item: #1 of 68 id: A04417 author: Burton, Henry, 1578-1648, attributed name. title: Christ on his throne. Or, Christs church-government briefly laid downe and how it ought to bee set up in all Christian congregations. Resolved in sundry cases of conscience. date: 1640 words: 13062 flesch: 65 summary: Yea , for prelates or Church , or any humane power to ordaine and impose Ceremonies to binde the consciences in the worship of God , this is expressely condemned and forbidden both by Christ himselfe , and by the Prophets , and by the Apostles . For which cause , I have in these straits of time , thought it one part of my duty which I owe unto Christ , and to his Church , to propound , and briefly to resolve ( as God hath enabled me ) some important Cases of Conscience , which ( hoping they may conduce to the furthering of the great businesse now in agitation concerning Religion ) I have adventured most humbly to recommend unto the serious consideration of this most just , sage and grave Senate , as to which not only I , but all the people of the Land doe owe our best service , and for whose happy successe of all their grave Counsels , we are all bound daily , and that in a more than ordinary manner to solicite ( as we still doe ) the throne of Grace , that the Spirit of Christ may be abundantly poured forth upon this most Noble Assembly , in all wisdome , and understanding , and in all judgement , zeale , courage , constancy , unity , unamity in the love of the Truth , that such a perfect Reformation may be wrought as Christ at this time calleth for , as his word appointeth , as all Gods people every where thirst after , and as the whole Antichristian faction is afraid of , that so , when Christ alone shall be set upon his Throne over our soules , to rule us according to his word , and to dwell among us by his Spirit , the Kings throne may be for ever established in justice and judgement , and Gods people in this Land may enjoy both inward and outward peace unto the day of Christ , and so our posterity after us may blesse God , and for ever call this Parliament , The blessed Parliament . keywords: act; answer; antiquity; apostles; article; authority; bee; better; bishops; booke; case; censure; ceremonies; christ; christian; church; churches; communion; congregation; conscience; cor; doe; doth; elders; english; faith; false; forme; generall; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; government; grace; great; hands; hath; hee; hierarchy; himselfe; holy; humane; jurisdiction; king; kingdome; law; lay; life; like; long; lord; matters; meanes; ministers; necessary; new; non; office; officers; old; onely; order; owne; particular; people; place; power; prayer; prelacy; prelates; present; priests; read; reason; reformation; religion; right; roman; rule; scripture; selfe; service; set; spirit; state; synod; testament; text; things; throne; time; title; true; use; way; wee; word; worke; worship; yea cache: A04417.xml plain text: A04417.txt item: #2 of 68 id: A12763 author: Spelman, Henry, Sir, 1564?-1641. title: De non temerandis ecclesiis A tract of the rights and respect due vnto churches. Written to a gentleman, who hauing an appropriate parsonage, imploied the church to prophane vses, and left the parishioners vncertainely prouided of diuine seruice, in a parish neere there adioyning. By Sr. Henry Spelman knight. date: 1616 words: 20313 flesch: 77 summary: Of this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , commeth the Saxon word Cyric or Kyrk : and ( by adding a double aspiration to it ) our vsuall word Chyrch or Church , as it were to put vs euer in mind , whose these Houses are : namely , the Lords houses : like that , which IACOB dedicating vnto GOD , called ( Bethel : ) that is , the house of God. So that our tythe paide in this kinde , cannot bee said Leuiticall : as also for that the Leuitical tythes , were onely of things d renewing and increasing : whereas Abraham and Iacob paid them of all : as if they had followed the cōmandement of the Apostle ; Let him that is taught in the Word , make him that hath taught him part taker of c AL. Gal ▪ 6. 6. God also requireth this dutie of tythe by his owne mouth , as of olde belonging vnto him , before the Leuites were called to the seruice of the Tabernacle : and before they were named in Scripture . keywords: aboue; abraham; act; ages; ancient; anno; appeareth; appropriate; argument; augustine; backe; bee; belonging; bishops; body; booke; cap; cause; christ; church; churches; coke; common; concil; councels; countrey; court; dauid; day; dedicated; dei; discourse; diuers; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; ecclesiae; edition; eebo; end; enemies; english; epist; euen; euer; example; expoundeth; fathers; fol; fruits; function; gaue; gen; generall; giue; god; gods; good; gospell; great; greater; ground; hand; hard; hast; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; hee; henry; hierusalem; himselfe; hist; holy; honour; house; iacob; iewes; inheritance; iohn; israel; keepe; kind; king; land; law; lawes; lay; leaue; leuites; leuiticall; lib; life; little; liuings; lord; maintenance; man; manner; matter; meanes; mee; men; ministers; nations; nature; necessity; new; non; notes; notwithstanding; oblations; occasion; onely; open; opinion; ouer; owne; page; parsonages; particular; parts; paul; people; persons; place; pleased; point; poore; possession; praier; priesthood; priests; prophane; prophet; psalme; publike; purpose; quae; reason; redeeme; religion; requireth; reuerence; rights; sacrifice; saint; saith; sanctification; sanctuarium; sauiour; second; selfe; sermon; seruice; sinne; small; speake; spelman; spirituall; spoiled; statute; tcp; temerandis; temple; temporall; tenth; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; tithes; title; tom; tythe; vers; vnder; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vse; vses; way; wee; whatsoeuer; wine; word; works; worship; yea; yeeres; zeale cache: A12763.xml plain text: A12763.txt item: #3 of 68 id: A25413 author: Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626. title: A summarie view of the government both of the old and new testament whereby the episcopall government of Christs church is vindicated out of the rude draughts of Lancelot Andrewes, late Bishop of Winchester : whereunto is prefixed (as a preamble to the whole) a discovery of the causes of the continuance of these contentions touching church-government out of the fragments of Richard Hooker. date: 1641 words: 8658 flesch: 87 summary: The Tribes had every one their Prince , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Phylarcha . ( Num. 2. ) with whom were joyned the chiefe of the families , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Patriarchae . keywords: aaron; act; acts; andrewes; answerable; apostles; authority; bee; bishops; cap; causes; charge; chiefe; christ; chron; church; churches; cities; common; cor; doe; doth; eleazar; episcopi; epist; errour; families; family; fathers; forme; foure; god; government; hath; high; himselfe; house; iii; iohn; ios; ithamar; king; lancelot; levits; lib; luk; lxx; matth; moses; nehem; nethinims; new; non; num; officers; old; paul; peace; people; pet; philip; power; priests; princes; prophets; quarter; roman; second; set; severall; testament; text; tim; time; tit; tribes; type; wee; xii cache: A25413.xml plain text: A25413.txt item: #4 of 68 id: A26912 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A defence of the principles of love, which are necessary to the unity and concord of Christians and are delivered in a book called The cure of church-divisions ... / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1671 words: 76649 flesch: 68 summary: And though I then was not , nor yet am of their mind my self , yet I would not shun Communion with the Reverend members of that Assembly ( Twisse , Gat●ker , Whittaker , and the rest ) if again they wer●●sers of the Liturgie among us . And therefore no men should be more willing to suppress Dividing Principles and Passions than the Independents , both because they are most charged with them , and with all our Sects and Confusio●● , and because they are not the least in danger of them . keywords: able; abundance; account; accusations; actions; adde; age; alas; ames; anabaptists; angry; answ; answer; apostles; appeal; arminians; assemblies; assembly; bad; baptisme; baxter; best; better; bishops; blame; body; book; brethren; brother; business; calling; carnal; cause; censure; ceremonies; certain; charge; charity; children; christianity; christians; christs; church; churches; comfort; command; common; communion; comparison; concord; conformable; conformists; congregational; conscience; consent; contradict; contrary; controversie; countenance; course; covenant; cromwell; cure; daies; danger; day; death; defence; degrees; design; desire; disciples; discipline; displeasure; dissent; dividers; dividing; divine; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; dull; duty; earth; easie; effects; england; english; episcopal; errors; evil; exc; exceptions; experience; expressions; extemporate; extreams; fact; faithful; false; family; far; father; faults; fear; fit; flesh; following; forbear; forbidden; foresaw; forms; free; general; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; gross; guilty; hands; hard; hateth; hath; head; hearing; heart; heed; help; history; holy; honest; honour; hope; house; humane; hurt; idolaters; idolatry; ignorance; ignorant; ill; images; impartial; impositions; increase; independents; infidels; injudicious; injudiciousness; injury; instance; interest; intolerable; intreat; iohnson; joyn; judgement; justifie; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; late; lawful; lawfulness; laws; liberty; life; light; like; little; liturgie; lives; london; long; look; lord; love; lutherans; magistrates; major; man; manner; mans; matter; mean; meer; meet; melancholy; members; men; mens; mention; mind; ministers; ministry; mistakes; multitudes; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neer; new; non; note; number; occasion; odious; office; old; open; opinion; order; ordinances; ordinary; outward; pag; papists; parish; parish churches; parliament; particular; parties; party; passions; pastors; patience; paul; peace; people; persecution; persecutors; persons; pharisees; places; plain; point; poor; possible; power; practice; prayer; preachers; preaching; presbyterians; present; pretence; pride; principles; private; professed; profession; professors; proof; prophane; protestants; proud; publick; quakers; quest; question; quod; reader; reading; reason; reformation; religion; religious; repentance; reproach; reputation; rest; rise; rom; rule; sacrament; sad; said; saith; salvation; satan; saying; scripture; second; secret; sects; self; selves; sense; separate; separation; separatists; sermons; service; set; sharp; sides; silence; silencing; sin; sinful; sins; small; sober; sort; souls; sound; spake; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; state; study; subject; sufferings; sure; synod; tcp; teaching; terms; text; theirs; things; thought; time; title; true; turn; uncharitable; understanding; unity; universal; unlawful; untruth; use; useth; visible; viz; want; war; way; weak; wicked; wisdom; wise; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worship; worshipping; worthy; wrath; writings; yea; years; yee; zeal; ● ● cache: A26912.xml plain text: A26912.txt item: #5 of 68 id: A28864 author: Boughen, Edward, 1587?-1660? title: Master Geree's Case of conscience sifted Wherein is enquired, vvhether the King (considering his oath at coronation to protect the clergy and their priviledges) can with a safe conscience consent to the abrogation of episcopacy. By Edward Boughen. D.D. date: 1650 words: 69955 flesch: 81 summary: b I sh●ll endeav●u● to shew , that though for argument s●ke , it be grant●● , that Episcopacy●e ●e lawfull I G. p 2. c I. G. p. For King● have their Commission from God ; but all State Governors from the King : and Iowe them no subjection beyond their Commission . keywords: 2ly; 3ly; aaron; able; abolisht; abolition; abrogation; abuse; acknowledgeth; act; acts; advice; ages; allegiance; alteration; ancient; apostles; argument; arke; articles; assembly; assent; aug; authority; bad; beleeve; best; better; beza; bishops; blessed; blessing; blood; body; bond; book; branch; brethren; calling; calvin; care; case; causes; certain; chap; charge; charta; charter; children; christ; christian; chron; church; churches; civill; clergie; clergy; coke; command; commission; common; communion; conceive; condition; confesse; confession; conscience; consent; consideration; contrary; cor; coronation; cotton; councell; court; covenant; crown; cum; curse; cut; cypr; danger; david; day; defence; deo; desire; difference; distinct; distinction; divine; doctrine; dominions; doth; dutie; duty; ecclesiasticall; edward; eliz; endeavour; enemies; england; english; epaphroditus; episcopacy; equall; equity; error; estates; evident; exod; experience; extirpation; eye; fall; false; fathers; fault; fear; fellow; fit; force; forfeiture; foundation; free; g. p.; gen; generall; geree; gift; glory; god; gods; good; good king; gospel; government; governors; grant; great; greater; grounds; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; henry; high; higher; hist; holden; holy; honour; hope; house; i. g.; immunities; incongruous; inconvenient; indulged; ingaged; ingagement; inheritance; injurie; injurious; institution; intention; interest; israel; jesus; judgement; jure; jurisdiction; justice; justifie; king; kingdom; laity; lands; large; law; lawfull; laws; lay; league; learned; leave; legall; levit; lex; liberties; liberty; life; light; like; litleton; little; lives; loc; london; long; lord; luk; mag; magna; maintaine; maintenance; majestie; major; man; manifest; manner; masters; mat; meaning; means; meet; members; ministers; minor; moses; multitude; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; needs; new; non; note; notice; num; oath; obedience; observe; office; officers; onely; opinion; ordain; order; orderly; ordinance; ordinary; ordination; parliament; parochiall; particular; passe; pastors; paul; peers; people; perchance; performe; persons; perswade; petition; place; plain; pleasure; popery; posterity; potest; power; preaching; preists; prejudiciall; prelacy; prelates; presbyteriall; presbyters; present; pretence; priesthood; priests; princes; private; priviledges; profession; proposition; protect; protection; psal; publick; pulpit; purpose; question; qui; quia; quod; realm; reason; regular; religion; religious; resolution; rest; return; revenues; rex; rights; rob; rom; root; royall; ruine; rule; sacraments; sacred; sacriledge; safe; said; saith; sake; saviour; scotland; scripture; second; sect; self; selves; sense; service; set; severall; shew; sin; sinne; sir; sit; society; solemne; soveraign; speak; spirituall; state; statute; subjection; subjects; suffer; supremacies; supremacy; supreme; sure; sworne; tcp; tels; temporall; terrae; text; thee; thes; things; thou; time; timothy; title; titus; true; trust; truth; turn; unjust; unlawfull; unlesse; usurpation; utmost; valid; viii; void; vote; want; way; wealth; westminster; whatsoever; wise; word; work; worth; writ; wrong; yea; yeeld; ● e; ● t; ● u; ● y; ● ● cache: A28864.xml plain text: A28864.txt item: #6 of 68 id: A29130 author: Bradshaw, Ellis. title: An husbandmans harrow to pull down the ridges of the presbyteriall government and to smooth, a little, the independent ... containing divers new and unanswerable arguments ... / written by Ellis Bradshavv ... date: 1649 words: 43132 flesch: 65 summary: And secondly , a speaking to the heart , and to the souls and consciences of men ; discovring their very thoughts , and councels : And approving themselves , to every mans conscience in the sight of God. All which bondage , is a great infringement to our Christian Liberty , in them that do it , and ought not to be approved nor assented to , by any that desires to keep a good conscience voyd of offence , both to God and man. keywords: aaron; able; account; act; acts; administer; answer; apostle; arguments; authority; baptism; beleeve; beleevers; better; blessed; blessing; body; brethren; business; case; censure; chap; charity; chief; children; christ; christian; church; churches; civil; clear; comfort; congregation; conscience; contrary; cor; days; deal; decrees; despise; discipline; doctrine; doe; doth; doubtless; duty; edification; edifying; elders; elect; end; evidence; evident; evil; exhortation; faith; faithful; general; ghost; gifts; glory; god; good; government; grace; great; greater; grounds; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hold; holy; hope; independents; jesus; john; judgment; kingdom; law; lawful; learned; liberty; life; light; like; little; lord; love; man; manifest; manifestation; mat; means; measure; members; men; ministers; need; object; officers; onely; ordinances; pag; particular; people; pet; peter; place; power; presbyterians; present; priests; primitive; principles; profession; proper; publike; publique; purpose; reason; repentance; respect; rest; rom; rule; sacrament; sacred; said; scripture; self; selves; service; sins; sons; souls; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; stand; strength; stricter; tabernacle; tcp; text; things; time; tongues; true; truth; unlearned; unto; use; vers; vote; way; ways; wisdom; wise; wit; word; yea; years cache: A29130.xml plain text: A29130.txt item: #7 of 68 id: A30396 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: Observations on the first and second of the canons, commonly ascribed to the holy apostles wherein an account of the primitive constitution and government of churches, is contained : drawn from ancient and acknowledged writings. date: 1673 words: 28865 flesch: 65 summary: And Balsamon in his Sholion , makes them one with the Catechists , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and on the Canon of Laodicea , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . But as this Canon is read ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) by some , so they seem to have added to it , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; so that the meaning of it is , that the Presbyters of the City might do nothing without the Bishop's Warrant and Licence in writing : keywords: account; action; acts; age; alexandria; altar; ambrose; ancient; anointing; antioch; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; apud; areopagite; atque; augustin; autem; authoritate; authority; balsamon; baptism; basil; benedictionem; betwixt; bishop; blessing; books; calls; canon; cap; caput; care; carthage; century; ceremony; certain; chair; chalcedon; characters; charge; chief; children; choice; chorepiscopi; chrisma; chrismate; christian; chrysostom; church; churches; churchmen; chuse; cities; city; civitatis; clear; clemens; clergy; common; conc; confirmation; consent; consilio; constantinople; constitute; constitution; contrary; corinth; council; country; course; cross; cum; custom; cyprian; damasus; day; deaconesses; deacons; deal; death; decreed; degree; dei; design; desire; diaconi; diaconus; difference; diodorus; dionysius; disciples; discipline; disorders; distinct; divers; divine; doth; early; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; ecclesiâ; edition; eebo; ejus; elections; elements; emperor; end; english; enim; eos; episcopacy; episcopi; episcoporum; episcopus; epist; epistle; esse; est; etiam; eucharist; eum; euseb; eusebius; exorcists; extraordinary; father; fit; form; fourth; general; ghost; gives; gloss; god; good; gospel; government; great; greek; ground; hands; hath; head; heresie; hereticks; hilary; hist; hoc; holy; ierome; iews; ignatius; imposition; infer; inferiour; instances; jam; laodicea; latin; law; laying; lector; left; length; lib; life; like; limited; linus; little; long; manum; mark; matter; mention; miletus; minister; nam; names; nature; nazianzen; nec; necessary; nectarius; neocesarea; new; nice; nihil; nisi; nobis; nos; nov; number; nunc; observations; office; oil; old; omnes; omnia; opinion; orat; ordained; ordaining; order; ordination; ordinatur; ordo; oxford; particular; paul; people; persecution; person; peter; places; polycarp; poor; popular; power; practice; prayer; presbyterorum; presbyters; presence; present; priest; primitive; probable; provincial; publick; quae; quam; quem; qui; quia; quidem; quod; quum; reading; reason; receiving; religion; rest; rite; romanus; rome; rules; sacerdotio; sacred; saith; scandal; schism; scripture; second; secular; sed; sense; service; set; shews; sibi; sic; sicut; sine; solemn; souls; speaking; spiritus; stile; successors; sunt; super; synagogue; synod; tamen; tcp; tei; temple; term; tertullian; testament; text; theodoret; thing; tho; time; title; tract; true; ubi; unus; vacant; vel; vero; villages; virgins; warrant; way; women; words; work; world; worship; worthy; writers; writing; years cache: A30396.xml plain text: A30396.txt item: #8 of 68 id: A30625 author: Burscough, Robert, 1651-1709. title: A treatise of church-government occasion'd by some letters lately printed concerning the same subject / by Robert Burscough ... date: 1692 words: 67443 flesch: 73 summary: Illud 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cum Emphasi proferendum . (e) Hebdomadicam hanc 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fuisse probahile est . keywords: absurd; account; acquaints; acts; administration; admonition; advanced; advantage; affairs; affirm; ages; alexandria; ancient; angels; answer; apolog; apostles; apostolical; apostolis; apostolorum; appear'd; appointment; apud; argument; assurance; authority; barnabas; best; better; bishops; blondel; body; books; brethren; brother; c. 2; canon; care; catalogues; cause; censures; century; certain; chap; character; charge; chief; christ; christian; christianity; chrysostom; church; churches; circumstances; city; civil; clear; clemens; clergy; cod; coming; command; comment; commission; committed; common; communion; conceit; concern'd; condition; confirm'd; consider'd; continuance; contrary; controversie; convey'd; cor; corinth; council; country; credit; crete; cyprian; danger; days; deacons; death; decease; declares; demand; design; design'd; different; dignity; dioceses; disciples; discipline; discourse; dissenters; distinct; distinguish'd; divine; doctrine; doubt; doubtless; duty; early; earth; easie; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edit; egypt; elders; eminence; emperor; employ'd; end; england; english; enim; enquiry; epaphroditus; ephesus; epiphanius; episcopacy; episcopi; episcopus; epistle; equals; est; euseb; eusebius; evangelist; example; excellent; exception; exercis'd; exercise; exposition; expression; external; extraordinary; faith; false; farther; fathers; fellow; fit; flourish'd; following; form; foundation; founder; free; function; general; gentiles; glory; god; good; gospel; govern'd; government; governours; grant; great; greater; grounds; haeres; hands; hath; heaven; hieron; high; history; holy; honour; ibid; improbable; instance; institution; intimates; irenaeus; james; jerom; jerusalem; jewish; jews; john; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; large; law; laws; lay; learned; leave; left; letters; lib; liberty; life; like; limited; little; long; lord; magistrate; man; manifest; manner; marg; matter; matth; mean; meaning; meer; mention'd; mere; mind; ministers; miracles; miraculous; monks; nations; nature; necessary; need; neque; new; non; notice; number; obedience; objections; observes; occasion; office; officers; old; opinion; ordain'd; order; ordination; original; particular; parts; passage; pastors; paul; peculiar; people; perform'd; period; person; personal; peter; philippians; place; plain; polity; power; preaching; prelacy; prelates; presbyterian; presbyters; present; preserv'd; presidents; priests; primitive; princes; principles; promise; prudential; publick; purpose; quae; qualified; question; qui; quod; rais'd; reason; regard; related; relation; religion; remain'd; respect; rest; right; roman; rome; rule; rulers; ruling; s. paul; saviour; scotland; scripture; second; sect; secular; sed; self; sense; sentence; serapis; service; set; shew; signs; single; sir; spiritual; state; strange; subject; subordinate; succession; successors; sufficient; sunt; superiors; support; suppos'd; supreme; tcp; temporal; temporary; tertullian; testimony; text; theodoret; thing; thought; time; timothy; title; titus; treatise; true; truth; us'd; useful; vid; vindication; want; way; willing; words; work; world; writers; writings; years cache: A30625.xml plain text: A30625.txt item: #9 of 68 id: A30632 author: Burthogge, Richard, 1638?-ca. 1700. title: The nature of church-government freely discussed and set out in three letters. date: 1691 words: 31267 flesch: 48 summary: First then the Apostles instituted a Senate , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , a College of Presbyters in every Church , to Feed and Govern it ; and this is evident from Acts 14. 23 , 25. where Paul and Barnabas are said not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , in the Churches but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , — in every Church to have ordained Elders ; a College of Elders , not a single Elder or Bishop . Igitur ( saith Scaliger ) codem ordine & gradu Patriarchs , quo & Vicarius praefectus , Imperatoris , uterque enim Diaecosios est 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , ut Canones loquintur , ille 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; And ( says Barlaam , and indeed the whole Greek Church ) the Deference and Respect that was rendred to the See of Rome , by the Fathers , was so , in this regard ( and only in this , ) because that City was the principal Seat of the Empire . keywords: account; acknowledge; acts; ancient; angels; apostles; apostleship; apostolical; argument; assembly; authority; barnabas; bishop; bishoprick; body; brethren; business; care; catholick; cause; censure; certain; chief; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; cities; city; civil; clement; clergy; college; commission; common; congregational; constituted; cor; corinth; councils; crete; cyprian; deacons; denomination; diocesan; diocess; direction; discipline; distinction; divided; doctrin; doth; early; ecclesiastical; eebo; elders; election; empire; end; england; english; ephesus; episcopacy; epistle; evangelist; evidence; evident; expression; external; extraordinary; fathers; fine; form; founders; general; ghost; god; good; government; great; greater; hands; hath; hierarchy; high; holy; iames; ierusalem; incestuous; instance; institution; jewish; jews; judgment; jurisdiction; kind; king; kingdom; large; law; laws; letter; like; little; lord; making; manner; matters; ministers; national; nature; new; number; obliged; occasion; officers; old; ordain; orders; ordination; original; particular; pastors; paul; peculiar; people; persons; peter; place; plain; popular; power; practice; preaching; prelates; presbyters; present; president; priest; primitive; provinces; purpose; qui; reason; reference; religion; respect; roman; rome; rule; saith; satan; scripture; second; secular; self; senate; sense; separate; set; single; society; spirit; spiritual; standing; state; successors; suffrage; synod; tabernacle; tcp; testimony; text; things; time; timothy; title; titus; true; truth; use; verse; way; wit; word; work; worthy; ● ● cache: A30632.xml plain text: A30632.txt item: #10 of 68 id: A30650 author: Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. title: A vindicaton of churches, commonly called Independent, or, A briefe answer to two books the one, intituled, Twelve considerable serious questions, touching church-government, the other, Independency examined, unmasked, refuted, &c. : both lately published by William Prinne ... / Henry Burton ... date: 1644 words: 31332 flesch: 68 summary: Nay may wee not herein plead for our selves , that in all things we indeavou● to conforme ou● selves wholly to the law of Christ● and if many thing we off●nd ju●●ly any just law o●●h● l●n● , wee re●u●e not to suffer . And what is it ? Wee doe , ( say you d●●m our selves too transcendently hol● s●●stified and religious a●ov●o he●s ; that we esteem them altogether unworthy of yea who●● exclude them from our Communion & ourch-society , as Publicans , heathens , or p●of●ne ●ersons ( though perhaps as good , or better then our selvs ) unlesse they will submit to their Church-covenants , & government , ref●sing ●l true brotherly familiarity ▪ society with them . keywords: abraham; act; acts; ages; answer; apostles; argument; arrogancy; assembly; assumption; authority; baptisme; bee; best; better; binding; bishops; body; book; brethren; brother; calling; canons; case; censure; ceremonies; charge; christ; christian; christs church; church; churches; civill; civill government; common; communion; conclusion; confesse; congregations; conscience; consonant; contrary; councels; counsell; covenant; customes; david; day; decrees; desire; difference; discipline; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; ecclesiasticall; elders; england; english; equall; example; extraordinary; faith; forme; fourth; free; generall; ghost; giver; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; greater; ground; hath; head; hearts; hee; henry; heresies; high; himselfe; hold; holy; honour; house; humane; independent; infallibility; infants; interrogatory; jesus; jewes; judge; judgement; jurisdiction; king; kingdome; kingly; law; lawes; lawfull; leave; lesse; liberty; like; long; lord; love; magistrate; manners; mans; matters; members; mens; ministers; moses; nationall; nationall church; nations; necessary; needs; new; non; object; office; officers; old; onely; order; ordinances; owne; parents; parishes; parliament; particular; particular church; patterne; paul; people; persons; place; pleased; point; power; preaching; prelates; presbyteriall; present; priests; princes; professe; prophet; proposition; provinciall; prynne; question; realme; reason; reformation; religion; rest; right; rites; roman; rome; rule; saints; schisme; scripture; second; sect; selfe; selves; set; setting; severall; shew; shewed; solid; spirit; spirituall; state; strict; subject; submit; sufficient; summe; sutable; synod; temple; testament; text; thereof; things; thou; time; title; true; truth; unlesse; variation; voyce; warrant; way; wee; whatsoever; word; worship; yea; ● ● cache: A30650.xml plain text: A30650.txt item: #11 of 68 id: A31419 author: Cave, William, 1637-1713. title: A dissertation concerning the government of the ancient church by bishops, metropolitans, and patriarchs more particularly concerning the ancient power and jurisdiction of the bishops of Rome and the encroachments of that upon other sees, especially the See of Constantinople / by William Cave ... date: 1683 words: 49974 flesch: 71 summary: yet that all the Bishops of the Province should acknowledge the Metropolitan , and attempt nothing of moment without his knowledge and consent ; which they there enact , not as any Novel constitution , but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as they tell us , according to a most ancient Rule and Canon , that had been in force from the times of their fore-fathers . l. 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 854. keywords: acacius; account; act; acts; administration; advantages; affairs; african; africk; ages; alexandria; allow'd; ambition; ancient; ancient church; ann; answer; antioch; antiquity; apostles; apostolick; appeals; aquileia; argument; arles; assistance; austin; authority; baronius; belong'd; bishop; bishopricks; boniface; books; bounds; brethren; briefly; burnet; business; c. p.; caesarea; call'd; canon; care; carthage; case; catholick; causes; cave; certain; chalcedon; chap; chief; christian; christian church; christianity; church; churches; cities; city; civil; claim; clergy; col; command; common; communion; conc; conferr'd; confirm'd; confirmation; consent; constantine; constantinople; constitution; continued; contrary; controversie; council; countries; country; custome; cyprian; damasus; days; death; decrees; depos'd; design; determin'd; determination; dignity; diocess; discourse; divine; dominion; doubt; early; eastern; ecclesiastick; egypt; election; eminent; emperour; empire; england; english; ephesus; episcopal; epist; epistle; equal; evident; exercise; extent; extraordinary; faith; fathers; fol; foreign; foundation; fourth; france; general; god; good; government; governours; great; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; gregory; hard; head; heaven; history; holy; honour; honourable; ibid; iii; imperial; important; inferiour; instances; italy; jerusalem; john; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; kind; king; large; late; laws; learned; legates; leo; letter; lib; libya; life; like; limits; little; long; lord; manner; matter; mention'd; metropolis; metropolitan; metropolitical; mighty; milan; miles; nay; necessary; new; nicene; notice; notitia; number; occasion; oecumenical; old; opposition; ordain'd; order; ordination; original; own'd; page; papal; particular; parts; pass'd; passage; patriarch; patriarchate; paul; peculiar; people; persons; peter; place; plain; point; pontica; pope; power; practice; praefect; precedency; prelate; present; pretended; pride; primacy; primitive; private; priviledges; proceedings; proper; proud; provinces; provincial; provincial bishops; provost; purpose; reader; reason; receive; records; regions; religion; reputation; respect; rest; rights; rise; roman; roman bishop; roman church; rome; rufinus; seat; second; sees; self; sence; sentence; sermon; set; short; sir; sixth; state; styl'd; subject; suburbicary; superiority; supremacy; synod; tcp; text; things; think; time; title; true; truth; ubi; universal; use; usurpation; vain; vid; vii; viii; way; west; western; whereof; william; words; world; writers; writing; years; zosimus cache: A31419.xml plain text: A31419.txt item: #12 of 68 id: A32820 author: Chidley, Katherine. title: The ivstification of the independant chvrches of Christ being an answer to Mr. Edvvards his booke, which hee hath written against the government of Christ's chvrch and toleration of Christs, publike worship : briefely declaring that the congregations of the saints ought not to have dependancie in government upon any other : or direction in worship from any other than Christ their head and lavv-giver / by Katherine Chidley. date: 1641 words: 40528 flesch: 62 summary: Further you adde , that if upon petition to the Parliament , the Papists should have the Statutes repealed , which injoyne them to come to your Church , yet say you , the granting the Papists a publike toleration , for their Religion , would be quite another thing , in as much as you say though the Papists were the first in p●t●tioning for the former , yet they move not for the latter . Afterward when the world was grown mightier than the Church againe , then Abraham was called out of Vr of the Caldeans ▪ both from his country and from his kindred , and from his fathers house g ( because they were Idolat●rs ) to ●●●ship God in Canaan . keywords: able; acts; adde; answer; apostles; appeares; authority; beleeve; better; betweene; bodies; body; booke; brethren; brother; calvin; cast; cause; ceremonies; children; christ; church; churches; common; communion; conceive; confesse; congregations; conscience; contrary; cor; counsell; day; dependancie; desire; discipline; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; edwards; elders; england; evill; faith; false; family; farre; father; feare; fellowship; following; forme; free; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; government; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hath; hee; helpe; himselfe; hold; holy; hope; house; ierusalem; ignorant; indeede; independant; jesus; jewes; judgement; keepe; kingdome; kings; knowledge; labour; law; lawes; lawfull; leave; liberty; light; like; little; long; lords; magistrate; man; matter; matth; meane; members; men; minde; ministers; ministry; moses; neede; new; officers; onely; order; ordinances; ordination; owne; pag; parliament; particular; paul; peace; people; persons; plaine; poore; power; practise; prayers; priests; principles; professors; prophets; proved; publike; question; reade; reason; reformation; religion; rest; rev; rome; rule; said; saints; scripture; second; seeme; selfe; separate; separation; set; sinne; speake; spirit; stand; synods; text; thing; time; toleration; true; truth; verse; want; way; word; worke; worship; ● ● cache: A32820.xml plain text: A32820.txt item: #13 of 68 id: A32851 author: Chillingworth, William, 1602-1644. title: The apostolical institution of episcopacy demonstrated by Will. Chillingworth ... date: 1664 words: 2681 flesch: 65 summary: EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( That this Government was received universally in the Church , either in the Apostles time , or presently after , is so evident and unquestionable , that the most learned adversaries of this Government do themselves confess it . keywords: apostles; apostolical; books; change; characters; chillingworth; christ; church; churches; early; eebo; encoding; english; episcopacy; general; government; great; images; institution; law; online; oxford; partnership; phase; presbyters; sect; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; universal; works; world; xml cache: A32851.xml plain text: A32851.txt item: #14 of 68 id: A32888 author: Northbrooke, John. Spiritvs est vicarius Christi in terra. title: A Christian beleefe concerning bishops date: 1641 words: 1132 flesch: 85 summary: A Christian beleefe concerning bishops This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A32888 of text R33290 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C3940). 107 F The rate of 107 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the F category of texts with 100 or more defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a32888; acts; beleefe; bishops; books; c3940; christian; church; early; english; god; john; rom; text; tim; wing cache: A32888.xml plain text: A32888.txt item: #15 of 68 id: A34501 author: Bridge, William, 1600?-1670. title: A Copy of a remonstrance lately delivered in to the assembly by Thomas Goodwin, Ierem. Burroughs, William Greenhill, William Bridge, Philip Nie, Sidrach Simson, and William Carter declaring the grounds and reasons of their declining to bring into the assembly their modell of church-government. date: 1645 words: 2957 flesch: 55 summary: no A copy of a remonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly. Declaring the Grounds and Reasons of their declining to bring in to the Assembly , their Modell of Church-Government . keywords: assembly; bridge; burroughs; church; committee; debate; dispute; english; frame; goodwin; government; greenhill; grounds; honorable; houses; judgements; modell; philip; present; reasons; remonstrance; reverend; text; thomas; time; william cache: A34501.xml plain text: A34501.txt item: #16 of 68 id: A37635 author: Eaton, Samuel, 1596?-1665. title: A just apologie for the church of Duckenfield in Cheshire against certain slanderous reports received by Mr. Edwards his overmuch credulite of what may tend to the reproach of those that differ from himselfe in judgement (though but concerning matters meerly of externall order, and things of inferior ally to the substantiall doctrines of faith, and manners) rashly and without further examination of the truth of them, (together with an overplus of his own censures, and uncharitable animadversions) divulged by himselfe in a !--- book of his, intituled, The third part of Gangræna / by Samuel Eaton, teacher & Timothy Taylor, pastour of the Church of God at Duckerfeild ; whereunto also is annexed a letter of a godly minister, Mr. Henry Rootes ... in vindication of himselfe against a sinister and dangerous (yet false and groundlesse) insinuation, contained in the copie of a letter out of Yorkshire, sent unto the aforesaid Mr. Edwards, and by him published to the kingdome. date: 1647 words: 10335 flesch: 59 summary: A just apologie for the church of Duckenfield in Cheshire against certain slanderous reports received by Mr. Edwards his overmuch credulite of what may tend to the reproach of those that differ from himselfe in judgement (though but concerning matters meerly of externall order, and things of inferior ally to the substantiall doctrines of faith, and manners) rashly and without further examination of the truth of them, (together with an overplus of his own censures, and uncharitable animadversions) divulged by himselfe in a !--- book of his, intituled, The third part of Gangræna / by Samuel Eaton, teacher & Timothy Taylor, pastour of the Church of God at Duckerfeild ; whereunto also is annexed a letter of a godly minister, Mr. Henry Rootes ... in vindication of himselfe against a sinister and dangerous (yet false and groundlesse) insinuation, contained in the copie of a letter out of Yorkshire, sent unto the aforesaid Mr. Edwards, and by him published to the kingdome. A just apologie for the church of Duckenfield in Cheshire against certain slanderous reports received by Mr. Edwards his overmuch credulite of what may tend to the reproach of those that differ from himselfe in judgement (though but concerning matters meerly of externall order, and things of inferior ally to the substantiall doctrines of faith, and manners) rashly and without further examination of the truth of them, (together with an overplus of his own censures, and uncharitable animadversions) divulged by himselfe in a !--- book of his, intituled, The third part of Gangræna / by Samuel Eaton, teacher & Timothy Taylor, pastour of the Church of God at Duckerfeild ; whereunto also is annexed a letter of a godly minister, Mr. Henry Rootes ... in vindication of himselfe against a sinister and dangerous (yet false and groundlesse) insinuation, contained in the copie of a letter out of Yorkshire, sent unto the aforesaid Mr. Edwards, and by him published to the kingdome. keywords: accounts; accusation; agents; answer; apologie; apostle; brethren; businesse; cause; chappell; charge; cheshire; church; committee; copie; day; deacon; declaration; designe; desire; doe; duckenfeild; eare; eaton; edwards; elder; examination; eye; face; false; gentlemen; god; godly; good; great; hath; heard; hearing; henry; himselfe; innocency; john; judgement; kingdome; lancashire; letter; man; manchester; matter; meeting; men; minister; noyse; owen; pag; parliament; parts; persons; place; preaching; presbyterians; reader; relation; reports; samuel; satisfaction; slanderous; smith; state; taylor; text; things; thomas; time; truth; way; wee; william; witnesse; words; yorkshire cache: A37635.xml plain text: A37635.txt item: #17 of 68 id: A39224 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: Communion of churches, or, The divine management of gospel-churches by the ordinance of councils constituted in order according to the Scriptures as also the way of bringing all Christian parishes to be particular Reforming Congregationall Churches, humbly proposed as ... a means of uniting those two holy and eminent parties the Presbyterians and the Congregationals ... / written by John Eliot. date: 1665 words: 16488 flesch: 64 summary: Our Pattern is , that Great Council , Acts 15. which consisted of two Churches , in an ordinary way expresly agreed , to give and take counsel : and it is le●… as a Standard and Pattern , ●…ow the great Ordinance of Counsel is to be used and managed for the well-being of Churches , to the worlds end . II. They continu●…ct stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine , and sellowship , and in breaking of bread , and in prayers . keywords: able; acts; affaires; apostles; appeal; blessing; care; carry; case; christ; christian; churches; chuse; civil; communion; compleat; concerned; consent; constitution; cor; councils; counsel; day; divine; doth; earth; ecclesiastical; elders; election; eminent; end; foundation; glory; god; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; hath; help; holiness; holy; ierusalem; iii; jesus; liberty; light; like; lord; management; manner; matter; meet; meeting; messengers; moderator; national; national council; nations; need; new; notaries; number; oecumenical; order; ordinance; ordinary; particular; parties; paul; people; persons; place; point; power; prayers; present; provincial; provincial councils; publick; questions; record; religion; representatives; represented; rev; ruling; service; stated; tcp; teaching; text; things; time; visible; way; work; world; yea cache: A39224.xml plain text: A39224.txt item: #18 of 68 id: A39282 author: Ellis, John, 1606?-1681. title: Vindiciæ catholicæ, or, The rights of particular churches rescued and asserted against that meer (but dangerous) notion of one catholick, visible, governing church ... wherein by Scripture, reason, antiquity, and later writers, first, the novelty, peril, scandal, and untruth of this tenet are cleerly demonstrated, secondly, all the arguments for it, produced by the Rev. Apollonius, M. Hudson, M. Noyes, the London ministers, and others, are examined and dissolved ... / by John Ellis, Jun. date: 1647 words: 37716 flesch: 66 summary: non Arist●●ratia , sed regnum ▪ See this Argu● . urged for the power of the Magistrate in Church affairs fully answered by Trigland . de Civil . & Eccles. potestat . cap. 12. Whether the whole company of Christians on earth , are in their ordinary and setled Church constitution , so one entire single Common-wealth , Corporation and Congregation , as that of Right , and by the will and appointment of Iesus Christ , it is the first subject of all Church power : by authority whereof , and commission from which all particular Churches act , and to the determinations of the major part whereof , they are to yeeld obedience ( if not apparently contrary to the Word ) and the Catholick governing power whereof , resides immediately as in its proper subject under Christ , onely in the Ministers and Elders ; and they not taken severally , but joyntly as one entire Colledge or Presbyterie : to whose charge severally and joyntly , the whole and every particular Church is committed &c , or more briefly : Whether the whole be one Corporation , whereof the Elders joyntly are Governors ; and the members gouerned . CHAP. keywords: absolute; accident; act; acts; answ; answer; apollonius; apostles; appear; argument; assembly; association; authority; authors; baptisme; bee; beleevers; better; betwixt; bishops; bodies; body; brethren; cap; catholick church; catholick visible; catholicke; cause; certain; chap; christ; christians; church; church government; church power; churches; common; communion; company; congregation; consent; consequence; contrary; corporation; councel; councells; dangerous; dependence; discipline; distinct; divines; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; eccles; ecclesiasticall; elders; end; england; english; entire; eph; essence; excommunication; families; family; forme; fourth; free; generall; gifts; god; good; governing; government; grant; great; greater; ground; hath; having; head; heap; heaven; hee; house; hudson; instance; institution; invisible; jerusalem; jewish church; jews; john; judgement; jurisdiction; kinde; kingdome; kings; lawes; liberty; like; london; lord; major; mankinde; matth; meet; meeting; members; ministers; mutuall; mystical; nations; nature; necessary; new; non; notion; noyes; number; object; objection; occasion; officers; onely; onenesse; opinion; order; ordinary; outward; owne; page; papists; parliament; particular church; particulars; parts; paul; persons; peter; place; point; pope; power; practise; presbyterie; priviledges; profession; professors; protestant; question; reason; regard; relation; representative; respect; rest; reverend; right; roman; rome; rule; saith; scotland; scripture; second; sect; self; sence; set; severall; shewed; similar; single; society; spirit; state; stones; subject; substance; sufficient; synods; tenet; text; things; time; true; truth; union; united; unitie; unity; universal church; universall; unlesse; vertue; visible body; visible church; visible corporation; visibly; viz; voluntary; way; wealth; wee; whereof; words; world; yea; ● ● cache: A39282.xml plain text: A39282.txt item: #19 of 68 id: A42163 author: Grimston, Harbottle, Sir, 1603-1685. title: Master Grimstons argvment concerning bishops with Mr. Seldens answer also severall orders newly made in Parliament concerning chvrch government. date: 1641 words: 1179 flesch: 70 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A42163 of text R23474 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing G2028). Also severall orders newly made in Parliament concerning church gover Grimston, Harbottle, Sir 1641 869 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 C The rate of 12 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: answer; bee; bishops; church; diocesse; divino; english; government; grimstons; master; orders; parliament; presbitry; question; seldens; severall; text cache: A42163.xml plain text: A42163.txt item: #20 of 68 id: A42763 author: Gillespie, George, 1613-1648. title: CXI propositions concerning the ministerie and government of the Church date: 1647 words: 15667 flesch: 52 summary: So that the Magistrate calleth together Synodes , not as touching those things which are proper to Synodes ; but in respect of the things which are common to Synodes with other meetings and civill publike Assemblies , that is , not as they are Assemblies in the name of Christ , to treat of matters spirituall , but as they are publike Assemblies within his territories ; for to the end that publike conventions may bee kept in any territorie , the licence of the Lord of that place ought to be desired . So also the Magistrate abusing his power unto tyranny , and making havock of all , t is lawfull to resist him by some extraordinary wayes and meanes , which are not ordinarily to bee allowed . 85. keywords: administration; assemblies; assembly; authority; bee; book; care; cause; censure; chap; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; civill magistrate; civill power; common; commonwealth; communion; condition; confession; conscience; controversies; cxi; discipline; distinct; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; ecclesiasticall; ecclesiasticall discipline; ecclesiasticall power; end; excommunication; externall; faith; faithfull; free; generall; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; grace; great; greatest; hath; hee; holy; jesus; judgement; kirk; law; lawes; lawfull; lesse; liberty; life; like; lord; magistrate; manner; matters; members; ministers; nationall; nature; necessary; new; non; object; office; onely; order; ordinances; outward; owne; particular; people; persons; place; power; proper; propositions; publike; reason; received; religion; repentance; respect; right; roman; rule; sacraments; self; set; sinne; society; soul; speciall; spirituall; subjects; supper; synode; temple; text; things; times; true; universall; use; way; wicked; word; yea cache: A42763.xml plain text: A42763.txt item: #21 of 68 id: A42767 author: Gillespie, George, 1613-1648. title: A sermon preached before the right honourable the House of Lords in the Abbey Church at Westminster, upon the 27th of August, 1645 being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation : whereunto is added a brotherly examination of some passages of Mr. Colemans late printed sermon upon Job 11.20, in which he hath endeavoured to strike at the root of all church-government / by George Gillespie, minister at Edenburgh. date: 1646 words: 21707 flesch: 75 summary: The Directory which you have lately established saith , The ignorant and the sca●d●lous are not fi● to receive this Sacrament of the Lords Supper : and therefore Ministers are appointed to warn all such in the name of Christ , that they presume not to come to that holy Table . From this word had the Prophets the name of Seers , 1 S●m . keywords: answer; apostle; appearing; application; argument; authority; better; blood; body; brother; cap; children; christ; christian; church; churches; civil; clean; cometh; coming; conscience; cor; covenant; day; death; desire; displeasing; divine; doctrine; doth; drosse; earth; easie; english; est; eye; face; fall; father; fire; flesh; fullers; gillespie; glory; god; gods; gold; good; gospel; government; great; ground; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; holy; honourable; house; humiliation; isa; jerusalem; jesus; jesus christ; jews; judgement; kingdom; land; late; law; leave; levi; liberty; life; like; lord; magistrate; manner; mans; mark; matth; meaning; mediator; mens; mercy; ministers; mortification; nature; nay; non; office; officers; old; onely; parliament; people; persons; place; power; present; promise; prophet; psal; reference; refined; refiners; refining; reformation; reign; religion; reverend; right; roman; rule; said; saith; scandalous; scotland; scripture; second; self; selves; sermon; set; silver; sin; sons; sope; soul; speaketh; spirit; spirituall; table; temple; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tribulation; truth; turn; vers; water; way; wicked; wise; word; work; yea; yoke; zion; ● ● cache: A42767.xml plain text: A42767.txt item: #22 of 68 id: A45430 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Of the power of the keyes, or, Of binding and loosing date: 1651 words: 72307 flesch: 49 summary: What those means are which might most effectually tend to the amending the lives of Christians , I shal need no farther to interpose my judgement , then 1. by submitting it to Christs , who put the Keyes into the Apostles hands , on purpose as a means to exemplifie the end of his coming , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Mat. 18.11 . to save that which was lost , not to usurpe authority over the temporal power or sword , and like an apoplectick palsie-●it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , to invade , or smite , or dissolve the sinews of civil government or peace , ( t is a most sacred truth , that the spiritual hand hath no manner of jurisdiction , nor was ever believed to have for the first 1100 years , over Princes in their temporals ; and the composition of the Anglican Church most perfectly , I had almost said , peculiarly acknowledges it ) nor again to give an office of splendor or grandeur to the Clergie , an authority valuable onely from the ability of hurting others , or magnifying our selves over them , ( which where it is pretended to , is indeed somewhat of the making of the heathen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , that lorded it over Gods heritage , served themselves , either their purses , or their ambitions , or their passions out of the subjects under them ) but as Christ saith , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , to administer charitably to them in the matters of the highest alloy , the divinest , valuablest charity of not suffering sin upon the brother , Levit. 19. And 2. by minding my self and others , what the Apostles say of this power , that it was given them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , to build up the Church of Christ by it in general , and in particular 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , to discipline them , whom no fairer means would work on , and teach them not to blaspheme in words or actions , to work them off from all lees of speculative , but especially of practical Atheisme . That these are the [ not weak or carnal weapons of the Churches warfare , but mighty to bring down every strong hold ] i. e. the most contumacious , stout , importunate sinner , that doth but acknowledge the truth of the Gospel , I shall anon have leisure to shew you . If this general proposal , ( so pertinaciously decried by our actions ) might once be thought worth the hearing , then sure Christs peculiar way and method of working this cure , would be thought of some use and advantage also ; not lookt on as a meer engine , or artifice of ambitious men , as they cannot be blamed to conceive it , who think it doth any way entrench on those regalities which are placed by God , I most willingly professe to believe , far above the reach of any humane authority , solo Deo minores ; or else suppose it a tyrannizing , or triumphing over the most inferiour offender , ( he that can take any carnal or sensual pleasure in the exercise of those Keyes , in the using that sharp engine of surgery , or ever draw it but in meer necessary charity , ( to edification , and not to destruction ) is one of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sonnes of blood , not fit to be admitted on a common Iury , much lesse advanced to be a spiritual Iudge ) but as a most soveraigne medicinal Recipe , that which hath the inscription of Christ on it ; not as of a Lord , but as a Iesus ; not as a Law-giver , but as a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , a Saviour and a Physitian of souls . keywords: able; absolution; absolving; accommodation; account; acknowledge; act; action; acts; adde; admonition; advantage; affirmation; age; agreeable; alwayes; anathema; answer; answerable; antient; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; approbation; argument; assemblies; authority; band; baptisme; bare; beginning; benefit; best; betwixt; binding; bishop; blessing; blondel; body; book; bound; brother; businesse; buxtorf; call'd; canons; cap; capable; carnal; case; cast; censure; ceremony; certain; change; chap; charity; cherem; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; civil; clear; clemens; cognizance; comfort; commerce; common; communion; company; conceive; conclusion; condition; confesse; confession; confirmation; congregation; conscience; consent; consequent; consideration; context; continued; contrary; controversie; cor; court; crime; cum; cure; custome; danger; dayes; deacons; death; declaring; degree; delivering; denote; design; desire; devils; difference; difficulty; dignity; direct; disciples; discipline; discourse; diseases; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; divine; doctrine; donation; doth; doubt; duty; earth; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edition; eebo; effect; end; english; episcopacy; episcopi; episcopus; epistles; est; evil; example; excision; exclusion; excommunication; exercise; expresse; exprest; fact; faculty; farther; fathers; fault; find; fit; follow; forbidding; force; forgive; fourth; friends; future; general; gentiles; ghost; giving; god; gods; good; gospel; governing; government; governors; grace; great; greater; greek; ground; hands; hath; heads; hearing; heathen; heaven; hebrew; help; high; holy; honour; hope; i. e.; ignatius; importance; imposition; inflictions; inscription; institution; interpretation; jesus; jewish; jews; joh; john; judge; judgement; judging; keyes; kind; kingdome; known; large; law; lawfull; laws; lay; learned; leave; left; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; long; loose; loosing; lord; love; luk; magistrate; making; man; manifest; manner; mark; martyr; matter; matth; meaning; means; men; mention; mention'd; mercy; method; minister; mistake; moses; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; niddui; non; notes; notion; notorious; number; obedience; observable; observation; occasion; offenders; offer; office; oft; old; omnibus; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; ordination; parallel; pardon; particular; parts; passage; patience; paul; peculiarly; penitent; people; person; peter; phrase; place; plain; point; possible; power; practise; prayers; preaching; precedent; preparative; presbyters; presence; present; pretended; priest; private; probable; profession; promise; proof; proper; proved; publican; publick; punishment; purpose; question; qui; quid; quod; rabbins; read; reader; reason; reasonable; received; receiving; refer; reformation; religion; remission; remitting; remotion; repentance; respect; resurrection; retaining; return; rulers; ruling; sacerdos; sacrament; sacred; sacris; saith; salmasius; satan; saying; schammatha; scripture; scruple; second; sect; self; sense; sentence; separation; set; setting; severall; severity; shew; sick; signifies; single; sinners; sins; sit; sive; society; sort; souls; speaking; species; speech; spirit; spiritual; state; stead; stile; strange; strong; subject; successors; sufficient; sunt; supper; supposing; talmudical; talmudists; tcp; teaching; temple; testament; testimony; text; thee; thesis; thing; thought; time; title; trespasse; true; truth; turn; unlawful; unlesse; use; vel; ver; verb; verse; view; visible; viz; want; way; weapons; whatsoever; wil; willing; witnesses; word; work; worthy; writers; writings; years; young cache: A45430.xml plain text: A45430.txt item: #23 of 68 id: A45617 author: Harrington, James, Sir, 1607-1680. title: Noah's dove, or, An epistle of peace directed to his intirely affected brethren, the Presbiterians and Independants as a probable means for their agreement and vnion / from Sir Iames Harington, Knight. date: 1645 words: 3329 flesch: 68 summary: That in all great scisms and heresies , over spreading whole Churches , if the breach cannot be made up by advice , argument , and subordinate discipline either Congregationall or Presbiteriall ; an appeale be made to a Generall Assembly , who after the stating , disputing and voting , such points in difference together with the merrit of the offence ( the recusant Church or Churches , notwithstanding continuing unsatisfied ) that then the Assembly adjourne that sessions for three moneths , in which time , the Assembly , members of each Congregation , to be ordered after fasting and prayer , to state the Question and declare the Arguments and Judgement of the generall Assembly to their particular Churches , and so accordingly at that meeting receive , and bring up each Churches vote and sentence with the number ( because of the disproportion of Parishes ) sum'd up of those that affirme , and those that discent , that so at the next Session the Question may be decided and concluded , by the Major vote , both of Churches and Members which Scripture way will not only by a religious Policy from time to time discover the temper , pulse , & inclination of the whole Kingdome , and consequently administer a great help and direction to Government , but will give full satisfaction to all , ( unlesse to obstinate heritickes ) as being the judgement and vote ( even by the Poale ) of all the visible and individuall Christians of the Kingdome politically united , as in one Congregation , yea the disobedient wil be left without excuse , and justly liable to their sentence of excommunication . But put the Question a considerable number of the Churches in the Kingdome , give in their vote with a new opinion , hazarding a rent and division in the Nation . I answer , that upon so sad an occasion our Church ( in imitation of the ancient callings of Generall Counsels , upon the over flowing of heresie , ) ought to desire the judgement and assistance , and that by additionall votes ( if it may be ) of all the reformed Churches in the world , which comes neerest to the judgement of the holy Catholicke Church , the body of Christ , to which he hath promised his presence , and spirit of truth to the end , and therefore must as to each particular State or Church , though not infallibly , yet prudentially , end and conclude by obedience either active or passive the discenting Churches , whom the civill Magistrate after the Churches excommunication , is to order by banishment or lesser punishment , according as their doctrines , shal be more or lesse prejudiciall to the State , wherein they live . keywords: a45617; acts; agreement; apostles; assembly; books; brethren; christ; churches; congregations; cor; dove; english; epistle; generall; god; great; harrington; hath; independants; james; judgement; kingdome; lord; means; members; new; noah; particular; peace; presbiterians; probable; scripture; sir; spirit; text; time; verse; vote; way; wing cache: A45617.xml plain text: A45617.txt item: #24 of 68 id: A47044 author: Jones, Henry, 1605-1682. title: A sermon preached at the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God Ambrose Lord Bishop of Kildare in Christ-Church, Dublin, June 29, 1667 / by the right reverend father in God, Henry, Lord Bishop of Meath. date: 1667 words: 18862 flesch: 71 summary: l. 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) we find also in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or distribution of Churches by Leo the Emperor , that Ephesus was a Metropolis , having 36 Suffragane Bishops ; k and so is Ephesus to be understood in Acts 20. as Metropolical ; and that meeting of Elders , or Bishops there as Provincial : For it is there called not the Churches , but the Church of Ephesus , Metropolitically ; yet , Elders ( plurally ) implying . If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things , thou shalt be a good ( Deacon ; ) we render it Minister : v so speaks the Apostle of himself , I Paulam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Minister ( Col. 1. 23 & the whole Apostleship is also called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Deaconship , or Ministry w ; and even Jesus Christ himself the great High Priest , is called a Deacon : Jesus Christ was ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) a Minister of the Circumcision ; x or , ministring to those of the Circumcision . keywords: acts; ages; altar; ambrose; ancient; apostles; apostolical; authority; beginning; bishoprick; bishops; body; care; charge; chief; christ; christian; church; churches; city; common; community; confusion; continued; contrary; cor; corah; council; crete; day; deacons; degree; dignity; distinction; doth; dublin; early; eebo; elders; english; ephesus; episcopacy; euseb; father; general; geneva; god; gods; good; government; great; hand; hath; high; holy; john; jurisdiction; law; levites; like; lord; majesties; marg; names; necessary; new; office; old; order; ordering; ordination; overseers; paul; people; persons; phil; philippi; place; power; presbyters; present; priesthood; priests; reformation; reformers; rev; reverend; right; royal; sacred; saith; scripture; self; service; settlement; speaking; successors; tcp; testament; text; thee; things; thou; time; timothy; titus; true; truth; use; way; word; work; years cache: A47044.xml plain text: A47044.txt item: #25 of 68 id: A49256 author: Love, Christopher, 1618-1651. title: Short and plaine animadversions on some passages in Mr. Dels sermon first preached before the Honourable House of Commons on Novemb. 25. 1646. But since printed without their order Setting forth the many dangerous and destructive assertions therein both to church and state, the covenant, and the reformation so much desired. Together, with an answer to an unlicensed pamphlet annext to the sermon, entituled, A reply to Master Loves contradictions. By Christopher Love minister of Anne Aldersgate, London. The second edition. Imprimatur Ja. Cranford. Decemb. 17. 1646. date: 1647 words: 23873 flesch: 63 summary: Burtnons●●dication of ●●e Indepen●●nt Churches , ●●70 . ●neh●●m mis●●m . keywords: acknowledge; angels; animadvers; animadversions; answer; antichrist; apostles; appeale; army; assembly; bee; beleeve; blood; cause; censures; charge; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; commons; communion; conformity; conscience; covenant; david; death; decree; dell; dels; desire; discipline; doctrine; doe; doth; downe; duties; ecclesiasticall; ecclesiasticall reformation; end; english; evill; excellency; externall; ezra; faithfull; farre; fire; flesh; force; god; godlinesse; gods; good; gospel; government; great; hand; hath; heart; heart reformation; hee; heretiques; himselfe; honourable; house; intention; judgement; kingdome; kings; law; laws; lay; liberty; life; light; like; little; london; lord; love; magistrate; making; man; master; matters; meanes; mee; men; mens; minde; ministers; mistake; morall; moses; mr dell; nation; new; non; notice; old; onely; order; outward; page; parliament; party; passages; paul; people; perfect; place; power; practice; preaching; preacht; prelates; presbyterians; punishment; punisht; reader; reason; reformation; reforme; religion; reply; roman; saith; sanction; scripture; second; secular; selfe; sense; sermon; set; short; sin; spirit; spirituall; spirituall reformation; temple; testament; text; things; thought; till; time; true; true reformation; truth; viz; way; wee; word; work; worship; yea; ● e; ● ● cache: A49256.xml plain text: A49256.txt item: #26 of 68 id: A52148 author: Marvell, Andrew, 1621-1678. title: A short historical essay touching general councils, creeds, and impositions in matters of religion ... written by that ingenious and worthy gentleman, Andrew Marvell ... date: 1680 words: 22098 flesch: 51 summary: It would require too great a Volume to deduce , from the death of Theodo●●s , the particulars that happened in the succeeding Reigns about this matter . Arrianism was the Divinity then in Mode , and he was an ignorant and ill Courtier , or Church●man , that could not dress , and would not make a new Sute for his Conscience in the Fashion . keywords: account; acts; advantage; affairs; ages; agreement; alexander; alexandria; ambition; anathema; apostles; arrians; arrius; athanasius; authority; best; better; betwixt; bishoprick; bishops; books; boys; business; calling; care; case; characters; chief; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; clergy; conscience; constantine; constantinople; contention; contrary; controversie; council; creed; cruelty; danger; day; death; discourse; divine; doctrine; early; earth; ecclesiastical; eebo; emperor; empire; end; english; essay; faith; free; general; ghost; god; gods; good; government; governours; great; greater; greatest; hand; heathen; heaven; heresie; hereticks; high; history; holy; humane; iews; ill; imposition; iulian; judge; judgment; justice; laws; lay; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; magistrate; man; manner; matter; means; measure; men; mind; natural; nature; nay; necessary; new; nice; number; occasion; opinion; order; orthodox; particular; party; paul; peace; people; persecution; persons; piety; places; point; possible; power; practice; priest; private; profession; publick; purpose; question; reading; reason; religion; right; roman; rome; saviour; scripture; second; sect; self; set; short; socr; spirit; state; tcp; text; things; thorow; time; true; truth; use; usual; valens; way; whatsoever; wisdom; words; work; world; worship; worthy; ● d; ● ● cache: A52148.xml plain text: A52148.txt item: #27 of 68 id: A53733 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: Truth and innocence vindicated in a survey of a discourse concerning ecclesiastical polity, and the authority of the civil magistrate over the consciences of subjects in matters of religion. date: 1669 words: 87492 flesch: 47 summary: Now concerning these one Rule may be observed ; namely , that they cannot be of one kind , and signifie things of another , by vertue of any command , and consent of men , unless they have an absolute Authority both over the sign , and thing signified , and can change their Natures , or Create a new Relation between them . 2. The Question being only about Religious Duties , or things pertaining to , or required in or about the Worship of God ; no exception against the general thesis ca●● take place , but such as consists in thing● directly of that nature . keywords: absolute; account; acknowledged; actings; actions; acts; actual; administration; advantage; adversaries; affairs; affections; ages; ancient; answer; antecedent; apostle; appear; appearance; apprehensions; argument; assertion; atheism; author; authority; best; better; blessed; book; capable; care; case; ceremonies; certain; chapter; charge; christ; christian; christian religion; christianity; church; churches; circumstances; civil; cognizance; command; common; conceptions; concerned; concernment; concerns; condition; conduct; confessions; confirmation; conformists; confusion; consciences; consent; consideration; contempt; contrary; controversie; conversation; countenance; court; creation; crime; day; debate; declaration; declared; defence; deity; design; desire; determination; determine; dialogues; dictates; difference; direct; direction; discourse; disgrace; dissent; distinction; disturbance; divine; divine worship; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; duty; earth; easie; ecclesiastical; effects; efficacy; end; endeavour; ends; england; english; enquiry; ensue; entrance; especial; established; esteemed; eternal; evidence; evident; evil; exemption; exercise; experience; expressions; faith; fall; false; farther; fear; follow; forbidden; foundation; free; fury; general; giving; glory; god; god doth; godliness; gods; good; goodness; gospel; government; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; guilt; hand; hath; hath power; head; hearts; heaven; highest; hitherto; holy; honour; hope; house; humane; idolatrous; ignorance; importance; inconsistent; indifferent; indignation; infinite; instances; institutions; interest; inward; jesus; jews; judgement; jurisdiction; kingdom; kings; known; late; law; lawful; laws; lay; learned; left; let; liberty; life; light; like; little; live; long; lord; love; lyes; magistrate; magistrate hath; making; man; management; manifest; mankind; manner; matter; mean; measure; meer; meet; men; mens; mind; mistakes; moral; morality; moses; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; obedience; obligation; obliged; observance; observation; occasion; old; open; opinions; order; ordinary; original; ought; outward; outward worship; pag; particular; parts; past; paul; peace; peaceable; peculiar; penalties; people; performance; persons; perswasions; places; pleads; pleased; pleasure; political; pope; power; practice; precepts; prescribed; present; pretence; pretended; priesthood; princes; principal; principles; private; priviledge; profess; profession; proper; publick; purpose; pursuit; question; rational; real; reason; reference; reflections; reformation; regard; relief; religion; religious; religious worship; representation; reproaches; require; respect; return; revelation; ridiculous; righteousness; rule; rulers; sacred; sacrifices; satisfaction; satisfied; saviour; scarce; scheme; scorn; scripture; second; security; seditious; self; selves; sense; sentiments; severity; significant; signification; sin; sinners; sins; small; sober; society; sorts; souls; soveraign; spirit; spiritual; state; subjection; subjects; substance; sufficient; suited; sundry; superiour; superstition; supposition; supream; sure; survey; tcp; temporal; tendency; terms; testament; text; thereunto; things; thoughts; time; trade; tranquility; true; trust; truth; understanding; universal; unto; use; useful; vain; vertue; vertuous; vice; way; wayes; weak; whereof; wherewith; whilest; wisdom; withal; words; work; world; worship; wrath; writing; yea; years; zeal; ● ● cache: A53733.xml plain text: A53733.txt item: #28 of 68 id: A56155 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: Diotrephes catechised, or, Sixteen important questions touching the ecclesiastical jurisdiction and censures (contradistinct to civill) now eagerly pretended to and challenged by a divine right, by some over-rigid Presbyterians and Independents propounded to both these dissenting parties for the further discovery of truth, the preservation of the civil Christian magistrates interest, and speedier comprimising [sic] of our present unhappy controversies touching church-government ... / proposed, published by W. Prynne ... date: 1646 words: 9209 flesch: 62 summary: Church and state -- Presbyterian Church. THe serious consideration of the importunate Claimes of a new kinde of Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction , by a pretended Divine Right , by those very men who of late so eagerly declaymed against the Old , as Antichristian and Papall , when challenged by our Prelats upon the selfe-same grounds and Title , hath induced me to propound these few Important Questions to the over-●…asger prosecutors of this supposed Divine Authority , at leastwise to moderate , if not extomgio●… those unseasonable deplorable late kindled flames of Contention , which if not timely prevented may prove more fatall to our Churches Kingdomes , then all the former Dissentions , and break forth into a new Civill Warre , betweene our selves , when we have totally vanquished the Common Enemy . keywords: a56155; acts; authority; bee; cases; censures; christian; chron; church; churches; civill; classes; cleare; congregations; contradistinct; contrary; controversies; cor; death; distinct; divine; ecclesiasticall; english; excommunication; exercise; exod; ezra; god; gods; gospell; government; hath; high; himselfe; important; independents; institution; iohn; iudges; jurisdiction; king; law; levit; levites; lord; majestrates; matters; meere; men; ministers; new; oath; offences; officers; old; ordinances; particular; parties; people; persons; power; presbyteries; present; pretended; priests; princes; private; prynne; publike; punishments; questions; read; right; sacrament; scandalous; scripture; sinnes; suppresse; suspention; tcp; temporall; testament; text; tit; title; touching; way; words; yea cache: A56155.xml plain text: A56155.txt item: #29 of 68 id: A56167 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: A fvll reply to Certaine briefe observations and anti-queries on Master Prynnes twelve questions about church-government wherein the frivolousnesse, falseness, and grosse mistakes of this anonymous answerer (ashamed of his name) and his weak grounds for independency, and separation, are modestly discovered, reselled : together with certaine briefe animadversions on Mr. Iohn Goodwins Theomachia, in justification of independency examined, and of the ecclesisticall jurisdiction and rights of Parliament, which he fights against / by William Prynne ... date: 1644 words: 17244 flesch: 59 summary: Will any Parliament , State , or Nation , ( think you ) suffer such a Government to take root among them , which will un-King , un-Parliament , un-church , un-Nation them altogether , and make each severall congregation an absolute Monarchy , Church , Republick , Nation , within it selfe , depending on , subordinate wholly to it selfe , as if it and they were no part or members of the publike ? 1. To the first Question the Respondent gives no Answer at all to the things demanded , but only misrecites the Question , without my limitations ; and then seemes to refute , what himselfe propounds , not I : He should have demonstrated by direct Scriptures , That Christ hath prescribed one set immutable forme of Government to all Christian Nations , Churches in the World , from which none must vary in the least degree , without sinne , schisme , or being no true Churches of Christ , with whom good Christians may with safe conscience communicat ; and that nothing herein is , or can be left free to humane prudence , ( though themselves most stifly plead , that Christ hath prescribed no * set form of praying or preaching to Ministers , people , but left all men free to use their liberty and severall gifts in both ; on which grounds they condemne all set forms of publike ( if not private ) prayers , ( and some of them the use of the Lords owne prayer ) together with there ading of set Homilies ; upon which very grounds they must also deny all set formes of church-government , as well as of Prayer and Preaching : ) And then have positively delineated , exactly proved the modell of this pretended Government , Discipline , in every particle thereof , by Gospel-Texts , so far as to satisfie mens erronious judgments , consciences herein , that so they might either submit thereto without dispute , or propound their objections against the same . keywords: acts; advice; agreeable; answer; anti; apostles; argument; assemblies; assembly; authority; best; better; bishops; brethren; briefe; c. c.; certaine; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; common; congregations; conscience; consonant; contrary; conventicles; cor; covenant; direct; discipline; divine; doe; ecclesiasticall; english; ergo; expresse; faith; false; forme; generall; god; gods; good; goodwins; gospel; government; grounds; hath; heaven; hee; himselfe; independent; john; judgment; jurisdiction; kings; law; lawes; lawfull; lordly; magistrates; man; master; matters; meere; members; ministers; modell; moses; nationall; nations; new; non; obedience; observations; old; onely; opinions; order; owne; parliament; particular; pattern; peace; people; persons; pet; point; power; present; private; publike; quere; queries; question; reason; religion; reply; rev; right; rom; rule; saints; schismes; scripture; second; selves; separation; set; severall; spirituall; state; subject; synods; tabernacle; temple; temporall; testament; text; things; tim; times; title; true; truth; way; word; worship; yea cache: A56167.xml plain text: A56167.txt item: #30 of 68 id: A56221 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: Twelve considerable serious questions touching chvrch government sadly propounded (out of a reall desire of vnitie and tranquillity in church and state) to all sober-minded Christians, cordially affecting a speedy setled reformation, and brotherly Christian vnion in all our churches and denominations, now miserably wasted with civill unnatuall warres, and deplorably lacerated with ecclesiasticall dissentions / by William Prynne ... date: 1644 words: 5343 flesch: 68 summary: Whether the National League & Covenant we have taken doth not in sundry respects strongly ingage us against Independency ? and whether the root from which it originally springs ( if really searched to the very bottom & stript of all disguised pretences ) be not a Pharesaical (a) dangerous spiritual Prid , vainglorious Singularitie , or selfe-conceitednes of mens owne superlative holines ( as they deeme it ) which makes them , contrary to the Apostles rule (b) to est●●●● others better then themselves : to deeme themselvs so transendently holy , sanctified , and Religious above others , that they esteeme them altogether unworthy of yea wholy exclude them from their Communion & Church-society , as (c) Publicans , Hethens , or prophane persons ( though perchance as good , or better Christians then themselves ) unlesse they will submitt to their Church-covenants , & Goverment , refusing all true brotherly familiarity , society with them , & passing oft times most uncharitable censures on their very hearts and spirituall estates ( of which God never made them Judges & (d) Forbids them for to judge , because he (e) only knowes mens hearts : Which hath lately ingendred an extraordinary strangnes unsociablenesse and coldnesse of brotherly affection , if not great disunion , disaffection , and many dissentions among Professors themselves , yea , carelesnesse and neglect of one anothers wel●●●●●● Our mutuall Christian dependency on and Relations one to another as Christian Brethren . Whether the concession of one Catholike Church throughout the world , denied by none : the (k) Nationall Assembly , and Church of the Israelites under the Law , ( who had yet their distinct Synagogues and Parochiall Assemblies ) Instituted , approved by God himselfe ; the Synodall Assemblie of the Apostles , Elders , and Brethren at Ierusalem , Acts 15. who (l) made and sent binding De●rees to the Churches of the Gentiles in Antioch , Syria , Cylicia , and other Churches ; compared with the severall generall (m) Injunctions of Paul in his Epistles to Timothy , Titus , the Corinthians , and other Churches hee wrote to , touching Church discipline , Order , Government ; seconded with all Oecumenicall , Nationall , Provinciall , Councells , Synods , and the Church Government exercised throughout the world , in all Christian Realmes , States , from their first generall reception of the Gospell till this present ; compared with Acts 7.38 . keywords: acts; apostles; better; brethren; brotherly; c. 1; christian; christs; church; churches; civill; common; considerable; cor; dayes; desire; discipline; dissentions; divisions; ecclesiasticall; english; ergo; faith; family; forme; generall; god; gospell; government; independent; kingdome; lawes; love; man; manners; master; minded; nationall; nations; new; owne; parochiall; particular; peace; persons; prynne; publike; questions; reall; reason; religion; rom; selfe; severall; state; subordinate; synods; text; things; tim; true; truth; vnitie; william; yea; ● ● cache: A56221.xml plain text: A56221.txt item: #31 of 68 id: A57854 author: Rule, Gilbert, 1629?-1701. title: An answer to Dr. Stillingfleet's Irenicum by a learned pen. date: 1680 words: 63437 flesch: 61 summary: 272 , &c. for in both he confesseth abomination to have been done in common by those in Power ; and afterward without divine Warrant restrained to one : if Christ hath given power to all Presbyters to do it ; we must have some warrant to restrain this Power ere we dare do it ; but of this enough before . Church and state. keywords: able; account; acting; acts; actu; affairs; ancient; answer; apostles; apostolick; appointment; argument; asserteth; assertion; author; authority; best; better; bishop; cap; case; ceremonies; chap; charge; christ; christ hath; christian; church; church government; church officers; church power; churches; circumstances; city; civil; clear; cometh; command; commanded; common; company; concern; concernment; congregations; conscience; consequence; consideration; contrary; controversie; customes; deacons; design; determined; determining; difference; discipline; discourse; distinction; divers; divine; doth; duty; ecclesiastical; elders; end; ephesus; episcopacy; equal; ergo; evident; example; exercise; express; external; extraordinary; faithfulness; false; far; fit; follow; followeth; force; form; foundation; general; giveth; god; gods; good; gospel; gospel church; governing; government; grant; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; having; hold; hope; house; hypothesis; imparity; indifferent; injuries; institution; internal; jerusalem; jewish; jewish church; jews; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; jus; kingdom; known; law; lawful; laws; lay; learned; leave; left; liberty; like; little; lord; magistrate; man; managing; mans; matter; mean; meaneth; meaning; mens; mind; ministers; moral; moses; names; nature; necessary; necessity; needful; new; non; notice; notion; obligation; offender; officers; opinion; order; ordinary; ordination; outward; pains; parity; particular; particular form; parts; pastors; pattern; paul; peculiar; people; perfection; persons; place; point; power; practice; preaching; presbyters; primitive; primitive church; private; probability; proof; proposition; proveth; prudence; publick; purpose; question; reason; received; religion; reply; requireth; respect; rest; revealed; right; rule; rulers; ruling; sacraments; saith; salvation; scandal; scripture; second; sect; seeing; self; sense; servants; set; setting; shew; sheweth; sin; society; speak; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; standing; state; stilling; stillingfleet; strange; strength; subject; sufficient; superiority; sure; synagogue; taking; tcp; terms; testimony; text; things; think; time; true; truth; unlawful; use; visible; viz; want; warrant; way; weight; wise; wonder; word; work; worship; yea cache: A57854.xml plain text: A57854.txt item: #32 of 68 id: A60381 author: Smalridge, George, 1663-1719. title: Animadversions on the eight theses laid down, and the inferences deduced from them in a discourse entitl'd Church-Government part V, lately printed at Oxford date: 1687 words: 24401 flesch: 59 summary: * Convocatis undique dictae Academiae Theologis , habitoque complurium biorum spatio ac deliberandi tempore sasatis ampl● , quo interim cum omni qua potuimus diligentia , Justitiae ●elo , religione & conscientia incorrupta perscruta remur tam Sacrae Scripturae libros quam super iisdem approbatissimo's Interpretes , & eos quidem saepe & saepius a ●obis evolutos , & exactissime collatos , repetitos , & examinatos , deinde & disputationibus solennibus palam ac publice habitis & celebratis tandem in hanc Sententiam unanimiter omnes convenimus ac concordes fuimus viz. * Le Papen envoy point en France Legates à latere avec faculte de re●ormer , juger , conferer , dispenser , & telles autres qui ont accoustumè d'estre specifiees par les Bulles de leur pouvoir , si non a lá postulation du Roy tres-Christien ou de son consentement : & le Legat n' use de ses facultez qu' apres avoir baillè promesse au Roy par escrit sous son sein , & jurè par ses Sainctes Ordres de n'user desdites facultez e's Royaume , pays , tertes & Seigneuries de sa suje●tion si non tant & si longuement qu'il plaira au Roy ; & que si cost que le dir Legat sera adverty de sa volonte ' au contraire , ils'en desistera & cessera Aussi qu'il n'usera des dites facultez si non pour le regard de celles dont il aura le consentement du Roy & conformement à iceluy sans entreprendre ny faire chose au saincts decrets Conciles generaux , Franchi●es , Libertez , & Privileges de L'Eglise Gallicane & des Universitez , & estatez publiques de ce Royaume . keywords: 1st; 8th; act; acts; affairs; alfred; ancient; answer; appeals; arch; articles; assertion; author; autority; benefices; best; better; bishop; books; call'd; canonical; canons; canterbury; cap; catholic; cause; censures; certain; characters; chiefest; christian; church; churches; civil; civil power; claim'd; clergy; coactive; collation; command; commission; common; communion; concurrence; consent; constitutions; contrary; controversies; convocation; councils; court; debate; decrees; definitions; deprivation; desire; determinations; different; discourse; divine; doctrines; dominions; doth; doubt; ecclesiam; ecclesiastical; edward; eebo; eighth; eject; elizabeth; emperors; england; english; errors; est; evident; exercise; exprest; faith; farther; fathers; fear; fit; forreign; french; gallican; general; god; gods; good; government; governours; great; greater; guides; hammond; hath; head; henry; high; hoc; holy; ibid; images; institution; israel; judge; judgment; jure; jurisdiction; king; king henry; kingdom; lawful; laws; lay; leave; legate; liberty; little; major; making; manner; matters; means; national; nature; necessary; new; nicene; oath; obedience; oblig'd; obligation; occasion; office; omnium; opinion; order; oxford; pag; par; parliament; particular; passage; patriarch; paul; people; persons; peter; place; plain; pleasure; pope; power; praemunire; prejudicial; priest; prince; principles; private; proper; province; publish'd; punishments; quae; quam; queen; qui; quod; reach; reader; realm; reason; reformation; reformed; reforming; regal; religion; repugnant; right; roman; rome; said; saviour; scripture; second; secular; self; sense; service; set; sicily; sovereign; spiritual; state; statute; subject; superior; supremacy; supreme; synod; synodical; tcp; temporal; text; thesis; things; time; title; true; truth; universal; university; unlawful; use; viz; way; western; word; works; worship; writers; years; ● ● cache: A60381.xml plain text: A60381.txt item: #33 of 68 id: A60563 author: Smith, Thomas, 1638-1710. title: A pacifick discourse of the causes and remedies of the differences about religion, which distract the peace of Christendom date: 1688 words: 12035 flesch: 34 summary: I add further , let any particular Church , to prevent all disputes , which may have an influence upon its peace , and which , by the cunning contrivance of designing men , may introduce schism and disorder , make a body of articles and canons to be subscribed by all , who are entrusted with the administration of holy things , as an instrument of peace and concord : and where they pretend to state and determine controversial points , let them be esteemed by those of that Church never so pious , never so credible , never so probable , no harm can possibly arise , so long as the summary of the Christian doctrine is not violated ; so long as they are not ranked with the fundamental articles of faith ; so long as they do not impose them upon other Churches , who are no way subject to a forraign jurisdiction ; much less upon the whole body of Christians in all the parts of the Universe , under the pretence of Apostolical authority , and under the heavy penalty of an Anathema . For seeing that this common faith was made use of by the Catholick Church , as a tye and bond of holy communion ; seeing the Catechumens , after praevious instruction , upon their profession of this faith , no other condition being exacted , were admitted to baptism , and had a right to partake of the holy mysteries of the Eucharist ; seeing that in the profession of the same faith , all true Christians do fully agree ; ( for the Socinians , who go about to overthrow the whole frame of the Christian doctrine , by arrogant presumptions of false reasonings , and by sophistical arguments , and by their blasphemies against Christ , the eternal Son of God , and turn the grace of God into the lasciviousness of humane wit , and deny the divinity of our Saviour , are not to be honoured with this name : ) why should not the foundation and ground-work of Ecclesiastical peace and unity , after the example and practice of the primitive Church , be laid in the same faith ? with what pretense of reason ought any opinion , after the first preaching and establishment of the faith all the world over , after the conveyance of it down to so many ages , be superadded as a necessary point of faith , which was unknown to all Antiquity ? by what right can such a number of articles be obtruded upon the understandings and consciences of Christians , and especially such , as have been invented and propagated for base and secular interests and advantages , and to maintain worldly grandeur and reputation ? That Christians do so little agree in some of their sentiments about Religion , as if there were not the same rule of faith , equally and under the same obligation proposed to all ; this must not be imputed either to our B. Saviour , or his Apostles , or to the nature of his Religion , which proposes in easy terms and Propositions , to the most ordinary and less intelligent Christians , enough to conduce to their obtaining eternal salvation , but to certain fiery Zealots , who venting their beloved tenents and notions for oracles , impose them upon others under direful curses and Anathema's . keywords: ages; antient; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; articles; authority; bishop; blessed; books; canons; care; catholick; catholick church; causes; characters; charity; christendom; christian; christian faith; christianity; church; churches; common; communion; concerned; condition; contrary; council; decrees; differences; different; discourse; divine; doctrine; doth; ecclesiastical; eebo; english; eternal; evil; excellent; faith; force; furious; general; god; good; great; greater; happy; holy; hope; humane; ill; institution; interest; judgment; law; lesser; liberty; life; little; lives; lookt; love; matters; mean; men; mercy; mind; mutual; mysteries; nature; necessary; new; opinions; order; original; parties; passion; peace; persons; piety; pious; points; power; prejudice; present; primitive; private; privileges; profession; reason; regard; religion; remedies; rights; roman; rome; rules; sacrament; salvation; saviour; schism; scripture; tcp; text; things; time; true; truth; understanding; unity; unjust; way; wise; wit; work; world; zeal cache: A60563.xml plain text: A60563.txt item: #34 of 68 id: A61546 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: A discourse concerning the power of excommunication in a Christian church, by way of appendix to the Irenicum by Edward Stillingfleet ... date: 1662 words: 13166 flesch: 50 summary: Power then in its general and abstracted notion , doth not necessarily import either meer authority , or proper coaction , for these to any impartial judgement , will appear to bee rather the severall modes whereby power is exercised , then any proper ingredients of the specifick nature of it ; which in generall , imports no more then a right to Govern a constituted Society , but how that right shall bee exercised , must bee resolved not from the notion of Power , but from the nature and constitution of that particular Society in which it is lodged and inherent . The want of understanding the right notion of power in the sense here set down , is certainiy the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Erastianisme , and that which hath given occasion to so many to question any such thing as Power in the Church , especially , when the more zealous then judicious defenders of it have rather chosen to hang it upon some doubtful places of Scripture , then on the very nature and constitution of the Christian Church , as a Society instituted by Jesus Christ. keywords: admission; apostles; arbitrary; argument; bee; body; censures; christian; christian church; christian society; christianity; church; church doth; church power; church society; churches; civil; civil power; coactive; common; conditions; confederation; consent; constitution; different; discourse; distinct; divine; doth; duty; eebo; english; evident; exclusion; excommunication; exercise; force; god; gospel; government; great; ground; hath; hee; jews; keyes; law; laws; lords; magistrate; meer; members; men; nature; necessary; notion; obligation; offences; offenders; officers; opinion; order; original; outward; particular; pastors; peculiar; persons; positive; power; priviledges; reason; right; saviour; self; sense; societies; society; spiritual; state; supper; tcp; text; thing; vertue; visible; viz; way; wealth; wee; world cache: A61546.xml plain text: A61546.txt item: #35 of 68 id: A61677 author: Cotton, John, 1584-1652. title: A congregational church is a catholike visible church, or, An examination of M. Hudson his vindication concerning the integrality of the catholike visible church wherein also satisfaction is given to what M. Cawdrey writes touching that subject, in his review of M. Hooker's Survey of church discipline / by Samuel Stone ... date: 1652 words: 23121 flesch: 65 summary: If no genus , no kind of things is capable of operations , all kind of things are made in vaine : But all kind of things are not made in vaine ; Therefore genus is capable of operations , For it is certain , that no kind of thing can attaine his end without operation ; where there is no {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , there can be no {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , or well working ; which is the end of every kind of being . Reas. Homo est animal risibile , is a catholike axiom which it , called {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} primum de toto because this is first true of the whole , and then of the parts ; it is first true of homo , and then of Socrotes , and Plato , Omne animal risibile est hom● : Omnis homo est animal risibile . keywords: abstract; abstraction; agreement; animal; answer; aqua; argument; beast; beings; body; boston; boston church; brutum; capable; catholike; causes; certain; chapter; christ; church; church catholike; churches; city; clear; common; community; conclusion; congregational; congregational church; consideration; containeth; corporation; covenant; creature; definition; difference; discipline; distinct; distinguished; doth; effect; end; english; entire; essence; essential; est; existence; explication; forme; frame; general; general genus; genere; generical; generis; genus; god; greater; hand; hath; head; highest; homo; hooker; house; hudson; humanity; iii; immutable; individual; individual church; integral; integrum; kind; kindred; kingdom; life; living; logick; lowest; major; mankind; matter; members; men; minor; mr hudson; mutable; nature; non; notion; number; officers; onely; operations; pag; page; partibus; particular; parts; place; plato; political; principles; proper; properties; proposition; question; real; reason; rerum; respect; roman; rule; saints; saith; samuel; second; self; sheep; singular; socrates; special; specialissima; species; species specialissima; stone; subject; text; thesis; things; thou; time; totum; totum genus; true; understanding; universal; universality; vine; visible; visible church; viz; water; way; words; work; world cache: A61677.xml plain text: A61677.txt item: #36 of 68 id: A63200 author: Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. Letter of many ministers in old England requesting the judgement of their reverend bretheren in New England. title: A tryall of the nevv-church vvay in New-England and in old ... by that learned and godly minister of Christ, John Ball of Whitmore ; penned a little before his death and sent over to the New England ministers, anno 1637, as a reply to an answer of theirs in justification of the said positions ... ; now published ... by William Rathband and Simeon Ash. date: 1644 words: 52227 flesch: 64 summary: All possible care to keep the Ordinances of God from contempt , we allow and commend , provided you go not beyond the Lords warrant , and deny not the priviledges of the Church to them , to whom they are due by divine appointment , nor the name and title of Church to those societies , which God hath plentifully blessed with means of grace , have received the Tables and Seals , and have entred into Covenant with his Highnesse . 4. Church order is necessarie we denie not ; but this order that a man should be a constant and set member of a particular societie by covenant , to make him a true member of the visible Church , or to give him title or interest to the publick order , this is not taught of God. keywords: able; abraham; act; acts; administration; administred; agree; answer; apostles; assemblies; assembly; authoritie; baptisme; bee; beleevers; bern; blessing; body; booke; brethren; calling; capable; case; censures; children; christ; christian church; christians; church; church covenant; church fellowship; church hath; church members; church order; church priviledges; churches; circumcision; commission; committed; common; communion; conceive; congregation; consent; consideration; contrary; cor; corruptions; covenant; day; desire; direction; disciples; dispence; dispensation; distinct; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; elders; election; england; english; example; execution; extraordinary; faith; faithfull; family; feare; feed; fellowship; flock; forme; ghost; gift; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; grounds; hand; hath; himselfe; hold; holy; humane; infants; institution; jesus; jewish church; joyne; joyning; judgement; keyes; kingdome; knowne; lawfull; learned; leave; lesse; libertie; like; limited; liturgie; liturgy; lord; love; man; manner; matter; meanes; meaning; members; men; minde; minister; ministeriall; multitude; nature; necessary; new; non; number; occasion; office; officers; onely; opinion; order; orderly; ordinance; ordinary; ought; pag; parents; particular; particular church; pastor; paul; peculiar; people; performe; persons; place; position; power; practise; prayer; preaching; present; private; priviledges; professe; profession; promise; proper; proposition; publick; purpose; question; read; reading; reason; receiving; relation; reply; respect; rest; reverend; right; rob; rule; sacraments; salvation; saviour; scripture; seales; second; sect; seed; selfe; selves; sense; separate; separation; servants; service; set; shew; sinne; societie; society; sound; speake; speciall; spirituall; state; strangers; subject; substance; supper; tcp; teachers; testament; text; thereunto; things; time; title; true; true church; truth; unlawfull; unlesse; use; visible church; viz; want; warrant; way; wee; whereof; word; worship cache: A63200.xml plain text: A63200.txt item: #37 of 68 id: A64259 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. title: Baxter's book entitul'd The cure of church-divisions answer'd & confuted and he prov'd to be a physitian of no value who hath manifested his folly and weakness in undertaking a work which he hath so little understanding in / by Thomas Taylor. date: 1671 words: 26040 flesch: 37 summary: And Paul sets believing and working in this great matter of the knowledge of God and Christ to Salvation , one against the other , as the way of the Law and Gospel , for 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 , saith he , is the reward recko●'d of Debt , not gift of Grace ; but to 〈…〉 it is of Grace , to the Glory of Gods great Love to man ; for saith Scripture , God so loved the World , that he gave his Son , that whosoever on him believe , should not perish ; but have Life Eternal ; And none can truely say , but those are the best 〈◊〉 , and wisest People that have Eternal Life in them ; though they never laboured for it , nor sought for it ; and so such as this Baxter , who looks at all , as obtain'd by Time and Labour , they are those spiritual proud ones , who are swelled so big with spiritual Pride , that self Idolizing sin , which , as himself saith , in his second Direction ( so called ) is the great Rebel against God , the chief part of the Devil's Image ; that one sin which breaketh every Commandment ; the heart of the old Man , the Root and Parent , and Summery of all other sin ; the Antichristian Vice , which is most directly contrary to the Life of Christ , &c. and these Letter-wise-men , that have patched together a Garment of Fig-leaves , to cover their sinful nakedness , are proud of meer supposed spiritual excellencies ; for the way of the Blessed Spirit , and its free Gifts , and free workings in the Children of Men , they are strangers unto ; and then through their Humane , Learning and lost Labour , having gotten a little or a great deal of talk from the Letter of the Scripture concerning Religion , in their Earthly Spirits , which sees nothing of the Kingdom of God ; they condemn the Generation of the Just , whom God Teacheth and Blesseth with all Spiritual knowledge in Heavenly things , and call them Spiritually proud ; because they cannot but speak very highly , and yet in the truest humility of Heart , concerning the great things that God hath done for their Souls ; and because they cannot joyn with the Wicked whom God abhoreth , neither in their Worship , nor other sinfull Customs . Yet they see not how to vend their flattering Doctrines , if their Admirers conform not , and come not in with them , or rather be not in the Pit before them ; so weak and wretched a thing is man , yea , the best seeming of the Sons of Men , out of the Truth ; oh , how truely fulfilled by these men , are those words of the Apostle , where he speaking of the false hypocritical out-side-Teachers of that Time , saith , With good words , and fair speeches , they deceive the Hearts of the Simple ? Therefore ever praised be Christ , who hath opened our Eyes to see , and perswaded our Hearts , to avoid such Wolves in Sheeps-clothing , as this Baxter , and Bryan are ; For , what finer , and higher Talk , or Skin , or Clothing can the Wolf get , then to make Sermons of dwelling with God , and the like , as this Bryan doth ? when it s manifest , he neither knows God , nor his Way , nor his dwelling-Place ; but is inwardly ravened , from that good and Blessed Spirit of Truth and Honesty which should commend him to God. keywords: answer; apostle; babylon; bad; baxter; blessed; body; book; bryan; calls; certain; children; christ; christians; church; come; common; contrary; corruptions; darkness; day; dayes; doctrine; doth; earth; egypt; england; evil; eye; false; father; fear; flesh; free; gifts; glory; god; good; grace; graceless; great; greater; hath; hearts; heavenly; helps; holy; humane; hypocrites; ignorant; jesus; jews; joyn; judge; kingdom; knowledge; labour; law; learning; lest; let; life; light; like; little; live; long; lord; lord god; love; man; manifest; means; measure; members; men; ministers; natural; nay; new; objection; old; oliver; onely; outward; pag; parts; paul; peace; people; persecutors; poor; power; prayer; pride; priests; prophane; proud; religion; saith; saith god; saying; scripture; self; selves; separate; separation; set; sets; sin; sins; souls; spirit; spiritual; studies; tcp; teachers; teaching; text; thee; things; thou; time; true; truth; vain; way; wicked; wit; words; work; world; worship; yea cache: A64259.xml plain text: A64259.txt item: #38 of 68 id: A64633 author: Udall, John, 1560?-1592. title: The true form of church government first instituted by Christ, novv used and practised in all the reformed churches of Germanie, France, and Scotland: humbly presented to the high and honourable court of Parliament, at this time most happily assembled. Plainly proved by Scripture, rectifide reason, and the testimonie of the Church, some hundreds of yeares after the Apostles time, and the generall consent of the Churches rightly reformed in these latter times, contrary to the Romish, and our archiepiscopall government. date: 1642 words: 32401 flesch: 71 summary: 10 He t●at preacheth not , i● not 〈◊〉 , and so hee beg●tteth no ●aith in man . 11. The necessity of the thing is many wayes apparant , both in th●t it hath so plentifull warrant from Gods owne word , ( as the course of this Book doth evidently declare ▪ ) and also in that the Gospell can take no root , nor have any free passage , for want of it : and the greatnesse of your fault appeareth ●y this , that in so doing , you are the cause , of all the ignoran●e , Atheisme , schismes , treasons , poperie , and ungodlinesse , that is to be found in this Land , which we challenge to prove to your faces , if wee may ind●fferently be heard , and whereof in the meane wh●le we will give you a taste : for the first it is cleare , that you are the cau●●r , of that damnable ignorance , wherein the people are so generally wrapped , for that you have from time to time stopped the streames of knowledge in th●se places where the Lord in mercy bestowed the same , and in stead of able and painfull Ministers , have pe●●ered the Church , either with presumptuous proud persons , that are esteemed learned , and take no paines to bring the people unto the knowledge of Iesus Christ , or ( which is the greatest ●u●ber ) such ignorant asses , and filthy swine , as are not worthy to live in a well ordered Common wealth : and that you are the c●us● of all Atheisme , it is plaine , for one may ( as in deed many doe ) p●o●●sse it , and you say nothing to him for it . keywords: able; action; acts; admonition; adversaries; answer; antichrist; apostles; appeareth; archb; authoritie; bee; best; bishop; body; book; building; calling; calvin; cannon; cap; carefull; cause; certaine; chap; charges; christ; christian; church; church government; church officers; churches; citie; civill; comfort; common; concil; conclusion; confesse; congregation; conscience; consent; continuall; contrary; cor; course; cyprian; day; deacons; direction; discipline; distinct; distributing; divers; doctor; doctrine; doe; dominion; doth; ecclesiasticall; eldership; election; end; epist; equall; excommunication; flock; follow; forme; generall; gifts; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; greater; greatest; grounds; h ●; hainous; hand; hath; hee; himselfe; holy; iesus; king; kingdome; knowledge; l ●; lawes; lesse; lib; life; like; lord; love; magistrate; man; matter; matth; ministers; needfull; needs; new; non; notes; o ●; ob ●; obedience; objection; occasion; office; officers; onely; ordaine; order; owne; page; particular; pastour; paul; people; perpetuall; place; poore; power; practise; preach; profitable; proposition; reasons; resident; respect; rest; rom; rule; saith; scriptures; sect; separation; set; severall; shew; sin; sufficient; t.c; teaching; text; th ●; things; time; titus; true; truth; unlawfull; unlesse; warrant; way; wee; whatsoever; whereof; whitgift; word; worthy; writers; yea; ▪ ●; ● d; ● e; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● st; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A64633.xml plain text: A64633.txt item: #39 of 68 id: A64644 author: Ussher, James, 1581-1656. title: Episcopal and Presbyterial government conjoyned proposed as an expedient for the compremising of the differences, and preventing of those troubles about the matter of Church-Government / written in the late times by ... Ja. Usher ... date: 1679 words: 4702 flesch: 64 summary: When men pass sentence upon themselves , God often sees it executed : The Israelites no sooner wish they had died in the Land of Egypt , or in the Wilderness : And let every Pious , Humble and peaceable Overseer and Bishop , Presbyter and Ruler of Christs Flock , and Watchman over the pretious Souls of men , so labour at the Throne of Grace for this weatherbeaten Ship of Gods Church , ( hardly escaping yet the waves of confusion and disorder , ) that she may at last hear an Angell from God speaking to her as once to St. Paul. keywords: a64644; ancient; assembly; bishop; books; cap; characters; christian; church; clergy; common; consent; diocess; discipline; doctrine; early; ecclesiastical; eebo; elders; encoding; english; episcopal; expedient; flock; form; god; good; government; great; images; king; late; man; matter; minds; ministers; nation; number; online; oxford; parties; partnership; party; pastors; paul; peace; people; persons; phase; pious; presbyterial; presbyters; provincial; rule; sacraments; scotland; suffragans; synod; tcp; tei; text; times; true; work; xml; year cache: A64644.xml plain text: A64644.txt item: #40 of 68 id: A64679 author: Ussher, James, 1581-1656. title: The reduction of episcopacie unto the form of synodical government received in the ancient church proposed in the year 1641 as an expedient for the prevention of those troubles which afterwards did arise about the matter of church-government / by James Usher ; published by Nicholas Bernard. date: 1658 words: 4119 flesch: 65 summary: g 〈◊〉 de 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 manibus 〈◊〉 praesidentium s●m●mus , 〈◊〉 de coro●● 〈◊〉 , cap. 〈◊〉 Pres●y●●i & 〈◊〉 ▪ 〈◊〉 de Bapt , cap. keywords: a64679; ancient; anno; arch; armagh; bernard; bishop; book; cap; church; clergy; common; consent; discipline; divers; doctor; doctrine; early; elders; english; episcopacy; expedient; form; god; government; grace; great; ireland; james; judgement; late; londini; london; lord; matter; non; notes; original; peace; prevention; primate; reader; reduction; reverend; roman; rule; sacraments; suffragans; synod; synodical; text; troubles; use; usher; year; ● ● cache: A64679.xml plain text: A64679.txt item: #41 of 68 id: A67245 author: Walker, Henry, Ironmonger. title: A trve copie of the disputation held betweene Master Walker and a Iesuite in the house of one Thomas Bates in Bishops Court in the Old Baily concerning the ecclesiasticall function date: 1641 words: 1813 flesch: 73 summary: Wal. Did not Peter erre when hee was reproved by Christ to speak foolishly ? did he not erre when Christ said to him , Get thee behind me Satan , thou savourest not ? Wal. Did not Iudas erre in discipline , when for thirty peeces of silver hee betrayed Christ into the hands of the High Priests to be crucified ? keywords: apostles; bishops; christ; church; disputation; ecclesiasticall; english; erre; function; ghost; god; hath; henry; ies; peter; power; rome; succession; text; thomas; wal; walker cache: A67245.xml plain text: A67245.txt item: #42 of 68 id: A70435 author: Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. title: A letter of many ministers in old England requesting the judgement of their reverend brethren in New England concerning nine positions written Anno Dom. 1637 : together with their answer thereunto returned, anno 1639 : and the reply made unto the said answer and sent over unto them, anno 1640 / by Simeon Ash, and William Rathband. date: 1643 words: 52159 flesch: 64 summary: All possible care to keep the Ordinances of God from contempt , we allow and commend , provided you go not beyond the Lords warrant , and deny not the priviledges of the Church to them , to whom they are due by divine appointment , nor the name and title of Church to those societies , which God hath plentifully blessed with means of grace , have received the Tables and Seals , and have entred into Covenant with his Highnesse . 4. Church order is necessarie we denie not ; but this order that a man should be a constant and set member of a particular societie by covenant , to make him a true member of the visible Church , or to give him title or interest to the publick order , this is not taught of God. keywords: able; abraham; act; acts; administration; administred; answer; apostles; assemblies; assembly; authoritie; baptisme; bee; beleevers; bern; blessing; body; booke; brethren; calling; capable; case; censures; children; christ; christian church; christians; church; church covenant; church fellowship; church hath; church members; church order; church priviledges; churches; circumcision; commission; committed; common; communion; conceive; congregation; consent; consideration; contrary; cor; corruptions; covenant; day; desire; direction; disciples; dispence; dispensation; distinct; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; elders; election; england; english; example; execution; extraordinary; faith; faithfull; family; feare; feed; fellowship; flock; forme; ghost; gift; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; grounds; hand; hath; himselfe; hold; holy; humane; idolatry; infants; institution; jesus; jewish church; joyne; joyning; judgement; keyes; kingdome; knowne; lawfull; leave; left; letter; libertie; like; limited; liturgie; liturgy; lord; love; man; manner; matter; meanes; meaning; members; men; minister; ministeriall; multitude; nature; necessary; new; non; number; occasion; office; officers; onely; opinion; order; orderly; ordinance; ordinary; ought; pag; parents; particular; particular church; pastor; paul; peculiar; people; performe; persons; peter; place; point; position; power; practise; prayer; preaching; present; private; priviledges; professe; profession; promise; proper; proposition; publick; publike; purpose; question; read; reading; reason; receiving; relation; reply; respect; rest; reverend; right; rob; rule; sacraments; said; salvation; saviour; scripture; seales; second; sect; seed; selfe; selves; sense; separate; separation; servants; service; set; shew; sinne; societie; society; sound; speake; speciall; spirituall; state; strangers; subject; substance; supper; tcp; teachers; testament; text; thereunto; things; time; title; true; true church; truth; unlawfull; unlesse; use; visible church; viz; want; warrant; way; wee; whereof; word; worship cache: A70435.xml plain text: A70435.txt item: #43 of 68 id: A70888 author: Parker, Samuel, 1640-1688. title: A discourse of ecclesiastical politie wherein the authority of the civil magistrate over the consciences of subjects in matters of external religion is asserted : the mischiefs and incoveniences of toleration are represented, and all pretenses pleaded in behalf of liberty of conscience are fully answered. date: 1671 words: 71398 flesch: 37 summary: But to speak more expresly to the particular matter in debate , 'T is necessary the world must be govern'd ; govern'd it cannot be without Religion , & Religion , as harmless and peaceable as it is in it self , yet when mixt with the Follies and Passions of men , it does not usually inspire them with overmuch gentleness and goodness of Nature ; and therefore 't is necessary that it submit to the same Authority , that commands over all the other affections of the mind of man. And therefore is it not strange , that when the main Ends and designs of all Religion are avowedly subject to the Supreme Power , that yet men should be so impatient to exempt its means and subordinate Instruments from the same Authority ? What reason can the Wit of man assign to restrain it from one , that will not much more restrain it from both ? keywords: able; absolute; absurd; abused; account; actions; affairs; ages; anarchy; antecedent; apostles; apparent; apprehensions; argument; authority; best; better; brief; capable; care; cases; cause; ceremonies; certain; charity; christian; christianity; church; churches; circumstances; civil; civil power; commands; common; compliance; conceits; concern'd; concerns; condition; conduct; confidence; confusions; conscience; consequence; constitutions; contrary; controversie; criminal; customs; dangerous; decency; design; determinations; determined; devotion; dictates; discipline; discourse; discretion; disobedience; disobey; disturbance; divers; divine; doubtful; doubts; duties; duty; easie; ecclesiastical; effectual; ends; enemies; england; equal; essential; establish'd; established; eternal; evidence; evident; evil; exceptions; excuse; execution; exercise; experience; expressions; faction; faith; fall; false; follies; folly; fond; forbidden; force; forms; foundation; free; freedom; fundamental; general; god; godliness; godly; good; goodness; gospel; government; governours; grace; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; grounds; guilty; happiness; holy; honest; honour; humane; humane laws; humane power; humour; hypothesis; ignorance; ignorant; ill; impossible; indifferent; indispensable; influence; innocent; insolence; instances; institution; interest; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; justice; kingdoms; kings; labour; lawful; laws; lay; leave; liable; liberty; life; like; little; long; love; magistrate; main; malice; man; mankind; manner; mans; material; matters; meaning; meekness; meer; men; mens; minds; mischiefs; mischievous; morality; mutual; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; new; nice; obedience; objections; obligation; oblige; observe; office; old; opinion; order; original; outward; particular; parties; party; passions; paul; peace; peaceable; peevish; peevishness; penalties; people; person; perswasions; piece; places; policy; positive; power; practice; prescribed; present; preservation; pretences; pride; princes; principles; private; proper; proud; providence; prudence; publick; publick authority; publick laws; publick peace; publick worship; punishments; purpose; quarrels; quiet; real; reason; rebellion; reformation; religion; religious; restraints; right; rites; ruine; rules; run; saviour; scandal; scarce; schism; scripture; scruples; sect; secure; security; seditious; self; sense; service; set; settlement; severe; severity; significant; sin; sinful; small; sober; societies; society; sort; sovereign; spight; spirit; spiritual; stand; state; stubborn; subjection; subjects; sufficient; superiours; superstition; supreme; supreme power; tcp; temper; tender; tenderness; text; things; thought; time; toleration; true; truth; tyranny; unlawful; unreasonable; use; useful; vain; variety; vices; virtue; viz; want; way; weak; weakness; wealth; whatsoever; wild; wisdom; wise; wit; words; work; world; worship; wrong; zeal cache: A70888.xml plain text: A70888.txt item: #44 of 68 id: A78018 author: Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. title: Conformitie's deformity. In a dialogue between conformity, and conscience. Wherein the main head of all the controversies in these times, concerning church-government, is asserted and maintained; as without which, all reformation is headlesse, and all reconciliation hopelesse. Dedicated by Henry Burton, to the honour of Jesus Christ, as the first-fruits of his late recovery from death to life; as a testimony of his humble and thankfull acknowledgement of so great a mercy: and published for the service of all those, that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity ... date: 1646 words: 13858 flesch: 73 summary: And this thou shalt do , if ( I say not , if thou dost shake off the fear and favour of men , the love of the world , of honours , pleasures , riches , preferments , ambition of greatnesse , of domination over Gods people , Nor if thou castest out that old spirit of bondage under the Prelates , lest it turn into a more dangerous tyrannie , then that of the Prelacie , as being more refined , and going under the plausible name of Reformation : Nor do I say , if thou becommest a self denying man , taking up thy crosse daily to follow Christ : without all which notwithstanding , thou canst not be his true disciple & follower , or enjoy true fellowship with him . ) And therefore ( Conformity ) now that you are about the setting forth of your Confession of Faith , let not this one Article be missing : That you do believe , confesse , and professe before all the world , that JESVS CHRIST is the sole King and Law-giver to every particular visible Church of his , and over every particular mans conscience : So as no Power on earth may usurp authority , upon what pretence soever , to make and impose what laws they please to bind the Conscience , or to regulate the Churches of God ; but ought to leave both Conscience and Churches to the only rule , and law of Christ , the Scripture , to which alone every mans conscience must be consined , all Divine worship in all things conformed , and all Church-Government reduced . keywords: apostles; books; burton; chap; christ; christian; church; churches; city; civil; confesse; conformity; conscience; counsel; david; difference; doth; enemies; england; english; faith; fear; forms; foundation; free; generality; god; gods; good; government; great; hath; head; heart; henry; heresie; honour; jesus; jews; john; judgement; kingdom; kingly; kings; kirk; late; law; learned; like; lord; magistrate; main; matter; men; mens; mystery; nation; nay; new; non; office; parliament; people; pharisees; place; pope; power; priests; protestant; reformation; religion; roman; rule; rulers; scripture; seers; self; set; setting; sir; spirit; spirituall; state; subject; synod; text; thee; things; thou; thy; times; true; truth; turn; tyranny; way; wise; words; work; world; worship; yea cache: A78018.xml plain text: A78018.txt item: #45 of 68 id: A78034 author: Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. title: Vindiciæ veritatis: truth vindicated against calumny. In a briefe answer to Dr. Bastwicks two late books, entituled, Independency not Gods ordinance, with the second part, styled the postscript, &c. / By Henry Burton, one of his quondam-fellow-sufferers. date: 1645 words: 15063 flesch: 66 summary: For in your promised , or rather menaced Postscript , which ( to forestall your Readers with a prejudicate opinion of us ; and old piece of Rhetoricke , as that of Tertullus before Felix , telling him of Paul ; Wee have found this man a pestilent fellow , and a mover of sedition , &c. which he was not able to prove , his best rhetoricall argument being Calumnidre audacter , aliquid haerebit , Calumniate boldly , some thing will sticke ) you both prefix , and for surenesse , affix to your Booke ; you fasten upon us uncharitable dealing , fraud and jugglings of many of our Pastors and Ministers , as misleaders and troublers of Church and State , &c. all which * ( {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ) hard and harsh termes , wee can no lesse then spread before the Lord the righteous Judge . First , Concerning the Government of the Church , whether it be Presbyterian Dependent , or Presbyterian Independent : Secondly , Concerning gathering of Churches . keywords: acts; answer; apostles; assemblies; bastwick; beard; believers; body; books; brethren; brother; burton; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; confession; congregations; consciences; converted; cor; counsell; covenant; dependent; doctrine; doe; doth; england; faith; fellow; fellowship; finde; gather; gathering; generall; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; great; hath; head; hee; henry; holy; humane; ibid; independents; jerusalem; jewes; john; kingdome; kingly; late; law; lawes; lesse; like; lord; love; mee; members; ministers; new; non; office; old; onely; ordinance; pag; page; parishes; particular; particular church; patterne; paul; peace; people; postscript; power; presbyterian; presbytery; profession; question; reformation; religion; repentance; rest; roman; rule; said; saints; scripture; second; selfe; set; severall; shew; spirit; spirituall; state; text; things; time; true; truth; way; wee; white; witnesse; words; world; yea cache: A78034.xml plain text: A78034.txt item: #46 of 68 id: A78958 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: The papers which passed at Nevv-Castle betwixt His sacred Majestie and Mr Alex: Henderson concerning the change of church-government. Anno Dom. 1646. date: 1649 words: 13637 flesch: 43 summary: 4. Where you find a Bishop , and Presbyter , in Scripture , to be one and the same ( which I deny to be alwaies so ) it is in the Apostles time ; now I think to prove the Order of Bishops succeeded that of the Apostles , and that the name was chiefly altered , in reverence to those who were immediately chosen by our Saviour , ( albeit , in their time , they caused diverse to be called so , as Barnabas and others ) so that , I believe , this Argument makes little for you : As for your proofe of the antiquity of Presbyterian Government , it is well that the Assembly of Divines at Westminster can doe more then Eusebius could , and I shal believe , when I see it ; for , your former Paper affirmes , that those times were very dark for matter of fact , and will be so still for me if there be no clearer Arguments to prove it , than those you mention : for , because there were diverse Congregations in Jerusalem ; ergo , what ? are there not divers Parishes in one Diocesse ? ( your two first I answer but as one Argument ) and because the Apostles met with those of the inferiour Orders , for Acts of Government ; what then ? even so in these times doe the Deanes and Chapters , and many times those of the inferiour Clergy assist the Bishops ; but I hope you will not pretend to say , that there was an equality between the Apostles and other Presbyters , which not being , doth ( in my judgment ) quite invalidate these Arguments : And if you can say no more for the Churches of Corinth , Ephesus , Thessalonica , &c. than you have for Jerusalem , it will gaine no ground on me : We can have no certaine knowledge of the practice universall of the Church for many years ; Eusebius the prime Historian confesseth so much : the learned Josephus Scaliger testifieth , That from the end of the Acts of the Apostles untill a good time after , no certainty can be had from Ecclesiasticall Authors about Church matters . keywords: alex; answer; antiquity; apostles; argument; authority; baptisme; better; bishop; cause; change; christ; church; churches; conceive; confesse; conscience; consent; desire; difference; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; england; english; episcopacy; faith; fathers; generall; god; good; government; great; hath; henderson; interpretation; judge; kind; king; knowledge; lawfull; leave; like; majesties; majesty; man; matter; mention; necessary; new; non; oath; old; onely; opinion; ordination; owne; paper; papists; parliament; particular; people; perfect; place; power; practice; presbyter; present; primitive; primitive church; princes; private; purpose; question; reason; reformation; reforming; religion; reverence; roman; rule; satisfaction; saying; scripture; second; selfe; selves; sufficient; text; thing; time; true; truth; universall; unlawfull; way; word cache: A78958.xml plain text: A78958.txt item: #47 of 68 id: A82317 author: Dell, William, d. 1664. title: Right reformation: or, The reformation of the church of the New Testament, represented in Gospell-light. In a sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, on Wednesday, November 25. 1646. Together with a reply to the chief contradictions of Master Love's sermon, preached the same day. All published for the good of the faithfull, at their desire. / By William Dell, minister of the Gospel, attending on his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax. date: 1646 words: 18369 flesch: 68 summary: And thus by fear and punishment may men be brought to say and do that which they neither beleeve nor understand : and how acceptable such popish faith and obedience is unto God , all spiritual Christians know , and every mans conscience , me thinks , should be convinced . 3. Yea Christ reproveth his Disciples , for discovering such a spirit of tyranny as to punish men for not receiving him , Luk. 9. when the Apostles of a Prelatical and Antichristian Spirit , in that particular , desired fire to come down from heaven upon them , that would not receive him , Christ did severely rebuke them , saying , Ye know not of what spirit ye are , not of Christs Spirit , which is meek , but of Sathans , who was a murderer from the beginning , and of Antichrists , his first begotten in the world : and he adds , the Son of man came not to destroy mens lives , but to save them ; and therefore to go about to turn the Gospel , not to save mens lives , but to destroy them , and so to change Christ himself from a Saviour into a Destroyer , this is Antichrist Triumphant . keywords: able; anoynted; antichrist; authority; better; body; care; carnall; change; christ; christian; church; civill; conscience; covenant; day; death; dell; desire; doctrine; doth; ecclesiasticall; ecclesiasticall reformation; end; faith; faithfull; father; fire; flesh; force; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; gospel reformation; government; great; hands; hath; head; heart; hee; honourable; hope; house; inward; judgement; kingdome; kings; law; laws; life; light; like; lord; love; magistrate; man; means; men; nature; needs; new; non; obedience; onely; order; outward; outward power; paul; people; place; power; preaching; reformation; reforming; reforms; reply; righteousnesse; roman; saints; secular; self; selves; sermon; set; sin; sins; soul; spirit; spirituall; state; testament; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; wil; word; work; worship; yea cache: A82317.xml plain text: A82317.txt item: #48 of 68 id: A85414 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: A short ansvver to A. S. alias Adam Stewart's second part of his overgrown duply to the two brethren. Together with certaine difficult questions easily answered; all which A. Stewart is desired to consider of, without replying, unlesse it be to purpose. A. Steuart [sic] in his second part of his duply to the two brethren. page 166. The civill magistrate cannot bee orthodox, and tollerate a new sect, (hee meanes independencie, and may as well say Presbytery) unles hee tollerate us to beleeve that hee is either corrupted by moneys, or some other waye, so to doe. date: 1644 words: 16262 flesch: 55 summary: But , I dare say , you●●● stagger , & deny the words , beeing laid unto your charge ; the truth is , I find by this discourse , that you haue a trecherous memory , which hath led you into such a company of unreconcileable contradictions , far worse than many theeves and harlots , but if your heart or understanding had been better than your memory , this doctrin had never issued : Turn then to p● . If the Presbytery shall think good to excommunicate King or Parliament ; the Civil Magistrate , the people in whom the Soveraign power resid●s originally , pag. 167. is absolved from all obedience , and bound to put them out of the Civil State . keywords: able; act; adam; alias; amisse; answer; apostles; assemblies; authority; bee; beleeve; better; blood; brethren; case; christians; church; churches; civil; civil magistrate; command; conscience; contrary; corrupted; death; decrees; deut; different; disciplin; doctrin; doe; duply; ecclesiastical; england; english; execution; faith; farther; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; government; great; greater; heaven; hee; heresie; hereticks; himselfe; holy; independents; judge; judgements; king; kingdome; law; lawes; like; little; long; lord; magistrate; man; manner; matters; men; ministers; nation; nay; new; obedience; officers; old; opinions; orthodox; owne; page; papists; parliament; passe; people; perticular; popish; power; presbyterian; present; priests; protestants; reason; religion; saying; second; seeme; selfe; selves; sentence; set; spiritual; state; stewart; subject; synod; text; thing; thou; time; true; truth; understanding; unlesse; verse; way; wee; whatsoever; world; worse; yea; yeeld; ● ● cache: A85414.xml plain text: A85414.txt item: #49 of 68 id: A86003 author: Gillespie, George, 1613-1648. title: Male audis or An answer to Mr. Coleman his Malè dicis. Wherein the repugnancy of his Erastian doctrine to the word of God, to the solemne League and Covenant, and to the ordinances of Parliament: also his contradictions, tergiversations, heterodoxies, calumnies, and perverting of testimonies, are made more apparent then formerly. Together with some animadversions upon Master Hussey his Plea for Christian magistracy: shewing, that in divers of the afore mentioned particulars he hath miscarried as much, and in some particulars more then Mr Coleman. / By George Gillespie, minister at Edinbrugh. Published by authority. date: 1646 words: 23189 flesch: 63 summary: If we take deposition properly , as it is more then the expelling , sequestring , or removing of a Minister from this or that place , and comprehendeth that which the Councel of An●yra Can. 18. cals {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , The honour of Presbytership to be taken away ; or a privation of that Presbyteratus the order of a Presbyter , and that {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} the authority and power of dispensing the Word , Sacraments , and Discipline , which was given in Ordination : so none have power to depose who have not power to ordain . Mean while it is certain , that {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} is usually taken for a name of highest Authority , yea , given to Emperours , for which , see learned Salma●ius in his Walo Messalinus , pag. keywords: act; allowance; answer; apostle; argument; article; assembly; authority; brother; burthen; calls; cap; censure; chap; charge; christ; christian; church; church government; churches; civill; classes; coleman; commissioner; conclusion; consequence; contrary; controversie; cor; corrective; covenant; deposition; different; discipline; distinct; distinction; divers; divines; divinity; doctrinal; doctrine; doe; doth; duty; ecclesiasticall; elders; england; epistle; erastian; ergo; eternall; examination; excommunication; farre; father; fault; forth; general; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; government; great; hand; hath; having; head; himselfe; hold; holy; hussey; instance; institution; judgement; kingdome; lawfull; lib; like; magistrate; maledicis; master; master coleman; matters; mediator; ministers; new; nihil; non; notice; oath; officers; onely; opinion; ordinance; ordination; owne; pag; page; parliament; particular; people; person; place; point; power; practice; preaching; prelacy; prelates; presbytery; present; principles; proposition; prudence; question; reformation; regard; religion; reply; respondes; reverend; right; roman; rule; sacrament; saith; scandalous; scotland; scripture; second; sence; sermon; sir; sonne; suspension; synod; taking; testimonies; text; thing; thou; time; title; trinity; true; truth; vertue; vicegerent; votes; way; word; work; worship; yea; ● ● cache: A86003.xml plain text: A86003.txt item: #50 of 68 id: A86004 author: Gillespie, George, 1613-1648. title: Nihil respondes: or, A discovery of the extream unsatisfactorinesse of Master Colemans peece, published last weeke under the title of A brotherly examination re-examined. Wherein, his self-contradictions: his yeelding of some things, and not answering to other things objected against him: his abusing of Scripture: his errors in divinity: his abusing of the Parliament, and indangering their authority: his abusing of the Assembly: his calumnies, and namely against the Church of Scotland, and against my selfe: the repugnancy of his doctrin to the solemne League and Covenant, are plainly demonstrated. / By George Gillespie minister at Edenburgh. Published by authority. date: 1645 words: 13979 flesch: 67 summary: And a little after , Quod sihis quoque addas ordinationem christi ex Math●● , vide●is eam huc quoque specta●e , ut publi●è mulc●●tur quisp●●tis 〈…〉 in honest● per●exeri● vivere . ●●a ve●o in nuit disciplinam necessariam esse , ne contagiu● peccan●i se●p●t . keywords: abusing; answer; apostle; argument; article; assembly; authority; best; better; brother; brotherly; calumny; censures; christ; christian; church; church government; churches; civill; civill government; coleman; commissioner; contrary; corrective; covenant; discipline; distinct; divines; divino; doctrinall; doctrine; doe; doth; ecclesiasticall; elders; endeavour; examination; excommunication; generall; god; government; great; hands; hath; hee; himselfe; hold; holy; instance; jure; kingdom; magistrate; master; mediator; ministers; new; non; oath; offence; office; officers; onely; opinion; ordinances; ordination; owne; page; parliament; peece; person; place; power; prelacy; presbyteriall; reformation; religion; reply; reverend; ruling; sacrament; saith; scandalous; scotland; scripture; second; sence; sermon; sir; speake; spirituall; state; stead; taking; text; things; time; title; truth; vicegerent; way; word; worke; worship; yea; ● ● cache: A86004.xml plain text: A86004.txt item: #51 of 68 id: A86016 author: Gilpin, Richard, 1625-1700. title: The agreement of the associated ministers & churches of the counties of Cumberland, and VVestmerland: with something for explication and exhortation annexed. date: 1656 words: 24293 flesch: 63 summary: There are fit mediums and foundations for peace , which we are ingaged to look after as well as peace it self ; in the fore-mentioned place the Apostle bids us follow not barely {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} but {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} things that concern it , and may conduce thereunto ; would but men consider that they are ingaged to this , and conscienciously obey the divine command herein , peace would not long be a Stranger to us . Sure we are , the prevalency of that madness , is not from any strength of rational , or scriptural satisfaction , ( we have seen many strongly and passionately possessed with that , who yet neither understood it , nor could give a reason for it ) but from an {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} the efficacie and strength of delusion , through divine judgement upon them : Shall we need to put you in minde of that which your selves know so well , and are eye and ear-witnesses of , as well as we ? How visible is the devils 〈◊〉 in the beastly nakedness of men and women in our Assemblies ? in what a strange unchristian temper of railing , reviling , keywords: able; acts; admission; admit; advice; agreement; associated; association; best; body; brethren; brotherly; case; charity; christ; christians; church; churches; common; communion; concord; condescention; confession; congregational; consent; cor; counties; course; covenant; cumberland; day; death; desire; difference; discipline; divine; divisions; doctrine; doth; duty; end; eph; error; exceptions; exercise; explication; faith; fall; fit; general; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; grounds; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; heb; help; holy; hope; ignorance; ignorant; interest; judgement; knowledge; liberty; life; little; long; lord; love; mat; matter; members; men; mens; ministers; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; non; offences; officers; onely; order; ordinances; ordinary; ordination; particular; parties; party; peace; people; person; pleased; point; power; practice; present; press; principles; private; profess; proposition; publike; purpose; question; ready; reason; reformation; regard; religion; reproof; resolve; respect; right; roman; rule; sacrament; satisfaction; scandalous; scripture; self; selves; set; sins; souls; spirit; supper; terms; text; things; time; true; truth; use; viz; vvestmerland; want; way; wee; word; work cache: A86016.xml plain text: A86016.txt item: #52 of 68 id: A87251 author: Bridge, William, 1600?-1670. title: The Independants declaration delivered in to the Assembly. By Thomas Goodwin, William Greenhill, William Bridge, Philip Nie, Sydrach Simpson, and William Carter. Declaring their grounds and full resolutions concerning church-government. date: 1647 words: 2306 flesch: 56 summary: The Independants declaration delivered in to the Assembly. The Independants declaration delivered in to the Assembly. keywords: assembly; bridge; church; committee; debate; declaration; dispute; english; goodwin; government; greenhill; honourable; houses; independants; philip; reasons; text; thomas; thomason; way; wee; william cache: A87251.xml plain text: A87251.txt item: #53 of 68 id: A88014 author: Henrietta Maria, Queen, consort of Charles I, King of England, 1609-1669. title: A letter sent from the Queen of England to the Kings Majesty at Newport; concerning the overtures of the treaty and His proceedings with the commissioners for peace. With Her Majesties advice and desires touching the said treaty; and Her propositions concerning all His Majesties subjects within His realmes and dominions. Also, His Majeseies last concessions for peace, delivered to the commissioners, to be sent to both Houses of Parliament; shewing how far He hath given His royall assent to the second bill, touching bishops and church-government. date: 1648 words: 1997 flesch: 56 summary: Also, His Majeseies last concessions for peace, delivered to the commissioners, to be sent to both Houses of Parliament; shewing how far He hath given His royall assent to the second bill, touching bishops and church-government. Also, His Majeseies last concessions for peace, delivered to the commissioners, to be sent to both Houses of Parliament; shewing how far He hath given His royall assent to the second bill, touching bishops and church-government. keywords: act; bishops; church; commissioners; concessions; england; government; great; hath; houses; king; letter; majesties; majesty; newport; parliament; peace; propositions; queen; royall; said; text; thomason; time; touching; treaty cache: A88014.xml plain text: A88014.txt item: #54 of 68 id: A88943 author: Davenport, John, 1597-1670. title: Church-government and church-covenant discussed, in an answer of the elders of the severall churches in New-England to two and thirty questions, sent over to them by divers ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein. Together with an apologie of the said elders in New-England for church-covenant, sent over in answer to Master Bernard in the yeare 1639. As also in an answer to nine positions about church-government. And now published for the satisfaction of all who desire resolution in those points. date: 1643 words: 54810 flesch: 62 summary: 3. An expresse verball covenanting to walke with the said Church in particular , in Church fellowship . And not to depart from the said Church afterward without the consent thereof : or how doe you hold and practise in these things ? 9. Whether doe you hold all , or the most of our Parish assemblies in Old-England to be true Visible Churches of Christ ; with which you may lawfully joyne in every part of Gods true worship ( if occasion served thereto : ) or if not all or the most , then what ones are those of which you so account , and with which you durst so partake or joyne ; and in what respects ? keywords: able; abraham; account; act; acts; affection; againe; agreement; ames; answer; apologie; apostles; appeare; application; argument; assemblies; authority; baptisme; bee; believers; best; better; binde; binding; bishops; blessing; body; brethren; calling; case; censure; children; christ; christian; christian church; church; church body; church communion; church covenant; church estate; church fellowship; church government; church hath; church matters; church members; church officers; church ordinances; church power; church priviledges; churches; circumcision; combined; common; communion; company; conceive; congregation; consensu; consent; contrary; conversion; cor; corruptions; counsell; countrey; course; covenant; dayes; desire; deut; difference; discipline; distinction; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; durst; duties; earth; ecclesiae; ecclesiasticall; edification; elders; election; end; england; english; entring; ephes; essence; excommunication; exercise; exod; ezek; faith; faithfull; farre; fathers; fellowship; fit; forme; fourth; free; gal; generall; gifts; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; ground; hands; hath; hearts; heaven; heb; hee; himselfe; hold; holy; holy covenant; hope; house; ioh; isa; israel; jer; jesus; jewes; john; joyned; joyning; judgement; keyes; king; knowledge; knowne; large; lawfull; lay; learning; lib; liberty; like; little; long; lord; lords church; love; magistrates; major; man; manner; mans; marriage; master; mat; matters; meanes; members; men; men members; mention; ministers; mutuall; necessary; need; new; non; number; obedience; object; observe; occasion; offer; officers; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinary; ordination; owne; papists; parents; parish; parker; particular church; parts; pastors; people; performe; personall; persons; pet; place; plaine; point; polit; power; practise; prayer; preaching; presbyters; present; priests; private; professe; profession; promise; psal; quam; question; qui; reason; reformation; regard; religion; repentance; respect; rest; rev; right; rule; sacraments; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saying; scripture; second; sect; sed; seeing; seemes; selves; sentence; separation; servants; set; sheweth; sinne; sister church; solemne; solemne covenant; soule; speake; spirituall; standing; state; subjection; sufficient; sundry; supper; taking; tcp; teachers; testament; text; things; thinke; thou; time; title; totius; true church; truth; united; unlawfull; unlesse; vel; vertue; visible church; viz; voluntary; walke; want; warrant; way; wee; wife; witnesse; word; worke; worship; yea; yeare; ● ● cache: A88943.xml plain text: A88943.txt item: #55 of 68 id: A88948 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: A reply to Mr. Rutherfurd, or A defence of the answer to Reverend Mr. Herles booke against the independency of churches. VVherein such objections and answers, as are returned to sundry passages in the said answer by Mr. Samuel Rutherfurd, a godly and learned brother of the Church of Scotland, in his boke entituled The due right of Presbyters, are examined and removed, and the answer justified and cleared. / By Richard Macher [sic] teacher to the church at Dorchester in New England. 1646. date: 1647 words: 74311 flesch: 62 summary: doth it follow therefore that Superiors in Church or civill state have no power to command housholders to do their duty herein , but only to give counsell and advise ? Or if housholdere have such right , doth it follow that therefore they are under no command , in Church and Common-wealth ? I suppose it will not follow at all . Or shall we say , that Classes and Provinciall Synods have no right to end their own matters within themselves , if a Nationall Synod have power to command them ? Or if they have such right , shall we therefore say they are not under the command of the Nationall Synod , and that the Nationall Synod hath no power over them but only by way of Counsell and advise ? Wee suppose Master Rutherford will not say so : and yet he might as well say it , as say as hee he doth , that because Antioch hath right to ●nd her own matter if they be able , therefore a Synod hath no power but only by way of Counsell and advise . First , the ordinary power of Iurisdiction because of neerest vicinity and contiguity of members is given by Iesus Christ to one Congregation in an Isle , because that Church is a Church properly so called : It is a little City , and a little Kingdome of Iesus Christ , having within it selfe power of the ●ord and Sacraments and that is a Church and hath the essence of a Church to which agree the essentiall notes of a Church : now Preaching of the word and administration of the Sacraments are essentiall notes of a visible Church : keywords: ability; act; acts; administration; advise; againe; alledgeth; alwayes; answer; antioch; apostles; appeales; apprehension; arguing; argument; assemblies; assembly; author; authority; baynes; bee; body; brethren; brother; calling; case; causes; censure; chap; children; christ; christians; church; church doth; church power; church remedy; churches; circumcision; civill; classes; cleere; command; company; compleat; confesse; congregation; congregationall church; consequence; consider; contrary; cor; corinth; councell; dependant; desire; disciples; discipline; divers; doctrinall; doctrinall power; doctrine; doe; doth; duty; ecclesiasticall; elders; election; end; england; entire; entire power; entirenesse; ergo; erre; essence; example; excommunication; exercise; extraordinary; false; family; farre; generall; god; good; governing; government; grant; greater; ground; hands; hath; hee; help; herle; himselfe; hold; holy; hope; ierusalem; iewes; iland; imposition; israel; iurisdiction; judge; judgement; knowledge; law; lawes; lawfull; learned; lesse; levites; liberty; like; lord; man; matter; meanes; meaning; meeting; members; mention; ministeriall; ministers; multitude; nationall church; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; neighbours; new; number; objection; offences; officers; onely; ordinary; ordination; ought; page; particular; party; passage; pastors; paul; people; persons; place; point; power; power doth; practise; preaching; presbyteries; presbytery; present; prophets; provinciall; purpose; question; reader; reason; rebuke; rebuking; remedy; report; representative church; reverend; right; rule; rutherford; sacraments; said; saith; saying; scripture; second; seemes; set; severall; shew; single; single congregation; societies; speake; speaking; stand; sufficient; sundry; supper; supreame; supremacie; synagogues; synodicall; synods; tenent; testament; text; thereto; thing; thinke; time; timothy; treatise; troubled; true; truth; unlesse; unto; use; verse; visible church; viz; want; warrant; way; wee; whereof; women; word church; words; yea; ● ● cache: A88948.xml plain text: A88948.txt item: #56 of 68 id: A90265 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: The duty of pastors and people distingushed [sic]. Or A briefe discourse, touching the administration of things commanded in religion. Especially concerning the means to be used by the people of God (distinct from church-officers) for the increasing of divine knowledge in themselves and others. Wherein bounds are prescribed to their peformances, their liberty is enlarged to the utmost extent of the dictates of nature and rules of charity: their duty laid downe in directions, drawn from Scripture-precepts, and the practise of Gods people in all ages. Together with the severall wayes of extraordinary calling to the office of publike teaching, with what assurance such teachers may have of their calling, and what evidence they can give of it, unto others. / By John Ovven, M.A. of Q. Col. O. date: 1644 words: 23775 flesch: 51 summary: For all prelacy , at least , untill Nimrod hunted for preferment , was dejure divino : I finde then , that before the giving of the Law , the chief men among the servants of the true God , did every one in their owne families with their neighbors adjoyning , of the same perswasion , performe those things which they knew to be required , by the Law of nature , tradition , or speciall revelation ( the unwritten word of those times ) in the service of God , instructing their childeren and servants in the knowledge of their creed concerning the nature and goodnesse of God , the fall and sin of man , the use of sacrifices , and the promised seede , ( the summe of their religion ) and moreover performing {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} things appertaining unto God . that of Priest , which to the takers seemed to import a more mysterious imployment , a greater advancement above the rest of their brethren , a neerer approach unto God , in the performances of their office , then that of Ministers : wherefore they embraced it , either voluntarily , alluding to the service of God and the administration thereof amongst his antient people the Jewes , or thought that they ought necessarily to undergoe it , as belonging properly to them , who are to celebrate those mysteries , and offer those sacrifices , which they imagined , were to them prescribed : the imposers on the contrary , pretend divers reasons why now that name can signifie none but men rejected from Gods work , and given up to superstitious vanities ; attending in their minds , the old Priests of Baal , and the now shavelings of Antichrist : it was a new Etimologie of this name , which that learned man cleaved unto , who unhappily was ingaged into the defence of such errours , as he could not but see , and did often confesse : To which also he , he had an entrance made by an Arch-bishop ; to wit , that it was but an abbreviation of Presbyters , knowing full well , not only that the signification of these words , is divers amongst them , to whom belongs jus & norma loquendi , but also , that they are widely different in holy writ . keywords: acts; adde; administration; advantage; alwayes; answer; assemblies; assurance; bee; body; brethren; calling; cap; cases; chap; charity; children; christ; christians; church; command; common; contrary; corrupted; covenant; day; desire; deut; dictates; discourse; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duty; edification; end; ephes; evidence; extraordinary; faith; false; find; flesh; generall; gifts; giving; glorious; god; gods; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; hearts; heavenly; heb; hee; himselfe; holy; humane; institution; instruction; interest; john; kinde; knowledge; law; lawfull; liberty; light; like; lord; love; manner; meanes; men; mens; ministers; miracles; moses; nature; necessary; new; non; offering; office; officers; old; onely; order; outward; owne; particular; pastors; paul; people; performance; place; power; practise; preaching; precept; present; priesthood; priests; private; prophets; publike; purpose; reason; regard; religion; respect; rest; revelation; roman; rule; sacrifices; saint; saviour; scripture; seemes; servants; service; set; severall; sin; sort; soules; speake; speciall; spirit; spirituall; sufficient; teachers; teaching; testament; text; thereunto; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; use; vertue; vocation; warrant; way; wayes; word; work; worship; yea cache: A90265.xml plain text: A90265.txt item: #57 of 68 id: A90296 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: A vision of vnchangeable free mercy, in sending the means of grace to undeserved sinners: wherein Gods uncontrollable eternall purpose, in sending, and continuing the gospel unto this nation, in the middest of oppositions and contingencies, is discovered: his distinguishing mercy, in this great work, exalted, asserted, against opposers, repiners: in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, April. 29. being the day of publike humiliation. Whereunto is annexed, a short defensative about church-government, (with a countrey essay for the practice of church-government there) toleration and petitions about these things. / By Iohn Owen, minister of the gospel at Coggeshall in Essex. date: 1646 words: 24364 flesch: 68 summary: If a man in those daies had gone about to perswade us , that all our pressures were good omens , that they all wrought together for our good , we could have been ready to cry with the woman , who when she had recount●d her griefs ●o the Physicians and he still replied , they were good signes , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , good signes have undone me , these good signes will be our ruin ; yet behold ( we hope ) the contrary . Now truly after my best search , and inquiry , into the first Churches and their constitution , framing an Idea and exemplar of them , this poor heap following , seems to me , as like one of them , as any thing that yet I have seen : nothing at all doubting , but that if a more skilfull hand had the limning of it , the proportions , features and lines , would be very exact , equall and paralell : yea , did not extream haste , now call it from me , so that I have no leisure , so much as to transcribe the first draught , I doubt not but , by Gods assistance , it might be so set forth , as not to be thought altogether undesirable ; if men would but a little lay aside beloved preconceptions : but the Printer staies for every line : only I must intreat every one that shall cast a candid eye , on this unwillingly exposed Embryo , and rude abortion , that he would assume in his minde , any particular Church mentioned in the Scripture , as of H●erusalem , Corinth , Ephesus , or the like , consider the way and state they were th●n , and some ages after , in respect of outward immunities and enjoyments , and tell me , whether any rationall man can suppose , that either there were in those places , sundry particular Churches , with their distinct peculiar officers , acting in most pastorall duties severally in them , as distinguished and divided into entire societies , but ruling them in respect of some particulars loyally in combination , considered as distinct bodies ; or else , that they were such single Congregations , as that all that power and authority which was in them , may seem fitly and conveniently to be entrusted , with a small handfull of men , combined under one single Pastour , with one , two , or perhaps no associated Elders . keywords: account; acts; aim; appearance; apud; aug; aut; authority; beginning; best; better; blinde; bloud; body; bread; cap; cause; chap; children; christ; church; churches; close; commons; communion; condition; contingencies; cor; counsell; covenant; creature; cry; daies; daniel; darknes; day; dead; death; desire; deus; differences; discipline; discovery; dispensation; doth; earth; england; ephes; errours; eternall; ezek; fall; false; farre; father; fire; flesh; forth; free; fruit; gen; generall; giving; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; goodnesse; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; hell; help; holy; honourable; hope; house; humiliation; iohn; isa; israel; jesus; jews; joh; john; judgements; justice; kingdom; known; late; left; lesse; lib; liberty; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; macedonia; manner; master; mat; matth; means; meer; men; mercies; mercy; message; middest; minde; mountains; names; nation; nature; necessary; nisi; non; old; onely; open; oppositions; outward; owen; particular; parts; paul; peculiar; people; person; petitions; place; pleasure; poor; power; practice; preaching; present; promises; prov; providence; psal; publike; purpose; quae; qui; quo; quod; reason; reformation; regular; respect; righteousnesse; rise; roman; root; rule; salvation; second; sed; self; sending; sermon; set; shadow; short; sin; sins; small; sorts; souls; spirit; spring; state; sun; tertul; text; thee; things; thorow; thou; thoughts; throne; time; toleration; truth; value; variety; vineyard; vision; viz; vse; want; water; way; weeks; wheels; whereof; whereunto; whilest; wisedom; words; work; working; world; worship; yea; ● ● cache: A90296.xml plain text: A90296.txt item: #58 of 68 id: A90720 author: Palmer, George, b. 1596 or 7. title: Sectaries vnmasked and confuted. By the treating upon divers points of doctrine in debate betwixt the Presbyterialists and sectarists, Anabaptists, Independents, and Papists. / By George Palmer wel-wisher to a warrantable uniformity in godly religious exercises. date: 1647 words: 29135 flesch: 61 summary: ●●e Indepen●●nts ( many of ●●em ) doe fear ●●at we shall ●●ve no Lawes 〈◊〉 punish Ido●●ters as God ●●●h comman●ed . not every particular man or woman should bee converted to Christ ; but that the Nation should in the more generall profession embrace the doctrine of Christ ; and many of them in truth of heart , as the Jews did at that time , when David the kingly Prophet spake those words now quoted out of the 33 Psalm aforesaid , though there be many rebellious Corahs , and other sinfull murmuring people and wicked transgressors amongst these , as there was amongst those Jews , as they were in the way to Canaan land ( the type of heaven . ) And now me thinks this Monster is stopped in his aime and hopes ; I therefore now will proceed to another Point , as I have proved it by Reason and Scripture , that divisions in the divine exercises of our Religion , is naught and dangerous to the state of Christians : And also that it is a great happinesse to bee united together in a warrantable uniformity in the Divine ordinances of our Religion ; Now I come to prove more particularly what speciall decrees and ordinances the Apostles did ordain and appoint for the Churches of God in the Primitive time , the better to accommodate them in a warrantable uniformity , and thus I prove it , Acts 15. 23. to 31 , & 4● . keywords: able; affection; answer; apostle; babes; bee; beleevers; best; better; body; brethren; care; cause; chap; children; christ; christians; church; churches; conclusion; conscience; contrary; cor; dangerous; david; dayes; death; deut; divers; divided; divine; divisions; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; elders; end; everlasting; evill; exercises; experience; fit; flesh; flock; forbid; frame; generall; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; hath; hearts; heaven; hee; hold; holy; honest; hope; house; idolaters; idolatry; images; israel; jesus; jewes; judgement; king; knowledge; law; lest; life; like; likely; little; long; lord; love; man; manner; matter; members; men; ministers; moses; occasion; onely; ordain; order; ordinances; papists; pastors; paul; people; place; point; popes; power; pray; prayer; preachers; presbyterialls; prophet; psal; pure; reason; religion; rest; rom; rule; saith; salvation; saviour; scriptures; sectaries; seed; selves; separate; set; sin; sins; spirit; spirituall; stand; state; sure; taught; teachers; text; thee; things; thought; time; timothy; true; truth; uniformity; unity; ver; verse; viz; want; warrantable; way; wee; words; worse; worship; yea; yee; ● ● cache: A90720.xml plain text: A90720.txt item: #59 of 68 id: A90974 author: Price, John, Citizen of London. title: Unity our duty. In twelve considerations humbly presented to the godly, reverend, and learned brethren of the Presbyterian judgement; and the dissenting godly, reverend, and learned brethren, commonly called independant; contending together about church governement. Which tends earnestly to dissvvade them from bitter speaking, and writing one against another. By I. P. Licensed and published according to order. date: 1645 words: 4374 flesch: 64 summary: It is hard to say whether is the saddest Omen of our approaching misery ; either the unhappie divisions of our owne party , or betweene our selves and the common Enemy , whose promising advantage against our selves in that particular , is their greatest hopes , and our greatest feare ; they are united , we divided ; they are all one against us , & each of us one against his brother , unity acteth the sons of error & division the sons of truth , which is as if the good should with the wicked , change quallities , and yet retaine priviledges ; the spirit of pride , peevishnesse ▪ ●ssion , perversenesse , mallice , confidence , envy and Emulation doth apparently look ( as through a lettice ) ▪ through these late times of contention about Church Discipline , betweene ( I hope ) godly parties on each side , which is as sad in it selfe as the consequence , ( if not prevented ) are like to be ; The Melancholy and serious observation whereof hath cast mee upon these present , suddaine , but seasonable thoughts , which I have moulded into severall considerations and motives unto a more sweete , christian , and lovely demeanour of our selves in our mutuall pleadings and writing against one another unhappily dissenting about the truth , first consider the minde of God , revealed in the Scriptures about the same who hath commanded us , to love one another , John 15. 17. to follow the truth in love , Ephes. And where ever it is in truth , it knits the heart with the Saints in love , Colos. keywords: anothers; bitter; brethren; brother; christ; church; considerations; doe; doth; duty; ephes; faith; father; froward; god; godly; good; hath; head; heart; jesus; john; judgement; light; london; love; mallice; man; meekenesse; owne; passion; peace; pen; presbyterian; price; reverend; saints; selves; speaking; spirit; strife; text; things; thomason; times; tongue; truth; unity; words; writing cache: A90974.xml plain text: A90974.txt item: #60 of 68 id: A91196 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: Independency examined, vnmasked, refuted, by twelve new particular interrogatories: detecting both the manifold absurdities, inconveniences that must necessarily attend it, to the great disturbance of church, state, the diminution, subversion of the lawfull undoubted power of all christian magistrates, parliaments, synods: and shaking the chiefe pillars, wherwith its patrons would support it. / By William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Esquier. date: 1644 words: 7829 flesch: 53 summary: If the people alone without the Minister , or both conjoyned , then you invest every Independent Conventicle , consisting of never so few inconsiderable ignorant members , with a greater legislative power , and ecclesiasticall authority , then you allow to whole Nationall Parliaments , Councels , consisting of most eminent , learned , pious persons of all sorts ; who by your New doctrine have no jurisdiction at all to make or enjoyne any forme of church-government , covenant , ecclesiasticall lawes or canons , to any particular churches : as if the eminentest Ministers and members of churches , by becomming members of Parliaments or Councels , did thereby forfeit and lose the right or exercise of that power , in those great representative bodies of the whole Kingdome and church of England , which you readily allow both them and others in every private church or Conventicle : A most strange and senselesse whimsie . Independent churches -- England -- Early works to 1800. keywords: acts; apostles; assembly; authority; brethren; canons; christian; chro; church; churches; city; civill; coercive; common; congregation; conscience; contrary; cor; councell; covenants; discipline; divine; doe; ecclesiasticall; elders; erect; god; gods; government; great; himselfe; independent; independent churches; kingdome; kings; lawes; lawfull; liberty; magistrates; members; ministers; nationall; new; old; opinions; owne; parishes; parliament; particular; peace; people; persons; pet; power; present; princes; private; prynne; psal; reply; rom; sacrament; schismes; scripture; set; severall; spirituall; state; support; synods; temporall; text; things; tit; william; word; yea cache: A91196.xml plain text: A91196.txt item: #61 of 68 id: A91746 author: Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676. title: The meanes and method of healing in the Church. Set forth in a sermon. Preached before the Right Honourable the House of Peers in Westminster Abby, April 30. 1660. being a day of solemn humiliation to seek God for his blessing on the counsels of the Parliament. By Edward Reynolds, D.D. and Dean of Christ-Church. date: 1660 words: 9634 flesch: 78 summary: 1. Man provokes God with sin , and God overcomes sin with Judgement . Jehu did a work materially good , but carnal policy turned it into sin , Hos. 1. 4. To pray , and yet hold fast cruelty ; To Fast , and to take pleasure in Wickedness ; To bring Offerings and Flocks to Gods house , and still delight in violence and oppression ; If any thing be to mock God , and provoke wrath , certainly this is , to make Religion , like Samuels Mantle , a Cloak for the Devil . keywords: affliction; broken; children; christ; chron; church; conscience; covenant; david; day; displeasure; doth; duties; duty; edward; ezek; ezra; face; father; favour; glorious; god; gods; good; grace; gracious; great; hands; hath; healing; heart; heaven; holy; honourable; house; humble; humiliation; interests; isa; jer; job; judgements; justice; land; law; lord; love; man; men; mercy; method; nature; peace; peers; people; pestilence; power; prayer; promise; psalm; pure; reg; reynolds; right; rod; saith; self; selves; set; sin; sins; soul; special; spirit; sufferings; text; things; thomason; thou; times; uncleanness; wayes; wicked; work; world; wrath cache: A91746.xml plain text: A91746.txt item: #62 of 68 id: A91890 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. Foundation of Christian religion. title: A briefe catechisme concerning church-governemnt. By that Reverend Divine Mr. Iohn Robinson, and may fitly be adjoyned to Mr. Perkins six Principles as an appendix thereto. date: 1642 words: 4403 flesch: 85 summary: Wherein standeth this communion of the Spirit ? A. l In the in-dwelling and operation of the gifts and graces thereof conveyed from Christ as the head , unto the Church as his body , and members one of another : Whence ariseth that most streit and divine conjunction , by which , as by the civill bond of marriage , the man and wife are one flesh : 2. The * Church is the body of Christ , all whose members therefore should be conformable in some measure to him their head . 3 Onely such * worshippers please God as are accepted of him and have right to the covenant of grace and seales thereof . keywords: act; bee; body; cap; christ; church; churches; cor; covenant; divine; doctrine; eph; faith; faithfull; gifts; god; hath; ministery; non; particular; perkins; principles; robinson; rom; roman; sacraments; scriptures; spirit; text; thou; tim; touching; true; unto; vvhat; word; workes cache: A91890.xml plain text: A91890.txt item: #63 of 68 id: A93888 author: J. T. title: An ansvver to a letter vvritten at Oxford, and superscribed to Dr. Samuel Turner, concerning the Church, and the revenues thereof. Wherein is shewed, how impossible it is for the King with a good conscience to yeeld to the change of church-government by bishops, or to the alienating the lands of the Church. date: 1647 words: 17872 flesch: 57 summary: These last words make me suspect some passion in the Writer , as being in scorne heretofore taken up by men , who for a long time were Schismatiques , in their hearts , and are now Rebels in their actions : And though I was not desired to reforme this Epistlers errour , yet in charity I shall tell him , that he is out , when he affirmes that this opinion was but of late countenanced in this Church , as I could shew him out of Archbishop Whitgift , and Bishop Bilson and others : and since perhaps he may thinke these to be but men of the more Lordly Clergy , I shall name one more who may stand for many , and who wrote forty yeares since , that most excellent man M. Hooker , ( a person of most incomparable learning , and of as much modesty , who I dare be bold to say , did not once dreame of a Rotchet ) he averres in cleare tearmes , There are at this day in the Church of England , no other then the same degrees of Ecclesiasticall order , namely Bishops , Presbyters , and Deacons , which had their beginning from Christ and his blessed Apostles themselves , or as he expounds himselfe , Bishops and Presbyters , ordained by Christ himselfe in the Apostles and the seventy , and then Deacons by his Apostles ; I may adde Bucer too , no man I am sure of the Lordly Clergy , who though he were not English born , yet he was professor here in King Edwards time , and he wrote and dyed in this Kingdome , keywords: act; apostles; bishops; change; christ; christian; church; church lands; churches; cleare; clergy; command; condition; conscience; consent; contrary; curses; customes; divine; doctor; doe; doth; doubt; england; english; episcopacy; epistler; expresse; god; gods; good; government; grant; great; ground; hath; himselfe; hold; holy; hope; houses; institution; justice; kind; king; lands; law; lawes; lawfull; lay; lesse; letter; like; lord; lordly; man; men; ministers; nay; necessity; needs; new; non; oath; onely; opinion; order; owne; oxford; parliament; particular; people; person; plaine; point; power; presbyters; preserve; promise; propriety; reason; revenues; right; roman; sacriledge; saith; samuel; seemes; selfe; sense; set; sinne; sir; state; strange; sure; sweares; text; theft; things; thou; times; title; true; truth; use; way; words; yeares; yee cache: A93888.xml plain text: A93888.txt item: #64 of 68 id: A94222 author: H. S. (Henry Savage), 1604?-1672. title: Reasons shewing that there is no need of such a reformation of the publique 1. Doctrine. 2. Worship. 3. Rites & ceremonies. 4. Church-government. 5. Discipline. As it is pretended by reasons offered to the serious consideration of this present Parliament, by divers ministers of sundry counties in England. By H.S. D.D. Chaplain to his Majestie in ordinary. date: 1660 words: 10307 flesch: 68 summary: And this they endeavour to make good from the nature of them , taking it for granted that they are {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , or things indifferent ; saying , that those ought not to be imposed on such as cannot be perswaded in their owne minds that they are lawfull , because to them it will be sin , according to St. Pauls own Doctrine , to his Corinthians , & Rom. 14. Answ. And if Popery may be grounded upon the Articles ( as is pretended ) they need not fear any tacite rejection of St. James his Epistle , or calling of it stamineam Epistolam , as Luther does , nor yet of the 2d ▪ of Peter , in as much as the compilers of the Articles are adversaries to those that are {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} 2 Ep. keywords: act; acts; answ; answer; arch; articles; baptisme; bishops; body; book; canons; case; ceremonies; chapters; christ; church; common; communion; confesse; day; dayes; discipline; doctrine; doth; eliz; england; english; episcopacy; epistle; exception; formes; god; gods; good; government; great; hath; holy; jurisdiction; kalender; kings; law; liturgy; lords; men; ministers; necessity; need; new; non; number; old; onely; order; ordinary; ordination; parliament; place; popish; power; prayer; presbyters; present; pretended; priest; proclamation; publique; reading; reasons; reformation; rest; rites; roman; rubrick; scripture; sense; sin; text; thing; time; voice; way; word; worship; year cache: A94222.xml plain text: A94222.txt item: #65 of 68 id: A95897 author: Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. title: The schismatick sifted. Or, The picture of Independents, freshly and fairly washt-over again. Wherein, the sectaries of these times (I mean, the principall seducers to that dangerous and subtile schisme of Independency) are with their own proper pensils, and self-mixed colours, most lively set forth to be a generation of notorious dissemblers and sly deceivers. Collected (for the most part) from undeniable testimonies under their own hands, in print; for the more fair and full satisfaction, and undeceiving of moderate and much misled Christians; especially by the outward appearance of their piety of life, and a pretence of their preaching sound-doctrine. / By John Vicars. date: 1646 words: 20309 flesch: 45 summary: Or, The picture of Independents, freshly and fairly washt-over again. Or, The picture of Independents, freshly and fairly washt-over again. keywords: answer; apostle; assembly; authority; blessed; brethren; briefly; cause; christ; christians; church; churches; city; commons; confesse; congregation; conscience; consistory; contrary; corn; covenant; damnable; dangerous; day; dealing; deceivers; deep; desire; discipline; dissemblers; divines; doctor; doctrine; doe; double; edwards; england; english; errours; evident; fair; faithfull; false; farther; foresaid; forsooth; forth; friend; garden; glorious; god; godly; gods; good; goodwin; government; great; hands; hath; hearts; hee; high; himselfe; holinesse; holy; honest; honour; honourable; house; independents; iohn; jerusalem; john; judge; late; liberty; life; lights; like; london; long; lord; love; main; man; master; mean; ministers; modell; moderate; narration; naught; nay; new; notorious; notwithstanding; old; onely; opinions; ought; outward; pag; parishioners; parliament; particular; partie; party; peace; people; piece; piety; pious; plain; power; preaching; presbyterian; pretended; print; protested; purpose; reader; reformation; religion; religious; remonstrance; rest; reverend; right; said; saints; sake; satisfaction; sayes; schismaticall; schismes; scripture; sectaries; self; sense; set; sins; sly; sound; spirit; subtile; testimonies; text; thing; times; toleration; treatise; trick; true; truth; undeniable; vicars; way; words; work; world; writing; yea cache: A95897.xml plain text: A95897.txt item: #66 of 68 id: A96687 author: Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655. title: New-Englands salamander, discovered by an irreligious and scornefull pamphlet, called New-Englands Jonas cast up at London, &c. Owned by Major Iohn Childe, but not probable to be written by him. Or, A satisfactory answer to many aspersions cast upon New-England therein. Wherein our government there is shewed to bee legall and not arbitrary, being as neere the law of England as our condition will permit. Together with a briefe reply to what is written in answer to certaine passages in a late booke called Hypocrisie unmasked. / By Edw. Winslow. date: 1647 words: 12930 flesch: 43 summary: And then hee addeth , ( ●ee should ●●●● said C●●●n●●t , which is his sense ) and that the sixth person is not of the Church , meaning , amongst them , And this , saith hee , wee have but his word for , and makes is a falshood in me : A fourth false report you terme , is , Their Petition brought from thence to bee presented to the Parliament ( which they had named Jones ) in a ship called the Supply ; being in a storme neere Silly , out of horrour of conscience the petition was torne and throwne over board : and that then the storme immediatly ceased , and they ●ir●●●lously saved . keywords: answer; arbitrary; bee; beleeve; best; booke; brethren; captaine; case; certaine; charge; childe; church; churches; common; communion; company; condition; countrey; court; day; divers; doctor; doe; england; english; false; farre; foxes; freemen; god; godly; gods; goe; good; government; governour; great; hath; head; hee; himselfe; hypocrisie; jesus; john; jonas; knowne; late; lawes; leave; lesse; letters; like; little; london; long; lord; major; massachusets; mee; mercy; neere; new; notice; occasion; onely; owne; parliament; particular; passages; people; persons; petition; place; practise; presbyterian; present; reader; relation; remonstrance; reply; respect; rest; said; saith; salamander; sea; second; shewed; ship; state; text; thing; thousands; time; way; wee; winslow; word; ● ● cache: A96687.xml plain text: A96687.txt item: #67 of 68 id: A96899 author: Woodward, Ezekias, 1590-1675. title: The sentence from scripture and reason against arch-bishops and bishops with their curats. I. That they are in their doctrine and practice abominable. II. That their governement is an abomination. III. That their service is a profanation, so provoking in Gods eyes, that He will have all removed out of his sight. IV. That newtrality is most detestable, and commands a curse from God and good men. V. That the two waies of governement, the presabiteriall and independent, are but in shew two; they go crosse a little, but they will bend each to other till they shall both meete in one church-way. ... Presented to the Assembly of Divines. date: 1644 words: 994 flesch: 75 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A96899 of text R210001 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E47_18). The sentence from scripture and reason against arch-bishops and bishops with their curats. keywords: arch; bishops; church; curats; god; governement; reason; text; thomason; title; way; woodward cache: A96899.xml plain text: A96899.txt item: #68 of 68 id: A97108 author: Walwyn, William, 1600-1681. title: Tolleration iustified, and persecution condemn'd. In an answer or examination, of the London-ministers letter whereof, many of them are of the synod, and yet framed this letter at Sion-Colledge; to be sent among others, to themselves at the Assembly: in behalf of reformation and church-government, 2 Corinth. II. vers. 14. 15. And no marvail, for Sathan himself is transformed into an angell of light. Therefore it is no great thing, though his ministers transform themselves, as though they were ministers of righteousnesse; whose end shall be according to their works. date: 1646 words: 8253 flesch: 49 summary: I j●dge it ●or my pa●●●●ufficient ground to suspect that for gold that can't abide a triall . I may be helpt in my examination , by other men , but no man o● sort of men ▪ are to examine for me , insomuch that before an opinion can properly be said to be mine , it must concord with my understanding . keywords: answer; argument; authority; best; bishops; brethren; christ; christian; church; churches; common; confidence; consciences; contrary; countenance; covenant; different; divines; enemies; fear; freedome; god; godlinesse; good; government; great; heart; hope; independents; lay; letter; like; london; love; man; matters; men; ministers; needs; opinion; parliament; people; persecution; power; practice; presbyters; question; reason; reformation; religion; rule; schisme; search; sectaries; sects; separation; sorts; spirit; state; sure; text; thomason; time; tolleration; true; truth; understanding; use; way; wealth; whereof; word; works; ● d; ● s; ● ● cache: A97108.xml plain text: A97108.txt