item: #1 of 4 id: A74212 author: Aston, Thomas, Sir, 1600-1645. title: A petition delivered in to the lords sprituall and temporall, by Sir Thomas Aston, Baronet, from the County Palatine of Chester concerning Episcopacy To the high and honourable court of Parliament. / The nobilitie, knights, gentry, ministers, freeholders, and inhabitants of the County Palatine of Chester, whose names are subscribed in the severall schedules hereunto annexed. date: None words: 1510 flesch: 60 summary: Humbly shew ; THat whereas divers Petitions have lately beene carryed about this Countie , against the present forme of Church government , ( and the hands of many persons of ordinary quality sollicited to the same , with pretence to be presented to this Honourable Assembly ) which wee conceiving not so much to ayme at reformation as absolute innovation of government , and such as must give a great advantage to the adversaries of our Religion , wee held it our dutie to disavow them all . But on the contrary , when wee consider the tenor of such writings , as in the name of Petitions , are spread amongst the common people ; the tenents preached publiquely in Pulpits , and the contents of many printed Pamphlers , swarming amongst us ; all of them dangerously exciting a disobedience to the established forme of government , and their severall intimations of the desire of the power of the keyes , and that their Congregations may execute Ecclesiasticall censures within themselves , wee cannot but expresse our just feares , that their desire is to introduce an absolute innovation of Presbyterall Government , whereby wee who are now governed by the Canon and Civill Lawes , dispensed by twenty-six Ordinaries ( easily responsall to Parliaments for any deviation from the rule of Law ) conceive wee should become exposed to the meere arbitrary government of a numerous Presbytery , who together with their ruling Elders , will arise to neere forty thousand Church Governours , and with their adherents , must needs beare so great a sway in the Common-wealth , that if future inconvenience shall be found in that government , wee humbly offer to consideration , how these shall be reducible by Parliaments , how consistent with a Monarchy , and how dangerously conducible to an Anarchy , which wee have just cause to pray against , as fearing the consequences would prove the utter losse of learning and Lawes , which must necessarily produce an extirmination of Nobilitie , Gentry , and order , if not of Religion . keywords: aston; baronet; chester; church; common; county; english; government; great; honourable; inhabitants; knights; lords; nobilitie; odde; palatine; parliament; petition; sir; temporall; text; thomas; wee cache: A74212.xml plain text: A74212.txt item: #2 of 4 id: A77320 author: Brereton, William, Sir, 1604-1661. title: Sir William Breretons letter concerning the surrender of the city of Chester for the Parliament: together with the articles agreed on betwixt both parties, and the commissioners names. Sent in a letter to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, and appointed to be forthwith printed and published date: None words: 2720 flesch: 65 summary: 1. THat the Lord Byron , and all Noblemen , Commanders , Officers , Gentlemen and Souldiers , and all other Persons whatsoever now residing in the City of Chester , and the Castle and Fort thereof , shall have liberty to march out of the said City , Castle and Fort , in all their Apparel whatsoever , and no other , or more Goods , Horse , or Arms , then are hereafter mentioned , viz. Sir William Breretons letter concerning the surrender of the city of Chester for the Parliament: together with the articles agreed on betwixt both parties, and the commissioners names. keywords: arms; articles; brereton; byron; castle; chester; city; colonel; commissioners; commons; english; forces; fort; honorable; horse; john; letter; liberty; lord; march; money; officers; parliament; persons; said; sir; souldiers; surrender; text; thomason; william cache: A77320.xml plain text: A77320.txt item: #3 of 4 id: A77321 author: Brereton, William, Sir, 1604-1661. title: Sir William Breretons letter sent to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. Concerning all the passages and treaties of the siege and taking of the city of Chester· And by Mr. Speaker appointed to be printed and published. With a most exact declaration of Chesters enlargement after three yeers bondage, set forth by Nathanael Lancaster, chaplein to the Cheshire forces. date: None words: 16781 flesch: 64 summary: 1. THat the Lord Byron , and all Noblemen , Commanders , Officers , Gentlemen and Souldiers , and all other Persons whatsoever , now residing in the City of Chester , and the Castle and Fort thereof , shall have liberty to march out of the said City , Castle , and Fort , with all their Apparel whatsoever , and no other or more Goods , Horses or Arms , then are hereafter mentioned , viz. 3. That none of the Commanders , Officers or Souldiers , or any other at or before their marching out of the City , Castle or Fort , do injure or plunder the Person or Goods of any ▪ nor carry any thing away out of the said City , Castle or Fort , but what is their own and hereby allowed . keywords: answer; arms; army; articles; beston; betwixt; blood; body; brereton; bridge; byron; captain; castle; cheshire; chester; citizens; city; collonel; commanders; commissioners; commons; conditions; considerable; country; day; dayes; denbigh; designe; desire; enemies; enemy; fall; farre; foot; forces; fort; generall; gentlemen; god; good; governour; great; ground; guards; hand; hath; hawarden; honorable; hope; horse; ian; inclosed; iohn; iones; ireland; jan; john; king; leaguer; letter; liberty; lieut; like; long; lord; lord byron; lordship; losse; louthiane; major; man; march; men; morning; munday; neere; night; north; officers; owne; parliament; party; passe; persons; place; power; preservation; prisoners; propositions; provision; quarters; reducing; releife; relief; rest; return; river; said; self; servant; service; set; sides; sir; sir william; slew; small; souldiers; speaker; suburbs; summons; tatton; text; time; treaty; use; walley; walls; way; welch; whiles; william; william brereton; worke; wounded cache: A77321.xml plain text: A77321.txt item: #4 of 4 id: A78644 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: His majesties ansvver to the humble petition of the gentlemen, free-holders, and ministers of the countie palatine of Chester delivered to His Maiestie at York the seventh of May, 1642. At the court and York 9 May 1642. His Maiestie hath given me expresse command to give you this His answer to your petition. date: 1642.0 words: 1120 flesch: 62 summary: And His Majestie observes very well , that this Petition is not like others , which by an untimely Zeal , have desired Him to return to His Parliament ; You onely desiring Him there to reside , where with more conveniency and security He may consult with His great Councell , then by going into Ireland : His Majestie being confident , That your well weighing of His Answers concerning that subject , hath been the cause that you have not imitated some few other Countreys in that particular ; And that you have well considered the Rebellious Affront offered to Him at Hull , by a hostile opposition of His entrance ; and therefore beleeves that the same Reason which made you , at this time expresse your tender care of His Person , and the former good expressions you made of your Loyalty and right-set Affections to the good of the whole Kingdom , may sooner induce you to Petition the Parliament to apply themselves to a right understanding of His Majesties wayes and intentions , and to do Him Iustice for that Affront , then make you to preferre any such ill-grounded Petition . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A78644 of text R210530 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.5[18]). keywords: answer; chester; countie; england; free; gentlemen; hath; holders; humble; maiestie; majesties; ministers; parliament; petition; text; york cache: A78644.xml plain text: A78644.txt