item: #1 of 50 id: A08829 author: Pagitt, Ephraim, 1574 or 5-1647. title: A relation of the Christians in the world date: 1639 words: 14108 flesch: 74 summary: In the City of Caire only are thought to be 200000 Christians , Saint Marke was their first Bishop , and now Metrophanes governeth and precedeth there , brought up in Oxford , sent hither by Cyrill the then Patriarch to our late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury . 9. In the Isle of Zocotora there are some Christians , who have also a Protomist , or Bishop over them . keywords: aethiopia; africa; alexandria; almighty; ancient; anno; antioch; apostles; archbishopricks; archbishops; asia; bee; bishopricks; bishops; blood; books; cap; cardinall; catholicks; characters; christianity; christians; christs; church; churches; circassians; city; clergy; communion; constantinople; convers; councell; countries; country; death; disciples; divers; divided; doctrine; doe; doth; early; earth; east; eebo; emperour; england; english; epist; estate; europe; faith; famous; farre; father; france; germany; ghost; god; good; governed; great; greater; greatest; greekes; gregory; hath; heaven; hee; holy; honour; ierusalem; iesus; image; india; iohn; islands; iurisdiction; king; kingdome; language; late; learned; lesse; lib; like; little; livings; london; long; lord; mahumetans; manner; men; miles; ministers; miraeus; multitude; new; non; north; onely; owne; oxford; pag; page; parts; patriarch; paul; peace; people; persons; places; poland; pope; priests; princes; professe; protestants; purgatory; quam; read; reformation; relation; religion; roman; romanists; rome; romish; said; saint; scriptures; second; selfe; service; set; seu; simple; sit; sonne; soules; spaine; stipends; subiect; succession; tcp; tei; text; things; thomas; time; tongue; true; use; viz; vnder; wee; west; works; world; worship; writeth; yeare cache: A08829.xml plain text: A08829.txt item: #2 of 50 id: A13875 author: Traske, John, d. ca. 1638. title: A treatise of libertie from Iudaisme, or An acknowledgement of true Christian libertie, indited and published by Iohn Traske: of late stumbling, now happily running againe in the race of Christianitie date: 1620 words: 13739 flesch: 69 summary: Neither is it left to euerie mans choyce , to be meeke , or no ; but the man of God is inioyned it , and to all other men it is commanded , in plain words ; as to Timothie , Thou , O man of God , flie these things , ( namely doting about questions , strife of words , peruerse disputings , the loue of money , ) and follow after righteousnesse , godlinesse , faith , loue , patience , and meekenesse : 1. Tim. 6. 11. If then man were not made for the Sabbath , but the Sabbath for man , God may also dispose and change it for mans good , for whom it was made as well in the day it selfe , as the manner of keeping it . keywords: act; againe; bee; blessed; christ; christian; church; churches; col; cor; creation; daies; day; dead; death; difference; doe; doth; eebo; english; euer; faith; farre; flesh; food; free; freedome; gal; gentiles; glorie; glorious; god; gods; good; grace; great; hand; hath; haue; heart; heb; hee; helpe; himselfe; holinesse; holy; iesus; iewes; iohn; knowne; law; lawes; legall; libertie; liberty; life; like; liue; long; lord; loue; man; manner; mans; mat; mee; meeke; meekenesse; men; morall; moses; mother; new; obedience; old; olde; onely; owne; paul; peace; people; pet; power; present; promise; reason; rest; righteousnesse; rom; sabbath; set; seuenth; sonne; sound; spirit; spirituall; subiect; tcp; text; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; verse; vncleane; vnto; way; wee; willing; word; workes; yea cache: A13875.xml plain text: A13875.txt item: #3 of 50 id: A14608 author: T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. title: [Summarie and short meditations touching sundry poynts of Christian religion] [gathered by T.VV. and now published for the education and profit of Gods saints]. date: 1610 words: 11322 flesch: 67 summary: 〈…〉 ●●ternall con●●●nation . Then to consider the greatnesse and notoriousnesse of our offences , which may bee iustly aggrauated , by looking into the qualities of the parties offending , as Magistrates , Ministers , &c. and the parties offended , as Gods most excellent Maiesty , and our deare brethren , together with sundrie other circumstances , of time , place , manner of doing● &c. Thirdly , to thinke vpon the multitude of our iniquities , whic● are more in number than the haires of our head , and being as the sand of the Sea , both for multitude and weight , are become as a burthen ouer heauie for vs to beare . keywords: able; bee; blessed; bodie; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; condemnation; conscience; corruption; creatures; day; death; doe; doth; earnest; earth; eebo; english; eternall; euery; euill; faith; father; feeling; flesh; forgiuenes; free; fulnes; giue; glorie; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; haue; hearts; heauen; hee; himselfe; holie; holy; iesus; indeede; inward; know; law; life; light; like; lord; loue; maiestie; man; manner; mans; meane; men; mens; minde; ministers; nature; new; obedience; onely; outward; owne; peace; petition; power; pray; prayer; promises; righteousnes; saints; saluation; sanctification; sauiour; selues; seruice; set; sinne; spirit; spirituall; stedfast; tcp; text; themselues; things; time; true; truth; vnfained; vnto; vpon; vse; vve; vvhat; vvord; wee; whatsoeuer; wisedome; word; work; workes; yea; ● y; ● ● cache: A14608.xml plain text: A14608.txt item: #4 of 50 id: A20809 author: Draxe, Thomas, d. 1608. title: The vvorldes resurrection, or The generall calling of the Iewes A familiar commentary vpon the eleuenth chapter of Saint Paul to the Romaines, according to the sence of Scripture, and the consent of the most iudicious interpreters, wherein aboue fiftie notable questions are soundly answered, and the particular doctrines, reasons and vses of euery verse, are profitable and plainly deliuered. By Thomas Draxe. Minister of the word of God. date: 1608 words: 46773 flesch: 77 summary: Seeing that God is omnipotent , and that nothing is impossible vnto him , of those things which hee will , that his power doth in nothing more shine out , then in the iustification and sauing of men : we must not rashly despaire of a mans conuersion , nor deny pardon to those that haue falne , or debarre them of the meanes of sal●●uation , for the very Iewes shall bee grafted in againe , when they shall returne vnto the Lord , Luke 21.24 . The reason ( I say ) and mouing cause of Gods decree and councel , is vnserchable and past finding out ; yet if we duly examine and consider the euent , and execution of it , we cannot but discerne & acknowledge that God hath most iustly reuenged himselfe vpon the Iewes & powred out his wrath vpon them to the vtmost . keywords: abraham; abuse; act; action; againe; alwaies; ans; apoc; apostles; assent; bee; beeing; beginning; beleeue; beloued; better; beware; blessed; blindnesse; body; bountifulnesse; branches; calling; cause; certaine; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; commeth; comming; common; condemne; conscience; contempt; conuersion; conuerted; cor; corruption; couenant; counsailes; countries; cut; damnation; darkenesse; dauid; day; dead; death; decree; destruction; diuine; doctr; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; earth; effect; elect; election; elias; end; enemies; english; eph; erre; error; eternall; euen; euerlasting; euery; euill; example; eyes; faile; faith; fall; false; farre; fathers; fauour; feare; flesh; fore; foundation; free; fruites; fulnesse; generall; gentiles; gifts; giue; glorious; glory; god; god bee; god doth; godly; gods; gods church; gods couenant; gods mercy; gods word; good; goodnesse; gospell; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; harden; hath; haue; heart; heauen; heauenly; heb; hee; heed; hereof; high; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; humaine; ibid; idolatry; iewes; ignorant; ingrafted; instruments; ioh; iohn; isay; israelites; israell; iudgements; iustice; iustification; keepe; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; labour; law; learne; leaue; let; life; light; like; long; lord; loue; luk; luke; man; mans; math; matter; meanes; meere; members; men; mens; mercie; mercy; merits; minde; ministers; miserable; multitude; naturall; nature; necessary; neg; neuer; new; number; obserue; occasion; oliue; onely; open; opinion; order; ouer; outward; owne; pag; papists; pardon; parents; particular; past; paul; people; perish; persons; pet; places; pleasure; power; practise; praise; preaching; predestination; present; preseruation; pride; proceedeth; profession; promises; proper; prophets; prouoke; psal; punish; punishments; quest; reason; receiue; redemption; regard; religion; remaine; remnant; repentance; reprobates; respect; rest; reuealed; riches; righteousnesse; rom; roote; saint; sake; saluation; sathan; saue; scripture; second; secret; seed; seeke; selfe; selues; sense; seruants; serueth; seruice; set; shew; sinnes; sins; small; sonne; soules; sound; speake; speciall; spirit; spirituall; sufficient; tcp; temporall; testament; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thirdly; thou; time; tree; true; truth; turne; ver; verse; viz; vnbeleife; vnbeliefe; vnchangeable; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vs.; vse; want; way; wee; whatsoeuer; wicked; wil; wilde; wisdome; wise; word; workes; worldly; wrath; yea; zeale; ● ● cache: A20809.xml plain text: A20809.txt item: #5 of 50 id: A26895 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The Christian religion expressed I, briefly in the ancient creeds, the Ten commandments, and the Lords prayer, and, II, more largely in a profession taken out of the Holy Scriptures, containing 1, the articles of the Christian belief, 2, our consent to the gospel covenant, 3, the sum of Christian duty, according to the primitive simplicity, purity, and practice, fitted to the right instruction of the ignorant, the promoting of holiness, and the charitable concord of all true believers ... / by Richard Baxter. date: 1660 words: 19375 flesch: 67 summary: And in order to these blessed ends , we must beg such necessaries of our life , as the supportation of our natures for the work of God requireth : And the forgiveness of all our sins through Christ ( which yet we cannot expect to receive , if we from our hearts forgive not others : ) And a gratious preservation from temptations , or the power of them , and from Satan and sin the greatest evils : That so the holiness of our hearts and lives may shew that we are the loyal subjects of the Kingdom of our Lord , and that we acknowledge and magnifie his Soveraign power , and live as a people devoted to his glory . The Eucharist or Supper of the Lord is [ a holy Sacrament instituted by Christ , wherein bread and wine being first by consecration made Sacramentally or representatively the Body and Blood of Christ , they are used by breaking and pouring out , to represent and commemorate the sacrifice of Christs Body and Blood upon the Cross , once offered up to God for sin : and are given in the name of Christ unto the Church , to signifie and solemnize the renewal of his holy Covenant with them , and sealing it unto them , and the giving of himself to them to expiate their sins by his sacrifice , and sanctifie them further by his Spirit , and confirm their right to everlasting life : and they are received , eaten and drunk by the Church , to profess that they willingly receive Christ himself to the ends aforesaid , ( their Justification , Sanctification and Glorification ) and to signifie and solemnize the renewal of their Covenant with him , and their holy Communion with him , and with one another . keywords: acts; apostles; baptism; body; brethren; charge; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; common; communion; concord; consent; covenant; day; dead; death; discipline; doctrine; doth; duties; duty; earth; edification; end; ends; eph; everlasting; faith; father; flesh; ghost; glory; god; good; gospel; great; hath; heaven; heb; holiness; holy; holy ghost; honour; jesus; joh; john; kingdom; life; lord; love; luke; magistrates; man; mat; matter; members; men; mercy; ministers; necessary; necessity; office; order; parents; particular; pastors; peace; people; persons; pet; power; practice; prayer; profession; psal; publike; redemption; repentance; right; rom; sacrament; salvation; scriptures; self; selves; sense; sin; sins; son; souls; special; spirit; state; supper; text; things; thou; thy; tim; time; true; unity; universal; use; words; work; world; worship cache: A26895.xml plain text: A26895.txt item: #6 of 50 id: A27214 author: Beaumont, Joseph, 1616-1699. title: Some observations upon the apologie of Dr. Henry More for his mystery of godliness by J. Beaumont ... date: 1665 words: 67161 flesch: 62 summary: And can there be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and not Hypostasis ? — But I must confess 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used here in a less proper sense : but it being used , and I understanding 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when I apply it to the Humane nature of Christ , in no other sense then the Creed , I think I am wholly irreprehensible for so doing . And thus the whole imputation of Nestorianism hath vanished into a meer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or less . ] O impregnable Doctor ! keywords: 10th; 4th; 7th; abraham; absolute; account; acknowledged; act; add; ahab; angels; answer; antichristian; aphorism; apologie; apostles; article; ascension; ask; authority; authour; belief; best; better; blood; bodies; body; bold; bones; book; broad; brother; business; cap; case; catholick; certain; change; chapter; christ; christian; christianity; christs body; church; churches; circumstances; clear; close; command; common; conscience; consequence; contemptible; contradictious; contrary; conveying; conviction; convinced; corruptible; creature; creed; day; dead; demand; discipline; discourse; disquisition; distinct; distinction; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; ears; earth; effect; end; england; english; episcopacy; errour; evident; example; excuse; exercise; faction; false; false perswasion; falsity; fancy; farther; fault; fit; flesh; force; form; free; general; glorified; glory; god; god good; godliness; gods; gods command; good; goodness; government; governours; grants; great; grotius; ground; hand; harsh; hath; heart; heaven; help; hold; holy; hope; humane; humanity; hypostasis; ignorance; ignorant; imagine; immortal; impertinent; incorruption; indifferent; indispensable; interpretation; intire; invectives; invincible; iob; judgement; justice; kings; known; language; law; lawfull; laws; leave; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; magistrate; main; making; manner; mans; matter; mean; meaning; men; mercy; minde; moral; mysterie; mystery; nation; natural; nature; nay; needless; needs; nestorius; new; non; number; numerical; numerical body; obedience; objection; objector; observation; observe; onely; opinion; opposite; organized; pag; paragraph; particular; parts; passages; paul; people; perfect; permissive; person; perswasion; place; plain; point; policy; position; positive; possible; power; precepts; preface; premised; presbytery; present; pretence; pretended; pretends; pretty; prince; principle; private; profess; professed; promulgation; proof; proper; prophet; propounded; publick; punishment; purpose; question; quod; reader; real; reason; religion; religionist; reply; repugnant; resurrection; ridiculous; right; rule; saith; saying; schools; scripture; seal; second; sect; section; secular; seek; self; selves; sense; service; set; severity; shall; shew; signifie; sincere; sincerity; soul; sound; spirit; spiritual; strange; substance; sufficient; supposeth; sure; tcp; terms; terrestrial; text; things; time; touching; true; true religion; truth; turn; turpitude; union; united; unsincere; use; veracity; viz; warrant; way; ways; whatsoever; wicked; words; world; yea; zeal cache: A27214.xml plain text: A27214.txt item: #7 of 50 id: A27428 author: Bentley, Richard, 1662-1742. title: The folly and unreasonableness of atheism demonstrated from the advantage and pleasure of a religious life, the faculties of humane souls, the structure of animate bodies, & the origin and frame of the world : in eight sermons preached at the lecture founded by ... Robert BOyle, Esquire, in the first year MDCXCII / by Richard Bentley ... date: 1699 words: 65931 flesch: 55 summary: Whereas now he receives a Fit of Sickness , as the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , the kind Chastisement and Discipline of his Heavenly Father , to wean his Affections from the World , where he is but as on a Journey ; and to fix his thoughts and desires on things above , where his Country and his Dwelling is : that where he hath placed his Treasure and Concerns , there his heart may be also . For example , if it should be required of all the Candidates of Glory and Immortality , to give a full and knowing Assent to such things as are repugnant to Common Sense , as contradict the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , the universal Notions and indubitable Maxims of Reason ; if they were to believe , that One and the same Thing may be and not be at the same time and in the same respect ; If allowing the received Idea's and denominations of Numbers and Figures and Body , they must seriously affirm , that Two and two do make a Dozen , or that the Diameter of a Circle is as long as the Circumference , or that the same Body may be all of it in distant places at once . keywords: absurd; account; acts; admirable; advantage; affairs; affections; agent; ages; air; almighty; ancient; animals; answer; apostle; appear; argument; assertion; astrology; atheist; atheistical; atmosphere; atoms; attraction; author; authority; axis; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; bigger; blind; blood; bodies; body; boyle; brain; brutes; bulk; capacity; cast; casual; cause; center; certain; chance; chaos; characters; christian; circular; cold; common; condition; confutation; conscious; consciousness; consider'd; considerable; consideration; constant; constitution; contradiction; contrary; contrivance; convene; countries; country; creation; creator; creatures; day; days; dead; death; degrees; deity; deluge; design; desire; determinate; diameter; different; diffused; dimensions; direct; discourse; distance; distinct; divine; doctrine; doth; duration; earth; effect; end; endeavour; ends; english; epicureans; epicurus; equal; error; essence; essential; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evident; example; excellent; existence; existent; experience; experiment; expression; eye; eyes; fact; faculties; faculty; faith; fall; fancy; fear; ferment; figure; final; fit; flat; flesh; fluid; folly; food; fool; force; formation; fortuitous; fortune; frame; free; fruitfull; functions; general; generations; globe; glory; god; gods; gold; good; goodness; government; gravitation; gravity; great; greater; hands; happy; hath; heart; heaven; higher; history; hope; humane; humane bodies; humane nature; hypothesis; idea; image; imaginary; imagination; immaterial; immense; immortality; impossible; impulse; inanimate; increase; infinite; influence; inhabitants; inherent; innate; innumerable; insects; instance; intelligent; iupiter; kinds; knowledge; known; language; late; laws; leave; left; letters; lib; life; light; like; line; little; living; long; longer; lord; lucret; making; manifest; mankind; manner; masses; mathematical; matter; meaning; means; mechanical; mechanism; meer; men; mere; middle; millions; mind; miserable; moisture; moment; moon; motion; mountains; mutual; nations; natural; nature; nay; nearer; necessary; necessity; needs; new; noble; number; objection; observation; occasion; ocean; odds; old; ones; opinion; orbs; order; ordinary; organical; origin; original; origination; parents; particles; particular; parts; past; paul; peculiar; people; perception; period; perpetual; person; philosophers; philosophy; place; plain; planets; pleasure; plutarch; poets; point; possibility; power; present; principle; production; proof; proper; proportion; providence; qualities; quantity; question; race; rains; rational; real; reason; regions; religion; religious; remains; reply; repugnant; respect; rest; resurrection; revolutions; rivers; saturn; saviour; sea; seasons; second; self; selves; sensation; sense; senseless; sermon; shape; shew; short; single; situation; small; soil; solid; soul; space; species; specifick; spirit; spiritual; spontaneous; spring; stars; state; strange; structure; subject; substance; successive; sufficient; sun; supply; suppose; supposition; surface; system; tcp; tendency; text; texture; things; thought; time; transverse; true; truth; understanding; uniform; universal; universe; usefulness; uses; vain; variety; vast; visible; vital; void; vulgar; want; water; way; ways; weight; wisdom; wise; wonderfull; words; work; workmanship; world; years cache: A27428.xml plain text: A27428.txt item: #8 of 50 id: A30535 author: Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. title: A message to all kings and rulers in Christendom date: 1659 words: 3169 flesch: 9 summary: FOrasmuch as it hath come to passe in the World for many Ages since the last glorious appearance of Christ Jesus , and the light of his glorious Gospel , through his Servants the holy Apostles , That Antichrist , that man of sin , the enemy of Christ and his Kingdom , hath ruled in the hearts of people , and throughout & over the Christian World , and he hath been exalted within and without , ever since the falling away from the true faith , which once was delivered to the Apostles and true Churches , and he hath shewed himselfe to be God , and hath sitten in the seat of God , and hath exercised Lordship over the persons and consciences of men , throughout generations , ever since the falling away from the faith ; for the true Church , the elected Spouse , the Lambs Wife , which once brought forth him that was to Rule the Nations , and was clothed with the Sun , and had once great beauty and excellency , hath been fled into the Wildernesse , and hath been desolate as without Husband and Issue ; but hath remained in her place , prepared her of God , where she hath dwelt in mourning , and been fed with the bread of sorrow , being pursued thither by the dragon and his floods of cruelty , who also waited to devour the man childe when he was born , and the Martyrs blood hath been shed , and the holy Prophets , and Apostles and Saints , have been made war against , and killed & persecuted for righteousnesse sake , and the two witnesses have long laid slain and rejoyced over in the streets of the great City , and the blood of the Innocent hath been drunk , and the Lamb and his followers hath been made war against , and the dragon , the devil and Satan hath deceived the World , into the name of Christians , without true Christian life , and Righteousnesse and Truth hath stood afar off , and Justice and Mercy hath been wanting , and the fear of the Lord and true obedience to him hath been in a great measure expelled out of Nations , and even all that would not worship the Beast and his Images , and receive his mark , the Beast hath had Power to kill them , and he hath had power to execute his wrath against them that have followed the Lamb , even all this time of darknesse and Apostacy which hath over-shadowed the Christian World , since the Apostles dayes until this time ; And all this hath been since the falling away from the Life and Righteousnesse and Spirit of Jesus , as I have said , and the Beast hath been great that arose out of the Sea , and out of the Earth , ( when the true faith was lost ) and his power mighty amongst men , for he received power from the dragon , that made war against the true Church , and sought to devour the man childe , and power hath been given him over Kindreds Tongues and Nations , and all the World hath wondered and followed after the Beast , and have been admiring his power and his great authority , and saying , Who is able to make war with him , for hee hath had a mouth given that hath spoken great things , and it hath been given him to war with the Saints , and to overcome them by his unrighteous Laws and decrees , and all that dwelt upon the earth hath worshipped him , whose names are not written in the book of Life , and he hath had many heads , ( even divers sorts and changes of government ) and many horns , with which he hath pushed the Innocent , and ruled over the earth , and kept all under his power , and he hath set up Images to worship and likenesses without life , and he hath caused both small and great , rich and poor , free and bond , to receive his mark , and he hath carried the Whore , and she hath journeyed upon him from Nation to Nation through the earth , in the sheeps clothing , and made all Nations drink her cup of fornications , and the whore , that false Church , she hath sate as a Queen , in great state and authority upon Nations , Tongues , Multitudes and Peoples , and through the Beasts authority , which hath carried her , she hath Ruled in great authority over the consciences , persons and estates of people , and she hath drunk the Saints blood , and the Martyrs blood , and in her is found even until this day the blood of the Martyrs and the Prophets , and of just men , and of all that hath been slain upon the earth , and she hath exercised cruelty and tyranny over the heritage of God , and she hath had the sheeps clothing upon her , even part of the garment of the Lambs Wife , and she hath appeared in much beauty with a golden cup in her hand , in which the wine of her fornications , and the filthinesse thereof hath appeared , and which she hath caused the Nations to drink , and by her sorceries and witchcrafts she hath deceived the World , and with her false miracles , and shews and Images and false ministers which she hath set up , she hath corrupted the earth , and all this she hath done by the Beasts power , that hath carried her , who received his authority from the dragon , and from the devil ; and thus Antichrist , the Beast and the Whore have ruled in the World in great authority for many generations , and the World hath been as a wildernesse by them , and waste , and barren of all good fruit , truth and faith hath been departed from amongst men , and love and peace hath been far away , and murders , thefts , wars , strifes and all injustice and wickednesse hath abounded in Nations , and thus the whole earth hath been corrupted through the Whore and false Church , who hath deceived Kings and Rulers and Peoples by her inchantments and sorceries , which she hath caused them to receive at her hand , and out of her golden cup of abominations , out of which they have drunk false doctrines and practises to the deceiving of their soules and bodies ; But now the day of the Lord is come and coming , and the Lambs Kingdom is to be set up , and the Kingdoms of this world must be changed and recovered again , and will become the Kingdoms of the Lord , and of his Christ , and the marriage of the Lamb is come again , and the day of glad tydings unto the poor and to the distressed , and the Lambs wife , shal be adorned for her husband , she shall be cloathed with the Sun , and shall be covered with her former beauty , and shall be led out of the Wilderness , and the earth shall be refreshed and delivered from the oppressions and Tyrannies of Antichrist and the Whore , for the hour of her judgements are come , and the darknesse of the night of woful Apostacy which hath clouded the World is passing over , and the light of the Lamb is risen , and the day-star hath appeared in the hearts of people , and the man of sin which hath sate in the Temple , and shewed himself to be God , and falsly exercised the bodies and consciences of deceived people in false wayes and worships , is discovering and destroying by the spirit of his mouth , and by the brightnesse of the coming of Jesus , and the Beast and the false Prophet shall be taken alive and cast into the lake of fire , and the Beast and false prophet shall be tormented day and night for ever , for the breath of life from God is entered into the two witnesses , and they shall again prophesie , and the light of the glorious Gospel that hath long been hid , must again be preached to Kindreds Tongues and Nations , and the Kingdom of Christ Jesus must be set up , and these things is the Lord God Almighty bringing to passe , and he will confound and destroy Antichrist and all that have worshiped him , and they that have worshiped the Beast , and drunken the cup of fornication , and committed idolatry with the great Whore , they shall be taken and cast into the bed of torment , and shall weep and howl , because of the great destruction of Babylon that great City who hath been the glory of Kingdoms , and made rich her Merchants ( the false Ministers ) with deceivablenes , whom God will overthrow ; that great fenced City of confusion ( the false Church ) that great Whore , the Mother of all abominations , the Lord God is risen against her , to enquire for the blood of Martyres , and Prophets , and righteous men , that is found in her , and she shall be rewarded according to her wayes , and as she hath given others to drink the cup of fornication , so in like manner shal she drink the cup of fierceindignation of the Lords wrath from his Saints , and she shall no more deceive the Nations by her sorceries , but the earth shall be delivered from her , and the Kingdom of the Son of God shall be exalted over all , and the light of the Lamb shall be the Light of all Nations , and all that are saved shall walk in the light of it , and truth shall reign , and the fruit of righteousnesse shall abound , and all people shall glorifie God their Maker , and the whole earth shall be refreshed with the mercy of him that made her . not for man , upon which dependeth the happinesse and welbeing of a Nation and Nations , and their Rulers , and on the contrary dependeth their overthrow and destruction , and this will speedily be brought to passe ; wherefore come out of Babylon , and deliver your selves from that bondage wherewith the false Church hath bound you , she hath caused you to drink her cup , and you have been made drunk with her false faith , and doctrines and practises ; and ye have compelled Nations to drink the same cup of abominations , and ye have executed cruelty and injustice upon all that would not , and ye have been servants to the great Whore , and being in bondage your selves , you have brought all in bondage under you ; but now the Lord is changing times , and things , and powers , and happy are you if ye deliver your selves , and let the oppressed go free , in so doing , if ye fulfil this my request , and do the will of the Lord herein , then blessings and peace eternal ; but if ye be disobedient , and take part continually with the Whore , ye shall partake of her judgements ; And this hath the Lord spoken to you , and in the day of vengeance ye shall confesse that you are warned , By a Friend to the whole Creation , that waits for the Redemption thereof , Edward Burrough . keywords: authority; beast; blood; church; consciences; cup; day; earth; false; god; great; hath; kingdom; kings; lamb; light; lord; men; nations; people; power; rulers; text; whore; world; worship cache: A30535.xml plain text: A30535.txt item: #9 of 50 id: A30556 author: Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. title: The true state of Christianity, truly discribed, and also discovered unto all people what it was in its beginning and purity, and what it now is in its apostacy and degeneration ... / written by ... Edward Burrough. date: 1658 words: 15518 flesch: 14 summary: I say look back to your Original , and see how you are Apostatized from them in your entrance into your profession of Christianity ; fo●… though you have the name of Christians , yet you were no●… made so ▪ nor received that name by being first converted and changed , and translated from death to life , and 〈◊〉 being the children of disobedience , to be the children of God , through the work and operation of the spirit of God in you , for hereof are thousands and ten thousands of Christians now wholly ignorant , and altogether without the feeling of the spirit of God , to change them , to convert them , and to translate them , but are accounted Christians b●… tradition , or natural education , and because of being sprinkled with a little water upon the face , being Infant●… , or by a bare confession and profession of the name of Christ in words , and professing of a bare belief in the Scriptures , by this way and means were you made ( and received you the name of ) Christians without any real change from darkness to light , and from Satan to God , as I have said . 〈◊〉 in this all ye Christians generally how you are fallen ; then in the beginning of Christianity , no lack nor want was amongst them ; they that had much , sold it , and gave to them that had none ; but now thousands are oppressed through want , while others have too much ; some are feeding and cloathing excessively with their multitude of dishes , and changes of rayment , while others hath scarce whereon to feed , or to cover their nakedness ; and this manifesteth that you are not members of the body of Christ , neither is he head in you , nor amongst you , but you are members of an harlot , and joyned to a h●…rlot , and one with a harlot , for you profess many faiths ; some say they believe Christ is given to all , others believes not so ; some say they believe he died for all , others they say , they believe contrary to that ; and thus the one faith which the Apostles had , the Christians of this generation have lost , and they have lost the one head Christ , and hath many heads , every Sect hath their head , many heads among the Protestants , many heads among the Papists , but thus it was not in the beginning of Christianity ; therefore you Christians are subverted from the true life of Christ ; the Christians then were of one faith , but now of many ; the Christians then had one head Christ , but now the Christians ( so called ) hath many heads ; the Christians then could lay down their life one for another , and were written in the hearts of one another by the spirit of the living God ; but the Christians now , are in envy one towards another , and in strife one with another ; the great men doth oppress the poor , and they go to Law one with another for earthly things , and one stealing from another , and one hanging another , and murdering one another , and making slaves one of another , and robbing one another , and seeking utterly to destroy one another , and yet such hath the name of Christians , amongst whom all this is acted ; but consider how woful is your fall , and how wicked is your degeneration from the life of God , and from the true Christian life and unity , which was amongst them in their beginning , then they were of one heart , and of one way , but now divided , and in strife and contention about Religion , and the worship of God , and also about earthly things , for which they destroy one 〈◊〉 ▪ and seek so to do ; then they could lay down their life one for another , but now they are taking the life one from another , through wickedness , a woful Apostacy , and great night of darkness is upon you ; then none amongst them had lack of any thing , nor none destroyed through wasting any thing upon their lusts , but now thousands perisheth for want , while others hath too much , and are destroying it upon their lusts ; then had the Christians one head Christ , but now the b●…ast reigns that hath many heads ; then they were of one faith ▪ but now the Christians profess many faiths ; then the Christians handled , saw , heard and felt , of the Word of life in the●… , and they had fellowship with the Father and with the Son , but now thousands of thousands of Christians are without the sence , and feeling , and knowledge of the Word of life in them , and walks in darkness and in ignorance , and hath no fellowship with the Father nor with the Son . keywords: acts; apostacy; apostles; beast; beginning; christianity; christians; contrary; conversation; dayes; death; degeneration; doth; earth; faith; fall; fellowship; followers; ghost; gift; god; good; great; hath; hearts; holy; learning; life; light; lord; lusts; man; manifest; manner; men; ministers; ministry; nations; people; power; practice; preaching; present; purity; read; respect; set; singing; spirit; state; text; things; thousands; true; truth; unity; vain; way; woful; works; world; worship; ye christians cache: A30556.xml plain text: A30556.txt item: #10 of 50 id: A34538 author: Corbet, John, 1620-1680. title: The kingdom of God among men a tract of the sound state of religion, or that Christianity which is described in the holy Scriptures and of the things that make for the security and increase thereof in the world, designing its more ample diffusion among the professed Christians of all sorts and its surer propagation to future ages : with The point of church-unity and schism discuss'd / by John Corbet. date: 1679 words: 64050 flesch: 54 summary: Things of divine right may be corruptly managed and perverted to wrong ends ; And things of mans appointment are sometimes not only ill managed , but ill ordained , as being wholly incongruous and perhaps pernicious to the right ends of goverment . To worship God in the Spirit after the simplicity that is in Christ , according to the Gospel dispensation , as it is most agreeable to the nature of the divine Majesty , which is Worshipped , and best fitted to glorifie him as God indeed ; so it is also most efficacious to make the Worshippers more knowing in religion , more holy and heavenly in Spirit and conversation , and every way more perfect in things pertaining to life and godliness . keywords: able; absolute; accidental; account; advancement; advantage; affairs; affected; affections; ages; agreeable; ample; ancient; apostles; apt; authority; bear; best; better; birth; bishop; body; bond; books; breach; business; care; carnal; cast; catholick; catholick church; cause; certain; chap; charge; charity; chief; chiefest; children; choice; christ; christian; christian church; christianity; church; church communion; church state; church unity; churches; circumstances; civil; command; common; communion; compliance; concerns; concord; condition; conformity; conscience; conscientious; constitution; contempt; contrary; conversation; converse; corrupt; corruptions; course; dead; degree; designs; devised; devotion; different; direct; discipline; discourse; dispensation; dissenters; divine; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; duty; easie; ecclesiastical; edification; effect; eminent; end; ends; enemies; error; essentials; established; evidence; evident; evil; exercise; expressions; external; faith; faithfull; fall; false; fancy; far; fear; fellowship; flesh; flock; forbearance; force; form; foundation; frame; free; gain; general; ghost; gift; glory; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; good men; goodness; gospel; government; governours; grace; great; greater; greatest; gross; ground; guides; guilty; hand; hard; hath; having; head; heart; heavenly; help; higher; highest; hold; holiness; holy; honest; honour; hope; human; hypocrisie; hypocrites; immediate; increase; influence; instances; institutions; interest; internal; inward; jesus; john; judge; judgment; kind; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; laws; learned; learning; lesser; liberty; lies; life; like; little; lord; love; low; main; making; mankind; manner; matter; means; meekness; meer; members; men; mind; ministery; mischief; moment; multitude; mutual; mystical; narrow; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needless; needs; neglect; new; noted; number; obedience; observance; observation; observed; occasion; offences; office; open; opinions; opposite; opposition; order; orderly; ordinances; ordinary; orthodox; ought; outward; pag; particular; parties; party; pass; pastors; peace; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; performance; persons; piety; pious; plain; point; policy; power; powerfull; practice; prayer; preaching; present; pride; principles; private; priviledges; profession; professors; profitable; promoting; proper; prudence; prudent; publick; pure; purity; rational; read; real; reason; reasonable; received; regard; religion; religious; reproach; reputation; requisite; respect; reverence; right; righteousness; root; rule; rulers; sacred; said; salvation; scandalous; schism; scripture; sectarian; secular; security; self; sense; sensuality; separation; service; set; shew; sin; sincere; sincerity; sins; sober; societies; society; solid; sort; souls; sound; spirit; spiritual; stand; state; strain; strength; strict; strictness; subjects; submission; substance; sufficient; superiors; superstition; support; sure; sutable; tcp; terms; text; thereunto; things; times; true; true church; true religion; truth; unity; unlawfull; use; vain; vanity; visible; vulgar; walk; way; ways; weakness; wealth; weighty; whatsoever; wisdom; wise; wit; words; work; world; worldly; worship; worthy; yea; zeal; ● ● cache: A34538.xml plain text: A34538.txt item: #11 of 50 id: A40073 author: Fowler, Edward, 1632-1714. title: The design of Christianity, or, A plain demonstration and improvement of this proposition viz. that the enduing men with inward real righteousness or true holiness was the ultimate end of our Saviour's coming into the world and is the great intendment of his blessed Gospel / by Edward Fowler ... date: 1671 words: 69065 flesch: 61 summary: So far are such things as these from being able to make amends for any of their sins , that God accounts them no better than Additions to their most heinous impieties ; as by the Sixty sixth of I●…aiah , it further appeareth : It is said there , He that killeth an Ox , is as if he slew a man ; he that sacrificeth a Lamb , as if he cut off a Dog's neck ; he that offereth an 〈◊〉 , as if he offered Swines blood ; ●…e that burneth Incense , as if he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ▪ And how came this to pass ? it follows ▪ They have chosen their own ways , and their Soul delighteth in their Abomination●… ▪ So that if he had such an opinion of the goodliest and most acceptable Sacrifices when offered by Disobedient and Immorall Persons , under the Law ; it is impossible that he should have one jot a better of the most affectionate Devotions of those that take no care to be really and inwardly righteous and holy under the Gospel . When God becomes so Great in our eyes , and all created things so l●…ttle , that we reckon upon nothing as worthy of our aims or amb●…tions but a serious participation of the Divine Nature , and the exercise of Divine Vert●●s , Love , Joy , Peace , Long-suffering , Kindness , Goodness and the like ▪ When the Soul beholding the Infinite Beauty and Loveliness of the Divinity , and then looking down and beholding all created perfection mantled over with darkness , is ravished into love and admiration of that never-setting Brightness , and endeavours after the greatest res●●blance of God in Justice , Love and 〈◊〉 : when conversing with him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , by a secret feeling of the 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 and power of his Goodness , we endeavour to assimilate our selves to him : Then we may be said to Glorifie him indeed . keywords: able; account; actions; acts; adde; affections; almighty; answer; apostle; apparent; argument; assurance; assured; author; bare; bear; belief; best; better; blessed; blessing; blood; bodies; body; book; business; capable; capacity; care; carnal; cause; certain; chap; chapter; charge; charity; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; circumstances; coming; command; condition; conscience; consideration; contrary; conversation; cor; corrupt; creatures; cross; days; dead; death; degree; deliverance; demonstration; design; desire; disciples; discourse; diverse; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; duty; earth; effects; effectual; encouragement; end; endeavour; enemies; epistle; errours; esteem; eternal; evident; evil; example; exceeding; excellent; exercise; express; expressions; eyes; false; father; favour; fear; find; fit; flesh; following; forbidden; forementioned; free; fruit; gain; general; glorious; glory; god; godliness; good; good men; goodness; gospel; grace; grand; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; happiness; hath; heart; heathens; heaven; help; hierocles; highest; hold; holiness; holy; honour; humane; humility; idolatry; iews; ignorant; image; immediate; impieties; impossible; improvement; inference; infinite; innocent; insignificant; instances; interest; inward; iohn; jesus; jews; judge; kind; kindness; kingdom; know; knowing; knowledge; law; laws; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; luke; lusts; main; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; matth; means; measure; meekness; men; men holy; mercy; mere; mighty; mind; minded; ministers; miracles; miserable; motives; multitude; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; needs; new; non; notion; number; obedience; obedient; objection; occasion; onely; opinions; order; ought; pag; papists; pardon; partakers; particulars; parts; past; patience; paul; people; perfect; performance; persons; pet; peter; pharisees; philosophers; piety; place; plain; pleasure; points; poor; power; practices; prayers; precepts; present; primitive; principle; probable; profess; profession; promises; promoting; proper; punishment; pure; purpose; question; read; reader; real; reason; reformation; regard; religion; repentance; respects; resurrection; revelation; riches; righteousness; roman; rome; sacrifice; saints; saith; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; saying; scriptures; second; sect; self; selves; sense; service; set; shame; shewed; shewn; short; signifie; sin; sincere; sinners; sins; small; souls; special; spirit; state; success; sufferings; sufficient; tcp; temper; text; thee; thereunto; things; thou; thought; threatnings; time; tree; true; true holiness; trust; truth; understanding; use; vain; vertue; vertuous; vile; virgin; viz; way; ways; weak; whatsoever; wicked; wickedness; willing; wisdom; wise; wonderful; words; work; world; worship; worst; worthy; wrath; zeal cache: A40073.xml plain text: A40073.txt item: #12 of 50 id: A40139 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Concerning daily sacrifices and offerings date: 1688 words: 1986 flesch: 65 summary: For Christ did once offer up himself , who is made , not after the Law of a carnal Commandment , but after the power of an endless Life , who is set down at the Right-hand of God , and so cannot be offered as an Offering and Sacrifice any more , who abolished the changeable Priest-hood , with all its Offerings and Sacrifices , by the Sacrifice and Offering of himself once for all . So you may see Christ hath given himself an Offering and Sacrifice for us to God , and the Saints now do not offer up Christ , who hath already offered up himself ( mark himself ) but they are to present their Bodies a Living Sacrifice , holy acceptable to God , which is their reasonable Service . keywords: body; books; characters; christ; daily; early; eebo; english; god; hath; jesus; lord; mark; offering; outward; priests; sacrifice; saith; sins; tcp; tei; text; works cache: A40139.xml plain text: A40139.txt item: #13 of 50 id: A40297 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: To the flock of Christ every where to be read in their assemblies. date: 1681 words: 1752 flesch: 69 summary: For he that hath the Son of God , he hath Life ; and therefore keep in the Life in Christ : So that in this holy seed you all may be the Children of the Kingdom of God that stands in Righteousness and Power , and Joy in the Holy Ghost ; I say , in the Righteousness of Christ before unrighteousness was ; and in the Power of God , before the power of Satan and Dragon Was ; and in the peace of God , that passes all the Vnderstanding of the World , and was before the God of the World was ; and in the Holy Ghost , which was before the unclean Ghost got into Man and Woman . keywords: books; characters; christ; early; eebo; english; george; god; good; hath; jesus; life; online; partnership; peace; phase; power; spirit; tcp; tei; text; works; world cache: A40297.xml plain text: A40297.txt item: #14 of 50 id: A41497 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: The pagans debt and dowry, or, A brief discussion of these questions how far and in what sence such persons of mankinde amongst whom the letter of the Gospel never came are not withstanding bound to believe on Jesus Christ (with some other particulars relating hereunto) : returned by way of answer to a discourse in writing lately sent without name (together with a letter subscribed only T.S.) unto Mr. John Goodwin, the author as yet unknown to him, yer (as appears by the said discourse) a person of worth and learning, and (as he supposeth) a minister of the Gospel / by the said John Goodvvin. date: 1651 words: 20921 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore when God is said {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} to have over-looked , or winked at the times of ignorance , [ i. e. the ways and doings of men under these times , ] it is to be understood in a comparative sence , implying onely some such thing as this , That whilest means for the Conversion of Men from Sin to Righteousness , and for the bringing of them to the true Knowledg and Fear of God , were but low , scant , and weak in the World , in comparison of what they are now advanced unto by the shining of the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ amongst men , God was nothing so severe to mark what was done amiss , nothing so swift to execute Judgment , or take Vengeance on Transgressors , as now he is , and intends to be , under the Gospel ; the vouchsafement whereof unto the World , is as the laying of the Ax to the root of the Trees , upon which follows the hewing down , and casting into the fire , every tree , that bringeth not forth good fruit , Mat. 3. 10. The truth is , that ( according to my Principles concerning God ) I am rather {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , then {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , more intent ( of the two ) to promote the concernments of the good of the generality of men , then the accomodations of my particular Friends ; though as far as {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} will extend , I am desirous also to observe the just Laws of Friendship as inviolably as any other man : And though I very much honor you ( how ever unknown ) for those signal parts of Christian worth and ingenuity , which by the light of your Papers sent unto me I sufficiently discern in you ; yet should I scarce have been entreated to have made you any so large return in writing as this , had I not conceived , that what I should draw up for the satisfaction of your desire herein ( though probably not of your scruple ) might by the publishing of it turn to some account of a more publique benefit and edification . keywords: account; adam; answer; apostle; argument; beleeve; beleeving; benefit; best; calvin; capacity; case; christ; command; commandment; common; conceive; condition; consequence; consideration; covenant; creation; day; death; discourse; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; est; evangelical; evident; exception; express; faith; fall; gentiles; gifts; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gracious; great; hand; hath; heathen; heaven; holy; ignorance; import; impossibility; interpretation; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; judgment; knowledg; known; law; laws; letter; life; light; like; little; lord; mankinde; manner; meaning; means; men; minister; ministry; nations; natural; nature; non; notwithstanding; obligation; onely; opportunity; papers; parable; people; persons; place; positive; present; promise; providence; purpose; quae; reason; redemption; repentance; respect; righteousness; roman; said; salvation; satisfaction; saving; saviour; scriptures; sed; self; sence; sin; sins; spirit; spiritual; stand; state; substance; sufficient; supposeth; talents; tenor; terms; text; things; time; true; truth; unpossible; unto; vertue; viz; vouchsafed; way; ways; whereof; whilest; words; work; world; worship; worthy; writing; yea cache: A41497.xml plain text: A41497.txt item: #15 of 50 id: A42199 author: Grosvenour, Samuel. title: Hosanna to the son of David, or, A testimony to the Lord Christ shewing his rule and reign over the people of the Jews upon earth a thousand years together with his second personal appearance proved from the Scripture of truth : with a general word of life from the point to saints and sinners / by Samuel Grosvenour. date: 1659 words: 16318 flesch: 68 summary: And though I could not for some space of time afterwards see my sin , yet now Satan helpt on to the uttermost , so that I was in great fear that I was guilty of that Unpardonalle sin ; but the Lord , that watched over my soul for good , did first strengthen my faith from the consideration of the unvaluable preciousness of the blood of Christ : but still unbelief was very powerful , and great tumults there were in my soul ; yea , I may say , The bones of my peace were broken , sometimes concluding this , and sometimes that , and at the same time under the guilt of another sin that lay heavy upon me , and thus was I afflicted and tossed , but not comforted ; but God that is plentiful in loving kindness , visited my soul with so sweet a promise , so sutable unto my condition , as possibly my soul could wish : for when he was working godly sorrow in my soul , and gave me a sight of him whom I had pierced , yea , when I was mourning for the Abomination of others , from Isa. 6.5 . and had the sence of these sins upon my heart , I cried out in my sorrow , Lord , whither shall I be carried away in this stream of iniquity ? yet in my flesh shall I see God , my eyes shall behold him : this was the comfort of Jobs knowledge , that he knew that Christ was his Redeemer . keywords: abraham; apostle; appearance; behold; bride; christ; city; coming; david; day; dayes; dead; doth; earth; end; enemies; exalted; father; flesh; glorious; glory; god; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; high; holy; isa; israel; jerusalem; jesus; jesus christ; jews; joy; judgement; kingdom; kings; lamb; land; life; light; little; lord; love; man; nations; new; onely; people; poor; power; prince; promise; prophesie; reign; rev; rule; saints; saith; satan; scripture; second; servant; set; sin; sinners; son; soul; spirit; state; sweet; text; thee; things; thou; throne; thy; time; true; truth; unto; verse; way; world; yea; years; zion cache: A42199.xml plain text: A42199.txt item: #16 of 50 id: A42231 author: Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687. title: Hugo Grotius, Of the government and rites of the ancient church, conciliation of grace and free will, certainty and assurance of salvation, government of the highest powers in church affairs in a letter to the states embassador. date: 1675 words: 11649 flesch: 66 summary: Indeed , Cornelius was already endued with the spirit of the Law delivered by Moses : But 't is confest , the Law written in the hearts of men , and the Law of Moses , differ only in the manner of delivery , and the degree of clearness , not in substance : wherefore also this Law the spirit is ready to assist , calling to repentance : and I see not how he may be refelled , who believes God will cumulate the use of this gift with greater , according to that general sentence , Whosoever hath , i. makes use of former gifts , to him shall be given , i greater gifts shall be granted . The Question is , whether to the Conversion of man , any previous action of God be necessarily required ( I say previous , for of the concomitant there 's another reason ) besides the concession of sufficient strength . keywords: act; affairs; antient; assurance; austin; bishops; catholick; cause; certain; certainty; christ; church; controversies; council; divine; doth; eebo; end; english; evil; fathers; free; general; gifts; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; grotius; hath; highest; holy; judge; judgment; king; knowledge; laws; liberty; life; like; magistrate; man; manner; merit; mind; molinaeus; nature; necessary; new; opinion; original; orthodox; pastors; peace; pious; power; predestinate; predestination; prosper; question; reason; reformed; right; rites; saith; salvation; scripture; self; sins; strength; subject; sufficient; tcp; text; things; time; true; truth; use; way; word; work cache: A42231.xml plain text: A42231.txt item: #17 of 50 id: A45324 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Three tractates by Jos. Hall, D.D. and B.N. date: 1646 words: 40928 flesch: 64 summary: V. NEither doth the devout heart see his God aloof off , as dwelling above , in the circle of heaven , but beholds that infinite Spirit really present with him ; The Lord is upon thy right hand , saith the Psalmist ; Our bodily eye doth not more certainly see our own flesh , then the spirituall eye sees God close by us ; Yea , in us ; A mans own soul is not so intimate to himselfe , as God is to his soul ; neither doe we move by him only , but in him : What a sweet conversation therefore , hath the holy soule with his God ? What heavenly conferences have they two , which the world is not privy to ; whiles God entertaines the soule with the divine motions of his Spirit ; the soul entertains God with gracious compliances ? Lord thou knowest the thoughts of man that they are but vain ; O God , why keywords: account; act; acts; advantage; affected; afflictions; almighty; angels; answer; apostle; appetite; apprehension; bed; bee; benefit; best; better; betwixt; blessed; blessings; bloud; bodily; body; books; bosome; bread; capable; cares; cause; certain; children; chosen; christ; christian; church; clear; close; come; comfort; common; condition; conscience; consideration; contentation; contentment; crosse; danger; darknesse; david; day; dear; death; deep; dejected; deliverance; desires; devotion; devout; difference; discontentment; dispositions; dissolution; divine; doe; doth; drink; earth; earthly; ease; eebo; eies; eminent; end; english; estate; eternall; events; evill; examples; exercise; experience; eyes; face; faithfull; fall; far; fare; father; favours; fear; feast; fervent; findes; fit; flesh; follow; food; free; freedome; friends; gen; gift; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; good; good god; goodnesse; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatnesse; ground; guilty; hand; happy; hard; hast; hath; head; health; hearing; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; high; highest; himselfe; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; house; humble; humility; hunger; inconveniences; infinite; inward; jesus; job; judgement; kind; king; known; large; learned; leave; liberty; lie; life; light; like; little; lives; load; long; lord; love; majesty; maker; man; matter; means; measure; meditation; meer; meet; men; mercies; mercifull; mercy; minde; miserable; miseries; misery; mouth; nature; necessary; need; new; obedience; occasions; old; onely; open; outward; parting; passe; patience; patient; persons; phil; pity; place; pleasure; poor; poverty; power; practice; praise; prayers; precious; presence; present; prisoner; proud; providence; quiet; ready; reason; redeemer; redemption; remedy; requisite; resolution; rest; restraint; reverence; rich; riches; room; safe; saints; saith; salvation; saviour; sea; second; secret; sect; self; selves; sense; servant; set; severall; sick; sin; sins; skill; small; solomon; son; sorrow; soul; spirit; spirituall; strength; strong; sufferings; sufficient; sun; sweet; tcp; temper; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; torment; true; truth; union; use; vain; variety; vvhich; vvith; wals; want; water; way; weaknesse; wee; whatsoever; whereof; whiles; wisdome; wise; work; world; worse; worthy; yea; years cache: A45324.xml plain text: A45324.txt item: #18 of 50 id: A45356 author: Hallywell, Henry, d. 1703? title: A discourse of the excellency of Christianity date: 1671 words: 19603 flesch: 45 summary: 3. In the first Times and Ages of the World , the Law of Nature , which God hath equally implanted in all men ( and by which I mean nothing but Reason , or that Power in man which teaches him to distinguish and put a difference between Good and Evil , Beauty and Deformity , Purity and Impurity ) was the only Rule and Guide to direct them , and by the help of this they knew God and served him . the Kingdom of God consists not in meat and drink , but ( which is far more valuable ) in true Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost ; and Man being a Man by his Soul , and not by his Body , it is plain , both that the Religion whose grand Purpose and Intent is to instruct and perfect the Mind , is much superior to that which concerns the Body , and also that there is some degree of Perfection that the Nature of Man is capable of which is not attainable by the observation of the Law of Moses ) therefore it is necessary that there be some other way sound out to recover all Mankind from that sad and calamitous condition of Vice and Sin they now lie under . keywords: agreeable; almighty; apostles; arguments; author; behold; belief; best; blessed; blood; body; books; capable; capacities; cause; certain; characters; christ; christianity; christians; contrary; creation; credit; day; dead; death; deity; design; disciples; discourse; divine; divinity; doctrin; early; earth; eebo; end; english; eternal; evil; excellency; existence; eyes; faculties; faith; felicity; flesh; general; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grave; great; greater; greatest; happiness; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heavenly; hell; highest; histories; holiness; holy; human; immaculate; impossible; jesus; jews; john; joy; justice; kingdom; knowledge; lapsed; law; laws; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; lusts; man; mankind; manner; men; mens; messias; mighty; minds; miracles; moral; moses; mystery; names; nature; new; object; obscure; obscurity; order; paul; perfect; perfection; persons; place; power; presence; principle; promises; prophets; providence; punishment; pure; purity; purpose; rational; real; reason; religion; return; righteousness; saviour; scripture; self; sense; sin; sincere; sins; soul; spirit; star; state; sufficient; tcp; terrestrial; testimony; text; things; thought; time; true; truth; union; universal; vice; virtue; way; wicked; wisdom; wise; works; world; worship; writings cache: A45356.xml plain text: A45356.txt item: #19 of 50 id: A45370 author: Hamilton, David, Sir, 1663-1721. title: The private Christian's witness for Christianity to the notional and erroneous apprehensions of the Arminian, Socinian, and Deist of the age : with the easy and true means leading the prophane, meer professor, and lazy Christian, to the same experience, as preservative against the infection of each, and against the ill example of the practical blemishes in lazy Christians conversation. date: 1697 words: 70184 flesch: 20 summary: Which answer was accompanied at the time with some satisfaction of Mind ; but soon after this inward Change put forth such strong and numerous evidences with heart-service in the parts of Divine Worship , as well as outward Gravity therein , that self-sufficiency was laid aside , and hope entirely dependent upon Christ's Satisfaction as the Fountain of all Gospel Priviledges , was raised , with a clear apprehension of Christ's Satisfaction , and with a distinct Worship of him in Prayer ; from whence I was easily confirm'd , that under the incapacity of Worshipping Christ as God , I was not under the saving sensible power of Christianity ; but that now under this saving change of Soul , producing , among other things , a clear view of Christ , the foundation of our rich Privileges , I could perform a distinct worship of Christ in Prayer , and do hope that I am under the instruction and inward power of that Divine Spirit , whom he has promised should guide us unto all Truth in the use of his means ; John 14.26 . The first day I have been Heavenlily carried out in Prayer ; the next two days this frame has been remov'd , and the matter either neglected in Prayer , or superficially given up to God ; And upon the examination of the success of Means throughout those three days , I have sound eminent success the companion of the first days Endeavour ; but in the use of the two following days Endeavour , a perfect discouragement , and that exactly answering the two different postures of Soul that Prayer in these different days was put up to Heaven in . keywords: account; address; advancement; advantage; affections; answer; answerable; anxiety; applause; assistance; better; blessed; blessing; body; bringing; business; carnal; carrying; certain; certainty; change; chapter; children; christ; christian; christianity; circumstances; clear; comfort; comfortable; comforting; common; communion; comparing; concern; conduct; constant; continual; continuance; continued; conversation; converse; corruption; darkness; day; days; delight; dependance; design; desire; different; diligent; disappointment; discourse; discovery; disquiet; divine; divine providence; divine spirit; duties; duty; earth; education; effect; eminent; endeavour; enjoyment; errors; establishing; establishment; evening; events; evidence; evil; example; excellent; exercise; experienc'd; experience; experience god; experiencing; experimental; eye; failure; faith; father; favour; fear; fellowship; following; forth; foundation; frame; free; friend; general; giving; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatest; hand; hearing; heart; heaven; heavenliness; heavenly; help; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; ill; impression; improvement; influences; instance; instruction; interest; inward; issue; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; lawful; lazy; life; like; little; long; lord; love; making; manner; marvellous; matter; means; meer; mercies; mercy; method; mind; ministers; morning; mysteries; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neglect; notional; notions; obedience; observ'd; observation; observing; obtain'd; obtaining; occasion; opportunity; ordinance; ordinary; outward; particular; parts; passages; perform'd; performance; person; petition; petitioning; place; pleasing; pleasure; posture; power; powerful; practice; praise; prayer; present; principle; private; professor; prophane; providence; psalmist; publick; quiet; rational; ravishing; reading; real; reality; reason; record; recovery; reflection; reliance; religion; religious; remarkable; reproach; resignation; return; return'd; revelation; right; round; rule; salvation; satan; satisfaction; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; sensible; seriousness; sermon; set; sincere; solemn; soul; special; spirit; spiritual; spirituality; state; steps; strength; strict; success; successful; suitable; supplies; sweet; sweetness; temptations; text; thereto; things; thorough; thoughts; thy; time; true; trust; truth; understanding; use; utterance; verse; view; visible; way; ways; whereof; wisdom; wise; witness; word; work; working; yea cache: A45370.xml plain text: A45370.txt item: #20 of 50 id: A47146 author: Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. title: The fundamental truths of Christianity briefly hinted at by way of question and answer : to which is added a treatise of prayer in the same method / by George Keith. date: 1688 words: 32066 flesch: 47 summary: And seeing the substance of Prayer consists in the Souls desire after God , so as to be joined and united unto him , and be refreshed with his Love and Divine Influences of his Life ; and to partake more abundantly of his Spirit ; and to taste and feed upon his living Word , which is the same to the Soul that Bread and Meat , and Drink , o● any most comfortable thing is unto the Body ; and that the Souls desire after those Heavenly and Divine Enjoyments , is enlarged in and by true Prayer : this , as it were , both gives and encreases the Souls appetite after God , and prepares the Soul for the enjoyment of him , by raising it on high , above all worldly things and the desires thereof ; and accordingly Damascen and Augustine did well describe Prayer to be the ascent or lifting up of the mind unto God. For seeing the substance of Prayer consisteth in the Souls desire after God , and that desire may be in the Soul without words , so much as conceived ; even as a natural desire after Meat or Drink , may be in us without words , therefore there is a Praver that may be in the Heart or Spirit of Man , without words , so much as inwardly conceived ; the which Prayer is oft times the most effectual and permanent , for it may remain continually in the Soul , without any intermission , as it doth in every good man ; by which Prayer he doth pray continually , or without ceasing , as the Scripture requireth ; for the Souls desire after God , may remain a constant and perpetual thing , by which it continually prefleth after God , as the stone continually inclineth to the center ; or as the Needle of the Compass , that is well touched with the Load-stone , and hath drunk in , or received the magnetical virtue thereof , continually pointeth Northward ; and if it be at any time diverted by any violent motion , it ceaseth not until it hath arrived at its former station : And thus it is with the soul that is effectually touched with Gods living Arm and Power , that its desire is continually after him ; and that desire causeth in it a continual motion towards him , and to his holy and blessed will to know and perform it . keywords: affections; alwaies; answer; apostles; assistance; bare; betwixt; body; book; bring; case; children; christ; christians; church; contrary; day; desire; discourse; divine; doth; earth; end; example; excite; exercise; express; extemporary; faculties; faith; faithful; false; father; forms; fruitful; general; gift; god; good; good words; grace; great; ground; hath; hearers; hearing; heart; heavenly; help; holy spirit; immediate; inspiration; inward; kind; law; liberty; life; light; like; limit; little; living; long; lord; love; man; manner; matter; means; measure; meditation; memory; men; mind; moses; mouth; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; number; old; order; outward; passive; people; place; powers; prayer; praying; preaching; present; principle; private; prophets; publick; read; reading; real; reason; respect; revelation; said; scripture; scripture words; seeing; self; sense; servants; service; set; short; soul; speech; spirit; spiritual; spring; tcp; temporal; tempore; text; things; thoughts; thy; time; true; true prayer; truth; understanding; unto; use; uttered; vertue; want; way; wisdom; words; work; worldly; worship; yea cache: A47146.xml plain text: A47146.txt item: #21 of 50 id: A48888 author: Locke, John, 1632-1704. title: The reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scriptures date: 1695 words: 62257 flesch: 74 summary: And then tell me whether he can doubt that Messiah and Son of God were Synonymous terms , at that time , amongst the Jews . There is another Difficulty often to be met with , which seems to have something of more weight in it : And that is , that though the Faith of those before Christ ; ( believing that God would send the Messiah , to be a Prince , and a Saviour to his People , as he had promised ; ) And the Faith of those since his time , ( believing Iesus to be that Messiah , promised and sent by God ) shall be accounted to them for Righteousness , Yet what shall become of all the rest of Mankind ; who having never heard of the Promise or News of a Saviour , not a word of a Messiah to be sent , or that was come , have had no thought or belief concerning him ? keywords: account; acts; adam; answer; apostles; art; authority; baptist; belief; believeth; believing; body; brethren; chap; chapter; chief; christ; christian; church; clear; coming; commands; covenant; day; dead; death; deliverer; direct; disciples; discourse; doctrine; doubt; duties; earth; end; epistles; eternal; evident; faith; father; following; gentiles; ghost; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heaven; history; hold; holy; ierusalem; iesus; iews; iii; image; immortality; iohn; israel; jews; john; judge; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; laws; left; life; light; like; little; live; lord; luke; man; mankind; mark; mat; matt; meaning; men; messiah; ministry; miracles; morality; moses; mouth; nation; nature; necessary; new; notice; obedience; occasion; parts; passover; paul; people; person; peter; pharisees; pilate; place; plain; poor; power; preaching; priests; promised; prophets; reason; received; religion; repentance; required; rest; resurrection; revelation; righteousness; rulers; salvation; saviour; saying; scribes; scripture; self; sense; set; shall; short; sin; sins; son; spirit; state; temple; testament; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thought; time; true; truth; use; vii; viii; virtue; viz; way; whereof; whosoever; witness; words; work; world; worship; writ; xii; xiii; xvi cache: A48888.xml plain text: A48888.txt item: #22 of 50 id: A48904 author: Locke, John, 1632-1704. title: A vindication of The reasonableness of Christianity, &c. from Mr. Edwards's reflections date: 1695 words: 9404 flesch: 69 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: apostles; articles; atheism; author; body; book; christianity; christians; church; conjectures; creed; death; desire; doctrines; edition; edwards; eebo; english; epistles; evangelists; faith; famous; fol; fundamental; gentleman; god; good; gospel; great; history; iesus; iohn; life; little; man; men; messiah; necessary; new; octavo; original; pag; passages; plain; reasonableness; religion; salvation; saviour; scripture; self; sense; set; shew; sir; socinian; socinianism; tcp; testimonies; text; thing; thoughts; time; treatise; true; truth; viz; way; words; world; writ; writings cache: A48904.xml plain text: A48904.txt item: #23 of 50 id: A52412 author: Norris, John, 1657-1711. title: An account of reason & faith in relation to the mysteries of Christianity / by John Norris. date: 1697 words: 64830 flesch: 52 summary: Of which he gives several Instances , which as not being to the Point , I pass over , and come to his other Consideration of things above Reason , meaning such as when proposed do surpass our Comprehension , and that ( as he well observes ) upon one or other of these three Accounts , either as not clearly Conceivable by our understanding , such as the Infiniteness of the Divine Nature , or as inexplicable by us , such as the Manner how God can Create a Rational Soul , or how this being an Immaterial Substance can act upon a Human Body , or be acted upon by it , &c. Or else lastly as Asymmetrical or unsociable , that is , such , as we see not how to reconcile with other things evidently and confessedly true , whereof he gives an instance in the Case of Prescience and Contingency . We believe 't is all well and right because the Infinitely Wise God sits at the Helm ; but then again , because he is so Infinitely Wise we cannot found the Depths of his Wisdom , ( as indeed it would be very strange if an Infinitely Wise Agent should not be able to do things Wisely , and yet beyond our Understanding ) nor reconcile all his particular proceedings to the Laws of Reason and Equity ; but the more we study about these things the more we are at a loss , the further we wade into this Sea the deeper we find it , till at last we find our selves obliged to cry out with the most inspired Apostle , O the Depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God , how unsearchable are his Iudgments , and his Ways past finding out ! keywords: a52412; able; absolute; account; act; adequate; advantage; agreement; angels; answer; appear; application; argument; article; assent; attributes; authority; belief; believ'd; believing; best; better; body; bounds; capable; capacity; care; cause; certain; certainty; chapter; character; christian; christianity; clear; clear reason; clearness; common; compass; comprehend; comprehending; comprehension; conceive; conception; conclusion; connexion; consequence; consider'd; considerable; consideration; contemplation; contingent; contrary; creatures; dark; darkness; demonstration; different; direct; discourse; distinction; divine; divine faith; divine ideas; doubt; earth; edition; effect; errour; essence; essential; eternal; evidence; evident; excellent; existence; express; extent; eye; faculties; faculty; faith; false; follow; force; formal reason; general; god; good; great; great reason; greater; greatest; ground; having; help; high; highest; hitherto; hold; holy; human reason; humane; ideas; ignorance; immediate; immutable; implicit; impossibility; impossible; incomprehensibility; incomprehensible; inevident; infallible; infinite; instances; intellectual; intelligible; internal; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; large; life; light; like; limits; little; manner; matter; maxim; mean; meaning; measure; medium; mind; moral; motive; mysteries; mystery; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessary truth; necessity; need; negation; new; notes; notion; object; objection; obscure; obscurity; occasion; ones; operation; opinion; order; particular; parts; perceive; perception; perfections; philosophy; place; plain; point; power; present; pretend; principle; proceeds; proper; proposition; providence; purpose; question; rational; reader; real; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; regard; relations; religion; representative; respect; revelation; right reason; rule; satisfaction; saying; science; sea; second; self; selves; sense; set; shewn; short; sides; simple; spirit; state; study; subject; substance; sufficient; sufficient reason; supposes; supposition; tcp; terms; text; thing; things contrary; thought; time; trinity; true; truth; understanding; understood; union; use; view; viz; want; way; words; world cache: A52412.xml plain text: A52412.txt item: #24 of 50 id: A53922 author: Peck, Francis, d. 1651. title: The kernell of Christianity containing a short, yet full summe of our communion with Christ. By Francis Peck Mr of Arts, minister of the Word and pastor at Hartford. Imprimatur Iohn Downame. date: 1646 words: 3080 flesch: 88 summary: 6. What kinde of thankfulnesse , and life it is , that God requires of all them that be in this estate by Christ . When the poor sinner receives Christ to that end that God the Father offers him , namely to be his Priest , Prophet , and King . keywords: act; christ; death; doth; ephes; estate; faith; francis; glorious; god; gods; life; lord; love; man; means; mercy; rom; sinne; soul; text; things; wrath cache: A53922.xml plain text: A53922.txt item: #25 of 50 id: A54064 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: Some sensible, weighty queries, concerning some things very sweet and necessary to be experienced in the truly-Christian state whereunto is added A postscript, containing some queries on Isa. 50. 10, 11. A scripture of deep counsel & concern to the darkned and distressed states, of some among those that fear & obey the Lord. Written by one, who hath been sorely darkned and distressed, for a long season, but at length mercifnlly [sic] enlightned & comforted by the hand which afflicted & distressed him, Isaac Penington. date: 1677 words: 4605 flesch: 77 summary: Is it a Fear taught by the Precepts of men , or a Fear springing from the Root of Life within ? Can any who receive this Fear from God , and who are preserved in the sense of it ( and in the holy Awe and Reverence which it produceth ) depart from the holy , tender , living God and Father ? O how Happy is he , who hath received the true Understanding from God , which cannot be deceived ; wherein he hath the Evidence and Demonstration of God's Spirit concerning them , and knoweth the Truth as it is in Jesus ; as it is in his Life , in his Spirit , in his Power , who ministers after the Power of an Endless Life unto all his Sheep , wo are returned to the Shepherd and Bishop of the Soul , who hear his Voice and follow him , wherever he goes or leads , who is an eternal Shepherd and eternal Door of Life to his , and leads to precious Pastures , and sweet still Sreams of Life , and is giving the sweet Food , Rest and pure Pleasure of Eternal Life unto his abundantly , even as it is his Will , that after their many sore Trials , Exercises and Travels ( & Faithfulness to him therein ) they should abundantly possess and enjoy it . keywords: christ; covenant; darkness; day; distressed; doth; eebo; english; faith; fear; fire; god; hearts; holy; isa; john; life; light; living; lord; man; men; nature; new; power; pure; queries; righteousness; sparks; spirit; state; sweet; tcp; text; things; thou; truth; vvhat; work cache: A54064.xml plain text: A54064.txt item: #26 of 50 id: A54072 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: To the Jews natural, and to the Jews spiritual with a few words ro [sic] England my native country, &c. : some sensible, weighty queries, concerning some things very sweet and necessary to be experienced in the truly-Christian state : whereunto is added a postscript, containing some queries on Isa. 50, 10, 11 ... / by Isaac Penington. date: 1677 words: 15508 flesch: 69 summary: Now if this be the new Covenant , the Covenant of the Gospel-Church , then they are the Gospel-Church , who are the People o● God according to this Covenant ; who have the law put by God into their inward parts and writ in their hearts ; and so according to this law and covenant , have God to b● their God , and are his People , and are taugh● by him to know him ( as it is written , All th● Children shall be taught of the Lord , Isa . 54.13 & John 6 45. ) and whose unrighteousnes● God hath been merciful to , and whose sins and iniquities he remembereth no more , being washed away from their Consciences by the Blood of the everlasting Covenant , which th● Blood of Bulls and Goats could never do . WHat a day of distress , and revelation of the righteous Judgment of God , is to come upon the wicked and ungodly World ( even upon man , who was created in the Image of God , but is now fallen from it , and found out of it , and in another Image very unlike it ) the eye which the God of this world hath blinded , and the heart which he hath hardened by sin and transgression , hath no sense of . keywords: able; answ; beast; blessed; bread; children; christ; church; circumcision; city; covenant; david; day; dayes; doth; dragon; drink; earth; end; everlasting; faith; father; feed; flesh; gentiles; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; great; hath; heart; heavenly; high; holy; image; inward; inwardly; isa; israel; jews; kingdom; lamb; land; law; life; light; living; lord; lord god; love; man; men; mercy; messiah; ministers; moses; nation; new; outward; people; place; power; psalm; pure; queries; rest; rev; righteousness; sacrifices; sin; spirit; spiritual; state; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; waters; way; wilderness; word; yea; zion cache: A54072.xml plain text: A54072.txt item: #27 of 50 id: A54243 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: Truth further clear'd from mistakes being two chapters out of the book entituled, Primitive Christianity reviv'd : plainly acknowledging the benefit accruing by the death and suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind, together with a comparison of the principles of the people called Quakers, and the perversions of their opposers, by way of postscript / by W.P. date: 1698 words: 7161 flesch: 67 summary: As he Died for Sin , so we must Die to Sin , or we cannot be said to be saved by the Death and Sufferings of Christ , or throughly justified and accepted with God. Why should they perish in a vain hope of Life , while Death Reigns ? Of living with God , who live not to him , nor walk with him ? Awake , thou that sleepest in thy Sin , or at best , in thy Self-righteousness ; Awake , I say , and Christ shall give thee Life ! keywords: blessed; books; christ; christianity; cor; death; doctrine; eebo; end; english; faith; father; god; good; grace; great; hath; hearts; holy; inward; jesus; jesus christ; john; justification; life; light; lord; man; men; new; obedience; people; power; primitive; principles; rom; sacrifice; salvation; scriptures; sect; sin; sins; son; spirit; sufferings; tcp; text; things; tho; tit; true; truth; way; works; world cache: A54243.xml plain text: A54243.txt item: #28 of 50 id: A55565 author: Powell, Thomas, 1608-1660. title: Quadriga salutis, or, The four general heads of Christian religion surveyed and explained ... with some few annotations annexed at the latter end. date: 1657 words: 27913 flesch: 71 summary: The whole Sys●●m or body of it , is mentioned or hinted ( at least ) by these circumlocutions in Scripture : the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , 1 Tim. 6.20 . that precious ●ag● , jewel or depositum , that was betrusted ●o Timothy ; the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , 2 Tim. 1.13 . keywords: act; ages; antient; aphor; aphorisms; apostles; apostolical; article; athanasius; aug; author; authority; baptism; beginning; belief; believers; benefit; best; better; blessed; body; book; calvin; cap; catechism; catholic; certain; children; christ; christian; chro; church; churches; circumcision; clean; commandments; common; concern; consent; contra; council; counsel; countrey; course; creatures; creed; daies; dan; day; death; defect; dei; desire; deut; devotion; disciples; div; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; duties; duty; effectual; end; england; english; esse; est; eternal; exact; faith; father; fides; fire; fit; form; foundation; fram'd; fundamentals; general; gloria; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; hand; happiness; hath; heads; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; high; hold; holy; hope; humble; ignorance; invisible; isa; jam; jesus; jewish; joh; john; joy; kind; kingdom; knowledge; language; law; lawfull; laws; left; life; like; little; long; lords; lords prayer; love; luk; manner; mat; matter; means; measure; meet; mercy; moral; moses; mysteries; nation; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; nicen; non; notes; obedience; obligation; obtain; occasions; old; onely; order; ordinances; original; page; pardon; parents; partakers; particular; parts; patri; patriarchs; pattern; paul; people; perfect; perfection; perkins; persons; piece; place; points; powell; power; practice; praise; prayer; precepts; prescribed; principles; promises; psa; public; purpose; quae; qualified; quam; qui; quid; quod; reason; religion; requests; rest; reverence; right; righteous; roman; rule; sacraments; sacrifice; saints; salvation; saving; saviour; scripture; seals; second; sed; self; selves; sense; servants; service; set; short; sign; sine; sins; small; soul; spirit; spiritual; standard; state; substance; sufficient; sum; sunt; supper; sure; symbolum; table; teaching; terms; testament; text; thee; thereunto; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tongue; tree; trinity; true; truth; understanding; universal; unlawfull; use; usefull; vain; vice; vii; virtue; visible; wants; water; way; wisdom; work; world; worthy; writers; yea; years; ● ● cache: A55565.xml plain text: A55565.txt item: #29 of 50 id: A56382 author: Parker, Samuel, 1640-1688. title: The case of the Church of England, briefly and truly stated in the three first and fundamental principles of a Christian Church : I. The obligation of Christianity by divine right, II. The jurisdiction of the Church by divine right, III. The institution of episcopal superiority by divine right / by S.P. date: 1681 words: 53506 flesch: 44 summary: The case of the Church of England, briefly and truly stated in the three first and fundamental principles of a Christian Church : The case of the Church of England, briefly and truly stated in the three first and fundamental principles of a Christian Church : keywords: able; absurd; account; acts; adversaries; adversary; ages; alexandria; ambiguity; ancient; ancient church; answer; antiquity; apocryphal; apostles; apostolical; apostolical power; argument; attempt; authority; authors; beginning; best; better; binding; bishops; blondel; body; books; canonical; canons; captivity; care; cases; catholick church; cause; certain; certainty; christendom; christian church; christianity; christians; church; churches; civil; civil power; clear; clemens; clergy; command; commission; common; consent; constantine; contrary; controversie; council; credit; custom; daillé; death; decree; defect; deity; demonstration; design; determined; difference; discipline; discourse; dispute; distance; distinct; distinction; divine; divine authority; divine right; doctrine; duty; ecclesiastical; edict; emperours; empire; england; english; episcopal; epistles; eusebius; evidence; evident; excommunication; exercise; express; faith; false; fathers; force; form; fundamental; gelasius; general; god; good; gospel; government; governours; grant; great; greater; greatest; ground; hands; hard; heathen; history; hobbs; holy; humane; ignatius; imperial; infer; instance; institution; irenaeus; jerom; jesus; jewish; jews; john; judicature; jurisdiction; kingdom; know; large; law; lawful; laws; lay; learned; learning; leave; like; little; long; magistrate; main; man; manifest; mankind; manner; martyr; material; matter; meaning; means; meer; mention; mistake; moses; names; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; nicephorus; notion; number; obedience; objection; obligation; obliged; offenders; office; officers; old; opinion; order; ordination; original; pains; particular; particular church; parts; passage; pastors; paul; peace; peculiar; penalties; people; perpetual; persons; places; plain; pleased; pleasure; polycarp; possible; power; practice; presbyters; present; preserved; pretences; pretended; primitive church; princes; principle; private; priviledges; proof; proper; publick; punishment; purpose; reason; records; religion; rest; right; roman; rome; sacred; said; saviour; scripture; second; selden; self; sense; sentence; set; settlement; shew; short; signifie; single; society; sovereign; spiritual; state; subject; succession; successors; sufficient; superiority; superiour; supposed; supremacy; supreme; talmudical; tcp; tertullian; testimonies; testimony; text; thing; time; title; tradition; true; truth; undoubted; universal; use; vain; vertue; viz; want; way; wealth; wild; wonder; words; work; world; worship; writers; writings; years cache: A56382.xml plain text: A56382.txt item: #30 of 50 id: A60518 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: A letter from Mr. Richard Smith to Dr. Henry Hammond, concerning the sence of that article in the creed, He descended into hell, together with Dr. Hammond's answer. date: 1684 words: 9231 flesch: 60 summary: For in the Creed , after his Crucifixion , and remaining so long on the Cross till he was dead , commending his Spirit into the hands of his Father , it follows , his Body was interred , and his Soul ( in Separation of which from his Body , the reality of his Death consists ) descended , departed into the common place , habitation , state , condition , of the Dead ( hovered not above the Grave , as the Heathen phansied of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ( underwent the very same fate that the Souls of all other Dead men do , and so continued till the third day , and then he rose again . yet the position in the Creed , will assist it to signifie thus much more ; for if 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be a State or Condition or Habitation or Place , though but improperly so called , yet descending to Hades being immediately attended with [ the third day he rose again from the Dead ] this must in all reason extend the act of Dying to a duration , and that duration or space of continuance among the dead as far as to the third day , else there would be ( which is not to be imagined ) a Chasme in the Creed , no full enumeration of all the parts and steps of the Story ; but being thus understood , nothing can be more punctual and compleat in all the circumstances , than the Order observed in the Creed , is . keywords: account; animal; answer; apostle; argument; article; bishop; body; books; burial; burnet; cave; christ; church; common; condition; creed; damned; day; dead; death; descending; descension; descent; doth; eebo; england; english; faith; fathers; general; god; grave; habitation; hades; hammond; heaven; hell; henry; history; john; large; learned; leave; letter; life; lord; man; meaning; men; mention; new; notion; octavo; opinion; page; place; reason; resurrection; richard; rose; scripture; selden; sense; separation; sermon; set; signifie; sir; smith; soul; spirit; state; tcp; text; time; true; truth; use; word; works cache: A60518.xml plain text: A60518.txt item: #31 of 50 id: A61397 author: Steele, Richard, 1629-1692. title: A scheme and abstract of the Christian religion comprized in fifty two heads, with the texts of scripture, on which they are grounded : and some short indications, how they were more largely handled / by a lover of truth and peace. date: 1684 words: 7284 flesch: 81 summary: 3. On what it is exercised : Generally , on all the revealed Will of God ; Particularly , On Gods Promises ; Principally , on Christs Person ; Formally and properly , on Christ crucified . Fear God and keep his Commandments , for this is the whole duty , ( or Happiness ) of Man. Princ. keywords: angels; author; body; books; christ; christian; church; commandment; conscience; covenant; creation; death; divine; doctrine; duty; eebo; end; english; eternity; exod; faith; father; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; happiness; heart; heaven; holy; image; iohn; jesus; law; lords; man; mans; misery; natural; nature; office; original; parts; princ; redemption; religion; resurrection; saints; scripture; sin; son; soul; spirit; state; tcp; text; things; thou; time; true; use; word; works; worship cache: A61397.xml plain text: A61397.txt item: #32 of 50 id: A61575 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: The mysteries of the Christian faith asserted and vindicated in a sermon preached at S. Laurence-Jewry in London, April the 7th, 1691 / by the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward, Lord Bishop of Worcester. date: 1691 words: 10304 flesch: 67 summary: It is a faithfull saying , and therefore must be contained in that Revelation which God hath made concerning our Salvation by Christ. II. Was this nothing but the Glory which God had designed to give him ? This is so far from being peculiar to Christ , that it is common to all whom God designs to glorifie ; and takes away the distinction between the Decree and the Execution of it . keywords: acceptation; agreeable; certain; christ; christ jesus; christian; comprehension; creation; divine; doth; eebo; english; eternal; faith; faithfull; father; fore; general; god; great; greater; hath; incomprehensible; infinite; jesus; jews; joh; love; man; mankind; manner; meer; men; mysteries; mystery; nature; necessary; paul; perfections; reason; reasonable; religion; revealed; revelation; salvation; saying; scripture; self; sense; sermon; sinners; sins; son; sufferings; tcp; text; things; time; true; way; words; world; worship; worthy cache: A61575.xml plain text: A61575.txt item: #33 of 50 id: A62157 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. aut title: Some queries proposed, to the monethly meeting of the Quakers at Aberdeen; the sixth day of June, 1700. By Robert Sandilands With their answers thereto; together with some remarks thereupon. Published by authority. To which is prefixed a letter from George Keith, sent to the Quakers in Aberdeen, containing a very serious and Christian expostulation with his old friends, &c. date: 1700 words: 12784 flesch: 59 summary: E. B. of great esteem among them sayeth in his works p. 273 printed 1672 , and which his friends reprinted and approved of : the sufferings ( sayeth he ) of the People of GOD called Quakers in this Age , is greater suffering and more unjust then in the dayes of CHRIST , or of the Apostles , what was done to CHRIST or the Apostles , was chiefly done by a Law , and in great part by the due execution of a Law , &c. Q 16. To tell of the Word GOD , cocreator with the Father , is all one as to tell of GOD , being cocreator with GOD , if the Father be GOD , and this is to make two GODS , two Creators , &c. And thus G. W. opposes the Godhead of CHRIST , as he doth his Manhood in other Quotations , he also denyes , the Glorious Hipostatical Union , that it consists of a Human and Divine Nature , or that they are hipostatically one . keywords: aberdeen; alexander; answer; baptism; blessed; blood; body; books; chief; christ; christ jesus; christian; christianity; day; death; divine; doctrine; doe; eebo; english; errors; faith; father; flesh; forbes; friends; george; god; good; great; gross; hath; heaven; holy; hope; inward; iohn; jesus; keith; letter; life; light; lord; man; meeting; mistery; nature; necessary; new; old; orthodox; outward; pag; page; people; persons; place; principal; quakers; queries; quotations; reader; religion; resurrection; robert; rule; salvation; sayes; sayeth; scriptures; self; sound; spirit; spiritual; sufficient; tcp; teachers; testimony; text; thing; true; truth; viz; william; works; world cache: A62157.xml plain text: A62157.txt item: #34 of 50 id: A62253 author: Savage, J. (John), 1645-1721. title: An answer to an anonimous pamphleteer, who impugns the doctrine contain'd in St. Athanasius his creed by J. Savage Gent. date: 1690 words: 6617 flesch: 43 summary: Almighty , the Son is Vncreate , Eternal , Almighty , &c. Also that each of these Persons by himself is God , and Lord , yet there are not three Gods , nor Lords , nor three Incomprehensibles , &c. Now if in imitation of this , a Man should have a mind to say the Father is a Person , the Son is a Person , the Holy Ghost is a Person , yet not three Persons , but one Person ; I would know why this were not as good Grammar and Arithmetick , as when Athanasius says , the Father is God , the Son is God , the Holy Ghost is God , yet not three Gods , but one God ? keywords: absolute; answer; athanasius; attributes; author; body; christ; compleat; creed; deity; distinct; divine; divinity; doctrine; doth; eebo; effect; english; essence; essential; eternal; father; ghost; god; godhead; gods; hath; holy; holy ghost; humane; humanity; indivisible; man; nature; number; observation; parts; perfections; persons; predicate; propositions; reason; second; self; singular; son; space; subject; tcp; text; treatise; trinity; true; word cache: A62253.xml plain text: A62253.txt item: #35 of 50 id: A64670 author: Ussher, James, 1581-1656. title: The principles of Christian religion sumarily sett dovvne according to the word of God: together with a breife epittomie of the bodie of divinitie. By James Usher Bishop of Armaugh. date: 1645 words: 11719 flesch: 89 summary: Wh●t followed upon this sinne ? Ans. the losse of the Image of God , and the corruption of nature in man called Originall sinne . Ans. The Word of God contained in the Scriptures . keywords: acts; angels; ans; bee; benefits; body; cap; children; christ; christian; church; col; commandement; covenant; death; deut; doe; doth; eebo; english; eph; everlasting; exo; faith; father; gal; gen; god; gods; good; gospell; grace; hath; heb; hee; himselfe; holinesse; holy; image; ioh; john; judgement; justice; law; life; man; mat; meanes; mercy; nature; new; obedience; office; outward; parts; person; pet; psal; religion; respect; rev; rom; sacrament; second; sinne; soule; spirit; subject; table; tcp; text; thes; things; tim; time; true; use; vvhat; wee; word cache: A64670.xml plain text: A64670.txt item: #36 of 50 id: A66289 author: Wake, William, 1657-1737. title: The principles of the Christian religion explained in a brief commentary upon the church catechism. By William Wake, D.D. rector of St. James Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. date: 1699 words: 56340 flesch: 88 summary: Q. Upon what Account do you give to God the Title of FATHER ? A. Upon several Accounts , but chiefly on these Two : 1. With Respect to our Lord Jesus Christ , whom , in the next Article , we profess to be his Son : And , secondly , as he may also be accounted our Father . Q. Can God then Do All things ? A. keywords: a. god; able; account; acts; apostles; ask; authority; baptism; belief; bishop; blessed; blood; body; bread; c. q.; care; case; catholick; certain; children; christ; christian; church; col; commandment; committed; communion; comp; contrary; cor; covenant; creed; day; dead; death; desire; deut; divine; duty; earth; end; eph; everlasting; evil; exod; faith; faithful; father; forgiveness; gal; general; ghost; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; heaven; heb; holy; honour; iii; isa; jam; jesus; jews; kingdom; law; lev; life; like; long; lord; love; luk; man; manner; mark; mat; means; members; nature; necessary; need; neighbour; obedience; order; particular; people; persons; pet; phil; place; power; prayers; present; priest; profess; promises; proper; prov; psal; punishment; reason; relation; religion; repentance; respect; right; rom; rome; sabbath; sacrament; sacrifice; salvation; saviour; scriptures; sect; self; selves; sense; set; shew; sins; souls; spirit; state; suffer; supper; thes; thing; thou; thy; time; true; truth; use; viii; way; whatsoever; wicked; work; world; worship; xiii; xiv; xix; xvi; xxii; xxiv; xxviii cache: A66289.xml plain text: A66289.txt item: #37 of 50 id: A67735 author: Younge, Richard. title: Apples of gold from the tree of life with pictures of silver precious and pleasant, or such other pearls, as are added to the third impression, of The victory of patience ... / by R. Younge Florilegus. date: 1654 words: 9278 flesch: 71 summary: Men of Herods mind , whom you shall see turning over the Bible , searching the Scriptures , examining the Prophets , but to what end and purpose ? to know good , but to do evill . Men of the World think that to be wisdome , which is not ; like Eve , who thought it wisdome to eat the forbidden fruit ; or Absalom , who thought it wisdome to lie with his Fathers Concubines , in the sight of all the people ; or the false Steward , who thought it wisdome to deceive his Master : keywords: apples; austin; bad; bernard; best; better; body; books; care; cause; christ; christians; commands; common; conscience; cor; cure; death; emperour; english; evill; eyes; fear; fire; flesh; friends; glory; god; gods; gold; good; goodnesse; grace; great; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; himselfe; honour; house; impression; iohn; king; knowledge; life; like; little; lord; love; luther; man; martyr; master; men; mind; naturall; need; offer; officers; onely; peace; pictures; pope; reason; religion; saies; saith; salvation; second; selves; senses; servants; silver; small; soul; spirit; text; things; thou; title; tree; true; truth; viz; way; wealth; wisdome; wise; words; world; worse; yea; younge cache: A67735.xml plain text: A67735.txt item: #38 of 50 id: A69557 author: Bentley, Richard, 1662-1742. title: A confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of the world. Part II a sermon preached at St. Martin's in the Fields, November the 7th, 1692 : being the seventh of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle ... / by Richard Bentley ... date: 1693 words: 9585 flesch: 53 summary: 'T is demonstrated , That the Sun , Moon and all the Planets do reciprocally gravitate one toward another : that the Gravitating power of each of These is exactly proportional to their Matter , and arises from the several Gravitations or Attractions of every individual Particle that compose the whole Mass : that all Matter near the Surface of the Earth , for example , doth not only gravitate downwards , but upwards also and side-ways and toward all imaginable Points ; though the Tendency downwards be praedominant and alone discernible , because of the Greatness and Nearness of the attracting Body , the Earth : that every Particle of the whole System doth attract and is attracted by all the rest , All operating upon All : that this Vniversal Attraction or Gravitation is an incessant , regular and uniform Action by certain and established Laws according to Quantity of Matter and Longitude of Distance : that it cannot be destroyed nor impair'd nor augmented by any thing , neither by Motion nor Rest , nor Situation nor Posture , nor alteration of Form , nor diversity of Medium : that it is not a Magnetical Power , nor the effect of a Vortical Motion ; those common attempts toward the Explication of Gravity : These things , I say , are fully demonstrated , as matters of Fact , by that very ingenious Author , whom we cited before . Because if there were every-where an absolute plenitude and density without any empty pores and interstices between the Particles of Bodies , then all Bodies of equal dimensions would contain an equal Quantity of Matter ; and consequently , as we have shewed before , would be equally ponderous : so that Gold , Copper , Stone , Wood , &c. would have all the same specifick weight ; which Experience assures us they have not : neither would any of them descend in the Air , as we all see they do ; because , if all Space was Full , even the Air would be as dense and specifically as heavy as they . keywords: aether; air; atheism; atheists; atoms; attraction; bodies; body; boyle; center; chaos; common; convene; diameter; diffused; distance; divine; earth; eebo; english; equal; essential; evenly; external; fixt; form; formation; frame; god; gold; gravitation; gravity; great; hath; heaven; hypothesis; impulse; infinite; innate; long; masses; matter; mere; motion; mundane; mutual; nature; orbs; particles; planets; power; present; principle; proportion; quantity; reason; region; rest; revolutions; self; single; space; sphere; starrs; state; sun; supposition; system; tcp; text; texture; things; times; transverse; universe; void; weight; works; world cache: A69557.xml plain text: A69557.txt item: #39 of 50 id: A70206 author: Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714. title: A sermon on Acts xxviii, 22 shewing, that the Christian religion is not a sect, and yet that it is every where spoken against / by Matthew Henry ... date: 1699 words: 17315 flesch: 73 summary: Tho' they have little acquaintance with Religion , yet they know this concerning it in general , that it is not agreeable with the way of their hearts which they are resolved to walk in , nor with the course of this World , which is the Card and Compass they steer by , and from which they take their measures ; they know this , that it lays a restraint upon their Appetites and Passions , and consists much in the mortifying of their beloved Lusts and Corruptions , and therefore they have a secret Antipathy to it : The Carnal Mind , which is enmity against God , is so against all that bear the Image of God. And our resentments of the Reproach cast upon God and Religion , we should make a humble and pious Remonstrance of before God in Prayer , as King Hezekiah spread Rabshakeh's blasphemous Letter before the Lord , with that tender and affectionate Request , Lord bow down thine ear and hear : Open , Lord , thine eyes and see , 2 Kin. 19.16 . keywords: acts; adversaries; author; beloved; books; cause; characters; children; christ; christian religion; christianity; christians; church; common; contempt; contradicted; conversation; cry; day; divine; doctrine; doth; early; earth; eebo; enemies; enemy; english; eternal; everlasting; evil; faithful; fall; false; father; general; god; godliness; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hard; hath; hearts; heaven; holy; honour; ill; image; instances; interests; isa; jer; jesus; jews; job; john; law; life; light; like; little; lord; love; luke; man; mankind; mat; means; men; ministers; mouth; natural; nay; new; observation; occasion; old; opposition; paul; peace; people; pet; pharisees; places; power; practice; primitive; profess; profession; professors; prophet; psal; ready; reason; religion; reproach; rev; sacred; saith; saying; scriptures; sect; seed; self; selves; set; silence; sinners; souls; tcp; text; thee; thing; tho; thought; time; tongue; true; truth; unjust; unreasonable; walk; way; ways; wisdom; works; world; zeal cache: A70206.xml plain text: A70206.txt item: #40 of 50 id: A70688 author: Nye, Stephen, 1648?-1719. title: The exceptions of Mr. Edwards in his Causes of atheism against the Reasonableness of Christianity, as deliver'd in the Scriptures, examin'd and found unreasonable, unscriptural, and injurious also it's clearly proved by many testimonies of Holy Scripture, that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only God and Father of Christians. date: 1695 words: 22268 flesch: 69 summary: Now if this be a clear Text to build an Article necessary to Salvation , and the Worship of another Almighty and only wise Person upon , besides the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ; let all that have any reverence for God or his Gospel judg ! He uses Terms in such a Sense as they are never us'd in Scripture , for Divine Nature is never put there for God ; nor does the word GOD , or one God , ever signify Father , Son and H. Ghost , but always one singular Person ; and throughout the Holy Scriptures from the Beginning to the End , God is spoken of , and spoken to , as one only Person , and by Terms and Pronouns that signify singularly , and never otherwise . keywords: acts; answer; apostles; article; atheism; author; begotten; belief; bishop; book; chap; christ; christian; christianity; church; clear; common; contradiction; contrary; day; distinct; divine; doctrine; earth; edw; edwards; english; epistles; essence; eternal; faith; father; flesh; fundamental; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; great; greater; hath; heaven; heb; high; high god; holy; jesus; jesus christ; john; king; learned; life; light; like; lord; lord god; lord jesus; man; manifest; mankind; mat; mean; men; messiah; nature; necessary; pag; peace; perfect; person; plain; point; power; proposition; protestants; read; reader; reason; religion; salvation; saviour; scripture; second; self; sense; son; spirit; tcp; terms; text; thee; things; thou; time; trinitarians; trinity; true; true god; truth; unitarians; ver; word; works; worship cache: A70688.xml plain text: A70688.txt item: #41 of 50 id: A85419 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: Thirty queries, modestly propounded in order to a discovery of the truth, and mind of God, in that question, or case of conscience; whether the civil magistrate stands bound by way of duty to interpose his power or authority in matters of religion, or worship of God. By John Goodvvin, minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. date: 1653 words: 5749 flesch: 48 summary: ] And doth not the reason which he immediately subjoyneth , plainly shew this to have been his meaning ; For the Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives , but to save them ; as if he had said , The end ( or , one great end ) of my coming into the world , was not that any mans life should be destroyed , or taken from him for my sake , or for any injury done unto me b ; but that I might mediate , perswade , and prevail with those , who otherwise are severe against offenders , as you are , to exercise all lenity and patience towards them , and to be tender over their lives , in order to the Salvation of their Souls ? IX . Whether doth it appertain to the Civil Magistrate , as such , to provide by Civil penalties , as by disgracing , fining , imprisonment , death , &c. for the observation of any other Law in his Territories , but of the Law of Nature only ; and of this so far only , as either it clearly dictateth or prescribeth the doing of such things , which have a rational connexion with the welfare , honor , and prosperity of that community of men , which is under his inspection and government ; or as it , with like clearness , restraineth the doing of such other things , which are in the eye of Reason contrary hereunto ; considering that matters of a more spiritual nature , and such which relate either by way of sympathy , or opposition , only to an holy and humble walking with God , and not properly or directly to the Civil Interest , are of another cognisance , and committed by God to the care and faithfulness of Ecclesiastical Magistrates , in conjunction with the Common Councel of such Christian Churches , which are under their inspection , respectively ? III. keywords: abilities; account; authority; case; christian; church; civil; civil magistrate; conscience; doth; duty; earth; english; exercise; faith; father; god; gospel; great; hand; harvest; hath; jesus; john; judg; law; like; lord; magistrate; man; matters; men; mind; nature; non; opinions; order; people; persons; power; preaching; reason; religion; right; said; self; spiritual; state; text; things; truth; way; ways; words; work; world; worship; yea cache: A85419.xml plain text: A85419.txt item: #42 of 50 id: A85482 author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653. title: Briefe ansvvers to the chiefe articles of religion. By W. Gouge, D.D. date: 1642 words: 1218 flesch: 82 summary: A. 1. A. The worke of Gods Spirit . keywords: a85482; articles; bread; briefe; christ; doth; english; god; gods; gouge; life; religion; set; text; thomason; wine cache: A85482.xml plain text: A85482.txt item: #43 of 50 id: A85550 author: Graunt, John, of Bucklersbury. title: Truths defender, and errors reprover: or A briefe discoverie of feined Presbyterie dilated and unfolded in 3. distinct chapters. The first, shewing what English Presbyterie is. The second declareth what the failings and errings are, in the practise of those that have constitution by Ordinance of Parliament. The third chapter discovereth the conceited fancies, of such as minde not Parliamentary directions, either for their own constitution or execution and yet denominate themselves Presbyterians. And both parties being found guilty of transgression, are admonished to repentance, according to the rule of the word of the Lord, that commandeth his servants, saying, Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sinne upon him, or as it is in the margent, or thou beare not sinne for him Levit. 19. 17. And also Capt. Norwoods declaration, proved an abnegation of Christ. / By J.G. a servant to, and lover of the truth. date: 1651 words: 8910 flesch: 30 summary: First , That a mans happinesse and salvation proceeds from something within man , as he is man , and not from some one thing without him , and so becomes happy , by himselfe , or by something of himselfe , which was borne with him , and not by imputation of anothers righteousnesse from without him . so that I know not a more fuller , or willing Congregation in this Common-wealth , for frequenting Gods publique Ordinances , for these to be denyed the Lords Supper , for five yeares together by the same Teacher , that all on a sudden , through imposing a new fancie of his owne devising , neither warranted by the Law of God or man , but destructive to both , yet all that now would follow , and daunce after his pipe , should be admitted to that he had so long time detained , & yet now also publiquely declared that all that would not ob●y his humane invention should not presume to come to the communion , and thus he conceived and brought forth vanity , for being in the pulpit , desiring the people to meet him next morning in the Church , and some fourscore of many hundreds appearing to him , he then taught them a necessity of believing his humane conceiving , to be sound doctrine and then and there , to choose a Minister , and Church-Officers of their own devising . keywords: answer; atque; authority; body; briefe; capt; chapter; christ; christian; church; classis; common; congregation; constitution; day; declaration; deum; directions; discoverie; distinct; divine; doctrine; doe; elders; english; esse; exceptions; friend; glorie; glorious; god; gods; good; graunt; great; hath; heaven; holy; humane; ignorance; jesus; john; judge; judgement; kingdome; letter; like; london; lord; meane; meaning; minde; minister; nature; new; non; norwoods; notice; officers; ordinance; owne; page; parish; parliament; people; place; power; practise; presbyterians; presbyterie; prophet; repentance; rest; resurrection; right; roman; rule; said; saints; saith; salvation; scripture; second; servants; shame; sinne; sir; speake; text; things; thomason; thou; time; triers; true; truth; way; wee; words; world cache: A85550.xml plain text: A85550.txt item: #44 of 50 id: A89326 author: Batchiler, John, ca. 1615-1674. title: The soules own evidence, for its own immortality. In a very pleasant and learned discourse, selected out of that excellent treatise entituled, The trunesse of Christian religion, against atheists, epicures, &c. / First compiled in French by famous Phillip Mornay, Lord of Plessie Marlie, afterward turned into English by eloquent Sir Phillip Sydney, and his assistant, Master Arthur Golden, anno Domini M D LXXX VII. And now re-published. By John Bachiler Master of Arts, somtimes of Emanuell Colledge in Cambridge. Published according to order. date: 1646 words: 31800 flesch: 63 summary: For looke how men did spread abroad , so also did this doctrine , which is so deeply printed in man , that he cannot but carie it continually with him . Which thing is to be seene yet more in that which we read concerning the hearers of Hegesias the Cyrenian , who dyed willingly after they had heard him discourse of the state of mens soules after this life ; and likewise concerning Cleombrotus the Ambraciot , who slew himselfe when hee had read a certain treatise of the immortalitie of the soule . Nay we may say thus much more ; That nothing in the whole world is nourished with things better than it selfe ; neither doth any of them contain greater things than it selfe ; But the things that are corruptible do live of corruptible things , and cannot live without corrupting them : as for example , beasts live by herbs , men by beasts , and so forth . keywords: abilities; ability; actions; againe; age; alexander; aristotle; averrhoes; beast; bee; beginning; believe; better; bodies; bodily; body; book; capable; cause; certain; commeth; common; contrariwise; contrary; corruption; day; dead; death; deed; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; dyeth; earth; end; english; everlasting; excellent; eyes; fire; followeth; forme; free; god; gods; goe; good; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; heaven; heavenly; hee; himselfe; image; imagination; immortality; immortall; infinite; instruments; inward; knowledge; lesse; life; light; like; little; live; lively; living; long; lute; man; manner; mans; matter; men; mens; minde; mothers; moving; nature; nay; needs; non; old; onely; opinion; outward; owne; particular; parts; passe; peculiar; perfect; person; place; plant; plato; point; possibility; power; present; purpose; reason; reasonable; reasonable soule; receiveth; religion; respect; rest; roman; said; sayd; saying; sayth; second; seeth; selfe; selfesame; selves; sences; sense; sensible; sensitive; set; severall; shape; short; skill; soule; soule doth; sound; speake; spirit; strength; subject; substance; text; thee; things; thou; time; treatise; true; truth; uncorruptible; understandeth; understanding; universall; unto; vertue; vvhich; want; way; wee; whatsoever; whereof; willeth; wise; wit; words; worketh; working; world; yea cache: A89326.xml plain text: A89326.txt item: #45 of 50 id: A89641 author: Mason, Martin, fl. 1650-1676. title: To both Houses of Parliament. That there is a weighty trust reposed in you, 'tis no ambition in me to tell you; for verily the righteous God requires the performance of it from you; the right discharging whereof is of great concernment (and the hearty desire of him that sends this) to you. ... date: 1660 words: 2202 flesch: 73 summary: The unparallel'd Mercies of her God are undervalued and forgotten by her ; therefore is he drawing near in judgement against her ; for the sins of Sodom are found to be within her , and the Cry of Blood pursues her . But let your minds be staid upon the Principle of God which he hath placed in your consciences : Be still ( I say ) in your minds , and come into calmness ; let the loftiness of man be laid low , and wait in silence upon the living God ; listen and encline your ear unto his still voice , that is it which moves to holiness , mercy , and moderation . keywords: a89641; ambition; desire; enemies; england; english; friends; god; great; hath; houses; lord; man; martin; mason; parliament; people; righteous; seed; spirit; text; thomason; time; trust; weighty; world cache: A89641.xml plain text: A89641.txt item: #46 of 50 id: A89645 author: Mason, William, Anabaptist. title: A little starre, giving some light into the counsels and purposes of God revealed in the Scriptures. Or A catechisme, wherein these ensuing principles. 1. What God is, and how he manifests himselfe. 2 Why he made the world and man. 3. Mans condition, what, 1. by creation. 2. By his fall. 3. By being restored by Jesus Christ. 4 The uses and ends of the law. 5. What the Gospell is. 6. Justification what it is. 7. Sanctification what, and how it is wrought. 8. What repentance is. 9. The use and ends of the Scriptures. 10. What true prayer is. 11. Baptisme, and the Lords Supper, why, and how used. 12. Generall redemption what, and how to be adjudged of. 13. Resurrection and judgement what. 14. Heaven and Hell what, in truth and misterie. All which are briefly by way of question and answer opened and explained. / By VVilliam Mason. date: 1653 words: 43907 flesch: 77 summary: The Lord dispenseth not alike to all , but to every one a measure as he will , and yet they may be all of one , and the same Judgement , though some of a higher , and some of a lower degree , g Moses had high and glorious manifestations , and yet he was of the same judgement w th the meanest of his Saints in that generation : h Paul was taken up into the third Heavens , in respect of those glorious revelations , and high discoveries of God made known unto him ; i and yet he was as the Saints were , that so he might perswade them to be as he was , k yea , he submitted to the weakness of the Saints , that he might thereby bring them up into strength : Al the differences among the Saints at this day is onely about externall , and outward formes ; and observations , I which are all terminated in Christ : when they once come to know him , and are m taught by him , as the truth is in him ; then they cannot look for him at any distance , for he is n in them the hope of glory . If any dislike , or cannot receive it , because in some passages it may seem beyond his apprehension : Let him know that the maine end of this is , to carry up his heart to Christ above it selfe : and if on the other hand any shall despise it , and cast it away as too much below them : let such know , that it is not sent , but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel , f and that the foolishness of God is wiser than men . To whomsoever it comes , it will bring this testimonie along , that it hath no self-ends at all , but comes meerly out of love to poore souls . keywords: a. god; able; abraham; act; acts; adam; apostle; baptisme; bloud; bodies; body; bread; carnal; children; christ; come; comfort; command; condition; contrary; cor; covenant; creation; creature; darknesse; dayes; dead; death; divine; doe; doth; elect; end; eph; eternal; evill; exod; faith; father; favour; fellowship; fire; flesh; free; gal; gentiles; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; heb; hell; high; holy; image; infinite; inward; isa; israel; jesus; jesus christ; jewes; joh; john; joy; judgement; justification; justified; kingdome; know; law; life; light; like; little; live; living; lord; love; luk; man; manifest; mans; mat; meanes; meaning; measure; men; mens; nature; new; obedience; observations; onely; outward; peace; people; persons; pet; pleased; power; prayer; promise; psal; pure; purpose; reason; repentance; respect; resurrection; righteousnesse; rom; saints; salvation; sanctification; satan; scripture; seed; self; sin; sinnes; soul; spirit; spiritual; temporal; things; time; true; truth; union; united; unto; use; water; way; weak; wicked; word; work; wrath; yea; yee cache: A89645.xml plain text: A89645.txt item: #47 of 50 id: A90682 author: Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. title: The Christians rescue from the grand error of the heathen, (touching the fatal necessity of all events) and the dismal consequences thereof, which have slily crept into the church. In several defences of some notes, writ to vindicate the primitive and scriptural doctrine of Gods decrees. By Thomas Pierce rector of Brington in Northamptonshire. date: 1658 words: 37605 flesch: 75 summary: must any man be punish'd for doing that which he ought ? 'T is but an ill {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ( which some men use ) to say that God hath a double Will , of which the one is secret , and the other revealed ; the revealed Will not onely diverse , but even opposite to the secret one : God ordaining sin with the one , whilest he forbids it with the other ; and not alwayes willing in secret what he reveals himself to be willing to . It is therefore an errour ( saith that Man of judgement ) to think there is no Reason for the works of God , besides his absolute will , ( although no reason is known to us ) for the Apostle tels us , he worketh all things ( not simply and meerly according to his will , but ) {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , according to the Counsel of his will : And because he doth voluntarily set himself a Law whereby to work , it follows that that Law is no abatement to his freedome . keywords: able; absolute; act; adam; agent; almighty; ancients; angels; antecedent; antiquity; apostle; appeal; argument; arminius; artic; august; austin; author; authority; belief; best; better; betwixt; bishop; book; calvin; cap; cause; certain; chap; choice; christ; church; conclude; condemnation; conditional; confession; consequent; contingent; contradiction; contrary; cor; covenant; creature; cum; damn'd; damnation; david; day; dead; death; decree; dei; desire; destruction; deus; distinction; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; duty; earth; eating; edit; effect; effectual; election; end; england; english; enim; eph; epist; error; escape; est; eternal; events; evil; expressions; ezek; fall; false; fatal; father; favour; fear; fieri; fire; fit; force; foresees; free; freedome; general; glory; god; god doth; god p.; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; guilty; hand; hath; heart; heathen; heaven; hell; heresie; holy; homines; hominum; hope; ibid; idem; ideo; impossible; infallible; inference; innocence; inventions; iohn; irresistible; irrespective; israel; iustice; judgement; kind; kings; knowledge; known; law; learned; leave; lesse; liberty; lies; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; lord; lost; love; making; manner; mans; marcion; mat; matter; memory; men; mens; mercy; misery; murderer; natural; nature; necessary; necessitate; necessity; needs; negative; nemo; new; nisi; non; non sunt; nos; notes; object; occasion; omnes; omnibus; onely; opinion; order; people; perish; permission; persevere; persons; pet; pierce; place; plain; pleasure; power; praescience; present; principles; privation; promises; prosper; psal; publick; punishment; punisht; purpose; quae; question; quia; quod; reader; reason; redemption; regard; relation; repentance; reprobate; reprobation; respect; rev; roman; saith; salvation; salvos; saviour; saying; scripture; second; secret; sect; sed; self; sense; serpent; set; shews; sic; signifie; sin; sin p.; sinful; sinner; sins; small; special; spontaneous; state; stone; subject; sufficient; sunt; supposition; tamen; tertullian; text; thee; thing; thomas; thought; threats; time; tracts; true; truth; twisse; unlesse; velle; verse; viz; vniversal; voluntary; voluntas; voluntate; vult; vvill; wages; way; whereof; whilest; whosoever; wicked; willing; wils; word; work; worketh; working; worse; writing; wrong; ● ● cache: A90682.xml plain text: A90682.txt item: #48 of 50 id: A93367 author: Carlile, Charles. title: The heads and substance of a discourse; first private, and afterwards publike; held in Axbridge, in the county of Somerset, about the 6th of March, 1650. Between Iohn Smith of Badgworth, and Charls Carlile of Bitsham, &c. on the one part; and Thomas Collier of Westbury on the other. Things they are of weight and highest concernment. / Published by the said Tho. Collier of Westbury. date: 1651 words: 6440 flesch: 62 summary: He produced Steven , Acts 7. 55 , 56. who said , Behold I see the heavens open , and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God : I asked if he thought Steven was so quick sighted as to see so many hundred thousand miles as they say it is : ( and it s very probable Steven was in a house too ) and that I understood it to be the invisible glory of Father and Son manifest unto Steven ; he answered , that it is said , he saw Christ at the right hand of the Father : I answered , its true ; but what understand you by right hand ? that is an expression rather to declare the glory of Christ , then the place ; and that which I understood by right hand , was and is the enojoyment of the Fathers love , of the Fathers glory ; at his right hand are pleasures for evermore ; the apprehensions of wrath and anger is the left hand , &c. It s true , the Scripture speaks of Father , Word and Spirit ; this I own ; Father , as the fountain ; Word , as streams of wisdom , power , and love coming forth to the sons of men , taking flesh into union ; so the Son , operating and working the good pleasure of his will ; so the Spirit : God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself , and God was manifest in flesh , but God was not flesh , and there is no person in the Godhead , that being a word proper to man only ; and that word is never in all the Scripture , that I know , attributed to God , but they are principles and terms received by tradition from Rome , and thither let them return again . keywords: believers; body; christ; collier; divine; father; flesh; glory; god; hand; heaven; jesus; john; law; life; lord; love; man; moses; nature; non; particular; people; person; place; roman; saints; scripture; son; spirit; substance; text; truth; union; word cache: A93367.xml plain text: A93367.txt item: #49 of 50 id: A93709 author: Saltmarsh, John, d. 1647. title: Sparkles of glory, or Some beams of the morning-star. Wherein are many discoveries as to truth, and peace. To the establishment, and pure enlargement of a Christian in spirit and truth. / By John Saltmarsh. Preacher of the Gospell. date: 1647 words: 44300 flesch: 59 summary: And the whole Christ , or Son of God , is head and body , he and his , who shal enjoy and live with God in one Spirit , when God shal be all in all , and the fulnesse of the stature of Christ grown up to be the body of him who filleth al in al . That is the true Church , which is the Temple of God , where God dwels : ye are the Temples of the holy Ghost , Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone of this Temple , elect and precious ; this is the Temple which the Angel measures with a golden reed and the Altar thereof , or the eternal Spirit , upon which all the first creation is offered in the Saints as it was offered in Christ , who through the eternall Spirit offered himself , leaving out the outward court , or the flesh and first Creation , and all outward administrations , which are given to the Gentiles to tread down . keywords: account; act; antichrist; apostles; appearance; baptism; blood; body; bondage; christ; christian; church; churches; col; coming; communion; conscience; cor; creation; day; death; disciples; discoveries; discovery; dispensation; doctrine; doth; duties; earth; end; eph; excellent; faith; false; father; fellowship; figure; fire; flesh; fleshly; form; fulness; gen; ghost; gifts; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heaven; heb; heresie; higher; highest; hold; holy; image; iniquity; ioh; iohn; israel; jesus; jesus christ; jews; joh; john; justification; kingdom; kings; knowledge; law; legal; letter; liberty; life; light; like; live; lord; lord god; love; magistracy; manifestation; mat; math; measure; meer; men; ministration; ministry; moses; mystery; nations; nature; new; non; old; onely; order; ordinances; outward; peace; people; perfect; pet; power; prayer; present; priesthood; prophets; pure; reason; repentance; rest; revelation; righteousness; roman; saints; salvation; scriptures; second; seed; self; set; shal; sin; spirit; spiritual; state; sufferings; sun; tabernacle; temple; testament; text; things; thy; time; true; truth; unity; visible; viz; water; way; ways; weak; weakness; wil; wisdom; works; world; worship cache: A93709.xml plain text: A93709.txt item: #50 of 50 id: A94028 author: Person of quality now in Oxford. title: A strange prophet now in England Being a true relation, sent to a person of quality, now in Oxford. date: 1679 words: 1139 flesch: 69 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; early; eebo; england; english; men; online; oxford; partnership; person; phase; prophet; quality; strange; tcp; tei; text; true; works cache: A94028.xml plain text: A94028.txt