item: #1 of 10 id: A25542 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. title: An Answer to a paper set forth by the coffee-men directed to the Honourable, the Commons in Parliament assembled being reflections upon some propositions that were exhibited to the Parliament for the changing the excise of coffee, tea, and chocolate into a custom upon the commodities. date: None words: 1746 flesch: 67 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A25542) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 51227) keywords: -england; act; books; calculation; characters; chocolate; coffee; commons; early; eebo; english; excise; gallon; paper; parliament; pence; pound; set; shillings; tcp; tea; text cache: A25542.xml plain text: A25542.txt item: #2 of 10 id: A31685 author: Eye and ear witness. title: The character of a coffee-house wherein is contained a description of the persons usually frequenting it, with their discourse and humors, as also the admirable vertues of coffee / by an eye and ear witness. date: 1665.0 words: 3168 flesch: 79 summary: To get ought by 't , times are so bad . Another poking in ' t with th' tongs , Still ready to cough up his lungs . keywords: ale; books; boy; character; coffee; discourse; doth; drink; ear; early; eebo; encoding; english; eye; good; great; high; house; humors; images; man; men; monsieur; news; old; online; oxford; partnership; persons; phase; pipes; place; pot; reason; signs; sir; tcp; tei; text; vertues; vvith; witness; xml cache: A31685.xml plain text: A31685.txt item: #3 of 10 id: A36763 author: Chamberlayne, John, 1666-1723. title: The manner of making of coffee, tea, and chocolate as it is used in most parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, with their vertues / newly done out of French and Spanish. date: 1685.0 words: 20284 flesch: 44 summary: One cannot deny but this is a very strong argument , and 't is likely that these reasons being considered by that same Physitian of Merchena , might induce him to affirm , that Chocolate was obstructive , for he thought it contrary to all Philosophy , to say that the Cacao is hot and moist in the highest degree , which is certainly believed to be cold and dry . First by experience ; ( supposing that which Galen says , That every temperate Medicament heats that which is cold , and cools that which is hot , giving for example the Oyl of Roses ) with experience I say , grounded on the practice and custom which they have amongst them , in the Indies , for ( I coming very much heated to visit one of my Patients , when I desired some water of them to cool my self ) they advised me to take a Dish of Chocolate , with which I quenched my thirst , but taking it the next morning fasting it heated me and fortified my Stomack . Now let us prove this opinion by reason , we have before demonstrated that all the parts of the Cacao were not cold ; for we have shew'd , that the buttery and oyly parts , which are in great number are hot , or at least temperate . keywords: agreeable; almonds; astringent; author; bean; belly; best; better; big; black; body; book; boyl; buttery; cacao; cahue; call'd; causes; certain; chap; china; chineses; chocolate; cinnamon; coffee; cold; colour; common; composition; contrary; countries; country; cure; curious; day; decoction; degree; different; distempers; drink; drugs; dry; eebo; end; english; europe; excellent; experience; fine; fire; flowers; french; fruit; good; grain; great; green; head; health; heat; hot; humours; indian; indies; ingredients; large; leaf; leaves; like; liquor; little; liver; long; maiz; making; manner; means; mexico; mix; mixt; moist; morning; nature; near; new; number; obstructions; opinion; parts; pepper; persons; physician; plant; pound; powder; proper; purpose; qualities; quality; quantity; reason; said; second; seed; self; set; skin; smell; sort; spain; spaniards; spanish; stomach; stone; subject; substance; sugar; taste; tcp; tea; temperament; temperate; text; thereto; therewith; thick; thing; time; tree; trouble; true; use; vertues; water; way; white; wine; works cache: A36763.xml plain text: A36763.txt item: #4 of 10 id: A37215 author: Anṭākī, Dāʼūd ibn ʻUmar, d. 1599. title: The nature of the drink kauhi, or coffe, and the berry of which it is made described by an Arabian phisitian. date: 1659.0 words: 1214 flesch: 71 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 58239) keywords: arabic; berry; books; characters; drink; early; eebo; encoding; english; images; nature; online; oxford; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; works; xml cache: A37215.xml plain text: A37215.txt item: #5 of 10 id: A56639 author: M. P., 17th cent. title: A character of coffee and coffee-houses by M.P. date: 1661.0 words: 3704 flesch: 70 summary: Coffee -- Moral and ethical aspects. A Coffee-house is free to all Comers , so they have Humane shape , where a Liquor made of an Arabian Berry called Coffee is drunk . keywords: alwayes; berry; books; character; coffee; company; creation; discourse; drink; early; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; english; good; great; hath; head; house; images; liquor; little; man; men; night; notes; number; online; opinion; oxford; partnership; persons; phase; place; project; reason; sense; sorts; tcp; tei; terms; text; time; tobacco; truth; utrum; wine; women; work; xml cache: A56639.xml plain text: A56639.txt item: #6 of 10 id: A57896 author: Blount, Henry, Sir, 1602-1682. title: Organon salutis an instrument to cleanse the stomach : as also divers new experiments of the virtue of tobacco and coffee, how much they conduce to preserve humane health / by W.R. ... date: 1657.0 words: 11793 flesch: 64 summary: 7. Lemnius de occultis hath written a whole Chapter of the rattle which men have in their throats before they die , and ascribes it to the contractions of the vitall spirits , &c. and so it may be well enough ; for that a mans breath is stopped by flegme and undigested humors , which come from the mouth of the stomach into the throat , as well as an halter doth stop it outwardly . 4. Because men cannot ordinarily have the said composition , I thought fit to add one thing more , made with great ease , and of admirable use , as well for the wind , as also to dissolve tough flegme and humors in the stomach , as also to comfort the stomach , that is , Take Enulacampane Roots dried , pounded , and sifted , mingle therewith as much Sugar as shall please your taste , to take away the bitterness of the roots : Then add thereunto a small quantity of pounded Nutmeg and Ginger : Mingle all these together with a sufficient quantity of Sallet-oyl , Hony , or other pleasant syrope , to the thickness of an Electuary . keywords: aforesaid; age; best; body; books; bread; cap; case; chap; coffee; cold; convenient; cophie; corrupt; diseases; divers; doctor; doe; doth; drink; dyet; electuary; end; evill; experience; experiments; eyes; fire; food; good; gout; great; hath; head; health; heat; help; humors; infusion; instrument; known; learned; life; like; little; long; man; means; meat; morning; mouth; mustard; nature; notes; nutmeg; occasion; ordinary; oyle; parts; passages; physick; physitians; pitch; place; plaister; pleasure; point; pot; primrose; principall; quantity; rantzovius; reason; remedy; said; saith; self; severall; sir; small; stomach; stone; strong; suppositers; text; things; time; tobacco; trouble; undigested; use; vomit; vomiting; water; way; whalebone; white; wind; wine; work cache: A57896.xml plain text: A57896.txt item: #7 of 10 id: A66888 author: Well-willer. title: The women's petition against coffee representing to publick consideration the grand inconveniencies accruing to their sex from the excessive use of that drying, enfeebling liquor : presented to the right honorable the keepers of the liberty of Venus / by a well-willer. date: 1674.0 words: 2694 flesch: 56 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A66888) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 94351) keywords: ale; books; characters; coffee; consideration; creation; drying; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; excessive; good; grand; honorable; husbands; images; inconveniencies; keepers; liberty; liquor; men; old; online; oxford; partnership; petition; phase; point; publick; right; sex; tcp; tei; text; use; venus; weary; willer; women; works; xml cache: A66888.xml plain text: A66888.txt item: #8 of 10 id: A67740 author: Yarranton, Andrew, 1616-1684. title: England's improvements justified; and the author thereof, Captain Y. vindicated from the scandals in a paper called a Coffee-house dialogue. With some animadversions upon his popish designs therein contained. date: 1680.0 words: 3748 flesch: 47 summary: MAlice and Envy are the inseperable Companions of a Diabolical Nature ; and that contagion is never more apparent , than by its dreadful symptoms , where it throws out its sulphureous fiery stink-pots of calumnies and slanders , blasting the reputations of the best of men , lessening and levelling at the most Heroick Actions , and endeavouring to make the greatest designs for the weal-publick frustrate and abortive , But before I come to examine your Paper in its several Paragraphs , I must shew you how unfarely you deal with this honest Gentleman ; either you were one of the Society , or not ; if you were , and the matter were true , you are a Traytor , a Iudas , acting against the Laws and Rules of human Society , Odi ●●●morem compotorem , you are to be detested and abandoned by all civil Company , and if you were not of the Society , you can know nothing ; and your whole Discourse is a feigned undertaking ; and how easie a matter is it for a man to lay absurdities at any mans door , when the same man , out of a malitious design , first makes the Question , and also the Answer ; has the contrivance of the whole conference by himself ; and yet a person knowing nothing , wholly innocent , must be exposed ; from this Arrow shot in the dark , no man can be safe ; and whether the Captain ought to father so scandalous a Bastard , I leave it to all wise and just mens censure : This being the true state of the business , the Captain having never had this conference , he must be cleared from whatsoever is contained in this forged Dialogue 〈◊〉 innocence , when he heard of it , only procured a smile , with this answer , spreta vilescunt , falshoods must perish , are soonest destroyed by contempt : keywords: andrew; author; books; captain; characters; church; coffee; common; creation; designs; dialogue; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; envy; god; government; great; house; images; improvements; king; making; man; nature; online; oxford; paper; parliament; partnership; phase; popish; protestant; publick; question; religion; self; sir; society; tcp; tei; text; time; treason; true; works; world; xml; yarranton cache: A67740.xml plain text: A67740.txt item: #9 of 10 id: A70365 author: James I, King of England, 1566-1625. Counterblaste to tobacco. title: Two broad-sides against tobacco the first given by King James of famous memory, his Counterblast to tobacco : the second transcribed out of that learned physician Dr. Everard Maynwaringe, his Treatise of the scurvy : to which is added, serious cautions against excess in drinking, taken out of another work of the same author, his Preservation of health and prolongation of life : with a short collection, out of Dr. George Thompson's treatise of Bloud, against smoking tobacco : also many examples of God's severe judgments upon notorious drunkards, who have died suddenly, in a sermon preached by Mr. Samuel Ward : concluding with two poems against tobacco and coffee / corrected and published, as very proper for this age, by J.H. date: 1672.0 words: 29706 flesch: 54 summary: Gentle Readers , HEre is presented to you a Brief , Learned , and a very seasonable Treatise for the Age we live in : It was many years since Penned by King James of happy and blessed Memory , Entituled , A Counterblast to Tobacco ; It it here verbatim , faithfully transcribed out of the large and learned Volume of His other Works in Folio , which are rare and scarce to be had for money , and of too great a price for the common sort of Tobacco-smokers to purchase : It is granted , the thing may be good , and Physical , and healthful , being moderately and but seldom taken ; but for men to take ten or twenty Pipes in a day in all Companies , Morning , Noon and Night , before and presently after Meals ; this is a strange way of taking Physick . Whereas if men were so wise for their own good , both in Body , Soul , and Estate , as to handle a good Book , either of Divinity , or of Morality , half so often as they do the Pipe of smoke , it would be better for them in all respects , more precious time and money would be saved . keywords: able; abuse; act; age; ale; answer; antidote; argument; ashamed; author; bad; barbarous; base; beer; benefit; best; better; black; bloud; bodies; body; books; brain; breath; broad; cause; certain; children; christ; church; cockatrice; coffee; cold; collection; common; company; constitution; contrary; corrupted; counterblast; country; course; cup; cure; custome; daily; dangerous; day; days; deadly; death; digestion; disease; divers; doctor; doth; drink; drinking; drunkards; drunkenness; dry; eebo; effects; end; enemies; england; english; entry; evil; examples; excess; experience; eyes; faculties; fall; famous; far; filthy; fire; fit; foolish; force; foul; frequent; fume; general; george; god; good; grace; great; great tobacco; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hath; head; health; heat; hell; help; herb; high; hold; home; hope; hot; house; hurtful; ill; indians; injurious; intemperate; james; judgments; kind; kingdom; known; large; late; life; light; like; liquor; little; living; london; long; longer; lord; love; majesties; man; manner; mans; matter; mean; meat; medicine; memory; men; mind; moisture; money; mortal; mouth; nation; natural; nature; needs; new; notice; office; onely; opinion; ordinary; original; particular; parts; people; persons; physician; physick; pipe; place; plague; plant; pleasure; pot; power; poyson; precious; present; preservation; procuring; proof; proper; properties; quality; reason; received; remedy; rest; royal; sad; saith; samuel; scorbutick; scurvy; second; self; selves; sermon; serpent; severe; short; sickness; sin; sins; sleep; smoke; smoking; sober; solomon; sorts; soul; spirits; spiritual; state; stinking; stomach; strange; strength; strong; subject; sun; sundry; superfluous; sure; symptoms; taking; tast; tcp; text; thee; thing; thirst; thou; time; tobacco; tobacconists; transcribed; treatise; true; use; vanities; vanity; vertue; vile; ward; water; way; weed; whereof; wife; wine; wise; woe; wonder; work; world; worse; yea; years; young cache: A70365.xml plain text: A70365.txt item: #10 of 10 id: A87472 author: Everard, Giles. De herba panacea. English. Selections. 1676. title: The touchstone, or, Trial of tobacco whether it be good for all constitutions : with a word of advice against immoderate drinking and smoaking : likewise examples of some that have drunk their lives away, and died suddenly : with King Jame's [sic] opinion of tobacco, and how it came first into England : also the first original of coffee : to which is added, witty poems about tobacco and coffe [sic] : something about tobacco, written by George Withers, the late famous poet ... date: 1676.0 words: 29722 flesch: 55 summary: Gentle Readers , HEre is presented to you a Brief , Learned , and a very seasonable Treatise for the Age we live in : It was many years since Penned by King James of happy and blessed Memory , Entituled , A Counterblast to Tobacco ; It it here verbatim , faithfully transcribed out of the large and learned Volume of His other Works in Folio , which are rare and scarce to be had for money , and of too great a price for the common sort of Tobacco-smokers to purchase : It is granted , the thing may be good , and Physical , and healthful , being moderately and but seldom taken ; but for men to take ten or twenty Pipes in a day in all Companies , Morning , Noon and Night , before and presently after Meals ; this is a strange way of taking Physick . No , it is become in place of a Cure , a point of good Fellowship ; and he that will refuse to take a Pipe of Tobacco among his Fellows ( though by his own election he would rather smell the savor of a sink ) is accompted peevish , and no good company ; even as they do with tipling in the cold Eastern-Countries , yea the Mistriss cannot in a more mannerly kind entertain her Servant , then by giving him out of her fair hand a pipe of Tobacco ; but herein is not only a great vanity , but a great contempt of God's good Gifts , that the sweetness of mans breath being a good gift of God , should be wilfully corrupted by this stinking smoke , wherein I must confess it hath too strong of vertue , and so that which is an Ornament of Nature , and can neither by any artifice be at the first acquired , nor once lost be recovered again , shall be filthily corrupted with an incurable stink , which vile quality is as directly contrary to that wrong Opinion which is holden of the wholesomeness thereof , as the venome of putrifaction is contrary to the vertue preservative . keywords: -early; able; abound; abuse; act; advice; age; air; ale; answer; antidote; argument; ashamed; bad; barbarous; base; beer; benefit; best; better; black; bodies; body; book; brain; breath; broad; cause; certain; children; christ; church; cockatrice; coffee; cold; common; company; constitution; contrary; corrupted; counterblast; country; course; cup; cure; custome; daily; dangerous; day; days; deadly; death; digestion; disease; divers; doctor; doth; drink; drinking; drunkards; drunkenness; dry; eebo; effects; end; enemies; england; english; entry; evil; examples; excess; experience; eyes; faculties; fall; famous; far; fellows; filthy; fire; fit; foolish; force; foul; free; frequent; fume; general; george; god; good; grace; great; great tobacco; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hath; head; health; heat; hell; help; herb; high; hold; home; hope; hot; house; hurtful; ill; immoderate; indians; injurious; intemperate; james; john; judgment; kind; kingdom; known; large; late; life; light; like; liquor; little; lives; living; london; long; longer; lord; love; majesties; man; manner; mans; matter; maynwaring; mean; meat; medicinal; medicine; men; mind; moisture; money; mortal; mouth; nation; natural; nature; needs; new; notice; office; onely; opinion; ordinary; original; page; particular; parts; people; persons; physician; physick; pipe; place; plague; plant; pleasure; pot; power; poyson; precious; present; procuring; proof; proper; properties; quality; reason; received; remedy; rest; royal; sad; scorbutick; scurvy; second; self; selves; serpent; short; sickness; sin; sins; sleep; smoke; smoking; sober; solomon; sorts; soul; spirits; spiritual; state; stinking; stomach; strange; strength; strong; subject; sun; sundry; superfluous; sure; symptoms; taking; tast; tcp; text; thee; thing; thirst; thou; time; tobacco; tobacconists; transcribed; treatise; true; use; vanities; vanity; vertue; vile; water; way; weed; whereof; wife; wine; wise; woe; wonder; works; world; worse; yea; years; young cache: A87472.xml plain text: A87472.txt