item: #1 of 61 id: A01076 author: Forset, Edward, 1553?-1630. title: A defence of the right of kings Wherein the power of the papacie ouer princes, is refuted; and the Oath of Allegeance iustified. Written for the vse of all English romanists; more especially, for the information of those priests, or Iesuits, which are by proclamation commanded to conforme themselues, or depart the kingdome. By Edvvard Forset, Esquire. date: 1624.0 words: 28797 flesch: 28 summary: Such , actions or pretences haue no more ground in 〈◊〉 , then if any adulterer should maintaine his 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 pronenesse of appetite ; The Thiefe by the naturall instinct of prouiding 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the Murtherer , by the naturall 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 of reuenge : But we stand assured , that whatsoeuer nature by her vncorrupted rules , doth induce or perswade vs vnto , touching our duties in Morall actions , the same , as it was written by the finger of God , in the heart of man , at the Creation , so was it also reduced , and comprised by the Wisedome of God , into the Tables of the Morall Law , in the which for as much , as we haue an expresse commandement , of honor and obedience to gouernors that must remaine fixed in our hearts , to hold vs firme in the Bond of allegiance : Then let P. R. and all his conjoyned Catholikes , ( as hee vaunteth ) make it plaine vnto vs , that eyther Nature hath implanted , or the Commandements of God haue enioyned , therepressing or deposing of such Princes , vppon any exceptions , surmizes , or accusations whatsoeuer : If his 〈◊〉 were Apostolicall , then all the Apostles had interest thereunto as well as he : If Episcopall , did he renounce or relinquish his Apostleship to erect a new state or seate of an 〈◊〉 Bishop , neuer mentioned in the Scripture , and of a larger extent and dominion then the Apostleship , and by what warrant and authoritye did he so ? 8 If he did found any such Episcopall eminencie vniversall over all the Churches of the world , and that invested in his owne person , why may it not be thought , that such his Episcopall function was setled vpon him rather at Antioch , where his chiefest abode was ( after his departure from Ierusalem ) then at Rome ? 9 Whether in case he preferred Rome before Antioch , Ierusalem and other places , ( whereof there is no apparant proofe or certainty , ) is that successive seare established at Rome , of the like and the same power , vertue , and veritie , as was conferred on his owne person ? 10 Whether such supposed succession were afixed to the place , or aplied to the persons ? 11 Whether if the succession were applied to the place , was it not cut off and discontinued when there was no vniuersall Bishop refiant at Rome ? which for some hundreths of yeares after Christ , and since the vsurpation Papall for a long time together hath come to passe ? keywords: absolute; actions; affaires; againe; allegiance; answer; antichristian; argument; articles; assured; authority; bee; beleeue; best; better; betweene; bishop; booke; breake; cardinall; carriage; cases; catholikes; cause; censure; charge; christ; christian; church; civill; command; commission; common; conclusion; confesse; conscience; consent; consequence; controuersie; councell; countries; course; crowne; decree; defence; deposing; desire; difference; direct; distinction; doctrine; doe; dominion; doth; doth hee; doubt; duty; earth; ecclesiasticall; eebo; end; england; english; erre; euen; euery; example; execution; exercise; exorbitant; expresse; faction; faith; farre; father; feare; force; function; generall; gent; giue; god; gods; good; gouernment; great; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; hee; hereticall; high; highest; himselfe; hold; holinesse; hope; iesuites; images; imperiall; indirect; interpretation; iudge; iudgement; iustice; kind; king; kingdome; knowne; lawfull; learned; leaue; left; let; liberty; life; limitation; little; long; lordship; loue; maiestie; maintaine; majesty; man; manner; matter; meanes; meaning; mee; men; mittigator; naturall; nature; nay; necessity; neuer; new; oath; obedience; occasion; offer; office; opinion; order; ordinary; ouer; outward; owne; papacy; papall; papists; particular; parts; pasce; pastor; pastorall; people; person; peter; place; plaine; pleased; point; pope; popes authority; popes power; popish; position; potentates; power; preseruation; pretence; pretended; priests; princes; priuate; proceedings; profession; proofe; proper; proposition; publike; purpose; question; realme; reason; religion; repressing; rest; right; rome; romish; royall; rule; sacred; said; saint; sayd; sayth; sea; sense; sentence; serue; set; shew; simple; sith; sort; soueraigne; spirits; spirituall; state; stile; strong; subiects; subject; succession; successors; sufficient; supreame; supremacy; sword; taking; tcp; tearmes; temporall; text; themselues; thereunto; things; thought; time; title; treatise; true; trust; truth; vnder; vniuersall; vnlawfull; vnto; vpon; vrgent; vse; vsurpation; way; wealth; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; words; worke; world; yea; yeares; zeale cache: A01076.xml plain text: A01076.txt item: #2 of 61 id: A02680 author: Harris, Paul, 1573-1635? title: Exile exiled Occasioned by a mandat from Rome, procured by Tho. Flemming alias Barnwell, archb. of Dublin, and friar of the Order of S. Francis, from the Congregation of Cardinalls De propagandâ fide, for the banishment of Paul Harris out of the Diocesse of Dublin. By Paul Harris Priest. date: 1635.0 words: 17231 flesch: 65 summary: By Paul Harris Priest. By Paul Harris Priest. keywords: aforesaid; againe; almighty; answer; apostles; archb; arme; aske; audience; authority; bee; better; bishop; blessed; body; bookes; brother; caddell; canon; cap; cardinalls; catholique; cause; censures; characters; church; citty; civill; command; congregation; countrey; court; crowne; cure; dayes; desire; devotion; diocesse; discourse; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; dublin; early; ecclesiasticall; eebo; end; english; episcopall; excom; exile; faith; faithfull; farre; fide; flemming; followeth; friars; friend; frō; god; gods; good; great; greater; gregory; hands; harris; hath; head; health; hee; hic; himselfe; history; holy; home; house; image; informations; iohn; ireland; iustice; judgment; jurisdiction; king; kingdomes; lay; leave; lesse; letters; lib; life; like; long; lord; loretto; magistrate; man; matter; meanes; meath; mee; men; miracles; nature; new; number; office; old; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; owne; paris; party; passe; patrick; paul; paul harris; people; persons; peter; pilgrim; place; pleased; pope; power; prelat; presence; present; priest; prince; propagandâ; prophet; punishment; qui; quoth; reader; reason; reliques; rest; returne; rome; said; saints; saviour; sayth; scandall; secular; seeke; sentence; set; speake; spirituall; strange; subject; sword; tcp; tei; temporall; text; tho; thorough; time; true; truth; understanding; vel; way; wee; witnesse; work; world; yeare; yeeres cache: A02680.xml plain text: A02680.txt item: #3 of 61 id: A07806 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: An exact discoverie of Romish doctrine in the case of conspiracie and rebellion by pregnant obseruations: collected (not without direction from our superiours) out of the expresse dogmaticall principles of popish priests and doctors. date: 1605.0 words: 11045 flesch: 70 summary: The inscription : Gul●helmus mise●atione diuina S. R. E. Tituli S. Martini in montibus Cardinali● , C●nctis ●egnt Angli●e & H●ber●ae Pr●teribus . The Master of the Seminarie at Rhemes writeth and in●ituleth his booke : b Caluinish-Turcisme , and plaine Mahometisme . Which booke Deane Gifford doth no lesse impudently than impotently m●●ntaine , saying , that c Caluins doctrine is worse than the Alcoran of the Turkes . keywords: a07806; abdicat; absolue; allen; ancient; answere; apud; armes; article; atque; authoritie; bannes; bee; behalfe; booke; brethren; cap; cardinall; case; catholiques; challenge; characters; christians; church; ciuill; colledge; common; conscience; consent; contra; creation; creswell; cum; death; defence; denie; deposing; desire; desperate; direction; discoverie; diuinitie; div; doctors; doctrine; doe; dogmaticall; doth; early; edition; eebo; eius; emperours; encoding; end; enemies; england; english; eos; episc; ergo; examination; example; fact; faction; farre; father; force; france; french; gal; generall; glossa; god; good; great; gregorie; haeretici; hands; hath; haue; head; hee; henry; heresie; hereticall; heretiques; himselfe; hoc; hold; holy; ibidem; iesuite; images; instruct; inuasion; iusta; kinde; king; kingdome; kinred; late; lesse; letter; lib; libr; like; long; manner; master; meaning; men; minor; monke; murder; naturall; necessarie; non; notes; oath; oathes; obedience; obseruations; onely; online; oxford; pag; parsons; partnership; people; phase; philopater; pius; pont; pontifex; pontificem; pope; popish; positions; possit; power; practise; pregnant; priests; prince; professe; protestants; publique; quae; queene; qui; quia; quintus; quod; quàm; reader; reason; rebellion; regem; regis; reinalds; religion; rem; rome; romish; saith; second; sect; sed; seditious; seminarie; sentence; sheweth; simancha; societie; sonne; soueraigne; spanish; spirits; stapleton; stc; suam; subiection; subiects; succession; sunt; suo; superiours; tcp; tei; temporall; tenour; text; themselues; time; tit; title; true; truth; vel; vniuersitie; vnto; vpon; wee; whosoeuer; works; xistus; xml; yea; yeere; ● ● cache: A07806.xml plain text: A07806.txt item: #4 of 61 id: A07817 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: A preamble vnto an incounter with P.R. the author of the deceitfull treatise of mitigation concerning the Romish doctrine both in question of rebellion and aequiuocation: by Thomas Morton. Published by authoritie. date: 1608.0 words: 55658 flesch: 70 summary: And first tender A Satisfaction vnto P. R. his first Motion concerning his fellowes , who haue intangled themselues in open falsifications . A Satisfaction vnto P. R. his second demaund concerning himselfe , in the discouerie of his owne not orious falshoods , inforcing him by vertue of his owne promise neuer heereafter to credit himselfe . keywords: able; aboue; accusation; accuser; aduersaries; aduersary; aequiuocation; againe; allegation; allegeth; ancient; anno; answer; answerer; answereth; answering; apostle; apparent; appeare; argument; art; asleepe; assertion; auouch; author; authority; baronius; bee; beginning; behalfe; beleeue; bellarmine; best; better; betweene; beza; binius; bishops; blinde; blood; booke; bouchier; calleth; caluin; caluinus; calumnious; campian; canon; cap; cardinall; carerius; casuists; catholike; cauill; cause; celsus; censure; certaine; challenge; chap; chapter; characters; charge; chiefe; christ; christendome; christian; church; citeth; citing; clemens; commendation; comment; common; comparison; competent; conc; concilij; concilium; conclusion; condemne; confesse; confession; confuted; conscience; consent; consequence; contradiction; contrary; controuersie; cosenage; councell; creation; creature; credit; crowne; cum; cùm; damnable; dangers; dead; dealing; death; deceitfull; decree; defence; dei; demand; denie; dicunt; difference; disciples; disp; disposition; diuers; diuines; doctors; doctrine; doe; doleman; doth; double; doubt; edition; eebo; elizabeth; els; emperour; end; england; english; enim; epiphanius; epistle; epistola; ergo; erre; error; esse; etiam; euangelists; euen; euery; euidence; exact; example; exception; excuse; expresse; extrauagants; eyes; faithfull; false; falshood; falsifications; falsitie; farre; fathers; fault; feare; fellow; fellowes; fift; fine; fire; fit; followeth; forbid; forme; foure; fourth; fox; france; francford; fraud; free; friend; frisingensis; fuisse; fuit; generall; giue; glosse; god; gods; gold; good; goodman; grace; great; greater; greatest; greeke; gregorie; gregory; grieuous; ground; guilty; hac; haec; hanc; hand; hath; haue; head; hearer; heart; hebrew; hee; heere; heereafter; heerein; heereof; henry; heresie; heretikes; hierome; hildebrand; himselfe; hoc; holy; hope; house; iesuit; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; illos; illud; images; imagines; imaginibus; impietie; impossibility; impossible; impudent; incounter; iniurie; inquit; instance; insultation; insulteth; intention; inter; italian; italy; iudge; iudgement; iust; iustice; iustification; iustifie; jes; kinde; king; kingdome; know; knowen; knoweth; lad; lambertus; late; latine; law; lawfull; learne; learning; leaue; left; liar; lib; lie; life; like; little; logike; long; lord; lying; making; malice; malicious; man; maner; manifest; mans; maruell; materiall; matter; meane; meaning; mee; men; mentall; mention; mind; minister; mitigation; moderate; morton; names; nature; nauclerus; nay; nec; needs; neuer; new; nice; noble; non; notable; note; notorious; notwithstanding; num; number; oath; obedience; obiected; obiection; obserue; omnes; onely; open; opinion; otto; outward; owne; oxford; p. r.; pag; page; parsons; particle; particular; passe; people; peraduenture; perceiue; person; peter; place; plaine; platina; point; polydore; pope; popish; positions; post; potest; power; practise; preamble; preface; preiudice; present; priests; princes; principall; priuate; professed; promise; pronounce; prooue; proper; proposition; protestants; prouidence; psal; publike; purgatory; purpose; quae; queene; question; quia; quod; quàm; quòd; r. doth; r. hath; rare; reader; reason; reasoning; rebellion; reinolds; religion; report; reported; reseruation; respect; rest; right; rome; romish; said; saith; saith p.; satisfaction; saue; sauiour; sayd; saying; schooles; scribes; scriptures; sea; second; sed; seeme; sense; sentence; set; seuenth; shall; shamelesse; shed; shew; sic; signifie; simile; sinner; sir; sixt; slanderous; sonne; souldiers; soules; speaker; speaketh; speech; spirit; spirituall; state; subiect; succession; sufficient; sunt; supposed; supra; surius; sweare; syllogisme; tamen; taxation; tcp; teacheth; temporall; termes; testimonies; testimony; text; thee; theeues; themselues; therfore; thing; thinke; thinketh; thomas; thorowout; thou; thought; tibi; time; title; tom; translation; treatise; triple; true; truth; tyrant; vasques; vel; verba; vertue; verè; verò; videtur; viz; vnderstand; vniuersities; vnto; vnto p.; vpon; vse; want; way; wealth; wee; whereof; whereunto; whosoeuer; wiat; wicked; wilfull; willing; wit; witnesse; woman; words; world; wound; writers; writeth; writing; yea; yeeres; ● ● cache: A07817.xml plain text: A07817.txt item: #5 of 61 id: A09102 author: Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. title: The iudgment of a Catholicke English-man, living in banishment for his religion VVritten to his priuate friend in England. Concerninge a late booke set forth, and entituled; Triplici nodo, triplex cuneus, or, An apologie for the oath of allegiance. Against two breves of Pope Paulus V. to the Catholickes of England; & a letter of Cardinall Bellarmine to M. George Blackwell, Arch-priest. VVherein, the said oath is shewed to be vnlawfull vnto a Catholicke conscience; for so much, as it conteyneth sundry clauses repugnant to his religion. date: 1608.0 words: 45323 flesch: 65 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. And it seemeth no lesse dissonant , to call a Cardinall , Maister , then if a man should call the chiefest dignityes of our Crowne by that name , as M. Chauncelour , M. Treasurer , M. Duke , M. Earle , M. Archbishop , M. Bancroft , which I assure my selfe , his Ma. tie would in law of honour condemne , if any externall Subiect or Prince , should vse to men of that State in our Countrey , though he were of different Religion . keywords: aboue; affayres; afflictions; againe; alexander; allegiance; ambrose; ancient; anno; answere; apologer; apologie; apology; apostolicke; appeare; arch; argument; articles; attempt; authority; authour; banishment; basil; behalfe; belieue; bellarmyne; belonging; bene; besydes; betweene; bishops; blackwell; bloud; body; booke; breues; byn; calumniation; cap; cardinall; cast; catholicke; catholicke religion; cause; certayne; charge; chiefe; christian; church; churches; clauses; clemency; comfort; commeth; comming; common; comparison; confidence; conscience; conteyneth; continuall; contradiction; contrary; councell; countrey; countryes; credit; crowne; cruell; cyuill; day; dayes; dealing; death; declaration; defence; deuised; different; dignity; discourse; diuers; doctrine; doe; dominions; doth; doubt; ecclesiasticall; edward; eebo; effect; elizabeth; emperour; end; england; english; equiuocation; euen; euery; euident; euill; example; eyes; eyther; fall; false; farre; fathers; fauour; feare; forme; fourth; france; freedome; fynd; gaue; generall; giue; god; gods; good; gouernment; great; greater; gregorie; ground; gyuen; hand; hard; hart; hath; haue; hauing; head; heauen; heere; height; henry; highnes; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; images; iniury; iudgment; iulian; iust; iustice; king; kingdome; knowne; kynd; large; late; lawes; lawfull; lay; layd; leo; lesse; letter; lib; liberty; life; light; like; little; lord; lyfe; maiesty; man; manner; matters; meane; meaning; men; mens; mercy; minister; mistaking; mother; mynd; nabuchodonosor; nations; naturall; nature; needs; neuer; new; noble; non; notwithstanding; num; oath; obedience; obiected; occasion; odious; offer; old; order; ouer; owne; pag; page; paragraph; partes; particuler; passe; pastour; paulus; people; persecution; persons; peter; place; pope; power; poynt; poyntes; poyson; present; priests; princes; print; priuate; proceeding; profession; proofe; proposition; protestants; proue; proueth; pryde; publicke; punished; purpose; queene; question; reader; reason; regard; religion; respect; rest; robert; rome; royall; said; said oath; saith; sake; saluation; satisfaction; sauiour; saying; scotland; scriptures; sea; second; seemeth; seene; sense; sentence; seruant; serue; setting; seuerall; shew; small; sort; soueraigne; soules; speach; speake; spirituall; state; statute; store; strange; subiects; substance; sufficient; sundry; supremacy; supreme; sweare; sworne; synne; taking; tcp; temporall; text; themselues; therby; therof; thē; things; thinke; tie; ties; togeather; toledo; touching; true; truth; tyme; tytle; violence; vnder; vnlawfull; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; want; way; whatsoeuer; wheras; wherin; whome; witt; woman; wordes; works; world; writeth; yeares; yield; yow; ● ● cache: A09102.xml plain text: A09102.txt item: #6 of 61 id: A09493 author: Garayzabal, M. title: A briefe relation of the late martyrdome of fiue Persians conuerted to the Catholique faith by the reformed Carmelites, who remaine in the mission of Persia, with the King of Persia, in his citty of Haspahan. And of the increase of the Christian faith in those parts. Gathered out of the letters, which the Fathers labouring in the said mission, haue written vnto their generall: which letters are printed in the Italian and French, and are now translated into English for the good of the Church date: 1623.0 words: 7108 flesch: 39 summary: But the ardent desire , which this seruant of God had to endure any thing whatsoeuer for his sake , made him set light by al dangers , and thence-forth chusing only for his Cōpanion in the iourney , his aforesaid Cousin Cassadir , he went cheerefully forward , vntill that in his way , he was discouered by an English-man , whereof some are resident in Persia , to trafficke with the King for Silke , which they finde there , and brought to be accused before the Chan , that is to say ▪ the Duke that gouerned the said Kingdome of Sciras , in the name of the King of Persia , as his Vice-roy , who was going to the siege of Ormus , who presently shut him vp in prison , and searching him , found the Letters , which after he had perused , he caused him to be racked , and asked him what he was ? Elia answered that he was a Francke , whereupon the Chan or Duke commaunded him , that hee should speake in the language of a Francke , but being ignorant of the language , he pawsed a while , and then said , that he was a Christian Francke , ( which is as much as to say , in the Persian tongue , a Christian Catholique , or one that yeeldeth obedience to the Pope ) afterwards the Chan asked Cassadir , Cousin to Elia , what he was , and whither he went , and vpon what affaires ? and finding him to be a Christian newly Baptized , who went to accompany his Cousin , and that they had no other businesse , but to carie the Letters hee found about them , out of the hatred hee bore to Christians : the Chan begun to be enraged like a dogge , and endeauoured by diuers meanes , that is to say , by threatnings , torments , perswasions , and promises , to make these two new Disciples of Iesus Christ , to deny the holy faith , and to returne to the false obseruance of Mahomet : But GOD ( who neuer abandoneth those which trauaile for him , and put their trust in him ) fauoured them with so great aboundance of his graces , that they set light by the threats , and torments , and respected not the promises of the Tyrant ; but freely confessed that they were Christians , and that GOD had shewed his fauour vnto them , to draw them out of the darknesse of infidelity , and the false sect and doctrine of Mahomet , to the end they might know the true and onely faith of Iesus Christ , in which they were both of them resolued to liue and dye . We cānot as yet , learne the other particularities of this glorious seruant of God , because the Execution was sodaine , and without the Citty : wee onely know that the Reliques are in the handes of the Christians , and are kept by them with honour and reuerence . keywords: alwayes; bee; cassadir; cause; chan; christians; church; citie; citty; death; desire; diuers; doe; eebo; elia; end; english; faith; father; fiue; god; good; great; haspahan; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; iesus; iesus christ; iohn; king; letters; life; lord; loue; mahomet; martyrdome; martyrs; ministers; mission; new; onely; ormus; persia; persians; present; reuerence; said; sciras; set; tcp; text; themselues; time; torments; true; vnto; wee cache: A09493.xml plain text: A09493.txt item: #7 of 61 id: A14924 author: E. R., fl. 1605. aut title: The late commotion of certaine papists in Herefordshire Occasioned by the death of one Alice Wellington, a recusant, who was buried after the popish maner, in the towne of Allens-Moore, neere Hereford, vpon Tuesday in Whitsun weeke last past. 1605. With other excellent matter thereby occasioned. Truely set forth. date: 1605.0 words: 6799 flesch: 57 summary: With other excellent matter thereby occasioned. With other excellent matter thereby occasioned. keywords: alice; bee; books; church; company; constable; course; cowle; diuers; eebo; england; english; euery; friend; god; good; hamond; haue; hauing; hee; hereford; high; himselfe; holy; iames; iustices; king; knowne; late; leonard; letter; light; london; lord; lordship; maiesties; maiesty; maner; marsh; matter; neere; onely; owne; papists; parts; peace; popish; priests; prisoner; proceedings; religion; rest; sayd; set; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thou; thy; time; true; truth; uicar; vnto; vpon; warrant; wee; wellington; whatsoeuer; william; words; worthy cache: A14924.xml plain text: A14924.txt item: #8 of 61 id: A23600 author: Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 1631-1683, recipient. title: A letter to the Right Honorable A. Earl of Essex, from Dublin Declaring the strange obstinacy of papists, (as here, so) in Ireland; who being evidently convict and condemn'd for criminal causes, yet at their death, and upon the gallows, absolutely deny the fact; and the erroneous and impious motives, given by their priests, by which they are deluded to do it. date: 1679.0 words: 2007 flesch: 63 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 37777) keywords: books; characters; curphy; dublin; duffies; early; eebo; english; essex; fact; gallows; guilty; ireland; letter; lordship; online; oxford; papists; phase; plunkett; strange; tcp; tei; text; works cache: A23600.xml plain text: A23600.txt item: #9 of 61 id: A29831 author: Browne, John, Jesuit. title: The confession of John Browne, a Iesvite, in the gate-house twice examined by a committee from the honourable House of Commons wherein is discovered the late plots of the Pope and papacy against these kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland : and the manner how he poceeds in his intents to intrude himselfe into the temporall monarchy hereof : with the copy of the Popes Breve, & the fansinesse of his Nuntio with the English ladies : and the event that may preoceed by stopping such proceedings. date: 1641.0 words: 2218 flesch: 62 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A29831 of text R10825 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B5118). 47 D The rate of 47 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a29831; books; breve; browne; committee; commons; confession; early; england; english; father; gate; george; great; himselfe; honourable; house; iesvite; iohn; ireland; jesuit; john; kingdomes; ladies; manner; monarchy; philips; pope; rome; scotland; sir; temporall; text; toby cache: A29831.xml plain text: A29831.txt item: #10 of 61 id: A30635 author: Burthogge, Richard, 1638?-ca. 1700. title: Prudential reasons for repealing the penal laws against all recusants and for a general toleration penn'd by a Protestant person of quality. date: 1687.0 words: 4979 flesch: 53 summary: eng Dissenters, Religious -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- England -- Early works to 1800. Queen Elizabeth on several Occasions , in several Parliaments , gave Life and Birth to Laws of extream severity , not only against the Roman Catholic , but also the Puritan Recusant ; but against both to little effect ; for notwithstanding all that severity , Popery was not extirpated , and Nonconformity grew and spread ; it is true , the less observedly , but not the less dangerously for that it grew in secret , and that it was not observed . keywords: books; case; catholics; characters; church; crown; early; eebo; elizabeth; english; execution; general; government; indulgence; interest; james; king; laws; liberty; little; matters; men; method; minds; opinions; peace; penal; people; protestant; prudential; quality; queen; quiet; reasons; recusants; religion; roman; safety; self; severity; state; tcp; tei; text; things; time; toleration; true; works; world cache: A30635.xml plain text: A30635.txt item: #11 of 61 id: A31234 author: Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of, 1634-1705. title: A reply to the ansvver of the Catholiqve apology, or, A cleere vindication of the Catholiques of England from all matter of fact charg'd against them by their enemyes date: 1668.0 words: 58393 flesch: 70 summary: 'T is no breach in our Religion to say , that Popes in their private Determinations may erre , much less , that they sin like men . Certainly , nothing can more fully proue the sincere and disinterested meaning of the Catholiques , then the Kings miraculous Escape from Worcester : for he fell not there into the hands of men of Qualitie onely , but among Papists of all ranks and conditions . keywords: able; absolute; account; acknowledged; actions; advantage; affairs; ages; allegeance; anderton; answer; answerer; apology; argument; arms; arthur; author; authority; baker; beginning; best; better; bishops; blood; body; book; brave; brethren; brother; business; cam; capt; catalogue; catholicks; catholiques; cause; cavaliers; charge; charles; chief; children; christian; church; clergy; col; coligni; common; condition; confess; confesses; conscience; contrary; councel; countries; country; court; crime; cromwel; crown; daily; danger; dangerous; day; days; death; deposing; design; desire; destruction; discourse; divines; doctrine; doubtless; duke; duty; earl; edward; eighth; elizabeth; enemies; enemy; england; english; esq; estates; evident; example; excuse; execution; experience; fact; fain; faith; faithful; fall; false; famous; fathers; faults; favour; fear; fell; fifth; fire; fit; forc'd; force; fox; france; francis; free; french; friends; general; gentlemen; germany; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; government; granted; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; hath; hatred; head; hear; henry; historians; history; holy; home; honour; hope; house; hugonots; ignorant; ill; innocent; interest; iohn; ireland; irish; james; jesuites; john; judge; king; kingdom; known; late; lawful; laws; lay; leave; liberty; lieut; life; like; little; live; london; long; lord; loss; love; loyalty; magistrates; majesty; malice; man; manner; marriage; mary; massacre; matter; mean; meaning; men; mercy; method; mind; minister; monarch; murther; nation; natural; nature; nay; necessitated; necessity; needs; neer; neighbours; new; oath; occasion; old; onely; opinion; oxford; papists; paragraph; paris; parliament; parson; particular; party; people; perchance; persons; pity; place; pleased; plot; poor; pope; popery; popish; possible; power; pray; prayers; preaching; present; pretended; priests; prince; principles; private; priviledges; profession; profest; protestants; publick; purpose; queen; question; quiet; reader; real; reason; rebellion; rebels; reformation; reformed; reign; religion; religious; reply; rest; richard; right; roman; rome; royal; royallists; run; saints; saying; scotland; scots; sea; second; sect; seeing; self; selves; service; set; shew; short; sir; slain; soveraign; spanish; speak; speed; state; strange; strong; subjects; sufferings; sure; taking; tcp; tell; text; thing; thomas; thought; time; title; traytors; trouble; true; truth; vid; viz; war; way; weak; wicked; wife; william; wise; wish; wit; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worthy; writ; years; york; ● ● cache: A31234.xml plain text: A31234.txt item: #12 of 61 id: A32369 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: A proclamation commanding all papists, or reputed papists, forthwith to depart from the cities of London and Westminster, and from within ten miles of the same date: 1679.0 words: 1337 flesch: 63 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). keywords: books; characters; charles; cities; depart; early; eebo; english; king; london; miles; online; papists; phase; proclamation; said; tcp; tei; text; westminster cache: A32369.xml plain text: A32369.txt item: #13 of 61 id: A32511 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King, a proclamation for suppression of popery date: 1673.0 words: 1240 flesch: 60 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 103850) keywords: books; characters; charles; early; eebo; encoding; english; image; king; laws; november; online; oxford; partnership; phase; popery; recusants; suppression; tcp; tei; text; xml cache: A32511.xml plain text: A32511.txt item: #14 of 61 id: A32683 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King, a proclamation date: None words: 1708 flesch: 58 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A32683) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 102749) Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: books; characters; charles; command; day; early; eebo; england; english; image; king; kingdom; laws; online; oxford; partnership; phase; priests; proclamation; said; tcp; tei; text; twentieth; wales cache: A32683.xml plain text: A32683.txt item: #15 of 61 id: A33346 author: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. title: A true and full narrative of those two never to be forgotten deliverances one from the Spanish Invasion in 88, the other from the hellish Powder Plot, November 5, 1605 : whereunto is added the like narrative of that signal judgment of God upon the papists, by the fall of the House in Black-Friers, London, upon their fifth of November, 1623 / collected for the information and benefit of each family, by Sam. Clark ... date: 1671.0 words: 22900 flesch: 45 summary: And so far was it from terrifying our English Coasts with the name of Invincible , or with its huge and terrible spectacle , that our brave English youth with an incredible alacrity , leaving parents , wives , children , kinsfolk , and friends out of their entire love to their native country , hired ships from all parts at their own proper charges , and joyned with the Fleet in great numbers , amongst whom were the Earls of Oxford , Northumberland and Cumberland : Thomas and Robert Cecil : Henry Brook : Charles Blunt : Walter Raleigh : William Hatton : Robert Carey : This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. keywords: admiral; armado; army; attempt; best; better; black; blow; bodies; books; callis; captain; catesby; cause; cellar; certain; chamber; charge; children; church; coast; coming; command; commission; companies; contrary; countries; country; course; court; danger; day; days; dead; death; deliverance; design; don; door; drake; duke; dunkirk; earl; eebo; elizabeth; enemies; enemy; england; english; escape; evil; family; fawkes; fear; fifth; fight; fire; fit; flanders; fleet; floor; foot; forces; forward; francis; friends; gallion; garret; general; glory; god; gods; good; great; greatest; gunpowder; guns; hands; haven; head; henry; high; hold; honour; horses; house; intended; invasion; ireland; john; july; king; length; like; little; london; long; lord; lord admiral; low; man; mariners; matter; medina; men; narrative; nation; navy; near; netherlands; november; number; oath; order; ordnance; papists; parliament; parma; parts; people; percy; persons; pit; place; plot; pope; portugal; powder; preparations; prepared; present; prince; providence; provision; purpose; queen; ready; reason; religion; rest; return; robert; room; said; sails; saint; sea; seas; second; self; service; set; ships; shot; sides; signal; sir; small; souldiers; south; spain; spaniards; spanish; spanish fleet; special; strong; sudden; tcp; terrible; text; things; thomas; thou; thought; timber; time; true; tun; unto; vast; want; war; way; west; whereof; william; wind; winter; work; years cache: A33346.xml plain text: A33346.txt item: #16 of 61 id: A33406 author: Catholic Church. Pope (1667-1669 : Clement IX) title: A letter from the Pope to his distressed sons the Catholicks in England. As it was intercepted, and now published by S.V. date: 1674.0 words: 3194 flesch: 56 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: books; catholicks; cause; characters; christ; church; clement; creation; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; father; fit; good; hath; heresies; hereticks; holy; images; letter; like; mahomet; nay; old; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pope; religion; scriptures; selves; sons; souls; tcp; tei; text; time; treason; works; world; xml cache: A33406.xml plain text: A33406.txt item: #17 of 61 id: A33736 author: Coleman, Edward, d. 1678. title: Mr. Coleman's two letters to Monsieur L'Chaise, the French king's confessor with Monsieur L'Chaise's answer to Mr. Coleman, which the House of Commons desired might be printed : together with the D. of Y's letter to the said Monsieur L'Chaise, which sheweth what Mr. Coleman wrote to him, was by his special command and appointment. date: 1678.0 words: 9251 flesch: 40 summary: when I constantly inculcated the great danger the Catholick Religion , and his most Christian Majesties Interest would be in , at our next Session of Parliament , which was then to be in October following ; at which , I plainly foresaw , that the King , my Master , would be forced to something in preiudice , of his Alliance with France , which I saw so evidently and particularly that we should make Peace with Holland , that I weighed all the Arguments I could ( which to me were Demonstrations ) to convince your Court of that Mischief , and pressed what I could to perswade his Christian Majesty to use his utmost force to prevent And that his Royal Highnesses opinion was , That if his Most Christian Majesty would write his thoughts freely to the King of England upon this Subject , and make the same offer to his Majesty of his Purse to dissolve this , which he made to his Royal Highness to call another , he did believe it very possible for him to succeed , with the assistance we should be able to give him here ; And that if this Parliament were dissolved there would be no great difficulty of getting a new one , which would be more useful : The Constitution of our Parliament being such ; that a new one can never hurt the Crown , nor an old one do it good . keywords: answer; arlington; body; catholick; christian; christian majesty; coleman; condition; credit; dissolution; duke; durst; eebo; england; english; father; favour; ferrier; france; frogmorton; good; great; hands; help; highness; interest; king; l'chaise; letter; lord; majesties; majesty; master; ministers; money; monsieur; new; opinion; parliament; peace; pleased; power; purse; ravigny; reason; religion; royal; royal highness; said; saw; self; service; sir; sum; sure; tcp; text; thing; time; use; vve; vvhich; vvith; way; william; work cache: A33736.xml plain text: A33736.txt item: #18 of 61 id: A34067 author: Comber, Thomas, 1645-1699. title: Friendly and seasonable advice to the Roman Catholicks of England by a charitable hand. date: 1677.0 words: 31162 flesch: 74 summary: And an Ancient Council calls Jerusalem the Mother of all Churches w ; but as for the Primacy of Rome , there is no genuine Author for the first Three Centuries takes any notice of it , and Aeneas Sylvius * afterwards Pope confesseth , There was little respect paid to Rome before the Nicene Council : If Polycrates and the Asian Bishops had known of this Infallibility and Supremacy , they would not have opposed Pope Victor's Opinion , nor despised his Excommunication so boldly as they did ; neither would Irenaeus ( who calls the Bishops of Rome no more but Presbyters ) have presumed to reprove the same Victor for his arrogance and indiscretion , as we find he did x . S. Cyprian ▪ surely never heard of this Power of the Roman Bishop , who calls Cornelius Bishop of that See , no more but Brother and Colleague , and gives to Pope Stephen his Successor at Rome , the Titles of False Apostle , Schismatick , friend to Hereticks , and enemy to Christians : utterly despising his Judgment , and not regarding his Determinations y . The frauds indeed of the Guides of that Church are daily more and more laid open , but for want of such a charity as yours is , they who are chiefly concerned , seldom come to the knowledge of them : I am sure those excellent pens which discover'd them , did not design we should make their delusions the subject of our mirth , but the means to convert the Souls of those who are linked to us in so many bonds , that it is a shame we should suffer them to be so deceived . keywords: account; advice; affirms; ancient; angels; annal; answer; apostles; apostolical; appeals; articles; aug; augustine; authority; authors; best; better; bishop; books; canon; cap; case; catholicks; centuries; certain; charitable; charity; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; claim; clergy; communion; confess; confesseth; confession; consent; contrary; council; country; crown; day; death; decrees; designs; desire; devotion; dist; divers; divine; doctors; doctrines; doth; doubt; early; easie; eccles; ecclesiastical; edition; eebo; eminent; ends; england; english; enquire; epist; esteem; evident; evil; excellent; false; famous; fancy; fathers; fear; fit; fol; fourth; france; free; french; friendly; friends; general; gives; gloss; god; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; gregory; guides; hath; head; heaven; henry; hist; historian; history; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; images; infallible; instances; interest; jesus; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; large; later; lawful; laws; learned; leave; left; lib; life; like; little; long; lord; manners; matters; matth; means; men; mind; miracles; modern; mony; nation; nature; necessary; needs; new; nice; old; old religion; opinions; original; pag; pardon; parliament; particulars; parts; patriarch; paul; people; persons; perswade; peter; pious; places; plain; points; policy; pope; power; practice; prayers; present; pretences; pretended; priests; primitive; princes; principles; priviledges; protestant; provinces; purgatory; rational; real; reason; received; reformation; religion; rest; right; roman; roman church; romanists; rome; said; saints; saith; salvation; scripture; second; section; self; selves; sins; souls; spiritual; stat; subject; subjection; support; supream; supremacy; tcp; temporal; text; things; thou; time; title; tom; tongue; traditions; true; truth; unknown; use; vit; viz; vniversal; want; way; western; works; world; worship; writers; years cache: A34067.xml plain text: A34067.txt item: #19 of 61 id: A34722 author: Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631. title: Serious considerations for repressing of the increase of Iesvites, priests, and papists without shedding blood written by Sir R.C. and presented to King James of happie memory. date: 1641.0 words: 10400 flesch: 34 summary: For if Aristotles City defined to be a society of men , assembled to live well , be the same , which in our Law hath reference to the maintenance of the poore in peace : so long as we taste of the sweet of a peaceable Government ; we cannot say , but that we live well , and that the City consisting of Men , and not of Walls , is happily guided . Huomini ( say they ) Senza Dio , & Senz anima : Men without feare of God , or regard of their Soules ; Who busying themselves onely with matters of State , retaine no sense of Religion : without doubt , if the Authors of this partition have cast their account aright , we must confesse , the latter Broode is to be ascribed properly vnto them ; For if the vndermining of the Parliament House , the scandalizing of the King in Print , who is Gods annoynted ; And the refusall of naturall obedience , be workes of those that neither stand in awe of God or Conscience ; well may the Papists boast , that they are assured of the first number ; and may presume likewise of the lasts friendship , when occasion shall be offered ; For the preventing of which combination ; it is a sure way to cut off the Heads ; that should tye the knot , or at least , to brand them with a marke in the forehead , before they be dismissed , or after the opinion of others , to make them vnwelcome to the faeminine Sexe ; which now with great fervency imbraceth them . keywords: a34722; armes; bee; better; bin; blood; bodies; books; cause; children; church; city; comming; common; confesse; conscience; considerations; course; daily; dayes; death; doubt; early; end; english; example; execution; feare; free; friends; god; goe; good; great; greater; hand; hard; hath; heads; hearts; himselfe; hold; hope; iesuites; increase; justice; king; lawes; lesse; liberty; life; lives; majesties; matter; meanes; memory; men; mind; ministers; multitude; necessary; need; neverthelesse; new; non; number; oath; obedience; opinion; order; owne; papall; papists; particular; party; people; persons; place; poore; popery; popish; power; pretended; priests; prison; private; protestants; punishment; purpose; question; ready; reason; recusants; religion; repressing; roman; rome; selfe; seminaries; seminary; servants; set; severity; shew; sir; small; soever; sort; soules; speake; spirituall; state; subjects; successe; text; thought; time; true; vnto; way; wealth; wing; word; worthy; zeale cache: A34722.xml plain text: A34722.txt item: #20 of 61 id: A35564 author: Casaubon, Meric, 1599-1671. title: To J.S., the author of Sure-footing, his letter, lately published, The answer of Mer. Casaubon, D.D., concerning the new way of infallibility lately devised to uphold the Roman cause, the Holy Scriptures, antient fathers and councills laid aside date: 1665.0 words: 11454 flesch: 60 summary: So you tell us in a place , this way ( of Tradition ) is the way every Catholick in the whole Church , none excepted , holds and follows : your way therefore , not a new way : as if a man would prove , that a dogg is a man , because both dog and man , are Animals . And then again , by your own Corollaries ; That body of men , who adhere to Tradition , ( Oral still , that is the teaching of Fathers and Mothers of Families : ) can evidence clearly and plainly , who are truly faithfull , who not , — who are of the Church , who not : keywords: account; ages; ancient; answer; author; body; book; business; casaubon; cause; charge; christianity; church; credit; doctrine; doth; eebo; end; england; english; faith; families; fathers; footing; god; good; great; greatest; ground; hammond; hath; infallibility; judge; king; language; late; learning; leave; letter; like; man; matter; mean; men; mind; mistake; mothers; nature; need; new; onely; opinion; oral; particular; place; popes; preface; principles; promise; rational; reason; religion; science; scripture; self; sense; set; sir; sure; tcp; testimonies; text; thing; thought; time; tradition; true; way; white; wonder; words; world; worth; years cache: A35564.xml plain text: A35564.txt item: #21 of 61 id: A36128 author: E. F. title: A discoverie of the hellish plot against divers particular of the nobility of the kingdome of England also the papists gvnpowder-plot brought to light : with the copie of a letter sent from a noble-man in Ireland to Colonel Lunsford, Jan. 11, 1642 : shewing in a most true and reall reiation the manner how this hellish plot was laid and how these noble pillars of Protestant-religion the Earl of Cork, the Earl of Kildare and the valourous Lord Iones should have been blown up : as also hovv they intended to burn dovvn the citie of Dublin vvith wild-fire and how they were beaten back by the lord chief-justices in the castles. date: 1642.0 words: 1500 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A36128 of text R19461 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing D1653). The rate of 31 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: colonel; dublin; earl; english; fire; great; hellish; ireland; letter; lord; lunsford; man; manner; noble; particular; plot; protestant; rebels; text cache: A36128.xml plain text: A36128.txt item: #22 of 61 id: A38185 author: Egan, Anthony, B.D. title: The Franciscan convert, or, A recantation-sermon of Anthony Egan ... preached in London on April 6, 1673 to which is annexed, A narrative of the strange behaviour and speeches of the papists in Ireland since His Majesties declaration of indulgence : and the commendatory letter in Latine, given to the author by his superiour before his conversion. date: 1673.0 words: 6444 flesch: 52 summary: Christianity consists of a redemption , and that redemption from the iniquity of our ways ; that is to say , a Turning from Sin to Vertue , from Satan unto God. A Turning from a bad life is nothing else but a Separation of a mans self from profane uses unto Holiness ; As when a Child and Heir of Hell becomes one of the Sons of God , in Scripture Phrase this work of Conversion is called a Ceasing from evil , and a learning to do well ; A putting off of the old man , and a putting on of the New ; and it is called a new Creature , a Conformity to Christ in his Death and Resurrection ; or according to the same Apostle elsewhere , Be not conformed to this World , but rather transformed by the renewing of your minds . keywords: answer; anthony; author; behaviour; bishop; books; characters; christ; church; commendatory; conversion; doctrine; early; eebo; egan; england; english; errors; franciscan; general; god; gods; good; great; guardian; hath; henry; holy; images; indulgence; ireland; kingdom; language; life; london; lord; majesties; manner; mass; new; order; papists; people; persons; place; popery; present; protestant; purgatory; reason; religion; rome; said; scripture; self; sermon; service; strange; superiour; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; understanding; work; world; worship cache: A38185.xml plain text: A38185.txt item: #23 of 61 id: A38353 author: R. E. aut title: A letter directed to Master Bridgeman, the fourth of Ianuary, and a letter inclosed in it, to one Master Anderton, were this day read and ordered to be entred To the worshipfull, and my much honoured friend Orlando Bridgeman Esquier, and a burgesse of the Parl. at his chamber at the Inner Temple, these present. date: 1642.0 words: 1163 flesch: 71 summary: FAULKLAND , and CULPEPPER , are friends to our side , at leastwise they wil doe us no hurt . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A38353 of text R215025 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing E28B). keywords: a38353; anderton; books; bridgeman; day; early; english; fourth; friends; honoured; letter; master; present; text; wil; wing; worshipfull cache: A38353.xml plain text: A38353.txt item: #24 of 61 id: A40452 author: French, Nicholas, 1604-1678. title: [The bleeding Iphigenia or An excellent preface of a work unfinished, published by the authors frind, [sic] with the reasons of publishing it.] date: 1675.0 words: 17085 flesch: 66 summary: Ever Loyall to his Prince , faithfull to his Country , and true to his frind ; and soe harty a lover of peace , with all kinde of men ; that hee neuer ingag'd in any contention , but what was pious for defending Religion , and the Jurisdection of the holy Sea : in quarrells of this nature hee was still fervent , and feared noe man , and used to say with great Ambrose in such incounters . How then say men came this about ? how could soe clement a King be induced to afflict soe loyall a people , as the Catholicks of England , and Ireland ? I see noe Mistery in this business , all is cleare : theire affliction , and cause therof is well knowne over all Europ , and is ( as I may say ) even the same with that of innocent Daniell , whose Loyall fidelity to Syrus King of Babylon , was soe cleare , as his malignant Enemys said expressly of him , wee shall not finde against this Daniell any occasion unless perhaps in the Law of his God ; the Crime then against Daniell and all the Jews was theire Religion : upon this ground the Counsellers and great men of the Kingdome gott the King to sett forth an Edict against the Jewes for professing theire Religion , and by this means Daniell was cast into the lake of the Lyons by a King that lou'd him . keywords: 2ae; able; act; affliction; alsoe; aman; anno; answer; authority; beast; bin; blooddy; body; books; bull; cap; care; cast; catholicks; cause; characters; charles; children; christian; church; common; companions; confederate; counsells; country; crime; crowne; crumwells; cum; cure; daniell; day; death; defence; devine; dignity; distruction; doctrin; doe; don; doth; duke; duty; earl; earth; eebo; end; enemys; england; english; estates; evill; excellent; faithfull; false; father; feare; frind; gentlemen; glory; god; godly; gods; good; great; great king; greater; greatest; ground; guilty; hand; harts; hath; haue; heaven; hee; high; himselfe; holliness; holy; home; hope; house; humble; innocent; iob; iphigenia; ireland; irish; iudge; iudgment; iustice; killing; king; kingdome; knowne; lands; language; law; lawfull; left; letter; licitum; life; like; likely; little; london; long; lord; majesty; man; marquis; mee; men; mercy; minde; nation; nature; nec; neuer; noble; noe; non; obedience; open; orery; ormond; owne; pag; page; pardon; people; person; pest; pious; place; pleased; poore; popes; power; preface; priest; prince; prophet; protestants; publick; quality; quarrell; qui; reader; reason; rebellion; rebells; religion; reproach; rich; royall; ruine; said; saint; saith; sall; salvation; second; selves; sic; soe; somthing; sonne; soules; speake; subjects; taking; tcp; teares; tei; text; thee; things; thou; thousands; title; true; truth; tyme; usurpation; want; warre; way; wee; wicked; words; work; world; worthy; writings cache: A40452.xml plain text: A40452.txt item: #25 of 61 id: A41019 author: Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. title: Virtumnus romanus, or, A discovrse penned by a Romish priest wherein he endevours to prove that it is lawfull for a papist in England to goe to the Protestant church, to receive the communion, and to take the oathes, both of allegiance and supremacie : to which are adjoyned animadversions in the in the [sic] margin by way of antidote against those places where the rankest poyson is couched / by Daniel Featley ... date: 1642.0 words: 55461 flesch: 61 summary: collect , Quieto anim● esto & ne sis sollicitus de istis rebus quae nihil ad pacem conscientiae tuae faciunt , sed potius ill●m turbaturae sint , & Deum in te provocaturae , Be at peace , and take no thought of these things , which will nothing conduct to the peace of thy conscience , but rather trouble it and provoke the wrath of God against thee : 〈◊〉 fourthly , the words may carry this sense , now thou ha●t that thou ●●●nest for , thou art cleansed of thy l●prosie , Goe home in peace , God send thee a prosperous journey for the thing thou w●ttest of , shall never 〈◊〉 thee , for thy Master shall never requi●e any such service of thee as to wait on him to his Chappell to worship Rimmon . There could be no evill in the world if God suffered it not , and he suffereth it not against his will but with his wi●l , neither would he which is so good , nay , rather goodnesse it selfe willingly suffer any evill to be , but that by his omnipotencie he can and doth extract much good out of all sorts of evill . keywords: a41019; able; account; act; actions; active; acts; adde; admonition; aforesaid; allegiance; alwaies; ancient; animadversions; anno; answer; apostle; appearance; appeares; appendix; approbation; articles; aske; augustine; authoritie; authour; avoyd; azorius; bee; beleeve; beliefe; best; better; betweene; bishop; blasphemers; blessed; blood; body; booke; branch; bread; brother; bull; cap; care; case; catholikes; catholique; catholique church; catholique religion; causes; censure; certaine; chapter; charitie; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; clara; cleare; colledges; command; committed; common; communion; company; competent; confesse; confession; conscience; contrary; cor; councel; countrey; countries; craft; creature; crowne; cum; custome; danger; darknesse; day; dayes; death; declaration; deed; demand; denie; diana; die; difference; discourse; distinctive; divers; divines; doctors; doctrine; doe; dominions; doth; doubtfull; drinke; earth; eate; eating; ecclesiasticall; edward; eebo; eighth; elizabeth; end; ends; england; english; equivocation; ergo; errour; evident; evill; example; expresse; fact; faith; fallen; false; falshood; family; famous; farre; fathers; feare; fifth; fit; flesh; formall; forme; forreigne; forrein; forreiners; fortunes; fourth; fox; foxes; gaine; generall; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gospel; governour; grace; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; hazard; head; heart; heaven; heires; henrie; henry; heresie; hereticall; hereticks; heretiques; highnesse; himselfe; holinesse; holy; honour; hope; house; humane; hurt; idolaters; idolatrie; idolatry; idols; iesuits; ignorance; ignorant; images; indifferent; injunctions; institution; intention; iohn; iudge; jews; judgement; jurisdiction; justice; keepe; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; language; latine; law; lawes; lawfull; lawmaker; learned; leave; lest; let; letters; lib; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; lord; losse; love; lye; majesties; major; malignitie; man; manner; mans; martyrs; masse; matter; matth; meanes; meaning; meats; members; men; mens; mentall; merits; minde; minister; minor; morall; mouth; naamans; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; necessitie; neighbour; new; noble; non; notes; oath; oathes; occasion; onely; ones; opinion; owne; pag; page; papists; parliament; parte; particular; passive; paul; penalties; people; perfect; perjurie; persecution; persons; pharisees; pictures; piece; pious; place; play; pleased; point; poore; pope; popish; power; prayers; preach; preface; present; pretended; priests; prince; private; professe; profession; promise; prophet; protestant church; protestants; prudent; purpose; quae; queene; question; qui; quod; reader; realme; reason; receive; recusancie; reigne; religion; religious; renounce; reply; rescripts; reservation; respect; rest; revelation; righteousnesse; rimmon; rites; romane; rome; romish; ruine; rule; s ●; sacrament; sacrifice; safeguard; said; said oath; saint; sake; salvation; sancta; saviour; saying; scandall; scandalous; schismaticks; schoole; scripture; seas; second; sect; secular; sed; seeme; sense; sermons; service; set; shew; simple; sinne; sorts; soule; speake; species; spirituall; state; statutes; subjects; subversion; sufficient; suggestions; sunt; supreame; supremacie; sweare; taking; tcp; teacheth; temple; temporall; text; thee; thing; thomas; thought; time; title; touching; tract; trent; true; truth; understanding; universall; unlawfull; unlesse; use; usurped; vel; veniall; vertue; viz; water; way; weake; whatsoever; wine; wise; wit; words; worke; world; worship; writing; yeere; zeale; ● t; ● ● cache: A41019.xml plain text: A41019.txt item: #26 of 61 id: A41361 author: Gadbury, John, 1627-1704. title: A true narrative of the horrid hellish popish-plot To the tune of Packington's Pound, the second part. date: 1682.0 words: 2800 flesch: 82 summary: For Oa , their main Engine , fail'd when it came to 't ; No marval indeed if he cuzen'd 'em all , Who turn'● him a ( 19 ) begging , and ( 20 ) beat him to boot : He wheeling about , Th' whole Party did rout , And from lurking holes did so ferret 'em out ; Till running himself blind , h● none of them ( 21 ) knew , And fainting at ( 22 ) Council , he cou'd not swear true . TO co●fort our Doctor , brave Be●loe's brought in , A m●re Credible Witness was not above ground ; He vows ●nd protests , though a Rogue he had been , He wou'd now not swear false for Five hundred p●und : And why shou'd we fear They falsly wou'd swear , To damn ●heir own ( 23 ) Souls , and to lose by it here . keywords: arms; books; cartoon; characters; doubt; early; eebo; english; god; hellish; horrid; image; ireland; jesuits; king; life; man; narrative; online; oxford; panel; partnership; phase; plot; popish; pound; ready; second; story; tcp; tei; text; true; truth; tryal; wakeman; witnesses; works cache: A41361.xml plain text: A41361.txt item: #27 of 61 id: A42971 author: Gadbury, John, 1627-1704. title: A true narrative of the horrid hellish popish-plot To the tune of Packington's Pound, the first part. date: 1682.0 words: 2724 flesch: 83 summary: H. The Dr. does not tell us , where these forty thousand Bills were made ; but our reason tells us , that 't was very necessary they should be hammered as privately as possible ( for fear of Discovery ) and therefore Bilb●● and Salamanca , may pass far more probable than London or any Town in England . cartoon panel You 'l wonder more how they durst venture , For killing King ; to signe Indenture . keywords: body; books; cartoon; characters; devil; early; eebo; english; good; great; hellish; horrid; ibid; jesuits; king; lord; man; narrative; oates; old; online; page; panel; phase; pilgrims; place; plot; popish; ready; story; tcp; tei; text; true; truth; tryal; witnesses; works; wou'd cache: A42971.xml plain text: A42971.txt item: #28 of 61 id: A45763 author: Berkeley, John, Sir, d. 1678. title: Now we the lord lieutenant and Council, in pursuance of His Majesties said letters, and by virtue of the said clause in the act explaining the Act of Settlement, do by this our act of Council, give and grant general licence and leave to all and every His Majesties Roman Catholic subjects ... date: None words: 1605 flesch: 58 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 104975) keywords: act; berkeley; books; characters; cities; clause; council; early; eebo; english; general; ireland; kingdom; letters; lieutenant; lord; majesties; online; said; subjects; tcp; tei; text; time; towns cache: A45763.xml plain text: A45763.txt item: #29 of 61 id: A48822 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: The late apology in behalf of the papists reprinted and answered in behalf of the royallists date: 1673.0 words: 19636 flesch: 72 summary: But what of that ? since the Son is King , who is not glad † that he is King ? or whom would it not grieve to have his Loyalty called in Question ? [ Little we think , ( when your Prayers and ours were offer'd up to beg a blessing on the Kings Affairs ) ever to see that day , in which Carlos Gifford , Whitgrave , & the Pendrels , should he punish'd by your desires for that Religion which obliged them to save their forlorn prince ; & a stigmatized man ( for his Offences against King & Church ) a chief promoter of it . keywords: account; advantage; answer; apology; arms; authority; behalf; better; books; catholick; cause; cecil; christians; church; council; crown; danger; day; death; defence; design; desire; doctrine; duty; edward; eebo; elizabeth; enemies; england; english; excuse; execution; faith; father; fear; france; french; gentlemen; god; good; government; great; greater; hath; head; henry; hist; holiness; house; ireland; james; jesuites; judge; king; kingdom; known; late; laws; lay; leave; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; loyalty; majesty; man; mean; men; murthered; nation; nay; occasion; papists; parliament; party; people; perchance; persons; place; plot; pope; popish; power; pray; predecessors; prince; principles; protestants; queen; question; rebellion; rebels; religion; right; roman; rome; royal; scotland; scots; second; secure; self; selves; service; set; sir; state; subjects; succession; sure; tcp; tell; text; thing; thought; thu; time; title; treason; true; viz; war; way; wicked; wish; words; world; years cache: A48822.xml plain text: A48822.txt item: #30 of 61 id: A51173 author: Monson, William, Sir, 1569-1643. title: Megalopsychy, being a particular and exact account of the last XVII years of Q. Elizabeths reign, both military and civil the first written by Sir William Monson ..., the second written by Heywood Townsend, Esq. ; wherein is a true and faithful relation ... of the English and Spanish wars, from the year 1585, to the Queens death ; with a full account of the eminent speeches and debates, &c., in the said time ; to which is added Dr. Parry's tryal in the year 1584 ; all written at the time of the actions, by persons eminently acting therein. date: 1682.0 words: 48688 flesch: 57 summary: Megalopsychy, being a particular and exact account of the last XVII years of Q. Elizabeths reign, both military and civil the first written by Sir William Monson ..., the second written by Heywood Townsend, Esq. ; wherein is a true and faithful relation ... of the English and Spanish wars, from the year 1585, to the Queens death ; with a full account of the eminent speeches and debates, &c., in the said time ; to which is added Dr. Parry's tryal in the year 1584 ; all written at the time of the actions, by persons eminently acting therein. Monson, William, Sir, 1569-1643. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 362:9) Megalopsychy, being a particular and exact account of the last XVII years of Q. Elizabeths reign, both military and civil the first written by Sir William Monson ..., the second written by Heywood Townsend, Esq. ; wherein is a true and faithful relation ... of the English and Spanish wars, from the year 1585, to the Queens death ; with a full account of the eminent speeches and debates, &c., in the said time ; to which is added Dr. Parry's tryal in the year 1584 ; all written at the time of the actions, by persons eminently acting therein. Monson, William, Sir, 1569-1643. keywords: able; account; action; admiral; advantage; adventure; anchor; anno; army; attempt; best; better; betwixt; board; boat; books; cadiz; capt; captain; care; carreck; carvel; castle; catholicks; cause; chamberlain; charge; chief; coast; coming; commanders; company; confess; confession; conscience; contrary; country; course; court; credit; crown; cumberland; danger; dangerous; day; days; death; design; desire; didst; directions; divers; don; doth; drake; dreadnought; duke; earl; effect; elizabeth; enemies; enemy; england; english; enterprise; escape; essex; execution; experience; fall; father; fear; february; finding; fleet; flores; forbisher; fortune; francis; french; friends; gain; gallies; garland; general; gentleman; god; good; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; harbor; hath; hazard; head; heart; hollanders; home; honor; hope; house; howard; hurt; indian; indictment; indies; intelligence; intended; intent; ireland; islands; john; judgment; justice; king; known; landing; late; left; letters; lewson; life; like; lisbon; little; london; long; lord; loss; love; majesties; majesty; man; manner; martin; master; means; men; merchants; mind; monson; morning; near; nevil; new; night; number; occasion; onely; opinion; opportunity; order; overthrow; parry; parts; past; person; place; plymouth; poor; pope; portugal; present; prince; prisoner; promise; purpose; quality; queen; rainbow; rawleigh; ready; realm; religion; repair; repulse; reputation; resolution; resolved; respect; rest; return; revenge; richard; road; rome; royal; said; sail; sea; seas; second; seeing; self; service; set; ships; shore; shot; sir; sir francis; sir john; sir richard; sir walter; sir william; small; sort; souldiers; spain; spaniards; spanish; speeches; state; stay; strength; subjects; success; taking; tcp; tercera; text; thee; thing; thomas; thou; thought; thy; time; tower; town; treasons; true; truth; vain; vice; victuals; voyage; walter; want; war; wars; way; wealth; west; whereof; wicked; william monson; wind; winter; word; year cache: A51173.xml plain text: A51173.txt item: #31 of 61 id: A53145 author: Smith, William, 17th cent. title: News from Ireland, touching the damnable design of the papists in that kingdom to forge a sham-plott upon the Presbyterians being the declaration of William Smith Gent. maintaining his late evidence against St. Lawrence, a Popish priest, who would have suborn'd him to have sworn the same. date: 1682.0 words: 3895 flesch: 39 summary: maintaining his late evidence against St. Lawrence, a Popish priest, who would have suborn'd him to have sworn the same. maintaining his late evidence against St. Lawrence, a Popish priest, who would have suborn'd him to have sworn the same. keywords: books; characters; creation; day; design; early; eebo; encoding; english; evidence; general; god; grace; great; images; information; ireland; kingdom; late; lawrence; online; oxford; papists; partnership; petition; phase; plot; popish; presbyterians; priest; religion; said; self; set; sham; smith; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; true; william; xml cache: A53145.xml plain text: A53145.txt item: #32 of 61 id: A53453 author: Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 1621-1679. title: The answer of a person of quality to a scandalous letter lately printed and subscribed by P.W. intituled, A letter desiring a just and merciful regard of the Roman Catholicks of Ireland date: 1662.0 words: 25204 flesch: 50 summary: Those which P. W. slanders with having deserted the Royal Cause , when the Irish Papists fought against the Regicides in defence of his Majesties Rights , were even the very first in Ireland which proclaimed his Majesty , my L. Lieutenant also at the head of them ; and that duty was performd by the Protestant Army in the Province of Munster , the same year in which by giving the Irish Papists some considerable defeats , the said Papists were reduced to a real necessity of submitting to his Majesty , which yet they but seemingly did . The 2. is , That my L. Duke of Ormond , though owned by the Irish Papists to be the Kings L. Lieutenant , and consequently representing his Sacred Majesties person , was still denied the use of so much as one Church or Chappel , wherever the said Papists had the power ; nay one of the Generals of the Irish PAPISTS , now living , told my L. Lieutenant at Kilkenny , That if the King in person came into Ireland , he should not be allowed by them One Church to celebrate his Devotions in : to whom his Grace made a return , proportionate to the disloyalty of that Declaration , and part of that return being prophetical , and since fulfilled , I shall here insert the words , viz. keywords: act; acts; aforesaid; agents; answer; approbation; army; articles; assembly; authority; benefit; breach; breaches; calls; care; catholicks; cause; chief; church; clergy; commissioners; condition; confederate; confidence; consciences; consent; corporations; council; countrey; crimes; criminal; crown; day; declaration; desire; duke; duty; effect; england; english; estates; faith; faithful; far; fears; force; forfeited; free; friends; general; god; good; government; grace; gracious; great; guilt; hands; hath; having; honors; house; indulgence; instances; instruction; ireland; irish papists; justice; kingdom; kings; late; laws; letter; lieutenant; lives; lord; majesties; majesties authority; majesty; mercy; nation; nay; necessity; oath; obedience; onely; ormond; p. w.; page; pardon; parliament; particular; past; peace; person; petition; petitioners; pope; power; present; pretended; prince; protection; protestants; publick; reader; rebellion; rebels; regicides; religion; respect; return; right; roman; royal; rvmp; sacred; sacred majesty; said; second; secure; self; settlement; sin; sins; subjects; supreme; tcp; text; time; title; transplantation; true; truth; viz; vnion; way; whereof; wish; words; year cache: A53453.xml plain text: A53453.txt item: #33 of 61 id: A53467 author: Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 1621-1679. title: The Irish colours displayed in a reply of an English Protestant to a late letter of an Irish Roman Catholique : both address'd to His Grace the Duke of Ormond ... date: 1662.0 words: 6344 flesch: 36 summary: The Irish colours displayed in a reply of an English Protestant to a late letter of an Irish Roman Catholique : both address'd to His Grace the Duke of Ormond ... Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 1621-1679. 1662 Approx. The Irish colours displayed in a reply of an English Protestant to a late letter of an Irish Roman Catholique : both address'd to His Grace the Duke of Ormond ... Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 1621-1679. keywords: address'd; ancestors; blood; books; case; catholique; characters; colours; common; countrey; crown; duke; early; eebo; encoding; end; england; english; favour; fear; god; good; government; grace; great; images; interest; ireland; irish; justice; kingdome; lands; late; letter; like; little; lives; long; lord; majesties; majesty; men; nature; needs; number; occasion; old; onely; online; original; ormond; oxford; parties; partnership; peace; phase; power; protestant; rebellion; reply; roman; subjects; tcp; tei; text; time; title; use; work; xml cache: A53467.xml plain text: A53467.txt item: #34 of 61 id: A56169 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: The good old cause rightly stated, and the false un-cased date: 1659.0 words: 4562 flesch: 52 summary: The command of the Parliaments forces and Army , being afterwards translated from the Earl of Ess●x to Sir Thomas Fairfax , by an (l) Ordinance of the Lords and ●ommons in Parliament , 15 Febr. 1644. for raysing and maintaining the sorces under his command : both Houses ordained , That there be forthwith raysed and armed for the d●fence of the King and Parliament , the true Protestant Religion , and the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom , an Army consisting of 6600 Horse , 4000 Dragooners , and 14400 Foot , under the immediate command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight , who is hereby constituted Commander in chief of all the forces raysed by this Ordinance , and shall from time to time be subject to such Orders and Directions as be shall receive from time to time from both Houses of Parliament , or from the Committee of both Kingdoms . keywords: arms; army; authority; cause; collection; command; commons; covenant; defence; earl; ends; english; false; forces; general; god; good; good old; government; horse; houses; kingdom; kings; laws; league; liberties; lords; militia; new; officers; old; old cause; orders; ordinances; parliament; peace; persons; power; privileges; protestant; prynne; religion; said; sir; solemn; text; thomas; time; true; william; works cache: A56169.xml plain text: A56169.txt item: #35 of 61 id: A61735 author: Gentleman of Good worth, being an eye-witness. title: Strange and bloody nevves from Miniard, or, A bloodie massacre vpon five Protestants by a company of papists meeting them as they were going to Miniard to take ship for Ireland : also how they first encountred them and how after some discourse upon religion cruelly mnrdered [sic] them : as also how they were taken and carryed to Bristow Castle with the copy of a letter found in one of their dublets directed to the Bishop of Canterbvrie / as it was credibly reported by a gentleman of good worth ... date: 1642.0 words: 1730 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A61735 of text R1505 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing S5814). no Strange and bloody nevves from Miniard: or a bloodie massacre upon five Protestants by a company of papists, meeting them as they were going Gentleman of Good Worth 1642 1311 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 B The rate of 8 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. 2007-01 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2007-01 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2007-02 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread 2007-02 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion STRANGE AND BLOODY NEVVES FROM MINIARD : OR A BLOODIE MASSACRE VPON FIVE PROTESTANTS BY A COMPANY OF PAPISTS , MEEting them as they were going to Miniard to take ship for Ireland . keywords: a61735; bishop; bloodie; bloody; company; copy; english; gentleman; good; grace; ireland; letter; massacre; miniard; nevves; papists; protestants; religion; strange; text; worth cache: A61735.xml plain text: A61735.txt item: #36 of 61 id: A62730 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. title: To the honourable knights, cittizens and burgesses, in the House of Commons in Parliament The humble petition of sundry the knights, gentlemen, freeholders, and others of the inhabitants of the county of Suffolke, to the number of above 13000. date: None words: 972 flesch: 58 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A62730 of text R220690 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing T1421). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A62730) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 36555) keywords: a62730; books; burgesses; cittizens; commons; early; english; honourable; house; humble; ireland; knights; lords; parliament; petition; sundry; text cache: A62730.xml plain text: A62730.txt item: #37 of 61 id: A65348 author: D. W., Sir. title: Some reflections on the oaths & declaration appointed in an act past in the first year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary in reference to the Roman Catholicks of England / by Sir D.W. Baronet, of the church of Rome. date: 1695.0 words: 6046 flesch: 51 summary: So help me God , &c. The Oath of Supremacy , framed in the Act , 1 Eliz. c. 1. which Oath is now abrogated . Sixty of the Doctors of the Sorbon subscribed to the said Oath , these following Words , We underwritten , Divines and Doctors of the Sacred Faculty of Paris , do judg the Oath , as it is on the other side , ( i. e. the Oath of Allegiance ) may with Safety of Faith and Conscience be taken by English Catholicks , &c. But Pope Paul the Fifth sent a Breve into England , directed to the English Catholicks , wherein , reciting the said Oath at large , he declares , that this Oath contains many things plainly repugnant to Faith and Salvation , and admonisheth and requireth them not to take that Oath . keywords: act; allegiance; authority; cap; catholicks; crown; declaration; ecclesiastical; eebo; eliz; england; english; faith; foreign; god; hath; heirs; henry; jurisdictions; king; kingdom; majesty; oath; parliament; past; person; pope; power; princes; queen; realm; reflections; reign; right; sir; spiritual; subjects; successors; supremacy; tcp; temporal; text; things; time; true; world; year cache: A65348.xml plain text: A65348.txt item: #38 of 61 id: A66128 author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1689-1694 : William and Mary) title: The declaration of His Highness the Prince of Orange concerning papists not departing from the cities of London and Westminster, and ten miles adjacent. date: 1689.0 words: 1465 flesch: 57 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A66128) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 63163) keywords: books; characters; cities; declaration; early; eebo; england; english; london; miles; orange; order; papists; peace; prince; respective; said; tcp; tei; text; westminster; william cache: A66128.xml plain text: A66128.txt item: #39 of 61 id: A67231 author: Wyvill, Christopher, Sir, 1614-1672?. title: A discourse, prepared for the ears of some Romanists (at a general quarter sessions, in the north, when they were summon'd to take the oaths.) By Sr. Christopher Wyvill baronet, one of His Majesties justices of the peace in those parts: and now profered to the eyes of them all date: 1679.0 words: 4070 flesch: 62 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A67231) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 29697) keywords: anno; bishop; books; characters; christian; christopher; church; discourse; doe; early; ears; eebo; elements; encoding; english; faith; general; good; images; king; laws; long; majesties; new; north; oaths; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; pope; power; present; prince; quarter; right; romanists; rome; sessions; sort; subject; summon'd; supremacie; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; true; works; wyvill; xml cache: A67231.xml plain text: A67231.txt item: #40 of 61 id: A68099 author: Goad, Thomas, 1576-1638. title: The dolefull euen-song, or A true, particular and impartiall narration of that fearefull and sudden calamity, which befell the preacher Mr. Drury a Iesuite, and the greater part of his auditory, by the downefall of the floore at an assembly in the Black-Friers on Sunday the 26. of Octob. last, in the after noone Together with the rehearsall of Master Drurie his text, and the diuision thereof, as also an exact catalogue of the names of such as perished by this lamentable accident: and a briefe application thereupon. date: 1623.0 words: 8477 flesch: 66 summary: In the T.G. version, A catalogue of the names of such persons as were slaine by the fall of the roome, quire K, is largely in the same setting of type as that in William Crashaw's The fatall vesper. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: accident; account; ambassadors; application; assembly; bee; betweene; black; books; care; cast; catalogue; certaine; chamber; characters; christian; church; court; death; debt; doe; dolefull; downefall; drury; early; eebo; end; english; euen; euery; fall; farre; father; fearefull; fellow; floare; foot; gallery; garret; goad; god; gods; graies; greater; hand; hath; haue; hearing; heart; hee; holburne; house; iesuite; iohn; iudgement; kinde; kings; lamentable; lane; library; life; london; lord; man; master; men; mercy; mistris; names; neuer; new; number; octob; onely; ouer; owne; particular; passage; people; persons; pit; place; preacher; richard; robert; roome; ruines; said; selfe; selues; seruant; set; sinne; sommier; stone; sudden; sunday; tayler; tcp; tei; text; thee; thomas; thou; timber; time; true; vnder; vnto; vpon; wall; wee; whereof; wife; william; works cache: A68099.xml plain text: A68099.txt item: #41 of 61 id: A70021 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: At the court at Whitehal, September the 11th 1667 by His Majesty and the lords of His Majesties Most Honorable Privy Council. date: 1667.0 words: 1114 flesch: 63 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A70021) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 43361) keywords: books; characters; council; early; eebo; england; english; image; majesties; majesty; online; oxford; partnership; phase; privy; queen; tcp; tei; text; xml cache: A70021.xml plain text: A70021.txt item: #42 of 61 id: A74208 author: R. E. title: A letter directed to Master Bridgeman, the fourth of January, and a letter enclosed in it, to one Master Anderton, were this day read, and ordered to be entred. date: 1641.0 words: 1167 flesch: 69 summary: And in the House of the Lords , Mandevill is touched , but Essex , Warwick , Say , Brook , and Paget , must follow , or else we shall not be quiet Faulkland and Culepepper , are friends to our side , at leastwise they will do us no hurt . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A74208 of text R210682 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.4[39]). keywords: -early; a74208; anderton; bridgeman; day; english; fourth; friends; honoured; january; letter; master; present; text; thomason; worshipfull cache: A74208.xml plain text: A74208.txt item: #43 of 61 id: A74209 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. title: To the honourable, the knights, citizens and burgesses of the Commons house in Parliament now assembled, Ianuary, 24, 1642 the humble petition of the lay-Catholiques recusants of England. date: 1642.0 words: 1352 flesch: 58 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A74209 of text in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.4[49]). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160671) Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 245:669f4[49]) keywords: a74209; books; burgesses; catholiques; citizens; commons; england; english; great; honourable; house; humble; ianuary; knights; lawes; lay; online; parliament; petition; recusants; religion; text; thomason cache: A74209.xml plain text: A74209.txt item: #44 of 61 id: A78854 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: C.R. A letter sent from His Majesty to the high sheriffes of the counties of Yorke, Lincolne, Stafford, Derby, Chester, Lancaster, Nottingham, Westmorland, Cumberland, Northumberland and the Bishoprick of Durham, &c. date: 1642.0 words: 1089 flesch: 63 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A78854 of text R210541 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.5[29]). Includes: A proclamation for putting the laws against Popish recusants in due execution. keywords: chester; counties; derby; england; forfeitures; high; lincolne; majesty; parliament; popish; recusants; said; sheriffes; stafford; text; wales; yorke cache: A78854.xml plain text: A78854.txt item: #45 of 61 id: A78985 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: By the King. A proclamation declaring His Majesties expresse command, that no Popish recusant, nor any other, who shall refuse to take the two Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacie, shall serve him in his army and that the souldiery commit no rapines upon the people, but be fitly provided of necessaries for their money. date: 1642.0 words: 1361 flesch: 64 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A78985 of text R210980 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.5[69]). At bottom of text: keywords: a78985; allegiance; army; command; england; english; expresse; forces; king; majesties; oathes; officers; popish; proclamation; recusant; shall; souldiers; text; thomason cache: A78985.xml plain text: A78985.txt item: #46 of 61 id: A80451 author: Borlase, John, Sir, 1576-1648. title: A copy of a commission under the Great Seale of Ireland, granted by the Right Honorable Sir William Parsons Knight and Barronet, and Sir John Borlase Knight, Lords Justices of that kingdom: for disarming all papists in and about the city of Dublin, and restraining the accesse of any suspitious persons unto the said city, and for the preservation of the same in safety and good order. date: None words: 3056 flesch: 50 summary: And others of them aswel Masters of Families as Servants , having formerly dwelt there , but withdrew themselves into the Country for a time since the present Rebellion began , and of late returned again to the said City and Suburbs , and there all of them now continue as Inhabitanas or Sojourners , not onely to the needlesse and exceeding great burden of the Inhabitants , and disappointment of the Souldiers , aswel in their lodging , as in the raysing of the price of meate and other needfull provisions , but also to the terrour of many of Our good and loyal Subjects inhabiting in this City and Suburbs thereof , aswel in respect of the numbers of those Papists , as in the advantages observed to be dayly thereby gayned to the Rebels , aswel in frequent intelligences from Our sayd City as in Supplies of needfull provisions from thence from time to time . And doe hereby give unto you or any two or more of you ful power and authority from time to time , and as often as you or any two or more of you shall think fit to repaire to all and every part of the said City and Suburbs , and there aswell by Examination of Witnesses upon Oath , which oath and oaths We hereby authorize you or any two or more of you to administer , wh●n , and as often as you or any two or more of you shall from time to time think fit , as by all other lawfull wayes and means whatsoever to examine , search far , inquire and finde out what Arms or Munion are or shal be remaining in any house , houses , or other place or places in the said City or Suburbs belonging to any Papists , or in the house or houses of Protestants , whose wives and children are Papists . keywords: arms; aswel; cause; city; commission; doe; dublin; fit; good; great; hands; houses; ireland; john; justices; kingdom; knight; men; names; papists; persons; right; safety; said; said city; sir; sir william; suburbs; text; thomas; time; william; women cache: A80451.xml plain text: A80451.txt item: #47 of 61 id: A80546 author: Corbet, Jeffrey. title: The Protestant's warning-piece or, The humble remonstrance of Ieffery Corbet citizen and grocer of London, composed for the view of his Highness, the Parliament, and all the good people in England, Scotland, and Ireland; and published to frustrate the designes of the incendiaries employed by the Pope, and the King of Spain, who have severall yeares contrived to fire the city of London in a 100 places at once, and then proceed to their long intended massacre. date: 1656.0 words: 2201 flesch: 69 summary: The Protestant's warning-piece or, The humble remonstrance of Ieffery Corbet citizen and grocer of London, composed for the view of his Highness, the Parliament, and all the good people in England, Scotland, and Ireland; and published to frustrate the designes of the incendiaries employed by the Pope, and the King of Spain, who have severall yeares contrived to fire the city of London in a 100 places at once, and then proceed to their long intended massacre. Corbet, Jeffrey. The Protestant's warning-piece or, The humble remonstrance of Ieffery Corbet citizen and grocer of London, composed for the view of his Highness, the Parliament, and all the good people in England, Scotland, and Ireland; and published to frustrate the designes of the incendiaries employed by the Pope, and the King of Spain, who have severall yeares contrived to fire the city of London in a 100 places at once, and then proceed to their long intended massacre. Corbet, Jeffrey. keywords: bloody; city; corbet; designes; england; friends; god; good; highness; incendiaries; interest; ireland; iustice; king; london; massacre; nations; parliament; people; persons; places; pope; protestants; said; spain; text; time; yeares cache: A80546.xml plain text: A80546.txt item: #48 of 61 id: A80970 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A proclamation commanding all papists and all other persons, who have been of the late Kings party or his sons, to depart out of the cities of London and Westminster, and late lines of communication, on or before Munday the 8. of March, one thousand six hundred fifty seven. date: None words: 1453 flesch: 55 summary: And for the better discovery of all Papists , and ill affected persons which now are , or during the time aforesaid , shall resort unto the said Cities of London and Westminster , or Places within the late Lines of Communication , His Highness , by , and with the advice of His said Privy Council , doth Charge and Require all and every Housholder and Housholders , within the said Cities and Places aforesaid , on or before the Tenth day of March now next coming , to deliver in writing under their Hands unto the Alderman of the Ward , if such Housholder live within the City of London , or to the next Iustice of the Peace , a perfect List of the Names of all persons now lodging within the House of such Housholder , together with their Additions ; and if they are Papists , to mention the same in such List , and so from time to time within Four and twenty hours after the receiving of any person to Lodge in his or their House and Houses , to deliver in the Names of such person and persons in manner aforesaid , to such Alderman or next Iustice of the Peace : And the Aldermen of the respective Wards within the said City of London , and the Iustices of Peace within the said City of Westminster , and places within the late Lines of Communication , are Required to take care that Lists be accordingly sent in unto them from all and every Housholder aforesaid , and to make enquiry of the truth of such Lists : This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80970 of text R212149 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.20[72]). keywords: aforesaid; cities; communication; day; highness; late; lines; london; lord; march; papists; peace; persons; places; protector; said; text; time; westminster cache: A80970.xml plain text: A80970.txt item: #49 of 61 id: A81029 author: Cromwell, Richard, 1626-1712. title: By the Lord Protector. A proclamation commanding all papists, and all other persons who have been of the late Kings party or his sons, to depart out of the cities of London and Westminster, and late lines of communication, within three days. date: 1659.0 words: 1442 flesch: 54 summary: A proclamation commanding all papists, and all other persons who have been of the late Kings party or his sons, to depart out of the cities of London and Westminster, and late lines of communication, within three days. A proclamation commanding all papists, and all other persons who have been of the late Kings party or his sons, to depart out of the cities of London and Westminster, and late lines of communication, within three days. England and Wales. keywords: aforesaid; cities; communication; days; highness; late; lines; london; lord; papists; peace; persons; places; protector; said; text; time; westminster cache: A81029.xml plain text: A81029.txt item: #50 of 61 id: A81031 author: Cromwell, Richard, 1626-1712. title: By the Lord Protector. A proclamation commanding all papists, and all other persons who have been of the late Kings party, or his sons, to repair unto their place of abode, and not to remove above five miles from the same. date: 1659.0 words: 1096 flesch: 69 summary: Or if such Papists , Popish Recusants , or other persons aforesaid , ha●● no certain place of dwelling or abode within this Commonwealth ; That then all and every such Papists , Popish Recusants , and other persons aforesaid , Do , by the respective times herein before L●mited , repair to the places where he or they were born , or where the Father or Mother of such perso●● shall then be dwelling ; and not at any time after , until the said Tenth day of June ▪ Pass , or Remo●● above Five miles from thence , upon pain of being Deemed and Proceeded against as disturbers of t●● Publick Peace , and Enemies to the Commonwealth . FOr preventing the danger that may be occasioned by the confluence of Papists , and oth●● ill-affected persons at this time , to the Cities of London and Westminster , and places a●jacent : His Highness the Lord Protector , by , and with the Advice and Consent of H●● Privy Council , hath thought fit to Publish and Declare ; and doth hereby Enjoyn a●● Require all and every Person and Persons , born within this Commonwealth , being Papists , or Popish Recusants , and all and every person and persons , who have at any ti●● born Arms against this Commonwealth , or adhered unto , or willingly assisted the Enemies thereof the late War , not being now under Restraint , that they , and every of them do before the Twelfth d●● of May now next coming , ( or if under Restraint , then within three dayes next after his or their Enlar●●ment ) repair unto his and their place of dwelling , where he or they usually heretofore made their co●mon abode ; and shall not at any time after , until the Tenth day of June next coming , pass , or remo●● above Five miles from thence . keywords: abode; commonwealth; day; highness; late; lord; miles; papists; persons; places; proclamation; protector; repair; text; thomason cache: A81031.xml plain text: A81031.txt item: #51 of 61 id: A82365 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: An act for continuation of the act for removing all papists, and all officers and soldiers of fortune and divers other delinquents from London and Westminster, and confining them within five miles of their dwellings. date: None words: 759 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A82365 of text R211255 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.16[1]). With Parliamentary seal at head of text. keywords: act; delinquents; divers; england; fortune; london; officers; papists; parliament; soldiers; text; westminster cache: A82365.xml plain text: A82365.txt item: #52 of 61 id: A82921 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: Die Sabbati, 29. Januarii. 1641. An order made by both Houses of Parliament, to prevent the going over of Popish commanders into Ireland, and also to hinder the transportation of arms, ammunition, money, corne, victuals, and all other provision to the rebels, and for the sending back of the Irish Papists lately come over. date: None words: 983 flesch: 67 summary: An order made by both Houses of Parliament, to prevent the going over of Popish commanders into Ireland, and also to hinder the transportation of arms, ammunition, money, corne, victuals, and all other provision to the rebels, and for the sending back of the Irish Papists lately come over. An order made by both Houses of Parliament, to prevent the going over of Popish commanders into Ireland, and also to hinder the transportation of arms, ammunition, money, corne, victuals, and all other provision to the rebels, and for the sending back of the Irish Papists lately come over. keywords: arms; commanders; corne; england; ireland; irish; money; order; papists; parliament; popish; rebels; text; victuals cache: A82921.xml plain text: A82921.txt item: #53 of 61 id: A83385 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: By the Parliament a proclamation commanding all Jesuits, seminary priests, and other Romish priests, to depart out of this Commonwealth. date: None words: 1094 flesch: 58 summary: By the Parliament a proclamation commanding all Jesuits, seminary priests, and other Romish priests, to depart out of this Commonwealth. England and Wales. By the Parliament a proclamation commanding all Jesuits, seminary priests, and other Romish priests, to depart out of this Commonwealth. England and Wales. keywords: a83385; commonwealth; england; english; jesuits; laws; parliament; priests; proclamation; romish; romish priests; said; seminary; text; thomason; wales cache: A83385.xml plain text: A83385.txt item: #54 of 61 id: A84473 author: England and Wales. Council of State. title: By the Council of State. A proclamation. Whereas the Parliament assembled at Westminster the third of November, one thousand six hundred and forty, is now dissolved, and the enemies of this Commonwealth, in this interval, are likely to take advantage, to carry on their designs, for disturbance of the publick peace: and taking notice of the great confluence of papists, and other disaffected persons, at this time to the Cities of London, and Westminster, and places adjacent, with intention, probably, to put in execution their said designs, whereof, their great boldness and confidence expressed doth here, and in several parts of the nation, giveth just occasion of suspition, and more then ordinary apprehension of danger, to those who are well affected to the peace of the nation: ... date: 1660.0 words: 1353 flesch: 60 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A84473 of text R211707 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.24[25]). [1660] Title from caption and opening lines of text. keywords: cities; commonwealth; council; designs; great; london; nation; peace; persons; proclamation; publick; said; state; text; time; westminster cache: A84473.xml plain text: A84473.txt item: #55 of 61 id: A84476 author: England and Wales. Council of State. title: By the Council of State. A proclamation. Whereas by an act of the last Parliament, intituled, An act for dissolving the Parliament begun the third of November 1640, and for the calling and holding of a Parliament at Westminster the 25 of April 1660. ... date: 1660.0 words: 1037 flesch: 68 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A84476 of text R211784 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.24[48]). [London] : [1660] Title from caption and opening lines of text. keywords: a84476; act; april; council; england; english; holding; november; parliament; persons; proclamation; state; text; thomason; wales cache: A84476.xml plain text: A84476.txt item: #56 of 61 id: A86261 author: Herring, Francis, d. 1628. title: November the 5. 1605. The quintessence of cruelty, or, master-peice of treachery, the Popish pouder-plot, invented by hellish-malice, prevented by heavenly-mercy. / Truly related, and from the Latine of the learned, religious, and reverend Dr. Herring, translated and very much dilated. By John Vicars. date: 1641.0 words: 30825 flesch: 77 summary: And thus , disguis'd , in this sly unknown hew , Securely they their rancorous poyson spew , And now with Fauks and Percy , Catesby met , An ancient Traitour soon on mischief set ; Whose heads , hearts , hands and all , plod and contrive Some horrid treason how to make to thrive ; Some strange , domestick-deluge to ordain , My swelling-tympany of hate is such , My discontent and grief of heart so much , To see our Holy Father so neglected , keywords: abuse; advice; alderman; ancient; angell; answer; arms; authour; ayd; bad; base; beast; bin; black; blame; blessed; blessings; blest; blood; blow; bold; break; brethren; care; cast; catesbies; catesby; cause; cellar; charge; children; christs; church; city; confest; conscience; counsell; country; course; court; cruell; cruelty; cursed; daily; danger; day; dayes; deadly; dear; death; declare; deed; deep; deliverance; desire; desperate; destroy; digby; dire; discovery; divell; divellish; doctrine; doom; doth; doubt; doubtlesse; dye; earth; effect; elizabeth; endlesse; england; english; ere; escape; event; evill; expresse; eye; eyes; face; fact; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; farre; fast; fatall; father; fauks; faux; feare; fierce; finde; fire; fit; flames; flow; fly; foes; fore; forthwith; foule; friends; furious; gain; garnet; gentleman; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grace; gracelesse; grant; great; greater; grief; ground; guile; gun; hall; hand; happy; hard; hate; hatefull; hath; heads; heart; heavenly; heavens; heer; hell; hellish; help; hels; high; hold; holy; home; honour; hopes; horrid; house; hunt; ill; impious; infernall; ingratitude; inhumane; james; jesuites; john; joy; judgement; king; kingdome; knowledge; known; late; laws; leave; left; letter; life; like; little; lives; london; long; lord; love; lye; malice; man; mans; master; matchlesse; mates; mean; men; mens; mercies; mighty; mind; mischief; misery; monstrous; murthered; nation; nature; nay; nefarious; noble; nought; november; oath; oft; papists; parliament; parts; passe; past; peace; people; percy; pickering; piety; pleasure; plot; pluto; pope; popish; pouder; power; poyson; praise; prey; pride; priest; prince; princely; proud; pure; puritans; purpose; queen; rage; rais'd; rare; realm; rebellion; religious; rest; rich; right; romes; romish; royall; run; sacred; said; saints; search; seat; secret; seeing; set; shame; simile; sin; skill; slay; small; sore; souls; spain; speed; spight; spring; stand; state; stir; stout; strange; strong; successe; sun; sure; suspition; sweet; tears; tell; text; thee; themselvs; therof; thine; things; thomas; thou; thoughts; thy; time; town; train; traiterous; traitors; treachery; treason; true; truth; vain; vicars; vice; vile; villany; voyd; want; way; wch; wherin; wherwith; whore; winter; wise; wofull; wonder; wood; words; work; world; worse; worthy; wrath; wrong; wrought; yea; zeal cache: A86261.xml plain text: A86261.txt item: #57 of 61 id: A86998 author: Hamilton, James Hamilton, Duke of, 1606-1649. title: The Marques Hamiltons speech before the Kings most excellent Majesty: concerning his returne into England. Spoken in Parliament in Scotland, Novem. 6, 1641. VVith a briefe and exact commemoration of all the wicked plots of the papists, from the first intended malice unto this day against the Protestants. date: 1641.0 words: 1421 flesch: 64 summary: The Marques Hamiltons speech before the Kings most excellent Majesty: concerning his returne into England. The Marques Hamiltons speech before the Kings most excellent Majesty: concerning his returne into England. keywords: a86998; day; england; english; exact; excellent; god; hamilton; james; kingdome; kings; majesty; malice; owne; papists; parliament; plots; protestants; religion; returne; royall; speech; text; thomason; wicked cache: A86998.xml plain text: A86998.txt item: #58 of 61 id: A87341 author: Ireland. Lords Justices and Council. title: By the Lords justices and councell. VV. Parsons. Io. Borlase. Whereas many malignant and divellish papists, and Jesuits friars, seminary priests, and other superstitious orders of the Popish pretended cleargie, ... date: 1642.0 words: 1409 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A87341 of text R211450 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.5[107]). Whereas many malignant and divellish papists, and Jesuits friars, seminary priests, and other superstitious orders of the Popish pretended cleargie, ... keywords: borlase; church; conspirators; councell; day; divellish; dublin; friars; god; ireland; justices; kingdome; lords; malignant; october; papists; parsons; prayer; said; seminary; text cache: A87341.xml plain text: A87341.txt item: #59 of 61 id: B02106 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King. A proclamation commanding all persons being popish recusants, or so reputed, to depart from the cities of London and Westminster, and all other places within ten miles of the same. date: 1678.0 words: 1521 flesch: 56 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B02106) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 178725) keywords: books; characters; cities; early; eebo; english; king; london; majesty; miles; online; persons; phase; places; popish; proclamation; recusants; reputed; said; tcp; tei; text; westminster; works cache: B02106.xml plain text: B02106.txt item: #60 of 61 id: B05547 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: A proclamation, by the King and Queens Majesties. ... Whereas there have been several treasonable, and seditious designs and combinations, set on foot of late, in both our kingdoms, by persons enemies to the Protestant religion, and ill affected to our government ... date: 1690.0 words: 1435 flesch: 62 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B05547) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179010) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; council; early; edinburgh; eebo; enemies; english; government; king; majesties; online; persons; phase; privy; proclamation; protestant; queens; religion; set; tcp; tei; text; works cache: B05547.xml plain text: B05547.txt item: #61 of 61 id: B05688 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: A proclamation for seising the horses and arms of Papists, and persons above the degree of commons, not qualified according to the Act of Parliament. date: 1696.0 words: 1982 flesch: 52 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B05688) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 180022) A proclamation for seising the horses and arms of Papists, and persons above the degree of commons, not qualified according to the Act of Parliament. keywords: act; advice; arms; books; characters; command; commons; council; degree; early; eebo; english; foresaid; horses; magistrats; oath; papists; parliament; persons; price; privy; respective; saids; sheriffs; tcp; text; works cache: B05688.xml plain text: B05688.txt