item: #1 of 267 id: A01028 author: Forbes, John, 1568?-1634. title: A letter first written and sent by Io. Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh vnto certen of the companie of marchands adventurers at Stoade, at their earnest desire, for resolving this question: how a Christian man may discerne the testimonie of Gods spirit, from the testimonie of his owne spirit, in witnessing his adoption. And now againe renewed and enlarged by the authour, at the desire of divers good Christians, for the comfort of their troubled co[n]sciences, and published by those of his flocke, to whom he did dedicate it for the publike vse of the Church. date: 1616.0 words: 14713 flesch: 76 summary: And what can bee more cleere , to let vs see , Gods spirit bearing witnesse , that God hath not forsaken vs , when our owne hearts say the contrarie . Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh vnto certen of the companie of marchands adventurers at Stoade, at their earnest desire, for resolving this question: how a Christian man may discerne the testimonie of Gods spirit, from the testimonie of his owne spirit, in witnessing his adoption. keywords: adoption; apostle; bee; christ; god; gods; hath; heart; hee; lord; man; owne; spirit; testimonie; vnto; wee; worke cache: A01028.xml plain text: A01028.txt item: #2 of 267 id: A01992 author: Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. title: The wise vieillard, or old man. Translated out of French into English by an obscure Englishman, a friend and fauourer of all wise old-men date: 1621.0 words: 73536 flesch: 62 summary: It is recorded by Lactantius in his second booke of Christian Institutions , that the old Poets did circle and inclose the life of man within three terminations or periodes , ouer which they appointed three fatall Ladies , Atropos , Lachesis , Clocho , the daughter of Iupiter and Themis , to spin at the thread of mans life ; vnder which faigned names , was couertly vayled and shadowed diuers considerations of our condition in this world , in the first , middle , and last age of our life , whereof we purpose not here to moralize or declare the meaning . For , so long as God was mans friend , the skie , ayre , and earth , were so beautifull to behold , that a fairer prospect could not be desired , and man himselfe knew and perceiued how proportionably his bones and ioynts were set together , and how exquisitely and perfectly hee was fashioned , framed , and made as well in body , as in soule . keywords: againe; age; bee; bodies; body; booke; cause; chapter; children; christ; come; day; dayes; dead; death; desire; doe; doth; earth; end; euery; euill; faith; father; feare; giue; god; goe; good; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; hope; iesus; life; liue; long; lord; man; mee; men; men haue; minde; miseries; nature; owne; persons; present; rest; sayth; set; soule; spirit; strength; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; vnder; vnto; vpon; way; wee; whereof; wise; world; yeares; young cache: A01992.xml plain text: A01992.txt item: #3 of 267 id: A02183 author: Greenham, Richard. aut title: Short rules sent by Maister Richard Greenham to a gentlewoman troubled in minde for her direction and consolation, also very necessary for euery Christian to be exercised withall: vvith directions for a Christian life. date: 1612.0 words: 3436 flesch: 64 summary: 12 Forsake the World , and flye to God ; for it is vnpossible , that a man louing the World , should haue any comfort from God , for the loue of the World is enmity with God ; besides keepe not any thing of the World to you , that may draw you from God ; for God will not haue part of the Man , but the whole Man. 13 Be alwayes armed against temptations , for those that belong to Christ must looke for temptations alwayes : and thinke not if that ye haue ouercome any temptation , or trouble , once , or twice , or often , that then you are freed : for Christ was tempted often , so were the Apostles , they had one time peace , and then persecution , and then peace & after persecution , so alwaies an intercourse : and when they were in peace , they made ready to be armed for temptation , knowing that they should haue temptation : therefore this life is called a Christian warfare . 5 When you would doe any good , or receiue any good , offer vp your endeauours , actions , and meanes , in a Sacrifice to God in Christ , beseeching God to giue his holy Spirit to sanctifie his owne Sacrifice . keywords: christ; christian; doe; god; good; haue; tcp; text cache: A02183.xml plain text: A02183.txt item: #4 of 267 id: A02339 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656, attributed name. title: Two guides to a good life The genealogy of vertue and the nathomy of sinne. Liuely displaying the worth of one, and the vanity of the other. date: 1604.0 words: 34645 flesch: 62 summary: There are other remedies also for the auoiding of Luxurie , as when wee feele it creepe vpon vs , not to yeeld or giue way vnto it , but to strangle it , euē in the cradle and first birth : to thinke when we intend any vnlawfull and corrupt enterprise , that howe close or secret soeuer we keepe it from the eie of man , yet it lieth open ( as the noonday ) to the sighte of God : and therefore if we be ashamed that men shuld see our vncleanesse and beastlye behauiour , much more ought wee to tremble and be ashamed that god should beholde vs , who is our iudge , and a iudge of that nature , that not only afflicteth our bodies with temporall punnishment , but can if it please him , cast our soules into euerlasting torment . Lastly , let vs consider that all other creatures not hauing life , are so opposite to sloth , as they continually keepe the first course wherein they were created without intermission or ceasing , vnlesse it be vppon some violent and accidentall cause , as wee see by the reuolution of the sunne , moon and stars , by the ebbing and flowing of the sea , and by the iust returne of summer and winter , spring and Autumne ; nay the very stones of the earth , thogh they be sencelesse and lye still , yet haue they in them a kind of working faculty which giues them groath and increase ; if then these , much more ought men , indued with reason and vnderstanding , to decline from sloth and imbrace the labor whereunto they are ordained ; for man is created not to take rest but to trauel , and he liueth most happily , who as little as may be liueth to himselfe . keywords: affections; anger; bee; bodie; body; cause; death; desire; doe; doth; end; euen; euill; example; faith; feare; giue; god; good; hath; haue; heart; hee; himselfe; hope; iustice; knowledge; life; loue; man; men; minde; nature; neuer; owne; power; pride; reason; respect; selues; sinne; soule; spirit; thinges; time; vertue; vice; vnto; vpon; wee; wil; workes; world cache: A02339.xml plain text: A02339.txt item: #5 of 267 id: A02360 author: Guild, William, 1586-1657. title: A yong mans inquisition, or triall VVhereby all young men (as of all ages) may know how to redresse and direct their waies, according to Gods word, and if they bee in the way of life to saluation, or in the way of death, to condemnation. Together with a godly and most comfortable meditation and praier ioyned thereunto. By William Guilde. date: 1608.0 words: 47989 flesch: 49 summary: Which desiring to auoide , and to institute his life and waies according to the law of God , that so hee might haue Gods loue more encreased towards him to encounter the vniust hatred of man , and his strength more confirmed in his heart , to ouercome the manifold temptations of fraile youth . The other signification of this Letter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Beth , is Domus ; a house ( whose figure it representeth ) and so the reason is thus , that whosoeuer would bee counted as one of Gods house , and so bee saued ; As God ( the Master of the house ) is pure and cleane ; his house and seruants cleane likewise : so thou who would adioyne thy selfe in thy youth to their societie , and eate at his table : thou must be cleane also ; Cleansing thy waies according to his word : putting on that white cleane robe of the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ , that wedding garment , & seruing him in his Family , in purity & holinesse of life , by obseruing these doctrines which are here set down in this section to doe the same . keywords: age; bee; children; christ; death; desire; doe; end; euery; father; flesh; god; godly; gods; gods word; good; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; iesus; iesus christ; kingdome; know; life; lord; loue; man; men; owne; parents; redresse; saith; sinne; soule; spirit; thee; thou; thy; time; true; vnto; vpon; waies; walke; way; wee; word; yong; youth cache: A02360.xml plain text: A02360.txt item: #6 of 267 id: A02536 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Epistles. The third and last volume containing two decades / by Ioseph Hall ... date: 1611.0 words: 30428 flesch: 71 summary: Marriage ( I say ) is a good thing , and may by sound proofe bee defended , against all slaunders : well may man say that is good , which God saith , is honorable ; and both good and honourable must that needs be , which was instituted by the honourable author of goodnesse , in the state of mans perfect goodnesse : Let vs take heede of casting shame vpon the ordinance of our maker . haue we not sins enow of our own , but we must borrow of others ? Each man shal beare his own burden : is ours so light , that we cal for more waight , & vndertake what God neuer imposed ? It was enough for him that is God & man to bear others iniquities ; it is no taske for vs , which shrink vnder the least of our owne : But it is made ours , you say ( thogh anothers ) by our toleration & conniuence : indeede , if we consent to them ; encourage them , imitate or accompany them in the same excesse of ryot ; yet more , the publicke person , that forbeares a knowne sin , sinneth ; but if each mans known sinne be euery mans , what difference is betwixt the roote and the braunches ? Adams sinne spread it selfe to vs , because wee were in him , stood or fell in him ; our case is not such . keywords: bee; christ; christian; church; day; death; doe; euery; faith; feare; giue; god; gods; good; great; hand; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; lesse; life; loue; man; men; neuer; owne; selfe; selues; sinne; soule; thinke; time; truth; vpon; vse; want; wee; world; yea cache: A02536.xml plain text: A02536.txt item: #7 of 267 id: A02538 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Heauen vpon earth, or Of true peace, and tranquillitie of minde. By Ios. Hall. date: 1606.0 words: 19976 flesch: 64 summary: Where shall I begin to wonder at thee O thou diuine & eternall peace-maker , the sauiour of men , the ānointed of God , mediator betweene God & man , in whom there is nothing which doth not exceede not only the conceit , but the very wonder of Angels , who saw thee in thine humiliatiō with silēce , & adore thee in thy glory with perpetuall prayses and reioysinges . None but thy selfe which art the eternall word , can expres the depth of this mistery that God should be cloathed with flesh , come downe to men , and become man , that man might be exalted into the highest heauens ; and that our nature might be taken into the fellowship of the deity . keywords: bee; crosses; death; earth; estate; euer; giue; god; good; hath; haue; heauen; himselfe; man; men; minde; nature; ouer; owne; peace; pleasure; rest; sect; selfe; selues; soule; thee; thine; thou; thy; true; vpon; way; wee cache: A02538.xml plain text: A02538.txt item: #8 of 267 id: A02545 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Holy obseruations. Lib. 1. Also some fewe of Dauids Psalmes metaphrased, for a taste of the rest. By Ios. Hall date: 1607.0 words: 13779 flesch: 74 summary: It is good , some-times , for the delicate riche man to look into the poor mans cupboard : and seeing God in mercy gives him not to knowe their sorrowe by experience , to knowe it yet in speculation : This shall teache him more thankes to God , more mercy to men , more contentment in himselfe . 18 Such as a mans prayer is for another , it shall be in time of his extreamity for himselfe : For , though he loue himselfe more then others , yet his apprehensiō of God is alike for both . keywords: bee; christian; death; doe; euill; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; lord; man; men; nature; neuer; soule; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; truth; vpon; wee cache: A02545.xml plain text: A02545.txt item: #9 of 267 id: A03030 author: Henshaw, Joseph, 1603-1679. title: Meditations miscellaneous, holy and humane date: 1637.0 words: 13674 flesch: 42 summary: If God have made thee handsome , let not that make thee proud ; beauty is an ornament , doe not thou make it a snare ; why should'st thou have cause to wish that thou had'st beene ill favour'd : show nothing naked of thy selfe to others but thy face , and that only that thou mayest be knowne , not seene ; be curteous to all , but no● familiar ; stay not to heare thy handsomenesse prais'd ; much lesse to praise it ; think no time so ill spent about thy selfe , as in dressing ; nor no money , as in fashions , yet in neither be ridiculous , allow for both ; acknowledge no beauty in thy selfe , but of the mind , nor strive for none ; if God have made thee beautifull in others eyes , let it be thy care to make thy selfe so in his ; beauty without grace , is the greatest deformity . Do not practise Religion in shew only , yet shew it in thy practise ; think no sinne little ; nor no good which thou doest great , it is from the acceptance of God that it is good at all ; hope for , but not challeng a reward of thy wel doing , yet not for it selfe , but for what Christ hath done ; measure thy selfe not by what others are , but by what thou oughtest to be ; remember thy sinnes with griefe , and thy goodnesse , the one , for that thou hast beene so bad , the other , that thou canst be no better ; and though thou canst not attaine to perfection on earth , yet aime at it . keywords: art; bee; doe; doth; god; good; life; man; owne; selfe; sin; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thy cache: A03030.xml plain text: A03030.txt item: #10 of 267 id: A04155 author: Jackson, John, 1600-1648. title: The key of knowledge which is, a little booke intended to bee of good use, as for all degrees of Christians, so especially for religious families, and religious schooles. The full use and contents whereof must be enquired in the preface or introduction to the worke, which is (first) deliberately to be read of those who desire to receive profit by the booke. By John Jackson, rector of Marsk neere Richmond in York-shire. date: 1640.0 words: 14234 flesch: 71 summary: for it is scarce to be credited , if experience did not ascertaine the truth thereof , either how inept and indisposed unto divine knowledge such are , as are stept into yeeres , and having first filled their heads , and bardened their hearts with worldly-mindednesse have thereby prevented , aud praeoccupated the enterance of the things of God : or on the other hand how naturally and sweetly Catechisme is sucked in with the Mothers milke , rocked in with the Nurse , sported in with play-fellowes , hired in with nuts and apples , awed in with the twig of a rod , &c. which howsoever at first in them it may be no more oft times than the bare letter , or forme of knowledge , yet by the Spirits worke ere long may bee improved unto Saving knowledge . Thankefullnesse , which consists especially in three things , first in conforming our life according to the ten Commandements of God ; secondly , in calling upon his name , according to the substance of the Lords prayer ; lastly in receiving and participating the Sacraments , after a prepared and devout manner . keywords: answ; apollos; bee; christ; church; faith; gamal; god; hee; holy; mnason; paul; que; sunday; thou; thy; wee; word cache: A04155.xml plain text: A04155.txt item: #11 of 267 id: A04623 author: Jones, William, b. 1581 or 2. title: A briefe exhortation to all men to set their houses in order. By William Iones B. of D. Preacher to the Isle of Wight date: 1631.0 words: 5777 flesch: 69 summary: By these examples which I have propounded out of Gods word ye may easily see , that heretofore all beleevers were carefull to order their owne families , though they were never so meane : and hereupon it came to passe , that the Church of God , the number of beleevers did so mightily increase in those primative times : And verily the reason why iniquity doth so abound in these dayes is , because Governours of families doe as it were cast the reignes in the necke of those that are committed to their charge , and even suffer them to doe what they will in regard of religion without controlment . And therefore they are in a wretched estate that take upon them to be Governours of families , and yet never offer to speake one word of instruction to their houshold , nor take order that others may . keywords: doe; families; god; gods; hee; house; lord; order; set; text; wee cache: A04623.xml plain text: A04623.txt item: #12 of 267 id: A04799 author: Kennedy, John, fl. 1626. title: A theological epitome or Divine compend apparently manifesting Gods great love and mercie towards man: notwithstanding of mans perverse disposition, and continuall vnthankefulnesse towards his God. By Iohn Kennedie. date: 1629.0 words: 4886 flesch: 78 summary: A theological epitome or Divine compend apparently manifesting Gods great love and mercie towards man: notwithstanding of mans perverse disposition, and continuall vnthankefulnesse towards his God. A theological epitome or Divine compend apparently manifesting Gods great love and mercie towards man: notwithstanding of mans perverse disposition, and continuall vnthankefulnesse towards his God. keywords: bee; earth; god; gods; great; haue; hee; lord; man; text; thee; thou; wee cache: A04799.xml plain text: A04799.txt item: #13 of 267 id: A06430 author: Lodge, Thomas, 1558?-1625. title: The flowers of Lodowicke of Granado. The first part. In which is handled the conuersion of a sinner. Translated out of Latine into English, by T.L. doctor of phisicke date: 1601.0 words: 53424 flesch: 67 summary: What ritches , what good● are they ? except of his heauenl●● wisedome , which exceede all the ●●●ches of this worlde : which are ●●stowed on them , who walke in 〈◊〉 wayes of iustice , which is the 〈◊〉 vertue whereof we now speak . 〈◊〉 in that houre what shal sinners do● whether shal they turne themselue● who shall defend them ? teares the are of no force , there all repentan●● is vnprofitable ; in that houre ne●●ther shall prayers be heard , nor 〈◊〉 promises preuaile , or any suret●● be accepted . keywords: art; bee; cause; con ●; day; de ●; death; diuine; doe; earth; end; euen; euery; euill; eyes; father; god; good; grace; great; hast; hath; haue; heauen; himselfe; holy; hope; howe; l ●; life; light; like; lord; loue; lyfe; m ●; man; mee; men; mo ●; neyther; p ●; pe ●; place; prophet; saith; sh ●; shal; sinne; soule; th ●; thee; theyr; things; tho ●; thou; thy; thys; time; vertue; vn ●; vnto; wee; wh ●; world; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● ee; ● f; ● hat; ● hee; ● ll; ● nd; ● o; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A06430.xml plain text: A06430.txt item: #14 of 267 id: A06810 author: Mandevill, Robert, 1578-1618. title: Timothies taske: or a Christian sea-card guiding through the coastes of a peaceable conscience to a peace constant, and a crowne immortall. Wherein I. Pastors are put in minde of their double dutie, and how to discharge it. 1. Personall, as watchfull men. 2. Pastorall, as faithfull watchmen. II. True doctrine is advanced. III. Traditions discountenanced, & their rancour discovered. In two synodall assemblies at carliell, out of two seuerall, but sutable scriptures. This of I Timoth. 4.16. and that of Actes 20.28. Since concorporate, and couched with augmentation vnder their prime head: By Robert Mandevill, sometimes of Queenes Colledge in Oxford, and preacher of Gods word at Abbey-holme in Cumberland. date: 1619.0 words: 28960 flesch: 77 summary: Illud unum adjiciam , studia , vigilias , sermones , quorum nunc gustum praebemus , animum in divino opere planè indefessum , conatusque illius admodum foelices , quàm verè magnus vir f●erat , liquidò demonstrare . But good men haue fallen , Patriarkes , Prophets , Apostles , yea ( better once then th● best of men ) the Angels kept not their first estate . keywords: apostle; bee; christ; christian; church; cor; doctrine; doe; doth; end; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; head; heart; hee; heed; himselfe; iohn; law; lesse; life; light; lord; loue; man; mans; math; men; non; owne; paul; peace; psal; rom; scriptures; set; soule; spirit; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; timothie; truth; vnto; vpon; watch; way; wee; whereof; word; workes; ● ● cache: A06810.xml plain text: A06810.txt item: #15 of 267 id: A07626 author: Monlas, John. title: Quadrivium Sionis or the foure ways to Sion By John Monlas Mr of arts date: 1633.0 words: 47056 flesch: 50 summary: But here the best Interpreters , by this feare of Isaac , doe unde●stand the second person of the Trinity , Iesus Christ our Saviour , who had not yet assumed and cloathed our humane na●ure , and of whom Isaac was the true type and figure , ●t is an excellent que●tion of Saint Augustine ( in his Citie of God ) that is , If this filiall feare after the death of the faithfull Children of the Lord remaine with them in Heaven yea or no : Those who maintaine the contrary , forti●ie themselues from the Apostle Saint Iohn , Chap. By the holy place , whereunto came onely the Levites , and those which ministred at the Sacrifices , are signified unto us , the Ministers of the word of God , who are chosen and put a part in his Church , to be Heraulds , and Embassadours of his holy will , offering the ordinary Sacrifices of p●ayer and thanksgiving , which are his d●lectable and well accepted service . keywords: actions; bee; body; chap; children; christ; death; divine; doe; doth; earth; eternall; eyes; face; faithfull; father; feare; fire; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; hee; himselfe; holy; honour; iesus; king; life; lord; love; man; men; mercie; mercifull; o ●; peace; people; prophet; reason; saint; saith; sonne; soules; text; thee; things; thou; thy; way; wee; wicked; word; ● e; ● s; ● ● cache: A07626.xml plain text: A07626.txt item: #16 of 267 id: A08275 author: Norden, John, 1548-1625? title: A good companion for a Christian directing him in the way to God, being meditiations and prayers for euery day in the weeke; and graces before and after meate. date: 1632.0 words: 49855 flesch: 56 summary: LAbor to see and apprehend this great mystery of our Redemption and Saluation , which none can see , by his quickest eye of naturall wisedome ; no , it is foolishnesse to the naturall man , to thinke that God could haue a Sonne , made flesh to be conceiued in the wombe of a Virgin without man , to bee borne into the world , according to the course of men , to dye and within three dayes to rise againe by his owne power ( being God , ) and immediately after to appeare in the same humane shape , and to eate bread : and in the same body to ascend into the heauens , and there to remaine a glorified body ; and that in the same body hee shall come againe , accompanied with Millions of Angels , to iudge , aswell them that remaine aliue at his comming , as them that are already turned into dust in their graues , burned to ashes , perished in the seas , and deuoured by beasts : But to the common shame of men it is obserued , that there bee more that eate for gluttony , and drink for delight , than doe moderatly eate to sustaine the body , or drinke to quench their thirst , whereby they doe not onely grieuously offend God , in abusing the good creatures which hee hath made , and more plentifully giuen vnto vs , than to many other Nations , not only bread in abundance , to strengthen vs wine and other drinks to comfort vs , and oyle to cheere vs , but al other things necessary for the vse of man , which many buse , through the inordinate desire of the Taste vnto gluttony and drunkennesse , trampling as it were vnder their feet the good gifts of God , to the shame and ouerthrow of many . keywords: bee; body; children; christ; day; death; doe; dye; end; euer; eye; faith; father; giue; glory; god; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; holy; house; iesus; life; lord; loue; man; mee; men; order; owne; prayer; selfe; senses; set; sinnes; soule; spirit; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; tongue; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; word cache: A08275.xml plain text: A08275.txt item: #17 of 267 id: A08279 author: Norden, John, 1548-1625? title: A load-starre to spirituall life. Or, a Christian familiar motiue to the most sweet and heauenly exercise of diuine prayer With prayers for morning and euening. Written to stir vp all men to watchfulnesse and reformation of their carnall and corrupt liues. By I. Norden. date: 1614.0 words: 36734 flesch: 64 summary: But to beleeue that he came in the flesh without man , to containe two natures vnder one visible forme ; that hee was God equall with the father , and man like vnto vs ; that he cancelled the hand-writing that was against vs ; that in him we are reconciled again to God the father ; that he sits at God's right hand a mediator for vs , and that all beleeuers shall ascend and rest with him in glorie ; that our bodies that are corrupt , shall either die and putrifie , or be changed , and in fine , be glorified in the heauens . The Iewes thinking to make themselues strong by the Egyptians and other carnall meanes , left their dependancie on God ; & therfore did God denounce his iudgements against them : Cursed is the man that trusteth in man , and maketh flesh ( any kind of carnal meanes ) his arme , and withdraweth his heart from the Lord : hee shall not see , when any good commeth . keywords: bee; carnall; carnall man; chap; children; christ; day; diuine; doe; euery; faith; faithfull; father; glorie; god; gods; good; hath; haue; hearts; heauenly; hee; himselfe; holy; life; lord; loue; man; meanes; men; neuer; owne; prayer; promise; sinne; spirituall; themselues; things; thou; thy; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vse; wee; word; ● ● cache: A08279.xml plain text: A08279.txt item: #18 of 267 id: A08455 author: Odell, Thomas, Englishman. title: A brief and short treatise, called the Christians pilgrimage to his fatherland Sheweth the troubles that he shall meete withall in passing this world as a wildernesse, to the heavenly Canaan, which is the true Christians fatherland. By Thomas Odell Englishman. date: 1635.0 words: 5767 flesch: 82 summary: HAving hard and minded the manifold tryals & troubles , wherein the Lord hath exercise your Majesty , I have ofttimes purposed some part of my poore labour , to presēt unto your Lord and King ( now at rest ) but I was oftentimes hindred in things concerning myself , and most of all through the grieveous afflictions that befell your Majesty . He sayd like thing unto the King Abimelech by name , Who tooke hir then from him againe , Yet God did help the same . keywords: christ; doeth; faith; feare; god; hir; king; lord; love; place; tcp cache: A08455.xml plain text: A08455.txt item: #19 of 267 id: A09439 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: How to liue, and that well in all estates and times, specially when helps and comforts faile. date: 1601.0 words: 13489 flesch: 81 summary: And if we want the blessing and successe we looke for , yet faith makes vs to renounce our owne desires , and in silence to quiet our hearts in the good pleasure of God. Now then comes faith , which is the substance of things hoped for , and makes vs lift our minds aboue the whole world , to apprehend the inuisible and vnspeakable things of God which he hath reuealed and promised vnto vs. These things I shewe more at large in this small treatise following ; read it at thy leisure , vse it for thy good , and see thou be a doer of them . keywords: beleeue; christ; doe; faith; god; gods; good; hath; haue; life; man; men; things; vpon; word cache: A09439.xml plain text: A09439.txt item: #20 of 267 id: A09465 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: A treatise of mans imaginations Shewing his naturall euill thoughts: His want of good thoughts: The way to reforme them. Framed and preached by M. Wil. Perkins. date: 1607.0 words: 30512 flesch: 74 summary: Secondly , here consider the impulsiue cause that moued God to curse the earth by a flood : it was not in the earth , but in men : I wil henceforth curse the earth no more for man , that is , for mans sinnes . There is a strange desire , not of earthly but of spirituall powers : after the possession of mans heart : God saith , b , my sonne giue me thy heart ; and to him indeed the right belongs : Yet thorough mans transgressiō Satan hath got such hold therof , that vnlesse it be by diuine power hee will not be kept out ; & though we heare not Satans voice , yet his c dealing bewraies his meaning , that aboue all things in man he desires the heart . keywords: bee; christ; consideration; doe; doth; euery; euill; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; hee; himselfe; lord; man; mans; men; minde; naturall; nature; owne; saith; sect; selues; sinne; themselues; things; thinke; thought; vnto; vpon; wee; wicked; word cache: A09465.xml plain text: A09465.txt item: #21 of 267 id: A09472 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: The true gaine more in worth then all the goods in the world. date: 1601.0 words: 25883 flesch: 79 summary: For if men be mystically vnited to Christ , and by this vnion receiue the spirit of Christ , and by the spirit doe good workes , and consequently merit eternal life , they are thē becom partners with Christ , and are receiued into fellowship with him in the worke of mans redemption : whereas he in the Act of our reconciliation with God , admits neither deputie nor partner . The first propounded in the 3. v. is this ; True circumcision is to worship God in spirit , to reioyce in Christ , and not to put any confidence in the flesh . keywords: beleeue; christ; death; eternall; faith; gaine; god; good; grace; haue; himselfe; iustice; iustification; law; life; losse; man; men; merit; owne; paul; resurrection; second; things; vnto; vpon; workes cache: A09472.xml plain text: A09472.txt item: #22 of 267 id: A09956 author: Preston, John, 1587-1628. title: The deformed forme of a formall profession. Or, The description of a true and false christian either excusing, or accusing him, for his pious, or pretended conversation. Shewing that there is a powerfull godlynes necessary to salvation, and that many have but the forme, but not the power thereof. In handling whereof these three things are plainely and powerfully explained and applyed. what godlines is. what the power of it. what the reasons why some have but the forme thereof. together with the meanes, and marks, both how to attaine, and to try our selves whether we have the power thereof or not. By that late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ. Iohn Preston. Doctor in divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne. date: 1632.0 words: 7264 flesch: 55 summary: The people of Israel travelling to the land of Canaan , they saw the Citties walled to heaven , and that the Gyants were there , the sonnes of Anax , yet Ioshua biddeth them bee of good comfort , and feare not , for the Lord would fight for them , and deliver their adversaries into their hands , so though you see difficulties in the way to heaven , yet godlynes is a powerfull thing that will carrie you through all , therefore likewise the Apostle having prayed for the Ephesians that they might not faint at his tribulations for them , which was their glorie , but that they might be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man , to comprehend with all Saints the breadth , and length , and depth , and height , and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge , which because they might thinke they should never bee able to doe , hee addeth to him that is able to doe above all that wee can aske or thinke , according to the power that worketh in us , to him bee all glorie , as if hee should have said , GOD is able to doe it , and that by the power , which worketh in him : so suppose it bee to subdue some lusts of a flesh , a thing so hard as you think it will never be done , nay you conceive it to be a thing so improbable , as that you are ashamd to aske it , yet according to that power , which worketh in you , hee is able to doe above all wee aske or thinke , and therefore he prayeth , that theîr eyes may bee opened , that they may see the greatnesse of the power that wrought in them , and it was not that they might see and looke at it idly , but for the use to serve their turnes , that they laying holde of it , and using of it , might bee able to doe these things , which they desire should bee done , even such things to which a mans nature is as untoward , as water is to heate when their is none in it , onely as Christ said to Marie , Believe and you shall see the power of God , thou must go to God for it by faith , and God will shew it foorth unto you , and you shall have fruits of it , the end of faith is not onely to apply the promises of Iustification but for Sanctification also , as for example hee hath promised to baptize you with the Holy Ghost as with fire , that is , with zeale and other graces of the spirit , which must give them power and strength , and all that sinne might not raigne in their mortall bodies , goe to God then and urge him of his promise , and hee cannot deny you : When men therefore thinke to excuse them-selves by saying , I am not able to doe such a thing , what will you have mee to doe ? it is no excuse , for if they were but willing , it is all hee requireth of them , the power , that belongeth to God , which if men would but believe , and goe to him , hee would undoubtedly give it them . But you will say , doe you altogether condemne naturall , and morall vertues ? must they do nothing , yes you shal have this use of them , that they will helpe as winde to drive the ship , only it is godlynes is the rudder guides it , and aymes at the right haven , as for example , you are commanded to love your children , and your wives , you are bound to doe this , if you had no naturall affections in you , only having these affections in you , you doe it with more ease , els you must drive the ship with oares , wheras now the wind fills the sails & you do it with more facility , and ease , and so likewise you are bound to be patient and meek and you must be so , though your natures be not so , but if your natures be so , you may the more easily be so , yet so as godlienes must set the cōpasse , and steere the ship , morrall vertues are like good horses , that draw the Chariot , but godlynes is the Auriga , the Coachman without which take the most excellent things , that nature is capable of , if it be not guided by it , the Lord regards them not , for God regards nothing but that which drawes the creatures unto him , but now morall vertues makes us rest upon our owne bottoms , and so likewise all things whatsoever they bee that beautyfie the flesh , for God wil have no flesh to glorifie in it selfe , but let him that glories glory in the Lord , Nay I add more , take the graces of the spirit , wherewith God adornes his saints , as an husband doth his wife with jewels , if you magnyfie them you doe so much withdraw your hearts from God , therefore in heaven it is said there is neither , Sunne , nor Moone , now what is that ? there is no excellencie in any creature that is magnified there , but God is All in all , hee is Sunne and Moone , and therefore in the Revelation of Saint Iohn it is said , and said to their honour , it is made their worth that they give all to God glory & power be to our God for ever , they fal on their faces , throw down their crowns , though created glorious creatures , yet when the evill Angells began to reflect upon themselves , it was their ruine , they fell from GOD , for the creature of it selfe is like a glasse without a bottome , if it commeth to stand upon its owne bottome , it falls , and breakes , and so the Angells when they would stand of themselves , they fell downe to the lowest pitt , and therefore of all graces labour for emptying graces , as faith and love , for these give all unto God , nothing to mans selfe , and therefore they are the great graces in religion which you must chiefly labour for . keywords: bee; christ; doe; forme; god; godlynes; hee; man; nature; power; thou cache: A09956.xml plain text: A09956.txt item: #23 of 267 id: A09972 author: Preston, John, 1587-1628. title: The lavv out lavved· Or, The charter of the Gospell shewing the priviledge and prerogative of the saints by vertue of the covenant Wherein these foure points of doctrine are properly observed, plainely proved, both by Scripture, and reason: and pithily applyed. Viz: doctrine 1 That he that is in the state of grace lyeth in no knowne sinne, no sinne hath dominion over him. 2 That sinne though it doth not raigne in the saints, yet it doth remaine and dwell in them. 3 That the way to overcome sinne, is to get assurance of the love, and grace, and favour of God, whereby it is forgiven them. 4 That whosoever is under the law, sinne hath dominion over him. By that late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ. Iohn Preston. Doctor in divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne. date: 1631.0 words: 5285 flesch: 66 summary: That the way to overcome sinne , is to get assurance of the love and grace of God , and that it is forgiven them , the reason why the Apostle promises them sin shall not have dominion over them , is because they are not under the law but under grace , that is , they had assurance of Gods love , and that it is forgiven them , this is proved from that faith purifieth the heart , and you repent and believe the gospell . 3 That the way to overcome sinne, is to get assurance of the love, and grace, and favour of God, whereby it is forgiven them. keywords: doe; dominion; god; grace; hath; hee; law; man; sinne cache: A09972.xml plain text: A09972.txt item: #24 of 267 id: A10024 author: Preston, John, 1587-1628. title: Sins overthrow: or, A godly and learned treatise of mortification Wherein is excellently handled; first, the generall doctrine of mortification: and then particularly, how to mortifie fornication. Vncleannes. Evill concupiscence. Inordinate affection. and, covetousnes. All being the substance of severall sermons upon Colos. III. V. Mortifie therefore your members, &c. Delivered by that late faithfull preacher, and worthy instrument of Gods glory Iohn Preston, Dr. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes-Inne. date: 1633.0 words: 84230 flesch: 65 summary: Now seeing Mortification is so hard a worke , and yet a worke that of necessity must bee done : Men also be so hardly drawne to mortifie their lusts , which they account as a part of themselves , not to bee parted withall ; for Nature her selfe hath implanted this principle in them , Every man ought to love himselfe , what then should move any man to mortifie his lusts ? therefore for the better perswading of men unto this work , we will lay downe some motives to move every man to mortifie his corruptions . Therefore when you heare a man that hath rotten speeches in his mouth , say , that man grieves the Spirit ; for there is nothing so odious and contrary to men , as these are to the Spirit : and therefore if you would keepe the Spirit , then let your words be gracious , powdred with salt ; that is , with the grace of the Spirit proceeding from a sanctified heart : and as speeches , so all evill actions , in like manner , grieve the heart . keywords: affections; apostle; bee; christ; comfort; creature; desire; doe; doth; earthly; evill; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; heart; heavenly; hee; himselfe; inordinate; know; labour; let; life; love; lusts; man; meanes; men; minded; mortification; mortifie; nature; reason; riches; saith; set; sinne; soule; spirit; spirituall; thee; things; thou; thy; use; way; wee; world cache: A10024.xml plain text: A10024.txt item: #25 of 267 id: A10826 author: Robertson, Bartholomew, fl. 1620. title: Spirituall encrease: or, Conclusions for pacifying the perplexed conscience of the weake Christian date: 1621.0 words: 25813 flesch: 74 summary: The origin●●● of all other gifts , is the giuing of Christ vnto vs , For vnto vs a child is borne , and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen , in whom all the promises of God are , yea , and amen : and for his sake first made , and in him performed , whom the Father giuing to vs , and for vs , had a altogether with him giuen vs all things b , the gift of the Spirit , the c gift of repentance , the gift d of faith , the gift of e righteousnesse , the gift of f loue , the gift of suffering g for Christ , the g●ft of h all things pertaining to life and godlinesse , the i gift of eternall life ; yea , all manner k spirituall blessings in heauenly thing , these be the vnsearchable riches of Christ , preached ●●to the Gentiles , a mystery which from the beginning of the world was hid in God , and not opened to the sonnes of men ; nay , not to the very Angels was it knowne , so that when it was done , they did euen desire and delight to looke vnto it ; the accomplishment of which riches , is in the ioy of heauen . As feare is opposed to faith , we heare God appointing his Ministers to call his people from it : Say vnto the fearefull , bee thou strong , feare not , behold our God commeth with vengeance , and hee will come and saue you : and againe , Feare not , for I am with thee , be not afraid , for I am thy God : I will strengthen thee and help● thee , and sustaine thee with the hand of my Iustice : And againe , Feare not , for I haue redeemed thee , I haue called thee by name , thou art mine : And againe , Feare not , for thou shalt not be ashamed nor confounded : in righteousnesse shalt thou bee established , and be farre from feare ; for it shall not come neere thee : this is the heritage of the Lords seruants , whose righteousnesse is of me : ( for Christs merit is our righteousnesse . ) And all this is , because wee should rest in full assurance of safety without feare or doubt , because hee promised to preuent all occasions whence any feare should arise : And so he deliuered them out of the hands of their enemies without feare : and Christ died that he might deliuer them , who for feare of death were all their life time subiect to bondage : and now wee haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare any more , but the spirit of adoption to cry abba Father ; for God hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare , but of power , and of loue , and of a sound minde : for there is no greater bondage then that feare , when we are vncertaine what shall become of vs : but he said , Feare not little flocke , for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue you the Kingdome . keywords: bee; beleeue; christ; con; death; doth; expla; faith; feare; fol; god; grace; hath; haue; hee; life; lord; loue; man; righteousnesse; rom; spirit; things; vnto; vpon; wee cache: A10826.xml plain text: A10826.txt item: #26 of 267 id: A10914 author: Rogers, John, of Chacombe. title: A discourse of Christian watchfulnesse Preparing how to liue, how to die, and to be discharged at the day of iudgement, and so enioy life eternall. By Iohn Rogers minister to the Church of Chacombe in Northampton-shiere. date: 1620.0 words: 78102 flesch: 69 summary: In which 3. poynts wholly standeth the glory of God and mans welfare , so much as of man can be sought for , whervpon for effecting of the premises , 〈◊〉 , at this instant can thinke of nothing more behoofull , then to stirre vp your hearts to Christian watchfulnes , for the time present , and for the day of death , and of our appearing before the Sonne of God at the generall iudgement . For heare it fareth with men liuing , as with beasts dying , which anone putrifies , scrawle with wormes , stinke and serue not for mans vse , vnlesse in due time they be wisely and carefully salted , so man when by sinning he looseth the life of God : and becommeth wholly earthly minded , hee forthwith begins to stinke , and to scrawle with the wormes of carnall lusts and sensualitie , with beastly and diuellish affection , which not only fill the heart and soule , but withall most fearefully come out at the mouth , in scurilous filthie talke , horrible and bl●sphemous oathes , and cursings , and at the hands , feete , and whole body , in most vngodly gestures , actions , and behauiour . keywords: bee; blessed; body; children; christ; church; comfort; comming; conscience; day; death; die; doe; elect; end; eternall; euery; faith; farre; father; feare; fire; giue; glory; god; godly; gods; good; hand; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hee; heere; hell; himselfe; holy; house; iudgement; king; life; like; liue; lord; luke; man; mans; math; mercy; ministers; neuer; ouer; owne; people; place; psal; sauiour; seeing; set; sinne; sleepe; soule; spirit; thee; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; vse; watch; wee; wicked; workes; world; ● ● cache: A10914.xml plain text: A10914.txt item: #27 of 267 id: A11072 author: Rous, Francis, 1579-1659. title: The heavenly academie date: 1638.0 words: 20341 flesch: 72 summary: If this be justly due from man unto man , how much more due is it from man unto God ? For though man be called the father of those that are taught by him , yet God is the Father of those fathers ; even a Teacher of those teachers : and therefore by our Saviours judgement deserves only the name of Father , in perfection and eminence . keywords: academie; bee; cap; chap; christ; cor; covenant; doe; doth; end; est; father; gifts; glorie; god; gods; hath; heart; heavenly; hee; himselfe; knowledge; light; love; man; men; new; non; owne; qui; schoole; selfe; shall; soule; spirit; spirituall; teacher; teaching; thee; things; thou; thy; truth; wee; wisedome; wit; word; yea cache: A11072.xml plain text: A11072.txt item: #28 of 267 id: A11116 author: Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630? title: A most excellent treatise containing the way to seek heavens glory, to flie earths vanity, to feare hells horror with Godly prayers and the bell-mans summons. date: 1639.0 words: 30612 flesch: 61 summary: Almighty God dyed , that sin● should dye ; and yet for all th● doe we endeavour , that sin● might live in our hearts , n●● withstanding that our Lo●● purposed to take away the life of sinne with his owne death . ●ing , and gnashing of teeth , the rage of all those hellish monsters , the horrour of the place , the rigour of the paine , the terrour of the company , and the eternitie of all those punishments . keywords: art; bee; body; christ; day; death; doe; doth; end; eyes; father; feare; glory; god; good; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; holy; life; lord; love; man; men; mercy; night; o ●; owne; paines; rest; selfe; sinne; soule; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; vanity; wee; world; yea; ● ● cache: A11116.xml plain text: A11116.txt item: #29 of 267 id: A11380 author: Saltmarsh, John, d. 1647. title: The practice of policie in a Christian life taught from the Scriptures / written by I. Saltmarshe ... date: 1639.0 words: 38463 flesch: 69 summary: Thus , Least there should in after times grow a strangen●sse betwixt the Reubenites and the Israelites ▪ b●●a●●● Jordan was betwixt them ▪ T●●●●●●●●●● A●●●● for a witnesse , Josh ▪ 22 ▪ 10 ▪ 26. POLICIE CV . Thus , The Spies of Dan found them at L●●sh , how they dwelt carelesse , quiet and secure , and there was no Magistrate , Judg. 18. 2. 7. POLICI CXXIX . keywords: action; acts; advantage; away; bee; businesse; cause; christ; counsell; david; desire; doe; favour; feare; gen; god; goe; good; hath; hee; himselfe; house; keepe; king; let; lord; man; matth; men; occasion; owne; people; place; policie; policy; present; sam; sayes; secret; selfe; thee; things; thou; thy; time; way; wee; worke; yee; ● ● cache: A11380.xml plain text: A11380.txt item: #30 of 267 id: A12178 author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. title: The Christians portion Wherein is unfolded the unsearchable riches he hath by his interest in Christ. Whom injoying hee possesseth all things else. By R. Sibbs D.D. and preacher to the honorable society of Grayes-Inne, and master of Catherine Hall in Cambridge. Published by T.G. and P.N. date: 1637.0 words: 8812 flesch: 75 summary: u And therfore as things past could not hurt us from being elected and called , and things present cannot hurt us , but they are ours , so are things to come , because God and Christ who is the Mediator under GOD hath the command of all things to come , and therefore we may be as sure of things to come as of things present ; what comfort is this to a Christian ; what should become of me if times of trouble and publique calamity should come , or personall to my selfe ? what idle forecasts are these , why things to come ? come what will come , all shall be for the best , all things to come are ours even all things to come are ours whatsoever . Therefore the meaning is all is yours , that is all , that we possesse , and all that we neede to helpe us , is ours , in that order and carriage of things that may helpe us , to Heaven , And so the want of things is ours , as well as the having of them ; the very things which a Christian wants , are his , not onely the grace of contentment to want but when God takes away those things that are hurtfull for him , that may hinder him in his course to Heaven , that is his ; it is his , a part of his Fortion , not to have things if God see it good ; the want of things is a part of this Law. keywords: christ; church; death; god; good; hath; life; men; right; things; wee; world cache: A12178.xml plain text: A12178.txt item: #31 of 267 id: A12185 author: Seaman, Lazarus, d. 1675. title: A glance of Heaven, or, A pretious taste of a glorious feast wherein thou mayst taste and see those things which God hath prepared for them that love him / By R. Sibs ... date: 1638.0 words: 34996 flesch: 74 summary: Now they see that they were in the darke , that they were in a dampe before , that they conceived things to be so and so , and thought themselves some body ; but when God opens their eyes , and takes away the skales , and lets them see things in their proper light , heavenly things , by a heavenly light , and with a heavenly eye ; they wonder at their former foolishnesse in divinity , especially so farre as concernes the Gospell : for there is more in the Scripture then pure supernaturall divinity , there are many other arts in the Scripture . What a pittifull case is this , that God should give us our understandings for better things then wee can see or heare in this world , yet we imploy thē in things of the world wholly ? keywords: affection; bee; christ; doe; eare; eye; god; gods; good; gospell; hath; heart; heaven; hee; love; love god; man; men; soule; spirit; things; thou; way; wee; world cache: A12185.xml plain text: A12185.txt item: #32 of 267 id: A12194 author: Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. title: The saints priuiledge or A Christians constant advocate Containing a short, but most sweet direction for every true Christian to vvalke comfortably through the valley of teares. By the faithfull and reverend divine, R. Sibs, D.D. and sometimes preacher to the honourable society of Grayes Inne. date: 1638.0 words: 7250 flesch: 71 summary: The Holy Ghost as he sets on sin upon the conscience , so he takes off sinne by applying to the conscience the righteousnesse of Christ , this is his office , first , to convince the world of sin , and then to convince of righteousnesse , whereby we stand righteous before God. O but thou hast a corrupt nature that makes thee run into this sin and that sin ; but there is a spring of mercy in God , and an over-running fountaine of righteousnesse in Christ , an overflowing sea of the blood of Christ. keywords: christ; conviction; father; ghost; god; hee; holy; righteousnesse; sinne; spirit cache: A12194.xml plain text: A12194.txt item: #33 of 267 id: A12202 author: Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. title: The spirituall favorite at the throne of grace. By the late learned, and reverend divine Richard Sibbs Doctor in Divinity. Published by the authors owne appointment, subscribed with his hand; to prevent unperfect copies date: 1640.0 words: 10810 flesch: 72 summary: If accompanied with desire after the means that convey grace . 1 Pet. 2. Vse . Comfort for weake christians . Psal. 145. Why God accepts of desires . The most of the prayer is spent in a preparative considering the Attributes of God , and in confession , & strong reasons from the Word , of promises and threatnings , and from their relation ; and then he makes good the relation , Wee are thy servants , because wee desire to feare thy Name . keywords: desire; doe; feare; god; good; hee; man; prayer; servant; things; thy; wee cache: A12202.xml plain text: A12202.txt item: #34 of 267 id: A12203 author: Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. title: The spirituall-mans aime guiding a Christian in his affections and actions, through the sundry passages of this life, so that Gods glory, and his owne salvation may be the maine end of all / by the faithfull and reverend divine, R. Sibbes ... ; published by T.G. and P.N. date: 1637.0 words: 13758 flesch: 82 summary: While we are passengers , wee must have things to helpe us in the way to heaven . And therefore the time being short , and uncertaine too , Take it while wee may catch hold of it , especially the opportunity of time . keywords: bee; christ; god; hath; hee; ioy; maine; man; things; time; use; wee; world cache: A12203.xml plain text: A12203.txt item: #35 of 267 id: A12210 author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. title: Yea and amen: or, pretious promises, and priviledges Spiritually unfolded in their nature and vse. Driving at the assurance and establishing of weak beleevers. By R. Sibbs D.D. master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, and preacher of Grayes Inne London. Reviewed by himselfe in his life time, and since perused by T.G. and P.N. date: 1638.0 words: 46227 flesch: 69 summary: The second cause why all works together for the best to beleevers ; Is the manner of God working in things , which is by contraries ; he bringeth light out of darknesse , glory out of shame , and life out of death ; Wee fell by pride to hell and destruction , and must be restored by humiliation to life and salvation ; Christ humbled himselfe being God , to become man for us ; and by his death restored us to life ; When our sinnes had brought us to greatest extremities , even then were we nearest to eternal happinesse . And hee keepes himselfe as a Priest unspotted of the world : a true Christian is taught of God , and knowes the meaning of that Law of his which prohibiteth Priests so much as to touch defiled things ; therefore he studies innocency , he runs not after the course of the multitude , neither is carried away with the streames of the times : he will not converse familiarly with those that may staine him , ( but so farre as his calling leads him ) lest he should therby contaminate his spirit . keywords: bee; christ; christian; comfort; doe; doth; evill; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; holy; know; life; lord; love; love god; man; men; nature; owne; promises; selves; sinne; soule; spirit; things; thou; thy; wee; work; world cache: A12210.xml plain text: A12210.txt item: #36 of 267 id: A12649 author: Southwell, Robert, Saint, 1561?-1595. title: A short rule of good life To direct the deuout Christian in a regular and orderly course. date: 1622.0 words: 28025 flesch: 60 summary: 4. To be chaunged from the Temple of the holie ghost , into a denne of theeue●● a nest of vipers , a sincke of corruption . His trueth is not abased by the mino●ity of the speaker , who out of the m●uthes of infants and sucklings can perfite his praises . keywords: bee; body; care; christ; course; day; death; doe; end; euery; feare; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; heauen; iesu; life; loue; mind; neuer; owne; presence; selfe; serue; seruice; short; sinne; soule; spirituall; thee; thē; thing; thinges; thinke; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; world; ● e; ● ● cache: A12649.xml plain text: A12649.txt item: #37 of 267 id: A13432 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: Christian admonitions against the tvvo fearefull sinnes of cursing and swearing most fit to be set vp in euery house, that the grieuousnesse of those sinnes may be both remembred, and auoyded, whereby the hatred of them may possesse the heart of euery Christian / [by] Iohn Taylor. date: 1630.0 words: 2222 flesch: 68 summary: FIrst , ( if thou wilt liue in a holy feare and reuerence of the Name of God ) thou must consider what thou art , and learne to know thy selfe ; for hee that truely knoweth himselfe , is a man of very happy acquaintance , for by this thou shalt know thy selfe to be Earth , Gen. 2. 7. conceiu'd in sinne , Psalme 51. 5. Borne to paine , Iob , 5. 7. Hauing thus by the Touch-stone of Gods Word tryed , and examined thy miserable estate and condition , and therewithall knowing thy selfe , then on the other side , consider ( as neere as thy frailty will permit ) the power of God in creating thee , his mercy in Redeeming thee , his loue , in preseruing thee , his bounty , in keeping thee , his promise to glorifie thee in heauen , if thou honour him on earth , and his Iudgements to condemne thee , if thou blaspheme and dishonour him . keywords: christian; cursing; god; tcp; text; thou cache: A13432.xml plain text: A13432.txt item: #38 of 267 id: A13534 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. title: Circumspect walking describing the seuerall rules, as so many seuerall steps in the way of wisedome. Gathered into this short manuell, by Tho. Taylor, preacher of Gods word at Aldermanbury Church in London. date: 1631.0 words: 37662 flesch: 78 summary: THe second sort of rules concerning man and the things of men , respecteth our carriage towards other men ; and that , 1. A diligent and frequent vse & acquaintance in the word of God , as men become wise Politicians by often vsing the booke of statutes . keywords: actions; bee; calling; christian; circumspect; conscience; doe; euery; euill; god; gods; good; great; hath; haue; heart; hee; himselfe; keepe; life; lord; loue; man; men; neuer; owne; rules; selfe; selues; sinne; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; wisedome; word cache: A13534.xml plain text: A13534.txt item: #39 of 267 id: A13541 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. title: The Kings bath Affording many sweet and comfortable obseruations from the baptisme of Christ. Gathered by Thomas Taylor, preacher of the word of God at Redding in Barkshire. date: 1620.0 words: 39241 flesch: 75 summary: 4. Seeing Christ so honoured the ministerie of man , who dare disdaine the holy ministry , and societie of the Church , which the Sonne of God sought vnto ? Where be they that think it too base for them to goe to Church , to seek the Sacrament ? This is for our consolation : here we haue Christ manifesting himselfe our flesh , our brother , our suretie : here is the Word made flesh , God with vs , Immanuel ; God , not come downe in the likenesse of man , ( as they of Lystra thought of Paul and Barnabas : ) but cloathed with the very nature of man , who in his perfect age , hauing growne out the seuerall ages of infancie , child-hood , and youth , to shew himselfe true man , now of thirty yeeres of age , becomes as man , our brother in the couenant , and in the seale of it : yea our surety as God and man our absolute Mediator : he would , by vndertaking both Sacraments , shew himselfe not onely a member of both peoples , but also the Sauiour , head , and chiefe corner-stone , knitting both into one body , and spirituall house , which is his Church : And all this is for vs , that wee might haue sweete comfort ; Christ is among men , among sinners , that we might be among the sonnes and Saints of God ; he is washed as a sinner , not to bee clensed , but to clense vs : he stands in Iordan , that the waters of Gods wrath beeing staied on both sides , both peoples might passe ouer to the heauenly Canaan : In a word , that he might euery way helpe vs , he will bee euery way like vs : and to this purpose is this tabernacle of God amongst men , that we might haue way made to the tabernacle of God amongst Angels . keywords: answ; baptisme; bee; christ; church; doe; doue; euery; father; ghost; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; iohn; law; lord; loue; man; men; owne; person; righteousnesse; set; sonne; spirit; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; word cache: A13541.xml plain text: A13541.txt item: #40 of 267 id: A13694 author: Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153. Epistola de perfectione vitae. English. title: The follovving of Christ Diuided into foure bookes. Written in Latin by the learned and deuout man, Thomas a Kempis, canon-regular of the order of S. Augustine. Whereunto also is added the golden Epistle of S. Bernard. And also certaine rules of a Christian life, made by Iohn Picus the elder, Earle of Mirandula. Translated into English by B.F. date: 1615.0 words: 69623 flesch: 80 summary: 3 What will it auaile thee to dispute profoundly of the Trinitie , if thou be void of humility , and thereby displeasing to the Trinitie ? High words surely , make a man neither holy nor just ; but a vertuous life maketh him deare to God. 3 Esteeme not thy selfe better then others , lest perhaps in the sight of God , who knoweth what is in man , thou be accounted worse then they . keywords: aboue; bee; chap; christ; comfort; desire; doe; doth; euerlasting; euery; giue; glory; god; good; grace; great; hast; hath; haue; heart; heauen; himselfe; holy; iesus; life; little; lord; lord god; loue; man; mee; men; owne; pag; peace; selfe; soule; suffer; thee; things; thou; thou art; thou bee; thy; thy selfe; time; vnto; vnto god; vpon; wilt; world cache: A13694.xml plain text: A13694.txt item: #41 of 267 id: A13822 author: Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? title: The house-holder: or, Perfect man. Preached in three sermons lately by Ed: Topsell, preacher at Saint Buttolphs without Aldersgate date: 1610.0 words: 29668 flesch: 69 summary: WHatsoeuer is Life ( according to mans weake vnderstanding ) must either be vegetatiue or growing , as in Plantes ; Sensitiue , ye● without motion , as in the Oyster and such like ; Sence and motion , as in all Beastes , Fishes , & Fowles ; and lastly , Reason , as in Aungelles and Men. Many are the persons & faces of men , but not so different one from the other , as are the mindes and inclinations of men ; which intruth onely make Men ; insomuch , considering the defects heerein , it is a rare , difficult , and almost impossible thing , to finde a man : keywords: bee; children; christ; church; day; diligence; diligent; euen; euery; family; father; folly; foole; giue; god; good; hath; haue; heauen; hee; himselfe; honour; house; knowledge; labour; life; like; liue; lord; loue; man; men; neuer; owne; saith; salomon; selues; soule; text; things; thy; time; vnto; vpon; want; wee; wil; wisedome; world cache: A13822.xml plain text: A13822.txt item: #42 of 267 id: A14003 author: Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. title: The picture of a true protestant: or, Gods house and husbandry wherein is declared the duty and dignitie of all Gods children, both minister and people. Written by Thomas Tuke. date: 1609.0 words: 45251 flesch: 80 summary: Or else it is because they run on , and neither looke backe , nor minde their way ( but onely labour to ridde ground ) nor ●hew their cadde , nor call on God for ●is benigne assistance ; which of all ●en ought in all holy enterprises to be desired with earnest suite vpon the ●●nces of their soules . So what can that man do , that hath the word of God , which is as a plow , a net , an angle , a salue , and an axe , if he haue no abilit● , no actiuenesse and skill to vse and handle it ? keywords: building; calling; chap; christ; church; cor; doth; euen; euery; faithfull; field; fire; giue; glory; god; gods; gods house; good; grace; hath; haue; hearts; himselfe; holy; honour; house; labour; life; light; lord; loue; man; men; ministers; owne; paul; people; psa; saith; selues; set; spirit; thee; themselues; thē; things; thou; thy; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; wicked; word; worke; yea; ● ● cache: A14003.xml plain text: A14003.txt item: #43 of 267 id: A14301 author: Vaughan, William, 1577-1641. title: The Newlanders cure Aswell of those violent sicknesses which distemper most minds in these latter dayes: as also by a cheape and newfound dyet, to preserue the body sound and free from all diseases, vntill the last date of life, through extreamity of age. Wherein are inserted generall and speciall remedies against the scuruy. Coughes. Feauers. Goute. Collicke. Sea-sicknesses, and other grieuous infirmities. Published for the weale of Great Brittaine, by Sir William Vaughan, Knight. date: 1630.0 words: 29877 flesch: 70 summary: And it you , or any other of our Friends , when wilde or i● regular Passions breake out beyond the bounds of Reason , shall meete with some Le●●tiue , by meditating on the towardly disposition thereof , as the discased Israelites found ease with beholding the Brazen Serpent : Do but say , Well-fare the New-landers Cure , and that 's as much as I expect for my paines . A Glasse of Steele , farre truer then that Mathematicall one , whereby some haue proiected to discouer with more then Humane Spectacles Another World in the Moone ; of Seas , Lands , and Woods , like Ours , before it was lately dis-robed of this latter Ornament by the greedinesse of a few Iron Ma●●ers . keywords: aboue; age; bee; blood; bodies; body; cause; christ; christian; church; cold; cure; dayes; doe; drinke; dyet; faith; feare; god; gods; good; hath; haue; health; hee; himselfe; humours; land; life; light; lord; man; manner; meate; men; minde; nature; neuer; new; o ●; ouer; owne; place; reason; scuruy; sea; section; sicknesses; soule; stomacke; temperate; themselues; thou; thy; time; vntill; vnto; vpon; water; wee; wine; world; yeares; ● d; ● e; ● l; ● s; ● ● cache: A14301.xml plain text: A14301.txt item: #44 of 267 id: A14927 author: Hart, John, D.D. title: The cure of a hard-heart First preached in diuers sermons, by Master Welsthed, resident at Bloxford in Dorcetshire. Since digested into questions and answers for the hungrie. Shewing hardnes of hart what it is, with the causes, effect, and remedies. date: 1630.0 words: 12299 flesch: 78 summary: 2. After their conuersion the difference is more euident ; their hardnes of heart being then not totall , but in part , mixt with softnesse and tendernesse , euen through euery part of the soule ; so that though they somtimes resist God indeed , neglect the meanes of grace , profit not as they should , and might doe , by his Word , and Fatherly corrections ; yet this is not out of wilfulnesse , or with full consent , but from ignorance , errour , ouersight , weaknesse of faith , frailtie of the flesh , the subtitle of Satan , and strength of his tentations ; not without some reluctance for the present , and when they come to themselues , repentance . 3. We may prouoke God to inflict on vs that other kind of hardnes of heart called Iudiciary , or Penall , by which men are vsually sealed vp vnto condemnation . keywords: bee; doe; god; gods; good; grace; hardnesse; haue; heart; hee; himselfe; man; meanes; naturall; spirit; time; wee cache: A14927.xml plain text: A14927.txt item: #45 of 267 id: A15505 author: Wilson, John, d. 1630. title: Zacheus converted: or The rich publicans repentance. Restitution In which, the mysteries of the doctrine of conversion, are sweetly laid open and applyed for the establishing of the weakest. Also of riches in their getting, keeping, expending; with divers things about almes and restitution, and many other materiall points and cases insisted upon. By Iohn Wilson, late preacher of Gods word in Guilford. date: 1631.0 words: 73468 flesch: 74 summary: The comming is thus , sent of the Fathers love to be the mediatour , to reconcile God and man , he tooke mans nature into unitie of person of the Sonne of God , to performe the office of the mediatour to bring man againe to God. Iames holds rich men in a terrible expectation of vengeance for the hording up of their riches so as they corrupt , their garments are moth-eaten , their silver and gold is cankered , the rust of them shall bee a witnesse against them and eate their flesh as it were fire : their consciences shall torment them with the memorie of their inhumanity , in keepeing by them unprofitablie the creatures appointed by God unto mans use ; and so they have heaped treasure for the last day , provided unto the last day of their life how long soever , neither sensible of Gods providence nor of the uncertaintie of their life , they heape up wrath against the day of wrath , Iames , 5 , 3. keywords: act; bee; beleeve; calling; christ; cor; day; death; desire; doe; esay; evill; faith; father; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; hee; hee bee; himselfe; house; iesus; iohn; law; life; lord; love; luke; man; men; mercie; nature; owne; people; power; prov; psal; receive; righteousnesse; rom; salvation; seeke; sinne; soule; spirit; things; thou; thy; time; true; vse; way; wee; worke; world; ● ● cache: A15505.xml plain text: A15505.txt item: #46 of 267 id: A15848 author: Younge, Richard. title: The victory of patience and benefit of affliction, with how to husband it so, that the weakest Christian (with blessing from above) may bee able to support himselfe in his most miserable exigents. Together with a counterpoyson or antipoyson against all griefe, being a tenth of the doves innocency, and the serpents subtilty. Extracted out of the choisest authors, ancient and moderne, necessary to be read of all that any way suffer tribulation. By R.Y. date: 1636.0 words: 64924 flesch: 64 summary: 3. That the graces of God , in his children , may the more s●ine through imployment . ●hould overcome all these foure ; wherein he shewes himselfe a greater Conquerour , that William the Conquerour ; yea , even greater than Alexander the Great , or Pompey the Great , or the Great Turke : for they onely conquered in many yeeres a few parts of the world , but he that is borne of God overcommeth the whole world , and all things in the world , 1 Iohn 5. And this is the victory that overcommeth the world , even our faith , Vers. keywords: affliction; againe; beare; bee; body; cause; chap; children; christ; christian; comfort; david; day; death; doe; doth; end; enemies; enemy; evill; glory; god; gods; good; hath; heart; heaven; himselfe; iob; joy; know; life; lord; love; malice; man; men; owne; patience; patient; paul; peace; present; reason; revenge; saith; selves; soule; sufferings; thee; things; thou; thy; time; way; wee; wicked; words; world; yea; ● ● cache: A15848.xml plain text: A15848.txt item: #47 of 267 id: A17320 author: Burton, William, d. 1616. title: The Christians heauenly treasure. By William Burton of Reading in Barkeshire date: 1608.0 words: 33062 flesch: 70 summary: And howsoeuer some vaine and presumptuous Persons will not sticke through greedinesse of gaine , to vndertake ( for a quantitie of money ) to secure a mans goods at sea , or at land , yet considering the miserable vnquietnesse that mans life is exposed vnto , and the vniuersall disagreement and warre that is betweene man and all the Creatures in the world , yea , betweene the Creatures themselues , nay more , betweene man and man in all estates and degrees : nay more than that , between euery man in himselfe . And first , for the miserable and vnquiet estate of this life , I see not what can bee said more to discouer the same , then hath beene already said by Petrach that learned Italian Oratour , the substance of whose discourse , concerning this point , I thinke will not bee lost labour to lay before thee , which briefly is this : that considering the vncertaine and sodaine chaunces & changes , whereunto the affaires and estates of men are subiect , nothing can be more fraile , nothing more vnquiet then the life of man. keywords: againe; bee; christ; death; doe; doth; earth; earthly; euen; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hart; hath; haue; heauen; heauenly; hee; himselfe; holy; ioy; life; lord; loue; man; men; saith; shew; soule; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; treasure; vnto; vpon; wee; world cache: A17320.xml plain text: A17320.txt item: #48 of 267 id: A17410 author: Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622. title: The rules of a holy life. Or A treatise containing the holy order of our liues, prescribed in the Scripture concerning our carriage: towards God, towards men, towards our selues. With generall rules of preparation, that concerne either the helps, or the maner of a holy conuersation. By N. Bifield preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex. date: 1619.0 words: 35903 flesch: 83 summary: 9. Wee must study to reioyce in God , which containes in it 4. things : where eight rules to obtaine this ioying in God. Cha. 8. Whē we vse our selues to Soliloquies with God , taking all occasions to speake to God by prayer and priuate meditation of things offered to vs , out of which wee could extract matter for frequent Ciaculations , lifting vp our hearts vpon the very first motions of good vnto God , Psalm . keywords: bee; chap; christ; cor; doe; god; godly; gods; good; hath; haue; heart; hee; life; lord; loue; men; owne; prou; rules; selfe; selues; shew; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; wee cache: A17410.xml plain text: A17410.txt item: #49 of 267 id: A19284 author: Cooper, Thomas, fl. 1626. title: The Christians daily sacrifice containing a daily direction for a setled course of sanctification. Expressing the scope of the seuen treatises of Master Rogers, as also the summe of Master Greenham his spirituall obseruations, with some further increase tending to perfection. By Tho. Cooper. date: 1608.0 words: 42049 flesch: 89 summary: Fourthly , Wee approch to the th●one of grace , and flying from the terrour of the law , we take hold on Christ , and find fauor in God. 1 We beate backe all the fier● darts of the deuill , as carnall confidence , presumption , security , in●● delity , distrust , credulitie , &c. 2 Prize all things at their tr● worth & prosecute thē accordingly . 3 Wee preserue the graces of God and increase them vnto vs. 4 We follow hard to the marke , and attaine perfection . keywords: bee; callings; christ; cor; ephes; euill; faith; god; gods; good; haue; heart; life; lord; mat; psal; rom; sect; selues; sinne; speech; things; thy; tim; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; word cache: A19284.xml plain text: A19284.txt item: #50 of 267 id: A19285 author: Cooper, John, fl. 1626. title: The Christians daily sacrifice containing a daily direction for a setled course of sanctification : diuided into three bookes / by Th. Cooper. date: 1615.0 words: 72075 flesch: 84 summary: 3 This serueth , for confutation of all heretickes , that deny the Trinitie , and the order of Persons &c. and of the Iewes , And 4 Also for instruction , that wee be acquainted with the scriptures whereby wee may attaine to this knowledge of God , not resting in the light of nature , or Tradition of the Elders . Pro. 8. the world were laid , such as eye neuer saw , neither can enter into the heart of man to bee enioyed of vs in an eternall kingdome . And comforting our selues in our choyce of God and heauen ( howsoeuer if wee measure it by the present , we may stumble ) as looking not onely behind to what was prouided for vs before wee were , but also looking before vs to what we do enioy , nay looking a far off to what is set before vs , that so we may not be weary , nor faint in our minds . keywords: bee; callings; chap; christ; cor; end; euill; faith; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; hee; holy; life; lord; loue; man; mat; meanes; psal; right; rom; sect; selues; sinne; spirituall; thereof; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; word; yea; ● ● cache: A19285.xml plain text: A19285.txt item: #51 of 267 id: A19487 author: Cowper, William, 1568-1619. title: The anatomie of a Christian man VVherein is plainelie shewed out of the VVord of God, what manner of man a true Christian is in all his conuersation, both inward, and outward. ... By M. William Covvper, minister of Gods Word. date: 1611.0 words: 71095 flesch: 81 summary: For man aspiring to an higher knowledge then God vouchsafed vpon him , lost the knowledge wherewith God endued him by creation , except some generall notices of good and euill , which like sparkles of fire couered with the ashes of mans corrupt nature , are left in him to make him inexcusable . So that in these three now by Nature is mans will exercised : first , in the dishonouring of God : secondly , in the disquieting of himselfe : thirdly , in the abusing of the creature , which corruption of will , man by transgression brought vpon himselfe : libero arbitrio male vtens homo & se perdidit , & illud : Againe , voluntas cum esset libera seruum se fecit peccati . keywords: againe; body; children; christian; command; conscience; cor; doe; doth; earth; esay; est; euen; euery; euill; eyes; feare; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; good; grace; hands; hath; haue; heart; hee; himselfe; holy; iesus; iob; ioy; know; life; light; lord; loue; man; mee; men; minde; naturall; nature; neuer; new; non; owne; prayer; prou; psal; regeneration; sathan; second; sinne; soule; spirit; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; thy god; time; tongue; vnder; vnto; vpon; way; wee; wicked; word; yea cache: A19487.xml plain text: A19487.txt item: #52 of 267 id: A19508 author: Cowper, William, 1568-1619. title: The triumph of a Christian contayning three excellent and heauenly treatises. 1 Iacobs wrestling with God. 2 The conduit of comfort. 3 A preparatiue for the Lords Supper. Full of sweet consolations for all that desire the comfortable sweetnesse of Iesus Christ, and necessary for those who are troubled in conscience. Written by that worthy man Master William Couper, minister of Gods word. date: 1608.0 words: 69831 flesch: 72 summary: That is albeit Lord thou shouldst deale hardlier with me then thou hast done , yet will I neuer thinke but thou wilt bee mercifull to me according to thy promise : there is a heart knit to the Lord ; there is a soule cleaning to God without separation , that thus concludes . So shall it bee with thee : O thou , who withdrawest thy selfe from thy Lord ; thou who wilt cast off the yoke of God , and not tarry till the Lord deliuer thee . keywords: againe; apostle; bee; body; bread; calling; chap; children; christ; christian; comfort; dauid; day; death; doe; doth; earth; eate; end; euen; euery; face; father; giue; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; hee; himselfe; holy; iacob; life; light; like; lord; lord haue; lord iesus; lord thou; lord thy; loue; man; manner; men; mercy; neuer; new; o lord; owne; psal; sacrament; saith; sauiour; selues; sinne; soule; spirit; spirituall; table; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vnto god; vpon; wee; wicked; word; wrestling; yea; yee cache: A19508.xml plain text: A19508.txt item: #53 of 267 id: A19693 author: Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. title: Time vvell spent in sacred meditations. Divine observations. Heavenly exhortations Serving to confirme the penitent. Informe the ignorant. ... And, cherish the true-hearted Christian. By that late able, painfull, and worthy man of God, Mr. Ezechiel Culvervvel minister of the Word. date: 1634.0 words: 45366 flesch: 77 summary: The familiaritie with sinne bringeth punishment of sinne ; for this ought to feare us , that if the wicked which be without the tuition of God , and stand onely upon his long-suffering , and every minute of an houre lye open and subject to Gods curse and vengeance , bee our companions , that when they are punished , we shall not escape . Satans temptations follow our affections : if wee lightly account of him hee bleares our eyes with Gods m●rcies , if we be pricked with conscience of sinne , then he ladeth us with the judgements of God making us as ready to aggravate our sinnes , as by the former to extenuate them . keywords: bee; cause; children; christ; christian; comfort; conscience; doe; doth; faith; feare; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; hath; heart; hee; holy; life; lord; love; man; meanes; men; page; prayer; selves; sinne; spirit; things; time; true; use; wee; word cache: A19693.xml plain text: A19693.txt item: #54 of 267 id: A20803 author: Draxe, Thomas, d. 1618. title: The churches securitie, togither with the antidote or preseruative of euer waking faith A treatise conteyning many fruitefull instructions, moralities and consolations fit for the time and age wherein wee liue. Herevnto is annexed a sound and profitable treatise of the generall signes and fore-runners of the last iudgement. By Thomas Drax. date: 1608.0 words: 29877 flesch: 75 summary: FOr as much as Christ Iesus the sonne of God , our blessed Sauiour , our holy harmlesse vndefiled hight ●riest , separate from sinners , and made higher then the heauens , was subi●ct to the like infirmities , and temptations in all things ( as wee are , ) but without sinne , and that which amongst other temptations , his three-fold combate and conflict with the diuell , doth demonstrate , wee must not thinke it strange , or take it offensiuely , that wee that are but his members , his seruants , yea and most miserable and sinfull creatures should be liable , and subiect to the temptations , and assaults of the world , fl●sh , and the diuell . Secondly Satans m●lice , and rage against vs , especially in these last dayes wherein hee perceiueth his time to bee so sh●rt , is restl●sse and vnpea●●able . keywords: apoc; bee; christ; church; dauid; doctrine; doe; doth; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; hee; holy; iudgement; let; life; lord; loue; man; math; men; neuer; owne; psal; selues; sinnes; spirit; themselues; things; time; vers; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; world; yea; ● ● cache: A20803.xml plain text: A20803.txt item: #55 of 267 id: A20947 author: Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625. title: Heraclitus: or, Meditations vpon the misery of mankinde, and the vanitie of humane life with the inconstancie of worldly things; as also the wickednesse of this deceitfull age described. Faithfully translated out of the last edition written in French by that learned diuine, Monsieur Du Moulin By Abraham Darcie. date: 1624.0 words: 29492 flesch: 62 summary: Searching into all estates of men , we shall finde that aboue all other mortall creatures , Kings are most liberally prouided for : for what maketh man appeare more happy in this world , then Goods , Honors , Dignities and Rule ; licence to doe good or euill , without controulement , power to exercise liberalitie , and all kinde of pleasure , as well of the body , as of the minde : all that may be wished for , to the contentation of Man , either in varietie of meates , magnificence in seruice , or in vestures , to raise at their pleasure the meanest man to high place , and with a frowne disgrace the mightiest ? If the world contemne him , hee will contemne that contempt , as knowing himselfe better then the world , and to be called to a better hope : hee will esteeme the promised allurements of the world , vaine ; the occupations of men , base and importunate : and , according to the example of Mary , in the tenth of Luke , he will choose the good part , which shall not bee taken from him : concluding all his meditations after the same maner as Salomon doth in the end of Ecclesiastes : The end of all is the feare of God , and the keeping of his Commandements : for in it is comprized the summe of mans beeing . keywords: age; bee; body; chap; children; christ; come; day; death; doe; doth; earth; end; feare; god; good; hath; haue; heauen; hee; himselfe; life; liue; man; mans; men; miseries; nature; neuer; owne; people; riches; sinne; soule; thee; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; vanity; vices; vnder; vnto; vpon; wee; wicked; world cache: A20947.xml plain text: A20947.txt item: #56 of 267 id: A21109 author: Eburne, Richard. title: The royal lavv: or, The rule of equitie prescribed us by our Sauiour Christ Math. 7.12. Teaching all men most plainly and briefely, how to behaue themselues iustly, conscionably, and vprightly, in all their dealings, toward all men. To the glory of God, and good of Gods church, explaned: by Ricaard [sic] Eburne minister of the Gospel at Hengstridge in Somersetshire. date: 1616.0 words: 26060 flesch: 75 summary: Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe : and at another time summed vp both the law and the Prophets , so farre as concerneth mans duty to man , into this Compendium , Quaecunqueigitar , &c. Whatsoeuer ye will that men do to you , euen so do ye vnto them . Quaecunque igitur , &c. Whatsoeuer yee would that men should doe to you , euen so doe yee to them : Obseruing it ( being An absolute Rule of all true Iustice and equitie betwixt man and man , which therefore we may ( mee thinkes ) very aptly terme , as S. Iames doth , it , or its coequall , The Royal Law ) to bee verie profitable and auaileable to the vse and intent before mentioned , I haue beene willing of a priuate Sermon to make it a publike Treatise , and to conuey it , the forme somewhat altered , and the matter enlarged , from the Pulpit to the Presse . keywords: bee; cap; church; common; custome; doe; doth; euery; euill; god; good; hath; haue; hee; law; lawes; like; man; math; men; owne; reason; right; rule; themselues; thereof; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; words cache: A21109.xml plain text: A21109.txt item: #57 of 267 id: A21172 author: Egerton, Stephen, 1555?-1621? title: The boring of the eare contayning a plaine and profitable discourse by way of dialogue : concerning 1. Our preparation before hearing, 2. Our demeanour in hearing, 3. Our exercise after we haue heard the Word of God / written by that faithfull and diligent minister of Gods Word, Master Stephen Egerton ... date: 1623.0 words: 10527 flesch: 81 summary: And for their better direction in this dutie , this present Tract is of excellent vse , being plain and familiar for the manner , and sound for the matter , being grounded vpon many excellent exhortations , and rules in the Holy Scripture : whereby men may know how to heare with glorie vnto God , honour vnto his Ordinance , and profit vnto their owne soules . In this Parable hee vseth diuers reasons : one , because it is a very rare and daintie thing to heare the Word profitably , seeing among so many thousands that flocke together , scarce the fourth part reapeth any profit ; because though men cal you not to accoūt : though Parents , Pastors , Masters , &c. neglect vs , yet God will call vs to account , and it will one day appeare , who haue heard of conscience , and who not . keywords: bee; dutie; eare; god; haue; hearing; hee; man; men; sermon; things; time; vnto; wee; word cache: A21172.xml plain text: A21172.txt item: #58 of 267 id: A23744 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: The ladies calling in two parts / by the author of The whole duty of man, The causes of the decay of Christian piety, and The gentlemans calling. date: 1673.0 words: 69244 flesch: 55 summary: 'T is said of Philopemen , that the Lacedemonians finding it their interest to corrupt him with mony , they were yet so possest with the reverence of his vertues , that none durst undertake to attaque him ; and sure 't were not impossible for women to arrive at the same security : such an autority there is in Vertu , that where 't is eminent , 't is apt to controle all loose desires , and he must not be only lustful but sacrilegious , that attemts to violate such a Sanctuary . 'T is true , 't is not alwaies in ones power to shun the meeting with such persons , they are too numerous , and too intruding to be totally avoided ; unless , as St. Paul says , 1 Cor. 5. 10. one should go out of the World. keywords: account; age; bin; care; case; children; christian; church; danger; devotion; divine; duty; end; fear; god; gods; good; hath; honor; husband; ill; kind; life; look; love; man; mean; mind; nature; nay; need; persons; piety; place; present; quality; reason; religion; respect; self; set; sex; som; sort; soul; state; thing; tho; thought; time; use; vertu; want; way; women; world; young cache: A23744.xml plain text: A23744.txt item: #59 of 267 id: A23752 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: The lively oracles given to us, or, The Christians birth-right and duty, in the custody and use of the Holy Scripture by the author of The whole duty of man, &c. date: 1678.0 words: 56468 flesch: 63 summary: The Bible was not committed ( like the Regalia , or rarities of a Nation ) to be kept under lock and key ( and consequently to constitute a profitable office for the keepers ) but expos'd like the Brazen Serpent for universal view and benefit : that sacred Book ( like the common air ) being every mans propriety , yet no mans inclosure : yet there are a generation of men whose eies have bin evil , because Gods have bin good : who have seal'd up this spring , monopoliz'd the word of Life , and will allow none to partake of it but such persons , and in such proportions as they please to retail it : an attemt very insolent in respect of God , whose purpose they contradict ; and very injurious in respect of man , whose advantage they obstruct . Now at this rate of infidelity , what way will they leave God to manifest any thing convincingly to the world ? which is to put him under an impotency greater then adheres to humanity : for we men have power to communicate our minds to others , tell whether to we own such or such a thing , to which we are intitled ; and we can satisfy our Auditors that it is indeed we that speak to them : but if every method God uses , do's rather increase then satisfy mens doubts , all intercourse between God and man is intercepted ; and he must do that of necessity , which Epicurus phancied he did of choice ; viz. keywords: apostles; bible; bin; book; christ; christian; church; design; divine; doctrin; end; faith; god; gods; good; gospel; holy; human; jews; law; life; lord; man; mat; matter; men; mind; nature; nay; power; reading; reason; reverence; saies; saint; scripture; self; selves; som; things; tho; time; truth; use; way; wisdom; word; written cache: A23752.xml plain text: A23752.txt item: #60 of 267 id: A23773 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: The whole duty of divine meditation described in all its various parts and branches : with meditations on several places of scripture / by the author of The whole duty of man. date: 1694.0 words: 32440 flesch: 66 summary: Shew Obedience to thy Superiours , give Counsel and Aid to thy Equals , and Defend and Instruct thy Inferiours : Subdue thy Body to thy Mind , and thy Mind to the Will of God : Heartily bewail thy past Evils , and set not thy Affections on Temporal Enjoyments , but fix them on that which is Eternal : Mourn for Sins , upon remembrance of them ; and often remember Death , that thou may'st cease from Sin : Let the Justice of the Almighty keep thee in Fear , and his Mercy preserve thee from Despair . INFORM me now , thou that art so indulgent to the World , and hunts for Paradise in a Park of Sins ; thou that makest Terrestrial things thy Treasure , and foldest up the Riches of thy Hopes in the Bosom of Old Time , or the Compass of a Span ; when those lucid and swift Guides of Life , thine Eyes , shall wax dim with Age , or tired with Pain ; when every Member shall become Sorrow's Object , and those Parts which were so employ'd in the Operation of Sin , shall become Instruments of Despair ; when that delectable Frame , that magnificent Darling Edifice , thy Body , shall , by its shivering Qualms , and trembling Convulsions , consternate its disconsolate Owner ; how will the Fulgurations of a Future Justice , and the Terrours of thy Ultimate End , confound thee ! V. CAN those transitory Enjoyments that allured away thy Immortal Part , restore it in convenient time ? keywords: affections; almighty; christ; day; death; divine; duty; faith; glory; god; good; great; hath; heart; heaven; holy; life; lord; love; man; meditation; page; self; sin; sins; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; world cache: A23773.xml plain text: A23773.txt item: #61 of 267 id: A25970 author: Arwaker, Edmund. title: Thoughts well employ'd, or, The duty of self-observation in the care and regulation of life according to the royal pattern by Edm. Arwaker, Rector of Drumglass in Ireland. date: 1695.0 words: 35458 flesch: 51 summary: Nor could we be so soon betrayed , if we were not conspirators against our selves , the Tempter has no better instruments to prevail upon us than our own vicious inclinations , which he employs on that design , as he made use of the Woman that was taken from Adam's side , and finds them like her , too forward to assist him in his attempts to ruine us ; for we become unfaithful to our selves , and by discovering , as Sampson did , wherein our strength consists , the Devil comes upon us , and having deprived us of the only defence we have against him , condemns us to a drudgery worse than Grinding in the Philistine Mills . Nor is it likely we should avoid it , since though we so readily incline our ears to his suggestions , we stop them , and are as deaf , as the Psalmist's Adder , to the voice of a better Charmer : and though the positive Declarations of God's Holy Word have denounced heavy curses against the workers of iniquity , such as exclusion from the joys of Heaven , and not only so , but a perpetual condemnation to the miseries of Hell ; though the Oppressor hears a dreadful Woe thundred against his injustice ; though the Drunkard is assured that death is in the pot ; though the Reviler is informed that his religion is vain , and that sharp arrows of the Mighty , with coals of Iuniper , are what his Tongue deserves ; though the Adulterer is told that he forfeits his claim to Heaven , and is of that unhappy company whom God will judge ; and though we have sufficient warning given us , that these courses have a direct tendency to everlasting ruine , and will bring our Souls under the just wrath of an incensed and angry Judge , and the irrevocable sentence of damnation ; and that whoever hath his feet in such paths , shall , without a quick and seasonable return , fall into so steep a Precipice , a pit so fatally deep , that he must never hope to be delivered from it : yet notwithstanding this , we are so brutish and self-willed , to prefer our own conceptions , though never so wrong and false , before the Sacred Word of Truth it self , and to gratifie the lustings of our flesh , to the apparent hazard of our Souls . We think it now a Herculean labour to deliberate on every action , to inquire into every thought , and to examine every word ; to question all our motions , whence they come , and to what end they tend , before we sign their Passport ; but if we will once try ( and the Experiment is safe and harmless ) we shall find there is not any sensual pleasure comparable to those sublimated Joys the Soul extracts from the knowledge of its sincere endeavours to recommend it self to God , by obedience to his Will. keywords: day; death; duty; earth; end; evil; eyes; feet; god; good; grace; hath; hearts; heaven; hope; life; light; look; lord; man; men; reason; self; selves; sin; sins; souls; things; thinking; thoughts; time; ways; world cache: A25970.xml plain text: A25970.txt item: #62 of 267 id: A26060 author: Assheton, William, 1641-1711. title: A defence of the country parsons admonition against the exceptions of the plain-man's answer. date: 1687.0 words: 3301 flesch: 71 summary: 2. There is greater uncertainty ; more Divisions and diversity of Opinions ( and that in matters of Faith ) in the Chruch of Rome , then there are in the Church of England . If he pretends that it is Defective ; he must then shew , that there are some Truths necessarily to be believed , as Articles of Faith , which the Church of England doth not receive as such . keywords: answer; church; england; faith; tcp; text cache: A26060.xml plain text: A26060.txt item: #63 of 267 id: A26687 author: Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668. title: Christian letters full of spiritual instructions tending to the promoting of the power of godliness, both in person and families. date: 1673.0 words: 58083 flesch: 77 summary: And ●…ertain it is that where m●…n have least of the World ; they ●…steem it least , and live more by Faith and in dependance upon God , casting their care and burden upon him . Brethren , the Cross of Christ is your Crown , the reproach of Christ is your riches ; the shame of Christ is your glory ; the damage attending strict and holy diligence , your greatest advantage : sensible you should be of what is coming , but not discouraged ; humbled , but not dismayed ; having your hearts broken , and yet your spirits unbroken ; humble your selves mightily under the mighty hand of God ; but fear no●… the face of man : may you even be low in humility , but high in courage ; little in your own apprehensions of your selves , but great in holy ●…ortitude , resolution and holy magnanimity , lying in the dust before your God , yet triumphing in faith and hope , and boldness and confidence over all the power of the enemies . keywords: beloved; brethren; care; christ; day; dear; doth; fear; glory; god; good; grace; hath; hearts; heaven; holy; jesus; know; let; letter; life; look; lord; lord god; love; man; men; peace; self; selves; set; shall; souls; thee; things; thou; thy; time; way; work; world cache: A26687.xml plain text: A26687.txt item: #64 of 267 id: A26689 author: Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668. title: Divers practical cases of conscience satisfactorily resolved ... to which are added some counsels & cordials / by Joseph Alleine ... date: 1672.0 words: 29464 flesch: 79 summary: When others do make self their end , do you set up God above all as your highest end ? God is then pleased best when self is displeased most : When we can be content to be emptied , content to be abased , that God may be honoured ; and with the Holy Baptist , are wiling to be eclipsed by Christ ; willing to decrease that he may increase : counting our selves no losers whilst his interest is a gainer : Iohn . keywords: christ; conscience; day; doth; duties; faith; god; gods; good; hath; heart; heaven; holy; life; lord; love; man; men; religion; self; selves; thee; things; thou; world cache: A26689.xml plain text: A26689.txt item: #65 of 267 id: A26845 author: Baxter, Benjamin, Preacher of the Gospel. title: Non-conformity without controversie from Rom. chap. 12, ver. 2 : shewing that it is every Christian's duty to be a nonconformist to this world / by Benjamin Baxter, Preacher of the Gospel. date: 1670.0 words: 26311 flesch: 77 summary: Christians , if you had been made only for this life , and had your hopes only in this world , and did not expect and hope for the great things of another life , and world that is to come ; you were of all men most miserable . Remember , you were made for this End , To glorifie God , and to enjoy him to all Eternity . 1. Those that would be Nonconformists to this World , must be much in comparing both Worlds together , this World , with that which is to come . keywords: apostle; christians; conformity; examples; god; good; hath; heaven; jesus; life; love; man; men; peace; rules; things; vvorld; way; world cache: A26845.xml plain text: A26845.txt item: #66 of 267 id: A26871 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Cain and Abel malignity that is, enmity to serious godliness, that is, to an holy and heavenly state of heart and life : lamented, described, detected, and unananswerably [sic] proved to be the devilish nature, and the militia of the devil against God and Christ and the church and kingdoms, and the surest sign of a state of damnation / by Richard Baxter, or, Gildas Salvianus ... date: 1689.0 words: 38285 flesch: 64 summary: But they have to do with men : Gods mark is where man cannot take it away ; And the foundation of God standeth sure . though I have met with many that had their mistakes and frailties , and troublesome differences in lesser things , and some Hypocrites intruded among them , yet I never knew any other sort of men comparable to them in Christian Knowledge , Faith , Obedience to God , Hatred of sin , Care of their duty to God and man , Sobriety , Temperance , Chastity , Truth , Heavenly desires , endeavours and hopes : And that they so far excelled the rest of my acquaintance , as made their grace amiable to me , and confirmed my belief of the Sacred Scripture : Yea more , if I had not had the happiness of knowing such a sort of men that in holiness , Justice and Love excelled the rest of my acquaintance , or at least credibly heard of such , I could not have believed in Christ , as a Saviour of men whom he made no better than Turks and Infidels ; Nor could I have believed a Heaven for men no better prepared for it . keywords: bishops; christ; christians; church; communion; councils; doth; enemies; england; enmity; god; godliness; godly; gods; hath; heaven; holy; king; laws; life; love; man; men; obedience; papists; peace; people; power; religion; sin; spirit; things; world; worship cache: A26871.xml plain text: A26871.txt item: #67 of 267 id: A26903 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Compassionate counsel to all young men especially I. London apprentices, II. students of divinity, physick, and law, III. the sons of magistrates and rich men / by Richard Baxter. date: 1681.0 words: 43828 flesch: 72 summary: For instance , 1. Some are so corrupted with the Love of sport , that gaming or Stage-plays , or one such foolery or another , becometh so pleasant to them , that they can understand or believe nothing that is said against it by God or man ; their diseased Phantasie hath so conquered reason , that they cannot restrain themselves ; but in their callings and in religious Exercises they are weary , and long to be at their sports , and must be gone ; neither God , nor Holiness , nor the Joys of Heaven are half so sweet to their thoughts as these are : And if a mans Sickness , Pain , or Distraction be a Calamity , the cure of which brings ease and joy ; How much more ease and joy may it bring , to be cured from all the grievous Maladies of reigning sin ? Sanctification will cure your minds of spiritual blindness and madness , that is , of damnable Ignorance , Unbelief , and Error : It will cure your affections of idolatrous , distracting , carnal Love ; of the itch of fleshly Desires or Lusts ; of the feaver of revengeful passions , and malignant hatred to goodness and good men ; and of self vexing envy and malice against others ; of the greedy worm of Covetousness , and the drunken desire of ambitious and imperious minds : It will cure your Wills of their fleshly servitude and biass , and of that mortal Backwardness to God and holy things , and that sluggish dulness and lothness to choose and do what you are convinced must be done : It will make good things easie and pleasant to you ; so that you will no more think you have need to beg mirth from the Devil , or steal it from sin , as if God , Grace and Glory had none for you : keywords: case; children; christ; christian; church; doth; faith; fleshly; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heaven; hell; holy; life; like; love; man; men; mercy; nature; parents; reason; self; selves; sin; souls; state; time; use; work; world; worldly; youth cache: A26903.xml plain text: A26903.txt item: #68 of 267 id: A26936 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The grand question resolved, what we must do to be saved instructions for a holy life / by the late Reverend Divine, Mr. Richard Baxter ; recommended to the bookseller a few days before his death to be immediately printed for the good of souls. date: 1692.0 words: 17487 flesch: 83 summary: When Men are proudly Great , and Wise , and Good in their own Eyes ; and would dispose of themselves , and all their Concernments , and would rule themselves , and please themselves , according to the fleshly appetite and Fancy ; and therefore love most the Pleasures , and Profits , and Honours of the World , as the Provision to satisfie the desires of the Flesh ; and God shall be no ●urther Loved , Obeyed or Pleased , than the Love of Fleshly Pleasure will give leave ; nor shall have any thing but what the Flesh can spare . Though all are not Fornicators , nor Drunkards , no● Extortioners , nor Persecu●ors , nor live not in the same way of Sinning ; yet Selfishness , and Pride , and Sensuality , and the love of Worldly Things , Ignorance and Ungodliness are plainly become the common Corruption of the Nature of Man ; so that their Hearts are turned to the World from God , and filled with impiety , filthiness , and injustice ; and their Reason is but a Servant to their Senses ; and their m Mind , and Love and Life , is Carnal ; and this carnal Mind is Enmity to the Holiness of God , and cannot be subject to his Law. keywords: christ; cor; father; god; heaven; holy; life; love; man; spirit; thee; thou; thy; world cache: A26936.xml plain text: A26936.txt item: #69 of 267 id: A26967 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Now or never the holy, serious, diligent believer justified, encouraged, excited and directed, and the opposers and neglecters convinced by the light of Scripture and reason / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1662.0 words: 47598 flesch: 68 summary: But doth he think that man is seriously a Christian that is not more zealous for God and Religion , and the souls of men , then for himself ? Have I nothing else to do with my time & labour , but plead cause of my own which God will so speedily and effectually plead ? Will it not be time enough to be justified at the Bar and day of God ? I am content that they carry it as they desire till then ( were it not more for their own and other mens sakes then mine ) — So that Laity and Clergy , learned and unlearned , all ages , sects , and degrees of men , women and children of all Christendom ( a most horrible and dreadfull thing to think ) have been at once drowned in abomi●able Idolatry , of all other vices most detested of God , and most damnable to man , and that by the space of eight hundred years . keywords: christ; christians; church; day; diligence; faith; god; good; hath; heart; heaven; hell; holiness; holy; life; lord; love; man; men; people; religion; salvation; self; selves; sin; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; time; way; words; work; world cache: A26967.xml plain text: A26967.txt item: #70 of 267 id: A27012 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Mr. Baxters rules & directions for family duties shewing how every one ought to behave himself in a Christian behaviour, suitable to that relation in which God hath placed him : wherein is set forth the duty of parents (required of God) towards their children, likewise childrens duty to their parents, husbands to their wives, and wives to their husbands, masters to their servants, and servants duty to their masters ... date: 1681.0 words: 3476 flesch: 73 summary: Mr. Baxters rules & directions for family duties shewing how every one ought to behave himself in a Christian behaviour, suitable to that relation in which God hath placed him : wherein is set forth the duty of parents (required of God) towards their children, likewise childrens duty to their parents, husbands to their wives, and wives to their husbands, masters to their servants, and servants duty to their masters ... Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 201:15) Mr. Baxters rules & directions for family duties shewing how every one ought to behave himself in a Christian behaviour, suitable to that relation in which God hath placed him : wherein is set forth the duty of parents (required of God) towards their children, likewise childrens duty to their parents, husbands to their wives, and wives to their husbands, masters to their servants, and servants duty to their masters ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. keywords: duty; god; husbands; masters; parents; tcp; ver cache: A27012.xml plain text: A27012.txt item: #71 of 267 id: A27153 author: Beadle, John, d. 1667. title: The journal or diary of a thankful Christian presented in some meditations upon Numb. 33:2 / by J.B., Master of Arts, and Minister of the Gospel at Barnstone in Essex. date: 1656.0 words: 56783 flesch: 80 summary: Aug. in P●● . This one thing amongst other is record● in the sacred Journall of the Israelites sometimes they had plenty , and sometim● they wanted bread and water ; sometim● they had peace , and sometimes their enemi● made war against them ; sometimes th● enjoyed health , and sometimes the plagu brake out amongst them : And thus it ha● been in all the generations and ages 〈◊〉 the world . keywords: aegypt; book; children; christ; comfort; david; day; dayes; death; diary; father; gen; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; house; israel; jesus; journall; king; know; land; life; little; live; lord; love; man; means; men; mercies; mercy; owne; peace; people; praise; promise; psal; saith; set; sin; son; soul; thee; things; things god; thou; thy; time; way; works; world; yea; ● ● cache: A27153.xml plain text: A27153.txt item: #72 of 267 id: A27575 author: Beveridge, William, 1637-1708. title: A sermon preached before the Queen at White-hall, October 12. 1690 by William Beveridge ... date: 1690.0 words: 8380 flesch: 73 summary: In short , All the Animals , and Plants , and Earths , and Stones , and Metals , and Minerals , and whatsoever else God ever made , either in Heaven or Earth , afford them a clear and perfect view of his divine perfections , which cannot but affect their hearts with the highest transports of joy and wonder . But how can these things be ? How is it possible for the Saints in Heaven to see God ? keywords: god; hath; heaven; holiness; holy; inheritance; light; saints; things; world cache: A27575.xml plain text: A27575.txt item: #73 of 267 id: A28518 author: Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624. title: A consideration upon the book of Esaias Stiefel, of the threefold state of man, and his new birth written anno Christi 1621, by Jacob Behmen, otherwise called Teutonicus philosophus. date: 1653.0 words: 20954 flesch: 62 summary: For in this Conception is the Kingdom of Heaven , or the Heart of God , the Man to the seed which is sown ; and the seed of the Woman ( understand the seed of the Soul and of the noble Image inclosed in the Death ) is the Matrix , which receiveth into it the seed of God after an Essential manner ; so that God and Man becometh One Person , according to the form ( or manner ) of the three Worlds , as they stand one in another , and yet the one is not the other : for they possess not one the other , but every one dwelleth in it self ; so that although God in Christ be born in Us , yet we can by no means say , when we speak of the whole Man , I am Christ ; for the Outward is not Christ : But thus we can and may say upon good ground , I am in Christ , and Christ is become Man in me . But when the Author writeth , that the Old Man falleth wholly away in the Repentance , and dyeth altogether in the Death of Christ , he erreth ; For Christ is not come for the Old Mans sake , nor is he become Man in the old defiled sinful flesh , but in the Essence of the Image , that a New Man may be born out of the Old , and dwell in the Old , yet not in the Third Principle in this outward World , but in the Second in Heaven , in God , and God in him . keywords: christ; death; fire; flesh; god; gods; hath; holy; inward; life; man; new; outward; self; soul; spirit; world cache: A28518.xml plain text: A28518.txt item: #74 of 267 id: A28541 author: Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624. title: The way to Christ discovered by Iacob Behmen ... ; also, the discourse of illumination, the compendium of repentance, and the mixt world, &c. date: 1648.0 words: 65732 flesch: 70 summary: But all would not doe ; for all its worldly businesse followed it in the lusts of the flesh , and it was ensnared in the net of the Devill , now , as well as before , and could not get rest ; and though for some little while it was a little cheered with earthly things , yet presently it fell to be as sad and heavie again ; for it felt the awakened wrath of God in it selfe , and knew not how that came to passe , nor what it ayled : for many times great fear and temptations fell upon it , which made it comfortlesse , sick and ●aint with very fear , so mightily did the first bruising it with the Ray or Influence of the stirring of grace work upon the soul , & yet it knew not that Christ was in its the wrath and severe Justice of God , and sought with Satan that spirit of Error , that was incorporated in soule and body ; and understood not that the hunger and desire to turn and repent , came from Christ himselfe , by which the soule was drawn in this manner : neither did it know what hindered that it could not yet attain to Divine feeling ; it knew not that it selfe was a monster , and did bear the Image of the Serpent , in which the Devill had such power and accesse to the soule , and in which [ Image ] he had confounded all its good [ desires , ] thoughts the love and mercy of God ) with the fatted swine of the divill in earthly pleasures , and hath not observed the deare Covenant and atonement of the innocent death and passion of Jesus Christ , which Covenant God of meere Grace hath * given into our humanity and reconciled us in him ; also he must consider that hee hath wholy forgotten the Covenant of holy Baptisme ( in which he hath promised to be faithfull and true to his Saviour , ) and so wholy defiled and obscured his righteousnesse with sinne , ( which righteousnesse God hath freely bestowed upon him in Christ : ) that hee now standeth before the face of God with the faire garment of Christs innocency ( which he hath defiled : ) as a dirty ragged and patched keeper of Swine , that hath continually eaten the graines of vanity with the devills swine , and is not worthy to be called a Sonne of the Father and member of Christ. keywords: anger; art; body; children; christ; death; desire; devill; doe; doth; eternall; fire; flesh; forth; god; good; great; hath; heaven; hell; himselfe; holy; image; jesus; life; light; love; man; master; outward; power; selfe; soule; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vanity; viz; world cache: A28541.xml plain text: A28541.txt item: #75 of 267 id: A29868 author: Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682. title: Religio Medici date: 1642.0 words: 30868 flesch: 36 summary: Schismes , or Errors , of which at present , I shall injure Truth to say I have no taint or tincture ; I must confesse my greener studies have beene polluted with two or three , not any begotten in the latter Cen●uries , but old and obsolete , such as could never have been revived , but by such extravagant and irregular heads as mine ; for indeed Heresies perish not with their Authors , but like the River Arethusa , though they lose their currents in one place , they rise up againe in another : one generall Councell is not able to extirpate one single Heresie , it may be canceld for the present , but revolution of time and the like aspects from heaven , will restore it , when it will flourish till it be condemned againe ; for as though there were a M●te●p●ucho●is , and the soule of one man passed into another , opinions do find after-revolutions , men and mindes like those that first begat them . There is i● these workes of nature , which seeme to puzzle reason , something Divine , and hat● more in it then the eye of a common spectator doth discover . keywords: behold; beleeve; body; charity; con ●; creatures; day; death; desire; divinity; doe; doth; faith; god; good; hath; heads; heaven; himselfe; know; life; love; man; men; nature; o ●; opinion; owne; philosophy; piece; place; reason; religion; selfe; selves; soule; tha ●; things; time; vertue; way; world; ● e; ● hat; ● n; ● nd; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A29868.xml plain text: A29868.txt item: #76 of 267 id: A29880 author: Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682. title: Religio medici date: 1682.0 words: 67963 flesch: 56 summary: 34 These are certainly the Magisterial and master pieces of the Creator , the Flower or ( as we may say ) the best part of nothing , actually existing , what we are but in hopes , and probability ; we are onely that amphibious piece between a corporal and spiritual Essence , that middle form that links those two together , and makes good the Method of God and Nature , that jumps not from extreams , but unites the incompatible distances by some middle and participating natures : that we are the breath and similitude of God , it is indisputable , and upon record of holy Scripture ; but to call our selves a Microcosm , or little World , I thought it onely a pleasant trope of Rhetorick , till my neer judgement and second thoughts told me there was a real truth therein : for first we are a rude mass , and in the rank of creatures , which onely are , and have a dull kind of being not yet priviledged with life , or preferred to sense or reason ; next we live the life of Plants , the life of Animals , the life of Men , and at last the life of Spirits , running on in one mysterious nature those five kinds of existences , which comprehend the creatures not onely of the World , but of the Universe : thus is man that great and true Amphibium , whose nature is disposed to live not onely like other creatures in divers elements , but in divided and distinguished worlds : for though there be but one to sense , there are two to reason ; the one visible , the other invisible , whereof Moses seems to have left description , and of the other so obscurely , that some parts thereof are yet in controversie . Men that look no farther than their outsides , think health an appurtenance unto life , and quarrel with their constitutions for being sick ; but I that have examined the parts of man , and know upon what tender filaments that Fabrick hangs , do wonder that we are not always so ; and considering the thousand doors that lead to death , do thank my God that we can die but once . keywords: actions; affection; angels; aristotle; aug; author; belief; bodies; body; book; cap; cause; charity; christ; christian; church; creation; creatures; cum; days; death; desire; devil; discourse; divinity; doth; doubt; earth; effects; end; essence; est; eyes; fear; fire; friends; general; god; good; hand; hath; heads; heaven; hell; hold; honour; kind; knowledge; learning; lib; life; lord; love; man; matter; means; medici; men; mind; miracle; moses; nature; new; non; occasion; opinion; pag; parts; past; philosophy; piece; place; point; power; present; quae; qui; quod; reason; religion; rest; saith; scripture; sect; sed; self; selves; sense; soul; spirit; state; substance; sun; text; things; thought; time; truth; virtue; vulgar; way; wisdom; wonder; words; work; world; years cache: A29880.xml plain text: A29880.txt item: #77 of 267 id: A30127 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A case of conscience resolved viz. whether, where a church of Christ is situate, it is the duty of the women of that congregation, ordinarily, and by appointment, to separate themselves from their brethren, and so to assemble together to perform some parts of divine worship, as prayer, &c. without their men? : And the arguments made use of for that practice examined / by John Bunyan. date: 1683.0 words: 16335 flesch: 77 summary: First he begins with this question , Whether Women fearing God may Meet to pray together , and whether it be Lawfull for them so to do ? which done , he fals to a Wonderment , saying , It seems very strange to me , that any who profess the Fear of God , can make any question touching the Lawfulness thereof : The rule for praying being so General to all , and there being so many Instances for the Practice thereof , upon several occasions in the Word of God , for their incouragement therein . First , saith he , If Women may prayse God together for Mercies received for the Church of God , or for themselves : Then they may pray together : the Proof whereof is plain , Exod. keywords: answer; assemblies; brethren; chap; christ; church; god; man; meetings; prayer; women; word; worship cache: A30127.xml plain text: A30127.txt item: #78 of 267 id: A30128 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Christian behaviour, or, The fruits of true Christianity shewing the ground from whence they flow in their godlike order in the duty of relations, as husbands, wives, parents, children, masters, servants &c. : with a word of direction to all backsliders / by John Bunyan. date: 1663.0 words: 28751 flesch: 78 summary: ●t against all them set thou the Word 〈◊〉 God , the Promise of Grace , the blood of Christ , and the Examples of God's Goodness to the great Back●●ders , that are for thy encouragement ●corded in the Scriptures of Truth ; ●d remember , that turning to God ●er back-sliding , is the greatest piece 〈◊〉 service thou canst do for him , and 〈◊〉 greatest honour thou canst bring to 〈◊〉 Blood of Christ ; and know further , that God , to shew his willing re●ception of so unworthy a creature , saith There shall be joy in Heaven at thy Co●●version to him again , Luke 15. 7 , 10. Fifthly , Consider , that believing● that which will keep in thy view 〈◊〉 things of Heaven , and Glory ; and that ●t which the Devil wil be discouraged , sin weakned , and thy heart quickned and sweetned , Heb. 11. 27. Jam. 4. 7. 1 Pet. keywords: children; christ; doth; faith; god; good; grace; hath; heart; husband; life; lord; love; man; men; parents; self; servants; sin; th ●; thee; things; thou; thy; way; word; works; ● ● cache: A30128.xml plain text: A30128.txt item: #79 of 267 id: A30153 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A holy life, the beauty of Christianity, or, An exhortation to Christians to be holy by John Bunyan. date: 1684.0 words: 43034 flesch: 80 summary: WHen I write of Justification before God , from the dreadful curse of the Law ; then I must speak of nothing but Grace , Christ , the Promise and Faith : but when I speak of our Justification before Men , then I must joyn to these , good Works . But do you think it is because of the first ? no ; the word of our God shall stand ( in its strength ) for ever : the Faith of such therefore is not right , they have for Shields of Gold , made themselves Shields of Brass : or instead of the Primitive Faith , which was of the operation of God , they have got to themselves a Faith that stands by the power , and in the Wisdom of Man. keywords: christ; day; depart; doth; faith; god; good; grace; hath; heart; holy; house; iniquity; life; lord; love; man; men; profession; professors; self; shall; sin; soul; thee; things; thou; word; yea cache: A30153.xml plain text: A30153.txt item: #80 of 267 id: A30202 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Seasonable counsel, or, Advice to sufferers by John Bunyan. date: 1684.0 words: 49584 flesch: 81 summary: That Sufferers are subject to this , may appear by the stir , and bustle that at such a time they make to lock all up safe that the hand of man can reach , while they are cold , chill , remiss , and too indifferent about the committing of their soul to God to keep it . Wherefore for a conclusion , as we are to receive with meekness the engrafted word of God : so also we are with patience to bear what God by man shall lay upon us . keywords: cause; christ; christian; creator; doth; evil; god; gods; good; hand; keeping; life; lord; man; men; people; righteousness; sake; self; sin; soul; spirit; suffering; thee; things; thou; thy; truth; way; world; yea cache: A30202.xml plain text: A30202.txt item: #81 of 267 id: A30203 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Sighs from hell, or, The groans of a damned soul discovering from the 16th of Luke the lamentable state of the damned : and may fitly serve as a warning-word to sinners, both old and young, by faith in Jesus Christ, to avoid the same place of torment : with a discovery of the usefulness of the Scriptures as our safe conduct for avoiding the torments of hell / by John Bunyan. date: 1666.0 words: 54622 flesch: 76 summary: Which is this , That God would shew thee , that as thou being man , hast sinned against God ; so Christ being God Man , hath ●●ought thee again , and with his most pretious bloud set thee free from the bondage thou wast fallen into by thy sins ; and that not upon condition , that thou wilt do thus and thus , this and the other good work ; but rather , that thou being first justified freely by meer grace , through the bloud of Jesus , shouldest also receive thy strength from him who hath bought thee , to walk before him in all well pleasing , being inabled thereto by vertue of his Spirit , which hath revealed to thy soul , that thou art delivered already from wrath to come , by the obedience , not of thee , but of another man , ( viz. ) Jesus Christ. But that thou mightest be sure to escape these dangerous looks on the right hand , and on the left , see that thy faith be such , as spoken of in S●●●pture , and that thou be not satisfied without th●t ▪ which is a faith wrought by the mighty operation of God , revealing Christ to , and in thee , as having wholly freed thee from thy sins by his most pretious bloud . keywords: believe; christ; day; doth; god; good; gospel; hath; heaven; hell; jesus; law; life; lord; man; men; saints; saith; scriptures; sins; soul; thee; things; thou; time; words; world; ● ● cache: A30203.xml plain text: A30203.txt item: #82 of 267 id: A30213 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The water of life, or, A discourse shewing the richness and glory of the grace and spirit of the gospel, as set forth in Scripture by this term, The water of life by John Bunyan. date: 1688.0 words: 21464 flesch: 86 summary: 1. And he shewed me a pure River of Water of Life , clear as Crystal , proceeding out of the Throne of God , and of the Lamb. He shews him also the Head , or Well-Spring from whence this River of water of Life proceeds , and that is , The Throne of God , and of the Lamb. keywords: christ; glory; god; good; grace; lamb; life; man; men; river; soul; spirit; things; thou; throne; thy; water; world cache: A30213.xml plain text: A30213.txt item: #83 of 267 id: A30608 author: Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646. title: The saints inheritance and the worldlings portion representing the glorious condition of a child of God and the misery of having ones portion in this world, unfolding the state of true happiness with the marks, means, and members thereof / by Ier. Burroughs. date: 1657.0 words: 55701 flesch: 67 summary: Then it was a speech of a German Divine , though he were a good man , and lived very innocently , when he lay upon his sick bed and apprehended death , he was in great terrours of spirit , mightily troubled , and some of his friends came to him , & asked him , why should you be so troubled , that have lived so good a life as you have done ? this was his answer : The judgements of God are one , and the judgements of men are another , I have now to deal with God , it is true , I lived thus before men , and men gave their verdict of me as good , and thought I was in a good condition , but O , I am now to go to God , and to deal immediately with him , and Gods judgements and mans judgements are different things ; when God shall come to weigh all mens portions out , as it will be , then so much righteousnesse , so much happinesse ; you 'l say then , Lord what shall become of us all , all our righteousnesse is as the menstruous cloth ; I but for the Saints , the righteousnesse of Christ will be put into one scoale , and their portion into the other , and their portion will be weighed by the righteousnesse of Christ ; Now when thou comest to God , thou must come to the scoale , and thou wilt put in thy good servings of God , and thy coming to Church , and some good civill actions and morall things thou hast done , thou wilt put them in the scoale , God will say , that thou hast had already , weighs down all those . Now though you may think that such are in most danger , they shew plainly they are men of another countrey , and should be most honoured ; and take but this principle with you , the more any one gives up his estate to God , the more comfort he hath in his estate , whether in the enjoyment of it , or in the losse of it ; I expresse it thus : when one resignes up all he hath , his estate , liberty , name , life to God , the oftener it comes into Gods hands , the better it comes , when God gives it him again ; a carnall heart when once he hath these things , he will not trust God with them , but he will have them in his own keeping ; but a gracious heart , though he hath all these from God , yet every day he is willing to give up all to him , and to trust God with them again ; though he be a rich man , he is willing every day to come and beg his bread at his Fathers gate , and give up all ; now he gives up all in the truth of his heart to God , and God gives it him all again ; as long as in a lawfull way he enjoyes it , he hath it a fresh from God ; now this ( I say ) the oftener any thing comes out of Gods hand , the sweeter & the better it is ; wicked mens estates come but once out of Gods hands , and therefore there is not so much comfort in them , but a godly mans estate comes 100. and 100. times from God ; for every resignation gives it to God , and God gives it him again ; & therein is comfort , and O blessed are they that live so , as that they declare they look for another Countrey , and that their portion is not here ; let the men of the world think them foolish , that will venture themselves so , God and his Saints have declared that their portion it not here . keywords: christ; church; come; earth; excellent; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; grace; hast; hath; heart; heaven; iacob; let; lord; man; men; people; portion; prayer; saints; saith; saith god; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vain; way; world cache: A30608.xml plain text: A30608.txt item: #84 of 267 id: A31076 author: Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677. title: Of industry, in five discourses viz. in general, in our general calling as Christians, in our particular calling as gentlemen, in our particular calling as scholars / by Isaac Barrow ... date: 1693.0 words: 31938 flesch: 64 summary: If we consult History , we shall there find , that the best men have been most industrious ; that all great persons , renowned for heroical goodness ( the worthy Patriarchs , the holy Prophets , the blessed Apostles ) were for this most commendable , that neglecting their private ease , they did undertake difficult enterprizes , they did undergo painfull labours for the benefit of mankind ; they did pass their days , like Saint Paul , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , in labours , and toilsome pains for those purposes . Our calling therefore doth require great industry ; and the business of it consequently is well represented by those performances , which demand the greatest intention , and laborious activity : It is styled exercise ( agonistick and ascetick exercise ; 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Exercise thy self to godliness ; and , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Herein I exercise my self to have always a conscience void of offence toward God and toward men ; ) wrestling ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Our wrestling is not ( onely ) against flesh and bloud , but against principalities and powers ; ) running a race ( Let us run with patience the race that is set before us ; So run that ye may obtain ; I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling . ) keywords: business; calling; cor; doe; doth; god; good; hath; honour; industry; knowledge; labour; life; lord; man; men; mind; nature; pains; prov; reason; saith; self; selves; soul; things; thou; vertue; way; wisedom; work; world cache: A31076.xml plain text: A31076.txt item: #85 of 267 id: A33343 author: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. title: The saints nosegay, or, A posie of 741 spirituall flowers both fragrant and fruitfull, pleasant and profitable / collected and composed by Samuel Clark. date: 1642.0 words: 27003 flesch: 68 summary: A taste whereof this ensuing worke will afford unto thee , wherin thou shalt find a collection of such golden sentences , precious for matter , and beautifull for composure , as will shew the Authors of them , to be men endowed with singular abilities , conferred upon them by God , for the edificatiō of his church , and that I may speake my mind freely , most of them are worthy to bee written in Letters of gold upon pillars of Marble , that they may remaine to all future posterities . 8 A godly mans trouble , is not only for the smart and sting of sinne , but for the filth and foulenesse of it , and the offence done to God by it , he accounts the greatest evill in sinne , as God himselfe doth . keywords: bee; body; children; christ; death; doe; doth; faith; fire; god; gods; good; grace; hath; head; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; law; life; light; lord; love; man; men; nature; owne; prayer; selfe; sinne; soule; spirituall; things; water; way; wee; world cache: A33343.xml plain text: A33343.txt item: #86 of 267 id: A33775 author: Colet, John, 1467?-1519. title: Daily devotions, or, The Christians morning and evening sacrifice digested into prayers and meditations, for every day in the week, and other occasions : with some short directions for a godly life / by John Colet ... date: 1684.0 words: 59586 flesch: 58 summary: Now therefore I bow the knees of my heart , beseeching thee for Grace : I have sinned , O Lord , I have sinned , and I acknowledge my wickedness , desiring thee by Prayer to forgive me : O Lord forgive me , & destroy me not with mine iniquities , neither do thou always remember mine evils to punish them , but save me that am unworthy , according to thy great mercies : And I most humbly beseech thee , O Lord , not to suffer my soul to perish , which Thou hast bought so dearly with thy most precious Blood , & make me poor in Spirit and low of Heart , submitting me wholly into thy hands : so as my desire and my delight may be always to thy will and pleasure , which is always good and godly : and grant my poor soul rest in thee ; for thou hast said , They shall never be confounded that put their trust in thee : which trust , good Lord , grant me never to forsake for any vain trust , temptation or tribulation that may happen to vex my soul ; but grant me thy holy Spirit to comfort and defend me from all things that should procure thy displeasure : Suffer me not , O Lord , to despair , or to think that thou dealest unjustly with me ; but say , Shall I receive Prosperity at the LORD's hands , and not be con●ent with adversity ? and always to think upon this , Happy are they whom thou ●ost punish ; for though thou makest a wound , Thou also givest a plaster ; though Thou smitest , thy hand maketh whole again : Mine iniquities are great , be thou merciful unto my wickedness ; O deliver me from thine anger , and press me not further than I shall be able to bear ; but now 〈◊〉 acknowledge that whatsoever trouble thou hast sent me , or wilt lay upon me , is either for the punishment of mine iniquities , or for the tryal of my Constancy ; I may with repentant David , find remission of my sins ; and with patient Job , release of mine adversity , and obtain such favour in thy sight , that I may so pass this life , that I may afterwards live with thee in thy eternal Glory : grant this O● most loving Father , for thy dear Son's sake Jesus Christ ; to whom with the holy Ghost , be all Honour and Glory , for ever and ever . keywords: beseech; body; christ; death; father; glory; god; good; grace; hast; heart; holy; jesus; life; lord god; lord jesus; love; mercy; o lord; prayer; self; sin; sins; son; soul; spirit; thee; thee o; thine; things; thou; thou lord; thy cache: A33775.xml plain text: A33775.txt item: #87 of 267 id: A34597 author: H. C. (Henry Cornwallis), 1654?-1710. title: The country-curate's advice to his parishioners, in four parts I. Directs us, how to serve God on the Lord's day, II. On the week day, III. How to discharge our duty in our several relations, as husband and wife, parents and children, masters and servants, IV. How to prepare for death / by H.C. date: 1693.0 words: 16632 flesch: 71 summary: Before thou betakest thy Self to thy Closet , breath forth thy Soul to God at thy first awaking , in this , or the like , short Ejaculation . The very Heathens when they offered Sacrifice threw the Gall of the Beast away : and wilt thou offer to God the Gall of wrath , bitterness and revenge , with the Sacrifice of Prayer ? keywords: christ; church; day; god; good; heart; holy; house; life; lord; prayer; publick; self; soul; thee; thou; thy; time; worship cache: A34597.xml plain text: A34597.txt item: #88 of 267 id: A35189 author: Crossman, Samuel, 1624?-1684. title: The young mans monitor, or, A modest offer toward the pious, and vertuous composure of life from youth to riper years by Samuel Crossman. date: 1664.0 words: 54383 flesch: 81 summary: By Samuel Crossman , B.D. Wherewithal shall a Yo●ng man cle●nse his way ? By taking heed th●reto according to thy Word , Psal. 11 99. keywords: aug; body; care; case; children; christ; condition; day; dear; death; desire; earth; est; everlasting; evil; eyes; father; fear; friends; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; honour; leave; life; like; lord; love; man; mans; men; mercy; mind; nature; need; non; parents; place; poor; present; religion; right; scarce; self; selves; servants; set; sin; sins; sit; son; souls; spirit; tender; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; truth; vain; waies; way; wisdom; words; work; world; youth; ● e; ● o; ● s; ● ● cache: A35189.xml plain text: A35189.txt item: #89 of 267 id: A35983 author: Digby, Kenelm, Sir, 1603-1665. title: Observations vpon Religio medici occasionally written by Sir Kenelme Digby, Knight. date: 1643.0 words: 12956 flesch: 49 summary: What should I say of his making so particular a narration of personall things , and private thoughts of his owne ; the knowledge whereof cannot much conduce to any mans betterment ? ( which I make account is the chiefe end of his writing this discourse ) As where he speaketh of the soundnesse of his body , of the course of his dyet , of the coolenesse of his blood at the Summer Solstice of his age , of his neglect of an Epitaph : how long he hath lived or may live what Popes , Emperours , Kings , Grand-Seigniors , he hath beene contemporary unto , and the like : would it not be thought that hee hath a speciall good opinion of himselfe , ( and indeed hee hath reason ) when he maketh such great Princes the Land-markes in the Chronology of himselfe ? Surely if hee were to write by retaile the particulars of his owne Story and life , it would bee a notable Romanze ; since he telleth us in one totall summe , it is a continued miracle of thirty yeares . But if it had , I beleeve his naturall parts are such as he might have kept the chaire from most men I know : for even where hee roveth widest , it is with so much wit and sharpenesse , as putteth me in mind of a great mans censure upon Ioseph Scaligers Cyclometrica ( a matter he was not well versed in ) that hee had rather erre so ingeniously as he did , then hit upon Truth in that heavy manner as the Iesuite , his antagonist stuffeth his Bookes . keywords: author; bee; body; discourse; doe; god; good; hath; hee; himselfe; life; lord; man; matter; men; nature; reason; soule; things; time; unto; use; wee; world cache: A35983.xml plain text: A35983.txt item: #90 of 267 id: A36462 author: Downame, George, d. 1634. title: A briefe summe of divinitie shewing the plainest way, how a man ought to examine his waies in this life, to the attainment of eternitie : wherein the whole doctrine of Christian libertie is briefly handled, and may serve for instruction of all such as desire to exercise their guifts aright, which are in these our daies very much abused. date: 1652.0 words: 7428 flesch: 79 summary: Mark ; the Apostle telleth us what estate that man is in who purgeth himselfe ; he is in a very good estate , in estate of true hope in Christ . 1. Reasonable and immortall soules or spirits , called b the life of men . keywords: christ; doe; estate; god; good; life; man; men; yee cache: A36462.xml plain text: A36462.txt item: #91 of 267 id: A36870 author: Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658. title: Heraclitus, or, Mans looking-glass and survey of life written in French by Peter du Moulin ; and translated into English by Sir H. L'Estr. date: 1652.0 words: 13308 flesch: 60 summary: There are two sorts of people in the life of man , as there is in a Fair ; Some come to buy and sell , others only to look about ; He that fears God is but a looker on ; he comes not to buy or sell , but onely to observe the workes of God , and the actions of men , that when he sees the glitter of vaine curiosities , which men expose to view , he may say , Oh! what a number of things there are in this world , that I have no need of ? but if ( while he be thus looking about ) he happen to get some hurt , or be justled , or have his purse cut , ( that is , if he be troubled , or afflicted ) he will presently be gone , and remembring that he is but a stranger in this world , he will set forward towards his own Countrie , his home in the Heavens , ayming always ( as the Apostle saith ) towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus . IT is now above 40 years since I translaed this piece out of French , and laid it by in loose papers , intending to have published and exposed the same to common Test ; but soon after I understood that I was prevented by anothers labour that stept into the Press before me : nevertheless , because the other is now antiquated and forgotten ; and that upon my review , I may happily have phrased the Authors meaning more aptly to the modern mode & acceptation of the English tongue , for Non verbum verbo curabit redaere fidus Interpres — A just translatour must not strive to follow the Author word for word , but to speak his sense to the most life of the others Language ; and because the moment of this subject cannot be too often inculcated ( as the Great Doctor of the Gentiles saies , It grieves me not to write the same things , for you it is sure ) and that this book is no other than a perfect Map of Man , and Anatomie of all ages ; A Nosce teipsim , which is the highest Pitch , and hardest Lesson of all humane Learning ; An Vniversall Dyall , which ( though made in France ) keywords: age; children; christ; death; end; glory; god; gods; good; hath; heaven; life; man; men; rest; set; text; things; vanity; vices; world cache: A36870.xml plain text: A36870.txt item: #92 of 267 id: A37131 author: Dyer, William, d. 1696. title: Holy and profitable sayings of that reverend divine, Mr. William Dyer, late preacher of the Gospel at Chesham and Chouldsbury in the county of Bucks date: 1680.0 words: 1570 flesch: 70 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: christ; eebo; english; tcp; text cache: A37131.xml plain text: A37131.txt item: #93 of 267 id: A38449 author: Compassionate conformist. title: Englands vanity or The Voice of God against the monstrous sin of pride, in dress and apparel wherein naked breasts and shoulders, antick and fantastick garbs, patches, and painting, long perriwigs, towers, bulls, shades, curlings, and crispings, with an hundred more fooleries of both sexes, are condemned as notiriously unlawful. With pertinent addresses to the court, nobility, gentry, city and country, directed especially to the professors in London / by a compassionate conformist. date: 1683.0 words: 32376 flesch: 59 summary: The very Devils ( saith he ) first taught the use of Colouring the Eye-brows , and clapping on a false and lying Blush on the Cheeks , so also to change the very natural Colour of the Hair , and to adulterate the true and Naked Complexion of the whole Head and Face , with those cursed Impostures ; ( and again ) God hath said , Come let us make man after our own Image . Truly when I fall into consideration of the wickedness of this world , that all sorts of men fall to sinning with greediness , that in all conditions Iniquity doth abound and Charity wax cold , that the Zeal of God is utterly dried up in the Hearts of Men , that God is served for Fashion sake , and not in truth , what should I think but that God hath gathered his Lap full of Plagues , and is ready to pour them down upon us ? And thus you see how God hath stirred up his Faithful Prophets to drop down their testimony against this poor Sinful Land for the Pride and prophaness thereof in that Age. keywords: age; breasts; city; day; dress; eyes; face; fashion; glory; god; good; hair; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; holy; honour; king; ladies; lady; life; lord; man; men; people; persons; poor; pride; prince; reader; religion; saith; self; shame; shoulders; sin; soul; spirit; thou; time; vanity; women; world cache: A38449.xml plain text: A38449.txt item: #94 of 267 id: A39252 author: Ellis, Clement, 1630-1700. title: The gentile sinner, or, Englands brave gentleman characterized in a letter to a friend both as he is and as he should be. date: 1660.0 words: 57444 flesch: 57 summary: Though in favour to the Gentleman , or rather to the world , lest it might seem to be quite voyd of all such things as true Gentry and Nobility ; men are willing very often to bestow upon them too Good-Names ; Calling the first Providence and a Naturall Care ; The second Prudence and a Commendable Policy ; The third a Good-Nature and a Peaceable mind ; and the last a Noble and brave Spirit , and a piece of Necessary state . I would wish that Gentleman who has not the heart to Confesse Christ before men , to Consider , how he can have the Courage to hear Christ denying him before his Father which is in Heaven , or to Endure those torments in H●ll which he shall be sure to undergo for not Confessing him here upon Earth . keywords: alwaies; body; care; charity; christian; church; day; discourse; doe; estate; eye; farre; father; fit; gentleman; god; goe; good; hand; hath; heaven; himselfe; honour; knowes; lesse; let; life; love; men; nature; new; person; present; reason; religion; set; shame; sin; sir; soul; thing; thought; time; use; vertue; way; whilest; world cache: A39252.xml plain text: A39252.txt item: #95 of 267 id: A39268 author: Ellis, Clement, 1630-1700. title: The right foundation of quietness, obedience, and concord discovered in two seasonable discourses ... / by Clem. Elis ... date: 1684.0 words: 38274 flesch: 68 summary: Now how is it possible for peace and due subjection to Government to be preserved in Kingdoms and States , so long as men are not able to make peace at home in their own hearts , nor know how to command or quiet their own thoughts and disorderly affections , but are continually by their own devices raising and fomenting an endless Civil War in their own Breasts ; downright Rebels to themselves , and Enemies to the Monarchy that God himself hath founded in man ? Having thus seen what we are to understand by man , these four things we may now learn from the Text. 2. 13. ) To every Ordinance of man for the Lord's sake ; whether it be to the King as Supreme , or unto Governors , as unto them that are sent by him , for the punishment of Evil-doers , and for the praise of them that do well ? Will men always be so absurd , as to think they best secure the Liberty of their Consciences , by rebelling against those whom they must needs be subject to , not only for wrath , but Conscience sake ? keywords: christ; church; counsel; devices; glory; god; good; hath; heart; honour; humility; lord; love; man; men; mind; peace; self; selves; stand; strife; thing; tho; thoughts; vain; way; wisdom; work; world cache: A39268.xml plain text: A39268.txt item: #96 of 267 id: A39695 author: Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. title: The touchstone of sincerity, or, The signs of grace and symptomes of hypocrisie opened in a practical treatise upon Revelations III 17, 18 being the second part of the Saint indeed / by John Flavell ... date: 1698.0 words: 54246 flesch: 71 summary: ●od had put that incorrigible people into ●e Furnace of affliction , and kept them long 〈◊〉 that fire ; and what was the Issue ? why , ●●ith the Prophet , The bellows are burnt , ●e lead is consumed of the fire , the founder mel●●h in vain , &c. reprobate silver shall men call ●●em , because the Lord hath rejected them . ●●fication , and self denyal have for ever undon● thee . keywords: christ; christian; cor; day; doth; duties; duty; fire; glory; god; gold; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; hypocrisie; know; life; little; lord; love; man; men; nature; o ●; people; psal; religion; saith; sect; self; selves; sin; sincerity; sins; soul; spirit; t ●; text; th ●; tha ●; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tryal; upright; way; work; world; ▪ ●; ● al; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● f; ● hat; ● ing; ● nd; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A39695.xml plain text: A39695.txt item: #97 of 267 id: A39775 author: Fleming, Robert, 1630-1694. title: The one necessary thing to be sought briefly touched in a four-fold dialogue upon some of the great and most concerning truths of practical religion. date: 1679.0 words: 24739 flesch: 67 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. keywords: christ; christians; day; god; hath; heart; know; life; lord; men; scripture; soul; spirit; state; things; time; truth; ver; way; work; world; yea cache: A39775.xml plain text: A39775.txt item: #98 of 267 id: A39925 author: Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, attributed name. title: Newes from heaven both good and true concerning England shewing the right way to compose all differences and reconcile all disagreements betwixt King and subjects, husband and wife, parents and children, masters and servants. Ans so to procure the Prince of peace to dwell in our land. Being a dialogue between Mr. Tindall and Mr. Bradford, two famous English martyrs. Collected by E.F. date: 1641.0 words: 3810 flesch: 63 summary: The Apostle saith , Servants obey your Masters according to the flesh , with feare and trembling ▪ in singlenesse of heart as unto Christ , not with eye service as men pleasers , but as the Servants of Christ , doing his will from the heart , wherefore let Servants in what respect or degree soever they are , during the time of their covenants know for a surety that their Master is unto them in the stead and roome of God and that God through him feedeth thee ▪ cloatheth thee ▪ ruleth thee and learneth thee , his Commandements are Gods Commandements , and thou oughtest to yeeld obedience unto him as unto God , and in all things to seeke his pleasure and profit , for thou art his goods and possession as well as his Oxe and Horse , therefore Paul the Apostle though he had need of Onesiemus to minister to him in his bondes yet would he not retaine him without the consent of his Master : if thou be a Christian servant , thou must doe thy duty to thy Master for conscience sake , as having an eye to Christ his will and Ordinance , not for by respects , as for that thou wouldest be bountifully rewarded , or that thy Master may praise thee , nor yet to avoyd correction , but have thou an eye unto Christ and his acceptation , and this thou must not onely doe to a good and courteous Master , but also to the froward , though he take no notice of it nor reward thee for it , and thus my sweet brother , according to your desire I have declared , the duties both of Superiors and Inferiors , in a Christian Common-Wealth . The Apostle Peter exhorts husbands to give reverence to their wives as unto the weaker vessell , in many things God hath made the man stronger then the woman , not to rage upon her or be a tyrant unto her , but to helpe her & beare her weaknesse , let him therefore be courteous unto her and win her to Christ , and overcome her with kindnesse , that of love she may obey the Ordinance that God hath made betweene man and wife . keywords: brother; christ; doe; duty; god; good; parents cache: A39925.xml plain text: A39925.txt item: #99 of 267 id: A40139 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Concerning daily sacrifices and offerings date: 1688.0 words: 1986 flesch: 65 summary: For Christ did once offer up himself , who is made , not after the Law of a carnal Commandment , but after the power of an endless Life , who is set down at the Right-hand of God , and so cannot be offered as an Offering and Sacrifice any more , who abolished the changeable Priest-hood , with all its Offerings and Sacrifices , by the Sacrifice and Offering of himself once for all . So you may see Christ hath given himself an Offering and Sacrifice for us to God , and the Saints now do not offer up Christ , who hath already offered up himself ( mark himself ) but they are to present their Bodies a Living Sacrifice , holy acceptable to God , which is their reasonable Service . keywords: christ; god; offering; sacrifice cache: A40139.xml plain text: A40139.txt item: #100 of 267 id: A40150 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Concerning the upright and good conversation of the saints in Christ and in Heaven date: 1682.0 words: 1537 flesch: 62 summary: And the Apostle exhorted Timothy , and said , Be thou an Example of the Believers in Word , in Conversation , in Charity , in Spirit , in Faith , in Purity : which is a Good Corversation to be followed . And Peter in his General Epistle admonishes the Church to be as Obedient Children , not fashioning your selves according to the former Lusts in your Ignorance , but as he which hath called you is Holy , so be ye Holy in all manner of Conversation [ Mark , all manner of Conversation ] forasmuch as ye know , that ye were not redeemed with Corruptible Things , a● Silver and Gold , from your Vain Conversation , received by Tradition from your Fathers , but with the Precious Blood of Christ , as of a Lamb without Blemish and without Spot , &c. And likewise ye Wives be subject to your own Husbands , that if any obey not the Word they also may without the Word be won by the Conversation of the Wives , while they behold your Chaste Conversation , coupled with Fear , &c. having a good Conscience , tha● whereas they speak Evil of you , as of Evil Doers , they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your Good Conversation in Christ . keywords: conversation; eebo; tcp; text cache: A40150.xml plain text: A40150.txt item: #101 of 267 id: A40170 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: An epistle to all Christians, Jews, and Gentiles shewing how that God dwells not in their temples made with hands. date: 1682.0 words: 2194 flesch: 73 summary: And therefore these Persecutors that did resist the Holy-Ghost , which comes from the Father and the Son , were the Cryers up of the Outward Temple : they were not like to see God , as Steven did , who dwells not in Temples made with Hands ; and Heaven to be his Throne , & Earth his Footstool , who resisteth his Holy Spirit that proceeds from him , by which God is Seen and Known . And the Apostle Paul saith , God that made the World , and all Things therein , seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth , dwelleth not in Temples made with Hands , neither is Worshipped with Mens hands , as though he needed any thing , seeing he giveth to all , Life , and Breath , and all things , and hath made of one Blood all Nations of Men , for to dwell on the Face of the Earth , &c. That they should seek the Lord , if happily they might feel after him , and find him , though he be not far from every one of us ; for in him we live , and move , and have our Being , & keywords: earth; god; heaven; temples cache: A40170.xml plain text: A40170.txt item: #102 of 267 id: A40254 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Some queries to all the teachers and professors of Christianity to answer date: 1666.0 words: 1260 flesch: 65 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: christians; eebo; tcp; text cache: A40254.xml plain text: A40254.txt item: #103 of 267 id: A40301 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: To the people of Uxbridge date: 1659.0 words: 1914 flesch: 65 summary: O I am weary of mine adversaries saith the Lord , I am weary of your abominations , ye have loaded the just , and pressed it as a Cart with sheaves , your hearts are gross and fat ; with your tongues , you have talked of God , but your hearts has been farre off , after your own ends : your younger children , boyes and people are full of lightness , wildeness , folly , and vanity , and envie , and mocking , scorn and derision , ( which is not a good savour in your streets ) stubborness , and untowardness , and profaneness , and wildeness , more like Esau's and Ishmaels stock , then Isaack's and Jacob's ; your old men are not sober , nor solid , nor grave , and so they are not good patterns to the younger : so ye are all more like Heathens then Christians , empty of the good , full of the forgetfulness of God , and out of his fear , as though there was no God , as though ye had never heard talk of God , nor Scripture , nor Christ ; But this saying is fulfilled , The Teachers have not profited the people at all , Jer. 23. And people , that which may be known of God is made manifest within you , which God hath shewed unto you , that when you do the thing which is not convenient , not righteous , but worthy of death , by that of God in you ye can tell ; and while your minds is reprobate from that , ye are all strangers from the life of God , and the covenant of Promise . keywords: god; light; people; text cache: A40301.xml plain text: A40301.txt item: #104 of 267 id: A40658 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Two sermons the first, Comfort in calamitie, teaching to live well, the other, The grand assizes, minding to dye well / by Thomas Fuller ... date: 1654.0 words: 52725 flesch: 69 summary: 107 ▪ ●ere hungry and thirsty , their s●ul fainted in them : H● was clothed in purple and fine linnen , whilest the Godly wander up and down in sheep skins ; and well may they wear their skins without them , that carry their innocency within them ; and the reason thereof is , Because judgement begins at the house of the Lord , whilst the wicked have their portion in this world . henc● commeth it to p●sse , when they returne , it is justly questionable , whether their Clothes be disguised with more foolish fashions , or bodies disabled with more loathsome Diseases , or souls defiled with more notorious vices ; having learned Jealousie from the Italian , Pride from the Spaniard , Lasciviousness● from the ●rench , Drunkennesse from the D●tch ; and yet what need they go so farre to learn so bad a lesson , when ( God knows ) w● have too many Schooles , where it is taught here at home . keywords: answer; boaz; bookes; children; church; comfort; daughters; david; day; dead; death; doe; doth; earth; farre; father; foundations; god; gods; goe; good; hand; hath; heaven; himselfe; house; husband; israel; king; know; land; law; leave; let; life; like; living; lord; man; masters; men; moab; mother; naomi; observation; owne; people; persons; place; ruth; saith; saviour; selves; servants; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; wife; words; world; ● e; ● ● cache: A40658.xml plain text: A40658.txt item: #105 of 267 id: A41066 author: Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702. title: To the magistrates and people of England vvhere this may come What is the matter with the Christians of our age, ... date: 1664.0 words: 2021 flesch: 64 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 34340) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: england; hath; lord; tcp; text cache: A41066.xml plain text: A41066.txt item: #106 of 267 id: A41129 author: Fenner, William, 1600-1640. title: The spirituall man's directorie guiding a Christian in the path that leads to true blessednesse in his III. maine duties towards God : how [brace] to believe, to obey, to pray [brace] : unfolding the [brace] Creed, X. Command., the Lords prayer / by that reverend and faithfull minister of Gods word Mr. William Fennor ... date: 1648.0 words: 44759 flesch: 89 summary: Ordinary truths , are like ordinary mercies , and vsually finde the 〈◊〉 entertainment ; Ordinary mercies are both necessary and most usefull , we owe our lives to them under God from day to day ; yet because ordinary they are little regarded , especially by the vulgar : but an intelligent man ●●●zes them , and is affectionatly thankfull to God for them . 3. 8. Fiftly , works though otherwise in themselves se●●ile , requisite to Gods worship , as travelling to Church , Luke 6. 6. or riding divers miles off to the Prophets of God , if need be , 2 Kings 4. 22 , 23. keywords: act; bee; christ; cor; doe; faith; gen; god; gods; good; hath; heb; hee; iohn; isa; law; lord; luke; man; math; men; pray; prayer; prov; psal; rom; sinne; thou; tim; verse; wee; ● ● cache: A41129.xml plain text: A41129.txt item: #107 of 267 id: A41135 author: Fenner, William, 1600-1640. title: A treatise of the affections, or, The souls pulse whereby a Christian may know whether he be living or dying : together with a lively description of their nature, signs, and symptomes : as also directing men to the right use and ordering of them / by that Reverend and faithfull minister of Gods word, M. William Fenner ... finished by himself. date: 1650.0 words: 80479 flesch: 77 summary: so the Soul of the godly is moved with affection to God. Thirdly , As the affections are the motions of the heart , so they are the forcible motions of the heart ; every little motion in the heart is not an affection , but only the forcible motions of the heart ; a man is then said to set his affections upon God , when his heart goes with force unto God ; for as God appoints every creature his task , and to seek out its own good , so he gives it a force for to do it ; the stone , its nature is to fall downwards , and God gives it a weightinesse that it may fall downwards with force : the stomack , its nature is to take food when it is empty , and God gives it a hunger that it may take it with force : every creature hath not only its motion to move it to its own good , but it goes to it with force ; so God hath given affections to the heart , as weight to the stone , and hunger to the stomack ; so God I say hath given affections to the heart , that it may seek out its good with a force , so that then does a man set his affections upon God , when he sets all his forces to God-ward . keywords: affections; affections aright; alas; christ; doe; dost thou; fear; fire; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hell; know; let; life; look; lord; love; lusts; man; mans affections; mayst; men; paul; people; reason; sayes; self; set; sin; sinne; soul; thee; thine affections; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thoughts; thy; way; wicked; wilt; world; zeal cache: A41135.xml plain text: A41135.txt item: #108 of 267 id: A41346 author: Fisher, A. Abigail. title: A few lines in true love to the inhabitants of England, especially this great City of London, who are called Christians. date: 1696.0 words: 1592 flesch: 60 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A41346) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 34343) keywords: london; lord; tcp; text cache: A41346.xml plain text: A41346.txt item: #109 of 267 id: A41441 author: Goodman, John, 1625 or 6-1690. title: The old religion demonstrated in its principles, and described in the life and practice thereof date: 1684.0 words: 54835 flesch: 38 summary: But all these men , as they do too palpably betray they have no love to Religion , nor no desire it should be true : so they evidently discover that they neither understand what satisfaction is fit for God to give in these matters , or for man to require ; nor do they consider what the nature of Virtue and Religion will admit of , no nor do they understand themselves so well as to know what motives will work upon men ; nor lastly , have they applied their minds to take a just estimate of the value and efficacy of these motives of hopes and fear which it pleases God to set before them . Forasmuch as it is evident , that the approving a mans self to God , and the taking care of Eternity , are such weighty and important affairs , that they must needs require the greatest composure of thoughts , and the utmost intention of our minds ; and can neither be worthily taken in hand , nor much less pursued as they ought , in such a light and jolly humour as the custom of tipling doth ordinarily put men into ; for that relaxes a mans thoughts , and fills his spirit with froth and levity ; it renders the mind of a man so airy and trifling , that he becomes transported with a jest , and diverted by every impertinence ; it banishes sollicitude , and puts him besides his guard of caution and circumspection ; a mans head in such a case is impatient of weighty considerations , incapable of grave deliberations ; his thoughts are fluctuating and uncertain , he comes to no stable resolution , nor can he make any constant progress ; and surely such a temper cannot make a fit soil for Religion to take root in , or to thrive upon . keywords: care; church; conscience; devotion; divine; doth; duty; family; god; gods; good; hath; hearts; heaven; holy; life; man; mans; men; mind; piety; place; publick; reason; religion; secret; self; selves; spirit; things; time; use; way; world; worship cache: A41441.xml plain text: A41441.txt item: #110 of 267 id: A41536 author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. title: The tryall of a Christians growth in mortification, purging out corruption, or vivification, bringing forth more fruit a treatise handling this case, how to discerne our growth in grace : affording some helps rightly to judge thereof by resolving some tentations, clearing some mistakes, answering some questions, about spiritual growth : together with other observations upon the Parable of the vine, John 15. 1, 2 verses / by Tho. Goodwin. date: 1650.0 words: 49288 flesch: 69 summary: The tryall of a Christians growth in mortification, purging out corruption, or vivification, bringing forth more fruit a treatise handling this case, how to discerne our growth in grace : affording some helps rightly to judge thereof by resolving some tentations, clearing some mistakes, answering some questions, about spiritual growth : together with other observations upon the Parable of the vine, John 15. The tryall of a Christians growth in mortification, purging out corruption, or vivification, bringing forth more fruit a treatise handling this case, how to discerne our growth in grace : affording some helps rightly to judge thereof by resolving some tentations, clearing some mistakes, answering some questions, about spiritual growth : together with other observations upon the Parable of the vine, John 15. keywords: apostle; branches; christ; christians; corruption; doe; doth; faith; fruit; god; good; grace; growth; hath; heart; himselfe; lesse; life; lusts; man; men; mortification; new; sayes; sinne; spirit; strength; things; time; true; ver; vine; work cache: A41536.xml plain text: A41536.txt item: #111 of 267 id: A41580 author: Gosnold, John, 1625?-1678. title: Holy and profitable sayings of Mr. J.G. who departed this life the third day of this instant October, 1678 date: 1678.0 words: 2231 flesch: 72 summary: 2. The least Interest in the Blood of Christ , is more truly valuable than our firmest claims to the greatest Temporal Felicity . 3. A young Christian , like a young Souldier , may at first be afraid to enter into Spiritual Warfare , but when , through a faith in Christ , he has once repell'd Temptations , he will never after leave fighting under his Banner . keywords: christ; eebo; english; man; tcp; text cache: A41580.xml plain text: A41580.txt item: #112 of 267 id: A41637 author: Gouge, Thomas, 1605-1681. title: Christian directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long drawn up for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of Sepulchres parish / by Tho. Gouge ... date: 1661.0 words: 76527 flesch: 70 summary: I. Begin with God , by seeking unto him by Prayer , as for the pardon of thy sin● , and supply of all needful graces , so for his blessing upon thy lawful pains and endeavours , for as the Apostle speaketh , By the Word of God and Prayer all things are sanctified , and therefore it must needs be an unsanctified way and course to begin any thing without first seeking unto God by Prayer for a blessing ; for indeed it is his blessing alone that maketh rich , and that causeth any thing we take in hand to thrive and prosper ; which Moses acknowledgeth , where speaking to the people of Israel , he saith , It is the Lord that giveth thee power to get wealth . 3 To swear ra●hly is to swear lightly , and frequently , in our familiar talk and discourse ; this , though it be a common and ordinary sin , indeed too too common and ordinary , yet it is a most grievous Sin , and a sin that crieth loud in the ears of God for vengeance . keywords: apostle; bee; body; children; christ; day; death; directions; doe; doth; duties; duty; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hath; having; heart; holy; jesus; jesus christ; let; life; lord; love; man; men; poor; prayer; sabbath; salvation; self; selves; sin; sins; soul; spirit; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; thy god; time; wee; wife; word; yea; ● ● cache: A41637.xml plain text: A41637.txt item: #113 of 267 id: A41644 author: Gouge, Thomas, 1605-1681. title: God's call to England, for thankfulness after gracious deliverances wherein is shewed, that our deliverances, not answered with reformation, will be followed with sorest destruction / by Thomas Gouge. date: 1680.0 words: 37840 flesch: 70 summary: Come , let us view the sudden and sweet Dispensations of God's heavenly and holy Providence , and fix our thoughts on his surprizing Benefits , till our hearts are enamour'd with the Authour of them , and transform'd into the likeness of that loving God that gives them : let us trace him in his ways of Mercy , till we are sweetly brought into the ways of Duty : Let our Souls be drawn up to the Center of Heaven , by the Golden Chains of Mercies let down from thence unto us . Continuance in son will be so great discouragement to God in ways of Mercies , that we shall have just Cause to despair of future relief from him . keywords: almighty; day; deliverance; delivering; destruction; enemies; fear; glory; god; gods; goodness; hands; hath; hearts; judgments; justice; kindness; lord; love; man; means; mercies; mercy; nation; people; power; ruine; selves; sin; sinning; sins; thee; things; thou; thy; vengeance; ways; work; world; wrath; ● ● cache: A41644.xml plain text: A41644.txt item: #114 of 267 id: A41668 author: Gouge, Thomas, 1605-1681. title: The young man's guide through the wilderness of this world to the heavenly Canaan shewing him how to carry himself Christian-like in the whole course of his life / by Tho. Gouge ... date: 1676.0 words: 63028 flesch: 74 summary: 4. Rejoyce O young man in thy youth , and walk in the wayes of thine heart , and in the sight of thine eyes : but know thou , that for all these things , God will bring thee into Iudgement . As if he had said , since thou art so set upon it to have thy will , and thy way , to suck the sweet , and make the best of what is before thee , take thy course , take thy fill of thy pleasure , ease , and hearts-content whilest thou livest : but remember what comes after , and know that for all thy sweet morsels , and pleasant draughts , for all thy pleasant sins , and youthful liberties , and those vain , and wicked courses , wherein thou now takest such content and delight , God will bring thee into judgement : die thou must , thou knowest not how soon , and after death thou shalt be brought before Gods Tribunal , there to answer for all that thou hast done , and receive a just recompence of reward . keywords: christ; day; doth; evil; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; let; life; like; lord; love; man; men; mercy; self; service; sin; sins; soul; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; truth; way; wicked; wilt; work; world; yea; youth cache: A41668.xml plain text: A41668.txt item: #115 of 267 id: A41838 author: Gray, Andrew, 1633-1656. title: Directions and instigations to the duty of prayer how, and why the heart is to be kept with diligence. Pressing arguments and directions for hearing the voice of the rod. Being the sum and substance of nine sermons (not heretofore printed,) by Mr. Andrew Gray, late minister of the Gospel at Glasgow. date: 1669.0 words: 61525 flesch: 67 summary: But if we would pra 〈…〉 more , we should pray more : and if we did p 〈…〉 more , we should praise more . m●● not that incite and provoke your desires to fo●low after it which is so excellent and preciou 〈…〉 Believe it , we are not able to tell the worth of i 〈…〉 There is this sixth impediment which obstructs a Christians liberty and access to God 〈◊〉 his secret prayer , and it is that woful resistin● and quenching of the motions of the Spiri 〈…〉 that oftentimes we fall into : hence it is , th 〈…〉 when a Christian doth go unto God , he is d 〈…〉 barred , and his prayers is shut out from God● and the reason of it is , because he debared Go 〈…〉 before : and this is remarkably clear from t 〈…〉 Brides practice , Cant. 5. 2. compared with th● following verses ; she held Christ at the doo 〈…〉 notwithstanding his locks were wet with the d 〈…〉 of the night , and his hair with the drops of t 〈…〉 morning . keywords: answer; christian; clear; consideration; crosse; cry; day; divine; doth; duties; duty; enjoyments; exercise; faith; frame; god; grace; hath; heart; heaven; holy; idols; life; lord; love; man; person; practice; prayer; return; rod; selves; sin; spirit; th ●; things; thou; thy; time; voice; want; way; word; ● d; ● e; ● nd; ● o; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A41838.xml plain text: A41838.txt item: #116 of 267 id: A41846 author: Gray, Andrew, 1633-1656. title: The spiritual warfare, or, Some sermons concerning the nature of mortification, right exercise, and spiritual advantages thereof whereunto are added other two sermons, concerning the mystery of contentment : being the substance of ten sermons never heretofore printed / by Mr. Andrew Gray, late minister of the gospel at Glasgow. date: 1672.0 words: 55327 flesch: 42 summary: There is this third disadvantage , that a Christian meets with , by the intermission of this warfare , and it is this , that ordinarily such a Christian hath his lusts most reigning and living within him : Sin will gather more strength , by the interruption of one dayes exercise of Mortification , than ye can prevail over , by wrestling with it many dayes : This is that subtil dexterity of sin , it can recruit it self in few hours with much ease ; and certainly , if ye be not constant in this warfare , it is like ye will not sing many songs of triumph over your lusts : he must be constant in this fight , who would be a triumpher in the fight : how long is it since ye set up an Eben-ezer to God , saying , hitherto to hath be helped me ? and when did ye set up trophies and monuments of your victory ? Unto the sincere Sin-mortifying , and Soul-contentment-seeking-Christian . keywords: advantage; betwixt; christian; contentment; day; death; doth; exercise; faith; forth; god; grace; hath; heart; heaven; holy; idols; likewayes; lord; love; lusts; man; mortification; mortifie; original; paul; prayer; predominant; sin; spirit; strength; things; time; warfare; world cache: A41846.xml plain text: A41846.txt item: #117 of 267 id: A42049 author: Gregory, Francis, 1625?-1707. title: The Gregorian account, or, The spiritual watch a sermon preached to the society of the Gregories dwelling in and about the city of London and assembled in the Church of St. Michael Cornhill, June 19, 1673 / by Francis Gregory. date: 1673.0 words: 10554 flesch: 81 summary: The Text answers : 1. the Apostles , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , I say unto you ; 2. every person whatsoever , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , I say unto all , Watch. Yea , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , saith St. Chrysostom , Man should be his Brother's keeper : but if not , 't is like he may prove in one sense what Cain was in another , his murtherer too . keywords: christ; doth; eye; god; gregory; guard; hath; heart; man; matt; saith; sin; soul; tcp; text; tongue; watch; world cache: A42049.xml plain text: A42049.txt item: #118 of 267 id: A42084 author: Gregory, Thomas, 1668 or 9-1706. title: Charity and integrity of life the pure essentials of Christian religion: or meditations on James I. 27. By T.G. M.A date: 1696.0 words: 7039 flesch: 66 summary: And if we heartily believe and consider , that nothing else but Unfeigned Purity can recommend us unto God , if we take it for granted , that without Holiness no man shall see him : We have little reason to admire our Saviour calls his People little Flock , and that but few enter in at the streight Gate ; for if so be Religion is to Overcome the World , to be Heavenly minded , or in few words , to be like God , what will become of the greater part of Mankind , who are so much unlike him ? What man is instructed for the Kingdom of God ? If you cast an Eye back upon the 13th Verse of this Chapter , St James will tell you , that no man must say that he is tempted of God , that is , let no man charge God with his Sins ; if men engage in any wickedness , be it to themselves , for God cannot be tempted , neither tempteth he any one ; but every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own Lust and enticed . keywords: charity; god; good; life; man; men; religion; selves; text; world cache: A42084.xml plain text: A42084.txt item: #119 of 267 id: A42134 author: Griffin, Lewis. title: The doctrine of the asse, or, A brief account of their principles and practice in whose behalf the complaint was written that it may serve for advice to others : whereunto is added the asse's complaint, Balaam's reply, and the authors apology / by Lewis Griffin. date: 1661.0 words: 10072 flesch: 68 summary: That thou mayst have a right Judgment , and Apprehension both of Men , and things , learn to distinguish betwixt Good and Evill , which is the great Dico tomy of the intellectual world , and the two terms in thy conversion ; The Devill perhaps hath taught thee at other lesson , only to make thee forget this ; that is to distinguish betwixt Papist , and Protestant , Praelat , and Presbyterian , Independant , Anabaptist , Quaker , and other Sects , whereof if every one should have a particular Station at the day of Judgement , we might imagine our Saviour to be Centemanus ( as the Poets feig● Briareus ) having an hundred hands ; But know these are distinctions of Passion rather than Reason , and a strange kind of Language which our Babel-Builders have learned since their late Confusion ; for there are but two wayes ; Men are not Saved or Condemned for being called by this , or that name , but through Faith , or Unbelief ; a Devout Papist is better than a Hypocritical Protestant , a Godly Presbyterian , than a Debauched Conformist ; and there is Room in Heaven for Religious Anabaptists , and Well-meaning Quakers ; Let not therefore thy Tempter so far impose upon thy Iudgement , as to make thee abhor the Harmlesse and Decent Ceremonies of the Church because they are said to be Popery ; nor to dissent from any Orthodox truths , because some may call them Arminian Tenents ; nor to Persecute any of thy Bretheren because they differ from thee in Notions and Speculations ; ( In a word ) as thou art not to believe every mans Opinion , so thou oughtest not to hate any mans Person , for the one would show thou hadst too much Faith , and the other would argue thou hadst too little Charity . We read how Iob was posed concerning Hail , Snow , and other Questions in the book of Nature ; Now tell me ( shallow Man ) since thou canst not give a true account of what is done , but in the Clouds and Firmament which are only the out-houses of Heaven ; how wilt thou presume to give Intelligence of the Affairs of Jehovahs Closet , and of the Transactions of his Counsel-Table ? keywords: art; asse; church; complaint; day; god; good; hath; king; lord; man; men; soul; tcp; tears; text; thee; thou; thy; time; world cache: A42134.xml plain text: A42134.txt item: #120 of 267 id: A42565 author: Geddes, William, 1600?-1694. title: The saints recreation, third part, upon the estate of grace containing and methodicially [sic] delineating a Christians progress, priviledges, comforts and duties, beginning at conversion : describing also the Blessed Redeemer Jesus, both absolutely and comparatively : and all these in spiritual hymns and songs, suted to grave sweet and melodious tunes, together with a plain paraphrase upon the margent, confirming all by Scriptures, explaining difficulties and methodizing the songs / compiled by Mr. William Geddes ... date: 1683.0 words: 24236 flesch: 86 summary: I call this Treatise , The third Part , as relating to two other Parts , anterior to this , both in order of time and nature , to witt upon the Estate of Innocency , and the Estate of Sin and Corruption , &c. which I have also ready for the Press , but have , for several reasons begun with this Treatise , till I see how the work may get acceptance ; and as I find it pleasing . Then I 'll begin to banish sin &c. SECTION IV. C 1. THe Captain a of Salvation stout ; Of thousands ten b the Chief . keywords: christ; cor; day; doth; god; good; grace; great; heb; isa; joh; life; light; like; lord; man; mat; mercy; psal; rev; rom; sin; soul; spiritual; thee; things; thou; thy; way; yee cache: A42565.xml plain text: A42565.txt item: #121 of 267 id: A44537 author: Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. title: The nature of true Christian righteousness in a sermon preached before the King and Queen at Whitehall, the 17th of November, 1689 / by Anthony Horneck ... date: 1689.0 words: 7757 flesch: 64 summary: I mean , the Church of England , did not split their Vessel against this Rock ; I am sure , the Scribes and Pharisees did : They made no account of the inward Frame , but rested in the Shell , and thought God would be pleased with the staying of a Bullock , or Lamb , or He-Goat ; and they measured the Goodness of their Prayers by their Length and Number more , than by the great Sense they had of the Shekinah , or Divine Presence , whereas an humble and devout Mind in the Religious Service , was the thing God required at their Hands , Matth. xv . This humble Temper the Scribes and Pharisees were very great strangers to , who look'd upon their Religious Services , as Things which God was obliged in Honour , and Equity to look upon and Reward ; Pride , Self-Conceitedness , and Self-Admiration , mingling with almost all they did ; and they did not , would not know , what a contrite and humble Heart meant , and what it was to lie low before God , with a deep Sense of their Un-worthiness , and of the great Imperfection of their Services ; and though they Fasted often , yet that was not so much to arrive to an humble Sense of their Corruptions and Infirmities , as to increase their Merits , and to do Things which might Challenge Gods kinder Inclinations ; and this was the Rock against which these Men stumbled : keywords: christ; god; heaven; kingdom; matth; men; pharisees; righteousness; scribes; self; text; world cache: A44537.xml plain text: A44537.txt item: #122 of 267 id: A44683 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The living temple, or, A designed improvement of that notion that a good man is the temple of God by John Howe ... date: 1675.0 words: 77196 flesch: 60 summary: Storms and Whirlwinds , Flames and Thunderbolts ; things not so apt immediately to work upon their understanding as their fear , and that will astonish that they may convince : That the great God make himself known by the Judgments which he executes . That any indeed should commence Religious , and persist with blind Zeal in this or that discriminating Profession without ever considering why they should do so ; is unmanly and absurd : especially when a gross ignorance of the true reasons and grounds of Religion shall be shadowed over with a pretended awe and scrupulousness to enquire about things so sacred . keywords: account; body; cause; creatures; deity; design; doth; effect; existence; frame; god; good; hath; humane; infinite; man; matter; men; minds; nature; notion; perfection; power; present; purpose; reason; religion; self; selves; sense; sort; soul; state; temple; thing; thought; time; unto; way; whatsoever; whereof; wisdom; world; yea cache: A44683.xml plain text: A44683.txt item: #123 of 267 id: A44691 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Self-dedication discoursed in the anniversary thanksgiving of a person of honour for a great deliverance. By J.H. date: 1682.0 words: 17077 flesch: 75 summary: For a Morticinum , any thing dead of it self , the Israelites were not to eat themselves , because they were an holy People ( though they might give it to a stranger ) much more had it been detestable , as a sacrifice to God. 'T is remote from me to intend the pressing of a Covenant , that contains any disputable , or doubtfull matters ; or any other than the substance of our baptismal Covenant it self ; consisting of the known essentials of our Christianity ; all summ'd up in taking God in Christ for our God , and resigning our selves to him to be inviolably his . keywords: christ; day; god; hath; holy; life; lord; love; man; mercies; present; sacrifice; self; selves; sense; text; thing; time cache: A44691.xml plain text: A44691.txt item: #124 of 267 id: A45250 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: The great mystery of godliness laid forth by way of affectuous and feeling meditation : also the invisible world discovered to spirituall eyes and reduced to usefull meditation in three books / by Jos. Hall. date: 1659.0 words: 13021 flesch: 45 summary: Thou , whose the earth is , and the fulnesse thereof , why wouldst thou not raise to thy self a palace compiled of all those precious stones , which lye hid in the close cofers of that thine inferiour Treasurie ? why did not thy Court glitter with pearle , and gold , in the rich furnitures , and gay suits of thy stately followers ? why was not thy Table furnished with all the delicacies that the world could afford ? O Saviour , it was the great glory of thy mercy , that being upon earth , thou wouldest abandon all earthly glory ; there could not be so great an exaltation of thy love to mankinde , as that thou wouldst be thus low abased ; Manifested then thou wert , but manifested in a despicable obscurity : whether shall I more wonder , that being God blessed for ever , thou wouldst become man ; or , that condescending to be man , thou wouldst take upon thee the shape of a servant , a servāt to those whose Lord , whose God thou wert . O the deep humiliation of God , manifested in the flesh , that thou , O Jesu , the God and Lord of all the Angels of heaven , shouldst in this bloody conflict with thy Fathers wrath for our sins need and receive comfort from a created ▪ Angel thy servant ▪ Whilest thou wert grapling with the powers of darkness there was no need of aid ; only after the fight Angels came , and ministred to thee ; but now , that thou must struggle under the wrath of thy Father , for mans sin , there was use of the consolation of one of those Angels , whereof thou commandest millions : O blessed Saviour , had not the face of thy heavenly Father been clouded to thee , standing in the stead of our guiltinesse , it had been no lesse then presumption in any finite power to tender thee any suggestions of comfort ; but now , alas , those beatificall beams were so for the time hid from thine eyes , and the sweet influences of light and joy arising there-from , were for that sad instant , suspended ; so as nothing appeared to thee , that while , but the darknesse of displeasure and horrour ; now therefore the comforts of a creature , could not be but seasonable and welcome ; so that thou disdainedst not to be strengthened by an Angel : keywords: angels; earth; eyes; flesh; glory; god; heaven; lord; men; mysterie; saviour; self; spirit; thee; thine; thou; thy; wert; world cache: A45250.xml plain text: A45250.txt item: #125 of 267 id: A45310 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: The remedy of discontentment, or, A treatise of contentation in whatsoever condition fitted for sad and troubled times / by Jos. Hall ... date: 1684.0 words: 19742 flesch: 65 summary: Adding moreover in a strong discourse ; Natural hunger , when we have taken food , ceaseth ; and if the mind of man did also naturally desire gold , so soon as he hath received that which he wished , the desire and appetite of it would presently cease ; but so far is it from this satiety , that the more it hath , the more it doth , without any intermission , long for more ; because this desire proceeds not from any motion of Nature , but only out of the wantonness of mans own will , to which no bounds can be set . Who is the Lord ? Saith the King of Egypt : I shall be like to the Highest ; I am , and there is none besides me , saith the King of Babylon ; The Voice of God , and not of Man , goes down with Herod : And how will that Spirit trample upon Men , that dare vie with the Almighty ? keywords: a45310; body; cares; condition; consideration; contentation; death; div; earthly; estate; god; good; hath; heaven; life; like; lord; man; men; nature; notes; sect; selves; soul; things; thou; want; wise; world cache: A45310.xml plain text: A45310.txt item: #126 of 267 id: A45311 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Resolvtions and decisions of divers practicall cases of conscience in continuall use amongst men very necessary for their information and direction in these evil times, in four decades / by Jos. Hall ... date: 1650.0 words: 64222 flesch: 53 summary: Let us see therefore how far and in what cases , man , that is alwayes appointed to be master of his owne life , may be also master of another mans . That none but a just and weighty cause can be the ground of a warre , every mans reason apprehends ; for how precious a blessing had that need to bee , that is held worth the purchasing with the price of so much bloud ; and how heavy a curse must that needs be , which can onely be remedied , or prevented by so grievous a judgment as warre ? That due termes and conditions are requisite to be offered ere warre be undertaken ; and observed in the managing , and ceasing of it , humanity it selfe teacheth us ; without which men should run upon one another with no lesse fury and disorder then beasts ; not staying for any capitulation but the first advantage ; nor terminating their discord in any thing but utter destruction . keywords: act; authority; betwixt; blood; case; charge; child; christian; church; conscience; death; doe; evill; farre; god; gods; good; ground; hand; hath; himselfe; hold; holy; husband; judge; justice; law; lawes; lawfull; lesse; life; lord; man; marriage; match; matter; meet; men; mis; nature; necessity; need; ought; owne; parents; persons; power; publique; purpose; question; reason; rule; saith; sentence; set; sin; spirits; things; time; unlawfull; use; way; whereof; wife; world cache: A45311.xml plain text: A45311.txt item: #127 of 267 id: A45425 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Of scandal date: 1646.0 words: 13963 flesch: 44 summary: 1. That the stronger , healthfuller , i. e. more knowing and more Orthodox Christians should {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ( the vulgar read assumere ) So also another Hebrew word {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} which signifies perdition , and destruction , and is frequently rendred by {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , is once interpreted {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Pr. 31. 6. {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , for which our English read , ready to perish ▪ very agreeable to which doth St Paul here interpret greiving the brother by destroying him , i. e. bringing him into some snare or sin ; the notion of Scandal , which all this while we speake of . keywords: action; christ; christian; man; men; non; occasion; scandall; sin; text; thing; use; word cache: A45425.xml plain text: A45425.txt item: #128 of 267 id: A45461 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: The Scriptures plea for magistrates vvherein is shewed the unlawfulnesse of resisting the lawfull magistrate, under colour of religion. date: 1643.0 words: 20699 flesch: 44 summary: 2 ▪ 6. and {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , v. 7. that hindred , or let Antichrist , and was like to do so still , till he were taken out of the way , was by the Fathers commonly resolved to be the Roman empire or imperiall Soveraignty of Rome , see Tert. And ● Of Christianity , which as it differs from the Lawes both of Moses and Nature , so it constantly reformes and perfects those ( dissolves not any thing that was morall in them , nor promises impunity for non-performance , but upon repentance and reformation ) elevates and raises them to an higher pitch , at least th●● Jew● or naturall men had conceived or understood themselves obliged to , which the ancient ●athers generally resolve to be the meaning of his {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , Mat. 5.17 . keywords: answer; antichrist; christ; christians; colour; god; gods; hath; judgement; king; lawfull; liberty; man; non; place; power; religion; resistance; strength; tertullian; thing; truth; word; ● ● cache: A45461.xml plain text: A45461.txt item: #129 of 267 id: A45530 author: Hardcastle, Thomas, d. 1678? title: Christian geography and arithmetick, or, A true survey of the world together with the right art of numbering our dayes therein being the substance of some sermons preached in Bristol / by Thomas Hardcastle. date: 1674.0 words: 45254 flesch: 47 summary: The Lord did spare thee , and continued thy life to thee , day after day : thou hadst much time , and many advantage , and thou didst not consider for what end God did this to thee : he laid out time for thee , and thou shouldest have laid out work for that time , have filled the vessel of time with good actions , the fruits of Righteousness that thou mightest have said with the Spouse , Here are all manner of pleasant Fruits new & old , which I have laid up for thee ! 2. Beg of God this blessed skill and art of numbring your daies aright ; do not think it a needless Petition , thou does not know that thou shalt die , unless God reveal it to thee , thou does not know that time will end , that there is an Eternity ; thou lives in this World very forgetful how transitory the state of all these things are ; the vulgar Proverb bears witness to vulgar practice , I thought as much of it as of my Death , as of the day of doom as of the worlds end . keywords: art; christ; condition; day; dayes; death; earth; end; eternity; faith; god; good; hast; hath; heart; life; lord; love; man; men; number; place; right; self; soul; thee; things; thou; thought; time; trouble; way; work; world; years cache: A45530.xml plain text: A45530.txt item: #130 of 267 id: A45563 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: The royal common-wealth's man, or King David's picture represented in a sermon preached at the solemnity of the funeral of Sir Tho. Adams, knight and baronet, and alderman of London ; in St. Katherine Creechurch, on the 10th of March, 1667 / by Nath. Hardy ... date: 1668.0 words: 14026 flesch: 64 summary: Which words in the Greek are capable of a double translation whilst 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may be rendred in the Dative and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Ablative case , and so have our Translators construed it , he served his own Generation by the will of God , or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may be rendred in the Ablative case , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Dative , and so it is translated in the Margin , in his own generation he served the will of God. This saith St. Chrysostom , is the property of a servant of God to be well pleased with his severe as well as gracious dispensations 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ▪ not only when he smileth but when he frowneth , when he delivereth but when he afflicteth , as to say with Ely , Dominus est , It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good , and as that Nobleman answered his king when he said , You must go on hunting with me , non oportet nam Lubens volo , It is not I must , but I will with all readiness : so did David , saying , keywords: body; city; david; death; generation; god; gods; good; hath; king; life; lord; man; men; nay; saith; sleep; text; thy; time cache: A45563.xml plain text: A45563.txt item: #131 of 267 id: A45572 author: Hardy, Samuel, 1636-1691. title: A guide to heaven from the Word, or, Good counsell how to close savingly with Christ with some short but serious questions to ask our hearts every morning and evening, whether we walk closely with him : and especially, rules for the strict and due observation of the Lords day. date: 1664.0 words: 9658 flesch: 85 summary: Say , By sin I have shut Heaven gate , and hardned Gods heart against me : I have laid my self open to all the wrath of God , all the curses inn the Bible , and all the torments of Hell : and if I could bring all the cries of my self , and all my friends , the strength of the Angels , the riches of all the world , it would be as nothing to make up this woful breach : Christ alone can do it . 12. 5. Am I a child of God , an heir of Glory ? or a slave to sin , and a child of Satan ? keywords: christ; day; god; gods; good; grace; heart; heaven; love; psal; sin; soul; word; work cache: A45572.xml plain text: A45572.txt item: #132 of 267 id: A45703 author: Hart, John, D.D. title: The Christians blessed choice, or, The godly mans resolution to cleave fast to God and his truth, notwithstanding trials, troubles, and persecutions very seasonable for these times / by J.H. date: 1668.0 words: 8814 flesch: 75 summary: Chusing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God , than to enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season : esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the honours in Egypt ; for he had respect to the recompence of the reward . Now that which I intend briefly to insist upon , is that eminent example of the faith of Moses , in the words before mentioned , in that he chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God , than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season : esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches , than all the honors of Egypt . keywords: christ; death; faith; god; heaven; life; men; people; sin; thou; world cache: A45703.xml plain text: A45703.txt item: #133 of 267 id: A47072 author: Jones, Sarah. title: This is lights appearance in the truth to all the precious dear lambs of the life dark vanished, light shines forth: set forth by Sarah Iones date: 1650.0 words: 1556 flesch: 57 summary: But this is the council of the Lord to such as have been so overcome , while the trouble and conflicts are upon their spirits , through the cause before mentioned , stand still and see the salvation of God , which is in the light of his Covenant , which will stretch forth the hand of his power , as he did to Peter when he feared the proud waves would have prevailed over him ; for I can testifie , as I have received in the eternal council of the Lord , which lyes as a heavy weight upon my spirit to be discharged , That except the Creature sink down into that that manifest and revealed , and so be wrought into it natures , and so all things of Gods power and authority , ye else shall fall short of that price which that soul may attain to , which daily sinks down into it : not as though I my self have altogether attained to that degree of perfection ; but this I can say in the fear and truth of the Lord , that I am one that presseth hard after it , and it is the desire of my soul , that others may joyn hands with me in this work , in that measure of life that the Father hath bestowed in us : So cease thy mourning , thou weeping babe , that mourns in secret for manifestations from thy beloved , as thou hast had in dayes past ; for I can testifie unto thee by experience , whosoever thou art in that state , that he is bringing thee nearer him , for that was but milk which he fed thee with whilst thou was weak , but he will feed thee with the Word from whence that milk proceedeth , if thou be willing and obedient to live at home with Jacob , which is daily to retire thy mind ; though the gadding , hunting Esau persecutes thee for it , thou shalt receive the blessing in which all happiness and felicity doth consist for evermore . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A47072 of text R215485 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing J989). keywords: life; text; word cache: A47072.xml plain text: A47072.txt item: #134 of 267 id: A47509 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The glorious lover a divine poem upon the adorable mystery of sinners redemption / by B.K., author of War with the Devil. date: 1679.0 words: 64118 flesch: 82 summary: When Sacred Love runs thus with greatest force , What pity is 't ought should disturb its course ? How can the Soul refuse to entertain A Lover , which for her with shame was slain ? But stop again , my Muse , thou must give o're , The Prince is come , lo he is at her door . away , 't is pity thou hast bin Spared so long , when guilty of such Sin. Soul , thou must see to bring him in subjection , With every evil lust , and vile affection . keywords: alas; bear; beauty; christ; come; day; dear; death; dost; doth; e're; earth; evil; eye; eyes; face; glory; god; good; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; jesus; king; life; light; lord; love; man; men; mind; nay; prince; self; sin; soul; stand; state; sweet; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; way; wilt; world; ● t; ● ● cache: A47509.xml plain text: A47509.txt item: #135 of 267 id: A47614 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The travels of true godliness, from the beginning of the world to this present day in an apt and pleasant allegory ... / by B.K., author of War with the Devil, and Sion in distress. date: 1684.0 words: 49562 flesch: 67 summary: But secondly , Godliness , as to his inward and more hidden parts and power , is a holy conformity to these sacred and divine principles which natural men may understand Religion by ; but True Godliness consists in the light of supernatural truths and life of Grace , God manifesting himself in the light of those glorious principles , and working the life of supernatural grace in the soul by the Holy Ghost , it consists in the saving and experimental knowledg of God and Jesus Christ , in having all the evil qualities of the Soul removed , and heavenly habits infused in their room , or in a gracious conformity , disposition and affections of the heart to God , cleaving to all truths made known to us , to find the powerful influences of the Gospel and Spirit of Christ upon us , whereby our Souls are brought into the Image and likeness of his death and resurrection ; this is True Godliness , 't is not a bare living up to the natural principles of morality , nor a simple knowledg of the letter of the word , or an historical , notional , or dogmatical knowledg of the sacred Gospel , and the precepts thereof , but in a faithful living up to the supernatural principles of Grace and the Gospel , discharging our duties with as much readiness and faithfulness towards God as towards man , so that our conscience may be kept void of offence towards both . by fathering that upon God which is none of his ; do not the Papists call those superstitious and vain Ceremonies , us'd in their Church , by the name of God's Worship , and what is this less than the putting a lye upon him ; besides it reflects upon the wisdom of God ; to attempt to change or alter any thing of the form of Godliness , as if he did not know best how , and in what way , or after what manner he himself would be worshipped : But must be beholding to man for his help , wisdom and rare contrivances , touching many things that are by the Papists called decent and necessary ; also doth it not reflect upon the care and faithfulness of God , insomuch , that he should not himself take care to lay down in his blessed word many things , which are very necessary to be added to the form of Godliness , which man's care and wisdom is fain to supply . keywords: cause; christ; come; conscience; consideration; day; door; doth; enemies; friend; godliness; good; hath; heart; heaven; hell; help; holy; house; life; lord; love; man; men; nay; place; poor; religion; riches; self; sin; sir; soul; thee; things; thou; time; town; way; world cache: A47614.xml plain text: A47614.txt item: #136 of 267 id: A47618 author: Leigh, Edward, 1602-1671. title: The saints encouragement in evil times: or Observations concerning the martyrs in generall with some memorable collections out of Foxes three volumes. Martin Luther. The covenant and promises. Living and dying by faith. By Edward Leigh Esquire. date: 1648.0 words: 31039 flesch: 81 summary: Jerome compares the state of the Ch●rch under Constantine and some Christian Emperours with that under Dioclesian and some persecuting Emperours : under the former the Church increased much Potentia & divitiis , in power and wealth , but diminished virtutibus , in vertue ▪ How strangely was that promise accomplished in England and France , Whosoever will save his life shall lose it ; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake , shall finde it . On the contrary , some that were in prison , and purposed to suffer for the truth , were ●y the death of Queen Mary happily preserved , that being a true observation which * one hath , As good husbands do not put al their corn to the oven , but save some for seed , so doth God ever in the worst of persecutions . keywords: acts; adam; bishop; body; christ; comfort; cor; covenant; day; death; doe; est; faith; fire; foxes; god; gods; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heb; john; law; life; lord; love; luther; man; martyrs; men; mon; non; people; promises; second; sin; soul; spirit; things; thou; time; truth; vol; way; words; world; ● ● cache: A47618.xml plain text: A47618.txt item: #137 of 267 id: A48737 author: Littleton, Adam, 1627-1694. title: Solomons gate, or, An entrance into the church being a familiar explanation of the grounds of religion conteined in the fowr [sic] heads of catechism, viz. the Lords prayer, the Apostles creed, the Ten commandments, the sacraments / fitted to vulgar understanding by A.L. date: 1662.0 words: 82545 flesch: 63 summary: Thou shalt not follow the example of blind Pagans , and entertain a multitude of gods , nor pay that devotion to any of the creatures which is due to the creator alone ; nor set up in thy heart any thing in opposition to me , or give thy self up to the obedience of any lust , nor hearken to the suggestions of Satan , nor be rul'd by the vanity of this wicked world , nor turn Atheist and live without God in the world ; but shalt acknowledge me the only one God in three Persons , and shalt learn to know me , the Infinite , Thou Inferiour whoever thou art , that art under another's power , or condition , shalt give thy superiour the due respect of his place , shalt have honourable thoughts of him , shalt highly esteem him , and revear him as an Angel of God ; in thy speeches & addresses to him demean thy self with humility and meekness , and all civil demonstrations of respect , according to the customs of thy people , giving him the preeminence in every thing , bearing with and hiding his infirmities ; Thou shalt not slight his person , nor think or speak meanly of him ; Thou shalt be subject to him , and yield a ready and chearful obedience to him as to the Lord , in all things , that are just and lawful , and bear with his humors and his harshness , remembring that though he be man of like passions with thy self , yet he is in God's stead , and if he at any time swerve from his rule in commanding , yet do not thou decline thy duty in obeying ; but when he bids thee do any thing , contrary to my will , carry thy self with submission , & resolve to suffer for a good conscience rather then to resist , where thou canst not with a good conscience obey , Thou shalt hearken to his admonitions , and submit to his corrections , and shalt endeavour by all fair means to give him content ; Thou shalt not withdraw or grudge thy obedience , much less shalt thou take upon thee , to call him to account ; nor yet shalt thou basely serve him in lewd offices , and wicked designs , so as to be an instrument of his cruelty or his lust , and to flatter him in an evil way , Thou shalt pray for him , and assist him in all his just undertakings , and shalt return him all the good thou canst , for that good which thou receiv'st of him , from the influence of his Authority , or example ; Thou Superiour , shalt observe the rules of Iustice by giving every one their due , thou shalt look faithfully to thy charge , rule with diligence , lay out thy talents to the best advantage o● God's glory , and the benefit of thy Brethren ; Thou shalt be tender of the concerns of all thy Inferiors , and oblige them with courtesie and kindness , and study how thou mayst be most useful to community ; Thou shalt not be proud of thy gifts , lift thy self above thy brethren , and scorn those below thee ; keywords: blood; body; bread; children; christ; church; come; day; death; doe; doth; duty; earth; evil; faith; father; fear; flesh; glory; god; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; kingdom; law; life; lord; lord thy; love; man; men; nature; place; power; prayer; psal; reason; right; self; selves; set; sin; sins; son; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; thy god; time; use; way; word; work; worship cache: A48737.xml plain text: A48737.txt item: #138 of 267 id: A49240 author: Love, Christopher, 1618-1651. title: The Christians combat: or, His true spiritual warfare wherein is laid down the nature, power, and cunning deceit of Satan, the great enemy of our salvation. With the means whereby every good Christian may withstand his dreadful assaults. By C. L. late preacher of Gods word in the City of London. date: 1664.0 words: 10746 flesch: 58 summary: Whilst Moses was con●●nted to be reputed the Son of Ph●●aohs ●aughter , he injoyed all prosperity ; but as 〈◊〉 as he joyned himself to Gods people and Church , Pharaoh seeketh his life : whilst Paul persecuted the Church of God , Satan did not so much trouble him , either outwardly in body , or inwardly in mind , but no sooner was he truly converted to the Faith , and preached the Gospel , but presently he setteth his wicked Imps at work to take a way his life which the Lord not permitting , he moveth them to persecute him by imprisoning him , whipping and stoning him , and not content with these outward afflictions , he sendeth his messengers to buffet him , that he might be no lesse vexed inwardly in mind , then outwardly in body , 2 Cor. 12. Above all things take the shield of faith , wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked . And take the Helmet of Salvation , and the Sword of the Spirit , which is the word of God. BEloved Christians , the Apostle Sain● Paul having shewed the mystery o● our Salvation and the caus●s ther●of ; for the confirmation of our fait● in the thrée first Chapters of his Epistle 〈…〉 , and after●●●●● in the other chapters having set down divers duties , both generally belonging to all Christians : and also particularly ●ppertaining to men of sundry conditions , that he might move them to repentance and newness of life ; in the next place like the Lords centinel , doth discover and give us wa●ning of the approach of mighty enemies , willing us to arm our selves in all points in our own defence , and couragiously to stand under the Standard of Christ Iesus , that we may be continu●lly in readinesse to indure the incounter ; also he giveth us to understand that as ●oon as we séek for assurance of Salvation in Christ , and indeavour to serve the Lord in a holy and Christian life , we are to prepare our selves for a Combat ▪ unless we would suddenly be surprised ▪ for the spiritual enemies of our Salvation arm themselves against us as soon as we have given our names to God ; and taken upon us the profession and practice of Christianity . keywords: armour; christ; enemies; fight; god; gods; hath; life; lord; salvation; satan; sin; truth; world; ● ● cache: A49240.xml plain text: A49240.txt item: #139 of 267 id: A49262 author: Love, Christopher, 1618-1651. title: The zealovs Christian taking heaven by holy violence in severall sermons, tending to direct men how to hear with zeal, [how] to pray with importunity / preached by ... Mr. Christopher Love ... date: 1653.0 words: 44843 flesch: 85 summary: Even in this manner do wicked men rush into wickednesse ; no fear , nor wit can restrain them ; no dangers , nor threatnings either from God or man can keep them in . Jerem. 2. 23. At the first promulgation of the Gospel the preaching of the Word was more successefull , multitudes of men did express more holy violence and vehemency of affection towards the service and worship of God then in any age beside . keywords: affections; answer; christ; doth; god; god doth; gods; good; gospel; grace; hath; heart; heaven; holy; importunity; john; lord; man; men; mercies; mercy; people; prayer; psal; reason; religion; sin; thee; things; thou; thy; time; use; violence cache: A49262.xml plain text: A49262.txt item: #140 of 267 id: A49713 author: Laud, William, 1573-1645. title: Officium quotidianum: or, A manual of private devotions By the most reverend father in God Dr. William Laud late Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury. date: 1663.0 words: 16095 flesch: 83 summary: Lord give me grace , that I may dwell under the defence of the most highest , and that I may abide under thy shadow , O thou Almighty ; for thou art my hope , and my strong hold , in thee will I trust , through Jesus Christ our Lord , Amen . Psal. 91. 1. O God , thou which declarest thy Almighty power , most chiefly , by shewing mercy and pity , Give unto me abundantly thy grace , that I running to thy promises , may be made partaker of thy heavenly treasure , through Jesus Christ our Lord , Amen . Lord keep me from treacherous hands , and preserve me , that though they purpose , yet they may not be able to overthrow my goings ; Even for Jesus Christ his sake , Amen . Psal. 140. 2. O God , from whom all holy desires , all just Counsells , and all good works do proceed , give unto me and all thy servants , that peace which the world cannot give , that both our hearts may be set to obey thy Commandements : and also that by thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies , may passe our time in rest and quietnesse ; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour , Amen . keywords: almighty; beseech; christ; day; dom; domine; father; fol; god; good; grace; grant; hast; heart; holy; hora; jesus christ; life; lord god; mercy; mihi; o lord; post; pro; psal; sake; saviour; sins; soul; thee; things; thou; thy; time cache: A49713.xml plain text: A49713.txt item: #141 of 267 id: A49797 author: Lawson, George, d. 1678. title: Magna Charta ecclesiæ universalis the grand charter issued out and granted by Jesus Christ for the plantation of the Christian faith in all nations ... / by George Lawson ... date: 1686.0 words: 46548 flesch: 60 summary: And as he was only worthy , so God his Father alone was able to give so great power : for it was given ; which implies , that Christ as man had it not of himself : it was not an original and primitive , but a delegate and derivative power . So that the Spirit sanctifies not all men but the Church ; Christ reedeems man , but not all creatures ; God the Father createth all things and all persons . keywords: apostles; blood; christ; church; covenant; death; end; faith; father; ghost; god; gods; hath; heaven; holy; life; love; man; men; nations; obedience; power; promise; sin; son; spirit; things; word cache: A49797.xml plain text: A49797.txt item: #142 of 267 id: A49837 author: Laythes, Thomas, d. 1701. title: A sober vvarning to people that they may regard the work of the Lord. The 28th day of the 7th month, 1696 date: 1696.0 words: 1544 flesch: 64 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 37445) keywords: eebo; people; tcp; text cache: A49837.xml plain text: A49837.txt item: #143 of 267 id: A49921 author: Lee, Francis, 1661-1719. title: The labouring persons remembrancer, or, A practical discource of the labour of the body with suitable devotions. date: 1690.0 words: 11822 flesch: 62 summary: Dost thou think it hard to tast of the same Cup , to bear a little of the Chastisement with thy Saviour , who has submitted to so very much for thee ? God was graciously pleas'd to chuse Labour and Travel for this Chastisement , without satisfying which , thou must never expect to obtain thy Pardon . Since therefore , whoever thou art , that God has commanded thee to work , do thou learn hereby continually , and on every occasion chearfully to submit thy self to the Orders of his Divine Majesty , and resolutely obey all his Precepts ; as being assured that this was the main End for which he was pleas'd to impose so seemingly an hard Command . keywords: art; christ; god; good; heart; labour; lord; man; self; sin; soul; thee; thou; thy cache: A49921.xml plain text: A49921.txt item: #144 of 267 id: A50162 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: Small offers towards the service of the tabernacle in the wilderness four discourses accommodated unto the designs of practical godliness : preached partly at Boston, partly at Charleston / by Cotton Mather ; published by a gentleman lately restored from threatening sickness as a humble essay to serve the interest of religion, in gratitude unto God for his recovery. date: 1689.0 words: 34633 flesch: 85 summary: God will not save you , if you do not serve Him. You that now grind for the Phili●●ines of Hell every day , must one day be requited with only Coals and Wounds , for all your fatal Dr●dgeries ; and though you then roar , Lord , pitty me ! Master , Thou ●e●chest the way of God in Truth . keywords: children; christ; day; death; desire; families; family; god; gold; good; heart; house; know; life; lord; man; men; praise; prayer; psal; self; servant; service; souls; thee; things; thou; thy; time; world; ● ● cache: A50162.xml plain text: A50162.txt item: #145 of 267 id: A50250 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: An heart-melting exhortation together with a cordiall consolation presented in a letter from New-England to their dear countrymen of Lancashire : which may as well concern all others in these suffering times / by Richard Mather ... and William Tompson ... date: 1650.0 words: 12310 flesch: 61 summary: And indeed we cannot but stand amazed at the free grace of God , and wonder with great admiration at that wise , and gracious , and holy dispensation of divine providence , whereby it comes to passe that such unworthy ones as we be , must be here in a land of peace , to enjoy the many good blessings of God , both for earth and heaven in quiet habitations , when in the mean time it fares full ill , God knows , with the land of our Nativity , and with many thousands therein far better then our selves , whom the Lord hath left after all their other pressures , under which they have formerly groaned , now at last , to see the most dolefull daies that they have ever seen in England , because that formerly-flourishing Kingdom is now wofully at warre within it self , and that sore plague of the devouring sword ( as sore an one as any of the four , which are thus called by the holy Ghost , Ezek. 14.21 . ) hath already devoured much English flesh , and drunk much English bloud ; many hundreds and thousands of all ranks and degrees , both great and small , since these warres begun , having already lost their lives , and ended their daiet in these grievous Nationall calamities , and ( God knows ) how many more may shortly do the like , because for ought we can hear the wrath of the Lord is not yet turned away , but his hand is stretched out still . Sith therefore you have known the judgements of God which he hath brought upon Germany for many years together , and upon Ireland and England of late times : God would be very angry if you should remain impenitent , unhumbled , and unreformed , though you have known all this . keywords: christ; church; day; god; hath; heart; jesus; life; lord; men; righteousnesse; selves; things; time cache: A50250.xml plain text: A50250.txt item: #146 of 267 id: A50403 author: Gearing, William. title: A memento to young and old: or, The young man's remembrancer, and the old man's monitor. By that eminent and judicious divine, Mr. John Maynard, late of Mayfield in Sussex. Published by William Gearing, minister of the Gospel date: 1669.0 words: 45863 flesch: 72 summary: Men naturally forget God , untill they need him : So among all earthly Creatures , Man being made of the most excellent nature , is most straitly tyed to glorify God the Creatour . keywords: age; chap; children; christ; daies; death; doth; evil; fathers; glory; god; good; hath; heart; holy; life; lord; man; men; parents; saith; sins; son; spirit; strength; thee; things; thou; thy; time; way; world; years; young; youth; ● ● cache: A50403.xml plain text: A50403.txt item: #147 of 267 id: A51033 author: Mitchell, John, fl. 1697. title: The way to true honour and happiness A friendly address to all parents, masters of families, and landlords, the persons most capable to honour ... , and to gain honour to themselves, by beginning and carrying on a rational reformation. To which is added, [A] memorandum for mothers. By John Mitchell, M.A. date: 1697.0 words: 12743 flesch: 74 summary: whereas now by 〈◊〉 neg●●ct , their Labour is lost , and their P●ins unprofitable . There is nothing can hinder your minding 〈…〉 spiritual concerns of your selves and Fami 〈…〉 , but the Vanities of the VVorld , or the Lusts of the Flesh ; and these ye have renounced in your Baptism , and vowed a perpetual VVar against them ; so that you are perjured if you suffer your selves to be entangled an● hindred by them , Mat. 16. keywords: answ; children; christ; god; good; holy; honour; law; let; lord; nature; selves; shall; sin; thou; thy; ● ● cache: A51033.xml plain text: A51033.txt item: #148 of 267 id: A51388 author: Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695. title: The Urim of conscience to which the author has had recourse for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. 1. who and what art thou? 2. where hast thous been? 3. where art thou now going? 4. whither art thou going? : together with three select prayers for private families / by Sir Samuel Morland. date: 1695.0 words: 38311 flesch: 50 summary: To be temperate in our Sleep , which was ordained by God , for the refreshment of our frail Bodies , that so they might not be wearied out with continual Toil and Labour , and that we might be enabled from time to time , to perform such Duties , as Religion , or Works of our Calling require of us . The Urim of conscience to which the author has had recourse for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. keywords: angels; author; bodies; body; books; christ; day; days; death; devil; earth; eyes; father; god; good; hand; happiness; heaven; help; holy; jesus; king; life; lives; lord; man; men; parts; persons; place; power; reason; saviour; souls; spirits; thee; things; thou; time; use; war; weight; world; years cache: A51388.xml plain text: A51388.txt item: #149 of 267 id: A52035 author: Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655. title: The vvorks of Mr Stephen Marshall, late minister of the Gospel at Finching-Field in Essex. And since at Ipswitch in Suffolk. The first part. Viz. I. Of Christ's intercession. And of sins of infirmity. II. The high priviledge of beleevers. They are the sons of God. III. Faith the only means spiritually to feed on Christ. IV. Of self-denial. V. The saints duty to keep their heart in a good frame, etc. VI. The mystery of spiritual life. Attested by Ralph Venning. Thomas Lye. Thomas Jacomb. date: 1661.0 words: 75598 flesch: 55 summary: Be pleased then to know thus much , that when the Scripture speakes so positivly and clearly , of the Children of God not sinning , that they cannot commit sin , the meaning is this , That whereas the way of sin ( mark it , the way of sin ) is the only way that al men walk in before they come to Christ , as conceive it thus , when men first fel from God , while he stood in his integrity God was his end , God was his portion , God was his rule , but when man fel from God , the whol corruption of mans nature stood in these two things , That now he was turned away from God , and fallen into the Creature , and there he continues til a new life be communicated , let him do what he will , let him pray , let him read , let him hear , let him walk in workes of justice and righteousness , and stil he is but within the compass of injoying the creature , and living to the creature , making himself and the good that he can find in the creature his portion , which is a turning off from God and this is one way of sin , and thus all the men in the world walk , that although it be true , yet some of their sins are greater then others , and aggrauated by some circumstances , yet look as it is with a man that is in prison , though the prison may be very large , and he may somtimes walk East , West , North , and South , and do some things more clean , and some things more gross , yet they are al done within that compass of the prison ; So take a man not in the state of Grace , the end he aimes at is himself , the rule he walks by is somwhat that may yeild contentment to him from the creature , and beyond al this no living man goes til God give him a new life . First , 1. The Heir while he is a Child is Lord of all , he is Lord of al before he comes to the injoyment of it , he is the Lord of it , so now while Gods Children are in their minority , while they are poor ones in this world , they are Heirs of the world , the Lord hath called his Children to be Heirs of the world , that is , whatsoever is in this world is for their sakes , the Angels , the World the Devils in Hel , in spite of their Hearts they are al under the Saints , and are compelled by the Lord , they against their wills , and the Angels with their good wils , they all of them are subservient to those that are the Sons of God by Adoption , and whatsoever is in the wide world , and may be enjoyed any waies for the good of his People , they are the Heirs of all ; this is their Portion while they are in this world ; the Scripture saith it plain , All is yours , and you are Christs , and Christ is Gods , and therefore Paul , and Apollo , or Cephas , or whatsoever is in the world , all is yours , the Saints of God have a real right to al by vertue of their Sonship , not in the Law of man but in the spirituall sense that the Scripture holds out . keywords: children; christ; christ wil; doth; faith; father; god; god wil; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; holy; jesus christ; life; lord; lord christ; man; men; people; self; sin; son; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; use; way; wil; work; world cache: A52035.xml plain text: A52035.txt item: #150 of 267 id: A52426 author: Norris, John, 1657-1711. title: Practical discourses upon several divine subjects written by John Norris. date: 1691.0 words: 66828 flesch: 50 summary: But this is the Wisdom of Fools and Mad-men , of those who either think not at all , or else consider things by halves ; 't is in short the Wisdom of this World , which the Apostle tells us is Foolishness with God. Fourthly , Consider that as the having our Conversation in Heaven , is an argument and test of our Faith , so is it also of our Resurrection with Christ , and our Spiritual Life ; the Connexion is made by the Apostle , If ye be then risen with Christ , seek those things which are above , where Christ sitteth on the Right Hand of God ; set your Affections on things above , and not on things of the Earth ; for ye are Dead , &c. keywords: angels; children; consideration; earth; end; evil; folly; general; god; good; happiness; heaven; interest; judgment; life; light; lord; love; man; men; mind; nature; place; present; reason; religion; self; selves; set; sin; soul; state; things; thou; time; way; wisdom; world cache: A52426.xml plain text: A52426.txt item: #151 of 267 id: A52427 author: Norris, John, 1657-1711. title: Practical discourses upon the Beatitudes of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Vol. I written by John Norris, M.A., Rector of Bemerton near Sarum ; to which are added, Reflections upon a late Essay concerning human understanding ; with a reply to the remarks made upon them by the Athenian Society. date: 1699.0 words: 62673 flesch: 66 summary: from a right Notion and Understanding of Things , from Contempt of the World , from a due Consciousness of our own Powers and Capacities , and from the more than ordinary Aspirings of the Soul to God , who alone is able to satisfie her . And this depends upon the Nature of Things , as well as upon the Order of God : For a righteous Frame of Spirit not only gives us Admission to the Supreme Good , but also disposes us for the Enjoyment of it ; without which , all the other Materials of Happiness would signifie nothing . keywords: author; christian; desire; general; god; good; happiness; heart; ideas; law; life; lord; love; man; men; mercy; mind; nature; order; pag; peace; principles; reason; righteousness; saviour; sect; self; sense; sin; soul; spirit; state; thing; tho; time; vertue; way; world cache: A52427.xml plain text: A52427.txt item: #152 of 267 id: A52705 author: Booth, Mary, 17th cent. title: Milk for babes: and meat for strong men A feast of fat things; wine well refined on the lees. O come young men and maidens, old men and babes, and drink abundantly of the streams that run from the fountain, that you may feel a well-spring of living water in yourselves, springing up to eternal life; that as he lives (even Christ Jesus) from whence all the springs do come, so you may live also, and partake of his glory that is ascended at the right hand of the Father, far above principalities and powers. Being the breathings of the Spirit through his servant James Naylor, written by him in the time of the confinement of his outward man in prison, but not published till now. date: 1661.0 words: 14516 flesch: 8 summary: To him come down into the pit , who bears all things without complaining , that with him you may suffer , and with him you may obey , and in all things he may be with you , and you with him ; this is the Election , make him sure to your selves in life and death , so shall you be changed with him ; and though you go down into the lower parts of the Earth in the carnal body , he shall raise you spiritual ; though sown weak , yet raised in Power ; if you rise not but with him , as he raises you ; if you cast not off the Yoak , nor flye the Cross , nor heal your own wound ; though your wound be mortal , yet the cure is immortal ; though you go down in shame and reproach , yet raised in glory , and covered with immortal honour , and eternal life , with power and strength to fulfil the will of God , and the answer of a good Conscience ; through this Baptism and Resurraction you shall attain , and so become one Spirit with him that dwells in the light , in death , in sufferings , in patience , in faith and in obedience , which otherwise no mortal man can approach to , there being that to be fulfilled which the Light requires , which the first man born hath not in power , so by that Law ( his life he must lose ) which hath power over the Transgressor as long as he lives , and joined to Christ cannot be till to that Law he be dead ; So the first which is earthly the Law kills because of sin , and want of obedience , but he that is born again is of the Spirit , and lives because of righteousness and obedience , so the boaster is excluded , being concluded under sin ▪ that the mercy may arise in the meek principle over all , to fulfil all . THis being an Invitation of Love and Life ( learned Counsel indeed ) from him that hath been tryed in the deeps , a follower of the Lamb in many Tribulations , where-ever he went , who was baptized into his death by the Holy Ghost , and by Fire ; made like unto him through sufferings , who is the Captain of our Salvation ; cloathed upon with his Virtues and Graces , throughly furnished unto every good and perfect work : For he had the mind of God , and the Secrets of the Almighty did abide upon his Tabernacle ; and he prophesied of this day which is now come , and what shall be hereafter , whiEh is not convenient to be uttered ; but the day will declare and make all things manifest ; For he that doeth business in great waters , seeth the wonders of the Lord , and declareth of the working of his mighty Power , who wrought mightily in him ; he brake the Bonds , and cut the Cords assunder , and led him by the hand of his Power through the Fire and the Water , and set his feet in a plain path , and brought him forth in the midst of his Enemies , and stood at his right hand that he could not be moved ; yea before the faces of them that had persecuted his righteous Soul , and had said his God had forsaken him , and cast him off for ever ; but the Lord did never leave him or forsake him , although Satan had power to winnow him as wheat ; yet his precious life was hid with God , and the evil one could not touch it ; and the Tryal came not upon him for his own sins onely , nor the sins of others ; but it was to try some , that all Flesh may be silent , and that none should glory in his presence , who setteth up , and casteth down , who kills and makes alive , according to the good pleasure of his own will ; and who shall say , Why dost thou thus ? keywords: earth; end; faith; god; hath; life; light; love; mind; power; spirit; things; way; work cache: A52705.xml plain text: A52705.txt item: #153 of 267 id: A52885 author: Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. title: A rich treasure at an easie rate: or, The ready way to true content A short and pleasant discourse manifestly shewing how inconsistent riches is with piety usually, and how opposite poverty is often. Together with the happy agrement and conjunction of honest labour, real godliness, and soul-content. By N. D. date: 1678.0 words: 9860 flesch: 66 summary: 2. The Neighbourhood of Riches and Godliness , and their falling out . But Riches grew every day more high and stately and then more strange and sowre ; at last so insolent and outragiously wicked , as was not by Godliness to be indured , yet must he not be told of it neither . keywords: chap; content; godliness; good; house; labour; man; poverty; riches; servants; tcp; text; way; world cache: A52885.xml plain text: A52885.txt item: #154 of 267 id: A53273 author: Oakes, Urian, 1631-1681. title: A seasonable discourse wherein sincerity & delight in the service of God is earnestly pressed upon professors of religion delivered on a publick fast at Cambridge in New-England, by the reverend and learned Urian Oakes, late pastor of the church there, and president of Harvard Colledge. date: 1682.0 words: 15805 flesch: 68 summary: Thirdly , Labour we then to call upon God and worship Him in truth : To tender such homage and service to Him as He will graciously accept as such . Prosessors then are said to be weary of God , when they are weary of subjection , service and obedience unto God. keywords: glory; god; gods; gods service; good; hath; lord; love; men; obedience; people; service; spirit; things; thou; way; weariness; worship cache: A53273.xml plain text: A53273.txt item: #155 of 267 id: A53689 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: Eshcol: a cluster of the fruit of Canaan; brought to the borders, for the encouragement of the saints, travelling thither-ward, with their faces towards Syon. Or, Rules of direction, for the walking of the saints in fellowship, according to the order of the Gospel. Collected and explained for the use of the Church at Coggeshall, by John Owen their pastor. date: 1648.0 words: 15959 flesch: 76 summary: Experience shewes us , that not many great , not many wise , not many mighty after the flesh , are partakers of the heavenly calling ; not that the Gospel of Christ doth any way oppose , or sever ; those many differences and distinctions among the sons of men , caused by power , authority , relation , enjoyment of earthly blessings , gifts , age , or any other emminency whatsoever , according to the institution and appointment of God , with all that respect , reverence , duty , obedience , and subjection due unto persons in those distinctions ; much lesse , pull up the ancient bounds of proprietie , and interest in earthly things ; but only declares , that in things purely spirituall , these outward things , which for the most part , happen alike unto all , are of no value or esteem ; men in the Church are considered as Saints , and not as great , or rich ; all are equall , all are naked before God . THe former Rule concerned our dealing with God , in the behalf of the Church ; This our dealing with men , to the right performance hereof many things are required ; as 1. Diligent labouring in the Word , with fervent prayer , to acquaint our selves with the mind and will of God , concerning the way of worship which we profess , and the rules of walking , which we desire to practise , that so we may be able to give an account to humble enquirers , and stop the mouths of stubborn opposers ; according to our knowledge , such will be our valuation of the ordinances we enjoy : a man will not contend unless he knows his title . keywords: brethren; christ; church; cor; god; good; gospel; hath; lord; love; man; men; rule; saints; things; ver; vers cache: A53689.xml plain text: A53689.txt item: #156 of 267 id: A53715 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: Of the mortification of sin in believers: the 1. Necessity, 2. Nature, and 3. Means of it. With a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto belonging. By John Owen, D.D. a servant of Jesus Christ in the work of the Gospel. date: 1668.0 words: 44874 flesch: 71 summary: 2. Sin doth not onely still abide in us , but is still acting , still labouring to bring forth the deeds of the Flesh ; When sin lets us alone , we may let Sin alone : But as Sin is never less quiet , than when it seems to be most quiet ; and its waters are for the most part deep , when they are still ; so ought our contrivances against it to be ; vigorous at all times , in all conditions , even where there is least suspition . Now this cannot be done without the daily Mortifying of sin : Sin sets its strength against every Act of Holiness , and against every degree we grow to . keywords: believers; christ; condition; doth; duty; faith; flesh; god; good; grace; hath; heart; life; lust; man; means; men; mortification; peace; power; self; sin; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; wayes; work; ● ● cache: A53715.xml plain text: A53715.txt item: #157 of 267 id: A53926 author: Peck, Samuel. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Sir Henry Johnson, Kt. who was interr'd in the chappel at Popler, November the 19th. 1683 / by Samuel Peck ... date: 1684.0 words: 7578 flesch: 68 summary: For did men firmly believe , and frequently consider , That for all these things God will bring them to judgment ; and that an unalterable Weal or Wo will follow upon it , according as their works shall be ; it must needs excite them ( unless they are hardned to destruction ) to a Religious life , a Godly conversation ; yea , it would make them serve the Lord , and work out their salvation with fear and trembling . But let us spend them upon better Objects , upon a better Inheritance , a more durable and lasting Estate than this World can afford us ; seeking to make him our Portion , who will be a living Comfort in a dying Hour , the ever Blessed and Glorious God ; spend more Strength and Time in his Service : Let us have our conversation in heaven , here , as the Apostle exhorts ; that we may obtain an Assurance our Habitation shall be there , when we go hence , as the Apostle tells us he had , saying — We know that if this earthly house of our tabernacle were dissolved , we have a building of God , an house not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . Which Words are both an Illustration and Confirmation of the reason which our Apostle gives his Corinthians , why he did so couragiously and valiantly labour in the Work of the Ministry , notwithstanding the many Difficulties and dangers , the continual Trouble and Opposition he met withal on every side , for commending himself to every mans conscience in the sight of God. keywords: body; building; death; god; good; house; life; man; tabernacle; text; world cache: A53926.xml plain text: A53926.txt item: #158 of 267 id: A54060 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: Some queries concerning the order and government of the church of Christ date: 1663.0 words: 6216 flesch: 62 summary: And in coming back from this wisdom to the pure Wisdom , from the pretended measure of life to the true Measure , and becoming tender , meek , cool and still in it , they shall there feel their error from the Spirit and Power of the Lord , and therein own their Condemnation therefor from him , and also justifie them who have abode in the Power , and been guided by the Spirit and pure Measure of Life , which is from God and in God , while they have departed from it . Whether the Body and common Members of the Churches , were not to hearken to these ( He that knoweth God , heareth us , 1 Joh. 4. 6. ) to obey them in the Lord , to submit to this Ministry , and their work in it , in the Lord , to receive the Word of Truth and holy Exhortations and Admonitions milked out by these to them from the Breast of Life ? And were not they that did hearken and obey , commended ? and were not the other that were not subjected , but slighted them and their Ministry and Authority , testified against as disorderly and unruly ? keywords: god; hath; life; lord; measure; power; spirit; truth cache: A54060.xml plain text: A54060.txt item: #159 of 267 id: A54063 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: Some questions and answers for the opening of the eyes of the Jews natural that they may see the hope of Israel which hath so long been hid from them : with some questions and answers for the direction, comfort, help and furtherance of God's spiritual Israel in their travels in spirit from spiritual Egypt through the spiritual wilderness to spiritual Canaan ... / by Isaac Penington, the younger. date: 1661.0 words: 19665 flesch: 69 summary: Thus hath it been with that Nation according to the letter ; & thus it hath also been and is still inwardly in Spirit , as the Israel of God , the Jews in Spirit ( who are Learned in the Law of the Spirit of Life ) can very well read . Now he that would travel safely in Spirit unto the Land of Life , let him wait to have these things following , written by the Finger of God in his heart , and the sence and Impression thereof preserved fresh in him . keywords: answ; darkness; god; good; heart; life; light; lord; man; power; quest; soul; spirit; state; vertue cache: A54063.xml plain text: A54063.txt item: #160 of 267 id: A54069 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: To all such as complain that they want power, not applying themselves to yeild [sic] subjection to what of God is made manifest in them, upon a pretence of waiting for power so to do date: 1661.0 words: 8487 flesch: 61 summary: [sic] subjection to what of God is made manifest in them, upon a pretence of waiting for power so to do Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. [sic] subjection to what of God is made manifest in them, upon a pretence of waiting for power so to do Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. keywords: appearance; god; heart; life; light; man; power; spirit; thou; way cache: A54069.xml plain text: A54069.txt item: #161 of 267 id: A54070 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: To friends in England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, New-England, Barbado's, or any where else where the Lord God shall order this to come, in the tender spirit of life and love, greeting date: 1666.0 words: 5069 flesch: 54 summary: Dear Friends , the Lord give you a true sence , that in his Light , Life , Wisdom and Presence ye may justifie what is of him , discerning between things that differ , and not call any thing that is evil ( as the tenderness which is out of him is ) good , nor any thing that is good ( as the judgment and severity which is of him is ) evil , but may rightly distinguish between the nature of things , knowing every thing that is of God , and owning it in its place . Now , that the Enemy would endeavour to entangle the minds of the Redeemed , and to draw them back from the Lord , and his pure measure of Life in the heart , towards Perdition again , that is not to be questioned , it being his Nature and Property so to do ; and that he would use , not only his strength , but also all his subtilty & deceiveableness to affect this ( his aim being at the Church and Redeemed of God , more then at the World ) appearing as an Angel of Light , in motions like Light , in wayes like Life , this is not to be doubted neither ; for how else could he gain upon that , whose eye is towards , and whose aim is after the Lord ? keywords: enemy; god; hath; life; lord; spirit; thee cache: A54070.xml plain text: A54070.txt item: #162 of 267 id: A54092 author: Mason, John, 1646?-1694. title: Penitential cries, in thirty--two hymns Begun by the author of the Songs of praise and Midnight cry; and carried on by another hand. Licensed Sept. 12th. 1693. date: 1696.0 words: 8880 flesch: 91 summary: III. God made his World , and brought me in , And I brought mine , my World of Sin ; Behold those sins not as a Spy , To mark , or as a Judge , to try . I. AH Lord , ah Lord , what have I done ? What will become of me ? What shall I say , what shall I do ? Or whither shall I flee ? keywords: god; grace; iii; lord; love; sinners; sins; soul; thee; thou; thy cache: A54092.xml plain text: A54092.txt item: #163 of 267 id: A54159 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: Just measures in an epistle of peace & love to such professors of truth as are under any dissatisfaction about the present order practis'd in the church of Christ / by a lover of the truth and them, G.P. date: 1692.0 words: 4862 flesch: 55 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Just measures in an epistle of peace & love to such professors of truth as are under any dissatisfaction about the present order practis'd in the church of Christ / by a lover of the truth and them, G.P. Penn, William, 1644-1718. 1692 Approx. keywords: church; love; men; order; society; tcp; truth; women cache: A54159.xml plain text: A54159.txt item: #164 of 267 id: A54178 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: No cross, no crown, or, Several sober reasons against hat-honour, titular-respects, you to a single person, with the apparel and recreations of the times being inconsistant with Scripture, reason, and practice, as well of the best heathens, as the holy men and women of all generations, and consequently fantastick, impertinent and sinfull : with sixty eight testimonies of the most famous persons of both former and latter ages for further confirmation : in defence of the poor despised Quakers, against the practice and objections of their adversaries / by W. Penn ... date: 1669.0 words: 45427 flesch: 67 summary: READER , whether thou art a Night-walking Nicodomus , or a scoffing Scribe , one that would visit the Messiah but in the dark Customs of the World , that thou might'st pass as undiscern'd , for fear of bearing his reproachfull Cross ; or else a Favourite to Hamans pride , and counts these Testimonies but a foolish singularity ; to Thee hath Divine Love enjoyn'd me to be a Messenger of his Truth , and a faithfull Witness against the Pride and Flatteries of this degenerated World , in which the spirit of Vanity , Lu●● , and all sorts of impiety hath got to so great an head , and lived so long uncontrolled , that it hath impudence enough to tearm its Darkness , Light , and call its accursed Off-spring by the Names due to an other Nature , the more easily to deceive : And truly , so very blind , and insensible are most , of what spirit they are , and ignorant of , the meek and Self-denying Life of holy Jesus , ( whose Name they prefess ) that to call each other Rabbi or Master ; to bow , to greet with flattering Titles , and do their Fellow-Creatures Homage ; to spend time and estate to gratifie their wanton minds ; [ the Customs of the Gentiles that knew not God ] with them signifie no more then Civility , good Breeding , Decency , Recreation , Accomplishments , &c. O that men would consider , since there are but two Spirits , ( good or evil , that acts them to all things ) which really of them it is that doth encline the World to these men-pleasing Customs ? The very practise of familiar greeting , with shew of respect to each others persons , was so severely reprehended by the Lord Jesus Christ , that he makes it a mark of the Apostacy and wickedness of that Age , of so great shew of Profession ; for he gives it in charge to his Disciples , that they should beware of those that love salutations , and to be called Rabbi , or Master of men ; a mark of honour in those times , &c. for he that is greatest among you shall be your Servant , says he to his Followers : and call no man Master , for one is your Master ; and James as expresly enjoyns the same ; My Brethren , Be not many Masters , knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation ; by which it is apparent , that the true Disciples of Christ were not to assume Lordship , nor Superiority , as was the Custom of the Heathens ; but that they should know a religious community , and live as Servants to each others necessities , acknowledging but one God , one Lord , one Law-giver , and but one Master , even Jesus Christ , who is God over all : neither hath it been used among many Nations to give great Titles , or call Magistrates by other names then what they ever had ; as particularly amongst the Romans , namely , Brutus , Valerius , Cato , Marcellus , Scipio , Pompius , Cicero , &c. keywords: apparel; christ; christians; conversation; end; god; good; hath; holy; honour; jesus; life; like; lord; love; lust; man; mat; men; minds; nay; people; persons; pleasures; pride; reason; recreations; rom; self; spirit; things; thou; time; use; vain; vanities; vanity; way; women; world cache: A54178.xml plain text: A54178.txt item: #165 of 267 id: A54264 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. Address to Protestants. title: A seasonable paper presented to the consideration of all that profess Christianity ... / J.P. date: 1679.0 words: 1872 flesch: 70 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: christ; eebo; tcp; text cache: A54264.xml plain text: A54264.txt item: #166 of 267 id: A54501 author: Peters, Hugh, 1598-1660. title: A dying fathers last legacy to an onely child, or, Mr. Hugh Peter's advice to his daughter written by his own hand, during his late imprisonment in the Tower of London, and given her a little before his death. date: 1660.0 words: 17693 flesch: 70 summary: The cure in general , even for Peter , who ( by it ) denied his Master , is this , That whoever fears to sin , never sins by fear ; and more particularly , The absence of some good you desire , or the coming on of some evil , draws out this fear : Therefore make much of this Rule ; Be ever possest of some good , that may answer the taking away of what you may lose , which is the presence and favour of God in Christ : To the Impartial READER BE not Discouraged from reading this small Treatise , because of the unhappy End of a wearisom pilgrimage , which the Author met with in this world ; If we get a Fall in a journey , or meet with a great showre of rain so it be in the close of the day , when we are near our Inn , where we meet with accommodation and refreshment , we are the less troubled ; Yet such was his Care ( who for many years was very Instrumental in the Church of God , and a means of bringing many Souls to Christ ; and for the Good of others , came into this Kingdom when it was in a flame of Civil War , which hath signed him also , that he might escape everlasting flames ) in this Discourse he bewails the vanity of his own Spirit ; And we will not Exause him : he finds himself too busie in Aliena Republica , and we will not justifie him ; keywords: child; christ; day; dear; god; good; grace; great; hath; heart; life; like; lord; love; self; sin; soul; spirit; time; work; world cache: A54501.xml plain text: A54501.txt item: #167 of 267 id: A54840 author: Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. title: An effectual prescription against the anguish of all diseases and against all other afflictions to which the nature of man is subject. Penn'd, and publish'd, and approv'd, from the author's experience of it: but more especially from the experience of very many much greater and better men, the latchet of whose shoes he is not worthy to untie. date: 1691.0 words: 7086 flesch: 72 summary: Lastly , he who can say with Christ Himself in sincerity , when as brim-full of pain as his heart can hold , Father , not my Will , but thy will be done ; he who thus is enabled not only to embrace , but to choose the Will of God , and even then whenit crosseth His , he , I may say in some sence , is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Mortal God , ( as the old Pythagoreans were wont to phrase it , ) that is a meer Man , with the Image and Superscription of God upon him ; a Man in God's Likeness , wherein his first Parents were first created . 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 always , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in every thing , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , without cessation , or interruption ; Thanks be to God for his unspeakable Gift . keywords: christ; god; ioy; lord; man; paul; rejoyce; rejoycing; text cache: A54840.xml plain text: A54840.txt item: #168 of 267 id: A54857 author: Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. title: The signal diagnostick whereby we are to judge of our own affections : and as well of our present, as future state, or, The love of Christ planted upon the very same turf, on which it once had been supplanted by the extreme love of sin : being the substance of several sermons, deliver'd at several times and places, and now at last met together to make up the treatise which ensues / by Tho. Pierce. date: 1670.0 words: 59360 flesch: 78 summary: But if we are any whit acquainted with what it is to be in love , if we have any kind jealousies , any Pantings , and yernings , and gaspings of soul , after Him who is the Bridegroom of all our Souls ; we cannot choose but take it tenderly , that the sincerity of our Love should once be question'd . 7. 'T is true indeed if we consider , that in Him is all goodness , and that goodness is Beauty in its Perfection , and that Beauty is not the Common , but the more proper object of Love , ( as Colours are of sight , and Sounds of hearing , ) And that Beauty in its Perfection is Loves last object and resort , the very Center wherein it rests , and wherein when it rests , it cannot possibly go astray , ( all extravagance of desire being quite lost into Fruition , ) and by consequence that there is nothing more natural to a Christian , than to place his whole Love upon Jesus Christ ; if ( I say ) we consider such things as these , it may be matter of some Amazement , how a true member of Christ can make a shift not to love him , and not to love him for Himself too . keywords: christ; christians; commandments; cor; disciples; duty; end; god; good; grace; hath; heart; iesus; john; keeping; kind; law; life; like; lord; love; means; obedience; paul; reason; saith; saviour; sect; self; selves; sin; text; things; thou; want; way; words; world cache: A54857.xml plain text: A54857.txt item: #169 of 267 id: A55005 author: Palmer, Herbert, 1601-1647. title: Memorials of godliness & Christianity in three parts : with a brief account of the authors life / by Herbert Palmer. date: 1670.0 words: 16776 flesch: 72 summary: 1. THe glorious and dreadfull Majesty of God , with whom at all times we have to do , who is a consuming fire , and therefore his service and obedience to him is not to be slighted , but to be performed with watchfulness , reverence and godly fear . 9. As the mainest Rule of wisdom , in the ordering of time this day , to the best advantage , bethink thy self over-night , or in the morning early ( or both ) what the present frame and temper of thy mind is , and what thou wantest , that thou maiest study for a remedy to supply , and watch what God will speak to thee in his Word , or by his Minister about it , that day . keywords: christ; day; desire; god; gods; good; grace; heart; life; men; religion; self; sin; soul; thee; thing; thou; thy; time cache: A55005.xml plain text: A55005.txt item: #170 of 267 id: A56582 author: Jenner, Thomas, fl. 1631-1656. title: The path of life and the way that leadeth down to the chambers of death, or, The steps to hell and the steps to heaven in which all men may see their ways, how far they have gone downwards to destruction, that they may make hast to recover themselves, least by taking the next step downwards to their everlasting misery they be not necessitated to take the 7, 8, and 9, and then there be no remedy ... : set forth in copper prints that by the outward and visible we may the easier see that which is inward and invisible. date: 1656.0 words: 14206 flesch: 26 summary: surely this , that when the Lord asks the soul in what plight it is , the conscience steps out and answers , Lord it is well with me , it was as ill as it could be , but now it s as well as can be , thou hast changed all in a moment , for in stead of war I have peace : This is the first step to all other benefits , no peace , no joy , no liberty , no adoption , nothing at all , it s the first ripe fruit of the Paradice of God , equalling the fruit of the tree of life , dost thou look upon a believer , thou seest a precious object , a son of peace , he carries that within his bosome which cost the Son of God his heart blood which far exceeds all Gold and Pearls , for which he hath peace within , he is at league with all fears , and in the suburbs of all prosperity , he hath peace with every stone of his field , and may visit his habitation wit joy , his life , health , wife , children ; so that they say , away base companions , ye have fought long enough in my m●mbers , Iames 4.1 . and wasted my peace , I will not buy you at so dear a rate , as sorrow and repentance , nor forfeit my peace for all the fruit I have got by you , which is shame and death ; that peace of God that passeth understanding shall so rule me that I 'le renounce you all before I 'le loose one dram of my peace ; bring me such peace as Christ hath brought me by forgivenes , and then I will say somewhat to you , but ●ill then farewel for ever : Nay , yet more , this peace followeth them in afflictions ; when the Lord se●ms to have a controversie with them , ●nd to write bitter things against them , in their married estate , children , name , health , calling , succ●sses in their Ministers , neighbours and best friends ; for this world is full of time-servers , even then they have peace to stand by them , and as Isaiah●aith , Chap : 27. The effect of this union , inhabiting , and indwelling of the spirit in that soul which is become one with himselfe that so it may injoy communio● and f●llowship with him in that Intercourse of all graces , protection , upholding , and rule as seem best to himselfe ; so that now God in Christ by the spirit is that to the so●l which before her lusts were all in all , Lord and K●ng , light and defence , Heaven and happinesse , as we see that the owner dwells in his house , the King in his Kingdome , and the soul in the body , both for the welfare of the posessed and the honour of the posessor , the same house of the soul , the same seat which was before is still , but new rule and law , much adoe there is between Christ and old usurping inmates , lust , world , selfelove , pride , and revenge , yet the soule gives that presidency to her Lord and resignes up keys & posessions to him , she is under his authority , she swayes here by this kingdome set up in her , defends his house from all thieves and intruders , he makes laws and wrights them in their hearts , so that as the wife is the glasse of her husbands purposes , will , and affections answering him as the face doth the face in water , so doth the Church answer Christs ruling her , not withstanding her disquieting with old tirany of corruption in the world , whatsoever influence , power , or authority , any had , either civill , matrimoniall , or of family , can bear over their body or the soul over the naturall body , that may be said of this Lord , who is Father of all the families of his Church , Husband of his Spouse , Lord of his subjects , the soul of his body , to act , direct , defend , provide for , and be all in all to her , till he bring her to glory , as a principle union causeth communion , so doth he communicate himself , all his wisdome , humblenesse , holinesse , experience , to her , imparts himself to her as her needs are , in her streigts he is her redemption , in her fears peace by justification , in her complaint of corruption her sanctification , to mortifie her , renew her , and so of the rest ; this is to make her an habitation to himself by the spirit , not now and then to come stranger like , or upon pleasure , as to a banquet house for a day , but to walk in the midst of her to chase away all distempers , and to allow her to walk before him in and out as his own , receiving honour from her as the brightnesse of his image , and affording to her protection for his own glory . keywords: christ; death; doth; faith; father; god; gods; grace; hath; heart; heaven; life; lord; man; peace; sin; son; soul; spirit; thou; union; ● ● cache: A56582.xml plain text: A56582.txt item: #171 of 267 id: A57248 author: Richardson, Samuel, fl. 1643-1658. title: The saints desire, or, A cordiall for a fainting soule declaring that in Christs righteousnesse onely ... there is life, happiness, peace ... also the happy estate of a man in Christ ... / by Samuel Richardson. date: 1647.0 words: 83492 flesch: 87 summary: Christ lives in our hearts by faith , by it wee obey God : faith makes Christs yoke easie and sweet ; the fruition of God is all the soule can desire ; faith helps the soule to this , it puts the soule into possession of heaven while the body is on earth ; by it we view the glory of heaven , to know its worth , to enjoy the purchaser and purchase it selfe , by faith we know our selves to be happie , even then when to a carnall eye we seeme most miserable ; by faith we can part with the sweetest outward comforts , and welcome death , because wee know we leave the worst place and things , and goe to better ; they that live by faith , live upon God himselfe , and are feasted in our Lord Jesus banquetting house , where there is all the desirable dainties , and enough . Who shall separate us from the love of Christ ? Shall tribulation , or distresse , or persecution , or famine , or nakednesse , or perill , or sword ? I am perswaded that neither death , nor life , nor Angels , nor principalities , nor powers , nor things present , nor things to come , nor height , nor depth , nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God , which is in Christ Jesus our Lord , Rom. 8. 35. 38 , 39. keywords: beleeve; christ; come; cor; doe; faith; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; heart; heb; isa; joh; life; lord; love; man; mat; men; mercy; psal; rom; selfe; sin; sinne; soule; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; wee; word; yee cache: A57248.xml plain text: A57248.txt item: #172 of 267 id: A57346 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The cursed family; or, A short tract, shewing the pernicious influence of wicked prayer-less houses, upon this church and kingdom Humbly tender'd by way of subserviency to His Majesties Royal Proclamations, and Acts of Parliament, for preventing and punishing immorality and prophaness. By THomas Risley Master of Arts, and sometime fellow of Pembrook-Colledge in Oxford. With a prefatory epistle by the reverend Mr. John Howe. date: 1700.0 words: 19857 flesch: 72 summary: O what a sad thing is it to see strong sins in feeble Age , Sins in the Meridian when Life is Setting ? What a deplorable thing is it , That Gospel-time ( the most precious time in the World ) should have ever have suffered so Great a Loss by thee , and , Thou so great a Punishment : When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angles , in flameing fire takeing Vengeance on them that know not God , and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ , who shall he punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord , and from the glory of his power , 2 Thes. The wages of sin is Death , but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord , i. e. Of sin Indefinitely taken , any sort of sin , every sin , unrepented of . Quest. keywords: children; christian; church; curse; day; eternity; families; family; god; gods; good; hath; houses; life; lord; man; men; parents; persons; punishment; religion; sin; sins; things; thou; thy; time; world cache: A57346.xml plain text: A57346.txt item: #173 of 267 id: A57656 author: Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. title: Medicus medicatus, or, The physicians religion cured by a lenitive or gentle potion with some animadversions upon Sir Kenelme Digbie's observations on Religio medici / by Alexander Ross. date: 1645.0 words: 23629 flesch: 69 summary: And how specious soever their lives and actions were in the eyes of men , yet without Christ ●hey were nothing else but splendida pecca●a , glorious enormities : onely in this I can ●lace them , that it will be easier for them , as it will be for Sodome and Gomorrha , for ●yre and Sidon ) in the last day , then for ●ewes and Christians , who have knowne ●heir Masters will , and have not done it : ●ewer stripes remaine for Socrates a Hea●hen , then for Iulian a Christian. ] Affections , saith Aristotle , are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in that unreasonable part of the soul● or rather , of the whole compositum ; for th● soule hath no parts : and though whilst i● the body it receiveth , by meanes of its immediate union with the spirits , some impressions , which we call affections ; yet , being separated , is free from such , and carrie● nothing with it , but the reasonableand inorganicall faculties of the Intellect and Will And , to speak properly , affections are motions of the heart , stirred up by the knowledge and apprehension of the object , goo● or bad ; the one by prosecution , the othe● by avoiding : so that where the heart i● not , nor the externall senses to conveig● the object to the phantasie , nor the animal● spirits to carry the species of the object from the phantasie to the heart , there ca● be no affection ; but such is the estate of ●he soule separated ; it hath no commerce 〈◊〉 all with the body , or bodily affections . keywords: angels; bodies; body; cause; christ; church; creation; doe; doth; fire; forme; god; gods; good; grace; hath; hee; know; knowledge; light; love; man; matter; men; nature; owne; place; reason; sect; selfe; sir; soule; spirits; text; things; water; wee; world; ● ● cache: A57656.xml plain text: A57656.txt item: #174 of 267 id: A58125 author: Rawlet, John, 1642-1686. title: The Christian monitor containing an earnest exhortation to an holy life, with some directions in order thereto : written in a plain and easie style, for all sorts of people. date: 1686.0 words: 23170 flesch: 71 summary: Since then the ever-blessed Jesus the Son of God came down from Heaven , became a Man , and dyed a most painful death upon the Cross , that he might save us from sin and misery , shall we not accept of him as our Lord and Saviour , who comes to deliver us from the power of the Devil and our own Lusts , to make us the Children of God and heirs of Glory , which is a thousand times greater deliverance than that of the Israelites from the Aegyptian bondage . Whether then will you be Christ's freemen or the Devil's bondslaves ? Whether will you walk in the good ways of God , that bring peace and comfort here on Earth , and eternal glory in Heaven : or in the crooked paths of sin , which now bring sorrow and shame and pain , and hereafter will plunge you into eternal misery and torment in Hell ? keywords: christ; god; good; grace; holy; life; lord; love; man; men; people; reason; self; selves; sin; sins; souls; world cache: A58125.xml plain text: A58125.txt item: #175 of 267 id: A58838 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: The life of God in the soul of man, or, The nature and excellency of the Christian religion with the method of attaining the happiness it proposes : and An account of the beginnings and advances of a spiritual life : in two letters written to persons of honour. date: 1677.0 words: 27157 flesch: 41 summary: And then let us never look upon any Sin as light and inconsiderable ; but be fully perswaded , that the smallest is infinitely heynous in the sight of God , and prejudicial to the Souls of Men ; and that if we had the right sense of things , we would be deeply affected with the least Irregularities , than now we are with the greatest Crimes . The Love of God is a delightful and affectionate sence of the Divine perfections , which makes the Soul resign and sacrifice it self wholly unto him , desiring above all things to please him , and delighting in nothing so much as in fellowship and communion with him , and being ready to do or suffer any thing for his sake , or at his pleasure : though this affection may have its first rise from the Favours and Mercies of God toward our selves , yet doth it in its growth and progress transcend such particular considerations , and ground it self on his infinite goodness manifested in all the Works of Creation and Providence . keywords: affection; divine; doth; god; good; goodness; hath; holy; life; love; man; men; nature; person; religion; self; selves; sense; soul; spirit; things; thoughts; world cache: A58838.xml plain text: A58838.txt item: #176 of 267 id: A58946 author: Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? title: A seasonable treatise for this age occasioned by a letter written by one Mr. Woolsey prisoner in Norwich, to the then-exiled Church at Amsterdam; in which he endeavours to prove it unlawful to eat blood, things strangled, and things offered to idols, now in the times of the Gospel. Which letter is by the consent of the said Church answered; the grounds and reasons therein, examined and refuted; and the contrary thereunto proved from scripture: by Francis Johnson pastor Henry Ainsworth teacher Daniel Studley Stanshal Mercer elders of the same church. Written long since, but never published till now. date: 1657.0 words: 8889 flesch: 74 summary: Many in these days are troubled about the eating of blood , things strangled , and things offered to idols : wherein I doubt not , through the blessing of God , if this Treatise be read with a single eye , here will appear many reasons deduced from Scripture , satisfactory to any doubting soul in that particular , who owns the Scripture , comparing spiritual things with spiritual , according to the advice of the holy Ghost , To the law and to the testament , wherein is revealed the whole counsel of God : The Doctrine which in your Letter you would maintain for the truth of God , wherein you are obedient unto him ( you say ) as all others must be , that truly fear his Name , is , That you will not willingly eat blood , nor things strangled , nor things offered to Idols . keywords: blood; christ; church; cor; day; god; law; lord; paul; things; verse cache: A58946.xml plain text: A58946.txt item: #177 of 267 id: A59231 author: N. N. title: The method to arrive at satisfaction in religion. date: 1671.0 words: 5503 flesch: 55 summary: As for the following Discourse , I only say , that I could heartily wish Learned Writers of what Judgement soever , would think fit to take the same short concluding Method , and go about to settle some other Ground or Rule of Faith ; and thence , by shewing who adhere to , who reject that Rule , conclude evidently who are truly Faithful , who not . Wherefore , he who sincerely aims at Satisfaction in Religion ought first of all to find out and establish some assured Means or Rule by which he may be secured , which is true Faith ; For , till this be done , He cannot be secure either of Scripture , Church , Council , or Father ; but having once done this , is in a ready way to judge certainly of all ; Whereas if he begin with any of the other , orindeed argue from them at all , till the Rule of Faith be first settled , he takes a wrong Method , and breaks the Laws of Discourse , by beginning with what is less certain , and indeed to him as yet uncertain ; and in effect , puts the Conclusion before the Premises ; unless he argue , Ad Hominem , or against the personal Tenets of his Adversary , which is a good way to Confute , but not to Satisfie . keywords: books; church; faith; nature; rule; scripture; text; tradition cache: A59231.xml plain text: A59231.txt item: #178 of 267 id: A59548 author: Sharp, John, 1645-1714. title: The duty and happiness of doing good two sermons : the former, preached at the Yorkshire feast, in Bow-Church, Feb. 17, 1679 : the other, before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, at the Spittle, Apr. 14, 1680 / by John Sharpe ... date: 1680.0 words: 19871 flesch: 62 summary: Let us so order our devotions towards God , that they may be a means of promoting our worldly business and affairs , and doing good among men . If God hath blessed us with worldly goods , let us distribute them as we see occasion in our life time , when every one may see we do it voluntarily ; and not stay till we must be forced to part with them whether we will or no , for that will blast the credit of our good deeds both with God and man. keywords: charity; doth; god; good; hath; life; love; man; men; publick; saith; selves; text; things; way; works; world cache: A59548.xml plain text: A59548.txt item: #179 of 267 id: A59576 author: Sharp, John, 1645-1714. title: The things that make for peace delivered in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, upon the 23 of August, 1674 / by John Sharpe ... date: 1674.0 words: 10069 flesch: 56 summary: Now then it being thus evident , that every Christian as a Christian is a Member of that Body of Christ which we call the Church : there will be little need of taking pains to prove , that every such person is obliged to joyn in External Communion with the Church where he can do so : for the very nature of this Church-membership doth imply it . The third Proposition is , That the being a Member of any Church doth oblige a man to submit to all the Laws and Constitutions of that Church . keywords: christians; church; communion; doth; god; hath; men; peace; religion; text; things; truth cache: A59576.xml plain text: A59576.txt item: #180 of 267 id: A59622 author: Sheffield, John, fl. 1643-1647. title: The rising sun, or, The sun of righteousnesse shining upon the sons of unrighteousnesse a theological sun-dyal wherein is to be seen the rising, motion, influence and manifold operations of Christ upon the soul ... as also the description of the true believer ... as also the highest degrees and full growth and grace are here delineated ... / by John Sheffeild [sic] date: 1654.0 words: 82767 flesch: 81 summary: luci●●nterna . 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 COeli enarrant Domine Iesu , Coeli Coelorum enarrant Gloriam tuam , omnisque eorum exercitus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 illa celeberrima Corona , et 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tot veluti Aquilae Solem spectan●es , tot Parelii Solem circumstantes , tot denique 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Vultu solem versus ●ixo , ●emplū & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , à tergo relin●uentes , Lunā , Solemque ipsū , & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sub pe●ibus conculcantes , te Solem Iustitiae indesi●enter ●anunt , spectant , circumstant , adorant . keywords: angels; bee; bloud; body; chap; christ; christian; church; cor; creatures; darknesse; day; dayes; death; doth; earth; evil; eye; eyes; face; faith; father; fear; fire; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; growth; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hell; holy; house; influence; isaiah; job; john; joy; life; light; like; look; lord; love; luke; man; matth; men; mercy; moon; morning; nature; new; non; peace; people; person; poor; power; present; promise; psal; repentance; righteousness; saints; salvation; self; set; sin; sins; son; soul; spirit; stars; strength; sun; suns; thee; things; thou; thy; times; use; water; way; wicked; wil; wings; work; world; yea; ● ● cache: A59622.xml plain text: A59622.txt item: #181 of 267 id: A59657 author: Adderley, William. title: Certain select cases resolved specially tending to the right ordering of the heart, that we may comfortably walk with God in our general and particular callings / by Thomas Shephard ... date: 1650.0 words: 15778 flesch: 64 summary: The souls aptnes●e to go to God immediately in holy duties , without taking Christ Jesus by the hand . ( and many more , that collaterally issue from their sides ) are judicio●sly resolved with much perspicuity and b●●vity in these few sheets , by the onely judge of all C●ntroversies , the two edged sword of the Spirit , the Word of God . keywords: christ; covenant; father; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; jesus; lord; man; promise; selfe; spirit; thoughts; time cache: A59657.xml plain text: A59657.txt item: #182 of 267 id: A59692 author: Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1649. title: Subjection to Christ in all his ordinances and appointments the best means to preserve our liberty : together with a treatise of ineffectual hearing the word ... : with some remarkable passages of His life / by Thomas Shepard ... date: 1657.0 words: 54124 flesch: 77 summary: 1. Every one professing his name is made for God , for Christ , as Lord of Lords , unto whom every knee must bow , and inwardly subject . saith David ; I have kept the wayes of the Lord , and have not wickedly departed from my God : and though it hath had many quarrellings against the truth of God , yet now it hath not , nor dares not , but sayes , Lord , teach me ; the Lord gives them hearts to lye down at the feet of any man that shall shew them any thing that is amisse in them , and they say with David , Lord , search me , and try me : I have many crooked wayes , and therefore , good Lord , find them out , and therefore come to the Lord for that end ; and though there be something in them that is desperately contrary to the good wil of God , yet there is an inward man that does delight in the law of God , and when the Lord is pleased to give them an heart to submit to the will of God ; keywords: bondage; christ; church; day; doth; god; gods; good; government; hath; heart; kingdome; law; liberty; life; lord; lord jesus; love; man; means; men; ordinances; peace; people; power; sin; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; time; word; ● ● cache: A59692.xml plain text: A59692.txt item: #183 of 267 id: A60374 author: Slingsby, Henry, Sir, 1602-1658. title: A father's legacy. Sir Henry Slingsbey's instructions to his sonnes. Written a little before his death date: 1658.0 words: 9124 flesch: 63 summary: I have been known to sundry Holds ; yet I found my infranchized mind , when I was most estranged from enjoyment of liberty , to be the freest enjoyer of it self . Textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. keywords: care; death; earth; father; good; hold; hope; life; love; self; sir; tender; text; time; world cache: A60374.xml plain text: A60374.txt item: #184 of 267 id: A60655 author: Smith, William, d. 1673. title: A spiritual prospective glass Through which the rulers and people of England, may plainly see those things which concerns their peace. Being a manifestation from the Spirit of God, in love to all people. By one that desires the prosperity of truth, and the peace of the nation. W.Smith. date: 1670.0 words: 8649 flesch: 12 summary: W. S. A Spiritual Prospective Glass , &c. IT is not to be questioned but the Rulers and people of England do acknowledge and confess that Christ Jesus is their Redeemer and Saviour , & that they are Christians through the Faith they have in his death and Resurrection , and therefore to be hoped that the ensuing matter may meet with better respect and entertainment in Relation to Christ an practice , for Christian practice is always an acceptable thing to a Christian Nature and life , because nature is delighted in that which is in agreement with it , and the first being stated as a thing not questioned , the latter may be more fully opened and presented for the harmony will not break where the matter is substantial in its ground and nature , for whatsoever breaketh harmony doth alter the course of Nature by malignity , for Christianity is concurrent in all passages without any malignity in it self to let or hinder , and in this Harmony the Lord God hath his glory , and where it is not so , it is but Christianity professed which wanteth the substantial ground and nature of a Christian Life , and the Title of a spiritual Prospective Glass comprehends the whole matter by allusion for most people know that it is the property of a visible Prospective Glass to discover visible things plainly , which otherwise are obscure and not to be clearly discerned , and by that means many comes to be satisfied concerning a thing by beholding it so fully as to know what it is even so must all people come to know and be satisfied concerning spiritual things , by beholding them in the Light and Spirit of God , for spiritual things are spiritually discerned , and the Light and Spirit of God doth discover spiritual things as they are in nature and Life , and in that discovery there is no deceiveableness by any false presentation or object , but a true discovery of the substance of spiritual things by which the Soul hath great benefit and comfort , and with this blessed Light and Spirit Abraham see Christs day and rejoyced , and with the same light and spirit Moses see to the beginning , and rehearsed the mighty works of God in the beginning and he see Christ the great Prophet who was to be Raised up like unto him , and commanded that he in all things should be heard , and so ●●ses see the beginning and the ending in the light and spirit of God , and all the Prophets and holy men of God , see the Heavenly and spiritual things in the same light and spirit of God , and John see the Lamb of God , and said behold him , and some beheld his glory as the Glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth , and so in the light and spirit of God all the Holy men of God discerned spiritual things , and then they did not look at things that were temporall , but at things that were eternal , and this were a true presentation or object which did not deceive the beholders , and by believing in it according to the dispensation of God they came to witness Salvation and Eternal life , and so people must come to the light and spirit of God in themselves if they would see spiritual things , for flesh and blood doth not reveal spiritual things , and they that expect to see spiritual things in that nature they deceive themselves , and this hath been in ages past , and is at this day the ground of error concerning spiritual things , for what man can see spiritual things with a natural eye , there is no testimony given by the holy men of God , that they see the things of God with flesh and blood or a natural eye , but said , The natural Man receives not the things of the spirit of God , because they are spiritually discerned , and no Man knows the things of God but the spirit of God , and here the natural man is to stop and stand still and be quiet , he cannot see spiritual things , nor receive spiritual things , nor judge of spiritual things and so not fit to meddle with such weighty concernments , for seeing by Scripture testimony that no man knows the things of God but by the spirit of God , then all that would know the things of God are to mind the spirit of God in themselves , and as the spirit is minded & obeyed , it teacheth and instructeth in the things of God which it knoweth , and so the things of God are revealed by his spirit and taught by his spirit , and they that receive the Spirit they know the things of God in it , and here is the spiritual mind in which is life and peace , and he that hath a spiritual mind is a spiritual man , and that man is fit to judge of spiritual things , because he sees them in the spirit , and knows them in the spirit , and therefore able to give sound judgement which the natural man cannot do , for the natural man runs into error by believing in false objects , which darkness presenteth to his view , and as he receives it into his beliefs so he holds it in his judgement and opinion as if it was the truth , for error is a mistaking of things as to the truth that is in them , and that was the Sadduces condition concerning the Resurrection , and Christ said unto them , ye do err not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God , for if they had known the Scriptures and the ●ower of God , they would 〈◊〉 understood the truth of the 〈◊〉 , and not erred in 〈◊〉 judgement and opinion , for it was their judgement that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 no Resurrection , and that 〈◊〉 their Error or mistake , 〈◊〉 Christ opened the truth unto them , saying , God is not the God of the dead but of the living , so truth is not to be concluded as to what men hold in their judgement and opinion , seeing Christ reproved it 〈◊〉 error in the 〈◊〉 , but that which is revealed in 〈◊〉 and spirit of God , may be safely concluded to be the 〈◊〉 which is no error , for he that is the light and truth did see the Saddu●●● error in what they held in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and opinion concerning the Resurrection , and 〈◊〉 [ mark ] the Lord owns his people that he will spare those that fear him , and keeps his Ordinance , or Observation , and thinks upon his name , they are now his people that he spareth though men spoil them , his Jewels , or special treasures that he maketh up , who are born of the seed that he blesseth for ever , and these are Gods chosen Inheritance that are under his blessing , and he blesseth those that blesseth them , and curseth those that curseth them , for this was his promise to his seed , saying , I will bless them that bless thte , and curse them that curse thee , and in thee shall all Nations of the earth be blessed , and here you may see through the Spiritual prospective glass , who are the Lords people & inheritance which he spareth and blesseth , & if you spoil his people whom he spareth do you not highly offend him , and if you curse by excommunication his inherance whom he blesseth do you not highly provoke him , therefore take heed what ye do in making the Lords people and inheritance to be offendors by your law , and so proceeed against them as Offendors to Spoil them and Curse them , it concerns you to be serious and not to sport with such things , but mind what you desire of the Lord in your own words and perform it on your own parts , and do not spoil his people and curse his inheritance any more , for they are spared and blessed of God , and he will not hold such guiltless as spoileth and curseth those whom he spareth and blesseth , for do ye not absolutely fight against God when ye entreat them evil , and are not such enemies unto God that fight against him , and did ever any fight against God and prosper , surely you generally forget Gamalliels councel , and it would do well if some amongst you would offer it in your great assembly to put you in mind of it , or it may be hoped that all are not like minded in wilful purposes to injure the innocent , and it was a noble spirit in Gamalliel that moved him to stand up in the Councell when they were purposing to slay the Apostles , and there to give his advice to stop the lury of the purposers , & to him they agreed , and so it was seasonable advice which prevented the execution of such a cruel design , and will Christians condemn Gamalliel for betng a friend to the Apostles , when the Jews agreed to him , and by their agreement did manifest that they were not so wilful in their purpose but that a sound and weighty judgment might prevail with them to alter their purpose , and so by experience it is found better for Rulers to let things alone that concerns Faith and Religion for if any thing be of man it will come to naught of it self without laws to suppress it , and if it be of God there is no law of men can destroy the thing though the bodies and estates of such as have faith in it may be exposed to great sufferings for it , and no God men will disapprove of Gamalliels counsel who stood in a good consideration of the matter , and not willing that a wilful purpose should be judge in such a weighty concernment , and will you say the Councel did not do well in agreeing to Gamalliel ? I hope not , and if you conclude they did well then do you agree to him now in your great assembly for if they who at that time did not believe in Christ nor the Apostles doctrine were so easily intreated to let the Apostles alone and not to slay them as was purposed by them , then how much more should such as profess a belief in Christ and the Apostles doctrine be perswaded and intreated to let those alone that now beleive in Christ , and live in the Apostles spirit , life , and Doctrine , ( this reaches the witness of God in you all if you will but bow your ear to the councel of it , for the wisdom from above is pure and peaceable and gentle and easie to be intreated , full of mercy and good fruits , without partiality ( or according to the greek , without wronging ) and without hyppocrisie , Jat . keywords: christ; god; good; light; lord; nation; peace; people; spirit; things cache: A60655.xml plain text: A60655.txt item: #185 of 267 id: A61390 author: Steele, Richard, 1629-1692. title: A discourse concerning old-age tending to the instruction, caution and comfort of aged persons / by Richard Steele ... date: 1688.0 words: 73097 flesch: 76 summary: And some of the Heathens did foolishly charge Nature with Envy and Cruelty towards Man , in causing so noble a creature to tarry so short a time in the world , and to grow old as soon as he begins to grow ripe ; And Others as wisely concluded , that Men were sent into this world only for their Punishment , for crimes committed in others Bodies before . It is clear , that there are divers Periods in the life of Man , which are like so many Stages in the Race which is set before us . keywords: age; aged; body; case; children; christ; comfort; day; death; doth; dye; end; est; evil; experience; faith; fear; god; gods; good; grace; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; holy; honour; house; knowledge; let; life; live; lord; love; man; means; men; mind; nature; non; page; patience; people; persons; place; present; psal; read; reason; respect; sect; self; selves; set; short; sin; sins; soul; spirit; strength; things; thou; thy; time; use; want; way; wisdom; work; world; years; youth cache: A61390.xml plain text: A61390.txt item: #186 of 267 id: A61396 author: Steele, Richard, 1629-1692. title: A plain discourse upon uprightness shewing the properties and priviledges of an upright man / by Richard Steele ... date: 1672.0 words: 39351 flesch: 81 summary: Surely where the Mind is sound , and the Heart sincere in the Main , grains of allowance should be granted for some Errors of the understanding and Failings in the Conversation ; lest we deal with others , as we would be loath to be dealt with , either by God or Men. 1. From Allegations of Satan . 168 2. From the Censures of men . keywords: christ; conscience; day; doth; fear; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; holy; hypocrite; integrity; life; lord; love; man; men; plain; psal; religion; sect; self; shew; sin; soul; thee; thing; thou; thy; truth; upright; uprightness; way; word cache: A61396.xml plain text: A61396.txt item: #187 of 267 id: A61531 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: Christian magnanimity a sermon preached in the cathedral church at Worcester at the time of the assizes, September 21. 1690 / by ... Edward, Lord Bishop of Worcester. date: 1690.0 words: 8926 flesch: 70 summary: If I could once see the Spirit of Love and a sound time prevail among us ; If men would be contented to Sacrifice their Humours and Piques to the Publick Interest ; in short , if there were any hopes Men would be Wise and Good , there were then a great Foundation for hope , that all things would be settled among us , so as to continue for succeeding Generations . For , what Comfort could he hope for among them , who were turned away from S. Paul ? Such a Defection as this must needs bring great dishonour to Religion , as well as dissatisfaction to him . ( 2. ) He observed a busie sort of Seducers , who were crept in among them ; who were crafty , restless and designing Men ; such as could not compass their own ends without taking upon them a pretence of Zeal for Religion . keywords: god; good; love; magnanimity; man; men; mind; spirit; things; world cache: A61531.xml plain text: A61531.txt item: #188 of 267 id: A61867 author: Sanderson, Robert, 1587-1663. title: Five cases of conscience occasionally determined by a late learned hand. date: 1666.0 words: 19239 flesch: 39 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: act; case; doth; end; god; good; hath; law; life; man; men; person; power; promise; right; scandal; self; service; thing; time; vow; warr cache: A61867.xml plain text: A61867.txt item: #189 of 267 id: A62084 author: Sikes, George. title: The book of nature translated and epitomiz'd. By George Sikes. date: 1667.0 words: 26368 flesch: 73 summary: This then is a good argument ; man can sin , therefore there is a God ; and this also ; Man can do and deserve well , therefore there is a God , who is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him . THere are four generall degrees of creatures , by which as four distinct rounds in the ladder of created nature , man may ascend to the right knowledg of himself and of God. keywords: angels; body; creatures; evil; god; good; honour; inferiour; joy; know; life; love; man; men; nature; powers; self; things; works; world cache: A62084.xml plain text: A62084.txt item: #190 of 267 id: A64184 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: Misselanies, or, Fifty years gathering out of sundry authors in prose and verse being the studious readings, painful collections, and some of them are the composings of the writer and publisher heerof / John Taylor. date: 1652.0 words: 9356 flesch: 68 summary: When the Devill had taken all Job's earthly goods , insomuch that to the appearance of men , he had nothing left him but extream poverty , Botches and Scabs ; some may suppose that the Devill was kind in leaving him his Wife , but the subtile Serpent had a further aime then to leave Job's Wife to be a helper or comfort unto him , he saw that all that had been done to his body , or children , or estate , could not make him impatient to blaspheam , and he knew that the Law was that the Blaspheamer was to be stoned to death ; therefore he left his Wife to vex him , and to tempt him to curse God and die , whereby he had not only lost his life by the Law , but also hazzarded his soule to the Devill for his impatiency and blasphemy . In Naturall reason wee may perceive Conscience to be a binding Law , for when a man is about to put in practise any wicked act , eyther of prophanenesse against God , or abuse towards men , presently Conscience forbids it , and commands him to remember that God sees his thoughts and actions , and to have that just precept in his minde , Whatsoever thou wouldst that men should doe unto thee , doe thou the same unto them ; for Conscience is a Law wherein no excuse is to bee admitted , no evasion or illusion , no bribe , cloke , cover or dispensation can make this Evidence mute , for it will declare the Truth , and the whole Truth , without the abatement of a tittle . keywords: bee; christ; church; conscience; doe; doth; father; god; gods; good; hath; hee; law; life; man; men; people; text; world; ● ● cache: A64184.xml plain text: A64184.txt item: #191 of 267 id: A64251 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. title: Peter his repentance shewing, among other things, these two points for edification I. what weakenes remaines in Gods owne children, especially in times of triall and danger, and to, what little cause they have to trust their hearts, or be confident of themselves, but get to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. II. what is the power of Gods grace and covenant, for renewing His children by repentance, and so, what encouragement they have to return after every fall, and goe on in their course of watchfulnesse, humiliation, prayer, and magnifying of Jesus Christ / by Dr. Thomas Taylor. date: 1653.0 words: 51553 flesch: 76 summary: I shall be this night smitten with reproach , ignomy , and the sharpest sword of God and men , even to the death ; and now whereas soundnesse of Faith would make you cleave unto me in life and death , you shall forsake me ; some of you shall deny and forsweare me , and all flye from me , and be scattered every one his way , as if you were deceived and deluded in me ; yea , every one of you shall shift for his owne safety , and fall both from me , and one from another , as Sheepe are dispersed and scattered , when the Shepherd is slaine and taken from them . 3. Pride is a rocke against which grace makes Shipwrack ; walke therefore humbly before God ; for , when pride commeth then commeth shame , Prov. 11. 2. and where pride is , there is folly and ignorance of a mans selfe , and his owne estate ; so our proverbe calleth him a proud foole , &c. 1. David professeth his heart was not haughty , but as a child , Psal. 131. 1. keywords: againe; christ; company; disciples; doe; evill; faith; fall; feare; god; godly; gods; goe; good; grace; hath; heart; himselfe; life; lord; love; man; master; men; night; note; owne; peter; psal; repentance; shepherd; sin; sinne; spirit; strength; temptation; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vse; way; wicked; word cache: A64251.xml plain text: A64251.txt item: #192 of 267 id: A64253 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. title: A treatise of contentment leading a Christian with much patience through all afflicted conditions by sundry rules of heavenly wisedome : whereunto is annexed first, A treatise of the improvement of time, secondly, The holy warre, in a visitation sermon / by T.T. date: 1641.0 words: 41170 flesch: 78 summary: I w●sh to your Worship all the comforts and mercies of God in Christ , both in life and death ; and therunto at this time I commend to your reading this little Treatise of Contentment : resting ever , Your Worships much obliged , W. JEMMAT . But if once God and his grace take up our hearts , that by Faith and Hope we can sat●ate our soules in his goodnesse , wee shall no more want ea●thly vanities , then wee can want a Candle when the Sun sh●neth . keywords: afflictions; bee; body; calling; children; christ; christian; contentment; day; death; doe; end; evill; faith; glory; god; godlinesse; godly; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; life; like; lord; love; man; non; owne; peace; psal; rich; sinne; soule; thee; things; thou; thy; time; want; wee; world; ● ● cache: A64253.xml plain text: A64253.txt item: #193 of 267 id: A64262 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. title: A testimony for the Lord, the good shepherd against all the false shepherds and hirelings of the world and more especially, or particularly those of that sort in the nation of England / by Thomas Taylor. date: 1675.0 words: 6276 flesch: 72 summary: And if you still continue in your vain Thoughts , thinking to please God with such a Life , wherein you are daily doing what you ought not to do , and leaving undone what God commands you , and never come out of that wretched and miserably defiled State ; but think a customary Confession of Sins , without forsaking of them , is a Worship worthy the pure God , who is of purer Eyes then to behold Iniquity ; I say , if these Thoughts and this Heart continue in you , the Lord will cast you off , and will utterly for sake you , and bring his fore Plagues upon you ; and you shall know in that Day that God will not be mocked , but will be sanctified and exalted in his Judgments over all his Enemies , especially over such as you , who take his Name daily in your Mouthes in vain , saying , Lord , Lord , and living in a continual Breach of his most holy Commandments , and who instead of waiting for his holy Spirit , to kindle a pure heavenly Zeal in you towards G●d and Christ , do offer the false Fire of your own blind Zeal , as Nadab and Abihu did , whom God in his Jealousie consumed with a grievous Destruction . And now to you the Magistrates and Powers who rule in this Nation of England , Lend not your Power , much less give it to this dead Image ; uphold not this Ministry , which cannot profit you nor the People at all , lest God plead with you in his Wrath for your Abuse of it ; for though they may perswade you that Christ is not against them , yet such as God hath redeemed from amongst them , know them to be no Ministers of Christ , but Hirelings , who have run without Christ's sending ; and so not going Christ's Message , they cannot be content with Christ's Maintenance , but cry unto you , O Magistrates , help , help , the People will not pay us their Tythes , and the like , lend us your Laws , your Prisons , &c. O Rulers , Consider , consider what Teachers these are , who instead of compelling People to Love , and contribute to them by the Power of the Word , are glad to run to the Worldly Magistrates Sword ; Is not God against them that are thus against him ? O leave them , leave them to try and prove themselves to the Peoples Con●cien●e , to be true Ministers by a free and powerful Ministry of the Word , not of Man , but of God , unto them , or never own them , for Christ's ancient and true Ministers had freely received , and therefore could freely give ; and did plant bef●re they eat and fed the Flock before they had the Milk thereof ; but these bay their Words , and therefore sell them like Merchants of Babylon ; They eat the Fat , and clothe with the Wool , and k●ll them that are fed , as the Prophet speaks ; but God's Flock they feed not , but pers●cute them , calling them Hereticks , and all that 's naught , as the old Jews , who persecuted Christ and his Followers , did ; But after the way that they call Heresie , so worship we the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , believing his living Word which perfects us to himself , & the Scriptures which testifie thereof ; Glory to his Name forever . keywords: christ; god; kingdom; lord; people; rev; text; world cache: A64262.xml plain text: A64262.txt item: #194 of 267 id: A64263 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. title: A testimony to the true and spiritual worship and a word of consolation to the children of light : also a message of truth to professors / by Tho. Taylor. date: 1670.0 words: 8831 flesch: 47 summary: So prize your time , O all ye Strangers to the Life of God , and make supplication to your Judge , the Light Christ Jesus , that Lights every man that comes into the World ; for this is the condemnation , that Light is come Into the World , and men loved , and do love their evil deeds , and hate the Light ; for every evil Doer hates the Light , saith Christ , yea , it is so , whatsoever the Hypocrite , the Evil-Doer with his mouth may say to the contrary . These words are faithful and true , and the Israel of God , who are risen with Christ , know them ; and in the Birth Immortal , being passed from Death to Life , do set to their Seal , That God is a Faithful Performer of his Promises this Day : For Life and Immortality is brought to Light through the Gospel , which is the Power of God to Salvation , in all that believe in God , and know his Christ in them , who is the D E A T H of Death , and Destruction of Sin , and Life Eternal to enjoy ; Glory to his Name forever : And against this Living Faith and Quickning Power the Gates of Hell shall never be able to prevail . keywords: christ; day; god; hath; holy; life; light; lord; man; people; sin; truth cache: A64263.xml plain text: A64263.txt item: #195 of 267 id: A64360 author: Tenison, Thomas, 1636-1715. title: His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Reverend Dr. Batteley Archdeacon of that diœcese, to be communicated to the clergy of his archdeaconry date: 1699.0 words: 2687 flesch: 54 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. But in some Parts that are more remote , all of them may not so well understand either the Arts or the Industry of these Enemies of Religion : And therefore I thought it a Duty incumbent on the Station wherein Providence has placed me , to desire of you , to warn the Clergy of your Archdeaconry , of these attempts against Religion and Virtue ; and to excite them to a Diligence proportionable to the Danger ; and to suggest to them such Methods as are most likely to work a General Reformation . keywords: clergy; eebo; good; religion; tcp; text cache: A64360.xml plain text: A64360.txt item: #196 of 267 id: A64529 author: Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name. title: The Christians pattern, or A divine treatise of the imitation of Christ. Written originally in Latin, by Thomas of Kempis, above 200. years since. Faithfully Englished. And printed in a large character for the benefit of the aged date: 1695.0 words: 63053 flesch: 77 summary: Of the sayings and doings of others judg nothing rashly : neither do thou entangle thy self with things not commited unto thee : and doing thus , thou shalt be little or seldom troubled . When it is morning , think thou mayest die before night , and when evening comes , dare not to promise thy self the next morning . keywords: chap; christ; comfort; desire; doth; glory; god; good; grace; hast; hath; heart; holy; jesus; let; life; lord; lord god; love; man; men; mind; peace; self; soul; thee; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thy; world cache: A64529.xml plain text: A64529.txt item: #197 of 267 id: A64670 author: Ussher, James, 1581-1656. title: The principles of Christian religion sumarily sett dovvne according to the word of God: together with a breife epittomie of the bodie of divinitie. By James Usher Bishop of Armaugh. date: 1645.0 words: 11719 flesch: 89 summary: Wh●t followed upon this sinne ? Ans. the losse of the Image of God , and the corruption of nature in man called Originall sinne . Ans. The Word of God contained in the Scriptures . keywords: ans; cap; christ; eph; gal; god; gods; heb; ioh; life; man; mat; rom; things; tim cache: A64670.xml plain text: A64670.txt item: #198 of 267 id: A64977 author: Vincent, Thomas, 1634-1678. title: The best gift, or God's call upon young men for their hearts Delivered in a sermon to young men. By Thomas Vincent, minister sometime of Maudlins Milkstreet, London. date: 1672.0 words: 9415 flesch: 59 summary: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and all thy soul , and all thy mind : this is the first and great commandment . Some of you have nothing of your own , which you can give unto men , without wronging your Masters , or your Parents ; but all of you have hearts of your own , which you may give to God , and which you cannot keep from him , without wronging him , and wronging your selves too . keywords: doth; god; hath; hearts; lord; love; loveliness; men; right; things; world cache: A64977.xml plain text: A64977.txt item: #199 of 267 id: A65276 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: Autarkeia, or, The art of divine contentment by Thomas Watson. date: 1654.0 words: 48105 flesch: 82 summary: What though I am despised , yet God loves me ? What though my friends cast me off , yet God loves me ; he loves 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , to the end , and there is no end of that love . What if sicknesse , poverty , reproach , Law-suits , &c. doe unite , and muster their forces against us ? All shall work 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , for good ; our maladies shall be our medicines : and shal we repine at that which shall undoubtedly doe us good ? Unto the upright there ariseth light in darknesse * . keywords: affliction; apology; argument; away; bee; chap; childe; children; christian; come; comfort; condition; contentation; contentment; crosse; discontent; doe; doth; estate; faith; friend; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; holy; honour; life; lord; love; man; nature; prayer; reason; religion; reply; rule; sect; sinne; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; trouble; use; want; water; wee; work; world cache: A65276.xml plain text: A65276.txt item: #200 of 267 id: A65287 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: The Christian's charter shewing the priviledges of a believer by Thomas Watson. date: 1654.0 words: 53379 flesch: 85 summary: By faith we have an interest in Christ ; having an interest in Christ , we have an interest in God ; having an interest in God , we have a title to all things . CHAP. Nothing can so melt the heart of a sinner , as the love of God , and the blood of Christ. keywords: angels; answ; believer; blood; bodies; body; chap; childe; christ; christian; comfort; conscience; death; doth; faith; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; inheritance; joy; life; lord; love; man; men; mercy; new; present; priviledge; saints; set; shall; sinne; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; use; work; world cache: A65287.xml plain text: A65287.txt item: #201 of 267 id: A65292 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: A divine cordial, or, The transcendent priviledge of those that love God and are savingly called published by Thomas Watson ... date: 1663.0 words: 44881 flesch: 86 summary: Ans Im. † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 est decre●um Dei ▪ a aeterno sanctum , ex mera ipsius non s●ruta●da sed adoranda vol●●tate . This dejection in the Godly , ariseth from a double Spring ; either because their inward comforts are darkned , or their outward comforts are disturbed : To cure both which troubles , I have put forth this ensuing Piece , hoping by the blessing of God , it will buoy up their disponding hearts , and make them look with a more pleasant as●ect ; I would prescribe them to take now & then a little of this Cordial . keywords: affliction; angels; body; calling; chap; child; christ; christian; death; doth; father; fear; fruit; glory; god; god doth; godly; gods; good; grace; hath; head; heart; heaven; holy; life; light; lord; love; man; men; mercy; people; prayer; psal; saints; saith; self; set; sin; sins; soul; spirit; sun; temptation; thee; things; thou; thy; wicked; work; world; ● ● cache: A65292.xml plain text: A65292.txt item: #202 of 267 id: A65293 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: The doctrine of repentance, useful for these times by Tho. Watson ... date: 1668.0 words: 40291 flesch: 86 summary: 2. This sorrow is to drive out sin : Sin breeds sorrow , and sorrow kills sin : Holy sorrow is the Ruberb to purge out the ill humours of the soul. Adam never blushed in the time of Innocency ; while he kept the whiteness of the Lilly , he had not the blushing of the Rose ; but when he had defloured his soul by sin , then he was ashamed : Sin hath tainted our blood , we are guilty of High-treason against the Crown of Heaven . keywords: act; blood; christ; confession; conscience; day; death; devil; doth; est; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hell; holy; ier; isa; life; light; lord; love; man; men; mercy; non; penitent; person; psal; repentance; repenting; saith; satan; self; shame; sin; sinner; sins; sorrow; soul; spirit; tears; thee; thing; thou; thy; time; turn; turning; use; water; word; work cache: A65293.xml plain text: A65293.txt item: #203 of 267 id: A65303 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: The mischief of sinne it brings a person low / published by Thomas Watson ... date: 1671.0 words: 18478 flesch: 87 summary: 4. Sin must needs bring a person low , because sin is the only thing God hath an antipathy against . Sin conjures up all the winds ; * all the crosses which befall us , all the storms in conscience , sin raiseth them . keywords: affliction; christ; day; death; devil; doth; est; fear; fire; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hell; iniquity; isa; lord; love; low; man; men; people; person; pride; psal; saith; sin; sinner; sins; soul; text; thee; thou; wicked; world cache: A65303.xml plain text: A65303.txt item: #204 of 267 id: A65610 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The redemption of time, or, A sermon containing very good remedies for them that have mis-spent their time shewing how they should redeem it comfortably / by William Whately ... ; now published for general good by Richard Baxter. date: 1673.0 words: 24193 flesch: 62 summary: Christians are not of their mind , because it is a mercy even under pain to have time of preparation for another world , and because we may serve God in Patience and Heavenly desires and Hope , when we cannot serve him by an active life : But Christians and Heathens will proclaim those persons , to be the shame of Nature , who wilfully make thems●lves unprofitable , and live in their hea●●h a● if they were d●s●bled by sickness ; and are condemned by their se●suality to a prison , or a grave : Suppose then both Ladies and Gentlewomen of the same rank : The one riseth as early as is consistent with her health ; with thoughts of thankfulness and love , her heart a●so awaketh , and rise●h up to him that night and day preserveth her : she quickly dispatcheth the dressing of her body , as intending no more but serviceable warm●h , and modest decency : and then she betaketh her self to her closet , where she poureth out her soul in confession , supplication , thanksgiving and praise to God , her Creator , Redeemer and Sanctifier : And as one that delighteth in the Law of the Lord , she reverently openeth the sacred Scriptures , and readeth over some part of it , with some approved Commenta●y at hand , in which she may see the sense of that , which of her self she could not understand : What is plain , she taketh in , digesteth ▪ and layeth up for practice : keywords: body; christ; day; doth; god; good; hath; heart; idle; life; lord; man; men; mind; ones; self; sin; sleep; soul; things; thou; time; use; words; work; world; ● ● cache: A65610.xml plain text: A65610.txt item: #205 of 267 id: A65659 author: Pearson, John, 1613-1686. title: A short treatise of the great worth and best kind of nobility Wherein, that of nature is highly commended, that of grace is justly preferred; the one from humane experience, the other upon divine evidence. / By Henry Whiston, rector of Balcomb in Sussex. date: 1661.0 words: 46806 flesch: 79 summary: Nor do we approve the practise of (u) Clisthenes , who called the men of his own Tribe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , that is , Rulers of the people ; but nicknamed other Tribes by the name of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Swineheards , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Assekeepers , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Hoggards , and the like . Curteous Reader , THat which the Poet looks upon as a sign of a coy and squeamish stomach , let me beg as a favour of thee , which is , that in the first place spectares 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , and that before thou takest notice of mine , thou wouldest correct the Printers error in page 44. keywords: act; birth; cap; children; christian; church; commend; cum; day; dead; death; doth; earth; epist; esse; est; father; flesh; gentlemen; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; honour; ibid; kinde; king; learning; lib; life; lord; love; man; matter; mean; men; mens; mother; nature; nec; nobility; non; ones; parents; people; persons; piety; place; plut; praise; princes; pro; psal; quae; quam; qui; quod; quàm; reason; religion; respect; rest; saith; sed; seed; self; set; sic; sit; sort; speak; spirit; stand; sunt; things; thou; thy; times; use; vel; vertue; vit; way; wisdom; words; work; world; worth; ● ● cache: A65659.xml plain text: A65659.txt item: #206 of 267 id: A65754 author: White, John, 1575-1648. title: The protestation of Iohn White Doctor in Divinitie which he caused to be written the day before his death, to the end the papists might vnderstand he departed out of this world, of the same opinion and iudgement he maintained both by preaching and writing whilest he liued. date: 1648.0 words: 1720 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A65754 of text R222301 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing W1785C). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A65754) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 37961) keywords: haue; selfe; text; white cache: A65754.xml plain text: A65754.txt item: #207 of 267 id: A65896 author: Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. title: The way of life and perfection livingly demonstrated in some serious animadversions or remarks and answers upon the book entituled The middle way of perfection, with indifferency between the orthodox and the Quaker, herein considered, and the naked truth as it is in Christ Jesus, opened in real love to the souls of men / by George Whitehead. date: 1676.0 words: 22679 flesch: 56 summary: But then I see no Cause why it should be said , that Pardon or Remission is not any Essential Part , or no Part of Justification , but the Effect , as in Page 4. Seeing that Pardon of Sin , together with our Fa●th and Repentance ( as the Condition ) goes both into Universal Justification , as before , though a Pardon of Sins past upon true Faith and Repentance be not alone the absolute Justification , but also a Perseverance in faithful Obedience to the Gospel is necessary to an absolute justified Estate , both being by the Grace of God , in and through Christ , wherein he looks upon the Creature that is truly humbled , with an Eye of Compassion in remitting of Sins past , and with his Fatherly Love and Goodness in preserving and keeping such in the Sense of his Goodness , which doth obliege to Faithfulness and Continuance in the Truth unto the End , so that in an absolute justified Estate , there is both an Experience of true Humility , living Faith , Sanctification and sincere Obedience , and the continuance of the same Though we do confess that such an Estate of Grace and Salvation , as to live without Sin , is not suddenly , or at the First Dayes Work attained unto , yet by Degrees every one that follows Christ through the Work of Regeneration , and so comes into an Estate of absolute Salvation , such come at length , yea in this World , to be delivered from all Sin , and to know that Christ's Saving Work effecteth a Salvation from Sin ; he throughly purgeth his Floor , as this Man also denyes not , but the END of Christ's Manifestation in the Flesh , was to redeem us from all Sin , to destroy the Works of the Devil , to restore us out of sin and unrighteousness , and present us to God as a Peculiar People Purified by Faith , Zealous of Good Works , Holy and without Blame , Entire , and wanting nothing , Perfect and Compleat in ALL the Will of God. keywords: animad; christ; covenant; doth; duty; faith; god; grace; hath; law; life; man; page; perfection; righteousness; sin; sins; spirit; state cache: A65896.xml plain text: A65896.txt item: #208 of 267 id: A66447 author: Williams, Roger, 1604?-1683. title: Experiments of spiritual life & health and their preservatives in which the weakest child of God may get assurance of his spiritual life and blessedness, and the strongest may finde proportionable discoveries of his Christian growth, and the means of it / by Roger Williams ... date: 1652.0 words: 23961 flesch: 67 summary: Argument of the true life of grace , ( though in much weaknes o●…sicknes , ) I observe to b●…an humble acknowledgment of , ●…nd a su●…mitting unto the cor●…cting and 〈◊〉 hand of God in sicknesses , crosses , losses , &c. Argument of the life of the inner man , ( though in much weaknes , o●…sicknes , is a true and unsained desire , to do that which it finds it cannot do , but falls short in doing or suffering the will of God : keywords: answer; christ; christ jesus; christian; david; desire; father; god; gods; gods children; gods people; grace; hath; health; heart; holy; hypocrites; jesus; life; lord; love; man; men; obj; people; sin; sins; soul; spirituall; strength; thy; true; world cache: A66447.xml plain text: A66447.txt item: #209 of 267 id: A66688 author: Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. title: Truth lifting up its head above scandals Wherein is declared what God Christ Father Son Holy Ghost Scriptures Gospel Prayer Ordinances of God are. By Gerrard Winstanly. date: 1649.0 words: 19958 flesch: 74 summary: He dwels in every creature , according to the nature and being of the creature but supreamely in man Therefore man i● called a Rationall creature , and the well-beloved son of the Father , because by hi● creation , he is to live in the light of Reason But when he acts unrighteously , he lives without Reason ; and so contrary to his creation as a man . That which you call meanes doth harden your hearts , and blind your eyes , i● shuts you out from sweet enjoyment ; tha● is , to run after men for teachings , I speak● not rashly , I speak what I know , and yo● shall finde before your soules taste of tru● peace , that whosoever takes those Scriptures ▪ and makes exposition upon them , from thei● imagination , and ●els you that is the wor● of God , and hath seen nothing : That they are the false Christs and false Prophets , an● their way of teaching is meer deceit both to your soules , and to your purses ; for now in this day of Christ which is begun , and which will have a greater appearance ere long in the great world ; Men must speak their own experienced words , and must not speake thoughts . keywords: ans; christ; creation; doe; doth; earth; father; flesh; forth; god; hath; man; men; power; reason; scriptures; spirit; words cache: A66688.xml plain text: A66688.txt item: #210 of 267 id: A66912 author: Friend. title: A wonderful instance of God's appearance for, and presence with his people in a day of suffering, or, A narrative of the most holy life, and triumphant death of Mr. Fulcran Rey who was put to death in France, for being a publick preacher / in a letter from a friend, to a Protestant refugie ; with allowance, June 2, 1688. date: 1688.0 words: 7932 flesch: 61 summary: I know not whether God will be satisfied with the desire I have to do his Will , without exposing me to Death . Monsieur the Intendant comes to make his last Attempts upon him ; he spoke to him alone , hoping that way to gain somewhat upon him ; but he found the same Spirit in him as others had done ; for the Spirit of God never forsook him : He exhorted him , he prayed him , he pressed him to change his Religion ; to that end he made use of all that the Horror of Death , and the Pleasure of Life , and all the Advantages of the World contain in them most taking with the Mind of Man ; but all this made no Impression on him : keywords: death; god; having; life; monsieur; place; religion; tcp; text; thing cache: A66912.xml plain text: A66912.txt item: #211 of 267 id: A67742 author: Younge, Richard. title: Carnal reason, or The wisdom of the flesh how foolish, deceitful, dangerous, reprobate and divilish; together with rectified reason, or the wisdom of the spirit, how divine, transcendent, safe, profitable and delightful: as also, how many was at first created; how he is now corrupted, and how he may be again restored: being three fundamental principles of Christian religion; which few do indeed know; and yet he who knows them not, cannot be saved. By Junius Florilegus. Licensed and entred according to order. date: 1669.0 words: 13069 flesch: 76 summary: Yea● let the Sodo●ites be strucken blind , for contesting with Lot and hi● two Angels yet they will not cease seeking his door to break it open , persist they wi●l , until they feel fire and br●●stone about their ears , G Though many , with the Spider , will de●oct what here is into poyson : ●●withstanding , many by loss of Conscience , are become Atheists ; ●●rs by loss of Reason , Beasts ; that not a few are so blockefied by ●●e custom of sin and wicked company , that they despise all means of be●●ing better ; will mock their Admonisher , and hate all that walk not after ●●●ir rule ; yea , they will make it a hainous crime and sh●ne , if others are as ●●●●strious to save souls , as they are to damn them . keywords: christ; dead; god; good; hath; hearts; hell; life; man; mat; men; reason; rom; satan; sin; souls; things; wisdom; word; yea; ● ● cache: A67742.xml plain text: A67742.txt item: #212 of 267 id: A67752 author: Younge, Richard. title: Good report from bad men, no mean disparagement together with A cordial for Christians, when they receive evil, for well doing, being an arrow drawn forth of that sententious quiver, intituled, A Christian library, or, A pleasant and plentifull paradise of practical divinity. date: 1660.0 words: 6152 flesch: 78 summary: And hence it is that the Holy Ghost calls upon us to rejoyce , and be exceeding glad , when men shall revile , and persecute , and say all manner of evill against us falsely for Christs sake : and tels us , we are blessed and happy , for that the spirit of glory , and of God does so much the more rest upon us , which on their parts is evill spoken of , but on our part is glorified , 1 Pet. 4.12 , 13 , 14. This to me ( whom you had never before seen ) seemed no less absurd then strange ; and having a darke heart , in stead of great love and thanks , I returned you a most churlish and uncivil answer , and accordingly when I met with my drunken consorts , I read it with no less scorn then ignorance ; but before I had done , it made me tremble ! nor could I rest , until I had perused the other three Books , which have so represented the very thoughts , secrets , and deceitfulness of my heart unto my conscience ; that I could not but say of them , as the woman of Samaria once spake of our Saviour ; They have told me all things that ever I did , John 4.29 . Which made me conclude with that Vnbeliever , 1 Cor. 14.24 , 25. That the hand of God was in the contriving of them ; Nor could they ever have so done , if they were not of God , as the young man in the Gospel , reasoned with the Pharisees touching Jesus , when he had opened his eyes , that had been blind from his birth , John 9.32 , 33. Which is such a mercy , that no tongue is able to express ! for till then , I went on in the broad way , and worlds road to destruction , without any mistrust . keywords: christ; evill; god; good; hath; john; men; sect; text; world; yea cache: A67752.xml plain text: A67752.txt item: #213 of 267 id: A67759 author: Younge, Richard. title: The impartial monitor: about following the fashions. Or The sweet fruit of sharp reprehension in a rare example, of one that (by another's pen) cured his wife of her costlinesse. Imprimatur, Edmund Calamie. Books (well chosen) are the best recreation, best company, best cheer, best cheap. date: 1656.0 words: 6390 flesch: 80 summary: For two causes ; one , the destruction of this woman ; another , because I ( quoth he ) who profess my self a Christian , do not so much studie to please God by innocencie of life , as this woman does to please the Divel and men with her vanities . Nothing procures love and credit , both with God and man , like humility ; nothing hatred and scorn , like pride . keywords: god; good; hath; lord; man; pride; prov; self; text; wife; yea cache: A67759.xml plain text: A67759.txt item: #214 of 267 id: A67760 author: Younge, Richard. title: An infallible vvay to farewell in our bodies, names, estates, precious souls, posterities : together with, mens great losse of happinesse, for not paying, the small quitrent of thankfulness : whereunto is added remaines of the P.A., a subject also of great concernment for such as would enjoy the blessed promises of this life, and of that ot come / by R. Younge ... date: None words: 62099 flesch: 72 summary: Besides , I have shewn you that as nothing so aliena●es a mans love , from his vertuous Consort , as his inordinate affection to a filthy strumpet : so nothing does so far separate ; and diminish a mans love to God , and heavenly things , as our inordinate affection to the world and earthly things . Yea let us assure our selves , that we cannot suffer ( in a wise and dis●reet manner ) empty our selves of these waters of Gods blessings , for the satisfying and quenching of the poore mans thirst , and relieving of his wants : but we shall again be replenished from the fountain of all goodness ; and if like kind Nurses , we let these deare Children of God suck the breasts of our bounty , for their comfort and nourishment : that which is thus spent will again be restored : whereas if we churlishly refuse to impart , and communicate this milk of Gods blessings , it is the readiest way to have it quite dried up . keywords: body; bounty; case; chap; children; christ; cor; day; death; earth; end; faith; father; giving; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; joy; king; let; life; lord; love; luke; man; men; mercy; prov; psal; reason; reward; riches; self; selves; soul; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; want; way; wealth; wil; works; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67760.xml plain text: A67760.txt item: #215 of 267 id: A67772 author: Younge, Richard. title: A serious and pathetical description of heaven and hell according to the pencil of the Holy Ghost, and the best expositors: sufficient (with the blessing of God) to make the worst of men hate sin, and love holiness. Being five chapters taken out of a book entituled, The whole duty of a Christian: composed by R. Younge, late of Roxwell in Essex, florilegus. date: 1677.0 words: 15472 flesch: 73 summary: For as St. Paul tells us , The heart of man is not able to conceive those joyes ; which being so , How should I be able to express them in words ? And yet though we cannot comprehend this glory , this far most excellent , exceeding , and eternal weight of transcendent glory ; yet may and ought we to admire the never enough to be admired bounty and goodness of God and our Redeemer , in crying out , O the depth , &c. O the sweetness of his love , how unsearchable are his thoughts , and intendments to man-ward ? ( once miserably forlorn , lost and undone ) and his ways past finding out , Rom. 11. 33. CHAP. But I may appeal to any mans conscience , that hath been softned with the unction of grace , and truly tasted the powers of the World to come ; To him that hath the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the holy Ghost ; in whose Soul the light of grace shines , whether his whole life be not a perpetual Hallelujah , in comparison of his natural condition ? keywords: fire; glory; god; hath; heaven; hell; joy; life; man; mat; men; sin; soul; thee; thou; thy; world; yea cache: A67772.xml plain text: A67772.txt item: #216 of 267 id: A67778 author: Younge, Richard. title: A sovereign antidote against all grief extracted out of the choisest authors, ancient and modern both holy and humane : necessary to be read of all that any way suffer tribulation / by R. Younge ... date: 1654.0 words: 54413 flesch: 69 summary: O God! we may not alwaies measure thy meaning by thy semblance ; sometimes what thou most intendest , thou shewest least●… In our afflictions thou turn'st thy back upon us , and hidest thy face from us , when thou most mindest our distresses . Use 2. 2 If the malice of our enemies , as it is husbanded to our thrist ( by a divine and supream providence ) doth make so much for our advantage and benefit here , and hereafter ; as namely , that it opens our eyes no less then peace and prosperity had formerly shut them ; that nothing doth so powerfully call home the conscience , as affliction ; and that we need no other art of memory for sin , besides misery ; It commonly we are at variance with God , when we are at pe●…ce with our enemies , and that it is both hard and happy , not to be the worse with liberty , as the sedentary life is most subject to diseases : if vigour of body , and infirmity of minde , do for the most part lodge under one roof , and that a wearish outside be a strong motive to mortification : if God , the All-wise Physician , knows this the fittest medicine for our souls sickness , and that we cannot otherwise be cured ; if our pride forceth God to do by us , as S●…rtorius did by his Army , who perceiving his Souldiers puft up through many Victories , and hearing them boast of their many Conquests , led them of purpose into the lap of their Enemies , to the end that stripes might learn them moderation . keywords: bee; children; christ; comfort; day; death; doth; end; enemies; fear; fire; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hee; holy; know; life; lord; love; man; mee; men; mercy; psal; saint; saith; satan; self; shall; sin; sins; son; soul; spirit; suffer; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; way; wee; work; world; yea cache: A67778.xml plain text: A67778.txt item: #217 of 267 id: A67779 author: Younge, Richard. title: A sovereign antidote, or, A precious mithridate for recovery of souls twice dead in sin, and buried in the grave of long custome, to the life of grace. With hopeful means (God blessing the same) to prevent that three-fold (and worse than Ægyptian) plague of the heart; drunkenness, swearing, and profaneness. Wherein is a sweet composition of severity and mercy: of indignation against sin, of compassion and commiseration to the sinner; with such Christian moderation, as may argue zeal without malice; and a desire to win souls, no will to gall them. By R. Younge of Roxwell in Essex. date: 1664.0 words: 21238 flesch: 76 summary: [ Death ] without once waking to bethink themselves whither they are a going [ to Heaven or Hell. ] Or Ignorant and Formal Hypocrites : who do as they see others do , without either conscience of sin , or guidance of reason : Who do what is morally good , more for fear of the Law , then for love of the Gospel : Who fear the Magistrate more then they fear God or the Devil ; regard more the blasts of mens breath , then the fire of Gods wrath ; will tremble more at the thought of a Bailiff , or a Prison , then of Satan , or Hell , and everlasting perdition : Who will say , they love God and Christ , yet hate all that any way resemble him ; are slint unto God , wax to Satan ; have their ears alwayes open to the Tempter , shut to their Maker and Redeemer ; will chuse rather to disobey God , then displease great Ones ; fear more the Worlds scorns , then His anger ; and rather than abridge themselves of their pleasure , will incur the displeasure of God : Who will do what God forbids , yet confidently hope to escape what He threatens : Who will do the Devils works onely , and yet look for Christs wages ; expect that Heaven will meet them at their last hour , when all their life long they have galloped in the beaten Road towards Hell : Who expect to have Christ their Redeemer and Advocate , vvhen their Consciences tell them , that they seldom remember him , but to blaspheme him ; and more often name him in their oaths and curses , than in their prayers : vvho vvill persecute honest and Orthodox Christians ; and say , they mean base and dissembling hypocrites : Who think they do God good service in killing his servant● , Joh. 16.2 . Surely , If I d●d swear , it was but by Faith and Troth , by our Lady , the Mass , the Light , this Bread , by the Cross of this Silver , or the like ; which is no great matter I hope , so long as I swore not by God , nor by my Saviour . keywords: christ; curse; drink; drunkards; evil; god; gods; good; hath; heart; heaven; hell; life; like; lord; love; man; men; satan; sect; sin; souls; swear; swearing; think; thou; yea cache: A67779.xml plain text: A67779.txt item: #218 of 267 id: A67780 author: Younge, Richard. title: A sovereign antidote to drive out discontent in all that any way suffer affliction As also the benefit of affliction; and how to husband it so, that the weakest Christian (with blessing from above) may be able to support himself in his most miserable exigents. Together with the wit, generosity, magnanimity and invincible strength of a patient Christian rightly so stiled, and as is herein characterized extracted out of the choisest authors, ancient and modern, both holy and humane. Necessary to be read of all that any way suffer tribulation. The second part. By R. Younge, of Roxwell in Essex, Florilegus. Licensed and entered according to order. date: 1668.0 words: 20382 flesch: 69 summary: What I speak is not at 〈◊〉 dome , I know well what hath been the product of a little good counse●● given to me , when I was a youth : It proved not only the saving of 〈◊〉 soul , and the occasion of composing , my many well approved of peice● of practicall Divinity , ( in which God hath made my pen , an instrumen● to serve him , and me a president without a president : for never did 〈◊〉 insufficient a dunce put pen to paper , upon such an account , withou● becoming a fool in print . Now that some may be perswaded to make this use of their sufferings , and that we may also put to silence the ignorance of others ; ( foolish men who are mistaken in judging of this matter , supposing it a base thing to suffer injuries unrevenged ) see the Reasons which deservedly make Gods children so patiently to suffer wrongs that the men● of the world never dream of : keywords: body; christian; conscience; death; doth; enemies; enemy; fear; fire; god; gods; good; hath; heart; heaven; king; law; life; man; men; patience; saith; self; soul; text; thou; true; way; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67780.xml plain text: A67780.txt item: #219 of 267 id: A67782 author: Younge, Richard. title: The whole duty of a Christian, or, The character of a true beleever, that walks in some measure answerable to the Gospel, his Christian profession, and the millions of mercies he hath received ... by R.Y. of Roxwell in Essex. date: 1653.0 words: 36159 flesch: 69 summary: Vnto the ex●mple of the King ; The world does frame in every thing . We reade , that more infidels were won to the Christian faith , by the vertuous and holy lives of the primitive Christians , then by the doctrine which they taug●t : they made the world to reade in their lives , that they did beleeve in their hearts : and caused the Heathen to say , This is a good God , whose servants are so good . keywords: body; chap; christ; christian; conscience; evil; faith; fear; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hell; holy; joy; life; lord; love; man; men; satan; shall; sin; sinne; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; true; truth; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67782.xml plain text: A67782.txt item: #220 of 267 id: A68048 author: Benoît, de Canfield, 1562-1610. title: The rule of perfection contayning a breif and perspicuous abridgement of all the wholle spirituall life, reduced to this only point of the (vvill of God.) Diuided into three partes. The first treating of the exteriour will of God, contayning the actiue life. The second of the interiour vvill contayning the contemplatiue life. The third of the essentiall vvill concerning the life supereminent. Composed by the R.F. Benet Capucin, preacher, of the holie order of Saint Francis, novv of the prouince of France, heertofore called VV. Fitch, of Canfeld in Essex. date: 1609.0 words: 45715 flesch: 52 summary: Moreouer , if you esteeme puritie of heart to be perfection , as it is written , Beati mūdo corde , Happie are the pure of heart , it is heer also ; for what can make the heart more pure then the vvill of God which so violently plucketh vp , and exstirpateth out of it the roote of all impuritie , namely , proper will , whence springeth as from their Origin all affections , passions , and impurities , and whatsoeuer other spirituall darknes : for , as two contraries can not be togeather in one subiect , as fire and water can not be togeather in the samevessell , so can not proper will and the vvill of God be togeather in the same soule ; and no more then the obscuritie of the darke night can abide the brightnes of the shining Son , no more can the darke night and obscuritie of proper will endure the splendour of this shining son of Gods vvill , but flyeth as soone as it appeareth , and presently is dissipated and vanisheth away . Rules hovv to knovve and practise this ( vvill of God ) in all things . keywords: aboue; actiue; acts; affection; chap; christ; degree; diuine; doe; doth; end; est; exercise; exterior; god; good; great; hath; haue; hauing; heart; hee; heer; intention; interiour; knowledge; life; light; loue; man; meanes; mee; mind; owne; parte; perfection; pleasure; practise; psal; rule; sayeng; sayth; second; seeth; seing; self; sensualitie; shee; soule; sowlle; spirituall; spouse; thear; therin; therof; things; thow; thy; twoe; verie; vnto; vnto god; vvill; wee; weet; whoe; worke; yea; yow; ● ● cache: A68048.xml plain text: A68048.txt item: #221 of 267 id: A68954 author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631. title: A three-fold treatise containing the saints sure and perpetuall guide. Selfe-enriching examination. Soule-fatting fasting. Or, meditations, concerning the word, the sacrament of the Lords Supper, and fasting. By the labours of that late Reverend, and learned divine, Master Robert Bolton ... date: 1634.0 words: 72906 flesch: 72 summary: This Part , or Portion , which wee have now in hand , is the foureteenth ; and doth containe in it many worthy and gracious Lessons for our instruction and devotion in heavenly things , proposed unto us out of the practice and Christian carriage of this holy Prophet , and Man of God , David , a perfect patterne of all true zeale and pietie . And no marvell though the true Christian find most sound and unconceivable delight in the Word of God , the Doctrine of Heaven : For by it , he is borne anew , and made heire of Heaven : by the Light of it , he sees his Name written in the Booke of Life , never to be raced out by man , or Devill ; all the sweet and gracious promises of salvation and comfort revealed in it , are sure his owne : keywords: affections; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; conscience; day; death; doe; doth; earth; farre; glory; god; gods; gods word; goe; good; grace; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; holy; keepe; knowledge; let; life; light; lord; love; man; math; meanes; men; ministerie; new; owne; people; place; power; practice; preaching; pride; psal; reason; saith; salvation; sathan; sermon; set; sinne; soule; spirituall; state; thee; things; thou; thy; time; truth; way; wayes; wee; wicked; word; worldly cache: A68954.xml plain text: A68954.txt item: #222 of 267 id: A69449 author: Ambrose, Isaac, 1604-1664. title: The doctrine & directions but more especially the practice and behavior of a man in the act of the nevv birth A treatise by way of appendix to the former. By Isaac Ambrose, minister of Christ at Preston in Amounderness in Lancashire. date: 1650.0 words: 31584 flesch: 67 summary: The Adulterer confesseth the danger and filthiness of that Sin in gross , but he will not apply it to himself : The Rule therefore is , Arrest thy soul ( whosoever thou art ) of those sins particularly whereof thou standest guilty ; To this purpose , say , Is Murther , and Pride , and Drunkenness , and Vncleanness such horrible sins ? O Lord , it was my Heart that was proud , and vain ; it was my Tongue that did speak filthily , and blasphemously ; my Hand that wrought wickedness ; my Eye that was wanton , and my Heart that was unclean and filthy ; Lord , here they are : Thus bring thy Heart before God . He that truly entertains Christ , rejoyceth in the good and glory of Christ : When Mephibosheth had been wrongfully accused to David , and when David who had taken away all the inheritance from him , was returned in safety ; Then said David to comfort him , Thou and Ziba divide the land : nay , said Mephibosheth , Let him take all , forasmuch as my Lord the King is come again in peace , it matters not for inheritance , and for my self and my life , I pass not , sith the King is returned in peace ; it is enough that I enjoy thy presence , which is better to me then goods , life or liberty : So it is with a kinde loving heart , which cannot endure to see Christs honor and glory layed in the dust , but if his praise be advanced , then is he glad , Lord , I have enough ( saith the soul ) that Christ is mine , and that his honor and glory is magnified , whatsoever becomes of me it matters not ; let the world take all , if I may have Christ , and see him praised and magnified : Let this try any mans spirit under heaven , and labor to bring the soul to this pitch : A Minister in his place , and a Master in his place , and every Christian in his place ; let it be our care to honor God , not our selves ; and let it be our comfort , if God may be better honored by others , then by our selves : This is our baseness of spirit , we can be content to lift up Christ upon our shoulders , that we may lift up our selves by it ; but we should be content to lie in the dust , that the Lord may be praised ; and if any of Gods people thrive and prosper more then thou , let that be thy joy . keywords: christ; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; let; lord; lord jesus; love; man; mercy; saith; self; sin; sins; soul; spirit; thee; thou; thy cache: A69449.xml plain text: A69449.txt item: #223 of 267 id: A70852 author: Price, Laurence. title: A key to open heaven-gate. Or, a ready path to lead to heaven Written and printed for the benefit of all true Christians, to read hear and make good use of, before it be too late. And therefore I advise every man, and every woman to observe and give good heed to what is spoken in this little book, and they shall be sure to finde sweetnesse, and happinesse in this world, and eternall joys in the world to come, through the might, merits, and mercies of Jesus Christ; who saith, Aske and you shall have, seeke, and yee shall finde, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Written by Laurence Price. date: 1666.0 words: 3618 flesch: 61 summary: A new Commandment give I unto you , see that you love one another , for if you love not your neighbour whom you see every day how can you love God whom you never saw , therefore consider and take heed in time what you do : he that hateth his neighbour , hateth his brother , and he that hateth his brother hateth God , and he that hateth God , will never find the way to Heaven and therefore I desire all them that are called by the name of Christians to shew themselves like Christians , laying aside all hatred , spight , envy , malice , lying , slandring , backbiting , hypocrisie , and dissimulation , and withall to break such bread as you w●uld have broken ; and likewise to do unto all men as you would they should do unto you . This be sure is the readiest way for to please God , and the nearest way to Heaven : Yet more then this is to be done before , you come to your journeys end : You must repent you of all your former iniquities ; you must be good to them y t have done evil to you : and must forgive them their trespasses , as you look to be forgiven at the hands of God. keywords: christ; god; good; heaven; tcp; text; way cache: A70852.xml plain text: A70852.txt item: #224 of 267 id: A71247 author: Wilkins, John, 1614-1672. title: A sermon preached before the king, upon the nineteenth of March, 1670/1 by John Lord Bishop of Chester. date: 1671.0 words: 5746 flesch: 61 summary: All men heretofore have agreed , that there is such a Thing as the Law of Nature , whereby things are distinguished into Good and Bad ; according to which , the Actions of men are determined to be either Virtuous or Vicious . THis Book doth contain a Philosophical Disquition concerning a state of Happiness ; wherein the Wise man doth particularly discuss each of those Subjects , which according to the various opinions and tempers of men , are believed to have any pretence to it . keywords: good; man; men; nature; principle; state; text; things; world cache: A71247.xml plain text: A71247.txt item: #225 of 267 id: A72210 author: Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5. title: The race celestiall, or, A direct path to heauen by Henry Greenvvood, maister of arts and preacher of the word of God. date: 1609.0 words: 17023 flesch: 75 summary: Hîc vre , hîc seca , vt in aeternum parcas domine , saith Saint Augustine : i. Here burne me ( Lord ) here slay me , to spare me hereafter : doe what thou wilt ( Lord ) with my body , so that thou wilt spare my soule . The traueller , the longer he goeth on his iourney , the nigher he is his iourneys end : the children of Israel , the longer they wandred from Egypt , the nigher they were the promised land : so euery mortall man , the longer he liueth , the nigher he is his iourneys end , death : for Time and Tide stay for no man : yong haires do soone turne gray , and actiue youth is soone metamorphosed into crooked age : Cito pede labitur aetas : i. the dayes of man do swiftly passe away : Tempora labuntur , tacitisque senescimus annis , & fugiunt fraeno non remorante dies : i. Time swiftly passeth , and old age soone commeth on , no bridle so strong , as can kéepe in our galloping dayes . keywords: christ; death; doth; end; est; euerlasting; euery; god; godlinesse; good; gospell; haue; heart; heauen; holy; iesus; iob; life; lord; man; math; men; non; obteine; psal; race; reward; runne; saith; sinne; text; things; thou; time; vnto; vpon; way; world; yea cache: A72210.xml plain text: A72210.txt item: #226 of 267 id: A75017 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: The lively oracles given to us. Or the Christians birth-right and duty, in the custody and use of the Holy Scripture. By the author of the Whole duty of man, &c. date: 1678.0 words: 56014 flesch: 64 summary: Now at this rate of infidelity , what way will they leave God to manifest any thing convincingly to the world ? which is to put him under an impotency greater then adheres to humanity : for we men have power to communicate our minds to others , to tell whether we own such or such a thing , to which we are intitled ; and we can satisfy our Auditors that it is indeed we that speak to them : but if every method God uses , do's rather increase then satisfy mens doubts , all intercourse between God and man is intercepted ; and he must do that of necessity , which Epicurus phancied he did of choice ; viz. In short , 't were endless to cite the places in these prophetic Books , wherein God do's thus condescend to solicit even the sensitive part of man ; and that with such moving Rhetoric , that I cannot but wonder at the exception som of our late Critics make against the Bible , for its defect in that particular : for Oratory is nothing but a dextrous application to the affections and passions of men . keywords: apostles; bible; bin; book; christ; christian; church; design; doctrin; end; faith; god; gods; good; gospel; holy; jews; knowledg; law; life; lord; man; mat; matter; men; mind; nature; nay; new; power; reading; reason; reverence; right; saies; saint; scripture; self; selves; som; things; tho; time; tradition; truth; use; way; wisdom; word; written cache: A75017.xml plain text: A75017.txt item: #227 of 267 id: A75720 author: Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692. title: The way to bliss. In three books. Made publick, by Elias Ashmole Esq. date: 1658.0 words: 78614 flesch: 85 summary: ●●●mittit . Licetus de recond . keywords: air; arist; art; bodies; body; c. 2; c. vol; cap; card; cause; cold; course; diseases; earth; fine; fire; food; force; foul; god; gold; good; ground; hath; heat; heaven; heavenly; kinde; know; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; l. 5; l. 7; l. de; lib; life; like; man; matter; mean; meat; medicine; men; nature; nay; place; plin; reason; rest; saith; seed; self; set; silver; soul; stuff; subt; t. c.; things; think; time; tom; turn; water; way; wights; work; world; ● ● cache: A75720.xml plain text: A75720.txt item: #228 of 267 id: A77148 author: Bowles, Edward, 1613-1662. title: Good counsell for evil times. Or, A plain sermon preached at Pauls in London, April 16. 1648. / By Edw: Bowles M.A. of Katherin-Hall Cambridge. Printed by the desire and order of the Lord Maior and aldermen of that famous city. date: 1648.0 words: 13419 flesch: 67 summary: 1. Times are not naturally evill , nothing create , or concreate as time is said to be , is so ; God looked upon time for distinguishing and measuring whereof he appointed the Sun and Moon , Gen. 1. 14. and saw it good . 1. Times abounding with errors and corruptions in doctrine may justly be called evill times ; goodnesse and truth are neerly allyed , so also are evill and error , which renders this position true , that erroneous times are evil times . keywords: christ; church; dayes; evill; god; good; hath; lord; man; men; non; peace; persons; reformation; sin; text; things; times; truth; way cache: A77148.xml plain text: A77148.txt item: #229 of 267 id: A77267 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673, attributed name. title: The penitent pilgrim bemoning his sinfull condition. Faith appeares vnto him affording him comfort hope seconds that comfort charity promiseth him in this vaile of missery to cover all his scarlett sins wth: [sic] ye white robe of mercy, & conduct him safly to ye kingdome of glory. By Io: Hall date: 1651.0 words: 54568 flesch: 76 summary: O Lord open thou mine heart : and give mee understanding in all things : let mee open mine heart unto thee , and poure my selfe forth before thee : and suffer mee not to flatter my selfe in my transgressions , lest I perish eternally . I have none to fly unto but thee ; and so highly have I provoked thee ; that unlesse thou take pitty on mee , and receive mee for his blood , which was shed for mee , I am lost eternally . keywords: bee; chap; charity; comfort; day; deare; death; doe; earth; enemy; eye; eyes; faith; flesh; glory; god; gods; good; hast; heart; heaven; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; know; leave; life; looke; lord; love; man; mee; mercy; nay; o lord; owne; pilgrim; selfe; shee; sinne; soule; spirit; tell; thee; thine; things; thou; thou canst; thy; time; world cache: A77267.xml plain text: A77267.txt item: #230 of 267 id: A78780 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: Effata regalia. Aphorismes [brace] divine, moral, politick. Scattered in the books, speeches, letters, &c. of Charles the First, King of Great Brittain, &c. / Now faithfully collected and published by Richard Watson, fellow of Gonvile and Caius Colledge in Cambridge. date: 1661.0 words: 63081 flesch: 71 summary: A King hath no judge but God above him . Ambiguous , dangerous and authorized novelties , are not to be preferred before known and sworn duties , which are dispensable , both to God and King. 31. keywords: bloud; cause; christian; church; conscience; consent; death; desire; enemies; glory; god; gods; good; government; hath; honour; injur'd king; justice; king; kingdom; lawes; liberty; life; like; love; loyalty; man; men; mens; parliament; peace; people; piety; power; publick; reason; rebels; religion; right; safety; sin; soul; state; subjects; things; time; truth; use; war; way cache: A78780.xml plain text: A78780.txt item: #231 of 267 id: A85173 author: Feake, Christopher, fl. 1645-1660. title: A faithful discovery of a treacherous design of mystical Antichrist displaying Christs banners, but attempting to lay waste Scriptures, churches, Christ, faith, hope, &c. and establish paganism in England. Seasonably given in a letter to the faithful in and near to Beverley. Containing an examination of many doctrines of the people called Quakers in Yorkshire, together with a censure of their way, and several items concerning the designs of God, Satan, and men, in these things, recommended to the consideration of them who are in good earnest for Christ. date: 1653.0 words: 23628 flesch: 72 summary: Containing an Examination of many Doctrines of the People called QUAKERS in Yorkshire , Together with a Censure of their Way , and several Items concerning the designs of God , Satan , and Men , in these things , recommended to the consideration of them who are in good earnest for Christ . Moreover , here is jealousie administred to the eie of an experienced soul , notwithstanding their fair speeches , by laying such stresse upon the watchings of man , as if Man rightly do his part by watching and yielding up himself to the light in him , he shall be ruled and directed by it , and his vain and evill thoughts shall be brought into subjection , yea so , that he may possibly compasse an exact obedience to the Law of Christ , or dictates in his heart , in this life , and so ly down in the bosome of the Father in the everlasting rest which is prepared for the People of God , which rest these assertors are displeased at if we refer the Saints for , to the resurrection and coming of our Lord . keywords: christ; cor; doth; faith; god; gospel; hath; law; light; lord; man; men; non; rom; scriptures; spirit; things; way; word cache: A85173.xml plain text: A85173.txt item: #232 of 267 id: A85437 author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. title: Most holy and profitable sayings of that reverend divine, Doctor Tho. Goodwin Who departed this life, Feb. 23. 1679/80. date: 1680.0 words: 1599 flesch: 76 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A85437) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 152660) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: death; eebo; english; tcp; text cache: A85437.xml plain text: A85437.txt item: #233 of 267 id: A85492 author: Gould, John, prisoner at Hertford. title: A cal [sic] and a vvarning, to all priests, professors and people, vvho have and do profess the Scriptures, that they may try their doctrines and practises by it, and may own condemnation in their doctrines and practises, wherein they are contrary to the Scriptures. And a tender visitation to the whole vvorld, that they may own this their visitation, and may be healed and restored to the Lord; and this may serve for a looking glass, wherein people may see what visage they are of, and how they stand related as unto God. / By a sufferer in Hartford goale, for faithful witness-bearing, against this sinful generation; known by the name of John Gould. date: 1657.0 words: 14338 flesch: -6 summary: Oh what think ye will be in the end hereof ; when the just God shall come to call you to an accompt for all this , do you think getting his words , and their words , to profess and talk of , will save you from the wrath to come , who are despisers and haters of their life , both in your selves and others , where he is made manifest , and are scoffers and scorners at them who do witness it , ( calling them in derision ) Quakers , and yet make a profession of Moses writings , and Davids words , and Habakkuks Prophesie , and Pauls Epistles , who all witnessed Quaking ; ye Hypocrites , search the Scriptures and see , whether ye are not in their steps , who despised Moses Law , and made Songs of David , and mock'd , and slew the Prophets , and persecuted Paul , and ston'd Stephen , which bare witness to and for the Lord , and against your Idol Temples , and yet make profession of their words ; to the light in all your consciences I speak , which will let you see that you are out of their life , who wrote and spake forth those words ; and are ye so foolish to think a profession of those words will save you , who do not know nor witness the same life from which those words were spoken , but are enemies to it , and murtherers of it in your selves , and persecutors of it in others , witness some of my righteous servants , in Hartford Goal , whom ye have cast into prison , some of you , without the breach of any known Law of your own Nation , and contrary to my righteous Law which I have plac'd in all your consciences , unto which you must all be accountable , in that day wherein God shall co●e to judg the secrets of all hearts by my Gospel , which hath been declared even in your streets and Sinagogues , if you had ears to hear : O foolish and slow of heart , to believe all that the Prophets have written , and all that Christ and the Apostles were witnesses of , ought not Jesus thus to have suffered and to have entered into his glory ? is there another way for the salvation of your souls but him , who is the way , the truth , and the life ? and can any come to the father but by him , who is the light of the world , and lighteth every one that cometh into the world ? Is there another Saviour , save me , saith the Lord ? or another Redeemer , save the Holy One of Israel , our King , whom ye professors , priests , & people , with bloody hands have crucified and slain , even him , whom God hath raised up to be a Prince and a Saviour , to give repentance unto Israel , and remission of sins ? Have ye not evilly entreated his messengers and servants , whom he hath called and chosen to be witnesses hereof , in these your daies , as your Forefathers of old did , so do ye ; search the Scriptures which ye profess , and see if they be not fulfilled by you , and shall be fulfilled upon you , as ever by them of old ; they shall hall you out of their Synagogues , and before Rulers and Magistrates , and some of you shall they cast into prison and shall do and speak all manner of evil , falsly and despightfully against you for my name sake , saith Christ ; yea , they that killeth you , shall think they do God service ; and this will they do unto you for my name sake because they have neither known me nor my father , see if ye be not they ; and if this be not so , O ye priests , professors and people , who deny the Revelation of Christ , and say all Revelation is ceas'd and that none must expect Revelation now , are ye not such as the Scriptures ( which in words ye profess , but in life and power deny ) witnesseth against , to know neither the Father , nor the Son ? and no marvel ye are found in such practises , which he whom we have receiv'd , and do bear witness of foretold , and in those daies declar'd of ; and so the Scriptures are owned & witnessed unto by us , who are in the life or them , and in the possession and enjoyment of him of whom they declare ; as also do bear witnesse against you , who have the words declared , but are found enemies to the life , and in the same practises with them , who had Moses and the Prophets , which declar'd and prophesied of him to come ; but when he came , and was made manifest , would not own him , nor receive him , but rejected him , and murthered him , who was the life of Moses and the Prophets words ; and yet said , that had they been in the daies of their Fathers , they would not have slain the Prophets that prophesied of his coming ; and ye now in these daies , be ye witnesses against your selves , even of the same generation , who have not only their words who prophesied of his coming , but say he is come , and have his words , and their words , who wrought and witnessed him come , to profess , and ready to say , had we been in their daies , we would not have done so wickedly , nor cruelly ; and yet ye your selves doing the same thing , even persecuting , and evilly entreating them , who now witness him come , who is the end of the Law and the Prophets , Christ Jesus the righteous , whom ye crucifie ; and thinkest thou this , O man , who condemnest another , and doest the same , that thou shalt escape the judgements of God , or despisest thou the riches of his grace , long-suffering and patience , not knowing that the goodness of God should lead thee to repentance : And so the true Christ and God ye are ignorant on , who saves his people from sin , whom we witness : And are ye not fighting among your selves in words ( almost blood to Knees ) for your God , ( & the manner of his Service and VVorship , and yet all join'd together against the true Worshippers ) who hath not sav'd you from sin , nor never will , and so not from Wrath to come ? Who would take part with such a God , and fight for such a God , or serve such a God , and Christ , and Gospel , if they were not ignorantlie zealous , and blind ? keywords: christ; come; god; hath; life; light; lord; people; professors; scriptures; sin; spirit; vvho; words; world cache: A85492.xml plain text: A85492.txt item: #234 of 267 id: A85497 author: Gove, R. (Richard), 1587-1668. title: Pious thoughts vented in pithy ejaculations or, the way to make religious use of ordinary offered occasions. / By Richard Gove. date: 1658.0 words: 25627 flesch: 94 summary: LOrd , thus naked came I out of my mothers womb , and thus naked shall I return thither again : O give me grace therefore to seek for that true clothing ( the robes of thy Sons righteousness ) that howsoever it fareth with my body , yet my soul may not appear naked in thy sight . LOrd , here I see the love of the living to the dead , how carefull they are to deck even that which shortly must be put into the earth : Oh give me the grace that I may shew so much love to my poor soul , which is dead in trespasses and sins , that I may every day more and more seek to deck it with the spirituall flowers and herbs of grace , that it may appear lovely in thy sight , and may smell sweet unto thy nostrils through my Saviour Jesus Christ . CLXXVII . keywords: christ; cor; good; grace; hast; hearing; jesus; joh; lord; man; mat; psal; self; sight; sins; soul; thee; thou; thy; time; word cache: A85497.xml plain text: A85497.txt item: #235 of 267 id: A85498 author: Gove, R. (Richard), 1587-1668. title: The saints hony-comb, full of divine truths, touching both Christian belief, and a Christians life, in two centuries. By Richard Gove. date: 1652.0 words: 40226 flesch: 79 summary: And such is man : for amongst men , some are of a larger size , some of a meaner stature ; some are fairer , some of a coarser complexion ; some are stronger , some are weaker ; some are godly , some are prophane ; some live longer , some a shorter time : but let a man live never so long , yet cometh Death , like Finis at the last , and closeth up all : And thus were the desires of these so contrary petitioners all satisfied ; for man was punished , as Gods Justice urged ; that was performed , which God had threatned , as Truth required ; the Offender was pitied ▪ as Mercy intreated ; and God and Man were reconciled , as Peace desired ; and so was fulfilled that of the Psalmist , Psal. keywords: body; children; christian; church; conscience; day; death; devill; doe; doth; expression; father; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; holy; king; lib; life; light; love; man; men; non; pag; peace; read; saint; saith; serm; shew; sin; sins; spirit; things; thou; time; use; vide; water; way; word; works cache: A85498.xml plain text: A85498.txt item: #236 of 267 id: A85716 author: Grimston, Harbottle, Sir, 1603-1685. title: A Christian new-years gift or exhortations to the chief duties of a Christian: Written in Latine by Harbot. Grimstone, Esquire, one of the members of the House of Commons in Parliament. Translated for the more publick benefit. date: 1644.0 words: 8470 flesch: 79 summary: THou art a sinful & a wretched man , and art mad if thou arrogate any thing to thy self : Wherefore if thou be commended at any time by others or highly esteemed of ascribe all the praise to God who is the Fountain of all Goodnesse , from whence whatever good is in thee first flowed . 2 And upon all occasions , at any time or place when thou prayest , pray not onely in spirit , but also exhibite a lowly reverence by the outward gesture of thy body : especially in thy private devotions , where God alone is witnesse of thy actions : and in publick so farre forth as thou seem not unto men to affect hypocrisie , or vain ostentation with the Pharisee , Matt. keywords: art; chap; christ; exercise; god; good; lord; love; self; thee; things; thou; thy cache: A85716.xml plain text: A85716.txt item: #237 of 267 id: A85925 author: Gerbier, Balthazar, Sir, 1592?-1667. title: A letter from Sr. Balthazar Gerbier Knight. To his three daughters inclosed. In a nunnery att Paris. date: 1646.0 words: 3452 flesch: 62 summary: ●iours , and Parents , taking no other grounds for such lessons then difference of opinions ? Can theire be a more inpertinent Tenent then to sustayne that Christians should be damned iff they do not beleeue and do all vvhat the particullar Sea of Rome doth determine ; since it is no more fre from errors then other Sects ? Butt you my eldist daugh●er Elizabeth you vvere reported to procede vvith so much bouldnesse , so much forgetfulnesse to your Parents , so much iniustice to your selffe and insiuillity to many that did vvish you vvel euen against the persson of the reuerend B●●hop of London Derry and against other Diuines , as that you vvould not after theire first visitations afforde them any fitt impartiall hearing : All this you● did vvith breach of Diuine lavvs ; the Lavv of Nature , the fondamentall Lavvs of the land , and the Lavvs of Nations , vvhen you vvould be carried and maintayned against your Parents vvith a Strong hand : vvith armed men , vvho did vvast you to a Nunnery vvith Pistols , vvich vvere seene by a vvhole multitude and offered to be discharged against my men , that did runne to stop your Coach , follovved by me your father , vvho vvas constrayned ( by the Suddannis of the Surprisall ) to runne a foote through the durt of the streets of Paris in prosecution of you my Children ; to try iff I could rescu you frome the Lyons pavves , follovving you to the gates of the Monnastery , vvitch vvere shutt against me , and vvhere you vvere detayned . keywords: gerbier; god; haue; parents; text; theire; vvere; vvith; vvould cache: A85925.xml plain text: A85925.txt item: #238 of 267 id: A85987 author: Gilbert, Claudius, d. 1696? title: A pleasant walk to heaven, through the new and living way, which the Lord Jesus consecrated for us, and his sacred Word reveals unto us. Published by Claudius Gilbert, B.D. minister of the Gospel at Limrick. date: 1658.0 words: 29327 flesch: 76 summary: That Gospel-voice of Christ which sounds in the ears of all sorts promiscuously , is carried into the very hearts of his peculiar People by distinguishing Grace , to turn them efficaciously from darkness to Light , and from the power of Satan to God . 'T is our choice honour and happiness to honour God and enjoy him in Christ , walking before him as heroical Saints have done in all Ages , places and Relations . keywords: christ; christians; cor; eminent; evil; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; help; lord; love; man; men; psal; rom; self; sin; spirit; thee; things; thou; vocation; walk; walking; way; word cache: A85987.xml plain text: A85987.txt item: #239 of 267 id: A86138 author: Head, Richard, Rev. title: A three-fold cord to unite soules for ever unto God. 1. The mysterie of godlinesse opened. 2. The imitation of Christ proposed. 3. The crowne of afflicted saints promised. / As it was compacted by M. Richard Head, M.A. and sometimes minister of the Gospel, in his labours at Great Torrington in Devon. Published now, after his death, for publike profit. date: 1647.0 words: 19651 flesch: 76 summary: But when in times of great afflictions , when God is turning his Children our of doores , a begging exposing them to eminen● dang● now to serve the Lord , now to adhere unto him , chusing rather to have our bodies torne from our soules , then our ●es from our Redeemer : This demonstrates , that we are not base and ●cenarie ; that though we cannot serve God without wages , yo● did not serve him for wages ; but at least , primarily for himselfe , and the lovelynesse of his Nature . Afflictions then are no arguments of Gods displeasure ●ay , when blest and sar●ctified , they are arguments of his love and favour ; and 〈◊〉 ●ey are , when by them God separates what he hates , from he person whom he loves . keywords: apostle; bee; christ; day; death; doe; flesh; glory; god; good; hath; heaven; hee; life; lord; love; mysterie; non; roman; saith; sonne; things; way; wee; world cache: A86138.xml plain text: A86138.txt item: #240 of 267 id: A86886 author: Humfrey, John, 1621-1719. title: The foure wishes of Mr. John Humphrey, in conclusion of his sermons printed 1653. Intituled An humble admission unto the Lord's Supper, &c. date: 1654.0 words: 679 flesch: 69 summary: The foure wishes of Mr. John Humphrey, in conclusion of his sermons printed 1653. The foure wishes of Mr. John Humphrey, in conclusion of his sermons printed 1653. keywords: john; text cache: A86886.xml plain text: A86886.txt item: #241 of 267 id: A86947 author: Hyde, Edward, 1607-1659. title: The mystery of Christ in us, with the mystery of the Father, Word, and holy Ghost or Spirit, opened also, the parable of the rich man's flocks and herds, and the poor man's ewe-lamb, explicated. Likewise, the way that Christ takes to undo a man, and take away his life. Together with a discovery of the neerness of Christs coming, and of those glorious things which are to be fulfilled in these later days. Set forth and published by Ed. Hide jun. date: 1651.0 words: 41557 flesch: 84 summary: His righteousness consisteth in this , in that he can remit sin , and yet be faithful ; in that he can justifie the ungodly , and yet be just : or the righteousness of Faith is the righteousness of Christ ; for Faith is called Christ , as I said before ; He is made of God unto us , Wisdom , Sanctification , Justification , Redemption , Righteousness , and the like . But why is Christ called the Word of God in Scripture ? Because , as the word of a man is that whereby a man expresseth himself , his minde : keywords: christ; day; father; glory; god; hath; heaven; holy; light; lord; lord god; man; righteousness; saith; spirit; thee; thing; thou; truth cache: A86947.xml plain text: A86947.txt item: #242 of 267 id: A87093 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: The epitaph of a godly man, especially a man of God or, The happines by death of holines in life. Delineated in a sermon preached at the funerall of Mr Adam Pemberton late minister of the parish of St Fosters Foster-lane : who ended this mortall, April the 8th, 1655. and was buried in hope of an immortal life the 11th of the same moneth. / By Nath: Hardy M.A. and preacher to the parish of St Dionis Back Church. date: 1655.0 words: 13064 flesch: 74 summary: I finde among Expositors a double Version of this Verse : 1. Some Modern , both Protestant and Popish Interpreters ; and one among the Antients , read this verse as if it were one intire Proposition , whereof Christ is the subject , and gain the predicate : Christ is to me gain both in life and death . It was S. Paul's hope , first , that Christ should be magnified by him : And next , that he he should be comforted by Christ , both in life and death : Unus est Christus qut tam in morte quam in vita nos facit beatos , saith Calvin upon the place . keywords: apostle; christ; church; death; die; end; gain; glory; god; good; hath; life; love; man; non; paul; respect; saith; text; words cache: A87093.xml plain text: A87093.txt item: #243 of 267 id: A87104 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: Thankfulness in grain: or a good life the best return. Delivered in another sermon on the same occasion in St. Dionis, Back-Church, Aug. 14. 1653. By Nath. Hardy, Master of Arts, and preacher to that parish. date: None words: 25522 flesch: 74 summary: The Philosopher could say , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , Prosperity engageth a Man to love God ; supposing Men to have so much humanity in them as to love him from whom they have received so many curtesies ; and the Poet 's reasoning was very valid , had it been pitched upon a right object , to wit , Jehovah , not Caesar . It is a meere delusion to think that an holy heart can consist with a prophane life , nay to allude to Saint Johns expression , if any may say he love God , and walketh not before him , he is a lyar : Since his practise giveth the lye to his pros●ssion , and the dissonancie of his life proclaimeth a no to what he saith with his lips . keywords: david; day; death; dei; desire; doth; end; est; eye; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; land; life; living; lord; love; man; marg; men; mercy; non; psal; return; saint; saith; self; selves; sense; text; thee; thou; thy; time; truth; walk; walking; way; wit; words; world; yea cache: A87104.xml plain text: A87104.txt item: #244 of 267 id: A87158 author: Harrison, Henry, 1610 or 11-1690. title: The weary traveller his eternal rest being a discourse of that blessed rest here, which leads to endless rest hereafter. By H. H. D. D. Rector of Snaylwell, and Canon of Ely. date: 1681.0 words: 41056 flesch: 45 summary: Shall we therefore have the patience , the justice and piety , yea , the wisdom and faithfulness to our selves , to resist a while these strong prejudices , to rescue the sacred object of faith from such misprisions , to set up the promises of Christ henceforth in such a posture , as may have the safest and kindest influence ; the powerfullest and most benign aspect on our Hearts and Lives , not to swell and puff up our phansies any longer , with an opinion that we are the special favourites of Heaven , to whom the promises of Rest are consign'd unconditionally , or without possibility of being forfeited ; but to engage and oblige our Souls to that universal constant righteousness , holiness , obedience , as well as faith , which may really instate us in those promises , that may , like the Angel to St. Peter in Prison , awake us out of our sleep and dream , and shake off those gyves and manacles , which keep our feet from walking in the ways which God hath prescribed , and thereby even confine and fetter God himself , if I may so speak , from making good his promises effectually , to such indisposed unqualified persons . Let us awake then , and excite our selves and one another ; by all the arguments of hope and fear , love and gratitude , that so God may have the honour of all his favours bestowed upon us , and we the everlasting comfort , of being thankful , and hearing that beatifical voice : Well done good and faithful Servant ; enter thy Masters Joy and Rest . keywords: christ; church; death; faith; father; fear; gifts; god; gods; good; grace; happiness; hath; heart; heaven; holy; honour; hope; life; lord; love; man; men; mercy; peace; promises; reason; rest; selves; sin; soul; spirit; things; way; wisdom; works; world cache: A87158.xml plain text: A87158.txt item: #245 of 267 id: A87161 author: Harrison, Joseph. title: A glimpse of divine light, breaking through a cloud of errours. Being an explanation of certain passages exhibited by anonymus, to the commissioners of White-Hall, appointed for approbation of publick preachers, against Joseph Harrison Gospel-preacher at Lund-Chappel in Lancashire, for the supposed delivering of which, he was denied approbation. / Published by the said Joseph Harrison, and proposed to the consideration of all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. date: 1655.0 words: 33222 flesch: 73 summary: The Law ( saith the same Apostle speaking of the Law which was ordained by Angels . Gal. 3.19 . and of himselfe and his Countrimen the Iewes : as appeares from verse , 23 , & the commutation of the persons , verse 26 ) was {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} our Scholemaster , or ( as Leigh ) our child-leader which led us who were children ; and therefore not the Gentiles who were accounted as servants and not of Abrahames seed , and only us while children And therefore not now being the Sons of God by saith in Christ Iesus verse . 25.26 . Nor tell with Iohn that the Lamb of God is come {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} which is taking away the sins of the world But Evangelize with Paul what neither Daniel nor Iohn could : Scilicet , that now once in the end of the world , Christ hath appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself , Heb. 9.26 . or in Daniels word hath finished transgression , made an end of sins , made reconciliation for iniquitie and brought in everlasting righteousnesse . keywords: christ; christians; come; cor; doth; faith; flesh; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; hath; iesus; iohn; law; letter; life; lord; man; mat; men; non; people; power; preach; righteousnesse; rom; sabbath; said; scilicet; self; sin; sins; spirit; things; time; way; word; works cache: A87161.xml plain text: A87161.txt item: #246 of 267 id: A87170 author: Harrison, Thomas, 1619-1682. title: Topica sacra: spiritual logick: some brief hints and helps to faith, meditation, and prayer, comfort and holiness. / Communicated at Christ-Church, Dublin, in Ireland. By T.H. minister of the Gospel. date: 1658.0 words: 35956 flesch: 68 summary: God left him to try him , that he might know all that was in his heart : and little didst thou think when God first turned thy heart unto himself , there had been that in it which since hath broken forth from it , nor was ever any so deceived in thee as thou hast been in thy self , but art resolved now against that folly of trusting in thine own heart any more . But what is all this to me ( may a poor soul say , ) though I assent unto it , and think I believe it ? if my Faith prove a false blaze of Fancy , Presumption , vain Hope ; and thou hast cause to fear and suspect it , because it hath not the vertue and operation of that plant of Paradise , The Faith of the operation of God , the Faith of Gods Elect : Is this thy case many times ? go , order thy cause before him , & fill thy mouth with Arguments ; go , bow thy knees unto the God & Father of our Lord Jesus : And 1. Tell him , he knows how thy heart is carried forth towards him , only according to the terms & tenour of a Covenant of Grace , and not of works , thou canst not by any means away with that , that he should deal and do by thee as thou dost by him ; no thou canst not find the life of thine hand , as 't is said of some , Isa. 57.10 . keywords: arguments; case; christ; doth; father; fear; fill; god; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; isa; lord; love; man; mouth; non; people; prayer; psal; saith; self; son; soul; spirit; tell; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; way; work; world cache: A87170.xml plain text: A87170.txt item: #247 of 267 id: A87177 author: Downame, John, d. 1652. title: The everlasting joys of heaven: or, The blessed life of a Christian, in grace here; and in glory here-after. Set forth for the comfort and encouragement of all those that desire to fear the Lord; / by John Hart, a servant of Jesus Christ. Recommended to the reader, by Obadiah Sedgewick, and Iohn Downam, ministers of the Gospel. date: 1656.0 words: 25513 flesch: 66 summary: To discover his comforts afresh , that things and promises beleeved , are truly so indeed ; that we are the children of God ; that flesh and blood hath not revealed these things unto us , but God by the habitation of his spirit ; that those supernatural endowments , and habits of grace we have attained , as they are from Heaven , so they shall at length bring us thither ; and that we shall grow in Grace , from Grace to Grace , and be transformed from Glory to Glory , by the self-same spirit . all which things are wrought by one and the self-same spirit ( as Paul speaks ) distributing to every man severally as he will , 1 Cor. 12 11. and guiding them with his counsel , until he bring them unto glory . Psal. 37.24 And thus not onely ( We know ) and ( Know that we know ) that this knowledg of our assurance of a better life to come is not counterfeit , by Gods spirit witnessing with Our spirits , that we are the children of God : sometimes in a more high lofty and rare immediate strain of ravishing joy by himself ( as it were ) from heaven : and alwaies ( when he pleaseth to join with the witnesse of our spirits , sometimes again in a sweet , more often and lasting manner unto the end . keywords: building; christ; death; earth; estate; eternity; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heaven; heavenly; house; joy; life; love; man; self; soul; spirit; things; unto cache: A87177.xml plain text: A87177.txt item: #248 of 267 id: A88914 author: Master, William, 1627-1684. title: Logoi eukairoi, essayes and observations theologicall & morall. Wherein many of the humours and diseases of the age are discovered, and characteriz'd: divers cautions and directions præscribed for the avoidance of their infection, and the promotion of their cure. Together with some meditations & prayers adjoyn'd, serving to the same purpose. / By a student in theologie. date: 1654.0 words: 16311 flesch: 63 summary: I omit those whose whole aime is like Simon Magus , to be thought some great ones ; such as take upon them to have cleare knowledge of those misteries the Gospell hath drawne a vaile over , and not only vent the cabbinet secrets of Gods unrevealed will and unsearchable waies before men , but to God himselfe ( all which are so far from a true Gospell spirit ( which necessarily must be an humble , a sober , and a charitable one ) as that they seem to be the very {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} prophecyed of by St Peeter , Saint Jude and others . ) But what a wonder is it that men should cry , Peace , Peace to themselves in this ensnaring estate : that they should think themselves religious all the while , and believe their Corban of zeale for some points , which their interesse makes deare to them , should dispence with their obedience to many of the great commandements of God . keywords: age; christians; doe; god; good; grace; hath; heart; himselfe; hope; man; men; obs; owne; parts; selfe; soule; things; thinke; thou; times; words; world; yea cache: A88914.xml plain text: A88914.txt item: #249 of 267 id: A89852 author: Naylor, James, 1617?-1660. title: The secret shooting of the wicked, reproved or, A word to the namelesse publisher of that he calls strength in weaknesse, or the burning bush. date: 1655.0 words: 1993 flesch: 58 summary: Oh thou full of all subtilty , was not God able to direct the wise without thy forestalling slanderous opinions ? how hast thou helped God , or any wise man herein ? hadst thou printed them both , and been silent , then thou hadst left it to God indeed , and I should have been silent also ; hast thou dealt moderately herein , or as thou would be done unto ? shall not the least of wise men Judge thee , and thy spirit ? And this is the bush thou boasts of which is not consumed though fire be in it : I say , there is a time when the fire is in the bush , and the bush unconsumed ; then is the seed of God in Egypt under Pharaoh and the Magitians , and in that state death raignes from Adam till Moses : Also there is a time when the light of Israel doth burn up the bush , and devour the Briars and thorns in one day , then is that God known who is a consuming fire to all that choakes his seed ; go learn what this means , then shalt thou see whereof thou art glorying ; and under that glory a fire shall be kindled . keywords: god; kingdom; text; thou cache: A89852.xml plain text: A89852.txt item: #250 of 267 id: A90402 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: A voyce out of the thick darkness: containing in it a few words to Christians, about the late and present posture of spiritual affairs among them. Together with a post-script about darkening the counsel of God. As also, certain Scripture-prophecies concerning some transactions in the latter times. / By Isaac Penington, (junior) Esq;. date: 1650.0 words: 21021 flesch: 72 summary: 2. It may shew us what the wisest undertakings in this kind are ; what our wise openings of Scriptures and Counsells of God , without the light of God are : if any man can truely and groundedly say , n●t I but the Spirit of God in me , opens this or that Scripture , thus and thus unto me ; that is another matter , I have nothing to say against that , but I speak concerning our own opening , though by our most ingenuous and industrious search , by the fairest debating things i● our own understanding ; yea , of our wise opening , when we seem to give out the full intent , the very life and heart of a Scripture , and fence it about with strong Argumen's , making that interpretation safe from all reasonings of all contrary judgements whatsoever , what is this ? but a peece of folly , of madness ; a setting up the wisdome of man , an idolizing the pleasant conceptions of mans working brain ; but a darkening of God : So God said of Job and so Job confesseth his to be , chap. Thus Job lifts up himself in this high peece of knowledg ( wherein he went far beyond the reach of his Friends ) till God here comes to take him to do ; Who is this that darkeneth Counsel by words without knowledg ? Counsel is the intent of a person concerning things , what he drives at in the things he does . keywords: god; hath; knowledg; life; light; lord; man; people; power; self; spirit; spiritual; state; thee; things; thou; way cache: A90402.xml plain text: A90402.txt item: #251 of 267 id: A90436 author: Pennyman, John, 1628-1706. title: The way to peace and happiness whereunto are annexed some useful sayings in verse and prose. date: 1681.0 words: 891 flesch: 65 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A90436) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 150160) keywords: eebo; tcp; text cache: A90436.xml plain text: A90436.txt item: #252 of 267 id: A91736 author: Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676. title: The comfort and crown of great actions. In a sermon preached, Decemb. 4. 1657. Before the honorable East-India company. By Edward Reynolds, D.D. date: 1658.0 words: 9676 flesch: 76 summary: It quencheth the fiery darts of Satan ; it overcomes the world : One David having God for his God was not afraid of Ten thousand of Armies of men , Psal. 1. 4 , 5 , 6. God hath honored Faith and Repentance , in the Gospel , above other graces , because they have a peculiar vertue to carry us out of our selves in Prayer unto God : And no graces do more promote great actions then self-denying graces , when men have ends and aids above themselves . keywords: actions; chap; comfort; faith; god; good; grace; hath; lib; lord; man; men; non; people; psal; things; work cache: A91736.xml plain text: A91736.txt item: #253 of 267 id: A92959 author: Starbuck, William. title: A spirituall song of comfort or incouragement to the souldiers that now are gone forth in the cause of Christ. date: 1644.0 words: 1298 flesch: 94 summary: 43 D The rate of 43 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A92959 of text R212167 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.8[47]). keywords: revel; souldiers; text cache: A92959.xml plain text: A92959.txt item: #254 of 267 id: A93266 author: Simmonds, Martha. title: When the Lord Jesus came to Jerusalem, he beheld the city, and wept over it, ... date: 1655.0 words: 1368 flesch: 72 summary: Oh that thou wouldst but stand still a little , and turn thy eye inward ; Sit downe a little , and consider thy poore soul that lyes in death : What will become of thee , thou murderest the just in thee , there is a Talent to be improved in thee , how wilt thou give an accompt of it ; the Steward is now come : in the coole of the day , then Adam heard the voyce of God , and then he saw his nakedness , and so may est thou ; If thou wilt turn in thy minde to the light of Christ in thee , the light will discover to thee thy fallen state , and how thou art turned out from the presence of God , and art in the gall of bitternesse , and the earth is cursed for thy sake : Now if thou wilt minde the light , and waite in it , which is the grace of God that hath appeared to thee , there is the first step to pure redemption : And if thou take diligent heed to this light in thee , thou shalt finde it checking thee continually for all thy evill deeds , and it will teach thee to be sober minded and upright in all thy dealings as in the sight of God : and so thou wilt come to see the straight gate and narrow way that leads to life ; but thou wilt say , Christ hath done all this for me , I have nothing to do but believe : but it will be said unto thee , when thou thinkest to sit downe with thy Lord ; Friend , how camest thou hither without a wedding-garment ? then know what thy portion will be . Now Christ Jesus the second Adam , who is God manifest in flesh , condemning sinne in the flesh , if thou live in him in thee , and believe in him in thee , then thou shalt witnesse his power to the cutting down of thy will ; for thy will must come to death , that the will of God may be done , and so that Scripture comes to be fulfilled in thee , which are the words of Christ ; Loe I come , in the volume of thy booke it is written of me to doe thy will O God , which is the book of conscience in thee , there the will of God is to be done : And as thou comest to love the light , and live in it , thou wilt come to see the righteous law of God fulfilled in thee , Death reigns in thee . keywords: text; thee; thou cache: A93266.xml plain text: A93266.txt item: #255 of 267 id: A93368 author: Smith, John, of Badgworth. title: Soule-reviving influences of the sun of righteousnesse, or Some bright beames of light and love, sparkling from Christ upon the darke and drooping hearts of sin-weakend and clouded believers, even while we are in this solitary wildernesse, not yet arrived at the land of spirituall Canaan; but taking a turne in the darke and dampe valley of the shadow of death. With several evangelicall and heart-winning incouragements to the life of faith in the Sonne of God, notwithstanding our manifold weaknesses and hainous provocations; yea to the keeping up of the same comfort, hope confidence, and joy in him in the sadest straights, of the sorest darknesse. date: 1654.0 words: 48936 flesch: 82 summary: Learn to know , and distinguish betweene the voice of Christ and all other voices ; learne to know and say distinguishingly of Christs voice ; it is the voice of my beloved , and hearken to it , for it is peace ; thy sin● are forgiven thee ; I wil remember them no more ; therefore that voice that tends to the hindrance of the Saints peace , suiteth with the voice of Satan , and is not the voice of Christ ; I wil heare what the Lord wil speake , for he wil speake peace unto his people ; Satan makes it his work to contradict this voice of God unto the soul , and say , it is a delusion , and not likely to be from God ; yea , and alledgeth seeming reason for it ; saying unto the soule , Art thou a child of God and thus overpowered with corruptions , & c ? Precious Hearts , EVER since any of the light and glory of Christ dawned upon us , since first we saw that morning star of righteousnesse , any of the brightnesse of the glory thereof in those hearts of ours , which once lived in the coasts of Zebulun and Naphtali , in the Region and shadow of death , our life hath remained hid with Christ in God , and is that sparke of glory which hath alwaies attracted the most venemous envies of those men , who make the flesh their residence ; were you lower as Saints , you should be higher as creatures ; The world indeed may outrunne you , and come first to the Meridian altitude of their glory , but surely in the end , the inheritance shall be yours ; their first shall be last , and your last first ; your latter end shall in brightnesse out-shine your beginning . keywords: believe; christ; cor; covenant; faith; god; good; grace; hath; heart; heb; himselfe; isa; jer; jesus; life; lord; love; man; owne; psal; righteousnesse; rom; sinne; soule; spirit; thee; things; thou; wil; word; yea cache: A93368.xml plain text: A93368.txt item: #256 of 267 id: A93419 author: Smith, William, b. 1615 or 16. title: The safe vvay to glory, in several exercises of general use. / By William Smyth M. Ar. R. of Cotton in Suff. date: 1656.0 words: 37385 flesch: 73 summary: If by thy laws ; Lord , I acknowledg there is no one precept of Christ that I have not transgressed , having sinned against all the Commandments that concern my living godly to God , justly to men , and soberly to my self [ here account by the rules of life in the preceding larger Catechisme . ] If I measure my sins by the exercises of all the faculties and parts of my soul and body , I confesse O Lord , that all of them , in their several offices , have been made instruments of unrighteousnesse [ here account the miscarriage of every faculty , sense , and member ] For all which , O Lord , I have deserved thou shouldest blot me out of the book of life , and deliver me up to a state of death and reprobation . First , ( we know , and can prove ) that no profession in it self , containes doctrines of more universal submission to all the commands of Christ , nor principles more obliging to unity , peace , or purity , to greater reverence , or more solemn worship of God , to faithfuller subjection to authority , or purer charity to man ; then the received doctrines of the Church of England . keywords: ans; christ; christian; church; cor; day; god; gospel; grace; hast; hath; holy; life; lord; mat; men; mercy; o lord; present; profession; quest; rom; saviour; self; sins; soul; spirit; thee; thou; thy; world cache: A93419.xml plain text: A93419.txt item: #257 of 267 id: A93709 author: Saltmarsh, John, d. 1647. title: Sparkles of glory, or Some beams of the morning-star. Wherein are many discoveries as to truth, and peace. To the establishment, and pure enlargement of a Christian in spirit and truth. / By John Saltmarsh. Preacher of the Gospell. date: 1647.0 words: 44300 flesch: 59 summary: And the whole Christ , or Son of God , is head and body , he and his , who shal enjoy and live with God in one Spirit , when God shal be all in all , and the fulnesse of the stature of Christ grown up to be the body of him who filleth al in al . That is the true Church , which is the Temple of God , where God dwels : ye are the Temples of the holy Ghost , Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone of this Temple , elect and precious ; this is the Temple which the Angel measures with a golden reed and the Altar thereof , or the eternal Spirit , upon which all the first creation is offered in the Saints as it was offered in Christ , who through the eternall Spirit offered himself , leaving out the outward court , or the flesh and first Creation , and all outward administrations , which are given to the Gentiles to tread down . keywords: baptism; christ; christian; church; cor; flesh; gifts; glory; god; hath; jesus; law; life; lord; man; men; ministration; non; outward; power; rom; shal; spirit; things; truth cache: A93709.xml plain text: A93709.txt item: #258 of 267 id: A93889 author: H. M. title: Catholique divinity: or, The most solid and sententious expressions of the primitive doctors of the Church. With other ecclesiastical, and civil authors: dilated upon, and fitted to the explication of the most doctrinal texts of Scripture, in a choice way both for the matter, and the language; and very useful for the pulpit, and these times. / By Dr. Stuart, dean of St. Pauls, afterwards dean of Westminster, and clerk of the closet to the late K. Charles. date: 1657.0 words: 50285 flesch: 67 summary: The fire which wee make , can onely burn , and torture the bodies of men , because this onely of man is material ; immaterials , as the souls of men are , our fire cannot fasten upon , but that strange fire , which God hath kindled in Hell for all that disobey him , burns the souls of men , though immaterial substances . Yee are they that justifie your selves before men ( saith Christ to the Pharisees ) but God knows your hearts , for that which is highly esteemed amongst men , is abamination in the sight of God. keywords: bee; behold; body; cause; christ; church; david; day; dead; death; desire; doth; dye; earth; end; est; eyes; faith; father; fire; glory; god; god bee; gods; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hee; hee bee; holy; joy; knowledge; life; light; little; look; lord; love; man; man bee; means; mee; men; non; power; prayer; psal; qui; quod; reason; repentance; sayes; sed; self; selves; shee; sin; sins; son; sorrow; soul; spirit; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; way; wee; work; world; ● ● cache: A93889.xml plain text: A93889.txt item: #259 of 267 id: A94028 author: Person of quality now in Oxford. title: A strange prophet now in England Being a true relation, sent to a person of quality, now in Oxford. date: 1679.0 words: 1139 flesch: 69 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: eebo; oxford; tcp; text cache: A94028.xml plain text: A94028.txt item: #260 of 267 id: A94378 author: H. T. title: The Parliament of instrvctjons; for, the relief of afflicted, persecuted, and plundered Christians. / Written by H.T. one of the Parliaments soldiers, who hath since lost his life in the service. date: 1645.0 words: 4353 flesch: 86 summary: 1. 12. ) 6 Pray and sue and intreat evermore , for the favour of God ; it wil be intolerable to apprehend the wrath of God and the wrath of man both at once ; God hath promised , that if we cal upon him in the time of trouble , he wil hear . eng God -- Worship and love -- Early works to 1800. keywords: god; life; lord; man; text; world cache: A94378.xml plain text: A94378.txt item: #261 of 267 id: A94753 author: Tookey, Thomas, d. 1656. title: The visible porch or known entrance into a church, or Christian fellowship. date: 1656.0 words: 1086 flesch: 64 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A94753 of text R211797 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.20[27]). The visible porch or known entrance into a church, or Christian fellowship. keywords: christian; church; text cache: A94753.xml plain text: A94753.txt item: #262 of 267 id: A96110 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: The upright mans character and crown. Preached in a sermon at Pauls before the right Honourable the Lord Major, and the aldermen of the City of London, March 29. 1657. / By Thomas Watson minister of Stephens Walbrook London. date: 1657.0 words: 10130 flesch: 81 summary: The Greek word is {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , that they may be set upon a Theatre , and have Spectators ; when they give almes they blow a trumpet , Mat. 6. 2. and their hearts were as hollow as their trumpet ; they did it that they might have glory of men , verse 2. It was not giving almes , but selling them ; they sold them for praise and applause : Verily I say unto you ( saith Christ ) they have their reward . Unsound Christians are ex salice , like willows which will bend every way , a good Christian is like the palm tree which grows upright , Jerem. 10. 5. when we let men {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , Lord it over our consciences ; if they bid us break our vows , sell our Religion , we are ductile , and malleable to any thing , like hot iron which will be beat into any forme ; like wooll , that will receive any die , this argues much unsoundnesse of heart . keywords: christian; conscience; doth; end; faith; glory; god; gods; good; heart; life; love; man; mans; non; peace; religion; sinne; text; upright cache: A96110.xml plain text: A96110.txt item: #263 of 267 id: A96693 author: Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. title: An humble request, to the ministers of both Universities, and to all lawyers in every Inns-a-Court To consider of the scriptures and points of law herein mentioned, and to give a rational and christian answer, whereby the difference may be composed in peace, between the poor men of England, who have begun to digge, plow, and build upon the common land, claiming it their own, by right of creation. And the lords of mannours that trouble them, who have no other claiming to Commons, then the Kings will, or from the power of the conquest, and if neither minister nor lawyer, will undertake a reconciliation in this case, for the beauty of our Common-Wealth. Then we appeale, to the stones, timber, and dust of the earth you tread upon, to hold forth the light of this business, questioning not, but that power that dwells every where, will cause light to spring out of darkness, and freedom out of bondage. By Gerard Winstanley. date: 1650.0 words: 7486 flesch: 71 summary: And being encouraged herefrom , do build houses , and plant them corn for their Livelihood , upon the Commons and wast Land , that they may live like men , in their right of Creation ; and that they may enjoy the benefit of a free Common-wealth , as they are Englishmen . In Genesis , God said , Let us make Man : keywords: common; creation; diggers; earth; land; law; mankind; men; power; scriptures cache: A96693.xml plain text: A96693.txt item: #264 of 267 id: B01989 author: Coppe, Abiezer, 1619-1672. title: A character of a true Christian. Written by Abiezar Copp. The tune is, The fair nimphs.. date: 1680.0 words: 1363 flesch: 75 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B01989) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 182705) keywords: doth; eebo; english; tcp; text cache: B01989.xml plain text: B01989.txt item: #265 of 267 id: B02133 author: Charnock, Stephen, 1628-1680. title: The sayings of that reverend and great preacher Mr. S. Charnock, who departed this life on Wednesday the 28 of July, 1680, and was solemnly interred the 30th following. date: 1680.0 words: 2091 flesch: 66 summary: 'T is difficult to divorce our hearts and thoughts from what appears lovely and glorious in our minds , whether it be God or the World. Thoughts are then sinful when they have a bad principle , want a due end , and converse with the object in a wrong manner . keywords: eebo; god; tcp; text; thoughts cache: B02133.xml plain text: B02133.txt item: #266 of 267 id: B06023 author: Swinton, John, 1621?-1679. title: One warning more to the hypocrites of this generation date: 1663.0 words: 2108 flesch: 65 summary: You who speak of a Deliverance , and loo●… for a day of Deliverance , Are you delivered from the Bondage of Corruption ? Then are you free ●●…eed Then ye need not look out for a Day of Deliverance , You know the Liberty of the Sons of God ; Then ye know the Patien●e , ye know the Faith that makes not haste . Ye know the Will of God , and know it to be your place to lie d●wn in it as to whatsoever he shall permit man , or men , to do unto you : keywords: day; god; tcp; text cache: B06023.xml plain text: B06023.txt item: #267 of 267 id: B06083 author: Tillotson, John, 1630-1694. title: A copy of Arch-Bishop Tillotson's letter to his friend date: 1691.0 words: 1985 flesch: 61 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: eebo; english; god; tcp; text cache: B06083.xml plain text: B06083.txt