item: #1 of 18 id: A02441 author: Heath, John, Fellow of New College, Oxford, attributed name. title: The house of correction: or, Certayne satyricall epigrams. Written by I.H. Gent. Together with a few characters, called Par pari: or, Like to like, quoth the deuill to the collier date: 1619 words: 7377 flesch: 86 summary: The vtmost end of his studie . is but to attaine to the secrets of the Arte of L●●ming , wherein being vnskilfull , hee sometimes layes his Colours on a false ground , whereby they fading he himselfe is disgraced . Sure these are spitefull ●●●es . keywords: ancient; art; backe; bee; better; booke; characters; church; collier; correction; cost; data; death; deuill; doe; doth; early; eebo; encoding; end; english; epigrams; eyes; feare; fight; finde; friends; fuscus; goe; gold; good; got; great; hand; haue; head; hee; hither; home; house; images; iustice; lands; late; law; life; like; long; loue; lye; man; men; mistris; nature; nay; nere; neuer; online; oxford; page; par; pari; partnership; pauls; phase; place; poore; prayse; purse; reason; returne; richard; sayd; set; shee; shoppe; signe; store; sure; tcp; tei; text; thee; thou; thy; time; true; venus; vnto; vpon; wits; works; world; wrong; xml; ● ● cache: A02441.xml plain text: A02441.txt item: #2 of 18 id: A05320 author: Lenton, Francis, fl. 1630-1640. title: Characterismi: or, Lentons leasures Expressed in essayes and characters, neuer before written on. By F.L. Gent. date: 1631 words: 15356 flesch: 70 summary: He is a great obseruer of mens fancy that hee ma●…●…it his lyre to that tune . And his Colter and ●…hare the emblemes of his Graue , the which hee is alwayes digging . keywords: aboue; actions; ale; alwayes; bargaine; bawd; bee; best; better; body; books; briefe; broken; brother; calling; care; carriage; cause; certaine; characters; children; clarke; common; company; conscience; contrary; countrey; court; courteous; coyne; creature; custome; cut; daily; daughter; day; dayes; death; doe; doth; drinke; early; earth; edition; eebo; encoding; english; estate; euery; eye; faire; fall; fals; feare; fellow; fit; folly; fooles; forc'd; fortune; foure; free; friend; gaine; gentleman; giue; god; goe; good; graue; greater; greatest; growne; habit; halfe; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; hee; hee neuer; high; himselfe; hold; home; hope; ill; images; knowes; lady; language; law; leaue; left; lenton; light; little; liue; long; lookes; loose; loues; man; master; meane; men; mens; mind; mother; mouth; nature; neuer; new; oft; old; onely; online; ouer; ought; owne; oxford; parson; partnership; pay; payment; pence; penny; perpetuall; phase; place; pleasure; pride; purpose; purse; reading; reason; scarce; schoole; second; seldome; set; seuerall; shee; short; silly; simple; small; soone; souldier; soule; study; subiect; supply; supposed; tcp; tei; text; things; thinkes; time; title; tongue; trade; trauell; true; valour; vertue; vpon; want; way; wealth; wel; whilest; wife; wil; wit; works; world; worse; xml; young cache: A05320.xml plain text: A05320.txt item: #3 of 18 id: A09036 author: Parrot, Henry. title: Cures for the itch Characters. Epigrams. Epitaphs. By H.P. date: 1626 words: 19782 flesch: 82 summary: Hee 's seldome seene abroad vnlesse at Out-cryes , where hee forestalles all sorts of buyers on that old watch-word of No man better . Shee s any good mans better second selfe , the very mirror of true constant modesty , the carefull huswife of frugalitie , and dearest obiect of mans hearts felicitie . keywords: able; action; ancient; answer; appeare; art; ask; askt; aymes; base; bed; bee; behold; best; better; bids; bin; blacke; bold; books; break; breath; briefe; brutus; businesse; caius; care; cause; chance; characters; child; come; common; company; conscience; content; country; credit; cry; cunning; custome; data; day; dead; deales; dealing; death; desires; dick; doe; dol; doth; drab; drunke; durst; dy'd; dye; early; edition; eebo; encoding; end; english; epigrams; epitaphs; euery; eye; face; faire; fashion; fast; father; fit; foole; foot; forst; gaue; giue; goe; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; growne; halfe; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; hee; hee s; himselfe; hold; honest; hope; house; husband; iealous; ill; images; ioane; iohn; itch; iust; kate; keepe; kind; kitchin; knaue; knowes; knowne; late; learning; leaue; life; like; linnen; little; liu'd; liue; liuing; london; long; longer; loue; lyes; mad; maids; maist; mal; man; manner; mans; mariage; master; match; matters; meanes; measure; meat; men; mens; mistris; money; mother; musicke; nature; needs; nere; neuer; new; night; non; nought; offer; office; oft; old; onely; online; ouer; outward; oxford; page; partnership; past; pay; perforce; phase; place; play; pockets; poore; pray; profit; proue; prouerb; purchase; question; quoth; ralph; reason; reckoning; rest; rich; rimes; rules; saith; sayes; saying; scornes; scorning; second; seem'd; seene; seldome; set; sets; shee; shop; sir; soone; sort; spite; stands; store; strange; strong; stuffe; sure; sweares; sweet; taking; tandem; taylor; tcp; tei; tell; text; thee; thereto; thē; thing; thou; thought; thy; time; title; tobacco; tom; tongue; towne; trade; true; trust; twelue; twice; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; vxor; want; wat; way; weare; wench; whiles; whore; wife; wil; wit; wiues; woman; wondrous; words; worke; world; worth; wrongs; xml; yeares; yeelds; young cache: A09036.xml plain text: A09036.txt item: #4 of 18 id: A11388 author: Saltonstall, Wye, fl. 1630-1640. title: Picturæ loquentes. Or Pictures drawne forth in characters VVith a poeme of a maid. By Wye Saltonstall. date: 1631 words: 13846 flesch: 76 summary: C. S. S. P. D. THe eye can judge of no object in the darke : ●●en so these Pictures ●eing hidden in tene●is , could not be dis●rned , untill the Prin●r brought them to light , and set the forth to the view the world . And the●fore as they lived darknesse , and proc●ded from a minde 〈◊〉 of darke thoughts , have given them darke Dedication since for my self I desire to bee ignot● unknowne to other and for you to who I present them , I kno● no fame can redou● unto you by the ●●eane Essayes , which ●ere written Ocium ●agis foventes , quàm stu●entes gloriae , as Sheap●eards play upon their ●aten pipes , to recre●te themselves , not to get credit . keywords: action; againe; ale; alwayes; answer; apparell; beauty; bee; begin; best; better; blacke; body; books; bride; businesse; care; chamber; characters; chast; church; close; content; countrey; court; coy; creation; curteous; day; death; desires; doth; drawne; early; eebo; encoding; end; english; estate; expectation; eye; fall; fame; father; feare; find; fire; flower; forth; friends; god; goe; good; great; grow; growes; habit; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hee; heire; herselfe; himselfe; home; house; ill; images; keepe; kind; knowes; knowledge; knowne; learning; leaves; life; like; lives; long; looke; loquentes; love; lovers; maid; maiden; man; mans; marriage; master; match; mayde; meales; melancholy; men; mens; mind; modesty; nature; ne're; new; night; object; obtaine; old; onely; online; owne; oxford; partnership; peece; phase; pictures; place; poeme; poore; proud; ready; rest; running; saltonstall; scholler; scorne; second; secure; seeme; seldome; set; severall; shee; sheepe; shew; soone; speake; strangers; streight; sunne; sure; table; taste; tcp; tei; tennants; text; thinkes; thoughts; time; title; true; truth; water; way; wee; wife; winter; wise; wishes; woman; words; worke; world; wye; xml; yeeres; young; younger; youth; ● s; ● ● cache: A11388.xml plain text: A11388.txt item: #5 of 18 id: A12956 author: Stephens, John, fl. 1613-1615. title: Satyrical essayes characters and others. Or Accurate and quick descriptions, fitted to the life of their subiects. Iohn Stephens date: 1615 words: 40693 flesch: 62 summary: Hee , a voluptuous and sensuall Swaggerer , could neuer bee reclaimed by many strong experiments ; till comming by chaunce to the Philosophicall Lecture of Socrates , hee was suddenly converted : such a sympathie there was betwixt this Philosophers doctrine , and the Disciples attention ; whereas twenty others might perhappes haue beene frustrate in the same conuersion , though their Precepts had beene equall ; because there is an invisible concordance to make them aequiualent . Which manner of instruction , respecting the qualitie and person , of method and Tutors , bee matters onely appertaining to the Parents charge . Hee holds it presumption to know , what should be looked , or thought vpon with wonder ; and therefore rather then he will exceed , hee can be lesse then himselfe : accounting it more noble to imitate the fruitfull bough which stoopes vnder a pretious burthen ; then applaud the tall eminence of a fruitlesse Birch-tree : knowing Humility is a fitter step to knowledge , then Presumption . keywords: able; aboue; absolute; account; acquaintance; actions; aduantage; affection; age; alwaies; ambitious; answere; apparant; appetite; apt; arguments; art; aske; authority; backe; bad; bare; bargaine; base; basenesse; bee; beeing; behauiour; beleeue; bene; best; betray; better; betwixt; birth; body; booke; braine; capable; carriage; cause; censure; challenge; charact; characters; children; church; clients; comes; common; company; conceit; conceiue; condemne; coniecture; conscience; contempt; contented; corruption; counsell; country; courage; court; cowards; creature; credit; curse; custome; daily; dangerous; day; dead; dealing; death; deceiue; degrees; delight; desire; desperate; difference; discharge; discontents; discouer; discourse; disease; disinheritance; dispatch; diuine; doe; doth; double; doubtfull; drawes; durst; early; education; eebo; eldest; eminent; english; enuy; equall; escape; essay; essayes; esteeme; euen; euery; excellent; excuse; exercise; expence; experience; expresse; eye; face; false; fame; familiar; family; famous; farre; fashion; fathers; feare; feast; feeles; fellow; fit; fitter; fiue; foe; folly; forbeare; forme; fortune; free; freedome; frequent; friends; generall; generation; generous; giues; glory; glosse; god; gods; good; goodnesse; great; habite; halfe; hand; hath; haue; hauing; hazard; head; hee; hee bee; hee doth; hee hath; hee neuer; hee thinkes; heire; helpe; hide; high; himselfe; honest; honour; hope; house; howsoeuer; humour; husband; idle; ignorance; ignorant; ill; image; impartiall; impossible; impudence; infinite; innocence; interest; issue; iudgement; iustice; iustifie; keepe; kings; knowes; knowledge; knowne; labour; language; large; law; lawfull; lawyer; learning; leaue; left; lesse; lewd; licence; life; like; little; liue; liuing; long; lookes; loue; lucre; lyons; maintaine; maintenance; making; malice; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; meanes; meaning; meere; melancholy; memory; men; mens; merits; minde; mischiefe; misery; mistresse; money; motion; multitude; names; naturall; nature; nay; necessity; need; neighbours; neuer; new; night; noble; notice; notwithstanding; number; obiect; obserue; occasion; odious; oftentimes; old; onely; open; opinion; originall; ouer; outward; owne; paines; parents; parish; past; patterne; peculiar; people; perceiue; peremptory; perfect; persons; place; play; pleasure; poetry; poets; poore; practise; praise; present; preserue; president; pretious; pride; princes; principall; priuate; prodigall; profession; prompt; proues; publicke; purchase; purpose; quarrell; question; quiet; ranke; ready; reason; reasonable; religion; religious; relish; remoue; resolution; respect; rich; saith; sake; saue; scorne; second; seeme; seldome; senses; serues; shame; shee; shew; simple; single; singular; sleepe; sluggish; sonnes; soone; sorrow; soule; sound; speake; spirit; state; stomacke; strength; strong; study; subiects; suffer; sufficient; tcp; tearmes; tell; text; themselues; therfore; things; thinkes; thou; thoughts; thriue; time; title; tobacco; trades; trauailes; trouble; true; trust; truth; turne; valour; value; variety; verse; vertue; vices; vicious; vnder; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; vulgar; wages; want; way; weake; wealth; wee; wel; wife; willing; wise; wisedome; wit; woman; wonder; worke; world; worst; worth; worthinesse; wrong; ● ● cache: A12956.xml plain text: A12956.txt item: #6 of 18 id: A12957 author: Stephens, John, fl. 1613-1615. title: Essayes and characters, ironicall, and instructiue The second impression. With a new satyre in defence of common law and lawyers: mixt with reproofe against their common enemy. With many new characters, & diuers other things added; & euery thing ammended. By Iohn Stephens the yonger, of Lincolnes Inne, Gent. date: 1615 words: 61256 flesch: 63 summary: And sure I thinke ( by thee ) that soules doe passe , From one to another as 〈◊〉 Did teach his times : for who can heare you name Hackney●… so o●…t but thinkes your essence came Out of a stall●…on : or indeed perchaunce , A Hackn●…y was thy ▪ whole inheritance . But Ignoramus may conceiue that I Am ouer-ea●…nest now ; and may reply , Things are as they be taken ; and indeed Things oft be taken worser then they need : But you and your additions doe expound Your hearty tryumphes vnto malice bound : Seeking ( as if you had forsworne the Law Of reason and of reuerence ) to misdrawe That ornament of men ; and to annoy The chiefest Iustice and the chiefest ioy That our law doth acknowledge : were it so As the report already seemes to know ; You should affixe vnto your tainted place , Eternity of shame and of disgrace . keywords: abhorre; able; aboue; absolute; account; acquaintance; actions; aduance; aduancement; aduantage; affection; againe; age; alwaies; ambition; ambitious; amisse; anothers; apparant; appeares; appetite; applause; apt; arguments; art; aske; attentiue; auoide; authority; authors; backe; bad; bare; bargaine; base; bed; bee; beene; beget; beginning; behauiour; behold; beleeue; best; betray; better; betwixt; bin; birth; blame; bloud; bodies; body; booke; braine; braue; breath; briefly; broken; busie; canst; capable; care; carriage; cause; cānot; challenge; charact; character; charity; chiefest; children; church; ciuill; claime; cloathes; close; comes; comfort; commodity; common; company; compasse; con ●; conceale; conceit; conceiue; condemne; confesse; coniecture; conscience; consequent; contempt; contented; conuenient; corruption; couetous; counsell; country; courage; court; cowards; coyne; crafty; creature; credit; curse; custome; d ●; daily; danger; dangerous; day; dead; dealing; death; deceiue; defence; degree; delight; demand; deserues; desire; desperate; deuils; difference; difficult; direct; disaduantage; discharge; discommend; discontents; discouer; discourse; discredit; disease; disgrace; disinheritance; dislike; dispatch; diuers; diuine; diuinity; doe; dog; doth; double; doubtfull; doubts; drawes; dull; durst; dye; e ●; early; easie; education; eebo; eldest; eminent; enemy; english; enuy; equall; error; escape; essay; essayes; essence; euery; euery man; examples; excellent; excuse; expence; experience; exquisite; extreame; eye; eyes; face; faculty; faile; false; fame; familiar; family; famous; fancy; farre; fashion; fathers; fauour; feare; feast; feele; fellow; fine; fire; fit; fiue; foe; followes; folly; foolish; foot; forme; fortune; fountaine; free; freedome; freind; frequent; friend; friendship; function; fury; garments; generall; generation; generous; giue; glory; glosse; god; gods; goe; gold; good; goodnes; goodnesse; great; greater; griefe; ground; growes; growne; gull; h ●; habite; halfe; hand; hansome; happinesse; happy; haruest; hast; hate; hath; haue; hauing; hazard; head; heart; heauen; hee; hee bee; hee doth; hee hath; hee haue; hee neuer; hee thinkes; heire; helpe; hide; high; himselfe; holy; honest; honour; hope; house; howsoeuer; humour; husband; idle; ignorance; ignorant; ill; image; imitation; impartiall; impossible; impression; impudence; indeede; infinite; innocence; innocent; instruction; interest; inuention; ioy; issue; iudgement; iustice; iustifie; keepe; king; knight; know; knowes; knowledge; knowne; l ●; labour; land; language; large; latine; law; lawes; lawfull; lawyers; learne; learning; leaue; left; length; lesse; lewd; lib; liberty; licence; life; like; liquor; little; liues; liuing; london; long; lookes; loose; loue; lucre; lust; lyon; mad; maintaine; maintenance; maister; making; malice; man; manifest; manner; mans; match; matter; meanes; meaning; measure; meate; memory; men; mens; merits; minde; mischiefe; misery; mistresse; modest; money; monstrous; morall; morning; mother; motion; multitude; musicke; names; naturall; nature; nay; necessity; need; neere; neglect; negligence; neighbours; neuer; new; nice; nobility; noble; non; notes; notice; nourishment; number; o ●; obiect; obscure; obserue; occasion; odious; offices; oftentimes; old; olde; onely; open; opinion; order; ouer; outside; outward; owne; p ●; paines; parents; parish; passions; past; patient; patterne; payment; peculiar; peece; people; perceiue; perfect; persons; phisicke; pitty; place; plaine; play; playes; pleasure; poetry; poets; policy; politicke; poore; pouerty; power; poyson; practise; praise; precepts; precious; preferre; prerogatiue; preserue; president; preuaile; preuent; pride; princes; principall; priuate; priuiledge; prodigall; produce; profession; proiects; promise; prompt; protest; proue; prouided; prouoke; publike; purchase; purge; purpose; quality; quarrell; question; quicke; quiet; quod; ranke; rare; reader; ready; reason; reasonable; religion; religious; relish; remaine; remoue; reproofe; reputation; resolue; resolution; respect; rest; returne; reuenge; reward; rich; rule; run; s ●; safe; saith; sake; saue; scarce; scholler; scorne; second; secrets; seeme; seldome; sence; seruant; serues; seruice; shame; shee; shewes; shifting; shop; sicknes; sight; silent; siluer; simple; single; singular; sinne; sleepe; sluggish; small; sonnes; soone; sorrow; soule; sound; spare; speake; spend; spirit; state; statute; stead; stocke; stomacke; store; strange; strength; strict; strong; study; stuffe; subiect; sudden; suffer; sufficient; sweet; t ●; taxe; taylor; tcp; tearmes; text; thee; themselues; therfore; thē; things; thinke; thinking; thou; thought; thriue; thy; time; title; tobacco; tongue; trades; trauaile; triuiall; trouble; true; trust; truth; turne; tyrannicall; valiant; value; verse; vertue; vertuous; vices; vicious; vnder; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vnto; voice; vpon; vse; vulgar; wages; walke; want; water; way; weake; wealth; weather; wee; welcome; whatsoeuer; wicked; wife; wil; willing; wise; wisedome; wit; witts; woman; wonder; worke; world; worship; worst; worth; worthinesse; writers; wrong; yeares; youth; zeale; ● ● cache: A12957.xml plain text: A12957.txt item: #7 of 18 id: A16681 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673, attributed name. title: A strange metamorphosis of man, transformed into a vvildernesse Deciphered in characters. date: 1634 words: 18533 flesch: 76 summary: Hee will stalke you up and downe as he were some bodie , and so he is , for hee hath a bodie , and that is all . He is tall enough of stature of himselfe , but affects a portlinesse so much , that as others helpe themselves with Corkes and Cheppeens , hee hath his Stilts upon his head , to make him seeme much higher then he is . keywords: alwayes; ape; appeares; armes; ayre; backe; beare; beasts; bed; bee; bels; best; better; birds; bloud; bodie; body; books; catch; cause; certaine; characters; citie; coat; colour; common; companion; company; complexion; constant; cost; court; crab; creature; cut; dance; day; desert; doe; doores; doth; dresse; eares; early; earth; eebo; english; ere; excellent; eyes; face; familie; family; fashion; father; feast; fellow; fine; fire; fit; flesh; foot; forrest; gentle; good; great; ground; guard; habit; hand; handsome; hard; hath; head; heart; hee; hee bee; hee hath; high; himselfe; hold; honest; honour; hornes; horse; hot; houses; ill; keepe; kinde; king; land; language; leaves; life; like; likely; list; little; long; looke; lyons; man; manner; mans; master; measure; men; metamorphosis; moone; musicke; nature; neat; necke; notable; oak; onely; online; owne; passe; place; plaine; play; pleasure; princes; proper; proud; readie; reason; rest; right; sea; seemes; set; sets; shee; shew; shop; silver; speake; sport; state; strange; stuffe; sunne; sure; tcp; teeth; tei; tell; text; thing; time; tongue; tree; true; truth; turne; unlesse; verie; voyce; whit; wildernesse; windowes; wings; winter; wise; works; world; yea cache: A16681.xml plain text: A16681.txt item: #8 of 18 id: A16687 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. title: Whimzies: or, a nevv cast of characters date: 1631 words: 38173 flesch: 76 summary: Hee ha's a warren to turne Co●…e-catcher ; where he erects a place of Ex●…cution for his ver●…in . Being as you are ennobled by des●…ent , so enabled by desert ; a patron to the le●…rned professant , and in all le●…ing a ●…ich proficient . keywords: a16687; account; acquaintance; affected; age; al ●; ale; ancient; argument; art; artist; aswell; author; ayre; b ●; backe; ballad; bare; base; bed; bee; beleeve; benefit; best; better; body; books; bounty; boxe; boy; braine; brave; breake; brother; bu ●; c ●; care; cast; cause; characters; charge; church; citie; civill; cloze; co ●; cold; colour; comes; comfort; company; compasse; conceite; condition; conscience; constant; contempt; cost; cou ●; countrey; court; credit; cure; danger; day; dayes; de ●; death; decayed; deepe; desire; desperate; devotion; die; discourse; discovery; div; doe; doth; draw; drawes; dye; dying; e ●; early; earth; eebo; elements; embleme; employment; encounter; end; ends; english; equall; ere; error; evening; excellent; exchange; expence; experienc'd; experience; eye; eyes; familiarly; family; farre; favour; feare; feedes; fi ●; finde; fire; fish; flesh; fo ●; fortunes; foure; free; frequent; friend; funerall; g ●; gamester; generous; genius; gentleman; goe; gold; good; grace; great; greater; ground; guests; guiltlesse; gull; h ●; ha ●; habit; halfe; hand; happy; hath; hath hee; head; heart; hee; hee bee; hee ha; hee keepes; hee knowes; hee lookes; hee seldome; helpe; hi ●; high; highest; himsel ●; himselfe; holds; home; honest; honour; hope; horne; horses; hospitall; hot; houres; house; howsoever; humour; iayler; ignorance; ignorant; ill; illiterate; imagination; impression; inferiour; inmates; inward; iron; judgement; k ●; keeper; knowes; knowledge; l ●; la ●; labour; land; language; law; leave; left; lesse; liberty; life; like; lines; little; live; livery; living; long; longer; looke; love; low; m ●; ma ●; maine; maker; male; man; man hee; mans; market; master; materials; meanes; mee; meere; men; metall; mind; moone; morning; mu ●; n ●; naturall; nature; necessity; neede; neighbours; new; night; nimble; nose; notable; notes; number; o ●; oaths; object; observance; occasion; office; onely; opinion; ordinarie; ostler; ought; outward; owne; p ●; page; particular; patience; pay; peece; person; picture; pipe; pitty; pl ●; place; play; poore; portion; post; pot; pr ●; practice; pretious; prevent; price; principall; private; profession; profit; project; promise; proper; provision; publike; purchase; purpose; quarter; rare; reader; reason; relations; releefe; religion; request; resolves; rest; reverence; rich; rides; rise; s ●; saith; scarce; scholler; se ●; sea; second; secure; seeme; seldome; service; set; sh ●; share; shee; shewes; shop; short; si ●; signe; sleepe; small; soule; speake; spirit; st ●; stand; state; store; strange; strength; subject; substance; suite; summer; sundry; supply; sure; t hee; t ●; table; taske; tcp; tei; temper; tender; terrible; text; th ●; thee; things; tho ●; thou; thy; ti ●; time; time hee; title; tongue; trade; troubled; true; trust; truth; turne; u ●; unlesse; use; usefull; vailes; vertue; vow'd; vowes; voyce; vulgar; w ●; walke; want; ward; way; weares; wee; weekely; wh ●; wi ●; wife; winter; wit; woman; wonder; words; worke; world; worst; worth; yea; yealous; young; zeale cache: A16687.xml plain text: A16687.txt item: #9 of 18 id: A16733 author: Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626? title: Characters vpon essaies morall, and diuine written for those good spirits, that will take them in good part, and make vse of them to good purpose. date: 1615 words: 6947 flesch: 41 summary: REsolution is the Honoure● Valor , in the quarrell of Ve●tue , for the defence of Right , an● Redresse of Wrong : She , beate● the March , pitcheth the Battaile plants the Ordinance , and Maintaines the fight : Her Eare is stop● from Disswasions , her Eie aim●● only at Honor , her hand takes the Sword of Valor , and her heart thinkes of nothing , but victory● Shee giues the Charge , makes the Stand , Assaults the fort , and enters the Breach : Shee breakes the Pikes , faceth the Shot , dampes the Souldior , and defeates the Army : Shee looseth no time , slippes no Occasion , dreads no danger , and , Cares for no force ; ●he is Valors life , and vertues ●oue , Iustice Honor , and , Mer●ies Glorie : Shee beates downe Castles , fires Shippes , Wades ●●orough the Sea , and Walkes ●●orough the World : She makes ●isedome , her Guide , and Will , ●er Seruant , Reason , her Compa●ion , and Honor , her Mistris : ●he is a Blessing in Nature , and a ●eauty , in Reason , a Grace in In●ention , and , a Glory in Action : ●he studies no plots , when her ●latforme is set downe , and defers ●o time , when her houre is pre●xed : Shee standes vpon no ●elpes , when she knowes her own ●orce , and in the Execution of her ●ill , she is a Rocke Irremoueable : ●he is the Kings Will , without Contradiction , and the Iudges ●oome , without Exception , the ●chollers profession , without Al●eration , and the Souldiers Honor without Comparison : In Summ● so many are the groundes of he● Grace , and the iust Causes of he● Commendation , that , Leauin● her worth , to the discription 〈◊〉 better wits , I will in these few wordes , conclude my Conceit● her . keywords: action; best; better; blessing; books; breton; briefe; care; characters; christ; comfort; commendation; conceit; course; death; delight; diuine; early; earth; eebo; english; essaies; eye; faith; farre; feare; fruit; glory; god; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heauen; hir; honor; hope; ioy; iustice; keepes; knowledge; labour; learning; leaue; life; light; like; loue; mans; mercy; minde; nature; neuer; passage; passion; patience; peace; perfection; pleasure; praise; purpose; reason; resolution; shee; soule; speake; spirit; summe; tcp; text; thorough; time; title; true; truth; valor; vertue; vnderstanding; vpon; vse; wisedome; wit; words; worke; world; worth cache: A16733.xml plain text: A16733.txt item: #10 of 18 id: A16748 author: Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626? title: The good and the badde, or Descriptions of the vvorthies, and vnworthies of this age Where the best may see their graces, and the worst discerne their basenesse. date: 1616 words: 11199 flesch: 55 summary: In summe , hee is in the nature of Grace , worthy of Honour , and in the message of Life , worthy of Loue : a continuall Agent betwixt God and man , in the preaching of his Word , and Prayer for his people . AN Vntrained Souldier is like a young hound , that when the first falls to hunt , he knowes not how to lay his nose to the earth : Who hauing his name but in a booke , and marched twise about a market place , when he comes to a piece of seruice , knowes not how to bestowe himselfe : He marches as if he were at plough , carries his Pike like a Pike-staffe , and his sword before him , for feare of losing from his side : if he be a Shot , he will be rather ready to say a Grace ouer his Peece , and so to discharge his hands of it , then to learne how to discharge it with a grace : he puts on his Armour ouer his eares , like a waste-coate , and weares his Murrian like a night-cap ; when he is quartered in the field , he looks for his bed , and when he sees his Prouant , he is readie to crie for his victuals ; and ere hee knowe well where he is , wish heartily hee were at home againe , with hanging downe his head , as if his heart were in his hose : sleepe till a Drumme , or a deadly bullet awake him , and so carrie himselfe in all Companies , that till Martiall Discipline haue seasoned his vnderstanding , he is like a Cipher among figures , an Owle among birds , a Wise man among fooles , and a shadow among men . keywords: actions; age; apparell; beauty; bee; best; better; care; characters; charity; childe; comfort; companion; conscience; course; court; creature; danger; death; delight; desert; disgrace; diuell; earth; eebo; enemy; english; exercise; eye; face; feare; figure; foole; fruit; god; good; grace; gracious; great; griefe; hand; hate; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; hee; hell; himselfe; honour; hope; house; image; ioy; iudgement; iustice; kinde; king; kingdome; knight; knowes; knowledge; labour; law; life; light; like; little; liues; looke; loue; man; misery; nature; neuer; onely; patience; peace; people; physician; poore; power; pride; reason; rest; seruice; set; shame; shee; sinne; soule; spirit; state; study; subiect; summe; sword; tcp; terror; text; time; title; tongue; trouble; true; truth; vertue; vnderstanding; vnworthies; vnworthy; vpon; way; wealth; wisedome; wit; woman; world; worthy cache: A16748.xml plain text: A16748.txt item: #11 of 18 id: A21075 author: Earle, John, 1601?-1665. title: Micro-cosmographie, or, A peece of the world discovered in essayes and characters. date: 1628 words: 19951 flesch: 79 summary: Wee laugh at his foolish ●ports , but his game is our ●arnest : and his drums , ●attles and hobby-horses , ●ut the Emblems , & mock●ng of mans businesse . He is the Chr●●stians example , and the o●●mans relapse : keywords: aboue; acquaintance; action; age; alwayes; argument; authority; bad; bee; best; better; betwixt; body; booke; braine; broken; brother; businesse; cause; chamber; characters; church; clothes; colledge; commendations; common; company; conscience; conuersation; country; court; day; dayes; death; deliuers; discourse; discretion; disease; doe; drinke; dull; early; eebo; enemy; english; euery; example; excellent; eyes; face; faire; fancy; fashion; father; feare; fellow; followes; foole; fortune; fresh; friends; furnisht; generall; gentleman; god; goe; gold; good; great; greater; halfe; hand; hard; hath; haue; head; hee; hee ha; hee neuer; high; himselfe; honest; houres; house; husband; idle; iest; ill; iudgement; kind; kings; knowes; labour; land; language; learne; learning; leaue; left; length; lesse; life; like; little; london; long; longer; lookes; loues; maine; man; mans; matter; meanes; meditations; meere; melancholy; men; mens; mind; money; mouth; names; nature; neuer; new; old; onely; opinion; ouer; owne; oxford; page; parts; past; piece; place; plaine; poore; pot; pride; profession; pulpit; purpose; purse; quarrell; reading; reason; reckoning; religion; right; scholler; schoole; scornes; seemes; seldome; sermon; set; sets; shee; shew; shop; sinne; small; speakes; speech; stage; stay; strange; studie; study; sure; table; talkes; tauerne; tcp; tei; tels; text; thing; thinkes; thoughts; time; title; tongue; true; truth; verses; vnderstands; vniuersity; vpon; vse; walke; water; way; wealth; wel; wil; wise; wit; woman; words; workes; world; worse; worth; young; ● ● cache: A21075.xml plain text: A21075.txt item: #12 of 18 id: A39493 author: Earle, John, 1601?-1665. title: A trve description of the pot-companion poet who is the founder of all the base and libellous pamphlets lately spread abroad : also a character of the seil-bole cook. date: 1642 words: 1230 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A39493 of text R22492 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing E94). Also, a chara Earle, John 1642 863 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 C The rate of 12 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a39493; base; bole; books; character; companion; cook; description; e94; early; english; fire; founder; great; john; libellous; online; pamphlets; poet; pot; text; trve cache: A39493.xml plain text: A39493.txt item: #13 of 18 id: A39706 author: Flecknoe, Richard, d. 1678? title: Enigmaticall characters, all taken to the life from severall persons, humours, & dispositions by Rich. Fleckno. date: 1658 words: 22318 flesch: 51 summary: SHe is a degree farther from the Cloister , and nigher the world than a Beguine ; to recompence which , she is more exemplar in her manners and behaviour , walking the streets like an Image carried in procession , without stirring hand or eye , wearing her eyes just like spectacles on her nose , and not daring to scratch though it itch never so furiously for fear of transgressing the rules of modesty : whence a fly is as safe on her nose , as a thief in Sanctuary , and a flea as t' had pasport may travell where it please : Returned home she is so neat , she puts all her cloaths up i th' presse ( almost her self too ) brushing her carefully for fear of a spice of Fornication ever since she understood , man was but dust : for the world , she desies it with all its pompts and vanities ( and t is almost all the vanitie she has ) and for the Devill , she knows ' all his slights and tricks so well , as that Devill must rise betimes that couzens her ; as for the Flesh she mortifies not onely her own , but that of her hoch-pot too , giving it so strong allay of Carrots and Turnips , there is no danger of it insurrection . HE is a Lover , and the Warre is his Mistresse , whom he courts so nobly as not onely she , but all are enamour'd on him : all his thoughts are on her , and all his Ambition is to deserve her favours , and declare himself worthy of her ; he doing that in effect , which others onely talk off ; hazzard and expose his life for his Mistresse , as often as brave Action cals him to 't : Mean time , compare him but with your other fine Gallants of the Town , and you 'le see what little pittifull things they 'le seem compared to him ( just as Puppets in comparison with men ) keywords: acquaintance; actions; aire; alwayes; beasts; beauty; best; better; betwixt; body; books; breeding; c'est; care; certain; chamber; character; children; church; cloaths; coach; cold; common; companion; company; contrary; conversation; country; court; curious; day; dayes; dead; death; des; devotion; difference; discourse; dog; dos; dry; dull; end; england; english; enigmaticall; excellent; eyes; face; fall; false; fear; fellow; fine; fleckno; folly; french; friend; gentle; gentlewoman; god; good; grace; great; greater; half; hand; head; heart; heaven; hide; high; higher; hold; home; honour; horses; house; humour; husband; ignorance; ill; imagination; innocence; joy; ladies; lady; language; laugh; laughter; lesse; life; like; little; lives; long; look; lord; love; maid; making; man; manners; master; mean; men; merry; minde; mirth; mistresse; mode; money; mouth; musick; nay; needs; neer; new; noble; old; onely; ones; order; ordinary; people; perpetuall; person; petty; physitian; place; playing; pleasure; proud; raillerie; ready; reason; rest; rich; right; rude; saying; school; self; serving; shee; shew; short; somewhat; sont; soul; speaking; spirit; state; strait; stuff; sun; sure; sweet; t'other; talk; text; thing; thoughts; time; tone; tongue; tother; town; tree; tricks; trouble; troublesome; true; truth; valiant; vertue; vice; want; whilest; widdow; wife; wise; wit; withall; wits; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worse; young cache: A39706.xml plain text: A39706.txt item: #14 of 18 id: A39707 author: Flecknoe, Richard, d. 1678? title: Rich. Flecknoe's ænigmatical characters being rather a new work, than new impression of the old. date: 1665 words: 21770 flesch: 69 summary: Kitchi●-stuff , or Candles ends , 't is sure to go to pot ; there is no entring any of her other Rooms , without first putting off your Shooes , as if 't were holy Ground ; and y 'ad better spit in her face then spit in 't , whilst you are there ; her Tongs and Fire-shovel , with all the res● of her Chimney-implements , serve more for ornament then use ; and you may assoon ge● her to set fire on the house , as make a fire in any Chimney besides the Kitchin one ; for her own Chimney , 't is under her Coats in her Lul●pot , with which she so bemackerels he● Thighs , as you 'd take her for a Maremaid , half fish , half flesh , by which unnatural heat she brings forth nothing but Zooterkins : I represent this Lady op●nly , and without Enigma , since her Beauty is so bright , and Vertue 's so transp●rent , as they cannot be shaddow'd nor over-clouded ; and with her conclude th●se Characters , since I cannot con●lude them with a fairer Subject . keywords: agen; alive; alwayes; anno; art; ass; bea ●; beauty; bed; best; better; betwixt; body; book; break; buffoon; business; care; certain; chamber; character; chimney; church; coach; colour; common; companion; company; complexion; conclude; conversation; countrey; court; cu'd; curious; dancing; day; death; delightful; devil; devotion; difference; discourse; disease; disposition; drink; dry; dutch; dye; early; ears; easie; eating; eebo; end; english; excellent; eyes; face; fair; fall; fare; fear; fellow; fine; fire; fish; flecknoe; flesh; french; friends; g ●; game; god; good; great; greater; greatest; ground; half; hand; head; heaven; high; higher; home; honest; honour; house; husband; ill; ladies; lady; language; leaves; life; light; like; little; lives; living; london; long; looks; lord; love; lying; maid; man; master; mean; men; milk; minde; mirth; mistris; musick; nature; needs; new; noble; nose; old; onely; ones; opinion; order; original; pain; people; person; physician; place; play; playes; poets; point; poor; power; prayer; priviledge; question; ready; reason; religion; rest; rich; sayes; scarce; school; self; set; sets; shew; shu'd; shud; sickness; sign; sort; soul; speech; spirit; sun; sure; t'other; talk; tcp; tei; text; th ●; thing; thât; thêre; thêy; thîs; time; tongue; town; troublesome; true; truth; unto; valiant; vertue; vices; voice; way; white; whosoever; wife; wise; wit; wo'd; wonder; wood; words; work; world; worse; year; young; ● d; ● e; ● h; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A39707.xml plain text: A39707.txt item: #15 of 18 id: A45166 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. Characters of vertues and vices. title: Characters of vertue and vice described in the persons of the wise-man, the valiant man ... attempted in verse from a treatise of the reverend Joseph Hall, late lord bishop of Exeter / by N. Tate. date: 1691 words: 6046 flesch: 80 summary: In Conquest does beyond the Warriour go , The surest Friend , the latest easiest Foe : Than others so much Happier does appear , As He can more and worse Mis-fortunes bear . For his Friend's sake with Honours he complies , Yields to be Great to help his Friend to Rise . keywords: bear; best; bishop; blood; body; books; care; characters; death; early; eebo; encoding; english; envious; ev'ry; events; exeter; fame; favours; fears; foe; fortune; friend; friendship; god; good; half; hall; hand; heart; honour; ill; images; know; late; life; like; long; lord; love; man; mind; nature; ne'er; noble; online; oxford; partnership; past; patient; phase; pow'r; profane; quid; reason; self; sense; servant; sets; speed; strength; superstitious; tate; tcp; tei; text; thanks; thing; treatise; true; turn; use; valiant; vertue; vice; wise; works; world; worst; wou'd; wrongs; xml cache: A45166.xml plain text: A45166.txt item: #16 of 18 id: A68130 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Characters of vertues and vices in two bookes: by Ios. Hall. date: 1608 words: 15818 flesch: 69 summary: Hee hates constancie as an ear-then dulnesse , vnfit for men of spirit : and loues to change his worke and his place ; neither yet can hee bee so soone wearie of any place , as euerie place is wearie of him ; for as hee sets himselfe on worke , so others pay him with hatred ; and looke how manie maisters hee hath , so manie enemies : neither is it possible that anie should not hate him , but who know him not . Hauing once cleaued ( like a burre ) to some great mans coat , he resolues not to be shaken off with any small indignities , and finding his holde thorowly fast , casts how to insinuate yet neerer ; and therefore , hee is busie and seruile in his indeuours to please , and all his officious respects turn home to himselfe . keywords: aboue; actions; aduantage; affection; ambitious; backe; base; beares; bee; best; better; betwixt; blood; bodie; books; calles; cares; cause; characters; church; common; complaines; conditions; conscience; cost; counsell; danger; day; death; desires; discourse; doth; early; earth; edition; eebo; enemie; english; estate; euents; euer; euerie; euils; expectation; eyes; face; fall; false; feare; field; flesh; free; friend; gaine; giue; glorie; god; gods; good; goodnesse; great; hall; hand; hard; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; hee; hee haue; hee knowes; himselfe; himselfe hee; home; honour; hope; house; ill; images; iust; knowes; leaue; left; lesse; life; little; liues; long; lord; loue; man; manie; mans; men; midst; minde; mis; mouth; nature; need; neighbors; new; newes; night; oft; open; ouer; owne; page; pay; pitie; place; pleasure; praise; presence; present; purposes; reason; religion; rest; reuenge; rich; rules; runnes; saue; second; secret; seene; seruant; sets; sinne; soule; speech; strength; successe; superstitious; tcp; tei; text; thanks; thing; tho; time; title; tongue; true; trust; truth; turnes; value; vertue; vices; vnder; vpon; vse; wants; way; wisdome; wise; wit; witnesse; words; worke; world; worst; worthy; wrongs; yea cache: A68130.xml plain text: A68130.txt item: #17 of 18 id: A84694 author: Ford, Thomas, 1598-1674. title: The times anatomiz'd, in severall characters. By T.F. date: 1647 words: 9653 flesch: 74 summary: Like Lyca●n , hee devoures men , and turns his Office into an Office of Escheat , making himselfe heire to every mans estate , under colour of the States service . Drukennesse is used in High Germany for the Index , or Touch-stone of a mans nature , for the parents will see men drunk before they marry their daughters unto them , because they will know what kinde of drunkennesse they are subject to ; and according to the good or ill ( if a Drunkard can have good ) keywords: a84694; actions; anatomiz'd; bad; best; better; bloud; body; cause; characters; church; civill; cold; colour; common; dayes; death; destruction; doe; drunkard; end; ends; enemy; english; errour; eyes; face; false; fire; ford; fortune; gains; generall; god; good; grave; greater; greatest; hand; hath; head; heaven; hee; himselfe; hold; honest; honour; house; judgment; justice; kingdom; lesse; life; light; like; lives; long; majesty; man; meer; member; men; mens; miseries; moderate; moderation; mother; nature; necessary; non; onely; peace; people; person; plenty; power; preacher; private; publique; reason; rebellion; religion; rest; roman; ruine; set; severall; somtimes; souldier; speake; state; subject; sun; sure; sword; text; things; thomason; time; tragoedy; true; truth; warre; wars; water; way; wealth; wee; winde; wonder; words; world; young; zealous cache: A84694.xml plain text: A84694.txt item: #18 of 18 id: A96944 author: Wortley, Francis, Sir, 1591-1652. title: Characters and elegies. By Francis VVortley, Knight and Baronet. date: 1646 words: 16795 flesch: 68 summary: David in this way of Poesy made an {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} for Saul and Ionathan . And Ieremy made the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} for good Iosias . The Jewes buryed their dead with great ceremony , and had their Praeficaes , women singers , their {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , their songs of mourning and lamentation , their burning of Incense and sweet odours for their Kings , and solemn mournings for their Princes . keywords: accompt; actions; admire; advantage; apud; army; art; baronet; best; better; birth; blessings; blood; body; brave; brothers; care; cause; cecidit; cesar; character; charge; charitie; children; christ; church; comfort; command; commission; confesse; conscience; councell; court; crown; cut; david; dead; deare; death; discipline; doctrine; doe; doth; dum; durst; dye; earle; earth; elegies; elegy; english; etiam; eyes; faith; fall; farre; father; feares; fire; fit; fortune; france; francis; free; friends; friendship; gallant; generall; glasse; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; hand; happinesse; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; henry; hic; high; himselfe; honour; honourable; honoured; hope; husband; illustrious; imprisonment; interest; jacet; judgement; justice; king; kingdome; knight; knowes; ladies; lady; law; lawes; left; lesse; liberty; lies; like; lindsey; love; loyalty; martiall; martyr; master; memory; men; mercie; merit; morton; mother; muse; nation; nature; nay; nec; need; new; noble; non; obedience; old; owne; patience; pay; peace; pen; people; pious; power; prince; princely; prisoner; proportion; quam; qui; reason; regard; regis; relation; religion; respect; reverence; rich; right; roman; rome; royall; rule; sad; sanguine; saul; save; scarce; sea; second; sed; seemes; service; set; share; sic; sinnes; sir; skill; sonne; souldiers; soule; soveraigne; spirit; spirituall; stand; state; stock; subjects; sun; sweet; sword; temporall; text; thee; things; thomason; thou; thought; thy; tibi; time; title; trade; tribe; troubles; true; trust; valiant; vertues; victorious; victory; war; water; way; wealth; wee; william; wisdome; wise; words; world; worthy; youth cache: A96944.xml plain text: A96944.txt