the history of cang-hy, the present emperour of china pesented [sic] to the most christian king / by father j. bouvet, of the society of jesus and missionary into china. histoire de l'empereur de la chine. english bouvet, joachim, 1656-1730. 1699 approx. 155 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 57 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2004-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a28906 wing b3861 estc r19507 12258607 ocm 12258607 57676 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a28906) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 57676) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 172:5) the history of cang-hy, the present emperour of china pesented [sic] to the most christian king / by father j. bouvet, of the society of jesus and missionary into china. histoire de l'empereur de la chine. english bouvet, joachim, 1656-1730. crull, j. (jodocus), d. 1713? [2], 111 p. printed for f. coggan ..., london : 1699. translated by jodocus crull in his present condition of the muscovite empire, with the life of the present emperour of china by father j. bouvet. 1699. cf. bm. reproduction of original in british library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; 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and at last complicated their conquest of this vast monarchy , towards the middle of our age. this prince is at present in the 44th year of his age , and the 36th of his reign ; a person , who by many noble qualifications has rendred himself worthy of the management of so great an empire . his whole deportment is very majestick , being well proportion'd in his limbs , and pretty tall , the feature of his face very exact , , with a large and brisk eye , beyond what is observable among others of that nation ; he is a little crooked nosed , and pitted with the small-pox , but not so as to be in the least disfigur'd by them . but the rare accomplishments of his mind , surpass infinitely those of his body . his natural genius is such as can be parallell'd but by few , being endow'd with a quick and piercing wit , a vast memory , and great understanding ; his constancy is never to be shaken by any sinister event , which makes him the fittest person in the world , not only to undertake , but also to accomplish great designs . to be short , his inclinations are so noble , and in all respects so answerable to the high station of so great a prince , that his people stand in admiration of his person , being equally charm'd with his love and justice , and the tenderness he shews for his subjects , and with his vertuous inclinations ; which as they are always guided by the dictates of reason , so , they render him an absolute master of his passions . but , what may seem most surprising , is , that so great a monarch , who bears upon his shoulders the weight of so vast an empire , should apply himself with a great deal of assiduity to , and have a true relish of all sorts of useful arts and sciences . it was owing to his extraordinary genius which appear'd in his very infancy , the emperour his father , notwithstanding his tender age , gave him the preference before all his brothers , in declaring him his successour ; and this prince has by his conduct , since , made it apparent to all the world , that his father was not mistaken in his choice . for no sooner was he mounted upon the throne , but his chief aim was , how to make himself beloved by both the nations he was to command ; and knowing the tartars to be a warlike people , he accomplished himself in all sorts of exercises used among them , as well as in those sciences most esteem'd among the chineses . in bodily exercises he soon improv'd , to that degree , that there was scarce any person of note that could coop with him . and as the tartars equally esteem the strength and agility of body , they stand amaz'd at this prince , when they see him manage his bow with the utmost dexterity , which is of such a bigness , that there is not one in the whole court , who can bend it . he shoots well , both with his left and right hand , whether on foot or on horseback , though riding at full-speed , and rarely misses his mark , even when he shoots flying . he is very expert in managing all sorts of arms , not excepting those , that are no more in use now a-days , and is as dextrous at handling our fire-locks , as at the bow. the tartars are naturally good horsemen , but this prince surpasses most of them in this exercise . notwithstanding he excels thus in all military exercises , this does not hinder his having a good relish of musick , especially of those musical instruments , which are brought thither out of europe . and , if the multitude and weight of publick affairs did not prevent him from playing upon the same , as often as he could wish , there is no question but he would soon become as great a master of them , as he is of some tartarian and chinese instruments , which he has been taught to play upon , when as yet in his tender age. but as he is not ignorant that the art of government is the principal qualifications belonging to a sovereign , so it is to that he has applied himself with the utmost diligence . he was scarce sixteen years of age , when his chief minister of state ( who was the most potent of those four lords , unto whom his father had committed the regency during his son's minority ) was become so insolent , as to lord it over all the princes of the blood , and to dispose of all the courts of justice at pleasure , no body daring to stand in opposition to his greatness . this young emperour was the first who had resolution enough to stop the carreer of his insolency . for which purpose , having call'd together the chiefest of the princes of the royal blood , who were members of the great council of the empire , he upbraided them with their want of courage , in conniving at the outrages committed by this minister of state , without daring to oppose him in his violent courses , and at the same time , ordered the president of this council , to go immediately and seize his person , which was done accordingly . he being convicted of many injustices , was condemned to die ; but having asked and obtained permission to see the emperour before his death , he shewed him the scars and marks of his wounds , which he had received in the service of the emperour taitsow ( whose life he saved ) grand-father to his majesty , and father of the emperour chun-tehi , who entirely conquered china . in consideration of these wounds received in the service of the two preceding reigns , he was pardon'd as to his life , and his punishment changed into a perpetual imprisonment , where he afterwards ended his days . ever since that time , the emperour having taken the reins of the government into his own hands , he has applied himself to the management of affairs , with so much affiduity , that he takes cognizance of all matters , and regulates them himself , after having understood the sentiments of his ministers of state and council . by this continual application to business , he has acquired such a habit of managing all publick affairs , that so prodigious a multitude and variety of business , as daily were brought before him from the most remote parts of so vast an empire , seem'd rather to be his diversion , than any toil. for which purpose , he gives duly every morning at break of day , audience to those of the sovereign courts of peking , who then lay all the petitions lodg'd with them , before him . if the said petitions concern any thing of moment , he sends them to the court of colao , which is properly the council of the empire ; where , when they are examined , and an account given concerning them to the emperour , he decides them as he thinks fit ; no judgment of any court not of the council of the empire it self being of any validity , till approv'd of by the emperour . besides , those hours he sets aside in the morning to give audience , there is a certain person of great ability , in the nature of a master of requests , who all the day long attends the emperour's person , wherever he goes , and receives such petitions or other papers , as must be delivered to his majesty , and to hear such persons , as have any business to be delivered by way of mouth , of which this gentleman is bound to give an exact account instantly to his majesty , and to bring back his answer , provided they are persons , whose province it is , to inform the court concerning these matters , for otherwise they meet feldom with any encouragement . if any of his subjects find themselves oppressed by the mandarins or governours , they need only to enquire when the emperour goes out of peking a hunting , or upon any other diversion , and so to present themselves upon their knees with their petition open in their hands , somewhere near the high road where he is to pass by ; when most commonly the emperour sends one of his attendance , to enquire and examine the matter of complaint , and if the mandarins are found guilty , they are sure to meet with most severe punishment ; but great care must be taken in this case by the subjects , to offer these petitions with all the imaginable respect and humility due to his majesty , expecting his coming , at a convenient distance from the high-road , if they expect to be favourably receiv'd ; for if they are wanting in these marks of respect , and will force themselves upon him , by loud acclamations , and demanding justice , they are push'd back by the guards ; tho' effectual care is taken , that no hurt be done to any who come to present their petitions , unless they should be so bold as to lose all manner of respect , this prince being willing to give all due encouragement to his subjects , to have recourse to him in their grievances , looking upon this as the most proper means to keep the mandarins in their duty , for fear of being accused before the emperour . we have observed during our stay in china , that many of the most considerable mandarins of the empire , and who had free access to the prince's person , being thus complain'd against , and found guilty of what they were charg'd with , lost not only their employments , but were likewise severely punished , according to their deserts . the present emperour never had any favourite minister , in whom he confided , but has introduced such an absolute government in the court , that no body dares speak to him concerning any business that does not belong to his province , unless he be ask'd . and , as for his own person , he is so close in all his affairs , that the more you approach to his person , the more you are convinced , that his designs are past all discovery . it is his custom to require an exact account of all matters of moment , and to have secret intelligence by different persons , of all that is transacted in the courts of justice , and otherwise ; when he gives audience to private persons , he asks much , but answers little . he observes with great attention every word that is spoke to him , which he ruminates upon at leisure ; and to be short , there is scarce any prince , that ever i heard of , who more seriously reflects upon all what comes before him , who knows better the act of dissimulation , and is a greater master both of his words and secrets . he is so happy in his memory , as to remember for a great while after , the meanest circumstances of things he has once taken notice of , even to the names of persons ; neither the multitude of his affairs , of which he daily takes cognizance himself , neither length of time being able to crase that out of his memory , which has been once firmly imprinted there . of this we as well as father verbiest , have had several times experience ; among the rest it happened one day , when the said father was following the king in one of his progresses , that his majesty ask'd him the name of a certain bird which he saw , and the name of which , father verbiest had told him in flemish , several years before ; the said father not being able just then to remember the name of the said bird , which was somewhat odd ; was not a little surprised , to hear the emperour ask him ; whether it was not call'd so and so in flemish , and that he should remember what he had forgot himself ! this prince has so quick an insight into matters , that it is no easie matter to deceive him , and such is the solidity of his natural understanding and judgment , as most generally to pitch upon the best expedient , where the success is doubtful , and even the best head-pieces among his ministers of state , do readily confess , that they are more beholding to his instructions than their advice in most matters of moment . of this he has given frequent instances , both whilst the differences were on foot betwixt him and the muscovites , and during the treaty of peace with them . as the muscovites were formerly look'd upon as a very unpolish'd nation , which had nothing that is engaging in their conversation , and that the vast distance betwixt their country and peking , made them little regarded in china , as being scarce known there ; so their first embassy , which was sont to chun-tchi , the present emperour's father , was not as much as admitted to audience . for these muscovites having refused to conform themselves to these slavish ceremonies , which commonly are made use of by those who make their applications to the chinese court , they were kept up close , in a manner , like prisoners , without having the liberty allow'd them to see the city of peking , or to converse with any of the inhabitants ; and being after some time sent back with their presents , and without receiving their credentials ; this gave the first occasion to the muscovites to invade some of the tartars , subject to the chinese empire . the present emperour had no more reason to fear the muscovites , than his predecessours , but wisely considering , that they might prove troublesome neighbours to some of the tartars subject to and bordering upon china , his majesty judged it most advisable , to treat them with more civility , for the benefit of his subjects . of this he gave a very remarkable proof some years ago ; for the muscovites , having been forced to surrender at discretion , the emperour was so far from punishing them with death , ( according to the antient custom of china ) that he treated them very civilly ; those that were willing to return into muscovy he sent back with a certain allowance of provision ; such as were willing to serve him , he receiv'd among his troops , some of whom were sent to the capital city of the province of leaotong , the others to peking . they had each of them a house with some land , and slaves allotted them , and each simple foot souldier was made a horse man ; the officers were entertained in the same station , and in better pay than they had in the muscovite service . in the same manner he has treated the muscovite envoys , which since that time were sent to his court , with a great deal of civility , in defraying their charges as long as they were within his territories , and ordering the necessary carriages to be provided not only for their use , but also for their whole baggage and merchandizes , both in going and coming , through a large tract of land of above three hundred leagues . whilst they were at peking , they had all the liberty that could be granted , both in their own persons and traffick , without paying the usual custom , or any molestation . the muscovites being thereby made sensible of the benefit that did acrue to their empire by this commerce , the desire of not loosing this advantage was one of the main reason , which induced them to conclude a peace with the chineses . the muscovite plenipotentiaries did frankly confess to the two fathers pereyra and gerbillon , which were sent by the emperour of china to be present at the conferences of peace betwixt these two nations , that the chief motive , which had prevailed with his czarish majesty to send his plenipotentiaries to the treaty of peace , was the good treatment his subjects had of late received from the present emperour of china . it is certain that on the chinese side , it was by the emperour 's absolute authority , that it was resolved in his council , that their plenipotentiaries should meet those of muscovy upon the frontiers ; this prince looking upon it as very reasonable , to dispense with that antient custom of the proud chineses , who never used to send any ambassadours to foreign princes , unless it was to carry to them their emperour's commands . the two chief of this embassy were two of the most considerable lords of his court , the best head-pieces in his great council , and of whose integrity he was well assured . the treaty not being brought to a good issue the first year , he was so far from being disgusted at this want of success , that on the contrary , he sent his plenipotentiaries a second time , with such full instructions , that the treaty was happily concluded , and the limits settled betwixt these two empires , to his satisfaction . it is more than probable , that if this emperour would have insisted upon those extravagant punctilio's , used among the chineses , and would have pretended to give no better reception to the muscovite ambassadours , than what they had met with at their first embassy sent to this court , they would have found means to enter into an alliance with some of the western tartars , by which means they might have proved very troublesome neighbours to the chinese subjects on that side . and upon this occasion , i cannot pass by in silence , that the muscovites are not the only strangers , who have been made sensible of the good will , the present emperour bears to them . the portugese and holland ambassadours , have received such signal proofs of his magnanimity , during their stay in this court ; that they do freely confess , that the present emperour's temper is far different in this respect , from that of the chineses in general , who have at all times shewn so much aversion to strangers , and have look'd upon them as so despicable , as not worth their keeping any correspondence with them ; or if they vouchsafed sometimes to receive some of their ambassadours , they were treated rather like subjects than their equals . thus much is to be said in behalf of the chineses , that unless it be the iaponeses , the toakineses and coreans , who have got something of politeness , which they are obliged for , to the chineses , all their neighbouring nations are very savage and barbarous ; but the present emperour , who has a much better insight into foreign affairs than the rest , has a considerable time ago , found out the effects of this mistake . the iesuits have imprinted into his mind so advantageous an idea of the european kingdoms , and of some other nations in the world ; and by this continual application to some of the best works , as well as to arts and sciences flourishing in europe , he has been sufficiently convinc'd , that the chineses are not the onely in the world , who can boast of their being famous in many arts and sciences . this has been , in a great measure , the true reason why this present emperour has thought fit , to lay aside this preposterous custom of the chinese nation , and to receive the ambassadours of holland , portugal , and muscovy , with all the marks of respect and civility ; tho at the same time , they were obliged to accommodate themselves in this point to the antient custom of this empire , as to treat concerning what they were to transact , with the courts appointed for that purpose . but this singular wisdom and conduct did never appear with such lustre , than during these several intestine commotions , which happened under his reign . the first and most famous of all , was the rebellion raised by one ousan-gouei , who , having brought a considerable number of tartars into china , and thereby deserved the title and dignity of king , of feudatary prince of a certain province , from the present emperour's father , at last entred into cabals against the tartars , with an intention to drive them out of china . he was at first so successful , that in a little time , he made himself master of one half of this vast empire , without much opposition , and it was next to a miracle , that the rest escaped his hands ; the chineses declining , wherever he came , for his party ; in comparison of whom , the tartars were but a handfull of people , who were not able alone to stop the current of his victorious arms. but such was the prudence and conduct of this young prince , who then was not above twenty years old , that what he wanted in force , he supplied by his own ability . to speak without flattery , it was chiefly owing to this prince , who managed all matters in person ; it was , i say , owing to the wise precautions he took with the chief governours of the provinces , and other military officers among the chineses , that he not only kept in obedience those who had not had the opportunity as yet to joyn with the rebel ousan-gouci , but also brought over a great many of the revolted chineses . 't is true , he did not appear in person at the head of his army 's ; but this was an effect of his wisdom , being sufficiently convinc'd , that his presence was of great consequence at peking , to keep the northern princes in obedience , and to disperse by his royal presence these factions , which were carried on in that city against his interest , and which might otherwise have proved of more dangerous consequence , than the whole force of ousan-gouci . to be short , he acted in this affair not like a young prince , but with such precaution , that no more could have been expected from the most accomplished politician . he was day and night present at the councils , and ready at all times to dispatch his orders according to the different exigencies of affairs , concerning which , and all the least circumstances that attended it , he had constant intelligence given him ; it being the most dangerous that ever threatned the chinese empire ; forasmuch as it proved the source of many other factions , which however , he happily suppressed before they came to any maturity , by his prudent conduct . the first of these factions was a conspiracy among the slaves of peking , who being all chineses , had agreed among themselves , to murther all their masters that were tartars by off-spring , in one night ; and the better to compass their design , they were afterwards to set fire to four or five places of the city . but there being so vast a number concern'd in this conspiracy , as scarce to know one another , the same was by accident discovered by several of the accomplices , some days before it was to be put in execution ; whereupon the emperour , having seized upon and punished with present death some of the ring-leaders , he broke the neck of the whole conspiracy in a few days , by granting a general amnesty to the rest . this faction was soon after followed by another : for the kings of canton and fokien , being likewise of the chinese race , when they saw the tartars embroil'd by the revolt of ouson-gouci , did look upon this as the fittest opportunity to shake off the tartarian yoak , and to make themselves sovereigns each in their own province . much about the same time there revolted another king of the race of mongo , chief of the head branch of those princes descended from the west-tartarian emperours , who reigned over china before the imperial family of taiming ; which is above three hundred years ago , and who , after they were chased from thence , regain'd the imperial throne a second time , and reigned till the 30th year of this age , when these princes ruined themselves by intestine divisions . for , the present emperour's grand-father , laying hold of this opportunity to ascend the imperial throne , knew so well how to foment these quarrels , till he found means to reduce them , one after another , under his obedience , not expecting even the chief of the family , who retained hitherto the name of emperour , and was forced by his own subjects , to submit like the rest . but the tartars of the race of mantcheou , to render their subjection more specious and easie , did , after the entire conquest of china , bestow the title of king upon this emperour , as well as upon several others of the most potent princes of the family of mongo . whilst the present emperour was engaged against the three beforementioned rebellious chinese princes or kings , some officers belonging to this prince , who is chief of the principal branch of the family of mongo , being come to peking , and having observed , that the place was not provided with any considerable number of troops , the garrison consisting only of a few young , raw soldiers , they did not fail to give intelligence of it to their master , who being encouraged to improve so favourable a conjuncture , resolved to try his fortune , whether he could recover his antient right , and the empire of china . but whilst he was making the necessary leagues with the other neighbouring princes of the race of mongo , the thing could not be carried on with so much secrecy , but that it reached the emperour's ears , who with an incredible resolution , sent immediately a small body of troops , composed partly of the garrison of peking , partly of those quartered in the province of leaotong , bordering upon the territories of the revolted prince , against him , whereby the enemy being bereaved of the succours he expected from the other princes his allies , was forced , with what forces he could bring together in haste of his own , to fight the army of the emperour , who were advanced to the very heart of his province , where he was entirely put to the rout , and taken prisoner in the pursuit , with his brother and children . he made use of the same method , and with the same success upon many other occasions , during the civil war ; for with that small number of troops , who were entirely to his devotion , he always was successful against the rebels , tho' they stood it out to the last with a great deal of bravery . among the heads of the rebellion , even many , who did not stir , or had any share in these commotions , were seiz'd and put to death , with all their children , without distinction of age or sex ; pursuant to that most rigorous constitution of the chineses ; according to which , rebellion is punished in the ninth generation , which was done with an intention to extinguish the whole race of a rebellious faction . in the mean while , the emperour , whose nature is in no wise inclin'd to cruelty , was so merciful to the brothers of the kings of canton and fokien , that he would not let them receive the least damage either in their persons or estates , knowing them to have had no hand in the rebellion . but , because he found himself under a necessity to put to death some of the kindred of ousan-gouei , that were as yet very young , he issued out a manifesto , in which he protested , that it was not according to his inclinations , to put them to death ; but that he was constrained to yield to the law of the empire , and to the advice of the princes of the blood , and of other sovereign courts of the empire , who were all for maintaining the force of this law , to strike terrour into the subject against rebellion , by the dread of the worst of all the punishments which can be inflicted upon the chineses , which is to leave no posterity behind them . thus the emperour did not only reunite those provinces with the crown , which had shaken off the yoak , but also those who were dignified with the title of kingdoms in favour of three generals of the chinese army , who having embraced the party of the tartars , were very instrumental in the conquest of china . he had also the good fortune , to exterminate the remainders of those antient chineses , who rather than submit to the tartarian yoak , when they first entred china , chose rather to follow that famous pyrate couesin . it was under the reign of chun-tchi , father of the present emperour , that this pyrate attempted no less than the conquest of the whole empire , for which purpose , he was advanced with a very formidable army , as far as the city of nanking , which in all likelihood he would have been soon master of , if it had not been bravly defended by a certain tartarian commander , who being sensible that the fate of the empire depended on the preservation of this place , did , not only with a small number of troops , repulse the enemies in their several attacks , but at last , also surprised the pyrate and his army , which he put to an entire rout one night , when they were overwhelmed with drink , having the day before celebrated the birth-day of their general . this was the same famous pyrate , who , after he had lost his whole army in this occasion , retired with his few remainders to the isle of formosa , from whence he chased the hollanders , and established himself there . his son maintain'd himself after his father's death , upon that island , till the present emperour of china , forced him to submit to his obedience , with all his subjects , except a few , who retired to the kingdom of kamboya . thus it may be said without flattery . that the present emperour , cang-hi , has acquired more glory in subduing so many rebels , and maintaining himself in the throne , against so many dangerous enemies , than the famous amavang his uncle , and guardian to his father , did , by the conquest of the whole empire . for the conquest of china was not very dearly bought by the tartars , the chineses striving to destroy one another at that time , and the bravest among them siding with the tartars against their country-men . the fire of rebellion being thus extinguished , and tranquility restored to the empire , the next care the emperour took , was to re-establish a good order , and suppress such abuses as were crept into the government , during the licenciousness of these intestine wars , in lieu of which , he endeavoured to re-establish the antient vigour of the laws , and introduce plenty among his subjects . but as he knew , that nothing could so much conduce to the encompassing of this design , than if ministers of known ability and probity were put in offices of trust , both in the court and provinces ; it was his main study to chuse such as were best qualified for that purpose , and and to encourage such in their duty as were in offices before . it is to be observed , that the constitutution of the chinese government is absolutely monarchical , all depending on one single head. the inferiour officers have their dependance entirely on their superiours ; the governour of each city regulates alone all affairs belonging to the city under his jurisdiction ; and so does each governour in his province . this form of government , which in it self considered , is very perfect , requires however , that the governours of cities and provinces , who are invested with the royal authority , be of such approved integrity and probity , as to be proof against all manner of corruption . it is almost incredible , what effectual care the present emperour takes in the choice of his mandarins , especially those of the provinces and cities ; and with how watchful an eye he over-looks all their transactions . he does not rest satisfied with the account he receives from the court of the mandarins , and with the persons that are recommended by them , but he has every where his spyes , who furnish him with secret intelligence ; from whence it comes , that he often chuses quite otherwise , and contrary to their recommendations ; his chief aim being to advance every one according to his deserts . for , whenever he observes in any one of his ministers a more than ordinary capacity , he never fails to give him particular marks of his favour , by bestowing upon him some of the most eminent and considerable offices : on the other hand , if they make the least false steps in the management of their trust , this is sufficient to make them lose their office , if it reaches the emperour's ears ; but , if any one be convicted of bribery , he is sure to meet with a prince who is inexorable in that point , and without the least respect to his degree or quality , he loses not only his place , but is exemplarily punished besides . from hence it is , that we have seen such continual changes among the mandarins of all degrees . for , within the first four years , whilst we tarried at peking , most of the governours and vice-roys of the provinces , as well as the chief members of the several tribunals or courts of peking were displaced ; for the emperour keeps so watchful an eye over them , that it is next to an impossibility that any of their faults should long escape his knowledge . we were no sooner arrived at this court , but we saw four calao , two tartars , and two chineses , deposed from their offices at once ; as was likewise the president of the first tribunal of the six , which are the supream courts of the empire , tho' he was father-in-law to the eldest son of the emperour . at our very first coming to the royal pallace , we were shewn one of these beforementioned calao , sitting near one of the gates , and supplying the place of a common sergeant of the guards ; the emperour , for his mortification , having condemn'd him to this employment . much about the same time , two or three viceroys were brought to peking , one of them in chains , without the least attendances , and being afterwards convicted of having exacted great sums from the province under his jurisdiction , he was condemn'd to death , the other two escaped with loosing their offices , their crimes being not of so high a nature . in the next following year , the vice-roy of the province of tohe-kiang , who was always a professed enemy of the christian religion , and did with all his might oppose our stay in china , being accused of malversation , was condemned by the emperour himself , not only to be deprived of his office , but also to a perpetual banishment into tartary . thus this prince has laid so strict an obligation upon himself , to conform his reign in all respects to the laws of equity , and to advance none but deserving persons to any places of trust , that there is scarce one instance to be given , when either out of partiality or self-interest he has acted contrary to this so laudable a resolution . neither is it only in this particular care of chusing well qualified mandarins , and his vigilancy over their actions , that the emperour's goodness to his people is conspicuous ; whenever there happens any publick calamity in his realm , his compassion and inquietude are most evident proofs , that he looks upon himself rather a father , than a sovereign of his people . of this we saw our selves , several instances in two years . for , there happening a great scarcity , occasioned for want of rain , in some of the provinces , which had reduced the inhabitants to the utmost degree of misery ; this prince was so sensibly touched with their calamity , that he not only remitted the whole annual tribute , which amounts to betwixt thirty and forty millions of livres , and caused the publick granaries to be set open ; but he likewise ordered both corn and money to be distributed among the most necessitous of the people . and the more effectually to supply the necessities of the poor , he gave leave to such of the richer sort , as had qualified themselves by taking the necessary degrees for mandarins , and had undergone the examen , to buy those offices , and to furnish a certain quantity of corn , to be sent to these places , where they stood most in need of it ; and , because there flock'd great numbers of these miserable wretches daily to peking , in hopes of finding some means of subsistance there , the emperour found out a way , at once to supply their necessities , and to do something for the publick good ; for he ordered them to be employed in re-building those tribunals that are within the precinct of the court , by which means he also prevented those disorders which are the ordinary effects of an idle life . upon the occasion of any publick calamity , he debars himself of his ordinary divertisements , which else he frequently takes at one of his two royal country seats , not far from peking . we have seen him , during all this time of that scarcity of corn , keep close in his pallace , without appearing in publick , unless when he went with his whole court to the temple , dedicated to the sun , there , ( according to antient custom observed upon such like occasions among the chineses ) to pray for rain , by publick prayers and sacrifices , which he offers to the supream lord of heaven and earth ; being much more enlightned in this point , than most of the modern chineses , who being in this fundamental point of religion , degenerated from their ancestors ( as they are in many other points ) , do adore the material heavens in lieu of that supream intelligence , which governs the universe with an infinite power , wisdom and goodness . as often as this prince takes his progress into some of his provinces ( which he does from time to time ) on purpose to be inform'd concerning the true condition of his people , and in what manner they are govern'd by the mandarins ; it is his custom to appear with a more affable and familiar air than at other times , and to permit even the meanest workmen or peasant to approach his person . he speaks to them with so much affability and sweetness , as charms them to the heart ; and among other questions , which he commonly askes them , he seldom fails to ask , whether they are satisfied with their present governours . if he finds any real occasion of complaint against any one of the mandarius , he is sure to be dispossessed of his place immediately ; as on the other hand , if his conduct is recommended by the general approbation of the people , this is a sure step to higher dignities . it is about seven years ago , when the emperour in one of his progresses to the southern provinces , pass'd through hovingan , which is a large city in the province of nan-king , and the ordinary place of residence of the tsong-ho , or superintendant general of all the waters , rivers , and canals of the empire , which is one of the most considerable places without the court. this tsong-ho , being accused of malversation in his office , and upon the point of being displaced , besides the paying of a great fine ; the people of this city presented a petition to the emperour , in favour of the said tsong-ho , who had no sooner perused the petition , much in commendation of this mandarin , but without taking any further information , he restored him immediately to his office ; as an evident mark , that nothing could be able to make a more sensible impression upon his mind in respect of the mandarins , than if they treated the people in such a manner , as to be considered by them rather like fathers than governours . though it is beyond all dispute , that the emperour of china , is the most potent prince in the world , both in respect of his vast revenues , and the great extent and goodness of his territories ; nevertheless is he a great enemy to luxury , in respect of his own person ; being in this point an exact observer of one of the fundamental laws of the chinese monarchy , which forbids all excessive expences in the great ones , and the prince himself , unless it be with relation to the publick good. not but that the expences of his houshold surpass without all contradiction , much those of the most magnificent courts of europe , by reason of that almost innumerable multitude of officers and others , who daily have their subsistance from court ; but in respect of his own person , he is the most exact pattern of frugality and modesty . 't is true , he is serv'd at his table in gold and silver , according to his grandeur , but in other matters not regulated by custom , he never shews the least inclination to nicety ; being contented with ordinary dishes ; and such is his sobriety , that there cannot be one instance given when he committed the least excess in that kind . his pallace is of a vast circumference , resembling in bigness a considerable city , and to look upon the many large structures which it contains , and which are all covered with tyles varnished with a gold colour , affording a most glorious sight , it is no difficult matter to judge that this pallace was intended to be the seat of a great monarch ; but as for the appartments and their furnitures , even not excepting the emperour's lodgings , their chief ornament is , that they are kept clean and neat , there being nothing to be seen but some pictures , a little guilding , and plain silk hangings , of which indeed there is great plenty , because they are so common in china . he has built himself a country-house , about two leagues distant from peking , where he takes frequently his divertisements , and retires thither for a good part of the year . but besides two great cisterns and some canals , which have been made by his orders , there is nothing to be seen there that bears the least proportion to the magnificence of so rich and great a monarch . every thing indeed is very neat ; but in respect of both the structure it self , and in respect of the gardens , and the whole design of the place , it does not approach to some country houses belonging to some persons of quality about paris . his modesty appears as well in his habit as in all other things which serve for his proper use. for , his cloaths , unless it be some sables and ermins , which as they are very common in this court , so he makes use of them for the winter season for linings , are of a plain silk , which is so common all over china , that every body , unless the poorest sort , makes use of them . in a rainy day you shall see him sometimes dress'd in a wollen cassock , such as is worn among the ordinary sort of people in china ; so , we have seen him sometimes in the summer appear in a habit made of nothing but callicoe , which is the ordinary wear of the chineses in their houses . unless it be upon some festival , the only thing which is remarkable and magnificent in his habit , is a very large pearl , which during the summer season he wears upon his bonnet , made after the tartarian fashion . his chair in which he is carried both within and without the precinct of the pallace , when he has no mind to go on horseback , is no more than a kind of a litter , made of ordinary wood varnish'd over , adorned on the corners with copper plates , or guild carvings of wood. he appears no more magnificent when he goes abroad on horse-back , the trappings of his horse having no other ornament than a pair of stirrups of iron very neatly guilt , and the reins of his bridle being of yellow silk . to comprehend all in few words , there appears nothing in any thing which belongs to his person , which has the least resemblance to that pride and pomp , which is so much affected by the other asiatick princes ; and it may be truly said of him , that he is sensible , that the true lustre and grandeur of a prince does not consist so much in the exterior pomp , as in their own vertues ; especially since it must be confess'd , that , as his treasury is vastly rich , his empire abounding in all manner of things , and the chineses naturally inclin'd to industry and all sort of handy-works , he might with as much ease exceed all the other princes of asia in pomp and magnificence , as his empire has the preference before theirs both in extent and riches . but to let the world see , that it is not out of avarice or any sordid temper of his own , that he thus avoids all profusedness and luxury in matters relating to his own person ; he shews himself as liberal and magnificent in any thing which has respect to the publick , as he is sparing in his private expences . he is not prodigal of millions , when they come in competition with the welfare of the empire he do's not grudge to bestow immense sums in repairing the publick edifices , to keep the rivers , channels , bridges , and banks , and such like things , which serve for the conveniency of commerce , and ease of the people , in good repair : from whence it is easie to judge , that , if he retrenches something from his superfluous private expences ; he husbands it for the benefit of the publick good , in order to employ it for the more exigent occasions of the state , the chief aim of this prince being , to be considered by his subjects as their father , not their master . of this he gave a most eminent proof about five years ago . the greatest part of his soldiers ( of whom there is a great number at peking ) were reduced to great extremity by reason of their debts , which they had contracted from time to time , the greatest part of their pay being scarce sufficient to pay the interest of what they ow'd . this could not be imputed to any thing else , but the ill-husbandry of the soldiers themselves , or at least of their father's ; for their pay is both very good , and exactly paid every month ; and when they first settled themselves at peking , they had houses , grounds , and slaves allotted them , sufficient for an honourable maintenance , every one proportionably to his quality . nevertheless the emperour was no sooner inform'd concerning their present condition , but being touched with compassion , he ordered immediately their accompts to be stated , and to be paid out of his treasury , the whole amounting to above sixteen millions of livres . and to prevent the like for the future , he issued his orders , that no private person should presume to advance any money to the soldiers upon their pay , under penalty of loosing the debt ; but to supply at the same time the occasions of the soldiers in case of necessity ; he commanded , that upon any necessitous occasion money should be advanced them out of the treasury , to a certain limited sum , to be deducted by little and little out of their pay , without putting them under the necessity of paying interest-money , or rather extortions , as are usually paid at peking , when people are droven to the necessity of borrowing money . about the same time , a petition being presented to him from the hia or ordinary mandarins of his guards ( of whom there are betwixt seven and eight hundred ) and from some other officers belonging to his houshold , that they were much in debt , and begg'd relief from his majesty ; he ordered the officers of his houshold eight hundred livres a-piece , and four hundred to each of such of the inferior officers , as were unable to pay their debts , and whose duty it is to attend his person in the progresses he makes throughout the empire . this sum which amounted in the whole to above two millions of livres , he ordered to be paid out of his privy purse ; because , said he , it would be unjust to lay the burthen of these debts , which have been contracted by my domestick servants , upon the publick treasury . this extraordinary generosity of the emperour , had very near proved the occasion of a revolt among those of the chinese horse , who being composed of slaves , as they could not contract any debts , so they had had no share in the emperour's liberality . it is to be observed , that there is a considerable number of these horsemen entertain'd among the tartars , and , that as their pay is very good , so they for the most part , maintain thereby their families . near five thousand of these slaves assembled themselves near the royal pallace , in order to present a petition to the emperour , in which they begg'd to be included in the number of those that were to receive such ample marks of his bounty . there being not one among all the courtiers there present , who shewed any inclination to prefer their petition to his majesty , they remained for some time in an humble posture , bare-headed and upon their knees , in the great outward court of the pallace ; but being soon after inform'd by some that pass'd that way , that the emperour was gone to take a walk in the garden behind the pallace , they surrounded the garden , and with great clamour , desired his majesty to extend his bounty to them as well as the other soldiers , they having been ready upon all occasions to serve him , and sacrifice their lives for his interest , with the same zeal as the rest . but the emperour taking another way , did , as if he had not heard or understood their meaning ; whereupon some time afterwards , word being brought to the emperour , that they had forced the first gate that leads to the garden , inspite of the guards ; who were not able to resist their number , he commanded eight of the ring-leadersto be seised instantly , and the rest to be beaten out of the court with sticks ; which being done accordingly , this mutinous rabble was dispersed in an instant . but as his majesty had by this last act of generosity , given very ample demonstrations of his affection and tenderness for the soldiery in general ; so , upon this occasion , he resolved to let them see , that he would not suffer himself to be abused , and that he knew how to punish their insolence . for which reason , these eight mutineers were ordered to be tryed before the criminal court , as well as their masters , pursuant to an antient custom among the tartars , according to which the masters bare a share in the punishment inflicted upon their slaves , in case of any misbehaviour , the better to oblige them to keep a watchful eye over their slaves , that they may not transgress upon others . by this court the eight slaves were the next day condemned to death , and their masters to a perpetual banishment into tartary . the emperour however extended his mercy towards them in mitigating this sentence , which was only executed upon one , who having been the chief ring-leader of this mutiny , was beheaded the same day before noon , and his master , who was one of the mandarins of the emperour 's own guards , lost his place , and was banished into the remotest parts of tartary . the other seven escaped with being soundly whipt , and as a further punishment were forced to carry , for three months after about their necks the chinese cangve , which is nothing else but two thick boards joyn'd together in the middle , like our pillory boards , of about three foot square , and near eighty pound weight . their masters were graciously pardon'd by the emperour , as well as the other soldiers , and their principal commanders , who threw themselves at his majesty's feet , excusing their fault in not preventing the design of these mutineers , and asking his pardon , ready to submit themselves to any punishment he should think fit to inflict upon them for the neglect of their duty . thus this great prince , knowing how to keep an equal ballance betwixt mercy and severity , makes himself both beloved and fear'd by his subjects , who thereby are kept under a most strict obligation of performing their duty . as he is in his own person the greatest enemy of idleness and laziness ; but the greatest admirer of business , without being the least sparing of his own person , so it is his chiefest study to prevent his subjects ; but especially the tartars of the race of mantcheon , from being ensnared by the luxurious life of the chineses , being sensible , that if they once were brought to tred in the footsteps of the chineses as to this point , it would be a very difficult task for them to maintain themselves in china , which they conquered with a handful of men ; only , because they are inured to all manner of hardships , as their enemies were swallowed up in luxury , which had rendred them quite effeminate . 't is for this reason that the emperour , who is a great master in the politicks of this government , sends very rarely any of the tartars as mandarins to the southern provinces of the empire , where they are more addicted to this vice than in other parts ; and , if he is sometimes obliged to send some thither , he recalls them as soon as possibly he can . 't is for the same reason of state , that he goes so frequently abroad a hunting ; and that almost every year he takes once , if not twice , a progress into the mountainous parts of turtary . for , his guards and officers of the houshold , as well as most of the great men of the court , or chief commanders of his forces , and other mandarins of the court of peking , being obliged by their places ( at least each in his turn , ) to attend the emperour's person wherever he goes ; it is upon these occasions , that by his example , he animates them to endure the fatigues of the campaign , and to follow him wherever he leads the way , where he is sure never to be sparing of his person . for in these progresses you shall see him appear in a very common habit , sometimes a whole day on horseback , traversing the mountains and forrests , so that he tires sometimes nine or ten horses in a day ; and oftentimes , according to the disposition of the ground , does not grudge to march on foot for a considerable time . when he returns at night to his tent , he is so far from taking any repose , that he first dispatches all matters beforehim , in the same manner , as if he were in his pallace at peking . he peruses and takes an account of all petitions laid before him , without delay , which oftentimes takes up good part of the night , so that he spares these hours from his sleep , which he has employed in the day-time for his diversion . and it is observable , that he leads this sort of life not for four or five days only , but sometimes for three or four months together , without intermission . father gerbillon , who among all the iesuits attends him most frequently in his progresses , has attested to me , that he has seen him often all covered with dust and sweat , continue the chase , without changing his linen or cloaths after they came to the appointed place of rest ; and that he has seen him for several hours together , sitting and exposing himself to the heat of the rays of the sun , without an umbrello , which constantly attend him wherever he stirs , in great numbers . i have heard the same author , gerbillon , relate it to others of our society , that in one of his progresses , at a great distance from peking , the emperour and his court were forced to pitch their tents in a place where it was very difficult to be supplied with any other provisions , but what the place afforded , so , that most of his retinue were forced to be contented with beef and mutton , of which you meet with good store in tartary . the emperour , to let them see , that at this juncture , he could live and be satisfied with what the rest had , ordered , that nothing but beef and mutton should be serv'd upon his table , till such time that they receiv'd new supplies of provisions , sufficient for all the rest of his attendance , by these means he encourages his subjects to use themselves to undergo all sorts of fatigues , being never sparing of his own person upon such like occasions ; as on the other hand , he is sure to lay some mortification or other upon those , whom he finds addicted to an idle and lazy life . for which reason , to prevent the children of the chief men of his court , of the tartarian race , or of those chineses , who have espoused their interest , from embracing an idle life , he makes it his constant custom to prefer them to such places as are not to be officiated without a great deal of trouble . so soon as they are of a fit age to go abroad , he makes them take care and lead his hounds , when he goes a hunting ; others he employs in managing his hawks and other birds of prey . some are employed in boiling tea and other dishes for his use , and in serving them at his table ; some in making bows and arrows for his own and his son's use. those who are to be preferr'd before others , by reason of their great quality , or on whom the emperour intends to bestow some particular favour , are made mandarins of his guards , who lead a very toilsome life , being obliged by their station to be upon the guard both day and night , at least one day in six , to attend every morning early at court , and to follow the emperour in his progresses . as they are commonly chosen out of those who have considerable fortunes to expect from their parents or kindred ; so they are the better qualified to bear the expences of these journeys , which are very chargeable , and would be the ruine of people of moderate estates , by reason of the great number of horses and servants they are obliged to carry along with them , when they are a hunting in remote places , where meeting sometimes with inhabitable desarts , they are forced to provide themselves aforehand with all manner of necessaries for their sustenance and conveniency . besides , that thereby these young gentlemen are inured to all manner of fatigues and hardships , the emperour likewise reaps this advantage by their constant attendance upon his person , to meet with frequent opportunities to approve their ability ; according to which they are afterwards advanced to the most eminent dignities in the empire . all these beforementioned qualifications , would questionless be judged more than sufficient among other nations , to place this prince among the most famous hero's ; but the chineses , who measure the ability and qualifications of great persons to be entrusted with the management of publick affairs , by their skill and knowledge in all manner of arts and sciences , would scarce look upon him , ( as they do ) as one of the greatest monarchs that ever ascended the chinese throne , if he were not as well accomplished in this , as in other matters . it is without question , for no other reason , than to conform himself to the predominant genius of the chinese nation , that he applied himself with so much assiduity to the study of all the learning and sciences in vogue among the chineses , that there are few books of note in that language , but what he has taken the pains to peruse . he has got a great part of the works of confucius by heart ; these being considered among the chineses , as the originals of all their sacred books , and reverenced as such . to attain to a more perfect understanding of all the most difficult passages therein contained , he has caused certain commentaries to be made upon them for his own use , both in the chinese and tartarian languages , by the most able doctors of the empire ; many of whom were employed for ten or twelve years together , to bring this work to perfection ; and at the same time to explain the text to the emperour . the better to shew his veneration for this most antient doctrine of the chineses , he did compose the prefaces himself , which were put before each of these commentaries , and published by his authority . he likewise caused the universal history of china , to be translated into the tartarian language ; and the first translation not being so exact in all its parts as he desired , he ordered a second to be made , which as it was more perfect , so it was augmented with some additional notes , for the better understanding of some difficult passages . he is so absolute a master of the whole body of this history , that , notwithstanding its vast extent , you can scarce mention any passage in it , but what occurs immediately to his memory . of this we had the opportunity to observe a most remarkable instance about six years ago . the emperour had ordered a certain inscription to be made upon the tomb of his uncle on the mothers-side , who had not long before lost his life in a battle sought in tartary against the king of eluth , who is one of the west-tartarian princes , and had with a considerable force invaded the frontiers of china . the doctor who was pitch'd upon to compose it , and who was look'd upon as one of the best of the imperial college , had ; by what mistake , i know not , made a comparison betwixt this uncle of the emperour and a famous general among the chineses , who in effect , had deservedly acquired the reputation of a brave and great , general ; but , who besides other ill qualities , was stigmatiz'd for want of loyalty to his prince : as for the rest , the whole was extreamly well done , so it met with the general approbation of all the doctors , who were to revise it , and of the president of the college himself , who being at the same time president of the tribunal of rites , did present it to the emperour , who always takes notice of any thing of moment . but what had escaped the sagacity of so many learned doctors , who are considered here as oracles of all the sciences known among the chineses , and who by their profession , ought to be particularly well vers'd in history , was at first sight discovered by the emperour . for , this prince , recalling to his memory , beyond what all the rest had done , the defects charged upon this general in the chinese history , who had lived above two thousand years before ; and being sensible that this comparison would rather tend to the dishonour of his uncle , than to transmit his great name to posterity ; after he had strictly examined all the circumstances of the matter , he resolved to punish this oversight in the doctor , who had been the author of the inscription , by banishing him into the province of leaotong ; and the president , who had the revising of it , with the loss of his place . the present emperour is likewise well vers'd both in the rhetorick and poetry of the chineses , being a nice judge both of the chinese and tartarian languages ; both which he writes in with the greatest exactness imaginable , and excels in politeness of his speech , the most refined of all his courtiers . to be short , there is not any kind of learning in china , but what he is a great master of . he is very curious in his library , which is composed of all the valuable books to be met with in the whole empire ; and many of approved ability are employed , to search in all places after good books , out of which the emperour frequently chuses such , as he judges fit to have a place in his library . besides these , there are many others , whose constant business it is , to translate the best chinese books into the tartarian language ; which is a great addition to the last , and a vast advantage especially to the tartars of mantchou , as well as to the missionaries , they being not well vers'd in the chinese characters , by reason of their great variety , could otherwise not attain to the knowledge of the chinese language , and consequently of their best books , without applying themselves for several years to that study , which by the conveniency of these translations , ( easie to be understood in comparison of the chinese language ) they apprehend without any great difficulty . the arts and sciences of the chineses , are not the only delight of this prince ; for as he judges with the greatest nicety and exactness of every thing he thinks worth his taking notice of ; so there is not any science in europe , that ever came to his knowledge , but he shewed a great inclination to be instructed in it . the first occasion which had a more than ordinary influence upon his mind , happened ( as he was pleased to tell us himself ) upon a difference arisen betwixt yang quansien , the famous author of the last persecution in china , and father ferdinand verbiest , of the society of iesus . the dispute was concerning the chinese astronomy , which this impostor maintain'd to be very perfect , and not to want any reformation from the european astronomers , tho' it was well known , that he understood neither . 't is true , he was made president of the mathematical tribunal ; but for his advancement to this dignity , he was not so much beholding to his ability , as to his perversed zeal for the antient rites of his country and religion , in opposition to those who endeavoured to spread the christian doctrine among the chineses . notwithstanding which , most of the chief mandarins of the court , who were not well vers'd in matters of this nature , and prepossessed with a good opinion of things in relation to their native country . those also who were members of the mathematical tribunal , jealous of their own reputation ; and looking upon it as a signal affront to see themselves corrected by foreigners , did with all their main and might espouse yang-quang sien's quarrel . some few persons of authority and credit there were , who , without the least regard to their own interest , frequently declared in all places wherever there was the least opportunity , that the calculations of the ephemerides made by the european fathers missionaries , were always conformable to the most exact observations they could make ; whereas on the contrary , the calculations of the chineses , founded upon the principles of their astronomy , proved always defective , the emperour was then scarce seventeen years of age ; and there was at that time a grand combination of all the tribunals against the european astronomy , who in a general assembly , held for that purpose , resolved to request the emperour to give a decisive sentence in favour of the chinese astronomy . but he proceeded with more caution in this matter , than could be expected from his age ; for being resolved to take cognizance of the matter himself , and to stop the mouth of all the vain pretenders to this noble science , he sent both to father verbiest and yang-quang sien , who appearing in the council to give an account of what was to be proposed to them , he asked them in publick , whether they could by some experriment or other make it appear to the eye , which of these two astronomers was the most exact in its calculations ? yang-quang sien stood mute , but father verbiest offered to the emperour . that if his majesty would appoint a stick to be given of what length he pleased , that he and yang-quang sien would endeavour to determine exactly in what place the shadow of it must fall the next day at noon . the emperour having approved of this proposition , and fixed a certain stick , father verbiest immediately went to work , and by his calculation demonstrated in what place the shadow must fall precisely at noon the next day . father verbiest's calculation having been fully proved by the event , and yang-quangsien not being able to calculate it , or to give any other ocular demonstration of what was proposed to him , the emperour declared in favour of the european astronomy . soon after he ordered several more demonstration to be made , which of these two calculations was the most proper for the ephemerides and observations of the ecclipses ; and which his majesty caused to be present , not only the mandarins of the tribunal of rites , but also several of the great men of his court , in whom he confided most , and from whom he expected to receive an exact account of every thing that should be transacted in this affair . accordingly all these observations having been found conformable in all respects to the european calculations , the emperour commanded that they should be received , and made use of in china , according to the translation made by father adam shall , into the chinese language , under the last emperour's reign , which accordingly was put in execution , and continues thus to this day . as this tryal of skill in the mathematicks was the first occasion that introduced the father missionaries into the emperour's acquaintance ; so from that time , he always shew'd a great inclination to be instructed in the mathematical sciences , which in effect , are in great esteeem among the chineses . it is to be admired , that , being then of age , which princes and great personages seldom are seen to addict to study , he did apply himself to it with so much assiduity , that he made it his chiefest delight , sacrificing all his spare hours to this study . during the space of two years , father verbiest instructed him in the usefulness of the best of the mathematical instruments , and in what else was most curious in geometry , the statique , and astronomy ; for which purpose he wrote several treatises . it was also about the same time , that he took first to our musick , under the tuition of father peyrera , who not only composed an entire treatise of musick , but also caused several european instruments to be made for the emperour's use ; upon some of which , he taught him to play some tunes . the civil commotions , which happened not long after , did somewhat interrupt , but not suppress his first attempts of this kind . for , he employed some of his spare hours , ( notwithstanding his continual fatigues and business , the effects of these remarkable revolutions which happened in china ) to the repetition of these things he had learned before ; and the flames of these intestine broils , being happily extinguished by his prudence ; and all his subjects , both of the chinese and tartarian race , enjoying the fruits of peace and tranquility , by the peace concluded about seven or eight years ago , with the muscovites ; it was then that this prince began to give fresh demonstrations of his desire to be instructed in the european sciences . he did the honour to us four iesuits , missionaries then at peking , to receive our instructions , sometimes in the chinese , sometimes in the tartarian language ; but , as the tartarian is not so difficult as the chinese , the emperour being inform'd , that father gerbillon and i , in about eight months time , had made so much advancement in it , as to be understood tolerably well ; he was pleased to make use of us , to explain to him the principles of these sciences , in the tartarian language . the better to accomplish our selves , he assigned us certain masters for a month together , who taught us every day in the tribunal of the great masters of the pallace . much about the same time , father anthony thomas , did give him further instructions concerning the use of the best mathematical instruments , in the chinese language , and the practical part of geometry and arithmatick , the principles of which he had formerly been taught by father verbiest . he would also have us explain him the elements of euclid in the tartarian language , being desirous to be well instructed in them , as looking upon them to be the foundation , upon which to build the rest . that every thing might be done with as much ease and conveniency as could be wish'd for , he assigned us a certain large appartment in the pallace belonging to the late emperour , his father is lodgings ; where , he himself used frequently to dine , and pass many hours in the day , before we were well in possession of it . here we were furnished plentifully with every thing we stood in need of , and that in a most obliging manner in the world. for every morning early , we were attended , and carried to the pallace , by his own servants and horses , and were in the same manner conducted back to our lodgings every night . two mandarins of his houshold , well vers'd in both languages , were appointed on purpose to assist us in our works , and as many scribes as we pleased , to write every thing fair . there scarce pass'd a day , but we were call'd in to the emperour , who heard our lessons with a great deal of attention , and oftentimes he would bestow whole hours together in our company , to hear and repeat our explications ; to make the figures himself , and ask many questions concerning what remain'd as yet doubtful ; and when we had given our resolutions , both by way , and mouth , and in writing , he would bestow much of his leisure time , to make his repetitions in private . he did not neglect at the same time to exercise himself frequently in the calculations and use of mathematical instruments , and in the re-iterated repetitions of the chiefest , propositions of euclid , the better to imprint into his mind their demonstration ; and by this extraordinary application , he made the elements of euclid familiar to himself in five or six months , that it was impossible to shew him any mathematical draught or figure , having relation to any of the propositions of euclid , but that he immediately remembred both the proposition and its demonstration ; having ( as he was pleased to tell us himself ; i read them over at least twelve times one after another . we did translate all the most necessary propositions of euclid , and their demonstrations into the tartarian language , for his use , as well as the choicest of archimede's propositions and with the same readiness he would remember the practick and use of the compass of proportion , of the best mathematical instruments of geometry and arithmatick . such was his eager desire to attain to the perfect knowledge of these things , that nothing was able to prevent or hinder his resolution ; neither the various instances that occur in this study , nor our want of skill in the language . for , if he with any demonstration which he did not well apprehend at first , either because it was more intricate than the rest , or because we wanted proper words to explain our selves clearly in a foreign language , he would readily ask sometimes one , sometimes another of us , and that at three or four several times , which way the same was to be understood ; and if it happened sometimes that we had not the good fortune to give him a clear idea of the matter at that time , he would not grudge to defer the further explication of it , to another time , a convincing instance of his most admirable patience and attention . he was pleased to tell us one time upon this account , speaking of his own person ; that he never thought he could have too much patience in reference of these matters , which absolutely requir'd it ; and , that from his very infancy , he had always applied himself , to whatever he undertook , with a great deal of attention and constancy . after he was sufficiently instructed in the elements of geometry , he ordered us to compile a whole system of both the theorick and practick of geometry , in the tartarian language , which we afterwards explain'd to him in the same manner as we had done with the elements of euclid . at the same time , father thomas made a collection of all the calculations of geometry and arithmaticks ( in the chinese language ) containing most of the curious problems extant , both in the european and chinese books , that treat of this matter . he was so much delighted in the pursuit of these sciences , that besides betwixt two and three hours , which were set aside every day on purpose to be spent in our company , he bestowed most of his leisure time , both in the day and at night in his studies . 't is to be observed , that this prince , as he is a declared enemy of a lazy and idle life , so he never go's to bed but very late , and rises early ; from whence it came , that , tho' we were always very careful in being at court early in the morning , it happened frequently , that before we could get out of doors , he had already sent for us , either to revise some of his calculations , or perhaps a new problem ; for it is almost incredible , with what assiduity he applies himself to investigate some new problems , which have some reference to those that have been explain'd to him before ; and how he did make it his chief divertisement , to put in practise whatever he had learn'd of most curious in geometry , and to perfect himself in the management of the most useful mathematical instruments . for which purpose , besides those that were formerly presented to his father ( which were carefully preserved by his orders ) he caused many more to be made , the management of all which he could learn to understand , even to the nicest point . these were committed to the care of father peyrera , and father suarez , who being two persons that spared no pains in encouraging the emperour's zeal , did manage the whole to the entire satisfaction of his majesty . we on our side , were likewise not negligent in obliging the emperour with what mathematical instruments we had in our custody , proper for his use , among which was a very fine and large demycircle , fitted for geometrical operations , being a present of the duke de maine . this he did not only make frequent use of in the gardens of his pallace , but likewise in his progresses , when it was always carried upon the back of one of the mandarins of his houshold , who notwithstanding its weight , was not a little proud of the honour in being intrusted with this precious burthen . by the help of this instrument , he would frequently measure sometimes the height of a neighbouring mountain , sometimes the distance of some remarkable place or other , and that in the presence of his whole court , who were surprized to see that their emperour managed this instrument , and performed the operations with the same dexterity and good success , as father gerbillon a iesuite , who always used to attend his majesty in his progresses . immediately after our first arrival at peking , we presented him with two excellent machines , in which one might observe the eclipses of the sun and moon , with the different aspects of the planets , for every day in the year , and for many ages together . we stand indebted for the invention of these two most curious machines , to those of the academy royal. the emperour having commanded us to shew him the perfect use of them , and how to apply them to the chinese calendar , ordered these two machines to be placed on each side of his throne , in one of the principal appartments of his pallace , where i saw them standing but the day before my departure out of peking ; a most convincing proof of the great esteem the emperour has for these as well as all other curious [ and useful mathematical instruments . ever since that time , he has shewn a most particular inclination and esteem both for the french mathematical instruments , and other works and curious contrivances ; those we had the honour to offer to his majesty , having had the good fortune to meet with his approbation above all the rest . it was no wonder if the esteem the emperour had for the european mathematical instruments , soon influenced most of the great men at court to tred in his footsteps ; and if those who honour us with their good will and favours , do often engage us , to let some be brought over for them ; being sensible that they cannot make their court with better hopes of success , than by making a present of some curious mathematical invention or other , to the emperour , who not only receives very favourably , all what is offered him in this kind , but shews so much eagerness for his being furnished with them from all parts , that he has caused all the meathematical instruments , that were in the hands of the governours of the maritime provinces , to be brought to peking . to encourage this noble desire , we sent to our brothers the fathers , fontenay le comte and visdelou , to desire them to furnish us with such instruments as we judged most proper for the emperour's use . these fathers sent us several of the most curious mathematical instruments , some phosphorus's , both solid and liquid , and other such like rarities ; which we having made a present of to the emperour , he received them with all the marks of joy , and a most particular esteem . but these fathers , being afterwards invited by the emperour to his court , they and their presents met equally with the most obliging receiption in the world. among several other mathematical instruments they presented to his majesty , there were several levels with two pendulum's , to distinguish the seconds , for coelestial observations , which by reason of their great exactness and usefulness , being highly extoll'd by the emperour , he assign'd them convenient places in his own bed-chamber ; and the prince , who is declared successour of the empire , and shews no less inclination for these curiosities than his royal father , being extreamly taken with them , and discovering his intention to us , i went straight ways to our house , and presented him with the onely of the same kind , i had left , which he accepted of in a most extraordinary obliging manner . after we had compleated our explications both of the practical and speculative geometry , in the same method as we had made use of before , when we instructed the emperour in the elements of the euclid , he shew'd so much satisfaction in having attained to this noble science , that , to give the world some manifest proofs of his esteem for these works we had composed , he ordered them to be translated out of the tartarian into the chinese language . he himself took the pains to prefix a preface to each of them , and to have them revised and printed in his own pallace , and to have them published throughout the whole empire in both languages , as a most evident sign of his laudable intention , to introduce the european sciences into china , and to render them familiar to all his subjects ; and having observed in his third son , ( who is a young prince of about seventeen years of age , and endowed with many noblequalifications ) a more than ordinary genius for these sciences , he taught him the principles of geometry in person . i do not question but there are not a few , who will look upon this so extraordinary inclinations and assiduity towards these sciences ( which without all contradiction , are not sufficiently to be praised in a private person ) as rather blameable than commendable in so great a prince , who bears the weight of so vast an empire as that , of china , upon his shoulders ; but , if we will take the pains to make due reflections upon the due character and present state of the chinese empire and nation , who at all times have made learning the foundation-stone of their government , and the knowledge of sciences the steps by which to ascend to the highest dignities and employments , we shall be forced to confess , that the emperour 's extraordinary passion for , and delight in these sciences , ought to be considered as the effects of a most refined piece of policy of france , who has an absolute insight into the true nature of the art of government . it is undeniable , that of late years , if you except moral philosophy , which is the principal study that meets with encouragement among the modern chineses . this nation has neglected most of these sciences , which rendred their ancestors famous to posterity , and were questionless the chief cause of the flourishing condition of their empire . the present emperour being inspired with a most glorious ambition to restore the antient glory of this empire , he judged nothing could be more conducing to attain this great end , than if he could receive these most useful arts and sciences , which were once the glory of this nation , and , by his own example , encourage his subjects to follow his footsteps . the emperour being thus instructed in all the parts of geometry , apply'd his thoughts to the study of philosophy ; for which reason , he commanded us to compile a body of philosophy in the tarvirian language , and to follow the same method we had observed in our mathematical treatises , which appear'd to him the most easie and natural . the success , wherewith it had pleased god hitherto to bless our endeavours , encreased our wishes and hopes of the same , if not better success in this ; and , as we were fully perswaded , that this might prove one day the most proper means , and be consequently of the utmost consequence to dispose the hearts of the chineses , especially those who have any relish of learning , towards the receiving of the gospel ; we were not sparing in any thing which we thought might contribute towards the introducing a good philosophy among them . for this purpose we consulted most of the antient and modern philosophies ; but among all of them , found none more suitable for our purpose , than the antient and modern philosophies of mr. duhamel , a member of the royal academy , by reason of the solidity , purity , and good connexion of the doctrine contained in this treatise ; which , therefore we made our guide to bring our work to the desired effect . but the emperour being about the same time attack'd by a most dangerous distemper , it was the advice of his whole court , and especially of his physicians , upon his recovery , to desist for some time from his studies , as being prejudicial to the re-establishment of his health . this prince , being for the abovementioned reason obliged to be more remiss in his applications to these sciences , we only shew'd him a short logic , which we intended as an introduction to our phisolophical work , of which we had given a scheme in a large preface . it was upon this score , that , in lieu of pursuing the same method and purpose we intended before ; we saw our selves under an indispensible obligation to conform our selves to the present disposition and particular inclinations of the emperour ; which , as we had observed , being of late , for the most part , bent upon the knowledge of the structure of the human body , upon its various operations and most surprising motions , we , contrary to our former design , applied our selves to treat of this , with the utmost care and application . but because the chineses , for all their great reputation of having for many years past , had the ablest physicians , have at present but a very confused knowledge in anatomy ; we were forced to extend this treatise to a much larger bulk , than we at first intended , and to give a true idea , first of all the parts of the humane body in general , and to treat of each afterwards in particular ; and to represent the several relations and connexions betwixt them , to give them a right idea of the whole occonomia animalis . we did not neglect to insert in this treatise all the most curious and useful discoveries of our modern anatomsts , especially those of mr. du verney , and of some other learned members of the royal academy , who have distinguished themselves before others in this , as well as in all other kind of learning . we shew'd the emperour twelve of fourteen of these propositions , with their proper figures and explications , just as he was return'd out from one of his progresses , he frequently makes into tartary ; he was so extreamly pleased with them , that , to shew how much he was delighted with them , he ordered his chief painter , who is a great master of his art , to lay aside all other things , and to make it his whole business to draw these figures with all the exactness he could . nevertheless , as this work requir'd more application and assiduity , than was consistent with the emperour's health , so our labour was interrupteb for some time by the emperour's command , whose curiosity inclining rather at that time to the investigating the causes of some of the most noted distempers , wherewith he had either been formerly , or was still afflicted ; he ordered us to endeavour to inform him concerning the causes of these distempers , according to the principles of our modern european physicians . god almighty , who by his providence had given us this favourable opportunity , to touch more effectually the heart of this great prince in favour of the christian religion and its ministers , did also assist us in making a considerable progress in this matter . for in two or three months time , we writ 18 or 20 small treatises , each treating of a certain distemper in particular , pursuant to the method prescribed to us by the emperour . they met with the good fortune of being not only approv'd , but also very pleasing to the emperour , who extoll'd them in publick , and sent for us into his presence , to be witnesses our selves of the satisfaction he shew'd upon this occasion . to give us an ample proof of his acknowledgement , he pitch'd upon the most proper recompense that could be bestowed upon ministers of the gospel , and at our most earnest request , he , by his publick edict granted the free exercise of our religion , and consequently freed its professors from those dangers that had threatned them for many years last past . in some of the first of these treatises we had , upon the occasion of speaking of the internal chimical remedies , enlarged our selves upon their excellencies , in respect of this particular , that besides their qualities of curing or giving ease in many distempers , they had this peculiar prerogative before other medicines , that they were not so nauseous , and taken in less quantity . the emperour having conceived a particular curiosity to see some effects of it , was very desirous to see some experiments made of this kind . we did all what in us lay to decline this province , in representing to him , that we having no experience in matters of this nature , durst not attempt a thing of such moment ; but this prince , who by some small things of this nature , he had seen us do before , judged that we might undertake this also with the same hopes of success , would not admit of our excuses . to work therefore we went , taking for our guide the dispensatory of the sieur charas , director of the royal laboratory ; the emperour assign'd us a large room within the pallace , where we set up a laboratory . here you might have seen several sorts of furnaces , with most instruments and utensils requisite for chimical operations ; which pursuant to the emperour's orders , who is never sparing upon such like occasions , were all of silver . we were busie in preparing several sorts of conserves , lymphs and essences , for three months together , and the emperour would sometimes honour us with his presence , and took such particular satisfaction in those preparations , that he ordered them to be preserv'd for his own use. more than this , he caused many golden and silver vessels to be made , in which he carried these medicines in his progresses , which he took a peculiar phansie in , and would give them upon occasion to his children , the great men of his court , and others of his attendance . it must truly be confess'd of this prince , that his natural inclinations are very charitable ; for no sooner does he hear of any of his servants being ill , but he sends his physicians to them , and liberally furnishes them with what is most precious among his medicines . of this we have had several times experience our selves ; as often as any of us happened to be afflicted with any distemper . we had the good fortune to see many sick people , and among them , several of the emperour's houshold , to be relieved by these medicines we had brought along with us out of europe . the emperour falling sick some time after ; and having for some time made use of the chinese remedies , but with little success , had recourse to ours , which produced the desired effect . his physicians jealous of their reputation , did all what in them lay to restore him to his health , but to little purpose , all proving ineffectual , except the quinquina , of which the two fathers , de fontenay and visdelou , who arrived very fortunately at that time , had brought a good quantity along with them . heaven , which upon this as well as several other occasions , was pleased to give us a particular mark of its mercy ; being willing to make use of our assistance as a recompense to this prince , for the liberty granted to the professors of the christian religion in the preceding year ; and as a further engagement to extend his bounty more and more towards the preachers of the gospel , to whom he stood indebted for the preservation of his life , as he himself was pleased publickly to declare in the presence of most of the grandees of his court. there are very few who have tarryed for any considerable time at peking , but what know with how much esteem and affection father verbiest was received by this emperour ; but it is also undeniable , that he never gave him such particular proofs of his esteem , as he did to us for several years past , whilst we had the honour of being instrumental in promoting his studies in the mathematicks . those who are acquainted with the chinese court , where every thing is carried on with a singular grandeur , are not ignorant , how rare a thing it is to see their emperours enter into a familiar conversation with their subjects ; and how difficult a thing it is , even for the greatest men in the empire , and the princes of the royal blood to approach his person , unless it be upon the occasion of some publick festival , will perhaps be scarce able to believe , that we had so free an admittance ; especially considering that we were religious persons , and foreigners . the whole court have been eye-witness ( to their great surprize ) of the private audiences and conferences we had duly every day , no body being admitted to be present , but three or four eunuchs of the emperour's bed-chamber ; where the chief subject of our discourse was concerning all manner of sciences , the manners and customs , and what else was worth our observation in the european , and some other states of the world. as there was not any subject , wherewith we used to entertain this prince with more particular satisfaction , than the glorious actions of lewis the great , so i can testifie it my self , that there was not any thing of this nature , in which he took more delight to be inform'd in . at last , he gave us such ample marks of his great esteem , that he would absolutely command us to sit down near his side ; an honour never granted before to any body living , unless to his own children . but if he is lavishing in his bounty towards us in private , he is not sparing of it in publick , having given sufficient proofs to the world , of a particular affection and esteem . every body knows in what manner father verbiest was honoured by him , both in his life-time and after his death . very few are unacquainted in what splendid manner father thomas was invited and received in china ; and how the first five french iesuits missionaries , were received with no less honour at his court. the muscovites have been eye witnesses of honours conferr'd upon the fathers , peyrera and gerbillon , at the treaty of peace betwixt their plenipotentiaries and those of china , about eight years ago . it was the entertainment of the whole court of peking at that time , when father grimaldi was sent by the present emperour as his envoy into muscovy . i will leave it to others to testifie , how honourable i was treated by his special orders , by all the governours of the provinces , and others , and that frequently in the presence of the missionaries of several other nations , and of the english and portugese merchants ; especially , at that time when i received his special instructions to go into france ; and how it acquir'd me so extraordinary a reptitation throughout all the eastern-parts , ( even among the enemies of our nation ) as is source to be credited . we indeed , as well as all the other jesuits , which formerly were entrusted with any publick employments by the emperour of china , made it our constant business to insinuate both to the prince and his grandees , that we were not desirous of these honours , which were not very agreeable to the humility taught by the gospel ; but inspite of all our excuses , it was the emperour's pleasure to heap upon us from time to time these publick marks of his favour , looking upon them as the most proper means to promote our interest , both among the great men and common people ; and to give the more authority and weight to the profession and doctrine of the christian religion . the same curiosity which had led the emperour towards the improvement of our sciences , did also induce him to be inform'd concerning the chief points of our religion . the first knowledge of them he drew from divers consultations he had with father verbiest , under pretext of conferring with him about some of the most valuable sciences of europe . he has also read several treatises upon this subject , which were presented to him by some of the fathers missionaries . that which he delighted in most was an excellent piece of the famous iesuit , father ricei , which he kept by him above six months . you may believe we did not let slip any opportunity that offered , to speak to him concerning the true principles of christianity . he permits to the jesuits missionaries the free exercise of our religion within the precinct of his own pallace ; and he has been often heard to say , that , to judge of the christian religion according to its principles and progress it had made in china , he did not question , but that it would become the established religion there . he has laid aside already many of the most antient superstitions of the chineses . as for instance , there is scarce any body in china , ( unless he be a christian ) but what , if he is to undertake any thing of moment , chuses a certain day and hour , to begin it in . there is a special appartment belonging to the tribunal of the mathematicks , where their whole business is , to chuse by many superstitious ways , places , days , and hours , for any thing of moment that is to be taken in hand . it is no longer than in the minority of this present emperour , that three mandarins of the mathematical tribunal , were condemned by the regents of the empire , to lose their heads , for no other reason , than having been not careful enough in observing the exact hour , when the emperours brother's funeral was to have been begun ; they looking upon this neglect as ominous , if not fatal to the whole imperial family . 't is true , the emperour has hitherto out of a principle of policy , not abolished this tribunal ; but he has more than once told us himself , that he makes not the least reflection upon their observations ; and it is certain , that in all matters relating to his own person , he takes his resolutions beforehand , which he afterwards sends to the tribunal . thus for instance ; when he was going to marry his eldest son , the mathematical tribunal , unto whom it belongs ( according to a most antient custom among the chineses ) to determine which of the several persons proposed ought to be preferr'd before the rest , received his instructions to chuse the same person the emperour had pitch'd upon before , which was done accordingly . the same method he makes use of when he intends to take a progress ; when he always sends his orders to this tribunal , what day he intends to set out , and their resolutions are always agreeable to his prefixed time. it is next to a miracle , to see a prince so potent , so absolute , whose commands are a law , and executed without delay , surrounded with such a number of courtiers , addicted to their pleasures and all manner of luxury , so moderate in his person , and so great a master of his passions , as this monarch . he is naturally of a colerick disposition , notwithstanding which , it has been observed upon many occasions , both in respect of publick or private affairs , that he so absolutely controuls his anger , as scarce ever to punish an ill action immediately , but generally delays it to another time , sometimes for weeks and months ; looking upon this as the most proper means to make punishment bear a due proportion to the fault committed , and consequently to maintain a good order in the state. of this we observed a most memorable instance about six years ago . the emperour happening to fall dangerously ill in one of his progresses , which he made in the mountainous parts of tartary to hunt , according to his custom ; he sent post for his son , who was declared his successour . some of the young prince's domesticks , having conceiv'd some hopes of seeing their young master surmounted upon the throne , had not only shew'd their satisfaction in their countenances , but also had let slip some words , which having reach'd the emperour's ears , immediately after his first recovery , he was extreamly vex'd at their indiscretion ; but considering that at this juncture of time , it would turn to the no small prejudice of his health , if he should give vent to his anger ; he master'd his passion , and delay'd their punishment to a more seasonable time. after he had pretty well recovered his former strength , he asked his physicians , whether without any danger to his health , he might discharge a little choler , which had oppressed him for some time ? and his physicians having given their consent , he ordered them to be soundly bastonaded , beginning with the forster-father of the prince , who was then his governour ; and some of the chief eunuchs of his chamber , he banished to the utmost confines of tartary . but it ought to be observed here , that a good bastonade or whipping , is an extraordinary punishment in china , and some other eastern-parts , which do not leave behind them any stain of infamy , as it is with us in europe ; nothing being more frequently to be seen , than , that the emperour's servants , after they have been thus chastised , are put in their former stations again , and are admitted again even into the emperour's presence , who looks upon them never the worse for this reason , if they make an amends for their past misdemeanour by their future good behaviour . the present emperour of china is no less master of his other , than of this passion , and especially of that which is so predominant in most courts of the asiatick princes , and which at all times have been so far from being considered in china as a vice , that it has rather been authorised by custom . within the pallace are entertained great numbers of young maids , chosen out of the fairest of the whole empire , to be at the disposal of their prince ; and it is an antient custom among the tartars , not to marry any of their daughters , but , what has been first presented to the emperour , who , without any further formality , may retain which he pleases of them , for his own use ; which is , besides this , look'd upon by their kindred as a singular honour done to their family . it is to these most dangerous customs , which have proved the ruine of so many emperours ; the chineses may chiefly attribute these many revolutions , which have happened in their empire , their princes being thereby enticed to abandon themselves altogether to voluptuousness , and whilst they pass'd the greatest part of their time among their concubines , leave the whole management of publick affairs to their eunuchs and other favourites . but the emperour , who at this time sits upon the chinese throne , is so far from indulging himself in these pleasures , that on the contrary , he avoids even the least opportunities , and takes all the precautions he can to render himself proof against all these temptations . about some years ago in one of his progresses into the province of nanking ; they presented him , according to custom , with seven of the handsomest maids of the whole province ; but he was so far from accepting of them , that he would not so much as look upon them . some of his courtiers , who had free access to his person , having abused this liberty , by endeavouring to entice him to voluptuousness , they were never after look'd upon with a good eye by this prince , who found several ways to chastise them afterwards for their misbehaviour , to make them sensible how little satisfaction he took , and how much he stood upon his guard against these allurements , which serve only to debase a generous soul. to remove all opportunies of being drawn into the snare of those pernicious pleasures , he employs his time in the more noble exercises both of his mind and spirit ; such as travelling , hunting , fishing , horse-races , exercises of arms , reading of books , and the study of useful sciences . it is for this reason he delights so much in taking long journeys , where the women never follow the court ; and , besides that , he allots himself every year , at least three months for hunting amongst the mountainous parts of tartary , where even necessity it self , oblige the whole court to abate much of these pleasures they are wont to enjoy in china ; he frequently takes a progress of 15 or 20 days , to the imperial tombs of his family , where he spends most of his time in hunting . when he is at peking , or at one of his two country seats near that city , he often spends the greatest part of the day in hunting . for this purpose , he has a very fine park , about a leagues distance from peking , of a quadrangular figure , surrounded with a very high wall , containing about sixteen leagues in circumference , where great numbers of wild beasts and fowl are entertain'd for his constant diversion . and as he takes particular delight in hunting the tyger , so he constantly takes care to have some young ones bred up in a small park behind his pallace , which serve him for his diversion when they are grown up . for the same reason it is the emperour , delights extreamly in fishing , and is well versed in every thing belonging to it . sometimes you shall see him fishing in the river of peking , sometimes in the ponds belongining to the gardens of his pallace , and his country seats ; sometimes he casts a net , at other times he fishes with the angle ; we have oftentimes receiv'd the honour of being presented with some of the fish he catch'd with his own hands ; which is look'd upon among the chineses , as a most particular mark of the emperour's favour . as for the horse-races , tho' they are not so frequently practised , yet once or twice a year he keeps publick horse-races for his whole court. every one of the princes and grandees do here produce their finest and swiftest runners in their stables . the emperour likewise puts in his own horses , and sets a considerable prize , to be carried by the horse , that first comes to the end of the race . the tartars in general are great admirers of the races , and ride sometimes races of six or seven leagues long , without taking breath , and with so much eagerness , that often horse and man drops by the way , notwithstanding which , there do not want others , who readily supply their places . the horses commonly used among the tartars , no more than those of the chineses , don't come near our european horses of any value , either for shape , or generosity and spirit . but they have this advantage before most of our horses , that they are kept with much less trouble and charges ; and yet will endure more fatigues and run both longer and swifter . we have told you before that this prince is very aderoit in managing the bow and fire-lock , as well as in other bodily exercises ; and what wonder is it , if he takes particular delight , to instruct his sons in the same exercises , of which he is so great a master himself . he is no less careful in keeping his troops in continual exercise ; four months in the year are appointed on purpose for the exercising the souldiers in all sorts of military actions ; to wit , two months in the spring , and two in autumn ; but especially those quartered in and about the city of peking , of which one fifth part is drawn out into field , to do their exercises every day . sometimes the emperour takes a review of them altogether , sometimes some part of them in person , where prizes are allotted those who manage their arms with most dexterity . when they shoot at the mark , every foot or horse souldier , who shoots with his arrow within the circle receives a reward of three shillings and six-pence . if but a private centinal's place be vacant in the emperour's troops , there are many ready to offer their service ; whereas in europe , our officers cannot compleat sometimes their companies , but with a great deal of trouble ; the emperour lays his strict commands upon his officers , always to pick out those they find most accomplished in managing their arms , and other military exercises , there being none to be admitted without having undergone the toil of it . but , when any place either of a common soldier , or mandarin of his guards , happens to be vacant , the emperour takes effectual care himself , that his orders as to this point , may be put in execution with the greatest exactness imaginable . for , so often as a vacant place is to be supplied among the troops of the houshold , those who desire to be admitted into it , are brought into his majesty's presence , who examines them concerning such matters as belong to their several stations , and always gives preferrence to those , whom he finds best qualified . the present emperour never neglects any thing which he judges may in the least contribute to the preservation and securi-of the state. he was no sooner instructed in what belong to the casting of cannons , as used in europe , but he caused a great quantity to be cast in imitation of them ; and many of his subjects to be instructed in the management of the great artillery , as well for cannoneering as bombarding of places . he ordered a prodigious quantity of brass field-pieces to be made , which are portable upon a horse or mule ; another horse being alloted to each , for the carriage and ammunition belonging to it , all of his own inventing . in a late battle fought betwixt his troops and those of the tartarian king of eluth , it had been observed , that the enemy by their fire-arms , had done the greatest mischief to his forces ; that their continual firing upon his horse , had forced them back out of their lines , and consequently had prevented them from putting the enemies . army to an entire rout ; ever since , the emperour has taken care to have part of his troops , but especially those of his houshold , to be instructed as well in the management of the fire-lock , as of the bow. what leisure time this prince has , is altogether employed , either in the improvement of his mind , or useful exercise of his body . for besides what is spent in reading of the chinese books , and european treatises concerning many arts and sciences , after he has been fully instructed in the use of the mathematical instruments , nothing is more frequent , for some years last past , than to see him either at peking , or at his country seats , nay even in his progresses into tartary , to take the greatest pleasure in the world to make some astronomical or geometrical observations , by the help of those mathematical instruments , which are carried after him , wherever he goes . sometimes you would see him to take the hight of the sun at noon ; sometimes the hour and minute with an astronomical ring , to investigate the elevation of the pole. at other times , you might find him measuring the hight of some tower or mountain , or the distance of some remarkable places . oftentimes he would employ himself in calculating the length of the shadow of a stick at noon of a certain day . as the observations made by the emperour , and those of father gerbillon , who commonly attended him in his progresses , and made his observations at the same time with the emperour , did generally agree very exactly with one another ; so the whole court was over-joyed at it , and there was scarce any prince , or person of quality , who were not desirous , to have at least their children instructed in those sciences , which they so much admired ; but dispair'd of ever being able to attain to the knowledge of them themselves . after father fontenay and father visdelou came to peking , the emperour had the curiosity to be instructed by them concerning the use of the pendulum , fitted for coelestial observations , and of the level , and some other instruments , which these father 's presented to the emperour , immediately after their arrival . they were not sparing in their labour , and after they had explain'd to him many curious propositions concerning several points of astronomy ; they having likewise mentioned to him two new methods to find out the ecclipses , of the invention of mr. cassini , and mr. de-la-hire ; he was so extreamly taken with them , that he would needs be informed concerning these methods , for which reason he ordered these fathers to draw up the necessary figures for their explication . to give the most ample demonstration to the world that could be , how much he delighted in all these noble exercises , he resolved to re-establish the most useful arts and sciences in his empire . that which chiefly made him take this resolution , was his frequent conversation with the european authors , and especially those of france , who have treated of these matters ; add to this , that we never let slip the least opportunity that offered , for to enlarge our selves in our discourses upon the subject of those several famous academies , erected ender his present majesty's reign in paris , for the encouragement of arts and sciences ; and to what a degree of perfection the same were brought , under the protection of lewis the great , who by his royal munificence had drawn thither the most eloquent masters of all kinds . it was in imitation of that same model , we had given him of this academy , the present emperour of china laid the foundation of an academy of painters , of engravers , carvers , and other artists in brass and copper ; for clock-works and mathematical instruments ; assigning them certain appartments about five years ago within the precinct of his own pallace , give them all due encouragement , and to create among them a kind of emulation , he used to set them for patterns those pieces which were made in europe , and especially those made at paris . and as he is an excellent judge both of the goodness and beauty of all sorts of curious workmanship , he has every day , if he is at peking , or every other day , if at one of his country houses , at a certain hour brought to him the several pieces of these new academnians . he takes a view and examines every thing with all nicety imaginable ; finds fault with what is defective , and gives due praise to those that deserve it ; and retains for his own use what he finds as most exact and perfect . he also bestows some publick marks of his favour upon all those artists , whom he finds industrious in improving their natural talent , and passionate for to bring their pieces to the utmost degree of perfection ; some of whom he has elevated to the dignity of mandarins , and has caused them to be invested with those ceremonies and titles which are the ordinary marks of these honours , the emperour was pleased to bestow upon them . the present emperour of china , as absolute a master as he is , both of his subjects and passions , would not be look'd upon by the chineses , as an accomplish'd monarch , if besides his many other great qualifications , he had not also a particular respect and tenderness for his kindred . as the principal duty in reference of those that are next of kin , consists in that respect which is due from children to their parents , and in the tenderness of parents to their children ; so this prince has signalized himself in these two points , to the highest degree . as to what relates to the first of these two duties , which is considered among the chineses , as one of the most essential parts of morality ; the present emperour having been bereaved of both of the emperour his father , and the empress his mother , in his very infancy ; the old empress his grand-mother , which survived them for a considerable time , was always both in her life-time , and after her death , the true object of his filial respect ; as the prince was the most perfect pattern of dutyfulness , that ever was heard of before , even in china it self . she was the only person , that took care of his education ; and it is incredible , with what submission he could receive her instructions ; how he never failed to attend her continually , and what inquietudes might be observed in his very countenance , when at any time he had notice given him , that she was never so little out of order ; upon which occasion , he has sometimes left off hunting immediately , and rid three or fourscore miles post , to give her a visit. but those that have been eye witness of what he did at the time of her death , will readily confess that nothing could pass his tenderness towards his grand-mother . for he caused not only the whole court , but the whole empire to go into mourning , for fifteen days together , that the dead body of the empress lay in state , there was a general suspension of all publick affairs ; all the grandees and mandarins , even to the most inconsiderable officers were forced to attend day and night in the several courts of the pallace , where , notwithstanding the rigour of the winter season , they were to bewail the loss of this princess . he himself could not be perswaded to leave the coffin , and would sometimes tarry in the same appartment where she lay , whole nights together without taking rest . he ordered a most magnificent funeral to be celebrated , which cost several millions , to give the most evident proof of his respect to the deceased princess , he followed the corps in person with his whole court , as far as to the place of burial , which was 25 leagues distant from peking . but it is to be observed , that it was near four months after her death , before the celebration of these funeral rites ; the emperour having caused the corps to be deposited in the mean while in one of the royal pallaces without the city , whither he followed it on foot , with all his children , that were of a fit age to walk . during these four months , it laid in state there , the emperour went constantly three or four times a week , to pay his duty to the deceased , and to deplore the loss of this incomparable princess . near the sepulchre where her body was interr'd , he built a very magnificent pallace , surrounded with a great many fair lodgings , for the convenient entertainment of a considerable number of gentlemen , whose business it was to do all imaginable honour to the memory of this princess , by their lamentations , and other ceremonies used among the chineses upon such like occasions . for whole three years after , neither he nor his whole court took any publick divertisements ; such as plays , musick , feasting , &c. during which time , he took several progresses every year to the sepulchre , ( notwithstanding its distance from peking ) where he spent his time in giving all the imaginable demonstrations of his respect towards the deceased princess ; and continues it since , after the expiration of these three years alloted for the mourning . i have it from very good hands , that even to this day , when he happens to pass by the appartment where the empress died , he cannot forbear to shed tears . as the present emperour of china , has made himself the admiration of the chineses , by these unparallell'd examples of piety and filial respect to his illustrious grand-mother ; so the love he bears to his children , and the care he takes without intermission of their education , have no less gain'd him the hearts of all his subjects . at the beginning of the year 1694 , ( when i left china ) he had fourteen sons , and a great many daughters living , by several wives , who for the most part are dignified with the title of queen ; it being sufficiently known , that polygamy is more encouraged in china , than in any other part of the world , because the chineses look upon a numerous posterity , as the greatest happiness in this world. we had the honour of being acquainted with ten of the fourteen sons , who were all very handsom , and gave us great hopes of their future creatness , the other four living , being as yet not past their infancy . those who have the tuition of these young princes , are chosen from among the most learned doctors of the imperial college . their governours are persons of the first rank , and of known merit , who have been brought up at the emperour's court from their infancy . besides these , the emperour himself keeps a watchful eye over all the actions of these princes , and takes particular notice of what progress they make in their studies ; sometimes he peruses their compositions , and makes them explain some passages in their books in his presence . but , above all , he makes it the chief care of his life , to see them instructed in every thing tending to vertue and the useful exercises of the body . no sooner are they able to walk upright , but they are taught to mount on horseback , to use both the bow and fire-arms ; which exercises are their daily recreations and divertisements . he will not allow them to be too tenderly used , but on the contrary orders them to be accustomed in their early years to all sorts of fatigues , and even the coursest sort of meat . i cannot forbear on this occasion to give you an account of what i heard father gerbillon relate one day upon this subject , about six years ago , after his return from a long journey into tartary , whither he had attended the present emperour in one of his progresses . the emperour had at that time taken along with him only his eldest son , and two more , to wit , the third and the fourth ; but after he had spent some days in hunting , he sent likewise for four more of his sons , the eldest of those being but twelve , and the youngest nine years of age. all these young princes were for a month together every day on horseback , a hunting among the mountains of tartary , exposed to the heat of the sun , with their bows in hand , and quivers at their backs , which they managed with so much dexterity , that their pass'd not a day , but each of them kill'd some wild fowl or other ; and the first time they went abroad a hunting , the youngest kill'd two stags with his arrow . they were well vers'd in and spoke both the tartarian and chinese languages ; and had already made such progress in the study of the chinese characters , that the youngest was come to the last book of the morals of confucius , having gone through the three first parts before . the emperour will not suffer them to be encouraged in the least fault they commit , their education being much more strict , than what is commonly practised in europe ; for which reason it is , that if those , to whose tuition they are committed , should pretend to dissemble or hide any of their faults , they are sure to meet with severe punishment from the emperour . it is an antient custom among the chineses , to dignifie the emperour's children with the title of king , as soon as they are arriv'd to the age of sixteen or seventeen , at which time they are provided with a pallace , their own servants , and a proportionable revenue to sustain their grandeur ; but , when i left china , the present emperour kept as yet his eldest son with him in his own pallace , without any particular attendance , though he was then near three and twenty years of age , was married , and had several children . the emperour is extreamly fond of him , and to give him his due , he is a young prince very deserving ; handsom , witty , and endowed with many other noble qualifications . the tribunal of princes , and of officers of the crown , did some years ago present a petition to the emperour , in favour of this son , whom they desired to be dignified with the title of king. but the emperour , without answering their petition , kept him near him as before ; and we have seen him duly every day go to that appartment next adjoyning to the emperour 's , which is the school of the princes , where they pass the greatest part of their time in their studies , and other useful exercises . his majesty comes thither frequently to visit them , and examines them what progress they make . but above all the rest , the education of his second son , who is declared hoang-tai-tse , that is to say , hereditary prince , or successour in the empire , he being the first-born by the empress his first spouse ; the education , i say , of this prince , seems to be the chiefest care of the present emperour : there is a particular tribunal appointed , whose business it is , to instruct this prince in every thing that belongs to the accomplishment of so great a monarch , and to the art of government ; the emperour his father , is extreamly vigilant in every thing that concerns his education , and takes an exact account from time to time of all his actions , being willing to qualifie him in time for the management of so vast an empire . and it must be confess'd that this prince , who now is of about twenty three years of age , is one of the handsomest persons in the whole court of peking , and that he is preferable to all others in respect of his many noble qualities ; there being not one-among all his domesticks , but what speak of him with the greatest reverence that can be , and are fully perswaded , that he will tred in his father's footsteps , and be one day , one of the most glorious monarchs , that ever ascended the chinese throne but , that which obliges us to have a most particular esteem for this prince , is , that being by the emperour his father always inspired with favourable sentiments in respect of the christian religion and the missionaries , we have always observed in his person an affection for us , equal to that of the emperour . it is about five year pass'd , when the emperour having shewn him the observatory of peking , and all the mathematical instruments there , he told the prince , that the empire of china stood indebted to father verbiest , for these many curious and magnificent engines , making a large recital of the services done by this father , and the other missionaries , to the late emperour his father . the same day that i had my audience of leave from the emperour , this young prince made me a present of one of his own suits of cloaths , which is look'd upon as a most particular favour among the chineses ; and this present was accompanied with words , so obliging on his side , that i have all the reason in the world to have a high esteem of so extraordinary a person . it was , indeed , our opinion , that it was by the emperour's means , i received this favour from the prince , he having sent twice to me a little before , to know , whether hoang-tai-tse made me any present ? not long after , this young prince made likewise a present of one of his own suits of cloaths , to father gerbillon , with about fifty pistols in it , accompanied with this obliging message ; that being sensible that the missionaries did not look for any recompense of this nature , he had sent him this small present , as a token of his affection , and of the satisfaction he took in the recovery of the emperour his father , who stood indebted for it , to the care of father gerbillon . the same day that father de fontenay , and father visdelou came to peking , the emperour being indisposed , and keeping his bed , could not immediately admit them to his presence , as he would certainly have done , if he had been well ; but hoang-tai-tse , having received a very advantageous character of them before , was very desirous to see them , and received them in a most obliging manner . this prince , who is very well versed in all the books and sciences of the chineses ; having understood , that father visdelou had made a considerable progress in these studies , was very desirous to be convinced of the truth of it . for which purpose , having shew'd him divers of the most difficult passages in some of their antient books , which father visdelou explained with a great deal of exactness , he was over-joyed to see , that this father was as well versed in the chinese books , as most of their own doctors . but his satisfaction encreased more and more , when having asked father visdelou , concerning the conformity betwixt the doctrine of confucius , and the antient chineses , and the christian religion ; he received for answer from this father , that this antient doctrine was so far from being contradictory to the christian religion , that there was a great uniformity betwixt both their principles . this prince being thereby brought to the knowledge of some of the fundamental points of the christian religion , seems to be convinced , as well as the emperour his father , that the antient doctrine of the chineses was founded upon the same principles with the christian religion . i say , as well as the emperour his father ; for , it is to be observed , that it is a considerable time ago , this prince has been convinced of this truth ; of which he has given us very evident and authentick proofs upon several occasions . and it was , without question , this consideration , that prevailed with him , to allow the free exercise of the christian religion throughout his dominions , in so publick and solemn a manner , which i am well satisfied , he would never have done , ( he being a very politick prince ) if he had had the least doubt that the fundamental maxims of the christian religion , which flow from the law of nature and are its perfection , were contradictory to those of the antient chineses ; which if considered in its genuine purity , and according to the principles established by the antient sages of china , free from those additional corruptions inserted by their modern doctors , is altogether the same with the law of nature , the emperour was fully convinced of this truth by the reading of that excellent treatise of father ricei which treats expresly of this matter ; and being in so high an esteem among all the learned men of china , did , as we mentioned before , at last fall , into the emperour's hands ; which induced him to grant us the free exercise of our holy religion , which we would not as much as have hoped for , without the particular assistance and mercy of the almighty . the title belonging this great prince of being the chief or supream head of their religion , and his exquisite judgment , improved to the highest degree , by the long study of so many books , especially of them relating to those antient chinese religion , must needs be a great weight to any unbyass'd person . as to what relates to hoang-tai-tse , i have it from unquestionable hands , that since my departure from peking , he treads altogether in his father's footsteps , and gives our missionaries frequent proofs of his esteem and affection both for their religion and persons . just as i was ready to embarque in the port of cantore , in order to my return into france , i received a letter from father gerbillon , in which he assured me , that in one of the late progresses of the emperour into tartary , in which he attended , as he was always used to do , the young prince had heaped upon him all the marks of a particular esteem and affection , that could be imagined . that so , being desirous to see some tables for calculations , composed by father de fontenay and father visdelou , for the emperour , he had instructed him in the use of them ; the emperour had been so much taken with the usefulness of them , that he had been the first who had shewn them to hoang-tai-tse , who ever since carried them in a case , fastned to his girdle . that one day , this young prince asked him concerning the god of heaven ; upon which occasion , father gerbillon , having made a short harangue upon this subject in his presence , he heard him with a great deal of satisfaction and attention ; and at another time engaged him to explain him half a page out of the holy scripture . the brothers of this prince , but especially the eldest , who besides many other rare qualities , has a most excellent natural genius , treat us at all times very favourably , as well as the two own brothers of the emperour , who in this point exceed all the other princes of the blood. this favourable disposition of the imperial family , and most of the other princes towards the christian religion , and those who publish it in the capital city of peking , has communicated it self to most of the persons of the first rank ; and the example of their sovereign has made so deep an impression upon the rest , even to the mandarins and other officers of the court , that there are few who have not very favourable sentiments of us . but what is the most surprizing , and which has been look'd upon almost like a prodigy to all the world , is , that the two chief ministers of state , have given us such publick and extraordinary demonstrations of the affection and esteem they bare towards the gospel . i mean the lord go-san , and the lord ming . the first of these two is the same illustrious person , who , for a considerable time has been the chief supporter of the christian religion and the missionaries in china , and who signalized his zeal of late in making use of all his interest and rhetorick to perswade , first the emperour , and afterwards the sovereign court of rites ( the same tribunal which for this age last past , has appear'd so dreadful to the preachers of the gospel ) to approve and conform themselves to the emperour's resolution of granting to us in most solemn and authentick manner , the free exercise of the christian religion . what relates to the second , to wit , the lord ming , tho' it must be confess'd , that hitherto , he has not had the same opportunity to give us such publick and signal proofs of his zeal and protection , as the other illustrious lord : nevertheless , we are entirely satisfied as to his favourable disposition towards our cause ; knowing him to be ready upon all occasions to do what service he can , to promote the advancement of our religion , and to second the zeal of our missionaries ; for which reason , we ought to consider him as a main pillar of the christian religion in china ; and whose affection does not in the least fall short of that of the lord go-san . if it were permitted me , to publish certain particularitick relating to this subject , which i am very well acquainted with , to my own knowledge , i could relate such things as would give sufficient cause for the whole church to rejoyce at . to put the last hand , as i may say , the finishing stroke to the portraicture of this great prince , i will make bold to say , that in so many respects he resembles your majesty , that like you , he would be one of the most accomplished monarchs that ever wore a crown ; if he could likewise attain to that happiness to resemble you in one point more , which makes your illustrious reign appear with greater lustre in the christian world , i mean in that point which relates to our religion . to attain to this happiness , the present emperour of china must embrace the christian faith , and profess it with the same sincerity as you. it is next to an impossibility for us to dive into his thoughts , as to this point , or to guess at what he keeps conceal'd in his breast . but if it may be allowed us , to judge by these things we have been eye-witness of , by the knowledge he has of the fundamental parts of our religion , and the esteem he shews , or at least seems to shew for it ; by the publick protection he affords to the missionaries , and the favourable sentiments he has concerning them and our religion , inspired into his subjects , the chiefest men of his court into the princes , his sons , nay even into him , who is declared his successour in the empire ; we may , i think , without presumption conceive some hopes , that this great prince is not far from the kingdom of heaven . what else can be concluded from these many favours , he heaps without intermission upon the ministers of the gospel ? some of the most remarkable , i have had occasion to mention before . since which , he has extended his bounty further than ever before to our missionaries . for he thought it not sufficient to allow them lodgings within the precinct of his royal pallace at peking , but not long after my departure , generously assigned them a very spacious piece of ground in the same place , for the building of a most magnificent church , to be dedicated to the true god ; and they are not without hopes that he will be the founder of it himself . if this prince had the happiness to be actually become a member of our holy church , and had taken a firm resolution to communicate the same to all his subjects ; it is scarce to be imagined , he could give us more evident proofs of his satisfaction , than he has done of late , on the account of the happy progress of the gospel in his dominions , after the publication of his edicts in favour of the christian religion ; let us see what the hollanders themselves say upon this point , the following relation being an abstract of some letters sent from macao and peking , towards the end of the year 1695 , which is inserted in their historical transactions , printed at the hague : the emperour of china , since the publication of his edict , whereby freedom is granted to all his subjects , to embrace the christian faith , takes so much satisfaction to understand the good success the missionaries meet with in all parts of the empire , in converting great numbers of the chineses , that he has given permission to two italian iesuits , who were at his court , to go , and preach the gospel in the most remote provinces under his iurisdiction ; the people having earnestly desired , that some fathers might be sent thither , to shew them the way to heaven . and the favourable disposition of this great monarch towards the christian religion , gives us all imaginable hopes , to see the whole empire of china receive the christian faith within the next hundred years . besides which , they give us an account of the conversion of six or seven persons of great quality and authority among the chineses ; which , as they say , makes so great a noise in the court , that their daily entertainment is there , concerning the christian religion . they add , that among the common people , the number who are ready to receive baptism , is so great in some parts of the empire , that the missionaries who are there , are not sufficient to administer it to all that are desirous of it . that the emperour is often heard to speak very favourably of our religion ; that he takes particular delight in the conversion of his subjects , and speaks much in commendation of the zeal the missionaries shew in their function . and that he has made more presssing instances to four jesuits , that are at his court , to send without delay for more of their fraternity , to aid and assist them in their ministerial function . i am sure this was one of the principal instructions i received from this prince , at that time when i was ready to repass the seas , as i have had the honour to give an account of it to your majesty . he desired then , that above all other things , such of the french jesuits as were then in the east-indies , might be forthwith sent into china ; but especially father tachard , and father le comte . for , having understood that both of them were design'd by your majesty , to go as missionaries into china , as well as we , he was extreamly desirous to have them at his court. and it was a considerable time before , to wit ; when he invited father fontenay and father visdelou thither , that he had given his express commands , to induce father le comte ( for whom he had a most particular respect ) to come to peking with his companions . but as providence would have it , when i came to the indies , i could not meet with any one jesuit that was in a condition to undertake so long a voyage . i made therefore all possible dispatch to return into france ; and , pursuant to the instructions received from this great prince , to address my self to your majesty , to sollicite for as many missionaries to be sent into china , as could be had ; but especially of the same character with those that are already at his court , with whom he is satisfied to the highest degree . for it is to be taken notice of , that the french jesuits , such as are well vers'd in all sorts of useful arts and sciences , are the persons of whom this prince makes the greatest account ; he persisting in his resolution , to make use of them , with those employed there already , to erect a kind of academy within his pallace , subordinate to your royal academy ; of which he has conceiv'd so high an idea , since that time we have shewn to him , and translated some of our treatises into the tartarian language ; that his resolution is , that from thence , as the most excellent and pure spring-head , may be taken most of these memoirs , which are to be the subject matter of those works he intends to have translated into the same language , especially those who treat of our arts and sciences , which he intends to encourage with all his might throughout all his dominions . great advantage must needs acrue from this project to the christian religion , when those who are to be employed upon this subject , may be of great use in propagateing the faith , by giving assistance to the rest in their ministerial function ; it being rationally to be supposed , that by divideing the several subjects in hand betwixt them , according to their different talents , they may bestow great part of their time in promoting the doctrine of the gospel , which ought always to be their principal aim . besides which , they will have the opportunity of obliging the world every year with many curious and exact observations and reflections concerning divers matters ; as likewise with the translations of the best chinese and tartarian treatises , which may not a little conduce towards the perfecting of some of our arts and sciences . in return of which , our learned men will not be backward in furnishing them with what new discoveries are made here , for the benefit of the chineses , which , as we hope , may be made use of with good success ; to meet with the easier an access among the learned men , the great men of the court , the princes and empe our himself ; and will furnish us with frequent opportunies to enlarge our selves upon the fundamentals of our religion , which by degrees , thro' the grace of god , may dispose them to the embracing of the faith. for it has been sufficiently prov'd by the experience of this last age , that , since god has pleased to make the missionaries instrumental in introducing and planting the christian religion in china , of all other natural means nothing has contributed so much to the accompllishment of this great work , than their knowledge of all useful sciences , from whence we may rationally infer , that even to this day , he would have us have recourse to the same methods , to root out paganism in this empire . it has been a general observation , that the chineses , whose genius is much elevated above all other pagan nations , and who consequently are sooner brought to understand and follow the dictates of right reason , are commonly sooner prevail'd upon than the rest , to be instructed in the fundamental principles of the christian religion , and to yield to the truth of the gospel ; provided matters be made perspicuous to them , and in a method agreeable to their genius by such persons , as have before deserved their esteem , and acquired a great authority among them , by their ability and an exemplary life ; god almighty , who upon these occasions , is always very bountiful in shewing his mercy , and regulating the inward motions of hearts , having extended his mercy in a peculiar manner to the chineses , so , that by the affluence of his spirit , many of the most learned among them have acknowledged their error in their mistaken wisdom , and submitted with all humility to the doctrine of the gospel . all this duly considered , who can reasonably doubt , but , that , when by god's singular inspiration you resolved some years ago , to send some french jesuits into china , to be employed in the conversion of the infidels ; it was by the same motive that you gave them your instructions concerning the improvement of arts and sciences ? and that providence having been pleased to second your great and holy intentions , has raised such a favourable disposition in the hearts of the chineses , and of the emperour of china himself towards these missionaries , that this prince has thought it convenient to sollicite your majesty , for a far greater number of them . what is it we may not hope for from the happy effects of your heroick zeal , to which you put no bounds , for the good of god's cause ? if we may presume to presage of the future by what is pass'd , especially in respect of what your majesty has been pleased to do of late years in favour of the missions into the eastern countries , into ethopia and the indies ; only upon a bare prospect of introducing our religion among these pagans ; we may promise our selves all the hopes for success from those sent into china , which alone are more valuable than all the rest together , because they are likely to bring a greater number of infidels to the church , than may be expected from all the other parts of the world , provided there were a proportionable number of ministers to the multitude of those who shew a greater willingness to be instructed , sent into those parts . the present emperour of china's bounty in granting free liberty to all his subjects to embrace the catholick faith , is alone a sufficient motive to induce us to live in hopes , that we may see that vast empire of china , entirely reduced under the obedience of christ. but if this great prince should lead the way , and encourage his subjects by his own example , we have all the reason in the world to hope , that we may see this great work accomplish'd under the auspicious reign of your majesty . it must be confess'd , that without almost a miraculous providence of god , it is not easie to hope for the conversion of so great and potent a prince , who is a pagan . but let us consider on the other hand , the extraordinary esteem he has always shewn for , and the powerful protection he affords to the christian religion ; let us , i say , consider that this prince is free from all these vices , which being contrary to the rules of our religion , proves frequently the main stumbling-block to pagan princes to embrace the faith of christ ; and that he has made all these moral vertues , which are so rarely to be met with in a pagan prince his constant practice ; all these things considered together , we may not without great reason presume to hope , that the same god who has raised such favourable inclinations towards our religion in the heart of this prince , may be prevail'd upon to extend his boundless mercy towards him , especially if the faithful in their servent prayers to him , do implore his mercy in behalf of this prince and his subjects . i say , in behalf of this prince and all his subjects ; for , as this emperour is invested with an absolute power over all his subjects , as he is most famous throughout all the orient by reason of his extraordinary genius , wisdom , learning and uncommon probity ; so , we have all the reason in the world to believe , that , if he should be prevail'd upon to embrace the christian religion , his examples would be sufficient to induce all his subjects to tread in his footsteps , who , for their number , exceeed all nations in europe . and it is not improbable , but that , considering the light esteem those nations bordering on china , have conceiv'd of their extraordinary wisedom , and how much they are inclined to follow their maxims and customs , this would be prevailing enough with many to be entirely reconciled to our holy religion . the most fortunate opportunity that could be wish'd for , the most advantageous for the establishment of our church , and the most glorious to your majesty , who seems to be chosen by heaven , the happy instrument of advancing the honour of the church , to crown all the actions of lewis the great with this , the most glorious of all your enterprizes . nothing less can be imagined to be a recompense bearing the least proportion to that heroick zeal and magnanimity , of which your majesty has given such ample demonstrations to all the world within these ten years last past , during which , after you had protected the church , both by the force of your arms , and your unparallell'd conduct , against the joynt-power of europe , you were , notwithstanding all the advantages on your side , nevertheless disposed to offer peace to your enemies upon very advantageous terms on their side , out of a generous motive for the publick good ; and the universal benefit of the church . among those vows and prayers , which we send without intermission up to heaven , for the conversion of the present emperour of china and all his subjects , we are never forgetful to offer our hearty thanks to god , for the conclusion of the last peace , which in all probability will prove more advantageous to china than europe it self . for by the re-establishing a free commerce , our ships will not want opportunity to carry every year some new missionaries to the utmost parts of the east ; so that we may reasonably expect to be rejoyced with the most agreeable news of the conversion of many thousand chineses , by the assistance of these fathers , who are to be sent thither under your majesty's protection , to labour for the encrease of the empire of jesus christ . i live in hopes to hear suddenly , that some more of our fraternity are to be sent by your majesty , with the first ships design'd for china , where , i am sure , they will be at least as well received , as any other nation . and i hope from your majesty's goodness , that i may be thought worthy to be one of their company , to return with all possible speed into that part of the world , where the sun has its rise . it shall be my chief aim , there to second your extraordinary zeal in propagating the christian religion among the infidels , in the most remote parts of the world ; and , as a particular acknowledgement of these favours you have been pleased to heap upon me , i shall not neglect the least opportunity of publishing , wherever i come , your great actions ; but especially to give an exact account of what i have seen , during my stay here , to the present emperour of china , who , of all other princes , takes the greatest satisfaction in hearing of your glorious enterprizes , and is the most worthy of your esteem and friendship . to conclude , i will join my hearty prayers , with all the faithful chineses , who look upon your majesty as their chief supporter , for the preservation of your royal person and family , as an unfeigned testimony of the most profound respect and devotion , wherewith i presume to subscribe my self , your majesty's most humble , most obedient , and most faithful servant , j. bouvet , of the society of iesus . finis . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a28906-e100 an. 1697 for the month of febr. a journal of the embassy from their majesties john and peter alexievitz, emperors of muscovy &c. over land into china through the provinces of ustiugha, siberia, dauri, and the great tartary to peking the capital city of the chinese empire by everard isbrand, their ambassador in the years 1693, 1694, and 1695 written by adam brand, secretary of the embassy ; translated from the original high-dutch printed in hamburgh, 1698 ; to which is added curious observations concerning the products of russia by h.w. ludolf. beschreibung der chinesischen reise. english brand, adam, d. 1713. 1698 approx. 174 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 77 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2004-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a29216 wing b4246 estc r29054 10802917 ocm 10802917 45971 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a29216) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 45971) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1416:19) a journal of the embassy from their majesties john and peter alexievitz, emperors of muscovy &c. over land into china through the provinces of ustiugha, siberia, dauri, and the great tartary to peking the capital city of the chinese empire by everard isbrand, their ambassador in the years 1693, 1694, and 1695 written by adam brand, secretary of the embassy ; translated from the original high-dutch printed in hamburgh, 1698 ; to which is added curious observations concerning the products of russia by h.w. ludolf. beschreibung der chinesischen reise. english brand, adam, d. 1713. ludolf, heinrich wilhelm, 1655-1710. curious observations concerning the products of russia. 134 p. : 2 leaves of plates. printed for d. brown and t. goodwin, london : 1698. some curious observations concerning the products of russia has special t.p. (pp. 121-134) translation of the author's beschreibung der chinesischen reise. reproduction of original in the bodleian library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng ides, evert ysbrants. natural history -soviet union -pre-linnean works. asia -description and travel. china -description and travel. 2003-09 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2003-09 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2003-10 rina kor sampled and proofread 2003-10 rina kor text and markup reviewed and edited 2003-12 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion a journal of an embassy from mvscovy into china , over land. peter alexiovitz the present grand czar of moscovie anno aetat . 27. a journal of the embassy from their majesties iohn and peter alexievitz , emperors of muscovy , &c. over land into china , through the provinces of vstiugha , siberia , dauri , and the great tartary , to peking , the capital city of the chinese empire . by everard isbrand , their ambassador in the years 1693 , 1694 , and 1695. written by adam brand , secretary of the embassy . translated from the original in high-dutch , printed at hamburgh , 1698. to which is added , curious observations concerning the products of russia . by h. w. ludolf . london : printed for d. brown at the black swan and bible without temple-bar ; and t. goodwin at the queens head over-against st. dunstan's church , fleet street . 1698. the habitts of the ostiacken & kerrgiesen people . the habitts of the tungusen and daurischn people . an account of an embassy from mvscovy into china over land . the now most illustrious princes ivan and peter alexievits , great lords , emperors , grand dukes , and conservators of all the great , and little , and white russia ; of muscovy , of volodimir and novogorod ; emperors of casan ; emperors of astrachan ; emperors of siberia ; lords of plesko ; great dukes of twersco , leghorscho , permsco , veatsco , belgarsco , &c. lords and great dukes of novogorod in the lower countries ; of rosansko , rostessko , gerestessko , beteozarsko , oudersco , obdorsko , condinsko , and all the northern parts ; lords of the country of versco , of cartalinsko , and of gruzinsco , and of the country of cabardinsco ; czars and dukes of circasco , and igorsco , lords and monarchs of several other dominions and provinces , east , west , and north ; which are their inheritance from father to son : these , i say , my most gracious lords and princes , having after mature deliberation resolved to send a most splendid embassy to the great amologdachan ( or emperor of china ) ; everrard isbrand , a native of germany , born in the city of gluckstad , in the dukedom of holstein , was pitch'd upon by the abovementioned two czars , as a fit subject to discharge so great a trust ; and being accordingly declared their ambassador to the great amologdachan , he gratefully accepted of the favour bestowed upon him by both their czarish majesties ; and after his humble thanks for the grace received from their hands in putting so much confidence in him , he ordered his equipage , and all other matters requisite for so great a journey , to be got in readiness to depart at a minutes warning . after some time spent in providing several rich presents , which we were to carry along with us into china , and all other necessaries ; the ambassador and the chiefest of his retinue were in the year 1692 , the 3d of march , introduced into the presence of ivan alexievits , to kiss his czarish majesty's hands ; and on the 12th of march following , having been admitted into the presence of peter alexievits , the youngest of the two czars , to receive the same honour from his hands after his return to musco from peresla , we set out on our journey the next following day , being the 13th of march. the whole attendance of the ambassador at his departure from musco , consisted only in one and twenty persons ; among whom were twelve germans , the rest muscovites . we were provided with a good chest of physick , a physician , and a good number of baggage-waggons to carry our provisions , wines , and all other necessaries for so great a journey ; and having taken our leave , not without some tears , of our friends , both germans and muscovites , who conducted us for some miles out the town , we continued our journy towards troitza . but before i go any further in giving an account of this embassy , i hope it will not be look'd upon in me as a presumption , if by way of digression , i touch upon some general matters concerning muscovy , which being otherwise known by the name of the great or black russia , extends its frontiers to the utmost borders of europe and asia . it is of a vast extent , its length reaching from the confines of poland as far as to the great asiatick tartary , and its breadth from the frozen sea to the caspian lake or sea ; but many of its provinces ( especially those bordering upon asia ) are almost desolate . among many others , it has four great and famous rivers ; the first is the river wolga , arising not far from the confines of poland , and exonerating it self in the caspian sea. the second is the river oby , which disimbogues in the frozen sea ; and on that side divides asia from europe . the third the river don , which discharges it self in the euxine sea. and the fourth the river dwina , which falls near archangel into the white sea. the city of musco , besides its antiquity , has this to boast of , that ever since the year 1540. at what time czar ivan basilovits began his reign , it has been the constant residence of the succeeding czars , to wit , of fedor ivanovits , boris goudenou , fedor berisovits , of the counterfeit demetrius ivanovits , of basili ivanovits zusksi , michael federovits , alexoi michaelovits , ivan alexiovits . and of the present czar peter alexiovits . it is near fifteen english miles in compass , being scituate on the river mosco ( which not far from thence joins its current with the river occa , and falls afterwards into the great river wolga ) in the center of muscovy . the castle , called cremelina , where the czars of muscovy keep their ordinary residence , is fortified with a very strong wall , a deep ditch , and some demilunes , upon which are mounted good store of large cannon . russia has its own patriarch , who exercises the same authority all over the muscovian empire , as the pope does in other roman catholick countries . but for the conveniency of commerce , the lutherans , as well as other protestants , are allow'd the free exercise of their religion in the city of musco , as well as in some other places of muscovy . the lutherans are very confiderable for their number in the capital city , where they have two churches built of stone in the german suburbs . the calvinists have also one very finely built in the same place . the roman catholicks and iews , who have not been tolerated till of late , only exercise their devotion in a private house , and the jesuits are excluded from that benefit also , under pain of banishment , as it happened to one of that fraternity not many years ago . it is very well worth taking notice here , that the present czar peter is a prince of an excellent good humour , and a great favourer of the lutherans , whom he presented with all the stone materials which were made use of in building their new church , and gave them permission , without the approbation of the patriarch , to adorn their church with a steeple . but to return to our journey ; we travelled the 14th of march to troitza , a place very agreeable both for its scituation and the fertility of the circumjacent country . this place is chiefly famous for the convent of troitza ; which by reason of its strong fortifications resembles a great castle at a distance , being scituate about 60 versts or english miles from musco . the present czar peter is so extreamly taken with the delightfulness of this place , that scarce a week passes but he diverts himself there . after we had passed here one day and two nights to refresh our horses , and to take a full view of the place , we travelled the 16th of march as far as pereslaw , a great and magnificent city , according to the muscovian fashion , the houses being all of wood. it is scituate on a lake about 60 versts or miles from troitza , near it are fine saltpits , which afford great store of very white salt , which is from thence transported to other places . from hence we pursued our journy to the city of rostof , having a convent of the same name ; it is the capital of the province of the same name , which in former ages was , next to novogored vetiki , accounted one of the most ancient and most considerable of muscovy , and afterwards was appropriated as an appenage to the use of the younger brothers of the imperial family ; but the last prince of that race being in the year 1565 , by the tyrant ivan basilovits bereav'd at once of his dominions and life , the same was reincorporated with the crown of muscovy . the city of rostof it self is a very large and stately city , scituate on a lake ; from whence arises the river coterius , which discharges it self into the river wolga ; it is dignified with the title of an archbishoprick , and the archbishop keeps his residence in the castle , which is built of wood ; it is 60 versts distant from pereslaw . we did not tarry long here , being afraid to lose the conveniency of making use of our sleds , by reason of the approaching spring ; for which reason having provided our selves with fresh horses , we came on the 18th of march to iaroslaw , the capital of the province , scituate near the river wolga , and one of the largest cities of the whole russian empire . it is a place of vast traffick , but especially celebrated for its trade in muscovia-leather ; of which such prodigious quantities are dressed in this place , that it furnishes not only muscovy , but also a great part of europe with this commodity . the province of iaroslaw is of a very large extent , and extremely fertile , especially where it borders upon the river wolga . this province , like the former , was allotted as an appenage to the younger house of muscovy ; who enjoyed it for a considerable time , with the title of princes , till being also subdued by the aforementioned tyrant ivan basilovits , they were forced to rest contented with a certain yearly allowance under the jurisdiction of the czars of muscovy . we were forced to stay here the 19th of march , partly to take a little rest , partly to expect the coming of our baggage . the 20th we again set forward in our journey , and arrived at mid-night in the city of wologda , situate upon the river of the same name , about 180 versts or miles from iaroslaw . all the country betwixt this city and that of musco is extreamly populous , we seldom travelling a day but within sight of 14 or 15 villages or towns. this city is the capital of the province of the same name , which is almost impassable at some times of the year , by reason of the many forests and boggs : it formerly was under the jurisdiction of the dukes of novogorod veliki ; but since the peace concluded in the year 1613 , betwixt the swedes and muscovites ; by vertue of which , the last were put in possession of the dukedom of novogorod veliki , that of wologda , as being its dependency , also devolved unto the muscovites . it is a pretty large city ; but what is most remarkable is its castle , which by the indefatigable care of the muscovites is surrounded with so strong a fortification of stone , as to be accounted impregnable . the river wologda , which has communicated its name both to the city and province , runs from west to north , till it joins its current with the river dwina . on the 21st day of march ( as good fortune would have it ) the weather turn'd again to a hard frost , to our great satisfaction ; for without it we must have quitted our sleds , and must have stay'd there till the frost had been quite broke , which in all probability would have stopp'd our journey for several months . we therefore pursued our journey the 22d , and on the 23d came to scuskajam ; where being provided with fresh horses , we , after dinner was over , went forward upon the river of sucagna . on the 24th of march we again changed our horses in a small place called tettma ; which having nothing in it to stay us in our journey , we travelled on with all the expedition imaginable , in hopes to take up our next nights quarters in the village of vsgorodishna ; but meeting beyond expectation there with more fresh horses ; and being willing to improve our time to the best advantage , we travelled on the same night ; and the following day , being the 26th of march , to the village of bobroffskajam , where indeed we refresh'd our selves a little ; but having again the good fortune to find new horses ready for us , we set forward the same night ; and the next following , being the 27th of march , and the first easter holiday , arrived in the capital city of the province of vstiugha ; where we spent that day and the following night in affording our selves necessary rest , and such other good cheer as we thought most convenient to restore our decayed spirits . scarce had we taken a few hours rest to recover our selves from the past fatigues , but the governor of the place sent one of his servants ; who after a compliment from his master , offered us in his name every thing that might be in his power to serve us ; and i must confess , that we were not only very handsomely entertain'd here , but also furnish'd with every thing that was thought convenient for the prosecution of our journey . the city of vstiugha , as well as its castle , is situate upon the very bank of the river sucagna , being a very populous and well-built city ; its chief traffick consists in all sorts of furrs and skins , but especially in white fox-skins . we travelled all the way from schuskajam to vstiugha , upon the river sucagna , not without great danger , the ice being almost melted by the beams of the approaching sun : this is the same river by which the merchants of wologda travel to archangel . being again provided here with fresh horses , we came on the 29th of march to a small place called lolowitzgoth , upon the river of wictzegda : this river joining its current with the river dwina , is very well known to the russian merchants , who from this place travel in six or seven nights to archangel , for the rest , this place having nothing in it , which was inviting enough to detain us there ; and meeting with fresh horses , we travell'd the same day near 50 miles through a very large forest , which is accounted by the inhabitants to contain 800 miles in length . it is in sundry places inhabited by a certain people called sirenes , who tho' quite different from the muscovites in their language and manners , yet profess the greek religion , and are therefore in great esteem among the russians . where-ever we came we had our share in the publick rejoicings , which are made , during the easter-time , all over muscovy , in remembrance of the resurrection of christ ; it being an ancient custom in russia to present one another not only on easter-day , but for 14 days after , with painted eggs , of which you see great quantities ready boil'd , to be sold on all the corners of the streets , no body , of what quality , degree , age or sex , daring to refuse either the eggs or the kiss , which is always given as you present the eggs. if they meet in the streets , they salute one another in these words , christo vos chrest ; that is , christ is risen : whereto the other having answered , wo is tenoros chrest ; that is , he is certainly risen , they kiss one another . this custom is so general , that if during this time you are invited at a russian's house to partake of their merriments , and you should not offer to kiss the ladies there present , ( where it is to be observed that you must take care not to touch them with your hands ) you would be look'd upon as an ill bred clown ; whereas if you acquit your self handsomely in this point , you are sure to receive a cup of aquavitae in return for your civility . but to return to our journey , which for some days after proved very troublesome to us , being obliged to cut down many trees , to facilitate our passage through the forest : besides which , the many rivers ( amongst which the siasellae , chasim , and nactim peris , were the chiefest ) we were to pass , rendered our passage not only difficult , but very dangerous , many of our men and sleds falling into the last of these rivers by the breaking of the ice ; but , by the help of the rest , having happily escaped the danger , we were obliged to take new measures for the future . for which reason , when we came to any of these rivulets , which coming from the adjacent hills , run through the valleys , we fastned many pieces of timber together , over which ( in the nature of a bridge of boats ) we drew our sleds by the help of strong ropes , whilst we were forced to walk it on foot , and to let our horses swim through the rivers ; we had at last the good fortune to surmount all these obstacles , without any great damage or loss ; but being extreamly fatigued by so troublesome a passage , we rested our selves for some time in a village . having a little recovered our selves , we continued our journey , and arrived safely on the 6th of april at kaigorod , upon the river kama . this place has its own governor , and a good garison , who keep a watchful eye over the inhabitants , who are sirenes ; besides , that the cosacks sometimes pay them a visit when they least expect it . of this the governor of the place , ivan mikietivits lopugin , related us an instance which had hapned two years before , in the year 1690 , being the first of his government . it seems thirty of these cosacks having had intelligence that the place was at that time not sufficiently provided for its defence , had taken a resolution to attack it on the water-side : for which purpose , having provided themselves with all necessary arms , and , among the rest , with one great piece of cannon , they took the opportunity of the night , when every body enjoying the benefit of rest , they surprized the town , murthered and plundered all that came in their way , and were within an inch of having seized the governor ; who happily escaping their hands , caused the alarum to be given to the inhabitants ; who being thereby made sensible of the danger , run to their arms , and soon obliged these vagabonds to betake themselves to flight . they pursued them for some time upon the river ; but the darkness of the night covering their retreat , they escaped with the greatest part of the booty . our sleds being now become quite useless to us , we were obliged to tarry here till such time that the ice were sunk in the river : in the mean while we diverted our selves with hunting , and such other pastimes as the place and our present circumstances would afford . for we had not been here many days , when we were frightned with a new report , that a considerable number of these robbers had again associated together in order to come and surprize our baggage , which put us under no small consternation , till the governor having order'd us a good guard , and disposed the garison so as to be ready upon all occasions , we were soon freed from these apprehensions , and passed the rest of our time in our usual divertisements . the river being by this time cleared of the ice , we took our leave of the governor , and embark'd in a vessel built for that purpose , on the 23d of april , upon the river kama ; in our passage we saw several monasteries on both sides of the river , but very few villages . the large river kama comes from the north-east , and with a swift current runs as far as casan , where it exonerates it self on the left side of it into the river wolga . it approaches in bigness to the river weser in germany . it is increased by several lesser rivers , among which is the river wiesetzca , which falls into it about 25 miles from solokamsko . we left the river kama on the 26th of april , towards evening , directing our course to the left , to the small river vsolsko , from whence we had 7 miles to travel to solokamsko : but going against the stream , we came not till the 27th to solokamsko , being a place situate in a very pleasant plain upon the river vsolsko , built there on purpose by the muscovites for the conveniency of such , as have occasion to travel into those far distant places . it is inhabited both by russians and tartars , who trade in all sorts of cattle , but especially in horses ; which being very excellent hereabouts , are preferred before others all over muscovy . there being constantly fourscore coppers employed here in making of salt , this makes this place , as well as the adjacent villages , ( where they follow the same employment ) very considerable , it being very fine , and from hence transported to casan . on the 29th of april we had the misfortune to have one of the ambassador's attendance to fall over-board , and to be drowned : he was a muscovite by birth , his name being simon callaction , for the rest a good honest fellow ; but being overcome by the strength of aquavitae , came by this accident , by tumbling over-board , and was , notwithstanding all the care taken by his comrades to save his life , carried away by the swiftness of the current : his body was found floating on the first of may , when it was interr'd near the shoar . on the second of may the ambassador , with most of his retinue , were invited by a certain muscovian gentleman , one of the czar's factors , whose name was alexi astaffi philatoff , to his country-house , about 20 miles distant from solok , where we were entertained with a very handsome dinner , and pass'd the day very merrily . near this place his czarish majesty employs above 20000 workmen in making of salt. the gentleman whom we mention'd before , had , at his own cost , two large vessels built in this place , of 400 tuns each , for the transportation of salt ; and hearing of our coming that way , had caused them to stay for some time , to make us eye-witnesses of the manner of convoying these ships , and what order and discipline there was observed among them . each of these vessels had 500 men on board , who were to labour without intermission at the oars , relieving each other at certain and convenient times , under the command of several officers ; so that by the continual supply of fresh men , these vessels could perform a great voyage in a little time . both these vessels being loaden with nothing but salt , were bound to casan , where they sold it to a great advantage : for whereas the pode ( being 40 pound weight ) did not stand the owner in above half a copeck upon the spot , it was sold at casan for twelve or thirteen copecks . the night , betwixt the 3d and 4th of may , it began to snow and freeze so hard again , as if it had been in the winter ; which continuing till the 6th , put us to no small trouble , being obliged to stay here seventeen days , which however we passed pleasantly enough . the worst of all was , that by the melting of the snow , and the overflowing of the rivers , we were disappointed in our design of going by land to wergaturia , situate upon the frontiers of siberia ; which being but a small place , and furnished with very low and indifferent buildings , notwithstanding this has its own waywode or governor . but , as i said before , being disappointed in our design , we were forced to make use of five boats , each of them mann'd with five watermen , who , by the help of their oars , brought us on the 14th of may as far as vskogorod ; but the wind veering about as we were within sight of the place , drove us back down the river vsolka , into the river kama . they count it 50 german miles from solokamsko to wergaturia . on the 16th of may we entred the small river susora . from solokamsko to this river it is counted 30 , and from hence to vlko 40 miles . here we were again in no small danger ; for the river having overflowen all the circumjacent country , just as we pass'd upon it , to such an extraordinary a degree , that our boats often pass'd over the tops of the trees ; if there had happened a sudden fall of the waters , we must have infallibly perish'd ; but we happily escaped the danger , and arrived safely on the 19th of may in a small city called niesna susowa , where we refresh'd our selves . on the 20th we came to another small town , the inhabitants of both are employed in making of salt. from hence upwards the river , the pleasant woods and hills on both sides afford a very delightful prospect . in these forests you meet with the agarius tree , whose spongeous substance is from hence carried to archangel , and from thence into other parts of europe . we saw several villages on both sides of the river ; and on the 25th of may took up our lodgings in one of them , situate upon the very banks of it . after we had a little recovered our selves from our past fatigues , we had the curiosity to enquire into the manners and customs of the people inhabiting those parts . they are called wogultzoi , subjects to the czar of muscovy , and are all pagans , much addicted to superstition . their stature is low and mean , not unlike the tartars ; their habitations having also a great resemblance to the tartarian huts , but they are never without a chimney in them ; they use a language different both from the muscovites and tartars . they being asked concerning their faith , gave us for answer , that they believed a creator , who resided in heaven , for whom they had a great veneration ; they pay adoration to the heavens , sun , moon , and water ; they sacrifice horses , cows and calves ; they expose their skins only upon a pole or high tree , to which they pay their devotion ; the meat they eat afterwards . they were altogether ignorant of any thing relating to baptism ; they only told us , that it was a most ancient custom among them , to name the child after the most ancient person of the village . they are very careful to inter their dead in their best accoutrements , being of opinion that at the resurrection ( which they believe , without the least sense , whither they are to go afterwards ) every one is to appear in the same posture and condition as he was buried . the muscovites observe many fasts throughout the year , but these were ignorant of what fasting meant ; yet we observed that they did not eat any fowl , but only their eggs , which they look'd upon as a great dainty . their marriages are contracted and performed in a very odd manner : if a young man , who intends to marry a young woman , comes to ask her father's consent , the answer is , if thou be'st in a condition to pay for her , thou may'st have her ; so they make the bargain as well as they can , the bridegroom being obliged to purchase the bride from her father , sometimes for 40 , sometimes for 50 or more rubles , which amounts to 20 or 30 pounds sterling . the money being paid , the bride is surrendred to the bridegroom without any further ceremony ; but if the money be not ready , there is no bride to be had ; they are yet so civil to allow the bridegroom a certain time to raise the money , and in the mean while he has the liberty to court his mistress ; who , when the bargain is fulfill'd , is carried veiled to his bed-chamber . after the bridegroom has gathered the first fruits of his nuptial bed , their friends and relations are invited the next day to a feast , where they make themselves heartily merry with eating , drinking , and dancing till the next morning ; when , after they have made some presents to the young couple , they part , to their own homes . what was credibly related to us concerning their child-bearing women , is no less surprizing than the former : for when the time of their delivery approaches , they retire into some forest or another , where they stay for two months after , till having recovered their full strength , they return to their husbands . during their stay in the woods , their husbands dare not approach them under pain of death ; these ignorant wretches being persuaded , that there are certain invisible persons inhabiting these forests , who , as they are very careful to preserve these women against any misfortune that might befal them , so they would be sure to punish the husband with death , if he should be so presumptuous as to come near his wife , whilst she is under their protection in the forest. we had the opportunity to be present at the burial of one of their dogs : he was of a very large size , and had been , as it seems , a good hunting-dog in his life-time ; for which reason , these poor wretches made sad moans and lamentations for the loss of so serviceable a creature : after having uttered many things in his praise , they put him into a grave dug for that purpose , with a piece of wood under his head , for fear he should lie uneasy ; and as a monument of their gratitude for his past services , they erected a little hutt over his grave . we were credibly informed , that it is a very ancient custom among these people , to bury all their dogs , and to reward their past services in the same manner . their manner of living is very miserable , husbandry being a thing unknown among them : hunting is their only livelihood ; sables and the reen-deer being the only commodities this country affords . we pursued our journey on the 26th of may , leaving the small river called silva reka on our right hand , and towards noon the small river kine , on the same side , and towards evening the river serebrena reka , to the left of us . on the 28th of may , we passed by vlko mesovasa and sullem reka to the left of us . on the 29th of the same month we left vlko serebrena reka on the same side , and on the right the river doria reka . on the 1st of iune we came to vlk●gorod , a place fortified after the russian manner , with wooden fortifications , but very small , containing not above twenty families . we spent above three weeks upon the river susowa , our vessel being sometimes drawn , sometimes rowed , but always against the current ; which , by reason of the many windings of the river , is very swift , and so violent , that we were sometimes droven back for a quarter of a mile before we could recover our selves ; besides , that we met with several cataracts , which took up a whole day before we could pass them , and that not without great danger . to add to our affliction , we were continually pestered with such an infinite number of gnats , that , whatever precaution we took , it was impossible for us to preserve us against their fury . all the way betwixt solamsko and vlko we saw nothing but desarts and rocks on both sides of us , which are most dreadful to behold at a distance ; and because we could not go further up the river , we were forc'd to tarry nine days at vlko , before we could be furnish'd with land-carriages ; which time we spent in providing our selves with forage and all other necessaries ; and on the 10th of iune set forward again in our journey to newa , leaving our baggage to follow us the next day . the 12th of iune we travell'd through a town call'd ajat , situate upon a river of the same name ; and the 13th to another town called romasheva , upon the river resh . the grounds hereabouts are very fertile and well peopled , abounding in all sorts of corn ; and whereas , whilst we were upon the river susowa , we scarce got sight of a village in 60 miles ; we now could not travel a verst , or english mile , without meeting with a good village , where we were furnish'd with every thing we stood in need of . whilst we were in this town , the inbabitants received intelligence by messengers and letters sent for that purpose , that the calmu●k tartars , to the number of 6000 , had made an inroad into the next province ; where they had made such miserable havock , with murthering , burning , plundering , and driving away both men and cattle , that they had put all the country round about under a great consternation , as dreading the same treatment . on the 14th of iune we reach'd newagorod , a small , but very pleasant town ; it has but an indifferent fortification , not much better than vlko ; but is remarkable for its situation upon the river newa , the boundary of siberia on this side . this journey was very pleasant and diverting to us after our former fatigues and dangers , the country being everywhere fill'd with inhabitants , and the fields well cultivated , the wild roses , and other sweet herbs , affording a very agreeable scent , and a most delightful prospect . the pleasantness of the place invited us to tarry here a whole day , which we spent in walking about the fields , and gathering of roses , lillies of the valley , and such like ▪ on the 16th of iune our baggage arrived at newa-gorod ; and the next following day we again received intelligence , that the above-mentioned calmuck tartars were advanced within four days journey of this place ; and that after they had made themselves masters of a certain frontier town , which they had besieged , they intended to march this way : the inhabitants hereabouts being sufficiently sensible of the cruelties exercised by these vagabonds in their excursions , were in most dreadful fear of these barbarians ; and we forewarned of the approaching danger , hastned the equipment of our vessel ; which being got ready in five days after , we stay'd not one moment longer : but after we had thus spent seven days betwixt hope and fear at newa , we set out from thence on the 21st of iune , steering our course upon the river for tobolsko , being provided with a convoy of 12 cossacks of the garison of newa , for our better security . the river resh falls 5 miles above newa into another river , where , with its stream , it loses its name , and is from thenceforward called niatza . the first town we met with upon this river on the 22d , is called rudna ; and not far from thence another goodly town called nigniske , situate in a very fertile and populous country , fit both for pasturage and tillage , the fields and plains being surrounded and covered with rose-trees , which afford a most delightful prospect . on the 23d of iune we pass'd by three very handsome towns , to wit , iebitzke , kerginskoy , and suborara . on the 24th we came in sight of the town called ialan , famous for nothing else , but that near it , this river joins its current with the river kira . towards the evening we saw another town at some distance named krasna hobod ; and on the 25th , about midnight , came to the city of tumen . it is a large and strong place , being fortified with a very good wall ; the inhabitants are for the most part tartars , who have setled here for the conveniency of trade : they are much more civilized than any of the other tartars , by reason of their frequent conversation with strangers . most of these towns furnish'd us with fresh water-men ; who being well rewarded for their pains , so warmly ply'd their oars , that we advanced apace . i cannot pass by here in silence the extraordinary liberality and hospitality of the inhabitants of these parts ; for we scarce could pass by a town , tho' never so indifferent , but the inhabitants would come forth and bring us provisions , and sometimes furs , without the least reward or recompence , to our no small astonishment , who were not used to meet often with such kind treatment among such barbarous nations , they being generally of the tartarian race . the next town we met with , was called makowa , situate on the confluence of the rivers pishma reka , and the tura , which runs by the city of wergaturia . on the 28th of iune we came as far as sutska , situate on the confluence of the rivers tura and tobol . the next day we passed by piesda reka , and turba reka ; and on the 30th of iune leaving the river taffda to the left of us , we arrived safely on the 1st day of iuly in the city of tobolsko . this city , which is the capital of siberia , is situate near the river tobol , about 3000 miles from the city of musco . it is situate upon a hill of a large extent , the suburbs being most inhabited by tartars . there is here a very fair monastery , surrounded with a very strong brick wall. near this place the river irtish joins its current with the river tobol ; tobolsko is not only the capital , but also the chief place of trade of all siberia . their traffick consists most in furrs , such as sables , ermins , fox skins , and such-like . the kingdom of siberia is watered by a great many large rivers , among which the river oby is the chiefest . this river has many islands , which by reason of the thick woods are unpassable . in some places the oby is a league , in other places half a league broad ; it abounds in fish , such as sturgeon , white-fish or belluja's , and others . the principal cities of siberia are , werchaturia , iapahzeen , tumen , tobolsko , narim , tomskoy , kosnezi , krasnojer , ker , ienokisko , ilim , mongassy , most of which are very large and populous cities . the kingdom of siberia is surrounded by several tartarian nations , such as the calmuck tartars , the tartars of mongul , and others , as the tungoskoy , bratzkoy , ostiacky , barrabinsy , governed by their own princes , and each of them distinguish'd by their different languages . the samoyedes are under the jurisdiction of the czars of muscovy . the natives of siberia are much addicted to sorcery and idolatry . the russians inhabit most of the cities ; czar iohn basilovits was the first who brought this kingdom under his jurisdiction , after he had conquered the two tartarian kingdoms of casan and astrachan ; since which time they pay their yearly tribute of all sorts of furrs which are found in siberia , to wit , sables , martins , red and white fox skins , which amount to two hundred thousand rubles per annum . the sables are catch'd by the inhabitants by traps , not unlike our rat and mice-traps ; but they have also another way of hunting and killing the sables , of which we shall have occasion to speak anon . they go a sable hunting with sleds drawn by dogs , who carry the sleds with more ease over the snow than horses . the czar of muscovy has the twentieth of all the sables that are catch'd throughout the year ; we being obliged to stay for some time at tobolsko , as well to repose our selves after so tedious and troublesome a journey , as to make all necessary preparations for the future ; we passed our time very pleasantly in the company of the waywode or governor stepan ivanovits sotticove , and his two sons fedor stepanovits , and ivan stepanovits , who shew'd us all the civilities in the world , and there pass'd few days but that they either were with us , or we with them , and entertain'd one another with every thing the place would afford . the ambassador having dispatch'd in the mean while an express to their czarish majesties , and every thing being provided for the prosecution of our journey , we put as many provisions , forage , and other necessaries on board our two vessels , as would serve us for three months : for , from hence to ienokisko , whither we were bound , is 6000 miles , for the most part through a desolate country , where there is but little forage and provision to be met with . accordingly after we had all taken our leave from the governor and his sons , we went on board our vessels on the 22d of iuly , under convoy of 20 strelitzes or musqueteers , who were to conduct us to surgutt , and directed our course upon the river irish , towards ienokisko . the 24th we sailed with a fair gale by a town called dernjan ; but having occasion for fresh water-men , we went on shoar till we could be supplied with some . near this place the river derjansko falls into the irtish on the right hand , and the inhabitants hereabouts being ostiaky , a lazy and idle people , we changed our water-men sometimes twice and thrice a day : of their manner of living we shall speak more hereafter . on the 28th of iuly , early in the morning , we came to a town called samurskojam , where we stay'd till the 29th , when we got on board again by break of day . we had scarce sailed two miles upon the river irtish , when we pass'd into another lesser river ; which being a branch of the river oby , we were towed up against the current , and at last , on the first day of august , entred that famous river oby . this river rising among the calmuck tartars from the south-west , disembogues in the tartarian sea ; it is very dangerous for ships , by reason of its depth , and the many rocks , which render its waters very boisterous . the 6th of august we reach'd the city of surgutt , a place which has nothing remarkable , but a small garison ; the governor of which having given us 16 of them to convoy us to narim , we sent back those we had taken along with us from tobolsko . hereabouts you see nothing but a barren desolate country , inhabited by a few miserable wretches , who have scarce wherewithal to cover their nakedness , all their employment being hunting of sables , ermins and foxes . they catch here the sables in a quite different manner from what we have related before ; for they shoot them with arrows , or they make fire under the trees where they know the sables do shelter themselves ; who being suffocated by the smoak , fall from the trees , and are soon catch'd . the ermins they catch in traps , and the foxes they hunt with dogs . we stay'd here till the 9th of august , when being furnish'd with fresh and sturdy young water-men , who encouraged by the hopes of a good reward , stood briskly to their oars , we passed the 13th the river wache to the left of us , on the 19th the river tim , and on the 24th arrived safely at narim , a city situate on the left-side of us upon the river oby . it is worth observation , that in the winter-time there is no travelling from tobolsko to narim with horses , but this journey must be performed in sleds drawn by dogs ; they put three or four of them before the sled , and whip them along as we do our horses . when they go abroad a hunting , they put their provisions and hunting tackle , such as bows , arrows , launces , and such-like , in one of these sleds drawn by dogs , and thus travel to their rendezvouz , which is sometimes 14 or 15 days journey from their habitations , and many times don't return in two months . the ostiaky living in these parts , make use of these sleds in the same manner when they go abroad a fishing ; so that you may see them bring their fish to market in many sleds all drawn ( in the winter-time ) by dogs . we were provided here with new barge-men , and 24 cossacks , who were to convoy us to ienokisko , and on the 25th of august re-imbark'd upon the river oby , which we left on the 29th of the same month , and entred the river ketto , where being obliged to row against the current , we were above a month before we could reach the town of mokuskoy , from whence we continued our journey by land to ienokisko . we saw abundance of cedar-trees on both sides of the river ketto , and on the first of september refresh'd our selves at a small town called kettskoy . but meeting with very slender accommodation , we got on board again the same night , and did not stir out of the vessel till the 28th following , there being nothing but desarts on both sides of the river . on the 16th of september we were all on a sudden put under a great consternation ; for it having frozen very hard the night before , we were in no small apprehension of the danger of perishing for want of necessaries in these desarts , which must have been infallibly our fate , if the frost had continued longer ; but , as good fortune would have it , we were soon freed from this danger by a very agreeable thaw ; and being , besides this , encouraged by a fresh and favourable gale , we made use of all our skill ; and on the 28th of the same month came to a monastery , situate upon the banks of the river , where we reposed our selves for some days , after a long fatigue of a whole month ; and in remembrance of the past danger , kept a thanksgiving day there on the 2d of october , to offer our thanks to god almighty for our deliverance , and to implore his mercy for the future . after prayers , &c. we set sail again the same evening , when we passed a small village , which contained not above six families . we saw hereabouts abundance of currant-trees , both black and red ; we had met with some of them before near this river , but no where else in so great a quantity , which made us judge , the grounds hereabouts were more kind and fruitful than in other places . on the 3d of october died one of the ambassador's retinue after 13 days illness : his name was iohn george weltzel , a native of germany , of the city of golding in silesia , by his profession a painter . on the 7th of the same month , we got safely to the so long wish'd for small city of mokuskoy , where , among other things , we gratified our selves with a cool draught of very good beer . by orders from the ambassador we interr'd the dead body of our friend upon a hill , upon the very banks of the river ietto , where we put a cross ; this being the only monument we were capable of dedicating to the memory of our deceased fellow-traveller . after we had a little recovered our selves from the past fatigues , the ambassador , and most of his retinue , pursued their journey by land on the 10th of october , leaving nine of his attendance behind to take care of the baggage , which was to follow us , as soon as the roads should be rendred convenient for the passage of sleds . we travell'd for two days and nights through a most dreadful forest , till on the 12th of the same month we came in sight of ienokisko , where we made our publick entrance the same night , with so much magnificence , that the inhabitants were surprized thereat . this city lies upon the river ienska , famous not only for the conveniency of shipping , but also for the most prodigious plenty of fish it affords . betwixt this place and tobolsko the ostiacky have their habitations . they are low of stature , and very deformed ; besides which , both men and women constantly are subject to a certain weakness in their eyes , the cause of which they attribute to the want of bread ; which being a scarce commodity among them , they seldom are masters of it , unless they are by chance furnish'd with it by travellers ; which happening very rarely in so remote a country , we supplied them with what we were able to spare : their common food is river-fish ; and instead of bread , they make use of the same fish dried . whilst we were as yet upon the river oby , we were every day suppli'd with great quantities of the best river-fish by those ostiacky , who refused our money , but earnestly entreated us to give them in lieu of it some salt , bread , and chinese sharr or tobacco , which we did accordingly . not far from the banks of the river ketto , i espied one day some wretched hutts , which believing to belong to the ostiacky ; and being willing to satisfy my curiosity in taking a view of their habitations , i got on shore ; and having easily got admission by the help of a small present of bread and salt to the owners , i entred them , which made a wretched appearance , being made only of the barks of trees . one among them , somewhat bigger than the rest , and distinguish'd by certain figures , invited my curiosity to take a full view of it . being entred , i found three women lying upon the ground , who at the sight of me arose from their places , and by their noddings and threatnings sufficiently testified their displeasure of seeing a stranger to interrupt them in their retirement ; but being sensible that i had prepared my way by the presents given to the owners , i took , notwithstanding all their wry faces , the liberty to search every corner of the hutt . these three women , as i was informed afterwards , were the wives of so many knezes or dukes of the ostiacky , but their equipage appear'd little suitable to their quality , for i could not meet with any thing worth taking notice of all over the hall but their sheitan , or ( as they themselves call'd it ) their god : this idol was of wood , of about a yard in length , appearing most dreadful at first sight ; the head of it being covered with a strong tin or iron-plate , which look'd as black as a chimney-stock , by reason of the many incenses which they offer to this idol . for the rest , it was dress'd up in a ragged coat of woollen cloth , patch'd together with 1000 pieces of all sorts of colours ; i don't remember that ever i saw the most wretched beggar make so miserable an appearance as this their god , unto whom this superstitious people attribute a power of preserving them from ill . all the while we were upon the river betwixt sergutt and mokuskoy , we had no other barge-men but these ostiacky ; who , though they were young and lustly fellows , and were well entertained on board of our vessels , yet were so lazy , that they would rather have sate at home and starved , than to come and work for a good livelihood . it is by reason of this their lazy temper , that they seldom take the pains to go abroad a hunting . and for the same reason it is , that they change continually their habitations , sometimes 16 or 20 times in a year , because , say they , we are willing to put our selves beyond the reach of such travellers who come this way , and oftentimes , sorely against our wills , force us to the oars . the ambassador being willing to divert us with the simplicity of these ignorant wretches , he caused his valet du chambre to bring forth a wooden drummer ; which being very artificially made with clook-work within , beat the drum , and express'd some other motions of the head , eyes and hands so naturally , that the ostiacky being at first surprized at it , started back ; but having a little recovered themselves , and taken a full view of all his postures , they knock'd their heads against the ground , prostrating themselves before the wooden drummer in the same manner as they do before their sheitan , or god ; at which we could not forbear laughing . to continue the sport , a wooden bear was brought forth by the ambassador's order , who , as he was made after the same fashion , so he beat the drum with his fore-paws , and all the motions of the head and eyes as artificially as the drummer ; wherefore they also paid him the same veneration . but they soon gave us to understand , that they were much more taken with the drummer than with the bear ; for they with a very profound reverence begg'd the ambassador to bestow upon them the drummer , offering to give the weight of him in money . but the ambassador , being unwilling to encourage their idolatry , and for some other reasons , denied their request . their garments are made of the skins of beasts , with the furr on the out-side ; in the summer they cloath themselves with the skins of fishes . we also made this observation among them , that some have their sheitan or idol made of wood , others of lead , and others again of brass , according to their several abilities ; and the poorer sort dress them up in rags , the richer in sables . they have a very odd way of paying their devotion to this idol : for , instead of saying their prayers , they whistle a certain tune , with strange postures , clapping their hands together , beating their heads to the ground , and making many gesticulations with their feet as they lie prostrate before them , with many more such-like ridiculous ceremonies , too many to insert here . whenever they feast , they set a certain share of the best dish aside for the sheitan ; which if they should neglect , they are of opinion , that the victuals they eat , would turn to worms in their bowels ; and if they should take it away again from before the idol , they are persuaded , they should be struck lame in all their limbs . we were credibly informed , that at certain times they met in their hutts , where they first began with whistling , and afterwards continued to make most horrid out-cries and lamentations , till a certain spectre appear'd to them , which foretold them what was to happen to them the next year : as for instance , whether they were to be plagued with famine ; whether they should be fortunate or unfortunate in their hunting and fishing ; whether they should continue in health or not ; whether they should marry young or old wives ; whether they should die a natural death , or whether they should be slain or torn to pieces by the bears and other wild creatures ; and more of such like predictions : which done , they pay their adoration to the spectre ; and that being vanish'd , they look upon its predictions as infallible , and accordingly attend their fate with an unshaken resolution . they also pay a kind of veneration to the bear-skin , and swear by it . when they have shot a bear , they cut off his head ; and paying their veneration to it , they whistle and ask , who is it that kill'd thee ? the russians did it . who cut off thy head ? the russian axe did it . who is it that has handled thee thus ? the russians have done it ; laying thus all the fault upon the russians . these blind and ignorant wretches have nevertheless this good quality belonging to them , that they don't curse nor swear ; for which they shew such an abhorrence , that they take care to make very lively impressions against this vice in their young babes ; being persuaded , that he who swears falsely or foolishly , shall certainly be unfortunate the whole year , and be in danger of being torn to pieces by the bears , or other wild beasts . for the rest , the ostiacky are great admirers of chinese sharr or tobacco , which they take in a manner peculiar to themselves : for when they intend to smoak , they fill their mouth with water ; and so sucking the tobacco-smoak in greedily , swallow it down with the water . for which reason it is , that generally at the taking of the first pipe in the morning , they fall down drunk and insensible , but soon recover themselves . they seldom take tobacco sitting , but always standing . for want of tobacco , they smoak the shavings of their tobacco-pipes , which are made of wood , after a very course fashion . we stay'd in the city of ienokisko , or ienessay , ten weeks , where we were extreamly civilly treated by the inhabitants , but most especially by the governor . on the 13th of december we sent our heavy baggage before upon sleds , and the ambassador with his retinue followed on the 21st of the same month , taking our way towards irkutskoy . we were conducted out of the town to the next village , as well by the governor himself as the chiefest inhabitants ; and after having bid one another farewel , we continued our journey for some time upon the river ienska , which we afterwards left to our right , and pass'd all along the river tungusko reka , or tongusi , the boundary of tungoeses on this side , of whom we shall have occasion to speak more hereafter . we pass'd by several villages on both sides of the river , and on the 30th of december took up our quarters in the village called buhutsha , where we refresh'd our selves for four and twenty hours . beyond this village begins the great wolock or desart , where you travel 8 or 10 days , without meeting any village , or house fit for entertainment . in the year 1693 , on new-years-day , we left the above-mentioned village , and entred the above-mentioned wolock or desart , which proved very troublesome to us by reason of the coldness of the weather , which was so excessive , that our victuals and drink ( which was only fair water ) froze , and turn'd to ice , before we could bring it from hand to mouth . and when we had occasion to travel upon the river , the mountains of ice , which often obstructed our passage , were such obstacles as were not easy to be surmounted , being obliged to cut our way through them with axes . this prodigious quantity of ice , and the uneven ways which are all over the desart , deter most travellers from taking this road in the winter-time . we had once more the good fortune to overcome all these difficulties , and on the 8th of ianuary came safely to the village called kasma . to refresh our selves and our horses after so troublesome a journey , we were obliged to stay here 13 days , which time we employed in sending for fresh horses , and in taking a view of the habitations of the tongueses , of whom i will give you a short relation . they were formerly a war-like nation , governed by its own princes , inhabiting a very large countrey . but they have of late years been conquered by the victorious arms of the czars of muscovy , unto whom they pay a yearly tribute . as to their persons , they are very lusty and well proportion'd , their cloaths being nothing but the skins of beasts , with the furrs on the outside of divers colours , neither sex being to be distinguish'd by the least difference in their habits . they take a particular pride to have their cheeks stitch'd ( whilst they are young ) with black thread through and through , some cross-ways , some in imitation of a square , or any other figure they like best . this unaccountable piece of pride , as painful as it is , ( as causing great swellings in their faces ) they look upon it as badges of honour , transmitted to them from their ancestors ; the marks of which they retain with a great deal of satisfaction till their dying-day . their cabans or hutts are generally made of the skins of the reens , or some other wild beasts ; those of the better sort of the barks of trees : it is a most surprizing thing to conceive how these poor wretches are able to defend themselves against the violence of the cold , in such miserable cottages ; but custom has inured them to endure these hardships without the least inconveniency to themselves . for no sooner are their children come into the world , but they lay them in the summer in cold water , in the winter in the snow ; by which means they are so accustomed to cold , that they are the hardiest people in the world. they are distinguish'd into three sorts : the first are called kunny tungoesi , who make use of horses . the second alenny , who live altogether upon hunting . the third sobaltzy , who live more like dogs than men. their idols are made only of wood , every one has his domestick or tutelar god. there is one who is look'd upon as the patron of hunting , who sends them good fortune when they go a hunting after the wild beast or wild fowl. another makes them successful in catching of sables ; another in fishing : but sometimes they use their gods but scurvily ; for , if they have offered up their prayers to them , and are deceived in their expectation , the god is thrown out of doors , till they happen to have better luck ; then they are admitted again , and have their full and best share of what they have got abroad ▪ if five or six of these tonguese families happen to live near one another ( which is very rarely seen ) they maintain betwixt them a shaman , which signifies as much as a sorcerer or priest. at their meetings this priest appears in a habit distinguish'd by many figures of beasts , such as lions , bears , serpents , adders , and such-like ; which being all of iron , weigh generally above two hundred pounds weight . then he beats a drum in a very doleful manner , at which the standers-by break out into most dreadful lamentations and outcries , pretending that they see certain spectres in the figures of ravens and other strange birds ; and the priest , as if strucken with an epileptick-fit , falls down upon the ground , and is reverenc'd by these ignorant people as a saint . how mean and miserable soever their condition is , they all of them have several wives , whom they look upon as their greatest treasure : the richer sort have often 10 or 12 , whom they buy from their fathers , sometimes for 10 , sometimes for 15 reen-deers a-piece . their manner of taking an oath is most abominable : for , he that is to confirm the truth of a thing by his solemn oath , is obliged to suck the blood of a dog wounded for this purpose , with a knife in his left fore leg , till he expires . they don't bury their dead corps , but hang them on trees , where they putrify , and at last waste away . they are very cautious of swearing or cursing ; the worst curse they give one another , is to wish them to be forced to live among the russians , or to till the ground , and such-like . on the 21st of ianuary we left the village of kasma , and continued our journey in sleds upon the river tunguska , or tongusi , till after some time leaving it to the right of us , we passed from thence to the small river ilim ; both these rivers are well peopled on both sides of the shoar . on the 25th we arrived in the small city of ilimskoy , situate upon the river ilim , in the very center of some high mountains which surround it . on the 27th we continued our journey from thence through a great forest , which by reason of the badness of the ways , we did not lay behind us till after a troublesome journey of three days and nights , when we came to the river angara , where we pass'd by many others of less note , the isle of balagansko and kamenko , which are well peopled . hereabouts live the brattskoy , who being of the race of the mongul tartars , are tributaries to the czars of muscovy . betwixt ienokitsko or ienessay , and irkutskoy , great quantities of martins and foxes are caught in the beginning of the winter ; but about ienokisko are the best black foxes , which are sold at 20 , 25 , and 30 rubles a-piece . on the 11th of february we arrived safely in the city of irkutskoy , situate upon the river angara , where , for several reasons we stay'd a whole month , in which time we receiv'd all manner of civility from the governor knez ivan petrovits gargaran . as he used often to invite us to dinner , i met several times there with a certain person , who being accounted a saint among the mongul tartars , used to mutter out his prayers , which were very long , holding in his hands a long string with red coral beads , which he told without intermission . on the 15th of february the ambassador dispatch'd a messenger to the city of naun , on the frontiers of china , to notify our arrival in those parts . on the 9th of march we left the city of irkutskoy , and being conducted out of the town by the governor and the chief inhabitants to the next village , we spent the whole night there in making good cheer ; and having bid one another adieu , the next morning we came on the 10th of march in sight of the lake of baikala , where the river angara has its rise . this river was from the city of irkutskoy , to its entrance into the lake , quite free from ice , and had been so all the winter long . they count it 30 miles from the city to the lake , the utmost boundary of the kingdom of siberia . the lake of biakala is about four days . journey in length , but at this season we passed its breadth with sleds in six hours . it is more dangerous in the summer by reason of the changeableness of the winds : the inhabitants have this superstitious opinion concerning it , that whoever calls it oser or a lake , will scarce pass it without danger ; but those who give it the title of mor or sea , need not fear any thing . we dined on the 11th of march upon the said lake , and towards evening discovered six cabans or hutts belonging to the above-mentioned brattskoy . near these hutts we saw a dead sheep and goat fix'd upon a tree with the heads upwards , which , they told us , were two sacrifices made to the heavens . i made the best inquiry i could concerning their religion , but could get no satisfactory account , only that they used to sacrifice a sheep and a goat once a year to the creator of the heavens , and that they adore the sun. they are very industrious in breeding of cattle , but especially of camels for the conveniency of the caravans travelling to china . we came the same evening to a monastery on the other side of the lake , situate upon the frontiers of the province of dauri , a very large and fertile country . the next morning , being the 12th , we passed through the towns of kabania and bolsko sainko , both small places , but well fortified by the inhabitants , they serving them as bulwarks against the tartars of mongul , on the 19th of the same month we came in sight of vdinskoy , and the ambassador was met three miles out of town by an officer at the head of 50 cossacks , who conducted him to the city , where he was received under the discharge of the cannon . this place , which is considered here as the key of the province of dauri , has not been inhabited above six years . the castle , which is very well fortified after the russian manner , lies upon a hill , from whence they have at several times bravely repulsed the mongul tartars that assaulted them . we lay still here three weeks , which time we spent ( as we had done at irkutskoy ) in buying of cattle for the conveniency of our carriage . we bought camels at 10 or 15 rubles apiece , and horses for 4 , 5 , or 6 rubles . we provided our selves also with as many oxen as might furnish us with beef in our journey to china , and back again . being now to travel through the great desart belonging to the mongul tartars , we pack'd our baggage upon camels and horses , the first carrying about 600 weight , the last about 250 : we entred the desart on the 6th of april , our caravan consisting of 250 men , some hundreds of camels and horses , and 400 waggons , which in the night-time being drawn up in a circle , enclosed the rest , and at some distance from thence we placed our centries , to advertise us of the approach of our enemies , if any should appear . but they not daring to attack us , took another course to vex us to the utmost of their power ; for during the space of three weeks , that we travell'd through this desart , where we often were in want of water for men and beast , the monguls and tongueses burnt that small quantity of dry winter-grass that was left , before us ; so that being unprovided with forage , we saw our beasts , but especially our horses , drop down dead for want of fother ; and what was the worst of all , the rest were become so lean , that they were almost rendred quite unserviceable . we lost above a hundred horses in this journey , to the great satisfaction of the tongueses ; who iooking upon horse-flesh as a great dainty , devoured them so soon as we had left them . the tongueses , who are dispersed through these desarts , are of the same religion with the brattskoy , whom we have mentioned before . they bury with the dead corps of their friends all their best moveables ; and if they become decrepit before they die , they lead them upon a high mountain , where they burn them , and impale their best horse near it . the 24th and 25th of april we passed to the left of us by a lake called ierawena , abounding with all sorts of very good fish ; it is 20 miles long , and 15 broad . here it was we met with the messenger who had been sent before by the ambassador to musko . on the 26th we came to a small place called ierawena , where we provided our selves with as many new horses as we could get for money . it is to be observed , that in the desarts round about ierewena , there are the best black sables ; the cossacks of ierwena , who are the sable-hunters hereabouts , go abroad a hunting sometimes for three or four months together ; they make use of scates , by the help of which they pass over the snow with great agility . we bought some of these sables of them , from 8 and 10 , to 20 , 30 , and 50 rubles a pair . on the 28th of april we again entred the desart , but met here and there with some woods . the 29th we pass'd on horse-back the river vda , which arises from a great lake , and is here not above three fathoms broad . the want of fother continuing among our cattle , occasioned by the revengefulness of the monguls , we lost abundance more of our horses , and the rest were so fatigued that we were in danger of wanting provisions , before we could pass the desarts . for which reason the ambassador commanded 10 men to go in quest of horses , which they effected with good success ; for on the 3d of may they met us with a good number of fresh horses near the lake , called schack's oser , which is four miles long , and two broad . we had the good fortune to find here some fother for our horses and camels , which obliged us to stay here till the 5th of the same month , when leaving the lake to our left , we continued our journey to another lake , which we pass'd by on the 6th in the morning , and the same day in the afternoon reach'd the end of this troublesome desart , after a most tedious and fatiguing journey of near four weeks . the first place we came to , is called plotbus , near the small river skieta , containing not above six families , who are settled there but very lately . on the 15th we continued our journey from plotbus by water upon floats of wood to nartzinskoy . about a mile from plotbus the river schieta falls into the river ingeda , as the river okkon joins its current with the same at a small distance from thence , and is afterwards called schiteka . the rivers nertza and argun fall afterwards into the same river , out of the last of which arises the famous river of yamour , which disembogues into the ocean . on the 20th of may we came to the city of nertzinskoy , the last place of note ( unless it be argun , a small town eight days journey from thence ) under the jurisdiction of the czar of muscovy . nertzinskoy is situate upon the river nertza , where about 6000 tungoeses , all subjects to the czar of muscovy , have their habitations ; who have fortified themselves here against their enemies . hereabouts are abundance of lucerns and sables , which are in great esteem among the chineses . we were fain to stay two months in this place , to give time to our horses and camels to recover themselves in the adjacent pastures . the cossacks hereabouts are very rich , by reason of their traffick with china , where they are exempted from paying any custom . we then began to make all the necessary preparations for our journey through the desart ; we provided our selves with oxen , which were to be killed by the way as occasion should require ; 50 cossacks were allotted us as a convoy to china , and to see us safe back again to nertzinskoy , and the ambassador appointed such gentlemen as belonged to his retinue to manage all the affairs belonging to the whole caravan , each in his respective station ; who having the command both over the russian gentlemen and merchants , were treated by them with a great deal of respect , especially the germans , who led the van , in regard they had had the honour before their departure from musco to be admitted to kiss their czarish majesty's hands . on the 18th of iuly , when we were just ready to leave nertzinsko , two cossacks brought letters to the ambassador from offdokim andre kurdikoff , who , as we said before , had been dispatch'd from irkutzkoy to the city of naun , on the frontiers of china . the contents of these letters were , that he being not permitted to go to peking , the residence of the emperor of china , had been obliged to deliver his letters at naun ; which being dispatch'd from thence to peking , a certain person of quality , attended by a great many servants , was come to naun to expect the ambassador's arrival . that the said chinese lord having sent for him , had asked him , among other things , upon what account the ambassador was sent to the kams hi ammaogdo chan ? to which he had answered , that he did not know the least thing of it ; but if he did , it would not become him to discover it . he had further asked him , what countreyman the ambassador was , and in what station at court ? to which he had reply'd , that he was not able to give him an exact account of the matter , he having been only taken into his service at irtkutskoy , from whence he had soon after been dispatch'd to naun ; that all what he could tell was , that the ambassador was a german by birth , and in great favour at court , desiring him to supersede to ask him any further questions , which he was not in a capacity to answer . we did not set out from nertzinskoy till in the afternoon , to wit , on the 18th of iuly , and reached the same night with part of our caravan the river schileka , where we ferried over . but our whole caravan consisting of 400 men , we stay'd here three days , this being the place of our rendezvouz . from hence the ambassador dispatch'd a messenger , whose name was andre avonass kruhoff , to their czarish majesty's in musco . there were abundance of gentlemen and merchants belonging to our caravan , who traded with furrs to china . each of them had 30 pounds weight of bisket allotted him for his share , during our whole journey through the tartarian desart , which took up two months . this slender allowance did not proceed from any covetousness of the ambassador , but because we were obliged to manage our carriages to the best advantage . besides which , our ordinary food was good beef , and sometimes venison . from the above-mentioned river schileka , we travelled three days together through a great forest full of bogs , and three days after through a desart ; and further , two days again through a forest , before we reach'd the river samur , which falls into the river schileka . in the night-time we lodged in our tents , of which we had 50 in number . there is otherwise no travelling hereabouts with waggons , but only with camels and horses . for several days after we met with very bad ways , the ground being very boggy till you come to the river of argun . at last we came on the 3d of october to the city of argun , where we stay'd till the 7th , it being so long before our whole caravan could pass the river . this river is at present the boundary betwixt the emperors of muscovy and china , this city being the utmost frontier place of the province of dauri , as far as it is under the jurisdiction of the muscovites . some years ago the territories of the czars of muscovy extended to the famous river of yamour , but these were by vertue of a treaty made in the year 1689 , ( when fedor alexievits was sent ambassador to china ) betwixt both the emperors , granted to the chineses , as was also the strong fortress of albazin , situate upon the same river . the mongul tartars being always abroad in parties , we were obliged to be continually upon our guard , for fear of our baggage and horses : these monguls are generally great cowards , ten well disciplin'd men being able to beat a hundred of them . the ambassador dispatch'd from hence some cossacks to the before-mentioned city of naun , on the frontiers of china , to desire the chinese governor to send us some carriages to a certain place . the best of our diversion was hunting in the desart , where there was such vast numbers of deer , that one night , when we were drawing up our waggons to make our usual fence , some deer leapt among us , of which we catch'd one with our hands . the river denbu , which exonerates it self into the river argun , is four days journey from the city of argun . the 15th of august we came to a large navigable river called gaun , whose banks being overflown by the late rains , we could not pass with our camels ; whereas at other times it is fordable in many places . being unwilling to lose time , we contrived a way to transport our selves and the caravan , by killing a good many of our oxen , the hides of which we joined together ; and with what wood we could gather , we made a kind of floating-boats for the conveniency of transportation . but the hides were carried two miles lower by the current , and were not brought on the other side without great danger . our floating-bridges succeeded better , which did us good service : the horses being unloaded , were forced to swim cross the river ; we spent two days in passing the river , and lost but one horse . on the 16th of august some tongueses , who having surprized some monguls in their habitations , and after they had massacred 50 of them , had carried the young ones into slavery , offered us five of these slaves , to wit , three boys and two girls , whom they would willingly have exchanged for horses . we could have bought them at the rate of 4 or 5 rubles apiece ; but the ambassador considering that we were entred the chinese territories , would not allow us to buy any of them . on the 23d of august we reach'd the small river keilar , which falls into the river arguin ; we cross'd the same river the next day on horse-back . the 26th of august we cross'd again the river saduma , a small , but navigable river , which likewise discharges it self into the river argun . the 27th we pass'd by the river gnar , which joins its current with the river saduna ; and on the 28th we met a caravan , consisting of 150 russian merchants , and 300 camels , but no horses . they had left nartzinsko the last winter , in their way to china , and were now returning home . they brought us the good news , that the chineses expected the arrival of our ambassador with a great deal of impatience . we tarried here two days , which time we spent together as merrily as the circumstances of the place would allow of ; they presented us with some tea , which was very welcome to us , who were grown quite weary of drinking cold water . after we had taken our leave of one another , we travelled for two days through a countrey , very agreeable for its pleasant hills and fertile valleys , where the river iall has its rise , and afterwards becomes a large navigable river . on the 31st of august our messenger kundikoff ( whom the ambassador had dispatch'd from iokutskoy to naun ) returned and brought advice , that a certain person of note , in the quality of an adogeda ( or conductor of ambassadors ) was arrived from peking to naun , where he expected the arrival of the ambassador . on the 1st of september there came a messenger from the said adogeda to the ambassador , who having complimented him in his master's name , brought us the first chinese carriages , and a present of 10 sheep , some rice and oatmeal , he was sent back immediately . on the 2d of september we reach'd the first out-guards ( consisting of 12 persons ) of the chineses , on the 3d we came to the second , and on the 4th to the third . these scouts lay concealed upon the hills , and as soon as they perceive any caravans or other strangers coming that way , they give notice to one another by certain signals , which reach to the cities of china . for several days together we travelled through very pleasant forests , where , among other trees , we found abundance of oaks , which were very low , but spread their branches in a very large compass . we saw here also filbird-trees in the plains , differing in shape from those we have in europe , as being not above half or three quarters of a yard high , and their stalks very thin ; they bear a prodigious quantity of nuts of a very large size . the next place we came to , was inhabited by the targuts chinay , who are pagans , subject to the chineses ; they are good husband-men , the countrey abounding in oats , barley , oatmeal and tobacco ; and we being in want of some oatmeal and salt , we furnished our selves with as much as we stood in need of . these people live on the utmost confines of the province of dauri ; for that part of the province which is under the muscovite jurisdiction , extends only to the river argun , from whence to the village of suttegarshe , all the rest belongs to the chineses , by vertue of the above-mention'd treaty . on the 10th of september several other messengers arrived from the adogeda , who were sent back immediately . after we had travelled three days longer through a desart , we arrived at last to the village of sutt●ga , belonging to the chineses ; where meeting with the adogeda , whose attendance consisted of 50 persons , he invited us the same evening into his tent , where he presented us with some thee boil'd in milk , with flower and butter , in wooden dishes , and some preserves and sweet-meats . the 13th of september the said adogeda invited the ambassador , with all his retinue , to dinner , where he met the ambassador at some distance from his tent , and after a very obliging salute conducted him with his left hand thither . we stay'd about half an hour before dinner was brought in , which time they bestow'd in entertaining one another with several questions : the adogeda ask'd the ambassador , how long he had been travelling from musco to this place ? unto which he reply'd , a year and a half . he ask'd him further his name ; which he told him was , ilesar ilesarevits isbrand . whilst they passed their time in such-like discourses , dinner was served up , upon a small table , without a table-cloth , the ambassador and the adogeda having each his own dish , as had all the rest : our dishes were filled with mutton and pork ; the second course was pottage , wherein was a mixture of fine flower , made in the nature of a pudding , but very long and thin , not unlike a gut : we were put to a nonplus how to manage this dish ; but two secretaries belonging to the adogeda , who were much better acquainted with it than we , shew'd us the way . for , instead of knives , they had two bonesticks ; betwixt these they took up these puddings , which they thus conveyed to their mouths , which they held over the dishes ; and after they had bit off a good mouthful , they let the rest drop in the dish again . these sticks used by the chineses , in lieu of our knives and forks , are streight , of about a quarter of a yard long , made either of ebony-wood , bones or ivory , tipp'd on the end where they touch the victuals , with gold or silver , which they use with a great deal of dexterity , without touching the victuals with their fingers . after dinner two silver cups fill'd with brandy were brought to the adogeda , one of which he presented to the ambassador , the other he drunk himself . all the rest had also purcelain cups with brandy presented them , which they were to take off to the bottom . the feast concluded with a service of sweetmeats in wooden dishes . the 14th of september the ambassador invited the adogeda to his quarters , where we observed , that our way of entertaining seem'd to them as strange as theirs had done to us the day before . after dinner the ambassador desir'd the adogeda to provide us the necessary carriages and passes , which he performed to our satisfaction . the ambassador had for his daily allowance two sheep ; for each of his secretaries , one sheep ; for each of his gentlemen , one sheep ; for the rest of his attendance , some two , some three , some four to a sheep ; for the cossacks , labourers and grooms , ten men to a sheep ; for the ordinary fellows , a measure of oatmeal each a day ; and for the better sort , a paper with tea , which was a very plentiful allowance , but that we wanted bread , which is a commodity as little known among the chineses , as some other asiaticks . the inhabitants of the city of naun , 5 miles distant from the village of suttigatt , are idolaters , adoring the devil in the night-time , with most horrid out-cries . their houses are very commodious and neat , their livelihood being most planting of tobacco . on the 16th of september the ambassador sent to the adogeda the following presents : 10 sables . 50 ermins . 5 yards of black cloth. a looking-glass with a gilt frame . another looking-glass with a black frame . several glass-bottles with aquavitae . some pieces of gilt leather . and several rare pieces made at augsburgh , that moved by the help of clock-work . it was a great while before the adogeda could be prevailed upon to accept these presents , by reason they are under an obligation not to receive any presents ; for which reason it is , that , when any presents are offered them , which they cannot in honour refuse ; they have them valued , and are to return double the value of it to those who presented them . on the 21st the adogeda sent to the ambassador six tables covered with sweetmeats , and two earthen bottles of chinese brandy . on the 23d he invited the ambassador to dinner , and he was invited by us again on the 24th . having thus diverted our selves for 14 days in the village of suttigett , in the mean while that our carriages were got ready , we continued our journey on michaelmas-day . each person of the first rank had a waggon drawn by oxen , and a horse allowed him . the rest of the attendance were provided with waggons , three , four , five and six in a waggon ; we came the same night to a village , where we took up our quarters , and the following night to another , where we also stay'd all night , after we had pass'd the day before through a desart . it ought to be remembred here , to the great honour of the chineses , that they treat strangers with a great deal of civility : for , tho' we passed through uninhabitable desarts , yet did we never want conveniencies for lodging ; a sufficient number of cabans being brought from distant places , which were always ready provided against our arrival . they were stor'd with all necessary utensils for the kitchen , and each hutt had a servant , whose business was to take care of the fuel , water , and other necessaries . every other day we had fresh horses ready at hand , and the chineses kept all night a constant guard round our waggon fence , to prevent any surprize ; they were provided with bells , to give the alarm to one another in case of necessity . the adogeda keeping constant company with our ambassador during the whole journey , they often fell in discourse together concerning the nature and policy of several nations , which commonly ended in the praise of china , of which the adogeda , but especially of the chinese wall , ( round which he told us , a man could not travel in three years time ) related us such wonders , that we could not but be surprized at it . nothing was so troublesome to us in this desart , as the want of fresh water , which we were forced to dig for very deep , and was commonly so muddy , that it went against our stomachs . if we met with any that was tolerably good , we took care to carry some of it along with us in leathern flasks . our best comfort was , that the ambassador had every morning a small kettle-full of boil'd tea allowed him for his breakfast , of which some of us had our share , which was served us in cabans or hutts set up for that purpose , at certain distances . we often used to divert our selves with hunting , these desarts being full of all sorts of very good game . i and another , a particular friend of mine , rid out one morning a hunting , to shoot some wild sheep , but paid dearly for it ; for having lost our caravan , we rid two days and nights up and down the desart , not knowing where we were , till at last we came in sight of some hutts belonging to the mongul tartars , but durst not approach for fear of being assassinated by them . but they having espied us at a distance , came up with us , inviting us to their cabans , where , beyond all expectation , they treated us very civilly : it is possible they had heard of our ambassadors coming that way , and judged that we belonged to his retinue . our greatest trouble was how to find out means to send to the ambassador , who had sent several of his men in quest of us : we made them at last understand by many signs who we were , and what our errand was with the ambassador ; upon which they sent a messenger to give him notice where we were : it is easy to be imagined that we were very eager of going along with the messenger ; but our horses being quite tired , we were forced to tarry there till our caravan came by that way . on the 15th of october we arrived near the river casumur , which exonerates it self in the river naun , where we halted 24 hours , and refresh'd our selves with fair water , which was as welcome to us as if it had been the best wine , because we had been in great want of it before . having provided our selves with as much as our leathern vessels would hold , we continued our journey , and on the 19th passed by the ruins of several cities , where we observed the remnants of very ancient stone monuments , representing several figures , quite different from those we meet with in europe . they say that these places were destroyed by alexander the great . we saw also hereabouts several large stone pillars of an excessive bigness , which being hung about with small bells , made a great noise when they were put in motion by the wind. beyond these we saw again the ruins of several places , and several figures cut in stone , representing men , women , and several sorts of beasts . deer , hares , and wild sheep we meet in vast numbers , of the last we saw sometimes 2 or 300 together ; but they are very difficult to be catch'd , they being nimbler than a deer . the hares are hereabouts very small , not much bigger than our leverets . pheasants are also here in great quantities , but not easily to be reach'd by the gun , for they don't settle upon the trees , but run all along upon the ground , swifter than other birds can fly in the air. we took a great deal of delight in the dexterity of the chineses , who with their arrows would shoot any bird flying . the adogeda had very fine falcons , who seldom let escape any pheasant or hare they met with . the nearer we approached the chinese wall , the more populous we found the country : for three days together , before we came in sight of it , we travelled all over rocks and precipices , through which there was cut a safe road for the conveniency of travellers ; and in the midst of these rocks there is a goodly city , called by the russians , schoma gorod , or kora katon . all hereabouts are abundance of tigers , leopards , and panthers , for which reason the ambassador , upon the persuasion of the adogeda , ordered that no body should ride at any distance from the caravan , unless there were at least three or more in company . in the city of karakaton some alterations were made in our provisions by the chineses ; for , instead of sheep we had hogs allowed us , and a measure of rice for each person . the hogs in china have such hanging bellies , that they touch the ground . from hence we had a long days journey to the chinese wall , betwixt rich , and the city of naun ; the country is inhabited by the mongul tartars , who acknowledge the dalaclama for their head. they keep their idols in their houses , and present their offerings to them , which is commonly victuals and drink . when they bury their dead , they put a white cock upon the coffin . a mongul nun , who was continually muttering her prayers with her beads in her hands , being asked by the ambassador , who it was she adored , she gave for answer , i adore the same god , who being deprived of heaven by your god , will certainly return thither , and put your god out of his place ; when you will see strange alterations upon earth . on the 27th of october , towards evening , we came in sight of the famous chinese wall , which is four fathoms high , and of such thickness that eight persons may ride upon it a-breast . it is 1500 english miles long in a straight line ; for if you will count the hills and vast mountains upon which it is built in some places , it would amount at least to 500 more . at each miles distance there is a tower. at the first gate we entred , the wall appear'd to be much decay'd ; but at a musket-shot from thence we passed through another gate , which resembled a large bastion . we were conducted through two more , and those three last enclosed a large place with their walls , the three gates serving for as many bastions . upon the first wall we saw a very large corps de guards , where , as they told us , there was kept a constant guard. at some distance from the first wall without the gate , there was also a watch kept , consisting only of 20 soldiers . about a mile within the wall we passed by to the left of us the city of galgan , which is surrounded with a very fine stone wall. near this place we met with the first chinese idols . it is to be admired what vast numbers of temples the chineses have dedicated to their idols , all their cities and villages are full of them , nay you meet with them upon unaccessible mountains ; they shew very well at a distance . but as to the figures of their idols , they are so dreadful as if they had been contrived on purpose to strike terror into the beholders . they are made either of wood or clay , and are sometimes gilt . in all their temples you meet with a certain idol , which being of a terrible aspect , holds a scepter in his hand , him they call the god of war , and pay a great deal of veneration to him . this god is surrounded with drums of all sizes , which are beaten whilst they are at their devotion . we were quartered in the suburbs , and at our arrival were met by their pipers and others who play'd upon cymbals , and beat the drums , but made a very doleful noise . the adogeda invited us to supper , where we were very well entertain'd , and were treated with tarrasun , a liquor made of rice . after supper the adogeda diverted us with a play , or rather farce , acted by the players that were sent from peking to meet him . what was most remarkable was , that they acted the mimicks to the life , and changed their postures and cloaths , which were extraordinary magnificent , frequently to our great astonishment . on the 28th of october we passed by another chinese city , and towards evening arrived in the city of xantuning , where the ambassador was entertained by the governor with a magnificent feast , and another play. all the apartments were hung with very rich tapistry , and the whole entertainment was very noble . the ambassador , the governor and the adogeda , were plac'd each on a table by themselves , but we were all put together on one table . the dishes were brought in one after another , but none taken away till after the feast was ended . there were in all eight courses , and as often as a dish ( which were all of purcelain ) was brought in , the clerk of the kitchen led the way , admonishing the guests to eat heartily . at the beginning of the feast , the adogeda putting out his sticks , show'd them to the ambassador as a signal , that we should follow his example . before dinner we were entertained by a boy of 10 years of age , who very naturally acted the mimick , and made strange postures upon the ground , which was covered with tapestry : which done , seven purcelain cups were placed upon a table , which he took up backwards with his mouth ; which he repeated afterwards , holding his hands upon his back . this was followed by an entry , where a man and a woman acted the lovers , and , to conclude the matter , a man dressed up in a tigers skin pass'd through the room upon all-fours , to the no small astonishment of those who were ignorant of the contrivance . the feast lasted above three hours , and the adogeda desiring the ambassador to take a walk with him , they were just going to take their leave , when one of the adogeda's servants whispering his master , that the after-course was going to be served up , they changed their resolution , and stay'd near two hours longer ; during which time they were again diverted by the players , who changed their cloaths 8 or 10 times . the 29th of october we came in sight of the city of xunguxu ; in this as well as in all other cities where we pass'd , the ambassador was treated with all imaginable respect and civility . we were again entertain'd in this city with a play , in a play-house fitted up for that purpose . in one of their temples there , we saw a goddess , which being of stone 128 feet high , had 700 hands . i had often the curiosity to enter their temples , and to take a view of their idols , who are of very different shapes and figures , and very terrible to behold , but most magnificently dress'd . near this place there is a famous pagan temple built upon a very high rock , near the monastery of iugangu . on the 30th of october , as we were travelling upon the road , we met a great number of men and women , who followed an idol carried by two men , and play'd merrily upon their pipes , cymbals and drums . the ambassador asked the adogeda , what the meaning was of this procession ? to which he answer'd , that they were going to a neighbouring temple to perform their devotion . the same day we pass'd in sight of a goodly place , called the red city , the residence of the sister of the bogdegan , and famous for the tombs of several chans . this city lies near the chinese wall ; we were fain to take up our lodgings that night in a village . early the next morning the adogeda sent word to the ambassador , that , having some business of moment to dispatch , he begg'd his pardon that he could not wait upon him immediately , but that if he would be pleased to go before , he would follow him as soon as possibly he could . we had scarce rid three or four hours , when the adogeda's steward overtook us near one of their temples , desiring us to tarry a little in this place , his master being upon the road to overtake us . we took this opportunity to take a view of the temple , where meeting with three more of the adogeda's servants , we saw them prostrate themselves first before the idol that stood in the middle of the temple , and afterwards to perform the same ceremony to two others that stood on both sides of it . towards noon we got to the city of xangote , where having been entertained with a very handsome dinner by the governor , we continued our journey , and took up our nights lodging in a countrey town . the first of november the ambassador was again treated at dinner by a governor of another city , and was quartered also in another countrey town at night . all the way as we passed along the roads we met with such a prodigious number of most magnificent temples , that we could not but admire at the ignorance of these people , who shew so much veneration to these idols . the 2d of november we came to the great and famous city of tunxo , situate on a river , where the ambassador was invited also to dinner by the governor , who conducted us afterwards out of the town . that night we were quartered in the next town to the city of peking . the city of tukxe is famous for its , traffick in purcelain , which is sold here much cheaper than in peking . the chinese have a way of pleating their sails together in a very small compass . on the 3d of november , towards noon , we made a publick entry in the capital city of peking , in very good order and great splendor , the streets being crowded with vast numbers of spectators on both sides of the way , which raised such a dust , that we scarce could see one another : we had our lodgings assigned us in the court , which is the ordinary residence of foreign ambassadors . on the 12th of november the adagada and his tawares or associate , waited upon the ambassador , to give him notice that he was to be admitted to his publick audience the next day , and to be conducted thither by 30 horses , desiring him to get his credentials and the presents ready against that time . he asked the ambassador who was to carry the presents ? and being answered , that this was to be performed by the cossacks , he shew'd his dislike , desiring that it might be done by some of his retinue ; which the ambassador refused , telling him , that when they were carried to the place where they were to be delivered , he would do it with his own hands , wherewith he was very well satisfied , desiring only , that they might be conveyed with good couverts . matters being thus settled , the ambassador drank to him a glass of spanish wine , to the health of the dorgamba ; who being one of the first men of the empire , he took it off to the bottom ; whereas before this time , we could never persuade any of them to pledge us , they being a very obstinate people , and very noisy with their tongues , if not gratified in their desires . it was the 14th of november before the ambassador could be in readiness to deliver his credentials , when we were conducted to court in the following manner : 15 cossacks , who carried the presents , led the van ; these were followed by one of the masters of the jewel-office belonging to the czar of muscovy . after him the secretary of the embassy , who carried the credentials after him came the ambassador betwixt the two adogeda's ; and lastly , the rest of the gentlemen belonging to the ambassador . at the entrance of the castle , we did alight from our horses , and marched on foot through a long gate , arch'd on the top . before we entred the second gate , we pass'd over a very fine stone-bridge , about 50 or 60 paces long , on both sides of which we took notice of a wall about three foot high , with many figures cut in stone . within the gate we were conducted through a very spacious court , where we saw two large pillars , very artificially wrought with variety of figures . from thence we went into a very fine hall , where we found two tables . no sooner were we entred there , but the adogeda desir'd the ambassador to sit down upon the ground upon such bolsters as were brought thither for that purpose ; and soon after we saw four lords , who are the chiefest of the whole empire , to enter the room before the bogdegan himself . these four were the dorgamba , the askamba , the aligamba , and the adogamba . after the credentials were delivered to the king himself , the presents were given to the adogeda , who laid them upon the two tables . which done ; the dorgamba , with the other three lords , came up to the ambassador , and after having made their compliments , and given him each both their hands , the dorgamba , after his congratulatory speech upon our happy arrival , enquir'd after health of both their czarish majesties , telling him , that his credentials should be forthwith translated , and he to receive an answer to the same . after which , he told him what allowance was to be given to himself and his retinue ; to wit : every day for the ambassador himself , two sheep , one goose , three pullets , three fish , a large measure of flower , a large measure of rice , two pound of butter , two papers of thee , salt , and other things proportionable , besides two gallons of tarrasun . the rest of his retinue and other servants , had the same allowance as before , with some addition of flower , butter and tarrasun . the ambassador being reconducted to his quarters by the two adogeda's , scarce three hours were pass'd , before the youngest of the two adogeda's brought word , that the czar's letters had been receiv'd with a great deal of satisfaction , desiring him in the bogdegan's name , to come and take a share , with all his retinue of his own table . as they were going along the streets to court on horse-back , the adogeda told the ambassdor , that he ought to look upon this invitation as a most particular grace , it being not customary for ambassdors to receive this honour immediately after the delivery of their credentials . being entred the same hall where the credentials had been deliver'd before , the adogeda invited the ambassador to sit down , and soon after entred the same four lords before the bogdegan , and saluted the ambassador very obligingly . immediately after , four tables were brought into the room , two of which were cover'd with forty silver dishes , full of all sorts of sweet-meats , for the amhassador , the other two ( where there were also some sweet-meats , and a dish with boil'd cold mutton ) fell to our share . after dinner , we were treated with thee boil'd in milk , in wooden dishes , which we took , and re-delivered to the servants , with making deep reveences . so soon as the ambassador arose from the table , all his sweet-meats were given to his attendants ; but what was left upon our tables , was divided among the cosacks . the 16th of november , the dorgamba , with several other chinese lords , and the two adogeda's , came to pay a visit to the ambassador ; who entertain'd them with a sett of very good musick , at which they seem'd to be extreamly well satisfied ; and after they had staid some time , the ambassador made to the dorgamba these following presents . a large looking-glass with a black wooden frame . a less looking-glass . a round looking-glass with a gilt frame . two watches . twenty pieces of gilt leather . several fine cuts . six very fine crystal-glasses . a large case for glasses . three large dogs spotted like tygers . a fine black gun-dog . a piece of fine hollin linen-cloth . four lac'd handkerchiefs ; besides some sables , black foxes , ermins , and other siberian commodities , which were received in a most obliging manner by the dorgamba . on the 17th of november , two heralds at arms , were sent to invite the ambassador and fourteen of the gentlemen of his retinue , to the bogdegan's table ; and we were not a musket-shot from our quarters , before we were met by the adogeda's , who conducted us into the castle . being entred the same hall , where we had deliver'd our credentials before . the adogeda presented the ambassador and his retinue , with chairs ; immediately after , came the four abovementioned lords , who after having paid their complements to the ambassador , asked him , whether he could speak latin ; and being answer'd , he did not : they asked further , whether any of his retinue were masters of the said language ; and it being told him , that there was one who had some knowledge of it , but not to perfection ; they left us to return our answer to the bogdegan . we sat above four or five hours before word was brought us , that we were to come to the bogdegan ; but were in the mean while treated with thee boil'd in milk by the adogeda . an account was likewise taken of our names , how many there were of us ; which done , the adogeda receiv'd orders to conduct us . we pass'd through three several gates , and as many large and handsome courts ; among which , one deserves to be particularly taken notice of . for in the midst of it , there was a bridge of marble , sustain'd by very fine arches ; under which was a water , which being call'd , the bogdegan's fish-pond , had the resemblance of a fair small river , and surrounded the castle . so soon as we entred the room , where the bogdegan was seated upon his throne , the ambassador was plac'd by the adogeda's on one side of the throne , which was surrounded with above three hundred courtiers , who all wore the emperour's armes upon their breasts and backs . the roof of this room was extraordinary high , and the sides adorn'd with a great number of marble statues . just opposite to it was the emperour's temple , a most magnificent structure . on the other side of the room , you look'd into another court , where were the lodgings of the enuchs and other women , that attended in the emperour's seraglio . the ambassador was placed on the left-hand of the throne , and his attendance about four rods behind him , on the right-hand ; just opposite to the ambassadors were the four abovementioned lords ; about forty persons , armed with half-pikes and battle-axes attended about the throne . we had not sat very long , before we saw a table cover'd all over with dishes of massive gold , and fill'd with sweet-meats brought in , which was set before the emperour ; after this , two tables with sweet-meats were brought in for the four lords ; and next to them , another table with sweet-meats for the ambassador ; several tables were placed for us , three belonging to a table ; the sweet-meats were all serv'd in silver dishes ; besides which there were grapes , apples , pears , chesnuts , china-oranges , citrons , and other fruits . as for the chineses , of whom there were above a hundred , each had his own table , with several dishes of meat . so soon as we saw the emperour begin to eat , we were obliged to pay our reverence by a low inclination of the head , and then we eat of what was before us . after dinner , which lasted above three hours , two large cups of brandy were presented to the bogdegan , who ordered the dorgamba and another great lord , to conduct the ambassador upon the throne ; being advanc'd upon the steps , the dorgamba , by orders from the emperour , presented one of these cups to the ambassador , telling him , that he must make a low reverence , and drink it all off at a draught . in the mean while , some iesuits having been sent for , they appear'd instantly , and by orders from the emperour , spoke to the ambassador in latin ; who answering them in italian , that he was not very well vers'd in the latin tongue , one of the fathers began to talk in italian with the ambassador , whom he asked many questions , and among the rest , how long it was since he left muscovy ? unto which he having given a suitable answer , he was re-conducted to his place . we were also each in his turn , placed opposite to the throne , and presented with a golden cup of brandy , which after we had taken up , with a very low reverence , we were re-conducted to our respective places . soon after we as well as the chineses there present , had some thee boil'd in milk presented to us in wooden dishes , which as before we received , and return'd with a very low bow to the very ground . the tables being remov'd , we were conducted out of the room , which done , both the adogeda's made a sign to the ambassador to follow them into another apartment , which was done , because we should not see the bogdegan descend from his throne . he is originally a mongul tartar , of a brown complexion , of about 45 years of age. the ambassador desir'd to be dismiss'd for that time , but the dorgamba return'd from the emperour , and asked the ambassador , whether he could tell any tidings concerning some iesuits , who about three years before intended to travel to china , by the way of muscovy , but were stopt in their journey ? the ambassador having answer'd that he knew nothing of them , the dorgamba return'd with this answer to the emperour . in the mean while we were conducted to our former places , where the adogeda desir'd the ambassador to sit down a little , till the sweet-meats that were left , could be given to our servants ; which was done accordingly ; it being a very antient custom among the chineses , always to let the remnants of the emperour's table to be carried home . our servants being well loaden with sweet-meats , the two adogeda's reconducted the ambassador to his quarters . on the 18th of november , we as well as the cosacks were entertain'd at our quarters from the emperour's table . there was a table in the ambassador's appartment for his own use , those for the gentlemen was laid in the hall. all the tables being cover'd with meats , two of the bogdegan's courtiers came to desire the ambassador and his retinue in the emperour's name to sit down , which we did with a profound reverence , in respect to his imperial majesty . our dishes were , boil'd geese , pullets , eggs , and all sorts of meats ; grapes , apples , pears , wall-nuts , chesnuts , citrons , china-oranges , all sorts of preserves and sweet-meats . the cosacks din'd in the court ; and before dinner , were all presented with thee boil'd in milk. towards evening the two adogeda's came to tell the ambassador , that the bogdegan was going to make a progress for 20 days ; and on the 7th of december , they came to give us notice of his return to peking . on the 8th we were again invited to the bogdegan's table , where we were treated in the same manner as before . on the 11th the askamba and surgushey , were sent by the bogdegan , to invite the ambassador and his retinue to be present at a great feast at court , and to be conducted through the left-side of the castle , whereas before , we had been brought in through the great court on the right-side . accordingly next morning , five hours before day-light , the two adogeda's came to our quarters , and conducted us on horse-back to the castle , where being entred on the left-side , the adogeda's desired the ambassador to sit down , where we were treated several times with thee ; in the mean while that one of the adogeda's was gone to receive his further instructions . at break of day , both the adogeda's led us into a court , where we saw two elephants of an extraordinary bigness , with very rich furnitures : opposite to them , we saw a great many drums plac'd upon the ground , near which stood the emperour's guards , cloath'd in red damask , and all round the court we saw above a hundred chairs , belonging to the chinese lords . being from thence conducted to the place where the bogdegan was to make his appearance , we entred on the left-side , where we saw several hundreds chinese lords very magnificently dress'd , with the emperour's armes upon their backs and breasts , sitting upon bolsters or cushions , upon the ground . their caps were adorn'd with the feathers of peacocks , which were fastn'd to them with fine crystals . those of the first rank had very large saphirs upon their caps . near to these we had our seats assign'd us ; and scarce had we thus sat an hour , when by the discharge of a cannon ( which made no great noise ) a signal was given for the chineses to rise , whilst the bogdegan was coming in to mount his throne , which stood directly opposite to the door , thro' which we were introduc'd . all on a sudden we heard a chime of bells , which being the signal for the chineses , they in very good order made their appearance before the bogdegan : in the mean while , a certain person who stood near the bogdegan , read for above an hour with a very loud and audible voice out of a book , which done , we heard very fine singing at some distance from us ; after this two drums were beat , which being another signal to the chineses , they fell upon their knees , bending their heads to the ground , three times , one after another . then they rise , and several musical instruments made an agreeable harmony for some time , during which they performed the same reverence twice more , and so took their seats again . we were then conducted by the two adogedan's in the presence of the bogdean , where we performed the same ceremony in the same manner as the chineses had done ; and the ambassador being led by the hand by the adogeda up to the bogdegan's throne , had the honour to receive a dish of thee from the bogdegan's own hands . we were likewise , after we had taken our seats , again treated with thee boil'd in milk , being obliged every time we took and re delivered the cup , to turn our left-leg under our bodies , and so to make a low inclination with our heads . soon after , the ambassador being re-conducted by the adogeda to his seat , the chineses , all on a sudden , plac'd themselves on the right-side upon their bended knees , knocking their heads against the ground three times , whilst the bogdegan was descending from the throne . we were led by the two adogeda's to the same place , where we were obliged to perform the same ceremony . that part of the court where the bogdegan's throne was plac'd , was lin'd with his guards , cloath'd in red damask , and arm'd with battle-axes and half-piques . the solemnity being ended , we pass'd again through the place where before we had deliver'd our credentials , in order to our return to our quarters ; but the adogeda's desiring the ambassador to stay a little longer , there being some chinese lords , who were very ambitious to see the ambassador and his retinue , he granted his request . as we were coming out of the castle , we saw one of the elephants , which was shewn us before , draw a great waggon , in which was the bogdegan's throne ; we were scarce return'd to our quarters , when the adogeda again entreated the ambassador to go along with him to the bogdegan's play-house , vvhere a very diverting play vvas acted that day . he invited not only the ambassador's retinue , but also all the merchants and cosacks , to partake of the shovv . and as vve vvere on our way thither , we met several chinese lords , among whom was the askamba , who came on purpose to bear the ambassador company thither . before dinner we had the diversion of seeing a fellow play all sorts of tricks . he took a stick , which was sharp at one end in his hand , on which he fixed a large round wooden ball , which turn'd it self without intermission upon the stick , till he threw it in the air , and catch'd it again upon the point of the stick , where it rowl'd about like before ; secondly , he took another stick , but not so big as the former , which he fixed upon his upper lip ; in the middle of this stick was a small wooden horse , which continually turn'd about the stick , as did another wooden ball on the top of the stick . sometimes he put the stick upon his thumb , where it perform'd the same operation . thirdly , he put the same stick through a certain instrument , not unlike our flutes , which he held in his mouth . on the point of the stick he had fixed two knives , not unlike our shoe-maker's knives , with their edges to one another , which turn'd themselves upon the stick to the no small astonishment of the spectators . fourthly , he took three ordinary knives , two of which he kept steady in his left-hand , but no sooner had he thrown the third up in the air , but the other two follow'd , which he catch'd all three by the handles . he shew'd us also several fine postures on horse-back , and whilst we were very magnificently treated at dinner , we had the diversion of the play , which lasted till night ; when we return'd home well satisfied with our entertainment . the 18th of december , hoth the adogeda's came to salute the ambassador in the name of the dorgamba , and to invite him and the chiefest of his domesticks to pass the next day at his house . the next morning his horses stood ready to attend us at our quarters , from whence we went directly to the dorgamba's palace . we were conducted by the adogeda's in a small appartment , where we found the dorgamba ready to receive the ambassador , which he did in very obliging terms . soon after we were treated with thee boil'd in milk , and the ambassador having communicated for some time with the dorgamba , concerning the instructions , he had received from their czarish majesty's , the ambassador was conducted from thence into the dining-room . as we entred the room , the players who were very magnificently dress'd , stood ready to begin the play , which they did accordingly ; it is the custom in china for the actors to give a book , containing the contents of many plays , to the master of the feasts , out of which he chuses which he likes best , which is commonly perform'd by singing in the nature of our opera's . the dorgamba sat at a table by himself , next to him was plac'd the ambassador at another table , and next to him the two adogeda's at another . two other tables were brought in for the ambassador's retinue ; we were treated with great deal of splendor . our drink was aqua vitae prepared with cinnamon , which was brought to us in golden cups , and we were forced to take it off quite to the bottom , the dorgamba shewing us the way by his own example . the floor was covered all over with tapistry , and behind the dorgamba stood a little page with a basket made of straw-work , which was the dorgamba's spitting-pot . thus we spent the greatest part of the day with a great deal of diversion , and on the 19th , being a great feast day at court , we were again splendidly entertained at the bogdegan's table . in the year 1694. on the 6th of ianuary , and on the 16th , we were again invited to the bogdegan's table . on the 26th of the same month , the dorgamba obliged us with the sight of a very fierce panther , and the same day we were again admitted to the bogdegan's table . on the 27th we paid a visit to the jesuits , who treated us with a very good breakfast ; their church is a very curious piece of architecture , with a fine organ , which is placed on the outside of it towards the street . there were at that time eight fathers of that society at peking . on the 29th it was a hard frost , with a strong north wind and abundance of snow . on the 4th of february both the adogeda's brought orders for the ambassador to make his appearance at court. accordingly we went on horseback to court on the 5th of february , where after we had been entertain'd very splendidly at the bogdegan's table , the ambassador was told , that according to his desire he should be dismiss'd in twelve nights . accordingly on the 15th of febr. the bogdegan sent one of his coutiers to the ambassador to desire him to come to court the next morning with all his attendance , and the cosacks , to receive the usual presents of the bogdegan . the day before we went to court we were treated at the bogdegan's charge at our quarters , when the ambassador with his whole attendance went on horseback , being conducted by the adogeda's into a spacious court , where we received the following presents . a horse , with bridle and saddle , and all other accoutrements . a chinese cap , with a silk puff on the top of it . a sur-toot of damask brocaded with gold serpents , and lined with lamb-skins . a scarff , a knife , 6 handkerchiefs , and 2 tobacco bags . a pair of leather boots , and a pair of silk stockings . a piece of black sattin of 10 yards . a piece of ludan of 20 yards . 16 pieces of kitaick . 7 lan of silver worth 14 crowns . the ambassador's gentlemen had each of them the following presents . a chinese cap , with a red silk puff on the top . a damask surtoot lined with lambs-skin . a piece of sattin of 10 yards . a piece of ludan of 10 yards . a scarff , with a knife , 2 tobacco baggs , and 6 handkerchiefs . one pair of leather boots , with a pair of silk stockings quilted with cotton . 16 pieces of kitaick . one lan and a half of silver worth 3 crowns . the cosacks and servants received each the following presents . a piece of sattin of 10 yards . eight pieces of kitaick . one lan of silver . on the 18th of february , the ambassador being again invited to court , the dorgamba told him , that if he were ready for his departure , the carriages should attend him the next morning at his quarters . i am not ignorant that in this place i ought to give the reader a particular account of the manners , customs and religion of the chineses ; but i will content my self to give only in this journal a general account of the empire of china , and its capital city called peking . the most potent empire of china is known under several names among foreign nations . the tartars call it katay , those of siam , sin , the iapanneses , than , and some of the tartarian nations call it han. the chineses themselves have given it many sir-names ; for among the many families that have sway'd the chinese scepter , each founder of its race has assigned it its particular title . thus it is called than , ( broad without measure ) iu , ( peace ) , tha , ( large ) , sciam , ( pleasant ) , cheu , ( complea● ) ; but among all the rest , the chineses have retain'd two , the first of which is , chungehoa , that is , the middle empire , and chunque , which is the middle garden , being of opinion that the earth was four square , and their empire in the midst of it . this vast country was in the year before the birth of christ 2254 , divided into 12 provinces by their emperor xucus , and by his successor iva into 9 , which at that time comprehended only the northern provinces , as far as the river kiang . but after the southern parts were united with this empire , it was divided into fifteen provinces . most of them were formerly under the jurisdiction of their own princes , but after they were conquered and united with the chinese crown , were governed by viceroy's , who to this day have the administration of affairs in those places . it is divided into the northern and southern part. the first is that which is properly called katay by the tartars , and comprehends 5 provinces : to wit , peking , xantung , xansi , xiemsi , honan , to which some add the province of leaotung , and the peninsula of corea . the other 9 provinces , are ; nanking , chekiang , kiangsi , huquang , suchuen , queicheu , iunnan , quangsi , quantung , fockien , which by one general name are called by the tartars , mangin . the north and southern provinces are divided by the river kiang , ( by the chineses , ) called the son of the ocean . ) the empire of china borders on the east on the great eastern ocean , called by the chineses , tung . towards the north , on the chinese wall , which divides it from the great tartary ; on the west it has the mountain of thebet to the confines of bengala : on the south-side is the kingdom of couchinchina , which is tributary to the chineses empire . it s whole breadth , from the isle of hanon , situate under the 18th degree of north latitude , to the 42th degree of north latitude , is 330 german leagues . it s length from the west , under the 112th degree , till east under the 34th degree , near the city ningpo or nampo , is 450 german leagues . this whole empire seems both by art and nature made impregnable . for on the west side is the mountain of thebet , and the great desart of xama ; on the north side the famous chinese wall , which was begun to be built in the year 215 before christ's birth , and was finished in 5 years ; on the south and east it is surrounded with the ocean , where by reason of the many rocks and sands there is no no safe landing unless it be in a few places . the city of peking , the capital of the empire , and residence of its kings , has borrowed its name from the province of peking , which on the east borders on the great gulph betwixt corea and iapan ; on the north-east upon the province of leaotung , on the north upon the great tartary , and part of the chinese wall , and on the west the province of xansi . this province has 8 famous cities , to wit ; peking , paoting , hokian , chinting , xunte , quanping , taming , and iunping : the city of peking is situate under 39 degrees 59 minutes upon the northern confines of the province of peking , not far from the famous chinese wall. on the south side it is fortified with two very strong and high walls . the suburbs are enclosed in one single wall , with 3 very good bastions on each side of the gate . you enter these suburbs by a bridge built over a river , which to the north side surrounds the wall ; from the suburbs through the south-gate , it is half an hours walking before you come to the body of the city , where , at the entrance there is a very high bastion , and as you turn to the left , another well-mounted with cannon , from whence you may go into the city through the old gate . there are many other bastions to be seen all round the walls , where every night the garison keeps as strict a guard as if an enemy were near at hand ; but in the day time , the emperor's gentlemen of the bed-chamber guard the gates , not so much for its defence , as to look after the customs , which are to be paid there . the citizens houses are generally finely built , and the palaces of persons of quality very stately structures , but their greatest magnificence appears in their triumphal arches . their temples are adorned with steeples of an extraordinary height , and most artificially built : but the streets of this so stately city are in no wise suitable to its grandeur , there being very few among them paved with stones , which seems to be strange in a place where they don't want these materials , the streets being extreamly inconvenient and troublesome to walk both in fair and fowl weather . in dry weather , when the wind blows from the north , the dust is raised all over the city to that degree , that it spoils every thing in the houses . the inhabitants preserve themselves a little when they go abroad , by wearing a thin veil almost like our gawses , over their faces , which comes down to their breasts ; besides that , they can see every body that passes without being seen by them , and without exposing their faces to the dust ; they enjoy by it this conveniency , that they are not obliged to those frequent salutes and other ceremonies which are so much admired , and otherwise practised among the chineses . all the chinese women are of a verylow stature , those of quality have very little feet , in which they take a particular pride , for which reason they keep them extraordinary streightned , to such an excess , that many thereby quite lose the use of their feet . it is look'd upon as very ignominious among the chinese ladies to shew their naked feet . there is scarce a street , bridge or gate in the city of peking , where you don't meet with horses or asses , which may be hir'd for a small price to go up and down the streets , where a servant attends you and your horse . the streets are always crouded with people ; here you may see one dance upon the rope , in another place you see one upon the stage , who is surrounded with many auditors , unto whom he relates certain stories , and these reward him for his pains with a kind of brass-money , which being four square , sign'd on one side with four characters , and a hole in the middle for the conveniency of carrying them upon a string , ten of them make no more than a penny. but when any thing is to be bought or paid with silver they use this method : they always wear by their sides a pair of shears , and weights enclosed in wooden cases in their pockets , by which means they cut the silver plates , and weigh of it as much as they have occasion for at that time . you meet sometimes in the streets certain chineses , who beat their breasts with stones , others knock their heads against stones , till the blood follows . there is scarce a street but what has many publick-houses , which are distinguished by their sign-posts , where you find it written what sort of liquor they sell within . these houses are very neatly kept , and affording good accommodation . but it is time to look backwards , and to give you a short account of our return to muscovy . on the 19th of february towards evening , we began our journey from peking , being conducted out the town by the two adogeda's , and several other persons of quality to the next village . about five days journey from peking , the surgushey ( who was to conduct us as far as to the city of naun ) brought us through an old ruined city , where in one of their temples , we saw an idol made of clay but richly gilt , representing a woman ; it was about 15 yards high , and had many heads and hands . not far from thence in a gallery , you saw another figure , resembling a woman kind , which they said , was her daughter , lie in a bed of damask quilt , cover'd with rich chinese carpets . on the 30th of may , we came to the city of naun , and took up our quarters in the village suttigart . on the 5th of april , i was surprised in my quarters by a very strange spectacle ; for my host's daughter appear'd all on a sudden , as if she had been possess'd by the devil , making such horrid out-cries , as put us all in a fright . after she had thus continued for some time , she began to sing very agreeably for half an hour , when the other women there present , having begun to sing certain verses , she answered them immediately . i was so curious as to enquire , what could be the meaning of all this ; to which they reply'd , that there being a neighbour's child very ill , this virgin had been consulted concerning her recovery , she being one vvho vvas in great esteem among them , and look'd upon as a saint . the neighbours vvere no sooner departed , but an aunt of hers took a fevv coals , upon vvhich she threw certain incenses , vvhich holding near her face , she soon opened her eyes , and recovered her senses . on the 14th of april , vve set forvvard in our journey from naun , in company of a chinese envoy , vvho being a native of the city of margenn , vvas sent by the bogdegan , to the waywode of nartzinskoy . on the 23th of april , vve pass'd over a very high mountain , not vvithout a great deal of difficulty , the snow being above a yard high on the top . on the 25th , vve changed our course , being forevvarn'd by our guide , vvho vvas a tungoese , that three or four thousand mongul tartars laid in ambush for us , expecting our coming at a certain place . this obliged the ambassador to chuse another road more to the right . on the 27th , vve came to the river laduna , vvhere vve halted for some time . on the 2d of may , vve pass'd over the river keilar , and vve had not travell'd very far , before on the third of may , vve vvere overraken by a fire : for the mongul tartars , finding they had miss'd their aim , had out of revenge , set fire to the long and dry grass , which was remaining , after the winter season , in the desart , which being augmented by the violent winds that blew towards us , surprised us so on a sudden , that we had not time enough left us , to save our tents . if this fire had surprised us as we were upon our march , scarce any body would have escaped the flames that surrounded us on all sides . but now we had the good fortune to save our cattle , and the damage received by the fire was inconsiderable on our side , what was endamaged in our carriages , being all repair'd in one day . the worst was , that being deprived of forage , some of our cattle died daily for want of it , and we our selves began to be much streightned for provisions . for which reason the ambassador dispatched three cosacks to the waywode of nartzinskoy , to solicite prompt succors of cattle and provisions . and wherever we could light of any horses or camels , we bought them up at a dear rate ; the first at 40 and 50 , the last at 70 or 80 rubels a-piece . the 8th of may , we came to the river margenn , where meeting with good forage , we staid two days to refresh our cattle . and as we were travelling , we lost one of our russian servants , who having lost his horse , was lost himself in looking after it . on the 12th , we pass'd the river gann with our loaden camels and horses ; and finding the trees hereabouts full of green leaves and a pleasant country , we staid here two days . on the 15th of may ; we met the convoy , which by order of the governour of nartzinskoy , was sent us from argunn . they came to us in very good time ; for if they had staid two days longer , our cattle must all have perish'd , and we been droven to the necessity of feeding on horse-flesh ; for most of our servants had lost their horses before , and were fain to march on foot through the desart . on the 21th of may , notwithstanding there was a deep snow faln the night before , we ferry'd over the river of argunn , a long days journey from the city of the same name , where we staid till the 25th and provided our selves with all necessaries , enough to serve us till we came to nartzinskoy . most of our attendance began to be very sickly hereabouts , by reason , that having not been used to any bread before these six months , they eat of it with too much greediness . at some distance from argunn , the ambassador , with some of his german and russian attendance left the caravan , making the best of thei● way towards nartzinskoy . on the 1st of iune , we came to a small river , which being by the late rains rendred impassable by horses , we were feign to strip , and so to swim over our selves and our horses . on the second , we arriv'd safely at nartzinskoy , as did our caravan on the 9th following . the 13th of iune , three tungoeses brought the russian servant , whom we had lost on the 8th of may in the desart to nartzinskoy . he had swarved about the desart for three days , having no other food , but herbs and roots , and meeting at last with these three tungoeses , whom he believed to have been mongul tartars , he put himself in a posture of defence , and would not have surrendred himself , if his horse had not been so tir'd , as not to be able to stir any longer . on the 3d of iuly , we set forward from nartzinskoy , after the ambassador had dispatch'd two messengers to mosco , to notifie our safe arrival , to their czarish majesties ; and on the same day the chinese envoy , whom we mentioned before , return'd from thence to naun . this last winter , whilst we were at peking , 350 cosacks of nartzinskoy , and 500 tungoeses , had made an incursion into the territories of the mongul tartars , through the desarts of nartzinskoy , with such success , that they had attack'd and ruin'd their habitations on two several places , put all the old ones to the sword , and carried off the young ones into slavery . the 13th of iuly , we came to plotbus , the 15th to the lake of shock , the 19th to the lake of ierawena , near which are three lakes more . on the 21th of iuly , our two messengers , who had been dispatch'd to mosco , as we mention'd before , return'd to us in a pitiful condition , they having been overtaken about 10 miles from vdinsko , by some mongul tartars , who had robb'd and stript them , but had not taken their letters from them . on the 22th , we foarded the river ana , which falls into the river vda : and on the 26th the river kurba , which running with a very swift current , disembogues likewise in the river vda . on the 27th , in the afternoon , we arriv'd safely at vdinsko ; where we sold our camels and horses at five rubels a-piece ; whereas the camels had cost us 35 and 40 rubels , and the horses 10 and 15 a-piece . on the 28th , we embarqu'd our selves on board two large vessels ; and towards evening went on shoar in a great village , call'd saimkojam linsko , on the left-side of the river selinga . on the 29th in the afternoon , we set sail from thence , and on the 31th came to the entrance of the lake of baikela , where we were fain to lay by for two hours , and afterwards row'd three miles further , before we could make use of our sails . towards evening the wind chopping about , we were droven back for several miles , and at last met with a place fit for anchorage . the winds being somewhat laid , we early in the morning set sail again , and happily made the river of angara , and so arriv'd on the first of august , toward noon at irkutskoy . on the 5th , we again set sail from hence towards ienekiskoy . on the 11th , we went on shoar in a town belonging to the bratskoy , on the left-side of the river of angara , into which falls hereabouts another very large river . we left that place again the same day in the afternoon , and had not sail'd above a mile , when we were forced to pass a very dangerous cataract ( or water-fall ) call'd pogmaly . not far from thence we pass'd another , call'd pyan , much longer than the former ; and no sooner were the vessels brought over this dangerous place , but they were in danger of having been swallowed up in a whirl-pool . on the 12th of august , we came to another cataract , call'd poduna , where we were fain to unload our vessels ; the passage being very streight and dangerous . on the 13th , we pass'd another cataract , not so dangerous as the former , but which continued for four or five miles . on the 14th , we came to an anchor near the cataract , call'd skamansko , till we could be provided with expert watermen , who being acquainted with the river , brought our vessels safely without being unloaden ( the water being very high ) over the cataract , tho' it was near three miles long . on the 16th , before noon , we pass'd by the river itim , which falls on the right-hand into the river tungusko , as the angara does to the left . we pass'd the same day over another cataract ; and on the 17th left the river ketto to the right of us . on the 19th , we pass'd over three several cataracts , near the last of which , we were met by a messenger , whose name being andreknihoff , had been dispatch'd by the ambassador from nartzinskoy to musco . on the 22d , we left the river kama to the right of us ; and on the 25th in the morning , pass'd over another most dangerous cataract , and arrived safely the same evening at ienekiskoy . we continued our journey from thence on the 1st of september by land to makoffsko , where we arriv'd the 3d day , and on the 7th , set forward again towards tobolsko . on the 12th , we din'd in a monastery , but did not stay longer than till night . on the 23d , early in the morning , we came to iam-kutskoy ; and on the 26th towards evening , to the city of narim , about a mile distance from the river oby , where we embarqu'd on the 28th , but came on shoar again in the afternoon , by reason of a strong north-wind , which was quite contrary to us ; we were fain to lie here till the 30th . on the 3d of october , the wind veering about again to the north , we were obliged to come to another again till night ; when we pass'd by the river wache . the 4th , the wind blew strong again from the north , so that we were fain to lie still till the next morning . on the 6th , we were stopt again by the north-wind , besides which , it froze very hard that night . on the 8th , we got on shoar at surgutt ; and on the 9th the north-wind blew very strong against us , with great snows and a hard frost , so that we were obliged to stay on shoar till the 11th , when it began to thaw ; but the north-wind continued till the 13th , in the morning , when we set sail again , and pass'd by two villages ; the 14th , in the forenoon , we entred the river irtish ; and on the 15th , early in the morning , arriv'd safely at samorskojam . the ambassador being indisposed staid there till the 14th of november , when , being restor'd to his former health by the use of proper remedies , and the river irtish being quite frozen up in the mean while , we continued our journey from samarskojam in sleds . on the 19th , we came to demjansko ; and on the 20th to tobolsko . betwixt samarskojam and tobolsko , we pass'd by abundance of huts belonging to the ostiaki , most of wood , and the roads were hereabouts very narrow and not well beaten . on the 17th of december , we left tobolsko ; and the 20th in the afternoon arrived at tumen . from thence we went on the 21st , and came on the 23d too early in the morning to the city of iapantshin , where we staid only till the next day ; and on the 27th early in the morning , arrived in the city of wergaturia , from whence we went further on in our journey the 28th . in the year 1695 , on new-years-day , we came to the city of sotokamskoy , where we staid till the next day ; on the 5th we reach'd kaigorod , which we left again the 6th ; and on the 9th came to iam-vsga , situate upon the river sisella . the 9th we din'd at iata pyoldie , and the 11th at ianrspas vspilsco . the 12th we reach'd st. soto witzogda , where we staid the next day till towards evening . the 14th we came to the city of vtingha , and left it again the 15th towards evening . the 18th we din'd in the city of totma , where we staid till the 19th towards night . the 21st , early in the morning we reach'd schusca-jam , and continued our journey from thencethe next day . the 25th we came to ieresla , where we only staid till night . on the 27th to peresla , from whence we set forward again in our journey on the 29th , and on the 31st of ian. at night , arrived safely in a villlage , call'd alexeshe on the river ianse , not above five miles from the city of musco . here the ambassador received orders to stay till the next morning , when czar peter alexievits came to this place to confer with him in private . after they had spent some hours together , the czar took the ambassador along with him to ischmeiloff , and from thence to brebolensko ; and we arrived the same day , being the 1st of february , safely in the city of musco , where we repos'd our selves after our journey to china , in which we had spent 3 years , wanting 6 weeks . finis . some curious observations concerning the products of russia , which may serve as a supplement to the preceding treatise . written originally in latin by henry william ludolf . london , printed for d. brown , at the black-swan and bible without temple-bar , and t. goodwin , at the maidenhead over against st. dunstan's church , fleet-street , 1698. some curious observations concerning the products of russia , &c. chap. i. of their minerals . they have three sorts of salts in russia ; the first is boil'd out of springs , of which the best is made at permia in siberia . the second is , their stone-salt , which is found in great quantity in the province of vffa ; the third is brought to perfection by the heat of the sun in the salt-pits , near astrachan , and in siberia . there is also great store of the best salt-petre to be found , as also good brimstone , betwixt siberia and the river wolga , not far from the kingdom of casan : but the exportation of it is prohibited . there are also some iron-mines in russia , and near olonitz , on the confines of sweden . near archangel there is sluida talck dug , which the english call muscovy glass . in the the province of vffa , are found very fine chrystals . on the frontiers of siberia , near the river ienessay , there is a mine which produces an oar , resembling in colour and weight a golden oar , but it is so volatile as to flie away in the smoak , as soon as it is tryed by the fire . perhaps this oar is much of the same nature in comparison to gold , what a certain oar in germany , call'd bismuth , is in respect to silver , it being of the same colour and weight , and is found in the saxon silver mines . the russians are destitute of silver mines , but they often dig some of the metal out of the old graves . the mammotovoy , which is dug out of the earth in siberia , is very well worth taking notice of . the common people in russia relate surprising things concerning its origin . for they say , they are the bones of certain animals , which exceed in bigness any living creature upon earth ; they make use of it in physick , as we do of the unicorn . a friend of mine presented me with a piece of it , which he said was given him by a muscovite , who had brought it himself out of siberia , which appears to me to be nothing else than a true ivory . the more understanding sort believe them to be elephants teeth , which ever since the time of the deluge , have lain thus under ground . the adamavoi-kost or adam's earth , is dug out of the earth near archangel ; it is of a black colour , very near as hard as a stone , but its figure resembles the branches of trees ; from whence some conjecture that it is a wood petrefied . according to this opinion , it must be supposed that this wood being perhaps laid at the bottom of some river , whose current has been choak'd up by the sands , and covered these woods . chap. ii. of their vegetables . the ground in many parts of muscovy is more fertile than can well be imagined by strangers . for it being full of nitrous particles , these not only promote the production of all kinds of fruits , but also quicken their growth , and bring them sooner to perfection , than in some of the more southern countries ; as it is besides some other fruits , very observable in their melons . they have a certain kind of apples , call'd nativa , which are not only of a fine taste , but also transparent like glass . they have also several sorts of berries , which are not to be found in other places . the hostanici are of a black colour , but of the same taste as our cherries , having also a stone in the middle . their punanitzi they use to suppress the fumes after hard drinking . besides which , they have those call'd , brussenici kluckva and gersmici ; the two last of which are also found in livonia . but among all their vegetables , that herb which they call , kosa travic , deserves to be taken notice of , for it resists iron , and makes the sythes if they touch it , spring to pieces . i cannot question the truth of it , because i have heard it confirm'd by very credible persons , who have seen the effect of it in siberia ; tho' otherwise i am not very apt to give credit to the relations of the vulgar sort in muscovy , among which , that of the vegetable lamm is a general received fable , sufficiently contradicted by experience . there is a certain root in russia , endow'd with an extraordinary balsamick quality , which also grows in siberia , they call it voltschnoy-koron , which signifies as much as wolfs-root . they attribute to it a specifick vertue of healing wounds ; but what they related of it , to wit , that it heals a wound by only chewing of it , i will not affirm for truth . arbusi are called the astrachan melons ; they are not of so delicious a taste as the others ; they come nearer to a circular figure , and their seeds don't lie in the middle , but straggling thro' the flesh of the melon . the astrachan pepper is more sharp and biting than other pepper , is enclosed in a red husk , the pepper it self is yellow , and not round but flattish . chap. iii. of their living creatures . among the insects of russia , those call'd toreau , are the most common , they most infest wooden houses , but are not mischievous . among the fish , the sterlet is counted one of the most delicious in russia . it has a long head and tail , both of them making up above one half of its whole length , the rest of the body being but very short . it s skin is most like that of an eel ; those inclining to a yellowish colour , are accounted the best . the fish sasan is very like our carps . somis , a very broad fish , with a sharp nose . beluga , or white-fish , is sometimes found in the danube , near comorrah ; they call it hausam in hungary , and is carried to vienna , where it is look'd upon as a great dainty , its flesh being very luscious . out of the spawn of this fish the best caviare is made in muscovy ; tho' they also make it of the spawn of the sturgeons and pikes . the river kama , which exonerates it self into the river wolga , furnishes the city of musco with the best beluga . i don't remember that ever i met with any birds in muscovy , but what are sufficiently known among other european nations . among the four-legg'd animals , the muscovites esteem those the most , whose furs protect them against the injuries of the cold season . they have four different kinds of foxes . the first are the ordinary sort ; the second are those who have two dark strokes cross their backs ; and therefore are by the germans , called cross foxes . the third are the white foxes , whose skins are the cheapest of all ; and fourthly , the black ones , whose skins are sold at a very dear rate , sometimes , as i have been told , at 80 rubels or ducats a piece . the rosomacha , so called by reason of its greediness , affords the most durable furs . but the chief vanity of the muscovites , consists in their sables . there is such a prodigious difference betwixt these furs , that a pair of them are sold from three rubels to a hundred rubels . the black ones are the most precious ; but the white ones are very rare . in the great plains betwixt muscovy and the crim tartary , there are abundance of wild oxen , and wild goats ; the first they call zubri , the last zajaki . vichocolis , a kind of water-rats , whose skins are of a delicious scent . chap. iv. of the natives of russia , the muscovites are generally of a very strong constitution , both very tall and bulky . they are also very fruitful , which makes the country very populous , as may be judged by the vast armies which the muscovites bring into the field in time of war. i have it from very credible persons , and such as had considerable commands in the present czar's army , that a few years ago the army which was raised against the precopian tartars , consisted of above 300000 men. above one half of the year being taken up with their fasts , when the common people feed upon nothing else but cabbage and cucumbers , and these raw , only pickl'd . this is an evident sign of their natural vigour , tho' it must also be allow'd , that they promote the digestion by the brandy and leeks , which they use in great quantity , and questionless , correct the viscous humours arising in the stomach by such indigestible nourishments . they know of no epidemical distempers in russia , unless you would give the scurvy , ( the general plague of all the northern countries ) that name . the russians call it tsinga . among the rest we ought not to pass by in silence here their strange manner of travelling betwixt siberia and china . for they make use of sleds with sails , which carry them over the snow when the wind proves favourable ; but if it proves contrary , they have dogs ready at hand , who supply the defect of the sails , which are laid by at that time . i have heard it affirm'd for truth , that twelve of these dogs will draw as much as a good horse . the commodities exported from russia are : rhubarb , but much inferior in goodness to that which is brought from china and turkey . ambergreese , honey , wax , tar , course linen , caviare russia leather and hemp. the city of ieresla is famous for the dressing of russia leather , which as well as the caviare , is for the most part transported into italy , the english and dutch consume abundance of russia hemp , out of which they make their cables for their ships . sometimes the dutch are also permitted to export some corn , of which they make great profit . the cities of archangel and narva , are the two chiefest places of commerce betwixt the russians , english and dutch. the first is most frequented by the dutch , the last by the english. the armenian merchants have a free trade at narva , for the convenicy of transporting such commodities as they buy in holland , by the way of narva , into muscovy , and from thence by the river wolga and the caspian sea , into persia. but no body is permitted to return into persia by way of muscovy , unless he be come the same way before ; it being otherwise much easier to return that way into persia , than to come from thence , as being against the current of the river wolga . formerly the banjans ( who are indian merchants ) used to traffick in the capital city of musco . but of late they are forbidden to come any further than archangel , where they drive a very considerable trade . there is also at present a constant trade betwixt muscovy and china ; from whence the muscovites bring silks , thee , and among other things a certain mixture , almost like chalk , but of a yellowish colour , of an aromatick scent , which is look'd upon as a sovereign remedy against many distempers . the buchartzi , who , if i mistake not , are mahometans , inhabiting near samarkand , come frequently to tobolsko , the capital city of siberia , with all sorts of indian commodities , for which reason perhaps it is , that , as i have been informed , the arabian tongue is taught in some places of siberia . the calmuck tartars bring every year after harvest-time , a great many thousands of horses to sale to the city of musco . they trade also in slaves , and sometimes sell their own children to the russians . i met once a young boy of that country who understood the russian tongue , whom out of curiosity i asked several questions , and among the rest , how they called god in his native tongue ; he answered , bogunasniet , we have no god. but it is nevertheless certain , that they have a certain religion , such a one as it is ; their high priest being called kutafta , who as well as the kutafta of the mongul tartars , is subordinate to the dalac-lama , who being the pagan pope in those parts , keeps his residence at a place called baontola , not far from the confines of china . i have been credibly informed , that the chinese lama's or priests , do also acknowledge this dalac-lama for their head. they are perswaded that this dalac-lama is immortal , which opinion they maintain among the common people without much difficulty ; forasmuch as he scarce ever appears , but to his priests , who are all partners in the fraud . i heard once a certain muscovian lord , who had been sent as ambassador from musco to china , say , that it was offered him as a particular favour , to appear before the dalac-lama , provided he would prostrate himself before him ; but , that he gave them many thanks for the honour they intended to do him , without accepting their offer . i conclude with this hearty wish , that the door of mercy may be opened to these blind wretches , that they may be brought out of darkness to partake of the light of the true religion . finis . books printed for d. brown , at the black-swan and bible , without temple-bar . a late voyage to st. kilda , the remotest of all the hebrides , or western islands of scotland ; with a history of the island , natural , moral , &c. by mr. martin , gent. beauty in distress , a tragedy : as it is acted by his majesty's servants . written by mr. motteux : with a discourse of the lawfulness and vnlawfulness of plays . by the learned father caffara , divinity professor at paris ; sent in a letter to the author , by a divine of the church of england . with a copy of verses by mr. dryden , in defence of the stage . the canterbury guest : or , abargain broken , a comedy , acted at the theatre-royal . written by mr. ravenscroft . the sullen lovers : or , the curious impertinents . a comedy . written by th. shadwell . the cornish comedy , as it is acted at the theatre-royal in dorset-garden , by his majesty's servants . dr. colebatch's four tracts ; his treatise of the gout , and doctrine of acids further asserted . the history of the imperiall estate of the grand seigneurs their habitations, liues, titles ... gouernment and tyranny. translated out of french by e.g. s.a. histoire generalle du serrail, et de la cour du grand seigneur, empereur des turcs. english baudier, michel, 1589?-1645. 1635 approx. 429 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 100 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2009-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a05751 stc 1593 estc s101093 99836917 99836917 1212 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a05751) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 1212) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1475-1640 ; 697:05) the history of the imperiall estate of the grand seigneurs their habitations, liues, titles ... gouernment and tyranny. translated out of french by e.g. s.a. histoire generalle du serrail, et de la cour du grand seigneur, empereur des turcs. english baudier, michel, 1589?-1645. baudier, michel, 1589?-1645. histoire de la cour du roy de la chine. aut grimeston, edward. [8], 248 p. printed by william stansby, for richard meighen, next to the middle temple in fleetstreet, london : 1635. translations by edward grimeston of "histoire generalle du serrail, et de la cour du grand seigneur, empereur des turcs" and "histoire de la cour du roy de la chine" by michel baudier. "the history of the serrail, and of the court of the grand seigneur, emperour of the turkes" and "the history of the court of the king of china" each has separate title page: pagination and register are continuous. both author and translator are named on the last title page. only the first work appears on umi microfilm. reproduction of the original in cambridge university library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an 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text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng harem -early works to 1800. turkey -court and courtiers -early works to 1800. china -court and courtiers -early works to 1800. 2007-11 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-01 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-02 emma (leeson) huber sampled and proofread 2008-02 emma (leeson) huber text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the history of the serrail , and of the covrt of the grand seigneur , emperour of the turkes . wherein is seene the image of the othoman greatnesse , a table of humane passions , and the examples of the inconstant prosperities of the court. translated out of french by edward grimeston serjant at armes . london , printed by william stansby . to the right worshipfvll his worthy kinsman , s. harbottell grimeston knight and baronet . sir , it is the vsuall manner of men , whom god hath blest with the goods of fortune , when death summons them to leaue the world , with all their wealth , they are then ●ous and carefull how to dispose of that which they cannot carrie with them . then they call for cou● to aduise them in the drawing of their last wills and testaments , bequeathing large 〈◊〉 or to their children , kinsfolke and best respected friends , to remayne as a future testimonie of their bounties : but if fareth not so with mee ; i must say with poore bias , o●nid 〈◊〉 m●cum p●rto i am now creeping into my graue , and am freed from that care , how to dispose of my worldly estate . but i feare that my disabilitie will leaue some staine of ingratitude vpon mee , when i dead ; that i haue left no testimonie of my thankfulnesse to so worthy a friend as your selfe , from whom i haue receiued so many fauours . to make any reall satisfaction , i cannot , neither doe you need it . yet to free my selfe ( in some sort ) of this imputation of ingratitude , i haue be 〈◊〉 you● 〈◊〉 legacie , the last of ●y ●aid ●s . i hope you will giue it acceptance and countenance it for your owne , who●e you may at your best leisure ( without any labour , trauell , or expences ) enter into the great turk's s●raglio or court , and there ta● suruay of the life , lusts , reuenewes , power , gou● , and tyranny of that great ottoman . i bequeath it you as a testimonie of my thankfulnes when i am gone . if you make it your recreation after more serious affaires , i hope you will receiue some content , to reade the state of the proudest and most powerfull monarch of the world. if it please you , i shall thinke my selfe very happy , hauing performed this last dutie . and will euer rest , your truly affected poore vnckle , edward grimeston . the generall history of the serrail , and of the court of the grand seignevr , emperour of the tvrkes . the first booke . the wisest among men aduise vs to goe vnto kings as vnto the fire , neither ●o neere nor too farre off : it burnes when wee approach indifferently , and doth not warme hi● that stands farre off : the glorious lustre of royall maiestie , cons● their re● presumption of those which approach too neere , and the bea● of their bounty doe neuer warme those sauage 〈◊〉 which rec●e in flying from them . the true examples which histories supply , haue confirmed the excellency of this counsell : yet a desire of the publique good hath enforced me to violate this respect , and my vowes to serue it carries 〈◊〉 into the danger there is in ga●ing too neere vpon kings . i approach vnto the proudest of all other princes , and the most seuere of men , yea so neere as id●e into his secrets , visit his person , discouer his most hidden affections , and relate his most particular loues . if i loose myselfe , yet i shall giue proofes of this veritie , that in the age wherein wee liue , whosoeuer imployes himselfe wholy for the publique , in the end ruines himselfe : but man is not borne only for himselfe , and the barbarous ingratitude of the times cannot serue for a pretext but vnto idlenesse . he that will labour , must passe ouer these obstacles ; for he is not worthy of life , which doth not imploy it well ; and to consume himselfe for the publique good , it to reuiue againe gloriously out of his ashes , like vnto a new phoenix . i haue conceiued , that hauing giuen you the history of the turkish empire , from its beginning vnto our times , it would not be vnprofitable to let you see what their manners are , their kind of liuing , their conuersation , and the order of their gouernement , which so powerfull and redoubted a conquerour doth obserue . to doest safely woe must enter into the serrail , where the secret of all these things is carefully shut vp . but for that in going thither we must crosse thorough the citie of constantinople , let vs speake something of the situation , antiquitie , and beautie , of this pompous citie , the fatall abode of the most powerfull emperours of the earth . chap. i. of the citie of constantinople . the grecians consulting with the oracle of apollo l'ytheus , what place they should choose to build a city in thrace , had for answere that they should lay the foundations right against the territory of blind men ; so terming the calcidonians , who comming first into that country , could not make choice of the fertility of a good soyle , and were seated vpon the other side of the sea vpon the borders of asia , in a place which was vnpleasing and vnfruitfull , in old time called the towne of calcedonia , but now the borough scutar● . pausanius captaine of the spartians had the charge to build it , and byze generall of the megarian floet , gaue it his name , and called it byzance : it hath carried it for many ages with the glory to be esteemed among the grecians , the most fertile of their townes , the port of europe , and the bridge to passe thither from asia ; vntill that great constantine leauing italy retired into the east , and carried with him the most powerfull lords which might trouple that estate : he built after the modell of rome , a stately citie vpon the antiquities of byzance where he erected the eternitie of his name , and called it constantinople , or new rome . the greatnesse of the wals , the safety of the forts , the beautie of the houses , the riches of columnes , which seemed to haue drawne into that place all the marble , i asper , and porphyry of the earth , were the rare wonders of the architecture , but aboue all these things appeared a magnificent temple , which the pietie of this prince had consecrated to the diuine wisdome , vnder the name of saincta sophia , whose building the riches seemed in some sort to enuie the glory of king salomon , in the like designe ; at the least according to the time , and the power of constantine . seuen rich lampes ministred occasion to curious spirits to obserue their rare art , they all receiued at one instant the substance which did nourish their flames , and one being extinct all the rest were quencht . this was in the yeare of grace , three hundred and thirty . since two tumultuous factions grew in the citie , who after they had cast the fire of an vnfortunate sedition into the spirits of men , brought the flames into this goodly temple and burnt it . for this cause instinian the emperour employed in the restoring thereof , a part of the treasures which he had greedily gathered together : he caused it to be re-edified with more state then it had beene , and in seuenteene yeares he imployed thirty foure millions of gold , which was the reuenew of egypt for that time : he laid a foundation of eight hundred thousand duckers of yearely rent , and caused this holy and reuerend place to be serued by nine hundred priests , men who had the merit of their beginning from learning and pietie . the citie being the queene of the world , within few yeares after , saw her restorer triumphing ouer the king of persia , and had the grace to keepe in her bosome , the precious treasure of christianity , a part of the crosse of the redeemer of the world , found by the carefull pietie of the emperours mother : her joy , pompe , and lustre , were growne to that height , as it seemed there could be nothing more added : it is by succession of time the seate of the greatest monarches of the earth : senerus and anthonin his sonne did enuy it , and rauished from its restorer , the glory to haue named it , calling it anthonia , by one of their names . but whatsoeuer hath a beginning in this world must haue an end : and the goodliest things paie tribute to change . in the yeere 1453. on tuesday the seuen and twentieth of may , it was after a long siege made a prey to the victorious turke : mahomet the second of that name , and the eleuenth emperour of the turks entred it by force , spoyled it , and sackt it ; the emperour constantine paliologo lost his life , with a great number of men of quality , and all the christian men were subiect to the sword , or to the rigour of bondage : the women were a sport to the lubricity of the turkes , and their goods subiect to their spoyle , in reuenge ( some say ) of the sacke and burning which the grecians made of troy , from whom they will haue the turkes to be descended : but rather for a punishment of the impiety of the grecians , who blaspheming against heauen , deny that the holy ghost proceeds from iesus christ the second person in the ineffable trinity . mahomet the second of that name , was the first that setled the othoman . throne there , they changed the name among them , and called it stamboll , that is to say , the great , the royall , and the abundant . her goodly places suffer the like inconstancie , and are called baestans , the stately hippodrome , is called the place of horses . atmaydan , and the wonderfull temple of sainta sophia , is become the chiefe mosquee of mahomets superstition . this citie is situated vpon a point of firme land aduanced into the channell which comes from pontus enxinus , or the blacke sea , which geographers call the bosphorus of thrace . it is watred of three parts by the sea : towards the north by a gulfe or arme of the sea , called the horne , which the bosphorus thrusts into europe , and make the hauen of constantinople the goodliest , the deepest , and the most commodious in europe : towards the east it is watred by the extremitie of the channell or bosphorus ; on the south by the waues of the propontique sea ; and vpon the south it hath the firme land of thrace . the forme is triangular , whereof the largest side is that towards the serrail , which lookes to the sea towards the seuen towers , and its vast circuit containes about fiue leagues : the wals are of an extraordinary height , with two false brayes towards the land , and inclose seuen hils within it . the first serues as a theatre to the imperiall palace of the prince , where it is commodiously and proudly feated : the last lookes vpon the extremity of the farthest parts of the towne opposite to this , and vpon the way which leads to andrinopolis by land. but betwixt the third and the fourth , where a valley doth extend it selfe called the great , is an aqucduct of rare structure , which constantine caused to be drawne seuen leagues from the city , and solyman the second aduanced it two leagues beyond , and increased the current of water in so great abundance , as they doe serue seuen hundred and forty fountaines for the publique , not reckoning those which are drawne into diuers parts to furnish the great number of bathes which serue for delights , and the turkes superstition . vpon the last of the seuen hils are yet to be seene the ancient buildings of a fort strengthened with seuen towres in the midst of the situation ; the turkes call it giedicula , that is to say , the fort of the seuen towres , in the which the wonders of art was so great in old time , as what was spoken in the one was heard in all the rest , not all at one instant , but successiuely and in order . two hundred and fifty souldiers are in guard , commanded by a captaine who hath the charge , who may not goe forth without the leaue of the grand vo●ir , except it be on two dayes in the yeare , when they celebrate their feasts of bayrans , or easter . the first turkish emperour which possest constantinople lodged their treasure in these towres : the one was full of ingots , and coyned gold ; two of them contained the siluer that was coyned and in ingots : another had diuers armes and ornaments for souldiers , and the caparisons for horses , enricht with gold , siluer and precious stones : the fift serued for ancient armes , medales , and other precious remaynders of antiquity : the sixt contained the engines for warre : and the seuenth , the rols and records of the empire ; accompanied with a goodly gallery , in the which were placed the rich spoyles which selym the first brought from tauris , when he triumphed ouer persia . all these treasures were carefully kept vntill the reigne of selym the second . but it is in estates as with priuate families . in these some gather together with much toyle that which their heires waste prodigally ; and some kings heape vp treasure which serue as a subiect of prodigality to their successors . for this prince base and effeminate , who it seemes , was not borne but for the ruine of his empire ( if christians could haue imbraced the occasions ) wasted in the expences of the nauall army , which the battaile of lepantho made subject to the christians , and before in the warre of cyprus , the best part of the immense treasure which his father had heaped vp in these towres : the rest serued for his lasciuious and disordered passions with his concubines . since amurath his sonne changed the place of the treasures of the empire , and from the towres transferred them into his serrail : so they draw vnto him that which he loues , and seeing that money doth possesse the hearts of men , it is reason they should haue a lodging in their palace . this alteration hath since appointed these places of the treasure , to be prisons for the great men of the port or court , whom the sultans will not put to death : for the fortresse being of a great extent , such captiues haue the more libertie . they shut vp in the towres of the blacke sea , which is a castle vpon europe side ioyning to the sea , christian prisoners of qualitie , where in the yeare 1617. duke koreski a prince of moldania was lodged . constantinople hath within the inclosure of the wals aboue two thousand mosquees , or turkish temples built by their emperors : for we will make no further relation of the rarities of that imperiall city , but such as are at this day . wee may read the wonders of that ancient city in other authours ; and particularly in the bookes which p. gillius hath written . the chiefe of all these mosquees is that which hath been erected in the ancient temple of sancta sophia , called by the turkes ayasophia ; it hath sixe goodly and sumptuous forefronts , the walls are of bricke , couered in old time both within and without with white marble , porphyry , and other rich stones ; they are now of lead . the open porches about it haue six doores which augment the beauty ; foure doores of the church open at the entry ; the height of the vault couered with lead , shewes the magnificence of the worke : sixteene great pillars support it , foure are iasper of the i le of cyprus , foure are of white marble , foure of porphyry , and foure of another stone as rich : forty eight other pillars of lesse bignesse , but of the same matter serues to support this great fabrique , and a lesser and lower vault is supported by foure and twenty columnes of the same marble and porphyry . the rare statues and rich images wherewith constantine had adorned it , are no more to be seene : mahomet the second had vowed them to the sack of the city when he tooke it : only an image of the virgin who bare the sonne of god , remaynes whole and vntoucht in the midst of the vault , not without a particular prouidence of heauen : yet the turkes draw a vaile crosse to prohibit the sight ; but this doth not hinder the christians by creeping vp by ladders to satisfie their deuotion , when as at lawfull houres they may enter into the mosquee : now the turkes haue white-cast the vault in diuers parts , to write the name of god in the arabique tongue . the breadth and length of this church may be well comprehended by the height , the which is limited by the shot of a harquebusse : vnder it is a vault full of altars and sepulchres , in respect whereof the turkes haue caused the doores to be walled vp . in a place neere vnto it are found ten great piles full of oyle since the time of constantine , which haue continued vnto this day free ( by reason of the low vault ) from the fire which consumed the first beauties of this temple , the long continuance at yeares hath made this oyle white like milke : it now serues for physique which the apothecaries vse for the grand seigneur . by these vaulted places they descended into two hollow caues which goe vnder the streets of the city , the one leads to the grand serraill , and the other goes farre vnder constantinople , vnprofitable at this day , except the one which hath receiued light by some breaches which time hath made , serues only to winde silke , and brings vnto the coffers of the shasna , or exchequer , three or foure hundred zequins of yearely rent . but the goodly and ancient buildings which did adorne this admirable temple , haue beene ruined by the turkish emperours , except those which serue for a dwelling to some congregations of the priests of the alcoran . besides this great and admirable mosquee , there are foure others of note , the durable markes of the magnificence of the turkish emperours . the first was built by mahomet the second , after that hee had triumphed ouer constantinople : he caused it to be erected after the modell of sancta sophia , but much lesse ; he enricht it with threescore thousand duckets of reuenue ; hee caused two hundred faire chambers to be built about it couered with lead , as well to lodge the priests which did serue , as to receiue all strange pilgrimes of what nation or religion soeuer they were , where they are entertained for three dayes : without the cloyster are also built fiftie other chambers for poore men . the second mosque was made by baiazet the second soone to the said mahomet . the third by selym the first sonne to this man : and the fourth by solyman second sonne to selym. these three last princes are euery one buried within the walls of this mosquee in stately tombes , vpon the which there are continually a great number of lampes burning , and turkish priests mumbling of the alcoran , who pray after their manner for the soules of these monarches . the most stately of these foure mosquees is that of solyman the second , it exceeds in marble and other rich stones the pompe of sancta sophia , but it yeelds to the wonders of the architecture , whereunto few could yet attaine . selym the second built his mosquee in the city of andrinopolis : achmat the last employed excessiue summes of money in the fabrique of that which he built of late yeares in constantinople : the magnificency of the structure exceeds those which we haue mentioned , the turks call it the new mosquee , and their priests the incredulous : for that achmat caused it to be built against the aduice which they gaue him , that such a worke would not profit his soules health , seeing that hee had made no conquests to enlarge the empire of their predecessors . for the law of the state conformable to that religion , forbids turkish princes to build any temples , if they haue not extended the limits of their empire in the territories of christians , where they may cause their alcoran to be preached : for such workes of piety cannot be vsefull to the health of their soules ( the mufties say ) who are opposite to such designes , if their emperours would vndertake it . the grecians which are christians , haue within constantinople forty churches for their diuine seruice ; the armenians haue foure , and the latines ( lesse fauoured than these ) haue but two : it is true that most of them are lodged at galats , now called pera , which is on the other side of the channell , where they haue nine churches for their deuotions and holy mysteries . the iewes haue the credit to be within the city in nine seuerall quarters , and haue eight and thirty synagogues . they haue gotten more libertie and power then they haue in christendome , for that they obserue the formers of the grand siguior , and moreouer they haue the managing of the domestique affaires of great men and officers of the port , where they are the common giuers of aduice . the walls of this imperiall city are yet firme and entire . they are double vpon the firme land , except it be towards the gate of ayachapeza , that is to say , the holy gate , by reason of the great number of religious bodies which were in a church neere vnto that gate . mahomet the second entred thereby to defile the holinesse of the place : there are nineteene gates aswell vpon the firme land as towards the sea , which serue for an entrance into this city . many great places are extended for the commodity of the publike , some haue preserued the ancient pyramides , and the workes of brasse erected by christian emperours , amongst others that which they call petrome , where there are to be seeene whole obelisques ; and three great serpents of marble creeping vpward wreathed one within the other : one of the which hath a breach in the throat , for mahomet the second entring into the city , had a conceit that they were the worke of some enchanting sorcerer , and spurring on his horse to be satisfied , hee made this breach with his launce . there is euery day a publique market in some one of these places . one friday it is in three , and the most famous are of wednesday , thrusday , and friday , they call them schibazars , that is to say , markets of things necessary for vse . about these places are erected aboue two thousand shops for breakers , who sell any thing wherewith to furnish the necessity of those which desire to repaire their want : the sole of this old trash is not so little but it yeilds yearely vnto the princes coffers six charges of mony , which is in value eleuen thousand sequins , or foure thousand , foure hundred pounds sterling for the turkish exaction makes profit of euery thing . the shops for merchants exceed the number of forty eight thousand , they are diuided according to the diuersity of trades or merchandizes into diuers places ; but euery trade thath his quarter , and in diuers parts for the commoditie of the publique . only goldsmiths , iewellers , and merchants of cloth of gold are in one place called bayst●● , that into say market , the others ●●zars : this 〈◊〉 place is in 〈◊〉 with wa● fiue foot thicke ; there are foure double gates our before the other , like vnto a little towne , vaulted round aboue . this rich 〈◊〉 place 〈◊〉 foure and twenty pillars which suppo●● the 〈◊〉 , vnder the which there are many little shops like vnto bo●● in the wall , or in the pillars , euery one is fine foote broad , and foure long ▪ there they shew sorth their rich merchandizes vpon little tables which are before them . without doubt the gaine must be exceeding great , and the sale ordinary , seeing they paid vnto the prince yearly fiue hundred sequins , or two hundred pounds sterling , to haue leaue to sell there . these are only iewellers and merchants of cloth of gold : the goldsmithes are without about the wals of this place , and euery one payes yearely a hundred sequins , or forty pounds sterling to the same end . besides the bayston , there is another lesse inuironed with a wall , and supported by sixteene small pillars ; in the inclosure whereof they sell linnen cloth and silkes , but without it is the detestable market where they sell men and women ; on the one side they buy slaues which are already instructed to serue , or to practise some trade , and on the other those which know not any thing . these places represent better then the former , the fearefull image of the turkish tyranny : it binds them to slauery which the god of the world hath crated free : the merchants visit such merchandizes , and such as haue an intent to buy , doe first see the persons of either sexe naked : they handle the parts of their bodies , to obserue if they be sound , and they vncouer that which nature herselfe hath laboured to hide . the women if they be faire are bought at a deare rate to serue the 〈◊〉 passions of some ●ous and fearefull moo●e : they to whom nature hath denied such graces , are taken to empty the close-stooles of great turkish ladies , and to wash with water the parts of their body , which serue to discharge their bellies , as often as they haue 〈◊〉 . we will relate the rest of the miseries of this seruitude in another place , diuiding them of purpose to make them the more supportable . for in truth they are in this worke the most tedious subject of this history . who could without sighing see an infinite number of christians laden with the fetters of a violent slauery by the barbarisme of the turks ? and in a place neare vnto this the infidels keepe another market where they only sell nurses : and from this vniust traffique the princes vndertakers draw sixteene thousand sequins for the toll , of sixe thousand foure hundred pounds sterling . many other places of this starely citie yeild vnto the treasury the reuenues of many good summes of money . the tauernes which sell wine publiquely to christians , and to iewes ; but in secret to turkes ( being aboue fifteene hundred in number ) pay thirtie sixe charges of monie , and euerie charge is valued at sixteene hundred thirtie three sequins . the sea shoare towards pera , payes for the toll of fish which it sold there , eighteene hundred charges of siluer yearely . the market whereas corne , meal● and pulse is sold , yeelds yearely foureteene charges of monie . that where the merchandizes which comes from caira is ●ted , is worth yearely to the chasua or the imperiall treasure , twentie foure charges of siluer . the great custome which is leuied from the castle of gallipoli vnto that of the blacke sea , vpon spices and other merchandizes which comes by shipping is worth a hundred and fourescore charges of siluer . the great shambles of 〈◊〉 and muttons ; which are without the citie , and furnish it with necessarie meate , yeeld two and thirtie charges of monie : they are called chaanara , two hundred capsapl●rs , or butchers , serue them : a superiour called capsa●assa commands them , who had a charge they shall furnish f● 〈…〉 kill an oxe or a sheepe without his permission , 〈◊〉 it be for the sacrifices of the turkes . the 〈…〉 from him to furnish their 〈…〉 should through co●etousnesse raise the price of 〈◊〉 aboue the ordinarie taxe which is set downe , and that his corruption shall come to the knowledge of the gr● seign●ur ; there is nothing could free him from the rigour of cruell death : hee is to●●● in ●ces , and cut into foure q● , which they send vnto the shambles to be an example to other : so as f●●re keeping him in awe , 〈…〉 before this 〈…〉 which 〈…〉 september and october , vpon the 〈…〉 which 〈◊〉 from 〈…〉 great to be easily 〈…〉 people only and not the 〈…〉 , you shall 〈…〉 of five and twentie thousand oxen , and 〈◊〉 thousand 〈…〉 also 〈…〉 by the side of horses , ships , vessels , and 〈…〉 hundred of all sorts of merchandizes by sea , amounts to great and inestimable summes . the taxe of those which imbarque themselues to trauaile , which is an aspre for euery head if they be turkes , and two if they be christians or iewes , is of no small importance . the tribute called is turkie charay , which is leuied vpon the iewes in constantinople , after the rate of a sequin for euerie male childe , is worth eleuen millions , three hundred sequins yearely , although there be many of that nation which are free from this tribute . they doe also giue a present of three thousand sequins euerie yeare , for the confirmation of their priuiledges , and to haue a rabbin to command their synagogues , and twelue hundred sequins to haue leaue to burie their dead . the christians , grecians , within three miles or a league of constantinople , pay for euery male a sequin ; which amounts to the summe of aboue thirtie eight thousand sequins : they doe also giue fiue and twentie thousand yearely for their priuiledge to haue a patriarch , and to preserue the number of their churches . the priuiledge of their burials cost them aboue three thousand sequins . the imposition called of virgins , helpes to fill the grand seigneurs cofers , or his tr● 〈…〉 vpon maids which marrie ( whereof they keepe a register ) if they be turks , they giue two third parts of a sequin , the iewes pay a whole one , and the christians a sequin and a halfe . the christians , latines are for the most part freed from the violence and oppression of these vniust taxes , for they get their dependance from some kings embassadour , or from an inferiour prince . the albanois , they of raguse , and the geneuois , pay not any thing . for the payment of so many tributes wherewith the people is opprest by the tyrant of the easterne regions , it is necessarie there should be many sorts of coine mi●●● . in constantinople the great imperiall mint workes continually in gold and siluer , but no man can bee admitted be a farmer to these precious 〈◊〉 if hee be not a grecian borne , by a speciall priuiledge of the grand seig●eur , who hath conferred this grace vpon the gretian , in consideration that the mines of gold and siluer , are within the 〈◊〉 of greece , wherefoure hundred men labour daily . and the master of this rich mine , is to furnish into the serraile , the first day of euery moneth in the yeare , ten thousand sequins of gold , and twentie thousand of siluer 〈◊〉 coined , the grand seigneur hauing so appointed , that the monie which is employed in the serrail shall bee new . the said farmer hath power to make proclamation , that whosoeuer hath any forraigne coine , hee should bring it in within three dayes and receiue the iust price , vpon paine of confiscation . he hath likewise power to take the ingots from the mines , so many as shall bee needfull for his worke . the mines which furnish most of the gold and siluer , which is mi●●ed in the turkish empire in europe , are fiue in number . the one is digged in macedonia vnder the roots of a hill called m● 〈◊〉 , and this ye●lds gold : the other which is of the same substance is opened in bulgaria , vpon the confines of macedonia ▪ the three of siluer are in greece , rich and very plentiful . out of all which they draw that which nature had wisely hidden , to be conuersant among men : the which doth breed 〈…〉 ▪ dissolues friendship , corrupts 〈…〉 chastitie , troubles estates , obscures m● wits , rauishes li●e , vnthrones reason from her seate , and robe● of himselfe ▪ but to returne to this great citie of constantinople , the magnificences of the princes which possesse it at this day , and the riches of some 〈◊〉 , or great men of the court , haue caused aboue three hundred c●vana serrails to bee built : these are great and vast places to lodge strangers . the number of this hospitals for the poore and 〈…〉 to the number of fourescore : 〈…〉 , the turkish emperours which haue built these pound m●squees , haue added them vnto their r●bric●s , where they are eternall markes of their pl● ▪ moreouer , there are 〈◊〉 colledges for the instruction of young 〈◊〉 ▪ and the 〈◊〉 of the scho●lers , which they call in their 〈…〉 , that is to say wise students , although they be nothing lesse . 〈◊〉 of them hath a chamber for his lodging , a carpet for his table , foure loaues by the day , a proportion of pottage and a candle : they giue them two suites of clothes yearely and they are paid out of reuenewes of the colledge , by the masters and pr●ceptors which teach them , who are called soscha●i ; that is for the first yeare when they enter into the colledge : for to the second they adde to their entertainment an aspre by the day , which is a fift part more then a pennie ; afterwards they giue two , three , or foure aspres by the day , according to the number of yeares they haue continued . with this poore pi●●ance these turks can keep no great ordinarie , vnlesse they receiue it from other places : but the gaine they make in writing of bookes , ( for the turkes vse no printing ) is not little but doth furnish their necessitie abundantly , yea , their riots : they goe also to houses to teach the children of men of qualitie . but there is not in all turkie more dissolute youthes then these turkie schollers : there is no kind of villanie but they commit with all impunitie . the priuiledges wherewith the turkish emperours haue honoured them , or rather the abuse of them hath drawne them into all sorts of impudencie : no man can apprehend them for any crime , vnlesse their generall be present , to whom only this power is giuen . it is true that the princes presence in constantin●ple doth restrain the insolencie of their riots : but the townes of carama● and na●ol● are wonderfully pesteted . amurath the third desirous ( by reason of some troubles which happened ) to know the number of such gallants ; they were found to bee aboue nine thousand , aswell in greece as natolia , not reckoning those which studied in suria , caire , arabia and else-where . another great place inuironed with wall , and shut vp with good gates , doth likewise beautifie the citie of constantinople , the turkes call it seracy●●a , that is to say , the sellerie , or the place where they make saddles , and rich caparisons for horses of seruice and pompe . it is an vnspeakable pleasure for those that loue horsemanship , to see foure thousand workmen in this place , labouring in their shops , artificially vpon diuers capari●ons for horses . some 〈◊〉 great round pearles vpon the saddle of an arabian horse out of the grand vizirs stable : others fasten a bitt of gold to reines of rich red leather of russia ; some doe fit stirrop leathers to stirrops of gold , enricht with a great number of turkishes of the olde rocke : others fasten vpon a large crouper a great number of precious stones : in another place you shall see a rich saddle cast forth a thousand flames , the number of the diamonds wherewith it is enricht make it inestimable : the bitt and stirropes of gold couered with diamonds , the tassels of pearles which are at the reines , and at the trappers of the crouper , and the other beauties of this royall harnesse , rauish the eyes of such as looke of it with admiration of their wonders , and some silently perswade themselues that fortune adorned with these precious things which depend on her , meanes to goe in triumph through constantinople , to let the turkes see that she dwels amongst them . in the midst of this place there is a mosquee built for the deuotion of these workmen , and a goodly fountaine in the same place which powres forth abundance of fresh water for their vse . two other great places likewise walled about , serue for the lodgings of the ianizaries , which are the best footmen of the turkish armies : the one of these places is called eschiodolar , that is to say the old habitations . it is of a square forme , and diuided into many small lodgings , in the which the corporals remaine , called ayabass● , which signifies the chiefe of glorie : there are about a hundred and fiftie of this qualitie , and either of them commands two hundred ianizaries , who dare not goe out of the place without leaue : the gates are shut by night , and the keyes are kept by the captaine . the arsenall is one of the goodliest and rarest things in constantinople , it is vpon the sea shoare , and containes a hundred and fourescore arches , vnder either of which enters a great galley , yea , three may be safely lodged . the officers which serue in this arsenall , and receiue pay , are commonly fortie six thousand men : but its greatest force is the good order that is obserued by the which there are certaine merchants which haue contracted to entertaine fourescore gallies alwayes furnished with all things necessary , and readie to put to sea : the munition of powder is kept in diuers towres in the walls of the citie which looke towards pera : they bring it from grand caire , where the sultans cause it to be made . the garners in the which they keepe their prouision of corne and other graine are built in a corner of the citie towards pera , the walls are very strong and the gates of iron : there is sufficient to serue for many yeares , but euery third yeare they renew it : in the time of amurath the third , there was found a great quantitie of millet , the which had beene preserued sweet and vncorrupted for the space of foure score yeares . but this great imperiall citie cannot bee happily gouerned without the execution of iustice , which is the soule of the world , and the order of reason ; a soueraigne iudge is the chiefe , the turkes call him stambolcadisi , that is to say , the iudge of constantinople . he takes notice indifferently both of ciuill and criminall causes , and no man is put to death in that place , if hee hath not condemned him . there are foure lieutenants generall , distinguished into the foure principall quarters of the citie , and execute vnder him the same iustice , but from their sentences they appeale vnto the iudge . besides these there is a great captaine of iustice called sonbasi , who doth execute the greatest function of his charge in prisons , to heare the causes , and to make report vnto the grand vizir : there are also foure lieutenants vnder him , separated into the quarters of the citie , by the order of the policies ther 〈◊〉 and a great number of inferiour officers , as sergeants , a●●ther base persons which serue him . the prisons of constantinople are diuided into two , either of them is beautified ( if there be any beautifull prisons ) with a great medow in the midst and a pleasing fountaine : it hath two stories , in that below are lodged criminall offenders , in that aboue are such as are committed for ciuill causes . heere the iewes are separated from the turkes , and the turkes from the christians , but in the lowest they are altogether , as persons whom their offences haue made common . the almes deeds & good workes which are exercised there by the turkes , surpasse in few dayes those which are done in our countries in many yeeres : the turkish charitie towardes his neighbour surmounts ours , and it seemes , that for such good deeds , hea●en suffers them in the empire of the world ; for his equitie doth recompence the good , in any subiect whatsoeuer , aswell as it doth punish the euill . the turkish emperours themselues shew great compassion , they many times deliuer a great number of ciuill prisoners , paying their debts for them . the other particularities which concerne the turkes iustice , shall bee handled in another tract . in the meane time seeing wee are come neere vnto the imperiall pallace , which is the serrail , let vs striue to enter , although the gates bee carefully garded , and let vs see the rare beauties of this famous place . chap. ii. of the grand seigneurs serrail . three serrails doe augment the glorie of constantinople , the one is called eschy saray , that is to say , the old serrail , which was the first royall house built within the citie , after that the turkes became masters : it is scituated almost in the midst of it ; the forme is square , and the circle containes an italian mile and a halfe , or halfe a french league , such as are in languedoc , or prouence . the women which haue serued the deceased emperours , their sisters if they bee not married , & their childrens nurses , haue it for their l●ing from whence they may not depart vnlesse they ma● a dame whose age and discretion hath purchased merit , hath the care and conduct of the rest as superiour ; they call her cheira cad●n , that is to say , great dame. the grand seigneur in his most solitarie humours retires himselfe sometimes into this place to seeke the consolation which he cannot find elsewhere ▪ the other serrail is of a lesse extent , it is scituated at the hippodrome , and serues at this day for the solemnizing of playes , pompes , and sports for the turkish princes : and for an academie to foure hundred of the grand seigneurs pages , which are there instructed in the turkish tongue , to manage armes , and other exercises fit for them , and they goe not forth vntill they be made espayn , that is to say , men at armes : they are bred vp and taught at their masters charge : this place is called ebrayn bassa saray , that is to say , the serrail of h● bassa , who was sonne in law to sultan solyman the second , and his fauourite for a time . hee caused it to bee built at his owne charge . the third is called boyu●h saray , that is , the great serrail , now the ordinary abode of the turkish emperours : it is of this which we meane to speake . this great serrail the mansion of turkish emperours and of their family , is pleasantly scituated in the same place , where as byzance was in old time , built vpon a pleasant point of firme land which lookes towards the mouth of the blacke sea : its forme is triangular , two sides thereof are warred by the waues of the egaean sea : the third is supported by the citie , it is ●nuironed with high walls , and fortified with many towres which doth better the defence . it hath three miles in circuse , many gates serue for the entrie ; aswell towardes the sea as land : one principall neere to sancta sophia , is vsually open , the others are not ; but when it pleaseth the grand seignour . this gate is guarded day and night by companies of capigis who are porters ; which relieue one another , and in the night some i am i●●ies which are without the gate in little cabins of wood mounted vpon wheeles are in sentinell , and when need requires aduertise the corps de gard of capigis . in the towres which are vpon the serrail , certaine a●amoglaus , that is to say , children without experience , or rusticks , of those of the tribute ▪ to see if any one doth approach by land , or any vessels by sea neere to this imperiall house : and in that case they discharge certaine peeces of artillerie , which are ready charged to that effect , vpon a little platforme of fiue ●athomebroad , which is betwixt the wall of the serrail and the sea. the chambers and royall hals of the sultans lodging are disposed according to the diuers seasons of the yeare : those whither hee retires in winter are built vpon plaine and eeuen ground : the others where hee seekes after the coole and fresh aire during the importune heats of the summer , are scituated vpon diuers naturall hils : some of them view the agitations of the sea ; and these are termed ch●schi , that is to say , cages , and places of goodly prospect . the sultan goes sometimes to these places to take his pleasure alone in this goodly view , and sometimes he cals his wo●nto mingle with this recreation the soft deliges of their lasciuious conuersation . neere vnto this goodly place , is that where the turkish emperour giues audience to embassadours ; receiues or dismisses those whom hee sends to gouernment of remoted prouinces . it is scituated in the plaine of a court vpon a little island , enameled with many goodly flowres , and watred by some pleasing fountaines , richly imbelished according to their custome . within it , is s●●●s a sophia , that is to say ; a throne , couered with somerich cloth of gold , where is also to bee seene one of crimson veluet , embroydered with great round pearles : this throne is called the throne without , to distinguish it from that within the grand seigneurs chamber ; and in this , os●●● the second , did sit , when hee could not●y the other which was within , where his vncle m●stap●● was shut vp in the yeare 1617. there the turkish emperours are set in such actions . the walls of his chamber are lined with certaine white stones which are cast and burnt , and painted in diuers colours , which yeeld a pleasant sight . the chamber which is ioyning to it hath the walles couered with plates of siluer , pourfiled with gold , and the plancher is couered with rich topestrie , after the persian manner with gold and silke . the q●●●ter whereas the women and virgins are lodged , which are des●●●ted for the emperours pleasure , is like vnto a great monasterie of religious wom●● ▪ but they doe not obserue the vow of chasti●ie : there are 〈◊〉 , or ●●●ping places , refectuaries , ●●ths , galleries , pleasing g● , and goodly fountaines , in so great a number , as they abound in all the allies , and of all sides powre 〈◊〉 the s●t noyse of their charming murmurs . the other lodgings for the d●●●stiques of the serrail , haue with the beautie of their structures , the commodities of their scituation . two great places are ioyned to these buildings , whereof the one serues for the chasna without ( for they haue another within more retired from the houshold ) the mosquees , bathes , schooles , kitchins , places to run horses , to wrastle , shoote , and to represent any action , augment the wonders of this imperiall pallace whereof we haue spoken in generall : now let vs descend to the particular description of the places thereof , at the least to those which wee could yet see ; for no man that liues abroad may enter into the serrail vnlesse the emperour bee absent ; and yet hee must bee highly fauoured by some person of credit and authoritie in that place : for the turkes would imagine they should offend the maiestie of their prince , to giue entrance into his quarter of the serrail , to any one be he stranger or other . the first wall of the serrail is neere vnto the first mosquee of sancta sophia , with the great and chiefe gate of that stately pallace , adorned with a great portall painted with letters of gold , in branches and compartiments after the manner of iaua ; fiftie capigi● with their armes ( which are harquebusses , bowes , arrowes , and semiters ) keepe the guard : by it they enter into a great place or court about threescore paces long , and a hundred paces broad , in the which vpon the right hand is the place for the sicke persons of the serrail , kept by an eunuch , who hath vnder him a great number of men employed in the seruice of sicke persons ; on the otherside on the left hand there are seene a great number of waggons , with a great quantitie of wood for the vse of the house : aboue it , is built a long gallerie , in the which they keepe ancient armes , as mortions , g●untlets , coats of maile , pikes , and harquebusses ; wherewith they arme the officers of the arsenall , and some other troupes to goe out of constantinople in pompe , when as the sultan or some other powerfull bashaw makes his entre . into this court the bashawes and great men of the port may entrie on horsebacke ; but they must leaue their horses and got on foot into another great court , which hath neere three hundred foot in square , made in fashion of a cloyster , with a low gallerie round about it , supported by pillars of marble ; it is more richly adorned then the other ; the gate is likewise guarded by capigis , armed as the first . they passe on to a third gate into a lesser court , but more delicious ; many goodly fountaines powring forth abundance of water , and some alleyes drawne by a line , and shadowed with a great number of cyprus trees planted vpon the sides which beautifie the place : and there are many squares of medow diapred with diuers sorts of flowres which augment the pleasures of the sight : no man passeth thorough this court on horsebacke , but the turkish emperour , who descends at the third gate : on either side are many goodly portals supported by rich pillars of marble : without these portals are ranged in battaile the companies of ianizaries , well apparelled and better armed , when as they are commanded to shew themselues at the entrie of the serrail , when as some strange embassadour goes to kisse his robe . in this court are the kitchins of the serrail , the which are nine in number , separated in their buildings one from another , with their dependances , and serued by particular officers : the first is that of the emperour ; the second , that of the sultana , which is most esteemed for her graces or for her fruitfulnesse : the third , that of the other sultana's : the fourth , that of the capiaga , who is great master of the serrail : the fift , that of the diuan , which is the councell , whereas the prince doth administer iustice by the mouth of his officers , of the which we will speake hereafter : the sixt , that of the aga●●ris , which are the sultans familiars , many are eunuches , the rest are vntoucht : the seuenth , is that of the lesser officers of the serrail : the eighth , is for the women which serue the sultanas : the ninth , is for the officers which attend the diuan , as guards , porters , vshers , and such like . on the left hand in the same place , are the sultans stables , to containe only fiue and twentie or thirtie goodly horses , which are appointed for his exercises with his greatest familiars in the serrail : aboue these stables are many chambers , in the which they keepe the saddles , bridles , and other furniture for these horses of pleasure : but all so rich and so glistering with pearle and stone , as the price is inestimable : there are some which the very reines and crouper , exceed the value of a hundred thousand pounds sterling : what must the saddle and the rest of the furniture amount vnto ? along the bankes of that channell which doth water the walls of the serrail , there are built seuenteene great stables , whereas the grand seigneur hath a great number of horses of rare esteeme , whereon he mounts when hee goes to the warre ; or when to dazle the eyes of some forreine embassadour , with the lustre of his greatnesse , hee makes a solemne and stately entrie into constantinople . a little beyond in the same court is the quarter for the publique diuan , where as the grand vizir lieutenant generall of the turkish empire with a good number of officers keepes the audiences foure dayes in the weeke : neere vnto it is the chamber of the chasna , or treasure without , where they lay vp the rents and reuenewes of diuers prouinces , wherewith they pay the officers : they likewise furnish the chamber of accompts , the rest is carried into the chasna , or secret treasure within , whereof the grand seigneur keeps the keyes : the first is vsually sealed by the grand vizir . in the same court on the left hand is the great gate which enters into the sultana's lodging ; it is carefully kept by a troupe of blacke and hideous eunuches , to whom the sultan hath intrusted the guard. and as hee hath lodged therein ( by the number of goodly women which are brought vnto him from all parts ) the liuely images of loue and the graces ; so he hath set at the gates those of hatred and terrour : he himselfe goes vnto them by another passage neere vnto his chamber . the last part of this goodly court makes the entrie to the emperours lodgings , the which is forbidden to any whatsoeuer , except the slaues that serue him : if any great basha pressed with some important businesse desires to enter , hee must first haue leaue from the princes mouth . the entrie of this gate leads towards the hall , whereas the sultan sits , when hee will giue audience , and suffer any forreine princes embassadour to kisse his robe . at their entrance they discouer the new beauties of this place more particularly : a goodly court paued with fine marble in mosaike worke , serues for a passage for those which are entred , and the goodly fountaines which beautifie it , will not suffer them to goe farre , without fixing their eyes vpon their pleasing structure : the pauillions and stately chambers which are within it , seeme to haue beene built and embellished by the hands of delight and pleasure : for in them the grand seigneur eats most commonly , and takes his recreations . the bathes , hals , and galleries of this place , surpasse in their magnificence the force of imagination : wee may only say of them , that they are the buildings of the most powerfull and rich monarchs of the earth . in another part of the serrail , vpon a little pleasing hill is built a lodging for summer , whither the sultan retires himselfe during the canicular dayes , to enioy the fresh aire which is found there , and the pleasures of his gardens , vpon the which he hath one prospect , and the other lookes towards the sea : the place is exceeding beautifull , but amidst this great diuersitie there is a hall which opens towards the east , supported by rich pillars of marble like vnto the ordinarie mansion of pleasure : it is enricht with the goodliest workes the tenant can affoord , and furnished after a royall manner : the windowes haue their prospect vpon a little lake of a square forme , made with admirable art : thirtie fountaines diuided vpon a platforme of fine marble which doth enuiron it , furnish water to fill it , and pleasingly trouble the silence of the place by their continuall murmurre . the sultan goes often vpon this lake in a brigantine , being followed by some ieasters , and mutes , who minister occasion of delight , some by their pleasant encounters , the other by their ridiculous faces and gestures , and sometimes tumbling them into the water they giue him occasion of laughter : hee himselfe is pleased to lay ambushe , for them , to make them fall by the platforme into the lake . from this hall they passe into the grand seigneurs chamber , it is proportionable in greatnesse to those of the royall pallace : the wals are after their accustomed manner couered with fine stone , in which are grauen many flowres : the portals are of cloth of gold , some are of crimson veluet embroidered with gold and rich pearle . the bed is not inferiour in riches , the posts are of massie siluer , vpon which are set lions of chrystall of the rocke : the curtaines are of greene cloth of gold , the richest that are made at bursia in asia , without any fringes , but in their place there hangs certaine bels made of great orientall pearle : the worke is excellent and the price inestimable . the couering hanging to the ground , is also of rich cloth of gold , the cushions and pillowes are of the same stuffe . this bed is rather a piece of the turkish pompe then for any necessarie vse : for the turkes doe not vse these kind of beds , but sleepe on the ground vpon mattresse : whereof we will speake in the sixt chapter . the floore of this royall chamber is couered with persian carpets of gold and silke : the sopha , that is to say , the places where the sultan sits , are about a foot and a halfe from the ground , and couered with the like tapestrie , vpon the which are cushions of cloth of gold. ouer this seate is a cloth of estate of wood couered with plates of gold , enricht with stones , and supported by foure pillars adorned in the same manner . in the midst of the floore of this chamber hangs a rich candlesticke of a meane greatnesse , and of a round forme , the midst whereof is of exexcellent chrystall ; the other parts are of siluer gilt , set with turkeyes , rubies , emeralds , and diamonds , whose diuersitie giue a pleasing lustre : in a corner of the said chamber , vpon a table of massie siluer , is a little bason to wash his hands , it is of pure gold enricht with many turkesses and rubies , with ewre of the same . against the walls are set two cupboards , whose doores are of chrystall , which through their transparent light , shew about two doozen of bookes richly couered , in the which the sultan sometimes spends his time , and passeth away his cares in reading . sometimes one of their histories , and sometimes the true examples which are mentioned in the old testament . aboue these cupboards there is one lesse , into the which the treasurer of the serrail doth euery wednesday , put three purses filled : whereof the one is with gold , and the other two are of siluer , which the sultan employes in his almesdeeds , and the gratifications which hee giues to the slaues that serue him , and which are his ordinarie companie doubtlesse this kinde of people doe much imbase the glory of so powerfull a monarch , and the shame to haue none about him but base persons , causeth him to be disesteemed . soueraigne princes should admit none but the ablest men of their estates about their persons . for as god hath in heauen the ministerie of the angels , and other intellectuall creatures : so kings , who are his liuely images , should haue about them men whose vertue and rare qualities of the mind haue raised aboue others . what entertainment can a great prince find , in such abiect persons and so ill bred ; and what seruice can hee receiue from a man drawne from the stable , and from the profession of a horse-keeper , or a coachman , from a huntsman , and the bawling of hounds ? what contentment from a brutish faulkoner , whilest that men of merit are in contempt ? this disorder is sometimes seene in the world , yea , in the courts of great princes to their shame , and to the great preiudice of the publique . neere vnto this chamber is a goodly librarie , where are many bookes , rich for their stately couerings , and precious for their workes , the immortall markes of the glorie of their authours : this is called the secret library ; it is the most renowned of all the serrail . there is another towards their quarter which serue the chamber , and the grand seigneurs pages , filled with a great number of bookes in all languages , among the which there are to bee seene at this day sixe score volumes of the ancient librarie of great constantine of an extraordinary bignesse : they are aboue a fathome broad and two in length : their leaues are of such thinne parchment , as they seeme rather to be of silke then skinnes ; most part written in letters of gold , especially those which containe the old and new testament ; their couerings are of siluer gilt after the antique manner , set with a great number of precious stones . the price ( without doubt ) hath preserued them from spoile and ruine , where as the rest haue perished by the barbarousnesse of the turkes , who sackt constantinople in the time of mahomet the second : the sultan holds them so precious as he will not allow any one to handle them . the number of gardens in the serrail are not fewer in number , then are delightfull to looke on : the prince hath his the sultana's theirs , and without this imperiall house , there are eighteene planted towardes the sea , whereof the fruites and reuenewes are by the law of state employed for the entertainment of the princes table ; whereof we will speake elsewhere . he which hath the chiefe charge is called bostangibassi , that is to say , great gardiner , and is one of the most eminent dignities of the empire , he is many times much affected by his master , and feared by the other bashaes , to whom hee may doe good and bad offices with the prince , when hee gouernes him alone in his walkes , and entertaines him in affaires of estate . two mosquees serue in the serraile , for their deuotion : the one is towardes that quarter where the prince and his officers lodge ; and the other is neere the lodging of the women and their slaues . and although the turkes will not admit of the vse of bells ; yet there are a great number of little clockes in the serrail , which strike the houres both by day and night . the grand seigneurs pages are instructed to keepe them : and most part of the men of qualitie in the serrail , and likewise the women haue little watches , whereof they make vse . this is all that can be written of the grand seigneurs serrail , at the least that can come vnto the knowledge of christians , to whom the entrie ( vnlesse it be vpon the dayes of diuan ) is expresly forbidden , and the inward parts of this imperiall house , whereof wee haue spoken , may not be seene by them , vnlesse the prince be absent ; and yet hee must haue some particular friendship with the officers of the serrail , and monie in his hand , the which doth not only open them the closest gates in turkie , but doth facilitate the most difficult affaires , through the auarice of the turkes , to the which all their other passions seeme to yeeld . let vs come now to the grand seigneurs exercises , to his manner of liuing , to the number of his officers , and other particularities of his crowne : but let vs begin by his coronation . chap. iii. of the coronation of the turkish emperour . after that death ( who strikes with an equall hand , aswell the stately pallaces of kings , as poore cottages couered with straw ) hath taken out of this world some turkish emperour , he of his children which is destinated to the succession of his scepter , parts from the gouernment whither his father had sent him ( the which most commonly is magnesia a prouince in asia ) and comes secretly to constantinople , and into the serrail by that port which lookes towards the sea ; for the passage whereof the bostangibassi , which is the great gardiner , goes to receiue him in the imperiall galley vpon the side of asia , passeth the straight , conducts him into the serrail , and leads him into his fathers throne , whither the great men of the port , that is to say , of the court ( for so they call it ) come to adore him , and to acknowledge him for their prince . presently the basha which is gouernour of constantinople causeth proclamation to be made in the citie , & then throughout all the empire : that the soule of the inuincible emperour sultan n. enioyes an immortall glorie , and an eternall peace ; and that the empire of sultan n. may flourish and prosper in all felicitie for many yeares . the third day after they hold the great diuan , which is the generall councell , where as all the great men of the court and officers of the crowne assist , and resolue concerning the affaires of the estate : the emperour doth not assist ; yet he is in a chamber neere , and sees but is not se●ne , and heares through a lattice window what they treat of , and what they say . at the end of the diuan all these officers , goe by foure and foure , or by sixe and sixe into the chamber where the sultan is , and there without speaking any thing make a low reuerence , and so passe on , going forth to another doore : they returne to the diuan , where as dinner attends them . the sultan dines at the same time ; and after halfe an houre , ( which is all the time he spends at the table ) he mounts vpon a stately horse , being followed by the chiefe commanders of the warre , hee shewes himselfe to his people of constantinople , and receiues from them their cryes and acclamations of ioy : which are , liue , and long may sultan n. raigne . hee goes to some mosquee where his predecessours haue beene buried ; hee makes his prayers , which being ended one of the twentie preachers of his court goes into the pulpit , and by a short discourse giues him to vnderstand after the turkish manner the greatnesse of the charge whereunto god hath called him , exhorts him to haue a care of his estate , and especially to the maintenance and increase of mahomets law. the sermon being ended , the same priest doth blesse him seuen times , and at euery time the people answere amen . at the same time the moufti , or high priest of the law who is present , makes him to take the oath vpon the alcoran ; girds him with the sword which in old time ottoman did weare ; and blessing him sayes these wordes , god send you ottomans bountie : they doe so much honour the vertues of this prince , who raigned about three hundred and twentie two yeares since , as they wish them to his successors . i haue heard a prince of the turkish emperours house say , that the learned in their historie report , that ottoman going thorough the towne of prussia , beeng the chiefe of his empire , hee said aloud vnto the people , that whosoeuer were an hungrie , thirstie , or naked , let them come vnto his house , he had wherewithall to feed and clothe the poore . after the mufti the people blesse him with their loude cryes : thus charged with all these blessings hee goes to horsebacke , and carries them backe to the serrail ; where he busies himselfe to cause his brethren to be strangled in his presence , whom hee had caused to come from the places where they were resident : for it is written in their custome , one god in heauen , one emperour vpon earth : they beleeue this is the only meanes to settle the estate , and to diuert the ciuill warre which the pluralitie of princes might breed : they haue often this prouerbe in their mouthes , that a kingdome and lo●le , admit no companion : their errour makes them beleeue that the princes of their bloud are such . this bloudie custome hath been rigorously obserued for three hundred yeares and more , vntill the raigne of achmat , who died in the yeare 1617. who gaue life vnto his brother mustapha , and at his death left him his scepter : but the officers of his crowne tooke it from him with his libertie , and kept him prisoner in the serrail , to make osman his nephew raigne in his place , who was afterward miserably massacred by the people , and the same mustapha restored to the throne , where the inconstancie of his fortune suffered him but few dayes , after which the bashae's shut him vp in his first prison , and seated in his throne amurath the fourth a young prince brother to the vnfortunate osman . the largesse which the sultan makes at his comming to the crowne , is distributed after this manner . hee must giue vnto the great mufti two thousand fiue hundred sequins , as much to the grand vizir ; the other of the vizir or bashae's haue either of them two thousand , the cadilesquers euery one two hundred and fiftie sequins , the tefterdars euery one of them as much ; the capigibassi euery one a hundred ; the aga of the ianizaries two hundred and fiftie , the iman royall hath but fiue and twentie : the most famous doctours of the law receiue threescore , the other which are inferiour haue euery one thirtie two sequins . they giue fortie to the basrousnamegi , that is to say iournalists , fortie to the carasmaesabegi , or comptrouler of the royall tribute ; twentie to the mucatagis ▪ which keepes the bookes of the diuan ; sixteene to euerie mutaferagas , which are men at armes ; eight to euerie spahi , or light horseman , and moreouer fiue aspres by the day in augmentation of their pay . euery deputie of the teftardar , hath fiue and twentie sequins : the chiefe of the pauillions of the field , called by the turkes almiectar bassi , are set downe in the roll of this royall distribution euery one for fiue and twentie sequins : they that lead the horses before the king , called sarrassis , haue either of them eight : the serchais haue as much ; the meirery , which beate the drums before the prince the like summe ; the sardigis , foure ; the capigis , eight ; the casnadaris , eight ; and the snalaris , who carrie water to the grand seigneur , the like summe . the emirs haue a better portion , either of them hath a hundred . the ianizaries by their violence haue broken the bounds of the monarchs liberalitie to them , they giue them more or lesse according to the time and necessitie they haue of them ; their pay is alwayes increased at the least an aspre by the day . the groomes of the stable and cookes haue equally eight sequins a piece ; and they which pray vnto god after the turkish manner , in the chappels where the sultans are buried , haue no more . this largesse and distribution of sultanins , or turkish sequins , amounts ( by reason of the great number of those which receiue the portions ) to great and immense summes of monie . the fourth day following , he takes his gallion , and goes by sea to a garden inuironed with a parke neere vnto the arsenall ; the turkes call it ase●i , that is to say , the house of pleasure ; and there he hunts some houres , and courseth what beast he pleaseth ; if he take any thing , the turkish superstition teacheth him to hold it for a good signe . from his sport he goes to affaires , he visits his arsenall ; and hauing neere him the generall of the sea , called captaine bassa , hee makes him to giue an account of the affaires of the sea , what number of vessels there are fit for the warre , what men , what armes , and what munition is in them : being thus informed of his sea forces , he returnes to his serrail . the next day which is the fift after his coronation , the grand vizir , or according to the turkes , vizirhazem , that is to say , the supreame vizir , goes vnto him , and in few words yeelds him an account of the generall affaires of his empire . and as the turkes haue almes in singular recommendation , these first dayes of coronation , after the prince hath giuen a largesse vnto the people , in casting of money in the streets where hee passeth , hee vseth great charitie to hospitals and prisons , in such sort as the charges of the pious actions , were found to amount during the raigne of am●rath , father to mahomet the third , who liued when as henrie the great made france happie by the felicities of his raigne ; to the summe of one hundred and threescore thousand pounds sterling , which is in their money foure hundred thousand sequins . doubtlesse , the presages of their raigne cannot bee but fortunate , when as they are accompanied with good works , and charitie is a powerfull support to a crowne . it were to bee desired ( said a great man ) that soueraignes had tried the condition of a priuate man opprest with misery ; to learne compassion , for no man is sensibly toucht with the estate of a miserable man , but he that ●●th beene so . after the fift day , the ladies of his bloud , be they virgins or married to some basha , goe to visit him : he receiues them very graciously , honours them with many rich presents of precious stones , and grants them what fauours they demand , be it for th● 〈…〉 of their husbands , or for his bountie ●● some other persons . but this 〈◊〉 sultan is no sooner sealed in the imperiall throne of the turkes , but hee doth presently imitate the proud arrogancie of his predecessours , and takes with the scepter the vanitie of the proud title , wherewith they are p●● vp the following chapter will shew it . chap. iv. of the titles and qualities 〈…〉 the prosperities of the world are a triall of the force of the minde , ●●ther t● 〈…〉 these are more easie to beare : those doe 〈…〉 men vnto a 〈…〉 insolencie . but where are g● 〈…〉 with princes ? 〈◊〉 they vse them soberly , their m● 〈…〉 h●●uen to the preseruation of their estates , and would force 〈◊〉 to cherish their memorie . the turkish emperours are neuer crowned with this me●it ; their breeding to the excesse of vices rather than to the continencie of vertue , doth not make them capable to know themselues , and the excesse of the prosperities of their empire transports them to pride . so as if heauen suffers them to continue in the monarchie of the east , it is to punish our disorders . their actions doe not only shew their pride , but their titles speake it more plainly : s●lym the first of that name stiled himselfe master of all 〈◊〉 ●raignes of the world. behold the qualities which he did assume . sultan solym , othoman , king of kings , lord of all lords , prince of all princes , sonne and nephew of god. hee caused it to be written vnder his portraite , the which solyman the second his sonne did 〈◊〉 keepe by his bed side . this man was no modester then his father , for if he ●●th not set downe in his titles that hee would be the only prince of the world , hee hath often deliuered it in his words ; by the soule of my father ( said he being in hungarie at the siege of 〈◊〉 ) seeing there is but 〈◊〉 god g● 〈…〉 reasonable there should be but one 〈…〉 the inferiour worlde the rest which haue followed 〈◊〉 ●uccession of the othoman estate haue vsed the same vnto our dayes . achmat the first , who died in the yeare 1617 , treating with the inui●ible monarch henry the great , by the meanes of the seigniour of 〈◊〉 his embassadour at constantinople , causeth to be set downe in the beginning of the articles which were sent into france , the titles which follow : in the name of god , a marke of the high family of the othoman monarches , with the beautie , greatnesse , and splendour thereof , so many countries are conquered and gouerned . i , who am by the infinite graces of the iust , great , and all powerfull creatour and by the abundance of miracles of the chiefe of his prophets , emperour of 〈…〉 , disposer of crownes to the greatest pri● 〈…〉 of two most sacred townes , mequa and medi●● , protector and gouernour of the holy 〈…〉 , and africa ; ●●ly 〈◊〉 by our 〈…〉 them somewhat longer , and his shooes are without buckles , and cut in leaues : but when hee adornes himselfe to honour with his presence the solemnitie of some great day , at the circumcision of the princes his children , or to make his entrie into constantinople : his robes of cloth of gold , forwith pearles and great diamonds giue the maiestie of his person a glorious lustre : this is the glory of such princes . maiestie consists in vertue , and not in the pompe of habits . a king should rather shew himselfe a king by his 〈◊〉 carriage and his authoritie , than by his robes . the sultana's differ not much in their habits from their soueraigne prince : they weare breeches like vnto his , and vnder them linings of fine linnen ; their robes are of the same stuffe , and their shooes in like manner : they steepe like vnto him in their linnen lynings , and little cassocks of silke pinckt , which goes little beneath the waste . the prince riseth with the day , and the morning sees him begin his prayers after the turkish manner , wherein hee spends halfe an houre : after this hee writes asmuch , during the which they bring him some cordiall thing , which hee takes presently : then reading followes for a whole houre , but it is many times without fruit ; for that hee entertaines the time with fabulous bookes : it is true that some sultans haue taken delight to read the life of great alexander , and some others haue caused aristotle to be expounded vnto them . an ignorant prince is a pilot without card or compasse . alphonso king of arragon , called such princes by a name which i forbeare to mention , for the re●nce i owe to kings . hauing read , if it be a day of d● or of counsell , he giues audience to the grand viz●r , who come to make report of that which hath beene done , and he receiues the veneration of other officers . from thence he descends into his gardens or walkes , contents his eyes with the 〈…〉 f●●●es , and pleasing alle●e● and 〈◊〉 his eares with the 〈◊〉 and ●r●●lities of his ●e●tres 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 which follow him . at his returne hee fals 〈…〉 haue any 〈◊〉 in it , or to some other 〈…〉 for dinner , the which is speedily serued : hee neuer spends aboue halfe an houre at the table , from the which hee goes to his prayers at noone , where after his manner hee entertaines the diuinitie . but how variable is humane inconst●ncie : from this 〈…〉 to the embracings of humanitie , and 〈…〉 with his women for soo●● houres ; vntill the time of prayer at night doth force him to leaue them : when 〈…〉 another walke into his garden , 〈…〉 by his 〈◊〉 and dwarffs , he entertaines himselfe with 〈…〉 . the last office calls him to his chamber , it is that which the turkes say , when as the day is spent and in the obscuritie of the night , where hee imployes himselfe vntill supper time . these are his imployment i● generall : let vs now speake of them in particular . chap. vi. of the grand seig●rs table of his ●te , and of his sleepe . the grand seign●r eates three or foure times a day in summer , but lesse in winter : he sit●es crosse legged after the turkish manner : most commonly his table is low , made of 〈◊〉 siluer , with a little bo●der about it two fingers high , like vnto a table of accompani● which ●ll money . there is 〈◊〉 of pure gold enricht with diuers precious 〈…〉 in the years : he 〈…〉 and another vpon his 〈…〉 many leaues made of three 〈…〉 whereof the graine is gathered 〈…〉 for his 〈◊〉 . they 〈…〉 thereof they feed a great troupe 〈…〉 of the serrail . his coo●es are at worke 〈…〉 ▪ they 〈…〉 call 〈◊〉 : the essay is taken at the kitchin in the presence of the capiaga , or master of the houshold , and they serue it vp in dishes of gold couered : his agalaris , or familiars goe and receiue it at the hands of the capiaga without : for there is another of the same office within , who goes not into the kitchin , hee carries them to him that serues at the table , who is vpon his knee : they serue out thirtie dishes , in the which are thirtie forts of meates ; the table is round , and stands vpon a vise which turnes as it pleases the prince , for no man carues him , neither doth he himselfe vse any knife ; his bread is so tender as it will not endure any , he breakes it with his fingers without any trouble ; so doth he his meate prepared with the like delicacie : they serue no salt vnto him , and whatsoeuer hee eats is not seasoned with spices , his physicians forbidding it in the kitchin. the daintiest meat for his royall mouth are roasted pigeons , whereof they serue a dozen in a capson or platter : pullets , lambe , or mutton , rosted & boyled are after the pigeons , which hee loues best : hee makes a signe ( for at his table no man speakes any thing ) that they should carrie of this meat what he pleases to the sultana's whom he affects most : sometimes the dumbe men and the iesters haue a part : his agallaries or familiars are highly gratified , when hee casts them one of his l●aues , they kisse it , and giue it vnto others for a testimonie of a singular fauour . in the silence which is strictly obserued at his table , as well by himselfe as those which doe assist , there is an ordinary entertainment in a dumbe fashion by signes and the gestures of the mutes , and the iesters which are instructed therein , practize the abilities of their wits . he doth vsually drinke a liquour made of many sorts of fruits mingled with the juice of citrons and sugar : he swallowes it in a spoone of wood , although they serue him with little cups of porcelaine and others of indian nuts , set vpon a foot of gold enricht with stones . they do not serue any fruit before dinner , his last coorse is a tar● , and if he eats any fruit , it is at his after-meales , and likewise parmisant , whereof they make great esteeme in turkey . in the time of ramadan , which is the turkes lent , they doe not serue him in vessels of gold , but in yellow porcelaine which is most precious and hard to be recouered . hee fasts from the sun-rising vntill night , when it is lawfull for him to leaue his fast , and to eat what meate hee pleaseth : fish comes seldome into the servant , but when the desire of the sultans , or the appetite of the agalaries causeth it to be brought from the sea. the grand seigneurs bed is not made while it is day in the chamber where hee lodgeth , they make it only when he goes to his rest : that whereof we haue spoken is only a bed of state the groomes of his chamber lay vpon the floore a mat , and vpon it a fine turkey carpet , whereupon they lay a matteresse and a bed of feathers . the sheets are of fine linnen , and the couering of goodly carpets : in winter they vse couerings of white wolues or of sables , which keepe the prince from cold . after his bed is thus made , they straine ouer it many strings of silke , vpon the which they lay cloth of gold , or rich tapestrie to make the tester and curtaines : this couch being made , the same gabo●pes of the chamber goe and fetch the emperour , and being him to his rest with a little turbane on his he●d in stead of a night cap : whilest hee steepes they watch ; one stands at the doore of the chamber , another at his beds side , to raise vp the clothes and to couer him if it be needfull : two others are at the beds feete with two torches , which they neuer put out vntill the sultan bee risen . their guard continues three houres , after which they are relieued by their companions . thus hee rests which troubles all europe , disquiets asia , and afflicts afrrica , and the shoare of the m● sea with his fleet. chap. vii . of the grauitie of the grand seigneur and of the ●be discourses which are made in the serrail . that prince of the iewes which made choice rather of the scourge of pestilence them the rigour of warre , had reason to say that hee had rather fall into the hands of god , than to those of man , for the one is a plentifull and in exhaustible fountaine of all mercie : the others are vnpittifull , although they be created after his image . it is lawfull , yea , it is commanded to speake vnto god , and to begge those things which are necessary ; and in the world it is a crime to presume to speake vnto men. the true table of this humane pride made be drawne from the serrail , at this day the principall seat of the arrogancie of princes : for there it is not only forbidden to speake vnto the grand seigneur , but he that dares to lift vp his eyes to looke him in the face , is guiltie of a great crime : so as all the bashaes of his court , except the vizar , the mufts , and the physician , going towards him to reuerence him , or rather to adore him , haue their hands ioyned and their eyes cast downe , and in this posture inclining themselues to the ground , they salute him without seeing him , although they be before him . when he goes into the citie , they which present any petitions vnto him , to haue iustice from him , when they cannot obtaine it from his officers , lift them vp vpon the end of a ●●ed , and themselues lie prostrate on the groundily humiliation , another men which are of his family , speake not vnto him but by signes , and this dumbe language is practised , and vnderstood as readily in the serrail , as a distinct and articulate voice among ●s . for which cause they vse the seruice of as many dumbe men as they can find ; who hauing accustomed others to their signes and gestures make them to learne their language . the sultana's doe the like . the grauitie of his person , and the custome of the empire forbids him to speake to any . the sultana's his women practise it , they haue many dumbe slaues at their serrail . sultan mustapha vncle to os● , who in the end of the yeare 1617 held the scepter of the turkish empire , for that he could not accustome himselfe to this silent grauitie , gaue occasion to the counsell of end to ch●plaine of him ; and to say that to 〈…〉 did , 〈◊〉 more fit for 〈…〉 turkish merchant , then for the emperour . they 〈…〉 him , held his freedome and similiaritie vnworthy of the empire . to play the sultan its state , h●e must out speake , but by an extraordinary grauitie make men to tremble with the twinkling of his eye : for the frowning arrogancie of the turkish princes is growne to that insolencie , 〈◊〉 liues amongst his subiects as some diuine thing , adored by the dumbe admiration of his slaues . the emperour of the abyss● , whom they doe vulgarly call prete-iean , is also blamed for pride , although it differs from the turke : he speakes but he suffers none to see him ; saying , that being the image of god in the soueraigntie of his empire , he must imitate him in his answeres , wherein god speaks and is not s●ene . when as the master of the ceremonies brings any forreigne embassadours vnto him , it is most commonly by night : his h●lls and chamber are full of torches burning ; and he himselfe i● hidden in his musta●a , or royall bed , before the which there are fiue curtaines drawn , whereof that in the midst is of cloth of gold , the rest are of silke . the master of the ceremonies speaks with a loud voice hunca , hialchuchia 〈◊〉 : that is to say , i bring those vnto thee whom thou hath commanded me : hee repeate it often , vntill he heare a voice from within which saith , cafaci●ali , which signifies enter in : at this voice all they which heare is h● downe and make a low 〈…〉 then they aduance a little making 〈◊〉 euery sin steps , repeating the same worde , and being come 〈◊〉 vnto the c● they heare the same voice ca●ingles : then they aduances little farther , to heare the words of prete-iean who speake and is not se●● and answers the demands which they make vnto him . 〈◊〉 pe●tie kings of the indies , 〈…〉 , which they will 〈…〉 of ●●fti● 〈◊〉 , who deliver it 〈…〉 it comes vnto him . the grauitie of a prince 〈…〉 appeare in his manners then in his 〈◊〉 and his wisdome : should wherein more ●●rable than all 〈…〉 fashion speaking and commanding . if the prince will 〈…〉 liuing image , let him know that there 〈…〉 in the diuine maiestie , power , wisdome , and bountie . let them adde vnto their soueraigne power of command , the effects of wisdome , and those of a royall bountie . by these they shall raigne securely in their estates , and shall be more cherished and honoured , then by the vaine gestures and signes of their puft-vp grauitie . chap. viii . how the grand seignevr receiues the embassadours of forreine princes , and the forme of his oath in an alliance . there are two sorts of embassadours which come to the turkish court ; those of kings , and others of inferiour princes : the first who without contradiction haue the precedence , must likewise haue it in this historie . we will speake of their reception , and will take for a president that of the embassadour of france , being arriued at per● , hee passeth within few dayes after to , constantinople , sees the m● , visits the grana vizir , salutes the b●stang●bas●i , or great gardiner , vseth some complements to the teftardar , or high treasurer , and performes some testimonies of honour and courtesie to the other great men of the part , to make them fauourable vnto him vpon occasions . after this they aduertise him of the day , when he shall be receiued to kisse his hand ; it is vsually vpon a day of dinan , when as the sultan giues audience to his principall officers : the grand vizir cals the dinan or assembly of the councell hee sends for all the chaoux the m●feragat which are those of the light horse , 〈◊〉 spa● who are al●o of the canallerie , the ianizaries which are footmen : all which with their leaders haue commandement to arme and attire themsel●es with as much state as may be , to be the embassadour see with the curiositie of their a● , 〈…〉 his great court. they come 〈…〉 ( whereof we haue formerly spoken ) where all together make a bodie of stately troupes . the embassadour aduertised of the houre appointed , parts from his lodging at pera attired vpon his own clothes with a robe after the turkish manner of cloth of gold curled , and furred if the season require it with sables : his gentlemen and secretaries are attired in the like robes , but the stuffe is not so rich , wearing on their heads caps of blacke veluet like vnto the masters of the accompts in france : he hath twenty seruants attired in robes of scarlet , which the turkes call ferrages : and vpon them other long robes of the same stuffe , and on their heads caps of blacke ta●fatae : the foure dragomans , or the kings interpreters are of the number , the captaines , masters of ships , and other frenchmen doe accompany him . being thus followed , hee passeth the channell of the sea , which separates f●ra from constantinople , being twice as broad , as the riuer of seine is at paris before the louver : being come vnto the other shoare , hee findes many goodly horses for him and his followers , which the turkes that are friends to france , send him to carry him to the citie . at the entry whereof hee finds many chambrand ianizaries which attend him to conduct him to the serrail : ●wo choux basti one of either side of him , the other turkes goe before : in this order hee comes to the imperial pallace , at the gate whereof he finds two capig●●asi● who 〈◊〉 him , and had him to the grand vi●r in the hill of the 〈◊〉 , ( the day they dispatch little 〈…〉 against the grand vizir vpon a forme without 〈…〉 with cloth of gold. therefor a 〈…〉 or dra● , they 〈…〉 , vntill that the 〈…〉 has brought : the s● of the 〈…〉 , where some other 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 the cha● of ac● 〈…〉 . there is a dragoman which 〈…〉 〈…〉 in a low gallerie , where a table is prepared in this manner : a great tapestrie is laid vpon the ground , and somedishes are set very thinne and sparingly : their meates are panado made with sugar , and some broths with pullets , two men carrying as in a scarfe a certain vessell of boiled leather , like vnto a bagipe , in the which they carrie cerbet , ( the which is a drinke made of the juice of citrons , water , and sugar ) they giue to euery one drinke in his turne , in a cup of copper tinned , and they goe betwixt the dishes to serue them more commodiously . the embassadour and his people hauing dined in this manner , hee retires to a certaine place neere vnto the gate of the sultans quarter , where they attend vntill the officers of the di●an haue had audience of their master ; after which they all retire , except such bashaes as remaine about his person : then the master of the ceremonies goes for the embassadour , and brings him to the emperours lodging ; the capiaga assisted by many eunuches receiues them at the gate , and conducts them into the imperiall chamber , whose walls are within couered with great plates of gold and siluer , enricht with stones and pearle : at the entry thereofewer 〈◊〉 or porters take him vnder the armes , not to kisse the emperours hand , but his robe . this vnworthy custome to lead the embassadors of forreine princes by the armes , growes from the treacherie of the turkes themselues . baiazei the second , sonne to him that tooke constantinople going one day to a monasterie , hee found in his way a religious man of his law of the order of the deruis : this monke of the alcoran seeing the emperour , ran towards him to execute his detestable designe : comming neere vnto him he demands an almes : and in saying his a●labithi , that is to say in the name of god , hee drew a semiter from vnder his ●obe of felt , with the which baiazet had beene murthered , if his horse in bounding had not receiued the greatest violence of the blow ; yet hee was hurt , and this wretched parricide had alreadie lifted vp his arme to double the blow , if bassa scheuder had not suddenly beaten him downe with his bus●gutu , or poll● . after which it was ordained , that whosoeuer should come to salute the grand seigneur , should be led vnder the armes by capigis ; and this custome hath hee carefully obserued . wee doe not read that there was euer any stranger but suffered this rigour , except an embassadour of france , named monsieur nouailles bishop of aix , who was sent to selim the second , by king charles the ninth , to mediate some accommodation for the venetians affaires : comming into the chamber , when as the capigis had laid hold of his arme he scattered them with his elbowes , and spake aloud , that the libertie of a frenchman , and the dignitie of a bishop could not endure to be led like a slaue : and so leauing the sultan and those that were in the chamber amazed , he went freely to his reuerence , and would not cast himselfe at his feet , as others doe , but inclined a little to kisse his robe . when the embassadour had kist the sultans robe , who sits vpon cushions of cloth of gold curled , he retires backward with his face alwayes towards the prince , and plants himselfe against the wall of the chamber , to giue way to the gentlemen of his traine , who goe likewise to kisse his robe : and then he presents the letter which the king sends written in the turkish tongue . the grand seigneur answeres nothing for the present ; his grand vizir doth only speake some wordes to dismisse the embassadour , who goes out of the chamber hauing made a reuerence in bending downe his head , but doth not vncouer it . but you must obserue that no man comes to kisse his robe , vnlesse hee be attired in robes after the turkish manner , giuen him by the sultan , the which is the present of a soueraigne to a subiect or slaue : for this cause the grand vizir forgets not to send vnto the embassadour such robes as are set downe by the ordinance of the custome of the empire , that is to say , two that are rich for the embassadours person , and one for either of his followers . moreouer euery embassadour must haue a present for the grand seigneur , the which he sees first before him thorow a lattice window , whither he is carried by capigis : there he busies himselfe to looke on it , whilest the embassadour and his gentlemen doe their reuerence ; so as they can see but halfe his face . to this purpose a generous action performed by the said monsieur nouailles embassadour to charles the ninth is worthy to bee related . mahomet grand vizir to selim the second prest him much not to forget a stately present for his sultan , and sent him word that if he had none readie hee would furnish him . this embassadour went , of purpose , to kisse his robe without any present . the basha reproacht him , and imputed it to contempt that hee had not giuen any . the seigneur of nouailles made answere that the king his master , who was the first and greatest monarch of christendome , hearing that selim demanded it as a tribute , had forbidden him to present any . thus in giuing none , he serued his master profitably and honourably ; leauing among the turkes a great admiration of his generous dxteritie , and carried backe into france the glorie which those embassadours deserue , whom vertue and not fauour haue aduanced to such charges . other embassadours of inferiour qualitie to a royaltie , receiue robes in like manner to goe and salute him : but they enter not into the serrail with so much pompe , neither are they feasted , nor haue so much familiaritie with the grand vizir , yea , there are some which sit not in his presence . thus the turks can measure the honour which they doe vnto men , according to the qualitie of the princes which send them , whose persons the embassadours represent . they haue long hands and portatiue eyes , to see into the realmes that are most remote to their estates : the forme which the turkish monarches vse to sweare a league or alliance with any forreigne prince , is no lesse specious than fraudulent ; for most commonly they hold nothing that they promise , and their oaths are as false as those of louers ; thus they court all the estates of europe . when as marin cabalus a man doubly famous aswell for the lustre of his birth as for knowledge , was at constantinople embassadour for the venetian to renew the league with the turke , selim sware it in this manner : i sweare and promise by the great god which hath created heauen and earth , by the soules of seuentie prophets , by mine owne , and by that of my ancestors , to obserue with the seigneurie of venice , all the points and rights of the league and friendship which hath beene entertained to this day , and to hold them for sacred and inuiolable , as they are declared by my signature but he brake it suddainly ; for iean mique a spanish iew , chased out of spaine by king ferdinand , as a dangerous spie , to europe , who had runne thorow all the prouinces , hauing related vnto him that the arsenall of venice had beene burnt , and that there was want of victuals in that state and seigneurie , he perswaded him to the warre of cyprus , which he said did belong vnto him as sultan of egypt , and king of palestina , whereon cyprus aswell as rhodes depended , as homagers . selim vndertooke it without any other subiect , and made himselfe master thereof in short time , taking this realme from the venetians , who had kept it long : so to be a turke and to keep his faith , are incompatible things . chap. ix . of some manuall workes of the turkish emperours , and of the religious custome which they obserue , to liue of the labour of their hands . the authour of the alcoran , hath deckt the deformities of his law , and couered the falshoods thereof with some lustre of truth , to make them passe the better amongst his followers : among the many rules which hee prescribes them , he enioynes them to labour and doth assure them that hee is not worthy to liue , that doth not labour with his hands ▪ the people doe not only obserue it , but the respect of this precept is crept into the imperiall throne of the turkes ; the sultans embrace it , and of twentie emperours which haue swayed the othoman scepter , yee shall hardly find one which hath not laboured for his liuing . mahomet the second manured his gardens , and of the reuenew of the fruites which were sold , he caused meate to be bought for his mouth . but as the actions of such men , how religious soeuer they be , haue not true charitie for their guide , they doe easily incline to vice . this prince added to his manuall labour so horrible a crueltie , as it was to be wished his hands had beene idle . we haue written in the historie of his empire , that visiting one day , ( being followed by his pages ) the squares of hi. gardens which he did manure himselfe ; one of the young boyes seeing hastie cowcumbers , gathered one and eate it : mahomet returning that way found it wanting , his choler enflamed him to crueltie , hee saw by the stalke that it was newly gathered , and hee knew that hee had no company but his pages , and therefore some one of them had done the deed , the which he would know at what price soeuer : hee calleth the bastangies or gardiners , puts sharpe kniues into their hands , and commands them to open the stomacks of his pages : they take them one by one and open fourteene , finding the cowcumber not yet disgested in the stomacke of the fourteenth : such was the rigour of this prince , who for a light offence , caused fourteene of the goodliest young boyes ( the flowre and choice of all the youth of his serrail ) to be murthered . solyman the second , hee which tooke rhodes , spent his idle houres in making of shooes , the which he sent to the bazar or market to sell , and with the money he caused victuals to be bought for his table . selim the second who lost the battaile of lepantho , made little crescents or halfe moones , which the turkish pilgrimes carrie vpon their staues , when they goethe voyage to meque . amurath his sonne made arrowes , and others made little kniues , all which is sold at a deare rate , in regard of the grossenesse of the worke : hee thinkes himselfe happie that can recouer any for monie . they ground this custome of labouring for their liuing , not only vpon the rules of their alcoran , but also vpon that passage of genesis : their schoolmasters make them learne it by heart : in the sweat of thy browes thou shalt eat thy bread , vntill thou returne to earth , whereon thou wert made . it is only in the time of peace ; for in the time of warre the prince must liue vpon the charges of the people , for whose defence and increase hee takes armes . but in another season if the sultan should employ the money which he leuies of his people in his delights , the law and the custome of the empire would hold it a crime . they call their taxe and subsidie , aaram agemini cani , that is to say , the prohibited bloud of the people : and for that the labour of their hands cannot furnish the expences of their diet to keepe a table worthy of their qualitie , they adde vnto it the reuenewes of their gardens , which in truth is great , and almost incredible . i haue learned from some turkes , that they yeeld two hundred thousand crownes a yeare rent : some others say a hundred thousand pounds sterling . besides those which he hath in the serrail , hee hath along the sea side , and towards the arsenall , great gardens which are very fruitfull . foure leagues from constantinople , and further at andrinopolis , and vpon the side of asia , at scutary ( where the citie of chalcedonia did sometimes stand ) there are the goodliest gardens in the east . the fruits which are gathered are sold at constantinople , and elsewhere in so great abundance , as they furnish all the countrie . the bostangihassi or great gardiner , who is an officer of the crown : hath a care of this reuenew , causeth it to bee brought to the serrail , and the sultans hold it for their true patrimonie and demesnes , wherewith they may feed themselues without any oppression . to these manuall workes of the turkish emperours , wee must adde their religious custome to plough the land , when as they come from their gouernment to constantinople to take possession of the empire , they are bound to hold the plough and to make some furrowes . amurath the third grandfather to achmat obserued it , after the decease of se●● his father , when as comming from magnesia ( where he was gouernour ) to goe and take possession of his scepter , he met with an husband man in the fields , where lighting from his horse he laid hold on the plough , and made three or foure furrowes : after which he drew a handfull of gold out of his pocket , and gaue it in charitie to this labourer : and withall he put off his robe , which was of rich cloth of gold , furred with sables , and gaue it him . the law which makes him to obserue this ceremony is mentioned in the glosses of the alcoran , in these termes : that the emperour comming to the empire and going to the imperiall citie to take possession , hee must manure the land to banish sterrilitie from his countrie , and to make it fruitfull . it is nothing the more for all this : for the prince employing so great a number of his subiects in his warres , much good land lies waste , for want of men to till it . thus doe the turkish sultans employ themselues , and yet they doe not flie idlenesse , to the which they many times abandon themselues : wee shall see something in the following chapter . chap. x. of the grand seigneurs loues . among all the passions which rule the affections of princes , loue ( as the most powerfull ) triumphes more ouer great men , then all the rest together , for they obtaine no victories , but to encrease its glory : couetousnesse heaps vp to furnish the charges , ambition aspires to make it great . so we see the most powerfull princes after they had subdued all other passions , were vanquished by loue. alexander laid the honour of so many victories in persia at the feet of his captiue roxana . coesar being in alexandria , submitted all his triumphs to the beautie of cleopatra , who afterward was friend to anthonie . and the turkish monarches make subiect vnto the allurements of their sultana's , the glory and lustre of that soueraigne power , whereby they are masters of the best parts of the world. but behold how these singular beauties enter into their serrail , and the bonds where with loue doth captiuate their wils . after that the rights of birth haue brought a turkish prince to the imperiall throne of his ancestors , the women which his predecessor did honour in the serrail , are put forth , and conducted to a place called in their language eschy saray , that is to say the old serrail , as a man would say the old place : for saray in the persian tongue , signifies a place or hostell : there they are shut vp , vntill they be married to some great men of the port. in the meane time others must supply their roome , to bee new subiects of loue to the new emperour . then the bashaes which are at the port , and others which represent the soueraigntie of their master in remote prouinces , imploy all their care to find out virgins in the leuant or else-where , the rarest in beautie , and of the sweetest perfections of their sex ; whether that the greatnesse ●f their treasurs force the necessitie of miserable mothers to deliuer them for money , or that the chance of warre hath made them captiues at the taking of some towne , and so fall into their hands : they cause them to bee instructed after the turkish manner in all gentile qualities fit for their sex ( if they be not alreadie : ) they learne to sing , to play of the lute , and the gittern , and to dance , & hauing had a speciall care for the keeping of their virginity , they bring them to the sultan , and present them vnto him : the princes mother , & his sisters which are married labour in the same designe , and make him the like presents : for the law of poligamy or pluralitie of women , allowed by the alcoran and receiued in turkey , giues them leaue to keepe as many as they will , so as they bee able to feed them . the sultan doth recompence their care that bring them such gifts , with some rich present to buy ( saith he ) these virgins which they bring , that they may bee his slaues : but hee will be soone fettered in their beautie . the serrail of women being thus furnished , hee passeth thither when he pleaseth , and is not seene by any man , by a doore right against his chamber , whereof he hath one key , and the chissar aga or great eunuch of the sultana's another : he doth aduertise the cheyachadun , which is an ancient woman their gouernesse , to ranke them in a gallerie , in the which he passeth and repasseth often , beholding their allurements or else he causeth them to dance in a round , in a goodly hall , where he doth assist and place himselfe in the midst , like vnto a butterflie in the midst of many glistering fires , where heloseth himselfe : for feeling his heart suddenly enflamed by the eyes of some one of them , which pleaseth him best he casts her his handkercher , for a signe that he is vanquished : she receiues it with great demonstrations of humilitie , kisses it and layes it on her head ; presently the cheyachadun or mother of the maids , takes this faire slaue , which comes to triumph ouer her masters libertie , she leads her into a chamber appointed for the sports of loue , decks her with the goodliest ornaments she can deuise , perfumes her , and addes to her naturall beautie the cunning of her art : this is while the sun shines ; for imitating his course as well as his lustre , this faire creature lies downe as soone as this planet sets : the chadun conducts her into the same chamber where the sultan is lodged , layes her in the same bed , where shee enters by the feet for the greater reuerence , and during the night season many old moorish women watch and stand sentinell , one at the beds feet , another in the midst of the chamber , and a third at the doore : they are reliued euery third houre by others of the same hue , vntill it bee day : there is one stands at the beds head , with two torches burning , and doth carefully obserue on what side the prince doth turne least the light should offend his eyes . i haue learned from a iew , a learned physician which had serued the grand seigneur , that the chadun watcheth at the beds feet , and doth sometimes speake some words to encourage they young maide , giuing her to vnderstand that night would be the cause of her good fortune , and that she would attaine to the dignitie of a princesse . it is the custome in turkey that on the marriage night , an olde woman doth assist in the chamber of the married couple , and imployes the experience of her time past , to encourage the and her pension is 〈◊〉 sixteene charges of money . the rest of the serrail which are yet virgins , or haue had the princes company but once , imploy all their allurements to please him , and finding their cunning deuices too feeble , they adde the help of charmes and sorcerie , which they purchase at any 〈◊〉 whatsoeuer . but if any one of these women be deliuered first of a sonne , which is to succeed in the empire , shee is called queene , the grand seigneur honours her with a crowne of pretious stones ; hee causeth a cloth of estate to be carried into her chamber of presence , inlargeth her lodging , and giues her a family sin for a queene , on empresse of turkey : shee hath a sufficient reuenew to supply her necessities and her bounties . if shee be deliuered of a daughter , they send her a nurse , three thousand sequins and slaues to serue her , the honour is the lesse ; but the joy which shee concerneth ( if there be male children formerly borne ) is incomparable , for shee is assured that the young princesse shall be bred vp with her , and that shee shall be one day married to a grand vizir , or to some other basha of the most powerfull in the empire , who will 〈◊〉 , and fill her old age 〈…〉 if shee had beene deliuered of a younger sonne , he should be taken from her at the age of twelue yeares or thereabouts , and put into the hands of schoolemasters to instruct him , where shee might not se● 〈…〉 foure times in the year● , and in the end hee should bee 〈…〉 ●o the saf● of 〈◊〉 elder brothers raigne , and soone strangled by m● . this is that which makes them desireth haue daughters , w● is alreadie a sonne 〈◊〉 . all these woman although they 〈…〉 the true successours of the 〈◊〉 , yet they are but the emperour● concubities ; he 〈◊〉 marries any , vnlesse be wonderfully surprised with 〈…〉 , which hath first brought him a 〈◊〉 , then be followes the blind motions of his passion . and doubelesse when as loue makes him to feele in this sort the r●our of his 〈…〉 tyr●●t should 〈…〉 for if the one doth captiues that 〈◊〉 , the other torments one to the succession of the empire , brings him to ruine , and makes him to end his dayes miserably by the sword. solyman hath beene the only prince since 〈◊〉 the first vnto this day , whereof there hath beene fifteene emperours , & twenty in all , by a direct succession from father to sonne , which hath married a wife , amurath the third his grandchild being charmed with the beauty of asachi , being enformed of the practices of rouilana in the serrail by the power of her infranchisement , and the authoritie of the princes wife , refused the letters of sabyn although he had had fourteene children by her , and loued her aboue all his women . yet they say that osman which died last , had married the daughter of the muftie of constantinople . but the history of the extraordinary marriage of the turkish prince , hath made vs abandon the relation of his loues with his concubines : but let vs returne and follow him into his garden , where hee is in the midst of his 〈◊〉 loue imbracements . it is dangerous to see him : but no fear of danger should deterre vs from seruing of the publique . he goes 〈◊〉 out of his 〈…〉 goe and daily with his women in 〈…〉 eunuches which 〈◊〉 the women , are the only 〈◊〉 which accompany him , all the 〈…〉 they ca● . the 〈…〉 to worth the sea , 〈…〉 master . for if there should 〈…〉 serrail , that should 〈…〉 when they walke with the 〈…〉 thus the 〈…〉 . thus the 〈…〉 that they 〈…〉 is 〈…〉 which he obserues against those which would see him , forbids to reueale the secret : only wee know that in the effeminate delights wherewith the women charme him , hee is pleased with the ridiculous encounters of his iesters and dwarffes , and shewes that loue is an entertainment of men that are birds . a curious person which hath had authority in the leuant , enformed me that in these places there many times happens light riots of loue betwixt the sultan and his women : hee vnderstood it from a blacke eunuch of the womens serrail : and he told him that if the jealousie of these faire creatures did raise them , they were supprest by the discretion of the chadun , which is their old gouernesse , and by her humilitie which is interessed in the quarrell . thus the giddie quarrels of louers , are the winds which kindle and enflame their foolish passion . and the pigeons bils , which were the armes of their choller , are the sweet instruments of their loue . that which we haue formerly written of the entertainment of the turkish prince with his women , is not the most blameable of his affections . the greatnesse of his power , which makes all mens wils obey him , and the contagious example of his courtiers , carries him to the detestable excesse of an vnnaturall passion . hee burnes many times for the loue of men , and the youngest boyes which are in the leuant , the flowre of beautie and the allurement of graces , are destinated to the filthinesse of his abominable pleasures . the bashaes bring them from remote prouinces , and present them vnto him . this disorder is so inueterate in the serrail , as of twenty emperours which haue carried the turkish scepter , you shall hardly find two that were free from this vice . achmat the last which died , abandoned it a little before his death , by the wise aduice of the m●f● , and his sonne amurath the fourth who raignes at this present 1626. is yet so young , as bee may be easily diuerted from this excesse , and framed to vertue , eschewing the rockes , where his predecessours haue suffered shipwracke . what doth it auaile such great and redoubted monarchs to be the glorious vanquishers of so many nations if they themselues be captiues to vices ? the prince is the physicion of the state ; but how can hee cure it if hee himselfe bee sicke ? hee is the heart ; but what meanes is there to giue it life , if it hath weaknesse and faintings : hee is the eye , and how can he see and lead others , if it be troubled and darkened with passions ? euery prince that loues his throne , his scepter , and his estate , must flie vice and cherish wisdome : for a wise prince is the assurance of those , and the support of his people . chap. xi . of the grand seigneurs women , of their lodging , their liues , their gouernment , and their fortune . the precedent chapter hath related the fire of the grand seigneurs loues , this will shew you in particular the manners and life of all those which cause it . faire women are to vnstaid spirits , flames which burne a farre off . those of the serrail which make the greatest shew by the lustee of their graces are most commonly strangers taken in the warre , or rauished by force : but bred vp with an incredible care , to make them learne ciuilitie , to play of some instruments of musique , to sing , and to worke with their needles , most decent for maids of qualitie : these good parts added to their naturall perfection , make them the more commendable : they are for the most part christians ; but their disaster causing the beauty of their bodies to serue the dishonest pleasures of turkes , prostitute their soules to the false worship of their law. they are no sooner come into the serrail , whither some basha sends them as a present to the sultan , and sometimes the great cham of tartaria , but they cause them to make profession of the turkish faith , by lifting vp the second finger of the hand , in signe that they beleeue but one god only in one only person , and they speake this word mehemet : there are old women which haue the charge to instruct them in the rest of the turkish beliefe : and thus the princes serrail is furnished with women . they are of two sorts , the one haue had his company and are women , and the others are yet virgins . the women lodge a part and more a● large , they are better serued , and haue greater libertie in the royall pallace . the virgins eate by troupes in the common resectory , they retire by day into chambers , vnder the guard and gouernment of old women , who gouerne them by tens , to labour in some workes ; and in the night they lie like religious women ( but not very chast ) in long dorters , where their beds are made of soft mattresses and couerings ( for the women in turkey as wel as the men lie clothed ) and are ranckt of either side ; there is a passage in the midst and many lamps burning in the night time : and euery ten maids haue one of the gouernesses lie by them . they which know not the turkish tongue , goe to learne it in schooles appointed to that end in the same serrail . these see not the prince but when they first arriue , and conuerse not with him , but when he will make vse of them . they are furnished with all things necessary for their entertainment with that abundance which is found continually in the sultans serrail . the eunuches which bring them their meate obserue the same order which wee haue described in the sultans seruice . but the queene ( who is mother to the prince , successour to the empire , is serued in her quarter ( where she is stately lodged ) by her owne officers : her vessell is not of gold like the emperours , but of excellent porcelane artificially wrought : in her lodging are the most sumptous feasts of the womens serrail , where as many sultana's meet , to shew themselues 〈◊〉 the emperour , who is of the party , to giu● the disordered appetites of all his senses in their company . there he● makes a dangerous triall , that beauty wounds deeper then a dare , and the respect which all these women yeeld him , carrying themselues towards him with a singular modesty , and a sweet pleasing , exempts him from making that troublesome experience : that a bad wife is the shipwracke of her husband , the tempest of the house , a trouble-rest , a slauery of life , a quotidian euill , a voluntary combat , a chargeable warre , a sauage beast which we nourish , a lionesse wee imbrace , a rocke adorned , a malicious beast , and finally necessary euill . the ladies , the subiects of the sultans delights , liue deliciously neare vnto him : their serrail containes so great a space , as there are within it foure and twenty great courts , most of them paued with polished marble , beautified with their fountaines , inuironed with stones and baths , very commodiously , where these nymphes wash themselues , and plunge their fires , but doe not quench them . a stately mosquee serues in the same place for the exercise of their deuotion . the number of the chambers and goodly halls are fourescore , adorned with precious moueables , the planchers are gilt , the walls are painted in flowres of rare art : the floore is couered with rich persian carpets of gold and silke , with a great number of cushions of tinsell , the bedsteeds are of iuory , or of aloes wood , and of great pieces of corall , whereof one of them cost in the time of amurath the second nintie thousand sultanins , or three hundred and sixtie thousand liuers ; they are garnished with rich stuffes of cloth of gold. the gardens in great number are the places where as nature assisted by art , sets forth the beauties of the spring : the bird-cages and fountaines adorne them , and the alleys by their shadows defends the beauties of the sultana's from the heat of the sunne . seeing that in this stately pallace the most powerfull monarches of the earth serue the beauties of these sultana's , it is fitting that others should serue their persons : so they haue many women that doe that office : some are moores , others are white . but the men that serue them are blacke eunuches , from whom they haue taken all : they were only mutilated of the inferiour parts which serue for generation . but solyman the second , who ended his raigne , when as charles the ninth gouerned france , seeing a gelding leape vpon a mare , he iudged thereby that the eunuches which kept his women might busie their lasciuious passions , and then he caused all to be cut off ; the which hath continued euer since . these eunuches are all blacke , to distinguish them from those of the sultans serrail : and their perfection consists in their deformitie , for the most hideous are the fairest : for being neare vnto those beauties so perfectly accomplished , they serue for a lustre . they bring them from the grand cairo , the chiefe citie of egypt , instructed to serue in this court , by the care of the basha who is viceroy there : if they be not , there are men in the serrail appointed to teach them what they should know : from this schoole they passe vnto the ladies , they giue them names fitter for their handsomenesse than for their moorish deformity . for to some boyes which haue flat noses , wide mouthes , thicke lips , eyes almost out of their heads , great eares , their haire curled like wooll , and their face fearefully blacke , so as there is no white to be seene but their eyes , and teeth : they call them hycinthe , narcissus , rose and gilliflowre . doubtlesse such flowres are soone withered and vnable to fructifie . they assigne them a hundred aspres by the day ( an aspre is about a penny of our sterling money ) two robes of silke , a piece of linnen cloth , and some other thing for their meaner necessities : they are vnder the obedience of an old wretched eunuch , blacke like themselues , who is their commander , called chissar agassi , that is to say , the chiefe of the virgins : hee is , as it were , the chiefe and superintendent of this pallace of women , speakes when hee pleaseth to the emperours , and hath most commonly a share in the fauours of the court : for the prince being inclined to women , he is the mercurie of his affections : the other inferiour blacke eunuches passe many times to the grand seignours serrail , to carrie the secrets of the sultana's in some note to the capiaga , who presents it to the emperour : their office honours them with this priuiledge , aboue the white eunuches which serue the prince , who neuer enter into the womans lodging , neither doe they see them . the blacke goe not out of the serrail , without the leaue of the sultana queene , mother to the eldest of the sultans children in other places they would make some difficultie to giue vnto queenes , yea , to women of an inferior condition , moores to serue them , for feare that comming to conceiue , their imagination should make an impression in their children , of the complexion and forme of such groomes : but the turkes doe not insist vpon that . and i haue neuer heard that any sultana hath beene deliuered of a moore , although i know this may be done : histories furnish vs with examples of such accidents , women haue borne children like vnto the pictures which were in their chambers . there are fiue hundred of these blacke men , from the age of twelue yeares to fiue and twenty , and at the most thirty , the women are vsually three hundred or thereabouts , aswell of the sultana's as of those that serue them : to tell the number of the sultana's directly , it is difficult : for they daily present maidens vnto the grand seigneur , who seeing his pallace sufficiently furnished , sends them to the old serrail . the women slaues which serue them haue fiue or six aspres by day , two robes of searge , and one of silke yearely , a piece of fine cloth of twenty ells or more , and many gifts from the sultana's their mistresses , who reward their fidelitie and diligence with many presents of money and other things : for they abound in all sorts of presents , as bedkins se● with precious stones , earings , iewels , plumes of feathers , cloth of gold , rich furtes , and other moueables which the king sends the more willingly for that they cost him nothing . the bashaes at the returne from their gouernments present him . the embassadours of the prince of tartary , & other soueraignes in asia , bring vnto him and fill his wardrobe with rich diuersitie of presents . but aboue all things these ladies loue to make prouision of money ; for their beautie doth not hinder them to participants with the defects of their sex , which is subect to auarice . this is the cause why they draw into their serrail , some cunning female iew , with the emperours permission , whom they giue to vnderstand that it is to teach them new workes with the needle , or to make triall of some excellent receipts in physicke for the cure of their infirmities , or the preseruation of their healths : thus the iew being entred into the serrail , she gaines affection of the eunuch which commands at the gate , in giuing him money and other rich commodities , and in a short time she goes the loue of the sultana's ; yea , she hath a transcendent power ouer their wils , bringing vnto them from abroad whatsoeuer they desire to buy , and receiuing from them what they are willing to sell . this trade is kept secret ; for the sultan would not take it well that they should sell that which he giues them . but these women desirous to make prouision of money , which hath alwayes been the most precious of their moueables , to the end that if their soueraigne dye● , being conducted to the old serrail , they may get forth in being married to some great men of the port : the which is easie to effect in gaining the friendship of the chadun their gouernesse by great gifts : they giue vnto this iew rich diamonds , great round pearles , great turquoises , and most precious iewels for a base price : for they which haue no conuersation out of the serrail , know not the worth of things , and part with them as it pleaseth the iew : shee sels them to strangers , and buyes such things as shee brings vnto the ladies at a deare rate : so as the great wealth which they enioy in a short time , doth shew that they frequent the serrail of women : but goods euill gotten are many times wasted in the same manner . the iew is sometimes stript , and for a punishment of her frauds , leaues her life comming out of the serrail . the bashaes aduertised of this deceitfull trade , caused it to cease , and the tefterdars or treasurers , when their cofers are emptie , seeke to fill them with the gaine of these brokers . if the emperour be a child , and that his mother hath any part in the administration of affaires , the traffique of these iewish women mounts higher , and from precious stones they passe to the offices of state : they which affect them rather by the power of their purse , then by the merit of their vertue addresse themselues vnto them , and their affections being bought they doe easily purchase the fauour of the sultana mother : we haue obserued a famous example in the seuenteenth booke of our turkish history which will not be vnfitting to make a briefe description , for the commodity of such as haue not that first volume . cheira chaduna iewish woman being crept into the serrail of women , by the meanes which we haue mentioned , enioyed the friendship of the sultana queene by the cunning of her indusirious trade , and the sweetnesse of her pleasing humour : soone after mahomet the third left his life in his serrail , and his scepter to achmat his eldest sonne , being about fourteen or firteene yeares old : the sultana vulida or the sultan mother , if called by her sonne to assist in the gouernment of the state. cheira was in fauor with this princess , who in short time purchased him that of the emperour : for this prince falling sick of the small poxs , the iew did visit him with his mother , attended him in his bed , is she was cunning and indued with a good wit , she did ease the importunities of his feuer by telling of pleasant tales , and sometimes repaired his forces with a little wine , which shoe brought out of the citie , and made him to drinke contrary to the prohibition of his law : the sultan recouered his health ; he remembers the iewes good seruices , and giues her no lesse share in his affection , than she had in his mothers : thus she growes doubly powerfull , and she deales no more in selling the goodly trash of the womens serrail : the most eminent dignities of the empire are her traffique . the great vizar buyes the scales at her hands , and the dignitie of lieutenant generall of the turkish empire . the mufti mounts to that supreame ecclesiasticall dignitie by her meanes ; and the other great men of port follow in the current of their portunes the winde of her desires : money and the iew do call things in constantinople : and he which before durst not thinke of offers in 〈◊〉 to admire them , doth now enioy them by these two meanes : auarice calls all disorders into the state , and leaues valour , and the rare vertues of men of merit to contempt , if they were not furnished with money : and the prince did not only suffer them , but commanded it . for that the iew said it must bee so . this must not continue long , and the qualities of cheira being of the nature of those of the court are found passable and perishable . the ianizaries who are the force of constantinople , and many times the violent reformers of the turkish state , deale in it , and to this insupportable mischief they bring the rigour of their remidie : they goe to the serrail in armes , demand the iew , and they refuse her , they threaten to breake the gates , and to dragge her , with many others , into the midst of the place , to reuenge vpon them the disorders of the state : they were ready to execute their words by effect , when as of many mischiefes they made choice of the least , and thrust the iew out of the serrail , to the mercy of their rage : there were none grieued in the serrail , nouelties are pleasing , when they happen they loue them , and enuie swimmes in ioy and pleasure when as they see any fauourite fall . and what could they doe in this case ? what meines were there to calme the spirits of men that are armed , and the force of the empire , who at that time did not acknowledge any other master but their passion ? moreouer , the people followed their motion , and demanded iustice of this horseleeth who suckt all , swallowed all , and ledt other to suffer : thus they abandoned her to force and to the rigour of the sword. an example which tels vs that the fauour of the court which doth not aduance any to dignity but such as are incapable , which contemnes vertuous men , and builds the continuance of his fortune in the heaping vp of perishing wealth , runs headlong to his owne ruine , and makes himselfe fat to bee an oblation which they will offer vp vpon the first sedition . the ianizaries take chiera , they strip her , whip her , and put a burning candle into her priuie 〈◊〉 , and so drag , her laid all along thorew the citie of constantinople , to serue for a spectable vnto the people : in the end they teare her in pieces , and naile the principall parts of her body , to the gates of the greatest officers of the empire : that of the mustice high priest of their law , had the head with this writing . behold the hand which hath sold thee thy office , & the fauours of the port : the head was set vpon the grand vizirs gate , & these words vnderneath it . this is the head which hath giuen thee counsell to the preiudice of the state. they did hand her tongue at the house of the cadi or chiefe iudge of constantinople , with this reproch in writing : receiue the tongue which hath taught thee iniustice . thus in the year 1604. ended the iew which practised in the serrail of women : & the rest haue as bad an end : if not so exemplary , which is for that they attain not to the like fauour . this is the successe of the iewes couetousnesse which frequent the sultanes serrail : but none of them enter , before the eunuch of the gate vnuailes her , and sees what shee is ; lest that some man vnder the habit and trade of such brokers , should enter into this pallace , to make traffique of his amorous passion . the order which they obserue in guarding these faire creatures is exact : they doe not only search the women which enter , and the eunuches at their returne from the citie : but moreouer they haue a care of beasts : they will not allow the sultanaes to keepe any apes , nor dogges of any stature . fruits are sent vnto them with circumspection : if their appetites demand any pompeons which are somewhat long , or cowcumbers , and such other fruits they cut them at the gate in slices , not suffering to passe among them any slight occasion of doing euill . so bad an opinion they haue of their continencie . it is ( without doubt ) a signe of the turks violent jealousie : for who can in the like case hinder a vicious woman from doing euill ? she is too industrious in her designes ; and hee which had his body couered with eyes alwayes watching was deceiued . in the meanetime if any woman in the serrail be discouered in the effects of her lasciuiousnesse , the law long since established for them by the sultan , condemnes her to die , the wh● executed without remission : she is put into a sack , and in the night cast into the sea , where she doth quench her flames with her life . this seuere punishment doth follow the enormitie of their crimes : for lesse faults they suffer lighter correction : their superiours beat them , and if they continue obstinate , the sultan causeth them to be put out of his pallace , and sends them to the old serrail . at their departure the cheira chadun strips them of their goodliest commodities , and addes to their misfortune the losse of their most pretious things , and most necessary for the comfort of their liues in that sad and troublesome abode . the others which enioy a better fortune in the royall pallace , doe sometimes try that beauty is a fraile good ; the violence of an infirmitie , and the burning of a feauer makes the roses which adorne their cheekes to vade , and the lillies of their countenances to wither . when there is question to seeke for remedie for their diseases , they labour after an extraordinary manner . if the sicke person be none of the sultana's , whom the emperour doth most affect , the old women which gouerne them , goe downe vnto the apothecaries shop without the inner gate of the serrail , and shewing the physician her vrine , she relates the estate of the sicke person . he prescribes without seeing her , vpon the report that is made , so as many die for want of helpe . but if the queene who hath giuen a successor to the empire , or some other whom the sultan loues with passion , falls sicke , they aduertise the lachin bassi , which is the chiefe physician , who hauing obtained leaue from the prince to goe and visit her , hee enters into the womens serrail , where the eunuches receiue him , for all the women retire at his comming . they lead him into the chamber of the sicke party , who hath her face couered with her couerings , for they vse no linnen , to the end the physician should not see her ; shee hath her arme only out of the bed , couered with fine cypresse , vpon the which hee feeles her pulse , and knowes the qualitie of the feuer , but it is not lawfull for him to speake , whilest hee is before the sicke person . after this he retires ●ard for that hee may not turne his backe towards her : ●medies which hee doth prescribe are most commonly so●us potions , all other physique is in a manner neglected in that court : for the turkes beleeue that from the day of their birth , the time and continuance of their liues is written vpon their foreheads , by an ineuitable destinie , which no kind of physicke can change . if it were neccessary for the sicke person to change the aire , this remedie would be very difficult . for the women neuer go out of the serrail , but in the sultans company , and they goe to no other places but to the old serrail , and to his houses of pleasure , and are not seene by any man : the black eunuches which guard them , helpe them into their coaches , which they shut vp close before they goe out of the serrail : the streets of constantinople by the which they are to passe , are made cleane and hanged with cloth , to the end that no man should violate by his lookes the absolute content which the prince hath of these goodly creatures : who seeme to be only borne for him : hee alone doth see them , hee alone doth conuerse with them , and he only doth enioy them . but seeing the relation of the life of the women of this great serrail , hath brought vs to the gates of the old serrail , let vs enter into it , and finish the history of their fortune . this imperiall pallace was sometimes the stately designe of sultan mahomet the second , whom the turkes call conquerour , who after he had taken constantinople , caused it to be built for his mansion , in that part of the citie , which his architects did hold to be the most beautifull and the most commodious . it is spacious enough to lodge a great prince , with all the officers of his house . it s circuit containes aboue halfe a french league or a good english mile , the walles are high and strong , there is but one gate guarded by a company of white eunuches , by the which no man enters but the emperour : if the necessitie of his house drawes him thither , they cause the women to retire into a priuate place vntill that he be gone . it hath aswell as other royall houses beautifyings and commodities ; delightfull gardens , pleasing fountaines , commodious bathes , and a moschee for their deuotions . the three strange harbingers , but all three allied , haue lodged many faire women in it , that it to say , death , inconstancy , and contempt : death hath sent a great number thither , when shee hath taken away the prince , which cherish their beauties ; and amongst those are the sultana's . mothers to the princes children , his daughters and his sisters , and the monarches aunts which is newly seated in the throne of his predecessour . inconstancie ; when as the sultan wearied with the lasciuious imbracements of the women which haue beene the idoll of his affections suffered himselfe to be perswaded to a new loue , that they haue abused his fauours , and that they haue made themselues vnworthy to continue in his pallace . contempt , when as some of these virgins which are presented vnto him , haue not in his judgement , allurements sufficient to captiuate him : or when as yeares ( an enemy to beauty ) doth blemish them with wrinckles , and doth rauish the honour of their delicate complexions , and the glory of their countenances . these vnfortunate ladies which haue beene that which they are no more , haue no other consolation , in this kind of exile but the hope to be married to some basha , or some other great man of the port , at the least such as had no children by the sultan : for the condition of others which are mothers binds them to a perpetuall widdowhood , yet they may easily attaine vnto it if the sultan giues way , if the chadun or gouernesse be pleased , and if they haue mony : of this last the other two depends , by it they gaine the chadun , and she perswades the prince that they are worthy : thus gold may doe any thing in all places , and the dares which loue imployes in such places , haue golden heads . this is the reason why they gather together all the money they can , partly by the sparing of their pensions , and partly by the sale of their most rich commodities brought from the other serrail in secret , and without the priuitie of the gouernesse , who strips them at their going forth ( but vnjustly ) of the pearles , pretious stones and other rich gifts , which their graces haue in their season deserued from the princes bountie : this feuere old woman restores them to the sultan , but most commonly she keeps a share to herselfe . a strange alteration of humane things , they which formerly had possest the empire in mastering its monarches , suffer the disgrace to be shut out of his pallace , and to lose their moueables : they which are more politique , which haue foreseene their putting out , and haue secretly conueyed their richest stuffe , they haue the aduantage to be rich : they winne the lady which commands them , and by eunuches let the bashaes , vnderstand the number of their sultanins & wealth : these without any further bruit demand them in marriage , and promise the prince to make them a rich dowrie . others which by their fruitfulnesse are depriued of this search , liue in stately lodgings in this pallace , with abundance of all sorts of commoditie for life , with the which they enjoy the qualities of sultanaes and queenes : but those which haue had fortune aduerse vnto them , wh●ch hath depriued them both of the fauour of the court & of their goods , liue in care with a small allowance in this serrail , and if they can make any delicate workes , they haue the gaine by the traffique of the iewes which visit them , and therewith they doe in some sort case their discommodities . in this old serrail there is a quarter where as no body lodgeth , royally furnished , and reserued for the prince when he goes to visit his kinswomen , or practizeth the commerce of his loues . carrying with him close coaches full of his faire sultana's , as we haue said else-where , with whom he spends the best of his dayes , and abandons all noble exercises , more worthy of a prince , to enjoy their charming company . thus these women detaine him , possesse him , and diuert him from vertue . in this sense an ancient had reason to say , that if the world were without women , men should conuerse with the gods. this must be vnderstood of vitious women , and not of those that loue vertue , the which is to be esteemed and embraced in what subiect soeuer it be found . chap. xii . of the grand seigneurs sisters , and his other kinswomen , and of the marriages of his daughters . the turkish emperours sisters lodge and liue in the old serrail ; their quarters are distinct from the other women , furnished according to their qualities : pleasures and continuall delights , are their ordinary entertainment : in the which they attend vntill the sultan giues them in marriage to some of his great bashaes . when that happens they goe out of that place with their rich stuffe , their coffers full of iewels , and their slaues to serue them , to the number of fiftie or threescore , besides those which their husbands adde vnto them , who are bound to furnish them with a traine fit for their qualities , and to make them a rich dowrie ( according to the custome of the turkes where the men endow their wiues ) at the least with fiue hundred thousand sultanins , which are two millions of liuers , with the great expences hee makes in presents of precious stones . the prince their brother continues the same pensions they formerly had , and augments them thirtie six charges of money yeerely , to buy them pattins ( saith the custome of the empire ) the husbands which marrie such wiues , verifie this truth to their losse , that a great inequalitie in marriage doth many times breed a contempt ; the authoritie of the house fals then vnto the distaffe ; they command them , they call them their slaues , they doe them good or harme , according to the satisfaction they receiued from them , and when the 〈◊〉 giues way , they repudiate them to take others better to their liking , and many times make them to lose their liues : so for a signe of the insolencie of their power ouer their husbands , they weare at their sides a cartar , which is a little poniard inricht with precious stones . if the marriage continue equally to the death of the one or the other ; the husband must arme his spirit with an extraordinary patience , to indure the imperfections of a wife , who knowes that all things are lawfull for her , and who is not restrained by the loue of any vertue , within the bounds of a commandable modestie . the bashaes auoid as much as they can the vexations of this royall alliance , which is bought by their seruitude , entertained with great charges , and many times ends with their bloud : they seldome imbrace it if the princes commandement doe not force them . such women haue libertie by the fauour of the sultan their brother , to go when they please vnto the serrail of sultanan's , and to visit him in like manner . the grand seigneurs aunts and his other kinswomen liue also in the old serrail , with a traine fit for their conditions : the princes mother is in like manner lodged there , she is often visited by her sonne , hee honours her , and supplies her with all the things she can desire : she hath leaue to goe to the imperiall serrail to see him when she pleases ; and if hee fals sicke , she parts not from his beds side , where as naturall loue makes her imploy all her care for the recouery of his health . the princesses , daughters to the sultan are bred vp neere their mothers , vntill they bee married to such great men of his court as shall please him , so as he be a renegado , or taken out of the children of the tribute which they leuy vpon the christians , or some other which hath abandoned the law of iesus christ to follow that of mahomet . these marriages are made when as these royall daughters haue attained the age of eighteene yeares , with a magnificence and pompe worthy of the orthoman house . the thirtieth of iune 1612 , was famous for the like solemnitie , when as the emperour achmat gaue his eldest daughter to mahomet bassa captaine of the sea : it is here briefly described according vnto the order which was then in constantinople . the day before the consummation of this marriage , the moueables and iewels of the spouse ( which we call the trusse or bundle ) were carried from the serrail to the bridegroomes lodging : before it , marcht fiue hundred ianizaries on foot , of the gallantest men in all their regiment . the high prouost of constantinople , and the grand vizir follow on horsebace , in rich robes of cloth of gold. the aga or colonell of the ianizaries came alone after them vpon a turkish horse of great price : two hundred men of qualitie mounted and stately attired , followed with a gentle pace ; the talismans , alfaquis , santons , emirs , seriphes , and other men of mahomets clergie marcht after with the puft vp grauitie of their condition . about fiue and twentie paces off , came ameth bassa taftardar , or high treasurer , chosen by the emperour to be sag● , or father to the bride , in rich robes mounted vpon a horse with a royall caparison , hauing about him twelue foot men , he conducted these precious moueables , or this royall bundle , which had in the head of it musique on horsebacke of hobbies and drummes after the turkish manner : it was distinguished into seuen and twenty presents , diuersly carried by seuen and twenty men. the first was a little hatte of massiue gold couered with rich stones . the second was a paire of pattins after the turkish manner also of pure gold , enricht with turquoises and rubies . the third a booke of mahomets law , the couering whereof was of massiue gold set with diamonds . the fourth vnto the sixt was three paire of bracelets of gold and precious stones . the seuenth and eighth two great bodkins of diamonds . the ninth a little cofer of chrystall of the rocke , with the corners of gold halfe a yard high , and halfe as broad , in the which were seene great diamonds , and huge pearles of the value of eight hundred thousand liuers . the tenth vnto the fifteenth , were six smocks imbroydered with gold and stones . the sixteenth to the one and twentieth , were six head-bands for her forehead of the same stuffe and as rich the two and twentieth vnto the seuen and twentieth , were sixe stately robes of cloth of gold , richly set with pearles and diamonds . after these presents followed eleuen chariots full of young virgins slaues to serue the bride ; they were couered and close , and either of them accompanied or rather guarded by two blacke eunuches : twentie other virgins slaues followed on horsebacke , and so many blacke eunuches richly attired and mounted in like manner accompanied them . after all this marched a hundred and forty moyles laden with tapestrie hangings of cloth of gold , of sattin , of veluet , with the ground of gold , and a great number of cushions of veluet and of cloth of gold , which are the chaires of the turkish ladies , with great store of other rich and sumptuous moueables . all these things made the spouses bundle , giuen by the emperour her father : not comprehending the presents and moueables which the bridegroome gaue her . the next day which was the day of the marriage , this princesse was conducted to her husbands lodging , with no lesse pompe and state then her moueables . the iannizaries made the front of this royall conuoie : the great preuost and the great surueyor followed as before . the emirs or cerafes , which are the cursed remainders of the race of mahomet the impostor , and only carry among the turkes a 〈◊〉 turbant ( the marke of their sottishnesse , and of the 〈◊〉 of their predecessor ) came after with a graue march of their vaine holinesse ; the priests , santons , talismans , and about two hundred schollers in the alcoran diuinitie , came after . the vizirs or chiefe iudges of turkey , shewed themselues in this pompe , and before the grand vizir who came in his rank , hauing on his left hand ( which is the most honour a 〈◊〉 turkey ) the mufti , or high priests of the law , thirty men on horsebacke with drums and hobois made the musique after the turkish manner ; seuen or eight egyptians shewing of a pish tricks following them , made it knowne that foolery had a ranke in the greatnesse of the world : forty musitians marcht two and two playing on lutes , harpes , and gitterns ; a foole mufled with a cap and a cloake couered with sheepes bones , and held for a saint by the turkes ( for folly is esteemed in the court and is reuerenced for holy ) danced alone , and shewed tricks . fiftie of the principall officer of the arsenall well attired did honour this solemnitie , or rather were honoured . thirtie men followed them with hammers and other instruments to breake downe the houses which aduanced too farre vpon the streete and might hinder the passage of two great trees of a wonderfull height , laden with diuers sorts of fruits , wherein art did imitate nature ; they were carried by many men , and supported in the midst by many ropes ; vnder the shaddow of these trees marcht twenty officers of the testarder or treasurer a●●● bassa sagon of father to the bride ; hee himselfe came after richly attired and royally mourned . two great touches light carried by many slauen followed him a●her torch of a wonderfull great proportion , burning likewise was carried a part ; it was couered with places of gould . a man would say in seeing it , that this precious metal had beene moulded into a torch , and kindled by a new stone , to giue light in this celebritis as well to the eyes of the body , as it did deele , yea , blind those of the minde . moreouer , this torch was more glistering with precious stones , then with the flame which burne it . the raisser ag● with ●●tie of the princesses officers followed these stately light● . after these , there was carried a great canopie of cri●●●n velvet , where no man was , couered . another came after richer than the first , all couered with plates of pure gold , with great curtaines like vnto a bad hanging downe to the ground , and close of all sides : vnder it the young princesse was on her backe , being the only subiect of this joy : some of her blacke eunuches were about her : her coach couered with cloth of gold , drawne by foure goodly white horses followed 〈◊〉 : eight other caroaches came after this , in ●he which were set among the blacke eunuches many faire virgins belonging to the bride , as glistering starres amidst darke and blacke clouds : in the number of these gentlewomen slaues they had made choist of fiue and twenty of those whose bountie seemed most accomplished : they were on horseback richly at●●●ed , their haire confusedly dispersed waued with the motion of the westerne winde , like waues of gold in a sea of love vpon their delicate shoulders : they made the pleasing end o● this pompous shew , it may be artificially , but it was cunningly enough for turkes , to the end the spectorom of this royal 〈◊〉 , should for the last obiects of their eyes for ●he 〈◊〉 of b●●ut●e , which might 〈◊〉 in their imagination 〈…〉 marks of pleasure , and of the greatnesse of this po●pe . yet it doth not 〈◊〉 the children that shall be borne of this marriage , a fortune equall to the qualitie of the emperours grandchildren : the fundamentall lawes of the turkes estate , ( which supports it by all the meanes they can , and sometimes 〈◊〉 it with bloud 〈◊〉 them euer to haue any charge , or gouernment which may make them eminent in the court : the highest degree they can attain vnto , is to be a saniac ; which is the gouernour of a borough or little town ; or to haue the charge of capigibassi , which is the chief of the porters of the serrail , as in france the captaine of the port at the louver . thus they keep them vnder to the end they may neuer trouble the estate by their authority , and birth , which makes them kinsmen to the crowne . contrariwise , if the bassa their father hath children borne of his slaues before the marriage , these shall precede them , and without contradiction may attaine , if they deserue it , or be fauoured , to the greatest offices of the empire . the sultans vncles by his wiues and his other kinsmen , haue not in regard of this proximitie of bloud , any ●re●t accesse into his pallace , and neere vnto his person , then that which their places giue them . they carry themselues towards him with the same basenesse and submission as others do● , with the which they are equally his slaues . the reason hereof is , that the turkes make no great esteeme of women , and they doe not beleeue that they giuing them to base slaues ▪ or to great bas●●s do dishonour or honour their family : the alliance which comes by their meanes is little regarded : moreover the preseruation of maiestie is so recommended vnto them , as fort his reason they keepe in subiection all the men of their empire , and in like manner those which might aduance themselues by the rights of their birth , the which makes them allied to the prince ▪ chap. xiii . of the grand seigneurs male children , of their education , and of the solemne pompe at their circumcision . the sultans male children are after their birth , lodged and bred vp together in the serrail , if they be borne of one woman , but if they haue diuers mothers they are separated hav● 〈◊〉 lodgings . their mothers see them bred vp to the 〈…〉 yeares , with the iealousie and enuie which 〈◊〉 proudly among the women of diuers beds . after this time ●he 〈◊〉 causeth the nurses to bee recompenced , and sends them to the old serrail , if they be not married nor haue any houses in constantinople . these young princes from the age of fiue yeares vnto eleuen or thirteene which they are with the wom●n , ●e their schoolemasters called cozas , whom the father giues them : th●se enter daily into the serrail of wom●n , and are led by blacke eunuches without seeing any of the ladies , into a chamber where these young princes remaine : they instruct them in the presence of two old 〈…〉 as it i● allowed them to continue , after which they returne with the same guides , who bring them to the gate of the serrail . this exercise is continued vntill the prince comes to the age of thirteene yeares , which is the ordinary ●earme of the turkes circumcision , after the imitation of ismael , from whom they glory to be descended , who was circumcised at the same age . sometimes the father seeing him grow great and neare him , stayes not so long . he causeth him to be out at eleuen yeares , to send him out of the serrail , and to re● him from him into some gouernment of asia . the ceremony of the circumcision is in turkey the most famous of their pompe , they call it marriage , but a marriage of the soule : and for that the soule is more excellent then the bodie , so the solemnitie of these marriages doe farre exceed those of corporall marriage . we will succinctly describe the particularities , and will take for a table of this royall magnificence , the prefines , playes , feasts , and gallant showes , which were made at the circumcision of maho● the third . grandfather to him that now raignes : some dayes before 〈◊〉 : for the circumcision followes the feast ; which was 〈◊〉 vpon his occasion . the hippodrome is a great place in constantinople , about fourescore fanthome long and sortie broud , artificially built vpon a great number of pillars and bashaes which suppose it strongly , and keepe it from drowning by the waters of the sea , which run vnder it , by certaine channels which giue it entry : it was the ancient mannage and course for horses as the word doth signifie , where the greeke emperours caused their horses to be ridden , and gaue vnto the eyes of the people which beheld them from a goodly theater built at the end , the pleasure of their stately courses . the theater is now ruined , and the goodly stones wherewith it was built haue serued for the proud pallaces of bashaes , which they haue raised thereabouts : this place is called at this day atmeiden , that is to say mannage ; there the magnificences of the circumcision of the turkish princes are performed . the day being come when they are to begin the feast , the emperour goes on horsebacke from the serrail , to come to the hippodrome ; the young prince his sonne is on the right hand , ( which is the lesse honourable among them ) attired in a rich robe of cloth of gold , couered with an infinite number of diamonds , and great round pearles of inestimable value : the point of his turbant glistered with precious stones : he was mounted vpon a goodly horse , with the richest caparison that could be found in the sultans serrail : the bitt was of massiue gold set with many diamonds , the stirrops of the same mettall couered with turquoises , the buckles were also of gold enricht with rubies , and the rest of the stately furniture accordingly : the grand vizir , the begtierbeys of asia , and europe , with other basha's of the port follow their lords , the ianizaries , solaquis , spahis , capigis , and the other guards and officers of the court accompany them , all of them attired with so great lustre and pompe , as it seemed that all the wealth not only of the east , but of the whole world had beene transported to constantinople , to adorne the men which shewed themselues in this solemnitie . being come to the hippodrome , they were receiued with a double harmony : the first consisted of hob●yes , fifes , drums , and trumpets , with such a noyse as the ayre and earth ecchoed againe : the second , the acclamations of the the people , who cried with a loud voice , liue sultan amurath , and liue sultan mahomet his sonne . hee to let the people know , how much he did cherish their affection , gaue them a largesse , and cast many great handfuls of gold and siluer amongst them . whilst the princes crosse the place , they caused to march before them fiue great tapers of waxe kindled and enricht with chugnant , and beautified with all sorts of flowres : they we●● for their proportion of bignesse and height rather like vnto great oakes than torches : they carried fortie foot in height . the sultans hauing crost the place entred the pallace of hibraim bassa , where the pauement of the court was all couered with cloth of gold , whereon they marched , and went to take their places , to be the subiects and spectators of this royall pompe . the father entred into a pauillion which was prepared for him , hauing a portall adjoyned beautified with rich pictures of arabia , which looked towards the place : the sonne went into a chamber vpon the left hand , where his seate was prepared . the sultan●es place was ioyning to the pauillion ; in the which were only the mother of the young prince and wife to the emperour , his sister the young princesse , and the woman of their ta●ine : their robes and glorious lustre of pearles and precious stones which they carried were worthy of the wife & daughter of the most powerfull and rich monarch of the earth . all the agaes and captaines of the port were in a gallery neere vnto them : at the end of the same lodging were other galleries erected of three stories : they had diuided them into little lodgings like vnto cabinets ; in the first and highest was the grand vizir , and the other vizirs , with the begliar●ey● of asia and europe were placed next , and the bassa oachiali captaine of the sea , or generall of the galley , and of all the fleets of the empire , whom fortune had d● from the trade of a base fisherman of calabria , and aduanced to that degree . in the second story were many lords & courtiers of the port. in the third and lowest they had made places for the embassadours of kings and christian princes : that of the french embassadour was in the first ranke , the emperours had the second , the polonians the third , the b●iliffe of venice the fourth , and he of raguse the fi●st : they were all in cloth of gold , and their gentlemen in like manner . he of france did not assist , holding it vnseemely for the embassadour of a most christian king and eldest sonne of the church to be spectator of a superstition , contrary to the law of his religion , yet his lodgings were kept void , aboue those of the imperiall embassadour , and no man held it during the feast . on the other side of the place there were theaters and lodgings erected for the embassadours of mahometan princes , who would not haue their places neere vnto the christians . the first place was giuen to him of persia ; who was stately attired in those goodly robes of cloth of gold after the persian manner , buttoned about him band● it ●wise ; the gentlemen of his traine did equall in pompe and gallantnesse any other of their condition whatsoeutoer . the top of their turbants couered with goodly turquoises , whereof their country abounds , made a goodly shew : they had brought their wines with them , who were wonderful faire , and attired with great aduantage to 〈…〉 : they couer their heads with many 〈…〉 gold wretched with their haire which they suffer to hang downe vnto their girdles and they artificially make two little hornes of ha●re enricht with pearle and precious stones , the which fall vpon their faire fore-heade : they made the b●itana's to enuy them , who beheld them and admired their grace thorow their ●a●tice windowes . persia hath alwayes had the glorie to haue had the fairest women in the world. the daughters of cyrus , and the wife of king darius , had so many ●r●ment● in their beautifull countenances as alexander durst not looke on them , fearing to be vanquished , and roxan● although of ●ase condition , was found so beautifull , as she deserued the honour to be wise vnto the great prince . the turkish women enter not into comparison with the persians for beautie , to whom they yeeld it ; and they say that their prophet mahomet would neuer got into persia ; and when they demanded the reason , his answers was that the women 〈◊〉 so beautifull courtesie and friendship , that which the others brought for tribute : hee gaue hi● 〈◊〉 f●ly clocke of 〈◊〉 which strooke the houres melodiously in musique , by length and twentie bels of siluer ; and with it thirtie p●ks of sca●her . the bailiffe of venice prose●d● cupboard of siluer pla●e , the one h● fragile , and the other white , sixe great bay●es of siluer to draw water , ten peeces of cloth of gold ; ten of silke , sattin , and veluet , and twentie of scarlet . the polonian brought 〈◊〉 ●ter , whose 〈◊〉 and scabba● was all couered with precious flower . he of ragusa geue fifte●ne goodly cups of siluer , many tapet● of white wa●● , which the turkes esteeme , and some peece of scarlet . the persian presented two ●o●an● , and some other bookes of muham●a larv● , couered without 〈◊〉 gold , many persian 〈…〉 silk● , and a good i●●her of gr●●t 〈◊〉 : th● embassadour of t●rt● gaue many skins of sa●es and other exquisite p● of great price . all the rest t●e their presents according to the order and rancke of the princes 〈◊〉 m●●●th●● . they 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 loue , and the rigours of 〈…〉 ●dered this 〈◊〉 , yet they did celebrate the first , in those goodly places 〈◊〉 they are 〈◊〉 : for the 〈…〉 the grand ●g●s c●●bl●c● made pi●y to 〈…〉 serrail , where the 〈…〉 rich presents , and ga● another time vnto the s● as●●hi , that is to say crowned , whom we haue lodged 〈◊〉 him in the p●l● of 〈◊〉 bassa , a crowne of 〈…〉 of the 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 brought 〈…〉 all made of sugar presented to the life , of the 〈…〉 proportion they ought to be of , as camels , lions , elephants , tygers , and many 〈◊〉 . the embassadours had their p● 〈…〉 were 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 . this was 〈…〉 〈…〉 . the mufti who is the high priest of the turkish law , opened the beginning ; he appeared first in the place , being maiestically set in a tabernacle carried vpon a camels backe : he had a booke in his hands which hee turned alwayes ouer : about him were on foot a great number of priests , and religious mahometans , who held bookes in like manner . but their fantasticke attire did shew plainely the humours of their brutish spirits : some had their heads couered with hoods , others with mitres , some with crownes , many had robes of beasts skinnes . they were no sooner come vnto the place , but they made shew of their religious modestie , in whistling , howling , beating vpon pans and basons , ringing of little bels which they carried in their hands , as a man would say that these testimonies of their zealous deuotion , were an insolent jangling , at the sound whereof they did leape & friske without ceasing . in this posture they made three turnes about the place , after which they stayed before the grand seigneurs window , who looked vpon their fooleries . there they made their prayers , during the which some religious men of the troupe drew out great kniues , and cut their flesh in diuers parts of their bodies , for the leue of the prophet , and of their sultan . the mufti descended from his tabernacle , entred into the pallace , and made his presents , which consisted in some bookes of the law. after which he retired with the brutish company of this monstrous clergie . and for that this first troupe was ridiculous , that which followed was lamentable : they were the two christian patriarches , the one of the grecians , the other of the armenians , attired in long blacke copes , which are their patriarchall robes , the true colours of their seruitude and heauinesse : they were followed by some christian priests : their gate was pittifull , hauing their heads hanging downe , in such sort , as the christians that were come thither to laugh , found a worthy subiect of weeping , seeing the church captivated to the cruelty of turkes , and the reuerend pastors thereof forced to goe and humble themselues at the feet of their tyrant , and enemy of their law , in a superstitious ceremony , and contrary to their religion : to life their sacred hands vpon him , and prostitute vpon his person the grace of their blessings : this is the estate whereunto the diuision of christians hath reduced them . when they came before the sultan , they prayed vnto god with a loud voice to blesse him , they presented him with a great bason of siluer full of peeces of gold , and so returned poorer than they came . the merchants followed , to vent without profit the most precious of their merchandize : they were a thousand in a troupe , turkes , christians , or iewes , all attired in robes of gold , and followed by a pleasing band of young men attired like maidens , hauing bowes in their hands , and quiuers at their backes full of golden arrowes . a childish troope of daintie young boyes like so many cupids crowned with flowers , and holding darts in their hands , drew without any difficultie a chariot which followed them , whereon was set and opened a shop full of cloth or gold and silke , with tapestries of all sorts , which they presented to the sultan , and cryed ; liue sultan amurath . the goldsmiths followed after ; their decking did shew that they traded in precious wares : they were all couered with precious stones : some of their number drew a rich shop full of vessels of gold and siluer which they gaue vnto the grand seigneur . a small troupe of other goldsmiths made a band a part : they were those of baiestan , whereof we haue spoken before , stately attired : the stones and pearles which were vpon their garments , were valued at a million of gold : the presents which they made were great and rich . all the other tradsmen came in their order , and all laboured in their profession . the makers of cloth of gold and silke , to the number of fiue hundred men well attired , caused two loomes to march with them , whereon they made a peece of cloth of gold , and another of silke before they had gone thrice about the place . the lace-makers did the like in their kind : they were in the midst of many sorts of beasts made of silke , which marched with them by art : the linnen weauers , tapestric men , and cotton makers , laboured also in their vocation . the feather-makers fed the curiositie of the spectators with feathers and winde : they made many artificiall birds , which did flie in the aire , as if they had beene naturall . tailors made garments in passing vpon the place ; smiths did worke in iron , potters made pots , cutlers made kniues , and sadlers saddles , masons did build , and glasse-makers did blow their glasses , bakers did bake ; and that which was not pleasing , the sluttish butchers did kill and slay beasts , and gaue the flesh to the people . the gardiners were there laden with flowres , the ploughmen with their ploughes tilled the sand : the shepheards with their fat troups made their three turnes : the keepers of moiles , asses , and carters , brought their moiles , their horses , and their asses : their grosse speeches did not greatly tickle the sultans cares : nor their presents did not draw his eyes to the contemplation of their beautie : he had nothing but wood , stone , and water : and that which he did , as i conceiue , suffering their foolery to entertaine his leisure , was only to represent vnto his ambition the fabricke of the world , to the gouernment whereof he aspires , in receiuing such homages as th●se men could yield . the iewes were the last which gaue presents : they were three hundred young men separated into three bands , disguised in diuers nations : the one was attired and armed like french , the other represented spaniards , and the third seemed to bee swissers with their great cod-peeces ; they had for their traine an infinite number of dragons , sirens , and tortoyses of the sea , which marched artificially : and with this , pleasant antiques , as women which had resigned their distasses vnto their husbands , and made them to spin : they were gotten vpon their shoulders to shew their empire , and to let them see the miseries of these coxcombes , charged with such importune burthens . these homages and presents being thus ended , the combats of warre , did shew the force of their art , and the sports the pleasure of their brauerie : the grand vizir would haue the honour to expose vnto his masters eyes , the representation of his victories against the christians . he caused to be drawne into the place two great castles of wood , diuersly painted , mounted vpon wheeles , garnished with towres , fortified with rampiers , and furnished with artillerie : the one was kept by turkes , who had planted vpon their tower , many red , white , and greene ensignes : the other was defended by men , attired and armed after the french manner , who seemed christians : their ensignes carried white crosses ; without doubt they had beene taken in some encounter , or at the sacke of some towne of the christians : either of these castles had thirtie horse , which made diuers sollies : the turkes forced the others to make their last retreate into their fort , where they shut them vp , besieged them , battered their walls , made a breach , sent to discouer it , and marched to the assault with their vsuall cries and howlings : the little resistance they found made them soone masters and vanquishe is , although they were themselues vanquished , for they fought against themselues : if they had had to deale with christians , they had not preuailed so easily . as soone as they were entred , they abandoned the place to their cruelty , put all to the sword , cutting off the heads of the principall , and lifting counterfeit heads aboue the walls . the contempt which they make of vs ended the triumh ; they let slip into the place about thirty hogs which they had shut into a fort , and ranne after them crying and howling in mockerie : thus the turkes doe not sport but in contemning the christians , nor labour seriously but in ruining them : and they by a fatall diuision prepare their victories , and dispose the triumphs which they obtaine of them with great facilitie . occhiali bassa great admirall of the sea , exceeded by his industrie , the vizirs inuention . hee caused to come rowling into the place , a great island , admirably well made of boords and pastboord , which represented cypres : two powerfull armies held it besieged , the one by sea and the other by . land : there was artificially seene their descent into the island , the siege of famagouste , the sallies , skirmishes , batteries , counter-batteries , mines , counter-mines , breaches , assaults vpon assault , fire-workes , and whatsoeuer the furie of warre could inuent . sometimes the turkes were masters of the wals , and suddainly the generositie of the cypriots repulsed them : but time , force , and the want of succours made them receiue the composition which they offered them ; yet the disloyaltie of the turks did not obserue it , for some they made slaues , and the rest they put to the sword : all this was seene in the place : when as the sound of trumpets , the noise of drums , the howling of turkes and the thundering of the canons seemed to be at the taking of another island at cypres . the wonder of this artificiall representation did much please the sultan , reioyced the people , and reuiued in the christians minds the griefe of their losse : heauen would haue it so to punish their great curiositie , for assisting with these infamous mathometans , and to be spectators with them at the pompes of their superstition . but he did not suffer their insolencie to be vnpunished ; hee made it knowne that if his iustice suffers them to bee ascourge to the christians , yet hee doth not alwayes suffer them , to haue them in derision : the cannonadoes , where there was nothing but powder , slue many of these takers of the island in picture vpon the place , & wounded a great number . some other artificiall castles appeared after , shewing the like thing to that of the grand vizir : one among the rest , the least of all , carried two towers , in the which there were two men armed , which fought on against the other with their semiters , they did mannage greene ensignes , and battleaxes of glasse without breaking them . the romeliens and albanois , whom the turkes hold for the best men at armes , came after with their launces and their targets vpon the left arme , they haue no rest to beare it , like vnto the franques , it is only tied to their saddles by a leather thong , for they carrie no cuyrasses : many of their horses were slaine there in combating . after the encounter , they did runne at the ring after their manner , which is to set a little rod of iron on the ground , on the end whereof they put a ring somewhat bigger than those which they vse in france . they which tooke it , carrying the ring on the end of their launce being on foot , went to present it vnto the sultan before his window , who threw him out a ring of gold in recompence ; the manner of receiuing it was not without a mysterie : in raising it from the ground , the cauallier kist it , laid it vpon his head , and bending downe very low made a reuerence and so retired . when these men had voided the place , they brought in thirtie christian souldiers , lately taken in the wars of hungarie : they followed with their irons the triumph of certaine turkish captaines which had taken them ; some ensignes and drums of their companies made vp the trophie of these barbarians . a goodly troupe of archers on horsebacke arriued soone after with a more generall joy ; they actiuities which they shewed are admirable . after they had finished their courses , with a target in the left hand , and a long dart or halfe pike in the right , sometimes ranged in battaile , sometimes disbanded , casting them one at another , and taking them vp from the ground in running : they ranne their horses with their full speed , and in the swiftnesse of their course , drew their semiters thrice out of their scabbords , and put them vp as often without any stay : in like manner they shot thrice with their bowes , with the first they hit an iron on the hinder part of the horse ; with the second they strooke an apple of gold , which was vpon the top of a great mast of a ship set vp in the midst of the place : with the last they hit the ring at which the albanois had runne : then standing vpright in their saddles , they did run their horses with full speed , and did mannage their armes as before . some of their troupe did things which were admirable : there was one who tooke the saddle from his horsebacke , laid it vpon his necke , and set it in its place againe all with running . the same m●n set an orange vpon the turbant of his slaue , and in running pierced it diuers times with his arrowes , and neuer hurt his slaue ; hee pierced a great brazen morter with an arrow ; moreouer , hee tied two horses together , set a foot vpon either of them , and standing vpright , supported a young boy who shot with his bow as the horses galloped . another of the same archers ran with all speed his head in the saddle , and his feet vpwards betwixt foure semiters , which had their points set against him : two men of their troupe put themselues into one saddle , and vaulted before and behinde while the horse did run , lighting and remounting againe without stay . an arabian which was amongst them added the force of his jawes to their dexteritie : he did set a packe saddle on a horse with his teeth , hauing his hands bound , hee put on the panniers , and then set on his boy to load it , hee did also saddle his horse after the same manner , and leapt vpon him ; doubtlesse the biting of such a gallant would be dangerous . this day ( for all these wonders were not one dayes worke ) ended by some actions of piety after the turkish manner , which the sultan caused to be performed at the gate , by the which they got to andrinopolis : thither he went going from the place with the young prince mahomet his sonne , and all the great men of his court , where being ariued he caused foure thousand sheepe to be sacrificed , and a great number of beeues which he caused to be rosted whole , in either of which they put a whole sheepe , and in the sheepe a heu , and in the hen egges , and caused all to be distributed to the poore . hee then receiued newes of the defeat of his army in persia ; for the pleasure of humane pompe is neuer so absolute , but it is accompanied with some cares and crosses : the feeling of this rout fell vpon the embassadour of persia . the turke offers violence to his person , and commits him to prison , and in the open day , and in the view of the people , and of other embassadours , caused his lodging to be sackt and spoiled . but this was no hinderance , but the day following the feast was continued . a troupe of excellent tumblers and mountebankes ( whereof turkey abounds aboue all the regions of the earth ) did to the common amazement of all the spectators these things which follow . the first which shewed himselfe in the place , shut a young boy naked into a hogshead , with fiue and twenty or thirty great serpents , and rowled it about the place , and then drew out the boy whole and sound : the same serpents stinging and biting others which came neere them . after this they buried a young boy deepe in a ditch , and couered him with earth as if hee had beene dead , and yet he answered as distinctly and intelligibly to that which they demanded of him , as if hee had beene out of the ground . another presented himselfe naked without shame , but not without more than humane force , hee layed himselfe flat on his backe vpon the edge of two semiters ; being in this posture , they laid vpon his belly a great anuile of iron , whereon foure men did beate with great hammers ; and moreouer they did riue many great pieces of wood without any offence to him . when this man was retired , a troupe of other naked men exposed themselues to the view of the world all couered with wounds , their bodies being yet larded with the same armes which had made them , some with arrowes , others with kniues and swords ; but before these mad men had gone thrice about the place , two of the troupe fell downe dead , which shewed that their wounds were rather markes of their folly than inchantments . another shewed the force of his jawes , and his hands : he held a horse-shooe betwixt his teeth , and puld it in pieces with his hands ; he brake a plough-share , with three blowes with his fist ; and hee caused a piece of iron to be made red hot , the which hee tooke in his hand licked it with his tongue , rubbed it on his face , and yet was not burnt : afterward hee caused a goat to dance pleasantly vpon his shoulders , and neuer toucht it , causing it to passe from one shoulder to the other without mouing . a headie-brain'd fellow followed this man , vpon whose head they did breake with hammers a great stone , which a man could hardly lift from the ground . hee caused them to couer him with so great a heape of stones as he could not beseene , and yet for all this hee felt no discommoditie . another b●d came after , whose ●eet were so hardned , as they went bare vpon a harrow full of sharpe pikes and cutting k●ines : there was one followed them , who with a cord , tied to his haire without the helpe of his hands , did lift vp a stone of a hundred and fifty pound weight . many beasts instructed in this art of tumbling augmented the pleasure of the assistants : little birds , went to fetch a piece of siluer as farre as they diuided them , and brought it to their masters , asses danced , dogges and apes shewed a thousand pleasant tricke . the grand seigneurs wrestlers , came to shew their force and actiuitie , 〈◊〉 and greased to auoid the surprize of their enemies ▪ these are the most continent men in turkey , they keepe their virginity pure and vntoucht , and say with reason that it doth e●●it●e and preserue the force of their bodies . the speech● , which are the sultans footmen , would also be of the p●●ti● , they came vnto the place with their feets●oe , running and leaping with admirable swiftnesse and disposition . these men ha●e ●e ●kin of their feet so hard as a smithton hardly make a 〈◊〉 to enter ; they doe harden them see pleasure . the dancers vpon ropes shewed strange form of actiuity ▪ in those places they exceed all others what 〈◊〉 for their a●i●i●y . two elephants , and a giraffe , were brought into the hippodrome , to augment the sultan delight by this nouelty . the elephants differed in forme : one was grant and the other li●e . the great one was thri● one high , and bigger than a buffle , or small socere , heads that vpon his 〈◊〉 a little castle of light wood , in the which might 〈…〉 six souldiers without crowling : the 〈◊〉 in comparison of the rest of the body 〈◊〉 : fro● the end of the vpper part of the muscle , then did 〈…〉 , whereof this beast on 〈◊〉 vse as readily as a 〈◊〉 doth his 〈◊〉 , takes what his 〈◊〉 〈…〉 him , carries his entire to his 〈◊〉 , vse 〈◊〉 for a 〈◊〉 with incomparable force , 〈◊〉 are small 〈◊〉 to those of a bore , his another chap is 〈◊〉 vnto the 〈…〉 her hath two great 〈◊〉 , about 〈…〉 round and great , lying vpon his backe , hee sometimes raises them vp : his legs are euen like vnto pillars , in the which there appeares no joynts , yet this beast hath some ; he doth but halfe bend them , and therefore hee suffers himselfe to fall vpon his side this feet are round , and haue fiue nailes ▪ his skin is black ; and hath little haire . the naturalists obserue , and experience doth confirme , that this beast hath so powerfull an instinct , as it seemes , hee is indowed with judgement : examples are familiar in histories : this beast being brought before the grand seigneurs window , lifted vp his head to looke on him , then he bowed it downe very low in signe of reuerence . they cast vpon the ground a handfull of aspres , which is a little coine like vnto the french carolus ; the which hee gathered vp with his heauy trumpe●s handsomely as any man could haue done with his hands ▪ eight strong turkes held a long pole in their hands , and gaue him the end ; as soone as he had seized on it with his trumpe , hee made them to turne about as easily as if they had beene feathers : afterwards hee lifted vp the pole , and strooke it so hard against the ground , as those men were fore 〈◊〉 abandon it : ●ing master of it , hee did flourish with it like at two hand● sword with admirable dexteritie . wherefore the indians haue reason in their warres to make vse of the force and addresse of these beasts : they carrie many men , and when they tie a semiter to the trumpe , one of them kils more than a company of foot could doe ? the giraffe . the giraffe , whereof the portraite is here represent to was at the same time brought into the hippodrome . this beast for that it is little knowne in europe was much admired . it is not only beautifull of it selfe , but it is also gentle and very tractable : it hath a head like a stagge , armed with two little harmes halfe a foot long , couered with 〈◊〉 ; the eares ; the feet and the talle are like 〈◊〉 a cow : it hath a neck 〈◊〉 into a camell , it hath hard knees vpon the ha●s , and brest ; the 〈◊〉 speckled like vnto a leopard , and some beleeue that it is that ca●par● of the ●●dear ; his 〈◊〉 before are foure or fiue times longer then those behind , so as his naturall posture represents a goat standing vpright against a tree to b●ou●e the buds : the which makes him to feed with discom●●●ic : for in this action but is forced as open his legges to make passage for his hand . if we had not vndoubted proofes of the wisdome of nature in the wonders of her workes , wee might say that this beast alwayes standing vpright is one of her fantasticke creatures . being led aboue the place , they were carried backe , passing thorough the citie , the giraffe had such aduantage in the foreport , as his head looked into the windowes of their houses . such were the pompe of the day , the night wanted not here , if there were any eight during the solemnity of this royall circumcision : for at such time as the sunne did not shine in their hemispheare , they had raised a ship must in the hippodrome , whereon there was a great circle like a crowne furnished with burning lamps : and neere vnto the obelisque which is the ancient ornament of this place , there was a longe wheele set vp , the which did time continually , and made twelue other smaller to moue , all which were inuolued with lights , which remayning some , 〈◊〉 notwithstanding to follow the motion of the wheeles , not without a wonderfull content to the eyes of those which beheld them : besides this there were many ship masts with their 〈◊〉 and ta●lings , all couered with lamps , which gaue so cleer a light , as in the dark night they made an artificiall day ; by the fauour of which light , most of those goodly things which had appeared in the day , come after supper to giue 〈…〉 to the company by their 〈◊〉 . after this , 〈…〉 fire-workes , some drowe by 〈◊〉 , ●hers by 〈…〉 which did vo●ie for all ●ames , filled the aire 〈◊〉 agreeable 〈◊〉 , and pleasant thunderings , and the 〈◊〉 of the spectatours with ●●●●ment : but their 〈…〉 , their thundering 〈◊〉 and their 〈…〉 to those which did behold 〈◊〉 those●● and smoake of powers , 〈◊〉 ●heth ( if they 〈◊〉 comprehend it ) that humans 〈◊〉 , and the shewe● of 〈◊〉 greatnesse of the world , dissolue in the end into winde and smoake . the most stately of these nocturnall sports was the representation of a nauall fight so artificially exprest , as it made the christians that were present see , that the recompence of labour , and the reward of merit , hauing drawne into turkey the goodliest inuentions of men , haue made them to lose the name of barbarous to send it vnto vs , where as vertue is not acknowledged . there they saw many shippes and gallies vnder saile , furnished with artillerie , adorned with their flags , the trumpets sounding , fight , inuest , leape from one beak-head to another , kill , cast into the sea , burne , and sinke the enemies vessels , with admirable dexteritie . the battailes at land , sieges , and taking of townes , were represented with no lesse art . but if the description of this royall feast hath beene a pleasing diuersion vnto vs in the toile of this historie , let vs end it according to the naturall course of pleasure , by the griefe which followes . doubtlesse it will be great enough to impart it to those which shall read the issue of this chapter , where we obserue than during the spectacles of this solemnity , the wretched grecian ●y ●roupes in this place to make themselues mahom●tans : some abandoned christianitie to auoid the oppression of the turkes , others for the hope of priuate profit : the youngest and most beautifull were sent into the serrail , with the ichi●glans , and the rest among the azamoglans : this hope of better fortune drew the idlenesse of many young men , so as they could hardly find masters enough to cut them : this detestable troupe of rascals , went to shew themselues before the grand seigneur , their bonnets vnder their feet , in signe that they did tread their law and honour vnder foot : there a turkish priest did cause them to lift vp the demonstratiue finger of the right hand , in signe that they did not beleeue but one god in one person , & to say with a loud voice , laila ey lala alla mehemer ●asoul alla ; then they led them into c●taine pauillions , which were erected expresly at the end of the place where they were circumcised : hee the number of these cast awayes was found to bee aboue foure thousand soul● . these sports and triumphs being thus miserably ended , the young prince for whom they had beene made , was brought into his fathers chamber , where hee was circumcised by one of the great men of the 〈◊〉 the p●s●re of all the basha's . his wound being cured within few dayes , hee goes to take his lost leaue of the sultans his mother , whom she shall see no more vntill hee comes to take possession of the empire , after the death of his father , if hee be the oldest , or to end his life with a halter if hee be a younger brother , when his ●der shall raigne . she giues him presents : and the other sultana's doe the like : all the basha's present him , and the emperour his father appoints his family , giues him a pra●r , an eunuch for gouernour , with many other men to serue him , and sends him into as●a , sa●qua only of the citie of the magnesia , the chiefe of alysia , as lieutenant in that region vnder the authoritie of a basha who is gouernour whilest he carries the title , hee must gouerne his actions with prudence and modestie ; for if he should haue any designes of innouation by the counsailes of some dis●ed seditious persons , he should worke his owne mi● by his owne hanes . the eunuch which is the most ●pp● about him , hee is bound to aduertise the sultan his father , and the principall basha'es , of all his carriage . chap. xiv . of the presents they make unto the grand seigneur , and of that which hee himself giues . the custome to giue present vnto the prince 〈◊〉 beene so practiced in the turkish m●thio , 〈…〉 law of state , so as it is written in the 〈…〉 empire , that all the basha's and great men of the port shall at certaine seasons of the yeare , and at the circumcision of the emperours children , giue him presents , and likewise when they returne from the gouernment of prouinces , where they haue continued some yeares in the administration of their charges of viceroy . the generals of armies at the returne from their victories , are bound to present gifts to the sultan : they doe it vsually in a great quantity of vessels of gold and siluer , swords and daggers enricht with precious stones , and bowes of the like manner , plumes of feathers with precious iewels , rich girdles , exquisite furres , and sometimes pieces of cloth of gold , with tapestries of silke and gold : whereof the princes wardrobe is commonly well stored , to supply his bounty to his sultana's & slaues , and to send to forreine princes : all these men being slaues to their master , and as it were forced to these liberalities , cannot when they please follow their good aduice which say , that it is a noble folly to giue vnto great men , for they beleeue they oblige a man much when they receiue that which he presents . the basha's which returne from the gouernment of egypt , parting from cair● , dispose the value of the presents into ready money , and ariuing at the serrail , they sometimes present vnto the sultan foure or fiue millions of liuers , which is foure or fiue hundred thousand pounds sterling . the generals of armies doe many times practise the same liberality , they are the better receiued by their master , and the glory of their magnificence flyes into the mouth of the people , and they find by their great gifts , that the offering of presents , pacifie both men and gods , ( as they said in old time ) these notable summes ouer 〈◊〉 the inward chasna , which is the princes secret treasure . the christian patriarch giues vnto the sultan newly crowned an honourable present , which the greekes call pesquesian , or when the patriarch co●ers into his charge , by the death or deposition of another . besides this the turkes giue vnto the eunuches which are familiar to the prince many rich presents , to make them speake from them vpon all necessary occasions : for the ballance doth alwayes decline on that side which is heauiest , and the only meanes to gaine the affection of these gelded men , is to glut their auarice , which is no small labour . nassuf bassa , who ended his fortune and his life in the yeere 1614 , did often say that the eunuches of the serrail were insatiable : they doe also hold , and they practize this maxime in the turkish court , the which is generally receiued by all men , that the sweetest action of men is , to take , although in truth it be more generous to giue , for him that is able . as pleasure and griefe are naturally ioyned together , haue one temple , and their offerings are vpon the same altar : the othoman monarch who takes a great delight to see himselfe glutted with presents ; not only by his owne subiects , but also by strangers , yet he sometimes finds a distaste in it : as it happened to sely●n the first , whose example shall suffice in this chapter , that by its breuity wee may ease the long descriptions of the former . this prince hauing taken the othoman scepter , his hands being yet bloudy by the death of his brethren and nephewes , and the chiefe of his basha●s ; thinking to be honoured according to the ordinary custome of his predecessors , with presents which forreine princes make , hee saw his cruelty taxed , by that which the persian embassadour presented vnto him , who gaue him in his masters name , a great furious lyon , inaccessible , alwayes fo●ing for rage , and neuer made tame by any man. this present being brought , sely●n fell into a rage , stamps with his foote , complained that hee was wronged , and sware that hee would be reuenged , and demanded satisfaction from the embassadour ; who being aduised and cunning , couered the part which hee had played with many goodly worde ▪ herald , sely●n that this lion did rather represent the 〈◊〉 of his courage , and that of his generosity rather than any other thing ; but this did not pacifie him , he ch●sed him out of his territories , and gaue him to present vnto his master many great dogges with bloudie mussels , as if hee would say , they had 〈◊〉 his lion in pieces , and that in the assaults of warre hee would intreat him in like manner . seeing then the turkish prince doth continually receiue presents from others , it is string he should likewise giue : for it is more seemly for a king to giue then to take , so his wardrobe is vsually open to giue . the sultana's are enricht by his presents ; the mufti and his praceptor are honoured , and the bashaes receiue : and all this consists in precious stones , purses full of gold coyned , robes of cloth of gold , plumes of feathers , iewels , rich armes , and other things of value . the chasnadar bassi , who is the high treasurer , hath the charge to buy what is needfull for presents , hee imployes yearely in cloth of gold , for robes which they giue , the which is made at bursia in asia , foure millions of liuers , besides that which comes into the royall wardrobe , by the presents of basha's and other great men : but as all riuers come from the sea and returne vnto it , so all the grand seigneurs presents returne backe in the end to his owne cosets : the sultana's die , and their goodly stuffe comes to him ; the bashaes end their liues , he takes all as the master doth of his slaues : sometimes hee leaues a part for the execution of the will which he hath made . so as he doth not giue but lends for a time , seeing that the fundamentall law of his estate , which makes all men his slaues , restores that vnto him which he had giuen , and moreouer , all the wealth of his subjects . but all the presents of the turkish emperour are not pleasing to them which receiue them , they are sometimes fatall fore tellings of death to him to whom hee giues them ; for when hee sends for any great men of the port into the serrail , to feast him , or to speake with him , after the feast or at the end of his discourse , meaning to take away his life in his presence , he giues him a blacke robe wrought with gold and silke : as basa●et the second did to bassa achomat , who had supt in the serrail with the other bashaes at his masters table , amidst the delights and pleasures of a royall feast , whereas wine forbidden by the law of their religion , was poured forth as plentifully , as in any part of the world , supper being ended and the table taken away , the bashaes humble themselues before their prince , some kisse the ground in his presence to obtaine pardon for that they had drunke wine , and so returned to their houses . the sultan stayed achomat , with their sweete words , milalah ( that is to say my protectour ) tarrit here with mee . when the others were gone , hee caused a rich robe of blacke silke wrought with gold to be brought vnto him , ●t the fight hereof acha●at entred into fur●e , hee knew well what it meant , and assured himselfe of his ruine , hee accuseth baiazeth of injustice and crueltie , and tells him in his rage . why didst thou sonne of a whore suffer mee to drinke wine against the holy constitutions of any law , if their wilt presently put mee to death ? hee ended his rage with the rest of the discourse which his passion had dictated . but his life was freed from the present danger : his sonne seeing him not returne with the other bash●●s , informed himselfe from them what was become of his father . they tell him in what a pittifull estate hee was , whereupon hee flyes to the serail , moues the ianizaries to compassion , who loued achomat for his valour , as he whom they had followed in the warres , in battailes , and assaults of townes , they filled the serrail with the honour of their cryes , br'e , br'e , that is to say str● 〈◊〉 . they beate at the gate of the emperours lodging , threaten him , ra●●e on him , called him drunkard , and force him to restore achomat who was pale and warne ha●ling the ●alter about his necke , with the which the princes made ●sed were ready to strangle him . in this manner force hindred the effect of this fatall present of a blacke g●ne wrought with gold. but besides these accidents hee that receiue it must aspect his infallible ruine . this present is the 〈◊〉 by the othoman monarch to any but to 〈…〉 , but hee sometimes sends others , which show the contempt which hee makes of forreigne princes , as when hee sends a robe how r●●h soeue● vnto a soueraigne p● , for a robe is the present of a superiour to his inf● . so 〈◊〉 the first 〈…〉 the●●r , or t●mberlan , emperour of the 〈◊〉 , when hee sent him a robe in disgrace to contemne him . th● was much offended , and answered those which brought the present from the turke , that he should not 〈◊〉 those of his s●●t 〈◊〉 that manner : but hee soone had his reuenge . hee entred baiazets countrey in asia , ( constantinople was then held by the christians ) and with eight hundred thousand fighting men , tooke sebaste the s●ate of his empire , slue his sonne orthogules , defeated his armie in battaile , tooke himselfe prisoner , reuenged this contempt by many others , and afflicted him so in following him , as hee died of griefe , sorrow , and paine : to be an example to princes , not to contemne those which are soueraignes like themselues , and therein images of the soueraigne god. but thus they giue presents of death and contempt in turkey , the one is of crueltie , and the other of offences and not presents , for the presents of enemies are no presents . the sultana queene that is crowned , and mother to the young prince successour of the empire , giues many presents a shee receiues daily from the great men of the port which send vnto her , and therefore shee is bound to giue ; to this end the emperour doth furnish her with much goodly stuffe , and peeces of price which are giuen vnto him , and with great summes of money to buy others . the grand vizir doth also giue many presents both within constantinople and without : hee sends many roabes of cloth of gold and silke , to embassadours which arriue at the port : and when hee is in the armie , performing the the change of lieutenant generall to the sultan , hee giues to draw strangers vnto him that may be vsefull , or to recompence the generositie of some valiant captaine . and for that all these presents are giuen in the sultans name , he doth furnish those things which he giues . and to this end the teftardar deliuers him money , pieces of cloth of gold , of silke and many other stuffes . this is all that can be spoken of the sultans presents . chap. xv. of the treasures of the serrail . the och●mas monarch hath his treasures : what soueraigne prince can preserue and ●ine his power and estate without their force : it is gotten by armes and money , preserued and underlined by the same meanes . hee doth lodge it in his serrail , one part in the co●he which is without his quarter : and the other within it : in the treasurie without it layed the money for the ordinary and extraordinary expences , which is buried vpon all the reuenewes of the empire . the grand vizir and the great teftardar , or superintendent of the treasure keepe the keyes , but it is sealed only by the grand vizir . the other place for the treasure is more important : it is within the quarter of the sultans lodging , or most commonly vnder the chamber where he sleepe , taking his rest vpon the subject of his disquiet . this is vnder the cha●ge and care of the 〈…〉 , who is a white eunuch , and a fauourite as the prince ; hee hath one key and the emperour another : the treasure which is said to yearely there , is that which hee sp● out of the reuenewes of egypt : when they haue paid the 〈◊〉 of ca●re , their commanders , and others which are the force and defence of that rich kingdome there 〈◊〉 vsually 〈…〉 thousand sultanians , which makes two 〈◊〉 foure hundred thousand liuers of french money . besides this treasure the jealousie of turkish emperoure 〈…〉 ●other in the serrail of the sultana's , in 〈…〉 where as the sultanas queene doth lodge , 〈…〉 of his serrail should enter into it : the doores are 〈◊〉 iron , and they will is vp as often as they put any treasure into it , and they which carry it are mutes , to whose silence the sultanas ●sides the ●●cret : they carrie it in great s●●he of leather like vnto purses , and let it downe into ●mes , which are made of purpose to keepe it : thus the money which 〈◊〉 with gaine , is kept with feare , and if it be lost it is with griefe . the prince which doth waste it by his prodigalities , weakens his estate , and exposeth himselfe to the dangers of many violent necessities . that turkish monarch which first made the place for the secret treasure in the sultanaes serrail , was selym the first , who hauing drawne together all the coyned gold which hee receiued of the reuenewes of caire and other places , hee caused it to be moulten , and made a great ball , which his dumbe men did roll to put into the cisternes of this treasurie . doubtlesse , it must needs be very painfull to roll it , seeing the weight of this precious metall is so cumbersome , as it ●●rawes all the world after it . hee himselfe had the key of this secret place , making vse of his dumbe men , to the end they should not reueale the rich treasure which he had drawn together . amurath the third did afterwards seeke a more secret place , vnder the chamber of the sultana asachi , ( that is to say the crowned ) where he caused cisternes to be digged to that end : he entred into it foure times in the yeere , and at euery time he put into it aboue two millions of gold : this prince drew together more treasure than any of the rest , hauing in few yeares filled those cisternes with coyned gold. wherefore we must not wonder if the turkes armies be so strong , seeing they furnish them with so many sinewes ; if they vanquish and triumph , seeing they haue both men and money in abundance : but rather wee haue cause to wonder that they doe not get all the rest of the world : for what is there in it that is not to be sold for money ? the king of the numidians had reason to say in beholding that citie which was the seat of the most powerfull monarchie of the earth : a citie that is to be sold , is nere its ruine , if it find a buyer . men haue giuen the turkish emperours that fearefull greatnesse which they enjoy , but money hath bought the men . chap. xvi . of the reuenewes of the turkish emperour in generall and in particular , and of the extent thereof ▪ the greatnesse of monarchies consists chiefly in three things , in the number of men , in the extent of countries , and in the abundance of his annuall reuenewes . which three things are found in eminencie , aboue all other estates of the world , in the turkes empire : his armies are many times 400000. fighting men or more ; the townes and champion countrey are inhabited and abundantly peopled , by the law of their religion and state , which forceth men to marrie being fiue and twenty yeares olde , and they haue libertie to keepe as many concubines as they are able to feed . the yearely reuenew is proportionable in this abundance : wee may comprehend it in two sorts ▪ in the ordinary reuenew which is alwayes equall , and doth not alter ; and in the extraordinary and casuall . the ordinary amounts yearely to twenty millions of gold ; the extraordinary is not lesse , but more vncertaine , for it is not raised but vpon escheates and casuall things ; as when the turkes die without heires , all their goods come vnto the prince ; if they leaue any children , he takes only ten in the hundred ▪ most of the rich bashaes , and wealthy men of the court , leaue the best of their estates to their prince , although they haue children : for being all slaues by the fundamentall law of the s●●●e , the sultan seizes vpon their pallaces of their most precious moueables , and doth not suffer that the great summers of money which they leaue should be otherwise imployed , but to fill the cofers of his chasna , or treasury . besides all this hee is the first and chiefe principall steward of the benefices of his empire : for if any pious person according to his religion , leaues any great legacies to the priests of his law , to read the alc●r● , or to performe some other deuotion after their manner , hee lookes what is necessary for the nourishment and entertainment of a number of priests , which are appointed , not according to the lawes of excesse , but in termes of modesty and ecclesiasticall sobrietie : he causeth it be deliuered vnto them , and puts the rest into his cofers . so as he that could justly calculate the revenewes of the turkish empire , without doubt he should find it to exceed forty millions yearely , aswell the ordinary as the casuall : whereunto no monarch of the earth doth come neere . they which haue seene the turkes court , dwelt in constantinople , and conuerst with the naturall citizens thereof , vnderstand the greatnesse of the annuall reuenewes of this spacious empire . and others who haue not trauelled so farre , to attaine vnto this particular knowledge , will not call this truth in question , if they consider the vast extent of the othuman empire ; for the soueraigne princes thereof are lords of africke ; they possesse a part of barbary , they rule beyond thu●● and argier ; they draw tributes from the crownes of fesse and morocco . they are kings of high and low egypt : they force obedience in asia : the three arabiaes , that is to say , the stony , the desart , and the happy , acknowledge no other lord : the holy land suffers the rigour of their command , which is absolute in syria , mesopotamia , and chaldaea , a part of persia doth acknowledge them : media and assiria are theirs : armenia the lesse bowes vnder their lawes , and a part of the greater , with the countrey of mongrelia : all asia the lesser obey them , and in it the prouinces of caramania , calicia , cappad●cia , pamphylia , paphlagonia , gallacia , phrygia , bichynia , lydia , caria , and magnesia : the emperour of trebisonde acknowledgeth them for masters : their power is not lesse in europe , which is the goodliest , the most flourishing and the ciuillest part in the world : all greece , as thr●● ; macedonia , bulgaria , polopos● now called mor●a , b●sina , and ser●ia , doe what they command : sla●ia is subject vnto them : a part of sa● , dasia , hungaria , and valachia are peopled by them : the prouinces which lie vpon the blacke sea and the archipelagus , belong wholy vnto the turkes● and the ilands of the mediterran●an sea , which make the greatest number yeeld vnto their 〈◊〉 . they haue 〈◊〉 from the venetians the crowns of g● and ierusalem that goodly island of rhodas , leauing 〈◊〉 in that sea vnder the obedience of the christians , but candoe , sicely , corfon and malta . thus the 〈◊〉 of the great and redoubted turkish empire , 〈…〉 north at the riuer tanais , the most famous bounds 〈…〉 e●rope : towards the south it joynes with the countries of preste-iean , or the greater neg● of ●thi●pia towards the east it extends its limits to the persian gulfe , yea , it passeth beyond ●als●t● ▪ and in the wa● they are 〈◊〉 neighbours to ragousa a 〈…〉 . and if god did not restraine the course of their great prosperities , they would adde vnto their monarchy many other prouinces of christendome , which the dis● of christian prin●ces , and the carelesse neglect of their subjects seene to expose to their ambition : for if the sult● doe what they can to inlarge their estates , these furnish them occasion by their diuisions . chap. xvii . of the grand seigneurs going forth of constantinople by land , and his returne i● pompe where ●e displayes to the view of strangers , the greatnesse of his 〈◊〉 . the otheman emperour 〈…〉 , moneth at the 〈…〉 vnto his subjects , 〈…〉 which they might conceiue of him , and 〈…〉 dangerous effects of any 〈…〉 the friday ( which is with the turkes 〈…〉 to goe vnto the mosquee to performe his deuotion , and to sheare himselfe in publique . when he goes forth in this manner it is vsually by the great gate of his serrail : hee is alwayes on horsebacke , simply attired , and in the same manner as he is in his pallace . his head is couered with a little turbant , to be more at his ease : few ba●●u's accompany him , the most part of his traine are the men of his family . the sonbasse , who is captaine of the iustice , or as the knight of the wa●ch at ps , goes a little before with fiftie souldiers of his 〈◊〉 , to free the streets from all incumbrances , which might hinder the princes passage , and to keepe euery man in awe while hee passeth . his most familiars accompany him , the eunuches of his chamber ; his pages and therest which attend his person follow him : the captaine of the pages , hee of the capigis , and the foure captaines of the 〈◊〉 of his guard goe before him well mounted , and at his horse head there march foure capigis on foot , and foure solarbis at his sti●ope ; these men most commonly are very tall , 〈◊〉 being on foot , and the prince on horse backe , their hands must bee equall with his 〈◊〉 ▪ they haue 〈…〉 instructious and petitions , which are preserued on the 〈◊〉 the which containe complaints of the insolencies of basha's , the injustices of cadis or iudges ; the theft of t●ftardar● or treasurers , and the other bad behauiour of his officers . the sultan hath in speciall care to haue these papers collected , which many times poore miserable men , lying flat on their bellies in signe of humilitie , and lifting vp their hands offer vnto him , the which they present vpon the 〈◊〉 of a reede : being returned vnto his serrail , hee 〈◊〉 them to ●etread , and finds that which flattery had concealed from him , and learnes these thinges which 〈◊〉 of the most sincere men durst not 〈◊〉 presently has giues order , and loseth no time in the search of 〈…〉 the wicked to 〈…〉 and slip away 〈…〉 the power of their 〈◊〉 〈…〉 presently they 〈◊〉 〈…〉 royall 〈…〉 many officers are ●wovel . from their places , which they 〈◊〉 to 〈…〉 mans●d● , and some others are put to death : such is the vertue of these flying notes and peti●ions ; yet they vse prudence and discretion , and cause the crime to be well ●rred before they punish : for this cause the basha's and other great 〈◊〉 of the port , who are i●ssed in th●se 〈◊〉 , are not well pleased when they see their prince goe forth in publique ; seeming that the newes of their vnjust actions should come vnto his eares . in these issues the people blesse him with their accla●ai●n● , and he sal●es 〈◊〉 by nodding of his 〈…〉 ●times , to binde their affections more vnto him , 〈…〉 forth handfuls of gold and siluer and casts it amongst them . two of those 〈◊〉 which are of either 〈◊〉 of him , carry in two purses of v●l● , two little fla● of gold enrich● with precious stones , which are full of boiled water , c●diall and delightfull to drinke . the sultan makes vse of it , when he is dry . the rest of his t●i●e come after : the dwarffes and iesters make a part , as the apes of the court , which neuer goes without them , to pre● 〈…〉 haue alwayes something ridiculous 〈◊〉 all 〈…〉 of about 〈◊〉 hundred . these are his issues when he goes from his serrail ●to constantinople . but when he goes out of the 〈◊〉 the fields to make a glorious returne in 〈…〉 followed , and adorned in 〈…〉 some forreigne embassadour , and 〈…〉 to him of ●●rsia the magnifi● 〈…〉 report to his master 〈…〉 ●ee that hath 〈◊〉 yea looked vpon 〈…〉 envy . hee take occasion to 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 , 〈…〉 ●sed it 〈…〉 built two 〈…〉 . the 〈…〉 doth aduertise hi● 〈…〉 to the citie , and to 〈…〉 〈◊〉 for the way and 〈…〉 send from his country 〈…〉 his great men of the port , and all his 〈…〉 as is fitting at so royall an entrie . achmat the first in the yeare 1612. giues vs a president . a troupe of aboue two thousand men at armes 〈…〉 first they were armed and mou●d as was fitting for 〈…〉 . a sharely regiment of turkish foot , exceeding 〈…〉 followed them : after these came the cadis or iudges of constantinople , with all the body of iustice , which were many in number : the talismans and other doctoral and priests of the al●an in the order of their puft-up grauity , ma●ched after these iudges , which is the only way of the iustice which they hold in their life . the grand vizir , accompanied with all the other vizirs , and the bashaes and beglierbyes of the empire , made so sta●y a body , as in seeing them , a man might say they were so 〈◊〉 things , who 〈◊〉 by an extraordinary miracle drawne themselues together , much lesse to haue taken them for the slaues of the othoman 〈◊〉 : when these were past ; there followed the ●en of the serrail , or the officers of the 〈…〉 with the to● of their 〈…〉 the first 〈◊〉 then on foot , who fed ten goodly 〈…〉 other turkes , with royall 〈◊〉 , whereof the 〈…〉 the dirt and ●word of 〈◊〉 gold , 〈◊〉 with precious stones : the saddle was 〈…〉 and glistering with diamonds : the s●●s 〈…〉 with strings of gold , at the 〈…〉 did 〈…〉 ground two great men of rich orientall persian vpon the saddle they had cast a long horse cloth , of rich cloth of gold , 〈◊〉 ordered so thicke with 〈◊〉 ▪ as they 〈…〉 〈…〉 follower so like order , 〈…〉 〈…〉 either of the● 〈…〉 〈…〉 presented by the french 〈…〉 negligent care of th● 〈…〉 from hunting . the 〈…〉 well 〈…〉 goodly entry , with a band of young men simply attired , entertained for their seruices , with all the other pages of the serrail . the embassadour of persia , the chiefe subiect of this magnificence , caused to be cast before his lodging when the sultan past , a hundred clothes of silke : the archers of his guard tooke them vp and kept them for themselues . this pompe is made when as the turke is in good termes with the persian : but when as they differ , and that matters are disposed to warre , the estate of things change . the turke 〈◊〉 shew in his entrie before the embassadour of persia , of such souldiers which he hath in constantinople and thereabouts : and entring into the city , from his countrey pallace of da● basha , hee marcheth about the streets with aboue a hundred and fifty thousand fighting men well armed ; as amarath the third did a li● before he sent his army into persia , where hee defeared his enemies , and get in a short time twelue rich prouinces from the persian . when as this prince had made shew of so many war like tro●pe to the embassadour of persia , who was to 〈◊〉 wi●h admirall of 〈◊〉 some tribute which had 〈…〉 hee sent him 〈◊〉 by one of his bashaes then all the 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 which hee had s●ene in constantinople , were but the 〈◊〉 which bee kept in 〈◊〉 , and that he should 〈◊〉 of the great ●mber which he had in field ; the which being led into his masters countrey , they would 〈…〉 commanding him in the 〈…〉 of constantinople within three dayes , 〈…〉 goe into persia , there to attend his slaues which would 〈…〉 turkish 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 place . chap. xviii . the grand seigneurs going to sea , to 〈◊〉 himselfe . seeing that the othoman monarch domin●es ouer the best parts of the earth , and extends the power of his empire vpon the waues of the sea , it is fit and reasonable hee should take his recreation and pleasure vpon either 〈◊〉 . the precedent chapter hath 〈…〉 going ● by land : this shall describe him taking his pleasure at sea , where wee may follow him without danger ; for 〈◊〉 neuer imbarques himselfe but the wind● are still , the 〈◊〉 are calme , and the superficies of the water p● and 〈◊〉 . he goes out of his serrail by one of the gates of his goodly gardens , which haue a prospectes the sea , whose 〈…〉 with many pillars of p●phyry : her into his 〈◊〉 called in the turkish language 〈◊〉 , hauing aboue 〈◊〉 ●anks and 〈…〉 to a banke ▪ he 〈◊〉 his selfe 〈◊〉 the po●pe , the which is gorgeously 〈◊〉 with vel●t and such like stuffe , imbroidered with gold . hee 〈…〉 cushions of crimson vel● ▪ which serue● him for seats 〈◊〉 the turkish 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 familiars , eunuches of his serrail 〈…〉 him : only the b●stangi●assi , which is his great g●rdin ▪ and his pilot in his recreation , may sst in his 〈…〉 more commodiously , whereof 〈…〉 . a troupe of young 〈…〉 with such 〈…〉 th●rough 〈…〉 . they 〈…〉 and haue caps of the same 〈…〉 oare with such care , as they imploy themselues without failing : foure other caques goe some little space before , to aduertize all other vessels to passe out of the way , or to stay , & not to pester by their encounter the way of this redoubted sultan : they do it speedily ( what is there in the lou● which doth not obey him ? ) & seeing him farre off salute his greatnes and by the acclamations of their joy , wish him all happinesse : some other caiques follow his , in the which are those of his family , to whom he would giue leaue , to be partakers of these pleasures . during this , hee hath a wise lesson of the vanity of greatnesse , by the consideration of the inconstancie of the element which beares him , if he would apply his mind vnto it : but hee passeeh that time in the ordinary trade of kings , which is to raise vp , and ouerthrow the fortunes of men by the effects of their loue or hatred . for the bostangi●assi , who is at his backe , with the helme in his hand , and who alone hath leaue to speake then vnto him , informes him as hee pleaseth of the affaires of his estate , of the carriage of the officers of his crowne , of the designes of his basha's , and of the insolencie of such as he fauoure aboue the rest . sometimes he deliuers the truth nakedly and plaine vnto him , and sometimes hee doth disguise and dissemble it as his passion doth aduise him , and doth cunningly practise the ruine of those which thinke themselues assured , and are many times without crime . a president to ●ch● 〈◊〉 ●uch it doth imp●r● them to know the estate of by themselues ▪ and not by others , and to learne in seeing the carriage of their subiects , and to doe in their monarchy , as shepheards doe in their troups , haue a care of them , for the eye is not circumuented so soone as the eare , and truth enters seldome or disguised into their pallaces , if they themselues 〈◊〉 di●t by the hand . the greatest lyars among men remaine in court , and there doe easily vent out their fabulous inuentions : priuate interest is the 〈◊〉 diuinitie which they adore to the which they referre the ambition of their thoughts , the flattery of their disco●rse● and the malice of their actions . the bostangibassi finding his mastermind be 〈…〉 had from all knowledge of affaires 〈◊〉 vnto a plaine table , he paints thereon what he pleaseth , friendship for 〈◊〉 and hatred for others : hee makes the guilty innocent and the innocent guilty : he raises and ruines according to his humour ▪ soe at the 〈◊〉 from this 〈◊〉 walke , the bas●a's haue sometimes felt the stormes of a new disaster in the change of their fortunes : doubtlesse the fauours of the court are very fraile and inconstant , seeing that a puffe of wind , a word may ouerthrow them : and as wind disperseth smoake , so the great gardiners discourse doth cause the greatnesse of the bassa's of the port to wither and fade . the which should teach the fauourites of princes , seeing their fortunes are transitory and fading , to imploy their credit in vertuous actions , which may serue them for a solide support , honour their liues , eternize their memory with posterity , and preserue them from ruine . but to speake these thing ▪ to most part of those of that condition , were to sing vnto the deafe , and to shew colours to the blind : for the great prosperities of the court blind the mind , and dull the judgements . when as the sultan hath glutted his desires , with the delights of this marine walke , and filled his eares with the bostangibassi's tales , he returnes to the serrail , where being landed , the azamoglans draw the caiques out of the water , and lodge them in vaults made for the purpose , which are within the walls of this pallace : the which they doe , and put them to sea againe commodiously and with great facilitie . chap. xix . of the grand seignevrs physicians , chyrurgians and apothecaries . great princes in the midst of their humane felicities are not freed from the crosses and discommodities of life , and much lesse from the infirmities that afflict them , to the end their pride might be humbled , and they should acknowledge themselues to be men . the sultan emperour of the turkes seekes ease for his griefes aswell as other monarches : he entertaines vsually for he seruice of his person , ten physicians of the most skilfull of the east : most part are iewes , for the men of that nation study carefully in physicke , and prosper well . and seeing that the turkes neglecting learning doe not attaine to those sciences which are necessary to make a good physician . amidst this number there is one superiour to the rest , called in their language lecchin bassi , or the first physician : their entertainments are great , and the presents they receiue make them rich : the first of them is reuerenced in the serrail , they serue him with the same bread they giue vnto the sultan , which is a dainty kind of bread made of the graine which is gathered at bursia in natolia , reserued for the princes mouth : he hath what fauour hee can desire in court , and his master honours him extraordinarily : necessitie is a powerfull daemon , and his vertue makes him also to be honoured . but the merit of physick hath made it so commendable in the world , and in court , that many kings haue crowned it with their owne diadems : sabor and gyges haue practised it in their estates of media : sabid married it to his scepter of arabia : methridatus to that of pontus : and hermes held it as great a glory to bee a physician in egypt as to be a soueraigne king. when the sultan is sick , his physicians are cald to visit him ; if they hold his infirmity to be of continuance , they are presently lodged in the secret serrail which is the princes quarter , in chambers neare vnto him : they giue them two seruants to attend them ; and they may not go out of the pallace , what necessity soeuer doth presse them , vntill the sultan bee recouered or dead . but when hee is in health , they are only bound to goe three of them euery morning , into the apothecaries shop in the serrail , and there to attend vntill noone , if there be any need of their helpe . the sultans chyrurgions and barbers haue lesse libertie : they may not goe out of the serrail where they lodge , but on the day of bairam , which is the turkes easter , vnlesse it be by the princes permission : the youngest of this profession serue him as pages , some others are eunuches , which attend the seruice of his chamber : these shaue him when hee desires , and wash him in his bathes , when hee goes to temper the heate which troubles him , or to satisfie the commandement of his law. the apothecaries are also lodged in the serrail , their number exceeds both the others : so their seruice is more ordinary . there are eighteene masters which worke , and three hundred boyes which serue them , most of which goe once a yeare to search for simples on the mountaines and valleyes for the composing of their physicke : foure masters most expert in their art are superiour to all those : they call them the priors . the shop of these apothecaries deserues so many men as serues this great prince , it is aboue fifty fathome long , and halfe in breadth : the great vessels which doe beautifie it , furnish it abundantly with all sorts of oiles , sirrops , ointments , waters , and other liquors proper for physicke : on the side of it are foure goodly chambers full of diuers sorts of drugs . besides these there are two others scituate towards the gardens , where during the spring which doth enamile the earth with flowres , and the summer which doth crowne it with fruits , they draw the essences , and distill the waters which are fit for physicke . but in all these vessels , amidst these drugs and diuers quintessences , they find not any remedy which can mortifie the amorous passions of the prince , wherewith hee is continually afflicted : they deuoure his leisure , interrupt the exercises which are more worthy of his person ; and ●eiect him vnder that which hee is , and make him a slaue to his slaues : for louing them desperately , he liues more in them then in himselfe . the end of the first booke . the generall history of the serrail , and of the grand seignevrs court. the second booke . chap. i. of the publique diuan in the serrail , where they dispatch and iudge all affaires . in the second court of the serrail , where as a goodly fountain , couered with the shadow of many pleasing cypresse trees which enuiron it , powres forth a cleere streame , as if it were liquid christ all , is built vpon the left hand , at the end of a long gallery , a great hall , where as the sultan causeth the diuan to be kept foure dayes in the weeke ; that is to say , on saturday , sunday , munday and tuesday . this word diuan signifies a colledge , whither many men repaire : whereas they distribute iustice equally to any that demand it , for what cause soeuer : and the greatest benefit they find , is that the parties are admitted to deliuer their owne causes , hauing no necessitie to consume their goods and their time , ( whereof the losse is irreparable ) among wrangling pettifoggers , who enrich themselues by other mens follies . the turkes policie giues this case vnto the people , that they will not allow of any : whosoeuer hath an action against any other , hee brings him to the diuan by the fist , and the other dares not refuse : there by the iustification of their acts , if they leaue any , or by a summary and verball deposition of two witnesses , the cause is iudged with great facilitie , and the execution is not difficult : or if the judgement be refered after the audience , and committed to some one of the iudges , the importune delayes , and the horrour of wrangling which is practised in france , being not admitted among the turkes , hinder not a speedy dispatch . the officers which assist at this diuan are the basha or grand vizir , lieutenant generall of the whole empire , who precides : the other vizirs or basha's accompany him , the two beglierbeys , the one of nat●lia , and the other of romania , two of the prime dignities of the crowne , after the grand vizir : the two cadilesquers or great iudges of armies superiour to all the cadis or iudges of the empire : the three teftardars , or generall treasurers for the ordinary and extraordinary treasure , who keepe the sultans cofers , and receiue that great reuenew which is leuied in his estates : the nassans bassa or high chancellor : the netangi , who is as the secretary of estate with vs , which serues mo●ethly , who signes the commandements , and dispatches with the royall signature : the bassa's secretary with a great number of iafitschi or notaries , which are as regist●s : the cha●ux bassi who is chiefe of all the cha●ux of the 〈◊〉 , which carries the sultans commandements both within and without the estate , they goe in embassies , although they be but vild and base messengers , and execute the decrees of the basha's ; is at the doo●e of this dauan with a great member of his company , to execute that which the grand vizir shall command : hee carries a staffe of siluer in his hand for the marke of his authoritie . and all these men aswell basha's as others of inferiour qualitie , come into this hall of the diuan by foure of the clocke in the morning , with a commendable diligence , to discharge their duties in the administration of justice , vntill twelue . the places and rankes are obserued according to the eminencie of their offices : the grand vizir sits first in the midst of two long formes fastned to the wals , which looke towards the doore , like vnto the seats of audience for justice in france : on his right hand ( which is the lesse honourable in turkey ) the bassa's seate themselues : the two cadilesquers are on the left ; he of romania or greece , as the most noble prouince , precedes him of natolia : at the entry of the diuan on the left hand , are set vpon a forme by themselues the three teftardars : they haue at their backes all the notaries or registers , sitting on the ground with paper and pens in hand , to write what shall be commanded . on the otherside of the hall opposite to the teftardars , is another forme set apart , where the netangi hath also a pen in his hand , being enuironed with his clerkes and deputies . the parties which demand justice , being many in number , are placed in the midst of the diuan , with so great a respect and silence as they dare not spit . this publique councell is like vnto that of the parties in the louver , with this difference , that in the diuan euery man is admitted for any cause whatsoeuer , all these officers being thus placed , the parties plead their owne causes , & they direct their speech to the grand vizir , who precides in this councell : the other bassa's neuer speake : if he doth judge that the businesse propounded ought to be presently dispatcht , he then decides the controuersies betwixt the parties : if it require a longer inquisition , hee referres the judgement to one of the cadilesquers , if the matter belong to the ciuill law : if it concerne the treasure or accompts , a teftardar is committed : and when there is question of any falshood , or the verification of a hand or writing , he deputes a netangi . the affaires of greater importance , or differences of consequence , which concerne strangers , hee reserues them to his owne judgement . these imployments detaine them from the breake of day vntill noone : when that comes , one of the stewards of the serrail appointed for the diuan , presents himselfe in the midst of it , to whom the grand vizar makes a signe to bring dinner : then the parties retire , and the diuan is free for the rasha's ; the seruice is made with that frugality that is fitting for iudges : for a table , they bring before the grand vizir a plaine stoole of wood , where on they set a siluer bason , and sometimes of copper blancht , round in forme , and as big as the bottome of a pipe , vpon the brims thereof they set many lo●ues , in the midst the meate , which they serue one dish after another ; one or two of the rassa's are called to eate with the chiefe of the councell ; they bring to euery one a napkin , wherewith they couer their knees : their meats are mutton , wild fowle , pigeons , & somtimes pullets ; the drink is of sorbet after their manner , made of water , the juice of citrons , and of sugar , for the grand vizir alone ; the rest quench their thirst with falle water : their fruit is a tart or some cake , wherewith they end their dinner , which doth not continue aboue halfe an houre : the like is ordained for the cadilosquers , ●eftariturs , and all the rest of the diuan : their slaues dine at the same time . the bassa captaine of the sea , is also of the number of those which assist in the diuan , he takes his place in the last ranke of all the other bassa's if hee be not a bassa vizir ; in that case hee mounts higher towards the grand vizir in the order of his inception . dinner being thus ended without pompe , without excesse , and without dissolution , the grand vizir disposeth of the most notable resolutions which haue beene taken in the diuan , and prepares himselfe to god and make report thereof to the grand seigneur ; on sunday and tuesday , which are the dayes of diuan for publique affaires , and the councell of estate . this prince descends to that effect into a chamber which is neere vnto it : being arriued , he cals his officers vnto to him one after another . the capigilar agassi carries this command . he holds in his hand a long staffe of siluer , like vnto a beadles mace : first of all they call the cadilesques , they rise vp , make a low reuerence to the grand vizir , and follow this mace-bearer and the chaoux bassi , who is ioyned vnto him with his other staffe of siluer : vnder their conduct they goe before the grand seigneur into his chamber , they reuerence him and in a manner adore him : for there is not any soueraigne prince vpon the earth , whose subiects stand in more feare , nor yeeld him so much reuerence . after this they yeeld him an account of their places , then they retire backwards like men that had consulted with some great diuinity , and so goe to their houses . the mace-bearers goe to fetch the teftardars , these yeeld the like salutation to the grand vizir that the others had done ; they goe before the grand seigneur , they speake vnto him of his treasure and of the affaires of their charge ; and hauing satisfied him , they retire like the rest , with their heeles first . this custome alwayes to turne their face in retiring is not only practised with the prince , but also obserued with the bassa's , who according to the lawes of turkish ciuility , would hold it a contempt , if in parting from them they should turne the backe . after the teftardars , the captain of the sea if he had been in the diuan , goes to relate vnto the grand seigneur , the estate of his vessels of warre , with that of armes and munition which are in his arsenall . the aga or colonell generall of the ianizaries , which are the turkish foot ▪ enters not into the diuan , hee remaines in the second gate of the serrail , being set vnder a gallery assisted by the souldiers : he goes first of all to audience to his master ; and returnes to his seate , vntill all the rest be retired ; for hee goes last out of the serrail : the vizirs goe one after one vnto the sultan , and being come into his presence they frame themselues to an incomparable respect : they ioyne their hands , and bend downe their heads and eyes to the ground , and stand silent : for amongst them only the grand vizar may speake vnto the prince ; he comes last with a graue pace , as the party that beares the burthen of all the affaires which haue beene treated in the diuan ; hee yeelds an accompt vnto his master , who confirmes the judgements , or disanuls them , as he thinkes good . moreouer , he leaues him instructions in writing , in a purse of crimson rais'd veluet , the which hee laye● before him with vnspeakable reuerence and humilitie ; then he retires like the rest , vnlesse the emperour stayes him longer to informe himselfe of the estate of his most important affaires . thus the turkes doe justice to men , whereof the quicke expedition might repaire the defects which they meete with , and yet in that place particularly they are reasonably exact to yeeld vnto euery man that which is due vnto him : the feare of their owne ruine if they had no vertue , were sufficient to make the ballance eeuen and straight . for the turkish princes are accustomed to goe by one of their chambers vnto a window , only shut vp with a lattice , the which lookes into the diuan directly ouer the head of the grand vizir : from thence he heares what is spoken , and treated ; with the complaints of parties , and the decrees of iudges ; if iniquitie doe sway the minds and mouths of those , to deny vnto the weakest the reliefe which justice doth owe them , against the violent oppressions of the mighty , the punishment which hee takes is very exemplary . doubtlesse , as the foundations vphold a house , so justice is a strong support vnto an empire , without the which it cannot long subsist . kings , whose principall office is to yeeld it vnto men , ought to cherish it aboue all things ; it doth aduance them aboue other men , and makes them to raigne happily ; and without it violence drawes all disorders in their estates , troubles them , and ruines them in the end : they themselues without justice , are like vnto those bodies which are troubled with the falling sicknesse , whom weaknesse and paine afflicts : this diuine vertue should not only be the soule of their decree , but the soule of their soule : in justice they shall possesse all the other vertues , for it containes them all . chap. ii. of the azamoglans , or children of the tribute of base condition which serue in the serrail , and elsewhere . the christians labour so profitably to inlarge the turkes empire , as they not only furnish them with occasions , by their wretched diuision , but they also breed them vp men , which in time are the most generous of their troupes , the greatest in their court , and the most triumphant in townes & christian prouinces : but in this last , force and the constraint which these barbarians vse towards them , makes them more excusable , than when they abandon the reason and the interests of christianity , to the blind passions of a fatall discord : for they see come into their houses , thoroughout all greece or morea , and in the countrey of albania , a troupe of the grand seigneurs capigis , deputed to make the exaction of the richest , and the most exquisite tribute , that can be leuied in a country , the which is of men , the best proportioned , and enricht with the gifts of nature . there they choose the soundest , the goodliest , and the most actiue of all their children , out of euery three one , the which they doe euery third yeere ; and hauing drawne together aboue two thousand , they lead them to constantinople . at their arriuall , they attire them all in robes of cloth of diuers colours ; they giue vnto euery one a yellow cap of felt , like vnto a sugar-loafe . in this equipage they are led before the grand vizir , who being accompanied with al the other bassa's and ministers of the serrail , he makes choice of those that are most actiue for the war : these young men are set apart , and conducted into the serrail by the bostangibassi , or chiefe of the gardiners , and a part of them distributed where they wanted . then they circumcise them : being children of christians they become yong turks , and for an inconstant fortune of the world and of the court , they lose the eternall happinesse of heauen , in the way whereof their first beliefe had directed them . they cause them to learne the turkish tongue , and if their spirits be capable of more , to read and write . but all indifferently are instructed to wrestle , runne , leape , shoot , dart an azegaye , and in all other exercises , which are fit for them which will make profession of armes . the rest of this goodly choice of the young children of the tribute is in the power of the grand vizir ; hee doth lodge them , and distribute them diuersly ; some are sent into the sultans gardens and houses of pleasure ; others are put into the gallions and vessels at sea , which make voyages for the sultana's ; the patrons charge themselues , and are bound to restore them when they are demanded . they place a good number in artificers shops to learne diuers trades , whereof they may serue for a squadron when they shall be ianizaries and especially in the time of warre . the basha's and all the great men of the court haue their part ; they are deliuered vnto them by their names , countries , markes of their face or elsewhere , and by the colour of their haire ; they binde themselues in writing , which is contained in a booke for that purpose , to the end that if the necessitie of the warre should force the captaines to fill vp their companies , in the place of those that are dead , they may take these to that effect . but most commonly they giue the rudest and grossest to these basha's ; and they imploy them in their stables , kitchins , and other base offices of their houses . they which remaine of these azamoglans , are sent into diuers seminaries , vnder the conduct of diuers eunuches which haue the charge , and take the care to breed them vp , to bee one day capable to beare armes , and to serue in the warre in qualitie of ianizaries . these children thus placed the grand vizir represents them in a booke to the grand seigneur . this prince assignes them an entertainment according to his pleasure , and augments the pay which the great custome doth allow them , which is of foure or fiue a●pres by the day besides their nourishment and apparell : hee assignes the assignation with his owne hand , and sends it by the vizar to the testardar , to the end he may be carefull to pay it according to the order : hee sees them euery three moneths , and visits them one after another , calling them by their names , to know the number of those which are dead , and to see how they be fed and gouerned . but the azamoglans appointed for the seruice of the serrail , are imployed about base and vile things as the meanest of all those which are of the royall family : they serue for labourers in their buildings , they imploy them in their stables , kitchins , gardens , to cut wood , and to carry it , to lead dogges to the field as their seruants , and to doe whatsoeuer their superiours command them , whereof some haue charge of tens , others of hundreds , and these are also vnder the authoritie of the chicaia , or steward of the bostangibassi ; the toyle they vndergoe , the paines they take , and the miseries which they indure make them the most patient men in the world , and their masters instruct them to mortification by most rigorous courses : the least fault is rewarded with fiftie blowes with a cudgell , the which are soundly set on . but their basenesse is not without honour nor recompence : there are charges and eminent offices among them to the which they succeed by the order of their antiquity , and their patience may make them hope and aspire to the place of a steward , yea of bostangibassi , to shew that there is nothing so base but long labour and inuincible sufferance , may aduance in time . for to come vnto the dignity of bostangibassi , is to be familiar with the prince , to be great in court , to speake vnto him when hee walkes , to conduct him at sea , and to gouerne his brigandine , and to haue an honourable priuiledge to weare a turbant in the serrail , which is no lesse than among the great men of spaine to speake vnto the king with their heads couered . the gates of the serrail are the limits of their courses , they neuer goe forth vpon any occasion vnlesse the bostangibassi leads them with him when hee goes out of the pallace to execute the princes commandments , and to ruine the fortune of some great man of the court , as hee did in the yeare 1614. that of bassa nassuf , whom hee caused to be strangled in his bed , for these secret commissions are most commonly put into his hands : when hee takes what number of azamoglans shall be needfull , hee slips in amongst these , the children of naturall turkes at the entreaty of his friends , yet with the consent of the sultan , and placeth them where they may be aduanced , their lodgings & abode are about the wals of the serrail towards the sea , where they dwell in chambers , they haue their bathes , their stoues , and their kitchins , and liue at their owne will ; for they haue their allowance apart : when they haue leisure , they imploy it in fishing , they sell what they take , and reserue the gaines to themselues : they neuer see the sultan but when he comes to walke in his gardens , or goes a hunting , then they follow him , and quest in the fields like spaniels . they doe not supply the companies of foote , when there is any want of ianizaries , out of this number : if they goe out of the serrail , it is to be better bred in other seminaries , whilest they are yong : or when they are of riper age , the grand seigneur giues some of them to his fauourites , whom he sends out of the serrail , as bassa's of caire , damas , or some other gouernments of his empire ; they make vse of these azamoglans for their stewards , quirries , treasurers ; and such like offices in their family : moreouer , when the prince goes a voyage , or to the wars , hee leads a great number with him to pitch his tents , vnlade his stuffe , and to doe other manuall workes . chap. iii. of the azamoglans , of better breeding and condition , who in time attaine vnto the lignities of the turkish empire . vertue hath this proper to her naturall beauty , to make her selfe to be generally esteemed , and acknowledged euen by most barbarous nations : she doth not only make those admirable which doe possesse it , but doth also giue the title of their nobility to their posterity , and makes them commendable . the children that are well borne taken for tribute from the christians , make triall thereof in turkey , whereas the turkes honour their birth , and separate them from the rest , to bee better bred and instructed in exercises which make them worthy of the greatest officers of the empire : they teach them the texts of mahomets law , the ornament of the turkish learning , they instruct them in armes , and in all things which may adde perfection to men , which are to attend continually neere vnto a great monarch . they are all christian slaues ; but we shall see in the course of their fortune , that their slauery is a way , by the which patience doth lead them to the liberty to command prouinces , or whole realmes : and their condition doth teach vs , that it is a happy infelicitie , and an vnfortunate happinesse . the capinga or great chamberlaine of the serrail , brings some into their number , borne of naturall turkes , commendable for their good dispositions , yet seldome and with the princes leaue . for the custome of the empire in its most ancient constitutions requires that such children should be christians renegadoes , the noblest and most ciuill that can be found . so when the aduantages of the warre , giue vnto the turkish armies victories against christians , or the taking of their townes , and they find therein young children to the age of twelue or thirteene yeares , the bassa's reserue them for the seruice of the grand seigneur . for the turkes hold an opinion , that the nobility of bloud makes spirits generous and inclinable to vertue ; especially when the care of a good education doth polish and make perfect the gifts of birth , as they doe in the serrail with these young men . the discipline , which they cause to obserue is , so rigorous , as whosoeuer performes it in all points , becomes the most modest , the most patient , and the most mortified man liuing . the masters which haue charge of their persons , are white eunuches , seuere , froward , fantastique , and suspicious , as most of your gelded men be . they neuer speake vnto them but in choller , and spare not their bastinadoes , whereof they are very charitable ; they make them watch and indure all paines ; so as many of these young men , when they come to the age of twenty yeeres , they seeke all meanes to flie this seuerity : and although they know that they are in the course of a great fortune ; yet they had rather get out of the serrail , with the simple qualitie of spain or mutaferaga , which is like vnto our men at armes or light house , than to suffer any longer the rigours of this discipline . their number is not certaine , the serrail receiues as many as they send ; but vsually they are about three hundred . the order and method wherewith they breed them vp , doth testifie that the turkes haue retained nothing of barbarous but the name , and haue sent vs the effect . they call the formes where they instruct them oda ; this word signifies a chamber : they ordaine foure , by the which these young men must passe , before they attaine to offices , whereunto the capacity which they learne doth aduance them . in the first are placed all those of this condition , which enter into the serrail at a childish age : there they circumcise them if they were not before ; being made turkes , they teach for their first lesson silence , and the countenance they must carry for a marke of their seruitude , and withall a singular reuerence towards the sultan , which is when they are neere him to hold downe their head and eyes , and to haue their hands joyned , or their armes crost . for most of those which s●rue the person of the oth●man prince , neuer speake vnto him , nor looke him in the face . at their comming into the serrail the prince sees them , causeth them to be enrolled in a register , by their names and countries , and commands the ●●●●ardar to be exact in the present payment of the money which is appointed for their entertainment . a white eunuch ouer-seer of all the other eunuches which teach them , as it were the principall of a colledge , takes also care to see them well instructed . after the first precepts they teach them to read and write , and aboue all to pray after the turkish manner , and the worship of their religion , with an incredible care , 〈◊〉 the space of six or seuen yeeres , which is the time they remaine in this oda . after this long terme they passe vnto the second oda , where more vnderstanding masters than the first , teach them the persian , arabian , and tartar languages , and practise them in reading all sorts of written bookes ( for the turkes vse no other . ) moreouer to speake turkish elegantly , the which they may doe by the knowledge of those three tongues , whereof the turkish language seemes to be composed . for to heare them speake they do easily discerne the difference there is betwixt them and those which are not bred vp in like manner . they adde to these exercises of the mind , those of the body : in this oda they teach them to handle the sword or semiter , to shoot , to cast a battle-axe , to dart a ia●ehn or azagaye , and to runne lightly ; all this is done in places separated from the oda , at certaine houres appointed with great attention , where the eunuches spare not their cudgels , but beat them soundly for the least fault . they continue six yeares in these exercises , after which they are men and sit for all paine and labour . then they come vnto the third oda , where they doe not forget what they had learned before , but practise it still ; and moreouer they learne to be good horsemen , and to vault with disposition , to be the morefit and actiue for the warre : euery one according to his inclination doth likewise learne an occupation , to serue the princes person ; one to make turbants , another to shaue haire , to cut his nailes , to wash him in the bath , to make cleane and fold his clothes handsomely ; some to lead dogs to the wood , others to be skilfull in hawks and hawking , to serue for stewards or queries , to be imployed in the chamber , and to other offices necessary for the seruice of great princes , wherein they grow to that perfection in the space of fiue yeeres as they are able to instruct others : whilest they are in this third oda , they may not see any one abroad but with great difficulty , and in the presence of an eunuch ; all conuersation with others is prohibited , but with those of their oda : but they must doe it with all modesty and honesty : for if the eunuch who is their superiour , shall enter into the least suspition of the contrary , they shall be assured to be soundly beaten , either vpon the soles of their feet or vpon the backe after the turkish manner , so as many times they leaue them for dead . they sleepe in long roomes which may containe fifty little beds made only of matteresse : they lie in their clothes , in the night time they haue many lights burning , their eunuches sleepe among them , betwixt euery ten beds lies an eunuch , to keep them in awe : day and night their masters examine them , to see if they be firme and constant in the beliefe of the alcoran : for being ready to passe to the fourth oda , and from thence to the greatest offices of the empire ; if they had in their soules any loue of their first beliefe , they might procure some great prejudice to the turkes estate . hauing imployed all care , and finding them truly mahometans , they conduct them to the fourth oda . at their entry into it , they enter their names and countries again into another booke , for all passe not into this last place of their continuall trauels : but those only which haue finished their time in the other forme , and by their diligence haue made themselues capable to serue the prince and state profitably : as labour and rest touch one another , so the end of one is the sweet beginning of the other ; these men finde it in this oda , their pension is augmented ; insteed of cloth wherewith they were formerly attired , the sultan giues them robes of silke and cloth of gold : they haue liberty to conuerse , with the greatest men of the serrail and with the bassa's , who seeing them entring into great places , adore the sun rising of their fortunes , make them great presents , and seeke to winne their friendship by rich gifts . besides these pleasing signes of a new happinesse , whereas they were before all shauen , they suffer their haire to grow vpon their temples , to couer their eares , an assured signe , that they shall be speedily of the royall chamber , they follow the grand seigneur in all his walkes ( where hee is without women ) and out of their number he takes the most familiar officers of his person , and of his fauourites . as the sechletar aga , who carries his sword. the chioda aga , which is he that carries the roiall robe , called c●am●e● . the rechioptar , or rakduntar , hee which goes at his stirrop , when he is on horsebacke , or his chiefe footman . the materagi aga , hee which carries a vessell of gold full of water when the sultan marches . the tubenter aga , hee which doth garnish and carry his turbant . the chiamaci aga , hee that doth wash his linnen , or his chiefe landrer . the camedir bassi , or great master . the chilargi bassi , or chiefe butler . the dagangi bassi , or master faulconer . the sarrigi bassi , or chiefe cutler . the nunasinugi bassi , or chiefe comptroller of the treasure . the turmachi bassi , or firnaagi aga , he that pares his nailes . the berber bassi , or chiefe barber . the amangi bassi , he that washes him in the bath . the teskelegi bassi , the great secretary , or first secretary of state. all which are the most ancient of the fourth oda , and stand before the prince when hee comes out of his chamber , with that respect and reuerence which they learned in their youth in the first oda ; which is to bee silent , to hold their heads downe , and with their eyes fixed vpon the ground , for they neuer speake , nor looke their master in the face ; if he commands them any thing , it is by signes after the manner of dumbe men , and they doe execute it speedily , they carry his meat , which they receiue at the court gate from the stewards hands who is without , and they deliuer it from one to another , vntill it comes to the grand master , who sets it before the grand seigneur . this prince is much pleased with the mute conuersation of such men , who dare not entertaine him but by signes : hee causeth them to ride , and to practize running and leaping , hee causeth them many times to cast a barre of iron , and to make such like proofes of their force and actiuity . hee fauours them with many presents , as robes of cloth of gold , swords enricht with precious stones , purses full of sultanins , and many other things of value . moreouer to the end that his agalaris may gather the more money , to supply the expences of their equipage , when they shall goe out of the serrail with the titles of gouernours of prouinces , hee giues them dispatches for embassies : these men sell them to the chaoux , or bargaine with them for a moietie or more , of the present which they shall receiue from the prince , to whom they are sent , the which is of no small importance : for the princes which hold and depend of the othoman , when he confirmes them in their dignities , and sends them the markes thereof , by a gilt staffe , a throne , or a crowne , they are bound to giue to him that is sent a present of that value which is set downe in the great custome of the empire , the which doth taxe euery one to a certaine summe : and of this number is the vallachian , the moldanian , the transiluanian , the tartar , and many other vassalls , and tributaries of the othoman crowne . this present is diuided betwixt the chaoux , who receiues it , and the agalari who gaue him , or rather sold him the commission : thus they enrich themselues , and make a stocke to furnish themselues vpon the first occasion , the which presenting it selfe by the death of some bassa , they are made either captaine of the sea , or bassa of caire or damas , or elsewhere . besides these great and glorious dignities , the grand seigneur doth honour them sometimes with the quality of musaip , that is to say , hee that may speake vnto the prince , and goe to him in priuate : the which the turkes esteeme aboue any thing in the empire , the which the othoman monarches doe for a double intent , both to gratifie those whom they loue , and to haue men among the greatest of the court , to enforme him of the bassa's actions , and to discouer their enterprizes against the good of the estate and the princes person . but all the agalaris are not so bountifully aduanced . those whom the sultan will send out of his serrail , with meaner dignities , he makes them aga of the ianizaries , spacular agassi who is captaine of the spahis , or at the least cap●igi bassi who is chiefe of the porters . when they goe out of the royall pallace , by any great or meane dignity , they carry with them all the wealth they haue gathered together . many young men whom a desire of libertie , and a curiositie to see the world , rather than any care to aduance themselues , hath made them abandon the exercises of the oda , and their importunities haue forced the prince to dismisse them , goe forth with the rest without any qualitie or office , and with little entertainment by the day : but when as he that is aduanced to the quality of a bassa , and gouernour of some remote prouince , is ready to goe out of the serrail , the grand vizir sends to receiue him at the gate , by his chicaia , who is a steward or ouer-seer of his house , with a troup of horse to doe him honour , and causeth him to be conducted to his pallace , receiues him with all curtesie , giues him many presents , and doth accommodate him with lodgings for three or foure dayes , vntill his owne be prouided in the citie : after that he hath giuen order , he settles his family , and giues the chiefe places , to such as came out of the serrail with him , he stayes sometime in constantinople , vntill his haire be growne , for he was shauen at his comming forth , and likewise to receiue the presents which the sultana's send him , as goodly linnen and rich workes : and those which the bassa's present him , as tapestries , horses , robes of cloth of gold , and all sorts of moueables necessary for a man of his condition : he may be at that time about forty yeares old , hauing consumed the best of his dayes , in the expectance of this fortune . they of the other oda's succeed him by the order of their reception , the which is exactly obserued in the serrail , and fauour cannot depriue any man , if he hath not cōmitted some notable fault in the royall pallace : so as they of the third oda do partly know by the succession what shall become of them , and wish daily , that it would please the sultan , to send some of his agalaris to offices abroad , to the end they may make place for them . this new gouernour parts not from the court to goe vnto his charge , before hee hath giuen thankes to the capiaga for the care which hee hath contributed to his aduancement , terming himselfe obligeth vnto him , and that he would depend of him for a perpetuall acknowledgement of his fauours , intreating him to hold him in his protection , neere vnto the princes person , vpon all accidents that might happen . he makes this complement in the serrail , without the gate of the sultan's quarter ; for being once forth hee enters no more , vnlesse the prince calls for him , to treate with him , concerning the affaires of his charge . such is their fortune , which haue suffered their actions to be gouerned by patience , and haue laboured to make themselues capable to serue . but such in the choice which the othoman monarch makes of men , bred and seuerely instructed in their profession about their persons , to be in time the greatest officers of their empire , where they neuer aduance to such dignities vncapable men , who in the whole course of their liues , haue not learned any thing but to play as tennice , to cast the dice , to speake brutishly , and to practice all sorts of vices . wherefore we must not wonder if the turkes estate prospers , seeing that amidsts great number of young men , they 〈◊〉 the choice of the best wits , to be 〈◊〉 vp with care vnder good discipline , which makes them honest men , and 〈◊〉 to the gifts of a happy birth the perfections of 〈…〉 must of necessitie serue for the 〈…〉 great man , hee that is borne a 〈◊〉 will 〈…〉 them make choice of the best wits to supply their religious house 〈◊〉 they haue alwayes amongst them most learned and most rare men , and as long as they shall follow this course , they shall make themselues 〈…〉 , and admirable : without a naturall disposition , they may well sowe , but they shall neuer reape , and no man euer made a good sparrow-hawke of a buzzard . chap. iv. of the foure white eunuches , the chiefe men of the serrail , and of some other eunuches . we haue said elsewhere that the womens serrail hath no other guard but blacke eunuches , which are sent young to the court by the basha's of caire , to be bred vp to that place . the sultans serrail receiues none but white , the which are chosen in their infancie , out of that pleasing troupe of children well borne , which are taken for tribute from the christians , whose fortune the precedent chapter doth describe . they are cut or mutilated with their owne consent , and not by force , the which would in danger their liues : the promises of the greatest offices in court , and the hope one day to enjoy dignities whereunto they see such men aduanced , ouer-swayes their will , to suffer themselues to bee cut , the promise are true , for in time they attaine to the greatnesse of turkey , but the principall of these eunuches , and the most ancient among them , which are about the princes person , the first and most powerfull heads of the serrail , are the foure which follow . the first is the capiaga great chamberlaine of the empire , in most authority in the serrail ; as he who may speake vnto the grand seigneur , when he thinkes good ; he doth alwayes assist neere vnto his person , wheresoeuer he goes , whether he goe out of his royall pallace , or enters into that of his women , he followes him vnto the doore , where he leaues men to aduertise him in his chamber , when the sultan retires . embassies , packets of importance , instructions of estate , and all great affaires passe thorough his hands ▪ to come vnto the 〈◊〉 which make him necessary to all others , and gets him as many rich presents , and as much money as he can well desire . this without comparison is more beneficiall vnto him , than the entertainment he hath in the serrail , the which is regulated at ten sultanins by the day , which make foure pounds of our sterling money , many robes of silke and cloth of gold , with such moueables as he desires . moreouer , his table is furnished at his masters charge , and at the same time that his is . hee carries a turbant in the serrail , and goes on horsebacke where he pleaseth . the second is the chasuadar bassi , or the treasurer of the princes secret treasure ; hee hath one key and the grand seigneur another , who doth also set his scale vnto it . he hath care to lay vp the gold and siluer which comes from egypt , keepes an accompt of it , and enters alone into this treasure with the sultan , hee aduiseth him for the gathering together of money , and entertaines him with a subject which was neuer displeasing to prince : the importance and necessity of his charge , make him to be much esteemed : for gold being the delights of men , whosoeuer hath the ouer-sight , makes himselfe both powerfull and necessary among them : moreouer , he hath the keeping of all the iewels of the crowne , and likewise of those which they present daily vnto the sultan ; hee gluts his eyes with the lustre of the goodliest pearles , and the richest diamonds that the east doth produce : those which his master giues , and wherewith hee doth adorne himselfe on a day of pompe , passe thorough his hands . hee liues in the midst of the treasures of the serrail , with hope to succeed to the place of capiaga , if death forceth the other to abandon it . the third hath the charge of chilergi bassi , that is to say , great dispencer . he is , as with vs , the master of the kings wardrobe ; by his place he hath a care of the sultans apparell , and of other things which belong vnto his person . moreouer , the pieces of cloth of gold , which they send for presents , the exquisite furres , the rich swords , the plumes of feathers , and such like which they giue vnto the prince , and those which hee himselfe giues , are vnder his custody . hee keepes a particular 〈◊〉 , to the end they may see the price of that , which enters into this sturdy wardrobe for princes , and the value of that which goes forth in the same qualities : this exercise keepes him alwayes in breath ; for the custome of turkey , ( well practised in the serrail ) being to giue and to receiue , doth furnish him with imployment enough to passe the houres of the day farre from idlenesse . he hath vnder him to assist him in this painfull labour a great number of eunuches . the diligence which he must shew herein , bindes him to remayne in a manner continually within the serrail , his entertainments are his table , many robes of cloth of gold , a thousand aspres by the day , or eight sultanins , with many rich presents . but the fauour wherewith his master doth honour him , makes the greatest article of his reuenew : he hopes by the meanes hereof to enter into the place of chas●adar bassi , when it shall be void . he carries ( for a marke of the honour which he enjoyes ) a turbant in the serrail , and rides within it , aswell as the two former , and he that followes ; for these foure eunuches haue this prerogatiue aboue the other officers of the othoman monarch , residing in the serrail . the fourth is also an old pale withered eunuch , aswell by the course of his yeares , as the want of that which they haue cut away , who enjoyes the office of sarai agassi , which in turkey is like vnto the captaine of the castle of the louver in france , but with more lustre and authority , and so he hath more labour and care : for being to look vnto the whole serrail , the ordinary mansion of the othoman monarches , hee must performe his charge so exactly , as such princes will be serued ; he doth often visit all the quarters and chambers of this stately pallace , to see in what estate they are , and hath a care to see the meanest officers doe their duties , ( which is more then with vs , to adde vnto the charge of the royall pallace the office of a master of the houshold ) that the serrail be furnished with all things that are vsually needfull , hee remaines within it in the sultans absence , to maintaine order , and to see that this royall lodging be alwayes in good estate . he hath the same entertainment with the chil●rgi bassi , and hope if his yeares de●●iue him not , to succeed in his place : for the order of the serrail , doth not suffer suffer them to flie vnto great officer , but it will haue them mount by degrees . you shall not see men there , grow vp in one night like vnto mushrums or toad-stooles ; long attendance , and long seruices aduance them to the places which they deserue . thus the shasnadar bassi aspires to that of capiaga , the ch●lergi bassi to that of shasnadar bassi , and this last to his . these foure eunuches attend vsually in the princes presence , only the capiaga may speake vnto him , and not the rest , vnlesse the prince doth question them about their offices . besides these honours and offices of the serrail , the prince doth sometimes honour them with the quality of bassa , and gouernour of a realme , as of egypt , damas , or else-where : they also attaine vnto the place of grand vizir , which is the first of the empire , and by the authority thereof lead armies into prouinces , where they goe to make warre . the which gaue occasion to a generous gouernour of a place belonging to the christian in hungarie , to answere an eunuch , generall of an army , who had summond him to yeeld , that the practice of women was to sewe and spinne , and not to take townes . the grand seigneur aduanceth them in this manner to great places without the serrail to a double end ; the one to acknowledge their long seruices , the other to haue their places , wherwith to aduance other eunuches , who during their long seruices haue attended , that they should either die or be sent basha's into some remote prouinces . for the serrail doth nourish many eunuches vnder the sweetnesse of these hopes : they may be about two hundred of all ages . such as cannot be aduanced by order of antiquity to these eminent places in the royall pallace , are notwithstanding imployed in things of lesse quality ; some keepe in distinct places , as closets or cabinets , those exquisite things that are giuen as presents to the prince , as great places of ambergreece which the bas●a of 〈…〉 in his gouernment , and sends to the 〈…〉 god 's of masque , giues vessels full of excellent 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 thridate , balme of cairo , terra sigilat● , 〈…〉 bezar-stones , vessels of agath , turquoises , 〈◊〉 chrystall , and other things of price , which they 〈…〉 and neatly for the princes person , others haue a care of rare furres , the vse whereof serues for his health , with a thousand other rarities which they bring from the indies . besides all this there is employment in the serrail for many other eunuches , which keepe one place , whither they carry all the rich moueables confiseated , of the great men of the court , who haue beene executed for the enormity of their crimes , or by the sinister inuentions of enuie ; and likewise of other persons which die rich , for being all slaues their goods belong vnto the prince . those eunuches receiue these goodly moueables , and giue aduice vnto the sultan who goes to see them ; and makes choice of what doth like him : the rest is set to sale in the serrail , only to the officers thereof , and if there remaine any thing vnbought , it is sent to the publique market of the city , and sold to them that will : the money that is raised is deliuered into the hands of the chasnadar bassi , who puts it into the secret treasure . some other eunuches haue for their imployment the charge of other serrails and seminaries , where the prince doth cause the youth to be instructed at his charge , as in royall colledges , both at constantinople , andrinopolis , bursia and elsewhere . thus by the wise policy of the serrail they which serue are aduanced , for an example to the younger sort to flie idlenesse , and assurance that their continuall labour , shall be one day crowned with an honourable and profitable recompence . chap. v. of many other officers seruing in the serrail , and the sultans person , and of the number of men which serue in this palace . besides these eunuches aduanced to great offices , and those which are vnder them , there is a certaine number of other men , which do vsually serue the sultans person : some are groomes of his chamber , others in a more eminent dignitie : all ordred by thirties , as thirty for his shirt , thirty for his wastcoat , thirty for his little cassocke , which the turkes weare vnder their robes , thirty for his furres , thirty for his turbant , thirty for his girdle , thirty for his breeches , thirty for his stockings , thirty for his shooes , thirty to make his bed , thirty to dresse vp his chamber , and thirty to order and dispose of the moueables , thirty for his armes , as his bow , arrowes , and semiter , thirty for his scepter , thirty for his imperiall crowne , thirty for his rich hangings , and as many for his cushions ; not that they serue all at one instant , but by order from time to time . they which serue for his mouth , are many in number , gouerned by foure principall officers subordinate one vnto another : the first is the argihassi , who hath a care that euery man doe his dutie . the second is the mimmute pag● , who doth furnish the money daily , that is necessary for the expences . his place doth giue him a priuiledge to speake often vnto the prince , to learne from him what he desires to eat . he hath like vnto the former foure sultanins by the day , his table and two robes yearely , the one of silke , the other of cloth of gold. the third is the checaya , an office like vnto the comptroller generall of the kings house in france , he is in a manner equall in authority to the master of the houshold , he reconciles the quarrels , which enuy or pride do breed among the officers . he hath foure sultanins a day , and yearely two robes of silke and cloth of gold. the fourth is the mutpariazigi , which is as a clarke of the office ; all these men imploy their cares , and the authoritie of their places in the princes kitchin. without there serue many sahangylers , as stewards , or rather gentlemen seruants , which carrie the meate ; they are neere fifteene hundred men , which serue at diuers times in diuers troupes . the number of other inferiour officers in the serrail shewes that this stately pallace is of great expences , and that the prince which liues there is powerfull and magnificent . the baltagis which fetch wood for the bake-house and for other fiting , are aboue two hundred ; the bostangies or gardiners , are eight or nine hundred , so vast and of great entertainment , are the gardens where this great monarch doth walke . the purueyours only for wilde fowle or poulterie , are fiue hundred , the groomes of the stable eight hundred , and the other men of the like condition increase the number of the inferiour officers of the turkish emperours house : so as they doe number within the serrail , thirteene or fourteene thousand mouthes , which are daily fed at the sultans charge , comprehending the quarter of the women . chap. vi. of the ordinary victualls of the serrail , and of the prouisions thereof for the nourishment of the prince , and of those which serue there . an order being so judiciously established in the serrail , and so exactly obserued , it hath not forgotten the necessarie prouision of victuals : they are brought and preserued with admirable husbandrie , contrarie to the ordinarie confusion of princes houses . first , the corne is gathered for the sultans mouth , for the sultana's , the great bassa's and the mufti , ( for all of them haue their part ) in the territory of bursia , a towne in bithynia , where retaine for the purest and best of all the easterne parts : they retaine for the serrail eight or nine thousand quilots , euery quilot is two bushels of paris measure : the mils erected to that end in constantinople grind it , the great ouens of the serrail bake it into bread , and this goodly order distributes it by rule , as to the sultana's twentie loaues a day , to the bassa's ten , to the mufti eight , and to other inferiour persons much lesse , and to some but one . this distribution is contained in a book , which the chiefe baker keepes , to cause it to be obserued . the corne which is appointed for the great number of men , which serue in the serrail , is gathered in gracia , and brought to constantinople , to the quantitie of fortie thousand quilots , and distributed with the like order to those for whom it is ordained . for there they feed men with necessarie sobrietie , to make them labour seriously in any businesse whatsoeuer . the victuals , be it for the annuall prouisions , or for the ordinarie of the day , are brought and distributed with the like order : about the end of autumne , the grand vizir appoints certaine dayes to see the pastromanis made , for the kitchins of the sultan , and of the sultana's ; they are made with the flesh of cowes that are with calfe , that they may be the more tender , they salt them as they doe stags or hogs in christendome ; about that time they kill to the number of foure thousand . the serrail esteemes this kind of meat , among the delicacies of their feasts , and the turkish families if they haue any conuenient meanes make likewise their prouision ; this great store of flesh is for the whole yeere . but the purueyours doe furnish the serrail daily with two hundred sheepe , a hundred lambes , or a hundred kids , in their season , fortie calues , fortie geese , or goslings , a hundred couple of wild-fowle , a hundred couple of hennes , a hundred paire of pigeons , with some other small birds which the poulterers bring . there comes no fish into the serrail , but to please the appetite of some of the agalaris who desire to eate it ; then they cause it to bee taken on that side of the pallace which lookes towards the sea , the which doth abundantly furnish all sorts of fish . the excellent oiles which the sultans kitchin doth vse , comes most commonly from coron and modon , in grecia , a plentifull soile for oliue-trees . candi● only doth furnish that which is imployed for the princes seruice : for besides the delicate bountie of this liquour , it is without any ill sent , the which growing old in others makes them vnpleasing . they haue great prouision of butter in the serrail , the which is brought from m●ldouia , and other places thereabouts ; it comes downe by the blacke sea in great quantitie but salted , the turkes doe not seeke after fresh butter ; either for that they know not the quality , or neglect it : milke is little in vse among them ; that which is brought to constantinople , is only bought by the christians or iewes ; if the turkes make vse of it , it is after it is sowre , for then they say it doth quench their thirst . other prouisions of victuals are drawne from those prouinces where they most abound , and are best . the gallions make two voyages yearely to alexandria , to fraught themselues with pulses , sugars , and spices , as much as shall bee needfull for the serrail , and the chiefe bassa's of the port ; yet the turkes vse not much spices , lest it should prouoke them to drinke wine , so expresly defended by their law. egypt doth furnish dates , and the best prunes that come into the serrail . apples which are the chiefe delights in their turkish feasts , and whereof they make a plentifull prouision , are gathered in vallachia , transiluania , and m●ldauia , and brought vnto the serrail in great abundance : those which they serue vnto the sultan , are for their delicate sweetnesse bought in candy . italy doth also contribute to the prouisions of this great serrail ; the bailiffe of venice , residing at the port , causeth a great quantity of parmasant cheese to bee brought for the grand seigneur , his sultana's and basha's : they are pleased in the taste , and the feast would not be acceptable if this meate were wanting . all these things concerne the food , for their drinke they make a liquour in the serrail , called sorbet , composed of the juice of citrons , sugar , and water , and sometimes they adde ambergreece , most excellent to drinke ; so it is only reserued for the sultan and his women : the greatest men of this imperiall pallace make for themselues , as the foure principall eunuches , of whom wee haue spoken , and some few others : the ice refreshing it in summer makes it more delightfull ; they make their prouision of ice from the mountaines about constantinople , they bring such great store , as the charges ( before it be put into those places where they keepe it ) comes to twenty thousand sultanins , or eight thousand pounds sterling . the rest of the royall family quench their thirst at those goodly fountaines , which powre forth delicate water abundantly for the whole serrail : wine enters not into it without violating the law of the alcoran , which hath so seuerely forbidden it ; and whereof the wisest of the turkes detest the vse ; they call it the spurre of sensualitie , and the tombe of reason . the wood which serues for their kitchin , is supplied with the like abundance ; they measure the quantity by the weight , for so they sell it in constantinople , aswell as in some prouinces of france , and particularly in landguedoc : they cut it in the grand seigneurs forrests , and this prouision costs him least of all those that enter into his pallace . thirty great caramonsailes , chosen among an infinite number of his shins take it in , and sayling by the channell of the blacke sea , deliuer it into the serrail ; his slaues haue cut it downe , sparing good summer of money to the chasus or treasure without , whereunto the charges would amount , both for the cutting and carriage . but if the victuals of the serrail be furnished in abundance and excellencie , the kitchins which imploy them are supplyed with the goodliest implements , which can be seene in a soueraigne princes house . most part of the greater vessels are of brasse , kept so neat and clean , as the very sight of them will giue content and amazement 〈◊〉 other implements which are of copper blanche , are so great in 〈◊〉 they cannot well be numbred . the losse which happens many times is not small ; the foure dayes of diuan , many strangers eate in the serrail , and they which haue learned to ●●nish themselues at anothers cost , take occasion to practize their trade , and to take it where they can find it , and 〈…〉 a quantity of vessels , as the great 〈◊〉 hath sometimes beene of opinion ( to auoid this great losse ) 〈…〉 of siluer ; and to commit the 〈…〉 who might answere for them ▪ 〈…〉 the great charge and the feare of an 〈…〉 might befall 〈◊〉 hath alwayes diu●r●ed him . such are the victuals and other punishment 〈…〉 ●●nish the pallace of the 〈…〉 ●●der finde the relation of the 〈…〉 the subject of these lines , let him consider that without this chapter , the others which compose this history could not be : for this wanting victuals to supply the othoman cou●t , the glory and lusts of his great serrail could not be without them , nor be able to furnish matter for this worke . the members of mans body ( saith the fable ) did one day mutine against the belly , who they thought slept in perpetuall idlenesse : the rougue speaking for all the rest shewed , that whilst the eye see , the eares heard , the hands laboured , and the feet walked , only the belly was idle and at rest , that it was fitting , that in his turne hee should discharge some one of their officer : they so resolued , they employed it , but nourishment failing them , for the want of the naturall exercise of the belly , they gr●w cold ; pale , and without motion . the truth of this take reacheth vs , that by labour we must liue , food maintaines life in its naturall functions , and this chapter furnishing this stately court wherewith to subsist , giues this history the subject of his imployment . chap. vii . of the sicke men , and of such as die in the serrail . the infirmities of the bodie , doe most commonly follow the dispositions of the mind , and dissolution doth sooner cause them than any other thing ; courtiers feele the inconueniences of their 〈◊〉 . where they of the serrail fall 〈◊〉 , they put them into a clost waggon , in the which they are drawne by men , and con●●cted to the hospitall , whereas the order of this 〈◊〉 house , and the turkish charitie , doe what they 〈…〉 them , the one giues care to the ordinary physicians , 〈◊〉 the other ( which as we haue said is very great ) forgets 〈◊〉 to assist them : they are so exactly guarded , as no stranger may speak vnto them , vntill they haue recouered their health , after which they are restored to their first lodgings , and the exercise of their places . but if they die , the law of the court enjoynes , that they of the chamber or oda , whereof the dead man was , shall be his heires , and share the goods which he hath left , except it be some one of the foure chiefe eunuches , before mentioned , or the chistar aga of the sultana's , who is blacke ; for then the prince is sole heire of his precious moueables , and of the abundance of money which this wretched man had so greedily gathered together , by the sinister meanes , which followes the ambitions of the court ; hauing liued poore in his seruitude , to die rich in the same , and to restore to the sultans cofers , that which his auarice had drawne away . such eunuches doe vsually leaue great wealth in moueables ( for the turkes haue no lands ) and particularly when their long seruices haue aduanced them to the dignities of gouernours of prouinces , then they haue liberty to dispose of a third part of their estates , to make a will , in the which the sultan is alwayes executor , hee giues shares to the legataries , and many times takes all for himselfe , by the right of his prerogatiue , and that of master , not only of the goods , but also of the persons of his empire : for all men being his slaues , hee is their first and lawfull heire . chap. viii . of the grand seignevrs hunting . most of the turkish emperours , in the effeminacie of their idlenesse , where they wallow wretchedly in the bosomes of their concubines , haue taken hunting for a pleasing diuersion : but some finding it more pleasing than others , haue loued it with more passion . baiazet the first of that name , ( who raigned in turkey when as the weaknesse of charles the sixth , suffered the disorders in france , which had like to haue ruined it ) was so transported with this exercise , as he therein spent the best of his dayes : his court was fuller of huntsmen than any other ; whosoeuer went to aduance his fortune , must goe with a hawke on his fist or a lease of greyhounds in his hand ; for the best course to rise in court , is to follow the inclinations of the prince , how brutish soeuer they be : then a faulconer grew great , and a rider got an office , but a vertuous man was rejected and grew poore . what priuate men did , to merit this monarches fauour , forreine princes did imitate to winne his loue . iohn earle of neuers sonne to philip the hardy , duke of burgundie , accompanied by the lords of tremoulle , la marche , couey , philip of artois , earle of eu , constable of france , vienna , admirall of france , boucicault , marshall of france , the lords of breze ' , montrell , helly , and many others , led to succour sigismond king of hungary , a generous army of french , against the turkes which were in n●copolie : bad intelligence and rashnesse ruined them , their troupes were defeated by the succours of baiazet , the men were put to the sword , the earle of neuers taken prisoner , with the chiefe of the french nobility : the turkes prison is rough , and a prince how great soeuer must suffer . philip the hardy to mollifie the sauage humour of the turke , and to bind him to better vsage of his sonne , sent him presents , and particularly many white ger-faulcons , whereof he made great accompt : and to testifie the pleasure which hee receiued , he inlarged the prison of this young prince , and led him often a hunting . therein the french obserued the brutish passion of baiazet : his faulconers had cast off a ger-faulcon after a fowle vnsetsonably , he grew into a fury , and would presently haue put two thousand of those men which followed him to death with their hawkes vpon their fists , if the earnest iutreaty of the earle of neuers had not diuerted him : then hee vented out his choller in words , and told the busgonian , that hee did more esteeme a good hawke or a good dogge than any of his men and ( adding this brutish speech ) he said he could haue as many men as hee pleased , but for good hawkes , or good dogges he could hardly find them . in his hunting whosoeuer did hurt a dogge vnaduisedly , he was guilty of treason , and was punished in like manner : but hee , who with his powerfull hand controules the pride of princes , measured him in the like manner . tamberlaine king of the tartars defeated him soone after in battaile , tooke him with his wife , and made lesse account of his person than of a dogge or a hawke : when hee dined hee caused him to be set vnder his table in a cage of iron , and cast him bones to gnaw : ministring matter to history , to write this example to posteritie , to the end that princes that loue hunting , may not suffer their reason to be surmounted with the fury and brutish impatiencies of this exercise . the hunting traine of this prince was so great , as for hawking only hee had seuen thousand faulconers , which were entertained vntill the raigne of mahomet the second , who comming to the empire , looked vpon this fearfull troupe of faulconers with amazement ; and as he had no inclination to hunting he casheer'd them all , and answered the intreaties of great men , who spake to haue them restored , with these words : god forbid , that i should giue my bread to such vnprofitable persons , ordained for so vaine a pleasure . hunting is an honest recreation , easeth the minde , exerciseth the body , and he that loues it , shewes the quicknesse of his spirit , and the agilitie and disposition of his person : but the time which hee imployes must be measured , free , and not stolne by violence from more serious imployments , the which ought alwayes to be preferred before this commendable pleasure . hunting must be generous , and they must take that by force which they pursue , and not by cunning and policie , as to set nets and toiles for beasts , then it is base , idle , and forbidden by the wise , who haue laboured to settle flourishing common-weales vnder the gouernment of good lawes . solyman the second , he which tooke rhodes , and erected the turkish crescent in the best townes of hungarie , did often spend his time in hunting ; during his raigne , hee imployed a whole yeare , which was in the yeare 1531 , when as italy apprehended that the great preparation of a fearefull nauall army , had beene made for their ruine , and the venetians prest with jelousie , that it should cause some dangerous tempest in their gulfe , vnder pretext of seeking the pyrats of malta , which did annoy the turkish merchants . they sent vnto the kings of hungarie and polonia , to the end they would intreate solyman not to trouble himselfe to send his army into their seas , and that they would promise and vndertake , to keepe the leuant seas free from all pyrats : it succeeded according to their desire , solyman being retired to andrinopolis , spent the whole yeare ( as we haue said ) in the pleasure of hunting . the turkish emperours which haue succeeded him loued this exercise . osman the last dead , entertained a great number of huntsmen and faulconers . these princes hold it a glory to make a shew of them in their stately entries into constantinople , as wee haue formerly obserued , where among the troupes of huntsmen , wee see faulconers with their hawkes on their fist , haue a leopard at their saddle pomell couered with cloth of gold ; they hunt the hare or the stag many times with some content ; they pursue the boare , although the vse of it be forbidden by their law : if they take any , they giue the flesh to christians , or cast it away , and reserue the skinne to couer bookes for the which it is very good , and preserues their volumes long : those which haue come into my hands bound at constantinople , are excellently well couered with boares skins , although they be not artificially done as with vs at paris . but superstition the soueraigne mistris of turkish spirits , hath a share in this pleasing exercise , when they hunt vpon the day of their coronation , or when as they conceiue the designes of an important warre , they hold it for a good presage if they take the first beast that is put vp ; but this pleasure of hunting doth not so possesse them , as it makes them forget the care of serious affaires . the turkish emperours haue been accustomed in these sports to take the aduice of their bassa's , of the occurrents which concern the estate ; they cal them vnto them in the field , they speake vnto them , and command them to deliuer their opinions : in court they call this manner of consulting , the councell on horsebacke : whereby wee may learne that this nation is not so barbarous as men conceiue , and that if they raigne so powerfully ouer so many prouinces and realmes , it is not accidentally and by chance ; their care and judicious councell giue vnto their empire a wise gouerment . chap. ix . of the traine which followes the grand seigneurs court. the number of men lodged and fed in the serrail , which amounts to fourteen thousand mouths , would make those imagine , which know not the power of the turkish emperours , that many soueraigne monarchs , lodged together , had drawne all the officers of their houses into one pallace . and truly he whom they serue hauing vanquished and ruined many kings hath made an vnion of their crownes : his serrail , when he lodgeth there , containes in him alone the emperour of constantinople , him of trebisonde , the kings of ierusalem , babylon , damas , egypt , cypresse , thunis , algier , fez , and morocco , with an infinite number of other smaller soueraignes , whose empires , realmes and principalities hee doth possesse : so as so many officers as are in his pallace , seruing his greatnesse , serue many crownes . but when he goes out of his serrail , to vndertake a voyage into some remote prouince , the traine and followers which increase his court is wonderfull . thirty sixe thousand iamzaries , make the number of his ordinary guard on foot , fortie foure thousand spabi , which areas light horsemen , make the cauallery ; two thousand capigas or archers of the port follow him : these beside their ordinary guard , execute the office of the ministers of iustice , with men of meaner condition that are vnder them : two thousand solachis , which are guards on foot about the sultans person , are of his traine : foure thousand chaoux , men imployed in embassies , and in the executions of iustice march after him . there are also fifteen hundred sahangylers , or gentlemen seruants , which carry his meate vnto the chamber doore , where the pages receiue it and deliuer it to the capiaga , who sets it vpon his table . the number of men for baser vses is not lesse , if we consider wherein they are imployed , there are three thousand groomes of the stable , and a thousand riders for hunting ; the balthagis which cut the wood , and bring it to the kitchin are eight thousand : there are a thousand thauegys , which are purueyours , or victualers : two thousand fiue hundred therezi , or tailors to the court , sixe hundred bakers . and if the voyage be made for the warre , the officers of the arsenall , which are commissaries of the artillery and others , make fortie six thousand men : the gebegys which make armes , and repaire and keepe cleane those which are already made , are fourteene thousand : seuen thousand tufechgys or gun-makers , follow with their tooles and ambulatory shops : eight thousand topeys , which are the cannoneers , increase the traine of this monstrous court. i omit a number of pettie officers , for that i haue not their names . the beasts of burthen are vsually twentie thousand , that is to say , ten thousand camels , and ten thousand moiles , which is the ordinary for the sultans house , not reckoning the troine of the bassa's which follow , the which is not so small but in seeing them march apart , you would take it for the traine of a soueraigne prince ; for the turkes carrie in their voyages all sorts of commodities , to the end they may be accommodated aswell in field , as in the townes of their abode . the supputation of the number of men that follow this court , amounts to a hundred fiue thousand , sixe hundred , when the sultan trauels in a time of peace ; but if hee goe to the warre , his court is composed of a hundred and fourescore thousand men , beside the souldiers . so as who is hee , that seeing this fearefull court to march , would not beleeue that it is a whole nation , who hauing abandoned their owne houses , goe to conquer new habitations . certainly , that which history relates of the descent of the northerne nations , as cimbrians , sicambrians , gothes , vandals , burgonians , normans and others , is plainly seene there by the number of men ; but with this difference , that those did but passe , and these remaine still , and adde to the continuance of their tedious raigne , the rule and power ouer many other nations , neere and afarre off , from the principall seat of their empire . chap. x. of the greatnesse of the turkish bassa's . the brightnesse of the sun doth not only shew it selfe in the body of its spheare , but it doth also shine in the greatest starre● . and kings who are in their estates what the sun is in heauen , do not only shew in themselues the lustre of their magnificence , but it doth also shine in the wealth of the great men of their court. this is seene more visibly in turkey than in any other place of the world , where the turkish bassa's display in the pompe of their great riches , the proud power of the emperour , from whom they haue receiued it . machmut bassa , beglierbey of europe enjoyed so great treasures during the raigne of mahomet the second , as the annuall reuenewes thereof , would haue defraied a powerfull turkish army . this example would put them to silence , which bragge so much of the treasure of old crass●as , the yearely rent whereof , they say was able , to entertaine a roman army . the least of the turkes armies would containe many of theirs . as this bassa had beene the most powerfull , and the most sumptuous , that euer the othoman court had aduanced to the height of an extraordinary fortune , it shall not be vnfitting to deliuer briefly by what meanes hee came vnto that greatnesse . he was by nation a graecian , and in his infancy his mother who was a bulgarian , led him one day with her , from the towne of nebopride , to that of sendero●●a ▪ she met casually with the turkish horse , some of them seeing this young childe wonderfull beautifull , tooke him away by force , and carried him as a present to the sultan their master : the prince loued him , and in a short time made the greatest of his court know , that beauty is many times a powerfull motiue to a great fortune , hee was placed among the best respected pages of his chamber , where hee spent his younger yeeres in the midst of the delights of the serrail , after which he had the charge of aga , or colonell generall of the ianizaries ; afterwards he was honoured with the qualitie of bassa , then he became vizir , & mounting daily higher , romelia or europe had him for their beglierbey : the magnificences which he shewed , during the possession of so much wealth , would be tedious to relate . one only example shall suffice for all . mahomet the second , caused the eldest of his children to be circumcised ; the custome of the court will haue great men to giue him presents , as wee haue formerly spoken : all performed it ; but that of machmut , mounted neere to a hundred thousand sequins , which would make fortie thousand pounds sterling . the ocean must bee vast and great , which doth breed such great whales , liuing and walking mountaines : and the othoman court must be stately , seeing the bassa's encounter with such fortunes . but it may be that of machmut will seeme stale , for that it happened an age before ours : to satisfie those which loue new things , and to augment the proofes of this verity , that the turkish bassa's are great , we will adde an example which many haue seene of late yeeres . it appeared in the leuant in the yeere 1614 , and in the person of nassuf bassa grand vizir of the empire , whose treasures were so great , as they found in his cofers at the time of his death a million of gold in sequins , and in siluer coine eight hundred thousand crownes , three bushels of precious stones not wrought , a bushell of diamonds not set in gold , and two bushels of great round pearles of inestimable value : his other furniture was equall to his treasure ; he had a thousand goodly horses in his stable , whereof the least was valued at a thousand crownes : moreouer , he had foure hundred mares of arabian , egypt , the goodliest that could be found in those countries , with many thousand of camels and moyles . his armory was full of the richest swords that could be found in the leuant , and elsewhere : the least had the hilts of siluer : one was so enricht with diamonds vpon the hilt , as it was valued at fiue thousand pounds sterling . the rest of his moueables were no lesse precious , his persian carpets wrought of gold and silke . the great quantity of cloth of gold & of silk of most excellent workes ; the rich beds , and all , that excesse of a monstrous fortune can draw into the pallace of a fauourite , exceeds the imagination of men , and giues occasion to say , that with the spoile of such men , they might not only enrich many houses , but many cities . such rich and sumptuous courtiers go with no smal trains : when they march in field , and vndertake a voyage , be it for their owne particulars , or to receiue the possession of the gouernment of prouinces , wherewith the sultan doth honour them , the baggage which goes before , and the great number of men which follow them , doth equall , yea , exceed the attendants of the soueraigne princes of europe : such a traine may busie the eyes of those that see them passe , for a whole day , for so much time is necessary for the least entry into a towne , and yet many times they supply the want of day by torch-light : it is the care of such bassa's to shew themselue , great to the eyes of the world : which makes them prodigall in their expences , to be attended by many thousands of houshould seruants , ( if they bee not ill serued being a difficult thing , but such a number and troupe should be importune and troublesome ) to whom they giue many enunches to command them . they take a delight to bee well mounted , and withall to haue as many horses , as would serue for diuers regiments . they will haue their baggage , to seeme the more stately , to be carried by twelue or fifteene hundred moiles , and as many can●elis . the number of the concubins which they entertaine in imitation of the prince their maister , imployes the care and watchfull diligence of many black eunuches , which they appoint to keepe them , and consume their great wealth . their lodgings are stately serrails , which they haue built with incredible expences ; as wee may see in the hippodrome of constantinople , by the serrail of hibraime bassa , whereof the turkish emperours haue beene heires , the which is capable to lodge a great king. their moueables and ornaments of their hals , are equall to their greatnesse , wherein they spare no cost , as the only acquisitions which the law of their seruitude doth allow them : for being all slaues , they can purchase no lands nor possessions , the which doth generally belong to the sultan their soueraigne . but if of caitiue slaues they be so great and so proud in their wealth , what must the master be who hath made them such ? chap. xi . of the affronts which the turkish bassa's are forced to pocket vp in court , and the disgracefull chastisements which they suffer . the honours and greatnesse of the world haue their counterpoise ; shame and contempt followes them at the heeles : all that clime vp may descend , yea fall . thus the diuine prouidence hath wisely ordained , to teach man not to build his assurances thereon ; and to binde him to seeke them in that which is constant & eternall . the court is the theater , wherein the tragicall scene of change , shewes it selfe ; griefe goes hand in hand with pleasure , and is an inseperable companion ; he cannot belong a courtier that hath not tried it . that of the turkes doth many times make it sensible to the greatest bassa's ; in the midst of the glorious dignities of the empire , they feele the displeasure , to see themselues shamefully intreated by the commandement of their soueraigne . for when he hath an intent to blemish their names with eternall infamy , hee causeth the crouper of their horses to be cut , whilest they are vpon them ; an affront held in turkey , the greatest that a man of their condition can receiue . so was mu● 〈…〉 in the 〈◊〉 of sely the first , father to great s●ly● . this prince hauing vanquished the sophy of 〈◊〉 , at triumphed in tuaris , the chiefe citye of that repl● , was forced to leade it , when as he saw his souldiers into 〈…〉 , saying plainly that they had rather lose all , when to spend the w●ter in persia . this 〈◊〉 was very sensible , the thought to be reuenged on those whom hee should find to be the motiues : they perswade him that mu●ap●a bassa , who had credit among the ●ootmen , had induced them to 〈…〉 hangeth his 〈◊〉 vpon him , and seeing him on 〈…〉 by a iester which followed him : the bassa perceiued it , and the disgrace which he receiued , made him to end his dayes in the midst of the cares and griefe , which a man of his qualitie doth feele , when he thinkes he hath 〈◊〉 the reputation , which made him to liue gloriously in the world and court. the infamy of this affront comes not alone ; it hath for a companion , the 〈◊〉 of a shamefull punishment , which the great men of the 〈…〉 ●ue , when hee holds him guilty of some small crime : when he hath caused the crouper of some of their 〈◊〉 be cut , he doth likewise ●au● others to be 〈◊〉 by his 〈◊〉 ▪ as it happened in the 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 co●ell of the 〈…〉 who 〈…〉 co●ed to haue 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 the emperour caused him to be taken and 〈◊〉 . but 〈…〉 is not so 〈…〉 ●ble vnto the● , is the 〈…〉 the crouper , as if the leather of the 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 horse were mor● 〈…〉 them 〈…〉 ▪ so much 〈…〉 which 〈…〉 things which 〈…〉 〈…〉 ●d croupers to be cut , tha● 〈…〉 whip vpon the body . but 〈…〉 which follow the greatnes of the 〈…〉 of their basha's . chap. xii . in what ●i●e the grand seigneve 〈◊〉 vnto his bassa's . the greatest dignities of the world are not the most happy , ( said an ancient ) and the condition of 〈◊〉 monarches hath secured miserable to some 〈…〉 had , little to desire and much 〈◊〉 feare ▪ for being 〈…〉 height of humane greatnesse they cannot desire 〈◊〉 , but continuing in the languishing of their spirit , they sometimes conceiue jealousies and imaginary , terrours , and many times such as are true the which troubles , their 〈…〉 their liues , and fils them with tedious conceit . so saith the master of princes in the holy writ in these true words deliuered by a prince , the heart of kings is inscrutable . certainly truth doth teach vs , that if crownes and scep● be weighty , as charge of ●re and trouble , the office of kings is painfull ; for there is nothing so difficult to man , 〈…〉 well , whereon depend● the knowledge of 〈…〉 . the prince which commands must obserue three things , that what he desires may be just , for the publique good , and concerne his owne glory . the which is done by word or ●ing . the othoman monarches , as princes , retired within their serrail , and not much communicable ; command in 〈◊〉 not daily by writing , and the stile which they vse in writing that which they command , is particular vnto them ▪ we shall hardly find in histories any one example of a monarchi 〈…〉 wealth , in the which the superiour● haue 〈…〉 so imperiously , and hath beene obeyed secondly ; as with the turkes ; their letters breathe nothing but threats ; and they speake no other language but that of cruelties . behold some examples of those , which the sultan● haue 〈◊〉 their 〈◊〉 in the 〈…〉 third ●ring of the 〈…〉 in h●ria , which the ch●st● had recouered , and holding this 〈…〉 very great must make this bridge or die , hee labours , hazards all , and loseth many thousand men , yet notwithstanding this ouerflowing of the water , hee finished a bridge in sixteene dayes ouer the riuer of draue , being fiue thousand fiue hundred fathome long , and fourteene broad , supported by boats tyed one to another with chaines of iron . solyman past his army ouer it , and went to lay his siege to segher , where he died . assa●b●g had good & strong excuses , not to attempt the making of this bridge , any other prince but a turke would haue allowed of them : but hee who was ( as the turkes be ) a bad husband of mens liues , would haue it done at what rate soeuer . the threat of those letters which wee haue related are with some condition . but the turkish princes many times write absolutely ; as it happened in the yeare 1614 , in the person of nassuf , bassa , grand vizir of the turkish empire . the emperour achmat the first would haue his life and his treasure : he sends vnto him being in constantinople , the bostangibassi , with two letters written by his own hand , whereof this was the tenour of the first : faile not presently vpon the receipt hereof , in s●nd 〈◊〉 by the bostangibassi the seales of my empire . nass●f obeyed , and deliuered them into the great gardiners hands ; hauing receiued them , he drew another of the sul●ans letters out of his pocket to nassuf , wherof these were the words : after that thou hast sent me my seales , send mee thy hand by him that shall giue thee this note . this command was rough , and the stile of his letter troublesome , yet hee must obey , not of force , for nassuf was in his house with a family of aboue two thousand men , and the gardiner had 〈…〉 staffe , and was only assisted 〈…〉 rascals v●med , which were capigis , or 〈◊〉 of the serrail . nassuf suffered himselfe to bestrangled , and the bostangibassi carried away his hand in the view of all his g●as family , whereof the least scullions might haue 〈◊〉 him with their 〈◊〉 , with his goodly traine . y● 〈…〉 〈◊〉 the people of the serrail , and knowing that it was the princes pleasure , their armes were their teares and sorrowes . thus this rough meanes of writing prooues very beneficiall to the turkish princes , and they reape many co● 〈◊〉 thereby . first , they are not forced to 〈◊〉 money to the gouernour of a strong place , who is not faithfull or profitable to draw him out of it , and to buy with great summes of money ( as they doe in other places ) , the townes and forts of their estates ; the least of their letters drawes forth a gouernour , where they place whom they please they compasse great enterprizes , causing that to be done by feare which loue cannot doe ; they are lesse betrayed in affaires of importance , and are generally exactly obeyed . chap. xiii . of the malicious in●ent 〈◊〉 and poys●nings which the turkes vse the against another , and ●sse● tally great men. ambition hath brought other vices into the cour● , where s●e imployes there , in her designes : slander and treason are the 〈◊〉 of her ●●estable inuention , and poysoning y●rs them in execution . but this last finds more imployment in the court of mabo●an princes than in any other part of the world● they resec● in al●●mi●able meane to reuenge 〈◊〉 , and to content their passions . and after ●heir ●xample the great men and bassa● imploy it : former ages , and the disorder of that wherein we liue , turnish exampl● . in the yeare 137● , 〈◊〉 told king of gram●e , a ma● poi●t● , 〈◊〉 where 〈◊〉 that 〈…〉 king thereof , 〈…〉 rich 〈◊〉 〈…〉 things , 〈…〉 . hee 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 , and 〈…〉 with an infinite number of 〈…〉 to castite ; don henry 〈…〉 pleased with so rates present , hee doth publiquely commend the magnificence of the turkish prince . but hee doth soone learne to his cost , that poyson is rather among gold and precious stones than among pouerty . hee puts them on the next day , but presently the poyson where with they were infected , layes him in the bed of death , and depriues him of life : spaine hath beene alwayes subject to such accidents whilest the mahometans commanded there , and the kings thereof had cause to feare a double poyson : for whilest the turkish princes did attempt their persons by poyson , the alphaquis , and priests of the alcoran , poysoned the soules of their subjects by the contagious impurities of a false and brutish doctrine . a little before the death of the king of castile , he of leon called don sancho , was poysoned by the inuention of a turke , who taught gonzales , his lieutenant at leon , the detestable meanes to kill his master in giuing him an apple , the which this wretched lieutenant performed : this was at the same time when as a deluge of fire come out of the ocean , the which carried its flame farre into spaine , burne a great countrey , and of many burro●gh● and villages , made heaps of ashes as farre as z●ora . these examples shew the malice of the turkes against the the christians ; but they doe no lesse among themselues . a turkish king of fe● , not able to indure the prosperities of him of g●anad● , called ioseph , a mahometan like himselfe , he resolued to take away his life : hee sends to visit him oftnes than he had accustomed , he makes a greater shew of friendship , and after he hath receiued many effects of his , hee sent him for a 〈◊〉 cassocke of cloth of gold of great 〈◊〉 , king ioseph receiues it , and puts it on , not hee had not worne it a day , but the poyson wherewith the prince of fe● had infected i● , 〈◊〉 vpon him , and gaue him such cruell convulsions and 〈◊〉 , as his flesh fell away in piece , and the physician● 〈…〉 the true cause of his disease , nor could apply ●hy re● that hee of granado and by the damnable 〈◊〉 , moorish king. the like villanies which were practiced among the ancient turkes , are vsed at this day in the louant , at the court of constantinople , and in other places , whither they send great men to 〈◊〉 charges . in our dayes a turkish courtier affected by all meanes possible the dignitie of bassa of al●ppo ; the beauty of the place , the lustre of this dignitie , but rather the great gaine which the vice-royes make , inflamed his desire to the possession of this gouernment ; to attain vnto it he purchased by great gifts the affections of the agala●is , or fo●i●s of the s●rrail , which are the eunuches attending the princes person : these men content his ambition , and obtained the gouernment which he desired from the sultan ; hee receiues the letters , takes his leaue to goe vnto his charge , hee arriues and is receiued with the applause of the people ; but he had scarce begun to enjoy the first honours of this new dignity , but another doth dispossesse him by the same meanes which he had vsed ; hee gets the friendship of the eunuches , and gl●ts their a●arke with greater gifts obtaining letters for this place . he was aduertized hereof ; the displeasure which he conceiued to see himselfe deceiued by the courtiers of the s●rrail , to whom hee had giuen much more money than hee had gotten in so short a time , that he had 〈◊〉 bassa of al●pp● , made him to draw his dearest friends about him , to resolue with them how hee should gouerne himselfe in this important businesse . many were of opinion that he should 〈◊〉 the entry i● the town to this new bassa who was vpon the way , vntill he informed the sultan , the m●f● , and the grand vizir of the couetous disloyaltie of the agala●ie ; and this counsell was conformable to his apprehension . but one of 〈…〉 him aside , told him , th● 〈…〉 him , brought a 〈…〉 , wherein i● was dangerous to vse 〈…〉 was the safest way in such 〈…〉 him a 〈…〉 make the 〈…〉 than his had beene , that 〈…〉 the bassa which came , and 〈…〉 him a 〈…〉 , and all loue and friendship to him , and 〈…〉 him out of the world by the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 persons . they resolued it , and laboured in their designe . in the meane time the new bassa arriues , the other receiues him , and yeelds him the place . it is the custome of the great men in turkey , to giue presents to the new gouernor when they enter in charge , some to testifie that they are welcome , and others to gain their affections . this discontented bassa , who left his charge before the ordinary time , would not be the last to present this new commer . he giues him a poysoned handkercher , imbroydered with gold and great round pearles , the price thereof could not be easily valued : the new gouernour receiues it with vnspeakable joy ; for great men hold nothing so sweet in their places , as to take whencesoeuer it comes ; but god doth many times suffer that such greedy takers , are taken in taking , as it happened to this bassa of aleppo : the handkercher of price , which was the price of his life , contents him : hee admires the worke , lookes vpon the great pearles , and his hands doe not abandon it , vntill the poyson forced him , the which exhaling and infecting the bassa , they grew weake and make him to leaue it ; whereupon hee died and left the gouernment which he had not enjoyed : the other bassa flies speedily to constantinople , redemands the gouernment , whereof he had beene dispossest , and grounds his reason vpon his speedie obedience , and forceth the iniquity of the fauourites to consent that hee should enjoy it . thus couetousnesse had depriued him of a dignity where it had first placed him , and poysoning restores him : whereby wee may iudge what these gouernours can be that are setled by such meanes . it is certaine that the like offences are committed daily in the turkes court by the bassa's thereof , who imploy their greatest care , to find out the most subtillest poysons , and how to employ them cunningly one against another . the most ordinary which they vse is drawne from toads : they cause a toade to sucke the milke of a woman that hath an extraordinary red haire . when it is full they beate it gently with a little wand , they put it into choler , its poyson mingles with this milke , and it bursts in its rage ; this poyson is so violent and strong , that in rubbing only the stirrop of his horse whom they meane to poyson , it is an assured death . thus corruption is absolute in turkey ; for if their prophet hath poysoned their soules with filthy doctrine , they poyson their bodies with all sorts of venome . chap. xiv . of the filthy and vnnaturall lust of the bassa's and of the great men of the court. the great fortunes which are found in the courts of great monarches , produce great riches : and these furnish courtiers with delights , in the which they glut their sensuall and brutish appetites . the bassa's of the court , great in dignities and abounding in riches , plunge themselues in all sorts of voluptuousnesse , and their spirits mollified in the myre of filthy pleasures , they seeke them by a contrary course , and demand that of nature which she hath not : being many times tired with the loue of women , they abandon their affections to young boyes , and desperatly follow the allurements of their beauties : they imbrace them , and vse them in the place of women . this abhominable vice is so ordinary in the turks court , as yee shall hardly find one bassa that is not miserably inclined vnto it : it serues for an ordinary subject of entertainment among the greatest when they are together ; they speake not but of the perfections of their ganimodes : one sayes , they haue brought mee from hangarie the most beautifull and accomplished mi●i●a , that ouer was borne among men : he is the height of my felicitie , and the only object that my thoughts adore . another saith , i haue lately bought a young infant of bassa , who hath not his like in all the east , and i dare assure you his 〈◊〉 is not humane , but that of an angell : some so● of the company intreats him earnestly to haue a fight , and that hee may bee satisfied by his eyes . these are the discourses of those lustfull ●ts . the care they haue to keepe neatly , and to attire richly those poore ●tures , destinated to so damnable an vse is not small : the eunuches which haue them in guard are alwayes neere them , to beautifie them outwardly , they plaite their haire with gold , and sometimes with pearles , they perfume them , they attire them in robes of cloth of gold , and adde to their naturall beauty whatsoeuer arte can inuent : what vertue , what wisdome , what pietie can be found in a court composed of such men ? he that is the head and commands them , doth furnish this pernicious example ; for the sultans serrail is full of such boyes , chosen out of the most beautifull of the east , and vowed to his vnnaturall pleasures : this doth countenance this disorder and corruption in the othoman court : such as the prince is , such are most commonly the courtiers which follow him : the principall maxime which they giue for a precept to their fortune , is to follow the humours and manners of the prince , whatsoeuer they be , yea , many times they incite the prince to these disorders . the miseries and diasters which happen daily in turkey , are too many to be coucht in this historie . the great men kill or poyson one another for such subjects , families are in combustion , wiues make away their husbands , and husbands their wiues . mabemet the second emperour of the turkes , was ●abde in the thigh , and if any misfortune seeme monstrous among them , this vice which is so monstrous doth produce it : men well bred abhorre it , heauen detests it : when it was borne vpon the earth , idolatry was her sister twinne . so being the auersion of nature and the contempt of the author thereof , heauen doth punish it , and casts forth the fire of his wrath vpon those which are polluted therewith ; whole townes haue been consumed , men eternally lost , and the memory of the one and the other in execration vpon the earth . the turkes doe not punish it ; they alleage , as wee haue obserued in the history of their religion , that god hath reserued the chastisement to himselfe , and they bring an example of a miserable wretch who had abused a young boy which stab'd him . this sodomite being thus slaine , mahomet their prophet sent his kinsmen to open his tombe , and see how many wounds he had ; they came and saw no body , but found in the place a blacke and smoakie stocke . hence they say , that seeing the diuine iustice doth punish those that are culpable of this offence , they must leaue the execu● him , and in the meane time suffer this vnnaturall ex● . the turkish ladies detesting these damnable affections of their husbands , haue also abandoned themselues by their example or for reuenge , to another disorder : the following chapter will shew it . for the husbands are many times the cause of the losse of their wiues ; and the contagious example of their vices , giues them occasion to ill , and to faile in their faith to him , who had first broken it . chap. xv. of the loues of the great ladies of the turkes court , and of their violent affections among themselues . the prouocations of a hot climate , the seruitude of women restrained , and the bad example of loose and luxurious husbands , are the principall motions of the loues , wherunto the turkish ladies abandon themselues . some to haue free exercise , take occasion to see their louers , when as they are allowed to goe to the bath , to receiue the purifications which their law doth enjoyne them : others better qualified , from whom the commoditie of waters and scoues which are in their houses , hath taken away this pretext , make vse of other man. sometimes they borrow the habit of their slaues , and thus disguised goe to find them they loue : when this course is difficult , by the encounter of some great obstacle , they imploy man and woman ( whom they reward ) to find them subjects which may please their eyes , and content their passions ; but this last meanes is more apparent and better knowne in constantinople : for such messengers of 〈◊〉 discouering themselues to some that refuse them , they di● their secret . they addresse themselues vsually to christian strangers of the west , and if they can finde frenchmen , the seruice they doe vnto their mistresses is the more pleasing : the disposition of their humours , the grace of their bodies ( say they ) and the ordinary courtesie of their nation , makes them more desired . but it is dangerous to serue the passions of such louers , where the recompence and the reward or a painfull loue , is a dagger or a glasse of poyson : for these cruell women , when they haue kept some young stranger three or foure dayes hidden in their chambers , and haue made vse of him vntill he be so tired and weary with their lasciuiousnesse , as hee is no longer profitable , they stab him or poyson him , and cast his bodie into some priuie : whether it be that they feare their affections should be discouered , or that their light and inconstant humours , doth alwayes demand new subjects , or that it is the nature of their lasciuious loue , to change into rage and fury tragically cruell . they which are aduertised at constantinople , auoid this danger , and reward their pains which speake vnto them with a flat deniall , but not without danger : for such messengers aswell as the great ones that imploy them are witches , and reuenge a deniall vpon the person of him that made it , as it happened of late yeares to a french gentleman , which was at constantinople , when as the baron sausy did serue the king there as his embassadour : this gentleman going to the diuan , which is the publique audience of the serrail , was encountred by a woman , whose age , habit and discourse did shew plainly that shee did pleasures for the turkish ladies : shee came vnto him and vsed these words : hast thou the courage to see a faire lady , which is in loue with thee ? he who knew well with what mertils such ladies are accustomed to crowne their louers which haue serued them , excuseth himselfe for that time , pretending some important businesse which drew him to the serrail : but he promiseth at his returne to content her desires , imtearing her to attend at the passage . in the meane time he goes to the serrail , followes his businesse , and hauing dispatched in , ro●es to his lodging another way , and leauing the woman in the impatiencie of a deceitfull attendance , she saw herselfe in the end deceiued by this frenchman : who to reuenge this affront , had recourse to her witchcrafts , and imployes them against him : they worke their effect , and this frenchman found himselfe suddainly seized with a kind of palsey : the sicke man tooke his bed , and was continually afflicted with sensible paines and convulsions . the physicians were called to his help , but all their lerning could not find out the cause of his infirmitie , nor prescribe a remedie : some dayes past in these extremities , after which an old turkish woman offers to cure him ; she visits him , and hauing looked vpon him she told him in her gibbridge : i will soon cure you : but tell the truth , haue you not refused some lady that sought your loue ? by her charmes she expelled those which tormented him , and restored him to health : after which , this man going in constantinople , hee encountred a woman which told him in his eare ; remember another time not to abuse the courtesie of women which affect you , and deceiue them no more by your vaine promises . all the women of turkey , and especially those of constantinople , doe not tie their affections to men only , they grow passionately in loue one with another , and giue themselues to false and vnlawfull loue , especially the wiues of men of quality , who liue coopt vp in serrails , vnder the guard of eunuches . this vitious appetite doth domincere ouer them so tyrannously , as it smothers in them the desires of a naturall and lawfull loue , and many times causeth them to loathe their husbands . this disorder may grow for that their affection wanting a lawfull prize , they tie it to a strange object : moreouer , the reuenge of the vnnaturall loue to their husbands , carries them vnto it ; for most men of those easterne parts , and the greatest are giuen to that beastly and brutish lasciuiousnesse . these ladies loue one another most ardently , and come to the effects of their foolish loues , they imbrace one another , and doe other actions which loue seekes , and modestie forbids to write . they whom this strange loue makes slaues to others , goe to finde them in the b●th to see them naked , and entertayning them vpon the subject whereof they languish , make such like discourses in their language : they had reason to say that the sun did plunge it selfe in the waues , seeing that you are in this water , the which by nature should quench the fire , but it kindles my flames when you are in it . is it possible that you should receiue to the enioying of so rare a beauty , other persons than those of your owne sexe , which are like your selfe ? fly the imbracings of men , which contemne vs ; and haue no loue but for their like , and enioy with vs the contentments which they deserue not . when as a foolish womanish louer , hath made such like discourses , shee goes into the bath , and burnes with a flame which it is not able to quench , she imbraces her louer , kisseth her , and attempts to doe that ( although in vaine ) which i must heere conceale : and these loues of woman to woman are so frequent in the leuant , as when any turks are resolued to marrie , the chiefe thing which they inquire of , is whether the party whom they affect be not subject to some woman whom they loue , or is beloued . thus these people liue farre from the light of true faith , in the darknesse of mahometan ignorance , which haue carried them to the excesse of all sorts of vices . chap. xvi . of the foure principall bassa's of the port. the foure chiefe bassa's of the port , and the foure prime wheeles , which mooue this vast and powerfull turkish empire are the vizir azem or the grand vizir , the captaine of the sea , the aga of the ianizaries , and the captaine of constantinople , called the captaine bassa : their places are the chiefe of the empire , and the glory there of giues them respect with the prince , to be honoured by great men , and feared by the people . the vizir azem , or grand vizir holds the first place next vnto his master , he is lieutenant generall of the empire , and armies , high chancellor and chiefe of the diuan , which is the councell where iustice is administred ; the captaine of the sea is high admirall , and generall of nauall armies . the aga of the ianizaries commands all the turkish foot , as sole colonell thereof . and the captaine of constantinople gouernes the citie , and takes knowledge of the chiefe affaires which passe . these foure bassa's differing in offices and honours are notwithstanding powerfull in authoritie , the which is of such weight , as they giue and take the crown from their soueraigne prince when they thinke good . we haue seene the experience of late yeares , in the persons of sultan mustapha , and osman : achmat ended his life and raigne in the yeare 1617 , hee left two young sonnes ; osman and amurath : he knew by experience that the weight of such a crowne could not be borne by a childe , and that the absolute gouernment of the turkish monarchie required a man : he called to the succession of his scepter , his brother mustapha who had beene fourteene yeares a prisoner in his serrail , and made him to taste this sweet change , to come from a dungeon to a throne , and from the fetters of a tedious captiuitie , to that power to command the greatest i state vpon the earth . but the great rigour of his command , and the extrauagances of his inconstant humour , made him odious to the captaine bassa ; he gained the other three , who drew the souldiers and some great men vnto their party , they vnthroned him , put him into his prison , and set vp osman sonne to his brother achmat. this example was in our daye● : but that which followeth is so fresh , as the newes hereof came when i was labouring about this worke . osman not well satisfied with the affection of the ianizaries , ( who are the sinewes of his estate ) and disliking some of the foure bassa's , had an intent to change the seat of his empire to caire , and to abandon constantinople ; he prepares himselfe , gathers together as much treasure as hee could , and couers his designe , with the pretext of a pilgrimage to meque , where he said his intent was to accomplish a vow , and to make as great a gift as euer prince made vnto a temple of what religion soeuer . when as he had mannaged his enterprize vnto the day of his departure , when as his galleyes were readie , and the bassa of caire come with an armie to receiue him ; the ianizaries were aduertised , they runne to the serrail with the consent of the aga , the people are moued , the captaine bassa stirres them vp , they take the sultan in his chamber , kill some great men in his presence , dragge him into a prison , and there make him to suffer a shamefull death by the hands of an executioner , hauing drawne mustapha his vncle out of prison again , and crowned him the second time soueraigne sultan of the turkish empire . that which is here set downe for true proofs of the authoritie and power of these foure great bassa's . they are not alone in greatnesse , although that no man doth equall them in all the othoman court ; there are two beglierbeys ( that is to say lord of lords ) the one of romania or greece , the other of natolia or asia the lesse . the nissanzi bassa or ordinary chancellour , who signes all the dispatches of the court ; three teftardars which are the high treasurers , thorough whose hands the reuenewes of the empire doth passe . the rais kintap , whose charge is to keepe the books , papers and records of the empire . besides these there are many others of lesse consideration . doubtlesse , as whales are in the vast and deepe seas ; so great and eminent dignities are in great empires , and those of turkey make those which enjoy them to seeme like so many pettie kings about the person of a great monarch . chap. xvii . of the tymar , tymarriots and pensioners of the port. the turkes giue two sorts of pay to their souldiers , the one is called in their language vlefe ' , which is payed daily by the treasurers of the warre and is the entertainment of ordinary souldiers : the other is called tymar , or pension assigned vpon houses , lands , or whole burroughes ; this is not giuen but to men , who by their valour haue done some notable seruice to the prince , and deserued well of the publique : these pensions are honourable , the recompence of their vertue , and the marke of their merit . it seemes that the turkes haue borrowed the name of this recompence from the gracians , who called it tymarion , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , which signifies honour . such pensioners are called tymariots , they are most commonly spahis and horsemen , who enjoy the honour and profit of such pensions taken out of the lands in turkey which belonging all vnto the prince , by the right of soueraigne master of the persons of all his subjects , who are his slaues , he giues them to such as haue made themselues worthy by their good seruice ; as they doe with vs the commanders of military order , or the fees or lands which the princes haue instituted in our countries to honour gentlemen of merit , and to binde them to serue them vpon all occasions . it is true that the continuance of such fees , doth farre exceed that of the tymar , for they passe vnto their successors , and this is temporall , and no man is suffered to enioy it any longer than it shall please the giuer . if the spahi be not in his equipage fit for a souldier , if hee doth not serue with that care and diligence as hee ought , the iudges which the sultan appoints to visit the tymar , depriue him , and recompence another that may serue better , so that tymariots , or pensioners of the turks court , are not vnprofitable mouthes , as in other places ; there the credit of an insolent fauourite , cannot take them from vertue , to giue them to the idlenesse of some one of those which follow him , and idolatrize the greatnesse of his fortune . chap. xviii . of the grand seignevrs favourites aduanced to the greatnesse of the empire , and of their fall . few kings haue beene without fauourites ; and what reason were it to 〈◊〉 the most eminent among men from that which is allowed to the most object , that is to loue one man aboue all others , and to honour him with the effects of their friendship , by honours and greatnesse , whereof they are the masters and absolute disposers ? doubtlesse the soueraigne of kings , who came into the world to teach both men and kings perfection , hath not denied them this libertie , when as he himselfe gaue them an example , louing and fauouring aboue the small number of men which were in his ordinary court , him whom hee thought most worthy of his fauours . but few fauourites haue beene without insolencie , whether it be that most princes are not much carefull to make choice of men , whose vertues haue made them worthy of their friendship ; or that the nature of fauour and honour which follow them , be such , as it blinds their vnderstanding , and puffes vp their spirits with pride . this history hauing taken for its principall subject , the court of the othoman monarches , it shall seeke no farther for examples of this truth . hibraim bassa fauourite to solyman the second , had attained to the height of greatnesse which hee enjoyed by such degrees . he was a christian , borne of a very base extraction ; at the age of seuen or eight yeeres , they which exact the tribute of christians children , tooke him from his fathers house , and conducted him with a troupe of other young slaues to constantinople : at his arriuall he was giuen vnto a bassa , who caused him to be bred vp carefully , and soone after presented him to solyman ; this prince to whom hibraim was equall in age , tooke him into his affection , his seruice was alwayes more pleasing vnto him , than that of the other slaues : he honoured him with the charge of capiaga , who is captaine of the gate of the inner serrail : from this place hee came to that of aga or colonell of the ianizaries : then the example of some great men of the othoman court , ruined by the inconstancie of fortune , gaue vnto his spirit the first apprehensions which the great dignities of the court giues vnto fauourites which enjoy them , and serued as a bridle to restraint his passion : hee besought solyman not to aduance his fortune so high as he might full with the greater ruine : hee shewed him that a meane prosperitie , was more safe than all the greatnesse , wherewith he would honour him : that his seruices should be sufficiently rewarded , if hee gaue him wherewith to spend his dayes in rest , farre from the necessities of life . solyman commended his modestie , and meaning to aduance him to the chiefe dignities of his empire , he sware vnto him neuer to put him to death whilst he liued , what change soeuer should happen in his court. but the condition of king , which is humane , and subject to change , and that of fauourites which is proud , and vnthankfull , shall cause solyman to faile of his promise , and hibraim of his faith and loyaltie , as wee shall see . in the meane time this fauourite becomes a bassa , and soone after grand vizir , and lieuetenant generall of his masters empire ; his credit , his traine , his wealth , and the pompe of his greatnesse , teach euery man that hee is the arbitrator of turkey . but his fortune is too great to be without enuie ; and it seemes vnreasonable , that the highest trees which are on the tops of the highest mountaines , should be free from the violence of the windes . the princesse mother to solyman , and roxillana his wife , the best beloued of his sultana's , enuie the credit of hibraim , and his vnlimited authoritie is insupportable vnto them : they practize his ruine , and imploy all their power both within and without the serrail , to dispossesse him : he finds it , and judging that the affections of a mother and a sonne are so naturall , and the loue of a wife and a husband so strong , as there is not any fortune nor fauour in court , which should not feare the encounter , he resolues to draw his master out of constantinople , and to remooue him from the imbracings of the one and the conuersation of the other , and from the perswasions of them both . to effect is with the more pretext , he propounds the designe of the warre of persia , and being in counsell with three or foure bassa's , he perswades solyman in this manner . sir , great kings must haue great 〈◊〉 their principall office is not only to preserue the 〈…〉 their ancestors haue left them , but also to inlarge is 〈◊〉 ●tand the limits ; the sword wherewith the m●s● 〈◊〉 your greatnesse , on the day of your coronation , is not so much a signe of your soueraigne power , as that you are bound to maintain and defend the truth of our alcoran , and to publish its beliefe farre : the persian hath alwayes beene an enemy to your estate and religion , and their kings haue not had any stronger passion , then to see the ruines of the one and the other : the historie of the warres which our predecessors haue had against them doth furnish many examples ; now you may be reuenged of their insolencie , and lay at your feet these ancient enemies of turkey . tachmas who is their king , is a man without valour and experience , his people are yet in necessitie , being the remainders of the warres past : your empire is flourishing you are borne to great matters , and to you alone the destinies haue reserued the glory of an absolute triumph ouer the persians● heauen doth promise it , honour binds you , the weaknesse of your enemy inuites you , your treasures and a great number of fighting men , which attend your commandements in armes , furnish you with meanes . goe , goe , then great prince , adde vnto your crownes that of the realme of persia , and to the bayes which your valour hath gathered in hungarie and at rhode● , the palme to haue subdued persia , and to haue tamed the most troublesome of all your enemies . to these perswasions hee added a tricke of his trade . in damus the chiefe c●tie of the east , there liued an excellent magician , called mule aral , he drawes him to constantinople , and makes vse of his predictions to further his designes ; he speakes with him , and hauing caught him what to say , hee brings him to solyman . this sorcerer foretold the sultan , that hee should take the principall places of persia , and should be crowned king of that realme : all this makes him resolue to goe to horsebacke , and the warre was concluded : the teares of the mother , nor the sweet kisses of the wife , could not frustrate this designe : these poore sultan's see the order of the estate ouerthrowne by a fauourite , and their persons contemned by hibraim , who carried him from them , and drew him farre from their just jealousies ; but the mine , into the which insolencie dragges it selfe , is in●itable hibraim by this retiring , deferrs his losse , but doth not auoid it ; hee shall returne from the warre of persia to dye in constantinople strangled with a haker : the sequell of the historie will tell vs. in the meane time solyman departs , with aboue six hundred thousand men , most souldiers : hibraim goes before to make the way with a powerfull armie , he passeth at aleppe , and fortifies it : from thence he goes to carahomide a towne vpon the frontiers of mesopotamia or dierbetch , built vpon a strong situation : vlama a great noble-man of persia commanded therein : his qualitie and valour had bound solyman to make him gouernour ; hee had formerly married the sister of scach tach●as , sonne to ismaell sophi , and then king of persia , who discontented for some disgrace in court left persia , and came to serue the turke . hibraim gaue him thirtie thousand men , and sent him before to discouer the enemies countrie . vlama who know the language and the countrie , approached neere vnto tauris , whereas sultan musa a neere kinsman to the king commanded : being aduertised of the approach of the turkish troupes , and finding himselfe too weake to attend them , abandons the citie : vlama enters and takes it : hibraim who followed him neere came speedily , fortifies it , and in a new citadell which he caused to be made , hee placed three hundred and fiftie pecces of ordinance , and sent to aduertise solyman of this good successe . neuer fauorite held himselfe so happie , nor so powerfull ouer the enuie of his enemies : but he shall finde his misreckoning . solyman aduanceth , comes to tauris , and stayes three weekes , to see if tachmas had any will to come and encounter him . but hee had neither power nor will. hee was retired into the mountaines , expecting greater forces than his owne , that 〈◊〉 say , that 〈◊〉 and the necessitie of all things , with the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 , might force his enemie to retire : they followed 〈◊〉 after the northern winds , the snow , frost , and went of victualls forced solyman to take his way to curd●stan , which is assyria , hauing left thirtie two thousand men in garrison within tauris , vnder the command of vlama , of i●digiarberg and serum ogly . fa● 〈◊〉 was watchfull seeing the turkish army farre from tauris , approcheth with ten thousand men : the garrison go forth to encounter him and charge him ; but iadigiarberg a notable coward , growing amazed fled , and put all the rest in disorder , and gaue the aduantage to tachmas , who recouered tauris , and brought a notable change , causing the three hundred and fifty cannons which were in the citadell to be moulten , whereof he made manguris , which is a coine of persia , and so that which was the terrour of his people , became the delights of their affections : solyman in the meane time conquered curdistan , and baggadet ; he tooke babylon , where he was crowned king of assyria by the caliphe , but not of persia , as the magitian had promised him . winter was now spent , and the spring approached : vlama and hibraim perswaded solyman to returne to tauris , to punish the rashnesse of tachinas : he returnes with his army , and being within few dayes march , tachmas abandons the city and retires , burning and razing whatsoeuer he found in the way , to stay his enemy from following : the turkes re-enter tauris and their rage puts all they find to fire and sword , not sparing sencelesse things ; the stately pallaces became the subject of their furie , and the citie was the pittifull remainder of a sacke and a cruell spoyle . solyman retires , giuing order that his chiefe forces should be in the reare , lest the enemy should follow and charge them behinde . tachmas was wonderfully discontented , to see this fearefull spoile in his country , and in the capitall citie of his realme , and could haue no reuenge ; when as one of his satrapes , or gouernours , a caramanian by nation and the most resolute man in his court , sirnamed delimeus , for his courage , ( that is to say foole ) offered himselfe , and promiseth ( so as hee would giue him troupes ) to follow the enemie and to ouertake him , and when hee should thinke least of it , to make him pay for the spoile which he had made in persia . tachmas grants whiche demands ; delimeus goes his way , he runs or rather flies towards the place where the enemie was : his spies being him word , that the turkes were camped neere vnto bathlis , ●yrod with long marches , and with the toile of a troublesome way ; that they slept without guards , without watch , and without any sentinels , so as it would be easie for him to surprize them , if he would make his troupes to double their pace : deliment makes more speed than they requi●ed , hee drawes neere vnto the turkes at the shutting vp of the day , and in the night goes to surprize them , inuirons them , chargeth them , beats them , kils the greatest part , and takes the rest prisoners , few escaping by flight . solyman vnderstood the next day of the losse of his men , and seeing the small troupes he had remayning , findes foure hundred thousand men wanting , of those which followed him from constantinople , the which were dead in persia , either slaine by the sword , or famished with hunger , or frozen with colde , the which made him returne towardes his serrail . he comes to aleppo , and soone after to constantinople , and detests in his soule , the counsellour of this voyage and the warre of persia . the sultana's finde at his returne , a ample subject to ruine hebraims fortune , and to be reuenged of the presumption hee had vsed against them . they obserue the murmuring of the people against this fauourite , and what the great mens●e of him , and make it knowne to solyman . moreouer , as they were busie to ruine his greatnesse , they discouer that this bassa fauoured the house of austria , and that he had secret intelligence with the emperor charies the fift , an enemy to his master : this treachery being auerred , it did wholy ouerthrow that which the sultana's had already shaken . solyman to whom they had made knowne the truth of all this , concludes his death ; but the promise and oath which he had made vnto him not to put him to death whilest hee were aliue , suspends the execution vntill hee might find a dispensation by the aduice and ●ritie of the chiefe preists of his law ; 〈…〉 of the most learned ; one of the number giues him a pleasant 〈◊〉 , to free himselfe of the bassa , and yet to keepe his word . you haue sworde , sir , saith he , not to put him to death , whilest you are liuing ; 〈◊〉 him up be strangled when you are asleepe : life consist 〈◊〉 ●gilam action , and he th● sleepes doth not truly 〈◊〉 to you may punish his disloyaltie , and not violate your oath . doubtlesse if solyman were dead when hee slept , according to the saying of this talisman , hee hath reuiued many times whilest he liued . this prince seekes noe more , he contents himselfe , to haue found a clergie man which absolues him for this deed : he sends for hibraim bassa to the serrail , hee causeth him to supp with him , and supper being ended hee letts him see his crymes by his owne letters written to charles the fift , and ferdinand his brother ; hee reproaches his ingratitude and commands his dumbe men to strangle him whilest he slept , and thereupon went to bed. thus ended the life and greatnes of hibraim bassa fauorite to solyman : for an example , that if the fortunes of the court shine like gold , they breake like glasse . his maistes had aduanced him more then hee desired , fearing a fall in the beginning of his fortune , into the which he did precipitate himselfe by his disloyaltie : he supported the continuance of his greatnesse vpon his princes oath : but they were humane , and their nature is to haue no other stay , but the declining where they slide . a courtiers fauour is neuer durable , if it hath not iustice and pittie for companions , which makes them zealous towards god , and well deseruing of men : if these parts be found in a fauourite , they make enuie to yeeld , and impose silence to the bitterest slanders hibraim bassa had not these good qualities : his formes seruices had deserued some share in his masters affection ; but his pride against the sultana's , and his treachery against solyman made him vnworthy of that which he enjoyed . so the lion of lybia wipes out with her long taile the steps of her feet : the insolencie which followed , defaced all the good which went before . to enjoy the fauour of the court , they must haue so strong and generous a spirit , as they must neuer suffer themselues to be transported with pride , nor dejected with amazement but remayning in a commendable equality , continue couragiously in doing well . the example of the fortune and disaster of hibraim bassa shall be followed in this history with that of the great credit , prosperities and disgraces of bassa derueir , a fauourite to achmat the first , brother to sultan mustapha , who raigned of late yeares . this man of a base condition laboured in the gardens of the serrail , when as hee began to enter into fauour : achmat in his garden-walkes , seeing his jouiall humour , tooke many times delight in his tales , stayed to see him worke , and in the end so affected him , as without knowledge of any other merit , he made him bostangibassi , or great gardiner ; this charge ( as we haue said ) is one of the goodliest of the turkish empire , being then void by his death who had enioyed it : therein deruier serued with so great care , and made himselfe so pleasing to his master , as he bound him to make him greater . the generall of the sea dies , and achmat giues him the place : he doth it with that lustre and pompe which followes this dignitie ; he causeth the galleyes to be armed , goes to sea , takes all he meces with , and sailes so happily as the inconstant windes seemed to fauour him , and the most inconstant elements seeme to joy in the happinesse of this new fauourite ; his courses are fortunate , and his returne glorious : but the sea of the court more stormie than the sea it selfe will one day teach him that it doth amaze the best pilots , and will make him feele to his disgrace , a more troublesome shipwracke , than he could haue found vpon the waues of the louant seas . the reception which hee found at his returne , and the triumph wherewith hee is honoured after the taking of many christian vessels , are felicities which flatter , and deceiuing him , make him imagine that happinesse it selfe did him homage . achmat cherished him more than himselfe , and had no rest , vntill hee had aduanced him to the height of the prosperities of the court : that is to say , to the dignitie of grand vizir , lieutenant generall of his empire : soone after it fell void , and hee bestowed it on him , with these words of affection : there is not any thing in my estate , how great soeuer it be , which thy vertues , and the affection thou bearest to my seruice , hath not well deserued . thus de●r became the first man of the turks court , and his master was sorry , that hee could not make him the prime man of the world. in this charge hee restored many good lawes , which disorder had ouerthrowne ; hee reduced euery man to his duty , strooke terrour into the magistrates : and let the souldiers know that they were vnworthy to make their musters , and to receiue the pay , if they be not in case to serue . these things doubtlesse had crowned his name with new glory , if violence and crueltie had not blemisht him : he caused more men to be executed in one day , than his predecessours had done in a whole yeare : the least suspition of a crime was culpable of punishment , and this fauourite made lesse account of the life of men , than of the coleworts which hee had sometimes planted in the gardens of the serrail . but violence is neuer durable , and that fauourite which followes it suffers himselfe to bee led to his owne ruine . hee that kils , shall be killed ( sai● god ) hee that loues bloud shall perish in bloud . doubtlesse , it is a miserable thing in princes courts , and prejudiciall to a whole estate , that a base fellow , and a man of nothing , without vertue or merit should be aduanced to the qualitie of a fauourite ; master the affections of his soueraigne , and enjoy the prime dignities of an empire : for such persons are most commonly cruell ; contemne the nobilitie , and make no account of vertue , as being ignorant of the one and the other . derueir in all these offices had gathered together great treasures , the which with his extraordinary seueritie , furnish matter of enuy to the other bassa's , who all joyntly vndertake his ruine , and labour so carefully therein , as they find meanes to entertaine sultan achmat , with the insolencies of his carriage : he heares them , belieues part of that which they tell him , and growes so violently jealous of the credit and authoritie of deruier , that he resolues to free himselfe of him ; he concludes his death , and commands the execution to a troupe of the capigis of his serrail , who receiued commandement to strangle him , as soone as he should come : but hee will trouble them to performe it , they shall not finde in him a delicate fauorite , bred vp from his youth in the softnesse of the court , he will defend his life couragiously , and let them see that a man , which hath long time handled a spade and a mattocke , is not soe easily mastered . achmat sends for deruier to the serrail ; he comes and is scarce entred when he suspects the partie which was made against him ; he goes into the grand sigueurs quarter , being there , this troupe of capigis fall vpon him to seaze on him , and to put the halter about his necke ; he frees himselfe from them , and stands vpon his defence although he had nothing in his hands , and with his fists scatters them brauely ; hee beates one of their noses flat , puts out the eye of another , and strikes out his teeth that held the halter , and puts him out of breath which had taken hold of his arme , and remaines free in the midst of al them which did i●biron him , and durst not take him : the feare of punishment which doth attend those which doe not speecily execute the will of the sultan in such affaires , and the shame that one man alone disarmed should slay them all , ●uised one of the troupe to fetch a leauer , wherewith approaching to deruier , he gaue him so great a blow as hee brake his thigh , and ouerthrew him ; then they put the cord about his necke and strangled him . thus hee ended his life , which gouerned the whole turkish empire , and strooke a terrour into the greatest : the iouiall humours and the humble discourses of the gardiner , had raised him to the greatest fortune that a courtier could find in all the world ; and the insolencie and pride of the grand vizir had humbled him , and deliuered him to the mercie of a dozen rascals which strangle him : for a new example , that fauour is not durable , if it hath not moderation for its companion , and iustice and piety to support it . his bodie is buried without pompe or honour , his treasure came vnto the sultan , and his name was so forgotten , as in three dayes they did not know in court if there had beene any such man. the which may serue for a lesson to great men , which possesse their princes , that the course of a boundlesse and proud fauour in court is like the flight of a bird in the aire , the passage of a ship at sea , or the gliding of a serpent vpon the stones , where there remaines no shew . this thing happened at constantinople in the yeare 1606. but of a later date in the yeare 1614. nassaf bassa , of whom we haue formerly shade mention , grand vezir of the turkish empire and fauorite to the same sultan achmat , gaue ( by the fall of his fortune ) as much amazement to the east , as his prosperities had given admiration his riches were greater and his credite more absolute then the two former fauourites ; but his extraction and birth as base as theirs , and his pride equall . hee was sonne to a greeke priest , borne in a little hamblet neere to salonica . the collectors of the tribute tooke him from his fathers house in his infancie , and led him to constantinople , where hee was sold for three sultanins , ( which is foure and twentie shillings of our sterling money ) to an eunuch of the serraeil , who bred him vp vnto the age of twentie yeeres . then hee sold him to a steward of the sultana mother to achmat , to serue him in his charge . this man soone found in his slaue the eminent gifts of a free spirit , which is inlightned with dexteritie : and holding him fit for greater affaires then those of the houshold , wherein hee imployed him , hee gaue him the ouer-sight of the building of a rich and stately mosquee , which the sultana mother caused to bee built at her charge , to bee an immortall marke of her pictio and magnificence . hee prospered so well in this charge , and gaue so good proefes of his iudgement , as hee gaue good content vnto the sultana , and hard such part in her liking and affection , as shee made him superintendant of her house . in thi● dignitie hee let the whole serrail see , what an able and sufficient man may doe when hee is imployed in affaires ; his merite came vnto the knowledge of sultan achmat , who would haue him to his seruice . thus hee changed master , and mounted to a new dignitie . achmat gaue him the place of capigibassi , soone after he made him bassa of alepp● , where hauing finished the time , which they giue to such gouernors , they honoured him with the dignitie of gouernor generall of messopotamia : hee parted from constantinople , hauing the traine , attendance and pompe , of a turkish vice-roy . the commoditie of this prouince , frontier to persia , filled his cofers with treasure , and his spirit with ambition . hee knew that hee was very necessarie for his master , he saw that the neighbour-hood of the persian , might by secret intelligences with him bring him great wealth . this imagination flatters him , and his auarice followes him : hee abandons his fidelitie to the offers which the persian king made him , and practiseth in secret with his ministers , and fauoureth what hee can , the enemy of his soueraigne prince . achmat is aduertised , and louing him still with passion , dissembles his cryme and resolues to gaine him to himselfe , to dis-ingage him from the persian , and to content his ambition with any thing hee could desire in his empire . to this end hee sends for him to constantinople , and at his ariuall gaue him the place of grand vizir , which serdar had newly left , and with it the best and richest of this bassa's spoyles . moreouer he promised to giue him the sultana his daughter in marriage . all these things are signes of the great bountie of achmat , thus to honour a traitor , who deserued rather a shamefull death , then the first dignitie of the turkish empire ; they will in like sort be a testimonie of the ingratitude of the fauourite , who will abuse them . for an example that too indulgent a prince to a notable traitor , doth furnish him with meanes to do worse . nassuf being now grand vizir & with assurance to be sonne in law to his master , goes to horse-backe , and in qualitie of generall of an armie , leads the forces of turkey against the persian , enters with them into his countrie , makes a generall spoyle , and forceth ka abbas , who is king at this day , to demaund a peace , and in the meane time grants him a truce for six moneths . hee parts from persia , leading with him the embassadour of ka abbas , hee comes to constantinople , enters in pompe , hee is receiued not onely as the vanquisher of persia , but as the restorer of the othoman esta●e . the custome of turkey binds the bassa's when they returne from their gouernments , and the generals of armies from the warre , to make a present vnto the sultan . nassuf at his comming exceedes the magnificence of all the presents that euer entred into the serrail , since the turkes estate was setled , for besides a thousand rarities which hee brought from persia , to the sultan his master ; he presented him with a million of gold coyned , and within few dayes after married his daughter . this is the ascent and height of his fortune : behold the descent . achmat saw that nassuf exceeded the ordinary of all the other vizirs which had serued him , that his treasure did equall his , if not exceed it : he conceiued a jealousie ( abundance of riches is many times criminall and offensiue to princes ) and growes into distrust of his actions . the bassa's hauing some vent thereof by some of the agalarie , eunuches of the chamber , labour to informe him of the carriage of nassuf . the bassa of babylon knew more than any man , they cause him to come to constantinople , and obtained secret audience for him : this man did plainly discouer vnto the sultan , that the bassa nassuf betrayed him , for the which hee drew great pensions from the persian , to whom hee wrote the secrets of his most important affaires . achmat well informed of the disloyalties of his fauourite , resolues not to leaue them vnpunished , and presently concludes his death : he giues the charge to the bostangibassi , which is the great gardiner : nassuf is aduertized by the sultana , which was most fauoured , being his pensioner , that achmat was much discontented with him : this amazeth him , hee faines himself sicke , and keepes his bed ; the bostangibassi comes to his lodging , and demands to speake with him in the sultans name , hee excused himselfe vpon the discommoditie of a violent purgation which troubled him : the bostangibassi presses it , and tels him that hee would not returne vntill hee had spoken with him ; that the sultan had commanded him to see him , in what estate he was , & to learn from himself the newes of his health . then nassuf commanded they should suffer him to come : there the bostangibassi complements with him concerning his indispostion , and assured him that he should be soone cured : he might boldly speake it , seeing hee carried the remedie in his pocket . after such like discourses of courtesie , he drew out of his pocket a commandement from the sultan written to nassuf , to send him the seales of his empire . nassuf obeyeth , causeth them to be brought vnto his bed , wraps them in his handkercher , seales them with his owne seale , and giuing them to the bostangibassi kisses them , and intreats him to assure his master , that he had kept them faithfully , and had neuer sealed any thing which was against his seruice : then hee thought that the discontentment whereof the sultana aduertized him , would haue no other sequell but to depriue him of his charge , which they call in this court to be made mansul , and that by the helpe of his friends and the force of money , hee might be restored in a short time . his misreckoning was not farre off ; the bostangibassi , being now in possession of the seales of the empire , drew forth another commandement to nassuf from the same sultan , to send him his head : then nassuf cried out , calling heauen and earth to witnesse of his innocencie ; he desired to speake with the sultan , and intreats the bostangibassi to conduct him ; he excuses himselfe , that he had no other charge but to see him strangled by ten or twelue capigis which attended him : vpon this refusall he contested long ; but seeing to deferre his end , was but to prolong his distemperature and griefe , he resolues to die , only hee demands of the great gardiner to suffer him to goe and wash himselfe in a chamber neere by , to depart this world in the estate of puritie , according to the turks beliefe , which hold the washing of the body for the purification of the soules : this grace also was denied him . then he abandons his life to the capigis who were about his bed : they put a cord about his necke , and not able to strangle him so speedily as they desired by reason of his extraordinary fatnesse , one of them drew a knife out of his pocket , and cut his throat . achmat would see him dead , to be the better assured ; and then appointed his buriall among the common people without any honour . such was the fortune of bassa nassuf and such his fall : his good wit had raised him to these great dignities of his empire , and his pride cast him downe , hauing long enjoyed the fauour of his master , and made no good vse of it : his riches equall to his fortune were extraordinary ; the officers of the treasure , which were imployed to take an inuentory of his goods , found in his cosers in sultanin● , ( which is a coyne of gold ) fiue hundred thousand pounds sterling , in siluer coyned three hundred and eight thousand pounds sterling , the quantitie of three bushels of precious stones not yet wrought , a bushell of diamonds not set , and two bushels of goodly round pearles . his armory was furnished with aboue a thousand rich swords , whereof the least had the hilt and pomell of siluer , and amidst this number there was one all set with diamonds , valued at twentie thousand pounds sterling money : the chambers of his lodging and his wardrobe , were richly hanged with tapestry of persia and caire : many rich stuffes of silke and gold excellently wrought , did augment the quantity of his precious moueables : in his stables were found aboue a thousand great horses of price , foure hundred and fortie mares of arabia and egypt , as beautiful as any painter could represent , with this there were many thousand camels and moiles for his baggage when hee trauelled : in his base courts they numbred a hundred thousand oxen , kine and sheepe : the number of his slaues exceeded foure thousand . with this great wealth he might haue done great good , if he had had a friend to giue him good counsel ( but great prosperities haue not any ) who might haue contained him by wise aduice , within the limits of his dutie . thus the fauours and pomps of the court passe away . those of turkey , culpable of the least crymes , yea those which are innocent are of no longer continuance . for if the court in what place soeuer , bee a sea full of waues , that of the othoman is alwayes beaten with stormes , and tost with tempests : the winds of the sultana's passions , which are most cherished by the prince , the couetous desires of the enuches which serue him , and are his familiars , banish the calme , and are the cause of such like shipwrackes , if they doe not pacifie the greedinesse of the one , in glutting them with presents , and the auarice of the other by great pensions . and although they take this course most commonly , yet notwithstanding they are oftentimes allarmed , suffer troublesome apprehensions , and liue alwayes in feare and disquietnesse . to teach men , which admire and adore the lustre of such fortunes that their perfectest ioyes are fruitfull in sorrowes : and when they thinke to make their paradice in this world , then they carry their hell with them . chap. xix . of the grand seigneurs armes and seales . the turkes who esteeme vertue by its price haue no armes , nor sirnames : the lawes established and seuerely obserued among them , which haue made them so powerfull vpon earth , would thus banish out of turkey ( although somewhat preposterously ) this subject of vanity in families , and force men rather to support their glory vpon their owne merit , than in the vertue of their ancestors which is not theirs : for this cause in their monarchy , the sonne of a great bassa , is lesse esteemed than he of a waterman , if he hath lesse vertue : all the aduantage hee can challenge , to be borne of vertuous parents , is to tearme himselfe their sonne . as for example , mustapha the sonne of siruan shall be called siruanogli , that is to say , the sonne of siruan : the rest of his glory must be supplyed by himselfe , and not borrowed from his father . their emperours haue no armes , and the family of the othomans neuer beare any . they defaced in the siege of the gracian empire , those of the most illustrious family of the paliologus , who were the soueraigne monarches , who carried gloriously the titles of their triumphant prosperities , by foure letters separated distinctly , which the greekes call vita , and not fusils , as some haue dream't , these letters signified in the same language , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , that is to say , king of kings , raigning ouer them that raigne . it is true the turkish princes , haue some kinde of marke or ensigne , rather of their empire than of their family : for when as they represent it , they paint the globe of the world , with a crescent or halfe moone on the top ; and in their armies , their ensignes haue no other deuice but the same crescent : their towers and steeples carry it , yea the pilgrimes which goe to mequa , carry it on the top of their slaues : the which shewes that this crescent is rather a marke of their religion , then of the imperiall race . wee haue obserued in our history of their religion , the miracle which mahomet their prophet brags hee had done , when as he repaired the moone which was torne , and all in pieces , after he had drawne it from heauen and put it into his sleeue : the turkes which count their moneths by moones , shew the veritie hereof , when as they prostrate themselues in the beginning thereof , before the moone , and lifting vp their eyes to his brightnesse , they pray unto god that hee will grant them the grace to begin happily , to continue in like manner , and to end with good successe the course of this starre . the imperiall seale of the grand seigneurs of turkey , hath no other figure , but certaine arabian characters , which expresse their name , that of their father , and note the pride of the felicity whereof they brag . achmat the emperour , who died in the yeare 1617 , had caused these words to be grauen in the seale , wherewith his patents were sealed : achmet ibni mehemet cham sadet : that is to say ; achmet sonne to mehemet , emperour alwayes victorious . the other othoman monarches , haue in a manner the same deuice , the names only changed : it is true that the arabique letters are so interlaced one with another ( in a manner like the cyphers , wherewith they expresse their names in france ) as few men in his estate , can expound them : only the vizir , or he which scales hath the perfect knowledge . this manner of grauing their seales only with letters , hath beene imitated only from their prophet : for the turkish monarchy , and all that depends thereof , hold it a glory to haue for their principall support , the religion which he professeth , and to haue no other interest but his : mahomet the authour of the alcoran , caused words only to be grauen in his seale , and wordes without truth ; which were these , mahomet the messenger of god. this seale was made seuen hundred and fiue or six yeares before that othoman the first prince of that family , which raignes at this day in the east , had setled the turkish monarchy : and since , we doe not read that any turkish emperour hath had any other armes for their seales than the characters and arabique words : thus these men by words not cast into the wind , as many other princes doe , but grauen , haue by the esteeme which they haue made of the vertue of men which haue serued them , subdued the emperour of constantinople , rauished that of trebifonde , seazed vpon egypt , palestina , damas , pamphylia , cilicia , caramania , and all natolia , vanquished rhodes and cyprus , triumphed ouer graecia , albania , illyria , and the triballieus , and likewise doth by his armes possesse the best parts of moldania , transilnania , and hungary , and without doubt , their conquests had extended farther into the prouinces of christendome , if heauen had not giuen them bounds , and stayed their courses , by the troubles of the othoman house , and the death of its princes . chap. xx. of the death , mourning , funerall , and burying , of the grand seignevas , emperours of turkey . the kings which receiue tribute from so many nations pay it vnto death , and the condition of their perishing life , makes them to suffer this equalitie with other men , to returne vnto dust the common beginning of all euen liuing : the which should incite them the 〈◊〉 to forget the glory of their name , and to repaire by their goodly and royall actions , the shortnesse of their dayes , 〈…〉 they may past from the disquietnesse of an 〈◊〉 religion , 〈◊〉 eternall rest of a heauenly command , and change their crownes which are not durable , to the diadem of an empire which hath no end . the turkish sultans spend their dayes farre from those wise thoughts in the 〈◊〉 of their 〈◊〉 , in the midst of pleasures , with their sultan's ; the 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 , doth blemish their glory , and 〈◊〉 their 〈…〉 the humours of their bodies , and shortens their 〈◊〉 . for delights kill more men than the sword . when they can sick , 〈◊〉 ni bassa , who is the chiefe of the phisitians , assembles the rest within the serrail , and shuts himselfe vp with them , where they labour for the cure of their maister , with that care which wee haue formerly mentioned . remedies are but for helpes , they draw them not from the bed , whereas their life and pride must haue an end : they die , and leauing their scepters and crownes , with all that which the world adores , they carry nothing with them but the good they haue done liuing , yet vnprofitable to their soules health , seeing they haue not truth for their guide . the prince which is to succeed puts on mourning , and attires himselfe in blacke for a short time , hee couers his head with a little turbant , and doth testifie by his exterior shew , the griefe hee hath for the losse of his predecessour , although that in his soule , hee feeles the most sensible joy that euer hee had . thus selym the third shewed himselfe before the body of selyman the second , his father , who dyed in hungary at the siege of sighet : all the bassa's weare little turbants in signe of mourning : and if the emperour dies in the warre as solyman did , all the ensignes and the standard royall , are turned downward towards the ground , vntill the now sultan takes his royall robes , and puts on a great white turbane , the which is done soone after : then they cry as wee haue formerly related ; that the soule of the inuincible emperour sultan n. enjoyes the immortall glory and eternall peace : that the empire of sultan n may prosper withall felicitie . but they interre them all in constantinople , since they setled the seate of their empire in that place : before , their tombes were erected at prussia in asia , the place of their first domination : their 〈…〉 in this manner . the emperours body is carried in a cossin couered with linnen very rich , or of veluet : his turbant is set before it , with a plume of he● feathers : the talismans , san● , alpha●uis , der● , and the like rabble of the alcoran , carry in their hands t●pers lighted , to shew that their prophet is the ape of christianity ; goe before singing in their language such verses , a●a rahmmani arh● alla , illa alla , alla 〈◊〉 alla , that is to say , mercifull god bane pittie on him , there is no god but god , god is god. they also say these words : iabilac ●illata mehemet ressultaha tungari bi r berem berac ; which signifieth , god is god , and there is no other god , mahomet is his counsellour , and his true prophet . before the corps doth march the mutaferaga , who carries the emperours turbant vpon a lance , with the tayle of a horse tied neere vnto it : the ianizaries , the solachi , and the rest of the imperiall guard follow the hearse : after these the officers of the sultans house march in order vnder the conduct of casuegirhassi , or master of the household : the malundarb bedith mandura , carrieth the deceased grand seigueurs armes , and the royall standard dragging vpon the ground : the bassa's and all the great men of the port , yeelding their last duty vnto their master , assist at their funerall pleasantly attired in mourning : they haue a piece of grey-cloth hangs before and behind from the head to the foot , like vnto the fro●k which the brethren of the hospitall , of the charity , in the suburbes of saint germain at paris do weare : some of them for that they will not seeme too sorrowfull ; tie only a long piece of linnen cloth , to the end of their turbants , which h●ng downe vnto their heeles . in this great mourning the most 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 cou●t , hold their rancks in this funerall pompe , whereas the men make but a part of the convoy , 〈◊〉 supply the rest , with lesse griefe and more ●cares : for all the sultans great horses are at his interment ; they carry their saddles turned vpward , and better couered than the bassa's in their grey froches , they haue blacke veluet hanging vnto the ground : they weepe and sigh without 〈◊〉 : they put assagoth or tobacco into their 〈…〉 , and into their eyes to draw forth 〈…〉 is the 〈◊〉 pompe of the turkish sultans , who being 〈…〉 men to weepe f● their losse , constraine 〈◊〉 to 〈…〉 : in this 〈◊〉 they conduct the body ( the hard first after the turkish manner ) to the tombe where they wil inclose 〈◊〉 is usually 〈◊〉 to the mosqu●e , which the deceased sultan hath cause built , in a chappell apart : the sepulchre is couered with black veluet . if the prince died in the warre , they lay his scmiter vpon it ; if not , his turbant is aduanced , and set against the wall neere vnto the tombe , with rich plumes of herons feathers for an ornament ; two candlestickes which carry great tapers gilt , are at the foot of the sepulchre : some turkish priests which are instituted to that end , repeate continually the azoares of the alcoran in their turnes , and one after another sayes the turkes chapelet ; whereof wee haue spoken in the history of their religion , and pray continually for the soule of the deceased . on fridayes these imperiall tombes , are adorned with new couerings , and strewed with flowres : they which come on such dayes pray for the dead , or powre forth theirteares , and take a nosegay when they returne . sometimes they doe also set much meat , to giue almes vnto the poore , and they call to these funerall feasts , not only poore beggers , but also beasts , as dogges , cats , and bi●s , the which are honourably receiued , and feasted with as much liberty and safety as the men , who seeing the pawes of cats in pottage with their hands , dare not chase them away : but contrariwise they owe them respect and succour , as those whom misery hath made their equals , and therefore capable to receiue the effects of the turkish charity : for the mahomets hold opinion , that to giue almes vnto beasts is a worke no lesse meritorious before god , than to giue vnto men : for that , say they , these poore animals possesse nothing in this world , where they are destitute of all temporall goods , necessary for the maintenance of life . thus they shut him vp in sixe foot of ground whom all the world could not containe , and whose vnrestrained ambition aspired to more empire than the earth containes : and after that he had bin a terrour to men , and the cruell scourge of many nations , he is made the subject of wormes , and their ordinary food . in this manner passeth , and ends the glory of the world. finis . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a05751-e320 the scitu●tion of constantinople , and its forme . description of the serrail in generall . the kitchins , diuan . chasna . the sultans lodging in summer . the grand seigneurs chamber . great monarchs should haue able men about them , & not groomes whom they aduance , and are entertained by fooles and ignorants . libraries . nec regna socium ferre nec taedae sciunt , senec . the sultans bountie at his coronation . gaspard ze●lick , chancellour to three emperours , optarese dicebat omnes reges aliquando priuat●s pauperesque suisse . neque enim satis miseretur qui nunquam suit miser . aeneas syluius lib. 1. comment . de reb gest . alph. ●ecunda res a● 〈◊〉 animos explor●●t ; quis miserie toleratur , f● 〈…〉 said it to plato in taci●●● , lib 1. ●ist . in the description of aethiopia by don francisco aluarez , printed 1558. andrew corsall 〈◊〉 florentine ●ices it to ju● de me●hein , in a let●er from co●hin a towne of the indies . in sudore vultus tui voscéris panem donec revertaris in terram de qua sumptu●es , quia puluises , & in pulu●em reuert●s , gen. 3.19 diogenes speaks it in laertius , lib. 6. amantiumirae amor● redi●tegratio est , terent . que modo pugnarunt iungunt suar●stra culumbae ; quarum blandittas , verbaque , murmur habes , ouid . 2. de art. terrena potest●● vult esse victrix gentium , cum sit captiua vitiorum , d. aug. lib. 15. de ciuit . dei , c. 8. sidelect amini in sedibus & sceptris , ● rege● populi , diligite sapientiam , salom . sap . 6. secundus philosophus interrogatus , quid esset mulier malae , respondit , viri naufragium , demus tempestas , quietis impedimentum , vitae captiuitas , quetidianum malum , voluntaria pugna , sumptuosum bellum , bellua conuiua leana complectens , exornata scylla , animal malitiesum , malum necessarium , max. seuerus . 36. thousand pounds sterling . mulierum genus est auarum , cic. rhet. li. 1. mase parta , mase dilabuntur , vetus poeta . the exact guard of the women . their punishment . their diseases . forma bonum fragile est , quantumque acce●t ad annos , fit minor & spacie carpitur illa suo , ouid. de art. lib. 2. theit going out of the serrail . the old serrail cato vticens●s in plutarch . two hundred thousand pounds sterling . fourescore thousand pounds sterling . the place of pompes and sh●e . in what equipage the turkish princes goe to the hippodrome . the places for the sultans . the place of the sultana's . those of the ●●●haes . those of the christian embassadour . those of the mahometan embassadours . feasts of the sultanaes that were shut vp . mahomets clergie . the patriarchs of the christians . the merchants . the goldsmiths . tradesmen of diuers sorts . artificiall combats . a representation of the taking of cypres . artificial castles . that is to say , italians , french spanish , &c. archers on horseback and their dexteritie . elephants and giraffe . looke lips● epist . in his centuries where hee speakes of this beast . et vna noble necedad dar à los regez , perque creen hazer merced . quando reciben , antha perez en las cartas segund● . munera cre●● mihi pla●ant hominesque deisque , placatur d●nis iupiter ipse datis , ouid● de arte. omnium est dulcissimum etcipere , senec. foure hundred thousand pounds sterling . hostium ●era non 〈◊〉 , hom. iulius caesar pote ●●iam diua●●● rebus , pecunia scilicet , & mi●ibus p●●●ri , conseruari augeri di●●e sa●bat , ciphili●us in caesario two hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling . iugurtha roma egressus , cam saepe tacitus respicicus , postrem●grave ; ●risse sertur ; vrbem ●●nal●● , & maturè perituram , s●emptorem inueneris , s● hist . de bello iugurth . the sultans carry in pompe . see what marcilius ficinus a learned florentine doth write in the first booke in the epistle to thomas valerius a physician . null● emor est medica●ilu herbis . quid. metamor●l . 1. fab . 9 notes for div a05751-e14340 let this be spoken without violating the respect , which lowe vnto such persons which relleue the publique by their care in suits , of whom i haue no intent to speake in this place . 1. oda . 2. oda . 3. oda . 4. oda . plato amongst others in his booke , de le g●b . d●cl . 7. mimio ●i ing●i● , natur●●firma , & m●●iri● , ipia 〈◊〉 i●i●ria , ins●i●entia , 〈…〉 , quo● par● 〈…〉 interp●t●ti● , senec. lib. in sapientem vi● 〈◊〉 cade● 〈◊〉 . cor regum inscrutabile , prou. 25.3 . experiendo di●ticisse quam arduum quam subiectum fortuna , regendi cun●ta onus , tacitus lib. ● . annal. the spaniards write it , and mayerne turquet in the seuenth booke of the historie of spaine . sodomia & idololatria simul inceperantsimul creuerant , d. tho. 4 sent . dist . 1. q. 2. ● . t. 1 iesus christ had saint iohn the euangelist for his fauourite . hibraim fauourite to solyman vel●t arbitrum ragni agebat serebatur● digre● to , magna profiquentium 〈◊〉 it u● , saith tachtus in the 15. booke of annals , speaking of p●lta● a freed man to clo●tius and his fauourite . cuncta mortalium incarta ; quanto pl● adeptus forot tant● se magis in lubrico dissitants tacit. li. 1. annal . speaking of tiberius who discoursed in in this manner to the senate . deruier f●rites to at● nibil esse tam e●elsum , quod non virtutes isla , tuusque 〈…〉 ●●ntur , tacit. lib. 1. annal. tiberius spake so to sci● his fauourite , who demanded lanis in marriage . nassuf fauourite to achmas auri vim atque op●s principibus insensas essè , said sosibius gouernour to britannicus in tacit lib. 11. annal. tacitus in the ●ourth booke of his annals , speakes as much of suilius in these words , quem vidit sequeatatas prapotentem venalem & claudij pri●cipus amiciti● as a propere , nunquam bene 〈◊〉 . travels into divers parts of europe and asia, undertaken by the french king's order to discover a new way by land into china containing many curious remarks in natural philosophy, geography, hydrology and history : together with a description of great tartary and of the different people who inhabit there / by father avril of the order of the jesuits ; done out of french ; to which is added, a supplement extracted from hakluyt and purchas giving an account of several journeys over land from russia, persia, and the moguls country to china, together with the roads and distances of the places. voyage en divers états d'europe et d'asie. english avril, philippe, 1654-1698. 1693 approx. 518 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 211 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2004-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a26262 wing a4275 estc r16481 13619302 ocm 13619302 100819 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a26262) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 100819) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 832:41) travels into divers parts of europe and asia, undertaken by the french king's order to discover a new way by land into china containing many curious remarks in natural philosophy, geography, hydrology and history : together with a description of great tartary and of the different people who inhabit there / by father avril of the order of the jesuits ; done out of french ; to which is added, a supplement extracted from hakluyt and purchas giving an account of several journeys over land from russia, persia, and the moguls country to china, together with the roads and distances of the places. voyage en divers états d'europe et d'asie. english avril, philippe, 1654-1698. hakluyt, richard, 1552?-1616. purchas, samuel, 1577?-1626. [12], 191, [1], 178, [6] p. printed for tim. goodwin ..., london : 1693. translation of: voyage en divers états d'europe et d'asie. pages 24-55 photographed from bodleian library copy. errata in manuscript: p. [3-5] at end. advertisement on p. 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giving an account of several journeys over land from russia , persia , and the moguls country to china . together with the roads and distances of the places . imprimatur . april 4. 1693. char. heron. london : printed for tim. goodwin , at the maidenhead over-against st. dunstan's-church in fleetstreet . mdcxciii . the translator to the reader . among the various professors of the christian religion , they who call themselves roman-catholicks have appear'd most zealous to spread abroad their superstitions in the far-distant , and new-discover'd parts of the world. whether it be that the curse of the iews be upon 'em , to be scatter'd or'e the face of the earth ; or whether it be that their affinity with anti-christ makes 'em more eager in search of whom they may devour . however it be , certain it is , that the jesuits and other gadding orders of the roman religion , have for several years had a longing desire to settle themselves in china , as well as in all the other parts of asia , under the title of missionaries . this same zealous curiosity of these missionaries has produc'd the several discoveries contain'd in the ensuing voyages ; which in a series of inhabited kingdoms , have tack'd together two extremities of the world , that were thought to lie disjoined from one another before . a work of great importance for the advantages of foreign commerce and traffick , and becoming the encouragement of all the european princes . however , because they could not be transmitted to publick view , without the interlarded digressions and intoxications of romish superstitions , 't is hop'd the reader will rather put a value upon what he meets with full of weight and conspicuous use , then mind the impertinences of the writer ; and look upon 'em as the flats and sandbanks of some sorts of medly-writing , which are to be avoided just as our sea-men shun the rocks and shelves which they see before their eyes in ordinary , though necessary navigation . for the design of this translation was not to teach men the way to heaven , but to instruct 'em in the several new-found roads to china . the author's preface . it will not be improper in giving the publick an account of my travels , to speak a word or two about the reasons that first induc'd me to undertake them . some year ago the r. f. verbirst of the society of iesus , a famous missionary in china , acquainted his superiors in europe , that the mission of the east were in great want of evangelical labourers ; and that it would be easy to furnish a considerable number of them , without exposing them to the hazards that bad stopt the best part of those who were going into china heretofore by sea. he show'd them that the tartars in making themselves masters of china , has made a passage into that vast empire through great tartary , and that it would be easy to take the advantages of the commerce the tartars had maintain'd ever since with the chineses , to introduce the light of the gospel among both nations . this project prov'd the more acceptable , by reason that the loss of an infinite number of zealous missionaries , who had consummated the sacrifice of their life , before they could reach the place of their mission , was sensibly regretted ; and that this way , though difficult in the beginning , did not seem impracticable , since history mentions some travellers who have had the good fortune to reach china by land. but whereas the way thither was not particularly known , i was pitch'd upon by providence , and by my superiors , for the better discovery thereof , and to get such instructions and informations as were most proper to that end . i hope this relation may prove serviceable to such missionaries who find themselves inclin'd to carry the gospel into those countries ; and that charitable persons who are zealous for the glory of god , will the more willingly contribute to a design so glorious , the execution whereof will daily become the less difficult . besides the advantage of those missions which was the principal aim of my travels ; my relation will give several new insights into sciences , and particularly into geography . i will give an instance of it in this place . none had yet been able to discover the exact distance of peking . it is true , that the last relation of siam , and the observations of the stars , and of the eclipses , taken in those countrys , and by the way , by the fathers of the society of iesus , sent thither by his majesty as his mathematicians , had already show'd us , that our geographical maps had plac'd the extremities of asia above 25 degrees too far . but yet mr. isaac vossius , who had already printed his sentiments about the m●asures of longitude , taken according to the principles of astronomy , seem'd to distrust those kind of proofs , and was so far from allowing china to be nearer , that he pretended it lay even farther . the relation of siam not having been able to convince him , he publish'd a small pamphlet to maintain his first sentiments : but father gouye professor of the mathemathicks at the colledge of lewis le xiv . refuted all his reasons , in a very solid manner , which satisfi'd the publick . the truth is , that both the ancient and modern astronomers have effectually made use of the eclipses of the moon to determine longitudes ; and those who are any wise vers'd in those matters , know how much we are oblig'd to galilee for the discovery of the satellites of jupiter , and the value we ought to set upon the learned easy method the illustrious m. capini has given us to find out longitudes with certainty , in discovering the emersions and immersions of those stars . it is childish to say , that we will not find wherewithal to fill up the other hemisphere ; and since m. vossius was no better vers'd in the principles of astronomy and geography as m. de la hire observes with reason , he might at least , to satisfie himself , have taken the trouble to look upon father ricciolis geographical tables , or dudly's maps . vossius was undoubtedly a great man , and incomparably well read , nay , beyond any other ; but at the same time it is undeniable , that the desire of appearing universal , often plung'd him into gross errors , in taking him out of his province . in fine , i am perswaded , that were vossius alive still , tho never so prepossess'd with his hypothesis , he would yield to the proofs that are set down in this book . and indeed , i have not only observ'd the stars to take the altitudes of the countrys where i have been my self : i have also follow'd the rules he has prescrib'd , to discover the exact extent of every country , the which he prefers to astronomical demonstrations : i have taken information from the inhabitants ; i have spoken to them , i have heard from them how many days they employ'd in travelling to china , and how many leagues they travell'd a day : i have seen them go from moscow , and come back from peking : in a word , i have taken such precautions , that i have reason to believe i have not been deceiv'd . all my third book is chiefly employ'd in relating the different roads the muscovites and tartars use to travels into china ; for which reason i call this book , travel into china , tho i have not had the happiness to reach it my self , according to my expectation . i may add in this place , that tho' our profession in general obliges us not to be sparing of our lives and health , and to run to the utmost bounds of the world , through the greatest dangers , to the assistance of souls that are redeem'd by the blood of jesus christ , and that we are engag'd so to do by a solemn vow ; yet people may the better rely upon the certainty of the way i have discover'd , by reason that this project has been approv'd and follow'd by the superiors of our society , who have always a particular eye upon our foreign missions , as the most essential , and most holy part of our profession , and are always cautious not to expose their inferiors too rashly , without a reasonable ground , thereby to derive some advantage for the good of the church , and for the propagation of the true faith. so that it may be inferr'd from thence , that they would not have hazarded twelve of their brethren , all persons of singular merit , who are gone within these few months for china , and all of them by land , unless they had found some solidity in the memoirs and instructions i have given them . there are yet several others , who being mov'd by these examples , and the desire of suffering much for god's sake , are disposing themselves for the same iourney , who are resolv'd to take the way of the yousbecs , and of thibets , according to the design that had been propos'd to me by the late count syri , which he would have put in execution before this , had not death stopt him in the middle of his glorious enterprize . in order not to lose time , and to make that road the easier for those that shall follow them , they go first to constantinople , where they will find father beauvollier my companion of mission , who will be the bearer of the king's letters to the cha of persia , and who will conduct this apostolical company to trebesond , to erzerum , to irivan , and to schamaki . they will tarry some time in all those cities , there to get new informations , and to establish good correspondencies , as also to leave two or three of their company there to serve towards the conversion of the people of the countrey , and to give instructions to the missionaries that shall henceforward go that way . from thence they are to repair to hispaan , which is the metropolitan of persia , where they shall desire the cha's protection , and deliver our monarch's letters to him , whose recommendation and zeal will be very material for the solid establishment of our design . from hispaan they will repair to samarkand , or to bokara , there to make the like establishment , while father grimaldi , who has been chosen by the emperor of china to succeed the late father verbirst in his place of president of the tribunal of the mathematicks , will use his utmost endeavours to facilitate their design in china . they may likewise in that iourney learn the language of the chineze-tartars . they are also in hopes to meet in their way from bokara to peking , among the chineze-tartars , some of those that have been converted in coming to the court of peking . this road has been chosen preferably to that of the muscovites , both for the reasons set down in my book , and because father grimaldi is always diffident of those schismaticks , and dreads their appearing too much in china to the shame of christianity , which they disgrace by their ignorance and brutality . our superiors design to send yearly some missionaries who shall follow the same road , and stop at constantinople , at trebizond , at irzerum , at irivan , and at schamaki , in the room of those who shall be su●●iciently acquainted with the languages to continue the voyage of china . the persian tongue will also be of use to them , since it may serve to convert the chineze-mahometans , whose conversion st. francis xavier did not neglect . 't is much easier to bring them to the true faith , than those who are under the turk's dominion . they may likewise usefully imploy themselves during their iourney in bringing back the greeks to the church of rome , which some of them are pretty well inclin'd to , as it appears particularly by what i have related of the armenians , and by the relation from julfa , which i have annex'd to this book . julfa is a subburb of hispaan , and one of the chief establishments of the armenians in persia. those missionaries will likewise have the ad●vantages of being vers'd in the apostolical functi●ons at their arrival in china , by the essays the● shall have made by the way , and by the experien●● they shall have acquir'd . they will consequentl● be in a condition to labour effectually at their firs● arrival into china , which could not be expected from those who have hitherto been sent there by sea. altho these precautions seem to be very good● we are sensible at the same time , that he tha● plants , and he that vvaters , is nothing , and tha● none but god is capable to grant success to thi● great vndertaking . the revolution that happen'd in the kingdom of syam , has shew'd us that god through the secret iudgments of hi● providence , sometimes permits the best contriv'd measures , and the designs that are best laid for his glory , to miscarry , contrary to our expectation● however , we shall have the satisfaction of having done our duty ; and after all , we shall be too happy to acknowledge our selves useless servants : vve hope that all good catholicks will be willing to second this design , and to move the mercy of god by their prayers , since our sins perhaps hinders him from pou'ring his mercies upon china and great tartary . travels into armenia . book i. of all the eastern countries to which the light of the gospel has been convey'd , there are few wherein more considerable progresses have been made then in china . the prodigious number of those who have quitted their superstitions for the adoration of the true god , and who abandon their pagan follies every day , the piety of the new converts , their courage and permanency in the discharge of all the duties of christianity , sufficiently demonstrate how well those people are inclin'd to receive our sacred faith. 't is to succour and help forward such pious and happy inclinations , that extream diligence has been us'd to procure as many labourers as it was possible , to disseminate the christian doctrine ; either to supply the room of those , who after they had gloriously ran their race , were no longer in a condition , through their great age , or other infirmities , to cultivate this flourishing mission ; or to increase their number , proportionably to the new converts , who are multiply'd to that degree , that one pastor is forc'd to take upon him the care of several churches . one of the most zealous missionaries of china , now grown old under the burthen of evangelick fatigues , declar'd to me some years ago , after a most sensible manner , the conditions of those missions in a letter , wherein he invited me to go along and bear my share with him in those extraordinary imployments , which he was no longer able alone to take upon him . i am all alone , said he , in a province which is above a hundred and thirty leagues in extent , with four or five churches under my care , every one of which had formerly a father belonging to it ; so that i am forc'd to travel a great part of the year , not having any one to whom to make my confession at the point of death , by reason of the great distance that separates us : and not only my self , but a great many other missionaries are reduc'd to the same condition . but notwithstanding the great care that is taken to send from time to time new recruits of evangelic labourers , to uphold and propagate the faith in this vast kingdom ; what with pirates , shipwracks and diseases , what with other inconveniences of a tedious and tiresome navigation , still many more are destroy'd and miscarry then safely arrive in the country . i have been told by father couplet , an illustrious missionary , whom all paris beheld with so much satisfaction after his return from china , where he had resided above thirty years ; that he had made it his business to make an exact computation of the number of jesuits who had set forward out of several parts of europe , in order to undertake the mission he had quitted , and that he had found that of six hunder'd who had taken shipping for china , since our company were permitted entrance into that kingdom , not above a hunder'd safely arrived there ▪ all the rest being sacrific'd by the way , either by sickness , or shipwrack . therefore to avoid for the future the loss of so many missionaries , of which the indies and kingdoms farther remote , will be a long time sensible , a resolution has been taken some few years since , to find out a passage into china by land. nor was it a difficult thing to meet with people who were willing to contribute toward so great a design . among others who presented themselves in order to this new attempt , i my self was made choice of , and i have had the consolation to make it my business these five years together . to this purpose it was that i travell'd all over turky , persia , armenia , the southern tartary , muscovie , both prussia's , and moldavia ; that i took shipping several times in different seas of europe and asia ; and that i expos'd my self , though with a great deal of pleasure and delight , to all those dangers which i knew were not to be avoided by those who undertook such laborious and toilsome voyages . before my departure from paris , i went to montmartre , to the end i might collect together some sparkles of that sacred fire which st. ignatius and st. francis xavier left , even after their death , as reliques still sufficient to inflame the hearts of their spiritual children . after which , in company with father couplet , i went to lion , where i was forc'd to quit him , and continue my journey to marseilles , where i was to take shipping . there it was that god was pleas'd to give me a tast of some parts of that comfort , before i left france , which formerly st. bernard felt , when he forsook the world. one of my brethren , already a priest , spurr'd on like my self with a desire of devoting him to the conversion of infidels , overtook me at marseilles , before my departure , in order to let me know his resolution to share with me in the toil and labour which i was about to undertake . now in regard he had for some time before prepar'd himself , in pursuance of a zealous and godly life , for this employment , i thought it high time to procure him the happiness which he had all along so passionately desir'd ; which was , that we might be both together more strictly united in the bonds of grace , then we had been till that time by the ties of nature . to which purpose meeting in this port with the convenience of a vessel of st. malo's , bound for cività vecchia , we embark'd , and after a prosperous and quick passage landing safely , we continu'd our journey to rome . father charles de novelle , who was then general of the jesuits , was readily induc'd to grant us the favour which we requested of him . for he admitted my brother into the society ; and after several particular marks of a goodness really paternal , he gave his blessing to both of us . and no sooner had we receiv'd it , but we hasten'd to leghorn , to embark our selves in a vessel that was bound for the east , in company with a man of war called the thundring iupiter , the captain of which had been diguin'd by the king some years before , for engaging , alone , four pirates of tripoli for three days together , and putting 'em to flight . our stay in this city was longer then we expected : however we lay not idle . for in regard we were oblig'd to spend our christmas there , till the lading of both ships that lay bound for cyprus were ready , the officers and seamen lying a shipboard in the road , found us business enough during that holy season : for we confess'd 'em , and gave 'em , almost all , the communion , and because they were not permitted to go ashore , we made a kind of a floating-church of the biggest of the two vessels ; where all the people being assembl'd , found wherewithal to satisfie their devotion , in such exercises of piety as we took care to settle among ' em . some days after , they gave us notice that they were ready to weigh anchor , and that therefore we must hasten to take our places in expectation of a fair wind , which serv'd the same day that we embark'd , which was the 13th . of ianuary , in the year 1685. insomuch that the next day we lost sight of the islands of capraia , elba , and sardenia . of all the accidents that cross'd us in our voyage , none discomposs'd us so much as a most dreadful tempest , which toss'd us most severely within sight of the coast of candy , after we had been some days before as extreamly and inconveniently becalm'd . this happen'd upon the 21st of ianuary , being st. agnes's day , that a greek wind rising about midnight , after the going down of the moon , the extraordinary redness of which was a dreadful presage to us , found us a world of employment , and exercis'd the skill of all the seamen for four and twenty hours together ; and in regard the storm grew fiercer and fiercer still as day began to break , it enrag'd the sea to that degree , that in a short time we could see nothing but mountains and abysses of water . all the while our vessel , which could hardly bear her sprit-sail , tho it was almost quite furl'd up , was so terribly toss'd by the waves that continually beat upon her , and pour'd into her without ceasing , that we look'd every moment to have been swallow'd up . these terrible shogs , together with the dreadful roaring of the sea , and the outragious fury of the wind , which would not permit the seamen to hand the sails , and stand at the steerage , so extreamly astonish'd our people , that every body abandon'd himself to his dispair , without minding any orders that were given ; there was nothing but hurry , alarum and confusion : insomuch that the captain , who knew not what course in the world to take , nor how to make the seamen obey his command , who stood all holding fast by some part or other of the ship , for fear of being crush'd to pieces , or ding'd into the sea , was forc'd to commit himself for some time to the mercy of the billows , without any other hope then that of being thrown upon the coast of barbary ; where if he could not save the vessel , at least he might save the mens lives . in this deplorable condition , at what time the image of death , which appear'd in the faces of all the forlorn mariners , and terrify'd me more then all the rest , god inspir'd me with so much courage , that notwithstanding the consternation i was in , i took advantage of the stupifying terror of the seamen , and caus'd 'em to bethink themselves of their eternal salvation , at a time when they had no thoughts of any other . to which purpose , after i had first of all prepar'd my self for all events that could befall us , i endeavour'd to recover 'em out of that same prodigious insensibility wherein they were , and to put 'em in mind of the preservation of their souls ; the loss of which concern'd 'em more then that of their bodies , which seem'd to be inevitable . i was very much overjoy'd to see several of the sea-men come and make their confessions at my feet , while others perform'd several open and signal acts of contrition and conformity to the will of god ; to faith , hope and charity , as i had been careful to infuse into their minds . at the same time i took the advantage of their pious inclinations , to admonish 'em to put their confidence in the holy virgin , and to make their addresses to her at such a time of eminent danger . in short , we soon began to be sensible of her powerful protection in such a singular manner , that we could no longer question but that she had effectually interceded for us with him whom seas and winds are bound to obey . for no sooner had i brought 'em to promise me to make confession , and receive the sacrament in honour of her , if e're we came to be so happy as to get safe ashore ; but we began to be in hopes of that assistance which we expected from above . all resum'd fresh courage in an instant ; and whether it were that god made 'em look upon the danger to be less then it was , or whether the long continuance of the storm had made 'em less sensible , every one put themselves forward to make good the vessel against the violence of the waves that still tumbl'd and toss'd it with an extraordinary force ; and at length the wind being somewhat abated , the men absolutely recover'd themselves , and the calm which insensibly return'd , put us in a condition to steer our first intended course . which we did so prosperously , that within two days after we descry'd the island of cyprus , the land of which appear'd so much the more delightful to us , in regard that but a little before we never thought of seeing land any more . now because the two vessels that set sail from leghorn had appointed to meet in the road of lerneca , we came to an anchor there the 25th . of ianuary , which was the twelfth of our being at sea. there we thought to have met the thundring iupiter , which indeed might well have been there before us , as being the better sailer , though the bigger ship. but the tempest which had separated us at first , had handl'd her so rudely , that after the men had thought they should have been swallow'd up by the water which she took in on every side , she was forc'd to put in by the way , and refit , before she could overtake us . however , being uncertain as we were , what was become of her , and designing to be assur'd of what we were to trust to , we were permitted to put in to lerneca , and go ashore to refresh our selves , till we could hear news of our man of war. lerneca , which was formerly a city of a large extent , as may well be judged by the spaciousness of her ruins , is now no more then a village seated about a quarter of a mile from the sea , to the south , and inhabited by several considerable and wealthy merchants , as being one of those places in the island of cyprus , where the greatest trade is driven . the fathers of the holy land have there a very convenient covent ; and the capuchins also a most delightful mansion . which latter being french , whereas the others are almost all spaniards , we took up our lodging with the capuchins : nor can any thing be added to the entertainment which they gave us , nor to the charitable care which they took to recover us from our past hardships . the fertility of this island is so great , and there is such an extraordinary plenty of all things for the support of human life , that there is not perhaps any part of the world where a man brought down by sickness and infirmities , may sooner recover his strength and health . the wines are excellent , and all the fruits delicious ; the citrons , oranges and limons cost little or nothing . there is a prodigious number of * fra●colins as well as other wild-fowl : and in general , whatever is to be desir'd , either to supply the exigencies , or pamper the pleasures of a voluptuous life , is to be found there in such vast abundance , that this island may contend for delight and conveniency with any other in the world. but in the midst of these great advantages , it wants fresh water ; there not being in all the island above one spring that is not brackish . this fountain lies exactly upon the sea-shore ; yet notwithstanding the nearness of it to the sea , preserves the sweet and delicious tast which distinguishes it from the rest . i leave it to the philosophers to unfold this prodigy of nature , which tho frequent enough , yet seems to have something of a wonder in it . during our stay in this island , an ugly accident befell some passengers that were embark'd aboard our vessel . one day , that they were walking upon the sea-shore where the turks have a little fort , but meanly guarded , their curiosity led 'em to enter the inside of the place , where the avenues were all open , never considering how dangerous it was to give the least suspicion to a people that are so jealous of the christians , and look upon 'em as their most mortal enemies . upon this , a soldier that was not far off , observing 'em , after he had call'd some of his companions , ran to 'em in a terrible chafe , belabour'd 'em with a great cudgel , and had certainly knockt out their brains , but for some domestic servants of the french consul , that happen'd to come by in the interim by chance , who put a stop to the fury of the soldiers ; giving them to understand , that they were strangers , altogether ignorant of the custom of the country ; that they dreamt no harm , only thought they might have been allow'd the same liberty , as is usually permitted in europe , where it was a common thing for any body to enter into such places which they find unguarded , and without defence . but this business was not so put up ; for the consul sent an express to nicosia , to complain of the brutishness of the soldier , upon which he was order'd to receive a hunder'd bastinado's . after some days repose , the thundring iupiter arriving , tho very much shatter'd by the tempest , we reimbark'd to set sail for alexandretta , in company with another vessel of marseilles , that joyn'd us at cyprus . we set sail both together at the same time , and at the same time also found our selves by the favour of a fair wind at nore , just against the gulf of alexandretta ; near the entrance into which was to be discover'd at a good distance , a point of land running out a great way into the sea , and which the arabians call canzir , or the wild boar , because this cape resembles perfectly the head of a wild boar. before we doubl'd this promontory , our pilot being desirous to give notice to the pilot of the other vessel what course to steer in the night , which was at hand , had like to have destroy'd both the one and the other , as well by surprise , as by imprudence . for while he bore up too near the t'other ship , to the end he might be the better heard , not considering that we sail'd with a side-wind , he quite lost the wind , which the sail of the t'other ship depriv'd him of ; so that the current having brought 'em foul upon the other , never was known such a terrible out-cry and confusion among the sea-men . presently they betook themselves to their booms to hinder the two massy-bulks from bilging one against the other ; and in regard the motion of the waves carry'd 'em with great violence , and for that their yards arms and cordage were entangl'd one within another , never were two ships thought to be so near perishing . but at length , by cutting the masts , yards , and tackle , they made a shift to get clear of each other . after which , having refitted their rigging as well as they could , for the short way they had to make , we got safe into port the next day , maugre all the unlucky accidents that had befallen us . alexandretta , which the turks call scandaroon , is a town seated upon the sea-shore in a very unwholesome spot of ground , by reason that the mountains , with which it is every way surrounded , hinder the wind from ventilating and purifying the air , which is extreamly thick , and being heated and inflam'd during the summer , causes many violent and malignant distempers . and notwithstanding the advice , which had been given us before our departure out of france , to make but a very little stop there , we were constrain'd to stay for three whole weeks together , till the roads infested by the soldiers , that were continually upon their march out of asia to constantinople , were a little rid of those troublesome passengers . no sooner had we got ashore , but we had the pleasure to see dispatch'd away , before us , one of the messengers , which they make use of in those parts to carry such intelligence , as they would have speedily made known . for the doing of which , their most usual way is this . a merchant of aleppo , who desires to have the most early information of what merchandizes are come from france , or any other parts , takes particular care by an express to send away a pigeon ▪ that has young ones , much about the time , that the ships are expected at alexandretta , where he has his correspondent ; who , as soon as any vessel comes to an anchor , goes and informs himself of what goods the vessel has brought most proper for his turn ; of which , when he has given a full account in his letter , he fastens the paper about the neck of the winged courrier , and carrying her to the top of a little mountain , gives her her liberty , never fearing her going astray . the pigeon which we saw let go , after she had soar'd a good heighth to discover , doubtless , the place , from whence she had been taken some few days before , and push'd forward by that instinct , which is common to all birds that have young ones , took her flight towards aleppo , and arriv'd there in less then three hours , tho● that city be very near thirty leagues from the place ▪ from whence she was sent . however they do not make use of any sort of pigeons to carry their dispatches , in regard that all pigeons are not alike proper for that service . for there is a particular sort of these birds , which are easily train'd up to this exercise , and which as occasion serves , are of extraordinary use , especially for the swift management of business , and where speed of intelligence is requir'd , as in the factories of the levant , far remote one from the other . this was the only piece of curiosity which we could observe during our stay in this same first port of the east . we would willingly also have seen the shore , upon which 't is believ'd that ionas was thrown by the whale , that swallow'd him up : but being inform'd , that it was very dangerous to go too far on that side , by reason of the excursions of the arabians , when they understand that there are any ships arriv'd in the road , we satisfi'd our selves with only seeing at a distance the piramid that was erected in remembrance of that miracle . at length , the first thursday in lent being fixt upon for the day of our departure , there was a caravan made up of about forty persons . they call a caravan in turky any number of travellers design'd to one certain place , and bound to keep company together for fear of being plunder'd or murder'd by a sort of profess'd robbers , with which the high roads are numerously infested . our company therefore being all ready , we set forward from alexandretta under the guidance of a turk , a very honest fellow , who perform'd the office of caravan bachi , or conductor of the caravan , and of whose fidelity the french had a long time had experience . our first days journey was but short , for we lay at a village call'd beilan , not above four or five leagues from alexandretta . the next morning we travell'd on by break of day , and cross'd the plain of antioch , which is one of the most pleasant , and most fertile that are to be seen in the world. it is about five or six leagues in extent , intercut with an infinite number of rivolets , abounding in pasturage , and cover'd with cattel which are there brought to be fatted all the year long . the same day we pass'd the orontes , a small stream , the water of which is very muddy and inclining to a ruddy colour , and considerable for nothing else but the name . that night we lodg'd in one of the villages of the curdes , from whom that nation now grown so numerous , is said to have been originally deriv'd . here our people were forc'd to keep a good guard all night long , for fear of being surpriz'd by the country people , that only subsist by thieving and robbery . our next days journey was tiresom anough , by reason of the rugged and stony ways , no less tedious to the horses then the men. we beheld as we past along , the stately ruins of those ancient monasteries , where formerly so many devout persons led an angelick life . they also shew'd us at a distance , the famous pillar where simon the stilite , for forty years together perform'd that rigorous penance , which astonish'd all the religious persons round about . at length , after we had travell'd quite through this small country with those extraordinary sentiments of devotion which the sight of all those sacred monuments inspire into the most insensible , we arriv'd betimes at anjar , which is a large burrough , where our caravan bachi receiv'd us into a house of his own , and where he treated us with a little rice boil'd in oyl , and some fruits of the country ; the time of lent not permitting him to be so liberal to the french , as he was wont to be at other times . at last upon sunday the 11th of march , we arriv'd at aleppo , where we were receiv'd by the jesuits with those demonstrations of friendship , as made us forget all our past hardships . after some few days repose , the superior of the missions of syria , giving me to understand the great want of labourers almost in all the eastern parts , through the loss of several excellent missionaries , understood so well how to engage me in all his affairs ; that , notwithstanding my extraordinary inclinations to have hasten'd into persia , in order to my grand journey intended for china , which i had had in my thoughts for so many years , i could not refuse to go for some months into curdistan , from whence father roche had ply'd him with importunate letters , to let him know how impossible it was for him to abide there any longer without a companion to ease him of the great burthen , that lay upon his shoulders every day . this sacrificing of my self cost me in truth somewhat dear , as also for that i was constrain'd to separate from my brother , who was design'd for the same reason to another mission , tho we had flatter'd our selves that we should one day both together taste the sweet comforts of manuring those fields , where both of us were in hopes to reap the same harvest . but when a man has once devoted himself to god , to what purpose is it afterwards to be sparing of himself ? so that i prepar'd to be gone with a numerous caravan , that was mustering together , and within a short time was ready to depart for betlis , the capital city of curdistan . among the rest that made up this caravan , there was an armenian merchant , who profess'd himself a roman catholick , and who under that notion seem'd to be much a friend of the jesuits . now , in regard that then i understood not any of the eastern languages , i thought i could not do better then to put my self into the hands of this person , out of a confidence that his religion , and his love for our society would oblige him to take care of me in this , the first of all my travels . it was in the time of a lent , which the armenians observe with so much rigour , that they make it a great scruple of conscience to feed upon lettice , fish and oyl , or to drink wine . therefore i thought my self engag'd to comply with the weakness of those people , who believe the whole essence of religion to consist in these exteriour observations , and to deprive my self , as they did , of all those refreshments of nature , which the catholick church allows her children . for this purpose , after i had only made my provision of biscuit , dates , and some other dry'd fruits , together with a little coffee , for a journey of above two hundred and fifty leagues , i left aleppo , disguiz'd like an armenian for my greater security , and went with my conductor the 24 th of march , to the general rendevouz of the caravan . it was a thursday in the evening which the turks made choice of on purpose to set forward , out of a superstitious fancy very usual among the eastern people ; who believe that if they begin a journey upon a friday morning , it will infallibly draw upon 'em a great number of misfortunes during the whole course of their travels ; though in my opinion the misfortune of passing a whole night so incommodiously as we were constrain'd to spend the first night , is one of the greatest hardships that a man can well endure . there was no great fear of not waking betimes in the morning , in regard 't was impossible for any body to sleep , by reason of the horrible noise and hurry , which cannot be at first avoided till every body is well setled in his geares . but at length the caravan , composs'd of about 200 persons , being ready by break of day , we all together quitted the cavern where we lay , and after we had cross'd in good order several desart plains of syria , where we had a view of the still famous city of edessa , which the turks call orpha ; we arriv'd at the banks of euphrates , which we cross'd over in a large flatbottom'd-boat , over against a little city , by our modern geographers usually call'd by the name of birè , where this river , so much celebrated in sacred history , may be about three hundred paces broad . there , although too late , i found it to be true , what a person perfectly acquainted with the east had told me ; that upon the competitorship of several guides that usually present themselves , 't is better to make choice of a turk , then a christian of the country ; the latter neither having authority to defend you , nor courage to oppose himself against the cruel impositions that are demanded of ye , nor that fidelity which is always observable in the other ; especially when he has sworn upon his head to conduct you safely . in a word ; the armenian , to whose care i was recommended , before my departure from aleppo , began to make me sensible at our passing the euphrates , that he was not the person he was taken to be ; but that he minded much more his own interest then my preservation or convenience . for in regard the ferrying places over rivers are the most critical places in all turky , more especially for travellers , who are thought to be laden with riches , my conductor understood perfectly well to make his best advantage of this humour of the turks ; and not only drew himself out of a great deal of trouble at my expence , as being to have paid a great sum of money for the goods which he carri'd ; but informing against me , that i was a frank , ransom'd himself with his share of my money , which he divided with the turks , as the reward of his information , and which i was forc'd to pay , to redeem my own person , and goods which they had already seiz'd , out of their clutches . but this was not the only misfortune which i underwent , during this journey . the plains of mesopotamia , into which we enter'd , after we had pass'd euphrates , no less made tryal of my health and constitution , then they furnish'd me with occasions sufficient to exercise my patience . the rigorous lent which i was bound to observe , enfeebl'd me every day more and more ; nor had i any conversation with any living soul , for that no body understood me , neither did i understand any body ; and the night which is usually a time of rest , was to me a time of cruel torment . in a word , the life of a caravan , which i had never made tryal of before , annoy'd me so extreamly , that if god had not succour'd me after a paticular manner , i had infallibly sunk under the burth●n the very first days that i found my self under a necessity of accustoming my self to it . nor will it be amiss to give a short account of this same way of caravan-travelling . in the morning you must rise before break of day , especially in the season that the heats are not very extream , then you must travel till noon , or rather till you come to some place where you may meet with water to refresh both men and horses : there you must stay for about two hours , till both are somewhat refresh'd , and then you must be content to nibble upon a little dry'd fruit , for want of time and wood to get any thing else ready , unless a little coffee , and that too with a great deal of difficulty . after a stay of two hours , you must get a horse-back again , and so travel on till night , that you meet with a place proper to encamp in ; which being found , presently a kind of entrenchment is drawn round about it , and the entrenchment surrounded with ropes , to which the horses are ti'd that belong to the caravan . this done , the baggage , and all the merchandize is carri'd into the middle of the place , close to which every body takes care to range himself as near as may be one to another , the better to take care every body of what is their own , till sleep seizes 'em , which it does generally very soundly , without the help of any rocking . this done , and every body having got his supper ready , which is seldom any more then a plate of rice , a carpet is spread , both table-cloth and bed , upon which after supper they compose themselves to their rest till the next morning , and then for the same course of life again . but in regard those plains , as desert as they be , are always pester'd with the arabians , that follow no other trade then that of robbing and theiving , nor have any other revenue but the booty which they plunder , you must be continually upon your guard for fear of being surpriz'd . for this reason , there is great care taken to have good centinels at different posts , who are bound to ride about all night long , hooping and hollowing as loud as they can tear their throats , thereby to let the enemy know that they are ready to receive 'em ; and to give notice to the caravan that they are diligent upon their duty . yet notwithstanding all the care that is taken , i my self was a witness , that there past very few nights wherein we were not hotly alarum'd , and that we were not forc'd to rise in disorder to repel these troublesome guests , of whose approach the least noise you hear makes every body suspicious ; and of whom , one or other will be sure to slip in among the croud , and do his business under the protection of the night . these inconveniences to which the people are every night expos'd , together with the excessive rains , which we are forc'd to endure many times in open plains , without any manner of covert or shelter , from the end of one days journey to the beginning of another , brought me down so low , that i look upon it as a kind of a miracle , that i was able so long to undergo such excessive hardships ; wherein however i could not chuse but take some pleasure , in hopes among so many hazards , and at the expence of my life , to advance the great work , which had caus'd me to quit europe , and whatever else i had most dear in the world. god however was in mercy pleas'd to afford me comfort in a most singular manner after all the extremities , to which i had been reduc'd , and to encourage me to new sufferings , wherein i was about to engage my self , by means of a pleasing and unexpected accident , that befel me at diarbeker , the capital city of mesopotamia , where we arriv'd fifteen days after our departure from aleppo . this city is one of the most populous , and most remarkable for trade in all turky , seated in a most lovely plain upon the banks of tygre , which some confound with chobar , where the prophet ezekiel convers'd so familiarly with god. the enclosure of the walls , built by one of the greek emperors , is still standing , and in good repair . the most considerable trade , which is there driven , consists in red linnen cloth , cotten , and goats leather of the same colour , for which they have an incredible utterance into poland , hungary , and muscovy , and other countries , where long habits and buskins are in fashion . the women , who are look'd upon over all the ottoman empire as meer slaves , are nothing at all troubl'd at it there . ●hey usually go a walking with the christian women , with whom they keep an honest and civil correspondence . and , in a word , all the people are sincere , and there is much more courtesy and affability among 'em , than among the common turks in other provinces . and this it was easy for me to observe from the very first moment that i enter'd into the city . for i had no sooner made my appearance before the receiver of the customs ; but he , understanding that i was a stranger , and a french man , caus'd me to be forthwith conducted to the residence of the capuchins , after i had let him understand my intention to lodge there . those fathers , who have made an advantageous use of physick , to settle themselves in a post so advantageous to the christian religion , as appears by the surprizing progresses they have made for near these fifteen years together , receiv'd me with so much cordial affection , and such an overplus of joy , that their reception , so full of tenderness and goodness , afforded me much more consolation , than the affliction of my past miseries had dejected me . but that , which contributed more then all the rest , to make me look upon all my sufferings as nothing , was my meeting in those parts with father barnaby , a jesuit , then which nothing could be more acceptable to me , as being the person , with whom i had long and passionately desir'd to conser ; to the end i might take such certain measures from his lips , for the accomplishment of my undertaking , which he approv'd no less then my self , and had been one of those , who had giv'n me the first draught of . now , in regard the fathers , in whose house we lodg'd , would not discover us to one another , to the end we might take the more delight in our enterview , we met several times , and talk'd together at the same time without knowing each other , tho' we had formerly liv'd both together in the same college : whether our countenances were really alter'd after a long separation ; or whether it were , that the fashion of our habits , which we were oblig'd to change , and in which we had never seen each other , made us appear quite different from what we were formerly . nevertheless , by the force of long consideration , and attentive examination , we began to recal each other so well to mind , that we became convin●'d of our former acquaintance . and then it was , that we both abandon'd our selves to those pleasing transports of joy , that upon the like occasions seize the souls of two persons , whom the love of jesus christ has strictly united together . after we had somewhat recover'd our selves from the astonishment of such a happy surprizal , and had given each other a mutual account of our past adventures , i put him insensibly upon the design , which he had formerly propos'd of opening a new way into china through grand-tartary , and other countries of asia , which are so little known in europe . now in regard the had been extreamly zealous to know after what manner his design had been entertain'd in france , and whether it had been approv'd by our superiours , he could not refrain from tears , when i put into his hands the orders , which i had been entrusted to deliver him , and told him my mind withal in these words ; at length , dear father , said i , heaven has heard your prayers . you are the person , whom heaven has ordain'd for that great undertaking , of which you laid the design , and here is the person made choice of to be the faithful companion of your labours : more then happy , if you and i can but discover this important passage , or else lay down our lives in obedience to the call of god , which inspires us both with the same desires for the advancement of his glory . no sooner did he understand these joyful tidings , but he imparted to me all the prospects of his consideration upon such an important design , and made me so deeply sensible of the great advantages which might be expected from it for the establishment of religion , that he oblig'd me forthwith to take a resolution never to abandon the execution of this enterprize whatever accidents should intervene to cross it , as being then persuaded , as i am still , that resolution and constancy would assure us of infallible success . from that happy moment , we desir'd nothing more then to see our selves in a condition to begin so pious a work. but in regard the affairs of the missions of armenia call'd him to aleppo , and that the appointment of heaven commanded me to betlis , we could do nothing further then agree together , during our short stay at diarbeker , upon the ways and means which it behov'd us to make use of the execution of our design so soon as might be . all things thus agreed , he rejoyn'd his caravan , and i mine , both well inclin'd on our parts , to leave nothing omitted that might contribute to the accomplishment of our vows . thus while he travell'd towards euphrates , i took the road for armenia ; after i had pass'd the tiger the first time , over a fair stone-bridge , about a quarter of a league fron the city of diarbeker . but i was not so fortunate the second time , that i was to cross it in a wind-boat , which the people on the other side of the river got ready in a moment , so soon as they saw the caravan appear . this machine , which the people of the country make use of , not only to ferry over the tiger , but also to-go by water from place to place between diarbeker to bassora , where this river falls into the sea , is no other then a fastning together of several goatskins blown up , and join'd together on the four sides , with as many long perches ty'd very close together , and afterwards cover'd over with several branches of trees , that are carefully laid athwart . when our boat was ready , it was carry'd a good way above that place where we staid for it on the opposite shoar ; after which the waterman lanching and getting into it , the stream , which is very rapid , whirld it down the river , and the strength of the pilots oars brought it just to our feet . the baggage was soon carry'd over , and then the travellers got into the boat with every one his horse's bridle in his hand ; the horse being unsaddl'd for the more easy convenience of swimming . i follow'd the crowd , because i would not be one of the last , but my being so hasty cost me dear . for not being inform'd of the precautions , which it behov'd me to observe in standing upon those sort of boats , i unfortunately set my foot upon one of the borrachio's or leathern goat-skin baggs which was not cover'd , not knowing that by pressing it in that manner , i should cause it to sink . upon which one of the boat-men perceiving the false step i had made , without any more to do , took me by force and flung me back upon the bank of the river , where he fulfill'd his revenge of my inadvertency , which certainly was no crime ; but god reserv'd another tryal for me at this passage , which was much more harsh and severe then that which i had suffer'd already . for the tiger , which the excessive rains that year had extreamly swell'd , not being to be contain'd within its proper channel , makes a second by the inundation ; which tho not so deep as the true channel , is very broad however , and no less rapid then the real one . now every body being got a horse-back to foard it in the place that was shew'd us , i follow'd the file of those that were got before . but before i was got to the middle , my horse that was weak and weary in striving to resist the impetuosity of the torrent that began to be too strong for him , threw me into the water , and the stream which i was not able to resist , carry'd me a great way along with it : which had it not done , i had immediately been trod to pieces in under the horses feet that follow'd behind . immediately the people of the caravan observing what had befallen me , threw themselves pell-mell into the river , turks and christians , and coming in time to my aid , drew me out of the water ; which however was not the last , nor the greatest danger which i escap'● upon this occasion , as you will find by the sequel . when all the caravan were got over to the other side of the river , we descry'd a camp of curds , to the number of five or six thousand men. now , in regard these wandring people are as formidable as the arabs , and for that they are no way inferior to 'em in the art of robbing ; we made it our business to get away as soon as we could out of their sight , to prevent their falling upon us with a party too numerous for us to resist . thereupon , as wet as i was , and as much reason as i had to shift me , my conductor con●●rain'd me to follow the caravan , who to secure themselves from those robbers that would have shew'd 'em no mercy , were forc'd to ride six whole hours together , to gain a little village where they were certain of being secure . there was no way , but to yield to necessity , and venture all at such a pinch as this , considering that whatsoever course i took , i was equally expos'd to most terrible events . and indeed 't was impossible that any man should suffer more all the while that we were travelling to our stage ; the violent shiverings , the cruel soundings wherewith i was seiz'd all the way , in the coldest season of the year , made such violent onsets upon me , that i never thought my self able to have held out against so many hardships and distresses at one time . but in the evening , being arriv'd at the place where we were to stop for that night only , i was carry'd by good fortune to the house of a christian , who became so mov'd with my deplorable condition , that he omitted nothing of whatever he could think of , requisite to restore me to a little strength . and god gave such a blessing to his charity , that after i had rested for some hours upon a bed , i found my self the next morning strong anough to continue my journey . hardly had we travell'd two leagues , but we found our selves engag'd in the mountains of armenia , where the snow lay as high as a pikes length . now , in regard those mountains which we crost , are not altogether contiguous , they leave at the bottom , a narrow passage , through which we rode for some time by the side of a river that runs in the vally , which separates the two hills . as i rode along , i observ'd one thing very singular , tho it happens every year , as the people of the country assur'd me . the snow , which the heat of the sun began at that time to melt , and whose heat the reverberation of his beams very much augmented , coming once to be dissolv'd , falls down with such a headlong impetuosity , that besides , that the rapidness of the flood ranverses all the houses which it meets with , it forms a kind of a mound in the midst of the river into which it discharges it self , which stops the course of the water for some time ; so that when the water comes to undermine that congeal'd mass , it opens a passage through it , and makes an arch which serves instead of a solid bridge to bear travellers , and beasts of burthen , and so remains so long as the cold and frost continues . we were above eight days before we could get clear of this dreadful mountainous labyrinth ; where the ways were somtimes so fill'd up with snow , that our horses fell down under us every step they took , so that we had employment enough to lift 'em up , and load 'em again ; insomuch , tha● sometimes we could not go above a leagn● a day , and that for the most part a foot leading our horses by the bridle . but that which render'd our march mos● toilsome to me , was the steepness and rug●gedness of the mountains , over which we were forc'd to scramble , there being neither path nor footstep to be seen , and some that we were constrain'd to clamber , were above a quarter of a league high . after all which toils and fatigues , at length we arriv'd at betlis upon easter-monday the 22● of april , a month after our departure from aleppo . father roche , who had notice some days before of my arrival , by some horsemen that made more speed then the rest● met me at the caravan-sera , or inn belonging to the city , at the same time that i alighted , and carri'd me forthwith to th● house where he lay . where while i continu'd , my only business was to study th● turkish language , unless it were some domestick business which i took upon me , to th● end my companion might have the more time to entertain his neophites , or new converts , whose extraordinary zeal ravish'd me to that degree , that it was on● of my most pressing encouragements to fi●● my self the soonest i could , to the end i might be in a condition to taste the pleasures of a missionary , when he has the happiness to recover a lost sheep into the flock of the church . while i was labouring with all diligence to procure this felicity to my self , we receiv'd orders from aleppo to quit this mission , and to go and settle another at erzerum , where there were very probable hopes of making greater progress then at betlis , and with less danger of being turn'd out of our employments , then in the post where we were ; whence we were constrain'd many times to part from one another to satisfie the bacha of wan , who was desirous to have some one of the jesuits near him in the place of his residence , which was twenty leagues from betlis , to attend him as his physician . for this reason it was , that father barnaby went to aleppo , there to lay before the superior general of the missions , the inconveniences of such frequent separations ▪ which besides that they disturb'd the whole order of our ministerial functions , were disadvantagious to the christians of the country , among whom there was more to be gain'd then among the turks , who lie under a moral impossibility of being converted . but this order , how reasonable soever it appear'd , did not a little perplex us , by reason of the difficulty and danger in the execution of it . for we were extreamly belov'd over all the city ; the emir , who was chief commander , had a great value for us , and look'd upon us as people that were very serviceable to him ; so that we could not hope that he would ever consent to our departure . therefore we thought it not our best way to ask leave to be gone , but rather privately to withdraw , without imparting our design to any living soul. but notwithstanding all the secret measures we took to conceal our departure , the christians had notice of it ; and presently applying themselves to the emir , to the end they might the better engage him to detain us , told him all they could to our advantage , and more indeed then they knew . for after they had laid before him the charity of the missionaries , in respect of their sick people ; their ability in all sorts of sciences , their holy and exemplary life , they added , speaking of me , that there was lately arriv'd out of europe a most skilful clock-maker , who might be greatly serviceable not only to him , but to the whole city . there needed no more to oblige the emir to call us before him . to which purpose he sent one of his officers for us ; from whom we understood the ill offices which the christians had done us , to constrain us to stay among 'em ; and while we were expected at the divan , our armenians a little over-zealous , kept the emir in a long discourse concerning us ; telling , among other things , to convince him of our extraordinary vertue , that we were people so reserv'd and circumspect in all our words and actions , that ever since they knew us , though they had frequently convers'd with us , they never heard the smallest oath escape our lips. so that how greatly soever the emir was prepossess'd in our favour , he seem'd to be surpris'd at what they told him ; and in regard he had never convers'd with any but turks , or very wicked christians , who have their vovallah continually in their mouths , he was so perswaded , that that ill habit was as natural to us , as to himself , or them , that immediately he laid a wager with one of those that talk'd to him , of a noble turbant against a hunder'd crowns , that he would make us swear in his presence . no sooner was the wager laid , but we came into the hall of audience , and the emir perceiving us , caus'd us to approach near his person , and having order'd us to sit down in his divan , he put several cunning captious questions to us , to draw us imperceptibly into the snare , but all in vain ; he could never bring us to speak a language that had to that time been always unknown to us . but he was more satisfi'd with me upon the subject of clock-making , though i knew no more of that art , then every body knows that will look to their watches themselves , or have learnt to make some little amendments , when they are not overmuch out of order . i shew'd him one that i had brought with me out of france , and took it apieces wheel after wheel , that he might take time to consider the different springs and motions ; and finding he had a mind to it , i presently made him an offer of it , being resolv'd to make use of it as the means which providence had put into our hands to facilitate our departure . in short , after i had desir'd him that he would be pleas'd accept it , which he did without much importunity , i confidently discover'd to him our design of going to erzerum , whether important business call'd me in great haste . i added , that in regard i did not sufficiently understand the language to travel securely , that he would extreamly oblige me to let my companion go along with me ; and withall , that he would vouchsase me a small convoy . i minded not his scruples and reluctancy at first , for i knew by his smiling look , and condescending countenance , that if i press'd him with a little more importunity , i should easily obtain what i expected from him . in short , whether it were that my present had dazl'd him , or that god had mov'd his heart to favour us , he order'd the pass which i demanded to be drawn up immediately ; and sent me before my departure , a horse ready saddl'd and bridl'd , worth double the watch which i left with him . after such an unexpected piece of good success , we prepar'd to be gone with a numerous caravan , which had staid about ten or twelve days at betlis , till the emirs custom-house officers had discharg'd it , to carry several sorts of merchandize to erzerum , design'd for persia. this journey lasted not above eight or ten days , nor did any thing happen considerable all the way , but one small accident at the passage over euphrates . five curdes that lay in ambush set upon our rear-guard with that good fortune , that they took away some horses , and drove 'em before 'em through so many by-ways and turnings , that it was impossible to overtake 'em , and recover their booty ; which oblig'd us to be a little more watchful , and made the people , of which the caravan consisted , more wary how they scatter'd one from another , then they were before ; so that every body rode in his rank in good order ; only the turks retir'd three or four times a day from the gross of the body , to say their prayers by the bank of some rivolet , if they met with any in the roads . which gives me an occasion to say , that the exactness which those infidels observe in their prayers , has made me many times bewail the christians neglect of so pious and holy a duty . 't is a thing hardly to be ever heard of , that a turk who is never so little devoted to his sect , le ts a day pass , without performing this religious exercise at least three or four times ; and the omission of it is look'd upon as a most heinous crime among ' em . moreover i can testifie , that two turks happening to quarrel one with another in the same journey , after they had revil'd one another with all the foul language imaginable , one of 'em put the other to silence , by reproaching him that he had not pray'd to god all that day . how much were it to be wish'd that the same sentiments were able to touch the hearts of so many christians as we find in europe , who are so far from believing such a holy practice to be a duty ; that they think it a shame to pay to god , that worship is so justly due to him . now , in regard that father barnaby had written to us , that he would be at erzerum , i met him there at the end of my journey . erzerum , or arzeron , is a city of turkey , upon the frontiers of persia , seated in a pleasant plain , about seven or eight leagues in circuit , and border'd on every side with little hills that rise insensibly one above another ; out of which three rivers rise , that i have seen , of the four that holy scripture assures us to have watred the terrestial paradise . if nile , which rises out of the mountains of the moon in africa , were one of those rivers , as some interpreters have conjectur'd , it is a very difficult thing to determine where that delicious garden should be , where god plac'd the first parents of mankind . but certain it is , that a more advantagious situation cannot be pick'd out by mortal eyes , then that of this city which we have made choice of for the settlement of our new mission . 't is near about as big as marseilles , encompass'd with a double enclosure of walls , after the ancient manner , with a little high seated citadel that commands it . the subburbs are very large and well peopl'd : the air is wholsome ; the water excellent , and in great plenty . in a word , every thing concurs to make it one of the best cities of the ottoman empire . but that which is most of all to be consider'd , and which above all things put us upon resolving to settle there , is the vast concourse of all nations that trade in asia , more especially of the armenians , who have a particular kindness for this city , which was formerly the seat of their kings ; insomuch , that to this day there are to be seen the ruins of the palace where they kept their court , with some beautiful remains of the patriarchal church which they had built in honour of st. iohn . i understood by father barnaby , who was got thithe● some days before us , the willing dispositions , which he had found in the city , as well of the turks as christians , to befriend our settlement among 'em , while both strove to honour him with the marks of their esteem and affection . and it may seem a wonder perhaps , that the person , whom god has made use of to lay the foundations of this important mission , was once an unfortunate renegat , who seems to have been guided to erzerum , only to prepare the hearts and minds of the people , by prepossessing 'em as he did in our favour . this person , who had been taken very young upon the sea , afterwards turn'd mabumetan , had not so far renounc'd the christian religion , but that he had preserv'd sufficient idea's of it , to make him understand the falseness of that which either interest or force had constrain'd him to profess . so that when he understood who we were , he made no scruple to discover the motives that had drawn us into armenia . he gave us several visits , and made it appear by the serious discourses which he had with us , concerning the affairs of religion , that he was not so thoroughly convinc'd of that which he prosess'd , and that a little thing would make him embrace again the true religion which he had forsaken . but in regard his time was not come , it seems as if providence only made use of him to authorize our functions , among a people by whom he was as much esteem'd for his particular merit , as he was respected for his quality and degree . and in regard his employment gave him free and easie access into all houses ; he rais'd our reputation so high by those things which he publish'd every where to our advantage , that we were look'd upon by all the inhabitants as extraordinary persons . the armenians more especially were so sensible of our zeal , to prefer them before all other nations of the east ; that after they had met together to congratulate the happiness which we had procur'd 'em , and to testifie their sincere acknowledgment of so great a favour , they caus'd our names to be enregister'd , as also the year and day of our arrival in the city , to preserve the memory of of it to perpetuity , in the publick registers of the church . such happy beginnings were afterwards attended with so many blessings , that we were easily induc'd to acknowledge tha● god was pleas'd with the post which we had chos'n ; for there followed a great number of eminent conversions ; whole families abjur'd their schisms and their errors , and a general reformation of manners appear'd in all those who were recover'd into the state of grace . in a word their piety and zeal distinguish'd 'em so for above others , that were not so docible , that the difference of their lives and conversations that was to be observ'd in the ver● dawnings of their conversion among 'em seem'd a sensible proof to several of the tra●● of our religion . so that i had the pleasure during a stay of six months that 〈◊〉 made at erzerum , to see that growing church encreasing with so much success that i thought we had no reason to envy the primitive ages of christianity . but i● was not so much the number of the faithful that compos'd it , which render'd it considerable , as the zeal with which it appear'd to be enliven'd . their frequent coming to the sacrament , their assiduity in prayer , the modesty , the strict union that reign'd among 'em , a certain air of sanctity that diffus'd it self thoough all their actions , were the rising grounds that gave us an easy and delightful prospect of our good success . so that i should have esteem'd my self happy to have enjoy'd all my life time , these savory fruits of the apostleship of heaven , that had call'd me long before , together with father barnaby to cultivate the lands of tartary o'regrown with weeds and thistles , had not they oblig'd us to renounce that consolation , by engaging us to enlarge our conquests , and extend the limits of the kingdom of jesus christ. upon this consideration it was that my companion , after we had left our mission in so good a plight , parted from me for some time , with a design to go to irivan ; where his presence was necessary , not only to confirm the settlement there made some years before , but also to take certain measures with the indians and yousbecks , which usually resort thither , in order to the carrying on of our intended enterprize . besides , it requir'd four whole months to regulate all things rightly , and to give me leasure to perfect my self in the turkish tongue , which i had begun to learn with good success . no sooner was i in a condition by my self , to labour in the salvation of souls , but i receiv'd order to follow him . but some few days before my departure , a little before midnight we were surpris'd with an earthquake , so furious , that there was hardly any body among us , who did not believe himself utterly lost . i wak'd of a suddain , at what time the beams and girders of my chamber were all in motion ; and i was afraid more then once , that the walls that seem'd to stoop forward , would have buried me under their ruins : but there happen'd no ill consequences of this disorder . the earthquake ceas'd in half a quarter of an hour ; though it continu'd with a much more moderate shaking for eight days together , precisely at the same hour , that it began the first time . in regard these sorts of accidents are very usual in armenia , by reason of the prodigious number of mountains with which that province is cover'd ; the people of the country have no other way to shelter and secure themselves from the dreadful consequences which they fear , but to leave the cities , and abide in the fields under tents , till every thing be quiet : yet sometimes they are surpris'd , notwithstanding all the care they can take . for in regard that the earth many times cleaves and opens with the violence of the shogs of the earthquake matter , sometimes whole villages are swallow'd-up in those parts where the motion is most sensibly perceiv'd ; as they told me it befel a village about seven or eight leagues from the city . one time i met with a mathematician , that was somewhat intoxicated with copernicus's philosophy ; who was of opinion , that all these violent motions extreamly favour'd the opinion of that philosopher , who perhaps would not have fail'd himself to have made use of the same proof to have supported his opinion ; granting , that these motions were regularly made from east to west ; as it is pretended , that they most generally happen to be . after i had assur'd my self for some time that the earthquake was absolutely over , and that it was no longer to be feard , i went to meet father barnaby , who only waited for my company , to set forward as soon as might be , to the end we might get to the caspian-sea time enough to embark in the muscovite vessels , which usually make choice of the beginning of the summer to return to astrakan . now in regard the snow was not yet quite melted , and for that the ways continu'd extreamly bad , the caravan to which i had join'd my self , spent more time to get to persia , then they were usually wont to do . i cannot tell whether the great desire which i had to leave turky , made me think our stage much more remote then indeed it was ; but i never travell'd any journey that seem'd more tedious to me then this ; though knowing the language then much better then before , naturally i ought to have found it more agreeable than any of the former . however , notwithstanding my extream passion to get clear of the grand-signior's territories , i was just upon the point of reingaging my self anew , through the villainy of the guards which we met upon the frontiers , where they usually lie to exact the payment of the duties going out , and coming in . for some christian merchants , who were returning out of persia , understanding by some of their acquaintance who belong'd to our caravan , that i was an european , and a person in orders treated me with so much friendship , and so kindly caress'd me in the presence of the turks , who had stop'd both them and us for the payment of our toll , that they made 'em suspect me to be some considerable traveller , and that there was something more than usual to be got out of me . these people therefore beyond expression greedy of mony , after they had agreed among themselves how they might put me to trouble , briskly and in a rude manner demanded of me wherefore , since i carry'd no merchandize along with me , i was so desirous to go into persia , whither onely trade could invite a stranger . to which i answer'd , that affairs more important then traffick drew me thither , concealing however the true motive of my journey . this was enough to convince 'em that i was not a person to be spar'd , and that it behov'd 'em to extort by main force , what they could not do fairly and honestly . thereupon they endeavour'd to frighten me by all the ways their invention could suggest ; to that purpose they thought they should easily bring about their ends , by treating me as a spie , and threatn'd to carry me before the basha of kars , which is a city of turky upon the frontiers of persia , who would be sure , as they said , to cut off my head , if i did not take care to prevent my misfortune by some inconsiderable present ; which was the only way to deliver me out of their clutches . now in regard i was well acquainted with the conditions of these people , and besides deliver'd my self readily , i gave 'em to understand by my answers , that i was better instructed in the customs of the country , than they imagin'd me to be ; so that within a moment after , i was pleas'd to see 'em grown more calm . for when i told 'em i was not so much afraid of the bacha with whom they menac'd me , because some days before i had seen his head , which was carry'd to constantinople by a kapigi-bachi , they presently chang'd their battery , and pass'd from threatnings to intreaties , to obtain by civility what they despiar'd to get by rudeness , teazing me without ceasing all the night long ; but finding me as resolute as they were importunate , they were forc'd to let me go the next morning with the rest of the caravan , which thirsted after persia with as much eagerness as my self , in hopes to have to do for the future with a people far more reasonable then those we had left . in short , i observ'd soon after the difference between the one and the other ; for i no sooner set my foot upon the hithermost territories of the cha , but i was accusted by some inhabitants of the country , who after a thousand caresses , congratulated my good fortune in having escap'd the claws of the turks ; for whom they have as great an antipathy , as the turks have a hatred for them . and because they had had a confus'd information of the victory which the christians had obtain'd over the enemies of our religion and theirs ; i gave 'em a more particular relation of it ; with which they seem'd to be so well pleas'd , that they would not fail to make bonfires that evening , to testify their joy for the good success of the franks , whom god made his instruments to humble and confound a people that so justly merited to be utterly exterminated . i was ignorant a long time of the cause of this strange aversion which these two nations have one for another ; but i learn'd it some time afterward from a notable armenian ; to whom i declar'd my wonder to see the persians so embitter'd against the turks ; whom i thought till then more strictly united by the ties of the same religion . i shall therefore give an account as near as i can , of what i discover'd in reference to the animosity of the one against the other , to the difference of their sentiments in matters of religion . the unheard of cruelties , which the turks exercis'd upon the persians some years since , the sacking of their cities , the horrid butcheries , which they committed , without distinction , of all sorts of persons , in all places through which they pass'd , made such a deep impression in the hearts of those miserable vanquish'd people , that the remembrance of 'em still remain'd fix'd in their minds . they could never pardon those who had no less inhumanly , and barbarously us'd 'em , then if they had been the declar'd enemies of mahomet , and the alcoran ; whose doctrine nevertheless they all along pretended to follow with as much zeal and exactness , as the most zealous among the musselmen . and these embitterments are much more corroborated by that idea which they have of the turks , whom they believe to be in an error , in point of religion , though they differ one from another but in two heads ; which ought to excite our compassion so much the more , by how much the more ridiculous they seem to be . in the first place the turks , whom they call sunni , own for real prophets , three sorts of mahomets , osman abdid , beker , and omar . the persians dispute their holiness , because they put ali to death , whose disciples they affirm themselves to be . therefore in abhorrence of that murther it is , that every time their priests ascend to the top of the tower of the mosque , to call the people to prayer , they always thunder out their execrations against the three unnatural prophets , that had no more respect and veneration for so holy a man as ali , upon whom , next to mahomet , they look as their great master and oracle . they invoke him in all their exigencies , and upon all occasions ; insomuch that they have these words continually in their mouths , martaz ali ; which among them is one of the most holy and devout ejaculations they can make use of . however some of 'em assur'd me , that their devotion for ali began to slacken , and that they made no scruple to address themselves to omar , since a little accident that fell out some years ago . a person of quality being one day stuck fast in the mire , together with his horse , call'd ali to his assistance , and conjur'd him with loud supplications to help him out of the mud ; but ali was deaf to his cries , never minding in the least the unfortunate condition of the poor gentleman : who finding his prophet so insensible of his adversity , which he endeavour'd to make him understand by his redoubl'd lamentations , at length in his despair address'd himself to omar ; whose name he had no sooner pronounc'd as loud as he could tear his throat , but his horse , no doubt , awaken'd and reviv'd with the extraordinary noise of that barbarous word , baul'd out with so much violence , renew'd his efforts , and giving a spring , bounc'd clear out of the mire where his master and he had stuck a long time . upon this ali's unfortunate votary , reflecting upon what had pass'd , began to be troubl'd with a hunder'd scr●ples of conscience , and to be disgusted at the false confidence which till then he had had in the pretended great protector of his nation . in this perplexity he repairs to one of the most learned mollha's that he knew , propos'd his doubts , and desir'd to be speedily resolv'd : who being an eminent doctor , when he had heard him , answer'd him coldly , to confirm him the more in the faith wherein he saw him totterring , that he had no reason to wonder at what had happen'd ; that ali being a warlike prophet , scorn'd to be found in a place so unworthy of a conqueror , as that wherein he had invok'd him : whereas omar being a poor-spirited fellow , as he well knew him to have been , minded no other posts than sloughs and quagmires , where he might be able to succour miserable wretches that flung themselves blindly into his arms. this answer for the present setl'd the gentleman's discomposure of mind ; but afterward his scruples twingd him with greater violence then before , so that he could not forbear abandoning himself wholly to his first motions of revenge and despight , inveighing against ali , and every where proclaiming the effects of omar's potent protection , who had reliev'd him in such a desperate case of necessity . however the common people continue their veneration to ali , and abominate the other three prophets , of which omar , being the person whose memory is most detested , is look'd upon as a monster among the persians , who never use his name but in their anger and fury ; as our libertines have recourse to the devil in their hasty and choleric passions . secondly , the persians believe , that there are several considerable errors and abuses crept-in among the turks in the observation of the alchoran , the chiefest of which concerns their coming prepar'd to prayer . both the one and the other agree in this point ; that no man ought ever to say his prayers without being purifi'd before hand ; but they do not agree upon the manner of purification . for the turks , after they have stript their arms quite bare , let the water glide insensibly from their fingers ends to their elbows ; whereas the persians begin at the elbows , and end at the extremities of the fingers : for which they cite the authority of the alcoran , which clearly sets down the practice of that ceremony and how it ought to be perform'd . these are the ridiculous ceremonies which i learnt as soon as i set foot in persia , which movd me so much the more , to see that a nation otherwise so docible , and altogether endu'd with reason , yet so blind and stupid in matters of religion . but if i had a heart pierc'd through with grief to find so many souls redeem'd with the precious blood of christ , not only insensible of their unhappiness , but intoxicated beyond expression , with a thousand fabulous stories and prejudices ; i could not chuse but feel some consolation the nearer i approach'd to erivan , in seeing our saviour's cross set up in the places adjoining to that first city of persia ; where notwithstanding all the machinations of the devil , christ has some adorers ; whose faith , tho strangely sophisticated , however is not utterly extinguish'd . of all the parts of asia , where christianity still shines , with something of lustre , and where the profession of it is allow'd with most liberty , ichmiazin , without contradiction is the place ; a large borough of the upper armenia , four little leagues from irivan . the turks usually call it vchklisse , or the three churches ; because that besides the great church , from whence the place derives the name it bears , there are two other very near it . the first is that which appears within the enclosure of a fair monastery , where the patriarch of the armenians has c his usual residence , in society with fifty or sixty monks that are under his government . it is consecrated to the incarnate word , which according to common tradition gave the draught of it to st. gregory , sirnam'd the illuminator , who was ordain'd the first patriarch of the armenians by pope silvester , by whom he was likewise acknowledg'd for his father and master ; and happy had she been , had she preserv'd in the primitive purity that religion which that holy apostle taught her . the two other churches distant from the former about eight hunder'd paces each , are nothing near so magnificent , nor so well kept in repair . they are dedicated to two holy roman virgins , ripsima and cayanna , who fled into armenia , during the ninth persecution , and suffer'd martyrdom in the same places where those two churches are built . the great church stands in the middle of a large court , round about which , in the form of an half-moon , are built three piles of lodgings , wherein are the cells of the monks . the treasury is very rich , the ornaments magnificent , the place to be admir'd , as well for the great number of consecrated vessels , of which some are of massy gold , as for the vast bigness of the crosses , the branches and lamps , which assuredly would be no dishonour to the most stately churches of europe . in this place it is , where it would be of great importance to settle a mission , which is passionately desir'd by the greatest part of the bishops of the country . and two missionaries , equally zealous and learned , that would but earnestly apply themselves to unfold after a clear and methodical manner , the doctrine of our faith , would not a little contribute to unite that nation to the roman church , in regard that ignorance rather then obstinacy retains 'em in their errors . this would be a work becoming the charity of those generous souls that seek with so much care all opportunities , to signalize their zeal and arde● affections for jesus christ. from ichmiazin i got to irivan , not above three leagues distant from it . by the way , i had the pleasure to have a sight of the famous mount ararat ; where , 't is believ'd , the ark of noah rested after the deluge . i know not , whether iohn struys , wh● makes so pleasant a description of it in the journal of his travels , so heedfully consider'd it , as he would make us believe . for my part , having time to observe the s●●●tion of it , during near a month's stay 〈◊〉 irivan , and having inform'd my self with as much exactness of all the particulars of that mountain , i cannot without indignation read what that bold adventurer has written . for besides the manifest contradictions , which it is easy to observe in his fabulous travels , which however he assures us he perform'd himself over that mountain , altogether inaccessible ; he places it not above fifty leagues from the caspian sea ; whereas in truth it lies above a hundred and fifty leagues distant from it . travels into some part of tartary . book ii. altho i look'd upon the execution of my first designe to have been much retarded by the orders , which i receiv'd from aleppo to stop for some time in curdistan , and in armenia , the providence of god carry'd-on all things in such a manner ; that , within a year after my departure out of france , i found my self in a condition to set my hand to the work in good earnest , together with father barnaby , who had taken such prudent care for the sure and certain performance of our intended journey . after we had both of us examin'd the different roads , that were to be taken to carry us into china , we fix'd upon that of astrakan , as the most safe , and most commodious of all the rest , by reason of the caravans whcih set out from thence three or four times a year for bokara and smarkand , where the muscovites and yousbecs traffick together . in order to this determination , we spent some days in retirement to invoke the benedictions of heaven ; and after we had provided our selves with all ornaments necessary for the saying of mass by the way , we departed from irivan the 23d of april , 1686 ▪ disguis'd like georgians , whose habit carries a great awe with it over all persia ; in the company of two armania●● , who conducted us as far as gangea . the night before our departure , about eight a clock in the evening , we were surpriz'd with an earthquake , the violence of which gave us a smart alarum . but in regard it ceas'd almost in an instant , we quickly recover'd our selves , and took it for a lucky augury of the good success we were to expect ; perswaded , that heaven thereby was willing to shew us what crosses we must expect to meet with , and how much it benov'd us to support and corroborate our selves against the efforts of hell. the first day's journey was but small , for we travell'd but four leagues from irivan , and lay at a borough , where an armenian catholick receiv'd us into his house , and entertain'd us after the manner of the country . but the joy we had conceiv'd , that we were going to spread the gospel among the most savage nations in the world , was not a little disturb'd the first night by an accident altogether unexpected , and which could not be foreseen . for we had no sooner compos'd our selves to rest upon carpets laid for us , according to the fashion of the eastern countries , but father barnaby felt himself stung by a scorpion , which had crept insensibly into his bosom as we lay asleep . so soon as i heard him cry out , i rose , and when i saw by the help of a candle the marks of that venomous infect , i gave my companion over for lost ; but i soon recover'd my self out of my fears ; for after he had squeez'd the scorpion it self upon the place affected , which is the sovereign remedy against the mischief of the sting , and rubb'd the part with a little treacle , he went to sleep again as before , and we rested so quiet that night , that we were in a good condition to continue our journey next morning . the first province we enter'd , after we left irivan , was that of gurgistan , which we crost without any obstacle . for in regard it is well peopl'd , and for that the villages and towns lye very thick and close one to another , the refreshments which we met with every where among the christians who are very numerous in those parts were great helps to us at the beginning of ou● travels . besides that , in regard we ran no great hazards upon the road , by reason of the vigilance of the governors of the province , who are responsible for all disorders that are committed within their jurisdiction ; we husbanded our time as we pleas'd ourselves , and generally we travell'd more by night then by day , to avoid the excessive heats , which an european is not able long to endure , as being accustom'd 〈◊〉 a more 〈◊〉 climate . after we had travell'd four days in thi● country , wherein there is the greatest variety that ever i saw with in all my experience , we met , not far from a long cha●● of mountains that we were to cross , wi●● a lake about fourscore leagues in compass , where are caught the largest and best salmon-trouts that are to be seen , which 〈◊〉 not only vended over a great part of pers●● but carry'● also into turky ; especially in the winter , where they are sold at a good rate . the armenians have a very fair monastery built in an island within this lake , no less commodious then delightful : and to this place it is , that the patriarch usually banishes such monks as are stubborn and irregular , or such as he has any cause to be jealous of . we rode along by the side of this little sea , for so the people of the country call it , a whole day's journey together . after which , we enter'd into a labyrinth of mountains , that part persia from georgia . however , the crossing 'em did not seem tedious ; for tho' we were enclos'd on every side , yet we had a continual prospect of several little woods and groves , with which the hills were cover'd ; and of a prodigious number of pheasants , and other wild fowle , which we put-up as we rode along . but all these innocent pleasures , which we tasted by the by , were soon disturb'd by an alarum given us in a christian town , where we made a stop . for some of the country-men observing father barnaby and me so little concern'd in our looks , where we had 〈◊〉 the reason of the world to be afraid of every thing , gave us notice to get away with all speed , unless we intended to fall into the hands of about forty banditti , that had been upon the road for some time , and were not far from us . we therefore took the advantage of their charitable advice , and made all the haste we could to a hill which they shew'd us , as a place where we might secure our selves . no sooner had we got to the top of that little hill , but we were immediately surrounded with a troop of armenians , some with slings , some with great clubs ; who perceiving by the confidence wherewith we advanc'd toward 'em , that we were not the men they lookt for , receiv'd us curteously . on the other side , we finding they were impatient to know who we were , told 'em , that we were franks , persons in religious orders , and missionaries , that were going into tartary , and thence into china , with an intention to preach the gospel . thus when they understood the motive which induc'd us to undertake so perillous a journey , they heap'd civilities upon us : some took our horses to take care of 'em ; others brought us refreshments ; and in a word , there was not any one that did not strive to signalize himself by some office of charity toward us . they inform'd us of the alarum that had been giv'n , and what had constrained 'em to intrench themselves in the place where we found ' em . they told us , that certain gentlemen of georgia had revolted from the kan of tifflis about fifteen days before ; and not finding themselves strong enough to withstand the force which he had sent to reduce 'em , they were constrain'd to quit their houses , and fly the country till the storm was over ; and that because the greatest part of 'em wanted mony to keep 'em , they were fain to fall upon the frontier villages , where they ravag'd and plunder'd without controul . therefore said they , being justly afraid of being assaulted by these merciless free-booters , and losing those little goods we have , we muster'd together in this place , which we defend with such pitiful weapons as these . we gave 'em the best consolation we could , during the small time we staid among 'em , and after we had visited some of their sick , to whom we apply'd such remedies as we thought most proper to give 'em ease , we continu'd our journey toward gangea , where we arriv'd the next day in the afternoon . gangea is one of the best cities of persia , seated in a pleasant plain about five and twenty , or thirty leagues long . the great number of rivers which meet there , and of which the inhabitants make use to water their gardens , that take up a good part of the city , contribute not a little to render the soil round about it most delightful and fertile . we arriv'd there in the middle of the spring , at what time never was any prospect more grateful to my eyes , then to see a multitude of houses seated among an infinite number of groves and thickets of lovely trees laden with leaves and flowers , which a most beautiful blooming green render'd yet more charming to the sight . so that the persians call this enchanting corner by no other name , then that of the garden of the empire . the bazars , or market-places which are in the middle of the city , are the fairest and most magnificent of all that ever i beheld in the east . for besides their extraordinary extent , they are very well vaulted , and there is a particular quarter assign'd for every sort of merchandize . and because the city of gangea is most advantagiously seated for trade , there is a vast croud of foreigners that always resort to it . at the same that we arriv'd there , an overflowing zeal for religion had occasion'd a hideous hurly-burly in the city . for the mollah's , having declaim'd against the three false prophets mention'd in the forgoing book , provok'd the turks to that degree , that they betook themselves to their arms , tho they were but a small number , to revenge themselves for the affront done their most holy saints . they invested some of the mosquees , and were about to have sacrific'd to their resentment the people there assembl'd to say their prayers , i● the governor , who had timely notice of what pass'd , had not put a stop to those hot-brain'd zealots . three days after our arrival at gangea , we departed with a small caravan , consisting all of christian merchants , whom traffick and business hasten'd to scamaki , and in their company cross'd the lovely plains that extend themselves almost from one city to the other . the first day of our journey we pass'd the kur , which rises in georgia , and after it has water'd several plains , convey'd plenty to several cities , and enrich'd the country with a world of sturgeon that are caught in it ; at length discharges it self into the caspian sea. at the passing of this river , it was that our georgian habit did us good service . for in regard the turks take great delight to signalize their hatred against the monks , whenever they meet with an opportunity ; more especially , where they know it is in their power to be favourable or rigorous , as they please themselves , they never observe any measure in justice with those whom they look upon as the declar'd enemies of their religion . and generally they fall upon their purses rather then their persons , being perswaded as they are , out of their prodigious avarice , that they cannot do a man greater injury , t●en by taking from him what they esteem and prefer themselves beyond their own lives . but in regard they took us for other then we were , they us'd us more favourable then we durst hope for . we were not so fortunate the next day , in meeting with a persian chapar , which is the name they give to the persian couriers , as oulac is to those of turky . in both empires these sort of people are extreamly formidable to travellers . for in regard the state makes no regular provision of horses for 'em ; they have a priviledg to dismount upon the road any person whose horse pleases 'em better then their own . now , tho we were sufficiently inform'd of this inconvenient custom , we could not be so cautious , but that we were surpriz'd by one of these couriers which the kam of schiamaki had dispatch'd away about urgent affairs . he came powd'ring upon us in a valley , where we had stopp'd to bait our horses , and took the best of 'em , with which he was just going to ride away . in this same remediless condition we took the usual course which the unfortunate take in such unlucky accidents as these , and slipt a piece of money into the hands of this same troublesome messenger . upon which he presently grew sweet upon us , and having readily found out a specious pretence to let us alone , he rode away to seek some new adventure in another place . at length , after all these little tryals of patience which a traveller cannot avoid , when he engages himself in long journies , we arriv'd at schamaki , very glad to understand we were so near the caspian sea , and where in a little time we understood we should meet with several muscovitish vessels that were preparing to set sail for astrakan . schamaki , which was formerly one of the most considerable and best peopl'd cities of all persia , is much decay'd from what it was some years ago , when it was in a far more flourishing condition then now . for a furious earthquake that happen'd about twelve years since , laid it almost utterly in ruins ; overthrowing five or six thousand houses , and killing so great a number of inhabitants , who were buried under the rubbish , that now it is not above half so big as formerly it was ; and yet there are reckon'd to be in it near upon fifty or sixty thousand souls ; nor is there any part perhaps of the persian empire , where you shall meet with so vast a concourse of strangers . besides the great number of armenians , which as they say , amounts to thirty thousand ; there are indians , muscovit●● , georgians , greeks , turks , circassians , and an infinite number of other people , whom the neighbourhood of the sea , together with the goodness of the country , draws thither from all parts . this concourse of so many different nations it was , which made us earnestly wish there were a mission settl'd in this city , as being fully perswaded that several zealous missionaries would find in abundance wherewith to repay the labours of their fervent zeal . it seems our prayers have been heard since our departure thence , so that we have now a residence there , for which we are beholding to the deceas'd count de syri , who employ'd all his credit with the king of persia to obtain leave for an establishment in that place . and he was pleas'd to lay the first foundations of it himself , by father pothier of the order of jesus , whom he carry'd along with him on purpose from ispahan to schamaki , where he left him in his return to poland , there to give the king an account of his negotiations on the behalf of all the christian princes engag'd in the war against the turks . this father pothier was one of the most accomplish'd missionaries in the east , and was one of those whom our king entrusted with the royal presents which he sent about ten years since to the cha of persia , together with a letter which he wrote in favour of the christians of nachivan , who had a long time groan'd under the tyranny of some governors that most heavily oppress'd ' em . he drew a great number of disciples after him , at the beginning , by the charms of his edifying conversation , and by his sweet and affable disposition and behaviour ; they came in crouds to be instructed and participate of the divine mysteries . but a certain turk of whom the father had hir'd a house , till the governor had assign'd him a seat as he promis'd to do , grew so jealous of the happy progress of the gospel , and became so furiously mad to see his house , which was really consecrated to haly , become a school of christianity , that he resovl'd to be reveng'd of the affront that was every day put upon his prophet , and his religion . to which purpose , rising in the night , when the missionary never dreamt the least mistrust of him , he brake open his chamber-door , and stabb'd him in the same place where he had given the first wounds to heresy , schism , and infidelity . had we thought that one of our brethren would have follow'd us so soon at the heels , to deprive us of the palms which we might have disputed with him , perhaps we should not hav● been so earnest , to have quitted the post we were in ; but then not knowing that heav●n had any other use to make of our ministry then to open a passage into china , we hasten'd to the caspian sea , three good days journey from the city of schamaki . this little sea which is not above eight hunder'd leagues in compass , to speak properly , is no more then a vast salt lake , into which above a hunder'd rivers , not to speak of an infinite number of little rivolets , discharge themselves on all sides , and keep it continually fill'd with water , which she , by way of return , furnishes with so great a quantity of fish , that in many places you may take 'em up with your hands without net or line . more especiall in tempestuous weather , when the fish forc'd on by the waves , suffer themselves to be crouded in shoales into the rivers , where they are the more willing to abide , as finding themselves shelter'd from the violent agitations of the sea. besides this particular remark , which i had leisure to observe , during a stay of fifteen days , till we could meet with an opporunity to embark ; i was not a little surpriz'd to see , the same day we were to have set sail , the seamen employ'd to fetch fresh water out of the sea , above two leagues from the shoar . now , in regard the thing to me seem'd extraordinary , i had a mind to taste the water , which was as sweet , as if it had been drawn out of a fountain , tho but a few paces from the same place it appear'd to be more brackish then in any seas that ever i sail'd in . but my wonder ceas'd when i consider'd , what a vast quantity of fresh water empti'd it self from all parts into the caspian lake . but that which is more wonderful , is this , to see this petty ocean equally restrain'd within the bounds that providence had ordain'd it , notwithstanding the multude of rivers that fall into it , and which only one would think should swell it to that degree , as sometimes to overflow its bounds . this respectful obedience to providence it is that has very much puzzl'd our geographers , and produc'd the opinion among 'em touching the communication of this sea with some others , which she enriches with her own plenty , when overstor'd her self . some have thought that the black sea , being the nearest to it of any other sea , makes this advantage to partake of her neighbours store . but besides that this opinion is grounded upon no solid reason , it seems as if the wisdom of god had plac'd between these two seas , a long rigde of high mountains , for no other end , then absolutely to separate 'em one from the other . but i have two conjectures which make me believe , that it rather discharges it self into the persian gulph , how far remote soever it may seem to be , then into any other sea. the first is , because that in the gulph of the persian sea , to the south , over against the province of kilan , there are two dangerous whirlypools , or deep abysses , which the persian vessels that set sail from that coast , endeavour to avoid as much as they can . and the noise of the water , which throws it self into that gulp with a surprizing rapidness , may be heard in calm weather , so far off , that it is enough to terrify all those who are ignorant of the real cause . the second conjecture , which to me seems to be of more force then the former is grounded upon every years experience , by which they who inhabit all along the persian gulph , observe a vast quantity of willow-leaves at the end of every autumn . now , in regard this sort of tree is altogether unknown in the southern part of persia , which borders upon that sea ; and for that , quite the contrary , the northern part which is bounded by the sea of kilan , has all the sea-coasts of it shaded with those trees ; we may assure our selves with probability enough , that these leaves are not carry'd from one end of the empire to the other , but only by the water that rowles 'em along through the caverns of the earth . upon this sea it was , which so many particular qualities render very remarkable , that we embark'd in a muscovite fly-boat , but very ill equipp'd . but the season which was extreamly proper for navigation , supply'd all things that could be wanting otherwise ; we gain'd the volga six days after we set sail from the road of nizzova , which is one of the safest and most convenient in all persia. for besides the great plenty of wood in the parts adjoyning , which serves for the refitting and repairs of shatter'd vessels ; there is a prodigious number of towns and villages , able to furnish a numerous fleet with all manner of provision . after we had left the sea , by the favour of a fair east wind , which carry'd us about sixscore leagues in a little time ; we found our selves upon the volga , before we knew where we were . for in regard this famous river discharges it self into the caspian sea , through seventy mouths , as we are commonly assur'd , and for that it still preserves the majesty of the current for above thirty leagues , after it has quitted the various sho●rs that close it on both sides , it seems to dispute the possession of its channel with the sea. so that the only mark to be assur'd that you are got into the river , is the freshness of the water , which he that first discovers , receives the same rewards , as in other places the seamen do that first descry land. no sooner were we got into one of the mouths , but our vessel being deep loaden , struck upon a sand-bank , which the pilots had not the foresight to avoid . but in regard this accident befel us several times afterward during our voyage , i rather attribute it to the shallowness of the river , which divides it self into too many arms , to be able to carry a vessel of an ordinary burthen , then to the seamen's want of experience . however it were , certain i am , that we spent twice as much time in getting up to astracan , which lies not above twelve or thirteen leagues from the mouth of the river , then it took us up to sail from persia to the rivers mouth . not that we were thus equally perplext , but only till we had got to the first place , where the muscovites have a great fishery , which is one of the best revenues which the czar has . there it was that our vessel had orders to stop for two or three days , till the governor of astrakan , to whom we despatch'd a messenger to give him notice of our arrival , gave us leave to make forward . during that little time that we were oblig'd to stay , we had good sport in seeing the fishermen catch sturgeons , which is one of the greatest curiosities that ever i saw in my life : and the manner of it is this . the muscovites , to make their best advantage of the great plenty of fish , which the caspian sea distributes to all the rivers that fall into it , have driven in long piles of timber , from one side to the other , in one of the channels of the volga , which they thought most proper for their fishery . howerever they do not shut up all the passages so close , but that they leave one of each side for the fish to swim up the river , and for the vessels that return from persia , and other places ; a little above this first barricado of piles , they drive in others all a row , in the form of a triangle , into which the fish is easily carry'd by the violence of the stream ; tho when he is in , 't is not only impossible for him to get out , but even to stir himself , as well by reason of the narrow compass of his prison , as because of the huge bulk of his body . in the mean time the fishermen , who keep beating the water to frighten the fish into the snare , visit their entrenchments made on purpose twice a day , where they never miss of the prey which they look for ; which done , they thrust a great hook through the ears of the fish , and having drawn him up just above water , beat out his brains with a great club , to prevent his escape , or doing any other mischief , should they preserve him alive in their boats. after this , they carry their prize to the banks of the fishery , where they disembowel the fish , and take out the eggs , of which one single sturgeon sometimes affords 'em so great a number , as weighs above two or three hunder'd pound . this is that glutinous substance , so well known in foreign countries under the name of caviar , which they prefer before all the rest . they salt it very carefully , and put it up with great care , to serve 'em in their ragou's instead of butter , which is forbidden 'em during lent. as for the body of the fish , after they have cut it into quarters , they squeeze out the oyle , or else they pickle it up to be transported into all the provinces of the empire , or else into the neighbouring kingdoms , where they have an extraordinary vent for it . but the pleasure that we took in this fishing sport , was very much allay'd by the inconveniencies of an army of gnats that swarm upon the volga , a little before and after sun set . their stings so terribly torment both man and beast , that i am easily induc'd to believe , that of all the plagues of egypt , the plague of the flies was the most noisome , and insupportable . therefore to secure themselves from this vexation , travellers wrap themselves over head and ears with a little tent which they carry with 'em on purpose , so soon as they begin to feel 'em sting . but in regard we had made no provision against these formidable enemies , we lay at their mercy all the while we staid in the volga : so that when we came to astrakan , we should have been taken for leapers , or people that were troubl'd with a dropsie , but that the inhabitants were well acquainted with the reason of the wheals and blisters that disfigur'd us . however this martyrdom was at an end after four days ; for the governor of astrakan having sent his lieutenant to the vessel to do it the more honour , as belonging to the grand duke , the passengers had leave to quit the ship , and put our selves into a shallop , or kind of gondola ; the lightness of which , and the dexterity of the rowers was such , that we quiekly got sight of astrakan . astrakan , which the most exact geographers place in the forty eighth degree of northern latitude ; is a city seated in one of the islands of volga about thirteen leagues from the mouth of the river , whatever struys says , who will have it to be fifty leagues remote from the river's mouth . it is encompass'd with a double wall , without any other fortification , only some few tow'rs , half musquet shot one from another . the great guns are very fair ones , and the garison is very numerous . now in regard the ground upon which that city stands is very gravelly and low , the summer heats are not to be endured in that place ; insomuch that the people are oblig'd to bathe several times a day . in the parts about it the soil bears all sorts of fruits , and in great abundance ; nor does their deliciousness give way to their plenty . more especially their melons are remarkable for their most exquisite taste ; and it is as rare a thing to meet with a bad or a wallowish melon there , as it is unusual to ●ind a good one in france . those which are call'd karpous , or water-melons , tho common enough , are most sought after . the rind is of a lively green colour , but the pulp of a beautiful rose-colour , and full of juice , which cools as much as it quenches drowth , and of which you may eat your fill without any fear of surfeiting . they have also a sort of grape , of which they make wine , but sower , and no way pleasing to the taste . all this while no private person dares touch a grape , or any other fruit , until the governor of astraka● has made choice of the best of every thing for the czar's table . besides the inhabitants of this city , who for the greatest part are muscovites , several other nations are intermix'd among 'em , drawn thither by the conveniency of trade , and the sweetness of the climate . 〈◊〉 armenians possess one of the suburbs entirely to themselves , and the nogais tartars another , which altogether resembles a city , being sortifi'd with a wooden-rampart , and having a governour who commands there , under the orders of the chief governor of astrakan . within that enclosure stands a mosquee ; but the houses are for the greatest part made of bulrushes , of which there may be about two thousand . now in regard it is the muscovites interest to use 'em kindly , by reason of the good service they do 'em in their wars , therefore they treat 'em rather as their confederates , then their vassels . to which purpose they are allow'd to share with 'em in the convenience of the market , that in the morning is kept in their quarter ; which is call'd yourt ; and with the muscovites in the evening in the great market place , in the middle of astrakan . much more when they stand in need of arms and artillery to defend themselves against any enemiy that comes to assault 'em , they furnish 'em , and assist 'em likewise to repel the assailants . it is not many years since the calmuc-tartars put 'em to a great deal of trouble ; and that they came duly every winter , by the favour of the ice , to assault even in their very trenches . but since those tartars experienc'd the fury of fire-arms , which they know not as yet how to handle , they have not adventur'd to molest ' em . and indeed it is to the protection of the muscovites , that the nogais-tartars are beholding for the repose and tranquillity which they enjoy ; while their enemies scar'd with the thunder of the cannons and musquets , let 'em sit quiet . but tho the hostilities between the nogais and calmuc-tartars are absolutely at an end , the latter , which are a wandring sort of people , forbear not still to adventure every winter into those vast plains between astrakan and the caspian-sea ; where by reason those champian countrys are not so much cover'd with snow , because they lie more to the south , and nearer the sea , they meet with food for their cattel ; the preservation of which , as being all their substance and riches , engages 'em to make those inroads . which annual visits of above a hunder'd thousand men at a time , though they be no way pleasing to the muscovites , however they are forc'd to suffer 'em , and not only so , but to humble themselves to that degree , as to make 'em presents duely every year , to hinder their incursions , which they have reason always to be afraid of , from such as are not restrain'd by the laws of orderly government , and civil society . and these presents thus continu'd out of fear , being at length look'd upon by the tartars as an indispensible obligation , are demanded with so much haughtiness and commanding fiercenss , that the muscovites must expect nothing but the utmost extremities of war , should they once refuse ' em . i was then at astrakan , when this prodigious multitude of vagabonds was going to take up their winter quarters . at what time the governor was no sooner inform'd of their approach , but he sent one of his officers to assure their chief-tain , that he would send 'em their usual quantity of provision with all the speed that could be . in a word ; some days after he sent away several waggons laden with bread , karpou's , srong-water , and tobacco , which is the present , or rather tribute , which serves to keep a good correspondence between both nations . not but that the muscovites are able , if they pleas'd , to shake off this kind of yoke which they impose upon themselves , but because the calmuc's as well as the nogais are ready to lend 'em men upon all occasions when they want 'em , they are willing to purchase their friendship , tho at the expence of their reputation , and in some measure of their liberty . for this reason it is also that they caress 'em when they come to astrakan , and that they are not sorry nor disturbld to see 'em ; for as formidable as they are to the muscovites , nevertheless the latter never scruple to drive a trade with 'em , either because of the great quantity of furs which they bring , or the vast number of horses which they sell ; both profitable merchandizes to the people of the country . but they who without all question contribute most to the flourishing condition of this city , are the indians , or banians , idolaters as well as the calmucs , whose daughters they marry , because they cannot ally themselves neither with christians , nor with the mahometans of the country ; these people being very industrious , and holding correspondence in almost all the ports of the caspian-sea , there are few sorts of merchandize that do not pass through their hands . so that they have likewise their quarter in one of the suburbs of the city by themselves , where they enjoy the exercise of their false religion with all manner of freedom . they hold the transmigration of souls , which will not suffer 'em to feed upon any thing that has life , whether fish , flesh , or foul ; and they have such a respect for cows , that if they know of any one that is to be kill'd for supply of the market , they will purchase it at a dear rate , and redeem it from the slaughter-house . every family breeds-up one with the same indulgence as they do their children ; no creature can be more industriously comb'd , more carefully fed , more cleanly lodg'd , nor better look'd after when they are sick . another piece of superstition they have , never to eat but in private ; and before they touch the victuals that is set before 'em , they throw some small part of it separately into the fire , the air , the water , and upon the earth , as an acknowledgment of some divinity conceal'd in every one of those elements . whatever the reason of it is , we could never get from 'em the least knowledge of any of their mysteries . we have endeavour'd several times to engage a brackman that travell'd with us out of persia into tartary , but he put us off still till we came to astrakan , where he told us he should find his books ; without the help of which , he ingeniously confess'd , he could not answer us . these are the most considerable nations which conveniency of trade has brought to settle themselves in astrakan , the first city of tartary , where we arriv'd the 20th of iune , two months after our departure from irivan . we lodg'd in the forreigner's caravan-sera , where we met with some or other of all nations in the world , among whom we learnt that some of 'em had made several journeys to pekin . 't was no small comfort to us to see that without going any further , we might be thoroughly instructed in what till then , notwithstanding all our diligence , we could only gain a confus'd and obscure glimmering . this man was a merchant of bokara , who having travel'd four times from one city to the other , was able to afford us a more certain light. he told us then , that the road of the yousbecs to china was neither so difficult , nor so tedious as most people believ'd ; that there were indeed some deserts to pass , but that people suffer no more there then they do in persia or turky ; where notwithstanding the great number of towns and villages upon the road , the caravans never mind the habitations they meet withal , provided their store of provisions holds out . that the same care was taken for the security of that journey , as was taken in other countrys of the east where he had been , that the caravans should be always numerous and well guarded , and that there were to be found as many refreshments by the way , as in other places . that we should meet in several places with the hordes , another sort of tartars , who were so far from doing any injury to travellers , that they took delight to relieve and furnish 'em with provisions . lastly , that money not being in use among those wandring people , there was less danger of being robb'd then in the territories of the grand signior , where the arabians were no hindrance , in regard that men would venture to trade , notwithstanding their fears of being rifl'd by those vagabonds . as for the distance ( added he farther ) i cannot exactly tell ye how far it is between bokara and pekin , nor the number of towns or villages through which people usually pass ; i can only assure ye , that we got in two months to the borders of china ; whether you take the south-east road through the cities of samarkand , kaboal , kachemir , and barantola , or go directly east , through the middle of the moguls , who though idolaters , are subject to the king of the yousbec's that are mahometans . the first city of china , which you meet with in taking the first road , is call'd soczi , where is the best rubarb in the world . from soczi you must travel , a month before you can reach pekin , but if you take the second road , the first city you meet with in china is call'd kokutan , built by the chineses on this side the great wall , and strongly fortifi'd to stop the incursions of the calmuc's ; and thence you have but fifteen days journey to pekin . but to whichsoever of these two cities you happen to come , you will be oblig'd to stay some time to manage your business with the governor , so as to be permitted to pass any farther , or otherwise you will hardly get leave to enter the kingdom . but since the emperor of china has set open his sea-ports , there is not so much difficulty to get admittance . but they who are desirous to take more secure measures , apply themselves to some taiso , or prince of those tartars that lie in the road , and request him to send an embassador to pekin , under some pretence or other ; which he presently will do upon the allurement of some little present : and under the protection of this deputy it is , that the merchants , who pretend to be all of his train , enter freely into china , and trade with all the security imaginable . this was that , which we learnt from this same tartar , upon whose relation we had the more reason to rely , because it perfectly agreed with all the relations which were afterwards communicated to us both at astrakan and mosco . a certain monk of good repute among the muscovites , with whom we got acquainted at astrakan , some days after our arrival , uvderstanding our design to travel into tartary , shew'd us a very curious journal written by three merchants , who had travell'd from astrakan to pekin , keeping the road from bocara to samarkand ; in all which journey they had not spent above a hundred and eleven days ; and the cities there mention'd were exactly the same which i have already nam'd . so that if we give but never so little credit to the sentiments of all persons that i have consulted , and who could get no advantage by cheating me , we must of necessity acknowledge that we have been a long time in an error , as to the certain distance from hence to china . and this is that , of which the jesuits have warn'd us within this little while to have a care of . one among the rest , a learned person , and well vers'd in astronomical observations , perceiving by the favour of iupiter's satellites , that all the ancient geographers plac'd china more to the east by about six hundred leagues then really it is ; in regard , that counting the first meridian from the island of fez , they have plac'd pekin in the hundred and sixty fifth degree of longitude , whereas it ought to be only in the hunder'd thirty second . according to this calculation which is somewhat corrected in the great planispheare●n ●n the observatory of france , it is easy to de●ermine within a few leagues at least , the real distance between bocara , which is now the capital city of the yousbec's ; and pekin , which is the metropolis of china . for supposing , as it is certain , that the first of these two cities lie in the fourscore and twelfth degree of longitude , and the other in the hundred thirty second , and that both the one and the other lying very near the forti'th degree of northern latitude , as the most exact geographers agree , we must first of all conclude , that the difference of longitude between the one and the other is no more than forty degrees . secondly , that to go to both the one and the other , you travel almost all along in the same parallel . now in regard that every degree of the equator of the earth consists of twenty leagues , and every league of three thousand geometrical paces ; it follows , that every degree of the forti'th parallel , containing no more then fifteen leagues , and nine hundred fifty nine geometrical , the distance from bocara to pekin in a strait line could be no more then about six hunder'd and thirteen leagues , and to kokutan the first city of the chineses , four hunder'd sixty three only , this being so , as it is easy for every one to be convinc'd of it , there is no question but that the way by land to china is much more safe and short then to go by sea , let the wind serve never so fair . i must confess that things speculatively consider'd , appear always more easy then they prove to be in practice , because we cannot certainly foresee all the accidents we may meet with in long journeys ; nor do i pretend to warrant the person that undertakes 'em from all events . but as i have travell'd long enough in the east to know what success a man may have ; i dare assure him after a long experience , that it appear'd to me more easie in the practical part then it appears perhaps to others in the speculative . for not to speak of those , who have formerly attempted very near the same thing with success , as paul the venetian , benedict goez the jesuit , and some others , who happily arriv'd in china , by a way that was but very little known at that time , and then to come to a display that makes our way more plain , by that little knowledge we have of the eastern countries , which are the nearest to us , there is no dispute of the easiness to go from france to bocara , or samarkand ; from whence it is apparent by what i have said , that there remains no more then a fourth part of the way to each pekin . the voyage from marselles to constantinople is usually made in a month ; from constantinople to teflis , and by the black-sea , is but eight or ten days sail at most ; from thence to erzerum is but seven or eight more ; from erzerum to irivan the most heavy laden and encumber'd caravans get to their journeys end in twelve or thirteen : from thence to tauris , the ancient ecbatana of the medes , much about the same time . from this city , which is the second of persia for spaciousness and beauty , and which is the resort and thorough fair for all nations that traffick almost over all the east , there are two different ways to reach the you●becs . the first , which is the shortest , leads to the province of kilan , so well known to all the world for the beautiful silks which are there wrought ; and this journey is perform'd in three weeks ; and being arriv'd there , you may embark upon the caspian-sea , the southern part of which is call'd the sea of kilan ; from whence you may in a strait line to b●kara , enter the river oxus , which washes the walls of it . the second road lies through ispahan , the capital of all persia , and which , though it be the longest , is however the most commodious , and the most advantagious to pass securely to the prince of the yousbec's court. for in regard 't is a usual thing for that same tartar prince to send ambassadors to ispahan , and for the king of persia to send as frequently his envoy to bokara , to accommodate the differences that arise between those two princes , by reason of the vicinity of their territories , 't is an easy thing to slip into the trains of those publique ministers , when they return , or are sent to bokara , which is not above a month and a half 's journey from ispahan . if there be any difficulty in the remainder of the journey , of which the distance between the places deprives us of , 't is to be believ'd that the providence of god , upon which all missionaries ought solely to depend , will be no less favourable to them then to others , who perhaps had not those elevated motives which are usually the encouragements of missionaries . moreover , though , there were as many dangers to run through , as christopher columbus had formerly to undergo upon the score of private gain , or vain honour ; why should a minister of the gospel fear to expose himself for the glory of a god , who repays with interest the services that are done him ? i owe this justice to the deceas'd f. barnaby my companion , that never man perhaps was more sensible of this noble motive then he was ; for this reason it was , that when we understood after so authentick a manner , that there was an open passage from astrakan to china , we had no other thoughts between us , bt of joining with a numerous caravan of muscovites that was then preparing to set forward for samarkand . but the noise of the war between the calmoucs and the yousbecs being spread abroad , when every body wasproviding so zealously for this journey , which is usually perform'd in forty days , we found our selves to our great sorrow disappointed just at the very instant that our hopes were elevated with the flattering probabilities of speedy success . but as disconsolate as we were , we resum'd fresh courage some few days after , upon certain assurances of our friends , who had receiv'd advice from mascow , that a numerous caravan of chinese merchants was lately arriv'd there , that would be ready to return again into their own country by the end of winter . this news being confirm'd to us by several persons , we thought it our surest course , without losing time , to take a journey to moscow , in pursuance of our first designs . to which purpose , wanting nothing but a pass from the governor , we apply'd our selves to the armenians that came along with us out of persia , to sollicit him in our behalf ; in regard the vayvode was bound to have a respect for 'em , well knowing the interest of the court , which was to caress the armenians , as being the most proper nation in the world to bring a flouirshing trade into the country . they on the other side overjoy'd with this opportunity to oblige us , and to bear us company to moscow , where they thought we might do 'em some service by means of the jesuits who have been settl'd there near upon two years , spoke in our favour to the governor ; and the more to induce him to be speedy in his kindness , told him a thousand things to our advantage , and more particularly extoll'd us for our skill in physick , believing that if we could get into the vayvod's favour , by that means we might obtain whatever we desir'd . the governor , who was extreamly careful of his health , thus prepossess'd of the abilities of my companion , of whom the armenians had reported what strange effects of his skill several bacha's in turky , and persian lords had experienc'd , conceited himself presently that he was sick , and to find a remedy for his distemper , sent one of his officers to desire us that we would give him a visit. now a message of this nature was the least thing that we dream'd of , and it put us into much the greater fear , because we had been inform'd before we left persia , that such sort of enterviews might prove very dangerous to us , for the reason which i am going to tell ye . among the great number of passengers which we met in the road of wirzova , before we took shipping for astrakan , there was one , of whom it will not be expedient to say any more at present , then that he was of a temper somewhat different from ours , as being born without doubt in a climate much colder then that of france . this person , with whom we were oblig'd in point of decency and good manners to contract a friendship , would fain have had us comply with his manner of living , and drink strong-water as freely as he did . but in regard we must have put the same violence upon our selves to have brought our bodies to it , as it would have cost to get rid of a bad custom again , we thought we might dispence with his example which would have led us too far out of the way , since we did nothing to oblige him to be conformable to ours . nevertheless , because he foresaw the ill consequences of our resolution , which would oblige him to an uneasy abstinence , more then he was willing to submit to , especially when he came among the christians , he thought to have got his ends of us , by laying before us the danger to which we expos'd our selves , if we comply'd no more with the muscovites , then we had been complaisant to him . 't is a custom , said he , generally establish'd in the country whither you are going , to present brandy and several other stronger liquors to all those that pay 'em visits , and they are such jealous observers of your receiving these marks of their friendship , that the refusal of 'em would be look'd upon as a most bloody affront , which they never fail to revenge with some fatal mischief . true it is , added he , that these sort of civilities have a tincture of barbarism : but what will you do with a people who believe themselves despis'd and scorn'd , when they see you upon the reserve , and moreover admire so highly their intemperance as one of the cardinal vertues , that there is nothing more common in their mouths then this ridiculous proverb , ne pian , ne sophi , he that will not drink , can never be wise . now tho these maxims with which this zealous traveller would have prepossess'd us , are commonly enough receiv'd over all muscovy , it must be acknowledg'd however that they are not so universally authoriz'd , but that there are some persons to be met with of good understanding , who are so far from approving , that they openly cry down these bad customs . but because we were at that time but little vers'd in the manners of the muscovites , this horrid portraiture that was given us of 'em made us believe , that being all barbarians alike , we should have much ado to escape their hands , if to avoid doing any thing unbeseeming our character , we should stick to the resolution we had taken . with this resolution we follow'd the officer , not doubting in a short time but to be the martyrs of intemperance . in short , we were no sooner enter'd into a chamber where we were expected with impatience , but the vayvode after the first compliments were over , caus'd a pompous train of fantastic liquors to be brought forth and set before us , attended with an equipage of silver flagons , and some small enamell'd glasses . at the sight of these formidable things my companion and i began to tremble , and our fears redoubl'd , when we saw the governor take up a glass and begin the ceremony . while he was thus eagerly striving to caressus , and putting us upon those things which it was not the custom to refuse any body , we had the good luck to put a stop to his endearments , by the same means which we had fortunately made use of in the east , to hinder the infamous debaucheries of the turks and persians . for in regard we had had a true portraiture of the vavode giv'n us , we laid before him , as one that was strangely intoxicated about his health , that there was nothing so venomous and destructive to nature as those burning liquors which he swill'd up with so little moderation : that it was easy to perceive by his dry and scorch'd countenance , that his excessive drinking had much enfcebl'd the noble parts of his body ; that the continuance of such a course of life would kindle in his bowels a fire so violent , that all the physick in the world would not be able to quench . there needed no more to disarm the governor , and deliver our selves from the martyrdom with which our zealous monitor had threatn'd us . in the mean time our imaginary sick vayvode , who was extreamly pleas'd with our reasons , was no less desirous to make tryal of our remedies . to content him therefore , it behov'd us to give him something , which when he had taken , he began to conceit himself so well , that he perswaded himself , unfortunately for us , that if he could but keep us within call , he should become insallibly immortal . out of this opinion it was , that he put us off with trivial excuses , and delay'd the giving us our letters of safe conduct for near two months together ; nor was there any thing but fear that was able to wrest it out of out hands . however he heap'd civilities upon us every day ; he would have us continually with him ; and to recompence us for the loss of our time , which we would much rather have been spending in the conversion of infidels , he took delight in discoursing with us upon matters of religion , and sought with some kind of eagerness to inform himself in the controversies between the latins and the greeks . but notwithstanding all his artifices , we clearly saw that his main drift was to amuze us , and that he had no other end in showing us so much kindness , then to make us less sensible of the burthen of our captivity . we press'd him therefore several times to grant us what in justice he could not refuse us ; and aftrr we had enhaunc'd , as much as we could in modesty , the good offices which we had done both him and his family , we desird of him no other recompence then the liberty to continue our journey . but our solicitations and intreaties prov'd all in vain . he continu'd in his obstinacy not to let us stir , still colouring his refusil with i know not what pretences . we thought to mollifie him , and vanquish his obduracy by the intercession of friends that we had made during our stay at astrakan ; but all their endeavours prov'd fruitless , for they could obtain nothing of favour in our behalf . so that when we were convinc'd of his mischievous intentions , which nevertheless proceeded only from a love of himself , we resolv'd to spare him no longer ; and therefore finding him besides to be a person truly timorous and pusillanimous , the character always of those that idolize ' emselves , we took the freedom to reproach him with the ingratitude and severity wherewith he repaid our services . i know not whether this way of our proceeding affected him , or no ; but certain it is , that he sent us the pass , for which we had been so long long , and so importunately soliciting . upon the receipt of our pass , we agreed with a merchant , who was going by water to moskow , who promis'd us two convenient places in his hoy at a reasonable rate . but the same day , that we had sent our luggage aboard , and were embark'd our selves ; one of the governor's officers brought us an order to come ashoar again , with an express prohibition on to all the vessels in the harbour not to receive us aboard upon pain of his indignation . this put us into a strange consternation ; however there was no remedy but obedience , and return we must to our old post , till heav'n should be pleas'd to take our cause in hand . well , during the time , that we were thus compell'd to stay a second time at astracan , the objects of our sight , and whatever struck our ears , was all doleful and afflicting . for not to speak of the dreadful tempests , which more then once we thought would have utterly overturn'd the whole city , or at least have stifl'd the inhabitants , with a dismal mist of thick and scorching dust , which driven on by a violent wind , had envelopp'd all the city ; the frightful reports of mortality and pestilence alarum'd us every day ; and a terrible bleeding at the nose had like to have depriv'd me of my companion : no hopes of recovering our liberty by the means of the polish ambassodor's returning out of persia , whom the governor detain'd in a desart island under pretence of putting a stop to the contagion . all these misfortunes abated our courage , and cast us down in such a manner , that life it self began to be a burthen to us . but god , who suffer'd us to fall into this abyss , recover'd us out of it by a means the more extraordinary , by how much it seem'd altogether opposite to our designs . they who have the least knowledge of the religion of the greek church which the muscovites profess , well enough understand , that the priests and monks , who are the chief support of it , are utter enemies of the church of rome , and of all that are united to it . nay the excess of their hatred is such , that if any person happens to become a convert to their faith , that was a catholick before , their doctors baptize him a second time , before they admit him into their communion , out of an opinion that that same second baptism defaces the character of catholick which was ●●printed in his soul. however , notwithstanding this mortal aversion , we found two powerful protectors , who made it a point of honour to obtain of the vayvode that liberty which he had ravish'd from us . the first was the archbishop , or metropolitan , as he is call'd of the city where we were detain'd . we had paid him frequent visits , and he had always receiv'd us with great demonstrations of friendship and esteem ; and when he officiated in publick , always invited us to the ceremony . the second was the superiour of the principal monastery of the monks of st. basil in astracan ; to whom we had been in some measure serviceable , among other things , in expelling a worm out of his body of an ell and a half long , by means of the emetick powder . to these two persons in the midst of our extremity , not knowing what courses to take , we unburthen'd our hearts , not withour some tears which the excess of our grief drew from us . and that language , which much better express'd the sorrow of our souls , then ill-pronounc'd sclavonian , wrought all the full effect we could desire in the minds of our two mediators . for away they went forthwith to the governour ; and so strenuously ▪ laid before him the injustice of his proceedings , of which they also threaten'd to inform the court , that he who was afraid of hampering himself in court-molestation , not only recall'd his prohibitions , but gave positive orders to the masters of the vessels to receive us when and where we pleas'd our selves . having paid our acknowledgment to our benefactors , we were altogether for leaving a city that had caus'd us so much trouble ; and meeting luckily with a close bark , ready to depart for saratof , we hir'd a couple of places in it , and the ninth of octob. was fix'd for the day of our departure . but before i go on with the relation of our voyage , i cannot forbear to give an account of a tragical accident that happen'd before our eyes in the caravansera where we lay , and where certain foreign banians had hir'd apartments . one of 'em , who had formerly had a quarrel in india with one of his countrey-men , who travell'd out of persia into tartary with us , invited him to dinner , and entertain'd him very handsomely , together with some others of his friends . dinner being ended , they sell to a game at chess , which is a game very common in the east , and no less in fashion in muscovy . while the gamesters were intent upon their play , the person whom we spoke of , having laid up in his breast a secret animosity against the new comer , who sate next him , and who thought there had been a perfect reconciliation between 'em , drew his dagger unperceiv'd ; and after he had stabb'd it five or six times into his body , never left him till he saw his bowels drop out of the deep wounds he had made . all that were present , equally surpriz'd and consternated at such a strange peice of savage treachery , rose from the table hastily to seize upon him ; but the malefactor , no way discompos'd , fixing upon the most daring that attempted to lay hands upon him , stabb'd him three times with his dagger into the reines , and laid him sprawling upon the floor with the first that was slain . the rest mistrusting their inability to guard ' emselves from the same misfortune , fled out of the chamber , and cry'd out murther . upon which the whole quarter was in an uproar , understanding from those persons that were all in dismay , the massacre that had been committed . the rest of the city also being inform'd of it , throng'd together over-against the apartment where the murtherer stood his ground . they endeavour'd also to get up to him , surround , and apprehend him ; but he , in a furious posture with his dagger in his hand , so scar'd the officers of justice , that there was not one among 'em that durst adventure ▪ to lay hold of him . however , they found a way to force a window , through which some soldiers enter'd into the chamber where the poor wounded creatures lay , ready to expire for want assistance . upon which , the undaunted indian , understanding by the noise which they made in barrocading up the doors which they had seiz'd , that there was no way for him to escape ; advanc'd to the threshold of the door that open'd into his apartment , and putting himself into a posture to hold out the siege as long as he could ; understood by the reproaches of his own friends , that he had not been so lucky in his revenge as he thought , since there was some hopes of life in the two victims of his resentment . thereupon more mad that he fail'd in his attempt , then anxious for the rigorous punishment that attended him , he did that , which i should hardly have believ'd , had i not been a witness of it my self . no sooner did he hear that death had so long spar'd the persons , whom he thought his bloody hands had assuredly secur'd ; but all in transport and foaming with rage , he laid bare his breast before all the multitude , and clapping to it the point of the reaking dagger , since i have had such ill success , cry'd he , as loud as he could baul , in revenging the affront which i have formerly receiv'd , and lost the fairest opportunity of doing it , that ever i could hope for ; 't is but just , that i should punish my self without being beholding to the condemnations of justice . then thrusting the dagger into the lower part of his belly , behold , said he , the course i ought to have taken , to have render'd my enemy hopeless of surviving me . yet , notwithstanding this desperate blow was such as in all probability should in an instant have depriv'd him both of strength and life ; yet had it not that speedy effect , but he liv'd above two hours after . and that which appear'd more extraordinary , as well to me , as to many other standers-by , was this , that we could observe no more then some few drops of blood distil form a wide gaping wound , from whence one would have thought whole rivers should have spouted . fain would we have tri'd whether we could have prevail'd with him to take the advantage of the delay'd minutes of his gasping life , and all ways were us'd to force him to surrender his arms ; and some of the soldiers presented their muskets to his breast , threatning to fire if he did not yield ; to whom , with an untamable fury . think ye , said he , poor spirited fellows , that i , who have had the courage to affront death , as i have done , can be afraid of your weapons ! shoot if you dare . — behold me provided to receive your deadly strokes . i have already prepar'd a free admission for your musket bullets , and this is my comfort , that i know , they will but only finish the work which i have begun my self . this daring language astonish'd the governour 's officers to that degree , that without making any further trials , they resolv'd to stay till that same fire of a raging passion , which still supported the furious mad-man in his anguish , was a little abated ; nor was it long before they saw the effect of a calmer temper , that in a short time settl'd the storms of his heart , which so many violent agitations had been turmoiling for some hours together . he perceiv'd his strength decay by degrees , and finding himself as it were quite exhausted , his reason return'd to him in a very little time . and then it was , that being perfectly come to himself , he desir'd a coach , that he might be carry'd to the governour , to answer for the double murder which he had committed . the coach being brought , he went into it , after he had thrown away his dagger , which with a languishing voice he reproach'd for the ill service it had done his master . presently we clos'd with him , in hopes to have infus'd into him thoughts of piety , and to have made him sensible of the goodness of god , from whom it was not too late to hope for mercy , even at the last minutes of a departing life . but how rare a thing is it , for a man that ha●s neglected his salvation when he was in vigorous health , to become sensible of it in his extremity ! for we could work no good upon this unfortunate wretch , whom grief and waste of vital spirits soon after quite disabl'd from making any sericus reflections upon his desperate condion ; so that we saw him to our unexpressible sorrow , expire , within a moment after had left the inn. about a day or two after this dismal accident , we embark'd upon the volga for mosk●w , where we thought by joyning the chinese caravan , to have made amends for all the troubles we had undergone during the four months that we were constrain'd to stay at astrakan . the beginning of our voyage was successful anough ; and if the wind , as it was at east , had continu'd favourable to us , we had avoided many hardships that overwhelm'd us in the progress of our journey . but the wind failing us a little above ischornio , which is the first town you come at , after sixty leagues sailing-up the river from astrakan , we were constrain'd to put the seamen ashore to tow the vessel , in regard we were depriv'd of the use of our sails . now , in regard i had all along resolv'd with my self not to say any thing in these sheets , which might be found in authors who have already given a clear description of the countries where i travell'd after 'em , i shall pass over in silence whatever i might have observ'd concerning the course of the volga , of which olearius has made so ample and so faithful a relation in the journal of his voyages and travels , and to him refer the more curious that desire to be instructed more fully of the particulars of this famous river . after we had pass'd the little city above-mention'd , we began to feel in good earnest the approach of winter , and the difference of the climate , of which the artick pole , toward which we were insensibly advancing , made us sensible in spite of our teeth . and in regard we had not so well fortifi'd our selves , as we ought to have done before our departure from astrakan against the cold , of which we thought we should have had no occasion to be afraid ; that bitter extremity which we endur'd upon the deck of the vessel , where we were oblig'd to remain day and night , benumm'd my companion and my self to that degree , that we thought we should have been frozen to death . for my own part , my feet were become so stiff and immoveable , that i had no use of 'em for three weeks together ; and besides , i fell into an ague at the same time , which reduc'd me to that condition , that i thought verliy i must have laid my bones in the volga . all this while our vessel slowly advanc'd , and we approach'd still nearer and nearer our wish'd-for haven ; but we found our selves retarded by so many unlucky accidents that fell out , one upon the neck of another , that we soon found there was nothing else for us to rely upon , but only divine providence , which alone was able to stop the course of our miseries . the most dreadful of all was that which be●el us about four or five days sail from czaritsa , which is the second city , next to astrakan , which the muscovites have upon the volga . the cook-room , which was in the middle of the vessel , taking fire , caus'd such a furious conflagration , before there was any possibility of mastering the flame , that notwithstanding all the care and diligence that was us'd in such a threatning extremity , there was no means that could avail to quench it . notwithstanding we were surrounded with water , and that the seamen us'd all their utmost efforts , the fire gain'd strength , and fasten'd so obstinately upon the unctuous materials that fed the fury of it , that every body began to think it high time to shift for themselves , and had the good luck by the favour of the long-boat that attended the vessel to gain the shore with their persons , while the bark and goods became a prey to the matter that had a long time fed the flames . but this danger being thus over , was but the beginning of another , greater then that we had escap'd . for it is usual for several hordes of tartars different from those that w●nter about astrakan , to infest the banks of the volga , at the same season of the year that we were driven to these extremities ; besides , that it was to be fear'd , lest the flame of the burning vessel , which might be descry'd a great way off , had given 'em notice of the misfortune which had befall'n us ; a sufficient invitation for them , either to come and rob us , or carry us away for slaves , which we had most reason to be afraid of . the only way we had , was to lye close among the thickets and under-woods that lay round about us , till some of the seamen that were sent to czaritsa in the long-boat , could bring us provisions to supply the want of what we had lost , and get us such other succour as we stood in need of . but notwithstanding the extraordinary extremities we endur'd , we soon found that the protection of providence is above all things . for after we had lain for some time hid in these wild deserts , only fit for the lurking holes of savage-beasts , we perceiv'd at a distance a vessel that was sailing up the volga . we were in hopes that god had sent it on purpose to make us amends for that which the fire had depriv'd us of . presently my companion , for i was hardly able to stir , together with some of the seamen that staid with us , ran to the side of the river , to haile the vessel that was making up the river ; upon which the commander sent away his skift immediately to know what was the matter ; and luckily for us , we understood , that he belong'd to a muscovite collonel , with whom we were acquainted at astrakan , and whom we had recover'd from a dangerous sickness which had constrain'd him to call us to his assistance . immediately father barnaby went to wait upon him , and after he had given him a brief account of the misfortunes that had befall'n us , readily obtain'd two places for us in his vessel , which we were in hopes would carry us to saratof , with better success then the vessel we had lost . with great delight we enjoy'd the fruit of this lucky accident , and we tasted with so much the more pleasure , the comforts of our good fortune , tho the cold weather augmented every day , by reason that the dangers we had so lately escap'd were still hovering before our eyes , when a tempest , more terrible then the former , despoil'd us of 'em of a sudden . hardly had we sail'd two days together , when a north wind , no less sharpe and cutting , then violent and boistrous arose , and in a little time stop'd the course of the volga , by freezing up the river , which staid us above forty leagues off from the place whither we were bound , and expos'd us to the same perils which we had so lately escap'd . this new trial of our patience , wherein it pleas'd god to engage us , was incomparably more severe then the former . for the season could not be more inconvenient , nor the cold be more intollerable ; besides , that we were environ'd on every side by several hordes of tartars , and distant above five or six days journey from any city . our provisions were consum'd by the fire , and my ague that held me every day 18 hours , had reduc'd me to a very low condition of body for want of good looking after ; we had no horses to continue out journey by land , nor was i able to travel a foot . under the burthen of these extremities , after we had betaken our selves to heaven for directions what course to take in these conjunctures equally dangerous , and full of trouble and perplexity ; father barnaby , who had a courage proof against the greatest difficulties , resolv'd to go with some servants that were sent to saratof , to hire as many sleds as were necessary , and to leave me with the collonel , and the seamen that were to defend the collonel against the assaults of the tartars . he took along with him a little bread bak'd in the sun , and after he had travell'd six whole days together thorough ways no less difficult then full of danger , he got quite tir'd and spent to the city whither we were bound . but notwithstanding all his care and diligence to procure us carriage , it was above twenty days after the departure of our express , before they arriv'd to our relief . for the ice not being yet hard and thick enough to bear the sleds , there was no body that durst venture to set forward , tho you offer'd 'em never so much money ; so that we were at length reduc'd to want of bread , notwithstanding we had been very thrifty of it ; so that at length we were forc'd to live upon a little bran , and wild apples , that the men went and gather'd in the forests adjoyning . tho this excess of misery , together with my distemper , was enough to have overwhelm'd me ; the providence of god , who when he pleases , makes use of mire and dirt to restore the blind to their sight , made use of it then to restore me to my health . and at length , after we had a long time waited in expectation of the convoy , it came when we least dreamt of it , and god knows how delicious a dainty the bread , that was forthwith distributed among us , was to persons that had not seen a mouthful in so many days . so that after we had taken a little time to gather strength , we prepar'd to set forward in the sleds that were provided for us . hardly had we travell'd six leagues upon the volga , which was frozen over , tho very uneven , by reason of the clods of ice that lay harden'd one above another , but we were surpriz'd by a troop of tartars , whom the hopes of booty had drawn to that place . they were about sixty in number , mounted some upon horses , others upon dromedaries . presently they invested our caravan ; but when they observ'd the fire-arms , with which our convoy had tak'n care to furnish themselves , they thought it not convenient to attack us , but hooping and hollowing as they drew off , they left us to continue our journey without giving us any further trouble . this was the only troublesom accident we met with in all the five last days of our journey ; so much the longer by ●eason of the inequality of the ice , which very much weary'd our horses , as also for that many times the ice broke under ' em . but because the muscovites , who are accustom'd to such accidents , knew how to remedy those inconveniences ; we arriv'd safe at saratof , without any loss by the way . now , in regard my companion had wrote me word how kindly the superintendant of the chief monastery of the monks of st. basil in that city , had entertain'd him , and the earnestness which that good muscovite had shew'd to send me all manner of refreshments , i went immediately to find him out , as being the place of meeting appointed me in his letter . we staid eight whole days with this charitable basilian to refresh our selves , who besides that he let us have the most commodious apartment in his monastery , procur'd us also all other conveniences that he could think of . nor did he limit his cares to the time that he detain'd us with him ; he extended his civilities also to facilitate our passage to moscow , and to seek out for us sure and faithful guides to conduct us full out three hundred leagues that remain'd for us still to travel before we could arrive at that great city . now , in regard he was greatly esteem'd at saratof , he found us out two guides , such as we could never have found out our selves ; he agreed with e'm upon the price of our carriages , and would needs himself bear one half the charges . and at length , after he had recommended us to their care , with as much earnestness as if we had been his own children , he took his leave of us , and we on the other side were forc'd to take our leaves of him , not a little sorrowful , that it was not in our power to shew him those marks of our just acknowledgment which it became us . the departure of the caravan , with which we had joyn'd our selves , being fix'd upon the 10th of december ; we set out of saratof all together in sleds , which the snow , already thick and consolidated by the cold of the weather , had render'd smooth and slippery ; so that of all the carriages that are made use of in europe , there are none that i know of to be compar'd with this of sleds , for swi●tness and convenience . this machine , which is altogether in use over all the northern parts , consists of two spars of timber , which are as it were the basis of it , and are very carefully plain'd under neath . these are joyn'd with several pieces of wood laid athwart , and surrounded on every side with the bark of a tree of a sufficient thickness , and just height to prevent the snow from coming in . the bottom , which ought to be more solid , is plank'd very handsomely , and usually spread with a mat , or a bears skin , to keep out the wet ; and within this sled you may either sit or lye down , as you please your self . the muscovites usually put their beds in 'em , and lye in 'em almost all unready . when you have made choice of your posture , you are presently cover'd with a large carpet made on purpose , or with a furr'd coverlet which you raise up , or else wrap your self over head and ears in , as you have a desire either to view the country , and compose your self to sleep . this sort of cradle , which is about the bigness of a man to lye conveniently along , is drawn by a horse shod with iron and frost-nail'd , the driver holding the reins in his hand , sitting at the feet of the person that rides in the sled . now , in regard this sort of machine glides without distinction over the lakes , mershes , and rivers , that lie in the way ; a horse is so little tir'd with drawing , that after fifteen or twenty leagues , that they usually travel every day , he shall be as fresh at h●s journeys end , as when he comes out of the stable in the morning . in such a sled as this we travell'd from saratof to moscow : the first three days we spent in passing through a desart above forty leagues in length ; where we met with neither tree , nor house , nor cottage : so that we were forc'd to carry along with us our wood , our water , and our forage , which was a little burdensome to our horses . but this trouble was over , so soon as we had gain'd pinzer , a little village some few leagues from this wild and uncultivated plain . the rest of our journey was pleasant and commodious enough ; the beauty of the weather not a little contributing to render it delightful . for in regard the winter days are extremely serene and clear in muscovy , and for that the ways beside are as smooth as a looking-glass , all the merchants make choice of this season to drive their trade , and by that means avoid the vast expences they would be oherwise forc'd to be at in transporting their goods from place to place . the company that compos'd our caravan , was in truth of very great advantage for the security of our journey , because the roads are very much infested with robbers , that make no more of killing a traveller , then of rifling him ; but it was the occasion that we made frequent stops by the way , where the merchants have business to do ; so that whereas it may be easily travell'd in twenty days , it took us up five whole weeks to pass between saratof and moscow . we took care to get every night to some good town , that we might not be put to lye in the open air , which we never did in all that tedious journey , but when we were engag'd in some of those dismal forests which we could not cross in one day , and then we endur'd very little hardship neither . for in regard the sledds which are rang'd round about a great fire that is presently kindl'd , are no less commodious , and as well clos'd up from the air as most houses you shall go into , you may sleep as warm and as quiet as in a stove , nay more quietly then in a countrey stove , where men and beasts being higgledy piggledy together , greatly hinder a man from taking his rest . in this manner it was that we crost over vast plains , of which i can say nothing more but that they were cover'd over with snow , and that of necessity they must be extremely fertile , considering the infinite number of towns and villages which i observ'd in those parts . 't is true , that they were not always so well peopl'd as now they are ; but since the last wars which the muscovites had with the polanders , they took from 'em such an infinite number of people , that they had enow to plant several collonies , to whom they gave both liberty and incouragement to till the barren lands between moscow and the volga , which are now the best in all the czar's empire . besides these people , whose original we could easily distinguish by the difference which we observ'd between the natural moscovites and them ; we found several towns and villiages inhabited by tartars and idolaters . the tartars possess cassimof , which is a considerable town through which we past , and where there are some mosquees , wherein they exercise their religion with as much freedom as in their own country ; and the idolaters live no less quiet in the midst of that darkness wherein they are buried ; no body troubling themselves , either to remove 'em from their habitations , or to instruct 'em better . we were very much concern'd one day , that we pass'd through a borough belonging to those infidels call'd mordevates , for the little care the muscovites take , whither priests or monks , of the salvation of those wretched idolaters who are setl'd in great numbers in the very center of muscovy , and whom it would be an easy thing to bring over to the knowledge of the true god. we came thither the evening before the festival of st. nicholas , which the muscovites solemnize ten days after us , with as much zealous observation as either christmas or easter . now in regard all the people of the house which was appointed for us to lodge in , seem'd to us to be in a manner out of their wits , it was easy for us to judge , that the condition they were in , was the effect of the liquor which they had drank a little too much to excess : so that when we saw 'em come to themselves , we could not forbear to rebuke 'em for their intemperance . but they believing they had a priviledge to abandon themselves as they did to that ill custom for which we blam'd 'em , told us , they knew us to be strangers , and therefore did not consider perhaps that they had been keeping the festival of the great protector of muscovy ; to whom they never found that the muscovites pay'd ever any other worship , then that which we seem'd to disapprove , tho it appear'd that we were christians as well as they . how much it were to be wish'd that that blind nation had as much docility to suffer themselves to be convinc'd of the truth of the gospel , as they have a proneness to conform themselves to the corrupt manners of schismaticks ; and how commendable it would be in the latter , if they were as zealous to make known to those infidels the grandeur of the true god , as they are to infuse into 'em , under the pretence of religion , their impious and scandalous maxims . but the muscovites look upon religion to be no other then as a means to shoare up their politique government , as they have always done , and would never permit their politicks to give way to the interests of religion . we flatter'd our selves that we should meet at m●skow with all encouragement and support , and we were so fully perswaded that the christian religion which is there profess●d , would level all the difficulties which had till then oppos'd our designs , that we thought our selves beholding to all the dangers we had undergone , for bringing us among a people by whom we thought we should be soon assisted in the service of that god , whose sacred word we were going to preach to the barbarians . full of these thoughts we came to the capital city of muscovy , the spacious largeness , and extraordinary magnificence of which , when you behold it at a distance , is one of the most beautiful sights that ever i beheld in my life . presently we repair'd to the jesuit's house , which the czar had setl'd about a year or two before , in consideration of the german officers , who possess the chiefest employments in the czar's army , and whom those princes cannot be without , as not having subjects of their own that are capable of military discipline , or to command the soldiers of which they stand in need . the civilities and entertainment full of tenderness and friendship , which we receiv'd from the fathers which cultivated that new mission , were such , that nothing of addition could make 'em more compleat ; and by their cordial reception of us , they gave us sufficiently to understand , that the charity of jesus christ makes no distinction between the parthian and the scythian , but that it embraces with the same affection all those that are united to it in the same mind and spirit . now in regard they had already understood by letters which we had written to 'em , the motives of our intended journey , they gave us notice very prudently , that the first step we were to make in order to the good success of our designs , was to pay our respects to prince gallichin , who was then prime minister of state , and to let him see , according to custom , the passport which the governor of astrakan had given us . how unwilling soever we were to appear in our forreign habit before that great chancellor of the empire , we follow'd their advice however ; and that minister who was a person of great ability and apprehension , instead of taking any exception , seem'd extreamly well pleas'd to see us in that condition . for when he understood the reason that oblig'd us to disguise our selves , and the design we had to travel into china ; he testifi'd a great kindness for us , and assur'd us of all the service that could be expected from him . however , not to excuse us from observing all the formalities from which no stranger , whatever he be , is exempted , unless he bear some publick character , he order'd us forthwith to repair to the chancery , there to pass the usual examination , and punctually to answer the officers of the chamber , whose business it is to take in writing the depositions of all new-comers . therefore as near as it was to night , and as much need as we had of rest , it behov'd us to obey the prime minister's orders . and no sooner were we enter'd the enclosure of the court of justice where our examination was to be taken , but we found our selves surrounded by three or four registers , who after they had caus'd us to sit down after the same manner as if we had been really criminal , tir'd us to that degree with so many ridiculous questions , and so extravagantly from the purpose for four hours together , that we were afraid lest they would have convicted us of some crime , of which however we knew not our selves to be guilty . however it were , after they had fill'd several sides of paper with the answers which they extorted from us , they gave us leave to retire about eleven a clock at night to the father's house , who were more troubl'd for us then we were for our selves ; being assur'd by the testimony of our own consciences , that we had no other design upon muscovy , then to open our selves a way to get as soon as we could into china . which being the only reason of our going to moscow , the next day we went to seek out our chinese merchants , to be instructed by them in the different roads , which led to that great empire ; how long time it would take us up ; of the nature of the people that lay in our way ; and with what safety we might travel over all that vast extent of country ; and in a word , to be inform'd of every thing that would forward or obstruct our designs . but those pretended chineses , which we had much ado to discover in that great city , where there are no less then six or seven hunder'd thousand inhabitants , were of those sort of tartars , that possess the most eastern part of that spacious country , which is call'd kitay , which was always thought till now , to have been a particular kingdom , and whieh borders upon china to the north-west . but in regard the muscovites have made considerable discoveries on that side , and for that they have built several cities for the security of the collonies which they send thither from time to time ; they have also drawn several of those wandring people to the same cities , where after once they came to be fix'd , they began by degrees to have a sense of the benefits and advantages of trade . the merchants that we went to discourse with were of this sort of traders ; and in regard the muscovites call all that country that lies beyond the obi , by the name of kitay , and the people that inhabit it , kitachi ; for that reason most commonly those people are confounded with the kitachi . however the muscovites make a difference between the one and the other , and very well understand how to distinguish kitay from china . when they talk of the former , which to speak properly , is all that country between the obi volga of china ; that is to say , that spacious portion and the earth call'd the great tartary , which is divided into an infinite company of hordes , every one of which has his kan or taiso , they only mean kitay ; but when they would have you to understand that they intend china , they use the same expression which the turks make use of , who call it ichim ma-ichim , and using a repetition as they do , give it the name of kitay-kitay . however it be , the merchants who were to us confirm'd for chineses , though they were only tartars , gave us great insight in to both countries , which had been but so obscurely known till very lately ; and in regard they traffick as well with the chineses as with the muscovites , and for that they had been both at pekin and moscow , both roads were known alike to them . then again all the particulars that they told us were confirm'd by so many other muscovite merchants that had travell'd several times from moscow to pekin , that i never made any question afterwards of the easiness of passing from one city to the other , were but the muscovites a little more tractable and good-natur'd then they are , that to go from france to china , by making choice of the road of arch-angell and tobolsk , which is the general rendevouz of all the merchants that traffick thither , six months at most would suffice for that journey , which is neither so long nor so difficult to be undertaken , as has been thought till now , as it will be easy to convince the reader , by the farther accompt which i shall give in the following book . the end of the second book . an account of several roads into china . book iii. notwithstanding all the great care which the ancient geographers took to make known unto us that vast extent of northern countries that lye between the obi , and the famous chinese wall , we must acknowledge that they have had but very ill success . some have said nothing at all concerning 'em ; and others desirous to speak more then they knew , have given us their conjectures instead of real truths . nor have the moderns been more lucky , in regard that to outdo those that went before 'em , all that they could do was to fill up the vast wide spaces with forests , or several horrible deserts . 't is to the zaporoges cosacks , that is to say , to those cosacks that inhabit beyond the borysthenes , that we are chiefly beholding to the particular knowledge we have of those countries , which were anciently look'd upon as so many dreadful solitudes , into which no mortal could ever enter without exposing himself to inevitable destruction ; yet are now so well known , that people travel there with as much ease as in any other part of europe . these people having been subdu'd by the muscovites , and yet unwilling to submit to the victors , took a resolution to quit their country , which they could not defend . to which purpose they advanc'd in great numbers to the volga , and so went by water to cazan ; from whence it was easie for 'em to advance as far as irtibs ; whence they continu'd their march to the confluence of irtibs and zobol ; where they built a city which is call'd by the name of the last river . afterwards they enlarg'd their dominions , and possess'd themselves of all the countrey that adjoins to the river obi , which is properly call'd siberia , from the word siber , which in the sclavonian language signifies the north. the few commodities which they had for the subsistence of life , and the necessity of vending their sable martins , oblig'd 'em afterwards to accommodate with the musco●●tes , and to surrender themselves under their subjection , tho the mountains and rivers which divide the countrey , secur'd them from all assaults which the muscoveites could make upon ' em . and the muscovites have made a vast advantage of this countrey since they possess'd it , through the care which they frequently take to send their yachutchiki , or hunters of sable martins ; the number of which they augment every day , by banishing into the places where those creatures are caught , not only the malefactors of the state , but also the officers and boyars who have not behav'd themselves well in their employments , or of whom they have any reason to be afraid . now in regard this gainful sort of hunting of these precious creatures has engag'd 'em to advance farther and farther in bopes to discover still more lovely martins ; they have at length found out wherewith to content themselves in an island of the river yamour , of which they made themselves the masters some years since , and where they have also built a fort , which has occasion'd the present war between them and the chineses . now then as to the manner of sable-hunting it is thus perform'd : there is a regiment of soldiers sent into the countrey where these costly creatures are found , which usually stays there seven years . and every week a collonel commands a certain number of hunters , that seek 'em out in the little islands to which they retire . they kill 'em with a kind of cross-bow , for fear of spoiling or endamaging the furr , should they make use of fire arms. now in regard there is an extraordinary diligence to be observed in this sort of hunting , the officers are permitted to let the soldiers be concern'd in it , and to divide with 'em the surplusage which they are bound to kill for the czars profit , which makes those employments very considerable . for a collonel may get four thousands crowns in seven years service , and an under officer proportionably : but a common soldier never gets above six or seven hunder'd crowns , tho he be at all the trouble . besides these sable martins , which are very plentiful over the whole extent of this vast countrey between muscovy and china ; there is also another sort , which are of equal value , and no less beautiful . these are the skins of black foxes , which are no where to be seen but in siberia and kitay : and which 〈◊〉 sought after with as much 〈…〉 ●●gard they come to a sure market , 〈◊〉 ●ear a very great price . i know not whether it be the scarceness , or the colour of the skin , that mak●s it so highly esteem'd ; but when any body comes to buy one , the owner will not let it go but upon condition the purchaser shall fill it with as many crowns as it will hold . though ir is a long while , that this trade has been settl'd in muscovy , 't was none of their faults , that it was not formerly as great as it i● now . for , before the discovery of these sable-martins , they were contented all over the kingdom with common furrs ; and , unless it were the ermin-furr , which only persons of quality made use of , they knew no other sort . but since the discovery of these creatures so much sought after , which fell by chance , rather then cunning , into their hands ; they have made appear such an eager thirst to satisfie their avarice at the expence of those , whom they have found profusely fond of this sort of ornament , that they have made no scruple to engage ' emselves in those forlorn countries , in hopes to find wherewithal to enrich ' emselves . by the means of all these their irregular incursions , it was , that they laid open several new roads , which led 'em insensibly into china . now in regard , that those , who have happen'd to hit upon the way to the borders of the country , have every one taken roads quite different the one from the other ; so they have been able to inform us which are those that are most certainly to be depended on for security and shortness . and here we shall give an account of what the relations which are kept in the chancery of moskow more particularly instruct us . the first road that carries a traveller by land into china , is that through india and the mogul's country ; which the great number of robbers , and the vast deserts that are to be cross'd over , render very dangerous , and almost impracticable . we are beholding to the jesuits for the knowledge of it , whom those dangers have no way discourag'd . the tartars of astrakan and bokara , have sometimes taken this road ; but then they have been very careful to joyn with a numerous caravan . the second is that which the merchants of bocara take , who travel through the cities of samarkan , kaboul , kachemire , and tourafan , and several other cities of the yousbecs , from whence they go to barantola , which the residence of dala●-lama renders the most considerable of all the cities of the greater tartary . but this road is not a little difficult by reason of the sands that are to be cross'd , and because of the calmoues that infest the roads but the muscovites make choice of this way without any scruple : and they have been often known to fall down from tobolsk to bocara through cazan , on purpose to travel this journey with the yousbecks , notwithstanding the easiness of going to china by the river ohi. the third is frequented by the yousbeck tartars , by the trading calmucs , and the muscovites also . from tobolsk , you ride along by the lakes that yield great quantities of salt near irticks and kama ; after which you travel for some time by water upon the first of these two rivers as far as a city call'd sinkamè , where you continue your journey by land through the territories of the kalmouc's and moguls , as far as kokutan , which is not above eight or ten days journey , from the famous wall which separates china from great tartary . neither is this road without some difficulties , as want of water , and molestation of the calmoues , unless well provided to make a stout resistance . however , the taiso ajonka , who is the kan , or chief captain of the horde of tartars , who have no fix'd habitations but live after the manner of the ancient scythians , might , if he pleas'd , secure this way , and make it safe for travellers , which sometimes he will vouchsafe to do for the sake of some little presents . and from kokutan , you may enter into china through many gates of this great wall. the fourth supposes , that you pass through tobolsk and go by water upon the obi , and the szelinga as far as the city of szelingui , from whence you travel by land through the countrey of the monguls . from this last-mention'd city it will require eight weeks time to reach the place where the kan of bechroesaim , and the coutoussta-lama reside . from whom , by the intermediation of some few civilities , you may obtain guides and carriages , and a good convoy to carry you to china . this road the muscovites have held ever since the war between them and the chineses near the river yamour ; and it is the safest and most commodious way of all the rest . only you must make provision of water and wood in some places : and though you may sometimes meet upon the road with robbers , they are neither so cruel nor so numerous as in other parts . the fifth is that which the envoy of muscovy , spartarius made choice of for china ; and then you must pass through siberia to get to the city of nero-zinki upon the river szilk● ; after that you go to d●uri not far from the kiver naiunai , from whence you continue your road to cheria that lies upon the entrance into china . the distance is equal from nerc zinski to dauri , and from dauri to cheria . if you will believe this relation , of which i have thus far given a faithful copy , this road is as safe as it is short ; for that from nerc zinski to the river argus that falls into the yamour , you shall meet all along with the yachutchiki , or martin-hunters : after which you pass through the territories of certain monguls , who are terribly afraid of the muscovites . but it is not probable there is now so much security , as formerly , in passing through those monguls ; for that travellers at this time either take a little higher through albazin , and fetch a compass to get from thence into china , or a little lower , passing from szelingui , through the territories of beckroesaim . the sixth is also through nerczinski and the mongul ; from whence you travel on to the lake dalai ; or you may go from nerczinki to the lake in one week . there you meet with the emperor of china's subjects , who have manur'd all the lands that lye about the lake ; from which you may go in three weeks to china upon wagons drawn with oxen. out of this lake dalai it is , that the river argus , a very fair river , takes its rise . it is navigable all along , and carries you by water to the river yamour , into which it falls . near the river argus are several mines of silver and lead ; and there it is that a considerable tayso whose name is sebdenkan resides , who is bound to find convoys for the musoovites that travel for china three times a year , and to secure the road that they may travel it in so much the shorter time . to all these relations we ought to join one more , which affords us a very ample knowledge of all the people that inhabit the countries joining upon china , which was imparted to us by a person of good reputation , who had it out of the treasury of moskow , and to which so much the more credit may be given , because it agrees exactly with the annals of china which are at the end of confucius's philosophy , printed but a while since by father couplet the jesuit , and which is also conformable to the report of all such travellers who have try'd the greatest part of all those roads of which we have made a description . the first nation is that of the bogdoi , by the chineses call'd the eastern tartars , and whom the monguls call niouchi , or nuchi . their country is of a very large extent , under several tayso's , or kans . there is in bogdoi , a particular province which the muscovites call diutchari , and the monguls diourski . it is seated between the eastern seas , and the great rivers chingala , and yamour . the people that inhabit it , tho tributary to china , were not formerly very well known : for in regard they had no prince of their own , they were not look'd upon as very considerable . nor were they indeed either truly known or fear'd , till they had made an invasion into china , and subdu'd six provinces . at what time they had made themselves absolute masters of that spacious empire , had not the yousbecks come to succour the chineses , or rather expell'd the bogdoi and settl'd themselves in their places . which when they had done , they set upon the throne the family of ivena ; which after it had reign'd till the year 1368. was expell'd by the chineses , who then enthron'd the family of tayminga . that family sway'd the scepter peaceably till 1644 , at what time the same diutchari re-enter'd china , and at length utterly subdu'd it . chunchi , their prince was the first emperor of that nation , and the chief of the family of taitsingua , who reigns at present in china . in all the province of bogdoi , you shall meet with none but houses of earth , as also in the province of dauri ; which people drive a great trade in sables and black fox-skins , as likewise in ginseng roots : but they are not rich in cattel ; their horses are very small ; nor do their owners ever shooe ' em . as for the people themselves , they resemble altogether the krim tartars , both in features of face , as in stature and proportion of body : but they are much more polite and civiliz'd , by reason of the great trade which they drive with the chineses . to speak properly , they are of no religion ; yet you shall see several among 'em that wear crosses , which they call lama's . and indeed they have a great inclination to the christian religion , and there are not a few who are already become catholicks . they have no kindness either for the mahumetans , or the nestorians , because they formerly succor'd the western tartars when they were repell'd by the chineses . however , since that time , the mahumetans have settl'd themselves in china , insomuch that there are a great number of 'em at p●king , where there are seven mosques without the city ; and where they also speak the persian language more commonly then that of turky . as for the language of the bogdoi , 't is very like the ordinary vulgar speech that is spoken in persia ; their characters also very much resemble one another ; but they write and read from the top downward like the chineses , and moreover they have above sixty letters in their alphabet . the rivers of argus , yamour , and chingala , afford great store of rubies and pearles , which the people continually fish for . altho they are not ignorant of guns and powder , yet they are not much in use among 'em , whether their great artillery which is but very leudly cast , are too troublesome to be mov'd from place to place , or whether it be that they find no great effects of 'em , because their powder , the composition of which they understand but by halves , is but of little strength . and it is observ'd , that the tartars , who are become masters of china , begin to degenerate from their ancient valour . next the eastern tartars , lies a vast and spacious country to the west , which is call'd mongul . it begins at the western sourses of the river yamour , and extends it self to the calmouc tartars , westward , confining upon turquestan to the south-east , and upon china to the east , and they are seperated from the culmouc's by wide desarts , which are as good as so many ramparts . they have three princes , whom they call kan's or tuiso's , and who are all three of the same family ; so that they keep a good correspondence together ; civil wars very rarely happen among ' em . on the other side , they frequently send presents one to another , and when any on of 'em is attacqu'd , the rest immediatly arm to his relief . the chiefest of these kans is call'd t●hetchinga , whose territories border upon bogdoi and china . but you see neither town nor villages , only certain houses dispersed here and there , and those very few in number . so that these monguls are continually making incursions round about the lake dalai , or into the lands that lye upon the river szelinga . this kan has several taiso's under him , among whom is the becroesain kan , who borders upon the river beforemention'd . in these territories it is , that the coutousta lama has his residence . this coutousta , who to speak properly , is no more then the vicar of the dalaè-lama , or lama-lamalom , is the patriarch of the monguls , who adore him like a deity , as having an extraordinary veneration for all the lama's . the same mongul's keep a good correspondence with the muscovites , by reason of their neighbourhood to siberia . they are naturally very mild , and addicted to peace ; 't is very rare to see 'em quarrel one with another ; or if any contest arises among 'em , the coutousta , who follows 'em whereever they ramble , appeases the difference either by his own authority , or by such judges as he ordains among 'em whereever they cluster together . they are very wealthy , especially , in cattel , and drive a great trade with the muscovites . for their country is water'd with a great number of rivers , that wonderfully enfertilize their medows and pasturages , and all empty themselves into the szelinga ; and would they but take the pains to manure their lands , they would bear all sorts of fruit. the second kan is call'd octieroikan ; and the third d'ian-gari ; but in regard there is no great commerce driven with these two last , they are nothing near so well known as the former . the monguls have a great antipathy against the bogdoi , because they made themselves masters of china ; but they can do 'em no harm , because they are not acquainted with the use of fire-arms . the calmoucs possess all that vast extent of country that lyes between mongull and the volga as far as astrakan , and they are divided into an infinite number of h●rdes , which have every one their particular kan . the principal of all these kans , is he who is call'd otchiourtican , who pretends to be descended from the famous tamerlain . he is very potent , and therefore forces the muscovites and the yousbecks to pay him a certain tribute , or else he would be continually harrassing their countries . 't is also reported that he is very magnificent , that he goes always clad in white , and never eats but serv'd in gold plate . we saw at moscow a french officer who had been in the tent of this same kan , when he lay at astrakan , at the head of a hundred thousand tartars to demand his tribute , who confirm'd all that has been said concerning his magnificence , only that he never saw him make use of either gold or silver plate . the calmoucs have no cities nor fix'd habitations , but only live in tents made of felts , which are very neat , and very commodious ; nor is there any nation so nimble at camping and decamping in an instant as they , there being no nation so much accustom'd to it , in regard they never stay long in a place , and are always making incursions . they are all idolaters , as well as the mongulls , and all the rest of the nations of great tartary as far as the indians ; and every one of these pagan nations acknowledge for the head of their religion the dalaè-lama , or lamalamalow , except those of bokara and samarkand , who make profession of mahometism . this impostor has his residence in the kingdom of sanshut , which extends from the mongulls , the calmoucs , and turquestan , between china and persia to the indies . the capital of his territories is the city of barantola , where there is a temporal prince also call'd deva ; but the dalaè lives in a fortress call'd beatalaè , that stands very near the same city . 't is not to be imagin'd how he is in a manner worshipp'd over all tartary . they send from all parts to desire his benediction , and when he goes into china , he is receiv'd with more then ordinary honours . the jesuit adam schall us'd all his endeavours to disswade the emperor from going to meet him , or to pay him any respect . but the emperor , as much convinc'd as he was that the dalaè was an impostor , durst not follow the jesuit's counsel , but after he had heap'd upon him all imaginable honours and favours , sent him back loaden with magnificent presents . the tartars are fully perswaded that the dalaè never dies , but that he renews like the moon . to make this out , so soon as the dalaè lyes at the point of death , they that are about him , make diligent search for a lama , the likest to him that possibly they can find , and so soon as the head of their false religion is dead , they set him up in his room , and carefully conceal the deceas'd body , which they affirm to be renew'd in his successor . m. tavernier reports the same thing of the king of thebes ; but there is some probability that he was misinform'd , he not having been upon the place , as the muscovites who make this relation were , and who drive a very considerable trade with the tartars ; from whom they learnt moreover , that this dalaè is never suffer'd to be seen by any body , unless they are willing to pay him all the honours which they give him themselves ; prostrating themselves before him , and adoring him as a god. this relation adds , that the chineses call the tartars totai , because they have not the letter r in their language . nor do i know why we call 'em tartars , seeing that in poland , muscovy , and even in tartary it self , they abridge the name , and call 'em only tatar . it appears by what i have said of the kingdom of tanchut , that the dalaè-lama is without all contradiction that same famous preste-iean , concerning whom historians have written so variously . in a word , since that title , and whatever many authors have said of him , can be attributed to no person more justly then to this dalaè-lama , 't is more natural to acknowledge him in this country of asia , where he has always been , then to seek him out in habyssinia , where he never was . 't is also an understanding observation of f. kirker , who in his polite piece , touching the particulars of china , after he has describ'd the manners and customs of the different people that encompass that wide empire , demonstrates the ingenuity of the portugueses in the search which they have made after this so extraordinary prince , and so well known in the world under the name of preste-iean , of whom they publish'd so many particular things . to clear this part of history which is altogether perplex'd , and at the same time to undeceive those who may have suffer'd themselves to be prepossess'd by all those fabulous tales that have been utter'd abroad as real truths , they are to understand , that while the portugueses were in search of the east-indies , iohn the second sent one of his subjects , by name peter de coulan , to discover 'em by land , and particularly charg'd him to inform himself where that same preste-iohn , so much talk'd of in europe reign'd , yet not knowing in what part of the world his empire lay . the design of iohn the second was to have made an alliance with him , perswaded as he was , and according as he had heard it reported , that he was a potent prince , and profess'd the christian religion . in obedience to his princes orders peter de coulan pass'd into asia , and penetrated a great way into india , where he learnt many things of great importance and curiosity : but notwithstand all his diligence , he could not hear of preste-iohn , nor meet with any body that could tell any tidings of him ; only coming to caire , in his return homeward , he heard , that in ethiopia , beyond egypt , there reign'd a rich and potent prince . who every time he shew'd himself in publick , had a cross carry'd before him , and that he was a declar'd protector of the christians . now in regard these marks agreed with the character that had been given him , to discover the prince he was in search of , there needed no more to perswade that traveller into a belief of what he most of all things in the world desir'd to know . so that he made no farther doubt but that preste-iohn was that same monarch of the abyssins , and he believ'd it so truly , that he wrote his discovery into portugal without any farther examination ▪ nor were they more scrupulous at lisbonne , where the news was receiv'd with a great deal of joy and applause . upon which they who sail'd into africa the following years , prepossess'd with this opinion , contributed not a little to confirm it by their relations ; so that as false as it was , the mistake was soon spread all over europe . now though this same stupid error was refuted by several learned persons , and tho the falshood of it might be easily discover'd by what damian de goez , nicolas godigno and baltazar tellez have written of it , as being perfectly inform'd of every thing that concern'd ethiopia , where they had been long resident , yet i cannot forbear to observe with f. kirker , that the latin chronology of the kings of habyssinia makes no mention of preste-iohn ; and therefore all the authors of any antiquity that have taken occasion to mention him , still place him in asia , tho they cannot agree in what part of the world he reign'd , no more then they can about the original of his name . a modern author imagins preste-iohn to be a corruption of preste-arkan , that is to say , king of the adorers . others with as little reason derive it from the latin , pretiosus iahannes . some would have it to be , that as the name of caesar was common to all the roman emperours , so iohn was no less common to these princes we speak of ; and that they bore that name in honour of the prophet ionas , to which the eastern people afterwards added the title of priest , or preste ; not that these kings were really dignifi'd with the sacerdotal character , but because they had usually a cross carry'd before 'em , as protectors of the christian religion . but scaliger's conjecture seems to me more probable then all the rest , where he says , that preste-iean was a corruption of the persian word prestegiani , which signifies apostolic ; that it was very likely that the europaeans who traffick'd into the east , having heard confusedly of that prince , whom they heard frequently call'd padischah prestegiani , gave him by chance the name of preste-iean , which sounded very like to prestegiani , of which they understood not the real signification . as to the part of asia , where preste-iean reign'd , methinks there is no reason to doubt of it , considering what the ancient authors have written . for upon a strict examination it will be found , that the greatest part of these authors place him in that vast country which extends it self from the mogul , towards the east and north as far as china : which is that ▪ which st. antonius sufficiently makes appear in the third tome of his history , where speaking of the tartars , he observes that their emperor sent a puissant army under the command of his son , to subdue those people that inhabited the lesser india ; which conquest being accomplish'd , the victorious tartars advanc'd against the christians who inhabited the greater , or the upper india ; but that their king call'd preste-iean by the vulgar , having drawn his forces together , march'd against 'em , and overthrew ' em . this is also that which paul the venetian , who knew the country better then any body , tells us more distinctly , as having resided several years at the court of the great kan of the tartars : for the kingdom of tenduc , or as others read it , tanchut , this kingdom , i say , where marcus paulus places preste-iohn , is still in being , if we may believe those who have travell'd through it , and lies between china and the empire of the great mogul . which perfectly agrees with the sentiments of those who have made preste-iohn to reign in kitay ; seeing that as i have already observ'd , it is not to be thought that by kitay the ancients meant china only , or some particular kingdom ; it being sufficiently probable that they comprehend under that name all the country that lies between obi , the volga , and china , as the muscovites understand it at this day . the only thing ▪ that seems to raise some doubt in what we have said concerning preste-iohn is this ; that preste-iohn and the people under his subjection were christians , whereas the country that lies between the mogul and china is now full of mahometans and idolaters . but certain it is that things were not always in the same posture as now they are , but that the christian religion once flourish'd in these barbarous countries , where now infidelity prevails . 't is known that st. thomas , after the apostles had made a division of the universe among themselves , departed from india , to cultivate those unbelievers ; that he penetrated into the most remote parts of it , and dy'd at length at meliapor . and some authors have written , not without some probability , that china it self receiv'd the gospel by the ministry of that holy apostle . however it were , there is no question to be made , in my opinion , but that the faith might be dispers'd in countries more on this hand toward the west , in regard there is a country which the moors , profess'd enemies of the christians , still in derision call kiaferstan , or the country of the infidels , the inhabitants of which are call'd christians of st. thomas to this day ; who tho they have forgot their ancient christianity , yet still retain certain customs that sufficiently demonstrate what religion their ancestors profess'd . for beside that they baptize their children , they have painted in their churches , and beare upon their foreheads three crosses of a red colour , being a tincture squees'd out of sanders-wood . but tho it might be true , that presently after the birth of christ , the gospel might not be promulgated in these barbarous countries , yet certain it is that it was preach'd there in the succeeding ages . the celebrated monument that was found in china in 1625. near the city of siganfu , is an invincible proof of what i say . for it is observ'd , that six hunder'd years after christ , the syrian priests having scatter'd themselves all over asia , had divulg'd the christian law in the extremities of the world , where their zeal for the glory of god drew ' em . and hay●on , a christian author , who was of the blood royal of the kings of armenia , testifies , that in the thirteenth age , tartary was full of christians ; that cublai their emperor embrac'd the christian faith ; and that his brother who had been a christian for some time , enter'd into a religious war for the sake of religion , against the caliph of babylon , won palestine from the mahometans , reinthron'd the king of armenia , being expell'd his territories by those cruel enemies of christianity , restor'd to peaceful freedom those people whom the infidels had proscrib'd and banish'd , and rebuilt a great number of churches at his ow costs and charges ; and all this at the sollicitation of the princess his wife , who glory'd in being descended from one of the three kings that came to adore christ , when but newly born . this was the same hae●on , who wrote to st. lewis , when he lay in cyprus at the time of his first expedition for the recovery of the holy land. st. antonin also , in whose history may be seen that letter of the tartar prince , observes that st. lewis sent him , under the character of ambassadors , two monks of the order of st. domini● , with very rich presents , among which was a piece of the true cross , and a canopy of state of an extraordinary value , upon which were embroider'd in gold , the principal mysteries of the life of christ. this happen'd in the year 1256. and about forty or fifty years after , that is to say , toward the beginning of the fourteenth age , several franeiscan monks being sent to the great kan , visited all parts of the kingdom of thibet , which is next to that of tanchut , and converted a great number of infidels and pagans . father andrada , a porteguese jesuit , travelling also into these countries in 1624. reports that the people had still an idea of the christian mysteries , tho confus'd and corrupted ; that they us'd among themselves a sort of confessiion , feeble remainders of the faith which they had formerly embrac'd , and which by degrees was utterly extinguish'd . there is no doubt then , after what has been said , but that the kingdom of tanchut , not having been always idolatrous as now it is , the delaè-lama who at present resides there , may be the true successor of the famous preste-iohn , who reign'd there formerly ; and it is no less probable , that that same monarch happening to change as the religion corrupted , became sometime after head of a new religion which degenerated at last into idolatry . 't is true , that he is not a temporal prince ; but that may be the effect of the wars and revolutions that happen in all kingdoms . however it were , he is still in high veneration among all the eastern people , who acknowledge him for the head of their religion . and that which is farther remarkable is this , that he bears the name of lama , which in the tartar language signifies a cross : and the bogdoi , who conquer'd china in 1644. and who are subject to the dalaè in all matters of religion , wear always crosses about 'em , which they call lama's also , and for which they have an extraordinary respect , which sufficiently demonstrates that they were formerly instructed in those mysteries , of which that sign is in some measure an eternal memorial . besides these different sorts of tartars , of which i have spok'n , there are others who are called ostiaki , bratski , iacuti , and tongusi , who are scatter'd all along the lakes and rivers that lye between siberia and the country of the monguls . but in regard they have all the same physiognomy , and use the same language as the calmoucs , 't is very probable that they are only some separated hordes , that having been domesticated by degrees , by conversation with the muscovites , at length became subject to their dominion . they are all swarthy complexion'd , but more inclining to olive-colour then black. their faces are usually broad , falling in below , and jutting out above ; their eyes are small , but sparkling and full of fire ; their noses short and very flat , with little hair either upon their upper lips , or chins : their stature somewhat above the common size , well set , and clean limb'd , with an air stern and resolute , without any thing of cruelty or savageness . their habits are for the most part all alike , consisting of several sheep-skins sow'd together , which they fit to their bodies in the form of vests , and gird about their wastes with a cord , wherein hangs their bow and quiver , with which they go always arm'd . they shave their heads to the very crown , where they preserve a tuft thick enough to make a double lock , one of which hangs down before , the other behind ; having no other covering for their heads , then a round bonnet of the same with their habits , on the top of which they wear a tuft of red silk , or of some other colour : which is the mark by which you may distinguish the different hordes ; every one having a particular colour to difference the one from the other . but they that live in the places where the martins are taken , make themselves garments of those furs , as also of dogs-skins , of which they keep a vast number ; and sometimes they join both together , and make the one serve for a lining to the t'other , wearing the sables , tho the richer and more beautiful , innermost , and the dogs-hair outermost ; not believing it just , that the dog who stops and catches the martin , should be debas'd below the martin , but that he should be always preferr'd after his death before his enemy , which he vanquish'd when alive . it may be easily judg'd by the enumeration ▪ which i have made of the different sorts of tartars ▪ which inhabit all the countrey that lies between the obi and china , that the muscovites , being assisted by the cosaques , found no great difficulty in opening a way from siberia to this great empire . for in regard they met with no body that would , or was able to dispute the passage with 'em ; and moreover , for that the people , which they had subdu'd either by mildness , or by force of arms , had some kind of correspondence with all the hordes that are dispread on both sides , by their means they have made all their discoveries , and at length have advanc'd by different roads to the very confines of china , where they have also built some fortresses , the better to secure their conquests . the farthermost of all these fortresses is albazin , not above three weeks journey from pekin , tho it be above three months travel remote from moscow . it is seated upon the river yamour ; which was the occasion of the present war between the chineses and muscovites ; while both the one and the other claim'd a right to fish for the pearls , of which that river produces great store ; and hunt the martins , that are very numerous in an island of that river . but in regard of the vast distance between that frontier and moscow , will not permit the muscovites to send recruits sufficiently considerable to support a war , which the nearness of it to china , renders easie to the tartars who are masters of it , the czars thought it more expedient to propound an accommodation , then to expose an army to all the hazards and hardships which of necessity they must undergo , before they can get to the confines of the empire . nor did the chineses refuse the proposals that were made ' em . they sent an ambassador a good way beyond the great wall that separates their territories from the western tartars , and join'd two french jesuits with him , of the number of those whom the k. of france sent about six years ago to the extreme parts of the world , to serve the ambassadors as his interpreters ; but as yet we know not the success of the negotiation . if we may judg by a letter which a german officer who was then in garison in a place upon the river yamour , wrote to one of his friends at moscow , who imparted it to us , 't is very probable , that those affairs are more embroil'd then ever . but in regard that letter is before the last endeavours of the muscovites to obtain a peace , and for that their ambassador was not then arriv'd at the appointed place of meeting , there is little heed to be given to what that officer then wrote : however , it gives us a good account how affairs stood about four years ago . we thought , said he , that the ambassador sent from peking some days since , was come with a design to conclude a peace with us : but we have been surpriz'd at the proceedings of that ambassador , who after he had stopt three days near albazin , without proposing any thing , retir'd of a sudden . we make no question therefore , that being arriv'd upon the frontiers with a great army , but that the war will be soon rekindl'd , and prove more bloody then before ; so that we stand very strictly upon our guards , &c. from dauri upon the confines of china , iuly 15. 1688. but whatever may be the issue of the war , we may assure our selves by what i have said , that the road from muscovy to chinae , is no chimera nor impracticable thing ; and that it would be likewise the most commodious and shortest way , were there but never so little reliance upon the muscovi●es , who after several journeys have made themselves such absolute masters of all the roads that lead thither , that they take indifferently sometimes one and sometimes another , according as their occasions prompt ' em . i know , they did not presently accomplish their design , and that it cost 'em a world of trials and experiments , before they could find out all the means to secure themselves and others in their passage ; but in regard they spar'd for nothing to bring about this discovery , and that they have been careful from time to time to send away supplies of hunters to view and take an account of countries through which they thought new ways might be open'd , they have so levell'd and remov'd all difficulties , that they make no more of going to china , then of travelling to arch-angel or astrakan . this reflection , which some perhaps would not vouchsafe themselves the leisure perhaps to make , when they imagin'd the way from moscow to peking neither safe nor easie , may serve to adjust and reconcile the several ruttiers or cards that have been drawn these several years ago ; and to explain at the same time , after what manner divers ambassadors sent from one court to another , came to spend some more time then others , in this journey , which some have finish'd in four or five months , while it has cost others near eighteen . in short , the principal aim of the muscovites in these sorts of ambassies having always been to discover the vast extent of land that lies between their territories and the empire of china , 't is no wonder , if they who were entrusted with this affair , travelling as they did like true adventurers , rather then sedulous ambassadors , have shew'd less earnestness to arrive with speed at their journey's end , then to consider the nature of the countrey through which they travell'd , and the course of the rivers which they met with upon the road. 't is to be thought , that 't was in this manner that the knez theodore iacowitz boicow travell'd from tobolsk to peki● in 1653. at what time the czar sent him his ambassador to china : for in regard he mounted up the river as he did , as far as the springs of the irtish , i know not what should make him turn out of the way so much to the right hand , had he not had private orders rather to mind looking after the establishments all along the river , then to treat with the chineses , for whom the muscovites had little or no esteem at that time . however it were , the merchants who are more for their own then the czar's interest , perform this journey at present so safely , and in so little time , that for the most part they never take up above four months in going to peking , and returning to moscow . and this we learnt about three years since from certain merchants who set out of peking after they had heard mass in the jesuits house , upon st. peter and st. paul's day , and got to moscow much about all-holland-tide , the same year , where they staid till the end of winter , to join the caravans at zobalsk , from whence they duly set out every year . after all these convincing proofs and demonstrations , upon which i thought my self bound to insist thus particularly as i have done , i make no question but the reader will abandon all the false idea's which he had conceiv'd touching the distance of eu●ope from china , and suffer himself to be convinc'd , that of all the ways that lead to that flourishing empire , that which the muscovites make choice of now-a days , is both the safest and the shortest . but besides these advantages , which are not a little to be consider'd , the convenience of carriage contributes very much to mitigate the fatigues inseparable from these sorts of journeys . usually you set forward from moscow toward the end of february ; and in regard the snow by that time is become more beaten and solid , by reason of the great number of sledds that pass continually to and fro at that time , far more then at the beginning of the winter , travellers in less then three weeks get to the capital city of siberia , tho it be eight hunder'd wersts , or three hunder'd and fifty french leagues off . there they stay some time for the thaw , to take the sudais , or vessel which carries 'em by water in the rivers which they meet with on this side , and beyond the obi ; which thaw if it happens later then usually , then they continue their journey by land till they come to a h●rde of tartars , who are call'd ostiaki , and are subject to the muscovites . there they change their manner of carriage , and take a new sort of carriage much more nimble and commodious then the former which are sent back to tobelsk : for whereas the sledds made use of by the muscovites are always drawn by one horse , whose keeping is somewhat troublesome and chargeable , to the other sledd they only fasten a reine deer , such as the samoedes make use of in their winter-travels ; and to make 'em go more swift , they tie a great dog behind , that scaring the poor beast with his barking , sets her a running with that speed , as to draw her burthen no less then forty leagues a day . but that which is more wonderful as to these sort of sledds , they are also driven along by the wind sometimes over the land cover'd with snow , sometimes over the ice of frozen rivers , as our vessels , that sail upon the sea. for in regard the country beyond siberia is open and extreamly level as far as mount gaucasus , the people who inhabit it making use of this advantage to spare their beasts , have so order'd their sledds , as either to be drawn along by the reine-deer , or else to carry sails , when the wind favours ' em . this manner of carriage is so much the more commodious , in regard you meet with no interruption in your travels . for as in a barque you have recourse to oares , when the wind slack'ns , or proves contrary , so the deer and the dog labour when the air is calm , but are put into the sledd when the wind serves to drive it along . thus , so long as the ice continues to bear , you come to the river genessai , where the muscovites have built a city of the same name for the convenience of travellers ; and there it is that you take boat to remount the two great rivers tongusi , and augara , which rise out of the lake of baikala , and which are commonly allow'd to be 500 wersts in length , and forty broad . 't is said , that the water of this lake is extraordinary clear ; and that notwithstanding the depth of it , you may clearly discern the colour of the stones that lie at the bottom . it is encompass'd with several high mountains , where the snow lies all the summer long , as well as in the midst of winter . and doubtless this it is that constrains travellers to spend many times seven or eight days in crossing it , tho it be not above eight leagues over . for this lake being , as it naturally ought to be , the general rendezvouz of various winds that blow through the hideous rocks with which it is environ'd , 't is to be thought that when they happen to blow from several points at the same time , they must put the vessels which they meet , to a great deal of trouble , and that it requires and extraordinary forefight , or good luck , to prevent a stop for some time . after you have quitted this lake , if you please you may enter into a river call'd scheling● , and then going still by water , you meet about fifty leagues from the mouth of it , with a city of the same name , which the muscovites built to facilitate the passage of their car●vans : or if you rather chuse to land immediately after you have cross'd the lake , then you find your self among the monguls that lie to the south , of whom you buy mules and dromedaries to continue your journey to the first city of china , to which you come after fifteen days travel . after this manner the most part of the muscovite merchants travel , that traffick with the chineses . by which 't is plain , that all the countries that were formerly but confusedly known under the name of the grand tartary , are neither so desert , nor so untill'd , as people to this day imagine ; and that the not taking the benefit that might have been taken by a narrower search , has been a considerable loss ; those countries being water'd with a great many fair rivers , and furnish'd with so many valuable commodities as are daily discover'd . not to speak of rubarb , azure-stone , and castors , which are very plentiful among the yousbecks and monguls ; the sables and black-foxes that are taken all along the rivers of obi , tongusi , and angara ; the ginseng-roots , the pearls and badian which the river yamour affords , the silver and lead-mines near argus , the muscovites have found out , more especially in the lands that advance more to the north , several other rarities , wherein they drive a considerable trade . besides furs of all sorts , which they fetch from all quarters , and of which the sale is so great , that the city of gen●ssia alone pays every year to the grand duke's treasury fourscore thousand roubles custom , which amounts to near sixscore thousand crowns of french money ; they have discover'd a sort of ivory , which is whiter and smother then that which comes from the indies . not that they have any elephants that furnish 'em with this commodity ( for the northern countries are too cold for those sort of creatures that naturally love heat ) but other amphibious animals , which they call by the name of behemot , which are usually found in the river lena , or upon the shores of the tartarian-sea . several teeth of this monster were shewn us at moskow , which were ten inches long , and two in diameter at the root : nor are the elephants teeth comparable to 'em , either for beauty or whiteness , besides that they have a peculiar property to stanch blood , being carried about a person subject to bleeding . the persians and turks who buy 'em up , put a high value upon 'em , and prefer a scimiter or a dagger ha●t of this precious ivory before a handle of massy gold or silver . but certainly no body better understands the price of this ivory , then they who first brought it into request ; considering how they venture their lives in attacking the creature that produces it , which is as big and as dangerous as a crocodile . they were beholding for the discovery of this to the inhabitants of a certain island , out of which , if the muscovites are to be believ'd , issu'd the first colonies that ever peopl'd america . and thus much we learnt upon this subject from the vayvode of smolensko , whose name was mouchim pouckhim , a person of as great a wit as a man can well meet with , and perfectly acquainted with all the countries that lie beyond the obi , as having been a long time intendant of the chancery of the government of siberia . after he had ask'd us in a discourse which we had with him , in what manner we thought that america came to be first peopl'd , upon the general answer which we gave him , grounded upon the common opinion ; he gave us to understand that he had a conjecture more probable then any of ours . there is , said he , beyond the obi , a great river call'd kawoina , into which another river empties it self , by the name of lena . at the mouth of the first river that discharges it self into the frozen-sea , stands a spacious island very well peopl'd , and which is no less considerable for hunting the behemot , an amphibious animal , whose teeth are in great esteem . the inhabitants go frequently upon the side of the frozen sea to hunt this monster ; and because it requires great labour and assiduity , they carry their families usually along with ' em . now it many times happens , that being surpriz'd by a thaw , they are carry'd away i know not whither upon huge pieces of ice that break off one from another . for my part , added he , i am perswaded that several of those hunters have been carry'd upon these floating pieces of ice to the most northern parts of america , which is not far off from that part of asia which juts out into the sea of tartary . and that which confirms me in this opinion is this , that the americans who inhabit that country which advances farthest toward that sea , have the same physiognomy as those unfortunate islanders , whom the over-eager thirst after gain exposes in that manner to be transported into a foreign climate . we might add to what the vaivode told us , that there are also in that part of america several of those creatures that are so common in muscovy , more especially beavers , which might have been transported thither after the same manner . and this conjecture seem'd to me to be so much the better grounded , in that it is frequently to be seen in poland , that such great pieces of ice keep whole and entire , from warsaw , till they come to fall a great way into the baltic sea. but it would be requisite , for the better confirmation and assurance of a matter of this importance , to be well inform'd of the language of those people that so nearly resemble the islanders in face and body ; for if there were any thing of affinity between their languages , methinks there should no farther question be made of the conjecture . we might have learnt many other curiosities of this vaivode , who without doubt is the most accomplish'd person in all muscovy , but that we were afraid of awaking his jealousie by multiplicity of interrogatories : and besides , we observ'd by some answers which he made us , that he was fearful of creating himself trouble at court , where his extraordinary merit had already rais'd him many enemies , and therefore we forbore to press him any farther . some people perhaps may wonder , considering the great numbers of rivers which come from china , that the muscovites take no more benefit of the advantages that seem to offer themselves for setling a more safe and easie trade then that by land with the chineses and iapanners ; but in my opinion they ought not to be blam'd for preferring the course they take before any other . for beside that they have but very little experience in sea affairs , they have met with obstacles never to be surmounted in those rivers , whose names are hardly known in europe . to make out this yet more apparent , you must know , that there are in the country that lyes beyond siberia , four principal rivers that fall into the frozen sea , or the sea of tartary , and into the sea of iapon ; not to speak of an infinite number of others that discharge themselves into the latter , as may be seen in the map of siberia , which is a faithful copy of that which is preserv'd in the chancery of moscow . the most westerly of all these rivers is obi , after which as you travel to the east you meet successively with genessai , lena and yamour . but as considerable as they are either for the abundance of water , or the extent of their course , there are so many inconveniences to surmount , if you go by water , and so many hazards to undergo at the mouths of every one , that the merchants always rather chuse to travel by land into china then to go by sea. for to speak something in particular of every one of these rivers ; the obi is extreamly dangerous at the mouth of it , by reason of the horrid heaps of ice with which it is pester'd almost all the year long ; and the muscovites still bear in mind the misfortune of the hollanders , who by reason of their being engag'd too far in the frozen sea lost several of their ships toward nova zembla . the river of genessai , besides the inconvenience which is common to it with the obi , has one particular , which consists in nine water-falls , which the muscovites call poroki , or poroges , and are distant several leagues one from another ; and therefore because there would be a necessity of unlading the vessel as many times as there are water-falls to pass , the merchants have reason sufficient to avoid all that trouble , and take a more convenient road. 't is true the course of the river lena is more uniform , but the mouth of it is no less difficult and dangerous to pass then that of the obi ; for though it be not so much pester'd with ice , yet the great number of rocks and shelves will afford no safety for vessels of very small burthen ; only some flat-bottom'd gondola's will venture to pick up certain black and white fish which they find among the rocks , and make use of for several occasions . as for the yamour , which is the most easterly of all , and falls into the sea of iapon , though it have none of those annoyances , that render the other rivers unpassable , yet in that part where it mixes with the sea ' , there grows such a prodigious number of sea-bulrushes , that you would take the mouth of it for a real forest. an obstacle , that might perhaps be remov'd were the rushes like those , which commonly grow in our rivers ▪ but the people have assur'd me , that they are of such an excessive bigness , that a man can hardly grasp one of 'em with both his arms ; by which you may guess that it would be as great a labour to clear that passage , as to cut down and grub-up a whole forest. however these rivers , notwithstanding they are so full of obstacles and difficulties , yet are of great use to the muscovites for the more commodious crossing those vast countries that lye between siberia and the empire of china : for besides that they travel more easily over 'em , when they are frozen , then they can by land , where the roads can never be so level , they are much more conveniently navigable toward their sources , then toward the end of their courses . and though you may meet with some falls of water in rowing upward against the stream , yet they are neither so deep nor so dangerous as those that are nearer the mouths of the rivers . but that which is more remarkable where these water-falls are , is this , that all the circumjacent air seems to be as it were embalm'd , casting forth such a pleasing fragrancy round about , as if the most exquisite persumes had spread themselves over all the adjoining fields . if what those travellers assure us , from whom we learnt these particulars , be true , 't is no difficult thing to unfold this riddle . for they affirm , that on the tops of those rocks that cause these water-falls , there grow most odoriferous flowers , and those in great abundance . to which may be added , that as ordinary perfumes never diffuse their odours more powerfully then-when they are frotted , or held to the fire , so the air being thus persum'd , diffuses a stronger scent , being agitated and heated by the motion of the water precipitating with such a rapidness , then that which exhales in places where there is nothing but an undisturb'd and quiet calm . here it is that i ought to say something of siberia , had i any thing particular to observe concerning it ; but there is nothing remarkable that distinguishes it from the rest of the provinces of muscovy , unless it be the excessive cold it is subject to , by reason of the extraordinary elevation of it . moreover , as i have sufficiently observ'd how the muscovites won it from the cosaques , i have nothing more to add to what i have said , but that any man may be easily convinc'd by the multitude of towns and villages that are in it , that that same province of muscovy is not so wild nor so desert as it is commonly thought to be . moreover , what i have hitherto discours'd concerning the different roads that lead to china , and the various countries through which a traveller must pass in his way thither , are sufficient , if i am not mistak'n , to give the reader at least some idea of the greater tartary , so little known to this day , and concerning which no man dares over-curiously inform himself in muscovy for fear of giving a jealousie to that nation , on , the most distrustful and suspicious of any other perhaps in the world ; so that we were forc'd to observe our measures to discover that little which i have made known . and 't is very probable , that , had we come to moscow in a conjuncture less favourable , we had not learn'd so much . but in regard the muscovites werethen designing to send an embassadour into france , to sollicite the king to enter into the league , which they were then about to conclude with germany and poland against the ottoman empire , we gave our selves a little more liberty to obtain those informations we desir'd , then at another time we durst have done . but as the embassy encourag'd us to be less reserv'd in our inquisitiveness , so the muscovites made use of it as a reason and pretence to refuse the passage we had been requesting ever since we arriv'd at moskow . however , that their ambassador might be the better receiv'd in france , they made it their study to find a fair pretence to be civilly rid of us , and at the same time to engage us to return back into france , there to represent the advantages that might accrue to our nation by a free passage through siberia . nor was it long before they met with one to their wish . for having learn'd by the commissioners who examin'd us , according to custom , that we were come out of persia into muscovy without any letters of recommendation , nor indeed without any passports ; they told us , that since they could not have any assurance in us , in regard we had no authentick testimonials , 't was a great trouble to 'em , that they were forc'd to refuse us , what they plainly saw we requested only out of our zeal for the glory of god , and the salvation of souls ; that they were deeply sensible of all the hardships we had endur'd in so tedious a journey , upon no other motive then that of the conversion of the chineses : but in regard they were oblig'd by the maxims of their state , not to grant free passage through their territories , but to persons that they knew , we were not to think it strange that they requir'd some assurances from us before they allow'd us that permission . they added , to mitigate the extremity of our sorrow occasion'd by this denyal , that we had a fair opportunity to return into france , for that they were just a sending thither one of the principal lords of the court ; and therefore if we would take the advantage of going along with him , he should make it his business when we came home , to joyn with us , in order to the procuring from our king such passports and recommendations as were necessary for the success of our enterprize . how much in vain soever we knew it to be to signify the least reluctancy to their complemental proposal , we ceas'd not however to press 'em with all the importunity imaginable , not to expose us to so many delays , and consequently to those great expences which they might so easily spare us ; that since they were convinc'd of the kings sincere zeal for the service of god , they had no reason to question but that they would do him a most acceptable kindness , in facilitating the means for us to go and preach the gospel in the remote extremities of the earth . but notwithstanding all this , having receiv'd a precise order to be gone , which prince gallichin also imparted to us in the czar's name , there was no farther contending ; we must resolve to depart , and prepare our selves for a voyage quite different from what we had design'd some years before . nevertheless , we would not embark in company with their ambassador : for in regard we mistrusted the success of his negotiations in france , we thought it our surer course to manage our business by our selves , rather then to concern him with us in the least . to this purpose , we went to wait upon him before we left moskow , nor was he sorry to see us . and therefore being willing to inform himself before his departure of several things in relation to france , he sent us sleds about ten a clock at night , to the end he might discourse us more freely at night , and to avoid his being check'd by the court , which prohibits all the boyars , who have any employments , to have any communication with foreigners , under any pretence whatever . we staid with him near three hours ; and in regard he ask'd us with a great deal of civility what course we thought was most proper for him to take , to the end he might be kindly receiv'd in france ; we told him frankly , that one of the surest ways , was to shew an open-hearted generosity and impartial disengagement in all his conduct ; without which , people under his character were never esteem'd in the french court ; and there was no question to be made , but that for want of these precautions , his predecessors had not met with that satisfaction with which they flatter'd themselves . but whatever we said , we found him but very little enclin'd to listen to us upon that subject ; and all the while we were discoursing with him , his people were busy below in the court , lading several waggons with furrs , the sale of which we knew to be the principal end of his ambassy . now in regard there is but very little money stirring in muscovy , nor indeed any at all to be seen but what comes out of foreign countries ; it behoves 'em therefore , since they have not enough to trade among themselves , to fetch it in by the sale of their furs of all sorts into foreign parts , which is the best revenue the czars have . for which reason it is , that they cannot live without sending into remote countries a numerous troop of merchants , under the protection of an ambassador , who , besides that he defrays their charges in all countries where he goes , frees 'em also from the payment of custom , which would eat up a great part of their gains , were they oblig'd to pay the rigor of what might be demanded from ' em . 't is true , the person , of whom i spake , and who is one of the most considerable princes of muscovy , and one of the best headpieces in the empire , would not have been sorry perhaps to have seen himself rid of this same train of merchants luggage , which he readily foresaw would be prejudicial to him in the conclusion ; and , as he is a person in love with honour beyond the common rate of the muscovites , he would have been glad to have been in condition to support his character . but the interest of the court , to which it behov'd him to sacrifice his own , would not permit him to do otherwise then had been practis'd all along . so that he was oblig'd to put himself at the head of several merchants , who then assume the title of gentlemen : a title however , which they can easily throw aside , when they are to act the pedlers in the sale of their skins . two days after this nocturnal visit , we departed from moskow in company with a muscovite-boyar , who was returning home to his own house upon the frontiers of lithuania ; and who , having been formerly a roman catholick himself , preserv'd a kindness still for us that were so . yet , notwithstanding that the muscovites refus'd to let us pass thorow their territories , we did not despair of reviving our designs upon the promise they made us , to grant us the favour that we demanded , so soon as they should understand , that our king approv'd our enterprize . and with this prospect it was , that my companion and my self took the way of poland , in company with the muscovite-boyar , already mention'd , who shew'd us all the civilities imaginable upon the road ; no less kind to a dominican fryer , that travell'd along with us , being entrusted with letters from the cha of persia to the pope and the emperor . the letter to the pope was enclos'd in a purse of cloth of gold , and that to the emperor in another of cloth of silver . and the substance of both was an answer to certain letters , which those two potentates had written at the same time to the persian monarch , exhorting him to take the benefit of the success , wherewith god had bless'd their arms , to recover those places , which the turk had wrested from the persian some years before . but the cha , it seems , was unwilling to regain his losses at the expence of his ease and pleasure , to which he sacrific'd all other considerations in the world . besides that , the atamadoulet , or prime minister of the persian empire , could by no means be induc'd to make war against the ottomans ; whether it were , that he were doubtful of the success , or whether he were willing , that the grand signior should think himself beholding to him , for having diverted so furious a storm from his empire ; and perhaps , more then this , he was no less glad of the opportunity to testify to the ottoman sultan , the devotion , which he had for the religion of the sunni , as much a persian as he was ; and notwithstanding , that the duty of his employment bound him to be , at least in outward shew , one of the most zealous defenders of aly's sect. but whatever reason the cha of persia had , not to be swai'd by all the reasons which the embassadors from several of the european princes laid before him ; certain it is , that his answer to the last letters , which he receiv'd from 'em , imported no more , but that there was still a vail before his eyes , that hinder'd him from seeing clearly into all those affairs , that were propounded to him . and this was the purport of those , wherewith that german dominican was entrusted , in whose company we cross'd one part of muscovy , lithunia , together with the white-russia , and parted at length at warsaw , where we arriv'd the 12th . of march in the year 1686. about eleven months after father barnaby and my self set out of irivan . the end of the third book . travels in muscovy . book the fourth . what a certain author reports of an ancient hero , whose character he design'd to heighten , may justly be apply'd to those who profess the apostolical life ; when entring upon the particulars of his actions , he affirm●d , that the end of every one of his laborious exploits , serv'd only as an introduction to a new one , into which he was ingag'd by the greatness of his courage . notwithstanding all the hardships and fatigues father barnaby had undergone for several years , in his mission into the east , and all the miseries he had suffer'd in the execution of the design that had driven us out of persia , he was forc'd to renounce the repose that was offer'd him at warsaw , to repair forthwith to dantzic , in hopes of finding a vessel there , to transport him over into france . whereas it was necessary , that one of us should remain near muscovy , in order to be the better inform'd of the disposition of those people in relation to us , that certain notice might be given thereof from time to time , it was agreed among us , that while he should go to manage our concerns with our superiors in france , i should tarry in poland , there to take other measures to facilitate the success of our enterprise . in order to this , he left me , and providence seconding our design , furnish'd him with a ship in the port of dantzic , ready to set sail for amsterdam , where he arriv'd safe after some days navigation , and from thence proceeded with speed towards paris . while he negotiated our affairs there , with all the success we could expect , i was sufficiently employ'd at warsaw , by the pity of the french inhabitants that are setled there in great numbers . they having been long desirous to have a french jesuit among 'em , to give them those spiritual advices they could not easily meet with in a foreign kingdom , i no sooner arriv'd there , but they sent their burguemaster to me , to intreat me , during my abode in that royal city , to take the conduct of their souls upon me , and more particularly the care of preaching , which they had been depriv'd of for many ages . i accepted that employment freely , and continu'd it until our affairs were absolutely regulated to undertake a second voyage into muscovy . altho the earnestness those zealous christians express'd for the word of god , and for all things relating to salvation , took up the best part of my time during my abode among them , my labour was very well recompenc'd and eas'd by the holy use they made of all the instructions they receiv'd from the holy ghost by my ministry ; and i never was so sensible , as on that occasion , how easily a heart that has a good foundation of christianity , recovers out of those disorders to which it had abandon'd its self , when truly made sensible of the duty of its profession , and of those obligations unto which we are engag'd by our religion . but whatever consolation i receiv'd from the zeal i observ'd in the catholicks , i receiv'd another from above , which seem'd yet more particularly to relate to my profession of missionary , the main end of which , is the conversion of infidels and hereticks . prince tsartoresky famous throughout all poland for his virtue and merit , whereby he had acquir'd the veneration of all the polanders , had a tartarian slave among his servants , into whom his illustrious master's good examples had inspir'd an inclination to christianity : but whereas this vertuous palatin , could meet with no body to instruct that poor mahometan , for want of understanding his language , he was very much troubled at his not being able to second the pious desires of his servant , in his good intention for the christian religion , of which till then , he had had but a superficial knowledge . as soon as he understood that i could speak tartar , he sent this half converted infidel to me , desiring me to explain the mysteries of our faith to him , and to acquaint him with all the engagements that are contracted by him that embraces it . i met with no difficulty to unseal the eyes of this poor blind , whom the misfortune of birth , rather than obstinacy had kept till then in idolatry . he being of a very mild disposition , i soon dispos'd him to receive his baptism , which was perform'd on whitsunday , to the great satisfaction of his generous master , who gave him his liberty as soon as he cast off the bondage of the devil , who endeavour'd , by many reiterated menaces to regain this precious conquest from iesus christ. i receiv'd this information from this new convert's own mouth soon after his regeneration by the waters of holy baptism , the which i am the more inclin'd to believe , by reason of the sincerity , and the candidness of his soul. talking with him one day , about the happiness of his condition , and the mercies of god in calling him to his church , he told me with his usual simplicity , that he had purchas'd it very dear , and that it had like to have cost him his life ; after which , having given me a small account of all the violent temptations he had undergone , while i was most earnest to instruct and fit him for christianity , he declar'd to me , that a hideous terrible phantasm had appear'd to him several times , threatning to strangle him , in case he persisted in his resolution of becoming a christian. to this he added , that the said apparition had frighten'd him to that degree , while we were disposing him by the usual ceremonies of the church , to receive this first sacrament , that he would certainly have run away , had i not been with him , and stopp'd him by my presence ; but that all those horrid apparitions had ceas'd as soon as he was baptiz'd , and that he had found the saving vertue thereof , by the peace and tranquility it had infus'd into his soul , from that happy moment . the conversion of this infidel , was soon after follow'd by that of an hungarian lutheran , whom i had all along taken for a zealous catholic ; he was very exact in coming to all my sermons , and the regularity of his conduct , answer'd the idea i had form'd to my self about him , before my being perfectly acquainted with him . and therefore i was strangely surpriz'd when he came to acquaint me , at a time when i least expected it , with the error in which he had liv'd till then , and his sincere resolution of obeying the voice of god , which press'd him earnestly to abjure his said error : and whereas he was fully instructed in all the points of our religion , and seem'd very well confirm'd in them , i had nothing to do but to receive his abjuration , and to prepare him afterwards to receive the other sacraments of the church . in the mean while , i was not so absolutely taken up with the proper functions of my ministry , and the satisfaction i receiv'd thereby , as to neglect the furthering the grand design that had oblig'd us to come into poland . the necessity of keeping a correspondence of letters with my companion , who was in france , made me apply my self to the marquess of bethune , to fix it with less trouble . this lord who has resided long at the court of poland , convinc'd me in that occasion , as well as in many others that offer'd themselves in the sequel , not only of the hereditary affection of his family to our society ; but also of all the zeal , the greatest , and most christian of all our kings can expect of his most faithful ministers . as soon as he was inform'd by a letter i wrote to him , with the motive for which i begg'd his protection , besides the assurances he was pleas●d to give me of it at that very time , in the most obliging manner imaginable ; he was moreover so kind as to acquaint the king of poland with our design , from whom he learnt such particular things , concerning the way we design'd to discover , that he engag'd me to come soon to the court , there to draw , as at the spring head , the great and certain informations that would have been so useful to us , had we been able to overcome the obstinacy of the muscovites . and therefore , as soon as it was known in france , how much the king of poland , who is one of the most curious and most knowing princes in europe , seem'd to affect this discovery , and what advantage might be deriv●d from the proximity of his territories to muscovy , in order to facilitate the execution thereof ; i was order'd to go to kiss his hands , and to implore his royal authority , for the accomplishment of our designs , which he could second the better , by reason that he had lately concluded a peace with the muscovites , whereof one of the most considerable articles for religion , was ; that the czars should grant a free passage through their countries , to such religious as the king of poland should be pleas'd to send for the future , to preach the gospel among the infidels . these happy conjunctures which flatter'd our hopes so agreeably , occasion'd me to quit warsaw forthwith , to repair to iavarow , where the court resided at that time . the marquess of bethune presented me to his majesty , and procur'd me the honour of kissing his hands , soon after my arrival . i had the satisfaction to be convinc'd , by my self , of all that i had heard both in europe and in asia , of the great qualifications of that august prince , who is so much admir'd in all parts for his heroic vertues . as he was no stranger to the design that brought me to court , he was so kind as to begin the discourse himself about the project of our journey into china by land , and he gave me such grand overtures to contrive it , yet more advantageously than we had been able to do ; that i shall ever regret the occasion , which hell being broke loose against us , has made us lose , of putting it into execution , where circumstances were so favourable as they were at that time . an ambassador from muscovy , call'd nicephore , whom the czars had sent to the king of poland , some time after his return from pekin , where he had resided in the same quality ; had communicated these secrets to this prince , who honour'd me with the knowledge of them , and gave me the map , or book of roads , which monsieur d'ablancourt had fram'd upon the memoirs that envoy had left him . these memoirs agree so exactly with the relation of all other travellers who have travell'd that way since , that nothing can be added to the exact and faithful description he has given of all the countries and people he has discover'd in his journey : in my second journey into muscovy , i had often the satisfaction of convincing my self , as to the uniformity of the sentiments of all those i consulted on purpose , to discover the truth of that passage . they all agreed to the position of all the cities and forts mention'd in the said map , which would be perfect , had the degrees of longitude and latitude been faithfully set down . but it will be very difficult ever to be certain as to that point , unless the muscovites , who are not capable of making any regular observations themselves , would permit some mathematician that has more skill than they have to do it . whereas , what i have already related , in the preceding book , as to the way the muscovites use to travel into china , is partly extracted from the memoirs the king of poland did me the favour to communicate to me , and that all that i have done since , was only to get a confirmation thereof , it would be needless to repeat it here , since i can add nothing to it ; but that the world may the better rely upon the truth of what i have written , as to the facility of travelling into china by land , which till now had been look●d upon as impracticable , by reason that it has been examin'd and approv'd of , by the most knowing prince , and least lyable to be impos'd upon , in the world. all these instructions which i immediately sent to france , together with all the other informations , we had already receiv'd from divers parts , on which we could rely , induc'd our superiors very much to favour our designs , in which they foresaw such considerable advantages for the promoting of our religion . they being convinc'd , by what his most christian majesty had lately done for the conversion of the kingdom of siam ; that we should not want the protection of the eldest son of the church , they concluded , that the best way to succeed in our enterprise , was to propose it to that monarch , who is so zealous for whatever relates to the service of god. they were not deceiv'd in their conjectures ; for they had no sooner represented to him , the great advantages that might accrue from that discovery , which promis'd no less than the conversion of all tartary , but that prince instantly granted what ever they desir'd for the facilitating of that important passage . besides most advantageous passports , and other particular assistances we receiv'd from him , he gave us letters patents , as being his mathematicians , to authorize us the more in all countries , through which we should be oblig'd to pass , with other particular recommendations to the great duke of muscovy , who had express'd so much earnestness to us , to have those assurances of the interest the monarch , they most esteem and respect on earth , took in the execution of our designs . i am perswaded , the reader will be glad to see the contents of them , and perhaps will be very well pleas'd to see the fantastical list of the pompous , magnificent titles the czars affect , and are ●o jealous of ; that were any of them omitted in the letters that are written to them , they would never receive them . this is the copy of that which his majesty did us the honour to entrust us with , for the two princes that are now reigning . a letter . most high , most excellent , most puissant , and most magnanimous princes , our dearly beloved brothers , and perfect friends , czars and great dukes , john and peter sons of alexis , a●tocrators of all the great and lesser white russia , muscovy , kiovia , wolodimeria , novogord , czars of cazan , czars of astrakan , czars of siberia , lords of pleskow , great dukes of smolensko , t wer , inhor , permo , westquiá , bulgaria , and others , lords and great dukes of the inferior novogord of tzernikovia , resens , rostof , jeroslaw , bielejezor , udor , obdor , condomir , and of all the northern parts , lords of iberia , czars of cartalania , garsinia , dukes of cabadin , and dukes of the dukes of circassia and georgia , and of several other oriental , occidental , and s●ptentrional lordships , and estates , paternals , great paternal heirs , successors , lords and rulers . being desirous to savour , as much as in us lyes , the pious designs of the fathers iesuits , our good and loyal subjects , who go missionaries into china , and other oriental countries , to preach the gospel , and to give the people that inhabit those cold climes the knowledge of the true god , as also , at the same time , there to make all necessary observations for the promoting of arts and sciences , in which all nations are equally concern'd ; and being also inform'd , that there is an easie cut through your territories into china , we intreat you to grant those fathers all such permission and passports as they shall have occasion for , not only to pass and repass through those territories and seas that are under your command , but also there , to receive all manner of protection , and assistance , we engaging and promising to do the like , in the like case , when desir'd and requir'd so to do by you . whereupon we pray god , most high , most excellent , most puissant , and most magnanimous princes , our dearly beloved brothers , and perfect friends , to keep your majesties under his holy protection . written at fontainebleau , the 8th day of october , 1687. your good brother , and perfect friend , lewis . colbert . the muscovites being the greatest formalists in the world , one is oblig'd not only in the letters that are written to the czars , to specifie distinctly all the titles they affect , but also in all the speeches that are made to them in public whenever their names are mention'd ; in so much , that should the memory of any ambassadour , or other , chance to slip in the least , in the enumeration of all those lofty titles , he would expose himself to receive an affront from the ministers , who had rather one should take a province of the state , than omit any of those qualities of their master , which they look upon as so many appurtenances of the crown . the court of france not being ignorant of their niceness upon that subject , omitted none of those formalities , in hopes thereby to engage them to be the more favourable to us . while father barnaby was labouring on his side , to procure us all the security that could be thought on for the execution of our enterprise ; i receiv'd order from our superiors , to chuse out some companions in poland , equally zealous , and capable to facilitate the success thereof . it was no hard task for me to find out such in a kingdom , where our society has two great provinces . both the one and the other would have a share in that important design , and offer a victim a piece to god. altho several jesuits had long aspir'd to that happiness , we only pick'd out two , which indeed were worth many others . the first whom we took out of the province of cracovia , was call'd zapolski , and had been extraordinarily sollicitous for upwards of twenty years together , to go a missionary into china . his family was one of the most illustrious in poland , and he had possess'd the most considerable offices among us : besides philosophy , mathematicks , and divinity , which he had taught many years with credit ; he was a great linguist , and particularly vers'd in the russian tongue , to which he apply'd himself most , in expectation of the occasion that was offer'd him by us , the which he had long been desirous of . he was rector to one of the chief colleges in prussia royal , when he was inform'd that we design'd to call some fathers of his nation to our assistance ; whereupon he made such earnest sollicitations at rome , for leave to joyn with us , and express'd so much zeal to enter into the happiness of a life altogether apostolical , which he had not been able to obtain till then , that he got leave to quit his superiour's place , in order to apply himself wholly to an apostolical life . the second was nam'd terpiloweski , of whom the province of lithuania made a sacrifice to god , which cost them very dear . he was a man of an extraordinary merit , he taught the mathematicks in the university of vilna , when he heard that i was employ'd in getting some travelling companion . whereas he stood possess'd of all the qualifications that could be desir'd in an accomplish'd missionary ; a known vertue , a charming sweetness , an admirable address for all handy works , a great deal of skill in playing upon all sorts of instruments , and in handling an ingraver ; i excited him as much as possible i could not to omit any thing in order , to obtain of his superiours , the favour of which his profound humilty made him to seem unworthy , altho' he was very desirous of it ; he did it accordingly , and by reiterated prayers , and supplications , he overcame all the obstacles that oppos'd the accomplishment of his holy desires . the esclavonian and russian tongues which those two missionaries understood perfectly , together with the turkish and tartar , which father barnaby , and my self spoke sufficiently , enabled us to cross all siberia , and all the great tartary , to the consines of china , without wanting any foreign interpreters , which was the reason for which we engag'd poland to enter into our design , and to joyn with us in order to discover that passage with ease , which in the sequel would have prov'd so much the more easie to all our society , by reason that it seem'd to secure us a communication with the most distant countries in the world. the happy disposition i met with on the side of the polish fathers in order to promote the word of god , was no sooner known in france , but they labour'd with all the speed imaginable to obtain us all the assistance they judg●d proper to facilitate more and more the execution thereof . father barnaby , who knew better than any man what was necessary for the discovery of the new way we were going to attempt , took care to provide abundance of trinkets , and a world of excellent remedies , in order to present them to those tartarian princes , whose protection we should stand in need of : he was likewise provided with all manner of mathematical instruments to observe the longitudes of the different countries through which we were to pass ; in a word , he was furnish'd with all things that could render our journey of use to religion , and sciences . being thus provided with all things , besides the king's recommendations , he repair'd to roan , there to imbark with a young jes●it , who had only enter'd himself in the society , in order to dedicate his life to foreign missions . in the mean time , as the season of the year was far spent , it being then about the middle of november , i thought fit to depart from warsaw , where i had spent the best part of the year , to go to dantzic , there to tarry for my companions , with whom i hop'd to reach moscow before the end of winter . but god almighty's providence , whose judgments are unfathomable , having suffer'd the vessel , in which our dear conductor was imbark'd , to miscarry , put me to a new trial , aud by that affliction , the most sensible that ever i underwent , dispos'd me to a great many others , to which i was expos'd in the sequel . although this fatal accident happen'd while i was at dantzic , where i had some secret presages of it ; i was not certainly inform'd therewith till some time after , which hinder'd me from taking such speedy measures as were necessary to repair so great a loss . notwithstanding the violence of my affliction at the confirmation i receiv'd of it from france , amsterdam , and hamburg , i resolv'd not to droop , and god almighty inspir'd me with courage enough to renew a design which had cost us so much labour , and which nothing but the motive of his glory could ind●ce me to persist in , considering all the oppositions we had met in it . the truth is , i found my self more at a loss than ever ; the fatal shipwrack of our companions had also depriv'd us of all the assistance they brought us . the ill reception the ambassadours of muscovy had receiv'd in france through their bad conduct , made us fearful of an ill success at the court of moscow , where they are us'd to sacrifice all to their resentment : the seeds of the war which france has since wag'd against germany , with whom the czars had lately made a league , began already to allarm muscovy . all this , i say , seem'd to thwart our project , and to break all the measures we might have taken at a more favourable time . however i did not give over my hopes , tho' i had but little prospect for any , and i began to act with the more confidence , by reason that i was then convinc'd of the vanity of human succours , which i had been deceiv'd in , in so many different occasions . while i was at dantzic poring upon our misfortune , the diet of poland was held at grodno , which is a small city in lithuania , whither count syri , whom i shall shortly speak of , was gone to endeavour to obtain the embassy of persia , ( where he had formerly been with the same character ) from the king , and the assembled republick , in which he expected to meet greater advantages for christendom , than those he had been able to manage 'till then with the cha. whereas he had been extraordinary kind to me during my abode at moscow , where he arriv'd soon after us , i thought he might prove of great use for the re-establishment of our affairs , the rather because he had always appear'd to me a great votary to our society , and that he was very desirous to be known to our monarch , whose vertues he publish'd every where , with as much affection as if he had been the most loyal of his subjects , or most zealous minister . in hopes of his assistance , i left dantzic in the beginning of february , and after eight hours march upon the haff , or golf , which is form'd by the baltic-sea , which was frozen at that time , i arriv'd at koningsberg , which is the metropolis of prussia , about 24 german miles from dantzic . had i been less concern'd than i was for the fatal end of my companion , i should certainly have been delighted as well as all other foreigners who are not us'd to travel upon the ice , with the prodigious multitude of stately magnificent sledges , which cannot be express'd ; wherewith the vistula was cover'd ; for notwithstanding my thoughts were wholly taken up with our misfortune , i was diverted by that spectacle , which was agreeable to the beholders , as pleasant to those that are in them . this machine is not unlike a triumphal carr , drawn by one horse , that runs full speed without being hardly tired ; the which notwithstanding the swiftness of its course , causes no other movement than what is necessary to convince people that they do not stand still . altho' it was very necessary for me to arrive at grodno before the breaking up of the diet , i was oblig'd to stop some days at koningsberg , to indulge the devotion of several catholicks , whom commerce had drawn into that city , which belongs to the duke of brandenburg ; where they had not the free exercise of their religion . having sacrific'd to them part of the time i design'd for other uses , i endeavour'd to repair it afterwards by an extraordinary diligence , not to lose the occasion of recovering our affairs , which were in a desperate condition . i fortunately met at grodno , where all the nobility of poland was assembled at that time , with all the persons that were most like to assist me , and to draw me out of trouble , particularly the marquess of bethune , whose protection i rely'd very much upon , and count syri , whom i came on purpose to meet there , being persuaded , that i should easily ingage him to enter more particularly into my projects . having acquainted them both with the misfortune of our missionaries , and found that they were really concern'd at it , i conceiv'd new hopes for the reviving of our ancient project , or to contrive a new one upon a better foundation , and perhaps more advantageous than before . whereas the deputies the court of moscovy had sent to the dyet of poland , according to custom , had mention'd on several occasions the discontents of their ambassadors , who were lately return'd from france , and that besides they underhand spread a rumour of a combat between the czars , and the emperour of china's forces , in which they pretended two jesuits had been taken by the muscovites ; i concluded from thence , that those reports were fore-runners of the refusal they design'd to make us of a passage through siberia , altho' they had promis'd it solemnly . but , to be the better satisfy'd , and to avoid any cause of reproach to my self in the new measures i was resolv'd to take , i desir'd monsieur de bethune to sound prince gallichin upon that subject , whereupon he writ the following letter to him , to which he receiv'd no answer , they being resolv'd to cross our project . sir , the most christian king my master , being desirous to send some iesuits his subjects to china , there to preach the gospel , and to fill up the room of those fathers whom age has render'd incapable of performing the functions of their calling , has thought no way so proper as to send them through muscovy . the alliance that is contracted between the two empires , the which has been lately renew'd in the last ambassy your august masters have sent into france , being added to the obliging manner wherewith your highness receiv'd the two missionaries that return'd from persia last year , have engag'd his most christian majesty to prefer that road to all others , tho' never so secure , or convenient . that great monarch therefore hopes that the czars , and your highness in particular , will honour the fathers that shall pass through muscovy with your protection , and that you will be pleas'd to grant them all the assistance they may stand in need of to travel securely through tartary , and other countries , they will be oblig'd to cross . as for my own part , having ever had a particular respect and veneration for those zealous missionaries , and for their society , and being very sollicitous to ease the difficulties of so long and so penible a iourney , i take the liberty to apply my self to your highness , in whose power it is to procure them those advantages ; and to recommend them to you in a particular manner . i shall think my self infinitely indebted to you , if you will do me the favour to inform me what sureties or measures they ought to take before their setting out . i expect your answer with impatience , and am sir , your highnesses , &c. bethune . i easily concluded from that ministers affected silence , that there was no hopes of entering into great tartary , through siberia , which we had flatter'd our selves with 'till then ; and that we should be oblig●d to think of another road that had no dependance on the capricio's of the muscovites , who never grant any thing , especially to strangers , unless compell'd to it by force , or interest . this made me apply my self to count syri , who having obtain'd the persian embassy at that dyet , was capable to protect us in muscovy , which he was shortly to go through , and afterwards to open a secure easie way for us by the credit he had gain'd in several parts of the east , as far as the kingdom of the yousbecs , which is the entrance into tartary , which above all we were desirous to discover . this ambassador who was originally an armenian , was carry'd very young into portugal , his family having been involv'd in some misfortunes , where he was bred among the king's pages , 'till he was about eighteen or twenty years of age. as soon as he began to know himself , he was possess'd with a desire of travelling , which is so natural to all those of his country , and to advance himself in the world by means of the asiatic and european languages which he had learnt with an extraordinary application . to which end , having obtain'd very advantageous letters of recommendation from their majesties of portugal , to several persons of quality in most kingdoms , he travel'd through france , italy , and germany , and finally arriv●d in poland , where he soon made himself known both by his wit , and his agreeable behaviour , which did not in the least savour of a stranger . the king of poland who was then about sending an ambassador to the port about affairs of consequence , made use of count syri on that occasion , because he spoke both the turkish and polish tongues , and oblig'd him to accompany his ambassador to constantinople . the court was very well pleas'd with his services on that occasion ; and for an acknowledgment sent him soon after to moscow , and afterwards into persia , where he discharg'd the trust repos'd upon him incomparably well . finally , the war which the emperour , the king of poland , and the republick of venice have wag'd against the turk for seven or eight years last past , having induc'd these princes to send an embassy to the cha , to sollicit him to enter into their league , and to make him sensible of the advantages he might draw from thence to recover such places of his empire as the ottomans had formerly taken from him ; count syri was likewise chosen for that important negotiation , and sent to that emperour with the quality of plenipotentiary from the pope , and all the princes of the league . as all those honourable imployments serv'd to fix his reputation in all those courts , where he always made a very considerable figure , they also prov'd very profitable to him : for whereas the embassies of europe are only honourary , those of the east are as profitable , as honourable . that which contributes most to render those commissions advantageous , is the trade of the levant , which the europeans are so fond of ; the which is easily and safely perform'd by those who are in the retinue of an ambassadour ; who besides his having all his charges born , either in money , or otherwise , as soon as ever he enters upon the territories of the prince he goes to treat with , until he gets out of them again , is never liable to any duties whatever . for that reason , the merchants , whether muscovites , or armenians , are very sollicitous for those occasions , and are very grateful for the advantages they receive by the protection that is given them . altho' count syri was not insensible to interest in the several embassies the king of poland honour'd him with , i must needs declare to his praise , that he apply'd himself as much to maintain those of religion , and of his prince , as he did his own . the boldness he discover'd more than once at ispahan , and elsewhere , in taking away from the infidels , unhappy christians who had been so-weak as to renounce their faith , is sufficiently known to all the missionaries that are dispers'd in persia ; and i my self know how haughtily he us'd some of the prime officers of the court , who made him propositions in the cha's name , which perhaps would have shaken a heart less possess'd with christianity than his was . this sincere zeal for the catholick faith , induc'd him to settle a residence of missionaries at schamaki , to labour towards the conversion of the armenians , and other schismatick infidels , which trade drew in shoals into that city . the same zeal likewise induc'd him the last time he was sent into persia , to desire the king of poland to authorize his design of procuring settlements for apostolick labourers throughout the whole extent of the cha's empire , where any ●opes should be found of labouring successfully towards the saving of souls , of which he carry'd many along with him into the levant , who have since dispers'd themselves in all parts , where they expected a proper harvest . but , as sincere as his zeal appear'd to me , i should not have regarded it , had it not been accompany'd by a conduct equally regular , and edifying ; and indeed i may affirm , after having made it my business to study him with all the application imaginable , that i never observ'd any thing in him but what was very honourable , and worthy of a good christian. he has done me the savour to discover his most secret thoughts to me , and to make me the depository of his conscience for a whole twelvemonth , and that knowledge he has given me of his heart , obliges me to declare that i have seen but few persons of his character more devoted to god , or who apply'd themselves more fervently to their salvation . he confess'd himself regularly once a month , and approach'd the holy table as often ; and that always with such lively marks of faith , and with such a deluge of tears , that it would have inspir'd the most insensible with devotion . tho count syri is hardly known in france , i nevertheless think my self oblig'd , as well out of a sincere desire to publish the truth , as out of gratitude , to give this testimony of his vertue , since that besides his having gain'd the esteem of all those that knew him by his merit , i am particularly indebted to him for considerable obligations . for besides his generosity at astrakan , where he offer'd to pay our ransom himself , to redeem us out of the hands of the calmo●es , being inform'd that we had been taken by them in crossing the volga , he express'd so much zeal afterwards for the furthering the execution of our design , which the loss of father barnaby had quite overthrown , that i cannot forbear incerting in this place the obliging endeavours he made at my request , to secure the success thereof . being convinc'd by all the favours and kindnesses i had receiv'd from him during my abode in poland , that i might rely upon and trust him , i freely propos'd my whole de-designs to him , being certain that he wo●ld approve them , by reason that they were suitable to his own inclinations . therefore i told him , that since he desir'd to make himself known at the court of france , he could never hope for a more favourable occasion to succeed therein , than that which offer'd it self at that time ; and that none being so capable to assist us as himself , as well by his credit ; as by his being pa●ticularly vers'd and acquainted with the countries and languages , in the discovery of the grand tartary ; i made no doubt but our great monarch , would willingly employ him in that great enterprise , and grant him all the advantages he could desire , to acquit himself worthily of a commission so useful to religion . he desir'd some time to consider my proposals , and after a months deliberation , he yielded to my desires , and writ the following letter to the r. f. de la chaise , to desire him , to intercede for him with his majesty , to accept his zeal for his service . most reverend father . i have been inform'd by father avril , how much his most christian majesty interesses himself in the design of discovering a more secure and easier way by land into china , than any that have been attempted hitherto by sea , and through the indies . my earnest desire to contribute on my side towards the success of so great a work , which is certainly worthy the great soul of the most generous , and most christian of all monarchs , induces me to acquaint you with my zeal , for the endeavouring to establish the honour of god , and the glory of his majesty , in the execution of this heroick enterprise . whereas the different negotiations in which i have been imploy'd , both in muscovy , and persia , have given me occasion to make my self known at the court of the czars , as well as that of the chà , where the king of poland is sending me at this very time his plenipotentiary ; i imagin'd that your reverence , who is without doubt , one of the main promoters of this expedition , would not be displeas'd at the profer of my services with those princes , in order to obtain , for those fathers of your society , who are destin'd for china , all the help and assistance , they stand in need of , to succeed in that design . it is true , that the way of siberia and the great tartary , which they design'd , is the shortest of all ; but it is to be fear'd , that t●e discontent of the ambassadors , which the czars have lately sent into france , being added to the actual war , they are ingag'd in against the chinese , will serve as a pretence for those princes to refuse the passage that is desir'd of them . for those reasons i presume to tell your reverence , that the way through the kingdoms of yousbec and of thibet , seems more advantageous to me than the first ▪ and i am persuaded , that abundance of people might be found in those countries , that would receive the true faith. i know that father barnaby was resolv'd to follow this way , and i have all along told father avril that it was the safest . i am known in th●se kingdoms , and i know , that the ambassadors of those princes , whom i have seen at the c●urt of persia , have spoken favourably of me to their masters . this is the reason for which i offer my service , through the intermission of your reverence , to his most christian majesty , to conduct the fathers my self into china , from whence i design to return by the way of great tartary and muscovy , and thereby to make a discovery of the two roads , the knowledge of which , will be of great use for the establishing of a commerce so useful to the christian religion . in case his majesty will be plea●'d to accept the tender of my most humble services , i only desire the character of envoy to the emperor of china , to be able to cross those vast countries with honour , and to make my services more useful to the church , and to your society , which i have ever had a great respect for . i have desir'd father avril to write about it to the r. f. verjus , director of the missions of the east , and to acquaint him particularly with my intentions upon that subject . in the mean time , i desire your reverence to be perswaded , that none can be more respectfully than my self , most reverend father , your most humble and most obedient servant , syri . our superiours being very much at a loss by father barnaby's death , and the loss of all that they had sent by him , joyfully accepted the expedient we propos'd to them , and easily obtain'd his majesty's consent , who being convinc'd by the example of the illustrious . m. constance , that one may sometimes confide in a stranger , and being moreover inform'd from several parts with count syri's excellent qualifications , caus'd such letters as he desir●d , to be expedited , to the kings of persia , of the yousbecs , and of china . all these letters being written after one and the same way , i shall only insert the last here , both to shew our king 's indefatigable zeal , for whatever relates to the glory of god , and to publish the great obligations he has honour'd us with , in seconding our design so generously , and in so effectual a manner . most high , most excellent , most puissant , and most magnanimous prince , our dearly beloved good friend , may god increase your grandeur with a happy end . being inform'd , that your majesty , was desirous to have near your person , and in your dominions , a considerable number of learned men , very much vers'd in the european sciences , we resolv'd some years ago , to send you six learn'd mathematicians our subjects , to show your majesty what ever is most curious in sciences , and especially the astronomical observations of the famous accademy we have establish'd in our good city of paris : but whereas the length of the sea voyage , which divides our territories from yours , is lyable to many accidents , and cannot be perform'd without much time and danger : we have form'd the design , out of a desire to contribute towards your majesties satisfaction , to send you some more of the same father iesuits who are our mathematicians , with count syri , by land , which is the shortest , and safest way , to the end they may be the first , near your majesty , as so many pledges of our esteem and friendship , and that at the return of the said count syri , we may have a faithful account of the admirable and most extraordinary actions that are reported of your life . whereupon we beseech god , to augment the grandeur of your majesty , with an end altogether happy . written at marly , the 7th of august , 1688. your most dear , and good friend , lewis . while these new advantages were preparing for us in france , to make amends for those we had unfortunately lost , i heard with a great deal of joy , that one of the missionaries who was design'd to accompany father barnaby was happily sav'd , he not coming to roan till some days after his departure , and that he was coming by land to me in poland . it would have been a great pity to have lost at once two such excellent men. if i had the same liberty to speak of father beauvollier , whom providence has sav'd by a kind of miracle , as of the first , whom death has unfortunately ravish'd from us , i should joyfully publish the things i have seen him do while i had the satisfaction to travel in his company ; and if i may be allow'd to draw happy presages from the sequel of his apostle-ship , by the marks of the heroick zeal he has demonstrated in the beginnings , i will be bold to say , that he will prove one of the most illustrious instruments to advance the glory of god. as to what relates to father barnaby , whom i may speak of at present , without fear of being suspected of flattery , i am oblig'd to declare out of justice to his memory , that he was one of the most accomplish'd missionaries , perhaps that ever travell'd into the east . he had a surprizing faculty of learning languages , and an undaunted courage to go through the greatest dangers . he had apply'd himself to the study of physick , altho' he had no inclination to it , being fully perswaded by experience , that it was one of the best means to succeed in his functions , among people that only receive eternal truths , according as they receive temporal benefits . he us'd it effectually in two missions he establish'd , the one in curdistan , and the other in armenia , where his quality of physician gave him more credit than the most authentick credentials could ever have done ; and by vertue of that science in which he had acquir'd a great deal of skill , he baptiz'd a great number of children , who soon after departed to increase the number of the angels . among all his successes , god put him to many trials , and made him tast the fruits of that cross which he preach'd with so much zeal . he was strip'd several times by the arabians , and the curdes ; while he was labouring for the conversion of the iasidies , he had the happiness of being twice imprison'd for maintaining the cause of iesus christ , and was often abus'd , and cudgel'd for the glory of his name : in fine , to sum up all in one word , he generously ended the sacrifice of his life , abandoning himself as he did , to the excess of his charity , which far from being extinguish'd in the waters that swallow'd him up , became the more fervent and purer , in order to deserve , as we have reason to believe , that recompence which god promises to all those who expose and lose themselves for his sake . the diet of grodno breaking up much about the time i receiv'd notice of father beauvollier's arrival in poland , i repair'd to warsaw to receive him , and to take certain measures with him for the execution of our project . we both arriv'd there much about the same time ; and i cannot tell which of us receiv'd more joy at our meeting , after having formerly laid the foundation of the same design , which brought us so happily together again . after some days repose , which he stood extreamly in need of to refresh himself of the fatigues of his journey , and to apply some remedy to the swelling of his legs , occasion'd by the excessive cold he had endur'd in crossing holland , germany , and prussia , we apply'd our selves jointly to instruct those of our nation , until our departure , which count syri had appointed to be about the latter end of august , by reason that the instructions for his embassie were not ready yet , and that he could not receive the dispatches he expected from the court of france till about that time . in the mean while , whereas our superiors design'd to take the advantage of count syri's embassy to send several missionaries safely into persia , we receiv'd orders to take some along with us from poland , besides those two they had already granted us for china . the superiors of that kingdom , who were sensible , that our provinces of france had very much drein'd themselves , to supply the missions of china and of siam , which had been lately establish'd , were so much the rather inclin'd to second our design , by reason that they were inform'd at that very time that the prince of iveria desir'd to have some learned jesuits in his territories , the government whereof , he was going to reassume again , after some years absence . this prince , whose name is archilla , had made himself a mahometan , altho he was originally a georgian , for the peaceable injoyment of the kingdoms of iveria and mingrelia , which were his by right . the châ of persia , to purchase whose favour he had chang'd his religion , was pretty favourable to him in the beginnings , and tho' he afterwards return'd to his former christianity , he did not torment him near so much , as he did other petty kings his vassals . but his insatiable lust for women , inclin'd him at last , no longer to have any of those regards he had formerly had for him ; for being resolv'd at any rate , to injoy that unhappy prince's wife , whose beauty had been very much commended to him , he troubled him as much afterwards , as he had been kind to him till then . at first , he us'd fair means to obtain his desires . from mildness and promises , he proceeded to threats , and from that to open force and violence ; insomuch , that archilla , who was not strong enough to oppose the forces which the châ , being full of indignation at his refusal , had caus●d to advance to take him , was oblig'd to fly with the princess his wife , to the confines of his kingdome , which were most distant from persia ; but they did not remain long in quiet there : for the emperour being more inamour'd than ever , having cunningly ingag'd the grand seignior on his side , whose territories are adjoining to the king of iveria's , on that side towards the black sea , obtain'd some forces from him which easily surpris'd that fugitive prince , and conducted him to a castle belonging to the turk , where he was kept a while . in the mean time the princess with whom they would keep some measures , lest the thing should make too much noise , being strangely exasperated by a proceeding so violent , without losing time , assembled some gentlemen her subjects , with whom she forc'd the small place where her husband was kept prisoner , and notwithstanding all the resistance the souldiers could make , carry'd him away , and put him at liberty . after this bold action , they were both sensible , that they could no longer tarry in their kingdom , without exposing themselves to an inevitable ruin . therefore having abandon'd their kingdoms to the mercy of the two princes , of whom they are , as it were , tributaries , they sought a refuge in muscovy , where they were very well receiv'd by the czars , who having assign'd them a palace in the metropolitan of their empire , have maintain'd them there about three years with a pretty deal of magnificence . at that time prince archilla discover'd the happiness of those soveraigns who have christian subjects . the extraordinary respect the muscovites pay their emperours , whom they look upon as being real divinities , convinc'd him fully that the christian religion which he had abandon'd to ascend the throne , preferably to all others , inspires those sentiments of veneration that are due to a lawful king ; for which reason , being very much sollicited by his people to return to his kingdom , in which they promis'd to defend him against the king of persia , with whom they were not very well satisfy'd , he made great applications to the patriarch of moscow , to obtain some missioners from him , upon whose zeal he depended very much for the safety of his restoration . being perswaded that the absolute dependance he had observ'd in all the muscovites , in relation to their great dukes , was an effect of the unity of the religion that is profess'd in all their dominions , he thought that if he could once put things upon the same foot in iveria , and mingrelia , where there are several different sects , he might make himself as independant as they were , and make use of the loyalty and affection of his subjects , whom he was in hopes of reducing all to one and the same faith , as of a strong bulwark against the attacks of all the neighbouring princes . but he mistook the genius of the patriarch , in asking him for evangelical labourers . there was not one to be found in all muscovy , tho' it abounds so very much in priests . after his refusal he apply'd himself to the german jesuits who were at moscow , who made no such difficulty of getting some for him , as the patriarch had done , whose insensibility prov'd more advantageous to that prince , than his zeal would have been . upon this occasion , some polish jesuits associated themselves with us , to pass into persia , in count syri's company , who having receiv'd all the expeditions for his embassie , left warsaw at the beginning of september , in order to reach moscow about the time that the ice and snow render the road of astrakan agreeable , and convenient . we advanc'd as far as the frontiers of lithuania , where we had appointed a rendezvous to the rest of our companions who were dispers'd up and down , and who had sent us word they would be there at the appointed day : yet what-ever precautions we had taken , he whom we wanted most was not there ; we tarry'd some days for him , and count syri , notwithstanding the numerous attendance he was oblig'd to carry along with him , vouchsafed to stop to afford him time to come up to us , but in vain , for we heard that that father whom we were loth to lose , was fallen sick at vilna , and that he was not in a condition to follow us . this accident troubled us so much the more , by reason that the missionary we wanted was one of those that were most serviceable to us ; besides , he had all the mathematical instruments , and several other curiosities that had been sent us out of france , in the room of those things the sea had depriv'd us of . however , there was no other remedy than to beg of count syri , whom in reason we could not stop any longer , nor expose our selves to so much charge , to give me leave to repair to vilna , there to take up our sick brother in case he were any thing better , or at least to fetch our mathematical instruments , while he went forward himself as far as smolensko , where i knew he would be so kind as to tarry for us , in case he did not find the muscovites inclin'd to receive us . this resolution being approv'd of , i repair'd with speed to vilna , and count syri advanc'd slowly towards muscovy , and arriv'd at smolensko , where the governour , who was a man of honour , receiv'd him incomparably well , and promis'd him to be very kind to us upon his account , and to furnish us at our arrival with guides , and what-ever should be necessary to follow him . count syri being satisfy'd with the civilities of that vaivode , continu'd his march towards moscow with our other companions , being perswaded that when-ever we should appear , we should be favourably receiv'd , and as speedily dispatch'd , as he had assur'd me we should , by his letters . my journey to vilna prov'd useless ; for the person i went to seek there , being recover'd sooner than he expected , went from thence the very day i arriv'd there : however , i overtook him fortunately at minsko , which is one of the most considerable cities in all the black russia , about 30 german miles from vilna ; after which we cross'd the huge forests that lye between minsko , and cazin , which is the last city of poland on the frontier of muscovy , where a little brook divides the two countries . in that journey i had the satisfaction to see that prodigious quantity of bees , which composes part of the wealth of the lithuanians . i cannot imagine by what instinct those animals chuse those obscure parts , since virgil orders them to be plac●d with so much circumspection ; but there are few forests on that side , where one does not find many swarms of them ; that which in my opinion draws them thither , is the conveniency of the hives they find ready made in the hollow of the trees , where they could not be safe , were not care taken to secure them from the bears . those cruel beasts , that are passionate lovers of honey , are very troublesom to the bees , and prejudice the peasants , for whom they work considerably . however they secure them by making kind of fence round about the trees they are in , with spikes at top of them , or by covering the hole they come in at with several branches of thorn ; which , without stopping their passage , secure them from the cruel enemy , that persecutes them . as the forests of lithuania furnish the inhabitants with honey , and wax , they also yield them abundance of skins , and furs . elks , foxes , and bears are as common there as in muscovy ; and , would the polanders make war to those animals , as the muscovites do , they would soon take away part of their neighbours trade . the objects , that offer themselves to travellers , being commonly the subject of their discourse ; seeing a bear pass before us , i enquir'd about several curious things relating to that animal . i heard in the first place ; that , as wild as he appears to be , he is naturally a friend to man. besides ▪ the example of the child , that was suckled by a bear in the time of the late queen of poland , louise maria , i was assur'd , that the same prodigy happens often , and that children are often found in their caves without the least hurt , tho' they have lain there several days . they also shew'd me the academy , where they are manag'd , before their being led through the cities of europe , as they commonly are . it is a town call'd samourgan , where they are taught what we see them practice with so much dexterity , and as it were judgement . but that , which appear'd most surprizing to me , and which i cannot forbear relating , is the manner , how those animals commonly pass the winter . they pretend , that about the beginning of that cruel season , before the ground is cover'd with snow , they nibble a sort of herb , which stupifies them to that degree , as casts them into such a profound sleep , that they remain altogether insensible for several months of the year . they told me moreover , that the vertue of that herb had been discover'd almost in the same manner , the coffee-herb had been observ'd , the effect of which is contrary to this . a peasant of lithuania going about the beginning of winter to visit his bees , perceiv'd a she bear with three or four young ones coming under a tree , a top of which he was got ; he imagin'd at first she had only brought them to that place , to give them a share of the honey she expected to find in the hollow of the tree he stood upon . in this opinion , which made him much more apprehensive for his life , than for his swarm , he study'd carefully all the motions of the bear , fixing his eyes constantly upon her ; however , he recover'd his spirits a little , seeing her imploy'd under him , in pulling up a kind of herb she often presented to her young ones , after having eaten some her self . but his fear vanish'd quite , when he preceiv'd that little flock retire into the wood the same way it came . he came down a little after , and being curious to know what herb it was that had intic'd the animal , that had frightned him so much to that place , he gather'd some of the leaves of it , which he chew'd going home . he had no sooner done so , but he found himself seiz'd with such a drowsiness , that being no longer able to stand , he laid himself down upon a hay-cock to sleep . in the mean time his family being allarm'd at his stay , of which they could not guess the cause , went in search of him . some days after they found him in the aforesaid place , but so fast asleep , that all the cries , shakings , and agitations they tormented him with for a long while , could hardly awaken him . however , they did awake him at last with a great deal of torment ; and then he inform'd them with the cause of the obstinate drowsiness that had seiz'd him , which he found to be the effect of the herb he had discover'd . as to this story , which people are free to credit , or to reject , it is not improbable but that simples may be found yet stronger than opium , the vertue of which is sufficiently known in the world : and since god has given to all animals whatever is necessary for their maintenance , and for the preservation of their being , why may not he as well have imparted to the bear , which is no less the work of his hands than the hart , or lyon , the knowledge of an herb that may supply the prey , the cold and snows deprive him of during the winter . our first care at our arrival at cazin , was to send an express to the governour of smolensko , according to the orders i had receiv'd from count syri , to give him an account of our arrival , and to desire him to remember his promises to the ambassador from whom we had been separated by an unexpected accident . notwithstanding this vaivode's being very much a gentleman , he durst not answer us , having receiv'd positive orders from the court , to oppose our entrance into muscovy . what ever pressing instances count syri made to prince gallichin , to give us leave to come speedily up to him , to continue his voyage , which he could not do without us , that minister amus'd him with fair words , assuring him that he had sent an express to fetch us , and to bring us a passport from the court , without which we could not move . but notwithstanding all this , and all the interest that could be made from all parts , the muscovites had determin'd and were resolv'd to refuse us , not only the passage of siberia , which we had formerly requested of them , but also the entrance into their territories . however in spite of all their precautions , and the vexations they made us indure for three weeks together , during which time , they left us at cazin without any answer , providence offer'd us an occasion to reach moscow , which prov'd so much the more welcome to us , by reason that we had languish●d long , in the uncertainty of what we had to hope or fear . a polish gentleman , nam'd lazinski , pass'd through cazin while we were there , going to moscow with the character of envoy from the king of poland . he freely offer'd to conduct us to moscow , and lest the muscovitos might put us to any trouble , he told them we were his chaplains , as indeed we were during all the journey , in which we should not have had the satisfaction of saying mass , had not we been in his company . the favour we receiv'd from this polish minister , irritated the court of moscow , and it was not long before they express'd their resentment of it to us . they began by taking away from us our main supporter , upon whom we had grounded all our hopes for the success of our enterprize , i mean count syri , whom they oblig'd to depart from moscow , as soon as they heard that the envoy lazinski had taken us under his protection . however , the first was allow'd to take the jesuits he had brought out of poland along with him , and the reason why father beauvollier did not follow him , was because i entreated him to tarry for us , being very uncertain what fate would attend our affairs . when we arriv'd at moscow , we were yet more particularly convinc'd , that they were resolv'd not to spare us , for two days after our arrival the czars sent a pristave to father beauvollier , and my self , ( it is the name of the officer that carries their orders ) to order us to depart , and quit their dominions , adding that if we were so bold as to take a sanctuary either at the envoy , or resident of poland , they would find a way to force us from thence , and to oblige us to do that which perhaps we thought to elude by the protection of those two ministers . this violent proceeding surpriz'd us a little , but it did not abash us quite , we went immediately to the polish resident , call'd dominc d' aumont , who all along publickly declar'd himself our protectour , to consult him upon the measures we should take , and to entreat him to imploy the credit of his character , to shelter us from the storm that threatned us . the only expedient this minister could give us in those troublesom conjunctures , was to shew the letters our great monarch had honour'd us with for the czars , assuring us that they were so prepossess'd with the grandure and power of our king , especially since the taking of philipsburg , which they had just receiv'd notice of ; that notwithstanding the discontent of their ambassadours , they would infallibly revoke the orders we had receiv'd from them , if we made them sensible , according to the hopes we had given them of it two years ago , that his majesty really authoris'd our designs . the sequel convinc'd us that he had councel'd us well : for prince gallichin was no sooner inform'd that we had letters for the two emperours his masters , but he sent an excuse for the ill treatment we had receiv'd , and promis'd to give us a particular audience to make amends for what was pass'd . this first minister of state , who was of the illustrious race of the iagellons , was undoubtedly the most accomplish'd , and most knowing lord at the court of moscow , he lov'd strangers , and particularly the french , because the noble sentiments he had observ'd in them , were very consonant to his own ; for which reason , it was rumour'd that his heart was as much french as his name . it was no fault of his , that we did not receive all the satisfaction he made us hope for , the first time we had the honour to speak to him ; and had he been absolute master , and not oblig'd to keep great measures with all the boyars who were concern'd in the management of affairs , he would willingly have granted us the passage of siberia , and have facilitated our entrance into china , out of respect to lewis le grand , whose admirer he was , to that degree , that i have often been told that he caus'd his son to wear his majestie 's picture in the form of a cross of maltha . we waited upon him , being introduc'd by the resident of poland , on the day he had appointed us ; and he receiv'd us with all manner of civility . he took the king's letter , which we presented to him , with great respect , and having spoken very obligingly to us , he assured us he would cause it to be interpreted as soon as could be , in order to give us a speedy and favourable answer . we tarry'd however a fortnight for it , during which time the hollanders , and the envoy of brandenburg , who had contributed considerably to the ill treatment we receiv'd at first , did us all the injury they could , and omitted nothing to animate the boyars , nay even the emperours themselves against us , whether upon the account of our being french-men , or else out of jealousie of our profession , as being jesuits . however it is certain , that never any affair was so long under examination as ours was , considering that the whole stress of it consisted only in granting , or refusing leave , to some poor missionaries , to pass through the dominions of the great dukes , in order to preach the gospel among the chinese , who perish'd miserably for want of assistance ; but that 's a misfo● tune , the muscovites are little concern'd at . while the council was deliberating upon the answer they were to give us , and in examining our letters of mathematicians , which we thought fit to show them , we ●mploy'd our selves in being fully instructed in the spiritual and temporal state of muscovy , of which we will inform the publick , in a separate history from this , which will be the more acceptable , by reason that it will give a better account than ever was publish'd yet of that empire , which has been for so many years the theater of the greatest revolutions , that have happen'd in europe . however , not to omit any thing , that may be essential to the relation i am writing , i cannot forbear relating , in this place , some things we were eye-witnesses of , while we were oblig'd to wait the deliberation of the boyars , concerning the passage we came to desire , upon the assurances we had receiv'd of a grant thereof , after having taken all 〈◊〉 the precautions that had been prescrib'd to us . i have already hinted , that one of those , who did us the most diskindness with the czars , and their ministers , was the elector of brandenburgh's envoy , who came to moscow some days before us . this deputy , whose name is richer , a calvinist by profession , and confequently a sworn enemy to the jesuits , had been sent to the court of moscow by the present elector , to carry the czars the news of his exaltation , upon the elector his father's death , lately happen'd . he was charg'd with two different letters , with orders to deliver them in two different audiences : but he , instead of the two draughts he stood in need of for his commission , unfortunately took a duplicat of the letter the elector writ to the two czars , to acquaint them with his ex●ltation ; he deliver'd the said letter to them in the first audience he had with all the usual ceremonies at that court. some days after it , having another audience , he deliver'd his second letter ; but the court was very much surpriz'd , to find , that the last was only a repetition of the first , and more yet to be inform'd of the exaltation of the son , without any notice of the death of the father . this mistake , which occasion'd some laughter at the court , was a just subject of mortification for the envoy of the new elector ; but it did not hinder them from expressing a great deal of kindness to him , by reason of the agreeable propositions he came to make to the czars , in the elector his master's name , on the occasion of the princes radz●vil , who had lately taken , to her second husband , one of the palatin of newburg's sons , instead of prince iames of poland , to whom she had been promis'd . the king of poland , out of a just indignation at this new marriage , concluded without his knowledge , contrary to her former engagement , being necessitated to express his resentment thereat , propos'd at warsaw , the confiscation of the estate , that princess possess'd in lithuania , as the most effectual way to be reveng'd of the affront , both he , and the whole kingdom of poland had receiv'd thereby . the elector of brandenburg being inform'd with the king's design , and being oblig'd by the strictness of his alliance with the said princess , to oppose what ever might be attempted to the disadvantage of his sister-in-law , thought no way so proper , as to fortifie himself with the protection of some foreign power , and not being a strange● to the natural antipathy , that reigns , time out of mind , between the polanders and the muscovites , he endeavour'd on that occ●sion , to contrive a league offensive and defensive with muscovy , and this was the real motive for which this envoy was sent , and his elevation serv'd only as a pretence . however , a very great distinction was made between the two envoys , who were at the same time at moscow . they cavill'd continually with the polander , and took a delight in vexing him , whereas the brandenbourgher , daily receiv'd new testimonies of kindness from the czars , and was treated with as much respect , as they could have shown to an ambassador from the greatest princes in europe . in that conjuncture of affairs , the hollanders and the lutherans together , conspir'd the ruine of a roman catholick gentleman , nam●d du rouillé , who was put to death at moscow , while we were there , whose end equally glorious and tragical , i cannot forbear inserting here . this gentleman , was about 25 years of age , of one of the best families in brabant ; he was very well shap'd , had a very quick understanding , and was of a charming disposition . the desire of seeing , and of being acquainted with europe , had induc'd him to imbark upon a dutch ship , which set him down at archangel , from whence he travell'd to moscow , where he soon got acquainted with father beauvollier , who came there a little before me . this father , who had always made an advantageous use , for the glory of god , of the mathematicks , which he is very well vers'd in , easily insinuated himself into the mind of this gentleman , and ingag'd him so far by his winning behaviour , that he afterwards inspir'd him , with whatever sentiments he pleas'd . he begun by representing to him , what continual dangers travellers expose themselves to , and the necessity they lay under , of clearing their conscience , in order , to be above all the accidents that might surprise them . after which , having persuaded him to make a general confession , he engag●d him so cunningly into all the exercises of solid piety , that in a very short time , he made him a new man , altogether different from what he was before . yet notwithstanding the regularity of his conduct , he had the misfortune to be ingag'd in a contest , which at one and the same time occasion'd his ruine , and yet prov'd the source of his happiness . he happen'd to have a dispute with an unfortunate german , whose name was schuts , who , to marry a lutheran woman , he was foolishly fallen in love with , had made no difficulty of committing a double apostacy , in quitting a very reform'd order , in which he had liv'd long , and in renouncing the catholick faith which he had profess'd all along . after some words that had pass'd between them in the heat of their dispute , this brutal apostate drew out a sword to run the brabander through , who was come to visit him without any ill design . the last avoided his violent thrusts , as much as he could , and endeavour'd to dis-arm him , in hopes of calming his mind ; but not being able to do it , and finding himself more and more indanger'd , he took hold of a pistol , that hung in the room where this tragedy was acted , wherewith he shot him through . this being done , this gentleman , less criminal than unhappy , being sensible that it was impossible for him to get out of m●scow , immediately judg'd that he was ruin'd , however he got out of the house , with a a great presence of mind , and about two in the morning came to father beauvollier , to whom he made a general confession of all his life to dispose himself to all the events he had reason to fear . at break of day , the judges being inform'd with what had happen'd , sent out officers to apprehend him . he was accordingly taken and carry'd to the chancery , where he was examin'd according to custom . however , they could not well condemn him to dye , by reason , that the person he had wounded , who liv'd two days after he receiv'd his wound , had absolutely clear'd him , declaring sincerely , that by his own obstinacy he had drawn this fate upon himself . therefore they were oblig'd to defer their judgments upon the matter , in expectation of new informations . while things were thus in suspense , two sorts of people imploy'd themselves to obtain a pardon for this guilty unfortunate . the polish resident , seconded by all the zealous catholicks , us'd this utmost endeavours , to represent this gentleman's innocence , to the emperors and to the boyars . the muscovites were likewise desirous to save him , but to their own advantage , obliging him to embrace their schism , and serve in their armies . however , the efforts both of the one and the other prov'd successless , by reason of the steadiness of that truly christian soul , and by the cabals of the lutherans and dutch , who engag'd the envoy of brandenburg in their party , whose credit was too great at that court , for any body to cope with him . this passionate minister being inform'd , with how much courage the innocent prisoner had rejected the propositions that had been made to him about changing his religion , and the generous disdain he had express●d , for all the advantages that had been proffer●d to him , in case he would turn roux , being moreover sensible of the small regards the court express'd for the polish resident and envoy , cunningly made use of the conjunctures which he judg'd favourable , to sacrifice to the resentments of the lutherans and calvinists , the life of that poor gentleman , whose religion made his greatest crime . what ever pretence the first could have to desire his death , and what ever animosity their minister had inspir'd them with , in a sermon he preach'd on purpose to incline them to vengeance , they appear'd less eager of it than these who were resolv'd at any rate to make him pay for a favour they had formerly done him , taking him then to be one of their perswasion , which errour he undeceiv'd them of couragiously , declaring to them , that he was a true son of the roman church . the envoy of brandenburg at the instigation of those dangerous enemies , prosecuted and obtain'd a sentence of death against this poor stranger , at a time when he , and all his friends were most in hopes of a pardon . his condemnation being pronounc'd , after a conference the deputy had held with prince gallichin , it was not hard to judge that it was the effect of his pressing sollicitations , to which they consented , the rather because they had lost all hopes of prevailing with a person who had appear'd all along insensible to all the advantageous propositions they had made to him , to perswade him to change his belief . but notwithstanding the injustice of this sentence , he did not complain so much of it , as he did at their cruelty during his imprisonment : he had often desir'd leave to see his confessor , in whom he had an absolute confidence , the which had been constantly deny'd him : insomuch that he could only conferr with him by letters , and even that , they endeavour'd to deprive him of with great inhumanity . the very day he was executed , he writ one to father beauvollier , in which , after having given him an account of his conscience , and the interior sentiments god had inspir'd him with during his imprisonment , he acquainted him with the assurances he had receiv'd of being soon put at liberty : but our joy was very short liv'd , for while we were rejoycing about it , we heard , with an incredible surprize , that he was going to the place of execution , there to be beheaded in the quarter of the germans ; pretty near the house where his misfortune had guided him some days before . father beauvollier being more surpriz'd and concern'd thereat , than any other , ran out immediately , arm'd with his crucifix , and having crowded through an infinite number of people that fill'd up all the passages , he threw himself ( notwithstanding all the opposition of the souldiers ) into the sledge in which his illustrious patient lay . whatever his guards could do to oppose his zeal , and to oblige him to retire , he overcame their obstinacy , shewing them the sign he had arm'd himself with , and giving them to understand that he design'd nothing but to perform the last duty towards his dear penitent . he found it much more difficult to defend himself against the secret attacks he resented at the sight of an object so full of pity ; but whereas he had no time to lose , he forc'd himself to prepare his generous friend to die , who was the more sensible at that enterview , by reason that he had not expected it . the secret testimony of his conscience having altogether clear'd and satisfy'd him as to the cause of his condemnation , he assur'd the father who accompany'd him , that the death he was going to suffer , was so far from frighting him , that it afforded him a real consolation , in hopes that god would be pleas'd to accept of it , not only as a satisfaction to his justice , for all the sins he had formerly committed ; but also as the most sensible proof he could give him of his love and fidelity . being thus penetrated with the most lively sentiments , the holiness of the religion he professes can inspire a christian with , he began his general confession anew , altho he had lately done it in two different recounters ; and having ended it with marks of a really penitent heart , he dispos'd himself by several religious acts his confessor reminded him of , to the sacrifice he soon after consummated , with a presence of mind , and devotion , which drew tears from all the spectators . when he came to the place of execution , he came modestly out of his sledge , then kneeling down , he repeated the devout ejaculations his confessor fortify'd him with . finally , having thus dispos'd himself above an hour and a half long to this last action of his life , he was desired to make himself ready to receive the stroak of death . he immediately got up , without being surpriz'd , and having himself taken off a large vest of brocado he had on , he deliver'd it to the executioner , who allow'd him yet as much time as he desir'd to assure the spectotors that he dy'd a son of the catholick church , out of which there is no salvation ; and to protest that he heartily forgave all his enemies , to whom he did not impute his death so much , as to his sincere zeal for his religion , in which he would persist with the assistance of god , to the last moment of his life . having said this , he turn'd to his consessor , and thank'd him for all his charitable cares , and for all the salutary instructions he had been pleas'd to give him from the happy moment in which he was first acquainted with him ; he desir'd him not to leave him , till after his execution , and to continue his fervent exhortations to him , until he had deliver'd up his soul into the hands of his creatour : after which , stepping into a small retrenchment that was made on purpose , he laid himself down upon the ground that was cover'd with snow , and plac'd his head upon the block , in expectation of the stroak he receiv'd soon after , pronouncing the sacred names of i●sus , and mary , the sound of which was heard through his wound , even after his head was divided from the rest of his body . it is impossible to express how much noise his death caus'd in moscow , and how much every body was edify●d by the zeal father beauvollier express'd on that occasion : it appear'd sufficiently by the applause he receiv'd coming home again : altho' every body was concern'd at the unhappy destiny of this young gentleman , yet they esteem●d him happy to have ended his life in the hands of a person who had given him such holy dispositions ; and nothing perhaps ever gave more lustre to the roman religion , than this example of piety , and charity , which for a long while was the whole discourse of the city , which sensibly convinc'd all those who were witnesses of it , how happy it is to live in a religion , in which they dye so holily . there was reason to believe that this death would appease , and altogether stifle the sentiments of vengeance that party had appear'd so unjustly animated with ; but they resolv'd to add ignominy to their cruelty ; and to that end prevail'd with prince gallichin that the body of the deceas'd , on whose memory they would fix infamy , should be expos'd three days together in a publick place , but the zeal of the catholick prevail'd over the fury of the lutherans . the polish resident being exasperated at the obstinate malice of those enemies of our faith , went to the emperour's minister , and urg'd such strong arguments to him , to revoke those orders , that he could not refuse leave to remove the sad object , which was instantly transported to the house of the jesuits , where it was kept until it could be buried honourably . in order to do it with all the magnificence that was judg'd necessary to check the envy of the cabal , a day was chosen in which all those who were considerable among the catholicks might assist at the funeral pomp. none was thought so proper as that of the purification of the virgin. i celebrated the mass that day , and the king of poland's two ministers , together with all the catholick officers that serv'd in the czars armies , accompany'd with all the persons of quality among the strangers , honour'd my sacrifice with their presence . the afternoon was consecrated to pay the last dues to our illustrious friend , whose edifying death had so much honour'd our faith. his corps being lay'd in a sumptuous coffin , was carry'd to the place of burial , with all the ceremonies practis'd in catholick cities , and buried in the church-yard that is common to all christian foreigners . the thing which seem'd most particular to me in that action , and pass'd for a kind of miracle , was the surprizing ease that was met in digging the grave into which we were to lay those precious remains , which was very extraordinary . as the cold is very violent at moscow in the winter time , it hardens the ground to that degree , that it is very difficult to move it on any occasion whatever ; insomuch that there is an absolute necessity to heat it with a considerable quantity of wood , long before one begins to digg it . those precautions had been omitted out of forgetfulness , at the burial of this young man : yet notwithstanding the grave-diggers that were imploy'd , far from meeting any resistance in the ground , found it as soft as if it had been moisten'd many summer days by the most favourable showers . altho' i would not affirm this to be altogether miraculous , yet at the same time i dare not contradict the opinion of all the spectators , who believ'd that god by his extraordinary event , had been pleas'd to express how much he delighted in the generous confession of his servant . the same motive that had engag'd the envoy of brandenburg , to espouse the quarrel of the lutherans , likewise oblig'd him to thwart our designs , and to break all the measures we had endeavour'd to take , to secure the success thereof : he easily gain'd his ends , reminding the muscovites with the discontents of their ambassadors in france , and in representing to them , how prejudicial the conquest of the palatinate was to the league they had lately concluded with the emperor , as well as by making them jealous of the quality of mathematicians , his majesty had honour'd us with . all these seeming plausible reasons , oblig'd the boyars at last , to declare against us , and to refuse us a passage , the hopes of which , had engag'd us to such charges and fateigues . this was the result of all the deliberations of the council , which we were inform'd with at the chancery , where the first secretary , who had summon'd us by order from the court , told us with a trembling voice , returning us our letters of mathematicians , that the czars commanded us , for reasons we could not be ignorant of , to retire forthwith out of their dominions , and to make our selves ready to go with the same deputy who had conducted us to moscow . notwithstanding these orders were very pressing , and that we were forc'd to submit , we made a new effort with the friends we had about prince gallichin , who represented to him how prejudicial this would prove to christianity , and even disadvantageous to the reputation of the emperors , who seem'd to confess their weakness , in chusing for the victims of their resentment , two poor religious , who had no other end , in their long pilgrimage , than the conversion of infidels ; nor other interests to mannage , than those of the true god , whose word they were going to preach to the end of the earth . the prince was mov'd by those reasons , and whereas he had a great deal of honour , he us'd all his interest to prevail with the boyars to alter their minds : but they , thinking , perhaps , that their honours were concern'd in it , kept obstinately to their first resolution , and refus'd to hearken to any propositions made on our behalf . the truth is , that , had he been minded to make use of his own authority on that occasion , he might easily have obtain'd from the czars , the revocation of the orders we have mention'd : but having already too many enemies against him , he was oblig'd to sacrifice us , for fear of imbroiling himself the more , and of being involv'd into more troubles than he daily met with already , notwithstanding the high post he possess'd , which was not capable to secure him from the shaft 's envy . we were very sensible , at that very time when he labour'd to obtain the favour we desi●'d , that he had a great deal of reason to behave himself prudently towards every body , and not to take too much advantage of the credit he deriv'd from his place of prime minister , nor of the consideration the eldest of the czars express'd for him , as well as the princess sophia , whose creature he was . this were a proper place to unravel the divers intrigues of that princess , who , during the minority of the two czars , her brothers , took possession of the government , in which she has continued for some years , by means of that faithful minister ; but i have bounded my self to speak of nothing but what is essential to the relation i am writing ; besides , the publick will soon receive a particular history , of whatever relates to the present state of muscovy ; therefore i shall only mention here , the different events i have been an eye witness of , to satisfy the reader , with the reasons that have hinder'd us from succeeding in the discovery of a way by land into china , which we had undertaken , and with the sequel of our proceedings , after the muscovites had refus'd to allow us a passage through their territories . whatever inclination prince gallichin had to favour our designs , he could not possibly do it , under his present circumstances , and two vexatious accidents that befell him , much about one and the same time ; hinder'd him from declaring for us , as openly as , perhaps , he would have done at another time . the first was by a private man , who having flung himself into his sledge , as he was going to the palace of the czars , threw himself upon him , and seiz'd him by the beard to stab him . while he was drawing his dagger , which stuck in his girdle , as the muscovites commonly wear them , the princes servants , who follow'd the sledge , ran up to him , and stopt him just as he was about sticking it into his breast . and yet this wretch was not in the least daunted , but on the contrary seem'd more inraged , having miss'd his blow , than he was before ; and without regarding the consequences of his pernicious design , he made many vain efforts to put it in execution ; but finding that it was in vain , since he was overpower'd , he alarm'd that prince , as much by his insolent seditious discourse , as he had frighten'd him by his resolution in attacking him . infamous tyrant , said he to him , with an air both fierce and terrible , since i have been so unfortunate as to fail in this attempt , to deliver my country from the most horrid monster , that ever was bred in it , by making thee a sacrifice , know that some happier hand than mine will be found , and that among upwards of three hundred citizens , who pitty the people , that is daily oppress'd by thee , some will take better measures than i have done . he was not permitted to go on ; but was immediately dragg'd to prison , where he was executed , to avoid making too much noise , after having been forc'd by the rack , to declare the number and quality of his accomplices . this out-rage was follow'd by another , which made an end of convincing this first minister of the extraordinary danger , to which he was daily expos'd , by his great elevation . some days before his departure for the army , a cover'd coffin was found at his palace gate , with a note in it , containing these words : gallichin , unless the campaign thou art going to open , prove more successful than the former , thou canst not avoid this . those menaces which prov'd as so many fatal presages of the misfortunes that he fell him afterwards , oblig'd him to stand continually upon his guard , and to avoid doing any thing that might displease the boyars in the least , who underhand set those instruments at work , which press'd him so close , after his return from krimea , that finally they caus'd him to be banish'd into siberia , where to this hour he leads a languishing shameful life . the unfortunate success of our enterprise , may partly be imputed to those violent proceedings , since they hinder'd the prince , who had been favourable to us all along , from opposing the decision of the council against us , the which appear'd very unreasonable , even to such among the muscovites , who knew the motives of our journey . however , we were oblig'd to submit to the orders we had receiv'd , and to take new measures , not only to go back to poland ; but also to follow count syri into persia , from whom we daily receiv'd fresh assurances of his sincere resolution , to be our conductor to the place we were bound for , in spight of all the efforts of the muscovites to the contrary . having no longer any hopes of re-establishing our affairs in muscovy , we turn'd all our thoughts on our return : yet we were oblig'd to tarry a fortnight longer at muscow , for fear of exposing our selves to the injuries we dreaded by the way ; the very polish envoy , whom we were to accompany , looking upon it as the safest way to secure himself . it was about the time the muscovites keep their carnaval , which may be stil'd the time of the most excessive debauches , and of the most enormous crimes . the use of flesh is not allow'd of at that time , they only use butter , wherewith they commit horrid excesses , and having melted it , drink it as if it were a most delicious liquour . neither are they sparing of brandy , and other liquours of that kind : insomuch that all muscovy , at that time , is a wretched empire , expos'd to all manner of vices . violences , persidiousness , and treasons , are committed in it licentiously , and woe to those strangers , who appear abroad at that time , without being very well guarded . the disorders were yet much greater formerly , and murders more common , than they are at present ; however , i was inform'd , that the first night of those brutish rejoycings , to the end of which we were oblig'd to tarry ; above forty persons were kill'd in the city of moscow only , and that the people , who out of a strange impious superstition , draw good or ill omens for that year , according to the number of those that are murder'd at that time , seem'd dissatisfied with the inconsiderableness of that small number , which was nothing , in comparison of the preceeding years . at that very time the yougest of the czars , who was about eighteen years of age , marry'd the daughter of a private officer of the army , his marriage was proclaim'd to all the city by the sound of the great bell , which is one of the finest in the world. it contains about 20 foot diameter , 40 in height , and at this very time a cubit in thickness , altho' they have been oblig'd to take away 40000 pound of metal from it , to make it sound . as it is extreamly massy , the only way to sound it , is to strike upon it with a hammer , which is seldome done but on twelfth-day , which is the greatest day of the year among the muscovites , or when the prince marries . the marriage of the czars is seldom published until it be perform'd , by reason of the danger that would attend the discovering of it sooner . for whereas it is an establish'd custom among them , never to make any alliance with a foreign crown , they are oblig'd to chuse a wife in their own dominions , among the daughters of their subjects : but as the person they make choice of , is expos'd to the envy of the others , the vexation they receive by that preference , inflaming them to a desire of vengeance on their rivals , as well as on the prince , by whom they are refus'd ; they are necessitated to take the precautions i have mention'd to avoid those misfortunes that are but too frequent . the young prince , within a few days after his marriage , was seiz'd with the falling-sickness , a distemper that is hereditary to all his family . it was look'd upon at first , as an effect of the jealousie of the several families that had been excluded from the honour to which they aspir'd , but this accident not being attended with any other ill consequences , they continu'd the rejoycings that are common on those occasions . the polish envoy , finding muscovy restor'd to its former tranquility , set forward for poland ; we accompany'd him to the confines of lethuania , from whence we proceeded to warsaw , where we met a protector , heaven had rais'd us , to recompence all our pass'd sufferings , who by his credit open'd a way for us , as far as constantinople , where he caus'd us to be conducted , with as much generosity as good fortune , as will be seen by the sequel of this history . the end of the fourth book .. travels in moldavia . book the fifth . if the constancy god inspires amidst the greatest misfortunes , that seem most to oppose our designs , is a sensible proof that god approves them , we have a great deal of reason to believe , that the discovery of a way to china by land , which we had undertaken , has been agreeable to him , since , that far from being disgusted , by all the difficulties we have met in it , we never had greater hopes of success , than at the time when they seemed altogether desperate . after the refusal we had from the muscovites , we had but one resourse for the execution of our project , which was to follow count syri into persia , whose good intentions , seconded by his admirable qualifications , promis'd us a more prosperous , and more certain success , than that we had flatter'd our selves with till then . indeed , it was a very great risque , to venture on so long a journey , after all our pass'd fatigues ; a thousand dangers seem'd to attend our enterprize of going for constantinople , at a time when the war between the christians and the infidels , seem'd to shut up all the avenues thither ; but what can be impossible , when seconded by the grace of god , we abandon our selves to the care of providence ? notwithstanding the dangerous conjunctures of that time , we took our measures to pass into the east , and to leave no means unattempted to succeed therein . we apply'd our selves at first to the emperour's envoy , call'd ierowski , who was at warsaw at that time , thinking he would not refuse us the pass-ports we wanted to go to vienna , from whence we might easily repair to buda , and from thence to the first city , possess'd by the grand seignior , upon the danube . some political reasons having hinder'd that minister from favouring our designs , heaven fortunately inspir'd us with the thoughts of applying our selves to the great general of poland , whom we only knew by the extraordinary and admirable things , we had formerly been told , and were still daily publish'd about him . the civility and kindness he express'd to us , the first time we had the honour to speak with him , soon convinc'd us of the truth of those reports ; and we had leasure to discover in the sequel , during two months time , in which we conversed with him , that his reputation , tho' great , was much below his merit . this lord , the most lovely , and the most belov'd of any in poland , being inform'd with all our past adventures and with the motive which made us apply our selves to him , made us very sensible , from that very moment , that he took a great deal of interest in our concerns , and how much he desir'd we should rely upon him for the execution of our enterprise . my dear fathers , said he , embracing us , being french-men , jesuits , and missionaries , as you are , you need not question but i will be proud to serve you : whatever vexation you have received from the muscovites , by the refusal of the passage you desn'd of them , i cannot be displeas'd with them , for the trouble they have occasion'd you , since it affords me an opportuninity to serve you . as the only favour your zeal requires , is to put you in a way to reach constantinople , assure your selves , that i will get you thither . if you have no business here , prepare your selves to go to leopold with me , and there we will take all necessary measures for the jonrney you undertake for the glory of god. tho' father beauvollier , and my self , were extreamly tired with the fatigues of our return , and stood in want of rest , we receiv'd new vigour , upon the agreeable assurances our generous protector was pleas'd to give us , and we follow'd him full of joy and confidence to leopold , which is the place of his usual residence . as soon as we came there , he dispatch'd two couriers , the one to the hospodar of woldavia , and the other to the bashaw of caminiec , who were best able to favour our passage at that dangerous time . besides his application to remove all the difficulties that stood in our way , he extended his care to our persons , with an extraordinary kindness . being sensible that we had suffer'd considerably in our last voyage of muscovy , he omitted nothing that was capable to restore us to our former health , in order to enable us to perform that we were shortly to undertake . he entertain'd us in his own palace , in which he gave us a fiue conveniont apartment , and would in no wise permit us to lodge with our fathers , that are settl'd at leopold . we remain'd there about two months , in expectation of the return of the couriers ; during which time , we sensibly discover'd the singular favour we had receiv'd from heaven , in the potent protection of the incomparable palatin of russia , whose holy example serv'd as much to animate our zeal for the service of god , as his eminent qualifications , to challenge our admiration of him . this illustrious general , whose heroick actions have render'd his name as formidable to the enemies of the faith , as venerable in all europe , possess'd , to the highest degree , all the advantages of mind and body , that may concur towards the forming of an accomplish'd heroe . his air is noble , his port majestick , his heart great , his genious incomparable , his humour agreeable , his behaviour charming ; he is learn'd , curious , magnificent , liberal , prudent in all his military expeditions , undaunted in danger , bold in all his undertakings for the good of his religion , and the advantage of the state. but that which surpasseth all his noble qualifications , is , the solid piety he professes , the which he joyns so admirably to the functions of his place , that he passes for the bravest and most religious lord in poland he daily allows himself two or three hours for prayer , he hears several masses every morning , he employs a considerable time in reading of books of devotion , he often participates to the holy misteries , and always disposes himself to that great action , by a rigorous fast. altho' he is a severe observer of vertue , his conversation is sweet and ingaging : he argues incomparably well upon all subjects , insomuch that every body delights in his conversation ; he loves to be among the learn'd , and is seldom without some about him . above all , he delights in discoursing of mathematicks and history . we have often had the honour to pass the best part of the night with him , to observe some constellations , and some planets , with several fine mathematical instruments he sometimes employs . besides all this , he has a very particular respect for our king. having thus described some of the vertues of the illustrious iablonowski , no body will be surpriz'd at the high reputation , wherewith heaven rewards his merit , and has given him the most accomplished family , that can possibly be seen . besides , the two palatines of plock and of posnania his daughters , who are two models of vertue for all the polish ladies to imitate , he has three sons , who , like their august father , are the delights of all poland . the two first have already some of the most considerable employments in the army , where they distinguish themselves , not only by their bravery , and other excellent qualifications , but also by their regular christian behaviour , for which they gratefully acknowledg● themselves indebted , in part , to th● good education they have receiv'd in th● colledge of lewis the 14th . the third● who begins already to imitate his brothers likewise promises much . the wit an● vivacity he discovers in his tender years are infallible signs of what he will prov● one day , after having received the same education with his lovely brothers , whose room he is coming to supply . i have never had the happiness to see the vertuou● mother of those children ; she dv'd 〈◊〉 little before my first arrival in poland ; but by all the commendations i have heard of her , and by what i have learn● from the incomparable palatine , her husband , i do not in the least wonder at the vertue of their noble off-spring . while we began to enjoy the sweets , of the potent protection of our generous benefactor , we were inform'd , with a great deal of trouble , that the emperour's envoy , i have already mention'd , us'd all his interest to cross our designs , and to create jealousies about us . he was not satisfied with having refus'd us the passports we had desir'd of him , but he us'd , moreover , his utmost endeavours , both by word of mouth and in writing , to ruin our credit with the great general of poland . nay , more , he prevail'd with persons of great note to do the same . they did all they could to perswade him that we were dangerous spyes ; and publickly reported , that we had taken the exact plan of the strongest places in poland , to make a present of them to the grand seignior . but all their attempts prov'd vain , the person they went about to perswade , having too much sence and generosity to be impos'd upon by them . notwithstanding their earnest sollicitations , the motives of which we did not discover till we came into moldavia : we still receiv'd new favours from the great palatin of russia , who , far from forsaking us , daily loaded us with fresh obligations , being fully perswaded that their animosity against us was very ill grounded . he sufficiently testify'd , on all occasions , that his sentiments were much more advantagious for us , than those they endeavour'd to inspire in him ; and that he was very well satisfy'd with the uprightness of our intentions , by the extraordinary care he took to secure us the passage , which his zeal for the glory of god inclin'd him to procure for us . the two couriers , we had expected so long , being arriv'd with the most favourable answers we could expect , the great general thought it more proper for us to go by the way of moldavia , than that of caminiec , whether he judg'd the first less dangerous , or whether he did not confide so much in the basha , with whom he had no great acquaintance , as he did in the hospodar , whom he look'd upon as his particular friend . the sequel soon made us sensible , that this determination was a very particular effect of the providence of god over us : for soon after our arrival at yassy , which is the metropolitan of moldavia , we heard that some armenians , who had not been able to joyn us to pass from poland to constantinople , had unfortunately met a party of tartars , near caminiec , who had plunder'd them , and beaten them to that degree , that they remain'd half dead upon the spot . besides these judicious precautions , which testify'd the zeal of our incomparable benefactor for the success of our journey , he gave us many other sensible proofs of his goodness , before our departure . he did not only equip us , and give us whatever was necessary to defray the charges of our journey , but he oblig'd us , moreover , to take one of his servants along with us , to be our guide and interpreter as far as constantinople , and a guard of thirty moldavian troops , whom he charg'd not to leave us , until they had conducted us to the hospodar . he writ to that prince , and other persons who could facilitate our journey , in such a manner , that we were received every where , as if we had been his children . but as considerable as all these favours were , nothing made more impression upon us , than the tenderness and affection he express'd to us at parting : it wrought so powerfully upon us , that it was impossible for us to express our gratitude to him , for all his extraordinary favours , otherwise than by our signs and tears , to which this noble lord shew'd us that he was not insensible . being thus loaded with the liberalities of the great palatin of russia , and accompanied by several of his attendants , we cross'd part of podolia , and of pokutia , and lastly arriv'd at the castle of iablonow , from which the illustrious family of the iablonowski derives its name . there we took the guard which accompany'd us to a small city of moldavia , call'd campolongo , which the great general has made himself master of , since the beginning of the war between the poles and turks , to keep the moldavians in awe , and to hinder them from making incursions upon his lands . before we reach'd thither , we were oblig'd to engage our selves in the famous forest of the boukovines , the extent of which contains above forty leagues , the same which has been made so famous by the great victories the great general of poland gain'd there , some years ago over the turks and tartars , which came with numerous forces , commanded by sultan galga , with an intention to make an irruption into poland . the passage of the forest is very difficult , the roads are bad and narrow , and the ground is soak'd every where by a foul . marshy water , which renders them almost impracticable . however , we were necessitated to pass through it , and to follow those oblique disagreeable roads , the end of which i thought we should never have seen . but the illness of the way was not the thing that troubled us most ; the surprize of the thieves alarm'd us yet much more : and as soon as we were got a pretty way into that horrid sollitude , we discover'd several separate bands of them ; but our conductors being known to them , their companions no sooner perceiv'd them but they retir'd . thus we got safe out of the boukovines , and enter'd into the plains of moldavia , where we travell'd some time with more satisfaction , than we had done in the gloomy forests we came out . moldava is one of the finest and pleasantest provinces in europe . there are great plains water'd by divers rivers , the chief of which is the moldava , which has turnings and windings , not unlike the seine ; and seems , throughout its whole extent , to carry plenty every where . those waters would certainly render those plains very fruitful , and would contribute to make that province one of the richest in europe , were it less expos'd to the insults of the turks and tartars ; but the forces , that the one and the other of them continually send through it , to defend caminiec , have destroy'd it so much , that it lies unmanur'd in many places , for want of inhabitants to cultivate it , especially in the eastern part , which confines to tartary , where such of the inhabitants that live in the open country , are oblig'd to dig lodges under ground , to avoid the fury of those implacable enemies of christianity . having cross'd those plains without any difficulty , we arriv'd at campolongo , where we took a fresh guard , which conducted us with as much fidelity and success as the first , to the metropolitan of moldavia . when we came near to it , we sent our interpreter before , according to our orders from the great general of poland , to present our humble respects to the hospodar , until we were in a condition to do it our selves . we really expected much from the recommendations of the grand general , and the letters he had given us for that prince ; but yet had we been able to foresee the effect they were to produce , we should have begg'd that palatin to moderate his kindness , and to spare us a little more . the hospodar , who had more regard for the pressing letters of the general , than for our character of religious , put no bounds to his respects ; and i question whether he could have done more to the ambassadors of the greatest prince on earth . as soon as he had notice of our arrival , he assign'd us a convenient house , and the same day he sent us one of his secretaries , to congratulate our arrival , and to let us know that he was impatient to see us . the next day he sent us his coach , and a guard of fifty souldiers , together with the lord chancellour's son to be our interpreter : we were conducted in this manner to his palace , where the hospodar expected us . all the militia was in arms in very good order , from our lodgings to the court. being alighted , we found two gentlemen who tarry'd for us to lead us to the audience . they lead us under the arms up a pair of stairs of about thirty steps , and so into the great hall , where the barons of the state did commonly assemble . there were a great many of them there at that time ; we saluted them as we pass'd along , and then went up to the prince's closet , at the door of which we met the master of the ceremonies , who introduc'd us . as soon as we appear'd , the hospodar arose from his throne , and stept forward to receive us . he entertain'd us with all the civility imaginable , above two hours long . we made our compliment to him , to which he answer'd in a very obliging manner ; after which , having commanded us to sit down , he turn'd the conversation upon the conquests of our king , of which we gave him a particular account , wherewith he was very much delighted , as it appear'd by the obliging words he spoke to us , as we were going ; seeming then to have forgot his rank and dignity , dear fathers , said he to us , since the king , whom you have the honour to belong to , and under whose influence you are going to preach the gospel to the utmost extremities of the world , is so accomplish'd a monarch , that he challenges admiration from all the earth , i beg your friendship as a favour , that i may have the satisfaction , for the future , to reckon among my friends two subjects , and two mathematicians , belonging to so great a monarch . we did not expect to receive such honours at that prince's court ; and though we had foreseen it , we could not have avoided it , considering the great recommendations he had receiv'd from the great general of poland , who had written to him , and to all the officers of his acquai●tance , to receive us like his own children , and to be as tender of us as of his own eyes . it was the hospodar's interest to receive us as he did , thereby to cover the conspiracy he was framing against poland , the which we discover'd soon after our arrival , notwithstanding all their precautions to keep it from our knowledge . i will relate the reality of this intrigue in few words , the which this envoy ierowski design'd to keep us ignorant of , by opposing our passage through moldavia . constantin cantemir hospodar of moldavia , being conscious of the piece of treachery he had been guilty of four or five years ago towards the king of poland , fear'd with reason , that should his territories once be subjected to that crown , the king would be reveng'd of the infidelity he committed during the campaign of budziac : he had promis'd the king , who advanc'd as far as iassy , the metropolis of his territories , to take an oath of allegiance to him , and solemnly to acknowledge his dependancy on poland , and to supply his army with all necessary provisions : but while he amus'd that prince within a league of the city by the deputies he continually sent to him , he fled another way with the inhabitants , who carry'd away whatever they could remove . the king enter'd the city with his army , which committed great spoils there , and reduc'd it to the miserable condition in which we have seen it . this violence of the souldiers , tho just , contributed very much to incense the moldavians against the poles , and particularly a considerable number of grecians who are the chief boyers of that little court. they willingly hearken'd to the propositions that were made to them from the emperour , by a deputy who was sent thither on purpose , and they promis'd each other an inviolable secrecy , which they swore upon the holy gospel . the hospodar oblig'd the illustrious mir●n lord high chancellour of the state , to take the same oath , altho' both he , and all his family , and the great general of moldavia his kinsman seem'd very much affected to the interest of poland , but he could not oblige him to sign that treaty , without reiterated menaces of cutting-off his head , and to extirpate his family , which is the most considerable in that province . this treaty , which had been lately concluded , and which all the boyars had been oblig'd to sign , consisted of five articles . i. the first was , that moldavia should be under the protection and dependancy of the emperour , for which tke hospodar should be oblig'd to pay him a tribute of fifty thousand crowns . ii. the second , that the emperour should furnish him a sufficient body of men to force the poles out of campolongo , and other places of moldavia in which they kept garrisons , and that he should assist him , whenever he should be ingag'd in war against poland . iii. the third , that the said emperour in his treaty of peace with the port , should oblige the grand seignor to set the hospodar's eldest son at liberty , whom he kept as an hostage at constantinople . iv. the fourth , that the principality of moldavia should be hereditary to the descendants of the hospodar . v. the fifth , finally , that the emperour should allow the schismaticks the free exercise of their religion , and that he should never press the moldavians to be re-united to the roman church . this treaty was just concluded when we arriv'd at iassy , and the agent who had been imploy'd about it , was very much concern'd at our coming there , lest we should disabuse the court from all the false reports he had spread against france , to gain his ends the better . and indeed we did so , even before we had heard any thing about the treaty , and discover'd the falsity of the news he had spread that the french had been totally defeated near the danube , thereby , as he thought , to give a greater idea of the emperour's power . we had the satisfaction to see that court absolutely undeceiv'd in what related to france , during our short abode there , and to inspire them with sentiments very different from those they had before our arrival . and this without doubt was the reason which induc'd the hospodar to treat us yet more respectfully , and with greater kindness at our last audience , than he had done at the first . i am apt to believe that his proceedings at that time put him to a great loss at present : but the evil is done , and i doubt it will not be long before he finds the effect of it , and that the polanders , or the turks , to punish him for endeavouring to withdraw from under their dominions , will totally ruine that wretched principality , the which without having had any war , is at present the most ruinated province in europe . the hospodar detain'd us a week at iassy , for the expediting of the letters and passports we wanted to go to the serasquier , who was incamp'd upon the danube , on the confines of moldavia , we receiv'd them at last at the coming out of the last audience the hospodar was pleas'd to give us , with the ceremonies that were us'd in the first . while we were imploy'd about our departure , we receiv'd with a great deal of joy , a letter from the great general of poland , which satisfy'd us , that he had not forgot us during our absence , and that he preserv'd the same tenderness for us , which he had formerly given us such signal proofs of . altho' it proceeded from a heart a little too prepossess'd in our favour ; i cannot forbear incerting it here , to avoid the just reproaches i should be liable to , should i suppress any of the favours we have receiv'd from that great man , who has put no bounds to his kindness towards us : it was conceiv●d in these terms . reverend fathers , i want words to express my grief for your absence , and i shall never be at rest until . i receive certain news of your safe arrival at constantinople . i am overjoy'd to hear that you are safely arriv'd upon the confines of moldavia , and that my men have perform'd their duty by the way . god grant you as prosperous a iourney , not only to constantinople , but also into china . i shall not be wanting on my part to make it my earnest request to him , and to intreat him to preserve you , and to prosper your great and pious designs . your acquaintance , the kindness that engages me to you , and the confidence you repos'd in me , in making your application to me , will never be rac'd out of my mind and heart : i am very sorry i could detain you no longer , and that i could no longer enjoy the satisfaction i receiv'd in your company . i shall esteem my self very happy , in the sequel , to find an occasion to do you more considerable services , than those you have hitherto desir'd of me . you will oblige me infinitely to let me hear from you as often as you can : in the mean time i desire you to remember me still , especially in your holy sacrifices , together with all my family ; and i do particularly recommend to you the soul of my wife of blessed memory . and assure your selves that no body can be more than i am your most humble and most obedient servant iablonowski . palatin of russia , and great general of poland . the consolation we receiv'd by the generous assurances the general of poland gave us , of the continuance of his kindness , supported us in all our journey . we departed from iassy with the convoy the hospodar gave us , and after four days march we arriv'd at galatz , which is a small town situate upon the danube , where we found a bark ready , which conducted us safe to the turkish camp , which was about 5 hours distant from thence . as soon as the seraskier's lieutenant receiv'd notice of our arrival , he assign'd us a house in the nearest burrough to the camp , and sent some ianissaries to secure us against the injuries we might have receiv'd from the souldiers of the army . he us'd us thus civilly , because he had been inform'd by our convoy that we were french-men , and that the king had done us the honour to send us with the quality of his mathematicians . the next day the seraskier from whom we had desir'd an audience to deliver the letters we had receiv'd from the hospodar , sent us a chaoux follow'd by three ianissaries , with two turkish horses richly harnass'd , to conduct us to him , and thereby to evidence the great respect the ottomans bear to our great monarch . as we had been oblig'd to disguise our selves , to pass more securely through all those schismatical infidel countries , where our cloathing would have expos'd us to many affronts , we found our selves once more engag'd to play a part that did not please us , the which we retain'd no longer , than while we judg'd it proper to advance the work of god , which we had undertaken . we went in state , being conducted by the general 's officers to deliver the letters we had receiv'd from the hospodar of moldavia . the seraskier who expected us under his tent , surrounded by all his icoglans richly attir'd , receiv'd us with an air altogether grave and serious , according to the custom of the turks , and having answer'd our complement pretty civilly , he told us that he had order'd his kiaia to give us satisfaction in what we had to propose to him . we were better pleas'd with the reception of this lieutenant of the turkish army , than with the seraskier's . although he was a grecian , and an apostate , he treated us with all the civility imaginable : he presented us at first with the usual liquors , and perfumes ; he was very well pleas'd with our letters of mathematicians , and having some skill himself in geometry , and astronomy , he oblig'd us to entertain himself a considerable time , and propos'd some questions upon those matters to us . while we were imploy'd in explaining them to him , a young man enter'd his tent in great heat , who having kiss'd his vest , deliver'd some letters to him from the seraskier , that had been intercepted some days before near kaminiec , the which he had receiv'd that very moment . they had been taken from a polander , disguis'd like a tartar , and they having observ'd a crown in the seal , imagin'd streight that they came from the king of poland , and that we , who were lately come out of that prince's territories , would undoubtedly know the contents of them . the seraskier's secretary , who was a wretched renegado , came into the tent where we were , with this wicked supposition , and shew'd us those letters , and would needs have it that we were acquainted with the secret that was hid under ciphers which he did not understand . he us'd his utmost endeavours to discover the mystery thereof , he put several odd questions to us , and forgot nothing that he thought might put us to a loss . however , we clear'd our selves , notwithstanding all his malicious interrogations , and having acquainted the ki●ia , how much our profession was oppos'd to all worldly intrigues , which we had long since forsaken , to apply our selves intirely to the service of the true god ; we told him , to disabuse him quite , that those letters came from the king our master's ambassadour in poland , and that they were written to him that he was sending to the port , who would be very much surpriz'd to hear that the courier who carry'd them had been thus unjustly stop'd . we acquainted him at the same time , in presence of the secretary , with the difference of the coronets that are us'd in europe upon coats of arms , and explain'd to them in general the manner of using cyphers , which they seem'd very well pleas'd with ; and it also made them sensible that it was impossible for us to unravel the mystery of the cyphers they saw , which caus'd so much jealousie in them . however , notwithstanding they seem'd satisfy'd with our sincerity , this unhappy adventure created a thousand suspicions in them to our disadvantage ; but whereas our letters of mathematicians had gain'd us some credit among them , they caus'd us to be conducted back to our house , in the same order we came from thence ; altho' at the same time , to be the more sure of us , they gave us some new ianissaries , and order'd them to have a watchful eye upon us , and not to suffer any body to speak to us . this precaution did not hinder some renegadoes , whom the news of our arrival had check'd , to come to us by stealth ; and whereas they seem●d exceedingly concern'd at the unhappy condition in which they were oblig'd to live , after their having basely abandon'd their religion , we endeavour'd to encourage them , and perswaded them to take such measures as were necessary , to draw them out of it as soon as could be . the turks themselves being mov'd by a certain curiosity , often deceiv'd the assiduity and vigilance of our guards : we had several conferences with them about religion ; which convinc'd us , that it was a vulgar erour to believe , that a mahometan never enters into any dispute ; and that it is not lawful for him to propose any doubt in case of religion , tho never so desirous to inform himself of the truth of that which he professes , and to know those , that are opposite to it . in the mean while , as we heard nothing from the chiefs , and that we were still kept very close , tho' otherwise we receiv'd no other ill treatment from them , we desir'd a new audience from the kia●a , to know what resolution had been taken in our case . he receiv'd us as kindly as at the first time , and having discours'd us above four hours , upon several mathematical questions , he assur'd us that they only tarry'd for the return of a courier , whom they had sent to the grand visier to dismiss us , since they durst not permit us to go any further , without leave from him . however , this was only a put-off , and had we tarry'd until the return of the express , whom they pretended to have sent , we should have tarry'd long enough in their c& but the abbot girardin having been inform'd by a spy , how we were us'd by the turks , complain'd to the grand visier about it , who order'd us to be put at liberty again , after five weeks confinement . the seraskier having receiv'd orders by an express to release us , had no sooner acquainted us with the orders he had receiv'd from the port , but we immediately cross'd the danube , and instead of going through romania , where we fear'd some new adventure , we embarqu'd upon that river for kili , which is a little town of the lower arabia , where we were assur'd to meet with a saique ready to sail for constantinople . in going down towards the mouth of that river , we met a bark , which carry'd the pay of the ianissaries : this encounter prov'd advantageous to us : for one of them who had undertaken to conduct us thither , made the more hast , in order to return time enough to receive his pay . as soon as we came thither , the patron of the saique being inform'd of our design , came to offer us a place aboard his vessel , we agreed about our passage , and dispos'd our selves to go away the next day , he having assur'd us that he would tarry no longer . he kept his word punctually , and weigh'd anchor at the appointed time , and having reach'd the mouth of the danube , we tarry'd a whole day there for a favourable wind , to set out to sea. in the mean time our captain and his men remain'd upon the watch all night for fear of being surpriz●d by the cossacks , who often come to that place , there to insult the ships they can attack with advantage : to this end they straggle up and down in light sloops , that are so little , that they cannot contain above one man : they are cover'd at top by a well stretch●d leather , which hinders the water from getting into them ; a cossack sits in the middle of it with a pair of oars to guide himself , and has his arms by him to comb●t in case of necessity . a hundred of those small boats sometimes surround a ship , in order to make themselves masters of it ; and thus one is often expos'd to be surpriz●d by those dangerous pirates , unless one be in a condition to make a good defence , and stand continually upon ones guard. the next day a north east wind arising , soon carry'd us in open sea , which cannot be done easily , by reason that the danube being very shallow at the mouth of it , it must be continually sounded , and great care taken to avoid the banks of sand that are very dangerous , as we found it soon after our having weigh'd our anchors . the third day of our navigation , towards night we discover'd the coast of asia , and perceiv'd the beacon that stands at the entrance of bosphorus : but whereas it was night we were oblig'd to tack about for fear of stranding somewhere or other . this precaution seem●d really necessary , but yet it had like to have cost us our lives ; for while the men were imploy'd about it , the wind and the great sea , against which the turks know not how to defend themselves , agitated our ship to that degree , that we were upon the point of being shipwrack'd , but every body put a hand to work not to be lost in the port ; we pass'd all the night in that agitation and fear , and it prov'd the worst that ever i pass'd in my life . however , we continu'd to steer our course the next day at break of day , and being got happily into the canal , we discover'd the great and famous city of constantinople , the prospect of which is incomparably fine . we advanc'd as far as the port of galata to dis-imbark , and being come a-shoar , we went directly to the jesuit's house . we were inform'd there with the arrival of monsieur de chateau neuf at gallipoli , where he was stopt near three weeks by contrary winds . we were oblig'd to tarry for him , to deliver some letters of consequence to him , from the great general of poland , and to obtain an order by his means from the caimacan of constantinople , for the safety of our passage into persia. having obtain'd it , and being almost upon the point of our departure , i was unfortunately seiz●d for the third time in less than a year , with a cruel spitting of blood , which broke all our . measures , the physicians and our fathers obliging me to go back into france , to endeavour my cure. while the ship , that was to carry back madam de girardin , after the decease of the late ambassadour her husband , was preparing to go away , i employ'd the little time i had left , to prepare my self also : at that time above six score christian slaves saved themselves , one of which had the confidence to fling himself on board our ship before the face of his aga , who was passing by in a small boat : on the 23d of october we hois'd our sails , the ambassadrice , and the abbot girardin her brother-in-law being come on board , who were receiv'd with the discharge of all the cannon , which eccho'd throughout the whole bosphorus . whereas the man of war call'd the adventurer , which was to carry us , had engag'd to convoy a bark and a tartane which were going back into france . they weigh'd their anchors as soon as she , having first receiv'd the following orders from our illustrious captain for the regulation of their course , and for what they were to do in case of a combat , viz. in case the adventurer prepares for a combate , he shall signifie as much by a blue pennant under the fane of his main mast , whereupon both ships shall likewise prepare for it . in case the adventurer thinks fit the two ships should go before him , he shall put a white and red pennant under the fane of his mizen mast , in which case they shall place themselves in a file before him , and when he shall remove it , they shall return behind him as before , and sail like him . in case he would have them to remain under the wind , he shall put out a blue and white pennant at the end of the yard of the great scuttle . in case he would have them keep above the wind , he shall place a white penn●nt under the fane of the top-gallant . in case he would have the masters to burn their ships , and to come on board of him with their sloops , he shall signify as much by placing a red pennant at the end of the main yard . in case he would have them to look out for a neighbouring harbour , he shall put out a white streamer at the end of his mizen yard , when he shall desire to speak with the bark , he shall put out a blue pennant at the end of his ancient-staff , and his flag in the same place , to call the tartane all things being thus dispos'd , and the signals as aforesaid given , we pass●d the seaven towers at the beginning of the night with a good northerly wind , the which blowing briskly , we soon cross'd the sea of marmora , and the next day being the 24th , we reach●d the canal of gallipoli betimes . we met the ottoman fleet there at an anchor , compos'd of eleven great ships only , in the middle of which appear'd the ship of captain paul a famous pirate of legorn very much disabled , who having fought some days before like a lyon against the algerines , and turks together , was at last oblig'd to yield to their numbers , and to surrender after an obstinate combat . as soon as we perceiv'd this fleet , we sent out an officer of the ship to the captain bassa , to agree about the salutation : but that general having answer'd that the grand seignior's ships never return'd any salute while they lay at an anchor ; we pass'd by without any ceremony on either side , and we came immediately over against the old castles , where we were oblig'd to anchor , to tarry for the tartane , that had not been able to follow us . we pass'd the night very quietly in that place , and the next day being the 25th , we set sail again about nine in the morning with a fair wind. we saluted the old castles as we pass'd by with five cannon shot , to which they answer'd with nine sharp : we did the same passing by the two new ones , which answer'd with as many shot as the former . i am now very sensible that i was in a very great errour , when i imagin'd , that those castles were impregnable : nothing can be more simple than those forts ; the which , excepting some ramparts , have nothing that can defend them . the truth is , there are some large pieces of cannon in them , the effects of which appear'd to me very inconsiderable . the rebounds of the boulets of the old castles indeed reach'd far beyond the middle of the canal , but those of the last could hardly reach it . what should hinder eight or ten great ships , that may easily pass there upon the same line , from covering themselves on the flanks on both sides , with other ships , and from steering their course as far as constantinople ? as soon as we got out of the canal , of which those four forts defend the entrance , we discover'd the isle of tenedo , together with the city that bears the same name , without being able to observe any particular thing there , or in the famous city of troy , which stands opposite to it . virgil tells us more of it in his verses , where he describes the ruines of it , than we could find by our eyes . the wind continuing to blow briskly , we soon after discover'd the isle of metelin , and having during the night pass'd the golf , one must pass , steering ones course towards smirna , we found our selves the next day over-against schio . the north wind having sorsaken us there , we had a calm for three or four days , which was follow'd by a southerly wind , which being directly contrary to us , we try'd in vain to reach the canal , that lies between the isles of schio and ipsera ; and , the sea being very rough at the same time , we were oblig'd to steer above those two isles , in order to reach the port of st. george of schirro , where we thought fit to put in for considerable reasons . having lost two passengers since we embarqu●d , and being fearful of a contagious distemper among our men , by reason of some plague-sores that had been observ'd about one of those that dy'd , monsieur de la roque-perin our captain resolv'd to anchor in the port that is form'd by that island , in order to cause his men to be visited , and to ease the ambassadrice , who was very ill by continual vomitings occasion'd by the tossings of the ship. we enter'd happily into it , and having found a good ground , we drop'd our anchors , and undesignedly allarm'd a small french bark that likewise anchor'd there . however , we put out our colours to reassure her , but she looking upon it as a snare to catch her , durst not draw near us . while time was allow'd her to satisfie her self who we were , the commissary of our ship was sent on shoar , to get some provisions , by reason that ours began to fail . some officers follow'd him to divert themselves with hunting : in the mean while the patron of the bark , which we had discover'd to be french by her colours , which she hung out having descry'd ours , not coming up to us , like the other ships that had follow'd us , we sent a sloop to her to mind her of her duty . whereupon the patron immediately weigh'd anchor , and having saluted our ship in passing by her , he came on board to salute our captain , who straight caus'd a strapado to be prepar'd for him , for having tarry'd so long to submit to the king's colours . but my lady ambassadrix obtain'd his pardon , and he came off with the fear . the same day about eight at night the hunters being come back from the village of st. george , brought us the ●ews of the fatal death of our commissary , who was kill'd by one of our store-keepers , who shot him in the right shoulder , of which wound he dy'd upon the spot . this accident stop'd us l●nger than we had design'd ; for whereas our captain was resolv'd to secure the wretch who had committed the murther , and had made his escape , he thought fit to send an officer a shore , with a company of souldiers , to summon the chief magistrate of the village to use his utmost endeavours to secure the murtherer , thereby also to oblige his islanders to deliver him into his hands . the said officer and his men arriv'd two hours before day at the village , the inhabitants whereof , were terrify'd at the ringing of the allarum-bell , and at the sight of our souldiers . five or six hundred grecians dispers'd themselves immediately in all the parts of that small island , and at last found the unhappy fugitive , who being brought back to the ship , was put in irons , until he could be try'd in due form . while some were imploy'd in search of him , the deceas'd was bury'd on the sea-shore , near a little chappel , built as 't is most likely , by the inhabitants of the country : after which we weigh'd our anchors , and put out to sea with a favourable wind , which in a short time enabled us to double the golden cape , and to discover the isle of argentiere , where we anchor'd , in order to inquire about the fleet of algier , which we had all along been in dread of , not having as yet been able to hear any thing about the conclusion of a peace , between that republick and france . we remain'd two whole days in that road , and could not put out to sea until the second of november , upon which , being favour'd by a fair wind , we pass'd by the isles of sapienza , having met the venetian fleet by the way , steering towards coron : having pass'd the golf of venice , we discover'd the point of sicilly towards night . however , we were somewhat disquieted all night , about a fire we perceiv'd at a distance ; some imagin'd it was the lanthorn of a ship that conducted some squadron , which oblig'd us to stand upon our guard , and to prepare our artillery in case of need : others on the contrary affirm'd , that this fire proceeded from mount gibel , which was within ken ; but the next day we discover'd the falsity of our conjectures , when we came over against the cape of passaro . the spaniards keep a garrison there in a kind of fort , which they have built for the security of the coast , and as soon as they discover any ship , they are oblig'd to light beacons from space to space , to warn the country people to precaution themselves against the pirates that land but too often there . while we doubled that cape , m. de persin put on the signal to give notice to the barks , and the tartane to draw near to his ship , to be in a posture of defence , in case the spanish gallies should appear . some time after we discover'd the isle of maltha , which lies about 20 leagues from cape passaro . we met with a storm in that place , which was follow'd with some whirlwinds , and great claps of thunder , after which the wind becoming favourable to us , we advanc●d as far as the isle of panteleria , which notwithstanding the smallness of it , yields very considerable revenues to the spaniards who are masters of it . we remain'd two days in sight of that island , being surpriz'd by a great calm there , occasion'd by the extraordinary heat of the weather ; but a southerly wind happily arising , we continu'd our course , and soon after discover'd the cape of bonae . it is a point of africk where there is no fort , but those of tunis keep a beacon there for the security of their ships , and of the inhabitants of the country , which a maharbou or dervich , who makes penance there , takes care to kindle , to give notice , by as many fires as he makes , of the number of sails he discovers . on the left hand of this cape , stands the fort of galipa , scituate upon a very high narrow promontory , almost inaccessible , where the cannons that are very numerous , are capable to defend the place from all parts , and to hinder the approaches of the enemy . while we were considering all this , the south-east-wind encreas'd to that degree , that we did run about three leagues an hour , and we soon lost sight of the isles of sembrow . had it continu'd , we had soon come within sight of sardinia ; but about midnight it turn'd to north-west , and tormented us strangely all the remainder of the night . this tossing and rowling of the ship which agitated us by turns , discompos'd us extreamly , and the contrary winds , which from time to time occasion'd whirlwinds , took from us all hopes of doubling the isles of st. peter so soon as we had expected , and the wind still rising more and more , insomuch that we could no longer resist it , we were oblig'd to put into barbary , which we did on the 14th of november , and dropt our anchors over against portofarine , which is a pretty good haven , and where the small city of the same name , is pretty well situated to shelter ships from the great north-west , and westerly-winds . it is built at the foot of a high mountain , upon a peninsula , where the ships may ride securely . it belongs to those of tunis , whose capital city is not above 7 leagues from thence , and there is no other way to it but through goletta , where the famous city of carthage formerly stood ; from whence you enter into a fine lake , upon which tunis is built . the north-west-winds , which the provencals call mistral , oblig'd us to remain in that road the 15th , and 16th . however we did not remain idle there : some of our men went into a small island , where while some were shooting pidgeons , which were very plenty there formerly , others imploy'd themselves in fishing with success . they took a sea-calf , which they wounded with fire-arms , and then made an end of him with stones . the flesh of it not being eatable , they only took the skin to make muffs and pouches with it . they brought it aboard with the head fix'd to it . the skin was about the largeness of a small oxe's hide : the hair of it was extraordinary thick and smooth , blackish at the top , with two large whitish spots under the flanks , it had no sign of a tail , and the four extremities were limited with the four finns , which this animal equally uses in the water , and on the shoar , where it often spoils the vines . every one of the finns was arm'd with five pretty large black nails . the foremost appear'd considerably , whereas the hindermost were hardly seen , being cover'd with the skin , and much smaller than the first . the head resembles that of a lyon , or a leopard , excepting only that you can see no ears it has . i us'd my utmost endeavours to discover the conduit of sound , and could not discover it until i had laid the head quite bare , and then i perceiv'd two small hairy conduits , within three or four fingers breadth of the eye , which abutted to two little holes almost imperceptible , which i discover'd with a probe upon the skin . it s tongue is very short and thick , the jaws and nostrils are like a bulls , whose bellowing it imitates exactly , as i was told by those who took it , and heard it as it was strugling for life . while we were thus agreeably imploy'd in our ship , we discover'd four sail coming from behind the point of the mountain which covers the road where we had anchor'd , which frighten●d us at first ; but we soon recover'd our fright , seeing them keep very close to the shore ; whereby we sound that they were only privateers . and indeed it was only a squadron of four small ships belonging to tunis , which were going to porto-sarino , with a prize they had taken , which our adventurer would have regretted eternally , had he not been inform'd soon after , that a peace was concluded with algier . we heard the next day that mezzomorto dey of algier had pass●d before us in one of those four small ships . a sedition among his people , had oblig'd him to flie in a little bark , in which having been surpriz'd near the golf of palma , by those four brigantines that were cruising thereabouts , he was carry'd to portofarino , and from thence to tunis , where he was kept a while . the next day being the 17th of november , we put to sea again with a s. w. wind , and continu'd our course towards sardinia , after having discover'd the isle of guerite , otherwise call'd fratelly , by reason of two small points that are discover'd from afar . at night the wind fail'd us , and then turn'd against us to a north west : however , we still endeavour'd to continue our course , and notwithstanding a great sea that tormented our ship exceedingly , we made a shift to reach the cape of poule , near the gulf of cagliari . we were oblig'd to tarry all the night at the cape , for fear of coming too near the shoar . the next day betimes we advanc'd into the gulf , there to anchor and to refit our ship which was much disabled by the preceeding days wind and sea. while our men were imploy'd in refitting our ship , the city of cagliari which stood before us , made us reflect on the dismal adventure of mezzomorto's wife , the same who pass'd before us two or three days before . that queen was daughter to the president of cagliari , who was sending her under the conduct of one of her brothers into spain , there to be marry'd to one of the grandees of the kingdom . they were no sooner got out of the port , but they were surpriz'd by the algerines , who having taken them without any difficulty , carry'd their prize directly to algier . the young slave pleas'd mezzomorto , who omitted nothing on his side to gain her . she made use of that dey's kindness for her to obtain leave for her brother to go back to sardinia there to fetch their ransom , which that prince granted her ; but still without discontinuing his pursuits , against which this generous heroin defended her self bravely . finally , the brother came back , after some weeks absence , and paid the ransom that had been agreed on , for his sister , and for himself ; which being done , this young maid , who till then had express'd so much bravery of mind , seeing the ship ready to set sail , chang'd her resolution all of a sudden , and turn'd mahometan to marry the dey , who is at present as well as her self , chastiz'd for her insidelity , and his abjuration of the christian faith. the following day being the 20th , we put out to sea again , in order to endeavour to reach the isles of st. peter , which were about a hundred miles distant from us . the wind having been long uncertain , at last became favourable for us , and we doubled a considerable part of that great island before night , but it soon turn'd about again , and made us pay severely for the short repose we had enjoy'd part of the day . never was any ship more agitated by wind and sea than ours was at that time , or expos'd to more frequent whirl-winds , and never did any man take more pains than m. de perin on that occasion . heaven rewarded him the next day for his assiduity and vigilancy , for the preservation of those that had been committed to his charge . it was on the 21st of november , being the day of the presentation of the virgin , that we discover'd about break of day a ship , at sight of which we immediately prepar'd for a combat . when we came within ken , we putout our colours to oblige her to discover her self ; but she not answering our expectation , we fir'd some guns at her which made no execution , by reason that we were at too great a distance . the wind driving her upon us against her will , she endeavour●d to deceive us by putting out french colours ; but we soon discover'd the cheat , by her endeavours to avoid us , and to steer another course . we began anew to fire briskly upon her , whereat they being extreamly daunted , she made a contrary motion to what she had done till then . whereupon we immediately pull'd in all our sails , to allow her time to surrender ; she was no sooner come up to us , but our captain commanded the patron to put out his long-boat , and to come on board of him . the wretch obey'd and confess'd that he was a majorcan , and that his ship was a good prize . monsieur de perin receiv'd him very kindly ; and in order to secure his prize the better , he caus'd all the money , and all the men that were in her to be brought on board his own ship , and sent some of his own men in their room , with an officer to conduct her during the rest of the voyage . tho' this encounter was very happy , we could not forbear pitying the fate of one of the passengers that was taken on board that small ship. it was a man of 70 years of age , who having made great efforts to raise the ransom of an only son , who had been long a slave at algier , had embarqu'd himself at majorca , in hopes of freeing him securely . the misfortune he had had of being taken and strip'd twice by privateers before in going to algier upon the same account had not discourag'd him , and he was returning thither again with joy and confidence , when he unfortunately fell into the hands of an enemy he little thought on . after this expedition , we made up to the gulf of palma , there to tarry for an easterly wind , which we stood in need of , and to allow the sea time to calm . all things happen'd according to our desires , for having had a very quiet night where we rode , the next day being the 22th , an easterly wind arose , which having carry'd us by the three rocks that are over against that gulf , which are call●d by the names of the bull , the cow , and the calf , made us double the isles of st. peter in an instant . we lost sight of them the following night , and found our selves at break of day at the extremity of sardinia . that very day we pass'd the mouths of boniface , where our ship was very much tormented by a great sea ; but finally , we got happily out of them by a favourable wind , which having enabled us to double the isle of corsica in a short time , we discover'd the coast of provence . however , notwithstanding our carnest desire of coming soon ashore , we were oblig'd to sustain the rage of the n. w. winds for some few days , and to tarry at the isles of yera , until the sea was grown calmer , so to continue our course safely . finally , the sea being calm'd , tho not so soon as we desir'd it , we arriv'd at toulon on st. andrew's day , where we apply'd our selves , as soon as we had dropt our anchors ; in the first place to return our most humble thanks to almighty god , for the happy success of our navigation . it may be easily concluded from the faithful sincere relation i have given of my travels , that those who dedicate themselves to an apostolical life , must make provision against all the disquiets that attend their employment . i leave to the learned and zealous the liberty of judging of the design that has been form'd for several years of opening a passage by land into china , thro' the great tartary , and other countries , into which the lights of faith have not yet been able to penetrate . i am sensible that most of those who only judge of things by the exterior part , will perhaps condemn my long travels , since they have been of no use to the principal end i did propose , and that i have never had the happiness of seeing those happy countries , the spiritual conquest of which , had so much flatter'd my hopes : but besides that , i find a great consolation in the example of the apostle of the indies , whom heaven thought fit to stop , when he thought himself nearest to it : i am sure , that those who will reflect on the different ways through which god almighty's providence has been pleas'd to lead me , will be oblig'd to confess that all my misfortunes have perhaps serv'd as much to advance the glory of his name , as the most happy and most easie success could have done . and tho' we have not met with that full harvest , we expected to gather in our travels , after being arriv'd to the term of our mission , yet we have convinc'd our selves by the small taste we have had of it ; of the pleasure one injoys in christning an infidel , in instructing an idolater , in converting a heretick , and in gaining a sinner ; the more than paternal tenderness of the great master whom we serve , having afforded us those occasions , to apply our selves more fervently to his service . but tho' we had not found all those supernatural consolations amidst all our fatigues , the happy tidings we have receiv'd since of the particular blessings heaven has been pleas'd to pour upon our travelling companions , who have expected us long in persia , and in turkey , does sufficiently recompence us for all our past labours , and makes us sensible that we have not been stopt in the midst of our career , without a particular design of providence . it will appear evidently by the comfortable letter we have receiv'd from hispaan , from one of those fervent missionaries whom god seems only to have detain'd in that metropolitan of persia , to reunite the armenians to the catholick church , who have express'd so much earnestness and zeal for the holy see , on the occasion of the jubilee , which our holy father pope alexander the 8th of blessed memory , granted to all the faithful , after his exaltation to the soveraign pontificate . here are the contents of it word for word . the end of the fifth book . a relation of what pass'd at iulfa , at the publication of the jubilee . in the year , 1691. having receiv'd the letters , whereby a jubilee was granted us , from our holy father , pope alexander the viiith . we thought our selves oblig'd , to make use of that favourable conjuncture , to set forth the authority of his holiness , to the utmost of our power , and at the same time , to establish several doctrines of our holy faith , in a city , which we may call the geneva of the armenians , and the seat of their heresie . in order to succeed in an enterprise so necessary for the glory of god , and so advantageous to all christians , whether catholicks , or hereticks ; we concluded , that our best way , was to act jointly with all the missionaries , that are numerous in this place ; and particularly with monsieur pidou , titular bishop of babylon , who in quality of apostolical vicar , represents his holiness's person in this kingdom of persia. in order to take just measures , and to do all things with order and edification during that holy time ; we thought fit to divide the exercise of the jubilee , in the three catholick churches that are at iulfa , the first and most ancient of which , is ours , not only free for the francs , whose parish it is , but also for the armenians who frequent it . the second is , that , which they call here , the church of the cherimanis , who are five brothers , the chief catholicks , and most considerable armenians of the country . the church is officiated with a great deal of zeal and prudence , by the r. r. f. f. the white fryars , the provincial of which , whose jurisdiction extends as far as the indies , resides in this place . the third , is that of the reverend fathers the dominicans , which is vacant by the death of a religious , who was an armenian by birth , come from abbenner , monsieur samson missionary of hamadam , has taken the care of that church upon him , until it be provided for . all things being thus regulated by the general approbation of every body ; we pitch'd upon the first sunday in lent to make the overture of the jubilee , and the third to close it . but first , we got his holiness's bull translated into the armenian tongue , and we made three copies of it , which we adorn'd , with his holiness's coat of arms in gold , to please the armenians , who have a great veneration for those kind of bulls , when they come to them from the pope , or from the patriarch , and they call them letters of benediction . the overture of this jubilee should of right , have been perform'd in one of the franc churches , to make the armenians sensible , that they ought to expect all their jurisdiction from the roman church , as from the spring-head : but whereas , the main end of this jubilee , was to make , both the ancient catholicks , and hereticks , whose conversion we aim'd at , sensible , that the francs and the armenians , were but one and the same in jesus christ ; we made no difficulty , to allow the armenians to have that overture made in their budding church , and to conclude it in ours , provided , that while a function should be perform'd in one church , all the missionaries should assist at it , and assemble all the catholicks of both sides there . thus the overture of the jubilee was made on the first sunday in lent , being the 24th of march , in the armenian catholick church of the cherimanis , where a world of people repair'd from all parts , to assist at the reading of the letter of benediction , of the holy pontif of the universal church , and to learn at the same time , whas was to be done , to profit of the favour he imparted to all christians . the latin clergy , compos'd of twelve missionaries , all with their copes on , and as many franc scholars , all with surplices , having the lord bishop of bagdat at the head of them , appear'd there on one side , and on the other the armenian clergy , compos'd of three priests , four or five deacons , and abundance of children , imploy'd in the service of that church , having at their head two vertabiets , catholick arch-bishops , who declar'd themselves of late , for the roman church . this solemnity began with high mass , which was sung in latin , with dean and sub-dean , by my lord of bagdat , assisted by the other missionaries , and our scholars , who on that occasion , did all things with as much exactness , regularity , and decency , as if it could have been done in one of our cathedrals in france ; at the offertory , the arch-bishop michel , who resides in the church of the cherimanis , advanc'd to the middle of the altar , and put his holinesse's bull upon his head , after which he read it with a laudible voice , and explain'd it in few words : in the next place the r. f. hely provincial of the r. r. f. f. the white fryars , who possesses the armenian tongue perfectly , made a very fine sermon , to explain the importance thereof more at large , and at the same time to inform the armenians , who are lately come to our communion , what a jubilee is . the explication of the bull being ended , the arch-bishop took it into his hand again , and made every body kiss it , and put it upon their heads out of respect , beginning by the clergy , and ending by the franc and armenian catholicks . the mass ended , and the benediction of the holy sacrament given by my lord of babylone concluded that first action , which was one of the most solemn of the jubilee , by the sincere and indissoluble union it created between the two franc and armenian churches , to the admiration of the hereticks , and extream joy and satisfaction of the catholicks . the next day being the monday of the first week in lent , all the service was perform'd in our church , which was as well adorn'd as ever i saw any in france , with great tents of china satin , damask , and tafeta , which set it off incomparably well . in the morning i sung high mass there , the which was follow'd by the benediction of the holy sacrament according to custom . in the evening after complyne was sung , the reverend father provincial of the white fryars made an excellent controversie upon the marks of the true church , at which abundance of hereticks were present out of curiosity . the controversie was held in the form of a thesis , maintain'd and defended by the same father , and combated by the assistants . my lord bishop argumented first , i was the second , and father cherubin of the order of st. francis was the third , and all in the armenian tongue . the manner of explaining things debated on both sides by way of syllogisms was very agreeable to the principal armenians in that city , who have a great deal of wit , and are capable of those kind of disputes , particularly by reason that their litteral tongue , as well as the arabian , does not want necessary terms for that way of arguing . the controversie being ended , the r. f. gaspar , a white fryar , preach'd upon the enormity of the mortal sin , and after sermon , this second day ended with the benediction of the holy sacrament . on the tuesday every body repair'd to the church of the r. r. f. f. dominicans , administred by monsieur samson in the absence of those fathers , and every thing was done there as it had been done at ours , excepting the controversie . in the morning high mass was sung there : the benediction given . in the afternoon the complyne was sung. the r. f. cherubin preach'd upon the importance of salvation . the benedictioa follow'd as in the morning , which ended the day . on the wednesday , which was the third day of the armenians great fast , we return'd to the church of the cherimanis , there to celebrate the ceremony of the ashes , which we thought fit to give them , in order to use them incensibly to the holy practices of the church of rome . monsieur samson , who has an excellent tallent for languages , explain'd that ceremony to them by a very fine sermon . after which my lord bishop of bagdat perform'd the ceremony of the ashes , and administred them to every body . high mass was sung with dean and sub-dean , by our r. f. superiour , and all being ended , coga mourat , who is the third of the cherimanis , would needs treat the missionaries , as coga marvara his brother had done the preceeding sunday : that which afforded most matter of consolation in those two banquets of devotion , was , that these gentlemen , out of humility and respect would needs serve us at table themselves , with their children , who are the chief of that city , and all made gentlemen by the king of persia , out of consideration of the services their ancestours have done to the crown . the repast being ended , we went back to church , where father hely made a controversie , as he had done before with us , about the state of souls after death . this controversie was necessary to cure the armenians of their errour , in believing that the souls after the separation neither go immediately to heaven , nor hell , nor yet in purgatory ; but that they are preserv'd in a certain place which god assigns them , until at the day of the universal judgment ; they are sent to their eternal abode , either happy , or unhappy , according to the merit of their actions . the controversie was very solemn again , my lord argumented in it as before , and after him our r. f. superiour , and the r. f. gaspar white fryar . the benediction being given , and the complyne ended , every body retir'd . on the thursday , friday , and saturday , high masses , and predications were perform'd as before , still with a great concourse of people , insomuch that there was a necessity of preaching twice a day , as had been done the monday and tuesday before , and as we did all the following week . on the monday , which was the day on which the service was to be perform'd in our church , the arch-bishop michael vertabiet preach'd about the wrath of god , which extends so far as to condemn a soul to the dreadful pains of hell on the friday the r. f. provincial of the white fryars , preach●d upon the torments of the damn'd , and the eternity of hell fire against the errour of the armenians , who are of opinion , that after some time god will have mercy on the souls that are in torment , which they ground upon some traditions of their own , and the translation of their fathers , whereby they are taught that jesus christ by his holy passion , and by his triumphant resurrection has vanquish'd and destroy●d hell. this sermon was preach'd in the church of the r , r. f. f. dominicans . the following day which was the saturday i preach'd in the church of the cherimanis , the terrible but yet certain truth of the small number of the elect , which surpriz'd every body ; so much the rather , because i shew'd them that it was not only to be understood of the insidels and hereticks , but also of the christians and catholicks . i observ●d in this place , what i had formerly observ●d in france , in my missions among the hugonots , that the best way to convert hereticks and schismaticks , is to preach eternal truths to them , and the terrible maximes of our religion ; which being expos'd to them plainly , but yet pathetically , strikes them , and obliges them to declare here , what i have often heard them say in france : our ministers and our vertabiets deceive us , and we have never heard this from them . the same saturday i did what i had done before . i went from house to house to inculcate what had been said in the churches , and to dispose every body to gain the jubilee . but i went particularly among the slaves , and other abandon'd persons , to the end that both rich , and poor , blind , and lame , all might participate to that great banquet of the father of the family , whi●● was preper'd for all . they began to bring women to me who desir'd to be converted , and who having never been confess'd by any catholick priest , were willing to make their abjuration in the tribunal of penitence . the second sunday in lent , which was also the second sunday of the jubilee , was very solemn , by reason of the office that was perform'd in the church of the r. r. f. f. dominicans ; high mass was sung there by my lord of pidou , who afterwards preach'd an excellent sermon upon the subject of receiving the sacrament unworthily . that prelate is sufficiently known in france , both by the greatness of his birth , and by the missions he has made in poland , especially at leopold , where jointly with the famous clement galant theatin , his master , he has establish'd a very fine college , maugre all oppositions , for the instructing of the armenians . as this prelate is perfectly acquainted with the errours of the armenians , having read all their books , besides his being very well vers'd in their tongue , he combats their superstitions in a way which they can no wise answer . the devotion was great on the day that prelate preach'd . a controversie was held in the afternoon upon the particular judgment , and the rest as before . the next day , being pope st. gregory's day , so much reverenc'd by all the eastern nations , and even by the armenians , whose schism and heresie he condemns , absolutely ordering all people to submit to the four first oecumenical or general councils , and consequently to that of chalcedon , in the same manner as they submit to the four evangelists : we thought it very necessary to render the name and memory of that incomparable doctor of the church yet more famous in a place where his authority could be of use . therefore his festival was solemniz'd with all the pomp that could be in our church ; where all the religious assisted with their copes on , and our scholars in surplices , as the seminarists are in france . high mass was sung by monsieur samson , and celebrated with all the regularity and exactness imaginable . and whereas he speaks the armenian tongue perfectly well , he made a very moving and very pressing sermon about the love and charity we ought to have towards our enemies . he shew'd a crucifix , and drew tears from all the auditors . the rest follow'd as before . on the tuesday there was nothing extraordinary . the wednesday was famous by a solemn service we made for the souls of the dead , in order thereby to establish the truth of purgatory , which the armenians reject . we had erected a monument in the middle of the church , very neat , and very full of lights . the altar was cover'd with black velvet and satin . the r. f. provincial of the white fryars sung high mass upon it , and preach'd about purgatory . he shew'd that the practice of praying for the dead , was very necessary , and holy. after which the solemn absolution was pronounc'd round about the said monument , and all ended with the benediction of the crucifix , which was expos'd , as it is customary , in several of our churches in france . all these ceremonies being practis'd with majesty and devotion , move the armenians extreamly , and inspire them insensibly with love for our holy religion . for which reason , they say that rome is above all , and that they see nothing like it among them ; they confess freely , as i have already observ'd , when they hear us preach , that their vertabiets who are reverenc'd among them as their chief doctors , cannot do it ; thus by degrees they fall off from them , and join with us , out of esteem and affection . the morning service being thus ended , a controversie was held in the afternoon , about the same purgatory . the armenians , who had relish'd the preceeding disputes , came to propose their difficulties themselves , to the end , that they might not have any thing to reproach themselves with upon that subject . finally , to show that the union we desir'd to establish between the latin and armenian church , was not only an union in relation to living persons , but that it ought also to extend to the dead ; we went all in a body to the church-yard , to pray upon the graves of the armenian catholicks . the armenian priests , who officiate at the catholick church of the cherimanis , perform'd at the graves of ours , what we had done at theirs . the thursday and friday pass'd as usually , excepting , that my lord preach'd on the friday at the cherimanis , upon the subject of receiving the sacrament worthily ; and at night , the r. f. hely , made another controversie upon the two kinds , which the armenians pretend ought to be receiv'd at the holy communion , and upon the obligation that lies upon the catholick priests , to put water into the chalice at the holy sacrament of the mass. the armenian priests and the other assistants , propos'd their difficulty upon the article with more heat than before . on the saturday , the concourse of people was very great in the church of the r. r. f. f. dominican , but especially of armenian catholick women , being drawn thither by the report , that the armenian catholicks where to sing mass , and to perform a solemn service there . it was perform'd with all the majesty their church is capable of , which indeed , neither wants fine musick , nor fine ceremonies , as i have often seen it my self , especially at iehmiarin , which is their patriarchal church , where their patriarch and other arch-bishops and bishops officiate , with an order and exactness , little inferior to that which is practis'd in many churches of france . monsieur samson preached upon the subject of back-biting and reviling . the saturday , abundance of people began to take the sacrament at the cherimanis ; but the most solemn action of all the jubilee was , the last which was perform'd in our church , for the conclusion of it , we took all necessary measure to render the general communication that was to be perform'd the most solemn that possibly could be , and to solemnize the procession of the holy sacrament , that was to conclude all with success , pomp , and devotion . in order whereunto , we adorn'd our church beyond what it was before , and took from the other churches , all the ornaments that could contribute to render that festival the more solemn . as for the out-side , we dispos'd the walks of our garden in such a manner , that the holy sacrament might pass very conveniently through them . at the same time we prepar'd all things necessary to make a volly of shot , with the muskets and small pieces of ordinance , of a reasonable size , which we fortunately found among our francs : we caus'd a very fine canopy to be made , adorn'd with a fine curtain of green damask , supported by four painted sticks , adorn'd with four fine knobs on t he top , without mentioning the neatness of the altar we had erected in the middle of the garden , to serve as a repository or resting place for the holy sacrament . the report of this solemnity , assembled such a prodigious number of people , betimes in the morning , that our church was immediately fill'd up ; in so much , that we were oblig'd to place ladders , for people to get up into the galleries . in the mean time , the missionaries were imploy'd in all parts to confess people . the time of the service being come , those that were to officiate , where plac'd in such a manner , that the latin clergy was on the right , in the quire , and the armenian clergy with two vertabets and an arch-bishop , on the left ; both the one and the other were dress'd according to the custom of their country , with surplices , stoles , and copes . the spectacle charm'd every body . high-mass was begun with more solemniry than ever . the bishop officiated with the deacon and sub-deacon : when they came to gloria in excelsis , it was first sung in latin , and then in armenian : the epistles and gospels were sung in the same manner . after our creed , an armenian priest made a solemn profession of faith , in the name of all the members of his church , sounding the name of alexander the viiith , whom they acknowledg'd as their chief and pope : that being done , our young scholars sung their himns in french , and the young armenians answer'd them in their own tongue . this variety of singing of hymns , and praises offer'd to god , lasted as long as the mass , in so much , that every body triumph'd with joy to see that union , which had never been seen before in that city , where besides their natural aversion to the francs , they are the most obstinate in their heresie of any in all armenia . but the general communion which was perform'd at the same time , was a spectacle capable to rejoice the very angels . the young children , both armenians and francs , were the first that drew near the holy table , and after them , the men and women separately . during all this time , the church sounded with franc and armenian hymns . never was so much devotion , or so many communicants seen at once in iulfa , or in all armenia . the francs and armenians , embrac'd each other mutually , with all the testimonies imaginable of a sincere kindness and union . publick prayers were made for all christian princes ; in fine , notwithstanding all the opposition of the heretical vertabiets , who continually exclaim'd and preach'd against us , and declar'd all those excommunicated who should come to our assemblies ; above two or three hundred armenians communicated at this jubilee . there were also several general confessions , and i receiv'd some of them , which gave me a great deal of comfort . as soon as the general communion was perform'd , i went away with my surplice and stole , to conclude the jubilee by a sermon , upon the subject of relapses ; in which , i show'd them , that that sin is the greatest sin in the world , and that which is the most opposite to the glory of god , and to the infinite goodness of our saviour , to the honour of the church , and to the salvation of mankind ; in a word , the sin , which of all sins , makes us most despicable in this country , to the infidels and hereticks : at the end of the sermon , i made use of the idea moses us'd , to remind all these fervent catholicks , of the promise they had just made to god ; placing the franc catholicks on one side , and the armenian catholicks on the other , pronouncing to them , the maledictions and benedictions contain'd in the book of deuteronomy . the sermon and mass being ended , we began to dispose our selves for the procession . it was contriv'd in this manner : an armenian * acolyte , bearing a fine banner , march'd at the head : he had two other armenian acolytes at his sides , dress'd according to the custom of their church ; after them , came a franc acolyte , bearing a fine large silver cross : he had two other franc acolytes at his sides , with surplices on , bearing two fine silver candlesticks ; after which , came the armenian acolytes , deacons , and sub-deacons , and after them our acolytes , with lighted wax-candles . the priests follow'd in the same order , with copes on . two armenian vertabiets preceeded the holy sacrament , one of them was an arch-bishop , follow'd by two acolytes , casting incense continually before it . my lord bishop of bagdat , carry'd the holy sacrament under a rich canopy , supported by four catholicks , two of them francs , and the other two armenians , all four the most considerable of their nation . when the procession appear'd in our garden , which is one of the finest in iulfa , the holy sacrament was saluted by a volly of small shot , and of ordinance plac'd to that end . it continu'd in this order as far ar the altar , we had erected in the middle of the garden , where after a little rest , we gave the benediction of the holy sacrament , and then we had a second discharge of our artillery . finally , we went back to the chuech , while the air was fill'd with the latin hymns , and armenian canticles , which succeeded each other . the procession being come into the church , and the solemnity was concluded , by a third benediction of the holy sacrament , and a third discharge . there never was a greater concourse of people . nor more earnestness express'd , than there appear'd that day , to see jesus christ triumph in the middle of his enemies . the women who are extremely reserv'd here , forgot the custom of their country in some measure on that occasion : for being transported with the same zeal that mov'd zachy , when he mounted on the wild fig-tree , they clamber'd upon the lattices that are fix'd against the walls of our garden , to behold that edifying ceremony , the like of which they had never seen . indeed , i can affirm , that i never saw so comfortable a fight in my life before , and the tears of joy which i spilt on that occasion , made me forget all the sufferings we had undergone in the former persecutions . all things having succeeded so well , we thought fit to conclude all by a treat we made for the armenian and franc clergy , in order to keep them in an indissoluble union . but it was a very modest treat , altogether like to those of the primitive christians , in which a thousand blessings were given to his holiness , and to the roman church . finally , the zeal of that day was so great , that after dinner we were oblig●d to sing vespers solemnly , at which i desir'd monsieur samson to give us one sermon more , to satisfie the auditors who desir'd it . he exhorted them to preserve and maintain the union that had been made . the sermon was follow'd by the benediction of the holy sacrament . thus pass'd our jubilee . i may say without lying , that comparatively , i have never seen any better perform'd in france . the number of those who confess'd themselves , and took the sacrament , has been very considerable , considering the country in which we are . several persons are come to us to abjure their errors . those who were only catholicks out of policy before , have convinc'd us that they were really converted . we have had the satisfaction to see a perfect union among them . the good party has been extreamly strenghten'd . two of the seven vertabiets that are at iulfa , have declar'd for us , and a third is a true catholick , at the bottom of his soul. our enemies are surpriz'd , to see the blessings that god pours upon us , after so many persecutions they have rais'd against us , in order to ruin us , and drive us out of iulfa . the calanier our mortal enemy begins to be better natur'd : the great vertabiet of this city can hardly harm us for the future , and we do not question , but we shall be able to establish the kingdom of jesus christ here . finally , the next day after the conclusion of the jubilee , which was the day of great saint ioseph , protector of our church , the cherimanis sent me word that they were resolv'd to build us a larger church , and that they would provide for it themselves : this news rais'd our joy to the utmost degree , and that it was encreas'd the next day , when the chief of those gentlemen confirm'd his promise to me , assuring me that in few days he would come to us himself to take proper measures about it ; in order to which , brother balee , who is an excellent architect , will be very useful to us , either to give us a good draught , or to help towards the putting of it in execution . blessed be the son who turns all things to his glory , and to the advantage of his servants . the end of the iubilee . a supplement out of hacluyt and purchas , describing several roads and iourneys over land to china . notes collected by richard johnson , who was at boghar with mr. anthony jenkinson , of the reports of russes , and other foeigners , giving an account of the roads of russia to cathaya , as also of sundry strange people . the first note from one sarnichohe , a tartarian , and subject of the prince of bogara , whose subjects are tartars , bordering upon kizilbash or persia , shewing the way from astrakan , which is the farthest part of russia to cathaya , as follows . from astrakan to serachich by land , travelling leisurely , as merchants use to do with their goods , is ten days journey . from serachich to a town call'd urgenshe , 15 days . from urgenshe to boghar , 15 days . from boghar to cascar 30 days . from cascar to cathaya 30 days journey . by the same party a note of another way more secure for the traveller , as he reports . from astrahan to turkemen by the caspian-sea , 10 days with barks . from turkemen to urgenshe by land , especially with camels carrying the weight of 15 poods for their ordinary loads , 10 days . from urgenshe to boghar 15 days . note , at the city of boghar is the mart or rendezvous of the turks , the nations of those quarters , and the cathayans . the toll to be there paid , is the 40th part of all goods or merchandizes . from thence to cascar is one months journey ; and from cascar , which is a frontier town belonging to the great kan , passing through many towns and forts by the way , is also a months travel for merchants by land to cathay : farther , as he has heard , not having been in those parts himself , ships may sail from the territories of cathaia into india . but of other ways , or how the seas lie by any coasts , he knows not . the instructions of another tartar merchant living in boghar , as he learnt it from others of his countreymen who had been there . from astrakan by sea to serachich is 15 days sail ; affirming also that a man may travel the other roads before mention'd , by turkemen . from serachich to urgense 15 days . from urgense to bokar 15 days . note , that all these last 30 days journey you meet with no houses ; therefore travellers lodge in their own tents , and carry their provision along with 'em ; and for drink , you shall meet with wells of good water every day at baiting places equally distant one from another . from bogar to tashent , travelling leisurely with goods , 't is accounted 14 days by land. from tashent to occient , 7 days . from occient to cascar 20 days . cascar is the chief city of another prince , lying between boghar and cathaia , call'd reshit kan . from cascar to sowchich 30 days . this sowchich is the first frontier town of cathay . from sowchich to camchick , is 5 days journey , and from camchick to cathay is two months journey through a countrey all the way inhabited , temperate , and well replenish'd with innumerable sorts of fruits ; and the chief city of the whole land is cambalu , 10 days journey from cathay . beyond this land of cathay , where the people are reported to be extreamly civil , and vastly wealthy , lies the country which in the tartarian language is call'd cara-calmack , inhabited by black people : but in cathay , the greatest part of the country stretching to the rising sun , the people are of a white and fair complexion . they also profess the christian religion , as the tartars report , or something like it ; and they speak a peculiar language , quite different from that of the tartars . all the roads before mention'd , are free from any great or furious bears , but pester'd with wolves both black and white . for by reason that the woods are neither so thick , nor so numerous as in many parts of russia , but only here and there a forest of small extent , the bears never breed that way . but those woods that are , are haunted with some other beasts , and more especially , and particularly with one that the russes call barse . this barse , by the skin of one that was here put to sale , seems to be near as big as a great lyon , spotted very fairly , aud therefore here we take it for a leopard or tyger . note , that all this 20 days journey from cathay , you travel through a country call'd angrem , where those beasts chiefly breed that yield the best musk ; the choicest persume is cut out of the belly of the male. the people are tawnie , and because the men have no beards , nor differ in complexion from women ; for distinction sake , the men wear round bosses of iron upon their shoulders , and the women upon their privities . in this countrey the people feed upon raw flesh , as also in another call'd titay , or kitay , the prince of which is call'd can. they worship the fire ; their countrey lying 30 days journey from great cathay , and in the way between both , lie the beautiful people , that cut their meat with knives of gold : these people are call'd comorom ; but the land of the pigmies , or little people , is nearer to mosco , than cathay . instructions of one of permia , who said he had travell'd to cathay the way before mention'd ; as also another way near the sea coast , as follows ; which note was sent out of russia from giles holms . from the province of duina , the way to pechora is known ; and from pechora , travelling with olens or harts 't is six days journey by land , and in summer as many by water to the river ob. ob is a river full of flatts , the mouth of which is 70 russian miles over . and three days journey from thence , upon the right hand , is a place call'd chorno-lese , or the black-woods : and not far from thence , a people inhabit , call'd pechey-cony , wearing their hair by his description , after the irish fashion . from pechey-coni to ioult calmachey , 't is three days journey , and from thence to chorno-callachey three days , tending to the south east . both these people are of the tartar's religion , and tributaries to the great kan . certain countries of the samoeds that dwell upon the river ob , and upon the sea coasts beyond the said river , translated word for word out of the russian language , and travel'd by a russ born in colmogro , whose name was pheodor towtigin , who by report was slain the second time that he was travelling those countries . upon the eastern part , beyond the country of ugori , the river ob runs upon the most westerly part thereof . upon the sea coast live the samoeds , whose country is call'd molgomsey , who feed upon the flesh of olens or harts , and sometimes eat one another . if any merchant come to traffick with 'em , they kill one of their children , as the greatest feast they can make . if any merchant happen to die among 'em , they never bury him , but eat him ; and in the same manner they eat their own dead . they are very ill favour'd , with flat noses , but are swift of foot , and shoot very well . they travel upon harts , and dogs , and cloath themselves with sables , and harts skins . upon the same coast , beyond the people before mention'd , live another kind of samoeds by the sea side , that speak another language . these people one month in a year live in the sea , and never dwell upon land for that month. beyond these people , still upon the sea coasts , live another sort of samoed , that feed upon flesh , and fish , and trade in sables , white and black foxes , harts , and fawn skins . the relation of chaggi memet , a persian merchant , to baptista ramusius , and other eminent citizens of venice , concerning the way from tauris in persia , to campion , a city of cathay , by land ; which he travel'd himself before with the caravans : days iourney . from tauris to sultania , 6. from sultania to casbin , 4. from casbin to veremi , 6. from veremi to eri , 15. from eri to bogara , 20. from bogara to samarchand , 5. from samarchand to cascar , 25. from cascar to acsu , 20. from acsu to cuchi , 20. from cuchi to chialis , 10. from chialis to turfon 10. from turfon to camul , 13. from camul to succuir , 15. from succuir to gauta , 5. from gauta to campion , 6. campion is a city in the empire of cathay , in the province of tangut , from whence comes the greatest quantity of rubarb . a long and dangerous journey from lahor , a city of the great mogul , to china over land , by benedict goez . upon the relation of the mahometan mention'd in xaverius's letters , pimenta , father visitor of the iesuits , sent notice thereof to the pope , and spaniard . they hearing of such a mighty christian nation , the vice-roy of india was commanded to follow pimenta's directions , who employ'd benedict goez , a portuguese jesuit in that discovery : furnish'd like an armenian merchant , and changing his name to abdula isai , which latter appellation signifies a christian. thus obtaining the great mogul achabar's letters patents to his vice-roys , and governours , as also to the neighbouring princes , he departed in company with one isaac an armenian , from lahor the sixth of ianuary , 1603. every year there is a caravan of merchants that pass out of these parts into the kingdom of cascar , about 500 together , for their better defence against robbers . with these he joyn'd himself , and in a months time came to athec in the same province of lahor . after the passing of a river , and a months stay , he came in two months to passaur , from whence travelling to a certain small town , they met with a hermite , who told 'em , that about 30 days travel from thence lay the city of capherstam , into which no saracen might be permitted entrance ; but ethnicks might enter except into their temples . he tasted also of their wine , of which that countrey was very fertile . they likewise go to their temples in black. in the place where they met the hermit they stay'd 20 days , and were forc'd to hire 400. souldiers of the governour for their defence . in 25 days they travell'd from thence to gtrideli , the merchants keeping arm'd upon the tops of the hills , and the carriages in valleys , to prevent thieves that are accustom'd from the tops of those hills to stone the travellers : however , they were assail'd , and many wounded by those robbers . after 20 days more they came to cabul , where they stay'd eight months . at this place there happen'd into their company the sister of mahomet can , king of cascar , by whose country they were to pass toward cathay . she was call'd agehane ; age being an honourable title annex'd to her name , as a pilgrim to mecca , from whence she was then but newly return'd , and being in some want , borrow'd 600 ducats in merchandize of goez , which she afterwards repaid in merchandize more proper for cathay : that is to say , in a kind of marble , by some call'd iasper , by the chineses tuscé , which is of two sorts ; the one taken out of the bottom of the river cotan , by such as dive for it , as they do for pearls , being like to great flints : the other , meaner , and drawn out of the mountain call'd consangui cascio . the solitariness of the place , distant from catan 20 days travel ; and the hardness of the stone which they mollifie with fires over the place , make it very dear : and the merchants that purchase this priviledge of the king , carry along with 'em a years provision for their labourers . from cabul they went to ciarcar , where the mogull's patents , by virtue of which they hitherto had been tribute-free , were neglected by the unruly borderers ; from thence to parua , the last town in subjection to the mogull . after five days stay , they pass'd in 20 days over exceeding high mountains to the city of aingharan , and in 15 days more to calcia , where the people resemble the hollanders . after a journey of ten days more , they came to gialalabath , where the bramins exact custom , granted 'em by king bruarate . fifteen days after , they got to talhan , where by civil broils , they were stay'd for a month , the calcians being in rebellion . from thence they travel'd to cheman , under abdulahan king of samarhan , burgavia , bacharate , and other confining kingdoms , where the catlians rob'd 'em of a great part of their goods . after 8 days troublesom travel they came to badascian , where they were fleec'd a second time ; neither were they free at ciarciumar , which was their next resting place ; from whence in ten days they arriv'd at serpanel , a desart place , and 20 days after to sarcil , a country full of villages . in two days journey from thence , they reach'd ciecialith , a mountain all cover'd with snow , where in six days travel many of the company perish'd with cold . from thence they attain'd to tanghetar , in the kingdom of cascar , and in 15 days after to iaconich , which journey was likewise so tiresom , that goez lost six horses . from thence he went to hiarchan the royal city of cascar , in november , 1603. a mart famous for concourse of merchants , and variety of merchandize . he presented the king with a watch , a looking-glass , and other european presents , and thereby obtain'd his letters patents for furtherance of his journey . from thence he went with the caravan basha , who purchases his place of the king at a dear rate , about the midst of november , 1604. to iolci , hancialix , alceghet , hagabateth , egriar , marcetelec , thalec , horma , thoantac , mingrieda , capetalcol , zelan , sarc guebedal , cambasci , aconsersec , ciacot-acsu in 15 days ; a very tedious way over stones and sands . in this journey they pass'd the desart of carcathay . thence ●hey travel'd to oitograch gazo , casciani , dellai , saregabedal , ugan , and cucia . and ●ftr a months stay there , in 25 days more ●o cialix , govern'd by the king of cascar's ●ase son , with whom at first he had some difference about religion , which was pa●ify'd with a gift . and in a disputation with the mahumetan doctors , before him ●he vice-roy sided with goez , affirming ●hat the christians were the true muzzelmen , and that their ancestours profess'd that law ; a thing worthy to be observ'd . here ●e met with some merchants in their return from cathay , who gave him an account of ricci , and some other jesuits at pequin ; and ●ere it was that he learnt first of all that china was cathay . at his departure from cialix , the governour gave him letters of pass , and inscrib'd him a christian , according to his desire ; at which a mahumetan priest very much wonder'd , assirming , that theirs with the region , shifted also their religion . in 20 days they came to pucian , then to turphan a fortify'd city ; thence to aramuth , and so to camul , the last city of the kingdom of ciales . in nine days we came from camul to the northern walls of china , where they stay'd 25 days , expecting the vice-roy's answer for their admission , at a place call'd ciaicuon . and then being entred the walls , they came in one days journey to the city socieu . all the space between cialis , and the borders of china is subject to the inroads of the tartars , which is the reason that merchants travel in the day time in great fear , looking out ever and anon , to see whether the coasts be clear , and travelling in the night with great silence and secresie . they found several saracens slain in the high way . the countrey people they seldom kill , but rob them of their cattel : as for corn and rice , they hold it food for beasts , and not for men ; and feed upon flesh , living a hundred years . the saracens in these parts are effeminate , and might easily be subdu'd by the chineses , if they would attempt it . on the west parts of china stands a wall , rais'd on purpose to exclude the tartars , and two fortify'd cities with strong garrisons , having their peculiar vice-roy , and other magistrates ; canceu , the capital of the province scensi , and soceu , which is divided into two parts ; of which , the one is inhabited by saracens , who trade there for merchandize ; the other by the chineses , whom the saracens there call cathayans . every night the saracens are enclos'd in their own city , in other things like the chineses , subject to the same laws and magistrates . neither may any foreigner return to his own country , who has liv'd there nine years . every sixth year seventy two commissioners come according to an ancient custom , to pay a kind of tribute to the king : this the pretence , but the intent is to enrich themselves with merchandize , as being maintain'd under that pretence , during their stay , at the king's charge . into soceu , goez came at the end of the year 1605. and there met with other saracens returning from pequin , who inform'd him of the jesuits there residing ; adding withal , that the king did not sell , but pour'd without measure a daily allowance of money into their hands . which i mention the rather , to shew , that a man must be sparing of credit to saracen travellers , and merchants . but goez could not in a long time certifie these his fellows of his arrival , as being ignorant of the chinese names , and it was some months journey from soceu to pequin , and the winter cold is there very extream . however , in that bitter season , they sent one of their converts a chinese , call'd iohannes ferdinandus , who after a tedious journey found goez lying on his death-bed , when he brought him the letters from the society . eleven days after he dy'd , not without suspicion of poyson given him by the saracens , to make themselves masters of his goods : besides , that they have a custom , that if any one dies by the way , his goods are shar'd among the rest . his companion the armenian was sent from pequin to macao , and thence into india ; and being taken by the hollanders in the way to sincapura , was redeem'd by the portugueses , and return'd to ciaul , where he still lives , as our author trigautius affirms . a relation of two russ cossacks travels out of siberia , to catay , or china , and other countries thereunto adjoyning . to our lord michaelo fedrowich emperour and great duke of all russia , your majesties vassals , evan koorakin , and evan koboolitin , do knock their heads , &c. lord , this present year 1619. we wrote to your majesty by a cossack of tobolsko , clement oboshkin ; that there came to tobolsko ambassadours out of the dominions of catay , and from the king of altine , with the people of tobolski , euashko petlin , and andrashko madiegene , and with them together do go to you great lord ambassadours out of the dominions of labin , and the altine char , from skiugia with presents , the which we dispatch to your majesty with burnash wickonoue , the sixth of july ; and before them we dispatch to your majesty evashko petlin , and patoy kizall , by whom we sent to your majesty a letter from tambur king of cathay , and a copy of the king of altine's letter translated ; together with a cart and description of the places which way euashko petlin , and andrushko madagene pass'd from the castle of tomao , into the dominions of cathay ; as also in what other dominions they were . the letter it self which came from altine char , labatharsham carries to your majesty : but as for the letter that comes from cathay , there is no body in tobolsko who is able to translate it . the copy of the altin charrs , or gold'n king's letter to the emperour of russia . to the lord , emperour , and grand duke . the gold'n king receiv'd your letter . in former times ( great lord ) it came to my hearing , that your princely good embassadors , sought out a way or passage to come to me ; since which time , it is now thirteen years ; but then the people of iskicgi , tubents , mattara , and black kolmacks , would not suffer your princely good embassadors to come to me . since that time , ten of your majesties people are come to me , and i have sent to you ickmen kickenga , to do obeysance to your majesty , and see your princely eyes , whom your majesty vouchsaf'd to do their obeysance , and see your princely eyes . and to me , you sent of your grace , three cups of silver , a bow , a sword , two guns , and two garments ; all which , you . princely favours i have receiv'd , and what shall be proper for your majesty from hence , i will furnish you withal . i am farther to request of your majesty , in regard the embassadors do pass between us in a very miserable and poor condition , by reason there are now some small wars between us and the black colmacks , and for that there are but very inconsiderable garrisons at tobolsko , nor in the castles of tomo , tarko , or among the barban people ; now therefore if your majesty will favour me , and defend me , with these people , from karakula , and be pleas'd to enter into a war on your side , as i am engag'd on mine , that matter will be remedy'd between us , and all kindnesses continue betwixt us . by which means and by your princely favour , embassadors may continually pass between us . juan turchan varchies , and andrei turchan varchies , conducted two of your majesties messengers into the dominions of cathay , according to your majesties command , and they are return'd to me again out of cathay . also ( great lord ) there is come to me , the zurchad of labaia , and i have sent you together with my presents , the said turchan labar , and kitibacshij anchaij , and with them ten men , with two men of sirgos . by their letter you will understand , that there is sent to your majesty , three leopards with their claws , a red and yellow damask upon a gold ground a piece of velvet , and an ambling horse . and i am humbly to request your majesty , if it be your majesty's pleasure to do the favour , to grace me for your own honour , with a garment of cloth of gold , and of divers colours , fine garments of fine cloth , a head-piece , a shirt of maile , a sword , a bow , twenty guns , a flaggon of gold , a kettle of silver , and five sorts of pretious stones , of each one , a iennet , a dwarf , with workmen to make guns and powder , and two thousand sand pence . your majesties name is become renown'd and famous every where ; therefore it is , that i do reverence to your majesty , because many kings of many countries have spread abroad the fame of your majesties name far and near . and i request , that embassadors may come and go between us ; and if it be your majesties favourable pleasure , i desire you to dispatch these my embassadors with speed to me back again . anno 1620. the 23d of september , in the emperors dominions at soldata , a cosack of siberia , nam'd euashko petlin , being examin'd concerning his travels , made the following report . the last year , said he , being the year 1619. the boyaren , and vayvod knez euan simonowick koorockin sent him from the castle of tomo , together with his companion andrashko , to conduct the altine king's embassadors , as also to enquire into the kingdoms of cathay . they went from the castle of tomo about the 9th of may , and travell'd from tomo to kirgis , with much expedition , in ten days ; in which kirgis reigns a kan , who is subject to the emperour's majesty , whose name is nemi , and who gave them victuals and postage . through this territory of kirgis they travell'd half a day together , and reaching to the dominions of mutalla , came to the altine king , who gave them provisions , allow'd 'em postage , and dispatch'd 'em from thence . after which , they travell'd through his dominions for five weeks together , and reach'd the country of sheremugali , were reigned a queen call'd manchika , who order'd provisions and postage to be allow'd ' em . in this country of sheremugali , or sheromogula , they travell'd four days , and then came into the dominions of catay , call'd crim , where stands a wall built of stone fifteen fathoms high , by the side of which wall they travell'd ten days , and saw several petty towns and villages belonging to queen manschika ; but in all those ten days they saw no people upon the wall . at the end of those ten days , they came to the gate , where lye very large pieces of ordnance , discharging shot as big as a man's head. this gate is guarded by a watch of three thousand men , and merchants come with their goods to traffick at the gate , and bring their horses to sell to the catay men ; but are not permitted to come within the walls , except very few at a time . thus their whole journey from tomo castle to this gate , took up twelve weeks , besides some days that they stood still ; and from the gate , to the great empire of catay ten days , and so arriv'd at the city or castle of catay , about the beginning of september ; where they were lodg'd in the great embassador's house . during their stay in catay , which was four days , they were visited by a secretary , attended by two hundred men upon asses , well apparell'd , and entertain'd and feasted 'em with sack , and other sorts of wines , and told 'em that the emperour , or king tambur , had sent him to know what business had brought 'em into the dominions of catay . to which they made answer , that their great lord and emperour had sent 'em to acquaint themselves with the dominions of catay , and to wait upon the king of the country : but the secretary reply'd , that without presents they could not be admitted into the king's presence ; and withal gave 'em a letter ; which letter they brought with 'em to tobolsko , and from thence they were sent with it to the emperour's majesty . they left cathay about the twelfth of october , and arriv'd at the castle of tobolsko about whitsontide , in the year , 1620. finis . books printed for tim. goodwin , against st. dunstan's church in fleetstreet . memoirs of emerick count teckely in four books ; wherein are related all the most considerable transactions in hungary , and the ottoman empire , from his birth , anno. 1656. 'till after the battel of salankement , in the year 1691. done out of french. the life of lewis of bourbon , late prince of conde , digested into annals ; with many curious remarks on the transactions of europe , for these last sixty years . done out of french. lex parliamentaria , or a treatise of the law and custom of the parliaments of england . with an appendix of a case in parliament , between sir francis goodwyn , and sir iohn foretescue , for the knights place for the county of bucks ; 1 iac. i. from an original french manuscript . translated ●nto english. pollitica sacra & civilis , or a model of civil and ecclesiastical government ; wherein , besides the positive doctrine , the state and church in general , are debated the principal controversies of the times , concerning the constitution of the state and church of england . by george la●son , rector of more in salop. an enquiry into the power of dispensing with penal statutes ; together with some animadversions upon a book written by the late lord chief justice herbert , intituled a short account of the authorities in law ; upon which , judgment was given in sir hale's case . a defence of the late lord russel's innocency : together with an argument in the great case concerning elections of members to parliament ; between sir samuel bernadiston bar. plaintiff , and sir william soams sheriff of suffolk , defendant ; in the court of king's bench , in an action upon the case , and afterwards by errour sued in the exchequer-chamber . the two last wrote by sir robert atkyns , lord chief-barron of their majesties court of exchequer . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a26262-e460 var. obser . lond. 1685. universal lib. tom. 8. physic. & mathemat . obser. par. 1688. ibid. riccioli's geograph . reformat . dudl . artan . del mare . notes for div a26262-e1640 near four hunder'd iesuits perish'd going to china . a design to find out a new way by land to china . two vessels set sail form leghorn for the east , in 1685. they are toss'd by terrible tempests within sight of candy . after three days voyage they come to an anchor in lerneca road. the beauty and fertility of the island of cyprus . * a delicate red-leg'd fowl , of which there are two sorts ; one somewhat less then our godwitt , that feed altogether upon fish : the other more like a partridge that lives among hills and high grounds ; the rarer and dearer , and perhaps the daintier of the two . the curiosity of some french passengers punish'd by the turks . two vessels fall foul one upon another , through the imprudence of the pilot. we arrived at alexandretta . a pigeon despatch'd to aleppo , gives notice of the arrival of the two ships . we arrive at aleppo . the turks never begin to travel on a friday . the turks understanding me to be an european , lay a great imposition upon me . the care of the caravan to preserve themselves from robbers in the night . a machine made use of for the crossing of the river tiger . the author like to be drowned . the common oath of the country . the emir gives us permission to depart . five curds attach a numerous caravan . the armenians inclin'd to quit their errors . a renegate srrviceable in the settlement of the mission . father barnaby goes to irivan . an earthquake at erzerum . the antipathy between the turks and persians . and as ichmiazin the patriarchal seat of the armenians . notes for div a26262-e6740 f. barnaby and i departed from irivan . the cross gurgistan . an unlucky meeting with a persian chaper . schamaki describ'd . fat , pothier murder'd . the caspian sea describ'd . the errors of the banians . a merchant of yousbecs gives 'em great sight as to their farther travels . the distance of bocara from pekin . our v●ssel burnt , and we like to have been burnt in it . in danger of being taken by the calmoves . a muscovite officer relieves us . we quitted the volga at saratof . description of the sleds in muscovy . the countrey betwen astrakan and moscow very populous . our arrival at muscovy . strangers oblig'd to undergo● a rigorous examination at muscovy . the country of kitay . notes for div a26262-e13130 the cosacks zaporoges , the first discoverers of the countries beyond the obi . why they submitted to the muscovites . the manner of sable-hunting . the bogdoi . the country of the monguls . the calmoucs . the kan of the calmoucs . the dalaè-lama patriarch of the idolatrous tartars . tartars believe the dalaè never dies . the delaè-lama is the famous presse-jean . other tartar people . albazin three weeks journey from pekin muscovites never spend above four months in going to peking and returning to moscow . sledds that sail ▪ by land with the wind. the lake of baikala . the behemot furnishes the muscovites with ivory . the first colonies that peopl'd america came out of tartary . the mouth of the obi dangerous . genessai no less inconvenient . notes for div a26262-e21300 father barnaby leaves me to go back into france , where he happily negotiates our return . baptism of a tartar. abjuration of an hungarian lutheran . my iourney to the court of poland . the king of poland gives me the memoirs that had been given him by an ambassador from muscovy , call'd ▪ nicephore , who had been in china , through the great tartary . his map ●is faithful , excepting the degrees of longitude . the king to authorise our designs , grants us patents , as being his mathematicians , pasports , and letters of recommendation to the czars of muscovy . a copy of the king's letter to the czars . order to associate our selves to some polish iesuits . character of the two iesuits who were chosen to go missionaries into china . father barnaby embarks at roan , in order to joyn us in poland . he is shipwreck'd with his companions upon the coast of norway . i endeavour to renew our design , notwithstanding our measures were absolutely broken by so considerable a loss . i leave dantzic to repair to grodno , where the diet was held , in hopes to find some assistance there . the travel from dantzic to koningsberg perform'd upon the frozen sea. a prodigious number of sledges upon the weisel in the winter time . i make some stay at koningsberg , at the request of the catholicks , who are numerous there . i arrive at grodno , a small city in lithuania , while the diet was held there . monsieur de bethune writes to prince gallichin . a copy of his letter . prince gallichin's silence obliges me to take new measures . his employments . the embassy of persia is very advantageous to those that perform it . the zeal count syri express'd in all his embassies for the catholick religion . sincere piety of count syri . i pr●pos'd to him to conduct us into china ▪ and to desire letters from the court of france to that end . he accepts my offer , and writes to the r. f. de la chaise . count syri's letter to the r. f. de la chaise . the king accepts count syri's offers , and causes the letters he desires to be expedited . the king's letter which count syri was to carry to the emperor of china . father beauvollier comes to joyn with us in poland . father barnaby's character . physick is of great use in foreign missions . i depart from grodno , after the breaking up of the diet to meet father beauvollier at warsaw . the occasion of count syri's embassie is made use of to send missionaries into the kingdoms of iveria , of mingrelia and persia . the history of prince archilla , king of iveria , and mingrelia . the princess of iveria marches at the head of some gentlemen to rescue her h●sband out of prison . he desires the patriarch of muscovy to get him some missionaries . some iesuits are destin'd out of poland for the mission of iveria . we advance to the confines of muscovy . abundance of bees in the forests of lithuania . the bears wage a cruel war against those animals . bears are friends to men. how bears commonly pass the winter . the muscovites will not permit us to enter into their territories . an envoy from poland takes us along with him to moscow . the muscovites , having notice of our march , order count syri to depart immediately from moscow . they sent us the same order some days after . the resident of poland receives us under his protection . they alter their behaviour , hearing that we had letters from the king. prince gallichin's character . he gives us a particular audience . the council deliberates a fortnight upon our demand . in the mean while we inform our selves of what relates to muscovy . an envoy from brandenbourg does us ill offices at the court of moscow . tragial story of a brabander , who was beheaded . an extraordinary event at his burial . the envoy of brandenbourg thwarts our designs . the council refuse to grant us a passage thro' muscovy . prince gallichin interceeds for us , but in vain . horrid excesses committed in muscovy , at the carnaval . marriage of the youngest czars . notes for div a26262-e30020 our perplexities at our return from muscovy . the emperour's envoy refuses us passes . we apply our selves to the great general of poland . he receives us very kindly . we follow him to leopold , where he entertain'd us two months , at his palace . he dispatches two couriers to secure us a passage from poland to constantinople . we receive extraordinary marks of his kindness , during our abode with him . character of the great general of poland . endeavours are us'd , in vain , to make the great general of poland iealous of us . god's providence over us , in the choice the great general of poland mad for us , in the choice of the way of moldavia , instead of caminiec . his obliging care , 〈◊〉 have us safely conducted to constantinople . having cross'd pokutia , we arrive at the confines of moldavia . we cross the forest of the boukovines , famous by the glorious actions of the great general of poland . the passage of it is dangerous and uneasie . description of moldavia . our arrival at yassy , the metropolitan of moldavia . how were we receiv'd by the hospodar . the conversation we had with him . the true motive that induc'd the hosspodar to receive us as he did . the emperours makes propositions to them , to put themselves under protection of the government . articles of the treaty between the emperour , and the hospodar . the agent who manag'd this treaty , is concern'd at our arrival . the hospodar gives us letters and passports for the seraskier of the turks . before our departure from jassy , we receive a letter from the great general of poland . a copy of his letter . we cross the remainder of moldavia , and arrive at the turkish camp. the seraskier gives us an audience . we visit his lieutenant . a vexatious adventure , which happen'd to us in the turkish camp. the turks being jealous of us , confine us . some reneg●d●es being tr●ubled in mind , come to us by stealth . the seraskie● releases us by the grand visier's order . one makes a st●p at the mouth of the danube . the cossacks come sometimes in small b●ats , to attack the largest ships . we reach the black-sea . we discover the beacon of the black-sea , after three days navigation . the pilot's want of experience exposes us to the danger of a shipwrack . ouer arrival at constantinople . we tarry there for monsieur de chateau neuf the king's ambassadour at the port. a new accident stops our project . the captain's ord●●s for the regulation of their course . an officer is dispatch'd to the captain bassa to agree about the salutation . the castles of the dardanella are not so strong as they are reported to be . we pass over against tenedo , troy , metelin , and schio . the wind becomes contrary . the ill weather , and the fear of a plague , obliges them to put in at st. george of schirro . a satal accident happen'd to the commissary of our ship. we put out to sea , and go to anchor near argentiere , to enquire the algerine fleet. we meet the venetian fleet we pass over against maltha . precauti●ns of those of tunis to desend their coasts . we are oblig'd to put into barbary by stress of weather . a sea calf is taken . mezzomorto is taken by four privateers of tunis . we reach sardinia , and anchor before cagliari . strange adventure of mezzomorto's wife . having happily pass'd the isles of sardinia , and of casica , we discover'd the coast of provence . we arrive at toulon the 30th day after our departure fro● constantinople . notes for div a26262-e35720 part of the popish even song . * novices , or such as minister to the priest at mass.