item: #1 of 6 id: 17882 author: Davy, Humphry, Sir title: Consolations in Travel; or, the Last Days of a Philosopher date: None words: 54900 flesch: 47 summary: The characters of the persons of the dialogue were intended to be ideal, at least in great part such they should be considered by the reader; and, it is to be hoped, that the incidents introduced, as well as the persons, will be viewed only as subordinate and subservient to the sentiments and doctrines. The gradual operations by which they acquire new organs and new powers, corresponding to these organs, till they arrive at full maturity, forcibly strikes the mind with the idea that the powers of life reside in the arrangement by which the organs are produced. keywords: air; animals; arts; atmosphere; changes; chemical; earth; existence; faith; form; genius; globe; great; history; human; influence; kind; knowledge; laws; life; light; man; matter; men; mind; nature; new; organs; people; place; power; principle; reason; religion; remains; results; science; society; state; surface; system; time; view; vision; water; world cache: 17882.txt plain text: 17882.txt item: #2 of 6 id: 20751 author: Smith, Edgar Fahs title: Priestley in America, 1794-1804 date: None words: 31921 flesch: 61 summary: That Dr. Joseph Priestley had the power of disposing of a very valuable library consisting of near 4000 volumes of scarce and well chosen books in various branches of literature and science, to any public seminary of learning in the United States, which library, the said Dr. Priestley was desirous of procuring as a gift to the Northumberland Academy, provided that institution was likely to receive substantial assistance from the legislature, so as to be enabled to fulfil the purposes of its establishment, That the Trustees would have no occasion to ask of the legislature on behalf of that Academy, a subscription greater than a few individuals had expended, and were still ready and desirous of contributing thereto; and suggest it to your Committee, that if out of the monies due from the County of Northumberland to the State a sufficient sum was granted to exonerate the Academy from debt, no more would be wanted in the future to effect the purposes of that institution, than a sum equal in amount to the value of the library proposed to be furnished by Dr. Priestley; such value to be fixed by a person appointed for the purpose by the legislature. Faujar St. Fond, a French geologist has recorded a visit to Priestley-- Dr. Priestley received me with the greatest kindness.... keywords: air; america; city; country; doctor; england; experiments; friends; general; good; government; history; home; letters; liberty; life; man; men; new; northumberland; philadelphia; philosophical; phlogiston; priestley; science; sir; society; state; thought; time; water; work cache: 20751.txt plain text: 20751.txt item: #3 of 6 id: 21094 author: Cummings, Ray title: The Girl in the Golden Atom date: None words: 98387 flesch: 87 summary: The sparrow was hardly bigger than a large horse-fly now, and the Very Young Man was holding it between his thumb and forefinger. She turned to the Very Young Man impulsively, putting her little hands up on his shoulders. keywords: aura; banker; body; business man; chemist; city; doctor; drug; eyes; face; feet; floor; friends; gentlemen; girl; going; good; great; ground; hand; head; left; look; loto; lylda; man; moment; people; right; ring; room; size; standing; targo; thought; time; voice; water; way; world cache: 21094.txt plain text: 21094.txt item: #4 of 6 id: 38246 author: Muir, M. M. Pattison (Matthew Moncrieff Pattison) title: Heroes of Science: Chemists date: None words: 81307 flesch: 53 summary: This compound atom, if positive, will exhibit affinity for other compound atoms in which negative electricity predominates; if negative, it will exhibit affinity for other positively electrified compound atoms. The experiment with the nails was made in 1779; at this time, therefore, Priestley had no conception as to what his _dephlogisticated air_ really was. keywords: acid; action; air; atom; atomic; berzelius; black; bodies; chemical; chemical science; chemistry; chemists; compound; compound atom; conception; dalton; davy; dumas; element; elementary; experiments; facts; gas; gases; graham; heat; hydrogen; knowledge; lavoisier; light; matter; metal; molecule; nature; new; oxygen; particles; parts; priestley; properties; science; substance; theory; time; water; weight; work; years cache: 38246.txt plain text: 38246.txt item: #5 of 6 id: 45394 author: Paris, John Ayrton title: The Life of Sir Humphrey Davy, Bart. LL.D., Volume 1 (of 2) date: None words: 112262 flesch: 48 summary: In referring to the Additional Observations appended to his Chemical Researches, we shall find that the moment he became acquainted with the experiments of Dr. Ash, he proceeded to enquire how far the fact, previously noticed by himself, of the conversion of nitrous _gas_ into nitrous _oxide_, by exposure to wetted zinc, might depend upon galvanic action. In 1794, Mr. Davy died. keywords: account; acid; action; air; bodies; body; chemical; chemistry; circumstances; combinations; course; davy; day; decomposition; discovery; electricity; elements; experiments; fact; following; form; friend; gas; general; genius; h. davy; having; heat; history; hope; hydrogen; institution; knowledge; lecture; letter; life; light; lime; manner; matter; means; mercury; mind; muriatic; nature; new; nitrous; opinion; oxide; oxygen; paper; period; place; potash; potassium; power; present; process; quantity; regard; results; royal; science; sir; society; soil; solution; state; subject; substances; theory; time; truth; vegetable; voltaic; water; work cache: 45394.txt plain text: 45394.txt item: #6 of 6 id: 45395 author: Paris, John Ayrton title: The Life of Sir Humphrey Davy, Bart. LL.D., Volume 2 (of 2) date: None words: 123947 flesch: 50 summary: A very general belief prevailed, that sea-water had little or no action on _pure_ copper, and that the rapid decay of that metal on certain ships was owing to its impurity. Dr. Black, therefore, immediately concluded that, as water is ice united to a certain quantity of _latent_ heat, so steam is water united to a still greater quantity. keywords: account; acid; action; air; bodies; cause; chemical; circumstances; coal; combustion; common; copper; damp; davy; days; discovery; effect; electricity; experiments; fact; fire; flame; following; form; friend; gas; general; genius; great; h. davy; having; heat; humphry; humphry davy; hydrogen; iron; lamp; letter; life; light; manner; matter; means; metal; mind; mines; nature; new; order; oxygen; paper; persons; phenomena; philosopher; place; poole; power; present; principle; purpose; quantity; researches; results; royal; safety; science; sea; sir; sir humphry; society; state; subject; substance; surface; temperature; theory; time; use; water; wire; years cache: 45395.txt plain text: 45395.txt