item: #1 of 17 id: 131 author: Bunyan, John title: The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come Delivered under the similitude of a dream, by John Bunyan date: None words: 58505 flesch: 85 summary: Good man, be not cast down, thou yet art right, Thy way to heaven lies by the gates of Hell; Cheer up, hold out, with thee it shall go well. Besides, good men are ashamed of him; they can neither call him brother, nor friend; the very naming of him among them makes them blush, if they know him. keywords: afraid; answer; apollyon; bear; behold; best; better; bid; blood; book; brother; burden; celestial; children; chr; christian; city; come; coming; company; content; counsel; country; cry; danger; dark; day; dead; death; desire; destruction; discourse; door; doth; dream; ease; end; ends; evangelist; evil; eyes; fair; faith; faithful; fall; far; fear; fellow; fire; flesh; forward; gate; giant; glad; glory; god; going; gold; good; good man; grace; great; ground; hand; hard; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; hell; help; high; hill; holy; hope; hopeful; house; ignor; ignorance; interpreter; isa; jesus; john; journey; judge; judgment; kept; king; knowledge; law; leave; left; lie; life; like; lions; little; live; long; look; lord; love; luke; man; manner; matter; means; men; mind; mountains; mouth; nay; neighbour; people; pilgrimage; pilgrims; place; pleasant; pliable; poor; porter; power; prince; question; read; reason; religion; rest; rev; righteousness; river; roll; rom; run; saw; saying; second; set; shame; shepherds; sight; sin; sins; sir; sleep; slough; soul; sound; stand; sword; talk; talkative; thee; things; thither; thou; thought; thy; time; town; true; truth; turn; vain; valley; vanity; voice; walk; water; way; ways; wife; willing; wilt; wise; wit; words; work; world; yea; zion cache: 131.txt plain text: 131.txt item: #2 of 17 id: 39452 author: Bunyan, John title: The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan Every Child Can Read date: None words: 100832 flesch: 86 summary: I'm glad, at least, the arbor's past, Said the little tired soul; I'm sure I should have sat me down And lost my little roll! On the high hill-top she stands at last, And our weary Pilgrim sees A porter's lodge, of ample size, Half hid by sheltering trees. What is your name, my little dear? Said the eldest of the three, Whom Marian, in her secret thought, Had christened Piety. keywords: afraid; answer; apollyon; away; bear; bed; best; better; betwixt; bid; blessed; blood; book; boys; brother; burden; cast; castle; cause; celestial; chapter; children; christian; city; come; comfort; coming; companion; company; content; counsel; country; cross; cry; danger; dangerous; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; death; desire; despair; destruction; die; difficulty; dog; door; doth; doubting; dream; earth; ease; end; ends; enemy; evangelist; evil; eyes; face; fair; faith; faithful; fall; family; far; fast; father; fear; feeble; feet; fellow; fire; flesh; foot; forth; forward; friend; fruit; gaius; gate; gentleman; giant; glad; glory; god; going; gold; good; good man; grace; great; ground; guide; hand; hard; hath; head; heart; heaven; heed; hell; help; high; highway; hill; hither; hold; holy; home; honest; hope; hopeful; house; husband; ignorance; interpreter; journey; joy; judge; kept; kind; king; know; knowledge; land; law; leave; left; lie; life; like; lions; little; live; long; look; looking; lord; lost; love; man; manner; marian; master; matthew; means; meet; men; mercy; mind; money; morning; mother; mountains; mouth; mrs; nay; near; need; neighbor; noise; old; open; parts; people; piety; pilgrimage; pilgrims; place; pleasant; pliable; poor; porter; power; present; prince; purpose; read; reason; religion; rest; river; road; roll; room; run; save; saying; servants; shadow; shame; shepherds; sidenote; sight; sin; sins; sir; skill; sleep; slough; soul; stand; stay; story; sun; sure; sweet; sword; talk; talking; tears; tell; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; timorous; tis; town; true; truth; turn; unto; vain; valiant; valley; vanity; voice; walk; wall; want; water; way; ways; weak; weary; welcome; wicket; wife; willing; wise; wit; women; wonder; words; work; world; yea; young; zion cache: 39452.txt plain text: 39452.txt item: #3 of 17 id: 43660 author: Langland, William title: The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, Volume 1 date: None words: 56157 flesch: 83 summary: For he yaf thee a yeres-gyve, To yeme wel thiselve, And that is wit and free-wil, To every wight a porcion, To fleynge foweles, To fisshes and to beestes; Ac man hath moost therof, And moost is to blame, {161} Aungeles and alle thyng Arn at his wille; Ac man is hym moost lik Of marc and of shafte; For thorugh the word that he spak Woxen forth beestes. keywords: 4to; aboute; ac god; ac thow; alibi; alle; alle hise; allegorical; alliterative; allusion; almyghty; amende; amonges; anglo; anima; apparaille; arn; art; assente; autem; author; aventure; awey; ayein; bad; bad hym; barn; barons; beestes; beggeres; beginning; ben; ben y; benes; bereth; best; beth; better; bettre; bible; bidde; biddeth; bifore; bileve; bisshopes; bitwene; blame; blisse; blood; blynd; body; bokes; bonum; book; boote; bothe; breed; bretheren; briddes; broke; broughte; brynge; bryngeth; cacche; cam; care; carnis; carpen; catel; caton; cause; caym; century; chaffare; character; charité; chekes; children; chirche; christi; church; classes; clene; clergie; clergy; clerkes; clothes; come; cometh; commons; commune; concupiscentia; conforte; conscience; corruptions; cote; counseil; couplets; court; coveitise; covetousness; craft; craftes; creature; crist; cristendom; cristene; cristes; cros; cum; cyvylle; dame; dar; date; david; day; dayes; dede; deere; deeth; defaute; dei; deme; deo; deus; devel; deye; dide; different; dispute; doctour; dome; domine; doon; dooth; dorste; doun; drawe; dreamer; drynke; dum; dwelle; dwelleth; dyne; early; ech; echone; edition; editor; edward; eighen; elde; ellis; england; english; envye; eorum; erthe; eten; evil; fader; faille; faire; faitours; fals; falsnesse; faste; favel; fayn; fecche; feet; fel; feld; fele; ferther; fewe; fifteenth; firste; flesshe; fold; folk; following; folwe; foot; form; forth; fortune; fourteenth; foweles; freke; frendes; freres; friars; fro; ful; fynden; fyve; gaf; gan; general; giftes; gilt; gloton; god; goddes; gold; gome; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; graunte; great; grete; grounde; gyve; gyveth; hadde; hadde y; half; hand; hast; hath; hatte; haukyn; hede; heed; heighe; heires; helpe; helpeth; hem; hem alle; hem bothe; hem hir; hem noght; hem wel; herte; hevene; highte; hilles; hire; hise; history; holden; holi; holy; hood; hope; hote; hoteth; hous; hunger; hym; hymself; hymselve; important; inwit; jangle; jewes; john; joye; justice; kan; kan noght; kenne; kenneth; kepe; kind; king; kirke; knowe; knoweth; knyght; knyghtes; knyghthod; konnynge; koude; kouthe; kynde; kynde wit; kyng; kynges; laborers; labour; ladies; lady; lakke; language; large; lasse; lat; late; latyn; lawe; leauté; lecherie; lede; leef; leelly; lees; leeste; left; lele; length; lerne; lese; lesson; lest; lete; lettres; leve; lewed; lewed men; library; lif; life; liflode; liketh; liknesse; likyng; lines; litel; little; loke; lond; london; longe; lord; lordes; lordshipe; love; love hem; lovely; loveth; lowe; lucifer; lye; lyve; lyvynge; maad; madame; maister; maistres; maistrie; maked; maketh; malverne; man; manere; manner; manuscript; manye; marie; mathew; matyns; maugree; mayde; maydenes; mayntene; mede; mekenesse; men; mene; mennes; mercy; meschief; mete; metels; middle; modern; moneie; monks; moolde; moore; moost; mote; mouth; mowe; muche; murthe; murye; myghte; myn; myne; mys; mysdedes; myselve; nay; ne hadde; nec; nede; nedeth; nedy; nevere; new; noght; noght hir; noght thi; non; noon; noster; notes; numerous; ofte; ones; oother; orders; othere; othes; oure; owene; pacience; pardon; passion; passus; pecok; pees; penaunce; pens; peny; peple; peril; period; perkyn; persons; pestilence; peter; peyne; piers; piers ploughman; pilgrimage; pilgrymes; pité; place; ploughman; plowgh; plowman; poem; poetry; point; political; pope; popish; popular; possession; poul; povere; povere men; power; preche; precheth; preest; preestes; preieres; prelates; present; preved; pride; primus; printed; profit; prophete; proud; public; pure; purgatorie; putte; qui; quia; quod; quod conscience; quod piers; quod reson; quorum; quæ; reaume; rede; reign; religion; religious; remarkable; repentaunce; reson; reste; rhyming; riche; richesse; right; rome; rose; route; rule; saaf; sake; salomon; sapience; satirical; saul; sauter; save; saxon; scripture; search; second; sed; seed; segge; seide; seint; seintes; seith; seke; servauntz; serven; sette; seye; shal; shaltow; shame; sherewe; shewe; sheweth; sholde; short; shul; signe; silver; simple; sins; sire; sithes; siththe; sitten; slepe; sleuthe; society; som; somme; sone; songs; sorwe; sory; soughte; soule; spak; speche; stille; stonde; strengthe; studie; suffre; sunt; super; supra; swete; swiche; swynke; syde; symonye; synfulle; synne; system; tail; tales; taughte; techeth; techyng; telle; telleth; teme; text; thanne; thanne hadde; thee; thei; theigh; ther; therafter; therinne; therof; therto; therwith; thi; thi soule; thiself; thiselve; thoght; thomas; thoo; thorugh; thoughte; thow; thow hem; thre; thyn; thynges; thynketh; til; time; title; togideres; travaille; tresor; trewe; truthe; tuo; tyme; unkynde; verse; vision; vobis; volume; vos; wanhope; war; wastours; water; way; wedded; wel; welcome; welthe; wente; wepe; werche; wercheth; werkes; werkmen; wey; weye; whan; wheither; wher; whete; whiche; whitaker; wide; wif; wikked; wille; wilneth; wisdom; wise; wissen; wit; wite; withouten; witnesse; wittes; witty; wolde; wolt; wombe; womman; wonder; woot; words; work; world; worshipe; worthe; wrathe; writ; writer; wroght; wrong; wynd; wynnen; wynter; wyves; yaf; years; yede; yeres; yow; yvel cache: 43660.txt plain text: 43660.txt item: #4 of 17 id: 43661 author: Langland, William title: The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, Volume 2 date: None words: 83166 flesch: 90 summary: Poverte is hateful good_; and, as I gesse, A ful gret _bringer out of besinesse_; A _gret amender_ It is al _baudy_ and to-tore also. keywords: a.n; a.s; aboute; abraham; absque; account; act; adam; ages; ageyn; allas; alle; allusion; almesse; almyghty; amende; amonges; ancient; anglo; anima; antecrist; antiquæ; antony; apostles; arches; aren; aristotle; armes; arn; art; aske; atte; aungeles; austyn; autem; author; avenge; awaked; away; awey; ayein; ayens; bad; bagge; bake; bale; bar; bare; barn; base; bataille; beden; beestes; beggen; beggere; beggeris; beginning; ben; ben y; bene; bereth; best; bete; beth; better; bettre; bidde; bien; bifore; bigan; bihynde; bileve; bird; bisshope; bite; bitokneth; black; blame; blessed; blisse; blood; blynde; body; bold; bolle; bond; bonum; book; boot; bore; bothe; botheres; bounde; braunches; breed; bretheren; briddes; broke; brother; broughte; brynge; byleyve; cam; canterbury; cardinale; care; carmelites; cart; cast; catel; cato; cause; caym; centuries; century; certein; certes; cesse; character; charité; chaucer; cherles; chester; chewe; chief; children; chirche; chosen; christian; church; churches; classes; clene; clennesse; cleop; clergie; clergy; clerkes; cloth; clothes; coin; coinage; cold; coll; collection; colour; come; cometh; common; companion; comsede; comune; confession; confort; conquerour; conscience; contemporary; contrarie; contree; contricion; cope; corinth; corn; corven; cote; cotton; counseil; country; course; court; coveiteth; coveitise; covenaunt; coventry; craft; creature; crist; cristendom; cristene; cristes; crop; cros; crowne; crye; cum; cunning; curatours; cure; curious; cursed; curteisie; custom; dar; dare; date; david; day; dayes; decimus; dede; deed; deeth; defaute; defende; dei; demen; derknesse; description; destruye; deum; deus; devel; develes; deye; dide; different; distich; dives; dixit; doctours; domine; dominus; don; doom; doon; dooth; dore; double; doun; drawe; dream; dress; drye; drynke; ducange; dude; dum; dwell; earliest; early; earth; ecce; ech; edition; edward; eft; eighen; ejus; elde; elements; ellis; ende; england; english; enim; envye; epist; eremytes; ergo; error; erthe; est; etc; eten; evil; expression; fable; face; fader; faille; faire; fallen; fals; falsliche; famous; fareth; fast; fat; fecche; fede; feeste; feith; felawe; fele; fellow; fend; ferme; fet; fewe; fiat; fifteenth; filius; firste; fleigh; flessh; fode; foles; folk; following; folwede; folwen; folweth; fon; fond; fool; foot; foreign; forgifnesse; form; forsake; forth; fortune; foul; founden; fourteenth; foweles; fram; france; fraunceis; free; french; frendes; freres; friars; fro; fruyt; fuerit; ful; fulle; fulliche; fur; fust; fynden; fynger; fyngres; fynt; fyve; gaf; galat; gan; gate; general; gentil; german; gif; gile; gloria; glose; glossary; gluttony; god; godes; gold; gome; gon; good; goodnesse; goon; goost; grace; grammar; great; greatest; greek; grete; gretter; greven; greveth; greyn; ground; groweth; gyle; gyve; hadde; half; halliwell; hand; handes; hard; harlot; harlotes; hath; haukyn; haven; haveth; head; heed; heighe; helle; help; helpen; hem; hem alle; hennes; henry; heraud; herte; hevene; heye; highte; hir; hire; hise; history; hitte; holden; hole; holi; holy; holynesse; hond; hood; hope; horse; hote; hous; houses; hunger; hure; hus; hym; hymself; hymselve; ich; iii; illustration; imperat; introduction; isai; issue; jerusalem; jewes; jhesus; job; john; joye; jubinal; judas; juste; justice; justitiæ; kam; kan; kene; kennen; kepe; kepeth; kind; king; kirke; knaves; knees; knowe; knoweth; knyghtes; konne; kouthe; kynde; kyng; kynges; labour; ladies; lady; lakke; lakketh; lands; lappe; large; laste; lasteth; latin; lawe; lay; lazar; learning; lecherie; lede; leef; lees; leet; lefte; legend; lele; lelly; lemman; lenger; lengthe; lenten; lerne; lese; lesynges; lettres; leve; levest; lewed; leyen; libbeth; lif; life; liflode; ligge; liif; like; likynge; line; list; litel; literature; lith; litlum; little; loke; lokede; loketh; lolleres; lond; london; long; lord; lordes; lordshipe; lore; lorels; love; lowe; lucifer; luke; luther; lyard; lye; lyf; lyke; lyth; lyve; lyvede; lyveth; lyvynge; maad; maiden; maister; maistres; maistrie; maken; maketh; makometh; male; man; manere; mankynde; mannes; manuscripts; manye; mapes; marchaunt; marche; marie; mark; mary; masse; matrimoyne; matter; matth; matyns; mawe; mayde; meaning; means; mede; meke; mele; men; mene; mention; meny; menynge; merciable; mercy; meschief; messager; mesure; mete; middle; mind; miracles; moder; money; monkes; moore; moot; mores; mote; mount; mouth; mowe; moyses; muche; murthe; murye; myd; myddel; myghte; mylde; myn; myne; mynstrales; mysteries; names; nat; nede; nedeth; nedy; nemo; nevere; newe; nisi; noble; noght; nome; non; noon; norman; note; noumbre; numerous; obedience; ofte; omnia; ones; oon; oother; open; opera; opon; order; ordre; original; othere; oure; owene; pacience; pacient; page; paie; paradis; pardon; parfit; paris; particular; pas; passage; passeth; passion; passus; past; paternoster; patriarkes; paul; paupertas; pawme; payn; peacock; pees; penaunce; peny; peple; peril; period; person; persones; pestilence; peter; petit; peyne; phisik; phrase; pieces; piers; place; play; ploughman; plowman; poem; poetry; point; political; pope; popular; possession; pouke; poul; pound; poverte; povre; power; praye; prechen; prechours; precious; preestes; preieres; preise; prelates; pres; present; pret; pride; primus; printed; prison; profit; property; prophetes; proud; proverb; psal; pure; putte; quam; quath; qui; quia; quod; quyk; quyte; rathest; reading; ready; receyve; rede; regneth; reign; releve; religious; reliquiæ; renne; rentes; reson; reste; reve; reverence; richard; riche; richesse; right; rightful; rightwisnesse; ripe; rise; robert; robin; romance; rome; roode; rote; rule; ryde; sake; salt; samaritan; sanctus; sans; sarzens; saugh; sauter; save; saxon; says:-; scholastic; scole; scripture; second; seed; segge; seide; seigh; seint; sely; semeth; sense; servaunt; serven; service; set; sette; sew; sewe; sextus; seye; seyn; seyntes; shal; shapen; shapte; sheep; sheweth; sholde; short; shrift; shryve; shul; shulden; shulle; sic; sicut; siggen; sike; siknesse; silver; similar; sine; sire; sithen; siththe; sixteenth; sleeth; sleighte; slepe; sleuthe; small; society; solace; sollicitudine; som; somer; somme; sondry; sone; song; songen; sorwe; sory; soth; soughte; soule; sovereyn; sowen; speche; speke; speketh; spes; spille; spiritus; stonde; stoon; stratford; strong; subject; suffre; suffrede; suffreth; sunt; super; suster; swete; swiche; syde; synfulle; synne; syre; sytten; tale; talk; taughte; teche; techeth; techynge; tellen; telleth; term; text; thanne; thauh; thee; thei; ther; therafter; therfore; therinne; therof; therto; therwith; theves; thi; things; thirteenth; tho; thomas; thorugh; thou; thoughte; thow; thre; thridde; thuse; thy; thyng; thynges; thynketh; thys; tibi; til; time; title; togideres; toke; tonge; towneley; travaille; trayan; tree; trewthe; trin; trinité; trowe; truthe; tua; turne; turnede; tweyne; tyl; tyme; unitee; unkynde; unkyndenesse; use; usen; useth; variations; vengeaunce; venym; verse; vertues; vices; vie; vii; viii; vision; vobis; vol; vos; wage; walke; wan; wanhope; warde; warm; warton; wasshen; water; way; weber; wedes; weere; weet; weex; weke; wel; welcome; wele; wenden; wente; werchen; werkes; werld; westmynstre; wexe; wey; whan; wheither; wher; whete; whiche; whitaker; whou; whough; wide; wif; wife; wikked; wildernesse; wiles; wille; wilneth; wine; wise; wissen; wite; withalle; withinne; withouten; witnesse; witterly; wittes; witty; wolde; woldest; wolves; woman; wombe; wommen; wonder; wonyeth; woot; word; work; worldly; worthe; wot; woxen; wrathe; writ; writer; wroghte; wrong; wroth; wrought; wyde; wye; wynd; wynnen; wynter; wyntres; wyse; wæs; xii; xiii; xiv; xix; xvi; xxii; xxv; yaf; yates; ydel; year; yede; yeres; yit; yow; yut; yvele; þanon cache: 43661.txt plain text: 43661.txt item: #5 of 17 id: 43886 author: Day, Samuel Phillips title: Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress: In Words of One Syllable date: None words: 27462 flesch: 95 summary: Said he, It is for that I know not where to go. True, there are, by the help of him who frames the laws, some stout and firm steps found through the midst of this slough; these steps are all but hid, or if they be seen, men step on one side, and then they get all grime with mire, though the steps be there; but the ground is good when they are once got in at the gate. keywords: best; bid; cause; chapter; christian; city; cloth; cross; day; death; door; dost; doth; dream; evangelist; eyes; fair; faith; faithful; far; fell; free; friend; gate; giant; god; good; grace; great; ground; hand; hath; heart; heed; help; high; hill; hopeful; house; illustration; interpreter; joy; king; know; land; left; lie; life; like; load; long; look; lord; man; means; men; mind; nigh; pilgrim; place; progress; right; road; saw; set; shame; shepherds; sin; sleep; soul; speech; stay; stream; syllable; talk; thee; things; thou; thought; time; town; truth; vale; walk; way; words; world; young cache: 43886.txt plain text: 43886.txt item: #6 of 17 id: 44684 author: Cartwright, Julia title: The Pilgrims' Way from Winchester to Canterbury date: None words: 37504 flesch: 63 summary: Old houses and timbered barns, with lofty gables and irregular roofs, are grouped round the church, which is itself as picturesque an object as any, with its massive towers and curious old red-tiled Galilee porch. The bright little market-square, full of old houses with massive oak beams, and quaint corners jutting out in all directions, hardly agrees with Hasted's description of Lenham as a dull, unfrequented place, where nothing thrives in the barren soil, and the inhabitants, when asked by travellers if this is Lenham, invariably reply, Ah, sir, poor Lenham! keywords: abbey; abbot; albury; alfred; alresford; altar; alton; ancient; archbishop; arches; arms; augustine; austen; aylesford; banks; battle; beautiful; beauty; becket; black; blue; book; boxley; bright; brother; building; canterbury; canterbury pilgrims; castle; cathedral; centuries; century; chalk; chancel; chapel; chapter; charing; charles; chaucer; chawton; chevening; chilham; christ; church; churches; city; clear; close; cloth; cobbett; common; compton; conquest; convent; corner; cottage; country; course; court; cross; crown; crypt; culpeper; days; dean; death; deep; distinguished; domesday; doorway; dorking; downs; early; east; eastwell; edward; elizabeth; end; england; english; erasmus; evelyn; eyes; fact; fair; family; famous; far; farm; farnham; favourite; feet; field; fifteenth; fine; finest; fire; foot; forest; fourteenth; fragments; france; gardens; gates; gatton; george; giles; godmersham; gold; good; grand; grass; great; green; grey; guildford; hall; hampshire; hands; harbledown; head; heart; heights; henry; high; hill; hog; hollingbourne; holy; home; hospital; house; iii; illustration; inn; interesting; itchen; jane; john; journey; katherine; kent; kentish; king; knight; lady; lane; lanfranc; large; later; lay; left; legend; lenham; lies; life; line; little; london; long; look; lord; loseley; low; manor; market; martha; martyr; martyrdom; mary; massive; master; meadows; mediæval; medway; memorable; memory; mile; modern; mole; monks; monument; nave; neighbourhood; new; newark; noble; norman; north; number; oak; object; offerings; old; old church; old house; open; opposite; original; otford; parish; park; parts; past; path; people; picturesque; pilgrimage; pilgrims; place; pleasant; pointed; poor; popular; portrait; precious; present; preserved; prince; prior; property; quaint; queen; quiet; rebuilt; records; red; reigate; reign; relics; remains; remarkable; residence; return; richard; ridge; river; road; roman; roof; round; route; royal; runs; saint; saxon; scene; shalford; shrine; sight; silver; sir; site; slopes; small; son; south; spot; spring; standing; stanhope; state; stone; strangers; stream; street; summer; surrey; sussex; swithun; tall; thirteenth; thomas; tichborne; time; titsey; tomb; tower; town; track; tradition; traveller; trees; upper; valley; vast; venerable; view; viii; village; visit; walk; walls; waverley; way; weald; west; white; wide; wife; wild; william; winchester; windows; woods; work; wotton; wrotham; years; yew; yews cache: 44684.txt plain text: 44684.txt item: #7 of 17 id: 7088 author: Aikin, Lucy title: The Pilgrim's Progress in Words of One Syllable date: None words: 27062 flesch: 93 summary: In those days, said they, good men could not walk the streets, but now they can show their heads. So, good Christian, come with me, and I will teach you the way you must go. keywords: boys; celestial; christian; city; day; dear; death; despair; door; dream; far; fear; friend; gate; giant; god; good; great; ground; guide; hand; hard; heart; heed; help; high; hill; hopeful; house; interpreter; joy; king; land; lay; leave; left; life; like; load; long; look; lord; love; man; men; mercy; mind; near; pass; path; place; pray; rest; right; road; sir; sleep; stand; thee; things; think; thought; time; town; truth; turn; walk; way; wife; wish; words; world; zion cache: 7088.txt plain text: 7088.txt item: #8 of 17 id: 8511 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 1 date: None words: 44323 flesch: 70 summary: And the sufferers who listened to these marvellous stories with increasing feverishness were like little children who, after hearing one fine fairy tale, ask for another, and another, and yet another. Moreover, the ailing ones were constantly drinking milk, and asking for biscuits, like little children. keywords: abbe; able; account; air; ardent; arms; assumption; attention; ave; away; beautiful; bernadette; better; big; black; blessed; blood; blue; book; bread; breathing; brother; burning; carriage; case; certain; charming; child; children; church; clad; class; clear; closed; cold; compartment; corner; country; course; cross; cry; cure; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; delight; depths; desire; disease; divine; doctor; doubt; dream; drew; dying; elder; elise; end; evening; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; faith; fall; family; far; father; feeling; feet; ferrand; folks; following; foot; france; fresh; friend; garden; gave; gay; gentle; girl; god; good; great; greater; grief; grivotte; grotto; guersaint; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; haste; head; health; hearing; heart; heaven; heavy; help; holy; hope; hospital; hour; house; human; humble; husband; hyacinthe; idea; ill; illness; infinite; interested; isidore; jolting; jonquiere; journey; joy; kind; l'abbe; lady; land; large; leave; left; legs; life; light; like; limbs; lips; little; living; long; longer; look; lourdes; love; low; madame; man; marie; marvellous; massias; matter; maze; medical; memory; mere; midst; mind; minutes; miracles; miraculous; moment; monsieur; months; morning; mother; mouth; murmured; narrow; nature; necessary; need; new; o'clock; old; ones; open; order; pain; painful; pale; paris; passion; past; patients; people; persons; pierre; pilgrimage; pilgrims; piscina; pity; place; platform; point; poitiers; poor; possible; power; priest; pure; question; raymonde; real; religious; return; rolling; room; rose; round; rouquet; sabathier; salvation; science; seat; secret; set; short; sick; silence; simple; sister; sister hyacinthe; sky; sleep; slender; small; smile; son; sophie; soul; source; speed; station; stifling; stomach; stories; story; strange; sudden; sufferers; suffering; sun; tale; terrible; things; thought; time; train; trees; truth; turn; unable; vetu; village; vincent; violent; virgin; voice; volmar; waiting; water; wheels; white; wife; window; woman; words; work; world; wretched; wretchedness; years; yellow; yonder; young cache: 8511.txt plain text: 8511.txt item: #9 of 17 id: 8512 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 2 date: None words: 41022 flesch: 71 summary: At this, little Madame Desagneaux, with her pretty, light wavy-haired head, began to say that it served Madame de Jonquiere right for refusing her services. It must be admitted that she was bravely seconded by little Madame Desagneaux, who displayed such enthusiastic zeal that Sister Hyacinthe asked her, with a smile: Why don't you take the vows? keywords: abbe; able; ailing; air; apparitions; ardent; arms; arrival; attack; away; baron; baths; bearers; bed; beds; beginning; bernadette; berthaud; better; black; blessed; blue; body; bonamy; broad; carriage; case; certain; chassaigne; child; children; church; clear; coming; commander; commissary; confusion; corpse; couple; course; courtyard; covered; crowd; cry; cure; darkness; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; desagneaux; desire; difficult; divine; doctor; documents; door; doubt; eternal; examination; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; fair; faith; fall; far; father; feet; folks; foot; fourcade; fresh; friend; frightful; gave; general; gentlemen; gerard; girl; god; good; great; grivotte; grotto; ground; guersaint; haired; half; hand; happiness; happy; haste; head; heart; heaven; help; hope; hospital; hospitallers; hour; human; hyacinthe; idea; interest; joined; jonquiere; journey; judaine; kind; knees; ladies; lady; large; lay; leave; left; life; light; like; linen; little; long; longer; lord; lourdes; love; low; madame; mademoiselle; man; manner; marie; massias; master; mattresses; means; medical; mind; minutes; miracle; moment; monsieur; morning; mother; nature; necessary; need; new; number; o'clock; office; old; ones; open; order; pale; paris; past; patients; pause; people; perfect; pierre; pilgrimage; pilgrims; piscina; place; platform; poor; possible; power; prayer; prefect; presence; present; previous; priest; question; raymonde; reason; removal; reserved; rest; rock; room; rouquet; sabathier; science; second; set; sick; sign; silence; simple; sister; sleep; smile; sophie; sores; soul; state; station; story; strength; sudden; sufferers; suffering; suire; sun; superintendent; terrible; things; thought; throng; time; town; train; truth; turn; unable; use; vast; vehicles; vetu; vincent; virgin; voice; waiting; ward; water; white; wife; woeful; woman; words; work; world; wretchedness; years; young cache: 8512.txt plain text: 8512.txt item: #10 of 17 id: 8513 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 3 date: None words: 40378 flesch: 73 summary: M. de Guersaint meantime brought up the rear, screening the little conveyance so that it might not be upset by the jostling; whilst Marie turned her head, still endeavouring to see the sheet of flame spread out before the Grotto, that lake of little sparkling waves which never seemed to diminish, although the procession continued to flow from it without a pause. Poor little girls are received into it, and shielded from the perils of the highways. keywords: abbe; afternoon; air; anxious; apparitions; ardent; arms; articles; aunt; away; balcony; baron; basilica; beautiful; bed; believe; benches; bernadette; better; big; bishop; black; blessed; blue; bright; building; burning; cazaban; certain; chaise; child; children; church; close; continued; corner; couple; course; cross; crowd; cry; cured; darkness; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; delight; delighted; desagneaux; desire; dining; distance; divine; doctor; door; doubt; dream; earth; eating; end; evening; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faith; far; fashion; father; fatigue; features; feeling; feet; fine; francs; fresh; friend; gave; gentlemen; gerard; girl; gloom; glory; gold; good; great; grotto; growing; guersaint; gustave; hand; happy; haste; head; heart; heaven; help; high; hope; hospital; hotel; hours; house; human; humble; husband; idea; kind; kneeling; knees; l'abbe; ladies; lady; large; laugh; lawns; leave; left; letters; life; like; lips; little; long; longer; lost; lourdes; love; low; madame; majeste; man; marie; mass; matter; maze; mind; mob; moment; money; monsieur; morning; mother; mountains; necessary; need; new; nice; night; number; o'clock; offerings; old; ones; open; order; outside; overflowing; pale; parish; party; passion; past; path; people; perfume; persons; peyramale; pierre; pilgrimage; pilgrims; place; pleased; point; poor; powerful; priest; procession; pure; railing; rain; raymonde; religious; rest; return; road; rock; room; rosaire; rosary; rose; round; scene; sempe; servant; set; shop; short; silence; simple; sisters; sky; sleep; small; smile; soul; spite; spot; spring; start; steps; stream; sudden; suffering; suire; sun; sunday; sunlight; table; taking; tapers; things; thought; time; town; trees; turn; unable; vast; view; vigneron; virgin; visitors; voice; waiting; walls; want; water; wax; white; wide; wise; woman; words; work; world; worn; years; yonder; young cache: 8513.txt plain text: 8513.txt item: #11 of 17 id: 8514 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 4 date: None words: 37763 flesch: 74 summary: It seemed as though a divine breath were passing, rolling those billows of little pale faces which were as numerous as the waves of an ocean. Little girl, she said, we have one of our patients here in great pain, and not expected to recover. keywords: abbe; able; agony; air; arms; away; banners; basilica; bearers; beauclair; beautiful; bed; bernadette; berthaud; better; big; black; blessed; breath; bright; broken; brother; burning; candles; canopy; car; case; certain; charity; chassaigne; child; children; choir; church; close; cold; come; course; cries; cross; crowd; cry; crypt; cure; david; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; delight; desagneaux; desire; despair; divine; doctor; doubt; dream; earth; emotion; end; entire; extraordinary; eyes; face; faith; fallen; far; father; fear; feeling; feet; ferrand; fever; flagstones; foot; friend; frightful; gave; gentlemen; gesture; girl; glowing; god; gold; golden; good; gratitude; great; grotto; hair; half; hands; happiness; happy; head; heal; health; heart; heaven; heavy; higher; hold; holy; hope; hour; huge; human; husband; hyacinthe; idea; immense; infinite; jesus; jonquiere; joy; judaine; ladies; lady; large; left; legs; life; light; like; lips; little; live; long; longer; look; lord; lost; lourdes; love; low; madame; marble; marie; mary; massias; matter; memory; mind; minutes; miracle; miraculous; misery; moment; monsieur; monstrance; morning; mother; mouth; multitude; narrow; nave; near; necessary; new; old; ones; open; order; pain; pale; pass; past; patient; people; pierre; pilgrims; pity; place; point; poor; possible; power; prayer; present; priest; procession; prodigious; pulpit; pure; raymonde; return; rise; roof; room; round; sabathier; sacrament; saying; set; sick; sign; silence; simple; sister; small; son; soul; space; spite; splendour; standing; state; strength; sudden; suffering; sun; sunlight; things; thought; throng; time; tomb; town; triumph; trouble; truth; turn; vast; vetu; virgin; vision; voice; walls; ward; weight; white; wild; windows; woman; words; work; world; wretched; wretchedness; years; young cache: 8514.txt plain text: 8514.txt item: #12 of 17 id: 8515 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 5 date: None words: 45375 flesch: 76 summary: She no longer remembered what squares she had crossed, what streets she had traversed, as she roamed through that infamous Lourdes, that Lourdes which killed little children, that Lourdes which she cursed. What! exclaimed little Madame Desagneaux, you will go to Berneville on the 15th? keywords: able; affection; air; anxious; apolline; ardent; arms; articles; attack; away; basilica; beautiful; bed; bernadette; berthaud; better; big; black; blessed; blood; blue; body; breath; bright; brother; care; carriage; chaplets; chassaigne; child; childhood; children; church; closed; commander; compartment; continual; corner; course; creature; cross; crowd; cry; cure; darkness; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; delicious; delightful; departure; depths; desire; despair; divine; doctor; door; dream; drink; earth; emotion; end; eternal; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faith; far; father; fatigue; feeling; feet; francs; fresh; friend; frightful; garden; gavarnie; gave; gay; gerard; girl; glory; god; good; great; grivotte; grotto; guersaint; gustave; half; hand; happiness; happy; head; health; heart; heaven; home; hope; hospital; hotel; hours; human; humanity; husband; hyacinthe; idea; illusion; jesus; jonquiere; journey; joy; judaine; kind; kiss; knees; l'abbe; ladies; lady; large; laugh; laughing; leave; left; legs; length; life; like; lips; little; long; longer; longing; look; lord; lost; loud; lourdes; love; madame; mademoiselle; majeste; making; man; manner; marie; master; mind; miracle; moment; money; monsieur; morning; morrow; mother; mouth; nature; necessary; new; night; noise; o'clock; old; ones; open; order; pain; paradise; paris; passion; past; patients; people; pierre; pilgrimage; pilgrims; pity; place; platform; pleasant; pleased; poor; possible; power; prayer; presence; priest; raymonde; reason; red; religion; religious; return; rolling; room; rose; round; running; sabathier; sadness; saying; seat; shop; sick; silence; silent; simple; sister; sleep; small; smile; sophie; soul; spite; station; story; streets; strength; sudden; suffering; sun; sweet; terrible; things; thought; time; town; train; trees; true; unable; unhappy; unknown; vast; vigneron; vincent; virgin; voice; waiting; walking; water; weary; white; wife; window; wish; woman; words; work; world; wretched; years; yonder; young cache: 8515.txt plain text: 8515.txt item: #13 of 17 id: 8721 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 1 date: None words: 45796 flesch: 68 summary: But at last Pierre tore himself away from the sublime spectacle. At last Pierre ended by feeling as though he were transported into some /salon/ of the time of Charles X, in one of the episcopal cities of the French provinces. keywords: abbe; absolute; added; affair; ages; ancient; ante; antique; anxious; ardent; arms; audience; bare; beautiful; beauty; bed; benedetta; black; blood; blue; boccanera; book; broad; brother; calm; cardinal; case; cassock; catholic; catholicism; celia; centuries; century; certain; character; charity; child; children; choue; christian; christianity; church; city; class; clear; closed; cold; coming; complete; congregation; contents; contessina; convinced; corso; count; course; crumbling; dario; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; delicate; democracy; desire; dim; distant; district; divine; don; donna; door; doubt; dream; driver; dust; duties; earth; eminence; end; entire; ernesta; eternal; evening; expression; eyes; face; fact; faint; faith; fall; family; famous; far; fashion; father; feeling; feet; fine; floor; fond; fortune; france; free; french; fresh; frightful; froment; garden; gentle; girl; gloom; god; golden; good; great; hair; half; hand; happiness; head; heart; heavy; help; high; history; holy; home; hope; hour; house; huge; human; humanity; humble; hunger; husband; idea; index; infinite; influence; interest; italian; italy; jesus; journey; justice; kind; king; l'abbe; land; lane; large; law; leave; left; leo; life; like; lips; little; living; lofty; long; longer; lost; lourdes; love; lovely; low; man; mansion; marriage; married; master; matters; means; meeting; mere; middle; mind; misery; modern; moment; monsieur; monsignor; months; morano; morning; morrow; mother; nani; narcisse; nations; necessary; new; noble; nose; o'clock; office; old; ones; open; order; palace; palazzo; papacy; papal; paparelli; paris; passion; passionate; past; peace; people; perfect; peter; petty; pierre; pio; point; political; poor; pope; portrait; possession; possible; power; powerful; prada; prelate; presence; present; pride; priest; primitive; prince; princess; proud; pure; purity; question; quirinal; race; reason; reception; red; religion; religious; respect; rest; return; rich; right; roman; rome; room; round; ruins; sanguinetti; santobono; second; secretary; serafina; servants; silence; silent; simple; sky; sleep; slow; small; smile; socialism; society; son; soul; sovereign; spacious; speaking; square; staircase; state; stern; stone; story; street; subject; sudden; suffering; sun; superb; table; things; thought; tiber; time; triumph; true; truth; uncle; universal; unknown; vast; vatican; victorine; vigilio; villa; violent; viscount; voice; wall; way; wealth; weeks; white; wife; windows; words; work; working; world; writing; xiii; years; yellow; young; youth cache: 8721.txt plain text: 8721.txt item: #14 of 17 id: 8722 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 2 date: None words: 44327 flesch: 66 summary: Pebbled, deserted inclines stretched out, and steps followed steps, worn and white, under the burning sun; but at last Pierre reached the door and went in. Without Rome new Italy could not have existed; Rome represented the glory of ancient time; in her dust lay the sovereign power which we wished to re-establish; she brought strength, beauty, eternity to those who possessed her. keywords: affair; affection; ages; ancient; angelo; appian; ardent; arm; atmosphere; attilio; augustus; away; bare; basilica; beautiful; beauty; benedetta; bernini; big; black; blood; blue; boccanera; book; breath; broad; bronze; building; burning; campagna; capital; cardinal; catacombs; celia; centuries; century; certain; chair; chapel; christian; church; city; clear; closed; colossal; columns; coming; complete; conquest; corso; country; court; cousin; dario; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; del; desire; despair; divine; divinity; dome; door; doubt; dream; dust; early; earth; edifice; emotion; emperor; empire; end; enthusiasm; entire; erect; eternal; evening; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; faith; fall; fallen; family; far; father; feet; figures; fine; fire; floor; following; foot; fortune; forum; fragments; france; free; french; fresh; friend; future; galleries; gallery; gamba; gardens; garibaldi; genius; gentle; gigantic; gloom; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; good; grace; grandeur; great; guide; half; hall; hand; handsome; happiness; hard; head; heart; heavens; heavy; hero; high; history; holy; hope; horizon; hours; house; huge; human; humble; husband; idea; imperial; infinite; instinct; interest; italian; italy; justice; kind; known; l'abbe; ladies; large; later; leave; left; leo; life; like; line; lips; little; live; living; lofty; long; look; looking; lost; love; lovely; luigi; man; mankind; marble; marriage; master; men; michael; middle; mighty; millions; mind; modern; moment; money; monsieur; monsignor; monumental; morning; morrow; mother; motionless; museum; mystery; nani; narcisse; narrow; nation; nature; necessary; neighbouring; new; noble; o'clock; old; omnipotence; open; order; orlando; pagan; palace; palatine; palazzo; papal; particular; passion; past; pavement; people; perfect; peter; piazza; pierre; pleased; point; pomp; pompous; pontifical; poor; pope; power; powerful; prada; present; pride; priest; primitive; private; protest; proud; pure; purple; question; raffaelle; real; religion; remains; republican; resplendent; rest; return; right; rome; roofs; room; round; ruddy; ruins; sacco; sacred; san; servant; set; short; sides; silence; silent; simple; simplicity; sky; small; smile; soil; soldier; son; soul; sovereign; spite; splendid; splendour; spot; square; standing; statues; steps; stones; street; strength; sudden; suffering; summit; sun; sunlight; superb; surprised; table; talk; temple; terrible; thick; things; thought; time; tombs; trappist; trees; triumph; triumphant; true; truth; unable; uncle; united; vast; vatican; view; villa; visit; visitors; voice; walls; war; way; white; wife; wild; windows; wise; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; xiii; years; young; youth cache: 8722.txt plain text: 8722.txt item: #15 of 17 id: 8723 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 3 date: None words: 48071 flesch: 68 summary: Some day, no doubt, it would all be rebuilt, but how interesting was this phase of the city's evolution: old Rome expiring and new Rome just dawning amidst countless difficulties! And in these gardens of Rome Pierre ever found the same clipped box-shrubs, the same eucalypti with white trunks and pale leaves long like hair, the same ilex-trees squat and dusky, the same giant pines, the same black cypresses, the same marbles whitening amidst tufts of roses, and the same fountains gurgling under mantling ivy. keywords: /cortege/; abbe; able; absolute; account; affair; afternoon; air; alms; altar; ancient; antique; anxious; apartments; arms; authority; away; bad; bank; bare; basilica; bead; beautiful; beauty; bed; benedetta; best; better; bishops; black; blast; blood; blue; boccanera; book; broad; building; burst; campagna; capital; cardinal; castle; catholic; catholicism; celia; centre; centuries; certain; chair; children; church; city; closed; colossal; companies; congregation; contessina; course; court; cousin; crisis; crowd; crumbling; cry; dario; dark; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; dei; deity; delight; delighted; delightful; deserted; desire; disaster; district; divine; dome; donna; door; doubt; doubtless; dream; dust; dying; earth; effect; embarrassment; emotion; empire; enthusiasm; eternal; evening; events; extraordinary; eyes; face; faint; faith; family; famous; farnese; father; feet; fellow; fever; fields; figure; financial; fine; floor; following; food; fortune; francs; frantic; free; french; fresh; friend; frightful; future; gambling; gardens; gentlemen; giovanni; girl; glance; glory; god; gold; golden; good; government; grand; great; green; ground; habert; half; hand; happiness; happy; head; heart; heaven; heavy; help; high; history; holiness; holy; hope; hours; houses; huge; human; idea; interest; italian; italy; kingdom; l'abbe; ladies; lady; lamp; land; large; laugh; leave; left; leo; life; like; little; living; lofty; long; longer; looking; love; low; man; marble; marriage; mass; master; matters; men; mere; middle; millions; mind; misery; modern; moment; money; monsieur; monsignor; morning; morrow; mother; motionless; multitude; nani; narcisse; nations; near; necessary; new; o'clock; old; ones; open; order; palaces; palazzo; pale; papacy; papal; paris; passion; past; patrimony; pecuniary; pence; people; perfect; peter; petty; piazza; pierina; pierre; pilgrimage; pilgrims; place; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; point; pontiff; pontifical; poor; pope; population; possible; power; prada; prelate; presence; present; pride; priest; prince; protest; pure; purple; purpose; quay; question; race; real; reality; red; religious; return; rich; right; river; roman; rome; roofs; room; ruins; san; sant; second; serafina; set; sides; silence; silent; sky; slow; small; smile; social; soil; son; soul; sovereign; speculation; spite; spread; staircase; standing; statues; steps; stone; stream; streets; sudden; suffering; sun; sunlight; superb; terrible; things; thought; throne; tiber; time; tito; tomaso; trastevere; trees; truth; unable; unfinished; vast; vatican; victorine; view; villa; voice; walls; want; warm; water; way; wealth; weary; white; window; women; words; work; working; world; wretched; xiii; years; young cache: 8723.txt plain text: 8723.txt item: #16 of 17 id: 8724 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 4 date: None words: 63928 flesch: 71 summary: However, a sound of coughing made Pierre turn, and he started on perceiving Cardinal Sarno, whom he had not heard enter. But I like to think that he has also realised the touching significance of that marriage--old Rome, in the person of that candid, loving child giving herself to young Italy, that upright, enthusiastic young man who wears his uniform so jauntily. keywords: /fete/; /salon/; abbe; abominable; account; action; advice; affair; ambition; amiable; ancient; anger; anxiety; anxious; ardent; arms; arrival; astonished; attilio; away; bad; ball; bare; basket; battle; bearing; beautiful; beauty; bed; beneath; benedetta; better; big; bishops; black; blood; blow; blue; boccanera; book; box; bright; brother; buongiovanni; burst; campagna; cardinal; case; cassock; cast; catholicism; celia; centuries; century; certain; charming; child; children; church; city; clear; closed; cold; congregation; conquest; contessina; conversation; count; course; crime; crowd; cry; dangelis; dario; dark; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; delicate; delightful; depths; desire; destiny; dining; doctor; dominicans; don; donna; door; doubt; doubtless; dream; earth; easy; efforts; embarrassed; eminence; end; eternal; europe; evening; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faith; family; famous; far; father; fear; feeling; feet; felt; fever; figs; figure; fine; fire; floor; flowers; foot; force; foreign; fornaro; fortune; frascati; french; fresh; friend; frightful; froment; fruit; future; gallery; gay; gesture; giordano; glance; god; good; great; green; grey; grief; ground; guests; hair; half; hands; happiness; happy; hatred; head; heart; heaven; help; hen; hold; holiness; holy; home; hope; hour; house; huge; human; humble; idea; ill; index; influence; interest; italy; jesuits; journey; justice; keen; kind; king; knees; l'abbe; ladies; lake; lamps; large; laugh; leave; left; leo; life; light; like; lips; lisbeth; little; live; lofty; long; look; love; loving; low; man; manner; mansion; marble; marriage; matter; means; mere; middle; millions; mind; miracle; moment; monseigneur; monsieur; monsignor; morning; morrow; mother; motionless; mouth; nani; narcisse; nations; near; necessary; need; new; news; note; number; o'clock; object; old; ones; open; order; overcome; palazzo; pale; papacy; paparelli; passion; passionate; past; people; perfect; person; peter; picture; pierre; place; pleasant; pleased; point; poison; poor; pope; position; possible; power; powerful; prada; prelate; presence; present; pride; priest; prince; princess; propaganda; proud; queen; question; quiet; quivering; radiant; real; reason; reception; religion; repeated; reply; report; return; road; roman; rome; room; rose; sacco; sanguinetti; santobono; sarno; saw; science; seated; second; secretary; self; serafina; servant; set; shoulders; silence; silent; simple; sky; small; smile; society; soft; soil; soul; sound; sovereign; spirit; spite; stay; steps; street; strength; struggle; success; sudden; sun; sunshine; superb; supreme; sure; surprised; table; tall; task; temporal; terrible; terror; things; think; thought; time; train; trees; triumph; true; truth; turn; unable; uncle; universal; usual; vast; vatican; victorine; victory; vigilio; violet; visit; voice; waiting; walls; warm; water; way; white; window; wine; wise; women; words; work; world; xiii; years; yellow; yonder; young cache: 8724.txt plain text: 8724.txt item: #17 of 17 id: 8725 author: Zola, Émile title: The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 5 date: None words: 51904 flesch: 69 summary: At last Pierre raised his eyes to the Vatican, but facing the piazza there was here merely a confused jumble of walls, amidst which only two gleams of light appeared on the floor of the papal apartments. so as to give Pierre time to breathe and recover himself somewhat before crossing the threshold of the sanctuary. keywords: abbe; accomplished; affection; age; ambition; ancient; anguish; answer; ante; anxious; apartments; arms; atmosphere; awaited; away; bad; beautiful; bed; belief; benedetta; bergerot; black; blood; boccanera; bodies; book; bow; cab; calm; cardinal; catholicism; centuries; century; certain; chair; chamber; charity; children; christian; church; city; closed; cold; compassion; content; count; courage; cry; dangerous; dario; dark; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; democracy; desire; despair; divine; dogma; dolorous; dome; don; donna; door; doubt; dream; dust; earth; effort; eminence; emotion; end; erect; error; eternal; evening; exhausted; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; faith; fall; family; far; father; fear; feeling; final; fine; floor; form; france; free; french; fresh; frightful; gesture; gilded; girl; glass; gloom; glory; god; good; grave; great; grief; guards; half; hand; happiness; happy; head; heart; heaven; heavy; help; history; holiness; holy; hope; horror; hour; house; huge; human; humble; ideas; intelligence; italian; italy; jesuits; justice; kindness; knowledge; labour; lamps; large; law; leave; left; leo; life; like; lips; little; lofty; long; longer; look; lost; love; lovers; loving; low; lowly; man; mankind; mansion; marble; mass; master; mere; mind; minutes; misery; modern; moment; money; monsieur; monsignor; moral; morrow; mother; motionless; mournful; mourning; multitude; nani; nations; necessary; need; new; night; old; old man; ones; open; order; orlando; palace; pale; papacy; paparelli; paris; passing; passion; past; peace; people; peter; pierre; point; pontiff; poor; pope; possible; power; powerful; prelate; presence; present; pride; priest; prince; pure; question; quivering; race; real; reason; red; reign; religion; reply; republic; rest; return; roman; rome; room; round; ruins; salvation; sanguinetti; save; science; secretary; serafina; servants; signor; silence; silent; simple; sky; sleep; social; soil; sole; son; soul; sovereign; spirit; spite; squadra; state; step; strength; struggle; stubborn; sudden; suffering; sufficient; sun; superb; supreme; sure; table; tears; temporal; terrible; things; thought; threshold; throne; time; tragic; train; triumph; true; truth; turn; unable; unity; universal; unknown; vast; vatican; victorine; vigilio; vision; visit; voice; waiting; walls; wealth; white; window; wise; wish; words; work; world; worthy; xiii; yellow; yonder; young; young priest cache: 8725.txt plain text: 8725.txt