item: #1 of 11 id: A17357 author: Abbot, John, fl. 1623. title: Iesus præfigured, or, A poëme of the holy name of Iesus in five bookes. The first, and second booke date: 1623 words: 33400 flesch: 83 summary: VVrite vvith a modest Pen such holy laies , That Phoebus may vvith ouerlasting baies Your tempells Crovvne : els knovv that chaster times , Shall sacrifice to Vulcan your loose rimes And thou my Pegasus vvhom I shall vse As Palfrie in this progresse of my Muse , VVhilst of great IESVS name thy Ladie sings , Mount vp aloft vse thy best paire of vvings , VVhen thou art forc'd to trampel here benea'th , Be it a moment onelie to take breath , And in the vvaie plaie not the Iade and tire , But as thy journey , so increase thy fire , A POËME , OF THE HOLIE NAME OF IESVS . In fairest of-spring happie auntient Nun , Bring foorth thy valiant and thrice vvorthy Son , ( Our IESVS figure , honor'd vvith his name , For IOSVAH and IESVS are the same . ) keywords: able; aboue; act; actes; actions; againe; alvvaies; amisse; angels; angrie; apoc; apostles; armes; austria; avvaie; backe; bands; base; bed; bee; begin; behold; bell; bene; best; better; betvvixt; birth; blame; blast; blessed; bloud; bloudie; bodies; body; booke; borne; braue; breake; bring; build; building; caelestiall; care; cast; casting; catholike; cause; cell; characters; charitie; charles; chase; chiefe; children; christian; christs; church; church haue; church vvhich; churches; cittie; cloth'd; coate; come; commaund; common; countrie; course; cries; crosse; crovvne; cruell; cunning; daies; dare; daughters; davids; dead; death; deed; deuotion; didst; die; diuine; doctors; doe; dogs; dost; doth; doth iesvs; doth vvith; dovvne; drinke; durst; dvvell; early; earth; ebba; eebo; eies; empires; end; england; english; errors; eternall; eu'ry; eye; eyes; face; faith; fall; false; fathers; fault; feare; feast; feete; field; fight; fill; finde; fire; fish; fit; flesh; flie; flocke; foes; fond; force; forth; foule; foundation; frame; francis; free; friends; fury; garden; gates; gaue; gen; gentle; ghost; giu'n; giue; glorie; glorious; god; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; grace; great; great iesvs; greater; ground; grovv; guilt; hand; happie; hart; hast; hate; hath; haue; hauing; head; heau'n; heau'nly; hee; heere; hell; heresie; heretikes; hetherto; high; higher; hill; himselfe; holie; holy; home; honour; hope; house; hovv; humble; iesvs; iesvs church; iesvs faith; iesvs grace; iesvs mother; ievves; images; impious; infernall; iohn; ios; israel; iud; joye; judge; keepe; kill; king; kingdomes; kirke; knife; knovv; labours; lambe; land; large; las; lavves; learne; leaue; lib; life; like; likevvise; liue; liuing; long; longer; losse; loue; lovv; luc; magus; maister; making; malice; man; manie; mans; martyrs; mat; mauger; meane; mee; men; mightie; mongst; mother; moue; mount; moyses; muse; nations; nature; nay; neuer; nevv; noble; nose; note; nought; nuestro; nuns; o're; olympus; order; ouer; oyle; pagans; paine; paraque; passe; past; pavle; pen; people; perfection; performe; peters; pictures; pietie; pillars; place; pleasures; poets; poore; por; pouertie; praise; preach; prelate; present; pride; priests; prince; promist; proud; prudence; que; queene; quill; quire; quoth; raigne; rare; read; reason; reg; religion; religious; reliques; rest; returne; rich; romaine; rome; roofe; royall; rule; run; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; sad; saie; saint; sake; satan; saue; schisme; seate; second; sects; seene; selfe; serpent; set; sexe; shame; shee; sheepe; shevv; shine; ship; short; signe; sin; sing; sins; sion; sit; skin; slaine; smell; soe; sole; son; sons; soules; sound; speake; speciall; spirit; spouse; spring; stand; statues; stones; strange; streame; strong; subject; sun; svveete; svvord; synagogues; tcp; teach; teacheth; teares; tei; tell; tempel; temple; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thoughts; throne; thy; time; title; touch; tree; tribes; true; truth; turne; tvvo; venus; verse; vievv; virginitie; virgins; virtue; vnder; vnto; voice; vpon; vse; vvant; vvas; vvaters; vvaues; vvay; vveare; vvee; vvee haue; vvee vvill; vvhat; vvhen; vvhen iesvs; vvhen vvee; vvhence; vvhere; vvherefore; vvherein; vvhether; vvhich; vvhich iesvs; vvhich vvas; vvhil'st; vvhilst; vvhite; vvho; vvho doe; vvho doth; vvho haue; vvho vvhen; vvho vvith; vvhose; vvhy; vvicked; vvill; vvine; vvings; vvith; vvith great; vvith holy; vvith vvhich; vvithin; vvithout; vvoe; vvoman; vvonder; vvonted; vvood; vvordes; vvorke; vvorkemen; vvorld; vvorld vvith; vvorthy; vvrit; yea; yee; yeild; zach; zeale cache: A17357.xml plain text: A17357.txt item: #2 of 11 id: A35958 author: Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. title: True Christian love to be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms. date: 1655 words: 6268 flesch: 92 summary: Come change your loves ▪ and love with me or else you perish shall : Go charge your loves to do the same , or perish shall you all : Gods curse on him that loveth not my Love Lord Jesus Christ : Or loves not them that do love him , this curse with death keeps tryst ▪ 〈◊〉 this is my Love , Lesse welcome where I offer love ; lesse thanked for good deeds : Worse intertaind in my countrey , worse furnisht in my needs : More friendly handled by my friends , and those of mine own blood , Then thou was , I , yea none can be who suffer shall for good . keywords: books; christ; christian; cor; curse; death; dost; doth; english; face; fathers; fear; free; gen; god; good; grace; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; ioh; iohn; isai; judge; law; lesse; life; like; long; lord; love; mat; minde; oft; psal; psalms; rest; rom; saints; self; sin; sins; soul; strength; sure; text; thee; thine; thou; thy; true; truth; want; words; wrath; yea cache: A35958.xml plain text: A35958.txt item: #3 of 11 id: A60349 author: Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. title: Poems in two parts first, an interlocutory discourse concerning the creation, fall, and recovery of man : secondly, a dialogue between faith and a doubting soul / by Samuel Slater. date: 1679 words: 27701 flesch: 87 summary: And if that such intreaties might have sped , I 'd beg the punishment upon my Head Might wholly light , and God would thee restore To all the happiness thou hadst before . Canst thou pass one without an holy thought , And thankful mindfulness of him that brought Thee up from th' womb ? canst for the world be free Without some intercourse 'twixt God & thee ? keywords: abound; adam; amiss; angels; bear; beauty; better; blood; bow; canst; cause; christ; comforts; command; cost; creation; creature; cross; david; day; days; dead; dear; death; delight; didst; die; dost; doth; doubt; dust; duty; dy'd; dye; e're; earth; eebo; end; enemies; english; eve; everlasting; evil; eyes; face; fair; faith; fall; father; fear; fill; fit; flesh; free; fruit; gain; garden; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; grace; gracious; great; ground; hand; happiness; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; help; high; holy; honour; hope; hour; image; joy; judg; justice; know; labour; law; leave; let; lie; life; little; long; look; lord; love; lovely; mai'st; man; meet; men; mercy; mighty; mind; misery; nay; new; night; paradise; pardon; parts; pass; past; peace; perfect; pleasure; poor; power; praise; precious; present; rage; reason; rest; return; rise; rod; run; sad; saints; sake; satan; saviour; self; sentence; serpent; set; shall; shame; sin; sinners; sins; sit; son; sorrow; soul; sovl; spirit; spiritual; spring; stand; stay; store; strength; sun; sure; sweet; taste; tcp; tears; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thou dost; thoughts; throne; thy; time; tree; true; undone; voice; want; wast; way; wilt; wise; work; world; yea; yield cache: A60349.xml plain text: A60349.txt item: #4 of 11 id: A66766 author: Wither, George, 1588-1667. title: A paraphrase on the ten commandments in divine poems illustrated with twelve copper plates, shewing how personal punishments has been inflicted on the transgressors of these commandment, as is recorded in the Holy Scripture, never before printed : also, a metrical paraphrase upon the creed and Lord's Prayer / written by George Wither ... date: 1697 words: 21792 flesch: 69 summary: ●nd that prime Attribute have overthrown , ●y which , he chiefly to be God is known ? ●or , none are bound to serve him ( by this Law ) These Evils to prevent ; This Law divine The wandring humane Fancy doth confine All men in Sacred worshipings restraining As well , from Intellectual Objects faining , As from Corporeal forms : And him God threats Who due performance of this Law forgets . keywords: act; actions; adam; anothers; awe; bear; best; better; bin; blame; blessed; blessing; blood; bodies; body; books; break; care; cause; children; christ; christian; church; command; commandments; common; condition; conscience; creature; crime; day; days; dead; death; degree; delight; desire; despise; dost; doth; duties; duty; eebo; end; english; error; essence; essential; ev'n; ev'ry; evil; eyes; fain; faith; fall; false; fathers; fear; flesh; free; gain; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; grace; gracious; great; guiltiness; guilty; hand; hast; hate; hath; heart; help; holy; honour; hope; ill; image; jews; justice; kind; know; knowledge; law; laws; life; like; little; long; lord; love; lust; man; means; men; mercy; mind; nature; need; needful; neighbours; new; occasions; offence; old; outward; paraphrase; parents; perfect; persons; place; pleased; poor; possess; power; praise; prayer; precept; prevent; publick; rest; right; sake; save; self; selves; serve; set; sin; sins; soul; spirit; stand; steal; tcp; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; thy; time; tongue; transgress; true; truth; vain; vengeance; view; want; way; ways; wickedness; wisdom; wise; wither; witness; word; works; worship; wrong; yea cache: A66766.xml plain text: A66766.txt item: #5 of 11 id: A66787 author: Wither, George, 1588-1667. title: The two incomparable generalissimo's of the world, with their armies briefly described and embattailed, visibly and invisibly opposing each other date: 1644 words: 1248 flesch: 66 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A66787 of text R39741 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing W3204C). 87 D The rate of 87 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a66787; angels; armies; books; church; death; doth; early; english; foes; generalissimo; generall; george; hell; incomparable; life; online; souldiers; support; tcp; text; w3204c; wing; wither; world cache: A66787.xml plain text: A66787.txt item: #6 of 11 id: A67332 author: Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. title: Divine poems by Edward Waller Esq. date: 1685 words: 4864 flesch: 73 summary: 1. ASserting the authority of the Scripture , in which this Love is reveal'd . 2. The preference and Love of God to man in the Creation . keywords: age; angels; blest; books; boundless; bounty; breath; canto; characters; creation; day; death; divine; early; earth; eebo; encoding; english; eternal; fall; flame; glory; god; grace; great; happy; heav'n; hell; high; image; joy; life; light; like; live; love; man; meaner; men; mind; muse; nations; nature; new; online; oxford; partnership; peace; phase; poems; praise; rest; sacred; self; song; soul; subject; sun; tcp; tei; text; things; thought; thô; use; verse; waller; work; world; xml cache: A67332.xml plain text: A67332.txt item: #7 of 11 id: A75925 author: Rivers, J. A. (John Abbot) title: Devout rhapsodies: in vvhich, is treated, of the excellencie of divine Scriptures. Also, of God, his attributes. Plurality of persons. Absolute monarchie. Angels, Good, Bad, their power. How the bad fell. Tempt man. Man, his fall. Beatitude. / By J: A: Rivers. date: 1647 words: 23566 flesch: 77 summary: in vitis Prop●●tar . 3 Reg. 11. The Armies ordered , and in mutuall view , The grand Commander of the Traytruos crue Himselfe advances , and at every straine , Presents Goliah , or fierce Ta●●erlaine . keywords: absolute; abysse; act; actions; acts; adam; againe; ages; aire; alwayes; angels; apoc; apple; argument; arts; associates; attributes; ayre; bad; bands; beasts; beatitude; behold; best; better; birth; blisse; blood; body; booke; bounty; bring; cares; cast; cause; centre; changes; chiefe; children; christ; church; city; command; common; compar'd; conspire; constant; contrary; court; creatures; crimes; crowne; cry; curious; day; dayes; death; deity; delight; devils; devout; divine; doe; earth; eccles; end; ends; english; envy; essence; eternall; eternity; exod; expresse; eyes; face; faile; faith; fall; false; far; father; fault; feare; field; fiends; fill; fire; flesh; following; forme; fortunes; frame; free; friend; gen; generall; gentiles; ghost; gifts; glorious; glory; goale; god; gods; goe; gold; good; government; grace; grand; great; hand; happinesse; happy; hate; hath; head; heaven; heavenly; hell; high; himselfe; holy; home; honorable; hopes; house; humane; ill; innumerous; jewes; john; joyn'd; justice; kings; know; knowes; land; lawes; learned; leave; legions; lesse; life; like; lives; long; lord; love; lucifer; majesty; making; man; manner; mans; matth; men; mercy; michael; midst; millions; minde; monarchie; monarck; motions; mount; muse; mysteries; nations; nature; needs; nere; new; noble; obey; objects; ocean; onely; order; origen; owne; page; paine; past; pay; persons; place; plato; pleasure; poore; potent; power; praise; precious; present; pride; prince; prison; private; proper; providence; psal; pyrrhus; reg; rest; rhapsodies; rich; right; rivers; rod; rome; run; sacred; sad; saints; satan; satisfie; seas; seed; selves; sense; sermo; serpent; set; severall; shall; share; shee; shine; silly; simple; sin; sing; single; sins; skill; solomon; son; soule; speake; spring; stand; stars; state; stones; store; strength; subdu'd; subjects; sun; sure; sway; sword; t ●; tell; tempt; text; thee; things; thomason; thou; thought; throne; thy; times; torments; treasures; true; turn'd; turne; understanding; undone; universe; vast; verses; view; volumes; want; water; way; wealth; wee; wife; wit; woes; words; world; worth; writ; wrought; yeares; young; ● ● cache: A75925.xml plain text: A75925.txt item: #8 of 11 id: A92182 author: Raunce, John, 17th cent. title: A few words to all people concerning the present and succeeding times. date: 1662 words: 2756 flesch: 77 summary: A little time is left thee yet that happie thou mayst be ; If thou dost suddenly repent , and from thy sins depart ; Embrace God's truth which he hath sent , and it will change thy heart ; But if thou stubbornly go on , yet hear what I do say , The Lord will not let thee alone , but he will bring a day Of bitter howling over thee , in which thou shalt lament , The time which can't recalled be , that then thou mayst repent : Against thee then God will reveal , his wrath shal thee destroy , In his displeasure with thee deal , then perish shal thy joy . All whoredoms drunkenness and Oaths , in these are thy delight ; And all that God and good men loaths is pleasant in thy sight . keywords: books; characters; day; dost; doth; early; eebo; english; god; great; john; kings; light; little; lord; man; men; online; people; phase; place; raunce; repent; rulers; tcp; tei; text; thee; thou; time; true; truth; wil; wise; work; yea cache: A92182.xml plain text: A92182.txt item: #9 of 11 id: A93559 author: Citizen of Syon. title: A song of Syon of the beauty of Bethell the glory of Gods own house. By a citizen of Syon. date: 1642 words: 1531 flesch: 96 summary: f Till this obtained be , no rest they have , of God by Christ , this fervently they crave ; g Christs glorious face doth yeeld them such delight , h which chiefly in his House doth shine so bright . m Christ I●sas to this House is th'only doore , n of foode and rayment there 's sufficient store ; o In it is righteousnesse great peace and joy , p the surest safety , freedome from annoy . keywords: a93559; beauty; bethell; christ; citizen; cor; english; eph; glory; gods; house; isa; mat; psal; reve; song; syon; text; thing; thomason cache: A93559.xml plain text: A93559.txt item: #10 of 11 id: A96782 author: Wither, George, 1588-1667. title: The two incomparable generalissimo's of the world, with their armies briefly described and embattailed, visibly and invisibly opposing each other. date: 1644 words: 1240 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A96782 of text R210287 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.10[5]). 11 C The rate of 11 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a96782; armies; books; church; death; doth; early; english; generalissimo; generall; george; hell; incomparable; life; malignant; online; r210287; souldiers; support; tcp; text; thomason; wither; world cache: A96782.xml plain text: A96782.txt item: #11 of 11 id: A97151 author: Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. title: A most elegant and religious rapture composed by Mr. Samuel Ward (that sometime famous and pious pastor at Ipswich) during his Episcopal imprisonment in the Gate-House, and by him dedicated to King Charles the First. Now, most exactly Englished by John Vicars. date: 1649 words: 1776 flesch: 72 summary: LOvely Load-stone , grant to Me , Wholely , solely , Thine to be ; Make my Heart for Thee to breath , That it may It Self bequeath With all fervour unto Thee . Me , a base , a barking Hound , Bleating Sheep , stray'd from my Bound ; Me , a panting , chased Deer , Servant slack , and slow , most neer , Strongly draw , to follow Thee . keywords: books; characters; christ; cor; dederis; early; eebo; encoding; english; fac; heart; image; john; king; meum; mihi; mille; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pious; samuel; tcp; tei; text; thee; thing; thomason; tibi; totum; vicars; vnum; ward; xml cache: A97151.xml plain text: A97151.txt