item: #1 of 89 id: A01038 author: Forbes, John, 1593-1648. title: A peaceable vvarning, to the subjects in Scotland given in the yeare of God 1638. date: 1638.0 words: 4982 flesch: 55 summary: DEVM enim in conscientiis nostris testem advocamus , nos ex animo omnes sectas , Haereses , omnesque falsae doctrinae doctores detestari , &c : that is ; If in this our Confession anie man shall note anie Article or Sentence repugnant to GOD'S holie Word , and shall by wryting admonish vs thereof , wee promise , by the grace of GOD , to giue him satisfaction , out of GOD'S mouth , that is , out of the holie Scriptures , or to amend it , if anie shall proue anie errour to bee therein : for we in our consciences call GOD witnesse , that wee doe from our heart detest all Sects , Heresies , and all teachers of false Doctrine , &c. Neyther are wee by this Authoritie obliedged to hearken in matters of this nature to those two Synodes , more than wee are obliedged to hearken to the former or latter Nationall Synodes of the same KIRKE , or to anie Nationall Synode of anie forraygne Reformed Kirke , or to anie of the Ancient Councels of Orthodoxe Fathers . keywords: anie; authoritie; bee; confession; god; hath; king; nationall; sayde; tcp; text; trueth; tyme; vnto cache: A01038.xml plain text: A01038.txt item: #2 of 89 id: A01039 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. title: An ansvvere to M. I. Forbes of Corse, his peaceable warning date: 1638.0 words: 12225 flesch: 57 summary: But wee have told you already , that it is the Confession of the Kirk of Scotland , approved by the Kirk of Scotland , and subscribed universally by direction of authoritie at two sundrie times , which is more than to bee penned by M. Craig , and subscribed by many good Christians , or hath beene done to any part of Aagustine , Ambrose , Luther , or Calvins workes Beza set forth a notable Confession of faith , which is approved by many good Christians , yet is esteemed only as a private worke . The first booke of discipline in the head of the policie of the Kirk , distinguisheth betwixt thinges necessarie to bee observed in everie Kirk , and things variable to bee ordered by everie particulare Congregation . keywords: act; acts; anno; assembly; authoritie; bee; confession; counsell; discipline; elders; faith; generall; god; hath; hee; holden; kirk; mandat; ministers; set; time; wee; word cache: A01039.xml plain text: A01039.txt item: #3 of 89 id: A02351 author: Guild, William, 1586-1657. title: The humble addresse both of church and poore, to the sacred maiestie of Great Britaines monarch For a just redresse of the uniting of churches, and the ruine of hospitalls. By William Guild, minister of Aberdene. date: 1633.0 words: 8242 flesch: 62 summary: A strange thing , that mens policie should so meete a Princes pietie , 〈◊〉 where he intended the bettering of the Churches impoverished ●●ate , by some competent provision , at least , to each one : If Patrons can 〈◊〉 evite the necessitie of obedience to that law of his Royall Parlia●ent , and Decreet of his honourable Commission , they shall finde out ●●ch a politicke course , as in effect the same shall be but frustrate , how WHen olde Israel ( most Sacred Soveraigne ) Propheticallie pronounced this Doome concerning his sonne Issach●r , that hee should co●ch downe betweene two burdens , he likened him to a strōg Asse●s needing much strength to beare so great a burden . keywords: bee; churches; god; hath; haue; hee; house; kingdome; land; like; lyke; manie; number; places; sir; tcp; text; ● ● cache: A02351.xml plain text: A02351.txt item: #4 of 89 id: A04026 author: Knollys, Francis, Sir, d. 1643. title: Informations, or a protestation, and a treatise from Scotland Seconded with D. Reignoldes his letter to Sir Francis Knollis. And Sir Francis Knollis his speach in Parliament. All suggesting the vsurpation of papal bishops. date: 1608.0 words: 17525 flesch: 72 summary: Likwise the Institution of Christ was anterior to this Preheminence of Bishops ; and shall consist and stand with in the house of God , when this new fashion of Altar shal goe to the doore . Thus much for overthrowing the first Horne of the Beast , to witt , Civilpower , usurped by Prelates and Bishops . &c. Now let us assay the force & strength of the Second Horne , of spirituall power and Iurisdiction , quhilk Prelates and Bishops , following in this also the Antichrist , usurp aboue the disposers of the mysteries of Christ , Pastors , Ministers ; and Teachers &c and not over one Kirk alone , but over many in one , or moe Dioceses , quhilk injquity hath flowed also frō the Antichrist of Rome , and thence is derived to the Orders of his Cleargie ; Archbishopes , Bishops , Arch-Deanes , Deanes , &c. setting up , by the devise of Satan , ane Hierarchie , that is , a Spirituall principalitie in the Kirke of God , overthrowing altogither the Ordināce of Christ Iesus in ordering his Kirke officers ( whairof hath bene spoken more at large in the first Treatise ) and in place thereof ; intruding upon the Kirk Satanicall , and Antichristian , devises , and Traditions : whereupon this conclusion groweth like unto the former . keywords: act; authority; bishops; christ; church; cor; elders; god; governement; hath; haue; iesus; kirk; lib; lord; man; math; ministers; offices; owne; papal; parliament; power; quhilk; rom; scripture; tim; time; word cache: A04026.xml plain text: A04026.txt item: #5 of 89 id: A05533 author: Lindsay, David, d. 1641? title: The reasons of a pastors resolution, touching the reuerend receiuing of the holy communion: written by Dauid Lindesay, D. of Diuinitie, in the Vniuersitie of Saint Andrewes in Scotland, and preacher of the gospell at Dundy date: 1619.0 words: 29472 flesch: 58 summary: This I call a Luciferian pride , or Arrianisme : for he that accounteth himselfe Christs equall , must either in his conceit abase Christ from being such a person as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , God manifested in the flesh , and from the glorious condition of that estate : whereunto hee is exalted at the right hand of the Father , far aboue Principalities and Powers , which is worse then Arrianisme : Or hee must imagine himselfe to be such a person , and of such quality , as our Sauiour is , which no creature is , nor euer shall be . Thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Cor. 8. keywords: action; bee; bloud; bodie; bread; christ; church; doe; downe; eate; faith; gesture; god; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; kneeling; lord; receiue; receiuing; sacrament; sauiour; sect; selues; sitting; supper; table; things; vse; wee; word cache: A05533.xml plain text: A05533.txt item: #6 of 89 id: A11655 author: Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646. title: The protestation of the noblemen, barrons, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers, and commons; subscribers of the confession of faith and covenant, lately renewed within the kingdome of Scotland, made at the Mercate Crosse of Edinburgh the 22. of September immediatly after the reading of the proclamation, dated September 9. 1638 date: 1638.0 words: 7833 flesch: 31 summary: 3. Neither would wee in giving way to this new subscription think our selves free of perjurie : for as wee were driven by an undeclinable necessitie to enter into a mutuall Covenant , so are wee bound , not onely by the law of GOD and nature , but by our solemne oath and subscription , against all divisive motions to promove and observe the same without violation : and it is most manifest , that having already refused to render , alter , or destroye our Covenant , nothing can bee more contrarie and adverse to our pious intentions and sincere resolutions , than to consent to such a subscription and oath , as both in the intention of the urgers , and in the nature and condition of the matter urged , is the readie waye to extinguish , and to drowne in oblivion the Band of our union and conjunction that they bee no more remembred . And although wee could have wished that his Majestie had added both his subscription and authoritie unto it , yet the lesse constraint from authoritie and the more libertie , the lesse hypocrisie , and more sinceritie hath appeared : But by this new subscription urged by authoritie wee both condemne our former subscription as unlawfull . because alleadged to bee done without authoritie , and precondemne also the lyke laudable course in the like necessitie to bee taken by the posteritie , 6. What is the use of merch-stones upon borders of Lands , the like use hath Confessions of Faith in the Kirke , To disterminate and divide betwixt Trueth and errour : and the renewing and applying of Confessions of Faith to the present errours and corruptions , are not unlike ryding of merches And therfore to content our selves with the generall , and ro returne to it , from the particulare application of the Confession necessarlye made upon the invasion or creeping in of errours within the borders of the Kirke , if it bee not a removeing of the merch stone from the owne place , It is at least the hyding of the merch in the ground that it bee not seene , which at this time were verie unseasonable for two causes . keywords: assemblie; bee; confession; covenant; faith; generall; god; kirk; majesties; proclamation; religion; subscription; time; wee cache: A11655.xml plain text: A11655.txt item: #7 of 89 id: A11659 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. title: The remonstrance of the nobility, barrones, burgesses, ministers and commons within the kingdome of Scotland Vindicating them and their proceedings from the crymes, wherewith they are charged by the late proclamation in England, Feb. 27. 1639. date: 1639.0 words: 9367 flesch: 40 summary: None of all our actions is more challenged of sedition , then our necessarie confession of Faith and nationall Covenant , wherein we are so far from overturning regall authority , that we declared before God & men that we had no intention or desire to attempt any thing that might turne to the diminution of the Kings greatnesse and authority . Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you , and shall say all manner of evill against you for my sake . keywords: assembly; covenant; defence; england; god; hath; kingdome; kings; kirk; majesties; men; power; prelats; religion; subjects; time cache: A11659.xml plain text: A11659.txt item: #8 of 89 id: A11742 author: Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. title: Reasons against the rendering of our sworne and subscribed confession of faith date: 1638.0 words: 2479 flesch: 58 summary: Ans. 1. As acts of Parliament against poperie did not abolish our former Confess●●n of faith , wherein poperie was abjured , So Acts of Parli●ment to be made against these innovations can not make our Co●●nant to be unprofitable . Although we do not compare the Scriptures of God wi●h a written confession of faith , yet as the rendering of the Bible w●s the sin of Traditores of old , and a signe of the denyall of the truth contained therein : so the rendering of Our Confession of faith , so solemnly sworne and subscribed , for staying the ●●urse of defection , and for barring of Poperie , and all other corrupt●o●s of religion , could be interpreted to be no lesse , then a reall denyall of Our Faith before men , in a time when GOD calleth for the Confession thereof . keywords: covenant; god; subscribed; tcp; text cache: A11742.xml plain text: A11742.txt item: #9 of 89 id: A11746 author: Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. title: A short relation of the state of the Kirk of Scotland since the reformation of religion, to the present time for information, and advertisement to our brethren in the Kirk of England, by an hearty well-wisher to both kingdomes. date: 1638.0 words: 7144 flesch: 48 summary: Approbation from the Lords of Counsell was given to it , when few but Bishops were present at Counsell . In the next yeare in Iunij 1637 the said Bishops caused print the booke of Common prayer , compiled by them for the use of this Kirk , which was appointed by his Majesties letter to bee received , as the onlie forme of Gods publick worship , where-unto all Subjects either civill or ecclesiasticall behoved to conforme themselves , and the contraveeners to be condignly punished . keywords: assembly; bee; bishops; commissioner; counsell; kirk; majestie; ministers; parliament; scotland; supplicants; tcp; time cache: A11746.xml plain text: A11746.txt item: #10 of 89 id: A11764 author: Episcopal Church in Scotland. title: The declinator and protestation of the archbishops and bishops, of the Church of Scotland, and others their adherents within that kingdome against the pretended generall Assembly holden at Glasgow Novemb. 21. 1638. date: 1639.0 words: 8821 flesch: 48 summary: First doe acknowledge and professe , that a Generall Assembly lawfully called and orderly conveened is a most necessary and effectuall meane for removing those evills wherewith the said Church is infested , and for setling that order which becometh the house of God : and that we wish nothing more then a meeting of a peaceable and orderly Assembly to that effect . And this is the onely act of the Assembly , authorizing Presbyteries to chuse Commissioners to the Generall Assembly : nor have lay-elders sate ordinarily in Presbyteries upon any occasion these fourty yeeres , and upwards : nor ever had any place nor voyce in the election of Ministers , for the Generall Assembly : and consequently these chosen by them to this Assembly have no lawfull power nor authority . keywords: act; acts; assembly; authority; bishops; church; commissioners; complaint; doth; generall; generall assembly; kingdome; lawfull; majesties; ministers; persons; presbyterie cache: A11764.xml plain text: A11764.txt item: #11 of 89 id: A11766 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. title: The declinatour and protestation of the some some-times [sic] pretended bishops, presented in face of the last Assembly. Refuted and found futile, but full of insolent reproaches, and bold assertions date: 1639.0 words: 27437 flesch: 61 summary: They except yet against the Ecclesiasticall persons , meaning , Ministers directed Commissioners to this Assembly , that they may be justly thought unworthie and uncapable of commission to a free and lawfull Assembly for their behaviour in times by-past . Next , because that direction is for them who admit , but the generall Assembly doth not admit Ministers . keywords: act; acts; anno; answer; assemblies; assembly; assembly holden; authority; bee; bishops; book; cause; charge; citation; commissioners; confession; consent; councel; elder; election; generall assembly; glasgow; god; hath; iames; iohn; jurisdiction; kingdome; kirk; lawfull; lay; m. iohn; majestie; minister; office; order; parliament; place; power; presbyteries; religion; robert; synods; time; voice cache: A11766.xml plain text: A11766.txt item: #12 of 89 id: A17571 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. title: The altar of Damascus or the patern of the English hierarchie, and Church policie obtruded upon the Church of Scotland date: 1621.0 words: 63942 flesch: 61 summary: I intended not a full refutation : for I thought , to discover it onely , was to refute it sufficiently , to any man of sound judgement ; saving that sometime there i● a light touch , or poynting at any corruption where I suspected the simpler sort migh● be miscaried . CHAP. And that the Queens highnes , her heirs , and successors , shall have full power , & authority , by vertue of this act , by letters patents under the great seale of England , to assigne , name , and authorize , when and as often , as her highnes , her heirs , and successors , shall think meet and conve●ient , and for such and so long time , as shall please her highnesse her heirs , and successors , such persons being naturall born subjects , as her Majestie , her heirs , and successors , shall think meet to exercise , use , occupie , and execute under her highnes , her heirs , and s●ccessors , all manner of Iurisdictions , priviledges , and preeminances , in any wise touching , or concerning any spirituall or Ecclesiacticall iurisdiction , within the Rea●●es of England or Ireland , or any other her highnes ●●minions , or countries , and to visit , reforme , redresse , order , correct , and amend all such errors , heresies , schismes , abuses , offences , contempts and enormities whatsoever , which by any manner of spirituall or Ecclesiastical power , authority , or jurisdiction , can , or may lawfully be reformed , ordered , corrected , restrained , or amended . keywords: administration; againe; archbishop; archdeacon; authoritie; baptisme; bee; benefices; bishop; canons; causes; child; christ; church; churches; civill; commission; commissioners; court; day; dayes; deane; diocie; divine; doe; doth; ecclesiasticall; england; english; generall; god; good; hands; hath; hee; himselfe; holy; howbeit; jurisdiction; kings; law; lawes; like; lords; man; manner; men; minister; number; oath; office; order; owne; parliament; people; persons; place; power; prayer; present; priest; prince; read; respect; rest; right; sayd; sayth; service; set; spirituall; statute; synods; temporall; things; time; wee; word; yeare; ● ● cache: A17571.xml plain text: A17571.txt item: #13 of 89 id: A17575 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. title: An exhortation of the particular kirks of Christ in Scotland to their sister kirk in Edinburgh date: 1624.0 words: 5608 flesch: 56 summary: TO THEIR DEAREST AND WORTHIEST Sister the Kirck of Christ at Edinburgh , Grace to you & peace from God our father , and the Lord Iesus Christ. But the wisedome of God ( saith he ) layeth Christ , and the puritie of Christian religion for a ground , and sinne closeth her eyes to all events whatsoever for Christ , and religion should not be servants to policie , but policie , and this whole world should serue Christ , and religion . keywords: christ; conscience; god; hath; haue; kirks; man; owne; selues; tcp; text; world; yee; ● ● cache: A17575.xml plain text: A17575.txt item: #14 of 89 id: A17583 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. title: Perth assembly Containing 1 The proceedings thereof. 2 The proofe of the nullitie thereof. 2 [sic] Reasons presented thereto against the receiving the fiue new articles imposed. 4 The oppositenesse of it to the proceedings and oath of the whole state of the land. An. 1581. 5 Proofes of the unlawfulnesse of the said fiue articles, viz. 1. Kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper. 2. Holy daies. 3. Bishopping. 4. Private baptisme. 5. Private Communion. date: 1619.0 words: 46458 flesch: 66 summary: Wednesday the 26. of August , the second day of the Assemb●y . This erroneous opinion of the necessity of the Eucharist , made the ancients to giue it not only to aged persons departing this life for their Vi●ticum , that is , their voyage uictuals , but also to infants and babe● , and that for the space of six hundred yeares : yea some put the Eucharist into the mouthes of the dead , lest they should want their voyage victuall . keywords: act; adoration; apostles; articles; assemblie; assembly; baptisme; bishops; body; bread; cap; christ; christian; church; communion; confirmation; consent; cup; custome; day; dayes; doctrine; doe; elements; faith; feast; generall; gesture; god; gods; hands; hath; haue; holden; holy; iewes; imposition; institution; king; kirk; kneeling; law; lawfull; lib; lords; lords day; man; manner; ministers; new; non; oath; order; pag; people; place; power; prayer; presence; present; publick; reason; religion; sabboth; sacrament; sayd; sayth; second; set; sitting; supper; table; themselues; things; time; unto; vpon; wee; word; worship cache: A17583.xml plain text: A17583.txt item: #15 of 89 id: A17585 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. title: Quæres concerning the state of the Church of Scotland date: 1638.0 words: 4106 flesch: 54 summary: Since Constantines time , that Christianitie began to prevaile above Gentilisme , there hath been no Church , which hath not been defiled with much superstition , & corrupted with many errors , till the dayes of late Reformation . When the Antichrist , and all his adherents , hath resumed fresh courage to prosecute their bloudy designes , hoping wholy to extirpate true Religion out of Europe : is it time to conforme to them , to take on the badges of their profession ? Will not this encourage the enemie and discourage our friends ? VIII . keywords: church; confession; dayes; english; god; hath; scotland; tcp; text; time cache: A17585.xml plain text: A17585.txt item: #16 of 89 id: A17586 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. title: The re-examination of two of the articles abridged: to wit, of the communicants gesture in the act of receaving, eating, and drinking: and The observation of festivall dayes date: 1636.0 words: 15814 flesch: 62 summary: The example of Christ and his disciples sitting at the first supper , is exemplarie for examples in setting down a patern , serve ordinarly for direction in times to come , if there be not some singular occasion to hinder him that setteth down the pattern to do otherwise . If the distribution of the communicants had beene observed by the ancients constantly , and at all times , as sometimes it was , kneeling had not entered in the kirk , the words outered by Christ at the deliverie of the elements had not beene changed , confusion of actions , and a private forme of communicating had not taken place , and the forme of a feast had beene preserved . keywords: act; adoration; bee; bread; christ; cup; dayes; elements; gesture; god; hee; kirk; kneeling; lords; receaving; sacrament; sayeth; sitting; supper; table; time; wee; yee cache: A17586.xml plain text: A17586.txt item: #17 of 89 id: A17587 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. title: A re-examination of the five articles enacted at Perth anno 1618 To wit. concerning the communicants gesture in the act of receaving. The observation of festivall dayes. Episcopall confirmation or bishopping. The administration of baptisme and the supper of the Lord in privat places. date: 1636.0 words: 79231 flesch: 71 summary: It is not ●●pu●destinatu● , instituted for any shadow or signification , though ●t may befitly applied unto such an use , saith Willet . And so lik● as the Ap●s●les were ignorant how to deliver to the Churches the mann●r how to celebrate these holy mysteries . keywords: act; action; adoration; adore; anno; answer; apostles; assembly; baptisme; bee; bellarmine; bloud; body; booke; bread; breaking; cap; ceremoniall; christ; christians; church; churches; common; communicants; communion; confirmation; cup; custome; day; dayes; doctour; doe; doth; eating; elements; end; fast; feasts; festivall; forme; forth; generall; gesture; god; gods; good; hands; hath; hee; himselfe; holden; holy; howbeit; idolatrie; institution; jewes; king; kneeling; knees; law; lib; like; lords; lords day; lords supper; manner; master; meat; mention; minister; nature; non; number; o ●; observation; old; order; ordinarie; owne; pag; papists; people; place; power; prayer; precept; presence; present; privat; quod; reason; receave; receaving; rest; reverence; sabbath; sacrament; sacramentall; saith; service; set; seventh; signe; sitting; standing; supper; table; things; time; use; w ●; wee; weeke; wine; word; worke; worship; yee; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● ll; ● m; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A17587.xml plain text: A17587.txt item: #18 of 89 id: A19505 author: Cowper, William, 1568-1619. title: Seuen dayes conference betweene a catholicke christian, and a catholicke Romane. Concerning some controuersies of religion. By William Cowper, B. of Galloway. date: 1613.0 words: 30499 flesch: 74 summary: And as to these who are infected indeed with the heresies of Papistrie ; yet is it vncertain if they shall so continue , for the Lord is ma●uellous in working with such as belong to his election , that howsoeuer for the pr●sent wee see them in sinne and ignorance , ye● know wee not what they will be ● so many secret wayes ●●th the Lord in time of sickn●sse , yea , in the very howre of d●ath to draw the h●arts of m●n toward● himselfe , which are hid from vs , that it w●re but presumption to iudge of an other mans saluation or reprobation . Doth any of the Rulers , or Scribes beleeue in Christ● , but only this cursed people who knowes not the Law ? R. No indeed . keywords: againe; antichrist; antiquitie; apostles; babel; bee; c. yea; cap; christ; christian; church; churches; cleare; day; dayes; doctrine; doe; est; faith; fathers; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; hath; haue; hee; hundreth; king; like; lord; man; mee; men; non; owne; papistrie; people; place; pray; r. god; reason; receiued; religion; rome; thing; thinke; time; truth; vnder; vnto; vpon; wee; word; yea; yeare; yee; ● ● cache: A19505.xml plain text: A19505.txt item: #19 of 89 id: A19531 author: Craig, John, 1512?-1600. title: The mother and the child A short catechisme or briefe summe of religion, gathered out of Mr. Cragges Catechisme, for the fitting of little children, for the publick ministery. With short, very comfortable and fruitfull meditations on the Lords Prayer. Together with other briefe and profitable meditations on the seuen penitentiall psalmes. date: 1611.0 words: 21238 flesch: 72 summary: Psalme 6. 1 LEt not the arme of thy heauie displeasure bee lifted vp against mee , O Lord. My spirit hath already seen a far off how thou wilt come to redeeme the world ; but it feareth it shall dye before thy comming ; and this is the cause , why it hath cried vnto thee , saying ; Tell me O Lord , what shall be thee course of mine age , & when thou wilt ende my dayes ? Cut not off the thread of my life O Lord , at the first or second turne of the spindle , and take mee not away in the middle of my course . keywords: bee; c. m.; doe; doth; earth; god; grace; hath; haue; heart; heauen; life; mee; mercy; o lord; selfe; sinne; soule; thee; thine; thou; thou o; thy; vnto; vpon; wee; wilt; world cache: A19531.xml plain text: A19531.txt item: #20 of 89 id: A20714 author: Forbes, John, 1593-1648. title: Duplyes of the ministers & professors of Aberdene to second answeres of some reverend brethren, concerning the late covenant. date: 1638.0 words: 40244 flesch: 59 summary: As concerning your question , where-vnto yee so earnestlie requyre our Answere , to wit , whether wee would haue receaved the Bookes of Service and Canons , or vsed such meanes , as yee haue vsed for avoyding them ? yee shall know , that if we had beene of your judgement , concerning those Bookes , wee would neyther haue receaved them , nor yet vsed anie meanes vnlawfull for opposing of them , ( such wee thinke your Covenant and Conventions , prohibited by Authoritie to bee , vntill wee bee better informed ) but would haue vsed humble supplication to his Majestie , for removing those evills : and if we had found no remeede thereby , would haue resolved , according to the practise of Ancient Christians , eyther to flee his Majesties dominions , or else patientlie to suffer what-so-ever punishment it should haue pleased him to inflict . Thirdlie , yee say , that wee haue perceaved the insufficiencie of our Argument , because wee objected this to our selues : that seeing wee thinke Pearth Articles , and Episcopacie , not to bee abjured in the Olde Covenant , wee may Subscrybe the New Covenant , in the which that Olde Covenant is renewed . keywords: agaynst; altho; anie; argument; articles; assemblie; authoritie; baptisme; bee; booke; cap; case; church; confession; contrarie; covenant; doe; episcopacie; god; good; hath; hee; heere; judgement; king; late; lawes; lawfull; necessarie; neyther; oath; obedience; onlie; owne; pag; pearth; people; persons; practise; publicke; reason; religion; respect; sayeth; scandall; second; selues; shall; superioures; thing; thinges; thinke; trueth; tyme; vnto; vpon; wee; wordes; yee; yee alleadge; yee bee; yee doe; yee haue; yee saye cache: A20714.xml plain text: A20714.txt item: #21 of 89 id: A25798 author: Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Marquis of, 1598-1661. title: A true copy of a speech delivered in the Parliament in Scotland, by the Earle of Argile concerning the government of the church : together with the Kings going to Parliament August 19, 1641. date: 1641.0 words: 1150 flesch: 66 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A25798 of text R7455 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing A3672). The rate of 13 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: church; government; parliament cache: A25798.xml plain text: A25798.txt item: #22 of 89 id: A28174 author: Binning, Hugh, 1627-1653. title: An useful case of conscience learnedly and accuratly discussed and resolved concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks, malignants, or any other knoun enemies of truth and godlinesse : useful for these times and therefore published for the benefit of all those who desire to know or retain the sworn to principles of the sometimes famous Church of Christ in Scotland / by Hugh Binning. date: 1693.0 words: 30055 flesch: 71 summary: We wish the name Malignant were Obsolete and antiquate , if so be the thing it self , which is such a root of bitternesse , were extirpated out of the Church ; yea though the thing it self remained , if men would hate it for it self , and account it more odious and hatefull than the name imports , we would be glad it were no more heard of : Is it not all one to follow the Cause for the King and for a mans oun Interest and advantage ? both are alike Extrinsick and Adventitious to the Cause , both are alike Changable . keywords: cause; chap; defence; enemies; god; godly; good; hath; king; kingdom; land; lord; malignant; man; men; oun; party; people; persons; power; publick; religion; resolutions; sin; thow; vers; way; wicked cache: A28174.xml plain text: A28174.txt item: #23 of 89 id: A29197 author: Bramhall, John, 1594-1663. title: A fair warning for England to take heed of the Presbyterian government of Scotland as being of all others the most injurious to the civil magistrates, most oppressive to the subject, most pernicious to both : as also the sinfulnesse and wickednesse of the covenant to introduce that government upon the Church of England / by Dr. John Brumhall [sic], Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland. date: 1661.0 words: 17625 flesch: 64 summary: 〈◊〉 were worth the inquiring , whether the marks of Antio●● do not agree as eminently to the Assembly Generall of S●●●land , as either to the Pope , or to the Turk : Neither did the General assembly of Glasgow 1638 , &c. commit any treason , when they impugned Epis●opacy , and Perth-Ar●icles , although ratified by Acts of Parliament , and standing laws then unrepealed . keywords: assembly; authority; book; chap; christ; church; civill; commissioners; covenant; discipline; ecclesiasticall; england; god; good; hath; judgement; king; magistrate; man; ministers; order; parliament; power; religion; right; scotland; subjects; synods; ● ● cache: A29197.xml plain text: A29197.txt item: #24 of 89 id: A29747 author: Brown, John, 1610?-1679. title: Christ in believers the hope of glory being the substance of several sermons / preached by John Brown. date: 1694.0 words: 54175 flesch: 72 summary: That however the Believer has a Righ● to these great things , By vertue of the promisses of GOD in the Covenant of Grace , an● the Merits of Jesus Christ the Cautioner ; Ye● here , they have no Possession of what is purchased or promised ; They must wait , and live a● those that wait : And not only they but our selv●● also , which have the first fruits of the Spirit , eve● we our selves Groan within our selves , waiting fo● the Adoption , to wit , the Redemption of our Body for we are saved by Hope : But hope that is seen 〈◊〉 not hope , for what a man se●th , why doth he ye● hope for ? That it enclineth our Hearts , unto a swee● Union with the Gospel Comman●s , and to a living by Faith in Christ , and to a depending and resting on Him for Salvation , through His offe●ing of Himself , and through His Media●ory Righteousness offered and hold●n for●h in the Gosp●l ▪ and impu●ed ●o Believers th●ough F●ith . keywords: bu ●; christ; cor; da ●; faith; fi ●; g ●; glorious; glory; god; gospel; grace; hath; heart; hope; life; light; lord; love; mystery; o ●; p ●; rom; soul; spirit; th ●; tha ●; things; w ●; wh ●; wi ●; work; world; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● h; ● hat; ● hem; ● ing; ● ion; ● k; ● l; ● ll; ● m; ● nd; ● ng; ● s; ● sh; ● spel; ● st; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A29747.xml plain text: A29747.txt item: #25 of 89 id: A29956 author: Buchanan, David, 1595?-1652? title: An explanation of some truths, of the carriage of things about this great work date: 1645.0 words: 18911 flesch: 47 summary: Yea , more , They must be grievously complained on , as taking exorbitantly from the people ; and men must be perswaded , induced , and forced to come unto the Parliament , with complaints against the Scots , without reason and equity , and further , contrary to agreement ; for , by stipulation it was accorded , That no complaint should be made unto the Parliament against the Scots , till the businesse were tried by the Committee of both Kingdoms , residing upon the place ; and thereafter , if satisfaction and reparation had not been granted , the recourse was to be had unto the Parliament . True it is , the Magistrate at his entry , finding men in a Countrey professing erroneous Doctrine and Discipline , may forbear to presse or trouble them for their errour ; ( so the Magistrate in Judah and Israel did not presse the Canaanites for their errours , yet did he not suffer them to dogmatize and openly commit Idolatry , to the dishonour of God , and to the withdrawing of men from the Truth ; ) but to authorize men in their errour , he cannot do it in duty to God , nor in good will towards man ; for self-Worship of God is far lesse to be allowed by the Magistrate , then dishonouring of parents , stealing and adultery , &c. keywords: cause; church; countrey; enemy; england; god; good; hath; king; men; parliament; people; scotland; scots; state; things; time; yea cache: A29956.xml plain text: A29956.txt item: #26 of 89 id: A30478 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A vindication of the authority, constitution, and laws of the church and state of Scotland in four conferences, wherein the answer to the dialogues betwixt the Conformist and Non-conformist is examined / by Gilbert Burnet ... date: 1673.0 words: 85507 flesch: 54 summary: But the truth is , you have got me here among you , and bait me by turns , either to ease your own Galls , or to try mine ; yet it is needless to attempt upon me , for as I am not convinced by your Reasons , so I will not be behind with you in Reflections : and I will ●●ow and fight both , as a Co●k of the Game . I see Criticus is weary of speaking , and therefore will relieve him for this once , and tell you , that the title Anti●●hus had to command the Iews , is not undoubted : for Iosephus lib. keywords: account; apostles; authority; bishop; case; christ; christians; church; churches; conscience; design; doctrine; doth; end; god; good; gospel; government; hands; hath; isot; king; kingdom; laws; lord; magistrate; man; matters; men; ministers; nature; new; oath; obedience; order; ought; party; peace; people; persons; power; princes; reason; religion; right; rules; self; set; sovereign; spirit; subjects; things; time; war; way; world; worship; ● ● cache: A30478.xml plain text: A30478.txt item: #27 of 89 id: A33084 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. title: Causes of an humiliation appointed by the commission of the General Assembly to be observed through this whole Kirk on the last Sabbath of March, and first Sabbath of Aprile, 1653. date: 1653.0 words: 991 flesch: 59 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A33084 of text R24830 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C4201H). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A33084) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 41453) keywords: assembly; sabbath; text cache: A33084.xml plain text: A33084.txt item: #28 of 89 id: A33543 author: Cockburn, John, 1652-1729. title: A continuation of the historical relation of the late General Assembly in Scotland with an account of the commissions of that assembly, and other particulars concerning the present state of the church in that kingdom. date: 1691.0 words: 33498 flesch: 40 summary: My Authors do not remember , that they heard such free and plain Language at the Assembly , and certainly it was too remarkable not to be taken notice of● but because Mr. Pitcairn saith it , I make no doubt but this hath passed in some private Committee , where he hath expressed himself so freely upon this head , that they found him too honest and ingenuous for serving their designs , and have thought Mr. Gilbert Rule a fitter Tool by far for their purpose . They were forewarned by the Act of Glasgow , and had several months allowed them to deliberate upon it , and were suffered , even after the expiring of the term prescribed by that Act , to possess their Houses , and to take up their Stipends ; nay , very many continued still in the exercise of their Ministry , and were con●ived at by the Government till the year 1683. keywords: act; answer; assembly; authority; church; clergy; commission; council; day; edinburgh; episcopal; fast; god; government; hath; king; ministers; ministry; moderator; party; people; persons; presbyterian; presbytery; present; religion; thing; time cache: A33543.xml plain text: A33543.txt item: #29 of 89 id: A34242 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. title: The confession of faith ; and, The larger and shorter catechism first agreed upon by the Westminster Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now approved by the General Assembly of the kirk of Scotland to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms. date: 1671.0 words: 61450 flesch: 84 summary: This God in six days made all things 〈◊〉 nothing very good in their own kind , in special● he made all the Angels holy ; and he mad● our first Parents Adam and Eve , the root 〈◊〉 mankind ▪ both upright and able to keep the Law written in their heart . doth set the apostle and all true believers free from the Covenant of Work● or the Law of sin and death , so that every man may say with him , The Law of the Spirit of life , or the Covenant of Grace , hath freed me from the Law of sin and death , or Covenant of Works . keywords: act; christ; church; commandment; cor; covenant; day; doth; eph; f f; faith; g g; gen; god; good; grace; hath; heb; holy; ioh; isa; k k; l l; law; life; lord; mat; n n; obedience; rom; sin; sins; spirit; thy; word; works; ● ● cache: A34242.xml plain text: A34242.txt item: #30 of 89 id: A35017 author: Calder, Robert, 1658-1723. title: The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence, or, The foolishness of their teaching discovered from their books, sermons and prayers and some remarks on Mr. Rule's late Vindication of the kirk date: 1692.0 words: 49505 flesch: 60 summary: Then the Wheels are ( says my Text ) lifted up ; even so , Beloved the Bishops and Curates are lifted up ; lifted up upon Coaches with four Wheels , just as Sathan lifted up Christ to the Pinacle of the Temple , but God will take the Hammer of the Covenant in his own Hand , and knock down these proud Prelates , and break all their Coaches and their Wheels to pieces , Beloved , and lay the Curates on their Backs , God's House , Tabernacle , Dwelling place and Sanctuary , his Holy Ark , his chosen Generation , his dear Children , his Kingdom , his Mountain , his Jewels , his Crown , Scepter , and Diadem ; in a word , the most obscure and darkest Prophesies and Revelations were all spoke with an eye to the present Scotch Model , tho' that be so new as never to have been heard of in Scotland , or any other Church before : and the Presbyterians themselves will as soon prove that the High Priesthood of Aaron among the Jews was a Type of Presbyterian Democracy in the Church , as shew any Foot-steps , or the least mention of Presbyterianism in any of the ancient Monuments and Records of the Church , except they will say that Christianity began with Calvin ; and yet if you 'll believe the Sermons of the former Triumvirate , they that oppose the Rigour of Scotch Presbytery are Enemies to God and his Cause , to Christ and to his Gospel , they are worse than Heathens , they are Philistines , which are not to be suffered to live in the Holy Land , * nay they that concur not to advance it to its former height , ( and that is above King and Parliament ) not only their Estates and Lives , but their Souls may go for it : You Members of Parliament who are not forward for this , you shall with Jehoiakim , be buried with the Burial of an Ass : Think but seriously what an Epitaph may be written on your Tomb , and what Discourses may be of you when ye are gone , Here lies a Man that never was a Friend to Christ , or his Interest , now he is dead , but he was an Opposer and Persecutor of Christ of his Truth and People . keywords: assembly; believe; book; cause; christ; church; covenant; curates; day; devil; general; god; good; gospel; government; hand; hath; head; house; john; king; kirk; lord; man; men; ministers; new; page; parliament; party; people; poor; power; preachers; preaching; presbyterians; religion; rule; scotland; sermon; sirs; tell; thou; thy; time; way; words; work; world cache: A35017.xml plain text: A35017.txt item: #31 of 89 id: A35430 author: Cunningham, Alexander. title: Some questions resolved concerning Episcopal and Presbyterian government in Scotland date: 1690.0 words: 10476 flesch: 50 summary: Episcopal Church in Scotland. 4. Now since Private Exhortations , and Publick Sermons against Schism , and recommending Union , were all the appearances made by that Inferiour Clergy against Separatists ; and since all the Bishops in Parliament advis'd to no Penal Laws against Separation , but such as were justified to the World by a Threefold Rebellion , to be necessary in Policy as well as Religion , for the common good of the State as well as Church ; I say , after all , the impartial Resolution of the present Question is this , That the Episcopal Clergy in Scotland , from the year 1662 to the year 1686 , shewed nothing of the Spirit of Persecution against Presbyterians . keywords: act; assembly; church; clergy; episcopal; government; king; laws; parliament; presbyterians; presbytery; question; scotland; year cache: A35430.xml plain text: A35430.txt item: #32 of 89 id: A36890 author: Dundas, William, fl. 1665-1673. title: A few vvords of truth from the spirit of truth to all who are convinced of the truth, and stand in opposition to the cross ... also a few words to all the litteral professors, who can own the ministration of Christ without them but deny him within them and to those that have their dependance upon the teaching of men, in oppostion to the ministration of the spirit within : together with a short discovery of the Presbyterian government, and some reasons of dissenting from it / William Dundas. date: 1673.0 words: 8635 flesch: 38 summary: A dear Friend of mine ( whose Name I will omit , because now removed by Death ; one whom I believe laid down the Body Convinced of the Truth ; for a little before his Death he said to an eminent Friend of Truth at his own House , when some were slighting the Quakers , he said , That he wisht all the Nation were Quakers ) This Friend , I say , and I went from the place where we were expected to take the Covenant that day , to hear a Country-man preach by Orders publickly at the Town of Linlithg●w , one who was never at Schools nor Colledges , nor knew Till that God did my Heart encline His Word made Flesh for to attend . Which he seeing the Witness in me reached , he was the more free to do ; yet though the Witness was so far reached in me , that I could discern spirits , as betwixt the spirit of Meekness and Rashness , yet there was still that Mind unbrought down , that stood in my way to hinder my Obedience , so that the Lord was pleased to stick closer to me with his Rod ; for first , He stripped me naked by removing of my Children , which was by Piece-meal , to fit me to yoke my self under the Cross , and then by separating me and my Wife for several years , so that I was wholly turned out of my Estate also , as to this day I am to live in a Wilderness Condition , so that I was forced to leave my native Country , and go to France ; where then the Lord began to work upon my spirit , to bring me the nearer to himself ; for when all Visibles failed me , and those to whom my Wife and I most trusted did become my subtilest Enemies ; yet the Lord did so Commiserate my Condition , that in the Bowels of Mercy he made me to take up the Cross to my own will , and to resign my self fully over to him , seeing all Visibles failed me ; and he used that way of Mercy to bring me nearer to him , which nothing else could ; and thus closing with the Visitation of the Lord , I found more sweetness and contentment then ever I had in my fullest delight and Pleasure of the World , and thus I do witness , and the Lord is my Witness , that I never came to my Rest till then ; and I would have done any thing never so hard and unpleasing to the Flesh , to bear a Testimony to the Truth that the Lord had revealed in me ; and shortly there was an Oportunity cast into my hands to try me , and that was this , There came a Woman Friend out of England to the Town of Diep , ( where I was then ) together with a Maid , to bear a Testimony to the Truth against the Protestants of that Nation , and brought with them several Books of Friends translated into French , and distributed in the Town , and gave me also to distribute , which were writ by George Fox and William Dewsbury , and several others , and some Papers they gave forth themselves , which I translated into French , they not knowing the Language ; but in all this they never did manifest to me their Intentions ; for it is like that in that frame of spirit that I then was in , and fore-seeing the Danger , and not so fully come to the Obedience of Truth , as I thought I was before the Tryal came ; yet so it was , that they went the next First-day ( called Sunday ) to the Meeting-House of the Protestants , where there were many Thousands of People , and there did place themselves in the most Conspicuous Place of the Meeting , just over-against the then called Minister , the said Friend having clothed her self in Sack-cloth , and her Hair hanging down sprinkled with Ashes , was covered with her Mantle and Hood , and when the said called Minister was in the highest of his Devotion , she did stand up , with the other Maid , who did take from the said Woman her M●ntle and Hood , she appearing all in her Sack-cloth and Ashes , her Hair hanging down , and turning her self round several times , that all the People might see her , did strike such a Consternation both upon the ca●ed Minister , and the People , that they were all at a stand ; the said Minister's Wife having confessed to a Friend since , that her spirit was so affected with that Sight , that she said , This is of a deeper Reach then I can comprehend ; for the Witness in some was so reached at that time : and a little while after they both did fall down upon their Knees , and Prayed , and then went out of the Meeting , where a great many following of them , to whom they distributed of their Books , and spoke in the Market-place , and then came to their Lodging , which was in a Scotch-man's House , who kept a Victualling-House , but no Entry there was for them , and they being destitute came to my Lodging , I knowing nothing of this all this time , I not going to that Meeting , and when they came to me they did show to me , That their Work was d●ne that they came for to that Nation , and now wanted Lodging till they went away : and I asked them , What they had done ? and they told me : so I went to some other Victualling-Houses to get them Lodging , which was promised for them , so as I kept them at my Lodging till Bed-time ; and then I went with them to that place as was promised me , and when we came Entry was refused there also , so that at that time of Night Lodging could not be had for them , the Protestants had so stopped their Entry and where ; so that I took them back to my Lodging again , and offered them my Bed , and would shift for my self , I being better acquainted in the Town , but they refused to put me out of my Chamber ; then I dealt with my Landlady of the House , to let them stay in any of her Rooms for that Night to sit up in , but she refused it , saying ; She durst not , for fear of giving Offence to others ; all that I could prevail with her at that time of the Night , was to let them have an Out-house to stay in for that Night , which was an Hen-House , so that I gave one of them my Night-Gown , and to the other my Furred-Coat , to save them from the Cold that Night , and the next day I brought them to my Chamber again ; and after that we had broken fast , I went to the Key to look for a Passage-Boat to carry them to England again , and in my returning back I saw so many people of all sorts standing about my Lodging , that I did pass by it , but immediately one came running to me , saying , That the King's Advocate was at my Chamber , waiting for me ; and when I came in he told me , That I had Transgressed the Laws of the Nation , by receiving Persons of another Religion to my Lodging ; for the King tollerated only two Religions , viz. keywords: books; christ; house; light; lord; man; spirit; tcp; text; time; truth cache: A36890.xml plain text: A36890.txt item: #33 of 89 id: A39752 author: Fleming, Robert, 1630-1694. title: The church wounded and rent by a spirit of division held forth in a short account of some sad differences hath been of late in the Church of Scotland, with the occasion, grounds, and too evident product therof whose wounds are bleeding to this day : togither with some vindication of the truth, and principles of our church in this present state of things from unjust revilings and reproach, and a few words in the close with respect to what are the greatest concerns of Christians exercise and duty in these times. date: 1681.0 words: 36915 flesch: 35 summary: 5. I would hope also , that such a witness of the jealousy , and displeasure of the Lord , against despysers and revilers of the Ministers of the Gospel , may have more weight on the conscience of many after this ; when with so discernable and awfull a voice , this I humbly judge , hath been spoke and may be applyed , to all such who professe the truth , and the generations yet to come , to fear , and dread , to give thus the authority of the Son of God , the supreme head of his Church , so publick ane affront in the Ministry of his servants , as this party hath of late done , in our Church ; or rise up in such a conspiracy againe ; and no pretences when tryed at that bar of the scriptures of truth can possibly bear out . 3. That it is sure , the most eminent Instruments in the work of the Gospel , both in the primitive times , and since the Reformation , have been oft at a very sad difference amongst themselves in the matters of truth , whose concurrence otherwise in carrying on the work of the Lord , hath been most remarkeably sealed with a blessing . keywords: ane; breach; case; christ; church; conscience; day; difference; fear; god; gospel; ground; hath; hope; interest; judgment; lord; ministers; practise; present; principles; publick; rule; scripture; spirit; tender; things; times; truth; way; work; yea cache: A39752.xml plain text: A39752.txt item: #34 of 89 id: A41557 author: Gordon, John, M.D. title: Plain dealing being a moderate general review of the Scots prelatical clergies proceedings in the latter reigns : with a vindication of the present proceedings in church affairs there. date: 1689.0 words: 9983 flesch: 31 summary: after that King James came to the Imperial Crown of England , when he endeavoured to make an Union between the two Nations , setled an Episcopal Government there , ( though contrary to the Inclinations of the People and Clergy in general ) Expecting thereby to Unite them as well in Trade as in Church Government ; And the hopes of an Union in Trade , and other things beneficial to Scotland , moved many of those who were Presbyterially inclined , to go beyond their Inclinations , and Opinion , alongst with that Settlement for present . yet how violently were they put in Execution against those poor Ministers , their Flocks and Families , for the one's Preaching , and the other's Hearing of the Word of God , without mixture or the least grains of Schism or disloyalty ? Which oppression ( meerly for the difference of Opinion ) tended to so great a Persecution ( which verified that old Saying , That Oppression makes a wise man Mad ) that it put the People in such a terrible consternation , that this Persecution or Oppression ( call it what you will ) forced the People in the Year 1666. to gather together and rise in Arms in defence of their Preacher's , Religion and Liberty , against those persecuting Clergymen ; who not only contrived , but forced the Statesmen and the King's Privy-Council to stretch these Penal and Sanguinary Laws , against both their Religion and Liberty in which they were Educated : and what Devastation , Forfaultures , Cruelties and Bloodshed followed thereupon in that poor Kingdom for several Years is so generally known , that it 's needless to relate it here , and the late King Charles , who had nothing of violence in his Nature , considering the common Evil their Divisions occasioned , ( with the concurrence , and by a representation of some Honest Men then in the Civil Government ) did give a little respite by a Toleration to some Ministers to Preach in several Congregations , but the regular Clergy were so exasperated against this Indulgence , that they themselves made terrible Clamours and Complaints to the King and Clergy of England ( who were not so immoderate , nor so immoral in their Actions against Dissenters , nor so vitious and scandalous in their Lives and Conversations ) and to the Officers of State , and the Privy Council in Scotland , not only against those poor People , but also against any that favour'd or pitied them , alledging it was a Schism in the Church , that the Ministers Preached Rebellion , which the Council found frequently upon Tryal to be false , and that those that gave any dissent to their violence against these People were disloyal . keywords: bishops; church; clergy; estates; general; good; government; king; meeting; nation; people; presbyterian; present; religion; scotland cache: A41557.xml plain text: A41557.txt item: #35 of 89 id: A41771 author: Grant, Patrick, 17th/18th cent. title: The nonconformists vindication, or, A testimony given against the indulged assembly of separatists wherein the false calumnies and aspersions cast upon the suffering Presbyterians, are answered and confuted : also, the heads and causes of separation are opened and explained, together with an illustration of the Erastian state of the present church. date: 1700.0 words: 27613 flesch: 58 summary: Mock Verses put forth ( in Room of Confutation ) against the Au●● . For every one that doth evil hateth the light ; and so cannot endure that there should be any light or witness against themselves or Sins ; which witness makes them ready to cast foul aspersions and Accusations on the Faithful , who will not go on with them in their sins ; Like to Josephs Mistris who did falslie accuse him of her sin , by raising the hue and cry after him , as in Gen. 38 , 14. even so is the case this day with the Faithful of the Land , who will not , neither dare go on , in defection and separation ( from the princ●pals and practises of the Church of Scotland ) with the Erastian , indulged in their Backsliding courses of Perjurie by unity & concord . keywords: answer; christ; church; contrair; covenant; discipline; doth; duty; exercise; faithful; god; good; government; hath; king; land; laws; lord; man; people; power; practise; present; reason; sin; sins; time; word; ● ● cache: A41771.xml plain text: A41771.txt item: #36 of 89 id: A41840 author: Gray, Andrew, 1633-1656. title: Great precious promises, or, Some sermons concerning the promises and the right application thereof whereunto are added some other concerning the usefulnesse of faith in advancing sanctification, as also, three more concerning the faith of assurance / by Mr. Andrew Gray ... ; all being revised since his death by some friends, the last impression carefully corrected and amended. date: 1669.0 words: 61738 flesch: 58 summary: ●●ing● more of this kinde which may presse 〈◊〉 to be stedfast in believing . The words of ●hy mouth are better unto me , then thousands of ●old and silver ? Did he not find much sweet●esse in the promises , when he was constrained to cry out , Thy Law is sweeter unto me , then the honey and the honey comb ? keywords: accomplishment; assurance; bee; chri ●; christ; christian; come; con ●; covenant; cry; day; doth; exercise; faith; forth; god; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; hee; hope; know; lord; love; o ●; promises; soul; speak; th ●; tha ●; things; thou; thy; time; wee; word; yee; ▪ ●; ● e; ● f; ● hat; ● ing; ● nd; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A41840.xml plain text: A41840.txt item: #37 of 89 id: A41842 author: Gray, Andrew, 1633-1656. title: The great salvation offered and tendered first, by Christ himself, and then by his holy apostles, with the inevitable destruction of all that neglect it : in the sermons, reprinted / by that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. Andrew Gray ... date: 1669.0 words: 17026 flesch: 71 summary: 1. The first is this , come and partake of this great salvation , and thou shalt have salvation from thy idols . 2. Thou shalt have salvation from thy darkness and from thy ignorance . keywords: author; christ; day; god; gospel; hath; heaven; partake; persons; salvation; thee; thou; words cache: A41842.xml plain text: A41842.txt item: #38 of 89 id: A41843 author: Gray, Andrew, 1633-1656. title: The mystery of faith opened up, or, Some sermons concerning faith (two whereof were not formerly printed) wherein the nature, excellency, and usefulnesse of that noble grace is much cleared, and the practice thereof most powerfully pressed : whereunto are added other three sermons, two concerning death / by Mr. Andrew Gray ...; all these sermons being now carefully revised, and much corrected. date: 1669.0 words: 64385 flesch: 68 summary: And it hath two great aggravations from th● words which I have read ; The first great aggravation in that word of the Text , Great Salvation , as if he had said , if it were not Great Salvation , yee might have some clo●● or excuse for your slighting of it : but se●ing it is such a great and eternal Salvation● there is now no cloak left for your sin . AMong many weighty and soul pierceing Sentences that you will find in these following Sermons , this is one● ; That the Professors of this ●ge , whether they go to heaven or hell , they will be the greatest debtors that shall be in ●ither place● : keywords: answer; bee; christ; christian; come; day; death; desire; doth; exercise; faith; forth; god; gospel; grace; hath; heaven; hee; hope; imbrace; life; lord; love; man; salvation; sin; soul; speak; th ●; thee; things; thou; thy; time; way; wee; word; y ●; yee; ● d; ● e; ● f; ● hat; ● nd; ● o; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A41843.xml plain text: A41843.txt item: #39 of 89 id: A42356 author: Guthrie, James, 1612?-1661. title: A humble acknowledgment of the sins of the ministery of Scotland date: 1653.0 words: 5085 flesch: 67 summary: 29. Not observing particular deliverances and rods , nor improving of them for the honor of God , and edification of our selves and others . We Preach not as before God , but as to men , as doth appear by the different pains in our preparation to speak to our ordinary heares , and to others to whom we would approve our selves . keywords: christ; duties; god; men; ministery; people; publick; selves; text cache: A42356.xml plain text: A42356.txt item: #40 of 89 id: A42357 author: Guthrie, James, 1612?-1661, attributed name. title: Protesters no subverters, and presbyterie no papacie; or, A vindication of the protesting brethren, and of the government of the kirk of Scotland from the aspersions unjustly cast upon them, in a late pamphlet of some of the resolution-party, entituled, A declaration, &c. With a discovery of the insufficiency, inequality and iniquity of the things propounded in that pamphlet, as overtures of union and peace. Especially, of the iniquity of that absolute and unlimited submission to the sentences of church-judicatories that is holden forth therein, and most unjustly pleaded to belong to the being and essence of presbyterial government. By some witnesses to the way of the protestation. date: 1658.0 words: 34510 flesch: 28 summary: And having in the next page reckoned over some practices and proposals of the protesting Brethren , they do thus conclude o●… them , These projects ( say they ) we look upon as s●…tting up in esfect a new 〈◊〉 Iurisdiction , and a Plant which is not of Gods planting , and not only suspending the established Church-Government 〈◊〉 die , but totally subverting it to make way for the projecters their domination in the Church and over their Brethren . What poor and weak premisses are he●…r to draw such a conclusion from ! That the protesting Brethren , or their leading men ▪ have of late attempted the utter ruine of this Church ▪ and of those who differ from them . keywords: acts; assemblies; assembly; authority; brethren; church; doth; god; government; hath; judgment; judicatories; kirk; ministers; order; peace; power; presbyteries; resolution; resolution brethren; sentences; submission; synods; things; way; word cache: A42357.xml plain text: A42357.txt item: #41 of 89 id: A42358 author: Guthrie, James, 1612?-1661. title: A treatise of ruling elders and deacons In which, these things which belong to the understanding of their office and duty, are clearly and shortly set down. By a Minister of the Church of Scotland. date: 1690.0 words: 12903 flesch: 66 summary: The Officers in the House of God , who in the Scriptures are called by the name of Elders , are of severall soits , Preaching Elders or Ministers , Teaching Elders or Doctors , and Ruling or Governing Elders , all these three are often times in the N. T. comprized under the general name of Elder , Act. 5 It is the Ruling Elder whom we have now to do with , who is so called , not because the power of ruling and governing the Church belongs to him alone , for it also belongs to the Preaching ●nd Teaching Elders , or to the Ministers and Doctors : keywords: book; christ; church; congregation; deacons; elders; god; hath; lord; men; officers; ruling; things cache: A42358.xml plain text: A42358.txt item: #42 of 89 id: A42758 author: Gillespie, George, 1613-1648. title: An assertion of the government of the Church of Scotland in the points of ruling-elders and of the authority of presbyteries and synods with a postscript in answer to a treatise lately published against presbyteriall government. date: 1641.0 words: 60510 flesch: 69 summary: Heinsius observeth that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is one thing , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 another thing : the former noting those that exceed in number : the latter those that are chiefe in dignity , and that therefore the Apostle when he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , meaneth the rulers and Elders of that Church , so that the reading shall be this , Sufficient to such a man , is this censure inflicted of the chie●e . 〈◊〉 and modera●e discourse concerning Church as●●res . keywords: act; acts; answer; apostles; argument; assemblies; authority; bee; bishops; body; cap; chap; christian; church; church government; churches; civill; congregation; courts; doe; doth; ecclesiasticall; elders; exercise; gifts; god; good; government; hands; hath; hee; jewes; jurisdiction; law; lib; magistrates; man; matters; members; ministers; office; order; owne; pag; pastors; people; place; power; presbyteries; presbytery; priests; reason; right; rule; ruling; saith; synods; thereof; things; wee; word; ● ● cache: A42758.xml plain text: A42758.txt item: #43 of 89 id: A43314 author: Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646. title: The government and order of the Church of Scotland date: 1641.0 words: 16732 flesch: 42 summary: I must confesse that I did give too much ear and audience to the misinformation of many ( so may I call it now after true imformation ) who would have made me to believe , 1. That the true government of that Church was Episcopall , and that beside the order of Episcopacy , there was nothing in that Church , but disorder and confusion through the Parity of their Ministers , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that all did speak and no man did hear any thing of another . Whosoever would have the Church safe , let them beware of this pest , and seeing you have timely dispatched it in Scotland , I beseech you never admit it again , albeit it flatter with shew of the preservation of unity , which hath deceived many of the best of the Ancients . keywords: assemblies; bee; christ; church; churches; congregation; consent; day; doctrine; doth; elders; eldership; god; good; government; hath; matters; ministers; moderator; order; pastor; people; place; presbyterie; scotland; time; use cache: A43314.xml plain text: A43314.txt item: #44 of 89 id: A43317 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Commission. title: Reformation of church-government in Scotland cleared from some mistakes and prejudices by the commissioners of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, now at London / published by especiall command. date: 1644.0 words: 7035 flesch: 40 summary: 1. That we are very farre from imposing or acknowledging any such collaterall power of one particular Church over another , nay not of the greatest , in all respects whatsoever over the smallest , for God hath made them equall one to another . Reformation of church-government in Scotland cleared from some mistakes and prejudices by the commissioners of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, now at London / published by especiall command. Church of Scotland. keywords: bee; church; churches; god; government; hath; power; reformation; scotland; text; things; way cache: A43317.xml plain text: A43317.txt item: #45 of 89 id: A47150 author: Jaffray, Alexander, 1614-1673. title: Help in time of need from the God of help to the people of the (so called) Church of Scotland, especially the once more zealous and professing, who have so shamefully degenerated and declined from that which their fathers the primitive Protestants attained unto ... / writ by George Keith, prisoner for the truth in Aberdeen in the latter end of the year 1664. date: 1665.0 words: 37833 flesch: -16 summary: Kirk of Scotland in which I was bred with them , and had my beginning in the way of Godliness ; I know very well , as things now stands with you , yee may think so , of what I have said , as also that it may be , yee would rather have expected some account of the grounds , moving me to , and the advantages that I either looked for , or have found by such a thing : Now to speak shortly a word to this , I trust for it , yea , I am not without hope in it , that the day is coming ( and frequently have I sought it of the Lord on your behalf ) when ye shall so come to see the truth of what I say , and the necessity that ( on your account ) was on me for it , as that ye shall willingly acknowledge , that it was the greatest evidence of my dear and tender love in the Lord to you , which next to his glory led me to it , and that otherwise I should have been wanting of the expression of that true and sincere love which still I have unto you , as to the advantages I have found , which might be also offered , as the reasons whereby I was moved of the Lord , to make that so strange a change as yee account it , in owning these despised people called Quakers : I need say but little , if what is in this and the following Papers be well considered of , and I know it is my place to lie low in the fear of the Lord , and to speak but little as to advantages , or any progress that I have made ; and I acknowledge no man hath more matter so to do , yet in this case I may not be silent , but must in the fear of the Lord , give this my Testimony to the pretious people , and the truths of God asserted by them , that they do truely and really , both profess and practice the new and living way in which holiness ( by mortification and subduing a body of sin and death is attained , and have indeed come to the discovery of these things , even the life and power , which throughout the dark night of Apostacy hath lyen much hid , and hath been but very little felt , or known ; yet such is the goodness of God to that pretious people , count of them , and call them what yee will , the true power and life of holiness is more truly known to them , and eminently holden forth by them , then by any people else that have come forth since the Apostles dayes , and a greater measure do they yet wait for , and as they are faithful , it will be multiplied on them ; for the presence of the Lord is with them , and all their opposers must fall before them . Oh how are yee fallen , and become a hissing and reproach to all round about you , and the enemy hath gotten this advantage over you , saying , ah so would we have it , this is the day we looked for , and it is come , is this the royal and magnificent City which gave her self forth to be the praise of the whole earth , and a dread and terrour to her enemies round about , let our eye look upon her , for she is become defiled , she is become as one of us ; how is the stately City fallen ! how is her glory defaced ! how is her bulwarks and walls broken down , who boasted in the strength of them , as if the gates of Hell could never have prevailed against her : Oh how have yee given occasion to the enemy to revile and reproach you , and the living truth of the living God , by and through you hath suffered also , and the name of God hath been exceedingly dishonoured , and blasphem'd , and many hath been tempted in their hearts by your miscarriage to think all Religion a mockery and delusion : And Oh how have yee quite lost and fallen from that simplicity and honesty that was in your forefathers , and in some of your selves also in the time of your infancy and poverty , but now yee are grown up , and become wise and rich , lacking nothing but having all ; Oh were not your thoughts of your Reformation such as nothing could have been added thereto , but as if the topstone had been put thereupon , and the frame and building had become intire ; but alass , alass , what shall I compare you to , but even to Laodicea , whose thoughts where such of her self , and yet she was poor and miserable , and naked , and wanted the eye salve , which is the light which yee also want , and you are become lukewarm , neither hot nor cold , and are near to be spewed out , as many of you are already ; Oh how is your Gold turned into brass , and your silver become dross , and your wine become water ; how are your Nazarites that were white as snow , and pure as wool become black as Charcoal ; how is your Glory turn'd into shame , your strength into weakness , your zeal into a cold neutrality , concerning the cause and work of God , but in so far as ye are persecuting his witnesses , only because they are more righteous then your selves , and there is scarce one to be found among you all to day , bearing a sutable testimony for God , according to your own very principles , and ye have not the hearts to suffer for that which ye formerly caused others to suffer for by you , who would not go along with you in that which ye called the cause of God , and the interest and concernment of Jesus Christ. keywords: christ; church; day; earth; fathers; glory; god; good; hath; hearts; life; light; living; lord; man; men; ministry; people; power; scotland; selves; spirit; things; truth; word; work; yee cache: A47150.xml plain text: A47150.txt item: #46 of 89 id: A47908 author: L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. title: The relaps'd apostate, or, Notes upon a Presbyterian pamphlet, entituled, A petition for peace, &c. wherein the faction and design are laid as open as heart can wish by Roger L'Estrange. date: None words: 31255 flesch: 71 summary: I. VVE have here ( as Bishop Hall says of SMECTYMNUUS ) a Plural adversary : and in good Deed , 't was more then one mans Businesse , to do a thing so excellently amisse . Here 's Duty , Honour , Justice , Gratitude , nay Interest too , and all that is not Brutish in mans nature , concur to fix , and strengthen the Obligation . keywords: a47908; authority; bishops; case; church; conscience; div; faction; god; good; government; holy; judge; king; law; liberty; majesty; man; men; ministers; notes; order; pag; peace; people; persons; petition; presbyterian; reason; reformers; thing; world; worship cache: A47908.xml plain text: A47908.txt item: #47 of 89 id: A50348 author: Maxwell, John, 1590?-1647. title: Episcopacie not abivred in His Maiesties realme of Scotland containing many remarkable passages newly pvblished, the contents of the severall chapters follow in the next page. date: 1641.0 words: 43813 flesch: 41 summary: An●●●ws ) called Superintendent of L●●thran , or Edinburgh : Iohn Areskin of Diune Superintendent of Angus and Mearnes , or of Brechin : Mr. Iohn Wonram Superintendent of Fyfe or S. Andrews : M. Iohn W●llocks Superintendent of the West or Glasgow : those who were set over the rest of the Dioceses were called Commissioners , either because at that time they could not fi●d so many sufficient men , or for lack of sufficient meanes to maintaine the estate of Superintendents , or as some rather thinke , because they esteemed this too absolute a Title , and neere in signification to the title of Bishop ; therfore they thought it more fit to call them Commissioners , as importing morse a dependencie upon the generall Assemblie of the Church , from which they received Commission to exercise their charge , not for any definite time , but ad vitam or ad culpam . 5. The second limitation is , that Doctrine which is professed by many notable Realms and Churches : no Realm nor Church did condemne this , except Gene●a , and that not absolutely , but many Churches did approve it expresly . keywords: act; acts; assemblie; assembly; bishops; book; church; confession; contrary; councell; covenant; discipline; divers; doctrine; doe; episcopacie; faith; generall; god; government; hath; hierarchie; kingdome; kings; kirk; meaning; ministers; non; oath; office; points; power; preheminence; scotland; set; time; word; ● ● cache: A50348.xml plain text: A50348.txt item: #48 of 89 id: A51043 author: McWard, Robert, 1633?-1687. title: The banders disbanded, or, An accurat discourse solidly and plainly demonstrating how inconvenient, scandalous & sinfull it is, in the present circumstances of the Church of Scotland, for ministers of Christ there that they may obtain a pretended liberty to preach and administer the Sacraments ... to give bond to their present rulers, that they shall live peaceably ... and so discovering clearly the great unfaithfulness of the affirmative vote of the late meeting of ministers at Edinburgh (anno 1679), concerning the lawfullness of giving the bond then presented by the councill ... date: 1681.0 words: 31052 flesch: 48 summary: That the giving of this Bond ( or the allowing of it by a publick Vote of Ministers ) doth really yea natively tend to the divi●ing & breaking of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland is too palpable by doolfull experience , that it should be den●ed or questioned : 7. To ingadge in a Bond the termes wherof doe not only admitt of , but are commonly taken in a sinful● & scandal●ous sense ( suppone that the Ingadger should really not ingadge in that sense ) and yet not to declare , that he does not ingadge in that sinfull & scanda●lous sense , is both sinfull & scandallous ; for in such Cases ( as al●o in most , if no● all Cases of Scandall as such ) I conceive that Idem est esse & apparere , as to these to whom the scandall is given : keywords: ane; bond; case; cautioner; christ; church; civill; councill; doe; doth; exercise; generall; god; good; hath; ingadge; liberty; living; magistrate; ministers; ministry; peace; power; presbyterian; present; principles; scotland; sense; sinfull; termes; thereto; therof; thing; way; yea; ● ● cache: A51043.xml plain text: A51043.txt item: #49 of 89 id: A51064 author: McWard, Robert, 1633?-1687. title: The poor man's cup of cold-water ministred to the saints and sufferers for Christ in Scotland who are admidst the scorching flames of the fiery trial. date: 1678.0 words: 38461 flesch: 24 summary: Therefore having trusted him with your soul , which is your treasure , trust him with all your other li●tle ●ri●●les too : He will take it ill , if you doe other wise : And if it be good for you , to have these preserved , he will keep them , even to your old shoes : the Angel will not let P●●er lose his Sandals , or leave them behinde him , in the prison : Put your wives , your children , your estats , your names , and reputation , yea , whatsoever is deare un●o you , in his hand ; and all is safe . Yea , who dare not think o● appearing before Christ , with●ut having given such a Testi●ony of their resentment of the us●rpation of th●ir Masters ●hro●e , and Scepter : and who dare ne●er prese●t themselves to God , without doing the equivalent of spreading that Supremacy before him ; and praying , that he would take unto him his ●reat power and reigne● and possesse himself again of his own ●h●one , and , disposse●sing these who have usurped it , shew his zeal for his Prerogative Royal : keywords: cause; christ; crown; day; death; end; enemies; feare; glory; god; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; jesus; king; l ●; lord; love; m ●; man; men; o ●; p ●; people; place; power; set; soul; su ●; th ●; things; way; wh ●; wi ●; work; world; yea; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● h; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A51064.xml plain text: A51064.txt item: #50 of 89 id: A51154 author: Monro, Alexander, d. 1715? title: An apology for the clergy of Scotland chiefly oppos'd to the censures, calumnies, and accusations of a late Presbyterian vindicator, in a letter to a friend : wherein his vanity, partiality and sophistry are modestly reproved, and the legal establishment of episcopacy in that kingdom, from the beginning of the Reformation, is made evident from history and the records of Parliament : together with a postscript, relating to a scandalous pamphlet intituled, An answer to The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence. date: 1693.0 words: 43679 flesch: 53 summary: Episcopal Church in Scotland -- Clergy. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: act; assembly; author; authority; bishops; book; christian; church; clergy; discipline; edenburgh; england; episcopal; faction; general; god; good; government; history; king; laws; letter; man; men; ministers; nation; nature; pag; parliament; party; people; place; power; presbyterians; present; principles; publick; reason; reformation; religion; scotland; thing; time; vindicator; world; year cache: A51154.xml plain text: A51154.txt item: #51 of 89 id: A51155 author: Monro, Alexander, d. 1715? title: An enquiry into the new opinions, chiefly propagated by the Presbyterians of Scotland together with some animadversions on a late book, entitled, A defence of The vindication of the kirk : in a letter to a friend at Edinburgh / by A.M., D.D. date: 1696.0 words: 13466 flesch: 58 summary: 〈◊〉 , was again divided into two , viz. Presbyterian Church -- Controversial literature. keywords: apostles; argument; authority; bishop; christian; church; clergy; doctrine; jurisdiction; men; new; order; parity; presbyters; priests; saviour; testament cache: A51155.xml plain text: A51155.txt item: #52 of 89 id: A51157 author: Meldrum, George, 1635?-1709. title: A letter to a friend giving an account of all the treatises that have been publish'd with relation to the present persecution against the Church of Scotland date: 1692.0 words: 13707 flesch: 51 summary: The next thing that appear'd abroad with relation to our Scotch Affairs , was a short Letter entituled , The present State and Condition of the Clergy and Church of Scotland . With some Animadversions upon a Libel entituled , The present State and Condition of the Clergy and Church of Scotland . keywords: account; answer; author; church; clergy; episcopal; government; james; john; kingdom; late; ministers; persecution; presbyterian; present; scotland; william; witnesses cache: A51157.xml plain text: A51157.txt item: #53 of 89 id: A52060 author: Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655. title: The true copy of the letter which was sent from divers ministers by Mr. Marshall, and Mr. Nye to the Generall Assembly of Scotland date: None words: 1439 flesch: 70 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A52060 of text R984 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing M796). 87 D The rate of 87 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: god; lord; text cache: A52060.xml plain text: A52060.txt item: #54 of 89 id: A55680 author: Clark, James, 1660-1723. title: Presbyterial government described, or, A methodical synopsis of it, as it is professed and practized in the Church of Scotland gathered out of the confessions of faith, and other publick records of that church ... / by Britannus Philopresbyter. date: 1695.0 words: 5501 flesch: 54 summary: Ass : 1638 , ss : 25. 19 There 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Censures are also spiritual , and they proceed from Lesser reproofs [ even as the Offender deserves ] ay till they come to the tremenduous censure of Excommunication , which is seldome inflicted and that not till after Leasurely deliberation , and frequent dealing , to bring the obdured delinquent to sensible Repentance , and if a gentle and discreet means are contemned , then with a great deal of solemnitie , as being Summum futuri Judicji prejudicium , they proceed to this Final and whiles Fatal sentence : they also deal with censured Delinquents to induce and prepare them to serious Repentance , that upon the apparent evidences thereof , they may be absolved , and received again into Church Communion , but if such contumacious miscreants will be obstinatly wicked to their own perdition , they grieve at Satans better success then the Churches , and leave them to the last Judgement of GOD Genev : form of Excom : and absol : 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 concerned , hence their grand care and business is to fence against Heresies , Errors , and Schisms , and such heretodox dogmes , or tenets , as are contrar to sound Doctrine and Godlinss , ne quid detrimenti capiat Ecclesia , they also as Censores morum , animadvert that no scandalous or notorious vice and impietie pass without a due check & censure , according to the merit of offences occurrent , so that matters of Faith and Godliness of Conscience and Conversation , are the proper and formal objects of their disquisition and determinations , 2. B. disc : 79 , Ass : dir : 15 , &c. Ass : Cons : keywords: act; ass; church; disc; god; government; hath; ministers; power; tcp; text cache: A55680.xml plain text: A55680.txt item: #55 of 89 id: A56328 author: Parker, Henry, 1604-1652. title: The Trojan horse of the Presbyteriall government vnbowelled wherein is contained, I. The power of the Presbyterian government, II. The persons in whom this power is placed, III. The exercise of the Presbyterian power in Scotland, and the lawes there imposed on the peoples necks. date: 1646.0 words: 8519 flesch: 63 summary: If they be not , they are the more to blame that seek to obtrude that yoke upon us , and inforce it by the obligation of an Oath , which they regard not before hand to acquaint us with , that we may knowingly ( as men and Christians ) resolve what is fit for us to doe . Men of best knowledge in Gods Word , and cleanest life , men faithfull , and of most honest conversation , that can be found in the Kirk , must be nominate to be in election , and their names must be publiquely read to the whole Kirk by the Minister , giving them advertisement that from amongst them must be chosen Elders and Deacons . keywords: booke; chap; church; civill; discipline; elders; government; kirk; magistrate; ministers; power cache: A56328.xml plain text: A56328.txt item: #56 of 89 id: A57049 author: Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. title: The representation, propositions, and protestation of divers ministers, elders and professors, for themselves, and in name of many others, well-affected ministers, elders, and people in Scotland presented by the Lord Wareston, Mr. Andrew Cant, Mr. John Livingston, Mr. Samuel Rutherford and diverse others, to the ministers and elders met at Edinburgh, July 21, 1652. date: 1652.0 words: 6561 flesch: 68 summary: The representation, propositions, and protestation of divers ministers, elders and professors, for themselves, and in name of many others, well-affected ministers, elders, and people in Scotland presented by the Lord Wareston, Mr. Andrew Cant, Mr. John Livingston, Mr. Samuel Rutherford and diverse others, to the ministers and elders met at Edinburgh, July 21, 1652. The representation, propositions, and protestation of divers ministers, elders and professors, for themselves, and in name of many others, well-affected ministers, elders, and people in Scotland presented by the Lord Wareston, Mr. Andrew Cant, Mr. John Livingston, Mr. Samuel Rutherford and diverse others, to the ministers and elders met at Edinburgh, July 21, 1652. keywords: acts; assembly; church; elders; hath; iohn; john; lord; meeting; ministers; power cache: A57049.xml plain text: A57049.txt item: #57 of 89 id: A57284 author: Ridpath, George, d. 1726. title: A continuation of the answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence dedicated to the Parliament of Scotland : being a vindication of the acts of that august assembly from the clamours and aspersions of the Scots prelatical clergy in their libels printed in England : with a confutation of Dr. M-'s postscript in answer to the former ... : as also reflections on Sir Geo. Mackenzy's Defence of Charles the Second's government is Scotland ... together with the acts of the Scots General Assembly and present Parliament compared with the acts of Parliament in the two last reigns against the Presbyterians / Will. Laick. date: 1693.0 words: 30368 flesch: 49 summary: I do not write this , as having any suspicion that their Majesties are so weak as to be prevailed upon to alter the Church-Government in Scotland , but meerly to let the World see , that they who sollicite them to it , are their greatest Enemies , and design to shake their Throne ; and that it is not the Church of England's Interest to countenance our Scots Prelatis●● , nor to importune their Majesties on that Head. The Resolve of your August Assembly , that Prelacy was an insupportable Grievance to that Kingdom , deserves to be engraven in Pillars of Corinthian Brass ; and that all Scotsmen ( as no doubt many thousands will ) should not only whe● their Pens , but their Swords , in defence of it . keywords: act; acts; answer; assembly; charles; church; doctor; england; english; general; george; god; good; government; iames; king; laws; majesty; ministers; nation; parliament; party; prelatists; presbyterians; reason; scotland; scots; second; self; sir; tho; time; ● ● cache: A57284.xml plain text: A57284.txt item: #58 of 89 id: A57288 author: Ridpath, George, d. 1726. title: The Scots episcopal innocence, or, The juggling of that party with the late King, His present Majesty, the Church of England, and the Church of Scotland demonstrated together with a catalogue of the Scots Episcopal clergy turn'd out for their disloyalty ... since the revolution : and a postscript with reflections on a late malicious pamphlet entituled The spirit of malice and slander ... / by Will. Laick. date: 1694.0 words: 29288 flesch: 64 summary: MR. Iames Wauch , Minister of Leith ; Deprived for not reading the Proclamation enjoined by the States , April 11. 1689. and not obeying the same . Mr. Iohn Somervail , Minister of Cramond , the like . keywords: act; church; council; day; doctor; england; general; george; god; government; holden; iames; iohn; king; king william; majesties; man; minister; observing; parliament; party; presbyterians; present; proclamation; reading; scotland; scots; sir; supra; terms; thanksgiving; time; william cache: A57288.xml plain text: A57288.txt item: #59 of 89 id: A57855 author: Rule, Gilbert, 1629?-1701. title: A defence of The vindication of the Church of Scotland in answer to An apology of the clergy of Scotland. date: 1694.0 words: 40737 flesch: 60 summary: Church of Scotland -- Apologetic works. But he never knew one that presecuted the Dissenters without great reluctancy ; but many that did them kindnesses Others can ●ell of some in the City where he lived , who delated Meetings , and them who came not to Church with great forwardness and zeal , and multitudes of Instances in most parts of the Country of their persecutions against Dissenters are in Print : That to deny it , deserveth other words then I lift to use ; even such as himself liberally bestoweth on them who affirm what disliketh him . keywords: answer; apologist; argument; assembly; author; authority; bishops; book; church; clergy; day; doth; episcopal; general; god; good; government; hath; king; man; matter; men; ministers; party; people; place; power; presbyterians; religion; saith; scotland; things; time; use; vindicator; way; words cache: A57855.xml plain text: A57855.txt item: #60 of 89 id: A57858 author: Rule, Gilbert, 1629?-1701. title: A just and modest reproof of a pamphlet called The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence date: 1693.0 words: 23019 flesch: 57 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. And it will be little Credit to his party , that the Learned Writters among them , have as absurd Imaginations of Men , and things , as he can impute ( though falsely ) to the most ignorant among us . keywords: answer; assembly; author; book; christ; church; good; government; hath; man; men; ministers; party; people; presbyterians; saith; scotland; sermon; things; truth; way; words cache: A57858.xml plain text: A57858.txt item: #61 of 89 id: A57864 author: Rule, Gilbert, 1629?-1701. title: A vindication of the Church of Scotland being an answer to a paper, intituled, Some questions concerning Episcopal and Presbyterial government in Scotland : wherein the latter is vindicated from the arguments and calumnies of that author, and the former is made appear to be a stranger in that nation/ by a minister of the Church of Scotland, as it is now established by law. date: 1691.0 words: 20756 flesch: 62 summary: Church of Scotland -- Apologetic works. Appointing all in Office in Church , and Schools , and all Members of this Kirk to subscribe the National Covenant . keywords: act; assembly; bishops; church; episcopal; government; hath; king; laws; man; men; ministers; nation; parliament; people; popery; power; presbyterians; presbytery; religion; scotland; time; way cache: A57864.xml plain text: A57864.txt item: #62 of 89 id: A57865 author: Rule, Gilbert, 1629?-1701. title: A vindication of the Church of Scotland being an answer to five pamphlets, the titles of which are set down after the preface / by the author of the former vindication in answer to ten questions. date: 1691.0 words: 39682 flesch: 61 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. 7. I have , in a former paper , pleaded for the Presbyterian Church of Scotland , against an Adversary much of the same Temper with these I now deal with ; whose ten questions , and answers to them , I have examined ; I now examine five other Pamphlets : The first two were injoyned me to answer ; the rest , being of the same strain , and coming to hand while I was busie with these , and some Persons of the best quality for rank , and for Religion , desiring it of me , I thought fit to give my help ( such as it is ) to this labouring Church , in opposing all these efforts of enraged Malice : If truth , and the ordinances of God , be thereby Vindicated , and weaker ones helped to stand against the shock of impudent Calumnies ; and if any who gave too ready an ear to misrepresentations of our Affairs , be better informed , I have my design . keywords: answer; church; clergy; council; day; doth; episcopal; government; hath; house; james; john; king; law; let; man; men; ministers; nation; parliament; party; people; persons; presbyterians; saith; scotland; state; things; tho; time; truth; use; way; william cache: A57865.xml plain text: A57865.txt item: #63 of 89 id: A59468 author: Sage, John, 1652-1711. title: The principles of the Cyprianic age with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction asserted and recommended from the genuine writings of St. Cyprian himself and his contemporaries : by which it is made evident that the vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obligated by his own concession to acknowledge that he and his associates are schismaticks : in a letter to a friend / by J.S. date: 1695.0 words: 43170 flesch: 66 summary: p. 68. h Si quis autem paenitentiam agere , & D●o satisfacere detrectans , ad Felicissimi & satellitum ejus partes concesserit , & se haereticae factioni c●●junx●rit ; sciat se postea ad Ecclestam redire & 〈◊〉 Episcopis & Plebe Christi C●mmunicare non posse . c Pete ergo Cypriane carissim● ut nos gr●tia su● Dominus — armet & illustret — Cui ●nim magis haec ut pro nobis p●tat , mandare debemus , quam tam Glorioso Episcopo ? — Ecce aliud gaudium nostrum quod in Officio Episcopatus tui , licet interim , a fratribus pro temporis conditione distractus es , tamen non defu●sti — Animadvertimus enim te congruente censura & eos digne ●bj●rgass● , qui immemores ●elictorum su●rum , pac●m a Presbyteris , p●r absentiam tuam , f●stinata & praecipiti cupiditate extorsissent , & ILLOS qui ●ine respectu Evangelii , Sanctum Dom●ni Ganibus , & Margari●●● por●is , profan● facilitate donassent . keywords: account; apud; argument; author; authority; bishop; c. ep; carthage; case; catholick; catholick church; christians; church; churches; clergy; college; communion; contra; cornelius; cum; cyprian; d ●; deacons; dei; discipline; district; divine; ecclesia; enim; episcopal; epistle; esse; est; faith; flock; god; government; holy; ibid; l ●; lapsed; letters; lord; man; matter; men; moderator; n ●; nec; non; nos; novatianus; ordination; pastor; peace; people; power; presbyterian; presbyters; priest; principles; purpose; qu ●; qui; quod; r ●; return; rome; schism; schismaticks; supreme; thing; thô; time; unity; vos; world; ● m; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A59468.xml plain text: A59468.txt item: #64 of 89 id: A59964 author: Shields, Alexander, 1660?-1700. title: The history of Scotch-presbytery being an epitome of The hind let loose / by Mr. Shields ; with a preface by a presbyter of the Church of Scotland. date: 1692.0 words: 32220 flesch: 40 summary: THE following Treatise ( being but a short Compend of a larger Book ) appears at this time to give the World a just Account of the Principles , Practices , and Behaviour of the Scotch ●resbyterians ; it was written some Years ago by ●ne of that Fraternity . The Dictates of Huma●ity , and the Genius of the Christian Religion ●eeten our Passions , but when we are enflamed ●y the Interests of a Party , we forget the ex●ress Laws of God , and if they look us broad in 〈◊〉 Face ( when we offer violence to our Convi●ions ) we bow and bend them by metaphysical ●ricks and Evasions to serve our Design , contra●y to their original Bias and Sanctity ; and this ●as never so visible , as in that turbulent and fiery ●●ct that frequently disturbed , and now at last ●ath almost over-●un the Church of Scotland , in 〈◊〉 they have Ruined and Oppressed a Learned , ●rave , and Orthodox Clergy , especially in the ●outhern Shires . keywords: assembly; authority; cause; christ; church; covenant; enemies; faithful; god; gospel; government; hath; having; king; kingdom; law; laws; liberty; lord; meetings; ministers; parliament; people; power; presbyterians; principles; publick; reformation; religion; scotland; supremacy; testimony; time; work; year; ● ● cache: A59964.xml plain text: A59964.txt item: #65 of 89 id: A59965 author: Shields, Alexander, 1660?-1700. title: A short memorial of the sufferings and grievances past and present of the Presbyterians in Scotland particularly of them called by nick-name Cameronians. date: 1690.0 words: 25556 flesch: 42 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. 2. Act 2. Hence no Petition or Remostrance of publick Grievances , Oppressing , and enslaving Church or Nation , either durst be offered , or could find Access or Acceptance , being interdicted and also punished very severely ; as in the instance of the Grievances given in against Lauderdale . Nor durst Prisoners tender the most innocent Supplication , even for release or a more easie Confinement , in any terms that seemed either to reflect on their severity , or represent the illegality of their prosecutions , or in the least to vindicate the cause they were suffering for ; which caused many afterwards to decline all petitioning , and choose rather to ly under the most unsupportable bondage , for fear of having it made more miserable . keywords: act; acts; anno; authority; cause; church; conscience; council; country; death; enemies; galloway; god; government; grievance; iames; iohn; king; kingdom; laird; laws; liev; ministers; nation; parl; parliament; people; power; reformation; religion; shot; supremacy; tho; time; year cache: A59965.xml plain text: A59965.txt item: #66 of 89 id: A61705 author: Ridpath, George, d. 1726. Answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence. title: Some remarks upon a late pamphlet, entituled, An answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence wherein the innocency of the Episcopal clergy is vindicated, and the constitution and government of our Church of Scotland defended, against the lies and calumnies of the Presbyterian pamphleters. date: 1694.0 words: 46829 flesch: 46 summary: The next instance of which I shall take Notice , is Mr. John Chisholm Parson of Lisly in Teviotdale , whom this Libeller Accuses in these Words ; That he having got his Maid with Child●… , bribed a Mason to Marry her , and own it , but the Woman afterward going to a Field Meeting in the Neighbourhood out of Curiosity , was so stung in C●…nscience , on hearing the Famous Mr. John Welch Preach against such Immoralities , that she cried out to the disturbance of the Worship , that she was undone Eternally , and voluntarily confessed her Crime ; for which she was pursued by the Episcopal Clergy , and imprisoned a long time , th●… ' she still owned the Guilt ; and the same was also Attested by her Brother , who had been privy to his Villany . And for that end , she and the Fanatick Party in Glasgow gave her a sum of money to own it ; ( which can yet be proved by the Hussie's own confession , and by other Witnesses that were privy to it ; ) ●…pon which she goes to a Minister in the Presbytery of Glasgow , and affirmed Mr. Blair to be the Father of her Child . keywords: account; act; author; authority; b ●; bishops; blair; calumnies; child; church; civil; clergy; d ●; england; episcopal; f ●; god; good; government; king; lawson; m ●; malice; man; minister; nation; o ●; p ●; pag; parliament; party; people; persons; power; practices; presbyterians; presbytery; present; r ●; reason; religion; reputation; s ●; scotland; state; t ●; th ●; thing; time; vindication cache: A61705.xml plain text: A61705.txt item: #67 of 89 id: A65355 author: Webster, James, 1658?-1720. title: A sermon preached in the high church of Edinburgh at the election of the magistrates of the city, on the 2d of Octob. 1694 / by James Webster. date: 1694.0 words: 5561 flesch: 59 summary: From the forcited place , 't is evident , that Job has no less regard to the Exercise of Mercy , I was eyes to the blind &c. Micah 6. God reckons the Exercise of Justice and Mercy , the whole of our obedience , and prefers it before Ten thousand Rivers of Oyl and Rom. 13 , 4. the two very different setts of Men , There , make the Exercise of Mercy and Justice equally necessary , For he is the Minister of God to thee for good : God himself Reckons Justice his Strange Work , a forreign part of his Providence , and which he never works till constrained , and ev'n then with some aversion : Mercy is God's Darling and triumphant Attribute , the immediat off-spring of his nature , but for this divine affection , the World long since had fallen about our ears : Mercy challengeth the present scene as its own ; And the conclusion of time is almost All that is reserved for Justice ? keywords: god; good; government; judgement; justice; magistrates; men; mercy; people; power; tcp; text cache: A65355.xml plain text: A65355.txt item: #68 of 89 id: A65879 author: Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. title: The principal controversies between the litteral presbyters of the Kirk of Scotland, and the illuminated members of the Church of Christ, called Quakers· Truly collected, stated and opened, in a particular reply (herein specified) for general information and undeceiving the deceived. By an earnest contender for the most holy faith, which was once delivered to the saints. G. W. date: 1672.0 words: 36934 flesch: 71 summary: Is this thy proof of thy false accusation against us of denying the Scriptures , that we deny them interpretatively ; so then our denying the Priests Interpretations upon Scripture which are not Scripture , must be deemed a denial of Scriptures , as if they were either the same or of equall authority with Scripture ; or when they tell us of finding Life in the Scriptures , we must take it for gran●ed , that they mean in their Interpretations upon them , whereby in many things they contradict plain Scripture as hath been proved any times ; so however , when they bid People search the Scriptures for Life Eternal ( in them ) they intend they should take their meanings along with them , and believe as they say , and so people must run into an implicite Faith , if they take things on their Authority and Credit ; for by their meanings and Interpretations , they can sit as Judges over Scriptures ( and tell people they must give the sence , and reconcile them ) and over the Lig●t and Spirit within , and tell them its but an Enthusiastick Fancy ; but who are not so Ign●ble as to receive a Belief or Faith from them on such a dark , implicite and slender account as this of Priests ? But wait in the Light of Christ within , for a right understanding of things that are Spiritual , relating to Faith and Salvation : Such find they have cause from the certain demonstration and testimony of the Spirit of Truth within , to believe Christs Light and Spirit rather then the Priests meanings , and private Interpretations , wrestings and perverting of Scriptures . This high and general opinion of the Scriptures , depends upon the former conceit , of finding Eternal Life in them , by searching of them ; but that 's answered and contradicted by this our Antagonist himself , over and over : Supernatural knowledge and Faith of Scriptures , being not had without the knowledg of Christ ; but there are many search and read Scriptures , that are both out of this knowledg and Faith , so that t is evident , that the bare reading Scriptures doth not attract supernatural Faith , Knowledg , Light , Spirit , &c. but it is the supernatural Light and Spirit , that brings to the serious reading and supernatural knowledg of Scriptures : And it s also confessed in contradiction to much more ( however ) that the Light in all men teaches them of the morral Law ; and , Is not that Scripture or things contained in it ? keywords: answ; believers; christ; death; doctrine; doth; faith; god; grace; hast; hath; life; light; man; priest; scriptures; sin; sins; spirit; things; thou; thy; time; word cache: A65879.xml plain text: A65879.txt item: #69 of 89 id: A67694 author: Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. title: Causes of the Lords wrath against Scotland manifested in his sad late dispensations. Whereunto is added a paper, particularly holding forth the sins of the ministery. date: 1653.0 words: 35544 flesch: 65 summary: Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. 1653 Approx. Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. keywords: article; assembly; children; christ; covenant; duty; god; hath; heart; house; israel; kirk; land; lord; lord god; men; people; persons; power; publick; selves; sin; sins; thee; things; thou; thy; time; way; work cache: A67694.xml plain text: A67694.txt item: #70 of 89 id: A68712 author: Hamilton, James Hamilton, Duke of, 1606-1649. Explanation of the meaning of the Oath and the Covenant. aut title: His Majesties proclamation in Scotland: with an explanation of the meaning of the Oath and Covenant. By the Lord Marquesse, his Majesties high commissioner. Set forth by the Kings speciall licence date: 1639.0 words: 5802 flesch: 45 summary: But we do in his Majesties name require that none presume to take the said oath , unlesse they be required so to do by such as shall have lawfull authority from his Majestie to administer it unto them : being confident , that none either will or can take the said oath or any other oath in any sense , which may not consist with episcopall government , having his Majesties sense , and so the sense of all lawfull authority fully explained to them . THat episcopall jurisdiction was in force by acts of parliament , and no wayes abolished nor suppressed in the year 1580. Secondly , it cannot be imagined that this oathshould oblige the now takers of it farther then it did oblige the takers of it at first : for doctrine and points of faith it did oblige them then , and so doth it us now , perpetually , because these points in themselves are perpetuall , immutable and eternall : But for points of discipline and government , and policie of the Church , that oath could binde the first takers of it no longer then that discipline and government should stand in force by the laws of this Church and Kingdome , which our Church in her positive confession of faith printed amongst the acts of Parliament , artic . keywords: act; acts; church; confession; government; majesties; oath; parliament; time cache: A68712.xml plain text: A68712.txt item: #71 of 89 id: A69047 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650, attributed name. title: A dialogue betwixt Cosmophilus and Theophilus anent the urging of new ceremonies upon the kirke of Scotland date: 1620.0 words: 11926 flesch: 76 summary: ye may be the Popes Pensioner , for the paines ye take to vent , and advance his wares . Cosm. Ye have been over sudden Cosm. in going awayward to Rome , to meet them : but who sees , that they have any mind to meet you mid-way . keywords: ceremonies; conscience; cosm; formes; god; gods; good; hath; kirk; oath; theoph; things; truth; wil; word; yee cache: A69047.xml plain text: A69047.txt item: #72 of 89 id: A69048 author: Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. title: The speach of the Kirk of Scotland to her beloved children date: 1620.0 words: 21881 flesch: 62 summary: Petition in ● humility t● the Nobility and Estate● to deale with his Ma●esty . He ●pareth not to say , that in imitation of Lucifer they will be adored and worshiped as God. keywords: bee; cause; ceremonies; children; christ; christian; day; doe; enemies; faith; feare; god; gods; good; hand; hath; hearts; hee; holy; kirk; law; lord; love; man; men; ministers; non; owne; peace; people; places; religion; selves; set; soules; spirit; things; time; truth; world; yee; ● ● cache: A69048.xml plain text: A69048.txt item: #73 of 89 id: A69202 author: Forbes, John, 1593-1648. title: Generall demands concerning the late covenant propounded by the ministers and professors of divinitie in Aberdene, to some reverend brethren, who came thither to recommend the late covenant to them, and to those who are committed to their charge. Together with the answers of those reverend brethren to the said demands. As also the replyes of the foresaid ministers and professors to their answers. date: 1638.0 words: 14345 flesch: 54 summary: 2. We doubt not , but the late Covenant , being considered according to the main intention of those pious and generous Gentlemen , Barons , and others our dear countreymen , who made it , especially our reverend brethren of the holy ministery , is a Covenant made with God , and proceeding from a zealous respect to Gods glory , and to the preservation of the puritie of the Gospel in this Church and Kingdome : But we cannot finde a warrant in our consciences to grant , That such Covenants , in so farre as they import mutuall defence , against all persons whatsever , none being excepted , no , not the King , ( as it seemeth unto us , by the words of your Covenant , but far more by the words of your late Protestation , the 28 of Iune ; wherein you promise mutuall defence against all externall or internall invasion , menaced in his Majesties last Proclamation ) are not forbidden by any band , nor justly yet can be forbidden . The other , which being observed , will answer diverse of the following demands , That the articles of Pearth , and of Episcopall government , are declared to be abjured , as points of Poperie , or as Popish novations : where as the words of the Covenant put a difference betwixt two sorts of novations : one is of such as are already introduced in the worship of God , and concerning those , whatsoever be the judgement of the subscribers , which to every one is left free , by the words of the Covenant , they are onely bound to forbear the practise of them , by reason of the present exigence of the Kirk , till they be tried , and allowed in a free Generall assembly . keywords: answer; articles; brethren; church; confession; covenant; demand; god; hath; interpretation; majesties; oath; pearth; subjects; time; truth cache: A69202.xml plain text: A69202.txt item: #74 of 89 id: A69753 author: Forbes, John, 1593-1648. title: The generall demands, of the reverend doctors of divinitie, and ministers of the Gospell in Aberdene, concerning the late covenant, in Scotland together, with the answeres, replyes, and duplyes that followed thereupon, in the year, 1638 : reprinted in one book, by order of Parliament. date: 1663.0 words: 63329 flesch: 57 summary: YE● alleadged before , and now again doe affirme , that we have mistaken your Interpretation of the old Covenant , as if it had been given out judicially by you , and , as if ye had intended to enforce it upon others . Last of all ; Ye say , ye can not sweare forbearance , because ye can not abstaine from private Baptisme , and private Communion ; where we perceive , that in your judgement , private Baptisme and Communion , are not any more things indifferent , but necessary , necessitate praecepti , in so farre , that the not using of them , is a contempt of the means , and a tempting of GOD. keywords: acts; answeres; argument; articles; assembly; authority; book; brethren; cap; case; church; commandement; confession; contrary; covenant; defence; demand; doe; episcopacy; forbearance; god; good; hath; interpretation; judgement; king; kingdom; kirke; lawes; lawfull; majesties; man; minde; novations; oath; obedience; pag; parliament; pearth; people; persons; power; practise; publick; question; reason; religion; respect; reverend; rites; satisfaction; sayeth; scandall; second; selves; service; subjects; things; time; trueth; warrand; way; words; ● ● cache: A69753.xml plain text: A69753.txt item: #75 of 89 id: A74891 author: Stewart, William. title: William Stewart to the Church of Scotland. Sonnet. date: 1643.0 words: 506 flesch: 72 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A74891 of text in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E69_22a). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A74891) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 157277) keywords: stewart; text cache: A74891.xml plain text: A74891.txt item: #76 of 89 id: A79213 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: His Majesties gracious letter, directed to the presbytery of Edinburgh and by them to be communicated to the rest of the presbyteries of this kirk. Received the third of September, 1660. date: 1660.0 words: 1120 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A79213 of text R231317 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C3017). The rate of 14 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: church; scotland; text; vve cache: A79213.xml plain text: A79213.txt item: #77 of 89 id: A79214 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: His Majesties gracious letter, directed to the presbytery of Edinburgh, and by them to be communicated to the rest of the presbyteries of this kirk. Received the third of September, 1660. date: 1660.0 words: 1118 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A79214 of text R210822 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.26[24]). And as We are very well satisfied with your resolution not to meddle without your Sphere ; So We do expect , that Church-judicatories in Scotland , and Ministers there , will keep within the compass of their Station , meddling only with matters Ecclesiastick , and promoting Our Authority and lnterest with Our Subjects against all Opposers ; And that they will take special notice of all such , who , by preaching , or private Conventicles , or any other way , transgress the limits of their Calling , by endeavoring to corrupt the people , or sow seeds of disaffection to Us , or Our Government . keywords: church; scotland; text cache: A79214.xml plain text: A79214.txt item: #78 of 89 id: A79703 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. title: Causes of a publike fast, and solemne humiliation to be kept throughout the Church of Scotland upon the last Sabbath of this instant month of July, being the 25. day thereof 1647. date: 1647.0 words: 1069 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A79703 of text R210582 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.11[53]). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A79703) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 162702) keywords: church; scotland; text cache: A79703.xml plain text: A79703.txt item: #79 of 89 id: A79704 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. title: Causes of a solemne fast, appointed by the commissioners of the Generall Assembly, to be kept in all the congregations of this kirk, upon the last Thursday of April, 1646 date: 1646.0 words: 996 flesch: 66 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A79704) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 161157) This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A79704 of text R212292 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.9[59]). keywords: assembly; scotland; text cache: A79704.xml plain text: A79704.txt item: #80 of 89 id: A79705 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. title: Causes of a solemn national fast and humiliation, agreed upon by the Commissioners of the late General Assembly, met at Edinburgh the 4. of June 1696 and presented to the Lords of His Majesties most honourable Privy Council, to be read by the ministers, in all the churches at the intimation of the said fast. date: 1696.0 words: 1559 flesch: 57 summary: THE KING'S MAJESTY , being gone Abroad , and Engaged in a Dangerous War , and His ROYAL PERSON exposed to Danger , on whose Safety and Success under GOD , the Welfare of these Nations , and of the Churches of GOD , both at Home and Abroad ▪ much depends : It is Our Judgement , that there is great need of pouring out fervent Prayer , and Supplications to GOD , for the Preservation of His MAJESTIE' 's PERSON , and for Directing His Councils , and Blessing the Forces of His MAJESTY , and His ALLYES by Sea and Land with Success ; and in Order to Our Acceptance with GOD , It is Our Duty to join Fasting and Humiliation and Reformation , with Our Prayers , and to be Humbled , and Lament bitterly before the LORD , That tho' there have been for some Years past , divers solemn National Fasts , and in some of them , a Particular Enumeration of the Nations Sins , yet few have been duly Humbled for these Sins , and few have joined suteable Reformation , with their profest Humiliation ; and that notwithstanding of all the Great Things , GOD hath wrought for Us , and the shaking of his terrible Judgements of the Sword of a cruel Enemy , and Arrow of Famine , Yet few have turned from the Evil of their Ways unto GOD , or sought him with all their Heart , We have been unthankful for Our Deliverance ▪ many have been angry at , or murmure under it , the Gospel hath little success , yea by many is much contemned , Iniquity aboundeth in City and Country , and in the Army , and while some are in great Straits , others abuse their Plenty to Excess and Riot and Lasciviousness , and by frequent Murders Blood toucheth Blood , Animosities and Divisions continue , and these contrary to the many Obligations keywords: eebo; general; god; tcp; text cache: A79705.xml plain text: A79705.txt item: #81 of 89 id: A79708 author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. title: Perth Decemb. 14. 1650. The commission of the Generall Assembly considering how greivous a sin against God and scandall to religion it were for any of this Kirke and kingdome to joine or comply with any of the sectarian enemy, ... date: 1650.0 words: 748 flesch: 70 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A79708 of text R212065 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.15[68]). [S.l. : 1650] Signed at end: A. Ker. Title from heading and first lines of text. keywords: assembly; text cache: A79708.xml plain text: A79708.txt item: #82 of 89 id: A79710 author: Church of Scotland. title: The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland; with the bond or covenant subscribed unto by the whole kingdome. date: 1641.0 words: 2877 flesch: 27 summary: To the which Confession and forme of religion we willingly agree in our consciences , in all points as unto Gods undoubted truth and verity , grounded only upon his written word : and therefore we abhorre and detest all contrary religion and doctrine : but chiefely all kinde of Papistry , in generall and particular heads , even as they are now damned and confuted by the word of God , and Kirk of Scotland : but in especiall , we detest and refuse the usurped authority of that Romane Antichrist , upon the Scriptures of God , upon the Kirk , the civill Magistrate , and consciences of men , all his tyrannous lawes made upon indifferent things against our Christian liberty ; his erroneous doctrine against the sufficiency of the written word , and the perfection of the Law , the office of Christ & his blessed Evangel . We therefore willing to take away all suspition of hypocrisie , and of such double dealing with God and his Kirk , protest , and call the scearcher of all hearts for witnesse , that our mindes and hearts do fully agree with this our Confession , Promise , Oath , and Subscription ; so that we are not moved for any worldly respect ; but are perswaded only in our consciences through the knowledge and love of Gods true Religion printed in our hearts by the holy Spirit , as we shall answer to him , in the day when the secrets of all hearts shall bee disclosed : and because we perceive that the quietnesse and stability of our Religion and Kirk , doth depend upon the safety and good behaviour of the Kings Majesty , as upon a comfortable instrument of Gods mercy granted to this Countrey , for the maintaining of his Kirk , and ministration of justice amongst us ; we protest and promise with our hearts under the same oath , handwrit , and paines , that we shall defend his royall person and authority , with our goods , bodies , and lives , in the defence of Christ his Evangel , Liberties of our Countrey , ministration of justice , and punishment of iniquity , against all enimies within this Realme or without , as we desire our God to be a strong and mercifull defender to us in the day of our death , and comming of our Lord Jesus Christ , to whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be all honour and glory eternally . keywords: confession; faith; god; kirk; religion; text; word cache: A79710.xml plain text: A79710.txt item: #83 of 89 id: A86000 author: Gillespie, George, 1613-1648. title: A form for Church government and ordination of ministers, contained in CXI propositions, propounded to the late Generall Assembly at Edinburgh, 1647. Together with an Act concerning Erastianisme, independencie, and liberty of conscience. Published by authority. date: 1647.0 words: 15843 flesch: 52 summary: A form for Church government and ordination of ministers, contained in CXI propositions, propounded to the late Generall Assembly at Edinburgh, 1647. A form for Church government and ordination of ministers, contained in CXI propositions, propounded to the late Generall Assembly at Edinburgh, 1647. keywords: authority; christ; church; churches; civill; discipline; doth; ecclesiasticall; excommunication; faith; god; government; hath; holy; lord; magistrate; ministers; power; spirituall; things; word cache: A86000.xml plain text: A86000.txt item: #84 of 89 id: A88948 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: A reply to Mr. Rutherfurd, or A defence of the answer to Reverend Mr. Herles booke against the independency of churches. VVherein such objections and answers, as are returned to sundry passages in the said answer by Mr. Samuel Rutherfurd, a godly and learned brother of the Church of Scotland, in his boke entituled The due right of Presbyters, are examined and removed, and the answer justified and cleared. / By Richard Macher [sic] teacher to the church at Dorchester in New England. 1646. date: 1647.0 words: 74311 flesch: 62 summary: doth it follow therefore that Superiors in Church or civill state have no power to command housholders to do their duty herein , but only to give counsell and advise ? Or if housholdere have such right , doth it follow that therefore they are under no command , in Church and Common-wealth ? I suppose it will not follow at all . Or shall we say , that Classes and Provinciall Synods have no right to end their own matters within themselves , if a Nationall Synod have power to command them ? Or if they have such right , shall we therefore say they are not under the command of the Nationall Synod , and that the Nationall Synod hath no power over them but only by way of Counsell and advise ? Wee suppose Master Rutherford will not say so : and yet he might as well say it , as say as hee he doth , that because Antioch hath right to ●nd her own matter if they be able , therefore a Synod hath no power but only by way of Counsell and advise . First , the ordinary power of Iurisdiction because of neerest vicinity and contiguity of members is given by Iesus Christ to one Congregation in an Isle , because that Church is a Church properly so called : It is a little City , and a little Kingdome of Iesus Christ , having within it selfe power of the ●ord and Sacraments and that is a Church and hath the essence of a Church to which agree the essentiall notes of a Church : now Preaching of the word and administration of the Sacraments are essentiall notes of a visible Church : keywords: act; answer; antioch; appeales; bee; brother; christ; church; church power; churches; congregation; doe; doth; elders; generall; god; good; hands; hath; hee; iurisdiction; like; nationall; nature; page; people; place; power; question; reason; right; rutherford; saith; synods; thing; truth; viz; way; words; ● ● cache: A88948.xml plain text: A88948.txt item: #85 of 89 id: A89224 author: Johnston, Andrew. title: Advertisement by Dr. Monro Presbyter of the Church of Scotland. date: 1693.0 words: 1272 flesch: 63 summary: [Edinburgh : 1693] Declaration by Mr. Andrew Johnston, December 2d. Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 172673) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English Books, 1641-1700 ; 2645:5) Advertisement by Dr. Monro Presbyter of the Church of Scotland. keywords: church; tcp; text cache: A89224.xml plain text: A89224.txt item: #86 of 89 id: A92699 author: Scotland. title: A proclamation for restoring the Church of Scotland to its ancient government by bishops: at Edinburgh the sixth day of September, one thousand six hundred and sixty one years. date: 1661.0 words: 1684 flesch: 57 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A92699) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 172357) keywords: government; majesties; scotland; tcp; text cache: A92699.xml plain text: A92699.txt item: #87 of 89 id: B05620 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: A proclamation for adjourning the General Assembly of this church, to the seventeenth of December next, 1695. date: 1695.0 words: 1222 flesch: 64 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179054) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: eebo; english; tcp; text cache: B05620.xml plain text: B05620.txt item: #88 of 89 id: B05703 author: Scotland. Sovereign (1649-1685 : Charles II) title: A proclamation for the security of ministers. At Edinburgh, the thirteenth day of June, one thousand six hundred and sixty seven. date: None words: 1897 flesch: 51 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179638) keywords: eebo; ministers; persons; tcp; text cache: B05703.xml plain text: B05703.txt item: #89 of 89 id: B05710 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: A proclamation indicting a General Assembly. date: 1693.0 words: 1203 flesch: 63 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179105) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: eebo; english; tcp; text cache: B05710.xml plain text: B05710.txt