beginnings to the church and common-wealth of England. Dedicated to the most gratious ladie and vertuous princess, Ioland Anne, by the grace of God, Queene of England, Scotland, France, &c. date: 1603.0 words: 32537 flesch: 75 summary: But God would haue this worke to be vndertaken by his annointed to whome it belongeth , receiuing their direction from the word of God : as thereto he stirred vp the heart of king Henrie the 8. that beganne ; king Edward followed , Queene Elizabeth happely proceeded , and what is yet wanting either in Church or common-wealth , we trust that by the hands of our dread Soueraigne , that nowe is , it may ▪ in good time be perfected & accomplished ; that as the Prophet saith of Zorobabel , he shall bring forth the head stone thereof , that is , finish Gods worke , that the whole Church of God with ioyfull acclamations and shoutings shall crie , Grace , grace vnto it , Zach. Elka●ab , whose wife the first Anna was , signifieth , the possession of God : Phanuel , whose daughter the second was , is as much to say , the sight of God. keywords: affection; againe; ambrose; anna; apostle; arke; augustine; authoritie; beeing; behold; benefit; better; betweene; blessing; blood; bodie; brethren; cause; change; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; citie; citties; comfort; commeth; common; consent; continuance; contrarie; countrey; countrie; daies; dan; dauid; day; death; degrees; delight; desire; discipline; diuers; doctrine; doe; doth; dutie; dwell; earth; ecclesiasticall; eebo; els; ende; enemies; england; english; epist; euen; euery; example; excellent; exod; experience; faithfull; fall; famous; father; fauour; feare; fire; flesh; france; free; fruit; gates; gen; giuen; giueth; glorie; god; godly; gods; gods church; gods house; goe; good; gospel; gouernment; gouernours; grace; gratious; graunt; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; happie; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hierome; high; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; house; howe; iebusites; ierem; ierusalem; images; iohn; ioy; ioyfull; isa; isay; israel; israelites; iudgement; iustice; king; kingdome; ladie; late; lawe; learne; lib; life; light; like; long; lord; loue; loueth; maiestie; man; mans; math; meditation; men; mercie; ministers; moses; mouth; nation; naturall; neighbours; neuer; noble; non; nowe; occasion; onely; order; ouer; owne; papists; peace; people; pietie; places; poore; popish; praier; praise; pray; presence; present; priests; prince; princely; procure; prophet; prophet saith; prosperitie; prou; psal; psalme; queene; read; readie; reason; reioyce; religion; respect; rest; reuerence; righteous; rome; royall; rule; sacraments; sacrifice; said; saints; saith; salomon; sam; samuel; sauiour; saying; scotland; scripture; sea; second; seeke; seruants; seruice; set; shee; sheweth; sinnes; sion; song; sonne; soueraigne; speake; spirituall; state; stone; strange; strength; subiects; sure; sweete; tcp; temple; text; thankes; thanksgiuing; thee; themselues; thereof; thē; things; thinke; thou; thrones; time; togither; tribes; true; trust; truth; vertue; vertuous; vnder; vnto; vnto god; voice; vpon; vse; wall; warres; way; wealth; whome; wisdome; wise; word; worke; worship; worthie; yeares; zeale; ● ● cache: A15398.xml plain text: A15398.txt item: #68 of 416 id: A15507 author: Wilson, John, ca. 1575-ca. 1645? title: The treasury of deuotion Contayning diuers pious prayers, & exercises both practicall, and speculatiue. Togeather vvith the seauen little offices in Latin and English: and sundry other deuotions, for yong beginners in vertue. Collected by I.VV.P. date: 1622.0 words: 30275 flesch: 84 summary: g 1     2 〈◊〉 Francis of Paul● . e 1 S ▪ Ro●wa●d Bishop . keywords: abbesse; abbot; adiutorium; adiuuādum; admirable; adoramus; adoret; adsit; aduersityes; aeternae; affection; almighty; alwayes; amen; amē; ana; angeli; angells; angelorum; anger; animae; antiph; an̄a; apr; ayde; beginning; benedicamus; benedicta; beseech; bishop; blessed; bloud; body; books; bread; c. ad; c. alleluia; c. hymnus; c. resp; c. vers; caelo; caelorum; charge; charity; christ; christ thy; christum; church; clamor; commendation; completorivm; conception; confesse; confession; conuert; corda; creabuntur; crosse; crucem; crucis; crye; cum; day; dead; death; defende; dei; deliuer; deo; desire; deus; devs; dicat; didst; diuine; doe; domine; dominum; doth; earth; ecclesiae; eebo; eis; eius; emitte; enemyes; english; erat; eternall; euer; euerlasting; evensonge; exaudi; eyes; face; father; faythfull; feb; festina; festina vers; fidelium; filio; filium; flesh; foes; forth; frō; ghost; giuen; gloria; gloriosissimum; glorious; glory; god; good; grace; gratia; graunt; great; guardians; hand; hart; hartily; hast; hath; haue; hauing; hayle; heauen; help; himselfe; holy ghost; homo; honour; hope; hora; houre; humility; hymne; hymnus; iesus; iesus christ; iesv; illuminet; incline; indiuidua; infinita; intende; iohn; ioseph; king; labia; lady; latin; laudem; laudemus; libera; life; light; little; liuest; lord god; lord haue; lord iesus; lord thou; loue; man; manner; maria; mart; martyr; mary; mater; matvtinvm; mea; meam; meditation; memory; mensa; mercy; meum; meus; mihi; mind; misericordiam; monke; mortem; mortis; mother; mouth; mundi; mundum; myne; ninth; nobis; nobis vers; nomen; nomini; nonam; nos; noster; nostri; nostrum; nunc; o christ; o holy; o lord; o ●; obedience; office; officivm; omne; omnia; omnibus; open; ora; orationem; oremus; owne; panem; pardon; parvvm; passion; patience; patrem; patri; patriarcharum; paul; peace; perfect; piety; poore; pope; potenter; power; pray; prayer; prayse; priest; primam; prime; principio; pro; psallat; psalmum; pure; quaesumus; queen; qui; quàm; raignest; receaue; redemisti; regina; renouabis; replenish; requiescant; resp; resp et; rest; rex; s. ioseph; sacrament; saecula; saeculorum; saints; saluation; salue; sanctam; sancti; sauiour; sayd; selfe; semper; sempiterne; senses; septuagesima; seruant; sextam; shew; sicut; signe; signum; sinnes; sins; sit; sixth; sonne; soule; spirituall; spiritus; sub; suis; superexaltemus; sweet; sweetnes; table; tcp; tecum; temple; templum; terra; tertiam; text; thee; thee o; thē; thinges; thou; throgh; thy; thy sonne; tibi; translation; trinitas; trinity; true; tuae; tuam; tui; tuis; tuo; tuum; tyme; veniat; vers; versus; vertues; vesperas; virgin; virgo; viuit; vnder; vndeuided; vnitate; vnity; vnto; vnto myne; vpon; vsque; vve; wayes; whome; wilt; workes; world; worthy; ● ● cache: A15507.xml plain text: A15507.txt item: #69 of 416 id: A15697 author: Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610, attributed name. title: The fore-runner of Bels dovvnefall wherin, is breifely answered his braggnig [sic] offer of disputation, and insolent late challenge: the particularties [sic] of the confutation of his bookes, shortly by goddes grace to be published, are mentioned: with à breife answere, to his crakinge and calumnious confutinge of papistes by papistes them selues: and lastly à taste. Giuen of his rare pretended sinceritye, with som few examples. date: 1605.0 words: 12975 flesch: 62 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Is disputation vvith him novv out of request , and his minde chaunged , as it may vvell be , seinge he hath made greater mutations then that , and had he rather shevv his valor in an indifferent conference : if so : then vvill I offer him faire playe , and that is , if he please to be the defendand of his ovvne bookes , vvith vvhich he should be best acquainted , and in all reason ought to defend , I vvil be the opponent , and take vpon me notvvithstandinge all his protestation of sinceritie , to conuince him of many coseninge trickes , sundrie notable lies , and diuers grosse corruptions , Let him therefore proue his frendes , and procure that it may be obtained , vvith those equall cōdicions vvhich vvere graunted to the Protestants in the presence of the French kinge . keywords: againste; austen; bell; bels; better; bin; bishopps; bookes; cap; catholike; cause; certaine; challenge; chap; chapter; characters; church; common; condemne; confutation; conscience; corrupt; creditt; defence; disputation; diuele; diuers; doctrine; doe; doth; early; eebo; els; end; english; euen; euer; false; father; flatt; fore; giue; god; gods; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; grosse; hath; haue; hir; holie; hotch; iesuites; ignorant; images; indifferent; iust; keepe; knowe; late; learninge; leaue; lie; life; light; like; litle; liue; longe; lye; lyinge; malice; man; manner; martin; matrimony; matter; meaninge; men; minister; misteries; moste; motiues; mouth; naturall; new; notable; note; nothinge; notorious; offer; ouer; ovvne; owne; oxford; pag; papistes; patched; people; place; point; pope; poperie; preistes; present; pretended; proceedinge; protestants; question; rare; reader; reason; redemption; religion; sacrament; said; saith; scriptures; second; self; selues; sentence; set; shame; simple; sinne; sister; smale; soule; speaketh; suruey; tcp; tei; text; thinge; thomas; thou; time; true; truth; vaine; verie; vnderstand; vnto; voluntarie; vpon; vseth; vvas; vve; vvhat; vvhich; vvith; vvould; way; wil; wordes; works; worlde; yea cache: A15697.xml plain text: A15697.txt item: #70 of 416 id: A15732 author: Worthington, Thomas, 1549-1627. title: Whyte dyed black. Or A discouery of many most foule blemishes, impostures, and deceiptes, which D. Whyte haith practysed in his book entituled The way to the true Church Deuyded into 3 sortes Corruptions, or deprauations. Lyes. Impertinencies, or absurd reasoninges. Writen by T.W. p. And dedicated to the Vniuersity of Cambridge. Cum priuilegio. date: 1615.0 words: 59801 flesch: 68 summary: Veterem Ec●lesiu ●●aeditionem esse , vt qu ? Cas●ties gradum sacerdo ●●em cons●euti fuisseur , postea minime vxores duderen● qui autem post nuptias , adteum or dinem vocati essent , hit ab vxoribus quas habeba Now this idle venditation of ingenuity and vpright dealing , haith awakened my sleeping pen , and indeede haith geuen birth to this short Treatise , whearin I do vndertake to make good our former censures , that is , to demonstrate , that the very ground and burden of his first booke , is mere corruptions , vntruthes , and other such impostures , in the euicting of which poynt I am so secure , that I willingly make your selues Iudges both of him and me , being assured , that in a true and serious perusall of this my accusatiō , you shall synde no ca●dor in Whyte , nor any of Gods spirit in him who styleth him self Gods minister , but rather in reguard of your frustrated hope , you shall haue iust reason to say of this childe ( who seming Iacob , proueth Esau ) keywords: aboue; absolute; absurd; abused; accustomed; acknowledg; acknowledgeth; acknowledgment; adoration; aduersaries; affirmeth; againe; alledgeth; alledging; altered; answeare; antichrist; antiquity; apostles; apostolicall; appeale; article; assertion; assured; aswell; augustine; auncient; authorities; authority; authors; authour; baptisme; beginning; behalf; beleefe; beleue; bellarmine; bene; bernard; better; betwene; beza; bishop; bishopes; black; body; booke; bread; brethren; caluin; canon; canus; cardinall; cartwright; catholick; catholick church; cause; censure; centuristes; century; ceremonies; certaine; chapiter; charge; charity; christ; christes; christian; church; church haith; churches; ciprian; cleare; col; conceaue; concludeth; conclusion; condemne; confesse; confession; conscience; consecration; consequently; content; contrary; contrition; conuince; corrupted; corruptions; councell; countries; course; crede; crosse; cum; dayes; dealing; death; defence; denying; deprauations; different; discouery; diuers; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; doubtfull; drawne; eccl; ecclesiae; edition; eebo; els; end; enemies; england; english; epiphanius; epistle; euangelicall; euasion; euen; euer; euident; euill; example; explication; expresse; externall; eye; faith; faithfull; false; falshood; famous; far; farr; fasting; fathers; feare; fides; flesh; fol; followeth; folowing; force; formall; foule; foundation; free; frō; fynde; generall; geue; ghost; glory; god; gods; gods church; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; greatest; gregory; hand; handes; haue; hauing; head; heauen; heresy; hereto; heretofore; heritykes; hierome; holy; honour; hould; humfrey; hundreth; ibid; ignorance; ignorant; images; impostures; impugning; indeede; infallible; innouation; intended; intention; inuisibility; inuisible; iohn; israell; iudgment; iudiceous; iustice; iustification; iustifyed; kind; knowen; knowne; kynd; labour; laboureth; language; large; late; latin; lawfull; lay; learned; learning; leaues; lesse; lib; light; like; lin; litle; liue; longe; lord; luther; lyes; lyfe; lying; lyke; m. w.; m. whyte; maister; making; malice; man; manifest; manner; mans; mariage; markes; mary; masse; matter; meanes; meaning; members; men; mere; merite; methode; mind; minister; miracles; nature; necessary; needes; new; noe; non; note; notorious; obserue; occasion; onely; open; opinion; ouer; outward; owne; owne church; pag; page; paphnutius; papistes; paragraph; partes; particuler; pastors; paula; people; perfect; perfection; persons; place; plainely; pleasure; point; pointes; poore; pope; power; practise; prayer; preaching; precedent; preface; preistes; preisthood; present; primacy; primitiue; primitiue church; principles; priuate; probable; proceding; produceth; profession; proofe; prophets; propter; protestancy; protestantes; protestantes church; proue; proueth; pryde; publick; punishment; purpose; question; qui; quod; reader; reading; reason; reasoninges; reguard; religion; reply; respect; rest; reuerence; reuolt; reward; rhemistes; righteousnes; romane; romane church; rome; rule; s. gregory; s. thomas; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; said; sainctes; satisfaction; sauiour; saying; sayinges; scotus; scripture; second; seene; seing; self; selues; semeth; sence; sentence; set; seuerall; shame; shew; sheweth; sinesius; sinne; sleight; small; sole; sort; soules; sozomen; speake; speaketh; speaking; spirit; stapleton; state; strange; styleth; subiect; succession; sufficient; sundry; sunt; supposed; table; tcp; teacheth; teaching; tertulian; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; thee; thereunto; thē; thinges; thomas; thou; thought; thy; time; tongue; touching; traditions; transubstantiation; treatise; true; true church; true doctrine; true faith; true wordes; truth; tyme; tytle; vaine; veniall; vertue; virgin; visible; vnderstand; vnderstoode; vnity; vniuersity; vnto; vntruth; vntruthes; vpon; vrged; vrgeth; vse; vulgar; wales; want; way; weake; whatsoeuer; whereof; whyte haith; whytes; wicked; wilfull; wit; withall; witnes; women; wordes; worke; world; worthy; writen; writers; writeth; writinges; wryte; wryting; yea; yeres; zuinglius; ● e; ● ● cache: A15732.xml plain text: A15732.txt item: #71 of 416 id: A16247 author: Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. title: Boanerges. Or the humble supplication of the ministers of Scotland, to the High Court of Pariament [sic] in England date: 1624.0 words: 10193 flesch: 45 summary: Oh marke what the Apostle saith : For I thinke that God hath set forth vs the last Apostles , as men appointed to death : for we are made a gazing-stocke vnto the world , vnto the Angels , and to men . Wee must say yet further , that there are such Formalists , Temporisers , flatterers , and meere parasites , in imitation of the Courtly priests in the times of Israels and Iudahs Kings , that sundry Chaplins lie watching ouer Gods true Ministers indeed , and if they preach according to their consciences and the word of God , or be examined before hand how they meane to dispose of themselues , they shall be told to their faces that the text serueth not for the times ; nor are men to be endured that dare put their rude hands vnto the raw wounds of the gouernment : but wee will be bold to say , that all this Courtly pomp , large reuenues , abundance of wealth , and maintaining of pleasures , are the diuels clogs to presse their minds and meditation to the earth and corruptible drosse , so that they cannot looke vp to heauen , nor affect such things as are aboue . keywords: answer; antichrist; apostles; beast; beleeue; betweene; bishops; blood; booke; characters; christ; church; churches; clergie; comming; common; continued; court; dayes; diuell; diuers; doe; dragon; durst; early; earth; eebo; encoding; end; enemies; england; english; europe; false; fearfull; france; giue; glory; god; gods; gold; gouernment; gracious; great; hath; haue; heads; heauen; hee; high; himselfe; holy; home; house; images; insomuch; king; kingdome; like; london; lords; maiestie; man; maner; marke; men; ministers; moses; mouth; neuer; online; ouer; owne; oxford; papistrie; papists; partnership; people; persecution; phase; pictures; pomp; poore; pope; power; pray; present; pride; priests; prince; prophesie; prophet; publicke; reade; reason; religion; rest; rome; satan; scotland; scripture; seed; set; smoake; soules; spaine; spanish; spirit; supplication; tcp; tei; temple; text; themselues; things; time; treaty; true; truth; turne; vnder; vnto; vpon; way; wealth; wee; woman; word; works; xml; yea cache: A16247.xml plain text: A16247.txt item: #72 of 416 id: A16993 author: Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. title: A petition to the King. For authority and allowance to expound the Apocalyps in Hebrew and Greek to shew Iewes and Gentiles: that Rome in Cæsars and pope, is therein still damned. And for translaters to set over all into other large-vsed tongues. date: 1611.0 words: 1653 flesch: 74 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 14690) keywords: allowance; apocalyps; bible; books; broughton; cause; characters; early; ebrew; eebo; english; greek; iewes; large; online; partnership; phase; pope; rome; set; tcp; tei; text; tongues; vpon; works cache: A16993.xml plain text: A16993.txt item: #73 of 416 id: A17011 author: Broughton, Richard. title: An apologicall epistle directed to the right honorable lords, and others of her Maiesties priuie counsell. Seruing aswell for a præface to a booke, entituled, A resolution of religion: as also, containing the authors most lawfull defence to all estates, for publishing the same. The argument of that worke is set downe in the page following. date: 1601.0 words: 34094 flesch: 71 summary: Such be the Lutherans , Antinomians , Stancarians , Maierists , Flaccians , Synergists , Adiaphorists , Vbiquitaries , Substantiarians , Accidentarians , Anabaptists , Carolostadians , Swinglians , Oecolampadians , Puritans Caluinopapists , Clancularians , Politickes , Causarians , Consistorials , Nonconsistorials , Muncerians , Apostoliks , Separates , Catharists , Silentiars , Enthusiasts , Ectasists , Free brethren , Adamites , Hutites , Augustinians , Monasterians , Bocaldians , Hoffmanists , Georgians , Memnists , with the rest , amounting to the number of two hundred and three score knowne Sects , by the computation of Caspar Vlenbergius , and others aboue twelue yeeres agoe ; and who will doubt , but the number is farre greater , than hee , or any priuate man could gather together ; especially if he considereth what Oecolampadius ( that so highly esteemed Protestant , calling him selfe the light of the house , as his name in Greeke which he tooke doth signifie ) writeth within nine yeeres of the reue● . of Luther , that there were then about seuentie seauen diuisions and dissentions among them ? And no wonder , where euery citie , towne , borough , and almost village , or particular person , hath , or may haue at pleasure , a particular religion ; which Luther himselfe was not ashamed to write to the Citizens of Antwerp , within eight or nine yeeres of his new doctrine , in these wordes . How their other actuall proceedings haue beene conformable to their words and teachings , hath beene somewhat declared before , and I may remit the Reader to the second parte of my Resolution in many chapters , where I haue prooued euen by the Protestants owne confessions , and testimonies , that their behauiour , and disobedience in commonwealths is worse , then amōg Iewes , Turkes , Pagans , or any Infidelles , and whosoeuer at this time entereth into view of the manners of all conditions of Protestants , both of this and other nations , can not call it in question , neither can it be imagined how amendment can be had , e●cept a reformation of the originall of these abuses , Protestant disobedient doctrine be made , for like causes must haue like effects . keywords: aboue; abuses; affaires; age; alwayes; angl; approoued; archbishops; arguments; armes; auncestors; auntient; authoritie; authors; bed; bee; beene; beginning; beleeue; betweene; bishoppes; bishops; body; booke; calling; canterbury; catholike; cause; caxt; certaine; chiefest; children; christ; christian; chron; church; churches; ciuill; common; concil; condemne; condition; conscience; consent; constitutions; contrary; coulde; councell; countries; country; daughter; day; dayes; dead; death; decrees; defence; degree; desire; dignitie; disobedience; diuerse; diuided; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duety; duke; earth; ecclesiasticall; edgar; edward; eebo; elizab; elizabeth; emperour; empire; end; enemies; england; english; epicures; equall; errour; estates; euen; euer; euidence; euident; exercise; eyther; fab; faith; false; famous; farre; fathers; fiue; fol; folio; force; forraine; foure; fourth; fox; foxe; fraunce; free; generall; germ; gest; giue; glorious; glory; god; good; gouernement; grace; graft; greater; greatest; guil; hall; hath; haue; heauen; hee; hell; henry; highest; himselfe; hist; histor; historians; holy; honor; honourable; honoured; honours; hope; houses; howe; humane; iewes; impieties; infallible; inferiour; iohn; iudgement; iurisdiction; iust; iustice; king; kingdome; knowne; ladies; lawes; lawfull; learned; learning; leaue; lib; life; little; liue; liuing; lond; long; lord; luther; magistrates; maiestie; man; manifest; matters; meanes; mee; men; minde; ministers; miserably; monasteries; monastery; monum; monuments; nation; naturall; nature; new; noble; nowe; number; offence; offensiue; office; onely; opinion; order; originall; ouer; owne; oxford; pagans; page; pantal; parl; parliament; particular; passe; patrons; peace; people; perfect; performe; persons; peter; places; pleasures; poore; pope; posteritie; power; predecessors; present; priests; primitiue; princely; princes; princesse; priuate; proceedings; profession; professors; promise; prooue; protestancie; protestants; prudent; publike; queene; question; reason; receiued; regiment; religion; religious; renowned; resolut; resolution; rest; reuerence; right; romane; rome; rule; rulers; sacrament; sacrifice; saint; schooles; scriptures; second; sect; selfe; set; shoulde; sigebertus; sinne; sixt; soueraigne; soules; speake; spirituall; state; statutes; stowe; subiects; supernaturall; supreame; tcp; teach; temporall; text; themselues; things; thinke; thomas; thousands; time; title; tom; true; true religion; vertuous; vit; vita; vnder; vnitie; vniuersities; vnpossible; vntill; vnto; vpon; warres; wealth; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; whome; wicked; wickednesse; wife; wil; wise; wisedome; witnesse; women; worke; worlde; worship; writing; yeeres cache: A17011.xml plain text: A17011.txt item: #74 of 416 id: A17017 author: Broughton, Richard. title: The first part of the resolution of religion devided into two bookes, contayning a demonstration of the necessity of a diuine and supernaturall worshippe. In the first, against all atheists, and epicures: in the second, that Christian Catholic religion is the same in particuler, and more certaine in euery article thereof, then any humane or experimented knowledge, against Iewes, Mahumetans, Pagans, and other external enemies of Christ. Manifestly convincing all their sects and professions, of intollerable errors, and irreligious abuses. date: 1603.0 words: 56062 flesch: 73 summary: For though we shoulde graunt to all conceited men that euer were , or woulde be accounted Philosophers , that these inferiour thinges be compounded of elementary causes , that they be produced by creatures of their own kindes , men , by men , beastes , by beastes of the same nature , and so of others , that they are assisted of the celestiall bodies , and receaue influence from the heauens , that respiration is from the aire , heate from the fire , and other necessaries from other elements , yet neuer any Philosopher or man of iudgment can bee so absurde in reasoning , but confes that al these things themselues both in production of other creatures , as also in their owne being and preseruance , depende of a former infinite cause , and that these as they made nothing in the beginning , but were made and had emanation for themselues of an other , so they cannot either produce others , or themselues continue without like assistance . Then cannot humilitie , sobriety , temperance , abstinence , patience , virginity , chastitie , pennance , prayer , contemplation , and other confessed vertues , which be opposite enemies , and a full priuation , of bodely , and sensuall pleasures , be accounted vertues , leading to a mans felicity , when they directly depriue him of his supreame beatitude ? Or how could pride , ambition , oppression , couetousnesse , drunkennnesse , theft , rapine , adultery , and all vncleane wantonnesse of sensuality , and other voluptuous sinnes bee so esteemed , when they shoulde be the only perfection , and felicity of man ? which the very heroicall conceit ( if there were no other argument ) of euery one not drowned in beastlinesse will affirme . keywords: aboue; abraham; absolute; absurdities; acknowledge; actor; aduersities; affirmeth; afflictions; againe; againste; agent; ages; alcaron; alcoran; altar; alwaies; amonge; anie; annal; antiq; anton; anye; apol; apostles; apud; argument; arist; assistance; atheists; august; auncient; authority; authors; azoar; barbarous; beastes; beastly; bee; beeing; beene; beginning; beleeued; bell; bergom; better; betweene; bin; blasphemous; blond; bodies; body; booke; borne; brachmans; c. 1; c. 2; cap; carnall; catholicke; cause; cease; celestiall; certaine; chap; chapter; chiefe; chiefest; children; christ; christian; christian religion; chron; church; cicero; city; comming; committed; common; compounded; condemne; condition; consent; constantine; continued; contrary; conuerted; corporall; coulde; countries; creation; creator; creatures; daies; dan; daniell; dauid; day; daylie; dead; death; deathes; deceaued; degree; delight; delightes; deliuered; demonstration; denie; deor; dependance; depending; desire; destruction; deut; dignities; dignity; dio; dispute; dist; distinction; diu; diuers; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; dutie; earth; eebo; effected; effects; egipt; elements; emperor; emperours; end; ende; enemies; england; english; epicures; epist; errors; esdr; essence; estates; esteemed; etc; euen; euer; euidence; euident; euseb; example; excellent; excuse; exod; experience; externall; extraordinary; faith; false; famous; farre; father; feare; felicitie; felicity; finde; fire; firste; flamens; fol; foretolde; foundation; founde; free; gaue; gen; generall; generation; gentiles; giue; glorie; glorious; glory; god; god himselfe; gods; good; goodnesse; graunt; greater; greatest; groundes; happinesse; harde; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; hee; hell; heretickes; herode; hierusalem; high; highest; himselfe; hir; hist; histor; historians; holie; holy; homage; honour; honourable; honoured; hope; house; howe; humane; idolatrous; idolatry; iesus; iewes; iewish; ignorant; illimited; immortall; impious; incarnation; infallible; inferiour; infidels; infinite; inhabitants; instit; intellectuall; internall; iob; iohn; ioseph; iosephus; israelites; iuda; iudgement; iury; iust; king; kingdomes; kinges; knowe; l. 2; lactant; lawe; lawfull; learned; learning; lesse; let; leuit; lib; licentious; life; light; like; limited; liues; liuing; long; lorde; mahumet; mahumetanes; maker; malach; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; meanes; men; messias; millions; miracles; miraculous; miraculouslie; misbeleeuers; miserable; misteries; moste; mother; moyses; murthered; nations; nature; necessity; needes; newe; neyther; noble; notes; number; obedience; odious; omnipotent; onely; onlie; operations; opinion; oppressed; oracles; order; oros; osee; ouer; ouercome; owne; pagans; pantal; parte; particuler; passe; people; perfection; perish; persecutors; persons; philosophers; place; plat; pleasure; plin; plutarch; popes; possibility; power; practise; presence; present; priests; princes; principall; priuate; proceedings; production; professed; professors; prooue; properties; prophane; prophesie; prophets; proportion; prouidence; psal; punishment; question; rabb; rabbines; reason; reasonable; redeemer; reg; regiment; religion; religious; renowned; resol; respect; rest; reuerence; riches; romane; rome; rule; rulers; sacred; sacrifice; saint; scepter; scriptures; sea; second; secret; sects; seeke; sence; sensible; sentence; set; shee; shoulde; sibilla; signes; sinne; slaine; soeuer; soule; spirituall; state; strange; subiect; substance; supernaturall; supr; supreame; tcp; teacheth; temple; temporall; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; thalmud; themselues; theyr; thē; thinges; thousands; time; title; togither; tract; true; true religion; verie; vertue; vertuous; virgine; vnder; vnderstanding; vnnaturall; vnpossible; vntill; vnto; vntrue; voice; vpon; vse; vvas; vvhich; vvith; want; wee; weekes; whereof; whome; wicked; wickednesse; wil; wise; wisedome; witnesse; woe; wonderfull; wordes; worke; worlde; worshippe; worships; writers; yeares; zachar; ● ● cache: A17017.xml plain text: A17017.txt item: #75 of 416 id: A17019 author: Broughton, Richard. title: A manual of praiers vsed by the fathers of the primatiue Church for the most part within the foure first hundred yeares of Christ, & al before the end of the sixt hundred yeare: diuided into seueral chapters. Wherin by the very praiers of the Apostles, and their successors, (here related without anie word or sillable, added or altered) al the cheifest questio[n]s now in controuersie, are inuincible proued for the holy doctrine of the present Roman Church; by which we are instructed how to beleeue, and what to practise in deuotion. By R. B. P. date: 1618.0 words: 22162 flesch: 80 summary: Also that without warre of persecution , constāt in the loue of God , with prepared mindes , for al suffering of present paines , we may wel Merite the Renowmed crowne of a vanquishing conscience , by the triumph of secret conflict . O most gentle God , by the praiers of the Mother of God , euer a Virgin , and the heauenlie armie , and company of Angels , Cherubins , Seraphines Prophets , Martyrs , godlie Rulers : by the intercessions of holie Religious people , & supplications of al the blessed , haue mercie on me thy creature . keywords: aboue; abraham; acceptable; al thy; almightie; altare; alwaies; ambros; angels; anie; antiq; apostles; apud; archangels; art; aske; august; baptist; basil; begotten; behold; besech; blessed; bloud; bodie; body; bread; cal; chapter; christ; church; crowne; day; de s.; dead; death; deceased; deliuer; deserue; desire; didest; diuine; doth; dutie; earth; eebo; end; english; ephrem; epist; eternal; ethiop; euer; euerie; euerlasting; excellent; faith; faithful; father; flesh; frō; geue; ghost; glorie; glorious; god; good; grace; graunt; great; gregor; guiftes; haile; hand; hast; hath; haue; heart; heauen; heauenly; help; hierosol; high; holie; holy; honour; hope; iacob; iesus; iesus christ; immaculate; intercession; intreate; iohn; ioy; iust; kingdome; ladie; life; light; liturg; liuing; lord god; lord iesus; loue; man; marie; martyrs; men; mercie; merciful; mercy; merites; michael; minde; mis; mother; natal; new; o al; o god; o holie; o holy; o lord; o peter; o s.; o virgin; oblation; obtaine; offic; orat; ouer; pardon; passion; paul; people; peter; place; powers; praiers; praise; pray; preist; preistes; present; pretious; prophets; pure; queene; receiue; receiuing; remember; remission; rest; rom; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; sainctes; saluation; sauiour; self; selues; seruantes; shal; sinnes; sonne; soules; spirit; successors; supr; tcp; teares; text; thankes; thee; thee o; thine; thinges; thou; thou art; thy; time; trinitie; true; virgin; vnder; vnto; vouchsaife; vpon; wil; wilt; women; world; worthie; ● ● cache: A17019.xml plain text: A17019.txt item: #76 of 416 id: A17020 author: Abbot, George, 1562-1633. title: A treatise of the perpetuall visibilitie, and succession of the true church in all ages date: 1624.0 words: 22060 flesch: 72 summary: R●●ion . And ●auing onely for the time of the Babylonish captiuitie , there was one set externall place of Gods eminent seruice , that is , the Temple at Ierusalem , supported with such words , t This is my rest for euer , heere will I dwell , keywords: afterward; ages; albingenses; anno; antichrist; apoc; apostles; appeare; archbishop; argument; articles; author; beast; bee; behalfe; beleeue; better; bishop; body; bohemia; bohemians; books; calleth; cause; children; christ; christian; church; churches; clergie; clergy; cochleus; common; company; confession; congregation; conscience; constance; contrary; councell; dayes; dead; death; diuers; doctor; doctrine; doe; doo; doth; earth; eebo; emperour; end; enemies; england; english; eucharist; euen; euery; euident; extant; faith; faithfull; farre; fathers; fire; followers; foundation; fox; france; generall; george; giue; giueth; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; great; greater; hath; haue; head; hee; hell; henry; heresie; hereticks; himselfe; hist; histor; holy; house; hus; hussites; ibidem; ierusalem; iesus; images; iohn; iudgement; keepe; king; kingdome; knowledge; l. 2; large; later; lay; lib; life; light; like; little; long; lord; luther; man; manifest; mans; math; matter; meanes; men; neuer; new; noble; number; onely; open; opinions; owne; oxford; papists; paul; people; persons; petrus; place; poore; pope; popish; positions; prage; priests; princes; profession; purpose; question; reader; reading; ready; religion; romane; romanists; rome; said; saint; sauiour; saying; scant; scripture; second; secret; sect; seene; sermons; set; shew; sort; speech; story; sub; syluius; synagogue; tcp; teach; testimony; text; thaborites; themselues; things; thou; time; touching; transubstantiation; treatise; true; truth; visibilitie; visible; vnder; vniuersity; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; waldenses; way; wee; whereof; wicked; wicklef; wildernesse; woman; words; work; world; worthy; writing; yea; yeare; yeeres; zisca; ● ● cache: A17020.xml plain text: A17020.txt item: #77 of 416 id: A17357 author: Abbot, John, fl. 1623. title: Iesus præfigured, or, A poëme of the holy name of Iesus in five bookes. The first, and second booke date: 1623.0 words: 33400 flesch: 83 summary: VVrite vvith a modest Pen such holy laies , That Phoebus may vvith ouerlasting baies Your tempells Crovvne : els knovv that chaster times , Shall sacrifice to Vulcan your loose rimes And thou my Pegasus vvhom I shall vse As Palfrie in this progresse of my Muse , VVhilst of great IESVS name thy Ladie sings , Mount vp aloft vse thy best paire of vvings , VVhen thou art forc'd to trampel here benea'th , Be it a moment onelie to take breath , And in the vvaie plaie not the Iade and tire , But as thy journey , so increase thy fire , A POËME , OF THE HOLIE NAME OF IESVS . In fairest of-spring happie auntient Nun , Bring foorth thy valiant and thrice vvorthy Son , ( Our IESVS figure , honor'd vvith his name , For IOSVAH and IESVS are the same . ) keywords: able; aboue; act; actes; actions; againe; alvvaies; amisse; angels; angrie; apoc; apostles; armes; austria; avvaie; backe; bands; base; bed; bee; begin; behold; bell; bene; best; better; betvvixt; birth; blame; blast; blessed; bloud; bloudie; bodies; body; booke; borne; braue; breake; bring; build; building; caelestiall; care; cast; casting; catholike; cause; cell; characters; charitie; charles; chase; chiefe; children; christian; christs; church; church haue; church vvhich; churches; cittie; cloth'd; coate; come; commaund; common; countrie; course; cries; crosse; crovvne; cruell; cunning; daies; dare; daughters; davids; dead; death; deed; deuotion; didst; die; diuine; doctors; doe; dogs; dost; doth; doth iesvs; doth vvith; dovvne; drinke; durst; dvvell; early; earth; ebba; eebo; eies; empires; end; england; english; errors; eternall; eu'ry; eye; eyes; face; faith; fall; false; fathers; fault; feare; feast; feete; field; fight; fill; finde; fire; fish; fit; flesh; flie; flocke; foes; fond; force; forth; foule; foundation; frame; francis; free; friends; fury; garden; gates; gaue; gen; gentle; ghost; giu'n; giue; glorie; glorious; god; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; grace; great; great iesvs; greater; ground; grovv; guilt; hand; happie; hart; hast; hate; hath; haue; hauing; head; heau'n; heau'nly; hee; heere; hell; heresie; heretikes; hetherto; high; higher; hill; himselfe; holie; holy; home; honour; hope; house; hovv; humble; iesvs; iesvs church; iesvs faith; iesvs grace; iesvs mother; ievves; images; impious; infernall; iohn; ios; israel; iud; joye; judge; keepe; kill; king; kingdomes; kirke; knife; knovv; labours; lambe; land; large; las; lavves; learne; leaue; lib; life; like; likevvise; liue; liuing; long; longer; losse; loue; lovv; luc; magus; maister; making; malice; man; manie; mans; martyrs; mat; mauger; meane; mee; men; mightie; mongst; mother; moue; mount; moyses; muse; nations; nature; nay; neuer; nevv; noble; nose; note; nought; nuestro; nuns; o're; olympus; order; ouer; oyle; pagans; paine; paraque; passe; past; pavle; pen; people; perfection; performe; peters; pictures; pietie; pillars; place; pleasures; poets; poore; por; pouertie; praise; preach; prelate; present; pride; priests; prince; promist; proud; prudence; que; queene; quill; quire; quoth; raigne; rare; read; reason; reg; religion; religious; reliques; rest; returne; rich; romaine; rome; roofe; royall; rule; run; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; sad; saie; saint; sake; satan; saue; schisme; seate; second; sects; seene; selfe; serpent; set; sexe; shame; shee; sheepe; shevv; shine; ship; short; signe; sin; sing; sins; sion; sit; skin; slaine; smell; soe; sole; son; sons; soules; sound; speake; speciall; spirit; spouse; spring; stand; statues; stones; strange; streame; strong; subject; sun; svveete; svvord; synagogues; tcp; teach; teacheth; teares; tei; tell; tempel; temple; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thoughts; throne; thy; time; title; touch; tree; tribes; true; truth; turne; tvvo; venus; verse; vievv; virginitie; virgins; virtue; vnder; vnto; voice; vpon; vse; vvant; vvas; vvaters; vvaues; vvay; vveare; vvee; vvee haue; vvee vvill; vvhat; vvhen; vvhen iesvs; vvhen vvee; vvhence; vvhere; vvherefore; vvherein; vvhether; vvhich; vvhich iesvs; vvhich vvas; vvhil'st; vvhilst; vvhite; vvho; vvho doe; vvho doth; vvho haue; vvho vvhen; vvho vvith; vvhose; vvhy; vvicked; vvill; vvine; vvings; vvith; vvith great; vvith holy; vvith vvhich; vvithin; vvithout; vvoe; vvoman; vvonder; vvonted; vvood; vvordes; vvorke; vvorkemen; vvorld; vvorld vvith; vvorthy; vvrit; yea; yee; yeild; zach; zeale cache: A17357.xml plain text: A17357.txt item: #78 of 416 id: A17512 author: Caddell, Peter. title: To all the most illustrious archbishops and reverend bishops of Ireland, but more particularly to those of the province of Dublin their honourable lords David, bishop of Osory, Iohn of Fernes, Ross of Kildare, and Matthew vicar apostolicall of Laghlein Peter Caddell doctour of divinitie, and Paul Harris pr. deacon of the Vniversitie of Dublin. date: 1632.0 words: 2598 flesch: 53 summary: 1. MOst Illustrious Lords and Reverend Bishops , the Priests of Dublin make their complaint before you , That the most Illustrious Archbishop of Dublin , Thomas Flemming , of the Order of S. Francis , without alledging any cause against them , onely for his will , and at his pleasure useth to exile and banish Priests out of his Diocese . Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 25207) keywords: aforesaid; archbishop; books; caddell; canons; christ; church; clergy; complaine; contrary; doe; dublin; early; eebo; english; exerciseth; fathers; flemming; francis; holy; illustrious; illustrious archbishop; illustrious lords; kingdome; lawes; lords; order; priests; reverend; statutes; tcp; text; thomas cache: A17512.xml plain text: A17512.txt item: #79 of 416 id: A17864 author: Cameron, John, 1579?-1625. title: An examination of those plausible appearances which seeme most to commend the Romish Church, and to preiudice the reformed Discovering them to be but meere shifts, purposely invented, to hinder an exact triall of doctrine by the Scriptures. By Mr Iohn Cameron. Englished out of French. date: 1626.0 words: 50109 flesch: 70 summary: The Churches of Constantinople , Antioch , Alexandria haue sometimes beene pu●e and flourishing Churches : b●t now who condemneth thē not , as being fallen from the piety an● doctrine of their ancestors ? Albeit the spirit of man , the more excellent a temper it is of , the more naturall , and eager an appetite it hath after the knowledge of the trut● : by the same instinct loathing ignorance , and especially disdaining to be cheated . keywords: a17864; able; aboue; accusation; act; affection; age; altogether; alwaies; ancestors; ancient; ancient church; anciently; answer; antichrist; antiquity; apostles; apostolicall; argument; aug; authority; authors; babylon; baptisme; bare; bee; beginning; begunne; beleeue; better; betweene; bishop; body; bvt; calleth; calling; cap; carnall; cause; ceremonies; certaine; chaire; change; chap; children; christ; christian; christian church; church; church hath; churches; circumstances; colour; come; commandements; commeth; common; company; condemne; condition; confesse; confusion; conscience; consequence; considerations; contrary; cor; corruption; councell; course; day; dead; death; demand; dependeth; desire; discipline; discord; discourse; diuine; div; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; doubtlesse; earth; easie; eebo; effect; election; enemies; english; epist; esa; estate; esteemed; euen; examination; example; exercise; extraordinary; eyes; face; faile; faith; faithfull; false; farre; farther; fast; fathers; feare; flesh; function; gal; gates; gift; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; ground; hand; hard; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; heb; himselfe; holy; honour; humane; iesus; iewes; iewish church; ignorance; images; impossible; indeede; insteed; institution; ioh; iohn; iudge; iudgement; iurisdiction; iust; kinde; kingdome; kings; knowe; knowledge; labour; law; lawes; lawfull; leaue; lesse; lib; liberty; life; light; like; little; liue; long; longer; looke; lord; loue; luc; making; man; manifest; manner; marriage; math; matter; meanes; meere; men; midst; miracles; mission; monkes; monkish; moses; multitude; naturall; nature; necessary; necessity; neuer; new; notes; nouelty; number; occasion; office; old; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; originall; outward; owne; pagans; parents; particular; passe; passion; pastours; patriarchs; paul; people; persons; peter; pharises; place; plausible; point; pomp; poore; pope; pouerty; power; preaching; preiudice; pretences; pretended; priests; primitiue; princes; principall; proceeding; profession; promises; proofe; prophets; proue; purity; purpose; question; read; reader; reason; recourse; reformation; reformed; regard; religion; reply; respect; reuolt; romane church; rome; romish church; schisme; scribes; scripture; seeme; sense; serue; set; shee; shew; single; skill; small; soever; soule; speake; speaketh; spirituall; strange; strength; substance; succession; successours; sufficient; sunne; superstition; suspected; t ●; tcp; teachers; temple; testament; text; th ●; themselues; thē; thing; thinke; thought; thrust; time; title; tradition; tribes; true church; truth; vertue; view; visible; vnder; vnderstanding; vnity; vniversall; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; want; water; way; wee; wee haue; whit; witnesse; words; workes; world; worship; writings; yea; yeares; yeeld; ● d; ● e; ● m; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A17864.xml plain text: A17864.txt item: #80 of 416 id: A17867 author: Campion, Edmund, Saint, 1540-1581. title: Campian Englished. Or A translation of the Ten reasons in which Edmund Campian (of the Societie of Iesus) priest, insisted in his challenge, to the Vniuersities of Oxford and Cambridge Made by a priest of the Catholike and Roman Church. date: 1632.0 words: 26483 flesch: 72 summary: On our side were C●●nel●us and Cyprian ( that goulden Payre of Martyrs ) both great Prelats , but greater the first , who sterning the C●urch of Rome , extinguis●ed the Af●ican [m] Errours ; And this other much ennobled hymself through the great obseruancie , he bore to his most deare and friendlie Superiour . N● , thou replyest , except the Fathers ( not diuorcing the letter fr●m the intended meaning of the Holie Ghost ) do expound the Scripture in a t●ue ●ense . keywords: a17867; able; aboue; academians; accustomed; act; actions; aduersaries; afraid; age; ambrose; ancient; anie; answer; antiquitie; apostles; apostolicall; appeare; art; aug; austin; authoritie; authour; baptisme; belieue; beza; bishops; blessed; bloud; bodie; booke; briefly; caluin; cambridge; campian; capt; catholike; cause; cent; certaine; cesar; challenge; characters; charge; chiefe; christ; christians; chrysostome; church; churches; cittie; combat; common; concil; contra; controuersies; councell; countryes; crosse; cyprian; d ●; danger; day; dayes; death; defence; demaund; desire; dignitie; dispute; diuers; diuine; doctours; doctrine; doe; donne; doth; doubt; early; earth; edmund; eebo; emperour; end; enemie; england; english; epist; epistles; esay; euen; euer; euerie; euident; example; eye; fall; farre; fast; fathers; fayth; faythfull; feare; fellow; feruour; fight; fire; forbeare; force; forsooth; foure; generall; ghost; giue; god; good; grace; great; greater; gregorie; hand; haste; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; hell; hi ●; hierome; high; holie; honour; iesvs; iewes; images; imagination; indeede; instit; ioan; iohn; iudgement; iustice; king; knowne; l. 1; labour; large; latin; learning; leaue; libertie; life; litle; liue; long; loose; lord; low; luc; luther; lye; m ●; maintayne; malice; man; manner; martyrs; matter; meane; melancthon; memorie; men; minde; nature; neuerthelesse; new; number; old; onlie; open; order; original; ouer; ought; owne; oxford; p ●; pag; particular; parts; passages; paul; peculiar; people; peter; place; poore; poynt; prayers; present; priest; princes; prophet; publike; qui; reade; reason; religion; remarkable; resolution; respect; rest; reuerence; roman; rome; runne; s ●; sacraments; sacred; sacrifice; said; saints; saluation; schooles; scripture; sea; sense; sentence; serm; seuerall; siluer; sinne; small; societie; sort; soueraignetie; soule; speach; speake; spirit; spirituall; state; stile; strength; subiect; supreme; t ●; tcp; tei; text; th ●; thee; themselues; thereto; things; thou; time; togeather; touch; translation; treatise; trent; true; truth; vaine; verie; vertue; vide; vnder; vniuersities; vnto; vpon; vse; way; weake; wh ●; wholy; whome; wicked; wilt; withall; witnesses; witt; words; worke; world; worthie; writings; yeares; yourselues; ● ch; ● e; ● ed; ● f; ● h; ● n; ● nt; ● r; ● st; ● u; ● uth; ● y; ● ● cache: A17867.xml plain text: A17867.txt item: #81 of 416 id: A18100 author: Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614. title: The ansvvere of Master Isaac Casaubon to the epistle of the most reuerend Cardinall Peron. Translated out of Latin into English. May 18. 1612 date: 1612.0 words: 18810 flesch: 61 summary: Now whereas in the end of this obseruation it is added , that they which allow of some , and reiect other of those things which the ancient Church beleeued as necessarie to saluation , although vnder diuers kindes of necessitie , haue no reason to affirme that they retaine the same faith and discipline with the ancient Catholike Church ; his Maiestie well enough perceiueth the drift of that speech . These two trials the King , and Church of England embracing , doe auouch that they acknowledge that doctrine onely for true , and necessarie to saluation , which flowing from the fountaine of sacred Scripture , through the consent of the ancient Church , as it were a conduit hath been deriued vnto these times . keywords: ages; ancient; ancient church; ansvvere; answere; apostles; augustine; authoritie; bee; beginning; beleeue; better; bishops; blessed; bodie; booke; cardinall; care; catholike; catholike church; cause; christ; christian; church; churches; communion; confession; consent; contrarie; controuersies; councell; custome; daily; day; desire; discipline; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; eebo; end; england; english; epistle; euer; euill; examples; excellent; faith; farre; fathers; forme; foure; fourth; generall; god; godly; gods; good; great; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holie; holy; honour; hope; humane; ignorant; illustrious; king; late; lawfull; learned; lesse; letters; life; long; lord; maiestie; man; manifest; manner; matters; members; men; minde; necessarie; new; obseruation; occasion; old; onely; opinion; owne; passe; pelt; people; place; practise; prayers; primitiue; primitiue church; profitable; publike; question; reade; reason; reformation; religion; reuerend; right; romane; rome; sacred; sacrifice; saints; saluation; second; speake; speech; spirit; tcp; text; things; thinketh; thought; times; true; truth; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; whereof; word; writers; writings cache: A18100.xml plain text: A18100.txt item: #82 of 416 id: A18103 author: Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614, attributed name. title: The originall of idolatries: or, The birth of heresies a true, sincere, and exact description of all such sacred signes, sacrifices, and sacraments as haue been instituted and ordained of God since Adam; with the true source and liuely anatomy of the sacrifice of the Masse. First faithfully gathered out of sundry Greeke and Latine authors, as also out of diuers learned fathers; by that famous and learned Isaac Casaubon, and by him published in French, for the good of Gods Church: and now translated into English for the benefit of this monarchy; by Abraham Darcie. date: 1624.0 words: 38451 flesch: 66 summary: To confirme this point , no man can be ignorant , if euer he read the Romane Histories ; but that , before the Incarnation of Christ , there was not so much as one King , Consull , Dictator , or Romane Emperour , instructed in the Law of God , but all were Idolaters and Infidels , obseruing the Religion of that Magician , Numa Pompilius . If Iesus Christ said by his Apostles , that we are the Temples of God , in which the holy Ghost inhabits ; must wee therefore imagine , that we are transubstantiated into a masse of stone ? If the holy Apostle writ , that Iesus Christ is the Rocke , out of whom came liuing water , to wash and purge vs from our sinnes : Must we wrest out of this a transmutation , and transubstantiation of Iesus Christ into a Rocke , or a materiall stone ? If the holy Apostle testifieth , that we are the bodie of Christ : may wee by this inferre , that we are translated , and now no more men , but transubstantiated into an accident without substance ? I readily foresee , O you obdurate Missalians , that you will obiect all these pre-alleadged places : wherein this word est , is , and make no mention of the Sacraments , which must the more exactly bee obserued , in that these be sacred mysteries ordained of God : which is most true . keywords: aaron; abominable; aboue; abraham; abuses; abusing; accident; acknowledge; adam; adoration; againe; alcoran; alex; alexander; alliance; altar; amict; ancient; antichrist; apostles; arke; ashes; assistants; assurance; aube; author; away; baptisme; beasts; bee; beginning; beleeue; benefices; benefit; better; betweene; birth; bishop; blood; body; booke; brazen; bread; cap; carnall; cause; celebrated; celestiall; ceremoniall; ceremonies; chalice; chap; characters; christians; christs; church; circumcision; common; communicate; communion; comparison; confesse; confiteor; contrary; corporall; corrupted; corruptions; couenant; crosse; darcie; day; dayes; death; dedicated; description; detestable; deuils; difference; dignity; diuers; diuine; doctors; doctrine; doth; drawne; drinke; earth; eating; eebo; emperour; empire; end; english; ephod; eternall; euangelicall; euen; euer; exod; exorcismes; expiation; expresse; faith; faithfull; famous; farre; father; feast; female; figure; fire; fiue; flesh; follow; forme; foure; french; fruits; genes; giue; god; gods; gold; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; greeke; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heads; health; hearts; heauen; heauenly; hee; heresies; high; highnes; himselfe; histories; holocausts; holy; holy bread; holy sacrament; holy water; honour; host; humane; idolaters; idolatries; idolatry; iesus christ; iewes; iewish; images; immolated; incarnation; incense; institution; interpretation; inuention; iohn; ioseph; israelites; king; kingdome; lambe; law; learned; left; leo; lib; life; light; like; little; liuely; liuing; loaues; long; lord; lustrall; magician; magicke; maniple; manna; manner; masse; math; max; meanes; mee; members; missalians; missall; missall sacrifice; moses; nations; nature; needs; neuerthelesse; new; noble; nourishment; numa; number; obedience; oblation; old; onely; order; originall; ouer; owne; particular; parts; paschall; people; persons; philo; pix; place; pompilian; pompilius; pontifes; pope; possession; power; prayers; present; priest; prince; procession; psal; purgatory; reader; reall; reason; receiue; regenerate; regeneration; religion; rest; returne; rocke; romane; rome; round; sacraments; sacred; sacred signes; sacrifices; said; saints; salt; saluation; scriptures; sea; second; senators; serpent; serue; set; sheepe; signes; signifie; sincere; sinne; sir; song; space; spirit; spirituall; stead; stole; substance; successors; sundry; supper; symboles; taper; tcp; temple; terme; testament; text; themselues; things; thought; time; transubstantiation; treatise; true; truth; vertue; vnder; vnderstood; vnto; vpon; vse; water; wee; wherewith; white; wine; women; word; worthy; yeare; yeeres cache: A18103.xml plain text: A18103.txt item: #83 of 416 id: A18354 author: Chaloner, Edward, 1590 or 91-1625. title: Credo ecclesiam sanctam Catholicam I beleeue the holy Catholike Church : the authoritie, vniuersalitie, and visibilitie of the church handled and discussed / by Edward Chaloner ... date: 1623.0 words: 42508 flesch: 74 summary: Church -- Catholicity -- Early works to 1800. It is not a matter of small consequence to them which oppose names to things , and triumph in the naked sounds of Church and Catholike , whether you apparell the sense in any other furniture of Language then this : they cannot reply as a Demosthenes did to Aeschines , whē being vpbrayded with the improper vse of a word , hee answered , that the fortunes of Greece consisted not therein ; No , in hoc sit a sum fortunae Romae , in these Sillables the fortunes of Rome are entrench'd ; not the seuen Hils whereon shee is seated , not her extended Wals whose auncient Tracts are almost en●omb'd with Age , not her Castle of Saint Angelo are halfe so relied vpon by her , as this single Article ; For why ? Shee hopes , the Church will serue her for a Cittadle or Towre of defence , Holynesse will colour her title , and Catholicke will from all quarters furnish her with a voluminous Armie of ancient and experienced souldiers . keywords: able; aboue; act; aduantage; aduersaries; againe; ages; alwayes; ancient; answer; antichrist; apostles; appeare; aquinas; arguments; article; aske; assent; assured; austen; autem; authoritie; baptisme; bee; beleeue; beliefe; bellar; bellarmine; best; better; betweene; bible; bishop; blade; body; booke; bread; c. 2; canonicall; canus; cap; capable; cardinalls; castro; catholicam; catholike; catholike church; cause; ceremonies; certaintie; chaire; chaloner; change; chap; characters; children; christ; christian; church; church bee; churches; common; communion; conceiue; concil; conclusion; condition; confesse; confession; congregation; consequence; contrarie; controuersies; councell; credere; credit; credo; creed; custome; day; dayes; de concil; dead; death; dei; demand; denie; determined; deuill; deuotion; difference; discerne; discipline; disp; dist; distinct; diuers; diuine; diuinitie; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; durand; earth; ecclesia; edition; eebo; effect; end; enemy; english; enim; errare; erre; erring; errors; esse; etiam; eucharist; euen; euery; euident; eyes; faith; farre; farther; fathers; fidei; field; formall; forme; foundation; fourth; france; fruit; fundamentall; generall; ghost; giuen; god; gods; good; grace; gradation; grant; great; greater; greeke; gregorie; ground; hand; hath; haue; heauen; hee; hell; heresie; high; himselfe; hoc; hold; holy; hope; housholder; howsoeuer; husbandman; ibid; iesuites; iewes; images; infallibilitie; infallible; instrument; intention; inward; iohn; ita; iudge; iudgement; kinde; kingdome; knowing; knowledge; knowne; latine; lawfull; lay; length; lib; life; like; little; long; lord; lye; man; manner; master; matters; matth; meanes; meaning; men; ministerie; names; nature; nay; necessarie; negatiues; neque; neuer; new; non; notes; obiect; omnibus; onely; ones; opinion; ordayned; ordinarie; originall; outward; owne; oxford; pag; papa; papists; parable; particular; parts; pastors; people; perfection; person; peter; place; points; pont; pope; popish; posteriori; potest; power; prayers; present; present church; priests; principall; principles; priuate; profession; professors; promise; proofes; proper; properties; proue; prouidence; publike; punct; purgatorie; purpose; quae; question; qui; quod; reason; regard; religion; respect; rest; reuel; right; rocke; roman; romanists; rome; rule; sacraments; saint; sake; saluation; sanct; sauiour; schoolemen; scriptures; second; sect; sed; seed; seemes; seene; selfe; sense; seruants; serue; sess; set; seuerall; shee; shew; sinne; sit; sort; soto; soules; speake; spirit; state; stone; subiect; sufficient; sunt; sup; tamen; tares; tcp; teach; termes; testament; testimonie; text; thee; theirs; themselues; things; thinke; thom; thomas; thou; thy; time; title; tom; touching; tridentine; true; true church; truth; turrecremata; valent; valentia; verbo; verse; vid; visibilitie; visible; viz; vlt; vnder; vnderstanding; vnderstood; vniuersalitie; vniuersall; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; vulgar; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; whilest; wit; word; wordes; worship; writers; writings; yeeld; yeeres cache: A18354.xml plain text: A18354.txt item: #84 of 416 id: A18390 author: Champney, Anthony, 1569?-1643? title: A manual of controuersies wherin the Catholique Romane faith in all the cheefe pointes of controuersies of these daies is proued by holy Scripture. By A.C.S. date: 1614.0 words: 24626 flesch: 85 summary: ● . would not by paper and ●●●e , for I hope shall be with you and speake mouth to ●outhe . keywords: a18390; aboue; accordinge; actes; actes cap; agayne; angelles; anie; apostles; articles; auctoritie; augustine; auncient; baptisme; behould; beinge; beleeue; bishope; blessed; blood; body; booke; bread; cap; catholique; catholique position; cause; ceremonies; certayne; certes; character; charitie; chrisostome; christ; churche; commaundement; confession; controuersie; cor; dayes; dead; div; doctrine; doe; doth; earthe; eebo; effect; ende; english; epistle; eucharist; euen; euer; euerie; euident; faith; fathers; faythe; fleshe; forth; free; gaue; ghost; giuen; god; gods; good; grace; great; handes; hath; haue; haueing; heauen; heretiques; holy; holy scripture; honoure; iesus; images; iohn; iustice; iustification; kinde; kingdome; lawe; lawfull; lett; lib; life; like; loe; lord; luc; man; manifest; mass; math; meaninge; mouthe; necessitie; nether; newe; noe; notes; nothinge; obserue; onely; owne; pag; pastores; paule; payne; pennance; people; personnes; peter; place; pointes; position; power; prayers; preistes; present; proofe; properly; protestantes; proue; psal; psalme; purgatorie; purpose; reader; reason; receaue; reliques; respect; rest; reuerence; roman; rome; rule; s. peter; sacrament; sacrifice; sainct; saintes; saluation; satisfaction; sauiour; sayd; saye; sayinge; sayth; sayth s.; scripture; seeinge; self; selues; sense; shal; sheepe; signe; sinn; sinnes; soe; soeuer; spirit; substance; succession; synn; tcp; teache; temple; testimonie; text; thee; therfore; therof; theyr; thē; thinges; thou; thoughe; thy; true; truthe; tyme; v. cap; visible; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstoode; vniuersall; vnless; vnto; vpon; way; wee; wherby; wherin; whith; wil; wordes; worke; world; yeares; yee; ● ● cache: A18390.xml plain text: A18390.txt item: #85 of 416 id: A18391 author: Champney, Anthony, 1569?-1643? title: Mr. Pilkinton his Parallela disparalled And the Catholicke Roman faith maintained against Protestantisme. By Ant. Champney Sorbonist, and author of the Manuall of Controuersies, impugned by the said Mr. Pilkinton. date: 1620.0 words: 63456 flesch: 71 summary: For the controuersie beinge not onlie what the scripture saith , or meaneth , but also what is scripture , it is all one to say , that scriptures must iudge and decide all controuersies , and to say the controuersies themselues must decide all controuersies . Nowe hauinge prooued by scripture it selfe & euident instances , that manie thinges are to be beleeued , that are not directlie contayned in scripture , it appeareth a senceles thinge to demande proofe of euery thinge we beleeue , out of scriptures . PILK . keywords: a18391; able; aboute; abuse; accorde; accordinge; adde; addeth; admitte; aduersarie; affirmatiue; againe; alleage; alreadie; angells; anie; anie man; anie thinge; antithesis; apostles; appeare; appeareth; argument; arrians; articles; ashamed; aske; assertion; att; aug; august; auncient; authoritie; baptisme; beare; beinge; beleeue; beleeuinge; beliefe; bellarmine; better; betweene; bible; blessed; blinde; bookes; caluin; canne; cannott; canonicall; cap; catholicke churche; catholike; cause; certaine; champ; champney; chapter; charge; children; chrisostome; christ; christian; churche; churche doth; cleare; clearlie; common; concerninge; conclusion; confesse; consent; consequence; consequentlie; contradictorie; contrarie; controuersie; conuinced; councell; creditt; creede; cyprian; day; deliuered; denie; denyinge; desire; difference; difficultie; directlie; discourse; dispute; diuers; diuine; diuinitie; div; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubte; earth; easie; easilie; eebo; end; english; epistle; equall; ergo; errour; esteeme; eternall; euen; euerie; euidentlie; example; experience; expositions; expresse; expresselie; faith; false; farr; fathers; fauour; fewe; firme; followe; followeth; followinge; force; foundation; founde; fraude; fullie; fulnes; generall; geue; geueth; ghost; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; graunt; greate; grounde; hadd; hande; hath; haue; haue anie; haue sayde; hauinge; hearde; heauen; heresie; heretikes; hierome; himselfe; hitherto; holie; holy scriptures; honour; howe; humane; iewes; ignorance; ignorant; impertinencies; impertinent; impugne; indeede; infallible; instance; interpretation; iohn; ireneus; issue; iudge; iudgment; iudicious; keepe; kinde; knowne; labour; lastlie; lawe; lawfull; learned; leaue; lefte; lesse; lett; letters; lib; life; light; litle; liuinge; longe; looke; lorde; luther; maister; malice; man; manifest; manner; mans; manuall; marke; maruell; matter; meane; meaneth; meaninge; meere; ministers; moe; moises; moste; mother; motiue; moued; mouth; myne; nature; necessarie; neede; negatiue; neuer; newe; noe; non; notes; nothinge; notwithstandinge; nowe; number; obstinacie; old; olde; onlie; open; opinion; order; ordinarie; owne; page; paper; papists; parte; particular; passe; pastours; paule; peraduenture; perfect; peruerse; peruersitie; peter; pilk; pilkinton; place; plaine; plainlie; points; pope; position; positiue; power; practise; precedent; precepts; present; priests; principles; proceede; promise; proofes; prooue; prooue anie; prooueth; prophetts; proposition; protestants; purpose; putt; question; reader; reason; receiued; reiect; religion; respect; rest; reuelation; ridiculous; roman; rule; s. aug; s. august; s. paule; sacraments; sacrifice; saincts; saith s.; saluation; sauiour; sayde; sayinge; scriptures; scriptures onlie; scriptures themselues; second; secondlie; section; seeinge; seeme; selfe; sence; serue; shewe; shoulde; sinnes; small; sole; somethinge; sonne; sorte; speaketh; speakinge; spiritt; stande; subiect; substance; suffice; sufficient; sufficientlie; sworde; tcp; teach; teacheth; tertullian; testament; testifie; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; thereof; therfore; thē; thinges; thinke; thoughe; thy; timothie; traditions; true; true churche; true sence; trulie; truth; turne; tyme; verbo; verie; veritie; victorie; vnderstandinge; vnderstoode; vniuersall; vnles; vnto; vnwritten; voyce; vppe; vppon; vse; way; whatsoeuer; whereunto; whome; wicked; wil; willinglie; wisdome; wise; witnes; witnesses; witt; wordes; worke; woulde; writinge; writte; yea; yee; yeeres; yett; ● ● cache: A18391.xml plain text: A18391.txt item: #86 of 416 id: A18620 author: Cholmley, Hugh, ca. 1574-1641. title: The state of the now-Romane Church Discussed by way of vindication of the Right Reuerend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of Exceter, from the weake cauills of Henry Burton. By H.C. date: 1629.0 words: 21477 flesch: 67 summary: For sometimes it noteth the particular Diocesse of the Romane territory , commonly called the particular Romane Church : Sometimes ( and most vsually ) it comprehendeth all the national Churches which communicate with Rome in the same faith , and vnder the same head , the Pope , commonly called the Catholique Romane Church : Sometimes the Clergy of that Church is onely vnderstood by that title , commonly called the Church representatiue : There is a time for all things , ( saith Salomon ) A time to keepe silence , and a time to speake : But when these times are , it were farre better for you , and me , and all priuate persons to leaue to the wisedome of our Gouernours , then to prescribe any thing to them therein : But now a dayes all men will be Priuy Councellors ; and he is a very dolt , that cannot gouern the whole State , Church , and Kingdome , far better then now it is gouerned . keywords: aduantage; aduersaries; againe; answer; appeare; argument; assumption; author; babel; babylon; bad; baptisme; bee; beleeue; bellarmine; best; better; betweene; bishop; blood; bvrton; cap; case; christ; christian; church; churches; common; communion; contrary; couenant; councell; desire; distinction; diuorce; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; eebo; england; english; ergo; euen; euery; faith; false; farre; fault; foundation; glory; god; gods; good; grace; grant; great; hath; haue; head; hee; himselfe; hold; humble; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; ill; intention; iudgement; iustification; kinde; knowne; learned; lib; life; like; liuing; long; lord; man; mans; markes; meanes; men; need; neuer; non; onely; opinion; ouer; outward; owne; pag; papist; people; place; point; popery; popish; pride; professe; profession; protestant; proue; question; reader; reason; regard; religion; repentance; reuel; reuerend; right; romane church; rome; said; saint; saluation; sauing; sea; second; seemes; selfe; sense; shewed; silly; simple; sinnes; sound; speake; spouse; state; sufficient; tcp; text; themselues; thing; time; trent; true church; true visible; truth; viall; visible church; vnderstood; vnto; vpon; vse; want; way; wee; whereof; words; world; wrong; yea; zeale; ● ● cache: A18620.xml plain text: A18620.txt item: #87 of 416 id: A19025 author: Closse, George. title: The parricide papist, or Cut-throate Catholicke A tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow in the countie of Cornewall by a professed papist, killing his owne father, and afterwardes himselfe, in zeale of his popish religion. The 11 of March last past. 1606. Written by G Closse, preacher of the word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon. date: 1606.0 words: 4956 flesch: 53 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Written by G Closse, preacher of the word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon. keywords: beeing; better; blood; books; catholicke; cause; characters; christian; church; closse; countie; cut; deuill; dwelling; early; eebo; encoding; english; examples; father; god; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; ieanes; images; inigo; king; late; like; maister; man; march; math; murther; murthered; nature; neuer; online; ouer; owne; oxford; padstow; papist; parricide; partnership; past; people; phase; popes; popish; prince; professed; profession; professors; reason; religion; rome; romish; said; state; tcp; tei; text; themselues; theyr; throate; time; tragicall; true; vnto; vpon; wee; works; world; xml cache: A19025.xml plain text: A19025.txt item: #88 of 416 id: A19078 author: Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634. title: The Lord Coke his speech and charge VVith a discouerie of the abuses and corruption of officers. date: 1607.0 words: 14840 flesch: 55 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( keywords: abuses; account; actions; assises; authoritie; bee; best; better; bin; bull; businesse; care; cause; certaine; charge; church; coke; commeth; commission; conscience; course; crowne; dangerous; deare; death; desire; doe; doth; eebo; effect; elizabeth; end; england; english; enquire; euen; euery; euill; excommunication; execution; faith; force; friends; giuen; god; gods; good; gouernment; great; greatest; hand; happinesse; hath; haue; hauing; hearts; heauen; highnesse; himselfe; honorable; hope; intended; inuasion; iudge; iudgement; iurie; iustice; king; kingdome; knowne; late; law; lawes; leaue; life; like; little; long; lord; loue; maiestie; man; manner; meanes; neuer; new; notwithstanding; obedience; offence; office; officers; onely; order; owne; papists; partie; people; person; place; pope; power; practises; present; principall; profession; purpose; queene; quibus; rebellion; receiue; recusants; religion; respect; rest; right; romane; romes; royall; sea; selfe; seminaries; set; shee; sort; soueraigne; spaine; speake; speech; state; statute; strength; subiects; tcp; text; themselues; thing; timber; time; trayterous; treason; true; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; vvith; way; wee; whereof; whilest; whome; wisedome; words; worke; world; yeere; yong cache: A19078.xml plain text: A19078.txt item: #89 of 416 id: A19164 author: Baltimore, George Calvert, Baron, 1580?-1632. Answere of a Catholike lay gentleman to the judgement of a devine. aut title: The attestation of the most excellent, and most illustrious lord, Don Carlos Coloma, embassadour extraordinary for Spayne. Of the declaration made vnto him, by the lay Catholikes of England concerning the authority challenged ouer them, by the Right Reuerend Lord Bishop of Chalcedon. With The answere of a Catholike lay gentleman, to the iudgment of a deuine, vpon the letter of the lay Catholikes, to the sayd Lord Bishop of Chalcedon. date: 1631.0 words: 31435 flesch: 56 summary: With The answere of a Catholike lay gentleman, to the iudgment of a deuine, vpon the letter of the lay Catholikes, to the sayd Lord Bishop of Chalcedon. With The answere of a Catholike lay gentleman, to the iudgment of a deuine, vpon the letter of the lay Catholikes, to the sayd Lord Bishop of Chalcedon. keywords: ancient; answere; apostolique; appeare; approbation; aske; authority; belieue; betweene; bishop; bishops authority; carlos; case; catholike; catholiques; chalcedon; christian; church; clayme; clergy; coloma; contrary; course; court; credit; dangers; daunger; declaration; declare; desire; deuine; deuine sayth; diocesse; diuers; diuinity; doth; doubt; embassadour; england; english; episcopall; episcopall authority; euen; euery; excellent; exercise; externo; extraordinary; faith; false; farre; fit; forbidden; foro; fortunes; gentleman; giue; god; good; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; haue; haue authority; hauing; hazard; heere; himselfe; holines; impossible; iudge; iudgment; iurisdiction; kind; kingdome; knowne; laity; lawes; lawfull; lay; leaue; lesse; letter; life; like; little; long; loose; lord; lord bishop; lordship; man; manner; masse; matter; meane; meaning; men; mens; moderne; motiues; nay; necessary; necessity; neuer; new; oath; occasion; officers; ordinaries; ordinary; ordinaryship; ouer; owne; particular; party; passion; pastor; persecution; person; place; point; power; present; pretended; priests; priuate; priuity; profession; proue; publique; purpose; question; reason; regulars; religion; respect; reuerend; right; rome; sayd; saying; sayth; sea; section; sense; shew; sometymes; speake; spirituall; state; subiect; sufficient; suppose; tcp; temerity; temporall; text; themselues; therfore; thē; thing; thinke; thought; time; title; tribunall; true; truth; tyme; vertue; vnder; vnderstood; vnto; vpon; vse; way; whereof; wherin; whome; wil; wit; word; writing; zeale cache: A19164.xml plain text: A19164.txt item: #90 of 416 id: A19220 author: Constable, Henry, 1562-1613. title: The Catholike moderator: or A moderate examination of the doctrine of the Protestants Prouing against the too rigid Catholikes of these times, and against the arguments especially, of that booke called, The answer to the Catholike apologie, that we, who are members of the Catholike, apostolike, & Roman Church, ought not to condeme the Protestants for heretikes, vntill further proofe be made. First written in French by a Catholike gentleman, and now faithfully translated. See the occasion of the name of Huguenots, after the translaters epistle. date: 1623.0 words: 31942 flesch: 65 summary: And that Church is Catholike ( saith Vincentius ) which holds that religion which hath beene euer hitherto embraced . The Catholike moderator: or A moderate examination of the doctrine of the Protestants Prouing against the too rigid Catholikes of these times, and against the arguments especially, of that booke called, The answer to the Catholike apologie, that we, who are members of the Catholike, apostolike, & Roman Church, ought not to condeme the Protestants for heretikes, vntill further proofe be made. keywords: able; aboue; aduersarie; ancient; ancient church; answer; apologie; apostles; apostolike; articles; authoritie; baptisme; bee; beleeue; better; betwixt; bishops; body; booke; cap; catholike church; catholikes; cause; ceremonies; certaine; chapter; christ; christian; church; churches; confesse; consequence; constance; contrary; controuersie; councell; day; dead; death; decrees; difference; diuers; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; election; end; english; erre; errors; errour; eucharist; euen; euery; example; faith; fathers; fourth; france; free; generall; giue; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; hee; henry; heresie; heretikes; himselfe; holy; huguenots; iesus; iohn; iudge; iudgement; iust; iustification; king; lawfull; lib; life; little; long; man; manner; matter; meanes; meats; members; nature; necessary; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; nice; number; obiection; occasion; opinion; ought; owne; pag; particular; paul; people; place; point; pope; prayer; president; priests; primitiue; protestants; proue; purpose; question; reason; receiued; reformed; regard; religion; respect; rest; right; righteousnesse; roman; roman church; rome; rule; sacraments; said; saint; scripture; second; sentence; set; shew; signification; sinne; speake; spirits; tcp; text; themselues; things; time; title; tradition; trent; true; truth; viz; vnlawfull; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; water; way; wee; word; workes; yea cache: A19220.xml plain text: A19220.txt item: #91 of 416 id: A19242 author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. title: The abatement of popish braggs, pretending Scripture to be theirs. Retorted by the hand of Alexander Cooke date: 1625.0 words: 20967 flesch: 84 summary: in ● P●● . ●●pist . keywords: adu; afraid; againe; alexander; alledge; alledgeth; ambrose; ancient; angel; annot; answ; apostles; apud; arguments; art; austin; aut; basil; bee; beleeue; bell; bellarmine; betweene; bible; bishops; body; booke; c. 2; caietan; cap; cardinall; case; catholikes; characters; charks; children; christ; chrysostome; church; churches; commandements; conc; confesse; content; contrary; controuersie; cor; councell; crosse; cum; day; dead; death; doctor; doctrine; doe; doubt; drinke; early; earth; ecclesia; edit; eebo; ego; end; english; epist; epistle; ergo; est; euen; euery; exod; expresse; fall; false; fathers; feare; flesh; fol; forbidden; gaue; gen; giue; god; gods; goe; good; gospel; great; greeke; hand; hath; haue; heauen; heb; hee; hereticks; himselfe; holy; hope; ibid; idem; iesus; iewes; images; incense; infirmatur; instance; ioh; iudge; keepe; kind; knowne; later; law; lawfull; learned; lib; life; like; little; lord; maintaine; man; manner; mans; married; mary; matth; meane; meaning; mee; men; merit; mind; moses; mother; motiue; nature; nec; neuer; new; nisi; non; old; onely; open; opinion; ouer; owne; papists; paul; people; perfect; persons; peter; place; plaine; point; pope; popish; power; praier; pray; preface; present; priests; proofe; prophets; prot; proue; prouing; psal; purpose; quae; quam; question; qui; quod; rat; read; reason; religion; rhem; rocke; rom; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; saith; sanctorum; satisfaction; sauiour; saying; scripture; sect; sed; selues; sense; serue; sinne; speake; sunt; supra; tcp; tei; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; traditions; translation; true; trust; truth; vaine; vasquez; vel; verba; virgin; viz; vnbeleeuing; vnto; vow; vowes; vpon; vse; way; wee; whatsoeuer; wife; witnesseth; words; workes; world; yea; yee; yeeres; ● t; ● ● cache: A19242.xml plain text: A19242.txt item: #92 of 416 id: A19243 author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1532. title: Pope Ioane A dialogue betvveene a protestant and a papist. Manifestly prouing, that a woman called Ioane was Pope of Rome: against the surmises and obiections made to the contrarie, by Robert Bellarmine and Cæsar Baronius Cardinals: Florimondus Ræmondus, N.D. and other popish writers, impudently denying the same. By Alexander Cooke. date: 1610.0 words: 60009 flesch: 85 summary: Pont●●us Ch●●n g●●l . Manifestly prouing , that a woman called IOANE was Pope of Rome : against the surmises and obiections made to the contrarie , by Robert Be●●●●mine and Baronius●●●dinals ●●●dinals : Florimandus Raemondus , N. D. and 〈◊〉 Popish writers , impudently denying the same . keywords: abbas; aboue; accident; account; acknowledgeth; acts; ad ann; adhuc; ado; aeneas; aetate; againe; alderman; alexander; alfred; alij; alledge; anastasius; ancient; angels; anglicus; anie; annal; annis; annot; annotat; answer; ante; apparat; append; apud; archbishop; argue; argument; ashamed; asseritur; athens; auentinus; august; author; authoritie; bad; balsamon; bare; baronius; base; basil; beleeue; bellarmine; bene; benedict; benno; bergomensis; bernartius; best; better; betweene; bishops; bodie; body; boniface; booke; boy; bristow; caesar; cals; cap; cardinall; caried; caruers; case; catal; catalogo; catholicke; cedrenus; certaine; chaire; chalcocondilas; characters; charanza; charles; child; children; christ; chron; chronicle; chronol; church; churches; circa; circumstances; citatis; citato; citie; clauserus; clemens; clergie; close; colledge; coming; common; conc; conceit; confesse; consent; constantinople; continued; contrary; controuersie; copie; councell; countrey; credible; credit; cuius; cum; custome; daies; damasus; dare; day; de script; deacon; death; deceiued; dei; deliuered; denie; deuised; die; difference; disagreement; diuell; diuers; doctor; doth; doubt; doubtlesse; driuen; duke; dum; durst; eam; early; earnest; eccles; ecclesiae; ecclesiasticis; editions; eebo; effect; eighth; eius; election; emperour; end; enemies; england; english; episcop; epist; epistle; erat; ergo; error; est; estate; esteeme; etiam; euen; euery; euident; euill; eum; example; excellent; exception; extant; fable; fact; false; famous; farre; father; fault; feare; felix; fellow; fellowes; fertur; ferunt; fifth; filthinesse; fiue; flien; florentius; flores; florimondus; foemina; fol; foole; foure; fourth; france; fraud; french; fuisse; fuit; gaue; gemble; genebrard; generall; germany; giue; god; gods; golden; good; great; greater; greatest; grecia; greeke; gregorie; gregory; ground; habitu; haec; haimo; hand; harding; hath; haue; head; headlesse; heart; heauen; hell; heresie; hereticke; hic; high; himselfe; hist; historians; historie; historiographer; history; hoc; hold; holy; homo; honorius; hope; house; humanitie; hunc; iacobus; ibid; idem; iesuites; ignorance; ignorant; image; impress; inconuenience; inter; ioane; ioanna; iohannes; iohn; ipse; italie; italy; iudgement; iust; kalends; king; knowes; knowne; krantius; later; lateran; latine; lawfull; lay; learned; learning; leaue; left; length; leo; leone; lib; liberius; librarie; library; lies; life; like; likely; litle; locis; loco; london; long; lord; loue; luitprandus; lupus; maguntia; maine; maister; making; malmsbury; man; manifest; manner; mans; mantuan; manuscripts; marble; marianus; marke; martinus; martyr; maruell; masse; massonus; math; matter; meane; meaning; meere; men; mensibus; mention; mentz; michael; mind; monasterie; moneths; monke; monument; mother; mulier; names; natione; nay; nec; need; neque; neuer; new; nicolas; niem; nihil; ninth; nisi; nomen; nomine; non; notes; noteth; nought; numa; number; numbred; numerall; obserued; occasion; octob; odde; old; omnes; onely; onuphrius; opinion; order; ordinarie; originall; ouer; owne; oxford; pag; page; painters; pallace; palmerius; pap; papa; papacie; papacy; papists; papyrius; paris; parsons; particular; patriarke; paul; paulus; people; peperit; person; perswade; peter; petri; petrus; photius; pius; place; plaine; platina; points; polonus; pont; pontacus; pontifex; pontificatum; pontifices; pope; pope ioane; pope leo; popedome; popish; posseuin; post; postea; present; priesthood; priests; princes; probable; procession; professeth; proofe; proper; prot; protestant; proue; publike; purpose; quae; question; questionlesse; qui; quidem; quintus; quis; quod; quos; quum; quàm; quòd; rabanus; reade; reading; reason; reckoning; records; reigne; religion; report; reporting; reputation; rerum; respect; rest; rhegino; right; robert; romane; rome; sabellicus; sac; said; saint; saith; sake; sanct; sate; saue; sauiour; saying; schedel; schooles; scotus; script; scriptures; sea; second; sed; sedit; seemes; seemeth; seene; sergius; seruants; set; sets; seuenth; sexe; sexum; shew; shewed; sheweth; sibi; sic; sicut; sigebert; silence; simple; sine; sir; sit; sixe; sixtus; sonne; sort; speake; speech; stella; stephen; stone; stoole; storie; story; strabus; streete; strong; substance; succession; sum; sunt; supra; supreme; sure; sutcliffe; syluester; syluius; synesius; tables; tale; tantum; tcp; tei; tels; temple; teste; testimonies; text; textor; thee; themselues; theodora; theodoricus; thereon; thē; thing; thought; thrust; time; tit; tom; touching; trauell; triall; trithemius; true; truth; turne; twelfth; vatican; vel; vera; verbo; verie; vir; vita; vitis; viz; vnder; vniuersitie; vnlesse; vnto; voice; vpon; vrbis; vse; vsque; way; wel; wernerus; westerne; westm; whore; wife; wit; witnesseth; woman; woman pope; words; world; worse; worthy; write; writers; writing; yeares; yong; zonaras; ● e; ● ● cache: A19243.xml plain text: A19243.txt item: #93 of 416 id: A19246 author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. title: The weather-cocke of Romes religion: with her seuerall changes. Or: The world turn'd topsie-turuie by papists date: 1625.0 words: 6501 flesch: 82 summary: In old World , d veteres Canones interdixêre siceram , & omne quod inebriare potest , & mulsam , & cerui●iam : It was not lawfull to drinke any liquor which might intoxicate a mans braines . But now , Vsu & more vigiliae sunt sublatae , & consuetudine factum est , vt ieiunia nostra careant illis comitibus quos extra solebat habere , nimirum precibus , & ele●mosynis : Watching is out of vse , and so is prayer , and almes : fasting walkes by it selfe : it hath lost his old companions , as the same c Azorius confesseth . keywords: abbots; ancient; annal; apud; azorius; baron; bell; bishops; books; bread; cap; cardinals; changes; characters; christ; church; citato; clergy; cocke; conc; concilia; confesseth; councels; custome; dayes; decreed; early; eccl; ecclesiae; eebo; emperour; encoding; english; epist; erasmus; est; euen; euery; fasting; fathers; good; great; gregory; hands; hath; haue; hieron; ibid; images; instit; laity; lay; lent; leo; lib; loco; man; manner; martyrs; men; monkes; moral; nec; new; night; nisi; nomen; non; notes; old; old world; omnes; online; owne; oxford; pag; papists; partnership; people; phase; pisanus; pont; pope; popish; post; quaeritur; rome; sacrament; saint; saith; sed; sub; sunt; suprà; tcp; tei; text; thou; time; tom; topsie; veteres; vit; vnto; vpon; weather; wee; works; world; writ; xml; yea cache: A19246.xml plain text: A19246.txt item: #94 of 416 id: A19247 author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. title: VVorke for a Masse-priest date: 1617.0 words: 5621 flesch: 82 summary: If so , then I pray you tell mee , how without blasphemie b you can say , Sacerdos est creator sui creatoris : A priest is the Creator of his Creator : meaning Christ the Sonne of God. Christ is of the substance of his Father , as hee is God ; and of the substance of his Mother , as he is Man : Tell mee where the wit of your Iohn the 22. was , when d he said , Rex fit ex pane . keywords: aboue; alexander; bee; bell; bloud; bookes; cap; chalice; characters; christ; christians; church; creator; data; dei; deum; early; ecclesiae; eebo; encoding; english; euch; expound; father; god; gods; greater; haue; hee; helpe; himselfe; iesuites; iesus; images; ioh; keepe; lib; man; masse; mother; neuer; non; online; oxford; paris; partnership; pater; phase; pope; priest; purgatorie; quod; reason; sacrament; saints; saith; saying; scripture; sense; set; sir; sonne; tcp; teach; tei; text; themselues; thing; thou; time; true; ver; vnto; vpon; vvorke; words; xml; yeares cache: A19247.xml plain text: A19247.txt item: #95 of 416 id: A19248 author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. title: More vvorke for a Masse-priest date: 1621.0 words: 27227 flesch: 84 summary: S●●pleton . Thou shalt finde it proued , that Papists professe more dislike of Protestants , then either of Turke , Iew , or In●ide●●● and that they esteeme of them no otherwise then of 〈◊〉 hat● , of whose saluation there is no more hope the● of Lucifers . keywords: abel; aboue; abraham; absurd; act; alexander; annal; answer; apostle; apud; argue; austin; author; azor; baron; beleeue; bellar; beneath; bernard; best; better; bible; bishop; blessed; bloud; bodie; body; bonauenture; bookes; boy; busti; cap; cardinals; care; catechismes; cathol; cause; certaine; chalice; chap; characters; chastitie; children; christ; christians; church; churches; cit; citato; clemens; col; commandement; commending; confesse; confession; contra; contrary; cooke; cor; councell; creatures; credit; crosse; cum; data; dauid; day; dayes; death; dei; deliuer; deo; deposed; desire; deum; deus; discip; dist; diuers; doctrine; doe; doth; early; earth; eating; ecclesiae; edit; edition; eebo; eius; emperour; ends; english; equall; esay; esse; euangelist; euen; euery; example; exempl; extra; father; fault; feast; fol; follow; fourth; france; fuit; gabriel; generall; gentleman; gifts; giue; glorious; glossa; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greg; gregorie; grieuous; ground; habet; hands; hath; haue; hauing; head; heare; heauen; hee; hell; helpe; heresie; heretickes; himselfe; hist; holy; honorem; honour; ibid; idem; idle; iesuites; iesus; ill; images; impress; indulgences; instit; inter; ioh; iohn; iudgement; iustice; keepe; king; knowledge; knowne; ladie; lady; law; learning; leo; lib; life; like; line; little; loco; lord; loue; luke; man; marie; mary; masse; mater; math; matris; meaning; men; mercie; mind; money; moral; moses; mother; n ●; nailes; nauar; need; neuer; new; ninth; nobis; nomine; non; noster; number; offerings; old; omnes; omnia; onely; online; opinion; order; ouer; owne; pag; papa; papists; par; pardon; paris; paul; people; persons; peter; place; plaine; platina; pont; pope; popish; potest; potestate; power; praise; prayers; predecessors; priest; princes; pro; protestant; proue; psalme; punishment; purgatorie; quae; quam; quaritur; queene; question; qui; quod; r ●; reade; reason; religion; reports; rest; right; rom; rome; sacrament; said; saint; saith; sanct; saue; sauiour; saying; scripture; second; sect; seemes; seene; selues; sense; ser; sess; set; seuenth; shee; sing; sinne; sins; sit; sixtus; sort; soules; speake; stead; stewes; subiects; sum; sunt; supra; t ●; tales; tam; tcp; teach; tei; tenth; text; thee; themselues; thing; thinkes; thou; thy; time; tit; treatise; true; trust; truth; u ●; v ●; vel; veniall; verbo; vicar; virgin; virginis; vita; viz; vnder; vnto; vnum; vpon; vse; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whore; wife; withall; witnesseth; woman; words; worke; world; yea; yeares; ● d; ● e; ● h; ● l; ● o; ● ● cache: A19248.xml plain text: A19248.txt item: #96 of 416 id: A19251 author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. title: Yet more vvorke for a Masse-priest date: 1622.0 words: 15345 flesch: 80 summary: B●●nianae . Yet we reade in Guido de monte Rocherij , who liued 250 yeares ago , that Sacerdos mittit digitum in aures eius [ baptizandi ] & ponit de sa●iua in ore eius : & signat quod baptizandus debet habere aures aptas ad audiendum verba Dei & documenta fid●i : positio saliuae in ore signat , quod debet esse promptus adrespondēdum & loquendum de fide , quia loquutio fit mediante saliua : The Priest puts his finger into the eares of him who comes to be baptized , and spittle into his mouth : the putting of his finger into the eares , signifies that the partie to be baptized should haue his eares alwayes open to heare the word of God ; and the putting in of spittle into his mouth , signifies , that he should speake roundly and readily of faith , because spittle helps speech . keywords: aboue; affirmes; alexander; ancient; angell; anno; antiquitie; apostle; archbishop; argument; austin; beleeue; bellarmine; bible; bishop; booke; bread; caietan; calling; cap; cardinall; catal; catharin; catholicks; characters; christ; christus; church; churches; clergie; col; commandement; commentaries; common; consent; continent; contrary; cor; councell; creature; cum; daughter; day; dayes; dead; death; dei; dele; denie; deo; deus; discip; diuell; doctrine; doe; domino; early; eccles; edition; eebo; encoding; english; epistle; etiam; euen; euery; exempl; faith; fathers; feare; fide; fol; forbidden; francis; franciscus; free; frier; fruct; gaue; giuen; god; gods; gold; good; grace; great; gregory; h ●; hands; hath; haue; head; heart; heresie; himselfe; hist; holy; ibid; idem; ierusalem; iesus; images; indices; iohn; keepe; king; latin; law; legend; leo; lib; life; like; lord; loue; man; margents; mary; masse; meaning; men; meritis; mother; mouth; neuer; new; nobis; non; nostra; notable; old; omnes; omnia; omnibus; onely; online; opera; opinion; order; originall; owne; oxford; pag; page; panis; partnership; paul; peccatum; peter; petronilla; phase; points; pope; power; present; priest; proofe; proue; purgatorie; purging; putting; quae; qui; quiroga; quod; reade; reason; rhem; right; righteousnesse; rom; romanes; rome; saint; saluation; satisfaction; scripture; sect; sed; seene; selfe; set; sinne; sir; spittle; subiect; sunt; tcp; teach; teacheth; tei; text; things; thou; time; title; trent; true; truth; vel; verbo; virgin; vita; viz; vnitie; vnto; vpon; way; whatsoeuer; wife; william; wiues; words; workes; world; worthy; writ; yeares; ● e; ● ● cache: A19251.xml plain text: A19251.txt item: #97 of 416 id: A19252 author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. title: Worke, more vvorke, and a little more work for a masse-priest Reviewed and augmented by the authour. VVith an epistle of an vnknowne priest remaining in London, sent to the authour, excepting against fiue points therein. With the authours answere thereunto: returned vnto the priest within twelue dayes after the receipt of the priests exceptions. ... date: 1628.0 words: 54105 flesch: 80 summary: 2. 3. e Haeres co●●● Co●yridian●● . Mer●uri●●●●lo . keywords: a19252; abel; able; aboue; abraham; absurd; account; act; aequivocation; affirmes; alexander; alijs; alledgeth; allen; altar; alwayes; ancient; annal; anno; answer; antiquitie; apolog; apostle; apud; ar ●; archbishop; argue; argument; ashamed; augmented; austin; autem; author; authoritie; azor; bad; baptisme; baron; bee; beleeue; bellarmine; beneath; bernard; best; better; betweene; bi ●; bible; bishop; blessed; blind; blood; bo ●; body; bonauenture; bookes; boy; bread; brother; busti; caietan; calling; cap; cardinall; care; catal; catechismes; catholike; cause; ceremonie; certaine; chalcedon; chalice; chap; characters; charge; chastitie; childes; children; christ; christians; christus; church; churches; citato; cleare; clemens; clergie; co ●; col; commandement; commending; commentaries; common; con ●; conc; confesse; confession; conscience; consecrate; continent; contrary; controversies; cooke; cor; corpus; councell; creatures; credit; crosse; cum; currant; data; daughter; dauid; day; dayes; de s.; deacons; dead; death; decree; deed; defence; dei; denie; deo; deserue; desire; deum; deus; deut; di ●; dial; dicitur; discip; dist; divell; divers; divinity; doctrine; doe; domini; dominus; doth; doubt; doubtlesse; duty; early; earth; eating; ecclesiae; edit; edition; eebo; effect; eius; elizabeth; emperour; england; english; episc; epistle; equall; eras ●; errour; esay; esse; etiam; euch; evangelist; evill; example; exempl; exod; expound; extra; eyes; f lib; faithfull; fall; farre; father; fault; feare; feast; fellowes; fide; fifth; filij; finger; fit; fiue; fol; follow; foolerie; forbidden; forsaking; foure; fourth; france; francis; franciscus; free; frier; fuit; funerall; g ●; gaue; generall; gentleman; gift; giue; glorious; glossa; god; gods; goe; gold; good; grace; great; greater; greeke; gregorie; gregory; grievous; ground; habere; habet; hands; hath; haue; having; head; hearing; heart; heaven; heb; hee; hell; helpe; henry; heresie; hereticall; heretickes; himselfe; hist; hoc; hold; holy; honest; honorem; honour; honourable; hope; horse; iames; ibid; idem; idle; ierusalem; iesuites; iesus; iewes; igna ●; illi; illud; images; impress; indices; indulgences; inferiour; innocent; instit; inter; ioh; iohn; ipse; italy; iudgement; iure; iustice; keepe; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; labour; ladie; lady; late; latine; law; lawfull; lay; learned; learning; leaue; left; legend; leo; li ●; lib; lie; life; like; lit; little; liue; living; loco; london; lord; loue; luke; ma ●; maiestie; maintaine; making; man; manner; mans; marie; married; martyrs; mary; masse; master; math; matris; meanes; meaning; mee; men; mercie; mercy; meritorious; mind; mo ●; money; monke; moral; moses; mother; mouth; mysteries; n ●; nature; nec; necessary; need; nemo; new; nihil; ninth; nisi; nobis; noble; nomen; nomine; non; noster; nostra; notable; note; number; oath; obedience; obiection; offerings; old; omnes; omnia; omnibus; onely; opera; opinion; oration; order; owne; oxford; p ●; pag; page; papa; papists; par; pardon; paris; particular; paul; peccata; peccatum; people; persons; peter; petronilla; pius; place; plaine; pockie; points; pont; pope; poperie; popish; potest; potestate; power; poyson; pr ●; practise; praise; prayers; predecessors; preface; present; priest; priesthood; princes; pro ●; probable; professe; proofe; proper; prophets; protestants; proue; proving; psalme; punishment; purgatorie; purpose; putting; qu ●; qua ●; quae; quam; queene; question; qui; quia; quis; quod; quàm; quòd; reade; reason; religion; religious; reply; report; reporteth; respect; rest; rhem; right; righteousnesse; romanes; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; said; saint; saith; sake; salus; salvation; sanct; sanguinem; satisfaction; saue; saviour; saying; scripture; second; sect; sed; seene; selues; sense; ser; serue; service; sess; set; shee; shew; sicke; sinne; sins; sit; sixtus; sonnes; sort; soto; soules; speake; speciall; speeches; spirit; spirituall; spittle; stead; stewes; strange; su ●; subiect; sum; sunt; suo; superiour; supra; sym ●; symancha; tales; tam; tcp; teach; teacheth; tei; tell; tenth; teste; text; th ●; thee; themselues; thereunto; thing; thinkes; thou; time; tit; title; tongue; tradition; traytors; treatise; trent; true; trust; turne; twelue; v ●; vel; veniall; verbo; verse; vertue; verum; vi ●; vicar; virgin; virginis; vita; viz; vlt; vnder; vnknowne; vnlawfull; vnlesse; vnto; vntruth; vnum; vow; vpon; vse; vseth; vulgar; vvas; vvith; vvorke; want; water; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; wherewithall; whore; whosoever; wicked; wife; wine; wise; witnesseth; wiues; woman; words; worke; world; worthy; writ; yea; yeares; yee; ● ae; ● e; ● ij; ● l; ● m; ● o; ● r; ● st; ● t; ● u; ● y; ● ● cache: A19252.xml plain text: A19252.txt item: #98 of 416 id: A19281 author: Cooper, Thomas, fl. 1626. title: A brand taken out of the fire. Or The Romish spider, with his webbe of treason. VVouen and broken together with the seuerall vses that the world and Church shall make thereof. By T. Cooper, preacher of Gods word. date: 1606.0 words: 45725 flesch: 73 summary: This is the man , that tooke not God for his strength , but put his strength in his malice , and in his mischieuous policies ; yea thine owne eyes shall see now , what before thou wouldest not beleeue , That the Lord careth for the righteous , but as for the wicked , them doth his righteous soule abhor : that so though thou continue thy malice against the saints , yet now thou shalt not hereafter haue this comfort , that thou didest it ignorantly , because thou hast seene that a God taketh their part , and therefore against this reuealed light , conuincing thine owne conscience , thou shalt hereafter appeare desperately to fight against God. Wouldest thou therefore vnderstand aright , what God hath done for thee in this great deliueraunce ? keywords: able; aboue; aduersaries; afflictions; againe; annointed; apprehension; aright; bee; behold; beholding; best; better; blessed; blessings; blood; body; broken; calling; carnall; cast; cause; children; christ; church; comfort; comming; common; confidence; confusion; conscience; cor; course; danger; dauid; day; dayes; deceiued; deliuerance; deliuered; depth; desire; desperate; destruction; discouer; doe; doth; earth; effect; end; enemies; escape; euen; euer; euill; exceeding; excellent; experience; eye; eyes; faile; faith; faithfull; fall; farre; fauour; feare; fearefull; fire; followeth; fountaine; free; generall; ghost; giue; giuing; glorie; glory; god; gods; goe; good; grace; great; greater; greatnesse; ground; hand; hast; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; howe; howsoeuer; iesus; iewes; innocencie; inward; ioh; ioy; iudgement; iudgments; iustice; kingdome; know; knowledge; labour; lead; learne; length; lest; life; light; like; lin; little; long; lord; loue; maiest; malice; man; manifold; manner; math; matter; meanes; measure; men; mercies; mercy; mischiefe; mouthes; nature; nay; new; notable; obedience; occasion; onely; open; order; ouer; outward; owne; peace; people; policie; poore; posteritie; power; practises; pray; prepared; present; preuaile; protection; prouidence; prouoke; psa; psal; punishment; purposes; receiue; regard; reioyce; reioycing; religion; repentance; respect; rest; righteous; righteousnesse; rom; roote; rule; saints; saluation; sam; satan; sauiour; second; secrecie; secret; secure; seeke; seeking; selfe; selues; seruants; serue; set; seuerall; shall; shame; short; sinne; snares; sorts; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; state; subiect; successe; suddaine; sudden; tcp; teach; testimonie; text; thankefulnesse; thee; themselues; thē; thine; things; thou; thy; time; treason; triall; troubles; true; trust; turne; vengeance; verie; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vse; vvhich; want; way; weapons; wee; wee haue; whatsoeuer; whereof; whome; wicked; wickednesse; wil; wisedome; wonderfull; word; worke; worship; wrath; yea cache: A19281.xml plain text: A19281.txt item: #99 of 416 id: A19321 author: Copley, Anthony, 1567-1607? title: Another letter of Mr. A.C. to his dis-Iesuited kinseman, concerning the appeale, state, Iesuites Also a third letter of his, apologeticall for himselfe against the calumnies contained against him in a certaine Iesuiticall libell, intituled, A manifestation of folly and bad spirit, &c. date: 1602.0 words: 37517 flesch: 46 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherein can the Iesuits more 〈◊〉 themselues to the Catholike Church then in seeming so much ●…he Puritanes , who 〈◊〉 the most in●…st enemies thereunto of all the Se●… in this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as ●…f ( I will 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lesse the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both English , 〈◊〉 whatsoeuer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that haue bin fro●…●…he beginning and 〈◊〉 condemned by them aswell as by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 and the like , may in some sort be said Mala bona to the Church of God , in that their 〈◊〉 and ●…diction doth 〈◊〉 refine and purge it from 〈◊〉 , for which our Sauior in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; the Iesuits on the other side may we be●… Bona mala thereunto : Now what difference is betweene such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 iudge you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that I can 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that generally all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to th●… 〈◊〉 , whereby ●…it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it the ot●… 〈◊〉 Iesuitisme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: able; aboue; aforesaid; alreadie; answer; apollogie; apostata; apostolicke; appeale; appellants; archpriest; argument; ashamed; aswell; augustine; austrich; authoritie; bad; bare; base; behalfe; beleeue; bene; best; betweene; betwixt; booke; brethren; breue; briefe; brother; businesse; cardinall; catholicke; catholike church; cause; censure; certaine; chap; charitie; christ; christendome; church; ciuill; cleane; cleargie; coate; colledge; common; conscience; contrarie; cosin; countrey; course; court; cowbucke; credit; daily; day; death; deum; discourse; diuell; doth; doubt; earth; edification; edition; eebo; effect; end; england; english; euen; euer; example; eye; face; faction; faith; false; farre; father; fault; fauour; feare; fellow; flat; folly; forth; france; friends; generall; gentleman; ghost; giue; glorie; god; gods; gods church; good; good cosin; grace; great; grosse; ground; hands; haply; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; heretofore; high; highnesse; himselfe; hitherto; holinesse; holy; holy church; home; honest; honour; hope; house; howbeit; howsoeuer; iesuites; iesuiticall; iesus; imputations; inough; instant; iudge; iudgement; kind; king; know; knowne; laitie; late; law; lay; leaue; lesse; letter; libell; libeller; lie; lies; life; like; likely; litle; long; lord; loue; loyall; maiestie; maister; makes; man; manie; manifestation; manner; maruell; matter; meanes; meere; men; mis; mother; nation; nature; neuerthelesse; oath; old; onely; order; ordo; ouer; owne; parsons; particular; partie; parts; passe; pen; pension; person; place; point; popes; praise; present; priest; priesthood; prince; princesse; protestant; queene; question; reade; realme; reason; religion; religious; reproch; reputed; respect; rest; reuerend; rhemes; right; rome; said; sake; saying; schisme; sea; secular; seemes; seene; seminaries; set; setting; shame; shew; sister; societie; sonne; souldier; soule; spaine; spanish; spirit; spirituall; state; subiects; sure; tcp; temporall; termes; text; thee; theirs; themselues; thereunto; thinke; thou; thought; time; true; trust; vaine; verie; vnder; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; watson; way; wealth; wees; whatsoeuer; whereof; whit; wil; withall; witnesse; world; worse; worthy; wretched; yea; yeares cache: A19321.xml plain text: A19321.txt item: #100 of 416 id: A19428 author: Barnes, John, fl. 1600-1621. title: Father Cotton a Iesuite, the Kings confessour, his two and thirtie demands, to the ministers of France with the answeres added at the end of euerie demand. Also threescore and foure demands proposed to Father Cotton, by way of counter-change. By Peter Moulin, minister of the word of God in the church of Paris. Printed according to the French copie, printed in Paris. Also a new late chalenge, by a learned diuine, to all Papists, in 24. other Popish articles. date: 1614.0 words: 20084 flesch: 73 summary: That the bread which wee breake is the Communion of the body of Christ : For the Sacraments are not onely significatiue of the grace of God , but also exhibitiue , and doe not onely represent them , but also doe present them vnto vs. VII . DEMAND . yeeres after Christ , which held it vnlawfull for the people of God to reade the Scriptures in their Mother tongue , I yeeld to Poperie : keywords: aboue; aduersaries; againe; angell; ansvvere; answeres; apostles; approued; articles; authoritie; baptisme; beleeue; beliefe; better; bishop; bloud; body; booke; bread; caluin; cap; catechisme; chapter; children; christ; christian; church; churches; commandement; common; confesse; confirmation; contrarie; contrary; cor; cotton; councell; crosse; day; dayes; deacons; death; demand; diuine; doe; doth; earth; eebo; end; english; erre; euen; euery; example; faithfull; farre; father; fault; finde; foure; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; hands; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; hee; himselfe; hold; holy; host; iames; iesuites; iesus; iesus christ; images; iohn; keepe; law; lawfull; lib; life; light; like; lord; making; men; merit; minister; mortall; neuer; new; neyther; non; onely; opinion; ouer; owne; papist; paris; paul; people; persons; peter; place; pope; popery; power; prayer; presbyters; priest; promise; protestant; punishment; purgatorie; questions; reason; receiue; rest; righteousnesse; rome; sacrament; said; saint; saith; saluation; saying; scripture; second; selues; signe; sinnes; slander; soules; spirit; supper; tcp; testament; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; vers; vnder; vnderstand; vnto; vow; vpon; vse; vvhich; water; way; wee; women; word; workes; yeeres cache: A19428.xml plain text: A19428.txt item: #101 of 416 id: A19505 author: Cowper, William, 1568-1619. title: Seuen dayes conference betweene a catholicke christian, and a catholicke Romane. Concerning some controuersies of religion. By William Cowper, B. of Galloway. date: 1613.0 words: 30499 flesch: 74 summary: And as to these who are infected indeed with the heresies of Papistrie ; yet is it vncertain if they shall so continue , for the Lord is ma●uellous in working with such as belong to his election , that howsoeuer for the pr●sent wee see them in sinne and ignorance , ye● know wee not what they will be ● so many secret wayes ●●th the Lord in time of sickn●sse , yea , in the very howre of d●ath to draw the h●arts of m●n toward● himselfe , which are hid from vs , that it w●re but presumption to iudge of an other mans saluation or reprobation . Doth any of the Rulers , or Scribes beleeue in Christ● , but only this cursed people who knowes not the Law ? R. No indeed . keywords: able; againe; age; amen; ancient; antichrist; antiquitie; apostasie; apostles; argument; authoritie; babel; bee; beleeue; best; better; betweene; bishop; bloud; bodie; body; bread; britaine; c. c.; c. good; c. haue; c. hee; c. nay; c. yea; calles; canon; cap; catholicke; cause; ceremonies; children; christ; christian; church; churches; cleare; common; communion; conference; confesse; conscience; content; contrarie; controuersies; councell; countrie; cum; cup; dare; darkenesse; day; dayes; death; dei; denie; desire; disgrace; distinction; diuine; doctors; doctrine; doe; dominus; doth; doubt; earth; eebo; emperours; empire; enemie; english; epist; est; estate; euerie; euery; euident; euill; europe; expound; faith; false; farre; fathers; fiue; flesh; foure; france; gaue; generall; giue; glorie; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greatest; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; heb; hee; heresies; highnesse; himselfe; holy; hope; hundreth; ibid; iesuites; iesus; indeede; intercession; iohn; isle; iudgement; iustice; keepe; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; law; length; lesse; lib; lies; life; light; like; little; long; looke; lord; loue; luther; maiestie; man; manner; marke; masse; matter; meanes; mediator; mee; men; mercie; mind; mother; mother church; names; nations; nec; neuer; new; non; noueltie; number; offices; old; olde; omnes; onely; open; order; ouer; owne; papistrie; papists; parts; paul; people; person; peter; place; plaine; pleased; point; pope; power; pray; prayer; preacher; priest; primitiue; primitiue church; princes; promise; prophesie; protestants; proue; quae; question; quod; r. fie; r. god; reade; reason; receiued; religion; rest; reuelation; romane; rome; rome c.; rome vnder; romish; s ●; sacrament; sacrifice; saies; saint; saluation; sathan; saue; sauiour; scotland; scripture; second; sect; sed; seeke; seruice; seuen; shee; shew; simon; sinnes; sir; sit; sonne; sooth; sound; speake; speaking; spirit; strange; sub; subiect; sunt; sure; tcp; temple; tertullian; testimonies; text; th ●; thee; themselues; thē; thing; thinges; thinke; thou; thy; time; tongue; true; true church; truth; vel; ver; vincentius; virgin; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnto; voice; vpon; warrant; way; wee; wel; west; wherin; whome; whoore; whoredomes; wil; william; willing; wise; witnesseth; word; works; worse; worship; worshippe; yea; yeare; yee; ● e; ● n; ● t; ● ● cache: A19505.xml plain text: A19505.txt item: #102 of 416 id: A19950 author: Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614. title: A letter vvritten from Paris, by the Lord Cardinall of Peron, to Monsr. Casaubon in England. Translated out of the French corrected copie, into English. date: 1612.0 words: 8626 flesch: 52 summary: Of all which things I do not for the present vndertake the proof , least in place of a Letter I should sēd you a booke , but I oblige my self to performe it , whensouer you shall require it : and to shew vnto you , both by the vniforme consent of the Fathers , who flourished in the time of the foure first Councells , and by the formes which they haue left vs in their writings , of the ancient seruice of the Catholike Church in their ages , vniuersally and vniformely were held , belieued , and practised through all the Prouinces and Countries of the earth , these foure points , in the same sense , and in the same forme , as they are vsed in our Liturgies and common Seruice , and not as Obseruations , which then had their beginning , but as things which the same Fathers affirme to haue bene belieued and practised by all Antiquity ; and to haue come to them , by a neuer-interrupted succession of the tradition or approbation of the Apostles . This therfore is to be held vndoubtedly for Vniuersall & Catholike , which the most eminent of the Fathers , that liued in the time of the foure first Councells , haue taught in diuers Countreys , and different parts of the world , and which none of the rest haue impugned or noted , as disagreing from the doctrine of the Church ; or which the Fathers of these Councells haue witnessed , to haue bene belieued and practised by the whole Church in their ages : and that shall vndoubtedly remayne as ancient and Apostolike , which the Fathers of those ages haue testified to haue bene obserued by the whole Church , not as a thing newly begun in their time , but descended to them by continuall and immemorable succession from former ages , or from the expresse Tradition of the Apostles . keywords: ages; ancient; ancient fathers; apostles; augustine; authority; belieue; bene; body; cap; catholike; catholike church; cause; christ; christian; church; communion; copie; councells; day; diuers; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; euery; expresse; faith; fathers; foure; generall; god; great; hath; haue; heretikes; holy; lawfull; letter; lord; maiesty; matters; meanes; ministers; necessary; necessity; neuer; obseruation; particuler; perron; persons; place; points; present; reall; reason; sacrament; saint; saluation; sayd; tcp; text; themselues; things; time; title; tyme; vnder; vnity; vniuersall; vnto; whome; works; writings cache: A19950.xml plain text: A19950.txt item: #103 of 416 id: A20056 author: Dekker, Thomas, ca. 1572-1632. title: The double PP. A papist im armes. Bearing ten seuerall sheilds. Encountred by the protestant. at ten seuerall weapons. A Iesuite marching before them. date: 1606.0 words: 5875 flesch: 83 summary: Of Him , that to the Spanish strond Creeping but like a Vagabond , P●●ues a Court-card , is painted braue , And wins strange tricks by being the Knaue . Da●●s . keywords: a20056; armes; away; base; beast; bee; blood; books; characters; christ; christendome; church; close; couchant; countries; court; crosse; crowne; doth; double; early; eebo; encoding; english; eyes; fall; fire; gardant; giue; good; great; haue; head; heart; hee; hee s; holy; iesuite; images; italian; kingdomes; kings; land; like; lyes; man; nation; neuer; notes; online; owne; oxford; papist; partnership; parts; passant; peace; pendant; phase; pope; protestant; rampant; realme; reason; religion; romaine; rome; row; run; sea; selfe; seminant; sets; seuerall; single; state; tcp; tei; text; time; turne; variant; vmbreant; vnder; voice; volant; vpon; weares; works; xml; ● ● cache: A20056.xml plain text: A20056.txt item: #104 of 416 id: A20148 author: Denakol. title: No parliament powder But shot and powder for the Pope. And for all his Cardinalles, Bishops, Abbots, Fryers, Monkes; the maisters and great doctours of Sorbonne. Sent to his vn-holynesse, and them all, for a newe-yeares gift. 1609. date: 1609.0 words: 24507 flesch: 81 summary: There is one MEDIATOVR between God and man , which is the man CHRIST IESVS . 1. Tim. 2. 5. Wee haue one Aduocate with the Father , IESVS CHRIST the iust . There hath beene a miserable custome , in saying ; that men might goe of , and by themselues , to God , euen as by Earles and Princes , they can make way to Kings . keywords: a20148; ambrose; apostles; augustine; auncient; authoritie; bee; begate; beleeue; best; better; betweene; bishops; blood; bodie; body; booke; bread; canon; cap; cause; certaine; chap; christ; christian; church; churches; command; confesse; confession; contrary; cor; councell; day; dayes; dead; death; deut; dist; diuers; diuine; div; doctours; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; earth; eate; eebo; end; ende; english; epist; euen; euery; faithfull; false; fasting; fathers; fauour; fire; flesh; foure; free; galat; giue; god; gods; gods church; good; gospell; grace; great; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heauen; hee; heretiques; hierome; high; himselfe; holy; holy church; hom; honour; house; iesus; iesus christ; ignorance; ignorant; images; inuented; iohn; iudgement; king; learned; left; lib; life; like; long; lord; luke; man; manner; mariage; masse; master; matth; meates; mee; men; moreouer; mother; nature; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; notes; obedient; onely; ordinance; ovr; owne; paine; paul; pence; people; place; poore; pope; pounds; power; prayers; precious; priests; prince; prophet; psal; purgatorie; receiue; regard; reuerence; right; rome; sacrament; saint; saith; satisfaction; sayd; saying; scriptures; second; serm; set; shillings; similitude; sinnes; sixe; sonne; soules; speaketh; spirit; sup; super; tcp; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; things; thomas; thou; thy; time; title; tom; transubstantiation; true; trueth; verie; vnder; vnderstood; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; whatsoeuer; wine; wise; word; worke; yea cache: A20148.xml plain text: A20148.txt item: #105 of 416 id: A20187 author: Dent, Arthur, d. 1607. title: The opening of heauen gates, or The ready way to euerlasting life Deliuered in a most familier dialogue, betweene reason and religion, touching predestination, Gods word, and mans free-will, to the vnderstanding of the weakest capacitie, and the confirming of the more strong. By Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God, at South-Shoobery in Essex. date: 1610.0 words: 27283 flesch: 69 summary: Truely of this sort of mē , I thanke God , in all my daies ( although I haue ●ard of many ) did I neuer know more ●en thrée , which if it had pleased the ●ord , were to many by two and one ; these ●rée , were naturall bretherēn , men ma●●lous politique insundry sciences , and ●orldly wise , but we the iudgements of God : the two ●ounge● were hanged , not many yeares since iustly condemned for ●●gh ●reason , and the third being the elder ●rother , was taken in adultery , and with ● knife ●iabbed in , and slaine by the hands of his owne wife : and so farre as I vn●erstand , ther● is not one of the name left ●liue . They knew also on the contrary part , that the reprobates by no industry could ●●●rit the kingdome of God : and al●●it before theyr faces , whole thou●ndes were caught with this lime●wigge of Sathan , and did tipple them●elues with the drunkennesse of diuelish ●curity ; yet I say were the Apostles neuer the colder , to walke in theyr duties and offices , but painfully , and wi●● all diligent care and endeauor , to they continuall danger , and at last with the losse of theyr liues , discharged them selues therof . keywords: able; aboue; actions; adam; againe; alasse; almighty; altogether; alwaies; answer; apostle; augustine; author; backe; bee; beeing; beginning; behalfe; best; better; body; béene; carelesse; cause; children; christ; church; commandement; commeth; common; confesse; consent; contrary; creation; damned; day; de ●; death; dent; doctrine; doe; dost; doth; doubt; doubtlesse; earth; eebo; effects; election; end; english; ergo; estate; euen; euerlasting; euery; euill; example; eye; fall; false; farre; father; fault; feare; find; folly; foreknowledge; free; frée; generall; ghost; giue; glory; god; god doth; god neuer; godly; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; hee; hell; himselfe; holy; honor; hée; image; imbrace; instrument; iustice; jesus; king; know; knowledge; law; leaue; life; light; like; little; long; lord; loue; ma ●; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; meane; men; mercy; mind; moreouer; nature; nay; necessary; neuer; note; notwithstanding; o ●; obiection; onely; opinion; ordinance; owne; papist; people; perceiue; place; pleasure; poore; pope; power; predestination; prophets; proue; prouidence; purpose; ready; reason; reli; religion; reprobate; respect; rest; righteousnesse; rom; saith; saluation; satan; saue; sauiour; saying; scripture; sea; second; secret; selfe; selues; set; shal; shew; sinne; som; sort; soule; spirit; stand; suffer; sée; séeme; tcp; tell; testimonies; text; th ●; thee; themselues; therfore; theyr; thē; things; thinke; thou; thought; thousand; thée; time; transgression; true; truth; vn ●; vnder; vnto; vnwritten; vpon; vse; water; way; wee; whome; wi ●; wicked; wickednesse; wil; wisdome; wise; witnesse; wonderfull; word; worke; worketh; wrong; y ●; yea; yeald; zeale; ● e; ● h; ● ing; ● ly; ● nd; ● oe; ● ord; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● ée; ● ▪; ● ● cache: A20187.xml plain text: A20187.txt item: #106 of 416 id: A20440 author: Digby, Kenelm, Sir, 1603-1665. title: A conference with a lady about choice of religion date: 1638.0 words: 14215 flesch: 24 summary: Therfore , allthough any particular man may haue his senses or fantasie so depraued as to take imperfect and maymed impressions of outward obiects ; or the powers of his vnderstanding so weake as to make preposterous and disorderly collections out of them ; or his iudgement so misguided by preoccupation of any affectiō or particular end , as he may in himselfe be deceiued , and feede his soule with falsehood in steede of truth ; or else , that sinister respects and interests , or sordide apprehensions of commodity to himselfe , meeting with à soule so disposed and wrought vpon by the sensuall passions tyrannising ouer it , as to cause him to swallow those baytes , may make him employ the faculties of his vnderstanding and the powers of his soule , contrary vnto their naturall inclination , to the maintayning of a lye , and industriously to deceiue others : yet it is impossible that all mankind or such a multitude of men as contayne in them all the variety of dispositions and affections incident to the nature of man , and that are dispersed throughout the world , so as they can haue noe communion together whereby they might infect one another , nor can haue sinister ends cōmon alike to them all , which should inuite thē to conspire together to forge a falsehood : it is impossible ( I say ) that such a company of men should so degenerate from their owne nature ( which is to loue truth ) as they should of themselues inuent a lye ( and that in so important a matter as faith is ) and concurre to deceiue the world of men that should come after them in things of such nature , as their deceipt must of necessity damne for all eternity both themselues and all them that shall receiue that lye from them , and take it upon their credit : without which vnanimous conspiracy of one whole age of men throughout all the world , we proued in our last conclusion that no false proposition could be admitted into the Church as an article of faith . And experience cōfirmeth vnto vs , that the sparkes of knowledge we gaine heere are not pure ; but haue the nature of salt water , that increaseth the thirst in them who drinke most of it ; and we swallowe the purest streames like men in a dropsie , who the more they drinke are still the greedier of more . keywords: able; action; affections; age; allthough; apostles; appeare; assent; ād; beatitude; belieue; body; catholicke; causes; certaine; christ; church; conclusion; contrary; corporall; deceiued; desire; deuotion; discerne; discourse; disposed; diuine; doctrine; doe; eebo; effect; end; english; ether; euen; euery; experience; faith; fire; followeth; forme; gaine; generall; ghost; giue; god; good; goodnesse; great; greater; hand; happy; hath; haue; hauing; hearts; himselfe; holy; humane; impossible; infallible; instant; iudgement; knowledge; lesse; life; light; like; long; loue; man; mankinde; manner; materiall; matter; meanes; men; miracles; naturall; nature; necessary; neuer; new; noe; obiects; onely; ouer; owne; particular; perpetuall; persons; place; proposition; pure; reason; religion; remaine; rest; romane; sayd; scriptures; secure; sense; seuerall; soule; state; strong; subiect; supernaturall; tcp; text; themselues; thē; things; true; truth; tyme; vehement; vnderstanding; vntill; vnto; vpon; way; whatsoeuer; withall; worke; world cache: A20440.xml plain text: A20440.txt item: #107 of 416 id: A20679 author: Dove, John, 1560 or 61-1618. title: An aduertisement to the English seminaries, amd [sic] Iesuites shewing their loose kind of writing, and negligent handling the cause of religion, in the whole course of their workes. By Iohn Doue Doctor in Diuinity. date: 1610.0 words: 29156 flesch: 70 summary: And againe , it is not in him that willeth ( meaning mans indeuours ) nor in him that runneth ( meaning the workes of man ) but in God that sheweth mercy . Perditio tua ex te , salus ex me Israël , that thou art damned it proceedeth from thy selfe , that thou art saued it is to be ascribed to me , ô Israël : And therefore inferreth that the cause of predestination is in our selues , & not in God : I answer first to Saint Paul , It is his will that all should be saued , that is his reuealed , but not his secret will , and to Hose , our destruction is of our selues , and yet it is of God that men are predestinated to destruction , for as much as there are two causes of damnation , one principall , which is his will , and that is outward , and not in men : the other subordinate which commeth betweene the decree and the execution of the decree , which is damnation , and that is sinne , matter worthy enough of damnation ; and that is inherent in man. keywords: a20679; able; act; adam; affirmatiue; angels; answer; apostle; argument; art; augustine; authority; bee; bellarmine; bene; betweene; bible; booke; building; calfe; caluin; canonicall; cap; catholicke; cause; change; christ; church; churches; common; condemnation; condemne; confession; conscience; consequent; contrary; cor; councell; damnation; dead; death; decree; defence; definition; dei; deliuer; deos; destruction; deus; difference; disputation; distinction; diuine; doctor; doctrine; doth; doue; earth; edition; eebo; english; esau; est; eternall; euen; euery; execution; exod; fallacy; false; farre; fathers; fit; foresaw; foresight; foundation; gaue; generall; gentiles; giue; god; gods; good; gospell; gouernment; grace; great; greeke; grounds; hands; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; hee; heresie; hereticall; hierome; himselfe; hold; holy; idolatry; idols; iesus; images; iniquity; inuocation; iudgement; iustice; kemnitius; king; knowledge; latine; law; lawfull; lib; life; like; liuing; long; lord; lumpe; man; manner; matter; meaning; men; mercy; ministers; moses; nature; negatiue; neuer; new; non; notes; number; obiection; onely; opinion; originall; ouer; owne; pag; page; particular; paul; people; person; peter; place; plaine; pleasure; points; power; praiers; pray; prayer; predestinate; predestination; princes; proofe; protestant; proue; psal; purpose; quae; question; quod; reader; reason; recusants; religion; reply; reprobation; respect; right; rocke; rome; saint; saith; saluation; saue; sauiour; scriptures; second; sed; seeme; selfe; sense; seruice; set; shew; sinne; small; soules; sound; spake; speaketh; spirit; state; stone; sufficient; sunt; syriac; tcp; termes; text; thee; themselues; things; thou; thought; time; trent; true; truth; verbo; vessels; vnderstood; vnto; vpon; walsingham; way; words; workes; world; worship cache: A20679.xml plain text: A20679.txt item: #108 of 416 id: A20820 author: Abernethie, Thomas, fl. 1638-1641. title: Abjuration of poperie, by Thomas Abernethie: sometime Iesuite, but now penitent sinner, and an unworthie member of the true reformed Church of God in Scotland, at Edinburgh, in the Gray-frier church, the 24. of August, 1638 date: 1638.0 words: 14593 flesch: 58 summary: THis day ( right Honourable , Reverend , and Welbeloved , in our common Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus ) is keeped very solemne and holy , by these who equalize ; yea prefer some of their fabulous saincts dayes , to the Lords owne day , in respect of the relation they say it hath to the Apostle Bartholomew , who being excoriat , should have suffered martyrdome on such a day ; but of You is solemnized , to the end Yee may behold a poore wretched sinner , pull off and throw away his old skin of Popish Idolatrie and superstition , that he may compeare in the sight of God and men , with a new garment of righteousnesse , dyeed in the blood of that immaculat Lambe , who taketh away the sins of the world . The second thing that I proposed , was , the causes of the health of my Soul ; and these are four , materiall , formall , finall , and efficient ; the first is the soul it self taken specificative , the second is the same soul taken reduplicative , ut sanata , as healed ; the third or finall , is that eternall joy and felicitie , for the which before time God hath elected , and in time created , not only me , but all these likewise who serve him with true sinceritie ; which felicitie the Apostle thus describeth : the eye hath not scene , nor eare heard , neither hath entred into the heart of man , the things which God hath prepared for them that love him . keywords: angels; apostle; august; baptisme; bee; betwixt; beware; blood; books; calling; cause; christ; christian; church; common; confesse; confession; conscience; cor; countrey; countrie; dangers; day; deare; discourse; divine; doctors; doctrine; eebo; end; ends; enemies; england; english; eternall; faith; father; foure; glory; god; gods; good; great; hath; health; heart; heaven; heed; holy; idolatrie; images; iniquitie; ioh; jesuits; jesus; judge; kingdomes; kings; libertie; life; light; like; long; lord; man; masse; matth; meanes; men; mercie; mercifull; minde; nature; owne; papists; paul; pensions; people; persons; peter; philosophie; place; pleased; point; policie; poore; poperie; popes; present; priests; prophet; psal; question; reason; religion; resolution; respect; rest; rome; salvation; saviour; sayeth; scotland; scriptures; second; seeing; self; severall; sinner; sins; soul; soules; superiour; superstitious; tcp; text; thee; things; thomas; thorow; thou; thought; thy; time; true; understanding; whereof; word; works; worthie; year; yee; yeeres cache: A20820.xml plain text: A20820.txt item: #109 of 416 id: A20940 author: Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658. title: A conference held at Paris betweene Father Gontier a Iesuite, and Doctor Du Moulin seconded by the Lady of Salignac. Together with Doctor Du Moulin his answere to Gontier his letter to the King concerning the subiect of this conference. By Peter Du Moulin Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of the Word of God in the church of Paris. Translated according to the French copie printed in Paris. date: 1615.0 words: 8576 flesch: 62 summary: A conference held at Paris betweene Father Gontier a Iesuite, and Doctor Du Moulin seconded by the Lady of Salignac. Together with Doctor Du Moulin his answere to Gontier his letter to the King concerning the subiect of this conference. keywords: ancient; apostles; bee; beleeue; bible; bishops; bloud; body; bread; christ; church; conference; death; doctor; doe; doth; du moulin; eebo; end; english; eucharist; father; god; gontier; greeke; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; iesus; images; king; ladies; lady; liembrune; little; lord; master; moulin; neuer; new; ouer; paris; people; place; proue; reason; religion; remission; rome; sacrifice; saint; salignac; shed; shee; shew; speake; tcp; text; thing; time; true; truth; vnto; vpon; wee; word; writing cache: A20940.xml plain text: A20940.txt item: #110 of 416 id: A20965 author: Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez, seigneur de, 1597-1654. title: A wittie encounter betweene Monsieur du Moulin, and Monsieur De Balzac Esteemed two the most elegant pens of their nation. Wherein they deliver things weighty, and important both in religion and state. Faithfully translated out of the french (sic) coppy by A.S. Gent. date: 1636.0 words: 7186 flesch: 68 summary: I am confident that you will make use of your mercy rather then your Iustice towards him , who into your hands hath voluntarily put the life of his Reputation in good Letters , to him farre , far dearer then his Naturall , during which he vowes to remaine Sir , Your most humble Servant , A. S. THE LETTER OF Monsieur de Moulin , to Monsieur de Balzac . Of whose power , though GOD hath made use in our humiliation , yet hath not his M ty forgotten our ancient services , nor that the dead King his father , of glorious memory , in the time of his affliction , had no other Sanctuary then our Churches . keywords: able; answer; balzac; bee; better; betweene; body; books; cause; characters; churches; cicero; doe; early; eebo; elegant; eloquence; english; force; france; french; god; good; grace; great; greater; hath; himselfe; images; king; lawes; letters; liberty; like; long; man; master; monsieur; moulin; nation; new; online; opinion; owne; oxford; partnership; party; pens; people; phase; pope; power; praise; religion; rome; selfe; sir; sonne; speake; state; stile; tcp; tei; text; things; thrice; thy; time; true; truth; vertue; way; wee; weighty; wit; works; world; xml cache: A20965.xml plain text: A20965.txt item: #111 of 416 id: A23572 author: Ailesbury, Thomas, fl. 1622-1659. title: Paganisme and papisme parallel'd and set forth in a sermon at the Temple-Church, vpon the feast day of All-Saints. 1623. By Thomas Ailesbury student of diuinitie. date: 1624.0 words: 7190 flesch: 67 summary: Inexplicable I suppose is that which the Apostle relateth of the religious knowledge and practice of the Gentiles , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they were not ignorant of that which may be knowne of God. This the Apostle toucheth , The Gentiles , did not change God into Man , but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into the likenesse of Man. keywords: ailesbury; altar; apostle; augustine; bee; books; characters; christ; christians; church; conclusion; creatures; day; dayly; deities; deity; deos; deuils; deuotion; diuers; doth; early; earth; eebo; encoding; english; euery; false; father; feast; fellowship; gaue; gentiles; god; gods; good; great; hath; haue; heathen; heauen; hee; high; himselfe; holy; idol; idolatry; images; intent; lactantius; like; lord; lordship; man; manner; men; nature; non; online; owne; oxford; paganisme; papisme; partnership; paul; phase; practice; profane; religion; religious; rome; sacred; sacrifice; saints; saith; second; sermon; set; subiect; tcp; tei; text; themselues; thing; thomas; thoughts; time; touch; true; truth; vaine; vnto; vpon; vulgar; wee; whereof; works; xml cache: A23572.xml plain text: A23572.txt item: #112 of 416 id: A25572 author: L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. Answer to the Appeal from the country to the city. title: The Answer to the appeal expounded date: 1680.0 words: 16257 flesch: 65 summary: They began with a cry against Popery , but they concluded in the l Murther of the King ; the dislution of the Monarchy , and the perpetual Exclusion of the Royal Family , as may be seen in their Proclamation of Jan. 30.48 . for Inhibiting any person to be King. Here he shews himself to be an Informer , (c) Wat Tyler's endeavour was to destroy the Kings Life and Government , and plunder the City : whereas the Appeal desires to save King , City and Government , or at least to revenge their sufferings . keywords: account; answer; appeal; appellant; arbitrary; argument; arms; army; author; best; better; bloud; books; calamities; case; cast; characters; charge; church; citizens; city; common; conspiracy; court; credit; crown; danger; dangerous; death; design; duke; eebo; enemies; england; english; episcopal; evidence; expounded; faction; faith; fanaticks; fanatiques; father; fear; fire; fol; force; france; french; friends; god; good; government; great; greater; hand; hath; head; hope; horse; houses; interest; justice; king; kingdom; late; laws; life; like; little; london; long; majesties; majesty; man; matter; money; murther; nation; nature; nay; new; notice; officers; old; orders; papists; parliament; party; people; person; place; plot; point; popery; popish; popish plot; power; present; prince; principles; privy; protestants; publique; purpose; question; reason; rebellion; religion; scandal; second; self; set; state; story; subject; successor; sure; sword; tcp; text; thing; thought; time; title; true; truth; turn'd; way; wives; work; world; young cache: A25572.xml plain text: A25572.txt item: #113 of 416 id: A25674 author: Antoine. title: A vindication of the Roman Catholicks from the foul aspersions thrown upon them by John Tillotson ... in a sermon preached by him in November, 1687 ... date: 1688.0 words: 6695 flesch: 72 summary: We see the Quakers , Anabaptists , Presbyterians , Sweet-Singers , Lutherans , Church of England , &c. all these differ in Faith ; and that they are not all of the right Faith. eng Catholic Church -- Sermons. keywords: better; bible; book; catholicks; church; doctor; doctrine; doth; eebo; egyptian; england; english; false; god; holy; ignorance; john; judge; key; knowledge; laity; latin; liberty; light; like; liturgie; mass; men; necessary; page; pastor; people; pharisees; popery; practice; prayers; priests; protestant; reading; reason; reformation; religion; roman; salvation; scribes; scripture; sermon; slavery; tcp; text; thing; time; tongue; true; truth; vulgar; world cache: A25674.xml plain text: A25674.txt item: #114 of 416 id: A26061 author: Assheton, William, 1641-1711. title: A defence of The plain-man's reply to the Catholick missionaries being a further examination of the pretended infallibility of the Church of Rome / by the author of The plain-man's reply to the Catholick missionaries. date: 1688.0 words: 8577 flesch: 75 summary: What Church is this that must be heard ? The Church of Rome only ? nothing less . eng Catholic Church -- Infallibility. keywords: answer; apostles; authority; bishop; canon; catholic; catholic church; christian; church; churches; communion; controversie; council; country; doth; eebo; english; faith; general; god; guide; hath; infallibility; infallible; judg; living; lord; man; mans; matter; men; missionaries; missioner; pag; parson; particular; plain; power; priest; promises; question; reply; roman; rome; scripture; self; sense; sentence; short; supremacy; tcp; text; things; title; true; truth; unerring; viz; world cache: A26061.xml plain text: A26061.txt item: #115 of 416 id: A26189 author: Aubigné, Agrippa d', 1552-1630. title: Hell illuminated, or, Sancy's Roman Catholic confession wherein are such lessons, which if studiously practis'd, 'tis much to be fear'd, the Devil himself will turn Jesuit. date: 1679.0 words: 37326 flesch: 69 summary: Of the Relicques and Devotions of the deceas'd King. I do not think I do ill , to discover the story of the Tapistry-maker ; for the King seeing him at the top of his two ladders wiping the dirt from the Candlestics , became so enamour'd of him , that he fell a weeping before he went forth , and call'd out for Monsieur Le Grand to be sent for to him , who to him himself discover'd the love of one ey'd Reveillon , Captain of the Guides , who was laid hold upon , through impatience of expecting a young guide which he had promis'd ; and those Amours of the Duke , and of Espernon , and He , when upon the very day of the death of the deceas'd King , he fell upon his knees in the Chamber , between the deceas'd King and him that is now living , before two hundred Gentlemen , and which is worse , the greatest part of them Huguenots , at what time he cryed out , with tears in his eyes , Cousin , pardon me , for the King forc'd me to it at first , and I have not taken your place , to do you any wrong . keywords: act; affairs; age; amours; ancient; answer; answer'd; ardilliers; argument; ask'd; authority; avoye; baron; bed; belzebub; best; better; bin; bishop; blood; body; book; brave; brother; business; cabinet; cahier; canoniz'd; captain; cardinal; care; carry'd; catholic; caus'd; cause; certain; chamber; chang'd; change; chap; chapter; characters; chastre; chief; children; choice; christ; christians; church; city; clement; common; companions; company; condition; confession; confessour; conscience; council; country; court; cross; crowns; cry'd; curate; day; days; dead; death; deceas'd; denis; design; desire; devil; devotion; devout; difficult; discourse; discover'd; dispute; doctors; door; duke; dy'd; dye; early; earth; eebo; end; english; espernon; example; eyes; fair; faith; father; favour; fear; feet; fellow; find; fire; fish; following; fool; forc'd; france; francis; franciscans; french; frier; gain'd; general; gentleman; god; good; grand; great; greatest; grief; ground; guards; half; hands; hast; head; heart; heaven; heretics; high; hold; holy; honest; honour; hope; house; huguenots; humour; husband; ill; images; intention; intercession; italy; jesuits; john; king; knees; known; labour; lady; laugh; law; leave; left; length; life; light; like; little; living; long; love; madam; man; manner; marshal; martyrs; mary; mass; master; math; means; men; mind; ministers; miracles; money; monsieur; months; montigni; morlas; morning; mother; mouth; murder; nature; necessity; new; news; non; number; offer'd; old; open; opinion; order; pages; paradise; pardon; paris; party; pass; passages; paul; pay; people; person; peter; pious; place; play; point; poor; pope; power; prayer; preaching; prince; pro; promis'd; proper; public; purgatory; purpose; queen; question; quo; reason; regard; relicques; religion; renardier; reply'd; reputation; respect; rest; return; return'd; roman; rome; rosny; sacred; sacrifices; said; saints; sake; sancy; second; self; sermons; servants; set; shoulders; sir; small; sort; soul; spain; state; stories; story; strange; subject; sword; talk; tcp; text; things; thou; thoughts; time; title; traditions; transubstantiation; true; truth; turn; use; varenne; virgin; want; war; water; way; wife; witness; women; works; world; years; young; zealous cache: A26189.xml plain text: A26189.txt item: #116 of 416 id: A26314 author: Catholic Church. Assemblée générale du clergé de France. title: Actes of the General Assembly of the clergy of France, Anno Domini 1682, concerning religion translated into English for the satisfaction of curious inquisitors into the present French persecution of Protestants. date: 1682.0 words: 10904 flesch: 62 summary: English Catholic Church. English Catholic Church. keywords: a26314; actes; antient; articles; assembly; austin; authority; bishops; books; bread; brethren; calvin; cap; catholick; characters; charity; chief; children; christ; christian; church; clergy; common; communion; concord; confession; cor; council; cruelties; daily; discipline; dispute; doctrin; donatists; early; eebo; english; error; example; faith; fathers; france; french; gallican; general; god; good; hath; hereticks; holy; hope; jesus; king; light; little; lord; manners; math; men; method; ministers; mother; necessary; occasion; original; page; papists; paris; peace; people; persecution; persons; present; pretended; protestants; reformed; religion; return; roman; said; satisfaction; schism; schismaticks; scripture; selves; seperation; synod; tcp; tei; text; things; time; treatise; true; true church; truth; unity; use; virtue; way; work; world; worse cache: A26314.xml plain text: A26314.txt item: #117 of 416 id: A26596 author: Abercromby, David, d. 1701 or 2. title: A moral discourse of the power of interest by David Abercromby ... date: 1690.0 words: 32708 flesch: 56 summary: But the World beginning to hearken to the more Gospel-like Doctrine of the severer Jansenists , they found it of late their Advantage to write and teach things conformable to the present Humour of the Age : For seeing men inclining to a further Reformation , as being unwilling to be flatter'd in their sinful ways , they judg'd it necessary for their private Ends to humour them by a more Primitive Doctrine , according to the Advice of the Famous Louis Nyel , one of their Provincials of the Province of Champagne , who was used to express himself about the matter pretty odly thus : Puisque lemonde veult estre fouettè fouettons le : Since Men will be whipt , and severely dealt withal , let us not spare them ; that is , since Men begin to dislike our easier and looser Morals , let us close in with them for our own ends , teaching and preaching such things as may work the People into a belief of our being rigid Observers of the strictest Gospel Maxims . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: able; account; act; actions; advantage; advice; affairs; aim; allowed; almighty; arguments; article; belief; believe; best; better; body; business; case; casuists; catholicks; certain; change; chief; christians; church; city; clear; common; concern'd; concerns; condition; conscience; considerable; contingent; contrary; contrivance; conversion; converts; council; covetousness; crimes; daily; dangerous; day; design; discourse; doctrine; doubt; duke; easie; endeavour; english; europe; evil; experience; eyes; fair; faith; false; fancy; force; france; free; freedom; french; friends; gain; general; god; gold; good; gospel; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; happiness; hard; heaven; help; holy; home; honour; hopes; humane; hypocrites; image; impossible; impression; infallible; injust; interest; jesuits; judge; king; kingdom; know; knowledge; late; lawful; lay; leave; lewis; liberty; life; like; little; long; man; mankind; manner; matter; mean; meer; men; mens; method; mind; money; motion; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; notice; oaths; oblig'd; obvious; occasion; old; open; opinion; order; papists; particular; parts; pay; people; piece; place; poor; pope; popery; popish; power; practice; present; pretences; pretended; priests; princes; principle; private; projects; protestants; publick; quality; real; reason; religion; religious; reputation; reward; rich; riches; right; roman; rome; romish; saint; scripture; scruple; secret; self; selves; set; shew; short; sin; sinful; sins; soever; souls; spiritual; state; subjects; sure; tcp; temper; temporal; text; things; think; thought; time; tradesmen; treasures; true; truth; turn; understanding; use; vast; vertue; visible; vulgar; want; way; women; wonder; work; world; yea; yearly; zeal cache: A26596.xml plain text: A26596.txt item: #118 of 416 id: A26615 author: Abercromby, David, d. 1701 or 2. title: Protestancy to be embrac'd, or, A new and infallible method to reduce Romanists from popery to Protestancy a treatise of great use to all His Majesties subjects, and necessary to prevent error and popery / by David Abercromby, D., lately converted, after he had profess'd near nineteen years Jesuitism and popery. date: 1682.0 words: 16487 flesch: 52 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. TO THE Right Reverend Father in God , HENRY , LORD BISHOP of London , Dean of His Majesties Chappel , and one of His most Honourable Privy Council . keywords: account; act; aim; article; authority; baptism; bishop; body; books; bread; cause; certain; characters; charity; christ; christian; church; churches; clear; conscience; conversion; conviction; councils; dangerous; decisions; divine; doctrine; doubt; eebo; end; english; error; eternal; eucharist; evident; eyes; faculty; faith; far; general; god; gods; good; great; greater; groundless; grounds; happiness; hath; heaven; hereticks; holy; hopes; ignorance; images; infallible; instance; intention; invincible; judg'd; knowledge; let; life; light; like; lord; love; majesties; material; matter; meer; men; method; mistake; necessary; object; occasion; opinion; page; people; piety; pious; place; point; popery; power; primitive; principle; probable; proper; protestants; reason; religion; romanists; rome; romish; saints; salvation; schismaticks; scriptures; second; self; senses; set; sin; sins; sort; spirit; spiritual; subjects; tcp; text; things; thought; times; transubstantiation; treatise; true; truth; understanding; vows; wafer; way; words; world; worship; years cache: A26615.xml plain text: A26615.txt item: #119 of 416 id: A26652 author: Alexander VIII, Pope, 1610-1691. title: The speech of this present pope in presence of the cardinals and foreign ambassadors, in his second conclave after his election to the papacy concerning the divisions amongst the Catholick princes, and the advantages the hereticks propose to themselves from it : of the continuance or discontinuance of the war with the Turks : of the war between His Imperial Majesty, His Catholick Majesty, and the Most Christian King : of the differences betwixt the Holy See and the Most Christian King : of the misfortunes of King James, and the assisting him / done from the Italian. date: 1689.0 words: 2343 flesch: 61 summary: The speech of this present pope in presence of the cardinals and foreign ambassadors, in his second conclave after his election to the papacy concerning the divisions amongst the Catholick princes, and the advantages the hereticks propose to themselves from it : of the continuance or discontinuance of the war with the Turks : of the war between His Imperial Majesty, His Catholick Majesty, and the Most Christian King : of the differences betwixt the Holy See and the Most Christian King : of the misfortunes of King James, and the assisting him / done from the Italian. The speech of this present pope in presence of the cardinals and foreign ambassadors, in his second conclave after his election to the papacy concerning the divisions amongst the Catholick princes, and the advantages the hereticks propose to themselves from it : of the continuance or discontinuance of the war with the Turks : of the war between His Imperial Majesty, His Catholick Majesty, and the Most Christian King : of the differences betwixt the Holy See and the Most Christian King : of the misfortunes of King James, and the assisting him / done from the Italian. keywords: apostolick; books; catholick; characters; christian; christian king; church; differences; divisions; early; eebo; election; english; great; hereticks; holy; imperial; king; majesty; online; partnership; phase; pope; present; princes; second; tcp; tei; text; true; turks; war cache: A26652.xml plain text: A26652.txt item: #120 of 416 id: A26860 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: An answer to Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke, confuting an universal humane church-supremacy aristocratical and monarchical, as church-tyranny and popery : and defending Dr. Isaac Barrow's treatise against it by Richard Baxter ; preparatory to a fuller treatise against such an universal soveraignty as contrary to reason, Christianity, the Protestant profession, and the Church of England, though the corrupters usurp that title. date: 1682.0 words: 67888 flesch: 66 summary: If God indeed be the Vniversal Soveraign Lawgiver , and the final Iudge ; if God be God , and man be man and not above him , to say that we must not obey him before man , and disobey man that commands what he forbids , or that we must not appeal from mans subordinate Law to his supreme Law , nor from mans judgment to his final judgment ; and to say , ( as he and Thorndike do ) that to do so , and practise accordingly , is inconsistent with all Government , are things that I had hoped my ears or eyes should never have seen or heard delivered by a sober Christian. But saith St. Paul , It is a small thing with me to be judged of man , or at mans day : I have one that judgeth me , even the Lord , ( to whom we will appeal whatever you say against it . ) keywords: absolute; account; act; ages; alexandria; ancient; answer; antioch; apostles; appeal; approbation; articles; assemblies; authority; baptism; baxter; better; bishops; body; books; bound; canons; capable; cases; catholick; cause; cease; certain; change; chap; charter; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; civil; clergy; command; commanded; common; communion; compel; concord; conditions; confident; confusion; congregation; conscience; consent; contrary; corporal; councils; covenant; damnation; damned; damning; days; dead; death; desire; difference; diocesan; diocesan church; diocess; discipline; dispute; dissent; divers; divine; doctrine; dodwell; donor; doth; doubt; duty; earth; ecclesiastical; election; empire; end; endeavour; england; english; episcopal; error; essence; essential; excommunicate; excommunications; experience; extent; external; faithful; false; far; fear; flock; force; france; french; general; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; governing; government; governours; grant; great; greater; greatest; gross; ground; guilty; hammond; hands; hard; hath; hearing; heaven; hell; hereticks; history; holy; hope; humane; humble; ignorance; ignorant; iii; infidels; institution; intention; interest; investiture; judg; judgment; keys; kind; king; kingdom; knowledg; known; law; lawful; laws; lay; leave; life; like; little; lives; living; london; long; lord; love; magistrates; making; man; matter; means; meer; men; mind; ministerial; ministers; ministry; national; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; nonconformists; notice; notorious; number; oath; obedience; obligation; oblige; office; officers; old; opinion; ordainers; order; ordinary; ordination; owner; papists; pardon; parish; parishes; particular; particular church; parts; pastoral; pastors; patriarchs; paul; peace; people; person; personal; peter; piety; places; plain; plead; poor; pope; popery; possession; power; practice; preaching; prelates; presbyters; present; priests; princes; principles; profess; proof; proper; prophets; protestants; publick; qualifications; question; reader; reason; recipient; reformed; regular; religion; repentance; rest; right; rome; rule; rulers; sacraments; said; saith; salvation; satan; saying; schism; schismaticks; scripture; self; selves; sense; servants; set; silence; sin; sinful; single; sinners; sins; skill; sort; souls; species; spirit; state; stillingfleet; subject; succession; sufficient; superior; supper; supreme; sure; sword; tcp; teachers; teaching; terms; text; thing; thought; thousands; time; title; treatise; true; trust; truth; turn; uncapable; uninterrupted; universal; universal church; unlawful; use; visible; visible church; viz; want; way; wicked; willing; woman; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; worthy; yea; years; ● ● cache: A26860.xml plain text: A26860.txt item: #121 of 416 id: A26887 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The certainty of Christianity without popery, or, Whether the Catholick-Protestant or the papist have the surer faith being an answer to one of the oft canted questions and challenges of the papists, sent to one who desired this : published to direct the unskilful, how to defend their faith against papists and infidels, but especially against the temptations of the Devil, that by saving their faith, they may save their holiness, their comfort and their souls / by Richard Baxter. date: 1672.0 words: 22589 flesch: 73 summary: Seing we have this Ministry , as we have received mercy we faint not : But have renounced the Hidden things of dishonesty , not walking in craftiness , nor handling the word of God deceitfully , But by manifestation of the truth , commending our selves to every mans Conscience in the sight of God. The solution of this is desired to be by fixed and solid principles , and not by tedious discourses ; for the Nature of the thing requires that there be a firm Principle setled among Men , for the final determining of matters of Fact. keywords: accidents; answer; apostles; authority; better; bible; body; books; bread; canonical; cause; certainty; chap; christianity; christians; christs; church; churches; common; confess; contrary; controversie; copies; council; creed; degree; determination; determined; determining; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; eebo; end; english; essentials; evidence; evident; experience; fact; faith; false; far; general; god; gods; good; gospel; great; hath; historical; history; holiness; holy; humane; infallible; infidels; inspiration; intellect; judge; king; knoweth; knowledge; lie; life; like; man; matter; media; medium; men; mens; mind; miracles; moral; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; objective; opinion; paper; papists; parts; perception; persons; plain; points; pope; power; pretended; priests; principle; proof; proper; question; reason; religion; rest; revelation; right; rome; said; salvation; science; scripture; self; sense; sensible; soul; spirit; substance; sure; tcp; terms; text; things; tradition; translations; true; truth; uncertain; unity; universal; viz; way; wine; words; world; yea cache: A26887.xml plain text: A26887.txt item: #122 of 416 id: A26914 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The difference between the power of magistrates and church-pastors and the Roman kingdom & magistracy under the name of a church & church-government usurped by the Pope, or liberally given him by popish princes opened by Richard Baxter. date: 1671.0 words: 23039 flesch: 66 summary: Church and state -- Early works to 1800. It is the great end of Christs coming into the world to destroy the works of the Devil , and to purifie to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works , and to save his people from their sins , and to vindicate the Holiness of God : And the world is so apt to judge of Christs doctrine by his followers , that the Holiness and Concord of Christians is one of Christs great appointed means , for his own and his Fathers glory in the world : That as Gods greatness shineth forth in the frame of nature , so might his Holiness in the Church : And the Enemies of Holiness and condemned by their Creed , when they profess to believe the Holy Catholick Church , and the Communion of Saints . keywords: acts; authority; baptism; better; bishops; body; books; carnal; cases; cause; charge; christ; christian; christianity; church; church communion; church government; church power; churches; civil; claim; clergy; command; common; communion; concord; conscience; consent; contrary; cor; corporal; councils; countreys; day; difference; discipline; divine; doctrine; dominions; doth; ecclesiastical; eebo; emperours; end; enemies; english; episcopal; excommunication; execution; exercise; external; false; fit; flesh; force; general; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; great; greater; greatest; hands; hath; heresie; holiness; holy; honour; humane; interest; john; judgement; judges; judging; king; kingdom; lawful; laws; lay; learned; leave; let; life; like; lives; lords; love; magistracy; magistrates; man; matters; matth; men; mens; mind; ministers; ministry; moderate; nature; necessary; neighbour; office; officers; open; order; page; parents; particular; parts; pastoral; pastors; peace; people; persons; physicion; pope; popish; power; princes; profession; proper; propositions; protestant; publick; reason; religion; repentance; right; roman; rulers; sacraments; saith; secular; self; sense; set; sin; sober; souls; spiritual; state; subjects; sword; tcp; temporal; terms; text; things; think; time; title; true; truth; universal; use; usurpation; usurped; way; work; world; worthy; yea cache: A26914.xml plain text: A26914.txt item: #123 of 416 id: A26927 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Fair-warning, or, XXV reasons against toleration and indulgence of popery with the Arch-bishop of Canterbury's letter to the King and all the bishops of Irelands protestation to the Parliament to the same purpose : with an answer to the Roman-Catholicks reasons for indulgence : also the excellent reasons of the Honourable House of Commons against indulgence, with historical observations thereupon. date: 1663.0 words: 13924 flesch: 60 summary: have you any care of precious Souls ? will you endure those men that will not suffer us to rest upon the foundation of God which standeth sure , and allure us to trust in the foundation of men that wil fail : wil you indulge men that delude your people to rely upon man that is a lye , and the son of man that may deceive ) will your God keep silence when he observes you looking on men making one another a God and yet keep silence : will you stand by and see God robbed of his honour , and vain man indeavouring to be as God , and use not that power God gave you to punish : hath he pulled down the usurpers of your throne ; and will you not keep under the usurpers of his attributes , hath he overturned them that would be Kings as well as you : and will you encourage them that would be infallible as well as he ? can you stand still and see so many perish and led away in that great Errour of the wicked : That man is Infallible : O suffer not that way which leadeth us to man , bottometh us upon man : and leaveth us short of God. keywords: act; answer; arch; authority; bishop; bread; catholique; christians; church; commons; conscience; contrary; danger; dangerous; day; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; eebo; end; england; english; estates; excellent; factions; faith; foundation; god; gods; good; government; great; greatest; hath; heaven; heresies; hold; holy; honourable; house; idolatry; indulgence; infallible; interest; judgement; kings; law; laws; liberty; life; little; lord; majesty; man; men; needs; ought; papists; parliament; peace; people; poor; popery; popes; power; practice; protestant; queen; reason; religion; resolved; right; roman; rome; rule; salvation; schisme; scripture; self; selves; set; severall; sin; sins; souls; subjects; sure; tcp; text; things; thou; time; toleration; true; truth; vain; way; wil; wine; works; world; worship cache: A26927.xml plain text: A26927.txt item: #124 of 416 id: A26931 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Full and easie satisfaction which is the true and safe religion in a conference between D. a doubter, P. a papist, and R. a reformed Catholick Christian : in four parts ... / by Richard Baxter. date: 1674.0 words: 59970 flesch: 71 summary: Yea , it is to be noted , that though Brutes have no Intellects , yet their Sense and Imagination herein wholly agreeth with the common perception of man : A Dog or a Mouse will eat the bread as common bread , and a Swine will drink the Wine as common Wine : and therefore have the same perception of it as of common bread and wine ; And so their senses must be all deceived as well as mans . But sober men will tell you that sense is in exercise in order of Nature at least before Reason or faith , and that we are Men and Animals before we are Christians : keywords: accidents; act; acts; alas; answer; antient; apostles; argument; articles; baptism; baptismal; belief; believeth; believing; better; bishop; blood; body; books; bread; broken; case; catholick; causes; certain; certainty; change; chap; chief; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; cometh; common; concord; conditions; conference; confessions; consecration; consent; contradiction; contrary; controversie; cor; council; covenant; creed; cross; cup; day; decalogue; denyeth; denying; devil; difference; disciples; dispute; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; drink; earth; empire; end; england; english; err; essence; essentials; eucharist; evidence; explicite; express; faith; false; fathers; flesh; form; free; general; ghost; glorified; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; hell; hereticks; hold; holy; honour; hope; humane; humanity; ignorant; iii; image; immediate; implicite; impossible; infallible; infidels; integrals; intellect; interest; joh; judge; judgement; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; laws; lay; learned; life; like; little; living; long; lord; love; lye; mad; man; mankind; mans; matter; mean; meaning; medium; meer; men; mens; mind; miracles; multitude; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; new; non; notions; number; object; objective; occasion; opinions; order; ordinary; original; papists; particular; parts; pastors; paul; people; perception; persons; plain; point; pope; popery; power; practice; prayer; present; pretended; priest; princes; principle; profess; proof; proper; prophet; protestants; protestants religion; proved; quantity; question; real; reason; religion; rest; revelation; right; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; safe; said; salvation; satisfaction; saying; schismaticks; scripture; second; sect; self; selves; sense; sensible; set; shew; sign; signifie; sin; smell; soul; sound; species; spirit; spiritual; state; subjects; substance; sufficient; sun; supernatural; sure; talk; taste; tcp; terms; text; thing; thou; time; tradition; transubstantiation; trent; true; true faith; true religion; trust; truth; turn; understanding; universal; unlearned; use; visible; viz; water; way; wicked; willing; wine; words; work; world; worship; writings; yea cache: A26931.xml plain text: A26931.txt item: #125 of 416 id: A26962 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Naked popery, or, The naked falshood of a book called The Catholick naked truth, or, The Puritan convert to apostolical Christianity, written by W.H. opening their fundamental errour of unwritten tradition, and their unjust description of the Puritans, the prelatical Protestant, and the papist, and their differences, and better acquainting the ignorant of the same difference, especially what a Puritan and what a papist is / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1677.0 words: 62162 flesch: 67 summary: [ The certainty of Christianity without Popery , ] which I intreat you impartially to peruse , where I have also shewed the utter uncertainty that Popery would reduce our Christianity to ; that I will now only tell you , that after your talk of Tradition , and Church , and Fathers , and Grandfathers , if we had not much more testimony of Tradition for our Religion than you have for Popery , we should think our Faith were very lame . The most of your further dealing with the Prelatick Protestant , is to tell him that his Ritual Principles lead him to turn Papist , or else he cannot answer the Puritan : I take not my self any further fit to interpose herein , than to tell you , that in all things truly Indifferent , there is a just middle between any mistaken Scruplers that hold them sinful , and a Papist that maketh them a part of his Christianity or Religion , and will not be of the same Religion and Church with those that be not of his mind , nor will willingly suffer them to preach or live . keywords: able; abundance; added; advantage; aforesaid; ancient; answer; apostles; apostolical; articles; authority; bad; baptism; basil; bear; belief; believeth; best; better; bible; bishops; blood; body; books; canons; case; catholick; ceremonies; certain; chap; charge; chief; christ; christian; christian world; christianity; church; churches; civil; claim; clergie; clergy; common; communion; concord; confession; conformists; conscience; consent; constance; constantinople; contrary; controversies; council; countries; covenant; creed; cross; damned; day; days; death; decrees; description; devil; difference; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; doth; doubt; earth; election; emperours; empire; end; england; english; equal; essentials; excommunicate; faith; false; far; fathers; fit; flesh; france; free; general; general councils; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governour; grace; great; greater; greatest; greeks; gregory; hard; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; hell; help; heresie; hereticks; history; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; humane; ignorant; iii; images; imperial; infallibility; infallible; infidels; instance; institution; interest; jesus; judge; judgment; key; kingdoms; kings; large; late; latine; law; laws; lay; learned; leave; life; like; little; long; lord; love; magistrates; major; man; matter; meer; memory; men; mens; mind; miracles; monarch; naked; nations; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; nice; non; number; oath; obedience; objective; office; oft; old; open; opinion; order; original; pag; papists; pardon; particular; parts; pastors; patriarch; paul; peace; people; perfect; persons; peter; piety; point; poor; pope; popery; power; prayer; preach; prelatick; present; pretended; pride; priests; primacy; princes; priviledges; profess; proof; protestants; publick; purgatory; puritan; puritanes; question; read; real; reason; relations; religion; religious; rest; right; righteousness; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; said; saints; salvation; saviour; saying; scripture; seat; second; sect; self; selves; sense; sentence; set; sin; sins; sort; soul; spirit; state; subjects; succession; supreme; sure; tcp; temporal; testimony; text; things; think; time; title; tradition; trent; true; true church; trust; truth; turn; unity; universal; universal church; unwritten; use; vulgar; way; wonder; words; work; world; worship; writers; yea; years cache: A26962.xml plain text: A26962.txt item: #126 of 416 id: A27036 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Select arguments and reasons against popery by R. Baxter. date: 1675.0 words: 2870 flesch: 59 summary: 8. They dreadfully injure the holy Scriptures ; as if Jesus Christ , and the Prophets and Apostles in those sacred Records had not skill or will to speak intelligibly , and plainly to deliver to us the Doctrines necessary to Salvation , but they make their voluminous counsels more intelligible and sufficient as if they had done it better , And whereas Men must only discern God● Laws , and judge causes by the Law , they make themselves Judge● of the Law it self ; by which they must one day be judged . To conclude this Paper , there is yet one Argument behind ●●quisite against Popery , for it's professors plead not as other p●●ties , only by the Tongue , but by exciting Princes and States ●gainst us , and disputing with the Faggot , or Ha●chet in th●●● hands , and therefore if we have not Arguments that will con 〈…〉 a Navy , an Army , or a Powder-plot , we may still happen to 〈◊〉 worsted by them . keywords: apostles; arg; arguments; baxter; body; books; bread; characters; christ; christian; church; counsels; doctrine; early; eebo; english; faith; general; god; head; infallible; man; papists; pope; popery; power; reas; reasons; rule; salvation; tcp; tei; text; true; universal; way; world cache: A27036.xml plain text: A27036.txt item: #127 of 416 id: A27449 author: Berault, Peter. title: Rome tyrannical, idolatrous and heretical the origine of her errors with an answer to her objections : also three short sermons of repentance against swearing and drunkenness preached to the ships company before Admiral Aylmer and several captains / by Peter Berault. date: 1698.0 words: 29140 flesch: 71 summary: For Jesus Christ going to Worship at Hierusalem , the Samaritans , who were of another Religion , refusing to receive him in his Journey , two of his Disciples , James and John presently took Fire , and out of a well-meaning Zeal for their Master , and of the true God , and of Hierusalem the true place of Worship , asked leave to dispatch out of the way these Enemies of God and Christ , and the true Religion . What can then the Church of Rome plead for her Persecution to Men for the cause of Religion , which James and John might not much better have pleaded for themselves against the Samaritans ? Does she practice these Severities out of a Zeal for the Honour of God , of Christ , and the true Religion ? Upon these very Accounts it was that James and John would have called for Fire from Heaven to have destroyed the Samaritans . keywords: answer; apostles; articles; austin; authority; bishop; blood; body; bread; brethren; care; cause; certain; children; christ; christian; church; common; company; condemnation; continence; contrary; cor; council; creator; creature; cruel; cup; david; day; dead; death; disciples; doctrine; doth; drink; drinking; drunkeness; earth; end; epistle; errors; eternal; evident; excess; father; figure; fire; forsake; general; gift; god; good; grace; great; greater; heart; heaven; hell; holy; honour; idle; idolaters; images; jesus; jesus christ; john; kingdom; kings; law; lawful; life; little; lives; long; lord; man; matter; matth; men; nature; nay; necessary; new; oath; opinion; origine; pain; paul; people; perpetual; persecute; peter; place; pope; power; priests; princes; profane; promise; proposition; purgatory; reason; religion; repent; repentance; rest; roman; rome; sacrament; saints; saith; saith st; saying; scripture; second; self; senses; set; sin; sinner; sins; souls; spirit; strong; subject; swearing; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tongue; true; truth; use; vain; vow; way; whatsoever; wine; words; work; world; worship; yea; years cache: A27449.xml plain text: A27449.txt item: #128 of 416 id: A27527 author: Best, Paul, 1590?-1657. title: Mysteries discovered, or, A mercuriall picture pointing out the way from Babylon to the holy city for the good of all such as during that night of generall errour and apostasie, 2 Thes. 2.3. Revel. 3.10 have been so long misted with Romes hobgoblin / by me Paul Best ... date: 1647.0 words: 5740 flesch: 76 summary: As for that common evasion , applyed to Christ as he is God , and as he is man , it is contrary both to reason and Scripture , to limitate by so great a disparity , as Hos. 11. 9. for I am God and not man , Isa. 31. 3. 40. 17. implying contradiction , as he is , and as he is not , and is but a presumptuous begging of that which is in question , and if it be illogicall to limitate by a superiour , or subordinate ( as the Pope errs , not as he is Pope , but as he is man ) it is much more absurd to limitate by a disparate , and that of infinite disparity , to omit that Luke 2. 40. this I say to the shame of such as shut their eyes against the most illustrious and authenticall testimonies of all or the most memorable and approved times , places , and persons ; hardly to be brought that ever they had greater grand Fathers , &c. not allowing any more of authentick and classick testimonies , then the most vain and improbable traditions amongst men ; nor to beleeve the Histories of Moses , Christ , &c. because they had not the happy houre of St. Thomas , or others to be seeing , and sensible witnesses , as Iohn 20. 27. 1 Iohn 1. 1. The Lord God of his most gracious goodnesse grant , that the more able and ingenuous , like true and trusty souldiers of Jesus Christ , whose eyes the God of this world hath not blinded ; would do their utmost endevour to reduce the rest from that long captivity of our spirituall Babylon , under that Man of sin ; and that God would prosper their endevours that are studious of the sincere Truth ; and strive for the same to death , as the son of Syrach , 4. 28 ; and defend justice for their life , to the exaltation of their Nation , as Prov. 14. 34 ; that releeve the oppressed , &c. as Isa. 1. 7 ; that so wee may enjoy the good things of the Land . keywords: a27527; apostle; babylon; best; books; chap; christ; church; city; coequall; common; contrary; english; ephes; errour; exod; false; father; gal; generall; god; gods; good; great; heb; holy; iob; iohn; isa; john; king; life; like; long; lord; man; matth; mercuriall; mysteries; new; paul; persons; picture; psal; revel; rom; saviour; scripture; son; sonne; spirit; subject; text; thess; things; tim; trinity; truth; unity; verse; way; wee; word cache: A27527.xml plain text: A27527.txt item: #129 of 416 id: A28839 author: Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, 1627-1704. title: An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholique Church in the points of controversie with those of the pretended reformation by James Benignus Bossüet, counseller in the King's counsels, Bishop and Lord of Condom, tutor to His Royal Hyghness the Dolphin of France ; translated into English by W.M. date: 1672.0 words: 24573 flesch: 48 summary: That honor we render them in the act of Sacrifice consists in mentioning their names , as of the faithfull seruants of God , in the prayers we addresse to him , thankes-giuings , and prayses for the victories they haue obteyned , and in humbly mouing his condescending in our fauor by their Intercessions , S. Augustin hath declared 1200 years past that none ought to conceiue the Sacrifice as offered to the holy Martyrs , although by the custome in practise euen in those tymes vniuersally by the Church , the Sacrifice was offered vpon their holy bodies , & vnto their memories , that is to be vnderstood , before the places wherein their pretious Reliques were conserued ; and the same father sayth further , that commemoration was made of the Martyrs at the holy table at the celebration of the Sacrifice , not intending to pray for them as we doe for other dead , but rather in order to their praying for vs. I alledge the perswasion of this holy Bishop by reason the Councel of Trent vseth almost the same words to instruct the faithfull , that the Church offers not the Sacrifice vnto the Saints , but to God alone , who hath crown'd them : and that the Priest doth not adresse himself to S. Peter or S. Paul saying : I OFFER VNTO YOV THIS SACRIFICE , but praysing God for their victories , he implores their assistance , to the end that they , whose Commemoration we celebrate vpon Earth , may be moued to pray for vs in Heauen . Whereby the same Church professeth , that all the merit of the Redemption of mankind is annexed to the Death of the son̄e of God ; & certainly by all that hath bin already said , it ought to haue bin vnderstood , that when we say to God in the celebration of the divine Mysteries , We offer you this holy host , we doe not pretend by this oblation to make , or present to God a new payement of the price of our Saluation , but to employ towards him the merits of IESVS CHRIST there present , and the infinite price he hath at once pay'd for our Redemption vpon the Crosse. keywords: act; aduersaries; apostles; articles; auowe; authority; baptisme; beleeue; bin; bishop; blessed; blood; body; bread; caluinists; case; catholique; catholique church; certain; children; christ; christ iesvs; christian; church; churches; communion; confesse; confession; consequences; contrary; councel; crosse; daillé; death; discipline; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; effect; english; epistle; eternall; eucharist; euen; euery; euident; explication; exposition; expresse; faith; faithfull; fine; flesh; ghost; giuen; god; good; grace; great; ground; hath; haue; haue bin; hauing; holy; honour; hope; humane; iesvs; images; important; infinite; iudgment; life; lord; loue; lutherans; manner; matter; means; merit; ministers; mystery; nature; necessary; necessity; neuer; new; obiect; offer; order; partaking; participation; particular; persons; perswasion; place; pleased; point; power; prayers; presence; present; pretended; pretending; principles; promise; proper; question; reality; reall; reason; receaue; receauing; reformers; religion; religious; remission; right; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; saluation; sauiour; saying; scripture; seeme; self; sense; sensible; sess; signes; single; sinns; sonne; species; spirit; subiect; substance; sufficient; supper; synode; tcp; termes; text; themselues; thing; time; treatise; trent; true; truth; virtue; vnder; vnderstanding; vnto; vpon; way; words; workes cache: A28839.xml plain text: A28839.txt item: #130 of 416 id: A29086 author: Bramhall, John, 1594-1663. title: The victory of truth for the peace of the Church to the king of Great Britain to invite him to embrace the Roman-Catholick faith / by Monsieur de la Militiere, counsellour in ordinary to the King of France ; with an answer thereunto, written by the right reverend John Bramhall, D.D. and Lord Bishop of London-Derry. date: 1653.0 words: 38771 flesch: 60 summary: When you have consulted with your A●…chitects , and Enginiers , you will find it to be a work of more difficu●…ty . All the satisfaction I sh●…uld enjoyn you , is to perswade the Bishop of R●…me ( if Gregory the Great were living , you could not fail of speeding ) to imitate the piety and humility of our Princes ; that is , to content himself with his Patriarchical dignity , and primacy of Order , & Princip●…m unit at is , and to quit that much more presumptuous , and ( if a Popes word may pass for current ) Antichristian term of the Head of the Catholick Church . keywords: able; accidents; adde; advantage; ages; alwaies; answer; antient; antient church; apostolical; articles; authority; authors; berengarius; best; better; bishops; blind; blood; body; books; bread; britain; brownists; catholick church; catholique; cause; ceremonies; change; characters; charity; christ; christian; church; civil; common; communion; conduct; conference; confess; conscience; consent; contented; contradiction; contrary; controversies; conversion; council; court; creed; cross; crown; daies; day; dead; death; deity; demonstration; design; desire; different; discipline; discourse; divine; division; doctrine; doth; doubt; earth; easy; ecclesiastical; eebo; effect; elements; end; enemies; england; english; episcopacy; errour; eucharist; evident; eyes; faction; faith; faithful; false; fathers; fire; foundation; france; free; friend; general; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; grounds; hand; hath; hatred; head; hearts; heaven; holy; honour; hope; humane; idolatry; image; infallible; jesus; judgement; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdome; knowledge; known; language; law; lawes; lawful; leave; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; love; majestie; majesty; manner; matter; maxims; means; merits; ministers; monarchy; monsieur; mother; mouth; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; number; o ●; old; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; parliament; particular; parts; pastors; patience; people; persons; peter; piety; place; pleased; pope; power; practice; prayers; presbyterians; presence; present; pretext; primitive; primitive church; princes; principles; private; promise; proper; protestants; purgatory; puritans; questions; reason; received; reformation; religion; respect; rest; right; roman; roman church; rome; royal; ruin; rule; s ●; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; salvation; satisfaction; schism; schools; scripture; second; sects; self; selves; sense; service; set; shall; sir; soul; sovereign; species; spirit; spiritual; strange; subjects; success; succession; sufferings; sun; tcp; tears; text; things; thought; throne; thy; time; title; tradition; transubstantiation; treatise; true; truth; tyrannie; understanding; unity; universal; victory; want; water; way; whereof; wine; words; work; world; worship; yea cache: A29086.xml plain text: A29086.txt item: #131 of 416 id: A29095 author: Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. title: The godly exhortation of holy Father Bradford which he gave to his wife, children and friends a little before his death, who dyed a martyr for the Gospel in Q. Maries days : wherein is plainly shown the excellency of the Protestant religion and the happiness of those that profess and live the same : as also the damnableness of the Romish religion with their bloody and rebellious crimes laid open : with the relation of the murder of that just justice Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey. date: 1683.0 words: 3119 flesch: 71 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 103748) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1586:12) The godly exhortation of holy Father Bradford which he gave to his wife, children and friends a little before his death, who dyed a martyr for the Gospel in Q. Maries days : wherein is plainly shown the excellency of the Protestant religion and the happiness of those that profess and live the same : as also the damnableness of the Romish religion with their bloody and rebellious crimes laid open : with the relation of the murder of that just justice Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey. keywords: advise; bloody; books; bradford; bury; characters; children; day; days; death; early; edmund; eebo; english; exhortation; father; fear; friends; god; godfrey; godly; holy; mind; murder; popish; pray; pride; religion; sin; sir; tcp; tei; text; trust; truth; wicked; wife; words; work cache: A29095.xml plain text: A29095.txt item: #132 of 416 id: A29199 author: Bramhall, John, 1594-1663. title: A just vindication of the Church of England, from the unjust aspersion of criminal schisme wherein the nature of criminal schisme, the divers sorts of schismaticks, the liberties and priviledges of national churches, the rights of sovereign magistrates, the tyranny, extortion and schisme of the Roman Communion of old, and at this very day, are manifested to the view of the world / by ... John Bramhall ... date: 1654.0 words: 68920 flesch: 63 summary: That the King and Church of England h●d both sufficient authority and sufficient grounds to withdraw their obedience from Rome . p. 74 l. 1 sepultura for sepulchra , p. 79 l. 4 Asse●tie for Asserio , p. 85 l. 30 the for his Legates , p. 102 l. 25 as for or , p. 113 in marg : lais for Caiet . keywords: abbats; able; absolute; abuses; accord; acknowledge; act; acts; adde; adrian; advantage; advise; affaires; ages; allegiance; alwaies; ancestors; ancient; answer; antioch; apostles; apostolical; apostolique; appeales; archbishop; articles; assent; austine; authority; authors; barons; beginning; benefices; benefit; best; bishopricks; bishops; blood; body; boniface; books; britaigne; britannique; british; britons; brittain; bull; canons; canterbury; cardinals; care; case; castile; catholick; catholick church; catholique; causes; censures; certain; challenge; chap; charge; charity; charles; children; christian; church; churches; city; civil; clear; clergy; cognisance; command; committed; common; communion; conc; conclusion; concurrence; condition; confesse; confirmation; conscience; consent; constance; constantinople; constitutions; contrary; controversie; conversion; councel; country; court; credit; creeds; crime; criminal; crown; cum; cure; customes; cyprian; daies; daily; danger; day; death; decrees; defence; delegates; deposed; deputies; desire; destructive; determined; difference; dignities; dignity; discipline; dispensations; divers; divine; doctrine; dominions; doth; doubt; duke; duties; duty; earth; eastern; ecclesiastical; ecclesiastical power; edicts; edward; eebo; effect; eighth; election; emperour; empire; england; english; english church; ephesus; episcopal; equal; erre; errours; essential; estates; evident; exactions; exception; excommunications; execution; exemptions; exercise; exorbitant; experience; external; extortions; fact; faith; fathers; favour; fear; fifth; find; fit; force; forreign; foundation; fourth; france; frederick; free; french; french church; fundamental; future; gallicane; gallicane church; general; german; god; gold; goldast; good; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; gregory; grievances; grievous; grounds; guilty; half; hand; hard; hath; head; heart; heaven; help; henry; heresie; heretical; higher; hold; holy; holy church; homage; home; honourable; humane; idem; ill; imperial; incroachments; indulgences; inferiour; influence; innocent; innovations; institution; interdicted; investitures; iohn; ireland; irish; italy; joyn; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; justice; justifie; kind; king; king henry; kingdom; kingdomes; known; lands; later; law; lawes; lawful; lay; learned; leave; left; legate; legislative; lesse; letter; liberties; liberty; license; life; like; little; long; lord; manner; math; matter; means; meer; members; men; mind; moderation; monarchy; monks; mortmain; nation; national; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; number; oath; oathes; obedience; obliged; observation; obtruded; occasion; oecumenical; office; old; onely; opinion; ordain; order; ordinary; ordination; original; ought; pag; pall; papacy; papal; parliament; particular; parts; passe; past; patriarch; patriarchate; paul; pensions; people; perpetual; persons; peter; pius; place; plain; plat; pleased; pleasure; point; political; poor; pope; portugal; possession; power; practise; pravity; predecessours; prejudice; prelates; presbyters; prescription; present; pretended; priests; primates; primitive; princes; principal; priviledges; proper; proposition; protection; protestants; province; provincial; provisions; publick; purpose; question; qui; quod; ready; realm; reason; rebellion; reformation; religion; religious; remedies; remedy; representative; request; reservations; respect; respective; rest; return; revenues; right; rites; roman; roman bishop; roman church; roman court; romanists; rome; root; royal; rule; sacraments; sacred; said; saint; salvation; sanction; saxon; schismaticks; schisme; scottish; second; secular; self; selves; sense; sentence; separation; set; sicily; single; sins; sixth; society; sorts; souls; soveraign; sovereignty; spain; special; spiritual; state; statutes; strangers; subjection; subjects; submission; succession; successours; sufficient; summe; sundry; superiority; superiours; supremacy; synods; tcp; temporal; text; things; thomas; thou; time; title; treatise; trent; true; truth; tyranny; unity; universal; universal church; universities; unjust; unlawful; unlesse; unto; usurpations; value; venetians; venice; view; void; want; way; wealth; whatsoever; whereof; whilest; wish; words; work; world; years; york; ● ● cache: A29199.xml plain text: A29199.txt item: #133 of 416 id: A29210 author: Bramhall, John, 1594-1663. title: Bishop Bramhall's vindication of himself and the episcopal clergy, from the Presbyterian charge of popery, as it is managed by Mr. Baxter in his treatise of the Grotian religion together with a preface shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery. date: 1672.0 words: 51467 flesch: 58 summary: Nor for restraining their Children or Servants from dancing on the Lords day , but it may be for taking upon them as busy Bodies , and pragmatically controlling the Acts of their Soveraign Prince and lawful superiours ; which the Laws of God and Man , nature and nations , Church and Kingdom did allow , and for restraining the liberty of their fellow subjects , and seeking to introduce new Law without a calling or beyond their calling , which the Church of God , and Kingdom of England never knew . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: able; abuse; actions; advantage; adversary; affairs; age; ages; ancient; answer; apostles; apostolical; argument; articles; attempts; authority; baxter; best; better; bishop; body; bold; book; calvin; canons; care; cases; cast; catholick; catholick church; cause; ceremonies; certain; chair; chance; chap; charge; charity; christ; christendom; christians; church; churches; civil; clear; clergy; common; commonwealth; communion; concerned; conclusion; condition; confidence; conscience; considerable; constitutions; contempt; contrary; controversies; council; country; court; dangerous; day; days; death; defence; demands; deserve; design; desire; determinations; determined; difference; discipline; discourse; dislike; divines; doctrine; doth; duty; easie; ecclesiastical; enemies; england; english; episcopal; episcopal divines; erroneous; errours; exceptions; excuse; experience; faith; farther; fathers; favour; fear; fit; force; forward; free; friends; general; geneva; god; good; government; grant; great; greater; greatest; grotian; grotius; ground; guilty; hands; hard; hath; head; hold; holy; honest; honour; hope; humane; humour; ill; innocent; innovations; instance; institution; integrity; interest; jealousies; judgement; jurisdiction; justifie; kind; king; kingdom; late; lawful; laws; lay; learned; learning; leave; liberty; life; like; likely; little; liturgy; long; lord; love; loyalty; main; majesty; making; man; matter; meaning; means; meer; men; mind; ministers; moderate; modesty; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; obedience; object; observed; occasion; old; open; opinions; opportunity; order; pag; papacy; papists; particular; parties; party; pass; past; patriarch; peace; people; persons; peter; places; plain; pleased; plot; points; poor; pope; popery; power; practices; preface; presbyterian; present; pretences; pretended; pride; primacy; primitive; primitive church; princes; principles; private; proof; protestant; providence; publick; purpose; question; read; readers; reading; reason; rebellion; reconciliation; reformation; regard; religion; reputation; respect; right; roman; rome; rule; sake; salvation; schismatical; scripture; second; secret; sect; security; seditious; self; sense; service; set; shew; simplicity; sinful; skill; sorts; souls; sovereign; standard; state; strength; subjects; succession; sufficient; support; supremacy; sure; suspicion; symbolical; tcp; terms; text; things; thoughts; time; title; treatise; true; true church; truth; unity; universal; universal church; unlawful; want; way; ways; whereof; wisdom; wise; wit; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worship; writings; wrong; years; zeal cache: A29210.xml plain text: A29210.txt item: #134 of 416 id: A29365 author: Bridge, William, 1600?-1670. title: Babylons downfall a sermon lately preached at Westminster before sundry of the honourable House of Commons / by William Bridge ... date: 1641.0 words: 10975 flesch: 82 summary: 2. As ancient Babylon was full of Idolls , and grosse Idolaters , so also it was exceeding cruell to the Church , and people of God . Because of all these things , great sins , & great destructions , the people of God were cōmanded to depart & goe out of old Babylon . keywords: angell; answ; authority; babylon; babylonish; bee; blood; bridge; cause; children; christ; church; churches; citie; commons; condition; cursed; danger; dead; destruction; doe; earth; enemies; england; evill; faithfull; fall; god; gods; goe; good; government; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hee; help; holy; house; israel; kings; know; late; lord; man; mee; men; mercy; midst; non; onely; ordinances; owne; people; place; present; private; read; reformation; relation; revel; roman; rome; saith; sayes; selfe; sermon; set; shee; sinne; soule; text; thereof; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; ver; walls; way; wee; william; words; work; world cache: A29365.xml plain text: A29365.txt item: #135 of 416 id: A29572 author: Bristol, George Digby, Earl of, 1612-1677. title: Two speeches of George, Earl of Bristol, with some observations upon them by which it may appear whether or no the said Earl and others of the same principles, deserve to be involved in the common calamity brought upon Roman Catholicks, by the folly and presumption of some few factious papists. date: 1674.0 words: 6955 flesch: 46 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. They considered well that wealth and power from publique charges and imployments do range the generality of men to opinions , and parties more strongly farr , then all other arguments , according to the saying of Eneas Silvius ( himself a Pope ) That the Popes superiority over general Counsels would ever find most Doctors for it , because the Pope had so many Bishop-ricks to give , the Counsells none . keywords: affairs; appear; bill; books; bristol; catholicks; characters; church; commons; court; duty; earl; eebo; english; fears; fit; gentlemen; george; good; great; happy; hath; heart; honour; honourable; house; king; lords; majesties; majesty; matter; message; occasion; opinion; papists; parliament; place; power; present; protestant; religion; right; roman; rome; said; self; sentiments; service; sir; soveraign; speaker; speeches; state; subject; tcp; tei; text; time; true; undertaking; way; world cache: A29572.xml plain text: A29572.txt item: #136 of 416 id: A29610 author: Brocardo, Francisco. title: Francis Broccard (secretary to Pope Clement the Eighth) his alarm to all Protestant princes with a discovery of popish plots and conspiracies, after his co[n]version from popery to the Protestant religion / translated out of the Latin copy printed in Holland. date: 1679.0 words: 9783 flesch: 53 summary: Francis Broccard (secretary to Pope Clement the Eighth) his alarm to all Protestant princes with a discovery of popish plots and conspiracies, after his co[n]version from popery to the Protestant religion / translated out of the Latin copy printed in Holland. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 129:10) Francis Broccard (secretary to Pope Clement the Eighth) his alarm to all Protestant princes with a discovery of popish plots and conspiracies, after his co[n]version from popery to the Protestant religion / translated out of the Latin copy printed in Holland. keywords: able; affairs; albertus; assistance; austria; better; broccard; cardinal; cause; church; cities; clement; confederates; conspiracies; copy; counsels; countries; designs; discourse; discovery; divers; doth; duke; early; eebo; eighth; emissaries; emperour; empire; england; english; forces; france; francis; geneva; germany; god; good; great; holland; holy; hopes; intended; interest; italy; king; league; like; little; long; means; occasion; opportunity; papists; party; persons; places; plots; pope; popish; present; princes; promise; protestant; protestant princes; protestant religion; provinces; quality; reason; religion; rome; romish; said; secretary; tcp; text; things; time; true; turk; war; work; year cache: A29610.xml plain text: A29610.txt item: #137 of 416 id: A29730 author: A. B. title: A dissuasive from popery sent in a letter from A.B. to C.D. date: 1681.0 words: 6172 flesch: 69 summary: Here they say God has declar'd for Transubstantiation in these words : This is my body &c. In fine , the Greek Church never own'd Purgatory , and yet to them ( as to gospel matters ) was declared the whole council of God. Act. 20. 27. But suppose Transubstantiation and Purgatory are fictious , is the Errour Damnable ? I do not say whether it be or no ; but I am sure that all errour is dangerous to the soul , because it is its blindness ; and if the blind lead the blind &c. keywords: ancient; answer; bodily; body; books; bread; characters; charity; christ; christian; church; conscience; crook; day; doctrins; early; eebo; end; england; english; faith; fathers; fire; god; good; great; heaven; host; incredible; john; judgment; king; late; man; necessary; papists; people; popery; power; presbyterians; present; purgatory; reason; reformation; religion; rome; sins; soul; subjects; tcp; tei; text; things; transubstantiation; troubles; way; work; world cache: A29730.xml plain text: A29730.txt item: #138 of 416 id: A30329 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A collection of papers against popery and arbitrary government written by G. Burnet. date: 1689.0 words: 29724 flesch: 36 summary: Upon the whole Matter , it can never enter into my mind , that God , who has made Man a Creature , that naturally enquires and reasons , and that feels as sensible a pleasure when he can give himself a good account of his actions , as one that sees , does perceive in comparison to a blind man that is led about ; and that this God , that has also made Religion on design to perfect this humane Nature , and to raise it to the utmost height to which it can arrive , has contrived it to be dark , and to be so much beyond the penetration of our Faculties , that we cannot find out his mind in those things that are necessary for our Salvation : and that the Scriptures , that were writ by plain men , in a very familiar stile , and addrest without any discrimination to the Vulgar , should become such an unintelligible Book in these Ages , that we must have an Infallible Iudge to expound it : and when I see not only Popes , but even some Bodies that pass for General Councils , have so expounded many passages of it , and have wrested them so visibly , that none of the Modern Writers of that Church pretend to excuse it , I say I must freely own to you , that when I find I need a Commentary on dark passages , these will be the last persons to whom I will address my self for it . Church and state -- England. keywords: absolute; acts; ages; allegeance; answer; apostles; assurances; authority; body; books; catholick; cause; certain; charity; christ; christian; church; churches; conscience; consequence; contrary; council; court; credit; crown; danger; death; declaration; degree; dissenters; doctrine; doubt; duty; easy; eebo; effect; end; enemies; england; english; exercise; father; favour; fit; force; france; general; glory; god; good; government; great; greater; hand; happiness; hard; hereticks; hope; houses; ill; infallible; judges; king; kingdom; knowledge; late; laws; letter; liberty; like; little; long; loyalty; majesties; majesty; man; matters; members; memory; men; mind; nation; nature; necessary; need; new; oaths; obedience; pains; papers; papists; parliament; particular; party; passages; past; penal; people; persons; piece; places; plain; pleasure; point; popery; possible; power; practice; present; priests; prince; principles; proclamation; promise; property; protection; protestant; publick; queen; reason; rebellion; reflections; reign; relation; religion; repealing; reproach; reserve; return; right; rome; royal; said; scotland; seal; second; secretary; security; self; set; share; sort; stile; strange; strong; subjects; taking; tcp; tests; text; things; thought; time; toleration; tradition; true; use; violence; way; words; world; writ; years; zeal cache: A30329.xml plain text: A30329.txt item: #139 of 416 id: A30330 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A collection of several tracts and discourses written in the years 1678, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685 by Gilbert Burnet ; to which are added, a letter written to Dr. Burnet, giving an account of Cardinal Pool's secret power, the history of the power treason, with a vindication of the proceedings thereupon, an impartial consideration of the five Jesuits dying speeches, who were executed for the Popish Plot, 1679. date: 1685.0 words: 42562 flesch: 65 summary: But I must again and again repeat , what I often told you in discourse ; That no Member of that Church can thorowly understand and believe the Principles of it , and be a good Subject even to a King of his own Perswasion : If then there be such reasons offered them , for susspecting foul dealing from their Priests and Church , as would make them suspect an Attorney , Physician , or any other person with whom they were to deal , they will be prepared to hear reason ; which is all that we desire : and upon this Head these following Considerations may be laid before them . keywords: 4th; account; admiral; ages; answer; apostles; apostolical; authority; beginning; belief; best; bishops; blood; body; books; burnet; canon; cardinal; case; catholick; century; certain; change; chief; christ; christian; church; churches; civil; clear; clergy; commandment; communion; conde; consequence; consideration; contrary; council; court; crown; cruelty; cut; day; days; death; decision; decree; deposed; deposing; deposition; design; desire; dignity; discovery; divine; doctrine; doubt; duke; edict; emperor; empire; end; england; english; error; evidence; express; fact; faith; false; fathers; favour; fear; fit; force; fourth; france; free; friends; general; god; good; gospel; government; great; greatest; gregory; guilty; guise; hands; head; henry; heresie; heresy; hereticks; high; history; holy; honour; house; ill; images; infallible; instance; judg; king; kingdom; known; late; law; leave; left; letter; life; like; little; london; long; lord; man; manner; marriage; massacre; matter; men; mention; mercy; mind; mother; nation; nature; navarre; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; oaths; obedience; opinion; order; paris; particular; party; paul; people; persons; peter; place; plot; point; pope; possible; power; practice; pretended; priests; princes; principles; private; proceedings; protestants; publick; purpose; queen; question; rage; reason; rebellion; received; reformation; reign; religion; rest; revenge; right; rome; rules; saints; salvation; scriptures; second; secret; security; self; sense; sentence; set; shew; soveraign; spain; state; subjects; supreme; sure; tcp; text; things; thuanus; time; title; town; tradition; transubstantiation; true; true church; truth; turn; use; war; wars; way; words; work; world; worship; writers; writing; years cache: A30330.xml plain text: A30330.txt item: #140 of 416 id: A30335 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A discourse concerning transubstantiation and idolatry being an answer to the Bishop of Oxford's plea relating to those two points. date: 1688.0 words: 13021 flesch: 50 summary: When they accuse them for those Corruptions of Divine Worship , they did not consider the softning Excuses of more refined Men , so much as the Acts that were done , which to be sure do always carry the stupid vulgar to the grossest degrees of Idolatry ; and therefore every step towards it is so severely forbid by God , since upon one step made in the publick Worship , the People are sure to make a great many more in their Notions of things , therefore if we should accuse the Church of Rome for all the Excesses of the past Ages , or of the more ignorant Notions in the present Age , such as Spain and Portugal , even this might be in some degree well grounded , because the publick and authoris'd Offices and Practices of that Church has given the rise to all those Disorders ; and even in this we should but copy after the Fathers , who always represent the Pagan Idolatry ; not as Cicero or Plutarch had done it , but according to the grossest Notions and Practices of the vulgar . so that tho the worshipping the Host of Heaven , or the worshipping an Image as a Resemblance of the Divinity , may be acknowledged to be the highest degrees of Idolatry , yet many other Corruptions in the Worship of God are justly reducible to it , and may be termed not only idolatrous , but Idolatry it self . keywords: account; acts; adoration; answer; author; bishop; blood; body; books; bread; christ; church; clear; death; degree; different; divine; divinity; doctrine; eebo; elements; english; fathers; figure; general; glory; god; gods; great; honour; ideas; idolatrous; idolatry; iehovah; images; law; little; liturgies; man; matter; men; moses; nature; new; notion; offer; old; opinion; oxford; people; philosophy; phrase; plain; plea; point; prayer; presence; proof; real; received; reformed; relation; religion; roman; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; second; sense; set; shews; sin; sins; soever; strange; substance; tcp; teraphim; test; testament; text; thing; tho; thought; times; transubstantiation; true; use; wine; words; world; worship; worshipping; writ cache: A30335.xml plain text: A30335.txt item: #141 of 416 id: A30359 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: The infallibility of the Church of Rome examined and confuted in a letter to a Roman priest / by Gilbert Burnet. date: 1680.0 words: 11201 flesch: 57 summary: eng Catholic Church -- Infallibility. Catholic Church -- Controversial literature. keywords: absolute; ages; assured; authority; belief; bishops; body; books; cardinals; case; characters; christians; church; churches; civil; clear; controversies; council; decision; decrees; divine; eebo; english; faith; general; general council; ghost; god; good; great; grounds; head; high; holy; infallibility; infallible; interest; judge; law; man; matters; means; meeting; men; mind; moses; nature; necessary; necessity; new; obedience; opinions; particular; peace; person; plain; popes; power; pretended; priest; question; reason; religion; right; roman; rome; sacred; saviour; scriptures; self; set; society; succession; sure; tcp; text; thing; true; vote; works; world cache: A30359.xml plain text: A30359.txt item: #142 of 416 id: A30394 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: The mystery of iniquity unvailed in a discourse wherein is held forth the opposition of the doctrine, worship, and practices of the Roman Church to the nature, designs and characters of the Christian faith / by Gilbert Burnet ... date: 1673.0 words: 31514 flesch: 46 summary: It is true , they will not hear of th●… harsh word of selling Indulgences , but disguise it with their giving them to such as will offer Alms to the Church ; but really , this whole contrivance is so base●… so carnal , and so unlike the Spirit of Christianity , that to repeat it , is to refute it ▪ Here was a brave device for enriching the Church , when the making great Donations to it , was judged so effectual fo●… delivering out of Purgatory . Another practise yet more base and sordi●… was , the selling of Indulgences and Pardons for money ; certainly here was Simon 's crime committed by the pretende●… Successors of him , who had of old accused him , that thought the gift of God migh●… be purchased with money , and thereupon di●… cast him out of the Church . keywords: able; account; actions; additions; adoration; ages; angel; antichristianism; apostles; attempt; authority; babylon; base; belief; betwixt; bishops; blood; body; books; branch; branches; bread; carnal; certain; change; characters; charity; chief; christ; christian; christian religion; christianity; church; churches; clear; clergy; command; commandments; committed; common; communion; consciences; contrary; corruptions; court; creatures; cruelty; day; days; death; degrees; design; devotion; discourse; divine; doctrine; doth; earth; easie; eebo; end; english; enquiry; enriching; eternal; evident; faith; false; father; fellow; figure; fire; free; general; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greatest; guilty; hath; head; heathens; heaven; highest; hold; holy; honour; houses; idolatry; image; indulgences; institution; interests; jesus; judge; kinds; king; known; laws; life; like; little; lives; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; mass; matter; men; mention; mind; miracles; mystery; nature; need; new; o ●; obedience; office; opinions; opposition; order; particular; parts; penances; people; person; piece; place; poor; popes; power; practices; prayers; precepts; presence; present; pretend; priests; princes; proof; proper; purgatory; purity; rational; reason; religion; religious; rites; roman; roman church; rome; rules; sacraments; saints; satisfaction; scriptures; second; secular; self; sense; servants; service; set; sight; simplicity; sin; sinners; sins; souls; spirit; spiritual; study; subject; sure; tcp; testimony; text; things; thoughts; time; title; tongue; trade; true; true god; truth; use; value; virgin; virtue; visible; vulgar; way; whereof; words; work; world; worship; worshipping; writings; zeal cache: A30394.xml plain text: A30394.txt item: #143 of 416 id: A30395 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: News from France in a letter giving a relation of the present state of the difference between the French king and the court of Rome : to which is added the Popes brief to the assembly of the clergy, and the protestation made by them in Latin : together with an English translation of them. date: 1682.0 words: 12228 flesch: 45 summary: You aggravate the danger of a breach between the Priesthood and the Civil Power , and the ill effects that may follow from thence , both in Church and State : And inferr that therefore you thought it became you to find out a mean for removing the difference that was encreasing , and that no mean appeared more convenient than those remedies proposed by the Fathers of the Church for tempering the Canons by a prudent condescention according to the necessity of the times , in such things as might no way endanger either the truth of Religion , or the Rules of Morality : and that you thought your Order and the whole Gallicane and indeed the Universal Church owed so much to a King that had merited so eminently of the Catholick Religion , and who was daily desiring to merit further of it , and that therefore you passed from your Rights , and resigned them to the King. or any other that have followed since that time , or any thing that has been acted or done by vertue of those , shall be no wayes hurtful or prejudicial to the Rights of the Gallicane Church , and shall turn to no Precedent or Warrant for doing the like in any other time or place ; and that none may thereupon presume to oppose the ancient Canons of the Church , or the established Customs of this Kingdom , or the received practices of the Gallicane Church , or think that he may lawfully do any thing , pursuant thereunto ; and let none be ignorant , that these things notwithstanding the Canons , Customs , Rights , and Liberties of the said Church , shall still remain and preserve their ancient Force and Authority entire : keywords: account; affair; ancient; apud; arch; assembly; authority; best; bishops; books; brief; burnet; canons; canonum; care; causam; cause; characters; christ; christian; church; churches; city; clergy; common; confess; contra; councils; court; crown; cum; customs; cùm; danger; date; day; days; defence; deo; difference; dignity; discipline; discourse; duty; early; ecclesiae; ecclesiarum; edict; eebo; effects; empire; encoding; england; english; episcopal; episcopos; esse; est; etiam; examples; faith; fit; france; freedom; french; galliae; gallicane; gallicane church; general; gilbert; god; good; government; great; greatest; hard; heresie; hereticks; holy; honour; illud; images; infallibility; infallible; innocent; intention; interests; ipsi; jura; king; kingdom; known; latin; letter; liberty; like; literis; little; lives; long; love; man; matter; melancholy; men; mind; necessity; neque; new; news; non; nos; nostra; obedience; occasion; officii; omnibus; online; order; oxford; paris; parliament; particular; partnership; party; people; persons; peter; phase; piety; points; popes; power; present; pro; probable; protestation; quae; qui; quidem; quis; quo; quod; ready; reason; regale; regaliae; regem; relation; religion; rights; rome; sacrament; scarce; sed; selves; set; sine; sint; sit; sorbonne; state; suis; sunt; tam; tcp; tei; temper; text; things; time; translation; true; truth; ubi; universal; vel; vestris; vestro; vobis; vos; woman; words; work; world; xml; zeal cache: A30395.xml plain text: A30395.txt item: #144 of 416 id: A30399 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: The Protestant's companion, or, An impartial survey and comparison of the Protestant religion as by law established, with the main doctrines of popery wherein is shewn that popery is contrary to scripture, primitive fathers and councils ... / by a true son of the Protestant Church of England as established by law. date: 1685.0 words: 15921 flesch: 81 summary: c. 26. & de fide & op . l. 9. c. 15. &c. 23. keywords: adv; ages; ambrose; ancient; anno; antiquity; apol; apostles; apud; archbishop; article; augustin; auricular; authority; bellarmin; betwixt; bishop; blessed; books; c. 1; c. 2; c. 3; c. 7; canonical; cap; cardinal; characters; christ; chrysostom; church; clemens; clergy; comment; communion; concil; confess'd; confession; consult; contrary; cor; councils; d. de; d. l.; decrees; dei; dial; discourse; dist; divine; doctors; doctrine; dom; doth; eccles; eebo; england; english; epist; fathers; fisher; general; god; good; great; gregor; harding; hath; histor; holy; hom; homil; iames; idem; iewel; image; invocation; ioh; iustin; judgment; king; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; l. 4; l. 5; late; law; lib; life; lord; magnus; marriage; martyr; mass; matth; men; new; non; number; old; orat; origen; papists; peter; pope; popery; popish; practice; priests; primitive; protestant; psal; purgatory; quod; reader; reason; religion; roman; rome; sacraments; sacrifice; saints; saith; salvation; saviour; scripture; sect; serm; sess; sins; stillingfleet; supremacy; taylor; tcp; tertullian; text; theodoret; tim; tit; tom; tract; tradition; transubstantiation; trident; true; universal; use; vain; word; works; worship; writings; years cache: A30399.xml plain text: A30399.txt item: #145 of 416 id: A30413 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: Romes glory, or, A collection of divers miracles wrought by popish saints, both during their lives and after their deaths collected out of their own authors for information of all true-hearted Protestants ; together with a prefatory discourse declaring the impossibility and folly of such vain impostures. date: 1673.0 words: 21730 flesch: 55 summary: The words of St. Anthony were of such force in the mind of him that was Confessed , that when he came home , he himself cut off the same Foot : St. Anthony being advertised thereof , caused him to be brought unto him , and restored him his Foot again , with the sign of the Cross. though she was utterly ignorant of what had been done , she presently recovered a perfect health of Body and Mind , and without delay rising up , she her self came to do service to the Bishop , being the first of the whole Family which presented to him a Cup of refection . keywords: abbot; able; age; angels; anthony; bed; bishop; blessed; blood; body; brother; business; care; certain; chains; child; church; coffin; countenance; countrey; cross; cure; danger; daughter; day; days; dead; death; desire; devil; devotion; distant; divers; divine; doubt; early; earth; eebo; end; english; eyes; face; father; feet; fire; fisherman; flames; glory; god; good; great; ground; half; hand; hast; head; health; hearing; heaven; help; high; hold; holy; honour; horrible; house; hurt; ignatius; journey; king; lady; lay; left; length; life; like; little; long; lord; lying; man; manner; masses; men; midst; mind; miracles; monastery; monks; morning; mother; multitude; near; new; pag; pain; people; persons; peter; physicians; picture; place; poor; popish; prayers; present; priest; return; rome; said; saint; sea; self; sepulchre; set; sick; sight; sign; singing; souls; space; spirits; staff; standing; sudden; tcp; text; things; thou; thought; time; touch; town; true; vain; virgin; vision; voice; water; way; white; wife; woman; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; years; young cache: A30413.xml plain text: A30413.txt item: #146 of 416 id: A30479 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A vindication of the ordinations of the Church of England in which it is demonstrated that all the essentials of ordination, according to the practice of the primitive and Greek churches, are still retained in our Church : in answer to a paper written by one of the Church of Rome to prove the nullity of our orders and given to a Person of Quality / by Gilbert Burnet. date: 1677.0 words: 51115 flesch: 58 summary: A vindication of the ordinations of the Church of England in which it is demonstrated that all the essentials of ordination, according to the practice of the primitive and Greek churches, are still retained in our Church : in answer to a paper written by one of the Church of Rome to prove the nullity of our orders and given to a Person of Quality / by Gilbert Burnet. A vindication of the ordinations of the Church of England in which it is demonstrated that all the essentials of ordination, according to the practice of the primitive and Greek churches, are still retained in our Church : in answer to a paper written by one of the Church of Rome to prove the nullity of our orders and given to a Person of Quality / by Gilbert Burnet. keywords: abbots; absolution; accipe; account; acknowledg; act; acts; addition; adesto; administer; ages; almighty; ancient; annointing; answer; antioch; apostles; apostolical; arch; archbishop; argument; atque; authority; benediction; better; bishops; blessed; blessing; blood; body; book; bound; canons; canterbury; cap; care; carthage; case; catholick; catholick church; censures; century; ceremonies; certain; change; chapter; character; chief; chosen; christ; christian; christian church; church; churches; civil; clear; clergy; collects; command; committed; common; communion; confess; conscience; consecrate; consecration; considerable; council; court; credit; cross; crown; cui; cum; custom; day; days; death; decision; decree; defect; degrees; deo; design; desire; deus; different; dignity; disp; divers; divine; doctrine; domine; dominum; eastern; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edward; eebo; eis; ejus; elect; election; emperors; end; england; english; eorum; episcopal; epistle; essential; eternal; evil; exemptions; exercise; exorcists; express; faith; father; fit; flesh; follow; following; force; form; fourth; function; general; ghost; gifts; giving; glory; god; good; gospel; government; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; greek church; gregory; hands; hath; head; henry; heresie; hereticks; heretiques; high; hoc; holy; holy church; holy ghost; honest; honour; hope; iesus; ignorant; ill; importance; imposition; infallible; inferior; instances; institution; interest; invalid; joyn; judg; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; known; late; latin; latin church; law; lawful; laws; lay; learned; left; length; letters; lib; like; little; long; lord; love; maist; making; mandate; manner; manus; matter; matthew; mean; mention; metropolitan; mind; ministers; ministry; monks; morinus; mss; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; nostrum; number; o ●; oath; obedience; observed; office; old; omnibus; omnium; open; opinion; orders; ordination; oremus; page; papacy; paper; parker; parliament; particular; party; pastors; patriarch; penance; people; persons; piece; places; point; pontifical; pope; porters; possible; power; practice; prayer; prelates; present; pretended; priesthood; priestly; priests; primitive church; princes; principles; priviledges; propitiare; propitiatory; protestant; publick; quae; quality; quam; queen; questions; qui; quod; readers; ready; realm; reason; reformation; religion; rest; right; ring; rites; ritual; roman; roman church; rome; rubrick; rules; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; said; sake; sancti; satisfied; saviour; saying; schismaticks; scripture; second; secret; self; sense; service; set; sets; shall; shew; sign; sins; sint; sis; sixth; sort; souls; spirit; spiritual; spiritus; staff; state; statute; study; subdeacons; subject; succession; successors; sufficient; sunt; super; supream; supreme; sure; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; title; true; true bishops; true priests; truth; tuae; tui; unjust; unreasonable; use; valid; vel; vertue; vessels; vestments; want; way; weak; western; western church; words; work; world; worship; writers; years cache: A30479.xml plain text: A30479.txt item: #147 of 416 id: A30523 author: Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. title: A faithful testimony concerning the true worship of God what it is in it self, and who are the true vvorshippers : in opposition to all the false worship in this nation, which is idolatry, which is discovered in its foundation, and in its manifestation, not to be ever commanded of God, or practised by his apostles and saints, but it is declared to consist chiefly of such things and practises as had their first beginning and ordination in the Church of Rome ... and this is written for a general good to all such as are worshipping in temples made with hands / by E.B. date: 1659.0 words: 6532 flesch: 14 summary: A faithful Testimony concerning the true Worship of God , what it is in it self , and who are the true Worshippers , &c. FOrasmuch as there is in the world a great controversie among people concerning the Worship of God , one crying , This is the right Worshp : Another , That is the right Worship ; and People in these Nations are divided about the Worship of God , and divers one from another in their performances and practices of Worship , one sort worshipping after this manner , another after that , and there is great strife through the whole Nation about this matter , and a great dis-satisfaction among people , which is the right Worship , and who are the right Worshippers , and thousands are desiring after the right Worship of God , and to become Worshippers of him as he requires : Therefore now it is upon me to shew unto all the World what the true Worship of God is in it self , and who are his true Worshippers . But however though something there may be altered , and changed , and converted to another use , and something taken away , and other inventions brought in , instead thereof , yet still they are the same Houses which you worship your God in , which Houses were set up by the Authority of the Pope , and there remains yet the Popes sign and symptome of the Romish Church upon them ; and these Houses you call your Churches , and thousand of thousands of blind ignorant people esteeming and respecting in their minds of these places more then of any other , supposing them to be more holy and that other places are not so good to worship in ; alas poor , blind , ignorant people , that deceives your own souls in the traditions & inventions of man , which you live in the practise of , supposing it to be the very Worship of God , which is no other in it self but Idolatry , and you Idolaters ; for doth not all unconverted people , and unrighteous people , such who are not taught of the Lord , nor led by his Spirit , but daylie rushes into iniquity , and into evil , are not such found Worshippers here in Steeplehouses , conforming themselves to these things , and these practises ? And can such worship God ? Or is God worshipped by such ? I tell you nay , the Lord God is pure , and they that worship him , must be sanctified , and led by his Spirit which leadeth into all truth : keywords: church; churches; cry; day; doth; false; god; great; hath; idolatry; inventions; lord; manifest; mind; ministers; ministry; papists; people; power; practise; prelates; rome; saints; self; spirit; substance; temples; text; things; traditions; true; true worship; truth; way; world; worship; worshippers cache: A30523.xml plain text: A30523.txt item: #148 of 416 id: A30534 author: Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. title: A message proclaimed. By divine authority from the chosen assembly of the redeemed people in England, to the Pope (chief bishop) of Rome, and to his cardinals, Jesuits, and priests, and all other the officers of the Romish Church, where it shall meet with them through the world: that they may appear, and come forth to triall, and shew if they have the same faith, power, spirit, and authoritie, and government, as had the Apostles and true churches, before the apostacie: and this is a full invitation and challenge to the whole Church of Rome, and the beginning of controversie with her, for the perfect manifestation of the long hidden truth; betwixt them that are in the truth it self, and such as have the form, but not the power; that all things may be brought to light and true judgement. Written by an embassador for the true and living God, E.B. date: 1658.0 words: 9180 flesch: -2 summary: And dare you suffer a certain number of us to come among you and preach what we hold , and a certain number of you shall freelie come among us , and freelie preach what you hold , without persecution or anie violence , as we would expect and have the same from you , engage man for man with us , and do no otherwise deal with ours , then we deal with yours ; and take the free libertie to deal with our men as we deal with your men , but no otherwise , and let each of the messengers preach and hold forth what they would have , and what they reallie hold and believe , and convert the most either of them can to their own Religion , and then let all the world see which hath the Power and Spirit of God with them , and whether your Ministers or our Ministers do turn the more people from you to us , or from us to you ; and send your answer , whether you will agree to the premises : and if you do , send your Messengers when you please , and we will engage in the Lord , their persons shall not be harmed ; but if they were , then take man for man , life for life , of our men sent to you , and let that God be the true God , that appears in most power and authoritie ; and let him be worshipped for ever , whose power converts the most to the knowledge of him out of wickedness , and let that Church be the true Church , which cannot be overcome ; and as you are willing to be made manifest , join issue with us in this business , and propound your own time when the men shall return , whether the continuance of the matter be for daies , months , or years , and let each of the men return without harm of person ; and this will be a way trulie to trie and make manifest all things , to all the world , and whether you or we be in the right way , & of the right Church ; & use you no weapon against us , but the soundest arguments you can , by words according to the Scriptures , and the same weapons we will use against you , and no other , but the authoritie of the Spirit of God , and arguments thereby , which shall be according to the Scriptures , the Apostles writings , and the testimonie of the true Church ; and hereby in the sight of the whole world , let your church , and faith , and principles , and practises , and worships be tried , and our church , faith , doctrines , and worships , and practises , and whether it be yours or ours that do overcome , or are overcome , let that deside the controversie ; and whether it be you or we that are soonest overcome , and that prevail the one against the other in this trial , and in these proceedings ; and that which is overcome and prevailed against , is not the true Church , against which nothing can prevail , no not the gates of hell ; and whether your Church or ours cannot be prevailed against by the other , let that be the true Church , for that which is prevailed against is not the true Church , and whether it be your or we that are elected , and of the election , which cannot be deceived ; if we be not elected , and you deceivers , then it is possible you may deceive us , but if we prove that we be in the election , then you cannot deceive us ; and if we be in the truth , and of the true Church , then it will be happiness for you to be converted and turned to us ; come to the trial as soon as you will , and if you be in the election you need not be afraid to be deceived by any , for the elect cannot be deceived , whoever that be , whether your Church or our Church be the true Church , and in the election ; and if your Ministers among us do preach the same things , and by the same spirit , and hold forth the verie same faith , principles , worship , and practises , which we do , and are of , and it be proved they are of the same spirit and principles we are of , agreeing in all things , then we will own them to be Christs Ministers ; and if our Ministers among you do hold forth that true faith , and principles , and practises , and worship , and by the same spirit as Christ and his Apostles did , and prove what they say by the Scriptures , then shall you receive them as the Ministers of Christ , and renounce all that you hold and profess , contrarie to what they hold and preach among you , and hereby things may come to a fair triall , and the naked truth may be made manifest , whether your Church or our Church be the true Church of Christ , trulie descended from the Church of the Saints of old , and whether your Ministers or our Ministers , be the lawful successors of the Apostles ; and we would willinglie come to deal with you upon these termes , that it may be manifest who it is that are of the true seed , and who it is that are of the election that cannot be deceived ; and we have manie more things to write unto you , and to querie of you , and to demand , when we receive your answer , and if you give us ground to accuse you in your return , we will thresh you , and lay it to your charge , by the authoritie and spirit of the Lord , and if you answer us plainlie , we shall more perfectlie know what to do . By divine authority from the chosen assembly of the redeemed people in England, to the Pope (chief bishop) of Rome, and to his cardinals, Jesuits, and priests, and all other the officers of the Romish Church, where it shall meet with them through the world: that they may appear, and come forth to triall, and shew if they have the same faith, power, spirit, and authoritie, and government, as had the Apostles and true churches, before the apostacie: and this is a full invitation and challenge to the whole Church of Rome, and the beginning of controversie with her, for the perfect manifestation of the long hidden truth; betwixt them that are in the truth it self, and such as have the form, but not the power; that all things may be brought to light and true judgement. keywords: answer; apostles; authoritie; bloud; christ; church; churches; daies; day; doth; earth; eternal; faith; false; god; government; great; hath; hold; judgement; life; light; long; lord; man; men; ministers; nations; original; people; perfect; peter; plainlie; pope; power; practises; religion; return; rome; saints; seed; sin; spirit; text; thee; things; thou; thy; true; true church; truth; world; worship cache: A30534.xml plain text: A30534.txt item: #149 of 416 id: A30562 author: Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. title: A visitation & vvarning proclamed and an alarm sounded in the popes borders ... being the account of a journey to Dunkirk, and the proceedings there among the Jesuites, and friars and papists, with some particular quæries, and also some propositions sent unto them : which may be satisfaction to many who may behold the difference in part between th papists and the people of God, and between the idolaters and the true worshippers / by one that travells in the labour of the Gospel of Christ for the elect seeds sake, Edw. Burrough. date: 1659.0 words: 14297 flesch: 16 summary: 4. What is that death that hath passed over all , and reigned from Adam to Moses ? and whether it doth not reign yet in and over you ? and what is Moses Ministration , and whi●her ever through it you yet truly came ? and whether that part be subdu●d in you which the Law of God was added upon , and whether are you come to Christ , and knowes him as he was before Abraham , and before Mary ? and how was he Davids Lord ? and how his Son ? and is Christ within you born , and reve●led to you , by whom the world was made ? and do you expect to be perfectly freed from sin that ye shall not commit sin in this life upon earth , yea , or nay ? 5. What is the soul , and what was its state , and condition before transgression ? and what is its state , and condition in trnasgression , and whether may man come to be restored by the second Adam into the same estate , while upon earth , as he lost in the first Adam yea , or nay ? FRiends , We the Servants of the Lord , are lovers of all your souls , and wisheth well unto you in the Lord , that truth and peace , and righteousnesse may be among you , and in your hearts ; and we are travellers in the labour of the Gospel of Christ Jesus for the elect Seeds sake , having received the glad tidings of life , and eternal salvation into our hearts , through the revelation of Christ in us , who is our hope of glory , and the Lord hath manifested greatly his power amongst us , and revealed the riches of his grace in our souls , to our own everlasting satisfaction & peace with God ; and also he hath made us Ministers of his grace , and of his word to many others , to the turning of many from darknesse to light , and from Satans power to God , and of him we are called and ordained by his spirit into this his work to preach the everlasting Gospel to the Nations , and to war against Anti-Christ , the Whore and false Prophets , come up since the days of the Apostles , & have reigned over the World for many generations ; and this is our work in the World , to fight the Lambs battel with his spiritual weapons and armour , and to follow him whithersoever he goeth , and to give up our selves in his service , to do or suffer for him whatsoever he calleth us unto ; and in this hitherto hath the pure and mighty presence of the Lord God been with us , and is with us unto this day ; and great is his Name amongst us his people , and to be praised for ever more ; and of this hath God given us the sure witnesse in our selves , even the testimony of his good spirit , which bears us witnesse in our own consciences , that these things are true , whether men believe or re●ect our testimony ; for we are not Ministers of man , nor by mans will , neither do we stand to mans judgement , to be approved or disproved thereby ; But to the witnesse and testimony of Gods spirit in every conscience we do commend our selves , where ever any of us do come , in the simplicity of truth , in the demonstration of the spirit , and not by words of mans wisdom , and in the day of the Lord shall we be justified herein by him , and by his witnesse in all mens consciences ; & in the mean time we do suffer all things patiently , and in the meek & quiet Spirit of the Lord ; and as for us two in particular who are now come into the Town of Dunkirk , as we have in some part declared unto you already ; and so I here again say unto you , not being ashamed nor unwilling to give you an account of our coming ; for we came to be made manifest openly in the sight of all men in our doctrines , principles and practises which are of and from the Lord , and fully agreeing in all things with the Scriptures of truth , which were given forth by the spirit of truth as the holy men of God were moved , and as we have said to you , we still testifie , we were moved of God , and by his spirit to come unto this place in love to the souls of people , and it is the Lord God that hath sent us , and not man ; and whether you believe us herein , or doth reject us , the testimony of God is sure , and remains with us ; and for the truth hereof , we are not affraid to do and suffer , but can do , and suffer in the strength of Christ whatsoever is put upon us ; Though chiefly our coming was ( so far as the Lord shewed us ) in relation to these Popish Idolaters , to discourse with their Iesuites , Friars and Priests , and to discover to them the errors of their wayes , and the falsnesse of their worships , and to testifie unto them in the fear and power of the Lord concerning their Church , that it is not a true Church of Christ , but a false Church come up in the Apostacy ; and these things we have to argue with them , if the heads of them will admit dispute ; otherwise to charge these things upon them from the Lord , and by his authority ; and if they do any of them receive our testimony , and turn from their idols , and be converted unto the truth , they may be happy ; but if they shall reject our testimony , and not believe the truth , then shall they the more be fitted for destruction , and the day of their destruction the sooner approach , and the Lord shall be clear of their blood , and our reward shall be with us from God ; for our testimony shall not returne to us in vaine , but shall accomplish its end wherefore it is sent , and the Word of the Lord by us shall either convert to God , and to the truth that they may be saved , or shall through rejecting of it , harden the heart against God and against the truth , that they may the more justly be condemned , and the Lord and his servants be the more clear ; and no other thing saving this do we promise to our selves as the success of our endeavours : And not so much in relation to the men of our English Nation are we come , though the Gospel of Salvation is freely come to them also , that they may be freed from the Captivity of sin and death , and we may not work , nor cause any disturbance or grief to any of them , further then what they may take at us for the truth sake , or for declaring it in the fear of God , and without any just cause given by us to any of you , or them , though we dare not promise to you , nor our selves , what we will do , nor what we will not do ; onely this we say , if the transgression of any just Law can be charged upon us , we refuse not to suffer what shall be imposed ; and this we do beleeve that the Lord will so keep us , and order us by his spirit of truth , and carry us in meekness , and righteousness towards you , while we stay amongst you , be it weeks , or moneths , that you will have no just occasion against us , by any offences justly Ministred by us ; and if you do take occasion against us without any just cause given , be it upon your selves , to your own shame , and condemnation in the sight of God and men , for we are cleare ; Onely this we do give unto the Lord , and cannot unto men , the exercise of our consciences , and to be obedient unto the teachings of his spirit in all things , as he shall guide and lead us , and if he commands to do , or not to do any thing , and you the contrary , we must obey him , though we disobey you ; for its better to obey God then man , and when he bids speak , in what place or season soever we may not be silent ; for to keep our consciences cleare in the sight of God in all things by obedience to him is our care , and study , and that which we are given up to do ; and if you set your selves to gain-say this , it will turne to your own destruction ; for no other promise then this can we make for our selves , but to do , and speak amongst you , as the Lord our God shall move us , and lead us , and this Testemony we do bear for the Lord , he doth not move us , nor lead us to any thing , saving to what is just , and good , and holy , which may tend to the happiness , and peace , and welfare of your souls and bodies also : and in the Fathers will we stand , and as we came in his will , so we cannot submit to stay or go at any mans will save the Lords alone : And as concerning our coming and staying , and work here , this is a sober account to you , which may satisfie you and any sober and reasonable men ; And as conscerning our being with you yesternight , many things passed from some of you and your Minister chiefly , to which I had a great desire to have answered , and to have cleared the things objected against us , but time and his patience afforded not the opportunity ; therefore now this I do propo●nd about the call to the Ministry , which was the thing in dispute , to which I then could freely have spoken ; whether he will give me and us a faire meeting in some publique place that is convenient for your selves to hear , and be Judge between us , to discourse this matter ( viz. ) what the true call to the Ministry is , which is truly according to the Scripture , and that to be laid down first , and then to compare his call to his Ministry , and also his call to Dunkirk , with what the true call is which is allowed of , and aproved in the Scriptures , and also to compare our call to the Ministry , and even our call to Dunkirk , with what the true call of Christs Ministry was , as declared in the Scriptures , that it may be seen whether his call , or our call is the more different from , or agreeable to the Scriptures , and even the light in your own consciences shall be Judge between us in this cause ▪ and upon such an Issue , upon a just determination would we gladly joyne tryal ; and such a meeting upon such grounds and proceedings may tend to satisfie your selves , and many more , and such a meeting I do fully desire with your consent , and concurrance who may preserve the people in peace and soberness , that all may be edified in the things of so great moment as this is ; For if he can prove his call to the Ministry to be such as was the Apostles and Ministers in the true Christian Churches before the apostacy , then shall we own him , and not deny him ; but if he cannot do this , and if we can do it on our own behalfe , in the power and spirit of the Lord , then may you and all men judge who are the true Ministers of Christ , and who are the deceivers ; And this manner of proceedings would decide all doubts in you , about us ; and we shall be clear in manifesting the truth concerning the true Ministry and the false , and the difference between them in their call , in their practice , and in their maintenance ; and this is sent to you to read and consider of , in the fear of God , as the testimony of our love to you , and the truth , that you may take heed to your waies ; and we would receive first your answer , whether you do consent , and will allow such a meeting , and secondly his answer whether he will undertake such a dispute , and we further are ready to clear all doubts that may remain in you about us , who are your friends , and desire your prosperity and faithfulnesse in what the Lord calls you unto . keywords: account; answer; antichrist; apostles; apostolorum; army; authority; beast; bestia; blood; body; borders; burrough; cause; chief; christ; church; churches; clear; colledge; coming; consciences; counsel; cultus; darknesse; day; dayes; dei; discourse; dispute; doctrines; domini; dominus; doth; dunkirk; earth; ecclesia; edward; ejus; elect; enemies; english; esse; est; etiam; faithful; false; fear; free; friars; friends; fuit; glory; god; good; gospel; governour; great; hand; hath; hearts; hoc; holy; honour; idolaters; idolatrous; idolatry; iesuites; judge; kingdom; lamb; lawes; lead; life; light; little; lives; lord; lord god; man; manner; men; ministers; ministry; mundi; mundum; murders; nations; nec; non; officers; oppression; papists; particular; people; place; popes; power; practices; proceedings; propositions; prosper; quae; qui; quod; religion; righteousness; rome; root; saints; sake; scriptures; secundum; sed; self; selves; set; sin; sober; souldiers; souls; spirit; spiritum; state; sum; sunt; sword; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; time; town; true; truth; unrighteous; vera; vestra; vestris; victory; visitation; vobis; vos; waies; way; whore; wisdom; witnesse; words; work; world; worship; zeal; ● ● cache: A30562.xml plain text: A30562.txt item: #150 of 416 id: A30889 author: Barclay, John, 1582-1621. title: John Barclay his defence of the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist to the sectaries of the times book II, chap. II / Englished by a person of quality. date: 1688.0 words: 8456 flesch: 72 summary: They all , I say , ( except a few Hussites in Bohemia , who as they were none of Ours , so neither are they Yours , there not being any amongst you altogether of this Opinion concerning the Eucharist ) agreed with Us ( and still do ) that under the Species or Appearance of Bread and Wine the Body and Blood of CHRIST are really Conceal'd ; that there is no Bread , no Wine remaining ; that the Eucharist is therefore to be Ador'd , because there is in it no other Substance but CHRIST himself . And if the Church in the Apostles Time had not believ'd with Us , that there is no Substance of Bread remaining in the Eucharist , St. Justin Martyr would not have written , that this Sacrament , after the words of Consecration are pronounc'd , Is the Flesh and Blood of that Incarnate Jesus ; but that after the Consecration , that Flesh and that Blood are added to the Eucharistical Bread and Wine : Nor yet would St. Cyril of Hierusalem have us'd these words , This which We see , is not Bread , though the taste thinks it to be Bread ; but 't is the Body of CHRIST ; keywords: age; angel; apostles; appear'd; argument; augustin; blood; bodies; body; book; bread; certain; chap; christ; church; clear; doors; earth; eebo; english; eucharist; faith; fathers; flesh; god; great; heaven; holy; john; life; lord; manner; mary; nature; opinion; paul; places; present; profiteth; quality; right; sacrament; sacrifice; scriptures; sectaries; sectary; self; sense; spirit; tcp; text; thing; thou; time; transubstantiation; true; use; way; wine; words; world cache: A30889.xml plain text: A30889.txt item: #151 of 416 id: A30890 author: Barclay, John, 1582-1621. title: John Barclay his vindication of the intercession of saints, the veneration of relicks and miracles, against the sectaries of the times Book II. Chap. VII. Englished by a person of quality. With allowance. date: 1688.0 words: 7530 flesch: 71 summary: Why therefore should our Age be thought destitute of Miracles ? What use was there then for them , which may not happen now ? What Scripture , what word of GOD banishes from us these VVorks of the Almighty ? If thou have regard to those frequent , and , as I may say , daily Miracles , by which the Church was in her beginning asserted , they were already , as St. Augustin confesses , ceas'd in his time ; but as for such , as are more seldom , though no less certain , neither was that Age , nor is ours , without them . It has ever from the most Antient Times , been the Custom of the Orthodox Church , to request of the Blessed Spirits , the Holy Martyrs , and all others , whom the Majesty of Miracles manifested to be in the Fruition of GOD and Heavenly Joyes , that they would Pray for us to our Lord. keywords: age; almighty; angel; antient; augustin; barclay; bodies; body; bones; book; cap; certain; chap; characters; christ; christians; church; churches; custom; desire; devils; early; eebo; english; friends; god; great; heaven; help; hierom; holy; honour; ignorant; images; intercession; john; lib; lord; manner; martyrs; men; miracles; people; person; place; prayers; quality; reliques; saints; scriptures; sectaries; sectary; tcp; tei; text; things; thou; thy; time; veneration; vigilantius; wilt; wit; words; worship cache: A30890.xml plain text: A30890.txt item: #152 of 416 id: A30891 author: Barclay, John, d. 1691. title: A description of the Roman Catholick Church wherein the pretentions of it's [sic] head, the manners of his court, and principles, and doctrines, the worship and service, the religious orders and houses, the designs and practises of that Church, are represented in a vision / by Iohn Barclay, minister at Cruden ; written in the year 1679. date: 1689.0 words: 16595 flesch: 56 summary: I saw A MAN , in more than Kingly State , And thousands , did his dread Command await , Yet did his grifly Face , his panting Breath , His failing Limbs , bewray th'approach of Death : But soon I found , that he was vile and proud , He rais'd his Eyes , and spake odd Words aloud Of BULLS , and BRIEVES , and CANONS , and CROISADES And whispered some Tales of WHORES and BAUDES , And Stories , which imported nothing less Than that He was grow'n old in Wickedness : I ask't , What wretch was that who passed by ? And presently they made a dreadfull Cry , And said , I did blaspheme , And spoke prophanly of an Heavenly Name , Since Divine Honours were his rightfull Claim . To them some HELL-HOUNDS did succeed , Their eyes were sunk , their hands were red , Their words were dreadfull , threats were loud , Their looks were grim , they breathed blood , I saw them bring forth from dark Shopes , Wheels and Racks , and Cords , and Ropes , They gathered fewell , kindled fire , And fastned stakes , I did enquire What all these dreadfull things did mean ? More dreadfull then mine eyes had ever seen : They told me , these were persons , whose great zeall Did alwayes levell to the Churches weall , And that these Tools , whose sight did shake mine heart , Were instruments , by which they did convert Men to the Faith : keywords: assured; bad; barclay; best; blood; boast; books; bow'd; break; breath; call'd; catholick; cause; chair; change; characters; christ; church; claim; clear; come; command; conscience; court; cry; cry'd; dark; day; death; desire; doe; doth; dreadfull; early; ears; earth; ease; eebo; english; eyes; face; fair; faith; fathers; favour; fear; feast; fire; fit; force; free; fright; glorious; god; goe; gold; good; grace; great; guide; hallow; hands; happiness; hath; head; heart; heaven; holy; honours; hope; houses; ill; images; kings; leave; length; life; little; lives; long; look't; lord; love; lovely; man; manner; mean; mean't; men; mighty; mind; modestie; new; noble; old; open; orders; persons; place; poor; pope; power; prayers; priest; reason; religion; religious; rest; roman; sacred; sad; saint; sanctitie; seem'd; self; service; set; shape; shew; sight; sins; sort; souls; state; stay; strange; sure; talk; tcp; tei; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; time; true; trust; truth; vain; vertues; way; wealth; wit; wondrous; words; work; world; worship; year cache: A30891.xml plain text: A30891.txt item: #153 of 416 id: A30973 author: Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. title: A discourse concerning the laws ecclesiastical and civil made against hereticks by popes, emperors and kings, provincial and general councils, approved by the church of Rome with a preface against persecuting and destroying hereticks / by a cordial friend to the Protestant religion now by law established in these realms. date: 1682.0 words: 42078 flesch: 67 summary: A discourse concerning the laws ecclesiastical and civil made against hereticks by popes, emperors and kings, provincial and general councils, approved by the church of Rome with a preface against persecuting and destroying hereticks / by a cordial friend to the Protestant religion now by law established in these realms. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 482:24) A discourse concerning the laws ecclesiastical and civil made against hereticks by popes, emperors and kings, provincial and general councils, approved by the church of Rome with a preface against persecuting and destroying hereticks / by a cordial friend to the Protestant religion now by law established in these realms. Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. keywords: a. d.; account; act; alby; alexander; alias; aliâ; allegiance; ancient; answer; apostles; apostolick; approbation; apud; archbishops; arians; army; articles; assistence; atque; aut; authority; barbarous; barons; basil; believers; best; better; beware; beziers; bin; bishops; blessed; bloud; bodies; body; books; brethren; bull; bullar; canon; canonical; cap; capital; care; catholick; cause; censures; century; change; characters; charles; children; choice; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; cities; civil; clement; commands; communion; compell; compell'd; concilio; concilium; condition; conduct; confession; confoederationes; conscience; consent; const; constance; constant; constitutions; consuls; contrary; copy; cor; council; counsel; crime; criminal; cross; cruelty; crusado; cum; cùm; damnable; days; death; decernimus; decrees; decretal; defence; defenders; defensione; defensores; demonstration; deo; deportment; deprived; desire; destruction; determinations; deus; dignitatis; dignity; disciples; discourse; divine; doctrine; doe; dominions; domino; doth; dukes; duty; early; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edicts; eebo; effect; eighth; eis; ejus; emperor; empire; end; endeavor; enemies; english; enim; enquire; eorum; eos; eosdem; episcopi; epist; ergo; errors; esse; est; etiam; etiamsi; eum; evil; example; excites; excommunication; execution; exercise; express; extirpate; extirpation; faithfull; false; fathers; fautores; favor; favorem; favorers; fear; fidei; fideles; fifth; fight; fire; fit; forbids; force; forementioned; fortè; fourth; france; frederick; free; freedom; french; fuerit; future; general; general council; gentle; germany; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; government; governors; great; greater; gregory; grievous; guilty; haec; haeretici; haereticorum; hands; hath; heathen; heaven; henry; heresie; heretical; hereticks; hoc; hold; holy; honor; houses; hujusmodi; humane; i. p.; ibid; illa; illi; images; imperator; indulgence; infra; inhumane; innocent; inquisition; inquisitors; instances; ipse; ipsi; ipsius; ipso; itaque; ithacius; jam; jerusalem; john; judge; judgment; juramento; jure; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; kingdom; labor; lactantius; land; lateran; lawfull; laws; lay; leave; left; leg; legate; lib; life; like; lives; locum; lord; loss; love; magistrate; man; manifest; manner; martin; matter; matth; maximus; means; meekness; members; men; mercy; method; milan; mind; murther; narbon; nature; nec; necnon; neglect; neque; new; nisi; nobis; non; nos; notice; oath; obedience; obligation; observe; office; omnes; omnibus; onely; orthodox; oxford; pag; page; paul; penalties; penalty; people; permits; pernicious; persecuting; persons; persuasion; peter; piety; pius; place; plain; pleased; pope; popish; posse; possunt; potestatem; power; practice; praecipimus; praedictis; pravity; preface; prejudice; prelates; present; princes; principibus; principles; prison; privileges; pro; proceeding; profession; promise; pronounceth; prophets; propter; protection; protestant; providence; provincial; publick; punishments; quae; quartum; questions; qui; quia; quibus; quid; quidem; quilibet; quod; quos; quàm; quòd; reason; rebels; receivers; rectors; regibus; regnum; religion; remiss; repugnant; revenge; reward; rise; roman; rome; romish; sacred; safe; said; saint; saith; salvation; samaritans; sanctae; sanguinary; saviour; schismaticks; second; secular; security; sed; self; sentence; servants; sess; set; seu; severity; sexti; sibi; sic; sicut; singulos; sins; souls; spirit; spiritual; spond; stand; suam; subjects; sunt; superior; sword; synodus; taking; tam; tanquam; tares; tcp; tei; temper; temporal; territories; testament; text; things; thomas; thou; time; title; tolose; torments; treatise; tribunal; true; truth; twelfth; ubi; unworthy; vel; vengeance; verò; vide; village; violence; virtue; viz; void; vos; war; way; weak; whatsoever; wheat; wicked; wisedom; words; work; world; worship; year; zeal cache: A30973.xml plain text: A30973.txt item: #154 of 416 id: A30976 author: Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. title: A few plain reasons why a Protestant of the Church of England should not turn Roman Catholick by a real Catholick of the Church of England. date: 1688.0 words: 16739 flesch: 70 summary: And to make it more evident that the Sixth Synod , and the condemnation of Pope Honorius for Heresie , was anciently approv'd even in the Church of Rome ; their own General Council , the Second of Nice , is a witness beyond exception , as by the words and place in the Margin ‖ may evidently appear . This is on all sides ‖ confessed , that 't is no Schism to Separate from an erroneous Church ; It being evident that no Christian can be bound to Communicate with any Church in Errors or Impieties ; and therefore may without any Schism , lawfully Separate from such Churches , whether that Church disbelieve and deny any Articles of the Ancient and True Christian Faith , or ( which the Pope and his party do ) add new ones , inconsistent with it , and the truth of the Gospel , and that Faith which our Blessed Saviour and his Apostles deliver'd to the Christian Church . keywords: act; apostles; authority; baptiz'd; benefit; bible; bishop; blessed; blessed saviour; blood; body; books; bread; bull; cap; catholick; cause; certain; certainty; children; christian; church; churches; clergy; col; comfort; command; communion; conc; condemn'd; condition; confess'd; consider'd; constance; contradiction; contrary; council; cup; decree; doctrines; drink; eebo; end; england; english; erroneous; errors; evident; express; faith; french; general; general council; god; good; gospel; grace; great; guide; having; hearing; heresies; holy; honorius; impartial; impossible; infallibility; infallible; intention; irrational; jews; joh; judge; judgment; knowledge; laity; language; late; latin; law; legacies; legatees; life; marriages; means; minister; new; non; pag; party; paul; people; pernicious; peter; pious; place; pope; practice; premisses; priests; prohibition; protestants; publick; purpose; qui; reading; real; reason; receiv'd; roman; rome; sacrament; sacred; said; salvation; saviour; schism; scriptures; second; sects; self; senses; separation; sess; spiritual; sub; successors; sure; tcp; testament; text; things; tho; time; tom; tongue; trent; true; truth; unjust; vel; vid; vulgar; wafer; words; writers; years cache: A30976.xml plain text: A30976.txt item: #155 of 416 id: A31013 author: J. B. title: An account of the original, nature, preparation, vertues, and use of the Vatican pill famous for many years past, unto this day throughout Europe, and particularly in this kingdom, for the many great and remarkable cures wrought by it / prepared exactly according to the most correct process, and recommended to publick use, by J.B. ... date: 1700.0 words: 4506 flesch: 47 summary: An account of the original, nature, preparation, vertues, and use of the Vatican pill famous for many years past, unto this day throughout Europe, and particularly in this kingdom, for the many great and remarkable cures wrought by it / prepared exactly according to the most correct process, and recommended to publick use, by J.B. ... J. B. 1700 Approx. An account of the original, nature, preparation, vertues, and use of the Vatican pill famous for many years past, unto this day throughout Europe, and particularly in this kingdom, for the many great and remarkable cures wrought by it / prepared exactly according to the most correct process, and recommended to publick use, by J.B. ... J. B. 8 p. s.n., keywords: account; body; books; cause; characters; course; cure; day; diseases; dose; doth; drink; early; eebo; encoding; english; europe; excellent; famous; good; great; hard; hath; head; humours; images; known; medicine; morning; nature; night; online; operation; original; oxford; partnership; parts; phase; pill; pox; preparation; prepared; process; publick; quality; rules; scurvy; stomack; strength; substance; tcp; tei; text; thin; time; true; use; vatican; vatican pill; vertues; work; xml; years cache: A31013.xml plain text: A31013.txt item: #156 of 416 id: A31050 author: Barrin, Jean, ca. 1640-1718. title: The monk unvail'd: or, A facetious dialogue, discovering the several intrigues, and subtil practises, together with the lewd and scandalous lives of monks, fryers, and other pretended religious votaries of the Church of Rome. Written by an eminent Papist in French. Faithfully translated by C.V. Gent. date: 1678.0 words: 26235 flesch: 67 summary: P. F. How Money in the Bason ? P. Did you never take notice that on solemn days , which are very frequent with them , when there are Indulgences , Sermons , Musick , keywords: able; act; alas; angels; art; augustins; austin; author; bag; bason; beards; begging; benefice; better; bishops; blessed; blessing; body; books; brests; brother; capuchins; care; carmelites; case; certain; chappels; characters; children; church; churches; common; company; convent; cord; cordeliers; country; cross; day; days; devotion; discourse; door; doubt; eebo; elias; english; evil; exposing; eyes; f. o; fair; father; favour; feet; fellows; flor; francis; frequent; friend; friery; fryer; general; gentleman; girdle; glad; god; gods; going; good; great; guardian; habit; hands; hath; head; help; holy; honour; hood; house; ill; images; indulgences; jacobin; kind; kiss; known; ladies; lady; ladyship; laugh; law; lay; leather; leave; letters; life; like; little; long; love; madam; maids; man; manner; masses; matter; mean; mind; minimes; miracles; money; monks; mount; mrs; nay; notice; notwithstanding; nuns; occasion; old; ones; order; pain; paris; particular; pass; patr; patriarch; paula; people; persons; place; pleasant; poor; pope; possible; preaching; prelate; pretended; pretty; quality; reason; relicks; religion; religious; respect; return; reverend; reverend father; right; rome; rosary; rule; sacrament; said; saith; sake; scandalous; self; sermons; set; sign; sleeves; small; sort; state; subject; tcp; text; things; thought; time; title; true; truth; vespers; virgin; visit; way; whereof; white; wine; wise; women; words; work; world; years; young cache: A31050.xml plain text: A31050.txt item: #157 of 416 id: A31234 author: Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of, 1634-1705. title: A reply to the ansvver of the Catholiqve apology, or, A cleere vindication of the Catholiques of England from all matter of fact charg'd against them by their enemyes date: 1668.0 words: 58393 flesch: 70 summary: 'T is no breach in our Religion to say , that Popes in their private Determinations may erre , much less , that they sin like men . Certainly , nothing can more fully proue the sincere and disinterested meaning of the Catholiques , then the Kings miraculous Escape from Worcester : for he fell not there into the hands of men of Qualitie onely , but among Papists of all ranks and conditions . keywords: able; absolute; account; acknowledged; actions; advantage; affairs; ages; allegeance; anderton; answer; answerer; apology; argument; arms; arthur; author; authority; baker; beginning; best; better; bishops; blood; body; book; brave; brethren; brother; business; cam; capt; catalogue; catholicks; catholiques; cause; cavaliers; charge; charles; chief; children; christian; church; clergy; col; coligni; common; condition; confess; confesses; conscience; contrary; councel; countries; country; court; crime; cromwel; crown; daily; danger; dangerous; day; days; death; deposing; design; desire; destruction; discourse; divines; doctrine; doubtless; duke; duty; earl; edward; eighth; elizabeth; enemies; enemy; england; english; esq; estates; evident; example; excuse; execution; experience; fact; fain; faith; faithful; fall; false; famous; fathers; faults; favour; fear; fell; fifth; fire; fit; forc'd; force; fox; france; francis; free; french; friends; general; gentlemen; germany; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; government; granted; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; hath; hatred; head; hear; henry; historians; history; holy; home; honour; hope; house; hugonots; ignorant; ill; innocent; interest; iohn; ireland; irish; james; jesuites; john; judge; king; kingdom; known; late; lawful; laws; lay; leave; liberty; lieut; life; like; little; live; london; long; lord; loss; love; loyalty; magistrates; majesty; malice; man; manner; marriage; mary; massacre; matter; mean; meaning; men; mercy; method; mind; minister; monarch; murther; nation; natural; nature; nay; necessitated; necessity; needs; neer; neighbours; new; oath; occasion; old; onely; opinion; oxford; papists; paragraph; paris; parliament; parson; particular; party; people; perchance; persons; pity; place; pleased; plot; poor; pope; popery; popish; possible; power; pray; prayers; preaching; present; pretended; priests; prince; principles; private; priviledges; profession; profest; protestants; publick; purpose; queen; question; quiet; reader; real; reason; rebellion; rebels; reformation; reformed; reign; religion; religious; reply; rest; richard; right; roman; rome; royal; royallists; run; saints; saying; scotland; scots; sea; second; sect; seeing; self; selves; service; set; shew; short; sir; slain; soveraign; spanish; speak; speed; state; strange; strong; subjects; sufferings; sure; taking; tcp; tell; text; thing; thomas; thought; time; title; traytors; trouble; true; truth; vid; viz; war; way; weak; wicked; wife; william; wise; wish; wit; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worthy; writ; years; york; ● ● cache: A31234.xml plain text: A31234.txt item: #158 of 416 id: A31346 author: By-stander. title: The Catholick gamesters, or, A dubble match of bowleing with an account of a sharp conference held on the eve of St. Jago between His Holiness and the Mahometan dons in St. Katherines Bastile ... : to the tune of The plot in the meal-tub, or, Tan-ta-ra-ra-ra make shift / published by a by-stander to prevent false reports. date: None words: 3087 flesch: 81 summary: My Self may get by 't , save a Thing more rare Than this same Triple Bawble now I wear , Which otherwise is hazarded I swear . Howere I 'le venture 't , prove it good or ill , And have a Push for 't ere I lose it will. keywords: books; characters; church; devil; dons; early; eebo; encoding; english; ere; fall; game; gamesters; good; hell; heretick; holiness; holy; house; image; long; meal; mother; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pins; plot; pope; set; sir; stander; tcp; tei; text; truth; tub; tune; way; work; worships; xml; yee cache: A31346.xml plain text: A31346.txt item: #159 of 416 id: A31418 author: Cave, William, 1637-1713. title: A discourse concerning the unity of the Catholick Church maintained in the Church of England date: 1684.0 words: 19547 flesch: 58 summary: To this end he established a Spiritual Society or Church on Earth p. 3. This Church , with the Unity of it , the Romish-Church appropriateth to it self p. 3. This Controversie betwixt that Church and Ours may be stated and decided by the consideration of the following Heads of discourse . Our Blessed Lord and Master , therefore , for the better security of his Truth , and the safer conduct of those which adhere to it , establish'd a Society or Church in the World , which he purchased with the most inestimable price , dignified with the highest Priviledges , encouraged with the largest Promises , back'd with the most ample Authority , and will always defend with the strongest Guard , against all Power , or Policy on Earth or under the Earth ; so that , as he hath told us , the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it . keywords: adv; advantage; adversaries; ages; ancient; apostles; augustin; autem; authority; belief; best; better; bishop; blessed; body; books; bounds; care; catholick; catholick church; cause; censures; characters; charge; charity; chief; christian; christianity; church; churches; civil; claim; clear; common; communion; concerned; continued; contrary; corrupt; corruptions; council; cyprian; dangerous; degrees; design; determinations; different; difficulties; discipline; divine; divisions; doctrine; duty; early; ecclesia; eebo; effects; england; english; enim; epist; est; evidence; experience; express; extravagant; fact; faith; false; farther; foundation; free; general; god; good; government; great; greater; greatest; gross; hath; head; heresies; holy; home; hope; idem; ill; influence; instances; institutions; judgment; late; like; little; long; lord; manners; matter; means; measure; members; men; methods; necessary; necessity; need; needful; new; non; number; object; obligation; offices; old; omnes; opinion; opposed; order; ordinary; original; outward; particular; peace; people; persons; places; plain; points; policy; possible; power; practice; pretence; pretended; prevail; primitive; princes; principles; private; profession; provision; publick; qui; quia; quod; ready; reason; reformation; regular; religion; religious; respect; rights; romanists; rome; sacred; saviour; scarce; schisms; scripture; self; sensible; service; shelter; sive; society; sort; spiritual; state; strange; subject; sufficient; tcp; terms; text; thing; time; title; true; truth; unitate; unity; universal; use; violence; want; way; world; worship; years; zeal cache: A31418.xml plain text: A31418.txt item: #160 of 416 id: A31475 author: Davies, John, 1625-1693. title: The ceremonies of the vacant see, or, A true relation of what passes at Rome upon the pope's death with the proceedings in the conclave, for the election of a new pope, according to the constitutions and ceremonials, as also the coronation and cavalcade / out of the French by J. Davies of Kidwelly. date: 1671.0 words: 18444 flesch: 68 summary: It is also incumbent on the said Cardinal to send notice at the same time to all the Cardinals , the Senate , and people of Rome , of the Pope's death , and the three Chiefs in point of Denomination ( there being three different Classes of Cardinals , according to the difference of their titles ; to wit , six titles of Episcopal Cardinals , fifty of Priesthood , and fourteen Deacon-Cardinals ) send the like notice to all the other Cardinals , to make their appearance in the Hall of the Consistory that very Evening ; or if that cannot be done with convenience the next morning to take order for all the Charges which shall be vacant upon the Pope's death , and to appoint a Governour of the Conclave , and of St. Peter's , which is the most fortify'd Quarter of Rome , and wherein lie the Castle of St. Angelo , the Church of St. Peter , and the Vatican Palace , and where the Conclave is ordinarily kept ; and they all go with the Roquet uncover'd , as a mark that the Sovereign Spiritual Authority is devolv'd into their hands , as having then no Superiours over them . If it happen , in this examination and confrontation of the Suffrages , that two , three , or some greater number of the billets of the Scrutiny , be found to have the same Seals and Signes with some billet of the Access , as it may come to pass , if the person who is chosen be named in one of the said billets of the Scrutiny , and another Cardinal be named in another of the said billets , then the Scrutator ( his Colleagues observing what he does ) is to open the billet of the said Scrutiny , wherin the said elected person is named , together with that of the Access , at the very place where the name of the Elector is set down , to the end a judgement may be made , according to the Gregorian Constitution , of the validity or invalidity of the Access . keywords: access; account; act; acts; affairs; alex; altar; apr; arch; billets; business; cardinals; cells; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; chair; chalice; chamberlain; chapel; chief; choice; church; city; colledge; come; conclave; conclavists; constitution; cover; cross; crowns; day; days; deacon; death; deceas'd; dignity; eebo; election; elevation; embassadors; end; english; entrance; examination; factions; figure; fore; general; gold; great; hands; hath; holy; indispos'd; infirmaries; innoc; jan; john; kind; like; little; long; lord; manner; mar; mary; mass; masters; midst; morning; names; new; number; oath; oblig'd; observ'd; occasion; order; ordinary; papacy; particular; people; person; peter; place; pontifical; pope; post; precedent; present; princes; principal; publication; quality; reason; requisite; roman; rome; sacred; said; scrutators; scrutiny; seals; second; servants; set; sheet; shut; sick; signes; subject; suffrages; taking; tcp; text; thing; thirds; time; title; true; upper; urb; urban; vacancy; vacant; vii; viii; viij; voice; way; whereof; words; writing; year cache: A31475.xml plain text: A31475.txt item: #161 of 416 id: A32204 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: Copies of two papers written by the late King Charles II together with a copy of a paper written by the late Duchess of York : to which is added an answer to the aforesaid papers all printed together. date: 1686.0 words: 15900 flesch: 63 summary: It is granted , that the Guides of that Church have been very bad Men ; and that in Councils they have frequently erred about the Dep●sing Power , being only a Matter of Practice , and not of Faith. If there can be no Authority in a Church , without Inf●llibility ; or there can be no obligation to submit to Authority , without , it , then the Church of England doth not use the best Arguments against Sectaries , But if there be no ground for Infallibility , if the Church which hath most pretended to it , hath been most grosly deceived , if the Heads of that Church have been not barely suspected of Heresie , but one of them stands condemned for it in Three General Councils , own'd by that Church ; then for all that I can see , the Church of England hath wisely disowned the pretence of Infallibility , and made use of the best Arguments against Sectaries from a just Authority , and the sinfulness and folly of the Sectaries refusing to submit to it . keywords: almighty; answer; apostles; appeal; arguments; articles; authority; baptism; best; bishops; body; books; catholick church; change; charles; christ; christian church; church; churches; communion; confession; copy; councils; creeds; day; dead; desire; difference; doctrine; doth; earth; eebo; end; england; english; faith; fancy; far; general; god; good; great; hath; holy; ill; infallibility; infallible; judge; judgment; king; late; laws; man; mans; matters; men; mind; nation; necessary; new; paper; particular; parts; person; plain; pope; positive; possible; power; pretence; pretend; private; question; reason; reformation; religion; right; roman church; rome; rule; salvation; scripture; self; sense; sins; spirit; spiritual; sure; tcp; text; things; time; title; true; truth; universal; use; way; words; world; years; york; ● ● cache: A32204.xml plain text: A32204.txt item: #162 of 416 id: A32348 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King, a proclamation whereas we have fully resolved to use our utmost endeavours for the preservation of the true religion established in this kingdom, to which we ... have thought fit to command all popish priests and jesuites ... to depart out of, and not return or come into this our kingdom ... date: None words: 1491 flesch: 58 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 109791) keywords: books; characters; charles; command; day; early; eebo; england; english; fifth; kingdom; online; phase; priests; proclamation; said; tcp; tei; text; town; true; wales cache: A32348.xml plain text: A32348.txt item: #163 of 416 id: A32659 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King, a proclamation date: None words: 1407 flesch: 59 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A32659) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 102748) keywords: books; characters; charles; day; dominion; early; eebo; england; english; fifth; john; kingdom; online; partnership; phase; proclamation; said; tcp; tei; text; town; wales cache: A32659.xml plain text: A32659.txt item: #164 of 416 id: A32849 author: Chillingworth, William, 1602-1644. title: Additional discourses of Mr. Chillingworth never before printed date: 1687.0 words: 37848 flesch: 65 summary: If it be said , that the point of Re-baptization was not defined in S. Cyprians time ; I say that in the Judgment of the Bishop and Church of Rome and their adherents , it was : For they urged it as an Original and Apostolick Tradition , and consequently at least of as great force as any Church definition . Neither is the Bishop or Church of Rome , with the Adherents of it , an infallible Judge thereof ; for it is evident , both he and it have erred herein divers times ; which I have evinced already by divers examples , which I will not repeat ; but add to them one confessed by Mr. Lewgar himself in his discourse upon the Article of the Catholick Church , pag. 84. S. Athanasius being excommunicated ( though by the a whole Church ) keywords: account; action; age; alledged; ancient church; answer; answered; apostles; apostolick; argument; austin; authorities; authority; baptism; belief; better; bishop; blessed; body; book; cake; cardinal; catholick church; cause; certain; chillingworth; christians; church; churches; collyridians; communion; company; conceive; conclusion; consent; consequence; contradictions; contrary; council; creature; cyprian; deity; demand; desire; difference; discourse; diverse; doctrin; doth; earth; england; english; epiphanius; ergo; error; est; esteemed; eucharist; evident; excommunicated; expedient; external; faith; false; fathers; figure; flesh; foundation; general; gift; god; gods; good; great; greek church; ground; guide; hath; having; heaven; held; heresie; heretical; hereticks; holy; honour; hope; ibid; impossible; impute; incense; infallibility; infallible; infants; iohn; irenaeus; judge; judgment; know; lawful; let; lewgar; life; like; little; living; lord; luthers; major; mans; martyr; mary; matter; mean; meaning; members; men; minor; necessary; necessity; new; non; object; oblation; offer; offering; old; opinion; opposition; papias; papists; particular church; parts; pastors; petavius; place; point; pope; power; practice; present church; pretended; proof; proper; prophets; protestant; purpose; question; reason; relation; reply; resurrection; roman church; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; saying; schismaticks; scripture; second; self; sense; set; shew; societies; sovereign; spirit; subject; succession; sufficient; sure; syllogism; tapers; tcp; teacheth; terms; text; thing; thought; time; title; tradition; true; truth; unity; vain; virgin; viz; way; whatsoever; whereof; woman; words; world; worship; years; ● ● cache: A32849.xml plain text: A32849.txt item: #165 of 416 id: A32854 author: Chillingworth, William, 1602-1644. title: Mr. Chillingworths letter touching infallibility date: 1662.0 words: 3112 flesch: 57 summary: Catholic Church -- Controversial literature. Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; church; churches; conformity; doctrine; early; eebo; encoding; english; faith; god; good; guide; hath; heresie; images; infallibility; letter; leuger; new; online; oxford; partnership; peter; phase; reason; rome; tcp; tei; text; true; wing; work; xml cache: A32854.xml plain text: A32854.txt item: #166 of 416 id: A32855 author: Chillingworth, William, 1602-1644. title: Reasons against popery in a letter from Mr. William Chillingworth, to his friend Mr. Lewger, persuading him to return to his mother, the Church of England, from the corrupt Church of Rome. date: 1673.0 words: 3713 flesch: 61 summary: Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1523:13) Reasons against popery in a letter from Mr. William Chillingworth, to his friend Mr. Lewger, persuading him to return to his mother, the Church of England, from the corrupt Church of Rome. Catholic Church -- Controversial literature. keywords: author; bishop; books; characters; chillingworth; christ; church; churches; doctrine; early; edition; eebo; encoding; england; english; faith; friend; god; good; guide; hath; heresie; images; infallibility; letter; lewger; man; online; oxford; partnership; peter; phase; popery; power; reason; roman; rome; scripture; self; tcp; tei; text; william; work cache: A32855.xml plain text: A32855.txt item: #167 of 416 id: A32964 author: Campion, Edmund, Saint, 1540-1581. title: Reasons of a challenge sent to the universities of England, in matters of religion by Edmund Campion ; faithfully translated into English. date: 1687.0 words: 14583 flesch: 78 summary: AT Antioch , in which the noble Sirname of Christian was first assumed , did the Doctors , Eminent Divines , Prophets and renowned Preachers flourish : Of this sort God beheld posterity , the Scribes and Magi , the Learned in the Kingdom of God , searching out things new and old ; prophesying of Christ and Moses , what a heinous thing it is to hiss at such good men , and maliciously extol evil ? my adversaries hissed , why so ? because they have exploded a Learned Scribe . If they Quote the Gospel , we appeal to it ; the words with us are , This is my Body , this is my Blood , which expression seem'd so prevalent with Luther , that he desired to be a Zuinglian , because in that point he could be prejudicial to the Pope , yet being taken and bound , in the conclusion did yield , and acknowledged Christ to be really present in the Holy Sacrament , not less against his will , than the Devils heretofore being overcome with Miracles , called upon the Name of God. keywords: a32964; act; adversaries; age; ambrose; ancient; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; ask; augustine; authority; baptism; better; beza; bible; bishop; blood; body; books; caesar; calvin; campion; cap; catholicks; cause; cent; challenge; characters; christ; christians; church; churches; cont; councils; day; death; div; divine; doctrine; doth; early; earth; eccl; edmund; eebo; end; enemies; england; english; epistles; eus; faith; faithful; fathers; fear; field; force; general; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; gregory; hath; heaven; hell; hereticks; history; holy; honour; images; item; jerome; john; judge; judgment; justice; kings; lib; like; long; luther; lutherans; man; manner; martyrs; mat; means; men; mind; nations; nature; new; notes; old; original; oxford; parts; paul; peter; pope; princes; reason; religion; rest; rome; sacraments; saints; salvation; scripture; self; sense; ser; sin; soul; spirit; tcp; tei; text; things; thou; time; trent; true; truth; universities; vain; vide; viz; way; witnesses; words; work; world; ● ● cache: A32964.xml plain text: A32964.txt item: #168 of 416 id: A33231 author: Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 1609-1674. title: Animadversions upon a book intituled, Fanaticism fanatically imputed to the Catholick Church, by Dr. Stillingfleet, and the imputation refuted and retorted by S.C. by a person of honour. date: 1673.0 words: 57930 flesch: -16 summary: Will any Presbyterian , or Independent , or Anabaptist make that Declaration ? he well knows they neither can nor will whilst they retain the principles of their parties , and they cease to be of either party assoon as they make that declaration ; he confesses that the Doctor hath subscribed , and submitted to , and practises all that Church requires of him , and hath farther unprovoked given this ample testimony to it , that he was not obliged to do , and which no man can give , that is divided in his affections , and equally inclined to another Church that differs from it ; and yet he is so jealous of the honour and security of the Church of England , that Church that he hath Apostatized from , that Church that he hath traduced and reviled with all the scurrility of Language , of this Church in which he will not permit a possibility of Salvation ; he is so careful , that he will not allow the Doctor to be a member of it , but advises like a loving Father , the drowzy and sleeping Prelates , to be watchful over him as a spy and treacherous person , who whilst he perswades them ( poor simple creatures ) that he will be a champion for their Church , endeavours all he can to destroy and undermine it . That that Church is the Church of Rome where there constantly resides a Supreme Magistrate , who , in case any new opinions shall start up to the prejudic of Religion , which have not been enough convinced by former definitions of the Church hath full authority committed to him by our Saviour to declare and determine what is agreeable or contrary to the sence of the Scripture , since it cannot be supposed that our Saviour would constitute an officer , and not indue him with all necessary faculties , or not qualifie him sufficiently for the discharge of so great a trust ; and from hence they resolve , that the greatest danger of damnation is not from the commission of those sins against which the spirit of God hath so plainly denounced it , but in an obstinate presumption in contradicting the opinions or directions of the Catholick Church , and refusing to submit to the authority of the Vicar of Christ , who hath the unquestionable power to bind and to loose , to pardon and to condemn sins , having the Keys of Heaven , and of Hell ; and therefore whilst they will depend upon him , and put themselves under his protection , they cannot but be safe . keywords: able; actions; advantage; advice; age; angry; answer; apostles; argument; articles; authority; authors; benedict; benefit; bennet; best; better; bishops; bitterness; body; book; canonization; cardinal; care; catholick; catholick church; catholick religion; cause; charge; charity; christian; christianity; church; church hath; churches; civil; clear; clergy; common; company; concerned; condition; confesses; conscience; consent; consequences; contrary; controversies; conversation; council; countenance; countries; country; credit; cressy; cressy hath; dangerous; day; days; death; defence; degree; desire; determination; devotion; difference; difficult; disciples; discourse; discover; doctor; doctrine; dominions; doth; doubt; duty; easie; ecclesiastical; end; enemy; england; english; errors; evidence; excellent; excommunication; excuse; exercise; expressions; faith; fall; false; fanaticism; fathers; fit; foundation; france; friends; general; god; gods; good; government; great; greater; greatest; gregory; ground; guilty; hard; hath; heaven; heresies; history; holy; honour; hope; house; ill; informed; instances; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; kingdom; known; language; large; late; lawful; laws; learned; learning; leave; liable; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; making; man; manifest; manner; martyrs; matter; meaning; member; memory; men; mention; method; mind; miracles; modesty; moses; nation; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; notice; number; obedience; obligations; observation; occasion; old; opinion; order; pag; pains; particulars; parts; passion; paul; peace; people; persons; peter; piety; pious; places; points; pope; possible; power; practice; prayer; prejudice; prelates; present; pretence; princes; principles; profess; professed; proper; proposition; protestants; publick; purpose; quae; reading; reason; reasonable; rebellion; reformation; religion; religious; reproach; rest; resurrection; reverence; roman; roman church; rome; rules; said; saints; salvation; saviour; scandalous; scripture; second; security; self; sence; senses; short; socinian; soever; souls; soveraign; spirit; spiritual; state; stile; stillingfleet; subjection; subjects; support; sure; tcp; testimony; text; things; thought; time; title; tradition; true; truth; understanding; unity; universal; use; visions; want; way; whatsoever; whereof; willing; wish; wit; women; words; work; world; worse; worthy; writers; writing; years; zeal cache: A33231.xml plain text: A33231.txt item: #169 of 416 id: A33356 author: Clarkson, David, 1622-1686. title: The case of Protestants in England under a popish prince if any shall happen to wear the imperial crown. date: 1681.0 words: 13363 flesch: 70 summary: Hereupon n Zanardus takes it for granted , that all Laws will have every Heretick put to Death ; and their Angelical Doctor o is positive , that Hereticks , though they do not pervert others , may be justly killed by Secular Judges , and bereaved of all they have , rather than such as are guilty of High-Treason . The Society is particularly under the Conduct of that Spirit ; for the Provincial Garnet , Tesmond , Gerard , and other Jesuits did teach the Conspirators this Catholick Doctrine n That the King , Nobility , Clergy and whole Commonalty of the Realm of England ( Papists excepted ) were Hereticks , and that all Hereticks were accursed and excommunicate , and that no Heretick could be a King ; but that it was lawful and meritorious to kill the King , and all other Hereticks within this Realm of England ; for the Advancing and enlargement of the Authority and Jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome , and for the restoring of the Romish Religion . keywords: 4th; account; act; authority; authors; better; canon; cap; case; catholick; children; church; civil; common; concerned; conspirators; constitutions; council; crime; crown; death; decreed; design; disp; doctors; doctrine; ecclesiastical; eebo; england; english; estate; execution; faith; far; favour; france; general; goods; greater; greatest; hath; heresie; hereticks; holy; ibid; innocent; interest; jesuits; judgment; kings; law; lawful; laws; life; little; meritorious; nations; nay; necessary; oath; pag; page; papal; papists; parents; parliaments; penalties; penalty; people; popes; popish; possession; power; prince; principles; process; protestants; publick; religion; right; roman; ruine; sanchez; sect; secular; security; sentence; sin; soever; suarez; tcp; text; thing; time; title; treason; true; war; way; work; worthy; years cache: A33356.xml plain text: A33356.txt item: #170 of 416 id: A33406 author: Catholic Church. Pope (1667-1669 : Clement IX) title: A letter from the Pope to his distressed sons the Catholicks in England. As it was intercepted, and now published by S.V. date: 1674.0 words: 3194 flesch: 56 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: books; catholicks; cause; characters; christ; church; clement; creation; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; father; fit; good; hath; heresies; hereticks; holy; images; letter; like; mahomet; nay; old; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pope; religion; scriptures; selves; sons; souls; tcp; tei; text; time; treason; works; world; xml cache: A33406.xml plain text: A33406.txt item: #171 of 416 id: A33507 author: Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. title: The whore unvailed, or, The mistery of the deceit of the Church of Rome revealed being a brief answer to a book entituled, the reconciler of religions, or, A decider of all controversies in matters of faith, written by a professed Roman Catholick who subscribes his name A.S. in which he endeavoured to prove the Church of Rome to be the true church ... / by a servant of the Lord, Josiah Coale ; whereunto is added the 14th Chap. of A.S. his book in which he declares the Protestant ... not to be true preachers ... date: 1665.0 words: 22287 flesch: 59 summary: Church is built of living believers ( elect and precious ) but he that is a lyar and a sinner , is dead ( for the soul that sins shall dye , Ezek. What Church is more universal then the great Whore ( the false Church ) who hath a name written , MISTERY BABYLON THE GREAT , THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS , AND ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH , Rev. 17.5 . keywords: a.s; affirmeth; aforesaid; alwayes; answer; apostles; argument; babylon; bad; beast; beginning; believers; blood; body; book; brief; cause; chapter; christ; christians; churches; consider; contrary; controversies; cor; darknesse; day; dayes; devil; doctrine; doth; earth; end; false; farther; god; godly; good; great; hast; hath; head; hereticks; holy; images; infallible; interruption; invisible; jesus; john; judge; law; light; like; lives; lord; man; manifest; matters; members; mind; ministers; miracles; nations; people; peter; place; pope; power; preachers; present; prophesie; prophets; proved; purpose; quakers; rest; rev; roman; rome; saints; saith; saying; sectaries; self; set; sin; son; spake; spirit; spiritual; state; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thousands; time; true church; truth; visible; viz; way; whore; witnesse; words; work; world; worship; written; ● ● cache: A33507.xml plain text: A33507.txt item: #172 of 416 id: A33763 author: Care, Henry, 1646-1688. title: The character of a turbulent, pragmatical Jesuit and factious Romish priest date: 1678.0 words: 2639 flesch: 60 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: a33763; available; books; care; catholick; character; creation; data; early; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; english; factious; good; henry; images; jesuite; keying; kind; literature; markup; monks; online; original; oxford; page; partnership; phase; pragmatical; priest; project; proquest; romish; society; tcp; tei; text; time; title; treason; turbulent; use; works; xml cache: A33763.xml plain text: A33763.txt item: #173 of 416 id: A33865 author: Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598. Execution of justice in England. title: A collection of several treatises concerning the reasons and occasions of the penal laws date: 1675.0 words: 35689 flesch: 46 summary: The second treatise, by William Watson in collaboration with other priests, was first published with title Important considerations which ought to move all true and sound Catholikes. Such Condemned only for Treason , as maintain the effects of the Popes Bull against her Majesty and the Realm . keywords: able; actions; adversaries; allegiance; ancient; answer; apostles; armor; arms; army; attempt; authority; beginning; benefices; best; better; bishop; blood; body; books; bull; campion; capital; cardinal; cases; catholicks; cause; certain; chief; christendom; christian; church; civil; clear; coming; command; common; consciences; continued; contrary; countries; country; course; crown; curses; danger; day; death; defence; designments; desire; dislike; divers; doctrine; dominions; doth; doubt; duke; duty; earl; ecclesiastical; eebo; effect; emperour; enemies; enemy; england; english; example; excommunication; execution; faith; faithful; false; father; favour; fear; forces; foreign; foresaid; fourth; france; free; friends; general; god; gods; good; government; great; greater; greatest; gregory; hand; hard; hath; head; hearts; henry; high; highness; history; hither; hold; holiness; holy; home; honour; howsoever; interest; invasion; ireland; jesuitical; jesuits; justice; kind; king; kingdom; known; late; lawful; laws; lewd; life; like; little; long; lord; maintenance; majesties; majesty; man; manifest; manner; master; matters; means; men; native; natural; new; noble; north; notable; number; obedience; occasions; old; open; opinions; order; parliament; particular; parts; peace; people; persons; pius; places; point; pope; power; practices; present; pretended; priests; princes; principal; private; proceedings; profession; publick; punishment; purpose; queen; question; quiet; quintus; realm; reasons; rebellion; rebels; religion; rest; right; rome; rule; said; satisfaction; saunders; scholars; seas; second; secret; secular; sedition; seditious; selves; seminaries; sentence; set; shew; sort; sound; soveraign; spain; special; state; subjects; sundry; sure; sword; tcp; temporal; text; things; time; title; traiters; treason; treatises; true; truth; viz; vow; war; warrant; wars; way; wicked; words; work; world; writings; years cache: A33865.xml plain text: A33865.txt item: #174 of 416 id: A33943 author: Care, Henry, 1646-1688. title: A modest enquiry, whether St. Peter were ever at Rome, and bishop of that church? wherein, I. the arguments of Cardinall Bellarmine and others, for the affirmative are considered, II. some considerations taken notice of that render the negative highly probable. date: 1687.0 words: 38504 flesch: 59 summary: And what man of sense will give so much as a common Historical Credit , much less admit that as an Article of Faith , which has no better Foundation than what is bottom'd on counterfeit Authors ? Especially since it is not pretended to be attested by any that were Eye-Witnesses , or that liv'd for a considerable time after ; nor is it credible that so wonderful and publick a Miracle , if truly transacted at Rome , should have escaped the notice and mention of some of those Roman Historians who have so exactly given us the Memoirs of that curious and very Learned Age. 2. This Tale does not quadrate or hang well together ; for Platina , as 't is plain by his Words , makes this Exploit done at Peter's first coming to Rome ; for as he assigns one main part of his Errand in going thither , to be for obviating the mischiefs of that Impostor ; so by his Relation the matter seems to have been quickly determined after Peter's arrival ; and he expresly says Simon Magus dyed of that fall , non ita multo post , not long after : Now they say Peter went to Rome in the second Year of Claudius , Anno Chr. 43. and so in that or the next Year Magus must be defeated . But if it were on the 29th of June , it must be either in his 13th or some other foregoing Year , which is contrary to the whole stream of your Evidence , or else after Nero's Death , which likewise will utterly marr the credit of the whole story ; for no man ever talk'd of Peter's being at Rome , but he also affirm'd that he suffer'd there under Nero. 3. Question . keywords: 14th; account; acts; age; ages; ancient; anno; answer; antioch; antiquity; apostles; appear; argument; authority; authors; babylon; barnabas; baronius; beginning; bellarmin; bishop; bishoprick; blessed; body; books; business; cardinal; care; catholick; cause; certain; chair; chapter; chief; christ; christians; church; churches; circumcision; circumstances; city; claudius; clement; cletus; coming; command; common; contrary; conversion; corinth; cornelius; council; counterfeit; credit; current; days; dead; death; decretal; dignity; disciples; divers; doctrine; doth; doubt; ecclesiastical; empire; english; episcopal; epistle; eusebius; evangelist; evidence; evident; fact; faith; false; far; fathers; following; forgeries; forgery; fourth; gentiles; god; good; gospel; great; greater; hath; head; hear; herod; hierom; highest; history; holy; honour; ignorant; isidore; james; jerusalem; jews; john; journey; judea; judgment; kind; known; large; learned; letters; lib; life; like; linus; little; long; lord; luke; magus; main; march; mark; martyrdom; matter; mention; miracles; modern; months; nay; near; necessary; nero; non; notice; occasion; office; old; onuphrius; opinion; pains; papias; particular; parts; passion; paul; people; person; peter; place; plain; platina; pontifical; pope; power; preaching; present; pretended; pretensions; primacy; prince; probable; proof; proper; purpose; question; reader; reason; reign; rest; return'd; right; roman; romanists; rome; rome peter; rome st; said; samaria; says; scripture; seat; second; self; sense; set; simon; special; story; subject; successor; supposed; tcp; testimony; text; things; thither; thought; tiberius; time; title; true; truth; viz; way; witnesses; words; work; world; writers; writings; year; year peter; years bishop cache: A33943.xml plain text: A33943.txt item: #175 of 416 id: A33996 author: Care, Henry, 1646-1688. title: A word in season being a parallel between the intended bloody massacre of the people of the Jews, in the reign of King Ahasuerus and the hellish powder-'plot against the Protestants in the reign of King James : together with an account of some of the wicked principles and practises of the Church of Rome, demonstrated in their barbarous and cruel murders and massacres of the Protestants in the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Piedmont, the Albigenses, &c. : also shewing that the present Church of Rome is an apostate church ... / by H.C., a lover of true Protestants. date: 1679.0 words: 22724 flesch: 72 summary: He is one who under a colour of being for Christ , nd under Title of being his Vice-gerent , exalteth himself above and against Christ , opposing himself against all his Offices and Ordinances both in Church and Commonwealth , bearing Authority over the Church of God , ruling over that City with seven Hills , which did bear Rule over the Nations , and put our Lord to Death ; a Man of Sin , a Child of Perdition , a Destroyer ; establishing himself by Lying Miracles and False Wonders . So in like manner , because we will not bow to the Pope , and acknowledg him to be Head of the Church , who is a great Enemy to God , by worshipping Idols ; to Christ , by its new-found Mediators ; to the Holy Ghost , by putting a Pope in his room ; to the Scripture by its Legends and corrupt Traditions ; to Reason , by its imposed Absurdities ; to Common Sense , by its most foolish and Idolized Transubstantiations ; to all tender dissenting Consciences , by Fire and Faggot ; an Enemy also to all Civil Government that refuses to be subject to it , by Plots , Assassinations , and horrid Massacres . keywords: account; acts; ahasuerus; altar; angels; antichrist; apostate; apostle; babylon; beast; blasphemy; blood; bodies; body; book; children; christ; christians; church; city; coming; council; cross; day; days; dead; death; design; devil; doth; earth; eebo; england; english; esther; false; fire; forehead; france; francis; god; good; government; great; half; haman; hands; harlot; hath; head; heart; heathen; heaven; hell; holy; horrid; house; images; iniquity; intended; ireland; james; jesus; jews; john; judgment; king; letter; life; like; little; lives; london; lord; man; manner; mark; mary; massacre; men; mercy; miracles; mordecai; mother; mystery; nation; nature; number; old; papists; parliament; paul; people; person; peter; piedmont; place; plot; poor; pope; power; practices; pretence; pretended; pride; priests; princes; principles; prophets; protestants; purgatory; queen; reason; reign; religion; rev; rome; rooms; said; saints; saith; scripture; second; set; shew; ships; sin; sins; sir; souls; state; tcp; text; thess; thing; thou; time; true; virgin; water; way; whore; wicked; women; word; work; worship; yea; years cache: A33996.xml plain text: A33996.txt item: #176 of 416 id: A34014 author: Collop, John. title: Charity commended, or, A catholick Christian soberly instructed by J.C. date: 1667.0 words: 34549 flesch: 55 summary: ●gh the prayer-toyes of idle children while they misuse paper , and mispend time , are of as great value as the elaborate pieces of most polemicks : whose books are the disguises of faction and diseases of Charity , by irreligious disputes of what they miscall religion , drawing that blood which should quicken the heart of Religion from mens hearts into their heads , leaving their hearts destitute of zeal to God and mutuall dilection ; and filling their hearts with choler , which produces that phrantick zeal which discomposes the world ; or stuffing them with ph●egm which lulls them into a Lethargy of indifferency in religion ; or raising those melancholy vapors which cause these Epileptick paroxisms in quaking enthusiasts : Hence comes this morris dance of religions , & the glorious body of Christianity , minced into factions makes but an Olio , distastefull to Jew or Gentile ▪ and it would be a wonder to have a Iew converted to Christianity , to what sect soever he was converted , the other would condemn him : and this might not seem a way to come to God , but a path to Belial , & even amougst Christians I have known not a few whose too forward zeal to find out religion hath carried them out of all religion : when their fiery zeal had made a blaze , it went out in the stench of Atheism . By being charitable to all , I cannot deserve evill of any ; and I hope no national Church so ill but may deserve my charity : the first sally of my pen intended nothing beside an Apologeticall Epistle , and by an autops●e , or self-unravelling to satifie my self ; and a Romanist of him , of whom he had talk'd much , and knew little ( proposing neither order , or method , it being my Province to unravel the mysteries of riddling nature , rather then the disguises of Antick Polemicks , but my glib penne found it easier to ingage then to retreat , and while the multitude of my own thoughts oppress'd me , the fear of my own disability would not suffer me to betray the succours which reason offer'd , even the whole militant Church , lending the weapons of Antagonists , and offering the Canons of the Church against them ; which I shall bring in with the flag of defiance to no Christian Communion : neitheir make use of the forces to gratifie any faction , for all carry the Angels motro , glory be to God on high , and goodwil towards men . keywords: a34014; adversaries; aery; ages; aim; air; ambition; angels; antagonists; antichrist; antichristian; apostles; ashes; atheism; aug; austin; author; bad; beams; bee; believ'd; best; better; bishop; black; blind; blood; bodies; body; books; bread; brethren; brother; call'd; cap; cast; catholick; catholick church; cause; celestiall; ceremonies; chair; changes; characters; charity; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; combustion; common; communion; company; confesse; confusion; constitutions; contention; conversation; cor; corruption; councell; country; creation; creed; crosse; cum; cure; curiosity; curious; cyprian; darknesse; day; dead; death; deus; devotion; different; dilection; discipline; disguises; dispute; div; div a34014; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrine; doves; early; earth; ecclesia; eebo; elect; election; elixir; enemies; enemy; english; envy; episcopacy; epist; erre; error; essence; est; euseb; evill; excellence; eyes; face; faith; fashion; father; fear; feet; fiery; fire; fit; flames; flesh; fly; folly; forc'd; foundation; foxes; free; fruit; fundamentall; gain; gap; garden; gentiles; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; golden; good; gospell; graces; grant; great; greater; greatest; gregory; hands; hath; head; heart; heaven; hee; hell; heresie; hierom; high; himselfe; hoc; hold; holinesse; holy; home; honour; hope; house; humane; humanity; humour; idols; ignorance; ignorant; illa; image; imaginations; impiety; impurities; induc'd; infallibility; infallible; iniquity; innocence; innocent; interest; intitle; introduc'd; irenaeus; jerusalem; jew; jewes; jewish; john; joyn; judas; king; knowledge; land; languages; law; lead; learn'd; learning; leave; lesse; lib; lie; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; lost; love; mad; malice; matter; members; men; mens; mercy; milk; miracles; mother; multitude; mundan; musick; mutuall; naked; names; narrow; nature; nay; nec; necessary; need; new; noise; non; notes; notice; number; occasion; old; onely; open; opinion; opposition; order; owne; papall; papist; particular; parts; passion; paul; peace; people; perfection; persons; peter; phanatick; phancies; phancy; piece; pious; plac'd; places; platina; play; polemicks; pontificiall; poor; pope; power; poyson; praise; prayer; precious; preferr'd; prejudice; prerogative; pride; priests; primitive; prodigious; profit; purgatory; quae; quam; qui; quod; rabble; rash; reason; reformation; relation; religion; repentance; respect; resurrection; revenge; ridiculous; righteousnesse; roman; roman church; romanist; rome; romish; rule; sacrifice; saies; saint; salvation; saviour; scarce; schism; scripture; sea; sect; security; sed; self; selves; sense; serpent; service; set; shape; sides; silver; sin; sins; sober; souls; spanish; spirit; spirituall; spouse; stars; state; stephen; stone; stories; storms; strange; stream; strong; substance; sun; sunt; sure; suspition; sword; tcp; tei; temple; tertullian; text; thee; theeves; things; thou; time; tongues; tradition; trifling; trouble; true; truth; uncharitable; unity; universall; use; vain; value; vanity; veil; verity; victor; view; virgin; virtues; viz; want; waters; waves; way; weak; weaknesse; wee; whimzies; wil; wind; wise; wish; wonder; works; world; worse; worship; worthy; wounds; years; zeal; ● t; ● ● cache: A34014.xml plain text: A34014.txt item: #177 of 416 id: A34077 author: Comber, Thomas, 1645-1699. title: The plausible arguments of a Romish priest answered by an English Protestant seasonable and useful for all Protestant families. date: 1686.0 words: 15170 flesch: 76 summary: We call her Blessed , and bless God for her ; but she never said , All Generations should pray to her , or impertinently repeat that Salutation , which was proper to the occasion of her Conception of Christ , as if it were a formal Prayer to her now : Nor is there one word in Scripture to direct us to pray to her at all ; much less to say more Ave's to her , than Pater nosters to God , and to make larger Offerings to her than to Jesus , who declares he hath all Power in Heaven and Earth ; so that all your worship of her is an Invention of your own , and meer Superstition . Well , for your satisfaction I will undertake to prove , that S. Peter was the Chief of the Apostles ; and that Christ gave him the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven , and built his Church on him as on a Rock ; and that the Bishop of Rome is S. Peters Successor , and Head of that Church which Christ promised to lead into all truth ; and then you must confess the Roman Church to be that Catholic Church which is mentioned in the Creeds . keywords: acts; angels; apostles; best; bishop; blood; body; bread; catholic; certain; christ; christians; church; command; cor; cup; desire; divine; doth; drink; eebo; england; english; faith; fire; flesh; god; gods; good; great; hath; heaven; holy; idolatry; iii; image; john; judge; latin; little; lord; man; math; men; money; necessary; particular; paul; people; persons; peter; place; plain; popes; power; pray; prayers; presence; pretended; priest; promise; prot; protestant; purgatory; real; reason; relicks; religion; roman; rome; sacrament; saints; scripture; sense; set; sins; spirits; spiritual; tcp; text; things; tongue; true; truth; use; way; word; worship; yea cache: A34077.xml plain text: A34077.txt item: #178 of 416 id: A34529 author: Corbet, Jeffrey. title: Eye-salve for English-men, and an alarvm to the Londoners wherein is contained the summary of Romes late designes against England, and the present plots and enterprizes in hand against London, so many as hath yet come to the knowledge of the author : together with the opening of an effectual door, to the happiness of this nation : whereunto is annexed a postscript containing reasons and motives to his Highness and the present power in being, to grant us s[u]ch a committee which hath been long promised, and much longer desired and sought for / composed for the view of His Highness, and all the people of England, by Jeffrey Corbet ... date: 1654.0 words: 12847 flesch: 23 summary: years long ; and make the people dance after their long tayls , until they were run so quite out of breath , that they had not a groat left in their purse● , ●●d many of them gone with sorrow to their graves ; but I hope to see God making inqu●sition after the blood of these poor souls , which were so mercilesly murthered . Look ab●ut and ●ee the sl●ughters he hath made in our neighbor Countries about us , wi●●●ss the M 〈…〉 icre of above 100000 Protestants a●Paris , and the bloody Spanish Inquisi●ion , and the like ; but to come nearer home , let us remember the Spanish Armado in 88. which came with I str●men● of cruelty to M●ssacre all the Protest●n●s of England : and let us no● forget the helli●●Powaer plot , & the Spanish Fle●● about 1639 laden also with Instruments of cruelty 〈◊〉 Mass-c 〈…〉 , w●●ch were va●quished by the Holland Fleet in the Down● ; and after tha●●n the year 1640. keywords: answer; arms; army; bee; beseech; blood; christ; city; cometh; committee; common; commonwealth; confident; corbet; corrupt; creature; design; destruction; doth; earth; enemies; england; english; estates; evil; eye; fall; father; fire; friends; god; good; great; greater; hands; hath; hearts; heaven; highness; honour; hope; house; ireland; irish; jeffrey; justice; king; late; law; lawyers; life; like; little; london; long; lord; love; man; massacre; members; men; mercies; mercy; nation; nay; need; old; p ●; parliament; people; poor; power; present; priests; protestants; religion; righteousness; safety; saith; scriptures; self; set; son; spanish; spirit; sure; text; thee; thing; thou; thousands; thy; time; way; wealth; whatsoever; wil; work; world; years; ● e; ● s; ● ● cache: A34529.xml plain text: A34529.txt item: #179 of 416 id: A34533 author: Corbet, John, 1620-1680. title: A discourse of the religion of England asserting, that reformed Christianity setled in its due latitude, is the stability and advancement of this kingdom. date: 1667.0 words: 15676 flesch: 60 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Church and state -- England. keywords: active; advancement; advantage; affairs; ages; ancient; authority; better; bishops; books; catholicks; cause; charity; chief; christendom; christianity; church; citizens; civil; clergy; common; comprehensive; condition; conformists; connivence; conscience; court; devotion; different; discipline; discourse; dissenters; divine; doctrine; doth; ecclesiastical; eebo; ends; england; english; established; establishment; extent; faith; fit; foreign; free; general; gentry; god; good; government; great; greater; hath; high; honour; humane; important; influence; interest; jesuits; judgment; king; kingdom; known; later; latitude; law; liberty; life; like; little; liturgy; majesty; matter; men; mind; ministers; moderation; narrow; nation; nature; necessary; new; non; number; obedience; opinions; order; papists; parliament; parties; party; peace; people; persons; polity; popery; popes; popish; power; practice; present; priests; princes; principles; protestant; publick; queen; reach; reason; rebellion; reformation; religion; roman; rome; safety; sect; security; set; sort; sound; spirit; stability; state; subjects; sway; tcp; text; things; times; title; true; uniformity; way; work; world; worship; zeal cache: A34533.xml plain text: A34533.txt item: #180 of 416 id: A34571 author: Corker, James Maurus, 1636-1715. title: Roman-Catholick principles in reference to God and the King explained in a letter to a friend and now made publick to shew the connexion between the said principles and the late Popish plot. date: 1680.0 words: 6577 flesch: 73 summary: It is a farther Comfort to Us , that our Sufferings ( God be praised ) are in some measure , not unlike to those of Christ our Lord ; For it was laid to his Charge as it is to Ours , that he was a Traytor to a Caesar ; That he perverted the People , and endeavour'd the b Destruction of Church and State ; Nor were there wanting , then as now , an OATS and BEDLOE , c two false Witnesses to Swear all this . 6. This Way or Means is not the Reading of Scripture , Interpreted according to the Private k Reason or l Spirit of every Disjunctive Person , or Nation in Particular ; But , 7. It is an Attention and m Submission to the Doctrine of the Catholick or Vniversal Church , established by Christ for the Instruction of all , n Spread for that end throughout all Nations , and visibly continued in the Succession of Pastors , and People throughout all Ages : From which Church o Guided in Truth , and secured from Error in Matters of Faith , by the p promised Assistance of the Holy Ghost , every one may , and ought to q Learn both the Right Sense of the Scripture , and all other Christian Mysteries and Duties , respectively necessary to Salvation . keywords: acts; allegiance; authority; bloud; body; books; cap; catholick; christ; church; contrary; cor; councils; divine; doctrine; earth; eebo; english; eternal; faith; general; god; good; government; heaven; heresie; holy; honour; images; jesus; joh; king; luk; manner; mat; matters; men; nation; pain; place; plot; pope; principles; reason; religion; revelations; roman; sacrament; said; scripture; self; sins; subjects; tcp; temporal; text; things; true; truth; way; works cache: A34571.xml plain text: A34571.txt item: #181 of 416 id: A34612 author: Cosin, John, 1594-1672. title: The history of Popish transubstantiation to which is premised and opposed, the Catholick doctrin of Holy Scripture, the ancient fathers and the Reformed churches, about the sacred elements, and presence of Christ in the blessed sacrament of the eucharist / written nineteen years ago in Latine, by the Right Reverend Father in God, John, late Lord Bishop of Durham, and allowed by him to be published a little before his death, at the earnest request of his friends. date: 1676.0 words: 40690 flesch: 76 summary: 3. And further it appears from the same words , that the expression of Christ and the Apostle , is to be understood in a Sacramental and mystick sense ; and that no gross and carnal presence of body and bloud can be maintained by them . 3. We believe a Presence and Union of Christ with our soul and body , which we know not how to call better than Sacramental , that is , effected by eating ; that while we eat and drink the consecrated Bread and Wine , we eat and drink therewithal the Body and Bloud of Christ , not in a corporal manner , but some other way , incomprehensible , known only to God , which we call spiritual ; for if with St. Bernard and the Fathers a man goes no further , we do not find fault with a general explication of the manner , but with the presumption and self-conceitedness of those who boldly and curiously inquire what is a spiritual presence , as presuming that they can understand the manner of acting of Gods holy Spirit . keywords: a34612; accidents; adversaries; age; altar; ambrose; ancient; angels; answer; antiquity; appearance; approved; art; article; austin; authority; authors; baptism; bare; basil; belief; bellarmine; berengarius; bernard; bertram; better; bishop; blessed; blessing; bloud; bodies; body; book; bread; cap; cardinal; carnal; catholick; century; certain; change; chap; christ; christian; christs body; church; churches; clear; common; communion; confess; consecrated; consecration; consent; constant; contrary; conversion; corporal; council; creature; cup; cyril; day; death; decree; disciples; dist; divine; doctrine; doth; drink; earthly; eating; elements; england; english; epistle; eternal; eucharist; expressions; faith; faithful; famous; fathers; figure; flesh; food; form; fourth; god; gods; good; grace; great; gregory; hath; heavenly; hereticks; high; holy; hom; host; humane; ibid; iii; imaginary; innocent; institution; invisible; jesus christ; john; king; known; large; lateran; learned; leo; lib; life; like; little; long; lord; lords body; man; manner; mat; matter; means; meer; mind; mouth; mystery; mystick; natural; natural body; nature; nay; new; office; operation; opinion; orthodox; outward; papists; partakers; parts; people; person; pious; place; point; pope; power; presence; present; priest; primitive; profess; proper; protestants; purpose; real; reason; receivers; religion; rest; right; roman; rome; sacrament; sacred; saviour; scripture; second; self; sense; serm; set; signifie; signs; soul; spiritual; subject; substance; substantial; supper; table; tcp; teacheth; testimonies; text; thee; theodoret; things; thou; time; transubstantiation; trent; true; true body; truth; type; understood; united; use; vertue; vii; visible; water; whereof; wine; words; world; worthy; writ; writings; years cache: A34612.xml plain text: A34612.txt item: #182 of 416 id: A34709 author: Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631. title: Cottoni posthuma divers choice pieces of that renowned antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet, preserved from the injury of time, and exposed to publick light, for the benefit of posterity / by J.H., Esq. date: 1672.0 words: 72103 flesch: 70 summary: we may rather expect from our own domestick faction , if they grow too furious , they will rather follow the example of Rome in her growing ; that held it equally safe , honourable , and more easie , dare Rege●● , th● sub●ugare Provincian ; considering the po●er they have their hands , then to gi●e any friendly Assistance to serve the present condition of our State. Thus Ethelwald appealed against Earl Leofrick From the County and generale Placitum before King Ethelred and Edgira the Queen , against Earl Goda to Eldred the King at London , Congregatis Principibus & sapientibus Angliae . keywords: a34709; absolute; accompt; account; act; acts; advance; advantage; advice; aliis; allegiance; alteration; alwayes; ambassador; ambition; amity; angliae; annis; anno; answer; antient; antiquity; apud; archbishop; arguments; arms; army; arragon; arrest; article; assemblies; assembly; assensu; assent; assiam; assistance; assurance; assured; authority; autre; bad; baile; ballium; baronet; barons; benefit; best; better; bishop; bloud; body; book; breach; bullion; busie; canterbury; cap; captus; cardinal; care; cases; castile; cause; certain; chamber; chancellor; charge; charles; charta; charter; chief; children; christian; church; city; civil; claus; clear; clergie; clergy; cold; combat; come; command; commanded; commandment; commissioners; committed; commodities; commodity; commons; conceive; concil; condition; conquest; conscience; consent; consider; consideration; consilium; constable; constant; contrary; coram; cotton; councel; counsels; countrey; county; course; court; coyn; coynage; credit; crime; criminal; crown; cum; currant; customes; daily; danger; dangerous; dat; daughter; day; dayes; death; debate; debt; declaration; declareth; defence; deliver; desire; desperate; detent; die; difference; dignity; direct; discharge; discourse; discretion; divers; divided; domini; dominus; dors; doth; double; doubt; duellum; duke; duodecim; duty; e. 3; earl; easie; ebor; ecclesiastical; edward; edward 3; eebo; effect; eighth; emperor; empire; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; english king; est; estates; eum; europe; ex rot; example; excess; exchange; execution; expence; express; extant; eyes; faction; fair; fait; fall; false; father; fault; favour; fear; fearful; fee; felony; ferdinand; fifth; filius; fine; fol; followers; force; form; forreign; forrest; fortune; fourth; france; francis; free; french; french king; frequent; friends; friendship; fruitless; fuit; gain; general; gifts; giving; glory; god; gods; gold; good; government; grace; grains; grand; grants; great; greater; greatest; ground; guard; guilty; habere; habet; half; hand; happy; hath; head; heart; henry; hered; high; higher; highness; hoc; hold; holy; homage; home; honesty; honour; honourable; hope; house; houshold; hujusmodi; humble; idem; ill; imperial; imprisonment; increase; inde; inferiour; information; injury; instruments; inter; interest; intrinsick; ipse; ipsum; ireland; italy; james; jesuits; john; judgement; judges; jure; justice; keeping; kind; king; king henry; king john; kingdome; knight; known; lady; lands; large; late; law; laws; lay; league; leave; left; legem; lesse; let; letters; lewis; lib; liberties; liberty; licence; life; like; likely; literas; little; lives; london; long; lords; lordships; loss; love; magna; magnum; majesties; majesty; making; man; manner; mans; marked; marks; marriage; mary; master; matters; maximilian; mean; meanes; meaning; measure; meer; members; memory; mens; merchants; mercy; mind; ministers; mint; mischief; monarchy; money; monies; morte; multitude; naples; nations; nature; navarre; necessary; necessity; need; neer; netherlands; new; nisi; nobility; nobis; non; north; nostra; nostris; nostrorum; nostrum; notes; number; oath; obedience; object; occasion; offence; offer; officers; omnes; omnibus; onely; opinion; order; ordinances; ordinary; ordinat; original; ought; outward; oxford; papall; papists; pardon; paris; parliament; particular; party; pass; pat; pay; peace; peers; people; personal; persons; petition; philip; pieces; places; placita; placitum; plain; pleased; pleasure; plenty; plevinam; point; ponatur; poor; pope; popery; popish; ports; posterity; pound; power; practise; praeceptum; praedictum; precedency; presence; present; presidents; price; priests; primi; princes; prisona; prisoner; private; privy; pro; proceedings; process; proclamation; profit; progenitors; project; promise; proper; proportion; protection; protestants; protestation; provision; publick; publique; punishment; purchase; purpose; quae; quality; quantity; quarrel; queen; question; qui; quia; quibus; quiet; quis; quod; raising; rate; ready; realm; reason; record; recusants; redress; regalities; rege; regis; regni; religion; religious; remain; remedy; rent; replevisable; reputation; request; resolution; respect; rest; restraint; revenues; reverend; rex; rich; richard; richard 2; right; robert; robertus; rolls; roman; rome; rot; roy; royal; rule; safe; safety; said; saint; saith; sale; sans; saxon; scotland; scots; sea; seal; seas; second; secret; secure; security; self; selves; seminaries; send; sending; sentence; servants; service; set; seu; seventh; sex; sheriff; shew; shift; shillings; sibi; sigillo; silver; sir; sister; sive; sixth; small; smiths; soever; soit; sort; souls; soveraign; spain; spanish; speaker; special; speech; stand; standard; state; statute; sterling; strength; suam; subject; subsequence; subsidie; succeeding; success; successors; sufficient; sui; suis; suit; summons; sunt; suo; super; supply; support; table; tcp; temporal; tenth; term; terrae; text; thereunto; things; thomas; thought; time; title; touching; tract; trade; treasurer; treaty; true; trust; truth; tryal; turn; tye; unde; understanding; usque; usual; valour; value; vel; vertue; vita; viz; void; vvas; vvay; vvhere; vvhich; vvith; wales; want; warrant; wars; way; weak; wealth; weight; westminster; whereof; wife; wilh; william; wise; wit; women; word; work; worthy; writ; year; yearly; young; zeal; zealous; ● ● cache: A34709.xml plain text: A34709.txt item: #183 of 416 id: A34831 author: Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667. title: The Puritan and the papist by a scholler in Oxford. date: 1643.0 words: 2837 flesch: 83 summary: Nay , though Oaths by you be so much abhorr'd , Ye allow God damne me in the Puritan Lord . They keepe the Bible from Lay-men , but ye ▪ Avoid this , for ye have no Laytie ▪ They in a forraigne , and unknowne tongue pray . keywords: a34831; abraham; blind; bloud; books; church; cowley; doe; early; english; ere; faith; god; good; great; hath; images; keepe; kings; lands; lies; lord; master; men; nay; ne're; new; owne; oxford; papist; pope; pray; puritan; pym; religion; reserv'd; satyre; scholler; sence; text; wing; writ; yee cache: A34831.xml plain text: A34831.txt item: #184 of 416 id: A34967 author: Cressy, Serenus, 1605-1674. title: An epistle apologetical of S.C. to a person of honour touching his vindication of Dr. Stillingfleet. date: 1674.0 words: 32656 flesch: 54 summary: But , Sir , I beseech you to consider , that in case Dr. Sti●lingfleet by jesting at a Miracle , or saying , I do not , how credibly soever averred , believe it , could perswade us also to be of his opinion , that , for example , what S. Gregory w●ites concerning S. Benedict● upon the credit of four Witnesses , were not fit to be believed , little prejudice will arrive to the Catholick Cause , or advantage to yours , till the Doctor can rationally assure men , that all is false whatsoever all other holy Fathers , and particularly S. Augustin testifies concerning a world of Miracles , many of which he had seen with his own eyes , and others he had received by the Testimony o● many Witnesses living in the place where such Miracles were done , evidently prove , that the Veneration which Catholicks allow to the Relicks of Saints is acceptable to God. Yet withal , that sharpness of stile● and even bitter Invectives , both against Persons , Tenents , and Practices , may in some cases , be made use of , without prejudice to Charity ; yea , that Charity it self o●t requires them , we must likewise acknowledge : especially when those who are enemies to Truth , or Piety , are high in popular esteem for zeal , and learning ( as the Pharisees were among the Iews ) and thereby give credit , and authority to errors , and suggestions of cruelty . keywords: account; advantage; adversary; affirm; ancient; animadversions; answer; apology; archbishop; authority; b ●; belief; believe; benedict; beseech; best; bishops; body; book; care; case; cath ●; catholick; catholick church; censure; ceremonies; certain; character; charge; charity; chillingworth; christian; church; churches; clergy; conceive; condition; conscience; considerable; content; contrary; controversie; council; country; credit; cressy; crime; danger; dangerous; design; desire; different; discipline; discourse; doctor; doctrines; doubt; duty; ecclesiastical; edition; eebo; england; english; english church; esteem; exomologesis; faith; falkland; false; far; fathers; favour; fear; fidelity; fit; form; france; free; friend; general; god; good; great; greater; grounds; guilty; hath; henry; high; holy; honourable; honoured; hope; images; impression; imputation; indignation; intention; iurisdiction; judgment; justifie; king; kingdom; know; l ●; language; late; law; laws; learning; leave; letter; life; like; little; lord; majesties; majesty; manner; matter; mean; members; memory; mind; motive; nature; necessary; new; noble; o ●; oath; obedience; occasion; opinion; order; ordination; p ●; pag; page; particular; passage; pen; person; place; pleased; points; poor; pope; power; pr ●; prejudice; present; priests; princes; private; profession; protestant; publick; punishment; purgatory; queen; reading; reason; regard; religion; respect; rest; reviling; right; roman; rule; said; saints; satisfaction; saying; scarce; scripture; second; sects; self; sence; sharpness; short; sir; soever; souls; sovereign; spiritual; state; stile; stillingfleet; subjects; sufficient; superiours; suspicion; tcp; temporal; tender; text; th ●; things; think; thought; time; title; traytors; true; truth; use; utmost; w ●; way; wi ●; willing; word; worthy; writing; yea; years; ● ct; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● f; ● h; ● ll; ● m; ● n; ● r; ● st; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A34967.xml plain text: A34967.txt item: #185 of 416 id: A34970 author: Cressy, Serenus, 1605-1674. title: Fanaticism fanatically imputed to the Catholick church by Doctour Stillingfleet and the imputation refuted and retorted / by S.C. a Catholick ... date: 1672.0 words: 38801 flesch: 57 summary: Hereto ( quia de gustibus non est disputandum ) all that I conceive needfull to say , is that the Doctour seems to me not yet cordially reconciled to the Ceremonies and Common Prayer Book of his own lately adopted Church , which he knows to have been borrowed from the Catholick Liturgy , and for that reason hated by his freinds the Presbyterians and Independents , and by them esteemed a tedious and ceremonious way of Externall Dev●tion , as dull and as cold as the Earth it self . No Pagans or Cannibals must be esteemed so blindly , so horribly I dolatrous , No Quakers so ridiculously Frantick , No Fifth-Monarchists so dangerous both to Church and State. keywords: absolution; account; actions; advantage; adversaries; adversary; age; almighty; ancient; answer; argument; articles; augustin; authority; authour; belief; benedict; better; bible; bishops; body; book; brethren; care; catholick church; catholicks; cause; certain; champion; charity; christian; church; churches; civill; common; confession; confidence; conscience; consequence; considerable; contemplative; contempt; content; contrary; controversies; controversy; controvertist; councill; creatures; cressy; dangerous; day; death; design; destruction; devill; devotion; devout; disciples; divine; doctour; doctour stillingfleet; doctrins; doe; doubt; duty; ecclesiasticall; edification; eebo; effect; end; england; english; english church; errour; esteemed; exercise; externall; eyes; faith; false; fanaticism; fanatick; fancy; fathers; fault; fitt; following; free; freinds; generall; glorious; glory; god; gods; gods church; good; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; gregory; grounds; guilty; hath; haue; heart; heaven; heresies; hitherto; holy; honour; hope; ignorant; independents; indulgences; infallible; inspiration; intention; iudges; judge; judgment; king; kingdom; language; late; lawfull; learned; learning; leave; life; light; like; line; lives; long; lord; love; man; manner; matters; mean; mee; men; mens; mind; miracles; nature; necessary; needs; new; non; obedience; obligation; occasion; opinion; order; particular; party; passions; paul; peace; pennance; people; pernicious; persons; piety; points; poor; popes; power; practise; prayer; prelats; present; pretended; principles; proof; protestants; publick; publishing; purpose; readers; reading; reason; rebellion; regard; religion; religious; revelations; rich; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; said; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; scarce; scripture; sects; self; sense; servants; severall; shew; single; sins; small; sober; soule; spirituall; state; stile; stillingfleet; subiects; sufficient; superiours; supernaturall; supreme; sure; tcp; teachers; text; themselues; things; thought; time; tongue; touching; tradition; treatise; true; truth; vertue; visions; viz; vnity; vpon; want; way; wee; withall; wonder; words; work; world; worthy; writers; writing; years cache: A34970.xml plain text: A34970.txt item: #186 of 416 id: A34972 author: Cressy, Serenus, 1605-1674. title: I. Question: Why are you a Catholic? The answer follows. II. Question: But why are you a Protestant? An answer attempted (in vain) / written by the Reverend Father S.C. Monk of the Holy Order of St. Benedict ... date: 1686.0 words: 32311 flesch: 65 summary: Again though it were true , that the English Clergy have received their Ordinations from the Roman Catholic Church , yet sure I am , that Church never released them from their Canonical subjection to their Superiors , particularly to their Patriarch and Supream Pastor of Gods Church : She never gave them power to change the order of administring Sacraments ; to reverse Ordinances of Superior Councils ; to expel Catholic Bishops from their Sees , meerly because they were Catholics ; In a word , she never gave them authority to alter , or rather destroy , the whole Religion , in a manner , professed in England since they were first Christians . Tenenda est nobis Christiana Religio — ) Christian Religion is to be held by us , and the Communion of that Church which is Catholic , and is named Catholic , not only by her children , but also even by her enemies . keywords: able; acknowledg; ancient; answer; apostles; article; assent; assurance; aug; authority; baptism; belief; best; better; bishops; blood; body; books; calvinists; case; catholic church; catholic faith; catholics; certain; christ; christians; church; churches; common; communion; confession; conscience; contrary; controversies; controvertists; council; creed; days; dead; death; desire; discipline; discourse; disputes; divided; divine; doctrines; doubt; duty; earth; ecclesiastical; effect; end; english; epist; established; esteem; eternal; eucharist; faith; false; far; fathers; general; glory; god; gods; gods church; good; government; governors; grace; great; gregory; ground; guilty; hath; heaven; heresies; heretics; holy; idolatry; iesus; ignorant; images; indulgences; iurisdiction; judgment; kings; lawful; laws; leave; life; light; like; lord; manifest; manner; marks; matter; means; meer; member; men; merits; mind; necessary; new; number; obedience; order; orthodox; particular; pastors; people; persons; place; points; pope; power; practice; present; pretended; priests; private; profess; promise; proper; prot; protestant; purgatory; purpose; question; reason; reformers; regard; religion; roman; roman church; sacrament; sacrifice; said; saints; salvation; saviour; schism; scripture; sectaries; sects; self; selves; sence; separation; sess; shew; simple; sins; sir; society; souls; spirit; subject; succession; sufficient; tcp; teachers; teaching; temporal; testimonies; text; thee; things; thou; time; title; touching; tradition; true; true church; truth; unity; universal; universal church; use; vain; veneration; visible; viz; way; whatsoever; works; world; writers; yea cache: A34972.xml plain text: A34972.txt item: #187 of 416 id: A34974 author: Cressy, Serenus, 1605-1674. title: Roman-Catholick doctrines no novelties, or, An answer to Dr. Pierce's court-sermon, miscall'd The primitive rule of Reformation by S.C. a Roman-Catholick. date: 1663.0 words: 80637 flesch: 64 summary: Truly it i● do , I believe you are of a temper of mind , almost specifically different from all mank●●d besides , and they must change their nature before you make them of your perswasion , or Church . ‖ Right of Church in a Christian s●ate p. 247. 248. &c. ‖ Ibid. keywords: a34974; able; account; acts; affirms; alexandria; altar; alwaies; ambrose; angels; answer; antient; antiquity; apostles; apostolic; archbishop; argument; articles; assent; assistance; augustin; austin; authority; baptism; basil; beginning; belief; benefit; better; bishop; blessed; blood; bodies; body; boniface; book; bread; brethren; c. 2; call'd; canon; cap; care; catholic church; catholick; cause; celibacy; certain; chair; chalcedon; change; chap; charity; chastity; chief; children; christ; christian; church; church hath; churches; city; civil; clear; clergy; common; communion; concerning; condition; confession; congregations; conscience; consecration; consent; constantinople; contradict; contradiction; contrary; controversies; cor; council; court; creed; crime; custom; cyprian; damnation; danger; day; dead; death; decisions; decrees; demonstration; desire; devils; difference; discipline; discourse; divine; divorce; doctor; doctrines; donatists; doth; doubt; duty; earth; eastern; ecclesiastical; effect; elements; emperor; end; england; english; english church; episcopal; epist; epistle; equal; errors; esteem'd; evident; example; excuse; exercise; express; expression; extant; external; faith; faithful; fathers; fault; fear; flesh; force; formal; fourth; france; free; fundamental; general; general council; ghost; gift; god; gods; gods church; good; government; governors; grant; great; greater; greek; gregory; grounds; guide; guilty; hands; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heresie; heresy; heretics; hierom; high; hist; history; holy; hom; honor; hope; ibid; iesus; ignorant; ill; images; imagin; immediate; impossible; infallibility; infallible; innocent; intended; intercession; interest; internal; invocation; iohn; iurisdiction; joyn; judge; judgment; justifie; kind; king; kingdom; known; language; late; latin; law; laws; learned; leave; left; legal; leo; lesse; lib; liberty; life; like; limitations; little; living; long; lord; majesties; majesty; making; manifest; manner; marriage; married; martyrs; masse; matter; meaning; means; meer; member; memory; men; mind; mother; mysteries; mystical; nation; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; new; nice; notes; notice; novelties; novelty; obedience; objections; obligation; occasion; oecumenical; office; old; onely; ones; opinion; opposition; order; orthodox; ought; pag; page; parliament; particular; particular church; passage; pastors; patriark; paul; people; persons; peter; picture; pierce; place; plain; point; pope; power; practise; prayers; preacher; predecessors; presbyterians; presence; present; pretended; priests; primacy; primitive; primitive church; princes; private; priviledge; proceedings; professed; profession; promises; proofs; proper; protestants; provinces; prudence; publick; purgatory; purpose; queen; question; quod; quotations; readers; real; reason; received; reconcilement; reformation; reformed; reformers; refreshment; regard; religion; reply; respect; rest; reverence; right; roman; roman church; rome; rule; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; safety; saies; saints; salvation; saviour; saying; schism; scripture; second; sect; secular; self; selves; sense; sentence; separated; separation; sermon; service; set; shew; sins; souls; special; species; spiritual; state; subject; submission; subordination; substance; substantial; successors; sufficient; superior; supream; supremacy; supreme; sure; synods; tcp; temporal; terms; testimonies; testimony; text; thereto; things; think; thou; thought; time; title; tongue; touching; tradition; transubstantiation; trent; true; truth; unity; universal; unknown; unlawful; unlesse; use; vain; veneration; vertue; visible; visible church; vniversal church; vow; vulgar; way; western; whatsoever; whereof; wine; witnesse; wives; words; work; world; writers; writing; years; ● ● cache: A34974.xml plain text: A34974.txt item: #188 of 416 id: A35021 author: Croft, Herbert, 1603-1691. title: The legacy of the Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford, to his diocess, or, A short determination of all controversies we have with the papists, by Gods holy word date: 1679.0 words: 43799 flesch: 61 summary: Whoever hath a mind to see more of this , let him read Daillee of the true use of the Fathers : but by this and the following discourses you will find the doctrine of man is no sure ground to build your Faith and Salvation on , but only on the Word of God. The Scripture tells us there is but one Mediator between God and man , the man Christ Iesus : the Roman Church teaches there are thousands of Saints and Angels ; and pray unto them and the blessed Virgin much more than to Christ or God the Father , ten Ave Mary's for one Pater Noster . keywords: able; acts; angel; answer; apostles; assurance; austin; authority; baptism; belief; beloved; better; bishop; blessed; blood; bodies; body; book; bread; business; case; catholick; change; children; christ; christian; church; churches; clear; clergy; command; conceive; congregation; consecration; contrary; council; cup; cyprian; daily; day; days; dead; death; declares; desire; disciples; discourse; divine; doctors; doctrine; doth; doubt; earth; easie; effect; end; english; epistles; error; eternal; eternal life; evident; faith; faithful; farther; fathers; figurative; fire; flesh; foot; general; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; grant; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heresies; high; holy; hope; house; humane; idolatry; iews; images; infallibility; infallible; infinite; iohn; judgment; king; laity; law; learned; leave; life; like; literal; little; long; lord; man; manner; mark; matters; meaning; means; men; nature; necessary; needs; new; obedience; old; opinion; papists; parts; pass; paul; people; perchance; perfect; persons; peter; pillar; place; plain; poor; pope; power; practice; present; priests; primitive; promise; prophets; proved; reading; real; reason; received; religion; rest; right; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; saint; salvation; saviour; saying; scripture; search; second; self; sence; sermons; short; small; souls; space; speaking; spirit; spiritual; strange; substance; successor; sufficient; supper; sure; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; time; transubstantiation; true; truth; understanding; vain; way; wine; wise; word; word church; work; worship; writings; years cache: A35021.xml plain text: A35021.txt item: #189 of 416 id: A35564 author: Casaubon, Meric, 1599-1671. title: To J.S., the author of Sure-footing, his letter, lately published, The answer of Mer. Casaubon, D.D., concerning the new way of infallibility lately devised to uphold the Roman cause, the Holy Scriptures, antient fathers and councills laid aside date: 1665.0 words: 11454 flesch: 60 summary: So you tell us in a place , this way ( of Tradition ) is the way every Catholick in the whole Church , none excepted , holds and follows : your way therefore , not a new way : as if a man would prove , that a dogg is a man , because both dog and man , are Animals . And then again , by your own Corollaries ; That body of men , who adhere to Tradition , ( Oral still , that is the teaching of Fathers and Mothers of Families : ) can evidence clearly and plainly , who are truly faithfull , who not , — who are of the Church , who not : keywords: account; ages; ancient; answer; author; body; book; business; casaubon; cause; charge; christianity; church; credit; doctrine; doth; eebo; end; england; english; faith; families; fathers; footing; god; good; great; greatest; ground; hammond; hath; infallibility; judge; king; language; late; learning; leave; letter; like; man; matter; mean; men; mind; mistake; mothers; nature; need; new; onely; opinion; oral; particular; place; popes; preface; principles; promise; rational; reason; religion; science; scripture; self; sense; set; sir; sure; tcp; testimonies; text; thing; thought; time; tradition; true; way; white; wonder; words; world; worth; years cache: A35564.xml plain text: A35564.txt item: #190 of 416 id: A35730 author: Dering, Edward, Sir, 1598-1644. title: The foure cardinall-vertues of a Carmelite-fryar observed by Sir Edvvard Dering, knight and baronet ; and by him sent backe againe to their author Simon Stocke, alias Father Simons, alias Iohn Hunt, alias Anonymus Eremita. date: 1641.0 words: 13674 flesch: 77 summary: saith , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Let us Sacrifice , not young Calves , nor Lambes — but let us Sacrifice to God , the Sacrifice of praise , upon the Altar which is above , together with the Quire that is above . — Let us Sacrifice our selves to God . Our {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} our holy Table is a holy Altar : yet neither your Altar , nor our Holy Table here intended by this Text . keywords: alias; altar; ambrose; ancient; anonymus; answer; augustine; authority; baronet; better; blasphemy; blessed; body; book; cap; cardinall; carmelite; cause; chapter; christ; christians; church; confesse; controversies; day; dead; dei; dering; divels; doth; edvvard; edward; english; eremita; est; eyes; false; fathers; folly; foul; foure; fraud; gift; god; good; gospel; great; greek; gregory; habemus; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hoast; holy; hope; hunt; iohn; ipsum; iudge; king; knight; knowledge; language; latine; leave; lib; life; like; lord; lordship; materiall; matth; meaning; men; necessary; need; non; notes; offer; offering; old; opinion; owne; particular; place; point; power; practice; prayer; present; priest; proof; proper; protestants; purpose; reasons; religion; reply; right; roman; sacrifice; saint; saith; saviour; scriptures; secrets; self; sence; set; severall; sir; spirituall; subject; sunt; table; text; things; thou; thought; time; true; truth; use; way; whereof; withall; word; work; worse cache: A35730.xml plain text: A35730.txt item: #191 of 416 id: A35740 author: Derodon, David, ca. 1600-1664. title: The funeral of the mass, or, The mass dead and buried without hope of resurrection translated out of French. date: 1673.0 words: 34867 flesch: 60 summary: THE Romanists are wont to tell us , that these words of Jesus , Christ , This is my Body , are so clear to prove the Real Presence of Christs Body in the Host , and consequently to prove Transubstantiation ( or the substantial conversion of the Bread into Christs Body ) that they are amazed we cannot perceive so manifest a truth . so when the Apostle saith , that Jesus Christ offereth not himself often , otherwise he should often bave suffered , doth necessarily presuppose that Jesus Christ cannot offer himself without suffering ▪ But Jesus Christ doth not suffer every day in the Mass : Therefore he is not offered every day in the Mass by the ministry of Priests . 12 , Thirdly , These words , from the foundation of the World , are of great weight , for 't is as much as if the Apostle had said , if the only sacrifice of Christ on the Cross be not sufficient to take away sins which shall be committed hereafter , it follows that it was not sufficient to take away sins which have been committed heretofore from the creation of the World ; for it is very unsuitable that the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross should have more vertue before it was offered then since : But the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross , had the vertue to take away sins before it was , otherwise ( saith the Apostle ) he should often have suffered from the foundation of the World : keywords: abraham; accidents; adoration; adversaries; answer; apostle; argument; baptism; blessed; bloud; bodies; body; book; bread; celebration; certain; chap; christs body; church; command; consecrated; consecration; contrary; conversion; corporal; cross; cup; dead; death; different; distant; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; doth; drink; drinking; earth; eating; eucharist; example; external; father; flesh; follow; form; glorious; glory; god; gods; great; hath; heaven; heb; holy; host; images; impossible; jesus christ; life; man; manhood; mass; meat; melchisedec; natural; nature; new; obliged; offering; paris; paul; people; person; place; point; presence; present; pretended; priest; properties; proposition; real; reason; respect; rome; romish; sacrament; sacrifice; saith; scripture; self; sign; sins; species; spiritual; subject; substance; substantial; testament; text; thing; time; transubstantiation; true; viz; water; wine; words; world; worship cache: A35740.xml plain text: A35740.txt item: #192 of 416 id: A36261 author: Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711. title: Two short discourses against the Romanists by Henry Dodwell ... date: 1676.0 words: 28673 flesch: 50 summary: As for the others , it is plain that our Church of England does not think them worth contending for , whilst She admits the several Parties into her Communion ; and if other Protestants think otherwise , yet She is not Responsible for them , because She is not of their mind . That which I had rather insist on at present , is , the indesensibleness ▪ of the abuses of the Court of Rome , which are so gross and provoking , as that generally they are the last things to which Revolters are reconciled ; and usually , when they are so , it is only on pretence that that Church is not concerned for them . keywords: abuses; account; acknowledged; advantage; adversaries; ages; answer; antiquity; apostolical; argument; articles; authority; authors; bishops; capable; case; catholick; catholick church; church; church diffusive; churches; clear; communion; concerned; condition; conscience; consequence; considerable; contrary; controversies; council; credibility; decrees; design; differences; diffusive; disputes; divisions; doctrines; easie; ecclesiastical; england; english; errors; evidence; faith; far; favour; fit; following; fundamental; general; gentlewoman; god; great; greater; hereticks; hold; hypothesis; ignorance; ignorant; impossible; infallibility; infallible; judge; judging; judgment; justice; liberty; likely; little; magistrate; matters; means; nature; nay; necessary; needs; notion; obligation; opinions; opposition; order; ordinary; particular; particular church; peace; persons; pope; positive; power; practice; present; pretence; pretend; primitive; principles; private; proof; prop; propositions; protestants; prudence; prudent; purpose; rational; reason; reformation; right; roman; romanists; rome; salvation; self; sense; separation; sufficient; supremacy; supreme; tcp; terms; text; things; time; title; tradition; true; trust; truth; unity; use; virtual; way; word cache: A36261.xml plain text: A36261.txt item: #193 of 416 id: A36539 author: Comber, Thomas, 1645-1699. title: A collection of texts of Scripture, with short notes upon them, and some other observations against the principal popish errors date: 1688.0 words: 64910 flesch: 77 summary: Now this having been refuted before , and it having been proved , that Christ hath satisfied fully for all our Sins , and that we have compleat and perfect Remission of Sin through the free Grace of God , upon the account alone of Christ's meritorious Satisfaction ; and so that there is no proper Satisfaction to be made by us for Sin at all , the Foundation upon which Purgatory is built , is taken away . And so the free Grace of God , and Redemption of Christ , has no other hand in the Justification and Remission of a Sin●●r , than as procuring and giving Grace to the Si●ner for abolishing of Sin , and making him inherently just ; and then the rest is due and follows of course . keywords: able; abraham; account; acts; adoration; angel; apostles; authority; baptism; better; blessed; blood; body; bread; brethren; cap; case; certain; chap; children; christ; christian; church; churches; circumcision; circumstances; command; common; communion; condition; confession; contrary; cor; council; covenant; cross; cup; day; dead; death; disciples; divine; doctrine; doth; drink; duty; earth; end; errors; eternal; faith; false; father; flesh; free; gal; general; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; hands; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; holy; honour; house; idolatry; images; infallibility; infallible; institution; intercession; isa; israel; jerusalem; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; judg; judgment; justification; justified; king; known; law; life; light; like; little; living; lord; love; luke; man; manner; mark; mat; means; men; merit; mind; miracles; moses; nature; necessary; necessity; need; needful; new; note; offering; office; old; order; outward; pardon; particular; pass; paul; people; perfect; perfection; persons; peter; place; plain; pope; power; pray; prayers; presence; present; pretended; priest; promise; proper; prophets; propitiation; psal; punishment; purgatory; reason; received; reformation; religion; remission; repentance; required; respect; rev; righteousness; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; salvation; satisfaction; satisfy; saviour; saying; scripture; self; selves; sense; service; sess; set; sign; sin; sins; spirit; spiritual; state; sufferings; sufficient; supper; supreme; sure; temple; temporal; testament; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tradition; trent; true; truth; understanding; unto; use; vain; vers; virtue; want; way; wine; wise; works; world; worship cache: A36539.xml plain text: A36539.txt item: #194 of 416 id: A36614 author: Dryden, John, 1631-1700. title: A defence of the papers written by the late king of blessed memory, and Duchess of York, against the answer made to them date: 1686.0 words: 38844 flesch: 65 summary: The Roman was a part of the Catholic , as soon as she was a Church ; till then she was where all the Churches 〈◊〉 the World besides were , except that of ● ierusalem , and where the Church of ● ierusalem too was , before Christ was born , in the order of Providen●● But how can it be hence inferr'd , that these Power● are now in the Church of Rome 〈◊〉 Roman Cath●●●● Church , I suppose , he means ▪ exclusive to all others , unless it be made appear that it was Heir-General to all the Apostles ? Catholic Church -- Controversial literature. keywords: able; almighty; answerer; answers; apostles; appeal; argument; assistance; authority; baptism; belief; believe; best; better; betwixt; bishop; blessed; body; books; business; catholic church; catholics; cause; chang'd; change; christ; christians; church; churches; circumstances; common; communion; concessions; conscience; content; contrary; controversies; conversion; councils; creeds; dead; deciding; defence; desire; differences; different; direct; discourse; dispute; doctrine; duchess; earth; easie; effect; end; england; english; english church; example; faith; faithful; fancy; far; farther; firm; fit; forreign; foundation; friends; general; god; good; great; guides; hand; head; heaven; highness; history; holy; honour; hope; ill; implications; infallibility; infallible; interest; judge; judgment; king; lady; language; late; laws; leave; like; little; long; majesty; making; matter; mean; members; memory; mind; needs; new; opinion; ordinary; paper; paragraph; particular; particular church; parts; pass; past; people; person; place; plain; pleases; point; power; present; pretended; price; private; promise; protestant; protestant church; purpose; quarto; question; read; reader; reason; reformation; relation; religion; respect; rest; right; roman; roman catholic; roman church; rome; rule; said; salvation; satisfied; saying; scripture; scruples; security; self; sense; separate; set; shew; short; soul; spiritual; stead; stitch'd; subject; sure; talks; tcp; tells; text; things; think; thought; time; title; true; true church; truth; turn; visible; way; words; work; world; zeal; ● ● cache: A36614.xml plain text: A36614.txt item: #195 of 416 id: A36722 author: Dubourdieu, Jean, 1652-1720. title: A true copy of a project for the reunion of both religions in France date: 1685.0 words: 2094 flesch: 64 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A36722) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 99159) keywords: books; characters; christ; church; churches; copy; early; eebo; encoding; english; france; god; images; jesus; oblig'd; online; oxford; partnership; people; phase; project; protestants; religions; reunion; tcp; tei; text; true; works; xml cache: A36722.xml plain text: A36722.txt item: #196 of 416 id: A36912 author: Du Perron, Jacques Davy, 1556-1618. title: The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome concerning the divisions of the papists of England their difference in government whether by bishops or Jesuites with the care of His Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England for making priests to increase the Catholic number : whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse. date: 1641.0 words: 3337 flesch: 44 summary: The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome concerning the divisions of the papists of England their difference in government whether by bishops or Jesuites with the care of His Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England for making priests to increase the Catholic number : whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse. The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome concerning the divisions of the papists of England their difference in government whether by bishops or Jesuites with the care of His Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England for making priests to increase the Catholic number : whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse. keywords: bishops; cardinall; church; conjecture; copy; difference; divers; divisions; embassadour; end; england; english; french; greatnesse; hath; holinesse; increase; jesuites; judgement; king; letter; means; men; negotiations; non; number; onely; papists; perron; pope; prelates; priests; religion; roman; rome; text; things cache: A36912.xml plain text: A36912.txt item: #197 of 416 id: A37245 author: Davies, Rowland, 1649-1721. title: A letter to friend concerning his changing his religion date: 1692.0 words: 14490 flesch: 65 summary: 1. The first of these Proposals i● examined , and the Church of Rome is shewn not to 〈◊〉 the Catholick Church upon account either of its Authority or Comprehension . And since then this Sacrament was ordained to become a Sacrifice to Christians , as St. Augustin● tell us , 24 and that those Patriarchs of old who believed in a Messias that was to come , were as actual Partakers of that Sacrifice which he hath offered as we can be : keywords: accidents; account; advantage; apostles; augustine; authority; baptism; blood; body; bread; cap; case; catholick; catholick church; change; christ; christian; christus; church; claim; col; common; communion; consecration; corpus; council; design; devotion; doctrin; dominion; doth; ecclesiae; eebo; elements; england; english; enim; est; etiam; evident; express; expressions; faith; faithful; farther; fathers; flesh; general; god; government; great; hath; hoc; holy; host; ibid; images; impossible; institution; letter; literal; man; mat; member; missal; nature; necessary; new; non; notion; object; observed; occasion; opinion; order; panem; partakers; particular; particular church; paul; person; peter; petrus; point; power; practice; present; primitive; proper; qui; quod; rational; real; reason; religion; respect; right; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; salvation; sanguinem; saviour; scriptures; second; self; sense; shewn; society; soul; spirit; subject; substance; sufficient; sunt; suum; tcp; terms; text; thing; time; title; tom; true; truth; unity; universal; viz; way; wine; words; worship; worshiping; ● ● cache: A37245.xml plain text: A37245.txt item: #198 of 416 id: A37436 author: Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. title: Reasons humbly offer'd for a law to enact the castration of popish ecclesiastics, as the best way to prevent the growth of popery in England date: 1700.0 words: 7331 flesch: 46 summary: REASONS Humbly offer'd for a Law to enact the Castration of Popish Ecclesiasticks , &c. THE Honourable House of Commons having been pleas'd to take into their Consideration the unaccountable growth of Popery amongst us of late , and to appoint a Committee to consider of Ways and Means for preventing the same : It is thought fit , among the croud of Proposals for that end , to publish what follows . The Case then being thus , let 's consider what a deluge of Uncleanness may be pour'd out upon this Nation by 1000 or 2000 , supposing there were no more of those Popish Ecclesiasticks in England at a time ; especially since they look upon it to be their Interest to debauch the Nation , as one of the best Expedients to advance Popery , as was evident from the practice of the late Reigns : and therefore it seems to be the natural way of obviating the growth of Popery , to make the Romish Ecclesiasticks uncapable of promoting it by that Method which they like best , and find most successful . keywords: best; better; books; castration; characters; chastity; church; clergy; countrys; danger; defoe; early; eebo; effect; england; english; evident; experience; families; fellows; flesh; france; god; good; government; great; growth; hath; home; interest; kingdom; known; late; law; laws; life; like; little; manner; marriage; means; method; nation; nature; need; opportunity; order; papists; popery; popish; possible; priests; princes; protestant; punishment; reason; reformation; religion; rome; romish; ruin'd; sea; state; sufficient; sweden; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; time; uncapable; uncleanness; use; way; women; work cache: A37436.xml plain text: A37436.txt item: #199 of 416 id: A37498 author: Dell, William, d. 1664. title: The tryal of spirits both in teachers & hearers wherein is held forth the clear discovery and certain downfal of the carnal and antichristian clergie of these nations / testified from the Word of God to the university-congregation in Cambridge by William Dell ; whereunto is added A plain and necessary confutation of divers gross errors delivered by Mr. Sydrach Simpson in a sermon preached to the same congregation at the commencement, Anno 1653 ; wherein (among other things) is declared, that the vniversities (according to their present statutes and practices) are not (as he affirmed) answerable to the schools of the prophets in the time of the law, but rather to the idolatrous high places ... date: 1660.0 words: 59565 flesch: 63 summary: Yea , we have seen how the World and worldly Church , not being able to try the Spirits and Doctrines , have contradicted and crucified the Son of God himself , and have reproached and persecuted all his People , who are baptized into one Spirit with him ; and doing this , they have thought they have done God good service too ; and all because they were not able to judge of the Spirit and Truth of Christ in Himself and his Members , but have followed the Judgment and Councel of the chief Guides in the outward Church , who have caused them to erre , and to mistake Truth for Error , and Error for Truth , Christ for Antichrist , and Antichrist for Christ. And thus you may perceive that seeing many false Prophets are gone out into the World , it concerns the faithful , as they tender their own everlasting Salvation , not to believe every Spirit that speaks of Christ , and his Kingdom , and his Things , but to Try the Spirits whether they be of God. Object . keywords: able; academical; advantage; ages; angel; answer; antichrist; antichristian; apostles; aristotle; authority; beginning; believers; blessed; body; bold; books; brethren; cambridge; cap; care; carnal; cause; certain; chief; children; christ; christ hath; christians; christs spirit; church; clear; clergy; colledges; coming; common; confesseth; congregation; contrary; corrupt; counsel; cup; darkness; day; dead; death; degrees; desire; destitute; destruction; disciples; divine; divinity; doctors; doctrine; doth; dwelling; earth; ecclesiastical; education; elect; end; enemies; english; enmity; error; eternal; evil; faithful; false; false prophets; father; fit; flesh; follow; form; friends; gain; general; gifts; glorious; glory; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greek; grievous; gross; hand; hath; head; hearers; hearts; heathenish; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; high; highest; hold; holy; honour; hope; humane; humane learning; hus; ignorant; infinite; iniquity; inward; jesus christ; jews; john; joyn; judge; judgement; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; learned; learning; leave; letter; life; light; like; little; lives; living; lord; lord god; love; luther; magistrates; manifest; manner; mark; masters; matter; means; measure; meet; members; men; mighty; mind; ministers; ministry; moral; moses; mysterie; names; nations; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; non; notice; object; old; ones; open; ordinances; outward; oxford; paul; people; persons; peter; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; pit; place; plain; point; power; preach; preaching; present; pretence; pride; profit; prophets; read; reason; regard; reign; religion; reputation; rest; righteousness; rule; saints; saith; sake; salvation; satan; saying; schools; scriptures; second; secular; seed; self; selves; sense; set; sheep; shews; sign; simple; simpson; sin; son; sons; sort; speak; speaking; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; studies; study; sufficient; tcp; teachers; teacheth; teaching; testament; testimony; text; things; thou; thought; time; titles; tongues; true; true christians; true church; true god; true prophets; true spirit; true teachers; true word; truth; tryall; unction; understanding; universities; university; use; vain; vertues; victory; want; way; wickedness; wickliff; wisdom; wise; wit; word; works; worldly; worship; yea; years; youth cache: A37498.xml plain text: A37498.txt item: #200 of 416 id: A38175 author: Egan, Anthony, B.D. title: The Book of rates now used in the sin custom-house of the church of Rome containing the priees [sic] of the bulls, dispensations and pardons for all manner of villanies and wickednesses, with the several sums of monies given and to be paid for them / published by Anthony Egane ... date: 1673.0 words: 10701 flesch: 59 summary: If a Man who has been a long while absent , supposeth that his Wife is dead , and he marrieth another , and liveth with his second as with his married , during the time he supposed his former to be dead : but if his first Wife shall happen to come again , he shall forsake the second and live with the first ; but he shall pay for his transgressions 29 l. 02 s. 09 d. A Dispensation for such as have vowed Chastity during life is given only by the Pope , or by some extraordinary great Prelate but it shall cost 16 l. 05 s. 06 d. At nineteen for the same 16 l. 00 s. 00 d. For being ordained Priest at two and twenty 32 l. 02 s. 00 d. keywords: 01 s.; 02 d.; 02 s.; 03 d.; 03 s.; 04 s.; 09 d.; 09 s.; abbot; absolution; authority; benefice; bishop; books; bull; changing; chapter; church; clark; clause; clergy; committed; confirmation; consanguinity; convent; d. dispensations; day; deacon; degree; eebo; english; fact; father; fourth; general; god; goods; great; habit; hath; hope; inhibitory; irregularity; l. 01; l. 02; l. 03; l. 04; l. 09; lay; licence; man; manner; marriage; married; mass; men; murder; orders; ordinary; pardon; persons; place; power; prelate; priest; religion; rome; said; second; simple; sins; sum; tax; tcp; text; time; vow; wife; wives; world; years cache: A38175.xml plain text: A38175.txt item: #201 of 416 id: A38326 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. title: Ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled that all persons, as well peers as others, that are papists and now in or about the cities of London or Westminster ... are hereby required ... to depart from the same ... date: 1680.0 words: 1019 flesch: 63 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; early; eebo; encoding; english; image; london; lords; online; oxford; parliament; partnership; persons; phase; tcp; tei; text; xml cache: A38326.xml plain text: A38326.txt item: #202 of 416 id: A38584 author: Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester, 1040-1124. title: The popes dreadfull curse being the form of an excommunication of the Church of Rome : taken out of the leger-book of the Church of Rochester now in the custody of the dean and chapter there / writ by Ernulfus the Bishop. date: 1681.0 words: 1773 flesch: 72 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A38584) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 51865) keywords: angels; bishop; books; characters; church; curse; early; eebo; encoding; english; excommunication; god; head; holy; images; online; oxford; partnership; phase; rochester; tcp; tei; text; works; xml cache: A38584.xml plain text: A38584.txt item: #203 of 416 id: A38827 author: Everard, John, missioner. title: A winding-sheet for the schism of England contriv'd for to inform the ignorant, resolve the wavering, and confirm the well principled Roman Catholick. By J. E. missioner. date: 1687.0 words: 23598 flesch: 53 summary: Scripture is a Light only to the Faithful , because known from the Church's Tradition to be from the Apostles , by the Apostles Authority confirmed by Miracles to be of God , by God's supreme Verity , who cannot deceive nor be deceived , to be the truth : Here I infer how they are bereaved of Human Understanding , that do not see palpably , that a pretended Church which begun by breach of Promises to God , by Sacrileges and Impurities of Apostates , by general Revolt against Kings , against Divine and Human Laws , by the filth and ordure of the Carrion and caitive Flesh , by the dissolution of good Manners , by Blood , Furies , and Confusion , could not come and take its source from the Divine Spirit ; yet they boldly say , they find Scripture of their side . keywords: ages; almighty; ancient; apostles; authority; best; better; bible; blessed; blind; blood; body; books; brave; catholick; catholick church; certain; chap; character; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; clear; common; communion; confusion; conscience; consent; contra; contrary; councils; daily; damn'd; day; days; death; direct; divine; doctrine; doth; eebo; end; england; english; err; error; eternal; eternity; evident; example; faith; faithful; false; fathers; flock; folly; foundation; general; ghost; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; ground; guide; hand; happy; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heavenly; height; hell; heresie; hereticks; high; hold; holy; honour; hope; human; iames; infallibility; infallible; iohn; jesus; judgment; king; kingdoms; kingly; known; law; lawful; laws; life; light; like; living; long; lord; madness; majesty; manifest; mark; matth; means; meer; men; mercy; mind; miracles; monarchy; mother; mouth; nations; natural; nature; new; nobility; noble; non; obedience; occasion; old; opinions; pastors; paul; peace; people; persons; peter; plain; points; poor; pope; power; pray; prayer; present; pretended; priest; prime; primitive; prince; principles; promises; protestants; providence; pure; real; reason; reformation; religion; rest; revealed; roman; roman catholick; roman church; rome; royal; sacraments; sacred; said; saints; salvation; saying; schism; scripture; sect; sectaries; secure; self; sin; sir; soul; sovereign; spirit; spiritual; state; subjects; substance; succession; supernatural; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; time; tradition; true; true church; true faith; truth; understanding; unity; universal; vain; valour; virtue; visible; viz; way; ways; whereof; wise; words; work; world; years cache: A38827.xml plain text: A38827.txt item: #204 of 416 id: A38829 author: Everard, Robert, fl. 1664. title: An antidote for Newcastle priests to expell their poyson of envy which they vented in a letter to the L. Generall Cromwell and in their articles which they exhibited against Capt. Everard : with an answer to their scandalous exclamations to their shame, the cleering of himself and satisfaction of his friends / by Robert Everard. date: 1652.0 words: 8393 flesch: 69 summary: In answer , If there be any doctrine that plucks down God and sets up man in his stead , it is mans assumed authority to make laws and impose them upon the people , which is not to be found in the records of God ; and two of these strings you have to your bow , which if once they were broken , man would be more thrown down , and God exalted , namely forced maintenance of your bellies , which cannot be had without an arbitrary power , by which you contend to dethrone God and his appearance in his people , as it appears by your appealations to humane authority , to set up your selves more then the Kingly power of Christ . Truly ( my Lord ) the deep sense hereof , makes our hearts to bleed , to see the precious Scriptures so abused , Fundamentals destroyed , and our poor peoples souls , whom we have long laboured to principle in the Truth , so much endangered : We humbly conceive , that as Popery was heretofore , so Arminianisme and Socinianisme now , doubtless are like to be the plagues of this poor Nation ; even that cursed Doctrine , that so much pulls down God , and sets up man , comes upon us like a flood . keywords: adam; answ; answer; articles; authority; capt; cause; christ; col; contrary; conversion; corrupt; death; dispute; doctrine; enemies; england; english; envy; errors; everard; excellency; false; generall; god; good; great; hath; hearts; infants; john; judge; light; like; long; lord; love; man; mason; men; ministers; nation; newcastle; people; place; point; poor; poyson; preach; priests; robert; rom; saying; self; set; shame; sin; sins; spirit; text; things; time; truth; tyranny; way; world cache: A38829.xml plain text: A38829.txt item: #205 of 416 id: A38830 author: Everard, Robert, fl. 1664. title: An epistle to the several congregations of the non-conformists by Cap. Robert Everard, now by Gods Grace a member of the Holy Catholick Church of Christ, shewing the reasons of his conversion and submission to the said Catholick Church. date: 1664.0 words: 18317 flesch: 58 summary: The third Reason which I thought forcible , was , that those who are thus far from for the sole Scriptures , do not say that One or any perticular number of the Books of Scriptures , but All the works of Scripture , which were written by Inspiration of God , do , being joyned together , make up this Rule and Judge to be a compleat Rule and Judge . I gathered from the true interpretation of that Text of Scripture , Heb. 11. 6. Without Faith it is impossible to please God. keywords: able; alwaies; answer; apostles; assistance; authority; beleive; body; books; capable; catholick; catholick church; certain; certainty; christ; christianity; christians; church; contrary; copies; damnation; different; divine; doth; earth; eebo; end; english; epistle; error; faith; father; general; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; guide; hath; head; holy; infallible; judge; known; law; living; lord; man; manichaeus; means; men; mouth; necessary; new; old; original; party; private; prophets; propounded; question; reason; refuseth; religion; revelation; roman; rule; said; salvation; saviour; scriptures; self; sence; sole; spirit; sufficient; tcp; testament; text; thee; things; thought; time; true; true faith; truth; understanding; visible; visible church; way; word; years cache: A38830.xml plain text: A38830.txt item: #206 of 416 id: A39265 author: Ellis, Clement, 1630-1700. title: The Protestant resolved, or, A discourse shewing the unreasonableness of his turning Roman Catholick for salvation date: 1688.0 words: 31326 flesch: 60 summary: Having learn'd from her the sense of the Scripture , we are obliged to submit to this , and never presume on our own private Sentiments , however seemingly grounded on Reason and Scripture , to believe or preach any new Doctrine opposite to the Belief of the Church . Do not they tell us again and again , that both the Canon and the Sense of SCRIPTURE , depend , as to us , on the Authority and Interpretation of their Church ? And can its Testimony then possibly amount to any more than that Church's bare Word ? Do not they deny us a Iudgment of Discretion , whereby we should discern for ourselves , whether it speak fór or against their Church's Authority ? And will they yet produce it to convince us of the Authority by which alone we are both to receive and understand it ? keywords: able; allow'd; apostles; articles; authority; bellarmin; best; better; bishop; blessed; books; catholick; catholick church; certain; charity; christ; christians; church; churches; command; communion; contrary; convinced; council; credit; creed; damnation; desire; dispute; doctrine; doth; end; england; english; entire; equal; error; faith; false; fathers; general; god; good; great; guide; hard; hath; head; hereticks; hold; holy; holy scripture; hope; infallibility; infallible; infallible church; iudgment; judg; known; leave; life; like; little; long; matter; means; men; mind; mother; necessary; necessity; needs; opinion; papists; paul; persons; peter; plain; point; pope; power; practice; principles; private; protestant; purpose; question; reason; religion; representer; right; roman church; rome; rule; safer; salvation; satisfaction; saying; scripture; self; sense; soever; sole; spiritual; stand; state; subject; supreme; sure; tcp; testimony; text; things; thought; time; tradition; trent; true; true church; trust; truth; understanding; universal; unreasonable; unwritten; use; way; whereof; wise; word; writing; yea cache: A39265.xml plain text: A39265.txt item: #207 of 416 id: A39350 author: Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. title: An epistle to the truly religious and loyal gentry of the Church of England written by Edmund Ellis ... date: 1687.0 words: 2027 flesch: 63 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 106917) keywords: books; characters; church; early; edmund; eebo; encoding; england; english; epistle; gentry; god; great; images; laws; loyal; men; online; oxford; papists; partnership; phase; religious; tcp; tei; text; xml cache: A39350.xml plain text: A39350.txt item: #208 of 416 id: A40073 author: Fowler, Edward, 1632-1714. title: The design of Christianity, or, A plain demonstration and improvement of this proposition viz. that the enduing men with inward real righteousness or true holiness was the ultimate end of our Saviour's coming into the world and is the great intendment of his blessed Gospel / by Edward Fowler ... date: 1671.0 words: 69065 flesch: 61 summary: So far are such things as these from being able to make amends for any of their sins , that God accounts them no better than Additions to their most heinous impieties ; as by the Sixty sixth of I●…aiah , it further appeareth : It is said there , He that killeth an Ox , is as if he slew a man ; he that sacrificeth a Lamb , as if he cut off a Dog's neck ; he that offereth an 〈◊〉 , as if he offered Swines blood ; ●…e that burneth Incense , as if he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ▪ And how came this to pass ? it follows ▪ They have chosen their own ways , and their Soul delighteth in their Abomination●… ▪ So that if he had such an opinion of the goodliest and most acceptable Sacrifices when offered by Disobedient and Immorall Persons , under the Law ; it is impossible that he should have one jot a better of the most affectionate Devotions of those that take no care to be really and inwardly righteous and holy under the Gospel . When God becomes so Great in our eyes , and all created things so l●…ttle , that we reckon upon nothing as worthy of our aims or amb●…tions but a serious participation of the Divine Nature , and the exercise of Divine Vert●●s , Love , Joy , Peace , Long-suffering , Kindness , Goodness and the like ▪ When the Soul beholding the Infinite Beauty and Loveliness of the Divinity , and then looking down and beholding all created perfection mantled over with darkness , is ravished into love and admiration of that never-setting Brightness , and endeavours after the greatest res●●blance of God in Justice , Love and 〈◊〉 : when conversing with him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , by a secret feeling of the 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 and power of his Goodness , we endeavour to assimilate our selves to him : Then we may be said to Glorifie him indeed . keywords: able; account; actions; acts; adde; affections; almighty; answer; apostle; apparent; argument; assurance; assured; author; bare; bear; belief; best; better; blessed; blessing; blood; bodies; body; book; business; capable; capacity; care; carnal; cause; certain; chap; chapter; charge; charity; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; circumstances; coming; command; condition; conscience; consideration; contrary; conversation; cor; corrupt; creatures; cross; days; dead; death; degree; deliverance; demonstration; design; desire; disciples; discourse; diverse; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; duty; earth; effects; effectual; encouragement; end; endeavour; enemies; epistle; errours; esteem; eternal; evident; evil; example; exceeding; excellent; exercise; express; expressions; eyes; false; father; favour; fear; find; fit; flesh; following; forbidden; forementioned; free; fruit; gain; general; glorious; glory; god; godliness; good; good men; goodness; gospel; grace; grand; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; happiness; hath; heart; heathens; heaven; help; hierocles; highest; hold; holiness; holy; honour; humane; humility; idolatry; iews; ignorant; image; immediate; impieties; impossible; improvement; inference; infinite; innocent; insignificant; instances; interest; inward; iohn; jesus; jews; judge; kind; kindness; kingdom; know; knowing; knowledge; law; laws; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; luke; lusts; main; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; matth; means; measure; meekness; men; men holy; mercy; mere; mighty; mind; minded; ministers; miracles; miserable; motives; multitude; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; needs; new; non; notion; number; obedience; obedient; objection; occasion; onely; opinions; order; ought; pag; papists; pardon; partakers; particulars; parts; past; patience; paul; people; perfect; performance; persons; pet; peter; pharisees; philosophers; piety; place; plain; pleasure; points; poor; power; practices; prayers; precepts; present; primitive; principle; probable; profess; profession; promises; promoting; proper; punishment; pure; purpose; question; read; reader; real; reason; reformation; regard; religion; repentance; respects; resurrection; revelation; riches; righteousness; roman; rome; sacrifice; saints; saith; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; saying; scriptures; second; sect; self; selves; sense; service; set; shame; shewed; shewn; short; signifie; sin; sincere; sinners; sins; small; souls; special; spirit; state; success; sufferings; sufficient; tcp; temper; text; thee; thereunto; things; thou; thought; threatnings; time; tree; true; true holiness; trust; truth; understanding; use; vain; vertue; vertuous; vile; virgin; viz; way; ways; weak; whatsoever; wicked; wickedness; willing; wisdom; wise; wonderful; words; work; world; worship; worst; worthy; wrath; zeal cache: A40073.xml plain text: A40073.txt item: #209 of 416 id: A40086 author: Fowler, Edward, 1632-1714. title: The resolution of this case of conscience whether the Church of England's symbolizing so far as it doth with the Church of Rome, makes it unlawful to hold communion with the Church of England? date: 1683.0 words: 18141 flesch: 60 summary: Catholic Church -- Relations -- Church of England. For , as those imposed by our Church ( as hath been already said ) are exceeding few , not the hundredth part scarcely of those imposed by the Roman Church , so doth not our Church impose them ( as the other doth ) on the Consciences of her Members as things of necessity , as parts of Religion or meritorious Services , as hath been proved out of the Articles . keywords: abused; account; administration; agreement; answer; apostles; article; authority; baptism; bishops; books; brethren; calvin; case; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; christ; christians; church; church hath; churches; communion; conscience; contrary; cross; days; devil; distance; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; eebo; england; english; eternal; faith; father; following; forehead; form; garment; general; god; gods; good; government; great; greatest; hand; hath; head; holy; idolatrous; idolatry; iesus; images; indifferent; infant; instance; liberty; life; like; liturgy; long; lord; maist; manner; mass; members; nature; necessary; office; order; people; persons; place; popery; popish; power; practices; prayers; priest; primitive church; profess; publick; reading; religion; rites; rome; sacraments; saints; salvation; saying; scriptures; self; separation; services; set; shewed; sign; sin; superstitious; supper; symbolizing; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; unlawful; use; viz; words; world; worship cache: A40086.xml plain text: A40086.txt item: #210 of 416 id: A40227 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: The papists strength, principles, and doctrines (which they are sworn to preach, from the Councel of Trent, by the Popes authority, and after confirmed by the last General Assembly at Rouen, 1571, all which they have sworn to perform) answered and confuted furthermore their principles and doctrines answered and confuted, as they were laid down in two or three severall papers, by R.W. papist, lately sent from Holland : also a challenge to the pope and all his adherents to choose out of all his dominions some cardinals, fryers, or Jesuits to try their bread and wine, after consecration (by watching on their side and on our side) to prove that if afterward they have consecrated it, whether the bread and wine doth not loose its taste and savour, and so not the body and blood of Christ : also a paper to all them that fast and afflict themselves who are in the will-worship and voluntary humility : also some quæries to all the papists upon earth to be answered in writing and sent to them, which all sects upon the earth call Quakers / by George Fox. date: 1658.0 words: 42763 flesch: 49 summary: And they that set up Images , Idols , since the dayes of the Apostles , and Pictures , and crosses , and holds them up by an outward power , and Magistrates , and compels others to bow down to them , is the worship of the beast , and not the worship of God , and this I declare , in the presence of the Lord God , and all the Magistrates that be in Gods fear , they will break down your Idols and Images , and cross●s and crucifixes , and masse-houses , Schooles and Colledges , which you make Priests and Ministers in , which they that know the Ministers made by the will of God will do this ; and the exposition of the Scriptures by your Church we cannot own , which is Apostatized from the true Church , which bid the Saints keep from Idols , which all that be of the true Church are so to do ; And your Church which is run into Idols , Pictures , and Likenesses , is run into error , and is not infallible , and so you are gone from the life which gave forth the Scriptures , which Peter was in , and so run into Idols , and must have Images and likenesses to put you in mind of Christ and the Saints , And you are gon from the Spirit & the holy Ghost which they was in , which over-saw the Churches , who watched for the Souls and had the rule over the Saints , so from this Church are you apostatized & its peace , which Church is the Pillar and ground of truth , the Divel is out of the Pillar and ground of truth , he abode not in it , and all schismes & heresies they cannot disturb the peace of this Church , here comes no sword-men here ▪ nor carnal weapons , nor inquisitions , fire nor fagget , stockes and prisons , nor Idols , all such are w●thout that deceives Nations , and tells them they are a Church , which slayes the S●ints , P●ophets and Martyrs , the same nature slew Christ and his A●ostles , and Abel with their carnall weapons , for all are one out of the life and power of God , striking at creatures , wrestling against flesh and bloud in stead of striking at the power that captivates the creatures , to the intent that creatures might come to the liberty of the sons of God , now you h●ving not continued in the Apos●l●s faith , mind and spirit , but Apostatized from them , you have all lost the guide and rule as they were in , both Protestants and your selves that be out of the life and faith that the Apostles was in that led them to give forth the Scriptures , so you have been the wolves in the Sheeps clothing , destroying one another about outward things and powers , but with the power of God , and life of God , by them that are in the wisdom of God are you all judged to be out of the Kingdom of peace , which is the Kingdom of Christ fighting with carnal weapons hailing to the Goals Inquisitions , whips , stocks , houses , of correction , faggots , fires , either Protestants or Papists are you here like the Kingdom of Christ his subjects , but like Pharisees , Jewes , and Cain , apostatized from the Apostles , lost the faith , lost the unity , lost the Spirit of God which the Saints was in , which led them to give forth the Scriptures , in which is the unity which is the bond of peace , into which all that is called Christendome must come before they be one , and all the names blotted out that is amongst them given to them in the apostacy , since the dayes of the Apostles , and all their prayers is abomination that be out of that unity ; and to you that is the word of the Lord , and the Quaeries thou hast not answered , and your prayers is denyed and your peace also , for you have not abided in that which the Apostles and the Saints was in , which did oversee the Churches , but you are turned strikers , which the Apostle saith they should not be so , And the Apostle saw the comming in of the man of sin , and Christ speaks of Anti-christ and the false Prophets coming in , with their signs and lying wonders , which if it were possible , would deceive the very Elect , which John saw was come and went forth from them , and bid the Saints keep themselves from Idols , for they were them that got up Idols which went forth from the Apostles , which Apostles bid the Saints keep to the anointing in them , and they need not that any man should teach them , but as the same anointing teacheth them which is truth and no lye , and even as it had taught them , so they should continue in the Father and in the Son , and they that went forth from the Apostles , went forth from this ; and in the Revelations it is declared that all the world went after them who had the lying signes , wonders and the miracles and deceived them that dwelt upon the earth , and that has been the worship of the beast , and this has been since the dayes of the Apostles , who said some should depart from the faith which is the shield , and so made war against the Saints which was in the faith and over-came them ; but now the Devill shall be taken , and with him the beast and the false Prophets , and cast alive into the lake of fire , and Babylon the great whore confounded , and the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory ; and the everlasting Gospel shall be preached to them that dwell upon the face of the earth , which is the power of God , and strike down all those that has got the words but not the power , and reach to the life and immortality , that that may come to light through the Gospel which is the power of God , and to you that is the word of God . 11. and so are not built upon the true foundation of the Prophets and Apostles and Christ Jesus , ) who being past feeling , who are gone after the vanities of your own minds like Gentiles into Idols , Ephes. 5.4 . who are the injurious Persons , as Paul was in his first estate , before conversion , when he persecuted , who never after conversion did persecute , for then he came into the life and substance of what he professed in words before , and so your fruits do shew your Church to be made up of injurious Persons , persecuting like Saul , not converted , and yet you he doting about Law and Gosple which you do not know what you affirm and speak of ; so your Church many of them through Philosophie , and rudements below are held up by the Commandments and doctrines of men , and feigned and voluntary humility which is your own , and usurped authority Jezabel-like , so hath forsaken the command of the Lord Jesus Christ and the true Church , who said keep from Idols , you have made Idols and Images that can neither hear , nor see , nor go , so your Church is to be confounded , which trusteth in Idols and Images , so not in the true Church of God , and your Church is made up of them that kill the Lord Jesus Christ , and kill the Prophets , and kills the Saints , and so fills up the wrath to the utmost which is to come upon you , and your Church is made up of such who for the love of money hath erred from the faith , and are covetous , and will sell Pardons for money ; your Church is made up of such who be given to blaspheme , and so hath lost the godliness in which the Saints increase ; but you have cankered the People with your images and pictures & idols of things below , so out of the sober state , in the malice , hatefull , out of the fruits of the true Church , but made up of such which Peter speakes of to be in Corahs , Cains , Balaams way ; so your fruits declares , and thus you are contrary to Christ and the Apostles , and true Church separated from them , and such as the Apostle declares against hath made up your Church . keywords: abraham; adam; answ; answer; apostacy; apostates; apostles; beast; blood; body; bow; bread; brethren; cains; catholique; children; christ; christians; church; churches; command; condemnation; consecration; contrary; creatures; crosses; cup; dayes; dead; death; decease; devils; doctrine; doth; drunk; earth; elect; end; evill; faith; fall; false; fast; father; flesh; form; fornication; forth; foundation; fruits; god; godly; gods; good; great; ground; hast; hath; heaven; hereticks; holy; honour; idols; images; inquisitions; inwardly; jesus; jesus christ; jewes; john; killing; kings; know; lamb; law; life; light; like; living; lord; lord god; love; lying; man; mark; meats; men; minde; ministers; miracles; mother; murther; names; nations; nature; outward; papists; people; peter; pictures; pope; power; priests; prin; principles; prophets; protestants; purgatory; religion; reliques; reprobates; roman; rome; saints; scripture; sects; selves; set; sheeps; shew; sin; son; sons; speak; spirit; substance; sword; teachers; temple; testimony; things; thou; thy; time; tongues; traditions; true; true church; true faith; truth; tythes; victory; visible; waters; way; weapons; whore; wine; wolves; wonders; works; world; worship; ● ● cache: A40227.xml plain text: A40227.txt item: #211 of 416 id: A41212 author: Ferne, H. (Henry), 1602-1662. title: A compendious discourse upon the case, as it stands between the Church of England and of Rome on the one hand, and again between the same Church of England and those congregations which have divided from it on the other hand together with the treatise of the division of the English church and the Romish, upon the Reformation / enlarged with some explicatory additionalls by H.F. ... date: 1655.0 words: 28203 flesch: 51 summary: So the English Church , as corrupted with Romish Errours , must needs be so before it could be Protestant or Reformed ; but the Catholick Truths it alwaies held made it a Christian Church , even under that mixture of Errours : so when by Reformation it had cast them off , it remained the same Christian Church : but a more pure and sound one , holding still the same Catholick Truths , without that mixture of Errour , like as the ancient Christian Church did , before Popery prevailed , as Tr. 1. c. 1. But every true English Protestant acknowledges the Church of Christ is a visible society of Believers , or of Professors of the Christian Faith , ( of whom some are effectually called , true and lively members , but that is invisible , others not yet advanced beyond the externall calling or profession ) a society , I say , of such Professors , under such a Regiment or Government left by Christ and his Apostles : and left to this purpose , to keep all in unity , and to advance those , that are admitted in the visible Church to the meanes of Salvation , unto a reall and effectuall participation of Grace and Union with Christ , as lively Members of his body , Eph. c. 4. 11 12 , 13. 16. keywords: adversaries; ages; alwayes; ancient; ancient church; apostles; authority; better; bishops; body; catholick; catholick church; cause; ceremonies; charity; christian; christian church; church; churches; common; communion; conceit; condition; congregation; contentious; cor; councils; custome; dayes; difference; division; doctrine; doe; duties; duty; elders; end; england; english; english church; errors; established; faith; fit; forms; generall; gifts; god; gods; good; government; governours; great; gregory; guilt; hand; hold; holding; holy; judgement; jurisdiction; know; lawfull; liberty; light; like; liturgy; lords; making; man; matters; means; members; nationall church; necessary; new; non; obedience; office; onely; order; ordinary; ordination; particular; pastors; people; performance; persons; perswasion; place; point; popery; power; practice; prayer; presbyters; present; pretence; pretended; private; profession; protestant; publick; publique; purity; purpose; reason; reformation; reformed; religion; respect; rites; romanists; rome; romish; romish church; rule; sacriledge; said; saviour; schism; scripture; sectaries; sects; self; service; set; severall; spirit; superstition; text; things; time; title; tradition; true; truth; unity; universall; visible church; viz; way; word; worship; yea cache: A41212.xml plain text: A41212.txt item: #212 of 416 id: A41425 author: Goodaire, Thomas, d. 1693. title: A plain testimony to the antient truth and work of God and against the corruption of the clergy, and their upholders. By T. G. date: 1691.0 words: 14371 flesch: 39 summary: First , I do affirm , that neither the Popish Clergy , nor the Protestant Clergy , nor their Hearers that are Members of their Churches , neither can , nor never shall know Jesus Christ experimentally to be their Saviour and Redeemer from their Sins and Iniquities , as the true Ministers and People of God did know him formerly , and as the true Ministers and People of God know him now in this our Age and Generation , to their and our Souls true peace , joy , comfort and satisfaction in God ; neither can they ever know the Mystery of Godliness by experience revealed in them , nor they cannot have a true belief in Christ , as the Ministers and People of God had , and have now , so long as they live and act in Sin , and take pleasure and delight therein , and plead for a continuance in Sin so long as they live upon the Earth . And it is the Doctrine and Belief of the Clergy-Men , before mentioned , and the People that are their Hearers , and Members of their Churches , That none can be set free from Sin , nor be made perfect from it in this Life ; and so they preach against Perfection from Sin , which God and Christ commanded that People should be perfect and holy ; and are God and Christ such hard Masters as to command that of People for them to do , which cannot be done nor attained unto in this Life ? keywords: aforesaid; believers; christ; christians; clergy; cruelties; delight; doctrine; doth; earth; end; evil; fear; free; god; good; great; hath; hearers; hearts; help; holy; honour; john; life; light; live; long; lord; love; man; means; members; men; ministers; money; outward; people; perfection; persons; power; practices; preaching; priests; religion; righteousness; rule; scriptures; servants; set; sin; sins; souls; spirit; tcp; text; things; time; true; truth; tythes; ungodly; way; ways; wicked; willing; works; world cache: A41425.xml plain text: A41425.txt item: #213 of 416 id: A41435 author: Goodman, John, 1625 or 6-1690. title: A discourse concerning auricular confession as it is prescribed by the Council of Trent, and practised in the Church of Rome : with a post-script on occasion of a book lately printed in France, called Historia confessionis auricularis. date: None words: 18971 flesch: 44 summary: But she proceeding on very particularly in her Confessions , at last amongst other things comes to declare that a certain Deacon of that Church had lien with her ; upon notice of which horrid Fact , the Deacon is forthwith cashier'd and cast out of the Church : By which means the miscarriage takes Air , and coming to the knowledge of the People , they presently fall into a mighty commotion and rage about it , partly in detestation of so foul an Action of the Deacon , but principally in contemplation of the Dishonour , and Scandal thereby reflected on the whole Church . Catholic Church -- Doctrines. keywords: absolution; account; acknowledged; aforesaid; ancient; appears; auricular confession; authority; baptism; bishop; book; business; cap; case; certain; christian; christian church; church; churches; circumstances; communion; confession; conscience; constant; contrary; contrition; council; course; defect; discipline; divine; doth; eebo; england; english; fact; fit; form; general; god; good; gospel; great; ground; guilt; hath; heaven; historian; holy; institution; judge; judgment; kind; law; lib; like; little; man; matter; means; men; mind; ministry; mortal; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; new; obligation; occasion; office; open; order; pardon; particular; parts; passage; penance; penitentiary; people; person; piety; place; plain; post; power; practice; priest; private; publick; publick confession; purpose; reason; religion; remedy; repentance; right; rite; romanists; rome; sacrament; said; saith; salvation; saviour; second; secret; self; sense; sess; shame; sinner; sins; story; sufficient; tcp; terms; text; thing; thought; time; trent; true; truth; universal; use; viz; way; words; work; world; years; ● ● cache: A41435.xml plain text: A41435.txt item: #214 of 416 id: A41553 author: Gordon, James, 1640?-1714. title: A request to Roman Catholicks to answer the queries upon these their following tenets ... by a moderate son of the Church of England. date: 1687.0 words: 19691 flesch: 48 summary: Moreover , since the ancient Church had no Form of Absolution , but only the admitting Penitents to the Communion , where then shall the Form of that pretended Sacrament be found among the Ancients ? 2. Adam and Noah ; and that he tyed the Priesthood under the Law , to a Race of married People ; and that the Scripture hath told us , Marriage is honourable in all ; and placeth it among the Qualifications of a Bishop , That he be the Husband of one Wife , having faithful Children ( not to speak of that Canon of the Council of Gangra , nor of the Discourse of Paphnutius in the Council of Nice , nor of Spiridion , S. Hilary , Eucherius Lugdunensis , and many other Primitive Bishops ; who were married , beside the Apostle S. Peter : ) may it not be pertinently enquired , if the Church of Rome borrowed their Doctrine of the unlawfulness of the Marriage of Priests , from the Manichees , who allowed Marriage to their Hearers ( as the Church of Rome doth to Laicks ) but forbad it to their Elect , as that Church doth to her Priests ? keywords: account; adoration; ancient; angels; answer; antiquity; apostles; apostolick; argument; augustin; authority; best; better; bishop; blood; body; books; bread; canon; catholick; catholick church; century; christ; christians; church; churches; constance; constantinople; contrary; council; cup; day; deposing; divine; doctrine; doth; drink; eebo; elements; england; english; errors; eucharist; evident; faith; fathers; fifth; flesh; fourth; general; god; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; gregory; hath; head; heresie; holy; honour; idolatry; images; impossible; infallibility; infallible; infants; inferiour; institution; intention; invocation; iohn; judge; kind; laicks; law; lord; luther; marriage; mass; men; miracles; nature; necessary; necessity; old; patriarch; paul; people; persons; peter; plain; pope; power; practice; prayer; present; pretended; priest; primitive; princes; protestant; purgatory; quest; question; reason; reformation; religion; rest; roman; roman church; romanists; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; said; saints; saviour; scripture; sect; self; sense; service; spirit; sufficient; supremacy; tcp; text; thing; thought; time; tongue; tradition; transubstantiation; trent; true; truth; universal; unknown; visible; wine; words; world; worship; years cache: A41553.xml plain text: A41553.txt item: #215 of 416 id: A41591 author: Gother, John, d. 1704. title: An amicable accommodation of the difference between the representer and the answerer in return to his last reply against the papist protesting against Protestant popery. date: 1686.0 words: 10912 flesch: 58 summary: I am really for Peace , and a good Correspondence ; and upon a serious Consideration of this last Answer , having great reason to think , that the most considerable part of the Contention between us , has been about a Word , and for want of a fair Understanding , I 'le endeavour to lay open my Mind farther to him , so to remove all Misrepresentation from between us , ( I hope he 'll pardon the Expression , tho' it be not in its strict and proper sense ) and by this means accommodate our Affair , without letting it swell farther into a Quarrel of yet greater Volumes . For tho' I there complain'd of Papists being Misrepresented to the World , that their Faith is expos'd in a Disguise , and many things imputed to their Belief and Doctrine , which they disown and abominate : keywords: altar; answerer; authority; beloved; book; business; call'd; catholick; character; charge; christ; church; churches; common; communion; concern'd; cross; days; dispute; divine; doctrine; dragon; early; eebo; england; english; fact; faith; false; god; gods; good; gother; governors; great; honour; idolatry; ill; images; leave; like; little; long; man; mass; matter; members; men; mind; misrepresentation; misrepresented; nature; nay; obligation; papist; place; popery; prayer; proper; protestant; reason; reply; representer; representing; return; right; saints; scripture; sense; set; sheets; strict; tail; tcp; text; thing; tho; time; title; true; way; word; worship cache: A41591.xml plain text: A41591.txt item: #216 of 416 id: A41593 author: Gother, John, d. 1704. title: The Catholic representer, or, The papist misrepresented. Second part date: 1687.0 words: 51000 flesch: 68 summary: The Papist therefore is taught , that since Christ has a Church upon earth , in which is conserv'd the truth of the Gospel ; 't is safer and more prudential for the People to be instructed in this Truth , from the Pastors of this Church , and by this means come to the Knowledg of the Word of God , that is , of its true sence and meaning ; than by committing the Book it self into the hands of the Multitude , and leting every one understand it for themselves : He knows 't is a very popular thing , and acceptable to the prying Multitude , to have a Book at command , which directs the Way to Salvation : but since 't is not the Book is to save him , but the Truth and Doctrine which it teaches , he believes 't is better learning this from those who are Wiser , and are commissionated from Heaven to teach , than to venture at it himself without any Authority . 'T is a sufficient satisfaction to him , that all the Love , Respect , Honour or Veneration he has for the Bible , for a Sermon , for a Picture or Image of Christ , &c. is wholly for the Sake , the Love and Honour he bears to Christ ; and howsoever he expresses it , whether by kissing these Commemorative Signs , by Bowing , by Kneeling , by Incensing , &c. yet as long as these are only so many different ways , or speaking Testimonies of the affection of his Soul towards God ( as God is his Witness who sees his heart ) he can have no scruple in performing them : keywords: account; agreeable; allow'd; allowance; ancient; answer; apostles; argument; austin; authority; authors; belief; best; better; bible; bishop; blood; body; book; bread; case; catechism; catholic; catholic church; cent; centurists; certain; chap; chappel; charge; charity; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; col; communion; condemn'd; confidence; constantine; contrary; councils; creed; cross; cyprian; day; days; deliver'd; different; direct; direction; discourse; discover; divine; divisions; doctors; doctrine; duty; earth; eminent; end; english; enquiry; errors; establish'd; eusebius; evident; excellent; express; expressions; eyes; faith; faithful; far; fathers; fear; figure; flesh; flock; follow; followers; friend; general; god; good; gospel; great; hands; heads; heaven; henry; hills; holy; honour; hope; houshold; idolatry; ignorance; images; judge; judgment; kind; king; law; lay; learned; leave; life; like; little; london; long; lord; love; luther; majesty; man; manner; matter; meaning; means; men; method; mind; misrepresenter; modern; multitude; mysteries; mystery; nation; nature; neighbour; new; papists; particular; passion; pastors; paul; people; persons; piece; place; plain; point; popery; popish; possible; power; practice; practis'd; prayer; preface; prelates; pretended; priests; primitive; primitive church; primitive fathers; printer; private; profess'd; protestant church; protestant religion; protestants; psal; publish'd; question; reading; reason; reasonable; receiv'd; reform'd; reformation; religion; repres; representing; respect; reverence; right; rome; rule; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; said; saints; salvation; says; scriptures; search; second; self; sence; set; shew; sign; soul; spirit; stand; subject; substance; superstitious; taking; tcp; teachers; text; thing; tho; thou; time; transubstantiation; true; truth; turn; use; veneration; vulgar; way; weak; whosoever; wine; wood; word; works; worship; writings; years cache: A41593.xml plain text: A41593.txt item: #217 of 416 id: A41594 author: Gother, John, d. 1704. title: A discourse of the use of images in relation to the Church of England and the Church of Rome in vindication of Nubes testium against a pamphlet entitled The antiquity of the Protestant religion concerning images, directed against some leaves of that collection. date: 1687.0 words: 11341 flesch: 57 summary: Church of England -- Customs and practices. If a Christian has a Respect and Reverence even for the House of God , or Church , above other Houses , that are not Dedicated to his Service ; may not he shew this Respect , by Vncovering his Head ? keywords: affection; answerer; antiquity; apostles; author; book; catholics; christ; christian; church; churches; contrary; controversie; council; cross; divine; doctrin; eebo; england; english; express; god; good; great; gregory; having; hearts; heathens; historical; holy; holy images; honor; idolaters; idolatrous; idolatry; images; kind; king; like; little; love; man; manner; men; mind; montagu; new; nubes; pagans; papists; people; pictures; point; practice; primitive; protestants; question; reader; relation; religion; religious; respect; reverence; rome; sacrament; saints; self; sense; service; set; shewn; sign; soul; tcp; testium; text; things; time; trent; true; use; veneration; vse; words; work; world; worship; worship'd cache: A41594.xml plain text: A41594.txt item: #218 of 416 id: A41608 author: Corker, James Maurus, 1636-1715. Roman-Catholick principles. title: A papist mis-represented and represented, or, A two-fold character of popery the one containing a sum of the superstitions, idolatries, cruelties, treacheries, and wicked principles of that popery which hath disturb'd this nation above an hundred and fifty years fill'd it with fears and jealousies and deserves the hatred of all good Christians : the other laying open that popery which the papists own and profess : with the chief articles of their faith, and some of the principal grounds and reasons, which hold them in that religion / by J.L. ; to which is annexed, Roman-Catholick principles, in reference to God and the King. date: 1685.0 words: 46074 flesch: 60 summary: He is taught by his Church in all Books of Direction , in all Catechisms , in all Sermons , that every Lie is a Sin ; that to call God to witness to an Vntruth damnable ; that it ought not be done to save the whole World ; that whosoever does it , either for his own Personal account , or for the Interest of Church or Pope , or whatsoever else , must of necessity answer for it at the last day , and expect his portion with the Devil and his Angels , if un-repented : And that no one can give leave for Lying , Perjury , or committing any Sin ; or even pretend to it , unless it be the Devil himself , or some devilish Ministers of his , such as he detests in his heart , and utterly abominates . The truth of it was experienc'd on the Person of Christ himself , who , tho' he was the Son of God , the Immaculate Lamb , yet was he not out of the reach of Calumny , and exempt from being Misrepresented . keywords: abuses; account; acts; ages; apostles; articles; assistance; assurance; augustine; authority; authors; belief; believ'd; believing; better; bible; blessed; blood; body; books; bread; business; case; catholick; catholick church; ceremonies; certain; character; charge; chief; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; command; commandments; communion; condemn'd; confidence; contrary; cor; council; crimes; cursed; damnable; danger; days; dead; death; declar'd; deliver'd; devil; devotion; different; divine; doctrine; doubt; duty; earth; end; endeavour; english; errour; eternal; evident; faith; faithful; fall; fasting; father; fit; flesh; flock; following; general; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; government; great; greater; grounds; guilt; hands; heart; heaven; heresie; high; hold; holy; honour; idolatry; ignorance; images; infinite; jesus; jews; joh; judge; justice; kind; knowledge; law; lawful; learned; leave; left; life; like; little; lives; living; lord; love; making; man; manner; mass; matters; means; meer; members; men; mercy; merits; mind; miracles; mis; moses; mysteries; nay; necessary; necessity; new; novelty; number; obedience; oblig'd; obligation; old; opinions; order; pain; papists; particular; passion; pastors; paul; people; person; pictures; place; point; pope; popery; possible; power; practice; prayers; praying; precept; prelates; present; priests; primitive; princes; principles; private; profession; publick; purgatory; question; reason; receiv'd; redeemer; religion; repentance; respect; rest; right; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; scripture; second; self; sense; service; set; shew; sins; soul; spirit; state; strange; submission; sufficient; superstitions; tcp; temporal; tenets; text; things; time; true; truth; use; virtue; vulgar; water; way; whosoever; wicked; wickedness; wine; works; world; worship; years cache: A41608.xml plain text: A41608.txt item: #219 of 416 id: A41618 author: Gother, John, d. 1704. title: Papists protesting against Protestant-popery in answer to a discourse entituled, A papist not mis-represented by Protestants : being a vindication of The papist mis-represented and represented, and the reflections upon the answer. date: 1686.0 words: 11517 flesch: 61 summary: By the Doctrine of Papists the Devils of Hell may be saved — To this purpose they say , that not only wicked and reprobate men , but also the Devils of Hell may have true and justifying Faith. Papists blasphemously make Christ not only a desperate Man without hope , but also an infidel without Faith. keywords: actions; acts; answer; answerer; authority; belief; bishop; book; catholick; character; charge; christ; church; civil; common; communion; consequence; council; decree; deposing; divine; doctrine; early; eebo; english; exposition; external; faith; false; general; god; gods; good; great; holy; honour; idolatry; ignorant; images; intention; invisible; man; matter; men; mis; mistakes; nay; new; opinions; page; papist; papist mis; people; points; popery; popes; power; practice; profess; protestants; reason; reflections; reformation; religion; religious; replier; representation; represented; respect; rome; saints; sense; set; stones; tcp; text; things; thought; time; true; use; works; world; worship cache: A41618.xml plain text: A41618.txt item: #220 of 416 id: A41624 author: Gother, John, d. 1704. title: Reflections upon the Answer to the papist mis-represented directed to the answerer. date: 1686.0 words: 6639 flesch: 59 summary: And when we come to peruse it , we find several Doctrines propos'd , but without any Authority of Church or Councils , but this Author says this , and that Author says that ; as if the Sense of every Author , were immediately the Doctrine ; of our Church . eng Catholic Church -- keywords: answer; authority; authors; belief; better; books; chap; character; christ; church; council; decrees; deposing; doctrine; early; eebo; english; faith; general; god; good; home; john; leave; like; matter; men; mis; opinion; pag; papist; point; popery; popes; power; private; reader; reason; religion; representing; rome; rule; sense; set; sir; tcp; tei; text; title; trent; true; use; way; world cache: A41624.xml plain text: A41624.txt item: #221 of 416 id: A41774 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: The Baptist against the papist, or, The Scripture and Rome in contention about the supream seat of judgment, in controversies of religion together with ten arguments or reasons, discovering the present papal church of Rome to be no true church of Christ : wherein it is also evinced that the present assemblies of baptized believers, are the true church of Jesus Christ / by Tho. Grantham ... date: 1663.0 words: 29083 flesch: 70 summary: THE SECOND PART , SHEWETH , That the present Papal Church of Rome , is not the Church of Christ , for divers important Causes or Reasons . The Seed of the Woman ( or Gospel-Church ) are all such as have the Faith of Jesus , and keep the Commandments of God , at least in Profession ; for that is the thing that is absolutely necessary , in order to any Person 's admission into the Church of Christ , John 3. 5 , 6. 2 Cor. 5. 16 , 17. Rev. 12. ult . Gal. 3. 26 , 27 , 28. 2. All the Children of the new Covenant , or Church of Christ , do DIFFER from the Church under Moses , SO , as that they , each individual , do so know the Lord , as that they need not , in some sort , teach one another , saying , Know the Lord , Heb. 8. Jer. 31. keywords: acts; answer; antient; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; appeal; argument; assemblies; augustine; authority; babylon; baptism; believe; believers; blood; body; books; case; children; christ; church; churches; clear; consent; contrary; controversies; councils; dayes; decrees; desire; differences; divers; doctrine; doth; end; evident; faith; fathers; general; god; good; gospel; great; hath; hold; holy; infallible; infant; jesus; john; judge; judgment; law; like; little; living; lord; man; mark; matter; matth; means; members; men; mind; miracles; moses; mystery; national; nations; necessity; needs; new; old; opinion; order; papal church; paper; papists; paul; people; persons; peter; place; point; power; practice; present; primitive; prophets; purpose; queries; query; reader; reason; received; religion; religious; respect; right; rome; rule; said; scripture; second; self; sense; spirit; succession; tcp; testimony; text; things; time; title; tradition; true church; truth; understanding; use; viz; voice; water; way; word; work; writings; yea; years cache: A41774.xml plain text: A41774.txt item: #222 of 416 id: A42048 author: Gregory, Francis, 1625?-1707. title: The grand presvmption of the Roman Church in equalling their own traditions to the written word of God by Francis Gregory. date: 1675.0 words: 37402 flesch: 64 summary: Sure we are , it was so with those superstitious Jews , who , in our Saviour's time , owned and stifly maintained , as the Papists now do , a twofold Law , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , a written Law , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , an unwritten Law , or , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , secondary Laws , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Hearings , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , the Law in the mouth , and generally styled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Traditions . But who are they ? Certainly the self-same persons to whom he directs his whole Epistle ; and that stands thus inscribed , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , To the Saints and faithfull brethren in Christ which are at Colosse . keywords: acknowledge; acts; adversaries; alexandrinus; ancient; angels; answers; antiquity; apostles; apostolicall; argument; assertion; aug; austine; authority; authour; baptism; bare; basil; bellarmine; better; bibles; bishop; blessed; body; bold; book; calleth; calvin; canon; cardinal; carthage; cases; cause; ceremonies; certain; champions; christ; christian; chrysostom; church; church doth; churches; clear; clemens; col; commands; comply; concerned; constantinople; constitutions; contrary; copies; copy; cor; corrupted; council; countenance; counterfeit; credit; custom; cyprian; day; dead; death; decrees; dei; deliver; die; dionysius; disciples; discourse; divine; doctrines; doe; doth; doubtless; early; ecclesiae; edition; eebo; endeavour; english; epistles; equall; erre; eucharist; eusebius; evangelists; evidence; evident; example; excellent; expression; fair; false; famous; farther; fathers; general; ghost; glorious; god; good; gospel; grand; great; greater; greek; gregory; grotius; ground; hand; hath; heaven; heb; heresie; heretick; hierom; hist; hoc; holy; honorius; honour; humane; ignatius; immediate; infallible; institution; irenaeus; jesus; jewish; jews; john; judgment; known; lapide; law; laws; learned; life; like; little; locum; long; lord; lorinus; luke; matter; matthew; means; men; mention; mind; miracles; mistaken; moses; mouth; nature; nay; nazianzene; necessary; new; nicene; non; obliged; observation; old; onely; ones; opinions; orat; order; origen; particular; passages; passion; paul; people; persons; peter; place; plato; pleased; points; pope; power; practices; present; pretended; primacy; primitive; private; produce; promises; prophets; purgatory; quae; quod; read; reason; record; religion; respect; resurrection; reverence; roman; roman church; romanists; rome; rule; sacrament; sacred; saints; saith; salvation; saviour; score; scripta; scripture; second; self; selves; sermons; set; severall; shew; short; sin; sit; sixth; soever; spake; spirit; stand; strange; subject; successours; sufficient; sunt; sure; suspect; tcp; tertullian; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; theirs; theophylact; things; thought; time; title; traditions; trent; true; truth; undoubted; universal; unwritten; vel; veneration; warrant; way; whereof; witnesses; word; works; writers; writings; yea cache: A42048.xml plain text: A42048.txt item: #223 of 416 id: A42064 author: Gregory, Francis, 1625?-1707. title: The triall of religions with cautions to the members of the Reformed Church against defection to the Roman / by Fran. Gregory ... date: 1674.0 words: 19551 flesch: 60 summary: And certain it is , since God hath given us an understanding Heart , and since that Vnderstanding of ours hath no Employment so honourable as the Defence of our Faith , we cannot possibly bring upon our selves any greater Disparagement by any means imaginable , then by suffering our selves to be basely baffled , even to the loss of that Reason that makes us men , and that Religion that makes us Saints . must we for ever be examining , and so come to no settled Resolution in Points of Faith and Worship ? I answer : 'T is certain that these Inferences can never be gathered from that which God requires in the Text : our proving all things will be so far from introducing Scepticism and uncertainties in matters of Religion , that 't is the surest way in the world to expell , banish and root them out ; it will be so far from shaking our Faith , that 't is indeed the most likely means to settle and confirm it . keywords: able; act; advantage; ancient; apostles; arguments; bad; best; better; blessed; case; certain; change; christ; christian; church; command; concerned; concerning; considerable; councils; credit; defence; devil; doctrines; doe; doth; early; easie; eebo; england; english; errour; examples; exchange; faith; false; fast; fathers; fear; god; good; good religion; great; greater; hath; heaven; hell; holy; honour; hopes; ignorance; ignorant; infallible; john; judgment; leave; like; little; man; matters; means; men; mistaken; nation; nature; naught; needs; new; old; onely; paul; persons; pious; points; poor; pope; possible; practices; present; profession; reason; religion; religious; respect; right; roman; roman religion; rome; rule; saint; saviour; score; scriptures; search; self; selves; service; shame; sin; soul; sound; spirits; stead; strict; sufficient; sure; tcp; text; things; times; true; true religion; trust; truth; use; want; way; whosoever; world; worse; worship; wrong; yea cache: A42064.xml plain text: A42064.txt item: #224 of 416 id: A42310 author: Guild, William, 1586-1657. title: Anti-Christ pointed and painted out in his true colours, or, The popes of Rome proven to bee that man of sinne and sonne of perdition fore-prophesied in Scripture by the clear witnessing of Roman Catholicks themselves, who lived and died in the communion of that church / by William Guild. date: 1655.0 words: 32221 flesch: 69 summary: But , as it is taken more properlie and peculiarlie , or by way of eminēcy , it signifieth that man of sinne , and sonn● of perdition : of whom the Apostle speaketh , 2. Théss. Which the Pope , and his adherents doe teach : Thereby showing that of ●im hee meaneth this Apostasie : To wit , the forbidding of marriage : which under the name of uncleannesse , ( contrarie to GODS Word , calling it the Bed undefyled , ) hee forbiddeth to the Cleargie : And , commanding , to abstaisn from meates , at certayn forbidden tymes as unlawfull , and for conscience sake , . keywords: abbot; aboue; adoration; angels; anie; annal; anno; antichrist; antichristian; apoc; apostasie; apostle; aquinas; aug; authoritie; aventin; babylon; baronius; beast; bee; bellarmin; bernard; biell; bishop; blasphemie; bloodie; bodie; boniface; book; bottomlesse; bread; calleth; cap; cardinall; cassander; chap; chapter; chaucer; chayre; christian; christs; church; churches; citie; clear; clearlie; clergie; collectivelie; command; comming; common; communion; consecration; consequentlie; contrarie; cor; councell; counterfit; cruell; crueltie; cum; dayes; death; decay; declareth; decree; dei; destroyer; destruction; deus; devill; dist; div; divine; doctrine; doe; dominion; doth; dragon; drunk; earth; earthlie; ecclesiae; ecclesiasticall; emperour; empire; end; enemies; england; english; epistle; errour; especiallie; est; everie; exalteth; exalting; example; expoundeth; extolleth; fained; fall; false; famous; farre; fasciculus; fathers; followeth; forecited; forenamed; foretold; fornication; fourth; france; frier; frō; fynd; gaine; generall; ghost; giue; glosse; god; gods; good; gospell; governement; grand; great; greatest; gregorie; guild; guiltie; hand; hath; haue; head; heathen; heaven; hee; highest; hight; himselfe; historie; hold; holie; holy; idolatrie; idolatrous; ierom; iesuit; iew; ignorance; images; imperiall; impietie; indict; individuall; inlikemanner; intention; iohn; iudas; judgement; justlie; kingdomes; kings; known; lamb; late; law; lawfull; lawlesse; lett; lib; life; like; little; locusts; long; lord; love; lyeing; lyke; lykewyse; lyra; manner; marie; marks; meaning; men; mercie; miracles; monarch; money; mother; mouth; mysticall; new; noble; non; notable; notes; num; number; old; omnes; onlie; onuphrius; order; owne; papall; papists; paris; particular; paull; people; perdition; persecution; person; peter; petrarch; pharisees; pit; pius; place; platina; pont; pope; popedome; poperie; popish; pops; power; practise; predecessours; pride; priests; princes; proper; prophecies; prophet; proved; psal; quae; quanta; qui; quia; quod; raigne; reade; receaved; religion; religious; reporteth; respect; revel; revelation; ribera; rightlie; roman; roman church; romanists; rome; ruine; rule; saints; satan; saviour; sayd; sayeth hee; saying; sayth; scripture; sea; seat; second; secretarie; sed; seene; seing; self; sergius; servants; set; setteth; shall; shee; showeth; showne; simonie; simple; sinne; sit; sitting; sixt; sole; sort; soules; soveraigne; speaketh; speaking; spirituall; starre; subject; subjection; succession; successour; sunt; super; tale; telleth; temple; temporall; tempore; testifieth; testimonies; text; tha; thee; therfore; thess; thē; things; thou; time; tit; treatise; trent; true; trueth; tyme; tytle; unto; verse; vicar; vniversall; warres; waters; way; wee; whereof; whoore; wicked; william; wit; witnessing; wonders; words; work; world; worship; worthie; yea; yeare; ● ● cache: A42310.xml plain text: A42310.txt item: #225 of 416 id: A42313 author: Guild, William, 1586-1657. title: The noveltie of poperie discovered and chieflie proven by Romanists out of themselves / by William Guild ... date: 1656.0 words: 25321 flesch: 70 summary: * Note that hee calleth all Bishops , Bishops of the Vaive● Call Church , but will haue none call●d Vniversall Bishop : this beeing the difference , ( as their ow●●Salm●ron sh●w●t● ) that the one hath a care of 〈◊〉 good of the whole Church , & vult om●ibus prodesse , the other will bee aboue the whole Church , & folus omnibus preesse . Christ●●dit Co●o●●●● . keywords: aboue; agayne; agaynst; agreeable; altho; angels; anie; anno; antiquitie; apostles; apostolicall; art; augustine; auncient; authoritie; b ●; babell; baptisme; bee; beginning; belieue; bell; bellarmine; bernard; best; better; bishop; blood; bodie; booke; bread; calleth; cardinall; care; cassander; catholicke; cause; certayne; chapter; christ; christians; chrysostome; church; churches; citie; cleare; clearlie; command; common; communion; confesse; confession; consequentlie; constantinople; contrarie; cor; councell; cōcil; cup; custome; day; dayes; declareth; decreed; div; doctrine; doe; doeth; edit; emperour; english; epist; errour; eternall; evident; false; famous; farre; fathers; fayth; faythfull; field; finde; fore; generall; giue; god; godlie; gods; good; gospell; grace; great; gregorie; guild; hath; haue; heaven; hee; hee bee; heerein; helde; hight; himselfe; holie; hundreth; idolatrie; ierome; images; indulgences; inquyre; institution; iohn; justlie; knowledge; knowne; kyndes; late; law; learning; lib; little; long; lord; luther; lyfe; lyke; lykewyse; manner; masse; matter; mee; men; mercie; merite; mother; necessarie; neede; new; neyther; nice; non; notes; noveltie; number; olde; onelie; owne; papall; particular; pavll; people; peter; place; poperie; popes; poynt; poyntes; practise; prayer; present; priest; primitiue; primitiue church; profession; profitable; properlie; pryde; purgatorie; reade; reason; religion; respect; romane; romane church; romanistes; rome; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; salvation; sayde; sayeth; sayeth bellarmine; sayeth hee; saynctes; scripture; seeing; seene; sess; set; shee; showeth; sort; soules; sound; speake; speaketh; speaking; style; subjection; sundrie; supper; supremacie; tares; telleth; temporall; testifieth; text; themselues; thereto; thing; thinges; thou; time; title; tongue; tradition; trid; true; trueth; tyme; venerable; verie; vnder; vnderstand; vniversall; vnto; vnwritten; vpon; vse; vsurpation; vulgar; warrand; way; wee; whereof; william; wine; wit; word; wordes; worship; worshipping; wyse; yeares; yee; ● e; ● g; ● n; ● o; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A42313.xml plain text: A42313.txt item: #226 of 416 id: A42315 author: Guild, William, 1586-1657. title: The old Roman Catholik, as at first he was taught by Paul, in opposition to the new Roman Catholick, as of latter he is taught by the Pope the one being apostolicall, the other apostaticall : derived and proven only out of the Epistle of Paul to the Romanes : whereunto is added a clear probation that the same also was the doctrine of the primitive bishops of Rome ... discovering to all clearly the apostasie of that church from the ancient Roman fayth and puritie thereof to the noveltie of gross heresie and idolatrie, and sufficient to convince, if not convert, any papist that is not wilfully obdured / by W. Guild. date: 1649.0 words: 19328 flesch: 75 summary: Who is hee that condemneth ? It is CHRIST that died ; yea , rather that is risen agayn , who is even at the Right Hand of GOD , &c. And ( as the Apostle teacheth , Act. 3. 21. ) Whom the Heavens must contayn , till the last day , or restitution of all things . It is GOD that justifieth : And who is hee that condemneth ? It is CHRIST that died ; yea , rather that is risen agayn ; who is even at the Right Hand of GOD , and maketh intercession for vs . keywords: agayn; agaynst; altho; ancient; apostasie; apostle; apostolicall; aug; augustine; autem; authoritie; bee; behold; belieue; bene; bernard; bishop; blood; bodie; body; books; bread; calleth; calling; canonicall; cap; catholick; cause; chap; christ; christian; church; churches; citie; clear; contrary; conversion; cor; councell; creature; cup; day; death; dei; diverss; doctrine; doeth; elect; end; english; epist; epistle; ergo; erre; errour; esse; est; eternall; eyes; famous; farre; father; fayth; fear; flesh; followeth; fore; free; gentiles; glorie; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; greg; gregorie; gross; guild; hand; hath; haue; head; hearts; heaven; hee; himselff; holy; hom; hope; idolatrie; ierom; iesus; iewes; images; intercession; iohn; judge; law; lib; lord; lyff; lyke; lykewyse; lyra; man; manner; mee; members; mercie; merits; mynd; nature; new; non; note; old; onlie; opposition; otherwyse; pag; paul; people; peter; place; pope; poynt; practise; present; presumption; primitiue; pryde; psal; purgatorie; quae; qui; quia; quod; reason; religious; right; righteousness; rom; roman; romanes; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; salvation; sayd; sayeth; sayeth hee; sayncts; scripture; section; sed; selff; selues; service; set; shee; showeth; sinne; soull; speaketh; spirit; style; subject; substance; sufficient; teacheth; text; themselues; thing; thou; title; transsubstantiation; true; trueth; tyme; universall; vnto; vpon; wee; wit; witness; witnessing; works; worship; yea; yee cache: A42315.xml plain text: A42315.txt item: #227 of 416 id: A42424 author: Garvey, John, 1527-1595. title: The conversion of Philip Corwine, a Franciscan fryar, to the reformation of the Protestant religion, anno 1589 formerly written by John Garvey, sometime Primate of all Ireland ; being a copy of the original remaining amongst James Usher, late Primate of the same, his papers, and now entered amongst Sir James Ware's manuscripts ; published for the good of the Protestant Church of England by R.W., Gent. date: 1681.0 words: 5746 flesch: 60 summary: Catholic Church -- Controversial literature. AFter my long and tedious Travels , wandring like a Jew finding no settlement , ( ever since the Reformation of the Church of England revived , and was appointed to be observed by our Gracious Soveraign the Queen and Her High Court of Parliament ) I departed from Ireland into England , from thence into Spain , and so into Italy ; being ambitious to visit Rome , purposely to behold her Modes and Forms : but being not satisfied with the Passages and cruel Objects which I there beheld , I returned into Spain , and took up my Lodging in St. Francis his Monastry in the City of Sevill , where I have hitherto remained , expecting your Gracious acceptance , and encouraging of a Prodigal Son to come home to the Church of Christ : keywords: a42424; archbishop; books; catholick; characters; christ; church; conversion; convert; corwine; dublin; early; eebo; england; english; epistle; eyes; faith; franciscan; garvey; god; good; great; hath; images; ireland; james; john; knowledge; late; long; lord; man; mind; mother; original; philip; poor; primate; princes; protestant; reformation; religion; reverend; roman; rome; romish; saul; saying; self; spain; tcp; tei; text; thou; thy; time; true; truth; ware; words; zeal cache: A42424.xml plain text: A42424.txt item: #228 of 416 id: A42517 author: Gabin, Antonio, fl. 1726. title: Observations on a journy to Naples wherein the frauds of romish monks and priests are farther discover'd / by the author of a late book entituled The frauds of romish monks and priests. date: 1691.0 words: 85130 flesch: 57 summary: EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( [ Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost , born of the Virgin Mary , ] afforded this meaning : Jesus Christ , who was Conceived from all Eternity by the Holy Spirit , was Born in time of the Virgin Mary . keywords: abbess; abbot; abby; able; abundance; account; acquainted; advantage; alms; altar; ancient; answer; answer'd; aquinas; arguments; assured; austin; author; authority; away; bed; bell; benedictins; bennet; best; better; bishops; bits; blessing; blood; boat; bodies; body; bones; bononia; book; bread; business; call'd; capucins; cardinals; care; case; cast; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; change; chapel; charity; children; christ; church; churches; city; clergy; come; command; common; communion; companion; company; condition; confession; confessors; considerable; continued; contrary; convent; countries; country; court; credit; cross; crucifix; curious; custom; danger; day; days; dead; deal; death; declared; degree; description; design; desire; devil; devotion; different; difficulty; dinner; discourse; divinity; doctors; doctrin; doth; doubt; drink; durst; end; endeavour; england; english; escape; evening; exercises; exprest; extraordinary; extreamly; eyes; fain; fair; faith; fall; fast; father; favour; fear; figure; finding; fire; fish; fit; fontevrault; foot; forbid; france; free; french; friends; fryer; garden; general; gentleman; germany; girdle; giving; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; grand; great; great deal; greater; greatest; ground; habit; half; hand; hath; head; hearing; heart; hereticks; hermitages; hermits; high; history; hole; holy; honour; hopes; host; hostess; hour; house; humour; ibid; ignorance; ignorant; ill; image; infamous; instance; interest; italians; italy; jesuits; jesus; john; journy; kind; kingdom; knowledge; ladies; lady; late; latin; learned; learning; leave; left; length; lent; letters; liberty; life; like; little; live; lodging; long; longer; look; lord; love; making; maladurne; manner; mass; masters; matter; means; meat; men; mention; mentz; method; milan; mind; miracle; miraculous; monasteries; monastery; monks; months; mony; morning; mother; mountain; naples; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; night; noble; noise; notice; number; nuns; oblig'd; observations; obtain; occasion; office; old; opinions; order; pains; papists; parents; parlour; particular; parts; pass; past; pay; people; persons; peter; philosophy; pieces; pilgrimage; pilgrims; place; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; pope; possession; possible; power; practice; prayers; precious; presence; present; priests; princes; prior; profession; protestants; publick; purpose; quality; quantity; question; rate; ready; reason; relation; relick; religion; religious; respect; rest; return; return'd; rich; ridiculous; rock; roman; rome; romish; run; rung; sacrament; said; saint; saviour; saying; scholars; schools; sea; second; secret; secular; seem'd; self; selves; sense; sensible; set; shew; shut; sick; sins; small; society; sort; spirit; state; stay; stones; stories; story; strange; studies; study; subject; sufficient; sum; supper; sure; talk; tcp; telling; text; thing; thither; tho; thomas; thomists; thought; time; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; universities; use; vast; venice; view; virtue; visit; viz; water; way; week; whatsoever; whereof; white; wicked; willing; wine; wit; women; wood; words; work; world; writ; years; young; youth cache: A42517.xml plain text: A42517.txt item: #229 of 416 id: A42570 author: Gee, Edward, 1657-1730. title: A letter to Father Lewis Sabran Jesuite in answer to his letter to a peer of the Church of England : wherein the postscript to the answer to Nubes testium is vindicated and F. Sabran's mistakes further discovered. date: 1688.0 words: 4009 flesch: 64 summary: I intend this Letter for a Vindication of my self to the world , as well as to you , and therefore will take leave to repeat what you said in that Sermon , and what it was that I animadverted upon in my Postscript to the Answer to the Nubes Testium . In the second page of your Sermon you have these words ; If I presume not to present them , keywords: answer; assumption; austins; author; blessed; book; church; day; early; edition; eebo; england; english; false; feast; hath; letter; lordship; louvain; nubes; page; paris; passage; postscript; sabran; self; sermon; sir; tcp; testium; text; thing; title; virgin; words; work cache: A42570.xml plain text: A42570.txt item: #230 of 416 id: A42576 author: Gee, Edward, 1657-1730. title: A second letter to Father Lewis Sabran, Jesuite in answer to his reply. date: 1688.0 words: 7374 flesch: 65 summary: I was provoked to it from that passage's being so much cryed up , boasted of , and insisted upon as if it had been a ▪ most genuine and a most considerable Testimony ( about Praying to the Virgin Mary ) from St. Augustine : and therefore since I was quickly satisfied that the Sermon , out of which it was taken , was not St. Augustine's , I looked upon it as a duty I owed to the world , and particularly to the Nobility of the Church of England ( some of whom had been urged much with that passage ) to publish it to the whole Nation [ in that page that was empty at the end of my Book ] that that Sermon de Sanctis out of which it is taken , was not , nor could be St. Augustine's . To pass them therefore , who are either not to the purpose here , or against your assertion ; there are but two Authours more in the Paragraph , St. Mellion's Sermon [ which in your Reply hath changed both its name , and is called St. Melitons h Book ] and Nicephorus : keywords: answer; apocryphal; argument; assumption; austin; authour; belief; benedictines; bernard; book; century; charge; church; day; death; divines; edit; edition; eebo; english; fulbertus; general; gregory; hath; isidore; letter; lewis; louvain; manuscripts; melito; mistake; nicephorus; page; paris; passage; peer; pious; reason; reply; sabran; sanctis; second; self; sense; sermon; sermon de; sir; subject; tcp; text; thing; time; truth; virgin; words; work; world cache: A42576.xml plain text: A42576.txt item: #231 of 416 id: A42577 author: Gee, Edward, 1657-1730. title: A third letter to F. Lewis Sabran, Jesuit wherein the defence of his challenge concerning invocation of saints is examined and confuted. date: 1688.0 words: 7941 flesch: 56 summary: This is a very bold attempt ; and this shews that you dare venture upon any the most absurd of things ; and I am not able to make any other Apology for you , than that this Council was quoted for Invocation of Saints by you out of the abundance of your ignorance . A Third Letter to F. Lewis Sabran , Jesuit : Wherein the Defence of his Challenge , concerning Invocation of Saints , is Examined and Confuted . keywords: able; answer; athanasius; austin; book; business; canon; century; challenge; christ; church; confidence; council; defence; edition; eebo; end; english; false; fathers; fourth; god; good; great; gregory; guilty; hath; invocation; letter; man; martyrs; mary; nazianzen; pass; passage; prayer; purpose; reason; rome; saints; second; self; sense; sermon; sir; tcp; text; things; tho; time; tract; use; virgin; words; world; worship cache: A42577.xml plain text: A42577.txt item: #232 of 416 id: A42687 author: Care, Henry, 1646-1688. title: A Touch of the times, or, Two letters casually intercepted the first, from the author of a late pamplet intituled, Day-fatality, to the supposed author of the Weekly packet of advice from Rome, 1679 : the second, the answer thereunto. date: 1679.0 words: 2067 flesch: 69 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 107651) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1632:76) Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: advice; answer; author; books; characters; day; early; eebo; encoding; english; fatality; good; images; late; letters; little; online; oxford; partnership; phase; rome; second; self; tcp; tei; text; touch; work; xml cache: A42687.xml plain text: A42687.txt item: #233 of 416 id: A42725 author: Gilbert, Eleazar. title: Nevves from Poland wherein is declared the cruell practice of the popish clergie against the Protestants, and in particular against the ministers of the city of Vilna, in the great dukedome of Lithuania, under the governement of the most illustrious prince, Duke Radziwell / faithfully set downe by Eleazar Gilbert ... date: 1641.0 words: 10670 flesch: 15 summary: But true wisedome ( which is from above ) is onely justified by her children , who doe judge and estimate things , ( especially in matters of Religion and Divine worship ) not as men value them , but as God esteemeth them , For God seeth not as men see ; man oftentimes ( by reason of the corruption of his heart , weakenesse of judgement , perversion of will , and imperfection of knowledge , and understanding ) may both deceive & be deceived ; but so cannot God , who being all eye , estimateth and knoweth all things perfectly , and essentially , ( as they are ) as having within himselfe the expresse and true paterne and Ideas of all things that ever have beene , are , or shall be . It will be most necessary and profitable for them , to take speciall notice of some markes and symptomes , whereby the true and orthodoxe Religion or Church of Christ may be distinguished and discerned from all false , Antichristian , phanaticall , inventions , traditions , enthusiasmes , and in a word , from all hereticall , pragmaticall , schismaticall or diabolicall opinions , imaginations , doctrines and professions in the world : which for brevities sake , and that I may sooner come to my intended scope , I will onely at this time name , leaving the more large explication of them unto some other Treatise . keywords: addicted; affections; aforesaid; antichristian; appeare; arrowes; bee; beleeve; better; bishop; body; brethren; businesse; care; catholicke; cause; christ; church; churches; citty; clergie; colledge; congregation; conscience; contrary; cruell; day; death; decree; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; duke; dukedome; eleazar; end; english; exercises; eye; fact; faith; false; father; gentlemen; gilbert; god; gods; goe; good; great; hath; heart; hee; hereticall; himselfe; honourable; house; illustrious; image; jesuites; kingdome; kings; knowledge; learning; life; like; lithuania; little; lord; love; majestie; malice; manner; master; men; ministers; moneth; nature; non; nunnes; oath; order; orthodoxe; owne; papists; parliament; peace; people; places; poland; popish; possible; practice; present; priests; prince; private; professe; protestant; protestant church; publicke; punishment; radzivil; reason; reformed; religion; respect; right; roman; romish; schollars; sea; selfe; set; shot; sonne; spirit; text; things; time; true; truth; vilna; viz; way; wee; whereof; wilde; word; worship; worthy; yea; yeares cache: A42725.xml plain text: A42725.txt item: #234 of 416 id: A42835 author: Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. title: The zealous, and impartial Protestant shewing some great, but less heeded dangers of popery, in order to thorough and effectual security against it : in a letter to a member of Parliament. date: 1681.0 words: 23590 flesch: 56 summary: If this Church should be overturned ( which God forbid ) confusion in the State must follow , and then Anarchy , and cutting Throats ; and 't is most likely , Popery at last . If he pleads 't is against his Conscience to bear Office in Church , or State , he must not by any means be troubled , his Neighbours must take the Burden , and share the trouble among them . keywords: account; advantage; ancient; atheists; authority; bad; better; bishop; books; business; care; cause; chap; chief; christian; christianity; church; clergie; clergy; common; concern'd; conscience; considerable; constitution; contrary; country; course; dangers; day; designs; desire; dissenters; divers; divines; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; earnest; ecclesiastical; eebo; endeavour; enemies; england; english; establish'd; excellent; fit; general; god; good; government; great; greatest; hath; help; honour; hope; ill; instances; interest; king; late; laws; learning; liberty; like; likelihood; little; lives; london; lord; man; matter; men; mens; ministers; nation; necessary; new; numbers; occasion; opinion; order; papists; parliament; particular; penalties; people; persons; places; plain; plot; popery; popish; power; practice; prayers; preachers; preaching; present; pretence; primitive; principles; profession; protestant; publick; rage; ready; reason; reformation; religion; respect; reverence; right; roman; run; scandal; scarce; sects; secure; security; self; selves; sense; sermons; service; shew; sir; sober; sort; state; strength; superstitions; talk; tcp; text; things; time; toleration; true; viz; way; ways; work; world; worship; yea; zeal; zealous cache: A42835.xml plain text: A42835.txt item: #235 of 416 id: A43788 author: Hill, John, d. 1709. title: The grand apostacy of the church of Rome, from her primitive purity and integrity with a vindication of the Church of England, in her separation from her, and the hazard of salvation in communion with her : discoursed in a sermon preached at St. Mary le Bow, London on Sunday the 28th of December, 1679 / by John Hill. date: 1680.0 words: 15213 flesch: 66 summary: 4. In the Worship of Images ; for at first that Church admitted of no Image at all , either painted or carved ; no not the Image of Christ himself ( saith Erasmus ) to be set up in Churches : And when they began to be used , the Church of Rome But if we rightly consider the Purity of our own Church , and the Apostacy and Corruptions of the Church of Rome , you will finde an impossibility of Reconciliation : For ( rebus sic stantibus ) as the case is , that Church must put off it self , and cease to be what it is , ere it can begin to be once again what it was ; for Substance , Credit , Fame , Vertue , and Honour have at once forsaken her , and by long disuse have left her worse than naught . keywords: altars; antichrist; antient; apostacy; authority; babylon; best; better; bishop; blasphemy; bloud; body; books; cause; characters; christ; christians; church; churches; city; common; communion; confession; conscience; council; day; defection; destruction; devils; divine; doctrine; doth; early; earth; eebo; england; english; errours; eternal; eyes; faith; fathers; glory; god; gods; gospel; grace; great; greater; ground; hands; hath; hazard; head; heaven; hell; hills; holy; honour; idolatries; idolatry; images; innocent; instances; integrity; jesuits; john; jurisdiction; kingdom; kings; known; latine; lawful; life; light; like; little; lives; london; lord; love; man; men; mens; merit; mother; nation; nature; nay; original; partnership; people; persons; piety; place; poor; pope; popish; power; practices; present; priest; primitive; princes; principles; protestant; punishment; purity; received; reconciliation; religion; respect; ridiculous; romanists; rome; ruine; saints; salvation; scripture; second; self; separation; set; sin; sins; soul; sound; spiritual; state; tcp; tei; temporal; text; things; time; traditions; true; truth; viz; way; ways; whore; words; work; world; worship; years cache: A43788.xml plain text: A43788.txt item: #236 of 416 id: A44120 author: Holden, Henry, 1596-1662. title: Check, or, Inquiry into the late act of the Roman Inquisition busily and pressingly disperst over all England by the Jesuits. date: 1662.0 words: 6956 flesch: 47 summary: Inquisition -- England. 'T is known that Inquisition goes to work like prudential men , he understands very little of that Court , who imagines the Pope or Cardinals trouble themselves with reading all those Books that are propos'd to their Censures : Their way is , to commit the Perusal of them to some Divines , who ( as the world has gone for these few late Years ) are either Jesuites or Jesuited , that is , inveterate enemies to the party we treat of ; upon what score I told you formerly . keywords: act; actions; advance; answer; apt; authority; best; books; case; catholick; censure; characters; check; church; civil; clear; common; condemn'd; condemnation; council; court; decrees; demand; disperst; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; erroneous; faith; fault; france; general; good; great; heretical; holy; images; infallibility; inquisition; interest; jesuits; late; laws; letters; men; non; onely; online; order; oxford; page; particular; partnership; party; phase; point; pope; power; reason; roman; roman inquisition; rome; subjects; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; title; vvhether; way; white; words; work; world; xml; zeal cache: A44120.xml plain text: A44120.txt item: #237 of 416 id: A44522 author: Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. title: Four tracts by A. Horneck ...; with a preface by Mr. Edwards. date: 1697.0 words: 28924 flesch: 56 summary: And what have we done , that we must not be counted a Catholick Church ? Is it because we will not receive things which the Church of Rome hath since added to the Catholick Faith ? Is it because we will not admit of the Doctrines which that Church was first induced to believe by the Darkness and Ignorance of the Ages it lived in , and at last loath to part withal for fear they should be thought to have been so long in an Error ? Is it because we will not yield to things which we apprehend to be directly against the Word of God , and destructive to that Catholick Faith the Christian World hath professed in all Ages ? When you had already begun to doubt , whether our Church were a true Church or no , because you found not that Satisfaction in it your sickly Desires wanted ; it was then an easie matter to give ear to confident People , that magisterially and peremptorily assured you , that you would find Satisfaction in their Church ; and being fed with this hope , your Inclinations to that Church grew stronger every day , as our Mother Eve , the hopes of being like God , suggested to her by the Serpent , did egg and spur her on to eat of the fatal Tree . keywords: absolution; account; afraid; anger; angry; answ; antient; antiquity; apostles; argument; articles; authority; better; bible; bishops; blood; body; books; bread; brother; catholick church; cause; children; christ; christian; church; churches; comfort; command; communion; confession; consecrated; contrary; council; cup; day; death; degrees; desire; discourse; doctrines; doth; doubt; drinking; eating; england; english; errors; faith; false; fathers; fire; flesh; god; good; gospel; great; greater; hath; heaven; hell; holy; honour; hope; idolatry; images; infallibility; infallible; interpretation; jesus; jews; judgment; language; law; lawful; leave; life; like; little; living; long; lord; madam; magistrate; malice; man; mary; men; mercy; mind; miracles; moses; mother; murder; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; old; pardon; people; person; place; practice; prayers; pretended; priests; primitive church; protestants; publick; punishment; quest; reason; reformation; relicks; religion; repentance; revenge; right; roman church; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; salvation; scripture; self; selves; sense; shew; sin; sins; spirit; sure; talk; tcp; text; things; thou; thy; time; traditions; transubstantiation; true; true church; truth; unction; use; useful; virgin; way; whosoever; words; world; worship; wrath; years cache: A44522.xml plain text: A44522.txt item: #238 of 416 id: A44535 author: Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. title: The honesty of the Protestant and dishonesty of the popish divinity in a letter to a lady revolted to the Church of Rome / by Anthony Horneck. date: 1681.0 words: 17344 flesch: 44 summary: 6. 9 yet we are modest , and whatever the principles of that Church may lead men to , we hope , there may be many in that Church , that either , while they live in the communion of that Church , have an aversion from the dangerous , and Idolatrous practices of it , or sometimes before they die do heartily repent of the absurd , and unreasonable Doctrines , and worship , they have too long asserted , and complied with , and of such we cannot but entertain a very favourable opinion , and indeed I could name you some very famous men both in France and Italy , who , though they have continued in the Communion of that Church , i. e. have not joyn'd themselves to any particular publick Protestant Church , yet have not approv'd of such things in the Roman Church , as manifestly obstruct mens Salvation , and though like Nicodemus they have not dared openly to avow their dislike of such Errous , for fear of danger , yet in their hearts they have abhorr'd them , and declared so much to their Friends , and intimate acquaintance . We know not what mercy GOD may shew to many poor people in that Church , who are invincibly Ignorant , and never saw a Bible , from whence they might rectify their mistakes , and do live honestly in this present world ; but we must withal confess , that the Servant , who hath known his Masters will , and hath not done it , shall be beaten with many stripes , and whether those that have been enlightened in our Church , and have tasted the good Word of GOD , and cannot but see our Agreement with the Gospel , and after all this embrace the Errors of the Roman Church , whether these will be excusable at the last day , we justly doubt of ; To live in great Errours is to live in Sin , but where that living in Errours is joyn'd with resistance of great light , and knowledge , there the Sin becomes all crimson , which was but of a faint red before ; And if this be the Character of Christs Friends to do whatsoever he commands us , then the inference is very easy , that those cannot be Christ's Friends , nor reign with him in Heaven , that wilfully leave undone , what they know he hath commanded , and set up a new Worship , which he hath no where commanded : Madam , had you never seen such a thing as the Scriptnre , your going over to that Church might have deserved some apollogy , but when you were surrounded with the beams of that light which shines in darkness , as St. Peter calls the word , with all those rayes about you , to shut your eyes , and desperately to venture upon a Church , which enjoines men to live against some of Gods laws , as against Exod. keywords: absolution; adoration; angels; anthony; apostles; arguments; bible; bishop; blind; blood; body; books; bread; catholick; catholick church; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; communion; confession; consecrated; contrary; cup; day; desire; doctrines; doth; doubt; drinking; eating; eebo; england; english; errours; express; faith; fancy; flesh; god; good; gospel; great; greater; hath; heaven; holy; honour; hope; idolatry; images; infallibility; infallible; interpretation; john; leave; life; like; long; lord; madam; mary; men; mind; miracles; nature; nay; necessary; new; pardon; peace; people; prayers; priests; protestant; publick; reason; records; reformation; religion; repentance; right; roman; roman church; rome; sacrament; saints; salvation; satisfaction; scripture; second; self; sense; severities; shew; sin; sins; strange; sure; talk; tcp; text; thing; time; transubstantiation; true; true church; truth; use; useful; virgin; way; words; world; worship cache: A44535.xml plain text: A44535.txt item: #239 of 416 id: A44536 author: Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. title: A letter from a Protestant gentleman to a lady revolted to the Church of Rome date: 1678.0 words: 17412 flesch: 44 summary: 6.9 yet we are modest , and whatever the principles of that Church may lead men to , we hope , there may be many in that Church , that either , while they live in the communion of that Church , have an aversion from the dangerous , and Idolatrous practices of it , or sometimes before they die do heartily repent of the absurd , and unreasonable Doctrines , and worship , they have too long asserted , and complied with , and of such we cannot but entertain a very favourable opinion , and indeed I could name you some very famous men both in France and Italy , who , though they have continued in the Communion of that Church , i. e. have not joyn'd themselves to any particular publick Protestant Church , yet have not approv'd of such things in the Roman Church , as manifestly obstruct mens Salvation , and though like Nicodemus they have not dared openly to avow their dislike of such Errous , for fear of danger , yet in their hearts they have abhorr'd them , and declared so much to their Friends , and intimate acquaintance . We know not what mercy GOD may shew to many poor people in that Church , who are invincibly Ignorant , and never saw a Bible , from whence they might rectify their mistakes , and do live honestly in this present world ; but we must withal confess , that the Servant , who hath known his Masters will , and hath not done it , shall be beaten with many stripes , and whether those that have been enlightened in our Church , and have tasted the good Word of GOD , and cannot but see our Agreement with the Gospel , and after all this embrace the Errors of the Roman Church , whether these will be excesable at the last day , we justly doubt of ; To live in great Errours is to live in Sin , but where that living in Errours is joyn'd with resist●nc● of great light , and knowledge , there the Sin becomes all crimson , which was but of a faint red before ; And if this be the Character of Christs Friends to do whatsoever he commands us , then the inference is very easy , that those cannot be Christ's Friends , nor reign with him in Heaven , that wilfully leave undone , what they know he hath commanded , and set up a new Worship , which he hath no where commanded : Madam , had you never seen such a thing as the Scripture , your going over to that Church might have deserved some apollogy , but when you were surrounded with the beams of that light which shines in darkness , as St. Peter calls the word , with all those rayes about you , to shut your eyes , and desperately to venture upon a Church , which enjoines men to live against some of Gods laws , as against Exod. keywords: absolution; adoration; angels; apostles; arguments; bible; bishop; blind; blood; body; books; bread; catholick; catholick church; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; communion; confession; consecrated; contrary; cup; day; desire; doctrines; doth; doubt; drinking; eating; eebo; england; english; errours; express; faith; fancy; flesh; god; good; gospel; great; greater; hath; heaven; holy; honour; hope; idolatry; images; infallibility; infallible; interpretation; john; leave; life; like; little; long; lord; madam; mary; men; mention; mind; miracles; nature; nay; necessary; new; papist; pardon; peace; people; places; prayers; priests; protestant; publick; reason; records; reformation; religion; repentance; right; roman; roman church; rome; sacrament; saints; salvation; satisfaction; scripture; self; sense; severities; shew; sin; sins; strange; sure; talk; tcp; text; thing; time; title; transubstantiation; true; true church; truth; use; useful; virgin; way; words; world; worship; ● ● cache: A44536.xml plain text: A44536.txt item: #240 of 416 id: A44651 author: Howard, Robert, Sir, 1626-1698. title: The history of religion written by a person of quality. date: 1694.0 words: 21792 flesch: 49 summary: Persecution therefore can be used out of no respect to the Service of God ; but is a Defiance of him , and only a Service to Priest-craft and Priests , who like other Plunderers preserve ill-got Goods by Force . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: adoration; angels; aristotle; authority; beginning; belief; blessed; blind; body; book; bread; care; cause; characters; charity; christ; christian; church; clear; common; consecration; contrary; council; craft; credit; creed; cruelty; dark; darkness; day; dead; death; demons; design; devotion; difference; direct; divine; divinity; doctrines; early; easy; eebo; english; eternal; example; faith; flesh; follow; following; force; general; god; gods; good; gospel; great; greater; guides; guilty; hard; heathen; heaven; heresy; heroes; high; history; holy; images; implicit; impossible; infinite; interest; judg; kings; knowledg; known; large; learned; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; making; man; mankind; manner; means; men; methods; minds; monk; mysteries; mystery; names; nature; necessary; new; noah; notions; opinion; order; particular; parties; paul; people; persecution; person; philosophy; pillars; place; plain; plato; points; pope; power; prayers; pretence; pretended; priests; profane; proper; punishment; purgatory; quality; question; ready; reason; reasonable; received; religion; ridiculous; rome; rules; sacred; saints; salvation; saturn; saviour; scripture; secret; self; sepulchres; service; set; shew; sin; sort; strange; subject; superiour; support; sutable; tcp; teachers; text; things; thought; time; torments; true; truth; unlearned; use; useful; veneration; vertue; vulgar; ways; words; work; world; worship; worshipping; writings; year cache: A44651.xml plain text: A44651.txt item: #241 of 416 id: A44805 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The rock of ages exalted above Rome's imagined rock on which her church is builded she proved not to be the onely Church of Christ, her corrupt doctrines reproved not to be apostolick, but contrary to the true Church of Christ in the apostles dayes : also divers arguments answered which may convince the papists that they are not the true church wherein a book is also answered called A catechism against all sectaries, newly published by C.M. in the year 1661 / by Francis Howgil. date: 1662.0 words: 23577 flesch: 40 summary: The Rock of Ages exalted above Rome's imagined Rock on which her Church is builded , &c. GReat hath been the Havock and Spoile that the Beast which John saw rise out of the waters , made against them , in destroying them who received not his Mark in their foreheads ; and the cry hath been long , Who is able to make war with the Beast ? and great hath the suffering been ( these many ages ) of the Children of Light , and still is of the Members of the true Church of Christ , which is in God , which hath proceeded from her , who sate as a Queen upon the Waters , which are Nations , Kindreds , Tongues and People , which hath been the seat of Mysterie Babylon , the Mother of Harlots , who hath held out her golden Cup of Fornication , ful of Abomination , false Doctrine and Error which the Nations have drunk of , and the Kings of the Earth have been made drunk with , and all have been in instability , and have reeled and staggered up and down in the dark , in the night of ignorance , and have wildered in the Mysts o● Error , and lost the true Foundation , and are gone from the Rock upon which the true Church is builded , which is neither Peter nor his Successor , but Christ the true Foundation , which abideth sure ; and all that believ in him , and have their minds staid upon him , know settlement and establishment in that which the Gates of Hell prevails not against . Upon him which was revealed unto Peter by the Father , the Son of God , which was the Rock which the Fathers eat of , and drank of , Christ the Rock of ages ; and another Foundation can none lay ( said the Apostle ) then that which is laid already , Christ the Rock and Corner-stone , and not Peter ; for Christ is unchangeable , and abideth for ever , and so was not Peter , though Peter and the rest of the Apostles received power from Christ ; yet in the 22. and 23. verses of the same Chapter , he was gone out of the savour and discerning , and Christ said unto him , Get thee behind me Satan , for thou savourest not the things of God ; and what though it could be proved that Peter was at Rome , a Pastor , an Elder , or a Biship , who fed the Flock , and did feed the Flock , and so might be reckon'd as an Elder , and worthy of Honor in respect of his labour and diligence in the work of Christ ; is the Promise so entailed to Rome or to any place , that the next that succeeds in that place must needs receive the same honor , when he doth not the same work , which is worthy of honor , neither is in the same power ; but this I am sure of , though the Church of Rome lay claim unto Peters Bishoprick , as they say , yet they have not done his work . keywords: ans; antichrist; apostacy; apostles; apostolick; apostolick church; arguments; assurance; author; beast; bishop; blood; body; book; bread; catholick; ceremonies; christ; church; churches; contrary; council; cup; day; dayes; dead; deceit; divers; doctrine; doth; drunk; end; error; evil; faith; false; father; god; good; gospel; great; hath; head; hearts; hereticks; holiness; holy; honor; images; john; judge; kindreds; lay; learning; life; light; lord; love; luther; man; manifest; masse; members; men; mind; miracles; nations; natural; nature; number; onely; outward; paul; people; peter; pope; power; practice; prayer; priests; primitive church; proof; proposition; religion; rest; rock; roman church; rome; rome hath; sacrifice; saints; salvation; scriptures; sectaries; self; set; sign; sin; spirit; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tongues; true church; truth; universal; visible; way; wil; wine; words; work; world; worship; years cache: A44805.xml plain text: A44805.txt item: #242 of 416 id: A44810 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The true rule, judge, and guide of the true church of God discovered, and borne testimony unto what it is, and wherein it consisteth in opposition to the pretended Catholick Church of Rome her rule, foundation, guide, and judge, being returned in answer to Captain Robert Everrand his book, titled An epistle to all the nonconformists ... / by ... Francis Howgil. date: 1665.0 words: 31194 flesch: -45 summary: And whatsoever people or Church ( though they claim infallibility ) that teaches a contrary Doctrine unto this ; we have good reason to suspect it , to be that hasty driving and overdriving spirit that would force a faith , where God hath not given it ; ( not to be the infallible spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ ) of which the Church of Rome hath given a vehement cause of suspition , by their cruelty and tortors they have exercised towards them , who could not receive their Principles and own their Judgment in all things : But R. E. the Lay-Gentleman blinded thy eye , when he made thee call into question the truth of Scripture , and that it proceeded from the infallible Testimony of Gods spirit , and if thou had a certain feeling of the same in thy self , and in thy own Conscience to let this go and make this void as an insufficient ground to receive Christianity upon , & to lean to a prop without thee , and to be judged by men , who have been as fallible and changable in their Judgments as the Moon ; which have assumed the name of Catholick Church , whose Testimony thy Instructer I perceive told thee , ought to be received , concerning what as is pretended to be revealed or not revealed by God , yet all must be obliged to stand to their Judgment though never so repugnant to the Doctrine of Christ , and practice of the Church of Christ in the first Primitive times , truly so called ; yet it is granted that the Church of Christ are the dispersed Members through the World , though not of it , agreeing in one faith , being in the power of God , and being led and guided by the Holy Ghost , their Judgments ought to be received , which cannot ( as lead by the Spirit ) fail , in giving true Judgment in matters of faith , which pertains to Salvation , but as men they may fail , and as erring from the spirit they may fail ; and infallibility is not intailed to the persons of any men , but as they continue in the grace of God , and walk in the spirit , and bring forth the fruits thereof , nor to any place or City , but as they continue in Covenant with God ; for the promise of God was to Jerusalem , and Mount Zion , and to many other places and people in divers Cities , where the glory of God once appeared , but now through their Apostacy and unbelief , and disobedience they are desolate , as to the presence and power of God , and their Sun is set , and they are covered as with the shadow of a Cloud ; but this true Church whereof I have spoken , was seen to fly into the Wilderness for time , times and a half , and that since the Apostles days , and then was she not so visible and universal as she had been before ; and the man child was caught up unto God ; now if thou reckon the Roman Church to be this true Church ; shew the time , times , and half a time , wherein she fled into the Wilderness ; and how long she hath been there , and when was the time of her return , and if ever she was there , how that will hang together with your assertion , that she hath been visible , and so universal this fiften hundred years ; and if this could be proved that Rome hath been so , whether doth it not rather demonstrate her to be the Whore that sat upon the many waters ? which waters are Nations , Kindreds , Tongues and People , and what Church ? instance if thou can , doth lay claim to the Nations , Kindreds , Tongues and People to be yours , and to rule over so many Kings of the Earth , as you lay claim to be universally of your faith , and of your Church , which gives us a shrewd character to believe , that indeed you are mystery Babylon ; besides the blood of the Saints that have been shed under the name of Hereticks , by this visible Catholick Church among the Nations this twelve 100. years , doth give clear evidence that it can be reckoned or imputed unto none but you . But an old Plea comes to my mind , which some of the members of the Church of Rome hath alledged to me in the days of my youth , when I was conversant with them , and among them , in a friendly , neighbourly , and sober discourse , of things of this nature before mentioned ; it was said unto me , the Roman Catholick Church is that Church whereby Christianity hath been conveyed to all Nations , and the great Oraccles thereof delivered unto us , and the Scriptures also came from us , by which you know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God , and the knowledg thereof came unto all , and all her Children ought to be subject unto her , as the true mother that brought them all forth , and if any went astray either into Heresie , or Schisme , which might not only hurt themselves , but also others ; ought not the Mother in natural love to her Children to correct them , and ought not they to bear her correction , and submit unto it ; and hath not she power to correct her Children when they go astray ? unto which is answered , Christianity that which is truly such , and them whom God will own to be Christians was dispersed through the Nations by the power of God ; and we say , that the Church of Rome hath begotten Christendom into that mould and frame into which they are now cast , more by force and awe then any sound Doctrine ; and as for the Scriptures coming from her , that we deny ; We know they came from the Apostles , and from the Primitive Christians , according to the will of God , and have been preserved to this day , though through many polluted hands they have come ; and we know how much your rage was kindled , that ever it should be Translated into the English Tongue , and many felt the effect of it to the loss of their Lives , as I hope many in England doth well consider : But suppose a true Mother have many Children , and suppose some do swerve and go astray from her precepts , and under pretence of correcting of them she shut them up in Goals , and nasty holes , and afflict them with sundry kind of torments , and at last of all kill them and destroy them ; what Judgment will be given by reasonable Men of such a Mother , but this , that she is become unnatural and cruel , and hard hearted , and degenerated from the nature of a loving and tender Mother , and deserves not to have or ever to have had any Children ; and such a kind of Mother hath your Church been , to all that have dissented from her ; that I may say of her as the Prophet Jeremiah said , ( especially in these latter ages ) the Sea Monsters and Dragons of the Wilderness draw out their breasts to feed their young ones , but the daughter of my people is become cruel . keywords: able; ages; answer; apostles; arguments; assurance; austin; authority; bishop; book; catholick; catholick church; certain; certainty; christ; christians; church; church hath; claim; confidence; contrary; council; covenant; damnation; darkness; days; dead; decrees; disciples; divers; doctrine; doth; e. hath; e. saith; earth; epistle; error; faith; false; far; flesh; force; foundation; free; fruits; ghost; gift; glory; god; gods; good; great; guide; hath; head; hearts; heaven; holy; holy spirit; hope; images; infallibility; infallible; infallible spirit; jesus; jewes; judge; judgment; law; lay; life; light; like; lord; love; man; manifest; matters; means; measure; members; men; mind; ministers; miracles; nations; natural; new; nonconformists; office; page; people; peter; place; pope; power; practice; pretended; priests; primitive; private; private spirit; promise; prophets; question; r. e.; read; reason; religion; righteousness; rock; roman; rome; rule; said; saints; sake; salvation; scripture; self; set; spirit; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; true church; truth; uncertain; unto; visible; visible church; way; weighty; witness; words; work; world; worship; years cache: A44810.xml plain text: A44810.txt item: #243 of 416 id: A44950 author: H. H. (Henry Humberston) title: A sermon preached at Worcester on the 18th of April, 1686 being the second Sunday after Easter / by H.H., S.J. date: 1686.0 words: 5913 flesch: 64 summary: Our end is God , in him we are to find our eternal repose ; and out of him , there is no true repose : Our hearts were made for him , and they can never be at quiet , saith St ▪ Augustin , till they rest in him . No body comes to the Father ( i. e. to the beatifical vision of God in Heaven ) but by me : i. e. by imitating my Life and Conversation , by observing my Doctrine and Commandements , and by the assistance of that Grace which I purchased at the price of my Blood. keywords: almighty; body; books; characters; children; christ; christian; cross; day; death; devil; doctrine; early; eebo; end; english; eternal; faith; father; favour; foreheads; god; great; happiness; heart; heaven; holy; jesus; john; life; lord; man; mark; mind; misteries; profession; reason; saviour; second; self; sign; tcp; tei; text; thing; tho; time; trinity; true; use; viz; way cache: A44950.xml plain text: A44950.txt item: #244 of 416 id: A44952 author: Hall, George, 1612?-1668. title: The triumphs of Rome over despised Protestancie date: 1655.0 words: 40652 flesch: 66 summary: What though there be much noise of many horrible murders , and massacres of harmlesse Christians , of the Waldenses in many Regions of Christendom , of Merindol and Cabriere ; and tell of that Tragicall slaughter in France , and the Valtoline ! what though the world rings of that bloody butchery of the Inquisition ? and the ugly Devils painted on their San-benitos {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , &c. Who can stay the clack of ill tongues ? Taxa vacantiarum secundum quod describitur in libris Camerae Apostolica de Ecclesiiis Cathedral . et Abbatiis Galliarum taxatis ascendit ad sexenta nonaginta septem millia septingenta quinquaginta Erancorum sine praelaturis &c. Nic. Clem. de Annatis non solvendes p. 100. Archiepiscopus Lugduni in Concilio Basil , narravit Anno Dom. 1436. keywords: a44952; abbot; account; act; acts; adoration; advantage; agnus; alexander; alive; alphonsus; altar; alwayes; angel; anno; answer; apostle; apostolique; apt; archbishop; ashes; authority; authors; available; bad; basil; beleeve; belike; benedict; benediction; bernard; best; better; betwixt; bin; bishop; black; blame; blessed; blessing; blood; blush; boast; body; bold; book; bounty; boyes; brag; brom; bromiard; brother; bulla; c. non; cardinal; care; case; cast; castro; catholick; catholique; cerem; ceremonies; certain; chaire; change; chap; children; christ; christian; christus; chrysostome; church; churches; city; clem; clement; clergy; clerks; close; cold; common; comparison; concil; confesse; confession; conform; conscience; constantine; content; contra; contrary; conviv; cost; councell; countries; court; crimes; crosse; crowns; cruel; cruelty; cum; daily; day; dayes; dead; death; debet; dei; deo; despised; deus; devil; devotion; divine; doctor; doctrine; doe; dog; doth; double; doubt; dragon; eares; early; earth; ease; easter; eccles; ecclesia; emperors; emperour; end; england; english; entertainment; episcopus; epist; erasmus; erre; est; etiam; example; excommunicate; extra; eyes; faire; fall; famous; fashion; fast; fathers; favour; fear; feasts; festivals; fewer; fide; fifth; fit; flesh; fol; fond; foot; force; foule; fourth; france; francis; franciscus; frater; free; french; friend; fryar; gavant; general; george; gerson; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; golden; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; greek; gregorie; ground; guiltinesse; guilty; haeres; hand; happy; hard; hath; having; head; heart; heathen; heaven; hell; henry; heretical; hereticks; heretiques; high; higher; highest; himselfe; hoc; hold; holidayes; holinesse; holy; holy church; holy man; holy mother; honest; honour; hope; horrible; house; ibid; idem; ignorant; ill; images; imperator; infidelity; innocent; innocentius; instance; intention; island; john; judgement; jure; kinde; king; kisse; labour; lady; large; late; lateran; law; lay; lead; learned; leave; left; leo; lesse; lib; liberty; lies; life; like; little; loco; long; look; lord; love; luther; magis; maid; majesty; making; man; manner; marg; mass; masters; matter; matth; mean; meere; meet; men; menot; mens; mercy; merits; mighty; miracles; miraculous; mis; modest; morning; mortification; mother; mouth; multi; musick; nature; nec; necessary; needs; neighbour; neque; new; nihil; nisi; non; notis; nullus; number; obedience; occasions; odious; office; old; omnes; omnia; open; opinions; opposites; order; outward; pag; papa; pardon; paris; passe; paul; peice; penance; people; perfect; persons; peter; piety; pious; place; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; point; poor; pope; possit; possumus; possunt; post; potentates; potest; power; powerful; practice; praise; prateolus; prayer; precious; preists; prelates; present; pretended; priest; princes; private; priviledges; professed; profession; profit; protestancie; protestant; proud; prov; publick; purgatory; purity; purpose; purse; quae; quam; quarrels; qui; quia; quid; quidam; quod; read; reason; received; relation; religion; religious; reliques; rest; revenge; rex; rich; right; roman; rome; rule; sacerdotes; sacred; safe; said; saint; saith; sanctorum; save; saviour; scarce; sciat; scripture; sea; second; secret; sects; sense; sensible; sentence; serm; servants; service; set; severall; shame; short; sicut; silence; silver; sin; sine; sins; sisters; sive; skin; slander; small; sober; society; soever; solomon; sonnes; sorrow; soul; soules; sound; space; spight; spirit; spiritual; stable; state; stick; stile; store; straight; strange; street; strict; sub; subject; successor; sufficient; sum; sunt; super; supra; sure; sweet; tale; tell; tels; temporal; termes; territories; testament; text; thee; things; thomas; thoughts; throne; time; tit; title; toe; tongue; trade; trent; triumph; trow; true; turne; ubi; universal; unlesse; uses; variety; vel; veneration; vertue; vicar; vide; virgin; vita; vivaldus; votaries; want; water; way; week; wel; whereof; wherewith; whiles; white; wicked; willing; wine; wise; wit; withall; witty; wonder; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wrong; yea; years; yeild; young; ywis; ● ● cache: A44952.xml plain text: A44952.txt item: #245 of 416 id: A45352 author: Halley, George, 1655 or 6-1708. title: A sermon preach'd in the cathedral and metropolitical church of St. Peter in York on Friday the fifth of November, 1697 being the anniversary-day of thanksgiving for that great deliverance from the gunpowder-treason, and also the day of His Majesty's happy landing in England : with a postscript and two letters, which clearly discover the Roman designs against the English church and nation / by George Halley ... date: 1698.0 words: 8770 flesch: 58 summary: God then will be our constant Friend and Benefactor , God then will stablish the wonderful Things He hath been graciously pleas'd to work for us ; God then will continue to deliver our Sovereign Lord the King , and us his People from Death , from all the impious Plots and Conspiracies of his and our Enemies , both at home and abroad ; God then will bless him and us with Temporal Peace and Happiness in this World , and with eternal Peace and Happiness in the World to come . But , blessed be God , the Tables of the Money Changers are now overturn'd , this great and dangerous Distemper which the Nation hath long labour'd under , is now healed , this base Art , as well as the terrible War , hath had its happy Period and Conclusion ; and if we would but put away from us all Bitterness and Wrath , Anger and Clamour , Malice and Envy , and live in Christian Love and Charity , if we would but endeavour to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace , what could hinder us from being the happiest People upon the Face of the Earth ? keywords: almighty; best; blessed; blood; books; characters; christian; church; dangers; day; death; deep; deliver'd; designs; destruction; divine; doth; early; eebo; enemies; england; english; faith; fire; general; george; glorious; glory; god; good; grace; great; greatest; gunpowder; halley; hands; happiness; happy; hath; heart; heaven; holiness; holy; images; jesus; king; kingdom; late; laws; life; light; long; lord; lordship; love; majesty; man; manner; men; nation; oblige; oxford; paul; peace; people; perils; prince; providence; religion; reverend; roman; romanists; rome; romish; ruine; selves; sure; sword; tcp; tei; text; thanksgiving; things; tho; thro; time; treason; troubles; true; trust; war; william; work; world; york cache: A45352.xml plain text: A45352.txt item: #246 of 416 id: A45395 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Alien alētheuein, or, A brief account of one suggestion of the Romanist against The dispatcher dispatched by Henry Hammond ... date: 1660.0 words: 2259 flesch: 68 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A45395 of text R40127 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing H512). 24 C The rate of 24 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a45395; account; beatifical; book; brief; conclusion; day; dispatcher; early; english; faith; hammond; henry; matter; non; onely; page; reader; romanist; saints; suggestion; text; theological; vision; words cache: A45395.xml plain text: A45395.txt item: #247 of 416 id: A45426 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Of schisme a defence of the Church of England against the exceptions of the Romanists / by H. Hammond ... date: 1653.0 words: 37212 flesch: 60 summary: And again , as Christ did nothing without his Father ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) being united to him , or all one with his Father , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 — so neither must ye doe any thing without the Bishop , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , but assemble together and have but one prayer common to you all , where the living out of this regular obedience to the Bishop , is the contrary to union and communion , and so is formally schisme . 〈◊〉 of the syncerity of that repentance , is , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , if they return to the unity of God and senate of the Bishop . keywords: 12o; able; absolute; acknowledge; act; acts; afterward; agreeable; alexandria; alwaies; ancestors; ancient; answer; antioch; apostles; apostolical; archbishop; argument; asia; assemblies; augustine; authority; bishop; body; books; branch; branches; brethren; canon; canterbury; carthage; case; casting; censures; certain; chalcedon; chap; charity; chief; christ; christian; church; churches; circumcision; cities; city; civil; claim; clergie; commission; common; communicating; communion; concerned; concil; conclusion; condition; confession; conscience; consent; consequent; constantinople; constituted; contrary; converted; convocation; councel; creation; crime; cum; cypr; deacons; debate; degree; departure; desire; dignity; diocese; discourse; divine; division; doctrine; doe; donation; doth; duty; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; ecclesiâ; edward; eebo; elizabeth; emperour; empire; england; english; ephesus; episcopal; epistle; error; esse; est; euseb; eusebius; evidences; evident; excommunication; excuse; exercise; extended; external; fact; farre; farther; fathers; fit; force; forein; foundation; general; gentiles; god; good; government; grant; great; grounds; guilt; hammond; hands; hath; head; henry; heresie; hist; holy; ibid; ignatius; image; independent; island; italy; james; jerusalem; jewes; jewish; john; judge; jurisdiction; justice; justinian; king; kingdome; known; lawful; laws; left; life; like; london; making; manner; matter; means; member; men; mention; metropolis; metropolitanes; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; non; number; obedience; occasion; offence; old; order; ordinary; original; parliament; particular; pastorship; patriarch; paul; people; person; peter; place; pope; possible; power; practise; presbyters; present; pretended; pretensions; primates; primitive; prince; principal; privileges; profession; promise; province; purpose; queen; qui; reason; reformation; regal; region; reigne; respect; rest; return; right; romanists; rome; rule; s. paul; s. peter; said; saith; scandal; schismaticks; schisme; score; scripture; seat; second; self; selves; separation; set; sibi; sin; single; sorts; species; style; subject; subjection; subordination; succession; successors; sufficient; supposing; supremacy; supreme; syria; tcp; text; thing; time; timothy; title; titus; true; truth; unity; use; viii; visible; viz; vniversal; want; way; west; whatsoever; words; world; years cache: A45426.xml plain text: A45426.txt item: #248 of 416 id: A45471 author: Falkland, Lucius Cary, Viscount, 1610?-1643. Of the infallibility of the Church of Rome. title: A view of some exceptions which have been made by a Romanist to the Ld Viscount Falkland's discourse Of the infallibility of the Church of Rome submitted to the censure of all sober Christians : together with the discourse itself of infallibility prefixt to it. date: 1650.0 words: 85165 flesch: 50 summary: Section 5 But then secondly , for the preventing of such Dissentions , I shall adde , that though we have not pretence of infallibility , and threats of fire to restraine Men from them , yet we have other rules more agreeable to antient Church practice , than either of these ; and though the weapon of our warfare are not carnall in your sence of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , to the taking away of life , yet are they if they were executed , mighty to bring downe or shut out Heresies . I will subscribe to it , And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: acknowledge; adde; advantage; adversary; affirmation; affirmed; affirming; againe; age; alwaies; annotation; answer; answering; antient; antiquity; apologist; appeare; argument; assent; assertion; authority; authors; believe; beseech; better; betwixt; bishop; body; booke; businesse; canon; canterbury; care; case; catholique; catholique church; censure; certaine; certainty; chance; chap; chapter; charge; charity; chiliasts; chillingworth; christianity; christians; church; church doth; churches; cleare; common; conceive; concluding; conclusion; condemne; confesse; confident; conformity; conscience; consequence; content; contradicted; contrary; controversie; councell; credibility; credible; damning; death; debate; demonstration; denying; designe; desire; difference; difficulty; dionysius; discourse; dissentions; distinction; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; ecclesiasticall; effect; england; english; enquirer; erre; errour; evidence; evident; example; excuse; expounded; extraordinary; faith; false; farre; farther; fathers; fault; feare; fire; fit; followes; following; force; foundation; free; friends; generall; god; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; grant; great; greater; greeke; ground; guide; guilty; hand; hard; hath; heresy; heretiques; himselfe; hold; honest; hope; ibid; ignorance; ignorant; implicite; infallibility; infallible; infallible church; inferre; instance; interpretation; invaders; irenaeus; judge; judgement; justin; kinde; kingdome; know; knowne; large; law; lawes; lawfull; lay; learned; leave; liberty; life; like; little; long; longer; lordship; maine; maintaine; making; man; manifest; manner; marke; matter; meane; meaning; mens; mention; mercy; method; miracles; mistake; motives; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neverthelesse; new; non; note; notice; notion; number; obedience; obligation; obstinate; occasion; offer; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; orthodox; owne; paines; paragraph; pardon; particular; parts; period; perswade; peter; petitio; phrase; piece; place; plaine; pleased; pleasure; point; pope; possible; power; practice; premises; present; present church; pretended; principii; principles; private; probable; probation; professe; promise; proofe; proposition; protestants; proved; proving; provision; publique; punishment; purpose; putting; question; reader; reall; reason; reasonable; religion; reply; rest; restraint; right; roman church; rome; rule; safe; said; saint; satisfie; saying; scripture; search; second; section; seemes; selfe; selves; sence; set; severall; severity; shew; shewing; signifie; single; sort; speake; speech; state; stead; strange; strong; succession; sufficient; supposing; supposition; sure; sword; tcp; teach; tearmes; temporall; text; thing; thinke; thought; time; title; tradition; treatise; trouble; true; true church; truth; understanding; undertake; unity; universall; unlesse; use; verity; view; violence; viz; want; way; wayes; whatsoever; willing; witnesse; words; worke; world; yeares; yeild cache: A45471.xml plain text: A45471.txt item: #249 of 416 id: A45738 author: Hartcliffe, John, 1651-1712. title: A discourse against purgatory date: 1685.0 words: 12247 flesch: 48 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 now this manner of Expression in St. Matthew , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , it shall not be forgiven him , neither in this world , nor in that which is to come , signifies just so much , and no more , as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , hath never forgiveness , but is in danger of Eternal Damnation ; as much as to say , this sin is of that malignant and heinous nature , that it justly deserves endless punishment , and will never be pardoned . II. where he saith , I will bring the third part through fire , and refine them , as silver is refined : which is a fair warning to men , that the Doctrines they embrace , and their practices according to them , may be such as will bear the severest tryal , that they may not be like wood , hay and stubble , which will not endure the fire : for the Particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a Particle of similitude , and the whole phrase , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , is proverbial , used in Scripture aswell as in other Authours , to signifie a narrow escape out of a great danger ; just as St. Peter expresses it , 1 Pet. 3.20 . keywords: assent; belief; best; better; books; certainty; christ; christian; church; condition; danger; day; dead; death; demonstration; discourse; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; easie; eebo; end; english; eternal; everlasting; faith; fear; fire; friends; god; good; gospel; great; guide; happiness; hath; heaven; hell; holy; hopes; images; jews; judge; judgment; justice; knowledge; known; laws; life; light; living; man; mankind; matters; means; men; mind; nature; new; onely; opinion; papists; people; place; pope; practice; prayers; present; prison; punishment; purgatory; reason; religion; rome; saviour; scripture; self; sense; set; shew; sin; sins; souls; state; tcp; text; things; time; torments; tradition; true; truth; use; vertue; way; words; work; world; worship cache: A45738.xml plain text: A45738.txt item: #250 of 416 id: A45851 author: Blake, Richard, Sir, d. 1663. title: The Lord Inchiquins queries to the Protestant clergy of the province of Munster, with theyr answer to the said queeres as also Sir Richard Blagues speech, chaireman to the Assembly of the Confederate Catholicks at Killkenny, made to His Excellence the Lord Marquis of Ormond upon signing of the articles of peace : and His Exellencies answer to Sr. Richard Blagues speech. date: 1649.0 words: 3414 flesch: 64 summary: Wee confesse it our duty , and shall endeavour the performance of it , to the utmost of our power , to labour , by all meanes possible , to fixe , and confirme all wavering persons in theire due obedience to this Authority establisht , as the most probable meanes to preserve the Protestant partie , and the Army under your Honors Command . It much transcends my weake abilityes to represent them , theire affections , apprehensions , and hopes , in theire right and lively colours , and therefore I humbly begg , that your Excellencie will vouchsafe to give a benigne and favourable interpretation to what , by theire Commands , I have endeavoured humbly to offer unto your grave judgement , and consideration , and that your Excellencie will be pleased to signe this Instrument , the Everlasting Record , and Monument of this blessed Peace , as by their Commands ( it having bin solemnly and unanimously by them so voted ) I have had the honour , ( a greater honour then my lowe , & humble thoughts ever aspired to ) in their chaire to signe this Counterpart thereof , and , in all their names , most humbly to present it to your Excellencie . keywords: a45851; acknowledge; answer; articles; assembly; authority; blagues; books; catholicks; chaireman; civill; clergy; commands; confederate; duty; early; endeavours; english; excellencie; god; good; goverment; great; hands; honour; inchiquin; iohn; killkenny; kingdome; life; lord; munster; obedience; ormond; owne; peace; people; prayers; present; protestant; province; queeres; queries; richard; said; sir; speech; text; theyr; wee cache: A45851.xml plain text: A45851.txt item: #251 of 416 id: A46010 author: Confederate Catholics. title: By the Generall Assembly of the Confederate Catholicks of Ireland whereas severall declarations and protestations are said to have been unlegally and unduely by secret, foule and sinister practices, and under-hand-working, lately obtained from some particular persons ... date: 1646.0 words: 1068 flesch: 47 summary: By the Generall Assembly of the Confederate Catholicks of Ireland whereas severall declarations and protestations are said to have been unle Confederate Catholics 1646 640 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 C The rate of 16 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A46010 of text R43281 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing I343). keywords: a46010; assembly; books; catholicks; confederate; declarations; early; english; generall; ireland; kilkenny; kingdome; persons; protestations; said; text; wee; yeare cache: A46010.xml plain text: A46010.txt item: #252 of 416 id: A46013 author: Confederate Catholics. Supreme Council. title: By the Supreame Councell of the Confederate Catholicks of Ireland forasmuch as after a long and serious debate, a cessation of armes and all acts of hostilities, to beginne at twelve of the clocke the fifteenth day of September ... date: 1643.0 words: 752 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A46013 of text R43282 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing I354). Other title information from first lines of text. keywords: a46013; acts; books; catholicks; cessation; confederate; early; english; ireland; said; september; supreme; text cache: A46013.xml plain text: A46013.txt item: #253 of 416 id: A46014 author: Confederate Catholics. Supreme Council. title: By the Supreame Councell of the Confederate Catholiques of Ireland wee the Supreame Councell of the said Confederate Catholiques, hauing of a long tyme, with deepe sense of the sufferings of the people and the wayes taken to heape miseries on this afflicted kingdome ... date: 1648.0 words: 1207 flesch: 55 summary: VVee the supreame Councell of the said Confederate Catholickes, hauing Confederated Catholics. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A46014 of text R43283 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing I355). keywords: a46014; books; catholickes; cessation; confederate; councell; doe; early; english; ireland; kilkenny; kingdome; lord; nuntio; people; said; sense; supreame; text; vnto; wayes; wee cache: A46014.xml plain text: A46014.txt item: #254 of 416 id: A46094 author: Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1677-1685 : Ormonde) title: We the lord lieutenant and Council do hereby think fit to declare and publish that whosoever shall make discovery of any officer or souldier of His Majesties horse and foot guards in this city and suburbs thereof, or of His Majesties army in this kingdom, who having formerly taken the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy, hath since been perverted, or hereafter shall be perverted to the popish religion ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council. date: 1687.0 words: 1245 flesch: 67 summary: Lord Lieutenant (1677-1685 : Ormonde) 1678 Approx. Lord Lieutenant (1677-1685 : Ormonde) Ormonde, James Butler, Duke of, 1610-1688. 1 broadside. keywords: books; characters; council; dublin; early; eebo; english; fit; foot; ireland; lieutenant; lord; majesties; officer; online; ormonde; partnership; phase; souldier; tcp; tei; text cache: A46094.xml plain text: A46094.txt item: #255 of 416 id: A46370 author: Gilbert, Claudius, d. 1696? title: A preservative against the change of religion, or, A just and true idea of the Roman Catholick religion, opposed to the flattering portraictures made thereof, and particularly to that of my Lord of Condom translated out of the French original, by Claudius Gilbert ... date: 1683.0 words: 65591 flesch: 67 summary: Church of Rome terminates in God. On the contrary , God , for the Trial of the Faith of his Elect , hath almost always permitted , that false Religions have had more Zeal for the destruction of the True , than the True Religion for the ruine of the Falser . keywords: able; accuse; actions; acts; adoration; adoring; advertisement; affair; altars; answer; article; assured; attendants; authority; authors; baptism; blood; body; book; bread; business; canons; capable; capital; catholick; cause; ceremonies; certain; change; charity; christ; christian; church; churches; clear; common; communion; condom; conscience; consequences; contrary; contrition; controversies; council; creatures; crimes; cross; cup; day; death; design; devotion; difference; disputes; divine; divinity; doctors; doctrine; doth; earth; efficacy; end; errours; eternal; eucharist; evil; example; explications; expos; faithful; false; father; favour; fear; fine; flesh; foundations; france; general; gentlemen; god; gods; good; grace; grant; great; guilty; hands; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; hereticks; holy; honest; honour; hope; human; idea; ill; images; important; indulgences; infallible; infinite; intention; invocation; invoke; jesus; jesus christ; judge; justification; kind; latria; life; like; little; long; lord; lord jesus; love; lutherans; manner; mass; matter; means; men; merit; monsieur; mother; mysteries; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; number; oblation; obliged; ones; opinions; opposed; opposite; order; pag; pagans; pains; particular; party; people; persons; place; point; pope; power; practise; prayers; presence; present; priest; prince; principles; prostrate; protestant; publick; purgatory; question; real; reason; regard; religion; religious; rest; retranchment; right; roman; roman church; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; said; saints; saith; salvation; satisfaction; saying; school; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; service; shew; sins; small; souls; soveraign; spirit; state; subject; substance; sufficient; sun; terms; text; theology; thereon; thereto; things; thought; thy; time; trent; true; true church; truth; turn; use; virgin; virtue; way; ways; whereof; wine; words; work; world; worship; wrong; years; zeal cache: A46370.xml plain text: A46370.txt item: #256 of 416 id: A46621 author: James, Elinor. title: To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen and all the rest of the loyal citizens. date: 1683.0 words: 1591 flesch: 60 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A46621) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 105956) keywords: aldermen; books; characters; early; eebo; elinor; encoding; english; god; image; james; king; lord; loyal; loyalty; online; oxford; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; world; xml cache: A46621.xml plain text: A46621.txt item: #257 of 416 id: A46951 author: Johnson, Samuel, 1649-1703. title: Julian the apostate being a short account of his life, the sense of the primitive Christians about his succession and their behaviour towards him : together with a comparison of popery and paganism. date: 1682.0 words: 37796 flesch: 73 summary: 〈◊〉 . The Church of England reserves her Faith entire for the Canonical Books of Scripture , her Reverence she divides betwixt the Ancient Fathers , and the first Reformers of this Church who partly were Martyrs that died for 〈◊〉 Protestant Religion , and partly were 〈◊〉 that afterwards setled it , as it is now 〈◊〉 . keywords: account; act; actions; allegiance; angels; answer; apostate; army; authority; behaviour; best; better; betwixt; bill; bishop; blessed; blood; body; bonaventure; book; brother; caesar; calls; cap; care; case; catholick; certain; chap; children; christianity; christians; church; city; come; common; comparison; constantius; contrary; country; court; creation; cross; crown; cruelty; danger; daniel; david; day; days; death; defence; dei; desire; destruction; devotions; difference; discourse; divine; divinity; doctrine; earth; eebo; emperor; empire; end; endeavour; enemies; enemy; england; english; evil; example; exclusion; execution; eyes; face; faith; far; father; fear; fire; fit; following; force; gentiles; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; government; great; greater; greatest; gregory; hand; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; heir; help; high; holy; hom; honour; hope; host; ibid; idolaters; idolatry; idols; ill; images; impious; instance; invect; invocation; john; judgment; julian; jupiter; justice; kind; king; kingdom; known; lady; large; law; lawful; laws; left; lib; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; magistrate; majesty; making; man; manner; mary; mass; matter; mean; memory; men; mercy; mighty; mind; murder; nation; nature; nay; necessary; new; non; number; oath; obedience; occasion; old; open; pag; pagan; paganism; papists; parliament; passage; passive; paul; people; peril; persecution; persia; person; picture; piece; place; plain; poor; popery; popish; power; praise; prayers; present; primitive; prince; private; protestant; psalms; publick; purpose; queen; reader; reason; reign; religion; rest; right; roman; rome; sacrifice; said; saints; satisfied; saviour; saying; scripture; self; sense; service; set; shew; short; socrat; son; souldiers; sozom; subject; successor; sure; sword; tcp; temple; text; thee; theod; theodoret; things; thou; thought; time; title; true; truth; turn; understanding; use; virgin; vvorld; war; way; wicked; wickedness; words; work; world; worship; worshipping; years; zeal cache: A46951.xml plain text: A46951.txt item: #258 of 416 id: A47255 author: Kennett, White, 1660-1728. title: A dialogue between two friends occasioned by the late revolution of affairs, and the oath of allegiance by W.K. ... date: 1689.0 words: 13989 flesch: 54 summary: So that 't is no more necessary or expedient for every Heir , as to the Esse of his being King , to Declare the Conditions immediately upon his coming to the Crown , than 't was requisite for every successive Generation , when the Court of Wards was in force , to declare he held his Lands by Knights Service ; the ancient Tenure of the Estate sufficiently evinc'd the former , and the very Descent of the Crown to the next of Blood , brings with it a tacite implication of all the Immunities and Liberties of the Subjects , in as full and ample a manner , as if they had been repeated a thousand times over . Right , The King is before his Coronation as absolute a Monarch as after : This the Case of Watson and Clark ( who Conspir'd against King James before his Coronation , and were condemn'd of High Treason ) puts beyond all Controversie , and the Reason of this is clear ; the Paction and Agreement between King and People , is an inseperable Concomitant to the Crown , devolves with it to the next Successor , and is the tacite Condition and Terms upon which he accepts the Government . keywords: absolute; account; actions; affairs; allegiance; ancient; argument; authority; body; books; cause; characters; christian; church; circumstances; civil; clear; commands; common; conqueror; conquest; contrary; coronation; crown; day; design; destruction; divine; doctrine; doth; duties; duty; eebo; empire; end; england; english; evidence; evident; express; extraordinary; fidelity; force; general; god; gospel; government; grand; great; happiness; head; high; honour; husband; illegal; jac; james; justice; king; late; lawful; laws; liberties; life; little; lord; magistrate; man; manifest; nation; natural; nature; necessity; new; oath; obedience; obligation; obligatory; obvious; opposition; oxford; particular; passive; peace; people; person; places; plain; politick; positive; power; precepts; present; preservation; pretence; prince; private; proceedings; publick; punishment; rational; reason; relation; religion; right; royal; sacred; safety; scripture; second; self; sense; sermon; society; state; subjects; suffering; superiors; supream; supreme; tcp; text; things; time; transgression; true; undoubted; violence; viz; void; wicked; william; works cache: A47255.xml plain text: A47255.txt item: #259 of 416 id: A47288 author: Ketch, Jack, d. 1686. title: The Romanists best doctor who by one infallible remedy, perfectly cures all Popish-diseases whatsoever in a quarter of an hours time, or half an hour at utmost, by an approved dose which never yet failed his patients : which approved remedy may once a month be had at Tyburn, neer Paddington, of that eminent physitian of long practice, John Ketch, Esq., Physitian to the Pope : a small dose whereof being rightly applyed ... sends the patient bolt-upright to heaven in a string without calling at Purgatory by the way : it likewise perfectly cures these Popish distempers following, though of never so long continuance : viz. treason, murther, and rebellion ... date: None words: 1935 flesch: 64 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; cures; dose; early; eebo; eminent; english; father; half; heaven; hour; ketch; long; murther; online; phase; physitian; popish; rebellion; remedy; tcp; tei; text; time; treason; tyburn; utmost; viz; way cache: A47288.xml plain text: A47288.txt item: #260 of 416 id: A47362 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Antichrist stormed, or, Mystery Babylon the great whore, and great city, proved to be the present Church of Rome wherein all objections are fully answered : to which is added, the time of the end, or a clear explanation of Scripture prophecies, with the judgment of divers learned men concerning the final ruine of the Romish Church, that it will be in this present age : together with an account of the two witnesses, who they are, with their killing, resurrection & ascention : also an examination and confutation of what Mr. Jurieu hath lately written concerning the effusion of the vials ... : likewise a brief review of D. Tho. Goodwins exposition of the 11th chapter of the Revelations, concerning the witnesses, and of that street in which they should lie slain, proving it to be meant of Great Brittain : and a brief collection of divers strange prophecies, some very antient / by Benj. Keach ... ; to which is annext, a short treatise in two parts : 1. The calculation of Scripture numbers by Scripture only, without the help of humane history, 2. Upon the witnesses, giving light to the whole book. date: 1689.0 words: 69225 flesch: 61 summary: For since the ●ime that the pretended Protestant Plot was talk'd ●f , and as they said discovered , and several worthy Christians Executed , as the ever Renowned William Lord Russel , Sheriff Cornish , the Noble Earl 〈◊〉 Essex , Col. Sidney , and that godly Woman and Martyr Mrs. Ga●nt , &c. What a Flood of contempt , reproach , and what not , hath been ( as he ●●serves ) cast upon the whole of the true interest 〈◊〉 Christ in this Kingdom , with the barbarous slaughter of those worthy Christians and Witness●● in the West , together with that Storm of Persec●tion , which we have no ground to doubt was ●●●ried on by the Popish Enemy , and Emissaries of R●●● , together with the turning out of places of tru●● many good Protestants , and the taking away of Charters of Cities and Corporations , silencing worthy Ministers , &c. nay , striking at the root and whole constitution of the English Government , ●●thing being designed but the utter subversion of the Protestant Religion , things growing every day worse and worse , nothing appearing but the blackness of darkness , and that which was worst of all many of Gods witnesses seemed to be strangely despirited , whilest others truckl'd to the Enemi●● yoak , suffering Chapels to be erected for Popery and Cursed Mass Priests , and Jesuites ; and that to● in many of the chief of our Cities , nay , in famo●● London it self , and that in the very Heart of it . upon the discovery of the Popish 〈◊〉 when our hopes were raised by that great zeal 〈◊〉 our brave English Parliaments , against the Pa●● and Popish Religion , most thinking at that 〈◊〉 our morning light appeared to break forth , & the ●●●terness of death was over , but lo what a sudden ch●●● did we see ? how was our light turned into dark●● and our joy to sorrow and lamentation , and 〈◊〉 ●oy and triumph attended our Popish Enemies ? what ●ingings of Te deum at Rome , and in all Popish Countreys , and sending gifts one to another , for joy that these witnesses of Christ were overcome , and ●aid by the walls , and their testimony and spirits gone in this Kingdom , which was always a terror to the Popish Church , together with that wonderful success they had about the same time over the Protestants , & Turks in Hungary , that Kingdom being restored to her too ? these things made her doubtless to say ●n her Heart , I sit a Queen , &c. keywords: 6th; 7th; abominations; account; actions; age; alive; ancient; angels; answer; antichrist; antichristian; apostacy; apostle; appear; argument; ascention; author; authority; babylon; bear; beast; beginning; bishop; blasphemy; blessed; blood; bodies; body; book; brief; captivity; cause; chaldean; chap; chapter; character; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; civil; clear; common; conceive; conclude; confusion; cruel; cursed; cyrus; dan; daniel; darius; days; dead; death; decree; deliverance; detestable; devils; difference; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; doubtless; drunk; earth; ecclesiastical; effects; eighth; eminent; emperors; empire; end; enemies; england; english; ergo; evident; eyes; faithful; fall; false; famous; feet; final; fire; flesh; fornication; fourth; france; french; general; germany; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; gold; good; goodwin; gospel; government; great; great babylon; great city; great whore; greater; greatest; guilty; half; hands; harlots; harvest; hate; hath; head; heart; heathen; heaven; help; high; highest; history; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; horns; horrid; hour; house; humane; husband; idolatry; iii; images; inhabitants; iniquity; israel; jerusalem; jesus; jews; john; judgments; jurieu; jurisdiction; kingdom; kings; known; lamb; late; laws; learned; let; light; like; literal; little; lives; long; look; lord; luther; lye; man; manner; mark; martyrs; matter; means; mede; men; ministers; monarchy; months; mother; mouth; multitudes; mystery; mystery babylon; mystical; names; nations; nature; nay; near; new; number; old; opinion; order; overthrow; pagan; papal; papal power; papists; parts; past; people; period; persecution; persons; peter; pictures; place; plagues; poor; pope; popish; pouring; power; present; pretended; price; priests; princes; profession; prophecies; prophet; protestants; providence; publick; queen; reason; reformation; reign; religion; remarkable; respect; rest; resurrection; rev; revelations; rise; rome; rome hath; rome heathen; rome papal; romish; ruin; rule; said; saints; saith; saviour; scarlet; scotland; scripture; sea; seat; second; secular; self; set; seventh; shew; shewing; shilling; short; sin; sixth; slain; slaughter; slaying; sorts; souls; space; spirit; spiritual; state; strange; street; sun; t ●; tabernacle; taking; tcp; temple; temporal; tenth; testimony; text; th ●; thee; thes; things; think; tho; thou; throne; time; tongues; treatise; true; trumpet; truth; turks; united; universal; utter; vials; vile; vintage; visible; vision; viz; war; waters; way; whore; wicked; wine; witnesses; woe; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wrath; writers; years; young; ● ● cache: A47362.xml plain text: A47362.txt item: #261 of 416 id: A47432 author: King, William, 1650-1729. title: An answer to the considerations which obliged Peter Manby, late Dean of London-Derry in Ireland, as he pretends, to embrace what he calls, the Catholick religion by William King ... date: 1687.0 words: 38494 flesch: 62 summary: The Supream Ecclesiastical Power being lodged here , the next thing requisite is a certain Rule and Method , according to which , Laws were to be past by it ; and in the proceedings about the Reformation all alterations being made by this Power , and in this Method , it follows that they were all made legally ; and that our Churches retrenching such Ceremonies out of the Service of God as were judged Useless , Burdensome , or Superstitious ; and such Opinions as were no part of the Christian Faith , or corrupted it , was no more to make a new Faith or Church , then to to reform Abuses in the State by Act of Parliament is to make a new Kingdom . And as we urge this against them , so likewise against M. M. and his Party , who without any Mission from these Churches , do according to their private sence take a Commission from a Foreign Bishop and Church , to Preach against the declared Doctrine of that Church , to which by the Law of Christ they are Subjects . keywords: a47432; absolution; abuses; account; accountable; act; administer; advantage; affairs; agreement; alledges; altar; ancient; ancient church; angels; angliae; anglicana; ann; answer; apostles; argument; article; articuli; augustine; auricular; autem; authoritate; authority; baptism; benefit; best; better; bishops; blood; body; book; bread; burnet; calvin; canon; cap; case; catholick bishops; catholick church; catholicks; certain; chap; character; charge; charity; christ; christian; christian church; church; church doth; churches; civil; clear; clergy; commanded; commission; common; communion; concerned; concilio; confession; congregation; conscience; contra; contradiction; contrary; corruptions; council; cranmer; cranmerus; creeds; cum; cyprian; day; dean; death; declared; deo; design; desire; devotion; difference; discipline; discords; dispute; dissenters; distinct; divine; doctor; doctrine; doth; earnest; earth; easie; ecclesia; ecclesiastical; eebo; ejus; elements; england; english; enim; eorum; episcopi; erat; errors; esse; essential; est; etiam; extant; fact; faith; faithful; false; falshood; fathers; fault; favour; fidei; fifth; foundation; fourth; france; fuit; general; gloss; god; good; government; governors; grace; great; greater; greatest; guilty; haec; hands; happy; hath; head; hear; heaven; hell; help; henry; heresie; hereticks; heylin; history; hoc; holy; hope; idolatrous; idolatry; igitur; ignorance; ignorant; iii; ill; illi; images; inde; informed; interest; ipse; ireland; itaque; jewish church; jews; john; joyn; judge; judgment; judicious; jure; king; kingdoms; kneeling; language; late; latin; law; lawful; laws; lay; learned; leave; leges; lib; life; like; little; liturgy; lives; london; lord; m. m.; magis; manby; mass; material; matter; means; members; men; method; mind; ministry; mission; mouth; mr m.; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; neque; new; new church; nihil; nisi; non; nos; notes; nulla; nullum; obedience; objection; objects; office; old; omnes; omnia; omnibus; opinions; opposition; ordainers; orders; ordination; pag; page; pamphlet; papa; paper; papists; pardon; parliament; particular; particular church; party; passage; pastors; paul; people; persons; peter; place; points; pope; popery; popish; posse; possunt; potest; potestatem; power; practice; prayers; preface; prejudice; presbyterians; present; pretended; priest; primitive; principles; private; promise; prophets; propter; protestant church; protestants; publick; purpose; quae; quam; queen; question; qui; quia; quibus; quid; quis; quod; quàm; quâ; reader; reason; rebellion; reformation; reformed; reformers; regi; regnum; regular; religion; religious; repentance; resp; respect; right; roman; roman catholick; roman church; rome; rule; sacraments; saints; sanctus; says; schism; scriptures; second; sect; secundum; sed; self; selves; semet; sence; service; sese; set; shew; sibi; sine; sinner; sins; sit; society; solus; spain; spirit; spiritual; suam; subjects; submission; succession; sufficient; sunt; suo; superstition; supream; sure; tamen; tcp; temporal; temporalibus; testament; testimony; text; thing; thought; time; title; tongue; tot; tradition; trent; true; true church; truth; ubi; una; understanding; understands; unity; universal; universal church; unknown; use; utrum; variety; vel; vero; vertue; viii; visible church; voice; vulgar; want; way; wine; witness; words; work; world; worship; years; ● ● cache: A47432.xml plain text: A47432.txt item: #262 of 416 id: A47607 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Sion in distress, or, The groans of the Protestant Chruch [sic] date: 1681.0 words: 28845 flesch: 78 summary: ●ods Methods were to chasten , not destroy ●●ose Sinning Souls in whom he once took joy ) ● give thy Sinking Church a true discerning ●hat thou dost mean by this prodigious Warning ; To be thy Portion , Lord , thou didst me chuse , And thou my Portion art : I 'll ●●'re refuse So rich a Grace : thou art my Heritage , Thou art a God of Love from Age to Age , And therefore evermore I 'll dwell with thee , For thou alone , my Hiding-place shalt be . keywords: age; air; alas; antichrist; appear; babylon; bear; beast; bid; black; blessed; blest; blood; bloudy; body; bold; book; bow; brave; break; brethren; brother; burn; canst; cap; cause; characters; children; christ; christians; church; churches; city; clear; comfort; commands; common; complaint; conscience; content; cries; crown; cruel; cry; cup; cursed; day; days; dear; death; deep; destruction; devil; devour; didst; die; dismal; distress; dost; doth; dreadful; e'er; e're; early; earth; ease; eebo; empire; end; enemies; england; english; everlasting; evident; express; eye; eyes; face; fall; fatal; fathers; fear; feed; filthy; fire; foes; fools; free; friend; fury; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; grand; great; grief; groans; guiltless; guilty; hand; happy; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; hellish; help; high; hold; holy; hope; horns; horrid; ill; illustrious; images; increase; infants; infernal; innocent; inward; jehovah; jesus; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kill; kingdoms; kings; known; laws; left; lib; life; light; like; little; lives; long; look; lord; love; makes; man; mark; mean; measure; meat; meer; men; mercy; mighty; millions; mind; moan; monarchs; monstrous; mother; moulin; mourn; names; nations; nature; ne'er; near; notes; o lord; open; overthrow; pain; parents; pass; past; patience; peace; people; perdition; pieces; pleasure; plots; poor; pope; power; praise; precious; present; prey; pride; prodigious; protestants; proud; rage; ready; reason; receive; relief; religion; rest; rev; rise; rome; romish; royal; run; sacred; sad; saints; saith; scarce; scarlet; seat; second; self; sentence; set; sets; shame; shew; sin; sins; sion; slain; small; son; sons; sorrow; soul; speak; spirit; state; strange; strength; strong; strumpet; sweet; sword; tcp; tears; tell; temple; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thousands; thy; time; title; tongue; tribe; true; truth; vain; vengeance; vile; voice; void; wait; way; whore; wickedness; wise; woman; words; work; world; worship; wrath; wretch; year; ● o; ● ● cache: A47607.xml plain text: A47607.txt item: #263 of 416 id: A47635 author: Leigh, Richard 1649 or 50-1728. title: The transproser rehears'd, or, The fifth act of Mr. Bayes's play being a postscript to the animadversions on the preface to Bishop Bramhall's vindication, &c. : shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery. date: 1673.0 words: 31786 flesch: 56 summary: But to go on with our Prologue , ( so the A imadverter will warrant me now to ●●ll the Preface ) our Critick hath found a 〈◊〉 in it , and what 's that ? It has no Plot. 〈◊〉 , ● P●●logue without a Plot ! It is impossible , ti● a cross-graind objection this , 〈◊〉 not easily evaded , had not our Cri●●laid Mock-Apologist and answered 〈◊〉 , P. 11. keywords: abbot; acts; adversary; affairs; ancient; animadversions; animadverter; answer; arch; argument; armies; arms; army; art; author; bath; bayes; best; better; betwixt; bishop; bishop bramhall; bishop laud; bodies; body; bold; book; boys; bramhall; breeding; business; call'd; calling; calvin; capacity; case; cast; cattle; causes; characters; charge; church; churches; civil; civility; clergy; coffee; command; common; conceive; condition; conscience; consent; contempt; country; court; cross; crown; day; dead; defence; desire; different; divines; doctor; doubt; draw; dress; duke; dutch; early; ecclesiastical; edition; eebo; empire; end; enemy; england; english; execution; fall; fathers; favour; fear; fine; fire; fit; foot; force; fortune; free; gad; gazett; general; geneva; gentleman; germany; glorious; god; good; government; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hard; hath; head; high; higher; honour; horses; house; ill; images; innocence; innocent; instructions; interest; ioan; iohn; kind; king; known; lake; language; large; late; latin; laud; laws; leave; left; let; letters; liberty; life; like; little; loan; long; lords; love; low; lye; magistrate; majesties; majesty; making; man; mark; master; matters; means; meet; melancholy; men; milton; mind; monarchy; names; nations; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; nonconformists; obedience; occasion; office; old; open; order; original; ought; oxford; pag; page; parliament; passage; past; people; persons; picture; place; play; players; plot; poet; point; policy; politician; popery; power; preaching; preface; prelate; present; pretty; prince; private; profession; prologue; proof; publick; purpose; quality; question; reason; red; rehearsal; religion; remarkable; respect; rest; right; roman; rome; royal; saith; sake; school; scripture; scurvy; sea; second; self; sermon; service; set; short; sign; single; sir; soveraign; speech; state; stile; story; street; subjects; sufficient; supreme; sure; tcp; tei; tender; text; things; time; title; took; transpros'd; transproser; true; truth; turn'd; us'd; verse; vertues; vindication; violence; volscius; war; water; way; white; wise; wit; women; wonder; word; work; writer; writing; years; ● ● cache: A47635.xml plain text: A47635.txt item: #264 of 416 id: A47801 author: L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. title: An answer to the Appeal from the country to the city date: 1679.0 words: 14197 flesch: 66 summary: 48. for Inhibiting any person to be King. He that has a mind to see these match'd in the Scottish Kirk , may receive further satisfaction in a little book Entitled , TYRANNY and POPERY Lording it over the Consciences , Lives , Liberties , and Estates , both of King and People . keywords: account; answer; appeal; appellant; arbitrary; argument; arms; army; authority; believing; best; better; blood; books; calamities; case; cast; characters; charge; church; citizens; city; common; conspiracy; country; court; credit; crown; danger; dangerous; death; design; duke; early; eebo; enemies; england; english; estates; faction; faith; fanatiques; father; fear; fire; fol; force; france; french; friend; god; good; government; great; greater; hand; hath; head; history; houses; interest; king; kingdom; late; life; like; little; london; loyalty; majesties; majesty; man; matter; multitude; murther; nation; nature; nay; new; officers; old; orders; papists; parliament; party; people; person; phansie; place; plot; point; popery; popish; power; practices; present; prince; principles; protestant; publique; purpose; question; reason; rebellion; religion; second; self; set; story; subject; successour; sword; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; title; true; truth; turn'd; way; wives; work; world; young cache: A47801.xml plain text: A47801.txt item: #265 of 416 id: A47866 author: L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. title: The growth of knavery and popery under the mask of presbytery date: 1678.0 words: 17568 flesch: 62 summary: Seaventhly ; The Assembly is Independent either from King , or Parliament , in Matters Ecclesiastical . TYRANNY AND POPERY Lording it over the Consciences , Liberties , and Estates both of King and People . keywords: acts; afterward; answer; arbitrary; assemblies; assembly; aug; authority; better; bishops; body; book; case; christ; church; churches; commissioners; common; consent; contrary; council; covenant; covenanters; crown; day; death; declaration; defence; discipline; doctrine; early; ecclesiastical; edinburgh; eebo; elders; england; english; estates; execution; faction; faith; fol; form; general; gentlemen; glory; god; good; government; great; holy; honour; houses; iames; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; kirk; knox; late; lawful; laws; lay; liberty; life; london; lords; magistrates; majesties; majesty; man; matter; member; militia; ministers; money; nation; nay; notice; obedience; occasion; open; order; order'd; pag; parish; parliament; parochial; party; pass'd; people; person; place; popery; positions; power; practice; preaching; presbytery; present; pretence; princes; private; proclamation; project; protestation; publique; queen; question; rebellion; reformation; regent; religion; ruling; scotch; scotland; scottish; second; self; set; solemn; subject; taking; tcp; text; thing; time; title; treason; true; tyranny; vote; war; way; wealth; work cache: A47866.xml plain text: A47866.txt item: #266 of 416 id: A47935 author: L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. title: Tyranny and popery lording it over the consciences, lives, liberties, and estates both of King and people date: 1678.0 words: 17585 flesch: 62 summary: Seaventhly ; The Assembly is Independent either from King , or Parliament , in Matters Ecclesiastical . Tyranny and popery lording it over the consciences, lives, liberties, and estates both of King and people L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. 1678 Approx. keywords: acts; afterward; answer; arbitrary; assemblies; assembly; aug; authority; better; bishops; body; book; case; christ; church; churches; commissioners; common; consciences; consent; contrary; council; covenant; covenanters; crown; day; death; declaration; defence; discipline; doctrine; early; ecclesiastical; edinburgh; eebo; elders; england; english; estates; execution; faction; faith; fol; form; general; gentlemen; glory; god; good; government; great; honour; houses; james; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; kirk; knox; late; lawful; laws; lay; liberties; liberty; life; london; lords; magistrates; majesties; majesty; man; matter; member; militia; ministers; money; nation; nay; notice; obedience; occasion; open; order; order'd; pag; parish; parliament; parochial; party; pass'd; people; person; place; popery; positions; power; practice; preaching; presbytery; present; pretence; princes; private; proclamation; project; protestation; publique; queen; question; rebellion; reformation; regent; religion; ruling; scotch; scotland; scottish; self; set; solemn; subject; taking; tcp; text; thing; time; treason; true; tyranny; vote; war; way; wealth; work cache: A47935.xml plain text: A47935.txt item: #267 of 416 id: A48056 author: La Chaise, François d'Aix de, 1624-1709. title: Letter from Father La Chaise, confessor to the French King, to Father Peters, confessor to the King of England in which is contained the project and designe of that faction to introduce the Prince of Wales : with some observations on his conception and birth : to which added a letter from Will Penn to Father La Chaise about the affaires of that babe and the ensueing progress of the popish design. date: 1688.0 words: 9519 flesch: 33 summary: And this is the more possible because his Majesty takes all his Measures from the Constitution of the affaires in England , & undertakes nothing of any great importance till he considers how it stands with that King , eng James, -- Prince of Wales, 1688-1766. keywords: affaires; beleeve; best; blood; body; case; chaise; cheat; child; confessor; crowne; day; days; designe; divers; doth; doubt; duke; early; eebo; england; english; father; father la; fear; french; god; good; great; hand; hath; hereticks; holland; holy; house; joy; king; letter; long; longer; majesty; man; matter; means; men; month; need; news; number; old; order; penn; people; peters; popish; power; present; prince; project; purpose; queen; religion; small; society; son; tcp; text; things; time; use; wales; work; world; year; young; young prince cache: A48056.xml plain text: A48056.txt item: #268 of 416 id: A48243 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: The letter writ by the last Assembly General of the Clergy of France to the Protestants, inviting them to return to their communion together with the methods proposed by them for their conviction / translated into English, and examined by Gilbert Burnet. date: 1683.0 words: 41123 flesch: 58 summary: Qui pace su● , id est Impietatis suae uni●ate se j●ctant ▪ agen●es se non ut Christi Episcopos sed 〈◊〉 ●ntichristi Sacerdotes . Si ad fidem veram istiusmodi vis adhiberetur , Episcopalis Doctrina obviam pergere● , dicer●●que , Deus universitatis est , obsequio non eg●t necessario , non requirit coactam confessionem . keywords: abuses; account; acts; additions; addresses; advantage; ages; altar; ancient; answer; apology; apostles; application; arch; argument; articles; assembly; austin; authority; belief; best; bishop; blood; body; books; bread; brethren; build; burnet; calvin; calvinists; canons; cap; cardinal; care; catholick; cause; certain; change; characters; charity; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; clear; clergy; cockle; common; communion; concerned; confession; consciences; consequence; contrary; controversie; conveyance; corrupted; corruptions; council; court; cruelty; cum; cyprian; day; dead; death; decreed; design; difference; difficulty; discipline; discourse; dispute; divine; doctrine; donatists; doubt; earth; easie; edicts; eebo; effects; elements; eminent; engaged; england; english; errour; esteemed; evidence; excellent; expressions; extraordinary; faith; false; fathers; favour; force; fourth; france; gallican; gates; general; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greek; gross; grounds; guilty; hands; hard; head; heaven; hell; heresie; hereticks; high; hilary; history; hold; holy; honour; hope; house; iames; idolatry; iesus; ill; images; impious; infallible; instances; interest; iohn; joyn; judge; king; known; language; large; late; laws; letter; lib; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; man; manner; matter; maxime; meaning; men; mens; method; mind; morals; mother; motives; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; non; notions; obedience; object; occasion; octavo; offices; opinions; oral; order; original; orthodox; particular; parts; passages; paul; peace; people; persons; places; plain; plea; point; popes; possible; power; practice; prayer; prejudices; presence; present; pretended; priests; primitive; princes; principles; proof; protestants; pure; purgatory; purpose; quae; quam; question; qui; real; reason; received; reformation; reformed; relation; religion; remarks; rest; return; reverence; right; roman; roman church; rome; root; rules; run; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; salvation; saviour; schism; schismaticks; scripture; second; sed; self; selves; sense; sentence; separate; separation; sermon; set; severities; shew; sin; sincerity; single; sir; small; soever; solemn; sort; souls; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; strong; subjects; succession; sufficient; surer; suspect; synod; tares; tcp; tertullian; text; things; thought; time; tradition; treatise; true church; truth; unity; unreasonable; use; vertue; view; vos; way; weak; words; work; world; worse; worship; worshipping; writ; writers; writings; years; zeal; ● ● cache: A48243.xml plain text: A48243.txt item: #269 of 416 id: A48250 author: Catholic Church. Assemblée générale du clergé de France. title: A letter written to the French King, by the lords spiritual the arch-bishops and the bishops, together with the other ecclesiasticks, appointed by the clergy of France, assembled at St. Germains en Laye About the last breve of the Pope, upon the subject of the regale. date: 1680.0 words: 1984 flesch: 67 summary: A translation of La lettre éscrite au roy par nosseigneurs les archovesques, evesques, & autres ecclesiastiques deputz du clergé de France, assemblées à S. Germain en Laye, in reply to: Pope Innocent XI. Lettre écrite au roy par nosseigneurs les archevesques, evesques & autres ecclesiastiques deputez du clergé de France, assemblées à S. Germain en Laye. keywords: arch; bishop; books; breve; characters; church; clergy; early; ecclesiasticks; eebo; english; france; general; images; king; laye; lords; louis; majesty; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pope; regale; sire; subject; tcp; tei; text; works cache: A48250.xml plain text: A48250.txt item: #270 of 416 id: A48307 author: Ley, John, 1583-1662. title: A comparison of the Parliamentary protestation with the late canonicall oath and the difference betwixt them as also the opposition betwixt the doctrine of the Church of England and that of Rome : so cleared that they who made scruple of the oath may cheerfully and without doubt addresse themselves to take the protestation : as also a fvrther discvssion of the case of conscience touching receiving the sacrament of the Lords Supper, when either bread or wine is wanting or when by antipathy or impotence the party that desires it cannot take it : wherein the impiety, injury and absurdity of the popish halfe communion is more fully declared and confuted : both which discourses were occasioned by a letter of a lay-gentle-man, lately written to the authour for his satisfaction touching the matters fore-mentioned / by John Ley ... date: 1641.0 words: 20614 flesch: 71 summary: k Gravissimum vovendi 〈◊〉 fuit cum juramentum adhi●●batur , M●●don . n In my case of conscience , p. 10. the like is proposed by D. Featly in his grand Imposture , p. 200. o Si culpa est respondi●●e , qu●so ut patienter a●dias mul●o maj●● est prov●casse Aug. ●p . keywords: administer; anathema; answer; apostle; apud; art; articles; atque; aug; authority; baptisme; bee; bel; better; betwixt; bin; bishops; blessed; blood; body; books; bread; canon; canonicall; cap; case; ceremonies; ceremony; chamier; christ; christian; church; clergy; col; common; communion; comparison; concil; concomitancy; confess; conscience; constant; contrary; councell; cum; cup; danger; dead; declarat; dei; demand; deo; difference; distinction; divers; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; ecclesia; ecclesiasticall; efficacy; element; england; english; eucharist; exception; expresse; faithfull; farre; fathers; fault; fideles; fol; fore; generall; god; good; grace; grand; great; ground; halfe; hand; hath; high; hoc; hold; holy; honourable; hope; house; ibid; images; innovations; john; judgement; kinde; laity; late; lawfull; lay; lesse; ley; lib; life; like; lord; man; manner; matter; meane; meaning; necessary; necessity; non; note; number; oath; occasion; omnes; opposite; opposition; order; ordinance; originall; owne; pag; panis; papists; parliament; parliamentary; particular; party; people; person; place; point; popery; popish; power; practice; prayers; presence; present; priests; professe; promise; protestant; protestation; publike; purgatory; purpose; qui; quod; reall; reason; received; receiving; religion; religious; repugnant; resolution; respect; right; rites; roman; rome; romish; sacrament; sacramentall; sacriledge; said; saints; saith; salvation; sancta; sanctorum; satisfaction; saying; scandall; scripture; scruple; second; sect; sed; selfe; seminary; sence; ses; sess; set; shall; signes; signified; single; sinne; sir; sixt; solum; specie; spirituall; sub; substance; sunt; supper; synod; synodus; taking; tenet; termes; text; thing; tom; touching; transubstantiation; trent; trid; true; truth; use; utraque; vel; vini; viz; votum; vow; water; way; wherin; white; wine; words; world; worship; ● e; ● r; ● ● cache: A48307.xml plain text: A48307.txt item: #271 of 416 id: A48580 author: Lindeman, Michel, b. ca. 1613. title: A prophesie of a countryman called Michel Lindeman, being 86 years of age, living in the dukedom of Hagen, done in the harvest-time of our Lord, 1699. date: 1700.0 words: 1421 flesch: 65 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A48580) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 99409) keywords: books; characters; early; eebo; english; gospel; great; hagen; image; lindeman; lord; michel; online; oxford; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; time; xml; year cache: A48580.xml plain text: A48580.txt item: #272 of 416 id: A48815 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: A conference between two Protestants and a papist, occasion'd by the late seasonable discourse date: 1673.0 words: 14537 flesch: 66 summary: But certain 't was no great sign of understanding ; to broach such a story , when all the world knows there n●ither are , nor ever were any F●ya●s at Dunki●k , English I mean , for str●nge●s , I suppose he will not make so concern'd in the affai●s of our Country . However they declare there very plainly that the interposing of the Court of Rome , and this even in presentments to Benefices or at least cogn●●●nce of the Plea , translation of Bishop● , &c. ( which be matters Spiritual enough ) are clearly against the King● Crown and his Regality used and approved of the time of all his Progenitors — That the Crown of England hath been so free at all times , that it hath been in no Earthly Subjection , but immediately subject to God in all things , touching the regality of the same , and to none other — And God defend , say they , it should be submitted to the Pope ( as by the interposing aforesaid they declare it would ) and the Laws and Statutes of the Realm by him defeated and avoided at his will — Besides , that they will stand with the King , his Crown and Regality in the cases aforesaid , and in all other cases attempted against him , his Crown and Regality in all points to live and die . keywords: aforesaid; answer; arch; authority; bad; better; bishops; body; books; catholick; cause; church; clergy; communion; consent; considerable; contrary; council; country; court; credit; crown; day; deal; decrees; desire; discourse; doctrines; eebo; england; english; farther; fear; fidelity; fit; forreign; free; general; god; good; great; home; honest; innocent; interest; ireland; king; known; laws; little; long; lord; man; matter; mean; men; nation; nay; needs; new; number; o ●; oath; obedience; obliged; occasion; opinion; papists; particular; people; peradventure; places; pontifical; pope; popery; power; present; princes; private; protection; protestants; queen; reason; religion; rest; rome; sacred; said; seasonable; secure; self; selves; sir; state; subjects; sure; tcp; terms; territories; text; things; time; true; truth; understanding; use; way; words; world; years; ● e; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A48815.xml plain text: A48815.txt item: #273 of 416 id: A48816 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: Considerations touching the true way to suppress popery in this kingdom by making a distinction between men of loyal and disloyal principles in that communion : on occasion whereof is inserted an historical account of the Reformation here in England. date: 1677.0 words: 51906 flesch: 72 summary: I say , To the Bishop of Rome , because he it is that hath for many Ages past , appropriated to himself the name of Pope , which was formerly common to all Bishops ; as every one knows that has been conversant in the Writings of the Fathers . That which directly asserts the pretended universal Power of the Pope ) it is no necessary evil of any inferiour , subservient Errours or Practices , at least , of any of those which are not peculiar to the Roman Church ( how false or vain soever they be in themselves ) but the unnecessary embracing them out of pure submission to the usurpt Authority of the Roman Bishop , now stiled Pope , and the only Pope of the World , is it , that in any right sense of the word , renders them truly Popish . keywords: able; account; act; acts; age; ages; allegiance; ancient; anno; answer; appeal; articles; assurance; authority; best; better; bishops; books; business; canons; catholicks; cause; censures; certain; chief; christian; church; churches; circumstances; civil; clergy; common; communion; conc; concerned; condition; conscience; contrary; council; country; court; crown; danger; dangerous; days; death; defence; design; diffusive; discrimination; distinction; divers; divine; doctrine; doubt; effect; eliz; elizabeth; emperour; enemies; enemy; england; english; errours; execution; faction; faith; farther; fathers; favour; fear; fit; force; france; free; french; friends; general; god; good; government; great; hand; hard; hath; head; henry; herb; herbert; heresie; hildebrand; hist; hold; home; hope; ibid; ill; infallibility; instances; interest; judge; judgment; kind; king; kingdom; known; laity; late; laws; leave; liberty; life; like; little; long; making; manner; matter; means; men; mind; monarchy; nay; necessary; new; notion; number; oath; obedience; obliged; occasion; opinions; owning; papacy; papal; papalins; papists; party; penalties; people; persons; place; plain; pleased; pope; popery; popish; possible; power; practice; present; pretended; priests; princes; principles; proper; protestants; proved; punishment; queen; reader; reason; received; reformation; religion; right; roman; roman catholicks; roman church; roman communion; rome; sand; schism; secure; security; self; sense; sentence; set; severity; shew; spiritual; state; subjects; sufficient; supremacy; sure; tcp; terms; test; text; theirs; things; thought; time; title; toleration; tradition; trent; true; trust; undistinguishing; viii; way; ways; western; whatsoever; words; world; years cache: A48816.xml plain text: A48816.txt item: #274 of 416 id: A48817 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: The difference between the Church and Court of Rome, considered in some reflections on a dialogue entituled, A conference between two Protestants and a Papist / by the author of the late seasonable discourse. date: 1674.0 words: 15609 flesch: 48 summary: My next Allegation is of the Council of Lyons , where the Pope after mature deliberation had with his Cardinals and the Council , having depos'd and deprived the Emperour , and absolv'd all those from their Oaths of Allegiance , who had sworn it to him , and commanded that no person should own him from thenceforth as Emperour , or any way obey or intend to obey him , and excommunicated all such as should give him Counsel , or any way favour him ; and ordered that the Electors should proceed to a new Choice , the aforesaid particulars being read in the Council , the Pope and Prelates sitting in Council , with Candles burning in their hands , thundred out their Excommunication against the deposed Emperour Frederick , &c. But since the Gentleman with whom I had first to do , and our present Author after him , think they have abundantly cleared themselves , by quoting a few Romanists who have denied the Exorbitant Tyrannies of the Pope , and separating the Interests of the Court and Church of Rome , with this Difference , keywords: account; aforesaid; age; allegiance; assurance; author; authority; bishop; books; cardinal; case; catholick; church; churches; clergy; common; communion; contrary; council; court; crown; day; deposing; dialogue; difference; discourse; doctors; doctrine; duty; early; ecclesiastical; edition; eebo; effect; emperour; england; english; enquiry; estates; fair; faith; farther; fathers; favour; france; general; god; good; great; head; henry; hereticks; holiness; holy; hope; iames; indulgence; instance; iohn; ireland; king; kingdom; large; lateran; law; leave; like; lord; loyal; making; manner; matter; mean; men; new; oath; obedience; opinion; opposition; papists; parliament; particular; party; people; perron; persons; place; plausible; point; pope; popery; possible; power; pretences; priests; princes; profession; proselyte; protestants; reader; rebellion; received; religion; rights; roman; roman church; romanists; rome; romish; said; seasonable; second; security; self; set; soveraign; state; subjects; sufficient; sure; tcp; text; thing; time; tom; treason; universal; way; words; work; world; year cache: A48817.xml plain text: A48817.txt item: #275 of 416 id: A48824 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: Papists no Catholicks, and popery no Christianity date: 1677.0 words: 9477 flesch: 68 summary: God says , that the seed of the woman ( which is Jesus Christ ) shall bruise the serpents bead : The Romish translation saith , The woman shall bruise the serpents head : attributing that to the Virgin Mary which belongs to Christ. They maybe of the visible Church in regard of some part of their outward profession , who in regard of their inward disposition of mind , and of their external conversation , yea and of the greatest part of their outward profession also , are hateful unto God , and execrable in the eyes of the founder part of the visible Church of Christ. keywords: abuse; ans; antichrist; antichristian; apostle; author; bible; bishop; body; books; calling; catholicks; characters; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; constantinople; contrary; council; cup; days; doctor; doctrine; doth; early; eebo; english; express; faith; fathers; general; ghost; god; gods; good; grace; great; hand; hath; heaven; holy; images; jesus; jesus christ; judgment; law; lord; man; mass; men; merit; neighbours; new; non; number; obj; oxford; papists; paul; people; peter; pope; popery; popish; power; prayer; present; priests; reason; religion; rome; romish; sacrament; sacrifice; said; salvation; scripture; selves; set; sin; souls; tcp; tei; text; things; thou; thy; time; title; traditions; trent; true; word; works; worship cache: A48824.xml plain text: A48824.txt item: #276 of 416 id: A48829 author: Fell, John, 1625-1686. title: A seasonable discourse shewing the necessity of maintaining the established religion, in opposition to popery date: 1673.0 words: 11038 flesch: 66 summary: Catholic Church -- Controversial literature. Church and state -- England. keywords: account; acts; anno; answer; apostolic; art; authority; bell; benefit; better; books; case; catholic; characters; christian; church; common; communion; concil; confession; conscience; crown; days; doctrines; early; eebo; england; english; errors; faith; farther; france; general; god; good; great; greater; heathen; henry; hist; holiness; holy; images; interest; john; king; kingdom; known; lands; large; late; law; laws; little; long; lord; majesty; mean; men; nation; nay; necessary; new; numbers; obedience; online; opposition; order; oxford; pag; papists; paris; parliament; partnership; peace; people; persons; peter; phase; pope; popery; power; present; priests; prince; queen; reason; religion; religious; roman; rome; scripture; seasonable; second; sect; self; sess; short; sin; state; subjects; tcp; tei; terms; text; thing; time; tom; trident; true; truth; tyranny; universal; use; war; wealth; words; work; world; worship; years cache: A48829.xml plain text: A48829.txt item: #277 of 416 id: A48851 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: A sermon preached before the House of Lords, on November 5, 1680 by ... William Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. date: 1680.0 words: 10108 flesch: 71 summary: But because this will signifie nothing , till it appear who are the Church of God , or at least who are the enemies of it ; I shall determine that by bringing it to this issue ; That they who are most given to hate , and to destroy others , especially those others who differ from them in Religion , they are not the Church of God , or at least , they are so far corrupt in that particular . I have shewn so much of this Diabolical Spirit , in every sort of the Enemies of the Church of God ; not only in Heathens and Unbelievers , without ; but also in Hereticks and Schismaticks within : And I have shewn so much of the Christian Spirit on the other hand , the great patience and meekness of Gods people in dealing with all sorts of enemies : that considering what advantage they have who lay about them with rage , against those that stand still , and are only ready to suffer , one would wonder , that long since true Religion had not been destroyed , or driven out of the world . keywords: able; account; asaph; authority; books; catholicks; cause; characters; christianity; christians; church; churches; common; communion; council; cruelty; danger; day; death; deliverance; design; early; eebo; enemies; england; english; fear; god; gods; good; great; hand; hath; hereticks; house; israel; kingdom; like; lives; lord; lordships; malice; men; nation; papists; particular; people; popery; power; protestant; queen; religion; roman; saith; self; selves; sermon; spirit; subjects; sure; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; treason; true; ways; william; words; years cache: A48851.xml plain text: A48851.txt item: #278 of 416 id: A49228 author: Catholic Church. Pope (1676-1689 : Innocent XI) title: The French king's letter to the Pope concerning the present affairs in England. With allowance. date: 1689.0 words: 1538 flesch: 61 summary: Tres Saint Pere , NOus avons esté bien aise de voir par le Bref que vostre Beatitude nous écrivit le premier de ce mois , qu'elle est bien persuadée du grand prejudice que la Religion Catholique peut souffrir de l'Etat où se trouve le Roy de la Grande Bretagne , & de l'interêt qe'elle doit prendre à son retablissement : Nous pouvons dire aussi que quand même nôtre penchant naturel ne nous auroit pas porté à donner à ce Prince affligé , tout le soulagement & la consolation qu'il pouvoit attendre de nôtre amitié , nous aurions sacrifié au desir de conserver les restes de nôtre Religion en Angleterre & à la gloire de remettre le dit Roi sur son trône , toutes les raisons politiques qui nous auroient pû obliger de lui refuser le secours dont il a besom . (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A49228) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 36056) keywords: bien; books; characters; church; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; france; holiness; image; king; nous; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pope; que; religion; son; tcp; tei; text; vostre; works; xiv; xml cache: A49228.xml plain text: A49228.txt item: #279 of 416 id: A49644 author: A. L. title: A letter to a friend, touching Dr. Jeremy Taylor's Disswasive from Popery. Discovering above an hundred and fifty false, or wretched quotations, in it. date: 1665.0 words: 18326 flesch: 77 summary: Scriptum esse doceat Hermogenis officina : si non est scriptum , timeat vae illud , &c. ] Therefore ( saith he ) in the beginning God made Heaven and Earth . If not written , let him fear that woe , &c. keywords: affirms; afore; ambrose; ancient; apostles; article; augustin; authority; basil; bishops; blood; body; book; bread; canon; cause; certain; chap; chapter; christ; church; consecration; contrary; council; creed; day; death; decree; divers; divine; doctor; doctrine; doth; edition; eebo; emperor; end; english; eucharist; express; false; fathers; fire; flesh; general; ghost; god; great; greeks; hath; hereticks; holy; images; jeremy; john; judgement; kindes; law; life; little; lord; man; manifest; manner; mass; meaning; new; onely; opinion; origen; pag; people; peter; place; pope; power; prayers; priest; primitive; purgatory; purpose; quotations; quotes; reason; rest; sacrament; sacrifice; saith; salvation; saying; scripture; sect; sense; set; sin; sixtus; souls; spake; speaks; substance; taylor; tcp; text; thing; thy; time; title; tolet; transubstantiation; true; truth; unity; virgin; viz; wine; words; world cache: A49644.xml plain text: A49644.txt item: #280 of 416 id: A50914 author: Milton, John, 1608-1674. title: Nevvs from hell, Rome and the Innes of court wherein is set forth the coppy of a letter written from the devill to the pope : the true coppy of the petition delivered to the King at Yorke : the coppy of certaine articles of agreement betweene the devill, the pope, and divers others : the description of a feast, sent from the devill to the pope : together with a short advertisement to the high court of Parliament with sundry other particulars / by J. M. date: 1642.0 words: 7788 flesch: 55 summary: Your intire Prince and God of this world , Lucifer , Prince of Darknes and Superstition , King of Stiks and Phlegeton , Supreame Lord of Gehenna , Tartaria , Colmakia , Samoyedia , Lappia , Corelia , and Colmagoria , Prince Abyssus , and sole commander of Seeberia , Alteenia , Pecheora , and of all the infernall furies and their punife , the Jesuites , Priests , and Semenaries , Sendeth Greeting . And thus rendring all humble and hearty thanks , with all reverence in all obedience unto his Majestie , our most damnable prince and Protector , Lucifer , King of Sticks and Phlegeton ; I remaine his majesties humble servant and Vice gerent , at his majesties sole disposall during life . keywords: advancement; atturnies; beloved; betweene; bishops; bribery; card; cause; certaine; children; church; clarks; contention; coppy; corrupt; court; crowne; damnable; day; devill; dignity; dish; disposall; divers; effect; england; english; fall; false; feast; fees; good; great; hath; hell; hereticks; high; holinesse; holy; honour; infernall; item; jaylor; jesuites; john; judges; justice; king; king lucifer; kingdome; lawes; lawyers; letter; like; long; lord; lord king; lordly; lucifer; majesties; majesty; messe; new; number; onely; oppression; parliament; peace; people; petition; pleased; pleasure; pope; power; present; priests; princely; respect; rome; royall; said; servants; set; severall; solicitor; soveraigne; soveraigne lord; speciall; spice; state; subjects; sundry; taste; text; time; true cache: A50914.xml plain text: A50914.txt item: #281 of 416 id: A51177 author: Falkland, Lucius Cary, Viscount, 1610?-1643. title: The coppy of a letter sent from France by Mr. Walter Mountagu to his father the Lord Privie Seale, with his answere thereunto also a second answere to the same letter by the Faukland. date: 1641.0 words: 12262 flesch: 26 summary: Eleventhly , He brings S. Austines authority to prove , that the true Church must be alwayes visible ; but if he understood Church in Master Mountagu's sence , I think he was deceiv'd . Sixthly , his reason for the necessitie of the visibility follows , because the cōtrary were a derogation from Gods power or providence , I answer , to say he could not keep the truth exactly in mens beliefe , were to derogate from Gods power , to say he had not given sufficient means to finde the truth , and yet damned men for error , the first would be a derogation from his providence , the second from his Justice , but to say hee suffers men to erre who neglect the meanes of not erring , and that he damnes none for a meere errour , in which the will hath no part , and consequently the man no fault , derogates from none of the three , but sayes hee , this is repugnant to the maine reason why God hath a Church upon earth to be the conserver of the doctrine of Christ , and to convey it from age to age , I answer to conserve it is every mans duty , but such as they may all fail in , and is indeed rather the forme of the Church then the end of the Church , an exact conservation making an exact Church , as a lesse perfect conserving a lesse perfect Church . keywords: able; ages; alwayes; ancient; answer; apostles; authority; bee; beleeve; books; capable; cause; christ; christians; church; churches; consent; continuall; divines; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duty; end; england; english; errour; faith; father; god; good; great; hath; hee; hold; lesse; letter; like; long; lord; lost; luther; man; master; mee; men; mountagu; nay; necessary; new; onely; opinion; pag; pastors; persons; places; points; pope; professe; profession; protestants; question; read; reason; religion; resolution; rest; rome; rule; saint; satisfaction; scripture; second; selfe; sonne; succession; text; thing; thought; time; tradition; true; true church; truth; visibilitie; visible; walter; want; way; wee; words cache: A51177.xml plain text: A51177.txt item: #282 of 416 id: A51287 author: More, Henry, 1614-1687. title: An appendix to the late antidote against idolatry Wherein the true and adequate notion or definition of idolatry is proposed. Most instances of idolatry in the Roman Church thereby examined. Sundry uses in the Church of England cleared. With some serious monitions touching spiritual idolatry thereunto annexed. date: 1673.0 words: 16913 flesch: 57 summary: So that we way with better reason imagine the Septuagint to have chosen this word as an universal Bar against not only Statue-worship , but even Picture-worship also : Or to have made choice of Idolon , rather than 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Sculptile , because it signifieth more determinately such Sculptilia as are Images , or have Imagery on them , that they should not be bowed to in a religious way ; not forbidding to direct their worship towards every thing that is carved , when it does not at all pretend to make God representable , as Imagery does . And now for the Statue or Image of Christ , if it be worshipped towards with such a religious look and devout cast of the eyes as before , significative of the highest veneration that is due to God , or can by us be given to him , it is apparent that this exteriour ritual worship is done to this Image also ; nor can be any more doubted , than if kissing of this Image were the Ritual performance and it were kissed , that this Image was the Object of the kissing with all the exteriour devotionalness used therein : and that therefore this Image thus adored , though but relatively , partakes of divine worship . keywords: aaron; act; adoration; adultery; aegypt; affection; altar; angels; antidote; betwixt; body; bowing; bread; calf; case; cherubins; christ; church; commandement; creature; definition; devotion; divine; divine worship; english; evident; external; false; father; figure; general; god; godhead; gods; golden; good; great; heathen; high; holy; honour; idolatry; image; incense; infinite; instances; intended; jehovah; jesus; kind; latria; lord; love; majesty; making; manifest; mercy; murder; natural; nature; notion; object; peculiarities; peculiarity; people; person; place; plain; presence; present; priest; reason; relation; relative; religious; reply; representable; respect; reverence; right; sacrifice; saint; seat; second; self; selves; sense; spiritual; sun; symbolical; tcp; text; thing; thou; thy; true; use; violation; visible; vvorship; way; worship; worshipping cache: A51287.xml plain text: A51287.txt item: #283 of 416 id: A51303 author: More, Henry, 1614-1687. title: An exposition of the seven epistles to the seven churches together with a brief discourse of idolatry, with application to the Church of Rome / by Henry More ... date: 1669.0 words: 67508 flesch: 62 summary: And Caninius in general pronounces , Alia sunt innumerabilia quae deperdunt G : which implies it to be but a weak melting Consonant , and such as easily degenerates into Y , and , as it may be placed , is easily quite lost . Which argues that the sound of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are near enough for paronomasticall Allusion in any indifferent man's judgement whatsoever . And that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the same that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , besides that common Analogie of making nomina parasyllaba ( as they are called ) from the fifth Declension , as from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , there is an example exquisitely answering this of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , namely , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: account; adde; adoration; affairs; albigenses; alive; allusion; altars; ancient; angels; answer; antichrist; antipas; apoc; apocalypse; apocalyptick; apostles; apostolick church; application; asia; authority; babylon; balaam; barbarous; beast; beginning; better; bishops; blessed; bloud; body; book; bread; brief; burning; candlesticks; carnal; case; castle; catholick church; chap; chapter; christ; christendome; christians; church; churches; circumstances; city; civil; clear; close; coming; common; communion; conceive; conclusion; condition; conscience; consider; considerable; consideration; contrary; council; creature; crown; daughter; day; days; dead; death; decalogue; description; design; devil; devotion; discourse; dispensation; divided; divine; divinity; doctrine; doe; domina; doubt; earth; easie; eating; eighth; end; english; ephesine church; ephesus; epiphonema; epistles; exceeding; excuse; exposition; externall; eyes; faith; faithfull; false; farther; feet; field; fifth; fine; fire; fit; flesh; following; foregoing; fornication; fourth; frequent; general; giving; glorious; glory; god; goe; golden; good; great; greater; grosse; grotius; ground; guilty; hand; haply; hard; heart; heaven; heavenly; hebrew; high; highest; history; holy; holy church; honour; host; humanity; idolaters; idolatrous; idolatry; idols; images; infinite; intended; interest; interpretation; intervall; intimated; invocation; jerusalem; jesus; jews; jezebel; john; judgement; kinde; kingdome; kings; knight; knowledge; laodicea; large; law; left; lib; life; like; literal; little; lives; long; lord; lordship; love; main; making; manifest; manner; martyrs; mary; matter; mayst; mean; meaning; members; men; mere; midst; modes; moral; morning; mother; mouth; mysticall; names; nations; natural; nature; need; new; nice; ninth; non; notes; notice; notion; notorious; number; object; obvious; old; onely; opinion; order; pagan; palpable; papal; particular; parts; passage; past; pastours; patience; peculiar; people; perfect; pergamus; period; persecutions; person; philadelphia; philadelphian church; piece; place; plain; point; poor; pope; power; practices; presence; present; pretense; promise; proper; prophecies; prophecy; propheticall; prophets; protestant; providence; psalm; publick; pure; purity; purpose; reach; reader; ready; reason; reformation; reformed; reign; religion; religious; repent; reproach; respect; rest; return; rich; right; righteousnesse; roman church; rome; said; saints; sake; salvation; sardian church; sardis; satan; saviour; scene; scripture; seals; second; self; sense; servants; set; seventh; signification; signifies; small; smyrna; smyrnian; soul; sound; special; spirit; spiritual; stars; state; stone; style; succession; supreme; sure; sword; symbolicall; tcp; temple; tenth; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thunder; thy; thyatira; time; title; touching; transubstantiation; trent; true; true church; true god; truth; unlesse; unto; vain; verse; vial; vineyard; virgin; visible; vision; viz; voice; waldenses; way; ways; whenas; white; whore; witnesse; woman; works; world; worship; worshipping; writ; writing; year; zeal cache: A51303.xml plain text: A51303.txt item: #284 of 416 id: A51392 author: Morley, George, 1597-1684. title: A letter to Her Highness the Duchess of York some few months before her death written by the Bishop of Winchester. date: 1683.0 words: 6772 flesch: 31 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Catholic Church -- Controversial literature. keywords: belief; bishop; books; change; characters; church; conscience; contrary; declare; donatists; early; eebo; enemies; english; false; friends; great; highness; hope; king; known; malicious; oxford; papist; people; persons; pleased; practise; profession; quality; religion; report; rome; royal; salvation; self; sure; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; true; truth; way; york cache: A51392.xml plain text: A51392.txt item: #285 of 416 id: A51462 author: H. M. title: A letter to a person of honour in London concerning the papists from an old cavalier in Yorkshire. date: 1663.0 words: 5097 flesch: 60 summary: First , they cried out against the Papists , as if they were Traytors , till they had disabled them : Then , against the Protestants , as if they were Papists , till they had mastered them : Then , against every one that would not rebel , till they had ruin'd all . If the present Papists be too few to be fear'd , what need we punish those who now are Papists , lest they should grow hereafter so many as to be fear'd ? keywords: books; catholicks; cavalier; characters; church; civil; crime; dangerous; early; eebo; encoding; english; far; guilty; images; king; late; letter; london; long; neighbours; new; number; old; online; oxford; papists; partnership; person; phase; power; presbyterian; priests; protestants; punish; religion; rest; roman; self; spiritual; sure; tcp; tei; text; time; treason; true; works; xml; yorkshire cache: A51462.xml plain text: A51462.txt item: #286 of 416 id: A51652 author: Musgrave, Christopher, fl. 1621 title: Motives and reasons for dissevering from the Church of Rome and her doctrine wherein after the declaration of his conversion, he openeth divers absurdities practised in that Church, being not matters of report, but such things whereof he was an eye and ear witness / by Chr. Musgrave, after he had lived a Carthusian monk for twenty years. date: 1688.0 words: 8259 flesch: 50 summary: Motives and reasons for dissevering from the Church of Rome and her doctrine wherein after the declaration of his conversion, he openeth divers absurdities practised in that Church, being not matters of report, but such things whereof he was an eye and ear witness / by Chr. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1406:29) Motives and reasons for dissevering from the Church of Rome and her doctrine wherein after the declaration of his conversion, he openeth divers absurdities practised in that Church, being not matters of report, but such things whereof he was an eye and ear witness / by Chr. keywords: a51652; absurdities; ancient; auricular; authority; blind; blood; body; books; bread; business; carthusians; chap; christ; church; confession; consideration; dislike; divers; doctrine; eebo; england; english; eyes; father; general; god; grace; great; hath; house; jesus; john; life; little; long; love; man; manner; mans; matters; men; mind; motives; musgrave; new; notes; opinion; order; point; prayer; priest; primitive; prior; purgatory; reasons; religious; rome; sacrament; saith; saying; scripture; seeing; self; sight; sin; sins; soul; superiours; tcp; text; things; time; tradition; true; vicar; warrant; way; whereof; years cache: A51652.xml plain text: A51652.txt item: #287 of 416 id: A53579 author: Oates, Titus, 1649-1705. title: The witch of Endor, or, The witchcrafts of the Roman Jesebel in which you have an account of the exorcisms or conjurations of the papists, as they be set forth in their agends, benedictionals, manuals, missals, journals, portasses, which they use in their churches concerning the hallowing of the water, salt, bread, candles, boughs, fire, ashes, incense, pascal lamb, eggs, herbs, milk, honey, apples, wine, cheese, butter, new baked bread, flesh, font, marrying ring, pilgrims wallet, staff, cross, sword, &c. : proposed and offered to the consideration of all sober Protestants / by Titus Otes. date: 1679.0 words: 28534 flesch: 67 summary: Is not Christ called Jesus , that is to say , a Saviour , at the appointment of God the Father , to declare , That he alone saveth his People from their sins ? In the History of the Gospel we read , that Christ drove away the Devil with the word of God. keywords: able; almighty; almighty god; altar; angel; antichrist; apostle; ashes; baptism; bell; benediction; beseecheth god; bewitched; bishop; blessed; blessing; body; boughs; branches; bread; butter; candles; cheese; christ; church; clean; cometh; conjurations; conjured; conscience; creatures; cross; defence; desireth; devil; diseases; doth; earth; eggs; end; enemies; enemy; everlasting; faithful; false; father; fire; flesh; flowers; font; free; ghost; gift; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; hallowed; hallowing; hand; hath; health; heavenly; help; herbs; holy; holy ghost; holy god; holy water; idle; incense; jesus; jesus christ; john; kind; kingdom; lamb; law; life; like; little; lord; man; manner; matter; means; meat; men; merits; mind; new; o lord; palms; papists; pascal; paul; people; perfumes; pilgrimage; place; popish; power; prayer; prayeth; present; priest; pure; right; righteousness; ring; saints; saith; salt; salvation; sanctified; satan; saviour; saying; scripture; set; simple; sins; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; staff; strength; suffragan; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; times; true; unclean; use; vain; virtue; vouchsafe; wallet; water; way; whosoever; wicked; wickedness; wine; words; work; world; yea cache: A53579.xml plain text: A53579.txt item: #288 of 416 id: A53677 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: The church of Rome, no safe guide, or, Reasons to prove that no rational man, who takes due care of his own eternal salvation, can give himself up unto the conduct of that church in matters of religion by John Owen ... date: 1679.0 words: 17440 flesch: 57 summary: The Person of whom I speak I suppose to be a wise man ; that is , one who prefers things eternal unto those that are temporal , so as not to be ensnared by earthly Interests and Advantages , unto the forfeiture of his Interest in things above ; and will be careful not to be imposed on by men who design their own Advantage in what they would perswade him unto . And I shall not deal with them by abstruse Arguments , nor by Testimonies of men that may be bandied up and down , on the one side and the other ; but by such plain Reasonings as are accommodated unto the common understanding of all sober , sedate , rational Persons , who own the Principles of Christian Religion , which have their force from the general usage of mankind in things of an alike nature , the common natural Principles of mens minds , where they are not vitiated and depraved , with the experience of what they have found already in any Duties of Religious Worship . keywords: absolute; account; advantage; apostles; assurance; authority; believers; blood; care; case; christ; christians; church; commands; condition; conduct; consciences; contrary; design; differences; divine; doctrine; doth; duty; eebo; english; eternal; evident; experience; faith; foundation; glory; god; good; gospel; great; ground; guidance; guide; hath; hereof; holy; images; interest; jesus; john; kings; knowledge; light; like; lives; lord; love; lusts; man; means; men; minds; nations; nature; necessary; obedience; occasion; pernicious; persons; place; pope; power; practices; present; pretence; pretended; principles; reason; religion; resignation; respect; revelation; rome; rule; safe; salvation; scripture; secular; self; sense; sorts; souls; spiritual; state; sufficient; supposition; tcp; text; things; trust; truth; understanding; use; vertue; waies; way; wisdom; wise; words; world; worship cache: A53677.xml plain text: A53677.txt item: #289 of 416 id: A54127 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718, attributed name. title: A declaration or test to distinguish Protestant dissenters, from papists, and popish recusants date: 1680.0 words: 1286 flesch: 58 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A54127) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 34266) keywords: books; characters; church; declaration; dissenters; early; eebo; elements; encoding; english; image; online; oxford; partnership; phase; protestant; tcp; tei; text; true; works; xml cache: A54127.xml plain text: A54127.txt item: #290 of 416 id: A54128 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718, attributed name. title: A declaration or test to distinguish Protestant-dissenters from papists and popish recusants as it was given to the Parliament in the year 1680. by the people called Quakers, and now re-printed. date: None words: 1323 flesch: 59 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 38107) keywords: books; characters; church; declaration; dissenters; early; eebo; elements; encoding; english; image; online; oxford; partnership; people; phase; tcp; tei; text; works; xml; year cache: A54128.xml plain text: A54128.txt item: #291 of 416 id: A54184 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: The oaths of Irish papists no evidence against Protestants, or, A warning piece to jurors in a letter to a friend. date: 1681.0 words: 5258 flesch: 53 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Popish Plot, 1678. 2005-07 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2005-08 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2006-01 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread 2006-01 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited 2006-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion THE OATHS OF Irish Papists NO EVIDENNCE AGAINST Protestants : OR , A Warning piece to JVRORS . keywords: accusation; answer; books; business; case; characters; credit; design; early; eebo; encoding; english; estates; evidence; general; guilty; images; irish; jurors; jury; kingdom; law; letter; little; matter; men; new; oaths; online; oxford; papists; particular; partnership; party; perjury; persons; phase; piece; plot; popish; presbyterian; present; pretended; principles; protestant; rebellion; religion; sense; sufficient; tcp; tei; testimony; text; tho; treason; truth; verdict; william; witnesses; xml cache: A54184.xml plain text: A54184.txt item: #292 of 416 id: A54185 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: One project for the good of England that is, our civil union is our civil safety : humbly dedicated to the great council, the Parliament of England. date: 1679.0 words: 8211 flesch: 50 summary: If Christianity , that most Meek and Self denying Religion , cannot prevail upon them , me thinks the Power of Interest , and that Self interest too , should have some Success for in those cases they use not to be obstinate . Now because the Civil Interest of this Nation is the Preservation of the Free and Legal Government of it from all Subjection to Forreign claim , and that the several sorts of Protestants are united , as in the common Protestancy ( that is , a General Renunciation of Rome ) so in the Maintenance of this Civil Government as a common Security ( for it strikes both at their Rights Civil and Sacred , their Conscience , Religion and Law to admit any Forreign Jurisdiction here ) it must follow , that had these several , as well English as Protestant Parties been timely encourag'd to this united Civil Interest , they had secur'd the Government from this danger by rendering it too formidable for the Attempt . keywords: authority; better; case; church; civil; civil government; civil interest; common; conscience; country; danger; day; declaration; difference; dissenters; early; eebo; end; england; english; entire; false; general; god; good; government; great; humane; interest; kingdom; laws; leave; man; nature; needs; new; oaths; opinion; papists; parish; party; peace; people; person; plain; pope; popery; power; present; principles; project; protestants; reason; religion; religious; rights; rome; ruin; safety; said; security; self; society; tcp; text; true; use; way; wise; word cache: A54185.xml plain text: A54185.txt item: #293 of 416 id: A54850 author: Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. title: The primitive rule of reformation delivered in a sermon before His Maiesty at Whitehall, Feb. 1, 1662 in vindication of our Church against the novelties of Rome by Tho. Pierce. date: 1663.0 words: 13659 flesch: 77 summary: Vidésis etiam , ●●peratores , et Reges Galliarum , jura sua asser●ntes , apud Othonem Frisingensem , S●gibertum , cosque 〈◊〉 Historicos qui Res H●nrici Quarti Imperatoris , et ejusdem nominis Primi R●gis Anglorum con●ipsêre . b Si non posset esse unum Corpus local●ter in duobus locis , quia di●ideretur à ●eipso , profectò nec esse posset Sacramentaliter eâdem ratione . keywords: a. c.; a54850; anathema; ancient; antiquity; apostle; apud; aquinas; art; august; authority; baron; beginning; bellarmine; better; bin; bishop; blessed; body; boniface; books; canon; cap; cassander; catholick; cause; characters; chief; christ; church; clear; command; common; concil; confession; constantinople; contra; contradiction; corpus; corruptions; court; creation; cum; custom; divorce; doctrine; early; ecclesiâ; edit; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; england; english; epiph; epist; equal; error; esse; est; etiam; euseb; excus; faith; father; general; gentiles; god; good; great; gregory; haer; hand; hath; head; heresie; heretick; hist; hoc; husband; ibid; idem; iewes; images; infallibility; instance; inter; iohn; joh; judgment; kings; known; language; law; learned; lib; liberty; little; loco; longer; lord; majesties; matth; mean; meer; men; moses; nature; nay; necessariam; needs; new; nomen; non; novelties; old; omnes; online; original; oxford; pag; papal; paris; partnership; paul; peace; people; permission; peter; pharisees; phase; phocas; pierce; places; point; pope; popish; post; power; practice; pretended; primitive; quae; qui; quid; quod; quàm; reason; recourse; reformation; reformers; religion; rest; ric; right; romanists; rome; rule; sacramento; sacred; saviour; schism; scriptures; second; sed; self; sermon; sess; set; severall; sicut; sive; sixt; sub; suis; supremacy; tcp; tei; tertullian; testament; text; things; thomas; time; title; tom; tongue; trent; true; ubi; universal; vel; verse; vide; vindication; vvife; way; work; world; writers; xml; years; ● ● cache: A54850.xml plain text: A54850.txt item: #294 of 416 id: A55374 author: Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679. title: A dialogue between a popish priest, and an English Protestant. Wherein the principal points and arguments of both religions are truly proposed, and fully examined. / By Matthew Poole, author of Synopsis Criticorum. date: 1672.0 words: 52628 flesch: 78 summary: I hope every alteration of Doctrines of less moment , doth not make the Church new ; if it doth , it is most certain , that your Church is new also ; for nothing can be more plain , than that the Catholick Church , nay even your own Church of Rome , did not antiently , in former ages hold all these Doctrines which now she owns ( as your own greatest Authors confess ) this is sufficient , that the Church of God , in most former ages , hath owned all our Substantial Doctrines . Pop. God forbid I should be so wicked to deny my Mother , and Church , because of her Afflictions . keywords: act; acts; angels; answer; antichrist; antient; apostles; argument; authority; authors; believe; believers; bellarmine; best; better; bible; bishop; blood; body; books; bread; cap; case; catholick; certain; charge; christ; christians; church; churches; clear; command; confesseth; confession; contrary; controversies; council; creature; cup; damnable; dangerous; day; dead; death; desire; difference; discourse; dishonour; divers; doctors; doctrine; doth; doubt; drink; duty; eating; end; english; eternal; evidence; evident; excuse; express; eyes; false; fathers; fire; flesh; foundation; general; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; guilty; hands; hath; heaven; heb; hell; heresies; holy; honour; house; idolatry; iews; images; impossible; indulgences; infallibility; infallible; instance; iohn; jews; john; judge; judgment; justice; kind; king; law; leave; left; life; light; like; little; long; lord; man; manner; mat; matter; mean; meer; merit; mind; ministers; mother; nay; necessary; need; new; oft; old; opinion; pains; pardon; particular; paul; people; persons; peter; place; plain; point; pop; pope; power; practice; prayers; present; pretences; priest; principal; profess; promise; prot; protestant; purgatory; purpose; question; reason; religion; rest; rev; reward; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; saith; salvation; scripture; second; sect; self; selves; sense; set; shew; sins; solid; soul; spirit; succession; successour; sufferings; sufficient; sure; talk; tcp; testament; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; traditions; trent; true; true church; truth; turn; use; visible; viz; way; wine; word; works; worship; writings; years cache: A55374.xml plain text: A55374.txt item: #295 of 416 id: A55383 author: Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679. title: Mr. Matthew Pool, author of that elaborate work, Sinopsis critticorum his late sayings a little before his death, concerning the material points of the popish party, charged against the Protestants, wherein the desperate tenets of popish Jesuitical principles are detected and sollidly censured : for the settlement of all real professors, and practical opposers of those demnable delusions, in a few words to the wise : he dyed the 12th of this instant stilo nova, at Amstersdam. date: 1679.0 words: 2676 flesch: 72 summary: Concerning the Coppies and Translations of Scripture , they are a sure and certain Rule , because they do sufficiently Evidence themselves to be the Word of God , and the same for Substance with the Original . The Scripture is the Object , the only Rule and Standard of Faith , by which all Controversies are to be Decided and judged : Tradition is the Vehicle to convey this Rule to us and our Times ; Reason is the Instrument by which I Apprehend or Discern this Rule : The Spirit of God is the Eye-salve that Anoints mine Eye , and enables it to see this Rule . keywords: author; authority; books; characters; christ; church; death; early; eebo; encoding; english; faith; fundamentals; god; image; infallibility; infallible; little; matthew; new; online; oxford; partnership; party; phase; pope; popish; professors; protestants; rule; scripture; tcp; tei; text; work cache: A55383.xml plain text: A55383.txt item: #296 of 416 id: A55421 author: Pope, Walter, d. 1714. title: The Catholic ballad, or, An invitation to popery upon considerable grounds and reasons. date: 1674.0 words: 1957 flesch: 74 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A55421) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 101633) keywords: ballad; books; catholic; characters; church; considerable; early; eebo; encoding; english; good; grounds; image; invitation; old; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pope; popery; reasons; tcp; tei; text; things; walter; work; xml cache: A55421.xml plain text: A55421.txt item: #297 of 416 id: A55434 author: English gentleman abroad. title: Popery and tyranny, or, The present state of France, in relation to its government, trade, manners of the people, and nature of the countrey as it was sent in a letter from an English gentleman abroad, to his friend in England, wherein may be seen the tyranny the subjects of France are under ... date: 1679.0 words: 6982 flesch: 50 summary: Sterling , with the care he takes to bestow liberal Pensions , Preferments and Rewards , upon such as have deserved well of him in Civil or Military Employments , not suffering them to make any Advantage , or to take one penny more than their Wages or Salary , from any of his Subjects , or others , for the discharging of their Offices , and turning them out infallibly , and punishing them severely when they do otherwise , thereby obliging them to Fidelity , Industry , and an absolute Dependency upon him , and by his employing the meaner sort in Buildings , Manufactories , Fortresses , in Flanders and France , Magazines , new Chanells , Havens , Shipping and Trade at his own Expence , thereby making the Money circulate quick . 6. The great Care taken to set the Poor on Work , to the Increase of Trade , and disburdening the rest of their Fellow-Subjects , as Work-houses over all France manifesteth ; but especially at Paris , and at Lyons , which hath Hostels de Dieu , far better than a Tax to support them in Idleness . keywords: able; account; advantage; affairs; arbitrary; army; best; books; characters; charges; companies; concerns; considerable; countrey; court; crown; daily; early; eebo; england; english; flanders; foreign; france; gentleman; gentry; good; government; great; hath; high; intendant; interest; king; law; livres; making; manner; means; military; millions; new; nobility; number; officers; pay; people; places; popery; power; present; prince; privileges; project; religious; revenue; salt; shipping; soulz; state; strangers; subjects; sum; tally; tcp; tei; text; time; towns; trade; tyranny; use; viz; way; work cache: A55434.xml plain text: A55434.txt item: #298 of 416 id: A56188 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: Philanax Protestant, or, Papists discovered to the King as guilty of those traiterous positions and practises which they first insinuated into the worst Protestants and now charge upon all to which is added, Philolaus, or, Popery discovered to all Christian people in a serious diswasive from it, for further justification of our gracious King and his honourable Parliaments proceedings for the maintenance of the Act of Uniformity. date: 1663.0 words: 13885 flesch: 65 summary: so that under you by the influence of that Religion we might lead peaceable and quiet lives in all godliness and honesty : but alas ! temporal Princes saith Suarez must meddle with temporal matters : they must let men be of what principles they please though never so dangerous , they must look on their Subjects divided with different religions which lead to different conversation and to confusion and every evil work : for why should they saith Costerus the Jesuit meddle with the affaires of the Church of God. 2. We your Loyal Protestant Subjects were really perswaded that there was none above you , to whom you should give account of your selves but God : and that there were no Christians that durst say that any men or estates of men were above you in your Dominion , ha poor we ! keywords: anno; authority; bellarmine; bishop; blood; book; care; catholicks; characters; christian; church; colledges; comfort; confession; conscience; day; death; desire; doctrine; doth; early; eebo; elizabeth; england; english; erre; evil; excellent; fear; france; general; god; godliness; gods; good; government; grace; gracious; great; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; hell; hist; holy; honour; honourable; hope; images; infallible; james; jesuites; jesus; judge; judgement; justice; king; kingdom; knowledge; late; lawful; lay; life; light; lives; lord; man; men; mens; new; non; oath; obedience; order; papists; paris; parliament; people; place; plain; pleasure; poor; pope; popery; popish; positions; potest; power; priests; prince; principles; private; protestants; publick; reason; religion; rome; sad; said; saith; salvation; scotland; scripture; sed; self; selves; set; sin; society; souls; soveraign; strength; subjects; sure; tcp; tei; text; things; true; truth; vain; wars; way; wise; words; work; world; worship; yea; years; ● ● cache: A56188.xml plain text: A56188.txt item: #299 of 416 id: A56191 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: A pleasant purge for a Roman Catholike to evacuate his evill humours consisting of a century of polemicall epigrams, wherein divers grosse errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome are discovered, censured, refuted, in a facetious yet serious manner / by William Prynne ... date: 1642.0 words: 62570 flesch: 90 summary: Jean C●●spin Lesta● , d● L●●glise . S●●s . keywords: abuse; act; acts; adde; adoration; adore; againe; altar; alwayes; angelica; angell; answ; answer; antiquity; apostles; appeare; arch; archbishops; armes; asses; aut; authority; ave; aves; babe; beacons; beades; beards; beasts; beleeve; belike; bellarmin; bend; best; better; bishop; blasphemies; blessed; blind; blood; body; bookes; bow; bow'd; bowing; bread; c. 1; c. 2; cap; cassandri; cast; cause; cease; certainely; chaire; change; children; christ; christian; christs body; chron; church; churches; cleare; clergie; coale; col; come; command; common; communion; complement; concil; confesse; consecration; consent; contrary; cor; court; crespin; crosse; crowne; crucifixes; cry; cuckoo; cup; damn'd; damne; dan; day; dayes; dead; deafe; death; declare; decree; deeme; depose; des; descry; deut; devotion; disciples; display; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; dominicke; doth; doubt; doubtlesse; drinke; drinking; earth; east; eate; eating; ecclesiae; edition; eebo; elements; end; english; ephes; erre; erring; errors; exod; expresse; eye; eyes; fable; face; faith; fall; false; farre; fast; father; feare; fine; fire; fit; flesh; fleurs; folly; fooles; forbeare; forme; forsake; forth; fox; francis; free; fryers; gal; gen; generall; glasse; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; grace; grant; gratian; great; greater; ground; halfe; hallowed; hands; hath; head; heart; heav'n; heb; hell; helpe; heretofore; high; himselfe; hist; history; hoc; hold; holy; honour; hope; host; houres; house; ibid; idle; idolatry; idoll; ill; images; iohn; isa; isay; jesuites; jesus; jewes; joh; john; judge; keepe; kinde; kingdomes; kings; kneele; knees; l. 1; l. 2; ladies; lady; laickes; laity; late; law; lawes; lawfull; lay; learne; left; legends; lesse; levit; life; like; little; long; looke; lord; love; luc; luk; lye; lyes; making; man; manna; manner; mariae; maries; marke; marriage; mary; masse; mat; matth; meant; medio; meere; men; mens; mercy; merits; michaels; midst; milke; miracle; missae; money; monkes; monuments; mortall; mother; nature; nay; nayles; ne're; neede; new; nigh; non; nosters; note; num; nunnes; obedience; obey; object; offices; officium; oft; old; onely; ordain'd; order; ought; owne; pagans; paint; papists; pardons; pars; past; paters; paul; pay; people; person; peter; pictures; pix; place; platina; play; poore; popes; popish; power; practise; pray; pray'd; prayers; precept; prelates; presence; present; priests; promise; proofe; psal; purgatory; queene; quench; reade; reall; reason; relation; religion; reliques; remaine; repeate; reply; represent; rest; rev; reverence; ribadeniera; rich; right; roman; romanum; rome; romish; rule; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; sacriledge; saints; salute; salvation; sam; saviour; sayd; saying; scripture; sect; secundum; seene; sense; senselesse; sessio; set; shame; shed; shew; sinnes; sir; sith; sits; slay; small; sonne; sort; soules; spake; speare; speciall; speech; stand; state; stay; store; strange; subject; substance; summa; sundry; supper; supremacy; sure; surius; swords; tables; tale; tcp; teach; temple; testament; text; thee; things; thinke; thou; thought; throne; thy; times; tit; tom; transubstantiation; trinity; true; truth; turne; unlesse; us'd; use; vaine; veniall; vicar; vies; view; virgin; vnto; vol; voyd; vvhat; waldensis; wall; want; warrant; whereon; whiles; whore; wine; wise; wits; wives; women; wonder; word; workes; worship; worshipping; worthy; write; yea; yeares; ● ● cache: A56191.xml plain text: A56191.txt item: #300 of 416 id: A56199 author: Boswell, William, Sir, d. 1649. title: Romes master-peece, or, The grand conspiracy of the Pope and his iesuited instruments, to extirpate the Protestant religion, re-establish popery, subvert lawes, liberties, peace, parliaments, by kindling a civill war in Scotland, and all His Majesties realmes, and to poyson the King himselfe in case hee comply not with them in these their execrable designes revealed out of conscience to Andreas ab Habernfeld, by an agent sent from Rome into England, by Cardinall Barbarino, as an assistant to con the Popes late nuncio, to prosecute this most execrable plot, (in which he persisted a principall actor severall yeares) who discovered it to Sir William Boswell His Majesties agent at the Hague, 6 Sept. 1640. he, under an oath of secrecie, to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury (among whose papers it was casually found by Master Pyrnne, May, 31. 1643) who communicated it to the King, as the greatest businesse that ever was put to him / published by authority of Parliament by William Prynne ... date: 1644.0 words: 22563 flesch: 52 summary: Revealed out of Con●cience to Andreas ab Habernfeld , by an Agent sent from Rome into England , by Cardinall Barbarino , as an Assistant to Con the Popes late Nuncio , to prosecute this most Execrable Plot , ( in which he persisted a principall Actor severall yeares ) who discovered it to Sir William Boswell his Majesties Agent at the Hague , 6 Sept. 1640. Right Honourable , YOur eminent zealous Sincerity , and incomparable Activity both by Sea and Land in defence of our undermined , endangered Protestant Religion , Lawes , Liberties , Parliament , Nation , against the many late secret Plots , and open Hostilities of Antichristian Romish Vipers , who for sundry yeares together , have desperately conspired , and most vigorously prosecuted their utter extirpation , and now almost accomplished this their infernall Designe , unlesse Gods infinite mercy ( which hath never hitherto beene wanting to us in times of greatest extremity ) miraculously disappoint it ; hath induced me to dedicate this Master-p●ece of the Romanists , and Jesuites Iniquity , to your most Noble Patronage . keywords: a56199; acceptable; accesse; active; actor; admirable; aedibus; againe; agent; alias; alii; andreas; angliae; animum; answer; appeares; archbishop; archiepiscopo; armes; army; articles; assured; authority; barbarino; bed; bee; bene; best; better; bishops; bloody; books; boswell; buckingham; businesse; cambray; canterbury; cap; cardinall; care; case; chamber; characters; chiefe; church; city; civill; close; colledge; command; commission; committee; commons; confederates; conjurationis; conscience; conspiracy; conspirators; contrary; copies; correspondency; court; cum; cuneus; custody; danger; dangerous; data; day; debebat; declaration; designe; discovery; dispatch; div; divers; divine; doe; dominions; domino; dominus; doth; earle; edition; eebo; effect; encoding; end; endangered; enemy; england; english; enim; etiam; evidence; execrable; expresse; faithfull; favour; fit; forces; fore; forraigne; france; free; friend; generall; god; gods; good; grace; grand; great; greater; greatest; habernfeld; haec; hague; hand; hath; heads; heart; heaven; hee; henry; hereof; himselfe; hinc; hither; hoc; hope; horrid; house; iesuited; iesuiticall; iesuits; images; imminent; inclosed; indorsement; instruments; intelligence; ipse; ipsius; ipso; ipsum; ireland; irish; ista; ita; jesuitarum; jesuites; king; king himselfe; kingdomes; knowes; knowledge; knowne; large; late; latin; lawes; legat; letters; liberties; liberty; life; light; london; long; lord; majestati; majesties; majesty; man; manner; master; meanes; meet; mihi; minde; money; names; nec; neere; negotio; negotium; new; nomine; non; nonnulla; notes; nuncio; oath; occasion; octob; offers; office; officers; officio; omnes; omnia; online; open; order; ordinis; ought; owne; oxford; pacification; packet; page; papers; papists; parliament; partem; particulars; parties; partnership; party; peace; people; perchance; person; phase; plot; pontificiae; popery; popes; popish; possible; possit; poterunt; power; poyson; prayers; present; priests; prince; principall; project; prosecution; protestant; providence; prynne; puritans; quae; quality; quam; queen; quem; qui; quibus; quo; quod; quorum; read; reality; reall; realmes; rebellion; rebels; rebus; rece; regem; regis; regni; regnum; rei; relation; religion; reverentiae; rise; roman; rome; romish; royall; ruine; safe; said; satisfaction; scotland; scots; scottish; seale; second; secrecie; secrecy; secret; secretary; sept; servant; service; sese; set; sibi; sir; small; societatis; society; soone; sorts; soules; speciall; speed; state; strange; strong; sub; subjects; sunt; tamen; tandem; tantum; tcp; tei; text; things; thousands; time; title; tot; treason; true; truth; tuae; tum; ubi; una; universall; unlesse; utrique; vel; verity; vero; vir; war; warrant; wars; way; william; work; world; writing; xml; yeares; ● e; ● ● cache: A56199.xml plain text: A56199.txt item: #301 of 416 id: A56207 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: A short, legal, medicinal, useful, safe, easie prescription to recover our kingdom, church, nation from their present dangerous, distractive, destructive confusion and worse than Bedlam madnesse seriously recommended to all English freemen who desire peace, safety, liberty, settlement. By William Prynne, Esq; a bencher of Lincolns-Inne. date: 1659.0 words: 3816 flesch: 64 summary: 1. on the third Monday of Nov●mber next , under 12 or more of their hands and Seals , for a free and legall Election of Knights , Citizens , Burgesses , Barons , in every City , County , Borough , Port , according to former usage , to appear at the Parl●ament-house in Westminster , the third Monday in January next ●●●suing , at a Parliament then and there to be held , in such manner and form as this Act prescribes ; wherein such Proposalls and Counsells may by common consent be pursued , as may through Gods blessing , soon restore our pristine Peace , Trade , Honour , Wealth , Prosperity , And if this will not satisfi●… , let them b●…ware , lest the earth cleave osunde●… that is under them ; and 〈◊〉 swallow them up 〈◊〉 , with their houses , men , goods , and all appertaining to them , and they perish from among the 〈◊〉 , as Korah , 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 , with their families and adherents ●…id , by this or some other exemplary Judgments , and a universal Insurrection of our three whole discontented , oppressed , rained Nations against them , which they may justly fear and expect , if they believe there is a righteous God that judgeth in the earth , a Lord of hosts able to scatter , puni●…h , execute vengeance on them here , and cast them into hell for ever hereafter , for their manifold unlamented , reiterated , transcendent Reb●…llions : or repute these Texts Canonical , which I shall recommend to their saddest Meditations . keywords: a56207; antient; army; books; burgesses; church; chuse; citizens; claus; com; common; confusion; counties; county; cum; dangerous; distractive; early; easie; elect; election; engagements; english; free; freemen; god; great; justice; king; kingdom; knights; late; law; legal; london; medicinal; nation; new; officers; parliament; peace; people; power; prescription; present; prynne; publick; quod; right; safe; safety; self; settlement; sheriffs; short; souldiers; statute; tcp; text; useful; vic; vobis; westminster; william; writs; ● ● cache: A56207.xml plain text: A56207.txt item: #302 of 416 id: A56210 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: Some popish errors, unadvisedly embraced and pursued by our anticommunion ministers wherein is discovered the dangerous effects of their discontinuing the frequent publick administration of the Lords Supper ... : with a new discovery of some Romish emmissaries, Quakers / by William Prynne of Swainswicke, Esquire ... date: 1658.0 words: 19404 flesch: 60 summary: Monentes te , ut cum omni studio , vigilan●ia , zelo , alacritate ac fidei fiducia , nec minus P●etate , ac cum proximis Evangelica conversatione , quam doctrina , instanter ad hoc eximium , Deoque , That is ●amed to th●● which us th●● fellow 〈◊〉 if all builders , ever disliking their own doings , that thou still pullest down that thou art still setting up . keywords: 1639; 4th; a56210; actual; administer; administration; admission; age; altars; ambrose; anabaptists; angel; angelica; anno; antient; apology; aut; authority; bishop; blood; bochellus; body; books; bread; bristol; canonists; canons; canterburies; captain; caroli; case; ceremonies; changes; chief; christian; christs; church; churches; claus; common; communion; confessions; conry; consecrat; consideration; contrary; corporis; councils; country; court; crime; cum; custom; d ●; dangerous; day; debet; declaration; decret; defence; difference; discovery; disguised; dispensations; distinct; divine; domini; dominions; doom; doubt; drake; duties; early; eccles; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; effects; emissaries; emperour; england; english; epistle; errors; etiam; eucharistia; examination; excommunication; extraordinary; faculties; faculty; faith; footmen; form; franciscan; free; french; frequent; friends; friers; gall; gentleman; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grand; gratian; great; greater; greatest; hand; hath; hearing; hereticks; hoc; holy; house; iacobi; iesuites; iewels; inne; instructions; instrument; ireland; irish; ita; judgement; justice; king; kingdom; l. 1; l. 3; large; late; latin; law; lawfull; laws; legal; lesser; letters; life; lincolns; london; long; lords; making; manner; masse; mat; maurice; meer; members; memento; merits; ministers; missionary; missions; missives; modo; moneths; nec; necessity; new; nisi; nobis; non; nos; nostrum; notice; observable; observation; occasions; offences; officers; old; omnes; omnibus; open; order; ordinances; ordinis; original; papers; parishioners; parliament; pars; particular; passage; patri; people; persons; place; pontifical; popes; popish; power; practices; prayers; preaching; precedent; prelates; preparation; prescribed; present; preservation; priests; principal; principles; printed; prisoner; private; pro; protestant; provincial; prynne; publick; publike; quae; quakers; quam; quantum; questions; qui; quod; reason; receiving; reformation; register; relation; religion; remarkable; resolve; right; roman; rome; romish; sacrament; scandalous; seal; sect; sed; self; seu; sibi; sins; sit; society; soldiers; sorts; souldier; space; spain; spanish; special; speech; spirit; state; statute; summa; sundry; sunt; supper; suspension; swainswicke; tamen; terms; text; thereunto; thing; thomas; thou; time; tit; title; true; unworthy; vel; vero; vindication; way; ways; william; word; works; worthy; writ; years; ● e; ● o; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A56210.xml plain text: A56210.txt item: #303 of 416 id: A56469 author: Gee, Edward, 1657-1730. title: The Jesuit's memorial for the intended reformation of England under their first popish prince published from the copy that was presented to the late King James II : with an introduction, and some animadversions by Edward Gee ... date: 1690.0 words: 69856 flesch: 32 summary: It is certain that abundance of people were drawn from their Popish Opinions and Superstitions by it , and it is probable , that the remaining Roman Catholicks would in time have come over entirely into the Communion of the Church of England , and have brought their Hearts and Affections as well as their Bodies thither ; for it could not have been otherwise , but that the Light , and Plainness , and Reasonable Service of the Protestant Church would have prevailed ( by God's Blessing ) upon every honest well-meaning Papist , and have saved the Pope the trouble of detaching his Incendiaries and Seminary Priests hither . As he had laboured in the promoting the Popish Recufancy , and getting the English Papists to be governed by the Jesuits ; so he now employs all his Arts and all his interest to get Seminaries erected for the supplying England from time to time with Priests to keep up that Recufancy , and to prepare the Papists here , to joyn with any Invasion that they abroad should procure against their own Countrey . keywords: abby; able; account; affairs; almighty; amiss; ancient; animadversions; answer; apostolick; apparel; appear; authority; beginning; benefices; benefit; best; better; bishopricks; bishops; body; books; bull; business; campian; canons; cardinal; care; catholick; cause; certain; change; chap; chapter; chief; children; christian; church; churches; city; civil; clergy; college; commissioners; common; commonalty; commonwealth; condition; conference; conscience; consideration; continued; contrary; convenient; conversion; council; countries; country; course; court; crown; custom; danger; day; days; death; defence; degree; desire; different; diocess; discipline; disposition; distinction; divers; divinity; doctrine; doth; doubt; easie; ecclesiastical; effect; elizabeth; eminent; end; enemies; england; english; ensue; evil; examination; example; excellent; execution; exercise; experience; faculties; faculty; faith; fall; far; father; favour; fellow; fit; following; foreign; france; friends; general; gentlemen; giving; glory; god; good; good men; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; hard; hath; heads; help; heresie; hereticks; high; higher; history; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; houses; hurt; importance; increased; infinite; interest; james; jesuit; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; kingdom; knights; known; labour; laity; lands; late; lawful; laws; lawyers; lay; learned; learning; leastwise; leave; lectures; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; livings; london; long; lord; lordship; maintenance; majesty; man; manner; mary; mass; master; matters; means; members; memorial; men; merit; mind; mission; moderation; mony; nation; near; necessary; needful; new; nobility; notes; number; observed; occasion; office; officers; oftentimes; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; oxford; papists; parish; parliament; parsons; particular; parties; parts; pass; past; pastors; peace; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; person; philosophy; physick; piety; pious; places; points; poor; pope; popery; popish; portion; power; practice; present; priests; prince; principal; private; priviledges; proceeding; procure; profit; profitable; protestant; publick; purpose; quality; queen; read; realm; reason; reconciliation; reformation; reformed; religion; religious; remedy; rents; respect; rest; restitution; revenues; roman; rome; said; satisfaction; scholars; schools; second; secular; seemeth; self; seminaries; sentence; servants; service; set; setting; shew; small; sort; souls; space; spain; spanish; special; spiritual; state; strangers; students; studies; study; subjects; sufficient; sure; tcp; temporal; text; thing; time; title; touching; trent; true; truth; tryal; universities; university; vertue; vertuous; want; way; ways; whatsoever; whereof; wise; wished; wit; women; words; work; world; worthy; years; young; youth; zeal; zealous cache: A56469.xml plain text: A56469.txt item: #304 of 416 id: A56565 author: Ellis, Philip, 1652-1726. title: A pastoral letter from the four Catholic bishops to the lay-Catholics of England date: 1688.0 words: 2723 flesch: 60 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: apostle; bishop; books; catholic; characters; charity; early; eebo; encoding; english; exercise; god; good; government; images; majesty; mind; online; oxford; partnership; pastoral; peace; persons; phase; power; quality; religion; selves; spirit; subjects; tcp; tei; text; true; v.a; xml cache: A56565.xml plain text: A56565.txt item: #305 of 416 id: A56711 author: H. P. title: A manifest touching M.W.F. aversion from the Protestant congregation And his conversion to the Catholique Church presented to the right wor. ll [sic] Sir A.P. his much honoured father, and his other best friends, for their better satisfaction and his owne iustification. date: 1650.0 words: 19584 flesch: 55 summary: ( Note ) The true Church of Christ which is but one , shall in all ages ever inioye à succession of Pastors and Doctors for the administration of the worde , and Sacraments ; Therfore the true Church of Christ hath ever remayned without interruption of such Pastors and Teachers from the Apostles tyme even vntill this daye : But noe Church extant in the world can be assigned to haue remayned without interruption of Pastors for the administration of the worde and Sacraments , saue only the Roman Church Therfore irrefragablie it followeth that the Roman Church only and those which haue Cōmunyon of fayth with her , to be the only true Church of Christ , or else , which is most absurde and Blasphemous , that Christ hath noe Church vpon earth , but that the gates of hell to her destruction hath prevayled against her , contrary to Christ promyse . On the contrarie , by the confession of the Protestants the Romaine Church many hundred yeares was the true Church of Christ , and noe Protestant is able by evidence of any Authenticke Ecclesiasticall historie to shew any Christian Companie or Church In rerum natura more Auncient of different fayth , from whence the Romane Church departed , Therfore as yet she is and ought to be esteemed , and consequentlie must enioye in all ages Pastors and Teachers for the administration of the worde and Sacraments , beinge the true Church cannot fubsist without them . keywords: able; abyde; accordinge; administration; againe; ages; allsoe; apostles; apostolicall; appeale; argument; assurance; augustin; auncient; authority; aversion; beinge; best; better; bin; bishopp; blessed; blood; body; booke; brethren; brother; byble; calvin; cannon; catholick; catholique church; catholiques; catholiques haue; christ; christ church; christian; church; churches; commaundements; communion; confesse; confession; congregation; conscience; consent; consummation; contrary; defence; denyinge; divyne; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; ecclesiasticall; end; english; english church; epist; erre; errors; eternall; evangelists; extant; eyther; fathers; fayth; followeth; foundation; friends; generall; ghost; god; gods; good; gospell; grace; great; greatest; hart; hath; haue; haue noe; hell; heresies; hereticall; hereticks; hierusalem; himselfe; holie; holy; iesus; impossible; infallible; insepable; iohn; iudgment; know; lawfull; lett; life; longe; loue; luther; lyable; lyke; maine; manifest; manner; marke; masse; matters; members; mother; motiues; mouth; necessary; new; noe; noe church; note; nothinge; old; onely; opinion; order; owne; pastors; paul; people; peter; pillar; place; playne; points; present; private; promise; protestant church; protestants; question; qui; reason; reformation; reformed; reformers; reiect; religion; right; rock; romane church; rome; sacraments; saints; salvation; satisfaction; sayd; saye; scriptures; seeinge; sence; shal; shew; sir; soe; soule; speake; spiritt; spouse; succession; teachers; testimonies; text; thee; themselues; therfore; therin; therof; things; thou; time; translation; true church; truth; tyme; vnder; vnto; vpon; vvhich; vvith; want; warrant; way; wee; whith; witt; worde; works; world; yeares; yee; yow cache: A56711.xml plain text: A56711.txt item: #306 of 416 id: A57699 author: Rous, Francis, 1579-1659. title: A religious and worthy speech spoken by Mr. Rovse in Parliament concerning the goods, libertjes, and lives of his Majesties subjects laying open, the paintings that are used by the whore of Rome, and Arminianisme amongst us, to draw the people thereby to idolatry : by which meanes, they seeke both to take away our wealth and religion, and the dangerous consequence thereof : with the neere correspondencie, and allyance, that is apparently evident to be betweene our Bishops, and the Bishop of Rome, and the remedy propounded to redresses all such greevances. date: 1641.0 words: 1930 flesch: 62 summary: And since that Popery is a confused mist of Errour , casting down Kings before Popes , the precepts of God , before the traditions of men , living and reasonable men before dead , & senseles stocks and stones : I desire , that we consider the encrease of Arminianisme , and Errour , that maketh the grace of God , looke after the will of men : that maketh the sheepe to keepe the shepheard , and make a mortall seed an immortall God . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A57699 of text R5580 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing R2025). keywords: a57699; arminianisme; bishops; books; desire; doe; early; english; god; goods; kingdome; libertjes; lives; majesties; men; parliament; people; pope; prelates; religion; religious; rome; speech; subjects; text; wealth; worthy cache: A57699.xml plain text: A57699.txt item: #307 of 416 id: A58738 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: Several weighty considerations humbly recommended to the serious perusal of all, but more especially to the Roman Catholicks of England to which is prefix'd, An epistle from one who was lately of that communion to Dr. Stillingfleet, Dean of St. Pauls, declaring the occasion of the following discourse. date: 1679.0 words: 25861 flesch: 65 summary: yet my mind was not quiet : and those stupendous Distractions both of Church and State that immediately followed , did infinitely add to my Perplexity . It is the express Doctrin of S. Thomas Aquinas ( and his Doctrin in that Church is little less than Canonized ) keywords: able; account; answer; antient; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; article; augustin; authority; bellarmin; best; better; bible; bishop; blessed; body; books; business; canon; cardinal; catholicks; cause; certain; characters; charity; chief; christ; christian; church; churches; clergy; command; common; communion; confess; conscience; considerations; constantinople; contrary; council; day; dean; decree; deposing; desire; discourse; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; dye; earth; ecclesiastical; eebo; emperour; england; english; epistle; evident; faith; famous; father; fear; feed; free; frequent; general; general council; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; great; happy; hath; head; heaven; heresie; hereticks; high; history; holy; honour; hope; images; infallible; jesuit; jesus; john; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; kings; known; late; lateran; law; lay; learned; leave; life; like; little; living; london; long; lord; manner; matter; mean; men; mention; mind; miracles; nation; nature; nay; necessary; new; number; old; onely; particular; party; patriarchs; paul; people; persons; peter; place; plain; point; pope; power; practice; present; pretended; princes; principles; prophets; protestants; purpose; reason; religion; respect; rest; return; reverend; right; rock; roman; roman church; romanists; rome; rule; s. paul; s. peter; sacraments; sacred; saies; salvation; saviour; scripture; self; short; sins; small; soul; spiritual; stand; stillingfleet; subject; succession; sufficient; sure; tcp; temporal; testament; text; things; thou; time; trent; true; truth; unity; universality; use; viz; way; wayes; weighty; whereof; words; work; world; worship; writers; years; ● ● cache: A58738.xml plain text: A58738.txt item: #308 of 416 id: A58811 author: Scott, John, 1639-1695. title: A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, upon the 5th of November, 1673 in commemoration of Englands deliverance from the Gun-powder treason / by John Scott, Minister of St. Thomas's in Southwark. date: 1673.0 words: 10992 flesch: 28 summary: For how is it possible , considering the passions of humane nature , that the Persecuted Party should love their Persecutors , whom they see armed with Fire and Faggot to destroy them ? and when once they hate them ( as they will soon do when they 〈◊〉 them ) their passion will immediately provoke their Reason to damn and censure them , which is the only means that Persecuted People have a stay to the stomach of their hungry Vengeance , till they have power , and opportunity to glut it in the blood of their Persecutors : and if in the revolution of things , the Persecuted should get above their Persecutors , what can be expected , but that to preserve themselves , they will destroy them from whom they can expect nothing but destruction , should another revolution mount them uppermost again ; and so Christendom will be made a Cock-pit of Cruelties , and as often as mens understandings are deceived , and abused ; so often there will be new Executions and Massacres , which must therefore needs be the more cruel and unmerciful , because they are so Consecrated with a pretence of Religion : for when Religion , which should be the Antidote of our Cruelty , proves its greatest Incentive , it must needs run on the faster into mischief , by how much that which stopped its course before , drives it on with the greater violence ; so that by Persecuting men upon the score of Opinion , we do what in us lies , to banish Charity out of the World ; and in the room of that Love and Union , which our Religion injoyns , to introduce nothing but Rage , Revenge , and Cruelty ; and to make Christendom more Barbarous th●● America . Thirdly , That the Proposition is not be understood of our practice , but of our Judgements and Opinions : for every man hath a natural Right , as he is a Rationable creature , to judg for himself ; and to punish any one for so doing , is the greatest tyranny in the world ; it being an exercise of dominion over the minds of men , which are subject only to the Empire of God ; but as for our practice , that 's liable to the restraints of humane Laws ; and that as well in Sacred , as in Civil Affairs ; they cannot indeed oblige us to do what God hath forbidden us , because his , being the supreme Authority , ought to take place against all the countermands of any inferiour power whatsoever : but then there are a world of things which remain in a state of indifferency , and are left undetermined both by the natural , and positive Laws of God : and these are all liable to the commands and determinations of humane Authority , and are the proper matter of Civil and Ecclesiastical Laws ; to the extent of whose jurisdiction , there can be no other restraint , than only the countermand of a Superiour Authority ; and therefore if there be nothing antecedently evil enjoyned by the Laws , whether Civil , or Ecclesiastical , we are bound to obey them ; and if we do not , we are justly punishable for our disobedience . keywords: 4th; 5th; aldermen; authority; barbarous; blessed; blood; books; catholick; characters; charity; christian; christianity; church; churches; conscience; contrary; court; cruelties; design; different; doubt; early; eebo; english; errour; evil; fire; god; good; great; hands; hath; heaven; hereticks; honourable; humane; images; impossible; infallible; instances; interest; john; king; laws; liberty; life; like; little; lives; london; lord; love; man; mans; mayor; men; mens; natural; nature; necessary; opinions; peace; persecution; persons; pope; power; practice; princes; principles; proposition; protestant; publick; punishable; punishment; reason; religion; remedy; right; roman; rome; score; scott; self; selves; sermon; society; souls; spirit; subjects; sword; tares; tcp; tei; text; things; time; truth; tyranny; understanding; way; wicked; wickedness; world; years; zeal cache: A58811.xml plain text: A58811.txt item: #309 of 416 id: A59158 author: Sempill, James, Sir, 1566-1625. title: A pick-tooth for the Pope: or The pack-mans Pater Noster Set down in a dialogue, betwixt a pack-man, and a priest. Translated out of Dutch by S. I. S. and newly augmented and enlarged by his son, R. S. date: 1669.0 words: 8283 flesch: 81 summary: Then if I think one thing ▪ and speak another , I will both crab Christ , and our Ladie his mother : For when I pray for making up my pack , man , Your Ave Mary is not worth a plack , man. The foolish brain-sick birth of mans tradition : And al 's the works of Supererogation , With Christs true merite , our sole consolation . keywords: books; case; characters; christ; church; clergy; day; dayly; doth; early; eebo; english; faith; father; ghost; god; gods; good; good sir; gospel; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; humane; idle; images; jesuits; john; ladie; language; latine; law; life; like; little; lord; man; mans; mary; mass; men; merite; monks; mother; need; new; noster; pack; peter; pope; pray'd; prayers; present; priest; rome; saint; savior; score; set; sins; sir; sir john; son; soul; stewes; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tongue; true; trust; vile; wife; works cache: A59158.xml plain text: A59158.txt item: #310 of 416 id: A59219 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: A discovery of the groundlesness and insincerity of my Ld. of Down's Dissuasive being The fourth appendix to Svre-footing : with a letter to Dr. Casaubon, and another to his answerer / by J.S. date: 1665.0 words: 32050 flesch: 57 summary: Nor is the Being or Nature of Church known , till it be Certainly known who are truly Faithful or have true Faith , who not ; which must be manifested by their having or not having the true Rule of Faith : First , making the School and Church , Private Opinions , or Explications and Faith all one ; and , at next , that the difference amongst such Opiners and Explicaters argues our difference in Faith ; How strange a malice is this ! keywords: able; ages; alledge; answer; appendix; apt; assent; authorities; authority; authours; bare; best; body; book; builds; carriage; cases; catholick; cause; certainty; characters; christ; christian; church; churches; circumstances; citations; clear; common; conceit; concern; confute; consent; consequences; contrary; contrition; controversy; conversion; council; desire; determinate; difference; discourse; dissuader; dissuasive; diverse; divines; doctrin; doubt; downs; duty; effect; efficacious; english; evident; experience; explication; express; faith; false; farther; fathers; faults; fear; footing; force; fourth; general; god; good; great; grounds; half; hath; having; head; heaven; high; history; hold; hope; human; ill; immediate; impossible; impugn; infallible; judge; kind; knowledge; large; late; law; leave; letter; like; little; long; man; manifest; manner; matter; means; men; method; mistake; natural; nature; nay; needs; new; occasion; onely; ones; open; opinions; opposit; particular; pennance; persons; piety; place; plain; point; pope; power; practice; present; pretended; principles; private; produc't; proof; proper; protestants; purgatory; purpose; rational; reader; reason; right; sacrament; saints; satisfaction; sayes; sayings; school; scripture; second; self; sence; sin; solid; souls; strange; substance; sure; tcp; tenet; testimonies; testimony; text; thing; thoughts; time; title; tradition; trent; true; truth; uncertain; understanding; virtue; way; wit; words; work; world; worth; writ; writers cache: A59219.xml plain text: A59219.txt item: #311 of 416 id: A59220 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: Errour non-plust, or, Dr. Stillingfleet shown to be the man of no principles with an essay how discourses concerning Catholick grounds bear the highest evidence. date: 1673.0 words: 65104 flesch: 47 summary: ] which had Dr. St. done , any considerate Reader , whom his much talking of Gods Power and what God may do , had not diverted from reflecting that his Wisdom determins his Power in ordinary and General Effects to do what accor●ing to the establish'd natures of things is the fittest means to compass such an end , would quickly have inclin'd to judge this the most connatural and fittest way , and therefore actually to have been made choice of by God ; being assisted or supported by the basis of Human Nature according to its Sensations which are naturally fram'd to receive right Impressions , and according to his Rational Faculty , which determins him to speak Truth still in open and undisguisable matters of Fact ; and , if that Body of men call'd the Church had any effectual means of Goodness in practice amongst them , super-assisted also by Grace not to v●ry from right Faith , and knowingly deliver a False for a True one . In a word , let him prove Scripture to have in it the nature of a Rule of Faith , or ( which will fall into the same ) to have been intended by God for that end , that is , to be of it self such to people of all capacities that soberly enquire , as secures them from erring in Faith while they rely on it , and this of it self without needing any society of Men , or Church to attest or explain it , and then I shall yeild his discourse to run as currently as his own heart can wish : but in proving this , he hitherto hath and ever must fall short most miserably . keywords: absolute; absurd; account; act; ages; agreeable; answer; apostles; apt; argument; assent; assistance; assurance; attributes; authority; beginning; belief; believing; best; body; books; call'd; capable; capacities; case; catholick; certainty; choice; christian faith; christianity; christians; church; churches; clear; common; concerning; conclusion; consequence; contrary; convincing; council; declare; degree; desire; different; discourse; divine; divinely; doctrine; doubt; duty; effect; end; endeavour; engag'd; equal; erre; erring; errour; evidence; evident; evince; examin'd; excellent; experience; faculty; faith; faithfull; false; falshood; farther; firm; fit; fundamental; future; generality; god; gods; gods church; good; goodness; great; greater; grounds; hath; heaven; highest; hold; holy; home; hope; human; immediate; impossible; infallibility; infallible; infallible certainty; inspir'd; intelligible; interpretation; judging; judgment; knowing; knowledge; known; large; later; law; learned; lest; letter; life; light; like; little; living; love; main; man; manifest; mankind; manner; matters; maxims; meaning; means; men; method; mind; miracles; moral; motives; multitudes; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; needs; new; non; notion; notwithstanding; obedience; object; obscure; occasion; onely; ones; open; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; particular; parts; passages; pastors; people; perfect; perfection; persons; place; plain; points; possibility; power; premisses; present; pretence; pretended; pretends; principles; private; profess; proof; proper; proponent; proposition; protestants; purpose; question; rational; reason; religion; requisite; rest; revealing; revelation; right faith; roman; rome; rule; said; salvation; saying; scripture; second; secure; security; self; sense; set; short; sides; sober; society; sorts; spiritual; subject; sufficient; supernatural; supposition; sure; tcp; tenet; testimony; text; thing; time; title; tradition; trinity; true church; true faith; true god; truth; understanding; use; verity; virtue; viz; want; way; ways; weak; wisdome; words; work; world; writings; wrong; ● t; ● ● cache: A59220.xml plain text: A59220.txt item: #312 of 416 id: A59221 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: Faith vindicated from possibility of falshood, or, The immovable firmness and certainty of the motives to Christian faith asserted against that tenet, which, denying infallibility of authority, subverts its foundation, and renders it uncertain date: 1667.0 words: 39519 flesch: 44 summary: § 9. 'T is hence farther demonstrated that the Position we impugn destroys the Notion of Metaphysical Unity , consisting in an Indivision or Indistinction of any Notion , Nature or Thing in it self , and a Division or Distinction of it from all other : For , according to this Tenet , Truth or the Conformity of our Understanding to the Object , put by our joynt supposition that the Proposition of Faith is true , may possibly be Disconformity or Falshood , and this Determinate State , Indeterminate ; which makes the mind as having in it One Notion , that is indeed that One Notion , capable to admit into its bowels Another , not only disparate , but Opposit , that is , One possible to be not One , but Another . Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 926:3) Faith vindicated from possibility of falshood, or, The immovable firmness and certainty of the motives to Christian faith asserted against that tenet, which, denying infallibility of authority, subverts its foundation, and renders it uncertain Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. keywords: a59221; able; absolute; act; acting; action; acts; actual; adversaries; affection; answer; apt; assent; assenting; authority; belief; best; better; call'd; capable; case; catholick; causes; certainty; chief; christian faith; christianity; christians; church; clear; common; conceit; conclusive; conformable; conformity; connexion; consequence; consider'd; consideration; consists; contingency; contrary; creatures; degree; determin'd; determination; different; discourse; disposition; divers; divine; doctrin; doubt; effect; end; engag'd; errour; eviction; evidence; evident; example; existence; existent; experience; faith; faith possible; faithful; false; falshood; firm; firmness; fit; footing; force; formal; generality; god; good; goodness; great; greater; grounds; hath; heaven; high; humane; immediate; infallibility; intellectual; judg; judging; judgment; knowledg; language; later; life; likelihood; likely; logick; main; man; manifest; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; men; metaphysical; mind; mistaken; moral; motives; mysteries; natural; nature; nay; needs; notion; object; objection; oblig'd; onely; ones; opinion; opposit; perfect; perfection; persons; pillar; plain; points; possibility; possible; potentiality; power; practical; predicate; present; pretended; principles; probability; probable; profess; profession; proofs; proper; propositions; purpose; question; rational; reason; regard; religion; respects; right; rule; said; science; second; seeing; self; sense; short; soever; soul; speaking; speculative; spiritual; state; subject; sufficient; sure; tcp; tenet; terms; text; thing; thing true; time; treatise; trinity; true; true certainty; true faith; true nature; truth; understanding; use; verity; virtue; viz; want; way; weak; wisdom; word; work cache: A59221.xml plain text: A59221.txt item: #313 of 416 id: A59228 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: A letter from the authour of Sure-footing, to his answerer date: 1665.0 words: 6960 flesch: 49 summary: I wish they would as heartily hold to it in all other Points which descended by it , and look into the Virtue it has of ascertaining , and declare in what that Virtue consists ; I am confident , a little candour of confessing truly what they finde , joyn'd with an endeavour of looking into Things rather than Words , would easily make way to a fair Correspondence . But , because there is difference between being call'd an Answer and being an Answer , and that 't is extremely opposit to my Genius , to be task't in laying open mens Faults even as Writers , ( though it has been my unhappiness formerly to meet with Adversaries , whose way of writing made that carriage my only duty ) wherefore to prevent , as much as I am able , all occasion of such unsavory oppositions , and to make way to the clearing the point , that so our Discourse may redound to the profit and satisfaction of our Readers , I make bold to offer you these few Reflexions ; which in effect contain no more but a Request you would speak to the point , and in such a way as is apt to bring the matter nearer a clearing . keywords: answer; answerer; apt; authorities; authority; best; book; cause; certainty; church; clearing; common; discourse; divines; eebo; effect; english; evident; explication; faith; fathers; good; great; grounds; hold; hope; ingenuous; letter; man; means; method; mistake; nature; new; occasion; onely; particular; plain; point; principle; rational; readers; reason; request; right; satisfaction; self; sure; tcp; tenet; testimonies; text; thing; tradition; truth; virtue; way; word; work cache: A59228.xml plain text: A59228.txt item: #314 of 416 id: A59230 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: A letter to the D. of P in answer to the argueing part of his first letter to Mr. G[ooden]. date: 1687.0 words: 11789 flesch: 65 summary: -- Letter to Mr. G. giving a true account of a late conference. Catholic Church -- Great Britain. keywords: absolute; account; answer; argument; body; case; certainty; christ; christians; church; churches; conclusion; day; doctrin; eebo; english; err'd; error; faith; father; fault; god; good; great; greek; greek church; infallible; inference; instance; letter; man; manifest; matter; means; nature; notwithstanding; point; premises; present; protestants; rational; reason; right; rule; scripture; self; sense; shew; souls; talk; tcp; text; thing; tho; time; tradition; traditionary; true; truth; viz; way; words; world cache: A59230.xml plain text: A59230.txt item: #315 of 416 id: A59240 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: Raillery defeated by calm reason, or, The new Cartesian method of arguing and answering expos'd in a letter to all lovers of science, candor and civility / by J.S. date: 1699.0 words: 49876 flesch: 60 summary: But it is unheard of , that to be Uncreator , or Destroyer , of Things , was ever attributed to GOD ; or , that Contradictory Attributes could be peculiarly Appropriated to him ; as my Adversaries hold there can , while they deny both Creating , and Uncreating , or Annihilating , to be Possible to any , but to GOD ; that is , Peculiar to him . Who can say that GOD , if he pleases to alter the Course and Nature of Things , or to order the Circumstances of the next World , by Ways unknowable by us , cannot , by his Miraculous Power , effect , that Imperfect Souls may be releas'd from the Chains of their Captive State , and be reciev'd into Heaven before the Last Day ? Or , Who dares contend , that his Divine Goodness , that oft-times does Stupendious Miracles for the Prayers of one single Saint on Earth , will not do Miracles , and this frequently , for the Prayers of his Spouse , the Church ! keywords: account; action; active; actuality; advantage; adversaries; adversary; affirm; aim; angels; annihilation; answer; answering; appear; apply'd; argument; aristotle; arrogancy; attributes; author; authority; best; better; bodies; body; books; business; calumny; capable; carriage; cartesian; cartesius; cause; censure; certain; challeng'd; character; charity; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; civility; clear; close; common; conclusion; condemn'd; confute; connected; connexion; conscience; contradictory; contrary; council; creation; creatures; credit; defence; demonstration; deny'd; desire; determinate; differences; different; discourse; disgrace; dispos'd; distinct; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; doubt; duty; eebo; effect; end; england; english; errour; essence; essential; evident; example; excuse; existence; express; eye; faith; fall; false; fancy; far; farther; fashion; fear; fit; folly; forc'd; fore; form; free; friend; gentlemen; genus; god; good; goodness; grand; great; greater; greatest; grounds; guilty; half; hand; hard; having; head; heaven; heresie; high; hoc; holy; honest; honour; hope; humour; ideas; identical; ignorance; ill; immediate; impossible; indivisible; infinite; instances; instant; intrinsecal; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; language; large; learning; leave; libel; libeller; like; little; long; love; lye; malice; man; manifest; mankind; manner; matter; means; meer; men; merry; method; middle; mind; miraculous; mysteries; natural; nature; nay; necessary; needs; new; non; nonsense; notice; notion; notwithstanding; objects; occasion; old; omnipotence; ones; open; operations; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; original; pag; page; particular; parts; passion; passive; perfect; person; philosophers; philosophy; piece; pitch; place; placing; plain; point; poor; positive; power; preface; present; pretended; principles; producing; profound; proof; proper; propos'd; propositions; proud; providence; pure; purpose; question; quo; quod; quòd; railing; raillery; rational; reader; reason; regard; reply; reply'd; respect; rest; ridiculous; right; satisfaction; saying; science; scripture; second; sed; seeing; self; selves; sense; set; shew; sin; slanders; sober; solid; solution; sorbon; sort; soul; species; spirit; spiritual; state; strange; subject; successive; suspension; syllogism; talk; tcp; tenet; terms; text; thing; thought; time; title; treatise; true; truth; understanding; us'd; viz; vvords; way; ways; weak; wisdom; wise; wits; words; work; world; worse; worthy; writ; writer; writing cache: A59240.xml plain text: A59240.txt item: #316 of 416 id: A59242 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: Reflexions upon the oathes of supremacy and allegiance by a Catholick gentleman, and obedient son of the church, and loyal subject of His Majesty. date: 1661.0 words: 26758 flesch: 53 summary: Secondly , besides this she gives power to any one that takes the Oath , in taking it to signifie that he accepts it with the said meaning ; for sayes she , If any person that hath conceived any other sence of the Form of the said Oath , shall accept the same Oath with this interpretation , sence or meaning , her Majesty is well pleased to accept every such in that behalfe as her good and Obedient Subject , and shall acquit them of all manner of penalties contained in the said Act against such as shall peremptorily or obstinately refuse to take the same Oath . It is true , the teaching of such an Arti●le of faith brings very great temporal commodities to those few that have the cruelty to their Country to become the preachers and Apostles of it : great favour and power they gain thereby abroad , and therefore they will take it kindly at the hands of English Catholicks , if for a mere Secular advantage of theirs , they will be content to Sacrifice their own Estates , Honours , Families and lives , as traytors , to the law●s , and withall bring an unavoydable scandal to Catholick Religion , besides . keywords: a59242; acknowledge; act; acts; advantage; allegiance; ambiguous; article; authority; belief; bishop; body; book; case; catholicks; causes; certain; christian; church; civil; clause; clergy; conscience; contrary; councel; court; crown; declaration; decree; deposing; disloyalty; divine; doctrine; dominions; duty; ecclesiastical; eebo; eighth; england; english; estates; excommunication; exercise; expressions; external; faith; fidelity; following; force; formes; forraign; france; general; god; gods; good; government; governour; great; greater; hath; head; henry; ibid; ill; intention; interpretation; james; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; kingdomes; known; late; lawes; lawful; liberty; like; little; lord; loyalty; majesties; majesty; manner; matters; meaning; means; necessary; negative; new; oath; oathes; obedience; occasion; opinion; orders; parliament; party; pastours; peace; persons; point; pope; position; power; practises; prejudice; present; pretended; princes; principles; profess; promise; protestants; publick; publickly; queen; ready; realm; reason; reflexions; regard; religion; renouncing; right; roman; rome; sacred; safety; said; sayes; sect; sence; sentence; shew; spiritual; spiritual jurisdiction; state; subjects; successours; supream; supremacy; supreme; taking; tcp; temporal; tender; text; things; time; title; true; truth; vertue; viz; words; world; yea; year cache: A59242.xml plain text: A59242.txt item: #317 of 416 id: A59248 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: Sure-footing in Christianity, or Rational discourses on the rule of faith with short animadversions on Dr. Pierce's sermon : also on some passages in Mr. Whitby and M. Stillingfleet, which concern that rule / by J.S. date: 1665.0 words: 63361 flesch: 49 summary: 4. ) those Ancestours renouncing Tradition formerly were by so doing cut off from the Root of Faith , their Followers ( for how many Generations soever they continue ) must be so likewise , as wanting and not daring even to pretend to that Faith●causing Principle of Tradition or uninterrupted Delivery which their Forefathers had renounc't . Such an unwearied Constancy in Devotion , such a degree of Fervor in that Constancy , cannot possibly proceed from a luke-warm Probability in Faith : such frequent Retirements to intimate Conversations with Heaven , such Mortifications , and contempt of Court-Entertainments , and ( which is yet harder ) such Innocence and Purity amidst the necessary Admittances of them , as they all conspire to speak Your Soul Angelical , so they clearly prove the vigorous Activity of the Faith that breeds them , far beyond the drowsy Indifferency of a probable Opinion . keywords: able; account; actions; acute; advantage; adversaries; age; ages; alledge; ancestours; answer; apostles; application; apply'd; apt; argument; assent; authority; authours; bare; beginning; belief; believ'd; best; body; books; capable; care; carriage; catholick; catholick church; catholick tradition; cause; certain; certain rule; certainty; characters; children; christ; christian; christian faith; christian tradition; christianity; church; churches; circumstances; citations; clear; common; common reason; conceit; concern; conclusion; consent; conspire; contrary; controversy; copy; corol; council; daily; day; dead; degree; deliver'd; delivery; demonstration; descended; discourse; dissenters; divine; divinity; doctrin; doubt; effect; efficacious; end; ere; erroneous; essential; establisht; eternal; evidence; evidenceable; evident; evident rule; existence; experience; express; eyes; fact; faith; faithful; false; fancy; far; fathers; firm; fit; follow'd; force; forefathers; foregoing; frame; generality; ghost; god; gods; good; goodness; great; greater; grounds; guide; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; hereticks; high; history; hold; holy; hope; human; imaginable; immediate; impossible; incompetent; infallibility; infallible; infinit; innumerable; intelligent; interpretation; judge; judgment; knowing; knowledge; known; later; law; leave; left; letter; life; like; little; living; long; look; love; main; man; manifest; mankind; manner; material; matter; maxims; meaning; means; meer; meerly; men; method; mind; mistake; motives; multitude; natural; nature; nay; necessary; needs; new; note; notion; notwithstanding; object; oblig'd; obligation; oblige; obvious; onely; onely rule; ones; open; opinion; ordinary; original; parents; particular; parts; passages; passion; past; perfect; persons; pierce; place; plain; point; posterity; power; powerful; practical; practice; present; pretended; primitive; principles; private; profess; proof; proper; properties; protestants; purpose; question; rational; reader; reason; regard; religion; renounc't; rest; right; root; rudest; rule; run; sacred; salvation; satisfaction; saw; saying; science; scripture; second; secure; self; sence; sensations; senses; sermon; session; single; skill; solid; sort; soul; speaking; species; speculation; spring; stillingfleet; strength; strong; subject; substance; sufficient; talk; tcp; teaching; tenets; terms; testimonies; testimony; text; thing; thoughts; time; tradition; traditionary; true; true faith; truth; uncertain; understanding; virtue; voice; vulgar; want; way; whitby; wills; wit; witnesses; wits; wonder; word faith; words; work; world; writ; writing; ● d; ● t; ● ● cache: A59248.xml plain text: A59248.txt item: #318 of 416 id: A59251 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: A vindication of the doctrine contained in Pope Benedict XII, his bull and in the General Council of Florence, under Eugenius the III concerning the state of departed souls : in answer to a certain letter, printed and published against it, by an unknown author, under this title, A letter in answer to the late dispensers of Pope Benedict XII, his bull, &c., wherein the progress of Master Whites lately minted Purgatory is laid open and its grounds examined ... / by S.W. date: 1659.0 words: 43103 flesch: 56 summary: And I cannot pardon this your so confident imposing on your Reader ; You tell us , our present controversie , concerning the delivery of souls out of Purgatory , stands not here defined , because the Word Purgatory , is not in the Bull , ( however , it is sufficiently in the Council , ) and the Pope decrees of soul● now purged : And you require , pag. And first , In the Third Article which the Publishers gave you it defines ; If truely penitent Souls shall depart this life , before they have satisfied for their Commissions and Omissions , by worthy fruits of Penance : that their Souls are purged by the punishments of Purgatory after their bodies death , &c. Which Doctrine can finde no admittance in your new modell ; for all the sufferings of souls , which you fancy by their irregular , and now unchangeable affections , avail nothing as to the Purging or cleansing of Souls in their state of Separation : since that is wholly reserved , by you , to the change of those affections at the re-union . keywords: adversary; affections; aforesaid; age; ages; angels; answer; apostles; appeal; apprehensions; attempt; authority; baptism; beatitude; beleeve; benedict; blemish; blessed; bodies; body; book; bull; business; catholick; certain; change; charity; cherubinus; christ; christian; church; cleer; common; confidence; connexion; consequence; contrary; controversie; corporal; council; day; death; decree; definition; delivery; demonstrations; demonstrative; deny; design; desires; destructive; discourse; divine; divinity; doctrine; doth; duration; end; english; errour; essence; establisht; eternal; evidence; evident; excellent; faith; false; far; fathers; fault; fear; fire; florence; florentin; force; friends; future; general; god; good; grace; great; greater; greek; grief; grounds; hand; happy; hath; heaven; hell; heresie; hitherto; holy; home; hope; ignorance; immediate; impossible; indivisible; iudgment; know; knowledge; late; latin; learned; leave; letter; lib; life; light; like; little; long; longer; lord; man; manner; master; men; moment; mortal; mysteries; nature; necessary; new; new doctrine; non; notion; onely; open; opinion; order; ordination; pag; pains; paul; penance; perfect; persons; peter; phylosophy; pious; place; pleasures; point; pope; power; prayers; present; pretended; private; proceed; punishment; pure; purgation; purgatory; question; reader; reason; received; religion; rest; roman; sacred; said; satisfaction; satisfied; saviour; sayes; school; science; sect; self; sense; separated; separation; short; sighted; sin; sins; sir; solid; souls; spirits; stands; state; subject; substance; succession; sufferings; supposition; systeme; taught; terms; text; theology; thing; thomas; thou; time; title; torment; tradition; true; truth; uncloathed; understandings; union; use; vision; way; whatsoever; white; wit; words; world; xii; years cache: A59251.xml plain text: A59251.txt item: #319 of 416 id: A59784 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: An ansvver to a discourse intituled, Papists protesting against Protestant-popery being a vindication of papists not misrepresented by Protestants : and containing a particular examination of Monsieur de Meaux, late Bishop of Condom, his Exposition of the doctrine of the Church of Rome, in the articles of invocation of saints, and the worship of images occasioned by that discourse. date: 1686.0 words: 49805 flesch: 50 summary: An ansvver to a discourse intituled, Papists protesting against Protestant-popery being a vindication of papists not misrepresented by Protestants : and containing a particular examination of Monsieur de Meaux, late Bishop of Condom, his Exposition of the doctrine of the Church of Rome, in the articles of invocation of saints, and the worship of images occasioned by that discourse. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 823:9) keywords: account; acts; anathema; answer; answerer; argument; article; authority; better; bishop; blessed; blood; body; book; calf; cardinal; case; catholick; character; charge; christ; christians; church; civil; commandment; common; communion; condom; consequences; council; creatures; decree; degrees; deposing; desire; difference; dispute; distinguished; divine; divinity; doctrine; durandus; earth; england; exposition; external; fact; faith; false; father; forbid; general; giving; glory; god; gods; good; great; heathens; heaven; holy; honour; hope; idolatry; image; image worship; immediate; infallibility; inferior; intention; intercession; invisible; jesus; judgment; kind; latria; law; like; likeness; little; lord; making; man; manner; martyr; mary; material; material image; matter; means; meaux; mediation; mediator; men; mind; misrepresented; monsieur; mother; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; notion; object; opinion; pag; papist; particular; peculiar; peculiar worship; people; perfections; person; personal; picture; place; plain; points; popery; popes; popish; power; powerful; practices; prayers; presence; present; priest; prince; private; proper; proper worship; protestants; protester; prototype; proxy; purpose; reason; relation; religion; religious worship; remembrance; reply; representation; representer; representing; respect; right; roman; rome; sacrifice; saints; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; set; spirits; stead; stone; suppose; tcp; text; thing; thomas; thought; time; trent; true; truth; use; virgin; way; wood; words; world; worship; worship god cache: A59784.xml plain text: A59784.txt item: #320 of 416 id: A59787 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: An answer to a late Dialogue between a new Catholick convert and a Protestant to prove the mystery of the Trinity to be as absurd a doctrine as transubstantiation : by way of short notes on the said dialogue. date: 1687.0 words: 6702 flesch: 65 summary: On the other side , Transubstantiation lay unquestion'd and quiet a long time ; and when it came to debate , there was no such opposition as that of Arius , to call in question the Authority of its Tradition ; the Church receiv'd it unanimously , and in that sense continu'd , till rash Reason attempted to fathom the unlimited Miracles and Mysteries of God. But , Sir , to be short , What relation has this to the present Parallel of the Trinity and Transubstantiation ? keywords: absurd; authority; better; blood; body; bread; catholick; christ; christian; church; convert; council; creation; dialogue; dispute; doctrine; eebo; english; faith; father; general; ghost; god; good; great; heaven; holy; individual; john; little; men; mystery; nature; new; persons; protestant; reason; scripture; sense; sir; sure; tcp; text; time; tradition; transubstantiation; trinity; true; unreasonable; way cache: A59787.xml plain text: A59787.txt item: #321 of 416 id: A59792 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A brief discourse concerning the notes of the church with some reflections on Cardinal Bellarmin's Notes. date: 1687.0 words: 7667 flesch: 61 summary: Catholic Church -- Doctrines. The first concerning the Name Catholick , which makes every Church a Catholick Church , which will call it self so : Tho Catholick does not declare what a Church is , but in what Communion it is , and is no Note of a true Church , unless it be first proved , that they are true Churches , which are in Communion with each other : For if three parts in four of all the Churches in the World were very corrupt and degenerate in Faith and Worship , and were in one Communion , this would be the most Catholick Communion , as Catholick signifies the most general and universal ; but yet the fourth part , which is sincere , would be the best and truest Church , and the Catholick Church , as that signifies the Communion of all Orthodox and Pure Churches . keywords: apostles; authority; bellarmin; books; cardinal; catholick church; characters; christian church; christians; churches; common; communion; eebo; english; essential; faith; god; good; great; holy; infallible; interpretation; known; man; marks; nature; notes; particular church; religion; rome; sacraments; scriptures; tcp; text; thing; true catholick; true christian; true church; true faith; true notes; true particular; true sacraments; use; way; world; worship cache: A59792.xml plain text: A59792.txt item: #322 of 416 id: A59812 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A discourse concerning a judge of controversies in matters of religion being an answer to some papers asserting the necessity of such a judge : with an address to wavering protestants, shewing what little reason they have to think of any change of their religion : written for the private satisfaction of some scrupulous persons, and now published for common use : with a preface concerning the nature of certainty and infallibility. date: 1686.0 words: 37972 flesch: 48 summary: Suppose then we should grant , That the Pope , or Church of Rome were infallible , what advantage has a Papist for Certainty above a Protestant ? Does the Infallibility of the Pope make them all infallible ? These are the proper limits of all Human Authority , both in Church and State ; below this there is no Authority , and above it , it is not Human Authority ; for a blind Obedience can be due to none but God , and he himself seldom exacts it . keywords: ages; ancient; answer; antiquity; apostles; apostolick; argument; authority; best; bishops; body; bread; case; catholick; catholick church; certainty; christ; christian; christian church; christianity; church; churches; clear; communion; confident; controversies; corrupt; council; damnable; day; days; decrees; dispute; doctrine; england; errors; evidence; evident; external; faith; fathers; foundation; general; god; good; gospel; great; greater; guide; guilty; head; heresies; hereticks; holy; honest; images; infallibility; infallible; infallible judge; jews; judge; judgment; knowledge; law; liberty; little; man; matters; means; men; mind; miracles; mistaken; moses; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; paper; particular; paul; people; peter; plain; pope; power; priest; principles; private; proof; prophets; protestant; question; reason; religion; revelation; right; rome; rule; saints; salvation; saviour; scripture; self; selves; sense; shew; sins; state; succession; sufficient; sure; teachers; text; things; thought; true; true church; true faith; truth; uncertain; understanding; unity; use; visible; visible judge; way; world; worship cache: A59812.xml plain text: A59812.txt item: #323 of 416 id: A59819 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A discourse concerning the nature, unity, and communion of the Catholick Church wherein most of the controversies relating to the church are briefly and plainly stated / by William Sherlock. date: 1688.0 words: 19028 flesch: 48 summary: Where this is not , there is no Church ; and where this is , there is but one Church ; how many particular Churches , or distinct Communions soever this Church is divided into : From whence it as evident , that there never can be more than one Church in the World : for those Nominal Churches , which have not the same Lord , the same Faith , the same Baptism , are no Churches ; and all that have , are but one : Which makes it a ridiculous Triumph of the Church of Rome , as if we Protestants did not believe one Catholick Church , or could not tell where to find it , when we profess to believe but One Church , and that all true Churches are Members of this One Church . Now this is a mighty prejudice against any Notion , if it destroys the visibility of the Church , which is so plainly taught in Scripture , and does , for ought we know , unchurch the greatest Member of visible Church-Members ; if the Church consist only of those who were elected from all eternity , and are in time called by the Grace of God to a state of real Holiness and Sanctification , and made the living Members of Christ's Body , I cannot possibly see how there can be a visible Church on Earth ; for this internal Grace which makes a Church-Member is invisible , and therefore Church-Members are invisible too , and then I fear , keywords: answer; authority; bad; baptism; bishops; bloud; body; bone; catholick church; christ; christian church; christians; church; churches; communion; company; council; covenant; definition; discourse; earth; edition; english; essential; exercise; external; faith; faithful; flesh; general; god; good; gospel; government; grace; great; head; heaven; indefectible church; infallible; invisible; john; life; lord; man; members; men; ministers; multitude; mystical; mystical body; nature; new church; notion; number; organized; organized church; particular church; pastors; paul; pope; private; quarto; reason; representatives; right; rome; sacraments; saints; second; society; spirit; state; tcp; text; thing; true church; union; united; unity; universal church; vicar; visible church; water; world; worship cache: A59819.xml plain text: A59819.txt item: #324 of 416 id: A59834 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A papist not misrepresented by Protestants being a reply to the Reflections upon the Answer to (A papist misrepresented and represented.) date: 1686.0 words: 19947 flesch: 54 summary: By which , I suppose , he means , that all English Catholicks do own the Authority of the Council of Trent , and take their Rule of Faith from it ; but this is not , what the Answerer means by that Question ; Whether English Catholicks singly for themselves , and in their private Capacities , own the Doctrine of the Council of Trent ; but by what publick Act of Church or State it has been received in England , as it has been in other Catholick Countries . And this I confess were a just Exception against the Answer , if it were true ; but I challenge him to give any one Instance of it , wherein the Answerer has set up the judgment of private Authors against the declared Sense and Judgment of their Councils and Church . keywords: actions; anathema; answerer; articles; authority; authors; belief; books; bread; cases; catholick; character; charge; christ; christian; church; civil; concern; council; decrees; definitions; deposing; difference; discipline; dispute; divine; doctrine; english; external; faith; fault; general; god; gods; good; government; grace; grants; great; guilty; hereticks; holy; honour; idolatry; ignorant; images; infallibility; infallible; interpretation; life; like; little; making; man; matter; men; merits; misrepresentation; misrepresenting; necessary; old; opinions; page; papist; particular; people; persons; place; point; pope; power; practice; prayers; private; protestant; publick; punishment; purgatory; reason; reflecter; reflections; religious; representer; roman; rome; rule; sacrifice; saints; satisfaction; scripture; second; self; sense; sins; tcp; text; thing; trent; true; truth; use; virgin; way; works; world; worship cache: A59834.xml plain text: A59834.txt item: #325 of 416 id: A59894 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A short summary of the principal controversies between the Church of England, and the church of Rome being a vindication of several Protestant doctrines, in answer to a late pamphlet intituled, Protestancy destitute of Scripture-proofs. date: 1687.0 words: 44984 flesch: 54 summary: This he knew not how to reconcile , but by saying , That when the Church prayed for Saints and Martyrs , Prophets and Apostles , the meaning of her Prayers was not to intercede with God for them , but to praise God for their Graces and Vertues ; but when she prayed for meaner Christians , her Prayers were Intercessions for Pardon and Rest to their Souls ; and yet they were all prayed for in the same form of words , and the ancient Church made no such distinction between them : and thus he reconciles the matter by expounding the same words to two different and contrary senses , as they are applied to different subjects , which has taught the Church of Rome , when occasion serves , to soften her Prayers , by expounding them contrary to the plain and natural signification of the words : that the most direct and formal Prayers to Saints and the Virgin for all Temporal and Spiritual Blessings , when they please , shall signifie no more than a bare Ora pro nobis , Pray for us . When several Bishops who have originally all the same Authority in the Government of their several Churches , bestow different Powers on some Bishops , whom they advance above others with the Title and Authority of Metropolitans , or Patriarchs , with a Power of calling Synods , and receiving Appeals , and the principal Authority of Ordinations ; and govern their several Churches by such Ecclesiastical Laws , as are agreed on by common Consent , or the major Vote , This is a very useful Constitution , and of great Antiquity in the Church , if it had not its beginning in the Apostles times ; and for any Bishop or Church causelessly to break such a Confederacy as this , is a very great Evil , and has the Guilt and Crime of Schism ; but yet it does not seem to be such a Schism as divides the intrinsick Unity of the Catholick Church , and cuts off such a Church from the Body of Christ. keywords: account; ancient; answer; apostles; argument; article; austin; authority; better; bishops; blood; body; books; bread; catholick church; certain; charge; christ; christian; christian church; church; churches; clergy; command; common; communion; contrary; corruptions; council; day; dead; death; demand; desire; devotions; different; dispute; distinction; divine; doctrine; duty; earth; ecclesiastical; edification; efficacy; end; england; english; errors; eucharist; evident; express; faith; fathers; fire; forms; fundamental; general; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; heaven; hell; high; holiness; holy; ibid; idolatry; images; infallibility; infallible; institution; intelligible; intercession; joyn; judgment; justifie; kind; late; latin; law; laws; life; like; little; living; lord; making; man; material; matter; mediator; men; merits; mind; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; non; offer; offices; opinion; particular; paul; people; perfect; place; plain; pope; popish; popish purgatory; power; practice; prayers; presence; present; priest; primitive; proof; protestants; publick; punishment; purgatory; purpose; quarto; reason; received; reformation; religion; religious; request; rest; resurrection; right; roman; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; said; saints; salvation; saviour; schism; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; separate; separation; service; shows; signifie; sins; souls; spirit; state; substance; sufficient; supremacy; sure; tcp; temple; temporal; text; things; thought; time; tongue; trent; true; truth; unity; unknown; use; vertue; viz; vulgar; way; wine; words; world; worship; years cache: A59894.xml plain text: A59894.txt item: #326 of 416 id: A59899 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A vindication of both parts of the Preservative against popery in an answer to the cavils of Lewis Sabran, Jesuit / by William Sherlock ... date: 1688.0 words: 44854 flesch: 50 summary: Because the Church tells me it is the Word of God ; Wherefore do you believe this to be the sense of Scripture ? Because the Church so expounds it : Is not this the true Resolution of the Roman Faith ? Is this Misrepresenting too ? This he severely censures , and says , that man is unworthy ever to see the face of God , who declares with Dr. Sherlock , that did God offer him the eternal possession of himself on this condition , that he should first suffer a thousand years , he would absolutely refuse it . keywords: account; act; angels; answer; apostles; argument; assurance; authority; baptism; better; blood; body; books; case; catholick; catholick church; certain; certainty; charge; christ; christians; church; common; council; creatures; death; design; difference; dispute; divine; doctrine; end; evidence; evident; external; faith; false; farther; footman; general; god; good; gospel; grace; great; guide; hath; heaven; hell; heresies; heretical; holiness; holy; hope; idolatry; images; impossible; infallibility; infallible; infallible church; infallible faith; infallible judge; jesuite; judge; judging; judgment; knowledge; late; law; liberty; life; like; little; lord; love; man; mankind; mass; matters; means; meer; men; mind; miracles; misrepresentation; moral; moses; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; pains; papists; particular; penance; people; perfect; place; plain; pope; popery; popish; power; prayers; presence; present; preservative; pretended; priest; principles; private; proofs; protestant; protestant faith; punishment; purgatory; purpose; question; reason; religion; revealed; revelation; right; righteousness; rites; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; saviour; scripture; second; self; sense; sensible; sherlock; shew; sin; sinners; sins; spirit; state; sufficient; sure; symbolical; temporal; text; thing; time; transubstantiation; true; truth; uncertain; understanding; use; virgin; visible; want; way; william; words; world; worship; years; ● ● cache: A59899.xml plain text: A59899.txt item: #327 of 416 id: A59901 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A vindication of some Protestant principles of Church-unity and Catholick-communion, from the charge of agreement with the Church of Rome in answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, an agreement between the Church of England and the Church of Rome, evinced from the concertation of some of her sons with their brethren the dissenters / by William Sherlock ... date: 1688.0 words: 40183 flesch: 40 summary: This Combination of Churches and Bishops does not , and ought not to introduce a direct Superiority of one Bishop , or Church , over another ; or of such Synods and Councils over particular Bishops : Every Bishop is the proper Governour of his own Diocess still , and cannot be regularly imposed on against his consent . For this Reason , the Pope and Legates , and Italian Bishops opposed the Divine Institution of the Episcopacy , and for the same Reason the other Party so vehemently contended for it ; and then I will leave any man to judge , which of these two Opinions must pass for the Sense of the Council and Church of Rome : We wish with all our Hearts , the Church of Rome did agree with us in the Divine Institution of Episcopacy , which was the Sense of the Primitive Church ; but unless all Parties in the Council of Trent were very much mistaken , the Supremacy of the Pope , as it is Taught by that Council , does utterly overthrow the Divine Institution of Bishops , and make them onely the Pope's Creatures and Dependants . keywords: account; acts; advice; agreement; answer; appeals; archbishops; argument; authority; best; better; bishoprick; bishops; body; book; canons; care; case; catholick bishops; catholick church; catholick communion; catholick pastor; catholick unity; causes; ceremonies; charge; christian church; christians; church; churches; civil; clergy; collegues; combination; communion; consent; consequence; council; cyprian; days; decrees; defence; design; different; diocesan; diocess; direct; discipline; dispute; dissenters; distinct; divided; divine; doctrine; earth; ecclesiastical; england; english; episcopacy; equal; essential; exercise; external; faith; fit; french; french church; gallican church; general; god; good; governing; government; great; greater; head; heresie; hereticks; highest; image; independent; infallibility; infallible; institution; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; kind; kingdom; know; late; laws; liberties; like; little; liturgie; man; manners; marca; matters; members; metropolitans; mind; mutual; national church; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; notion; oecumenical; office; opinions; order; organized; original; papists; particular church; parts; pastor; peace; people; plain; pope; popery; popish; power; presbyters; primate; princes; principles; protestant; protestant church; prove; provincial; purpose; reader; reason; religion; right; rites; roman; rome; saints; schism; scripture; self; sense; society; soveraign; state; subordinate; subordination; superior; superiority; supream; supremacy; supreme; sure; tcp; terms; text; thing; time; title; trent; true; united; unity; universal church; use; vindication; visible church; way; words; world; worship cache: A59901.xml plain text: A59901.txt item: #328 of 416 id: A60249 author: Simons, Joseph, 1593-1671. title: An answer to Doctor Piercie's sermon preached before His Majesty at White-Hall, Feb. 1, 1663 by J.S. date: 1663.0 words: 33619 flesch: 71 summary: The Motherhood of the Roman Church consists in her prio●…ity , nor ●…f time , but of Dignity and Jurisdict●…on , grounded ●…pon S. Peters P●…imacy : who as he was Father an●… Head of all Bishops ; This the universall Church observes as delivered by the Fathers . keywords: addes; ambrose; ancient; answer; antioch; antiquity; apostles; apostolicall; apostolick; appeares; arch; arian; articles; athanasius; austin; authority; authour; baptisme; baronius; beginning; belief; bellarmin; berengarius; bishop; bloud; body; book; bread; call'd; calvin; canon; cap; cardinal; catholick; catholick church; cause; chalcedon; change; chapter; chayre; chief; children; christ; christians; chrysostome; church; churches; city; clear; clergy; command; common; communion; condemn'd; confesse; confession; consent; constantinople; contrary; corruptions; council; creed; cup; cyprian; dayes; dead; decrees; definitions; demonstration; denying; divers; divine; divorce; doctor; doctrine; doe; donatists; doth; earth; east; ecclesia; edit; edward; eebo; emperour; england; english; epist; epistle; equall; erre; errours; eucharist; evident; faith; false; fathers; fol; fornication; fourth; gates; generall; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; grant; great; greek; gregory; hall; hath; head; heathens; hebrew; heresie; hereticks; hierome; high; holy; honour; husband; iames; ierusalem; iewes; images; infallibility; infallible; invocation; iohn; judgement; jurisdiction; king; known; language; latin; law; learned; leo; lesse; lib; life; like; long; lord; luther; margin; marriage; martyr; matter; meaning; men; mens; mother; mystery; nations; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; new; nice; non; novelties; occasion; old; onely; opinion; order; origen; orthodox; page; particular; parts; pastours; paul; people; persons; peròn; peter; phocas; place; point; pope; power; practice; prayers; pretended; priests; primacy; primitive; private; protestants; publick; purgatory; question; reason; reformation; reformers; religion; respect; rest; right; roman bishop; roman church; romans; rome; rule; s. austin; s. cyprian; s. paul; s. peter; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; said; saint; saith s.; salvation; saviour; saying; schisme; scripture; second; sect; self; sense; separation; sermon; sir; speaking; spirit; subject; substance; supreamacy; supreame; tcp; tertullian; text; things; thomas; thought; time; title; tongue; tradition; transubstantiation; trent; true; true church; truth; unity; universal; unknown; use; vulgar; way; whosoever; wife; wine; wit; wives; words; work; world; writ; yeares cache: A60249.xml plain text: A60249.txt item: #329 of 416 id: A60294 author: Hanson, Geo. aut title: Sions groans for her distressed, or Sober endeavours to prevent innocent blood, and to stablish the nation in the best of settlements Grounded upon scripture, reason, and authority. Proving it the undoubted right of Christian liberty under different perswasions, in matters spiritual, to have equal protection as to their civil peace. Unto which is added the testimony of fifteen antients. Humbly offered to the Kings Majesty, Parliament and people, and left unto their serious view. By Tho. Monck, Joseph Wright, Fran. Stanley, &c. date: 1661.0 words: 10473 flesch: 54 summary: And now I say unto you , refrain from these men , and let them alone , for if this Counsel or Work be of man , it will come to nought , but if it be of God , ye cannot overthrow it , lest haply ye be found to fight against God. This with grief of heart we see too visible , for the Doctrine and Traditions of Rome ( who is mystery Babylon , and since her Apostacy the Mother of Harlots , For the woman which thou sawest , is that great City which reigneth over the Kings of the earth ) have so corrupted the earth , and clouded the understandings of the sons of men , that the great and most important truths of God cannot bee received or beleeved . keywords: act; apostle; authority; bee; blood; chap; christ; christian; church; civil; clergy; conscience; contrary; day; death; decrees; different; distressed; doctrine; doth; earth; eebo; english; force; god; good; gospel; great; greatest; groans; hath; house; iews; innocent; israel; jesus; judge; kings; law; liberty; life; lord; magistrates; majesty; man; matters; men; national; nations; new; outward; page; papists; paul; peace; people; persecute; pope; power; prophets; reason; religion; religious; right; rule; saints; saith; scripture; second; sions; spiritual; sure; tares; tcp; text; things; time; use; violence; way; words; work; world; worship cache: A60294.xml plain text: A60294.txt item: #330 of 416 id: A60933 author: Ridpath, George, d. 1726. title: The political mischiefs of popery, or, Arguments demonstrating I. that the romish religion ruines all those countries where 'tis establish'd II. that it occasions the loss of above 200 millions of livres ... to France in particular, III. that if popery were abolished in France, that kingdom would become incomparably more rich and populous ..., IV. that it is impossible that France should ever be re-established whilst popery is their national religion / by a person of quality. date: 1698.0 words: 42399 flesch: 39 summary: That Popery occasions the loss of 200 Millions per An. to France ; which to them seem'd a Paradox , I thought my self obliged to sa●…isfie their desire . To this end I publish'd what I had writ upon that Subject sometime ago in French , that by the Iudgment which others gave upon it , I might be the better enabled to conjecture what was proper to be Added or Corrected in the English Edition , which I n●…w present to the Publick , with several Additions ; and had done it sooner , but for some Reasons not fit to be here related . keywords: able; abundance; account; advantage; ages; ambition; annum; arguments; article; authority; best; better; bishops; body; books; bread; call'd; cattel; cattle; cause; certain; charge; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; cities; civil; clergy; commerce; common; communion; condition; consequence; considerable; contrary; convents; countries; country; court; credit; crimes; cruelty; days; deal; dear; death; design; disorders; diverse; doctrine; dominions; doubt; ecclesiasticks; england; english; estates; example; false; families; fast; favour; festivals; fish; flesh; foreign; france; french; gain; general; god; good; gospel; government; great; greater; greatest; guilty; half; hands; hath; holy; honest; honour; hope; houses; idolatrous; idolatry; ignorant; images; industry; infinite; injustice; interest; italy; jesus; kingdom; kings; known; labour; law; laws; lent; life; light; like; little; livres; long; loss; lost; love; magistrates; mainmort; man; mankind; manner; masses; masters; matter; means; meat; men; method; millions; mischiefs; money; monks; morals; multitude; nation; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; new; notice; number; nuns; oblig'd; occasions; officers; oil; old; opinions; order; papists; particular; parts; pay; people; perceive; perfidiousness; personal; persons; piece; places; political; poor; pope; popery; popish; populous; power; present; pretended; priests; princes; principles; profit; profitable; propagation; proper; protestant; publick; quality; real; reason; reformation; regard; religion; respect; revenue; rich; riches; rome; romish; ruin; scripture; sea; self; sense; set; small; society; sorts; spirit; state; stock; subjects; subsist; t ●; taxes; tcp; temporal; text; things; tho; thought; time; towns; trade; true; truth; tyranny; use; useful; useless; value; vice; viz; want; war; way; wealth; wicked; women; work; world; worship; worth; years; yoke; young cache: A60933.xml plain text: A60933.txt item: #331 of 416 id: A61526 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: An answer to some papers lately printed concerning the authority of the Catholick Church in matters of faith, and the reformation of the Church of England date: 1686.0 words: 13014 flesch: 65 summary: Church of England -- Doctrines. It is granted , that the Guides of that Church have been very bad Men ; and that in Councils they have frequently erred about the Deposing Power , being only a Matter of Practice , and not of Faith. keywords: answer; apostles; appeal; articles; authority; baptism; best; bishops; body; books; catholick church; change; christ; christian; christian church; church; churches; communion; councils; creeds; desire; doctrine; doth; eebo; end; england; english; faith; fancy; far; general; god; good; great; hath; holy; infallibility; infallible; iudge; judgment; king; man; matters; men; necessary; new; paper; particular; parts; person; plain; positive; power; private; reason; reformation; religion; right; roman church; rome; rule; said; salvation; scripture; self; sense; spirit; sure; tcp; text; things; times; title; true; universal; use; way; words; world cache: A61526.xml plain text: A61526.txt item: #332 of 416 id: A61532 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: The Council of Trent examin'd and disprov'd by Catholick tradition in the main points in controversie between us and the Church of Rome with a particular account of the times and occasions of introducing them : Part 1 : to which a preface is prefixed concerning the true sense of the Council of Trent and the notion of transubstantiation. date: 1688.0 words: 62801 flesch: 72 summary: Ca●●●ists about this matter ; and the latter affirmed that Chris●● was not appointed by Christ , but ast●●wards by th● Church ; and that the Pope could dispense with it ; which he could not do if it were of Christ's Insti●●●ion . ●●●●esie to assert , that the Substance of the Elements did remain after Consecration . keywords: absolution; accidents; account; acts; alexander; ambrose; anathema; ancient; ancient church; answer; antiquity; apocryphal; apostles; apostolical; appear; aquinas; arabick; arcudius; arguments; articles; augustin; auricular; autem; authority; baptism; basil; bellarmin; best; better; bible; biel; bishop; body; boileau; bonaventure; books; bound; bread; business; c. 2; cajetan; canon; canonical; canonists; cardinal; care; case; catechism; catholick; catholick church; catholick tradition; century; certain; change; christ; christian; chrysostom; church; church doth; churches; clear; common; communion; conc; condigno; confesses; confession; confirmation; conscience; consecration; consent; consequence; constantinople; contrary; contrition; controversie; coptick; council; cyprian; cyril; de s.; declares; decree; dei; design; desire; determin'd; determination; different; discipline; discourse; disp; dist; distinct; divine; divinity; doctrine; doth; durandus; eastern; ecclesiastical; effect; elements; english; epistle; equal; equality; eternal; eucharist; evidence; extreme; faculty; false; famous; far; farther; fathers; faults; favour; fit; florence; force; form; france; gabriel; general; ghost; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; grants; gratian; great; greater; greatest; greek; greek church; gregory; ground; guides; hands; hard; hath; heaven; heresie; heretical; hist; hold; holy; hugo; iii; images; imposition; impossible; improper; index; infallible; innocent; institution; jerom; jews; joh; john; judge; judgment; justice; kind; known; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; l. 4; language; large; lateran; latin; law; leo; life; like; little; lombard; long; main; maldonat; manner; material; matrimony; matter; meaning; means; mention'd; mere; merit; meritorious; method; mistaken; modern; modus; mortal; names; nature; necessary; necessity; new; notice; notion; notorious; number; observed; occasion; offenders; offices; old; onely; opinion; order; original; pains; particular; parts; patriarch; paul; penance; penitentiary; penitents; people; persons; peter; petrus; place; plain; poenit; points; pope; power; practice; preface; presence; present; pretended; priest; primitive; principles; private; probable; prohibition; promise; proper; proportion; publick; purpose; quae; question; quod; reading; real; reason; reasonable; remission; respect; rest; reward; right; roman; roman church; rome; rule; sacrament; saith; salvation; sancto; satisfaction; saxon; school; scotus; scripture; second; secret; sed; self; sense; sent; sentences; sess; set; sets; shews; sign; signifie; sins; speak; species; steps; suarez; subject; substance; sufficient; sunt; taking; tcp; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; theological; things; thomas; thought; time; tongue; tradition; translations; transubstantiation; trent; trid; true; truth; unction; universal; unwritten; use; vasquez; vincentius; viz; voluntary; vulgar; way; western; western church; wine; words; work; writers; writings; written; years; ● ● cache: A61532.xml plain text: A61532.txt item: #333 of 416 id: A61552 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: The doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome truly represented in answer to a book intituled, A papist misrepresented, and represented, &c. date: 1686.0 words: 50272 flesch: 72 summary: The Distinction of the Court & Church of Rome is wholly impertinent in this Case . 4. Indulgences , he saith , are nothing else but a Mitigation or Relaxation , upon just Causes , of Canonical Penances , which are or may be enjoyned by the Pastors of the Church on penitent Sinners , according to their several degrees of Demerits . keywords: a61552; account; acts; adoration; altho; anathema; angels; answer; apostles; articles; assistance; augustin; author; authority; best; better; bible; blessed; blood; body; books; bread; c. 2; canon; canonical; care; case; certain; charge; christ; christian; christian church; church; churches; clear; command; common; communion; confession; consecration; contrary; controversy; council; creature; cursed; damnable; dead; death; declare; decrees; deposing; design; desire; devotion; difference; dispute; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; earth; end; english; equal; eternal; existence; far; fasting; father; fit; force; foundation; general; giving; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; ground; guides; guilt; hard; hath; head; heaven; help; holy; honour; host; idolatry; images; indulgences; infallibility; infallible; institution; intercession; invocation; jesus; john; judgment; justice; kind; known; latin; law; lies; life; like; little; long; making; man; mankind; manner; mary; mass; matter; means; men; meritorious; merits; mind; miracles; misrepresented; mother; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notes; number; object; obligation; offices; old; opinion; order; pag; papist; particular; parts; people; persons; peter; place; plain; point; pope; possible; power; practices; prayers; praying; present; priest; primitive; principles; promise; proper; publick; punishment; purgatory; purpose; question; reason; received; religion; reliques; remission; repentance; representation; representer; respect; revelation; right; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; saith; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; saying; scripture; second; sect; self; sense; set; shew; sins; special; spirit; spiritual; state; substance; sufficient; superstition; tcp; temporal; testament; testimony; text; things; time; tradition; transubstantiation; trent; true; truth; understanding; universal; use; veneration; virgin; viz; vulgar; water; way; wine; words; world; worship; written; years; ● ● cache: A61552.xml plain text: A61552.txt item: #334 of 416 id: A61594 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: A reply to Mr. J.S. his 3d. appendix containing some animadversions on the book entituled, A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion. By Ed. Stillingfleet B.D. date: 1666.0 words: 25672 flesch: 59 summary: And when the● were silenced , all the disputes th● arose in the Church concerning matte● of faith , was about the sense of the books ; as is evident by the procee●ings in the case of Arius and Pelagi● Wherein Tradition was only used a means to clear the sense of the S●ptures , but not at all as that which t● faith of all was to be resolved int● But when any thing was pleaded fr● tradition for which there was ground in Scripture , it was reject with the same ease it was offered ; a● such persons were plainly told , t● was not the Churches way ; if they b● plain Scripture with the concurr● sense of Antiquity , they might produce ●t and rely upon it . In which sense only I shall grant our Protestant Writer● to build on uncertainties , and Mr. White and Mr. Serjeant to be the great Demonstrators of this age . keywords: able; account; age; ages; agree; alwayes; answer; apostles; argument; article; assistance; author; bare; belief; better; books; case; certain; characters; children; christ; christian; christian church; church; churches; clear; common; consequences; conspire; contrary; controversie; council; definitions; demonstration; different; distinct; divine; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; enquire; errors; evidence; evident; fact; faith; faithful; fathers; fide; find; force; foundation; general; god; good; great; greater; greatest; ground; hath; history; infallibility; infallible; judge; know; letters; little; main; manner; matters; means; men; mistake; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; obligation; obliged; opinions; oral; oral tradition; parents; particular; persons; points; pope; possible; posterity; precedent; present; present church; principles; private; purpose; question; reason; religion; roman; roman church; rome; rule; science; scripture; self; sense; shew; story; sufficient; sure; tcp; terms; text; thing; time; tradition; true; truth; understand; universal; use; viz; way; white; wonder; words; world; writing; ● ● cache: A61594.xml plain text: A61594.txt item: #335 of 416 id: A61635 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: A vindication of the answer to some late papers concerning the unity and authority of the Catholic Church, and the reformation of the Church of England. date: 1687.0 words: 58464 flesch: 72 summary: To answer this , Let us suppose the Common Council of the City should agree to make men swear that the Monument near London Bridge , is a living creature , and should exclude all those from the City Priviledges who do not ; and that others having examin'd the Monument , and found nothing but Stones and Iron , were resolved to follow their Senses , and declare their minds , That upon due consideration , they did judg the Monument to be no living creature ; Would any say , these men ma●e it an Article of their Faith , when they only rejected a false proposition imposed upon the Faith of others ? Why may not a Church declare what it doth not believe , as well as what it doth ? Catholic Church -- Controversial literature. keywords: account; act; age; ages; ancient church; answer; answered; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; apostolick church; appear; argument; articles; assistance; augustin; authority; baptism; basil; believing; best; better; bishop; body; books; breach; bread; calls; canon; canonical; care; case; catholic church; catholic faith; catholick; certain; charge; christian church; christians; church; church doth; churches; churches authority; clear; common; communion; concerning; confession; conscience; consent; consequence; constantinople; contrary; controversies; controversy; council; court; creeds; day; dead; defence; defender; design; desire; difference; difficulties; dispute; divine; doctrine; donatists; doth; doubt; eastern; england; english; epistles; erroneous; errors; evidence; faith; false; fancy; far; farther; fathers; force; foundation; france; general; gentleman; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; gregory; ground; guides; guilty; hard; hath; head; heaven; heresie; heresy; heretical; hereticks; hold; holy; hope; images; immediate; impossible; infallibility; infallible; infallible church; judg; judgment; judicature; jurisdiction; king; known; late; law; laws; lay; liable; life; like; little; long; making; manner; marriage; material; matters; meaning; means; meer; members; men; mind; miracles; motives; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; nice; notice; obligation; obstinacy; occasion; opinion; order; owning; pag; page; papers; particular; particular church; parts; patriarch; people; persons; place; plain; point; pope; power; practice; present; pretence; primitive church; proceeding; promises; proof; proposition; proved; publick; purgatory; purpose; question; ready; reason; reformation; religion; replier; reply; respect; rest; revelation; right; roman catholic; roman church; rome; royal; rule; said; salvation; satisfaction; satisfied; saying; schism; scripture; search; second; self; sense; sentence; separation; sess; set; sin; spirit; sufficient; supremacy; supreme; sure; tcp; terms; tertullian; testament; testimony; text; thing; time; title; tradition; trent; true; true church; truth; understanding; unity; universal; universal church; unreasonable; use; usurpation; visible; viz; way; western; western church; wolsey; words; world; worship; writings; ● t; ● ● cache: A61635.xml plain text: A61635.txt item: #336 of 416 id: A61868 author: Stubbe, Henry, 1632-1676. title: Campanella revived, or, An enquiry into the history of the Royal Society, whether the virtuosi there do not pursue the projects of Campanella for the reducing England unto Popery being the extract of a letter to a person of honour from H.S. with another letter to Sir N.N. relating the cause of the quarrel betwixt H.S. and the R.S. and an apology against some of their cavils : with a postscript concerning the quarrel depending betwixt H.S. and Dr. Merrett. date: 1670.0 words: 11061 flesch: 45 summary: I am blamed for diminishing the glory of our Nation , by ascribing all discoveries to the Antients , or else to Foreigners : to which I answer , that they take off from the glory of our Nation more , who usurp the inventions of others : I rather preserve the credit of the English ( though not of the Virtuosi ) then diminish i●… : undue praises add not to any mans esteem : nor do I think I derogate from Dr. Willis , if I should say that his notion about the use of the Cerebrum and Cerebollum was fairly intimated by Carla Ruini , that ingenious Bolognese , in his Italian Anatomy of an ●…orse : neither do I lessen the performances of the Honourable and curious Mr. R. Boyle , when I averr that Aristotle did held the Ayre to be ponderous , and weighed it before him ; or that the Elasticity of the Ayre was ( as to name and thing ) fully proposed by Pecquetus ; and which is more than I have yet said , yet 't is true , even the comparison betwixt the Atmosphear and Flocks of Wool is urged by him . The Ethicks there are gen●…rous , and subservient to Religion , and civil prudence , and all manner of virtue : the Logick and Metaphysicks are so entwisted with the established Religion , and so requisite to the support of it against Papists and Socinians , that without a miracle the neglect hereof must bring a change in the former : even common wisdome teacheth us that we must vary our Weapons and Militia according to what our enemies practise : thus when the world assumed Guns , we have been forced to abandon our Archery , and quit those fortifications which sufficed against all former approaches , since the battering Canon were introduced : the learning of the Sarracens prevailing on the minds of men endued with reason , the Monks and Ecclesiasticks were forced to Study School-divinity in opposition to them , and not to rely upon the sole support of Authority , Legends , and feigned Miracles : and whilst that Subtlety of reasoning and distinguishing continues amongst our Adversaries , 't is no less than apparent madness to cast our Arms away , and desert those courses by which alone so great a part of the Nation is to be reduced , and Foreign encroachments prevented . keywords: a61868; account; answer; apothecaries; aristotle; arts; author; best; better; betwixt; books; campanella; cause; characters; church; civil; colledge; common; countrey; credit; design; early; edition; education; eebo; eminent; england; english; esteem; faculty; general; good; grammatical; great; h.s; hath; hereticks; history; honour; interest; king; kingdome; knowledge; known; languages; learning; little; london; long; man; means; men; merrett; monarchy; nation; nature; necessary; new; occasion; opposition; order; original; oxford; pag; papists; people; person; philosophy; physicians; popery; practice; principal; profession; project; prudence; publick; quarrel; reason; religion; royal; schools; second; self; shew; sir; society; sprat; stubbe; studies; support; tcp; tei; text; theirs; things; think; time; trouble; true; universities; use; virtuosi; way; work; world; youth; ● ● cache: A61868.xml plain text: A61868.txt item: #337 of 416 id: A63048 author: Traherne, Thomas, d. 1674. title: Roman forgeries, or, A true account of false records discovering the impostures and counterfeit antiquities of the Church of Rome / by a faithful son of the Church of England. date: 1673.0 words: 69186 flesch: 63 summary: He does not prove that Clement wrote them , unless by the last 〈◊〉 , which hath Per me Clementem 〈◊〉 : nor by that neither ; for that he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Forgery . Cum multi in vitá suâ asperse 〈◊〉 suae vacillitate mentiebantur , ori 〈◊〉 dicentes , quod 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vanitas super se sentirent , & ad Sacrificandum 〈◊〉 tempore multi inducerentur per 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Diis . keywords: able; account; acts; advantage; african; ages; alexandria; anacletus; ancient; angels; answer; antioch; antiquities; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; appeals; archbishop; arguments; athanasius; augustine; aurelius; authentick; authorities; authority; authors; baronius; beginning; bellarmine; benedictus; benefit; best; binius; bishops; blessed; body; boniface; book; brother; business; canons; cap; cardinal; care; carranza; carthage; catholick; cause; celestine; certain; chair; chalcedon; charge; charles; cheat; christ; christian; church; churches; city; clear; clement; clergy; cletus; close; code; collection; collectors; coming; common; compilers; confesseth; confession; conjecture; consent; constantine; constantinople; contrary; controversie; copies; copy; cornelius; corrupted; cossartius; council; counterfeit; crab; crabbe; credit; crown; damasus; day; days; deacon; dead; death; decrees; decretal; design; desire; dionysius; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; donation; doth; doubt; earth; easter; ecclesiastical; edict; edition; eminent; emperour; empire; end; english; epilogus; epistle; errour; eusebius; evidence; evident; evil; exiguus; extant; eyes; fair; false; famous; far; fathered; fathers; fear; feigned; fellow; fit; forgeries; forgery; form; fourscore; fourth; france; fraud; gelasius; general; ghost; gift; glorious; glory; god; good; gratian; great; greater; greatest; greek; gregory; guilty; hadrian; hands; hath; head; heathen; heaven; height; hereticks; hermes; high; hincmarus; hispalis; history; holiness; holy; honour; house; ibid; images; imperial; instruments; interest; isidore; james; jerusalem; jesus; john; judge; judgment; kind; kingdom; kings; know; labbe; large; late; latine; laws; lay; learned; learning; leave; leo; letter; levita; lib; libraries; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; lye; lyes; majesty; making; manner; marcellinus; mark; martyrologies; martyrs; matter; means; meet; melchiades; mention; mercator; merchant; merlin; midst; mistake; moneths; mouth; multitude; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; nicene; nicene council; nicolinus; notes; number; obscure; observation; observed; occasion; old; ones; open; opinion; order; papists; particular; pass; passage; patriarchs; paul; people; persecution; person; peter; piety; pius; place; pleased; pontifical; pope; popish; power; preface; present; pretended; priests; primacy; primitive; prince; probable; protestants; province; publication; publick; pure; purpose; reader; reason; records; regia; religion; remarkable; residue; rest; reverence; rhemes; riculphus; right; roman; roman bishops; roman chair; roman church; roman council; rome; s. clement; s. james; s. peter; sacred; said; saints; saith; sardica; sate; saviour; saw; scriptures; second; secular; seemeth; self; sentence; set; shew; sinuessa; sixth; sixth council; spain; spurious; strong; subject; successors; sufficient; supremacy; surius; sylvester; synod; tcp; temporal; testimony; text; things; thought; time; title; tomes; tradition; treatise; true; truth; turn; turrian; unknown; veneration; way; wit; witnesses; words; work; world; writers; writings; years; zozimus cache: A63048.xml plain text: A63048.txt item: #338 of 416 id: A63169 author: Bromwich, Andrew, defendant. title: The trial, conviction and condemnation of Andrew Brommich and William Atkins, for being Romish priests, before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs, at summer assizes last at Stafford held there for the county of Stafford, where they received sentence of death accordingly together with the tryal of Charles Kern, at Hereford assizes last for being a Romish priest. date: 1679.0 words: 10007 flesch: 85 summary: Ch. J. Do you believe this to be the man ? J. Then Gentlemen of the Jury , the question you are to try , is whether ●●drew Brommich be a Popish Priest or not : To prove that he is , here is a woman , one Anne Robinson , that swears she received the Sacrament of him in a Wafer once at Christmas last , and twice at Mr. Birch's , and twice at Mr. Pursals , and that he gave it to several others at the same time . keywords: aforesaid; andrew; arr; atkins; brommich; charles; church; come; county; cryer; day; edwards; england; evidence; gentlemen; guilty; hath; high; jones; jury; justice; kerne; king; l. ch; look; lord; mass; monington; mrs; person; priest; pris; prisoner; rob; robinson; rome; sacrament; said; stafford; swear; tcp; text; time; treason; truth; tryal; wife; william; witnesses; woman; year cache: A63169.xml plain text: A63169.txt item: #339 of 416 id: A63356 author: Catholic Church. title: A true and exact account of all the ceremonies observed by the Church of Rome at the opening, during the progress, and at the conclusion of the next approaching Jubilee in the year 1700 / taken and translated into English from the Latin original. date: 1699.0 words: 5309 flesch: 63 summary: V. Our help is in the Lord. R. Qui fecit calum & terram . Catholic Church. keywords: authority; books; bull; cardinals; ceremonies; ceremony; chair; characters; chorus; christ; church; churches; city; cum; day; domine; dominus; early; eebo; english; eve; exaudi; father; following; gate; god; great; hand; happy; holiness; holy; holy gate; jesus; jubilee; lord; mortar; nativity; open; opening; order; original; people; peter; pontife; pope; prayers; procession; r. et; rome; sacrament; set; spirit; tcp; tei; text; thro; thy; time; true; tuo; year cache: A63356.xml plain text: A63356.txt item: #340 of 416 id: A63385 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. Committee to Enquire into the Burning of London. title: A true and faithful account of the several informations exhibited to the hounourable committee appointed by the Parliament to inquire into the late dreadful burning of the city of London together with other informations touching the insolency of popish priests and Jesuites ... date: 1667.0 words: 13126 flesch: 70 summary: How his House was fired he knoweth not ; but this he affirmed to the Committee , That it could not be by accident , because there had not been any Candle or Fire in the House where the Hay lay , that whole day ; and that the Hay being laid in very dry , and before Midsummer , could not possibly be set on fire within it self . London (England) -- Fire, 1666 -- Sources. keywords: account; balls; belland; books; brook; burning; catholique; church; citizen; city; committee; commons; company; constable; county; darkin; day; discourse; duke; eebo; england; english; eves; father; fellow; fire; firing; frenchman; george; good; great; guard; hand; hearing; honourable; house; hubert; informations; insolency; ireland; jesuites; john; justice; king; lane; late; letter; life; like; london; lord; man; matter; mother; mris; night; oath; october; old; papers; papists; parliament; peidloe; people; person; place; plot; popish; priests; prison; pudding; religion; report; return; richard; robert; rome; room; said; self; september; set; sir; spake; street; tcp; text; thomas; time; true; way; william; woman; words; work; year; young cache: A63385.xml plain text: A63385.txt item: #341 of 416 id: A63451 author: Parry, William, d. 1585, defendant. title: A true and plain declaration of the horrible treasons practised by William Parry ... being a papist, against Queen Elizabeth (of blessed memory,) because she was Protestant, and of his tryal, conviction, and execution for the same : being a full account of his design to have murthered the said Queen, with the copy of a letter written to him by Cardinal Como, by the Popes order, to incourage him to kill the Queen : and of his confession of his treason, both to the Lords of the Council, and at his tryal upon his indictment in Westmminster-Hall : together with his denyal thereof at the place of execution, and his manner of behaviour there : written in the year, 1584. date: 1679.0 words: 18564 flesch: 58 summary: In the mean time , her Majesty continued her singular and most Princely magnanimity , neither dismaid with the rareness of the Accident , nor appaled with the horrour of so villanous an Enterprize , tending even to the taking away of her most gracious life ; ( a matter especially observed by the Counsellor that was present at such time as Parry , after his return , did first discover unto her Majesty his wicked purpose ; who found no other alteration in her countenance , than if he had imparted unto her some matter of contentment ; ) which sheweth manifestly how she reposeth her confidence wholly in the defence of the Almighty . And not long after , her Majesty came to St. James's ; after which , one morning ( the day certain I remember not , ) Parry revived again his former discourse of killing her Majesty , with great earnestness and importunity perswading me to joyn therein : saying , he thought me the onely man of England like to perform it , in respect of my valure , as he termed it . keywords: answer; books; cardinal; care; case; catholicks; chamberlain; chief; christ; church; clerk; como; confession; conscience; course; court; credit; crown; dangerous; day; death; destruction; didst; discharge; divers; doth; edmund; eebo; elizabeth; england; english; enterprise; execution; father; fear; february; gentleman; god; good; goodness; gracious; great; greater; guilty; hand; hath; head; heart; highness; holiness; horrible; house; hunsdon; indictment; intended; intent; judgment; justice; knight; known; late; law; lawful; letter; life; like; london; long; lord; majesties; majesty; man; manner; master; mean; men; nevil; new; oath; obedience; onely; opinion; papists; paris; parry; person; place; plain; poor; pope; prince; purpose; queen; ready; realm; religion; resolved; rome; said; secretary; self; service; set; shew; sir; sort; soveraign; speech; speeches; state; subjects; tcp; text; thee; thing; thou; thought; thy; time; title; tower; traiterous; treasons; true; trust; truth; utter; vice; whereof; wicked; william; william parry; words; world; writing; year cache: A63451.xml plain text: A63451.txt item: #342 of 416 id: A63784 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A discourse of the nature, offices, and measures of friendship with rules of conducting it / written in answer to a letter from the most ingenious and vertuous M.K.P. by J.T. date: 1657.0 words: 25551 flesch: 38 summary: But to consult with a friend in the matters of friendship is like consulting with a spiritual person in Religion ; they who understand the secrets of Religion , or the interior beauties of friendship are the fittest to give answers in all inquiries concerning the respective subjects ; because reason and experience are on the side of interest ; and that which in friendship is most pleasing , and most useful is also most reasonable and most true ; and a friends fairest interest is the best measure of the conducting friendships : and therefore you who are so eminent in friendships could also have given the best answer to your own inquiries , and you could have trusted your own reason , because it is not only greatly instructed by the direct notices of things , but also by great experience in the matter of which you now inquire . Christian Charity is friendship to all the world ; and when friendships were the noblest things in the world , charity was little , like the sunne drawn in at a chinke , or his beames drawn into the Centre of a burning-glass ; but Christian charity is friendship , expanded like the face of the sunne when it mounts above the Eastern hills : and I was strangely pleas'd when I saw something of this in Cicero ; for I have been so push'd at by herds and flocks of people that follow any body that whistles to them , or drives them to pasture , that I am grown afraid of any truth that seems chargeable with singularity : but therefore I say , glad I was when I saw Laelius in Cicero discourse thus . keywords: account; act; adde; alwayes; answer; apostles; argument; articles; assistances; beauties; benefit; best; better; body; brave; brother; case; certain; change; charity; children; christ; christian; church; churches; common; communion; confession; confidence; consideration; conversation; converse; councel; danger; day; dear; death; desire; difference; discourse; doctrine; doe; donatists; duty; dwell; easie; enemies; enemy; england; entercourse; equal; errors; evil; excellencies; excellent; eye; fair; faith; fame; fancy; fear; fit; friendship; general; god; good; good man; great; greater; greatest; hand; heart; heaven; holy; honour; hope; humane; ill; images; interest; lawful; laws; life; light; like; little; lives; long; love; madam; mankind; matter; mean; measures; men; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; non; offices; old; pardon; parents; people; perfect; persons; pleased; pleasure; power; prayers; priests; proper; proportion; question; rate; ready; reason; relation; relative; religion; repentance; roman; roman church; rome; sacrament; safe; saints; salvation; scripture; secret; self; selves; sense; significations; societies; society; souls; special; state; sufficient; support; text; things; thou; time; trent; true; truth; turn; useful; value; vertue; vertuous; vitious; way; whatsoever; wise; women; words; world; worship; worthiness; worthy cache: A63784.xml plain text: A63784.txt item: #343 of 416 id: A63805 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A dissvvasive from popery to the people of Ireland By Jeremy Lord Bishop of Dovvn. date: 1664.0 words: 58817 flesch: 68 summary: Th●ssa●onicae . a Quod sit metrum , & regula , a● scientia credendorum . THe Roman Doctrine of Indulgences was the first occasion of the great Change and Reformation of the Western Churches , begun by the Preachings of Martin Luther and others ; and besides that it grew to that intolerable abuse , that it became a shame to it self , and a reproach to Christendome , it was also so very an Innovation , that their great Antoninus confesses , that concerning them we have nothing expresly , either in the Scriptures , or in the sayings of the Ancient Doctors : and the same is affirmed by Sylvester Pri●rias . keywords: absolution; account; acts; adde; adrian; affair; affirm; ages; ambrose; ancient; anciently; antiquity; apostles; apostolick; apud; aquinas; article; asham'd; austin; authority; bad; basil; belief; bellarmine; best; better; bishops; blessed; blood; body; book; bread; broken; brother; cajetan; canon; cap; cardinal; care; case; catholick; catholick church; catholick doctrine; causes; certain; charges; charity; christ; christendom; christianity; christians; church; churches; clear; clement; clergy; command; commandment; common; communion; confession; confidence; conscience; consent; consideration; constance; contrary; contrition; cor; council; creature; cross; cum; cure; custom; cyprian; danger; dangerous; day; dead; death; declar'd; decreed; degree; desire; devil; devotion; difference; disciples; dist; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; durst; duty; dye; easie; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edit; eebo; elements; england; english; enjoyn'd; epist; errors; eternal; etiam; evident; evils; excellent; excuse; exorcist; express; faith; faithful; false; famous; fathers; favour; fear; figure; fire; fit; flesh; forbidden; foundation; france; francis; general; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greek; gregory; guides; guilt; habit; half; hands; hard; hath; heart; heathens; heaven; hell; help; heresie; heretical; hierom; hoc; hold; holy; honour; hope; horrid; ibid; idolatry; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; ill; image; impossible; indulgences; infinite; innocent; innovation; innumerable; insomuch; instance; institution; intention; interest; intolerable; introduc'd; iohn; ireland; judgement; kings; lady; language; late; lateran; latine; law; lawful; laws; learned; leave; leo; let; lib; liberty; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; luther; making; man; manner; mans; marriage; martyr; mary; mass; masses; matter; mean; meaning; measures; men; mercy; merits; minde; mortal; names; natural; nature; navar; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; new doctrine; non; notice; novelty; number; oath; obedience; offices; old; onely; opinion; orat; order; origen; own'd; pains; pardon; particular; parts; pass; paul; penances; people; persons; peter; pictures; piety; place; plain; point; poor; pope; potest; power; practis'd; practise; prayers; precept; present; pretended; prevail; price; priest; primitive; primitive church; princes; private; probable; procedure; promises; proper; prophets; propositions; publick; publickly; punishment; purgatory; purpose; question; quod; reason; reasonable; religion; remedy; remission; repentance; rest; rich; right; roman; roman church; rome; rule; s. austin; sacerd; sacrament; sacrifice; sad; safe; said; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; sayes; saying; scandal; scandalous; scripture; second; secret; sect; secular; self; selves; sense; sentence; serve; service; severe; severity; shew; short; sin; sinner; sins; soto; souls; spake; spirits; spiritual; state; story; strange; suarez; subject; substance; suffer; sufficient; superstition; supra; supreme; sure; symbols; synod; tcp; temporal; terms; tertullian; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; things; thomas; thou; time; title; tolet; tongue; transubstantiation; treasure; trent; trinity; true; truth; turn; ubi; uncertain; understanding; universal; unknown; us'd; use; value; venial; verb; viii; virgin; viz; voice; water; way; wicked; wife; wine; wise; words; work; world; worse; worship; writers; writings; years; ● ● cache: A63805.xml plain text: A63805.txt item: #344 of 416 id: A63823 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A dissuasive from popery by Jeremy, Lord Bishop of Down. date: 1664.0 words: 60813 flesch: 68 summary: sa●●r●● . He●uton●im . act . keywords: absolution; account; acts; adrian; affair; affirm; ages; ambrose; ancient; antiquity; apostles; apostolick; apud; aquinas; ar ●; article; asham'd; augustine; austin; authority; b ●; bad; belief; believ'd; bellarmine; best; better; bishop; blessed; bloud; body; book; bread; broken; brother; cajetan; canon; cap; cardinal; care; case; catholick; catholick church; catholick doctrine; causes; certain; charges; charity; christ; christendom; christian; christianity; chrysostom; church; churches; clear; clement; clergy; co ●; command; commandment; common; communion; con ●; confession; confidence; cons ●; conscience; consent; consideration; constance; contrary; contrition; cor; council; creature; cross; cum; cure; custom; cyprian; danger; dangerous; day; days; dead; death; decreed; degree; desire; devil; devotion; die; difference; disciples; dist; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; durst; duty; easie; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edition; eebo; elements; england; english; epist; error; eternal; etiam; evident; evils; excellent; excuse; exorcist; express; faith; false; famous; fathers; favour; fear; figure; fire; fit; flesh; form; foundation; france; francis; general; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greek; gregory; guilt; habit; half; hands; hard; hath; heart; heathens; heaven; hell; help; heresie; heretical; hi ●; hierom; hoc; holiness; holy; honour; hope; horrid; ibid; idolatry; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; iii; ill; image; impossible; increase; indu ●; indulgences; infinite; innocent; innovation; innumerable; insomuch; instance; institution; intention; interest; intolerable; introduc'd; iohn; ireland; judgment; kind; king; lady; language; late; lateran; law; lawful; laws; leave; leo; lest; let; li ●; lib; liberty; life; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; making; man; manner; mans; marriage; mary; mass; masses; matter; mean; meaning; measures; men; mercy; merits; mind; money; mortal; mother; names; natural; nature; navar; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; new doctrine; non; notice; number; o ●; oath; obedience; offices; old; onely; opinion; order; origen; own'd; pains; pardon; particular; parts; pass; paul; penances; people; persons; peter; piety; place; plain; po ●; point; poor; pope; potest; power; practis'd; practise; prayers; precept; present; pretended; prevail; price; priest; primitive; primitive church; princes; private; pro ●; probable; procedure; promises; proper; prophets; propositions; publick; publickly; punishment; purgatory; purpose; q ●; question; quod; reason; reasonable; religion; remedy; remission; repentance; rest; rich; right; roman; roman church; rome; rule; sa ●; sacrament; safe; said; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; saying; scandal; scripture; se ●; second; sect; secular; self; selves; sense; sentence; serve; service; set; severe; severity; shew; short; sinner; sins; soto; souls; spake; spirits; spiritual; state; story; strange; su ●; suarez; subject; substance; suffer; sufficient; superstition; supra; supreme; sure; symbols; synod; tcp; temporal; terms; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; th ●; things; thomas; thou; time; title; tolet; tongue; transubstantiation; treasure; trent; trinity; true; trust; truth; turn; uncertain; understanding; unknown; us'd; use; vbi; vel; venial; viii; virgin; viz; voice; warranty; water; way; ways; wicked; wife; wine; wise; words; work; world; worse; worship; writers; writings; years; ● ct; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● en; ● g; ● h; ● il; ● m; ● n; ● om; ● r; ● ss; ● st; ● t; ● u; ● ud; ● y; ● ● cache: A63823.xml plain text: A63823.txt item: #345 of 416 id: A63835 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A dissuasive from popery to the people of England and Ireland together with II. additional letters to persons changed in their religion ... / by Jeremy Lord Bishop of Down. date: 1686.0 words: 71903 flesch: 66 summary: But even the better sort of them do believe , or else they do worse , for they urge and cite the Dialogues of S. Gregory , the Oration of S. John Damascen de Defunctis , the Sermons of Saint Augustine upon the Feast of the Commemoration of All-souls ( which nevertheless was instituted after S. Augustin's death ) and divers other citations , which the Greeks in their Apology call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , The Holds and the Castles , the corruptions and insinuations of Heretical persons . [ When we are gone from hence , there is no place left for repentance , and no effect of satisfaction . ] S. Dionysius calls the extremity of death , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The end of all our agonies , and affirms , That the Holy men of God rest in joy , and in never failing hopes , and are come to the end of their holy combates S. Justin Martyr affirms , That when the soul is departed from the body , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , presently there is a separation made of the just and unjust : The unjust are by Angels born into places which they have deserv'd ; but the souls of the just into Paradise , where they have the conversation of Angels and Archangels . S. Ambrose * saith , that Death is a haven of rest , and makes not our condition worse , but according as it finds every man , so it reserves him to the judgment that is to come . keywords: absolution; abused; account; acts; adrian; affair; affirm; ages; altar; ambrose; answer; antient; antiquity; apostles; apostolick; apud; aquinas; argument; article; asham'd; augustine; austin; authority; bad; basil; belief; bellarmine; best; better; bishops; blessed; bloud; body; book; bread; broken; brother; canon; cap; cardinal; care; case; catholick; catholick church; catholick doctrine; ceremonies; certain; change; chap; charges; charity; children; christ; christendom; christian; christianity; chrysostom; church; churches; clear; clergy; commandment; common; communion; confession; confidence; conscience; consent; consideration; constance; contrary; contrition; council; creature; cross; cum; cure; custom; cyprian; damnation; danger; dangerous; day; days; dead; death; decreed; degree; desire; devices; devils; devotion; die; difference; direct; disciples; dist; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; donatists; durst; duty; easie; ecclesiastical; edit; eebo; effect; enemies; england; english; epist; equal; errors; eternal; evident; evil; excellent; excuse; express; eyes; faith; false; famous; fathers; favour; fear; figure; fire; fit; flesh; fol; form; foundation; france; general; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greek; gregory; guides; guilt; habit; half; hands; hard; hath; heart; heathens; heaven; hell; help; heresie; heretical; hereticks; hierom; hoc; holiness; holy; holy church; honour; hope; horrid; idolatry; ignorance; ignorant; iii; ill; image; impiety; impossible; indulgences; infinite; innocent; innovation; innumerable; instance; institution; intention; interest; intolerable; introduc'd; ireland; jesus; jesus christ; john; judgment; jurisdiction; kind; king; lady; language; late; law; lawful; laws; learned; leave; leo; lib; liberty; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; luther; making; man; manner; mans; marriage; mary; mass; masses; matter; mean; meaning; measures; men; mens; mention; mercy; merits; mind; mortal; mother; names; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; new doctrine; non; notice; novelty; number; oath; obedience; offices; old; opinion; order; origen; pains; papists; pardon; particular; parts; pass; paul; penances; penitent; people; perfect; persons; peter; pictures; piety; place; plain; point; poor; pope; potest; power; practice; practis'd; prayers; present; pretended; prevail; price; priest; primitive church; princes; private; probable; promises; proper; prophets; propositions; publick; publickly; punishment; purgatory; purpose; question; quod; reason; reasonable; religion; remedy; remission; repentance; rest; right; roman; roman church; roman doctrine; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; sad; safe; said; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; saying; scandal; scandalous; scripture; second; secret; sect; secular; self; selves; sense; sentence; serve; service; set; severe; severity; shew; short; sinner; sins; souls; spake; speaks; spiritual; state; story; strange; subject; substance; suffer; sufficient; superstition; supra; supreme; sure; synod; tcp; temporal; terms; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; things; thomas; thou; time; title; tolet; tongue; transubstantiation; treasure; trent; trinity; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; uncertain; understanding; universal; unknown; us'd; use; value; venial; viii; virgin; viz; voice; vows; warranty; water; way; ways; wicked; wife; wine; wise; words; work; world; worse; worship; worshipping; writers; writings; years cache: A63835.xml plain text: A63835.txt item: #346 of 416 id: A64194 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: The Popes benediction, or, His generall pardon to be purchased onely with mony and without penance sent into England by Ignatim Holy-water a Iesuit to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury and to the rest of his subjects there. date: 1641.0 words: 1716 flesch: 62 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A64194 of text R23019 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing T497). no The Popes benediction or, his generall pardon to be purchased onely with mony and without penance: sent into England by Ignatius Holy-water Taylor, John 1641 1410 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 B The rate of 7 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. 2002-07 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2002-09 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2002-10 Jennifer Kietzman Sampled and proofread 2002-10 Jennifer Kietzman Text and markup reviewed and edited 2002-12 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion THE POPES BENEDICTION OR , His generall pardon to be purchased onely with mony and without penance : Sent into England by Ignatius Holy-water a Iesuit , to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury , and to the rest of his Subjects there . keywords: a64194; benediction; books; early; england; english; generall; good; grace; grosses; holy; john; man; mony; mother; pardon; penance; popes; priest; shillings; taylor; text; water cache: A64194.xml plain text: A64194.txt item: #347 of 416 id: A64357 author: Tenison, Thomas, 1636-1715. title: A Discourse concerning a guide in matters of faith with respect especially to the Romish pretence of the necessity of such a one as is infallible. date: 1683.0 words: 16524 flesch: 77 summary: For 1. This Guide is not the Church diffusive of the first Ages . For that Church was not then the only visible Church on Earth . keywords: act; ages; ancient; answer; apostles; apostolical; arg; articles; assent; authority; belief; bible; bishop; books; canon; case; catholick; certain; certainty; christian; christian church; church; churches; communion; conc; consent; consid; contrary; controversies; council; creed; decree; discourse; doctrine; doth; earth; ecclesiastical; eebo; end; england; english; equal; error; faith; false; fathers; fol; general; god; good; gospel; great; greek; guidance; guide; hath; help; heresie; hist; holy; honorius; ibid; infallibility; infallible; infallible guide; jews; judge; judgment; latin; learned; light; like; manner; matters; means; men; nature; necessary; necessity; new; nice; obscure; order; particular; paul; peace; people; person; peter; places; plain; pope; power; pretence; primitive; private; profession; promise; propos; protestant; publick; quality; question; reason; reformed; religion; resolution; roman; roman church; romanists; rome; romish; rule; sake; salvation; scripture; self; sense; set; submission; sufficient; synod; tcp; text; things; time; tradition; translation; true; truth; unerring; universal; use; way; words; world; writings cache: A64357.xml plain text: A64357.txt item: #348 of 416 id: A64502 author: Marvell, Andrew, 1621-1678. title: The third advice to a painter, how to draw the effigies of the whore of Rome whose character is lively represented by a bad woman. date: 1679.0 words: 2505 flesch: 71 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO. keywords: advice; bloody; books; characters; doth; early; eebo; effigies; encoding; english; head; images; lust; man; nature; online; oxford; painter; partnership; pencel; phase; place; power; rome; scarlot; self; set; skill; tcp; tei; text; tho; vile; vvho; way; whore; woman; work; xml cache: A64502.xml plain text: A64502.txt item: #349 of 416 id: A64561 author: Thomas, William, 1613-1689. title: Echemythia Roman oracles silenced, or, The prime testimonies of antiquity produced by Henry Turbervil in his manual of controversies examined and refuted / by ... Dr. William Thomas ... date: 1691.0 words: 21934 flesch: 66 summary: H. T. The minor Proposition is proved by this ensuing Catalogue of the Roman Churches chief Pastors , Co●●olls , Nations Converted , and Publick Professors of her Faith. A repugnancy with ●●h other , jarring strings not tuned to a harmony ; ( as the 6 , 17 , 27 , 40 , 50 , 65 , 68. ) keywords: account; act; african; age; ages; alexandria; anacletus; ancient; anicetus; anno; antioch; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; appeal; arabick; argument; arles; athanasius; austin; authentick; authority; authors; baronius; basil; beginning; bellarmine; best; bishop; books; british; canon; canonical; cap; cardinal; carthage; catholick; celestine; century; chair; chalcedon; champions; chief; christ; christian; chronology; chrysostome; church; churches; clemens; clergy; code; communion; conc; confest; constantinople; constantinopolitane; constantinopolitane council; controversies; conversion; council; cyprian; cyril; damasus; date; decree; decretal; dignity; distinct; divine; divinity; doctrine; dom; doth; early; eastern; ecclesiastical; edition; eebo; emperour; england; english; ephesine; ephesine council; ephesus; epiphanius; episcopal; epistle; esse; establisht; estimate; eusebius; evidence; exact; excepted; exception; extant; faith; fallacy; false; famous; fathers; fifth; fourth; france; gelasius; general; general council; genuine; god; grand; great; greek; gregory; h.t; hath; heresie; hist; historical; holy; honour; ignorant; innocentius; instance; interest; irenaeus; isidore; james; jerome; jerusalem; john; judgment; jurisdiction; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; laodicea; later; law; learned; legates; leo; literature; little; lord; lustre; martyrs; mass; modern; monk; nec; new; nicene; nicene council; nicephorus; novel; oecumenical; old; order; original; orthodox; papacy; papal; paphnutius; patriarch; paul; peter; phrase; piety; place; point; pope; power; preheminence; prelates; prerogative; present; president; presiding; pretended; priests; primacy; prime; primitive; prince; professors; proof; protestants; proved; province; provincial; reason; recites; records; reformed; religion; respect; rest; right; roman; romanists; rome; romish; sacred; sardian; scripture; second; self; sentence; set; singular; sixth; solemnly; sozom; spain; specious; spurious; stress; style; subject; succession; successors; synod; tcp; testimonies; testimony; text; thomas; time; title; track; tradition; translation; true; truth; turrianus; universal; ursula; validity; venerable; victor; vigilius; w.t; western; whereof; witnesses; year; zonaras; ● ● cache: A64561.xml plain text: A64561.txt item: #350 of 416 id: A64635 author: Bedell, William, 1571-1642. title: Certain discourses, viz. of Babylon (Rev. 18. 4.) being the present See of Rome (with a sermon of Bishop Bedels upon the same words) of laying on of hands (Heb. 6. 2.) to be an ordained ministry, of the old form of words in ordination, of a set form of prayer : each being the judgment of the late Arch-bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland / published and enlarged by Nicholas Bernard ... : unto which is added a character of Bishop Bedel, and an answer to Mr. Pierces fifth letter concerning the late Primate. date: 1659.0 words: 54509 flesch: 62 summary: a ut in templ● Dei , tanquam Deus sedeat ▪ prae se ferens se esse Deum : qui ex collapso Imperio Romano exu●get , ejusque vacantem dignitatem , occ●p●bat ; haec enim 〈…〉 Romano s●la intelligenda esse , & intelligi posse asserimus . Ex quibus apparet Pontificem & Papam Romanum , revera An●ich●if●um & filium perditionis esse , &c. Notes for div A64635-e3230 a Apoc. keywords: a64635; able; abominations; absolution; account; act; acts; administration; affection; ages; ambrose; ancient; angel; anno; answer; antichrist; antichristian; apoc; apostles; application; arch; argument; armagh; articles; assistance; augustine; authority; authour; babel; babylon; baptisme; beast; bedell; bellarmine; benefit; bin; bishop; blessed; blood; body; book; calling; cap; captivity; cardinal; cause; censure; certain; change; chapter; character; children; christ; christian; chron; church; churches; citie; city; clear; clergy; coming; commission; common; communion; conclusion; confession; confirmation; conscience; consecration; consent; contrary; covenant; cup; custome; daniel; david; day; dayes; death; declaration; declare; declaring; defence; dei; depart; description; destruction; deus; difference; disciples; distinction; divers; divines; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; dublin; earth; ecclesia; eebo; eminent; emperour; empire; end; england; english; enim; epistle; errour; esse; est; esteem; example; exposition; extraordinary; eyes; ezra; face; faithfull; fall; false; fathers; fear; feet; fifth; fire; followeth; force; foretold; forgivenesse; form; formes; fornication; foundation; free; general; gesture; ghost; gift; giving; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greek; hands; harlot; hath; head; hearing; heart; heathen; heathen rome; heaven; heb; help; henry; heylene; hills; himselfe; hold; holy; homilies; honour; honourable; hooker; house; ierusalem; iesus; image; imperium; iohn; ireland; israel; israelites; john; judgement; kingdomes; kings; knowledge; known; language; large; late; law; laying; learned; learning; length; letter; lib; liberty; life; like; limited; little; long; lord; love; majesty; man; manner; mark; matter; matth; means; measure; men; mind; ministerial; ministery; monarchy; moses; mother; mouth; mystical; nations; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; number; obedience; object; objection; observable; observation; occasion; offence; office; old; opinion; ordained; order; ordination; outward; page; papacy; papists; partakers; particular; party; passage; pastors; paul; people; perdition; persecution; person; peter; pious; place; plagues; pleased; pleasure; point; pontifex; pope; popery; popish; power; practice; prayer; preachers; preaching; present; president; pride; priesthood; priests; primate; primitive; princes; prophesie; prophets; psal; psalmes; publick; quae; quam; queen; question; qui; quod; reader; reading; reason; reconciliation; reformation; regard; religion; remission; remit; repentance; request; respect; rest; revelation; reverence; reverend; right; roman; rome; romish; rule; run; sacraments; saint; saith; salvation; saviour; scripture; sea; second; sect; selves; sense; sentence; septem; sermon; service; set; set form; severall; shew; sinnes; sins; sitting; sixth; solemn; sons; speciall; speech; spirit; spiritual; state; subject; succeeding; successive; tcp; temple; testament; testimony; text; thee; thes; thessalonians; things; thou; thought; thy; time; timothy; title; tongue; true; truth; tyranny; understanding; unto; use; verse; viz; votes; voyce; water; way; whereof; wicked; wine; words; work; world; worship; worthy; writers; wrot; years; ● t; ● ● cache: A64635.xml plain text: A64635.txt item: #351 of 416 id: A64791 author: Gentlewoman of York. title: The vain insolency of Rome, challenging salvation to her own faction discovered in two letters : the first whereof was written by a priest of the Church of Rome to a gentlewoman of York, that had got out of the snares of the popish superstition : the second sent by the same gentlewoman (instructed by a divine of the Church of England) in answer thereunto. date: 1673.0 words: 5257 flesch: 65 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. The vain insolency of Rome, challenging salvation to her own faction discovered in two letters : the first whereof was written by a priest of the Church of Rome to a gentlewoman of York, that had got out of the snares of the popish superstition : the second sent by the same gentlewoman (instructed by a divine of the Church of England) in answer thereunto. keywords: a64791; answer; apostles; better; blessed; books; characters; christ; church; death; divine; doctrine; early; eebo; england; english; faith; fear; fold; francis; gentlewoman; god; good; grace; holy; intercession; leave; letters; little; lord; mother; online; page; people; person; peter; phase; pope; present; priest; rome; saint; salvation; second; self; service; sir; snares; soul; tcp; tei; text; thou; unspotted; world; xaverius; york cache: A64791.xml plain text: A64791.txt item: #352 of 416 id: A64936 author: Vigne. title: Sure and honest means for the conversion of all hereticks and wholesome advice and expedients for the reformation of the church / writ by one of the communion of the Church of Rome and translated from the French, printed at Colgn, 1682 ; with a preface by a divine of the Church of England. date: 1688.0 words: 62807 flesch: 64 summary: 17. * Malus vos pari●tum amor accepit , malè Ec●lesias in t●ctis aedificiis● ; veneramini , &c. † Hil. But if yet any further doubt should still remain , this I hope at least will fully cle●r it , that the Archbishop of Tholouse has lately thought fit to cause this very Bo●k to be reprinted , with a publick Permission so to do . keywords: aaron; able; account; acknowledg; act; acts; advantage; affairs; ages; alexandria; alledg; ambition; amiss; ancient; answer; antichrist; antioch; apostles; apostolick; appeal; arms; article; augustin; authority; authors; basil; beginning; benefices; better; bishop; blessed; blood; body; boniface; books; brethren; bull; canons; cap; capital; cardinal; care; catholick; catholick church; cause; center; certain; chap; chapter; charge; charity; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; christus; church; churches; cities; city; civil; claves; clear; clergy; committed; common; communion; condition; consent; consequence; constance; constantinople; contrary; conversion; council; countries; country; courage; court; creatures; credit; crimes; cum; custom; cyprian; dangerous; day; days; deal; death; decrees; dei; design; desire; devotion; different; difficulty; dignity; diocess; disciples; disorders; dispensations; divine; doctors; doctrine; domini; doth; doubt; duke; duty; earth; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; eebo; effect; emperor; empire; employ; endeavours; enemies; england; english; epist; epistle; equal; esset; est; evil; example; excellent; exercise; eyes; faith; false; fathers; favour; fear; fine; folly; force; foundation; fourth; france; free; french; gallican; general; germany; ghost; glory; god; gold; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; greeks; gregory; habit; half; hanc; hands; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; henry; heresy; hereticks; heretofore; hierom; history; hoc; hold; holiness; holy; honest; honour; hope; horrible; humane; humility; humour; idem; ignorance; ignorant; ill; impiety; impious; infallibility; infinite; innocent; inquisition; institution; interest; italian; italy; james; jesuits; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; judgment; justice; keys; kind; kingdom; kings; known; lawful; laws; length; leo; lib; liberty; life; like; little; lives; living; long; longer; lord; love; m ●; mahometans; makes; man; mankind; manner; matter; maxims; means; men; merit; mind; ministers; ministry; miserable; money; monks; nations; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; need; new; non; nos; number; oath; obedience; occasion; omnes; omnibus; opinion; orders; p ●; pagans; palavicini; papacy; paris; particular; pass; passages; pastors; patriarchs; paul; people; pepin; person; peter; petram; petro; petrus; piety; place; pleasures; poor; popes; popes authority; possible; power; preface; present; pretence; pretended; pride; priest; primacy; primitive church; princes; principle; priviledges; profit; protestants; province; quae; quality; quam; question; quia; quod; ravenna; reading; real; reason; reformation; regard; reign; religion; respect; riches; right; rock; roman; roman church; rome; rome hath; rule; saints; salvation; saviour; saying; scripture; seat; second; secular; sed; self; sense; service; set; seventh; share; sheep; shews; signifies; simple; single; sins; small; society; sorts; souls; soveraign; spain; speak; spiritual; spouse; states; subject; successors; sufficient; sunt; super; sure; tacitus; tcp; temporal; testament; text; th ●; thee; thing; thou; tibi; time; title; town; trent; trouble; true; truth; turn; tyranny; understanding; unity; universal; universal church; unus; use; vanity; vicar; vices; visible; want; way; whereof; wicked; wonder; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; worthy; writing; year; yoke; zeal; zealous; ● e; ● h; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A64936.xml plain text: A64936.txt item: #353 of 416 id: A65590 author: Wharton, Henry, 1664-1695. title: The enthusiasm of the church of Rome demonstrated in some observations upon the life of Ignatius Loyola. date: 1688.0 words: 51586 flesch: 58 summary: Thus Ignatius coming to Barcelona to take Ship for the Holy Land , a certain Lady , called Isabella Rosella , saw him at Church , and heard a Voice within her , crying , Call him , Call him . p. 72 The ordinary effects of Enthusiasm , and that Ignatius was guilty of them , p. 76 , &c. His perpetual praying , p. 77 His foolish expectation of extraordinary assistance from God in all difficulties , p. 78 Other mistakes in Religion arising from Enthusiasm , p. 79 , 80 The foolish pretence and gross practice of Evangelical Poverty used by Ignatius , p. 80 , 81 , 82 , 83 , 84 His immoderate and irrational Abstinence and Austerities , p. 84 , 85 , 86 His desire of contempt , contumelies and derision , p. 87 , 88 The ridiculous Actions of Enthusiasts , keywords: account; actions; admiration; admired; adversaries; ages; air; altho; ambition; ambitious; ancient; answer; apollonius; apostles; appear; arguments; assistance; austerities; authority; barcelona; belief; better; bishop; blessed; blind; body; bonavent; book; bouhours; brain; brother; bussieres; canonization; cap; cause; certain; chamber; character; christ; christianity; christians; church; coming; command; common; companions; company; condition; conduct; confessor; consolations; contrary; conversion; countries; credulity; credulous; d. cap; d. l.; day; days; dead; death; degree; design; desire; devil; devotion; dictates; disciples; discourse; disturbed; divine; doctrine; don; door; doth; doubt; ecclesiastical; effects; england; english; enthusiasm; enthusiastick; equal; errant; errors; esteemed; evangelical; extasies; extraordinary; extravagant; eyes; faith; false; famous; fanaticism; father; favour; fire; follies; folly; foolish; francis; frequent; general; ghost; gloria; glory; god; golden; good; gospel; great; greater; greatest; gross; ground; guilty; habit; happiness; hath; heart; heaven; heresie; history; holy; honour; ibid; ideas; ignatii; ignatius; ignorance; ignorant; illuminations; illustrious; images; imaginary; imagination; imitation; impulse; inquisition; inquisitors; inspiration; internal; inward; irrational; irregular; jesus; judgment; knight; knowledge; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; l. 4; late; laws; lay; learned; learning; left; legend; lib; life; light; like; little; lives; london; long; love; maffeius; mankind; manner; manreze; mass; matters; means; memory; men; merits; mind; miracles; moment; money; motions; naked; natural; nature; necessary; new; obedience; open; opinion; order; paris; particular; passage; people; perfection; persons; philosophy; philostratus; piety; place; poor; pope; possest; poverty; power; practice; prayer; praying; preaching; present; pretence; pretended; principles; private; proceeded; providence; publick; quality; quixot; raptures; reading; real; reason; related; religion; religious; reputation; resolution; return; revelations; ribadeneira; ridiculous; roman; rome; romish; rules; said; saint; sanctity; scripture; second; secret; self; sense; set; small; society; soul; spain; spanish; spirit; spiritual; strong; success; sufficient; superstition; supposed; tcp; tears; testimony; text; things; thought; time; title; trinity; true; truth; understanding; unlawful; use; vain; venice; violent; virgin; visions; vitelleschi; voice; want; way; whimsies; wonderful; words; world; writers; year; zeal cache: A65590.xml plain text: A65590.txt item: #354 of 416 id: A65597 author: Wharton, Henry, 1664-1695. title: A treatise of the celibacy of the clergy wherein its rise and progress are historically considered. date: 1688.0 words: 65968 flesch: 67 summary: Celibacy was not yet arrived at its Crisis , universally indeed applauded , but no where imposed ; yet had the unreasonable affection of it in many Clergy-men , and an immoderate Ambition of the honour of Virginity in many Lay Persons , already introduced two of the most enormous Scandals , that ever the Church laboured under from the Apostles to this day , I mean Emasculation , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . We want a proper English word to express them , and therefore must be content to call them House-keepers : they were called by the Greeks , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , but most commonly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , which name was first given (a) by the people of Antioch to the House-keepers of Paulus Samosatenus , their Bishop and his Clergy ; by the Latins they were termed Subintroductae , Adscititiae , Extraneae , Alienae , Dilectae , Sorores , Commanentes , and Focariae . keywords: able; abstinence; abuse; account; acknowledgeth; acts; administration; adultery; advance; advantage; adversaries; advice; adviseth; affirms; africa; ages; alex; ambition; ambrose; ancyra; angl; anselm; antient; antient church; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; apud; archbishop; argument; athens; augustin; autem; authorities; authority; baptism; basil; bed; beginning; bellarmine; better; bishop; body; book; canon; cap; care; carthage; case; catholicks; celibacy; certain; chastity; children; choice; christ; christian; christianity; chrysostom; church; churches; clemens; clergies; clergies marriage; clergy; clergymen; clermont; cohabitation; command; commit; common; communion; company; concubines; confesseth; consent; constant; constantinople; constitutions; continence; contract; contrary; convenience; cor; council; court; crime; cum; custom; cyprian; danger; daughter; day; days; deacons; death; decrees; deprivation; design; desire; digamy; dignity; discipline; dist; divine; doctors; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; eastern church; ecclesiastical; edification; eebo; effects; egypt; eleventh; embraces; emperour; end; endeavoured; england; english; enim; epiphanius; episcopal; epist; epistle; equal; errours; esse; esteem; esteemed; etiam; eusebius; evident; example; express; extraordinary; fall; false; families; family; famous; far; farther; fathers; favour; fifth; flesh; foolish; forbid; force; fornication; fourth; france; free; freedom; frequent; future; general; germany; gift; god; good; gospel; government; grant; gratian; great; greater; greatest; greek; greek church; gregory; gross; guilty; haeres; hath; having; held; henry; heresie; hereticks; hierom; hilary; hildebrand; hist; historian; history; holy; hom; honest; honour; house; huldericus; husband; ibid; ignorance; iii; immoderate; imposition; impurity; incontinency; indecency; indifferent; inferiour; infinite; innocent; institution; intended; interest; interpretation; john; judgment; keepers; king; knowledge; known; l. 1; laity; latin; lawful; lawful marriage; lawfulness; laws; lay; learned; learning; leave; leo; liberty; life; like; little; london; long; lord; love; lust; man; manifest; mankind; manner; marriage; married; married clergy; marry; martyrdom; matter; mean; men; mention; merits; middle; mind; mistakes; moment; monasteries; monastick; monks; moral; mother; natural; nature; nazianzen; necessary; necessity; new; nice; nicolaites; nicolas; ninth; notions; number; obedience; obligation; observed; occasion; office; old; omit; open; opinion; orders; ordination; origen; paphnutius; paris; particular; passage; passions; patriarch; paul; paulinus; peculiar; pelagius; penance; people; perfection; permission; perpetual; persons; peter; piety; place; pleasures; pope; power; practice; precedent; precept; prejudices; presbyter; present; present church; pretence; pretended; priesthood; priests; professed; profession; prohibition; promise; proposition; provinces; provincial; publick; punishment; purpose; quae; quam; qui; quia; quinisext; quod; reason; received; receiving; reformation; religion; remedy; reputation; revenues; reverence; right; roman; rome; sacraments; sacred; saith; scandal; scandalous; scripture; second; second marriage; secular; self; sense; service; seventh; severe; shew; sidonius; simple; sin; single; siricius; sixth; small; sober; society; solemn; soul; spain; speak; spurious; state; strom; subdeacons; subject; successour; sufficient; sunt; supposed; synod; tamen; tcp; temptations; tertullian; testimony; text; things; thought; time; title; toledo; total; tradition; treatise; trent; true; truth; uncertain; universal; universal church; unjust; unlawful; unmarried; unreasonable; use; usual; uxorem; vain; valid; validity; vel; veneration; vertue; violence; violent; virginity; virgins; voluntary; vow; vows; want; way; western; whatsoever; wife; wives; women; wonder; words; world; worthy; writers; writing; year; youth; zeal cache: A65597.xml plain text: A65597.txt item: #355 of 416 id: A65773 author: White, Thomas, 1593-1676. title: An apology for Rushworth's dialogues wherein the exceptions for the Lords Falkland and Digby and the arts of their commended Daillé discover'd / by Tho. White. date: 1654.0 words: 57246 flesch: 47 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Of the two last Chapters of his second Book ; wherein he says , many Fathers have agreed in the same Errors ; and objects certain varieties between the ancient and modern Church p. 238 The ninth Survey . keywords: able; account; action; advantage; adversaries; adversary; age; ages; ancient; angels; answer; antiquity; apology; apostles; argument; arians; aristotle; article; arts; austin; authority; authors; baptism; beginning; belief; believ'd; best; better; betwixt; bible; bishops; body; book; business; cardinal; cast; catholick; catholik church; catholiks; cause; certain; certainty; chapter; charge; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; circumstances; clear; commands; common; communion; conceive; concerns; conclusion; conformable; consent; consequence; constantine; contrary; controversies; controversy; corruption; council; country; credit; cry; day; dead; defin'd; definition; degree; deliver'd; demand; demonstration; descended; design; desperate; dialogues; different; difficulty; discourse; dispute; divers; divines; divinity; doctors; doctrin; doubt; effect; eminent; encounter; end; english; errour; esteem; eucharist; eusebius; evidence; evident; exact; examin'd; example; exception; explicated; explication; expressions; fair; faith; fals; far; farther; fathers; fear; following; forc'd; force; forgery; form; fourth; free; general; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; government; great; greatest; greek; ground; hand; hard; heaven; heresy; hereticks; hierom; high; history; hold; holy; hope; ignorant; importance; impossible; infallibility; instance; intended; intention; interpretation; jesus; jews; john; judges; judgment; knowledg; known; language; later; latin; law; learning; leave; left; liberty; life; like; little; lives; living; logick; long; main; man; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; mind; modern; moses; multitude; mystery; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; new; nice; non; notice; number; objection; objects; obscure; occasion; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; original; pains; particular; parties; party; pass; passages; paul; people; peradventure; person; phrase; piece; place; plain; point; pope; position; possibility; power; practice; preach'd; preaching; precedent; prejudice; present; present church; pretended; principle; private; probability; probable; profess; proof; proper; prophets; proposition; protestants; publick; purgatory; purpose; quality; quarrel; question; reader; reason; receiv'd; religion; rely; rest; right; roman; rome; rule; rushworth; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; saying; science; scripture; second; self; sense; sentence; set; shew; short; sides; sign; signifies; sin; souls; spake; speak; speaking; state; stil; study; subject; substance; sufficient; survey; tcp; terms; testimonies; testimony; text; themselvs; therfore; thing; thought; time; title; tradition; trinity; true; true church; truth; understanding; universal; universality; use; vertue; want; way; weak; wel; wheras; wherin; wherof; whol; wil; wise; wit; wits; words; work; world; writers; writings; wrong; years cache: A65773.xml plain text: A65773.txt item: #356 of 416 id: A65775 author: White, Thomas, ca. 1550-1624. title: A catechism of Christian doctrin [sic] by Tho. White. date: 1659.0 words: 36299 flesch: 72 summary: And to what purpose would the Earth ●ee , if none of these things we●e in it ? No beasts , no trees , no fishes ? for all these we see propagated by generation , and therefore had a first , and so are brought up by degrees to their originall Author , God . S. I cannot see to what purpose the Earth ( and the same is of the other Elements ) should be an infi●it time without any of these things in it , for whom and whose su●●enance it seems wholy to serve ; & so easily beleeve it was not long before them , and that God made it , and all that either belong to , or are of like nature with it ; which is , as I think , what you aim at : That God made all things . keywords: able; actions; adam; affections; almighty; almighty god; answer; apprehension; ask; baptism; beads; bee; best; better; bishops; blessed; bodies; body; books; bread; call'd; catechism; cause; certain; charity; children; christ; christian; church; conceive; conference; confession; confirmation; consideration; content; creatures; day; death; desire; devotion; different; discourse; disposition; divine; doctrin; doubt; earth; effect; end; essence; example; faith; far; father; fear; fire; fit; fitting; follows; ghost; god; good; goodness; government; great; greater; grief; hard; harm; hath; heart; heaven; hee; help; holy; honour; hope; human; ignorance; ignorant; judgment; justice; knower; knowing; knowledge; known; life; like; likeness; little; living; long; love; making; man; mankind; manner; mass; master; meaning; means; mee; men; mind; mother; mystery; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; neighbour; new; object; onely; order; ordinary; originall; pain; particular; parts; people; perfect; perfection; persons; pleasure; power; prayer; present; priest; proceeds; profit; proper; purpose; reason; religion; religious; respect; rest; right; s. god; s. sir; sacraments; sacrifice; said; saints; saviour; saying; second; self; selves; sense; sin; sins; sir; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; subject; substance; tel; text; thing; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; use; vertue; virtues; want; way; wee; wel; wil; wise; wish; words; work; world; years; ● ● cache: A65775.xml plain text: A65775.txt item: #357 of 416 id: A65792 author: White, Thomas, 1593-1676. title: A letter to a person of honour written by Mr. Thomas White, in vindication of himself and his doctrine. date: 1659.0 words: 3467 flesch: 54 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A65792 of text R14597 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing W1832). They rest not yet satisfy'd , but accuse me at least of Indiscretion , that , in a Kingdome averse , and separated from the Communion of the Cath. Church , I have printed a book or two , from which they conceive Hereticks may take occasion to reproach us with intestine dissentions in Religion . keywords: a65792; aim; authority; books; catholick; church; custome; divinity; doctors; doctrine; early; ecclesiastical; english; faith; hath; heresie; hereticks; honour; images; infallible; letter; means; men; multitude; necessity; online; opposers; person; place; practise; r14597; reason; school; self; tcp; text; thomas; truth; vindication; white; wing; world cache: A65792.xml plain text: A65792.txt item: #358 of 416 id: A66123 author: Wake, William, 1657-1737. title: A brief history of several plots contrived, and rebellions raised by the papists against the lives and dignities of sovereign princes, since the reformation. Taken from faithfull historians. date: 1692.0 words: 35501 flesch: 62 summary: But this Design not being sufficient , the Pope offered England to James the Fifth , King of Scots , and presented him with a Cap and consecrated Sword. b After this , Anno 1555 we find that Pope Paul the Fourth , following the steps of his thundering Name-sake , when the Dyet of the Germans at Ausburgh made an Edict for full Liberty of Conscience , whereby the Protestants were maintain'd in the Possession of their Church Revenues , fell into a furious rage , publickly threatening the Emperour and King of the Romans , That he would make them repent it ; protesting , that if he did not recall the Edict , he would proceed against them with as severe Censures as he intended to use against the Protestants ; telling all the Ambassadors in his Court , That he was above all Princes , that he expected not that they should treat with him as with their Equal , that he could alter and take away Kingdoms as he thought good : And one day at Dinner , in the presence of many Persons of the highest Quality , he affirmed , That he would subject all Princes under his Foot. keywords: 4to; account; acknowledge; action; affirming; allegiance; ambassadour; anat; anno; answer; arms; army; arrival; assembly; assistance; attempt; authority; authour; bishop; bloud; body; book; bourbon; breve; bull; business; cardinal; catholick; cause; charles; chief; chr; christ; chron; church; churches; city; civil; clergy; college; commands; common; confession; conscience; consid; conspiracies; conspiracy; conspiratours; continued; contrary; contrivances; council; countrey; court; cromwell; crown; d. p.; daily; danger; days; death; declaration; decree; defence; deposing; deprived; design; desire; desmond; diligence; discovery; divines; doctrine; doe; dominions; duke; earl; edward; eebo; effect; elizabeth; encouragement; end; endeavours; enemy; england; english; example; excellent; excommunication; execution; fact; faith; father; favour; fifth; firebrands; fitz; following; forces; fowlis; fowlis hist; fox; foxes; france; french; general; gentleman; god; good; government; great; guilty; guise; gun; hand; hath; head; henry; heretical; heretick; hist; history; holiness; holy; honour; hopes; horrid; house; hunting; ibid; idem; important; ireland; irish; james; jesuites; judge; king; king henry; kingdom; large; late; lawfull; leaguers; leave; legate; length; letter; liberty; life; little; lives; lond; london; long; longer; lord; loyalty; majesty; manner; marquess; martyrs; matter; mayenne; mean; men; missionaries; money; mouth; murther; nani; nation; navarre; new; nobility; non; nuncio; oath; obedience; oen; order; oxford; papists; pardon; paris; parisians; parliament; party; paul; peace; people; persons; pius; places; plot; point; poison; pope; popery; popish; power; prayers; present; pretended; priests; princes; proceed; proceedings; prosecution; protestants; publick; purpose; quality; queen; question; qui; quod; ready; reasons; rebellion; rebels; religion; remonstrance; resolution; rest; restauration; return; right; romanists; rome; romish; royal; ruine; sanders; scotland; second; sentence; set; shew; sir; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; speed; state; strong; subjects; success; supreme; tcp; text; things; thought; time; title; treason; treatise; true; tyr; tyrone; venice; walsh; war; way; william; willing; words; work; world; year; young; zeal cache: A66123.xml plain text: A66123.txt item: #359 of 416 id: A66162 author: Hickes, George, 1642-1715. title: A defence of the Missionaries arts wherein the charge of disloyalty, rebellions, plots, and treasons, asserted page 76 of that book, are fully proved against the members of the Church of Rome, in a brief account of the several plots contrived, and rebellions raised by the papists against the lives and dignities of sovereign princes since the Reformation / by the authour of the Missionaries arts. date: 1689.0 words: 36513 flesch: 64 summary: * Nelson , Hance , Lacies , Briant , &c. † See his Letter in Speed●● . King ; but King Francis being taken Prisoner at the Battel of Pavia the year following , and the Duke of Suffolk slain , the Design fell . keywords: 4to; 8vo; account; action; advice; affirming; allegiance; ambassadour; anat; anno; answer; arms; army; arrival; arts; assembly; assistance; attempt; authority; authour; bishop; bloud; body; book; bourbon; breve; bull; business; cardinal; catholick; cause; charge; charles; chief; chr; christ; chron; church; churches; city; civil; clergy; college; commands; common; confession; conscience; consid; conspiracies; conspiracy; conspiratours; continued; contrary; contrivances; council; countrey; court; cromwell; crown; d. p.; daily; danger; days; death; declaration; decree; defence; deposing; deprived; design; desire; desmond; diligence; discovery; divines; doctrine; doe; dominions; dublin; duke; earl; edward; eebo; effect; elizabeth; encouragement; end; endeavours; enemy; england; english; example; excellent; excommunication; execution; fact; faith; father; favour; fifth; firebrands; fitz; following; forces; fowlis; fowlis hist; foxes; france; french; general; gentleman; god; good; government; great; guilty; guise; gun; hand; hath; head; henry; heretical; hereticks; hist; history; holiness; holy; honour; hopes; horrid; house; hunting; ibid; idem; important; insurrections; ireland; irish; james; jesuites; john; judge; king; king henry; king james; kingdom; large; late; lawfull; leaguers; leave; legate; length; letter; liberty; life; little; lives; london; long; longer; lord; loyalty; majesty; manner; marquess; martyrs; matter; mayenne; mean; members; men; missionaries; money; mouth; murther; nani; nation; navarre; new; nobility; non; nuncio; oath; obedience; oen; order; oxford; page; papists; pardon; paris; parisians; parliament; party; paul; peace; people; persons; pius; places; plain; plot; point; poison; pope; popery; popish; power; prayers; present; pretended; priests; princes; proceed; proceedings; prosecution; protestant; publick; purpose; quality; queen; question; qui; quod; ready; reasons; rebellion; rebels; religion; remonstrance; resolution; rest; restauration; return; right; romanists; rome; romish; royal; ruine; sanders; scotland; second; senate; sentence; set; shew; sir; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; speed; state; strong; subjects; success; supreme; tcp; text; things; thomas; thought; time; title; treason; treatise; true; tyr; tyrone; venice; walsh; war; way; william; willing; words; work; world; year; young; zeal; ● ● cache: A66162.xml plain text: A66162.txt item: #360 of 416 id: A66207 author: Wake, William, 1657-1737. title: The false-prophets try'd by their fruits being a sermon preached at St. James's Westminister, November Vth 1699, in which it is shewn, that the principles, and practices, of the Church of Rome, with relation to those whom they call hereticks, are not only destructive of civil society, but are utterly irreconcileable with the gospel of Christ / by William Wake ... date: 1700.0 words: 10008 flesch: 79 summary: The Catholick Church , is the Whole Church ; of which every Particular Church , ( as the Church of England , the Church of Rome , &c. ) are Parts . THE Genuine Epistles of St. Barnabas , St. Ignatius , St. Clement , St. Polycarp , the Shepherd of Hermas , &c. with a large Preliminary Discourse . keywords: account; answer; apostles; authority; better; beware; book; catholick; caution; character; christ; christian; church; civil; communion; concil; contrary; day; deliver'd; design; disciples; doctrine; duty; early; eebo; eliz; england; english; errors; faith; false; farther; foulis; france; fruits; general; god; gospel; henry; hereticks; hist; holy; iii; james; king; large; lib; lord; matters; men; new; order; particular; persons; pope; popish; practices; principles; private; prophets; queen; relation; religion; right; rome; saviour; scriptures; sect; selves; society; subject; tcp; text; things; time; treasons; true; truth; wake; world cache: A66207.xml plain text: A66207.txt item: #361 of 416 id: A66213 author: Hickes, George, 1642-1715. title: The missionarie's arts discovered, or, An account of their ways of insinuation, their artifices and several methods of which they serve themselves in making converts with a letter to Mr. Pulton, challenging him to make good his charge of disloyalty against Protestants, and an historical preface, containing an account of their introducing the heathen gods in their processions, and other particulars relating to the several chapters of this treatise. date: 1688.0 words: 51799 flesch: 65 summary: I reserve the Account of their Treasons to be published when ever Mr. Pulton or any for him shall think fit to begin with us , as he hath threatned he would upon the first provocation , WHICH I HAVE GIVEN HIM , but having affirmed , p. 71 , 72. that they have been often both in publick Courts of ●ustice and in other places , call'd upon to renounce the Deposing Power as unlawfull , but could not be perswaded to it ; to prevent their Cavils at that Assertion I thought it not unnecessary to give some few instances which may suffice to prove it . And Mr. Kirby , Cottom , Richardson , Ford , Shert , Johnson , Hart and Filbee all Priests , affirmed under their hands to her Majesties Commissioners appointed to examine them , that the Pope hath Power to depose Princes , and her Majesty was not to be obeyed against his Holiness's Bull ; in which answer they all agreed , only two sheltred themselves under this general Assertion , That th●y held as the Catholick Church held . keywords: 8vo; able; absolution; account; actions; address; advantage; adversaries; adversary; advice; affected; affections; affirm; aix; allegiance; ancient; answer; apostle; appeal; arch; argument; arms; articles; artifice; arts; asham'd; assertion; assurance; atque; author; authority; belief; bellarmine; best; bishop; blessed; body; bold; bona; book; brags; bull; burnet; business; c. p.; calumnies; calumny; campion; canon; cardinal; care; catholicks; cause; caution; certain; challenge; chapter; characters; charge; charity; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; city; clear; clergy; col; common; communion; company; concern; confess; confidence; consciences; considerations; consolation; content; contrary; conversion; converts; council; court; credit; cressy; crimes; cross; cum; daily; dame; dans; day; de la; deal; dealing; death; declaration; decree; defence; dei; deposing; design; desire; devil; devotion; difference; directions; discourse; disloyalty; dissenter; divines; doctor; doctrine; doth; durst; duty; edit; edition; eebo; effect; ejus; eminent; end; endeavour; enemies; england; english; eos; errors; esse; esteem; etiam; evidence; evident; example; excellent; experience; expos'd; exposition; express; external; eyes; fair; faith; false; far; fasting; father; favourable; fides; fifth; fit; fol; following; foot; force; fourth; france; french; fryers; general; geneva; gentlemen; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grand; great; greater; greatest; guilty; haec; hand; hard; hath; head; hearing; heathen; heaven; henry; hereticks; history; hold; holiness; holy; honest; honour; house; humour; ibid; ignorant; ill; image; impossible; index; ingenious; insinuation; insist; instances; instruct; interest; invent; ireland; irish; italy; jesuits; jesus; judge; judgment; justice; kind; king; kingdom; knowing; knowledge; known; lady; late; latin; lawfull; lay; learned; leave; les; letter; lettres; lib; liberty; life; like; little; lives; living; lond; london; long; look; lord; love; loyalty; loüis; luther; luxembourg; main; majesties; majesty; making; man; manner; mars; matter; means; meaux; men; mention'd; methods; minds; ministers; miracles; missionaries; monsieur; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; non; nos; notes; notice; notorious; nous; number; oath; obedience; objections; obliged; observation; occasion; odious; onely; opera; opinion; order; original; own'd; oxford; p. p.; page; papists; paris; particular; party; passage; paul; people; person; peter; piece; piety; place; point; policy; pomp; poor; pope; popery; popish; possess'd; pour; power; practice; prayer; preface; present; pretences; priests; primitive; princes; principles; private; profession; proselytes; protestants; provincial; publick; pulton; purpose; quality; que; question; qui; quod; rais'd; reader; ready; real; reason; rebellion; reflexions; reformation; reformed; relation; religion; religious; remarks; remonstrance; repentance; reply; reply'd; report; return; reverend; right; roman; roman church; romanists; rome; romish; rule; sacrament; said; saints; salvation; saviour; scripture; second; secret; sect; self; sense; sermon; service; set; severe; shew; sincerity; single; sins; sir; slanders; society; sort; souls; spec; spirit; state; stories; strange; subject; success; sufficient; super; sure; tcp; testimony; text; thing; time; title; transubstantiation; treasons; treatise; true; truth; turn; understanding; universal; unlawfull; untruth; unworthy; us'd; use; usual; vain; vierge; virgin; vulgar; walsh; want; war; way; ways; wise; works; world; worship; writers; writings; years; ● ● cache: A66213.xml plain text: A66213.txt item: #362 of 416 id: A66243 author: L. Ė. title: A plain defence of the Protestant religion, fitted to the meanest capacity being a full confutation of the net for the fishers of men, published by two gentlemen lately gone over to the Church of Rome. Wherein is evidently made appear, that their departure from the Protestant religion was without cause of reason. Written for publick good by L. E. a son of the Church of England, as by law established. date: 1687.0 words: 19264 flesch: 83 summary: Pro. Christ said so , because he gave the Holy Spirit to his Followers , and a power of working Miracles as long as it was necessary ; but it doth not follow , that it is so always , much less doth it follow , that they are a Mark to know the Holiness of the Church by ; seeing Antichrist is to do miracles , and the Holy Fathers tell us , Hereticks did many , yet their miracles will not prove the Sanctity of their Church . 4. 12. He gave some Apostles , &c. to the Consummation of the Saints ? Pro. The Scripture says so , because under the Gospel the Church was not limited to the Nation of the Jews , but all Nations might be Members of it : and there should be a Church to the end of the World ; but it doth not therefore say this Church should be in all Nations , at all times , much less doth it say that its being so is a Mark that it is the True Church . keywords: affirm; ancient; angels; answer; apostasie; apostles; argument; authority; blood; body; books; catholick; christ; christians; church; commandments; council; damned; desire; doctrine; doth; faith; false; fathers; free; general; gentlemen; god; good; grace; guilty; hath; hell; holy; images; invisible; john; lawful; man; mark; miracles; nations; necessary; particular; peter; place; point; power; pray; private; pro; purpose; question; reason; religion; roman; roman church; rome; sacrament; saints; sanctity; scripture; shew; sign; sin; sins; spirit; spiritual; tcp; text; things; thou; time; tongue; tradition; true; true church; truth; unity; universal; unknown; visible; vows; way; word; works cache: A66243.xml plain text: A66243.txt item: #363 of 416 id: A66370 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: An answer to a late printed paper given about by some of the Church of Rome in a letter to a gentleman. date: 1688.0 words: 7299 flesch: 73 summary: That the Church of Rome is not now what it was in Apostolical and Primitive times ; when it might most of all pretend to be ( as he calls it ) a most pure , excellent , and flourishing Church . For what will it signifie , if it be granted that the Church of Rome was once a most pure , flourishing Church , if she be now abominably corrupted ? What if she was a Mother-Church planted by the Apostles , and watered with their Doctrine , and their Bloud , when she now preacheth another Doctrine than she was taught by them , and hath grosly corrupted that Faith which they did there establish ? What if she was a Mother-Church to some other Churches , yet , that as it gives her no Authority over those whom she was not in any sense a Mother to , so even not over such as she might pretend that Relation to , when she is now not to be approached to , or held Communion with , without apparent hazard of Salvation ; and is faln from those Principles and that Faith which she at their first conversion instructed them in ? When she is faln by Apostasie , Heresie and Schism . keywords: answer; apostasie; authority; bishop; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; communion; contrary; council; definition; dist; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; faith; fall; faln; fathers; flourishing; general; great; heresie; images; jurisdiction; mind; mother; new; onely; paper; pope; primitive; principles; reason; rome; schism; scripture; sense; sess; tcp; text; theirs; things; time; title; trent; true; world; years cache: A66370.xml plain text: A66370.txt item: #364 of 416 id: A66372 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: An answer to the address presented to the ministers of the Church of England date: 1688.0 words: 11291 flesch: 63 summary: Church of England -- Doctrines. Then because Infallibility knows no degrees , I my self should in that Church be as Infallible as the Supreme Pastor of it . keywords: address; answer; articles; author; authority; belief; body; books; bound; case; chapter; christ; christian; church; clear; creed; day; desire; divine; doctrine; doubts; eebo; england; english; faith; god; guides; hath; holy; incarnation; infallible; institution; interpreter; john; like; lord; man; means; men; ministers; moral; necessaries; necessary; new; obliged; particular; plain; reading; reason; rome; sabbath; salvation; saviour; scripture; second; sense; soul; sufficient; tcp; text; things; things necessary; trinity; true; truth; use; verse; way; word cache: A66372.xml plain text: A66372.txt item: #365 of 416 id: A66388 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: Christianity abused by the Church of Rome, and popery shewed to be a corruption of it being an answer to a late printed paper given about by papists : in a letter to a gentleman / by J.W. date: 1679.0 words: 7386 flesch: 73 summary: 2. That the Church of Rome is not now what it was in Apostolical and Primitive times ; when it might most of all pretend to be ( as he calls it ) a most pure , excellent , and flourishing Church . For what will it signifie if it be granted that the Church of Rome was once a most pure , flourishing Church , if she be now abominably corrupted ? What if she was a Mother Church planted by the Apostles , and watered with their Doctrine , and their Blood , when she now preacheth another Doctrine than she was taught by them , and hath grosly corrupted that Faith which they did there establish . keywords: answer; apostasie; authority; bishop; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; communion; contrary; council; definition; dist; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; faith; fall; fathers; flourishing; general; great; guilty; heresie; images; jurisdiction; mind; mother; new; paper; pope; practice; primitive; principles; reason; rome; schism; scripture; sense; sess; tcp; text; theirs; things; time; title; trent; true; way; world; years cache: A66388.xml plain text: A66388.txt item: #366 of 416 id: A66393 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: The difference between the Church of England, and the Church of Rome in opposition to a late book, intituled, An agreement between the Church of England, and Church of Rome. date: 1687.0 words: 20045 flesch: 76 summary: The Names and Number of the Canonical Books , Genesis , &c. And the other Books ( as Hierom saith ) the Church doth read for example of Life and instruction of Manners ; but yet doth not apply them to establish any Doctrine . Christ in the Truth of our nature was made like unto us in all things , Sin only except , from which he was clearly void , both in his Flesh , and in his Spirit , &c. But all we the rest ( although Baptized , and born again in Christ ) yet offend in many things ; and if we say we have no Sin , we deceive our selves , and the Truth is not in us . keywords: agreement; art; article; authority; bishops; blood; body; books; bread; cap; catholick; catholick church; ceremonies; christ; christian; church; church doth; churches; command; contrary; council; dead; decree; difference; divine; doctrine; doth; england; england teacheth; err; eucharist; faith; faithful; fond; general; god; good; grace; great; hath; heaven; holdeth; holy; homily; images; justification; justified; kind; lateran; life; like; lord; man; mass; matters; mother; nature; necessary; new; opinion; opposition; original; page; people; persons; peter; pope; power; priests; purgatory; received; relicks; religion; repugnant; rome; rome holdeth; romish; sacraments; sacrifice; saints; salvation; scripture; sess; sin; sins; spirit; supper; synod; tcp; teacheth; testament; text; thing; tongue; traditions; trent; true; truth; use; viz; whosoever; wine; word; works; worship cache: A66393.xml plain text: A66393.txt item: #367 of 416 id: A66394 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: A discourse concerning the celebration of divine service in an unknown tongue date: 1685.0 words: 17718 flesch: 77 summary: Of this mind is Bellarmin , &c. who saith , 1. That the Greek Phrase 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , according to the use of that Tongue , doth not signifie one that is in the stead of an Idiot or unlearned , but thereby are meant all rude unlearned Men. doth not oppose Service in Latin , they undertake to shew , That he opposeth no other Service than what is altogether unknown and no Body understands , as Persick and Arabick , and that he doth not condemn a Learned Tongue ; thereby supposing the Learned Tongue and Tongue altogether unknown to be different in kind , whereas they only differ so , that the one is rarely understood and by very few , in comparison , and the other is understood by none . keywords: acceptable; affections; answer; antient; apostle; argument; bellarm; benefit; better; case; christ; church; common; cor; council; devotion; dialects; different; discourse; divine; divine service; doth; edification; ends; english; enquire; evident; expedient; far; general; god; good; great; greek; hath; holy; honour; ibid; instruction; kind; knowledge; latin; learned; ledesma; like; little; lord; man; mass; means; mind; necessary; need; offices; orat; particular; people; person; place; prayers; priest; publick; purpose; reason; rhemists; rite; rome; saith; sanders; sect; self; sence; service; spirit; sufficient; tcp; text; things; time; tom; tongue; understanding; understands; understood; unknown; unknown tongue; unlawful; use; vulgar; vulgar tongue; way; words; worship cache: A66394.xml plain text: A66394.txt item: #368 of 416 id: A66403 author: Williams, John, 1582-1650. title: A manual, or, Three small and plain treatises viz. 1. Of prayer, or active, 2. Of principles, or positive, 3. Resolutions, or oppositive [brace] divinity / translated and collected out of the ancient writers, for the private use of a most noble lady, to preserve her from the danger of popery, by the Most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York. date: 1672.0 words: 15947 flesch: 81 summary: For This union of the members of the Catholick Church is inward , not outward , and therefore discerned only by God himself : We never sundred our selves from the People , or Church of Rome , but from the Faction , or Court of Rome ; not from the sincere doctrin of that Church , but from the corruptions and innovations foisted into that Church . Hence it cometh to pass , that although the Greek , Armenian , Ethiopian , and Syrian , and ( for the most part ) the Protestant doth censure charitably of those Laicks , who living rather in than of the Church of Rome , hold the grounds of the doctrin of Salvation , without any notorious mixtures , with the late superstitions , and impieties crept into the same ; yet doth the a Papist , b Russeist , c Anabaptist , d Familist , and e Puritan hold no Church a Church of God , but his own conventicle , and all to be damn'd , that are not of his society , and combination . keywords: almighty; ancient; art; assurance; august; baptism; belief; bishops; blessed; blood; body; cap; catholick; charity; christ; christian; church; churches; comfort; common; confess; conscience; day; desire; divinity; doctrin; doth; doubt; eebo; end; england; english; epist; eternal; faith; father; free; general; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; hand; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; help; holy; hope; images; imputing; jesus; john; justification; king; kingdom; knowledge; learning; lib; life; little; lord; malice; man; meaning; means; men; mercy; mind; morning; night; notes; original; pag; pap; papist; particular; people; piety; points; poor; pope; prayer; priests; private; prot; reading; reason; receiving; reformation; religion; repentance; rest; righteousness; rome; sacrament; saints; salvation; saviour; scriptures; self; selves; set; sins; soul; spirit; supper; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; understanding; use; vives; word; works; writers; year cache: A66403.xml plain text: A66403.txt item: #369 of 416 id: A66405 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: The papist represented, and not misrepresented being in answer to the first sheet of the second part of the Papist misrepresented and represented : and for a further vindication of the catechism truly representing the doctrine and practices of the Church of Rome. date: 1687.0 words: 4550 flesch: 61 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 62580) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 951:82) The texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the TEI in Libraries guidelines. keywords: answer; argument; author; bible; books; catechism; characters; christ; church; controversie; council; divine; doctrine; early; eebo; elements; english; good; hath; honour; images; object; page; papist; practice; reason; religious; reverence; rome; saith; second; set; shew; tcp; tei; text; things; use; veneration; words; worship cache: A66405.xml plain text: A66405.txt item: #370 of 416 id: A66406 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: The papist represented, and not misrepresented being in answer to the second sheet of the second part of the Papist misrepresented and represented : and for a further vindication of the catechism truly representing the doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome, in the point of their praying to the cross. date: 1687.0 words: 6538 flesch: 68 summary: That thou wouldest vouchsase to bless this Wood of thy Cross , that it may be a wholsom [ saving ] remedy to mankind ; a stability of Faith , an increase of good works ▪ the Redemption of Souls , a comfort , protection and defence against the evil darts of the Enemies , through our Lord , &c. And as if this were not sufficient , after the consecration of the Incense , the Bishop sprinkles the Cross with Holy-Water , and Incenses it ; Saying , Let this Wood be sanctified in the name of the Fa ✚ ther , and of the S ✚ on , and of the Holy ✚ Ghost . A comely and bright Tree , Adorn'd with the Purple of the King , Chosen out of a Stock worthy , &c. To touch so sacred Members , Hail , O Cross , our only Hope , Increase Grace in the Godly . keywords: adoration; author; bishop; books; catechism; christ; church; consecration; cross; doth; early; eebo; english; god; good; hail; hath; holy; hope; hymn; images; increase; little; material; meer; nails; nature; o cross; offices; page; papist; paul; people; piece; point; practices; prayer; reason; representation; representing; rome; saith; second; sense; sepulchre; tcp; text; thing; wood; words; world; worship cache: A66406.xml plain text: A66406.txt item: #371 of 416 id: A66413 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: The Protestant's answer to The Catholick letter to the seeker, or, A vindication of the Protestant's answer, to the seeker's request date: 1688.0 words: 17399 flesch: 72 summary: So in the Sacrament , to our sight and tast is plain Bread and Wine , but to our Faith ( in Gods word ) it is the Real and Intire Body and Blood of Christ. 2. Had I said corporal , I see little distance betwixt that and carnal ; for as Body and Flesh is all one , so is corporal and carnal . keywords: answerer; argument; author; blood; body; bread; broken; case; catholick; christ; church; contrary; conversion; cup; divinity; doctrine; door; doth; eat; eating; express; figurative; figure; flesh; god; heaven; intire; joh; letter; life; like; little; manner; meaning; meat; pag; plain; presence; present; properties; protestant; question; real; reason; request; sacrament; saith; saviour; scripture; sect; seeker; sense; spiritual; substance; tcp; text; thing; thought; time; transubstantiation; true; truth; vine; way; wine; words; world cache: A66413.xml plain text: A66413.txt item: #372 of 416 id: A66414 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: Pulpit-popery, true popery being an answer to a book intituled, Pulpit-sayings, and in vindication of the Apology for the pulpits, and the stater of the controversie against the representer. date: 1688.0 words: 35378 flesch: 69 summary: And surely the Inquisitors of Goa , and Archbishop of Bourdeaux are themselves of that Church which he saith has the promise of the Holy Ghost , &c. And who shall decide this case , or what security have we against 〈◊〉 ●●●●tians fate , if at Goa , or of Imbert's , if in the Diocess of Bourdeaux ? Upon this our Author saith , their Religion is attacked only by the Vnchristian Artifices of passion and imposture . keywords: account; answer; apologist; apology; argument; assertion; attention; auricular; author; author saith; authorities; authority; bellarmin; better; betwixt; blood; body; book; bread; broken; call'd; case; challenge; character; charge; christ; christians; church; churches; clergy; come; common; communion; confession; conscience; consequence; contrary; council; cross; death; defence; difference; divine; doctor; doctrine; doth; england; err; fact; false; fanaticks; foul; general; god; good; great; hand; head; heaven; holy; ibid; ignorance; image; indulgences; instance; jesuits; john; judg; judgment; kind; laws; leave; left; legends; life; like; little; lives; making; man; manner; matter; members; men; method; misrepresentation; natural; nature; necessary; new; number; occasion; old; opinion; orders; papist; particular; penance; people; place; plain; point; popery; popes; practice; prayers; preacher; presence; present; priests; principles; profession; proof; propitiatory; protestants; publick; pulpits; punishment; purgatory; purpose; question; reader; real; reason; religion; repentance; reply; representative; representer; revelation; right; rome; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; saith; sayer; sayings; scripture; self; sense; sermons; set; shew; shew'd; sins; state; stone; sufficient; tcp; text; thing; time; transubstantiation; true; turn; use; view; vindication; viz; way; words; work; world; worship; years cache: A66414.xml plain text: A66414.txt item: #373 of 416 id: A66427 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: A short discourse concerning the churches authority in matters of faith shewing that the pretenses of the Church of Rome are weak and precarious in the resolution of it. date: 1687.0 words: 10110 flesch: 69 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. If he will , as some have , acknowledge the deposing Doctrin to be true ; let the World consider what kind of Subjects those must be that are in such a Communion ; and if he disavows it ; he makes it appear that he does not think their Church Infallible . Nor can I think that Church has sufficiently cleared it self from the Charge of this Doctrin , which some of them call a Calumny , till it be as Publickly and Authoritatively Repealed , as it was Decreed . keywords: apostles; authority; body; books; cap; case; certain; christians; church; churches; churches authority; communion; contrary; council; devils; discourse; divine; doctrin; eebo; english; faith; farther; god; good; grace; great; ground; infallibility; infallible; known; late; man; manifest; matters; means; men; mind; miracles; nature; necessary; papists; peace; point; pope; power; present; pretended; reason; rest; right; rome; salvation; scripture; self; sense; short; sufficient; supernatural; sure; tcp; testimony; text; thing; true; truth; way; works; world cache: A66427.xml plain text: A66427.txt item: #374 of 416 id: A66432 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: A vindication of the answer to the popish address presented to the ministers of the Church of England in reply to a pamphlet abusively intituled, A clear proof of the certainty and usefulness of the Protestant rule of faith, &c. date: 1688.0 words: 20084 flesch: 70 summary: M DC LXXXVIII A VINDICATION OF THE ANSWER To the POPISH ADDRESS , &c. A Clear Proof of the Certainty and Usefulness of the Protestant Rule of Faith , Scripture , after the Help of Ministerial Guides , finally Interpreted by each Man 's private Sense . The Author thereof had required that clear and plain Texts of Scripture be offer'd , which interpreted in the Protestant way , by those who receive it thus expounded for their whole Rule of Faith , should so prove the two principal Articles of Christian Belief , the Trinity and the Incarnation of Christ ; as also the Obligation of keeping holy the Sunday , and not Saturday , as one of the Commandments seems to require ; and that so convincingly , that a Christian might ground on them his Faith. Interpreted , I say , in the Protestant-way , without any deciding Church-Authority when doubts arise about the sense of the Letter . keywords: able; addresser; answer; answerer; apostle; argument; austin; authority; bellarmin; betwixt; book; case; catholick; certain; chapter; charge; christ; church; clear; conclusion; day; divine; doth; doubt; earth; english; faith; father; general; god; good; gospel; guide; hath; heaven; holy; incarnation; jesus; jews; john; life; little; lord; man; marks; matter; moral; natural; nature; necessaries; necessary; new; order; paul; persons; place; plain; private; proof; prophets; protestant; prover; question; reading; reason; rule; salvation; saviour; scripture; sense; set; sufficient; tcp; text; things; thou; trinity; true; truth; union; use; vindication; way; wise; word; written cache: A66432.xml plain text: A66432.txt item: #375 of 416 id: A66970 author: Cressy, Serenus, 1605-1674. title: The Roman-church's devotions vindicated from Doctour Stillingfleet's mis-representation by O.N. a Catholick. date: None words: 30070 flesch: 61 summary: — The Lord and we made one Spirit — Filled with all the fulness of God &c. And , if any of these may be communicated to the lowest ranke of Gods Saints , the less may the Mysticks be blamed for applying them to the highest , and most perfect . Or. 2. ( after they were confirmed , that these were from God by many most vnquestionable notes thereof ) declaring these , and the noble effects of them for the great advancement in us of all Christian vertues , out of their great ardour of Charity , to excite many others to the like assiduity of Prayer , Solitude , Recollection , &c. by which means themselves attained them ; yet so , as not , for this , to omitt any duty to others , to which either Obedience or Charity obligeth them . keywords: abstraction; account; act; actions; active; acts; advance; affections; affective; aliquando; anima; apostles; ask; atque; austin; author; authority; benefit; bernard; best; better; bin; blosius; body; book; catholick; cause; censure; certain; characters; charity; chief; children; christian; church; churches; circumstances; common; condition; confess; conformable; consolations; constant; contemplation; contrary; cor; creature; cressy; cui; cum; day; degree; dei; deo; depth; desolations; deus; devotion; devout; dionysius; directions; discerning; discourse; discursive; divine; dominus; doth; duty; early; eebo; effects; ejus; elevations; elswhere; eminent; end; endeavour; english; enim; enthusiasme; eph; ergo; esse; est; etiam; excessus; exercise; experienced; expressions; extasies; external; extraordinary; fall; fanaticisme; fanaticks; father; favours; fit; free; frequent; fund; gal; generall; ghost; god; gods; gods spirit; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; gregory; growth; haec; hard; hath; heart; heb; hic; higher; highest; hoc; holy; holy spirit; hope; humility; ibid; illud; illuminations; illusions; images; indifferent; infinite; influences; inspirations; intellect; intelligible; interiour; internall; intra; iohn; ipsa; ipse; ipsum; jam; judgment; knowledge; known; language; late; lawful; liberty; life; light; like; litle; lives; long; lord; love; luk; majesty; makes; man; manner; matters; means; meditation; men; mente; mentis; mihi; mind; mortification; motions; mysticall; mysticks; nam; nature; necessary; neque; nescio; new; nisi; non; nos; notes; nothingness; obedience; old; omnia; operations; order; ordering; page; pains; particular; passion; passive; paul; peace; perfection; persons; pet; pious; plain; pleased; point; possit; potest; power; practice; prayer; praying; precepts; presence; present; pretended; principles; prophets; protestants; psal; publick; purity; purpose; quae; quam; quando; quasi; qui; quia; quid; quidem; quod; quomodo; quoque; rapts; reader; reading; reason; recollection; regenerate; religion; removing; reply; revelations; rom; roman; rules; saints; saith; saith s.; saluation; sancta; sanctity; satanicall; scripture; second; sects; secular; sed; seeking; self; selves; sense; sensible; serm; service; set; severall; sibi; sicut; simple; sin; sit; solitude; somthing; somtimes; sophia; sort; soul; speak; speciall; spirit; spiritual; spiritus; state; step; strange; sua; subject; sufficient; suggestions; sunt; supernaturall; tamen; tcp; tei; terms; text; therfore; thess; things; thoughts; tibi; times; true; truth; venial; vertue; visions; vnderstanding; vnderstood; vnion; vnto; vocal; vol; vpon; vse; vult; way; wherin; wil; wisdome; women; words; work; world cache: A66970.xml plain text: A66970.txt item: #376 of 416 id: A67237 author: Wyvill, Christopher, Sir, 1614-1672? title: The pretensions of the triple crown examined in thrice three familiar letters ... / written some years ago by Sir Christopher Wyvill ... date: 1672.0 words: 45262 flesch: 65 summary: Now for those strange Apparitions and Cures , said to be made at the places of their Sepulture , or otherwhere ; whether it was so and so , or how it was , I am content with St. Augustin ( knowing the way of God , in permitting such Events to be inscrutable , and the wisdom of man , in making application thereof to be often meer foolishness ) they should remain the Objects of my Admiration , rather than the Subjects of my Scrutinie ; and I hold them , in some sort , able ( especially in the eyes of young Believers ) to confirm a point which is consonant to the Word of God ; but no proofs of any thing without or against it . In Reprobation ( the reverend Davenant choseth rather to term it Non-election ) none of the sacred and undivided Trinity are interessed farther , than that God contracts his hand , and suffers man to remain overwhelmed under the ruine he hath brought upon himself . keywords: able; absolute; act; acts; adam; almighty; altar; ambrose; ancient; angels; answer; apostles; augustin; author; basil; bear; belief; bernard; best; betwixt; bishop; blessed; blood; body; books; bread; business; calling; cap; care; catholick; cause; certain; chief; christ; christian; christopher; church; churches; clear; coming; common; communion; condignity; condition; confidence; conscience; continued; contrary; conversion; cor; council; course; covenant; crown; davenant; day; days; dead; death; design; desire; devil; divine; doctors; doctrine; doth; draw; duty; early; eebo; election; end; english; ephes; epist; equal; eternal; evident; eyes; face; faith; fall; father; favour; fear; fire; fit; flesh; fol; foundation; frame; free; fulfilled; general; gift; glory; god; godric; gods; good; good works; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; gregory; gross; ground; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; hierom; high; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; humane; image; imputation; imputed; indulgences; infallible; inherent; instance; institution; ireland; john; judge; judgment; justice; justification; justified; kingdom; knowledge; lady; large; late; law; lay; left; length; letter; lib; lieve; life; light; like; little; living; long; lord; love; main; making; man; manner; mary; matter; matth; meaning; means; measure; men; mercy; merit; meritorious; mind; miracles; monk; mother; nature; nay; near; necessary; need; new; non; number; obedience; office; old; opinion; order; original; outward; pag; papists; particular; pass; paul; people; perfect; persons; peter; piety; place; point; poor; pope; power; practice; prayer; present; priests; primate; primitive; principles; promise; protestant; purgatory; purpose; question; reason; religion; rest; return; reverend; reward; righteousness; roman; romanists; rome; sacraments; safe; saints; salvation; satan; satisfaction; saviour; scriptures; second; self; selves; sence; set; sign; sin; sins; sort; soul; spirit; spiritual; stand; strange; subject; sure; tcp; terms; testament; testimony; text; thee; thereto; things; thou; thought; time; tom; trent; true; truth; understanding; universal; unto; use; vain; vasquez; vertue; view; virgin; viz; vulgar; wages; way; weak; whereof; wisdom; wonders; word; works; worship; worthy; writ; wyvill; years cache: A67237.xml plain text: A67237.txt item: #377 of 416 id: A67919 author: J. M. title: Newes from hell, Rome and the inns of court wherein is sett forth the coppy of a letter written from the Diuell to the Pope : the true coppy of the petition delivered to the King at York : the coppy of certaine artikles of agreement betweene the Divill, the Pope and divers others : the discription of a feast sent from the Diuell to the Pope together with a short advertisement to the high court of Parliament with sundry other particulars / date: 1641.0 words: 7799 flesch: 60 summary: May it please your Holinesse , These varieties of dishes , which yovr holines here sees thus set sorth , Were all of them prepared , for the onely Table , of our high & mighty Monarch , king Lucifer , your holynes sole Patrone , and protector , A certaine number of which dishes his Mat'iy hath gratiously bin pleased , to cause them to be presented to your holines disposall , and the resudue of them , onely , to your holines vew and approbation , being to be preserved for his Ma'ties owne peculiar pallate . Your intire Prince and God of this world , Lucifer , Prince of Darknes , and Superstition , King of s●●ks and Phlegeto● , Suppreame Lord of Ghehenna , Tartaria , Colmakia , Samoyedia , Lappia , Cor●lia , and Colmagoria , Prince abissus , and sole commander of Seeberia , Alteenia , Pecheora , & of all the Infernall furies & their punise , the Jesuites , Priests , and Semenaries . keywords: advancement; beloued; beseech; betweene; bin; bishops; bribery; card; care; cause; certaine; children; church; clarkes; containes; contention; coppy; corrupt; court; crowne; day; dignity; dish; disposall; diuell; divers; effect; england; english; estates; euer; extortion; fall; feast; fees; good; great; haue; hell; high; holynes; honour; iaylor; iesuites; infernall; inns; item; iudge; iustice; king; king lucifer; kingdome; lawyers; letter; long; lord; lord king; lordly; lucifer; ma'ties; ma'ty; mans; mess; moste; new; newes; notice; number; onely; opression; parliament; peace; people; person; petition; pleased; pleasure; poore; pope; power; present; priests; princely; realme; respect; romane; rome; royall; said; semenaries; servants; sett; short; sofferaigne; sofferaigne lord; spice; state; subiects; sundry; table; taste; text; themselues; time; true; trusty; vnto; vpon; vtter; wing; yeare cache: A67919.xml plain text: A67919.txt item: #378 of 416 id: A68730 author: Barclay, John, 1582-1621. title: Certain general reasons, prouing the lawfulnesse of the Oath of allegiance, written by R.S. priest, to his priuat friend. Whereunto is added, the treatise of that learned man, M. William Barclay, concerning the temporall power of the pope. And with these is ioyned the sermon of M. Theophilus Higgons, preached at Pauls Crosse the third of March last, because it containeth something of like argument date: 1611.0 words: 87237 flesch: 60 summary: p●asid . b 〈…〉 iud●● . He discusseth a passage in S. Bernard , touching the Materiall sword , and the words of Christ , Ecce duo gl●dij : and concludeth that the Temporall sword , is neither proper to the Pope , nor subiect to the Spirituall . keywords: a68730; able; aboue; abuse; actions; administration; admonition; aduersaries; affaires; affection; againe; ages; ambition; ambrose; ancient; answer; apostles; apostolike; appeareth; argument; armes; armie; authoritie; bee; beginning; beleeue; bellarmine; belongeth; bernard; better; betweene; bishop; bodie; bond; boniface; booke; bozius; businesse; canonists; canons; cap; care; carnall; cases; cast; catholike; cause; censure; certaine; change; chap; chapter; chiefe; children; christian; christian princes; church; citizens; ciuill; ciuill power; clergie; clergy; come; commandement; commaund; committed; common; comparison; conclusion; condition; confesse; conscience; consent; consequence; constantius; constitutions; contrarie; contrary; corporall; councell; countries; course; court; crime; danger; day; death; declare; decree; depend; depose; depriue; desire; difference; dignitie; dispense; dispose; dissolue; distinction; distinguished; diuers; diuine; div; doctrine; doe; dominion; doth; doubt; drawen; dutie; earth; easie; ecclesiasticall; ecclesiastike; elias; emperors; emperour; empire; end; english; epistle; equall; ergo; errour; euen; euery; euident; euill; example; excellent; excommunication; execution; exercise; expresse; externall; faithfull; fall; false; farre; fathers; fault; feare; fire; fit; flocke; follow; followeth; foorth; force; france; free; giue; god; god doth; god haue; god himselfe; godly; gods; goe; good; gospell; gouernment; grace; grant; great; greater; gregorie; ground; hand; hath; hatred; haue; haue power; hauing; head; heathen; heauen; hee; helpe; henrie; henry; heresie; heretike; high; himselfe; hir; hold; holinesse; holy; honour; house; humane; hurt; ignorant; inferiour; infidell; iniurie; innocentius; interest; interpretation; iohn; ioined; iudge; iudgement; iulianus; iurisdiction; iustice; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; large; later; law; lawes; lawfull; lay; learned; learning; leaue; left; leo; leprosie; lib; libertie; liberty; life; like; little; liue; long; lord; losse; loue; magistrates; man; manifest; manner; mans; mariage; maried; martirdome; matrimonie; matters; meane; meaning; members; men; mens; mention; minde; moreouer; multitude; nations; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neuer; new; non; notes; notwithstanding; o ●; oath; obedience; obligation; obserue; occasion; offence; office; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; ouer; ouer kings; ouer princes; owne; parts; passe; passion; pastor; paul; people; peraduenture; performe; persons; peter; pietie; place; plaine; pleasure; point; politike; pope; power; power ouer; practise; pray; present; priest; princes; princes haue; principall; priuate; priuiledges; promise; prooue; proper; prophet; proposition; publike; punishment; purpose; question; reader; ready; reason; receiued; regard; religion; respect; reuerence; right; rome; rule; saith; sake; salomon; samuel; sanders; sauiour; scandall; scriptures; sea; second; secular; secular princes; seeing; seeme; sense; sentence; separate; separation; seruants; serue; set; seuered; shee; sheepe; shew; small; sonne; sort; soueraigne; souldiers; soules; sound; speake; speciall; speech; spirituall; spirituall power; state; storie; strength; strong; subiect; subiection; successors; sufficient; superiour; sword; tcp; teacheth; teares; temporall; temporall authoritie; temporall common; temporall iurisdiction; temporall matters; temporall power; temporall princes; temporall sword; temporalties; testimonie; text; th ●; themselues; theodosius; things; thinke; thought; time; title; touching; true; truth; turne; valens; vertue; vicar; viz; vnbeleeuing; vnder; vnderstand; vniust; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; warres; way; weale; wealth; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; whit; whome; wicked; wife; wise; witnesse; wonder; words; world; worthy; writeth; writings; wrong; yea; yeeld; yeeres; yoke; zacharie; ● b; ● e; ● ed; ● g; ● t; ● ● cache: A68730.xml plain text: A68730.txt item: #379 of 416 id: A69022 author: Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. title: The baiting of the Popes bull. Or an vnmasking of the mystery of iniquity, folded vp in a most pernitious breeue or bull, sent from the Pope lately into England, to cawse a rent therein, for his reentry With an advertisement to the Kings seduced subiects. By H.B. date: 1627.0 words: 46932 flesch: 66 summary: Pope (1623-1644 : Urban VIII) His Triple-crowne three Kingdomes notes ; what three ? Pope reckons fower ; three are controversorie : Heaven hee despaires , for surety Earth must be His heaven the while , vsurpt tho ; Purgatorie He holds by blind beleife ; but never any Question'd the fowrth due to him and his Meiny . keywords: able; aboue; againe; alas; allegiance; almightie; anathema; ancient; angels; answer; antichrist; antichristian; anxious; apostles; apostolike; arme; armour; assemblies; attempts; authority; babylon; baiting; beast; bee; belieue; beloued; benediction; better; betweene; bishop; blasphemies; blessed; blessing; blind; blood; body; bold; boniface; booke; breake; breath; breeue; bull; cap; cardinals; care; cast; catholike; catholiques; cause; certaine; charge; charitie; charity; christ; christendome; christian; church; citie; city; cleaue; comfort; comming; common; communion; confidence; conscience; constantinople; contrary; copy; councell; counsels; countrey; crosse; crowne; crucis; cruell; crueltie; cum; danger; day; dayes; death; decree; defence; defend; desire; diadems; difference; disciples; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; dragon; earth; ecclesiae; eebo; emperour; empire; enemies; enemy; england; english; enim; est; eternall; euen; euery; examples; exchange; eyes; faith; faithfull; fall; false; farre; fast; father; feare; fidelitie; fidelity; fire; fish; followeth; forbid; force; forsooth; fortitude; free; froggs; gaue; generall; ghost; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; golden; good; goodly; gospell; grace; great; greater; gregory; ground; gunpowder; hand; happy; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heathen; heauen; heauenly; hee; heere; hell; henry; high; himselfe; hold; holinesse; holy; honour; hood; hope; hornes; house; howsoeuer; ierusalem; iesuites; iesuiticall; iesus; iesus christ; image; imperiall; impious; indeede; iniquity; instances; iohn; iudgement; iurisdiction; iust; keepe; kind; king; kingdome; know; knowledge; large; lawes; lawfull; lay; learned; legions; lest; lib; library; life; light; like; little; loe; long; lord; maiestie; maiesty; maine; malice; man; marke; martyrs; matter; meane; meaning; mee; members; men; mercy; merit; minde; ministers; mischiefe; mortall; mother; mouth; mysterie; mystery; names; natiue; naturall; nature; nay; need; neuer; new; noble; non; notes; number; oath; obedience; occasion; old; onely; open; order; ouer; owne; pag; papall; passe; patience; paul; peace; people; perdition; periurie; pernitious; persecution; person; peter; phocas; pleased; pleasure; plot; pontifician; poore; pope; pope himselfe; popedome; popish; potent; power; practise; prayers; precious; predecessor; presence; present; priests; prince; promise; proofe; proper; prophet; proue; punishments; purchase; purgatorie; purpose; quarrell; queene; qui; quod; ready; rebellion; receiue; religion; resolution; rest; reuel; reward; righteousnesse; romane; rome; romish; royall; rule; sacred; safety; saint; sake; saluation; saying; scepter; scriptures; sea; seat; secure; seeme; senate; sense; seruants; set; setting; shee; siluer; sinne; sit; solemne; sollicitous; sonnes; sons; soueraigne; soules; sound; spaine; spaniard; spanish; speake; speciall; speech; spirit; spirituall; state; stead; strength; strong; subiects; successour; suffer; summe; supremacie; sure; sweet; sword; taking; tcp; temple; temporall; text; thee; themselues; thess; things; thinke; thou; throne; time; title; tongue; tortura; traitors; treason; treasures; trent; tribute; triumphant; triumphs; true; trust; truth; turne; vertue; vicar; vigilant; violence; vnder; vnlawfull; vnlesse; vnto; vnworthy; vobis; vos; vowes; vpon; vrban; vse; way; wee; whereof; wicked; wise; wished; wit; words; worke; world; worship; worthy; yea; yee; yoake; zeale cache: A69022.xml plain text: A69022.txt item: #380 of 416 id: A69164 author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. title: Saint Austins religion VVherein is manifestly proued out of the vvorks of that learned Father, that he dissented from popery, and agreed with the religion of the Protestants in all the maine points of faith and doctrine. Contrary to that impudent, erronious, and slanderous position of the bragging papists of our times, who falsely affirme, we had no religion before the times of Luther and Caluine. date: 1624.0 words: 16085 flesch: 82 summary: c Tollet the Iesuite sayeth , That hee will beleeue neither Augustine , nor Ambrose , nor Chrysostome , nor Theodoret , nor Photius : the like ●steeme they haue of Cyprian , Gregorie , Beda , and the rest , i● in any poynt they make against them , and their doctrine . If your Teachers will bee tryed neither by Scriptures , nor Fathers , nor Pope , Saint Augustine will hardly preuaile : yet because they boa●● to you , that all the Fathers were Papistes , and especially Saint Augustine , ye shall doe well for your better satisfaction , and the triall of their spirits , to read this insuing Treatise , most faithfully and painfully collected from his writings , and for your ease digested into a few sheetes of paper . keywords: aboue; africa; againe; alexander; angels; anno; answer; apostles; appeale; apud; art; assertion; augustine; austin; authoritie; azorius; bee; beleeue; bell; bellarmine; best; better; betweene; bishops; bloud; body; books; bragging; canonicall; cap; cardinall; catholica; catholike; cause; certaine; characters; christ; church; clergy; co ●; comment; communion; confess; contrary; controuersie; copies; corpus; councell; credit; cum; damni; day; dayes; decreed; dei; deo; deuill; doctors; doctrine; doe; domini; donatists; doth; early; ecclesia; eebo; eius; encoding; end; english; epistle; erre; erronious; esse; est; etiam; euen; euery; farre; fathers; fellow; fide; flesh; free; generall; giue; god; gods; good; great; greeke; haue; heb; hebrew; hee; hell; himselfe; hoc; hold; holy; ideo; ierom; iesuite; ignorance; illa; images; impudent; ipsum; iudgement; keepe; knowledge; knowne; latine; lawfull; lib; libertie; loco; lord; ma ●; maine; man; mariages; mary; masse; meaning; meate; men; moral; n ●; nay; nec; neuer; new; nisi; non; nos; omnia; onely; online; opinion; originall; ouer; owne; oxford; p ●; pag; papists; partnership; patrum; paul; peccata; peter; phase; place; plaine; poena; points; pont; pope; popery; position; potius; poyson; priest; proofe; protestants; quae; quam; question; qui; quia; quod; r ●; reason; receiue; religion; rhem; rome; s. austin; sacrament; sacrifice; saint; saint austin; saith; saith s.; saluation; sauiour; saying; scripture; second; sect; sed; seeke; sensus; set; shew; sic; sinne; soules; sound; spake; speciall; spirituall; stapleton; subiect; sunt; super; tcp; teach; tei; testimony; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; times; tract; true; truth; u ●; vbi; vel; verbis; viz; vnderstand; vnto; vpon; vulgat; way; wee; words; workes; world; writings; xml; ▪ ●; ● d; ● e; ● m; ● o; ● t; ● ● cache: A69164.xml plain text: A69164.txt item: #381 of 416 id: A69250 author: Bonnivet, Henri Marc de Gouffier, Marquis de, d. 1589. Declaration de Henri-Marc de Gouffier. aut title: Newes from France containing tvvo declarations of two new conuerts from the Church of Rome to the reformed churches of France: the former made by Master M. du Tertrf [sic], Lord de la Motthe Luyne, late preacher amongst the order of the Capucins vnder the name of F. Firmin, &c. at Saumur on the 27. of May last: the latter by the Marquise Boniuet, Lord of Creuecœur, &c. at Rochell on the seuenth of August last. Both translated out of the seuerall French copies into English by E.M. of Christ-Church in Oxford. Whereunto is added an English letter sent from Paris by an English gentleman to his friend in England, touching the late surprisall and imprisonment of the Prince of Conde, which happened on the 22. of August last. date: 1616.0 words: 22825 flesch: 50 summary: For in stead of acknowledging with the Scripture ( which teacheth it vs ) that of our owne nature , being dead in our sins , vnable to frame euen a good thought , and bring forth of our selues any good thing , by reason that the whole imagination of mans heart is set vpon nothing but euill at all times euen from his youth ; God hereupon doth baptise vs not onely with water , but principally with the holy Ghost , by the which correcting and mortifying by little and little the corruption of our nature , infected with the sinne which we bring with vs from the belly of our mother , of vnbeleeuers , impenitent , rebellious , wilfull , and disobedient to his commandements and precepts , such as wee are of our selues and of our owne nature , he makes vs to beleeue his truth , takes from vs the hardnesse of our hearts , makes vs flexible and pliable vnder the yoake of his lawes , and of his obedience , that so renouncing all vnfruitfull workes of sinne and darknesse , we may liue as true children of light in righteousnesse and true holinesse : in stead ( I say ) of acknowledging , teaching , and carefully vrging this , they doe the quite contrary , 1. extenuating ( as I haue already said ) and diminishing as farre as they are able , this naturall corruption and originall sinne which is in vs , saying that it is but a light infirmitie , spirituall languor , and weaknesse of nature , which makes vs indeed backward and slow in good , but not dead to all good , and quicke and ready to all euill : 2. attributing to the water , salt and spittle , and other such like things of baptisme , the mortification of that naturall corruption in vs , and not rather to the merit of Iesus Christ our Sauiour , and to the power and efficacie of his death and passion : 3. in that , that seeming to acknowledge the grace of God to be necessary for the healing of this euill , yet in effect they doe quite disanull this , and attribute it to themselues , and to the force and power of their free-will : 1. in that they imagine that in man , by the force and power of his nature , there are some preparatiues and dispositions to receiue this grace , and consequently that there are in him certaine merits of congruitie ; so that with them the cause why God offereth and presenteth his grace to one and not to another , is because the one is well prepared , ( of himselfe , you must vnderstand , and not by the grace of God , seeing he prepares and disposes himselfe for to receiue it ) and the other is not : as if man being so miserably corrupted as hee is , could of himselfe doe any thing that might deserue grace de congruo , as they speake , that is , might binde God by way of honestie and conueniencie , to bestow vpon him his grace : 2. in that they make this grace to bee such , as that all the vertue and efficacie thereof depends wholly vpon the libertie of man , which in effect is to make this grace idle and vnprofitable : for how can any man call that medicine sufficient , and effectual for the healing of a maladie , which can doe no good without one certaine ingredient ? Now do they make the grace of God like to this medicine ; it can doe nothing ( as they say ) nor worke in vs without the force and vertue of our free-will , which is the chiefe ingredient , according to them , which giueth force and efficacie to this spiritual medicine . His offices are many and in a great number , as I haue said ( yea almost infinite , and hee would neuer haue done , that will recount them and stand vpon each of them in particular ) but they may all notwithstanding be reduced to these two specials and particulars ; which he hath purchased vs by his death and passion , and merited by the effusion of his precious bloud , our Iustification and Sanctification , which God promiseth to his people in that new couenant , which he foretelleth by Ieremy , 31. and 32. that hee was to make with them , rehearsed by the Apostle to the Hebrewes , 8. and the 10. keywords: able; acknowledge; actions; affection; apostle; assured; august; bee; beleeue; bloud; body; cause; certaine; change; chiefe; children; christ; church; contrary; daily; day; dead; death; declaration; deliuer; desire; deuotion; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; end; english; eternall; euen; euerlasting; euery; faith; farre; father; fire; france; free; french; giue; glory; god; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; great; greatnesse; ground; hands; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; heauenly; hee; himselfe; holy; honour; humane; iesus; infinite; iohn; iudge; iust; keepe; kingdome; knowne; late; law; lesse; life; light; like; little; longer; lord; loue; maiesty; man; manner; master; meanes; mee; men; mercy; merit; minde; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; neighbour; neuer; newes; onely; order; ouer; outward; owne; oxford; pardon; paris; particular; paul; perfection; place; poore; power; present; priest; prince; punishment; purpose; reason; receiue; religion; rom; sacrifice; said; saluation; sauiour; scripture; second; selfe; seruice; set; shew; sinnes; sonne; soule; spirit; stand; substance; sufficient; tcp; text; themselues; things; thinke; thought; time; true; truth; vnder; vnto; vpon; way; wee; whereof; words; workes; world; worship; yea cache: A69250.xml plain text: A69250.txt item: #382 of 416 id: A69679 author: Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. title: Popery, or, The principles & positions approved by the Church of Rome (when really believ'd and practis'd) are very dangerous to all and to Protestant kings and supreme powers, more especially pernicious, and inconsistent with that loyalty, which (by the law of nature and scripture) is indispensably due to supreme powers, in a letter to a person of honor / by T. Ld Bishop of Lincoln. date: 1679.0 words: 37394 flesch: 69 summary: 1661. &c. a So Bellarm●●● , Longas à Coriolano , Rives , &c. b Corpus Juris Canonici Lugduni . 1661. 2. That the Pope ( as Pope ) has TEMPORAL POWER . keywords: absolute; account; act; adherents; aforesaid; alius; allegiance; anathema; anathematiz'd; annal; anno; annum; answer; apostle; approved; apud; archbishop; arms; authentique; authoritate; authority; authors; barbarous; belief; best; bishops; blessed; blessing; bloody; body; book; bring; bull; bullam; bullario; bullarium; bzovius; caesar; canon; canonici; canonists; cap; caput; cardinal; case; catholick; catholique; caus; certain; chapter; christian; church; civil; clergy; coenae; col; command; concilio; confirm'd; conscience; consent; consequences; conspiracies; conspiracy; constance; constitutions; contra; contrary; council; crime; crown; cujuscunque; cum; curse; damn'd; damnable; dangerous; dat; death; debet; decrees; decretal; dei; deponi; deposed; deposing; deposition; design; destructive; deus; dicto; dictum; dignitate; dignity; dispence; divine; doctrine; dominions; duty; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; ecclesiastiques; edit; editions; eebo; eighth; ejus; elizabeth; eminent; emperors; empire; england; english; eorum; erroneous; est; establish'd; etiam; evidence; evident; excommunication; execution; express; extra; extravagant; faith; famous; fathers; favour; fidei; fidelitatis; fidelity; fifth; form; fourth; france; french; gelasius; general; gloss; god; good; government; gracious; gratian; great; greater; greatest; gregorius; gregory; ground; gun; haereticos; head; heaven; hen; henry; heretical; heretiques; high; hoc; honor; hope; horrid; ibid; ibidem; imperator; imperial; impiety; impious; inconsistent; index; infallible; inferior; innocent; innocentius; instance; interest; ipso; james; jesuites; john; judge; judgment; juramento; jure; jurejurando; juris; jurisdiction; kingdoms; kings; lateran; law; lawfully; laws; lay; learned; lemma; letter; lib; life; like; little; london; lord; loyalty; lugduni; major; manifest; margent; martyrs; mean; meaning; men; mention'd; miscall; monarchy; murder; nation; natural; nature; nay; nec; need; ninth; nisi; note; notice; oath; obedience; obligation; oecumenical; omnes; omnia; omnibus; omnium; onely; opinion; pag; pagan; papa; papists; paris; parliament; particular; party; pass; paul; people; pernicious; persons; peter; pii; pius; place; pontifex; pontificis; pope; pope gregory; pope innocent; popery; popish; popish principles; positions; possunt; potest; potestas; potestatem; power; practice; prejudicial; premises; pretended; priest; princes; principles; print; private; prodigious; profess; professionis; promise; proof; proposition; protestant; providence; publish'd; purpose; quaest; quam; queen; qui; quod; reason; rebellious; received; referr'd; reformat; regal; reges; regia; religion; respect; rex; rights; roman; romanum; rome; royal; ruine; sacred; sad; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; sayes; scripture; second; sect; secular; sentence; sententia; sess; set; seu; seventh; short; sic; simanca; sin; singular; sober; soever; sole; solicitae; souls; state; statutes; subjects; successors; sunt; superior; supremacy; supreme; sure; tcp; temporal; testimonies; text; things; thirteenth; time; title; tom; traiterous; trent; trident; true; truth; tyrannus; tyrant; use; vast; vel; verbo; vicar; vid; way; words; work; world; writers; year; ● ● cache: A69679.xml plain text: A69679.txt item: #383 of 416 id: A69762 author: Clagett, Nicholas, 1654-1727. title: A perswasive to an ingenuous tryal of opinions in religion date: 1685.0 words: 19748 flesch: 59 summary: And we see by experience that hatred and ill will , and looseness of life , gains ground more by the Schisms that are amongst Christians , than by any thing else ; and no wonder , since men that are of different and opposite Communions do not use to love one another ; and vicious persons do not value the Communion of a true Church , nor care if for their ill manners they be turned out of it , when they can take Sanctuary in a pretended Church of another Communion , that makes as loud a claim to all the Priviledges of a Chruch-Society as that Church can do from which they have divided themselves . And there are three sorts of men who fail of knowing the truth , for want of due endeavours to find it out . keywords: answer; authority; best; better; body; books; care; cases; cause; christian; church; common; communion; conscience; consequence; contrary; dangerous; difference; difficult; diligence; discourse; divine; doctrine; doth; duty; end; england; english; errour; examination; examining; faith; false; god; gods; good; great; grounds; guides; hard; hath; heresies; holy; honest; inquire; interest; judge; judgment; knowledge; laws; liberty; life; like; little; love; man; matters; meaning; means; men; mind; natural; necessary; onely; opinions; pains; people; persons; place; plain; power; present; pretence; question; reading; reason; reasonable; religion; right; rome; rule; salvation; scripture; self; selves; sence; separate; separation; shew; sort; state; tcp; text; things; time; true; truth; tryal; understanding; use; want; way; words; work; world; worldly cache: A69762.xml plain text: A69762.txt item: #384 of 416 id: A69901 author: Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634. title: England's independency upon the papal power historically and judicially stated by Sr. John Davis ... and by Sr. Edward Coke ... in two reports, selected from their greater volumes ; with a preface written by Sir John Pettus, Knight. date: 1674.0 words: 34405 flesch: 52 summary: year of King Henry the 8. that is to say , by the King , 24 Bishops , 29 Abbots and Priors , for so many were then Lords of Parliament , by all the Lords Temporal and the Commons in that Parliament assembled , it is declared , That where by divers sundry old authentick Histories and Chronicles it was manifestly declared and expressed , that this Realm of England is an Empire , and so hath been accepted in the world , governed by one Supreme Head and King , having the Dignity and Royal estate of the Imperial Crown of the same , unto whom a Body politick compact of all sorts and degrees of people , divided in terms and by names of Spiritualty and Temporalty , been bound , and ought to bear , next to God , a natural and humble obedience ; he being also institute and furnished by the goodness and furtherance of Almighty God with plenary , whole and entire Power , Preheminence , Authority , Prerogative and Jurisdiction , to render and yield Justice and final determination to all manner of folk resiants or subjects within this his Realm , in all causes , matters , debates and contentions happening to occur , insurge or begin within the limits thereof , without restraint or provocation to any forrein Princes or Potentates of the world : The Body Spiritual whereof having power , when any cause of the Law Divine happened to come in question , or of Spiritual learning , that it was declared , interpreted and shewed by that part of the said Body politick , called the Spiritualty , then being usually called the English Church , which alwaies had been reputed and also found of that sort , that both for knowledge , integrity , and sufficiency of number , it had been always thought , and was also at that hour sufficient and meet of it self , without the intermeddling of any exteriour person or persons , to declare and determine all such doubts , and to administer all such offices and duties as to the rank spiritual did appertain . Neither would ever magnanimous King of England , fithence the first establishment of this Monarchy , have suffered any ( especially being his own natural-born Subjects ) to live , that perswaded his Subjects that he was no lawfull King , and practised with them ( within the heart of this Realm ) to withdraw them from their Allegeance and Loyalty to their Sovereign , the same being crimen laesae Majestatis by the ancient Laws of this Realm . keywords: abbot; absolute; act; acts; aforesaid; allegeance; ancient; answer; appeals; appeareth; archbishop; assent; authority; barons; benefices; bishop; bishopricks; body; books; bull; caesar; canterbury; cap; case; causes; certain; charter; chief; christian; church; churches; civil; clergie; clergy; clerks; colour; commissioners; common; confession; conquest; conscience; consent; contempt; contrary; council; court; crown; customes; day; deprivation; deprived; destruction; dignity; dispensations; divers; divine; dominions; doth; ecclesiasticall; ecclesiasticall jurisdiction; ecclesiasticall laws; effect; election; eliz; emperour; end; england; english; examination; excommunication; execution; fol; force; form; forrein; free; generall; god; good; grant; great; greater; hands; hath; head; heirs; high; holden; holy; honour; imperial; instrument; ireland; john; judgement; judges; jurisdiction; justice; king; king edward; king henry; king john; kingdome; known; lalor; large; laws; learned; legates; letters; liberties; licence; like; long; lord; majestie; majesty; manner; matrimony; matter; means; mischiefs; monarchy; natural; nature; non; notwithstanding; oath; obedience; offence; office; onely; order; ordinary; papal; parliament; particular; parts; patents; people; persons; place; plaintif; points; pope; power; prayer; prelates; present; priests; princes; progenitors; provisions; queen; question; quod; realm; record; regalty; reign; religion; religious; respect; rich; richard; right; rome; royall; said; said bishop; said queen; said realm; saith; seal; second; secular; self; sentence; service; set; severall; sir; sovereign; spiritual; state; statute; subjects; successors; sundry; supreme; tcp; temporal; text; thenceforth; thereof; things; thought; time; tit; tithes; title; touching; treason; true; usurpation; usurped; vicar; vide; void; william; wise; world; writing; year cache: A69901.xml plain text: A69901.txt item: #385 of 416 id: A69914 author: Danson, Thomas, d. 1694. title: Eikōn tou thēriou, or, The image of the beast shewing by a paralell scheme what a conformist the Church of Rome is to the pagan, and what a nonconformist to the Christian church in i'ts [sic] rites, service and ceremonys, the better to exemplify the true and false church / by T.D. date: 1684.0 words: 4812 flesch: 66 summary: Families , Orders , Sick Persons ; As Divus Neptunus for Mariners , Divus Pan for Shepherds , Diva Pales for Husbandmen , Diva Flora for the Curtisan , Diva Diana for the Huntsmen , Divus Esculapius for the Physitian , Divus Bacchus for the Good fellow , Divus Mercurius for Tradsmen ; They had gods for every Family , Country City , Decease , as Cant , sicat , Era , &c. Besides the Supreame God Jehovah , the Governour of Heaven and Earth they pretend to Worship , they have diverse inferior Deities , Gods and Goddesses whom they divinely Worship , viz. keywords: altars; better; books; ceremonys; characters; christ; christian; church; days; dedicated; diana; diocess; diva; divus; early; earth; ecclesiastical; eebo; english; feast; gods; great; head; heaven; high; holy; honour; house; image; inferior; lord; mass; members; musick; names; new; oblations; orders; pagan; papal; paralell; parts; place; priests; rest; rites; rome; scheme; service; tcp; tei; temple; text; things; thomas; thou; time; true; viz; worship cache: A69914.xml plain text: A69914.txt item: #386 of 416 id: A69915 author: Danson, Thomas, d. 1694. title: A plea for the Non-Conformists giving the true state of the dissenters case, and how far the Conformists separation from the Church of Rome, for their Popish superstitions and traditions introduced into the service of God, justifies the Non-Conformists separation from them for the same : in a letter to Dr. Benjamin Calamy, upon his sermon, called, Scrupulous conscience, inviting hereto : to which is added, A parallel scheme of the pagan, papal and Christian rites and ceremonies : with a narrative of the sufferings underwent for writing, printing and publishing hereof / by Thomas De Laune. date: 1684.0 words: 47862 flesch: 65 summary: The Queen [ Who held it for a Maxim , that she ought not to be more Remiss in Ecclesiastical Affairs ] advancing Whitgift from the Sea of Worcester to that of Canterbury ; above all Commanded him to Re-establish the Discipline of the Church of England , that as then lay Dismembred by the connivency of Prelates , The Obstinacy of Innovators , and by the Power of some Great Ones , whilst some Ministers using to their own fancy , new Rites of Services in their private houses , utterly Condemning the Liturgy , and the Appointed Manner of Administring the Sacrament , as being in many things contrary to the Scripture , and therefore many refused to go to Church , to Abolish which things , and to reduce them in unity , Whitgift propounded three Articles to the Ministers by them to be Subscribed , but [ adds Cambden ] 'T is ●●credible what Controversies and Disputations arose upon this , what Troubles Whitgift suffered of certain Noble Men , &c. How the said Whitgift vexed the poor Dissenters , what Letters were writ to him from the Counsel and Treasurer Cicil upon their complaints , and his Answers , you have at large in a late piece called the Harmony between the old and present Nonconformists , some small abridgment thereof take as followeth , not unworthy of your notice , viz. p. 468 says thus ▪ For undoubtedly our Her●ieal Reformers did not , as is the use of some act , out of peevishnes● and spight , and please their own humour and impetuosity of Spirit , as being part of the chaste Spouse of Christ , the true Apostolick Church , the Mother of us all , deals as a Mother with all those that profess themselves in any sense Children of Christ's Church , and therefore would not have them , divided more than needs ; whence it is , that out of a spirit of Charity and tender Kindness , she has in some things in themselves Indifferent , ( & what Indifferent things they are you have heard ) humbly condescended to symbolize with that lapsed Lady of Rome , to bring off her abused Paramours to the pure Worship of God ; which Condescension , as is well known , took good effect for some space of Years , and the Catholicks joyned in publick prayer and service with us [ and well they might , being as our three Kings have granted so much their own , only in the English tongue ] till that Harlot that makes nothing of having her Children divided , forcibly rent off the English Roman Catholick from so reasonable and Christian a Communion ; and yet , saith he , does not our Church cease to use this charitable Courtship and sweet Condescension towards them still , keywords: account; acts; adding; additions; altar; alterations; ancient; anno; answer; antiquity; apostles; arch; arguments; articles; austin; authority; baptism; baptizing; better; bible; bishop; body; book; bowing; brethren; calamy; cause; century; ceremonies; certain; charge; charity; children; christ; christian; church; churches; city; collects; command; common; communion; confession; confirmation; conformists; conscience; contrary; cor; councils; country; court; creed; cross; days; deacons; dead; december; declaration; declared; dedicated; delaune; desire; devils; direction; disciples; dissenters; divers; divine; doctor; doctrine; doth; earth; easter; ecclesiastical; edward; eebo; elizabeth; end; enemies; england; english; epistles; errors; evil; exercise; false; father; feasts; festivals; following; force; form; forth; general; god; gods; good; gospels; government; great; greatest; gregory; ground; guides; guilty; hand; hath; head; heathen; heaven; high; holy; honour; house; idolatry; images; imposing; imposition; indictment; indifferent; infants; inferior; innocent; instances; inventions; january; jeroboam; jesus; jews; john; judge; judgment; justice; kind; king; kingdom; kneeling; known; late; laune; law; lawful; laws; learned; lessons; letanies; liberty; life; like; little; liturgy; london; long; lord; love; luke; majesty; making; man; manifest; manner; marriage; mary; mass; matter; members; men; mercy; merits; mind; ministers; mother; musick; names; narrative; nation; nature; necessary; negative; new; nihil; non; nonconformists; novelty; number; obedience; objection; office; old; opinion; order; organs; original; pagan; page; papal; papists; particulars; parts; pattern; paul; people; persecution; persons; peter; place; plain; platina; plea; point; pope; popery; popish; power; practice; prayer; present; press; priesthood; priests; primitive; principal; principle; private; protestant; psalms; publick; pure; purpose; queen; question; reading; reason; rebellion; received; reconciler; reformation; reformers; religion; rest; reverence; right; rites; rogation; roman; rome; romish; rubrick; rule; sacrament; said; saints; saith; sake; saying; scheme; scripture; scrupulous; second; sedition; seditious; self; selves; sence; separation; sermon; service; set; shew; sides; sign; singing; sins; sir; spirit; state; stillingfleet; subjects; sufferings; sunday; superstitions; supper; surplice; symbolizing; tcp; temples; tender; tertullian; testament; text; things; think; thomas; thou; thy; times; traditions; true; truth; unlawful; vain; vigil; viz; warrant; water; way; weeks; whereof; witness; words; work; world; worship; worthy; writing; years; ● ● cache: A69915.xml plain text: A69915.txt item: #387 of 416 id: A70021 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: At the court at Whitehal, September the 11th 1667 by His Majesty and the lords of His Majesties Most Honorable Privy Council. date: 1667.0 words: 1114 flesch: 63 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A70021) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 43361) keywords: books; characters; council; early; eebo; england; english; image; majesties; majesty; online; oxford; partnership; phase; privy; queen; tcp; tei; text; xml cache: A70021.xml plain text: A70021.txt item: #388 of 416 id: A70494 author: Catholicke spy. title: Looke about you the plot of Contzen, the Moguntine Jesuite, to cheate a church of the religion established therein and to serve in popery by art without noise or tumult. date: 1641.0 words: 11099 flesch: 67 summary: But now men begin againe to love the old Religion . But this course is by no meanes to be approved : for if a Conference be once appointed , each part ought to have its liberty and all advantages allowed entire , because , if men shall be borne downe by the power of the stronger side , the Victors shall ever be esteemed to have had the worst cause . keywords: ancient; arminians; art; authority; backe; bee; bishops; calvinists; care; cause; change; christ; church; clergy; common; contzen; conversation; course; difficult; dignities; discipline; doe; english; error; evill; example; faith; farre; force; germany; god; gods; good; great; hands; hath; heart; hee; heresies; hereticks; himselfe; hope; iesuite; law; lawes; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; love; lutheranisme; lutherans; magistrate; man; manners; matter; meanes; men; mens; minds; ministers; moguntine; musicke; new; old; open; opinion; orthodox; owne; peace; people; persecution; pious; places; plot; popery; power; prelates; prince; private; publique; reformed; religion; rest; ruine; rule; seeme; selfe; set; sinnes; soone; soules; teachers; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; tumult; unlesse; vertue; way; wealth; wickednesse; wing; words; worke; world cache: A70494.xml plain text: A70494.txt item: #389 of 416 id: A70861 author: Ussher, James, 1581-1656. title: Prophecys concerning the return of popery into England, Scotland and Ireland by Arch-bishop Usher, Mr. Herbert, Dr. D. Pareus ... [et. al.] date: 1682.0 words: 11008 flesch: 37 summary: If the tossed Romanists run to the spruce and self-conceited Independents for shelter , because these fine new Masters seem to have patents for Christian Liberty , and urge a Magna Charta from Christ , to be accountable to none in matters of Religion , but their own little Congregation , Church , or Body , in which , as in an Ecclesiastick Corporation or free Borough of Religion , they may hang and draw , exercise high and low Justice upon mens souls as they list in their little Conventicles ; yet here the poor Papist finds so much of a rude and exotick novelty , such a grosse shew of Schisme , such variety , such an inconsistency , such a plebeian petulancy , such pitiful and ridiculous affections , and arrogating of Church-power in some of the plebs , and such contempt of it in others , that he cannot think it is other than some pieces of Josephs bloody coat , or some torn limbs of his body . For among these there are a sort of people who affect Supremacy in Church and state too , a spiritual and temporal Dominion , no lesse than doth the Pope of Rome : there among them many petty Popes , who would fain be the great and onely Dictators of Religion , whose opinionative pride and projects are as yet of a lesse volume and blinder print , but they every day mediate and agitate new Editions of their power , and larger additions to their parties and designs ; being as infallible in their own conceits , as imperious in their spirits , and magisterial in their censures , as the proudest Popes of Rome ; not doubting to condemn and excommunicate any private Christians and Ministers , yea whole Christian Churches , yea and the best Reformed in the world ( such as England was ) , if they be not just of their form and fashion , or if they will not patiently submit to their multiform and deformed Reformations , by which they daily with-draw true Reformation to such a small thread , that losing its strength and integrity , it must needs snap in pieces and become uselesse : the strange fires of blind , popular , preposterous and sacrilegious Zeal so over-boyling true Religion and sober Reformation , till they are utterly confounded and quenched with such fordid and shamefull deformities , as must needs follow their Divisions , Distractions and Despiciencies , as to all Church-order , Christian unity and Ministerial authority . keywords: able; advantages; arch; authority; best; bishops; books; bread; catholick; characters; christ; christians; church; churches; common; communion; confusion; conscience; daily; discipline; divided; divisions; doctrine; doth; early; eebo; enemy; england; english; errours; factions; fall; fathers; fear; god; good; gospel; government; great; hands; hath; high; holy; honour; house; ignorance; images; ireland; late; learned; learning; liberty; light; long; lord; malice; men; ministers; ministry; nation; needs; new; onely; opinions; order; orderly; outward; papal; papists; parties; party; peace; people; persecution; petty; piety; popery; popes; popish; posterity; power; professors; reason; reformation; reformed; religion; return; roman; rome; romish; scotland; scripture; sea; sects; self; set; sober; strange; strength; superstition; sure; tcp; tei; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; unity; waters; way; wine; wise; work; world; years cache: A70861.xml plain text: A70861.txt item: #390 of 416 id: A70924 author: C. D. R. title: Romes destruction, or, Expresse texts and necessary consequences drawn out of the word of God, for the condemning of the doctrine of the Roman church, and justifying of that of the reformed churches first written in French, by C.D.R., a French noble-man ; and now published in English, at the solicitation of divers religious men of this nation by Jam. Mountaine. date: 1641.0 words: 27232 flesch: 76 summary: In a word , Christ and his Apostles , in many places doe send us to the written Word of God , but never to an unwritten word , or humane Traditions : But rather on the contrary , S. Paul exhorteth the faithfull to take heed least they be surprised by the Traditions and vain deceits of men . Let our Adversaries now deny as much as they will , That all our merit is in one Christ alone , and let them establish other merits in their works : as for our selves , we will remain constant to that , being assured that by Christ his onely merits , obedience and satisfaction , we are absolved and justified before God : which thing the Prophet Esay teacheth us when hee saith , That he was wounded for our transgressions , and that the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all , Esay 53. and so doth the Apostle S. Paul , saying , That the Mediator is one between God and man , the man Christ Jesus : who gave himself a ransome for all , 1. Tim. 2. 5. 6. and Saint John teacheth it also plainly , when he saith , That Jesus Christ the Righteous is the propitiation for our sinnes , 1. Epist. keywords: able; adoration; adversaries; answer; apostles; articles; aske; blood; body; bread; broken; chap; christ; christ saith; church; commandement; consequences; consequent; contrary; cor; crosse; cup; death; disciples; divers; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; drinke; esay; eternall; expresse; faithfull; false; father; figure; flesh; followeth; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; guilt; hath; head; heaven; hee; himselfe; holy; idolatry; images; item; jesus; jesus christ; john; justice; king; law; life; like; lord; man; masse; means; mediator; melchisedeck; men; merit; necessary; new; onely; order; paul; people; peter; places; pope; power; pretended; priest; prince; punishment; rock; roman; sacrament; sacrifice; said; saint; saith; salvation; satisfaction; satisfie; scripture; shew; signifieth; sinne; spirit; spirituall; supper; teacheth; testament; texts; thing; tradition; true; truth; unwritten; vain; whatsoever; wine; word; works; worship; yee cache: A70924.xml plain text: A70924.txt item: #391 of 416 id: A71070 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: An answer to several late treatises, occasioned by a book entituled A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the hazard of salvation in the communion of it. The first part by Edward Stillingfleet ... date: 1673.0 words: 83814 flesch: 59 summary: ●●ist . G●●ad . de E●cl●s d●gmat . keywords: absolute; account; acts; adoration; adversaries; adversary; agreeable; ancient; ancient church; answer; answering; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; appeal; arch; argument; arians; articles; assent; assistance; assurance; attrition; augustin; authority; baptism; bare; baronius; beginning; belief; believe; best; better; bishop; body; book; bounds; capable; case; catholick church; certain; certainty; challenge; charge; charity; christian church; christian faith; christianity; christians; church; church authority; church hath; churches; churches infallibility; clear; coming; command; common; communion; competent; consent; consequence; contradiction; contrary; contrition; controversies; controversy; controverted; corruptions; council; creeds; danger; dangerous; dare; decrees; defence; design; desire; difference; difficulty; discourse; dispute; divided; divine; divisions; doctrine; donatists; doth; doubtful; eastern; ecclesiastical; effectual; end; endeavour; england; enquire; errours; evidence; evident; excellent; expressions; external; faith; false; fanaticism; farther; fathers; finding; fit; following; force; foundation; free; fundamental; general; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; greek; greek church; ground; guides; guilty; hard; hath; heaven; help; heresies; heresy; hereticks; hold; holy; honorius; honour; idolatry; ignorant; images; infallibility; infallible; infallible church; infallible guides; inspired; irenaeus; jesuits; judge; judgement; kind; know; large; late; law; lawful; lay; learned; leave; left; life; like; little; live; long; love; lyes; main; making; mankind; manner; marcion; matters; meaning; means; meer; men; mind; miracles; moral; nature; nay; necessaries; necessary; necessity; need; new; nice; notice; notion; number; obedience; obscure; occasion; opinion; order; ordination; particular; particular church; parts; paul; peace; penance; people; persons; places; plain; point; pope; possibility; possible; power; practice; preface; present church; pretence; pretended; primitive church; principles; private; proof; proper; prophets; proposition; protestants; proves; proving; purpose; question; ready; reason; reformation; religion; repugnant; respect; rest; revelation; right; roman church; rome; rule; sacrament; saints; salvation; saying; scripture; second; sect; self; sense; sergius; set; shew; sides; skill; spirit; state; stillingfleet; subject; submission; sufficient; supposing; supposition; sure; tcp; terms; testimonies; testimony; text; things; think; thought; time; tradition; trent; true church; true god; true way; truth; understanding; unity; universal; use; vincentius; viz; vniversal church; want; way; ways; wisdom; wonder; words; world; worship; writers; writings; years; yield; ● ● cache: A71070.xml plain text: A71070.txt item: #392 of 416 id: A71074 author: Godden, Thomas, 1624-1688. title: A second letter to Mr. G. in answer to two letters lately published concerning the conference at the D. of P. date: 1687.0 words: 14732 flesch: 62 summary: If it be , that in doubtfull places he is to rely on his own Judgment , without making life of the best helps , then we pretend to no such thing ; for we assert the contrary , and do think in all doubtfull cases that persons are bound to make use of the best and most reasonable means for their satisfaction ; among which we not only reckon Prayer , Meditation , comparing Scripture and Expositors upon it , but the help of Spiritual Guides , and the Sense of the Primitive Church ; which our Church doth especially recommend , and which we look on as the best Arbitrator between us in all our Controversies about the sense of doubtfull places of Scripture . A second letter to Mr. G. in answer to two letters lately published concerning the conference at the D. of P. Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. 1687 Approx. keywords: absolute; account; answer; apostles; articles; books; canon; certainty; charge; christian; christian church; church; churches; conference; consent; copies; copy; desire; divine; doctrine; doth; faith; false; father; general; god; good; great; greek; ground; hath; hold; infallibility; infallible; instance; judge; letter; little; man; matters; meaning; necessary; new; onely; oral; persons; power; question; reason; rome; rule; salvation; scripture; second; self; sense; set; sufficient; tcp; testament; testimony; text; thing; time; tradition; true; universal; viz; way; word cache: A71074.xml plain text: A71074.txt item: #393 of 416 id: A71235 author: Wharton, Henry, 1664-1695. title: The pamphlet entituled, Speculum ecclesiasticum, or, An ecclestiastical prospective-glass, considered, in its false reasonings and quotations date: 1688.0 words: 10309 flesch: 62 summary: The Difference between the Church of England and the Church of Rome , in opposition to a late Book , Intituled , An Agreement between the Church of England and Church of Rome . The second our Church doth not condemn , only hath prudently omitted it in the publick Service , because it is a thing dubious in it self , and not approved by Scripture . keywords: 4to; 8vo; absolution; account; adversaries; age; ages; ambrose; ancient; answer; apology; apostles; augustin; author; bellarmin; bishops; blood; body; books; canons; catholick; cause; christ; church; churches; citeth; column; confession; council; day; doctrine; ecclesiasticum; eebo; elements; england; english; epistle; faith; false; general; glass; god; greater; hath; hierom; holy; judgment; labbe; late; learned; lord; manifest; men; mention; necessary; pamphlet; particular; passage; patriarchs; penance; peter; pin; pope; prayers; priest; prospective; prove; reason; received; roman; rome; said; saints; scripture; second; speculum; spurious; succession; tcp; testimonies; text; times; true; truth; universal; western; words; work; world; writer; writings cache: A71235.xml plain text: A71235.txt item: #394 of 416 id: A71330 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A preservative against popery. [Parts 1-2.] being some plain directions to unlearned Protestants, how to dispute with Romish priests, the first part / by Will. Sherlock ... date: 1688.0 words: 66956 flesch: 38 summary: But though we believe such things , when they are revealed by God , which Natural Reason could never have taught us , and which Natural Reason does not see the depths and mysteries of ; and therefore do not stint our Faith , and confine it within the narrow bounds of Natural Reason ; yet we use our Reason to distinguish a true from a counterfeit Revelation , and we use Reason to understand a Revelation ; and we Reason and Argue from revealed Principles , as we do from the Principles of Natural Knowledge : As from that Natural Principle , that there is but one God , we might conclude , without a Revelation , that we must Worship but one God : so from that revealed Doctrine of one Mediator between God and man , we may as safely conclude , that we must make our Applications , and offer up our Prayers and Petitions to God , onely by this one Mediator ; and so in other cases . And this can be known onely by Revelation ; for Reason cannot discover it , because it depends not upon any necessary Reason , but on the free and arbitrary appointment of God : as St. Paul tells us , That as no man knows the things of a man , but the spirit of man , that is in him ; so no man knoweth the things of God , but the spirit of God : That is , as no man can tell the secret thoughts and purposes of a man , nor how he will determine himself in matters of his own free choice and election : keywords: absurd; angels; answer; apostles; arguments; articles; assurance; authority; beings; best; better; bishop; bloud; body; books; cause; certain; certainty; cherubims; christ; christian; christian worship; church; churches; commandment; contradiction; contrary; corporeal; councils; curse; dead; death; deity; design; desire; difference; direct; dispute; disputing; divine; doctrine; earth; end; evidence; evident; expiation; express; external; faith; false; far; father; fire; flesh; forbid; forgiveness; general; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; heaven; hell; hereticks; high; holies; holiness; holy; hope; humane; idolatry; images; impossible; infallibility; infallible; infallible church; infinite; institution; intercession; interpreter; invisible; jerusalem; jesus; jewish; jews; john; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; late; law; laws; life; like; likeness; little; living; lord; love; man; mankind; mary; mass; matter; mediator; men; mens; mercy; merits; mind; mis; moses; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; notion; object; onely; papists; pardon; particular; peculiar; penitent; people; perfect; person; peter; pictures; place; plain; popery; popish; power; prayers; presence; present; priest; prince; principles; private; proof; protestant; proved; punishment; purgatory; purpose; reason; religion; religious; representations; revelation; righteousness; rites; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; satisfaction; saviour; scripture; seat; second; self; sense; sensible; signifie; sinners; sins; spirit; state; sufficient; supream god; supreme; sure; temple; temporal; text; things; thought; throne; time; traditions; transubstantiation; true; true god; truth; uncertain; understanding; unlearned; unwritten; use; vertue; virgin; visible; way; words; world; worship cache: A71330.xml plain text: A71330.txt item: #395 of 416 id: A73011 author: Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. title: Looke beyond Luther: or An ansvvere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire. date: 1623.0 words: 22510 flesch: 73 summary: TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL , Sir WALTER ERLE , Sir CLEMENT COTTEREL , KNIGHTS : And to their vertuous Ladies , euersoundnesse of Faith , with the power of Religion and constancie , in both most heartie wished . Right Worshipfull , I Should maruell to see any once professing the truth , to turne from the light vnto darkenes , from the true Worship and Religion of Christ , to the superstition and idolatrie of Antichrist , but that I read , that our first Parents beleeued Satan before God ; that men loue darkenesse more then the light , and that fornot louing the truth , and delighting in vnrighteousnesse , God giueth such ouer to beleeue lyes , that they may bee damned . keywords: able; acts; aduersaries; ancient; apostles; appeare; argument; austin; authoritie; baptisme; bee; beginning; beleeue; bishop; blessed; body; booke; bread; cap; catechisme; catholike; christ; christian; church; churches; common; conscience; contrary; cor; councels; creed; dayes; differences; doctrine; doe; doth; euen; euery; faith; fathers; generall; god; gods; good; great; hath; haue; head; hearts; heauen; heretikes; hold; holy; iesus; images; ioh; iudgement; kingdome; kings; knowledge; law; learned; lib; life; liue; lords; loue; luthers; maine; man; mans; marie; martyrs; matth; meanes; men; mens; neuer; new; obedience; onely; ouer; owne; particular; parts; people; persons; places; plaine; points; pope; power; prayer; present; present religion; professe; profession; prophets; protestants; proue; publike; reason; religion; respect; rest; reuel; right; romane; rome; romish; rule; sacraments; saint; schismatikes; scriptures; selfe; seruice; set; shew; sinnes; sorts; soules; sound; space; spirit; tcp; text; thee; theirs; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; virgin; vnder; vnitie; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; witnesse; word; worke; worship; writings; yea; yeeres cache: A73011.xml plain text: A73011.txt item: #396 of 416 id: A75805 author: Birchley, William, 1613-1669. title: The Catholiques plea, or An explanation of the Roman Catholick belief. Concerning their [brace] church, manner of worship, justification, civill governement. : Together with a catalogue of all the pœnall statutes against popish recusants. : All which is humbly submitted to serious consideration. / By a Catholick gentleman. date: 1659.0 words: 35139 flesch: 40 summary: As for the truth and power of Religion , it being 〈◊〉 thing intrinsecall between God and the Soul , and the matters of Faith in the Gospel being 〈◊〉 ●s no natural light doth reach unto , we conceive there is no human power of coercion thereunto , nor to restrain men from be●lieving what God suffers their judgements to be perswa●ded of . But in England , where compulsion upon the Conscience is decryed as the worst of slaveries ; to punish men so sharply for matters of Religion , contrary to the principles publickly received , is a course that must needs beget over all the world a strong suspition and prejudice against the honour and reputation of that State , which at the same time can practise such manifest contrad●ctions . keywords: abjuration; absolute; account; affected; answer; apostle; army; authority; bare; bee; belief; benefit; best; better; body; brethren; brother; case; catholick; catholiques; certain; charge; charity; children; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; clear; commissioners; committee; common; communion; conceive; condition; confesse; confidence; conformity; conscience; conscientious; consideration; contrary; council; country; crime; day; death; declaration; different; disabled; discourse; divers; doctrine; doe; duty; eliz; enemies; england; english; estates; evident; example; excellent; exercise; experience; expresse; faith; false; father; fear; fidelity; force; free; freedom; generall; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; government; great; ground; guilty; hall; hand; hard; hath; hearts; heaven; hee; high; hold; holy; honour; hope; house; humane; humble; husband; idolatry; image; interest; jac; judgement; justice; kind; kings; lands; late; law; laws; lesse; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; magistrates; man; manner; masse; master; matters; meeknesse; mens; mercy; merits; minded; moderate; nation; nature; nay; necessity; needs; new; non; oath; oathes; obedience; objection; observation; offer; old; onely; opinion; order; owne; paper; papists; parents; parliament; particular; parts; peace; peaceable; penalties; people; perfect; persecute; persecution; persons; petition; petitioners; points; poor; popish; possible; pounds; power; practice; presbyterian; present; principles; private; probable; proceedings; professe; promise; proof; protestants; publick; publique; purpose; quality; question; quiet; reason; reasonable; recusants; religion; religious; roman; ruine; sad; said; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; sayes; scotland; scripture; seas; second; security; self; selves; sense; sequestrations; sequestred; servants; service; set; severall; severe; severity; short; single; sir; small; soever; soul; spirit; spirituall; subject; sufficient; taking; tender; text; thing; thirds; thought; time; true; truth; tyranny; unlesse; use; way; wealth; wee; wife; william; word; worship; years; ● ● cache: A75805.xml plain text: A75805.txt item: #397 of 416 id: A75900 author: Abbot, George, 1562-1633. title: His Grace the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's address to His Majesty for the suppression of monasteries, fryeries, nunneries, and other popish seminaries, or allowing any general tolleration to the Roman Catholicks of England date: 1689.0 words: 1416 flesch: 61 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). His Grace the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's address to His Majesty for the suppression of monasteries, fryeries, nunneries, and other popish seminaries, or allowing any general tolleration to the Roman Catholicks of England Church of England. keywords: books; canterbury; characters; church; early; eebo; england; english; general; god; hath; image; majesty; online; oxford; partnership; phase; place; self; tcp; tei; text; wing cache: A75900.xml plain text: A75900.txt item: #398 of 416 id: A77267 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673, attributed name. title: The penitent pilgrim bemoning his sinfull condition. Faith appeares vnto him affording him comfort hope seconds that comfort charity promiseth him in this vaile of missery to cover all his scarlett sins wth: [sic] ye white robe of mercy, & conduct him safly to ye kingdome of glory. By Io: Hall date: 1651.0 words: 54568 flesch: 76 summary: O Lord open thou mine heart : and give mee understanding in all things : let mee open mine heart unto thee , and poure my selfe forth before thee : and suffer mee not to flatter my selfe in my transgressions , lest I perish eternally . I have none to fly unto but thee ; and so highly have I provoked thee ; that unlesse thou take pitty on mee , and receive mee for his blood , which was shed for mee , I am lost eternally . keywords: account; affected; afflicted; affliction; anguish; answer; appeare; article; aug; beauty; bed; bee; behold; beleeve; bern; best; better; blessed; blood; body; borne; bosome; breach; bread; brother; care; cause; chap; charity; children; christian; christs; church; cold; comfort; command; committed; company; compassion; concupiscence; condition; confesse; conscience; contempt; content; countrey; cover; crosse; cry; cure; daily; dangerous; day; dayes; dead; deare; death; delight; delinquent; desire; devotion; devout; didst thou; discourse; dishonour; divine; doe; dost; draw; drinke; duty; dye; earth; easie; end; enemies; enemy; estranged; evill; eye; eyes; face; faith; faithfull; false; family; farre; father; fearefull; feet; fire; fitting; flesh; fly; follow; folly; forth; free; friend; fury; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; grace; gracious; great; greatest; griefe; ground; guest; hand; harbour; harbourlesse; hard; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heavy; hell; helpe; high; himselfe; holy; home; honour; hope; house; humble; humour; hungry; idumaea; iesu; image; iniquity; iudgement; keepe; kingdome; know; knowledge; land; law; leave; left; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; looke; lord; losse; lost; love; maist; maker; man; manner; mans; master; meanes; med; mee; meeke; member; memory; men; mercy; mightst; mind; miserable; misery; morning; mouth; naked; nature; nay; necessity; neglect; neighbour; new; o lord; o thou; obedience; occasion; offences; office; onely; ones; open; outward; owne; penitent; perfect; performe; pilgrim; pitty; place; play; pleasure; poore; portion; power; practise; prayer; precious; prepared; presence; present; pride; private; promise; proud; quality; ready; reason; redeemer; remembrance; resolve; rest; returne; revenge; rich; righteousnesse; saint; sake; salvation; saviour; second; security; selfe; sense; service; set; shame; shee; short; sick; sinfull; sinne; small; sooner; sorrow; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; state; store; strange; strength; strong; subject; substance; suffering; sweet; taste; tcp; teares; tell; tender; text; thee; thine; thine heart; things; thirsty; thou; thou art; thou canst; thou mee; thou mightst; thou wouldest; thoughts; thy; time; title; touch; true; truth; unhappy; unlesse thou; vaine; vanity; view; voyce; walke; wandring; want; waters; way; weake; weaknesse; whatsoever; whereof; white; wilt; wilt thou; witnesse; woe; workes; world; worldly; worse; wounded; wounds; wrath; yea; yee cache: A77267.xml plain text: A77267.txt item: #399 of 416 id: A78818 author: Cole, William, title: The Irish cabinet: or His Majesties secret papers, for establishing the Papall clergy in Ireland, with other matters of high concernment, taken in the carriages of the Archbishop of Tuam, who was slain in the late fight at Sliggo in that kingdom. Together with two exact and full relations of the severall victories obtained by the Parliaments forces, through Gods blessing, in the same kingdom. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that His Majesties papers taken at Sliggo, be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. date: None words: 6838 flesch: 51 summary: The Irish cabinet: or His Majesties secret papers, for establishing the Papall clergy in Ireland, with other matters of high concernment, taken in the carriages of the Archbishop of Tuam, who was slain in the late fight at Sliggo in that kingdom. The Irish cabinet: or His Majesties secret papers, for establishing the Papall clergy in Ireland, with other matters of high concernment, taken in the carriages of the Archbishop of Tuam, who was slain in the late fight at Sliggo in that kingdom. keywords: act; archbishop; army; articles; behalf; captain; catholique; charles; clergie; clergy; cole; commissioners; commons; concessions; confederate; copie; day; dillon; earl; end; england; english; excellent; foot; forces; glamorgan; god; great; heirs; high; horse; ireland; irish; item; john; kingdom; lieutenant; lord; majesties; majesty; matters; miles; muskerry; novemb; order; papers; parliament; peace; present; prey; professors; rebels; religion; richard; right; rob; roman; roman catholique; said; said earl; said roman; service; sir; sligo; subjects; successors; text; time; troop; use; viscount; william cache: A78818.xml plain text: A78818.txt item: #400 of 416 id: A81339 author: Dering, Edward, Sir, 1598-1644. title: A discourse of proper sacrifice, in way of answer to A.B.C. Jesuite, another anonymus of Rome: whereunto the reason of the now publication, and many observable passages relating to these times are prefixed by way of preface: by Sr. Edvvard Dering Knight and baronet. date: 1644.0 words: 44645 flesch: 66 summary: Nec unquam , quod hodie de Athenis Atticis , dicatur de Anglicis : Scilicet inter 70. per totam Graeciam dialectos , omnium pessimam esse Athenarum : * {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . Interim , lamentis vix ejulare possum , quàm penitus mihi animus ingemit , de aetate hâc nimis ferreâ , quâ insula florentissima , pessum itura , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} peritura est : & territae Musae Athenas suas nesciturae sunt : Quippe flagrante diutiûs bello , aut morituras , aut abituras vereor . keywords: abraham; act; action; adde; affirm; altar; altari non; ancient; anonymus; answer; archbishop; argument; atque; augustine; authorities; authority; authour; b. c.; baker; bare; belief; bellarmine; best; better; better sacrifice; bishop; blessed; bloud; bodie; bodily; body; bold; book; bray; bread; calleth; calvin; cap; cardinall; care; cause; celebration; certain; chalice; change; chap; chapter; christ; christi non; christian; christian sacrifice; christus; chrysostome; church; civit; clear; common; communion; comparison; conclusion; confesse; confession; consecrated; consecration; content; controversie; corporall; corpus; crosse; cum; cyprian; daily; danger; david; day; dead; death; dei; deo; dering; desire; deus; difference; discourse; divine; divinity; doctour; doctrine; doth; doubt; drink; earth; edward; ejus; end; england; english; epistle; est; eucharist; eusebius; evident; example; excellent; exercise; expresse; externall; faithfull; farre; father; faustus; fit; flesh; friend; function; gentiles; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; great; great sacrifice; greek; haec; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heb; help; heylin; high; hoc; holy; hom; honour; house; ibid; ill; image; improper; incense; invisible; invisible sacrifice; inward; israel; jesuite; jesus; jews; john; kind; king; language; late; latine; law; lay; letters; lib; life; like; line; little; long; lord; malachy; manichees; manner; mark; martyrs; masse; materiall; mean; meaning; melchisedec; memory; mention; metaphoricall sacrifice; mind; missall sacrifice; mother; mysteries; mystery; names; naturall; nature; nay; near; nec; need; new; nobis; nomen; non; non convenit; non corporaliter; non nascitur; non nisi; non potest; non rei; non sacramentum; non solùm; number; oblation; obtulit; offer; offering; offertur; onely; order; pag; pagans; page; papist; parliament; passages; passion; paul; people; perfect; perfect sacrifice; period; person; peter; piety; place; plain; pocklington; point; pope; popery; power; praise; prayers; pregnant; preist; presence; present; pride; priest; priesthood; proof; proper sacrifice; prophet; propriè non; protestant; psal; publication; publick; pure; purpose; quae; question; qui; quia; quid; quod; quod non; rationall; reall; reason; reasonable; religion; remembrance; rest; return; reverence; right; roman; roman bishop; roman emperours; roman sense; rome; romish; sacerdos; sacrament; sacramentall; sacrifice; sacrifice doth; sacrificium; saints; saith; sanguis; saviour; saying; sed non; self; selves; sense; sermon; service; set; severall; shadows; sheets; shew; signe; signifie; similitude; singular; singular sacrifice; sinnes; sit; sonne; soul; speciall; spirituall; substance; substantiall; sunt; supper; table; temple; testament; text; theam; thee; thing; thought; time; title; transubstantiation; treatise; true; true sacrifice; truth; unbloudy; understanding; unlesse; unto; ut non; verum; visible; visible sacrifice; vocabulum; water; way; weak; whereof; wherewith; wine; wish; wit; word sacrifice; words; work; world; worship; worthy; years; young; ● ● cache: A81339.xml plain text: A81339.txt item: #401 of 416 id: A81350 author: Daillé, Jean, 1594-1670. title: An apologie for the Reformed churches wherein is shew'd the necessitie of their separation from the Church of Rome: against those who accuse them of making a schisme in Christendome. By John Daille pastor of the Reformed Church at Paris. Translated out of French. And a preface added; containing the judgement of an university-man, concerning Mr. Knot's last book against Mr. Chillingworth. date: 1653.0 words: 50670 flesch: 66 summary: Now to kneel before the Host of the Church of Rome , to uncover the head , and prostrate the body to the earth , at the sound of a little bell , or to go in procession after it on the day of its Feast ; or to deck a mans lodging with hangings against it passe by , and other actions like to these , are the plain and ordinary signes , whereby men acknowledge the Host to have a Soveraigne Divinity , and pay ( as it were ) so many homages to it ; as appeareth by the will of them , who command it in the Church of Rome , and by the common intention of those , who practise it continually . That it is sometimes lawfull to separate from a company of men , professing Christianitie p. 3 IV. That our separation from the Church of Rome , was not made rashly , wilfully , or unnecessarily . keywords: able; abuse; actions; adoration; adversaries; alledge; ancient; answer; antiquity; apostles; argument; articles; augustine; authority; beare; belief; believeth; believing; better; bishop; blessed; bloud; bodies; body; book; bread; catholick; cause; ceremonies; certain; chap; charity; chief; chill; chillingworth; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; civil; cleare; command; common; communion; conclude; conclusion; confesse; confession; conscience; consequence; contrary; cor; councel; creatour; creature; crime; custome; dangerous; day; dayes; deal; death; deity; desire; difference; discourse; divers; divine; doctours; doctrine; donatists; doth; doubt; earth; end; england; english; errour; esteem; eternall; eucharist; evident; example; excuse; extreme; faith; false; farre; father; fault; fear; fire; foundation; france; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; guilty; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hereticks; high; highest; hold; holy; homage; honour; hope; host; humane; husband; idol; idolaters; idolatry; iii; images; importance; impossible; infallibility; infallible; infidels; intention; jesus; john; judge; judgement; kind; king; kingdome; knees; knot; large; latria; lawfull; laws; learned; leave; lesse; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; lutherans; man; mankind; manner; master; matters; means; men; mind; miracles; mouth; naaman; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; neighbours; non; object; occasion; oft; onely; opinion; ordinary; ought; paris; particular; passe; passion; paul; people; pernicious; persons; perswasion; piety; place; plain; point; pope; positions; power; practise; preface; present; pretence; pretended; priest; prince; profession; prostrate; protestants; publick; purpose; question; reader; reason; religion; rest; romane; romane church; romanists; rome; sacrament; saints; salvation; saviour; saying; schisme; scriptures; second; self; selves; sense; separate; separation; servant; service; set; shew; signifie; sinne; small; souls; soveraigne; stead; subject; substance; sure; tcp; text; thing; time; tongue; treatise; true; truth; unlesse; use; vain; veneration; virgin; viz; water; way; whereof; words; world; worship; years cache: A81350.xml plain text: A81350.txt item: #402 of 416 id: A85366 author: Gage, Thomas, 1603?-1656. title: A duell betvveen a Iesuite and a Dominican, begun at Paris, gallantly fought at Madrid, and victoriously ended at London, upon fryday the 16 day of May, Anno Dom. 1651. / by Thomas Gage, alias the English American, now preacher of the word at Deal in Kent. date: 1651.0 words: 3546 flesch: 53 summary: no A duell betvveen a Iesuite and a Dominican,: begun at Paris, gallantly fought at Madrid, and victoriously ended at London, upon fryday the Gage, Thomas 1651 3388 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 B The rate of 3 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. Thus Gentle Reader , if you please , you may take notice of these two fiery brands of Christendome , the Ignatian Jesuite , and the barking and biting dog with fire in his mouth the Dominican . keywords: alias; chief; common; court; day; dominican; dream; duell; england; english; fancy; fire; florentia; gage; glorious; glory; heaven; hell; iesuite; ignatius; jesuites; kent; kings; like; london; madrid; majesty; order; paris; peter; place; power; present; publike; reader; sleep; spain; text; thomas; torres; world cache: A85366.xml plain text: A85366.txt item: #403 of 416 id: A85388 author: Gage, Thomas, 1603?-1656. title: The tyranny of Satan, discovered by the teares of a converted sinner, in a sermon preached in Paules Church, on the 28 of August, 1642. By Thomas Gage, formerly a Romish Priest, for the space of 38 yeares, and now truly reconciled to the Church of England. date: 1642.0 words: 14849 flesch: 62 summary: But now it hath pleased that mighty and powerfull Lord ; against whom there is no resistance , to cast me down upon the ground , to quell my pride , to lighten me round about with the beames and light of his mercies , to make me know how hard a thing it is to kicke against the will & calling of God , and with trembling and feare to make me say , Lord what wilt thou have me to do ? For what fruitfull Faith could be in me , that instead of worshipping only my God and Lord , have bowed my knee so often to worship for God a peece of bread , according to that damnable doctrine of the Papists ( which now I abjure and renounce ) who teach that in their Communion is no substance of bread or wine , but the true Reall and Physicall body and bloud of Christ ? A thing so against Scripture , which teacheth that Christ since his glorious Ascension can be no more upon the earth , much lesse in severall places and severall peeces of bread , but that he must be in Heaven , untill that last Iudgment day , as ye shall find in the 3 Chap. of the Acts in the 20 , 21. vers. keywords: able; acknowledge; angels; babylon; beast; bee; behold; beloved; blind; bloud; body; cast; chaffe; chamber; chap; christ; church; city; confesse; conversion; converted; corne; david; day; death; devill; doctrin; doth; dumb; eares; enemy; estate; everlasting; eyes; father; feare; fire; flesh; fruitfull; gage; glory; god; gods; good; grane; great; greater; hand; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; himselfe; holy; iniquities; king; like; lord; man; mercies; mercy; mouth; papists; people; peter; play; popish; power; priest; run; saith; sake; satan; saul; saviour; sermon; set; sight; sinner; sins; soule; spirituall; sword; teach; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thy; time; tongue; true; truth; turne; tyranny; use; verse; want; water; way; wheat; wicked; words; world; wretched; years cache: A85388.xml plain text: A85388.txt item: #404 of 416 id: A85889 author: Giles, Mascall, 1595 or 6-1652. title: A defence of A treatise against superstitious Iesu-worship, falsely called scandalous, against the truely scandalous answer of the parson of Westminston in Sussex. Wherein also the whole structure of his Antiteichisma, so farre as it concernes the po[i]nt in controversie is overthrowne, the truth more fully cleared, and the iniquitie of that superstition more throughly detected. By M.G. the author of the former treatise, published Anno Dom. 1642 date: 1643.0 words: 28218 flesch: 66 summary: If by the word Jesus you doe understand the person , Name is generall , and many senses may be made , then my sense of the Name of power and glory will come in fairely , then any other name of Christ may come in to bee the name as well as Jesus , as Christ , Emmanuel , Mediatour , which are all names of Jesus , as well as Jesus ▪ yea in better congruity of speech , these may be called name of Jesus , then the name Jesus , In my notation of the absurdities of your opinion , I say againe , to understand Name for glory , the name is knowne what is given Christ : but to understand name for a proper name ; it is not shewed what name it is in this clause , ( God gave him a name above every name ) and whereas you bid me looke for it in the 10. verse , I referre my selfe to this clause , and in verse 10. keywords: act; alwayes; angels; answer; appeare; argument; bare; barton; bee; better; blasphemy; body; booke; bound; bow; bowing; cause; ceremony; charge; christ; church; command; confesse; confession; contrary; creatures; damned; day; devils; divine; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; essence; exposition; father; glory; god; gods; good; great; hath; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; hold; honour; jehovah; jesus; jesus doth; judgement; knees; lord; lord jesus; master; meane; mee; mention; names; nature; non; onely; opinion; owne; page; person; phil; place; plaine; power; practise; prayer; preaching; proofe; proper; psal; purpose; question; reader; reason; reply; roman; said; saith; salvation; saviour; scriptures; second; sect; section; selfe; sense; set; shew; signifie; sir; sonne; speake; subjection; text; thing; thinke; time; title; treatise; true; truth; viz; wee; words; world; worship; yea cache: A85889.xml plain text: A85889.txt item: #405 of 416 id: A86683 author: Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687. title: Lingua testium: wherein monarchy is proved, 1. To be jure divino. 2. To be successive in the Church (except in time of a nationall desertion) from Adam untill Christ. 3. That monarchy is the absolute true government under the Gospel. 4. That immediately after extraordinary gifts in the Church ceased, God raised up a monarch for to defend the Church. 5. That Christian monarchs are one of the witnesses spoken of Rev. 11. 6. That England is the place from whence God fetched the first witnesse of this kind. 7. England was the place whither the witnesses, (viz. godly magistracy and ministry) never drove by Antichrist. Where is proved, first, that there hath been a visible magistracy, (though in sackcloth,) these 1260. yeares in England. ... Amongst these things are proved that the time of the calling of the Jews, the fall of Antichrist, and the ruine of the Beast of the earth is at hand. Wherein you have the hard places of Mat. 24, and Rev. 17. explained with severall other hard texts: ... / Written by Testis-Mundus Catholicus, in the yeare of the Beasts of the earth's raign, 1651. date: 1651.0 words: 22870 flesch: 58 summary: 2. To be successive in the Church (except in time of a nationall desertion) from Adam untill Christ. 2. To be successive in the Church (except in time of a nationall desertion) from Adam untill Christ. keywords: adam; answer; antichrist; apostles; argument; ark; babylon; beast; betwixt; bishop; bloud; book; bottomlesse; cause; chapter; christ; christian; church; churches; clear; coming; conversion; converted; covenant; dan; day; dayes; distinct; divine; doctor; doe; doth; earth; eighth; end; enemies; england; english; extraordinary; eyes; fall; false; flesh; gentile; ghost; glorious; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; great; half; hand; hard; hath; heads; heaven; hebrews; henry; holy; horns; house; iohn; israel; jesus; jews; john; king; kingdom; lamb; lawfull; laws; learned; like; long; lord; magistracy; men; mighty; ministery; monarchy; mystery; naturall; neer; new; non; office; old; onely; opinion; parliament; party; people; person; pit; place; pope; power; priest; probability; prophets; protestant; question; raign; reader; reason; reformation; respect; rev; right; roman; rome; ruine; sackcloth; saints; saith; scotland; scriptures; sea; self; senate; set; shew; slain; slayes; slaying; spirituall; state; subject; succession; sudden; testament; testimony; testium; text; thee; things; time; title; tribes; true; truth; visible; war; way; whore; witnesses; words; work; world; years cache: A86683.xml plain text: A86683.txt item: #406 of 416 id: A87142 author: Harris, John, Gent. title: Englands out-cry, for the sad distractions now lying upon the church and state. Wherein shee humbly implores mercy from God, pitty from her soveraigne, and justice on her enemies. Laying downe, both the primary, and secondary causes, of her fresh bleeding calamities. So that judicious, simple, all may see, the first promoter of this misery. Reade diligently, consider carefully, and make what thou hast read, a case of conscience. VVritten by J. Harris. This is licensed, and entered, according to order date: None words: 2707 flesch: 66 summary: ●●th the Protestant profession ; for sinne gives the devill an advantage and when a man lyes open unguarded , 't is a happy advan●age for an enemy to take to kill him , penitent sorrow prevents ●●nne ; had ENGLAND made a progression in a Religious re●ormation in the dayes of King Iames , and not sat downe in a Wildernesse , as beeing content to be onely freed from that ●GYPTIAN slavery , not regarding to make a further progress into the land of Canaan Rome had not found such an opportunity to corrupt our Clergy and to bring us back again to make Bricks to , subject our selves to Peters chaire ▪ and to endeavour the advancement of the antichristian Kingdome , Romes Antagonist ( Prince Henry ) had not been destroyed ▪ nor so many famous and deserving Peeres had their lives shortned but onely to make way for the advancement of Romes Empire and the destruction of poore ENGLAND , to what end was so many Parliaments dissolved , and Parliaments so long discontinued , but to subvert Religion and destroy the Law : to what end was the Spanish faction so much favoured but to shew that they had declared themselves ready to protect England , ( with a Spanish Fleet , a Powder conspiracy an ●rish rebellion , an English invasion ) to the totall destruction of it's Religion and Liberty , can any man be so sottish as not to see the Bishops , De●nes and Doctors going in Procession to Rome ▪ just when they began to persecute Purita●●● with one ●●●d , and entertain ●esuits , Fryars 〈…〉 plucking them to high 〈◊〉 with both ●and ▪ can it seeme reasonable that a Papist should love a Protestant or Spaine love England , where there is no Antipathy , but in principles of policie : can it be a matter reasonable to think that they that now declare themselves ( the Law's defenders , ) against the Kingdome , will maintaine them for the King , could he be wonne to put them in execution against them , or may it not appeare as great a principle in the Papists of Spaine and France to endeavour the promotion of their Antichristian cause , against England , as it is in England to maintain ours against them , certainely it cannot be denied , yet such is Englands misery , Her off-spring prove abortives and Viper-like , endeavour to eat up their native mothers bowels : they endeavour to destroy what nature enjoynes them to preserve , this devision hath sin brought upon me , Father against Sonne , Sonne against Father : what the sword leaves ; the fire destroyes , blood touches blood , and feare and anguish upon every soule . Heare me , and have mercy on mee , but alas , Flatterers stood so thick between him and me , that all I said was to no purpose , when I came with a Petition for Peace , he was so busie with a Councell of Warre , that my labour was lost , and in all my religious endeavours , to prevent this lasting misery , I found so many Crosses , that being altogether disheartned , I sate me downe to consider what the cause might be , that so many Papists were turn'd Protestants , so many Courtiers turn'd Souldiers so many Prelates made Peeres , so many Ladyes made Councellors , so many Knaves put in authority and the sequell of all I have found to be , that England having abounded in sin of all kinds abused mercies , slighted threatnings ; surfeited with Manna , was grown sick of a Plurisie and these were appointed ( by a divine Decree ) to be the Horsleeches that should suck away the corrupted and putrified blood , bred from the evill Court humours and thence diffused through the body of the whole Kingdom● and in this they very well agree for they have shewed them●●●ves insatiate blood-suckers not satisfied till by their abounding ●●ey have burst themselves , and almost ruined what they were ●rdained to preserve , the cure proving much more desperate ●●en the disease , so much by the way , Sinne I found to be the pri●ary and chiefe ground of my sufferings , to looke back onely to ●●e dayes of Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory , had England●●en been humbled for the blood-shed in the Antichristian per●●cution of Queene Mary , ( whose memory bringeth timely ●●rrow to my heart ) the Enemie had never obtained such an ad●antage and encouragement as he had to worke and plot so ma●● wayes and stratagems to destroy our then ( Faiths defendor ) keywords: a87142; blood; calamities; case; church; cry; day; destroy; distractions; england; english; god; great; harris; hath; justice; king; kingdome; lord; love; mercy; misery; peace; people; petition; pitty; poore; power; prince; sad; shee; sinne; state; text; thomason; thou; worke; ● ● cache: A87142.xml plain text: A87142.txt item: #407 of 416 id: A87338 author: Ireland. Lords Justices and Council. title: By the Lords, Justices, and Councell. Will. Parsons, Jo Borlase. Whereas a petition hath been preferred unto us, by divers Lords, and gentlemen of the English pale, ... date: 1641.0 words: 833 flesch: 71 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A87338 of text R209712 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.3[23]). 1 sheet ([1] p.) by the Society of Stationers, Imprinted at Dublin : [1641] Title from caption and opening words of text. keywords: borlase; councell; divers; english; ireland; irish; justices; lords; old; pale; parsons; petition; text; thomason cache: A87338.xml plain text: A87338.txt item: #408 of 416 id: A87879 author: L'Estrange, Hamon, 1605-1660. title: An answer to the Marques of Worcester's last paper; to the late King. Representing in their true posture, and discussing briefly, the main controversies between the English and the Romish Church. Together with some considerations, upon Dr Bayly's parenthetical interlocution; relating to the Churches power in deciding controversies. To these is annext, Smectymnuo-Mastix : or, short animadversions upon Smectymnuus in the point of lyturgie. / By Hamon L'Estrange, Esqr. date: 1651.0 words: 34168 flesch: 70 summary: I answer , true , but 't is still derived from {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , and that Church is a chosen , a peculiar people selected from the masse of all mankinde . At that General Councel of Ariminum , branded by his Majesty for heretical , the farr greater number were pious and orthodox men ; the Arrian party perceiving they could not out-vote them , resolved ( if possible ) to out-wit them , and therefore moved in Councel , that , whereas the Nicene Creed had brought in are word {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} signifying , the second Person in the Trinity , to be of the same substance with his Father ; which word gave much offence to many , because it was not to be found in the Scriptures , and was very dark and intricate in it self ; that therefore it should thence forward be forborn , and instead thereof should be inserted , that the Son is like unto his Father in all things , according to the Scriptures . keywords: able; abraham; acts; ambrose; angels; answer; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; art; articles; assurance; assured; athanasius; augustine; authority; bayly; believe; bellarmine; better; bishop; bloud; body; books; bread; calvin; cardinal; care; catholique; catholique church; cause; certain; children; christ; chrysostome; church; church saith; churches; clear; commandments; communion; confesse; confession; confirmation; contrary; controversies; cor; councel; creed; cup; cyprian; day; dead; death; deciding; decrees; dei; demand; deny; determined; deus; differences; dist; divine; doctor; doctrine; doth; ecclesia; end; england; english; error; evidence; external; faith; fathers; fear; fire; fit; flesh; form; free; general; gentiles; ghost; gift; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; hamon; hath; head; hell; heresie; heretiques; hierome; high; hold; holy; hom; hooker; hope; ill; images; impossible; infallibility; infallible; invocation; inward; james; jews; john; judge; judgement; justification; justifying; king; knowledge; known; l'estrange; late; law; leave; lesse; life; light; like; little; living; lordship; luke; luther; main; majesty; manner; marks; marques; masse; matters; matth; meaning; means; meer; men; merits; minde; mother; nay; necessary; necessity; new; nobis; non; notes; obscure; onely; opinion; origen; outward; page; paper; papists; parable; particular; paul; persecution; persons; place; pleased; point; pope; power; prayer; priests; primitive; principles; private; promise; proper; protestants; purgatory; purpose; quae; question; quod; reason; religion; reply; reward; roman; roman church; rome; romish; romish church; rule; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; saint; salvation; saviour; saying; scripture; second; self; sense; set; short; sin; society; souls; spirit; stands; state; substance; succession; sufficient; sunt; supreme; sure; tell; tertullian; text; thing; thought; time; tract; traditions; transubstantiation; true; true church; truth; understanding; unity; visible; viz; way; whilest; wine; wise; worcester; word; works; worship; years cache: A87879.xml plain text: A87879.txt item: #409 of 416 id: A90668 author: Howell, James, 1594?-1666. title: St Paul's late progres upon earth, about a divorce 'twixt Christ and the Church of Rome, by reason of her dissolutenes and excesses. With the causes of these present commotions 'twixt the Pope, and the princes of Italy. A new way of invention agreeable to the times. Published by James Howell, Armig. date: 1644.0 words: 21233 flesch: 55 summary: So that ancient inscription which was seen registred in the Vatican , as a Monument of Ecclesiasticall gratitude towards Venice , that which time it self could not deface all this while , the Barberini have annihilated at last , because peradventure that having banish'd all vertue from Rome , it displeaseth them to see gratitude lodg'd under the roof of their House : Or rather , because the Barberini do not hold themselv's beholden for those services , that the Church receiv'd from St. Mark , because they are more her Betrayers , then Governors . The Almighty Father being perswaded by the reasons of the Son , is disposed to satisfie him ; but to proceed with the wonted circumspection of divine Iustice , he commands Saint Paul to transfer himself-to Earth , to understand the complaints of Mortals , and to forme a diligent Processe of the actions of the Roman Spouse accordingly : And he speaks to him as followeth ; PAul , great are the discomposures which arise from an unchast woman ; This very Heaven cannot glory it self to be free of them ; my only begotten Son himself is troubled and aggriev'd at the dishonest actions of the Church of Rome his Spouse . keywords: able; abuses; advantage; affections; alwayes; ancient; angell; armes; authority; barberini; bin; bishop; bloud; books; busines; cardinall; cause; certain; christ; christian; christianity; church; city; clergy; comfort; condition; court; courtier; curiosity; daily; danger; day; death; desire; discourse; divine; divorce; doctrin; doe; dominion; doth; duke; earth; ecclesiasticks; end; english; excesses; eyes; face; faith; father; flight; free; friend; fryer; glory; god; gold; good; great; greater; grievances; hand; hard; hath; heaven; hell; high; hold; holy; honor; house; howell; ill; italy; jurisdiction; kind; kingdome; late; law; left; legacies; lesse; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; lusts; majesty; manner; means; men; mind; mortals; naturall; nature; necessity; new; noble; number; opinion; parents; parma; particular; pass'd; passe; passions; paul; people; peradventure; person; peter; place; point; poor; pope; power; present; princes; prison; publick; reason; regard; religion; republick; rest; reverence; right; roman; roman church; rome; said; saint; saint paul; sect; self; selves; sense; souls; spirit; spouse; state; strange; subject; sword; temporall; text; thing; thou; thought; thy; time; title; true; turn'd; tyranny; understanding; us'd; venice; vertue; vrban; wals; way; wher; wherunto; wonder; words; world; worldly; yeares cache: A90668.xml plain text: A90668.txt item: #410 of 416 id: A91228 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: A new discovery of some Romish emissaries, Quakers; as likewise of some popish errors, unadvisedly embraced, pursued by our anticommunion ministers. Discovering the dangerous effects of their discontinuing the frequent publick administration of the Lords Supper; the popish errors whereon it is bottomed; perswading the frequent celebration of it, to all visible church-members, with their free-admission thereunto; and prescribing some legal regal remedies to redress the new sacrilegious detaining of it from the people, where their ministers are obstinate. / By William Prynne of Swainswicke Esquire, a bencher of Lincolns Inne. date: 1656.0 words: 19848 flesch: 60 summary: A New Discovery of some Romish Emissaries , Quakers and others ; as likewise of Popish Errors , Practices lately embraced , pursued , avowed by some Zealots , and Grand Deformers , in secluding their Parishioners sundry years from the Holy Communion of the Lords Supper , &c. THe sad Complaint of old , to and of Consta●tius the Arrian Emperour , ( who a made his exorbitant Will , the only Law , and used this Papal Speech to Paulinuis , and other Orthodox Bishops convented before him for refusing to communicate with the Arrians upon his command , as being against the Ecclesiastical Canons : At quod ego volo pro Canone sit : Ita me loqu●nter 〈…〉 sustin●nt ; aut ergo obtemperate , Aut vos quoque exules estote ) made by St. Hilari● concerning the s●●…quent changes of the Christian Faith , and multiudes of Religions under his arbitrary Tyrannical Government , viz. Our St●●●… is dangerous and ●●● serable ; that we have now as many faiths as wils , and as many Doctrines as manners , whiles F●●●●… are so written as we list , or so understood as we will . keywords: 1639; a91228; actual; administer; administration; admission; age; altars; ambrose; anabaptists; anno; anti; anticommunion; antient; apology; atque; aut; autem; authority; bishop; blood; bochellus; body; books; bottomed; bread; bristol; c. 2; canonists; canons; canterburies; capital; captain; caroli; case; celebration; ceremonies; changes; christian; christs; church; churches; claus; common; communion; confessions; conry; consideration; contrary; corporis; councils; country; court; crime; cum; dangerous; day; debet; declaration; decrees; decret; defence; difference; discovery; disguised; dispensations; distinct; divine; domini; dominions; doom; doubt; drake; duties; eccles; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; effects; emissaries; emperour; england; english; epistle; errors; etiam; eucharistia; examination; excommunication; extraordinary; faculties; faculty; faith; fear; footmen; form; franciscan; free; french; frequent; friends; friers; gall; gentleman; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grand; gratian; great; greater; greatest; hand; hath; hearing; hereticks; history; hoc; holy; house; inne; instructions; instrument; ireland; irish; ita; jesuites; jesus; jewels; judgement; justice; justification; king; kingdom; l. 3; large; late; latin; law; lawfull; laws; legal; lesser; letters; life; lincolns; london; long; lords; ma ●; making; manner; masses; mat; maurice; mayor; meer; members; merits; ministers; missions; missives; modo; moneths; nec; necessity; new; nisi; nobis; non; nos; nostrum; notice; oath; observable; observation; obstinate; occasions; offences; officers; old; omnes; omnibus; open; order; ordinances; ordinis; original; papers; parishioners; parliament; pars; particular; passage; passe; patri; people; persons; place; pontifical; popes; popish; post; power; practices; prayers; preaching; precedent; prelates; preparation; prescribed; present; preservation; priests; principal; principles; printed; prisoner; private; pro; protestant; provincial; prynne; publick; publike; quae; quakers; quam; quantum; questions; qui; quod; reason; receiving; reformation; register; relation; religion; remarkable; remedies; resolve; right; roman; rome; romish; sacrament; sacrilegious; sad; scandalous; school; seal; sect; sed; self; seu; sibi; singulis; sins; sit; society; soldiers; sorts; souldier; space; spain; spanish; special; speech; spirit; state; statute; summa; sundry; sunt; supper; suspension; swainswicke; tamen; terms; text; thereunto; thing; thomas; thomason; thou; time; tit; title; true; unworthy; vel; vindication; visible; way; ways; william; word; works; worthy; writ; years; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● n; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A91228.xml plain text: A91228.txt item: #411 of 416 id: A95878 author: Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. title: Babylons beautie: or The Romish-Catholicks svveet-heart. Containing a most lively and lovely description of Romes cardinall vertues and rarest endowments, with her apostolicall benedictions on kings and kingdomes, under her tyrannicall subjection; briefly and bravely depainted, in their native-splendour. A worke most seasonably composed for the revived eternall shame of all the mad-maintainers and idolizers of Romes great Diana, so cried-up and fought for, now a daies, by papists, atheists, and formall malignant Protestants. / By John Vicars. date: 1644.0 words: 16443 flesch: 60 summary: About the yeare also , 1180 , Alexander the third , Pope of Rome , being mightily puft-up with the mountanous tympanie of pride and arrogancie , by reason of a great victorie he had obtained , compelled Fredericke then Emperour of Rome to come ( on a day appointed by the said Pope ) to S. Marks in Venice , and there before all the people , he commanded the Emperour to prostrate himselfe flat on the ground before the Pope , and so to crave his mercie and pardon , which the Emperour accordingly did ; whereupon the Pope like self-flated Nebuchadnezzar , or indeed , most like Lucifer himselfe , trod with his foot on the Emperours necke , and with his proud heart and mouth , most blasphemously abused that Scripture , Thou shalt goe upon the Aspe and Basiliske , and upon the Lion and the Dragon shalt thou tread . And here in the first place , I shall give you one undeniable cause of incontinencie in the Priests of Rome , from the top to the toe , from the Pope their holy Father himselfe , to the most base and beggarly inferiour Fryers and hedge-priests of Rome ( besides the publike toleration of Stewes , as afore-said , a most stinking streame from a most filthy fountaine ) namely the Popes most horribly pernicious Decree to make it unlawfull for any of their Priests or Ecclesiasticks to marry ; by which means in the dayes of Pope Gregorie ( who first forbad Priests marriage ) this said Pope , afterward , causing a fish pond of his to be fish'd and sewed , in the cleansing of the pond they found to the number of 6000. sculs of little Infants ( in that one pond ) which had been begot in that unchaste condition of Priests about him , and had been murthered and cast into this the Popes pond . keywords: abhominable; abhominations; accursed; ancient; ancient doctrine; antichrist; apostolicall; audacious; baal; babylons; bad; barbarous; base; beautie; beauty; bel; better; blasphemie; bloud; bloudie; bodies; cardinall; catholicks; cause; certaine; children; christ; christians; church; city; colour; covetousnesse; cruelties; cruelty; daies; dead; death; description; desire; devill; doctrine; doe; earth; eebo; emperour; england; english; eternall; extreme; eyes; faith; faithfull; false; famous; farre; father; filthy; fire; fit; fore; formall; forsooth; fourth; god; gods; gold; good; great; gregorie; ground; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; hellish; henrie; hildebrand; himselfe; holy; horse; images; incontinencie; insolencie; intolerable; john; king; kingdome; life; like; little; lively; long; lord; love; mad; man; masse; mat; men; monstrous; mother; new; new doctrine; notorious; onely; open; owne; papists; pardon; paul; people; pernicious; picture; place; poore; pope; popish; poyson; precious; present; pride; priests; prophet; protestants; proud; pure; reader; reason; religion; right; rome; romish; rotten; ruine; said; saints; sess; set; shame; sons; soules; space; spirit; strumpet; sweet; tcp; teacheth; text; thee; thine; thou; thy; time; treatise; trid; true; truth; use; vicars; way; whore; wicked; works; world; worship; wrath; writers; yea; yeares cache: A95878.xml plain text: A95878.txt item: #412 of 416 id: A96976 author: H. W. title: Meditations upon the marks of the true Church of Christ: or, Motives of credibility in behalf of the true religion: and, the easiest way to finde it out. / By H.W. date: 1655.0 words: 48652 flesch: 54 summary: This Church is stiled ( and that by Truth it self ) the Kingdome of Christ ; yea , the Kingdome of heaven : this is the body of Christ , and the Spouse of that heavenly Bridegroom : Christ cals this his Dove , his beloved , his perfect one , his onely one ; this is his Vineyard , and his Harvest : this is his House : the House of God , the Temple of God , the Tabernacle of God , and the City of God : This is a high Mount , the Mount of our Lord in the top of Mountains , mount Sion , and a holy Mountain : This for its Light is that Candle upon a Candlestick , fair as the Moon , choice as the Sun ; that Woman cloathed with the Sun : this ( for the means , and marks it hath ) is a holy way , and so direct a way , that even fools shal not err therein : This for its ability to confute and conquer Heresies , is , an Army set in battell ray : This for its infallibility , is a Pillar and Firmament ; it is a House built by the Wise man upon a Rock ; in sine , it is the Church of Christ , against which all the Forces of Hell shall never prevail : For which , O may thy name be ever glorified , O King of glory ; and since thou art a Lord strong , and powerfull , a Lord strong in battaile ; diffipate those Nations which will have Wars , wars against thy Church , thy City founded upon a rock , and situated upon a hill ; or rather , since thy mercies are above all thy works , gather together ( thou good Shepheard ) these dispersed , ( if not lost ) sheep , and reduce them back into the sheepfold of thy Church , Amen . The law of the Lord is immaculate ; that is without spot , or blemish of falshood , or impiety : The precept of the Lord is Lucid : that is bright , shining , and like a light to shew us the true way to serve God , and save our soules : The testimony of the Lord is faithfull : and Saint Paul cals it a sound doctrine ; by which Metaphor he intimates , that as that body cannot be judged sound & healthfull , which is seased upon by any disease ; so that Doctrine , Faith , or Church , cannot be wholsome , and soul-saving , which hath adhearing to it any maxime , or assertion false or favouring vice ; but there needs no proof of this ; for it is called the word of God : And the doctrine of Christs Church must needs proceed originally from Christ ; who will not permit his Church to teach impious or false doctrine . keywords: acknowledged; act; acts; admirable; adversaries; affirmative; ages; almighty; alwayes; ancient; antiquity; apostles; apostolick; argument; army; austin; authority; authors; bad; beginning; behalf; behold; belief; best; better; bishops; blessed; blood; body; books; bread; calling; calvin; cap; catholick church; catholicks; cause; certain; chief; christianity; christians; christs church; christs true; churches; city; clear; commission; communion; confirmation; consecration; consequence; consideration; continued; contrary; controversies; conversion; converted; convince; councel; countries; creation; creed; crosse; danger; david; day; dead; death; dele; desire; different; divine; divine faith; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; easie; eebo; effects; efficacious; emperour; empire; end; ends; enemies; england; english; eternal; evident; examples; exercise; extant; extraordinary; faith; false; falshood; fathers; fear; flesh; forces; forementioned; foretold; form; fourth; francis; general; germany; gift; glory; god; gods; good; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; gregory; ground; guilty; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; helps; henry; heresie; hereticks; hold; holy; honour; house; humane; infallible; infinite; isa; jews; john; judge; kinde; king; kingdome; knowledge; known; large; later; lawfull; left; length; let; life; like; lives; living; long; lord; love; luther; main; manner; marks; martyrdome; martyrs; masse; matter; means; meditation; members; men; merits; miracles; miraculous; modern; mother; motives; mouth; nations; natural; nature; necessary; negative; new; noble; non; note; notice; number; occasion; old; onely; ones; opinion; order; page; particular; passion; pastors; paul; people; perfect; perfection; persons; peter; places; point; pope; power; prayer; preaching; precedent; priests; primitive church; princes; private; prophesie; prophets; protestants; providence; psal; punishments; queen; rare; reall; reason; religion; religious; respect; rest; right; roman catholicks; roman church; roman faith; roman religion; rome; rule; sacraments; sacred; sacrifice; said; saint; salvation; sanctity; saviour; sayes; schisme; scripture; second; second point; sectaries; sects; self; sentence; set; shew; signes; sin; sins; souls; spirit; spiritual; strange; strong; study; subject; succession; supernatural; sweet; tcp; tenents; testimonies; text; thee; things; thou; thousands; time; title; true bishops; true church; true faith; true god; true religion; truth; understanding; unity; unlesse; verity; vertue; victory; visible; want; way; whatsoever; whilest; wicked; wisdome; wit; words; work; world; worship; worthy; writers; yea; years cache: A96976.xml plain text: A96976.txt item: #413 of 416 id: A97089 author: Walton, John, 1624-1677. title: A brief answer to the many calumnies of Dr. Henry More, in his pretended Antidote against idolatry. Shewing that no prudent person can, upon any rational ground, be deterr'd from returning to the communion of St. Peter's chair, by any of the doctors best and strongest evidences to the contrary. date: 1672.0 words: 20710 flesch: 64 summary: Only first I observe , that when Protestants read this their Second Commandment , Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven Image , or any likeness , that is in Heaven above , or that is in the water , under the earth ; Thou shalt not bow down thy self to them , nor serve them ▪ ) and withall are informed that Papists make Pictures and Images of Christ , place them in their Churches , put off their Hats , and bow the Knee before them , presently they endite the practise within their brests as guilty of idolatry ; most inconsiderately , no less than uncharitably , charging Idolatry upon the practice of the Church , for doing those self-same things , which God himself commanded the Jews to do , to whom he gave this very Precept . God himself commanded the making of Images , even after he had given the Second Commandment of the Decalogue : Ergo , Papists can make no Images , but they are Idolaters . keywords: act; adoration; angels; answer; apoc; apostle; argument; austine; bare; best; blessed; bodies; body; books; case; chapter; charge; christ; christian; church; churches; clear; commandement; conclusion; contrary; council; creature; decalogue; demons; divine; division; doctor; doctrine; double; equal; eucharist; false; fifth; figure; fourth; general; glory; god; gods; good; grant; great; ground; hath; heathen; heaven; holy; honour; host; idolaters; idolatry; image; incurvation; individual; inferiour; invocation; jesus; kind; latria; learned; leave; lest; like; logick; man; material; meer; men; mistake; nature; needs; new; object; objection; opinion; pagans; particular; pass; people; person; piece; places; point; power; practise; prayers; presence; present; pretends; principles; proof; protestants; prototype; reader; reason; religious; roman; rome; sacrifice; said; saints; salvation; scripture; second; self; sense; similitude; single; souls; space; subject; supreme; symbolical; tcp; terrestrial; text; thing; time; title; transubstantiation; trent; true; truth; virgin; viz; words; work; world; worship; worshipping cache: A97089.xml plain text: A97089.txt item: #414 of 416 id: B02227 author: Clement IX, Pope, 1600-1669. title: A form of the indulgences, with which our Holy Father Pope Clement IX. blesseth the beads, rosaries, crosses, pictures, or medals, on the occasion of canonizing of St. Peter of Alcantura, and St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzis. date: 1669.0 words: 1787 flesch: 61 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 178740) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: beads; books; characters; clement; crosses; day; early; eebo; english; gain; holy; indulgences; mary; online; peter; phase; pope; rome; rosaries; saints; tcp; tei; text; works cache: B02227.xml plain text: B02227.txt item: #415 of 416 id: B03311 author: England. Curia Regis. title: At the Court at Whitehall the third of October, 1676. Whereas His Majesty and this board are informed of the bold and open repair made to several places, ... for the hearing of mass, and other worship and services of the Romish Church ... date: 1676.0 words: 1724 flesch: 56 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179422) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: agents; ambassadors; books; characters; church; earl; eebo; english; houses; lord; majesties; majesty; mass; ministers; online; oxford; partnership; phase; repair; romish; said; service; subjects; tcp; tei; text; works; worship cache: B03311.xml plain text: B03311.txt item: #416 of 416 id: B04782 author: Pope, Walter, d. 1714. title: The Catholick ballad: or, An invitation to popery, upon considerable grounds and reasons. To the tune of, Eighty eight. date: 1689.0 words: 1996 flesch: 75 summary: If our Doctors may be believ●d , That whoever fits there , needs never more fear , The danger of being deceived . Should I tell you of all it would move a Stone-wall , But I spare you a ●●●t●e for pity , That each one may prepare , and 〈◊〉 up his 〈◊〉 For the Second P●r●● of my Ditty . keywords: ballad; books; catholick; characters; church; considerable; early; eebo; encoding; english; good; grounds; image; invitation; old; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pope; popery; reasons; tcp; tei; text; things; tune; walter; work; xml cache: B04782.xml plain text: B04782.txt