item: #1 of 4 id: A05751 author: Baudier, Michel, 1589?-1645. title: The history of the imperiall estate of the grand seigneurs their habitations, liues, titles ... gouernment and tyranny. Translated out of French by E.G. S.A. date: 1635 words: 70142 flesch: 57 summary: From thence he descends into his Gardens or walkes , contents his eyes with the 〈…〉 F●●●es , and pleasing Alle●e● and 〈◊〉 his eares with the 〈◊〉 and ●r●●lities of his ●e●tres 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 which follow him . A Turkish King of Fe● , not able to indure the prosperities of him of G●anad● , called Ioseph , a Mahometan like himselfe , he resolued to take away his life : Hee sends to visit him oftnes than he had accustomed , he makes a greater shew of friendship , and after he hath receiued many effects of his , hee sent him for a 〈◊〉 Cassocke of Cloth of Gold of great 〈◊〉 , King Ioseph receiues it , and puts it on , not hee had not worne it a day , but the poyson wherewith the Prince of Fe● had infected i● , keywords: aboue; abundance; achmat; actions; adde; admirable; aduance; affaires; affections; aga; age; al ●; alcoran; alwayes; amurath; ancient; armes; army; arsenall; asia; assist; aswell; attaine; attired; audience; authoritie; b ●; bas ●; base; bashaes; bassa; beasts; beautie; beautifull; beauty; bed; beds; bee; best; better; betwixt; birth; blacke; bodies; body; booke; bostangibassi; brutish; burning; c ●; capiaga; capigis; captaine; care; carrie; cause; causeth; certaine; ch ●; cha ●; chamber; chap; chapter; charge; chiefe; children; choice; christians; circumcision; citie; city; cloth; co ●; command; comming; company; condition; constantinople; contempt; content; councell; course; court; courtiers; credit; crowne; custome; cut; daily; day; dayes; dead; death; delights; desire; di ●; diamonds; dignities; diuan; diuers; doe; doth; doubtlesse; downe; drawne; dumbe; earth; east; egypt; embassadour; emperour; empire; end; english; enricht; entertainment; entrie; equall; estate; euery; eunuches; europe; example; excellent; exercises; expences; extraordinary; eyes; f ●; face; fall; family; father; fauourite; fauours; feare; feet; fiftie; fine; fire; fit; fiue; flowres; follow; followes; foot; force; fortie; fortune; fountaines; foure; fourth; france; free; french; friendship; furnished; g ●; gardens; gate; gaue; generall; gifts; giue; glory; god; goe; gold; good; goodliest; goodly; gouernment; gouernour; grand; grand seigneur; grand vizir; great; great men; great number; great places; great prince; great serrail; greater; greatest; greatnesse; griefe; ground; guard; h ●; haire; halfe; hands; hath; haue; hauing; head; heauen; hee; hee doth; hee himselfe; height; hibraim; high; himselfe; hippodrome; history; hold; holy; honour; horsebacke; horses; houres; house; humane; hunting; husbands; ianizaries; iewes; image; imperiall; imploy; imployed; inferiour; insolencie; iron; iudges; iustice; keepe; kind; king; knowledge; labour; ladies; land; language; law; lead; learne; leaue; left; lesse; let; letters; libertie; life; like; linnen; little; liue; liuing; lodge; lodging; long; lookes; loue; lustre; m ●; magnificence; mahomet; man; manner; marble; march; marriage; married; master; meanes; men; merit; mi ●; midst; monarches; money; moreouer; mosquee; mother; moueables; mouth; names; nassuf; naturall; nature; necessary; necessitie; neere; neuer; new; night; number; obserue; occasion; oda; officers; old serrail; open; order; ordinary; othoman; ouer; p ●; pages; pallace; particular; parts; passage; passions; pay; pearles; people; persia; person; physician; pillars; place; pleaseth; pleasing; pleasure; pompe; poore; port; possesse; pounds; powerfull; poyson; precious; presence; presents; pride; priests; prince; principall; prosperities; prouinces; publique; puts; qualitie; quarter; queene; rare; reason; receiue; recompence; religion; religious; respect; rest; returne; reuenewes; reuerence; rich; riches; rigour; robes; royall; ruine; sa ●; saddle; said; scepter; se ●; sea; second; secret; seene; seigneur; sequins; serrail; serue; seruice; set; seuen; shee; shew; shewed; short; signe; silke; siluer; sixe; slaues; small; solyman; sonne; sorts; soueraigne; souldiers; soule; speake; spirits; stately; sterling; stones; strong; stuffe; subject; sultan; sultanins; supply; support; sword; table; taking; tcp; temple; text; th ●; themselues; things; thirtie; throne; time; tongue; townes; trade; traine; treasure; tribute; troupe; true; truth; turbant; turkes; turkes haue; turkish; turkish empire; twelue; twentie; value; veluet; vertue; vessels; violence; virgins; vizir; vnder; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; wa ●; walls; warre; water; wealth; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; wherewith; whilest; white; wife; wise; women; wood; words; worke; world; worthy; yearely; yeares; yeeld; young; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● es; ● ing; ● n; ● o; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A05751.xml plain text: A05751.txt item: #2 of 4 id: A26262 author: Avril, Philippe, 1654-1698. title: Travels into divers parts of Europe and Asia, undertaken by the French King's order to discover a new way by land into China containing many curious remarks in natural philosophy, geography, hydrology and history : together with a description of Great Tartary and of the different people who inhabit there / by Father Avril of the Order of the Jesuits ; done out of French ; to which is added, A supplement extracted from Hakluyt and Purchas giving an account of several journeys over land from Russia, Persia, and the Moguls country to China, together with the roads and distances of the places. date: 1693 words: 84680 flesch: 52 summary: EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( In order not to lose time , and to make that Road the easier for those that shall follow them , they go first to Constantinople , where they will find Father Beauvollier my Companion of Mission , who will be the Bearer of the King's Letters to the Cha of Persia , and who will conduct this Apostolical Company to Trebesond , to Erzerum , to Irivan , and to Schamaki . keywords: 'em; abundance; accident; account; advanc'd; advantage; advantageous; affairs; afraid; aleppo; allow'd; altho; ambassador; anchor; ancient; answer; appear'd; armenians; arms; army; arrival; asia; assistance; assur'd; astrakan; barnaby; bear; beauvollier; beginning; benediction; best; better; black; boat; body; book; break; business; call'd; capable; captain; caravan; care; carry'd; cascar; case; caspian; cathay; catholick; caus'd; certain; character; chief; children; china; chineses; choice; christian; christianity; church; churches; cities; city; clear; close; cold; commodious; common; companion; company; concern'd; condition; conduct; considerable; constantinople; continu'd; contrary; conversion; convinc'd; countries; country; courage; course; court; credit; cross; cross'd; curious; custom; czars; dalaè; dangerous; days; deal; dear; death; degree; departure; description; design; design'd; desir'd; desire; desirous; devotion; different; difficult; discover'd; discovery; distance; distant; divers; dominions; doubt; drew; earth; east; eastern; easy; effect; emperour; empire; end; endeavour'd; endeavours; enemies; engag'd; english; enter'd; envoy; erzerum; europe; excellent; execution; expos'd; express'd; extent; extraordinary; extreamly; extremities; eyes; fair; faith; faithful; family; famous; father; favour; favourable; fear; fine; fire; fish; fit; forc'd; force; foreign; france; free; french; gallichin; general; glory; god; good; gospel; governor; grand; great; great deal; great general; great number; greater; greatest; ground; guard; half; hands; happen'd; happiness; happy; head; heaven; high; history; holy; honour; hopes; horses; hospodar; hours; house; hunder'd; ill; illustrious; imaginable; imploy'd; induc'd; infidels; infinite; inform'd; inhabitants; insomuch; interest; iohn; irivan; island; jesuits; journey; joy; jubilee; kind; kindness; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; lake; lama; language; large; leagues; leave; left; length; letters; liberty; life; like; little; long; longer; look; look'd; lord; loss; lost; lye; majesty; making; manner; march; marks; mass; masters; mathematicians; means; measures; mention'd; merchants; middle; mind; minister; misfortune; missionaries; missions; moldavia; moment; monarch; monguls; monsieur; months; morning; moscow; mountains; mouth; muscovites; muscovy; nations; necessary; necessity; need; new; night; notice; number; numerous; obi; oblig'd; occasion; officers; open; opinion; order; particular; parts; pass; pass'd; passage; passing; pay; pekin; people; perform'd; persia; person; place; plains; pleas'd; pleasure; point; poland; polish; poor; port; preach'd; precautions; present; preste; pretence; prince; principal; prodigious; project; proper; protection; prov'd; province; publick; purpose; quality; question; ready; real; reason; regard; relation; religion; repair; resolution; respect; rest; return; river; road; roman; russia; sacrament; safe; said; sail; satisfaction; sea; seamen; second; secure; seem'd; self; selves; sensible; sentiments; sermon; service; set; ship; siberia; sincere; small; snow; society; sort; souls; speed; state; stay; stop; subject; success; surpriz'd; syri; tarry; tartars; tcp; terrible; territories; text; thing; thither; tho; time; town; trade; travel; travell'd; travellers; trouble; true; truth; turks; us'd; use; usual; utmost; vast; vessel; villages; violence; violent; volga; voyage; want; war; warsaw; water; way; ways; weeks; wherewith; white; willing; wind; winter; work; world; yamour; years; young; zeal; zealous; ● ● cache: A26262.xml plain text: A26262.txt item: #3 of 4 id: A28906 author: Bouvet, Joachim, 1656-1730. title: The history of Cang-Hy, the present emperour of China pesented [sic] to the Most Christian King / by Father J. Bouvet, of the Society of Jesus and missionary into China. date: 1699 words: 26881 flesch: 36 summary: For , the present Emperour's Grand-father , laying hold of this Opportunity to ascend the Imperial Throne , knew so well how to foment these Quarrels , till he found means to reduce them , one after another , under his Obedience , not expecting even the Chief of the Family , who retained hitherto the Name of Emperour , and was forced by his own Subjects , to submit like the rest . But it ought to be observed here , that a good Bastonade or Whipping , is an extraordinary Punishment in China , and some other Eastern-Parts , which do not leave behind them any Stain of Infamy , as it is with us in Europe ; nothing being more frequently to be seen , than , that the Emperour's Servants , after they have been thus Chastised , are put in their former Stations again , and are admitted again even into the Emperour's presence , who looks upon them never the worse for this Reason , if they make an Amends for their past Misdemeanour by their future Good behaviour . keywords: account; affairs; antient; best; better; betwixt; body; books; business; care; certain; chief; children; china; chineses; christian; city; considerable; country; court; curious; custom; day; deal; death; early; emperour; empire; english; esteem; european; exact; exercises; extraordinary; eye; family; famous; father; favour; favourable; free; general; geometry; gerbillon; god; good; gospel; government; governours; great; great prince; greatest; hand; honour; hopes; horse; hours; houshold; hunting; instructions; instruments; interest; kind; knowledge; language; large; late; life; little; long; majesty; management; mandarins; manner; marks; master; mathematical; matters; means; mind; ministers; missionaries; months; muscovites; nation; nature; night; noble; number; observations; occasion; officers; opportunity; pallace; particular; parts; pay; peking; people; perfect; person; place; pleased; point; presence; present; present emperour; prince; principles; private; progresses; proper; province; publick; punishment; purpose; race; reason; religion; respect; rest; royal; said; satisfaction; scarce; sciences; self; selves; sensible; small; sorts; state; study; subjects; success; sufficient; sure; tartarian; tartars; tcp; text; thing; throne; time; title; tribunal; troops; true; use; useful; vast; verbiest; way; works; world; years; young; zeal cache: A28906.xml plain text: A28906.txt item: #4 of 4 id: A29216 author: Brand, Adam, d. 1713. title: A journal of the embassy from their Majesties John and Peter Alexievitz, emperors of Muscovy &c. over land into China through the provinces of Ustiugha, Siberia, Dauri, and the great Tartary to Peking the capital city of the Chinese empire by Everard Isbrand, their ambassador in the years 1693, 1694, and 1695 written by Adam Brand, secretary of the embassy ; translated from the original High-Dutch printed in Hamburgh, 1698 ; to which is added Curious observations concerning the products of Russia by H.W. Ludolf. date: 1698 words: 28916 flesch: 62 summary: Some years ago the Territories of the Czars of Muscovy extended to the famous River of Yamour , but these were by vertue of a Treaty made in the Year 1689 , ( when Fedor Alexievits was sent Ambassador to China ) I heard once a certain Muscovian Lord , who had been sent as Ambassador from Musco to China , say , that it was offered him as a particular Favour , to appear before the Dalac-Lama , provided he would prostrate himself before him ; but , that he gave them many thanks for the Honour they intended to do him , without accepting their Offer . keywords: 12th; 13th; 14th; 16th; 19th; 27th; 28th; 29th; abundance; adogeda; ambassador; april; attendance; august; baggage; best; betwixt; black; board; body; bogdegan; boil'd; call'd; camels; capital; caravan; castle; certain; china; chinese; cities; city; conveniency; cossacks; country; court; curious; current; czar; czarish; danger; day; days; deal; desart; dinner; dishes; dispatch'd; distance; dogs; dorgamba; early; embassy; emperors; emperour; empire; english; evening; famous; fine; fish; following; fresh; gate; god; good; governor; great; ground; habitations; half; hands; head; hereabouts; high; horses; hours; hunting; inhabitants; iune; ivan; journey; lake; land; large; left; like; little; long; lords; manner; march; mean; meats; men; miles; mongul; month; morning; muscovites; muscovy; nartzinskoy; naun; new; night; north; notice; number; oby; october; parts; pass'd; peking; people; persons; peter; piece; place; present; province; purpose; quality; quarters; reach'd; ready; reason; reka; rest; retinue; return; river; russia; russians; sables; salt; scarce; sea; second; self; selves; september; servants; set; sheep; siberia; sides; silver; skins; sleds; small; small river; sorts; stay; stay'd; stick; stone; strong; sweet; table; taking; tartars; tcp; text; thee; thing; throne; time; tobacco; tobolsko; town; travel; trees; troublesome; use; vessels; village; wall; want; water; way; white; wild; wind; winter; wolga; women; wood; wooden; year; young cache: A29216.xml plain text: A29216.txt