item: #1 of 12 id: 11198 author: Becker, Carl Heinrich title: Christianity and Islam date: None words: 17393 flesch: 53 summary: It might therefore be supposed that in Islam Christian theory underwent similar modification or disappeared entirely. The course of this development was greatly influenced by Christianity, but Christian ideas had been operative upon Muhammed's eager intellectual life at an even earlier date. keywords: arab; christianity; development; east; fact; form; god; ideas; influence; islam; jesus; life; man; muhammed; muhammedanism; new; qoran; religion; theory; thought; tradition; world cache: 11198.txt plain text: 11198.txt item: #2 of 12 id: 13539 author: Scudder, John title: Dr. Scudder's Tales for Little Readers, About the Heathen. date: None words: 38293 flesch: 82 summary: Besides all this, little children who speak bad words can never go to heaven. Sometimes mothers, or other individuals, will put their noses to the cheeks of little children, and draw the air through them, just as we do when we smell any thing which is agreeable. keywords: body; brahmins; chapter; children; christ; day; death; feet; girl; god; gods; gospel; heathen; hindoos; hope; idols; man; missionary; money; mother; people; person; place; poor; saviour; time; water; worship; years cache: 13539.txt plain text: 13539.txt item: #3 of 12 id: 14294 author: Morrison, John title: New Ideas in India During the Nineteenth Century A Study of Social, Political, and Religious Developments date: None words: 61088 flesch: 63 summary: India_ are English words got from Greek; they are not Indian, terms at all, although they are coming into use among educated Indians.] Similarly certain elements of Christianity are commending themselves to new India, and certain others are failing to do so at this time. keywords: bengal; br[=a]hma; brahman; britain; british; calcutta; caste; century; christian; christianity; church; consciousness; doctrine; educated; education; english; feeling; footnote; god; government; great; hindu; hinduism; ideas; india; indians; jesus; life; like; mahomedans; man; marriage; men; mind; modern; national; native; new; pantheism; political; religion; report; salvation; sam[=a]j; sidenote; sin; social; society; thought; transmigration; women; world; years cache: 14294.txt plain text: 14294.txt item: #4 of 12 id: 14764 author: Snoek, Johan M. title: The Grey Book A collection of protests against anti-semitism and the persecution of Jews issued by non-Roman Catholic churches and church leaders during Hitlers rule date: None words: 133858 flesch: 63 summary: May one not say that German Jews have, up till now, been much attached to their country; that they have added to its distinction in the field of science, art and literature. The greatest wave of deportations of German Jews and Christians of Jewish origin to Poland has been going on since the middle of October. keywords: action; anti; archbishop; assembly; attitude; authorities; behalf; bishop; catholic; children; christian; christianity; church; church assembly; church council; church leaders; churches; cit; committee; conference; council; countries; country; day; days; dutch; end; europe; evangelical; fact; faith; federal; following; france; french; general; geneva; german; god; government; help; hitler; human; ibid; israel; jesus; jewish; jews; law; letter; life; london; lutheran church; march; measures; meeting; members; national; nazi; netherlands; new; non; order; page; people; persecution; protest; protestant; public; question; race; racial; reformed church; refugees; reich; rev; semitism; spirit; state; switzerland; sympathy; synod; time; united; war; world; world council; york cache: 14764.txt plain text: 14764.txt item: #5 of 12 id: 14867 author: Ellinwood, Frank F. (Frank Field) title: Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891 date: None words: 105298 flesch: 62 summary: The chief emphasis and force of his teachings lay in the assumption that he did simply what other men might do; for his mission was that of a teacher and exempler merely. There has existed a feeling that they had no rights which Christian men were bound to respect. keywords: age; ages; buddha; buddhism; centuries; character; christian; christianity; church; come; day; death; doctrine; earth; evil; fact; faith; footnote; god; gods; good; gospel; great; hand; heart; heathen; heaven; hindu; hinduism; history; human; india; influence; islam; knowledge; krishna; later; life; light; love; man; men; mind; missionary; mohammed; moral; nations; nature; new; paul; people; philosophy; place; power; present; professor; races; religion; sacrifice; self; sense; sin; soul; spirit; study; supreme; systems; teachings; testament; theory; things; thought; time; tribes; truth; work; world; worship; years cache: 14867.txt plain text: 14867.txt item: #6 of 12 id: 1561 author: Carpenter, Edward title: Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning date: None words: 100672 flesch: 59 summary: He has some connection with the great god more intimate than that of other men... Women were persuaded that it was an honor and a privilege to be fertilized by a 'holy man' (a priest or other man connected with the rites), and children resulting from such unions were often called Children of God--an appellation which no doubt sometimes led to a legend of miraculous birth! keywords: animal; belief; birth; blood; body; book; bull; case; christian; christianity; church; consciousness; course; day; death; doubt; earth; evolution; fact; far; form; god; gods; golden; good; heaven; history; human; jesus; kind; later; life; light; love; magic; man; matter; means; men; mind; mother; mysteries; nature; new; order; pagan; people; period; place; point; power; present; religion; return; rites; ritual; sacrifice; second; self; sense; sex; sin; spirit; stage; subject; sun; things; thought; time; totem; tree; tribe; virgin; way; world; worship; year cache: 1561.txt plain text: 1561.txt item: #7 of 12 id: 16996 author: Muir, William, Sir title: Two Old Faiths Essays on the Religions of the Hindus and the Mohammedans date: None words: 31564 flesch: 68 summary: In India the Supreme is never worshiped; but any one of the multitudinous gods may be so; and, in fact, every thing can be worshiped _except_ God. Its renowned sages were noted for irritability and selfishness--great men at cursing; and the gods for the most part were worse. keywords: character; christianity; day; divine; faith; god; gods; hinduism; india; influence; islam; koran; life; lord; man; men; mind; mohammed; moslem; nature; new; people; power; progress; religion; sidenote; social; spread; system; thou; thought; time; veda; way; world; worship cache: 16996.txt plain text: 16996.txt item: #8 of 12 id: 29288 author: Notovitch, Nicolas title: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ The Original Text of Nicolas Notovitch's 1887 Discovery date: None words: 37423 flesch: 69 summary: Other peoples, who were more sunk in ignorance, seeing that the results of the wind were not always beneficent, and that the rain did not inevitably bring good harvests, and that the animals were not willingly subservient to man, began to seek for direct intermediaries between themselves and the great mysterious and unfathomable power of the Creator. When a child I left my father's house to go and settle among other people. keywords: brahma; buddha; child; country; day; death; father; god; gods; governor; india; israel; israelites; issa; jesus; journey; kachmyr; ladak; lama; laws; left; life; little; man; men; new; order; people; pilate; place; priests; road; spirit; temple; thibet; time; valley; way; years cache: 29288.txt plain text: 29288.txt item: #9 of 12 id: 39092 author: Glover, T. R. (Terrot Reaveley) title: The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire date: None words: 149383 flesch: 76 summary: [57] _D._ ii, 24. He maintains, too, against Epicurus the naturalness of love for children; once born, we cannot help loving them, _D._ [88] _D._ iii, 24, [89] _D._ ii, 14. keywords: account; adv; age; apol; apuleius; body; book; case; celsus; century; change; chapter; character; children; christian; christianity; church; city; clement; course; day; days; death; divine; dæmons; earth; emperor; end; epictetus; evidence; evil; experience; fact; faith; father; flesh; friends; general; god; gods; good; gospel; greek; hand; heart; heaven; history; holy; human; idea; iii; jesus; jew; jewish; jews; justin; kaì; kind; knowledge; language; law; left; life; literature; living; logos; long; lord; love; lucian; man; mankind; matter; means; men; mind; names; nature; need; non; passage; paul; people; philosophers; philosophy; place; plato; plutarch; point; power; question; read; real; reason; religion; right; roman; rome; saw; second; seneca; sense; set; sidenote; son; soul; speak; spirit; stoic; story; strom; superstition; teaching; tertullian; things; thought; time; truth; trypho; universe; use; value; view; vii; viii; way; women; words; work; world; worship; years; zeus cache: 39092.txt plain text: 39092.txt item: #10 of 12 id: 4057 author: Pater, Walter title: Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1 date: None words: 57284 flesch: 58 summary: Much which spoke of ages earlier than Nero, the great re-builder, lingered on, antique, quaint, immeasurably venerable, like the relics of the medieval city in the Paris of Lewis the Fourteenth: the work of Nero's own time had come to have that sort of old world and picturesque interest which the work of Lewis has for ourselves; while without stretching a parallel too far we might perhaps liken the architectural finesses of the archaic Hadrian to the more excellent products of our own Gothic revival. His former gay companions, meeting him in the streets of the old Italian town, and noting the graver lines coming into the face of the sombre but enthusiastic student of intellectual structure, who could hold his own so well in the society of accomplished older men, were half afraid of him, though proud to have him of their company. keywords: age; air; art; aurelius; beauty; body; day; days; divine; emperor; experience; expression; feeling; flavian; form; gods; greek; hand; home; house; ideal; kind; life; light; long; love; man; marius; matter; men; mother; nature; peculiar; people; philosophy; place; power; present; psyche; religion; roman; rome; sense; sort; soul; thee; things; thou; thought; time; venus; way; white; words; work; world; years; youth cache: 4057.txt plain text: 4057.txt item: #11 of 12 id: 4058 author: Pater, Walter title: Marius the Epicurean — Volume 2 date: None words: 52858 flesch: 61 summary: A host of companions, guides, helpers, about him from of old time, the very court and company of heaven, objects for him of personal reverence and affection--the supposed presence of the ancient popular gods determined the character of much of his daily life, and might prove the last stay of human nature at its weakest. Only, the first eager period of his life in Rome had slipped on rapidly; and, almost on a sudden, that old time had come to seem very long ago. keywords: age; air; aurelius; beauty; body; children; church; cornelius; day; days; death; emperor; end; experience; fact; gods; hand; heart; hope; house; human; kind; life; light; man; marius; matter; men; mind; moment; nature; people; philosophy; place; power; roman; rome; self; sense; sort; soul; spirit; things; thought; time; truth; vision; way; work; world cache: 4058.txt plain text: 4058.txt item: #12 of 12 id: 52414 author: Leatherbee, E. B. (Ethel Brigham) title: The Christian Mythology date: None words: 25124 flesch: 61 summary: Paul, the real founder of the faith, in his first epistle to Timothy, says: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim. ii, 5); and again in his first epistle to John he remarks: No man hath seen God (1 John iv, 12). The expression used in modern orthodox Protestant prayers, through our Lord, Jesus Christ, is merely the concrete expression of the idea of mediation. keywords: belief; birth; christian; christianity; church; cross; dead; death; earth; faith; god; gods; holy; idea; jesus; john; life; london; luke; man; mark; mary; matt; men; miracles; mother; new; power; roman; savior; son; time; virgin; world; worship cache: 52414.txt plain text: 52414.txt